Author ^-"^oj. •^ **^ £ .42 Title Imprint. 16 — 47372-2 GPO [128] MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCOUFANTIWa COPIES OF THE DECISION AND DECLARATION or THE COMMISSIONERS UNDER THE FOURTH ARTICLE TREATY OF GHENT. March 2, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. WASHINGTON: PRINTED LY E. DE KRAIl 1> 1818. Mouofliop" eSrr^^ [128] 3 iQ the Senate and House of Representatives, The Commissioners of the two governments, under the 4th arti- cle of the Treaty of Ghent, having come to a decision upon the ques- tions submitted to them, I lay before Congress copies of that deci- sion, together with copies of the declaration signed and reported by the Commissioners to this government. JAMES MONROE. PFashingtoUy Feb. 25, 1818. V 9-1 <^'^ [128] Declaration of the Commissioners under the fourth Article of the Treatij of Ghent. Xew York, SLlth Mv. 1817. SIR, The undersigned Commissioners, appointed by virtue of the fourth article of the treaty of Ghent, have attended to the duties as- signed them, and have decided that Moose Island, Dudley Island, and Frederick Island, in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Fundy, do each of them belong to the United States of America, and that all the other islands in the Bay of Passama- quaddy, and the island of Grand Menan in the Bay of Fundy, do each of them belong to his Britannic majesty, in conformity with the true intent of the second article of the treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty -three. The Commissioners have the honor to enclose herewith their decision. In making this decision, it became necessary that each of the Commissioners should yield a part of his individual opinion; several reasons induced them to adopt this measure, one of which was the impression and belief that the navigable waters of the Bay of Passa- maquoddy, which, by the treaty of Ghent, is said to be part of the Bay of Fundy, are common to both parties for the purpose of all lawful and direct communication with their own territories and fo- reign ports. The undersigned have the honor to be, With perfect respect, Sir, Your obdt. and humble servants, (Signed) JOHN HOLMES, THOMAS BARCLAY, The Hon, John Q. Adams ^ ^c. Sjfc. ^c. C128J /?^.«. *^ '^''''^' 'f^h^ 'Preatu Ghent. --^J^^e Treaty of % Thomas Barclay a«j t , ers appointed by virtue^of 1*^°^? nolmts, Esquires Tn • • amity between hhB^^^^!' '^' *'^ ^^'^^^e of the^S^ea v S°"^"^^^«io«- J-Jca, concluded at A "" '"^J'''>^ and the United c^ °^ P^^^^ and Bay of Fundy, a„d th ">; °^ J^^^^amfq^uldd; whicV" ^ ''^^^y.thc J^undy, do resLall k'^^ °^ C^^and Mena'n in ^'^ P'" °^ '^^ the2d'article :rthe tr/at;>' ^" -"^--i 7 with Ve ^ru" ' ^^>^ «*' nic maiestv anH tk r ^ °^ P^ace of 1783 h^.T W ^^^^ ^^^ent of «aid Tio^as Bard! ^^'T^'^ United sfat'es of A " " '''^ ^''''^^' island, and FrJl,- ', ?"'' ''" decide, that IVfi?. ,,''"• '"pec- P-"t of the Bav „f '^'^'""d, in the BaC of k^T ''•?»"' OudUy United Spates of If ""''>'' ''<'' ""d each of .^7''"^^^ «''"'='' i^ •hat all the other m"?"' ""d "-^ have also derirf''S" ''!'°»g, to the of Passamaauadd u- f'' '=»'^h and every of^h '■""? ''<' «'«ide, island of Gondii' "^"^ '' P»" of the Ba„ f"".--" '^ '*''' ^"5' said Britannfc i^'"""; '" "><= ^'id Bav of f1/ ^""''y- ""d the 2d article of saM-T'^ '" "°''o™ity with ,h! t ^'- '*° '"''""S '» his three. '^'^ '««'y of one thoLIid seve„ h. ""i°"^ °' "" '"'" In faith and testin,n u '" ""'* "S^'r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS