*' .0^ ^% ^^y^ii '^^ . /"-^. ^ ^.* o > ^'V.T^ ,^^ r.T^ A 'O Rev. Gko. N. Barnes, 715 Clark St. Conneaut, Ohio. BARNES - GENEALOGIES INCLUDING A COLLECTION OF ANCESTRAL, GENEALOGICAL AND Family Records AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BARNESiPEOPLl. :; ; COLLECTED AND COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES BY REV. GEO. N. BARNES. THE RIEG & SMITH PRINTING CO. CONNEAUT, O. 1903. LIBRAt^Y .,f CONGRESS Two Copies Received MAR 25 1904 Copyrigm tntry COfY 8 Copyrig-hted in 1904 by RE V. G. N. BARNES Conneaut, Ohio. • • •• ••• • •»•«••' • • • < • ••• • ••• • • * • • ••«•• •» • ,• ••« •* • ••• ,• PREFACE The desire of many individuals to have a better knowledge of the Barnes people in the United States Jias ii:idnced us to under- take to compile a Barnes Genealogy. Sueh a work, at the best, will be incomplete and unsatisfactory. The meager and confusing records of Colonial times make it very difficult and tedious to trace the ancestry of families or distinguish the genealogical course from one generation to another. In the rush and hurry of modern times, peo- ple have become careless about taking note of passing events, so that frequently, it is difficult to get a family record that will in- clude three generations. I have given all the ancestral records of Barnes Families of the Colonial period that I could obtain, and genealogical records of several branches of the Barnes Family from 1750 to the present time. The geneal- ogy of Timothy Barnes' Family is nearly complete. All others are fragmentary. In compiling this work, I have endeavored to make it as authentic and reliable as pos- y PRE FA CE. sible. In seeking for information, I have visited ancestral homes in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio ; have had extensive correspondence with the Barnes people ; have spent three days in the New England Historic Library, at Hartford, Conn., and several days in the Congressional Library at Washington. The most of the statements made and sta- tistics given with regard to the Barnes peo- ple prior to 1750 have been gathered from the following : Memorial History of Hart- ford, Ct., Puritan Settlers of Connecticut, Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New England , Colonial Records of C onnecticut , Historic Addresses, Historic Papers, Church Records of Southington, Ct., His- tory of the Regular Continental Army, Mil- itary Recordof the War of 1812, American Ancestry, Eccl. and other Sketches of Southington, Ct., by Rev. Herman R. Timlow, Hinman's Ct. Settlers, Virginia Genealogies, by Horace E. Hayden, and History of the Hoyt Family . by David Hoyt. The Colonial records and statistics that are copied direct are printed in fine type , those in full are set off with quotation marks. G. N. Barnes. Conneaut, O,, Aug. 1, 1903. CONTENTS. PART I. ANCESTRY History 3 Colonial Records 4 PART IL GENEALOGIES. CHAPTER T. Timothy Barnes, His Ancestors, Parentage and Family 11 ( HAPTER II. Silas Barnes and his Descendants, Elnathan, Silas, Jotham Judd, Alva, Anna, Louis, Charlotte and Lucy Mariah I'* CHAPTER III. Timothy Barnes and his Descendants. Abraham, Amos and Timothy. ... • 117 CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. Elisha Barnes and his Dfscen'»ants. Erastus, Asahel, Betsey, Elisha Mimson, Setli Austin, Thomas William and Nancy Vilate 119 CHAPTER V. Isaac Barnes and his Descendants. Miller, Emily, Charles Milo, Mary, Milon D., Edwin M. 143 CHAPTER VI. JeDed'ah Barnes. Ancestry, Parentage and Descendants 165 CHAPTER VII. Thomas Barnes of New Hhven. Moses Barnes, Abijah Barnes, Elisha Barnes 173 CHAPTER VIII. Genealogical Records. Thomas Barnes of Hingham, Joshua Barnes of Yarmouth, Timothy Barnes and others, 183 CHAPTER IX. Biographical Sketches. Part I. ANCESTRY. ANCESTORS OF BARNES FAMILIES OF AMERICA. The earliest traces of the Barnes race are found in the southeast part of England and indicate a Dano-Norman origin, probably coming to England at the time England was under the Norman kings, 1000-1154. ''The name is derived from the Norse 'bjorn' a warrior". (American Ancestry p. 3.) The following is from the family rec. of Charles Barnes, Jr., 1834, Perryville, Ky. : ''Rec- ords of the church in Surrey, England, show that Barnes families lived there from 500 years prior to the present century. The name is extant there now". (Va. Gen., by Horace E. Hayden, M. A.) Mr. Hayden says that the Barnes families who came from Gt. Britain to New England during NOTE,— In reply to a question repeatedly asked I will say that the use or omission of e in "Barnes" is a matter of choice or opinion. In all the old records that I have examined there was the same difference in its use that there is now, even with members of the same family. 4 ANCESTRY the 17th century, will no doubt some day be found to have the same origin in the mother country. The first Barnes people who emigrated to America from England came from Surrey, Middlesex and Norfolk counties. The following extracts are from early co- lonial records, and show that at least ten or twelve ancestors of Barnes families came from that part of England to Ameri- ca previous to 1650. "Edward Barnes was at Elizabeth City, 1623." — Col. Jxec. "Launcelot Barnes received 100 a. of Elizabeth City, call- ed the Indian Thicket, 1632. He was burgess for lower part of E. City, 1629-30. "-iWc/. Arch. John Barnes, Plymouth, 1632, prob. of Yarmouth (Eng- land), 1639, m. Mary Plummer, had Jonathan, 3 June, 1643. Jonathan, Plymouth, s. of John, m. Jan. 4, 1666, Eliz. Hedge of Yarmouth, had John, Mar. 5, 1669; William, b. Feb. 14, 1670; Jonathan, b. Aug. 27, 1684.^Savage's Gen. Die. . Joshua Barnes of Yarmouth, England, came to New Eng- land in 1632; was one of the founders of the town of South Hampton, Long Island, in 1639; was one of the first settlers of East Hampton (Sag Harbor), 1649; was deputy to the Col- onial Court in 1663; had Samuel b. 1649. — Winthrop's Jour- nals, Gen. Die. and American Ancestry. Stephen Barnes of Bradford, Ct., b. at South Hampton, L. I., d. at Bradford, moved there about 1700, m. Mary Barnes, had Asa b. Aug. 24, 1745. He was probably the son of Samuel Barnes of East Hampton.— American Ancestry. GEJSEALOQIES 5 Charles Barnes of East Hampton, L. I., 1663, a school- master, was s. of William Barnes of East Winch, near Lynn, Co. of Norfolk, England, He was one of the first set- tlers of East Hampton. — Savage's Gen. Die. Wm. Barnes was one of the original settlers of Salisbury, Mass. The name of Wm. Barnes, aged 22, is found among the passengers for Virginia, Aug. 1635, in the "Globe of London," Jeremy Blackburn, Mr. At the ffrst division of land he received a house-lot and a planting lot of four acres. In Jan. 1640 -41 he received the "Rocky Island" in the mead- ows and other grants. He removed to the w. side of the Po- wowR. and settled that part of the town called Amesbury, His trade was that of a house carpenter. His daughter mar- ried John Hoyt, his two sons, Jonathan and William, died young. He left no son to perpetuate the name. — History of the Hoyt Family. Richard Barnes, b. and d. at Carshalton, Surrey Co. , England, had two sons Richard and Abraham. Richard, jr., b. 1662, d. 1710, had two sons, George and Charles. George Barnes came to America in l^i)5 with his wife, two children and his brother Charles. His second son, Richard, was born at Col. Richard Barnes', near Leonardstown, Md., in 1696. Richard Barnes m. Penelope Manly: will dated -^ uly 15, 1754; died before 1768; children were Thomas, Mary, Rebec- ca, Sarah, Elizabeth. Hon. Thomas Griffin, 1733—1785, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Barnes, Tudors Hall, Leonardstown, Md. — Vir. GetiGloagles^ by Horace E. Hayden, M. A. Abraham Barnes, second son of Richard Barnes, Sr., came to America about 1700 and settled in Maryland; m. Sarah Mc Carty, had one son, Abraham. Abkam Barnes had Richard of St. Mary's Co., Md., d. s., John of Washington Co., Md., d. s., Mrs. Hoe of Hoe's Fer- ry on the Potomac, d. s, and Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Mason's grandson, Abram Barnes Thompson, inher- b ANCESTRY ited her brother's (Richard Barnes') estate, by taking the name of Abram Barnes. Col. Abram Barnes, of St. Mary's Co., Md., was a mem- ber of Albany Congress, 1754, from Md. Timothy Barnes came from England, died in Conn.: his son was Timothy, d. at Hartford; grandson was Timothy, b. at Hartford, Conn., Apr. 19, 1749. —'^ee American Ances- trt/ . From Church Records at Southington, Conn. Rev. Jeremiah Curtis,Pastor Thomas Barnes, Clerk. Sept. 28, 1743, Ebenezer Barnes, son of Ebenezer Barnes, was married. Nov. 2, 1732, Gideon Barnes and Mehitabel Shaw were married. Dec. 3, 1730, Jedediah Barnes and Abigail Warner were ' married. Baptismal Records. Aug. 11, 1740, Josiah, son of Jedediah Barnes. Aug. 5, 1744, Samuel, son of Jedediah Barnes. 4- There were tferee Thomas Barnes that came from England to America previous to 1738 known as Thomas Barnes of Hart- ford, Thomas Barnes of New Haven and Thomas Barnes of Hingham ; who were ancestors of three large branches of Barnes Families in America Thomas Barnes of Hartford was the ancestor of Timothy Barnes. Thomas Barnes, Hingham, 1637, freeman, 1645, came with his w. Ann from Hingham, O. E.(01d England). Had Thom- as and John, May 21, 1643; Elizabeth Ann; Hannah; James, b. Apr. 8, 1649; Peter, June 6, 1652. ASCESTRY i Thom \s Barnes, New Haven, lfi43, son of Thomas Barnes, and brother of Daniel of same place: b. about l(i23 and d. at Middleton, Ct., 1693. He served in the Pequot war, 1637, was at New Haven, Ct., before 1639, rem. to Middleton, Ct., soon after 1660, m. about 1647. His children were John: Thomas, b. 26 Aug., 1653: Daniel, 29 Aug., irr)9: Abigail: Ma- bee, born 25 June, 1663. — American Anr-estv)/, Savage's Geti IjIc. "Thomas Barnes, son of Thomas Barnes of New Haven, had Mary: Thomas, 26 July, 1687: Sarah: Rebecca: Abigail: Eliz. 1695: Deborah: Hannah: Samuel, 11 -Apr., 1705: Nath- aniel, 11 Jan., 1707; Abraham, 1711." — S/a vage's (7^^/. i)i<-. "Thomas Barnes, a soldier in the Pequot battle of 1637, in which 600 savages were killed by 90 colonists, was of Senti- nel Hill, Hartford, 1639, sergeant of Farmington trainband, 1651, joined church, Jan. 30, 1652, adm. freeman, 1669, was probably the first of the family in America. Name derived from the Norse 'bjorne', a warrior." — Ainerif-ari Ancesfrj/. "Thomas Barnes, Hartford, 1639, rem. to Farmington, had Benjamin, July 24, 1653, Joseph, 1655, and probably Thom- as whom. Mary, d. of Richard Jones." — Savage's Goi. Die. "Thomas Barnes of Hartford had land distributed, 1640, to him E. of the river and resided there in 1663." — Hinman's Conn. Haettlers. (See notes on page 16.) Thomas Barnes(Jr.)m. Mary d. of Richard Jones." Gen. Die. of Neiv England, "Thomas Barnes was a grandson of John Andrews, Sr., and son of Mary Barnes, d. of John Andrews, of Hartford, Ct."— Hinman's Ct. ^rtflerii. 8('c notes, P. 16. rfi cc _r re ^• f; ^ J rf) ■^ -C -i- > , •, fO r: C 5 o GO -c ^ '-' T3 o Ui o a: CO t3 ■ CJD -1- cC 3 ' Barnes, was born in Southington, Conn., bap. Apr. 1, 1739 ; married Mariam, daugh- ter of Abraham Miller, March 19, 1760; was appointed administrator of the estate of Abraham Miller in 1765; enlisted in the Continental army, was mustered in Aug. 19, and discharged Sept. 25, 1776. Lithe spring of ^78, in the darkest hours of the American Revolution, he moved his large family into TIMOTHY BA NATJS 1 ^ tlie Berksliiiv hills of Massachusetts, arriv- ing at West Stoekhridge oji the (Stli of June ; lie purchased a tract of land in a.l)eautifnl valley and on the hillside near, what no^v is, Willianisville, about one mile west of the village of Hoiisatonic ; where he lived until his death. He died March U, 1S81, aged 92 years. Marium Bakxes, Avife of Timothy Barnes, was ])orn in Hartfoi'd, Conn., May-)(), 17o7, and died in A\\^st Stockhridge, Mass., Jan. 11, 181cS, aged nearly 81" years. They had a family of nine childi-en whose names were Silas, Hannah, Timothy, Sarah, Timothy, Elisha, Seth, Isaac, Marium.'^ Nathaniel Barnes, youngest son of Thomas Barnes, Avas horn in South ington, ('Onn., l)ai). May J , 1748 ; Avas appointed captain of 10 Co., 10 Reg., Oct. 1774 ; Avas a freeholder and lived in Southington from 1779 to 1788.'^^ Mary Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, was born in Scnithington, Conn., bap. May 29, 1787; married a Mr. Mills. 16 GENEALOGIES NOTES. The following- quotations are given verbatim in grammar, spelling and language as they appear on the records. 1. "Thomas Barnes, of Hartford, a proprietor by the town's CDurtesy; having six acres allotted to him Feb., 1639. He lived on the corner of the highways now Albany Av. and High St. He served in the Peqiiad war: was granted fifty acres for his s?rvice. He removed to Fannington 1639: was sergeant of train band 1G51: joined Farmington Church about Jan. 30, 1653. His wife, Mary, was the daughter of ^beBHts" V'^^' Andros, or Andrews. Their children were Benjamin, bap. ^ July 24, IfJ'iH: Joseph, !()')'.. Thomas Barnes died in 1688." - Mfniiorial JIi,sfori/ of Hartford Cointf)/, Conn. "At a session of the General court held in Hartford, Oct. 6, IB")!, Thomas Barnes is confirmed Sergeant". — Col. Bee. 2. Thomas Barnes res'ded quite in the north-west part of the village of Hartford, on land bounded as follows:- On the north and east by the road that leads to the cow pasture,- * He was in the I'equad battle. He removed to Farmington in its early settlement.- -Puritdn S< lllcrx of Conn. His children were Thomas, Ebenezer and older ones not mentioned. Huldah Barnes. 3. The following is a copy of the declaration in the "Oath of Fidelity" which Thomas Barnes, with about .360 other citi- zens, took and su])scribed to when Theophilus Eaton was inaugurated governor of Connecticut: "I doe acknowl- edge myself to be subject to the government thereoff , and doe sweare be the great and dreadful name of the ever living God, to be true and faithful vnto the same, and doe submit both my person and whole estate therevnto."-C*o^o/?/«/ Jiecords. While neither the Conn. Constitution or Oath of Fidelity «--Tlic roaci tliat leads to the cow i)as:urc" is now. Alba High striTt. tin- tiiicst tlioroughfarc-s in the cit\ . NOTES 17 made any mention of the king- of England or of the English company which held the royal grant of the lands of Conn.; it indicated a purpose to adhere to the colonial constitution and government, regardless of consequences. This was the first move made for American independence of British rule. 4. Thomas and Mary Barnes lived near Newville Corners in the northern part of Southington, Conn. They had five sons, Samuel, Thomss, Ebenezer, and two names unknown. L (leuF. .; ■>'2^.^.^ , -N. E. Wardin. 5. "Thomas Barnes, soil of Thcmas Barnes of Hartford, married Mary Jones, daughterof Richard Jones.''- (Vr??, Die. of New Enrjland. 6. The children of Thomas Parnes, Jr., were Ruth, b. 1692: Elizabeth b. Apr. 16, 1693: Samuel b. July 8, 1695: Ebenezer, l).Sep. 19, 1697: Thomas, b.May 21, 1700: Joseph b. Aug. 15. 1702: Gershomb.Sep. 13, 1706.— Huldah Barnes. See Oen. Jjic of Nrir jBin/Zamf, and Puritan Sefflrr.s of New England. 7. "Benjamin Barnes, son of Thomas Barnes of Hartford, moved to Waterbury; wife was Sarah: children were Joseph: Thomas, bap. June 8, 1690, at Farmington: Ebenezer, per- haps others." — Gen. Die. of .Sew England. 8. Joseph Barnes was a son of Thomas Barnes, of Hartford. His children were Jacob, b. 18 Sep., 1687: Abagail, bap. 23 Feb. 1690: Elizabeth, 9 Oct., 1692: Mary, 17 Feb., 1695.^ (irrn. Die. of New England. 9. Samuel Barnes, of New Haven, was appointed ensign of train band 1754, and appointed lieutenant in 1758. — Col. Iicc. of Conn. 10. "Gershom Barnes was appointed ensign in New Haven in 1751, and appointed cai^tain of 5 th Co. train band in 1753 " — Col. Rce. of Conn.. 11. "In 1718, Ebenezer Barnes, of Farmington, was paid six shillings for killing wolves." — H/.stoi'k- Addresses. /P^^^ 18 gexi:alo., Nov, 6, 18o(> ; inarried Rocina Howard. He was a tliorou<>*h, industrious fanner ; is now livinj^: at Lenox, ()., strong- and vigorous at tlie age of 82 years. RociNa HowAjn) was l)orn at Burlington, Vt., July 10, 1821, and died at Orwell, ()., Dec. 30, 1897. Their children were Martha, Byron, Lizzie and Hattie. Byron J^arnes, son of Nathaniel. A. Barnes, was horn in Orwell, ()., May (5, 1846 ; died in Orwell, ()., May 28, 1808. Lizzie Barnes, second daughter of Na- thaniel A. l^arnes, was horn in Orwell, (),, Jan. 27, 18(>1 ; is a dress maker; lives at Orwell, O. NA THAN IE L A . BA RNES 3 i Hattie Barnes, youngest daughter of Nathaniel A, Barnes, was born in Orwell, O., July 10, 1863 ; is a graduate of the Or- well High School, and a teacher in the pub- lic schools ; resides at Orwell, Ohio. Andrew and Martha Hatcli and Family. Martha Hatch, first daughter of Nathan- iel A. Barnes, was born in Orwell, O., Dec, 2, 1843 ; married Andrew Hatch. Andrew Hat(^h, son of Daniel Hatch of Lisbon, Conn., was born Nov. 18, 1836. The names of their children are Lottie L., Clara L., Allen G., Howard A., Roy R., Cornelia M. and Susan R. Lottie L. Fowler, daughter of Andrew and Martha Hatch, was born Aug. 29, 1862, in Orwell, (). ; married Arthur B. Fowler. They live at Pasadena, Cal. ; have three children, as follows : Marian R., born July 15, 1892; Ruth, born Nov. 25, 1893, and Arthur, born June 8, 1895. Clara L. Dunham, daughter of Andrew and Martha Hatch, was born at New Lyme, O., May 3, 1864 ; married N. W. Dunham. They live at Joplin, Mo. ; have two chil- 3 2 GENE A L O GIES dren ; Jessie, born Apr. 18, 1892, and Howard, born July 4, 1893. Allen G. Hatch was born in Wayne, O., Feb. 24, 1868 ; married Alta Udell^ of Pas- adena, Gal., June 24, 1897. They have one daughter, Catheryn, born Aug. 1, 1898. They reside at Pasadena, Gal. Howard A. Hatch was born in Wayne, O. , Apr. 5, 1870 ; resides at Norwich, N. Y, Roy R. Hatch was born in Wayne, O., Oct. 16, 1874 ; married Grace Pitts, of Sa- lem, Mass., Jan. 2, 1897; resides at Mt. HermoUj Mass. GoRNELiA M. Bedell, daughter of Andrew and Martha Hatch, was born in Wayne, O. , Apr. 17, 1879 ; married Beth Bedell, June 28, 1900 ; resides at Akron, O. Susan R. Hatch was born in Wayne, O., Nov. 29, 1882 ; lives in Wayne, O.^ Anson Ely Barnes and Family. Anson Ely Barnes, second son of Silas Barnes, Jr. , was born in Victor, N. Y, , May 26, 1824 ; moved to Orwell, O. , Nov. 6, 1836 ; ANSON EL Y BARNES 33 married Caroline Loveland ; about 1868, moved to Peru, Wis., bought a farm and lived there until 1876. He then moved to Nebraska City, Neb. His wife died Oct. 28. 1893,andhe died in Cal., Dec. 12, 1896, Their children were Hiram, Cyrus, Silas, Ella, Judson and Bertha, Ella and Judson died young. Hiram A. Barnes, oldest son of Anson E, Barnes, was born in Lenox, O. , Oct. 5, 1851 . He went to Peru, Wis., with his parents, and, in 1876, traveled from Peru to Charles City, tliree hundred miles, alone, with horse and carriage ; was there joined by his father and brother, Cyrus, and went with them to Nebraska City, Neb., arriving there Nov. 15, 1876. He was married in Nebraska City, Junel9, 1879, to Ellen Pace, of Elston, Mis- souri. The follow^ing spring, they moved to Syracuse, Neb., where he carried on a large business in a carriage factory. In 1889 he sold out and moved to Cal. ; in 1901 he moved to Springfield, Mo., and the next year moved to Sedalia, Mo., wdiere they now reside at 502 North Manateau St, They have one son whose name is Martin Ely. 34 GENEALOGIES Martin Ely Barnes, son of Hiram A. Barnes, was born at Syracuse, Neb., Apr, 4, 1881 ; is a blacksmitli. His home is at 502 North Manateau St. , Sedalia, Mo. Cyrus Barnes, second son of Anson E. Barnes, was born in Lenox, O., Sep. 25, 1854. He moved to Peru, Wis., in 1867 ; to Nebraska City, Neb., in 1876. He now re- sides at 6-11 b St., Marysville, Cal. He is a prosperous, enterprising mechanic doing a large business in a blacksmith and repair shop. He married Miss Alice Martin. There have been born to them five children, as fol- lows : Baby, died young, Ettie, Jessie, Stella and Claud. Silas Barnes, third son of A. E. Barnes, was born in Lenox, O., May 11, 1865, died Apr. 11, 1893 ; married Melissa Hoover. Bertha Vaiulerlioof and Family. Bertha Vanderhoof, daughter of A. E. Barnes, was born in New Lyme, Ashtabula Co., O., Sep. 18, 1859 ; was married in Me- nomonie, Wis. , March 3 , 1 876, to George L. Vanderhoof, of New Jersey. He was born March 11 , 1849. They have lived at Kellogg, ANSON ELY BARI^ES 35 Minn. ; Syracuse, Neb. ; Nebraska City ; Beatrice, Neb. ; St. Joseph, Mo., and Port- land, (3regon, where they now reside at 576 E . Taylor St. There were born to them five children, Bertha A., Freeman E., Mary A., Ele C. and Daniel E. Bertha A. McDonald, daughter of Geo. and Bertha Vanderhoof , was born at Kel- logg, Minn., March 18, 1877 ; married John McDonald April 10, 1895 ; has three chil- dren, as follows : Hazel Maud, born March 4, 1896, Merl Dewey, born Sep. 22, 1898 and George B. ,born March 30, 1902. They live at Prescott, Washington. Freeman E . Vanderhoof was born at Syr- acuse, Neb. , Oct. 29, 1878 ; married Jane Carter Sep. 8 , 1901 ; resides at Portland. Oregon. Mary A. Sloper, daughter of Geo. and Bertha Vanderhoof, was born at Syracuse, Neb. , Oct. 26, 1880 ; married Archie F. Slo- per, Feb. 16, 1898 ; had a daughter, Luella May, born June 29, 1899 ; died in Portland, Oregon, Sep. 8, 1901. Ele C. Vanderhoof was born at Syracuse, 36 GENEALOGIES' Neb., Oct. 18, 1882; resides at Portland, Oregon. Daniel E, Vanderhoof was born Sep. 25^ 1884; died April 26, 1885. Silas Triiniaii Barnes and Family. Silas Truman Barnes, third son of Silas Barnes, Jr., was born in Victor, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1827; moved to Orwell , Ashtabu- la Co., O,, Nov. 6,, 1836 ; married Julia E. Palmer ; moved to Minn, in 1854 ; died in Winona, Minn., Feb. 13, 1875. Julia Esalina Barnes, wife of Silas T. Barnes, was born in Ausable Forks, N. Y,, Nov. 20, 1827. Five children w^ere born to them, as fol- lows : Mary Esalina, Edward Raw^son, Fredrick Palmer, William Percy and Vinnie Zelora. Mary E. Barnes was born Aug. 3, 1856 ; died June 5, 1866. Edw^ari) R. Barnes w^as born Jan. 13, 1859; died Aug. 3, 1860. Fred. P. Barnes w^as born in Dover, Minn. , Nov. 27, 1861 ; is Master Mechanic on th(^ A. T. &S. F. R. R. ; married Cora I. Geer SILA S T. BA JRNES 37 March 8, 1894, in Fargo, North Dakota. Cora I . Geer was born at Lake City , Minn . , June 1, 1872, They have two children, ;as foUows : Helex Geer born January 1, 1895, at Brainard, Minn. Fredrick Clayton born April 16, 1896, at Brainerd, Minn. They reside at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Wm. p. Barnes was born May 1, 1864; died July 4, 1866. ViNNiE Z. Andrews, daughter of Silas T. Barnes, was born in Eyota, Olmsted Co., Minn., Nov. 17, 1868; was married, July 4, 1886, in Winona, Minn. , to Ernest John Andrews, of Rockford, 111. Ernest J. Andrews, son of John Andrews, is a teacher of Physics in the Rol)ert A. Waller Pligh School in Chicago, 111. They reside at 5552 Lexington Ave. , Chicago, 111. Their family consists of tw^o sons and one daughter, as follow^s : Frederick Barnes Andrews, born June 15, 1887, in St. Paul, Minn. Roger Wilson Andrews was born Oct. 21 , 1889, in Rockford Jll. 38 GENEALOGIES Helen Louise Andrews was born Dec. 30, 1893, in Rockford, 111. Eliza Alice Peek and Family. Eliza Alice Peck, sixth daughter of Si- las Barnes, Jr., was born in Nnnday, Liv- ingston Co. N. Y., Aug. 10, 1830 ; came to Orwell, Ashtabula Co., O. Nov. 6, 1836 ;was married to Charles Peck ; had two children, Olivia E . and Austin Dean ; died in Orwell , O., March 30, 1901. She was a devoted, ex- emplary, member of the church. Charles Peck was born in Marseilles, N. Y., July 16, 1808 ; died in Orwell, O. March 29, 1901. His death occurred a few hours previous to the death of his wife, and they were both buried in one grave. Austin Dean Peck was born Jan. 20, 1865, He was married to Luella Loomis May 10, 1892. They reside at East Orwell, Ohio. S. Aw and Olivia Townseiul and Family. Samuel A. Townsend, son of Isaac Town- send and grandson of Joseph Barnes, ofN. J., was born in Spring, Crawford Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1849. He is a farmer. ELIZA A. PECK 39 Olivia E. Townsend. daughter of Eliza A. Peck, was born in Orwell, O. , Oct. 16, 1848 ; was married to Samuel A. Townsend Sep. 4, 1870. Four children were born to them, as follows : Jesse B., Flo}^! E., Alice E. and Ida R. Their P.O. address is Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pa. Jesse B. Townsend was born at Conneaut- ville, Crawford Co., Pa., June 29, 1875; married Ethel R. McDowell Feb. 11, 1899 ; has one son, Everald L., born Nov. 21, 1899 ; P. O, address is Hickernell, Pa. Floyd E . Townsend was born at Conneaut- ville, Pa., Oct. 16, 1878; married Verna Eggleston June 13, 1900; resides at Spring, Pa. Alice E. Townsend was born at Spring, Pa., Feb. 15, 1885 ; lives at Conneautville, Pa. Ida B. Townsend was born at Spring, Pa. Nov. 29, 1888 ; lives at Conneautville, Pa. II I ■-^liiiiillMf**"^^^'* JOTHAM JUDD BARNES. JO THA M JVDD BA HNES 4 1 JOTHAM JUDD BARNES. ■ JoTHAM JuDD Barnes, third son of Silas and Anna Judd Barnes, was born in West Stockbridge, Mass., March 21, 1791. About 1810 he was married to Lovina Bradley. They lived in West Stockbridge nntil al)Out 1815 when they moved to Victor, Ontario Co., New York, In 1832 they moved to Erie Co., Pa., and settled on a farm, three miles south of Girard ; cleared up al)Out seventy five acres of the heavily timbered land and got it under a fine state of culti- vation ; put up farm buildings and a fine two story frame house, set out a great vari- ety of fruit trees, grape vines, small fruit, shrubber}^, plants and ornamental trees ; making a very pleasant and desirable home wliere he lived until his death. He died at his old home in Erie Co., Pa. , Sep. 13, 1863. Lovina Bradley Barnes was born Oct. 13 , 1787 ; was married to J. J. Barnes ; died at their old home in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., in 1853 at the age of sixty six years. Her father was a Revolutionary soldier. She said that her husband and herself were JOHN L. ba rs es 43 of four nationalities, Scotch, English, Welsh and Irish. They were devoted christians. Their family consisted of seven children as follows : Elizabeth Elniina, John Leander, Elias, David Darius, Matilda, Abraham and Sarah. Elizabeth E. Barnes, oldest daughter of Jotham J. Barnes, was born in West Stock- bridge Nov. 5, 1815 ; died Feb. 26, 1832. Sarah Barnes, youngest daughter of Jotham J. Barnes, was born June 17, 1831 ; died April 27, 1832. John L. Barnes and Family. John L. Barnes, oldest son of Jotham J. Barnes, was born Feb. 25, 1815 ; lived in Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y. , until 1832 when he moved with his parents to Girard, Erie Co., Pa. On Jan. 21, 1838, he w^as married to Julia Ann Goodenow, and, soon after, they moved into the dense forest, in Cusse- wago, Crawford Co., Pa., into a log house ten feet square. The next year they moved into a good log house where they lived until Residence of John L. Barnes, Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa. JOHN L. BARSES 45 1(S58 when he built a good frame house where he lived until his death. He was a good scholar ; taught school several terms ; w^as commissioned captain of the Cussewago Volunteer Militia June 20, 1843, and held the office until discharged in 1849. He w^as much interested in the public schools, and held the office of school director, after the Pa. School System was adopted, until his death. He was a devoted christian and an active worker in the church. He died at his old home in Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa., Apr. 15, 1863. Julia Ann Goodenow, oldest daughter of Edmund Goodenow, was born at Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N, Y., June 27, 1817 ; went to Elkcreek, Erie Co., Pa., in 1832 ; was married to John L. Barnes Jan. 11, 1838 ; w^ent with him to Cussewago, Craw- ford Co., Pa., and lived with him there un- til his death. Their family consisted of four sons and one daughter, as follows : Wm. Emory, George Newton, Jotham Judd, Ju- lius Leander and Luanna. She was married to Willis Hotchkiss Sep. 19, 1875, and lived with him in Spring township, Crawford county, Pa., until his LUCY A. BARNES. CORA M. BARNES. GEO. N. BARNES. 1886. JOHN L. BARNES 47 death, which occurred June 19, 1881. She joined the F. W. Baptist church in 1836, lived a Christian life and died in the faith at Conneaut, O., Nov. 25, 1901. Wm. Emory Barnes was born Nov. 16, 1840; died Sep. 30, 1847. LuANNA Barnes was born Aug. 28, 1853 ; died Apr. 30, 1858. Geo. N. Barnes and Family. (xEORaE N. Barnes, second son of John L. Barnes, was born in Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1843 ; lived on the farm until the fall of the year of 1860 ; attended Albion Academy, at Albion, Pa., in 1860- 61 ; enlisted, Aug. 6, J 862, to serve in the War of the Rebellion and was enrolled in Co. (B,) 137 Regiment of Pennsylvania In- fantry Volunteers ; was with the Army of the Potomac through the Maryland and Virginia campaigns under Generals Mc- Clellan, Burnside and Hooker ; was in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fred- ericksburg and Chancellorsville ; was dis- charged June 1, 1863, by reason of expira- tion of term of enlistment ; returned home 48 GENEALOGIES and taught school in 1864. He Avas married to Lucy A. Kidder Nov. 21, 1865 ; moved to Cranes ville , Erie Co . , Pa. , where he Avorked several years at his trade in a carriage fac- tory, taught school two terms, Avas justice of the peace one term and A\^as engaged in mercantile business fiA^e years. He attended Hillsdale College in 1869 ; moved to Wood Co., ()., in 1878, and moved to Sher- Avood, Defiance Co., ()., March 19, 1879, Avhere he engaged in the Avork of the min- istry ; joined North Ohio Conference, U. H. Church, in 1881 ; moved to Lake Fork, Ashland Co., O., in 188o ; took a transfer to Western Reserve (now East Ohio) Con- ference and has served the church in this conference as folloAvs : at Lake Fork one year, at Nova tAvo years, at ChippeAva Lake three years, at Smith ville one year, at Shef- field four years and at Conneaut eight years. Lucy Ann Kidder Barnes, daughter of Perry Kidder, Avas born in Elk Creek, Erie Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1845; attended Albion Academy two years ; taught school in 1864- 5 in Elk Creek, Pa. ; Avas married to Geo. N. Barnes Nov. 21, 1865. Tliey have one daughter, Cora May. They reside at 715 —1 1—' o 50 GENEALOGIES • Clark St., Conneaut, Aslitabula Co., O. Cora M. White, daughter of George N. Barnes, was born at Cranesville, Erie Co., Pa. , Apr. 1 , 187^ ; was married to Lewis W. Stentz, son of Daniel C. Stentz, of Ashland Co., O., Oct. 7, 1888; had one daughter, Florence Julia. On July 2, 1891, she was married at Giddings, Ashtabula Co., O., to H. A. White. She was a thorough student of music under Dr. Carl Merz, of Wooster, O., and is a good musician and teacher. Henry Anson White, son of Stephen White, was born at Gould, Ashtabula Co., O., July 2, 1869 ; married (jora M. Barnes July 2, 1891. They have two children, Paul Perry and Olive Faith . Their home is at Gould, Ohio. Florence Julia, daughter of Cora M. White, was born at Medina, 0., Dec. 2, 1889. Paul Perry White was born at Gould, O. , June 26, 1892. Olive Faith White was born at Gould, O . , Sep. 12, 1899. JO Til A M J I 'DD BA UNES 5 1 Jotliam J. Barnes and Family. JoTHAM JuDD Barnes, third son of John r.. Barnes, was horn in Cussewago, Craw- ford Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1846. He enlisted in Co. (B,) 56 Regiment P. V. M., June 28, 1863, and was discharged Aug. 30, 1863. In 1864-5 he worked for John I). Rocke- feller in the I. X. L, Refinery at Oil Creek, Pa. He was enrolled in Co.'(G,) 102 P. V. v., March 31, 1865, to serve one year ; saw Lee and Johnston surrender, and was dis- charged June 28, 1865. He was married to Olive A. Cook May 29, 1866 ; moved to Ton- togany, Wood Co., O., March 31, 1868; moved from Ohio to Scio , Linn Co. , Oregon , started Aug. 22, and arrived at All)any, Or- egon, Aug. 29, 1892. He has been engaged in blacksmithing, repairing and manufac- turing thirty six years and is at present, in company with his son Jimmie, running a large Carriage, Blacksmith, Repair and Ma- chine Shop at Scio, Oregon. Olive A. Barnes, daughter of Oliver Cook, was born in Elk Creek, Erie Co., Pa., Apr. 18, 1842 ; was married to J. J. Barnes. They have two children, Jimmie R. and Nellie E, JOTHAM JUDD BARNES. OLIVE A. BARNES. JIMMIE R. BARNES. NELLIE E. BARNES. J. L. BARNES 57 JiMMiE Riley Barnes, son of J. J. Barnes, was born at Tontogany, Wood Co. , O. , Oct. 18, 1873 ; went to Oregon in August, 1892 ; is a machinist, and is Jr. member of the firm of J. J. Barnes & Son, Scio, Oregon. Nellie Elizabeth Barnes, daughter of J. J. Barnes, was born at Tontogany, Wood Co., O., Jan. 15, 1877; resides at Scio, Oregon. Julius L. Barnes and Family. Julius L. Barnes, fourth son of J, L. Barnas, Avas born in Cussewago Tp., Craw- ford Co., Pa., Oct. 2, 1848 ; was married to Ophelia Hill June 19, 1870 ; moved to Cranesville, Pa., in 1872, to engage in the blacksmith and carriage business. He was married to Nancy Thrasher Oct. 29, 1874. They reside at Cranesville, Erie Co., Pa. Ophelia Hill Barnes, daughter of Mar- tin Hill, was born in Spring, Crawford Co., Pa., in June, 1863 ; was married to J. L. Barnes ; died March 30, 1873. They had one daughter whose name is Erdine. Nancy Thrasher Barnes, daughter of Da- vid Thrasher, was born in Elk Creek, Erie 58 GENEALOGIES Co., Pa., March 12, 1855 ; was married to J. L. Barnes Oct. 29, 1874. They have two daughters whose names are Jessie and Gracs. Arthur Delos Mills, son of Geo. Mills, was born in Conneaut Tp., Erie Co., Pa., Sep. 29, 1867; was married to Erdine Barnes May 21, 1864. Erdine Barnes Mills, daughter of Julius L. Barnes, was born in Cussewago, Craw- ford Co., Pa., Apr. 14, 1871 ; was married to Arthur Mills. They have two children, as follows : Maroaret Ophelia Mills was born in Conneaut Tp., ErieCo., Pa., Sep. 25, 1895. Mildred Jeanette Mills was born in Conneaut Tp., Erie Co., Pa., March 25, 1899. Jessie A. Lyon, daughter of Julius L. Barnes, was born at Cranes ville. Pa., Oct. 9, 1876 ; was married to FredM, Lyon Jan, 29, 1902. She is a graduate of the Albion High School, and has been a teacher sev- e al years in the public schools. Grace M. Barnes, daughter of Julius L. 60 QENEAL O GIES Barnes, was born at Cranes ville^ Pa., Nov, 5, 1879 ; is a graduate of the Albion High School, and is a teacher in the public schools. She resides at Cranesville, Pa. Elias Barnes and Family. Elias Barnes, second son of Jotham J. Barnes, was born at Victor, N, Y,, March 19, 1820 ; came to Erie Co., Pa., in 1832 ; married Parmelia Peet Oct. 28, 1841 ; moved into the forests of Crawford Co. , Pa. , cleared off a piece of ground and built the first frame house in that neighborhood. In 1843 he moved to Girard, Pa., where he bought a farm and lived until 1856. He then moved back to his home in Crawford Co. ; cleared up and improved the farm, built a new house and lived there until his death which occurred Oct. 9, 1891, Parmelia Peet Barnes was born in Por- tage Co., N. Y., June 23, 1824. Her father moved with his family, with an ox team, from N. Y., into the unbroken forest of Cussewago Tp., Crawford Co. , Pa., finding his way to his destination by blazed trees. Parmelia taught the district school several ELIAS BARNES. PARHELIA BARNES. 31 A R THA P. CA EN A HA N 63 terms ; was married to Elias Barnes in 1841 and lived with him until his death which occurred five days previous to her own . She died Oct. 14, 1891. Their children were Martha P. , Anner E . , Arthur E., Margaret E., Byron B., Elmina A., Charley A., Ella V. and David P. Martha P. Cariiahaii and Family. Maetha p. Barnes, oldest daughter of Elias Barnes, was born near Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pa., Oct. 12, 1842. In 1843 her father and his family moved to Girard, Erie Co. , Pa. , at which place she spent the first fourteen years of her life. She improved the good opportunity that she enjoyed and received a good education ; taught two terms of school at Potters Corners in 1859 and, on Nov. 3, was married to Albert K. Greenlee. He owned a good home and farm joining her father's farm to which they moved and lived there about eight years, when they moved to Beaver, Pa., where they were living at the time of his death. She was married to Thomas Carnahan, of New Vernon, Mercer Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1880. They moved to York, Neb. in 1884 ; T^' •-* fP MARTHA P. CARNAHAN. MARTHA P. CARNAHAN 65 pre-empted a homestsad near Holyoke, Col. ; returned to York, Neb., where they now reside. She is a member of the M, E. Church, a thriving society of six hundred members, in that beautiful little city of church-going people, with its ten churches and fine institutions of learning, without a saloon. Albert Keith Greenlee, son of John Greenlee, was born in Spring Tp., Craw- ford Co. , Pa. , July 4, 1838, and died Sep. 20, 1870. He Avas married to Martha Barnes Nov. 3, 1859. Their children were Andrew Keith, Ernest Lot and Ralph Lucas. Thomas Carnahan was born at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pa., Apr. 27, 1827 ; mar- ried Martha P. Greenlee. They have one daughter whose name is Millie. Mr. Car- nahan is one of the proprietors of the roller mills at York, Nebraska. Andrew Keith Greenlee, son of Albert K. and Martha Greenlee, was born near Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1860. His early life was spent on the farm. He attended the State Normal School at Edinboro, Pa. , three terms ; took a business 66 GENEALOGIES course in college at Valparaiso, Ind. ; went to Sidney, Neb., where he now resides. He is a successful business man engaged in iTiercantile business at that place. Elizabeth McAllister, daughter of Enos McAllister, was born at Glenravel, Antrim Co., Ireland, Dec. 22, 1861 ; was married to Andrew K. Greenlee May 22, 1888, at Sidney, Nebraska. They have had five children, as follows : Mildred Greenlee born July 15, 1889, died July 18, 1889. Martha R. Greenlee born Aug. 10, 1890. Katherine Greenlee born May 22, 1892. Albert D. Greenlee born Nov. 13, 1894. RoyE. Greenlee born Oct. 10, 1897. Ernest Lot Greenlee, son of A. K. and Martha Greenlee, was born in Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa., July 19, 1863 ; married Sarah S. Wice ; is a blacksmith, by trade, and resides at Prairie Depot, Ohio. Sarah S. Greenlee, daughter of B. and J. Wice, was born in Wood Co., 0., Sep. 21, 1 870 . She was married to Ernest L . Green- A. K. GREENLEE AND FAMILY. Elizabeth, Catherine, Albert, Martha. Roy and A. K. Greenlee. QS GENEALOGIES lee. Their family consists of four children, as follows : Ethel I. Greenlee was born in Wood Go., O., Feb. 13,1892. Ruth M. Greenlee was born in Wood Co., O., Oct. 2, 1893. Theron a. Greenlee was born in Wood Co., O., Oct. 24, 1898. II . Keith Greenlee was born in Wood Co.O., Jan. 23,1900. Millie Williams, daughter of Martha Carnahan, was born at New Vernon, Mer- cer Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1881 ; graduated in the High School at York, Neb. ; was mar- ried to W. H. Williams Dec. 24, 1897. They have had two children, as follows : Baby Williams born Nov. 18, 1898, died Jan. 17, 1899. Helen Marie Williams was born at York, Neb., Apr. 25, 1900. They reside at 119 W. 60 St. Chicago, 111. MILLIE WILLIAMS. A NNEM L. SFEUR Y 71 Zealous and Aimer Sperry and Family. Zealous Sperry, son of Lewis Sperry , was born in Spring Tp., Crawford Co., Pa. He attended College at Meadville, Pa. ; was a union soldier in the War of the Rebellion ; married Anner Barnes ; lives at St. Lfe^is, Michigan . Anner L. Sperry, second daughter of Elias Barnes, was born in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1844 ; moved with her parents to Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa., in 1856; was married to Zealous Sperry May 28, 1864, at Edinboro, Pa. They have two chil- dren, Eric Otho and Margaret Elmina. Eric Otho Sperry, son of Zealous and. Anner Sperry, was born in Elk Creek, Erie Co., Pa., June 10, 1866 ; went with his pa- rents to St. Louis, Mich. ; married Addie V. Baughn ; has one son, Lewis Arthur ; was married to Mrs. Emma M. Tucky Apr. 6, 1901. They live at Alma, Mich. Lewis Arthur Sperry, son of E. O. Sper- ry, was born at St. Louis, Mich., Jan. 11, 1891. Margaret Elmina Green, daughter of ^^2 OENEAL OGIES Anner Sperry^ was born at 8t. Louis, Midi . Au^-. 28, 1873. She graduated in the St Le^is High School ; was married at St. Lev/- is, Mich., Apr. 17, 1895, to Charles A Green, a member of the Ashley Planing Mill and Lumber Co., of Ashley, Mich They have one daughter, Esther. Esther Geee^v was ])orn at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., Oct. 5, 1898. Arthur E. Barnes, son of Elias Barnes, borninGirard, Pa. , Dec. 1, 1845, died Nov. 29, 1854. Maro-aret E.Leipliart. Margaret E. Leiphart, daughter of Elias Barnes, was born in Girard, Pa., Apr. 11, 1847, and died Apr. 15, 1869. She was mar- ried to John Leiphart ; had one son, George. George A. Leiphart, son of Margaret E. Leiphart, was born Oct. 19, 1869 : was mar- ried Oct. 10, 1894, to Gertrude M. Conrad. They have two children, as follows : Conrad R. Leiphart born Oct. 5, 1896, Marguerite E . Leiphart born May 22 1898. B.B. BAENES 73 Their P.O. address is Munising, Midi. Byron B. Barnes and Family. Byron B. Barnes, son of Elias Barnes, was born in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., March 2, 1848 ; was married to Ellen R. Cook, at Edinboro, Pa., Oct. 28, 1868; moved to Douglas Co. , Kansas, in 1869 ; moved onto a homestead in Lyon Co., Kansas, in 1870 ; moved to Wood Co., Ohio, March 20, 1875 ; moved to Oregon in 1890 arriving at Mon- montli on the twenty second day of April. He was married to Celia Ann Ladow^ at Corvallas, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1891 ; bought a fine stock farm of 176 acres, six miles N. W. of Albany, Oregon, wdiere they now^ re- side. The last thirty years he has been en- gaged in farming and raising stock. El],en R. Barnes, daughter of Olliver Cook, was born in Elk Creek, Erie Co. , Pa. , Dec. 22, 1860, and died at Bowling Green, O., May 30, 1889. She was married to Byron B. Barnes Oct. 28, 1868. Their children were Mertie J., Poorest R., Elma E., Elmer and Jason A. Elma and Elmer were twins. Elma was born Apr. 19, died Sep. 4, 1876. B. B. BARNES 75 Celia Ann Lado Barnes was born in Pa., Feb. 14, 1852 ; married B. B. Barnes ; had one daughter whose name was Lillie. Frank A. Stacy, son of W. 0. Stacy, was bornatBowlingGreen,0.,Feb. 12, 1868. Mertie J. Stacy, daughter of Byron B. Barnes, was born at Baldwin City, Douglas Co., Kansas, Jan. 9, 1870 ; was married to Frank A. Stacy, at Bowling Green, 0,, Sep. 18, 1889. They moved to Oregon Aug. 28, 1892 ; have one son, Earl. Their P.O. ad- dress is Crabtree, Oregon. Earl Stacy was born at Monmouth, Polk Co., Oregon, Oct. 29, 1894, Forest R. Barnes, son of B. B. Barnes, was born in Lyon Co., Kansas, Feb. 14, 1872 ; was married to Eva S. Towns ; is a blacksmith by trade ; lives at Monmouth, Polk Co., Oregon. Eva S. Barnes, daughter of Allen Towns, was born in Redwillow Co., Neb., Jan. 3, 1875 ; married Forest Barnes. They have one daughter, Katie V. Barnes, born in Benton Co., Or- egon, Dec. 2, 1900. JASON A. BARNES. 78 OENEALOOIES Elmer B. Barnes, son of Byron B. Barnes, was born at Bowling Green, Wood Co., O., Apr. 19, 1875 ; went to Oregon with his fa- ther ; married Minnie Hirons at Albany, Oregon, Dec. 23, 1897. Minnie Barnes, wife of Elmer B. Barnes, was born in Polk Co., Oreg., July 20, 1880. They have four childen, as follows : Alta and Elma Barnes were twins born at Shelburn, Linn Co., Oreg., Dec. 1, 1898. Olive R. Barnes was born at Wells, Ben- ton Co., Oreg., May 25, 1900. Gladys P. Barnes was born at Suver, Polk Co., Oreg., Dec. 20, 1901. Their P. O. address is Suver, Oregon. Jason A. Barnes, son of Byron B. Barnes, was born at Bowling Green, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1877 ; went with his father to Oregon ; lives at Walla Walla, Washington. LiLLiE Barnes, daughter of Byron B. and Celia Ann Barnes, was born Sep. 3, 1893, and died Jan. 15, 1899. Elmina Antoinette Detchtman, fourth daughter of Elias Barnes, was born in Gi- C. A. BARyjiS 79 rard Tp., Erie Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1851; went with her parents to Crawford Co., Pa., in 1856 ; married Charles N. Daniels Aug. 18, 1870; married Charles A. Deichtman March 4, 1896 ; is a dressr maker by trade, and lives at Saegerstown, Pa. Charles Nelson Daniels was born Jan. 10, 1850 ; married Elmina A. Barnes Aug. 18, 1870 ; died July 25, 1885, Charles Albert Deichtman was born at Saegerstown, Crawford Co., Pa., May 1, 1859 ; married Elmina A. Daniels March 4, 1896. They are members of the Reform Church. Their P. O. address is Saegers- town, Pa. Charles A. Barnes, third son of Elias Barnes, was born in Girard, Pa., Apr. 13, 1853. With him, the love of adventure has been a ruling passion. AVhen a young man he commenced spending the hunting season in the woods in Michigan and the last ten years he has spent nearly all of his time there with his dogs and gun for his companions. In 1898 he bought a lot and built a good house at Crayton, Alger Co., C. A. DEICHTMAN. ELMINA /:. EEICHTMAN CHARLES A. BARNES. DA VJI) P. BABNES 83 Mich. His house is well furnished with so- fa spreads, rugs, robes and coat, made by himself of wolf, bear and lynx hides ; and on the walls are hunter's treasures and cu- riosities of almost every description. His P. O. address is Wetmore, Alger Co. Mich. C. Fred Heard, son of James H. Heard, was born at Crossingville, Crawford Co., Pa. July 23, 1857 ; married Ella V. Barnes. Ella V. Heard, fifth daughter of Elias Barnes, was born near Crossingville, Pa., July 4, 1858 ; married C. Fred Heard. They live at Scio, Ohio ; have had three children, as follows : J. Wallace Heard was born at Crossing- ville, Pa. Sep. 24, 1876 ; lives at Pittsburg, Pa. Grace Heard was born at Crossingville, Pa., Dec. 29, 1878 ; is a teacher in the pub- lic schools at Scio, Ohio. James M. Heard was born Nov. 28, 1879 and died Sep. 10, 1880, Davtd p. Barnes, fourth son of Elias Barnes, was born in Cussewago Tp., Craw- 84 GENEALOGIES ford Co., Pa., March 26, J 860. He was brought up a farmer boy ; attended the pub- lic school, winters, until 1878, and Cross- ingville High School two terms ; was mar- ried to Elnora Sherrod Jan. 1, 1883, by Rev. F. Fair, at Edinboro, Pa. ; worked for J. E. Cook from Apr. 3, 1884, to Sep. 30, 1855, and for R. C. Hickernell from Jan., 1890, to Sep., 1893, in a sawmill, the last j^ear as head sawyer. In Sep., 1893, they bought the old homestead near Crossing- ville, Craw^ford Co., Pa., where thy now reside . Elnora Sherrod Barnes, w^ife of David P. Barnes, was born in Washington Tp., Erie Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1863. Their family consists of eight children, as follows : Carl OliverBarnes, born in Spring, Pa., March 30, 1884. Ora May Barnes, born in Cussewago Tp., Pa., March 10, 1886. Glenn Andrew Barnes, born in Spring, Pa,, March 24, 1889. Parhelia Abigail Barnes, born in Spring, Pa., March 13, 1891. 86 GENEALOGIES Guy Leslie Barnes, born in Spring, Pa., March 29, 1893. Floyd Burton Barnes, born in Cussewa- go, Pa., May 10, 1895. Anna Elmina Barnes, born in Cussewago, Pa., May 19, 1899. Ernest Barnes, born in Cussewago, Pa., March 7, 1902. T). 1). Barnes and Family. David Darius Barnes, son of Jot ham J. Barnes, was born in Victor, N. Y., March 18, 1820; came to Erie Co., Pa., with his parents in 1832 ; married Fanny W. Slater ; moved to Platea, Erie Co., Pa., where he lived until his death wdiich occurred Jan. 1 , 1887. He served his township many years as constable ; was a carpenter and joiner by trade. Fanny W. Barnes, daughter of Benjamin Slater, was born in Madison Co., N. Y., July 14, 1818 ; was married to D. D. Barnes. There was born to them one son whose name is Homer. Her P. 0. address is Pla- tea, Pa. D. D. BARNES 87 H()MP]K S. BARNES HoMEK 8. Baknes, 8011 of D . I). J^ariies, was born at Platea, Erie Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1856, After passing the regular grades in tlie public schools at home he attended (Irand River Institute four years. He has taught school fifteen terms, and served the township in the official capacity of justice of the peace eighteen years. He married Miss Carrie F. Coff'man. Carrie Fkaxces Coffman, daughter of J. C. Coffman, was born at Platea, Pa., Sep. 24, 1870. She was married to Homer 8. Barnes A])r. 4, 1888, Their home is at Phitea,Pa^. 88 GENE A L O GIES Matilda Banies Siiiitli and Family. Matilda Barnes Smith, daughter of J. J. Barnes, Avas born at Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 4, 1828 ; was a school-teaelier ; married Samuel A. Smith Nov. 1, 1852. Their children were H. Judd and Hiram Artliur. H. Judd Smith and Family. H. Judd Smith, son of S. A. and Matilda Smith, was born in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1854 ; was bound to and adopted by Mr. Shandrews of N. Y. ; was married to Minnie Chapman ; P. O. address is Cora- opolis, Pa. Minnie Chapman, daughter of E. Chap- man, was, born Aug. 31, 1858 ; married to H. J. Smith Jan. 1, 1874. They had eight children, as follows : I. O., born Feb. 4, 1876, died June6, 1876. Minnie, born Sep. 21, 1877. Robert, born Nov. 1, 1882, died March 20, 1885. Harra, born Feb. 20, 1885, died Aug. 18, 1892. II. A . SMITH 89 Bamuel, born Juh- 3, 1887. Nina, born Sep. 15, 1889. Fannie, born Dec. 13, 1890. May, born March 8, 1895. Minnie Dorman, daughter of H. Judd Smith, was married to John Hefferan in 1894. They had one daughter,, Ruth. She was married t(^ Edwin T. Dorman Sep. 27, 1900. They live at Conneaut, O. KuTH Hefferan was I)orn Marcli 2, 1895. H. A. Smith and Family. Hiram Arthur Smith, second son of Ma- tilda Barnes Smith, was born in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 1857 ; married Mar- tha C. Clark; is a farmer; lives at Fair- l)lain, Erie Co., Pa. There were ])()rn to them nine children, as follows: Emma Moroia, born June 8, 1878. Holla C, l)orn May 9, 1879, died July 1880. Infant son, born Nov. 19, died Dec, 1882. Merril Elton, born in (lirard, Pa,, March 6, 1885. 90 OENEALOaiES Burl Albert, l)()rn Apr. 5, 1S87, died Aug. 10, 1887. Marion Estrella, l)orn in (lirard, Pa., Sep. 12, 1888. Feltox Arthur, ])orn May 23, 1892, died Aug. 29, 1892. Elm A Effadilla, born in (xirard, Pa., Marcli 9, 1895. Elba MAxrrA, born in Girard, Pa., Feb. 22, 1896. Emma M. Sperry, daughter of Hiram A. Smitli, was l)orn in Girard Tp., Erie ('o., Pa., June 8, 1878; Avas married to F. H. Tuckey Apr. 1, 1895 ; had one son, Artliur Richard. She was married to E. O. Sperry Apr, 6, 1901 . Tbey live at Abna, Mieh. Arthur Richahd Tuckey, son of F. B. and Emma Tuckey, Avas born in Girard, Pa., Apr. 2,1896. ABRAHAM BARNES. 92 GENEALOGIES Abraliaiii Barnes and Family. Abraham Barnes , fourth son of Jotham J . and Lovina B. Barnes, was born in Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., June 17, 1831. In 1832 he moved with his parents to Girard, Erie Co. , Pa. , where he lived until 1852 engaged in farming and attending the country schools and a select school atLockport, Pa. When twenty one years old he with another young man, Giles James, started for the south to teach school. Having traveled for sometime in Tennesee and Mississippi, it being just before the civil war, the growing differences made it desirable that they re- turn to the north which they did by the way of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to Cin- cinnati and froin there to Clark Co.,0., where he engaged in the lumber business two years and taught school eight years. He was married to Amanda E. Woliston Oct. 2, 1856 near Springfield, O. In 1863 lie moved with his family to Lawrence Co. , 111. ; purchased eighty acres of open prairie land and by working summers and teaching school winters succeeded in fencing and im- proving it by erecting su])Stantia] house, ABRAHAM BARNES ' ^3 barn, granary and other buildings. Addi- tional purchases make a total of two hun- dred acres of land which is under a fine state of cultivation making a desirable home in a community noted for its sobriety, peace- able and industrious people. He took an ac- tive interest in helping, encouraging and sustaining the public schools, churches and farmer's organizations, and took a keen interest in the main issues of the day. On the 19th of Oct., 1875, his wife died and on Apr. 29, 1877, he was married to Mrs. Sarah Rowe. His P. O. address is Pasturefield, 111. Amanda E. Barnes, first wife of Abraham Barnes, was the daughter of Joshua and Maria Elizabeth (Nunemacher) Woliston ; was married to Abraham Barnes Oct. 2, 1856 ; died Oct. 19, 1875. Their children were Philip AV., Otto H. and Jay J. Sarah E. Barnes, daughter of Joshua and Maria E. Wooliston, was married to Abra- ham Barnes Apr. 29, 1877. PHILIP W. BARNES. A/Ui'A HAM liAnNKS 95 I^ni.rr \\\ Haijxks. oldest son of Alu'ahani J^anu^s, was horn near Spi'iiigtleld, Oliio, July 17, IcSoS: nioNcd fi'oiii S])riiigfield, ( )hio. to near Suhukm', 111 ., March, ISGo : re- sided with hisfatluM'on the hinn irntil LSTB when he entered the ()]ney Hii^h S(diool at Olney, 111., and ar]ies was the Chairman of 96 GENE A L O GIES the Republican Congressional (Jommittee of his district from 1886 to 1898; was a member of the Republican State Commit- tee of his state from 1898 to 1900 ; was a delegate to the National Convention at Minneapolis, Minn., in the year 1892, and was elected Representative for 45th Sena- torial district at the November election in 1900. Otto H. Barnes, second son of Abraham Barnes, was born near Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1860, and moved with his parents to 111. in 1862. He attended the country school and worked on the farm until 17 when he attended the Olney High School graduating from there June 6, 1881 . After teaching school one winter he entered tlie wholesale drug store of the Richardson Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. He remained here two years and then, after spending several weeks south, went to Kansas City, Mo., and engaged in the retail drug business as partner of the firm of R. M. Godfrey & Co. After five years at this place he located at Salt Lake City, Utah, and engaged in the Real Estate and Brick business under the firm name of the Enterprise Brick Co. with OTTO H. BARNES. 98 (lENKA l.Odl KS tlu' capacity of .")().()()() [)i'i' day. Iv.'causc oF failing health ht' ivtiinied to his fatlicr's farm in the year 1ijkx Hakxks, Koi-ii .Ian :M), VMYl. Jav Judi) JkVijnks, youngest son of Ahra- liamand Amanda \\. Barnes, was hoi-n near Sumner, l^awrence Co., 111., .Ian. 2{), 1(S7(). He lived with his father on the farm attend- ing the district scdiool until seventeen years old when he attended the High Scdiool a.t Olney, III. He then attended college at Dan- \^ille, Ind. He was a diligent student ; a hue writer and composci', leading his class in lit- erary Avork. In 1892 he engaged in the hrick husiness with his hrother. Otto H. Barnes, at Salt Lake Oity, Utah, and later in the stock business. He die(l at Nephi, Utah, Nov. (>. 1896. A/.]' A y;.t//.v/;,v •>•> ALVA BARNES. Ai.vA B.MJXKs, fourth son of Silas ])ai'nt'S. Hr.. was l>orii in AVest Stoekl)ridge, Kerk- sliire Co., Mass., Dec. '27, 1797; married (Catherine Boiighton ; moved to the town of West Stockbridge, Mass. ; was a farmri' hy oeeiipation ; a meml)er of tlie eliurch. and lUi iiidiistrious, ])u])lic s])irited citizrn. Hr was killed Sep. o, IcSocS, ])y a lind) whih' ^♦iittiiig a l)ee tree. There were born tot hem three sons and two daughters, xlz. : Cyrus Win., T^aura Ann, (diai'les II., (leorgeand Marv. i'yrus AA 111. Harnes and Family. Cyiuts Wm. Barnes, oldest son of Aha and Gatlierine Barnes, was born in AW'St Stoekbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., May 4, 1821 : Married Naomi Hewins of A\'ost Stockbridge, ^lass, ; mo\'ed to \A\'St Stock- bridge Center, where his wife died Dec., 1849. They had one daughter, Fannie ( 'ath- t'rine. He married Ellen A. Munn .luly 4. 1861 ; moved to Housatonic, Mass., w hei'c lie lived until his death. There were born to them two children, Lina and Perlcv. He CYRUS WM. AND ELLEN A BAENES. CYRUS W. BARNES 101 was a farmer by occupation ; died at Housa- tonic, Mass., March 19, 1898. Ellen Augusta Barnes, second wife of Cyrus Wm. Barnes, was born at New Marl- borough, Mass., Nov. 10, 1836; died Oct. 24, 1901. Her father, Israel W. Munn, was born at Palmyra, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1787; married Luna Benedict Sep. 29, 1819 ; was a captain in the war of 1812 ; died Sep. 8, 1874. Fannie C. Barnes, daughter of Cyrus W. and Naomi H. Barnes, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 5, 1848 ; went to Hartford, Conn., in 1872, to take care of Mrs, Geo. Gilbert and her daughter who had the consumption. She still resides with the same family at 67 Willard St., Hartford, Conn. ; is a dress-maker by occupation. LiNA N. Barnes, daughter of Cyrus Wm. and Ellen A. Barnes, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 10, 1863 ; resides at Housatonic, Mass. Perley a. Barnes, son of Cyrus Wm. and Ellen A. Barnes, was born at AVest Stock- bridge, Mass., March, 1868; is a weaver in the Monument Mills at Housatonic, Mass. 102 (tKX h:M.(><\'i h:s Arvineaiid Laura A. Heatli and Faiuily. Akntxk Hkath, sou of Amos Heath, was l)orii at Tvrinu'liain , l>('rksliii'(' Co., Mass.. Anu'. :>(). ISIS; lias hceii an indiistricnis. t('in])(M.'at(^ man ; is a farnHM' hy occupalioii : is St ronii' and \i^<)rous in mind and body, at the age of (Mulity foni' ; resides at Hreeds- ^•ill(^ \^an l)uren ( 'o., Mich. LAih'A A NX Hkatii, oldest daughter of Aha lUirnes, was horn in West Stoek- ]»ri(lii;e, l>erkshire Co., Mass., Alay 2*2. 1S21 : (H((l at Arlington, \'du Bureii <\>.. .Mich.. May 20, ISlit). Sh(* was married to Ar\ine Heat h Jan . 1 , 1S44. There weiv horn to t lu\m two chihh-en, Frances Alwilda and ( ieorge U. Frances A. Scrinij^iM'and Family. I'^'ances Alwi](hi Serimger, daiighttM* of Ar\ineand Lani'a A. Heath, was ])orn at 'lA'i'ingham, Iierkshire Co., Mass., Feb. 2, lS4o; mo\-ed to Mich. ; married Alfred \\\ Sci'imgiM'. Their family i onsisted of four childi'en, as follows : Mary, Alsena J.. Cora A nn and Amos .1 . LA URA ANN HE A TH 103 She (lied May 25, 1879. Hemovedto Frost T])., Glare Co., Mich., in 1887. Mary Scrimger was born Dec. 20, 1866 ; was a devoted christian ; died Apr. 25, 1878. Oliver N. King, son of Oliver and Dina King, was l)orn at Moorestown, N. Y., June 21, 1869 ; is a dealer in cedar timber, dry goods, groceries and general merchan- dise at Houghton Lake, Mich. ; is a notary })ul)lic and holds several towaiship and county offices ; married Alsena J. Scrimger. Alsena J. King, daughter of Alfred W. and Frances A. Scrimger, was born March 81, 1870; was married to Oliver N. King in Clare Co., Mich., March 31, 1889. They have three children, as follows : Roy N. King was born in Clare Co., Mich., June 13, 1891. Frances G. King was born in Clare Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1894. Mary Alsena King was born at Houghton Lake, Mich., Apr. 13, 1901. Their P. O. address is Houghton Lake, Mich. 104 GENEALOGIES Reuben D. Gleason, son of Lyman Glea- son, was born in the state of New York Oct. 23, 1870; married Cora Ann Gleason. Cora Ann Gleason, daughter of Alfred W. and Frances A. Scrimger. was born in Arlington Tp., Van Buren Co., Mich., Feb, 2, 1874; moved to Frost Tp., Clare Co., Mich. ; is a faithful christian worker in the M. E. Church. She was married to Reuben Dwight Gleason, Feb. 22, 189L They have three children, as follows : Louise S, Gleason, born Nov. 14, 1891, Minnie Gleason, born Jan. 6, 1894. Wm. Daniel Gleason, born March 12, 1899. Their P. O. address is Harrison, Clare Co., Mich. Amos J. Scrimger, son of Alfred W. and Prances A. Scrimger, was born Oct. 29, 1876; resides in Frost Tp., Clare Co., Mich ; is a farmer by occupation ; was married July 4, 1901 , at Harrison , Mich. , to Sarah E. Klinger. They are enterprising and industrious ; much interested in moral and religious work ; have one child, Pansy, Pansy Scrimger Avas born May 4, 1902. LA UFA ANN HEA TH ■ 105 George E. Heatli and Family. George R, Heath, son of Arvine and T.aura A. Heath, was born at West Stock- bridge , Berkshire C^o . , Mass . , Oct. 20 , 1847 ; is a farmer by occupation ; P, O. is Breeds- ville, Mich. Lottie E. York was born in Saratoga Co., N. Y.,Oct.2,1848. George R. Heath and Lottie E. York were married at Arlington, VanBuren Co. Mich., Nov. 5, 1868. They had two children, L.Roy and Mabel. L. Roy Heath, son of George R. Heath, was born at Arlington, Van Buren Co., Mich., July 2, 1872. He married Miss Ora Williams. - Mabel Heath Leathers, daughter of George R. Heath, was born at Arlington, VanBuren Co., Mich., Jan. 22, 1878 ; mar- ried Henry Leathers. They live in Columbia Township, Van Buren Co., Mich. ; have one daughter, Gladys. Gladys Leathers was born July 25, 1896. CHARLES H. BARNES. MRS. CHARLES H. BARNES. 108 GENEALOGIES Charles H. Barnes and Family. Charles H. Barnes, son of Alva Barnes, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., Apr. 12, 1830; died at Homer, Mich., Nov. 16, 1894. Harriet M. Barnes, daughter of Martin W. Osborn, was born at Austerlitz, Colum- bia Co., N. Y., May 29, 1833. Charles H. Barnes and Harriet M. Osborn were married March 31, 1853, at Austerlitz, N. Y., by Rev. James J. Utley of the first Congregational Church of Green River, N, Y. ; moved on a farm at West Stockbridge Center ; lived there three years and then moved to West Stockbridge Village where he was in the employ of the Housatonic R. R. Co., as freight agent, until he enlisted in the army Aug. 30, 1862. He was mus- tered into the 49th Reg. Mass. Vol. ; was in the battles of Plains Store (Baton Rouge), Vicksburg and Port Hudson. At the latter place he received a sun stroke which, with other disabilities contracted in the army, caused him to be an invalid for life, and finally caused his death after long years of patient suffering. His young wife, with VHAELES H. BARNES 109 patriotic devotion, eheerfull}^ took upon herself the burden and care ef the family. In March, 1865, they moved to Homer, Mich., where, for thirty years, she carried on a dress-making establishment, some- times employing from ten to twelve sewing girls. Her home is at Corner of Main and Hillsdale St., Homer, Mich. ' There were born to them four daughters, as follows : Ida Maria, Elizabeth Anna, Lillie Harriet and Mary Catherine. Ida M. Arthur, daughter of Charles H. and Harriet M. Barnes, was born at Aus- terlitz, Columbia Co., N. Y., July 5, 1854 ; married P. Arthur ; resides at 668 Dorr St., Toledo, O. Elizabeth A . Osborn, daughter of Charles H. and Harriet M. Barnes, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., June 10, 1859; married B. R. Osborn. They have two chil- dren, as follows : Clara E. Osborn, born May 18, 1883, at Tekonsha, Mich. Charles Rufus Osborn, born June 10, 1890, at Tekonsha, Mich. They reside at Tekonsha, Mich. 112 GENE A L OGIES Ltllie H. Snider, daughter of Charles H. and Harriet M. Barnes, was born at Austerlitz, Cohimbia Co., N. Y., May 27, 1862 ; married Alonzo Snider. They have four children, all born at Homer, Mich., as follows : Una A. Snider, born Jan. 9, 1887. Ida E. Snider, born Feb. 15, 1889. Louisa L, Snider, born Sep. 24, 1891. Olin B. Snider, born March 11, 1897. They reside at Homer, Mich. Mary C. Marzolf, daughter of Charles H. and Harriet M. Barnes, was born at Homer, Mich., Jan. 16, 1868 ; married Al- exander Marzolf. They reside at Toledo, (3. ; have one son, Ronald B. Marzolf, born at Albion, Mich., Dec. 9, 1893, John H. and Mary Barnes Fairfeld. John H. Fairfield was born at Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1828 ; married Maiy Barnes ; resides at Richmond, Mass, Mary B. Fairfield, wife of John H. Fair- held, was the youngest daughter of Alva MA R Y BA E ^ES FA IF FIELD. 1 1 3 Barnes. She was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 8, 1836, and died at Richmond, Mass., Feb. 26, 1902. They had two chil- dren, Frances and John H. Frank D. Smith, son of Henry C. Smith, was born at Feeding Hills, Mass., Sep. 20, 1864 ; married Frances Fairfield ; P. O. ad- dress is Westiield, Mass. Frances F. Smith, w^ife of Frank D. Smith and daughter of John H. and Mary Fairfield, was born at Richmond, Mass., May 16, 1861, and died at Westfield, Mass., March 5, 1888. They had one daughter, Frances E. SmIth, wdio was born at West- held, Mass., Feb. 28, 1888, and resides at Richmond, Mass. John H. Fairfield, Jr., son of John H. and Mary Barnes Fairfield, was born at Richmond, Mass., Aug. 6, 1871 ; married Blanche L. Bradley ; resides at Richmond, Mass. ; is engaged at farming; P. O. ad- dress is Pittsfield, Mass., R. F. D. Blanche L. Fairfield, wife of John H. Fairfield, Jr. and daughter of Luther W. and Mary C. Bradley, was born at West 114 GENE. \ LOGIES Stockbridge, Mass., July 14, 1872. Her grandmother Bradley was Lucy M. Barnes, the youngest daughter, and her grandmother Reed was Charlotte Barnes, the third daughter of Silas Barnes, Sr. Anna Barnes, oldest daughter of Silas Barnes, born May 8, 1793, was married twice; first time to Timothy Brown, second time to Mr. Shaw. Louisa Barnes, second daughter of Silas Barnes. Sr., was born Sep. 11, 1795; died May 26, 1796. CHARLES AND CHARLOTTE BARNES REED. Charles Reed, born June 9, 1801, and Charlotte Barnes, third daughter of Silas Barnes, Sr., born Nov. 2, 1802, resided at West Stockbridge, Mass., from the time of birth until their death. Charlotte died July 27, 1867 ; Charles died May 19, 1881. They were married at Canaan, N. Y., by Elder Hall, Sep. 9, 1822. Nine children were born to them, as follows : Charles Artemas, born Jan. 1, 1824, died Oct. 1, 1826. KLIH LI ;^. AND LUCY M.BR A DL EY H O Charlotte Artemecia, born Feb. 14, 1826, died Oct. 26, 1826. Betsey Anna, born Nov. 24, 1827, died at Springfield, Mass., Feb. 13, 1893. Charles Deodatus, born March 18, 1831, was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion , was killed in 1864. vSiLAsE., born May 12, 1834, died at Breedsville, Mich., Apr. 7, 1857. Timothy Brown, born Dec. 11, 1836, died at West Stockbridge, Mass. March 30, 1899. Charlotte Amy, born Nov. 30, 1840, died Aug. 6, 1842. Mary Celina, born Sep. 20, 1843, married Luther Win. Bradley. They have a daugh- ter, Blanche, who married John H. Fair- field, Jr. Charlotte Emily, born Dec. 29, 1847. ELIHU S. and LUCY M. BRADLEY. Lucy Mariah Bradley, youngest daugh- ter of Silas Barnes, Sr., was born in West Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 19, 1808; was married to Elihu S. Bradley Apr. 6, 1831. They had three children, as follows : 1 H ) Cr' ENEA L () ( UKS JuDSON, born Jan. 19, 1835. Luther Wm., l)orn Jan. 10, 1(S4]. T 1 1 E< ) DO KET J . , 1 )0 rn Fel ) . 24 , 1 84o . Jiidson P)ra(llev married P]llen M. Kings- ley, Fel). 20, IcSTo; had two eliildren as follows ; Olive B., horn Nov. 7, 1877. Lucy M., born June 9, 1880. Luther Wm. Bradley married Mary C Reed, daughter of Charles and Charlotte Barnes Reed, Nov. 30, 1865 ; reside at West Sto(*kl)ridge, Mass. ; have had six children, DwioHT, born July 27, 1867. Charlotte L., born Sep, 14, 1869. Blanche L., born July 14, 1872. Anna J., born June 15, 1874. Amy L. born Feb. 17, 1877. Ethel (1. born Nov. 3, 1885. NOTES. 1. Lydia L. Kimball, oldest daughter of W. H. and Mary M. Canfield, was married in Feb., 1878, to Alonzo D. Stnible of Lyons, Mich.: was married again in Nov., 1898, to Stejjh- en H. Kimball of Lyons, Mich. Elm A L. Kimball, youngest daughter of W. H. and Mary M. Canfield, was married Apr. 2, 188G, to Wm. H. Kimball of Lyons, Mich. Mr. Kimball died Feb. 10, 1902. This record was not received in time to put where it belongs on page 27. T[^f() TH Y BA RNKS 1 1 7 CHAPTER III. TIMOTHY BARNES AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Timothy Barnes, Jr., tliird son of Timo- thy Barnes, Sr., was ])orn in Southington, < /onn. , Apr. 9, 1 769 ; moved with his father to West Stockbridge, Mass., in 1778; was married twice. His first wife was Betsey Johnson, his second wife was Polly Webb. They lived at Alford, Mass. ; had one son, Abraham . ABRAHAM BARNES. Abraham Barnes, son of Timothy Barnes, Jr., was born at Alford, Mass., Sep. 15, 1790. He was enterprising and industrious, a faithful Christian, highly esteemed ])y all wdio knew him. Sally Basset was ])orn May 24, 1783. Abraham Barnes and Sally Basset were married Sep. 22, 1814; lived at Alford, Mass. ; had five children, Mary, Harvey A., Amos, Betsey and Timothy. Mary Barnes was born Nov. 24, 1816. Harvey A. Barnes, l)orn P"el). 21, 1819, died Sep. 3, 1820, 118 GENEAL GIES Amos Barnes, born Dec. 26, 1821, had three children. Ensign, Harvey and Jose- phine. Ensign resides at Hattieshurg, Miss. Betsey Barnes was born Feb. 7, 1823. Timothy Barnes and Family. Timothy Barnes, youngest son of Abra- ham Barnes, was born Feb. 7, 1823. Rhoda Bills was born Jan. 16, 1827 ; was married to Timothy Barnes in 1846. They reside at North Egremont, Mass. Their chil- dren were Mary J,, William, Frances E. and Charlotte. Mary J., born Feb. 14, 1847, married Mr. Rice ; resides at Ashley Falls, Mass. William, born June 27, 1849, is dead. Frances E., born Dec. 11, 1852, married Mr. Taylor; resides at Gt. Barrington, Mass. ; has three children, as follows : Oda a., born Jan. 15, 1872 ; died Feb. 22, 1879. Theodore D., born at Colchester, Conn., Oct. 7, 1877 ; resides at San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Parmelee, born Apr. 19, 1881, re- sides at Gt. Barrington, Mass. m KLISHA BARNES 1 1') CHAPTKR IV. ELISHA BARNES AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Elisha Barnks, fourth son, of Timothy Barnes, was l)orn in Sontliington, Conn., March 11, 1771 ; went witli liis father to West Htockhridge, Mass. ; married Vilate Ford March 8, 17^6; died Nov. 19, 1872, Vilate F, Barnes, wife of Elisha Barnes, !)orn in June, 1775, died Dec. 13, 1848. They had a family of seven children, as follows: Erastus, Asahel, Betsey, Elisha Munson, Heth Austin, Thomas Wm. and Nancy Vilate, all born in West Stock V)ridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. Elisha Barnes mafle the following state- ment when he w^as ninety yeai>^ old : "Timothy Barnes moved from Southing- ton(which once belonged to Farmington*), Conn., to West Stockbridge, Mass,, June 8, 1878; had a brother Lemuel, a brother Phinehas and a sister Mary wlio married a Mr, Mills." 120 oenj^:alogies ERASTUS BARNES. Erastus Barnes, oldest son of Elislia Barnes Br., was born in West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co, Mass., Jan. 2, 1797; was a carpenter by trade ; married Nancy Oramp- ton ; moved to Binghamton, N. Y., in 1881 Mdiere they resided until tlieir death. He died Aiig.'e, 1856, and she died Sep. 3, 188L There were born to them four sons and one daughter, as follows: Erastus Benjamin, Elisha Asahel, Morgan L., Elmore P. and Nancy. Erastus Benjamin Barnes and Family. Erastus B. Barnes, first son of Erastus Barnes, born Apr. 23, 1822, died in 1856. He was a carpenter by trade, lived and died at Binghamton, N. Y. ; had two children, William Erastus and Nellie. William E. Barnes, born Aug. 29, 1857, s])ent the early part of his life at Bingham- ton, N. Y. ; was employed in tlie Susque- hanna Valley Bank at that })lace ; is now cashier of the Western Branch of the Secu- rity Mutual Life Insurance Association at ELISHA BARNES 121 Miiinea])olis , Minn . Mary Morse Barnes, daughter of Freder- ick A. Thompson, was born Apr. 11, 1863 ; was married to William E. Barnes Apr. 8, 1886. There were born to them three chil- dren , as follows : Margaret Content Barnes, born Jan. 1, 1887, Helen Agnes Barnes, born March 8, 1891. Murray Erastus Barnes, born May 5, 1893, died July 6, 1893. Nellie Barnes Brock, daughter of Eras- tus B. Barnes, married Rev. George A. Brock. Elisha Asahel Barnes, second son of Erastus Barnes, born Apr, 9, 1825, died in 1828. Morsfaii L. Barnes, Morgan L. Barnes, third son of Erastus Barnes, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., June 21, 1827 ; died at Binghamton, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1895. Sarah M. Barnes, daughter of Isaac A. Finny, was born at Ghent, Columbia Co., N. Y., July 29, 1829 ; is proprietress of the Oak Street Greenhouses, 124 Oak Street, Binghamton, N. Y. V2'2 GENEALOaiES Morgan L. Barnes and Sarah M. Finny were married May 28, 1856. They liave re- sided in Binghaniton the most of tlie time for over forty years. He was a grocer and insurance agent tlie most of his life. They were me]nl>ers and h)yal su])])orters of the AVest Preshyterian church. The foUowing notice is copied from a Binghamton paper dated Nov. 16, 1895 : ' 'After months of failing health Morgan L. Barnes passed j)eac fully aw^ay Thursday night at eleven o'clock, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Barnes was one of Binghamton 's most highly esteemed citi- zens. He had resided here since his boy- hood, with the exception of four years spent in Denver, (>)!., from 1879 to 1888. He was one of the founders of the West Presbyteri- an church in this city, and held the ofHce of ruling elder in the church from the day of its organization in his house on Oak street nearly twenty-three years ago . ' ' Elmore P. Barn?:s, fourth son of Erastus Barnes, born July 22, 1882, died in 1833. Nancy Smith, daughter of ErastTis Barnes, is living at Binghamton, N. Y. OSCAKE I!A1M i\ T Vn On page 141 is his picture taken earlier in life. ELISHA MUNSON BAKNES 123 Asahp:l Barnes, second son of Elisha Barnes, born Oet. 4, 1800, died Apr. I,182e3. Betsey B. Crampton, daughter of Elisha Barnes, born Nov. 5, 1802, married Horace Crampton Jan. 17, 1821 ; moved to Am- boy, Lee Co., 111., about 1867 ; died at Am- bo'y, 111., al)Out 1890. ELISHA MUNSON BARNJ^S. Elisha M. Barnes, third son of Elisha Barnes, born in West Stockbridge, Mass., died Dec. 2, 1804. He married Marinda Bristol. There were born to them four sons and three daughters, as follows : Oscar Evander, Edward Everett, Hannah V., Elizabeth, Lester, Martha Jane and Whea- ton Pr indie. Oscar Evander Barnes and Family. Oscar E. Barnes, first son of Elisha M. Barnes, w^as born in West Stockbridge, Mass., Feb. 23, 1828 ; married Mary E. Pat- rick, and lived in West Stockbridge until 1854 when they moved to Napoleon, Henry Co. , O., by the way of Toledo, O. ; left West Stockbridge the last of April and arrived at Napoleon, on a packet from Toledo, on 124 GENEALOGIES May o, 1854. He has lived nearl}^ all of the time since 1854 at Napoleon ; has served Henry Co. in the official capacity of Dep- uty Sheriff four years, Sheriff two terms, Clerk of Common Pleas and District C ourt fifteen years, and the last four years was health officer for the city of Napoleon. He died Nov. 20, 1902'. Maky EIltzabeth Barnes, daughter of Trowbridge Patrick, was l)orn at Chatham, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1881; married Oscar E. Barnes; died at Napoleon, O., Sep. lo, 1 858 . They had one son , Elbert Trowbridge . Elizabeth L. Barnes, second wife of Oscar E. Barnes, and daughter of John Orcutt, was born in Geneseeo, N. Y., March 8, 1838 ; died at Napoleon, O., March 19, 1890. They had one daughter, Mary Elizabeth. Elbert T. Barnes, son of Oscar E. and Mary E. Barnes, was born in West Stock- bridge, Mass. , March 21, 1851 ; went to Na- poleon, O., in 1854; has been Sheriff of Henry Co. , O. ; is a farmer ; resides in Hen- ry Co. ; P. O. address is Napoleon, O. Katheryn Barnes, wife of Elbert T. Barnes, was born at Napoleon, O., Jan. 12, ELI SUA M UXSOX BA ENES 1 ^^ 1851 . Their family consists of two sons and one daughter, as follows : Nellie M. Barnes, horn Oct. 10, 1874. Oscar Edward Barxes, horn Dec. 7, 1876. JoHX T. Barnes, horn July 27, 1882. All were ])orn and now reside at Napoleon, Ohio. .\rAKY Elizabeth Barxes, daughter of Oscar E. and Elizaheth Barnes, was horn at Napoleon, O., Sep. 23, 1865 : has heen a teacher in the Union School at Napoleon for the last seventeen ^^ears . For several years, during vacation, she has lectured on primary work in different parts of the state, the last two years at Mt. Union College, Alliance, Stark Co., Ohio, Her P. 0. address is Napoleon, Ohio. Edward Everett Barxes, second son of Elisha Munson Barnes, horn at West Stock- hridge, Mass.,Eeh. 6, 1831 , has no children .; P. O. address is Gt. Barrington, Mass. Haxxah V. Barxes, daughter of Elisha M. Barnes, born March 26, 1833, is dead. Elizabeth Wood, second daughter of Elisha M. Barnes, V)orn Aug. 5, 1835, mar- 126 GENEALOGIES ried John A. Wood Jan. 1, J855. They live at 106 Montague St. , Brooklyn, N. Y, ; liad two daughters, as follows : Nellie B., born at Westfield, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1860, married Edward F. Giddinu-s Feb. 16, 1879. Carrie P., born July 18, 1866, died Aug. 19, 1879. Lester Barnes, third son of Elisha M. Barnes, born Oct. 13, 18:^7, is dead. Jay N. and Martha J. Preston and Family. Jay N. Preston, son of JuddM. Preston, was born 'c^ East Chatham, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1834. Martha J , Preston, youngest daughter of Elisha M, Barnes, was l)orn at Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 18, 1839 ; married Jay N. Pres- ton Apr. 21 , 1866. They reside at East CHiat^ ham N, Y. ; had six children, as follows : MaryE,, Carrie L., Nellie E,, Ada L., William B. and Henry J. W. J, KiRBY was born at East Chathanu N. Y., Noy. 25, 1858. Mary E. Kirby, daughter of Jay N. and Martha J. Preston, born at East Chatham. N. Y., March 22, 1859, married W. J. Kii- ELISHA MUNSON BARNES 127 by in 1881. They reside at East Chatham, N. Y. ; have one daughter, Nellie M. Nellie M. Kirby was born at East Chat- ham, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1882. Charles A. Hamilton, born in Canaan, N. Y., March 24, 1859, married Carrie L. Preston. Carrie L. Hamilton, daughter of Jay N. and Martha J. Preston, born at East Chat- ham, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1861, married C. A. Hamilton May 19, 1881. They have two children as follows : C. Harold Hamilton, born at Brooklyn, N. Y. , Sep. 9, 1884. Kenneth P. Hamilton, born at Fair- mount, N. J., Dec. 31, 1886. H. Banford Mead was born at Fishkill, N. Y., July 16,1865. Nellie E. Mead, daughter of Jay N. and Martha J. Preston, born at East Chatham, N. Y., Sep. 2, 1866, married H. Sanford Mead Sep. 28, 1888. W. C. Orchard, born at London, England, Nov. 30, 1863, married Ada L. Preston. Ada L. Orchard, daughter of Jay N. and 128 GENEALOGIES Martha J. Preston, born at East Chatham, N. Y., Ssp. 15, 1869, married W. C. Or- chard Dec. 4, 1890. They have three chil- dren, as follows : Feed P. Orchard was born at Lenox, Mass., Oct. 10, 1891. Marjorie E. Orchard was born at Lenox, Mass., Nov. 13, 1894. W, Sanford Orchard was born at New York City Sep. 21, 1897. Wm. B. Preston, son of Jay N. and M. J. Preston, born at East Chatham, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1874, married Hattie B. Adams. She was born Apr. 6, 1874. Henry J. Preston, born Dec. 13, 1875, died Jan 25, 1881. Wheaton p. Barnes, fourth son of Elisha M. Barnes was born in Stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 23, 1846 ; was a Union soldier in the Civil War ; married Olive L., daughter of Elnathan and Elizabeth Barnes, Dec. 25, 1871. She was born Oct. 15, 1850, and died at Amboy, 111., Nov. 10, 1898. He moved to Amboy, Lee Co., 111., Apr, 12, 1891; married Olive G. Hague Oct. 30, 1900, at Napoleon, Henry Co., O. ; is a grain deal- er ; resides at Amboy, 111. SKTH A USTIN BARNES ^ ^^ SETH AUSTIN BARNES. Seth Austin Barnes, fourth son of Elisha Barnes, born in West Stockbridge, Mass., June 28, 1808, was a farmer by occupation, and owned a good farm at Williamsville. (West Stockbridge) Berkshire Co., Mass., where he lived and died. In the latter part of his life he was engaged in the grocery business. He ixiarried Caroline H. Williams of Stockbridge, Mass. They had two chil- dren, Ellen E. and William H. He died March 23, 1891. Ellen E. Barnes, born Oct. 15, 1835, died Apr. 15, 1870. She lived and died at the old home with her father. W illiam H. Barnes and Family. William H. Barnes, son of Seth Austin Barnes, born in West Stockbridge, Mass., Jan. 28, 1838, was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, enlisted as a private in Co. C, 37th Mass. Reg. ; served three years ; was wounded in the battle of the Wilder- ness. He was a public spirited man, much interested in township and county affairs ; 130 GENEALOGIES was justice of the peace a number of years, and served as assessor several terms ; was a civil engineer and in the different branch- es of his business was brought in contact with the best and most influential citizens. He was a man of sound judgment and strict integrity, a member and a deacon of the Congregational church at Housatonic, Mass. He died at his home July 81, 1901. He married Martha French. Martha F. Barnes, born in West Stock- bridge, Mass., Nov, 28, 1836, was married to Wm. H. Barnes May 2, 1862. They lived in West Stockbridge on the old farm that has been owned and occupied by the Barnes people about one hundred and twen- ty years, at a place now called Williams- ville, about one mile west of Housatonic, Mass. Their children are Florence A. and Jay Preston. Florence A. Sedgwick, daughter of Will- iam H. and Martha F. Barnes, born in West Stockbridge, Mass., March 21, 1868, married Edward C. Sedgwick May 23, 1900. Edward C. Sedgwick, born at Lenox, Mass., June 25, 1865, married Florence A. Barnes. He is a Congregational clergyman ; SETH A USTJN BARNES 1^1 M'as ordained at Curtisville, Mass. They have one daughter, Mary. They re- side at Lenox, Mass. Mary Sedgwick was born in Curtisville, Mass., Sep. 28, 1901. Jay Preston Barnes, son of William H. and Martha F. Barnes, was born in West Stoekbridge, Mass., Aug. 9, 1869. He grad- uated from the Great Barrington High school, and took a special course in Civil Engineering in Cornell University. He is a civil engineer ; resides at 46 Benton Ter- race, Pittsfield, Mass. He married Henri- etta Button, of Waterbury, Conn. They have three children, as follow^s : Harold Button Barnes, born Se[). 28, 1895. Margaret Barnes, born Oct. 10, 1899. William Hamilton Barnes, born March 6, 1903. All were born at Pittsfield, Mass. THOMAS WM. BARNES. THOMAS W. BARNj^S 133 THOMAS WM. BARNES. Thomas Wm. Barnes, fifth son of Elisha Barnes, was born in West Stockbridge, Mass., Feb. 9, 1811. He received a good ed- ucation ; was an influential political worker in the Republican party ; was a member of the State legislature, representing the West Stockbridge district, in 1847 — 48. He was engaged in farming and milling ; owned a large farm and was a member of the firm of Piatt & Barnes, large manufacturers of Piatt's Patent Buckwheat Flour, Wheat Flour and Feed. He died in West Stockbridge, Mass., Jan. 22, 1885. ZiLPHA Arnold Barnes and Thomas Wm. Barnes were married Oct. 26, 1841. They resided at Williamsville, in West Stockbridge, Mass. ; had two children, Erwin F. and Charles D. Barnes. She died Dec. 27, 1858. Emeline Colbourn Barnes, second wife of Thomas Wm. Barnes, born near Chat- ham, N. Y., March 16, 1836, was married to Thomas Wm. Barnes Apr. 26, 1876. KKWIN F. BARNES. THOMAS W.BABNJ^S 135 Erwin F. Barnes and Family. Erwin Frank Barnes, son of Thomas W. and Zilpha A. Barnes, was born in West Stockbridge, Mass., March 14, 1846. After attending the public schools of AVest Stock- bridge, he received a thorough education in the following institutions of learning : The Hudson River Institute at Claverack, N. Y., the South Berkshire Institute at New Marlborough, Mass., and Prof. Mar- shall Warner's private school at Stock- bridge, Mass. After leaving school he spent one year as clerk at Housatonic, Mass. In 1872 he en- tered the employ of Piatt, Barnes & Co. , and in 1875 became a member of the firm. In 1 880 Mr. Pomeroy went out of the business, in 1885 Thomas Wm. Barnes died, and in 1892 Mr. E. F. Barnes bought out his part- ner, Mr. Charles S. Piatt ; and since that time he has carried on the milling business alone. He has a good mill, thoroughly equipped, supplied with water power of thirty feet head. Besides general milling, his chief business and his spec- ialty is the manufacture of self-raising 136 GENE A L O GIES buckwheat flour. His facilities for tlie man- ufacture of this popular article include a patent hulling-machine of great economic value in the industry. He carries on his business intelligently and conservatively and with certain though not extravagant profits . He is a Republican in politics ,and in 1895 represented, in the Mass. General Court, the Sixth Berkshire Representative Dis- trict. In 1877 he received the appointment of postmaster at Rock Dale Mills, and has held the office ever since. He has held the office of selectman in the town of West Stockbridge for four consecutive years. He married Miss Augusta Joyner. Augusta M .Barnes, daughter of John M. and Fanny B. Joyner, born Sep. 11, 1848, was married to Erwin F. Barnes Jan. 14, 1874. There were born to them four chil- dren, as follows : Charles Dwight Barnes, born June 15, 1881 , a graduate of the Searles High School of Great Barrington, Mass., is bookkeeper in his father's office at Rock Dale Mills. Miriam Elizabeth Barnes, born March 30, 1883. 188 GENEALOGIES Lena Augusta Barnes, born May 18, 1885. Thomas William Barnes, born May 10, 1887. Charles Dwight Barnes, son of Thomas William Barnes, born Aug. 28, 1848, was killed by a horse running away Sep. 4, 1858. BETSEY BARNES CRAMPTON. Betsey B. Grampton, oldest daughter of Elisha Barnes, born Nov. 5, 1802, mar- ried Horace Grampton Jan. 17, 1821 ; moved to Amboy, Lee Go., 111., about 1867 ; died at Amboy, 111., about 1860. NANCY V. SEELEY. Nancy V. Seeley, youngest daughter of Elisha Barnes, was born in West Stock- bridge, Mass., Sep. 5, 1814, and died at Lenox, Mass., May 22, IS89. Erastus Miles Seeley was born in Gt. Barrington, Mass., Oct. 16, 1814; was a blacksmith by trade ; married Nancy Vio- let Barnes; died at Housatonic, Mass., Apr. 15, 1894. They had four children, NANCY V. SEELF.Y 139 Ann Eliza, Alice Louise, Gertrude M. and Wallace E. Aim Eliza Smith and Family. Ann Eliza Smith, oldest daughter of E. M. and Nancy V. Seeley, was born at West Stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 5, 1836 ; married 1). Newton Smith at Lenox, Mass., Feb. 24, 1 cc ^OrJ CQ >i j:^' s^^-s -I ^ o';^ --I ^ cc .Si cC »^ -::? -'-^ ^ ^ o .-t^ 'To fe c ^ _g -^ ^ § d o ,3^ .^ 1^ O O ^ - ^ ^ ^ J s ^ -S <^ £f &i 5 oj cd ^ cc jc o •qjd ^ ^ ^ <^ •- .-^ =c r ce c3 =+-! K ^ 1— f JK ?^ u rH ^ " ce II 8 n ro n- "—^ oS ce <3j .5 =e 0? =« o t- ^ "" ^ CO T— 1 *-, fl ^ \- -sl o P )-H -3 "3. S^ WM. N. AND MAin^E. SHEPARD 155 rand Mary E, Shepard, born at Pittsford, N. Y., July 28, 1840, was married to Oscar iStoutenburg at Pittsford, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1862. Th(^y have two children, as follows : Wm. a. Stoutenburg l^orn at Pittsford, N. Y., Sep. 10, 1867. Charlotte E. Stoutenburg born at Wy- •anet, IlL, Apr. 3,1869. All reside at Burt, Iowa, Sarali Culver and Family. Sarah F, Culver, daughter of Wm. and Mary E. Shepard, was born at Pittsford, N. Y., May 27, 1842 ; is a member of the M. E. Church. She married Abram Culver, son of Cornelius Culver, at Pittsford, May 1, 1867. They moved to Michigan in 1867 ; are engaged in farming; P. O. address is Ypsilanti, Mich., R. F. D. No. 2; have two daughters, Nellie Barnes and Cora May. Nellte Barnes Culver, born at Superior, Mich., Aug. 3, 1870, is a trained nurse. She is a member of the M. E. Church ; re- sides at Ypsilanti, Mich. Cora May Culver, born at Superior, Mich., Feb., 22, 1872, married Emil H. 1 56 GENEAL GIES Bradford Dec. 22, 1892. They reside at 1006 Waverly Ave., Toledo, O. ; are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church ; have one chihl, Nellie Grace, born Feb. 14, 1894. Geo. W. and Lucy K. Fariiain and Family. Geo. W. Faenam, son of George Wash- ington Farnam, born Oct. 16, 1845, at Scip- io, Cayuga Co., N. Y., was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, enlisted Aug, 28, 1862, and served to the close of the war ; was in the battle of Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg ; is a farmer ; married Lucy K. Shepard. Lucy K. Farnam, daughter of Wm. and Mary E. Shepard, born at Pittsford, N. Y., May 8, 1844, married Geo. W. Farnam. They are members of the Presbyterian Church ; reside at Pittsford, N. Y. ; have three children, Mary, Frank and Alfred. Mary Farnam married Delos Loughbor- ough. They have four children, as follows : Tracy Leon was born Jan. 17, 1891, at Pittsford, N. Y. Lucy Elm a was born Apr. 29, 1893, at Ba- tavia, N. Y. WM. N. AJ^D MAE Y E. ^HEEA ED 1 57 Maria Florence was born June 8, 1896, at Batavia. George Leroy was born Apr. 26, 1898, at Spencer, N. Y. Frank Farnam was born at Pitts ford, N. Y., June 12, 1870 ; is married and resides at Plum Point, Va. Alfred H. Farnam was born at Pitts ford, N. Y,, 8ep. 7, J 872 ; is married and resides at Pittsford. Wm. Miller Shepard, son of Wm. and Mary Shepard, born June 2, 1846, died Nov. 19, 1889. Charlotte Louisa Shepard, daughter of Wm. and Mary Shepard, born May 1, 1848, died Apr, 17, 1881. Isaac Barnes Shepard and Family. Isaac Barnes Shepard, son of Wm. and Mary Shepard, born Dec. 1, 1852, married Jessie Heacock at Rochester, Dec. 3, 1879. They moved to Pittsford, N. Y., and resi- ded at the okl homestead ; moved to Mari- on, Ind.,in 1891 ; moved to Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1896, where they now reside. 158 OENEALOGIES He is engaged in a wood and coal Imsiress P. O. address is 41 Niagara St., Rochester N. Y. They have four children, as follows Lottie, born &ep. 13, IHSl, is a stenogra- pher and book keeper, Katherine, born Feb. 20, 188-3, is a teach- er in the Public school. Ada was born Apr. 2, 1887. Ralph Bhepard was born May 21, 1889, MILON D. BARNES. MiLON D. Barnes, son of Isaac and Sarah Barnes, born at Brighton, N. Y,, in 1819; died at Brighton, June 2, 1859, aged 40 years . Anna Eliza (Servis) Barnes, wife of Milon D, Barnes, died Sep. 4, 1897, aged 80 years. They had two children, Ira and Albert. Ira Servis Barnes and P'aniily. Ira S. Barnes, son of Milon I). Barnes, born at Brighton, N. Y., Pel). 22, 1849, is a mason by trade ; married Lucy Maria Wright at Rochester, Aug. 31, 1871. They reside at Brighton ; have had three chil- dren, as follows : ED WIN M. BARNES 1^9 Albert Walter Barnes, born at Tidioute, Pa., June 2, 1872, married Caroline Jessica Barret Aug. 30, 1895, had one daughter, Anna May Barnes, born at Brighton, March 12, 1897, He died at Brighton, Aug. 20, 1898. George Milan Barnes, second son of Ira and Lucy Barnes, was born at Brighton, Apr. 27, 1874. Wm. Champion Barnes, third son of Ira and Lucy Barnes, was born April 2, 1878. Albert Barnes, son of Milon D. Barnes, was married, had no children, died in Col- orado when about forty years old. EDWIN M. BARNFS, Edwin Milton Barnes, son of Isaac and Sarah Barnes, born at Brighton, N. Y., April 51, 1823, died at Brighton, N. Y., July 10, 1864, married Julia Ann Arnold. Julia Ann Barnes, wife of Edwin M. Barnes, born at Lee, Mass., Feb. 7, 1829, died at Brighton, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1863. Their children were D wight F., Nellie, Maria, Edwin Arnold and Wm. S. 160 GENEALOGIES DwiciHT F. Barnes, born in 1854, died. Sep, 5^ 1855, aged one year, one month and eight days. Nellie M. and Frank E. Palmer. Nellie Martah Palmer, daughter of Ed- win M. Barnes, born at Fulton, 111., May 25, 1857, died at Stockbridge, Mass., Dec, 8, 1892. Frank R. Palmer, son of Wm. H. Pal- mer, born at Stoekbridge, Mass,, May 27. 1855, married Nellie Mariah Barnes Oct. 6, 1880. They had three children as follows : Wm. Palmer, born Dec. 25, 1883. Mabel Palmer, born June 27, 1888. Louise Palmer, born May 11, 1891. All born at Stoekbridge, Mass. Mr. Palmer is a farm^er and resides at Stockbridege, Mass.. Wm. S, Barnes, son of Edwin M. and Julia Barnes, born Nov. 24, 1862, died Jan. 24, 1863, EDWIN M. BARNES 161 Edwin A. Barnes and Family. Edwin Arnold Barnes, son of Edwin M. and Julia A. Barnes, was born at Brighton, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1859 ; went from Brighton to Charleston, West Virginia, in July, 1882 and has been engaged there in the Whole- sale Dry Goods and Notion business, ever since, being one of the firin of Abney- Barnes Co., and has been director in the Charleston National Bank for the last fif- teen years. He married, Apr. 25, 1888, at Salt Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Ma- bel Lander Appleton, b. at Boston, Mass., June 28, 1861. Their children are, as fol- io w^s : Arnold Appleton Barnes was born at Charleston, West Va., Feb. 12, 1889. Bernard Edwin Barnes was born at Charleston, West Va., May 16, 1890. JEDEDIAH BARNES 165 CHAPTER VL JEDEDIAH BARNES, HIS ANCESTRY, PARENTAGE AND DESCEND A NTf^. Jedediah Barnes b. about 17'()4, was per- haps grandson of Thomas Barnes, of Hart- ford(see p. 11) ; m. Abigail Wariier. in Southington, Conn., Dec. o, 1730; had two sons and two daughters, as follows : Loisb. June 23, 1732, Abigail b. Apr. 6, 1 735 , JosiAH b , Aug. 1 1 ,1740 and S ameel b . Aug. 5, 1744. All were b. iiivSouthington, Conn. (see Church Rec. P. 6). JosiAH Barnes had three chihiren, Jededi- ah. Calvin, Lemuel and perhaps others. Jedediah Barnes. Jedediah Barnes, son of Josiah Barnes, b. iiiN. Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., m. Sophia Root. Their c. were Levi, Calvin, Philo and Rebecca. Calvin Barnes d. 1881 ; Philo m. Mr. Eaton, had oned., Roxania Hines of Ilion, N. Y. Rebecca Barnes m. Mr. Degroat. Jedediah Barnes d. near Uti- ca, N. Y., 1840. 166 GENEALOGIES Levi Barnes. Levi Barnes, son of Jedediah Barnes, b. Feb. 25, 1796, in N. Canaan, Conn. ; moved to Utica, N. Y. ; was a soldier in the war of 1812 ; m. Susan Capron in 1818, and in 1820, with his wife and child, came from Utica, N. Y., in a sleigh, bought and moved onto a farm near Union City, Pa. He was ordained an elder in the M. E. Church in 1863 ; in 1834 was commissioned and served as captain of a company of militia. His wife died May 10, and he died May 19, 1877. Their children were Harriet, Charles Giles, John Vincent, Alpheus S., Levi Ga- lusha, Susan, Nathan Sylvester, Hannah and Sophia. Harriet Barnes b. at Utica, N. Y. , Nov. 18, 1819, m. Levi Richards. Their children were Sarah, Franklin, Emery, Lucy N., Wilber and Willard(twins), Charles A., and Elida. Sarah, b. May, 1839, m. Wm. A. Richard- son, 1859. Mr. Richardson enlisted in the Union army in 1863, served to the close of the war. They reside at Machias, N. Y. ; have had six children, as follows : Annie E. died young. Hattie a., b. 1867, m. Shirley Wilkins, c. Lizzie, b. 1887, Isme, b. 1891, Bernice, b. JEDEDIAH BARJ^ES 167 1892, resides at Union City, Pa, LuELLA, b. 1864,m. Henry Hatch, d. 1896, Annabel, b. 1869, ni. Elmer Drew, 1888, V. were, as follows : OlaF., b. 1890, d. 1895 ; r.eon and Lydia, b. 1891 ; Myrtle, b. 1896. L. BiRDEEN, b. 1875, m. Arthur Dills, c. Helen L., b, 1898, and Wm. Henry, b. 1900. Alice D., b. 1881. Geo. F. Richards, b. March 20, 1841 , en- listed Aug. 30, 1862, d. in the army, 1864. Lucy N., b. Nov. 11, 1844, m. Sept. 13, 1862, Josiah W. Mclntyre, res. at Ft. Col- lins, Col. ; c. Ola V., d., Loa Birdeen,d., Alice M., d. and Clyde b. Mar. 11, 1882. Emery C. Richards, b. June 13, 1848, m. IrenaOwen, Feb. 25, 1874, at Spring, Pa., res. at Union City, Pa. WiLBER Richards, b. Feb. 20, 1852, m. Melissa McCleary ; c. Evelyn, Wilber,Vera and Sybil ; res. at Clarksburg, W. Va. ; was mayor, P.M. and editor of Clarksburg Tel- egram ; d. Feb. 29, 1892. WiLLARD Richards, b. Feb. 20, 1852, m. Abigail Lewis ; c. Lelia, res. at Conneaut, (3hio. Charles A. Richards, b. Feb, 3, 1855, m. Adell Woodbury; c. Frank M. and Wealthy, res. at Farnham, O. 168 GENUA L OGJES Elida, b. Mar. 6, 1859, m. Andrew E. Woodbury, has three c, Anna, Verne and Jennie, res. at Conneaut, Oliio. Charles Giles Barnes, b.at Union City 1822, d. Aug. 14, 1896, m. Lama Moses ; c. are Marshall, Leslie L., Adelbert, Pierrie and Plnnaa. John Vincent Barnes, b. and res. at Un- ion City, Pa., b. Aug. 7, 1825; m. Eliza- beth Wellman ; e., as follows : Ellen A. b. Aug. 4, 1850 ; Erancis L., b. Nov. 29, 1853 ; Elizabeth M., b. Sep., 1859, m. Wm. Sears, has three c, Edwin, Ellen and Velma, res. at Union City, Pa. ; Elmer E., b. Nov. 1, 1861 ; Mary,'b, March 18, 1869, m. Oliver Brimer, has two c, res. at Union City, Pa. Alpheus S.Barnes, b. Aug. 8, 1832, d. Eeb. 19, 1893, m. Helen Parks. 1st w. and Hulda Barnes, 2nd w., c. are Eremont S., Lavillaand Harry. Levi Galusha Barnes, b. Apr. 8, 1835, m. Melissa Shelmadine, res. at Union City, Pa., has four c, as follows : Olive A. m. J. Carroll; Alice M. m. Eletcher Carroll; Mary S. m. J. W. Donaldson, res, at Hites, JEDEDIAH BARNES 1 69 Pa. ; Emma A, m. Oscar Clark, res. at Bradford, Pa. ; Jennie L., teacher in the public schools, res. at Union City, Pa. Nathan Sylvester Barnes, b. near Un- ion'City, Pa., Feb. 26, 1842, d. Dec. 19, 1878, m. Hulda Shelmadine, who was b. Aug. 13, 1847, had four c, O.wen M., Min- nie D., John W. and Grace J. Owen M. Barnes, b. Mar. 30, 1867, m. Gertie A. Nichols who was b. June 25, 1867, res. at Santa Barl)ara, Cal. They haye had four c, as follows : Clara Delle, b. Aug. 8,1888; Neil J. ]>. Aug. 19, 1890; Effie Belle, b. July 29, 1893, d. Apr. 4, 1895: Mead, b. Noy. 9, 1902. Minnie D., b. June 2, 1870, m. E. A. Shreye,b.Oct. 7, 1867, at Bloomfield, Pa. They haye had fiye c, as follows : Cecile Belie, b. July 12, 1889 ; E. Harold, b. 1891 , d. 1892 ; Edith Pvuth, b. Jan. 29, 1893 ; E. Harold, b. Dec 21 , 1895, and M. Gladys, b. May 1,1901. John W. Barnes, b. July 21 , 1872 ; res. at Los Angeles, Cal. Grace J., b. Mar. 25, 1879, ni. John W. Wellman who was b. Jan. 26, 1876, res. at 170 GENEALOGIES Union City, Pa. They have one c, Merideth L., b. June 2, 1902. ^ Hannah Moore lived near Union City, Pa., had two c, Lillie Saterlee and Corne- lia Chaffee, d. 1903. Susan m. Geo. Carroll ; P. O., Union City, Pa. Calvin, Lemuel and perhaps others, sons of Josiah Barnes, had c,, as follows : James Barnes; Van Rensselaer Barnes and Sam- uel Barnes of Oneida Co., N. Y, ; Byington Barnes of Fairport, N. Y, ; Rev. Enoch Barnes of Little Falls, N. Y., P, E. in the M. E. Church, a descendant, by his mother, of Lorenzo Dow. Rev. Enoch Barnes' sis- ter was the mother of Rev. Geo. Haddock. George C . Haddock was a zealous anti-sla- very and anti-saloon reformer. He was shot to death at the corner of Fourth and Water sts., Sioux City, la., on Aug. 21, 1886, by liquor dealers. Rev. Frank C. Haddock , pastor of the M. E. Church, Lynn, Mass., author of ''The King on his Throne", ' 'Hero and Martyr'', etc., is son of George C. Haddock. F.BF.NEy.EjR BARNES 171 VHINEA.S BARJVES AKI) DES( EXDANTSs Phineas Barnes, s. of Tho. Barn'eslsee p. 12s also note 1% \). 18),* b. July 7, 1730: com. of first Co. train b^nnd in Souths ington parish in Fasrmington, Ct., 1762, ]ie«t., 1766, capt., 1767:rem. toStockbridge Mass., before 1771: m. Phebe Ben- net. Four of their sons Were pioneer settlers of Ponii:fev, N. Y. William Barnes, >^. o! Phineas and Pliebe Barrnes,, b. in Wn Stockbridg^, Mass. ; in. Sarah -— — , of Gt. Barrington>. Mass.: mov. to Pompey, N. Y.: had Orson and jjerhaps oth- ers. Orson Ba5ines,s. of Wm. and Sarah, b. at Pompey, N Y.> Mar. 26, 1-802: m. EHz Phelps, ofSuffieid, Ot.:mov, toOnon daga Co., N. Y.: wasSnpt. of schools. Wm. Bar:nes, s. of Orson and Elizabeth, b. at Pompey, N. Y., May 2«, 1824: attorney at law, founder of N. Y. State Ins. Dept.: m. Emily, d. of ThurloW and Catherine Weed, Jidy 10, 1849: c. Thnrlow and Wm. Thurlow Weed Barnes, s. of Wm. and Emily Barne>^s ■gracl. at Harvard Col.: publisher at Boston, Mass,: m. Ecla Macy Austin, of Boston, 1B81. Wm. Barnes, of Albany, N.Y.,s. of Wm. and Emily Barnes> grad. at Harvard CoL: journalist: m. Grace Davis, of Cin- l Barnes (See P. 173). Peojjle who were reliable have told me tliat Daniel Barnes had four sons, Moses, Elisha, Elijah and Timothy, and one thought that he also had another son William. ELTSHA BARNES 183 John Barnes m. Stella Southward June 22, 1890. Amy E. was b. Apr. 13, 1891. Eleanor May was b. Apr. 28, 1894. Laura N. was b. Oct. 12, 1895, d. Nov. 6, 1902. Jessie E. was b. Apr. 25, 1897. David Al- len wash. March 8, 1901. Ruth Bernice was b. May 10, 1903. Emily M. Irish, daughter of Francis Barnes, b. Dec. 4, 1847, m. James Barton Sep. 10, 1866. They had five children, as follows: Francis, Larell, Walter, Robert, and Freddie. Mr. Barton, husband of Em- ily Barton, died June 1, 1896. She married Albert G.Irish April 1, 1900, P. O. Con- neautville, Pa. Francis Barton, born Apr. 6, 1870, m. Ora Holcomb Dec. 31, 1889, has two chil- dren, Lucius b. July 30, 1891, and Ona b. Aug. 30, 1894. His P. O. is Conneautville, Pa. Larell Barton was born May 17, 1874. Walter Barton, b. July 6, 1876, m. May Bell Holcomb, has one son, Owen, P. O. is Conneaut, Ohio. Robert Barton was born March 20, 1884. 1^4 GENEALOGIES Freddie Barton was born July 13, 1883. Mahalia Irish, daughter of Francis Barnes, b. Feb. 25, 1852, m. Henry Irish Jan. 1, 1871, had one daughter, Hattie. Hattie Irish, b. Sep. 5, 1875, m. Wm. Par- ker Aug. 5, 1893, has one daughter, Hazel, b. June 9, 1894. P. O. address is Gonneaut- ville. Pa. Will. L. Barnes and Family. Wm. L. Barnes, second son of Elisha Barnes, Jr., was born in Trumbull Co., O., May 23, 1824 ; served one year in the War of the Rebellion in Co. G., 1st Wis. Cav. ; died in Pierpont, Ghio, in 1902 ; was mar- ried to Julia Mapes. They had eight chil- dren, as follows : Wilson E. , Francis A., Amy R., Mary M., Cordelia A., Stephen Elisha, Wm. Allen and Maggie Almira. Wilson E. Barnes was born in Beaver, ('rawford Co., Pa., June 18, 1855 ; married Mary Flickinger of Columbiana Co., G. ; has one son, Roscoe, born March 2, 1891. Francis A . Barnes, born in Beaver, Craw- ford Co. , Pa., Get. 30, 1856, m. Sarah Wil- ELI /SUA BABNES 1^'^ son, has five children, as follows : Rolla, born in July, 1877; Frank; Clara, born March 12, 1883, m. David Bnrket ; John, born Aug. 21, 1890, and Clifford, born Aug. 23, 1899. Amy Rosetta, born Sep. 20, 1853, m. Al- len Cadwalader, has one daughter, Elma, born Aug. 6, 1888. Mary M., born near Conneautville, Pa., March 26, 1861, m, Frank Cole, has two daughters, Rosa, born Jan. 15, 1887, and Ella,, born Jan. 10, 1890. Cordelia Augusta, born at Fort Howard, Wis., Sep. 12, 1866, m. Wm. Campbell. They have four children, Mamie, born July 7, bS83; Leroy, born Oct. 26, 1887; Glenn, born Aug. 3, 1890, and Howard, born Jan., 1898. Stephen Elisha Barnes was born in Ash- tabula Co., 0., March 26, 1870. He mar- ried Martha Keyes. They have four chil- dren, Emery Alfred, born June 4, 1890 ; Florence A., born Nov. , 1893 ; Nellie, born Sep., 1896, and Elmo, born April, 1899. William A. Barnes, born at Howland, 186 QENEALoaiES Trumbull Co., ()., June 16, 1875, m, Lelia Irene Squires Oct. 17, 1894. They live at Pierpont, Ohio ; have four children, as fol- lows : Walter Allen, born May 9, 1896 ; Hermon Winfred, born Oct. 18, 1898; Evylene, born April 18, 1901, and baby born in 1903. Maggie Almira, born Sep. 3, 1878, m. Earnest Trisket Jan.l, 1898. They live at Perry, O. ; have three sons, Clarence Hen- ry, born Dec. 18, 1898 ; Elmer Frank, born July 28, 1900, and baby born in 1902. Orlan Henry Barnes, third son of Eli- sha Barnes, Jr., born Aug. 3, 1836, m. Cyntha Jacket, Their children were Ada Jane, Eva L., Ella E, and Frankie J. Ada Jane, born July 4, 1860, m. Frank Knapp, has one son, Lynn O. Knapp, m. in 1903, A. H. Stager, lives at Conneaut, O. EvaL., born July 3, 1863, m. Edmond L. Gordon. They live at Ashtabula, O. ; have had four children, as follows : Edmond R., born March 3, 1882 ; Jessie E. ; Don G., and Dorothy. Ella E., born Jan. 21, 1866, m. 1st, Wood ELISHA BA BNES 18 7 Caldwell, had two children, Cora E. and Hazel, ni. 2nd, Hugh Sutherland, had one idiild, Vasser. They live at Ashtabula, O. P^RANKiE died young. Olive, daughter of Elisha Barnes, Jr., born Apr. 27, 1832, ni. 1st, Austin Calhoun, had one daughter, Lois ; m. ,2nd, Richard Waterman . They lived near Beaver Centre, Pa. Lois, daughter of Austin and Olive Cal- houn, born Oct. 3, 1850, m. Edgar Saeger, of Saegerstown, Pa., has one daughter, 01- lie, who m. Mead Lawrence of Beaver Cen- tre, Pa. Maria, second daughter of Elisha Barnes, Jr., born in 1839, m. Eli Broughton. Their children were Sophrona, Mary, Eunice, Sarah, Elisha, Eli, Orlan and Edith. All live in Minn. Mary, third daughter of Elisha Barnes, Jr., born March 6, 1841, m. Joseph De- wolf. Thy had two children, Harra and Mabel. Harra m. Carrie Sterns, had one daughter, Emma. Mabel m. Silas Law, had four children. Bertha, Bessie, Walter, and MabeL I H8 genj:a l ouies CHAPTER YIll GENEALOGICAL REC^ORDS. JOSHUA BARNES OF YARMOUTH, TIMOTHY BARNES^ OF CONN,, AND OTHERS. DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA BARNES OF YARMOUTH. 1 Samuel Barnes, Samuel Barnes of Easthami)ton, L, I., s. of Joshua Barnes of Yarmouth^ b. 164i^. See p. 4. 2 Stephen Barnes, Stephen Barnes of Bradford, Ct., probably s. of Sam- uel Barnes of EasthamptoUy b. at Southampton, L. I., m. Mary Barnes, moved there about 1700, died at Brad- ford; had a son, Stephen. S Stephen ]5arnes, Stephen Barnes, s. of Stephen Barnes of Bradford, b. Jan. 2, 1704, m. Martha Wheadon; removed to Southing- ton, Ct. , located in S. W. part of town, d. March 27,1777. Children— Mary, Stei»hen, Jonathan, William, Nathan, Asa. 12 Stephen Barnes, Stephen Barnes, s. of Stephen (3), b. Dec. 3, 1728, m, 1751, Sarah Barnes, d'. Aug. 26, 1784. Jo SII f ^A BA n XE S 18V) CMldien— Sarah; Philemon, b. June 26, 1757; Farring- ton, b. Dec. 2, 1700, m. Sally Talmage, moved to North- ■ampton, Mass. ; Mark, b. March 12, 1764, m. Sarah Rob- erts; Martha; Nathan, b. Jan. 8, 1771, m. Elizabeth , 13 Jonathan Barnes. Jonathan Barnes, s of Stephen Barnes (3), b. Feb. 2, 1731, m. Aug. 4, 1757, Elizabeth Woodruff. He died Jan. 7, 1807. Children— Jonathan, Elizabeth, Mary, Stephen, Sylvixi, Lois, Levi, Joel, Truman. 15 WiiiLiAM Baenes, William Barnes, s. of Stephen Barnes (3), b. Nov. 10, 1738, m. Martha Upson; was captain; removed to North- ampton, Mass., 1800. Children — Hannah, Azuba; Benjamin, b. October 0, 1761; Experience; William, b. Feb. 2, 1767; Elizabeth, 17 Asa Barnes. Asa Barnes, s. of Stephen Barnes (3), b. Aug. 24, 1745, m. Oct. 30, 1765, Phebe AtK:ins. He lived in S. W. part of Southington, Ct., kept tavern, gave a ball in honor of French officers. Children— Allen, b. July 16, 1767; Naomi, Selah, Ruth; Martin, died young; Eli, b. May 21, 1775; Asa, b. July 22, 1777; Martin, died young; Ira, b. Nov. 15, 1781;Philo, b. March 2, 1782. ■ 19 Philemon Barnes. Philemon, s. of Stephen Barnes (12) b. June 26, 1757, m. June 10, 1779, Anna Scott, in Wolcott, Ct., died there Jan. 29, 1795. Children— Fanny, Mary; Stephen, b. May 9, 1784; Laura; Cyrenius, b. March 15, 1790. 24 Jonathan Barnes. Jonathan Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (13), b. March 1 90 GENEALOGIES 13, 1763, m. Feb. 19, 1789, Rachel Steel. He graduated at Yale College in 1784, studied law, was State's attorney for Tolland Co, ; died Sept. 24, 1829. Children— Jonathan, b. Nov. 21, 1789; Julius S., b- Feb. 23, 1792; Eliza; William, b. Feb. 8, 1802; Mariah; Josiah, b. INlay 26, 1804; graduated at Yale College and at Med. Univ. of Pa. ; d. 1871. 27 Stephen Barnes. Stephen Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (13) b. Feb- 12, 1769, m. Sally Andrews, Nov. 14, 1823; was captain of cavalry. Children — Eunice, Alva Saxton, Polla M., Leonard Merriman; Edwin, b. May 29, 1799; Truman, b. 1801, d. 1829; Liva, 1804; Stephen A., Aug. 28, 1809, d. 1854. 31 JoEii Barnes. Joel Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (13) b. 1779, m. Rebecca Stevens, d. March 15, 1819. Children— Caroline, Norman S., Matilda, Eunice; Joel H., b. June 7, 1813; Reuben, b. Dec. 9, 1815. 32 Truman Barnes. Truman Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (13), b. April 33, 1783; m. Jan. 3, 1805, Lowly Barrett. Children — Mary, Lowly, Emily, Sylvia. 40 Allen Barnes. Allen Barnes, s. of Asa Barnes (17) b. July 16, 1767, m. Sarah Webster, d. Sept. 27, 1809. 41 Selah Barnes. Selah Barnes, s. of Asa Barnes (17) b. March 4, 1769, m. Oct. 9, 1791, Nancy Cowls, who died April 7, 1831; m, Dec. 28, 1881, Ada Clark. He died Oct. 15, 1850; had 13 children. Children— Charles C, b. Feb. 8, 1792, d. in 1813; Elihu, died young; Phebe, Laura; Martha, b. Jan. 8, JOSHUA BARNES 191 1801, m. Eev. Charles Goodrich, missionary to Saud- wich Islands; William, b. April 11, 1803, d. June 11, 1852; Amzi, b. Aug. 5, 1805; Nancy, Selah; Charles, b. Oct. 30, 1813; Allen, b. June 33, 1816; Henry E.,b. Oct. 31, 1832. 44 Eli Barnes. Eli Barnes, s. of Asa Barnes (17), b. May 21, 1775, in Southington, Ct., d. at Barnesville 1829. He was a farmer, was engaged in real estate business, founded the village of Barnesville, noAv a part of New Haven, Ct. ; m. Nov. 4, 1795, Roxana Newell; m. (2) Aug. 2, 1812, Susin M. Bradley. Children- Jeremiah R., b. March 9, 1809; Alfred Smith, b. Jan. 28, 1817; John C, b. 1828. 45 Asa Barnes. Asa Barnes, s. of Asa Barnes (17), b. July 22, 1777, m. Polly Woodruff; lived in Southington, Ct., d. July (>, 1806. Children— Henry, b. July 13, 1806; Benjamin, b. July 13, 1806; Reuben, b. April 14, 1811; Edmond, b. May 2, 1813; Dennis, b. 1818. 47 Philo Barnes. Philo Barnes, s. of Asa Barnes, (17), b. March 2, 1782, m. Amanda Poad, July 4, 1802; m.(2) Electa Durin; lived in Marion district, Southington, Ct. Children— Martin, Seth, Emily; Harriet, b. Oct. 29, 1806, m. Henry Beecher; Rhoda; Rollin R., b. Jan. 17, 1811, drowned Sept., 1828; Sylvia; Martin, b. Mary 31, 1819; Willard Ira, b. Dec. 25, 1820; Jennette; Seth E., b. Nov. 13, 1824, d. July 20, 1863, from wounds received at Ft. Wagner; Andrew F., b. Aug. 16, 1827. 55 Jonathan Barnes. Jonathan Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (24), b. in Tolland Nov. 21, 1789, m. April 29, 1819, Maria Ward. 192 GKNEALOQIES He graduated at Yale College, 18 iO, was a lawyer, lived at Middleton; d. Dec. 24, 1861. Children— Jane Jones, Catherine Rogers; Jonathan E., b. Feb. 8, 1828; Henry W., b. Feb. 10, 1830. 56 Juiiius S, Barnes. Julius S. Barnes, s. of Jonathan Barnes (24), b. in Tolland Feb. 2.3, 1792, m. Laura Lewis; graduated at Vale College in 1815, was M. D., lived at ISouthiugton, Ct.; d. Nov. 12, 1870. Children— Randolf, b. April 7, 1823, d. Nov. 1, 1849; Lewis, graduated at Yale College; is M. D., lives at Oxford, Ct. ; Julius, b. Aug. 25, 1881; John J., b. April 14, 1834. 64 Edwin Barnes. Edwin Barnes, s. of Stephen Barnes (27), b. May 29, 1799, m. (1) Lucy Smith; (2) Frances M. Bristol; lives at Southington, Ct. Children— Henry S., b. Nov. 21, 1828; Edwin D., b. March 26, 1888; Julius B., b. Oct. 10, 1840. 66 LivA Barnes. Liva Barnes, s, of Stephen Barnes (27) b. July 5, 1809, m. Lucretia C. DeWoolf, d. Nov. 12, 1872; lived in South- ington, Ct. Children— Truman, b. March 8, 1835; Liva F., b. July 1, 1887. 92 Henry E. Barnes. Rev. Henry E. Barnes, s. of Selah Barnes (41), b. Oct. 31, 1832, m. Eliza Carpenter May 1, 1862. Children— Harra E., b. Jan. 24, 1863; Ralf N. C, b. Sept. 4, 1870; Roy T. H., b. Dec. 2S, 1871. 93 Jeremiah R. Barnes. Rev. Jeremiah R. Barnes, s. of Eli Barnes (44), b. March 9, 1809, m. (1) Catherine Piatt Aug. 7, 1836; m. (2) JOSH V A BARJ<1K^ 193 Catherine Webster; ori-aduatecl at Yale College 1834, tangbt academy at Sontliington, pastor of Presbyterian cliurch at Evansville, Ind., 9 years, at Piqiia, 0.,2 years; in 1850 pub. the Western Emporium at Cincinnati, O. ; was agent of Miss, association. Children Charles J.,b. July 26, 1887; Julia A., b. Aug. 27, 1840, m. July 2, 1807, Prof. Geo. R. Clear, of Marietta College; Catherine P., b. July 16, 1844; Caroline W., b. July 14, 1846. 1)7 Alfred S. Barnes. Alfred Smith Barnes, s. of Eli Barnes (44), b. at Barnesville, Ct., Jan. 28, 1817, d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1888. He was a philantropist; was Sr. member of the publishing firm of A. S. Barnes & Co., N. Y., and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; married Nov. 21, 1841, Harriet Eliza- beth, daughter of Brig. Gen. Timothy Burr, Avho served in war of 1S12. Children— Alfred C, b. Oct. 27, 1842; Mary C, b. May 2.5, 1844, m. Eev. Charles Ray Palmer of Bridgeport, Ct., Henry Burr, b. Dec. 14, 1845. 100 John C. Barnes. John C. Barnes s. of Eli Barnes (44), b. Aug. 15, 1823, m. Mary ?tarr; in business in N. Y. rhildrt^n— Chavles W., b. Oct. 20, 1851; Thomas K., b. Jan. 15, 1857; Alfred S., b. Jan. 12, 1858. 185 Charles J. Barnes. Charles J, Barnes, s. of Jeremiah R. Barnes (93), b. July 26, 1837, at Evansville, Ind., m. Mary Ludington of Chicago, 111., March 27, 1868. He is connected with the firm of A. S. Barnes & Co., publishers, Chicago, ^N. Y. and Cinn. ; resides at Chicago. 189 Alfred Barnes. Alfred C. Barnes, s. of Alfred Smith Barnes (97) b. 1 94 GEJ^EALOaiES Oct. 27, 1842, m. Josephine E. Ricbardaon of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children— Harriet J., b. Aug. 7, 18(54; Mary G., b. Sept. 23, 1867; Alfred V., b. July 25, 1870. 193 Henry Bubr Barnes. Henry Burr Barnes, s. of Alfred Smith Barues (97), b N. Y. city Dec. 24, 1845; graduate of Yale College 1860 M. A.; eilitor of International Review 1877-80; publisher house of A. S. Barnes k Co.; president of Stationers Bd. of Trade 1887-8; m. June 16, 1869, Hannah Eliza beth, daughter of Courtland Palmer Dixon. — See Sav age's Gen Die; American Ancestri/; J?ev. Herman B Tlmloiv''s Eccl. sketches of Southington, Ct. I SHAMGER BARNES. HIS ANCESTORS AND DESOENDANTS- 1 Shamger Barnes. It is stated that Shamger Barns was the son of Charles Barns, who was born in Mass., (Lynn, perhaps) about 1640, and that Charles Barns was the son of Joshua {Seep. 4) or of William Barns, born in East Winch, Norfolk Co., England, about 1620. Shamger Barns, b. in E. Hampton, Long Island, in 1670; d. in E. Middleton, Ct., Dec. 13, 1750; m. Eliza- beth Stead, dau. of John Stead. Children— Mary Barns, b. 1697; John, b. 1699; Abigail and Phoebe; all born in E. Middletown, Ct., and baptized Apr. 11, 1708. JOSHUA BAliNES 195 2 Mary Barns. Mary Barues, dan. of Sharager Barns (1), b. about 1G97, d. Sept. 17, 1784; m. Samuel Bidwell, Jr., of Middle- town, Ct., Sept. 2, 1714, d. March, 1727. Children— Daniel, b. Nov. 18, 1716; Sarah, b. Jan. 29, 1719. 3 John Barn.s. John Barnes, s. of Shamj^er Barnes (1), b. in E. Mid- dletown,Ct., 1699, died in E.Middletown,Ct., buried Sept. 8, 1783; m. Eunice Tryon Aug. 18, 1726. She was dau. of Abel Tryon; bo-n Feb. 10, 1706, buried April 10, 1786. Children -John, b in E. Middletown, Ct., Nov. ^2, 1726, d. Jan. 21, 1798; Elizabeth, b. Apr. 23, 1728; Eunice, b. July 23, 1730; Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1732; Abiah, b. July 2, 1742, d. March 6, 1762; Abel, b. Aug. 18, 1744; Jabez. 12 Jabez Barns. Jabez Barns, s. of John Barns (3), lost at sea or d. of lever in the W. Indies about 1780; m. Martha Atkins March 22, 1758. She was dau. of Thomas Atkins and Martha Miller; b. in Middletown, Ct., June 17, 1739, d. Oct. 10, 1834. Children-Daniel, b. Aug. 26, 1760; Abiah, b. Aug. 9, 1762, d. Jan. 31, 1765; Abiah, b. Apr. 27, 1765; Jabez, b. Dec. 18, 1767; Martha, b. Apr. 26, 1770; Elisha, b. July 24, 1773; Ithamar, b. Apr. 12, 1776, d. May 7, 1849; Levi, b. May, 1778; Elizur, b. Sept. 20, 1780. 13 Daniel Barns. Daniel ]^arns, s. of Jabez Barns (12), b. Aug. 26, 1760, d.Oct. 20, 1824; married and moved probably to Steuben, Oneida Co. His wife, Sarah, b. Jan. 17, 1768, d. Oct. 5, 1833. Children— Harriet, born Dec. 12, 1790; Olive, b. July 12, 1792, d. March 24, 1826; Sarah, b. Sept. 25, 1795; Halsey, 196 GENEALOaiES b. Oct. 12, 1797; Etlielbert, b. June lo, 1803; Eliznr, b. May 15, 1804. 17 Eltsha Barns. Elisha Barns, s. of Jabez Barns (12), b. in >4dflletown, Ct., July 24, 1778, d. in Long Kill, East District, Ct., June 9, 1841; m. Mary Plumb Sept. 26, 1802 she was dau. of Reuben Plumb and Mary Shepherd, of Middle- town, Ct.; b. Jan 2. 1775; died Feb. 19, 1M09. Children- Betsey, b. July 14. 1808, d. 1868; Mary Ann, b. June 18, 1805, d. in Attica, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1849; Emily, b. May 5, 1807, d. in Kent, Porta, d, Dec. 23, 1884. Children — Reon Barnes, Jr., b. in Staten Island, N. Y., Aug:. 3, 187-}; Martha Cynthia Barnes, b. m Staten Island, N. Y., Sep. 11, 1875; Alice Twombly Barnes, 1). in Staten Island, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1882. 80 Gaybekt Barnes. Gaybert Barnes, s. of Duane Barnes (82), b. in Mid- dletown, Ct., Oct. 10 1848; d. Oct. 18, 1895. He was of the class of 1809 Wesleyan University, Michlletown, Ct. ; left college during senior year, received honoi-ary de- gree of A. M., Wesleyan University in 1876. Hem. Mary Louisa Fuller Jan 16, 1872. She Avas the dau. of Ebenezer Fuller and Harriet Bolles. Slie was b. in Norwich, Ct,, March 22, 1844. Children — Bessie, b. in New York city March 15, 1878; Eachel, b. in New Vork city Dec. 21, 1874; Sarah, b. in New York city Feb. 5, 1876; Duane, b. in New York city Oct. 29, 1877, went to Manila. P. I., as private in the 1st Cav. Volunteers May, 1898, died in San Fran- cisco, Cal., Sept. 18, 1899, buiied at Middletowai, Ct., Sept. 24, 1899; Ebenezer Fuller, b. in New York c^ty Oct. 26, 1879; Annie Mariah, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1882, 81 CiiLMER Barnes. Culmer Barnes, s. of Duane Barnes (82), b. in Mid- dletown, Ct., Aug. 23, 1850, m. Amelia, dau. of Jessie Rodman and Jane Demorest, in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 7, 1874. She was born in Williamsburg, N. Y. June 5, 1854. Children — Culmer Barnes, Jr., b. in New York city March 11, 1875; Hardin, b. in New York city Aug. 16, 1876; Jessie, b. in New York city Oct. 1, 1878; Elisha, I), in New York city Oct. 24, 1880; Hazel, b. in Sing 202 GENEAlAXnES Sino^, N. Y., Oct. 24, 18)0; May Belle, b. in Sin- Sing-, N. Y., May 3, 1892. He died in Sin- Sin^, N. Y., May 5, 1892; was buried in Middletown, Ct. 82 KiLMENY Barnks HoiiT. Kilmeny Barnes, dau. of Diiane Barnes (82), b Sei>t. 17, 18.")2, m. Albert Alfonso Holt Sept. 17, 1878. He was b. in Amherst, N. Y., July 11,1 U5. 84 EvERET Baknes. Everet Barnes, s. of Duane Barnes (82), b. in Middle- town, Ct., Jan. 24, 1859, m. Sarah Louise Meyers in New York city March 4, 1898. She was b. in Saratoga Spriucvs, N. Y., Nov. 2), 1869. Children— Marofaret Moore Ba'-nes, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1893; Mildred Yates B rnes, b. in Sin- Sing, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1895; Everet Barnes, Jr., b. m Sing- Sing, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1900. 112 Martha CyNTHiA Barves RoBRRrs. Martha C. Barnes, dau. of Ueon Barnes C79\ b. Sept. 11, lS7o, m. Harold Barnes Roberts in Staten Isla'jd, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1895. He was s. of Hinda Barnes and George Litch Roberts, b. in Boston Aug. 8, 1809. Ch Idren— Llewellyn Barnes lioberts, b. in W. Rox- bury, Mass., June 10, 189(3; Elwiu Barnes Roberts, b. in Hyde Park, Mass., Jan. 10, 1899. 113 Alice Twombly Barnes Lawrence. Alice Twonibly Barnes, dau. of Reon Barnes (79), b. Jan. 9, 1882, m. Joseph D. Lawrence, Jr., at Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1900. 115 Bessie Barnes Galloway. Bessie Barnes, dau. of Gaybert Barnes (80), b. in New Y''ork city March 15, 1873, m. Franklin Albert Galloway in Brooklyn, >f. Y., Aug. 18, 1895. He was born in Martinsburg, Lewis Co., N. 1^, June 4 18(57, was grad- uated A. B. at Wesleyan University June, 1894. JO S ir UA B A RNES 208 Cliildren— Geoi'o-e Barnes Galloway, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1898; Bessie Galloway, b. in Passaic, N. J., Sept. 17, 1900. 116 RACHEii Barnes liiTTLE. Rachel Barnes, dan. of Gaybert Barnes (80), b. in New York city Dec. 21, 1874, ni. Charles Engene Little, Jr., Aug. 18, 181)5. He was b. at Nyack, N. Y., April 7, 1873. Children— Constance Miriam Little, b. in Jersey ('ity, N. J., May 24, 1836; Gaybert Barnes Little, b. in Jersey City, N. J., Au"'. 31, W:)S. — Com2)iled hy the author from "Ancestry and Descendants of Shamger Barnes''' hff George Llfch Roberts. DESCENDANTS OF TIMOTHY BARNES. Timothy Barnes, b. in England 16—, d. in Conn. Timothy Barnes, s. of Timothy, of England, b. in Conn. 17 — , d. at Hartford, Conn. Timothy Barnes, s. of Timothy of Hartford, b. at Hartford, Conn., Apr. 19, 1749, d. at Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 11, 182'), a soldier in the Rev. war, m. Eunice Mun- son . Timothy Barnes, s. of Timothy of Litchfield, b. at Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 8, 1780, a soldier of the war of 1M12; capt. of militia many years; m. Betsey Cole Sept. 12, 1802, m. Almira Cole, Feb. 3, 1821. Lemuel Munsou Barnes, s. of Timothy, of Conn., b. at Barnes, Pa., Oct. 28, 1831, m. Rachel Call, moved to Sand Beach, Mich. Lemuel Call Barnes, B. A., s. of Lemuel M. Barnes, 1). at Kirtland, O., Nov. 6, 1854; a Baptist minister; re- sided at Newton Center, Mass — See Anterican Ancestry. ^04 GEi\ EA L O GIE S CHAPTER IX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. SUCCESSFUL MEN WHOSE ANCESTRY IS UNKNOWN TO THE AUTHOR. RUFUS BARNES. Successful Pioneer Farmer. RuFus Barnes, born near New Haven, ( -t. , in 1765, married Anna Frisl)y, niovcMl to Oneida Co., N. Y., and bought a farm near Rome, where he died in 1847. He was oiu^ of the pioneers of Oneida ( 'Ountv ; liad two sons, Albert and Ambrose. Ambrose Barnes was born near Rome, N. Y., in 1807, where he died in 1851 . He liad two daughters, Lydia, died when six- teen years old, and Julia who married S. F. Tremain and resides at Rome, N. Y. albert BARNES. Theologian and Biblical Commentator. Albert Barnes, oldest son of Rufus Barnes, was born near Rome, N. Y., Dec, 1, 1798 ; graduated at Hamilton college, at (^linton, N. Y., in 1820, and three years af- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ^05 tor wards graduated at the Theological Sem- inary, Princeton, N. J. He was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Chnrch at Mor- ristown, N. J . , Feb^ 28, 1825 ; was called to the tlrst Presl)yterian Cliurch in Philadel- ])hia in LSoO, and was pastor of that church thirty seyen years. He is better known as a commentator than as a clergyman. More tlian a million copies of his commentaries were sold preyious to his death, and the de- mand since then has been as great as it was before. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec, 24, bS7(). His children were Albert Henry, James Nathan and ('harlotte. They all died in Philadelphia, leaying no children. HORACE BARNES Fanner. Horace Barnes, })orn at Warwick, Mass., about 1800, had tliree ])rothers, Cypian, r.yman and Joseph, and four sisters. About 1840 he was married and moyed to Bristol, 111 . , at which place he died in 1880. He had tjye children. His sons were Orton A., Har- lan P, and A, H. 206 GENKA L (m:s ORTON A. BARNES. Jurist and Farmer. OrtoxA. Barnes served tliret^ years in tlie army in the War of the Rehellion : married Ennice Pierce at Paw Paw. Ill,, in about 1867; moved to Memphis, Mo., upon a farm where he died in 1 S98. He was ('ounty Judge several years ; had one son, Orton A, Barnes, Jr., and five daughters. H. P. BARNES. Farmer. H. P. Barnes, son of Horace Barnes, engaged in farming, lives on the old farm at Bristol, 111. ; was married in 1873 to Fan- nie Bradford of Boston, Mass. ; has no chil- (h'en living ; has been chairman of the County l:>oard of Supervisors many years. A.H.BARNES. Proprietor and jjiiblisher of The Eagle Grove Eagle. A. H. Barnes, youngest son of Horace Barnes, was married in 1873 to Lizzie Ray- mond at Bristol, 111. They Avent in 188:> to Miner, S. D. ; farmed until 1896 then went to Eagle Grove, lo., and bought the Eagle Grove Eagle which he is now j)ub- BlOURAPllICAL SKKTVllKS -^'^ lishing. They have three sons, as follows : Horace R., married Ida Hiunphry at ^li- ner, 8. D, , ill 1895, has two sons, ( Uareiice and Glenn, is a farmer; Solon A., ])()rn in 1867, has an a|)})ointment at Washiivuton. 1). C . ; Harlan W, born in 1884. JAMES BARNES, Soldier and Engineer.. James Barnes, born at Boston. Mass.. in 1806: gTadiuited at West Point in 1829: was appointwl l)risa<^it'r-seneral in 1862, and brevet major-general U. S. volunteers March 18. 1865. He was w^oiinded at Grettysljurg, and died in Si)ring-- field, Mass., Feb. 12, 1869. from disease contni'cted in th-e service. JOSI'.ril K. I5AKNES. •Celelirated Soldier and Suro:con_ Joseph K. Barnes, born in Philadelphia, Pa.. July 21.1817, ..ij-radiiated at Harvard Colleg-e: received his degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania, ckissof 1839: was brig- adier-general: I'eceiA'eil the appointment of surgeon-gen< ral Aug. ,22, 1864: died at Washingt^jn, D, C^, 1883. CHARLES Kii-:i) i;akxks. Cel<-liraJed iMilaiiist. Charles R. Barnes, M. A. Ph. D.. was born in McMlison, Ind.. Sep. 7, 1858: educated at Hanover College and Harvard University: prophessor of botany in the Univ^'rsity of Wis con.sin.- >/o//y/.so//'.s- Knc. ^08 GENEALOGIES SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER V. CHARLES HENRY WEST. See P. 146. Charles Henry West and Sarah Emily Barnes, daughter of Isaac Barnes, were married at Brighton, Monroe Co., N. Y., Dec. 7, 1830 ; moved to Ridgeway, N. Y. ; had five children, as follows : Daniel Mil- ler, Isaac Barnes, Elisha Yale, Charles Henry and Elisha Yale, 2nd. Daniel Miller West, born Oct. 27, 1831 , died at Prescott, Wis,, Apr. 15, 1859. Isaac Barnes West, born at Ridgeway, N. Y., June 21, 1833, married Mary Emma Case at Kingsboro, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1861, died Apr. 31, 1869. Their children were Daniel Miller, died in infancy, and Charles Case. Charles Case West, born Feb. 25, 1867, resides at 39 First St., Rochester, N. Y., isa dealer in coal and wood. He married Grace D. Tibbetts at Gloversville, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1892. They have had three children as fol- lows : Paul J. born Sep. 8, 1895 ; Margaret SUPPLEMENT 209 Estella ,born March 1, 1899, died July 14, 1900 ; Ruth Elizabeth, born Sep. '26, 1901. Eltsha Yale West, born Nov. 28, 1835, died March 28, 1849. Charles Henry West, born at Kingsboro, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1839, enlisted in July, 1862, received a lieutenant's commission, was lost at the battle of Ream's Station, Va., Aug. 25, 1864. Elisha Yale West was born June 2, 1850, at Ridgeway, N. Y., where he now resides. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER VI. DESCENDANTS OF JEDEDIAH BARNES. Philo Eaton, dau. of Jedediah Barnes (see P. 165), had five children, as follows : Mrs. Roxaiia Hines, Ilion, N. Y. ; Mariah ; Annette ; Allen, employed in the Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C. ; Volney of Herkimer Co., N. Y. Levi Barnes' Descendaiits. Charles G. Barnes (see P. 168) m. 2nd ^ SUPPLEMENT 211 w., .Jam* ('a])]'<)]i, had a son, Levi. John V, Bahnes (see P. 168) in. 1st w., E]izal)eth Wellman, 2nd w., ?*^arah Ciipples and od w., Jane Messenger; liad five chil- L\ 1840. Henry Brown and Lydia Barnes were mar- ried Dee. 27, 1864. Their children are Nora L. , Katie M,, Fred L. and Bonnie B. Nora L. Brown Avas l)orn Jnlv 15, 181)7. J Kate M. Brown, h. June o, 1861),^Mark Hills of Crawford Co., Pa., Nov. 22, 181)8, has one daughter, Thelma, horn Nov. 21, 1902. Frej) L. Brown, h. Nov .4, 1871, m. May C.Bigelow ofConneaut, ()., Dee. 27, 1899. Bonnie B. Brown, horn June 17, 187-), m. \Vm. Laudierv June 10, 1902. INDEX Albany Ave. and High St l'> Allen, Indian I''^ Andrews, Ernest J.. Vinnie Z.. Helen Frederick. Roger 'M John 7 Sally 90 App'eton. Mabnl fi 161 Arnold. Julia A 159 Arthur. LiH M.. P 109, 111 Atki'is, Phebp 189 Thomas. Martha 1^5 Bacon. .Abigail. Clarissa..l79, 197 Baniste''. S trab 173 Barne«. Aaron 20 A^>el 195 Abi 176.177 Abiah 195 Abigail, 7. 12. 17, 165". 174, 175. 179. 194. Ab.jah 174.179 Abraham, 5. 6 7. 43. 91, 92. 1 17 Ada J 186 Addie 211 Adelbert 168 A. H 205.2(t6 Albprt 204.158 172 Alfred. 175. 193; (J 193: S. 191, 193; V. 194. AlioH T 201 Allen 189.190,191 Almond W 21 Alpheiis S 166,168,211 Alt:, and Elma 78 Alva 19.99 Alva S-xton 190 Amanda E 93 Ambrose ...'^'04 Ame ia 197 Amos 21, 2 V -it. .1/ Amy 182. 183. 184. 185 Amzi T^i Andrew F 191 Anna K 86, 158 AnnaL 19,114,174 Anna M 201, 159 Anner E 63 Anson E 26. 32 Apnleton 14 Arnold A 161 Arthur riinton 199 Arthur E 63 72 Arthur W 21.22 Asa 4, 14. 188. l*-9. 190. 191 Asahel 196. 119. 120, 123 Asahel Fairchilrt 196. 197 Augusta M 119. 120. \2\ Azuba 189 Benjamin. 7. 11, 12. 16. 17. 120- 189, 191. Bernard F..161: L 199 Bessie 150, 178. 179.201, 20_' Bptspy. 26. 117. 118. 119, 175. 177. 196. Byingtoii 170 Byfon 30: B 63. 73 Calvin I61. 170 Carl 84 Carrie F 87 Carmi 172 r:,roline 159.193.195 Cassiu^ M 178. 179 Catherine 193 Charles. 3. 5. 190. 191. 194. 195. 196: A. 79: O 133. 136. i:-!8: a 166. 168. 209; K. 99. 106.108.110; .M. U3. 147.150. 158; P.150:R id. 207: W. 193 Cha-loite 19, 114 118. V05 Clara 169.185 Clarinda-. 1 5 Clifford 185 C arence 23. 150. 207 Claud 34 (^lari-s 195 Clive 21 Col.Ahram . 6 Cora M 46, 48 Cordelia A 184.185 Culmer 198.201 Cypian 205 Cjr»nins 189 lyrus...l9,33.34; Wm 99. 100 Daniel 7, 173, 174, 175, 195 Darus 43. 86 David 63. 83. 85. 18 ^. 185 Det.orah 7. 12 Dennis .^.i^l Dora 21. 22 Dua'-e 196.198.202 Dwight 159.160 Eberezer, 6.12. 13, 16, 17, 171, 172. Edward 4.36. 123.125 Fd«in 143.159. 161.192 Edmond 191 Edn^ 21 Effie 169 Elbert 124 E'berta 17/ Eleanor 183 Eli Elias ..43 60. 61 Elisha.l5. 18 119 120.121.142, 173. 182. 195, 196, 201; Mun- s n. 119. 123. Elijah 173 Eliza 179.180.190,199 Elizabeth. 4. 5. 6. 7.12. 13 17, 20: A. 26. 109; E. 43. 123,124. 168. 189.195.211; M. 168 211. EHzure 1 95. 196. 198 Ella 63. 101,182. 18«J 216 INDEX Ellen A. 129, 168, 1U9, 211; E. 129; R.7;i, Klma 7-?, 78 Elmer B 7:3.78; E. 16S,2Jl El ina fi2 Elmo 185 Elmore 120,122 Klnathan 19, 20 Elsie 199 Kmeline '^^ Emery A 185 Emily, 143, 171, 182. 190. 191. 195, 197. Emma A,... 169; F 21, 2!^ Knoch 170 Ensisn 118 Erastus,119, 120; Benjamin, 120. Rrdine 5/ Ernest 86 Erwin. F 133,135 Esther 26 Ethel 23 Ethelbert 196; F. 198,199 Ettie 34 Ennioe 190,195 Eva 186; A 75. 76 Everet 198,202 Evylene 1M6 Experience 189 Fanny 189; W. 86 Farrington 189 Florence A. 130, 185; B. 86; J. 50; M. 177. Forest 73, 75, 76 Frances 118 Francis. 182; A. 184; K, 150; L. 168,211. Frank 181. 185; E, 15 Frankie 186 Freddie 213 Frederic 197 Fredrick 36. 37 Fremont, 168; S 211 Freelove 14 (iaybert 198,201 George. 5, 99. 179, 196; M. 159; N. 45, 46. 47. 49; S. 199. Gershom 13. 17 Gertie 169 Gideon 6 Grace 58, 169; H. 199; J. 169 Gladys P 78 Glenn 84.207 Guy L 86 Halsey Jfio Hannah, 6. 7, 15.18.166,189: E. 194; M. 147, 148; V. 123. 125 Hardin 201 Harley 178 Harold 131 Harra,212: C. 19S. 199; E. 1!)2 Harry. 150. 151,1^8 Harriet. 166, 179,' 180. 191. 19,5: E. 26. 193; G. 198, 99; J. 194: M.- 107. 108. Harrison 172 Harvey 117.118 Hattie 30,31; M. 17S Harlan 205. 20o Hazel 201 Helen 16S: A. 121; G. 37 Henry. 191, 193. 194; E. 191, 192. S. 192 Hermon 186 Hiram 180. 197; A.33, isu Hinda 198.200; A. 179 Hollis M 21,22 Homer 86.87 Horace 196,205; K. 207 Rosea 174. 177. 178. 181 Hulda 168, 174. 173 IdaM 109; J. 199 Tra 4, 178, 189; S. 15K Irena 14. 18 Isaac 15. 15.143, 182 ,TaV>PZ 195. 196 .Jacob 12,17 James 6. 107. 207; N. 205 .Tane 211 ,Tay J 93. 98; P. 130. 131 •Tason 73. 77. 7H .Tedediah 165. 209 .Tennett 191; L, 17H Jennie 169.212 .Jeremiah 191,192 Jessie .34, 58, 201; E. 182. 183 Jimmie 11 54. 57 Joel 189, 190 John, 4. 5, fi. 7. 173. 181. 182, 183.185. 194.195:0. 191.193; J. 192; L. 43. 44; T. 125; V. 166, 168. 211 Jonathan, 4, 188, 190. 191; E. 189. 192 Joseph. 7. 12, 13, 16, 17, 38, 205; K. 207 Josephine 118 .Joshna 4, 6, 188. 190 .Josiah 165,170 Jotham Jndd, \^, 40. 41,42. 45, 51. 52. 163 Ji-lia. 184, 204; A. 45, 157. 193; L 21 22 Julius', 192; L, 45, 57. 59; S. 190 Justa 198 Kilmeny 202 Kilmer 198 Katheryn 124 Katie 178; V. 75,76 I^ancelot i jNJu:x 21 Lmira. !««. 18?. 183. 18'», 190; A.'-'M. '02. Lavilla j68 plia 1^ T pmnn '^^^ flmuei.H. 18.119. 165, 170. 2(« Lena 1* Lpoimrd M 1^ ].err»y Wn. j'J Lnslie T Ifi^ Lester.... 12:^.12fi Levi. 1H5, 1H6. 189. 195, 209. 211; G 166,168.212. Lillian 19^ Mllie.... 78;H.10M Lir.a N 9M, 101 Liva 190. J92: F. 192 Lizzie 30; A. 180 Jleweliyn ...^.98 Lois 165. 189 Louisa 114,175,180,181 J^'^wly 190 Lovina ••• ^ Luanna 35 47 Lucius 19( Lucv. 14; A. 48; G. 197; M. 19, 114. 158; fl. 178. Lulia L .-180 I.ydia 14. 18. 178 Lyman • 205 Mabel 161; M. 176 Maegie A .....184,186 Mahalia 182 Margaret. 21, 131. 176; C. 121; E.63;M.202. Martha. 30, 185,189, 190, 195: E. 3:^, 34; F. 130; J. 23; P. 6M Maranda 26 Manila 198 Mariah 181. 187. 190 Marinm 15, 18 Mari^hall 168 Martin E 33.34 Marv. 4. 5.7.11. 12, 13.14. 15. 16., 117. 119. 143.16». 182. 184. 187. 1^8. 189, 190. 191,194,195: A. 175. 181. 195. 1H7: P>. 112; C. 109. 193: E. 36, 124. 125:G. 194: J. 150. 118: L. 24; M. 121. 184, 185, 197; P. 4; K. 24; S. 168. Mark 189 Martin 191 Matilda. ..21. 24, 43. 88, 179. 180 Maybee 7.173 Mead 169 Melissa 168 Mertie J 73; Miller 143 Milan D 2L22 Mildred 202 Milon D 143. 158 Miriano 136 Minnie., 78, 175; D. 169 Morgan L 120,121,122 Moties 1'3. 182 Murray 12' Nancy, 120. 175, 191; S. 122;-. V. Il9 Naomi .....189 Nathaniel. 7. 14. 15 18. 173 188.189; A. 26, 30; S. 166. 169 NHIJ 169 Nellie. 120, 179. 185; B. 211; K. 55, 57; M. 125, 159. 160; S. 198: U 199. ._ Nelson 192 Newell '2 Niar 19« Norman 174. 181 Olive. 182. 187, 195. 212; A. 51. 53, 168; L. 20; E. 78. Ophelia ^i Ora May ^ OrlanTi. 182.186 Orlando W 198.199 Orson Ak-^-l!}, Orton A 205.206 Osra?E..... 123. 12.;>. 141 ottoH ^iJ^wIi OwenM 169,214 Parmelia 60. 62: A. 84 Perley A 99,101 Peter " Phebe'. ...14.190.196 Philemon 19H Pbilinda v;.v;;vV.5 Philip W 93. 94, 9y Phineas 14,18. 119. 170 Phiro 165.189.191 Phoebe 194 Pierrie \^ Pluma 168 PollaM 190 Rachel 20,26.201,203 Randolf 92 Half 1-g Rebecca 5, 7. 16d: H. hU Keon 192, 200; Jr. 201 iiluben 142.191 Kichard ,-"v?',l§^' Robert. 174.181: A. 178; E. 199; H. 178; L. 176, 177 [ Rhoda l^i \ Richard E 9/ \ Rolla §5 Rollin 191 Rosa Lee \^ Roscoe »of l^oswell ^ rS^:;;::::...::::...:...2i;t.i^ Roxana « 218 INDEX Ruby 175 Rufus 204 Ruth . ..13. 17, 172, 189; H.18J Samantha 196 Samuel. 4, 6, 7, 13. 17, 165, 170, 188 Sarah. 5,7. 12.15. 18,43.184. 188.189. 195. 201. 2il; A. 181; E. 93; K. 145; .1 76 Selah 189. 190.191.192 Seth Seih Austin 119. 129 Shaniger 194 Sherwood 196 Sidney 21 Silas. 15, 18.19. 34; T.26.31; Jr. 24 Solon 207 Sophia 166,212 Stella 34. ia3 StHt.hHTi. 4. 174, 175. 176, 188. 189. 190. 192; E. 184. 185. Susan 166 Thon.a«. 5. 6. 7, 11.12,13.11, 16 17. 78, 192: R. 193; Wm. 119. 133, 138. Thurl.'W Wepd 171 Ti ofhy.6. 15. 18. 19. 117. 118. 188. 203; Jr. 117. Trutnan 189.190,192 Urnadp 198 Van Rensselaer 170 Vilate 119 Vina 14 VinnieZ 37 Walter A 186; S 199 Wheaton P 20, 123 Willard Ira 191 W I'iani.5. 7. 14. 118 171. 172. 176. 188, 189. 190. 191. 194; A. • 184. 185 C. 159; H. 129. 131; L. 182. 184; P. 36. 37 Wilson E 184 ZadPll 198 ZilphaA 198 Barret. Caroline, 159; Lowly. 190 Barton, Frances. Freddie. J-^s., Lareli. Lucius, '»na. Ora. Owen. Robert. 183; Walter, 186 Basset. Sailly 117 Baybrook. Addie 211 Bedell. Cornelia. Seth. 32; Hen- rv,26 Benedict. Luna 101 Bennet, Phebt- 171 Bevins. Grace H 148 >^idwell. Samuel 195 Boughton. Ca-h- rine 99 Blanchard. Laura 29 Hond. Dela 177 Bills. Rho«la 118 Braofnrd. Cra. Emil Nellie, 155 Bradley 41. 113. 115. 116.191 Bristol 123, 178. 192 Brown. Henry. Ly«iiH. N«»ra, Ha' tin. Frederick, Bon- nie. 178. 214 Broughton. Eli. Mari*. So- phrona, Mar\. Eunice, Sarah. Flisha, Eli.Orlan, Editti.187 Bullock. R. R„ Rebpcca, Frank- lin. Henry. Wm.. ^arah, Albert. Ida. Ella, 176 Burns. Kmma 30 Burr. Gen. Timothv 193 CadWHlader, Allen. Amy, Elma, 185 Capron. Susan, 166; Jane.211 ('firpHnter. Elizabe'h 192 Caldwell. Wood. Cora E.. Ha- zel. 187 Calhoun. Austin. Lois 187 < anfield.Mary, W. II, Rpnja- min. Lydia. Funnie, 27; Geo W.. Rlma.21 Carnahan. Thomas. Martha. Millie 63 Carrol', Fletcher. Alif^e, Olive. 168; George >^usan. 170; Mabel, Alta. Way UP, F'etcher. Alice, George. Susan. Clarence, Wiuni- rre'1.212 Cameron. Marilla 199 Campbell. William. Cord-lia, Mamie. Leroy, Glenn. Howard, 185 Clark James. Flora. Oo'^ar. Emma. Ross, Raymond, Ada.190. 1«9. 212 Chaffee. H. H., Cornelia. 170, 213 Coff man, Carrie F 87 Cowls Nancy 190 Crampton. Betsey, 123, 138: Horace, 138 Cupples, ha Y., Charles C, Paul. Margaret, Ruth, 208, 209 Wheadon, Martha 188 White. H. A.. Cora, Paul, Olive. Geo. W.,50 Wicp, B. J., Sarah m Williams. Millie. W. L., Hellen M., 69; Ora, 105; Caroline, 129 Wilson, Sarah 184 Wood, Elizabeth. John, Nellie, ( ;arrie, 125. 126 Woodbury, Andrew, Elida, Anna, Vern, Jennie, 168 Woodruff. Elizabeth 1«9 Woolcot, Fannie, 29; Polly 191 Woliston. Amanda, Joshua. Mariah. 92.93 Woolston. Abraham. Abi. Del- la.Leonard. Homer, Mary. Ethel, Stanley Barnes. 177 Wright, Lucy M 158 York, Lottie E. .105 B B 3.5 .o .^^ i^'. \/ -*^^^-"' ^ ■^°*. ■i--'^^, "o-fi/MW." A^- >f ^ > .^ ,0- I v^ ^* A'^ '^ ''^ ' DOfcSS BROS. 1 LIBRARY aiNDINO -, -> » , 1 U^ STAH.GUSTINE ^ ^ ^'-^fe^ ^^^ A*^ ^ iv^>^: .^^#32084 ,c,•:'-J^ S^r .^^-^^^ •^