~7T~7T7 ^ 1 Hollinger Corp. P H8.5 -— DESIGNS FOR HARD ANGER EMBROIDERY PUBLISHED BY EMMA PETERSON DESIGNER AND TEACHER in the Art of Hardanger Embroidery 385 E. Di Street CHICAGO PRICE. ONE DOLLAR PER COPY mg to A ress by EMMA RSON Washington, D. C. All Rights Rese HARDANGER k HIS beautiful and fascinating Embroidery was first originated by the Scandinavian people. It is high- ly valued by the ladies of Europe and worn by the nobility only and is the latest fad in Embroidery of our own country. Although Hardanger to an extent is tedious, it is at the same time the most fascinating work. The patterns being scarce but have succeeded in making up some of the most handsome designs. Any one interested in the work will find them brimful of suggestions. Can be utilized for almost every purpose. With the aid of this pattern book the ambitious Embroiderer can produce an in- finite variety of fancy articles from a plain doile to beautiful dress trimmings. Hardanger is worked on a cloth of open weave, called Hardanger cloth or canvas. It is woven exactly alike both ways with perfect regularity. For outlining or the convent seam use "Ideal Nuns Pearl Lustre or Crafford Bros. Linen Floss or Electron Cotton." The thread should be heavy to correspond with the material. A fine twisted thread is used for making bars and lace stitches. Collars and Cuffs, in sets Shirt Waist with wide Cuffs and Neck Band 1 ••*< in 10 ««l ■«m iii L ISC ■ay lit Insertion Design ♦r: R,K Rife . \ fog ,.' fe.fi ,'" •. *$ * Insertions Doilie Design Doilie Design •a«an««B*a«; 4^ kit -'" ""«»>■ *.«**... ~ want an? « -*- >*3B* a-** ; w*r* ^- ? — *#-- --"yl- ^^» -•- ---"-«# ^-/ s - ~X ->-.;-*-** --■■kx*xk» '-£2-** X<^^. >: ^ :>-'--* '^*»j!£ -.■MSJMUrs* - ; 5."'---:t. v^ ; ; : : ■-.■':;-<•;.-: ■:T";- !r -' £ f;j 4 Center Piece or Lunch Cloth Design (See next page showing design complete) •■■■■■■■ ■•Bjaaa ••aaa« •■■■■ ■■■■ - ■■■ g sra .. «* . ■«■ £ ■aaa ' aaaaa ■■■■■■ aaaaaaa •■■£■■ • «!»•■ ■ ■■■ ** ■■■■•■«■■■■■■ ■•■■■■■•••• • aaaaaa*'' ** •■■■■■■ ■■■■a aaa ••■•■■•■•■■•• • itiiiinai • iiMim ■■■■■■a ,,. aaaaa •■« KS 1 ■ ooaa ■:•;:•::•::•::•:■ ■■bkxxhbb ■■■:•: »<*x::Ba>" oa::*na.':aa >»•••■■ >••■••• 'lliii ■■■■■ ■■■■ 5 * »«B ■ ■■•a *a ■■■ ■■ ** aaa ' tun ■■■•■•a aa»ai««o?B ■arflaasft^S?.. oeaaaa"*""" t!S«BB ■ □■■ ! aaa ■a* ** M M .£S£. 5 oaaaaea •stiaaniL Baoaaaasaa* ■iBiailllli ■aaoa *i< aaa g ■■■« »:-;.-•-■ kks a laiixxxiiii aaasKNKKaaa •BKteatxBaa •KKKKKB ■a ■■a aa as aa aaa ,; ■aaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa* aaaaa :::■ \ aa „ <■** at a aa aaa ■aaa aaaaa «a ■BiaaiQiaaa •oscacnataa •aaaaaaaa ■aaaaaa ■■ , aaa avea aaaaa L-avauaaoaian Baeaeaaoom. •aaiiiaai ■aaaaaa » aaa g avaaa ■ :•;;■::•::•:;•:■ sa:<:xxx::aa aaa:;NKx::aaa ■«::xxx;:a« •KKKKKB aaaaa a ■■■ $ 3 .:: * aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa ■aaaaaa ■aaaaa aaaaa x. ■■aa * aaa ** ■■ aaaaa aar aaaaa ■at , aaa u 1 aaaaa ■BKKHKB •BKXXXMaa ■aauxxMHaaa ■bhxxxkbb ■Kkkk: - * aaa ■aaa aaaaa aaaaaa ■aaaaaa •■■■• a ■aaaa * aaa ea ■! aaaaa aaa ■aa ■■aaa* ■aaaiai ■■aaaaaa ■aaaaaa ■aaaaaaaa ■aaaaatiiti •itaiiiiiaiik ■aaaaaa .aaaaaaaa t «i »•■■•■■■•»■« aaa aaaa ■aaaa ■••aaa m ■••■■■■; Center Piece or Lunch Cloth Design (See next rase showing design complete) i®&t\ » ■lH^'i , : iS/ , JT 1 ^ • ■! F i^ a* « <^ aF mill "V^F ■■» ^ ^ ***» ■■aa* .-.;•■■■'■» - k»k F *** "^ F*«!i Hxf "V **■ ^m r »«««« Y r *«««a i ■****■ ^ ■ i««ma >•»«■«. ****i mm aBBBa MUk ***** „A xix asa ■ K»5 XIK "■■ KIK ■«* Jl KIM -A §♦« k»b xtx 1 »•» R«s i s*x »*x six ^H s»x xvx 5tX an xk Kifc &>■ aBBBBB* I l «;«■■ •««■» BKBBa aaaaa mmmmm bbtJ ML- ■"■ »*3S *S" six - MB* H X«g XIX ■«■ xtx *!' a ^ m m m w&mr six ■ - k«x wx i X»8 JSKi i "' 1 K»W ^»>2 «»JS IB *U,- xtx x>8 "■ St* » sr»is x>£ i ?ftK a*x xix J i-'-W ml* Mb ■«■ pr £aS3*» ■»»»»»* ' x«x bib tea* X»X nfla KtX BBa ■ Lf -^ bb»B» ■BBBWR* - XL*** Jl f L | HBBOa «a»*a IB -aaaai;- '»«bU.^ Ai nun jm* aAVa *ai o^B 9 Xj » J Center Piece or Lunch Cloth Design Curtain Design AUG 24 1904 •'*' i^UA Hollinger Cor P H8.5 LIBRARY of CONGRESS 014 147 120 A Hollinger Corp.