Glass _03^5-^ /f^^ POLLARD GENEALOGY Bein^ a Record of One Line of the PoIIe^d Family Descended From Thomas Pollard of Billerica. Mass. 4 \ 3 COMPILED BY STEPHEN POLLAI^p 3 PRINTED BY FRANK L. POLLARD, EAST ORANOE, N. J. 1902. 1 '^. TilK i^OLLAKD FAMILY. Tlu' faiiiilii's of I'iiIImihI in Aiiierica arc (Ii'sccikUmI from at loast two New Eiijiljiml stocks. Savage* montions three early settlers of this name, one of whom. (Jeorsie I'ollard of Salem (whose will was proved .laii. :'.l. I(i4(!i. prob- nlily left no descendants. William I'ollard of Boston had a larpe family, among whom were the followina; suns: (li .lohn. 1(144. who had William. KiTl; John. ir>7:{. and Samnel. l(iSO. (2i Samuel. li)4(!. (oi Willi;im. 1()53. who bad William. ICliil. (4| .losei)!!. ItioT. (oi Hen.janiin. 1(!(!3. ((il .lonathan. liJCCi. who bad Heiijamin. 1(50(;. ("i l>avid. l(j(!8. Ann -. wife of tliis William Tollard, was the irii'l who was in the tirst boat that crossed Charles river in ICi.'iO to what Is now Boston and was the tirst to .inmp ashore. Her portrait, painted in ITl'l. at the age of Umi, is preserved in the collection of the Ma.ssacbusetts Histori<'al society, and a ]irint of it ai)l)ear(il in Harper's Weekly some years ago. We have not altcmpted to trace the lairr history of this ln'anch of the family, which, so far as records show, is not rcl.-itcil to o\n' own. The second New Kngland family of I'oll.-ird is that descended from Thomas rollard. who settled in Billerica in lii'.ili. Of this family Savage.t after naming the cliildren. remarks, "We must in vain regret that dates are not given." Later investigations by HazenI and others have brought to light tbe records of the early generations, from which we have been able to trace the relation of oiu- own branch of tbe family. I'rom the place of settlement and sojourn of the early family we may si)cak of the family as Till'. l'.ILLI-:i;i('A I'OLh.MM).^. The early members of this f.imily. so f.-ir as wc Ic.irn. belonged to the honest yeomanry of New England. Industrious, intcllimni and patriotic, they formed a pai-l of that strong middle class frcun which has ori.ginated much of the brain ami brawn that has (>ffccted the later development of the coimtry. From earl.v times the faiuil.v has manifested a military spirit. Thoma.'» Pollard, the first of the name in America, was in the Indian wars early in the eighteenth century. Numerous descendants were in the French and Indian Note.— The compiler of this Kenealogy is indebted to Lucien M. Underwood for much of the early history of the Pollard family, a considerable part of which Is quoted from his pulillcatlon. "The Ancestry and ncscendants of Jonathan Pol- lard." Acl;raii,S6. :Blllerica is a small town located about twenty miles northwest of Boston. It was originally a part ot Cambridge, from which it was set oft as a distinct town In Km. KKdwaril Farmer came to Billerica probably in IC71. "His house lot was on the east side of Long street and remained in possession of the family until a recent date. The house was a garrison." Mr. Farmer died May 27. 1727 aged about 87 His wife. Mary, died March 26. 1719. aged 77. Edward, his only son (173.t-lS14). was a soldier in the Revolution. Of his tour grandsons bearing his name Edward and Jeremiah lived in Vermont, and Jonathan and William lived In Billerica. A grandson of Jonathan. Rev. George Adams Pol- lard iHowdoln. l.S.-,l). was a missionary A. B. C. F. M. in Asiatic Turkey. 1856-1867 and. now lives in Grand Hapids, .Mich I<. .Iiihii. Ii. Sfpt, 1. lH'.c.i. (Sec •-riic Anci'slry and 1 >('scfii(liuits of .liiimtlian Pol lard." I 7. Sarah, h. Vob. in. ITuil-l; d. Man-li .'l fdll.iwins. 8. Joseph, b. May 3, 17012; m. Abigail Hill and lived in Nottingham, N. H., Westford, Mass., and linally in New Ipswich. X. II.: d. 17.Sn.* 9. Oliver, b. July 23, 1703; ni. Feb. 17, 1735-6, Hannah Hill and lived In Bedford.t . 10. Sarah, b. Dec. 21, 1705; m. Richard Hall. -' '" 11. X.-ith.-miel, b. Oct. IS, 1700; ni. Mary : and lived in Billerica.t 12. James, b. Oct. 5, 1708; m. Abigail Chamberlain of Chelmsford and lived In Westford, Muss. 13. Walter, b. Dec. 28, 1709; m. Sept. 9, 1735, Dorothy Danforth. 14. Elizabeth, b, March 5, 1712-13. 15. Benjamin, b. Oct. 18, 1715, "ye tenth son," as the records say. Nothing further is known of him except that he is probably the Ben.i'amin Pollard who .served at Crown Point 1758-9, Thomas Pollard served in the Indian wars (1706). Two and possibly three of his sons and four grandsons were in the service during the wars with the French and Indians, and four grandsons and at least four great-grandsons were in the Itevolutionary war. Thomas Pollard died intestate^ April 4, 1724. A little more than a year later his wife, Sarah, died (May 3, 1725). (The foregoing is quoted, with but slight change, from "The Ancestry and Descendants cf Jonathan Pollard," by Lucicn M. rnderwood.i UECOIM) OF THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM POLLARD' OF LAX- CASTER, MASS. WILLIAM POLLARD' (Thomas=, William") was born at Billerica, Mass., Aug. 3. 1008, and settled in early manhood in Lancaster, JIass, He was there married Viy the Rev. John Prentice on Nov. 23. 172G. to Experience Wheeler.fl a descendant of Resolved White, who came to America on the MayHower with his fathei-. William White, in 1620. William Pollard' was a farmer and, with his father-in-law, Josiah Wheeler, and others, was one ♦He had two sons, Joseph and Snlomon. Prom the former, who was a Revolu- tionary soldier, has descended Hon. James A. Pollard of Windsor. Vt.. for many years superintendent of the Vermont state prison. tThe will of an Oliver Pollard of Bedford proved in 1S31 is recorded in the Mid- dlesex probate. tHis tamil.v consisted of three sons and four daughters. His son Benjamin was one of the minute men at Lexington and later served at Saratoga and Ben- nington. §The settlement of his property devolved upon his oldest son. Edward. Among the interesting papers connected with the sclllcment and preserv.d in the probate records (Xo. 12600) are the inventories of the estate, selections of guardians for the minor children and a receipt signed by the widow and the children. Edward, Harbary (siel, William. John, Josep [sic] and Oliver and b.v representatives of the remaining children. Among the items in the list of expenses are "Funeral charges for father. £•>:'. Ss. M.; funeral charges for mother. £la Lis. -Id. (5 far." !!Joslali Wheeler, father of ICxperience Wheeler (born 170S). was a son of Ohadiah Wheeler, Jr.. of Concord, who married lOllzabeth White in Concord. Mass., July IT. 1(172. Klizabeth White was ilaughter of Resolved White, born In Leyden, Holland. Ii;i4. who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower with his father. William White, one of the signers of the Compact on the Mayflower in 1020. Resolved White married April S. IfilO, Judith Vassal, daughter of William Vassal, deputy governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and son of Caplain John Vassal, alderman of London. England, who commanded his own vessel in thi' light with the Spanish armada off the coast of England in the reign of Queen Klizabeih. of the founders of the town of B ilton (17381. which was taken from the eastern part of Lancaster. Their children were as follows: 1. Oliver, h. Sept. 8. 1727. 2. .Tohn, b. April 20, 1720. 3. William, b. .June IS, 1731. J(/nas, b. Dec. 3. 17;!3. Lois, b. April 4, 1730. Fationce and Prudence, b. May 22. 1739. Experience, b. April 24, 1741. Thomas, b. Aui:. 1. 1744. Abljah, b. ,Iul.v 2(!, 1747. Sar.v and Mary, b. Auj;. 24, 1751. These children were 1 orn in the towns of Lancaster and Bolton, Mass. 4. 5. C. 7. 8. 0. 10. li.-ul DMo son. OLIVER POLLARD' (William'. Tliomas-, William") was born Sept. 8, 1727, at Lancaster, Mass.. and was married to Mary Townsand by the Rev. Thomas Ooss in Bolton, Mass., Oct. 25 (X. S.), 1759. It is certain that four children were born to them in Bolton, as follows: Mary, b. Aiijr. 14, 17G0. Klizatieth. b. Auir. 31. 17(i2: ni. Amos .Johnson .Fan. l.'i. 17.S2 l>r. Lewis .Johnson of Keene. .\. IL; she died .May in. 1813. Ann, b. Auk. 13, 17(54. Oliver, b. Dec. 4, 17(:f>. The following children were [)robalily born in Bolton: Stephen, b. .July 12, 1709 (died). Jonas, b. Feb. 10. 1772 (died.) Rebecca, b. Aufr. 9, 1774. Stejihen, b. ,Iuly 29, 1770. ,Tonas, b. .July 12, 1778: m. Sally Wilder Mass.: he died .Fune 12, 1S48. Mary. b. March 1. 1781. Oliver I'ollard' was a soldier In the French apiiear to show that he served in Captain .Jeduthan Baldwin's company in tlie Crown I'oint expedition in 175.'>: in Captani .lohn Carter's company in tlie second Crown 1'. int expedition in 17.")S. and in Captain Ephraim Wilder's company in 174S. He died (probably in Bolton) .Tan. IS. 1812. a,ued 84 years and 9 months. .Mary, his wife, died Sept. 2. 1813. as;ed 73 years and months. .Vsa I'oll.-ird. who was the first man killed in the battle of Bvniker Hill, was a cousin of (his Oliver I'ollard. 1. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. .June 30, 1800. at Shrewsbury, and Indian wars. Tlie records OLIVER POLLARD" ((Miver*. William'. Thomas=. William'i was born in the town of Bolton. Mass.. Dec. 4, 1700, and was married to Rhoda Longley in Bolton An?. 27, 1789, by the Rev. Phineas Wright. The following children were born to tlieni: 1. Stephen, b. in Bolton, Mass.. .Tan. 20, 1790. 2. Itebecca. b. in B Iton .Vug. 29. 1791. 3. Ann, b. in Bolton .Inly 8, 1790. 4. Mary Townsand, b. in Watcrford, Me., May 14, 1802. 5. Hiram Abiff. b. in Turner, Me.. Nov. 20, 1809: m. Hannah Fay Paddock March 4, 1832, and had Hiram Cole, b. Nov. 2.3. 1833; George Edwin, b. Feb. 23. 1830, and Mary Caroline, b. .January, 1843. Oliver Pollard' moved to the town of Waterford, Me., about the year 1801. He then moved to Augusta and after a few years to Turner and from there to Anlmiii. Ml'., where he died in .lime. 1S51, aged 84 years and <> montli-s. He enfraged extensivel.v in bnsiness enterprises as a merchant, saw and grist mill operator, tavern liceper and farmer. In Turner he conducted a saw and grist mill and in Auburn a store and tavern. lie Avas a commissioned officer of the Sixth division. First brigade, Maine militia, from 1810 to 1822, with the rank of nia.ior and division inspector. He served in the war of 1812 as brigade quartermaster of the First brigade, Massachusetts militia, called into the I'nited States service for the defense of the town of Portland in 1S14. He became a member of Trinity lodge, A. F. and A. yi. (now in Clinton, Mass.) Sept. 5, 1707. He was one of the petitioners (March 0, 1811) to the grand lodge of Massachusetts for the charter of Oriental Star lodge of Livermore, Me. TraiKiuil lodge of .\nburn. Me., was organized in his house in Minot (now Auburn) Mai-ch 18. 1,SI8. and he was selected the first master. He was also chosen master of this lodge in 1819 and in 1847. In 1820 he served as grand junior deacon of the grand lodge of the state of Maine. The historian of Tran. 1S1.">. in Livermore, Me. 5. William, b. ,Tuly 20, 1S17, in .Jvermiire. (i. Oliver, b. Aug. 11, 1819, in Livermore. 7. Ahuison, b. Dec. 28, 1821, in Livermore. S. Emmelia, b. March 4, 1824, in Livermore. 0. Abigail, 1). Aug. 8, 1820, in Livermore. 10. Rebecca Ann, b. Aug. 4, 1829, in Livermore. 11. Albert, b. May IS, 18.32, in Livermore. Stephen Pollard" had charge of his father's sawmill in Turner for a few years and about 181,") purchased and moved on to a farm in the town of Liver- •Pllljrim John Alden married PrisciUa Mullens In 1621. To Uiim was liorn Ruth Alden. Seeond generation. Jolin Riiss of Bi'aintree, Mass.. marrieil Ruth .Mdeii in 16.i7. To them was horn Samuel Bass in liWI. Third generalicm, Diacoii Samuel n.iss married Mary Adams, daughter of Joseph Adams an.l widow of Samuel \V. bb. In ir.liil. To them was liorn Jonathan Bass (baptized in 1«HT). Fourth generation. Cap- tain Jonathan Hass married Su.-ianua Hyram. daughter of Captain Nicholas B.vram, Oct. IS. 1717. and moved to Kast Braintree. Mass.. about 1723. To I him was born Susanna Bass In 1722. Fifth generation. Susanna Bass married Zachariah Car.v In 17-12. To them was born Luther Cary In 17i>l. Sixth generation. Dr. l.ulher Cary mar- ried Abigail King of Raynham. Mass.. in I7.'<2. To them was born lOmmelia Cary. (Dr. Luther Cary went to Turner. Me., in 17'.1S; died 1,S4S. See '■History of Turner." page 173.) For further genealogical data see "History of Earlv Settlements of nrldgewater. Mass.." by Nahum Mitchell, pages 110. Ill and 132, inure. Mi-., wliero lie lived until about four years previous to his death, which occurred in .lul.v. ]sr.:i at tlie home of his d.ui^'liter. Mrs. Rplieccn Ann Leavitt, In Liveriuore. He was a man of varied pursuits— a farmer, a fiddler, a danc- ing master and a horse trainer. He was fond of reading and possessed more books than were usually found in the households of that day. His wife, Em- melia Cary Pollard, died in ISCO at the hr.nie of her daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Ann I.eavitt. LUTHER CARY POLLARD' (Stephen", Olivei-', Oliver', William', Thomas', William') was born July 12, 1S09, in Turner, Me.: married (1) Martha Jane Mason and had: 1, Luther Mason, m. (1) name unknown: m. (2) Josephine Smith. Luther Cary Pollard' married (2) Sally Stanchfield and had: 2. Ossina, b. in Milo, Me.; m. (ieorge Low and had children as full.iws: Harry, Earl, Raymond and others: born in Stillwater, Minn. ."!. Stephen, b. in Milo, Me. 4. Olin. b. in Milo. Me. 5. Jeruslia Emmelia, b. in Milo, .Me.: m. John Foss and had children as fol- lows: I.ydia. Kdgar. Hoy, and .Mildred, who m.-irricd George (iould. LEWIS JOHNSON POLLARD' (Stephen", 01iver^ Oliver*, William', Thomas'. William') was liorn March :!. ISII, in Turner, Me.; (died May 10, 1898, in Leeds, .Me.i: married .May 28, 1S:55 (1) Sylvia Llndsey, who died Dec. 5, 1873; married (2l Hannah K. Davy on Xov. 17, 1878, in Leeds, Me.; no chil- dren by either marriage. RHODA LONGLEY POLLARD' (Stephen", 01ive^^ Oliver*, William', Thomas', Williani'i was born .lanuary, 18K{, in Turner, Me.; died at Kluehill. Me.; married Edward H. Stockman Sept. 12, 1837, in Orino. Me., and had chil- dren as follows: 1. Emmelia Augusta. I). July 23. 1838, in Orino. Me.: m. Lemuel Hinckley Dec. S. 18(i7. in Brewer. Me.; a son. Fred, b. .Ian. 26, 1870, in Bluehill, Me 2. Isabelle Cushing. b. June IS. 1840. in Orino. Me. 3. Mary Eliza, h. Au.g. 19. 1842, in Orino, Me. 4. Edward, b. Mnrcli 2(;. 1S4.^, in Orino, Me.; m. Ethel A. Woodbm-y Oct 7, 1.8(;t;. 5. Fred W.. b. Jan. 21. 1848; m. Ellen Grey Sept. 14, 1873, in Dexter, Me. 6. Avail, b. June 10, 1833, in Bangor, Me.; m. George Chandler Dec. 28, 1874, in r.;ingor; had one child. Roy Cary, b. in Akron, ().. March 14. 1887. STEPHEN POLLARD' (Stephen", ()liver^ Oliver*, William'. Thomas', Wil- liani'i was born in Livermore, Me. Aug. ,'), 181.5; died at Belmont, N Y Feb. 21, 18II0; married di Lucy B. Merrill (h ,rn Dec. 2 18->,Si at Turner Dec, 3, 1846, and had: 1. Julia, b. Sept. 21, 1.847. at Livermore. Me,; m. Charles L Spaulding at Belmont, N. Y., Jan. 14. 1874; had Charles J., b. Jan 1.5 lS7.j at Bel- mont: Samuel P.. b. Aug. 11. 1877, at Belmont; Lucv Irene b June -^0 187i), at Belmont. 2. Oliver, b. .May 20, 1853, at Belmunt: m. (ll Crawford: (2) Jennie Hall- (3) Alice Cralitree. Stephen Pollard' married (2| Sarah A. Aiulerson at Belmont NY Oct 2.,, 1S,,(;. She was born Sept. 10, l,S2r,; place of birth uncertain: w,is left an orphan at ,-m> early age and came to Belmont from Xew York ,itv with the raiiilly of Ciptain Thompson; died at Belmont July 20, 1001. 3. StPpluMi. b. Doc. 2t!. IS'iS, at Heluioiit: in. FraiiL- Henderson Allen (li. In Andover, N. Y.. March 4, ISGSl Dec. 10, 1S02. in Belmont; hail Stephen Kenneth, h. June 7, 1900, in Belmont. 4. William Albert, b. April 20. 1802, in Belmont; m. Maruan^t Whitcomb I-'eb. 0. lliol; had .\nderson Whitcomb. b. Dec. 0, lOol. f). Franlv Lincoln, b. Nov. G. 1804, at Belmont; m. Carrie E. Cortissos (b. In North Mi ore .street. New Yorlv city, Sept. 7. 1800) at Church Mission House, Trinity parish. New Y'ork. July 7, 1891; had Stephen, b. July 22. 1892. at 34 Morton street. New York city, and Frank, b. Nov. 21. 1897, at 101 Steuben street, East Orange, N. J. 0. Sara A., b. June 4. 1809. at Belmont (d. June 28, 1897, at Belmont); m. Lewis \V. Allen Sept. 2. 1889, at Belmont; had Lena F., b. Aug. 2. 1890. at Belmont. Stephen Pollard' removed to Belmont, N. Y., from Livcrmore. Mc, iu the sprini.' of ISTiti. Ilis family, consisting of his wife and daughter Julia, joined him in the fall of the same year. He built a house in tliat part of the town of Amity known as Maineville. near Belmont, where he lived until his death In 1899. His cccnpation was that of a farmer, and his farm is now owned by his son. William .V. Pollard. WILLIAM POLLARD' (Stephen", Oliver', Oliver*. William', Thomas', Wil- liam'i was born .Tuly 20. 1817. in Livermore. Me.; died Feb. 4, 1880, in Llv- ermore; married Cordelia Kimliall Nov. 10. 18.52, and had children as follows: 1. Augustus Torrey. b. Oct. 4. lSr)3. in Turner. Me.; m. Lottie McKinlev Jmie 10, 1885. 2. William M., h. Fell. 18, 1855, in Turner, Me.; m. Minnie Colwell Sept. 4. 1889. in Atlantic City, N. J., and had William M., b. in Atlantic Citv Dec. 24. 1895. 3. Annie F.. h. Oct. 22. 1850. in Turner, Me. 4. Dana, b. April 0. 1858. in Turner. Me. 5. Carrie Emmelia. b. March 22. 1860, in Livermore, Me.; m. Dr. Warren B. Beckler Sept. 30, 1SS5, and had Martha, b. June 10. 1880. in Philadelphia. Pa.; Marian, b. March. 1890 (d. August. ISUli; Warren, b. Fell. 17. 1,895. in Auburn. Me. 0. Mary. b. Dec. 12. 1803, in Livermore. Me.; m. Itutilus Kyerson Jan. 19. 1898. OLIVER POLLARD' (Stephen". Oliver^ Oliver'. William". Thomas=. William'* was born .\ug. 11. 1819. in Livermore. Me.; died Feb. 5, 18,38 in Livermore. ALANSON POLLARD' (Stephen". Oliver'-. Oliver*. William', Thomas'. Wil-'i was liorn Dec. 28. 1821. in Livermore. Me.; luai'ricd Mary L. Bald- win .Inly 4. 1849, and had the following children, lioi-n in Conyddn. Ind.; L Kuth Eiumelia. b. April 1.5. 1850; d. June. 1854. 2. Julius, b. April. 1852; d. May, 1868. 3. Alice Gertrude, b. Feb. 7. 1854 (d. Jan. 19. 1.890. in Minneapolis. Minn.t; m. Charles Spillman April 0. 1870. and liad Alanson._ b. Aug. 30. 1871, and .Mary Louis.i, b. Oct. 3. 187.3. who married lOhner MacLasUey. EMMELIA POLLARD' fSleidien". Oliver\ Olivei-*. William'. Thomas=. Wil-'i was born March 4, 1.S24. in Livermore. Me.; m. Asa Leavitt. ABIGAIL POLLARD' (Stephen*, 01ive^^ Olivci'. William', TUomas=, WllliainM was lioni Auk. S. 1S2(!, in Liverniore, Mc: married (ll Augustus Toney March 11. ISIii. ami had: 1. Edward, 1). Sept. 10, 1847. in Turner, Me.; m. (1) Addie Sterling: m. (2) Ellen Church and had .lulia V. and .lames, Abigail Pollard' married (2) David House March 15. l.S,51, and had: 2. Elva, I). Aua, i:{, 1S.V2, in 'rurner, .Me.; m. M. (iaid Whittier .Tan. IT. l.S7(>, and had three children, h. in Hi)utz(lalc. I'a.. as follows: Ben. K.. b. .Inly 21. IST.S: Edward T.. h. Mai-ch II, ISSii. and Itaymond \V.. b. Awa. Ki. 1.SS7. :i. Clara Emnielia. 1). May 2i;, 1S58. ■1 .lulia Baldwin, 1). Feb. 14, l.«!4. in Livermore, Me.; m. Myra Bates July 10, 1879, in Elk Grove. Cal., and had two children, b. in Elk Grove, Cal.— Albert, b. April 15, 1880, and Aubrey, b. March 17, 18S3. 4. Arthm-. b. Juno G. 185S, in Livermore, Me.; m. Emma Pratt Feb. 28, 1885, and had Gladys. Edgar and other children, b. in New Vineyard, Me. 5. Albert, b. Jan. (>. 1S(;2, in Livermore, Me.; m. I^aura I-uce and had two children— .\da and Kansoni. b. in New Vineyard, Me. ALBERT POLLARD' (Stephen", Oliver^ Oliver*, William', Thomas^, William') was born .May l.S. l.S.'',2, in Livermore. Me., and was killed in battle at Per- ryvillc. Ky.. in the autumn of 1S(;2. J .-3 159 559 P#