Z_I GV 701 .W7 Copy 1 CIS i^lELTr o^w Swimming and Gymnastics r liADE EAST. THE ART OF BOXING, SWIMMING AND GYMNASTICS MADE EASY, ^A^' COMPLETE AND SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS FOR AC. QUIRING THE ART OF SELF-DEFENCE, SWIM- MING, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF GYM- NASTIC EXERCISES, ENABLING ANY ONE TO BECOME AN EXPERT BOXER AND ATHLEfL WITHOUT THE AID OF A TEAGJitj^^ NEW YORK : PUBLISHED FOR THE TRADE. COPYRIGHT, 1883, BY HURST 4 CO. \^/ V THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; — OR, THE ART OF BOXING The Art of Boxing has been practiced more or less among the two great nations of antiquity. The Greeks and Romans held it in high respect, and even the Jews did not wholly eschew the art of smiting, while the descendents of the Tribes who settled in England have contributed many of the most brilliant boxers to the roll of fame. That every man who de- sires the development of the muscular powers of the human frame, the possession of quickness, decision, endurance and courage should practice boxing as a matter of necessity, since by no other means can all these qualities be so thoroughly tested and cultivated. Every man should be able to use the weapons which nature has given him to the best of his ability — not necessarily to oppress or injure others (since the best boxers are almost invariably the least quarrelsome and overbearing persons,) but to be able to defend him- self from attack or oppression on the part of others. The smallest and weakest man, by assiduous practice in boxing, may make himself an antagonist by no means to be despised; and well do we remember see- ing a small, pale, slender-looking slip of a fellow, give a great hulking waterman, six or eight inches taller than '"^mself, a very wholesome thrashing at Hamp- 8 ton Court once for attempting to bully him out of his fare. It was beautiful to see how the little man slip- ped away under the arms of the big one (who was weaving and walloping them about like the sails of a windmill,) propping him sharply here, there and every- where, until the bully, worn-out and bleeding, admit- ted that he had had enough, and the little one walked off without a mark, amid the cheers of the spectators. The big one was probably careful in future to deal „.nore carefully with his customers. Boxing has been called brutal. With persons who hold that view it is perhaps useless to argue; they look only at the worst aspect of the meanSy and entirely shut their eyes to the object^ or better side of the question. But it may fair- ly be asked whether manners have improved since boxing was abolished by law; whether there is less brutality, less wife-beating and kicking, now than for- merly: and whether the spectacle one so often sees, of two great hulking brutes blackguarding each other in the foulest and most filthy language, yet both afraid to hit one another from want of familiarity with the usages of combat, is an improving one ? Is there less brutality, less criminal violence, often attended with fatal or nearly fatal results ? less ready use of un-English and unmanly weapons and means of de- fence than there was formerly } We say No, emphat- ically, and with certainty, no. In the old days, when boxing flourished, if a man had been seen ill-treating a weaker one or beating and kicking a woman, twen- ty men who could use their fists would have come forward promptly "to help the weak," and the brute would soon have learnt at what a risk he indulged his propensities. Now, twenty men will pass by on the other side, or scuttle off down a by-street to be out of the row. Our great fatal mistake was made in putting down wh?it was qaUed "prize fighting." It -^^^ first declare OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 9 ed illegal, and then tolerated for many years. The professors of the art being thus placed under a social ban, and having to practice it in opposition to the law, the more respectable and better class of their patrons became gradually weeded out, and while the Tom Springs and Deaf Burkes, men of sterling worth, cou- rage and unimpeachable honesty, passed away, worse came in their places; and then, this, the natural result of such a course of treatment was pointed to as a reason for active interference and putting fighting down al- together. Yet the native love of seeing a. well sfricken field was never so strongly displayed as when Tom Sayers and Heenan fought their well contested fight, and the best blood in England stood by the ring side and looked on with breathless interest. Had such patronage always awaited the ring, had endeavors been made to raise its status and social condition in- stead of lowering it; had it been recognized as a na- tional benefit that the youth of England should know how to protect itself, should know how to bear exer- tion and pain with unflinching courage and endur- ance; had it been admitted that a school for the en- couragement and practice of the art in which the highest efficiency could be obtained was a national requisite, then indeed we should have had matters placed on a different footing, and the rowdyism and blackguradism one used to hear so much of and which were mainly due to the low parasites and hangers on of the Ring would not have been heard of at all, for the professors of the art, seeing themselves respected, would have put all this down with a strong hand. As it is, the school of boxing is rapidly dying out, and when the professors of the present day have passed away it will be hard to say where the new ones are to come from. Unless, therefore, some strong step is taken to revive the fallen fortunes of the Ring, the school of British Boxing will soon be a vision of the 10 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; past, and Continental manners and practices of the worst type will find a home amongst us. USEFUL HINTS IN SPARRING. Keep your eyes open. Abstain from biting your lips^ or putting your tongue j between your teeth. Very serious accidents may occur f from so doing. ) The mouth ought to be jftr?nly closed. The slightest / tap on the lower jaw when it is hanging loose will be j remembered for long afterwards, while a more severe l blow will dislocate it. The value of this piece of ad- j vice will be the more obvious to the reader if he at- } tempts simply to shake his lower jaw when his mouth is closed and then repeat the experiment with it open. Endeavor in sparring to let the muscles work as loosely and easily as possible. Let all your move- ments be light and free. Lift the feet, do not drag them. By these means you will cultivate quickness, without which, knowledge is of little use in boxing. In sparring round your adversary keep the left hand and foot in front of you, and after delivering a blow, work to your right, in order to get out of reach of his right hand. Wrestling is not permitted in boxing. It is a foul blow to hit below the belt. Avoid if possible coming to close quarters with a man of much superior weight. In out-fighting quick- ness may neutralize weight, but in in-fighting the lat- ter must always tell. It may perhaps be as well to explain the somewhat technical expression of ''in-fighting" and "out-fight- ing." OR, THE ART OF BOXING. it In-fighting means half-arm hitting^ with both Arms, when close to antagonist. In in-fighting a man must rely upon his quickness in hiting, and cannot pay much attention to guarding. OuT-FiGHTNG mcans long-arm hitting and guard- ing, and includes manoeuvring for a' hit coupled with a readiness to guard. HITTING. POSITION OF THE HANDS AND ARMS, ETC. In hitting make as much as possible of your weight. The blow that is simply delivered by the action of the muscles is nothing by comparison with that which is followed and driven home by the full weight of the body. Remember, also, to have the hands tightly closed. In fighting this would naturally be an unne- cessary caution; it is, however, a frequent occurence to see men hit with open gloves. Besides diminishing the force of the blow, a sprained or otherwise injured hand or wrist may follow. In the left hand lead off at the head, the blow should be given with the upper knuckles, and in all others with the hand in the position shown in plate XXXVII. In leading off with the left hand at the head the arm should be perfectly straight, with the elbow turned under and palm upwards. Vide plate XXXVII. For all other blows the arm should be slightly bent, the elbow pointing outwards, and the palm turned half down and inwards. Vide plate XXXVII. There are four hits, viz: The left hand at the head. The left hand at the body. The right hand at the head. The right hand at the body. 12' THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; DUCKING. Ducking consists in throwing the head on one side and at the same time slightly lowering the body, so as to allow the blow intended for the head to pass harmlessly over the shoulder. It is an excellent meth- od of avoiding a blow, affording, moreover, an oppor- tunity of delivering one, for the pupil should bear in mind never to duck without at the same time hitting. When opposed to a bigger man than yourself, fight at his ^ody, using the ducks shown in plates X and XIII. There are five ducks. The duck to the right, as practiced when counter- ing with the left hand on the head. Vide plate XIX. The duck to the right, when it is intended to de- liver a left-hand body blow. Vide plate X. The duck to the left while delivering a right-hand cross-counter. Vide plate XX. The duck to the left, giving at the same time a right-hand body-blow. Vide plate XIII. The duck to the right which is sometimes used when leading off at the head with the left hand, in order to avoid a counter. Vide plate IX. FEINTING. A FEINT is a false attack made to divert attention from the real danger which followd, as, for instance, a left-hand feint followed by a right-hand blow, or a feint at the head followed by a body blow. To make a feint with the left hand, straighten the arm sudden- ly as though you were going to deliver a blow, and at the same time advance the left foot about six inches, keeping the head back, then return to the guard. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 13 A feint with the right hand is made thus: draw the arm back suddenly as though you were going to hit, and at the same time advance the left foot about six inches, keeping the head back, then return to the guard. "Drawing" has some affinity with feinting and may be described under the same head. Its ob- ject is to induce your opponent to deliver a certain blow for which you are prepared, and which it is your intention to counter; you do this either by feinting and enticing him to follow you up, or by laying your- self open with apparent carelessness to the attack you wish him to make. Both are, of course, exceedingly useful, but the beginner will do well to cultivate quick- ness and attain some proficiency in straightforward sparring before he turns his attention to manoeuvers which are more likely to get himself than his adver- sary into trouble if they are not preformed with great rapidity. When your opponent feints or attempts to draw you, either get back or else guard both head and body as illustrated in plate VIII. A LEFT HAND FEINT AND LEAD OFF. Feint a lead of with the left hand, so as to induce your adversary to throw up his right-hand guard. Should he do so^ hit at the pit of the stomach. Should he not raise his right hand^ follow the feint up with a genuine lead off at the head. Particular attention should be paid in this attack to the action of the feet. Make a short step with the left foot (about six inches) as though you were going to lead off, then withdraw it and suddenly deliver the blow; using the feet as de- scribed in plates VI. and X. This movement requires some practice, as it should be performed with great rapidity. H THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE L ATTITUDE b% f HE ART OF BOXING. Ig In this position the toes of the right foot must be directly behind and in a line with the left heel. The distance between the feet naturally varies according to the height; for a man of 5ft. Sin. it should be 14 inches. Let the right foot be turned slightly out, and •jraise the heel about two inches from the ground; the weight then will rest on the ball of the foot. The left foot ought to be flat on the ground and pointed to- wards your opponent's left toe. Slightly bend both knees. The right arm should be across the "mark" (that point where the ribs begin to arch,) the hand be- ing an inch below the left breast. To obtain the exact position of the left arm, advance the left shoulder, drop the arm hj the side, and then raise the fore-arm until the hand is on a level with the elbow. In spar- ring it -should be worked easily forward and back- ward. Throw the right shoulder well back, and slight- ly sink it, so that of the two the left shoulder is the higher. Lower the chin, turn the face a little to the right, and bend the head slightly over the right shoul- der. The object of turning the face is to prevent both eyes being hit at once, while the head is bent to the right in order that it may not be directly in a line with your opponent's left hand, and thus afford him an easy target. THE DOUBLE LEAD OFF AT THE BODY AND HEAD. Commence with the body blow as described in No. X.; instead, though, of retiring immediately you have struck out, bring the right foot about twelve inches forward, step in a few inches with the left, and follow the first blow up with a second aimed at the face. Both blows, which must follow one another as rapidly as possible, should be delivered with the left hand. The palm in each instance ought to be turned down» i6 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE 11. SHAKING HANDS Both before and after a bout with the gloves, the combatants should thus salute one another. It is a good old-fashioned English custom, betokening friendly feeling and should never be omitted. A hearty shake of the hands after a warm set-to, in which both men have, perhaps, become rather more earnest than is necessary, at once dissipates what might otherwise grow into ill feeling. As the hand is ex- tended^ move the right foot to the front, and at the conclusion of the ceremony throw it smartly behind the left and assume at once the position given in plate I OR, TH£ ART OF BOXINC. 17 PLATE III. BOTH MEN ON GUARD. It is of the utmost importance that a man should stand and get about well. The advantage of quick hands is sadly neutralized by slow legs. To get about quickly and safely, there must be some arrangement and method in the steps. An experienced boxer, who has paid attention to the action of the feet, always stands firmly; his feet are never flurried, the same distance usu^ly separates them; he moves rapidly, neatly, and quietly. With a novice, or boxer who imagines that getting about is an unimportant detail, and the manner in which he moves of no consequence, the case is different. As a rule his movements are few and deplorably slow; when suddenly attacked, he loses his balance, and most of his attention is conse- quently directed to saving himself from falling. Should he, however, be more ambitious, and attempt to move with any rapidity, the whole performance is a scramble. His feet are too close together, or too far apart, his legs are (if I may use such an expres- sion) constantly in his way; he stumbles^ staggers and rolls about in an absurd manner, not unfrequently ending by tripping himself up, and falling even with- out the assistance of a blow. By referring to the plate you will see both men on guard, in the position illustrated in Plate No. I, and before proceeding further they should practice the following steps: — To advance, move the left foot about ten inches forward, placing it upon the ground heel first. Let the right foot follow it the same distance. Bear in mind that the space between the feet should vary as little as possible. To retire, step back about ten inches with the right foot, following it in like manner with the left. To take ground to the right, move the left foot about twelve inches to the right, following it immediately with the right, and assuming again position No. I. , To take ground to the left, move the right foot twelve inches to the left, and place the left directly in front of it. By adopting these steps the right foot is always behind the left, you are always in position, and con- sequently ready either for attack or defence. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 19 PLATE IV. BREAKING GROUND. This is the term applied to the usual method of retreat in boxing. You break ground in the follow- ing manner. In leading off at the head your right 20 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; foot will be raised from the ground {j)ide plate VII.) As you set it down again and the weight of the body- is transferred to it from the left leg, spring back- wards. The left foot should touch the ground first, alighting on the same spot upon which you formerly placed the right, which then assumes its natural po= sition in the rear. You will thus find yourself in po< sition a pace behind the spot from which you origi- nally stepped in to lead off. It is necessary sometimes, if your opponent follows you up very quickly, to dou- ble the step, that is to say, to make two consecutive springs backwards. For other blows, although the right foct is not raised from the ground at the mo- ment of striking, the movements in breaking ground are precisely the same, for the moment the weight falls on the right leg you spring back as described above. GUARD FOR LEAD OEF AT THE HEAD WITH THE RIGHT. Raise the left elbow and bend the arm so that the fist is somewhat lower and nearer to the body than the elbow. Let the palm be turned to the front. Shift the right foot back about six inches, and lean a little forward, so that you are the better able to resist the attack. Look over your wrist, and receive the blow upon the elbow. ORj THE ART OF BOXING. 21 PLATE V. SIDE STEP. This is exceedingly useful in avoiding a rush or I if- getting away when you are driven back against the ropes. We will suppose you to be in position fa- cifig your adversary. By a sudden movement of the 22 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE', feet, half spring half step, you turn the body to the right, change the relative position of the legs, and assume the attitude of a fencer on the lunge, that is with the right instead of the left leg in front, as is usual in boxing. Your left should now be turned towards your adversary, the line of your feet being at right angles to the line in which they formerly stood. The left foot should be upon almost the same spot formerly occupied by your right. If your adversary advances hastily and without caution whilst you are in this posture he will be apt to trip over your left leg. Bring the left foot into position before the right, and you will then stand a pace to the right of your original station. If this step is executed rapidly you elude your opponent, for he will no longer be in front of you, and consequently you can easily get away from the ropes. A combination of the side step and breaking ground should also be practiced. Spring back as if breaking ground, and alight in the posture above described as that of a fencer on the lunge, with the body turned to the right, bring the left foot into position before the right, and you thus get back and work to the right of yourself at the same time. LEFT-HAND COUNTER ON THE BODY. This should be delivered when your adversary is leading off at your head with his left hand. Duck to the right, step in about twelve inches, and aim your blow at the pit of his stomach. The right hand should be drawn seven or eight inches back, and held close to the side. To get away^ turn the left heel out and spring well back. Do not raise the head until out of distance. OR, THE ART GF B02C1NG. ^ PLATE VI. LEFT-HAND LEAD OFF AT THE HEAD WITHOUT GUARDING. The lead off at the head should, as a rule, be made with the left hand. Its importance can hardly be ex- aggerated. Every effort should, therefore be direct- ed towards attaining proficiency in this particular. A quick lead off frequently enables a man to score 24 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; point after point without receiving a return. He spars round his adversary, watching for an opportu- nity, and then, having measured hisd istance well, steps in, plants a blow, and is away again at once. With these tactics at his command, a light man will often fight a heavy weight all over without coming to close quarters, at which weight would inevitably tell in fa- vor of its possessor. A slow lead off lays a man open to counters and cross-counters, which will hereafter be described. The lead off should be made when the hand is in the position shown in plate No. I. In all other blows the hand is more or less drawn back before delivery; in this case, however, it should come straight out, as it were, spontaneously, and without the slightest hes- itation. Beginners are almost always inclined to hit downwards, or ''chop" and bear heavily upon their opponent's guard. This should be avoided. In step- ping in push yourself off the ball of the right foot, and spring in about eighteen inches. The action of foot and arm should be simultaneous; do not step in and then deliver the blow. The lead off at the head with the left hand is the only blow that is delivered while the right foot is raised from the ground. As you step in the right foot should follow, and, at the moment of striking, hang over the spot for- merly occupied by the left. Full advantage is thus taken of height and reach. Be careful when you step in to place the left foot upon the ground, heel first. If the toe touches the ground first, and your adversa- ry by chance gets back instead of guarding or receiv- ing your blow, you do not meet with the expect- ed resistance, and consequently are apt to overbalance; in which case, until you can recover yourself, you are at his mercy. The head and right hand remain in position No. i. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 25 PLATE VII. RIGHT-HAND GUARD FOR THE HEAP, To guard the head from your opponent's left hand, raise the right hand nearly to a level and in front of the left temple. Let the fore-arm cross the face, and be thrown forward so as to turn instead of receiving the weight of the blow. Keep the elbow down. Close the hand firmly in order to brace the sinews, and turn the palm partly outward or the blow will fall on the bone of the arm instead of the muscle. At the same time bend the head forward and to.the right — thus, al- though the face is well out of danger, you can still see your opponent over the fore-arm. ^6 THE SCIENCE OP SELF-DEFENCfe; PLATE VIII. LEFT-HAND LEAD OFF AT HEAD AND GUARD. The lead off m this case is precisely the same, but, at the moment of hitting, you also throw up the right hand guard to protect the face from a possible left hand counter. It requires a little practice to do this without detracting from the rapidity of your lead off; your trouble will, however be well spent, for with an opponent who frequently attempts left-hand counters this will be found a very useful manoeuvre. For the feint of this lead off, sec p. 12, OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 27 PLATE IX. LEFT HAND LEAD OFF AND DUCK. This illustration represents the same lead off again. In place of the right-hand guard, it is, however, ac- companied with a duck, thus avoiding instead of guarding the left-hand counter. Observe that for this blow the right foot is not raised; it does not fol- low the left as in the preceding examples, but re- mains firmly planted on the ground, as in the left-hand JDody blow. 2S THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE X. i ^ LEFT-HAND BODY BLOW. This blow should never be attempted unless you are confident that you have sufficient room behind you to be able to get well away again. It should be directed at the pit of the stomach, which is the weak- est part of the body. Occasionally it may with ad- vantage be preceded by a feint at the head, in order to induce your opponent to throw up his right hand guard and lay the "mark" open. Let the ball of the right foot be kept well on the ground. Step in about thirty inches with the left foot, hitting out at the same time and ducking to the right. In the event of your adversary attempting to counter you with the left, your head will thus be outside his arm, which will OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 29 pass harmlessly over your left shoulder. For thi's blow the arm should be slightly bent, the elbow turned out, and the palm of the hand turned inwards and partly down. The right arm should in the meantime be drawn back seven or eight inches, and the glove held close to the side. To get away, turn the left heel outwards and spring well back, taking care not to raise the head until out of distance. PLATE XI. STOP FOR LEFT-HAND BODY BLOW. Like all stops, this requires very accurate timing. Having f orseen your adversary's intention, hit him full in the face with your left hand before he can get his head down. Keep your right arm in its original po- sition across the ''mark." . so THE SCIENCE OP SELF-DEFENCfi*, PLATE XII. GUARD FOR LEFT-HAND BODY BLOW. It is customary, in order to prevent the preceding "double," to cover both body and head at the same time. When, therefore, the body is attacked, put up the right hand guard, and, at the same time, throw the left arm well across the "mark" {vide plate VII.) Be careful to hold it firmly against the body, for even the jar of a severe body blow will knock a good deal of the wind out of a man. Step back about six inches with the right foot, so as to be the better able to resist a rush. This is also a guard for double lead off at body and head described on p. 15. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 31 PLATE XIIL RIGHT-HAND BODY BLOW. This should be aimed at a little below the heart. It is delivered under the same circumstances and in the same manner as the left-hand body blow {vide No. X.,) with these exceptions: You duck to the left in- stead of right, and the feet when you have stepped in §hould only be twenty inches apart instead of thirty; 32 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; you have consequently to get nearer your opponent before attempting it. Be sure always that you have sufficient room behind you for retreat. Should he attempt to put his left arm around your neck while you are delivering this blow, duck to your right under his arm and get away. This should al ways be done when a man attempts to seize your head When opposed to a man who stands with the riglii leg in front, you must duck to your left. PLATE XIV. STOP FOR RIGHT-HAND BODY BLOW. This Stop is exactly the same as that recommended for the left hand body blow. Vide No, XI, 33 PLATE XV, GUARD FOR RIGHT-HAND BODY BLOW. Bring the left side forward and drop the left arm, which should be slightly bent^ so as to cover the side and front of the thigh. Care should be taken to press the arm close to the body, in order to prevent the jar through which you would otherwise feel inuch of the force of the blow. 34 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-BEFENCE; PLATE XVI. A LEAD OFF AT THE HEAD WITH THE RIGHT. AND GUARD FOR IT. Feint with the left, hitting your opponent on the right arm. Do not withdraw your hand, but as he raises his guard rest upon it with your left and pin it to his chest; then bring in the right hand, aiming it at the chin or angle of the jaw. Properly delivered this is a most punishing blow, for by steadying your- self with the left hand you can bring your full force into play with the right. For guard for lead off at the head with the right, §ee p. 20, OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 35 PLATE XVII. LEAD OFF WITH RIGHT HAND AT HEAD, AND DUCK. When leading off at the head with the right, you may duck to the left, and avoid a right-hand counter. In this illustration both men are preforming this man- oeuvre. 36 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE XVIII. LEFT-HAND COUNTER ON THE HEAD. Wit Jt 'i:K/il- -° -n^-d oU at th, head eR, 'THE ART OF BOXING. 37 ^ PLATE XIX. LEFT-HAND COUNTER ON THE HEAD, A^^ There are, perhaps, few blows more unpleasantly startling than a good left-hand counter which meets you full-face. It opens a spacious firmament to the bewildered eyes, wherein you discover more new plan- ets in a second than the most distinguished astrono- mer ever observed in a life-time. As your adversary leads off at your head with his left hand, duck to the right so as to allow his blow to pass over your left shoulder; step in about twelve inches and strike out at his face. The right foot should not be moved. Here both men have, as it happens, made use of the same stratagem; in consequence of which, both left 3S ITHE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; arms have passed harmlessly over each other's left shoulder. LEFT-HAND COUNTER ON THE HEAD AND GUARD. The difference between this and the preceding counter will be easily understood by studying the plate. It consists simply in guarding your opponent's lead off instead of ducking to avoid. You step in and hit out as before. PLATE XX. RIGHT-HAND CROSS COUNTER. This is the most severe blow which can be dealt in sparring. It is delivered as follows: As your op- OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 39 ponent leads off at your head with his left hand, step in about twelve inches, ducking to the left, at the same time shooting your right hand across his left arm and shoulder. The blow should be aimed either at the angle of the jaw or chin, and the palm of the hand should be half turned down. Let both feet be turned slightly to the left, as by these means the right side is brought forward and greater force given to ' the blow. As the counter is delivered, draw the left hand back to the position illustrated in the plate, then, should a second blow be necessary, before getting away you can deliver it. PLATE XXI. STOP FOR RIGHT-HAND CROSS COUNTER. Anticipating your adversary's intention, hit him full in the face with the left hand before he ducks; or, m§t§a4 pf striking at his face, deliver the blow on th^ 4G THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; right side of his chest near to the shoulder, and his right hand will be effectually stopped. ANOTHER STOP FOR RIGHT-HAND CROSS COUNTER. As you lead off with your left drop the head well forward, so that at the end of the movement your left ear will be touching the inside of your upper arm when the angle of your jaw and chin will be com- pletely covered by your shoulder. Body blows with left or right hand will act as stops for all right hand hits at the head. For left-hand counter on the body, see p. 22 PLATE XXII. RIGHT-HAND COUNTER. This occurs when both men lead off together with the right hand. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 41 PLATE XXIII. STOP FOR RIGHT-HAND COUNTER. Duck your head to the left as you lead off. RIGHT-HAND COUNTER ON THE BODY. Dtck to the left in order to avoid your opponent's lead off, and strike out with the right hand at a point a little below the heart. The left hand should be drawn back as shown in the illustration. In all other particulars this blow represents the preceding. For this and the left-hand counter, it will be well to study the right and left hand body blows (Nos. XIII. and X,) for, with the exception of the circumstances under which they are delivered, and the difference in the distance of the advance made the blows are the same. THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE XXIV. LEFT-HAND UPPER CUT. This blow, which in reality is a counter, should be given when a man is leading off at your head with his left hand holds his head down. Guard your face with the right arm, step in about twelve inches, and hit upwards with the left. The arm should be bent and elbow turned down. The force of the blow must come in a great measure from the body. U OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 43 PLATE XXV. DRAW AND STOP FOR LEFT-HAND UPPER CUT. Feint a lead off at your opponent's face with your head down, then duck to the right, and give the left- hand body blow as described in No. X. THE SCirNCJE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE XXVL RIGHT-HAND UPPER CUT. With this exception that you do not guard, this blow is similar to and delivered under the same cir- cumstances as the left-hand upper cut. In delivering it the head should be slightly bent to the left. OR, THE ART OF BOXINa. 4S PLATE XXVIL A DRAW AND STOP FOR RIGHT-HAND UPPER CUT. Feint with the head as if it were your intention to lead off with it down, then throw the head back and lead off at your adversary's face with the left hand. 46 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE XXVIII. ANOTHER DRAW AND STOP FCm RIGHT-HAND UPPER CUT. Feint a lead off at your opponent's face with your left hand, then duck to the left and put in the right- hand body blow. The reader should notice in this, as in other illustrations, the position of the hand not absolutely in use. Never drop your hands until out of distance. OR, THE ART Of fiOXlKO. 47 PLATE XXIX. HOW TO PREVENT YOUR ANTAGONIST FROM HITTING AFTER YOU HAVE LED OFF AND PASSED OVER HIS LEFT SHOULDER. When this occurs, bend the elbow quickly, place your fore-arm against his throat, and thrust his head back. Grasp his left shoulder with your left hand and seize his left elbow with your right hand. This will effectually stop him from hitting you. 43 THE SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; PLATE XXX. SLIPPING. This is an exceedingly useful manoeuvre, which enables you to avoid a rush or get out of a corner. Feint a lead off, tapping your adversary lightly on the chest or right arm; do not then retire, but as he comes at you duck to the right, make another step forward (as described in the lead off with a double step in,) and pass under his left arm, To face him again, turn JO the kit, OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 49 PLATE XXXI. THE HEAD IN CHANCERY. No directions can be given for getting a man into this position. When in close quarters, you should, however, always be on the look out for a chance of doing so. If it occurs, grasp your opponent firmly around the neck with the left arm and use the right to punish him. s<> THE SCIENCE Oli' SELF-BfirJllJCS,* PLATE XXXII. TO- GET OUT OF CHANCERY. Almost the best advice to give a man who is firmly and fairly caught in chancery is not to attempt to get out, at least unless the hold loosens, and he can make his effort with some chance of success. In pulling away or resisting he is simply hanging himself. He should, therefore, push his opponent back (see plate XXXI,) and at the same time figlit to the best of his ability with both hands. If, however, he discovers the danger before the grasp has tightened, he should place one hand under his adversary's fore-arm near the elbow, the other under the shoulder, and push the arm up, ducking at the same time, and dragging the head away. OR, THE ART OF BOXING. SI PLATE XXXIIL IN-FIGHTING. In-fighting generally takes place in a corner or near the side of a ring. In in-fighting bring the right foot forward until it is nearly in a line with the left, drop the chin and lean forward, so as to receive the blows on the forehead. Keep your eyes fixed on your antagonist. Use both hands and hit rapidly, bringing the shoulder well forward at each blow. The arms should not be drawn too far back, as time is lost there- by; a great deal of the force of the blow is obtained by turning the body slightly to right or left as you hit. It 52 THS SCIENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE; is a great advantage to have your hands inside your opponent's, you should, therefore, keep them as close together as possible, so as to obtain, or if you already have it, keep this advantage. Aim the left hand at the eyes and nose, the right at the chin or angle of the jaw. After delivering five or six blows, get away. Never fight at the body in in-fighting, invariably make the head your mark. PLATE XXXIV. TWO MEN ON GUARD, ONE WITH LEFT AND THE OTHER WITH RIGHT LEG IN FRONT. 0K^ THS ART OF BOXING. 5? PLATE XXXV. GUARD FOR RIGHT-HAND LEAD OFF AT HEAJl WHEN OPPOSED TO A MAN WHO STANDS WITH RIGHT LEG IN FRONT. 54 THE SCIENCE OT SELF-DEFENCBr PLATE XXXVI. DUCK AND COUNTER FOR A LEAD OFF AT HEAD BV A MAN WHO STANDS WITH RIGHT LEG IN FRONT. THE WAY TO DEAL WITH A MAN WHO STANDS WITH HIS RIGHT LEG AND RIGHT ARM IN FRONT. Work to your left in order to avoid his left hand. Be chary in leading off with the left hand, as that is at once difficult and dangerous. It is far better to lead off with the right hand and duck at the same OR, THE ART OF BOXING. 55 time to the left. When your adversary leads off with the right hand, duck to the left and counter either upon the face or body. The blow on the face must be given like the right cross counter (z7V;iJ to ra£ik^ ihelr mark in social amusements or public entertainments. This book is not a compliation of dis- connected ': .^c. - . <".it a regular sjstemstic course of iust ruction, begiii- niP'^ '~' it feats ©fLegerdeniain, and, by a series ol progressive le&. *; learner into the more complicated operations of Natural Mag; , .'uemistry, Galvaiiisai, Magnetism, and Electricity. 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