>r6^3 £^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDQlT=5bS15D ^ ^ \ - .^ Hollinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-19S7 "^ E 525 .5 26lh Copy 1 Jl distoric Sketch Lest We T^-get Company "6" 26tb Ohio Infantry • ' In the War for the Union I$6h65 1 1 B9 Captain Welden Kdfy — Jl historic Sketch Lest We Torget Company *'€'' 26th Ohio Infantry In the War for the Union I86I-6S 9 By Captain Welden Helly ESI 1 Lest We Totget the Wen of Company ''€" A Historical Sketch of Co. E, 26th Ohio \ olunteer Infantry About the fifth day of June, 1861, Sylvester M. Hewitt, assisted by several others, began the enlistment and organiza- tion of a company of volunteer infantry at Mt. Gilead, Morrow county, Ohio, under the first call of the President for three- year troops. Rapid progress was made and in a few days the good ladies of the community organized and prepared woolen underwear for the men. June 14th, 1861, the company, about 80* in number, formed on the North Public Square and marched to Gilead Station (now Edison), followed by nearly the entire people of the community. We boarded the train for Columbus and marched thence four miles west to the newly established Camp Chase, where the 23rd, 24th and 25th Ohio Infantrj' v/ere being organized, and their quarters par- 'ially built. We were quartered in tents, and on the following day heavy details were made to commence building quarters for the 26th Ohio Infantry, the regiment to which our company ♦While at Camp Chase the company was filled to the maxi- mum (101) HISTORY COMPANY E, TWENTY-SIXTH O. V, V. I. was assigned. Here our military education and discipline be- gan and was continued unceasingly under the wise direction of our Colonel E. P. Fyffe, a West Point graduate, and his able assistants, until its adhesiveness, confidence and valor made It a fighting machine so perfect that no censure or taint mars its history, but several general orders and many personal com- pliments mark its career. To this regiment we became com- pany E. The first commissioned officers of this company were elected after our arrival at Camp Chase, and were Captain Sylvester M. Hewitt, First Lieutenant Henry C. Brumback and Second Lieutenant James E. Godman. Captain Hewitt V. as promoted to Major and transferred to the 32nd Ohio In fantry, and James K. Ewart was commissioned Captain of company E, July 29th, 1861, the scime date that we left Camp Chase for Virginia. The Quartermaster's department was un- able to furnish regulation uniforms as fast as the new troops organized, hence our first uniforms consisted of gray pants and roundabouts. This caused great annoyance during the first two or three months of our service in Virginia by our troops mistaking us for the enemy and firing upon us. General J. D. Cox ordered that we be kept on inside duty until properly uni- formed. We anived at the front at Gav/ley Bridge, Virginia, August 1 1 th, 1 86 1 After our gray uniform experience we were continually in front in all the campaigns of the army in which we served. We remained in Virginia until February 1st, 1862, and participated in the campaigns to Boon Court House, Sewal Mountain, Cotton Mountain, and Fayetteville and were engaged with the enemy at Horseshoe Bend, Sewal 4 HISTORY COMPANY E. TWENTY-SI.VTIl O. V. V. 1. Mountain and New River. The casualty of battle, however, was one. Corporal John McCauslcind, by concussion of a bursting shell, was seriously injured at Horseshoe Bend. Our loss from all causes was three deaths from disease and ten dis- charged because of disability. The company had seven de- serters during its entire service, but as none of them were of value to the company or government, we drop them at this early stage. Some of them, however, were carried on the roll to a later date. One only of this number enlisted from Mor- row county. The regiment was transferred to Louisville— "Way down in old Kentucky, Where they never have the blues. Where the Captains shoot the Colonels, And the Colonels shoot the Booze" — And marched to Bardstown where the regiment became part of the 15th brigade, commanded by General Milo Haskel; 6th division, commanded by General Thos. J. Wood; army of the Ohio, commanded by General Don Carlos Buell. In this brigade* the 26th regiment remained during the entire war. the other three regiments forming the brigade leaving us at dif- ferent periods — the I 7th Indiana to Wilders Mounted Infantry, the 58th Indiana became the pontooniers of the army of the Cumberland, and the 3rd Kentucky was transferred to General Marker's brigade, remaining in the same division. In Febru- ary, 1862, the division moved on Bowling Green, thence to *In the reorganizations of tlie army it changed to different di- visions and corps and its number changed to correspond, regiments left and also other regiments joined, but at no time was the brigade organization brol