aass_HB^j_l^ Book„__' ^x5 " OlI-JTICLVL XJONA-riON. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF THE CENSUS S. >J. D. NORTH, DIRECTOR BULLETIN 7 ESTIMATES OF POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1901, 1902, 1903 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 :*tf-': DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR ti.s BUREAU OF THE CENSUS S. N. D. NORTH, DIRECTOR IH BULLETIN 7 ESTIMATES OF POPULATION OF THE LARGER CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1901, 1902, 1903 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 904 31 JUL1905 D.otO, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, Bureau of the Census, Washington^ D. C, April 5, 1904: Sm: I have the honor to transmit herewith a bulletin presenting estimates of population in 1901, 1902, and 1903 for cities of 10,000 inhabitants or more in 1900, for states and territories exclusive of such cities, and for states and territories. It should be observed that municipal corporations are here designated as "cities," although not all of them are so chartered. The Bui'eau of the Census has been directed by Congress to prepare in the interval between decennial censuses special reports containing "statistics relating to special classes, including the insane, feeble-minded, deaf, dumb, and blind; to crime, pauperism, and benevolence, including prisoners, paupers, juvenile delinquents, and inmates of benevolent and reformatory institutions; to social statistics of cities; to public indebtedness, valuation, taxation, and expenditures; to religious bodies; to electric light and power, telephone and telegraph business; to transportation by water, express business, and street railways; to mines, mining, quarries and minerals, and the production and value thereof." Congress has also provided "that there shall be a collection of the statistics of the births and deaths in registration areas for the 3^ear nineteen hundred and two, and annually thereafter," and "that in the year nineteen hundred and five, and every ten years thereafter, there shall be a collection of the statistics of manufactures, confined to manufacturing establishments conducted under what is known as the factor}' system." These special reports, unlike those on the same subjects already prepared, will speak not for the year 1900, but for the year nearest the time of publication. The information to be contained in these special reports will not be comparable, therefore, with the population reported by the Twelfth Census, as the statistics contained in similar reports at former censuses have been comparable with the population then enumerated. Yet much of this information would lose greatly in value if comparison with the population should be impossible; for example, the nuniber of insane reported for a state should be compared with the population from which these unfortunates come; the burden of public debt or public taxation is usually indicated bj^ a per capita figure, the computation of which 'requires a knowledge of the population. Even more important is the fact that under pres- ent conditions estimates of population are essential, if death rates or birth rates are to be computed. This raised the question whether it was wise for the Bureau of the Census to make estimates of population for the years between the decennial censuses applicable to places where estimates were necessary in order that the information gathered by the Census Bureau might be intelligible. In deciding this question advice was sought from a committee of experts in the oflice, consisting of Chief Statisticians W. A. King and W. C. Hunt and Special Agent W. F. Willcox. This committee, after corresponding with a number of leading experts in the countrj^ unanimously recommended that the work should be undertaken by the Census Bureau, but confined as closely as possible to those areas for which figures were required. This recommendation has been adopted. The present bulletin has been prepared by Charles S. Sloane, Geographer of the Bureau of the Census, under the general direction of the committee already' mentioned. Admitting all that can be said regarding the uncertainty and probable error of such estimates, it is believed that the gain to the public from making the statistics intelligible will be worth what it will cost. The method recommended by the committee as at once the simplest and as shown by experience to come nearer accuracy in the majorit}' of cases than anj^ other available method was the so-called arithmetical method. It rests on the assumption that the annual increase for each year since the last census would be one-tenth of the decennial increase between the last two censuses. The country as a whole and most of the states and cities are growing with a steadiljr decreasing per cent of increase. As this condition has obtained in the United States for the last twent}"- years it is likely to hold good in the immediate future. Under such conditions the arithmetical method (3) has been proved more accurate than any alternative method available. Estimates by this method based on the census population of 1880 and 1890 were made for the 78 cities each of which had over 50,000 inhabitants in 1900 and the results compared with the census count. The returns of the census enumerators showed an actual aver- age increase of 414,793, while the estimates gave these cities a total annual increase, between 1890 and 1900, of 407,028, which was much closer than estimates based on vote cast, nimiber of names in a city directory, or a local census of school children. A thorough discussion of this and of alternative methods will be found in Twelfth Census Bulletin No. 135, "Methods of Estimating Population." Undoubtedly^ in a number of individual cases the estimates contained in the present bulletin will ultimately be proved to be wide of the truth, but even in such cases it is believed that they will be of value for the only purpose for which they have been prepared, namelj', to establish a basis for the computation of statistical rates. Even if the estimated population be 10 per cent from the true population, and it can seldom be more than this even when the estimate is based on a census 10 or 20 years old, the estimated population would give an approximate per capita rate of taxation or death rate. A part of the information from which the estimates were computed was secured from the mayors, engineers, and postmasters of cities. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the courtesy shown by these officials in answering the many inquiries of this Bureau, as well as the valuable assistance rendered in supplying copies of maps, estimates of population, and information concerning city areas and annexations of territory. Very respectfully, Director. Hon. Geokge B. Cortelyou, Secretary of Commerce and Labor ^ Washington, D. 0. ESTIMATES OF POPULATION. METHOD OF ESTIMATING. The method prescribed bj' the committee for esti- mating the population of cities having 10,000 or more inhabitants in 1900 and the states and territories exclu- sive of these cities was as follows: First. That the population be estimated as of June 1 in each year subsequent to 1900. Second. That the estimate of population of individual cities be confined to cities of 10,000 population and upward, the urban population of each state in cities of less than 10,000 population to be computed as a whole. Third. That the population of the states, exclusive of cities separately computed, be computed as a whole, and the state total obtained hj addition of the urban and rural population computed as above described. Fourth. That information be secured concerning the changes in the boundaries of incorporated places, to be taken into consideration in the estimates. Fifth. That the method of estimating employed be the arithmetical method, namely, that the growth in each year is equal to one-tenth the decennial increase, or one-fifth the quinquennial increase between the two previous censuses. Sixth. That where the corporate limits of cities are extended and the new territorj' added does not corre- spond to minor civil divisions or enumeration districts, the population of which can be determined, local in- quir}' be made to ascertain the approximate population included. In accordance with the plan outlined, letters were sent to the city engineers requesting a description of any annexation of territory that had been made between June 1, 1890 and June 1, 1903, giving the month and year of the annexation and its area in acres. From a majority of the cities prompt replies were received, but a number failed to respond even to a second request. An efl'ort was then made to obtain the data needed from the postmaster, mayor, or other city oflicial, and in every city from which no information could be obtained the population was estimated as though no change in area had been made. Immediately after the question of annexation was decided, letters were addressed to the mayors and postmasters of the cities asking for an opinion as to whether any unusual changes in the citj^'s development or industrial growth that affected the nor- mal growth of population had occurred since June 1, 1900, and if so to what extent the population had Bull. No. 7 2 increased or decreased. They were also requested to furnish their estimates of the population of the city for 1901, 1902, and 1903. The estimates made by the may- ors and postmasters were generallj^ based on the number of names found in the city directories, a large majority using 2i as the multiple, and the remainder, with a few exceptions, 2i. The results of local censuses were furnished in several cities, but under the instructions they could not be accepted. These estimates of the population have been care- full}^ computed from the data obtained, following the method outlined by the committee and based on the decennial increase in population from 1890 to 1900. In a few cities where no returns of the population were made in 1890, or where that census was defective and could not be used for making an estimate, it was neces- sary to base the computations on other data. In a few instances, where the census of 1890 was defective or the changes of area so numerous and exten- sive that the population in 1890 could not be ascertained even approximatelj-, the population as shown by a state census taken in 1894 (Michigan) or 1895 was used as a basis for the estimates. Among the 438 cities represented in Tables 1 and 2, 15 decreased in population between 1890 and 1900. In a few cases it has been found by correspondence with local officials that the decrease was due to special causes, temporaiy in their nature, and estimates have been accepted allowing for the change which is claimed to have occurred since 1900. In other cases the decrease has been carried forward in accordance with the plan upon which this bulletin is prepared, thus showing annually decreasing population for the communities referred to, but it is quite possible that in many of these cases the decrease has ceased and the population instead of being annually less is in reality increasing. Obviously, however, this can not be shown definitely until a state or Federal census presents exact figures. SUMMARY OF THE TABLES. The number of incorporated places, shown in Table 1, having a population of 10,000 inhabitants or more in 1900, including cities, boroughs, villages, and New Eng- land towns not having municipal corporations within their limits, is 438, with a total population in 1900 of 24,047,367, their estimated population for 1903 being 25,806,987, an increase of 1,759,620, or 7.3 per cent, (5) during the three j^ears. From 1890 to 1900 the same cities increased in population 5,889,301, or 32A per cent. Table 2 supplies the same data as Table 1, with the exception that the states and territories are arranged alphabetically and that the totals for each state and ter- ritory are given. Table 3 shows, for continental United States, by states and territories, and geographic divisions, the population in 1890 and 1900 for cities of 10,000 inhab- itants or more in 1900; decennial increase; estimated population for 1901, 1902, and 1903; and the number of cities of this class in each state and territory, and geographic division. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION. North Atlantic North Central . South Atlantic South Central . Western Number of cities. 188 149 38 37 26 Estimated population in 1903. 12, 818, 990 8, 272, lOB 1,841,21.5 1,530,855 1, 343, 822 Of the 138 cities, 163 annexed territory between June 1, 1890 and June 1, 1903; 129 between June 1, 1890 and Junel, 1900; and 59 between June 1, 1900 and June 1, 1903, showing that part of the increase in population is due to the inclusion of suburbs. The appi'oximate area of the territory annexed be- tween June 1, 1890 and June 1, 1903, i^ shown in the following table: Annexations of territory. June 1, 1890 to June 1, 1900 June 1, 1900 to June 1, 1901 June 1, 1901 to June 1, 1902 June 1, 1902 to June 1, 1903 Area (acres). 324, 997. 6 17.756.7 25, 155. 4 19,225.7 Table 4: shows, for continental United States, by states and territories, the estimated population in 1901, 1902, and 1903 for cities of 10,000 inhabitants or more in 1900; the estimated population of each state and ter- ritory, exclusive of these cities, for 1901, 1902, and 1903; the total population of each state and territoi-y for 1900; and their estimated population for 1901, 1902, and 1903.. Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. Continental United States . Adams town Akron city Alameda city Albany city Alexandria city Allegheny city.. Allentown city . Alpena city Alton city Altoona city Amsterdam city . Anderson city . . . Ann Arbor city . , Ansonia city Appleton city. Asheville city.- Ashlandclty..- Ash tabula city. Atchison city . . Athens city Atlanta city Atlantic City Attleboro town . Auburn city Auburn city Augusta city . . . Augusta city . . Aurora city . . . Austin city Baltimore city Bangor city Bath city Baton Rouge city . Battle Creek city . Bay City Massachusetts . Ohio California New York Virginia Pennsylvania . Pennsylvania . Michigan Illinois Pennsylvania . New York . ... Indiana Michigan Connecticut . Wisconsin . . . North Carolina. Wisconsin Ohio Kansas Georgia Georgia New Jersey Massachusetts . Maine New Y^ork Georgia... Maine Illinois ,,. Texas Marvland . Maine Maine Louisiana . Michigan.. Slichigan.. Bayonne citv i New Jersey Beaver Falls borough \ Pennsylvania . Belleville citv i Illinois Beloitcity ' Wisconsin Berkeley city ! California Beverly city : Massachusetts . Biddeford citv ! Maine Binghamton city I New York Birmingham citv Alabama Bloomington city Illinois POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 18, 158, 066 9.213 27, 601 11,165 94,923 14, 339 105, 287 25, 228 11,283 10,294 30, 337 17, 336 10, 741 9,431 ■I 10, 342 11,869 10, 235 9, 9.56 8,338 13,963 8,639 65, 533 13,055 7,577 11,250 25,858 33, 300 10, 527 19,688 14, 575 434, 439 19, 103 8,723 10,478 13, 197 27, 839 19, 033 9,735 • 15. 361 6, 315 ••6,656 10, 821 14, 443 36, 005 26, 178 20, 484 Twelfth Census, 1900. 24, 047, 367 11, 134 42,728 16, 464 94, 151 14, .528 129, 896 35, 416 11, 802 14, 210 38, 973 20, 929 20, 178 14, 509 12, 681 15, C85 14, 694 13, 074 12, 949 15, 722 10, 245 27,838 11, 335 12, 951 30, 845 39, 441 11, 683 24, 147 22, 258 ,508, 957 21,850 10,477 11,269 18, 563 27, 628 32, 722 10,054 17, 484 10, 436 13, 214 Decennial increase. 5, 889, 301 13, 884 16, 145 39,647 38,415 23, 286 1,921 15, 127 5,299 1(772 189 24, 609 10, 188 519 3,916 8,636 3,693 9,437 6,078 3, 216 4,469 3,118 4,611 1,759 1,606 24, 339 14,783 3,758 1,701 4,487 6,141 1,156 4,459 7,683 74,618 2,747 1,754 791 5,366 1211 13,689 319 2,123 4,121 " 6,558 ESTIMATED POPULATION. laoi 24,619,655 3,063 1,702 4,642 12, 237 2,802 11, 326 44, 063 16, 994 94,074 14,547 133, 280 36, 635 11,864 14, 602 22, 348 21,122 15,017 12,915 15, 407 15, 140 13, 386 13, 360 16, 898 10, 406 92,098 29, 316 11,711 13, 121 30, 794 40, 055 11, 799 24, 593 22, 430 516,409 22,125 10, 652 11,348 19,100 27,607 34, 091 10, 086 17, 696 10, 848 14, 200 14, 190 16, 316 40, 111 39, 639 23, 566 11, 518 46, 398 17, 524 93, 997 14. 566 13.5,649 37, 554 11,900 14, 994 40, 701 22, 716 22, 066 16, 525 13, 149 15,729 15, .586 13, 698 13, 771 16,074 10. 567 94, 324 30, 794 12, 087 18,291 31, 243 40, 669 11, 916 25,039 23, 002 623, 861 22,400 10, 827 11, 427 19, 637 27, 686 36,460 10, 118 17, 908 11,260 15, 300 1903 25, 806, 987 • Decrease. - .\rea detached. 14,496 14,802 ' 12,800.0 16, 485 16, 666 19, 200. 40,575 41,039 ; 5,699.7 40,863 42,087 ' 3,907.0 23,996 24,276 , 2,708.0 Population of Ansonia town; city and town coextensive in 1S93. * Estimated. 11, 710 47, 833 18,064 93,920 14,585 138, 018 38, 573 11,958 15, 386 41, 565 23, 082 23,010 16, 033 13,383 16, 061 16,032 14,010 14, 182 16, 260 10, 728 96, 650 33, 272 12, 463 13, 461 31,692 41, 283 12, 031 25,486 23, 574 '531,313 22, 675 11, 002 11, 606 20, 174 27,665 36,829 10, 150 18, 120 11, 672 16, 400 Land area (acres). 13,835.0 7,468.8 3, 274. 2 6,621.1 713.0 4, 726. 2, 075. 8 4, 200. 1, 666. 3, 869. 4 2, 880. 3,292.0 3, 840. 4,160.0 3, 470. 1, 720. 3 7, 040. 3,066.0 15, 000. 32,480.0 8, 440. 2, 683. 6 37, 696. ■ 4, 265. 64,327.0 19, 303. 20, 480. 1, 860. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 2,806.0 21.2 2 11.9 246.0 70.0 401.6 330.0 "540.' 6 887.0 = 352.0 700. 3. 868. 3,401.5 2, 630. 866.0 1, 700. 3,200.0 4,816.0 306.0 r 46, 772. [218,009.0 456.4 28,0 1,147.5 2, .590. 100.7 Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OE VILLAGE. Boston city Braddock borougli. Bradford city Bridgeport city Bridgeton city Brockton city... Brookline town. Buffa Burlington city . Burlington city . Butler borough . Butte city Cairo city Cambridge city . Camden city Canton city Carbondale city. . . Cedar Rapids city. Central FalLs city. Charleston city . . . Charleston city . . Charlotte city Chattanooga city. Chelsea city Chester city Cheyenne city . . Chicago city Chicopee city . . . Chillicothe city . Cincinnati city . Cleveland city Clinton city Clinton town Cohoes city Colorado Springs city. Columbia borough. Columbia city Columbus city Columbus city Concord city Corning city Council BluiTs city.. Covington city Cranston town Cripple Creek town . Cumberland city. Dallas city Danbury city Danville city Danville city Davenport city . Dayton city Decatur city Denison city Denver city Des Moines city. Detroit city Dover city Dubuque city . . . Duluth city Dunkirk city Dunmore borough East Liverpool city East Orange city East Providence town . East St. Louis city . Easton city Eau Claire city El Paso city Elgin city Elizabeth city . Elkhart city . . . Elmira city Elwood city ... Erie city Evanston city . . Evansville city . Everett city Fall River citv . . Findlay city State. Massachusetts. Pennsylvania . Pennsylvania . Connecticut . . . New Jersey Massachusetts . Massachusetts . .NfiMT-Ynrk Iowa . Vermont . Pennsylvania . Montana Illinois Massachusetts . New Jersey Ohio Pennsylvania .. Iowa Rhode Island... South Carolina . West Virginia . . North Carolina . Tennessee Massachusetts . . Pennsylvania . . Wyoming Illinois Massachu.setts . Ohio Ohio Ohio Iowa Massachusetts. New York Colorado Pennsylvania South Carolina . . Georgia Ohio New Hampshire. New York Iowa Kentucky Rhode Island Colorado Maryland . . . Texas Connecticut . Illinois Virginia Iowa Ohio Illinois . . . Texas Colorado . Iowa Michigan New Hampshire. Iowa Minnesota New York Pennsylvania . Ohio New Jersey Rhode Island.. Illinois Pennsylvania . Wisconsin Texas Illinois New Jersey Indiana New Y'ork Indiana Pennsylvania . Illinois Indiana Massachusetts . Massachusetts . Ohio POPULATION. Eleventh Census, ■ 1890. 448, 477 8,561 112,451 48, 866 11, 424 27, 294 12,103 255. 66± . 22,565 14, 690 8,734 10, 723 10, 324 70, 028 3 63,018 26, 189 10, 833 18, 020 313,643 54,955 6,742 11, 557 29,100 27, 909 3 27,302 11,690 1,099,850 14,050 11,288 296, 908 261, 353 13,619 10, 424 22, 509 11, 140 10, 599 15, 353 17, 303 88,160 17, 004 8,550 21, 474 37,371 8,099 660,892 15,654 15, 029 70, 996 13, 913 40, 063 19, 935 . 352,.SSI 18, 640 12, 729 38, 067 16, 552 311,707 10, 305 26, 872 61, 220 16,841 10, 968 106, 713 50, 093 205, 876 12, 790 30, 311 33, 115 9,416 8,315 10, 956 13,282 8,422 15, 169 14, 481 17, 415 10, 338 17, 823 37, 764 11,360 30, 893 2,284 40, 634 3 13,111 60, 756 11,068 74, 398 18, 563 Twelfth Census, 1900. 10, 853 30, 470 12, 566 91,886 75,935 30, 667 13. 536 25, 656 18, 167 55, 807 11, 099 18, 091 30, IM 34, 072 33, 988 14, 087 1, 698, 575 19, 167 12, 976 325, 902 381,768 22, 698 13, 667 23,910 21,085 12, 316 21, 108 17,614 125, 560 19, 632 11,061 25, 802 42, 938 13, 343 10, 147 17,128 42, 638 16. 537 16, 354 16, 520 35,254 86,333 20,754 11,807 133,859 62, 139 285, 704 13, 207 36, 297 52, 969 11,616 12, 583 16, 485 21, 506 12,138 29, 655 25, 238 17, 517 15, 906 22, 433 62, 130 15, 184 35, 672 12, 960 52, 733 19, 259 59, 007 24,336 104,863 17, 613 Decennial increase. 112,415 7,093 2,578 22, 130 2,489 12, 769 7,832 96J234 —^36^ 4,050 2,119 19, 747 2,242 21,858 12, 917 4,478 2,703 7,636 4,524 862 4,357 6,534 1,054 6,163 6,686 2,397 698, 725 5,117 1,688 28, 994 120, 415 e.079 3, M3 1,401 9,945 1,717 5,755 311 37,410 2,628 2, ,511 4,328 5,567 6,244 10, 147 4,399 4,671 615 4,647 6,215 8,382 24,113 3,913 849 27, 146 12,046 79, 828 417 5,986 19, 854 2,200 4,268 5,529 8,224 3,716 14, 486 10, 7.57 102 5,568 4,610 14, 366 3,824 4,779 10, 666 12, 099 6,148 8,251 13, 268 30, 465 5 940 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 672, 134 16. 248 15,287 73,209 14, 162 41,333 20,718 362, 059 23,265 19,045 11,065 32, 080 12, 790 94,072 77, 227 31, 116 13, 776 26, 420 ■1 18, 635 56, 892 11,535 18, 744 30,259 • 34, 688 34, 657 14, 327 1, 757, 010 19, 679 13, 145 327, 746 392, 400 22, 922 13. 991 24, 050 22, 077 12, 488 2:i,6S4 17, 645 128, 869 19, 895 11, 312 4 26, 925 43, 495 13, 867 10, 000 17, 568 43, 095 16, 635 16,819 16, 772 36, 092 87, 744 21, 415 11,892 135,596 63, 344 293, 687 13. 249 36,896 54,445 11, 836 13, 010 17, 234 22, 328 12, 510 30,104 25,747 17, 527 16,463 22, 894 53, 567 15, 566 36, 150 13, 197 53,943 19, 874 .59, 832 25, 663 107, 910 18, 613 1902 683, 376 16,842 15, 546 75,422 14, 411 42, 603 21,501 371,731 23,329 19,450 11,277 34,617 13, 014 96,268 78, 519 31,563 14,016 27,184 ■119,103 55,977 11, 971 19, 397 30, 364 35, 304 35, 326 14, 567 1, 816, 445 20, 191 13. 314 329, 590 403, 032 23, 146 14. 315 24, 190 23, 069 12, 660 22, 260 17,676 132, 178 20, 168 11,563 * 28, 048 44,052 14, 391 9,000 18, 008 43, 662 16, .533 17,284 17, 024 36, 930 90, 155 22, 075 11, 977 137, 189 64,549 301, 670 13, 291 37,495 55, 921 12, 056 13, 437 17, 983 23,150 12,882 33,108 26, 266 17, 537 17, 020 23,355 65,004 15, 948 36, 628 13, 297 55,153 20, 489 60, 667 26, 990 110, 967 19, 613 594, 618 17, 436 15, 803 77, 635 14,660 43, 873 22,284 381,403 23, 393 19, 855 11, 489 36, 127 13, 238 98,444 79,811 32,011 14, 260 27, 948 ■119,671 56, 062 12, 407 20,050 30,469 35, 920 35, 995 14, 807 1,873,880 20, 703 13, 483 332, 934 414, 960 23, 370 14,639 24, 330 24,092 12,832 22, 836 17, 707 135, 487 20, 421 11, 814 * 29, 171 44, 759 14, 916 7,000 18, 448 44, 159 16, 531 17, 749 17,276 37, 768 92, .566 22, 736 12, 062 144, 588 66,754 309, 553 13,333 38,094 57, 397 12, 276 13, 864 18,482 23, 972 13,254 34,007 26, 775 17,547 17, 577 23,816 56, 441 16, 330 37, 106 13, 397 56, 363 21,104 61, 482 28, 317 114, 004 20, 613 Land area (acres). 27, 251. 348.8 1,655.0 8, 676. 3, 979. 13. 770. 5 4, 359. 26. 884. 6 6, 724. 5 6, 433. 3 1, 610. 4, 182. 6 6,027.0 4, 350. 2, 241. 3 7, 860. 742.4 3,276.8 2, 472. 447.0 2, 834. 12'2,008.3 15, 963. 2, 000. 26, 880. 22, 422. 8 6,238.1 3. 129. 2,880.0 4. 856. 1 900.0 10,677.1 42,478.0 1,948.0 11, 618. 1,500.0 19, 328. 632.9 1,427.6 5, 6'29. 6 2, 060. 5, 013. 7. 040. 2, 326. 2, 240. 37,920.0 35, 309. 4 17. 564. 7 16, 640. 7, 500. 43. 116. 8 2, 300. 2, 025. 5 2,522.0 9, 292. 8 5,431.0 2, 233. 6 10, 158. 3, 521. 5, 811. 4, 546. 1, 966. 4, 919. 6 3, 820. 8 8, 165. 2, 120. 25, 947. 7, 920. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 52.2 78.3 955.0 800.0 23.7 960.0 = 46.0 1, 675. 10, 293. 8 11, 360. 3, 487. 4 1,971.8 1,280.0 14.5 463.9 118.0 79.6 60.0 2, 560. 490.0 27,040.0 4,160.0 37,199.6 352.6 " "669.'6 2,161.0 916.0 176.8 '576.'7 1,206.0 200.0 1 Includes Kendall borough. 2 Area detached. 3 Estimated. ■1 Based on state census. 6 Decrease. 8 Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOE 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED— Continued. State. POPULATION. ESTIMATED POPULATION. Land area (acres). Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Eleventh Census, 1890. Twelfth Census, 1900. Decennial increase. 1901 1902 1903 22,037 9,803 12,024 4,871 11, 946 ■-■ 8, 311 35, 393 23,076 9,239 10,189 10,818 2,496 15,264 29,084 8,424 7,667 9,609 24, 651 13,864 60,278 3,979 9,069 3,317 8,607 5,333 10, 118 17, .565 6, 428 12,857 39, 385 8,338 53,230 27, 412 11,872 13,834 8,835 43, 648 35, 637 7,911 10, 996 27, 557 10, 108 10, 193 105,436 10, 939 11,197 11, 079 20, 798 10, 039 17,201 12, 935 16,038 10,836 10,666 163, 003 7,768 21,805 23,264 9,943 17,853 9,025 38,316 6132,716 '7,064 6,532 14, 101 18,080 21, 261 22,535 8,261 25,090 16, 243 32, Oil 13,102 31,531 13, 103 15, 110 12,162 10,322 11,587 45. 115 26,688 11, 302 13,258 12, 470 10, 165 18, 607 37,789 10, 813 10,433 12,613 26, 121 18,349 87, 566 14,930 18, 684 10,036 11, 860 10,006 13, 591 23,914 12,376 12, 780 50,167 10, .596 79, 860 37, 175 14, 230 10, 770 10, 272 59, 364 45,712 12,554 11,918 44,633 11,923 13,244 169, 164 11,868 13.256 13, 136 25, 180 14, .511 28, 429 15,078 22, 892 13, 185 10, 774 206,433 10, 130 36,936 29, 353 26,023 24, 404 13,595 61, 418 163,752 10, 896 11,606 14, 641 17,114 24, 535 32, 637 10, 609 28, 895 18. 116 41,459 16,485 9,494 3,300 3,086 7,291 1 1, 624 3,276 9,722 3,612 2,063 3,069 1,652 7,669 3,343 8,705 2,389 2,876 3,104 1,470 4,486 27,287 10, 951 9,616 6,718 3,253 4,673 3,473 6,349 6,948 177 10, 782 2,258 26,620 9,763 2,358 1 3, 064 1,437 15,716 10, 075 4,643 922 17,076 1,815 3,051 63, 728 929 2,058 2,057 4,382 4,472 11,228 2,143 6,854 2, 349 108 43,430 2,362 14,131 6,089 16,080 6,561 4,570 13, 102 31, 036 3,832 5,074 540 •966 3,274 10,102 2,348 3,805 1,873 9,448 3,383 32, 480 13,433 15. 419 13,031 10, 160 11,765 46, 087 26,856 11,508 13,565 12, 635 10,896 18, 941 3 30,000 11,0.52 10,698 12, 92i 26,268 18, 793 •188,920 16, 025 19,170 10, 707 12, 185 10, 473 13, 938 24, 649 13,005 12, 772 61,095 10, 822 82,612 37, 779 14,581 11,770 10, 416 60, 936 46, 720 13, 018 12,010 47, 340 12, 105 13, 549 175, 537 11, 961 13,461 13, 342 25,618 14, 968 29,552 15,292 23, 677 13. 420 10,785 210, 776 10, 366 36, 977 29,825 27,631 25, 020 14,052 52,728 166,856 11,279 12, 113 14,695 17,017 24, 862 33,206 10,844 29, 276 18,303 42, 404 16,823 33, 429 13, 763 16, 728 13, 760 9,998 11,943 47, 059 27, 024 11,714 13, 872 12, 800 11,637 19,276 = 30,871 11,291 10,963 13, 233 26,415 19,247 1 90, 276 17, 120 19,656 11,379 12, 510 10,940 14,285 25, 184 13, 629 12, 764 52,023 11,048 85,174 38,383 14,817 12,770 10, 560 62,508 47, 728 13,482 12, 102 49,050 12,287 13, 854 183, 910 12,054 13, 667 13,548 26, 056 15,406 30, 675 16,506 24, 262 13,655 10, 796 215,119 10, 602 38,018 30, 297 29,239 2.5,636 14,509 64, 038 169,960 11, 662 12, 710 14, 749 16, 920 26,189 33, 775 11,079 29, 657 18,490 43,349 17, 161 34, 378 14, 093 16,037 14,539 9,836 12,121 48, 031 27, 192 11, 920 14, 179 12, 965 12,378 19,609 3 31,742 11,630 11,228 13, 543 26,562 19,696 4 91,630 18, 215 20, 142 12,051 12, 835 11,407 14,632 25,819 14,258 12, 766 52, 9.51 11,274 87, 836 38,987 16, 063 13,770 10, 704 64,080 48,736 13, 946 12, 194 50, 760 12, 469 14, 169 191,033 12, 147 13, 873 13,754 26, 494 16,852 31,798 1.5,720 24, 947 13, 890 10,807 219, 462 10, 838 39,059 30, 769 30, 847 26,252 14,966 55,348 173, 064 12,045 13,617 14,803 16,823 25, 516 34, 344 11, 314 ' 30,038 18,677 44,294 17,499 17,728.0 4, 160. 4,096.0 2, 330. 2,660.0 1,768.0 4,041.7 4,268.8 14,521.0 1,398.0 2,640.6 1,960.0 6, 760. Flint oitv Michigan Fort Dodee ritv 490.6 Fort Smith pitv Arkansas 210.0 1, 219. Port Worth oitv Texas 1,138.0 Illinois 720.0 Kansas 1,520.0 Illinois Massachusetts 12, 470. 2,400.0 2, 555. 18,007.0 2, 694. 11,040.0 5, 420. 9,493.0 New York 867.8 New York 5, 280. 2,748.0 Wisconsin . 6, 300. 1,288.5 1,152.6 1, 792. 968.5 Maryland Ohio 1.55.7 3,250.0 Pennsylvania 2, 690. 3 819.0 11,065.6 20,403.3 879.5 5, 706. 6 1,308.8 720.0 10, 464. 303.6 1, 568. 10, 165. 315.0 Hartford citv Connecticut 224.0 4,900.0 Pennsylvania 8.3 304.0 3.3 New York Texas 2,881.9 17, 788. 1,760.0 5, 760. 2,989.0 5, 760. 52.0 Indianapolis city Indiana 1,764.0 Ohio 480.0 4,864.0 2,660.0 5,410.4 4,800.0 825.3 10, 443. 2, 322. 8 2, 718. 8 2,501.8 Illinois JeffersonviUe city 320.0 Pennsylvania 863.0 96.6 6,122.0 2, 298. 2 5,496.0 16,209.0 1, 122. Illinois 6 24.3 Missouri 8,320.0 66.0 2, 263. 1,976.0 4, 400. 2,541.0 1,570.0 5,330.9 3,161.6 2, 660. 4,787.5 1,380.2 Indiana 562.4 Indiana 322.8 Michigan New York Texas 11,319 9, 8.55 9,997 44,664 10,384 13,429 10,446 10, 862 62,559 12,455 2,110 591 865 17, 905 2,071 13, 640 10, 505 10, 949 64,360 12, 662 13, 861 10,564 11, 036 66, 141 12,869 14,062 10, 623 11, 123 67, 932 13,076 1, 200. 2,216.0 4,313.0 676.6 LeadviUe city Colorado 1 Decrease. 2 Estimated. 3 Decrease due to storm, September J • Based on state census. 6 Area detached. "Includes population of territory annexed in 1897 (13.048). ' Population of Kearney township. 8 Included in Troy. Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED— Continued. CITY, BOBOUGH, TOWN, OB VILLAGE. Leavenworfh city. Lebanon city Leominster town . Lewiston city Lexington city . . . Lima city Lincoln city Little Falls city. Little Rock city. Lockport city . . - Logansport city. . Lorain city Los Angeles city. Louisville city . . . Lowell city Lynchburg city . . Lynn city McKeesport city . Macon city Madison city Mahanoy City borough . Maiden city Manchester city Manchester town Manistee city Manitowoc city . Mankato city ... Mansfield city . . Marietta city Marinette city . . Marion city Marion city Marlboro city Marquette city Marshalltown city . Massilloncity.. Meadville city . Medford city... Melrose city . . . Memphis city . . Menominee city . Meriden city Meridian city Michigan City . . . Middletown city. Milford town Millville city Milwaukee city.. Minneapolis city. Mobile city Moline city Montclair town Montgomery city Morristown town Mt. Carmel borough . Mt. Vernon city Muncie city Muscatine city Muskegon city Nanticoke borough . Nashua city Nashville city _ Natchez city Naugatuck borough . New Albany city New Bedford citj' New Britain city New Brunswick city. New Haven city New London city New Orleans city . . New Rochelle city. New York city Newark city Newark city Newburg city , Newburyport city "N^ewcastle city Newport city State. Kansas Pennsylvania . Massachusetts . Maine Kentucky Ohio Nebraska.. New York . Arkansas. . New Y'ork . New York Massachusetts . Pennsylvania . . .„ _ _ Kentucky Newportcity I Rhodelsland.. Indiana Ohio California Kentucky Massachusetts . Virginia Massachusetts . Pennsylvania . Georgia Wisconsin Pennsylvania . . . Mas.sachusetts . . . New Hampshire. Connecticut Michigan Wisconsin . Minnesota. Ohio Ohio Wisconsin . Indiana Ohio Massachusetts . Michigan Iowa Ohio Pennsylvania . Massachusetts . Massachusetts . Tennessee Michigan Connecticut . Mississippi .. Indiana New Y^ork . . . Massachusetts . New Jersey Wisconsin Minnesota Alabama Illinois New Jersey Alabama New Jersey Pennsylvania . New Y^'ork Indiana Iowa Michigan Pennsylvania . New Hampshire . Tennessee Mississippi Connecticut Indiana Massachusetts Connecticut . . New Jersey... Connecticut... Connecticut . . Louisiana . . New Y'ork . . New York . . New Jersey. Ohio POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 19,768 14, 664 7,269 21,701 21,567 15, 981 2 26,686 8,783 25, 874 16, 038 13, 328 4,863 60, 396 161, 129 77, 696 19, 709 65, 727 20, 741 22, 746 13, 426 11, 286 23,031 44, 126 8,222 12, 812 7, 710 8,838 13, 473 8,273 li;-623 8,769 8,327 13, 805 9,093 8,914 10, 092 9,520 11,079 8,619 64, 495 10, 630 21, 652 10, 624 10, 776 11,977 8,780 10, 002 204, 468 164, 738 31, 076 12, 000 8,656 21,883 8,156 8,264 10, 830 11, 345 11, 454 22, 702 10, 044 19, 311 76, 168 10, 101 »6,218 21, 059 40,733 16, 519 18, 603 81,298 13, 757 242, 039 9, 067 6 2,507,414 181, 830 14, 270 23,087 13, 947 11, 600 24, 918 19, 467 Twelfth Census, 1900. 20,735 17,628 12, 392 23, 761 26, 369 21,723 40, 169 10, 381 38, 307 16, 681 16, 204 16,028 102, 479 204, 731 94, 969 18, 891 68, 513 34. 227 23, 272 19, 164 13, 504 33, 664 56, 987 10, 601 14, 260 11,786 10, 599 17, 640 13, 348 16,196 17,337 11, 862 13, 609 10, 058 11,544 11,944 10, 291 IS, 244 12, 962 102, 320 12, 818 24, 296 14, 050 14, 850 14, 522 11,376 10, 583 285,315 202, 718 38, 469 17, 248 13, 962 30, 346 11,267 13, 179 21. 228 20, 942 14,073 20,818 12, 116 23, 898 80, 865 12, 210 10,541 20, 628 62, 442 26, 998 20, 006 108,027 17,548 287,104 14, 720 3, 437, 202 246, 070 18, 157 24, 943 14, 478 28,339 28, 301 22, 034 Decennial increase. 967 2,964 5,123 2,060 4,802 5,742 13, 583 1,598 12, 433 543 2,876 11, 165 52, 084 43, 602 17, 273 3 818 12,786 13, 486 526 6,738 2,218 10,633 12, 861 2, 379 1,448 4,076 1,761 4,167 6,075 4,672 8, 568 3, 635 »196 965 2,630 1,852 771 7,165 4,443 37, 826 2,188 2,644 3,426 4,074 2,545 2, .596 681 80, 847 37. 980 7,393 6,248 5,306 8,463 3,111 4,926 10, 398 9, .597 2,619 31,884 2,072 4,587 4,697 2,109 4,323 3 431 21, 709 9,479 1,403 « 26.729 3,791 45, 065 5,663 929, 788 64, 240 3,887 1,856 531 16, 739 3,383 2,577 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 20,832 17,924 12, 904 23, 967 26,849 22, 297 41,527 10,541 39, 550 16. 635 16, 492 17. 145 107, 126 208, 388 96, 696 20, 350 69, 792 35,676 23, 326 19,738 13, 726 34, 727 68, 273 10, 839 14. 405 12. 138 10, 775 18, 057 13, 856 16,662 18, 194 12,216 13, 689 10, 148 • 11,807 12, 129 10, 368 18, 961 13. 406 106, 103 13, 037 24, 560 14, 393 15, 267 14, 777 11. 636 10,641 296, 694 206, 516 39, 208 17, 683 14,493 31,192 11,678 13, 672 22, 268 21,892 14, 335 20, 630 12, 323 24, 357 81, 335 12, 421 10, 973 20, 585 64,613 26, 834 20. 146 110, 227 17, 927 291, 611 15, 286 3, .530, 181 6 262,003 18, 646 25, 129 14, 531 . 29,757 28,639 22, 292 1902 20, 929 18, 220 13, 416 24,173 27, 329 24,871 42, 885 10,701 40, 793 16, 689 16, 780 18,262 111,773 211,945 98, 423 20, 860 71,071 36, 926 23, 378 20, 312 13, 948 36, 790 89, 659 11,077 14, 550 12, 490 10, 961 18, 474 14, 364 17, 129 19, 051 12, 570 13, 669 10, 238 12, 170 12. 314 10, 445 19, 678 13, 850 109, 886 13, 266 24,824 14, 736 15,664 15, 032 11, 896 10, 699 304, 966 210, 314 39, 947 18, 118 15,024 32, 038 11, 889 14, 166 23, 308 23, 042 14, 597 20,442 12, 630 24, 816 81, 805 12, 632 11,405 • 20, 542 66, 784 27, 670 20,286 112, 427 18, 306 296, 118 15, 8.52 3,623,160 6 257,936 18, 935 25. 315 14, 584 31, 175 28, 977 22, 550 190S 21,026 18,616 13, 928 24, 379 27, 809 25,445 44, 243 10, 860 42,036 16, 743 17, 068 19, 379 116,420 216, 402 100, 150 21, 350 72, 350 38, 274 23, 431 20, 886 14, 170 36,853 60, 845 11,315 14, 695 12. 842 11, 127 18,891 14, 872 17, .596 19, 908 13, 024 13, 649 10,328 12, 633 12, 499 10, 522 20, 396 14, 294 113, 669 13, 475 25,088 15, 079 16,071 15,287 12, 156 10, 757 312, 730 214, 112 40, 686 18, 553 15, 555 32, 884 12,200 14,658 24, 348 24, 492 14, 859 20,254 12, 737 25, 275 82, 711 12. 843 11,837 20, 499 68, 955 28,506 20,426 114, 600 18, 685 300, 626 16, 418 3,716,139 6 265,394 19, 324 25, 501 14, 637 32, 593 29, 316 22, 808 Land area (acres). 4,479.0 1,312.0 19, 292. 3 20, 608. 1,882.0 3,840,0 5, 200. 2, 591. 2 6, 769. 6 3, 182. 27, 696, 7 13, 093. 5 7, 960. 6 1,74.5.0 7, 259. 2, 006. 3 2, 754. 6 4,. 320.0 166.3 3,072,0 21, 700. 17,6S6. 1,703.0 4. 321. 4 3, 200. 1,436.S 3, 520. 3,090.0 2, 815. 13, 488. 3 6, 620. 8 4, 362. 2, 6.59. 1,295.0 5. 376. 3,155.8 9. 875. 1 2, 798. 4 2, 414. 1, 760. 3, 840. 2. 330. 5 12,160.0 29, 138. 14, 326. 8 34, 106. 6 2, 652. 2, 180. 4, 285. 5 1,749.0 309.0 2, 817. 2, 470. 4 4,015.0 3,771.1 1,920.0 19, 904. 6, 322. 1,600.0 10, 880. 12, 372. 7 3, 200. 2, 744. 11,460.0 3, 776. 125, 600. 6,000.0 209, 218. 1 14, 081. 6 2, 960. 2, 296. 20,480.0 4, 773. 729.6 4, 080. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 182. 863. 1 2,124.0 1 Area detached. 2 Census 1890 defective ; population in 1890 estimated as mean between 1880 and 1900. 3 Decrease. Bull. No. 7 3 ^ Poi)ulation of Naugatuck town; borough and town coextensive in 1895. ■• Estimated. 6 Based on state census. 10 Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Newport News city Newton city Niagara Falls city Norfolk city Norristown borough I North Adams city Northampton city Norwich city Oakland city Ogden city Ogdensburg city Oil City Oklahoma City Omaha city Orange city Oshkosh city Oswego city Ottawa cit^ Ottumwa city Owensboro city Paducah city Parkersburg city Passaic city Paterson city Pawtucket city Peabody town Peekskill village Pensacola city Peoria city Perth Amboy city Petersburg city Philadelphia city Phillipsburg town Pine Bluff city Piqua city Pittsburg city Pittsburg city Pittsfield city Pittston city Plainfield city Plymouth borough Port Huron city Portland city 1 Portland city Portsmouth city Portsmouth city Portsmouth city Pottstown borough Pottsville borough Poughkeepsie city Providence city Pueblo city Quincy city Quincy city Eacine city Raleigh city Reading city Revere town Richmond city Richmond city Roanoke city Rochester city Rock Island city Rockford city Rome city Rutland city Sacramento city Saginaw city St. Joseph city St. Louis city St. Paul city Salem city Salt Lake City San Antonio city San Diego city San Francisco city San Jose city Sandusky city Saratoga Springs village. - . Sault Ste. Marie city 1 Area detached, ' Estimated. State. Virginia Massachusetts . New York Virginia Pennsylvania . Massachusetts . Massachusetts. Connecticut . . . California Utah New York Pennsylvania . Oklahoma Nebraska New Jersey Wisconsin . New York . Illinois Iowa Kentucky . Kentucky West Virginia . New Jersey New Jersey Rhode Island.. Massachusetts . New York Florida Illinois New Jersey Virginia Pennsylvania . New Jersey Arkansas Ohio.... Kansas Pennsylvania . Massachusetts . Pennsylvania . New Jersey Pennsylvania ... Michigan Maine Oregon New Hampshire. Ohio Virginia Pennsylvania . Pennsylvania . New York Rhode Island . Colorado Illinois Massachusetts . Wisconsin North Carolina. Pennsylvania .. Massachusetts . . Indiana Virginia Virginia . . . New York . Illinois Illinois New York . Vermont .. California . Michigan.. Missouri . . . Missouri . . . Minnesota Massachusetts . Utah Texas California California . California . Ohio New York . Michigan.. POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 4,449 24, 379 = 10,400 34,871 19, 791 16, 074 14,990 16,156 48, 682 14,889 11,662 10, 932 4,161 366,536 18,844 22, 836 21,842 9,985 14,001 9,837 12,797 8,408 13, 028 78, 347 27, 633 10,158 9,676 11,750 41,024 9,512 22, 680 1, 046, 954 8,644 9,952 9,090 6,697 238, 617 17, 281 10,302 11,267 9,344 13,543 36,425 46,385 9,827 12, 394 13, 268 13,285 14, 117 22, 206 132, 146 24,558 31, 494 16,723 21, 014 12, 678 58, COl 5,6C8 16, 60S 81,388 16, 159 133, 896 13, 034 23, 584 14, 991 210,726 26,386 46, 322 52, 324 451, 770 133,158 30,301 41,343 37, 673 16, 169 298, 997 18,060 18, 471 11, 975 5,760 Twelfth Census, 1900. 19, 635 ■ 33,587 19, 457 46, 624 22, 265 24, 200 18,643 17,251 66, 960 16, 313 12,633 13,264 10,037 102,555 24, 141 28,284 22, 199 10,588 18, 197 13, 189 19,446 11, 703 27, 777 105, 171 39, 231 11, 523 10,358 17, 747 56,100 17, 699 21, 810 1, 293, 697 10,052 11, 496 12, 172 10,112 321, 616 21,766 12, 566 16, 369 13, 649 19, 158 50, 145 90, 426 10, 637 17,870 17,427 13, 696 15, 710 24, 029 176, 597 28, 157 36,252 23,899 29, 102 13,643 78, 961 10,395 18, 226 85,060 21, 495 162, 608 19, 493 31,051 16, 343 11,490 29,282 42, 345 102, 979 575, 238 103,065 35, 956 53, 531 53, 321 17,700 342, 782 21, 600 19,664 12, 40D 10,S38 Decennial increase. 16, 186 9,208 9,057 11,753 2,474 8,126 3,653 1,095 18, 278 1,424 971 2,332 5,886 36,019 5,297 5,448 357 603 4,196 3,352 6,649 3,296 14,749 26, 824 11,598 1,365 682 5,997 15, 076 8,187 «870 246, 733 1,408 1,544 3,082 3,415 82, 999 4,485 2,254 4,102 4,305 5,615 13,720 44,041 810 6,476 4,159 411 1,693 1,823 43,451 3,699 4,758 7,176 8,088 965 20, 300 4,727 1,618 3,662 5,336 28,712 5,859 7,467 352 773 2,896 <3,977 50, 665 123,468 29, 909 5,155 16,648 1,541 43, 785 3,440 1,193 434 4,778 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 21,135 34,508 20,362 47, 799 22,512 24, 973 19,008 18,861 68, 102 16,455 14,833 13, 497 11, 624 106, 157 24, 671 28,829 - 22, 300 10,688 18, 617 13,400 19,949 12, 033 29, 502 107, 853 40, 391 11,660 10,426 18,347 59, 670 18, 618 21, 723 1,318,370 10, 193 11,650 12, 480 10,464 329, 426 22, 215 12, 781 15, 779 14, 080 20,426 50,982 93, 169 10,718 18,244 17,428 13,737 15, 869 24, 211 180, 312 28, 517 36,728 24, 617 29, 911 13,740 80, 991 10,868 18,388 85, 416 22, 029 166, 338 20,079 31, 071 15, 378 11, 576 29, 572 41, 947 105, 479 587,685 166, 056 36, 472 64,400 54, 886 17, 940 347, 161 21,844 19,783 12, 462 11,016 1902 22,635 36,429 21, 267 53, 974 22, 759 25, 746 19. 373 18, 971 69,244 16, 597 14, 933 13, 730 12, 224 109, 759 25,201 29. 374 22,400 10,788 19, 037 13, 611 20, 452 12, 363 30, 977 110, 535 41,551 11, 797 10. 494 18, 947 60, 882 19, 337 21,636 1, 343, 043 10, 334 11, 804 12,700 10, 796 337, 234 22,664 13,006 16, 189 14,511 20,694 51, 819 96,912 10, 799 18, 718 17,628 13, 778 16,028 24,393 185,027 28,877 37, 204 26, 336 30, 720 13,837 83,021 11,341 18,550 85,782 22,563 168, OOS 20, 665 32, 291 15, 413 11, 663 29, 862 41,549 107, 979 599, 932 169,047 36,988 65,269 56,451 18, 180 351,640 22,188 19, 902 12. 495 11,494 1903 24,100 36,360 22, 172 55, 149 23,006 26, 519 19, 738 19, 081 70, 386 16,739 15,033 13,963 12, 800 113,361 25, 731 29, 919 22,500 10,888 19, 457 13, 822 20, 955 16, 193 32,452 113, 217 42. 711 11,934 10, 562 19,547 62,094 20, 156 21,549 1,367,716 11, 975 11, 968 13,008 11,138 345,043 23, 113 13,231 16, 599 14, 942 20,962 52, 666 98, 665 10,880 19, 192 17,628 13, 819 16, 187 24, 675 189, 742 29,237 37, 680 26, 053 31, 529 13,934 86,051 11,814 18. 712 86, 148 23,097 170, 798 21, 251 33, 361 15,448 11, 730 30, 162 41, 151 110,479 612, 279 172,038 37, 604 67,138 58,016 18, 420 355,919 22,532 20,021 12,538 11, 972 Land area (acres). 1, 242. 5 11,110.0 5,958.0 3,052.0 2,266.0 12, 832. 22, 604. 2, 380. 8, 770. 3, 243. 1, 359. 5 2,590.0 15,680.0 1, 339. 9 4,920.6 1, 966. 4,945.0 1,457.5 3, 727. 4 2, 087. 7 6,357.0 5, 721. 6 9, 000. 2, 378. 1 5, 399. 3 6, 471. 1, 600. 82, 933. 1,880.0 2,381.0 18,108.1 26,560.0 1,076.4 3,710.0 4,646.5 13,790.7 17,841.0 5,760.0 1,469.8 1,806.0 3,200.0 1,440.0 2,029.0 11, 705. 6 7, 592. 3,633.8 10, 736. 2, 960. 1,515.0 4, 036. 3,750.0 2, 465. 3,523.6 3,532.8 11, 833. 6,344.0 43,038.0 2,890.8 7, 891. 2 6,224.0 39,277.0 35, 483. 4, 733. 29,382.4 22,950.0 48, 656. 7 29,760.0 3,840.0 4, 645. 2, 080. 9,200.0 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 60.0 10.2 5, 328. 965.6 541.0 699.9 3, 630. 1,100.0 '2,"i96."6 70.4 155.0 570.4 2, 119. 1,280.0 14.8 137.0 2,097.0 1, 163. " '226.0 3, 170. 137.0 9, 510. 7 11,798.0 195.5 366.0 260.0 1,579.0 80.0 269.0 220.0 1,302.0 1,120.0 3 Census 1890 defective; population in 1890 estimated as mean between 1880 and 1900. * Decrease. 11 Table 1.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOB 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED— Continued. CITY, BOKOTJGH, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. Savannah city Schenectady city Scran ton city Seattle city Sedalia city Shamokin borough Sheboygan city Shenandoah borough Sherman cit^ Shreveport city Sioux City Sioux Falls city Somerville city South Bend city South Bethlehem borough South Omaha city Southbridge town Spartanburg city Spokane city Springfield city Springfield city Springfield city Springfield city Stamford city Steelton borough Steuben ville city Stillwater city Stockton city Streator city Superior city. . . ^ Syracuse city Tacoma city Tampa city Taunton city Terre Haute city Tiffin city Toledo city Topeka city Trenton city Troy city Union town Utica city Vicksburg city Vincennes city Waco city Wallawalla city Waltham city Warwick town Washington city Waterbury city Waterloo city Watertown city Watervliet city Wausau city West Bay City West Hoboken town Westtield town Weymouth town Wheeling city Wichita city Wilkesbarre city Wilkinsburg borough Williamsport city Wilmington city Wilmington city Winona city Winston city Woburn city Woonsocket city Worcester city Yonkers city York city Youngstown city ZanesYille city State. Georgia New York Pennsylvania Washington Missouri Pennsylvania Wisconsin Pennsylvania Texas Louisiana Iowa South Dakota Massachusetts Indiana Pennsylvania Nebraska Massachusetts South Carolina Washington Illinois Massachusetts Missouri Ohio Connecticut Pennsylvania Ohio Minnesota California Illinois Wisconsin New York Washington Florida Massachusetts Indiana Ohio Ohio Kansas New Jersey .■. New York New Jersey New York Mississippi Indiana Texas Washington Massachusetts Rhode Island District of Columbia Connecticut Iowa New York , New York , Wisconsin Michigan New Jersey , Massachusetts Massachusetts West Virginia Kansas , Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Delaware North Carolina Minnesota North Carolina Massachusetts Bhode Island Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania Ohio.; Ohio POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 43, 189 19, 902 75, 215 42, 837 14, 068 14, 403 16,369 15, 944 7,386 11,979 37,806 10, 177 40, 152 21,819 10,302 8,062 7,655 5,544 19,922 24,963 44,179 21,860 31, 895 < 13, 332 9,260 13, 394 11,260 14,424 11,414 11, 983 88, 143 36, 006 5,532 26,448 30, 217 10, 801 81, 434 31,007 57, 458 ■173,360 10,643 44,007 13, 373 8,853 14,445 4,709 18, 707 17, 761 230, 392 6 33, 202 6,674 14, 726 12, 967 9,263 12, 981 11, 665 9,805 10, 866 34, 522 23,863 37, 718 4,662 27,132 61, 431 20, 056 18, 208 8,018 13, 499 20, 830 84,655 32, 033 20, 793 33, 220 21,009 Twelfth Census, 1900. 54,244 31, 682 102, 026 80, 671 15,231 18, 202 22, 962 20, 321 10, 243 16, 018 33,111 10, 266 61,643 35, 999 13,241 26,001 10, 025 11,395 36,848 34, 169 62. 059 23,267 38, 263 15, 997 12, 086 14,349 12, 318 17, 506 14, 079 31,091 108, 374 37, 714 15, 839 31, 036 36, 673 10, 989 131,822 33, 608 73, 307 6 75,057 16, 187 66,383 14, 834 10, 249 20, 686 10,049 23, 481 21. 316 278, 718 51,139 12, 580 21, 696 14, 321 12,354 13, 119 23, 094 12, 310 11, 324 38, 878 24,671 61, 721 11, 886 28, 767 76, 608 20, 976 19,714 10, 008 14,264 28,204 118, 421 47, 931 33. 708 44,886 23,638 Decennial increase. 11, 055 11,780 26, 811 37,834 1,163 3,799 6,603 4,377 2,908 4,034 2 4,695 89 21, 491 14, 180 2,939 17, 939 2,370 5,861 16, 926 9,196 17, 880 1,417 6,358 2,665 2,836 955 1,058 3,082 2, 665 19,108 20, 231 1,708 10, 307 5,588 6,456 188 60, 388 2,601 15, 849 1,697 4,544 12, 376 1,461 1,396 6,241 5,340 4,774 3,655 48, 326 17, 937 5,906 6,971 1,354 3,101 138 11,429 2,606 468 4,366 818 14, 003 7,224 1,625 15, 077 920 1,506 1,990 755 7,374 33, 766 15, 898 12, 915 11,665 2,529 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 55,360 32, 860 104, 026 84,454 15, 347 18, 682 123,328 20. 759 10, 534 16, 316 32, 641 10, 275 63, 792 37,400 13, 836 27, 795 10, 262 11,980 38,541 34,843 63,847 23,409 38, 889 16, 264 12, 370 14,445 12, 424 17, 814 14, 346 33, 002 110, 397 36, 746 16, 870 31, 595 37, 319 11, 000 136, 515 34, 868 74, 460 75,227 15, 641 57, 621 14, 980 10, 389 21, 310 10,583 23, 988 21,672 283,581 52, 933 113,398 22, 393 14, 466 12, 664 13, 133 24, 237 12, .661 11, 370 39, 314 24, 753 63, 121 12, 608 28, 920 77. 760 21,068 19, 865 10, 207 14, 330 28, 941 121, 798 49, 621 34,618 46, 062 23, 791 63,456 42,038 106, 026 88,237 15, 463 18, 962 123,694 21,197 10, 825 16, 619 32,171 10,284 66, 941 38,876 13. 829 29,589 10, 499 12, 565 40, 234 35,527 66,636 23, 561 39, 625 16, 631 12,664 14,541 12. 830 18, 122 14, 613 34,913 112, 420 39, 934 17, 901 32, 154 37, 965 11,600 141, 208 35, 128 76, 613 76, 397 16, 095 58,869 15, 126 10, 629 21, 934 11,117 24, 435 22,028 288, 384 54, 727 1 14, 216 23,090 14, 591 12, 974 13, 147 25, 330 12, 812 11,416 39, 750 24, 836 84,821 13, 330 29, 083 79,000 21, 160 20, 016 10, 406 14, 406 29, 678 125, 175 51, 111 35, 628 47, 219 24,044 1903 64, 662 43, 638 107,026 92, 020 15, 579 19,312 124,060 21, 635 11, 116 16, 922 31, 701 10, 293 68,090 40, 327 14, 123 31,383 10, 736 13, 150 41, 927 36, 211 67,423 23,693 40, 161 16, 798 13, 038 14, 637 12, 636 18, 430 14, 880 36, 824 114,443 45,102 18, 932 32, 713 38,611 12, 000 145, 901 35,388 76, 766 75,567 16,549 60, 097 16, 272 10, 669 22, 658 11,651 24, 912 22,384 293, 217 56, 521 1 15, 034 23, 787 14, 726 15, 284 13, 161 26, 523 13, 063 11, 462 40,186 24, 917 55,921 14,552 29, 246 81,300 21,252 20, 167 10, 605 14,482 30, 415 128, 552 52, 701 36,438 48, 386 24,297 Land area (acres). 4, 320. 4,856.0 12,333.3 19,842.0 3,863.0 453.4 3, 078. 4, 560. 28, 160. 7, 175. 2,700.0 5, 142. 730.0 3,810.0 12, 381. 12, 960. 3, 877. 5, 760. 766.1 1,130.4 1,696.7 2, 348. 8 2, 709. 23, 424. 10, 538. 19, 598. 7 31, 431. 3, 470. 3, 040. 17, 600. 4,235.0 4,481.3 5, 964. 4 1, 985. 7 8,086.1 28,288.0 38,419.2 18,048.0 3, 010. 8,478.4 770.0 4, 168. 2, 623. 8 32, 266. 12, 160. 2,0.50.0 9, 920. 3,109.2 4, 464. 6 4,026.0 2, 247. 6 6, 280. 8, 960. 6, 632. 23,683.0 11, 260. 2, 190. 4 6, 360. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). f 416. t 3 468.0 1 Based on state census. 2 Decrease. 3 Area detached. ^ Estimated. 6 Includes population of territory annexed in 1901. « Population of Waterbury town; city and town coextensive in 1902. 12 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN OE VILLAGE. Continental United States . ALABAMA. Birmingham city . Mobile city Montgomery city . Total ARKANSAS. Fort Smith city . Little Rock city. Pine Blua citv . . Total. CALIFORNIA. Alameda city Berkeley city Fresno city Los Angeles city . Oakland city Sacramento city . . . San Diego city San Francisco city . San Jose city ... Stockton city Total. COLORADO. Colorado Springs city . Cripple Creek town . . . Denver city Leadville city Pueblo city Total. CONNECTICUT. Ansonia city Bridgeport city . . . Danbury city Hartford city Manchester "town . Meriden city Naugatuck borough New Britain city New Haven city New London city Norwich city Stamford city Waterbury city . . Total. DELAWARE. Wilmington city. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ' Washington city . Jacksonville city Key West city Pensacola city . . . Tampa city Total. Athens city . . . Atlanta city... Augusta city . . Columbus city Macon city Savannah city Total. Alton city , Aurora city Belleville city Bloomington city . Cairo city POPULATION. Kleventh Census, 1890. 18, 158, 066 26, 178 31, 076 21, 883 18,311 25,874 9,952 11, 165 1 6, 656 10, 818 50,395 48, 682 26, 386 16, 159 298, 997 18, 060 14,424 501, 742 106, 713 10,384 24, 558 s 10, 342 48,866 16, 552 53, 230 8, 222 21, 652 «6,218 16, 519 81,298 13, 757 16, 156 1 13, 332 '33,202 339, 846 230, 392 17, 20] 18, 080 11, 750 5,532 52, 563 8,639 65, 533 33, 300 17, 303 22, 746 43, 189 190, 710 10, 294 19,688 15, 361 20, 484 10, 324 Twelfth Census, 1900. ' Estimated. -Population of Ansonia town; city and town coextensive in 1893. ^Decrease. 38,415 38, 469 30, 346 107, 230 11,587 38,307 11, 496 61, 390 16,464 13, 214 12, 470 102, 479 66, 960 29, 282 17, 700 342, 782 21, 500 17, 506 640, 357 21, 085 10, 147 133, 859 12, 456 28, 157 206, 703 ]2,681 70, 996 16, .637 79, 850 10, 601 24, 296 10, 541 25, 998 108, 027 17,548 17, 251 15, 997 51, 139 461,462 278, 718 28, 429 17, 114 17, 747 15,839 79, 129 10, 245 89, 872 39, 441 17, 614 23, 272 54, 244 234, 688 14, 210 24, 147 17, 484 23, 286 12, 566 Decennial increase. 5, 889, 301 12,237 7,393 8,463 2S, 093 3,276 12, 433 1,644 17, 253 5,299 6,558 1,652 62,084 18, 278 2,896 1,541 43, 785 3,440 3,082 •138,615 9,945 10, 147 27, 146 2,071 3,599 52, 908 2,339 22, 130 316 26, 620 2,379 2,644 4,323 9,479 26,729 3,791 1,095 2,665 17, 937 122, 116 15, 077 11, 228 3 966 5,997 10, 307 26, 666 1,606 24, 339 6,141 311 526 11, 065 43,978 3,916 4,459 2,123 2,802 2,242 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 24,619,555 39, 639 39, 208 31, 192 110,039 11, 765 39, 550 11, 650 62, 966 16, 994 14, 200 12, 635 107,126 68, 102 29,572 17, 940 347, 161 21, 844 17, 814 653, 388 22, 077 10, 000 135, 596 12, 662 28, 517 208, 852 12, 915 73, 209 16, 536 82, 612 10, 839 24,660 10, 973 26,. 834 110, 227 17, 927 18, 861 16,264 52, 933 474, 589 29, 652 17, 017 18, 347 16, 870 81, 786 10, 406 92, 098 40, 055 17, 645 23, 325 55, 350 238, 879 14, 602 24, 693 17, 696 23, 566 12, 790 25, 215, 756 40,863 39, 947 32, 038 112, 848 11, 943 40, 793 11,804 64,640 17, 524 15, 300 12, 800 111,773 69,244 29, 862 18, 180 351,540 22, 188 18, 122 666, 633 23, 069 9,000 137, 189 12, 869 28, 877 211,004 13, 149 75,422 16, 533 85, 174 11,077 24, 824 11,405 27, 670 112,427 18, 306 IS, 971 16, 531 54, 727 486, 216 79, 000 30, 675 16, 920 18, 947 17,901 84,443 10, 567 94,324 40, 669 17, 676 23, 378 63, 456 250, 070 14, 994 26,039 17, 908 23, 996 13, 014 42,087 40, 686 32,884 116, 657 12, 121 42,036 11, 958 18,054 16, 400 12, 965 116, 420 70, 386 30, 152 18, 420 355, 919 22, 532 18, 430 679, 678 24,092 7,000 144, 588 13, 076 29, 237 217, 993 13, 383 77, 635 16, 531 87. 836 11,316 25, 088 11. 837 28,506 114, 600 18, 6a5 19, 081 16, 798 56,521 497, 816 81, 300 31, 798 16, 823 19, 547 18, 932 87, 100 10, 728 96, 550 41, 283 17, 707 23,431 64, 662 254, 281 15, 386 25, 485 18, 120 24, 276 13,238 Land area (acres). 3,907.0 2, 652. 1, 768. 6, 759. 5 3, 274. 2 4, 816. 2, 640. 6 27, 696. 7 8, 770. 48, 556. 7 29, 760. 3, 840. 2, 709. 134,954.0 4, 856. 1 532.9 37, 920. 676.6 7, 592. 51, 677. 6 3, 840. 8, 576. 11,065.6 17, 586. 2,414.0 10, 880. 3, 200. 11,460.0 3, 776. 2, 380. 766.1 18,048.0 4, 026. 4, 864. 1,975.0 5, 399. 3 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres) . 2, 590. 1, 147. 6 720.0 9,099.6 3,630.0 453.9 27,040.0 80.0 224.0 9, 180. 619.8 6, 105. 1,472.0 699.9 14, 432. 7 7, 040. 2,683.5 7.54.6 320.0 4,265.0 1, 700. 2, 768. 1,056.0 100.7 "* Population of Naugatuck town; borough and town coextensive in 1895. 5 Population of Waterbury town; city and to\vn coextensive in 1902. 13 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. ILLINOIS— continued. Chicago city DanviDe city Decatur city East St. Louis city Elgin city Evanstou city Freeport city Galesburg city Jacksonville city Joliet city Kankakee city Lasalle city Moline city Ottawa city Peoria city Quincy city Rock Island city Rockford city Springfield city Streator city Total INDIANA. Anderson city Elkhart city Elwood city Evansvilie city Fort Wayne city Hammond city Indianapolis city JefEersonville city Kokomo city Lafayette city Logansport city Marion city Michigan City Muncie city New Albany city Richmond city South Bend city Terre Haute city Vincennes city Total IOWA. Burlington city Cedar Rapids city Clinton city Council Bluffs city Davenport city Des Moines city Dubuque city Fort Dodge city Keokuk city Marshall town city Muscatine city Ottumwa city Sioux City Waterloo city Total KANSAS, a Atchison city , Fort Scott city Galena city Kansas City Lawrence city ' Estimated. 2 Area detached POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 1,099,850 Ul,707 16, 841 15, 169 17, 823 113,111 10, 189 15, 264 12, 935 23, 264 9,025 9,855 12, 000 9,985 41,024 31, 494 13, 634 23,584 24, 963 11, 414 1, 499, 282 10, 741 11, 360 2,284 50, 756 35, 393 6,428 105, 436 10, 666 8,261 16, 243 13,328 8,769 10, 776 11, 345 21,059 16, 608 21, 819 30, 217 8,853 399, 342 22,565 18, 020 18, 619 21,474 26, 872 50, 093 30, 311 4,871 14, 101 8,914 11,454 14, 001 37, 806 6,674 280, 775 13, 963 11, 946 2,496 38, 316 9,997 Twelfth Census, 1900. 1,698,575 16,354 20,754 29, 655 22, 433 19, 259 13,258 18, 607 15. 078 29, 363 13, 695 10,446 17, 248 10, 588 56, 100 36, 2.52 19, 493 31,051 34, 169 14. 079 20, 178 15, 184 12, 960 69, 007 45. 115 12, 376 169, 164 10, 774 10, (109 18. 116 16, 204 17, 337 14, 850 20, 942 20, 628 18, 226 35, 999 36, 673 10, 249 564, 581 23, 201 25, 656 22, 698 25, 802 35, 254 62, 139 36, 297 12, 162 14, 641 11,544 14, 073 18, 197 33, 111 12, 580 347, 355 16, 722 10, 322 10, 1.65 51, 418 10, 862 Decennial increase. 598, 725 4,647 3,913 14,486 4,610 6,148 3,069 3,343 2,143 6,089 4,570 691 6,248 603 15, 076 4,758 8,869 7,467 9,196 2,665 9,437 3, 824 10, 666 8,251 9,722 6,948 63, 728 108 2,348 1,873 2,876 8,668 4,074 9,697 »431 1,618 14, 180 6,456 1,396 165, 239 636 7,636 9,079 4,328 8,382 12, 046 5,986 7,291 540 2,630 2,619 4,196 84,695 5,906 66, 580 1,769 3 1,624 7,669 13, 102 865 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 ,757,010 16,819 21,415 30, 104 22, 894 19, 874 13, 666 18,941 15, 292 29, 825 14, 052 10, 505 17, 683 10, 688 59, 670 36,728 20, 079 31,671 34, 843 14, 346 2, 289, 251 21, 122 15, 566 13, 197 59,832 46, 087 13, 005 176, 537 10, 786 10, 844 18, 303 16, 492 18, 194 16, 267 21, 892 20, .586 18, 388 37, 400 37, 319 10,389 580, 194 23, 265 26, 420 22, 922 <26,925 36, 092 63, 344 36, 896 13, 031 14, 695 11,807 14, 335 18, 617 32, 641 * 13, 398 354,388 15, 898 10, 160 10, 896 52, 728 10, 949 1902 ,816,445 17,284 22, 076 33, 108 23, 365 20,489 13, 872 19, 276 16, 606 30, 297 14, 509 10, 664 18, 118 10,788 60,882 37, 204 20, 665 82, 291 35,527 14, 613 2,360,818 22, 066 16, 948 13, 297 60, 657 47, 059 13, 629 183, 910 10, 796 11, 079 18, 490 16, 780 19, 061 15, 664 23, 042 20, 542 18, 550 38, 876 37, 965 10, 629 697,930 23, 329 27, 184 23, 146 ■128,048 36, 930 64, 649 37,495 13, 760 14, 749 12. 170 14, 597 19, 037 32. 171 414,216 1,873,880 17, 749 22, 736 34, 007 23, 816 21, 104 14, 179 19, 609 15, 720 30, 769 14, 966 10, 623 18, 5.53 10, 888 62, 094 37, 680 21,251 33, 361 36,211 14, 880 2, 480, 581 23,010 16, 330 13,397 61, 482 48, 031 14, 258 191, 033 10, 807 11, 314 18, 677 17, 068 19, 908 16,071 24,492 20, 499 18, 712 40, 327 38,611 10, 66q 361, 381 16,074 9,998 11, 637 54,038 11, 036 614, 696 23, 393 27,948 23, 370 *29, 171 37, 768 65, 7.54 38, 094 14, 539 14, 803 12, 633 14, 859 19, 457 31, 701 415,034 Land area (acres). 122, 008. 3 2,060.0 2, 326. 5, 431. 3, 521. 3, 820. 8 1,398.0 5, 760. 2,560.0 2, 501. 8 2, 298. 2 1, 200. 2, 180. 1,965.0 5, 471. 3, 533. 8 5,344.0 3,877.0 2,880.0 1,966.0 8, 166. 4, 041. 7 17,788.0 826. 3 1, .570. 3, 161. 6 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 3,090.0 3, 840. 2, 470. 4 2, 465. 6, 142. 3, 470. 1, 484. 8 368, 824 16,250 9,836 12, 378 65, 348 11, 123 6, 724. 6 7. 860. 6. 238. 1 11, 618. 5, 013. 35, 809. 4 7, 500. 2, 330. 2, 253. 4, 362. 4,015.0 4, 945. 28, 160. 3,010.0 129, 328. 1,720.3 2, 660. 1,960.0 5, 496. 2,216.0 4 Based on state census. a Population as Returned by Assessors. CITY. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. Fort Scott Galena 10, 973 10, 511 47,864 11, 436 21,556 12, 381 36, 782 23, 786 10, 751 8,017 53, 625 11, 3.58 22, 392 12, 676 38,067 24, 472 12,892 6,684 56, 772 10, 770 22,441 13, 734 38,809 28, 163 13,707 6,698 69, 919 11, 726 22, 991 13,116 38, 9.59 31,549 Kansas City Lawrence Leavenwortii Pittsburg Wichita 14 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITT, BOBOUGH, TOWN, OR TILLAGE. KANSAS — continued. Leavenworth city Pittsburg city Topeka city Wichita city Total KENTUCKY. Covington city Henderson city Lexington city Louisville city Newport city Owensboro city Paducah city Total LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge city New Orleans city Shreveport city Total MAINE. Auburn city ; Augusta city Bangor city Bath city Biddef ord city Lewiston city Portland city Total MARYLAND. Baltimore city Cumberland city Hagerstown city Total MASSACHUSETTS. Adams town Attleboro town Beverly city Boston city Brockton city Brookline town Cambridge city Chelsea city Chicopee city Clinton town Everett city Fall Elver city Fitchburg city Framingham town Gardner town Gloucester city Haverhill city Holyoke city Hyde Park town Lawrence city Leominster town Lowell city Lynn city Maiden city Marlboro city Medford city Melrose city Milford town New Bedford city Newburyport city Newton city North Adams city Northampton city Peabody town Pittsfield city Quincy city Revere town Salem city Somerville city 1 Area detached, POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 19, 768 6,697 SI, 007 23, 853 158,043 37, 371 8,835 21, 667 161, 129 24,918 9,837 12,797 276, 454 10, 478 242, 039 11,979 11,250 10, 527 19, 103 8,723 14,443 21,701 36,425 122, 172 434,439 12, 729 10, 118 9,213 7,577 10, 821 448, 477 27, 294 12, 103 70,028 27, 909 14, 050 10, 424 11, 068 74, 398 22,037 9,239 8,424 24, 651 27, 412 35, 637 10, 193 44, 654 7,269 77. 696 56; 727 23, 031 13, 805 11, 079 8,619 8,780 40, 733 13, 947 24,379 16, 074 14,990 10, 158 17, 281 16, 723 6,668 30,801 40, 152 Twelfth Census, 1900. 20, 735 10, 112 33, 608 24, 671 187, 605 42, 938 10,272 26, 369 204, 731 28, 301 13, 189 19, 446 346, 246 11, 269 287, 104 16,013 12, 951 11,683 21,850 10, 477 16,145 23, 761 50, 145 147, 012 608, 957 17, 128 13,691 539, 676 11,134 11,335 13, 884 560, 892 40,063 19, 935 91, 886 34, 072 19,167 13, 667 24, 336 104, 863 31, .531 11,302 10, 813 26, 121 37, 175 45, 712 13, 244 62, 559 12, 392 94, 969 68, 613 33,664 13, 609 18, 244 12, 962 11, 376 62, 442 14, 47« 33, 587 24, 200 18,643 11,623 21,766 23, 899 10, 395 35, 956 61,643 Decennial increase. 967 3,415 2,601 818 29,562 5,567 1,437 4,802 43, 602 3,383 3,362 6,649 68, 792 791 45, 065 4,034 1,701 1,166 2,747 1,764 1,702 2,060 13,720 24,840 74,618 4,399 3,473 82,390 1,921 3,758 3,063 112, 415 12, 769 7,832 21,868 6,163 6,117 3,243 13, 268 30, 406 9,494 2,063 2,389 1,470 9,763 10, 075 3,051 17,905 5,123 17,273 12, 786 10, 633 = 196 7,165 4,443 2,596 21, 709 631 8,126 3,653 1,365 4,485 7,176 4,727 5,155 21, 491 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 20, 832 10,454 34, 868 24, 753 191, 538 43, 495 10, 416 26, 849 208,388 28,639 13, 400 19, 949 351, 136 11,348 291, 611 16, 316 319, 275 13, 121 11, 799 22,126 10, 652 16, 316 23, 967 60, 982 148,961 516, 409 17, 568 13,938 11, 326 11, 711 14,190 572, 134 41,333 20, 718 94, 072 34,688 19, 679 13,991 25,663 107,910 32,480 11, 508 11,062 26, 268 37, 779 46, 720 13, 549 64, 350 12, 904 96, 696 69, 792 34, 727 13, 589 18, 961 13, 406 11, 636 64, 613 14, 531 34, 508 24, 973 19, 008 11, 660 22,215 24, 617 10, 868 36, 472 63, 792 20,929 10, 796 35,128 24,835 194, 471 44, 052 10, 560 27, 329 211, 946 28,977 13, 611 20, 452 356, 926 11, 427 296, 118 16, 619 324, 164 13, 291 11, 915 22,400 10, 827 16, 486 24, 173 51, 819 150, 910 523, 861 18,008 14,285 11, 518 12,087 14, 496 683, 376 42, 603 21, 601 96, 258 35, 304 20, 191 14,315 26, 990 110, 957 33, 429 11, 714 11, 291 26,416 38,383 47,728 13,854 66,141 13, 416 98, 423 71,071 35, 790 13, 569 19, 678 13, 850 11, 896 66,784 14, 584 36,429 25, 746 19, 373 11, 797 22,664 26, 335 11, 341 36, 988 65, 941 1903 21,026 11,138 35,388 24, 917 197, 404 44, 759 10,704 27,809 215, 402 29, 315 13,822 20, 965 362, 766 11,506 300,626 16,922 329,053 13,461 12,031 22, 675 11, 002 16, 655 24, 379 52, 666 162, 869 531,313 18,448 14, 632 564, 393 11, 710 12, 463 14, 802 694, 618 43, 873 22, 284 98,444 35, 920 20, 703 14, 639 28, 317 114, 004 34, 378 11,920 11,530 26,562 38,987 48, 736 14, 159 67,932 13, 928 100, 150 72, 360 36, 853 13,649 20, 395 14, 294 12, 166 68, 965 14, 637 36, 350 26, 519 19, 738 11, 984 23, 113 26, 053 11, 814 37,504 68,090 Land area (acres). 4,479.0 4,235.0 9, 920. 1, 500. 1, 308. 8 1,882.0 13,093.5 729.6 1,457.5 3,727.4 23, 698. 1 125, 600. 4, 660. 32, 480. 37, 696. 20, 480. 1, 860. 19,200.0 20, 608. 13, 790. 7 146, 114. 7 19, 303. 1,427.6 1, 152. 6 21, 883. 2 13, 835. 15, 000. 12, 800. 27, 251. 13, 770. 5 4, 359. 4, 182. 5 447.0 16,963.0 3, 129. 2, 120. 25, 947. 17, 728. 14,521.0 12, 470. 18,007.0 20,403.3 10,464.0 2,88L9 4,313.0 19, 292. 3 7,960.6 7, 259. 3, 072. 13, 488. 3 5,376.0 3, 155. 8 12, 160. 12, 372. 7 20, 480. 11,110.0 12, 832. 22, 604. 9, 000. 26, 560. 10, 736. 3, 750. 4, 733. 2, 700. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 451.7 102.6 14.5 570.4 2, 119. 456.4 "i,'258'6 1200.0 9,510.7 118.0 52.2 800.0 13.7 146.0 137.0 4, 900. ""Vi'o 10.2 641.0 2 Decrease. 15 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITT, BOBOnGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. MASSACHUSETTS — Continued. Southbridge town . Springfield city Taunton city Waltliam city Westfield town . . Weymouth town. Woburn city , Worcester city Total. Alpena city Ann Arbor city . . . Battle Creek city . Bay City Detroit city Flint city Grand Rapids city , Ishpeming city Jackson city Kalamazoo city Lansing city Manistee city Marquette city... Menominee city . Muskegon city . . . Port Huron city Saginaw city Sault Ste. Marie city . West Bay City Total. MINNESOTA. Duluth city Mankato city Minneapolis city. St. Paul city Stillwater city . . . Winona city Total. MISSISSIPPI. Meridian city . . Natchez city Vicksburg city . Total. Hannibal city. . . Joplin city Kansas City St. Joseph city . . St. Louis city Sedalia city Springfield city . Total. Butte city Great Falls city . Helena city Total. Lincoln city Omaha city South Omaha city . Total NEW EAHPSEIBE. Concord city Dover city Manchester city. . Nashua city Portsmouth city . Total 1 Decrease. - Based on state census. 3 Area detached. POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 7,655 44,179 25,448 18, 707 9,805 10,866 13, 499 84,655 1,557,235 11,283 9,431 13, 197 27,839 205, 876 9,803 60,278 11, 197 20, 798 17,853 13,102 12, 812 9,093 10,630 22,702 13,543 46, 322 5,760 12,981 534,500 33,115 8,838 164,738 133, 156 11, 260 18,208 369,315 10, 624 10, 101 13,373 12,857 9,943 n32,716 52,324 451,770 14,068 21,850 695, 628 10,723 3,979 13,834 28,536 s 26, 586 6 66,536 8,062 101, 184 17,004 12,790 44,126 19, 311 9,827 103, 058 Twelfth Census, 1900. 10,025 62, 059 31,036 23,481 12,310 11, 324 14,254 118,421 2,050,862 11,802 14, 509 18,563 27,628 285,704 13, 103 87,565 13,255 25,180 24,404 16,485 14, 260 10,058 12, 818 20, 818 19,158 42,345 10,538 13, 119 681,312 52,969 10,599 202, 718 163,065 12, 318 19, 714 461,383 14,050 12,210 14,834 41,094 12, 780 26,023 163, 752 102, 979 575, 238 16, 231 23,267 919, 270 30, 470 14, 930 10, 770 56,170 40, 169 102,555 26, 001 168,725 19, 632 13,207 56,987 23, 898 10, 637 124,361 Decennial increase. 2,370 17,880 6,588 4,774 2, 505 458 755 33, 766 493,627 519 5,078 5,366 '211 79,828 3,300 27,287 2,068 4,382 6,551 1,448 965 2,188 11,884 5,615 13,977 4,778 138 146, 812 19,864 1,761 37, 980 29,909 1,058 1,506 92,068 3,426 2,109 1,461 6,996 177 16,080 31,086 50, 665 123, 468 1,163 1,417 223,742 19, 747 10, 951 13,064 27,634 13, 683 36,019 17, 939 67,541 2,628 417 12,861 4,587 810 21, 303 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 10, 262 63,847 31, 595 23, 968 12,561 11, 370 14, 330 121, 798 2, 099, 810 11,854 16,017 19, 100 27, 607 293, 687 13,433 2 88,920 13, 461 28, 618 25, 020 16,823 14,405 10, 148 13, 037 20, 630 20,426 41, 947 11, 016 13, 133 695,282 64,446 10, 775 206, 616 166,066 12,424 19,865 470,081 14,393 12,421 14,980 41,794 12, 772 27, 631 166, 856 105, 479 587, 685 15, 347 23, 409 939,079 32, 080 16,025 11, 770 59,875 41,527 106, 157 27, 795 175, 479 19, 895 13,249 68,273 24, 357 10,718 126, 492 1902 10, 499 65,635 32,164 24,435 12, 812 11, 416 14, 406 125, 175 2,148,768 11,906 15, 525 19, 637 27,586 301, 670 13, 763 2 90,275 13, 667 26,056 25, 636 17, 161 14, 550 10, 238 13,256 20,442 20,694 41,549 11,494 13, 147 708, 252 55,921 10, 951 210, 314 169,047 12, 530 20,016 478,779 14, 736 12,632 16, 126 12, 764 29,239 169, 960 107, 979 599, 932 15,463 23, 551 958,888 j4,517 17, 120 12,770 64,407 42,885 109,759 29,589 182,233 20, 158 13,291 69, 659 24,816 10, 799 128, 623 1903 10,736 67,423 32, 713 24,912 13,063 11, 462 14, 482 128,552 2, 197, 706 11,958 16, 033 20, 174 27,566 309,653 14,093 =91, 630 13, 873 26, 494 26,262 17, 499 14, 695 10,328 13, 475 20,254 20,962 41,151 11, 972 13,161 721,222 67, 397 11, 127 214,112 172,038 12, 636 20, 167 487,477 15,079 12,843 15, 272 43,194 12, 766 30,847 173, 064 110, 479 612,279 15,579 23,693 978, 697 36, 127 18,215 13, 770 44,243 113,361 31,383 20,421 13, 333 60,845 25,275 10,880 130, 754 Land area (acres). 12, 381. 24, 662. 31,431.0 8, 086. 1 32,256.0 12, 160. 8, 960. 23, 683. 601,853.0 4,200.0 3, 292. 3, 868. 3,401.5 17,564.7 4, 160. 11, 040. 5, 760. 6, 760. 6, 122. 4, 787. 5 6, 620. 8 2, 798. 4 3, 771. 1 4,646.5 7,891.2 9, 200. 2,623.5 43,116.8 4,32L4 34,105.6 35,483.0 2, 348. 8 6, 280. 125,655.6 1,760.0 1,600.0 16,209.0 6, 224. 39, 277. 3,863.0 1,610.0 5,420.0 5,706.6 5, 200. 15,680.0 3,810.0 24, 690. 42,478.0 16,640.0 21, 700. 19, 904. 5, 760. Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). * Includes population of territory annexed in 1897 (13,048). s Census 1890 defective; population in 1890 estimated as mean between 1880 and 1900. 16 Table 2 — ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITY, BOKOUGH, TOWN, OK VILLAGE. NEW JEESEY. Atlantic City Bayonne city Bridgeton city . . . Camden city East Orange city. Elizabetti city.. Harrison town . Hobolien city . . Jersey City Kearney town . Millville city Montclair town Morristown town New Brunswick city . Newark city Orange city Passaic city Patersoncity Pertli Amboy city. . Pliillipsburg town . Plainiield city Trenton city Union town West Hoboken town . Total. NEW YOKE. Albany city Amsterdam city . . Auburn city Binghamton city . Buffalo city Cotioes city . . . Corning city . . Dunkirk city . Elmira city . . . Geneva city... Glens Falls Tillage. Gloversville city . . . Hornellsville city.. Ithaca city Jamestown city Johnstown city Kingston city Lansingburg village '' . Little Falls city Lockport city Middletown city... Mt. Vernon city New Rochelle city. New York city Newburg city Niagara Falls city . Ogdensburg city . . . Oswego city Peekskill village... Poughkeepsie city . Rochester city Rome city Saratoga Springs village . Schenectady city Syracuse city Troy city Utica city Watertown city . Watervliet city . Yonkers city Total. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville city Charlotte city Greensboro city.. Raleigh city Wilmington city . Winston city Total. POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 13, 055 19, 033 11,424 163,018 13,282 37, 764 8,338 43, 648 163, 003 2 7,064 10, 002 8,656 8,156 18, 603 181,830 18, 844 13,028 78, 347 9,512 8,644 11,267 57, 458 10, 643 11, 665 Twelfth Census, 1900. 826, 284 94, 923 17, 336 25, 868 35,005 255, 664 22, 509 8, 550 9,416 30, 893 7,557 9,509 13,864 10,996 11,079 16, 038 7,768 21,261 8,783 16, 038 11,977 10, 830 9, 057 12,607,414 23, 087 » 10, 400 11, 662 21, 842 9,676 22,206 133,896 14, 991 11, 975 19,902 88, 143 173,360 44,007 14, 725 12, 967 32,033 3,707,197 10, 235 11, 557 3,317 12, 678 20, 056 8,018 66,861 27, 838 32, 722 13,913 75, 935 21, 506 62, 130 10, 596 69, 364 206, 433 10, 896 10, 583 13, 962 11, 267 20, 006 246, 070 24, 141 27, 777 105, 171 17, 699 10, 062 15, 369 73, 307 15, 187 23,094 Decennial increase. 1, 125, 018 94, 151 20, 929 30, 345 39, 647 352j_387^ 23,910 11,061 11,616 35, 672 10, 433 12, 613 18, 349 11,918 13, 136 22, 892 10,130 24,535 10, 381 16,581 14, 522 21,228 14, 720 3, 437, 202 24,943 19,457 12, 633 22, 199 10,358 24,029 162, 608 15, 343 12, 409 31, 682 108,374 ' 75, 057 56, 383 21,696 14,321 47,931 4, 917, 781 14, 694 18, 091 10, 035 13,643 20, 976 10, 008 14, 783 13, 689 2,489 12, 917 8,224 14, 366 2,268 15, 716 43, 430 3,832 581 5,306 3,111 1,403 64, 240 5,297 14, 749 26,824 8,187 1,408 4,102 15, 849 4,544 11,429 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 298, 734 4 772 543 2,546 10, 398 5,663 929, 788 1,856 9,057 971 357 682 1,823 28, 712 362 434 11,780 20,231 1,697 12, 376 6,971 1,364 16,898 1,210,584 4,459 6,534 6,718 965 920 1,990 21,586 29, 316 34,091 14. 162 77, 227 22, 328 63, 567 10,822 60, 936 210, 776 11, 279 10, 641 14, 493 11,578 20, 146 3 262, 003 24,671 29, 502 107, 853 18,518 10, 193 16, 779 74, 460 16,641 24,237 1,164,219 94, 074 22, 348 30, 794 40, 111 362, 059 24,050 11, 312 11,836 36, 1.50 10, 698 12, 923 18, 798 12,010 13, 342 23, 577 10,366 24,862 10, 541 16,635 14, 777 22, 268 16,286 1, 630, 181 25, 129 20, 362 14, 833 22,300 10, 426 24, 211 165, 338 15, 378 12, 452 32, 860 110,397 75, 227 57, 621 22, 393 14, 456 49, 521 6,041,902 15, 140 18,744 10, 707 13, 740 21, 068 10, 207 89, 606 30, 794 35, 460 14, 411 78, 519 23, 150 55,004 11, 048 62, 608 215, 119 11, 662 10, 699 15, 024 11, 889 20,286 ' 257, 936 25, 201 30, 977 110, 536 19, 337 10, 334 16, 189 75, 613 16, 095 26, 380 1,183,170 93, 997 22, 715 31, 243 40, 575 371,731 24, 190 11, 563 12, 056 36, 628 10, 963 13, 233 19, 247 12, 102 13, 648 24, 262 10, 602 25,189 10, 701 16, 689 15, 032 23, 308 15, 852 1, 623, 160 26, 315 21, 267 14, 933 22,400 10. 494 24, 393 168, 068 15, 413 12. 495 42, 038 112, 420 75, 397 58,859 23, 090 14, 591 61,111 5,170,870 16, 586 19, 397 11, 379 13, 837 21, 160 10,406 91, 766 33,272 36, 829 14, 660 79,811 23,972 56, 441 11, 274 64, 080 219,462 12, 045 10, 757 15, 555 12, 200 20, 426 s 265, 394 28, 731 32,452 113, 217 20, 156 11, 975 16, 699 76, 766 16,549 26, 523 Land area (acres). 1, 216, 146 93,920 23, 082 31, 692 41,039 381,403 24,330 11,814 12, 276 37, 106 11,228 13,543 19, 696 12, 194 13,754 24, 947 10,838 25,516 10, 860 16, 743 15, 287 24,348 16, 418 3,716,139 25, 501 22, 172 15, 033 22, 500 10, 562 24, 575 170, 798 15,448 12, 538 43, 538 114, 443 76, 567 60, 097 23,787 14, 726 52, 701 5, 292, 159 16, 032 20, 060 12, 051 13, 934 21, 252 10, 606 93, 924 1 Estimated. 2 Population of Kearney township, s Based on state census. 4 Decrease, 87,447 s Area detached. ^ Included in Troy. 7 Includes population of territory annexed in 1901, 3,066.0 2,530.0 3, 979. 6,027.0 2, 622, 5, 811. 819.0 720.0 10, 443. Area an- nexed .since 1890 (acres). 29, 138. 4, 285. 5 1, 749. 2, 744. 14, 081. 6 1,339.9 2, 087, 7 6,367.0 1, 880. 3, 710. 4,481.3 6,621.1 3,869.4 5, 440. 5, 699. 7 26, 884. 5 2,880.0 1, 948. 2, 300. 4, 646. 2, 400. 2, 555. 2, 694. 1, 568. 2,989.0 5, 410. 4 2, 322. 8 4,400.0 2, 591. 2 3, 182. 2, 330. 5 2, 817. 6, 000. 209, 218. 1 2, 296. 6, 958. 3, 243. 2,378.1 2, 029. 11,833.0 43,638.0 2,080.0 4, 855. 10, 538. 5, 964. 4 4,991.0 5, 478. 4 770.0 11,260.0 2,247.5 1, 675. 2, 124. 14.8 1, 163. "2,"i72."5 21.2 m.9 330.0 352.6 867.8 301.4 182,863.1 6,328.0 1,100.0 250.0 1, 302. 875. 640.0 2,496.0 17 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. Akron city Ashtabula city . . Canton city Chillicotlie city . 'Cincinnati city.. Cleveland city Columbus city Dayton city East Liverpool city . Findlay city Hamilton city , Iron ton city . . . Lima city Lorain city Mansfield city . Marietta city . . Marion city — Massillon city- Newark city . . Piqua city Portsmouth city . . 5andusky city Springfield city . . . Steubenville city . riflfin city foledo city Voungstown city . Zanesville city Total. OKLAHOMA. ■Guthrie city — Oklahoma City . Total. Portland city . . PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny city Allentown city Altoona city Beaver Palls borough. Braddock borough Bradford city Butler borough Carbondale city ... Chester city ■Columbia borough . Dunmore borough . Easton city Erie city Harrisburg city Hazelton city Homestead borough . Johnstown city Lancaster city Lebanon city McKeesport city Mahanoy City borough . Meadville city Mt. Carmel borough Nanticoke borough Newcastle city Norristown borough . Oil City Philadelphia city Pittsburg city Pittston city Plymouth borough . Pottstown borough . Pottsville borough.. Reading city Scranton city Shamokin borough Shenandoah borough South Bethlehem borough. Steel ton borough POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 27, 601 8,338 26, 189 11, 288 296, 908 261-, 353 88, 160 61, 220 10, 956 18,6-53 17, 566 10, 939 15, 981 4,863 13,473 8,273 8,327 10,092 14,270 9,090 12, 394 18, 471 31, 895 .13,394 10, 801 81,434 33, 220 21,009 1, 146, 047 5,333 4,161 46, 385 105, 287 25, 228 30, 337 9,735 8,561 = 12,451 8,734 10,833 3 27,302 10, 599 8,316 14,481 40, 634 39, 385 11,872 7,911 21, 805 32, Oil 14, 664 20, 741 11,286 9,520 8,264 10,044 11,600 19, 791 10, 932 1,046,964 238, 617 10, 302 9,344 13,286 14, 117 58, 661 75, 215 14, 403 15, 944 10, 302 9,250 Twelfth Census, 1900. 42, 728 12, 949 30, 667 12, 976 326, 902 381,768 126, 560 85, 333 16,486 17, 613 23, 914 11, 868 21, 723 16, 028 17, 640 13, 348 11,862 11,944 18, 167 12, 172 17, 870 19,664 38, 253 14, 349 10, 989 131, 822 44, 885 23, 538 10, 006 10, 037 20, 043 90, 426 129, 896 36, 416 38, 973 10,051 16, 654 15, 029 10, 853 13, 536 33,988 12, 316 12, 583 25, 238 62, 733 50, 167 14,230 12,564 36, 936 41,469 17, 628 34,227 13, 504 10, 291 13, 179 12, 116 28, 339 22, 265 13, 264 1,293,697 321,616 12, 556 13,649 13, 696 15, 710 78, 961 102, 026 18, 202 20, 321 13,241 12, 086 Decennial increase. 15, 127 4,611 4,478 1,688 28,994 120, 416 37, 410 24,113 6,629 1940 6,349 929 5,742 11, 165 4,167 6,075 3,535 1,852 3,887 3,082 6,476 1,193 6,368 956 188 50,388 11,665 2,629 365,960 4,673 5,886 44, 041 24, 609 10, 188 8,636 319 7,093 2,678 2,119 2,703 6,686 1,717 4,268 10, 757 12, 099 10, 782 2,358 4,643 14, 131 9,448 2,964 13, 486 2,218 771 4,925 2,072 16, 739 2,474 2,332 246, 733 82, 999 2,254 4,305 411 1,693 20, 300 26, 811 4,377 2,939 2,836 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 44, 063 13, 360 31,115 13. 145 327, 746 392, 400 128, 869 87, 744 17,234 18, 613 24,549 11,961 22, 297 17. 146 18, 057 13, 856 12,216 12, 129 18, 546 12, 480 18,244 19, 783 38,889 14,445 11,000 136, 515 46,052 23, 791 1, 546, 244 10, 473 11, 624 22, 097 93, 169 133, 280 36, 535 39, 837 10, 086 16, 248 15, 287 11,066 13, 776 34, 667 12, 488 13, 010 25, 747 53, 943 51,096 14, 581 13, 018 36, 977 42,404 17, 924 35, 676 13, 726 10,368 13, 672 12, 323 29, 767 22, 512 13, 497 1, 318, 370 329, 426 12, 781 14, 080 13, 737 15, 869 80, 991 104,026 18,582 20, 759 13, 535 12, 370 1902 45, 398 13, 771 31,563 13,314 329, 590 403, 032 132, 178 90, 155 17, 983 19, 613 25,184 12,054 24,871 18, 262 18, 474 14, 364 12,570 12, 314 18, 935 12, 700 18, 718 19, 902 39, 525 14, 541 11, 500 141,208 47, 219 24, 044 10, 940 12,224 23, 164 95, 912 135, 649 37,554 40, 701 10, 118 16,842 16, 545 11,277 14, 016 35, 326 12, 660 13, 437 26, 266 55, 153 52, 023 14,817 13, 482 38, 018 43, 349 18, 220 36, 925 13, 948 10,445 14, 165 12, 530 31, 175 22, 769 13, 730 1, 343, 043 337, 234 13, 006 14,511 13, 778 16,028 83,021 106, 026 18, 962 21, 197 13, 829 12,654 1903 47, 833 14, 182 32, Oil 13,483 332, 934 414, 950 135, 487 92, 566 18, 482 20, 613 25, 819 12, 147 25,445 19,379 18, 891 14, 872 13,024 12, 499 19, 324 13, 008 19, 192 20, 021 40, 161 14, 637 12,000 145, 901 48,386 24, 297 1, 621, 544 11,407 12,800 24, 207 98, 665 1 Decrease. 2 Includes Kendall borough. 138,018 38, 673 41, 566 10, 150 17, 436 15, 803 11, 489 14, 250 35, 996 12, 832 13, 864 26, 775 56, 363 52, 951 15, 063 13, 946 39, 069 44, 294 18, 516 38, 274 14, 170 10, 522 14, 668 12,737 32, 593 23, 006 13, 963 , 367, 716 345, 043 13, 231 14, 942 13, 819 16, 187 85,0.51 107, 026 19, 342 21,635 14, 123 13, 038 3 Estimated. Land area (acres). 7,468.8 3,470.0 4, 360. 2, 000. 26. 880. 22, 422. 8 10. 577. 1 7, 040. 2, 026. 6 7, 920. 1, 792. 1, 750. 3, 840. 3,200.0 1,436.8 2, 815. 2, 669. 2, 960. 2, 381. 1,469.8 4, 646. 6, 760. 1,696.7 3,040.0 17, 600. 6, 360. 1, 288. 5 2, 590. 3, 878. 5 4, 726. 2,075.8 1,666.0 866.0 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 1,656.0 955.0 2, 241. 3 2,834.0 900 47.5.0 1,060.0 2,233.6 4,919.6 2, 690. 3 879.5 303.6 2,718.8 2,660.0 1,312.0 2, 006. 3 915.0 315.0 8.3 3.3 863.0 156 3 1,295.0 309.0 1,920.0 4, 773. 2, 265. 1,564.0 1,359.5 82, 933. 18,108.1 1 076 4 484.1 3, 200. 1 440. 4, 036. 12,333.3 453. 4 133.0 730.0 1,130.4 592.6 18 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, OR VILLAGE. PENNS Y L V ANi A— oontinuerl . Wilkesbarre city Wilkinsburg borough Williamsport city York city Total RHODE ISLAND, Central Falls city Cranston town East Providence town Newport city Pawtucket city Providence city Warwick town Woonsocket city Total SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston city Columbia city Greenville city Spartanburg city Total SOUTH DAKOTA. Sioux Falls city TENNESSEE. Chattanooga city Jackson city Knoxville city ■ Memphis city , Nashville city Total TEXAS. Austin city Dallas city Denison city El Paso city Fort Worth city Galveston city Houston city Laredo city San Antonio city Sherman city Waco city Total UTAH. Ogden city Salt Lake City Total VERMONT. Burlington city Rutland city Total VIRGINIA. Alexandria city Danvill e city Lynchburg city Newport News city Norfolk city Petersburg city Portsmouth city Richmond city Roanoke city Total WASHINGTON. Seattle city Spokane city Tacoma city Wallawalla city Total I Estimated. " Based on state census. 3 Area detached. POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 37, 718 4,662 27, 132 20, 793 2,149,022 1 13, 643 8,099 8,422 19, 467 27, 633 132, y6 17, 761 20, 830 247, 991 54,965 16, 353 8,607 5,644 84,469 29, 100 10, 039 22, 535 64, 496 76, 168 202, 337 14, 676 38,067 10, 968 10, 338 23, 076 29,084 27, 557 11,319 37, 673 7,335 14,445 224, 427 14,889 44,843 59, 732 14, 590 1 10, 726 26, 316 14, 339 10, 306 19, 709 4,449 34,871 22, 680 13, 268 81,388 16, 159 217, 168 42, 837 19, 922 86, 006 4,709 TwelfthI Census, 1900. 51,721 11,886 28, 757 33, 708 18, 167 13, 343 12, 138 22, 034 39, 231 175, 697 21, 316 28, 204 330, 030 55, 807 21, 108 11,860 11,395 100, 170 10,266 30, 164 14, 511 32, 637 102, 320 80, 865 260, 487 22,268 42, 638 11, 807 15, 906 26, 688 37, 789 44, 633 13, 429 53, 321 10,243 20, 686 299, 398 16, 313 53, 531 18,640 11,499 30, 139 14,528 16, 520 18, 891 19, 635 46, 624 21, 810 17, 427 86, 060 21,496 261, 980 80, 671 36, 848 37, 714 10,049 Decennial increase. 14, 003 7,224 1,625 12, 916 618, 239 4,524 5,244 3,716 2,577 11, 598 43, 461 3,556 7,374 82, 039 852 5,755 3,253 5,861 15, 711 1,054 4,472 10, 102 37, 825 4,697 68,150 7,683 4,571 849 5,668 3,612 8,706 17, 076 2,110 15,648 2,908 6,241 74, 971 1,424 10, 112 4,050 773 189 6,215 '818 15, 186 11, 763 5 870 4,159 3,662 5,336 44,812 37,834 16, 926 1,708 6,340 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 53, 121 12, 608 28,920 34,618 2 18, 635 13,867 12, 610 22,292 40, 391 180, 312 21,672 28, 941 338,620 55,892 21,684 12,185 11, 980 101, 741 30, 269 14, 968 33, 206 106, 103 81, 336 265,861 22, 430 43, 096 11, 892 16, 463 26,866 ■> 30, 000 47, 340 13,640 54,886 10, 534 21, 310 298, 446 16,455 64,400 70,855 19, 045 11, 676 14, 547 16, 772 20, 350 21, 136 47, 799 21, 723 17, 428 85, 416 22, 029 267, 199 84, 454 38,641 36, 746 10,583 1902 54,521 13,330 29, 083 36,628 1, 886, 881 2 19, 103 14, 391 12, 882 22,650 41, 661 185,027 22, 028 29, 678 347, 210 56, 977 22, 260 12, 510 12, 565 103, 312 10,284 30, 364 15, 405 33, 775 109, 886 81, 805 271,235 23, 002 43, 652 11,977 17,020 27,024 •• 30, 871 49, 050 13, 861 56, 451 10, 825 21, 934 305, 557 16, 597 55, 269 71, 866 19, 460 11,653 31, 103 14, 566 17, 024 20, 860 22, 635 53, 974 21,636 17,628 85,782 22, 563 276, 558 88,237 40,234 39, 934 11, 117 179, 522 1903 66, 921 14, 562 29, 246 36,438 2,944,165 219,571 14, 915 13,254 22,808 42,711 189, 742 22, 384 30, 415 355, 800 66, 062 22, 836 12,836 13, 160 104, 883 10,293 30, 469 15, 852 34,344 113, 669 82, 711 277,046 23,574 44,169 12, 062 17, 577 27, 192 •1 31, 742 50, 760 14,062 58,016 11, 116 22, 558 312, 818 16, 739 67, 138 73,877 19,856 11,730 31,585 14, 585 17, 276 21, 350 24, 100 55, 149 21,549 17, 628 86, 148 23,097 280, 882 92, 020 41,927 45, 102 11,661 103,474 166,282 61,808 170,324 * Decrease due to storm, September 8, 1900. ' Decrease. 190, 700 Land area (acres). 3, 109. 2 4,464.6 2, 190. 4 742.4 19, 328. 9, 292. 8 4, 080. 5,721.6 11, 706. 6 28,288,0 5, 632, 84, 790, 4 3, 276, 8 7, 175, 2, 472, 2,541,0 9, 876, 1 6, 322, 64, 327, 5, 629, 6 2, 240, 4, 268, 8 22,950.0 29,382.4 6, 433. 3 713.0 1, 745. 1. 242. 5 3,062.0 1, 600. 1,805.0 3. 623. 6 3, 532. 8 19,842.0 12, 960. 19, 598. 7 1, 986. 7 64, 386. 4 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 240.0 827.5 137.0 1,579.0 415.0 s 465.0 1,380.2 7, 534. 355.0 46, 772. 318,009.0 79.6 1, 138. 669.2 3 3,308.8 400.0 60.0 965.5 365.0 269.0 220.0 9, 130. 2 10,400.0 13, 104. 19 Table 2.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF INCORPORATED PLACES, WITH 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; LAND AREA; AND AREA ANNEXED; BY STATES AND TERRITORIES— Continued. CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN. OR VILLAGE. WEST VIRGINIA, Charleston city Huntington city Parkersburg city Wlieeling city Total WISCONSIN. Appleton city Ashland city Beloit city £au Claire city Fond du Lac city Green Bay city Janesville city Kenosha city La Crosse city Madison city Manitowoc city Marinette city Milwaukee city Oshkosh city Racine city Sheboygan city Superior city Wausau city Total WYOMING. Cheyenne city POPULATION. Eleventh Census, 1890. 6,742 10, 108 8,408 34, 522 59, 780 11, 869 9,956 6,315 17,415 12, 024 9,069 10, 836 6,532 25, 090 13, 426 7,710 11,523 204, 468 22, 836 21, 014 16, 359 11,983 9,253 Twelfth Census, 1900. 427, 678 11, 099 11,923 11, 703 38, 878 73, 603 15, 085 13, 074 10, 436 17, 517 15, 110 IS, 684 13, 185 11,606 28, 895 19, 164 11, 786 16, 195 285, 315 28,284 29, 102 22, 962 31, 091 12,354 599, 845 11,690 14,087 Decennial increase. 4,357 1, 815 3, 295 4,356 13, 823 3,216 3,118 4,121 102 3,086 9,615 2,349 5,074 3,805 5,738 4,076 4,672 80, 847 6,448 6,603 19, 108 3,101 172, 167 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 11,535 12, 106 12, 033 39,314 74, 987 16, 407 13, 386 10, 848 17,527 15. 419 19,170 13. 420 12, 113 29, 276 19, 738 12, 138 16, 662 296, 694 28, 829 29, 911 1 23, 328 33, 002 12,664 619, 532 14,327 1902 11,971 12, 287 12, 363 39, 750 76, 371 16, 729 13, 698 11, 260 17, 537 15, 728 19. 656 13, 655 12, 710 29. 657 20, 312 12,490 17, 129 304, 965 29, 374 30, 720 1 23, 694 34, 913 12, 974 636, 201 1903 12,407 12,469 16, 193 40, 186 81, 255 16, 051 14, 010 11, 672 17, 547 16,037 20, 142 13, 890 13,617 30, 038 20, 886 12,842 17, 596 312, 736 29, 919 31, 529 124,060 36, 824 13,284 652, 680 14, 807 Land area (acres). 3, 200. 10, 158. 4, 096. 9, 493. 4,800.0 5, 330. 9 4,320.0 1, 703. 3, 520. 14, 326. 8 4,920.6 2, 960. 3, 078. 23,424.0 4,158.0 Area an- nexed since 1890 (acres). 1,280.0 472.0 3, 455. 5 1,090.0 ' Based on state census. 20 Table 3.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1901, 1902, AND 1903, OF CITIES WITH 10,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE IN 1900. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISION. Continental United States. North Atlantic division . Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts . . . Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania . . . South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division , Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota ' . South Dakota , . . Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas Indian Territory i Oklahoma Texas Western division . Montana Idaho' Wyoming Colorado New Mexico'. Arizona! Utah Nevada' Washington . , Oregon California POPULATION OF CITIES WITH 10.000 IN- HABITANTS OE MOHE IN 1900. Eleventh Census, 1890. 18, 158, 066 9, 077, 621 122,172 103, 058 25, 316 1,657,235 247, 991 339, 346 3, 707, 197 826, 284 2,149,022 1, 419, 650 61, 431 457, 286 230, 392 217,168 59, 780 65, 861 84, 459 190,710 52, 563 5,621,871 146, 047 399, 342 499, 282 534, 500 427, 678 369, 315 280, 775 695, 528 10, 177 101, 184 158, 043 1, 134, 570 276, 4,54 202, 337 79,137 34, 098 264, 496 44, 137 9,484 224, 427 904,354 28, 536 11, 690 152, 795 59, 732 103, 474 46, 385 501, 742 Twelfth Census, 1900. 24, 047, 367 11, 958, 926 147,012 124, 361 30, 139 2, 050, 862 330, 030 461,462 4, 917, 781 1, 125, 018 2, 767, 261 1, 731, 919 76, 508 539, 676 278,-718 261, 980 73, 603 87, 447 100, 170 234, 688 79, 129 7, 670, 379 1,512,007 564, 581 2, 218, 030 681, 312 599, 845 461, 383 347, 356 919, 270 10, 266 168, 725 187, 605 1,449,274 345,246 260,487 107, 230 41,094 314,386 61, 390 20, 043 299, 398 1, 241, 1 14, 087 205, 703 69,844 165, 282 90, 426 640, 357 Decennial increase. 5, 889, 331 2, 876, 305 24,840 21,303 4,823 493, 627 82, 039 122, 116 1,210,584 298, 734 618, 239 312, 269 15, 077 82, 390 48, 326 44, 812 13, 823 21, 586 15, 711 43, 978 26,566 2,048,508 365, 960 165, 239 718, 748 146, 812 172, 167 92, 068 66, 580 223, 742 67,541 29, 562 314, 704 68, 792 58, 150 28, 093 6,996 49, 890 17.253 10, 559 74,971 337, 515 2,397 52, 908 61, 808 44, 041 138, 615 ESTIMATED POPULATION. 24,619,555 12, 242, 395 148, 961 126, 492 30, 621 2, 099, 810 338, 620 474, 589 5, 041, 902 1, 154, 219 2,827,181 1,763,414 77, 750 547, 915 283, 551 267, 199 74, 987 89,606 101,741 238, 879 81,786 7, 871, 343 1, 546, 244 580, 194 2, 289, 251 695, 282 619, 532 470, 081 354, 388 939, 079 10, 275 175, 479 191, 538 1,471,613 351, 186 265, 861 110, 039 41, 794 319, 275 62, 965 22, 097 298, 446 59, 875 14, 327 208, 852 70, 855 170, 324 93, 169 653, 388 1903 25,215,756 12, 532, 741 150, 910 128, 623 31,103 2,148,758 347, 210 486, 216 5, 170, 870 1, 183, 170 2, 885, 881 1, 806, 0.57 79, 000 556, 154 288, 384 276, 558 76, 371 91,765 103, 312 250, 070 84, 443 8,072,219 1,582,982 597, 930 2,360,818 708, 252 636, 201 478, 779 361, 381 958, 888 10,284 182,233 194, 471 1, 500, 928 356, 926 271, 235 112, 848 42, 494 324, 164 64, 540 23, 164 305, 557 1, 303, 811 64, 407 14, 567 211,004 71,866 179, 522 95, 912 666, 533 190» 12,818,990 152, 859 130, 754 31, 585 2, 197, 706 355, 800 497, 816 5,292,159 1, 216, 146 2, 944, 165 1, 841, 215 81, 300 564, 393 293, 217 280. 882 81, 255 93, 924 104. 883 254, 261 87, 100 8,272,105 1,621,544 614. 696 2, 430, 581 721,222 652, 680 487, 477 368, 524 978. 697 10, 293 188, 987 197, 404 1,530,855 362, 766 277, 045 115, 057 43, 194 329, 053 66,115 24, 207 312, 818 14,807 217, 993 73, 877 190, 700 98, 655 679, 678 Number of cities. 7 5 2 47 8 13 39 24 43 28 19 25 19 18 6 14 7 1 3 9 37 2 11 26 3 4 1 10 I No cities of 10,000 inhabitants or more. 21 Table 4.— ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR 1801, 1902, AND 1903, OF CITIES "WITH 10,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE IN 1900; STATES EXCLUSIVE OF CITIES; AND TOTAL POPULATION. STATE OR TERRITORY. Continental United States . Alabama . . Arizona! _ Arkansas .. California . Colorado .. ESTIMATED POPULATION OF STATES AND TERRITORIES EXCLUSIVE OF CITIES HAVING 10,000 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE IN 1900. 1901 52, 655, 412 1, 750, 187 126, 400 1,266,784 858, 000 341, 354 450, 963 108, 344 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida j 459, 637 Georgia | 2, 015, 143 Idahoi Illinois Indian Territory! Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky. Louisiana . Maine Maryland . Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada ! New Hampshire . New Jersey New Mexico ^ ... New York North Carolina . North Dakota 1.. Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode" Island . . South Carolina . South Dakota,. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . . West Virginia . Wisconsin Wyoming 169, 094 2,631,165 413, 248 1,967,763 1, 912, 322 1,269,833 1, 823, 903 1,088,5.54 548, 308 654, 694 761,761 1,75.5,591 1,316,669 1,535,643 2, 207, 769 194,436 901,434 41,833 288, 603 772, 651 198, 813 2, 356, 627 1,831,791 331, 962 2,657,464 409, 218 328, 289 3, 577, 430 98, 627 1,257,492 406, 114 1,779,624 2, 823, 729 211,779 314, 142 1,607,543 368,290 903,415 1,480,575 81, 202 1902 1903 53, 360, 680 1,778,907 129. 869 1,283,394 871,304 348, 711 454, 968 108, 461 469, 661 2, 048, 643 176, 416 2,658,810 434, 436 1,983,645 1, 940, 046 1,257,746 1, 845, 878 1, 109, 869 549, 162 661, 020 769, 038 1, 772, 512 1,343,327 1,561,110 2, 228, 143^ 201,713 905, 293 41. 331 289, 979 786, 651 202, 316 2, 362, 141 1,857,219 344, 778 2, 669, 390 440, 148 333,468 3,620,006 98, 728 1,274,838 419, 524 1,799,119 2,897,746 217, 653 314,782 1,622,882 378, 533 921, 633 1,491,773 83, 960 54, 093, 402 1, 807, 627 133, 338 1,300,004 884, 60S 356, 037 458, 973 108, 578 479, 785 2, 082, 143 183, 738 2, 686, 455 456,624 1,999,627 1,967,960 1,272,565 1,867,853 1,131,184 550, 016 667, 346 776, 315 1,789,425 1,369,985 1, 586, 577 2,248,517 208, 990 909, 152 40, 829 291,355 800, 651 205, 819 2,367,655 1, 882, 647 357, 594 2,681,316 471, 078 338, 647 3, 662, 582 98, 829 1,292,184 433, 634 1,818,178 2, 972, 656 221, 627 315,422 1,638,221 390, 926 939, 851 1,502,761 86,718 ESTIMATED POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING 10,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE IN 1900. 1901 24, 619, 665 110, 039 62, 965 653, 388 208, 852 474, 589 77, 750 283, 551 81, 786 238, 879 2,289,251 680, 194 354, 388 191, 538 351, 136 319, 275 148, 961 547, 915 2, 099, 810 695, 282 470, 081 41, 794 939, 079 59, 875 175,479 25,215,756 112, 848 64,540 666, 633 211, 004 486, 216 79, OCO 288, 384 84, 443 250, 070 1903 25, 806, 987 115, 657 66, 115 679, 678 217, 993 497, 816 81,300 293, 217 87, 100 254,261 2,360,818 2,430,581 126, 492 1, 154, 219 6, 041, 902 89, 606 1, 646, 244 22,097 93, 169 2,827,181 338, 620 101,741 10, 275 266, 861 298,446 70,855 80,621 267, 199 170, 324 74, 987 619, 532 14, 3'27 597,930 361,381 194, 471 356,926 324, 164 150, 910 566, 154 1, 148, 758 708, 262 478, 779 42, 494 9,58, 888 64, 407 182, 233 128, 623 1,183,170 5, 170, 870 91,765 1,682,982 23,164 95, 912 2, 885, 881 347. 210 103, 312 10,284 271, 235 305,557 71,866 31, 103 276, 558 179, 622 76, 371 636,201 14, 567 614. 696 368, 524 197, 404 362, 766 329, 0.53 152, 8.59 564, 393 2, 197, 706 721,222 487, 477 43, 194 978. 697 68, 112 188, 987 130, 754 1,216,146 6, 292, 159 93, 924 1,621,544 24,207 98, 6.55 2, 944, 165 355, 800 104, 883 10, 29.'^ 277, 045 312,838 73,877 31,585 280, 8.82 190, 700 81, 265 6-52,680 14,807 POPULA- TION AT TWELFTH CENSUS. 1900 75, 994, 575 1,828,697 122, 931 1,311,564 1,485,0.53 639, 700 908,420 184, 735 278, 718 528,642 2,216,331 161,772 4,821,550 392, 060 2,616,462 2,231,8.53 1,470,496 2,147,174 1, 381, 625 694,466 1,188,044 2, 805, 346 2, 420, 982 1,761,394 1,551,270 3, 106, 666 243, 329 1,066,300 42, 335 411, 688 1,883,669 196, 310 7, 268, 894 1,893,810 319, 146 4,167,545 398, 331 413, 536 6, 302, 115 428, .556 1, 340, 316 401, 570 2, 020, 616 3, 048, 710 276, 749 343, 641 1,854,184 518, 103 958, 800 2, 069, 042 92, 631 TOTAL ESTIMATED POPULATION. 1901 77,274,967 1, 860, 226 126,400 1, 329, 749 1, 811, 388 560, 206 925, 552 186, 094 283, 551 541, 323 2, 254, 022 169. 094 4, 920, 416 413, 248 2, 547, 957 2,266,710 1,461,371 2,175,039 1,407,829 697, 269 1,202,609 2,861,571 2, 450, 873 1, 786, 750 1, 577, 437 3, 146, 848 254, 311 1, 076, 913 41,833 416. 095 1,926,870 198, 813 7,398,529 1,921,397 331, 962 4,203,708 431,315 421,458 6, 404, 611 437, 247 1,359,233 415, 689 2,045,485 3, 122, 175 282, 634 344, 763 1, 874, 742 538, 614 978, 402 2, 100, 107 96, 529 1902 78, 676, 436 1, 891, 755 129, 869 1, 347, 934 1,837,837 559, 715 941,184 187, 461 288, 384 564,104 2, 298, 713 176, 416 5,019,628 434, 436 2,581,676 2,301,427 1,462,217 2, 202, 804 1,434,033 700,072 1,217,174 2, 917, 796 2, 480, 764 1,822,106 1, 603, 604 3, 187, 031 266, 120 1, 087, 526 41, 331 418, 602 1,969,821 202, 316 7, 533, Oil 1,948,984 344, 778 4, 252, 372 463, 312 429, 380 6, 505, 887 446, 938 1,378,150 429, 808 2,070,354 3,203,303 289, 519 345, 885 1,899,440 858, 055 998,004' 2, 127, 974 98, 527 1903 79, 900, 389 1,923,284 133, 338 1,366,119 1, 564, 286 574, 030 956, 789 189, 878 293, 217 566, 885 2, 336, 404 183, 738 5, 117, 036 465, 624 2,614,223 2, 336, 484 1,469,969 2, 230, 619 1, 460, 237 702, 875 1,231,739 2, 974, 021 2, 510, 647 1, 857, 462 1,629,771 3, 227, 214 277, 102 1, 098, 139 40, 829 422, 109 2,016,797 205,819 7, 659, 814 1,976,571 357, 594 4, 302, 860 495, 285 437, 302 6, 606, 747 454, 629 1,397,067 443, 927 2, 095, 223 3, 286, 474 295, 404 347, 007 1,919,103 581, 626 1,021,106 2, 156, 441 101,525 1 No cities of 10,000 inhabitants or more. o CO