Book- fii%'-ri 11. ^j. THE GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK c THE LOCATION OF THE Monuments Markers AND Tablets ON THE Battlefield of Gettysburg -^K^U^^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 HON. JOHN W. WEEKS Secretary of War HON. J. MAYHEW WAINWRIGHT Asst. Secretary of War GETTYSBURG NATIONAL PARK COMMISSION BREVET LIEUT. COLONEL JOHN P. NICHOLSON Chairman BREVET LIEUT. COLONEL E. B. COPE Engineer LIBf^ARY OF CONGRESS DOCUJVIcNTo u,.V ;siON Location of the Monuments, Markers, and Tablets, Battlefield of Gettysburg. UNION TROOPS. CONNECTICUT. INFANTRY. Regimpnt. Brigade. Corps. Location . 5 McDougall 12 2 2 2 11 11 12 2 2 2 Slocum Avenue, south Gulps Hill. North Hancock Avenue. 14 Smyth 14 14 17 do do Ames Marker, Bliss House, C'odori Field. Do. East Howard Avenue. 17 20 do McDougall ... Wainwright Avenue. Slocum Avenue, south Gulps Hill. Sickles Avenue, Wheat Field. Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. Marker, Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. 27 27 27 Brooke (2 compa- nies). do do ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 2 Sterling Reserve... South Hancock Avenue. DELAWARE. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Smith 2 2 2 2 North Hancock Avenue. 1 2 do . . do Marker, Bliss Buildings, Godori Field. Marker North Hancock Avenue. 2 Brooke Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. ILLINOIS. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 82 Amsberg 11 West Howard Avenue. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. ILLINOIS— Continued. CAVALRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 8 Gamble Cavalry... South Reynolds Avenue. Marker, Chaml)ersburg Pike, 3 miles northwest of Cicttysburg. North Reynolds Avenue. 8 12 Gamble (Company E, lirst shot). Gamble (4 compa- nies). INDIANA. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location . 7 14 Cutler Carroll 1 2 1 3 12 12 Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. East Cemetery Hill. Meredith Avenue, Willoughby Run. Cross Avenue, south of Wheat Field. 19 Meredith 20 Ward 27 Colgrove Carman Avenue, near Rock Creek. 27 do Marker, Spangler Meadow. CAVALRY. Gamble (6 compa- nies). Cavalry...' North Rej^nolds Avenue. MAINE. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigadp. Corps. Location. 3 Ward 3 Peach Orchard. 3 .. do 3 Marker, West Confederate Avenue, 3 ... do Pitzer ^^'oods. 3 Marker, Hancock Avenue. 4 do 3 ' Devils Den, Crawford Avenue. 4 5 do Bartlett 3 Marker, Hancock Avenue. 6 South Sedgwick Avenue. 6 Russell 6 Howe Avenue, east of Big Round Tod. 7 10 16 Neill (6 companies). Neill (4 companies) provost guard. Paul 6 12 1 1 Neill Avenue, Wolf Hill. Baltimore Pike, McAllister Field. Doubledav Avenue, Oak Ridge. 16 do Marker Doubhnlav Avenue, near Mum- 17 17 De Trobriand do masburg Road. 3 De Trobriand AAcnue, south Wheat Field. 3 South Hancock Avenue. 19 Harrow 2 Hancock Avenue. 19 . . do 2 Markers, Soutii Hancock Avenue. 20 Vincent 5 Chamberlain A\('nue, southeast slope, 20 do Little Round Top. 5 North slooe. hvj Round Tod. 20 Vincent (2 compa- nies). 5 Marker, southeast of monument, Little Round Top. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MAINE— Continued. CAVALRY— Continued. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 J. Trvin Gregg (10 companies). Cavalry... Hanover Road, on right flank. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location . 2 (B) Hall i 1 1 Reserve... Chambersburg Pike, McPherson Ridge. Marker Natio!ial Cemetery. Slocum Avenue, Stevens Knoll. Marker Seminary Avenue, south of Chambersburg Pike. South Hancock Avenue. 2 (B^ 5 (E) 5 (E) do Stevens do 6 (F) Dow MARYLAND. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Lockwood (Potomac Home). Lockwood (Eastern Shore). McDougall Corps. 12 12 12 Slocum Avenue, near Spangler Spring. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. CAVALRY. Purnell Legion. Mcintosh (11 com- panies). ^Mcintosh (Company A). Gregg Avenue, East Cavalry battlefield. Do. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. A Rigby R eser V e . . . Powers Hi 1 1 . MASSACHUSETTS. INFANTRY. Reejiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Carr .3 3 12 12 Emmitsburg Road, north of Sickles 1 do Avenue. Marker, skirmish line, west of monu- 2 Colgrove ... . ument. Carman Avenue, near Rock Creek. 9 do Carman Avenue, near Rock Creek, bronze tablet. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued . INP^ANTRY— Continued.. Battery. Brigade. Corps. Location. 2 Col oTvive 12 C 5 C> 3 1 1 1 1 2 o 3 5 5 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 5 5 Guard 11 11 Tablet, south slope Tittle Round Top. South Sedi^wick Avenue. 7 Eustis 9 Sweit/.er Svkes Avenue, north slope, Big Round 'Top. South Sedg%vick Avenue. ]0 Eustis 11 Carr Sickles Avenue and Emmits])ur» Road. 12 Baxter Douhleday Avenue, Oak Ridge. Marker, North Hancock Avenue, Ziegler Grove. Marker, South Hancock Avenue. 12 12 do 13 Paul Robinson Avenue, Oak Ridge. 15 Harrow Hancock Avenue, High Water Mark. 15 do Tablet, Hancock Avenue, at copse of trees. Emmitsbiu'g Road, near Sickles Ave- 16 Carr 18 Tilton nue. Sickles Avenue, at The I.oop. Tablet, south slope Little Round Top. Hancock Avenue. 18 .... do 19 Hall 19 do Tablet, Hancock Avenue, at copse of trees. Hancock Avenue. 20 .... do 20 . . do Tablet, Hancock Avenue, at copse of 22 Tilton trees. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. 22 2f do Kelly Tal)let, south slope Little Round Top. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. Tablet, south Sedgwick Avenue. 28 do 32 Sweitzer Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. 32 32 33 33 do Company C, Artil- lery Reserve. Smith do Bronze tablet. Sickles Avenue, grove west of wheat field. Pleasonton Avenue and Taneytown Road. Slocum Avenue, west of Stevens Knoll. East slope. East Cemetery Hill. South Sedgwick Avenue. 37 Eustis CAVALRY South Sedgwick Avenue. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1 (A) 3 (C) McCartney (5 5 Reserve. . . Reserve. . . Reserve. . . Reserve. . . 5 Reserve. . . Reserve. . . National Cemelerv. Walcott Field north of Valley of Death. 5 {E) 9 Phillips Wheat Field Road, Sickles Avenue. Bigelow Do. 9 do Limljer Chest near Trestle House. 9 do Haversack, North Hancock Avenue, 3 (C) Walcott Ziegler Grove. Wright Avenue (second position). Hancock Avenue (second position). 5 (E) 9 Phillips Bigelow 2 guns, near Trestle House. MONUMENTS, MARKEES, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MICHIGAN. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location . 1 Tilton 5 3 5 3 2 5 1 Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. 3 4 5 7 De Trobriand Sweitznr De Trobriand Hall Southeast corner Peach Orchard. De Trobriand Avenue, Wheat Field. Sickles Avenue, The Loop Grove. Hancock Avenue. 16 Vincent Sykes Avenue, southwest slope Little 24 Meredith Round Top. Meredith Avenue, Reynolds Grove. CAVALRY. 1 Custer Cavalry... Custer Avenue, East Cavalry battlefield. 5 do Do. 6 do Do. 7 do Do. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 9 Daniels Cavalry... South Hancock Avenue. MINNESOTA. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Harrow 2 2 2 South Hancock Avenue. Hancock Avenue. Marker National Cemetery. 1 . do 1 .... do NEW HAMPSHIRE. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 2 Burling 3 2 2 3 Peach Orchard. 5 Cross Sickles Avenue, throve south of Wheat 2 .... do Field. Marker, south of Wheat Field. 12 Carr Emmitsburg Road, north of Klingel House. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1 Edgell Reserve... National Cemetery. oc . MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. NEW JERSEY. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Torbert 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 12 12 North Sedgwick Avenue, Weikort Hill. 2 do Do. 3 do Do. 4 do Do. 15 .... do Do. 4 4 5 Train guard (7 com- panies). Provost guard (3 companies). Burling Marker at Cross Roads, south of Powers Hill. Do. Emmitsburg Road, south of Rogers 6 do House. Crawford Avenue, Vallev of Death. 7 do Sickles Avenue, Excelsior Field. 8 .... do De Trobriand Avenue, south Wheat 11 Carr Field. Emmitsburg Road, south of Klingel House. North Hancock Avenue. 12 Smyth 12 do Marker Bliss Buildings. 13 Colgro ve Carman Avenue, McAllister Woods. 13 Colgrove (Compa- nies G and I). Do. CAVALRY. Mcintosh Co. L, Headquarters. Cavalry. Gregg Avenue, East Cavalry battle- field. South Sedgwick Avenue. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1(A) 1(B) 1(B) Hexamer Reserve. 3 3 South Hancock Avenue. Clark Sickles Avenue, Excelsior Field. do Hancock Avenue (second position). NEW YORK. INFANTRY. Regiment. 10 12 15 39 39 40 41 Brigade. Smyth (battalion). . . Companies D and E. 3 companies En- gineers. Willard (4 com- panies). do De Trobriand Von Gilsa (9 com- panies). Corps. Location. 2 3 11 Meade Avenue. (Headciuarters) 12th and 44th, Little Round Top. (15th and 50th) Pleasonton Avenue. Southeast corner Meade and Hancock Avenues. Marker, Swisher Field. Valley of Death, Plum Run. Wainwritrht Avenue. MONUMENTS, MARKERS. AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG, NEW YORK— Continued. INFANTRY— Continued. Regiment. Brigade. Hall Neill . . . . Vincent . Amsberg . do... Neill Engineers. Zook Von Gilsa . do.... Zook Krzyzanowski Hall (4 companies). Greene Greene (Co. I) . Cross Nevin Kelly Kelly (2 companies) Kelly Brooke Shaler Zook Shaler Von Gilsa 42 43 44 45 45 49 50 52 54 54 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 63 63 69 88 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 74 70 71 72 73 74 73 76 76 77 78 80 82 83 84 84 84 86 Ward. Kelly. 53899—21- Brewster. > do do Cutler do Neill Greene Biddle (20th N. Y. S. M.) Harrow (2d N. Y. S. M.) Baxter (9th N. Y. S. M.) Cutler (14th Brook- lyn). ....\do -do. Corps. 2 6 5 11 11 2 11 11 6 11 2 12 12 2 6 2 2 2 6 2 6 11 3 1 1 6 12 Location. Hancock Avenue. Neill Avenue, Wolf Hill. (44th and 12th) Little Round Top. West Howard Avenue. Advance position marker, lane north of Mummasburg Boad . Neill Avenue, Wolf Hill. (50th and 15th) Pleasonton Avenue. Sickles Avenue, grove east of The Loop. Wainwright Avenue, East Cemetery Hill. Marker, Bock Creek, east of Barlow Knoll. Sickles Avenue, west Wheat Field. East Howard Avenue. Hancock Avenue. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Do. Sickles Avenue, Wheat Field. Field north of Valley of Death. Sickles Avenue, grove west of Wheat Field. Sickles Avenue, grove east of The Loop Do. Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Sickles Avenue, grove east of The Loop. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Wainwright Avenue. fMarkers, Excelsior Field, Sickles 1 Avenue . /Excelsior Brigade Monument, Sickles \ Avenue. ExceLsior Field, west side. North Reynolds Avenue. Marker, Slocum Avenue, Culps Hill. Powers Hill. (78 and 102) Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. South Reynolds Avenue. Central Hancock Avenue. Doubleday Avenue, Oak Ridge. North Reynolds Avenue. Marker, Stone Avenue, McPherson Ridge. Bronze tablet, Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Sickles Avenue, Devils Den Hill. Sickles Avenue, grove east of The Loop. 10 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. NEW YORK— Continued. INFANTRY— Continued . Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 93 General Hcadqtiar- ters. Paul Meade Avenue. 94 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 12 2 2 11 3 6 6 12 3 3 2 2 2 11 11 11 12 5 12 5 1 1 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 Doubleday Avenue, Oak Ptidge. 95 Cutler North Revnolds Avenue. 95 95 95 95 97 Cutler (10 a. m.)... Cutler (12 m.) Cutler (4 p. m.) .... Cutler (second and third days). Baxter Marker, Stone Avenue, McPherson Ridge. Marker, Wadsworth Avenue, Oak Ridge. Marker, Chambersburg Pike and Sem- inary Avenue. Marker, summit Culps Hill. Doubleday Avenue, Oak Ridge. 102 Greene (102 and '78) Slocum Avenue, north 104 Paul Culps Hill. Robinson Avenue, Oak Ridge. 107 C'olgrove Slocum Avenue, near Spangler Springs. 108 Smyth North Hancock Avenue, Ziegler Grove. 111 Willard North Hancock Avenue. 119 120 Krzyzanowski Brewster East Howard Avenue. Sickles Avenue, North of United States 121 Bartlett Avenue. Sykes Avenue, north slope, Little Round 122 Shaler Top. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 123 McDougall Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. 124 Ward Sickles Avenue, Devils Den Hill. 124 do Pleasonton Avenue, Hummelbaugh 9 125 Willard Field. North Hancock Avenue. 126 do North Hancock Avenue, Ziegler Grove. 134 Willard 's Brigade. . . Coster Marker, Sickles .\ venue. East Cemeterv Hill. 134 do Marker, ('oster Avenue. 136 Smith Tanevtown Road, west of National 137 Greene Cemetery. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 140 Weed Sykes Avenue, Little Round Top. 145 McDougall Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. 146 Weed Sykes Avenue, Little Round Top. 147 Cutler North Revnolds Avenue. 147 do Marker, Slocum Avenue, north Culps 149 Greene Hill. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 150 Lockwood Do. 150 do Marker at Trostle Buildings. 154 Coster Coster Avenue. 157 Amsberg Howard Avenue and Carlisle Road. 157 do Left of line, West Howard Avenue. 157 do Marker Carlisle Road. CAVALRY. 10 Huey do Famsworth Devin.. Gamble Cavalry . . . Pleasonton Avenue. Do. do Marker, hil! southwest of Round Top, I Bushman Woods. do ! Buford Avenue, Forney Ridge. do j South Reynolds Avenue. Devin I ... do i Buford Avenue, Forney Ridge. Gregg, J. Irvin | . . . do | Hanover Road, on right liank. MONUMENTS, MABKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 11 NEW YORK— Continued. C AV A LR Y —Continued . Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 6 Oneida, N. Y., in- dependent com- pany. Devin General headquar- ters. Cavalry . . . Meade Avenue. Tablet 2 miles northwest of Fairfield. ARTILLERY. Battery. (B) (C) (D) (E) (G) (G) (I) (K) (L) (L) (M) 1 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 10 11 13 14 15 1 (C) 15 Commander. R^rty Barnes Winslow (Attached to L, 1st) Ames do Wiedrich Fitzhugh Reynolds do Winegar Co"vvan Harn Smith do Taft do do Martin Attached to 5 th Massachusetts. Attached to K, Ist. Wheeler Attached to B, 1st. Hart Barnes Hart Corps. 3 1 Reserve. . . Rsserve. . . 11 Reserve. . . 1 1 12 6 6 3 3 R3serve. . . Raserve. . . Reserve. . . Cavalry . . . Reserve... Reserve. . . 11 2 Reserve. . . 5 Reserve. . . Location. Hancock Avenue. South Sedgwick Avenue. Sickles Avenue, Wheat Field. East Cemetery Hill. Peach Orchard, Emmitsburg Road. Marker, south Hancock Avenue. East Cemetery Hill. Hancock Avenue, Meade Statue field. South Reynolds Avenue. East Cemetery Hill. Powers Hill. Hancock Avenue, High Water Mark. Taneytown Road, southwest corner National Cemetery. Sickles Avenue, Devil's Den Hill. Crawford Avenue (section). National Cemetery. Baltimore Pike. Evergreen Cemetery (section"). Taneytown Road, north of Meade's Headquarters. Wheat Field Road, Sickles Avenue. North Hancock Avenue. West Howard Avenue. Tablet on Irish Brigade Monument. Sickles Avenue, Wheat Field Road. Howe AA^enue (second position). Hancock Avenue (second position). OHIO. IN^ANTRY^ Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Locat'on. 4 Carroll 2 2 12 12 2 11 11 12 11 11 East Cemetery Hill. Marker, Emmitsburg Road. Geary Avenue, south Culps Hill. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Emmitsburtj Road . 4 5 7 8 Carroll (Companies GandD). Candy do ('arroll . ... 25 Ames (25 and 75) East Howard Avenue, Bar- 25 29 55 61 do Candy Smith Amsberg low Knoll. (25 and 75) Wainwright Avenue. Slocum Avenue, North Culps Hill. Taneytown and Emmitsburg Road West Hjward Avenue. 12 MONUMENTS, MAEKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. OHIO-Continucd. INFANTRY— Continued. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 61 Amsberg 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Marker, National Cemetery. 66 Candy Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. Taneytown Road, northwest corner of National Cemetery. (75 and 25) East Hjward Avenue, Bar- low Knoll. (75 a^d 25) Wainwright Avenue. East Hjv/ard Avenue. Marker, National Cemetery. East Howard Avenue. 73 Smith 75 Ames 75 do 82 82 Krzyzanowski do 107 Ames 107 do Marker, East Cemetery Hill. CAVALRY. Regiment. Company. Corps. Location. 1 1 6 Company A, Head- quarters Guard. Company C, Head- quarters Guard. Hucy Brigade (10 companies). Cavalry.. - Taneytown Road, north of Plcasontoa Avenue. Do. Do. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1 (H) 1 (1) 1 (I) 1 (I) 1 (K) 1 (L) Huntington Dilger. '. do Reserve. 11 11 11 11 5 National Cemetery. West Howard Avenue. Marker, Ho'.vard Avenue and Carlisle Road. Tablet. National Cemetery. Heckman Carlisle and Lincoln Streets, Gettysburg. Sykes Avenue, Little Round Top. Gibbs PENNSYLVANIA. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. tf McCandless (9 com- panies). McCandless (Com- pany K). 2 McCandless 5 Fisher 6 ! McCandless 9 ; Fisher .do. .do. Fisher (9 companies) McC'andless (First Rifles). Corps. Location. Ayres Avenue, East Wheat Field. Marker on monument "recruited at Gettysburg." East Wt\e-it Field. Ayres Avenue, East Wheat Field. - Big Round Top. Northeast of Wheat Field. Warren Avenue, between the Round Tops. Sykes Avenue, between the Round Tops. Ayres Avenue, Wlieat Field. Big Round Top. Ayres Avenue, grove soulh of Wheat Field. MONUMENTS, MAEKEES, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBUEG. 13 PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. INFANTRY— Continued. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 11 Baxter 1 6 3 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 6 2 1 3 6 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 3 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 Doubleday Avenue, Oak Ridee. 23 Shaler Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 26 Carr Emmitsburi? Road, north of Sickles 27 Coster Avenue. Coster Avenue. 27 do East Cemetery Hill. 28 Candy Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 28 29 Kane Marker, Rock Creek, east of Culps Hill. Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 29 do Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. 46 McDolit^all Do. 49 53 Russell (4 com- panies) . Brooke Howe Avenue, east of Big Rovmd Top. Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. 56 57 61 Cutler (9 com- panies). Graham (8 com- panies) . Neill North Reynolds Avenue. Emmitsburg Road, Sherfy House. Neill Avenue, Wolf Hill. 62 Sweitzer De Trobriand Avenue, south Wlieat 63 Graham Field. Emmitsburg Road, opposite Peach Orchard. Peach Orchard. 68 do 68 do Wheat Field Road, opposite Peach 69 Webb Orchard. Webb Avenue, Stone Fence, The Angle. 69 do Company markers Webb, Avenue, Stone Fence, The Angle. Webb Avenue, Stone Fence, The Angle. 71 do 72 do Do. 72 do Webb Avenue, north of Copse of Trees. 73 Coster East Cemetery Hill. 74 Amsberc: West Howard Avenue. 74 do Markers. National Cemetery. 75 75 Krzyzanowski 'do East Howard Avenue. National Cemetery. 81 Cross Sickles Avenue, A^lieat Field. 82 Shaler Slocum Avenue, north Culps Hill. 83 Vincent Sykes Avenue, south slope. Little 84 Carr Round Top. Pleasonton Avenue. 88 Baxter Doubledav Avenue. Oak Ridge. 88 do Marker, Fornev Field, Oak Ridge. 88 do Marker, north Hancock Avenue, Ziegler 88 do Grove. Marker, south Hancock Avenue. 90 do Doubleday Avenue, Oak Ridge. 90 90 do do North Hancock Avenue, Ziegler Grove. Bowlder, south Hancock Avenue. 90 do Howell Tablet, Chambersburg Street 91 Weed Lutheran College Church. Sykes Avenue, summit Little Round 93 Nevin Top. South Sedgwick Avenue. 93 do Field north of Valley of Death. 95 Bartlett Wheat Field Road, north of Valley of 96 do Death. Do. 98 Nevin Field north of Valley of Death. 98 do Sykes Avenue, north slope Little Round Top. 14 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. PENNSYLVANIA— Continiiod. INFANTRY— Continued. Regiment. 99 99 102 105 106 lOG 106 107 107 109 110 in 114 114 115 116 118 118 118 119 119 121 121 139 139 140 140 141 142 143 143 145 147 147 147 148 148 149 149 149 150 150 151 153 153 155 26 26 Brigade. Ward Nevin Graham Webb Paul Kane De Trobriand (6 companies). Kane Graham Burling Kelly (4 companies) Tilton Pvussell Biddle Nevin do Zook Graham Biddle Stone do Brooke (7 com- panies) . Candy (8 companies) Candy (Company G). Candy Cross do Stone do Stone (Company D) Stone do Biddle Von Gilsa do Weed - Emergency Regi- ment. do Corps. Location. 3 3 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 12 3 12 3 3 12 12 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 5 Sickles Aveiuio, Devil's Den Hill. North Hancock Avenue. Field north of X'alley of Death. Emmitsburg Road and United States Avenue. Hancock Avenue, near copse of trees. Emmitsburg Road, Codori buildings. Marker, East Cemetery Hill. Doubloday Avenue, Oak Ridge. Marker, Bryan House. Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. De Trobriand Avenue, southwest of Wheat Meld. Slocum Avenue, south Culps Hill. Emmitsburg Road, Sherfy House. Central Hancock Avenue, east of The Angle. De Trobriand Avenue, South Wlieat Field. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop (first position). MarVier, Wheat Field Road (second position). North slope of Round Top (third posi- tion). Howe Avenue, east of Round Top. North slope of Round Top. South Reynolds Avenue. Central Hancock Avenue. Field north of Valley of Death. Sickles Avenue, Excelsior Field. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. Do. Peach Orchard. South Reynolds Avenue. Reynolds Avenue, Chambersburg Pike. Middle Hancock Avenue (second posi- tion). Brooke Avenue, Rose Grove. Geary Avenue, south Cul])s Hill. South of regimental monument. Marker, Sykes Avenue, north slope of Ijittle Round Top. Sickles Avomio, Wheat Field. Marker, South Hancock Avenue. Chambersburg Pike, McPherson Ridge. Central Hancock Avenue. Seminary Avenue, Shultz House. Stone Avenue, McPherson Ridge. Central Hancock Avenue. South Reynolds Avenue. East Howard Avenue, Barlow Knoll. Wainwright Avenue. Sykes Avenue, Little Round Top. Chambersburg Pike, near Marsh Creek, .Tune 2(), 186:5. Chambersburg Street. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. CAVALRY. 15 Eegimeiit. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Mcintosh Cavalry. . . Gen.Hqrs. CaA^alry. . . Central Hancock Avenue. 2 3 Provost guard Mcintosh Meade Avenue. Gregg Avenue, East Cavalry battlefield. Marker on Low Dutch Road, extreme 3 do 4 6 Grego;, J. Irvin Merritt right. Army of the Potomac. South Hancock Avenue. Emmitsburg Road, Ih miles south of 6 8 Companies E and I . . Huey Gen. Hqrs. Cavalry. . .".... Peach Orchard. Meade Avenue, Meade's Headquarters. Pleasonton Avenue. Ifj 17 Gregg, J. Irvin Devin Deardorff Farm, on right flank. Buford Avenue, Forney Ridge. 18 Farnsworth Confederate Avenue, Bushman Woods. 21 Baltimore Pike. McAllister Field. 21 Geo. W. Sandoe (killed). Independ- ent Com- pany B. Do. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1 (B) Cooper 1 1 Reserve. Cavalry. Cavalry. Reserve. Reserve. Reserve. 12 12 1 East Cemeterv Hill. 1 (B) . . do Marker, East Cemetery Hill. 1 (F and G) 3(H) 3(H) C and F C and F C and F Ricketts Rank (section)... ... do East Cemetery Hill. Hanover Road, on right flank. Hancock Avenue (second position). Thompson Hampton . do Peach Orchard. Do. South Hancock Avenue. E Knap Section Slocum Avenue, north Culpa E . . do Hill. Powers Hill. 1(B) Cooper Hancock Avenue (second position). RHODE ISLAND. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. LocatioJi . 2 Eustis 6 6 South Sedgwick Avenue. 2 do Marker, Emmitsburg Road, south of Codori buildings. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corp.s. Location. 1 (A) 1(B) 1(B) 1(E) Arnold 2 2 2 3 North Hancock Avenue. Brown Central Hancock Avenue. do Marker, field west of copse of trees. Bucklyn Emmittsburg Road, north of Peach Orchard. 16 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. VERMONT. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location . 9 Grant 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wriojht Avenue, east of Round Top. Do 3 do 4 do Do 5 do Do 6 do Do 12 Stannard 13 do Pleasonton Avenue. Do 14 do Do 15 do Do 16 do Do 13 do 13 do Marker northeast of column Codori 13 do Field (first position, third day). Marker, west of column, Codori Field (second position, third day). 13 do 14 do west column (third position, third day). 16 do umn. South Hancock Avenue north of Pleas- onton Avenue. CAVALRY. Cavalry. . . Slyder Field, west of Round Top. WEST VIRGINIA. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 7 Carroll 2 2 2 2 East Cemetery Hill. 7 do 7 do Marker, north slope East Cemetery Hill. 7 do CAVALRY, Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 3 Farnsworth (10 com- panies). Devin (2 companies) Cavalry... do Taney town Road, north of Pleasonton Avenue. Buford Avenue, Forney Ridge. MOIvUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 17 WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. ARTILLERY. Batterj'. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 (0) Hill. Reserve... National Cemeterv. WISCONSIN. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location . 9 Meredith 1 1 1 12 6 1 1 1 1 11 Meredith Avenue, Remolds Grove. 2 .do Marker, Slocum Ave., west Culps Hill. 2 3 Meredith (Co. F).... (^olgrove Marker, Slocum Ave., west Culps Hill. Col2;rove Avenue, McAllister Woods. 5 Russell Howe Avenue, east of Big Round Top. 6 Meredith North Revnolds Avenue. 6 do Marker, Slocum Ave., west Culps Hill. 7 do Meredith Avenue, Reynolds Grove. 7 do Marker, Slocum Ave.," west Culps Hill. 26 Krzyzanowski East Howard Avenue. UNITED STATES SHARPSHOOTERS. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 1 Andrew Sharp- shooters. U. S. Sharpshooters, Companies C, I. K. Company E 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 Ziegler Grove. Marker, west slope Little Round Top. South Hancock Avenue. 1 1 Companies A, B, D, H. Companv F Pitzer Woods. West Confederate Avenue, Sherfy 1 Company G Woods. Sickles Avenue and Emmitsburg Road. 1 Companv G Marker, west of Rogers House. 2 1 2 U. S. Sharpshooters, Company D. Companv B Slyder Lane, northeast Bushman House. Marker, west slope Little Round Top. 2 2 2 Companies F, G Companies E, H Company Andrews. . South Hancock Avenue. Slyder farm buildings. Loop, Sickles Avenue. 1 Tablets on west slope of Little Round Top are on the four sides of the Michigan Monument, near big pine tree; Company I, south side; Company C, west side; Company B, north side; Company K, east side. 53899—21 3 18 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. UNITED STATES REGULARS MONUMENTS. (Erected under the direction of the Gettysburg National Park Commission.) Large monument, a memorial to all the regular commands. 44 small mounments, 1 to each regiment of infantry, cavalry, battery, and engineers. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. Dav: 3 6 companies 5 Avres Avenue, DeWls Den Ridge. 4 4 companies 5 Do. 6 5 companies 5 Do. 12 8 companies 5 Do. 14 8 companies Burbank : 5 Do. 2 6 companies 5 Do. 7 4 companies 5 Do. 10 3 companies 5 Do. 11 6 companies 5 Do. 17 7 companies 5 Do. 8 General headquar- ters (8 companies). (Provost guard) Meade Avenue. Benham, U. S. En- Plea?onton Avenue. gineers' Battalion. CAVALRY, 1 Merritt Cavalry... Marker, Keckler Lane, near Emmits- 2* do burg Road. Do. 1 2 Merritt (detached squadrons). do Marker, avenue east of Ridge Road, Zentz Field. Do. 1 do . . .do Marker, avenue west of Emmitsburg Road, Curren's Field. Do. 2 do 5 do Tablet, avenue west of Ridge Road, 6 do . . .do Heagy Field. Marker, l-'mmitsburg Road, north Keckler Lane. 1 mile south from Orrtanna on Fair- 6 do field Road. ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. l(EandG) 1 (EandG) 1 (H) Randol Cavalry. Ca.alry. Reserve. 9 East Cavalry Battlefield. Chester Section East CaAalry Battle- field. National Cemetery. Eakin Woodruff 1 (I) North Hancock Avenue. 1 (K).. Graham Calef do Zicgler Grove. Cavalry. Emmitsburg Road, near Keckler Lane. Cavalry. Chambersburg Pike (first gun fired). Cavalry. ; Section Revnolds Avenue. 2 (A) 2 (A) 2 (BandL) Heat on CaA-alry. south of Springs Road. Field front of schoolhouse Granite Schoolhouse Road. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND Tx\BLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 19 UNITED STATES REGULARS MONUMENTS— Continued. AKTILLERY— Continued. Battery. B and L) . D) M) G) Fand K). C). E). F). G). G). K). C). D). F). I).. K). K) F and K) . Commander. Heaton Williston Pennington . Butler Turnbull... Cushing. Stewart. Thomas. Elder. . . Rugg Wilkeson . Bancroft . Seeley. . . Weir Hazlett. Martin. . Watson . Kinzie. do... Turnbull. Fuller. . Ste^^'art. Corps. Cavalry. 6 Cavalry. 6 Reserve. 2 1 Reserve. Cavalry. 12 11 11 3 Reserve. 5 5 12 12 Reserve. Tidball. Location. East End Pleasonton Avenue (second position). Taney town Road, south of S. Patterson buildings. Fast Cavalry lattlefield, north of Hanover Road. North Hancock Avenue, Zieg- ler Grove. Sickles Avenue, Emmitsburg Road. Hancock Avenue at The Angle. East Cemetery Hill, Balti- more Pike. South Hancock Avenue. Hill, Southwest Round Top, M. Bushman Woods. I'altiniore Pike, H. Spangler Field. East Howard Avenue, Barlow ^ Knoll. National Cemetery. Emmitsburg Road near Smith House. Center Hancock Avenue. Svkes AAenue, Little Round "Top. North Hancock Avenue, Zieg- ler Grove. Swisher P'ield. Baltimore Pike, H. Spangler Field. Summit of Culps Hill Section. Meade Avenue (second posi- tion). Taney town Road and Granite Schoolhouse lane. Chambersburg Pike. MISCELLANEOUS UNION MONUMENTS, MEMORIALS, AND TABLETS. Name. Location. The National Monument Pennsvlvania Memorial New York State Monument High Water Mark (lironze book) Maj. Gen. George G. Meade Equestrian Statue. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock Equestrian Statue. Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds Equestrian Statue. Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum Equestrian Statue. Maj. (ien. John Revnolds Statue Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds (killed). . . . Maj. Gen. John Buford Statue Bvt. Maj. Gen. George S. Greene Statue.. National Cemetery. Hancock Avenue. National CenieforA'. Hancock Avenue, copse of trees. Hancock Avenue, south of Meade Avenue. East Cemetery Hill. C hamberslnug Pike, McPherson Ridge. Stevens Knoll, Slocum Avenue. National Cemetery. Marker, Reynolds Grove. Chambcrsl)urg Pike, McPherson Ridge. Slocum Avenue, summit Culps Hill. 20 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MISCELLANEOUS UNION MONUMENTS, MEMORIALS, AND TABLETS— Contimit'd. Name. Location. Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Zook (killed). Col. C. Fred. Tas'lor (killed), ]st Pennsyl- vania Rifles. Maj. Joshua G. Palmer (killed), 66th Ohio. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock (wounded). Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles (wounded). . . Col. Strong \ incent (wounded) Lieut. Alonzo H. Gushing (killed), 4th U. S Battery A. Maj. Geii. Gouvorneur K. Warren Statue.. Uo.«pital tablet (bronze) Maj. (.ien. John Sedgwick liquestrian Statue. Lieut. Col. Henry C. Merwin (killed), 27th Connecticut. Capt. Jed. Chapman (killed), 37th Con- necticut, Company H. Capt. Henrv V. Fuller (killed), Company F, C4th New York. Bliss Buildings (burned). Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's headquarters. Independent Cavalry, Company B Gregg's Cavalry Division Monumental Shaft Lieut. CHIirles E. Hazlett (killed), 5th U. S. Battery D. Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed (wounded). . John Burns Statue Col. Charles Candy, 1st Brigade, 12th Corps. Gettysburg National l\Iilitary Park Right flank of Infantry, Army of Potomac. Pardee Bowlder and Tablet Spanglcr's Spring Menchey's Spring Codori's*^ Spring Observation towers: 75 feet high. . . , 60 feet high 75 feet high . . . 75 feet hia-h. . . 60 feet high Brig. Gen. William Wells Statue Right flank LInion Cavalry Brig. Gen. Henry J. Hunt headquarters... Position of 2d Cavalry Division, July 2, 3 p. m. Col. Geo. H. Ward (lulled), 15th Massachu- setts. Col. Geo. L. Williard (killed), 125th New York. U. S. Signal Corps Gettysburg Memorial Association Fifth Corps Headquarters Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe's headquarters Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Memorial. . . Marker, Wheat Field Road in North 'Wheat l-'ield. Marker, Ayres Avenue. Marker, Slocum Avenue, north Gulps Hill. Marker, South Hancock Avenue. Marker, near 'J'ro.slle Barn. Marker, Little Round Top. Marker, Hancock Avenue, The Angle. Little Round Top. McPherson Barn. South Sedgwick Avenue. Marker, \\'heat Field Road. Marker, De Trobriand Avenue, ^\^leat Field. Marker, Rose Woods, Brooke Avenue. Marker, Codori farm, field west of The Angle. Meade Avenue and Taney town Road. Tablet on 21st Pennsyhania Cavalry Monument. East Cavalry Battlefield. Summit Little Round Toj). Do. Stone Avenue, McPherson Ridge. Marker, Sedgwick Avenue, Weikert Woods. Marker, northwest corner Ziegler Grove. Tablet, Neill Avenue. Pardee Field, Geary Avenue. Foot of Gulps Hill.' Fool of ICast Cemetery Hill. Hancock Avenue, opposite Pleasonton Avenue. Doubledav Avenue, Oak Ridge. Culps Hill. Hancock Avenue, Ziegler Grove. Soulh Confederate Avenue, south of A\'heat Field Road. Big Round Top. Confederate Avenue, section 7. Marker, Low Dutch Road. Cannon Marker, Taney town Road. Tablet, junction of Hanover and Granite Hill Roads. Codori Field, west of copse of trees. Codori Thicket. Bronze tablet. Little Round Top. Tablet on High Water Mark Monument. Marker, Sedgwick Avenue. Howe Avenue and Tanejiiown Road. National Cemetery. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 21 MISCELLANEOUS UNION MONUMENTS, MEMORIALS, AND TABLETS— Continued. United States Regular Monument Rev. Father Corby Statue Black Horse Tavern Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth Statue. . . Brig. Gen. John W. Geary Statue Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys Statue Brig. Gen. Alexander Havs Statue Brig. Gen. A. S. Webb Statue Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson Statue Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday Statue Bvt. Maj. Gen. Francis C. Barlow Statue. Location. Hancock Avenue, south of High Water Mark. South Hancock Avenue. Tablet, Hagerstown Road, near ^larsh Creek. Reynolds Avenue. Slocum and Williams Avenues. Emmitsburg Road and Sickles Avenue. Ziegler Grove. Hancock Avenue, opposite The Angle. Doubleday Avenue, near the tower. Reynolds Avenue, south of Reynolds Woods. Barlow's Knoll, Howard Avenue. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC ITINERARY TABLETS. Nine bronze tablets, Baltimore Pike, front of East Cemetery Hill. Iron tablets: June 29, 1863, Uniontown, Md. June 29, 1863, Middleburg, Md. June 29 and July 3, 1863, Westminster, Md. June 30 and July 1, 1863, Hanover, Pa. June 30 and July 1, 1863, Taneytown, Md. Iron tablets — Continued. June 30 and July 3, 1863, Manches- ter, Md. July 1, 1863, Emmitsburg, Md. July 1 and 7, 1863, Two Taverns, Pa. July 2, 1863, Hunterstown, Pa. Julv 5, 1863, Littlestown, Pa. July 6, 1863, Fairfield, Pa. BRONZE STATUES ERECTED ON THE PENNSYLVANIA GETTYSBURG MEMORIAL. Name. Location. Jjincoln Southwest side. Curtin Do. Maj . Gen. Meade Northwest side. Maj .Gen. Reynolds Do. Maj. Gen. Pleasonton Maj . Gen. Gregg Maj. Gen. Hancock Northeast side. Do. Southeast side. Maj. Gen. Birney Do. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS ERECTED BY THE GETTYS- BURG NATIONAL PARK COMMISSION. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC MEMORIAL, AT THE ANGLE HANCOCK AVENUE. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Tablet. THE CORPS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Corps. Commander. Location. 1 Doubleday Hancock Reynolds Avenue, south of Cliambersburs; Pike. Hancock Avenue, north of Meade Avenue. 2 3 . . Sickles Sykes Sedgwick Howard Slocum Pleasonton Peach Orchard, northwest corner. 5 Little Round Top, north slope. Sedi^wick Avenue, north of center. 6 11 Howard Avenue, west of Carlisle Road. 12 Slocum Avenue, south slope Culp's Hill. Pleasonton Avenue. Cavalry DIVISIONS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Divisiqji. Corps. Commander. Location. Wadsworth Robinson. . . Rowley Caldwell . . . Gibbon . . . . Hays Birney Humphreys do Barnes . 0. . G-. C. ().. 11. 11. 11. Artillery Reserve. 12 12 Cavalrv. do.. do.. Reynolds Avenue, north of Chambers- burg Pike. Robinson Avenue, center. Reynolds Avenue, north of Springs Road. Hancock Avenue, south of center. Hancock Avenue, center. Hancock Avenue. Peach Orchard, northwest corner. Do. Sickles Avenue, south of Emmitsburg Road. Sickles Avenue, south of ^\Tieat Field Road. Knoll east of AjTes Avenue. Crawford Avenue, near Plum Run. Sedgwick Avenue, south of center. Howe Avenue. Sedgwick Avenue. Howard Avenue, foot of Barlow Knoll. Baltimore Pike, opposite National Cem- etery entrance. Howard Avenue, west of Mummasburg Road . Slocum Avenue, south section. Ctcary Slocum Avenue, south of center. Buford Reynolds Avenue, near Reynolds Woods. Gregg East Cavalry Field, Gregg Avenue. Kilpatrick Bushman Woods, section (J. Tvler 1 South end. Pleasonton Avenue. AjTC? Crawford . Wright.... Howe. Wheaton.. liarlow Steinwehr Schurz Rucf 22 MONUMENTS, MAEKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG, 23 BRIGADE MARKERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC Granite Pedestal with Bronze Tablet INFANTRY. Brigade. Location. 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 Meredith. . . Cutler Paul Baxter Biddle Stone Stannard . . . Cross Kelly Zook Brooke Harrow Webb Hall Carroll Smyth Willard Graham Ward DeTrobriand Carr Brewster. . . Burling Tilton Sweitzer. . . Vincent. . . . Day Burbank Weed McCandless. Fisher Torbert Bartlett Russell Grant Neill Shaler Eustis Nevin Von Gilsa.. . Ames Coster Meredith Avenue. North Reynolds Avenue. Doubleday Avenue, south end. Doubleday Avenue, north end. Reynolds Avenue, south of Springs Road. Stone Avenue, north end. Hancock Avenue, center. Ayres Avenue, center. Sickles Avenue, near The Loop. Sickles Avenue,' near Irish Bri- gade Monument. Brooke Avenue, center. Hancock Avenue, south of The Loop. Hancock Avenue, at The Angle. Hancock Avenue, south of High- Water Mark. East Cemetery Hill. Hancock Avenue, south of Meade Avenue. Hancock Avenue, Bryan House. Emmitsburg Road. Sickles Avenue, north of DeAdl's Den. Sickles Avenue, Wheat Field. Sickles Avenue, near north end. Sickles Avenue, Excelsior Field. DeTrobriand Avenue, Wheat Field. Sickles Avenue, at The Loop. DeTrobriand Avenue, Wheat Field. Sykes Avenue, north end of Chamberlain Avenue. Ayres Avenue. Ayres Avenue. Svkes Avenue, Little Round "Top. Ayres Avenue, center. Svkes Avenue, foot of Round "Top. Sedgwick Avenue, north section. Wheat P'ield Road, near Plum Run. Howe Avenue. Wright Avenue, south section. Neill Avenue. Slocum Avenue, south section. Sedgwick Avenue, south section. Lane, north of Crawford Avenue. Wain Wright Avenue. Howard Avenue, foot of Barlow Knoll. Coster Avenue, center. 24 MONUMENTS, MAEKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. BRIGADE MARKERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC— Continued. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Tablet— Conlinucd. I.NFANTRY. Brigade. Divi- sion. Corps. Commander. Location. 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 Smith Taney town Road, opposite Na- tional Cemetery. Howard Avenue, near Mummas- burg Road. Howard Avenue, east of Car- lisle Road. Rlocum Avenue, .south section. Slocum Avenue, south, foot of Culps Hill. Colgrove Avenue. 1 2 1 2 3 Schimmelfennig. Krzyzanowski... McDougall Lockwood Colgrove 1 Candy Slocum Avenue, south, foot of 2 Kane Culps Hill. Slocum Avenue, north end 3 Greene Geary Avenue. Slocum Avenue, south, foot of Culps Hill. CAV.\LRY. Brigade. Di\-i- sion. Corps. Commander. Location. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 Cavalry. . . . do do do do do do do Gamble Revnolds Avenue, north of 2 Devin Reynolds Woods. Buford Avenue, north section. Reserve Merritt Emmitsburg Road, South Cav- 1 Mcintosh Huev alry Meld. East Cavalrv battlefield. 2 Pleasonton Avenue. 3 J. Irvin Gregg. . . Farnsworth Custer Near Hanover Road, East 1 Cavalry battlefield. Confederate Avenue, Section 6, 2 Custer Avenue, East Cavalry battlefield. ARTILLERY. Brigade. Corps. Commander. Location. Artillery 1 2 3 5 6 11 12 Wainwright Hazard East Cemetery Hill. Do Hancock Avenue, near The An^le. Do Randolph Martin Sickles Avenue, Excelsior Field. Do Sykes AA'eniie, north slope Little Do Tompkins ()sl)orn Round Top. Sedgwick Avenue. Do Howard Avenue, west section. Do Muhlenberg. . . . Baltimore Pike. 1 mile southeast 1 Horse Artillery of Gettyslmrg. Robertson Pleasanton Avenue, south end. 2 Horse Artillery Tidball Cavalrv Avenue, East Cavalry liattlVfield. Ransom Hancock Avenue, near Pleason- ton Avenue. 1 Regular Reserve . . MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 25 BRIGAOE MARKERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC-Continucd. ARTILLERY. Brigade. Corps. Commander. Location. 1 Volunteer Reserve. McGilvery Taft Hancock Avenue, near railroad 2 Volunteer Reserve. crossing. Baltimore Pike 3 Volunteer Reserve. Huntington .... Fitzhugh Randolph McGilvery. .... National Cemeterv- 4 Volunteer Reserve. Hancock Avenue, near The Angle. Artillery Reserve. . . 1 Volunteer Reserve. 3 Peach Orchard. Excelsior Field. U. S. ENGINEERS. Engineers. Benham. Pleascnton Avenue. SHOWING LOCATION OF HOSPITALS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Granite Pedeslal with Bronze Tablet. The First Corps, near St. I\Iark"s Church (\Miite Church), on the Baltimore Pike. The Second Corps, on the Hospital Road, 700 feet southwest from the George Bush- man house. Road runs south from the Baltimore Pike, crossing Rock Creek below WTiite Run, and containing northeasterly to the Baltimore Pike at St. Mark's Church (WTiite Church), and named the Hospital Road. The Third Corps, on Hospital Road, 1,500 feet northeast from John Trostle house. The Fifth Corps, on the Hospital Road, 1,200 feet north of the M. Fiscel house. The Sixth Corps, 600 feet north of the John Trostle house, near the Hospital Road. The Eleventh Corps, on Hospital Road, 700 feet east of George Spangler house. The Twelfth Corps, on Hospital Road, 500 feet west of George Bushman house. The Cavalry Corps, in front of the Presbyterian (ihurch, Gettysljurg. The General Plosi^ital (Camp Letterman), in front of the Hospital Woods, on the York Pike, If miles northeasterly from Center Sr|uare, Gettysburg. CONFEDERATE TROOPS. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS ERECTED BY THE GETTYSBURG NATIONAL PARK COMMISSION ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA MEMORIAL, WEST CONFEDERATE AVENUE. ALABAMA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 4 Law 1 1 2 3 3 Bronze tablet. Confederate 4 > do Avenue, section 5. 15 \ 44 Confederate Avenne. section 5. 47 ; 1 48 3 ,5 O'Neal >Arclier >Wilcox [North Confederate Avenue. 6 12 26 1 13 ; I East Confederate Avenue, east 1 slope Cadps Hill. [(Second position.) rWest side Meredith Avenue, West Confederate Avenue, 5 1 south of McMillan Woods. 8 (Second position.) 9 10 West Confederate Avenue, 11 north of Pitzer Woods. 14 26 ARKANSAS. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY . Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 3 Robertson 1 Confederate Avenue, section 5. MONUMENTS, MAEKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 27 FLORIDA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 2 [Perry 3 5 West Confederate Avenue 8 Spangler Woods. GEORGIA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Table. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 7 >Anderson ■Benning Gordon Doles 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 8 9 Confederate Avenue section 4 11 59 2 15 17 Confederate Avenue, section 5. 20 1,3 26 [(Iron tablet), Howard Avenue), Barlow Knoll 31 38 1 East Confederate Avenue south 60 of East Middle Street 61 4 12 Howard Avenue, west of Car- 21 44 t 10 ■Semmes Thomas •Wright >Wofford lisle Road. 50 51 Confederate Avenue, section 4. 53 14 35 i 45 West Confederate Avenue, McMillan Woods 49 ... . " ' 2 Battalion 3 West Confederate Avenue, 22 Spangler Woods. 48 16 18 24 West Confederate Avenue, Cohb's Legion Pitzer Woods. Phillips' Legion CAVALRY. iHampton Cavalry... East cavalry battlefield, east Phillips' Legion of Riunmel Woods. 28 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. LOUISIANA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 5 >Hays 2 2 6 7 East Confederate Avenue, 8 >Nicholls south of East Middle Street. 9 1 2 10 East Confederate Avenue, east 14 slope Gulps Hill. 15 MARYLAND. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Battalion. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 (changed to 2 Battal- ion). 2 Steuart do 2 2 2 East Confederate Avenue, east slope Gulps Hill. Slocum Avenue, south Gulps 2 do Hill (erected by the surviv- ors). Advance marker, Slocum Ave- nue, south Gulps Hill (erected by the survivors). CAVALRY. Lee. East cavalry battlefield. MISSISSIPPI. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. • Brigade. Corps. Location, 13 Barksdale Davis >Posey 1 3 3 17 West Confederate Avenue, 18 Pitzer Woods. 21 2 West Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods 11 < (second position). 42 Reynolds Avenue, at Western 12 Maryland Railroad cut. 16 West Confederate Avenue, north of Spangler Woods. 19 48 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. NORTH CAROLINA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. 29 Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 55 Davis do 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 Reynolds Avenue, at Western Maryland Railroad cut. \\ept Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods (second position). North Confederate Avenue. 55 32 Daniel Hoke 43 45 53 East Confederate Avenue, east 2 (battalion) slope Gulps Hill. 6 21 East Confederate Avenue south of East Middle Street! 57 •Iverson Ramseur >Lane 5 12 20 North Confederate Avenue. 23 2 4 14 Do. 30 7 18 28 West Confederate Avenue, Mc- 33 Pettigrew >Scales Millan Woods. 37 26 West Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods, 47 52 13 16 22 West Confederate Avenue, Mc- 34 38 1 3 ! ^Steuart Millan Woods. East Confederate Avenue, east slope Gulps Hill. CAVALRY. Hampton Chambliss, jr. Robertson Cavalry... .do. East cavalry battlefield, east of Rummel Woods. East cavalry battlefield, south of Rummel Woods. Reynolds Avenue. 30 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. SOUTH CAROLINA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 2 i 3 >Kersha\v ^Perrin 1 3 7 Confederate Avenue, south of Wheat Field Road. 8 15 3 Battalion 1 Provisional I 1 Rifles 12 i "West Confederate Avenue, 13 north of McMillan Woods. 14 j CAVALRY. 1 I Hampton Cavalry... East cavalry battlefield, east of Rummel Woods. 2 TENNESSEE. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 Tennessee Provisional 7 14 1 7 14 [Archer 3 3 West Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods. Meredith Avenue, west side (second position). TEXAS. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. 1 [Robertson do 1— 1 I— 1 4 5 Granite marker Confederate Avenue, south of Emmitsburg Road. Granite marker. Confederate Avenue, section 5. MONUMENTS, MARKEES, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 31 VIRGINIA. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. INFANTRY. Regiment . Brigade. Corps. Location. 9 14 >Armistead .... Brockenhrough >Garnett 1 3 1 38 West Confederate Avenue, 53 t Spangler Woods. 57 ' 40 1 47 West Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods. 55 22 Battalion 8 IS 19 West Confederate Avenue, 28 Spangler Woods. 56 2] ' 25 42 Jones 2 1 3 2 2 2 East Confederate Avenue, 44 >Kemper >Mahone Smith north slope Culps Hill. 48 50 1 3 7 11 21 6 ! 12 16 41 M'est Confederate Avenue, Spangler Woods. West Confederate Avenue, north of Spangler Woods. 31 49 East Confederate Avenue, east 52 2 4 5 27 33 10 23 37 >Walker Steuart slope Culps Hill. Do. Do. CAVALRY. 1 Fitz. Lee (.'hambliss >Jenkins Cavalry... •9 3 East cava) 4 Rumme 5 9 10 13 14 16 ! 17 Do. Do. 34 Battalion ' 36 Battalion 1 32 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. VIRGINIA— Continued. CAVALRY— Continued. Regiment. Brigade. Corps. Location. C Wm. E. Jones. >Imboden Cavalry... 7 Reynolds Avenue. 11 12 35th Battalion 18 Do. G2d Mounted Infantry (Partisan Rangers). ARTILLERY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Virginia Jackson Cavalry (attached to Jenkins's Brigade). East cavalry battlefield (iron tablet), "east of Rummel Woods. ALEXANDER'S BATTALION (ARTILLERY RESERVE). Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Confederate Avenue, south of Wheat Field Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Ashland Bedford Woolfolk Jordan Parker Taylor 1 1 1 1 1 1 Confederate Avenue, south of Wheat Field Road. Do. Virginia Battery Do Do. Do. Brooks (S. C.) Madison (La.) Rhett West Confederate Avenue, Moody north of Wheat Field Road. Do. CABELL'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Confederate Avenue, south of Wheat Field Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. 1st North Carolina Bat- Manlv 1 1 1 1 1 Confederate Avenue, south of tery A. Pulaski (Ga.) Fraser McCarthy. . . . Carlton do Wheat Field Road. Do. 1st Richmond How- itzers. Troup (Ga.) (1 sec.) TrouiJ (Ga.) (2 sec.) Do. Do. Do. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 33 DEARING'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, Pitzer Woods. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Fauquier (A'a.) Stribling Caskie Macon Blount 1 Hampden (Va.) Richmond Fayette. . . . Virginia Battery West Confederate Avenue, Pitzer Woods. ESHLEMAN'S BATTALION WASHINGTON (LA.) ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, north of Wheat Field Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. First Company Second Company Third Compairy Fourth Company Squires Richardson . . . Miller Norcom 1 West Confederate Avenue, north of Wheat Field Road. HENRY'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Confederate Avenue, south of Emmitsburg Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Branch (N. C.) German (S. C.) Palmetto (S. C.) Light. Rowan (N. C.) Rowan (N. C.) (section). Latham Bachman Garden Reilly do 1 1 Confederate Avenue, south of Emmitsburg Road. Confederate Avenue, Bushman Field. DANCE'S BATTALION FIRST VIRGINIA ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Seminary jV venue, north of Ha^erstown Road. Battery. Commander. Corps . Location. 2d Richmond Howitzers. Do (Va.) Watson do 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 West Confederate Avenue, Shultz Grove. West Confederate Avenue, 3d Richmond (Va.) Smith north end. Seminary Avenue, north of Howitzers. Powhatan (Va.) . Cunningham . . Griffin do '. Graham Springs Road. Seminary Avenue, north of Salem (Va.). ... Hagerstown Road. West Confederate Avenue, Salem (Va.) C Hupp. Rockbridge (Va. aptain ) south of Hagerstown Road. East of Reynolds Avenue and north of W. M. Railroad Cut. Benners Hill, south of Hanover Road. 34 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. CARTER'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. North Confederate Avenue, Oak Hill Battery. Comma ndpr. Corps. Location. Jeff. Da\d8 (Ala.) King William (Va.) Morris (Va.) Reese 2 2 2 2 East slope Oak Hill. North Confederate Avenue Carter Page Do. Orange ( Va.) p>y Do. JONES'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Harrisburg Road, half mile north of Rock Creek. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Louisiana Guard Do Green .. .do 2 2 2 2 2 East Cavalry Battle P^ield, east of Rimimel Woods. East of Harrisl)urg Road, Staunton (Va.) Courtney ( Va.) Charlottesville (Va.) Garbcr Tanner Carrington .... Frommeyer farm, half mile north of Rock Creek. Do. Do. Do. NELSON'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Benner's HiU, north of Hanover Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Fluvianna (Va.) Amherst (Va.) Massie Kirkpatrick. . . Milledge, jr. .. 2 2 2 Benner's Hill, north of Hanover Road. Do. Georgia Battery Do. LATIMER'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Peleatal with Branze Brigade Tablet. Benner's Hill, south of Hanover Road. Battery. Commander. Corps. Locatiou. Chesapeake (Md.) Alleghany (Va.) Ist Maryland Lee (\'a.) Brown Carpenter Dement Raine 2 Benner's Hill, south of Hanover Road. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. GARNETT'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, south of Hagerstown Road. 35 Battery. Cominar.cler. Corps. I.ocation. Donaldsonville (La.). . . Lewis (Va ) Maurin Lewis 2 1 • West Confederate Avenue, sotith of Hagerstown Road. Hiiger ( Va. ) Moore Grandy West Confederate Avenue, Norfolk Light Artillery Blues. north of McMillan Woods. LANE'S (SUMTER BATTALION) ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, south of McMilliau Woods. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Company A Ross 3 3 3 West Confederate Avenue, Company C Wingfield Patterson south of McMillan Woods. Do. Company B West Confederate Avenue, Pitzer Woods. McINTOSH'S BATTALION (ARTILLERY RESERVE). Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, Shultz Grove. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Dan^-ille (Va.) Do Rice 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 West Confederate Shultz Grove. West Confederate north end. West Confederate Shultz Grove. Do. Do. West Confederate north end. Section Whitwor North Confedera Avenue, do Avenue , Hardaway (Ala.) 2d Rockbridge (Va.). .. Virginia Battery Do Hurt Avenue, Wallace M. Johnson. . . do Avenue, Hardaway (Ala.) Hurt t h Guns, te Avenue. PEGRAM'S BATTALION (ARTILLERY RESERVE). Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, McMillan Woods. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Crenshaw (Va.) Fredericksburg (Va.) . . . Letcher (Va.) Pee Dee (S. C.) Purcell (Va.) Crenshaw Mayre Brander Zimmerman . . McGraw 3 3 3 3 3 West Confederate Avenue, McMillan Woods. 36 M0:NUMENTS, markers, and tablets at GETTYSBURG. POAGUE'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. West Confederate Avenue, north of Spangler Woods. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Albermarle ("Va.) Charlotte (N. C.) Madison (Miss.) Virfjinia Wyatt Graham Ward 3 3 3 3 3 IWest Confederate Avenue, Brooke do north of Spangler 'Woods. Poague's Ho>yitzers. . . . BECKHAM'S BATTALION ARTILLERY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Brigade Tablet. Confederate Cavalry Avenue, east cavalry battlefield. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Louisiana Guard Green Breathed McGregor 2 Breathed's (Va.) McG regor 's ( V a. ) Jackson's (Va.) Cavalry... East of the Rummel Woods. Jackson STUART HORSE ARTILLERY. E ast cavalry battlefield, east of Rummel Woods. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Breathed's (Va.) McGregor's (Va.) Virginia Battery Breathed McGregor McClanahan... [Cavalry... fEast cavalry battlefield, east 1 of Rummel Woods (iron [ tablets). On brigade marker, Reynolds Avenue. MISSISSIPPI CAVALRY. Battery. Commander. Corps. Location. Jeff Davis Legion Hampton Cavalry... East cavalry battlefield, east of Rummel Woods. MISCELLANEOUS CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS. MEMORIALS AND TABLETS. Name. Location. Memorial of the State of Virginia West Confederate Avenue. Brig. Gen. L. A. Armistead (wounded) Marker, Webb Avenue. 10 bronze tabletM, itinerary of the Army of West Confederate Avenue, south of Northern Virginia. ; Hagerstown Road. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 37 MISCELLANEOUS CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS— Continued MEMORIALS AND TABLETS— Continued. Name. Right flank. Army of Northern Virginia.. Rodes's Division Early's Division Johnson's Division McLaw's and Pickett's Divisions Location. Tablet, Confederate Avenue, Bushman Field. Tablet, Seminary Avenue, south of Chambersburg JPike. Do. Do. Tablet, Has;erstown Riad and Wil- loughly Run Road, near Marsh Creek. BRONZE CORPS TABLETS. First Corps. Army of Northern Virginia Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia . Third Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. . . Gen. Lee's Headquarters, field cannon West Confederate Avenue, south of Wheat Field Rmd. North Confederate Avenue, north of Mummasburg Road. West Confederate Avenue, south of McMillan Woods. Marker and bronze tablet, Chambers- burg Pike, west of Seminary Avenue. DIVISIONS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY. Granite Pedestal with Bronze Tablet- Rodes's North Confederate Avenue. Early's East Confederate Avenue. Johnson's Do. Pender's West Confederate Avenue. Heth's Do. Pickett's Do. Anderson's McLaws's Do. Confederate Avenue, section 4. Hood's Stuart's Stone Wall erected by R)des's Division. . . Confederate Avenue, section 5. East cavalry battlefield. Tablet liron), east side Seminary Avenue. IRON TABLETS TO MARK ADVANCED POSITIONS OF BRIGADES OF INFANTRY, C. S. ARMY. Brigade. Corps. Location. Wright's Hill's (2) Emmitsburg Road, near Codori House. Perry 's do Emmitsburg Road, north of Sickles Wilcox's do Avenue. Emmitsburg Road, near Smith House. Barksdale's Longstreet (1) do Emmitsburg Road, west of Peach Orchard. Do. Wofford's Robertson's . . do Sickles Avenue, near Devil's Den. Benning's do Do. Kershaw's do Brooke Avenue. Semmes's do Do. Anderson's do Do. Laws's do Warren Avenue. •38 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. IRON TABLETS MARKING BRIGADES OF CAVALRY, C. S. A. Name. Location. Imboden's Cashtown. Robertson's Orrtanna. Jones's I Fairfield and Caslito%vn Road. MISCELLANEOUS. Names of avenues in the Gettysburg National Military Park. 1. Avres. 16. Ciregg. 32. Sickles. 2. Birney. 17. Hancock. 33. Slocum. 3. Brooke. 18. Howard. 34. Stone. 4. Buford. 19. Howe. 35. Sykes. 5. Carman. 20. Humphreys. 36. United States. 6. Chamberlain. 21. Hunt. 37. Warren . 7. Confederate Cavalry. 22. McGilvery. 38. Wainwright. 8. Confederate, sections 23. Meade. 39. Wadsworth. 4, 5, 6, 7. 24. "Meredith. 40. Webb. 9. Coster. 25. Neill. 41. W^est Confederate. 10. Colgrove. 26. North Confederate. 42. Wheatfield Road. 11. Crawford. 27. Pleasonton. 43. Williams. 12. Custer. 28. Reynolds. 44. Wright. ]3. Doubleday. 29. Robinson. 45. Berdan. 14. East Confederate. 30. Sedgwick. 46. Cross. 15. Geary. 31. Seminary. 47. De Trobriaud. List of Regiments of Infantry, Cavalry, and batteries of Artillery from each State in the Battle of Gettsyburg. UNION ARMY. Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Maine — Maryland Massachusetts M ichigan Minnesota New Hampshire New Jersey N ew York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Wisconsin West \'irginia United States Regulars United States Sharpshooters. Total Infantry. Cavalry. xVrtillery 5 2 1 5 10 3 18 7 1 3 12 67 13 68 1 10 6 1 11 2 246 34 1 2 L5 4 5 5 1 23 68 And a squadron. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 39 MISCELLANEOUS— Continuod . "List of Regiments of Infantry, Cavalry, and batteries of Artillery From Each State In the Battle of Gettysburg— Continued. CONFEDERATK ARMY. Infantry. Cavalry. Rei-'i- ments. Bat- talions. Re^'i- ment.s. Bat- talions. Artillery. Alabama 17 1 3 39 10 1 7 33 10 3 3 40 2 riorida 1 Creoi'2;ia : 3 ! 3 Maryland 1 3 Mississippi - . 1 North Carolina l' 4 9 4 South Carolina 8 Virginia 1 19 39 Total 167 2 28 1 67 List of Guns on the Battle Field. UNION. €iilp's Hill, two 12-pounders, three 10-pound Parrotts 5 Stevens Knoll, six 12-pounders 6 Baltimore Pike, two 12-pounders, four 20-pound Parrotts 6 East Cemetery Hill, two 12-pounders, eighteen 3-inch rifles 20 Evergreen Cemetery, two 20-pound Parrotts _ 2 National Cemetery, six 12-pounders, two 10-pound Parrotts, eight 3-inch rifles... 16 Hancock Avenue, twenty-two 12-pounders, two James's, twenty-four 3-inch rifles, ten 10-pound Parrotts 58 Trostle Field , two 3-inch rifles 2 Meade Avenue, two 12-pounders 2 Pleasonton Avenue, two 3-inch rifles 2 United States Avenue, two 12-pounders 2 Peach Orchard, two 12-pounders, four 3-inch rifles 6 Excelsior Field, two 12-pounders, two 10-pound Parrotts 4 Wheatfield Road, two 12-pounders, four 3-inch rifles 6 Emmitsburg Road , ten 12-pounders 10 Hunt Avenue, four 12-pounders 4 Taney town Road, two 12-pounder3, four 3-inch rifles, two 10-pound Parrotts .... 8 Seminary Avenue, two 12-pounders 2 East cavalry battlefield, six 12-pounders, two 3-inch rifles 8 Carlisle Street, two 12-pounders 2 Howard Avenue, eight 12-pounders, four 3-inch rifles 12 Field northwest of Lee's Headquarter field, two 12-pounders 2 Chambersburg Pike, four 3-inch rifles mounted, four unmounted 8 Reynolds Avenue, six 3-inch rifles 6 Sedgwick Avenue, two 3-inch rifles 2 Sykes Avenue, Little Round Top, four 10-pound Parrotts, two 12-pounders 6 Wright Avenue, two 12-potinders 2 Howe Avenue, two 3-inch rifles 2 Bushman's Woods, two 3-inch rifles 2 South Cavalry Field, two 3-inch rifles 2 Sickles Avenue, Devil's Den, four 10-pound Parrotts 4 Wheatfield, two 12-pounders 2 Altholf Field, two 12-pounders 2 Crawford Avenue, two 10-pound Parrotts 2 Granite Lane, two 3-inch rifles 2 Powers Hill, two 3-inch rifles, four 10-pound Parrotts 6 4 limbers^ 3 caisson's, Cushing's Battery A, 4th U. S. Artillery. 40 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued . List of Guns on the Battle Field— Continued. CONFEDERATE. Seminary Avenue, two 3-inch rifles 2 West Confederate Avenue, twenty-one 3-inch rifles, thirty-nine r2-pounders, eighteen 10-pound Parrot ts, four I'O-pound Parrotts, fourteen 12-pound howit- zers, two Whitworth guns, two 24-pound howitzers 100 Section 6, two 3-inch rifles 2 Section 5, seven 12-pounders, one 12-pound howitzer 8 Section 4, six 3-inch rifles, six 12-pounders, two 10-pound Parrotts, two 12-pound howitzers, two 20-pound Parrotts 18 East cavalry battlelield, two 12-pound howitzers, ten 3-inch rifles, two 12- pounders, two 10-pound Parrotts 16 Benners Hill, three 3-inch rifles, eight 12-pounders, three 10-pound Parrotts, two 20-pound Parrotts. . . , 16 Jones's battalion, four 3-inch rifles, two 12-pounders, two 10-pound Parrotts 8 North (Jonfederate Avenue, four 12-pounders, two 3-inch rifles, two 10-pound Parrotts, two Whitworths 10 Western Maryland Railroad cut, two 12-pounder8 2 182 Union guns 233 Confederate guns 182 Total 415 Bronze statues on the field. Name. Description. Sculptor. Hancock Equestrian statue do F E Elwell Meade Revnolds .... do Do Sedgwick Do Slocum . . do . C E Potter and liuford Standing figure . French. J. E. Kelly. Albert Bureau John Burns do Greene .... do R. H in ton Perry. J. Q. A. Ward. Karl Gearhardt Revnolds .... do Warren Webb J. Massey Rhind. J Otto Schweizer Lincoln, Pennsylvania memorial.. Greag, Pennsylvania memorial .... .... do .... do Do Pleasanton, Pennsylvania memo- rial. Birney, Pennsylvania memorial... Meade, Pennsylvania memorial . . . .. do Do .. . do Lee Lowrie do Do Reynolds, Pennsylvania memorial do Do Curtin, Pennsylvania memorial... .... do Clarke Noble Hancock, Pennsylvania memorial. Gearv, Slocum Avenue ... do Cyrus E. Dallin. J Otto Schweizer . . do Hays, Hancock Avenue . do Do Humphreys, Emmitsburg Road . . . Wells do do Do. Do Stannard do Karl Gearhardt. New York memorial do Casper Bubert. Samiud Murray. Pennsylvania memorial .... do WadsvTorth .... do R lliiiton Perry. Vincent ... do S J Kelly. Virginia memorial Equestrian statue of Gen. Lee and bronze group. F. Wm. Sievers. MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 41 MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Bronze statues on the field— Continued. Name. Description. Sculptor. 1st Minnesota Infantry Standing figure 10th Reserve (39th Pennsylvania Infantry). Ist Pennsvjvania Cavalry .... do Kneeling figure . . 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry . . Standing figure 63d Pennsylvania Infantry do 140th Pennsylvania Infantry .... do 4th New York Independent Bat- do Carl Burbel. tery. Lincoln Gettysburg Address memo- rial. Robinson.. Standing figure H. K. Bush-Brown. J. Massey Rhind. Do Doubleday .... do..... Rev. Father Corby .... do Samuel Murray. 13th Vermont Infantry Bronze figure 26th Pennsylvania Emergency Barlow Standing figure .... do '" ^ Edward Pausch. (?) Granite statues. 84th New York (14th Brooklyn). . .j Standing figure. 123d New York x\lv Infantry j Figure. 124th New York j Standing figure. 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry ' do. Michigan Cavalry Brigade | do. Statement of the condition of the Gettysburg National Military Park June 30, 1920. Infantry battle field: Government owned acres . Private owned do . . . East Cavalry battle field: Government owned do . . . Private owned do . . . South Cavalry battle field: Government owned do . . . Private owned do . . . Total Government owned Total private owned 2, 438. 60 11,594.50 40.87 9, 059. 13 6.90 1, 320. 00 Telford avenues and piked roads miles. Projected do. . . Earth roads do . . . Total Avenue fencing miles. Post fencing do. . . Post fencing erected (2,120 feet) do. . . Total fencing do . . . 2 21, 486. 37 973. 63 24, 460. 00 35. 00 1.34 24.00 60.34 15. 00 37.74 .40 53.14 42 MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Statement cf the Conditijn of the Gettysburg National Military Park June 30, 1920— Continued. Stone bridges 25- Stone ciilverts 12 37 Steel towers 5 Pennsylvania Memorial Tower 1 Forty-fourth New York Tower 1 7 Monuments erected by States and organizations 839 Bronze equestrian statues 5 Bronze statues on pedestals 29 Bronze statues on monuments 27 Granite statues on monuments 21 Total statues 82 Bronze relief and plain tablets on monximents 178 Bronze tablets mounted in 1919 13 Total relief and plain tablets on monuments 191 Bronze tablets on pedestals 755 Total tablets and reliefs 946 Iron tablets before reported 455- Erected in 1919 9 464 Granite markers on pedestals 32S Mounted cannon, caissons, and limbers 417' Land previously reported, owned by the United States acres. . 2, 428. 95 Land ceded to the United States do 45. 00 Land acquired from Electric Railroad Co do 13. 37 Land acquired from springs and hotel company do 43. 00 Total land owned by the United States do 2, 530. 32: MONUMENTS, MARKERS, AND TABLETS AT GETTYSBURG. 43^ LOCATION OF HEADQUARTERS MARKERS ON THE GETTYSBURG BATTLE FIELD. Army of the Potomac. Maj. Gen. Georc:e G. Meade, commandino- Army of the Potomac: Headquarters marker, bronze cannon on granite base, Meade Avenue. Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday, commanding First Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base, Reynolds Avenue south from Chambersburg Pike. Maj. Gen. John Newton, commanding First Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base. Pleasonton Avenue west of the Taneytown Road. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, commanding Fecond Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base, Pleasonton Avenue east from Hancock Avenue. Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, commanding Third Armv Cor]3s: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base. United States Avenue opjwsite the Trostle Barn. Maj. Gen. George Sykes, commanding Fifth Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle can- non on granite base, Sedgwick Avenue, east side. Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick, commanding Sixth Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base, Sedgwick Avenue, west side. Maj. Gen. Oliver G. Howard, commanding Eleventh Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base, summit of East Cemetery Hill. Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, commanding Twelfth Army Corps: Marker, steel rifle cannon on granite base, on the Baltimore Pike, east of Powers Hill. Army of Northern Virginia. Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, commanding First Army Corps, C. S. A.: West on Confederate Avenue, section 4, near the tower. Lieut. Gen. Richard S. Ewell, commanding Second Army Corps, C. S. A.: On HanoA'er Road west of Rock Creek. Lieut. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill, commanding Third Army Corps, C. S. A.: On West Confederate Avenue, 240 yards southerly from the McMillan Woods. o