t F- 1 f llinote State •.,,..,■..„. .,,,.,,,.,,;, jjijl^r .• :V x, r r^v ; .;...,; : (Slueetion Booft — oo — E. B. LEWIS, PUBLISHER. LITCHFIELD, ILL. Bookii5_Xi$ Copyright^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT; LTBn63 The Illinois State Question Book Questions for First, Second and Third Grade Elementary Certificates. This book contains the questions as given by the State Ex- amining Board tor Second and Third Grade Elementary Cer- tificates and the questions in the common branches of study used in the examination for First Grade Elementary Certif- icates. Copyright applied for, February, 1915. All rights reserved Price, Cloth Bound, 75c. E. B. LEWIS, Publisher, Litchfield, 111. This Book Aims to Excell All Other Question Books in the Following Points: 1st. In the Number, Ability and Eminence of its Authors. 2nd. In the Model Forms of Written Answers Included. While some of the authors have abridged their answers more than they would be in an examination, many others have an- swered the topics just as they would if taking the examination themselves. It therefore contains model forms, which feature alone is of inestimable value to any young teacher. 3rd. It is the only question book containing the examina- tions given by the Illinois State Examining Board under the New Certificating Law. 4th. It gives a fair idea of the standard of work required for certificates in Illinois. 5th. Whole topics are given just as they were in the exam- inations, and answered. 6th. The old ' ' Cramming, " ' ' Pouring In ' ' Process of Form- er Question Books has been eliminated. No attempt has been made to see how many questions could be manufactured and advertised. Most any topic could be resolved into several single questions. 2 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. AUTHORS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS VOLUME — MISS HELEN BRYDEN, Assistant in English, Southern Illinois State Normal University — Reading. O. C. BAILEY, Superintendent of Schools, Effingham, 111. — Or- thography and Penmanship. DAVID FELMLEY, President Illinois State Normal University — Arithmetic. H. AMBROSE PERRIN, Superintendent of Schools, Lincoln, 111. — Civics. H. T. WHITE, Superintendent of Schools, Carlinville, 111. — Phy- siology and Reading. MISS MYRTLE GENTRY, Instructor in Summer School, Illinois State Normal University and Teacher in Wichita, Kan. — Grammar. ELBERT WALLER, Superintendent of Schools, Albion, 111., and Author of Waller's History of Illinois. — Illinois History. ELMER W. CAVINS, Teacher of Orthography and Penmanship, Illinois State Normal University. — Orthography. GEORGE H. HOWE, Professor of Mathematics, Illinois State Normal University — Arithmetic. WILLIAM HAWKES, Superintendent of Schools, Litchfield, 111. — Physiology. MISS LAURA HAYES, Teacher of English Grammar, Illinois State Normal University — Grammar. EDGAR S. JONES, Superintendent East Schools, Taylorville, 111. — Geography. A. F. STROME, Department of History, Western Illinois State Normal University — U. S. History. L. P. FROHARDT, Superintendent of Schools, Granite City, 111. — Pedagogy. A. S. ANDERSON, Superintendent of Schools, Mt. Carmel, IU. — Elementary Science. HERBERT BASSETT, Teacher of Geography Western Illinois State Normal School — Geography. ROY M. SALLEE, Galesburg, 111., Formerly Assistant in Biolcgy, Western Illinois State Normal School — Elementary Science. CHARLES McINTOSH, Superintendent Piatt County Schools and Editor of Illinois State Course of^ Study — State Course and Penman- ship. MAR 27 1915 ©CI.A398115 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Section One When fourteen topics are given in any one subject the rule is that applicants writing for an elementary certificate shall answer questions as follows: (1) for a Third Grade, any eight of the questions from f to 10, inclusive; (2) For a Second Grade, any eight of the questions from 3 to 12, inclusive; (3) For a First Grade, any eight of the questions from 5 to 14, in- clusive. READING — Questions. 1. The slaves, who were in the hold of the vessel, had been cap- tured in Africa. The slaves who were in the hold of the vessel, had been captured in Atrica. Read the above sentence. Pause where the commas occur. What difference in meaning is there in the first and second? 2. So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity? What would the meaning be if the first seven words are read in one group? By vertical lines mark off the correct grouping. 3. In what grade or grades would the following classics be ap- propriate? Would you reject any as unsuited for the grades? Arabian Nights, Miles Standish, Hamlet, The Legend of Sleepy Hol- low, Heynard the Fox, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Idylls of the King, The Tale of Two Cities, The Man Without a Country, Robinson Crusoe, Story of Ulysses. 4. We have a secret, just we three, The robin and I and the sweet cherry tree; The bird told the tree and the tree told me, And nobody knows it but just we three. But of course the robin knows it best, Because he built the — I shan't tell the rest; And laid the four little — somethings — in it — I am afraid I shall tell it every minute. But if the tree and the robin don't peep, I'll try my best the secret to keep; Tho I know when the little birds fly about, Then the whole secret will be out. — Anon. 4 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. In what grade would you introduce this poem? Make out a les- son plan showing how you would teach it. 5. What methods would you use in disposing of unfamiliar ^vords which the pupil meets in the reading iessoL : fi. Cassius — Do not presume too much upon my love; I may d r *hat I shall be sorry for. rirutus — You have done that you should be sorry for. Julius Caesar IV: 3. What is the meaning when emphasis is put (a) on you? (b) or have? (c) on should? (d) on sorry? (e) on done and should? Ur- derline the words which should be emphasized. 7. Make out a lesson plan for teaching "The Little Red Hen" to a first grade class. 8. The splendor falls on castle walls And snowy summits, old in story; The long light shakes across the lakes, And the wild cataract leaps in glory. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying; Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying. O, hark! O, hear! how thin and clear, And thinner, clearer, father going! O, sweet and far from cliff and scar, The horns of Elfland, faintly blowing! Blow, let us hear the purple glens replying; Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying. O, love, they die in yon rich sky; They faint on hill or field or river. Our echoes roll from soul to soul, And grow forever and forever. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying; And answer, echoes, answer, dying, dying, dying. Why does the writer use "splendor" instead of "sun-set," and "summits" instead of "mountains?" What is meant by "old in story?" 9. What is the theme of the above poem? In order to make plain the theme what words in the third stanza must be emphasized? 10. Explain the meaning of the following: "wild echoes," "horns of Elfland," "rich sky," "purple glens," "leaps in glory." 11. What is the relation of phonics to reading? Speak of the relative place of, and the amount of time to be given to reading and literature thru the grades. 12. Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll; Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea! — Holmes. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 5 Explain the meaning of the following: "Low-vaulted past," "out- grown shell," "life's unresting sea." How does the soul huild man- sions? What is meant by the new temple?" 13. In "King Lear," the Fool says: "I fain would learn to lie." What does this sentence mean if emphasis is put (a) on I? (b) on fain? (c) on learn? (d) on lie? 14. Rip van Winkle; The Pied Piper of Hamlin. Select one of these classics. How would you plan to teach it in the seventh or eighth grades? In answering cover the following points: A. General purpose for teacher and for pupil. B. Mode of approach. C. Plan of procedure. D. Amount of time to he spent in oral and In silent reading. ARITHMETIC. — Questions. 1. Give four examples in the substraction of integers, arranged according to difficulty, to illustrate some difficulties arising in sub- traction. Tell how each example differs from the preceding. 2. (a) 1.1 1/9 + .025 1/2 + 1/11= what? Give exact result, (b) Simplify: 2 2/11 2 1/2-15/6 X 3 3/4 4 3. The circumference of a circle is 548.76 ft. Find the diame- ter correct to .01 ft. Use PI = 3.1 41 6. Find the area of the circle correct to .01 ft. 4. Develop the rule for "pointing off" in the multiplication of decimal fractions. 5. A cube whose edge is six inches is cut into two equal parts by a plane passing thru diagonally opposite edges. Find the volume and whole surface of one of the equal pieces. 6. Find the weight in kilograms of a piece of iron 3 meters long and one decimeter square at the end, assuming the specific gravity of iron to be 7.2. 7. If the area of a triangle whose base is 40 ft. is 600 sq. ft, what is the base of a similar triangle whose area is 1200 sq. ft.? 8. Find the proceeds on a note for $800, dated Jan. 1, 1914, due in 90 days, not bearing interest, and discounted at the bank on January 27 at 7%. 9. After being allowed discounts of 10% and 10%, A paid $82.60 for a bill of goods. What was the list price? 10. Give the answers to the following: (a) 1% of 2.465= what? (b) 16.5 = 200% of what number? (c) 48.65= what per cent of 12.36? Answer correct to .1%. 6 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 11. Give the form of solution that you would give to a seventh grade for each of the following problems: (a) 7% of $850 = what? (b) |48 = 6% of what? (c) 32 = 5% of what number? 12. Tell which of the following statements are not true, and give reasons: (a) $24 + 50% = $48. (b) 28 cu. in.H-7 in. = 4 sq. in. (c) V 900 »<*• «. = 30 ft. (d) $2/3 -r $3/5 = $2/3 X $3/5 = $10/9. (e) 4 hr. 3 min. 2 sec. X 15 = 60 hr. 45 mln. 30 sec. 13. Find the ratio of: (a) The altitude of an equilateral triangle to its side. (b) the diagonal of a cube to its edge. 14. Write a note for $8,000, with interest at 5%, dated at Springfield, Illinois, Jan. 4, 1914, due in two years, and payable at the First National Bank of Springfield, Illinois. Make John Doe the maker, and William Roe the payee. This note is first endorsed in full to John Jones, and then in blank by John Jones. Write both endorsements. CIVICS — Questions. 1. What is the purpose of government? Where is the source of government in the United States? 2. What distinction is there between a town and township? What offices does a town have? Township? Indicate the time of election of each. 3. How long is the term of a representative in Congress? Of a senator? Of the President? Of a judge of the U. S. Supreme Court? 4. What is meant by civil service? By diplomatic service? By consular service? 5. Explain writ of habeas corpus, bill of attainder, appellate jurisdiction, ex post facto law, indictment. 6. Explain the "town system" and the "county system" of county government in Illinois. 7. Explain how the minority party in any senatorial district may send a representative to the general assembly. 8. Who may be excused from jury service in Illinois? Why this provision in law? 9. What arguments for and against an electoral system of elect- ing the president? 10. State fully and clearly how to find the number of repre- sentatives for each state in congress following the taking of the census. 11. What is the most important committee in the house of representatives, and what is its chief duty? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 7 12. Describe the ordinary proceedings in the passage of a law in Illinois. 13. How may fugitives from justice be returned to the state in which the crime was committeed? 14. What is meant by implied powers in the Federal constitu- tion? Point out a practical application of this power in our history. STATE COURSE OF STUDY — Questions. For Third Grade Certificate answer any eight of the first ten ques- tions; for Second Grade Certificate, any eight of 3 to 12, inclusive. 1. What subjects should be taught in the first two grades? 2. Discuss the value of a school library. What kinds of books should it contain? 3. What are the four aims of the State Course of Study? 4. Discuss the value of the State Course to the rural schools. 5. Explain the plan of alternation of studies and classes. 6. Make out a suggestive program for the forenoon, of a one- room school, or of a grade consisting of two divisions. 7. Make out a suggestive program for the afternoon, of a one- room school, or of a grade consisting of two divisions. 8. Name and discuss brieiiy from three to five purposes served by an examination system. How may the disadvantages of an examination system be counter- acted in part? What is meant by Patron's Day? What may be accomplished by its observance? 9. What are some of the sources of material for reading lessons in the lower grades? 10. Give five general suggestions on teaching spelling. 11. What aritmetic work should be taught in the fifth and sixth grades? 12. Make a list of five stories suitable for second grade lan- guage work and outline a plan for teaching one of them. What aims should be kept in mind in teaching phonics? Give a plan for teaching the same. ORTHOGRAPHY — Questions. 1. Syllabicate and mark the accent: ally, cerebrum, discourse, idea, industry, inquiry, gondola, horizon, recess, formidable. 2. In each of the following works mark diacritically the first vowel to indicate its correct pronunciation in the word: gratis, deaf, arid, piano, water, chasten, produce (noun), forehead, boquet. 8 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 3. Indicate by diacritical markings the sound of e in whey, meat, fern, debt, heir; and of u in church, human, rule, pull, cup. 4. Give the meaning of the prefix in each of the following words- (1) antecedent (6) benevolent (2) antonym (7) emigrate (3) ancestor (8) offend (4) preclude (9) impose (5) seduce (10) immortal (Rewrite the prefixes but not the words; number the prefixes and their meanings to correspond with the numbers of the words.) 5. (a) Add one of these suffixes: ed, ing, ence or ance to each of the following words: begin benefit abhor merit stir acquit confer gallop heap occur (b) Give a rule of spelling for doubling the final consonant when a suffix is added. 6. Give the meaning of the root in each of the following words: (6) normal (7) recognize (8) transgress (9) deciduous (10) fortitude (Do not rewrite the words; number the meaning to correspond with the number of the words.) 7. Give as complete and scholarly definitions as you can, not merely synonyms, for any five of the following words: intercede expire dissect admonish bisect contaminate persecute circumvent List of words to be spelled for First, Second and Third Grade cer- tificates: 1 changeable 14 committee 2 conscience 15 legitimate 3 develop 16 vegetation 4 disappoint 17 cartilage 5 forcible 18 injurious 6 lullaby 19 geranium 7 mortgage 20 bulletin 8 perseverance 21 boquet 9 privilege 22 inaugurate 10 ridiculous 23 mischievous 11 serviceable 24 tyranny 12 similar 25 recommend 13 predicament (1) intervene (2) nonplus (3) persecute (4) incredible (5) antidote ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. PEDAGOGY — Questions. 1. Discuss the importance of the first day at school. 2. Discuss the importance of assignments of lessons. What should a good assignment include? 3. What may a teacher properly do to secure regularity of at- tendance? 4. What difference does it make how children sit, or stand, or walk? State how you undertake to help them in these respects. 5. How should a teacher go to work to help children break up bad habits? 6. How may you teach children to memorize so as to save time and undue effort? 7. What ideas have you to guide you in making a program? 8. Why is attention so important? Under what conditions can a child give good attention? 9. What is the purpose of drills? Describe a good drill in arithmetic. 10. Give the advantages and disadvantages of departmental teaching in the grades immediately below the high school. 11. Name three difficult problems of high school management and give your solution for them. 12. Discuss discipline in the upper grades compared to that in the high school. ELEMENTARY SCIENCE. — Questions. For Second Grade Certificate Only. Answer any eight questions. 1. Mention three different methods by which the seeds or fruits of plants become scattered, and give illustrations of each method. 2. Name five common weeds thai arrow in cultivated fields. Men- tion some qualities that fit plants : ve in cultivated fields. 3. Name five serious insect pe ' ^d tell what measures may be taken to combat each of them 4. Into what classes may our common birds be divided with reference to the time of year that th«y spend in a given locality? 5. Name three different varieties of corn commonly grown in Illinois. Discuss briefly the selection and care of seed corn. 6. Explain why the air rises up the chimney from the stove or 10 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. furnace. Why does the closing of the dampers of a stove check the burning of the fire? 7. Mention two different methods by which certain plants are able to climb. Point out both the advantages and the disadvan- tages of the climbing habit. 8. What is a biennial plant? Name three biennial plants that are commonly raised in gardens. 9. What facts would you have a seventh grade class note and record in making a weather record? 10. Explain how you would make cuttings of such plants as the geranium, or begonia. How are sweet potato plants propagated? PHYSIOLOGY. — Questions. 1. What are the four main classes of foods? Which of these is indispensable in our diet? 2. What changes does most of our food have to undergo be- fore it can enter the blood? How is this change brought about? What do we call the process? 3. What different things are accomplished by the circulation of the blood thru the body? 4. How does air that is exhaled from the lungs differ in content from air freshly taken into the lungs? How does blood that leaves the lungs differ in content from blood that is just entering the lungs? 5. Point out the dangers of drinking water from shallow wells, also those arising from the use of a common drinking cup. 6. State definitely what conditions should prevail in a well heated and ventilated room. 7. Discuss the importance of having seats and desks properly adjusted as to height for school children. 8. Discuss the value of regular and well ehosen exercise in helping to keep the body in a healthy state. 9. Distinguish between secretion and excretion. Name the excretory organs of the body. 10. Name some of the conditions that are favorable for the contraction of colds. 11. Name five common bacterial diseases and tell how each is most commonly contracted. 12. Describe briefly the nervous mechanism of reflex action. 13. Discuss the lighting of a school room. 14. What should be done with the patient in a case of fainting? what is the direct cause of this trouble? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 11 PENMANSHIP — Questions. For Third Grade Certificate answer any four of questions 1 to 5, inclusive; for Second Grade, any four of questions 2 to 6; for First Grade, any four of questions 3 to 7. Penmanship of applicant on this paper will count fifty per cent. 1. What in general should be the position of body, feet, arms, and paper of a pupil ready to begin to write? Give directions for holding the pen. 2. In making out the program for a rural school of twenty pupils, how much time daily would you assign for writing in the (a) primary, (b) intermediate, (c) grammar grades? 3. Why are young children usually asked to write with pencils or crayon exercises and letters much larger than ordinary script? Should copy books be used? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Write a letter of application for the position you expect or desire to fill during the coming year. 5. To show your conception of how they should be formed carefully write: (a) the nine digits, (b) the small or lower case letters, (c) the capital letters. 6. The principal movements used in writing are the finger, fore- arm, and combined. Describe each. Which movement do you use in your own writing? Which would you teach (a) to primary pupils, (b) to intermediate pupils, (c) to grammar grade pupils? 7. By way of illustration, give specific directions concerning form and movement for the practice of one of the above move- ments. GRAMMAR — Questions. 1. Discuss the most important differences between these two groups of words: (a) "A little old man with a long beard hobbling to meet them." (b) " A little old nan with long beard hobbled to meet them." 2. Point out the complete subject and the complete predicate of each sentence: 12 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. (a) Who are you? (b) If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. (c) All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall con- sist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. 3. a. Give the rules governing the formation of the following plurals and possessives: Cities', knives, feet, writing-desks, men- servants, mouthfuls, gentlemen s, brother-in-law's. b. Write the plural possessive of: lady, house, alumnus, Miss Jones, state. 4. Classify the following sentences as simple, complex, com- pound or compound-complex, showing why, in each case: a. Truly there is a tide in the affairs of men, but there is no Gulf Stream setting iorever in one direction. b. Hearing his imperial name, Coupled with those words of malice, Half in anger, half in shame, Forth the great campaigner came Slowly from his canvas palace. c. Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corpse to the ramparts we hurried; Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot O'er the grave where our hero lies buried. 5. Explain what is meant by grammatical person, and by a personal pronoun; and give the declension of the personal pronoun of the third person. 6. Name and illustrate four uses of noun clauses. 7. Give the principal parts of the verbs lie and lay, and a synopsis in the indicative mode of (a) the verb lie in the third person, singular. (b) the verb lay in the first person, plural. 8. Discuss one of the following topics: (a) What are the specific applications of grammar to com- position work in matters of punctuation? (b) Analysis versus parsing. 9. Name the most important uses of the objective case; and choose the right form to fill these blanks, explaining your choice: a. Who made the noise? Only (I, me). b. This is the student wall are praising. (Who, whom.) c . i s that for? (Who, whom.) d. We thought it was (He, him.) e boys are going to the ball game. (We, us.) 10. Classify the following verbs or verb phrases and tell whether each verb or verbal belongs to the old or new conjugation (weak or strong): a. We have heard the news. b. The days are growing colder. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 13 c. We should observe keenly. d. There lay the lost pocket-book. e. Set the table quickly. 11. Parse the words In black face: One morning, very early, before the sun was up, I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup. 12. Plan one of the following lessons: a. The first lesson on transitive verbs. b. A review and drill lesson on the three kinds of clauses. c. The classification of nouns as common and proper. 13. Discuss voice in English, under these heads: a. What kinds of verbs have a passive voice? b. How are passive verb phrases formed? c. What other shifts in construction does a change of voice ne- cessitate? d. What are the proper uses and what some abuses of the passive? 14. Tell under what circumstances the following clause would be limiting, and under what circumstances it would be purely de- scriptive; and punctuate the sentence to make the clause purely de- scriptive. He has gone to the city where he always liked to visit. GEOGRAPHY — Questions. 1. Name three elements of climate. Compare the climate of the State of Washington with that of Maine, giving reasons for the difference. 2. What geographic conditions make England a great commer- cial nation? Why does England need colonies? Why is England a strong naval power? 3. Name at least five geographic conditions that determine the location of cities. Give an example of each. 4. Explain fully two reasons why it is warmer in summer than in winter. Explain the change of seasons. 5. Compare the industries of Plains, Plateaus, Mountains. Show how the industries of each are determined by geographic conditions. 6. What is the "Cotton Belt?" The "Corn Belt?" What geo- graphic conditions determine the position of each? 7. China: Position, size, population, surface, mineral resources, products, form of government, recent changes. 8. Name three ways in which water that has fallen as rain may disappear. Give conditions which determine which of three things shall happen. Which is of greatest advantage to agriculture? 14 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 9. What countries lead in the production of the following: (1) Coffee, (2) Corn, (3) Wool, (4) Diamonds, (5) Cotton? What states lead in the production of: (1) Hogs, (2) Wheat, (3) Rice, (4) Oranges, (5) Cane Sugar? 10. A ship sails from New York to San Francisco via Cape Horn. Name, in order, the wind belts crossed, giving the latitude of each. In which wind belts might rainfall be expected? Why? In which dry weather? Why? 11. Describe the topography of Northern and Southern Ger- many. Show the influence of the topography on industries of these regions. 12. What is the atmosphere? Name its constituents and give uses of each. How is the atmosphere related to rainfall? 13. Name six life zones of the earth, including two kinds of forests, two kinds of grasslands, and two kinds of deserts. Discuss the geographic conditions that produce each kind. 14. What is meant by "conservation of natural resources?" Name the natural resources that should be conserved. Select one of our natural resources and discuss fully ways in which it may be conserved. UNITED STATES HISTORY. — Questions. 1. Contrast the Virginia colony with the Massachusetts Bay Colony with regard to political and industrial conditions. 2. What conditions favored the permanency of French colonial dominion in North America? Why did such dominion prove to be only temporary? 3. Tell briefly but comprehensively of the resistance of the Eng- lish colonies to the mother country from the Stamp Act to the battles of Lexington and Concord. 4. Describe briefly but comprehensively the western movement, and the problems involved in it, in the twenty-five or thirty years following the second war with England. 5. Give briefly but completely an account of the Missouri Com- promise. 6. Enumerate five of the most important weaknesses of the Ar- ticles of Confederation. In what way did the Constitution remedy these weaknesses? 7. In the quarter century following the establishment of the nation under the Constitution, what were the most important events tending to give the United States standing among the nations of the earth? 8. Give briefly the story of the annexation of Texas. In what way did that connect itself with the Mexican war? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 15 9 What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Com- promise? Why did it give new vigor to the slavery controversy? 10. What was the fundamental cause of the Civil War? What was the more immediate occasion for the war? 11 Assuming the Emancipation Proclamation to have been within the President's constitutional authority, why was amendment still necessary? Give two reasons. 12. Enumerate five of the most salutary accomplishments of the Roosevelt administration. 13. State the circumstances leading up to the Spanish-American war. 14 Enumerate the thirteen English colonies in the approxi- mate order of their settlement. Which was the first settlement, and when established? Which was the best and when established? ILLINOIS HISTORY — Questions. 1. Name five Illinois men who won distinction in the Civil war. 2. State the advantages of Illinois resulting from its natural resources and its geographical situation. 3. Give a brief account of the steps taken in the admission of Illinois into the Union. 4. Give a brief sketch of the "Black Hawk" war. 5. Describe fully two customs of the early settlers which have disappeared from the life of the people. 6. What was the "Black Code?" Give some of its provisions. 7. Give a short account of the effort to make Illinois a slave state. 8. What part did Illinois take in the "Mexican War?" 9. Discuss the Lincoln-Douglas debate. 10. Who was the "War Governor" of Illinois? Why so called? 11. How many constitutions has Illinois had? Give dates of their adoption. Give one leading feature of each. 12 What Illinois history can you connect with these places: Starved Rock, Galena. Old Salem (on the Sangamon), Nauvoo, Shawneetown, Vandalia, Alton, Freeport. 13. Name five governors of Illinois and name some important event in the administration of each. 14. Give the history of the Illinois Central Railroad. 16 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Answers To Section One HEADING. — Answers. By Miss Helen Bryden, Assistant in English, Southern Illinois State Normal University. 1. (a) The slaves, who v*ere in the hold of the vessel, had been captured in Africa. "Who were in the hold of the vessel" is in apposition, therefore all the slaves spoken of were captured in Africa. (b)The slaves who were in the hold of the vessel, had been captured in Africa. This indicates a limited number. Only those who were in the hold of the vessel, had been captured. 2. (a) So every bondman in his own hand, bears the power to cancel his captivity. Not correct — a man cannot be in his own hand. (b) So every bondman, in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity. The bondman has the power within himself to become free, or it may be literally considered that he carries a paper (?) with him that gives him freedom. 3. Arabian Nights. Fifth and Sixth Grades. (Simplified Third Grade) Miles Standish. Sixth and Seventh Grades. Hamlet, High School. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Seventh Grade. Reynard the Fox. Second Grade. Andersen's Fairy Tales. First and Second Grades. Idylls of the King. EigLih Grade. The Tale of Two Cities. High School. The Man Without a Country. Seventh and Eighth Grades. Reproduction — Fifth and Sixth Grades. (Simplified.) Robinson Crusoe. Third and Fourth Grades. Story of Ulysses. Sixth Grade. It can be taught easily in the Third and Fourth Grades'. 4. Second half of First Grade. Language lesson — oral — on "Secrets". Who have them. Christ mas Secrets. Birthday Secrets. Etc. Language lesson — oral — on the Robin. Its breast in spring — in fall. Stories of the Robin. Its food. Nest. Eggs. Learn to recognize these words or other unknown words. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 17 Children "draw" trees, nests, bird in tree. Head the story, uraw attention to nypnens. Teil the story. i^eai u. At story hour tiy to dramatize. auggesuve outline, ^iins — x.o.fc ot W&tu.re — Protection of birds — t>e wormy 01 trust. 5. ii a ciiiiu inlets an unfamiliar word in me ieauing lesson nave mm try to get it pnoneucaiiy, it he can not, iet mm listen to one ot tne cmidren give it. it tneie is a worn mat can not be got- ten phoneucau.v, pronounce it lor tne chiia. t>. (a; jlou nave done tiiat >ou snouid oe sorry lor . When empnabito is placed on you, it gives tne uapression mat. Catiaiua uelievto some one else is gmit.y, and crutub as empnatic in saying, aou nave uone uai .you snouid be soiry iur. (b) "*ou lia%e done tnat you snouid be sorry lor". it is not a que&uon 01 tne lUtare uut you nave, already, done wrong. (O "You have done tnat you should be sorry tor". Cassius is not sorry, out ne ought to oe. (d) "iou have done that >ou snouid oe sorry for". Brutus appeals Kindi>, sorrow iuliy, L o Cast>ius' conscience tor repentance. t,e; "lou nave uone that you should be sorry for". Again Brutus tells Casoius tne deed das ueen penormed, that he should feel repentant for it. (f) You ha*e done tnat you snouid ue sorry tor. 7. The Little Red Hen. 1. Draw a little lien on the board or put up the picture of one. 2. Talk to the children auout tins little nen. 3. Print the word "lien" on the board, also write it. Have little devices in wmcli this> word can be tound. 4. Let the children pick out an> tiling in the room that is red, toucn as a reu riuuon, apple, crayon, etc. 5. Write the word. t>. The word seed is brought out by the object. 7. The teacher points to the different words and the children touch the object. 8. Teacher spells the words phonetically and the children pick out the object. This method is carried thru the story. (Repetition is valuable in this story). Let the cildren tell the story in their own way. They have learned the process of the little seed to the loaf of bread. 8. (a) "Splendor" — the liquid sound is stronger and the word connotes a richness and brightness, combined with col- ors, that the word sunset fails to do. Splendor is less definite and more suited to the style of this poem. 18 ILLINOIS STA1L QUESTION BOOK. (b) "Summits". The thought of height is attractive. The snow is not on all the mountain, it is on the top, the "summit". (c) "Old in story". A great many authors have written about the "snow-capped mountains", therefore the thought is old. 9. (a) The theme of the Bugle song is, our influence never dies. (b) In the third stanza, the third and fourth lines, emphasis should he placed on "Our", "roll", "soul", "soul", "grow", "forever". "Our echoes roll from soul to soul, And grow forever and forever". 10. (a) "Wild echoes". The echoes are wild because they fly from one point to another and are not still a moment, until they go away. (b) "horns of Elfland". Elfland is the land where the elf and the fairy live. The echoes grow so faint and la; 1 away that it sounds as if the elves were blowing their tiny horns. (c) "rich sky". Rich in colorings of the sunset, red, golden and violet. (d) "purple glens". The sun rays are above The glen and the twilight in the glen has a purple tinge. (e) "leaps in glory". The water comes down the mountain with such rapidity that it does not simply fall, it springs and leaps over the rocks and the rays of the sunlight make it golden and sparkling" — "glory". 11. (a) Phonics is the "key note" to reading. (b) "The differences between reading and literature are largely due to content and aim". Southern Illinois State Normal Training School Manual. Reading may be of a literary or didactic type. "The great mass of reading done in school is didactic History, Geography, etc.. are didactic". Thus reading of this style takes by far the great- er amount of time. "Reading, as literature, stands alone in the school curriculum. No other subject can give skill in the interpretation of discourses of this kind. Hence the bulk of reading placed on the program should be of the literary form and content". Manual of Course of Study, Training Department of Southern Illinois State Normal. The reading class must be for preparation for reading and for the reading. If dramatization is to be given (by children) do not use the reading period for it. It is very important as all worli de- pends upon the power to interpret the reading. "Oral reading is mental process". In the first two grades the children usually read two or three times a day but from the third grade to the High School, once a day. 12. (a) "Low-vaulted paet". The pearly nautilus first lives in a low, slightly dome like one "roomed" shell, as it grows it builds an addition to this; larger, higher and ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. I9 shuts off the old home by a cloned door. Then growtii continues until the nautilus is lull grown. Soul iiie. i^uch event in our hie auouid make us grow away li'Oiii anything chat is low or uat. i^w ideals. Leave the past and nave highei ideais. (b) "Outgrown sheii . as we gxow intellectually and spir- itually, our loiiiier mougnts una life are Outgrown". (cj "hue's unresting sea". The nautilus dies ana leaves its shell upon me seashore and is tossed auont uy the rest- less waves, so we leave our bouies on hie "earth-sea", where 00 much unrest is ieit by the living. (d) Tne boui ouilds mansions by navmg purer, stronger LnoughLS, feelings and acts. (e) "New temple." i^ach victory that we win over ourselves, is a growtii. Every advance we niaKe, aduo to this growtn and Lne whole makes a more oeauciiui ihe and the spirit is 111 a newer, clearer atmospnere. 13. (a). i lain would learn to lie." if "i" is emphasized, it inters that another person does he and tne tool is reah> accusing the person. (bj. 'I lain would learn to lie." This indicates a desire to iearn tne power or art oi telling lies. (c). "i lam would learn to lie." 1 do not know how to he out 1 should like to learn to do so. (d). ' i lain would iearn to lie." iheie is sarcasm, a re- proof, a challenge that some one (King Lear) has lieu and King .Lear is angry. The thought is implied that lie cau do other tiungs but has not reached the point of being able to lie. 14. Rip Van Kinkle. A. The teacher's object is to awaken a love for pure, simple story reading. The pupil's purpose is to gain a love of knowledge and note changes in a short time in America. Pat- riotism. B. Approach — Irving's Biography, History of England as connected with American History during the reign of George 11 and George ill, Geography of the Katskill Mountains and Knickerbocker History. C. Plan of Procedure. Basis of the story. Note book for new words and new meanings. Four views. 1. Rip as a boy. 2. As a young man. 3. His mountain trip and his sleep. Tell of the sup- erstition concerning the mountains. 4. His return. Purpose of the descriptive introduction? How does it affect the story? How does the author handle the supernatural? In reading, note 1. Forecasts. 2 Points of suspense. 3. The Principal and also the subordinate characters. Why are the subordinate characters so classed? Climax. Purpose of the author? 20 ILLINOIS STA1L QUESTION BOOK. Note bits of humor, pathos, dialogue, beauty. Most dramatic situation. Authors aim in having Rip return just at the time or the election? White paragraphs on: 1. Characters. 2. Personal ap- pearance of Rip. 3. Nine-pins. 4. Early New York. Sometimes a class enjoys the writing of a dramatic scene, by using the dialog for the scene, without the descriptions or explanations. The reading class is for the reading aloud of the as- signed work. Silent reading reported by "Book Reviews" should be assigned on an average of once every six weeks. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. A. The teacher's purpose is to arouse a love for classic poetry. The pupil's purpose is to gain a knowledge of rhyme and rhythm and the art of narrative in poetry. B. Approach. Biography of Browning. Situation. Geography. Customs. Origin of the idea of the story. Keep a note book with a list of unknown words. Pupil's look them up and write the meaning that suits the con- text. 1. Find the keynote. 2. Forecast. 3. Suspenses. 4. Learn the meaning of the plot. 5. What characters are important in helping in the development of the plot? 6. Is the climax suitable? 7. purpose of the author. Discussions on the following subjects: Did the people deserve the punishment? Who were responsible? Who were punished? A town without children. 8. Bits of good description and a touch of pathos. 8. Secret of rhythm. Mark end words to show difference in rhyme as follows: Stanza 1. a, 1), c, c, c, b, d, d, b. Stanzas 2. a, a, b, a, b, a, a, a, c, c, c. Time of preparation in seventh and eighth grades in English work should be one and one-half or two times the length of the recitation. ARITHMETIC. — Answers. By David Felmley, President Illinois State Normal University a b c d 365 360 365 303 123 248 198 177 In a, each term of the subtrahend is smaller than the cor- responding term of the minuend and may be subtracted directly. In b, 1 ten in the minuend must be changed to 10 ones from which 8 ones may then be subtracted. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 21 In c, one ten in the minuend must be changed to 10 ones and added to the 5 ones; from the sum 15 ones the 8 ones may be taken. In d, there are no tens in the minuend, hence we must change 1 hundred to tens, and then 1 of the tens to ones. We then subtract 7 ones from 13 ones, 7 tens from the 9 tens remaining, and 1 hundred from the two hundreds remaining. 2. We first change the numbers to the same, decimal denom- ination, then the fractions to equivalents having the same frac- tional unit, then add. Add. 1.11/9 =1.1111/9 =1.11122 | .025 1/2= .025 1/2 = .025 •» 1198 1/11 = .090 10/11 = .090 iso | 1.227 103/198 (b) 1. Reducing mixed numbers to improper fractions: 24 5 11 11 2 6 X 15 4 2. Performing subtraction in second factor: 24 4 11 « X 15 4 3. Multiplying both terms of first factor by 44, of *«cond fraction by 6: 96 1 16 X 165 6 165 t. c=3.1416Xd. Hence, d- 3.1416 548.76 ft. -K3. 1416=174.6753 or 174.68— ft. Area=*r* = ^!_=^i = ^ 4 4tt 2 4jt 22 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. I may use either of the following formulae: A=7ir 2 or A :==z - 4tt I know the true value of c, but only an approximate val- ue of d or r. Hence the second formula only will give a correct result, true to .01 sq. ft. d=l 74.68 —ft. r=87.34— ft. r 2 =7628.27— sq. ft. nr 2 =23964.99— sq- ft. This result is too large because we have squared a value of r that is too large. c=548.76 ft. c 2 =301137.5376 sq. ft ^-=75284.3844 sq. ft. —=23963.71— sq. ft. This result is true to .01 sq. ft. Wanted— .032X1728.4 %? This means — of 1728.4 1000 of 1728.4=1.7284 1000 32 of 1728.4=32X 1.7284=55.3088 1000 To multiply by a fr action involves two processes. 1. To take the fract < ^al part of the multiplicand that is indicated by the denominator of the fraction. 2. To multiply this result by the numerator. If the multiplier is a decimal fraction we perform the first operation by moving the decimal point in the divi- dend to the left — one place if the denominator is 10, two places if it is 100 (that is (10)2) three places if it is 1000, (10)3 etc. Hence we may perform the work in this fashion: 1728.4 1.7284 .032 32 55,3088 It is evident that in the new multiplicand, and in the product we have as many decimal places as in both multi- plicand and multiplier. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 23 The Tolume of a cube 6" on each edge is 216 cu. in Hence the volume of the half-cube is 108 cu. in. The iwo triangular bases of the half-cube put together form a 6*x6" square Hence their area equals 36 square inches. (See Fig. 1.) The two faces of the original cube that serve as faces of the half- cube are two 6"x6" squares. Their total area-=72 sq. in. The face formed by the cutting plane is a rectangle, whose base is the diagonal of a 6"x6" square. The diagonal of any square equals its side multiplied by V 2 6"X V 2 =6"X1.4142=8.4852 inches The area of the rectangle 6X8 4852" is 50.9112 sq. in. Whole surface=36 sq in. +72 sq. in. +50.^112 sq. in.= 158.9112sq. in 6. 3 meters=30 decimeters. A prism 1 decimeter square and 30 decimeters long contains 30 cu . dm . One cubic decimeter of water weighs one kilogram. One cu. dm of iron weighs 7.2 kg. 30 cu. dm. of iron weighs 30X7.2 kg., or 216 kg. 7. In similar plane figures the area-ratio is the square of the ling-ratio. The area-ratio of the_second triangle to the first riangle is 2 # Hence the line-ratio is V 2 or 1.4142. The base of the second triangle is 1.4142X40 ft. or 56.568 feet. 8. Days of grace have been abolished in Illinois, hence no allowance for them should be made in this problem. Since this 90-day note was discounted on January 2 7, 2 6 days after the note was made, the period of discount was 90 — 26, or 64 days. The discount for 64 days at 7 % was 64 7 — of _ of $800 or $9.96 Net proceeds=$800— $9.96=$790.04 9. 10% of the list price=l/10 of the list price. The net price after 1st discount = 9/10 of the list price. Net price after 2d discount = 9/10 of 9/10 of list price. = 81/100 of list price. Since $82.60 = 81% of list price. $1.0198 = 1% of list price. $101.98= (100% of) list price. 24 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 10. (a) 1% of 2. 465 = . 02465. (b) 16.5 = 200% of 8.25. (c) 48.65 = as many per cent of 12.36. as it is times one per cent of 12.36. 1 per cent of 12.36 is .1236. 48.65 is 393.6 times .1236. Hence 48.65 is 393.6% of 12.36. 11. (a) $8.50 7 $59.50 Language — 1 per cent of $850 Is $8.50. 7 per cent of $850 is 7 times $8.50, whicb is $59.50. (b) 6j$48 $8 100 $800 Since $48 equal 6 per cent of the required sum, one per cent of the required sum equals 1/6 of $48, which is $8. 100 per cent of the required sum (or the required sum) equals 100 times $8 or $800 5% of req. no.= of req. no. 20 of req. no=32 1 20 20 of req no. : =640 20 H Since 5% of any number is— of that number, and since J 20 ■4- of the required number is 32, J2_ of the required number is 20 ^ 20 ^ 20 times 32, or 640. 12. All of the five given statements are not true, (a) We cannot add unlike numbers. 24 dollars and 5 per cent are unlike. If the expression meant $24 + 50% of $24, it still would hot be true for $24 + 50% of $24 = $36. (b) We cannot divide a number of cubic inches by a number of inches. There are only two kinds of division. In measurement the dividend and divisor are of the same ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 25 denomination and the quotient is abstract; as, 28 cu. in. H- 7 cu. in. = 4. In partition the divisor is abstract and the quotient is of the same denomination as the dividend. 28 cu. in. -f- 7 = 1/7 of 28 cu. in. or 4 cu. in. (c) Only numbers have square roots; quantities, surfaces, or areas have no square roots. The given expression may be interpreted to mean "The side of a square containing 900 sq. ft. is 30 ft. (d) This expression is badly printed but is nonsensical if the error in the fourth fraction be corrected. The expression $2/3 -f- $3/5 means what is the ratio of $2/3 to $3/5 or, two thirds of a dollar is what part of three-fifths of a dollar. The analysis may run this way: One dollar is 5/3 of (3/5 of a dollar) 2/3 of one dollar is 2/3 of 5/3 of (3/5 of a dollar) or it is 10/9 of (3/5 of a dollar) The analysis may run this way: $2/3 = $10/15 $3/5 = $9/15. The question now reads — 10/15 of a dollar is what part of 9/15 of a dollar. Now 1/15 of a dollar is 1/9 of 9/15 of a dollar, Hence 10/15 of a dollar is 10/9 of 9/15 of a dollar. The division is measurement and the quotient is abstract. (e) If a compound number is of hr., min., sec, the product formed by adding 15 such numbers will be composed of hrs., minutes and seconds. It is right to say that the difference in longitude between two places is fifteen times as many degrees, minutes and seconds, as there are hours, minutes, and seconds re- spectively in the difference in time. 13 The altitude of the equilateral triangle is also the altitude of the right triangle CDA. whose hypotenuse is 1 and whose base is J /2, using the side CA as the unit. Hence the square of the altitude is equal to the square of the hypotenuse minus the square of the base. (See Fig. 2 ) CD 2 -=CA 2 ~AD 2 or Alt. 2 =1 2 — ( l / 2 ) 2 Alt. 2 =1— Vi, or % Alt. =V-5i, or .866 + The ratio of .866 to 1 is .866 26 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 0) The diagonal of the cube, AD, is the hypotenuse of the right triangle APD. (See Fig. 3.) Tiie base, DP, of this right triangle, APD, is aiso the hypotenuse of the right triangle PCD and may be called the diagonal of the face of the cube PC, CD, AP, are edges of the cube, hence they are each one u?iit in length. (1) AD 2 =AP 2 +PD 2 (2) But PD 2 =PC 2 +CD 2 Substituting this value of PD 2 in equation (1), we have AD 2 =~AP 2 +PC 2 +CD 2 (Diag.) 2 =1_ 2 + 1 2 -hi 2 , or 3 Diagonal V 3 , or 1.73205 The ratio of 1.73205 to 1 is 1.73205 14. $8,000. Springfield, Illinois, Jan. 4, 1914. For value received, two years after date, I promise to pay to William Roe, or order, at the First National Bank of Springfield, Illinois, Eight Thousand Dollars, with interest at five per cent per annum. JOHN DOE Endorsements — 1. Pay to John Jones, or order, William Roe. 2. John Jones. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 27 CIVICS. — Answers. By H. Ambrose Perrin, Superintendent of Schools, Lincoln, Illinois 1. The purpose of government is to direct and manage affairs that concern alike all people composing a group. This group may be large or small. The source of government in the United States is vested in the will of the people as expressed by their votes or thru their representatives. 2. The "town" of New England is a local government unit. It embraces from twenty to forty square miles of territory. Prac- tically, it provides lor all the affairs of the town and has officers for the same. In this system the county plays a relatively insig- nificant part. Tl e officers are: Selectmen, Town Clerk, Assessor and Treasurer, Overseer of the Poor, Constables, School Commit- tee, Justice of the Peace, Road Surveyors, Pound Keeper, Fence Viewer, and other minor officers. The "township as ordinarily used means the town idea of gov- ernment applied so that there is a more even distribution of powers, duties and officers between the town and the county. This is often spoken of as a township because it often agrees with the Congres- sional Township. In Illinois they are supposed to be organized townships as provided by law. However, but few Illinois so-cailed towns or townships correspond to the Congressional Townships The officers of the township are: Supervisor, Clerk, Assessor, Col- lector, Constables, Highway Commissioners, Justices of the Peace and some other minor officers as needed. In Illinois, these officers are elected on the first Tuesday of April. 3. A representative's term is two years, senator's term is six years, President's term is four years, and Judge of the United States Supreme Court has a life term on good behavior. 4. Civil service is the use of the merit system in public ser- vice. It eliminates office changes dne to political reverses and in- sures efficient and stable service. Diplomatic service is our system of U. S. representatives to for- eign nations. Such representatives administer political relation- ships between our nation and the nations to which they are dele- gated. Consular service is our system of commercial representatives to foreign nations. Such representatives are stationed at most ports and large cities. They look after our commercial interests, admin- ister the estates of deceased Americans and other duties in looking after the Avelfare of Americans abroad. 5. A writ of habaes corpus is a legal instrument by which a person accused of a crime may be brought into court and the cause of his imprisonment or confinement investigated. A bill of attainder is a bill inflicting death or other punishment without judicial trial. Appellate jurisdiction means tMt appeal may be taken to said court after the case has been tried in the lower courts. 28 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. An ex post facto law is one which makes an act a crime which was not so when the act was committed or which increases tne pen- alty named in the statutes. An indictment is ihe official paper furnished by the grand jury to the court when it Cjury) has investigated criminal charges com- mitted in the county against a person and advises tnat sucn person be brought to trial. 6. In the town system of county government, each town elects one or more supervisors, according to population, who serve as members of the County Board of Supervisors. In the county system of county government, there is a Board of County Commissioners elected from the whole county. The du- ties of both boards are about the same, namely the transaction or county business. The Commissioner system centralizes county affairs and tiie management of the same. The Supervisor system divides the powers and most local matters are taken care of by township officers. 7. Each senatorial district is entitled to eiect three members at the same time to the lower house of tne general assembly, ihe minority party usually nominates only one or two candidates in- stead of three. The voters 'plump ' casting 1 1-2 votes for eacn or 3 votes for one, thus, in most cases, insuring tiie election of a minority representative. 8. Illinois .provides that the following may be excused from jury service; Public Officers, Ministers, Teachers, Physicians, Phar- macists, Undertakers and Embalniers, Firemen (Fire Department) Dentists and Trained Nurses. This provision is based upon the importance of the social ser- vice constantly rendered the community and state. In some cases a jury is held for days and even weeks. 9. The great argument for the electoral system of electing the President originally was that the electors chosen would be men versed in political problems and would vote their decisions as to the candidate most fit to undertake the work of President. The great argument against the electoral system is that in prac- tice the electors blindly follow the dictates of the party. However under the popular election of electors the electoral system amounts to a popular election of the President by an indirect method. A further argument against the system is that it does not truly rep- resent the true wishes of the people. 10. Dividing the total population of the state as shown by the last U. S. census by the congressional ratio gives the number of representatives. The ratio is the quotient found by dividing the total U. S. population by the number of members the house is to contain after the new apportionment which is made after the de- cennial census. Each state is entitled to at least one representa- tive. 11. The most important committee in the house of represent- atives is the Ways and Means Committee. Its chief duty is to de- termine the amount of money needed to run the government and to choose methods for raising the same. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 29 12. When a bill is introduced in either house, it is read by title, ordered printed and referred to a proper committee for con sideration. If the bill is reported out favorably by ilie committee, it comes up for a second reading at which time amendments may be offered. After the second reading, the bill is ordered to be en- grossed for a third reading. The vote on the final passage is by yeas and nays and is entered in the journal. The bill is now sent to the other house where it goes thru the same procedure, if passed as amended by both houses, it goes to the governor lor his signature. 13. A fugitive from justice may be returned to the state in which the crime was committed by the governor issuing a writ known as a requisition upon the governor of the state in which the fugitive is found. The wole process of removing by requisition a person from one state to another for trial is called extradition. 14. The implied powers are based upon the elastic clause, "Congress shall have power to make all laws which shall be ne- cessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing pow- ers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the govern- ment of the United States, or in any department or office thereof." A practical application of this implied power is the establish- ment of the U. S. Bank by advice of Alexander Hamilton. Hamil- ton claimed "necessary and proper" to mean suitable, not indis- pensable. STATE COURSE OP STUDY. — Answers By Charles Mcintosh, Superintendent Piatt County Schools and Editor of Illinois State Course of Study 1. Reading, including phonics and spelling, Language, Number and Construction Work, Writing and General Exercises, including music, drawing, Morals and Maimers and Nature Study, which in eludes physiology and hygiene. 2. All things in our environment to which we attend help to educate us, hence the School Library may be made an instrument of great value in educating the children. (1) By furnishing plenty of easy but interesting reading material for the pupils in the primary grades (grades 1-3) the desire of the pupils to read this material cause them to get a large amount of practice in reading and helps them to master the mechanics of reading. (2) It helps to develop in the pupil the power of easy and rapid reading, without which their progress in the upper grades can not be what it should. (3) It helps the pupils to acquire the reading habit — a hab- it in which the pipils read for the pleasure thus afford- ed them. (4) It helps pupils to learn how to use books. Books of reference are of little value to a poor reader, but to a good reader all knowledge is accessible. 30 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. (5) It helps pupils to acquire a fund of information about many subjects, makes them better informed and gives them a wider outlook upon the world, and gives each a wider view of his own possibilities. The school library possesses all these values, it is need- less to say, only when it is intelligently and wisely used. There should be two kinds of books in the library. First, books suitable to the children of all grades of high mor- al tone which pupils will find delight in reading. Sec- ond, books that give further information than their text books on the subjects they are studying in their classes. In other words, general reading books and reference books. Both are indispensable in every library. 3. The four aims of the State Course as given in the introduc- tion are as follows: First. — To furnish as a basis of work, to superintendents, teach- ers and directors, an outline of the various branches required by law to be taught in the schools of the State, arranged in the sever- al grades, in accordance with established and approved methods. Second. — To advance the pupil step by step, thru his school life, giving him sredit for work done, and thereby lessening the evil effects of a too frequent change of teachers. Third. — To unify the work in the common schools of the county by furnishing the basis for a closer and more effective direction and supervision, and for comparing by means of examinations, or written reviews, the results secured in the different schools. Fourth. — To enable directors and parents to know better what the common schools are accomplishing for their children and to co-operate with teachers in the work. 4. No one thing has ever done more to uplift the rural schools than the introduction and intelligent use of the State Coarse of Study. Many rural pupils move about from one school to anoth- er. This moving is usually done in February or March, — at a time when the interest in the school is at its highest point, and unless the school to which they go is doing substantially the same grade of work as the school from which they come, the pupils suffer a distinct loss. Teachers of rural schools are frequently changed. Many of these teachers are young and inexperienced Often they are without professional training of any kind. In many cases they have never attended a country school temselves. Be- cause of these conditions, the rural schools need a fixed and a de- finite course of study. Without some unifying agency, without a course of study and a definite plan of organization carefully work- ed out, much of the time and energy of both teachers and pupils are wasted. In making the State Course, the conditions as they exist in rural schools have been kept constantly in mind, and an effort has been made to get the best possible course for the rural schools. 5. Alternation is the systematic and regular union of two grades of pupils on consecutive years of work, both grades doing the work of one year in one class, while the other year's work is entirely omitted. The next year, the work omitted is taken up, and the first year's work dropped. In this way, the pupils in the ILLINOIS STAYS QUESTION BOOK. 31 seventh and eighth years' work can be taught in the same class, likewise the pupils in the fifth and sixth years' work. In the pri- mary grades, the language work for the third and fourth years is arranged to alternate, — one year both classes taking the third year's work and the next year both taking the fourth year's work. 6. Begin 9:00 0:10 9:10 9:20 9:30 9:45 9:55 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:55 11: )5 11:15 11:30 11:40 11:50 Suggestive program for the forenoon of a one room school. Time 10 10 10 . 10 : 10 . 10 5 15 15 Recess 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 • Seventh «** Year Recitation All Open Ex. 1 Primary Wk. 2 Number 3 Arith. 7 Arith. *** 4 Arith. Read. All Teacher direct* seat work 5 Fifth Third Second First Arith. Arith. Arith. No. **• ** Seat Wk *** No. Arith. Spell Hand Hand Wk. Arith. Reading Primary work Spelling- Reading Grammar Spelling Grammar Spe'ling Read. Read. Grammar Read. Spell. Spell Read. Play Play ***** *** Number Spell, " Hand Wk. Spelling Hand Wk 7 Suggestive program for afternoon of a ore room school, 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:05 220 All General exercises 1 Primary Work 2 Reading 3 Reading 5 Geography All writing or draw. 7 Geog aphy 5 Spelling 7 th *** Geog. ***** *** History Geog. 3rd *** Read. Read *** ¥ anguage Reading **» Reading Language Hand work *ft* Reading Play Play 2:30 Recess 2:45 15 1-2 language and Nature Study 3:00 15 7 History and Civics 3Jl5 15 3 Language and Nature Study 3:30 15 3 Language and Nature Study 3:45 15 7 Physiology History *** Physiology Physiology *** Language ***** Hand work Language Language Hand work Language Hand work Draw Hand work O) Provides a stimulus for reviewing and organizing the materials which have heen taught during the term or year. If we wish these materials to be remembered and recalled, we must organize them in a logical way. (2) An examination is an excellent review exercise. Every repetition adds to the stability and worth of the facts 32 ttiLONOIS STATS QUJfcgTlO. the Strong conjugation. Its principal parts are rise, rose, risen. It is in the active voice, indicative mode, and past tense. It U In the first person, and singular number, to agree with its subject, I. 12. (a; before verbs are classified as transitive ana intransi- tive, they have been classified as copulative and attribu- tive. Classify the verbs in the following sentences as copulative or attributive. Name the idea that every attributive expresses. 1. Take this book home. 2. The days grow cold. 3. I have many books. 4. She grows rapidly. '). There are many people in need now. 0. We should help them. 7. They need food and clothing. The snow falls steadily. '.). The boys pull their sleds up the hill. 10. They coast down the hill. The verbs in sentences 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 \ tributive verbs. These verbs in sentences I express transitive action, possessive, obligation, or These verbs are transitive verbs. The other ver transitive verbs. Definitions. A Transitive Verb is a verb that expresses f \ ) a transitive act, (2) possession, (3) obligation, or f4) l&r.:: or need. An Intransitive Verb is a verb that does not express I 1 ) a transitive act, ( 2 j possession, (3) obligation, or (4) lack or need, (b) Review and drill lesson on the three kinds of clauses. Analyze the following sentences and classify the clauses as adjective, adverbial, or noun. If the clause is an ad- jective clause, tell whether it is a limiting or purely de- scriptive clause. If adverbial tell what idea the clause expresses. If a noun clause, give its construction in the sentence. 1. The house that stands on the hill belongs to Colonel Smith. 2. I know that he received the message. '■',. He came when his turn arrived. 4. The house stands where three roads meet. 5. We study the lessons which the teacher assigns. 6. The thought that vacation was near kept our energy up. 7. I will pay you if you will do the errand. 8. Mr. Smith, who is my friend, is passing. 48 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 9. That you have done your work well is evident. 10. The man worked, tho he was very tired. 11. Our difficulty was that we were scarce of money. 12. He gave the money that he might help the poor. 13. The children work as they play. 14. He promised everything except that he would return to school. 15. They sent for him because he was needed, (c) Classification of nouns as common and proper. The following nouns are names of the same person: man, lather, American, Andrew Blake, farmer, student. How many of these names does he share with other persons, or have in common with them ? With whom does he share each one ? Which one is his own, his unshared, name ? The following nouns are names of the same place:: city, New York, sea-port, metropolis. Which names does this place share with other places ? Which one is unshared, or is applied to it alone ? The word proper means one's own or unshared. The nouns Andrew Blake and New York are proper nouns. What then is a proper noun ? The word common, in the sense in which it is used in grammar, means belonging to more than one. All the nouns that you have examined except Andrew Blake and New York belong to, or are applied to, more than one thing. They are common nouns. What, then, is a com- mon noun ? Other kinds of common nouns must be studied in later lessons. 13. (a) No English verb has a passive form. Transitive verb phrases have a passive voice. (b) Passive verb phrases are formed by the use of some form of the verb be and a perfect participle, (c) The object in the original sentence becomes the subject of the passive verb phrase. The subject of the verb in the active voice, if it is not omitted, becomes the object of the preposition by, when the verb is changed to a passive verb phrase. (d) The passive voice is used (1) when the name of the actor is unknown, (2) when the speaker does not wish to tell the name of the actor, (3) when the speaker wishes to attract more attention to the other thing involved in the act than to the actor. It may also be used occasionally for the sake of variety. The passive voice is much overworked by many persons In most cases, the active voice is simpler and more direct, and it should be used unless some special reason for the use of the passive exists. 14. He has gone to the city where he always liked to visit. If the speaker had alread been talking about some partic- ular city and the hearer knew what city he had in mind, the clause in this sentence is purely descriptive and ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 49 should b« a«t off by th« comma; thus, He has gone to the city, where he always liked to visit. If, on the other hand, the clause is needed to show what city the speaker had in mind, it is a limiting clause and no comma should be used. GEOGRAPHY.-— Answers. By Herbert Bassett, Teacher of Geography, Western Illinois State Normal School. 1. Three elements of climate are heat, moisture and wind. (Sometimes sunshine is given as a fourth.) Washington and Maine are both in the Prevailing Westerlies, hence Washington has an oceanic climate, while Maine has a con- tinental climate. The Westerlies, on ascending the Coast Range and Cascades, give western Washington the heaviest rainfall in the United States. 2. England must be a great commercial nation, primarily be- cause of a large industrial population which must have food, raw materials for manufacture, and markets for its products. The insular position, good harbors, position relative to other na- tions, moist climate favorable for textile manufacture, abundant coal which means power for manufacturing purposes, absence oi. great agricultural areas, and character of the people, all contribute to the same end. England needs colonies to produce raw materials for her factories and to provide markets for her manufactured goods. A large merchant marine demands a strong navy for its protection. Five geographic conditions that may determine the location oi: cities are: 1st, good harbors, examples, New York, Liverpool, San Francisco. 2nd, Power for manufacturing purpose, either in the form of wa- ter power or coal. Examples of water power, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and The Fall Line Cities, of Eastern United States. Examples of coal, for power, Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, near coal fields. 3rd, The crossing of highways of travel. Ex., Indianapolis is a Railroad center. St. Louis is at the crossing of the Mississippi R. and Railroads running East and West. 4th, A rich hinterland, from which many products are sent. Ex- amples, Chicago and New York. 5th, Some local natural resource. Copper, at Butte, Montana, and Houghton and Hancock, Michigan. Diamonds at Kimberley, Africa. 4. It is warmer in summer than in winter; 1st, because the rays of the sun are more nearly vertical in summer than in winter. These vertical rays have more effect in raising the temperature for two reasons: 1st, because a given number of rays cover a smaller area, and as a consequence the heat is all concentrated on a smaller area, 50 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. and, 2nd, the vertical rays pass thru less air to reach the earth and have lost less of their heat to the atmosphere. Sui . mef than winter, .ind, because the days (hours of sunshine) are longer in summer than in winter. The easons is cL.e to 1st, the revolution of the earth around the sun. 2nd, the inclination of the earth's axis, and 3rd, Lo the parallelism of the earth's axis. These three causes result in the vertica rays of the sun moving back and forth 23 % c North and South of the equator, carrying the greater heat first to the North and then to the South of the equator. ... flams are likely to he rather low level tracts of country with fertile soil and often plenty of rainfall. These conditions fa- vor Agriculture. Plateaus are likely to be semi-arid, favoring graz- ing. If well watered the rivers may he swift, favoring manufac taring. If deeply dissected by erosion, mining may be the char- acteristic industry. Mountains are characterized by mining indus- tries, as mineral wealth is likely to he exposed by erosion. 0. The South. — South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, constitutes the "Cotton Belt" producing three-fourths of the world's supply of cotton. Cotton requires a long season in which lo mature, plenty of rainfall properly distrib- uted and favorable soil conditions, all of which are found in this area. The "Corn Belt" includes Western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Northern Missouri! Eastern Kansas, and Eastern Nebraska. The geographic factors are sufficient rainfall, a growing season of not less than one hundred to one hundred twenty days, and the ex- cellent glacial drift soil. 7. China: — (Chinese Republic) Position: Eastern Asia, 20° to 50° N. Latitude and 75° to 185° E. Longitude. Size: About 4,000,000 square miles, or 1 1-3 times as large as United States. Population: About 400,000,000 or four times population of United States. Surface: Delta plains at river mouths, vast plateaus and mountains inland. Mineral Resources: Vast mineral wealth, largely undevel- oped. Products: Silk, Tea, Cotton, Rice and other raw materials of commerce are exported. Other products raised for home consumption. Form of Government: Republican. Recent Changes: Government changed from Empire to Re- public. Trade with foreign nations, and even the cutting off of pigtails by many Chinese indicate the "awakening of China". " 8. Water that has fallen as rain may 1st, sink into earth and become ground water. 2nd, Run off forming streams. 3rd, Evapor- ate. The conditions which determine which of the three things shall happen, are porosity of soil, slope of ground, amount and rate of rainfall, amount of water already in soil, dryness of the air, presence or absence of vegetation. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 51 Dry, loose, level ground, the presence of vegetation and slow rain fall favor the sinking in of the water. Wet, hard soil, steep slopes, the absence of vegetation, and a rapid abundant downpour, favor a large run off. Very dry air favors rapid evaporation. In most regions the formation of ground water is of the great est advantage to Agriculture. 9. The countries which lead in the production of the following articles are: — Coffee, Brazil. Corn, United States. Wool, Australia. Diamonds, Kimberley, British S. Africa. Cotton, United States. The States which lead in the production of the following articles are: Hogs, Iowa. (Prom Year Book, Dept. Agr. 1913) Wheat, Kansas. Rice, Louisiana. Oranges, California. Cane Sugar, Louisiana. 10. The Wind belts crossed in sailing from v to Cape; Horn are: — 1st, Prevailing Westerlies, from New York to about 35 degrees north latitude. 2nd, Horse Latitudes, from about 35 to 30 degrees north latitude. 3rd Northeast Trades, from about 30 to 5 degrees north latitude. 4th, Doldrums, from about 5 degrees north to 5 degrees south latitude. 5th, Southeast Trades, from 5 to 30 degrees south latitude. 6th, Horse Latitudes, from about 30 to 3f> degrees south latitude. 7th, Prevailing Westerlies, from about 35 degrees south latitude to Cape Horn. The same wind belts will be crossed in the reverse order in going from Cape Horn to San Fran- cisco. Rain might be expected in the Doldrums, because of the as- cending air currents, and in the Westerlies, because of the poleward mo\ ement of the air. Dry weather would be expected in the Horse Latitudes because of the descending air currents, and in the Trades because of the equatorward movement of the air. 11. Northern Germany is a region of plains and lowlands, h Agriculture is the leading industry. Southern Germany is rough and mountainous, hence manufacturing and mining are the leading industries. 12. The Atmosphere is the air. Its constituents are Nitro Oxygen, Carbon-dioxide, and Water Vapor. It often contain purities as dust particles, and minute quantities of various gas The uses of the different constituents are: — Nitrogen gives mass to air, forming nearly 8-10 of the atmosphere. Dilutes the ; element oxygen and forms compounds essential to both plant and animal life. Oxygen is essential to all respiration, oxidation and decay. Carbon dioxide is an essential plant food, it 1ms a large effect in regulating the temperature of the earth's surface. Water vapor is necessary for rainfall,- upon which all life depend 52 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. The dust particles diffuse the sunlight, and probably serve as a nucleus about which the water vapor condenses. The atmosphere (winds) distributes the rainfall. When the tem- perature of the air is high, its vapor capacity is great. Cooling the air causes condensation and precipitation of the water vapor. 13. Two kinds of forests are: — Tropical forests, due to high temperature and abundant rain- fall. Temperate forests, due to moderate rainfall and alternate warm and cold seasons. Two kinds of grasslands are: — Savannas, due to high temperature and alternate wet and dry sea- sons. Steppes, due to semi arid conditions. Two kinds of deserts are: Hot or dry deserts, due to high temperature and slight rainfall. Cold deserts, or Tundras, due to low temperature. 14. "Conservation of Natural Resources" means such use of natural resources, that the present generation may have all that they need without the robbing of future generations. The resources which should be conserved are the forests, miner- als, soils, waterpower, fish and game. Forests may be conserved by 1st, cutting only "ripe" trees; 2nd, Care of young trees in felling; 3rd, Prohibiting grazing, especially of sheep and goats in young forests; 4th, Prevention of forest fires 5th, Sometimes, reforestation by planting. U. S. HISTORY— Answers. By A. F. Strome, Department of History, Western Illinois State Normal School. 1. Virginia at first made marked progress in self government, but in 1624, she became a royal province, and self government in a measure declined. The governor of Virginia possessed large pow- ers. He was appointed by the Crown, and was not dependent on the House of Burgesses for his salary. He had large powers of appointment, and could veto all acts of the legislature. The fran- chise was liberal, but in time ceased to be of much importance as county affairs came under the control of the county judges ap- pointed by the governor, while the affairs of the parish were man- aged by the vestry composed of twelve men who held office for life and themselves filled all vacancies. As a result of the transfer of her charter to the colony Massa- chusetts early attained a large measure of independence and suc- ceeded in maintaining it during the greater part of the colonial per- iod. The governor was elected by the general court and was de- pendent on it for his salary. His powers were therefore, greatly limited. The franchise was more restricted than in Virginia, but those who voted were thoroly representative of the colony's interest. LUcal government instead of declining wa« of increasing: ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 53 importance, the town meeting becoming the most important feature of the colonial government. Industrially the two colonies also differed widely. Owing to the favoring circumstances of soil and climate, Virginia early gave herself up to the production of tobacco and developed the planta- tion system. In Massachusetts on the other hand, the soil yielded only a scanty return, and tho agriculture on a small scale was always an important industry, the people also early turned to fish- ing, ship-building, trading and manufacturing. 2. The conditions which seemed to favor the permanence of French dominion in America were the strength of the French gov- ernment and the fostering care she gave her colonies, her military occupation of her territory, and her friendly relations with the In- dians. The occupation, however, was bound to prove temporary because of the superior genius of the English as a colonizing na- tion, and to the fact that the French occupation was mainly a commercial and military one, while the English occupation meant the settlement and development of the resources of the country. In the course of time, superior resources were bound to turn the tide in favor of the English. That the French occupation was brought to an end as early as 1763 was largely due to the ex- igencies of the war in Europe. 3. The passage of the Stamp Act produced a storm of opposi- tion in America. Massachusetts took the lead and sent out a call for a general congress to protest against the action of Parliament. This was followed by non-importation agreements. In the meantime the Liberal party in England temporarily got control of the govern- ment and the Stamp Act was repealed. The repeal however, car- ried with it the so-called Declaratory Act, asserting the full right of Parliament to tax the colonies. This was followed in 1767 by the Townshend Acts, and the storm broke out afresh. The colonies had opposed the Stamp Act on the ground that it was an internal and direct tax, and the Townshend Acts were therefore disguised as external taxes in regulation of trade. But the people realized that a tax was a tax, and denied all right of Parliament to tax them whatsoever. In response to the Act, the non-importation agree- ments were revived, and committees of Correspondence devised to keep the various colonies in touch. The objectionable Acts were finally repealed, but again, as in the case of the Stamp Act, effort was made to save the principle of taxation by Parliament by leav- ing a nominal three-penny tax on tea. This only served to anger the colonies and when English merchants attempted to land tea in Boston, the citizens boarded the vessels and threw the tea into the harbor. This and other acts of violence, however, brought about the passage of the so-called Retaliatory Acts, closing the ports of Boston and annulling the charter of Massachusetts, establishing in- stead, a military government under General Gage. The Retaliatory Acts in their turn stirred the colonies to more determined resist- ence, provisions were sent to the suffering people of Boston, and a call was issued for a Continental Congress. This congress met in 1774, and at once took measures providing for more effective re- sjstence. It also addressed a petition to the king, but this was ig- nored 1 , and "the colonies made" 'preparation for war. Massachusetts 54 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. organized her militia and collected stores. General Gage then at- tempted to destroy the stores collected at Concord, and thus brought on the first battle of the Revolution. 4. The period immediately following the war of 1812 was one of readjustment for the American people, and thousands who be- fore the war had found plenty of employment along the seaboard now found it extremely difficult to win a livlihood. In the vast region between the Appalachians and the Mississippi however, was new opportunity, and soon a movement began which in the course of a few short years brought into the union a galaxy of new states. Three main routes opened the way to this new coun- try, and soon three great streams of emigrants were making their way westward. One composed chiefly of New Englanders pushed along Lake Champlain and up the Mohawk Valley to the region oC the Great Lakes and Northern Ohio; a second composed of botn New Englanders and Middle State people made their way to tne Ohio regions by way of Pittsburg, or the new national pike; while a third stream made up mostly of emigrants from the Southern States, followed the Old Wilderness Road to Kentucky and Ten- nessee, or farther on into Alabama or Southern Indiana and Illi- nois. The movement seems to hav© been at its height by 1817, but continued on almost unabated for some years. The filling up of the West brought new problems to the fore- front in national politics. Indeed, there is scarcely a political is- sue of the period, 1815 to 1840, which was not the expression of western influence. The internal improvement movement was an expression of the western demand for an outlet for its products. The tariff controversy was largely the result of the western de- mand for home markets. It was the need of the West for mere money which brought on the Wild Cat Banking craze and its at- tendant problems, and finally it was the devotion of this region to free labor which finally turned the tide against slavery. 5. In 1818 the territory of Missouri applied for admission to the Union. Nothing was said in the petition in regard to slavery, but inasmuch as the people already held slaves it was understood that they intended to create a slave state. But by the time the Ohio river had come to be pretty definitely recognized an the boundary between the slave and free states, and since the greater part of Missouri lay north of this line, there was bound to be oppo- sition to her admission as a slave state. Moreover, many at the north were opposed to any extension of slavery west of the Missis- sippi. Consequently when the petition came before the House of Representatives for debate, James Talmadge, of New Yor 1 :, pro- posed an amendment designed to exclude slavery from the state. The amendment passed the House but was blocked in the Senate where the slave holding interests had a majority. Neither side would yield, and the matter dragged on until 1820, when the ter- ritory of Maine applied for admission and another deadlock was brought about. The Southern senators refusing to permit Maine to come into the Union as a free state unless the Northern repre- sentatives would admit Missouri as a slave state. It was clenr that a compromise was necessary, and it was finally agreed, after a bit- ter struggle that Missouri should come in as a slave state on con- dition that Maine be admitted as a free state, and that slavery ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 55 should be excluded from all the remainder of the Louisiana Pur- chase north of 36° 30". 6. Five of the chief weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were: (a) The confederation was a mere league of sovereign states and not a real national union. (b) The machinery of government was inadequate. There was no well defined executive to enforce the laws, and no judiciary to interpret them, or to settle disputes between the states. (c) Congress had insufficient power; for example, it had no power to collect taxes or to regulate commerce. (d) The voting in Congress was by states, and the consent of nine states was necessary for the passage of any law. (e) Congress had no power to enforce its treaties with for- eign nations. The constitution remedied these defects by creating a real nation- al government having direct authority over individuals, by provid- ing three distinct departments of government, by conferring on Congress full power to levy and collect taxes and to regulate com- merce with foreign nations and between states, by giving each senator and representative in Congress one vote and requiring only a majority for the passage of laws, and by making treaties a part of the law of the land enforceable by national authority. 7. During this period a variety of events tended to increase our standing among the nations of the world. First and foremost doubtless, was our great national growth. The establishment of the national credit during Washington's administration was anoth- er large factor. The punishment of the barbary states and the war with England also had a salutary effect in that they showed that the American people were not inclined tamely to submit to viola- tions of their rights. The achievements of the navy during the War of 1812 were especially efficacious in impressing upon Eu- ropean nations this lesson. 8. In 1836, Texas, which had come under control of emigrants from the United States, rebelled against Mexico and gained her in- dependence. Later, Texas applied for admission to the Union. In 184 4, the Secretary of State, John C. Calhoun, negotiated a Treaty of Annexation with Texas, but the Senate refused to ratify it. The friends of slavery, however, were determined to annex Texas. The democratic party made the annexation of Texas an issue in the campaign of 184 4, and on their triumph in the election, Congress at oi)ce admitted Texas by a joint resolution, it being impossible to secure the necessary two-third vote to ratify a treaty in the Senate. The annexation of Texas became the direct cause of the War with Mexico. Texas claimed the Rio Grande as her western bound- ary while Mexico claimed that Texas' west boundary was the Neu- ces river. When Texas was admitted to the Union, her claim be- came the claim of the United States. President Polk ordered Gen- eral Taylor to take possession of the disputed territory and this was followed by war. 9. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, as finally passed in 1853, provid- ed for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and the organiza- 56 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. tion of the two territories of Kansas and Nebraska, under the prin- ciple of Popular Sovereignty that is the right of the territories to determine for themselves whether they should or should not have slaves. The Act was not a compromise, tho the friends of slavery maintained that it was merely an extension of the idea of the Com- promise of 1850. All parties had professed to regard the Com- promise of 1850 as a settlement of the slavery trouble but the re- peal of the Missouri Compromise re-opened the entire question. The North regarded the Act of 1820 as a solemn agreement, and its violation by the friends of slavery started a new agitation in op- position to the extension of slavery, which ended only with the Civil War. 10. The fundamental cause of the Civil War was the geograph- ic differences between the North and South. These gave rise to distinct social and industrial institutions, which, in the course of their development brought the two sections into conflict. The main points at issue were the tariff and slavery. After 1832, the tariff controversy quieted down, but about the same time the South came to a realization of the fact that slavery must expand in order to perpetuate itself, and a movement was begun for the extension of slave territory. This was resisted by the North, which had gradually developed an antagonism to the whole institution of slavery, and the struggle thus started finally culminated in the Civil War. The immediate cause of the Civil War was the se- cession of the Southern States. 11. As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, the Presi- dent has extensive powers in time of war which he does not possess in time of peace. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued under the authority of these so-called war powers, its ostensible object being to cripple the enemy. As a war measure it applied only to the territory in rebellion, and would cease to be effective as soon as the war was over. In order to make the abolition of slavery gen- eral and permanent, it was necessary to make it a part of the con- stitution, neither Congress nor the President having that power. 12. Five of the most noteworthy achievements of the Roose- velt administration were: a. The rousing of the nation to a consciousness of the need of action in restraint of "Big Business.' b. The formulation of a definite policy for conserving our natural resources. c. The beginning of the Panama Canal. d. The passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.. e. The revival of the Inter-State Commerce Commission. 13. Cuba had long been a subject of great interest to the United States. Not only had the mis-government, which the people suffered at the hands of Spain, stirred the sympathies of the American peo- ple, but American citizens had large financial interests on the Is- land and the government could not regard with indifference the poli- tical conditions there. In 1895, a severe insurrection broke out during which millions of dollars worth of American property was de- stroyed and many American citizens were thrown into Spanish pris- ons. Mo'reoVerj thfe Cuban pVoftle were treated with inhuman cruelty ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 57 by the Spanish General Weyler. The American people were thoroly aroused and the government was compelled to take cognizance of the situation. President McKinley labored hard to get Spain to grant the Cubans some degree of self government, but without success. Meanwhile, both Houses of Congress passed resolutions urging the recognition of Cuban independence. As time went on, public opin- ion became more and more incensed against Spain, until finally, when the battleship Maine was blown up, in Havana Harbor the people were aroused to such a degree of indignation that the ad- ministration was compelled to take decisive action. After a last appeal to the Spanish government, which met with an evasive reply, President McKinley turned the matter over to Congress. Congress then passed a resolution recognizing the independence of Cuba and demanding the withdrawal of Spain from the Island. It also authorized the President to use the militiary and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect. The passage of these resolutions was a virtual declaration of war against Spain and was soon followed by actual hostilities. 14. The thirteen original colonies in order of the approximate dates of their first settlements are: Virginia 1607, New York 1613, Massachusetts 1620, New Hampshire 1623, Delaware 1627, New Jer- sey 1627, Connecticut 1633, Maryland 1634, Rhode Island 1636, North Carolina 1650, South Carolina 1670, Pennsylvania 1682, and Georgia 1733. Virginia, the first colony established was settled at Jamestown in 1607. Looked at from the point of view of ideals and their influence on the American nation, Massachusetts was doubtless the best of the American colonies. The first settlement was at Plymouth in 1620. ILLINOIS HISTORY. — Answers By Elbert Waller, Superintendent of Schools, Albion, 111., and author of Waller's History of Illinois 1. Abraham Lincoln and Richard Yates, Sr., both won dis- tinction in a political way. To these we would add Ulysses S. Grant, John A. Logan, Richard J. Oglesby, John M. Palmer, and John A. McClernand. 2. In the early days, the rivers were very important means of travel and transportation and even yet, they and Lake Michigan are important. The climate is such that nearly everything pro- duced in the Temperate Zone can be produced with profit in Illi- nois. A larger percent of Illinois' soil is under cultivation than is the soil of any other state. In most of the State the soil is ex- tremely fertile. In the hilly portion of the State where the produc- tion of cereals is not so profitable, every variety of temperate cli- mate fruit thrives. About two-thirds of the State is underlaid by beds of coal of an excellent quality. Plenty of limestone is found in a majority of the counties. Clay and shale suitable for brick- making is found in large quantities and lead and sine are also 58 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. found. The fact that the state is conveniently located as regards raw material and markets for out-put has greatly encouraged var- ious industries in the state. 3. The Enabling Act was passed by Congress on April 18th, 1818. This defined the present boundary and changed the required population from 60,000 to 40,000 people. A census was taken show- ing 40,000, tho in reality there were only a little over 35,000. A constitution was agreed to in a convention called for that purpose but was never voted on by the people. An election was held for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, one Representative in Congress, and members of the General Assembly. The General Assembly met and elected two U. S. Senators and as the final act, Congress ap- proved the Constitution December 3d, 1818, and President Monroe signed the bill the next day. The birthday of Illinois is Decem- ber 4th instead of December 3d as generally supposed. 4. Black Hawk was a Sac chief, living near Rock Island. He was cheated out of his lands and his village was burned in 1831. He fled from the state but the following spring he came near his old home going to the Winnebagoes. The people became alarmed and called for help. Gov. Reynolds led, in person, 1800 troops. The President of the United States sent others and after a series of blunders on the part of the white people they finally compelled him to flee. He took refuge with the Winnebagoes who gave him up to the United States authorities August 2 7th, 1832 and the war was over. It had cost the United States a million dollars and had taken 7,000 troops to put 400 indian braves with their starving- families off the land of which they had been defrauded. 5. It was customary in the early days of Illinois to have "Mus- ter Days" at which time the people all gathered together and the men engaged in military drill. After the officers had "bawled themselves hoarse" they would have a barbecue and "Sleights of art and feats of strength went round." They finally degenerated into drunken brawls and President Jackson recommended that they be discontinued. It was customary to have the girls and their mothers seated on one side of the church house and the boys and their fathers on the other. The preacher did not work for a salary but was gener- ally well provided for by his congregation. Often he was simply a laborer among them, who preached for the good of the cause. The church building was not an imposing edifice, but a modest struc- ture. Then the finances of the churches were never embarassed. 6. As the name might imply, the "Black Code" was for the gov- ernment of the negro. It provided: That a negro could not bring suit nor testify in court; that if he were found ten miles from home he could be taken before a justice and whipped twenty-five lashes; that unless he had a certificate of freedom, his time for one year could be sold by the sheriff; that he might be sold on ex- ecution or mortgaged for his master's debts and that no person could bring a slave to the state for the purpose of freeing him without giving a bond of $1000 guaranteeing that such slave would be a law-abiding and self-supporting citizen. 7. The writers of the Constitution of. 1818 tried to compel the recognition of slavery in Illinois by inserting the expression, "Nei- ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 59 ther slavery nor involuntary servitude shall hereafter be intro- duced". In 1822, the advocates of slavery tried to get the. consti- tution so amended as to legalize slavery, claiming to no linger oe bound by the Ordinance of 178 7. The General Assembly in 1823, after unseating one member who opposed the amendment, had a bare majority in favor of the amendment. The proposition warf accordingly submitted to a vote of the people. It was bitterly con- tested in the election August 2d, 182 4 and was defeated Dy 1668 votes. 8. The call on Illinois was for 3,000 troops but it was respond- ed to by 0,000. They were led by General James Shields, and the* engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, fialtillo, Victoria, Tainpico, and Buena Vista, and were successful in every battle. A few of them were under General Scott on the campaign from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. 9. In 1858, Lincoln and Douglas were both candidates for the U. S. Senate. Lincoln challenged Douglas to a debate on national issues. Finally they agreed on seven places where they would de- bate. They were as follows: Ottawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charles- ton, Galesburg, Quincy and Alton. Douglas was popular and Lin- coln not very well known. Douglas went with a great deal oi pomp, while Lincoln was the opposite. It is generally conceded that Lin- coln was victorious for the state went republican tho the dem- ocrats held a majority of the General Assembly. They gave each other several questions. The second Lincoln gave to Douglas was against the advice of his friends but Lincoln was far-sighted and asked the question. It drove Douglas to a position that it is be- lieved cost him the presidency two years later. 10. Richard Yates, Sr., was the "War Governor" of Illinois. He was so-called because he took such a decided stand in favor of the Union even to the point of doing all in his power to organize and equip the soldiers in Illinois. 11. Illinois has had three constitutions, the first in 1818, the second, 1848, the third, 18 70. I would consider that a leading feature of the first was the various provisions concerning the ne- gro, one of the second was a provision prohibiting the state from in any way becoming involved with the banks, one of the third was a provision concerning Minority representation. 12. Starved Rock was the scene of the starving out of the last of the Illini Federation in the Illinois Valley. Galena was the scene of the so-called Winnebago War. Old Salem was the home of Lin- coln. Nauvoo was the scene of the Mormon trouble. Shawneetown was the home of a tribe of Indians of that name. It was also one of the earliest settlements in the State and the location of one of the ill-fated State banks. Vandalia was the location of the second capital of Illinois. Alton was the scene of the Lovejoy murder. Freeport is the place where Douglas answered Lincoln's question concerning "Squatter Sovereignty", the answer being known as the "Freeport Doctrine." 13. Shadrach Bond. In his administration the famous "Glack Code" was enacted. Edward Coles. In his administration the light to amend the Constitution so as to legalize slavery was waged. Jo- seph Duncan. In his administration the murder of Elijah P. Lov#- 60 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. joy occurred. Richard Yates, Sr. In his administration Illinois furnished 259,000 troops for the Civil War. Richard J. Oglesby. In his administration the Thirteenth Amendment was approved. 14. In 1832, the idea of a railroad from one end of the State to the other was talked of by Alexander M. Jenkins of Jackson County, and in 1836, the Illinois Central Railroad Company was in- corporated, but nothing except a road from Meridosia to Spring- field was the direct result. In 1850, the U. S. Government gave to the State nearly three million acres of land to be used as the State saw best in building a railroad from Cairo to LaSalle. A new Illinois Central Railroad Company was organized in 1851. By a provision of their charter they were given the land that the State had received from Congress for that purpose. The Company was to pay no tax on the chartered line nor on the land so long as they owned it but in lieu thereof they were to pay 5 percent of the gross earnings of the road for the first two years; then a provision of the charter was so worded that they were to pay at least 7 percent of the gross earnings to the State. The road was completed in 185 6. It has been a great factor in the development of the State and has paid into the State Treasury more than $30,000,000. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 61 Section Two READING — Questions. 1. State the main object to be kept in view in teaching (a) primary reading; (b) advanced reading. 2. DiBCUSs supplementary reading as to (a) purpose; (b) ma- terial. 3. Name two methods commonly employed in teaching begin- ners to read, and state the special advantage of each. 4. (a) State two errors in methods of teaching reading which lead to monotonous reading by the pupil, (b) State two ways by which this fault of the pupil may be corrected. 5. "Every clod feels a stir of might, An instinct within it that reaches and towers, And groping blindly above it for light, Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers." (a) Prom what is the extract taken? (b) By paraphrasing, explain its meaning. 6. Name the author of each of the following: Miles Standish; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Macbeth; Lady of the Lake; Robinson Crusoe; Snowbound; The Great Stone Face; The Chambered Nau- tilus; Apostrophe to the Ocean; The Psalm of Life; Thanatopsis. 7. The general method of teaching a poem embraces the follow- ing: I Preparation; II The Whole; III The Parts; IV The New Whole, (a) Comment on this arrangement. (b) What would you include in the preparation? (c) Why should a study of the whole precede the study of the parts? (d) Why at the close should we study the poem as a new whole? Daisies — Second Grade* "At evening when I go to bed, I see the stars shine overhead; They are the little daisies white That dot the meadows of the night. And often, while I'm dreaming so, Across the sky the moon will go; It Is a lady, sweet and fair, Who comes to gather daisies there. For when at morning I arise There's not a star left in the skies; She's picked them all, and dropped them down Into the meadows of the town." 62 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 8. (a) What preparatory discussion should the teacher make before taking up the poem? (b) How would you present Ine whole poem ? 9. (a) What analysis would you make of the parts of the above poem "Daisies"? (b) How would you proceed to present the poem as "a new whole"? (c) Suppose you desire the class to memo- rize tiie poem — what part will you take in the work? 10. Upon what essential facts are the ease and success in teach- ing reading dependent? 11. Some teachers, in rural schools, devote a portion of the ten or fifteen minute period for reading to (a) reading; (u) to the telling of the story of the lesson by the pupils; (c) to the spelling of the difficult words of the lesson. Comment on this procedure. Abraham Lincoln. "This man whose homely face you look upon, Was one of Nature's masterful great men; Born with strong arms that unfought victories won. Direct of speech, and cunning with the pen, Chosen for large designs, he had the art Oi winning with his humor, and he went Straight to his mark, which was the human heart. Wise, too, for what he could not break, he bent; Upon his back, a more than Atlas load, The burden of the Commonwealth was laid; He stooped and rose up with it, tho the road Shot suddenly downwards, not a whit dismayed. Hold, warriors, councilors, kings! All now give place To this dead Benefactor of the Race." 12. (a) What would you state as the pupil's aim in studying this selection? (b( What would you state as the teacher's aim in teach- ing it? (c) What would you tell the class the poet has attempted here? 13. (a) Name the qualities, as given by the poet, that made Lincoln "one of Nature's masterful great men." (b) Suppose you wished to illustrate Lincoln's "cunning with the pen," what selection would you read to the class? 14. (a) For what "large designs" was Lincoln chosen? (b) What was the "more than Atlas load" that Lincoln bore? ARITHMETIC — Questions. 1. A bin is 10 feet square and 8 feet deep. If it is 3/4 filled, how many bushels of oats does it contain? 2. An army lost in one battle 2/17 of its men and in another 2/5 of the remainder, after which there were 8100 men left. How many men were in the original army? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 63 3. Divide 3/4 by 5/7 in two ways. Explain ©&oh. Which ahoald Be taught first? Way? 4. The tax to be raised in a certain district is $1250. The rate is 2 1/2%. It the property is assessed at 1/3 of its reai value, what is the real value? 5. (a) 36% of John's money is $60 more than 24% of it. How much money has he? (b) .05 is what per cent of .25? (c) .8% of 6.75 equals what? (d) 250 is 200% of what number? (ej Write with per cent mark: .035, 28.5, 3/4, 7 1/2, .40. 6. A boy climbs a flag pole to the height of 40 feet. Another boy is standing on the ground 120 feet from the foot of the iiag pole. If the second boy is 165 feet from a ball on the top of the pole, how far is the first boy from the ball? Draw a diagram. 7. A foundation wall is 45 by 120 feet outside measurement, 18 inches thick and 8 feet deep. Find number of cubic yards of masonry in the wall. 8. A house is insured for 3/4 of its value; if the premium is $24 and the rate is 3/8%, what is the value of the house? 9. A ship is 58° 48' 20" west longitude and receives at noon a wireless message from one 43° 2' 5" west longitude. When was it sent? 10. Show by a diagram N. 1/2 of S. 1/2 of E. 1/2 of S. E. 1/4 of a section of land. How many acres of land in it and how many rods of fence will be required to fence it? 11. How many gallons of oil in a cylindrical tank 6 feet in diameter and 20 feet high? How many square yards of sheet iron does it require to make it, and what is the weight of the oil if its specific gravity is .8? 12. State the effect of prefixing and annexing ciphers to a deci- mal and explain as you would to a class. 13. A dry-goods dealer sold a piece of cloth, and gained 12 1/2% If he had sold it at 90 cents a yard, he would have gained 25%. What was the selling price? 14. As agent, I sold some wheat for $4896 on a commission of 4%. I invested the net proceeds in dry goods, after deducting my commission of 2 % for buying. What was my entire com- mission? CIVICS. — Questions. 1. By diagrams, show the United States land survey system. Explain the diagrams. 2. How may the constitution of the United States be amended? Name three restrictions imposed upon the states by the constitu- tion. 3. Distinguish between the following forms of government: absolute monarchy, limited monarchy, pure democracy, republic. Give example of each. 64 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 4. Name the officers of a school township. Give length of term and state the duties of the officers. 5. Define bribery, perjury, civil suit, tenure of office, writ of habeas corpus. 6. Explain fully what is meant by congressional district. By senatorial district. By congressman at large. 7. What do you consider to be some of the aims in teaching civic* ? 8. Name the three departments of government and give the function of each. 9. Give qualifications, term of office, and manner of electing a congressman; a senator. Mow many of each may a state have? 10. Name the town offices and give the chief function of each. 11. How may a senator be removed from office? How a repre- sentative? How a supreme judge? How a vice president? 12. Show the steps thru which a bill must pass from its introduction in our legislature until it becomes a law. 13. Name the courts that constitute the judicial department of the government of the United States; of the government of Illinois. 14. What bill must originate in the house of representatives, aad why? STATE COURSE OF STUDY. — Questions. For Third Grade Certificate answer any eight of the first ten ques- tions; for Second Grade Certificate, any eight of 3 to 12, inclusive. 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a plan of alter- nation of studies. 2. How many classes in reading should there be in a country school? Explain the plan suggested in the State Course for com- bining the classes in reading. 3. Explain the useful purposes served by an examination system as given in the State Course. 4. What suggestions for teaching the story and the poem to first year pupils is given in the State Course? Why should stories be dramatized? Explain the method to be followed in dramatization. 5. What useful objective material can be used in presenting second year number? 6. W T hat are the principal causes why some children read in a hesitating manner? How may the reading of such children be made better? 7. Discuss the value of constructive work in the primary grades. What important basic principles are involved? 8. What are the important topics to be studied in fourth year geography? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 65 9. What kind of work in household arts is suggested in the State Course? What is the purpose of such a course? What plan is suggested for doing this work in country schools? 11. What things about a picture should be discussed with pupils in the seventh year? Discuss these things with regard to any pic- ture to be studied in the seventh year. 12. Discuss boys' and girls' clubs as adjuncts of the school. Discuss the general plan of organization and management of these clubs. ORTHOGRAPHY.— Questions. For Third Grade Certificate answer any four of questions 1 to 5, inclusive; for Second Grade, any four of questions 2 to fi; for First Grade, any four of questions 3 to 7. A list of twenty-five words will be pronounced, which will count as four questions. 1. Define and give examples: homonym, suffix, trisyllable, diph- thong, derivative-word. 2. Give words to illustrate four sounds each of a, e, i, o, u. 3. Define and give a word containing each of the following: post, inter, poly, mono, cede, diet, fleet, polis, rupt, anti. 4. Syllabicate, accent, and give diacritical marks: acorn, arctic, fatigue, tortoise, pedagogy, bronchitis, routine, suicide, recall, bu- reau. 5. Write at least two synonyms for each of the following: scent, unite, scorn, soothe, scene. 6. Use in sentences so as to show the meaning: coral, choral, capitol, capital, quay, isle, caret, carat, statue, statute. 7. Analyze the following: biped, subscription, secede, auto- graph, circumscribe, liberate, contradict, paternal, manufacture, transmission. PEDAGOGY.— Questions. For Second Grade Certificate use questions 1 to 8, inclusive; for First Grade, High School and Special Certificates, use questions 1 to 10, inclusive. 1. Name five general aims in public school education. 2. Show the importance of "starting right" in the manage- ment of a school or a class. Explain what you mean bv "starting right." 66 ILEUM OiS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 3. Illustrate from your own observation or experience how "sympathy for childhood " may work harm if not controlled by the right kind of persistence. 4. Discuss in one hundred words this subject: Preparing be- forehand for the "first day of school." 5. How would you go about making a daily program? Make your statement apply specifically to the kind of school in which you have taught or expect to teach. 6. Discuss the hygiene of eyesight in the school-room, with ref- erence to these matters: Distance of reading matter from the eye; direction of light; ink, pencils and paper. 7. Speak of several elements that are important in securing order in the school. 8. Present brief arguments for and against corporal punish- ment. 9. Show what is wrong with the method of conducting recita- tions illustrated here, and indicate a better method: Who discovered America? When? Of what country was he a native? What difficulty did he have with his sailors? 10. Discuss the civic duties of a teacher, using about 120 words. ELEMENTARY SCIENCE. — Questions. For Second Grade Certificate Only. Answer any eight questions. 1. How may mosquitoes spread disease? 2. Explain carefully how a Ben Davis apple tree may be made to produce Jonathan and Minkler apples. 3. Should the crow and the screech owl be killed ? Why ? 4. When should seed corn be gathered and how should it be cared for during the winter ? 5. How may new onion seeds be produced from seeds planted in the spring of the year ? 6. Is the ground mole carnivorous ? Why ? Describe a mole's front foot. 7. What plants are practical for a school garden? 8. What causes a west wind ? Define barometer. 9. Give some of the chief differences between black soil and yellow clay soil. 10. Give some similarities between alfalfa and red clover. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 67 PHYSIOLOGY. — Questions. 1. What is meant by food adulteration ? Give examples of this. 2. Locate and give use of the spleen. Give the evil effects of mouth breathing. Describe and give use of the cilia. 3. What important fluid in the mouth aids digestion? Name and locate the glands from which this fluid comes. Describe this fluid's action. 4. Describe the circulatory system and trace a particle of blood from a starting point, showing the changes it undergoes in its jour- ney. 5. What are the two great divisions of the nervous system ? Name and describe two kinds of nervous tissue. 6. What effects do you think the use of intoxicating drinks have on character ? What effects on the vital organs ? 7. Define oxidation and its products. 8. Name the divisions of the digestive tract. Show changes food undergoes in each division of the tract as it makes its transit. 9. Give function of the following glands, and locate the glands. Liver, kidneys, perspiratory, sebaceous, lachrymal, parotid, sublin- gual, submaxillary, spleen. 10. Write briefly concerning the best methods of ventilating a school-room. 11. Discuss the human skeleton as to structure and composi- tion of the bones, also their general and particular uses. 12. Tell of the spinal cord as to color, length and diameter, cov- ering, structure, function. 13. Tell how we see, and in doing so, name all the different parts of the eye. 14. Give five essential hygienic laws of health. PENMANSHIP.— Questions. For Third Grade Certificate answer any four of questions 1 to 5 : inclusive; for Second Grade, any four of questions 2 to 6; for First Grade, any four of questions 3 to 7. Penmanship of applicant on this paper will count fifty per cent. 1. Make a line across your paper of the push and pull exercise. Make a line across your paper of the indirect oval exercise. 2. Make in proper form, grouped as you would teach them, all of the small letters. What is the proper height of one space letters'.' 3. White* a correct form of 'a bank draft. Draw a rectangle 3 by 68 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 5 inches to represent the back of your draft. In this rectangle, write endorsement in full, making the draft payable to E. F. Dunne. Below this write E. F. Dunne's endorsement in blank when he transfers the draft to some one else. 4. What exercises do you use to develop the muscles used in writing ? What exercises do you use to teach uniform motion ? What value do you attach to such exercises ? 5. To what extent should the teacher supervise the writing done outside the regular writing period ? Give reasons for your answer. Explain your plan for doing- this. 6. Our State Course says that "Correct position, movement and rhythm should be established in the first and second grades." Ex- plain what you understand by these terms. What means do you use in these grades to establish "correct position, movement and rhythm"? 7. What devices do you use to stimulate a desire on the part oi a pupil to improve his writing ? GRAMMAR. — Questions. 1. Define and illustrate these terms: expletive, appositive, ger- und, auxiliary verb, collective noun. 2. Define inflection. What parts of speech are inflected, and how ? 3. Use "what" in a sentence as a relative pronoun, as an ad- jective, as an adverb, as an interrogative pronoun, and as an inter- jection. 4. Point out and give construction of each dependent clause in the following: (a) Whither thou goest I will go. (b) This is the story that we read. (c) The ground is wet because it has rained. (d) It was so cold that the mercury froze. (e) This we know, that our future depends on our present. 5. Parse the words in black face in the preceding sentences. 6. Fill blanks in the following sentences and give reasons: (a) She invited Kate and (me or I.) (b) did you speak to ? (who or whom.) (c) She has from a distant city, (come or came.) (d) It must have been that I met. (he or him.) (e) He speaks the language (plain or plainly.) (f) did you call ? (who or whom.) (g) The color of the roses red. (is or are.) (h) He has the book on the table, (laid or lain.) (i) Each of the boys an apple, (has or have.) (j) Did you give Mary, or , the message ? (I or me.) 7. Name and illustrate ten uses or constructions of nouns. 8. What is the difference between a relative and a personal pronoun ? How does a clause differ from a phrase ? i). Use a noun clause as the subject of a sentence, objeM com- plement, attribute complement, Give .a, sentence with an^adjective clause connected by "where. 5 ' What part of speech is ""where"? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 69 10. Tell part of speech and use of the words in blackface in the following: There came a youth upon the earth Some thousand years ago, Whose slender hands were little worth Whether to plow, or reap or sow. Then King Admetus, who had Pure taste by right divine, Decreed his singing not too bad To hear between the cups of wine. And so well pleased with being soothed Into a sweet half sleep, Three times his kingly beard he smoothed And made him viceroy o'er his sheep. 11. Write sentences showing four uses of an infinitive. 12. Use in sentences the following verb phrases: 3rd person, plural number, present perfect tense, indicative mode, passive voice. 2nd person, singular number, present tense, imperative mode, active voice. 1st person, plural number, past tense, subjunctive mode, active voice. 2nd person, plural number, past perfect tense, potential mode, passive voice. 3rd person, singular number, future tense, indicative mode, active voice. 13. Distinguish between gender and sex. Illustrate three ways in which gender is shown. 14. Analyze or diagram: One summer morning, when the sun was hot, Weary with his labor in his garden plot, On a rude bench beneath the eaves, Sir Frederigo sat among the leaves Of a huge vine. GEOGRAPHY.— -Questions. 1. Why is the making and reading of maps of importance ? Explain the use of the scale in map making. 2. What were the geographic reasons for the building of a great city at Chicago ? 3. Name two important river systems of each continent and tell into what each system flows. 4. Sketch a map of the United States and indicate the regions of heavy, medium and scant rainfall. 5. Give the causes of the trade winds and their directions. 6. What is the basis of location on the earth's surface ? Ex- plain. State the purpose of latitude and longitude, and tell from where and how each is measured. 7. East of the Andes, account for the heavy rainfall in northern South America and the scant rainfall in the southern part. • 8,- • Tn ,w1iat ways and why liars Atfg&tftiria borate hitb com petition with 'the United States? 70 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 9. Give clear explanations of (a) the periodic rise and fall of the Nile; (b) the rainy and dry seasons of India. 10. Account for (a) the Sahara; (b) the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. 11. Give approximate latitude of the British Isles, describe the climate, and compare with that part of America opposite them, giv- ing reasons for the difference. 12. Give approximate or comparative areas of (a) Germany; (b) France. Give the boundaries of each. Name the principal rivers, and the chief products of each. 13. Why are summer days here longer than winter ones ? What would be the width of each zone if the inclination of the earth's axis were 30 degrees ? 14. Name the chief world regions of wheat production; of cot- ton; of manufacturing. What makes commerce necessary ? Name the chief commercial nations. UNITED STATES HISTORY. — Questions. 1. State the chief object sought in the exploration, discovery, or settlement made by each of the following: Oglethorpe, Cortez, Ponce De Leon, Balboa, Pilgrims. 2. Give the date and place of the earliest settlement in the United States: by the English; by the Spanish; by the Dutch; by the French. 3. Mention one important event connected with the settlement of Virginia; of Massachusetts; of Maryland; of New York; of Georgia. 4. State fully the physical conditions of a country which are necessary to develop a high degree of civilization. 5. Give the territorial expansion of the United States in chron- ological order. 6. What causes led to the secession of the Southern States, and wko were the leading men in the movement? 7. Give the terms of the compromise of 1850. Which of these terms, if any, were later violated ? 8. Contrast early conditions in Massachusetts and Virginia in regard to (a) suffrage, (b) education, (c) social life. 9. What was the principal public service rendered by each of these men: Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Hen- ry, Thomas Jefferson, Eli Whitney ? 10. What caused the war of 1812, and during whose presiden- tial administration did it occur ? The Spanish-American war ? 11. What are some of the principal reasons for teaching his- tory ? How should history be taught in intermediate grades ? 12. What two theories of the function and powers of the Na- tional Government have been held since the time of Hamilton and Jefferson ? 13. Discuss briefly the social, religious, and political conditions in Europe just prior to the discovery of America. 71 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 14. Give an account of the Constitutional Convention at Phila- delphia, showing particularly the conflicting interests it represented, and the three great compromises brought about. ILLINOIS HISTORY. — Questions. 1. Describe the prehistoric conditions of Illinois. State briefly its mineral resources and the consequent results of the same. 2. What importance attached to the establishment of the north- ern boundary of Illinois ? 3. What different European nations have owned the territory now comprising Illinois ? Who first explored the state ? 4. When does the Illinois General Assembly meet ? State num- ber of members in each house. 5. Name and locate the different capitals Illinois has had. 6. What historical importance attaches to Ft. Dearborn, Van- dalia, Nauvoo ? 7. What was the Ordinance of 1787 ? How did the provisions of this ordinance affect Illinois ? 8. Tell the story of George Rogers Clark and his capture by Kaskaskia. 9. Make a good historical statement about each of the follow- ing: Joliet, Marquette, LaSalle, Tonti, Creve Coeur. 10. Give the legal boundaries of Illinois, its length, its width and area. 11. State, in your judgment, the principal causes that have op- erated to make Illinois one of the wealthiest and most prominent states in the Union. 12. What Illinois men distinguished themselves (a) as states- men, (b) as presidents of the United States, (c) as generals ? 13. Write a short sketch of the development of Chicago. Where are our state penitentiaries located ? 14. From what sections of the United States did the early Ill- inois settlers come ? By what two principal routes ? What were their views on slavery ? ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Answers to Section Two READING — Answers. By H. T. White. Superintendent of Schools. Carlinville. III. 1. (a) The main object to be kept in view m teaching primary :o teach children to interpret t i and written char- - far as English words permit, we must teach children the whic ire the printed word, i. e.. v te phonic words. In addition to teaching wi and the sound values of letters we must teach pupils to interpre: ; e sentences. The greater emphasis Is ] >f re? diner, but con- tent must not be ignored. The main object to } e kept In teaching advanced reading is to as ::er intelligently in life's affairs. The study ■ in literature should occ idling of read- ing so that pe but what things are most worthy of reading. _. (a) Children nee use, from the teacher's view - new combinations of the mechanical processes of re a r:her hand, the I something new. different from (b) Tb in any grade isal text, so that pupils will not wild be permitted to enjoy it, hence it - read. 3. (a) The word me jacher of beginners. to learn unber of words the first few weeks of working vocabu Children learn wor:. 3 ,uickly. (b^ The phoni: more time and more skill on the part of ssary. It should ed to accomr usually in separate th :d is that after a child knows the sou: - he can make spoken 4. (a) S to read a sentence w every word in the £ - encourages monot- onous .it giving • IOU1 wrds in a 1 drawling manner as if each word were isolated ILLINOIS STATE QUI BOOK. 73 (b) The first remedy for this is to see that the pupil knows every word in the sentence he is going to read; the second is to have him speak the words in the same way he would if he were not looking at them in print. In the first two grades at least it is well to have pupils look away from the printed sentence while they are saying it. This has a tendency to promote naturalness of oral expression. 5. fa) This extract is taken from Lowell's "Vision of Sir Laun- fal." (b) "Everv clod is filled with life and strength, and finds an expression of its vitality in the grass and flowers." 6 The author of Miles Standish was Longfellow; of the Legend of F.ieepy Hollow, Washington Irving; Macbeth, Shakespeare; Lady of the Lake Scott; Robinson Crusoe, Defoe; Snowbound, Whittier; The Great Stone Face, Hawthorne; The Chambered Nautilus, Holmes; Apostrophe to the Ocean. Lord Byron (Childe Harold, Canto 4); Psalm of Life, Longfellow; Thanatopsis, Bryant. 7 (a) The general method of teaching a poem embraces: 1 Prep- aration:^. The Study of the Poem as a Whole; 3 The Parts; 4 The New Whole. This is a good arrangement. Surely we should make our preparation first, if we make it at all, and any one can see the need of preparation. It is then well to read the whole poem as a unit to get a general notion author's purpose in writing it. We should then see the units within the poem, such as pictures, apos- irophes, outbursts of joy and I admiration and the like. Then we should re-read the poem as a whole to get as complete an appre- ciation of it as we can and till more. Mb) Ip the preparation for reading a poem each pupil should learn the pronunciation and the meaning of every word as it is used in the given poem, the significance of each figure of speech and each allusion. Every pur.il should get the poets motive his feeling; for example, if the poem is a burst of exultation, the child should as far as possible have the same feeling. (c) It is better to study the poem as a whole before we study its part-; as un«ts because by the whole plan we do not break the continuity of thought and the exact word combinations between suc- cessive stanzas. fd) After we have studied each part as a separate unit we should study the poem as a new whole to get a complete view, to see the parts in their proper setting and thus to enjoy the poets feeling more fully. 8 (a) What have we studied that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote? Recite one or more of his poems. What do you remember about Mr. Stevenson* If the pupils have not learned anything from Stevenson I would read them one or two of his other short selections and tell them some of the things about him that most interesting tO them. (b) To a second grade class I would present the whole poem first by reading it aloud to the class several times. 74 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 9. (a) Why was Mr. Stevenson more likely to see the stars at bed time than at any other time? When he sees the stars they remind him of what? What does he mean by saying that the stars are daisies? What are "the meadows of the night"? Which way does the moon go across the sky? What does he mean when he says that the moon is a lady? What makes him think that the lady has picked all of the daisies while he was asleep? Where does he find the stars when he goes out of doors in the morning? What did the stars become as soon as they fell to "the meadows of the town"? What are "the meadows of the town"? (b) Each pupil facing the class should read the whole poem aloud to the class. (c) I would have the children say the poem in concert with me two or three times a day until they had all learned it. 10. "Essentials of First Lessons." "The first lessons in reading should make sure of a few vital things. The following points are of especial importance: (a) The child should associate the written symbol directly with the thing symbolized. The method used involves the sentence method. The work in phonics which concentrates the child's attention on form rather than on thought is not begun immediately, but whea begun, it is for some time kept separate from the reading lesson. (b) From the very first the child should look upon reading as a thought-getting and a thought-giving process. This implies, first, that the material used will, from the child's point of view, be worth thinking about, and second, that the oral reading will be done In sentences rather than in isolated words. The second suggestion pre- supposes the silent study of a new sentence before it is read aloud. (c) Good reading necessitates rapid eye-movements, rapid recog- nition of not only words but phrases. fd) Pupils should steadily show growth in power to recognize new words. Drill in phonics gives this needed independence. (e) The voice and body should help to express thoughts effec- tively and appropriately. To aid in gaining freedom of expression, dramatization, dialogue, and play of various kinds are used freely to help the reading, but are rarely introduced into the reading lesson itself except during the first weeks of school. (f) Opportunities should be given for expressing the reading lesson by hand, in writing, picturing, and other forms of manual activities. (g) As an aid to gaining a mastery of the language of choice reading selections, some judicious memory work should be required." (Reading in Public Schools by Briggs and Coffman, page 49.) 11. If a recitation period in reading is not longer than fifteen minutes, all of that time should be devoted exclusively to reading. Preparatory lessons in pronunciation and spelling should be given during the spelling period. Lessons in telling the story of the read- ing lesson should be given during the language period. Ten or fifteen minutes must be spent in reading proper by the pupils. 12j (a) Th,e pupil's aim in studying the poem "Abraham Lin- coln" might be to get a good grade for the day and!, at the end ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 75 of the year, to pass to the next grade. This, however, is a low aim. His aim should be, rather, to become better acquainted with his friend, Mr. Lincoln. (b) The teacher's specific aim is a desire for the pupil to appre- ciate more fully the greatness of heart and mind of Mr. Lincoln. A more general aim is to have the pupil learn to read better and interpret better, any poem. (c) The poet has attempted here to have people see beyond the homely face of Mr. Lincoln or any other man the qualities of true manhood. 13. (a) The qualities of Lincoln, as given by the poet, are his strength, bravery, directness and disregard for superfluous details, keenness, ability to think and express himself clearly, sense of humor, wisdom, great will power overcoming all obstacles even when the very foundations of the earth seem to sink, sympathy in action for the oppressed, willingness to endure hardship and to die for a noble cause. (b) Gettysburg Address. 14. (a) Lincoln was chosen primarily for the "large design" of saving the Union and secondarily for freeing the slaves. (b) He bore the "burden of the Commonwealth," the great cares and axieties of a fractured government, and so great were his sym- pathies that he felt at least indirectly responsible for the life of every soldier taken in the war and for the sufferings of their widows and children. AR,THMETIC- |f ^ 0RGE R ^^ 8X100 cu. ft =800 cu. ft. n To B ^r°^ 34 of 800 cu. ft.=6oo cu fiiiL Si ATE NORMAL U.N.H/. 600X1728 cu. in. Ann ^ , , , Pt , , — — : =482.13 + , the number of bushels. 2150.42 cu. in (2) -^- of the number of men remained after the first battle. -A- of this number, or JL_ of the number of men were 5 17 lost in the second battle. _L of the number of men were lost in the two battles 17 The remainder, or -i- of the number of men=8100 The number of men=l5,300. (3) (a) 3 -j- 5 21 _^_ 20 21 •] 1 4 7 28 ' 28 ■""■ 20 20 This should be taught first because it easily and natur- ally grows out of preceding work in division. 76 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. (b) 5 __ 7 L-5--L---3.of -X— -^=1 — l 4 7 4 5 20 20 (4) $1250—2^2% of the sum fcr which the property is assessed. $500=1% of the sum for which the property is assessed. $50,000=the sum for which the property is assessed. This is V$ the real value, therefore the real value is $150,000. (5) 36% of John's money — $60+24% of John's money Then 12% of John's money^$60. (a) 1% of John's money=$5. 100% of John's money -==$500 (b) -05_ _!.■== 20 =20%. .25 A 5 (c) .8% = . 008 ,008 of 6. 75—. 054. (d) 250=200% of 125. (e) • 035=3! z% 28, 5=285 %• M=75% 7 1 / 2 =750% <0 4=40% (6) The square on CB=27,225 sq. ft. The square oh AB=14,400sq. ft. The square on AO=12,825 ft. The line AC=lI3.24+ft. The line DC=73.24+ft. (7) The perimeter of the wall is 330 ft. 8X1^X330 „440_. 146? 3 the number of cu _ yd 27 3 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 7 7 (8) $ 24=— of the insured value. ^ sou $8=-^ of the insured value. The injured value therefore=$6400. Then $6400— *4 of the value of the house. The value of the house is $8533. M/2 1 1 H (9) 58° 48' 20" W., longitude of first ship 43° 2' 5" W., longitude of second ship. IS 46' 15" the difference in longitude. . . lhr. 3 min. 5 sec, the difference in time, since a difference of 15° of longitude corresponds to ad, fference o^ 1 hour of time, etc. Sinceit was noon when the message *as received by the first ship, it was 1 hr. 3 mm, 3 sec. alter noon at 43° 2' 5" farther east when the message was sent. ^The N. V 2 of S. ! 2 of H. ! 2 of S. E. \ \ of a section of land contains 20 acres. The dimensions of this plot are 80 rd. by 40 id. To fence it would require 240 rd. of fencing. (U) 9n sq. ft., area of base. 18ti sq. ft., area of both bases. 6n ft., circumference of base 120:r sq. ft., lateral area. 18tt sq. ft. +120* sq. ft.— 138ju sq. ft., total area. 3.1416X138=433.54, the number of sq. ft. m total area. 7$ ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 433.54 sq. ft.-*-9 sq. ft.™48.17+. the number of sq. yd of sheet iron required. 20X9:1 cu ft=i80jicu. ft., volume of tank. 3.1416X180=565.488, the number of cu. ft. in tank. 565.488 X62H lb=3534. 3 lb., weight of tank full of water. .8 of 3534.3 lb.— 28274.4 lb., weight of oil in tank. 9X3.1416X20X1728 .__. ,___ , . . 4 t — =4230.1440, no of gal. in tank. 231 (12) .5 .05 .005 .0005 It can be shown in this series of decimal fractions by using the equivalent common fractions, if necessary, that .05 is -i- of .5 that .005 is -I_ of .05 and - 1 - of .5, etc. After 10 10 100 examining a number of suoh problems a pupil may be led to generalize and say that prefixing a cipher to a decimal divides it by 10, etc. In a similar manner take a number of decimal fractions- such as .5, .03, .004 and show by means of the equivalent common fractions that annexing a cipher to a decimal does not change the value of the decimal. For instance: io~ .30-^- 30 _ 3 100 10 1000 ]0 (13) Bv the conditions of the problem: 125% of the cost of 1 yd.=$.90 1% of the cost of 1 yd.=J_ of $.90. The cost of 1 yd. therefore— 100 X -L- of $.90 — $.72. .123^ of $.72— $.09, gain on 1 yd. $.72-f$.09— =$.81, selling price per yd. (14) 4% of $4896—*$ 195. 84, commission for selling wheat $4896-~$195.84=$4700.16, the amount to be invested ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 79 in dry goods. But the amount also contains his commission of 2% for buying. Then $4700.16=102% of the sum actually spent in dry goods, or for each $1.02 only $1.00 was spent in dry goods. $4700. 16-j-$l. 02=4608, the number of dollars spent in buying dry goods. $4700.16 — $4608=$92.16, the commission on the dry goods purchase. $195.84+ $92.16=$288, total commission. CIVICS — Answers. By H. Ambrose Perrln, Superintendent of Schools, Lincoln, III. There are twenty-four "principal meridians in the United States." In diagram I, line NS is taken as a principal meridian. A true parallel of latitude is established as the "base line"— WE. On each w 3 A 2 1 I 1__J 77 11 I F 1 ! i | 0) 1)03 aAJL side of the base line and of the meridian line, at intervals of six miles, are "township lines." Township A is known as Township 3 North, Range II East of (said) Principal Meridian. Each township is divided into thirty-six one-mile squares called sections." They are numbered consecutively beginning with the upper right hand corner section and ending with the lower right hand corner section. Diagram III. so ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Each section, as shown in diagram IV, is divided into parts for the convenient description of land. Diagram IV represents section twenty one of diagram III. The portion marked X is known as "SW& of SE 1 ^ of Section Twenty-one, Township 3 North, Range II East of (said) Principal Meridian. (This locates it in diagram I.) & s k 3 5 ! *-7 f ? 10 // 1% \is 17 u IS /» 13 19 36 X %x 33 24- .30 Z!? 28 2.7 H 2^ 37 32 33 34 3$ c36 ^3) N^ sw 'A xl Diagram II represents the establishment of correction lines to make allowance for the convergence of meridians as they approach the pole. 2. The Constitution of the United States may be amended (1) By two-thirds vote of both houses, Congress may propose to the several states, amendments to the Constitution; (2) upon the ap- plication of two-thirds of the states, Congress must call a convention of delegates from the several states for the purpose of proposing amendments. In either case the amendment becomes a part of the Constitution when ratified by three-fourths of the several states — by legislatures or conventions as proposed by Congress. States shall net enter into alliances or treaties with other states or countries without the consent of Congress; no state shall levy duties, imports or exports without the consent of Congress, and the proceeds from such when collected shall be for the national treasury; no state shall maintain an army or navy in time of peace. 3. An absolute monarchy is that form of government in which absolute power is vested in one monarch. The Roman Republic had frequent recourse to this form of government. A limited monarchy is that form of government in which the powers of the ruler are limited by the Constitution or bylaws. Example, England. A pure democracy is that form of government in which the laws are enacted by the whole body of people. Such a government is adapted only to small societies or to narrow territories. Example, Athens was a democracy of the purest type. A republic is that form of government in which the sovereign power rests in the whole body of the people and is exercised by representatives elected by them. Example, United States. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION ROOK. 81 4. The school officers of a township are: Three school trustees, one elected annually for a term of three years — elected on the second Saturday of April (except where the school township is identical with the town, civil township) in which case the election is on the date of the town election — first Tuesday in April; one township treas- surer who is appointed by the trustees for a term of three years. The chief duties of the trustees are: (1) Appoint a township treas- urer; (2) divide the township into school districts; (3) apportion school funds among the districts of the township; (4) act as cus- todian of the school property of the township. The chief duties of the township treasurer are: (1) Act as Clerk of Board of Trustees; (2) custodian of school moneys of township; (3^ make annual and semi-annual reports of conditions and finances to trustees; (4) report such matters to the County Superintendent of schools as his report to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction may demand; (5) make semi-annual itemized account re- port to the clerk of each school district. 5. Bribery is the offense of influencing or attempting to influ ence the action of any one in the performance of a public duty by offering or promising any personal gain. Perjury is the criminal offense of knowingly giving false testi- mony in judicial proceedings. A civil suit is a suit brought against a person, company or cor- poration, called the defendant, by another person, company or cor- poration, called the plaintiff, for the purpose of compelling the de- fendant to pay the plaintiff a sum of money, or to give up to him certain property. Tenure of office means the length of time for which the person is elected or appointed. Writ of habeas corpus (see question 5 of July set). 6. Congressional districts are the districts into which the state legislature divides the state for the purpose of electing representa- tives to Congress. Each district is to contain as nearly as possible the Congressional ratio (see question 10 of the July set). At the frst session after the decennial census, the General As- sembly divides the state into 51 senatorial districts from each of which three representatives and one senator are elected to the legis- lature. These districts are to be formed of contiguous and compact ter ritory and bounded by county lines. No district can contain less than four-fifths of the senatorial ratio (found by dividing the state popu- lation by 51). A large county containing not less than one and three-fourths of the senatorial ratio may be divided into separate districts. In dividing the number representing the population of each state by the Congressional ratio (see question 10 July), fractions oc- cur in nearly every case and the sum of the integral quotients will be less than the whole number required. To correct this, the states having the largest fractions are allowed an additional representative er-rh until the numbers provided for is secured. This extra Congress- man is called Congressman-At-Large and is elected by the voters of the entire state. 82 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 7. Aims in teaching civics: (1) To train future voters for exer- cising their duties as citizens in a meaningful way; (2) to make government really representative thru enlightened voters; (3) to instill the ideas of privileged duties and responsibilities resting with the voters of the land; 4) to inculcate a spirit of co-operation and helpfulness toward government affairs; (5) to give information con- cerning the actual practical workings of representative governments as we have them. 8. The three departments of government are: (1) Legislative which has to do with making the laws; (2) judicial which has to do with interpreting the laws; (3) executive which has to do with the oversight of the enforcement of the laws. 9. A Congressman must be 25 years of age, 7 years a citizen of the United States, and, when elected, a resident of the state from which he is chosen. His term is two years. He is chosen by the direct vote of the Congressional district. A state may have as many Congressmen as the state population is times the Congressional ratio (see question 10 July). A Senator must be 30 years of age, 9 years a resident of the United States, and a citizen of the state from which he is chosen. The term of office is six years. He is elected by the direct vote of the people of the state. Each state is entitled to two Senators. 10. The town officers are: Supervisor, clerk, assessor, collector, highway commissioners, justices of the peace and constables (others may be added). The supervisor receives and pays out all funds for the expense of the town except for road and bridge purposes, represents the town on the county board, and is overseer of the poor. The clerk is custodian of all records, books and papers of the town, keeps a record of the proceedings of all town meetings, certifies to the county clerk on or before the second Tuesday of August, the amount of taxes to be raised for town purposes. The assessor must deliver to the county clerk a record of the assessed valuation of every property holder in the town. The collector collects the taxes of the town and pays them over to the proper officers. There are three highway commissioners. They elect one of their number treasurer who receives all moneys collected in the town for road and bridge purposes and who pays out the same upon the order of any two commissioners. The justices of the peace may try civil suits when the amount in dispute is less than $200 and all cases of misdemeanor, when punishable by a fine, all cases of assault, and assault and battery. 11. A senator, representative, supreme judge or a vice-president may be removed from office only upon conviction by impeachment. 12. (See question 12 of July set.) 13. The U. S. Judicial Courts are: Supreme Court. Circuit Court of Appeals, Circuil Courts, District Courts, Court of Claims. The Illinois Courts are: Supreme Court, Appellate Court, Circuit Court, Probate Court, County Court, Justice of the Peace. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 83 14. Bills for revenue shall originate in the house of representa- tives, but the senate may propose or concur with amendments. This provision is made because the members of the house are (were) the only direct representatives of the people who should control the public purse. At least, representatives must stand accountable every two years while the senators are accountable to the people by elec- tion only every six years. STATE COURSE OF STUDY. — Answers. By Charles Mcintosh, Superintendent Piatt County Schools and Editor Illinois State Course of Study. 1. The advantages of a plan of alternation for our country schools are: (a) Reduces greatly the number of classes it is necessary to organize in a country school. (b) By reducing the number of classes necessary, it makes possible a longer recitation period, and thus gives the teacher a better opportunity to present the work and test results. (c) In the smaller country schools many of the classes arc too small. A class with but one pupil cannot be as in- teresting as a class with five or six. Alternation helps to make classes large enough to be interesting, develop? more of the spirit of competition and emulation and leads to better work. ( d ) Increases the teacher's efficiency by lessening the num- ber of recitations for which he must prepare each day. The most important disadvantages are: ta) It puts children of different ages and different degrees of mental development together making it more difficult to keep the class working as a unit. (b) It sometimes requires the taking up of subject matte** out of the natural and logical order. (c) In larger country schools, the alternation of studies makes the classes too large to be handled effectively. 2. There should be five classes in reading in a country school, and under ordinary conditions only five. The third and fourth year classes may and should be combined; likewise the fifth and sixth; likewise the seventh and eighth. The classes to organize then are one in each of the readers as follows: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth. The plan by which the third and fourth year classes may be combined is for the pupils to read a third reader of one series in the third year, and a third reader of another series in the fourth year. In this way two third readers are read in the class. In the same way, the fifth year class should read a fourth reader of one series and the sixth year class a fourth reader of another ser- ies; the seventh year class a fifth reader of one series and the eighth year class a fifth reader of- another series. 84 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 3. The useful purposes served by an examination system are as follows: (1) Provides a stimulus for reviewing and organizing the materials which have been taught during the term or year. (2) The examination is in itself a review exercise of no mean value. ( 3 ) Furnishes a test of the efficiency of the teaching. (4) May be looked upon by the pupil as a partial te;t of his efficiency in school work. For discussion of these purposes, see pages 14-15, State Course. 4. Stories should first be told by the teacher as dramatically as possible. It is not wise to read stories to the class in the language recitation. The facial expression and the direct glance of the teacher is a most valuable aid in impressing the hearers. The sto- ries should be retold by the children several times, after which, they may be illustrated by the children. The poem should be read as a whole, to the children in the best possible form. By means of oral explanations, the teacher should seek to create a series of vivid images embodying the meaning of the poem. Quaint or unusual phrasing should be pointed out; the thought of rhythm should be accented or emphasized in the teach- er's oral rendition. Blackboard sketches may be made to summarize the meaning of each stanza. Following this, the pupil may mem- orize the poem. Dramatization is the most powerful aid in securing excellent expression in oral forms. In dramatizing, the pupils are question- ed to bring out the different characters in the story and what each one does, then children should be selected to represent each of tha characters needed. The play should then proceed. When it is fin- ished, the children criticise the manner in which it was done, and efforts should be made to improve the dramatization at subsequent repetitions. 5. Foot rules with inches divided into eighths. Card board strips 1" by 2", 1" by 3", 1" by 4", 1" by 6". Inch squares of pasteboard, 2 for each pupil. One thousand match sticks four inches long. One box of toy money. A set of grocer's tea scales, with iron weights 1 oz. to 16 oz. A set of cards 4" by 6" with dots like dominoes showing the combination of two numbers up to 10 plus 10. A similar set of cards with figures instead of dots. 6. His early training in reading did not give him a sufficient mastery over the phonetic side of his work. He learned to read a word at a time. He has never learned to let his eye take in larger groupings of words so that he may run ahead and catch the mean- ing. He has worked with the formal side so long that reading is drudgery of the hardest kind for him. Some of the plans to help these readers are as follows: Read silently for the thought. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 85 Practice reading groups of words, phrases, and clauses. Give analysis of subject matter with the aid of the teacher. Answering questions upon the thought of the selection in the words of the text at times. Telling orally what has been read silently. 7. Construction work gives: Quickness of perception. Power of concentration. Intellectual grasp. Helps to give number work that high degree of mental dis- cipline which it is so well calculated to afford. Adds to the interest and pleasure of the number work. The basic principles involved are: Cutting, representative con- struction, box making, book making, apparatus making, weaving, decorative construction. 8. Rain, work of water, weather, human types, soil, sky stu- dies, trees. 9. Sewing in the fifth and sixth grades, cooking in the seventh and eighth grades. The purpose of such course is: a. To connect closely the school and home. Review the topics presented in this work in the earlier grades in the nature study work. Centralize all this work around the two leading indus- tries that are carried on in the home — -sewing and cooking. It is suggested that two lessons of ninety minutes each be given each month, taking the time after recess on the first and third Fridays of each month. 10. The composition in the seventh and eighth years is to be taught in connection with the grammar. There is a specific pur- pose in the composition work of each month, this purpose to be in the pupil's minds as well as the teacher's. This purpose should not be lost sight of next month, but whatever of knowledge about sentence structure is gained one month, should be used ever after- wards. A fair proportion of the composition should be oral, the teacher taking advantage of the opportunities for oral composition offered in the recitations in other subjects. Written themes should be given occasionally, on subjects carefully assigned, but not writ- ten until the subject had been carefully gone over in the class. Each composition should be definitely criticised by teacher after it is prepared. Five minute themes upon one subject are excel- lent for drill in sentence structure. Written work in other sub- jects should be good composition in matter and form. 11. Shape of picture in connection with subject depicted, what the center of interest is, where it is placed in the picture, why it is so placed, and what means the artist has used to call attention to the center of interest. Example: Lepage's Joan of Arc. — Shape, Nearly square, high to give depth to picture so vision. could fte repr'esfentte'd in background. 86 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Center of Interest. Girl. Where placed. In foreground and at side of picture. Why so placed. To make prominent, to leave space at side for representation of vision. Means used by artist to call attention to center of interest. Placed in foreground, light falls full upon face and upper part of body, other things in the picture subdued and not plainly marked out. 12. The school is concerned in the education of the whole child, hence it should be interested in what the child does outside of school. His home activities should help the school, and his school activities should help with his home duties. Each child needs ac- tual contact with nature and natural things. He needs to study the various activities about him on the farm. Organizations of pupils interested in the same thing help in the accomplishment of that thing for each of them. Boy's and Girl's Clubs are formed primarily to study farm activities. They furnish opportunities for social intercourse on a high plane, they furnish opportunities for developing power in initiative, for working hand and brain at the same time, for cultivating the power of working with other people, for effective team work of a district or locality. There can be a lo- cal organization in each district with the teacher as manager, a pupil as president, another as secretary. Meetings can be held once each month for discussion and explanation of practical work under- taken, for literary exercises, etc. These clubs should be affiliated with the township and county clubs and with the Farmers' Insti- tute and the Domesitc Science Association, the boys clubs with the former, and girls' clubs with the latter. ORTHOGRAPHY— Answers. By Elmer W. Cavins, Teacher of Orthography and Penmanship Illinois State Normal University. 1. A hymonym is a word having the same sound as another, but differing from it in meaning; as beach and beech; canvas and can- vass. A suffix is a significant syllable joined to the end of a word, as manly, fertile, patronize. A trisyllable is a word of three syllables; as, po-et-ry. A diphthong is a union of two vowel sounds in one syllable, as ou in found, and oi in toilers A derivative word is a word formed from a primitive word by changing it internally, or by adding a prefix or suffix; as, men, suffix, strikers. glad lettuce ivy owe unit chair there silver oxen study- carpet caught early obey whirl . machine order move burn rule IjULiNOiS STATE QUESTION BOOK. S7 3. post, after; as in postscript, postpone, (in some words post means put o r place as in impost. inter, between, among; as in intercede, intersect. poi,>, many; as in polygamy, polynomial. mono, one, single, sole; as in monotone, monoply, cede, go, yield; as in antecedent, secede. diet, speak, say, tell; as in contradict, verdict. fleet, bend, turn; as in reflect, iiiiiect. polis, city; as in metropolis, HOopoEs. rupt, break; as in eruption, bankrupt. anti, against; as in antipathy, antidote. 4. acorn , a'korn or a'kern; arctic, ark'tik; fatigue, fa teg'; tortoise, tor'tusor tor 'tis; pedagogy , ped' a go ji ; bronchitis, bron ki' tis; routine, roo ten'; suicide, su' i sid; recall, re kol' bureau, bu' ro. 5. scent, smell, odor, fragrance. unite, join, combine, connect. scorn, sneer, disdain, contempt. soothe, calm, quiet, pacify. scene, view, sight, display. 6. Coral reefs are abundant in the West Indies, but none exist on the western coast of the two Americas. The choral club meets twice a week. The first word of every sentence should begin with a capital letter. The corner stone of our national capitol was laid in 1793 and the building completed in 182 7. The vessel is unloading at the quay. The Thousand Isles are situated in the St. Lawrence River near Lake Ontario. The mark called a caret resembles the letter v inverted. Diamonds and other precious stones are estimated in carats and fractions of carats. The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to New York harbar. In the United States each state has a "statute of frauds" to prevent many fraudulent practices. 1. biped — bi, two; ped, foot. A two-footed animal, as man. "Man has been defined as a biped without feathers". — Duke of Argyll, subscription — sub, under; script write; ion, act of. Act of writing' one's name under, or below; as, under an order for a periodical. A sum subscribed or promised; as, his sub- scription to the new church building. secede— se, aside; cede, go. To go aside; to separate. - 88 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. autograph — auto, self; graph, write. One's own handwriting; especially, one's name written by him self. Billie Burke, an actress of some note, has recently been selling her picture and autograph for one dollar, and giving the money to the Belgians. circumscribe— circum, around; scribe, write, draw. To draw a bounding line around; hence to mark out the limits oi; to restrict; as, to circumscribe the power of royalty. liberate — liber, free; ate (verb ending) To set tree; to release from bondage; as, to liberate a slave or prisoner; to liberate the mind from prejudice. contradict — contra, against; diet, speak. To speak against; to assert the opposite of. "Dear Duff, T prithee contradict thyself and say it is not so." — Shakespeare. paternal — pater, father; al, pertaining to. Pertaining to a father; fatherly; as, paternal love. manufacture — manu, hand; fact, make. (Formerly, manufacture meant to make by hand.) To make wares or other products by hand, by machinery, or by other agency; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, glass, etc. transmission — trans, across; miss; send; ion, act of. the act of sending across from one person or place to another; as, the transmission of letters, news, and the like. PEDAGOGY. — Answers. By L. P. Frohardt, Superintendent of Schools, Cranite City, Illinois. 1. Five aims in Public School Education. (a.) To awaken and develop the dormant potentialities of the child mind, (b) to give the child the power to interpret symbolic speech correctly so that the storehouse of knowledge found in the literature of all ages may become his heritage, (c) To supply him with a fund of correct habits so he may live a correct social life among other civilized beings, (d) To supply him with a fund of knowledge so that he may have a basis for determining facts and principles for correct judgments that will be necessary in solving the problems of civilized ideals and standards that are to be the criteria by which his conduct is to be moulded. These must be col- ored with emotion to become corrective of his conduct. The whole may be briefly summed up in the true and ulti- mate aim of education, viz.; to equip the child most completely for his highest possible degree of social efficiency. 2. A prompt and vigorous attack of any undertaking inspires confidence, while a poor beginning weakens confidence, and caus- es wrong and dilatory, habits to become established before work gets under full headway. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 89 A right start is when everything starts off the first day with little or no friction or delay, and practically every item of daily routine initiated and every class organized and having received specific assignment of work for following day. 3. A weak-kneed principal or soft-hearted teacher may cause an unruly pupil to become a standing source of disorder to the en- tire school and the unruly pupil himself may ultimately receive greater punishment, possibly even fatal to him, when, on account of his unsocial conduct which the weak-hearted teacher allowed to become habituated in school, society must correct with the most rigid severity in the deprivation of the liberty or even the life of the offender. A young teacher just from college began her school and tried to run it on the "soft pedagogy" theory. Harshness or sternness were to her mind unnecessary arid out of place. It was but a day or two and several boys began to make matters rather lively for her. Her principal found it out and called her attention to the fact that she must change their conduct. She said she was going to win them by love. The boys soon "caught on", and a merry time was theirs. She talked to the boys in endearing terms and cried over their misbehavior. Mat- ters went from bad to worse till her principal told her she must either get better results in discipline at once or he would have to get someone who could. A hint as to the manner in which this might be brought about was also dropped. The suggestion was followed out and he stood by while the remedy was applied to see that It was effectually done. This was the turning point in this teacher's career. Before the end of the year she was one of the most successful of his teachers. The love theory was not set aside but only changed in the manner in which it was applied. Hickory oil or strap oil are at times very efficacious, especially in extreme cases, and the remedies are not at all at variance with the true love theory. 4. Preparing for "First day of School." (a) Make a visit to the building to acquaint yourself with its general arrangements and conditions, the location of wardrobes, closets, exits, etc. (h) Have on hand a proper supply of materials of all kinds at least for the first day. (c) Get names of pupils and list of classes from predecessor and, if possible, a statement of the work done by the predecessor in each of the classes, and a copy of each of the text books used (d> Construct a tentative program and make a general plan for the passing of lines and the general routine of the school, (e) If in a graded school, meet the principal be- forehand and get suggestions from him about your work and the re- quirements of the school. 5. If in a country school, I would get from the records of the preceding year a list of the number and kinds of classes, and from this and the present apparent needs construct my program, con- solidating classes as far as practicable and give to each class its proper proportion of time according to the importance and size of the class. If in a village or city graded school I would endeavor to get a copy of last year's program of the same gratfe I am to teach. I 90 ILUNQ1S STATE QUESTION BOOK. would follow this to the extent it would appeal to me as practical and make such re-arrangements as would seem needful, arid, having drawn up a tentative program, 1 would submit it to the principal for suggestions or corrections. 1 would then endeavor to carry out this program on the very first day, making only such changes thereafter as occasion might demand. 6. There should be sufficient light in every school room, about one-fifth of the area of the flloor space, and the light should, if possible, come from the left side. Front light should always be avoided. Curtains should be provided and regulated according to the amount of light obtainable, partly cut off on bright days and the full amount on cloudy days. Ink should be jet black, not pale or blue, and the paper should be a dead white, not glossy, or of some gray or yellowish tint. Dead white paper and jet black ink are generally most practicable. Pencils should be of proper length, of good material and prop- erly sharpened. , Distance of reading matter from the eye should be about four- teen or fifteen inches. 7. Good order is secured by constant vigilance and seeing that all are constantly and properly employed. Idleness is a prolific source of disorder. The teacher herself must be quiet and com- posed and not loud and blustering in her manner. Any appear- ance of disorder should be promptly checked. The teacher must be resourceful and tactful to have good order. 8. Corporal punishment is very liable to be used injudicious- ly and indiscriminately. Unless properly administered it aggra- vates rather than corrects the evil. It is also liable to cause legal proceedings against the teacher by resentful parents, if the pun- ishment were severe, and this causes unpleasant notoriety; and if the teacher should lose the case it would practically end her use- fulness in that school. If corporal punishment is administered judiciously and under proper conditions it may be the quickest and most direct and short- est method of correcting an evil. While frequent and indiscrim- inate corporal punishment may be a sign of weakness on the part of the teacher, totally refraining from it may also be a sign of weakness. If all other means have faiied it should be resorted to In a judicious way. 9. Questions of the kind indicated are not thought-provoking and can be answered by a single word instead of a complete sen- tence. It would be better to ask the pupil to give a brief account of the discovery of America. Give a brief sketch of the life of the discoverer. Any facts not brought out in this way could be got- ten by additional questions, but the pupil should be given an op- portunity to exercise thought and to display originality. 10. The teacher should, if possible, be a citizen of the commun- ity in which he teaches. He should take an active part in the so- cial, civil, religious, and commercial interests of the community. He should lead or take part in anything that makes for the bet- terment of the community in the fullest sense of the word. It may not be best to be an active politician, in the sense of partisan ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 91 politics, but he should have deep and firm convictions and dare to express them tactfully when occasion demands. He should al- ways exercise his right of suffrage and vote for the best candidates as far as he understands them. ELEMENTARY SCIENCE. — Answers. By A. S. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools, Mt. Carmel, 111. 1. The female mosquito possesses a piercing stylet. Certain species of mosquitoes seeking food by piercing the skin of a per- son infected with malarial or yellow fever, is able to carry the germs of these diseases to a healthy person. 2. Branches containing flower buds of the Jonathan and the Minkler apple tree called scions are grafted on a growing Ben Davis Apple tree called the stock. The many methods of grafting are only many ways of doing the samt thing, the essential of which is first to carefully match the line of the bark and wood of the scion to the stock of the tree, sec- ond, to maintain a smooth contact with careful wrapping, and keep the whole wound covered with grafting wax to prevent evaporation of the sap of the tree. Thus it is possible to grow Jonathan and Minkler apples on a Ben Davis apple tree. 3. No. They are both of more use than harm to growing veg- etation, for they both destroy rodents that are much more distruc- tive to crops. The crow also destroys great numbers of injurious insects. 4. Seed corn should be gathered after it is completely filled and before frost. After seed corn is gathered, it should be kept from freezing until it is thoroly dry. It should therefore be kept suspea fl- ed or crated in such a manner and in such a place that dry and tem- pered air may circulate around each ear of the corn until it is thor- oly dry. 5. Seeds planted in the spring will produce onions that should be planted again the next spring. These onions will then produce seeds at the end of the second season alter the first seeds were planted. If onion sets are planted first, onion sets will be produced at the end of the second season instead of seeds. ij. No. Because it is mainly insectivorous. The trout foot is enry broad and fully webbed, also provided with strong claws adapted for digging. 92 ILLINOIS S^ATK QUESTION BOOK. 7. For flower gardens those flowers that blossom before the raid- die of June or after the first of September, for example, nastur- tiums, violets and the like. For vegetable gardens those vegetables that mature for use before the middle of June, for example, lettuce, radishes and the like. 8. Any wind is caused by inequality of atmospheric pressure of different regions. This inequality is due to rise of temperature of different regions. Air that is heated expands and being lighter it rises, the surrounding heavier air is pulled by gravity into the place occupied by the light air. This causes currents of air or wind. The direction of a wind is determined by the relative position of a high pressure region and a low pressure region. Fundamentally, a low pressure area east of a high pressure area will cause a current of air to flow from the high pressure area to the low pressure area and produce what is called a west wind. A barometer is an instrument used to measure differences in air pressure. The most common forms are the mercuric barometer and aneroid barometer. 9. Black soil is rich in organic matter, because it contains hu- mus or vegetable mould. For this reason it is more productive. It is more easily tilled, because it never becomes so compact as clay. Yellow clay soil contains little or no organic matter. For this rea- son it is lacking in some essential elements for a productive soil. It is hard to till because it is compact and brittle when dry, and plastic and tenacious when wet. 10. Both are rich in proteids thus being very valuable as fool for animals. Both harbor bacteria on the roots. These bacteria form nodules that contain nitrogenous compounds. Nitrogen is an essential for plant growth. Both of these plants are valuable in restoring nitro- gen to the soil by means of these bacteria and thus these plants serve as fertilizers to soils needing nitrogen. PHYSIOLOGY— Answers. By William Hawkes, Superintendent of Schools, Litchfield, III. 1. By adulteration of food is meant the substituting of a material of inferior quality for the genuine, or the addition of- some foreign substance for preserving purposes or to give to the substances an added value. Milk to which water has been added or from which cream has been extracted is a somewhat common form of adulteration. For- maldehyde is sometimes added to milk to preserve it. Coffee when sold in the ground state, may be chiefly chicory, beans, barley, wheat, or peas. Syrups and honey are often adulterated with glucose or cheaper grade syrups. Candy is often colored by harmful coloring matter. 2 The spleen is a gland located just under the diaphram to the teft of the stomach. It is a storehouse of nutritive material, and a de- stroyer of Impurities. The worn out red corpuscles of the blood are destroyed in it, and new white corpuscles are probably created there. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 93 Mouth breathing makes deep breathing almost impossible; the air taken into the lungs is not so thoroly warmed or strained as it is when taken thru the nostrils; the mucous membrane of the nose of a mouth breather becomes dry and shrinks, decreasing the circulation and inducing nasal catarrah; it gives the face an unpleas- ant appearance; and has bad effect upon the voice, giving it a hard twang and robbing it of its pleasantness. The cilia are hair like projections of protoplasm. They are found in the epithelial cells of the air passages and are continually in motion. They sweep forward with a rapid movement and recover the original position with a slower movement. They thus continu- ally sweep toward the entrance of the air passages particles of dust, etc., which may have entered. 3. Saliva. The saliva comes from the parotid, the submaxillary, and the sublingual salivary glands. The parotid glands are located be- low and in front of the ear on each side of the face, the submaxillary under the two halves of the lower jaw, and the sublingual under- neath the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth, below the tongue. The saliva moistens the food in the mouth and prepares it for 8 wallowing, and also changes some of the starch of the food into sugar. 4. The circulatory system consists of the heart, the arteries, the capillaries, and the veins. The heart is located in the thoracic cav- ity and forces the blood outward on its journey around the body. From the upper portion of the heart arises the aorta, the chief artery. This artery subdivides or sends off branches until all parts of the body have been reached. As the arteries subdivide and send off more and more branches they become smaller and smaller, until a network of microscopical hair-like tubes is formed, reaching every portion of the body. These are the capillaries. The capillaries then unite in the different parts of the body, becoming larger as they unite, to form veins. The blood, forced onward by the pressure of other blood sent out by the heart, is gathered from the capillaries into the veins, and carried to the heart whence it is forced into the lungs. When a particle of blood reaches the right side of the heart from the veins it is dark purple in color and contains little or no oxygen, much carbon dioxide, and some other body wastes. From the heart the blood is forced into the lungs where it comes into contact with the air taken in by breathing, gives off its carbon dioxide, and takes on a fresh supply of oxygen. This changes its color from dark purple to bright red. From the lungs the blood is carried to the left sio> of the heart still carrying its sup- ply of oxygen and some of its body wastes. From the heart the blood passes to all parts of the body. As it passes the kidneys and liver the wastes are removed and excreted as it passes the capillaries of the stomach and intestines, it takes on some of the prepared food materials and carries them to some portion of the body where the cells are at work and where oxidation takes places. Here the oxygen of the blood is given off to supply the energy needed in oxidation, the food substances are given up to he built into new tissue to repair that broken, carbon dioxide, formed by the oxidation of the tissue 94 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. is taken on, and the blood begins its return going to the heart and lungs to start the same process again. 5. The brain, spinal cord, and nerves arising from them are called the central nervous system. The ganglion and nerves arising from them, not included in the above, are the Sympathetic nervous system. In general the gray matter of the nervous system consists of nerve cells. A nerve cell is composed of the protoplasmic cell body with its cell wall and branches. These branches are called tlendrons or dendrites if short and axons if they are long and put the coll into communication with a distant part of the body. The white matter of the nervous system is composed mostly of nerve fibers. A nerve fiber consists of the middle core or axis of protoplasm, and two sur- rounding sheaths of tissues. The central axis is the conducting part of the nerve fiber. 6. The use of intoxicating drinks weakens the will power of the user, destroys the ability or desire to make fine moral distinctions, weakens the intellectual abilities, and has a general harmful effect upon the character. The effect of the contiuned use of intoxicating drinks upon the heart is to caues its cells to undergo a fatty degeneration and thus weaken heart action; in the lungs a congested condition of the capil- laries is produced which calls for more oxygen; the increased rate of breathing causes a greater demand on the muscles and the digestive tissues, and thus there is a resultant loss to the body of both energy and heat. The result of intoxicating drinks upon the brain may be inferred from the fact that experiments where large doses of alcohol have been used, invariably indicate that the "reaction time" is lengthened. Many large corporations have forbidden the use of alcoholic bever- ages among their employers because of the recognized fact of im- paired efficiency. 7. By oxidation is meant the chemical combination of oxygen with some other substance. Within the muscles of the body are stored up carbohydrates, proteids, fats, and oxygen. Under proper condi- tion the cell brings about the chemical union of the oxygen with some of the other elements and certain products result. Among the products of chief importance to the body are heat and energy. Waste products such as carbon dioxide, various forms of acid, and other wastes are produced, which are excreted from the body. 8. The digestive tract is composed of the mouth, stomach, and in- testines. In the mouth the food is masticated or ground up, moist- ened for swallowing, and the change of its starch into sugar is begun by the saliva. In the stomach the food is till further mixed or churned by the muscular action of the stomach. By this action the food is mixed with the gastric juice. This juice contains two enzymes, pep- sin and rennin. The pepsin transforms the proteids of the foods to soluble form called peptone. The rennin acts npon the proteids found in milk, after which this proteid is digested as other proteids are. Probably some mineral salts are dissolved by the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, which also destroys some disease germs and fer- ments. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 95 There is some preparatory action for digestion upon food stuffs in the stomach besides the digestion of the proteids. Fats are li- quefied by the heat of the stomach. Froteids cover of starch, fats, etc., are removed by the proteid digestion and starch and fats are thus freed for digestion. The mixture of all these digested and un- digested particles results in milky fluid called chyme. The chyme enters the intestine where the last stages of diges- tion are carried on. The small intestine receives thru one duct the secretions of the liver and pancreas called the bile and the pan- creatic juice. It also secretes by its own glands the intestinal juices. The bile acts upon fats by saponifying them. It also tends to prevent the putrefaction of foods in the intestine, and separates the proteids into such forms that they may be acted upon by the pan- creatic juice. The pancreatic juice completes the transforming of the proteids to peptone, the remaining starches not acted upon by the mouth di- gestion are converted into sugar and prepared for absorption. The intestinal juice converts what remains of the starch to sugar and also converts all sugar into grape sugar. 9. The liver is located just beneath the diaphram on the right side. on a line with the stomach and partly overlapping it. The liver stores digested sugar and starch in the form of glycogen; it destroys poisons brought to it by the blood and secretes the bile. The action t>f the bile is given in 8. The kidneys are located one on each side of the backbone just below the lower ribs. The kidneys receive the waste laden blood from the body and remove much of the waste-urea from it. The urea mixed with water, is excreted from the body, while the waste freed blood, returns to the circulation. The perspiratory glands are located under skin in all parts of the body. They collect from the blood nitrogenous wastes, some salts and water, and excrete them upon the surface of the body. Sebaceous glands are scattered thruout the body in the dermis. They secrete oil and discharge it upon the hair and skin. The lachrymal glands are situated on the outer and upper orbit of the eye. They secrete a salty liquid called the tear or the lachry- mal fluid. The parotid, sublingual, and submaxillary glands — see 3. Spleen- see 2. 10. The best method of ventilating a school room is to have a con- stant supply of fresh air forced into the room after having been brought to the proper temperature. There should be a ventilating shaft connection with an opening near the floor. In most schools this method is not provided. When no method whatever is provided, one window on the side of the building from which the wind is not blowing, should be lowered from the top and another raised from the bottom. If this makes it too cold for pupils or is found impractical, the lower sashes of the windows should be raised six inches and the space thus made filled with a board sawed to fit. This allows of some ventilation between the sashes. 96 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. In the ordinary stove heated room the stove should be "jacketed." There should be a pipe provided to bring in to the jacket a supply of fresh air from outside and a ventilating register near the floor should be provided for the extraction of the vitiated air. This method can be used in any stove heated room. 11. Bone is composed of animal matter, cartilage or gristle, and mineral matter, chiefly lime. If a large bone is examined we find it to be covered with a tough cartilaginous coat called the periosteum, a layer of hard bone, one of soft or spongy bone, usually a hollow space filled with a fatty substance called marrow. When examined more closely it is found that the bones are pierced by canals, called the Haversian Canals. Thru these open- ings the blood vessels of the periosteum penetrate to all parts of the bone. These main canals are connected by smaller ones called cana- liculi. These small canals are at right angles to the larger ones, and connect them with a series of cavities called lacunae. The lacunae contain the living bone cells. These bone cells secrete from the material brought to them by the blood the bone materials. The lime part of the secretion forms in concentric rings about the lacunae and these layers are called lamellae. In general, bones are to give shape to the body, to produce motion when acted upon by the muscles, and to protect the more vital parts of the body. The flat bones are used generally for protection as in the case of the ribs, the shoulder blades and the bones of the skull, while the larger bones of the limbs are used to give motion to the body. 12. The spinal cord is about seventeen inches long, about three- quarters of an inch in diameter, and is composed of both gray and white matter, the white being on the outside. It has three membranes for an outer covering, dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater. While the cord is nearly cylindrical in shape t it is somewhat flattened from front to back and has two fissures,' the anterior one being wide and shallow and the posterior one being narrow and deep. The white matter of the cord is on the outside and consists of nerve fibres running lengthwise of the cord. Within the cord is a darker substance called the gray matter, which is composed chiefly of nerve cells, tho some fibers are present. This gray matter is ar- ranged in the form of a letter H or forms a body of somewhat butter- fly shape. The cord gives off at regular intervals nerve roots which unite a short distance from the cord to form pairs of nerves on the opposite sides of the cord. There are in all thirty-one pairs of these nerves. The spinal cord has two functions. It receives impulses from different parts of the body. Some of the impulses are received by a nerve cell in the cord, and a motor impulse is sent out and action ensues in some part of the body, without the action of the brain. This is reflex action. The spinal cord also transmits nerve impulses from all parts of the body to the brain, and motor nerve impulses from the brain to all parts of the body. 13. We are surrounded by a substance which fills all space, called ether. By some disturbing body vibrations are set up in the ether. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 97 Some of these vibrations enter the eye and fall upon the retina which Is an expansion of the optic nerve located at the back of the eye-ball. This irritates the optic nerve which carries the impulses so received to the brain and "we see." The vibrations from the external ether enter the eye thru a small opening in front. This opening is the black part of the eye, and is called the pupil. Surrounding the pupil is the colored part of the eye — the blue or the brown, etc., called the iris; back of the pupil is the crystalline lens, which divides the eye-ball into two chambers or cavities. The one of these in front of the lens is filled with a watery fluid called the aqueous humor and behind the lens is a much larger chamber filled with a semi-liquid substance called vitreous humor. The general shape of the eye- ball is given by the cartilaginous outer coat called the sclerotic coat. Within this is a very thin black membranous coat called the choroid. The sclerotic coat forms the outside of the eye-ball and gives it shape. It has a curious opening in front which is covered by a tough transparent membrane called the cornea. The optic nerve enters the back of the eye and spreads out there forming on the inside of the eye-ball a sensitive coat called the retina. 14. 1. Take plenty of exercise in the open air every day. Walking or some form of athletic games is excellent for this. 2. Take plenty of sleep, seven or eight hours each day, in a well ventilated room. 3. Chew the food thoroly. Eat slowly. Eat only simple nutritious food and only amid pleasant surroundings. 4. Keep personally clean. Bathe daily. Drink plenty of water, and take time to properly care for the body. 5. Obey the laws of public health. Be careful to keep articles of food clean. Be scrupulous in observing quarantine and all other public health regulations. Keep the mind in a healthy state by think- ing kindly, healthy, optimistic thoughts. PENMANSHIP. — Answers. By Charles Mcintosh, Superintendent of Piatt County Schools. 1. Requires applicant's own writing - . 2. (1) mnx (2) iuwve (3) lbhkf (4) aoc (5) tqpq (6) jgyz(7)s r (See page 66 State Course.) The height of the one space small letters should be one-sixteenth of an inch (See page 65 State Course.) 3. FARMERS STATE BANK OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Illinois, January 16, 1915 Pay to the order of E. B. LEWIS $100.00 One Hundered Dollars and charge to the account of Chicago National Bank J. W. AYRE Chicago Illinois Cashier. Pay to the order of E. F. Dunne E. B. Lewis E. F. Dunne 98 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION tfOOK. 4. There are a number of exercises that may be used to develop the muscles used in writing, as follows: (1) Opening and closing the hand, (2) shaking the hand from the wrist, (3) using the pusn and pull exercise arm resting on muscles of the fore-arm hand not touching the desk, (4) same exercise fingers turned under and nails gliding on paper, (5j same exercise with open hand, (6) same exer- cise with clenched hand, (7) push and pull and oval exercises on board, (8) making form of letters in air, etc. To teach uniform motion, have the various exercises given above performed to music, or while counting. Calisthenic exercises in rhythm also help to teach uniform mo- tion. Proper muscular development and control are very necessary to good penmanship, as is also the habit of uniform motion in mak- ing the letters. 5. The teacher should exercise the greatest scrutiny possible over all the writing of her pupils, especially those pupils in the pri- mary and intermediate grades where the habits are being formed. Correct position in writing, uniform movement and good form are largely matters of habit. Unless the suggestions made in the writing period are followed in doing the written work required in other sub- jects, there can be but little improvement in penmanship. In many schools too much written work is done in the primary and interme- diate grades. From the standpoint of penmanship, at least, it would be better if less were done more carefully and painstakingly. If the teacher could insist that the small amount of written work required be well and carefully done, improvement in writing would be sure to follow. 6. Correct position means the correct manner of sitting in writ- ing. This means body erect, feet flat on floor, desk of proper height, arm on desk, etc. Movement refers to the kind of movement used in the writing, whole arm, finger, muscular. The State Course suggests the mus- cular movement from the very beginning. Rhythm means a uniform rate of movement in writing. In order to establish these things in the first and second grades, the pupils should be asked to assume the correct position before be- ginning to write and when they get out of position should be brought back in the proper one by the word "position" pronounced by the teacher. To establish the muscular movement, the Course suggests that when exercises are practiced on the board, they be written immedi- ately at the seat to avoid the habit of the whole arm movement. It means that all the pupils' writing should be done with the muscu- lar movement, and that the pupil be never allowed to drift into the finger movement. Rhythm is established thru calisthenic exercises, muscular exer- cises, various writing drills to music, or counting in the absence of music. 7. The pupil must first feel that it is important that he improve his writing. His attention should be called to the importance of leg-, ible writing in all written work. What is written down is written in order that it may be read by some one else, or read by the same ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 99 individual at some future time. Neither of these results can follow unless the writing is legible. Call the attention of the pupil to the fact that it is a pleasure to read a neat, carefully written letter or paper where the letters are correctly formed, and that it is anything but a pleasure to read a slovenly written composition that is scarecely legible. Pupils should be encouraged to pass judgment on their own pen- manship to compare the various lines written in the writing period each day to determine which specimen is best. They should be en- couraged to tell why that specimen is better than any of the others. It Is a good plan to get a sample of the pupil's best writing at least once each month, and compare the sample written any one month with the samples written in previous months and to note the im- provement, if any, that he is making. When a class has prepared a written exercise, it is well occasion- ally, to hold the various ones before the class, and let the class pass judgment as to which is best. Post the best written paper en the board for several days. GRAMMAR— Answers. By Miss Laura Hayes, Teacher of English Grammar, Illinois State Normal University. 1. (a) An expletive is according to the derivation of the word a "filler in." It is a word which has no use in the sentence except to change the form. It is called by some grammarians a form word. There is a God. (b) An appositive is a substantive added to another substantive without the aid of a connecting word. It may classify, identify or merely repeat. Mary, my sister, is here. (c) A gerund is a verbal noun ending in "ing." Finishing the work required skill. (d) An auxiliary verb is a verb which helps in the formation of the tenses of other verbs. In the sentence, I have a pencil, the word have expresses the idea of possession and is not an auxiliary verb, but in the sentence, / have found a pencil, the idea of action ia asserted of the subject of thought. The word have is therefore only an auxiliary verb. (This term is not used by many grammarians.) (e) A collective noun is a common noun which even in its sin- gular form represents more than one individual or thing of the same kind. Example. I saw a flock. 2. Inflection is a slight change in the form of a word to denote a difference in meaning or a difference in construction. Nouns, pro- nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are inflected. Words are in- flected in the following ways: (a) By a eh-auge in the words as take, took; woman, women. (b) By adding a letter or a syllable as walk, walks; boy, boy's, boys; box, boxes. Sometimes the last letter must be changed or omitted. Sometimes it must be doubled as baby, babies; write, writ- ing; omit,- omitted. 100 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. (c) By the use of helping words as walks, have walked; beautiful, .more beautiful. (d) By the use of different words as I, my or mine me; good, better, best. 3. (a) I have what you are looking for. The word what is a relative pronoun. (b) What weather we are having. The word what is an adjec- tive. (c) What partial judges these are. The word what is an adverb. (This use is not sanctioned by some grammarians, tho mod- ern dictionaries are beginning to use it. I do not approve of it.) (d) What are you looking for? The word what is an interroga- tive pronoun. (e) What! You don't mean it. The word what is an interjection. 4 (a) Whither thou goest I will go. The adverbial clause whither thou goest is added to the word go by means of the conjunc- tive adverb whither. It expresses place. (b) This is the story that we read. The adjective clause that we read is added to the word story by means of the conjunctive pro- noun that. The clause is limiting. (c) The ground is wet because it has rained. The adverbial clause because it has rained is added to the word ivet by means of the subordinate conjunction because. The clause expresses cause. (d) It was so cold that the mercury froze. The adverbial clause that the mercury froze is added to the word so by means of the subordinate conjunction that. The clause expresses degree. (e) This we know, that our future depends on our present. The noun clause that our future depends on our present is in apposition to the word this. 5 (a) The word we is a personal pronoun. It is of the first person, plural number, either masculine or feminine gender, nomina- tive case. It is the subject of the clause. Its declension is: Singular. Plural. Nom.: I. We. Poss. : My, mine. Our, ours. Obj. : Me. Us. (b) The word ground is a common noun. It is of the third per- son, singular number, neuter gender, nominative case. It is the sub- ject of the sentence. Its declension is: Singular. Plural. Nom.: Ground. Grounds. Poss. : Ground's. Grounds.' Obj.: Ground. Ground. (c) The word wet is an adjective showing the condition of the ground. It is used as the predicate attribute of the sentence. It is compared. Positive; Wot. Comparative: Wetter. • - - • • -- Superlative: Wettest. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 101 (d) The words has rained are an attributive intransitive verb phrase. It is made up of the verb 7ms and the past participle rained. The verb rain is a new conjugation verb whose principal parts are rain, rained, rained. The phrase is in the active voice, indicative mode, present perfect tense. It is in the third person and singular number to agree with its subject it. (e) The word so is an adverb expressing the degree of the cold- ness. It is added to the word cold. It is not compared. (f) The word this is an adjective pronoun. It is of the third person, neuter gender, singular number, objective case. It is the object of the sentence. It has only the plural form these. 6. (a) She invited Kate and me. The word me must be used because it is the object of the word invited. (b) Whom did you speak to? The word whom must be used because it is the object of the preposition to: (c) She has come from a distant city. The word come must be used because the verbal in a present perfect tense is a past participle. (d) It must have been he that I met. The word he is used be- cause it is the predicate attribute. (e) She has come from a distant city. The word come must be used because it is an adverb showing the manner of the speaking. (f) Whom did you call? The word whom must be used because it is the object of the verb phrase did call. (g) The color of the roses is red. The word is must be used be- cause it must agree with its subject color. (h) He has laid the book on the table. The word laid must be used because it is the past participle of the transitive verb lay. (i) Each of the boys has an apple. The word has must be used to agree with its subject each. The word each is always singular In number. (j) Did you give Mary or me the message? The word mc must be used because it is the indirect object. 7. Ten uses of the noun with illustrations are: 1. Subject of a sentence or clause. The man is here. I know the man whom Mr. Smith saw. 2. Object of a sentence or clause. I saw a man. I know the man who saw Mr. Smith. 3. Predicate attribute of a sentence or clause. The man is Mr Smith. The man, who is my friend, spoke to me. 4. Predicate attribute of the object. They elected him treasurer. 5. Object of a verbal. The girl sweeping the room is neat. 6. Appositive. Mary, my friend, visited me. 7. Adverbial substantive. He ran a mile. 8. Indirect object. Give John the book. 9. Object of a preposition. He goes to school. 10. Nominative of address. Mary, sit still. 8. (a) A relative pronoun is a pronoun which joins an adjective clause jto a noun, or pronoun. It must have the use of a pronoun in the clause- and it must b'e used* as- a' conjunction. • •• . . 102 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. A personal pronoun is a pronoun which shows by its form, even when standing alone, whether it represents the speaker, the one spoken to, or the one spoken of. (b) A clause must have a subject and a predicate and is used like a noun, adjective or adverb. A phrase may not have a subject or a predicate and may be used like any part of speech. 9. (a) A noun clause used as the subject of a sentence is illustrated in the following sentence: That the earth is round has been proved. (b) A noun clause used as the object complement is illustrated in the following sentence: I know that the earth is round. (c) A noun clause used as the attribute complement is illustrated in the following sentence: Her reply was, "I will go." (d) A sentence with an adjective clause connected by the word where is illustrated in the following sentence: I went to Bloomington where I bought a dress. The word where is really two parts of speech. As a conjunction it joins the clause to the word Bloomington, and as an adverb it is added to the word bought. 10. (a) The word there is no part of speech. It is an expletive or form word used to change the form of the sentence. (b) The word youth is a noun used as the subject of the sentence. (c) The word years is a noun used as an adverb added to the adverb ago. It is an adverbial substantive. (d) The word satv is an infinitive used as the object of the prep- osition to. The prepositional phrase is added to the word worth. (This construction is historically correct, and is used by many grammarians. There are some who would doubt it, and these would call the word saw an infinitive used as an adverb.) (e) The word who is a conjunctive (relative) pronoun. As a conjunction it joins the clause who had pure taste by right divine to the words King Admetus. As a pronoun it is the subject of the clause. (f) The word taste is a noun used as the object of the clause. (g) The word right is a noun used as the object of the preposi- tion by. The prepositional phrase is added to the word had. (h) The word divine is an adjective added to the word right. (i) The word decreed is a verb used as the predicate of the sentence, (j) The word singing is a gerund used as the object of the verb decreed. (k) The word too is an adverb of degree added to the adjective bad. (1) The word cups is a noun used as the object of the preposi- tion between. The prepositional phrase is added to the word hear. (m) The word pleased is a participle added to the word he. (n) The word icell is an adverb added to the word pleased. (o) The words being soothed are a verbal phrase used as the ob- ject of the preposition with. The word being is a gerund and the word soothed is a past participle. The prepositional phrase is added to the word pleased. (p) The word sleep is a noun used as the object of the pFeposi« tion into. The prepositional phrase is adde4 to tfce word.sootft'ed, .. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 103 (q) The word heard is a noun used as the object of the word smoothed. (r) The word and is a co-ordinate conjunction joining the two predicates of the sentence. (s) The word him is a pronoun used as the object of the sen- tence. (t) The word viceroy is a noun used as the predicate attribute of the object and a part of the predicate attribute. It shows the effect of the making viceroy upon him. 11. Sentences illustrating four uses of the infinitive are as follows: 1. To be here is good. The infinitive is used as the subject of the sentence. 2. To see is to believe. The infinitive is used as the predicate attribute of the sentence. 3. You ought to study. The infinitive is used as the object of tne sentence 4. She does nothing except study. The infinitive Is used as the object of the preposition except. 12. The verb phrases which are underlined in the following sentences illustrate those which are asked for in this question. (a) They have been praised a number of times. (b) Praise him. (The word praise is only a verb, not a verb phrase. A verb phrase cannot be used unless we use the emphatic or the progressive form.) . . (c) If we praised him, he would like it. (The word praised is, however, not a verb phrase.) (d) You might have been praised. (The best authorities do not use the potential mode. I do not.) (e) He will praise him. 13 Sex refers to the object itself, gender to the word which represents the object. A man is of the male sex, but the word man is masculine gender. Gender may be shown in three ways: 1. By a change of the word itself as boy, girl; son. daughter. 2. By inflection of the word as prince, princess; host, hostess. 3. By reference to some other word as Mr. Smith is my teacher. The word teacher, which may be either gender, is here masculine, be- cause it refers to the male Mr. Smith. One summer morning, when the sun was hot, Weary with labor in his garden plot; On a rude bench beneath the cottage eaves, Sir Federigo sat among the leaves of a huge vine. This is a complex declarative sentence. The main proposition is one summer morning, weary with labor in his garden plot. On a rude tench beneath the eaves. Sir Federigo sat among the leaves of a huge vine. The subject is the words Sir Federigo. The copula and predicate combined (predicate) is the word sat. The word weary is an adjec- tive added to the word Sir Federigo. The phrase with his labor is an adverbial prepositional phrase added to the word weary. The word labor is the principal term in the phrase and it has as an adjunct the 104 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. possessive modifier his. The phrase in his garden plot shows the place of the labor and is added to the word labor. It is an adjective prepositional phrase. The word plot is the principal term of the phrase and it has as adjuncts the possessive modifier his and the noun garden, which is used as an adjective. The word morning is a noun used as an adverb. It shows the time when the assertion is true and is added to the word sat. The word one is an adjective added to the word morning. The word sum- mer is a noun used as an adjective added to the word morning. The clause ivhen the sun was hot is an adjective clause telling something about the morning and is added to the word morning by means of the conjunctive adverb when Which is added to the word was in its clause. The word sun is the subject of the clause. The word was is the copula. The word hot is the predicate attribute of condition. The word the is an adjective added to the word sun. The phrase on a rude bench shows upon what he sat and is added to the word sat. It is an adverbial prepositional phrase. The word bench is the principal term of the phrase and it has as adjuncts the adjectives a and rude. The phrase beneath the eaves shows the place of the bench and is added to the word bench. It is an adjective prep- ositional phrase. The word eaves is the principal term of the phrase and it has as an adjunct the adjective the. The phrase among the leaves shows the place of sitting and it is added to the word sat. It is an adverbial prepositional phrase. The word leaves is the principal term of the phrase and it has as an adjunct the adjective the. The phrase of a huge vine shows what leaves (or the whole of which a part is taken) and is added to the word leaves. It is an adjective preposi tional phrase. The word vine is the principal term of the phrase and it has as adjuncts the adjectives a and huge. GEOGRAPHY— Answers. By Superintendent Edgar S. Jones, Taylorville, III. 1. Maps are representations of certain geographical truths, hence a making or a reading of them gives the ideas in a most graphic man- ner. The school room, yard or nearby lot or field may be drawn to a scale of so many feet to an inch or a fraction of an inch. Prom these local areas the work may continue until the state or continent is reached when the scale consists of so many miles to an inch or is merely a proportionate scale. One of the main reasons is the cen- tering of the railroads around the south end of Lake Michigan as well as the water line of transportation by the way of the Great Takes. Another factor is tho unusually fertile soil to the south and west. Still another , reason is the nearby coal fields and the iron of the Lake -Superior? • regions*- - - - ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. 105 3. North America. Mississippi. Gulf of Mexico. St. Lawrence. Gulf of St. Lawrence. South America. Amazon. Atlantic Ocean. La Plata. Atlantic Ocean. Africa. Nile. Mediterranean Sea. Congo. Atlantic Ocean. Europe. Danube. Black Sea. Rhine. North Sea. Asia. Yang tse Kiang. Yellow Sea. Ganges. Bay of Bengal. 4. After the sketch is made draw eight horizontal lines over the middle Mississippi Valley thus showing the medium rainfall; the scant rainfall of the southwest may be represented by vertical lines while the northwestern and southeastern parts of the United States may be represented by oblique lines or heavy dots. 5. When the air is considerably heated as it is in the equatorial region, it rises. As the heated air Is pushed up it moves toward the north and south in the direction of areas which are not as highly heated, finally reaching the surface. Owing to the rotation of the earth the surface currents flow from a greater pressure to a Iowct pressure. The trade winds blow from the northeast and from the southeast. 6. Climate is the basis of location if it is taken into considera- tion that climate is determined by latitude. The purpose of latitude and longitude is to determine the exact location of a place with reference to the equator and a chosen meridian. Latitude is the distance north or south from the equator, being measured on meridians, while longitude is the distance east or west from a selected meridian. Longitude is measured on parallels. 7. The trade winds bring from the ocean a large amount of moisture, hence we find in the Guianas and northern Brazil an ex- cessive rainfall. In south Brazil is to be found the zone of calms. This produces practically a desert as is found in Bolivia and in the Desert of Atacama. The westerly zone in which is located central and southern Chili has a dry belt. 8. With the development of agriculture and especially the rais- ing of wheat, corn, cattle and sheep, Argentina is competing with the United States for the markets of Europe. 9. The annual rise of the Nile is attributed to the fact that the source of the river is in the belt of calms. The rise of the river begins about June 1st and reaches its highest point in October when it recedes until the following June. Part of the source, how- ever, in the winter is in the path of the trade winds. In winter the monsoons blow from the land to sea thus causing the dry seasons. In summer the monsoons blow toward the land from the ocean thus bringing an excess of vapor. The trade winds have been, blowing a long distance over the land/ -hence they have but little vapor -for the Sahara re^ons. 106 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Another reason is that the winds are blowing from a cooler to a warmer region and are taking up moisture rather than losing it. 10. The British Isles extend from 50 degrees to 60 degrees north latitude. The climate of the British Isles is more even than that of the continent of Europe, being influenced by the Gulf Stream and the westerly winds. The western coast receives the greater rainfall and it is also a noticeable fact that the range of temperature between summer and winter in Ireland is seldom more than 25 degrees. The British Isles correspond to Labrador and British Columbia in North America. Labrador is especially influenced by the polar currents. British Columbia's temperature is reduced by the warm winds from the Pacific Ocean. France is about four times as large as Illinois while Germany compares favorably with the combined areas of Iowa, Missouri, Illi- nois and Indiana. France is bounded on the north by the English Channel, on the east by Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, on the south by the Mediterranean Sea and Spain, on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Germany is bounded in the same order as follows: North Sea. Denmark and Baltic Sea, on the east by Russia and Austria, on the south by Austria and Switzerland, on the west by France, Belgium and Netherlands. Rivers. Products. Silk. Seine. Wheat. France. Rhone. Grapes. Garonne. Live stock. Sugar beets. Rhine. Potatoes. Germany. Elbe. Rye. Vistula. Live stock. Manufactured products. On March 20th the sun shines vertically on the Equator, the circle of illumination extending from pole to pole. The days and nights are everywhere of equal length. On June 22d the vertical rays of the sun extend to the Tropic of Cancer and the circle of illumination extends 23% degrees beyond the north pole and lacks 23% degrees of reaching the south pole. On account of the inclination of the earth to the plane of the ecliptic the length of day increases until June 22d, when the greatest length is attained. On September 20th the day and night are again equal for the reason that the direct rays of the sun are shining on the Equator. If the earth's axis were inclined 30 degrees, the width" of each Frigid Zone would be 30 degrees. Twice the width of the Frigid Zone would be the width of the Torrid. This would be 60 degrees. One hundred and eighty degrees— 60 degrees the ToVritf and 60 degrees" ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION ROOK. 107 both. Frigids equals 60. One-half of 60 degrees equal 30 for each tem- perate zone. Wheat production — Northern Mississippi Valley, Nile Valley, France, Valley of the Danube. Cotton — Southern United States, India, Nile Valley. Manufacturing — England, Germany, United States, Prance. The fact that no single country produces all the various needed products makes transportation between the countries necessary. Great Britain, Germany, United States, Netherlands, France, Russia, Japan and Brazil. UNITED STATES HISTORY— Answers. By A. F. Strome, Department of History, Western Illinois State Normal School. 1. (aO Oglethorpe's purpose in obtaining a grant of land and making a settlement in America was to provide a place of refuge and new opportunity for the debtor class of England. (b) Cortez was a Spanish soldier sent by the Governor of Cuba to conquer and plunder the rich Indian kingdom of Mexico. (c) Ponce de Leon at different times had different objects in view, as discovery, exploration, settlement and conquest. His chief motive in the exploration of Florida was the desire to discover the fountain of youth. (d) Balboa was a Spanish adventurer and bankrupt. His chief motive was the desire for easily acquired wealth. It was while on an outlaw expedition in search of wealth that he discovered the Pacific. (e) The Pilgrims came to America because of the desire for re- ligious freedom. They had at first found refuge in Holland but fear- ing that they would soon lose their character and identity in the midst of the foreign population they decided to come to America where they could govern themselves and worship as they chose, and bring up their children without fear of the corrupting influences of a foreign life. 2. (a) The earliest English settlement in the United States was that of the so-called "Lost Colony" made in 1587, on Roanoke Island. The first permanent settlement was that of Jamestown, made in 1607. (b) It is not possible to say when and where the first Spanish settlement within the United States was made. The first permanent settlement was that of St. Augustine made in 1565. (c) The first French settlement was that made by Ribault at Port Royal on the Carolina coast in 1562. (d) The first Dutch settlements were made at what are now Albany and New York in 1613 and 1614. 3. (a) One of the most important events in the early history of Virginia was the convening of the House of Burgesses in 1619. (b) An important event in connection with the early days of Maryland was the passage of the Toleration Act in 1649. 108 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. (c) An event of great significance In connection with the settle- ment of Massachusetts was the transfer of the Company's Charter to America in 1629. (d) Doubtless the most important single event in the early his- tory of New York was the establishment of the Dutch West India Company in 1621. (e) The most important event in connection with the settlement of Georgia was the introduction of slavery in 1749. 4. Among the more important physical conditions favoring the growth of civilization are: (a) A temperate climate. It is only the people of a temperate climate who have the energy, the resources, and the leisure necessary to the development of a high degree of civilization. (b) A moderate and well distributed rainfall. Neither excessive rainfall nor excessive dryness is conducive to the development of a varied agriculture, and agriculture is civilization's basic industry. (c) Natural resources. A favorable distribution of fertile soil, minerals, water power, etc., stimulates a varied production and the consequent specialization which is essential to a high degree of civ- ilization. (d) Accessibility. Second only to production is distribution, and easy distribution is possible only where the country is readily acces- sible. 5. In the course of our national development the following ad- ditions have been made to the original territory of the United States: (a) Louisiana, by purchase from France in 1803. (b) West Florida to the Perdido River seized by the order of President Madison in 1810. (c) Remainder of West Florida seized in 1812. (d) Florida, including the territory previously seized, purchased from Spain in 1819. (Treaty ratified in 1821.) (e) Texas by annexation in 1845. (f) Oregon territory south of parallel 49 degrees assured to the United States by a treaty with England in 1846. (g) California and New Mexico territory by conquest and ces- sion from Mexico in 1848. (h) The Gadsden Purchase, 1853. (i) Alaska by purchase from Russia in 1867. (j) Hawaii by annexation in 1898. (k) Porto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines by cession from Spain, 1898. (1) Island of Tutuila by joint agreement between the United States, Germany and England in 1900. 6. The doctrine of secession was as old as the national govern- ment. It had been advanced at various times by states or sections which felt aggrieved at the action of the national government. The South had long maintained the doctrine as a defense against what it termed the tyranny of the majority. When the Republican party was formed the Southern leaders believing or professing to believe that if this party got control of the government their liberties and institutions would be in danger, prepared to carry their threat into ILLINOIS STATE QTTESTION BOOK. 1Q9 effect. In 1860 Lincoln was elected, and South Carolina immediately passed an ordinance of secession. She was followed by the remainder of the southern states. Among the more prominent leaders in this movement were Jef- ferson Davis, Howell Ccbb, Robert Toombs, and Juda P. Benjamin. 7. The chief terms of the compromise measure of 1850 were: (a) That California should be admitted as a free state. (b) That the slave trade should be abolished from the District of Columbia. (c) That a new and more stringent fugitive slave law should be passed. (d) That New Mexico and Utah territories should be organized without any provision relative to slavery. (e) That the boundaries of Texas should be fixed and that she should be paid a sum of money for the relinquishment of her claims on New Mexico, and the release of the United States from all obliga- tion to pay the Texan debt. The principle of Popular Sovereignity as set forth in the com- promise measure was practically nullified later by the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case. It was also claimed by the South that the Fugitive Slave Law was violated by the North in the passage of the Personal Liberty Bills. 8. (a) The franchise in Massachusetts was limited by law to church members, and by practice to the propertied classes. Only about one-fourth of the adult males enjoyed the right of suffrage at any time during the seventeenth century. The suffrage laws of Virginia were on the whole more liberal than those of Massachusetts. At first all white males seem to have voted. In 1670 the right was limited to freeholders, A freeholder was defined by an Act of 1736 as meaning the owner of one hundred acres of wild land, or fifty acres of improved land, or of a house and lot in town. Shortly before the Revolution these qualifications were reduced one-half. (b) The Puritans of Massachusetts believed that education was one of the chief means of fighting the devil. Especially were they anxious that their children should be able to read the Scriptures. One of their first concerns therefore was the establishment of the public school system. In 1636 it was voted to found a college, and In 1647 the general court passed an Act for the establishment of a common school in every town of fifty families, and a grammar school in each of the larger towns. Virginia was more backward in the cause of education. Here, owing to the aristocratic character of Virginia society and the fact that the population was scattered, a system of public schools was not established. However, several free schools of a private character were founded, and the children of the wealthier planters were in- structed by private tutors. Higher education was fostered by the establishment of William and Mary College in 1691. (c) The social life of Virginia and Massachusetts differed widely. That of Massachusetts was centered about the church and was char- acterized by frugality and Puritan severity, while that of Virginia 110 ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. centered in the great plantation and was marked by all the luxury and freedom characteristic of the life of the upper classes in Eng- land. 9. (a) Alexander Hamilton's greatest public service was the formulation and carrying into effect of his financial plans, thus strengthening the new government and establishing its credit. (b) Benjamin Franklin's greatest service was his work as rep- resentative to France during the American revolution. It was chiefly due to his influence that France entered into alliance with the Colonies. (c) Patrick Henry's greatest service to his country was doubt- less his speeches setting forth the theory of colonial rights. (d) Thomas Jefferson's greatest service was the purchase of Louisiana. (e) Eli Whitney's great contribution to his country was the in- vention of the cotton gin. 10. In a general way it may be said that the war of 1812 was caused by England's outrageous violations of our neutral rights. For many years, indeed, ever since the outbreak of Napoleonic wars, we had been the victims of the efforts of England and France to injure each other, and the injury due to this cause was aggravated by Eng- land's known desire to crush the American carrying trade. It is scarcely a fair statement, however, to say that the war was waged solely in defense of "Sailors' Rights." It was due largely to the rising tide of American national life, and that life found its most vigorous expression in the new west. The men who wanted war, the "War Hawks," were for the most part young men from the west, men whose spirit rebelled against any further submission to the abuses to which their country was subject. The war was fought under the administration of James Madison. The Spanish American War was the outgrowth of Spain's mis- government in Cuba. Not only did Americans have large interests in Cuba, but the American people were naturally sympathetic for the Cubans who were in rebellion against the oppression of the Spanish government. Finally, after the Maine was blown up, public opinion became irresistible in its demands and the government was com- pelled to declare war in behalf of the Cubans. This occurred during the administration of President McKinley. 11. The reasons for teaching history may be summed up in the statement that good citizenship demands that history be taught. (a) A good citizen is one who understands our present day life and institutions, and our life and institutions can be understood only in the light of their development. (b) The good citizen is patriotic, and history teaches patriotism by teaching the meaning of our country. (c) The good citizen is moral, and history teaches morality by showing the consequences flowing from wrong action and the rewards of right actions. (d) The best citizen is the cultured citizen, and one of the ele- ments of culture is an intelligent knowledge of the past. ILLINOIS STATE QUESTION BOOK. Ill History teaching in the intermediate grades should be confined to a few topics inherently interesting to children, and these should be treated with fullness of detail. It is a mistake to attempt anything like a general survey in these grades. The effort to do this entails condensation of statement and children cannot visualize condensed statements. 12. Since the time of the adoption of the constitution the people of the United States have been in a general way, divided into two great parties with respect to the powers and functions of the national government. One party has favored the interpreting of the consti- tution broadly, permitting the national government to exercise very large powers under authority of the so-called elastic clause, which authorizes congress to make all laws which shall be necessary to carry the specially enumerated powers into effect. The other party has held to a strict interpretation of the constitution maintaining that the national government should exercise only such powers as were expressly conferred on it. The first great political parties were formed upon this issue. Hamilton and the Federalists advocated the doctrine of broad construction while Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans advocated strict construction. At the present time the