^IP^ • 1 7 TO »7 VANDEWyiTEf\ St ^^| AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP Anthony Trollope, NEW YORK: GEORGE MUNRO, PUBLISHER, }7 TO 27 Yandxwater Strevt. 0^- ,0i a^ or CHAPTER I. MY EDUCATION. 1815-1834. In writing these pages, which, for the want of a better name, I shall be fain to call the autoMogi ai^hy of so insigni- ficant a person as myself, it will not be so much my inten- tion to speak of the little details of my private life as of what I, and perhaps others round me, have done in liter- ature; of my failures and successes, such as they have been, and their causes; and of the opening which a literary career offers to men and women for the earning of their bread. And yet the garrulity of old age, and the aptitude of a man's mind to recur to the passages of his own life, will, I know, tempt me to say something of myself; nor, without doing so, should I know how to throw my matter into any recognized and intelligible form. That I, or any man, should tell everything of himself I hold to be impos- sible. Who could endure to own the doing of a mean thing? Who is ^there that has done none? But this I protest— that nothing that I say shall be untrue. I will set down naught in malice; nor will I give to myself, or others, honor which I do not believe to have been fairly won. My boyhood was, I think, as unhappy as that of a young 6 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. gentleman could well be, my misfortunes arising from a mixture of proverty and gentle standing on the part of my father, and from an utter want on my own part of that juvenile manhood which enables some boys to hold up their heads even among the distresses which such a posi- tion in sure to produce. I was born in 1815, in Keppel Street, Russell Square, and while a baby was carried down to Harrow, where my father had built a house on a large farm which, in an evil hour, he took on a long lease from Lord North wick. That farm was the grave of all my father's hopes, ambition, and prosperity, the cause of my mother's sufferings and of tliose of her children, and perhaps the director of her destiny and of ours. My father had been a Wykamist and a fellow of New College, and Winchester was the destination of my brothers and myself; but, as he had friends among the masters at Harrow, and as tlie school offered an edu- cation almost gratuitous to children living in the parish, he, with a certain aptitude to do things differently from others, which accompanied him throughout his life, de- termined to use that august seminary as a '^t'other school " for Winchester, and sent three of us there, one after the other, at the age of seven. My father at this time was a Chancery barrister practicing in London, occupying dingy, almost suicidal, chambers at No. 23 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn — chambers which, on one melancholy occasion, did become absolutely suicidal.* He was, as I have been in- formed by those quite competent to know, an excellent and most conscientious lawyer, but plagued with so bad a temper that he drove the attorneys from him. In his early days he was a man of some small fortune and of higher hopes. These stood so high at the time of my birth that he was felt to be entitled to a country-house, as well as to that in Keppel Street; and, in order that he might build • A pupil of his destroyed himself in the rooms. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 7 Buch a residence, he took the farm. This place he called Julians, and land runs up to the foot of the hill on which tlie school and church stand— on the side toward London. Things there went much against him: the farm was ruin- ous, and I remember that we all regarded the Lord North- wick of those days as a cormorant who was eating us up. My father's clients deserted him. He purchased Yarious dark, gloomy chambers in and about Chancery Lane, and his purchases always went wrong. Then, as a final, crushing blow, an old uncle, whose lieir he was to have been, married and had a family! The house in London was let, and also the house he built at Harrow, from which he descended to a farmhouse on the land, which I have endeavored to make known to some readers under the name of " Orley Farm." lyiis place, just as it was when we lived there, is to be seen in the frontispiece to the first edition of that novel, having had the good fortuHC to be delineated by no less a pencil than that of John Millais. My two elder brothers had been sent as day-boarders to Harrow School from the bigger house, and may probably have been received among the aristocratic crowd — not on equal terms, because a day-boarder at Harrow in those days was never so received, but, at any rate, as other day- boarders. I do not suppose that they were well treated, but I doubt whether they were subjected to the ignominy which I endured. I was only seven, and I think that boys at seven are now spared among their more consider- ate seniors. I was never spared, and was not even allowed to run to and fro between our house and the school withr out a daily purgatory. No doubt my appearance was against me. 1 remember well, when I was still the junior boy in the school, Dr. Butler, the head master, stopping me in the street, and asking me, with all the clouds of Jove upon his brow and all the thunder in his voice, whether it was possible that Harrow School was disgraced by so disrepu- tably dirty a little boy as I? Oii, what I felt at that mo- 8 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. menti Bat I could not look ray feelings. I do not doubt that I was dirty — but I think that he was cruel. He must have known me had lie seen me as he was wont to see me, for lie was in the habit of flogging me constant- ly. Perhaps he did not recognize me by my face. At this time I was three years at Harrow; and, as far as I can remember. I was the junior boy in tlic school when I left it. Then I was sent to a private school at Sanbnry, kept by Arthur Dnirv. This, I think, must have been done in accordance with the advice of Henry Drury, who was my tutor at Harrow School and my father's friend, and who may probably have expressed an opinion that my juvenile career was not proceeding in a satisfactory manner at Har- row. To Sunbuiy I went, and during the two jears I was there, though I never had any pocket-money, and seldom had much in the way of clothes, I lived more nearly on terms of equality with other boys than at any other period during my very prolonged school-days. Even here I was always in disgr^vce. I remember well how, on one occa- sion, four boys were selected as having been the perpetra- tors of some nameless horror. What it was, to this day I cannot even guess; but I was one of the four, innocent as a babe, but adjudged to have been the guiltiest of the guilty. We each had to write out a sermon, and my ser- mon was the longest of the four. During the whole of one term-time we were helped last at every meal. We were not allowed to visit the playground till the sermon was finished. Mine was only done a day or two before the holidays. Mr.s. Drury, when she saw us, shook her head with pitying horror. There were ever so many other pun- ishments accumulated on our heads. It broke my heart, knowing myself to be innocent, and suffering also under the almost equally painful feeling that the other three- no doubt wicked boys— were the curled darlings of the hool, who would never have selected me to share their AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. wickedness with them. I contrived to learn, from words that fell from Mr. Drury, that he condemned me because I, having come from a public school, might be supposed to be the leader of wickedness! On the first day of the next term he whispered to me half a word that perhaps he had been wrodg. With all a stupid boy'e slowness, I said nothing; and he had not tlie courage to carry reparation further. All that was fifty years ago, and it burns me now as though it were yesterday. What lily-livered curs those boys must have been not to have told the truth! at any rate as far as I was concerned. 1 remember their names well, and almost wish to write them here. When I was twelve there came the vacancy at Winches- ter College which I was destined to fill. My two elder brothers had gone there, and the younger had been taken away, being already supposed to have lost his chance of New College. It had been one of the great ambitions of my father's life that his three sons who lived to go to Winchester should all become fellows of New College. But that suffering man was never destined to have an am- bition gratified. We all lost the prize which he struggled with infipite labor to put within our reach. My eldest, brother all but achieved it, and afterward went to Oxford, taking three exhibitions from the school, though he lost the great glory of a Wykamist. He has since made him- self well known to the public as a writer in connection with all Italian subjects. He is still living, as I now write. But my other brother died early. While I was at Winchester my father's affairs went from bad to worse. He gave up his practice at the bar, and, unfortunate that he was, took another farm. It is odd that a man should conceive — and in this case a highly educated and a very clever man — that farming should be a business in which he might make money without any special education or apprenticeship. Perhaps of all trades it Js the one in which m Acciu'fvte knowledge of ^vbat AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. things should be done, and the best manner of doing them, is most necessary. And it is one also for success in which a sufficient capital is indispensable. He had no knowledge, and, when he took this second farm, no capi- tal. This was the last step preparatory to his final ruin. Soon after I had been sent to Winchester my mother went to America, taking with her my brother Henry and my two sisters, who were then no more than children. This was, I think, in 1827. I have no clear knowledge of her object, or of my father's; but I believe that he had an idea tliat money might be made by sending goods — little goods, such as pincushions, pepper-boxes, and pocket- knives — out to the still unfurnished States; and that she conceived that an opening might be made for my brother Henry by erecting some bazaar or extended shop in one of the Western cities. Whence the money came I do not know, but the pocket-knives and the pepper-boxos were bought, and the bazaar built. X have seen it since in the town of Cincinnati — a sorry building! But I have been told that in those days it was an imposing edifice. My jnother went first, with my sisters and second brother. Then my father followed them, taking my elder brother, before he went to Oxford. But there was an interval of some year and a half during which he and I were at Win- chester together. Over a period of forty years, since I began'my manhood at a desk in the Post-office, I and my brother, Thomas Adolphus, have been fast friends. There have been hot words between us, for perfect friendship bears and allows hot words. Few brothers have had more of brotherhood. But in those school-days he was, of all my foes, the worst. In accordance with the practice of the college, which sub- mits, or did then submit, much of the tuition of the younger boys to the elder, he was my tutor; and in his capacity of teacher and ruler, he had studied the theories of Draco. I remember well how he used to exact obedi- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONY TROLLOPE. ence after the manner of that lawgiver. Hang a little boy for stealing apples, he used to say, and other little boys will not steal apples. The doctrine was already exploded elsewhere, but he stuck to it with conservative energy. The result was that, as a part of his daily exercise, he thrashed me with a big stick. That such thrashings should have been possible at a school as a continual part of one's daily life, seems to me to argue a very ill condi- tion of school discipline. At this period I remember to have passed one set of holidays — the midsummer holidays — in my father's chambers in Lincoln's Inn. There was often a diflHculty about the holidays — as to what should be done with me. On this occasion my amusement consisted in wandering about among those old, deserted buildings, and in reading Shakespeare out of a bi-coluponed edition which is still among my books. It was not that I had chosen Shakes- peare, but that there was nothing else to read. After a while my brother left Winchester and accom- panied my father to America. Then another and a dijffer- eut horror fell to my fate. My college bills had not been paid, and the school tradesmen who administered to the wants of the boys were told not to extend their credit to me. Boots, waistcoats, and pocket-handkerchiefs, which, with some slight superveillance, were at the command of other scholars, were closed luxuries to me. My school- fellows, of course, knew that it was so, and I became a pariah. It is the nature of boys to be cruel. I have sometimes doubted whether among each other they do usually suffer much, one from the other's cruelty; but I suffered horribly! I could make no stand against it. I had no friend to whom I could pour out my sorrows. I was big, and awkward, and ugly, and, I have no doubt, skulked about in a most unattractive manner. Of course, I was ill-dressed and dirty. But, ah! how well I remem- ber all the agonies of my young heart; how I considered AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONT TROLLOPE. "Whether I should always be alone; whether I could not find my way up to the top of that college tower, and from thence put an end to everything? And a worse thing came than the stoppage of the supplies 'from the shop- keepers. Every boy had a shilling a week pocket-money, which we called battels, and which was advanced to us out of the pocket of the second master. On one awful day the second master announced to me that my battels would be stopped. He told me the reason — the battels for the last half-year had not been repaid; and he urged his own unwillingness to advance tl?e money. The loss of a shil- ling a week would not have been much — even though pocket-money from other sources never reached me — but that tlio other boys all knew it! Every now and again, per- haps three or*four times in a half-year, these weekly shillings were given to certain servants of the college, in payment, it may be presumed, for some extra services. And now, when it came to the turn of any servant, he received sixty- nine shillings instead of seventy, and the cause of the defalcation was explained to him. I never saw one of those servants without feeling that I had picked his pocket. When I bad been at Winchester something over three years my father reurned to England and took me away. Whether this was done because of the expense, or because my chance of New College was supposed to have passed away, I do not know. As a fact, I should, I believe, have gained the prize, as there occurred in my year an excep- tional number of vacancies. But it would have served me nothing, as there would have been no funds for my main- tenance at the university till I should have entered in upon the fruition of the founder's endowment, and my career at Oxford must have been unfortunate. When I left Winchester I had three more years of school before me, having as yet endured nine. My father at this time, having left my mother and sieters^ with my younger AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. brother, in America, took himself to live at a wretched tumble-down farmhouse on the second farm he had hired, and I Was taken there with him. It was nearly three miles from Harrow, at Harrow Weald, but in the parish; and from this house I was agahi sent to that school as a day-boarder. Let those who know what is the usual ap- pearance and what the usual apparteuances of a boy at such a school, consider what must have been my condition among them, with a daily walk of twelve miles through the lanes, added to the other little troubles and labors of a school life! Perhaps the eighteen months which I passed in this condition, walking to and fro on those miserably dirty lanes, was the worst period of my life. I was now over fifteen, and had come to an age ut which I could appre- ciate at its full the misery of expulsion from all social intercourse. I had not only no friends, but was despised by all my companions. The farmhouse was not only no more than a farmhouse, but was one of those farmhouses which seem always to be in danger of falling into the neighboring horse-pond. As it crept downward from house to stables, fuom stables to barns, from barns to cow- sheds, and from cowsheds to dung-heaps, one could hardly tell where one began and the other ended! There was a parlor in which my father lived, shut up among big books; but I passed my most jocund hours in the kitchen, mak- ing* innocent love to the bailiff's daughter. The farm kitchen might be very well through the evening, when the horrors of the school were over; but it all added to the cruelty of the days. A sizar at a Cambridge college, or a Bible-clerk at Oxford, has not pleasant days, or used not to have them half a century ago; but his position was recognized, and the misery was measured. I was a sizar at a fashionable school, a condition never premeditated. What right had a wretched farmer's boy, reeking from a dung-hill, to sit next to the sons of peers— or, much worse AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. Still, next to the nous of big tradesmen who had made their ten thousand a year? The indignities I endured are not to be described. As I look back it seems to me that all hands were turned against me — tliose of masters as well as boys. I was allowed to join in no plays. Nor did I learn anything, for I was tauglit nothing. The only expense, except that of books, to which a house-boarder was then subject, was the fee to a tutor, amounting, I think, to ten guineas. My tutor took me without the fee; but when I heard him declare the fact in the pupil- room before the boys, I hardly felt grateful for the charity. I was never a coward, and cared for a thrashing as little as any boy, but one cannot make a stand against the acerb- ities of three hundred tyrants without a moral courage, of which at that time I possessed none. I know that I skulked, and was odious to the eyes of those I admired and enfied. At last I was driven to rebellion, and there came a great fight — at the end of which my opponent had to be taken home for a while. If these words be ever printed, T trust that some schoolfellow of those days may Btill be left alive who will be able to say that in claiming this solitary glory of my school-days, I am not making a false boast. I wish I could give some adequate picture of the gloom of that farmhouse. My elder brother — Tom, as I must call him in my narrative, though the world, I think, knows him best as Adolplius— was at Oxford. My father and I lived together, he having no means of living except what came from the farm. My memory tells me that he was always in debt to his landlord and to the tradesmen be employed. Of self-indulgence no one could accuse him. Our table was poorer, I think, than that of the bailiff who still hung on to our shattered fortunes. The furniture was mean and scanty. There was a large, ram- bling kitchen-garden, but no gardener; and many times \erbal iucentives were made to me— generally, I fear, in AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP AKTHOKY TROLLOPE. 15 vain — to get me to Jend a hand at digging and planting,^ Into the hayfield on holidays I was often compelled to go — not, I fear, with much profit. My father's health was very bad. During the last ten years of his life he spent nearly the half of his time in bed, suffering agony from sick-headaches. But he was never idle unless when suffering. He had at this time commenced a work — an Encyclopaedia Ecclesiastica, as he called it — on which he labored to the moment of his death. It was his ambition to describe all ecclesiastical terms, including the denomi- nations of every fraternity of monks and every convent of nuns, with all their orders and subdivisions. Under crushing disadvantages, with few or no books of reference, with immediate access to no library, he worked at his most ungrateful task with unflagging industry. When he died, three numbers out of eight had been published by subscription; and are now, I fear, unknown, and buried in the midst of that huge pile of futile literature, the building up of which has broken so many hearts. And my father, thougli he would try, as it were by a side wind, to get a useful spurt of work out of me, either in the garden or in the hay-field, had constantly an eye to my scholastic improvement. From my very babyhood, before those first days at Harrow, I had to take my place alongside of him as he shaved, at six o'clock in the morn- ing, and say my early rules from the Latin Grammar, or repeat the Greek alphabet; and was obliged at these early lessons to hold my head inclined toward him, so that, in the event of guilty fault, he might be able to pull my hair without stopping his razor or dropping his shaving-brush. No father was ever more anxious for the education of his children, though I think ijone ever knew less how to go about the work. Of amusement, as far as I can remember, he never recognized the need. He allowed himself no distraction, and did not seem to think it was necessary to a child. I cannot bethink me of aught that he ever did 16 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. for my gralification; but for my welfare — for the welfare of us all — he was willing to make any sacrifice. At this time, in the farmhouse at Harrow Weald, he could not give his time to teach me, for every hour that he was not io the fields was devoted to his monks and nuns; but he would require me to sit at a table with Lexicon and Gradus before me. As I look back on my resolute idleness and fixed determination to make no use whatever of the books thus thrust upon me, or of the hours, and as I bear in mind the consciousness of great energy in after-life, I am in doubt whether my nature is wholly altered, or whether his plan was wholly bad. In those days he never punished me, though I think I grieved him much by my idleness; but in passion he knew not what he did, and he has knocked me down with the great folio Bible which he always used. In the old house were the first two volumes of Cooper's novel called "The Prairie," a relic — probably a dishonest relic^of some subscription to Hookham's library. Other books of the kind there was none. I won- der how many dozen times I read those first two volumes. It was the horror of those dreadful walks backward and forward »which made my life so bad. What so pleasant, what so sweet, as a walk along an English lane, when the air is sweet, and the weather fine, and when there is a charm in walking! But here were the same lanes four times a day, in wet and dry, in heat and summer, with all the accompanying mud and dust, and with disordered clothes. I might have been known among all the boys at a hundred yards' distance by my boots and trousers — and was conscious at all times that I was so known. I remem- bered constantly that address from Dr. Butler when I was A little boy. Dr. Longley niig^ht with equal justice have said the same thing any day, only that Dr. LouL^loy never in his life was able to say an ill-natured word. Dr. Butler only became Dean of Peterborough, but his snccessor lived to be Arohbiflhop of Canterbury. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TBOLLOPE. 17 I think it was in the autumn of 1831 that my mother, with the rest of the family, returned from America. She lived at first at the farmhouse, but it was only for a short time. She came back with a book written about the United States, and the immediate pecuniary success which that work obtained enabled her to take us all back to the house at Harrow — not to the first house, which would still have been beyond her means, but to that which has since been called Orley Farm, and which was an Eden as compared to our abode at Harrow Weald. Here my schooling went on under somewhat improved circumstances. The three miles became half a mile, and probably some salutary changes were made in my wardrobe. My mother and my sisters, too, were tliere. And a great element of happiness was added to us all in the affectionate and life-enduring friendship of the family of our close neiglibor. Colonel Grant. But I was never able to overcome — or even to at- tempt to overcome — the absolute isolation of my school position. Of the cricket-ground or racket-court I was allowed to know nothing. And yet I longed for these things with an exceeding ponging. I coveted popularity with a covetousness that was almost mean. It seemed to me that there would be an Elysium in the intimacy of tliose very boys whom I was bound to hate because they hated me. Something of the disgrace of my school-days has clung to me all through life. Not that I have ever shunned to speak of them as openly as I am writing now, but that, when I have been claimed as schoolfellow by some of those many hundreds who were with me either at Harrow or at Winchester, I have felt that I had no right to talk of things from most of which I was kept in estrange- ment. Through all my father's troubles lie still desired to send me either to Oxford or Cambridge. My elder brother went to Oxford, and Henry to Cambridge. It all depended on my ability to get some scholarship that would help mo 18 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, to live at the university. I had my chances. There were exhibitions from Harrow — which I never got. Twice T tried' for a sizarship at Clare Hall, but in vain. Once I made a futile attempt for a scholarship at Trinity, Oxford, but failed again. Then the idea of a university career was abandoned. And very fortunate it was that I did not succeed, for my career, with such assistance only as a scholarship would have given me, would have ended in debt and ignominy. When I left Harrow I was all but nineteen, jand I had at fii-st gone there at seven. During the whole of those twelve years no attempt had been made to teach me any- thing but Latin and Greek, and very little attempt to teach me those languages. I do not remember any lessons either in writing or arithmetic. French and German I certainly was not taught. The assertion will scarcely be credited, but I do assert that I have no recollection of other tuitron except that in the dead languages. At the school at Sunbury there was certainly a waiting master and a French master. The latter was an extra, and I never had €xtras. I suppose I must have been in the writing master's class, but though I can call to mind the man, I cannot call to mind his ferule. It was by their ferules that I always knew them, and they me. I feel convinped in my mind that I have been flogged oftener than aVy human being alive. It was just possible to obtain fi\\ scourgings in one day at Winchester, and I have' often boasted that I obtained them all. Looking back over half a century, I am not quite sure whether the boast is true; but if I did not, nobody ever did. And yet, when I think how little I knew of Latin or Greek on leaving Harrow at nineteen, I am astonished at the possibility of such waste of time. lam now a. fair Latin scholar— that is to say, I read and enjoy the Latin xjlassics, and could probably make myself understood in •Latin prose. But the knowledge which I have, I have AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 39 acquired since I left school — no doubt, aided much by that groundwork of the language which will in the process of years make its way slowly, even through the skin. There were tw,elye years of tuition in which I do not remember that I ever knew a lesson ! When I left Harrow I was nearly at the top of the school, being a monitor, and, I think, the seventh boy. This position I achieved by gravitation upward. I bear in mind well with how prod- igal a hand prizes used to be showered about— but I never got a prize. From the first to the last thei^ was nothing satisfactory in my school career, except the way in which I licked the boy who had to be taken home to be cured. CHAPTER II. MY MOTHER. Though I do not wish in these pages to go back to the origin of all the TroUopes, I must say a few words of my mother — partly because filial duty will not allow me to be silent as to a parent who made for herself a considerable name in the literature of her day, and partly because there were circumstances i*n her career well worthy of notice. She was the daughter of the Rev. William Milton, vicar of Heckfield, who, as well as my father, had been a fellow of New College. She was nearly thirty when, in 1809, she mart-ied my father. Six or seven years ago a bundle of love-letters from her to him fell into my hand in a very singular way, having been found in the house of a stranger, who, with much courtesy, sent them to me. They were then about sixty years old, and had been written some before and some after her marriage, over the space ,of perhaps a year. In no novel of Richardson's or Miss Barney's have I seen a correspondence at the same time so sweet, so graceful, and so well expressed. But the marvel 30 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPB. of these letters was in the strange difference they bore to the love-letters of the present day. They are, all of them, on square paper, folded and sealed, and addressed to my father on circuit; but the language in each, though it almost borders on the romantic, is beautifully chosen, and ^fit, without change of a syllable, for the most critical eye. What girl now studies the words with which she shall address her lover, or seeks to charm him with grace of diction? She dearly likes a little slang, and revels in the luxury of entire familiarity with a new and strange being. There is something in that, too, pleasant to our thoughts, but I fear that tiiis phase of life does not conduce to a taste for poetry among our girls. Though my mother was a writer of prose, and reveled in satire, the poetic feeling clung to her to the last. In the first ten years of her married life she became the mother of six children, four of whom died of consumption at different ages. My elder sister married, and had chil- dren, of whom one still lives; but she was one of the four who followed each other at intervals during my mother's lifetime. Then my brother Tom and I were left to her, with the destiny before us three of writing more books than were probably ever before produced by a single family.* My married sister addedjto the number by one little anony- mous High-church story, called " Chollerton." From the date of their marriage up to 1827, when my mother went to America, my father's affairs had always been going down in the world. She had loved society, affecting a somewhat liberal ruhy and professing an emo- tional dislike to tyrants, which sprung from the wrongs of would-be regicides and the poverty of patriot exiles. An * The family of Estienne, the great French printers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, of whom there were at least nine or ten, did more, perhaps, for the production of literature than any otlier family. But they, though they edited, and not unfrequently translated, the works which they published, were not authors in the ordinary sense, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 21 Italian marquis who bad escaped with only a second shirt from the clutches of some archduke whom he had wished to exterminate, or a French proUtaire with distant ideas of sacrificing himself to the cause of liberty, were always welcome to the modest hospitality of her house. In after- years, when marquises of another caste had been gracious to her, she became a strong Tory, and thought that arch- duchesses were sweet. But with her politics were always an affair of the heart, as, indeed, were all her convictions. Of reasoning from causes, I think that she knew nothing. Her heart was in every way so perfect, her desire to do good to all around her so thorough, and her power of self- sacrifice so complete, that she generally got herself right in spite of her want of logic; but it must be acknowledged that she was emotional. I can remember now her books, and can see her at her pursuits. Tl>e poets she loved best were Dante and Spenser. But she raved also of him of whom all such ladies were raving then, and rejoiced in the popularity and wept over the persecution of Lord l^yron. She was among those who seized with avidity on the novels, as they came out, of the then unknown Scott, and who could still talk of the triumphs of Miss Edgeworth. With the literature of the day she was familiar, and with the poets of the past. Of otlier reading I do not think she had mastered much. Her life, I take it, though latterly clouded by many troubles, was easy, luxurious, and idle, till my father's affairs and her own aspirations sent her to America. She had dear friends among literary people, of whom I remember Mathias, Henry Milman, and Miss Laii- don; but till long after middle life she never herself wrote a line lor publication. In 1827 she went to America, having been partly in- stigated by the social and communistic ideas of a lady whom I well remember— a certain Miss Wright— who was, I think, the first of the American female lecturers. Him* chief desire, however, was to establish my brother Henry; 7i2 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. and perhaps joined with that was the additional object of breaking up her English home without pleading broken fortunes to all the world. At Cincinnati, in the state of Ohio, she built a bazaar, and, I fancy, lost all the money which may have been embarked in that speculation. It could not have been much, and I think that others also must have suffered. But she looked about her, at her American cousins, and resolved to write a book about them. This book she brought back with her in 1831, and published it early in 1832. When she did this she was al- ready fifty. When doing it she was aware that unless she could BO succeed in making money, there was no money for any of the family. She had never before earned a shilling. She almost immediately received a considerable sum from the publishers — if I remember rightly, amount- ing to two sums of £400 each, within a few months; and from that moment till nearly the time of her death, at any rate, for more than twenty years, she was in the receipt of a considerable income from her writings. It was a late age at which to begin such a career. " The Domestic Manners of the Americans " was the first of a series of books of travels, of which it was probably the best, and was certainly the best-known. It will not be too much to say of it that it had a material effect upon the manners of the Americans of the day, and that that effect has been fully appreciated by them. No observer was certainly ever less qualified to Judge of the prospects or even of the happiness of a young people. No one could have been worse adapted by nature for the task of learn- ing whether a nation was in a way to thrive. Whatever she saw she judged, as most women do, from her own standing-point. If a thing were ugly to her eyes, it ought to be ugly to all eyes— and if ugly, it must be bad. What though people had plenty to eat and clothes to'wear, if they put their feet upon the tables and did not reverence their betters? The Americans wore to her rough, ua(*<^\lUL AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 29 and vulgar— and she told them so. Those communistic and social ideas, which had been so pretty in a drawing- room, were scattered to the winds. Her volumes were very bitter; but they were very clever, and they saved the family from ruin. Book followed book immediately — first, two novels, and then a book on Belgium and Western Germany. She re- furnished the house which I have called Orley Farm, and surrounded us again with moderate comforts. Of the mixture of joviality and industry which formed her char- acter it is almost impossible to speak with exaggeration. The industry was a thing apart, kept to herself. It was not necessary that any one who lived with her should see it. She was at her table at four in the morning, and had finished her work before the world had begun to be aroused. But the joviality was all for others. She could dance with other people's legs, eat and drink with other people's palates, be proud with the luster of other people's finery. Every mother can do that for her own daughters; but she could do it for any girl whose look, and voice, and manners pleased her. Even when she was at work, the laughter of those she loved was a pleasure to her. She had much, very much, to suffer. Work sometimes came hard to her, so much being required — for she was extrava- gant, and liked to have money to spend; but of all people I have known she was the most joyous, or, at any rate, the most capable of joy. We continued this renewed life at Harrow for nearly two years, during which I was still at the school, and at the erld of which I was nearly nineteen. Then there came a great catastrophe. My father, who, when he was well, lived a sad life among his monks and nuns, still kept a horse and gig. One day in March, 1834, just as it had been decided that I should leave the school then, instead of remaining, as had been intended, till midsummw/I was summoned Tery early in the morning to drive hi^a up to Lon(Jon, He 24 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. had been ill, and must still have been Very ill indeed wlien he submitted to be driven by any one. It was not till we had started that he told me that I was to put him on board the Ostend boat. This I did, driving him through tlie city down to the docks. It was not within his nature to be communicative, and to the last he never told me why he was going to Ostend. Something of a general flitting abroad I had heard before, but why he should have flown the 6rst, and flown so suddenly, I did not in the least know till I returned. When I got back with the gig, the house and furniture were all in charge of the sheriff's officers. The gardener who had been with us in former days stopped me as I drove up the road, and with gestures, signs, and whispered words, gave me to understand that the whole affair — horse, gig, and harness — would be made prize of if I went but a few yards further. Why they should not have been made prize of I do not know. The little piece of dishonest business which I at once took in hand and carried through successfully was of no special service to any of us. I drove the gig into the village, and sold the entire equipage to the ironmonger for £17, the exact sum which he claimed as being due to himself. I was much complimented by the gardener, who seemed to think that so much had been rescued out of the fire. I fancy that the ironmonger was the only gainer by my smartness. "When I got back to the house a scene of devastation was in progress, which still was not without its amusement. My mother, through her various troubles, had contrived to keep a certain number of pretty-pretties which were dear to her heart. They were not much, for in those days the ornamentation of houses was not lavish, as it is now; but there was some china, and a little glass, a few books, and a very moderate supply of household silver. These things, wid things lil^9 them, were being wvrried dowA AUTOBIOGKAPHY 6^ AKtflOKt liROLLOl^B. ^S Burreptitiously, through a gap between the two gardens, on to the premises of our friend Colonel Grant. My two sisters, then sixteep and seventeen, and the Grant girls, who were just younger, were the chief marauders. To such forces I was happy to add myself for any enterprise, and between us we cheated the creditors to the extent of our powers, amid the anathemas, but good-humored ab- stinence from personal violence, of the man in charge of the property. I still own a few books that were thus purloined . For a few days the whole family bivouacked under the colonel's hospitable roof, cared for and comforted by that dearest of all women, his wife. Then w€ followed my father to Belgium, and established ourselves in a large house just outside the walls of Bruges. At this time, and till my father's death, everything was done with money earned by my mother. She now again furnished the house — this being the third that she had put in order since she came back from America two years and a half ago. There were six of us went into this new banishment. My brother Henry had left Cambridge, and was ill. My younger sister was ill. And though as yet we hardly told each other that it was so, we began to feel that that deso- lating fiend, consumption, was among us. My father was broken-hearted as well as ill, but whenever he could sit at his table he still worked at his ecclesiastical records. My elder sister and I were in good health, but I was an idle, desolate hanger-on, that most helpless of human beings, a hobbledehoy of nineteen, without any idea of a career, or a profession, or a trade. As well as I can re- member I was fairly happy, for there were pretty girls at Bruges with whom I could fancy that I was in love; and I had been removed from the real misery of school. But as to my future life I had not even an aspiration. Now and again there would arise a feeling that it was hard 26 AUTOBIOGRIPHT OJ ANTHONY TROLLOPH. upon my mother tbat she should have to do so much for u§, that we should be idle while she was forced to work so constantly; but we should probably have thought more of that had she not taken to work as though it were the recognized condition of life for an old lady of fifty-five. Then, by degi-ees, an established sorrow was at home among us. My brother was an invalid, and the horrid word, which of all words was for some years after the most dreadful to us, had been pronounced. It was no longer a delicate chest, and some temporary necessity for peculiar care — but consumption! The Bruges doctor had said so, and we knew that he was right. From that time forth my mother's most visible occupation was tbat of nursing. There were two sick men in the house, and hers were the hands that tended them. The novels went on» of course. We had already learned to know that they would be forthcoming at stated intervals, and they always ^ere forthcoming. The doctor's vials and the ink-bottle held equal places in my mother's rooms. I have wrRten many novels, under many circumstances; but I doubt much whether I could write one when my whole heart was by the bedside of a dying son. Her power of dividing herself into two parts, and keeping her intellect by itself, clear from the troubles of the world, and fit for the duty it had to do, I never saw equaled. I do not think that the writing of a novel is the most difficult task which a irtan may be called upon to do; but it is a task that may be supposed to demand a spirit fairly at ease. The work of doing it with a troubled spirit killed Sir Walter Scott. My mother went through it unscathed in strength, though she performed all the work of day-nurse and night-nurse to a sick household; for there were soon three of them dying. At this time there came from some quarter an offer to me of a commission in an Austrian cavalry regiment; and po it was apparently my destiny to be a soldier. Bat I AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 27 must learn German and French, of which languages I knew almost nothing. For this a year was allowed me, and in order that it might be accomplished without expense, I undertook the duties of a classical usher to a school then kept by William Drury at Brussels. Mr. Drury had been one of the masters at Harrow when I went there at seven years old, and is now, after an interval of fifty-three years, even yet oQciating as clergyman at that place.* To Brus- sels I went, and my heart still sinks within me as I reflect that any one should have intrusted to me the tuition of thirty boys. I can only hope that those boys went there to learn French, and that their parents were not particular as to their classical acquirements. I remember that on two occasions I was sent ho take the school out for a walk; but that after the second attempt Mrs. Drury declared that the boys' clothes would not stand any farther experi- ments of that kind. I cannot call to mind any learning by me of other languages; but as I only remained in that position for six weeks, perhaps the return lessons had not been as yet commenced. At the end of the six weeks a letter reached me, offering me a clerkship in the General Post-oflBce, and I accepted it. Among my mother's dear- est friends she reckoned Mrs. Freeling, the wife of Clayton Freeling, whose father. Sir Francis Freeling, then ruled the Post-oflBce. She had heard of my desolate position, and had begged from her father-in-law the offer of a berth in his own oflBce. I hurried back from Brussels to Bruges on my way to London, and found that the number of invalids had been increased. My younger sister, Emily, who, when I had left the house, was trembling on the balance, who had been pronounced to be delicate, but with that false* tongued hope which knows the truth, but will lie lest the heart should faint, had been called delicate, but only deli- *He died two years after these words were written. S8 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. cate^ was now ill. Of course she was doomed. I knew it of both of them, though I had never heard the word spoken, or had spoken it to any one. And my father was very ill — ill to dying, though I did not know it. And my mother had decreed to send my elder sister away to Eng- land, thinking that the vicinity of so much sickness might be injurious to her. All this happened late in the au- tumn of 1834, in the spring of which year we had come to Bruges; and then my mother was left alone in a big house outside the town, with two Belgian women-servants, to nurse these dying patients — the patients being her hus- band and children — and to write novels for tlie sustenance of the family! It was about this period of her career that her best novels were written. To my own initiation at the Post-office I will return in the next chapter. Just before Christmas my brother died, and was buried at Bruges. In the following February my father died, and was buried alongside of him, — and with him died that tedious task of his, which I can only hope may have solaced many of his latter hours. I sometimes look back, meditating for hours together, on his adverse fate. He was a man finely educated, of great parts, with immense capacity for work, physically strong very much beyond the average of men, addicted to no vices, carried off by no pleasures, affectionate by nature, most anxious for the welfare of his children, born to fair fortunes, who, when he started in the world, may be said to have had everything at his feet. But everything went wrong with him. The touch of his hand seemed to create failure. He embarked in one hopeless enterprise after another, spend- ing on each all the money he could at the time command. But the worst curse to him of all was a temper so irritable that even those whom he loved the best could not endure it. We were all estranged from him, and yet I believe that he would have given his heart's blood for any of us. His life, as I knew it, was one long tragedy. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 29 After his death my mother moyed to England, and took and furnished a small house at Hadley, near Barnet. I was then a clerk in the London Post-office, and I remember well hoW gay she made the place with little dinners, little dances, and little picnics, while she herself was at work every morning long before others had left their beds. But she did not stay at Hadley much above a year. She went up to London, where she again took and furnished a house, from which my remaining sister was married and carried away into Cumberland. My mother soon followed her, and on this occasion did more than take a house. She bought a bit of land, a field of three acres near the town, and built a residence for herself. This, I think, was in 1841, and she had thus established and re-established herself six times in ten years. But in Cumberland she found the climate too severe, and in 1844 she moved her- self to Florence, where she remained till her death in 1863. She continued writing up to 1856, when she was seventy-six years old, and had at that time produced one hundred and fourteen volumes, of which the first was not written till she was fifty. Her career offers great en- couragement to those who have not begun early in life, but are still ambitious to do something before they depart hence. She was an unselfish, affectionate, and most industrious woman, with great capacity for enjoyment, and high physical gifts. She was endowed, too, with much crea- tive power, with considerable humor, and a genuine feeling for romance. But she was neither clear-sighted nor accurate; and in her attempts to describe morals, manners, and even facts, was unable to avoid the pitfalls of exaggeration. so AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. CHAPTER III. THE GENERAL POST-OFFICE. 1834-1841. While I was still learning my duty as an usher at Mr. Drury's school at Brussels, I was summoned to my clerk- ship in the London Post-office, and on my way passed through Bruges. I then saw my father and my brother Henry for the last time. A sadder household never was held together. They were all dying — except my mother, who would sit up night after night nursing the dying ones, and writing novels the while, so that there might be a decent roof for them to die under. Had she failed to write the novels, I do not know where the roof would have been found. It is now more than forty years ago, and look- ing back over so long a lapse of time I can tell the story, though it be the story of my own father and mother, of my own brother and sister, almost as coldly as I have often done some scene of intended pathos in fiction; but that scene was indeed full of pathos. I was then becoming alive to the blighted ambition of my father's life, and be- coming alive also to the violence of the strain which my mother was enduring. But I could do nothing but go and leave them. There was something that comforted me in the idea that I need no longer be a burden — a fallacious idea, as it soon proved. My salary was to be £90 a year, and on that I was to live in London, keep up my character as a gentleman, and be happy. That I should have thought this possible at the age of nineteen, and should have been delighted at being able to make the attempt, does not surprise me now; but that others should have thought it possible, friends who knew something of the ifTorld; does astonish me. A lad might have done S0| no i^trrOBlOQEAPHY OF AKTHOKY TROLLOPB* 3l doubt, or might do so even in these days, who was properly looked after and kept under control, on whose behalf some law of life had been laid down. Let him pay so much a week for his board and lodging, so much for his clothes, so much for his washing, and then let him understand that he has — shall we say?— sixpence a day left for pocket- money and omnibuses. Any one making the calculation will find the sixpence far too much. No such calculation was made for me or by me. It was supposed that a suf- ficient income had been secured to me, and that I should live upon it as other clerks lived. But as yet the £90 a year was not secured to me. On reaching London I went to my friend Clayton Freeling, who was then secretary at the Stamp-office, and was taken by him to the scene of my future labors m St. Murtin's-le- Grand. Sir Francis Freeling was the secretary, but he was greatly too high an official to be seen at first by a new junior clerk. I was taken, therefore, to his eldest son, Henry Freeling, who was the assistant secretary, and by him I was examined as to my fitness. The story of that examination is given accurately in one of the opening chapters of a novel written by me, called '' The Three Clerks." If any reader of this memoir would refer to that chapter and see how Charley Tudor was supposed to have been admitted into the Internal Navigation Office, that reader will learn how Anthony Trollope was actu- ally admitted into the secretary's office of the General Post-office in 1834. I was asked to copy some lines from the Times newspaper with an old quill pen, and at once made a series of blots and false spellings. *'That won't do, you know,'' said Henry Freeling to his brother Clayton. Clayton, who was my friend, urged that I was nervous, and asked that I might be allowed to do a bit of writing at home and bring it as a sample on the next day. I was then asked whether I was a proficient in arithmetic. What could I say? I had never learned the multiplication- table. S» AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHOKY TROLLOPE, and had no more idea of the rule of three than of conlo sections. " I know a little of it," I said humbly, where- upon I was sternly assured that on the morrow, should I succeed in showing that my handwriting was all that it ought to be, I should be examined as to tliat little of arithmetic. If that little should not be found to comprise a thorough knowledge of all the ordinary rules, together with practiced and quick skill, my career in life could not be made at the Post-office. Going down the main stairs ol the building — stairs which have, I believe, been now pulled down to make room for sorters and stampers, Clayton Freeling told me not to be too down-hearted. I was my- self inclined to think that I had better go back to the school in Brussels. But nevertheless I went to work, and under the surveillance of my elder brother made a beauti- ful transcript of four or five pages of Gibbon. With a faltering heart I took these on the next day to the office. With my calligraphy I was contented, but was certain that I should come to the ground among the figures. But when I got to '* The Grand," as we used to call our office in those days, from its site in St. Martiii's-le-Grand, I was seated at a desk without any further reference to my competency. No one condescended even to look at my beautiful penmanship. That was the way in which candidates for the civil service were examined in my young days. It was, at any rate, the way in which I was examined. Since that time there has been a very great change indeed; and in some respects a great improvement. But in regard to the ab- solute fitness of the young men selected for the public service, I doubt whether more harm has not been done than good. And I think that good might have been done without the harm. The rule of the present day is, that every place shall be open to public competition, and that it shall be given to the best among the comers.* I object to this, that at present there exists no known mode o( AUTOBIOGKAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 33 learning who is best, and that the method employed hjis no tendency to elicit the best. That method pretends only to decide who among a certain number of lads will best answer a string of questions, for the answering of which they are prepared by tutors, who have sprung up for the purpose since this fashion of election has been adopted. Wiien it is decided in a family that a boy shall *' try the civil service," he is made to undergo a certain amount of cramming. But such treatment has, I main- tain, no connection whatever with education. The lad is no better fitted after it than he was before for the future work of his life. But his very success fills him with false ideas of his own educational standing, and so far unfits him. And, by the plan now in vogue, it has come to pass that no one is in truth responsible either for the conduct, the manners, or even for the character of the youth. The responsibility was, perhaps, slight before; but existed, and was on the increase. There might have been — in some future time of still in- creased wisdom, there yet may be— a department estab- lished to test the fitness of acolytes without recourse to the dangerous optimism of competitive choice. I will not say but that there should have been some one to reject me— though I will have the hardihood to say that, had I been so rejected, the civil service would have lost a valuable public servant. This is a statement that will not, I think, be denied by those who, after I am gone, may remember anything of my work. Lads, no doubt, should not be admitted who have^none of the small acquirements that are wanted. Our offices should not be schools in which writing and early lessons in geography, arithmetic, or French should be learned. But all that could be ascer- tained without the perils of competitive examination. Tlie desire to insure the efficiency of the young men selected has not been the only oDject— perhaps not the chief object— of those who have yielded in this matter to 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. the arguments of the reformers. There had arisen ia England a system of patronage, under which it had be- come gradually necessary for politicans to use their in- fluence for the purchase of political support. A member of the House of Commons, holding oflSce, who might chance to have five clerkships to give away in a year, found himself compelled to distribute them among those who sent him to the House. In this there was nothing pleasant to the distributer of patronage. Do away with the system altogether, and he would have as much chance of support as another. He bartered his patronage only because an- other did so also. The beggings, the refusings, thje jeal- ousies, the correspondence, were simply troublesome. Gentlemen in office were not, therefore, indisposed to rid themselves of the care of patronage. I have no doubt their hands are the cleaner and their hearts are the lighter; but I do doubt whether the offices are, on the whole, bet- ter manned. As what I now write will certainly never be read till I am dead, I may dare to say what no one now does dare to say in print — though some of us whisper it occasionally into our friends' ears— there are places in life which can hardly be well filled except by *^ gentlemen." The word is one the use of which almost subjects one to ignominy. If I say that a judge should be a gentleman, or a bishop, I am met with a scornful allusion to "nature's gentlemen." Were I to make such an assertion with reference to the House of Commons, nothing that I ever said again would receive the slightest attention. A man in public life could not do himself a greater injury than by saying in public that the commissions in the army or navy, or berths in the civil service, should be given exclusively to gentlemen. He would be defied to define the term, and would fail should he attempt to do so. But he would know what he meant, and 80, very probably, would they who defied him. It maybe ^hat the son of the butcher of the village shall become as AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. 35 well fitted for employments requiring gentle culture as the son of the parson. Such is often the case. When such is the case, no one has been more prone to give the butcher's son all the welcome he has merited than myself; but the chances are greatly in favor of the parson's son. The gates of the one class should be open to the other; but neither to the one class nor to the other can good be done by de- claring that there are no gates, no barrier, no difference. The system of competitive examination is, I think, based on a supposition that there is no difference. I got into my place without any examining. Looking back now, I think I can see with accuracy what was then the condition of my own mind and intelligence. Of things to be learned by lessons I knew almost less than could be supposed possible after the amount of schooling I had received. 1 could read neither French, Latin, nor Greek. I could speak no foreign language, and I may as well say here as elsewhere that I never acquired the power of really talking French. I have been able to order my dinner and take a rai}way ticket, but never got much beyond that. Of the merest rudiments of the sciences I was completely ignorant. My handwriting was, in truth, wretched. My spelling was imperfect. There was no subject as to which examination would have been possible on which I could have gone through an examination otherwise than dis- 'gracefully. And yet I think I knew more than the aver- age of young men of the same rank who began life at nineteen. J could have given a fuller list of names of the poets of all countries, with their subjects and periods — and probably of historians — than many others; and had, perhaps, a more accurate idea of the manner in which my own country was governed. I knew the names of all the bishops, all the judges, all the heads of college^ and all the cabinet ministers— not a very useful knowledge, in- deed, but one that had not been acquired without other iwatter which was more useful. 1 had read Shakespeare 36 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, and Byron and Scott, and could talk about them. The music of the Miltonic line was familiar to me. I had al- ready made np my mind that*' Pride and Prejudice'* was the best novel in the English language — a palm which I only partially withdrew after a second reading of ** Ivan- hoe," and did not completely bestow elsewhere till "Es- mond " was written. And though I would occasionally break down in my spelling, I could write a letter. If I had a thing to say, I could so say it in written words that the readers should know what I meant — a power which is by no means at the command of all those who come out from these competitive examinations with triumph. Early in life, at the age of fifteen, I had commenced the danger- ous habit of keeping a journal, and this I maintained for ten years. The volumes remained in my possession un- regarded — never looked at — till 1870, when I examined them, and, with many blushes, destroyed them. They convicted me of folly, ignorance, indiscretion, idleness, extravagance, and conceit. But they had habituated me to the rapid use of pen and ink, and taught me how to express myself with facility. I will mention here another habit which had grown upon me from still earlier years — which I myself often regarded with dismay when I thought of the hours devoted to it, but which, I suppose, must have tended to make me what I have been. As a boy, even as a child, I was thrown much upon myself. I have explained, when speaking of my school-days, how it came to pass that other boys would not play with me. I was therefore alone, and had to form my plays within myself. Play of some kind was necessary to me then, as it has always been. Study was not my bent, and I could not please myself by being all idle. Thus it came to pass fhat I was always going about with some castle in the air firmly built witTiln my mind. Nor were these efiforts in architecture spasmodic, or subject to constant change from day to day. For weeks, for months. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 37 if I remember rightly, from year to year, I would carry on the same tale, binding myself down to certain laws, to cer- tain, proportions, and proprieties, and unities. Nothing impossible was ever introduced, nor even anything which, from outward circumstances, would seem to be yiolently improbable. I myself was, of course, my own hero. Such is a necessity-of castle-building. But I never became a king, or a duke — much less, when my height and personal appearance were fixed, could I be an Antinous, or six feet high. I never was a learned man, nor even a philosopher. But I was a very clever person, and beautiful young wom- en used to be fond of me. And 1 strove to be kind of heart, and open of hand, and noble in thought, despising mean things; and altogether I was a very much betteir fellow than I have ever succeeded in being since. Thi& had been the occupation of my life for six or seven years^ before I went to the Post-ofl&ce, and was by no means, abandoned when I commenced my work. There can, I imagine, hardly be a more dangerous mental practice; but I have often doubted whether, had it not been my prac- tice, I should ever have written a novel. I learned in this way to maintain an interest in a fictitious story, to dwell on a work created by my own imagination, and to live in a world altogether outside the world of my own material life. In after-years I have done the same, with this dif- ference, that I have discarded the hero of my early dreams, and have been able to lay my own identity aside. I must certainly acknowledge that the first seven years of my official life were neither creditable to myself nor useful to the public service. These seven years were passed in London, and during this period of my life it was my duty to be present every morning at the office punct- ually at 10 A. M. I think I commenced my quarrels with the authorities there by having in my possession a watch which was always ten minutes late. I know that I very soon achieved a character for irregularity, and came to be 38 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHOKY TROLLOPE. regarded as a black sheep by men around me who were not themselves, T think, very good public servants. From time to time rumors reached me that if I did not take care I should be dismissed; especially one rumor, in my early days, through my dearly beloved friend, Mrs. Clayton Creeling — who, as I write this, is still living, and who, -with tears in her eyes, besought me to think of my mother. That was during the life of Sir Francis Freeling, who died — still in harness— a little more than twelve months after I joined the office. And yet the old man showed me signs of almost affectionate kindness, writing to me with his own hand more than once from his death-bed. Sir Francis Freeling was followed at the Post-office by €oloncl Maberly, who certainly was not my friend. I do not know that I deserved to find a friend in my new master, but I think that a man with better judgment would not have formed so low an opinion of me as he did. Years have gone by, and I can write now, and almost feel, with- out anger; but I can remember well the keenness of my anguish when I was treated as though I were unfit for any useful work. I ^did struggle — not to do the work, for there was nothing which was not easy without any strug- gling, but to show that I was willing to do it. My bad character, nevertheless, stuck to me, and was not to be got rid of by any efforts within my power. I do admit that I was irregular. It was not considered to be much in my favor that I could write letters— which was mainly the work of our office — rapidly, correctly, and to the purpose. The man who came at ten, and who was always still at his desk at half -past four, was preferred before me, though when at his desk he might be less efficient. Such preference was, no doubt, proper; but, with a little encouragement, I also would have been punctual. I got credit for nothing, and was reckless. As it was, the conduct of some of us was very bad. yhere was a comfortable sitting-room up-stairs, devoted AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. 39 to the use of some one of our number "iylio, in turn, was required to remain in the place all night. Hither one or two of us would adjourn after lunch, and play ecarU for an hour or two. ' I do not know whether such ways are possible now in our public oflSces. And here we used to have suppers and card-parties at night — great symposiums, with much smoking of tobacco; for in our part of the building there lived a whole bevy of clerks. These were gentlemen whose duty it then was to make up and receive the foreign mails. I do not remei»ber that they worked later or earlier than the other sorting-clerks; but there was supposed to be something special in foreign letters, which required that the men who handled them should have minds undistracted by the outer world. Their sala- ries, too, were higher than those of their more homely brethren; and they paid nothing for their lodgings. Con- sequently, there was a somewhat fast set in those apart- ments, given to cards and to tobacco, who drank spirits- and-water in preference to tea. I was not one of them, but was a good deal with them. I do not know that I should interest my readers by say- ing much of my Post-oflBce experiences in those days, I was always on the eve of being dismissed, and yet was always striving to show how good a public servant I could become, if only a chance wore given me. But the chance went the wrong way. On one occasion, in the perform- ance of my duty, I had to put a private letter containing bank-notes on the secretary's table, which letter I had duly- opened, as it was not marked Private. The letter was seen by the colonel, but had not been moved by him when he left the room. On his return it was gone. In the mean- time I had returned to the room again, in the performance of some duty. When the letter was missed I was sent for, and there I found the colonel much moved about this let- ter, and a certain chief clerk, who, with a long face, was making suggestions as to the probable fate of the money. 40 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TllOLLOPB. " The letter has been taken," said the colonel, turning to me angrily, " and, by G — ! there has been nobody in the room but you and I." As he spoke, he thundered his fist down upon the table. ** Then,"" said I, "by Gr — ! you have taken it," and I also thundered my fist down — but, accidentally, not upon the table. There was there a stand- ing movable desk, at which, I presume, it was the col- oners habit to write, and on this movable desk was a large bottleful of ink. My fist unfortunately came on the desk, and the ink at once -^ew up, covering the colonel's face and shirt-front. Then it was a sight to see that senior clerk, as he seized a quire of blotting-paper, and rushed to the aid of his superior ofiBcer, striving to mop up the ink; and a sight also to see the colonel, in his agony, hit right out through the blotting-paper at that senior clerk's unoffending stomach. At that moment there came in the colonel's private secretary, with the letter and the money, and I was desired to go back to my own room. This was an incident not much in my favor, though I do not know that it did me special harm. I was always in trouble. A young woman down in the country had taken it into her head that she would like to marry me, and a very foolish young woman she must have been to enterLain such a wish. I need not tell that part of the story more at length, otherwise than by protesting that no young man in such a position was ever much less to blame than I had been in this. The invitation had come from her, and I had lacked the pluck to give it a decided negative; but I had left the honae within half an hour, going away without my dinner, and had never returned to it. Then there was a correspondence — ff that can be called a corrospondence in whicli all the letters came from one side. At last the mother appeared at the Post-office. My hair almost stands on my head now as I remember the figure of the woman walking into the big room in which I sat with six or seven other clerks, having AUTOBIOGKAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 41 a large basket on her arm and an immense bonnet on her head. The messenger had vainly endeavored to persuade her to remain in the anteroom. She followed the man in, and, walking up the center of the room, addressed me in a» loud voice: "Anthony Trollope, when are you going to marry my daughter?" We have all had oar worst mo- ments, and that was one of my worst. I lived through it, however, and did not marry the young lady. These little incidents were all against me in the office. And then a certain other phase of my private life crept into oflacial view, and did me a damage. As I shall ex- plain just now, I rarely at this time had any money where- with to pay my bills. In this state of things a certain tailor had taken from me an acceptance for, I think, £12, which found its way into the hands of a money-lender. With that man, who lived in a little street near Mecklen- burgh Square, I formed a most heartrending but a most intimate acquaintance. In cash I once received from him £4. Epr that and for the original amount of the tailor's bill, which grew monstrously under repeated renewals, I paid ultimately something over £200. That is so common a story as to be hardly worth the telling; but the peculiarity of this man was that he became so attached to me as to visit me every day at my office. For a long period he found it to be worth his while to walk up those stone steps daily, and come and stand behind my chair, whispering to me always the same words: " Now I wish you would be punct- ual. If you only would be punctual, I should like you to have anything you want." He was a little, clean old man, who always wore a high, starched, white cravat, inside which he had a habit of twisting his chin as he uttered his caution. When I remember the constant persistency of his visits, I cannot but feel that he was paid very badly for his time and trouble. Those visits were very terrible, and can hardly have been of service to me in the office. Of one other misfortune which happened to me in those 42 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. days I must tell the tale. A junior clerk in the secretary's oflSce was always told off to sleep upon the premises, and he was supposed to be the presiding genius ol the estab- lishment when the other members of the secretary's de- partment had left tlie building. On an occasion when I ■was still little more than a lad, perhaps one-and-twenty years old, I was filling this responsible position. At about seven in the evening word was brought to me that the Queen of, I think, Saxony, but I am sure it was a queen, 'i ■who had found with me a certain capacity for enjoyment, were half afraid of me. I acknowledge the weakness of a great desire to be loved, of a strong wish to be popular with my associates. No child, no boy, no lad, no young man, had ever been less so. And I had been so poor; and so little able to bear poverty. But from the day on which I set my foot in Ireland all these evils went away from me. Since that time who has had a happier life than mine? Looking round upon all those I know, I cannot put my hand upon one. But all is not over yet. And, mindful of that, remembering how great is the agony of adversity, how crushing the despondency of degradation, how sus- ceptible I am myself to the misery coming from contempt, remembering also how quickly good things may go and evil things come, I am often again tempted to hope, almost to pray, that the end may be near. Things may be going well now: Bin aliquem infandum casum, Fortuna, minaris; Nunc, nunc liceat crudelem abrumpere vitam. 60 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. There is unhappiness so great that the very fear of it is an alloy to happiness. I had then lost my father, and sister, and brother, have since lost another sister and my mother; but I have never as yet lost a wife or a child. When I told my friends that I was going on this mission to Ireland they shook their heads, but said nothing to dissuade me. I think it must have been evident to all who were my friends that my life in London was not a success. My mother and elder brother were at this time abroad, and were not consulted; did not even know my in- tention in time to protest against it. Indeed, I consulted no one, except a dear old cousin, our family lawyer, from whom I borrowed £200 to help me out of England. He lent me the money, and looked upon me with pitying eyes, shaking his head. " After all, you were right to go," he said to me when I paid him the money a few ye^rs after- ward. But nobody then thought I was right to go. To become clerk to an Irish surveyor, in Connaught, with a salary of £100 a year, at twenty-six years of age! I did not think it right even myself, except that anything was right which would take me away from the General Post-oflfice and from London. My ideas of the duties I was to perform were very vague, as were also my ideas of Ireland generally. Hitherto I had passed my time seated at a desk, either writing letters my- self, or copying into books those which others had written. I had never been called upon to do anything I was unable or unfitted to do. I now understood that in Ireland I was to be a deputy-inspector of country post-ofiBces, and that among other things to be inspected would be the post- masters' accounts! But as no other person asked a question as to my fitness for this work, it seemed unnecessary for me to do so. On the 15th of September, 1841, I landed in Dublin, without an acquaintance in the country, and with only AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 51 two or three letters of introdugtion from a brother clerk in the Post-office. I had learned to think that Ireland was a land flowing with fun and whisky, in which irregu- larity was the rule of life, and where broken heads were looked upon as honorable badges. I was to live at a place called Banagher, on the Shannon, which I had heard of because of its having once been conquered, though it had heretofore conquered everything, including the devil. And from Banagher my inspecting tours were to be made,, chiefly into Connaught, but also over a strip of country eastward, which would enable me occasionally to run up to Dublin. I went to a hotel, which was very dirty, and after dinner I ordered some whisky punch. There was an excitement in this, but when the punch was gone I was very dull. It seemed so strange to be in a country in which there was not a single individual whom I had ever spoken to or ever seen. And it was to be my destiny to go down into Connaught and adjust accounts, the destiny of me, who had never learned the multiplication table, or done a sum in long division! On the next morning I called on the secretary of the Irish Post-office, and learned from him that Colonel Ma- berly had sent a very bad character with me. He could not have sent a very good one; but I felt a little hurt when I was informed by this new master that he had been in- formed that I was worthless, and must in all probability be dismissed. ^* But," said the new master, "I shall judge vou by your own merits." From that time to the day on which I left the service I never heard a word of censure, nor had m«ny months passed before I found that my services were valued. Before a year was over I had acquired the character of a thoroughly good public servant. The time went very pleasantly. Some adventures I had; two of which I told in the " Tales of All Countries," un- der the names of **The O'Conors of Castle Conor," and "Father Giles of BWlymoy." I will not swear to every 52 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. detail in these stories, but the main purport of each is true. I could tell many others of the same nature, were this the place for them. I found that the surveyor to whom I had been sent kept a pack of hounds, and there- fore I bought a hunter. I do not think he liked it, but he could not well complain. He never rode to hounds himself, but I did; and then and .thus began one of the great joys of my life. I have ever since been constant to the sport, having learned to love it with an affection which I cannot myself fathom or understand. Surely no man has labored at it as I have done, or hunted under such drawbacks as to distances, money, and natural disadvan- tages. I am very heavy, very blind, have been — in refer- ence to hunting — a poor man, and am now an old man. I have often had to travel all night outside a mail-coach, in order that I might hunt the next day. Nor have I ever been in truth a good horseman. And I have passed the greater part of my hunting life under the discipline of the civil service. But it has been for more than thirty years a duty to me to ride to hounds; and I have performed that duty with a persistent energy. Nothing has ever been al- lowed to stand in the way of hunting, neither the writing of books, nor the work of the Post-office, nor other pleas- ures. As regarded the Post-office, it soon seemed to be understood that I was to hunt; and when my services were retransferred to England, no word of difficulty ever reached me about it. I have written on very many sub- jects, and on most of them with pleasure; but on no^ub- ject with such delight as that on hunting. I have drag- ged it into many novels, into too mamy, no doubt, but I have always felt myself deprived of a legitimate joy when the nature of the tale has not allowed -me a hunting chapter. Perhaps that which gave me the greatest delight was the description of a run on a horse accidentally taken from another sportsman, a circumstance \^hich occurred to my AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 53 dear friend Charles Buxton, who Will be remembered as one of the members for Surrey. It was altogether a very jolly life that I led in Ireland. I was always moving about, and soon found myself to be in pecuniary circumstances which were opulent in com- parison with those of my past life. The Irish people did Kot murder me, nor did they even break my head. I soon found them to be good-humored, clever — the work- ing classes very much more intelligent than those of Eng- land — economical, and hospitable. We hear much of their spendthrift nature; but extravagance is not the nature of an Irishman. He will count the shillings in a pound ranch more accurately than an Englishman, and will with much more certainty get twelve pennyworth from each. But they are perverse, irrational, and but little bound by the love of truth. I lived for many years among them — not finally leaving the country until 1859, and I had the means of studying their character. I had not been a fortnight in Ireland before I was sent down to a little town in the far west of County Gal way, to balance a defaulting postmaster's accounts, find out how much he owed, and report upon his capacity to pay. In these days such accounts are very simple. They adjust themselves from day to day, and a Post-office surveyor has nothing to do with them. At that time, though the sums dealt with were small, the forms of dealing with them -were very intricate. I went to work, however, and made that defaulting postmaster teach me the use of those forms. I then succeeded In balancing the account, and had no difficulty whatever in reporti»g that he was alto- gether unable to pay his debt. Of course, he was dismissed ; "but he had been a very useful man to me. I never had any further difficulty in the matter. But my chief work was the investigating of complaints made by the public as to postal matters. The practice of the office was and is to send one of its servants to the snot 54 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPB. to see the complainant and to inquire into the facta, wheit the complainant is suflficiently energetic or sufficiently big to make himself well heard. A great expense ia often incurred for a very small object; but the system; works well on the whole, as confidence is engendered, and a feeling is produced in the country that the department has eyes of its own and does keep them open. This em- ployment was yery pleasant, and to me always easy, as it required at its close no more than the writing of a report. There were no accounts in this business, no keeping of books, no necessary manipulation of multitudinous forme, I must tell of one such complaint and inquiry, because in its result I think it was emblematic of many. A gentleman in County Cavan had complained most bitterly of the injury done to him by some arrangement of the Post-office. The nature of his grievance has no present significance; but it was so unendurable that he had written many letters, couched in the strongest lan- guage. He was most irate, and indulged himself in that scorn which is so easy to an angry mind. The place was not in my district, but I was borrowed, being young and strong, that I might remove the edge of his per- sonal wrath. It was mid-winter, and I drove up to his house— a squire's country-seat— in the middle of a snow- storm, just as it was becoming dark. I was on an open jaunting-car, and was on my way from one little town to another, the cause of his complaint having reference to some mail conveyance between the two. I was cer- tainly very cold, and very w#t, and very uncomfortable when I entered his house. I was admitted by a butler, but the gentleman himself hurried into the hall. I at once began to explain my business. '' God bless mel" he said, ''you are wet through. John, get Mr. TroUope some brandy-and-water— very hot." I was beginning my story about the post again when he himself took off my greatcoat, and suggested that I should go up to my bed- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONY TROLLOPE. 65 room before I troubled myself with business. '' Bed- room!" I exclaimed. Then he assured me that he would not turn a dog out on such a night as that, and into a bed- room I was shown, having first drank the brandy-and- water standing at the drawing-room fire. When I came down I was introduced to his daughter, and the three of us went in to dinner. I shall never forget his righteous in- dignation when I again brought up the postal question on the departure of the young lady. Was I such a Goth as to contaminate wine with business? So I drank my wine, and then heard the young lady sing, while her father slept in his arm-chair. I spent a very pleasant evening, but my host was too sleepy to hear anything about the Post-oflBce that night. It was absolutely necessary that I should go away the next morning after breakfast, and I explained that the matter must be discussed then. He shook his head and wrung his hands in unmistakable disgust — almost in despair. "But what am I to say in my report?'* I asked. *' Anything you please," he said. "Don't spare me, if you want an excuse for yourself. Here I sit all the day, with nothing to do; and I like writing letters." I did report that Mr. was now quite satisfied with the postal arrangement of his district, and I felt a soft regret that I should have robbed my friend of his occupation. Perhaps he was able to take up the Pdor-law Board, or to attack tlie Excise. At the Post-office nothing more was heard from him. I went on with the hunting surveyor at Banagher for tliree years, during which, at Kingstown, the watering- place near Dublin, I met Rose Hoseltine, the lady who has flince become my wife. The engagement took place when I had been just one year in Ireland, but there was still a delay of two years before we could be married. She had no fortune, nor had I any income beyond that which came from the Post-office; and there were still a few debts, which would have been paid off, no doubt, sooner but for 56 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. that purchase of the horse. When I had been nearly three years in Ireland we were married, on the 11th of June, n844; and perhaps I ought to name that happy day as the commencement of my better life, rather than the day on which I first landed in Ireland. For though during these three years I had been jolly enough, I had not been altogether happy. The hunting, the whisky punch, the rattling Irish life — of which I could write a volume of stories were this the place to tell them — were continually driving from my mind the still- cherished determination to become a writer of novels. When I reached Ireland I had never put pen to paper, nor had I done so when I became engaged. And whei\ I was married, being then twenty-nine, I had only written the first volume of my first work. This constant putting off of the day of work was a great sorrow to me. I certainly had not been idle in my new berth. I had learned my work, so that every one concerned knew that it was safe in my hands; and I held a position altogether the reverse of that in which I was always trembling while I remained in London. But that did not sufl&ce — did not nearly suffice. I still felt that there might be a career before me, if I could only bring myself to begin the work. I do not think I much doubted my own intellectual sufficiency for the writing of a readable novel. What I did doubt was my own industry, and the chances of the market. The vigor necessary to prosecute two professions at the same time is not given to every one, and it was only lately that I had found the vigor necessary for one. There must be early hours, and I had not as yet learned to love early hours. I Avas still, indeed, a young man; but hardly young enough to trust myself to find the power to alter the habits of my life. And I had heard of the difficulties of publishing— a subject of which I shall have to say much should I ever bring this memoir to a close. I had dealt already with publishers on my mother's behalf, aqd knew AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 57 that many a tyro who could fill a manuscript lacked the power to put his matter before the public; and I knew, too, that when the matter was printed, how little had then been done toward the winning of the battle! I had already learned that many a book — many a good book — " is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air.'* But still the purpose was strong within me, and the first effort was made after the following fashion. I was located at a little town called Drumsna, or, rather, village, in the County Lei trim, where the postmaster had come to some sorrow about his money; and my friend John Merivale was staying with me for a day or two. As we were taking a walk in that most uninteresting country, we turned up through a deserted gateway, along a weedy, grass-grown avenue, till we came to the modern ruins of a country- house. It was one of the most melancholy spots I ever visited. I will not describe it liere, because I have done so in the first chapter of my first novel. We wandered about the place, suggesting to each other causes for the misery we saw there, and while I was still among the mined walls and decayed beams I fabricated the plot of '* The Macdermots of Ballycloran." As to the plot itself, I do not know that I ever made one so good — or, at any rate, one so susceptible of pathos. lam aware that I broke down in the telling, not having yet studied the art. Never- theless, '* The Macdermots " is a good novel, and worth reading by any one who wishes to understand what Irish life was before the potato disease, the famine, and the Encumbered Estates Bill. When my friend left me, I set to work and wrote the first chapter or two. Up to this time I had continued that practice of castle-building of which I have spoken, but now the castle I built was among the ruins of that old house. The book, however, hung with me. It was only 58 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TEOLLOPE. now and then that I found either time or energy for a tew pages, I commenced the book in September, 1843, and had only written a volume when I was married, in June, 1844. My marriage was like the marriage of other people, and of no special interest to any one except my wife and me. It took place at Rotherham, in Yorkshire, where lier father was the manager of a bank. We were not very rich, having about £400 a year on which to live. Many people would say that we were two fools to encounter such poverty together. I can only reply that since that day I have never been without money in my pocket, and that I soon acquired the means of paying what I owed. Nevertheless, more than twelve years had to pass over our heads before I received any payment for any literary work which afforded an appreciable increase to our in- come. Immediately after our marriage I left the west of Ire- land and the hunting surveyor, and joined another in the south. It was a better district, and I was eliabled to live at Clonmel, a town of some importance, instead of at Banagher, which is little more than a village. I had nok felt myself to be comfortable in my old residence, as a married man. On my arrival there as a bachelor I had been received most kindly, but when I brought my English wife I fancied that there was a feeling that I had behaved badly to Ireland generally. When a young man has been received hospitably in an Irish circle, I will not say that it is expected of him that he should marry some young lady in that society — but it certainly is expected of him that he shall not marry any young lady out of it. I had given offense, and I was made to feel it. There has taken place a great change in Ireland since the days in which I lived at Banagher, and a change so much for the better that I have sometimes wondered at the obduracy with wliich people have spoken of the per- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 59 manent ill condition of the country. Wages are now nearly double what they were then. The Post-ofl&ce, at any rate, is paying almost double for its rural labor— 95. a week where it used to pay 5s., and 12s. a week where it used to pay 7s. Banks have sprung up in almost every village. Rents are paid with more than English punctu- ality. And the religious enmity between the classes, though it is not yet dead, is dying out. Soon after I reached Banagher, in 1841, I dined one evening with a Roman Catholic. I was informed next day, by a Protestant gentleman who had been very hospitable to me, that I must choose my party. I could not sit both at Protestant and Catholic tables. Such a caution would now be im- possible in any part of Ireland . Home-rule, no doubt, is a nuisance; and especially a nuisance because the pro- fessors of the doctrine do not at all believe it themselves. There are, probably, no other twenty men in England or Ireland who would be so utterly dumfounded and pros- trated were Home-rule to have its way as the twenty Irish members who profess to support it in the House of Com- mons. But it is not to be expected that nuisances such as these should be abolished at a blow. Home-rule is, at any rate, better and more easily managed than the re- bellion at the close of the last century; it is better than the treachery of the Union; less troublesome than O'Con- neirs monster meetings; less dangerous than Smith O'Brien and the battle of the cabbage-garden at Ballin- garry, and very much less bloody than Fenianism. The descent from O'Connell to Mr. Butt has been the natural declension of a political disease, which we had no right to hope would be cured by any one remedy. When I had been married a year my first novel was fin- ished. In July, 1845, I took it with me to the north of England, and intrusted Uie manuscript to my motlier, to do with it the best she could among the publishers in Lon- don. No one had read it but my wife; nor, as far as I am 60 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TBOLL^PE. aware, has any other friend of mine eve^ read a word of my writing before it was printed. She, I think, has so read almost everything, to my very great advantage in matters of taste. I am sure I have never asked a friend ta i*ead a line; nor have I ever read a word of my own writing alond, even to her. With one exception — which shall be mentioned as I come to it — I have never consulted a friend as to a plot, or spoken to any one of the work I have been doing. My first manuscript I gave up to my mother, agreeing with her that it would be as well that she should not look at it before she gave it to a publisher. I knew that she did not give me credit for the sort of cleverness necessary for such a work. I could see in the faces and hear in the voices of those of my friends who were around me at the house in Cumberland — my mother, my sister, my brother-in-law, and, I think, my brother — that they had not expected me to come out as one of the family authors. There were three or four in the field before me, and it seemed to be almost absurd that another should wish to add himself -to the number. My father had writ- ten much — those long ecclesiastical descriptions — quite unsuccessfully. My mother had become one of the popu- lar authors of the day. My brother had commenced, and had been fairly well paid for his work. My sister, Mrs,^ Tilley, had also written a novel, which was at the time in manuscript — which was published afterward without her name, and was called '* Chollerton." I could see that this attempt of mine was felt to be an unfortunate aggravation of the disease. My mother, however, did the best she could for me, and goon reported that Mr. Newby, of Mortimer Street, was to publish the book. It was to be printed at his expense, and he was to give me half the profits. Half the profits! Many a young author expects much from such an under- taking. I can with truth declare that I expected nothing. And I got nothing. Nor did I expect fame, or even ao- AUTOBIOQBAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE.' 61 knowledgment. I was sure that the book would fail, and it did fail most absolutely. I never heard of a person reading it in those days. If there was any notice taken of it by any critic of the day, I did not see it. I never asked any questions about it, or wrote a single letter on the subject to the publisher. I have Mr. Newby's agree- ment with me, in duplicate, and one or two preliminary notes; but beyond that I did not have a word from Mr. Newljy. I am sure that he did not wrong me in that he paid me nothing. It is probable that he did not sell tifty copies of the work; but of what he did sell he gave me no* account. I do not remember that I felt in any way disappointed or hurt. I am quite sure that no word of complaint passed my lips. I think I may say that after the publicar tion I never said a word about the book, even to my wife; The fact that I had written and published it, and that I was writing another, did not in the least interfere with my life or with my determination to make the best I could of the Post-oflBce. In Ireland, I think that no one knew that I had written a novel. But I went on writing. " The Macdermots " was published in 1847, and " The Kellys and the O'Kellys " followed in 1848. I changed my publisher^ but did not change my fortune. This second Irish story was sent into the world by Mr. Colburn, who had long been my mother's publisher, who reigned in Great Marlborougli Street, and I believe created the business wTiich is now carried on by Messrs. Hurst & Black ett. He had pre- viously been in partnership with Mr. Bentley, in New Burlington Street. I made the same agreement as before as to half profits, and with precisely the same results. The book was not only not read, but was never heard of — at any rate, in Ireland. And yet it is a good Irish story, much inferior to '*The Macdermots" as to plot, but su- perior in the mode of telling. Again I held my tongue, and not only said nothing, but felt nothing. Any success 62 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOiq^Y TROLLOPB. would, I think have carried me off my legs, but I was altogether prepared for failure. Though I thoroughly enjoyed the writing of these books, I did not imagine, when the time came for publishing them, that any one would condescend to read them. But in reference to **The O'Kellys " there arose a cir- cumstance which set my mind to work on a subject which has exercised it much ever since. I made my first ac- quaintance with criticism. A dear friend of mine, to whom the book had been sent — as have all my books — wrote me word to Ireland that he had been dining at some club with a man high in authority among the gods of the Times newspaper, and that this special god had almost promised that *' The O'Kellys" should be noticed in that most influential of "organs." The information moved me very much; but it set me thinking whether the notice, should it ever appear, would not have been more valuable, at any rate, more honest, if it had been produced by other means; if, for instance, the writer of the notice bad been instigated by the merits or demerits of the book instead of by the friendship of a friend. And I made up my mind then that, should I continue this trade of authorship, I would have no dealings with any critic on my own behalf. I would neither ask for nor deplore criticism, nor would I ever thanlf a critic for praise, or quarrel with him, even in my own heart, for censure. To this rule I have adhered with absolute strictness, and this rule I would recommend to all young authors. What can be got by touting among the critics is never worth the ignominy. The same may of course be said of all things acquired by ignominious means. But in -this matter it is so easy to fall into the dirt. Facilis descensus Averni, There seems to be but little fault in suggesting to a friend that a few words in this or that journal would be of service. But any praise so obtained must be an injustice to the public, for whose in- fltruotion, and not for the sustentatioa of the author, such AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, 63 notices are intended. And from such mild suggestion the descent to crawling at the critic's feet, to the sending of presents, and at last to a mutual understanding between critics and criticised, is only too easy. Other evils follow, for the denouncing of which this is hardly the place; though I trust I may find such place before my work is finished. I took no notice of my friend's letter, but I was not the less careful in watching the Times, At last the review came— a real review in the Times. I learned it by heart, and can now give, if not the words, the exact pur- port. ** Of ' The Kellys and the O'Kellys ' we may say what the master said to his footman, when the man com- plained of the constant supply of legs of mutton on the kitchen table. * Well, John, legs of mutton are good sub- stantial food;* and we may say also what John replied: * Substantial, sir; yes, they are substantial, but a little coarse.' " That was the review, and even that did not sell the book! From Mr. Colburn I did receive an account, showing that 375 copies of the book had been printed, that 140 had been sold — to those, I presume, who liked substan- tial food though it was coarse — and that he had incurred a loss of £63 105. l^d. The truth of the account I never for a moment doubted; nor did I doubt the wisdom of the advice given to me in the following letter, though I never thought of obeying it: "Great Marlborough Street, ** November 11, 1848. ''My deae Sir,— I am sorry to say that absence from town and other circumstances have prevented me from earlier inquiring into the results of thesaleof *The Kellys. and the O'Kelly's/ with which the greatest efforts have been used, but in vain. The sale has been, I regret to say, so small that the loss upon the publication is very considerable; and it appears clear to me that although, in consequence of the great number of novels that are published, the sale of each, with some few exceptions, must be Bmall, yet it ie evident that readers do not like €4 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. novels on Irish subjects as well as on others. Thus you will perceive it is impossible for me to give any encourage- ment to you to proceed in novel-writing. *' As, however, I understand you have nearly finished the novel 'La Vendue,* perhaps you will favor me with a sight of it when convenient. "I remain, etc., etc., H. CoLBURiir." This, though not strictly logical, was a rational letter, telling a plain truth plainly. I did not like the assurance that '* the greatest efforts had been used," thinking that any efforts which might be made for the popularity of a book ought to have come from the author; but I took in good part Mr. Colburn's assurance that he could not encourage me in the career I had commenced. 1 would have bet twenty to one against my own success. But by continu- ing I could lose only pen and paper; and if the one chance in twenty did turn up in my favor, then how much might 1 win! CHAPTER V. MY FIRST SUCCESS. 1849-1855. 1 HAD at once gone to work on a third novel, and .had nearly completed it, when I was informed of the absolute failure of the former. I find, however, that tlie agreement for its publication was not made till 1850, by which time I imagine that Mr. Colburn must have forgotten the dis- astrous result of " The O'Kellys," as he thereby agrees to give me £20 down for my* 'new historical novel, to be called * La Vendue.' " He agreed also to pay me £30 more when he had sold 350 copies, and £50 more should he sell 450 within six months. I got my £20, and then heard no more of *' La Vendue,*' not even receiving any account. Perhaps the historical title had appeared more alluring to AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, 65 him than an Irish subject; though it was not long after- ward that I received a warning from the very same house of business against historical novels— as I will tell at length when the proper time comes. I have no doubt that the result of the sale of this story was no better than that of the two that had gone before. I asked no questions, however, and to this day had received no information. The story is certainly inferior to those wliich had gone before — chiefly because I knew accurately the life of the people in Ireland, and knew, in truth, nothing of life in the Vendee country, and also because the facts of the present time came more within the limits of my powers of story-telling than those of past years. But I read the book the other day, and am not ashamed of it. The conception as to the feeling of the people is, I think, true; the characters are distinct; and the tale is not dull. As far as I can remember, this morsel of criti- cism is the only one that was ever written on tlie book. I had, however, received £20. Alas! alas! years were to roll by before I should earn by my pen another shilling. And, indeed, I was well aware that I had not earned that; but that the money had been '' talked out of " the worthy publisher by the earnestness of my brother, who made the bargain for me. I have known very much of publishers and have been surprised by much in their mode of busi- ness—by the apparent lavishness and by the apparent hardness to authors, in the same men— but by nothing so much as by the ease with which they can occasionally be persuaded to throw away small sums of money. If you will only makeiihe payment future instead of present, you may generally twist a few pounds in your own or your client's favor. "You might as well promise her £30» This day six months will do very well." The publisher, though he knows that the money will never come back to him, thinks it worth his while to rid himself of your importunity at so cheap a price. 66 AUTOBIOGRArHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. But while I was writing *' La Vendee " I made a literary attempt in another direction. In 1847 and 1848 there had come upon Ireland the desolation and destruction, first, of the famine, and then of the pestilence which succeeded the famine. It was my duty at that time to be traveling constantly in those parts of Ireland in which the misery and troubles thence arising were, perhaps, at their worst. The western parts of Cork, Kerry, and Clare were pre- eminently unfortunate. The efforts — I may say the suc- cessful efforts — made by the government to stay the hands of death will still be in the remembrance of many — how Sir Robert Peel was instigated to repeal the Corn-laws; and how, subsequently. Lord John Russell took measures for employing the people, and supplying the country with Indian corn. The expediency of these latter measures was questioned by many. The people themselves wished, of course, to be fed without working; and the gentry, who were mainly responsible for the rates, were disposed to think that the management of affairs was taken too much out of their own hands. My mind at the time was busy with the matter, and, thinking that the government was right, I was inclined to defend them as far as my small powers went. S. G. 0, (Lord Sydney Godolphin Osborne) was at that time denouncing the Irish scheme 'of the administration in the 7Ymes,using very strong language, as those who remember his style will know. I fancied then — as I still think — that I understood the country much better than he did; and I was anxious to show that the steps taken for mitigating the terrible evil of the times were the best which the minister of the day could have adopted. In 1848 I was in London, and, full of my pur- pose, I presented myself to Mr. John Forster— who has since been an intimate and valued friend — but who was at that time the editor of the Examiner, I think that that portion of the literary world which understands the iabrication of newspapers will admit that neither before AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. t his time, nor sincp, has there been a more capable editor of a weekly newspaper. As a literary man, he was not. without his faults. That which the cabman is reported to have said of him before the magistrate is quite true! He was always "an arbitrary cove." As a critic, he be- longed to the school of Bentley and Gifford — who would always bray in a literary mortar all critics who disagreed with them, as though such disagreement were a personal offense requiring personal castigation. But that very eagerness made him a good editor. Into whatever he did he put his very heart and soul. During i/^ time the Examiner was almost all that a Liberal weekly paper should be. So to John Forster I went, and was shown into that room in " Lincoln's Inn Fields in which, some three or four years earlier, Dickens had given that reading of which there is an illustration, with portraits, in th^e second volume of his Life. At this time I knew no literary men. A few I had met when living with my mother, but that had been now so long'ago that all such acquaintance had died out. ^knew who they were, as far as a man could get such knowledge from the papers of the day, and felt myself as in part be- longing to the guild, through my mother, and in some de- gree by my own unsuccessful efforts. But it was not probable that any one would admit my claim; nor on this occasion did I make any claim. I stated my mime and official position, and the fact that opportunities had been given me of seeing the poor-houses in Ireland, and of mak- ing myself acquainted with the circumstances of the time. Would a series of letters on tlie subject be accepted by the Examiner 9 The great man, who loomed very large to me, was pleased to say that if the letters should recommend themselves by their style and matter, if they wert* nob too long, and if — every reader will know how on such occa- sions an editor will guard himself — if this and if that, they should be favonibly entertained. They were favor- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOHTY TBOLLOPB. ably entertained, if printing and publication be favorable entertainment. But I heard no more of them. The world did not declare the government had at last been adequately defended, nor did the treasurer of the Examiner send me a check in return. Whether there ought to have been a check I do not even yet know. A man who writes a single letter to a news- paper of course is not paid for it, nor for any number of letters on some point personal to himself. I have since written sets of letters to newspapers, and have been paid for them; but then I have bargained for a price. On this occasion I had hopes; but they never ran high, and I was not much disappointed. I have.no copy now of those let- ters, and could not refer to them without much trouble; nor do I remember what I said. But I know that 1 did my best in writing them. When my historical novel failed, as completely as had its predecessors, the two Irish novels, I began to ask my- self whether, after all, that was my proper line. I had never thought of questioning the justice of the verdict expressed against me. The idea ^that I was the unfortu- nate ownev of unappreciated genius never troubled me. I did not look at the books after they were published, feeling sure that they had been, as it were, damned with good reason. But still I was clear in my mind that I would not lay down my pen. Then and therefore I de- termined to chapge my hand, and to attempt a play. I did attempt the play, and in 1850 I wrote a comedy, partly in blank verse, and partly in prose, called ''The iJoblo Jilt." The plot I afterward used in a novel called "Can You Forgive Her?" I believe that I did give the best of my intellect to the play, and I must own that when it was completed it pleased me much. I copied it, and re-copied it, touching it here and touching it there, and then sent it to my very old friend, George Hartley, the actor, who had, when I was in London, been stage-manager of one of AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 69 the great theaters, and who would, I thought, for my own sake and for my mother's, give me the full benefit of his professional experience. I have now before me the letter which he wrote to me — a letter which I have read a score of times. It was alto- gether condemnatory. '^ When I commenced," he said, " I had great hopes of your production. I did not think it opened dramatically, but that might have been reme- died." I knew then that it was all over. But as my old friend warmed to the-subject, the criticism became stronger and stronger, till my ears tingled. At last came the fatal blow. ** As to the character of your heroine, I felt at a loss how to describe it, but you have done it for me in the last speech of Madame Brudo." Madame Brudo was the heroine's aunt. " * Margai*et, my child, never play the jilt again; 'tis a most unbecoming character. Play it with what skill you will, it meets but little sympathy.' And this, be assured, would be its effect upon an audience. So that I must reluctantly add that, had I been still a manager, ' The Noble Jilt' is not a play I could have recommended for production." This was a blow that I did feel. The neglect of a book is a disagreeable fact which grows upon an author by degrees. There is no special moment of agony — no stunning violence of condemnation. But a piece of criticism such as this, from a friend, and from a man undoubtedly capable of forming an opinion, was a blow in the face! But I accepted the judgment loyally, and said not a word on the subject to any one. I merely showed the letter to my wife, declaring my conviction that it must bo taken as gospel. And as critical gospel it has since been accepted. In later days I have more than once read the play, and I know that he was right. The dia- logue, however, I think to be good, and I doubi: whether some of the scenes be not the brightest and best work I ever did. Jnst at this time another literary project loomed before 70 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. my eyes, and for six or eight months had considerable size, I was introduced to Mr, John Murray, and pro- posed to him to write a Handbook for Ireland. I ex- plained to him that I knew the country better than most other people, perhaps better than any other person, and could do it well. He asked me to make a trial of my skill, and to send him a certain number of pages, undertaking to give me an answer within a fortnight after he should bafe received my work. I went back to Ireland, and for some weeks I labored very hard. I " did " the city of Dublin, and the county of Kerry, in which lies the lake scenery of Killarney; and I ''did " the route from Dub- lin to Killarney, altogether completing nearly a quarter of the proposed volume. The roll of manuscript was sent to Albemarle Street — but was never opened. At the expiration of nine months from the date on which it reached that time-honored spot it was returned without a word, in answer to a very angry letter from myself, I in- sisted on having back my property — and got it. I need hardly say that my property has never been of the slight- est use to me. In all honesty I think that, had he been less dilatory, John Murray would have got a very good Irish Guide at a cheap rate. Early in 1851 I was sent upon a job of special ofBcial work, which for two years so completely absorbed my time that I was able to write nothing, A plan was formed for extending the rural delivery of letters, and for adjusting the work, which up to that time had been done in a very irregular manner. A country letter- carrier would be sent in one direction, in which there were but few letters to be delivered, the arrangement having originated problkbly at the request of some in- fluential person, while in another direction there was no letter-carrier, because no influential person had exerted himself. It was intended to set this right throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland; and I quickly did the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 71 work in the Irish district to which I was attached. I was then invited to do the same in a portion of England, and I spent two of the happiest years of my life at,the task. I began in Devonshire, and visited, I think I may say, every nook in that county, in Cornwall, Somersetshire, the greater part of Dorsetshire, the Channel Islands, part of Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Worces- tershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, and the six southern Welsh counties. In this way I had an oppor- tunity of seeing a considerable portion of Great Britain, with a minuteness which few have enjoyed. And I did my business after a fashion in which no other official man has worked, at least for many years. I went al- most everywhere on horseback, I had two hunters of my own, and here and there, where I could, I hired a third horse. I had an Irish groom with me, an old man, who has now been in my service for thirty-five years; and in this manner I saw almost every house — I thhik I may say every house of importance— in this large district. The object was to create a postal network which should catch all recipients of letters. In France it was, and I suppose still is, the practice to deliver every letter. Wherever the man may live to whom a letter is addressed, it is the duty of some letter-carrier to take that letter to his house, sooner or later. But this, of course, must be done slowly. With us a delivery much delayed was thought to b6 worse than none at all. In some pLices we did establish posts three times a week, and per- haps occasionally twice a week, but such halting arrange- ments were considered to be objectionable, and we were bound down by a salutary law as to expense, which came from our masters at the Treasury. We were not allowed to establish any messenger's walk on which a sufficient number of letters would not be delivered to pay the man's wages, counted at a halfpenny a letter. But then thfe counting was in our own 'hands, and an enterprising offl- 72 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. cial might be sanguiue in his figures. I think I was sanguine. I did not prepare false aocountB; but I fear that the postmasters and clerks who absolutely had the country to do became aware that T was anxious for good results. It is amusing to watch how a passiou will grow upon a man. During those two years it was the ambition of my life to cover the country with rural letter-carriers. I do not remember that in any case a rural post proposed by me was negatived by the authori- ties; but I fear that some of them broke down afterward as being too poor, or because, in my anxiety to include this house and that, I had sent the men too far afield. Our law was that a man should not be required to walk more than sixteen miles a day. Had the work to be done been all on a measured road, there would have*b«en no need for doubt as to the distances. But my letter-car- riers went here and there across the fields. It was my special delight to take them by all short-cuts; and as I measured on horseback the short-cuts which they would have to make on foot, perhaps I was sometimes a little unjust to them. All this I did on horseback, riding on an average forty miles a day. I was paid sixpence a mile for the distance traveled, and it was necessary that I should, at any rate, travel enough to pay for my equipage. This I did, and got my hunting out of it also. I have often surprised some small country post-master, who had never seen or heard of me before, by coming down upon him at nine in the morning, with a red coat and boots and breeches, and interrogating him as to the disposal of every letter which came into his office. And in the same guise I would ride up to farmhouses, or parsonages, or other lone residences about the country, and ask the people how they got their letters, at what hour, and especially whether they were delivered free or at a certain charge. For a habit had crept into use, which came to be, in my eyes, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 73 at that time, the one sin for which there w.as no pardon, in accordance with which these rural letter-carriers used to charge a penny a letter, alleging that the house was out of their beat, and that they must be paid for their extra work. I 'think that I did stamp out that evil. In ail these visits I was^ in truth, a beneficent angel to the public, bringing everywhere with me an earlier, cheaper, and mucli more regular delivery of letters. But not unfrequently the angelic nature of my mission was imperfectly understood. I was, perhaps, a little in a hurry to get on, and did not allow as much time as was necessary to explain to the wondering mistress of the house, or to an open-mouthed farmer, why it was that a man arrayed for hunting asked so many questions which might be considered impertinent, as Applying to his or her private affairs. ^' Good-morning, sir. I have just called to ask a few questions. I am a surveyor of the Post-oflBce. How do you get your lettoi's? As I am a little in a hurry^ perhaps you can explain at once." Then I would take out my pencil and notebook, and wait for information. And^ in fact, there was no other way in which the truth could be ascertained. Unless I came down suddenly as a summer's storm upon them, the very people who were robbed by our messengers would not confess the robbery, fearing the ill-will of the men. It was necessary to startle them into the revelations which I required them to make for their own go#d. And I did startle them. I became thoroughly used to it, and soon lost my native bashfulness — but sometimes my visits astonished the retir- ing inhabitants of country-houses. I did, however, do my work, and can look back upon what I did with thorough satisfaction. I was altogether in earnest; and I believe that many a farmer now has his letters brought daily to his house free of charge, who but for mo would still have had to send to the post-town for them twice a week, or to have paid a man for bringing them irregularly to his door. 74 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. This work took up my time so completely, and entailed upon me so great an amount of writing, that I was, in fact, unable to do any literary work» From day to day I thought of it, still purporting to make another effort, and often turning over in my head some fragment of a plot which had occurred to me. But the day did not come in which I could sit down with pen ana paper and begin an- other novel. For. after all, wh;it could it be but a novel? The play had failed more absolutely than the novels, for the novels had attained the honor of print. The cause of this pressure of official work lay, not in the demands of the General Post-office, which more than once expressed itself as astonished 'by my celerity, but in the necessity which was incumbent on me to travel miles enough to pay for my horses^ and upon the amount of correspondence, returns, figures, and reports which such an amount of daily twveling brought with it. I may boast that the work was done very quickly and very thoroughly — with no fault but an over-eagerness to extend postal arrangements far and wide. In the course of the job I visited Salisbury, and while wandering there one midsummer evening round the pur- lieus of the cathedral I conceived the story of '*The Warden" — from whence came that series of novels of which Barchester, with its bishops, deans, and archdea- con, was the central site. I may as weU declare at once that no one at their commencement could have had less reason than myself to presume himself to be able to write about clergymen. I have been often asked in what period of my early life I had lived so long in a cathedral city as to have become intimate with the ways of a close. I never lived in any cathedral city, except Loudon, never knew anything of any close, and at that time had enjoyed no peculiar intimacy with any clergyman. My archdeacon, who has been said to be life-like, and for whom I confess that I have all a. parent's fond affection, was, I think, the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 75 simple result of an effort of my moral consciousness. It was such as that, in my opinion, that an archdeacon should be, or, at any rate, would be, with such advantages as an archdeacon might have; and lo! an archdeacon was pro- duced, who has been declared by competent authorities to be a rea) archdeacon down to the very ground. And yet, as far as I can remember, I had not then even spoken to an archdeacon. I have felt the compliment to be very great. The archdeacon came whole from my brain after this fashion; but in writing about clergymen generally, 1 had to pick up as I went whatever I might know or pre- tend toknow about them. But my first idea had no refer- ence to clergymen iu general. I had been struck by two opposite evils, or what seemed to me to be evils, and with an absence of all art-judgment in such matters I thought that I might be able to expose them, or rather, to describe them, both in one and the same tale. The first evil was the possession by the Church of certain itinds and endow- ments which had been intended for charitables purposes, but which had been allowed to become incomes for idle Church dignitaries. There had been more than one such case brought to public notice at the time, in which there seemed to have been an egregious malversation of charitable purposes. The second evil was its very opposite. Though I had been much struck by the injustice above described, I had also often been an- gered by the undeserved severity of the newspapers toward the recipients of such incomes, who could hardly be considered to be the chief sinners in the matter. When a man is appointed to a place it is natural that he should acpept the income allotted to that place withoiit much inquiry. It is seldom that he will be the first to find out that his services are overpaid. Though he be called upon only to look beautiful and to bo dignified upon state occasions, he will think £2000 a year little enough for such beauty and dignity as he brings to the 76 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TUOLLOPE. task. I felt that there had been some tearing to pieces which might have been spared. But I was altogether wrong in supposing that the two things could be combined. Any writer in advocating a cause must do so after the fashion of an advocate^ or his writing will be ineffective. He should take up one side and cling to that, and then he may be powerful. There should be no scruples of con- science. Such scruples make a man impotent for such work. It was open to me to have described a bloated parson, with a red nose and all other iniquities, openly neglecting every duty required from him, and living riot- ously on funds purloined from the poor, defying as he did so the moderate remonstrances of a virtuous press. Or I might have painted a man as good, as sweet, and as mild as my warden, who should also have been a hard-working, ill-paid minister of God's Word, and might have subjected him to the rancorous venom of some daily Jupiter, who, without a leg to stand on, without any true case, might have been induced, by personal spite, to tear to rags the poor clergyman, with poisonous, anonymous, and fero- cious leading articles. But neither of these programmes recommended it-self to my honesty. Satire, though it may exaggerate the vice it lashes, is not justified in creating it in order that it may be* lashed. Caricature may too easily become a slander, and satire a libel. I believed in the existence neither of the red-nosed clerical cormorant, nor in that of the venomous assassin of the journals. I did believe that through want of care, and the natural tendency of every class to take care of itself, money had slipped into the pockets of certain clergymen which should have gone elsewhere; ayd I believed also that through the equally natural propensity of men Jo be as' strong as they know how to be, certain writers of the press had allowed themselves to use language which was cruel, though it was in a good cause. But the two objects phould not have been combined — and I now know myself AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TEOLLOPE. 77 well enough to be aware that I was not the man to have carried out either of them. Nevertheless I thought much about it, and on the 29th of July, 1853, having been then two years without having made any literary effort, I began " The Warden," at Ten- bury, in Worcestershire. It was then more than twelve months since I had stood for an hour on the little bridge in Salisbury, and had made out to my own satisfaction the spot on which Hiram^s hospital should stand. Certainly, no work that I ever did took up so much of my thoughts. On this occasion I did no more than write the first chap- ter, even if so much. I had determined that my oflScial work should be moderated, so as to allow me some time for writing; but then, just at this time, I was sent to take the postal charge of the northern counties in Ireland, of Ulster, and the Counties Meath and Louth. Hitherto, in official language, I had been a surveyor's clerk, now I was to be a surveyor. The difference consisted mainly in an increase of income from about £450 to about £800 — for at that time the sum netted still depended on the number of miles traveled. Of course, that English work to which I had become so warmly wedded had to be abandoned. Other parts of England were being done by other men, and I had nearly finished the area which had been in- trusted to me. I should have liked to ride over the wJiole country, and to have sent a rural post letter-carrier to every parish, every village, every hamlet, and every grange in England. We were at this time very much unsettled as regards any residence. While we were living at Clonmel two sons had been born, who certainly were important enough to have been mentioned sooner. At Clonmel we had lived in lodgings, and from there had moved to Mallow, a town in the County Cork, where we had taken a house. Mallow was in the qenter of a hunting country, and had been very pleasant to me. But our house there had been given up 7S AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONY TROLLOPE. when it was known that I should be detained in England; and then we had wandered about in the western counties, moying our headquarters from one town to another. During this time we had lived at Exeter, at Bristol, at Caermarthen, at Cheltenham, and at Worcester. Now wp again moved, and settled ourselves for eighteen months at Belfast. After that we took a house at Donnybrook, the well-known suburb of Dublin. The work of taking up a new district, which requires not only that the man doing it sliould know the nature of the postal arrangements, but also the characters and the peculiarities of the postmasters and their clerks, was too heavy to allow of my going on with my book at once. It was not till the end of 1853 that I recommenced it, and it was in the autumn of 1853 that I finished the work. It was only one small volume, and in later days would have been completed in six weeks, or in two months at the longest, if other work had pressed. On looking at the title-page, I find it was not published till 1855. I had made acquaintance, through my friend John Merivale, with William Longman, the publisher, and had received from him an assurance that the manuscript should be 'Mocked at." It was *' looked at,'* and Messrs. Longman made me an offer to publish it at half profits. I had no reason to love 'Mialf profits," but I was very anxious to have my book published, and I acceded. It was now more than ten years since I had commenced writing '*The Macdermots," and I thought that if any success was to be achieved, the time surely had come. I had not been impatient; but, if there was to be a time, surely it had come. The novel reading world did not go mad about **The Warden;" but 1 soon felt that it had not failed as the others had failed. There were notices of it in the press, and I could discover that people around me knew that I had written a book. Mr. Longman was complimentary. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 79 and after a while informed me that there would be profits to divide. At the end of 1855 I received a check for £9 Ss. Sd.y which was the first money I had ever earned by literary work — that £20 which poor Mr. Colburn had been made to pay certainly never having been earned at all. At the end of 1856 I received another snm of £10 15s. Id. The pecuniary success was not great. Indeed, as regarded remuneration for the time, stone-breaking would have done better. A thousand copies were printed, of which, after a lapse of five or six years, about three hundred had to be converted into another form, and sold as belonging to a cheap edition. In its original form ''The Warden" never reached the essential honor of a second edition. I have ah-eady said of the work that it failed altogether in the purport for which it was intended. But it has a merit of its own, a merit by my own perception of which I was enabled to see wherein lay whatever strength I did possess. The characters of the bishop, of the archdeacon, of the archdeacon's wife, and especially of the warden, are all well and clearly drawn. I had realized to myself a series of portraits, and had been able so to put them on the canvas that my readers should see that which I meant them to see. There is no gift which an author can have more useful to him than this. And the style of the En- glish was good, though, from most unpardonable careless- ness, the grammar was not unfrequently faulty. With such results I have no doubt but that I would at once be- gin another novel. I will here say one word as a long-deferred answer to an item of criticism which appeared in the Times newspaper as to " The Warden." In an article — if I remember rightly, on ''The Warden" and **Barchester Towers" combined — which I would call good-natnred, but that I take it for granted that the critics of the Times are actu- ated by higher motives than good-nature, that little book and its sequel are spoken of in terms which were very 80 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPS. pleasant to the author. But there was added to this a gentle word of rebuke at the morbid condition of tho author's mind, which had prompted him to indulge in personalities — the personalities in question having refer- ence to some editor or manager of the Times newspaper. For I had introduced one Tom Towers sis being potent among the contributors to the Jupiter j under which name I certainly did allude to the Times. But at that time, living away in Ireland, I had not even heard the name of any gentleman connected with the Times ^newspaper, and could not have intended to represent any individual by Tom Towers. As I had created an archdeacon, so had I created a journalist, and the one creation was no more personal or indicative of morbid tendencies than the other. If Tom Towers was at all like any gentleman then con- nected with the TimeSy my moral consciousness must again have been very powerful. CHAPTER VI. **BARCHESTER TOWERS " AND *' THE THREE CLERKS.'* 1855-1858. It was, I think, before I started on my English tours among the rural posts that I made my first attempt at writing for a magazine. I had read, soon after they came out, the first two volumes of Charles Merivale's '* History of the Romans under the Empire," and had got into some correspondence with the author's brother as to the author's views about Caesar. Hence arose in my mind a tendency to investigate the character of probably the greatest man who ever lived, which tendency in. after- years produced a little book of which I shall have to speak when its timo comes— and also a taste generally for Latin literature, which has been one of the chief delights of my later life. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 81 And I may say thab I became at this time as anxious about Caesar, and as desirous of reaching the truth as to his character, as we have all been in regard ik> Bismarck in these later days. I lived in Caesar, and debated with my- self constantly whether he crossed the Rubicon as a tyrant or as a patriot. In order that I might review Mr. Meri- Tale's book without feeling that I was dealing iMiwarrant- ably with a subject beyond me, I studied the '* Com- mentaries" thoroughly, and went through a mass of other reading which the object of a magazine article hardly justified, but which has thoroughly justified itself in tho subsequent pursuits of my life. I did write two articles, the first mainly on Julius Caesar, and the second on Augustus, which appeared in the Dublin Universit'i/ Magazine* Tliey were the result of very much labor, but there came from them no pecuniary product. I had been very modest when I sent them to the editor, as I had been when I called on John Forster, not venturing to suggest the subject of money. After a while I did call upon the proprietor of the magazine in Dublin, and was told by him that such articles were generally written to oblige friends, and that articles written to oblige friends were not usually paid for. The Dean of Ely, as the author of the work in question now is, was my friend; but I thiiik I was wronged, as I certainly had no intention of obliging liim by my criticism. Afterward, when I returned to Ireland, I wrote other articles for the same magazine, one of which, intended to be very savage in its denunciation, was on an official blue-book just then brought out, preparatory to the introduction of competitive examinations for the civil service. For that and some other article, I now forget what, I was paid. Up to the end of 1857 I had received £65 for the hard work of ten years. It was while I was engaged on "Barchester Towers'' that I adopted a system of writing which, for some years afterward, I found to be very serviceable to mo. My time 82 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. was greatly occupied in traveling, and the nature of my traveling was now changed. I could not any longer do it on horseback. Railroads afforded me my means of con- veyance, and I found that I passed in railway-carriages very many hours of my existence. Like others, I used to read — though Carlyle has since told me that a man when traveling «hould not read, but ^' sit still and label his thoughts." But if I intended to make a profitable busi- ness out of my writing, and, at the same time, to do my best for the Post-office, I must turn these hours to more account than I could do even by reading. I made for myself, therefore, a little tablet, and found after a few days' exercise that I could write as quickly in a railway- carriage as I could at my desk. I worked with a pencil, ^nd what I wrote my wife copied afterward. In this way was composed the greater part of *' Barchester Towers" and of the novel which succeeded it, and much also of others subsequent to them. My only objection to the practice came from the appearance of literary ostentation, to which I felt myself to be subject when going to work before four or five fellow-passengers. But I got used to it, as I had done to the amazement of the west country farmers' wives when asking them after their letters. In the writing of *' Barchester Towers "I took great delight. The bishop and Mrs. Proudie were very real to me, as were also the troubles of the archdeacon and the loves of Mr. Slope. When it was done, Mr. W. Longman re- quired that it should be subjected to his reader; and he re- turned the manuscript to me, with a most laborious and voluminous criticism— coming from whom I never knew. This was accompanied by an offer to print the novel on the half-profit system, with a payment of £100 in advance out of my half profits— on condition that I would comply with the suggestions made by his critic. One of theao Buggestions required that I should cut the novel down to two Tolumes. In my reply I went through the criticisms. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 83 rejecting one and accepting another, almost alternately, but declaring at last that no consideration should induce me to cut out a third of my work. I am at a loss to know how such a task could be performed. I could burn the manu- script, no doubt, and write another book on the same story; but how two words out of six are to be withdrawn from a written novel, I cannot conceive. I believe such tasks have been attempted— perhaps performed; but I refused to make even the attempt. Mr. Longman was too gracious to insist on his critic's terms; and the book was published, certainly none the worse, and I do not think much the better, for the care that had been taken with it. The work succeeded just as *' The Warden " had suc- ceeded. It achieved no great reputation, but it was one of the novels which novel-readers were called upon to read. Perhaps I may be assuming unto myself more than I have a right to do in saying now that *• Barchester Towers " has become one of those novels which do not die quite at once, whicli live and are read for perhaps a quarter of a century; but if that be so, its life has been so far prolonged by the vitality of some of its younger brothers. ** Barchester Towers '' would hardly be so well known as it is had there been no "Framfly Parsonage "and no " Last Chronicle of Barset." I received my £100, in advance, with profound delight. It was a positive and most welcome increase to my income, and -might probably be regarded as a first real step on the road to substantial success. I am well aware that there are many who think that an author in his authorship should not regard money — nor a painter, or sculptor, or composer, in his art. I do not know that this unnatural self-sacrifice is supposed to extend itself further. A bar- rister, a clergyman, a doctor, an engineer, and even actors and architects, may without disgrace follow the bent of human nature, and endeavor to fill their bellies and clothe their backs, and also those of their wives and children, as 54 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. <;omfortable as they can, by the exercise of their abilities and their crafts. They may be as rationally realistic as may the butchers and the bakers; but the artist and the author forget the high glories of thejr calling if they con- -descend to make a money return a first object. They who preach this doctrine will be much offended by my theory, and by this book of mine, if my theory and my book come beneath their notice. They require the practice of a so- called virtue which is contrary to nature, and which, in my ej^es, would be no virtue if it were practiced. They are like clergymen who preach sermons against the love of money, but who know that the love of money is so distinct- ive a characteristic of humanity that such sermons are mere platitudes, called for by customary but unintelligent piety. All material progress has come from man's desire to do the best he can for himself and those about him, and civilization and Christianity itself have been made possible by such progress. Though we do not all of us argue this matter out within our breasts, we do all feel it; and we know that the more a man earns the more useful he is to his fellow-men. The most useful lawyers, as a rule, Lave been those who have made the greatest incomes— and it is the same with the doctors. It would be the same in the Church if they who have the choosing of bishops always chose the best man. And it has in truth been so too in art and authorship. Did Titian or Rubens dis- regard their pecuniary rewards? As far as we know, Shakespeare worked always for money, giving the best of his intellect to support his trade as an actor. In our own century what literary names stand higher than those of Byron, Tennyson, Scott, Dickens, Macaulay, and Carlyle? —and I think I may say that none of tliose great men neglected the pecuniary result of their laboi-s. Now and then a man may arise among us who, in any calling, whether it be in law, in physic, in religious teaching, iu art, or literature, may in his professional enthusiasm AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 85 utterly disregard money. All will honor his enthusiasm, a'nd if he be wifeless and childless, his disregard of the great object of men's work will be blameless. But it is a mistake to suppose that a man is a better man because he despises money. Few do so, and those few in doing so suffer a defeat. Who does not desire to be hospitable to his friends, generous to the poor, liberal to all, muni6cent to his children, and to be himself free from the carking fear which poverty creates? The subject will not stand an argument; and yet authors are told that they should disregard payment for their work, and be content to de- Tote their unbought brains to the welfare of the public. Brains that are unbought will never serve the public much. Take away from English authors their copyrights, and you would very soon take away from England her authors. I say this here, because it is my purpose, as I go oii, to state what to me has been the result of my profession in the ordinary way in which professions are regarded; so that by my example may be seen what prospect there is that a man devoting himself to literature with industry, perseverance, certain necessary aptitudes, and fair average talents, may succeed in gaining a livelihood, as another man does in another profession. The result with me has "been comfortable but not splendid, as I think was to have been expected from the combination of such gifts. T have., certainly, also had always before my eyes the charms of reputation. Over and above the money view of the question, I wished from the beginning to be some- thing more than a clerk in the Post-office. To be known as somebody, to be Anthony Trollope, if it be no more, is to me much. The feeling is a very general one, and I think beneficent. It is that which has been called the 'Mast infirmity of noble mind." The infirmity is so human that the man who lacks it is either above or below humanity. I own to the infirmity. But I confess that my first object in taking to literature as a profession was 86 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHOKY TROLLOPE. that which is common to the barrister when he goes to the bar, and to the baker when he sets up his oven. I wished to make an income on which I and those belonging to me might live in comfort. If, indeed, a man writes his books badly, or paints his. pictures badly, because he can make his money faster in that fashion than by doing them well, and at the sam& time proclaims them to be the best he can do, if, in fact, he sells shoddy for broadcloth, he is dishonest, as is any other fraudulent dealer. So may be the barrister, who takes money that be does not earn, or the clergyman who is content to live on a sinecure. No doubt the artist or the author may have a difficulty which will not occur to the seller of cloth, in settling within himself what is good "work and what is bad, when li\bor enough has been given, and when the task has been scamped. It is a danger as to which he is bound to be severe with himself — in which he ought to feel that his conscience ought to be set fairly in the balance against the natural bias of his interest. If he do not do so, sooner or later his dishonesty will be dis- covered, and will be estimated accordingly. But in this he is to be governed only by the plain rules of honesty which should govern us all. Having said so ri^uch I shall not scruple as I go on to attribute to the pecuniary result of my labors all the importance which I felt them to have at tlie time. '' Barchester Towers," for which I had received £100 in advance, sold well enough to bring me further payments, —moderate payments — from the publishers. From that day up to this very time in which I am writing, that book and ''The Warden" together have given me almost every year some small income. I get the accounts very regularly, and I find that I have received £727 lis, dd. for the two. It is more than I goj; for the three or four works that came afterward, but the payments have been spread over twenty years. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 87 Wheu I went to Mr. Longman with my next novel, ^'The Three Clerks," in my hand, I could not induce him to understand that a lump sum down was more pleasant than a deferred annuity. I wished him to buy it from me at a price which he might think to be a fair value, and I argued with him that as soon as an author has put himself into a position which insures a sufficient sale of his works to give a profit, the publisher is not entitled to exiTCct the half of such proceeds. While there is a pecun- iary" risk, tlie whole of whicli must be borne by tlie pub- lisher, such division is fair enough; but such a demand on the part of the publisher is monstrous as soon as the article produced is known to be a marketable commodity. I thought that I had now reached that point, but Mr. Longman did not agree with me. And he endeavored to convince me that I might lose more than I gained, even though I should get more money by going elsewhere. *' It is for you," said he, " to think whether our names on your title-page are not worth more to you than the in- creased payment." This seemed to me to savor of that high-flown doctrine of the contempt of mqney, which I have never admired. I did think much of Messrs. Long- man's name, but I liked it best at the bottom of a check. I was also scared from the august columns of Pater- noster Row by a remark made to myself by one of, the firm, which seemed to imply that they did not much care for works of fiction. Speaking of a fertile writer of tales who was not then dead, he declared that (naming the author in question) had spawned upon them (the publish- ers) three novels a year! Such language is perhaps justifi- able in regard to a man who shows so much of the fecund- ity of the herring; but I did not know how fruitful might bo my own muse, and I thought that I had better go else- where. I had then written " The Three Clerks," which, wlion I could not sell it to Messrs. Longman, I took in the l-rst 68 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOiq^Y TROLLOPE. instance to Messrs. Hurst & Blackett, who had become snccessors to Mr. Colbiirn. I had made an appointment with one of the firm, which, however, that gentleman was unable to keep. T was on my way from Ireland to Italy, and had bnt one clay in London in which to dispose of my manuscript. I sat for an hour in Great Marlborough Street, expecting the return of the peccant publisher wha had broken his tryst, and I was about to depart with my bundle nnder my arm when the foreman of the h^use came to me. He seemed to think it a pity that I should go, and wished me to leave my work with him. This, however, I would not do, unless he would undertake to buy it theu and there. Perhaps he lacked authority. Perhaps his judgment was against such purchase. But while we debated the matter, he gave me some advice. "I hope it's not historical, Mr. Trollope?" he said. "Whatever you do, don't be historical; your historical novel is not worth a damn." Thence I took ** The Three Clerks" to Mr. Bentley; and on the same afternoon suc- ceeded in selling it to him for £250. His son still possesses it, and the firm has, I believe, done very well with the purchase. It was certainly the best novel I had as yet written. The plot is not so good as that of "The Mac- dermots;" nor arc there any characters in the book equal to those of Mrs. Proudie and the warden; but the work has a more continued interest, and contains the first well- described love-scene that I ever wrote. The passage in which Kate Woodward, thinking that she will die, tries to take leave of the lad she loves, still brings tears to my eyes when I read it. I had not the heart to kill her. I never could do that. And I do not doubt bub that they are living happily together to this day. The lawyer Chaffanbrass made his first appearance in this novel, and I do not think that I have cause to bo ashamed of him. But this novel now is chiefly noticeable to mo from the fact that in it I introduced a character ATJTOBIOGRi.PH:T 0F ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 89 under the name of S!r Gregory Hardlines, by which I in- tended to lean very heavily on that much-loathed scheme of competitive examination, of which at that time Sir Charles Trevelyan was the great apostle. Sir Gregory Hardlines was intended for Sir Charles Trevelyan, as any one at the time would know who had taken an interest in the civil service. '' We always call him Sir Gregory," Lady Trevelyan said to me afterward when I came to lyiow her and her husband. I never learned to love com- petitive examination; but I became, and am, very fond of Sir Charles Trevelyan. Sir Stafford Northcote, who is now Chancellor of the Exchequer, was then leagued with his friend Sir Charles, and he too appears in " The Three Clerks" under the feebly facetious name of Sir Warwick West End. But for all that " The Three Clerks " was a good novel. When that sale was made I was on my way to Italy with my wife, paying a third visit there to my mother and brother. This was in 1S57, and she had then given up her pen. It was the first year in which she had not written, and she expressed to me her delight that her labors should be at an end, and that mine should be beginning in the same field. In truth they had already been continued for a dozen years, but a man's career will generally be held to date itself from the commencement of his success. On those fq;i*eign tours I always encountered adventures, which, as I look back upon them now, tempt me almost to write a little book of my long-past Continental travels. On this occasion, as we made our way slowly through. Switzerland and over the Alps, we encountered again and again a poor, forlorn Englishman, who had no friend and no aptitude for traveling. He was always losing his way, and finding himself with no scat in the coaches and no bed at the inns. On one occasion I found him at Coire seated at 5 a.m. in the coupe of a diligence which was intended to start at noon for the Engadine, while it was 90 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. his purpose to go over the Alps in anoHier whioh was to leave at 5.30, and which was already crowded with passengers. *'Ah!" he said, "I am in time now, and nobody shall turn me out of this seat," alluding to former little mis- fortunes of which 1 had been a witness. When I explained to him his position, he was as one to whom life was too bitter to be borne. But he made his way into Italy, and encountered me again at the Pitti Palace in Florence, **Can you tell me something?" he said to me in a whisper,, having touched my shoulder. '^ The people are so ill- natured I don't like to ask them. "Where is it they keep the Medical Venus?" I sent him to the Ufl&zi, but I fear he was disappointed. We ourselves, however, on entering Milan, had been in quite as much distress as any that he suffered. We had not written for beds, and on driving up to a hotel at ten in the evening, found it full. Thence we went from one hotel to another, finding them all full. The misery is one well known to travelers, but I never heard of another case in which a man and his wife were told at midnight to get out of the conveyance into the middle of the street because the horse could not be made to go any further. Such was our condition. I induced the driver^ however, I do not say that to all men has been given physical strength suffi- cient for such exertion as thie, but I do* believe that real exertion will enable most men to work at almost any sea- son. I had previously to this arranged a system of task- work for myself, which I would strongly recommend to those who feel as I have felt, that labor, when not made abso- lutely obligatory by the circumstances of the hour, should Dever be allowed to become spasmodic. There was no day on which it was my positive duty to write for the publish- ers, as it was my duty to write reports for the Post office. I was free to be idle if I pleased. But as I had* made up my mind to undertake this second profession, I found it to be expedient to bind myself by certain self-imposed laws. When I have commenced a new book, I have always prepared a diary^ divided into weeks, and (^rried it on for the period which I have allowed myself for the com- pletion of the work. Ic this I have entered, day by day, the number of pages I have written, so that if at any J;ime I have slipped into idleness for a day or two, the record of that idleness has been there, staring me in the face, and demanding of me increased labor, so that the deficiency might be supplied. According to the circumstances of the time — whether my other business might be then heavy or light, or whether the book which I was writing was or was not wanted with speed — I have allotted myself so many pages a week. The average number has been about 40. It has heen placed as low as 20, and has risen to 112. And as a page is an ambiguous term, my page has been made to contain 250 words; and as words^ if not watched, will have a tendency to straggle, I have had every word counted AS I went. In the bargains I have made with publishers AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 95 I have — not, of course, with their knowledge, but in my own mind — undertaken to supply them with so many words, and I have never put a book out of hand short of the number by a single word. I may also say that the ex- cess has been very small. I have prided myself on com- pleting my work exactly within the proposed dimensions. But, I have prided myself especially in completing it with- in the proposed time — and I have always done so. There has ever been tbe record before me, and a week passed with an insufficient number of pages has been a blister to my eye, and a month so disgraced would have been a sor- row to my heart. I have been told that such appliances are beneath the notice of a man of genius. I have never fawcied myself to be a man of genins, but had I been so I think I might well have subjected myself to these trammels. Nothing, surely, is so potent as a law that may not be disobeyed. It has the force of the water-drop that hollows the stone. A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules. It is the tortoise which always catches the hare. The hare has no chance. He loses more time in glorifying himself for a quick spurt than suffices for the tortoise to make half his journey. I have known authors whose lives have always been troublesome and painful because their tasks have never been done in time. They have ever been as boys strug- gling to learn their lesson as they entered the school gates. Publishers have distrusted them, and they have failed to write their best, because they have seldom written at ease, I have done double their work — though burdened with another profession — and have done it almost without an effort. I have not once, through all my literary career, felt myself even in danger of being late AYitli my task. I have known no anxiety as to ** copy." The needed pages far ahead — very far ahead — have almost always been in the drawer beside me. And that little diary, with its dates 96 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TKOLLOPE. and ruled spaces, its record that must be seen, its daily, "weekly demand upon my industry, has done all that for me. There are those who would be ashamed to subject them- selves to such a taskmaster, and who think tliat the man who works with his imagination ^should allow himself to Avait till^nspiration moTes him. When I have heard such doctrine preached, I have hardly been able tx) lepress my scorn. To me it Avould not be more absurd, if the shoe- maker were to wait for inspiration, or the tallow-chandler for the divine moment of melting. If thi man whose business it is to write has eaten too many good things, or lias drunk too much, or smoked too many cigars — as men who write sometimes will do — then his condition may be unfavorable for work; but so will be the condition of a shoemaker who has been similarly imprudent. I have sometimes tliought that the inspiration wanted has been the remedy which time will give to the evil results of such imprudence. Mens sana in corpore sano. The author wants that, as does every other workman — that and a habit of industry. I was once told that the surest aid to the writing of a book was a piece of cobbler's wax ^n my chair. I certainly believe in the cobbler's wax much more than the inspiration. It will be said, perhaps, that a man whose work has risen to no higher pitch than mine has attained has no right to speak of the strains and impulses to which real genius is exposed. I am ready to admit the great varia- tions in brain power whicli are exhibited by the products of different men, and am not disposed to rank ray own very high; but my own experience tells me that a man can always do tlie work for which liis brain is fitted if he will give himself the habit of regarding his work as a normal condition of his life. I therefore venture to advise young men who look forward to authorshipf as the business of their lives, even when they propose that that authorslup ^all be of the highest class known, to avoid enthusiastic AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOITT Tr6lL0PE. 97 rushes with their pens, and to seat themselves at their desiis day by day, as though they were lawyers' clerks; and so let them sit until the allotted task shall be accom- plifihed. While J was in Egypt I finished " Doctor Thome," and on the following day began "The Bertrams." I was moved now by a determination to excel, if not in quality, at any rate in quantity. An ignoble ambition for an au- thor, my readers will no doubt say. But not, I think, al- together ignoble, if an author can bring himself to look at his work as does any other workman. This had be- come my task, this was the furrow in which my plow was set, this was the thing the doing of which had fallen into my hands, and I was minded to work at it with a will. It is not on my conscience that I have ever scamped niy work. My novels, whether good or bad, have beqn as good as I could make them. Had I taken three months of idleness between each, they would have been no better. Feeling convinced of that, I finished "Doctor Thome" on one day, and began "The Bertrams" on the next. I had then been nearly two months in Egypt, and had at last succeeded in settling the terms of a postal treaty. Nearly twenty years have passed since that time, and other years may yet run on before these pages are printed. I trust I may commit no official sin by describing here .the nature of the difficulty which met me. I found, on my arrival, that I was to communicate with an officer of the Pasha, who was then called Nubar Bey. I presume him to have been the gentleman who has lately dealt with our government as to the Suez Canal shares, and who is now well known to the political world as Nubar Pasha. I found him a most courteous gentleman, an Armenian. I never went to his office, nor do I know that he had an office. Every other day he would come to me at my hotel, and bring with him servants, and pipes, and coffee. I en- joyed his coming greatly; but there was one point ou 98 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. which we could not agree. As to money and other de» tails, it seemed as though he could hardly accede; fast enough to the wishes of the Postmaster-general; br^t on one point he was firmly opposed to me. I was desir- ous that the mails should be carried through Egypt in twenty-four hours, and he thought that forty-ieight hours should be allowed. I was obstinate, and he was obstinate; and for a long time we could come to no agreement. At last his Oriental tranquillity seemed to desert him, and he took upon himself to assure me, with *almost more than British energy, that, if I insisted on the quick transit, a terribly responsibility would rest on my " head. I made this mistake, he said — that I supposed that a rate of traveling which would be easy and secure in Eng- land, could be attained with safety in Egypt. "The Pasha, his master, would," he said, "no doubt accede to any terms demanded by the British Post-office, so great was his reverence for everything British. In that case he, Nubar, would at once resign his position, and retire into obscurity. He would be ruined; but the loss of life and bloodshed which would certainly follow so rash an attempt should not be on his head.'' I smoked my pipe, or rather his, and drank his coffee, with Oriental quiescence, but British firmness. Every now and again,-through three or four visits, I renewed the expression of my opinion that the transit could easily be made in twenty-four hours. At last he gave way — and astonished me by the cordiality of his greeting. There was no longer any question of blood- shed or of resignation of office, and he assured me, with energetic complaisance, that it should be his care to see that the time was punctually kept. It was punctually kept, and, I believe, is so still. I must confess, however, that my persistency was not the result of any courage specially personal to myself. While the matter was being debated, it had been whispered to me that the Peninsular and Oriental Steamshii) Company had conceived that AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 99 forty-eight hours would suit the purposes of their traffic better than tweuty-four, and that, as they were the great paymasters on the railway, the minister of the Egyptian state, who managed the railway, might probably wish to accommodate them. I often wondered who originated that frightful picture of blood and desolation. That it came from an English heart and an English hand I was always sure. From Egypt I visited the Holy Land, and, on my way, inspected the Post-offices at Malta and Gibraltar. I could fill a volume with true tales of my adventures. The *' Tales of All Countries " have, most of them, some foundation in such occurrences. There is one called *' John Bull on the Guadalquivir," the chief incident in which oc- curred to me and a friend of mine, on our way up that riyer to Seville. We both of us handled the gold orna- ments of a man whom we believed to be a bull-fighter, bub who turned out to be a duke — and a duke, too, who could speak English! How gracious he was to us, and yet how thoroughly he covered us with ridicule! On my return home I received £400 from' Messrs. Chap- man & Hall for ** Doctor Thorne," and agreed to sell them ^' The Bertrams " for the same sum. This latter novel was written under very vagrant circumstances — at Alexandria, Malta, Gibraltar, Glasgow, then at sea, and at last finished in Jamaica. Of my journey to the West Indies I will say a few words presently, but I may as well speak of these two novels here. **Ddctor Thorne'* has, I believe, been the most popular book that I have written — if I may take the sale as a proof of comparative popularity. '^ The Ber- trams " has had quite an oj^^posite fortune. I do not know that I have ever heard it well spoken of even by my friends, and I cannot remember that there is any character in it that has dwelt in the minds of novel-readers. I myself think that they are of about equal merit, but that neither of them js good. They fall away very much from ''The 100 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Three Clerks," both in pathos and humor. There is no personage in either of them comparable to ChaffanbrasR the lawyer. The plot of " Doctor Thorne " is good, and I am led therefore to suppose that a good plot — which, to my own feeling, is the most insignificant part of a tale — is that which will most raise it or most condemn it in the public judgment. The plots of J* Tom Jones " and of '* Ivanhoe " are almost perfect, and they are probably the most popular novels of the schools of the last and of this century; but to me the delicacy of Amelia, and the rugged strength of Burley anT3 Meg Merrilies, say more for the power of those great novelists than the gift of con- struction shown in the two works 1 have named. A nov- el should give a picture of common life enlivened by humor and sweetened by pathos. To make that picture worthy of attention, the canvas should be crowded with real portraits, not of individuals known to the world, or to the author, but of created personages impregnated with traits of character which are known. To my thinking, the plot is but the vehicle for all this; and when you have the vehicle, without the passengers, a story of mystery, in which the agents never spring to life, you have but a wooden show. There must, however, be a story. You must provide a vehicle of some sort. That of "The Ber- trams" was more than ordinarily bad; and as the book was relieved by no special character, it failed. Its failure never surprised me; but I have been surprised by the suc- cess of ** Doctor Thorne." At this time there was nothing in the success of the one or the failure of the other to affect me very gr6atly. The immediate sale, and the notices elicited from the critics, and the feeling which had now come to me of a confident standing- with the publishers, all made me know that I had achieved my object. If I Wrote a novel, I could certainly sell it. And if I could publish three in two years— confining myself to half the fecundity of that ter- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 101 rible author of whom the publisher in Paternoster Row had complained to me — I might add £600 a year to my official income. I was still living in Ireland, and could keep a good house over my head, insure my life, educate my two boys, and hunt perhaps twice a week, on £1400 a year. If more should come, it would be well — but £1600 a year I was prepared to reckon as success. It had been slow in coming, but was very pleasant when it came. On my return from Egypt I was sent down to Scotland to revise the Glasgow Post-office. I almost forget now what it was that I had to do there, but I know that I walked all over the city with the letter-carriers, going up to the top flats of the houses, as the men would have de- clared me incompetent to judge the extent of their labors had I not trudged every step with them. It was mid- summer, and wearier work I never performed. The men would grumble, and then I would think how it would be with them if they had to go home afterward and write a love-scene. But the love-scenes written in Glasgow, all belonging to ''Tiie Bertrams," are not good. Then, in the autumn of that year, 1858, I was asked ta go to the West Indies, and cleanse the Augean stables of our Post-office system there. Up to that time, and at that time, our colonial Post-offices generally were managed from home, and were subject to the British Postmaster- general. Gentlemen were sent out from England to be postmasters, surveyors, and what not; and as our West Indian islands have never been regarded as being of them- selves happily situated for residence, the gentlemen so sent were sometimes more conspicuous for want of income than for official zeal and ability. Hence the stables had become Augean. I was also instructed to carry out in some of the ifllando a plan for giving up this postal authority to the island governor, and in others to propose some such plan, I was then to go on to Cuba, to make a postal treaty with the Spanish authorities, and to Panama for the same pur- 102 AUTOBIOGBAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. pose with the government of New Grenada. All this work I performed to my satisfaction, and I hope to that of my masters in St. Martin's-le-Grand. But the trip is at the present moment of importance to my subject, as having enabled me to write that which, on the whole, I regard as the best book that has come from my pen. It is short, and, I think I may venture to say, amusing, useful, and true. As soon as I had learned from the secretary at the General Post-office that this journey would be required, I proposed the book to Messrs. Chap- man & Hall, demanding £250 for a single volume. The contract was made without any difficulty, and when I re- turned home the work was complete in my desk. I began it on bcflard the ship in which I left Kingston, Jamaica, for Cuba, and from week to week I carried it on as I went. From Cuba I made my way to St. Thomas, and through the island down to Demarara, then back to St. Thomas — which is the starting-point for all places in that part of the globe — to Santa Martha, Carthagena, Aspinwall, over the Isthmus to Panama, up the Pacific to a little harbor on the coast of Costa Kica, thence across Central America, through Costa Rica, and down the Nicaragua River to the Mosquito coast, and after that home by Bermuda and New York. Should any one want further details of the voyage, are they not written in my book? The fact mem- orable to me now is that I never made a single note while writing or preparing it. Preparation, indeed, there was none. The descriptions and opinions came hot on to the --'>ner from their causes. I will not say that this is the ^st way of writing a book intended to give accurate in- formation. But it is the best way of producing, to the €ye of the reader, and to his ear, that which the eye of the writer has seen and his ear heard. There are two kinds of confidence which a reader may have in his author— which two kinds the reader who wishes to use his reading well should carefully discriminate. There is a confidence AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 103- in facts and a confidence in vision. The one man tells you accurately what has been. The other suggests to yoa what may, or perliaps what must have been, or what ought to have been. The former requires simple faith. The latter calls upon you to judge for yourself, and form your own conclusions. The former does not intend to be pre- scient, nor the latter accurate. Research is the weapon used by the former; observation by the latter. Either may be false — willfully false; as also may either be stead- fastly true. As to that, the reader mu?t judge for him- self. But the man who writes ciirrente calamo, who works with a rapidity which will not admit of accuracy, may be- as true, and in one sense as trustworthy, as he who bases every word upon a roclf of facts. I have written very much as I have traveled about; and though I have been, very inaccurate, I have always written the exact truth as I saw it; and I have, I think, drawn my pictures correctly. The view I took of the relative position in the West Indies of black men and white men was the view of the Tiines newspaper at that period; and there appeared three articles in that journal, one closely after another, which made the fortune of the book. Had it been very bad, I suppose its fortune could not have been made for it even by the Times newspaper. I afterward became acquainted with the writer cf those articles, the contributor himself informing me that he had written them. I told him that he had done me a greater service than can often be done by one man to another, but that I was under no obligatioa to him. I do not think that he saw the matter quite itt the same light.^ I am aware that by that criticism I was much raised in my position as an author. Whether such lifting up by such means is good or bad for literature is a question which I hope to discuss in a future chapter. But the result was immediate to me, for I at once went to Chapman & Hall and successfully demanded £600 for my next novel. 104 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONY TEOLf.OPE. CHAPTER YIII. THE ''CORXHILL MAGAZINE" AND '* FRAMLEY PAR- SONAGE." SOOK after ray return from the West Indies I was en- abled to change my district in Ireland for one in England. For some time past my official work had been of a special nature, taking me out of my own district; but through all that, Dublin had been my home, and there my wife and children had lived. I had often sighed to return to England, with a silly longing. My life in England for twenty-six years, from the time of my birth to the day on -which I left it, had been wretched. I had been poor, friendless, and joyless. In Ireland it had constantly been happy. I had achieved the respect of all with whom I was concerned, I had made for myself a comfortable home, and I had enjoyed many pleasures. Hunting, itself, was a great delight to me; and now, as I contemplated a move to England, and a house in the neighborhood of London, I felt that hunting must be abandoned.* Nevertheless I thought that a man who could write books ought not to live in Ireland — ought to live within the reach of the pub- lishers, the clubs, and the dinner-parties of the metropolis. So I made my request at headquarters, and with some little difficulty got myself appointed to the Eastern District of England— which comprised Essex, Suffolk, Xorfolk, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and tl^e greater part of Hertfordshire. At this time I did not stand very well with the dom- inant interest at the General Post-office. My old friend Colonel Maberly bad been some time since squeezed into, * It was not abandoned till sixteen more years had passed away. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 105 and his place was filled by Mr. Rowland Hill, the originator of the penny post. With him I never had any sympathy^ nor he with me. In figures and facts he was most ac- curate, but I never came across any one who so little understood tlie ways of men — unless it was his brother Frederic. To the two brothers the servants of the Post- oflSce — men numerous enough to have formed a large army in old days — were so many machines who could be counted on for their exact work without deviation, as wheels may be counted on which are kept going always at the same pace and always by the same power. Rowland Hill was an industrious public servant, anxious for the good of his country; but he was a hard taskmaster, and one who would, I think, have put the great department with which he was concerned altogether out of gear by his hardness, had he not been at last controlled. He was the chief secretary; my brother-in-law — who afterward succeeded him — came- next to him, and Mr. HilFs brother was the junior sec- retary. In the natural course of things I had not, from my position, anything to do with the management of affairs; but from time to time I found myself more oi;less mixed up in it. I was known to be a thoroughly eflBcient public servant — I am sure I may say so much of myself without fear of con trad ictit)n from any one who has known the Post-o^ce— I was very fond of the department, and, when matters came to be considered, I generally had an opinion of my own. I have no doubt that I often made myself very disagreeable. I know that I sometimes tried to do so. But I could hold my own, because I knew my business and was useful. I had given ofiicial offense by the publication of " The Three Clerks." I afterward gave greater offense by a lecture on the civil service, which I delivered in one of the large rooms at the General Post* office, to the clerks there. On this occasion the Post- master-general, with whom personally I enjoyed friendly terms, sent for me and told mo that Mr. Hill had told 106 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. him that I ought to be dismissed. When I asked his lord- ship whether he was prepared to dismiss me he only laughed. The tlireat was no threat to me, as I knew my- self to be too good to be treated in that fashion. The lecture had been permitted, and I had disobeyed no order. In the lecture which I delivered there was nothing to bring me to shame; but it advocated the doctrine that a civil servant is only a servant as far as his contract goes, and that he is, beyond that, entitled to be as free a man in politics, as free in his general pursuits, and as free in opinion, as those who are in open professions and open trades. All tliis is very nearly admitted now, but it certainly was not admitted then. At that time no one in the Post-office could even vote for a Member of Parlia- ment. Through my whole official life I did my best to improve the style of official writing. I have written, I should think, some thousands of reports, many of them necessa- rily very long; some of them dealing with subjects so ab- surd as to allow a touch of burlesque; some few in which a spark of indignation or a slight glow of pathos might find *an entrance. I have taken infinite pains with these reports, habituating myself always to write them in the form in which they should be ^nt— without a copy. lb is by writing thus that a man can throw on to his paper the exact feeling with which his mind is impressed at the mo- ment. A rough copy, or that which is called a draft, is written in order that it may be touched and altered and put upon stilts. The waste of time, moreover, in such an operation is terrible. If a man knows his craft with his pen, he will have learned to write without the necessity of changing his words or the form of his sentences. I had learned so to write my reports that they who read them should know what it was that I meant them to understand. But I do not think that they were regarded with favor. I have heard horror expressed because the old forma were AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHON'Y TROLLOPE. 10? disregarded and language used which had no savor of red tape. During the whole of this work in the Post-office it was my principle always to obey authority in everything^ instantly, but never to allow my mouth to be closed as to the expression of my opinion. They who had the ordering of me very often did not know the work as I knew it — could not tell, as I could, what would be the effect of this or that change. When carrying out instructions which I knew should not have been given, I never scrupled to point out the fatuity of the improper order in the strongest lan- guage that I could decently eiftploy. I have reveled in these official correspondences, and» look back to some of them as the greatest delights of my life. But I am not sure that they were so delightful to others. I succeeded, however, in getting the English district — which could hardly have been refused to me — and pre- pared to change our residence toward the end of 1859. At the time I was writing " Castle Richmond," the novel which I had sold to Messrs, Chapman & Hall for £600. But there arose at this time a certain literary project which probably had a great effect upon my career. While traveling on postal service abroad, or riding over the rural districts in England, or arranging the mails in Ire- land — and such for the last eighteen years had now been my life — I had no opportunity of becoming acquainted with literary Jife in London. It was probably some feel- ing of this which had made me anxious to move my pe- nates back to England. But even in Ireland, where I was still living in October, 1859, I had heard of the Cornhill Magazine, which was to come out on the 1st of January, 1880, under the editorship of Thackeray. I had at this time written from time to time certain E.iort stories, which had been pu'blished in certain period- icals, and which in due time were republished under the name of '* Tales of All Countries." On the 23d of October, 1859, I wrote to Thackeray, whom I had, I 108 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. think, never then seen, offering to send him for th© maga- zine certain of these stories. In reply to this I receiyed two letters — one from Messrs. Smith & Elder, the pro- prietors of the Cornhill, dated 26th of October, and the other from the editor, written two days later. That from Mr. Thackeray was as follows : " 36 Onslow Squake, S. W.. Octoh&r 28. " My Dear Mr. Trollope,— Smith & Elder have sent you their proposals; and the business part done, let me come to the pleasure, and say how very glad indeed I shall be to have you as a c^operator in our new magazine. And, looking over the annexed programme, you will see whether you can't help us in many other ways besides tale- telling. Whatever a man knows about life and its doings that let us hear about. You must have tossed a good deal about the world, and have countless sketches in your memory and your portfolio. Please to think if you can iurbish up any of these besides a novel. When events occur, and you have a good, lively tale, bear us in mind. One of our chief objects in this magazine is the getting ■out of novel spinning, and back into the world. Don't understand me to disparage our craft, especially your wares. I often say I am like the pastry cook, and don't care for tarts, but prefer bread-and-cheese; but the public love the tarts (luckily for us), and we must bake and sell them. There was quite an excitement in my family one evening when Paterfamilias (who goes to sleep on a novel almost always, when he tries it after dinner) came up-stairs into the drawing-room wide awake, and calling for the second volume of 'The Three Clerks.' I hope the Coriihill Magazine will have as pleasant a story. And the Chapmans, if ihey are the honest men I take them to be, I've no doubt have told you with what sincere liking jour works have been read by *' Yours very faithfully, ''W. M. Thackeray." This was very pleasant, and so was the letter from Smith A Elder offering me £1000 for the copyright of a three- volume novel, to come out in the new magazine— on con- dition that the first portion of it should be in their hands AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOIfY TROLLOPE. 109 "by December 12. There was much in all this that aston- ished me— ill the first place;> the priQp, which was more than double what I had yet received, and nearly double that which I was abont to receive from Messrs. Chapman & Hall. Then there was the suddenness of the call. It was already the end of October, and a portion of the work was required to be in the printer's hands within six weeks. *' Castle Bichmond " was, indeed, half written, but that was sold to Chapman. And it had always been a principle with me in my ai*t that no part of a novel should be pub- lished till the entire story was completed. I knew, from what I read from month to month, that this hurried publication of incompleted work was frequently, I might perhaps say always, adopted by the leading novelists of the day. That such has been the case is proved by the fact that Dickens, Thackeray, and Mrs. Gaskell died with unfinished novels, of which portions had been already published. I had not yet entered upon the system of pub- lishing novels in parts, and therefore had never been tempted. But I was aware that an artist should keep in his hand the power of fitting the beginning of his work to the end. No doubt it is his first duty to fit the end to the beginning, and he will endeavor to do so. But he flhould still keep in his hands the power of remedying any ■defect in this respect. " Servetur ad imum Qualis ab incepto processerit," should be kept in view as to every character and every string of action. Your Achilles should, all through, from beginning to end, be "impatient, fiery, ruthless, keen." Your Achilles, such as he is, will probably keep up his character. But your Davus also should be always Davus, and that is more difficult. The rustic, driving his pigs' to market, cannot always make them travel by the exact path which he has intended for them. When some young lady «t the end of a story cannot be made quite perfect in her 110 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. conduct, that vivid description of angelic purity with which you laid tTie first lines of her portrait should be slightly toned down. I had felt that the rushing mode of publication to which the system of serial stories had given rise, and by which small parts, as they were written, were sent hot to the press, was injurious to the work done. If I now complied with the proposition made to me, I must act against my own principle. But such a principle be- comes a tryant if it cannot be superseded on a just occa- sion. If the reason be *' tanti," the principle should for the occasion be put in abeyance. I sat as a judge, and decreed that the present reason was "tanti." On this, my first attempt at a serial story, I thought it fit to break my own rule. I can say, however, that I have never broken it since. But what astonished me most was the fact that at so late a day this new Cornhill Magazine should be in want of a novel! Perhaps some of my future readers will be able to remember the great expectations which were raised as to this periodical. Thackeray's was a good name with which to conjure. The proprietors, Messrs. Smith & Elder, were most liberal in their manner of initiating the work, and were able to make an expectant world of readers believe that something was to be given them for a shilling very much in excess of anything they had ever received for that or double the money. Whether these hopes were or were not fulfilled it is not for me to say, as, for the first few years of the magazine's existence, I wrote for it more than any other one person. But such was certainly the prospect; and how had it come to pass that, with such promises made, the editor and the proprietors were, at the end of October, without anything fixed as to what must be regarded as the chief dish in the banquet tp be provided? I fear that the answer to this question must be found in the habits of procrastination which had at that time grown upon the editor. He had, I imagine, undertaken the work AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. Ill himself, and had postponed its commencement till there was left to him no time for commencing. There was still, it may be said, as much time for liim as for me. I think there was — for though he Jiad his magazine to look after, I had the Post-oflBce. But he thought, when unable to trust his own energy, that he might rely upon that of a new recruit. He was but four years my senior in life, but he was at the top of th§ tree, while I was still at the bottom. Having made up my mind to break my principle, I started at once from Dublin to London. I arrived there on the morning of Thursday, November 3, and left it on the evening of Friday. In the meantime I had my agree- ment with Messrs. Smith & Elder, and had arranged my plot. But, when in London, I first went to Edward Chapman, at 193 Piccadilly. If the novel 1 was then writing for him would suit the Cornhill, might I consider my arrangement withjiim to be at an end? Yes; I might. But if that story would not suit the Cornhill, was I to consider my arrangement with him as still standing — that agreement; requiring that my manuscript should be in his hands in the following March? As to that, i might do as I pleased. In our dealings together, Mr. Edward Chap- man always acceded to every suggestion made to him. He never refused a book, and never haggled at a price. Then I hurried into the City, and had my first interview with Mr. George Smith. When he heard that '' Castle Rich- mond " was an Irish story, he begged that I would en- deavor to frame some other for his magazine. He was sure that an Irish story would not do for a commence- ment; and he suggested the Church, as though it were my peculiar subject. I told him that *' Castle Rich- mond" would have to '^ come out" while any other novel that I might write for him would be running through the magazine; but to that he expressed himself altogether indifferent. He wanted an English tale, on English life^ 112 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. with a clerical flavor. On these orders I went to work, and framed what I suppose I must call the plot of '' Frani* ley Parsonage." On my journey hack to Ireland, in the railway carriage, I wrote the first few pages of that story. I had got into my head an idea of what I meant to write — a morsel of the biography of an English clergyman who should not be a bad man, but one led in\o. temptation by his own youth and by the unclerical accidents of the life of those around him. The love of his sister for the young lord was an adjunct necessary, because there must be love in a novel. And then, by placing Framley Parsonage near Barchester, I was able to fall back upon my old friends- Mrs. Proudie and the archdeacon. Out of these slight elements I fabricated a hodge-podge in which the real plot consisted at last simply of a girl refusing to marry the man she loved till the man's friends agreed to accept her loving- ly. Nothing could be less efficient or artistic. But the characters were so well handled that the work, from the first to the last, was popular, and was received as it went on with still increasing favor by both editor and proprietor of the magazine. The- story was thoroughly English* There was a little fox-hunting and a little tuft-hunting; some Christian virtue and some Christian cant. ^There was no heroism and no villainy. There was much Church, but nwre love-making. And it was downright, honest love, in which there was no pretense on the part of the lady that she was too ethereal to be fond of a man, no half-and-half inclination on the part of the man to.pay a certain price and no more for a pretty toy. Each of them longed for the other, and they were not ashamed to say so. Consequently, they in England who were living, or had lived, the same sort of life, liked ^'Framley Parsonage.'^ I think myself that Lucy Robarts is, perhaps, the most natural English girl that I ever drew— the most natural^ at any rate, of those who hnve been ^ood girls. She was AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 113 not as dear to me as Kate Woodward in *'Tlie Three Clerks/' but I think &he is more like real human life. Indeed, I doubt whether such a character could be made more lifelike than Lucy Eobarts. And I will say also that in this novel there is no very weak part, no long succession of dull pages. The production of novels in serial form forces upon the author the convic- tion that he should not allow himself to be tedious in any single part. I hope no reader will misunderstand me. In spite of that conviction, the writer of stories in parts will often be tedious. That I have been so myself is a fault that will often lie heavy on my tombstone. But the writer, when he embarks in such a business, should feel that he cannot afEord to have many pages skipped out of the few •which are to meet the reader's eye at the same time. Who- can imagine the first half of the first volume of '* Wav- erley " coming out in shilling numbers? I had realized this when I was writing **Framley Parsonage;" and, working on the conviction which had thus come home to me, I fell into no bathos of dullness. I subsequently came across a piece of criticism which was written on me as a novelist by a brother novelist very much greater than myself/and whose brilliantintellect and warm imagination led him to a kind of work the very oppo- site of mine. This was Natlianiel Hawthorne, the Amer- ican, whom I did not then know, but whose works I knew. Though it praises myself highly, I will insert it here, be- cause it certainly is true in its nature: " It is odd enough," be says, '' that my own individual taste is for 'quite another class of works than those which I myself am able to write. If I were to meet with such books as mine, by another writer, I don't believe I *ould be able to get through them. Have you ever read the novels of Anthony Trol- lope? They precisely suit my taste— solid and substantiaU writteM on the strength of beef and through the inspira- tion of ale, and just as real as if some giant had hewn a 114 AUTOBIOGHAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. great lump out of the earth and put it uuder a glass case, with all its inhabitants goi*ng about their daily business, and not suspecting that they were being made a show of. And these books are just as English as a beefsteak. Have they ever been tried in America? It needs an English residence to make them thoroughly comprehensible, but still I should think that human nature would give them fiuccess anywhere." This was dated early in 18G0, and could have had no reference to *'Framley Parsonage;" but it was as true of that work as of any that I have written. And the criti- -cism, whether just or unjust, describes with wonderful accuracy the purport that I have ever had in view in my writing. I have always desired to '^ hew out some lump of the earth," and to make men and women walk upon it just as they do walk here among us — with not more of ex- cellence, nor with exaggerated baseness — so that my readers might recognize human beings like to themselves, and not feel themselves to be carried away among gods or demons. If I could do this, then I thought I might suc- ceed in impregnating the mind of the novel-reader with a feeling that honesty is the best policy; that truth prevails while falsehood fails; that a girl will be loved as she is pure and sweet and unselfish; that a man will be honored as he is true and honest and brave of lieart; that things meanly done are ugly and odious, and things nobly done beautiful and gracious. I do not say that lessons such as these may not be more grandly taught by higher flights than mine. Such lessons come to us from our greatest poets. But there are so many who will read novels and understand them, who either do not read the works of our great poets, or, reading them, miss the lesson 1 And even in prose fiction the character whom the fervid imagination of the writer has lifted somewhat into the clouds will hardly give so plain an example to the hasty, normal reader as the humbler personage whom that reader un- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 115- consciously feels to resemble himself or liei*self. I do think that a girl would more probably dress her own mind after Lucy Robarts than after Flora Macdonald. There are many who would laugh at the idea of a novel- ist teaching either virtue or nobility — those, for instance, who regard the reading of novels as a sin, and those also who think it to be simply an idle pastime. They look, upon the tellers of stories as among the tribe of those who pander to the wicked pleasures of ;v wicked world. I have regarded My art from so different a point of view that I have ever thought of myself as a preacher of sermons, and my pulpit as one which I could make both salutary and agreeable to my audience. I do believe that no girl ha^ risen from the reading of my pages less modest than she was before, and that some may have learned from them, that modesty is a charm wel] worth preserving. I think that no youth has been taught that in falseness and flash- ness is to be found the road to manliness; but some may perhaps have learned from me that it is to be found in truth and a high but gentle spirit. Such are the lessons I have striven to teach; and I have thought it might best be done by representing to my readers characters liko themselves, or to which they might liken themselves. 'Tramley Parsonage" — or, rather, my connection with the Cornhill — was the means of introducing me very ' quickly to that literary world from which I had hitherto been severed by the fact of my residence in Ireland. In December, 1859, while I was still very hard at work on my novel, I came over to take charge of the Eastern Dis- trict, and settled myself at a residence about twelve miles from London, in Hertfordshire, but on the border? both of Essex and Middlesex, which was somewhat too grandly called Waltham House. This I took on lease, and subse- quently bought, after I had spent about £1000 on im- provements. From hence I was able to make myself irequent both in Cornhill and Piccadilly, and to live^ 116 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. when the opportunity came, among men of my own pur- suit. It was in January, 1860, that Mr. George Smith to whose enterprise we owe not only the Cornhill Magazine but the Pall Mall Gazette — gave a sumptuous dinner to his contributors. It was a memorable banquet in many ways, but chiefly so to me because on that occasion I first met many men who afterward became my most intimate associates. It can rarely happen that one such occasion can be the first starting-point of so many friendships. It was at that table, and on that day, that I first saw Thack- eray, Charles Taylor (Sir) — than whom in later life I have loved nf> man better — Robert Bell, G. H. Lewes, and John flverett Millais. With all these men I afterward lived on affectionate terms; but I will here speak specially of the last, because from that time he was joined with me in ^o much of the work that I did. Mr. Millais was engaged to illustrate " Framley Parson- age," but this was not the first work he did for the maga- zine. In the second number there is a picture of his, accompanying Monckton Milnes's " Unspoken Dialogue,'* The first drawing he did for "Framley Parsonage '* did not appear till after the dinner of which I have spoken, and I do not think that I knew at the time that he was engaged on my novel. When I did know it, it made me proud. He afterward illustrated ^'Orley Farm," "The ♦Small House at Allington," ** EachelRay," and " Phineas Finn." Altogether he drew from my tales eighty-seven drawings, and I do not think that more conscientious work was ever done by man. Writers of novels know well — and so ought readers of novels to have learned — that there are two modes of illustrating, either of which may be adopted equally by a bad and by a good artist. To which class Mr. Millais belongs I need not say; but, as a good artist, It was open to him simply to make a pretty picture, or to study the work of the author from whose writing he was AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 117 bound to take his subject. I have too often found that the former alternative has been thought to be the better, as it certainly is the easier method. An artist will fre- quently dislike to subordinate liis ideas to those of an author, and will sometimes be too idle to find out what those ideas are. But this artist was neither proud nor idle. In every figure that he drew it was his object to promote the views of the writer whose work he had under- taken to illustrate, and he never spared himself any pains in studying that work, so as to enable him to do so. I have carried on some of tliose characters from book to book, and have had my own early ideas impressed indelibly on my memory by the excellence of his delineations. Those illustrations were commenced fifteen years ago, and from that time up to this day my affection for the man of whom I am speaking has increased. To see him has always been a pleasure. His voice has been a sweet sound in my ears. Behind his back I have never heard him praised without joining the eulogist; I have never a word spoken against him without opposing the censurer. These words, should he ever see them, will come to him from the grave, and will tell him of my regard — as one living man never tells another. Sir Charles Taylor, who carried me home in his brougham that evening, and thus commenced an intimacy which has since been very close, was born to wealth, and was there- fore not compelled by the necessities of a profession to enter the lists as an author. But he lived much with those who did so, and could have done it himself had want or ambition stirred him. He was our king at the Garrick Club, to which, however, I did not yet belong. He gave the best dinners of my time, and was — happily I may say is * — the best giver of dinners. A man rough of tongue, brusque in his manners, odious to those who dislike him, ''^Alas! witliia a year of the writing of this he went from us. 118 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Bomewhat inclined to tyranny, be is the prince of friends, honest as the sun, and as open-handed as charity itself. Eobert Bell has now been dead nearly ten years. As I look back over the interval and remember how intimate we were, it seems odd to me that we should have known each other for no more than six years. He was a man who had lived by his pen from his very youth; and was so far successful tbat I do not think that want ever came near him. But he never made that mark which his industry and tal- ents would have seemed to insure. He was a man well known to literary men, but not known to readers. As a journalist he was useful and conscientious, but his plays and novels never made themselves popular. He wrote a life of Canning, and he brought out an annotated edition of the British poets; but he achieved no gi-eat success. I have known no man better read in English literature. Hence his conversation had a peculiar charm, but he was not equally happy with his pen. He will long be remem- bered at the Literary Fund Committees, of which he was a stanch and most trusted supporter. I think it was he who first introduced me* to that board. It has often been said that literary men are peculiarly apt to think^bat they are slighted and unappreciated. Robert Bell certainly never achieved the position in literature which he once aspired to fill, and which he^was justified in thinking tliat he could earn for himself. I have frequently discussed these subjects with him, but I never heard from his mouth a word of complaint as to his own literary fate. He liked to hear the chimes go at midnight, and he loved to have ginger hot in his mouth. On such occasions no sound ever came out of a man's lips sweeter than his wit and gentle revelry. George Lewes — with his wife, whom all the world knows as George Eliot— has also been and still is-ono of my dearest friends. He is, I think, the acutest critic I know— and the severest. His seventy, however, is a fault. His in- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 119 tention to be honest, even when honesty may give pain, has caused him to give pain when honesty has not required it. He is essentially a doubter, and has encouraged him- self to doubt till the faculty of trusting has almost left him. I am net speaking of the personal trust which one man feels in another, but of that confidence in literary excellence which is, I think, necessary for the full enjoyment of lit- -erature. In one modern writer he did believe thoroughly. Nothing can be more charming than the unstinted admira- tion which he has accorded to everything that comes from the pen of the wonderful woman to whom his lot has been tinited. To her name I shall recur again when speaking of the novelists of the present day. Of " Billy Russell," as we always used to call him, I may say that I never knew but one man equal to him in the quickness and continuance of witty speech. That one man was Charles Lever— also an Irishman— whom I had known frotn an earlier date, and also with close intimacy. Of the two, f think that'Lever was perhaps the more astounding producer of good things. His manner was, perhaps, a little the happier, and his turns more sharp and unex- pected. But ''Billy" also was marvelous. Whether abroad, as special correspondent, or at home, amid the flurry of his newspaper work, he was a charming compan- ion; his ready wit always gave him the last word. Of Thackeray I will speak again when I record his death. There were many others whom I met for the first time at George Smith's table. Albert Smith, for the first, and, indeed, for the last time, as he died soon afte^-; Higgins, whom all the world knew as Jacob Omnium, a man I greatly regarded; Dallas, who for a time was literary critic to the 7\meSf and who certainly in that capacity did better work than has appeared since in the same department; George Augustus Sala, who, had he given himself fair play, would have risen to higher eminence than that of 120 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, being the best writer in his day of sensational leading^ articles; and Fitz-Janies Stephen, a man of very different caliber, who has not yet culminated, but who, no doubt, will culminate among our judges. There -were many others; but I cannot now recall their various names as identified with those banquets. Of *' Framley Parsonage " I need only further say, tliat as I wrote it I became more closely than ever acquainted with the new shire which I had added to the English counties. I had it all in my mind — its roads and rail- roads, its towns and parishes, its members of Parliament, and the different hunts which rode over it. I knew all the great lords and their castles, the squires and their parks, the rectors and their churches. This was t^ie fourth novel of which I had placed the scene in Barsetshire, and as I wrote it I made a map of the dear county. Through- out these stories there has been no name given to a ficti- tious site which does not represent to me a spot of which I know all the accessories, as though I had lived and wandered there. CHAPTER IX. ''CASTLE RICHMOND."— "BROWN, JONES, AND ROBIN- SON." — '* NORTH AMERICA."—'* ORLEY FARM." When I had half finished ''Framley Parsonage" I went back to my other story, "Castle Richmond," which I was writing for Messrs. Chapman & Hall, and completed that. I think that this was the only occasion on which I have had two different novels in my mind at the same time. This, however, did not create either difficulty or confusion. Many of us live in different circles; and when we go from our friends in the town to our friends in the country, we do not usually fail to remember -tiie little de- tails of the one life or the other. The parson at Rusticum, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 121 with his wife and his wife's mother, and all his belongings; and our old friend, the squire, with his family history; and Farmer Mudge, who has been cross with us, because we rode so unnecessarily over his barley; and that rascally poacher, once a gamekeeper, who now traps all the foxes; and pretty Mary Cann, whose marriage with the wheel- wright we did something to expedite — though we are alive to them all, do not drive out of our brain the club gossip, or the memories of last season's dinners, or any incident of our London intimacies. In our lives we are always weaving novels, and we manage to keep the different tales distinct. A man does, in truth, remember that which it interests him to remember; and when we hear that memory has gone as age has come on, we should understand that the capacity for interest in the matter concerned has perished. A man will be generally very old and feeble before he forgets how much money he has in the funds. There is a good deal to be learned by any one who wishes to write a novel well; but when the art has been acquired, I do not see why two or three should not be well written at the same time. I have never found myself thinking much about the work that I had to do till I was doing it. I have, indeed, for many years almost abandoned the effort to think, trusting myself, with the narrowest thread of a plot, to work the matter out when the pen is in my hand. But my mind is coi^stantly employing itself on the work I have done. Had I left either '* Framley Parsonage" or '* Castle Richmond " half finished fifteen years ago, I think I could complete the tales now with very little trouble. I have not looked at '' Castle Richmond" since it was pub- lished; and poor as the work is, I remember all the inci- dents. ** Castle Richmolid " certainly was not a success, though the plot is a fairly good plot, and is much more of a plot than I have generally been able to find. The scene is laid in Ire- land during the famine; and I am well aware now that 122 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. English readers no longer like Irish stories. I cannot- understand why it should be so, as the Irish character is peculiarly well fitted for romance. But Irish subjects generally have become distasteful. This novel, however, is of itself a weak production. The characters do not excite sympathy. The heroine has two lovers, one of whom is a scamp and the other a prig. As regards the scamp, the girl's mother is her own rival. Rivalry of the same nature has been admirably depicted by Thackeray in his *' Esmond;" but there the mother's love seems to be justi- fied by the girl's indifference. In *' Castle Richmond " the mother strives to rob her daughter of the man's love. The girl herself has no character; and the mother, who is strong enough, is almost revolting. The dialogue is often lively, and some of the incidents are well told; but the story, as a whole, was a failure. I cannot remember, however, that it was roughly handled by the critics when it came out; and I much doubt whether anything so hard was said of it then as that which I have said here. I was now settled at Waltham Cross, in a house in which I could entertain a few friends modestly, where we grew our cabbages and strawberries, made our own butter, and killed our own pigs. I occupied it for twelve years, and tKey were years to me of great prosperity. In 1861 I be- came a member of the Garrick Club, with which institu- tion I have since been much identified. I had belonged to it about two years, when, on Thackeray's death, I was invited to fill his place on the committee, and I have been one of that august body ever since. Having up to that time lived very little among men, having known hitherto nothing of clubs, having even as a boy been banished from social gatherings, I enjoyed infinitely at first the gayetyof the Garrick. It was a festival to me to dine there— which I did, indeed, but seldom; and a great delight to play a rubber in the little room up-stairs of an afternoon. I am speaking now of the old club in King Street. This play- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 123 iug of whist before dinner has since become a habit with me, so that unless there be something else special to do — unless there be hunting, or I am wanted to ride in the park by the young tyrant of my household — it is *^ my custom always in the afternoon." I have sometimes felt sore with myself for this persistency, feeling that I was making myself a slave to an amusement which has not, after all, very much to recommend it. I have often thought that I would break myself away from it, and '* swear off," as Kip Van Winkle says. But my swearing off has been, like <^Jiat of Rip Van Winkle. And now, as I think of it coolly, I do not know but that I have been right to cling to it. As a man grows old he wants amusement, more even than when he is young; and then it becomes so diffi- cult to find amusement. Reading should, no doubt, be the delight of men's leisure hours. Had I to choose be- tween books and cards, I should no doubt take the books. But I find that I can seldom read with pleasure for above an hour and a half at a time, or more than three hours a day. As I write this I am aware that hunting must soon be abandoned. After sixty it is given to but few men to ride straight across country, and I cannot bring myself to adopt any other mode of riding. I think that without cards I should now be much at a loss. When I began to play at the Garrick, I did so simply because I liked the society o^ the men who played. I think that I became popular among those with whom I associated. I have long been aware of a certain weak- ness in my own character, which I may call a craving for love. I have ever had a wish to be liked by those around me, a wish that during the first half of my life was never gratified. In my school- days no small part of my misery came firom the envy with which I regarded the popularity of popular boys. They seemed to me to live in a social paradise, while the desolation of my pandemonium was complete. And afterward, when I was in London as ayouug 124 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. man, I had but few friends. Among the clerks in the Post-office I held mj own fairly for the first two or three years; but even then I regarded myself as something of a pariah. My Irish life had been much better. I had my wife and children, and had been sustained by a feeling of general respect. But even in Ireland I had, in truth, lived but little in society. Our means had been suflScient for our wants, but insufficient for entertaining others. It was not till we had settled ourselves at Waltham that I really began to live much with others. The GrarrickClub was the first assemblage of men' at which I felt myself ta be popular. I soon became a member of other clubs. There was the- Arts Club in Hanover Square, of which I saw the opening, but from which, after three or four years, I withdrew my name, having found that during these three or four years I had not once entered the building. Then I was one of the originators of the Civil Service Club — not from judg- ment, but instigated to do so by others. That also I left for the same reason. In 1864 I received the honor of be- ing elected by the committee at the Athenaeum. For this I was indebted to the kindness of Lord Stanhope; and I never was more surprised than when I was informed of the fact. About the same time I became a member of the Cosmopolitan, a little club that meets twice a week in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, and supplies to all its members, and its members' friends, tea and brandy-and- water without charge! The gatherings there I used to think very delightful. One met Jacob Omnium, Monckton Milnes, Tom Hughes, William Stirling, Henry Reeve, Arthur Eussell, Tom Taylor, and suchlike; and generally a strong political element, thoroughly well mixed, gave a certain spirit to the place. Lord Ripon, Lord Stanley, William Forster, Lord Enfield, Lord Kimberley, George Bentinck, Vernon Harcourt, Bromley Davenport, Knatch- bull Huguessen, with many others, used to whisper the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHONY TROLLOPE. 125 secrets of Parliaipent with free tongues. Afterward I became a member of the Turf, which I found to be serviceable — or the reverse — only for the playing of whist at high points. In August, 1861, 1 wrote another novel for the Comhill Magazine. It was a short story, about one volume in length, and was called " The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Kobinson." In this I attempted a style for which I certainly was not qualified, and to which I never again had recourse. It was meant to be funny, was full of slang, and was intended as a satire on the ways of trade. Still I think that there is some good fun in it, but I have heard no one else express such an opinion. I do not know that I ever heard any opinion expressed on it, except by the- publisher, who kindly remarked that he did not think it was equal to my usual work. Though he had purchased the copyright, he did republish the story in book form till 1870, and then it passed into the world of letters sub silentio. I do not know that it was ever criticised or ever read. I received £600 for it. From that time to this I have been paid at about that rate for my work — £600 for the quantity contained in an ordinary novel volume, or £3000 for a long tale published in twen y parts, which is equal in length to five such volumes. I have occasionally, I think, r^eived something more than this, never, I think, less for any tale, except when I have published my work anonymously.* Having said so much, I need not further specify the prices as I mention the books as they were written. I will, however, when I am com- pleting this memoir, give a list of all the sums I have received for my literary labors. I think that " Brown, Jones, and Eobinson " was the hardest bargain I ever sold to a publisher. * Bince the date at which this was written I have encountered & dlmlDution in price. 126 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. In 1861 the War of Secession had broken out in America, and from the first I interested myself much in the ques- tion. My mother had thirty years previously written a Tery popular, but as I had thought, a somewhat unjust, book about our cousins over the water. She had seen what was distasteful in the manners of a young people, but had hardly recognized their energy. I had entertained for many years an ambition to follow her footsteps there, and to write another book. I had already paid a short visit to New York city and state on my way home from the West Indies, but had not seen enough then to justify me in the expression of any opinion. The breaking out of the war did not make me think that the time was pe- culiarly fit for such inquiry as I wished to make, but it "did represent itself as an occasion on which a book might be popular. I consequently consulted the two great powers with whom I was concerned. Messrs. Chapman & Hall, ihe publishers, were one power, and I had no difficulty in arranging my affairs with them. They agreed to publish the book on my terms, and bade me Godspeed on my journey. The other power was the Postmaster-general and Mr. Rowland Hill, the Secretary of the Post-office. I wanted leave of absence for the unusual period of nine months, and fearing that I should not get it by the ordi- nary process of asking the secretary, I went direct to his lordship. "Is it on the plea of ill-health?"^he asked, looking into my face, which was then that of a very robust man. His lordship knew the civil service as well as any one living, and must have seen much of falseness and fraudulent pretense, or he would not have asked that •question. I told him that I was very well, but that I wanted to write a book. '* Had I any special ground to go upon in asking for such indulgence?" I had, I said, done my duty well by the service. There was a good deal of demurring, but I got leave for nine months— and I knew that I had earned it. Mr. Hill attached to the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 127 minute granting me the leave an intimation that it was ta be considered as a full equivalent for the special services rendered by me to tlie department. I declined, however, to accept the grace with such a stipulation, and it was- withdrawn by the direction of the Postmaster-general.* I started for the States in August and returned in the following May. The war was raging during the time that I was there, and the country was full of soldiers. A part of the time I spent in Virginia, -Kentucky, and Missouri, among the troops along the line of attack. I yisited all the states (excepting California) which had not then seceded — failing to make my way into the se- ceding states unless I was prepared to visit them with an amount of discomfort I did not choose to endure. I worked very hard at the task I had assigned to myself, and did, I think, see much of the manners and institutions of the people. Nothing struck me more than their per- sistence in the ordinary pursuits of lifg in spite of the war which was around them. Neither industry nor amuse- ment seemed tp meet with any check. Schools, hospitals, and institutes were by no means neglected because new regiments were daily required. The truth, I take it, is that we, all of us, soon adapt ourselves to the circumstances around us. Though three parts of London were in flames I should, no doubt, expect to have my dinner served to hie, if I lived in the quarter which was free from fire. The book I wrote was very much longer than that on the West Indies, but was also written almost without a note. It contained much information, and, with many inaccuracies, was a true book. But it was not well done. It is tedious and confused, and will hardly, I think, be of • During the period of my service in the Post-offlce I did very much special work for which I never asked any remuneration — and never received any, though payments for special s«-vices were com- mon in the department at that time. But if there was to be a ques- tion of Buch remuneration, I did not choose that my work should be valued at the price put upon it by Mr. Hill. 128 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. future value to those who wish to make themselves ac- quaiuted with the United States. It was publisheil about the middle of the war — just at the time in which the hopes of those who loved the South were most buoyant, and the fears of those who stood by the North were the strongest. But it expressed an assured confidence — which never quavered in a page or in a line — that the North would win. This assurance was based on the merits of the Northern cause, on the superior strength of the Northern party, and on a conviction that England would never recognize the South, and that France would be guided in her policy by England. I was right in my prophecies, and right, I think, on the grounds on which they were made." The Southern cause was bad. The South had provoked the quarrel because its political supremacy was checked by the election of Mr. Lincoln to the presidency. It had to fight as a little man against a big man, and fought gallantly. That gallantry — and a feeling, based on a misconception as to American character, that the Southerners are better gentlemen than their Northern brethren — did create great sympathy here; but I believed that the country was too just to be led into political action by a spirit of romance, iind I was warranted in that belief. There was a moment in which the Northern cause was in danger, and the dan- ger lay certainly in the prospect of British interference. Messrs. Slidell and Mason-ttwo men insignificant in thenj- selves4-had been sent to Europe by the Southern party, and had managed to get on board the British mail steamer called the Trent, at Havana. A most undue importance was attached to this mission by Mr. Lincoln's government, and efforts were made to stop them. A certain Commodore Wilkes, doing duty as policeman on the high eeas, did stop the Trent, and took the men out. They were car- ried, one to Boston and one to New York, and were incar- cerated, amidst the triumph of the nation. Commodore Wilkes, who had done nothing in which a man could take AUTOBIOGllAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 129 glory, was made a hero and received a prize sword.^ Eng- land, of course, demanded her passengers back, and the States for a while refused to surrender them. But Mr. {Seward, with many political faults, was a wise man. I was at Washington at the time, and it was known there that the contest among the leading Northerners was very sharp on the matter. Mr. Sumner and Mr. Seward were, under Mr. Lincol-n, the two chiefs of the party. It was understood that .Mr. Sumner was opposed to the rendition of the men, and Mr. Seward in favor of it. Mr. Seward's counsels at last prevailed with the President, and England's declaration of war was prevented. I dined with Mr. Seward on the day of the decision, meeting Mr. Sumner at his house, and was told as I left the dining-room what the decision had been. During the afternoon I and others had received intimation through the embassy that we might probably have to leave Washington at an hour's notice. This, I think, was the severest danger that the Northern cause encountered during the war. But my book, though it was right in its views on this subject— and wrong in none other, as far as I know— was not a good book. I can recommend no one to read it now in order that he may be either instructed or amused— as I can do that on the West Indies. It served its purpose at the time, and was well received by the public and by the critics. Before starting to America I had completed " Orley Farm," a novel which appeared in shilling numbers— after the manner in which " Pickwick," ''Nicholas Nickleby," and many others had been published. Most of those among my friends who talk to me now about my novels, and are competent to form an opinion on the subject, say that this is the best I have written. In this opinion I do not coin- cide. I think that the highest merit which a novel can have consists in perfect delineation of character, rather than in plot,- or humor, or pathos, and I shall before 130 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AXTHONY TROLLOPE. long mention a subsequent work in which I think the main character of tlie story is so well developed as to jus^- tify me in asserting its claim above the others. The T)lot of " Orley Farm " is, probably, the best I have ever made; but it has the fault of declaring itself, and thus coming to an end too early in the book. When Lady Mason tells her ancient lover that she did forge the will, the plot of *' Orley Farm " has unraveled itself — and this she does in the middle of the tale. Independently, however, of this the novel is good. Sir Peregrine Orme, his grandson, Madeline Stavely, Mr. Furnival, Mr. Chaffanbrass, and the commercial gentleman, are all good. The hunting ia good. The lawyer's talk is good. Mr. Moulder carves his turkey admirably, and Mr. Kantwise sells his tables and chairs with spirit. 1 do not know that there is a dull page in the book. I am fond of ** Orley Farm " — and am especially fond of its illustrations by Millais, which are the best I have seen in any novel in any language. I now felt that I had gained my object. In 1862 I had achieved that which I contemplated when I went to Lon- don in 1834, and toward which I made my first attempt when I began '* The Macdermots" in 1843. I bad created for myself a position among literary men, and had secured to myself an income on which I might live in ease and comfort, which ease and comfort have been made to in- clude many luxuries. From this time, for a period of twelve years, my income averaged £4500 a year. Of this I spent about two thirds and put by one. I ought, per- haps, to have done better — to have spent one third and put by two; but I have ever been too well inclined to spend freely that which has come easily. ' This, however, has been so exactly the life which my thoughts and aspirations had marked out — thoughts and aspirations which used to cause me to blush with sham© because I was so slow in forcing myselt to the work which they demanded— that I have felt some pride in having AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 131 attained it. I have before said how entirely I fail to reach the altitude of those who think that a man devoted to letters should be indifferent to the pecuniary results for which work is generally done. An easy income has always been regarded by me as a great blessing. Not to have to think of sixpences, or very much of shillings; not to be unhappy because the coals have been burned too quickly and the house linen wants renewing; not to be debarred by the rigor of necessity from opening one's hands, per- haps foolishly, to one's friends — all this, to me, has been essential to the comfort of life. I have enjoyed the com- fort for, I may almost say, the last twenty years, though no man in his youth had less prospect of doing so, or would have been less likely at twenty-five to have had such luxuries foretold to him by his friends. But though the money has been sweet, the respect, the friendships, and the mode of life which has been achieved have been much sweeter. In my boyhood, when I would be crawling up to school with dirty boots and trousers through the muddy lanes, I was always telling myself that the misery of the hour was not the worst of it, but that the mud and solitude and poverty of the time would in- sure me mud and solitude and poverty through my life. Those lads about me would go into Parliament, or become rectors and deans, or squires of parishes, or advocates thundering at the Bar. They would not live with me now — but neither should I be able to live with them in after-years. Nevertheless I have lived with them. AVhen, at the age in which others go to the universities, I became a clerk in the Post-office, I felt that my old visions were being realized. I did not think it a high calling. I did not know then how very much good work may be done by a member of Jfhe civil service who will show himself capable of doing.it. The Post-office at last grew upon me and forced itself into my affections. I became intensely anxious that people should have their letters delivered to 132 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOin TROLLOPE. til em punctually. But my hope to rise had always heed built on the writing of novels, and at last by the writing of novels I had risen. I do not think that I ever toadied any one, or that I have acquired the character of a tuft-hunter. But here I do not scruple to say that I prefer the society of distin- guished people, and that even the distinction of wealth confers many advantages. The best education is to be had at a price as well as the best broadcloth. The son of a peer is more likely to rub his shoulders against well-in- formed men than the son of a tradesman. The graces come easier to the wife of him who has had great-grand- fathers than they do to her whose husband has been less^ or more, fortunate, as he may think it. The discerning man will recognize the information and the graces when they are achieved without such assistance, and will honor the owners of them the more because of the difficulties they have overcome; but the fact remains that the society of the well-born and of the wealthy will, sts a rule, be worth seeking. I say this now because these are the rules by which I have lived, and these are the causes which have instigated me to work. I have heard the question argued — On what terms should a man of inferior rank live with those who are manifestly superior to him? If a marquis or an earl honor me, who have no rank, with his intimacy, am I, in my intercourse with him, to remember our close acquaintance or his high rank? I have always said that where the difference in position is quite marked, the overtures to intimacy should always come from the higher rank; but if the intimacy be ever fixed, then that rank should be held of no account. It seems to me that intimate triendship admits of no stand- ing but that of equality. I cannot be the swereign's friend, nor, probably, the friend of many very mifbh beneath the Bovereign, because such equality is impossible. When I first came to Waltham Cross, in the winter of AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 133 1859-60, I had almost mad« up my mind that my hunting- was over. I could not then count upon an income which would enable me to carry on an amusement which I should doubtless find much more expensive in England than in Ireland. I brought with me out of Ireland one mare, but she was too light for me to ride in the hunting-field. As, however, the money came in, I very quickly fell back inta my old habits. First one horse was bought, then another, and then a third, till it became established as a fixed rule that I should not have less than four hunters in the stable. Sometimes, when my boys have been at home, I have had as many as six. Essex was the chief scene of my sport, and gradually I became known there almost as well as though I had been an Essex squire, to the manner born. Few have investigated more closely than I have done the depth and breadth and water-holding capacities of an Essex ditch. It will, I think, be accorded to me by Essex men generally that I have ridden hard. The cause of my delight in the amusement I have never been able to an- alyze to my own satisfaction. In the first place, even now, I know very littl# about hunting— though I know very much of the accessories of the field. I am too blind to see hounds turning, and cannot therefore tell whether the fc has gone this way or that. Indeed, all the notice I take of hounds is not to ride over them. My eyes are so con- stituted that I can never see the nature of a fence. I either follow some one, or ride at it with the full convic- tion that I may be going into a horse-pond or a gravel- pit. I have jumped into both one and the other. I am very heavy, and have never ridden expensive horses. I am also old now for such work, being so stiff that I cannot get onto my horse without the aid of a block or a bank. But I ride still after the same fashion, with a boy's energy, determined to get ahead if it may possibly be done, hating the roads, despising young men who ride them, and with a feeling that life cannot, with all her riches, have given 134 AUTOBIOGRAPHY -OF ANTHONY TEQLLOPE. me anything better than when I have gone through a long run to the finish, keeping a place, not of glory, but of oredit, among my juniors. CHAPTER X. "THE SMALL HOUSE AT ALLINGTON." — "CAN YOU FOR- GIVE HER?" — ** RACHEL RAY.'* — "THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW." During the early months of 1863 "Orley Farm" was atill being brought out in numbers, and at the same time -*' Brown, Jones, and Robinson " was appearing in the Cornhill Magazi7ie. In September, 1862, "The Small House at AUington " began its career in the same periodi- cal. The work on North America had also come out in 1863. In August, 1863, the first number of " Can You Forgive Her?" was published as a separate serial, and was continued through 1864. In 1863 a short novel was pro- duced in the ordinary volume form, called "Rachel Ray." In addition to these I published du«ag the time twp Tolumes of stories called " The Tales of All Countries." In the early spring of 1865 "Miss Mackenzie " was issued, in the same form as "Rachel Ray;" and in May of the same year " The Belton Estate " was commenced with the •commencement of the Fortnightly Review, of which peri- odical 1 will say a few words in this chapter. I quite admit that I crowded my wares into the market too quickly, because the reading world could not want such a quantity of matter from the hands of one author in so short a space of time. I had not been quite so fertile as the unfortunate gentleman who disgusted the publisher in Paternoster Row — in the story of whose productiveness I have always thought there was a touch of romance — but I had probably done enough to make both publishers and readers think that I was coming too often beneath their AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 135 notice. Of publishers, however, I must speak collectively^ as my sins were, I think, chiefly due to the encouragement which I received from them individually. What I wrote- for the Cornhill Magazine I always wrote at the instigation of Mr. Smith. My other works were published by Messrs. Chapman & Hall, in compliance with contracts made by me with them, and always made with their good-wilU Could I have been two separate persons at one and at the- same time, of whom one might have been devoted to Cornhill and the other to the interests of the firm in Piccadilly, it might have been very well; but, as I pre- served my identity in both places, I myself became aware that my name was too frequent on title-pages. Critics, if they ever trouble themselves with these pages> will, of course, say that in what I have now said I have ignored altogether the one great evil of rapid production ^namely, that of inferior work. And, of course, if the work was inferior because of too great rapidity of produc- tion, the critics would be right. Giving to the subject the best of my critical abilities, and judging of my own work as nearly as possible as I would that of another, I believe that the work which has been done quickest has been done the best. I have composed better stories — that iff, have created better plots — than those of " The Small House at Allington " and *' Can You Forgive Her?" and I have portrayed two or three better characters than are tp be found in the pages of either of them; but taking these books all through, I do not think that I have ever done better work. Nor would these have been improved by any effort in the art of story-telling, had each of these been the isolated labor of a couple of years. How short is the time devoted to the .manipulation of a plot can be known only to those who have written plays and novels — I may say also, how very little time the brain is able te devote to such wearing work. There are usually some hours of agonizing doubt, almost of despair — so, at least. 136 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TEOLLOPE. it has been with me — or perhaps some days. And £hen, "with nothing settled in my brain as to the final develop- ment of events, with no capability of settling anything, but with a most distinct conception of some character or ^jharacters, I have rushed at the work as a rider rushes at a fence which he does not see. Sometimes I have en- countered what, in hunting language, we call a cropper, I had such a fall in two novels of mine, of which I have already spoken — '* The Bertrams" and "Castle Rich- mond." I shall have to speak of other such troubles. But these failures have not arisen from over-hurried work. When my work has been quicker done — and it has some- times been done very quickly — the rapidity has been achieved by hot 'pressure, not in the conception, but in the telling of the story. Instead of writing eight pages a day, I have written sixteen; instead of working five days A week, I have worked seven. I have trebled my usual average, and have done so in circumstances which have enabled me to give up all my thoughts for the time to the book I have been writing. This has generally been done ^at some quiet spot among the mountains — where there has been no society, no hunting, nu whist, no ordinary bouse- hold duties. And I am sure that the work so done has had in it the best truth and the highest spirit that I have been able to produce. At such times I have been able to imbue myself thoroughly with the characters I have had in hand. I have wandered 'alone among the rocks Jand woods, crying at their grief, laughing at their absurdities, and thoroughly enjoying their joy. I have been impreg- nated with my own creations till it has been my only ex- citement to sit with the pen in my hand, and drive my team before me at as quick a pace as I could make them travel. The critics will again say that all this may be very well as to the rough work of the author's own brain, but it will be very far from well in reference to the style in AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE, Idl which that work has been given to the public. Afjjer all, the vehicle whi^h' a writer uses for conveying his thoughts to the public should not be less important to him than the thoughts themselves. An author can hardly hope to be popular unless he can use popular language. That is quite true; but then comes the question of achieving a popular — in other words, I may say, a good and lucid- style. How may an author best acquire a mode of writing which shall be agreeable and easily intelligible to the reader? He must be correct, because without correctness- he can be neither agreeable nor intelligible. Readers will expect him to obey those rules which they, consciously or unconsciously, have been taught to regard as binding on language; and unless he does obey them, he will disgusts Without much labor, no writer will achieve such a style. He has very much to learn; and, when he has learned that much, he has to acquire the habit of using what he has learned, with ease. But all this must be learned and ac- quired — not while he is writing that which shall please^ but long before. His language must come from him as music comes from the rapid touch of the great perform- er's fingers; as words come from the mouth of the in- dignant orator; as letters fly from the fingers of the trained compositor; as the syllables tinkled out by little bell« form themselves to the ear of the telegraphist. A man who thinks much of his words as he writes them will gen- erally leave behind him work that smells of oil. I speak here, of course, of prose; for in poetry we know what care is necessary, and we form our taste accordingly. Eapid writing will, no doubt, give rise to inaccuracy — chiefly because the ear, quick and true as may be its opera- tion, will occasionally break down under pressure, and before a sentence be closed. will forget the nature of the composition with which it was commenced. A singular nominative will be disgraced by a plural verb, because other pluralities have intervened, and have tempted the 138 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 'ear into plural tendencies. Tautologies will occur, be- cause file ear, in demanding fresh emphasis, has forgotten that the desired force has been already expressed. I need not multiply these causes of error, which must have been stumbling-blocks indeed when men wrote in the long sen- tences of Gibbon, but which Macaulay, with his multi- plicity of divisions, has done so much to enable us to avoid. A rapid writer will hardly avoid these errors altogether. Speaking of myself, I am ready to declare that, with much training, I have been unable to avoid them. But the writer for the press is rarely called upon — a writer of books should never be called upon — to send his manuscript hot from his hand to the printer. It has been my prac- tice to read everything four times at least — thrice in manuscript and once in print. Very much of my work I have read twice in print. In spite of this I know that inaccuracies have crept through, ** not single spies, but in battalions." From this I gather that the supervision has been insufficient, not that the work itself has been done too fast. I am quite sure that those passages which have beed written with the greatest stress of labor, and conse- quently with the greatest haste, have been the most effective and by no means the most inaccurate. " The Small House at Allington " redeemed my reputa- tion with the spirited proprietor of the CornhiU, which must, I should think, have been damaged by *' Brown, Jones, and Robinson." In it appeared Lily Dale, one of the characters which readers of my novels have liked the best. In the Jove with which she has been greeted I have hardly joined with much enthusiasm, feeling that she is somewhat of a French prig. She became first engaged to a snob, who jiltled her; and then, though in truth she loved another man who was hardly good enough, she could not extricate herself suflSciently from the collapse of her first great misfortune to be able to make up lifer mind to be the wife of one whom, though she loved him, she did AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHQ'NT TROLLOFE. 139 nob altogether reverence. Prig as she was, she made her way into the hearts of many readers, both young and old; so that, from that time to this, I have been continually honored with letters, the purport of which has always been to beg me to marry Lily Dale to Johnny Eames. Had I done so, however, Lily would never have so endeared her- self to these people as to induce them to write letters to the author concerning her fate. It was because she could not get over her troubles that they loved her. Outside Lily Dale and the chief interest of the novel, ''The Small House at Allington " is, I think, good. The De Courcy family are alive, as is also Sir Raffle Buffle, who is a hero of the civil service. Sir Raffle was intended to represent a type, not a man; but the man for the picture was soon chosen, and I w^s often assured that the portrait was very like. I have never seen the gentleman with whom I am supposed to have taken the liberty. There is also an old squire down at Allington, whose life as a country gentle- man with rather straitened means is, I think, well de- scribed. Of ** Can You Forgive Her?" I cannot speak with too great affection, though I do not know that of itself it did very much to increase my reputation. As regards the story, it was formed chiefly on that of the play which my friend Mr. Bartley had rejected long since, the circumstances of which the reader may perhaps remember. The play had been called "The Noble Jilt;" but I was afraid of the name for a novel, lest the critics might throw a- doubt on the nobility. There was more of tentative humility in that which I at last adopted. The character of the girl is carried through with considerable strength, but is not attractive. The humorous charac- ters, which are also taken from the play— a buxom widow, who with her eyes open chooses the most scampish of two selfish suitors because he is the better-looking^ are well done. Mrs. Greenow, between Captain Bell- 140 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. field and Mr. Ch^eseacre, is very good fun — as far as the fun of novels is. But that which endears the book to me is the first presentation which I made in it of Plan- tagenet Palliser, with his wife, Lady Glencdra. By no amount of description or asseveration could I succeed in making any reader understand how much these characters, with their belongings, have been to me in my latter life; or how frequently I have used them for the expression of my political or social convictions. They have been as real to me as free trade was to Mr. Cobden, or the dominion of a party to Mr. Disraeli; and as I have not been able to speak from the benches of the House of Commons, or to thunder from plat- forms, or to be eflBcacious as a lecturer, they have served me as safety-valves by which to deliver my soul. Mr. Plantagenet Palliser had appeared in " The Small House at Allington," but his birth had not been accompanied by many hopes. In the last pages of that novel he is made to seek a remedy for a foolish false step in life by marrying the grand heiress of the day — but the personage of the great heiress does not appear till she comes on the «cene as a married woman in "Can You Forgive Her?" He is the nephew and heir to a duke — the Duke of Omnium — who was first introduced in " Doctor Thorne," and afterward in *' Framley Parsonage," and who is one of the belongings of whom I have spoken. In these per- sonages and their friends, political and social, I have en- deavored to depict the faults and frailties and vices — as also the virtues, the graces, and the strength— of our highest classes; and if I have not made the strength and virtues predominant over the faults and vices, I have not painted the picture as I intended. Plantagenet Palliser I think to be a very noble gentleman — such a one as justifies to the nation the seeming anomaly of an hereditary peer- age and of primogeniture. His wife is in all respects very inferior to him; but she, too, has, or has been intended to AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 141 Lave, beneath the thin stratum of her follies a basis of good principle, which enabled her to live down the con- viction of the original wrong which was done to her, and taught her to endeavor to do her duty in the position to which she was called. She had received a great wrong- having been made, when little more than a child, to marry a man for whom she cared nothing; when, however, though she was little more than a child, her love had been given elsewhere. She had very heavy troubles, but they did not overcome her. As to the heaviest of these troubles, I will say a word in vindication of myself and of the way I handled it in my work. In the pages of "Can You Forgive Hur?" the girl's "first love is introduced — beautiful, well-born, and utterly worthless. To save a girl from wasting herself, and an heiress from wasting her property on such a scamp, was certainly the duty of the girl's friends. But it must ever be wrong to force a girl into a marriage with a man she does not love — and certainly the more so when there is another whom she does love. In my endeavor to teach this lesson I subjected the young wife to the terrible dan- ger of overtures from the man to whom her heart had been given. I was walking, no doubt, on ticklish ground, leaving for a while a doubt on the question whether the lover might or might not succeed. Then there came to me a letter from a distinguished dignitary of our Church, a man whom all men honored, treating me with severity for what I was doing. It had been one of the innocent joys of his life, said the clergyman, to have my novels read to him by his daughters. But now I was writing a book which caused him to bid them close it! Must I^also turn away to vicious sensation such as this? Did I think that a wife contemplating adultery was a character fit for my pages? I asked him, in return, whether from his pulpit, or, at any rate, from his communion-table, he did not denounce adilftery to his audience; and if so, why 142 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPS. should it not be open to me to preach the same doctrine to mine? I made known nothing which the purest girl could not but have learned, and ought not to have learned elsewhere, and I certainly lent no attraction to the sin which I indicated. His rejoinder was full of grace, and enabled him to avoid the annoyance of argumentation without abandoning his cause. He said that the subject was so much too long for letters; that he hoped I would go and stay a week with him in the country, so that we might have it out. That opportunity, however, has never yet arrived. Lady Glencora overcomes that trouble, and is brought,, partly by her own scr.se of right and wrong, and partly by the genuine nobility of her husband's conduct, to attach: herself to him after a certain fashion. The romance of her life is gone, but there remains a rich reality of whidi she is fully able to taste the flavor. She loves her rank und becomes ambitious, first of social, and then of polit- ical, ascendency. He is thoroughly true to her, after his thorough nature, and she, after her less perfect nature, is imperfectly true to him. In conducting these characters from one story to another I realized the necessity, not only of consistency — which, had it been maintained by a hard exactitude, would have been untrue to nature — but also of those changes which time always produces. There are, perhaps, but few of us •who, after the lapse of ten years, will be found to have changed our chief characteristics. The selfish man will still be selfish, and the false man false. But our manner of showing or of hiding these characteristics will be chwiged, as also our power of adding to or diminishing their intensity. It was my study that these people, as they grew in years, should encounter the changes which come upon us all; and I think that I have succeeded. The Duchess of Omnium, when she is playing the part of Prime Minister's wife, is the same ^man as that Lady AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 143 Glencora who almost longs to go off with Burgo Fitz- gerald, but jet knows that she will never do so; and the Prime Minister Duke, with his wounded pride and sore spirit, is he who, for his wife's sake, left power and place when they were first offered to him — but thfey have under- gone the changes which a life so stirring as theirs would naturally produce. To do all this thoroughly was in my heart from first to last; but I do not Igiow that the game has been worth the candle. To carry out my scheme I have had to spread my picture over so wide a canvas that I cannot expect that any lover of such art should trouble himself to look at it as a whole. Who will read '* Can You Forgive her?" "Phineas Finn," "Phineas Redux," and "The Prime Minister " consecutively, in order that they may understand the characters of the Duke of Omni- um, of Plantagenet Palliser, and of Lady Glencora? Who will ever know that they should be so read? But in the performance of the work I had mucb gratification, and was enabled from time to time to have in this way that fling at the political doings of the day which every man likes to take, if not in one fashion, then in another. I look upon this string of characters — carried sometimes into othet novels than those just named — as the best work of my life. Taking him altogether, I think that Plantagenet Palliser stands more firmly on the ground than any other person- age I have created. On Christmas day, 1863, we were startled by the news of Thackeray's death. He had then for many months given up the editorship of the Cornhill Magazine—^ position for which he was hardly fitted either by his habits or temper- ament—but was still employed in writing for its pages. I had known him only for four years, but had grown into much intimacy with him and his family. I regAid him as one of the most tender-hearted human beings I ever knew, who, with an exaggerated contempt for the foibles of the world at large, would entertain an almost equally ex- 144 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. aggerated sympathy with the joys and tFoubles of indi- vidaals around him. He had been unfortunate in early life — unfortunate in regard to money — unfortunate with an afflicted wife — unfortunate in having his home broken up before his children were fit to be h^s companions. This threw him too much upon clubs, and taught him to dislike general society. But it never affected his heart, or clouded his imagination. He could still revel in the pangs and joys of fictitious life, and could still feel — as he did to the very last — the duty of showing to his readers the evil con- sequences of evil conduct. It was, perhaps, his chief fault as a writer that he could never abstain from that dash of satire which he felt to be demanded by the weaknesses which he saw around him. -The satirist who writes noth- ing but satire should write but litfleT^rit will seem that his satire springs rather from his own cai)h§ftic nature than from the sins of the world in which he lives. "^Jsinyself re- gard "Esmond " as the greatest novel in the English Ian* guage, basing that judgment upon the excellence of iuS lan- guage, on the clear individuality of the characters, on>^the truth of its delineations in regard to the time selected, al5|d on its great pathos. There are also in it a few scenes s^ told that even Scott has never equaled the telling. Let any one who doubts this read the passage in which Lady Castlewood induces the Duke of Hamilton to think that his nuptials with Beatrice will be honored if Colonel Esmond will give away the bride. When he went from us he left behind living novelists with great names; but I think that they who best understood the matter felt that the greatest master of fiction of this age had gone. '* Rachel Ray '' underwent a fate which no other novel of mine has encountered. Some years before this a periodical called Oood Words had been established under the editorship of my friend Dr. Norman Mac.leod, a well- known Presbyterian pastor in Glasgow. In 1863 he asked me to write a novel for his magazine, explaining to me AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TEOLLOPE. 145 that his priDciples did not teach him to confine his matter to religious subjects, and paying me the comphment of toying that hei7ould feel himself quite safe in my bands. In reply I told him I thought he was wrong in his choice; that though he might wish to give a novel to the readers of Good Words, a novel from me would hardly be what he wanted, and that I could not undertake to write either with any specially religious tendency, or in any fashion dif- ferent from that which was*usual to me. As worldly and —if any one thought me wicked— as wicked as I had here- tofore been, I must still be, should I write for Good Words, He persisted in his request, and I came to terms as to a story for the periodical. I wrote it and sent it ta him, and shortly afterward received it back— a consider- able portion having been printed— with an intimation that it would not do. A letter more full of wailing and re- pentance no man ever wrote. It was, he said, all his own fault. He should have taken my advice. He should have known better. But the story, such as it was, he could not give to his readers in the pages of Good Words. Would I forgive him? 'Any pecuniary loss to which his decision might subject me the owner of the publication would willingly make good. There was some loss— or, rather, would have been— and that money I exacted, feeling that the fault had in truth been with the editor. There is the tale now to speak for itself. It is not brilliant, nor in any way very excellent; but it certainly is not very wicked. There is some dancing in one of the early chapters, de» scribed, no doubt, with that approval of the amusement which I have always entertained; and it was this to which my friend demurred. It !s more true of novels than per- haps of aftything else, that one man's food is another man's poison. ** Miss Mackenzie" was written with a desire to prove that a novel may be produced without any love; but even in this attempt it breaks down before the conclusion. In 146 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. order that I might be strong in my purpose, I took for my heroine a very unattractive old maid, who was over- whelmed with money troubles; but even she was in love before the end of the book, and made a romantic marriage with an old man. There is in this story an attack upon charitable bazaars, made with a viofence which will, I think, convince any reader that such attempts at raising money were at the time very "odious to me. I beg to say that since that I have had no occasion to alter my opinion. *'Miss Mackenzie" was published in the early spring of 1865. At the same time I was engaged with others in establish- ing a periodical Review, in which some of us trusted much, and from which we expected great things. There was, how- •ever, in truth so little combination of idea among us, that we were not justified in our trust or in our expectations. And yet we were honest in our purpose, and have, I think, done some good by our honesty. The matter on which we were all agreed was freedom of speech, combined with personal responsibility. We would be neither conserva- tive nor liberal, neither religious nor free- thinking, neither popular nor exclusive — but we would let any man who had a thing to say, and knew how to say it, speak freely. But he should always speak with the responsibility of his name attached. In the very beginning I militated against this impossible negation of principles — and did so most irrationally, seeing that I had agreed to the negation of principles — by declaring that nothing should appear deny- ing or questioning the divinity of Christ, It was a most pre- posterous claim to make for such a publication as we pro- posed, and it at once drove from us one or two who had in- tended to join us. But we went on, and our company — lim- ited—was formed. We subscribed, I think, £1250 each. I, at least, subscribed that amount, and — having agreed to bring out our publication every fortnight, aftejr the man- fir of the well-known French publication— we called it AUTOBIOGRlPfiY OP Al^THONT TROtLOPB. 147 The FortnigUly. We secured the services of G. H. Lewes as our editor. We agreed to manage our finances by a Board, which was to meet once a fortnight, and of which I was the chairman. And we determined that the pay- ments for our literature should be made on a liberal aud strictly ready-money system. We carried out our princi- ples till our money was all gone, and then we sold the copyright to Messrs. Chapman «& Hall for a trifle. But before we parted with our property we found that a fort- nightly issue was not popular with the trade through whose hands the work must reach the public; and, as our periodical had not become sufficiently popular itself to bear down such opposition, we succumbed, and brought it out once a month. Still, it was The Fortnightly, and still it is Tlie Fortnightly, Of all the serial publications .of the- day, it probably is the most serious, the most earnest, the least devoted to amusement, the least flippant, the least jocose— and yet it has the face to show itself month after month to the world, with so absurd a misnomer! It is, as all who know the laws of modern literature are aware, a very serious thing to change the name of a periodical* By doing so you begin an altogether new enterprise. Therefore should the name be well chosen; whereas this was very ill chosen, a fault for which I alone was responsi- ble. That theory of eclecticism was altogether impracticable. It was as though a gentleman should go into the House of Commons determined to support no party, but to serve his country by individual utterances. Such gentlemen have gone into the House of Commons, but they have not served their country much. Of course, the project broke down. Liberalism, free-thinking, and open inquiry will never object to appear in company with their opposites, because they have the conceit to think that they can quell those opposites; but the opposites will not appear in con- junction with liberalism, free-ihinking, and open inquiry. 148 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. As a natural consequence, our new publication became an organ of liberalism, free-thinking, and open inquiry. The result has been good; and though there is much in the now established principles of Jlie Fortnightly with which I do not myself agree, I may safely say that the publica- tion has assured an individuality, and asserted for itself a position in our periodical literature, which is well under- stood and highly respected. As to myself and my own hopes in the matter — I wa8 craving after some increase in literary honesty, which I think is still desirable, but which is hardly to be attained by the means which then recommended themselves to me. In one of the early numbers I wrote a paper advocating the signature of the authors to periodical writing, admit- ting that the system should not be extended to journalistic articles on political subjects. I think that I made the best of my case; but further consideration has caused me to doubt whether the reasons which induced me to make an exception in favor of political writing do not extend them- selves also to writing on other subjects. ^luch of the literary criticism which we now have is very bad indeed; so bad as to be open to the charge both of dishonesty and incapacity. Books are criticised without being read— are criticised by favor — and are trusted by editors to the criti- cism of the incompetent. If the names of the critics were demanded, editors would be more careful. But I fear the effect would be that wft should get but little criti- cism, and that the public would put but little trust in that little. An ordinary reader would not care to have his books recommended to him by Jones; but the recommen- dation of the great unknown comes to him with all the weight of the Times, the Spectator, or the Saturday, Though I admit so much, I am not a recreant from the doctrine I then preached. I think that the name of the author does tend to honesty, and that the knowledge that will be inserted adds much to the author's industry and AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 149 care. It debars him also from illegitimate license and dis- honest assertions. A man should never be. ashamed to Acknowledge that which he is not ashamed to publish. In The Fortnightly everything has been signed, and in this way good has, I think, been done. Signatures to articles in other periodicals have become much more common since The Fortnightly was commenced. After a time Mr. Lewes retired from the editorship, feeling that the work pressed too severely on his moderate strength. Our loss in him was very great, and there was considerable difficulty in finding a successor. I must say that the present proprietor has been very fortunate in the choice he did make. Mr. John Morley has done the work with admirable patience, zeal, and capacity. Of course, he has got around him a set of contributors whose modes of thought are what we may call much advanced; he, being " much advanced " himself, would not work with other aids. The periodical has a peculiar tone of its own; but it holds its own with ability, and though there are many who, perhaps, hate it, there are none who despise it. When the company sold it, having spent about £9000 on it, it was worth little or nothing. Now I believe it to be a good property. My own last personal concern with it was on a matter of fox-hunting.* There came out in it an article from the pen of Mr. Freeman, the historian, condemning the amuse- ment which I love, on the grounds of cruelty and general brutality. "Was it possible, asked Mr. Freeman, quoting from Cicero, that any educated man should find delight in so coarse a pursuit? Always bearing in mind my own connection with The Fortnightly, I regarded this almost as a rising of a child against the father. I felt, at any rate, bound to answer Mr. Freeman in the same columns, and I obtained Mr. Morley's permission to do so. I wrote, my *I have written various articles for it since, especially two oa Cicero, to which I devoted great labor. 150 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. defense of fox-hunting, and there it is. In regard to the charge of cruelty, Mr. Freeman seems to assert that noth- ing unpleasant should be done to any of God's creatures except for a useful purpose. The protection 6f a lady's shoulders from the cold is a useful purpose; and there- fore a dozen fur-hearing animals may be snared in the snow and left to starve to death in the wires, in order that the lady may have the tippet — though a tippet of wool would serve the purpose as well as a tippet of fur. But the congregation and healtliful amusement of one or two hundred persons, on whose behalf a single fox may or may not be killed, is not a useful purpose. I think that Mr. Freeman has failed to perceive that amusement is as needful and almost as necessary as food and raiment. The absurdity of the further charge as to the general brutality of the pursuit and its consequent unfitness for an educated man, is to be attributed to Mr. Freeman's ignorance of what is really done and said in the hunting-field — perhaps to his misunderstanding of Cicero's words. There was a rejoinder to my answer, and I asked for space for further remarks. I could have it, the editor said, if I much wished it; but he preferred that the subject should be closed. Of course I was silejit. His sympathies were all with Mr. Freeman— and against the foxes, who, but for fox-hunting, would cease to exist in England. And I felt that The Fortnightly was hardly the place for the defense of the sport. Afterward Mr. Freeman kindly suggested to me that he would be glad to publish my article in a little book to be put out by him, condemnatory of fox-hunting gener- ally. He was to have the last word and the first word, and that power of picking to pieces which he is known to use in so masterly a manner, without any reply from me! This 1 was obliged to decline. If he Trould give me the last word, as he would have the first, then, I told him I should be proud to join him in the book. This offer did not, however, meet his views. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AKTHOKY TROLLOPE. 151 It had been decided by the Board of Management, some- what in opposition to my own ideas on the subject, that The Fortnightly Revieio should always contain a novel. It was, of course, natural that I should write the first novel, and I wrote "The Belton Estate." It is similiar in its attributes to "Rachel Ray" and to *' Miss Mackenzie." It is readable, and contains scenes which are true to life; but it has no peculiar merits, and will add nothing to my reputation as a novelist. I have not looked at it since it was published; and now, turning back to it in my memory, I seem to remember almost less of it than of any book that I have written. CHAPTER XI. **THE CLAVERINGS."-^THE " PALL MALL GAZETTE,"— "NINA BALATKA."—" LINDA TRESSEL." "The Claverings," which came out in 1866 and 1867, was the last novel which I wrote for The Comhill; and it was for this that I received the highest rate of pay that was ever accorded to me. It was the same length as " Framley Parsonage," and the price was £2800. Whether much or little, it was offered by the proprietor of the magazine, and was paid in a single check. In " The Claverings " I did not follow the habit which had now become very common to me, of introducing per- sonages whose names are already known to the readers of my novels, and whose characters were familiar to myself. If I remember rightly, no one appears here who had ap- peared before, or who has been allowed to appear since. I consider the story, as a whole, to be good, tliough I am not aware that the public has ever corroborated that verdict. The chief character is that oi a young woman who has married, manifestly for money and rank— so manifestly that she does not herself pretend, even while she is making 152 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. the marriage, that she has any other reason. The man iff old, disreputable, and a worn-out debauchee. Then comes the punishment natural to the offense. When she is free, the man whom she had loved, and who had loved her, iff engaged to another woman. He vacillates and is weak— in which weakness is the fault of the book, as he plays the part of hero. But she is strong — strong in her purpose, strong in her desires, and strong in her consciousness that the punishment which comes upon her has been deserved. But the chief merit of "The Claverings" is in the genuine fun of some of the scenes. Humor has not been my forte, but I am inclined to think that the characters of Captain Boodle, Archie Clavering, and Sophie Gorde- ^oup are humerous. Count Pateroff, the brother of Sophie, is also good, and disposes of the young hero's interference in a somewhat masterly manner. In "The Claverings," too, there is a wife whose husband is a brute to her, wha loses an only cliild — his heir — and who is rebuked by her lord because the boy dies. Her sorrow is, I think, pathetic* From beginning to end the story is well told. But I doubt now whether any one reads "The Claverings." When I remember how many novels I have written, I have no right to expect that above a few of them shall endure even to the second year beyond publication. This story closed my connection with the Cornhill Magaziiie, but not with itff owner, Mr. George Smith, who subsequently brought out a further novel of mine in a separate form, and who about this time established the Pall Mall Gazette, to which paper I was for some years a contributor. It was in 1865 that the Pall Mall Gazette was com- menced, the name having been taken from a fictitious periodical, which was the offspring of Thackeray's brain. It was set on foot by the unassisted energy and resources of George Smith, who had succeeded, by 'means of his magazine and his publishing connection, in getting around him a society of literary men who sufficed, as far AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKT TROLLOPB, 153 as literary ability went, to float the paper at once under faTorable auspices. His two strongest staffs, probably, :syere ''Jacob Omnium," whom I regard as the most for- cible newspaper writer of my days, and Fitz-James Stephen, the most conscientious and industrious. To them the Pall Mall Gazette owed very much of its early success, and to the untiring energy and general ability of its proprietor. Among its other contributors were George Lewes, Hannay— who, I think, came up from Edinburgh for employment on its columns — Lord Houghton, Lord Strangford, Charles Merivale, Greenwood (the present editor), Greg, myself, and: very many others— so many others that I have met at a Pall Mall dinner a crowd of guosts who would have filled the House of Commons more respectably than I have seen it filled even on impor- tant occasions. There are many who now remember — and, no doubt, when this is published there will be left some to remember— the great stroke of business which was done by the revelations of a visitor to one of the casual wards in London. A person had to be selected who would undergo the misery of a night among the usual occupants of a casual ward in a London poor-house, and who should at the same time be able to record what he felt and saw. The choice fell upon Mr. Greenwood's brother, who certainly possessed the courage and the powers of endurance. The description, which was very well given, was, I think, chiefly written by the brother of the Casual himself. It had a great effect, which was in- creased by secrecy as to the person who encountered all the horrors of that night. 1 was more than once assured that Lord Houghton was the man. I heard it asserted also that I myself had been the hero. At last the un- known one could no longer endure that his honors should be hidden, and revealed the truth— in opposition, I fear, to promises to the contrary, and instigated by a convic- tion that, if known, he could turn his honors to account. 154 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. In the meantime, howeyer, that record of a night passed in a work-house had done more to establish the sale of the journal than all the legal lore of Stephen, or the polem- ical power of Higgins, or the critical acumen of Lewes. My work was very various. I wrote much on the sub- ject of the American war, on which my feelings were at the time very keen — subscribing, if I remember right, my name to all that I wrote. I contributed also some sets of sketches of which those concerning hunting found favor with the public. They were republished afterward, and had a considerable sale: and may, I think, still be recom- mended to those who are fond of hunting, as being accu- rate in their description of the different classes of people who are to be met in the hunting-field. There was also a set of clerical sketches, which was considered to be of sufficient importance to bring down upon my head the critical wrath of a great dean of that period. The most ill-natured review that was ever written upon any work of mine appeared in the Contemporary Review with reference to these clerical sketches. The critic told me that I did not understand Greek. That charge has been made not unfrequently by those who have felt themselves strong in that pride-prodifcing language. It is much to read Gfreek with ease, but it is not disgraceful to be unable to do so. To pretend to read it without being able, that is disgrace- ful. The critic however, had been driven to wrath by my saying that deans of the Church of England loved to re- visit the glimpses of the metropolitan moon. I also did some critical work for The Pall Mall, as I also did for The Fortnightly. It was not to my taste, but was done in conformity with strict conscientious scruples. I read what I took in hand, and said what I believed to be true, always giving to the matter time altogether incom- mensurate with the pecuniary result to myself. In doing this for The Pall Mall I fell into great sorrow. A gentle- man, whose wife was dear to me as if she were my owq AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 155 aister, was in some trouble as to his conduct in the public fiervice. He had been blamed, as he thought, unjustly, and vindicated himself in a pamphlet. This he handed to me one day, asking me to read it, and express my opinion, about it if I found that I had an opinion. I thought the request injudicious, and I did not read the pamphlet. He met me again, and, handing me a second pamphlet, pressed, me very hard. I promised him that I would read it, and that if I found myself able I would express myself — but that I must say not what I wished to think, but what I did think. To this, of course, he assented. I then went very much out of my way to study the subject, which was one requiring study. I found, or thought that I found, that the conduct of the gentleman in his oflBce had been indiscreet, but that charges made against himself, affect- ing his honor, were baseless. This I said, emphasizing much more strongly than was necessary the opinion which I had formed of his indiscretion, as will so often be the case when a man has a pen in his hand. It is like a club or a sledge-hammer — in using which, either for defense or attack, a man can hardly measure the strength of the blows he gives. Of course there was offense, and a break- ing off of intercourse between loving friends, and a sense of wrong received, and, I must own, too, of wrong done. It certainly was not open to me to whitewash with honesty him whom I did not find to be white; but there was no duty incumbent on me to declare what was his color in my eyes — no duty even to ascertain. Bat I had been ruffled by the persistency of the gentleman's request, which should not have been made, and I punished him for his wrong- doing by doing a wrong myself. I must add, that before he died his wife succeeded in bringing us together. In the early days of the paper, the proprietor, who at that time acted also as chief editor, asked me to undertake a duty, of which the agony would, indeed, at no one mo- ment have been so sharp as that endured in -ihe casual 156 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. ward, bnt might have been prolonged until human nature sank under it. He suggested to me that I should during an entire season attend the May meetings in Exeter Hall, and give a graphic and, if possible, amusing descripton of the proceedings. I did attend one — which lasted three hours — and wrote a paper which I think was called " A Zulu in Search of a Religion,'* But when the meeting was over I went to that spirited proprietor and begged him to impose upon me some task more equal to my strength. Not even on behalf of the Pall Mall Gazette, which was very dear to me, could I go through a second May meet- ing, much less endure a season of such martyrdom. I have to acknowledge that I found myself unfit for work on a newspaper. I had not taken to it early enough in life to learn its ways and bear its trammels. 1 was fidgety when any word was altered in accordance with the judgment of the editor, who, of course, was responsible for what appeared. I wanted to select my own subjects, not to have them selected for me; to write when I pleased, and not when it suited others. As a permanent member of a staff I was no use, and after two or three years I dropped out of the work. From the commencement of my success as a writer, which I date from the beginning of the Cor nhill Magazine, I had always felt an injustice in literary affairs which had never afflicted me or even suggested itself to me while I was unsuccessful. It seemed to me that a name once earned carried with it too much favor. I, indeed, had never reached a height to which praise was awarded as a matter of course; but there were others who sat on higher seats, to whom the critics brought unmeasured incense and adulation, even when they wrote, as they sometimes did write, trash which from a beginner would not have been thought worthy of the slightest notice. I hope no one will think that in saying this I am actuated by jealousy of others. Though I never reached that height, still I had AUTOBIOORAPHT OP ANTHOmT TROLLOPE. 167 SO far progressed that that which I wrote was received with too much favor. The injustice which struck me did not consist in that which was withheld from me, but in that which was given to me. I felt that aspirants coming up below me might do work as good as mine, and probably much better work, and yet fail to have it appreciated. In order to test this, I determined to be such an aspirant my* self, and to begin a course of novels anonymously, in order that I might see whether I could obtain a second identity — whether, as I had made one mark by such literary ability as I possessed, I might succeed in doing so again. In 1865 I began a short tale called '' Nina Balatka," which in 1866 was published anonymously in Blackwood's Magazine^ In 1867 this was followed by another of the same lengthy called '* Linda Tressel." I will speak of them together, as they are of the same nature and of nearly equal merit. Mr. Blackwood, who himself read the manuscript of " Nina Balatka," expressed an opinion that it would not from its style be discovered to have been written by me; but it was discovered by Mr. Hutton of the Spectatory who found the repeated use of some special phrase which had rested upon his ear too frequently when reading for the purpose of criticism other works of mine. He declared in his paper that ** Nina Balatka " was by me, showing, I think, more sagacity than good-na*ure. I ought not, however, to complain of him, as of all the critics of my work he has been the most observant, and generally the most eulogistic. '* Nina Balatka " never rose suflBciently high in reputation to make its detection a matter of any im- portance. Once or twice I heard the story mentioned by readers who did not know me to be the author, and always with praise; but it had no real success. The same may be said of "Linda Tressel." Blackwood, who, of course, knew the author, was willing to publish them, trusting that works by an experienced writer would make their way, even without the writer's name, and he was willing to pay 158 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. me for them, perhaps half what they would have fetched with my name. But he did not find the speculation an- swer, and declined a third attempt; though a third such tale was written for him. Nevertheless I am sure that the two stories are good. Perhaps the first is somewhat the better, as being the less lachrymose. They were both written very quickly, but with a considerable amount of labor; and both were written immediately after visits to the towns in which the scenes are laid — Prague, mainly, and Nuremberg, Of course I had endeavored to change not only my manner of language, but my manner of story- telling aJ«o; and in this, pace Mr. Hutton, I think that I was successful. English life in them there was none. There was more of romance proper than had been usual with me. And I made an attempt at local coloring, at de- «;riptions of scenes and places, which has not been usual with me. In all this I am confident that^I was in a measure successful. In the loves, and fears, and hatreds, both of Nina and of Linda, there is much that is pathetic. Prague is Prague, and Nuremberg is Nuremberg. I know that the stories are good, but they misse^ the object with which they had been written. Of course there is not in this any evidence that I might not have succeeded a second time as I succeeded before, had I gone on with the same dogged perseverance. Mr. Blackwood, had I still further reduced my price, would probably have continued the •experiment. Another ten years of unpaid, unflagging labor might have built up a second reputation. But this, at any rate, did seem clear to me, that with all the increased advantages which practice in my art must have given me, I could not at once induce English readers to read what I gave to them, unless I gave it with my name. I do not wish to have it supposed from this that I quar- rel with public judgment in affairs of literature. It is a matter of course that in all things the public should trust AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. 159 to established reputation. It is as natural that a uoTel^ reader wanting novels should send to a library for those by George Eliot or Wilkie Collins, as that a lady wlien she wants a pie for a picnic should go to Fortnum'& Mason. Fortnum & Mason can only make themselves Fortnum & Mason by dint of time and good pies combined. If Titian were to send us a portrait from the other world, as certain dead poets send their poetry, by means of a medium, it would be some time before the art critic of the Times would discover its value. We may sneer at the want of judgment thus displayed, but such slowness of judgment 38 human, and has always existed. I say all this here be- cause my thoughts on the matter have forced upon me the conviction that very much consideration is due to the bitter feelings of disappointed authors. We who have succeeded are so apt to tell new aspirants not to aspire, because the thing to be done may probably be beyond their reach. ** My dear young lady, had you not better stay at home and darn your stockings?" ''As, sir, you have asked for my candid opinion, I can only counsel you to try some other work of life which may be better suited to your abilities." What old-established suc- cessful author has not said such words as these to humble aspirants for critical advice, till they have become almost formulas? No doubt there is cruelty in such answers: but the man who makes them has considered the matter*with- in himself, and has resolved that such cruelty is the best mercy. No doubt the chances against literary aspirants are very great. It is so easy to aspire — and to begin! A man cannot make a watch or a shoe without a variety of tools and many materials. He must also have learned much. But any young lady can write a book who has a sufficiency of pens and paper. It can be done anywhere; in any clothes — which is a groat thing; at any hours— to- which happy accident in literature I owe my success. And the saccess, when achieved^ is sp pleasant I The aspirants^ 160 AUTOBIOGBAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. of course, are very many; and the experienced counselor, when asked for his candid judgment as to this or that effort, knows that among every hundred efforts there will be ninety -nine failures. Then the answer is so ready: *'My dear young lady, do darn your stockings; it will be for the best." Or perhaps, less tenderly, to the male as- pirant: "You must earn some money, you say. Don't you think that a stool in a counting-house might be better?" The advice will probably be good advice— probably, no doubt, as may be proved by the terrible majority of fail- ures. But who is to be sure that he is not expelling an angel from the heaven to which, if less roughly treated, he would soar — that he is not dooming some Milton to be mute and inglorious, who, but for such.cruel ill-judgment, would become vocal to all ages? The answer to all this seems to be ready enough. The judgment, whether cruel or tender, should not be ill-judg- ment. He who consents to sit as judge should have capacity for judging. But in this matter no accuracy of judgment is possible. It may be that the matter sub- jected to the critic is so bad or so good as to make an assured answer possible. '' You, at any rate, cannot make this your vocation;" or '' You, at any rate, can succeed, if you will try." But cases as to which such certainty can be expressed are rare. The critic who wrote the arti- cle on the early verses of Lord Byron, which produced the "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers," was justified in his criticism by the merits of the "Hours of Idleness." The lines had, nevertheless, been written by that Lord Byron who became our Byron. In a little satire called "'^The Biliad," which, I think, nobody knows, are the following well-expressed lines: " When Payne Knight's ' Taste ' was issued to the town, A few Greek verses in the text set down Were torn to pieces, mangled into hash, Doomed to the flames as execrable trash — AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 161 III short, were butchered rather than dissected, And several false quantities detected— Till, when the smoke had vanished from the cinders, 'Twas just discovered that — the lines were Pindar's I" There can be no assurance against cases such as these; and yet we are so free with our advice, always bidding the young aspirant to desist. There is, perhaps, no career of life so charming as that of a successful man of letters. Those little unthought-of advantages which I just now named are in themselves at- tractive. If you like the town, live in the town, and do your work there; if you like the country, choose the country. It may be done on the top of a mountain or in the bottom of a pit. It is compatible with the rolling of the sea and the motion of a railway. The clergyman, the lawyer, the doctor, the Member of Parliament, the clerk in a public office, the tradesman, and even his assistant in the shop, must dress in* accordance with certain fixed laws; but the author need sacrifice to no grace, hardly even to propriety. He is subject to no bonds such as those which Jbind other men. AVho else is free from all shackle as to hours? The judge must sit at ten, and the attorney-gen- eral, who is making his £20,000 a year, must be there with his bag. The prime-minister must be in his place on that weary front bench shortly after prayers, and must sit there, either asleep or awake, even though or should be addressing the House. During all that Sunday which he maintains should be a day of rest, the active clergyman toils like a galley-slave. The actor, when eight o'clock comes, is bound to his footlights. The civil- service clerk must sit there from ten till four— unless his office be fashionable, when twelve to six is just as heavy on him. The author may do liis work at five in the morn- ing, when he is fresh from his bed, or at three in the morning, before he goes there. And the author wants no capital, and encounters no risks. When once he is afloat, 162 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. the publisher finds all that— and indeed, unless he be rash^ finds it whether he be afloat or not. But it is in the con- sideration which he enjoys that the successful author finds his richest reward. He is, if not of equal rank, yet of equal standing with the highest; and if he be open to the amenities of society, may choose his own circles. He, without money, can enter doors which are closed against almost all but him and the wealthy. I have often heard it said that in this country the man of letters is not recog- nized. I believe the meaning of this to be that men of letters are not often invited to be knights and baronets. I do not think that they wish it — and if they had it they would, as a body, lose much more than they would gain, I do not at all desire to have letters put after my name, or to be called Sir Anthony, but if my friends Tom Hughes and Charles Reade became Sir Thomas and Sir Charles, I do not know how I might feel —or how my wife might feel — if we were left unbedecked. As it is, the man of letters who would be selected for titular honor, if such bestowal of honors were customary, receives from the general respect of those around him a much more pleasant recognition of his worth. If this be so— if it be true that the career of the success- ful literary man be thus pleasant— it is not wonderful that many should attempt to win the prize. But how is a man to know whether or not he has within him the qualities necessary for such a career? He makes an attempt, and fails; repeats his attempt, and fails again ! So many have suc- ceeded at last who have failed more than once or twice! AVho will tell him the truth as to himself? Who has power to find out that truth? The hard man sends him off without a scruple to that office-stool; the soft man assures him thac there is much merit in his manuscript. Oh, my young aspirant— if ever such a one should read these pages— be sure that no one can tell you! To do so it would be necessary not only to know what there is now AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOl^Y TROLLOPE. 163 within you, but also to foresee what time will produce there. This, however, I think may be said to you, with- out any doubt as to the wisdom of the counsel given, that if it be necessary for you to live by your work, do not l)egin by trusting to literature. Take the stool in the ofl&ce, as recommended to you by theliardman; and then, in such leisure hours as may belong to you, let the praise which has come from the lips of that soft man induce you to persevere in your literary attempts. Should you fail, then your failure will not be fatal; and what better could you have done with the leisure hours had you not so failed? Such double toil, you will say, is severe. Yes; but if you want this thing, you must submit to severe toil. Some time before this I had become one of the com- mittee appointed for the distribution of the moneys of the Royal Literary Fund, and in that capacity I heard and saw much of the sufferings of authors. I may in a future chapter speak further of this institution, which I regard with great affection, and in reference to which I should be glad to record certain convictions of my own; but I allude to it now, because the experience I have ac- quired in being active in its cause forbids me to advise any young man or woman to enter boldly on a literary career in search of bread. I know how utterly I should have failed myself had my bread not been earned elsewhere while I was making my efforts. During ten years of work, which 1 commenced with some aid, from the fact that others of my family were in the same profession, I did not earn enough to buy me the pens, ink, and paper which I was using; and then when, with all my experience in my art, I began again as from a new springing-point, I should have failed again unless again I could have given years to the task. Of course, there have been many who have done better than I— many whose powers have been infinitely greater. But then, too, I have seen the failure of many who were greater. 164: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANIHOl^Y THOLLOPB. The career, when success has been achieyed,. is certainly yevy pleasant; but the agonies which are endured in the search for that success are often terrible. And the author's poverty is, I think, harder to be borne than any other poverty. The man, whether rightly or wrongly, feels that the world is iJsing him with extreme injustice. The more absolutely he fails, the higher, it is probable, he will reckon his own merits; and the keener will be the sense of injury in that he, whose work is of so high a nature, cannot get bread, while they whose tasks are mean are lapped in luxury. '*I, with my well-filled mind, with my clear intellect, with all my gifts, cannot earn a 'poor crown a day, while that fool, who simpers in a little room behind a shop, makes his thousands every year." The very charity, to which he too often is driven, is bitterer to him than to others. While he takes it he almost spurns the hand that gives it to him, and every fiber of his heart within him is bleeding with a sense of injury. The career, when successful, is pleasant enough, cer. tainly; but when unsuccessful, it is of all careers the most agonizing. CHAPTER XII. ON NOVELS, AND THE ART OF WRITING THEM. It is nearly twenty years since I proposed to myself to write a history of English prose fiction. I shall never do it now, but the subject is so good a one that I recommend it heartily to some man of letters, who shall at the same time be indefatigable and light-handed. I acknowledge that I broke down in the task, because I could not endure the labor in addition to the other labors of my life. Though the book might be charming, the work was very much the reverse. It came to have a terrible aspect to me, as did that proposition that I should sit out all the May AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 165 meetings of a seasoil. According to my plan of such a history, it would be necessary to read an infinity of noyels^- and not only to read them, but so to read them as to point- out the excellences of those which are most excellent, and- to explain the defects of those which, though defective, had still reached sufficient reputation to make them worthy of notice. I did read ^any after this fashion — and here and there 1 have the criticisms which I wrote. In regard to many, they were written on some blank page within the book. I have not, however, even a list of the books so criti- cised. I think that the *' Arcadia" was the first, and " Ivanhoe " the last. My plan as I settled it at last, had been to begin with " Robinson Crusoe," which is the earli- est really popular novel which we have in our language, and to continue the review so as to include the works of all English novelists of reputation, except those who might still be living when my task should be completed. But when Dickens and Bulwer died my spirit flagged, and Ihat which I had already found to be very difficult had become almost impossible to me at my then period of life. I began my own studies on the subject with works much earlier than " Robinson Crusoe," and made my way through a variety of novels which were necessary for my purpose, but which in the reading gave me no pleasure whatever. I never worked harder than at the '' Arcadia," or read more detestable trash than the stories written by Mrs. Aphra Behnj but these two were necessary to my purpose, which was not only to give an estimate of the novels as I found them, but to describe how it had come to pass that the English novels of the present day have become what they are, to point out the effects which they have produced, and to inquire whether their great popu- larity has, on the whc»le, done good or evil to the people who read them. I still thihk that the book is one well worthy to be written. I intended to write that book to vindicate my own pro- 166 AUTOBIOOBAPHT OF AlsTTHONY TROLLOPE. Session as a novelist, and also to yindicate that public taste in literature which has created and nourished the profession which I follow. And I was starred up to make such an attempt by a conviction that there still exists among ua Englishmen a prejudice in respect to novels, which might, perhaps, be lessened by such a work. This prejudice is not against the reading of novels, as is proved by their general acceptance among us. but it exists strongly in reference to the appreciation in which they are professed to be held; and it robs them of much of that high char- acter which they may claim to have earned by their grace, their honesty, and good teaching. No man can work long at any trade without being brought to consider much whether that which he is daily doing tends to evil or to good. I have written many novels, and have known many writers of novels, and 1 can assert that such thoughts have been strong with them and with myself. But in acknowledging that these writers have received from the public a full measure of credit for such genius, ingenuity, or perseverance as each may have displayed, I feel that there is still wanting to them a just appreciation of the excellence of their calling, and a gen- eral understanding of the high nature of the work which they perform. By the common consent of all mankind who have read, poetry takes the highest place in literature. That nobil- ity of expression, and all but divine grace of words, which she is bound to attain before she can make her footing good, is not compatible with prose. Indeed, it is that which turns prose into poetry. When that has been in truth achieved, the reader knows that the writer has soared above the earth, and can teach his lessons some- what as a god might teach. He who sits down to write his tale in prose makes no such attempt, nor does he dream that the poet's honor is within his reach; but his teaching is of the same nature, and his lessons all tend to AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 167 the same end. By either, false sentiments may be fos- tered; false notions of humanity may be engendered; false honor, false love, false worship may be created; by either, vice instead of virtue may be taught. But by each, equally, may true honor, true love, true worship, and true humanity be inculcated; and that will be the greatest teacher who will spread such truth the widest. But at present, much as novels, as novels, are bought and read, there exists still an idea, a feeling which is very prevalent, that novels at their best are but innocent. Young men and women, and old men and women, too, read more of them than of poetry, because such reading is easier than the reading of poetry; but they read them, as men eat pastry after dinner, not without some inward conviction that the taste is vain, if not vicious. I take upon myself to say that it is neither vicious nor vain. But all writers of ficti6n who have desired to think well of their own work, will probably have had doubts on their minds before they have arrived at this conclusion. Think- ing much of my own daily labor and of its nature, I felt myself at first to be much afflicted, and then to be deeply grieved, by the opinion expressed by wise and thinking men as to the work done by novelists. But when, by degrees, I dared to examine and sift the sayings of such men, I found them to be sometimes silly and often arro- gant. I began to inquire what had been the nature of English novels since they first became common in our own language, and to be desirous of ascertaining whether they had done harm or good. I could well remember that, in my own young days, they had not taken that undisputed possession of drawing rooms which they now hold. Fifty years ago, when George IV. was king, they were not, in- deed, treated as Lydia had been forced to treat them in the preceding reign, when, on the approach of elders, " Peregrine Pickle " was hidden beneath the bolster, and " Lord AinBWorth " put away under the sofa. But the 168 AUTOBIOGBAPHT OF ANTHONY TROL'LOPE. families in which an unrestricted permission was given for the reading of novels wer^'vory few, and from many they were altogether banished. The high poetic genius and correct morality of Walter Scott had not altogether succeeded in making men and women understand that lessons which were good in poetry could not be bad in prose. I remember that in those days an embargo was laid upon novel-reading as a pursuit, which was to the novelist a much heavier tax than that want of full appre- ciation of which I now complain. There is, we all know, no such embargo now. May we not say that people of an age to read have got too much power into their own hands to endure any very complete embargo? Novels are read right and left, above stairs and below, in town houses and in country parsonages, by young countesses and by farmers' daughters, by old lawyers and by young students. It has not only come to pass that a special provision of them has to be made for the godly, but that the provision so made must now include books which a few years since the godly would have thought to be profane. It was this necessity which, a few years since, induced the editor of Oood Words to apply to me for a novel — which, indeed, when supplied was rejected, but which now, probably, owing to further change in the same direction, would have been accepted. If such be the case — if the extension of novel-reading be so wide as I have described it — then very much good or harm must be done by novels. The amusement of the time can hardly be the only result of any book that is read, and certainly not so with a novel, which appeals especially to the imagination, and solicits the sympathy of the young. A vast proportion of the teaching of the day — greater, probably, tlian many of us have acknowledged to our- selves — comes from these books, which are in the hands of all readers. It is from them that girls learn what is ex- pected from them, and what they are to expect when AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 169 lovers come; and also from them that young men uncon- sciously learn what are, or should he, or may be, the charms of love—though I fancy that few young men will think so little of their natural instincts and powers as to believe that I am right in saying so. Many other lessons also are taught. In these times— when the desire to be honest is pressed so hard, is so violently assaulted by the ambition to be great; in which riches are the easiest road to greatness; when the temptations to which men are sub- jected dulls their eyes to the perfected iniquities of others; when it is so hard for a man to decide vigorously that the pitch, which so many are handling, will defile him if it be touched— men's conduct will be actuated much by that which is from day to day depicted to them as leading to glorious or inglorious results. The woman who is de- scribed as having obtained all that the world holds to be precious, by lavishing her charms and her caresses un- worthily and heartlessly, will induce other women to do the same with theirs; as will she who is made interesting by exhibitions of bold passion teach others to be spuriously pa^ionate. The young man who, in a novel, becomes a hero, perhaps a Member of Parliament, and almost a prime-minister, by trickery, falsehood, and flash cleverness, will have many followers, whose attempts to rise in the world ought to lie heavily on the conscience of the novelists who create 6ctitious Cagliostros. There are Jack Shep- pards other than those who break into houses and out of prisons— Macheaths, who deserve the gallows more tliaii Gay's hero. Thinking of all this, as a novelist surely must do—as I certainly have done through my whole career— it becomes to him a matter of deep conscience how he shall handle those characters by whose words and doijigs he hopes to interest his readers. It will very frequently be the case that he will be tempted to sacrifice something for effect, to «ay a word or two here, or to draw a picture there, for 170 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TfiOLLOPB. which he feels that he has the power, and which, when spoken or drawn, would be alluring. The regions of abso- lute vice are foul and odious. The savor of them, till custom has hardened the palate and the nose, is disgusting. In these he will hardly tread. But there are outskirts on these regions, on which sweet-smelling flowers seem to grow, and grass to be green. It is in these border-lands that the danger lies. The novelist may not be dull. If he commit that fault, he can do neither harm nor good. He must please, and the flowers and the grass in these neutral territories sometimes seem to give him so easy an opportunity of pleasing. The writer of stories muit please, or he will be nothing. And he must teach, whether he wish to teach or no. How shall he teach lessons of virtue and at the same time make himself a delight to his readers? That sermons are not in themselves often thought to be agreeable we all know. Nor are disquisitions on moral philosophy supposed to be pleas- ant reading for our idle hours. But the novelist, if he have a conscience, must preach his sermons with the same purpose as the clergyman, and must have his own system of etlncs. If he can do this efficiently, if he can make virtue allur- ing and vice ugly, while he charms his readers instead of wearying them, then I think Mr. Carlyle need not call him distressed, nor talk of that long ear of fiction, nor question wheth^ he be or not the most foolish of existing mortals. I think that many have done so; so many that we English novelists may boast, as a class, that such has been the general result of our own work. Looking back to the past generation, I may say with certainty that such was the operation of the novels of Miss Edgeworth, Miss Austen, and Walter Scott. ' Coming down to my own times, I find such to have been the teaching of Thackeray, of Dickens, and of George Eliot. Speaking, as I shall speak to any one who mtiy read these words, with that AUTOBIOGflAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 171 absence of self-personality which the dead may claim, I will boast that such has been the result of my own writing. Can any one, by search through the works of the six great English noyelists I have named, find a scene, a passage, or a word that would teach a girl to be immodesty, or a man to be dishonest? When men, in their pages, have been described as dishonest and women as immodest, have they not ever been punished? It is not for the novelist to say, baldly and simply: "Because you lied here or were heart- less there, because you, Lydia Bennet, forgot the lessons of your honest home, or you. Earl Leicester, were false through your ambition, or you, Beatrix, loved too well the glitter of the world, therefore you shall be scourged with scourges either in this world or in the next;" but it is for him to show, as he carries on his tale, that his Lydia, or his Leicester, or his Beatrix, will be dishonored in the estimation of all readers, by his or her vices. Let a woman be drawn clever, beautiful, attractive — so as to make men love her, and women almost envy her — and let her be made also heartless, unfeminine, and ambitious of evil grandeur, as was Beatrix, what a danger is there not in such a character! To the novelist who shall handle it,, what peril of doing harm! But if at last it have been so handled that every girl who reads of Beatrix shall say: ^'Oh! not like that — let me not be like that!" and that every youth shall say: ** Let me not liave such a one as that to press to my bosom, anything rather than that!" — then will not the novelist have preached his sermon as perhaps no clergyman can preach it? Very much of a novelist's work must appertain to the intercourse between young men and young women. It is admitted tliat a novel can hardly be made interesting or successful without love. Some few miglit be named, but even in those the attempt breaks down, and the softness of love is found to bo necessary to complete the story, *' Pickwick " has been named as an exception to the rule> 172 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. but even in ''Pickwick" there are three or four sets of lovers, whose little amatory longings give a softness to the work. I tried it once with '' Miss Mackenzie," but I had to make her fall in love at last. In this frequent allusion to the passion which most stirs the imagination of the young, there must be danger. Of that the writer of fic- tion is probably well aware. Then the question has to be asked, whether the danger may not be so averted that good mav be the result — and to be answered. In one respect the necessity of dealing with love is advantageous — advantageous from the very circumstance which has made love necessary to all novelists. It is necessary, because the passion is one which interests or has interested all. Every one feels it, has felt it, or ex- pects to feel it — or else rejects it with an eagerness which still perpetuates the interest. If the novelist, therefore, can so handle the subject as to do good by his handling, as to teach wholesome lessons in regard to love, the good which he does will be very wide. If T can teach politi- cians that they can do their business better by truth than by falsehood, I do a great service; but it is done to a limited number of persons. But if I can make young men and women believe that truth in love will make them happy, then, if my writings be popular, I shall have a very large class of pupils. No doubt the cause for that fear which did exist as to novels arose from an idea that the matter of love would be treated in an inflammatory and generally unwholesome manner. " Madam," says Sir Anthony, in the play, ''a circulating library in a town is an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge. It blossoms through the year; and depend on it, Mrs. Malaprop, that they who are so fond of handling the leaves will long for the fruit at last." Sir Anthony was, no doubt, right. But he takes it for granted that the longing for the fruit is an evil. The novelist who writes of love thinks dif- ferently, and thinks that the honest love of an honest man AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANtHONT TROLLOFE. 173 is a treasure which a good girl may fairly hope to win; and that, if she can be taught to wish only for that, she will have been taught to entertain only wholesome wishes. I can easily believe that a girl should be taught to wish to love by reading how Laura Bell loved Pendennis. Pen- dennis was not, in truth, a very worthy man, nor did he make a very good husband; but the girl's love was so beautiful, and the wife's love, when she became a wife, so womanlike, and at the same time so sweet, so unselfish, so wifely, so worshipful — in the sense in which wives are told that they ought to worship their husbands — that I cannot believe that any girl can be injured, or even not benefited, by reading of Laura's love. There once used to be many who thought, and prob- ably there still are some, even here in England, who think that a girl should hear nothing of love till the time €ome in which she is to be marriedr That, no doubt, was the opinion of Sir Anthony Absolute and of Mrs. Mala- prop. But I am hardly disposed to believe that the old system was more favorable than ours to the purity of man- ners. Lydia Languish, though she was constrained by fear of her aunt to hide the book, yet had " Peregrine Pickle'' in her collection. While human nature talks of love so forcibly, it can hardly serve our turn to be silent on the subject. " Naturam expellas furcd tamen itsque recurret" There are countries in which it has been in accordance with th^ manners of the upper classes that the girl should be brought to marry the man almost out of the nursery — or rather, perhaps, out of the convent — without having enjoyed that freedom of thought which the read- ing of novels and of poetry will certainly produce ; but I do not know that the marriages so made have been thought to be happier than our own. Among Englifeh^ovels of the present day, and among English noTeliets, a great division is made. There are sensational noyels and anti-sensational, sensational novel- 174 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. ists and anti-sensational, sensational readers and anti-sen- sational. The novelists who are considered to be anti- sensational are generally called realistic. I am realistic. My friend Wilkie Collins is generally snpposed to be sen- sational. The readers who prefer the one are supposed to take delight in the elucidation of character. Those who hold by the other are charmed by the ^continuation and gradual development of a plot. All this is, I think, a mistake — which mistake arises from the inability of the imperfect artist to be at the same time realistic aud sen- sational. A good novel should be both, and both in the highest degree. If a novel fail in either, there is a failure in art. Let those readers who believe that they do not like sen- sational scenes in novels think of some of those passages from our great novelists which have charmed them most: of Rebecca in the castle with Ivanhoe; of Burley in the cave with Morton; of the mad lady tearing the veil of the ex- pectant bride, in ** Jane Eyre;'* of Lady Castlewood as, in her indignation, she explains to the Duke of Hamilton Henry Esmond's right to be present at the marriage of his Grace with Beatrix — may I add, of Lady Mason, as she makes her confession at the feet of Sir Peregrine Orme? Will any one say that the authors of these passages have sinned in being over-sensational? No doubt, a string of hor- rible incidents, bound together without truth in detail, and told as affecting personages without character — wooden blocks, who cannot make themselves known to the reader as men and women — does not instruct or amuse, or even fill the mind with awe. Horrors heaped upon horrors, and which are horrors only in themselves, and not as touch- ing any recognized and known person, are not tragic, and soon cease even to horrify. And such would-be tragic elements of a story may be increased without end aud without difficulty. I may tell you of ii woman murdered — murdered in the same street with you, in the next house; that she was a wife murdered by her husband— a AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 175 bride not yet a week a wife. I may add to it forever. I may say that the murderer roasted her alive. There is no end to it. I may declare that a former wife was treated with equal barbarity; and may assert that, as the murder- er was led away to execution, he declared his only sorrow, his only regret, to be, that he could not live to treat a third wife after the same fashion. There is nothing so easy as the creation and the cumulation of fearful incidents after this fashion. If such creation and cumulation be the beginning and the end of the novelist's work — and novels have been written which seem to be without other attractions— nothing can be more dull or more useless. But not on that account are we averse to tragedy in prose fiction. As in poetry, so in prose, he who can deal ade- quately with tragic elements is a greater artist and reaches a higher aim than the writer whose efforts never carry him above the mild walks of everyday life. The *' Bride of Lammermoor" is a tragedy throughout, in spite of its comic elements. The life of Lady Castlewood, of whom I have spoken, is a tragedy. Rochester's wretched thralldom to his mad wife, in '-Jane Eyre," is a tragedy. But these stories charm us, not simply because they are tragic, but because we feel that men and women with flesh and blood, creatures with whom we can sympathize, are struggling amid their woes. It all lies in that. No novel is anything, for the purposes either of comedy or tragedy, unless the reader can sympathize with the characters whose names he finds' upon the pages. Let an author so tell his tale as to touch his reader's heart and draw his tears, and ho lias, so faV, done his work well. Truth let there be— truth of description, truth of character, human truth as to men and women. If there be such truth, I do not know that a novel can be too sensational, I did intend, when I meditated that history of English fiction, to include within its pages some rules for the •>vriting of novels; or, I might perhaps say, with more 176 AUTOBIOGHAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, modesty, to offer some advice on the art to such tyros in it as might be willing to take advantage of the experience of an old hand. But the matter would, I fear, be too long for this episode, and I am not sure that I have as yet got the rules quite settled in my own mind. I will, how- ever, say a few words on one or two points which my own practice has pointed out to me. I have from the first felt sure that the writer, when he sits down to commence his novel, should do so, not be- cause he has to tell a story, but because he has a story to tell. The novelist's first novel will generally have sprung from the right cause. Some series of events or some development of character will have presented itself to his imagination; and this he feels so strongly that he thinks he can present his picture in strong and agreeable lan- guage to others. He sits down and tells his story because he has a story to tell; as you, my friend, when you have heard something which has at once tickled your fancy or moved your pathos, will hurry to tell it to the first person you meet. But when that first novel has been received graciously by the public and has made for itself a success, then the writer, naturally feeling that the writing of novels is within his grasp, looks about for something to tell in another. He cudgels his brains, not always success- fully, and sits down to write, not because he has something which he burns to tell, but because he feels it to be in- cumbent on him to be telling something. As you, my friend, if you are very successful in the telling of that first story, will become ambitious of further story- telling, and will look out for anecdotes— in the'narration of which you will not improbably sometimes distress your audience. So it has been with many novelists, who, after some good work, perhaps after very much good work, have dis- tressed their audience because they have gone on with their Hvork till their work has become simply a Irade with them. Need I make a list of such, seeing that it wouhl AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOITY TROLLOPE. 177 contain the names of those who have been greatest in the art of British novel-writing. They have at hist become weary of that portion of a novelist's work which is of all the most essential to success. That a man, as he grows old, should feel the labor of writing to be a fatigue is natural enough. But a man to whom writing has become a habit may write well though he be fatigued. But the weary novelist refuses any longer to give his mind to that work of observation and reception from which has come his power, without which work his power cannot be con- tinued — which work should be going on not only when he is at his desk, but in all his walks abroad, in all liis movements through the world, in all his intercourse with his fellow-creatures. He has become a novelist, as another has become a poet, because he has, in those walks abroad, unconsciously, for the most part, been drawing in matter from all that he has seen and heard. But this has not been done without labor, even when the labor has been unconscious. Then there comes a time when he shuts his eyes and shuts his ears. When we talk of memory fading as age comes on, it is such shutting of eyes and ears that we mean. The things around cease to interest us, and we cannot exercise our minds upon them. To the novelist, thus wearied, there comes the demand for further novels. He does not know his own defect, and even if he did he does not wish to abandon his own profession. He still writes; but he writes because he lias to tell a story, not because he has a story to tell. What reader of novels has not felt the '' woodcnncss " of this mode of tellins^ The characters do not live and move, but are cut out of blocks and are propped against the wall. The incidents are arranged in certain lines — the arrangement being as palpable to the reader as it has been to the writer — but di> not follow each other as results naturally demanded by previous action. The reader can never feel — as he ought to feel — that only for that flame of the ey(^, only for that 178 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOiJ^r TROLLOPE. angrj word, only for that moment of weakneBs, all might have been different. The course of the tale is one piece of stiff mechanism, in which there is no room for a doubt. These, it may be said, are reflections^ which I, being an old novelist, might make useful to myself for discontinu- ing my work, but can hardly be needed by those tyros of whom I have spoken. That they are applicable to myself I readily admit, but I also find that they apply to many beginners. Some of us who are old fail at last because we are old. It would be well that each of us should say to iiimself, " Solve senescentem mature sanus equum, ne Peccet ad extremum ridendus." But many young fail also, because they endeavor to tell stories when they have none to tell. And this comes from idleness rather than from innate incapacity. The mind has not been sufficiently at work when the tale has been ■commenced, nor is it kept sufficiently at work as the tale is continued. I have never troubled myself much about the construction of plots, and am not now insisting spe- ■cially on thoroughness in a branch of work in which I. myself have not been very thorough. I am not sure that the construction of a perfected plot has been at any period within my power. But the novelist has other aims than the elucidation of his plot. He desires to make his readers so intimately acquainted with his characters that the creatures of his brain should *be to them speaking, moving, living, human creatures. This he can never do unless he know those fictitious personages himself, and he can never know them unless he can live with them in the full reality of established intimacy. They must be with him as he lies down to sleep, and as he wakes from his dreams. He must* learn to hate them and to love them. He must argue with them, quarrel with them, forgive them, and even submit to them. He must know of them whether they be -cold-blooded or passionate, whether true or false, and how AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 17& far trne, and bow far false. The depth and the breadth and the narrowness and the shallowness of each should bo clear to him. And, as here, in oar outer world, we know that men and women change — become worse or better as^ temptation or conscience may guide them — so should these creations of his change, and every change should be noted by him. On the last day of each month recorded, every person in his novel should be a month older than on the first. If the would-be novelist have aptitudes that way, all this will come to him without much struggling; but if it do not come, I think he can only make novels of wood. It is so that I have lived with my characters, and thence has come whatever success I have obtained. There is a gallery of them, and of all in that gallery I may say that I know the tone of the voice, and the color of the hair, every flame of the eye, and the very clothes they wear. Of each man I could assert whether he would have said these or the other words; of every woman whether she would then have smiled or so have frowned. When I shall feel that this intimacy ceases, then I shall know that the old horse should be turned out to grass. That I shall feel it when I ought to feel it I will by no means say. I do not know that I am at all wiser than Gil Bias' canon; but I do know that the power indicated is one without which xhe teller of tales cannot tell them to any good effect. The language in which the novelist is to put forth his etory, the colors with which he is to paint his picture, must, of course, be to him a matter of much consideration. Let him have all other possible gifts— imagination, obser- Tation, erudition, and industry — they will avail him noth- ing for his purpose, unless he can put forth his work in pleasant words. If he be confused, tedious, harsh, or in- harmonious, readers will certainly reject him. The read- ing of a volume of history or on science may represent itself as a duty; and though the duty may by a bad style 180 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. be made very disagreeable, tlie conscientious reader will, perhaps, perform it. But the noyelist will be assisted by no such feeling. Any reader may reject his work without the burden of a sin. It is the first necessity of his position that he make himself pleasant. To do this, much more is necessary than to write correctly. He may, indeed, be pleasant without being correct — as I think can be proved by the works of more than one distinguished novelist. But he must be intelligible— intelligible without trouble; and he must be harmonious. Any writer who has re/id even a little will know what is meant by the word intelligible. It is not sufiBcient that there be a meaning that may be hammered out of the sen- tence, but that the language should be so pellucid that the meaning should be rendered without an effort of the reader; and not only some proposition of meaning, but the very sense, no more and no less, which the writer has intended to put into his words. What Macaulay says should be re- membered by all writers: "How little the all-important art of making meaning pellucid is studied now! Hardly any popular author except myself thinks of it." The language used should be as ready and as efficient a con- ductor of the mind of the writer to the mind of^the reader as is the electric spark which passes from one battery to another battery. In all written matter the spark should carry everything; but in matters recondite the recipient will search to see that he misses nothing, and that he takes nothing away too much. The novelist cannot ex- pect that any such search will be made. A young writer, who will acknowledge the truth of what I am saying, will often feel himself tempted by the difficulties of language to tell himself that some one little doubtful passage, some single collocation of words, which is not quite what it ought to be, will not matter. I know well what a stum- bling-block such a passage may be. But he should leave Done such behind him as he goes on. The habit of writing AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPfi. 181 clearly soon comes to the writer who is a severe critic to himself. As to that harmonious expression which I think is re- quired, I shall find it more difficult to express my mean- ing. It will be granted, I think, by readers, that a style may be rough, and yet both forcible and intelligible; but it will seldom come to pass tliat a novel written in a rough style will be popular— and less often that a novelist who habitually uses such a style will become soi The har- mony which is required must come from the practice of the ear. There are few ears naturally so dull that they cannot, if time be allowed to them, decide whether a sentence, when read, be or be not harmonious. And the sense of such harmony grows on the ear, when the intelligence has once informed itself as to what is, and what is not, har- monious. The boy, for instance, who learns with accur- acy the prosody of a Sapphic stanza, and has received through his intelligence a knowledge of its parts, will soon tell by his ear whether a Sapphic stanza be or be not cor- rect. Take a girl, endowed with gifts of music, well in- structed in her art, with perfect ear, and read to her such a stanza with two words transposed, as, for instance — " Mercuri, nam te docilis magistro Movit Amphion canendo lapides, Tuque testudo resonare septem Callida nervis — " and she will find no halt in the rhythm. But a school- boy with none of her musical acquirements or capacities, who has, however, become familiar with the meters of the poet, will' at once discover the fault. And so will the writer become familiar with what is harmonious in prose. But in order that familiarity may serve him in his busi- ness, he must so train his ear that he shall be able to weigh the rhythm of every word as it falls from his pen. This, when it has been done for a time, even for a short time^ will ]3ecome so habitual to him that he will have ap- 182 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. predated the metrical duration of every syllable before it shall have dared to show itself upon paper. The art of the orator is the same. He knows beforehand how each sound which he is about to utter will affect the force of his climax. If a writer will do so he will charm his read- ers, though his readers will probably not know how they have been charmed. In writing a novel the author soon becomes aware that a burden of many pages is before him. Circumstances re- quire that he should cover a certain/ and generally not a very confined, space. Short novels are not popular with readers generally. Critics often complain of the ordinary length of novels, of the three volumes, to which they are subjected; but few novels which have attained great suc- cess in England have been told in fewer pages. The novel- writer who sticks to novel-writing as his profession will certainly find that this burden of length is incumbent on him. How shall he carry his burden to the end? How shall he cover his space? Many great artists have by their practice opposed the doctrine which I now propose to preach; but they have succeeded, I think, in spite of their fault,"and by dint of their greatness. There should be no episodes in a novel. Every sentence, every word, through all those pages, should tend to the telling of the story. Such episodes distract the attention of the reader, and always do so disagreeably. Who has not felt this to be the case, even with *' The Curious Impertinent, *' and with the '' History of the Man of the Hill." And if it be so with Cervantes and Fielding, who can hope to succeed? Though the novel which you have to write must be long, let it be all one. And this exclusion of episodes should be carried down into the smallest details. Every sentence and every word used should tend to the telling of the story. " But,"' the young novelist will say, '* with so many pages before me to be filled, how shall I succeed, if I thus confine my- self; how am I to know beforehand what space this story AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 183 of mine will require? There must be the three volumes, or the certain number of magazine pages, which I have oontracted to supply. If I« may not be discursive should occasion require, how shall I complete my task? The painter suits the size of his canvas to his subject, and must I, in my art, stretch my subject to my canvas?" This un- doubtedly must be done by the novelist; and if he will learn his business, may be done without injury to his -effect. He may not paint different pictures on the same oanvas, which he will do, if he allow himself to wander ^way to matters outside his own story; but by studying proportion in his work, he may teach himself so to tell his «torj that it shall naturally fall into the required length. Though kis story should be all one, yet it may have many parts. Though the plot itself may require but few char- acters, it may be so enlarged as to find its full develop- ment in many. There may be subsidiary plots, which shall all tend to the elucidation of the main story, and which will take their places as part of one and the same work, as there may be many figures on a canvas, which shall not to the spectator seem to form themselves into separate pictures. There is no portion of a novelist's work in which this fault of episodes is so common as in the dialogue. It is so easy to make any two persons talk on any casual subject, with which the writer presumes himself to be conversant! Literature, philosophy, politics, or sport, may thus be handled in a loosely discursive Htyle; and the writer, while indulging himself, and filling bis pages, is apt to think that he is pleasing his reader. I think he can make no greater mistake. The dialogue is generally the most agree- able part of a novel; but it is only so as long as it tends in some way to the telling of the main story. It need not seem to be confined to that, but it should always have a tendency in that direction. The unconscious critical acumen of a reader is both just and severe. When a long 184 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. dialogue on extraneous matter reaches his mind, he at once feels that he is being cheated into taking something which he did not bargain to accept when he took up that novel. He does not at that moment require politics or philosophy, but he wants his story. He will not, perhaps, be able to say in so many words that at some certain point the dialogue has deviated from the story; but when it does so he will feel it, and the feeling will be unpleasant. Let the intending novel-writer, if he doubt this, read one of Bulwer's novels — in which there is very much to charm — and then ask himself whether he has not been offended by devious conversations. And the dialogue, on which the modern novelist, in consulting the taste of his probable readers, must depend most, has to be constrained also by other rules. The writer may tell much of his story in conversations, but he may only do so by putting such words into the mouths of his personages as persons so situated would probably use. He is not allowed for the sake of his tale, to make his characters give utterance to long speeches, such as are not customarily heard from men and women. The ordinary talk of ordinary people is carried on in short, sharp, ex- pressive sentences, which, very frequently, are never com- pleted, the language of which even among educated people is often incorrect. The novel-writer, in constructing his dialogue, must so steer between absolute accuracy of language — which would give to liis conversation an air of pedanrry — and the slovenly inaccuracy of ordinary talkers — which, if closely followed, would offend by an appearance of grimace — as to produce upon the car of his readers a sense of reality. If he be quite real, he will seem to at- tempt to be funny. If he be quite correct, he will seem to be unreal. And above all, let the speeches be short. No •character bhould utter much above a dozen words at a breath, uiiks.s the writer can justify to himself a longer flood of speech, by the speciality of the occasion. JLTXTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 185 In all this human nature must be the novel-writer's guide. No doubt effective novels have been written in which human nature has been set at defiance. I might name *' Caleb Williams " as one, and **Adam Blair" as another. But the exceptions are not more than enough to prove the rule. But in following human nature he must remember that he does so with a pen in his hand, and that the reader who will appreciate human nature will also de- mand artistic ability and literary aptitude. The young novelist will probably ask, or more probably bethink himself, how he is to acquire that knowledge of human nature which will tell him with accuracy what men and women would say in this or that position. He must acquire it as the compositor, who is to print his words, has learned the art of distributing his type — by constant and intelligent practice. Unless it be given to him to listen and to observe, so to carry away, as it were, the manners of people in his memory, as to be able to say to himself, with assurance, that these words might have been said in a given position, and that those other words could not have been said, I do not think that in these days he can succeed as a novelist. And then let him beware of creating tedium! Who has not felt the charm of a spoken story up to a certain point, and then suddenly become aware that it has become too long, and is'the reverse of charming. It is not only that the entire book may have this fault, but that this fault may occur in chapters, in passages, in pages, in paragraphs. I know no guard against this so likely to be effective as the feeling of the writer himself. When once the sense that the thing is becoming long has grown upon him, he may be sure that it will grow upon his readers. I see the smile of some, who will declare to themselves that the words of a writer will never be tedious to himself. Of the TFiiter pf whom this may be truly said, it may be said'vith equal truth, that he will always be tedious to his readers. 186 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. CHAPTER XIII. ON ENGLISH NOVELISTS OF THE PRESENT DAY. In this chapter I will venture to name a few successful novelists of my own time, with whose works I am ac- quainted; and will endeavor to point whence their success has come, and why they have failed when there has been failure. I do not hesitate to name Thackeray the first. His knowledge of human nature was supreme, and his charac- ters stand out as human beings, with a force and a truth which has not, I think, been within the reach of any other English novelist in any period. I know no character in fiction, unless it be Don Quixote, with whom the reader becomes so intimately acquainted as with Colonel New- combe. How great a thing it is to be a gentleman at all parts! How we admire the man of whom so much may be said with truth ! Is there any one of whom we feel more sure in this respect than of Colonel Newcombe? It is not because Colonel Newcombe is a perfect gentleman that we think Thackeray's work to have been so excellent, but because he has had the power to describe him ^ssuch, and to force us to love him, a weak and silly old man, on account of this grace of character. It is evident from all Thackeray's best work that he lived with the characters he was creating. He had always a story to tell until quite late in life; and he shows us that this was so, not by the interest which he had in his own plots, for I doubt whether his plots did occupy much of his mind, but by convincing us that his characters were alive to himself. With Becky Sharpe, with Lady Castle- wood and her daughter, and with Esmond, with Warring- ton, Pendennis, and the Major, with Colonel Newcombe AirrOBIOQRAPHY OF ANTHONT TROLLOPE. 187 and with Barry Lyndon, he must have lived in perpetual intercourse. Therefore, he has made these personages real to us. ^ Among all our novelists his style is the purest, as to my ear it is also the most harmonious. Sometimes it is dis- figured by a slight touch of affectation, by little conceits which sraell«of the oil; but the language is always lucid. The reader, without labor, knows what he means, and knows all that he liieans. As well as I can remember, he deals with no episodes. I think that any critic, examin- ing his work minutely, would find that every scene, and every part of every scene, adds something to the clearness with which the story is told. Among all his stories there is not one which does not leave on the mind a feeling of distress that women should ever be immodest or men dis- honest, and of joy that women should be so devoted and men so honest. How we hate the idle selfishness of Pen* dennis, the worldliness of Beatrix, the craft of Becky Sharpe! how we love the honesty of Colonel Newcombe, the nobility of Esmond, and the devoted affection of Mrs. Pendennis! The hatred of evil and love of good can hardly have come upon so many readers without doing much good. Late in Thackeray's life — he never was an old man, but toward the end of his career — he failed in his power of charming, because he allowed his mind to become idle. In the plots which he conceived, and in the language which he used, I do not know that there is any perceptible change; but in ** The Virginians " and in " Philip " the reader is introduced to no character with which he makes A close and undying acquaintance. And this, I have no doubt, is so because Thackeray himself had no such in- timacy. His mind had come to be weary of that fictitious life which is always demanding the labor of new creation, and he troubled himself with his two Virginians and his Philip only when he was seated at his desk. At the present moment George Eliot is the first of 188 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. English novelists, and I am disposed to^ place her second of those of my time. She is best known to the literary world as a writer of prose fiction, and not improbably whatever of permanent fame she may acquire will come froDrf her novels. But the nature of her intellect is very far removed indeed from that which is common to the tellers of stories. Her imagination is, no floubt, strong, but it acts in analyzing rather than in creating. Every- thing that comes before her is pulled to pieces so that the inside of it shall be seen, and be seen, if possible, by her readers as clearly as by herself. This searching analysis is carried so far that, in studying her later writings, one feels one's self to be in company with some philosopher rather than with a novelist. I doubt whether any young person can read with pleasure either "Felix Holt/' "Middlemarch," or "Daniel Deronda," I know that they are very difficult to many that are not young. Her personifications of character have been singularly terse and graphic, and from them has come her great hold on the public, though by no means the greatest effect which she has produced. The lessons which she teaches remain, though it is not for the sake of the lessons that her pages are read. Seth Bede, Adam Bede, Maggie and Tom Tulliver, old Silas Marner, and, much above all, Tito, in "Komola," are characters which, when once known, can never be forgotten. I cannot say quite so- much for any of those in her later works, because in them the philosopher so greatly overtops the portrait painter^ that, in the dissection of the mind, the outward signs seem to have been forgotten. In her, as yet, there is no- symptom whatever of that weariness of mind which, when felt by the reader, induces him to declare that the author has written himself out. It is not from decadence that we do not have another Mrs. Poyser, but because the author soars to things which seem to her to be higher thaa Mrs. Poyser. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. IS^ It is, I think, the defect of George Eliot that she strug- gles too hard to do work that shall be excellent. She lacks ease. Latterly the signs of this have been conspicuous in her style, which has always been and is singularly correct, but which has become occasionally obscure from her toa great desire to be pungent. It is impossible not to feel the struggle, and that feeling begets a flavor of affecta- tion. In "Daniel Deronda," of which at this moment only a portion has been published, there are sentences which I have found myself compelled to read three times before I have been able to take home to myself all that the writer has intended. Perhaps I may be permitted here to say, that this gifted woman was among my dearest and most intimate friends. As I am speaking here of novelists, I will not attempt to speak of George Eliot's merit as a poet. There can be no doubt that the most popular novelist of my time — probably the most popular English novelist of any time — has been Charles Dickens. He has now been dead nearly six years, and the sale of his books goes on as it did during his life. The certainty with which his novels are found in every house — the familiarity of his name in all English-speaking countries — the popularity of such characters as Mrs. Gamp, Micawber, and Pecksniff, and many others whose names have entered into the English language and become well-known words — the grief of the country at his death, and the honors paid to hirtri at his funeral, all testify to his .popularity. Since the List book he wrote himself, I doubt whether any book has been so popular as his biography by John Forster. There is no withstanding such testimony as this. Such evidence of popular appreciation should go for very much, almost for everything, in criticism on the work of a novelist. The primary object of a novelist is to please; and this man's novels have been found more pleasant than those of any other writer. It might, of course, be objected to this. 190 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. that though the hooks have pleased, they have been injuri- ous, that their tendency has been immoral and their teach- ing vicious; but it is almost needless to say that no such charge has ever been made against Dickene. His teaching has ever been good. From all which, there arises to the critic a question whether, with such evidence against him as to the excellence of this writer, he should not subor- dinate his own opinion to the collected opinion of the world of readers. To me it almost seems that I must be wrong to place Dickens after Thackeray and George Eliot, knowing as I do that so great a majority put him above those authors. My own peculiar idiosyncrasy in the matter forbids me to do so. I do acknowledge that Mrs. Gramp, Micawber, Pecksniff, and others have become household words in every house, as though they were human beings; but to my judgment they are not human beings, nor are any of the characters human which Dickens has portrayed. It has been the peculiarity and the marvel of this man's power that he has invested his puppets with a charm that has enabled him to dispense with human nature. There is a drollery about them, in my estimation, very much below the humor of Thackeray, but which has reached the intellect of all; while Thackeray's humor has escaped the intellect of many. Nor is the pathos of Dickens human. It is stagey and* melo-dramatic. But it is so expreseed that it touches every heart a little. There is no real life in Smike. His misery, his idiotcy, his devotion for Nicholas, his love for Kate, are all overdone and in- compatible with each other. But still the reader sheds a tear. Every reader can find a tear for Smike. Dickens's novels are like Boucicault's plays. lie has known how to draw his lines broadly, so that all should see the color. He, too, in his best days, always lived with his char- acters; and he, too, as he gradually ceased to have the power of doing so, ceased to charm. Though they are not AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY tROLLOPB. 191 hnman beings, we all remember Mrs. Gamp and Pickwick. The Boffins and Veneerings do not, 1 think, dwell in the minds of so many. Of Dickens's style it is impossible to "speak in praise. It is jerky, nugrammatical, and created by himself in de- fiance of rules — almost as completely as that created by Garlyle. To readers who have taught themselves to regard language, it must, therefore, be unpleasant. But the critic is driven to feel the weakness of his criticism,, when he acknowledges to himself — as he is compelled in all honesty to do — that with the language, such as it is, the writer has satisfied the great mass of the readers of his country. Both these great writers have satisfied the readers of their own pages; but both have done infinite harm by creating a school of imitators. No young- novelist should ever dare to imitate the style of Dickens. If such a one wants a model for his language, let him take- Thackeray. Bulwer, or Lord Lytton — but I think that he is still better known by his earlier name — was a man of very great- parts. Better educated than either of those I have named before him, he was always able to use his erudition, and he thus produced novels from which very much not only may be, but must be, learned by his readers. He thoroughly understood the political status of his own country, a sub- ject on which, I think, Dickens was marvelously ignorant, and which Thackeray had never studied. He had read extensively, and was always apt to give his readers the benefit of what he knew. The result has been that very much more than amusement may be obtained from Bul- wer'e novels. There is also a brightness about them — the result rather of thought than of imagination, of study and of care, than of mere intellect — which has made many of them excellent in their way. It is perhaps improper to class all his novels together, as he wrote in varied manners, making in his earlier works, such as ** Pelham " and 19i AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. *' Ernest Maltravers," pictures of a fictitious life, and afterward pictures of life as he believed it to be, as in '' My Novel " aud ** The Ca-xtons." But from all of them there comes the same flavor of an effort to produce effect. The effects are produced, but it would have been better if the flavor had not been there. I cannot say of Bulwer as I have of the other novelists whom I have named, that he lived with his characters. He lived with his work, with the doctrines which at the time he wished to preach, thinking always of the effects whi(5h he wished to preach; but I do not think he ever knew his own personages, and therefore neither do we know them. Even Pelham and Eugene Aram are not human beings to us, as are Pickwick and Colonel Newcome and Mrs. Poyser. In his plots Bulwer has generally been simple, facile, and successful. The reader never feels with him, as he does with Wilkie Collins, that it is all plot, or, as with George Eliot, that there is no plot. The story comes nat- urally, without calling for too much attention, and is thus proof of the completeness of the man's intellect. His lan- guage is clear, good, intelligible English, but it is defaced by mannerism. In all that he did, affectation was his fault. How shall I speak of my dear old friend Charles Lever, and his rattling, jolly, joyous, swearing Irishmen. Surely never did a sense of vitality come so constantly from a man's pen, nor from man's voice, as from his! I knew him well for many years, and whether in sickness or in health I have never come across him without finding him to be running over with wit and fun. Of all the men I have encountered, he was the surest fund of drollery, I have known many witty men, many who could say good things, many who would sometimes be ready to say them when wanted, though they would sometimes fail — but he never failed. Rouse him in the middle of the night, and wit would come from him before he was half awake. And AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 193 yet he never monopolized the talk, was never a bore. He would take no more than his own share of the words spoken, and would yet seem to brighten all that was said daring the night. His earlier novels— the later I have not read— are just like his conversation. The fun never flags, and to me, when I read them, they were never tedious. As to character, he can hardly be said to have produced it. Corney Delauey, the old man-servant, may perhaps be named as an exception. Lever's novels will not live long, even if they may be said to be alive now, because it is so. What was his man- ner of working I do not know, but I should think it must have been very quick, and that he never troubled himself on the subject, except when he was seated with a pen in his hand. Charlotte Bronte was surely a marvelous woman. If it could be riglit to judge the work of a novelist from one small portion of one novel, and to say of an author that he is to be accounted as strong as he shows himself to be in his strongest morsel of work, I should be inclined to put Miss Bronte very high indeed. I know no interest more thrilling than that which she has been able to throw into the characters of Rochester and the governess, in the secr ond volume of **Jane Eyre."^ She lived with those characters, and felt every fiber of the heart, the longings of the one and the sufferings of the other. And therefore, though the end of the book is weak, and the beginning not very good, I venture to predict that ''Jane Eyre" will be read among English novels when many whose names are now better known shall have been forgotten. "Jane Eyre " and " Esmond " and *' Adam Bede" will be in the hands of our grandchildren when "Pickwick" and " Pelham " and " Harry Lorrequer " are forgotten; because the men and women depicted are human in their aspira- tions, human in their sympathies, and human in their actions. T 194 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. In ''Villette," too, and in ''Shirley," there is to be found human life as natural and as real, though in circum- stances not so full of interest as those told in "Jane Eyre." The character of Paul, in tlie former of the two, is a wonderful study. She must herself have bee*i in love ■with some Paul when she wrote the book, and have been determined ta prove to herself that she was capable of lov- ing one whose exterior circumstances were mean and in every way unprepossessing. There is uo writer of the present day who has so much puzzled me by his eccentricities, impracticabilities, and capabilities as Charles Reade. I look upon him as endowed almost with genius, but as one who has not been gifted by nature with ordinary powers of reasoning. He can see what is grandly noble, and admire it with all his heart. He can see, too, what is foully vicious, and hate it with equal ardor. But in the common affairs of life he cannot see what is right or wrong; and as he is altogether un- willing to be guided by the opinion of others, he is con- stantly making mistakes in liis litefary career, and sub- jecting himself to reproach which he hardly deserves. He means to be honest. He means to be especially honest, more honest than other people. He has written a book called " The Eighth Commandment," on behalf of honesty in literary transactions— a wonderful work, which has, I believe, been read by a very few. I never saw a copy except that in my own library, or heard of any one who knew the book. Nevertheless it is a volume that must have taken very great labor, and have been written— as, indeed, he declares that it was written— without the hope of pecuniary reward. He makes un appeal to the British parliament and British people on behalf of literary honesty, declaring that, should he fail— "I shall have to go on blushing for the people I was born among." And yet, of all the writers of my day, he has seemed to me to under- stand literary honesty the least. On one occasion, as he AUTOBIOGRA.PHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 195 tells US in this book, he bought for a certain sum, from a Freucb author, the right of using a plot taken from a play, which he probably might have used without such purchase, and also without infringing any international copyright act. The French author not unnaturally praises him for the transaction, telling him that he is '' un vrai gentleman." The plot was used by Reade in a novel; and a critic, dis- covering the adaptation, made known his discovery to the public. Whereupon tiie novelist became angry, called his critic a pseudonymuucle, and defended himself by stating the fact of his own purchase. In all this he seems to me to ignore what we all mean when we talk of literary plagiarism and literary honesty. The sin of which the author is accused is not that of taking another man's prop- erty, but of passing oS as his own creation that which he does not himself create. When an author puts his name to a book be claims to have written all that there is therein, unless he makes direct sigaification to the contrary. Some years subsequently there arose another similar question, in which Mr. Readers opinion was declared even more plainly, and certainly very much more publicly. In a tale which he wrote he inserted a dialogue which he took from Swift, and took without any acknowledgment. As might have been expected, one of the critics of the day fell foul of him for this barefaced plagiarism. The author, how- ever, defended himself, with much abuse of the critic, by asserting, that whereas Swift had found the jewel, he had snpplied the setting— an argument in which there was some little wit, and would have been much excellent truth, had he given the words a belonging to Swift and not to himself. The novels of a man possessed of so singular a mind must themselves be very strange— and they are strange. It has generally been his object to write down some abuse with which he has been particularly struck — the harshness, for instance, with which paupers or .lunatics are treated, 196 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. or the wickedness of certain classes — and he always, I think, leaves upon his readers an idea of great earnestness of purpose. But he has always left, at the same time, on my mind so strong a conviction that he has not really un- derstood his subject, that I have ever found myself taking the part of those whom he has accused. So good a heart, and so wrong a head, surely no novelist ever before had combined! In story-telling he has occasionally been al- most great. Among his novels I would especially recom- mend *' The Cloister and the Hearth." I do not know that in this work, or in any, that he has left a character that will remain: but he has written some of his scenes so brightly that to read them would always be a pleasure. Of Wilkie Collins it is impossible for a true critic not to speak with admiration, because he has excelled all his contemporaries in a certain most difficult branch of his art; but as it is a branch which I have not myself at. all cultivated, it is not unnatural^ that his work should be very much lost upon me individually. When I eit down to write a novel I do not at all know, and I do not very much care, how it is to end. Wilkie Collins seems so to construct his that he not only, before writing, plans every- thing on, down to the minutest detail, from the begin- ning to the end; but then plots it all back again, to see that there is no piece of necessary dovetailing which does not dovetail with absolute accuracy. The construction is most minute and most wonderful. But I can never lose the taste of the construction. The author seems always to be warning me to remember that something happened at exactly half-past two o'clock on Tuesday morning; or that a woman disappeared from the road just fifteen yards beyond the fourth mile-stone. One is constrained by mysteries and hemmed in by difficulties, knowing, how- ever, that the mysteries will be made clear, and the diffi- culties overcome, at the end of the third volume. Such work gives me no pleasure. I am, however, quite pre- AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPB 1^7 pared to acknowledge that the want of pleasure comes from fault of my intellect. There are two ladies of whom T would fain say a word, though I feel that I am making my list too long, in order that I may declare how much I have admired their work. They are Anne Thackeray and Rhoda Broughton. I have known them both, and have loved the former almost as though she belonged to me. No two writers were ever more dissimilar, except in this that they are both feminine. Miss Thackeray^s characters are sweet, charming, and quite true to human nature. In her writing she is always endeavoring to prove that good produces good, and evil evil. There is not a line of which she need be ashamed, not a sentiment of which she should not be proud. But she writes like a lazy writer who dislikes her work, and who allows her own want of energy to show itself in her pages. Miss Broughton, on the other hand, is full of energy — though she, too, I think, can become tired over her work. She, however, does take the trouble to make her personages stand upright on the ground. And she has the gift of making them speak as men and women do speak. '* You beast!" said Nancy, sitting on the wall, to the man who was to be her husband — thinking that she was speaking to her brother. Now Nancy, whether right or wrong, was just the girl who would, as circumstances then were, have called her brother a beast. There is nothing wooden about any of Miss Broughton's novels — and in these days so many novels are wooden! But they are not sweet-savored as are those by Miss Thackeray, and are, therefore, less true to nature. In Miss Broughton's determination not to be mawkish and missish, she has made her ladies do and say things which ladies would not do and say. They throw themselves at men's heads, and when they are not accepted only think how they may throw themselves again. Miss Broughton is still so young that I hope she may live to overcome her fault in this direction. 198 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. There is one other name, without which the list of tfie best-known English novelists of my own time would cer- tainly be incomplete, and that is the name of the present prime-minister of England. Mr. Disraeli has written so many novels, and has been so popular as a novelist that, wliether for good or for ill, I feel myself compelled to speak of him. He began his career as an author early in life, publishing ''Vivian Grey" when he was twenty- tliree years old. He was very young for such work, though hardly young enough to justify the excuse that he makes in his own preface, that it is a book written by a boy. Dickens was, I think, younger when he wrote, his '* Sketches by Boz," and as young when he was writing the ** Pickwick Papers." It was hardly longer ago than the other day when Mr. Disraeli brought out "Lothair," and between the two there were eight or ten others. To me they have all had the same flavor of paint and unreality. In whatever he has written he has affected something which has been intended to strike his readers as uncom- mon, and therefore grand. Because he has been bright and a man of genius, he has carried his object as regards the young. He has struck them with astonishment, and aroused in their imagination ideas of a world more glori- ous, more rich, more witty, more enterprising, than their own. But the glory has been the glory of pasteboard, and the wealth has been a wealth of tinsel. The wit has been the wit of hair-dressers, and the enterprise has been the enterprise of mountebanks. An audacious conjurer has generally been his hero — some youth who, by wonder- ful cleverness, can obtain success by every intrigue that comes to his hand. Through it all there is a feeling of stage properties, a smell of hair-oil, an aspect of buhl, a remembrance of tailors, and that pricking of the con- science which must be the general accompaniment of paste diamonds. I can understand that Mr. Disraeli should, by his novels, have instigated many a young man and many AIJTOBIOOUAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 199 a young woman on their way in life, but I cannot under- stand that he should have instigated any one to good. Vivian Grey has had probably as many followers as Jack Sheppard, and has led his followers in the same direction. **Lothair," which is as yet Mr". Disraeli's last work, and, I think, undoubtedly his worst, has been defended on a plea somewhat similar to that by which he has de- feuded *' Vivian Grey." As that was written when he was too young, so was the other when he was too old — too old for work of that nature, though not too old to be prime- minister. If his mind were so occupied with greater things as to allow him to Write such a work, yet his judg- ment should have sufficed to induce him to destroy it when written. Here that flavor of hair-oil, that flavor of false jewels, that remembranxie of tailors, comes out stronger than in all the others. Lothair is falser even that Vivian Grey, and Lady Corysaud, the daughter of the duchess, more inane and unwomanlike than Venetia or Henrietta Temple. It is the very bathos of story- telling. I have often lamented, and have as often excused to myself, that lack of public judgment which enables readers to put up with bad work because it comes from good or from lofty hands. I never felt the feeling so strongly, or was so little able to excuse., it, as when a portion of the reading public received "Lothair" with satisfaction. CHAPTER XIV. ON CRITICISM. Literary criticism in the present day has become a profession— but it has ceased to be an art. Its object is no longer that of proving that certain literary work is good, and other literary work is bad, in accordance with rules which the critic is able to define. English criticism at present rarely even pretends to go so far as this. It ttttempV in the first place, to tell the public whether a 200 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. book be or be not worth public attention; and, in the second place, so to describe the purport of the work as to enable those who have not time or inclination for reading it to feel that by a short-cut they can become acquainted with its contents. Both these objects, if fairly well car- ried out, are salutary. Though the critic may not be a profound judge himself, though not unfrequently he be a young man making his first literary attempts, with tastes and judgment still unfixed, yet he probably has a con- science in the matter, and would not have been selected for that work had he not shown some aptitude for it. Though he may not be the best possible guide to the undiscerniug, he will be better than no guide at all. Eeal substantial criticism must, from its nature, be costly, and that which the public wants should, at any- rate, be cheap. Advice is given to many thousands, which, though it may not be the best advice possible, is better than no advice at all. Then that description of the work criticised, that com- pressing of the much into very little — which is the work of many modern critics or reviewers — does enable many to know something of what is being said, who without it would know nothing. I do not think it is incumbent on me at present to name periodicals in which this work is well done, and to make complaints of others by which it is scamped. I should give offense, and might probably be unjust. But I think I may certainly say that as some of these periodicals are certainly entitled to great praise for the manner in whicli the work is done generally, so are others open to very severe censure — and that the praise and that the censure are chiefly due on behalf of one virtue audits opposite vice. It is not critical ability that we have a right to de- mand, or its absence that we are bound to deplore. Crit- ical ability for the price we pay is not attainable. It is a faculty not peculiar to Englishmen, and when displayed is very frequently not appreciated. But that critics should AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TItOLLOPE. 201 be honest we have a right to demand, and critical dis- honesty we are bound to expose. If the writer will tell us what he thinks, though his thoughts be absolutely vague and useless, we can forgive him; but when he tells us what he does not think, actuated either by friendship or by animosity, then there should be no pardon for him. This is the sin in modern English criticism of which there is most reason to complain. It is a lamentable fact that men and women lend them- selves to this practice who are neither vindictive nor ordi- narily dishonest. It has become ** the custom of the trade," under the veil of which excuse so many tradesmen justify their malpractices. When a struggling author learns that so much has been done ^for A by the Barsetshire Gazette, so much for B by the Dillshorough Herald, and, < again, so much for by that powerful metropolitan organ the Evening Pulpit, and is told also that A and B and C have been favored through personal interest, he also goes to work among the editors, or the editors' wives— or, perhaps, if he cannot reach their wives, with their wives' first or second cousins. When once the feeling has come upon an editor or a critic that he may allow hiifiself to be influenced by other considerations than the duty he owes to the public, all sense of critical or of editorial honesty falls from him at once. Pacilis descensus A verni. In a very short time that editorial honesty becomes ridiculous to himself. It is for other purpose that he wields the power; and when he is told what is his duty, and what should be his con- duct, the preacher of such doctrine seems to him to be quixotic. " Where have you lived, my friend, for the last twenty years," he says in spirit, if not in word, '* that you come out now with such stuff as old-fashioned as this?" And thus dishonesty begets dishonesty, till dishonesty seems to be beautiful. How nice to be good-natured I How glo- rious to assist struggling young authors, especially if the young author be ftlso a pretty y^omml How gracious to 202 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. oblige a friend! Then the motive, though still pleasing, departs further from the border of what is good. In what way can the critic better repay the hospitality • of his wealthy literary friend than by good-natured criticism, or more certainly insure for himself a conuinuation of hoBpi- table favors? Some years since a critic of the day, a gentleman well known then in literary circles, showed me the manuscript of a book recently published, the work of a popular author. It was handsomely bound, and was a valuable and desirable possession. If had just been given to him by the author, as an acknowledgment for a laudatory review in one of the leading journals of the day. As I was expressly asked whether I did not regard such a token as a sign of grace t)oth in the giver and in the receiver, I said that I thought it should neither have been given nor have been taken. My theory was repudiated with scorn, and I was told that I was strait-laced, visionary and impracticable! In all that the damage did not lie in the fact of that one present, but in the feeling on the part of the critic that his office was not debased by the acceptance of presents from those whom he criticised. This man was a professional critic, bound by his contract with certain employers to review such books as were sent to him. How could he^ when he had received a valuable present for praising one book, censure another by the same author? While I write this I well know that what I «ay, if it be ever noticed at all, will be taken as a straining at gnats, as a pretense of honesty, or, at any rate, as an exaggeration of scruples. I have said the same thing before, and have been ridiculed for saying it. But none the less am I sure that English literature generally is suffering much under this evil. All those who are struggling for success have forced upon them the idea that their strongest efforts should be made in touting for praise. Those who are not familiar with the lives of authors will hardly believe how AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE, 203 low will be the forms which their struggles will take; how •little presents will be sent to men who write little articles; how much flattery may be expended, even on the. keeper of a circulating library; with what profuse and distant genuflexions approaches are make to the outside railing of the temple which contains within it the great thunderer of some metropolitan periodical publication! The evil here is not only that done to the public when interested counsel is given to them, but extends to the debasement of those who have, at any rate, considered themselves fit to provide literature for the public. I am satisfied that the remedy for this evil must lie in the conscience and deportment of authors themselves. If once the feeling could be produced that it is disgraceful for an author to ask for praise — and demands for praise are, I think, disgraceful in every walk of life — the prac- tice would gradually fall into the hands only of the lowest, and that which is done only by the lowest soi^n becomes despicable even to them. The sin, when perpetuated with unflagging labor, brings with it at best very poor reward. That work of running after critics, editors, publishers, the keepers of circulating libraries, and their clerks, is very hard, and must be very disagreeable. He who does it must feel himself to be dishonored — or she. It may, per- haps, help to sell an edition, but can never make an author successful. I think it may be laid. down as a golden rule in literature that there should be no intercourse at all between an author and his critic. The critic, as critic, sliould not know his author, nor the author, as author, his critic. As censure should beget no anger, so should praise beget no gratitude. The young author should feel that criti- cisms fall upon him as dew or hail from heaven — which, as coming from heaven, man accepts as fate. Praise let the author try to obtain by wholesome efPort; censure let him avoid, if possible, by care and industry. But when ^04 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPE. they come, let him take them as coming from some source which he cannot influence, and with which he should not* meddle. I know no more disagreeable trouble into which an author may plunge himself than that of a quarrel with his critics, or any more useless labor than that of answer- ing them. It is wise to presume, at any rate, that the re- viewer has simply done his duty, and has spoken of the book according to the dictates of his conscience. Nothing can be gained by combating the reviewer's opinion. If the book which he has disparaged be good, his judgment will be condemned by the praise of others; if bad, his judgment will be confirmed by others. Or if, unfortunately, the criti- cism of the day be in so evil a condition generally that such ultimate truth cannot be expected, the author may be sure that his efforts made on behalf of his own book will not set matters right. If injustice be done him, let him bear i#. To do so is consonant with the dignity of the position which he ought to assume. To shriek, and scream, and sputter, to threaten actions, and to swear about the town that he has been belied and defamed in that he has been accused of bad grammar or a false meta- phor, of a dull chapter, or even of a borrowed heroine, will leave on the minds of the public nothing but a sense of irritated impotence. If, indeed, there should spring from an author's work any assertion by a critic injurious to the author's honor, if the author be accused of falsehood or of personal mo- tives which are discreditable to him, then, indeed, he may be bound to answer the charge. It is hoped, however, that he may be able to do so with clean hands, or he will so stir the mud in the pool as to come forth dirtier than he went into it. I have lived much among men by whom the English criticism of tlio day has been vehemently abused. I have heard it said that to the public it is a false guide, and that AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 206 to authors it is never a trustworthy mentor, I do not concur .in this wholesale censure. There is, of course, criticism and criticism. There are at this moment one or two periodicals to which both public and authors may safely look for guidance, though there are many others from which no spark of literary advantage may be obtained. But it is well that both public and authors should know what is the advantage which they have a right to expect. There have been critics-^and there probably will be again, though the circumstances of English literature do not tend to pro- duce them — with power sufficient to entitle them to speak with authority. These great men have declared, tanquam ex cathedrdj that such a book has been so far good and so far bad, or that it has been altogether good or altogether bad; and the world has believed them. When making such assertions they have given their reasons, explained their causes, and have carried conviction. Very great reputations have been achieved by such critics, but not without infinite study and the labor of many years. Such are not the critics of the day, of whom we are now speaking. In the literary world as it lives at present some writer is selected for the plaoe of cdtic to a newspaper, generally some young writer, who for so many shillings a column shall review whatever book is sent to him and ex- press an opinion— reading the book through for the pur- pose, if the amount of honorarium as measured, with the amount of labor will enable him to do so. A laborer must measure his work by his pay or he cannot live. From criticism such as this must for the most part be, the gen- eral reader has no right to expect philosophical analysis, or literary judgment on which confidence may be placed. But he probably may believe that the books praised will be better than the books censured, and that those which are praised by periodicals which never censure are better worth his attention than those which are not noticed. And readers will also find that by devoting an hour or two 206 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPS. on Saturday to the criticisms of the week, they will e....ble themselves to have an opinion about the books of the day. The knowledge so acquired will not be great, nor will that little be lasting; but it adds something to the pleasure of life to be able to talk *'THE EUSTACE DIAMONDS."— ''LADY ANNA."— ''AUSTRALIA." In the spring of 1871 we- 1 and my wife -had decided that we would go to Australia to visit our shepherd son. 258 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHOKT TROLLOPB. Of course, before doing so, I made a contract with a pub- lisher for a book about the colonies. For such a work as this I had always been aware that I could not fairly de- mand more than half the price that would be given for the same amount of fiction; and as such books have an indomitable tendency to stretch themselves, so that more is given than what is sold, and as the cost of traveling is heavy, the writing of them is not remunerative. This tendency to stretch comes not, I think, generally from the ambition of the writer, but from his inability to comprise the different parts in their allotted spaces. If you have to deal with a country, a colony, a city, a trade, or a political opinion, it is so .much easier to deal with it in twenty than in twelve pages! I also made an engagement with the editor of a London daily paper to supply him with a series of articles— which were duly written, duly published, and duly paid for. But, with all this, travel- ing with the object of writing is not a good trade. If the traveling author can pay his bills, he must be a good man- ager on the road. Before starting there came upon us the terrible necessity of coming to some resolution about our house at Waltham. It had beeu first hired, and then bought, primarily be- cause it suited my Post-office avocations. To this reason had been added other attractions — in the shape of hunting, gardening, and suburban hospitalities. Altogether the house had been a success, and the scene of much happi- ness. But there arose questions as to expense. Would not a house in London be cheaper? There could be no doubt that my income would decrease, and was decreasing. I had thrown the Post-office, as it were, away, and the writing of novels could not go on forever, Some of my friends told me already that at fifty-five I ought to give up the fabrication of love-stories. The hunting, I thought, must soon go, and I would not therefore allow that to keep me in the country. And then, why should I live at AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB, 259 Waltham Cross now, seeing that I had fixed on that place in reference to the Post-oflBce? It was therefore deter- mined .that we would flit, and as we were to be away for eighteen months, we determined also to sell our furniture. So there was a packing- up, with many tears and consulta- tions as to what should be saved out of the things we loved. As must take place on such an occasion, there was some heart-felt grief. But the thing was done, and orders were given for the letting or sale of the house. I may as well say here that it never was let, and that it remained unoc- cupied for two years before it was sold. I lost by the transaction about £800. As I continually hear that other men make money by buying and selling houses, 1 presume I am not well adapted for transactions of that sort. I have never made money by selling anything except a man- uscript. In matters of horseflesh I am so inefficient that I have generally given away horses that I have not wanted: When we started from Liverpool, in May, 1871, "Ralph the Heir" was running through the SL PauVs. This was the novel of which Charles Reade afterward took the plot and made on it a play. I have always thought it to be one of the worst novels I have written, and almost to have justified that dictum that a novelist after fifty should not write love-stories. It was in part a political novel; and that part which appertains to politics, and which recounts the electioneering experiences of the candidates at Percy- cross, is well enough. Percycross and Beverley were,- of course, one and the same place. Neefit, the breeches- maker, and his daughter, are also good in their way; and Moggs, the daughter's lover, who was not only lover, but also one of the candidates at Percycross as well. But the main thread of the story— that which tells of the doings of the young gentlemen and young ladies — the heroes and heroines^ — is not good. Ralph the heir has not much life about hiin; while Ralph who is not the heir, but is 260 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHOKY TROLLOPE. intended to be the real hero, has none. The same maybe said of the young ladies, of whom one — she who was meant to be the chief — has passed utterly out of my mind, with- out leaving a trace of remembrance behind. I also left in the hands of the editor of The Fortnightly, ready for production on the 1st of July following, a story called "The Eustace Diamonds." In that I think that my friend's dictum was disproved. There is not much love in it, but what there is, is good. The character of Lucy Morris is pretty; and her love is as genuine and as well told as that of Lucy Robarts or Lily Dale. But "The Eustace Diamonds" achieved the success which it certainly did attain, not as a love-story, but as a record of a cunning little woman of pseudo-fashion, to whom, in her cunning, there came a series of adventures, unpleasant enough in themselves, but pleasant to the reader. As I wrote the book, the idea constantly pre- sented itself to me that Lizzie Eustace was but a second Becky Sharpe; but in planning the character I had not thought of this, and I believe that Lizzie would have been just as she is though Becky Sharpe had never been described. The plot of the diamond necklace is, I think, well arranged, though it produced itself without any fore- thought. I had no idea of setting thieves after the bauble till I had got my heroine to bed in the inn at Carlisle; nor of the disappointment of the thieves, till Lizzie had been wakened in the morning with the news that her door had been broken open. All these things, and many more, "Wilkie Collins would have arranged before with infinite labor, preparing things present so that they should fit in with things to come. I have gone on the very much easier plan of making everything as it comes fit in with what has gone before. At any rate, the book was a suocees, and did much to repair the injury which I felt had come to my reputation in the novel-market by the works of the last few years. I doubt whether I had written anything AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 261 BO successful as "The Eustace Diamonds" since "The Small House at Allington." I had written what was much better— as, for instance, "Phineas Finn" and "Nina Balatka;" but that is by no means the same thing. I also left behind, in a strong-box, the manuscript of " Phineas Redux," a novel of which I have already spoken, and which I subsequently sold to the proprietors of the Graphic newspaper. The editor of that paper greatly dis- liked the title, assuring me that the public would take Redux for the gentleman's surname— and was dissatisfied with me when I replied that I had no objetion to them doing so. The introduction of a Latin word, or of a word"" from any other language, into the title of an English novel is undoubtedly in bad taste; but after turn- ing the matter much over in my own mind, I could find no other suitable name. I also left behind me, in the same strong-box, another novel, called "An Eye for an Eye," which then had been some time written, and of which, as it has not even yet been published, I will not further speak. It will prob- ably be published some day, though, looking forwai'd, I can see no room for it, at any rate, for the next two years. If, therefore, the Great Britain, in which we sailed for Melbourne, had gone to the bottom, I had so provided that there would be new novels ready to come out under my name for some years to come. This consideration, however, did not keep me idle while I was at sea. When making long journeys, I have always succeeded in getting a desk put up in my cabin, and this was done ready for me in the Great Britain, so that I could go to work the day after we left Liverpool. This I did; and before I reached Melbourne I had finished a story called " Lady Anna." Every word of this was written at sea, during the two months required for our voyage, and was done day by auy_-vyith the intermission of one day's illness— for eight 2Q2 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TBOLLOPE, weeks, at the rate of sixty-six pages of manuscript in each week, every page of manuscript containing two hundred and fifty words. Every word was counted. I have seen work come back to an author from the press with terrible deficiencies as to the amount supplied. Thirty-two pages have perhaps been wanted for a number, and the printers, with all their art, could not stretch the matter to more than twenty-eight or nine! The work of filling up must be very dreadful. I have sometimes been ridiculed for the methodical details of my business. But by these con- trivances I have been preserved from many troubles; and I have saved others with whom I have worked — editors, publishers, and printers — from much trouble also. A month or two after my return home ^' Lady Anna" appeared in TJie Fortnightly ^ following " The Eustace Diamonds." In it a young girl, who is really a lady of high rank and great wealth, though in her youth she en- joyed none of the privileges of wealth or rauk, marries a tailor who had been good to her, and whom she had loved when she was poor and neglected. A fine young noble lover is provided for her, and all the charms of sweet liv-' ipg with nice people are thrown in her way, in order that she may be made to give up the tailor. And the charms are very powerful with her. But the feeling that she is bound by her troth to the man who had always been true to her overcomes everything — and she marries the tailor. It was my wish, of course, to justify her in doing so, and to carry my readers along with me in my sympathy with her. But everybody found fault with me for marrying her to the tailor. What would they have said if I had allowed her to jilt the tailor and marry the good-looking young lord? How much louder, then, would have been the censure I The book was read, and I was satisfied! If I had not told my story well, there would have been no feeling in favor of the young lord. The horror which was expressed to me at the evil thing I had done^ in giving the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 263 girl to the tailor, was the strongest testimony I could re- ceive of the merits of the story. I went to Australia chiefly in order that I might see my son among his sheep. I did see him among his sheep, and remained with him for four or five very happy weeks. He was not making money, nor has he made money since. I grieve to say that several thousands of pounds which I had squeezed out of the pockets of perhaps too-liberal publishers have been lost on the venture. But I rejoice to shy that this has been in no way due to any fault of his. I never knew a man work with more persistent honesty at his trade than he has done. I had, however, the further intentions of writing a book about the entire group of Australasian colonies; and in order that I might be enabled to do that with sufficient information, I visited them all. Making my headquarters at Melbourne, I went to Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, then to the very little known territory of West- ern Australia, and then, last of all, to New Zealand. I was absent in all eighteen months, and think that I did succeed in learning much of the political, social, and material condition of these countries. I wrote my book as I was traveling, and brought it back with me to Eng- land all but completed in December, 1872. It was a better book than that which I had written eleven years before on the American States, but not so good as that on the West Indies, in 1859. As regards the information given, there was much more to be said about Australia than the West Indies. Very much more is said, and very much more may be learned from the latter than from the former book. I am sure that any one who will take the trouble to read the book on Australia will learn mnch from it. But the West Indian volume was readable. I am not sure that either of the other works are, in the proper sense of that word. When I go back to them I find that the pages drag with me; and if so with me, how must 264 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP AKTHONY TROLLOPB. it be with others who have none of that love which a father feels even for his ill-favored offspring. Of all the needs a book has the chief need is that it be readable. Feeling that these volumes on Australia were dull and long, I was surprised to find that they had an extensive sale. There were, I think, 2000 copies circulated of the first expensive edition; and then the book was divided into four little volumes, which were published separately, and ■which again had a considerable circulation. That some facts were stated inaccurately, I do not doubt; that many opinions were crude, I am quite sure; that I had failed to understand much which I attempted to explain, is possible. But with all these faults the book was a thoroughly honest book, and was the result of unflagging labor for a period of fifteen months. I spared myself no trouble in inquiry, no trouble in seeing, and no trouble in listening. I thor- oughly imbued my mind with the subject, and wrote with the simple intention of giving trustworthy information on the state of the Colonies. Though there be inaccura- cies — those inaccuracies to which work quickly done must always be subject — I think I did give much valuable in- formation. I came home across America from San Francisco to New York, visiting Utah and Brigham Young on the way. I did not achieve great intimacy with the great polygamist of the Salt Lake City. I called upon him, sending to him my card, apologizing for doing so without an introduction, and excusing myself by saying that I did not like to pass through the territory without seeing a man of whom I had heard so much. He received me in his doorway, not ask- ing me to enter, and inquired whether I were not a miner. When I told him that I was not a miner, he asked me whether I earned my bread. I told him I did. " I guess you're a miner," said he. I again assured him that I was not. **Then how do you earn your bread?" I told him that I did so by writing books. " I'm sure you^*e a miner/' AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 265 said he. Then he turned upon his heel, went back into the house, and closed the door. I was properly punished, as I was Tain enough to conceive that he would have heard my name. I got home in December, 1872, and in spite of any reso- lution made to the contrary, my mind was full of hunting as I came back. No real resolutions had, in truth, beei) made, for out of a stud of four horses I kept three, two of which were absolutely idle through the two summers and winter of my absence. Immediately on my arrival I bought another, and settled myself down to hunting from London three days a week. At first I went back to Essex, my old country," but finding that to be inconvenient, I took my horses to Leighton Buzzard, and became one of that numerous herd of sportsmen who rode with the "Baron" and Mr. Selby Lowndes. In those days Baron Meyer was alive, and the riding with his hounds was very good. I did not care so much for Mr. Lowndes. During the winters of 1873. 1874, and 1875 I had my horses back in Essex, and went on with my hunting, always trying to resolve that I would give it up. But still I bought fresh horses, and, as I did not give it up, I hunted more than ever. Three times a week the cab has been at my door in London very punctually, and not unfrequently before seven in the morning. In order to secure this attendance, the man has always been invited to have his breakfast in the hall. I have gone to the Great Eastern Railway— ah! BO often with the fear that frost would make all my exer- tions useless, and so often, too, with that result!— and then, from one station or another station, have traveled on wheels at least a dozen miles. After the day's sport, the same toil has been necessary to bring me home to din- ner at eight. This has been work for a young man and a rich man, but I have done it as an old man and compara- tively a poor man. Now at last, in April, 1876, 1 do think thftt my rwlutiou Uh been tekow, t m giving u.viiy my 266 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Al^THONY TROLLOPE. old horses^ and anybody is welcome to my saddles and horse-furniture. " Singula de nobis anni prsedantur euntes; Elipuere jocos, venerem, convivia, ludum; Tendunt extorquere poemata." " Our years keep taking toll as they move on My feasts, my frolics, are already gone, And now, it seems, my verses must go too." This is Conington's translation, but it seems to me to be a little flat. ** Years as they roll cut all our pleasures short; Our pleasant mirth, our loves, our wine, our sport. And then they stretch their power and crush at last. Even the power of singing of the past." I think that I may say with truth that I rode hard to my end. " Vixi puellis nuper idoneus, Et militavi non sine gloria; Nunc arma defunctiimque bello Barbiton hie paries habebit." " I've lived about the covert side. I've ridden straight, and ridden fast; Now breeches, boots, and scarlet pride Are but mementoes of the past." CHAPTER XX. "THE WAY WE LIVE NOW " AND ''THE PRIME MINISTER." CONCLUSION. In what I have said at the end of the last chapter, about my hunting, I have been carried a little in advance of the date at which I had arrived. We returned from Australia in the winter of 1872, and eady in 1873 I took a house in Montagu Square — in which I hope to live and hope, to die. Our first work in settling there was to place AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 267 upon new shelves the books which I had collected round myself at Waltham. And this work, which was in itself great, entailed also the labor of a new catalogue. As all who use libraries know, a catalogue is nothing unless it show the spot on which every book is to be found— in- formation which every volume also ought to give as to itself. Only those who have done it know how great is the labor of moving and arranging a few thousand volumes. At the present moment I own about 5000 volumes, and they are dearer to me even than the horses which are go- ing, or than the wine in the cellar, which is very apt to go, and upon which I also pride myself. When this was done, and the new furniture had got into its place, and my little book-room was settled suffi- ciently for work, I began a novel, to the writing of which I was instigated by what I conceived to be the commercial profligacy of the age. Whether the world does or does not become more wicked as years go on, is a question which probably has disturbed the minds of thinkers since the world began to think. That men have become less cruel, less violent, less selfish, less brutal, there can be no doubt; but have they become less honest? If so, can a world, retrograding from day to day in honesty, be con- sidered to be in a state of progress. We know the opinion on this subject of our philosopher Mr. Carlyle. If he be right, we are all going straight away to darkness and the dogs. But then we do not put very much faith in Mr. Car- lyle, nor in Mr. Ruskin, and his other followers. The loudness and extravagance of their lamentations, the wail- ing and gnashing of teeth which comes from them, over a world which is supposed to have gone altogether shoddy- wards, are so contrary to the convictions of men who can- not but see how comfort has been increased, how health has been improved, and education extended, that the general effect of their teaching is the opposite of what they haye intended. It is regarded simply us Carlylism to 268 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP ANTHONY TROLLOPH, say that the Euglish-speaking world is growing worse from day to day. And it is Carlylism to opine that the general grand result of increased intelligence is a tendency to deterioration. Nevertheless a certain class of dishonesty — dishonesty magnificent in its proportions, and climbing into high places — has become at the same time so rampant and so splendid that there seems to be reason for fearing that men and women will be taught to feel that dishonesty, if it can become splendid, will cease to be abominable. If dishonesty can live in a gorgeous palace, with pictures on all its walls, and gems in all its cupboards, with marble and ivory in all its corners, and can give Apician dinners, and get into Parliament, and deal in millions, then dis- honesty is not disgraceful, and tlie man dishonest after such a fashion is not a low scoundrel.. Instigated, I say, by some such reflections as these, I sat down in my new house to write *' The Way We Live Now." And as I had ventured to take the whip of the satirist into my hand, I went beyond the iniquities of the great speculator who robs everybody, and made an onslaught also on other vices — on the intrigues of girls who want to get married, on the luxury of young men who prefer to remain single, and on the puflBng propensities of authors who desire to cheat the public into buying their volumes. The book has the fault which is to be attributed to almost all satires, whether in prose jot verse. The accu- sations are exaggerated, the vices are colored, so as to make effect rather than represent truth. Who, when the lash of objurgation is in his hands, can so moderate his arm as never to strike harder than justice would require? The spirit which produces the satire is honest enough, but the very desire which moves the satirist to do his work energetically makes him dishonest. In other respects " The Way We Live Now " was, as a satire, powerful and good. The character of Melmotte is well maintained, JLUTX^IOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 269 The bear-garden is amusing, and not untrue. The Longestaffe girls and their friend, Lady Monogram, are amusing, but exaggerated. Dolly Longestaffe is, I think, very good. And Lady Carbury's literary efforts are, I am sorry to say, such as are too frequently made. But here again the young lady with her two lovers is weak and vapid. I almost doubt whether it be not impossible to have two absolutely distinct parts in a novel, and to im- bue them both with iuterest. If they be distinct, the one will seem to be no more than padding to the other. And so it was in " The Way We Live Now." The interest of the story lies among the wicked and foolish people, with Melmotte and his daughter, with Dolly and his family, with the American woman, Mrs. Hurtle, and with John Crumb and the girl of his heart. But Koger Carbury, Paul Montague, and Henrietta Carbury are uninteresting. Upon the whole, I by no means look upon the book as one of my failures; nor was it taken as a failure by the public or the press. While I was writing **The Way We Live Now" I was called upon by the proprietors of the GrapJiic for a Christ- mas story. I feel, with regard to literature,, somewhat as I suppose an upholsterer and undertaker feels when he is called upon to supply a funeral. He has to supply it, however distasteful it may be. It is his business, and he will starve if he neglect it. So have I felt that, when any- thing in the shape of a novel was required, I was bound to , produce it. Nothing can be more distasteful to me than to have to give a relish of Christmas to what I write. I feel the humbug implied by the nature of the order. A Christmas story, in the proper sense, should be the ebul- lition of some inind anxious to instill others with a desire for Christmas religious thought, or Christmas festivities, or, better still, with Christmas charity. Such was the case with Dickens when he wrote "his first two Christmas stories. But since that the things written anDually—all 270 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPl, of which have been fixed to Christmas like children's toys to a Christmas-tree — have had no real savor of Christmas about them. I had done two or three before. Alas! at this very moment I have one to write, which I haveprom- to supply within three weeks of this time — the picture- makers always requiring a long interval — as to which I have in vain been cudgeling my brain for the last month. I can't send away the order to another shop, but I do not know how I shall ever get the coffin made. For the Graphic, in 1873, I wrote a little story about Australia. Christmas at the antipodes is of course mid- summer, and I was not loath to describe the troubles to which my own son had been subjected, by the mingled accidents of heat and bod neighbors, on his station in the bush. So I wrote ** Harry Heathcote of Gangoil," and was well through my labor on that occasion. I only wish I may have no worse success in that which now hangs over my head. When '* Harry Heathcote " was over, I returned with a full heart to Lady Glencora and her husband. I had never yet drawn the completed picture of such a statesman as my imagination had conceived. The personages with whose names my pages had been familiar, and, perhaps, even the minds of some of my readers — the Brocks, De Terriers, Monks, Greshams, and Daubeneys — had been more or less portraits, not of living men, but of living political characters. The strong-minded, thick-skinned, useful, ordinary member, either of the Government or of the Opposition, had been very easy to describe, and had required no imagination to conceive. The character re- produces itself from generation to generation; and, as it does 80, becomes shorn in a wonderful way of those little touches of humanity which would be destructive of its purposes. Now and again there comes a burst of human nature, as in the quarrel between Burke and Fox; but, as a rule, the men submit themselves to be shaped and fash- AUTOBIOGRAPHY 0* ANTHONY TROLLOPB. 271 ioned, and to be formed into tools, which are used either for building up or pulling down, and can generally bear to be changed from this box into the other, without, at any rate, the appearance of much personal suffering. Four- and-twenty gentlemen will amalgamate themselves into one whole, and work for one purpose, having each of them to set aside his own idiosyncrasy, and to endure the close pei'sonal contact of men who must often be personally dis- agreeable, having been thoroughly taught that in no other way can they serve either their country or their own am- bition. These are the men who are publicly useful, and whom the necessities of the age supply — as to whom I have never ceased to wonder that stones of such strong caliber should be so quickly worn down to the shape and smoothnees of rounded pebbles. Such have been to me the Brocks and the Mildmays, about whom I have written with great pleasure, having had my mind much exercised in watching them. But I had also conceived the character of a statesman of a dif- ferent nature — of a man who should be in something, per- haps, superior, but in very much inferior, to these men; of one who could not become a pebble, having too strong an identity of his own. To rid one's self of fine scruples — to fall into the traditions of a party — to feel the need of subservience, not only in acting, but also, even, in think- ing — to be able to be a bit, and at first only a very little bit — these are the necessities of the growing statesman. The time may come, the glorious time, when some great self-action shall be possible, and shall be even demanded — as when Peel gave up the Corn Laws; but the rising man, as he puts on his harness, should not allow himself to dream of this. To become a good, round, smooth, hard, useful pebble is his duty; and to achieve this he must harden his skin and swallow his scruples. But every now and again we see the attempt made by men who cannot get their akins to be hard, who, after a little while^ generally 272 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ANTHONY TROLLOPB, fall out of the ranks. The statesman of whom I was thinking — of whom I had long thought — was one who did not fall out of the ranks, even though his skin would not become hard. He should have rankand intellect and par- liamentary habits, by which to bind him to the service of his country; and he should also have unblemished, unextin- guishable, inexhaustible love of country. That virtue I attribute to our statesmen generally. They who are with- out it are, I think, mean indeed. This man should have it as tlie ruling principle of his life; and it should so rule him that all other things should be made to give way to it. But he should be scrupulous, and, being scrupulous, weak. When called to the highest place in the council of his sovereign, iie should feel with true modesty his own insuflQciency; but not the less should the greed of power grow upon him when he had once allowed himself to taste and enjoy it. Such was the character I endeavored to de- pict in describing the triumph, the troubles, and the fail- ure of my Prime Minister, And I think that I have suc- ceeded. What the public may think, or what the press may say, I do not yet know, the work having, as yet, run but half its course.* That the man's character should be understood as I un- derstand it — or that of his wife, the delineation of which has also been a matter of much happy care to me — I have no right to expect, seeing that the operation of describing has not been confined to one novel, which might, perhaps, be readthrough by the majority of those who commenced ♦ Writing this note in 1878, after a lapse of nearly three years, I am oblipred to say that, as regards the public, " The Prime Minister " ■was a failure. It was worse spoken of by the press than any novel I had written. 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