<-t-m >^i>i^^^. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, UNITE© STATES OF AMERICA Photogravures of Atlanta University ATLflNTH UNIVERSITY. KNOWLES BUILDING SOI TH HALL. STONE H.\LL. NORTH HALL. Knowles Building. — For the Mechanical Training of boys. South Hall. — Dormitory of tlie boys, with scliool-rooms of the Grammar Course. Stone Hall. — For College and Normal Courses, with Offices, Chapel, Library, and Laboratory. North Hall. — Dormitory of the girls, with rooms for their Industrial Training, and school rooms of the Primary Course. tb PHOTOGRAVURES OF- ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JAN- 18-^90 ' BOSTON PHOTOGRAVURE COMPANY, i8qo. '^7^W UCi COPYRIGHT 1890 : HORACE BUMSTEAD. }t{h1S little volurqe coritair\s sixteen plriotogravure represer\tatior\s of tl:\e l^ead-raqd- ]\ar\d trailing giveri to six tiUqdred of tl\e Freedn\er\'s soris and daUgtiters ir, Htlanta University, togettier -ivitn sorqe appropriate selections, in prose and verse, frorq t]:|e -writings of standard atltl^ors. THE BENCH ROOiVL, TT is ttie privilege of ariy t\Urqar| "WorK tliat is "Well dor^e to ir[vest tlye doer ^itl\ a certain l\aUgl)tiriess. He car\ "Well afford r|Ot to coriciliate, -Wijose faittiful -WorK ■Will ar\s-Wer for l:\irq, Ti\e ii|ec]:iai\ic at t\is bericl\ carries a quiet l\eart ar\d assured ir|ar)r|ers, ar|d deals or\ ever\ terir|s -witlri i]qer\ of aqy cor\ditiori, RHLPH WHLDO EMERSON, THE LHTHE ROOM, N ttie elder days of art Builders -Wroiigt\t Witt) greatest care Eact) rqir|Ute ar\d Uqseeri part ; For tl\e gods see everyWijere. HENRY W, LOKGFELLOW. THE SPECIMEN ROOxVL. )RE ttje tools -witlr^GUt, ■Wlr[ic]:\ t]:\e carper\ter puts fort]r\ t^is Iriaiqds to, or are t]-iey ar\d all tlrie carpentry -wittiiri l:\in:\self ; ai\d "Would l)e r\ot srqile at ttje qotioii tl^at ctiest or l:\oUse is iqore tl\aT[ t^e? CYRUS R. BJIRTOL. )T\HE lad IS tlrie product. -1- WILLIRM GILLIES. THE FORGE ROOM, )t(hUS at th^e flaiqirig forge of life Oiir fortunes rqiist be Vroilglrit ; T]:\Us ori its soiIridir\g aqvil slriaped Eacti burr\ir\g deed ar|d t]:\oUg]:\t. CA)S great Pyttiagoras of yore -^^ Star\dir\g beside ti^e blacKsrqitli's door, RT[d tjearirig t]:|e ]:\air[rr|ers, as tb[ey srqote Tiie aqvils vJitl\ a different riote, Stole frorq tl\e Varying toqes tt|at IjUrig Vibraqt or\ every iror\ tor\gUe Tlrie secret of tl:\e sour\dir[g -Wire, Rr[d forn\ed t]:\e severi-cl\orded lyre. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW THE DRAUGHTING ROOM, F ar\ arcttitect does- l)is "Wor^irig dra^Wirig -well, -We praise l:|irq for ijis iqariipUlatiori — if lie Keeps closely -witliiri l\is cor|tract, -we praise i^iiii for t^is tior^est aritlirqetic — if 1-ie looKs "Well to ttie layirig of l:\is bearqs, so tl^at r\obody sl^all drop t]:\roiiglri tt^e floor, ^e praise ]:\irq for Iriis observation. JOHN RUSKIN. THE MflCHmE ROOM. MPORT irito ar^y stationai-y district, as irito ar[ old Dutcli population ir] Ne\^ Yor^ or Peimsylvariia, or aii|or\g tl^e planters of Yirgir|ia, a colony of tiardy YaT\Xees, Vitl) seetlriiiig braii\s, tieads full of steani ]:\arqir|er, pulley, crariX, ar\d toott\ed vl:\eel — arid everyt]r[iqg begirds to stjirie -wit]:\ \alUes. RfiLPH WiiLDO EMERSON, THE PRINTIRG OFFICE. URS is tlrie "art preservative of all arts," aqd it staqds at ttie l:\ead of all. Every craft is l\or[orable if it is Useful, but ttie prir\tir\g craft is tt^at -Wl^icl:! tal^es l\old of tt|e n\iT\d ar|d ir\tellect ar^d soul. It is t]:\e po^er to rqove t]:\e "World, ar\d it is rqoviqg it. Sorr|e or[e tias -Wittily said tl\at tl:\e greatest staqd iq bel\alf of civiliza- tiori is tl^e ir\l^starid, but I Would add tl\at it is tl\e printer's star\d, Witl\ a Well- assorted case, ar\d a corqpositor at tlr^at case witti active braiqs ar\d active l^arids puttirig " Thoughts that breathe and words that burn" irito type to l^elp ttje age oriward aqd Upward. MILLIRM LLOYD GARRISON. THE SEWING-CLflSS ROOM, (a) needle, tt|OUg]:| it be but siqall ar\d sleijder, Yet it is botl\ a rr[aXer ar\d a rqerider, R grave reforrqer of old rer\ts decayed, Stops tjoles ar\d searqs aqd desperate reqis displayed. JOHN TAYLOR, f EEDLEWORK, th^e rqost effective sedative ar|d grar^d sootljer arid corqposer of ■worqari's distress, MHRY RUSSELL MITFORD. OEWING is niy staple article of corr|ii\erce -Witti ttie tiard trader Tiii\e GEORGE ELIOT. ¥ THE COOKING-CLflSS ROOM, be a good cooK iqearis tt^e Knowledge of all fruits, t^erbs, balrqs, aqd spices ; ai\d of all tlriat is sv^'eet ir| fields ar\d groVes, savory ir\ n\eats. It n\ear[S care- fulr\ess, iriVeritiveqess, ^atctifulriess, \Jillir\griess, ar\d readir\ess of appliance, It if|ear\s tl:\e ecorioii\y of your great-grar[dii\ot]:\ers ar\d tl\e scier|ce of rrioderr\ cl\eT!\- ists ; it rqearis rqucti tastirig ar\d r\o -wastiiig ; it rqear[S Eriglisli tlioroUgliriess, Frer\cl:i art, ar\d ilrabiar\ l:\ospitality; it n:\ear\s, ir\ fiqe, tt^at you are to be perfectly arid alv^ays ladies (loaf givers), ar\d you are to see tl^at everybody l^as soii\etl\irig riice to eat. JOHN RUSKIN. w THE DINING-ROOM HilT tl|o' or| l:\airiely fare "We dirie, Wear' l\odderi grey ar[d a' tl\at ; Gie fools t]:\eir silKs, ar\d K^aVes ttteir ^i^iqe, R rqai\'s a rqar) for a' tl^at. ROBERT BURNS. /T\0 coriforiq tl^e regirqeri of tl^e r[Ursery ax[d tt^e scl\ool to t]:\e establis]:\ed trut]:\s of rqoderr\ science — t]:|is is tl:\e desideratUrq. It is tirqe tt^at ttje beriefits -wliicli our stieep ar|d oxer) l\aVe for years past derived frorq tl:\e ir\Vestigatioris of tl:\e labora- tory stiould be participated ir\ by oiir c]:\ildrer|. HERBERT SPENCER. THE DISH-WflSHING ROOiVL. T s]:\0Uld be Voniari's office to rqoVe ir\ tlrie rqidst of practical affairs, ar\d to gild ttierq all, ttie very tiorqeliest, ^ere it ever| tl^e scourir\g of pots arid l^ettles, "Witti ar\ atiT[Ospl)ere of loveliness ar|d joy. NflTHflNIEIv HAWTHORNE. THE NORiVLflL SCHOOL ROOM. TT is a pity tlr^at, coir|rqor\ly, ii|ore care is t^ad, yea, ar^d tl[at aii\orig very -wise nr^eq, to fir]d out ratl^er a ctlr|riirig n\ar[ for tl^eir l\orse, t]\ar\ a culling n\ar\ for tl^eir driildrei], * « s por to tt\e orie tl^ey ^ill gladly give a stiperid of t>^o l\Uridred crdv^ris by year, ai\d lotl^ to offer to ttie ottier two tiur^dred sliillirigs, God tl^at sittetti iri t\eaveri laUg]:\et]:\ tl^eir clrioice to scori), ar\d re-Wardetlj tlr^eir liberality as it stioUld; for Ir^e silfferet]:\ tlierq to liaVe tanje aqd -Well-ordered l^orse, but Wild a^d unforturiate ctiildrer). ROGER RSCERK. ^ R COLLEGE RECITHTION ROOiVL, HE relation -wliicti colleges bear to tl\e corqir|UT\ity is little less tt\ari ttiat -wtiicl:! t]:\e brair\ bears to tl\e body. It is r|ot er\oUgl\ to say ttiat " Xilo-SA)ledge is 'po\JeT." Ir\ our tirqes, K;r|ovJledge is goverr[ir|erit. HORACE ffiHNN, THE PHYSICAL AND CHEiVLICHL LflBORHTORY, NDUCTIVE eriquiry requires patierit iridilstry, aqd ari l|Urqble aqd cor\scier\tioUs acceptar\ce of iA)]r\at r\aWre reveals. Tt^e first coriditior\ of success is ar\ l:\or\est receptivity ar[d a \iiillir\gr\ess to abar\doi| all precoriceiVed r\otior\s, l\o^ever cl\er- isl\ed, if tl|ey be fourid to coritradict tlrje trutti. Believe ii|e, a self-reriUr\ciatiori -wl\icl\ l\as soix|etl\ir\g r[0ble iri it, ar\d of \^l|icl\ tl\e -world r\ever Jr^ears, is oftei) eriacted ir\ tl^e private experience of tl:\e true votary of scier\ce. JOHN TYNDflLL. THE LIBRHRY, TF -we tl^iriK of it, all tt^at a University, or fir\al ]r[igl\est scl\ool car\ do for us, is still but -wtiat tl\e first scl\ool begar[ d.oii\g, — teac]\ Us to read, THOMAS CflRLYLE. ~\ /TEHNTIME tt^e colleges, -wtiilst tl^ey provide us vJitl\ libraries, furriisl\ rjo professor J of booKs; ar|d I ttiir\K qo'ctiair is so ii\Uc]:\ -Warited. RULPH WfllvDO EMERSON. Q(OiVLE booKs are to be tasted, ottiers to be s^allo-Wed, arid soiqe fe-w to be clie-wed FRANCIS BflCON. ^^ ar|d digested. THE CHflPEL. T ET Vairi or busy tlr^ouglits liave tt^ere rio part; \ Bririg r\ot ttiy ploUgti, tt^y plots, tl^y pleasures tl\itl\er. Clirist purged t^is terqple ; so ir[Ust tl:\oU ttiy tieart. GEORGE HERBERT, JAOLLOW -Witti reverer\t steps tl|e great exarqple Of Hirq iA)]:\ose t)oly "WorK "Was doir\g good; So 3l\all tlie -Wide eartti seerq our Fatlier's terqple, Eacti lovirig life a psalrq of gratitude. JOHN G. WHITTIER. rriHE foregoir\g illustratioris aiford or\ly a glirqpse of tt^e "Worl^ doqe by fltlaiita Ur[iV8r3ity. Tl-\e iri3titutior| gives iristrUctioq iri every grade of study, frorq Vcye loviest class ir| tlrie prirqary scl^ool to ttie l:)igt\est class iq college. It accoiripar|ies its ir\structior| \^)itl\ a traiqiiig of tl\e tiaqd iri tt\e fuqdan:|er|tal pririciples of -Various trades ar[d iridustries. It builds Up nqoral arjd religious ctjaracter iP; ari earqestly Cliristiari but strictly Urisectariarj spirit. It ssel^s to develop a self-reliar\t arjd self-sacrificir\g rqar)l\ood aqd ^oi]:|ar[t[Ood iq ttiose \JY\o are to be fqe leaders of eig]:\t ii|illioris of our people. T]:\e Uritversity t^as beeq iq operatiori tWerity years, Uqder a Board of Trustees lioldirig a ctiarter froii\ tl^e State of Georgia. It] tt^e last sixteeq years, it Ijas ser\t out two l^uridred graduates frorq its Norrqal ar[d College courses. Of tl)ose qov living, seventy per ceqt are at present engaged iq teaclriirig ; "Wliile, iq tl\e rerqaiqiqg tl\irty per ceqt, are to be fouqd successful rqiqisters, lavJyers, doctors ar\d bUsiqess rqeq, togetl\er -Witt) a qurqber of iqarried voiqeq -wl)o are traiqiqg tt^eir c]:\ildreri iq refiqed ar\d Cl:\ristiar\ t\on\es of tl~ieir o'Wq. Huridreds of past urider ■ graduates are also doir\g sirqilar ■worK; vJ^iile, of tl:\e six l^uqdred preseqt liqdergrad - uates, as rqar^y as two t\Ui:\dred teacl:\ Vacatior\ scl^ools every surr[rr\er, ar\d reacl:\ a- rqariy as ter| t]:\oUsar\d c]:\ildrer\. T\\ilB t]\e leaVer|ir|g ir\flUer\ce of tt\e Uqiversity is spread over Georgia ar\d siirrouridir\g States. Tl^e er\tire current exper^ses of tlr^e Ur|iversity are about $36,000 a year — qot a large sUit\ W]-ier\ tl\e arqourit ar\d quality of tt\e "WorK are corisidered. Of tlits sUn\, th,e studerits tl|en:\selves pay ir| cast] r\early or\e-t]:\ird — a large proportiori as coiT\parea witl] t]:|e proportion of exper\se borr\e by studerjts it) niariy Nortl^erq ■colleges. TY]e iqcorqe fron| $30,000 of ir\Vested fuqds, -Witli a few rqiscellarieous reVeriues, brings tl^e assured ir[coir[e of tlr^e Ur\iversity Up to about or|e-l\alf of its expenses. For tl^e rerr|air]ir|g t^alf ($18,000) it is depeqderit or[ tl:\e armUal doriatior\s of its frier\ds. R rqajority of tl^e students pay ir^ full tt^e cl^arqes for board ($9 a rqoritt)), arid for tuitiori ($1 a iqoritl-i), botl\ of wtiict) are below cost R lirqited riUrqber of studerit.- qeed to be aided to n\eet tt^ese cl\ara,es. Forty dollars or less -Will supplerqer^t tl^e resources of alrqost ariy self-reliar|t student, so as to cover a year's exper\ses at tl^e Ur\iver3ity. Suqday-sc]:\ools ar\d Bible-classes frequently support or\e or - rqare stu- derits ir\ tt^is -Way. For tl[e salaries of our twerity-six officers a^d instructors,, tl~iere is r^o special provisiori. Tl\e surq of $400 "Will cover tlie salary ar^d board of a plurality of our teacl^ers; $800, $1,200, ar\d Upv^^ards, tl^e salaries of otl^er instructors ar\d officers. It is Irjoped ttiat sorqe c]:\Urc]ries ar\d ir\dividUals "Will be found ^^lilling to assurne tl^e entire expense of a teacl\er or professor. SUiqs of $8,000 to $30,000 \\'ould perrqa- qently endo^ tt^e aboVe-rqentioned salaries. Endov^rqents to tlqe anqount of $300,000 would perrqanently provide for all of our present -worK- Donations rqay be reiqitted, or enquiries addressed, to. rey. H0RB.CE BUMSTEfiD, D. D., President of Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. h&$ VRRK BUILDINGS. Oft did tl^e tiarvest to tljeir sicl^le yield, Ttieir furrow oft tiie stubborn glebe l\as broKe ; Hew jocurid did tt^ey drive tirieir teairi afield I Ho^ bo-wed tl:\e woods bei\eatt| tl)eir sturdy strode 1 THOMflS GRAY, 'Pi' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 593 912 3 p.v ,'* ■.-^-y:M V>'"