% vi%? m TREATISE DOMESTIC ECONOMY, FOB THE USB OF YOUNG LADIES AT HOME, AT SCHOOL. BY MISS CATHERINE E. BEECHER. REVIfflD EI WITH NUMEKOUS ADDITi5*nl AND IHrelmATIVE ENGRAVINGS. NEW YORK: HAEPEK. & BllOTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 82 CLIFF STREET. 1848. < 2A'*' Entered, according to Act of Congress, m the year 1842, by Thomas H. Webb, & Co., /n the Clerk's Office of the DHrict Court of Massachusetts. \ w y TO AMERICAN MOTHERS, whose intelligence and virtues have inspired admira- tion and respect, whose experience has furnished many valuable suggestions, in this work, whose approbation will be highly valued, and whose influence, in promoting the object aimed at, is respectfully solicited, this work is dedicated, by their friend and countrywoman, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The author of this work was led to attempt it, by dis- covering, in her extensive travels, the deplorable sufferings of multitudes of young wives and mothers, from the com- bined influence of poor health, poor domestics, and a defect^ ive domestic education. The number of young women whose health is crushed, ere the first few years of married life are past, would seem incredible to one who has not in- vestigated this subject, and it would be vain to attempt to depict the sorrow, discouragement, and distress experien- ced in most families where the wife and mother is a perpet- ual invalid. The writer became early convinced that this evil results mainly from the fact, that young girls, especially in the more wealthy classes, are not trained for their profession. In early life, they go through a course of school training which results in great debility of constitution, while, at the same time, their physical and domestic education is almost wholly neglected. Thus they enter on their most arduous and sacred duties so inexperienced and uninformed, and with so little muscular and nervous strength, that probably there is not one chance in ten, that young women of the present day, will pass through the first years of married life without such prostration of health and spirits as makes life a burden to themselves, and, it is to be feared, such as se- riously interrupts the confidence and happiness of married life. The measure which, more than any other, would tend to remedy this evil, would be to place domestic economy on an PREFACE. equality with the other sciences in female schools. This should be done because it can be properly and systemati- cally taught {not practically, but as a science), as much so as political economy or moral science, or any other branch of study ; because it embraces knowledge, which will be needed by young women at all times and in all places ; because this science can never be properly taught until it is made a branch of study ; and because this method will secure a dignity and importance in the estimation of young girls, which can never be accorded while they perceive their teachers and parents practically attaching more value to every other department of science than this. When young ladies are taught the construction of their own bod- ies, and all the causes in domestic life which tend to weak- en the constitution ; when they are taught rightly to ap- preciate and learn the most convenient and economical modes of performing all family duties, and of employing time and money ; and when they perceive the true estimate accorded to these things by teachers and friends, the grand cause of this evil will be removed. Women will be train- ed to secure, as of first importance, a strong and healthy constitution, and all those rules of thrift and economy that will make domestic duty easy and pleasant. To promote this object, the writer prepared this volume as a text-book for female schools. It has been examined by the Massachusetts Board of Education, and been deem- ed worthy by them to be admitted as a part of the Massa- chusetts School Library. It has also been adopted as a text-book in some of our largest and most popular female schools, both at the East and West. The following, from the pen of Mr. George B. Emmer- son, one of the most popular and successful teachers in our country, who has introduced this \ybrk as a text-book in PREFACE. 7 his own school, will exhibit the opinion of one who has formed his judgment from experience in the use of the work : '* It may be objected that such things cannot be taught by books. Why not 1 Why may not the structure of the human body, and the laws of health deduced 'therefrom, be as well taught as the laws of natural philosophy ? W^hy are not the application of these laws to the management of infants and young children as important to a woman as the appUcation of the rules of arithmetic to the extrac- tion of the cube root ? Why may not the properties of the atmosphere be explained, in reference to the proper venti- lation of rooms, or exercise in the open air, as properly as to the burning of steel or sodium 1 Why is not the human skeleton as curious and interesting as the air-pump ; and the action of the brain, as the action of a steam-engine 1 Why may not the healthiness of different kinds of food and drink, the proper modes of cooking, and the rules in refer- ence to the modes and times of taking them, be discussed as properly as rules of grammar, or facts in history ? Are not the principles that should regulate clothing, the rules of cleanliness, the advantages of early rising and domestic exercise, as readily communicated as the principles of min- eralogy, or rules of syntax 1 Are not the rules of Jesus Christ, applied to refine domestic manners and preserve a good temper, as important as the abstract principles of eth- ics, as taught by Paley, Wayland, or JoufFroy 1 May not the advantages of neatness, system, and order, be as well illustrated in showing how they contribute to the happiness of a family, as by showing how they add beauty to a copy- book, or a portfolio of drawings ? Would not a teacher be as well employed in teaching the rules of economy, in regard to time and expenses, or in regard to dispensing charity, as in teaching double, or single entry in book-keep- PBEFACB ing ? Are not the principles that should guide in construct- ing a house, and in warming and ventilating it properly, as important to young girls as the principles of the Athenian Commonwealth, or the rules of Roman tactics ? Is it not as important that children should be taught the dangers to the mental faculties, when over-excited on the one hand, or left unoccupied on the other, as to teach them the con- flicting theories of political economy, or the speculations of metaphysicians'? For ourselves, we have always found children, especially girls, peculiarly ready to listen to what they saw would prepare them for future duties. The truth, that education should h^ a preparation for actual, real life, has the greatest force with children. The constantly-recur- ring inquiry, * What will be the use of this study V is al- ways satisfied by showing, that it will prepare for any duty, relation, or office which, in the natural course of things, will be hkely to come. " We think this book extremely well suited to be used as a text-book in schools for young ladies, and many chap- ters are well adapted for a reading book for children of both sexes." To this the writer would add the testimony of a lady who has used this work with several classes of young girls and young ladies. She remarked that she had never known a school-book that awakened more interest, and that some young girls would learn a lesson in this when they would study nothing else. She remarked, also, that when reciting the chapter on the construction of houses, they be- came greatly interested in inventing plans of their own, which gave an opportunity to the teacher to point out dif- ficulties and defects. Had this part of domestic economy been taught in schools, our land would not be so defaced with awkward, misshapen, inconvenient, and, at the same time, needlessly expensive houses, as it now is. PREFACE. 9 Although the writer was trained to the care of children, and to perform all branches of domestic duty, by some of the best of housekeepers, much in these pages is offered, not as the result of her own experience, but as what has obtained the approbation of some of the most judicious mothers and housekeepers in thje nation. The articles on Physiology and Hygiene, and those on horticulture, were derived from standard works on these subjects, and are sanctioned by the highest authorities. Miss Beecher^s Domestic Receipt Book is another work prepared by the author of the Domestic Economy, in connexion with several experienced housekeepers, and is designed for a supplement to this work. On pages 354, 355*, and 356* will be found the Preface and Analysis of that work, the two books being designed for a complete course of instructions on every department of Domestic Economy. The copyright interest in these two works is held by a board of gentlemen appointed for the purpose, who, after paying a moderate compensation to the author for the time and labour spent in preparing these works, will employ all the remainder paid over by the publishers, to aid in edu- cating and locating such female teachers as wish to be era- ployed in those portions of our country, which are most destitute of schools. The contract with the publisher provides that the pub- lisher shall guaranty the sales and thus secure against any losses for bad debts, for which he shall receive fiv« per cent. He shall charge twenty per cent, for commis- sions paid to retailers, and also the expenses of printing, paper, and binding, at the current market prices, and make no other charges. The net profits thus determined are then to be divided equally, the publishers taking one half, and paying the other half to the board above mentioned CONTENTS. Pr£FACE, . . . , y CHAPTER 1. PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES OF AMERICAN WOMEN. American Women should feel a peculiar Interest in Democratic Institutions. The Maxim of our Civil Institutions. Its Iden- tity with the main Principle of Christianity. Relations involv- ing Subordination ; why they are needful. Examples. How these Relations are decided in a Democracy. What decides the Equity of any Law or Institution. The Principle of Aris- tocracy. The Tendency of Democracy in Respect to the Inter- ests of Women. Illustrated in the United States. Testimony of De Tocqueville. Miss Martineau's Misrepresentations. In what Respects are Women subordinate ? and why ? Wherein are they equal or superior in Influence ? and how are they placed by Courtesy ? How can American Women rectify any real Disadvantages involved in our Civil Institutions ? Opinion nt De Tocqueville as to tlie Influence and Example of Ameri- can Democracy. Responsibilities involved in this View, espe cialiy those of American Women, ,25 CHAPTER II. DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR TO AMERICAN WOMEN. A Law of Moral Action to be noted. Its Application. Consid- erations to be borne in Mind, in appreciating peculiar Trials. Application to American Women. Difference between this and Aristocratic Countries. How this affects the Interests of American Women. Effect of Wealth, in this Country, on Do- mestic Service. Effects on the Domestic Comfort of Women. I^^P^'^^Pecj^iar Trial of American Women. Extent of this Evil. 1 he Writer's Observation on this Point. Effects on the Anticipations of Mothers and Daughters. Infrequency of Healthful Women in the Wealthy Classes. Causes which op- erate to undermine the Female Constitution. Excitement of Mind Course of Intellectual Training. Taxation, in Domes- tic Life, of Amencan Mothers and Housekeepers. Exercise IS CONTENTS. and Fresh Air needful to balance Mental Excitement. Defect in American, compared with English, Customs, in this Respect. Difference in the Health and Youthfulness of Appearance be- tween English and American Mothers. Liabilities of Ameri- can Women to the uncommon Exposures of a New Country Remarks of De Tocqueville and the Writer on tiiis Point, . 3H CHAPTER ni. REMEDIES FOR THE PRECEDING DIFFICULTIES. First Remedy suggested. Obligations of Wealthy Ladies on thiv Point. How a Dearth of Domestics may prove a Blessing. Second Remedy. Domestic Economy should be taught in Schools. Third Remedy. Reasons for endowing Colleges and Professional Schools. Similar Reasons exist for endowing Female Institutions. Present Evils in conducting Female Ed- ucation. A Sketch of a Model Female Institution. Accom- modations provided. Mode of securing Exercise to Pupils. Objections to this answered. Calisthenics. Course of Intel- lectual Discipline adopted. Mode of Division of Labor adopt- ed. Example of Illinois in Regard to Female Education. Economy of Health and Time secured by such Institutions. Plan suggested for the Early Education of Young Girls. Last Remedy suggested, 48 CHAPTER IV. ON DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A BRANCH OF STUDY. Impediment to making Domestic Economy a Study at School. First Reason why it should be so made. State of Domestic Service precarious. Second Reason. Examples illustrating. Third Reason. Questions asked. First Objection ; how an- swered. Next Objection ; how answered. Next Objection j how answered. Last Reason, 63 CHAPTER V. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. importance of a Knowledge of the Laws of Health, and of the Human System, to Females. Construction of the Human Frame. Bones ; their Structure, Design, and Use. Engrav- ing and Description. Spinal Column. Engravings of Verte- bras. Exercise of the Bones. Muscles ; their Constitution, Use, and Connection with the Bones. Engraving and Descrip- tion. Operation of Muscles. Nerves ; their Use. Spinal Column. Engravings and Descriptions. Distortions of the Spine. Engravings and Descriptions. Blood-Vessels ; their Object. Engravings and Descriptions. The Heart, and its Connection with the System. Engravings and Description?, CONTENTS. 13 Organs of Digestion and Respiration. Engraving and Description. Process of Digestion. * Circulation of the Blood. Process of Respiration. Necessity of Pure Air. The Skin. Process of Perspiration. Insensible Perspiration. Heat of the Body. Absorbents. Importance of frequent Ablutions and Change of Garments. Follicles of Oily Matter m the Skm. Nerves of Feeling, 63 CHAPTER VI. ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. Responsibility of a Housekeeper in Regard to Health and Food. The most fruitful Cause of Disease. Gastric Juice ; how pro- portioned. Hunger the Natural Guide as to Quantity of Food. A Benevolent Provision ; how perverted, and its Effects. A Morbid Appetite, how caused. Effects of too much Food in the Stomach. Duty of a Housekeeper in Reference to this. Proper Time for taking Food. Peristaltic Motion. Need of- Rest to the Muscles of the Stomach. Time necessary between each Meal. Exceptions of hard Laborers and active Children. Exercise ; its Effect on all parts of the Body. How it produces Hunger. What is to be done by those who have lost the Guid- ance of Hunger in regulating the Amount of Food. On Qual- ity of Food. Difference as to Risk from bad Food, between Healthy Persons who exercise, and those of Delicate and Seden- tary Habits. Stimulating Food ; its Effects. Condiments need ed only for Medicine, and to be avoided as Food. Difference between Animal and Vegetable Food. Opinion of some Med ical Men. Medical Men agree as to the Excess of Animal Food in American Diet. Extracts from Medical Writers on this Point. Articles most easily digested. The most Unhealth- ful Articles result from bad cooking. Caution as to Mode of Eating. Reason why Mental and Bodily Exertions are injuri- ous after a full Meal. Changes in Diet should be gradual ; and why. Drink most needed at Breakfast; and why. Dinner should be the heartiest Meal ; and why. Little Drink to be taken while eating; and why. Extremes of Heat or Cold, why injurious in Food. Fluids immediately absorbed from the Stomach. Why Soups are hard of Digestion. Case of Alexis St. Martin. Why highly-concentrated Nourishment is not good for Health. Beneficial Effects of using Unbolted Flour. Scarcity of Wheat under William Pitt's Administration, and its Effects. Causes of a Debilitated Constitution from the Misuse of Food, ^^ CHAPTER VII. ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. Responsibility of a Housekeeper in this Respect. Stimulating Drinks not required for the Perfection of the Human System. 2 D. E. 4 CONTENTS. Therefore they are needless. First Evil in using them. Sec ond Evil. Five Kinds of Stimulating Articles in Use in this Country. First Argument in Favor of Stimulants, and how answered. Second Argument; how answered. The Writer's View of the Effects of Tea and Coffee on American Females., fj Duty in Reference to Children. Black Tea the most harmless Stimulant. Warm Drinks not needful. Hot Drinks injurious. Effect of Hot Drinks on Teeth. Mexican Customs and their Effects illustrating this. Opinion of Dr. Combe on this subject. Difference between the Stimulus of Animal Food and the Stimulating Drinks used. Common Habit of Drinking freely of Cold Water debilitating. Persons taking but little Exer- cise require but httle Drink, ... 106 CHAPTER Vni. ON CLOTHING. Calculations made from Bills of Mortality ; and Inference from them. Causes of Infant Mortality. Of the Circulation in In- fancy. Warm Dress for Infants ; and why. Investigations in France, and Results. Dangers from the opposite Extreme. Effects oftoo much Clothing. Rule of Safety. Featherbeds; why unhealthy in Warm Weather. Best Nightgowns for Young Children, Clothing ; how to be proportioned. Irra- tional Dress of Women. Use of Flannel next the Skin. Evils of Tight Dresses to Women. False Taste in our Prints of Fashions, Modes in which Tight Dresses operate to weaken the Constitution. Rule of Safety as to Looseness of Dress. Example of English Ladies in Appropriateness of Dress, . . 112 CHAPTER IX. ON GliEANLINESS. Importance of Cleanliness not realized, without a Knowledge of the Nature of the Skin. Foundation of the Maxim respecting the Healthfulness of Dirt. Office of the Skin. Other Organs which perform similar Duties. Amount of Matter daily exhaled by the Skin. Effect of a Chill upon the Skin, when perspiring. Illustration of this. Effect of closing the Pores of the Skin, with Dirt or other Matter. The Skin absorbs Matter into the Blood. Reasons for a Daily Ablution of the whole Body. Ef- fects of Fresh Air on Clothing worn next the Skin. Ameri- cans compared with other Nations as to Care of the Skin. Cautions in Regard to a Use of the Bath. How to decide when Cold Bathing is useful. Warm Bath tends to prevent Colds ; and why. When a Bath should be taken. Advantages of General Ablutions to Children. Care of the Teeth, . . . .118 CONTENTS. Il5 CHAPTER X. ON EARLY RISING. Universal Impression in Respect to this Practice. Why it should be regarded as American and Democratic. Practice in Aris- tocratic Circles in England. Appeal to American Women. First Consideration in Favor of Early Rising. Another Physiological Reason in its Favor. Another Reason. Time necessary for Sleep. Proper Hours for Rising and Retiring. Evils of protracted Sleep. Testimony of Sir John Sinclair. Another Reason for Early Rising. Responsibility of Parents for the Health and Industry of a Family. Effects of Early Rising on General Society, 125i CHAPTER XI. ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. Causes which produce Delicacy and Decay of the Female Con- stitution. Want of Exercise. Neglect of the Laws of Health. Want of Pure Air. Objectionable Amusements. Sleeping by Day. Want of Exercise a greater Cause of these Evils, than all the Others combined. Importance of understanding the Influence of the Neglect or Abuse of the Muscular System. Nerves of Sensation and of Motion. Both need Exercise. Rules for Exercise. Importance of a Feeling of Interest in taking Exercise. Walks merely for Exercise. Exercise most proper for Young Girls. Exercise, more than any Thing else, imparts fresh Strength and Vitality to all Parts of the Body. Mistakes of Mothers and Teachers on this Subject. Effects of neglecting to use the Muscles ; Effects of excessive Use of them. Effect of School Confinement and Seats. Extract from the Young Lady's Friend. Lady Montagu. Daughter of a French Nobleman, 129 CHAPTER XIL ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. What are Good-manners. Defect in American Manners. Cold- ness and Reserve of the Descendants of the Puritans accounted for. Cause of the Want of Courtesy in American Manners. Want of Discrimination. Difference of Principles regulating Aristocratic and Democratic Manners. Rules for regulating the Courtesies founded on Precedence of Age, Office, and Sta- tion, in a Democracy. Manners appropriate to Superiors and Subordinates. Miss Martineau's Remarks on the Universal Practice of Americans to give Precedence to Woman. Pecu- liar Defect of Americans in this Respect. This to be remedied in the Domestic Circle, alone. Rules of Precedence to be en- forced in the Family. Manners and Tones towards Superiors to be regulated in the Family. Treatment of grown Brothers and Sisters by Young Children. Acknowledgement of Favors by Chil assistants. The writer has never before seen the prin- ciple of the division of labor and responsibility so per- fectly carried out in any female institution ; and she believes that experience will prove that this is the true model for combining, in appropriate proportions, the agency of both sexes in carrying forward such an insti- tution. There are cases where females are well quali- fied, and feel willing to take the place occupied by the principal ; but such cases are rare. One thing more should be noticed, to the credit of the rising State where this Institution is located. A female association has been formed, embracing a large portion of the ladies of standing and wealth, the design of which, is, ta educate, gratuitously, at this, and other similar, institutions, such females as are anxious to ob- tain a good education, and are destitute of the means. If this enterprise is continued, with the same energy and perseverance as has been manifested during the last few years, that State will take the lead of her sister States ia well-educated women; and if the views in the pre- ceding pages are correct, this will give her precedence in every intellectual and moral advantage. Many, who are not aware of the great economy se- cured by a proper division of labor, will not understand how so extensive a course can be properly completed in three years. But in this Institution, none are re- ceived under fourteen ; and a certain amount of pre- vious acquisition is required, in order to admission, as is done in our colleges. This secures a diminution of classes, so that but few studies are pursued at one time ; while the number of well-qualified teachers is so adequate, that full time is afforded for all needful in- struction and illustration. Where teachers have so many classes, that they merely have time to find out what the pupils learn from books, without any aid from their teachers, the acquisitions of the pupils are vague and imperfect, and soon pass away ; so that an im-- mense amount of expense, time, and labor, is spent in acquiring or recalling what is lost about as fast as it is gained. 60 REMEDIES FOR THESE DIFFICULTIES. Parents are little aware of the immense waste incurred by the present mode of conducting female education. In the wealthy classes, young girls are sent to school, as a matter of course, year after year, confined, for six hours a day, to the schoolhouse, and required to add some time out of school to learning their lessons. Thus, during the most critical period of life, they are for a long time immured in a room, filled with an atmosphere vitiated by many breaths, and are constantly kept under some sort of responsibility in regard to mental effort. Their studies are pursued at random, often changed with changing schools, while book after book (heavily taxing the parent's purse) is conned awhile, and then supplanted by others. Teachers have usually so many pupils, and such a variety of branches to teach, that little time can be afforded to each pupil ; while scholars, at this thoughtless period of life, feeling sure of going to school as long as they please, manifest little interest in their pursuits. The writer believes that the actual amount of educa- tion, permanently secured by most young ladies from the age of ten to fourteen, could all be acquired in one year, at the Institution described, by a young lady at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Instead of such a course as the common one, if mothers would keep their daughters as their domestic assistants, until they are fourteen, requiring them to study one lesson, and go out, once a day, to recite it to a teacher, it would abundantly prepare them, after their constitutions are firmly established, to enter such an institution, where, in three years, they could secure more, than almost any young lady in the Country now gains by giving the whole of her youth to school pursuits. In the early years of female life, reading, writing, needlework, drawing, and music, should alternate with domestic duties ; and one hour a day, devoted to some study, in addition to the above pursuits, would be all that is needful to prepare them for a thorough educa- REMEDIES FOR THESE DIFFICULTIES. 61 tion after growth is attained, and the constitution estab hshed. This is the time when young women would feel the value of an education, and pursue their studies with that maturity of mind, and vividness of interest, which would double the perpetuity and value of all their acquisitions. The great difficulty, which opposes such a plan, is, the want of institutions that would enable a young lady to complete, in three years, the liberal course of study, here described. But if American mothers become con- vinced of the importance of such advantages for their daughters, and will use their influence appropriately and efficiently, they will certainly be furnished. There are other men of liberality and wealth, besides the indi- vidual referrea to, who can be made to feel that a for- tune, expended in securing an appropriate education to American women, is as wisely bestowed, as in founding colleges for the other sex, who are already so abundant- ly supplied. We ought to have institutions, similar to the one described, in every part of this Nation; and funds should be provided, for educating young women destitute of means : and if American women think and feel, that, by such a method, their own trials will be lightened, and their daughters will secure a healthful constitution and a thorough domestic and in- tellectual education, the appropriate expression of their wishes will secure the necessary funds. The tide of charity, which has been so long flowing from the female hand to provide a liberal education for young men, will flow back with abundant remuneration. The last method suggested for lessening the evils pe- cuhar to American women, is, a decided effort to oppose the aristocratic feeling, that labor is degrading; and to bring about the impression, that it is refined and lady- like to engage in domestic pursuits. In past ages, and in aristocratic countries, leisure and indolence and friv- olous pursuits have been deemed lady-like and refined, because those classes, which were most refined, counte- nanced such an opinion. But whenever ladies of refine 6 D. K. 6^ REMEDIES FOR THESE DIFFICULTIES. ment, as a general custom, patronise domestic pursuits, then these employments will be deemed lady-like. It may be urged, however, that it is impossible for a woman who cooks, washes, and sweeps, to appear in the dress, or. acquire the habits and manners, of a lady ; that the drudgery of the kitchen is dirty work, and that no one can appear delicate and refined, while engaged in it. Now all this depends on circumstances. If a woman has a house, destitute of neat and convenient facilities ; if she has no habits of order and system ; if she is re- miss and careless in person and dress ;-^-then all this may be true. But, if a woman will make some sacri- fices of costly ornaments in her parlor, in order to make her kitchen neat and tasteful ; if she will sacrifice ex- pensive dishes, in order to secure such conveniences for labor as protect from exposures ;, if shje will take pains to have the dresses, in which sh^ works, made of suita- ble materials, and in good taste; if shie will rise early, and systematize and oversee the work Qf her family, so as to have it done thoroughly, neatly, a>nd in the early part of the day ; she will find no necessity for^ ^y such apprehensions. It is because s\kch work has generally been done by vulgar people, and in a, yu^ar way, that we have such associations; and when ladies manage such things, as ladies should, then such asso. E. IP DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A naces, alembics, and the various utensils employed m cooking the cheniical agents? Do they not study the various processes of mechanics, and learn to understand and to do many as difficult operations, as any that be- long to housekeeping ? All these things are explained, studied, and recited in classes, when every one knows that httle practical use can ever be made of this knowl- edge. Why, then, should not that science and art, which a woman is to practise during her whole fife, be studied and recited ? It may be urged, that, even if it is studied, it will soon be forgotten. And so will much of every thing studied at school. But why should that knowledge, most needful for daily comfort, most liable to be in de- mand, be the only study omitted, because it may be forgotten ? It may also be objected, that young ladies can get such books, and attend to them out of school. And so they can get books on Chemistry and Philosophy, and study them out of school ; but will they do it ? And why ought we not to make sure of the most necessary knowledge, and let the less needful be omitted ? If young ladies study such a work as this, in school, they will remember a great part of it ; and, when they for- get, in any emergency, they will know where to resort for instruction. But if such books are not put into schools, probably not one in twenty will see or hear of them, especially in those retired places where they are most needed. And is it at all probable, that a branch, which is so lightly esteemed as to be deemed unworthy a place in the list of female studies, will be sought for and learned by young girls, who so seldom look into works of soHd instruction after they leave school ? So deeply is the writer impressed with the importance of this, as a branch of female education, at school, that she would deem it far safer and wiser to omit any other, rather than this. Another reason, for introducing such a branch of study into female schools, is, the influence it would ex- 5R4.NCH OF STUDY. 6Tf ert, in leading young ladies more correctly to estimate the iniportance and dignity of domestic knowledge. It is now often the case, that young ladies rather pride themselves on their ignorance of such subjects ; and seem to imagine that it is vulgar and ungenteel to li^jiow how to work. This is one of the relics of an piristoeratie state of society, which is fast passing away. Here, the tendency of every thing is to the equalisation of labor, so that all classes are feeling, more and more, that indolence is disreputable. And there are many liiothers, among the best educated and most wealthy classes, who are bringing up their daughters, not only to know how to do, but actually to do, all kinds of do^ mestic work. The writer knows young ladies, who are daughters of men of wealth and standing, and who g,re among the most accomplished in their sphere, who have for months been sent to work with a mantuama^ ker, to acquire a practical knowledge of her occupation, and who have at home learned to perform all kinds of domestic labor. And let the young women of this Nation find, that Domestic Economy is placed, in schools, on equal or superior ground to Chemistry, Philosophy, and Mathe- matics, and they will blush to be found ignorant of its first principles, as much as they will to hesitate respect- ing the laws of gravity, or the composition of the at- mosphere. But, as matters are now conducted, many young ladies know how to make oxygen and hydrogen, and to discuss questions of Philosophy or Political Economy, far better than they know how to make a bed and sweep a room properly ; and they can " con-^ struct a diagram" in Geometry, with far more skill than they can make the simplest article of female dress. It may be urged, that the plan suggested by the writer, in the previous pages, would make such a book as this needless ; for young ladies would learn all these things at honie, before they go to school. But it must be remembered, that the plan suggested cannot fully be carried into effect, till such endowed institutions, as the ©9 ON THE CARE OP HEALTH. one described, are universally furnished. This proba- bly will not be done, till at least one generation of young women are educated. It is only on the suppo- sition that a young lady can, at fourteen or fifteen years of age, ehter such an institution, and continue there three years, that it would be easy to induce her to re- main, during all the previous period, at home, in the practice of Domestic Economy, and the limited course of study pointed out. In the present imperfect, desul- tory, varying, mode of female education, where studies are begun, changed, partially learned, and forgotten, it requires nearly all the years of a woman's youth, to acquire the intellectual education now demanded' While this state of things continues, the only remedy is, to introduce Domestic Economy as a study at school. It is hoped that these considerations will have weight, not only with parents and teachers, but with young la- dies themselves, and that all will unite their influence to introduce this, as a popular and universal branch of education, into every female school. CHAPTER V. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. There is no point, where a woman is more liable to sufier from a want of knowledge and experience, than in reference to the health of a family committed to her care. Many a young lady, who never had any charge of the sick ; who never took any care of an infant ; who never obtained information on these subjects from books, or from the experience of others ; in short, with little or no preparation ; has found herself the principal attendant in dangerous sickness, the chief nurse of a feeble infant, and the responsible guardian of the health of a whole family. The care, the fear, the perplexity, of a woman, sud ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 69 denly called to these unwonted duties, none can real- ize, till they themselves feel it, or till they see some young and anxious novice first attempting to meet such responsibihties. To a woman of age and experience, these duties often involve a measure of trial and diffi- culty, at times deemed almost insupportable ; how hard, then, must they press on the heart of the young and inexperienced ! There is no really efficacious mode of preparing a woman to take a rational care of the health of a family, except by communicating that knowledge, in regard to the construction of the body, and the laws of health, which is the basis of the medical profession. Not that a woman should undertake the minute and extensive investigation requisite for a physician ; but she should gain a general knowledge of first principles, as a guide to her judgement in emergencies when she can rely on no other aid. Therefore, before attempting to give any specific directions on the subject of this chapter, a short sketch of the construction of the human frame will be given, with a notice of some of the general principles, on which specific rules in regard to health are based. This description will be arranged under the general heads of Bones, Muscles, Nerves, Blood-Vessels, Organs of Digestion and Respiration, and the Skin. BONES. The bones are the most sohd parts of the body. They are designed to protect and sustain it, and also to secure voluntary motion. They are about two hun- dred and fifty in number, (there being sometimes a few more or less,) and are fastened together by cartilage, or gristle, a substance hke the bones, but softer, and more elastic. In order to convey a more clear and correct idea of the form, relative position, and connection, of the bones constituting the human framework, the engraving on page 70, (Fig. 1,) is given. 70 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. By the preceding engraving, it will be seen^ that the cranium, or slcuU, consists of several distinct pieces, which are united by sutures, (or seams,) as represented by the zigzag Unes ; a, being the frontal bone ; 6, the parietal bone ; c, the temporal bone ; and d, the place of the oc- cipital bone, which forms the back part of the head, and therefore is not seen in the engraving. The nasal bones, or bones of the nose, are shown at e; f, is the cheek bone; g, the upper, and h, the lower, jaw bones ; ij i, the spinal column, or back bone, consisting of nuu^^rous ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 71 small bones, called vertebrcR ; j, j, the seven true ribs, which are fastened to the spine, behind, and by the car- tilages, Jc, Jc, to the sternum, or breast bone, I, in front ; m, m, are the first three false ribs, which are so called, because they are not united directly to the breast bone, but by cartilages to the seventh true rib ; n, n, are the lower two false, which are also called floating, ribs, be- cause they are not connected with the breast bone, nor the other ribs, in front ; o, o, p, q, are the bones of the pelvis, which is the foundation on which the spine rests ; r, r, are the collar bones ; s, s, the shoulder blades; t, t, the bones of the upper arm ; u, u, the elbow joints, where the bones of the upper arm and fore arm are united in such a way that they can move like a hinge ; v w, v w, are the bones of the fore arm; x, x, those of the wrists ; y, y, those of the fingers ; z, z, are the round heads of the thigh bones, where they are inserted into the sockets of the bones of the pelvis, giving motion in every direc- tion, and forming the hip joint ; a b, a b, are the thigh bones ; c, c, the Icnee joints ; d e, d e, the leg bones ; f, f, the anlcle joints ; g, g, the bones of the foot. The bones are composed of two substances, — one animal, and the other mineral. The animal part is a very fine network, called the cellular membrane. In this, are deposited the harder mineral substances, which are composed principally of carbonate and phosphate of lime. In very early life, the bones consist chiefly of the animal part, and are then soft and pliant. As the child advances in age, the bones grow harder, by the gradual deposition of the phosphate of lime, which is supplied by the food, and carried to the bones by the blood. In old age, the hardest material preponderates ; making the bones more brittle than in earlier life. As we shall soon have occasion to refer, particularly, to the spinal, or vertebral column, and the derangement to which it is liable, we ^ve, on page 72, representa- tions of the different classes of vertebrae ; viz. the cervi- cal, (from the Latin, cervix, the neck,) the dorsal, (from dorsum, the back,) and lumbar, (from lumbus, the loins.) 72 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Fig. 2. Fig. 2, represents one of the cervical vertehrcB, Seven of these, placed one above another, constitute that part of the spine which is in the neck. Fig. 3. Fig. 3, is one of the dorsnl vertebra, twehe of which, form the cf^^.Uai part of the spine. Fig. 4. ON THE CASE OF HEALTH. 73 Fig. 4, represents one of the lumbar vertehrcB, (five in number,) which are immediately above the sacrum. These vertebras are so fastened, that the spine can bend, in any direction ; and the muscles of the trunk are used in holding it erect, or in varying its move- ments. By the drawings here presented, it will be seen, that the vertebrae of the neck, back, and loins, differ some- what in size and shape, although they all possess the same constituent parts ; thus. A, in each, represents the body of the vertebrae ; B, the articulating processes, by which each is joined to its fellow, above and below it ; C, the spinous process, or that part of the vertebra, which forms the ridge to be felt, on pressure, the whole length of the centre of the back. The back bone re- ceives its name, spine, or spinal column, from these spinous processes. It is the universal law of the human frame, that exer- cise is indispensable to the health of the several parts. Thus, if a blood-vessel be tied up, so as not to be used, it shrinks, and becomes a useless string ; if a muscle be condemned to inaction, it shrinks in size, and diminishes in power ; and thus it is also with the bones. Inactivi- ty produces softness, debility, and unfitness for the func- tions they are designed to perform. This is one of the causes of the curvature of the spine, that common and pernicious defect in the females of America. From in- activity, the bones of the spine become soft and yielding ; and then, if the person is often placed, for a length of time, in positions that throw the weight of the body unequally on certain portions of the spine, they yield to this frequent compression, and a distortion ensues. The positions taken by young persons, when learning to write or draw, or to play on the guitar, harp, or piano, and the position of the body when sleeping on one side, on high pillows, all tend to produce this effect, by throwing the weight of the body unequally, and for a length of time, on particular parts of the spine. 7 D. E. 74 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Fi^. 5. MUSCLES. The muscles are the chief organs of motion, and con- sist of collections of fine fibres or strings, united in ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 75 casings of membrane or thin skin. They possess an elastic power, like India rubber, which enables them to extend and contract. The red meat in animals consists of muscles. Every muscle has connected with it nerves, veins, and arteries ; and those designed to move the bones, are fastened to them by tendons at their extrem ities. The muscles are laid over each other, and are separated by means of membranes and layers of fat, which enable them to move easily, without interfering with each other. The figure on page 74, represents the muscles of the arm, as they appear when the skin and fat are removed. The muscles a and h are attached, at their upper ends, to the bone of the arm, and by their lower ends to the upper part of the fore arm, near the elbow joint. When the fibres of these muscles contract, the middle part of them gTows larger, and the arm is bent at the elbow. The muscle c, is, in like manner, fastened, by its upper end, to the shoulder blade and the upper part of the arm, and by its lower end to one of the bones of the fore arm, near the elbow. When the arm is bent, and we wish to straighten it, it is done by contracting this muscle. The muscles d, d, are fastened at one end near the elbow joint, and at the other near the ends of the fingers ; and on the back of the hand are reduced in size, appearing like strong cords. These cords are called tendons. They are employed in straightening the fingers, when the hand is shut. These tendons are confined by the ligament or band, e, which binds them down, around the wrist, and thus enables them to act more efficiently, and secures beauty of form to the limb. The muscles at /, are those which eAable us to turn the hand and arm outward. Every different motion of the arm has one muscle to produce.it, and another to restore the limb to its natural position. Those muscles which bend the body are called ^ea?or5 ; those which straighten it, extensors. When the arm is thrown up, one set of muscles is used ; to pull it down, another set : when it is thrown forward, a still different set is used ; when it T6 ON THE CAE-E OF HEALTH. is thrown back, another, different from the former ; when the arm turns in its socket, still another set is used ; and thus every different motion of the body is made by a different set of muscles. All these muscles are compact- ly and skilfully arranged, so as to work with perfect ease. Among them, run the arteries, veins, and nerves, which supply each muscle with blood and nervous power, as will be hereafter described. The size and strength of the muscles depend greatly on their frequent exer- cise. If left inactive, they grow thin and weak, instead of giving the plumpness to the figure, designed by Na- ture. The dehcate and feeble appearance of many American women, is chiefly owing to the little use they make of their muscles. Many a pale, puny, shad-shaped girl, would have become a plump, rosy, well-formed person, if half the exercise, afforded to her brothers in the open air, had been secured to her, during childhood and youth. NERVES.. • The nerves are the organs of sensation. They enable us to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell ; and also combine with the bones and muscles in producing motion. The first engraving, on p. 77, (Fig. 6,) is a vertical section of the skull, and of the spinal column, or back bone, which supports the head, and through which runs the spinal cord, whence most of the nerves originate. It is a side view, and represents the head and spine, as they would appear, if they were cut through the mid- dle, from front to back. Fig. 7, exhibits them as they would appear, if viewed from behind. In Fig. 6, a, represents the cerebrum, or great brain ; b, the cerebel- lum, or Httle brain, which is situated directly under the great brain, at the back and lower part of the head ; c, d, e, is the spinal marrow, which is connected with the brain at c, and runs through the whole length of the spinal column. This column consists, as has already been stated, of a large number of small bones, /, /, called vertebrae, laid one above another, and fastened together by cartihgt. or gristle, g, between them. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Fig-, e. ■ Fig. 7. 77 M ( t > ♦ T f 78 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Between each two vertebrae, or spinal bones, there issues from the spine, on each side, a pair of nerves. The lower broad part of the spine, (see p, Fig. 1, p. 70, and Fig. 7, p. 77,) is called the sacrum ; in this, are eight holes, through which the lower pairs of nerves pass off. The nerves of the head and lungs run directly from the brain ; those of all other parts of the body proceed from the spine, passing out in the manner already men- tioned. The nerves which thus proceed from the spine, branch out, like the hmbs and twigs of a tree, till they extend over the whole body ; and, so minutely are they divi- ded and arranged, that a point, destitute of a nerve, cannot be found on the skin. Some idea of the ramifications of the nerves, may be obtained by reference to the following engraving, (Fig. 8.) In this. A, A, represents the cerebrum, or great brain ; B, B, the cerehellum, or little brain ; (see also «, 5, in Fig. 6 ;) C, C, represents the union of the fibres of the cerebrum ; D, D, the union of the two sides of the cerebellum; E, E, E, the spinal marrow, which passes through the centre of the spine, (as seen at c, d, e, in Fig. 6 ;) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, branches of the nerves going to different parts of the body. As the nerves are the organs of sensation, all pain is an affection of some portion of the nerves. The health of the nerves de- pends very greatly on the exercise of the muscles, with which they are so intimately connected. This shows the reason why the headache, tic douloureux, diseases of the spine, and other nervous affections, are so com- mon among American women. Their inactive habits, engender a debility of the nervous system, and these diseases follow, as the consequence. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Fig. 8. 79 80 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. It can be seen, by a reference to the side view, repre- sented on page 77, (Fig. 6,) that the spine is naturally curved back and forward. When, from want of exer- cise, its bones are softened, and the muscles weakened, the spine acquires an improper curve, and the person be- comes what is called crooked, having the neck projected forward, and, in some cases, having the back convex, where it should be concave. Probably one half of the American women have the head thus projecting for- ward, instead of carrying it in the natural, erect position, which is both graceful and dignified. The curvature of the spine, spoken of in this work as so common, and as the cause of so many diseases among American women, is what is denominated the lateral curvature, and is much more dangerous than the other distortion. The indications of this evil, are, the projection of one shoulder blade more than the other, and, in bad cases, one shoulder being higher, and the hip on the opposite side more projecting, than the other. In this case, the spine, when viewed from behind, in- stead of running in a straight line, (as in Fig. 7 and 9,) is curved somewhat, as may be seen in Figures 10 and 11. This effect is occasioned by the softness of the bones, induced by want of exercise, together with tight dress- ing, which tends to weaken the muscles that are thus thrown out of use. Improper and long continued po- sitions in drawing, writing, and sleeping, which throw the weight of the body on one part of the spine, in- duce the same evil. This distortion is usually accom- panied with some consequent disease of the nervous system, or some disarrangement of the internal organs. By comparing Figures 9 and 11, the difference be- tween a natural and distorted spine will be readily perceived. In Fig. 10, the curved hne shows the course of the spine, occasioned by distortion ; the per- pendicular line, in this and Fig. 11, indicates the true direction of the spine ; the horizontal lines show that one shoulder and hip are forced fr6m their proper level. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 81 BLOOD-VESSELS. The blood is the fluid into which our food is changed, and which is employed to minister nourishment to the whole body. For this purpose, it is carried to every part of the body, by the arteries; and, after it has 82 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. given out its nourishment, returns to the heart, through the veins. The subjoined engraving, (Fig. 12,) which presents a rude outline of the vascular system, will more clearly illustrate this operation, as we shall presently show. Fig. 12. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 83[' Before entering the heart, the blood receives a fresh supply of nourishment, by a duct which leads from the stomach. The arteries have their origin from the heart, in a great trunk, called the aorta, w^hich is the parent of all the arteries, as the spinal marrow is the pa- rent of the nerves which it sends out. When the arteries have branched out into myriads of minute vessels, the blood which is in them passes into as minute veins; atid these run into each other, like the rills and branches of a river, until they are all united in two great veins, which run into the heart. One of these large receivers, called the vena cava superior, or upper vena cava, brings back the blood from the arms and head, the other, the vena cava inferior, or lower vena cava, brings back the blood from the body and lower limbs. In the preceding figure, H, is the heart, which is divided into four compartments ; two, called auricles, used for receiving the blood, and two, called ventricles, used for sending out the blood. A, is the aorta, or great artery, which sends its branches to every part of the body. In the upper part, at a, a, a, are the main branches of the aorta, which go to the head and arms. Below, at a, «, are the branches which go to the lower limbs. The branches which set off at X, X, are those by which the intestines are supplied by vessels from the aorta. Every muscle in the whole body, all the organs of the body, and the skin, are supplied by branches sent off from this great artery. When the blood is thus dispersed through any organ, in minute vessels, it is received, at their termina- tions, by numerous minute veins, which gradually unite, forming larger branches, till they all meet in either the upper or lower vena cava, which returns the blood to the heart. V I, is the vena cava inferior, which re- ceives the blood from the veins of the lower parts of the body, as seen at v, v. The blood, sent into the lower limbs from the aorta, is received by minute veins, which finally unite at v, v, and thus it is emptied through the lower vena cava into the heart : o, o, represent the points of entrance of those tributaries of the vena cava^ 84 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. which receive that blood from the intestines, which is sent out by the aorta at X, X. In the upper part, V S, is the vena cava sujyerior, which receives the blood from the head and arms ; v, v, v, are the tributaries of the upper vena cava, which bring the blood back from the head and arms ; d, d, represents the course of the thora- cic duct, a delicate tube by v/hich the chyle is carried into the blood, as mentioned on page 89 ; t, shows the place where this duct empties into a branch of the vena cava. It thus appears, that wherever a branch of the aorta goes to carry blood, there will be found a tributary of the upper or lower vena cava, to bring it back. The succeeding engravings, will enable the reader to form a more definite idea of this important function of the system, — the circulation of the blood. The heart, in man, and in all warm-blooded animals, is double, having two auricles and two ventricles. In animals with cold blood, (as fishes,) the heart is single, having but one auricle and one ventricle. Fig. 13, represents the double heart as it appears when the two sides are separated, and also the great blood-vessels; those on the left of the figure being on the right side of the body, and vice versa. The direction of the blood is represented by the arrows. A, represents the lower vena cava, returning the blood from the lower parts of the body, and ' L, the upper vena cava, returning the blood from the head and arms. B, is the right sinus, or auricle, into which the returned blood is poured. From this cavity of the heart, the blood is carried into the right ventricle, C ; and from this ventricle, the pulmonary arteries, D, convey into the lungs the blood which is returned from the body. These five vessels. A, B, C, D, and L, belong to the right side of the heart, and contain the venous or dark-colored blood, which has been through the circulation, and is now unfit for the uses of the system, till it has passed through the lungs. ON THE CARE OP HEALTH. Fig. 13. Q§ When the blood reaches the lungs, and is exposed to the action of the air which we breathe, it throws off its impurities, becomes bright in color, and is then called arterial blood. It then returns to the left side of the heart, (on the right of the engraving,) by the pulmonary veins, E, E, (also seen at m, m. Fig. 15,) into the left auricle F, whence it is forced into the ventricle, G. From the left ventricle, proceeds the aorta, H, H, which is the great artery of the body, and conveys the blood to every part of the system. I, J, K, are branches of the aorta, going to the head and arms. 8 D. E. 86 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. Fig. 14. Fig. 14, represents the heart, with its two sides united as in nature ; and will be understood from the description of Fig. 13. On the opposite page, Fig. 15, represents the heart, with the great blood-vessels, on a still larger scale ; a, being the left ventricle ; h, the right ventricle ; c, e, f, the aorta, or great artery, rising out of the left ventricle; g, h, i, the branches of the aorta, going to the head and arms; ^, I, I, the pulmonary artery, and its branches; m, m, veins of the lungs, which bring the blood back from the lungs to the heart; n, right auricle; o, vena cava inferior ; p, veins returning blood from the liver and bowels ; q, the vena cava superior ; r, the left auri- cle; s, the left coronary artery, which distributes the blood exclusively to the substance of the heart. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 87 Fig. 15. ORGANS OF DIGESTION AND RESPIRATION, Digestion and respiration are the processes, by which the food is converted into blood for the nourishment of the body. The engraving on the next page (Fig. 16) shows the organs by which these operations are per- formed. In the lower part of the engraving, is the stomach, marked S, which receives the food through the gullet, marked G. The latter, though in the engraving it is cut off at G, in reaUty continues upwards to the throat. The stomach is a bag composed of muscles, nerves, and blood-vessels, united by a material similar to that w-hich forms the skin. As soon as food enters the stomach, its nerves are excited to perform their proper function of stimulating the muscles. A muscular (called the 'peristaltic) motion immediately commences, by which the stomach propels its contents around the whole of its circumference, once in every three minutes. 88 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. This movement of the muscles attracts the blood from other parts of the system; for the blood always hastens to admmister its supplies to any organ which is called to work. The blood-vessels of the stomach are soon distended with blood, from which the gastric juice is secreted by minute vessels in the coat of the stomach ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 89' This mixes v/ith the food, and reduces it to a soft pulpy mass, called chyme. It then passes through the lower end of the stomach, into the intestines, which are folded up in the abdomen, and the upper portion, only, of which, is shown in the engraving, at A, A. The organ marked L, L, is the liver, which, as the blood passes through its many vessels, secretes a substance called hile, which accumulates in the gall-bladder, marked B. After the food passes out of the stomach, it receives from the liver a portion of bile, and from the pancreas the pan- creatic juice. The pancreas does not appear in this drawing, being concealed behind the stomach. These two hquids separate the substance which has passed from the stomach, into two different portions. One is a light liquid, very much like cream in appearance, and called chyle, of which the blood is formed ; the other is a more solid substance, which contains the refuse and useless matter, with a smaller portion of nourishment ; and this, after being further separated from the nour- ishing matter which it contains, is thrown out of the body. There are multitudes of small vessels, called lacteals, which, as these two mixed substances pass through the long and winding folds of the intestines in the abdomen, absorb the chyle, and convey it to the thoracic duct, which runs up close by the spine, and carries the chyle, thus received, into a branch of the vena cava superior, at t, whence it is mingled with the blood going into the heart. In this engraving, the lac- teals and thoracic duct are not shown ; but their position is indicated by the dotted lines, marked X, Y ; X, being the lacteals, and Y, the thoracic duct. In the upper half of the engraving, H represents the heart ; a, the commencement of the aorta ; v c s, the termination of the vena cava superior. On each side of the heart, are the lungs ; 1 1, being the left lobe, and r I, the right lobe. They are composed of a network of air-vessels, blood-vessels, and nerves. W, represents the trachea^ or windpipe, through which, the air we breathe is conducted to the lungs. It branches out 8* D. E. 90 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. into myriads of minute vessels, which are thus filled with air every time we breathe. From the heart, run the pulmonary arteries, marked p a. These enter the lungs and spread out along-side of the branches of the air-vessels, so that every air-vessel has a small artery running side by side with it. When the two vena cavas empty the blood into the heart, the latter contracts, and sends this blood, through these pulmonary arteries, into the lungs. As the air and blood meander, side by side, through the lungs, the superabundant carbon and hydrogen of the blood combine with the oxygen of the air, forming carbonic acid gas, and water, which are thrown out of the lungs at every expiration. This is the process by which the chyle is converted into arterial blood, and the venous blood purified of its excess of carbon and hydro- gen. When the blood is thus prepared, in the lungs, for its duties, it is received by the small pulmonary veins, which gradually unite, and bring the blood back to the heart, through the large pulmonary veins, marked p V, p V. On receiving this purified blood from the lungs, the heart contracts, and sends it out again, through the aorta, to all parts of the body. It then makes another circuit through every part, ministering to the wants of all, and is afterwards again brought back by the veins to receive the fresh chyle from the stomach, and to be purified by the lungs. The throbbing of the heart is caused by its alternate expansion and contraction, as it receives and expels the blood. With one throb, the blood is sent from the right ventricle into the lungs, and from the left ventricle into the aorta. Every time we inspire air, the process of purifying the blood is going on; and every time we expire the air, we throw out the redundant carbon and hydrogen, taken from a portion of the blood. If the waist is com- pressed by tight clothing, a portion of the lungs be com- pressed, so that the air-vessels cannot be filled. This ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 91 prevents the perfect purification and preparation of the blood, so that a part returns back to the heart unfitted for its duties. This is a slow, but sure, method, by which the constitution of many a young lady is so un- dermined that she becomes an early victim to disease and to the decay of beauty and strength. The want oi pure air is another cause of the debility of the female constitution. When air has been rendered impure, by the breath of several persons, or by close confinement, it does not purify the blood properly. Sleeping in close chambers, and sitting in crowded and un ventilated schoolrooms, are frequent causes of debility in the con- stitution of young persons. OF THE SKIN. The skin is the covering of the body, and has very important functions to perform. It is more abundantly supplied with nerves and blood-vessels than any other part ; and there is no spot of the skin where the point of the finest needle would not pierce a nerve and blood-vessel. Indeed, it may be considered as com- posed chiefly of an interlacing of minute nerves and blood-vessels, so that it is supposed there is more nervous matter in the skin, than in all the rest of the body united, and that the greater portion of the blood flows through the skin. ' The whole animal system is in a state of continual change and renovation. Food is constantly taken into the stomach, only a portion of which is fitted for the supply of the blood. All the rest has to be thrown out of the system, by various organs designed for this purpose. These organs are, — the lungs, which throw off" a portion of useless matter when the blood is puri- fied ; the kidneys, which secrete liquids that pass into the bladder, and are thrown out from the body by that organ ; and the intestines, which carry oflf the useless and more solid parts of the food, after the lacteals have drawn off" the chyle. In addition to these organs, the skin has a similar duty to perform; and as it has 92 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. SO much larger a supply of blood, it is the chief organ in relieving the body of the useless and noxious parts of the materials which are taken for food. Various experiments show, that not less than a pound and four ounces of waste matter is thrown off by the skin every twenty-four hours. This is accord- ing to the lowest calculation. Most of those, who have made experiments to ascertain the quantity, rep- resent it as much gi*eater ; and all agree, that the skin throws off more redundant matter from the body, than the whole of the other organs together. In the ordi- nary state of the skin, even when there is no apparent perspiration, it is constantly exhaling waste matter, in a form which is called insensible perspiration, because it cannot be perceived by the senses. A very cool mirror, brought suddenly near to the skin, will be covered, in that part, with a moisture, which is this effluvium thus made visible. When heat or exercise excites the skin, this perspiration is increased, so as to be apparent to the senses. This shows the reason why it is so important frequently to wash the entire surface of the body. If this be neglected, the pores of the skin are closed by the waste matter thrown from the body, and by small particles of the thin scarf- skin, so that it cannot properly perform its duties. In this way, the other organs are made to work harder, in order to perform the labor the skin would otherwise accomplish, and thus the lungs and bowels are often essentially weakened. Another office of the skin, is, to regulate the heat of the body. The action of the internal organs is constantly generating heat ; and the faster the blood circulates, the greater is the heat evolved. The per- spiration of the skin serves to reduce and regulate this heat. For, whenever any liquid changes to a vapor, it absorbs heat from whatever is nearest to it. The faster the blood flows, the more perspiration is evolved. This bedews the skin with a liquid, which the heat of the body turns to a vapor; and in this change, that ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. ^ heat IS absorbed. When a fever takes place, this per- spiration ceases, and the body is afflicted with heat. Insensible perspiration is most abundant during sleep, after eating, and when friction is applied to the skin. Perspiration is performed by the terminations of minute arteries in every part of the skin, which exude the per- spiration from the blood. The skin also performs another function. It is pro- vided with a set of small vessels, called ahsorhentSy which are exceedingly abundant and minute. When particular substances are brought in contact with the skin, these absorbents take up some portions and carry them into the blood. It is owing to this, that opium, applied on the skin, acts in a manner similar to its operation when taken into the stomach. The power of absorption is increased by friction ; and this is the reason that liniments are employed, with much rubbing, to bruises and sprains. The substance applied is thus introduced into the injured part, through the absorbents. -This shows another reason for frequent washing of the skin, and for the frequent changes of the garment next the skin. Otherwise portions of the noxious matter, thrown out by the skin, are reabsorbed into the blood, and are slow but sure causes of a decay of the strength of the system. The skin is also provided with small foUicles, or bags, which are filled with an oily substance. This, by gradually exuding over the skin, prevents water from penetrating and injuring its texture. The skin is also the organ of touch. This office is performed through the instrumentality of the nerves of feeling, which are spread over all parts of the skin. This general outline of the construction of the hu- man frame is given, with reference to the practical application of this knowledge in the various cases where a woman will be called upon to exercise her own unaided judgement. The application will be further pointed out, in the chapters on Food, Dress, Cleanliness, Care of the Sick, and Care of Infants. 94 ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. CHAPTER VI. ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. The person who decides what shall be the food and drink of a family, and the modes of preparation, is the one who decides, to a greater or less extent, what shall be the health of that family. It is the opinion of most medical men, that intemperance in eating is the most fruitful of all causes of disease and death. If this be so, the woman who wisely adapts the food and cooking of her family to the laws of health, removes the great- est risk which threatens the lives of those under her care. To exhibit this subject clearly, it will be needful to refer, more minutely, to the organization and operation of the digestive organs. It is found, by experiment, that the supply of gastric juice, furnished from the blood, by the arteries of the stomach, is proportioned, not to the amount of food put into the stomach, but to the wants of the body ; so that it is possible to put much more into the stomach than can be digested. To guide and regulate in this matter, the sensation called hunger is provided. In a healthy state of the body, as soon as the blood has lost its nutritive supplies, the craving of hunger is felt, and then, if the food is suitable, and is taken in the proper manner, this sensation ceases, as soon as the stomach has received enough to supply the wants of the system. But our benevolent Creator, in this, as in our other duties, has connected enjoyment with the operation needful to sustain our bodies. In addition to the allay- ing of hunger, the gratification of the palate is secured, by the immense variety of food, some articles of which are far more agreeable than others. This arrangement of Providence, designed for our happiness, has become, either through ignorance, or ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 95 want of self-control, the chief cause of the various diseases and sufferings, which afflict those classes who have the means of seeking a variety to gratify the palate. If mankind had only one article of food, and only water to drink, though they would have less en- joyment in eating, they would never be tempted to put any more into the stomach, than the calls of hunger required. But the customs of society, which present an incessant change, and a great variety of food, with those various condiments which stimulate appetite, lead almost every person very frequently to eat merely to gratify the palate, after the stomach has been abun- dantly supplied, so that hunger has ceased. When too gi-eat a supply of food is put into the stomach, the gastric juice dissolves only that portion which the wants of the system demand. The remain- der is ejected, in an unprepared state ; the absorb- ents take portions of it into the system ; and all the various functions of the body, which depend on the ministries of the blood, are thus gradually and imper ceptibly injured. Very often, intemperance in eating produces immediate results, such as colic, headaches, pains of indigestion, and vertigo. But the more gen- eral result, is, a gradual undermining of all parts of the human frame ; thus imperceptibly shortening life, by so weakening the constitution, that it is ready to yield, at every point, to any uncommon risk or exposure. Thousands and thousands are passing out of the world, from diseases occasioned by exposures, which a healthy constitution could meet without any danger. It is owing to these considerations, that it becomes the duty of every woman, who has the responsibility of pro- viding food for a family, to avoid a variety of tempting dishes. It is a much safer rule, to have only one kind of healthy food, for each meal, than the abundant variety which is usually met at the tables of almost all classes in this Country. When there is to be any va- riety of dishes, they ought not to be successive, but so arranged, as to give the opportunity of selection. How 96 ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. often is it the case, that persons, by the appearance of a favorite article, are tempted to eat, merely to gratify the palate, when the stomach is already adequately supplied. All such intemperance wears on the con- stitution, and shortens life. It not unfrequently hap- pens, that excess in eating produces a morbid appetite, which must constantly be denied. But the organization of the digestive organs de- mands, not only that food be taken in proper quan- tities, but that it be taken at proper times. It has before been shown, that, as soon as the food enters the stomach, the muscles are excited by the nerves, and the peristaltic motion commences. This ,is a powerful and constant exercise of the muscles of the stomach, which continues until the process of di- gestion is complete. During this time, the blood is withdrawn from other parts of the system, to supply the demands of the stomach, which is laboring hard with all its muscles. When this motion ceases, and the digested food has gradually passed out of the stomach. Nature requires that it should have a period of repose. And if another meal be eaten, immediate- ly after one is digested, the stomach is set to work again, before it has had time to rest, and before a sufficient supply of gastric juice is provided. The general rule, then, is, that three hours be given to the stomach for labor, and two for rest; and in obedience to this, five hours, at least, ought to elapse between every two regular meals. In cases where exercise produces a flow of perspiration, more food is needed to supply the loss ; and strong laboring men may safely eat as often as they feel the want of food. So, young and healthy children, who gambol and exer- cise much, and whose bodies grow fast, may have a more frequent supply of food. But, as a general rule, meals should be five hours apart, and eating between meals avoided. There is nothing more unsafe, and wearing to the constitution, than a habit of eating at any time, merely to gratify the palate. When a tempt- ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 97 ing article is presented, every person should exercise sufficient self-denial, to wait till the proper time for eating arrives. Children, as well as grown persons, are often injured, by eating between their regular meals, thus weakening the stomach, by not affording it any time for rest. In deciding as to quantity of food, there is one great difficulty to be met by a large portion of the community. It has been shown, that the exercise of every part of the body is indispensable to its health and perfection. The bones, the muscles, the nerves, the organs of digestion and respiration, and the skin, all demand exercise, in order properly to perform their fu^ijictions. When the muscles of the body are called into action, all the blood-vessels entwined among them are frequently compressed. As the arteries are so con- trived, that the blood cannot run back, this compression hastens it forward, through the veins, towards that organ. The heart is immediately put in quicker mo- tion, to send it into the lungs ; and they, also, are thus stimulated to more rapid action, which is the cause of that panting which active exercise always occasions. The blood thus courses with greater celerity through the body, and sooner loses its nourishing properties. Then the stomach issues its mandate of hunger, and a new supply of food must be furnished. Thus it ap- pears, as a general rule, that the quantity of food, actually needed by the body, depends on the amount of muscular exercise taken. A laboring man, in the open fields, probably throws off from his skin ten times the amount of perspirable matter, which is evolved from the skin of a person of sedentary pursuits. In consequence of this, he demands a far greater amount of food and drink. Those persons, who keep their bodies in a state of health, by sufficient exercise, can always be guided by the calls of hunger. They can eat when they feel hungry, and stop when hunger ceases ; and then they will calculate exactly right. But the difficulty is, 9 D. E. 98 ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. that a large part of the community, especially women, are so inactive in their habits, that they seldom feel the calls of hunger. They habitually eat, merely to gratify the palate. This produces such a state of the system, that they have lost the guide which Nature has pro- vided. They are not called to eat, by hunger, nor admonished, by its cessation, when to stop. In con- sequence of this, such persons eat what pleases the palate, till they feel no more inclination for the article. It is probable, that three fourths of the women, in the wealthier circles, sit down to each meal without any feeling of hunger, and eat merely on account of the gratification thus afforded them. Such persons find their appetite to depend almost solely upon the kind of food on the table. This is not the case with those, who take the exercise which Nature demands. They approach their meals in such a state that almost any kind of food is acceptable. The question then arises, how are persons, who have lost the guide which Nature has provided, to determine as to the proper amount of food they shall take? The only rules they can adopt, are of a general nature ; founded on the principles already developed. They should endeavor to proportion their food to the amount of the exercise they ordinarily take. If they take but little exercise, they should eat but little food in comparison with those who are much in the open air and take much exercise ; and their food should be chiefly vegetable, and not animal. But how often is it seen, that a student, or a man who sits all day in an office, or a lady who spends the day in her parlor and chamber, will sit down to a loaded table, and, by con- tinuing to partake of the tempting varieties, in the end load the stomach with a supply, which a stout farmer iould scarcely digest. But the health of a family depends, not merely on the quantity of food taken ; but very much, also, on the quality. Some kinds of food are very pernicious ON HEALTHFUL. FOOD. 9^ in their nature, and some healthful articles are rendered very injurious by the mode of cooking. Persons who have a strong constitution, and take much exercise, may eat almost any thing, with apparent impunity ; but young children, who are forming their constitu- tions, and persons who are delicate, and who take but little exercise, are very dependent for health, on a proper selection of food. There are some general principles, which may aid in regulating the judgement on this subject. It is found, that there are some kinds of food which afford nutriment to the blood, and do not produce any other effect on the system. There are other kinds, which are not only nourishing, but stimulating^ so that they quicken the functions of the organs on which they operate. The condiments used in cookery, such as pepper, mustard, and spices, are of this nature. There are certain states of the system, when these stimulants are beneficial ; but it is only in cases where there is some debility. Such cases can only be pointed out by medical men. But persons in perfect health, and especially young children, never receive any benefit from such kind of food; and just in proportion as con- diments operate to quicken the labors of the internal organs, they tend to wear down their powers. A per- son who thus keeps the body working under an un- natural excitement, lives faster than Nature designed, and the sooner the constitution is worn out. A woman, therefore, should provide dishes for her family, which are free from these stimulating condiments, and as much as possible prevent their use. It is also found, by experience, that animal food is more stimulating than vegetable. This is the reason vi^hy, in cases of fevers, or inflammations, medical men forbid the use of meat and butter. Animal food supplies chyle much more abundantly than vegetable food does; and this chyle is more stimulating in its nature. Of course, a person who lives chiefly on animal food, is under a higher degree of stimulus than if his food was chiefly 100 ON HEALTHFUL TOOD. composed of vegetable substances. His blood will flow faster, and all the functions of his body will be quickened. This makes it important to secure a proper propor- tion of animal and vegetable diet. Some medical men suppose, that an exclusively vegetable diet is proved, by the experience of many individuals, to be fully sufficient to nourish the body ; and bring, as evidence, the fact, that some of the strongest and most robust men in the world, are those, who are trained, from infancy, exclusively on vegetable food. From this, they infer, that life will be shortened, just in proportion as the diet is changed to more stimulating articles ; and that, all other things being equal, children will have a better chance of health and long life, if they are brought up solely on vegetable food. But, though this is not the common opinion of medi- cal men, they all agree, that, in America, far too large a portion of the diet consists of animal food. As a nation, the Americans are proverbial for the gross and luxurious diet with which they load their tables ; and there can be no doubt that the general health of the Nation would be increased, by a change in our customs in this respect. To take meat but once a day, and this in small quanti- ties, compared with the common practice, is a rule, the observance of which would probably greatly reduce the amount of fevers, eruptions, headaches, bilious attacks, and the many other ailments which are produced or aggravated by too gross a diet. The celebrated Roman physician, Baglivi, (who, from practising extensively among Roman Catholics, had ample opportunities to observe,) mentions, that, in Italy, an unusual number of people recover their health in the forty days of Lent, in consequence of the lower diet which is required as a religious duty. An American physician remarks, " For every reehng drunk- ard that disgraces our Country, it contains one hundred gluttons ; — persons, I mean, who eat to excess, and suffer in consequence." Another distinguished physi- ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 101 cian says, "I believe that every stomach, not actually impaired by organic disease, vv^ill perform its functions, if it receives reasonable attention ; and vi^hen we per- ceive the manner in which diet is generally conducted, both in regard to quantity and variety of articles of food and drink, which are mixed up in one heterogeneous mass, — instead of being astonished at the prevalence of indigestion, our wonder must rather be, that, in such cir- cumstances, any stomach is capable of digesting at all." In regard to articles which are the most easily di- gested, only general rules can be given. Tender meats are digested more readily than those which are tough, or than many kinds of vegetable food. The farinaceous articles, such as rice, flour, corn, potatoes, and the like, are the most nutritious, and most easily digested. The popular notion, that meat is more nourishing than bread, is a great mistake. Good bread contains one third more nourishment than butcher's meat. The meat is more stimulating, and for this reason is more readily digested. A perfectly healthy stomach can digest almost any healthful food ; but when the digestive powers are weak, every stomach has its peculiarities, and what is good for one, is hurtful to another. In such cases, experiment, alone, can decide, which are the most digestible articles of food. A person, whose food troubles him, must de- duct one article after another, till he learns, by expe- rience, which is the best for digestion. Much evil has been done, by assuming that the powers of one stomach are to be made the rule in regulating every other. The most unhealthful kinds of food, are those, which are made so by bad cooking ; such as sour and heavy bread, cakes, pie-crust, and other dishes consisting of fat, mixed and cooked with flour ; also rancid butter, and high-seasoned food. The fewer mixtures there are in cooking, the more healthful is the food likely to be. There is one caution, as to the mode of eating, which seems peculiarly needful to Americans. It is indispen- sable to good digestion, that food be well chewed and taken slowly. It needs to be thoroughly chewed, in 9* D. E. 102 6j^ Healthful food. order to prepare it for the action of the gastric juice, which, by the peristaltic motion, will be thus brought into universal contact with the minute portions. It has been found, that a solid lump of food requires much more time and labor of the stomach, than divided sub- stances. It has also been found, that, as each bolus, or mouthful, enters the stomach, the latter closes, until the portion received has had some time to move around and combine with the gastric juice ; and that the orifice of the stomach resists the entrance of any more, till this is accomphshed. But, if the eater persists in swallow- ing fast, the stomach yields ; the food is then poured in more rapidly than the organ can perform its duty of digestion ; and evil results are sooner or later developed. This exhibits the folly of those hasty meals, so common to travellers, and to men of business, and shows why children should be taught to eat slowly. After taking a full meal, it is very important to health, that no great bodily or mental exertion be made, till the labor of the stomach is over. Intense mental effort draws the blood to the head, and muscular exertions draw it to the muscles ; and in consequence of this, the stomach loses the supply which it requires when per- forming its office. When the blood is thus withdrawn, the adequate supply of gastric juice is not afforded, and indigestion is the result. The heaviness which follows a full meal, is the indication which Nature gives of the need of quiet. When the meal is moderate, a sufficient quantity of gastric juice is exuded in an hour, or an hour and a half; after which, labor of body and mind may safely be resumed. When undigested food remains in the stomach, and is at last thrown out into the bowels, it proves an irri- tating substance, producing an inflamed state in the lining of the stomach and other organs. The same effect is produced by alcoholic drinks. It is found, that the stomach has the power of grad- ually accommodating its digestive powers to the food it habitually receives. Thus, animals, which live on ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 103 vegetables, can gradually become accustomed to animal food ; and the reverse is equally true. Thus, too, the human stomach can eventually accomplish the digestion of some kinds of food, which, at first, were indigestible. But any changes of this sort should be gradual ; as those which are sudden, are trying to the powers of the stomach, by furnishing matter for which its gastric juice is not prepared. In regard to the nature of the meals prepared, the breakfast should furnish a supply of liquids, because the body has been exhausted by the exhalations of the night, and demands them more than at any other period. It should not be the heartiest meal, because the organs of digestion are weakened by long fasting, and the exhalations. Dinner should be the heartiest meal, because then the powers of digestion are strength- ened, by the supplies of the morning meal. Light and amusing employments should occupy mind and body for an hour or more after a full meal. But little drink should be taken, while eating, as it dilutes the gastric juice which is apportioned to each quantity of food as it enters the stomach. It is better to take drink after the meal is past. Extremes of heat or cold are injurious to the process of digestion. Taking hot food or drink, habitually, tends to debilitate all the organs thus needlessly excited. In using cold substances, it is found that a certain de- gree of warmth in the stomach is indispensable to their digestion; so that, when the gastric juice is cooled below this temperature, it ceases to act. Indulging in large quantities of cold drinks, or eating ice-creams, after a meal, tends to reduce the temperature of the stomach, and thus to stop digestion. This shows the folly of those refreshments, in convivial meetings, where the guests are tempted to load the stomach with a va- riety, such as would require the stomach of a stout farmer to digest, and then to wind up with ice-creams, thus destroying whatever ability might otherwise have existed, to digest the heavy load. The fittest tempera- 104 ON HEALTHFUL. FOOD. ture for drinks, if taken when the food is in the digest- ing process, is blood heat. Cool drinks, and even ice, can be safely taken at other times, if not in excessive quantity. When the thirst is excessive, or the body weakened by fatigue, or when in a state of perspiration, cold drinks are injurious. When the body is perspiring freely, taking a large quantity of cold drink has often produced instant death. Fluids taken into the stomach are not subject to the slow process of digestion, but are immediately ab- sorbed and carried into the blood. This is the reason why drink, more speedily than food, restores from ex- haustion. The minute vessels of the stomach inhale or absorb its fluids, which are carried into the blood, just as the minute extremities of the arteries open upon the inner surface of the stomach, and there exude the gastric juice from the blood. When food is chiefly hquid, (soup, for example,) the fluid part is rapidly absorbed. The solid parts remain, to be acted on by the gastric juice. In the case of St. Martin,* in fifty minutes after taking soup, the fluids were absorbed, and the remainder was even thicker than is usual after eating solid food. This is the reason why soups are deemed bad for weak stom- achs ; as this residuum is more difficult of digestion than ordinary food. In recovering from sickness, beef- tea and broths are good, because the system then de- mands fluids to supply its loss of blood. Highly-concentrated food, having much nourishment in a small bulk, is not favorable to digestion, because * The individual here referred to, — Alexis St. Martin,— was a young Canadian, of eighteen years of age, of a good constitution and robust health, who, in 1822, was accidentally wounded by the dis- charge of a musket, which carried away a part of the ribs, lacerated one of the lobes of the lungs, and perforated the stomach, making a large aperture, which never closed ; and which enabled Dr. Beau- mont, (a surgeon of the American army, stationed at Michilimackinac, under whose care the patient was placed,) to witness all the processes of digestion and other functions of the body, for several years. The published account of the experiments made by Dr. B., is highly inter esling and instructive. ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 105 it cannot be properly acted on by the muscular con- tractions of the stomach, and is not so minutely di- vided, as to enable the gastric juice to act properly. This is the reason, why a certain hulk of food is need- ful to good digestion ; and why those people, who live on whale oil, and other highly-nourishing food, in cold chmates, mix vegetables and even sawdust with it, to make it more acceptable and digestible. So, in civil- ized lands, bread, potatoes, and vegetables, are mixed with more highly-concentrated nourishment. This ex- plains why coarse bread, of unbolted wheat, so often proves beneficial. Where, from inactive habits, or oth- er causes, the bowels become constipated and sluggish, this kind of food proves the appropriate remedy. One fact on this subject is worthy of notice. Under the administration of WiUiam Pitt, for two years or more, there was such a scarcity of wheat, that, to make it hold out longer, ParUament passed a law, that the army should have all their bread made of unbolted flour. The result was, that the health of the soldiers improved so much, as to be a subject of surprise to themselves, the officers, and the physicians. These last came out publicly, and declared, that the soldiers never before were so robust and healthy ; and that disease had nearly disappeared from the army. The civic physicians joined and pronounced it the healthiest bread ; and, for a time, schools, families, and public institutions, used it almost exclusively. Even the no- bility, convinced by these facts, adopted it for their common diet ; and the fashion continued a long time after the scarcity ceased, until more luxurious habits resumed their sway. For this reason, also, soups, gellies, and arrow-root, should have bread or crackers mixed with them. We thus see why children should not have cakes and candies allowed them between meals. These are highly-concentrated nourishments, and should be eaten with more bulky and less nourish- ing substances. The most indigestible of all kinds of food, are fatty and oily substances ; especially if heat 106 ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. ed. It is on this account, that pie-crust, and articles boiled and fried in fat or butter, are deemed not so healthful as other food. The following, then, may be put down as the causes of a debilitated constitution, from the misuse of food. Eating too much, eating too often, eating too fast, eating food and condiments that are too stimulating, eating food that is too warm or too cold, eating food that is highly-concentrated, without a proper admixture of less nourishing matter, and eating food that is difficult of digestion. CHAPTER VII. ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. Although intemperance in eating is probably the most prolific cause of the diseases of mankind^ intem- perance in drink has produced more guilt, misery, and crime, than any other one cause. And the responsi- bilities of a woman, in this particular, are very great ; for the habits and liabilities of those under her care, will very much depend on her opinions and practice. It is a point fully established by experience, that the full developement of the human body, and the vigorous exercise of all its functions, can be secured without the use of stimulating drinks. It is, therefore, perfectly safe, to bring up children never to use them ; no hazard being incurred, by such a course. It is also found, by experience, that there are two evils incurred, by the use of stimulating drinks. The first, is, their positive effect on the human system. Their peculiarity consists in so exciting the nervous systemj that all the functions of the body are accel- erated, and the fluids are caused to move quicker than at their natural speed. This incueased motion of the animal fluids, always produces an agreeable effect on the mind. The intellect is invigorated, the imagina- ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. 107 tion is excited, the spirits are enlivened; and these effects are so agreeable, that all mankind, after having once experienced them, feel a great desire for their repetition. But this temporary invigoration of the system, is always followed by a diminution of the powers of the stimulated organs ; so that, though in all cases this reaction may not be perceptible, it is invariably the result. It may be set down as the unchangeable rule of physiology, that stimulating drinks (except in cases of disease) deduct from the powers of the constitution, in exactly the proportion in which they operate to pro- duce temporary invigoration. The second evil, is, the temptation which always attends the use of stimulants. Their effect on the system is so agreeable, and the evils resulting are so imperceptible and distant, that there is a constant ten- dency to increase such excitement, both in frequency and power. And the more the system is thus reduced in strength, the more craving is the desire for that which imparts a temporary invigoration. This process of increasing debility and increasing craving for the stimulus that removes it, often goes to such an extreme, that the passion is perfectly uncontrollable, and mind and body perish under this baleful habit. In this Country, there are five forms in which the use of such stimulants is common ; namely, alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, opium mixtures, and tobacco. These are all alike, in the main peculiarity of imparting that extra stimulus to the system, which tends to exhaust its powers. Multitudes in this Nation are in the habitual use of some one of these stimulants ; and each person defends the indulgence by these arguments : First, that the desire for stimulants is a natural pro- pensity, implanted in man's nature, as is manifest from the universal tendency to such indulgences, in every nation. From this, it is inferred, that it is an innocent desire, which ought to be gratified, to some extent, and 108 ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. that the aim should be, to keep it within the hmits of temperance, instead of attempting to exterminate a natural propensity. This is an argument, which, if true, makes it equally proper to use opium, brandy, tea, or tobacco, as stimu- lating principles, provided they are used temperately. But, if it be granted that perfect health and strength can be gained and secured without these stimulants, and that their peculiar effect is to diminish the powei of the system, in exactly the same proportion as they stimulate it, then there is no such thing as a temperate use, unless they are so diluted, as to destroy any stimu- lating power ; and in this form, they are seldom desired. The other argument for their use, is, that they are among the good things provided by the Creator, for our gratification ; that, like all other blessings, they are ex- posed to abuse and excess ; and that we should rather seek to regulate their use, than to banish them entirely. This argument is based on the assumption, that they are, like healthful foods and drinks, necessary to life and health, and injurious only by excess. But this is not true ; for, whenever they are used in any such strength as to be a gratification, they operate, to a greater or less extent, as stimulants; and, to just such extent, they wear out the powers of the constitution ; and it is abun- dantly proved, that they are not, like food and drink, necessary to health. Such articles are designed for med- icine, and not for common use. There can b ^ no ar- gument framed to defend the use of one of thom, which will not equally defend all. That men have a love for being stimulated, after they have once felt the pleasura- ble excitement, and that Providence has provided the means for securing it, are arguments as much in favor of alcohol, opium, and tobacco, as of coffee and tea. All that can be said in favor of the last-mentioned fa- vorite beverages, is, that the danger in their use is not so great. Let any one, who defends one kind of stimu- lating drink, remember, then, that he uses an argument, which, if it be allowed that stimulants are not needed, 4 ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. 109 and are injurious, will equally defend all kinds; and that all which can be said in defence of tea and coffee, is, that they may be used, so weak, as to do no harm, and that they actually have done less harm than some of the other stimulating narcotics. The writer is of opinion, that tea and coffee are a most extensive cause of much of the nervous debility and suffering endured by American women ; and that relinquishing such drinks would save an immense amount of such suffering. But there is little probabiUty that the present generation will make so decided a change in their habits, as to give up these beverages ; and the subject is presented rather in reference to forming the habits of children. It is a fact, that tea and coffee are, at first, seldom or never agreeable to children. It is the mixture of njilk, sugar, and water, that reconciles them to a taste, which in this manner gradually becomes agreeable. Now, suppose that those who provide for a family conclude that it is not their duty to give up entirely the use of stimulating drinks, may not the case appear different, in regard to teaching their children to love such drinks ? Let the matter be regarded thus : — The experiments of physiologists all prove, that stimulants are not need- ful to health, and that, as the general rule, they tend to debilitate the constitution. Is it right, then, for a parent to tempt a child to drink what is not needful, when there is a probability that it will prove, to some extent, an undermining drain on the constitution ? Some con- stitutions can bear much less excitement than others ; and, in every family of children, there is usually one, or more, of delicate organization, and consequently pecu- liarly exposed to dangers from this source. It is this child who ordinarily becomes the victim to stimulating drinks. The tea and coffee which the parents and the healthier children can use without immediate injury, gradually sap the energies of the feebler child, who proves either an early victim, or a living martyr to all the sufferings that debilitated nerves inflict. Can it be 10 D. E. 110 ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. right, to lead children, where all allow that there is some danger, and where, in many cases, disease and death are met, when another path is known to be perfectly safe ? Of the stimulating drinks in common use, black tea is least injurious, because its flavor is so strong, in com- parison with its narcotic principle, that one who uses it, is much less liable to excess. Children can be trained to love milk and water sweetened with sugar, so that it will always be a pleasant beverage ; or, if there are ex- ceptions to the rule, they will be few. Water is an tinfailing resort. Every one loves it, and it is perfect- ly healthful. The impression, common in this Country, that warm drinks, especially in Winter, are more healthful than cold, is not warranted by any experience, nor by the laws of the physical system. At dinner, cold drinks are universal, and no one deems them injurious. It is only at the other two meals that they are supposed to be hurtful. There is no doubt that warm drinks are healthful, and more agreeable than cold, at certain times and sea- sons ; but it is equally true, that drinks above blood heat are not healthful. If any person should hold a finger iii hot water, for a considerable time, twice every day, it would be found that the finger would gradually grow weaker. The frequent apphcation of the stimu- lus of heat, like all other stimulants, eventually causes debility If, therefore, a person is in the habit of drink- ing hot drinks, twice a day, the teeth, throat, and stomach are gradually debihtated. This, most proba- bly, IS one of the causes of an early decay of the teeth, which is observed to be much more common among American ladies, than among those in European coun- tries. It has been stated to the writer, by an intelligent traveller who had visited Mexico, that it was rare to meet an individual with even a tolerable set of teeth ; and that almost every grown person, he met in the street, had merely remnants of teeth. On inquiry into ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. Ill the customs of the Country, it was found, that it was the universal practice to take their usual beverage at almost the boiling point ; and this, doubtless, was the chief cause of the almost entire want of teeth in that Country. In the United States, it cannot be doubted that much evil is done, in this way, by hot drinks. Most tea-drinkers consider tea as ruined, if it slands until it reaches the healthful temperature for drink. The following extract from Dr. Andrew Combe, pre- sents the opinion of most intelligent medical men, on this subject.* " Water is a safe drink for all constitutions, provided it be resorted to in obedience to the dictates of natural thirst, only, and not of habit. Unless the desire for it is felt, there is no occasion for its use during a meal." " The primary effect of all distilled and fermented liquors, is, to stimulate the nervous system and quicken the circulation. In infancy and childhood, the circula- tion is rapid, and easily excited ; and the nervous sys- tem is strongly acted upon, even by the slightest external impressions. Hence slight causes of irritation readily excite febrile and convulsive disorders. In youth, the natural tendency of the constitution is still to excite- ment ; and consequently, as a general rule, the stimulus of fermented hquors is injurious." These remarks show, that parents, who find that stimulating drinks are not injurious to themselves, may mistake in inferring, from this, that they will not be in- jurious to their children. Dr. Combe continues thus : " In mature age, when digestion is good and the system in full vigor, if the mode of life be not too exhausting, the nervous func- tions and general circulation are in their best condition, and require no stimulus for their support. The bodily energy is then easily sustained, by nutritious food and a regular regimen, and consequ^tly artificial excitement * The writer would here remark, in reference to extracts made from various authors, that, for the sake of abridging, she has often left out parts of a paragraph, but never so as to modify the meaning of the author. Some ideas, not connected with the subject in hand, are omitted, b»j* nf»n« are altered. 112 ON CLOTHING. only increases the wasting of the natural strength. In old age, when the powers of life begin to fail, moderate stimulus may be used with evident advantage." It may be asked, in this connection, why the stimu- lus of animal food is not to be regarded in the same light, as that of stimulating drinks. In reply, a very essential difference may be pointed out. Animal food furnishes nutriment to the organs which it stimulates, but stimulating drinks excite the organs to quickened action, without affording any nourishment. It has been supposed, by some, that tea and coffee have, at least, a degree of nourishing power. But it is proved, that it is the milk and sugar, and not the main portion of the drink, which imparts the nourish- ment. Tea has not one particle of nourishing proper- ties ; and what Httle exists in the coffee-berry, is lost by roasting it in the usual mode. All that these articles do, is simply to stimulate, ivithout nourishing. Recent discoveries in the healing art have proved that cold water has a most powerful and yet very safe influence in restoring health in many diseases. It has been proved that the free drinking of cold water, at any time except v^hen the stomach is loaded with food, is very promotive of health. Habits of costive- ness may often be remedied by drinking two glasses of cold water and then taking a walk, following this by two glasses of the same on returning. This must be done before breakfast. To this may be added a loosen- ing diet of cooked fruit, and bread of unbolted wheat. CHAPTER VIII. ON CLOTHING. It appears, by calculations made from bills of mor- tality, that one quarter of the human race perishes in infancy. This is a fact not in accordance with the analogy of Nature. No such mortality prevails ON CLOTHING. 113 among the young of animals; it does not appear to be the design of the Creator ; and it must be owing to causes which can be removed. Medical men agree in the opinion, that a great portion of this mortality, is owing to mismanagement, in reference to fresh air, food, and clothing. At birth, the circulation is chiefly in the vessels of the skin ; for the liver and stomach, being feeble in ac- tion, demand less blood, and it resorts to the surface. If, therefore, an infant be exposed to cold, the blood is driven inward, by the contracting of the blood-vessels in the skin ; and, the internal organs being thus over- stimulated, bowel complaints, croup, convulsions, or some other evil, ensues. This shows the sad mistake of parents, who plunge infants in cold water to strength- en their constitution ; and teaches, that infants should be washed in warm water, and in a warm room. Some have constitutions strong enough to bear mismanagement in these respects ; but many fail in consequence of it. Hence we see the importance of dressing infants warmly, and protecting them from exposure to a cold temperature. It is for this purpose, that mothers, now, very generally, cover the arms and necks of infants, especially in Winter. Fathers and mothers, if they were obliged to go with bare arms and necks, even in moderate weather, would often shiver with cold ; and yet they have a power of constitution which would sub- ject them to far less, hazard and discomfort, than a deli- cate infant must experience from a similar exposure. This mode of dressing infants, with bare necks and arms, has arisen from the common impression, that they have a power of resisting cold superior to older persons. This is a mistake ; for the experiments of medical men have established the fact, that the power of producing heat is least in the period of infancy. Extensive investigations have been made in France, in reference to this point. It is there required, in some districts, that every infant, at birth, be carried to the office of the maire, \mayor,\ to be registered. It is 10* D. E. 114 ON CLOTHING. found, in these districts, that the deaths of newly-born infants, are much more numerous in the cold, than in the warm, months ; and that a much greater proportion of such deaths occurs among those who reside at a dis- tance from the office of the maire, than among those in its vicinity. This proves, that exposure to cold has much to do with the continuance of infant hfe. But it is as dangerous to go to the other extreme, and keep the body too warm. The skin, when kept at too high a temperature, is relaxed and weakened by too profuse perspiration, and becomes more sensitive, and more readily affected by every change of temperature. This increases the liabilities to sudden colds; and it frequently happens, that the children, who are most carefully guarded from cold, are the ones most liable to take sudden and dangerous chills. The reason is, that, by the too great accumulation of clothing, the skin is too much excited, and the blood is withdrawn from the in- ternal organs, thus weakening them, while the skin itself is debilitated by the same process. The rule of safety, is, so to cover the body, as to keep it entirely warm, but not so as to induce perspira- tion in any part. The perspiration induced by exercise is healthful, because it increases the appetite ; but the perspiration produced by excess of clothing is debili- tating. This shows the importance of adjusting beds and their covering to the season. Featherbeds are un- healthful in warm weather, because they induce perspi- ration ; and in all cases, those, who have the care of children, should proportion their covering by night to the season of the year. Infants and children should never be so clothed, as either to feel chilly, or to induce perspiration. The gi-eatest trouble, in this respect, to those who have the care of children, is owing to their throwing off their covering in the night. The best guard, against such exposures, is a nightgown, of the warmest and thickest material, made like pantaloons at the lower part, and the legs long, so that they can be tied over the feet. ON CLOTHING. 115 This makes less covering needful, and saves the child from excessive cold vi^hen it is thrown off. The clothing ought always to be proportioned to the constitution and habits. A person of strong constitu- tion, who takes much exercise, needs less clothing than one of delicate and sedentary habits. According to this rule, women need much thicker and warmer cloth- ing, when they go out, than men. But how different are our customs, from what sound wisdom dictates! Women go out with thin stockings, thin shoes, and open necks, when men are protected by thick woollen hose and boots, and their whole body encased in many folds of flannel and broadcloth. On the subject of wearing woolens next the skin, the medical profession are changing their opinions. Here- tofore it has been considered important for young chil- dren and invahds to wear flannel next the skin, but now it is believed that the constant friction of the flan- nel tends to debilitate the skin, and that the good to be secured by wearing flannel, without this evil, is gained by having it over an under-garment of cotton. Wear- ing flannel next the skin, through the night, is especial- ly injurious, and therefore the woolen night-gowns of young children and invalids should never be worn next the skin. It has often been found that persons who have suffered from rheumatism, and on this account have worn flannel next the skin, have been relieved from this disease by simply leaving off the flannel. The best protection against sudden changes, and against the malaria of disease or bad climate, is to strengthen the skin by frequent ablutions of the whole body in cold water. All persons, by a gradual process, can accustom themselves to this, without any danger, and with immense benefits. Cold bathing should al- ways be followed by exercise, continued until a glow is produced. It never should be taken till three hours after eating. Infants should gradually be accustomed to cold water after the second month, and all young chil- dren should be washed all over in cold water every day. But the practice, by which females probably suffer 116 ON CLOTHING. most, is, the use of tight dresses. Much has been said against the use of corsets by ladies. But these may be worn with perfect safety, and be left off, and still injury, such as they often produce, be equally felt. It is the con- striction of dress, that is to be feared, and not any par- ticular article that produces it. A frock, or a belt, may be so tight, as to be even worse than a corset, which would more equally divide the compression. So long as it is the fashion to admire, as models of elegance, the wasp-like figures which are presented at the rooms of mantuamakers and milliners, there will be hundreds of foolish women, who will risk their lives and health to secure some resemblance to these de- formities of the human frame. But it is believed, that all sensible women, when they fairly understand the evils which result from tight dressing, and learn the real model of taste and beauty for a perfect female form, will never risk their own health, or the health of their daughters, in efforts to secure one which is as much at variance with good taste, as it is with good health. ' Such female figures as our print-shops present, are made, not by the hand of the Author of all grace and beauty, but by the murderous contrivances of the corset- shop ; and the more a woman learns the true rules of grace and beauty for the female form, the more her taste will revolt from such ridiculous distortions. The folly of the Chinese belle, who totters on two useless deformities, is nothing, compared to that of the Ameri- can belle, who impedes all the internal organs in the discharge of their functions, that she may have a slen der waist. It was shown, in the article on the bones and mus cles, that exercise was indispensable to their growth and strength. If any muscles are left unemployed, they diminish in size and strength. The girding of tight dresses operates thus on the muscles of the body. If an article, like corsets, is made to hold up the body, then those muscles, which are designed for this purpose, are released from duty, and grow weak; so that, after ON CLOTHING. 117 this nas been continued for some time, leaving off the unnatural support produces a feeling of weakness. Thus a person will complain of feehng so weak and unsupported, without corsets, as to be uncomfortable. This is entirely owing to the disuse of those muscles, which corsets throw out of employ. Another effect of tight dress, is, to stop or impede the office of the lungs. Unless the chest can expand, fully, and with perfect ease, a portion of the lungs is not filled with air, and thus the full purification of the blood is prevented. This movement of the lungs, when they are fully inflated, increases the peristaltic move-i ment of the stomach and bowels, and promotes diges- tion ; any constriction of the waist tends to impede this important operation, and indigestion, with all its attend- ant evils, is often the result. The rule of safety, in regard to the tightness of dress, is this. Every person should be dressed so loosely, that, when sitting in the posture used in sewing, reading, or study, the lungs can he as fully and as easily in- flated, as they are without clothing. Many a woman thinks she dresses loosely, because, when she stands up, her clothing does not confine her chest. This is not a fair test. It is in the position most used when engaged in common employments, that we are to judge of the constriction of dress. Let every woman, then, bear in mind, that, just so long as her dress and posi- tion oppose any resistance to the motion of her chest, in just such proportion her blood is unpurified, and her vital organs are debilitated. The English ladies set our countrywomen a good example, in accommodating their dress to times and seasons. The richest and noblest among them wear warm cotton hose and thick shoes, when they walk for exercise ; and would deem it vulgar to appear, as many of our ladies do, with thin hose and shoes, in damp or cold weather. Any mode of dress, not suited to the employment, the age, the season, or the means of the wearer, is in bad taste. n8 ON CLEANLINESS. CHAPTER IX. ON CLEANLINESS. The importance of cleanliness, in person and dress, can never be fully realized, by persons who are ignorant of the construction of the skin, and of the influence which its treatment has on the health of the body. Persons deficient in such knowledge, frequently sneer at what they deem the foolish and fidgety particularity of others, whose frequent ablutions and changes of clothing, exceed their own measure of importance. The popular maxim,. that " dirt is healthy," has prob- ably arisen from the fact, that playing in the open air is very beneficial to the health of children, who thus get dirt on their persons and clothes. But it is the fresh air and exercise, and not the dirt, which promotes the health. In a previous article, it was shown, that the lungs, bowels, kidneys, and skin, were the organs employed in throwing off* those waste and noxious parts of the food not employed in nourishing the body. Of thisj the skin has the largest duty to perform ; throwing off", at least, twenty ounces every twenty-four hours, by means of insensible perspiration. When exercise sets the blood in quicker motion, it ministers its supplies faster, and there is consequently a greater residuum to be thrown oflf by the skin; and then the perspiration becomes so abundant as to be perceptible. In this state, if a sudden chill take place, the blood-vessels of the skin contract, the blood is driven from the surface, and the internal organs are taxed with a double duty. If the constitution be a strong one, these organs march on and perform the labor exacted. But if any of these organs be debilitated, the weakest one generally gives way, and some disease ensues. One of the most frequent illustrations of this recipro- ON CLEANLINESS. 119 cated action, is afforded by a convivial meeting in cold weather. The heat of the room, the food, and the ex- citement, quicken the circulation, and perspiration is evolved. When the company passes into the cold air, a sudden revulsion takes place. The increased circu- lation continues, for some time after ; but the skin being cooled, the blood retreats, and the internal organs are obliged to perform the duties of the skin as well as their own. Then, in case the lungs are the weakest organ, the mucous secretion becomes excessive ; so that it would fill up the cells, and stop the breathing, were it not for the spasmodic effort called coughing, by which this substance is thrown out. In case the nerves are the weakest part of the system, such an exposure would result in pains in the head or teeth, or in some other nervous ailment. If the muscles be the weakest part, rheumatic affections will ensue ; and if the bowels or kidneys be weakest, some disorder in their functions will result. But it is found, that the closing of the pores of the skin with other substances, tends to a similar result on the internal organs. In this situation, the skin is un- able perfectly to perform its functions, and either the blood remains to a certain extent unpurified, or else the internal organs have an unnatural duty to perform. Either of these results tends to produce disease, and the gradual decay of the vital powers. Moreover, it has been shown, that the skin has the power of absorbing into the blood particles retained on its surface. In consequence of these peculiarities, the skin of the whole body needs to be washed, every day. This process removes from the pores the matter exhaled from the blood, and also that collected from the atmos- phere and other bodies. If this process be not often performed, the pores of the skin fill up with the redun- dant matter expelled, and being pressed, by the clothing, to the surface of the body, the skin is both interrupted in its exhaling process, and its absorbents take back into the system portions of the noxious matter. Thus the 120 ON CLEANLINESS. blood is not relieved to the extent designed, while it re- ceives back noxious particles, which are thus carried to the lungs, liver, and every part of the system. This is the reason why the articles worn next to the skin should often be changed ; and why it is recom- mended that persons should not sleep in the article they wear next the skin through the day. The alternate change and airing of the articles worn next the body by day or night, is a practice very favorable to the health of the skin. The fresh air has the power of removing much of the noxious effluvia received from the body by the clothing. It is with reference to this, that on leav- ing a bed, its covering should be thrown open and exposed to the fresh air. The benefit arising from a proper care of the skin, is the reason why bathing has been so extensively prac- tised by civilized nations. The Greeks and Romans considered bathing as indispensable to daily comfort, as much so, as their meals ; and public baths were provided for all classes. In European countries, this practice is very prevalent, but there is no civilized na- tion which pays so little regard to the rules of health, on this subject, as our own. To wash the face, feet, hands, and neck, is the extent of the ablutions practised by perhaps the majority of our people. All persons m health can use the cold bath with great benefit if they follow it with brisk exercise, and even invalids, by a gradual process, can accustom them- selves to this use of cold water without risk, provided exercise be taken immediately after. The shower bath is not good for the young nor for nervous persons. If it is useful, it can be known by an invigorated feeling, and a warm glow on the skin ; but if, instead of this, there be a feeling of debility, and the hands and feet become cold, it is a certain sign that this kind of bath- ing is injurious. The best way to commence cold bath- ing is to put the water at 72° Fahrenheit, and then low- er it one degree every two or three days, till it is at 60°, or even colder. After bathing, the body should ON CLEANLINESS. 121 be rubbed with a brush or coarse towel, to remove the light scales of scarfskin which adhere to it, and also to promote a healthful excitement. A bath should never be taken till three hours after eating, as it interrupts the process of digestion, by with- drawing the blood from the stomach to the surface. The cold bath never should be taken when a person feels chilly. Neither should it be taken when a per- son is suffering great exhaustion from fatigue. The best wav is to take it when the skin is warm from the bed or from gentle exercise. The common opinion that it is dangerous to take a cold bath when in a per- spiration is utterly fallacious. The skin is never so abia to resist cold as when in a glow of heat. This is the reason why the Swedes and Russians can rush, reek- ing, out of their steam baths, and throw themselves into the snow, and not only escape injury, but feel invigora- ted. It is for a similar reason that we suffer less in going into the cold from a warm room, with our body entire- ly warm, than when we go out somewhat chilled. When the skin is warm, the circulation is active on the sur- face, and the cold does not so reduce its temperature but that increased exercise will keep up its warmth. When families have no bathing establishment, every member should wash the whole person with cold wa- ter immediately on rising, and then take a brisk walk before breakfast. It is especially important that chil- dren have the perspiration and other impurities, which their exercise and sports have occasioned, removed from their skin before going to bed. The hours of sleep are those when the body most freely exhales the waste mat- ter of the system, and all the pores should be properly freed from impediments to this healthful operation. For this purpose, a large tin wash-pan should be kept for children, just large enough, at bottom, for them to stand in, and flaring outwardj so as to be very broad at top. A child can then be placed in it, standing, and washed with a sponge, without wetting the floor. Being small at bottom, it is better than a tub ; it is not only smaller, but lighter, and requires less water. 11 D. F.. 122 ON EARLY RISING. These remarks indicate the wisdom of those parents, who habitually wash their children, all over, before they go to bed. The chance of life and health, to such chil- dren, is greatly increased by this practice ; and no doubt much of the suffering of childhood, from cutaneous eruptions, weak eyes, earache, colds, and fevers, is owing to a neglect of the skin. The care of the teeth should be made habitual to children, not merely as promoting an agreeable appear- ance, but as a needful preservative. The saliva contains tartar, an earthy substance, which is deposited on the teeth, and destroys both their beauty and health. This can be prevented, by the use of the brush, night and morning. But, if this be neglected, the deposite be- comes hard, and can be removed only by the dentist. If suffered to remain, it tends to destroy the health of the gums ; they gradually decay, and thus the roots of the teeth become bare, and they often drop out. When children are shedding their first set of teeth, care should be taken, to remove them as soon as they become loose ; otherwise the new teeth will grow awry. When persons have defective teeth, they can often be saved, by having them filled by a dentist. This also will frequently prevent the toothache. Children should be taught to take proper care of their nails. Long and dirty nails have a disagreeable appear- ance. When children wash, in the morning, they should be supplied with an instrument to clean the nails, and be required to use it. CHAPTER X. ON EARLY RISING. There is no practice, which has been more exten« sively eulogized, in all ages, than early rising ; and this universal impression, is an indication that it is founded ON EARLY PaSING. 123 on true pliilosophy. For, it is rarely the case, that the common sense of mankind fastens on a practice, as really beneficial, especially one that demands self-denial, without some substantial reason. This practice, which may justly be called a domestic virtue, is one, which has a peculiar claim to be styled American and democratic. The distinctive mark of aristocratic nations, is, a disregard of the great mass, and a disproportionate regard for the interests of certain privileged orders. All the customs and habits of such a nation, are, to a greater or less extent, regulated by this principle. Now the mass of any nation must always consist of persons who labor at occupations which demand the light of day. But in aristocratic countries, especially in. England, labor is regarded as the mark of the lower classes, and indolence is consid- ered as one mark of a gentleman. This impression has gradually and imperceptibly, to a great extent, regu- lated their customs, so that, even in their hours of meals and repose, the higher orders aim at being different and distinct from those, who, by laborious pursuits, are placed below them. From this circumstance, while the lower orders labor by day, and sleep at night, the rich, the noble, and the honored, sleep by day, and follow their pursuits and pleasures by night. It will be found, that the aristocracy of London breakfast near mid-day, dine after dark, visit and go to Parliament between ten and twelve at night, and retire to sleep towards morn- ing. In consequence of this, the subordinate classes, who aim at gentility, gradually fall into the same practice. The influence of this custom extends across the ocean, and here, in this democratic land, we And many, who measure their grade of gentility by the late hour at which they arrive at a party. And this aristo- cratic tendency is growing upon us, so that, throughout the Nation, the hours for visiting and retiring are con- stantly becoming later, while the hours for rising cor- respond in lateness. The question, then, is one which appeals to American 124 ON EARLY RISING. women, as a matter of patriotism ; as having a bearing on those great principles of democracy, which we con- ceive to be equally the principles of Christianity. Shall we form our customs on the principle that labor is de- grading, and indolence genteel ? Shall we assume, by our practic^e, that the interests of the great mass are to be sacrificed for the pleasures and honors of a privileged few ? Shall we ape the customs of aristocratic lands, in those very practices which result from principles and institutions that we condemn? Shall we not rather take the place to which we are entitled, as the leaders, rather than the followers, in the customs of society, turn back the tide of aristocratic inroads, and carry through the whole, not only of civil and political, but of social and domestic, life, the true principles of demo- cratic freedom and equality? The following consid- erations may serve to strengthen an affirmative decision. The first, relates to the health of a family. It is a universal law of physiology, that all living things flourish best in the light. Vegetables, in a dark cellar, grow pale and spindling,* and children, brought up in mines, are wan and stinted. This universal law, indicates the folly of turning day into night, thus losing the genial influence, which the light of day produces on all ani- mated creation. There is another phenomenon in the physiology of Nature, which equally condemns this practice. It has been shown, that the purification of the blood, in the lungs, is secured, by the oxygen of the atmosphere ab- sorbing its carbon and hydrogen. This combination forms carbonic acid and water, which are expired from our lungs into the atmosphere. Now all the vegetable world undergoes a similar process. In the light of day, all the leaves of vegetables absorb carbon and expire oxygen, thus supplying the air with its vital principle, and withdrawing the more deleterious element. But, when the light is withdrawn, this process is reversed, * Shooting into a long, small stalk or root. ON EARLY RISING. 125 and all vegetables exhale carbonic acid, and inspire tlie oxygen of the air. Thus it appears, that the atmosphere of day is much more healthful than that of the night, especially out of doors. Moreover, when the body is fatigued, it is much more liable to deleterious influences, from noxious par- ticles in the atmosphere, vrhich may be absorbed by the skin or the lungs. In consequence of this, the last hours of daily labor are more likely to be those of risk, especially to delicate constitutions. This is a proper reason for retiring to the house and to Slumber, at an early hour, that the body may not be exposed to the most risk, when, after the exertions of the day, it is least able to bear it. The observations of medical men, whose inquiries have been directed to this point, have decided, that from six to eight hours, is the amount of sleep demand- ed by persons in health. Some constitutions require as much as (eight, and others no more than six, hours of repose. But eight hours is the maximum for all per- sons in ordinary health, with ordinary occupations. In cases of extra physical exertions, or the debility of disease, or a decayed constitution, more than this is required. Let eight hours, then, be regarded as the ordinary period required for sleep, by an industrious people, like the Americans. According to this, the practice of rising between four and five, and retiring between nine and ten, in Summer, would secure most of the sunlight, and expose us the least to that period of the atmosphere, when it is most noxious. In Win ter, the night air is less deleterious, because the. frost binds noxious exhalations, and vegetation ceases its in- spiring and expiring process ; and, moreover, as the constitution is more tried, in cold, than in warm, weather, and as in cold weather the body exhales less during the hours of sleep, it is not so injurious to pro- tract our slumbers beyond the proper period, as it is in the warm months. But in Winter, it is best for grown persons, in health, to rise as soon as they can see to 1 1* D. E. 126 OR EARLY RISING. dress, and retire so as not to allow more than eight, hours for sleep. It thus appears, that the laws of our political con- dition, the laws of the natural world, and the constitu- tion of our bodies, alike demand that we rise with the light of day to prosecute our employments, and that we Yetire within doors, when this light is withdrawn. In regard to the effects of protracting the time spent in repose, many extensive and satisfactory investigations have been made. It has been shown, that, during sleep, the body perspires most freely, while yet neither food nor exercise are ministering to its wants. Of course, if we continue our slumbers, beyond the time required to restore the body to its usual vigor, there is an unperceived undermining of the constitution, by this protracted and debilitating exhalation. This process, in a course of years, renders the body delicate, and less able to withstand disease; and in the result shortens life. Sir John Sinclair, who has written a large work on the Causes of Longevity, states, as one result of his extensive investigations, that he has never yet heard or read of a single case of great longevity, where the indi- vidual was not an early riser. He says, that he has found cases, in which the individual has violated some one of all the other laws of health, and yet lived to great age ; but never a single instance, in which any constitution has withstood that undermining, conse- quent on protracting the hours of repose beyond the demands of the system. Another reason for early rising, is, that it is indispen- sable to a systematic and well-regulated family. At whatever hour the parents retire, children and do- mestics, wearied by play or labor, must retire early. Children usually awake with the dawn of light, and commence their play, while domestics usually prefer the freshness of morning for their labors. If, then, the parents rise at a late hour, they either induce a habit of protracting sleep in their children and domestics, or else the family is up, and at their pursuits, while their ON EARLY RISING. 127 supervisors are in bed. Any woman, who asserts that her children and domestics, in the first hours of day, whGn their spirits are freshest, will be as well regu- lated without her presence, as with it, confesses that, which surely is little for her credit. It is believed, that any candid woman, whatever may be her excuse for late rising, will concede, that, if she could rise early, it would be for the advantage of her family. A late breakfast puts back the work, through the whole day, for every member of a family ; and, if the parents thus occasion the loss of an hour or two, to each individual, who, but for their delay in the morning, would be use- fully employed, they, alone, are responsible for all this waste of time. Is it, said, that those, who wish to rise early, can go to their employments before breakfast ? it may be replied, that, in most cases, it is not safe to use the eyes or the muscles in the morning, till the losses of the night have been repaired by food. In addition to this, it may be urged, that, where the parents set an example of the violation of the rules of health and in- dustry, their influence tends in the wrong direction ; so that whatever waste of time is induced, by a practice which they thus uphold, must be set down to their account. But the practice of early rising has a relation to the general interests of the social community, as well as to that of each distinct family. All that great portion of the community, who are employed in business and labor, find it needful to rise early; and all their hours of meals, and their appointments for business or pleas- ure, must be accommodated to these arrangements. Now, if a small portion of the community estabhsh very different hours, it makes a kind of jostling, in all the concerns and interests of society. The various appointments for the public, such as meetings, schools, and business hours, must be accommodated to the mass, and not to individuals. The few, then, who establish domestic habits at variance with the majority, are either constantly interrupted in their own arrangements, or 1^8 ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. else are interfering with the rights and interests of others. This is exemplified in the case of schools. In famihes where late rising is practised, either hurry, irregularity, and neglect, are engendered in the family, or else the interests of the school, and thus of the com- munity, are sacrificed. In this, and many other con- cerns, it can be shown, that the well-being of the bulk of the people, is, to a greater or less extent, impaired by this aristocratic practice. Let any teacher select the unpunctuai scholars, — a class who most seriously interfere with the interests of the schopl ; — and let men of business select those who cause them most waste of time and vexation, by unpunctuality ; and it will be found, that they are among the late risers, and rarely among those who rise early. Thus, it is manifest, that late rising not only injures the person and family which practise it, but interferes with the rights and conve- nience of the community. CHAPTER XI. ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. In the preceding chapters, we have noticed the va- rious causes, which, one or all, operate to produce that melancholy delicacy and decay of the female constitu- tion, which are the occasion of so much physical and mental suffering throughout this Country. These, in a more condensed form, may be enumer- ated thus: A want of exercise, inducing softness in the bones, weakness in the muscles, inactivity in the digestive organs, and general debihty in the nervous system : A neglect of the care of the skin, whereby the blood has not been properly purified, and the internal organs have been weakened : A violation of the laws of health, in regard to food, by eating too much, too fast, and too ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 129 often ; by using stimulating food and drinks ; by using them too warm or too cold ; and by eating that which the power of the stomach is not sufficient to digest : A neglect of the laws of health, in regard to clothing, by dressing too tight, and by wearing too little covering, in cold and damp weather, and especially by not sufficiently protecting the feet: A neglect to gain a proper supply of pure air, in sleeping apartments and schoolrooms, and too great a confinement to the house : The pursuit of exciting amusements at unseasonable hours, and the many exposures involved at such times : And lastly, sleeping by day, instead of by night, and pro- tracting the hours of sleep, beyond the period of repose demanded for rest ; thus exhausting, instead of recruit- ing, the energies of the system. , But all the other causes, combined, probably, do not produce one half the evils, which result from a want of proper exercise. A person who keeps all the functions of the system in full play, by the active and frequent use of every muscle, especially if it be in the open air, gains a power of constitution, which can resist many evils that would follow from the other neglects and risks detailed. This being the case, there can be no subject, more important for mothers and young ladies to understand, than the influence on the health, both of body and mind, of the neglect or abuse of the mus- cular system. It has been shown, in the previous pages, that all the muscles have nerves and blood-vessels, running in larger trunks, or minute branches, to every portion of the body. The experiments of Sir Charles Bell and others, have developed the curious fact, that each apparently single nerve, in reality consists of two distinct portions, running together in the same covering. One portion, is the nerve of sensation or feeling, the other, the nerve of motion. The nerves of sensation are those which are affected by the emotions and volitions of the mind ; and the nerves of motion are those which impart moving power to the muscles. Experiments show, 130 ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. that, where the nerves issue from the spine, the nerve of sensation may be cut off without severing the nerve of motion, and then the parts, to which this nerve ex- tends, lose the power of feeling, while the power of motion continues ; and so, on the other hand, the nerve of motion may be divided, and, the nerve of sensation remaining uninjured, the power of feeling is retained, and the power of motion is lost. In certain nervous diseases, sometimes a limb loses its power of feeling, and yet retains the power of mo- tion ; in other cases, the power of motion is lost, and the power of sensation is retained; and in other cases, still, when a limb is paralysed, both the power of motion and of sensation are lost. Now, the nerves, like all other parts of the body, gain and lose strength, according as they are exercised. If they have too much, or too little, exercise, they lose strength ; if they are exercised to a proper degree, they gain strength. When the mind is continuously excited, by business, study, or the imagination, the nerves of feeling are kept in constant action, while the nerves of motion are unemployed. If this is continued, for a long time, the nerves of sensation lose their strength, from over action, and the nierves of motion lose their power, from inactivity. In consequence, there is a morbid ex- citability of the nervous, and a debility of the mus- cular, system, which make all exertion irksome and wearisome. The only mode of preserving the health of these systems, is, to keep up in them an equilibrium of action. For this purpose, occupations must be sought, which exercise the muscles, and interest the mind ; and thus the equal action of both kinds of nerves is secured. This shows why exercise is so much more healthful and invigorating, when the mind is interested, than when it is not. As an illustration, let a person go a shopping, with a friend, and have nothing to do, but look on ; how soon do the continuous walking and standing weary! But suppose one, thus wearied, hears of the arrival of a very de9.r friend : she can instantly walk off a mile or ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 131 two, to meet her, without the least feehng of fatigue. By this is shown the importance of furnishing, for young persons, exercise in which they will take an interest. Long and formal walks, merely for exercise, though they do some good, in securing fresh air and some ex- ercise of the muscles, would be of triple benefit, if changed to amusing sports, or to the cultivation of Sruits and flowers, in which it is impossible to engage, vvithout acquiring a great interest. It shows, also, why A is far better to trust to useful domestic exercise, at home, than to send a young person out to walk, for the mere purpose of exercise. Young girls can seldom be made to reahze the value of health, and the need of exercise to secure it, so as to feel much interest in walking abroad, when they have no other object. But, if they are brought up to minister to the comfort and enjoyment of themselves and others, by performing domestic duties, they will constantly be interested and cheered in their exercise, by the feehng of usefulness, and the consciousness of having performed their duty. There are few young persons, it is hoped, who are brought up with such miserable habits of selfishness and indolence, that they cannot be made to feel happier, by the consciousness of being usefully employed. And those who have never been accustomed to think or care for any one but themselves, and who seem to feel httle pleasure in making themselves useful, by wise and proper influences, can often be gradually awakened to the new pleasure of benevolent exertion to promote the comfort and enjoyment of others. And the more this sacred and elevating kind of enjoyment is tasted, the greater is the relish induced. Other enjoyments, often cloy ; but the heavenly pleasure, secured by virtuous industry and be- nevolence, while it satisfies, at the time, awakens fresh desires for so ennobling a good. But, besides the favorable influence on the nervous and muscular system, thus gained, it has been shown, hat exercise imparts fresh strength and vitality to all parts of the body. The exertion of the muscles quick- 132 ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. ens the flow of the blood, which thus ministers its suppKes faster to every part of the body, and, of course, loses a portion of its nourishing quahties. When this is the case, the stomach issues its mandate of hunger, calling for new supplies. When these are furnished, the action of the muscles again hastens a full supply to every organ, and thus the nerves, the muscles, the bones, the skin, and all the internal organs, are invigor- ated, and the whole body developes its powers, in fair proportions, fresh strength and full beauty. All the cosmetics of trade, all the labors of mantuamakers, mil- liners, makers of corsets, shoemakers, and hairdressers, could never confer so clear and pure a skin, so fresh a color, so finely moulded a form, and such cheerful health and spirits, as would be secured by training a child to obey the laws of the benevolent Creator, in the appropriate employment of body and mind in useful domestic exercise. And the present habits of the wealthy, and even of those without wealth, which con- demn young girls so exclusively to books or sedentary pursuits, are as destructive to beauty and grace, as they are to health and happiness. Every allowance should be made for the mistakes of mothers and teachers, to whom the knowledge w^hich would have saved them from the evils of such a course has never been furnished ; but as information, on these matters, is every year becoming more abundant, it is to be hoped, that the next generation, at least, may be saved from the evils which afflict those now on the stage. What a change would be made in the happiness of this Country, if all the pale and delicate young girls should become blooming, healthful, and active, and all the en- feebled and care-worn mothers should be transformed into such fresh, active, healthful, and energetic matrons, as are so frequently found in our mother land ! It has been stated, that the excessive use of the muscles, as much as their inactivity, tends to weaken them. Nothing is more painful, than the keeping a muscle constantly on the stretch, without any relaxa- ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 133 tion or change. This can be reahzed, by holding out an arm, perpendicularly to the body, for ten or fifteen minutes, if any one can so long bear the pain. Of course, confinement to one position, for a great length of time, tends to weaken the muscles thus strained. This shows the evil of confining young children to their seats, in the schoolroom, so much and so long as is often done. Having no backs to their seats, as is generally the case, the muscles, which are employed in holding up the body, are kept in a state of constant tension, till they grow feeble from overworking. Then, the child begins to grow crooked, and the parents, to remedy the evil, sometimes put on bracers or corsets. These, instead of doing any good, serve to prevent the use of those muscles, which, if properly exercised, would hold the body straight ; and thus they grow still weaker, from entire inacti\^ty. If a parent perceives that a child is growing crooked, the proper remedy is, to withdraw it from all pursuits which tax one par- ticular set of muscles, and turn it out to exercise in sports, or in gardening, in the fresh air, when all the muscles will be used, and the whole system strength- ened. Or, if this cannot be done, sweeping, dusting, running of errands, and many household employments, which involve lifting, stooping, bending, and walking, are quite as good, and, on some accounts, better, pro- vided the house is properly supphed with fresh air. Where persons have formed habits of inactivity,- some caution is necessary, in attempting a change ; this must be made gradually ; and the muscles must never be excessively fatigued at any time. If this change be not thus gradually made, the weakness, at first caused by inactivity, will be increased by excessive exertion. A distinguished medical gentleman gives this rule, to direct us in regard to the amount of fa- tigue, which is safe and useful. A person is never too much fatigued, if one night of repose gives suffi- cient rest, and restores the usual strength. But, if the sleep is disturbed, and the person wakes with a feeling 12 D. K. 134 ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. of weariness and languor, it is a sure indication that the exercise has been excessive. No more fatigue, then, should be allowed, than one night's rest will remedy. Some persons object to sweeping, on account of the dust inhaled. But free ventilation, frequent sweeping, and the use of damp sand, or damp Indian meal, or damp tea leaves, for carpets, will secure a more clear atmosphere than is often found in the streets of cities. And the mother, who will hire domestics, to take away this and other domestic employments, which would secure to her daughters, health, grace, beauty, and domestic virtues, and the young ladies, who consent to be deprived of these advantages, will probably live to mourn over the languor, discouragement, pain, and sorrow, which will come with ill health, as the almost inevitable result. The following are extracts from ' The Young La- dies' Friend,' on this subject: — " Whether rich or poor, young or old, married or single, a woman is always liable to be called to the performance of every kind of domestic duty, as well as to be placed at the head of a family ; and nothing, short of a practical knowledge of the details of house- keeping, can ever make those duties easy, or render her competent to direct others in the performance of them. "All moral writers on female character, treat of Domestic Economy as an indispensable part of female education ; and this, too, in the old countries of Eu- rope, where an abundant population, and the institu- tions of society, render it easy to secure the services of faithful domestics." " All female characters that are held up to admira- tion, whether in fiction or biography, will be found to possess these domestic accomplishments ; and, if they are considered indispensable in the Old World, how much more are they needed, in this land of inde- pendence, where riches cannot exempt the mistress of ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 135 a family from the difficulty of procuring efficient aid, and where perpetual change of domestics, renders per- petual instruction and superintendence necessary. " Since, then, the details of good housekeeping must be included in a good female education, it is very de- sirable that they should be acquired when young, and so practised as to become easy, and to be performed dexterously and expeditiously." " The elegant and accomplished Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who figured in the fashionable, as well as the literary, circles of her time, has said, that 'the most minute details of household economy become elegant and refined, when they are ennobled by senti- ment ; ' and they are truly ennobled, when we do them either from a sense of duty, or consideration for a parent, or love to a husband. ' To furnish a room,' continues this lady, ' is no longer a commonplace affair, shared with upholsterers and cabinet-makers ; it is dec orating the place where I am to meet a friend or lover To order dinner is not merely arranging a meal with my cook ; it is preparing refreshment for him whom I love. These necessary occupations, viewed in this light, by a person capable of strong attachment, are so many pleasures, and afford her far more delight, than the games and shows which constitute the amuse- ments of the world.' " Such is the testimony of a titled lady of the last century, to the sentiment that may be made to mingle in the most homely occupations. I will now quote that of a modern female writer and traveller, who, in her pleasant book, called ' Six Weeks on the Loire,' has thus described the housewifery of the daughter of a French nobleman, residing in a superb chateau on that river. The travellers had just arrived, and been introduced, when the following scene took place. " ' The bill of fare for dinner was discussed in my presence, and settled, sans fagon* with that delight- * Without formality, or useless ceremony. 136 ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. ful frankness and gayety, which, in the French char- acter, gives a charm to the most trifling occurrence. Mademoiselle Louise then begged me to excuse her for half an hour, as she was going to make some creams, and some pastilles.^ I requested that I might accom- pany her, and also render myself useful ; we accord- ingly went together to the dairy. I made tarts a VAn- glaise,-\ whilst she made confections and bonbons,'^ and all manner of pretty things, with as much ease as if she had never done any thing else, and as much grace as she displayed in the saloon. I could not help thinking, as I looked at her, with her servants about her, all cheerful, respectful, and anxious to attend upon her, how much better it would be for the young ladies in England, if they would occasionally return to the habits of their grandmammas, and mingle the animated and endearing occupations of domestic life, and the modest manners and social amusements of home, with the perpetual practising on harps and pianos, and the incessant efforts at display, and search after gayety, which, at the present day, render them any thing but what an amiable man, of a reflecting mind and dehcate sentiments, would desire in the woman he might wish to select as the companion of his life.' " CHAPTER XII. ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. GooD-MANNERs are the expressions of benevolence in personal intercourse, by which we endeavor to promote the comfort and enjoyment of others, and to avoid all that gives needless uneasiness. It is the exterior ex- hibition of the Divine precept, which requires us to do * Rolls of paste, or pastry, or sugarplums, t According to the English fashion. t Nice things or dainties, such as sweetmeale. ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. 137 to others, as we would that they should do to us. It is saying, by our deportment, to all around, that we consider their feeUngs, tastes, and convenience, as equal in value to our own. Good-manners lead us to avoid all practices which offend the taste of others; all violations of the con- ventional rules of propriety; all rude and disrespect- ful language and deportment ; and all remarks, which would tend to wound the feehngs of another. There is a serious defect, in the manners of the American people, especially in the free States, which can never be efficiently remedied, except in the do- mestic circle, and during early life. It is a deficiency in the free expression of kindly feelings and sympa- thetic emotions, and a want of courtesy in deportment. The causes, which have led to this result, may easily be traced. The forefathers of this Nation, to a wide extent, were men who were driven from their native land, by laws and customs which they believed to be opposed both to civil and religious freedom. The sufferings they were called to endure, the subduing of those gentler feelings which bind us to country, kindred, and home, and the constant subordination of the passions to stern principle, induced characters of great firmness and self-control. They gave up the comforts and re- finements of a civihzed country, and came, as pilgrims, to a hard soil, a cold clime, and a heathen shore. They were continually forced to encounter danger, privations, sickness, loneliness, and death ; and all these, their religion taught them to meet with calm- ness, fortitude, and submission. And thus it became the custom and habit of the whole mass, to repress, rather than to encourage, the expression of feeling. Persons who are called to constant and protracted suffering and privation, are forced to subdue and con- ceal emotion ; for the free expression of it would double their own suffering, and increase the sufferings of others. Those, only, who are free from care and 12* D. E. 138 ON. DOME STIC MANNERS. anxiety, and whose minds are mainly occupied by cheerful emotions, are at full liberty to unveil their feelings. It was under such stern and rigorous discipline, that the first children in New England were reared ; and the manners and habits of parents are usually, to a great extent, transmitted to children. Thus it comes to pass, that the descendants of the Puritans, now scattered over every part of the Nation, are predis- posed to conceal the gentler emotions, while their man- ners are calm, decided, and cold, rather than free and impulsive. Of course, there are very many exceptions to these predominating results. The causes, to which we may attribute a general want of courtesy in manners, are certain incidental results of our democratic institutions. Our ancestors, and their descendants, have constantly been combating the aristocratic principle, which would exalt one class of men at the expense of another. They have had to contend with this principle, not only in civil, but in social, life. Almost every American, in his own person, as well as in behalf of his class, has had to assume and defend the main principle of democracy, — that every man's feelings and interests are equal in value to those of every other man. But, in doing this, there has been some want of clear discrimination. Because claims, based on distinctions of mere birth, fortune, or position, were found to be injurious, many have gone to the extreme of inferring that all dis- tinctions, involving subordination, are useless. Such, would regard children as equals to parents, pupils to teachers, domestics to their employers, and subjects to magistrates ; and that, too, in all respects. The fact, that certain grades of superiority and sub- ordination are needful, both for individual and public benefit, has not been clearly discerned ; and there has been a gradual tendency to an extreme, which has sensibly afiected our manners. All the proprieties and courtesies, which depend on the recognition of the ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. 139 relative duties of superior and subordinate, have been warred upon ; and thus we see, to an increasing ex- tent, disrespectful treatment of parents, from children ; of teachers, from pupils ; of employers, from domestics ; and of the aged, from the young. In all classes and circles, there is a gradual decay in courtesy of address. In cases, too, where kindness is rendered, it is often accompanied with a cold, unsympathizing manner, which greatly lessens its value, while kindness cr polite- ness is received in a similar style of coolness, as if it were but the payment of a just due. It is owing to these causes, that the American peo- ple, especially the inhabitants of New England, do not do themselves justice. For, while those, who are near enough to learn their real character and feelings, can discern the most generous impulses, and the most kind- ly sympathies, they are so veiled, in a composed and indifferent demeanor, as to be almost entirely concealed from strangers. These defects in our national manners, it especially falls to the care of mothers, and all who have charge of the young, to rectify ; and if they seriously under- take the matter, and wisely adapt means to, ends, these defects will be remedied. With reference to this ob- ject, the following ideas are suggested. The law of Christianity and of democracy, which teaches that all men are born equal, and that their interests and feelings should be regarded as of equal value, seems to be adopted in aristocratic circles, with exclusive reference to the class in which the individual moves. The courtly gentleman, addresses all of his own class with politeness and respect ; and, in all his actions, seems to allow that the feelings and conve- nience of others are to be regarded, the same as his own. But his demeanor to those of inferior station, is not based on the same rule. Among those, who make up aristocratic circles, such as are above them, are deemed of superior, and such as are below, of inferior, value. Thus, if a young, 140 ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. ignorant, and vicious coxcomb, happens to be bom a lord, the aged, the virtuous, the learned, and the well- bred, of another class, must give his convenience the precedence, and must address him in terms of respect. So, when a man of noble birth is thrown among the lower classes, he demeans himself in a style, which, to persons of his own class, would be deemed the height of assumption and rudeness. Now, the principles of democracy require, that the same courtesy, which we accord to our own circle, shall be extended to every class and condition ; and that distinctions, of superiority and subordination, shall depend, not on accidents of birth, fortune, or occupa- tion, but solely on those relations, which the good of all classes equally require. The distinctions de- manded, in a democratic state, are simply those, which result from relations, that are common to every class, and are for the benefit of all. It is for the benefit of every class, that children be subordinate to parents, pupils to teachers, the employed to their employers, and subjects to magistrates. In addition to this, it is for the general wellbeing, that the comfort or convenience of the delicate and feeble, should be preferred to that of the strong and healthy, who would suffer less by aiiy deprivation, and that precedence should be given to their elders, by the young, and that reverence should be given to the hoary head. The rules of good-breeding, in a democratic state, must be founded on these principles. It is, indeed, assumed, that the value of the happiness of each indi- vidual, is the same as that of every other; but, as there must be occasions, where there are advantages which all cannot enjoy, there must be general rules for regulating a selection. Otherwise, there would be constant scrambling, among those of equal claims, and brute force must be the final resort ; in which case, the strongest would have the best of every thing. The democratic rule, then, is, that superiors, ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. 141 in age, station, or office, have precedence of subordi- nates ; age and feebleness, of youth and strength ; and the feebler sex, of more vigorous man.* There is, also, a style of deportment and address, which is appropriate to these different relations. It is suitable for a superior to secure comphance with his wishes, from those subordinate to him, by commands ; but a subordinate must secure compliance with his wishes, from a superior, by requests. It is suitable for a parent, teacher, or employer, to admonish for neglect of duty ; but not for an inferior to adopt such a course towards a superior. It is suitable for a superior to take precedence of a subordinate, without any remark ; but not for an inferior, without previously asking leave, or offering an apology. It is proper for a superior to use language and manners of freedom and familiarity, which would be improper from a subordinate to a superior. The want of due regard to these proprieties, occa- sions the chief defect in American manners. It is very common to hear children talk to their parents, in a style proper only between companions and equals ; so, also, the young address their elders, those employed, their employers, and domestics, the members of the family and their visiters, in a style, which is inappropri- ate to their relative positions. A respectful address is required not merely towards superiors ; every person desires to be treated with courtesy and respect, and therefore, the law of benevolence demands such de- meanor, towards all whom we meet in the social inter- course of life. "Be ye courteous," is the direction of the Apostle in reference to our treatment of all. Good-manners can be successfully cultivated, only in early life, and in the domestic circle. There is nothing which depends so much upon hahit, as the constantly * The universal practice of this Nation, in thus giving precedence to woman, has been severely commented on by Miss Martineau and some others, who would transfer all the business of the other sex to women, and then have them treated like men. May this evidence of our superior civilisation and Christianity increase, rather than diminish . 142 ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. recurring proprieties of good-breeding ; and, if a child grows up without forming such habits, it is very rarely the case that they can be formed at a later period. The feeling, that it is of little consequence how we be- have at home, if we conduct properly abroad, is a very fallacious one. Persons, who are careless and ill bred at home, may imagine that they can assume good- manners abroad; but they mistake. Fixed habits of tone, manner, language, and movements, cannot be suddenly altered ; and those who are illbred at home, even when they try to hide their bad habits, are sure to violate many of the obvious rules of propriety, and yet be unconscious of it. And there is nothing, which would so effectually re- move prejudice against our democratic institutions, as the general cultivation of good-breeding in the domes- tic circle. Good-manners are the exterior of benevo- lence, the minute and often recurring exhibitions of " peace and good-will ; " and the nation, as well as the individual, which most excels in the external, as well as the internal, principle, will be most respected and beloved. The following are the leading points, which claim attention from those who have the care of the young. In the first place, in the family, there should be re- quired, a strict attention to the rules of precedence, and those modes of address appropriate to the various relations to be sustained. Children should always be required to offer their superiors, in age or station, the precedence in all comforts and conveniences, and always address them in a respectful tone and manner. The custom of adding « Sir," or "Ma'am," to "Yes," or " No," is valuable, as a perpetual indication of a re- spectful recognition of superiority. It is now going out of fashion, even among the most wellbred people; probably from a want of consideration of its impor- tance. Every remnant of courtesy of address, in our customs, should be carefully cherished, by all who feel a value for the proprieties of good-breeding. ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. 143 If parents allow their children to talk to them, and to the grown persons in the family,, in the same style in which they address each other, it will be vain to hope for the courtesy of manner and tone, which good-breed- ing demands in the general intercourse of society. In a large family, where the elder children are grown up, and the younger are small, it is important to require the latter to treat the elder as superiors. There are none, so ready as young children to assume airs of equality ; and, if they are allowed to treat one class of superiors in age and character disrespectfully, they will soon use the privilege universally. This is the reason, why the youngest children of a family are most apt to be pert, forward, and unmannerly. Another point to be aimed at, is, to require children always to acknowledge every act of kindness and atten- tion, either by words or manner. If they are so trained as always to make grateful acknowledgements, when receiving favors, one of the objectionable features in American manners will be avoided. Again, children should be required to ask leave, whenever they wish to gratify curiosity, or use an arti- cle which belongs to another. And if cases occur, when they cannot comply with the rules of good-breed- ing, as, for instance, when they must step between a person and the fire, or take the chair of an older person, they should be required either to ask leave, or to offer an apology. There is another point of good-breeding, which can- not, in all cases, be understood and applied by children, in its widest extent. It is that, which requires us to avoid all remarks which tend to embarrass, vex, mortify, or in any way wound the feehngs, of another. To notice personal defects; to allude to others' faults, or the faults of their friends ; to speak disparagingly of the sect or party to which a person belongs ; to be inatten- tive, when addressed in conversation ; to contradict flatly ; to speak in contemptuous tones of opinions ex- pres;^ed by another ;-— all these^ are violations of the 144 ON D03IESTIC MANNERS. rules of good-breeding, which children should be taught to regard. Under this head, comes the practice of whispering, and staring about, when a teacher, or lec- turer, or clergyman, is addressing a class or audience. Such inattention, is practically saying, that what the person is uttering is not worth attending to ; and per- sons of real good-breeding always avoid it. Loud talking and laughing, in a large assembly, even when no exercises are going on; yawning and gaping in company ; and not looking in the face a person who is addressing you, are deemed marks of ill-breeding. Another branch of good-manners, relates to the duties of hospitality. Politeness requires us to welcome visiters with cordiality ; to offer them the best accom- modations; to address conversation to them; and to express, by tone and manner, kindness and respect. Offering the hand to all visiters, at one's own house, is a courteous and hospitable custom ; and a cordial shake of the hand, when friends meet, would abate much of the coldness of manner ascribed to Americans. The last point of good-breeding, to be noticed, refers to the conventional rules of propriety and good taste. Of these, the first class relates to the avoidance of all disgusting or offensive personal habits, such as fingering the hair ; cleaning the teeth Or nails ; picking the nose ; spitting on carpets ; snuffing, instead of using a handker- chief, or using the article in an offensive manner ; lifting up the boots or shoes, as some men do, to tend them on the knee, or to finger them ; — all these tricks, either at home or in society, children should be taught to avoid. Another branch, under this head, may be called tahle manners. To persons of good-breeding, nothing is more annoying, than violating the conventional pro- prieties of the table. Reaching over another person's plate ; standing up, to reach distant articles, instead of asking to have them passed ; using one's own knife, and spoon, for butter, salt, or sugar, when it is the custom of the family to provide separate utensils for the ON DOMlESllO MANNERS. ■ 145 purpose ; setting cups, with tea dripping from them, on the tablecloth, instead of the mats or small plates fur- nished ; using the tablecloth, instead of the napkins ; eating fast, and in a noisy manner ; putting large pieces • in the mouth; looking and eating as if very hungry, or as if anxious to get at certain dishes ; sitting at too great a distance from the table, and dropping food.; laying the knife and fork on the tablecloth, instead of on the bread, or the edge of the plate ;■ — all these par- ticulars, children should be taught to avoid. It is always desirable, too, to require children, when at table with grown persons, to be silent, except when addressed by others; or else their chattering will interrupt the conversation and comfort of their elders. They should always be required, too, to wait, in silence, till all the older persons are helped. All these things should be taught to children, gradu- ally, and with great patience and gentleness. Some parents, with whom good-manners is a great object, are in danger of making their children perpetually uncom- fortable, by suddenly surrounding them with so many rules, that they must inevitably violate some one or other, a great part of the time. It is much better to begin with a few rules,. and be steady and persevering with these, till a habit is formed, and then take a few more, thus making the process easy and gradual. Oth- erwise, the temper of children will be injured; or, hopeless of fulfilling so many requisitions, they will be- come reckless and indifferent to all. But, in reference to those who have enjoyed advan- ';■>* tages for the cultivation of good-manners, and who '' duly estimate its importance, one caution is necessary. Those, who never have had such habits formed in youth, are under disadvantages, which no benevolence of temper can remedy. They may often violate the tastes and feelings of others, not from a want of proper regard for them, but from ignorance of custom, or want of habit, or abstraction of mind, or from other causes, which demand forbearance and sympathy, rather than 13 ^ D. K, tf 146 ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. displeasure. An ability to bear patiently with defects in manners, and to make candid and considerate allow- ance for a want of advantages, or for peculiarities in 'mental habits, is one mark of the benevolence of real good-breeding. The advocates of monarchical and aristocratic insti- tutions, have always had great plausibility given to their views, by the seeming tendencies to insubordination and bad-manners, of our institutions. And it has been too indiscriminately conceded, by the defenders of the latter, that such are these tendencies, and that the offensive points, in American manners, are the neces- sary result of democratic principles. But it is believed, that both facts and reasoning are in opposition to this opinion. The following extract from the work of De Tocqueville, exhibits the opinion of an impartial observer, when comparing American manners with those of the English, who are confessedly the most aristocratic of all people. He previously remarks on the tendency of aristocra- cy to make men more sympathizing with persons of I their own peculiar class, and less so towards those of lower degree ; and he then contrasts American manners with the English, claiming that the Americans are much the most affable, mild, and social. " In America, where the privileges of birth never existed, and where riches confer no peculiar rights on their possessors, men ac- quainted with each other are very ready to frequent the same places, and find neither peril nor advantage in the free interchange of their thoughts. If they meet, by accident, they neither seek nor avoid intercourse ; their manner is therefore natural, frank, and open." ^' If their demeanor is often cold and serious, it is never haughty or constrained." But an "aristocratic pride is still extremely great among the English ; and, as the | limits of aristocracy are ill-defined, every body lives in constant dread, lest advantage should be taken of his familiarity. Unable to judge, at once, of the social po- sition of those he meets, an Englishman prudently * ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. 147 avoids all contact with them. Men are afraid, lest some slight service rendered should draw them into an unsuitable acquaintance ; they dread civihties, and they avoid the obtrusive gratitude of a stranger, as much as his hatred," Thus, fads seem to show that when the most aristo- cratic nation in the world is compared, as to manners, with the most democratic, the judgement of strangerfli is in favor of the latter. And if good-manners are the outward exhibition of the democratic principle of impartial benevolence and equal rights, surely the nation which adopts this rule, both in social and civil life, is the most likely to secure the desirable exterior. The aristocrat, by his princi- ples, extends the exterior of impartial benevolence to his own class, only ; the democratic principle, reouires it to be extended to all. There is reason, therefore, to hope and expect more refined and polished manners in America, than in any other land; while all the developements of taste and refinement, such as poetry, music, painting, sculpture, and architecture, it may be expected, will come to a higher state of perfection, here, than in any other nation. If this Country increases in virtue and intelligence, as it may, there is no end to the wealth which will pour in as the result of our resources of climate, soil, and navigation, and the skill, industry, energy, and enter- prise, of our countrymen. This wealth, if used as intel- ligence and virtue dictate, will furnish the means for a. superior education to all classes, and every facility for the refinement of taste, intellect, and feeling. Moreover, in this Country, labor is ceasing to be the badge of a lower class ; so that already it is disreputable for a man to be " a! lazy gentleman." And this feeling must increase, till there is such an equalisation of labor, as will afford all the time needful for every class to im- prove the many advantages offered to them. Already, in Boston, through the munificence of some of her 148 ON THE PRESERVATION OF * citizens, there are literary and scientific advantages, of- fered to all classes, rarely enjoyed elsewhere. In Cin- cinnati, too, the advantages of education, now offered to the poorest classes, without charge, surpass what, some years ago, most wealthy men could purchase, for any price. And it is believed, that a time will come, when the poorest boy in America can secure advan- tages, which will equal what the heir of the proudest peerage can now command. The records of the courts of France and Germany, (as detailed by the Duchess of Orleans,) in and suc- ceeding the brilliant reign of Louis the Fourteenth, — ^a period which was deemed the acme of elegance and refinement, — exhibit a grossness, a vulgarity, and a coarseness, not to be found among the lowest of our respectable poor. And the biography of Beau Nash, who attempted to reform the manners of the gentry, in the times of Q,ueen Anne, exhibits violations of the rules of decency among the aristocracy, which the commonest yeoman of this Land would feel disgraced in perpe- trating. This shows, that our lowest classes, at this period, are more refined, than were the highest in aristocratic lands, a hundred years ago ; and another century may show the lowest classes, in wealth, in this Country, at- taining as high a polish, as adorns those who now are leaders of good-manners in the courts of kings. CHAPTER XIII. ON THE PRESERVATION OF A GOOD TEMPER IN A HOUSEKEEPER. There is nothing, which has a more abiding influ- ence on the happiness of a family, than the preservation of equable and cheerful temper and tones in the house- keeper. A woman, who is habitually gentle, sympa- A GOOD TEMPER IN A HOUSEKEEPER. 149 thizing, forbearing, and cheerful, carries an atmosphere about her, which imparts a soothing and sustaining in- fluence, and renders it easier for all to do right, under her administration, than in any other situation. The writer -has known families, where the mother's presence seemed the sunshine of the circle around her ; imparting a cheering and vivifying power, scarcely real- ized, till it was withdrawn. Every one, without think- ing of it, or knowing why it was so, experienced a peaceful and invigorating influence, as soon as he en- tered the sphere illumined by her smile, and sustained by her cheering kindness and sympathy. On the con- trary, many a good housekeeper, (good in every respect but this,) by wearing a countenance of anxiety and dis- satisfaction, and by indulging in the frequent use of sharp and reprehensive tones, more than destroys all the comfort which otherwise would result from her sys- tem, neatness, and economy. There is a secret, social sympathy, which every mind, to a greater or less degree, experiences with the feelings of those around, as they are manifested by the coun- tenance and voice. A sorrowful, a discontented, or an angry, countenance, produces a silent, sympathetic in- fluence, imparting a sombre shade to the mind, while tones of anger or complaint still more effectually jar the spirits. No person can maintain a quiet and cheerful frame of mind, while tones of discontent and displeasure are sounding on the ear. Wq may gTadually accustom ourselves to the evil, till it is partially diminished ; but it always is an evil, which greatly interferes with the enjoyment of the family state. There are sometimes cases, where the entrance of the mistress of a family seems to awaken a slight apprehension, in every mind around, as if each felt in danger of a reproof, for some- thing either perpetrated or neglected. A woman, who should go around her house with a small stinging snap- per, which she habitually applied to those whom she met, would be encountered with feelings very much like 13* D. E. 150 ON THE PRESERVATION OF to those which are experienced by the inmates of a fam- ily, where the mistress often uses her countenance and voice, to inflict similar penalties for duties neglected. Yet, there are many allowances to be made for house keepers, who sometimes imperceptibly and unconscious- ly fall into such habits. A woman, who attempts to carry out any plans of system, order, and economy, and who has her feelings and habits conformed to certain rules, is constantly liable to have her plans crossed, and her taste violated, by the inexperience or inattention of those about her. And no housekeeper, whatever may be her habits, can escape the frequent recurrence of negligence or mistake, which interferes with her plans. It is probable, that there is no class of persons, in the world, who have such incessant trials of temper, and temptations to be fretful, as American housekeepers. For a housekeeper's business is not, like that of the other sex, limited to a particular department, for which previous preparation is made. It consists of ten thou- sand little disconnected items, which can never be so systematically arranged, that there is no daily josthng, somewhere. And in the best-regulated families, it is not unfrequently the case, that some act of forgetful- ness or carelessness, from some member, will disarrange the business of the whole day, so that every hour will bring renewed occasion for annoyance. And the more strongly a woman realizes the value of time, and the importance of system and order, the more will she be tempted to irritability and complaint. The following considerations, may aid in preparing a woman to meet such daily crosses, with even a cheerful temper and tones. In the first place, a woman, who has charge of a large household, should regard her duties as dignified, im- portant, and difficult. The mind is so made, as to be elevated and cheered by a sense of far-reaching influ- ence and usefulness. A woman, who feels that she is a cipher, and that it makes little difference how she performs her duties, has far less to sustain and invigor- A GOOD TEMPER IN A HOUSEKEEPER. 151 ate her, than one, who truly estimates the importance of her station. A man, who feels that the destinies of a nation are turning on the judgement and skill with which he plans and executes, has a pressure of motive, and an elevation of feeling, which are great safeguards from all that is low, trivial, and degrading. So, an American mother and housekeeper, who looks at her position in the aspect presented in the previous pages, and who rightly estimates the long train of influ- ences which will pass down to thousands, whose desti- nies, from generation to generation, will be modified by those decisions of her will, which regulated the temper, principles, and habits, of her family, must be elevated above petty temptations, which would otherwise as sail her. Again, a housekeeper should feel that she really has great difficulties to meet and overcome. A person, who wrongly thinks there is little danger, can never maintain so faithful a guard, as one who rightly esti- mates the temptations which beset her. Nor can one, who thinks that they are trifling difliculties which she has to encounter, and trivial temptations, to which she must yield, so much enjoy the just reward of conscious virtue and self-control, as one who takes an opposite view of the subject. A third method, is, for a woman deliberately to cal- culate on having her best-arranged plans interfered with, very often ; and to be in such a state of prepara- tion, that the evil will not come unawares. So compli- cated are the pursuits, and so diverse the habits of the various members of a family, that it is almost impossible for every one to avoid interfering with the plans and taste of a housekeeper, in some one point or another. It is, therefore, most wise, for a woman to keep the loins of her mind ever girt, to meet such collisions with a cheerful and quiet spirit. Another important rule, is, to form all plans and ar- rangements in consistency with the means at command, and the character of those around. A woman, who has 152 ON THE PRESERVATION OF a heedless husband, and young children, and incompe- tent domestics, ought not to make such plans, as one may properly form, who will not, in so many directions, meet embarrassment. She must aim at just so much as she can probably secure, and no more ; and thus she will usually escape much temptation, and much of the irritation of disappointment. The fifth, and a very important, consideration, is, that system, economy, and neatness, are valuable, only so far as they tend to promote the comfort and well-being of those affected. Some women seem to act under the impression, that these advantages must be secured, at all events, even if the comfort of the family be the sacrifice. True, it is v OUDE^. 157 the schools of her children to inquire and decide about ; the care of the sick ; the nursing of infancy ; and the endless miscellany of odd items, constantly recurring in a large family. Surely, it is a pernicious and mistaken idea, that the duties, which tax a woman's mind, are petty, trivial, or unworthy of the highest grade of intellect and moral worth. Instead of allowing this feeling, every woman [Should imbibe, from early youth, the impression, that she is training for the discharge of the most important, the most difficult, and the most sacred and interesting duties that can possibly employ the highest intellect. She ought to feel, that her station and responsibilities, in the great drama of life, are second to none, either as viewed by her Maker, or in the estimation of all minds whose judgement is most worthy of respect. She, who is the mother and housekeeper in a large family, is the sovereign of an empire, demanding more varied cares, and involving more difficult duties, than are really exacted of her, who, while she wears the crown, and professedly regulates the interests of the greatest nation on earth, finds abundant leisure for theatres, balls, horseraces, and every gay pursuit. There is no one thing, more necessary to a house- keeper, in performing her varied duties, than a habit of system and order ; and yet, the peculiarly desultory na- ture of women's pursuits, and the embarrassments re- sulting from the state of domestic service in this Country, render it very difficult to form such a habit. But it is sometimes the case, that women, who could and would carry forward a systematic plan of domestic economy, do not attempt it, simply from a want of knowledge of the various modes of introducing it. It is with reference to such, that various modes of securing system and order, which the writer has seen adopted, will be pointed out. A wise economy is nowhere more conspicuous, than in the right apportionment of time to different pursuits. There are duties of a. religious, intellectual, social, and 14 B. E. 158 ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. domestic, nature, each having different relative claims on attention. Unless a person has some general plan of apportioning these claims, some will intrench on others, and some, it is probable, will be entirely ex- cluded. Thus, some find religious, social, and domes- tic, duties, so numerous, that no time is given to intel- lectual improvement. Others, find either social, or benevolent, or religious, interests, excluded by the ex tent and variety of other engagements. It is wise, therefore, for all persons to devise a gen- eral plan, which they will at least keep in view, and aim to accomplish, and by which, a proper proportion of time shall be secured, for all the duties of life. In forming such a plan, every woman must accom- modate herself to the peculiarities of her situation. If she has a large family, and a small income, she must devote far more time to the simple duty of providing food and raiment, than would be right were she in af- fluence, and with a small family. It is impossible, therefore, to draw out any general plan, which all can adopt. But there are some general principles, which ought to be the guiding rules, when a woman arranges her domestic employments. These principles are to be based on Christianity, which teaches us to " seek first the kingdom of God," and to deem food, raiment, and the. conveniences of hfe, as of secondary account. Every woman, then, ought to start with the assumption, that religion is of more consequence than any worldly concern, and that, whatever else may be sacrificed, this, shall be the leading object, in all her arrangements, in respect to time, money, and attention. It is also one of the plainest requisitions of Christianity, that we de- vote some of our time and eflforts, to the comfort and improvement of others. There is no duty, so con- stantly enforced, both in the Old and New Testament as the duty of charity, in dispensing to those, who are destitute of the blessings we enjoy. In selecting ob- jects of charity, the same rule applies to others, as to ourselves ; their moral and religious interests are of the ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. 159 highest moment, and for them, as well as for ourselves, we are to '^ seek first the kingdom of God." Another general principle, is, that our intellectual and social interests are to be preferred, to the mere gratifi- cation of taste or appetite, A portion of time, there- fore, must be devoted to the cultivation of the intellect and the social affections. Another, is, that the mere gratification of appetite, is to be placed last in our estimate ; so that, when a ques- tion arises, as to which shall be sacrificed, some intel- lectual, moral, or social, advantage, or some gratification of sense, we should invariably sacrifice the last. Another, is, that, as health is indispensable to the discharge of every duty, nothing, which sacrifices that blessing, is to be allowed, in order to gain any other advantage or enjoyment. There are emergencies, when it is right to risk health and life, to save ourselves and others from greater evils ; but these are exceptions, which do not mihtate against the general rule. Many persons imagine, that, if they violate the laws of health, in performing religious or domestic duties, they are guiltless before God. But such greatly mistake. We as directly violate the law, " thou shalt not kill," when we do what tends to risk or shorten our own life, as if we should intentionally run a dagger into a neighbor. True, we may escape any fatal or permanently injurious effects, and so may a dagger or bullet miss the miark, or do only transient injury. But this, in either case, makes the sin none the less. The life and happiness of all His creatures are dear to our Creator ; and He is as much displeased, when we injure our own interests, as when we injure those of others. The idea, there- fore, that we are excusable, if we harm no one but our- selves, is false and pernicious. These, then, are the general principles, to guide a woman in systematizing her duties and pursuits. The Creator of all things, is a Being of perfect sys- tem and order ; and, to aid us in our duty, in this respect, He has divided our time, by a regularly return- 160 ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER* ing day of rest from worldly business. In following this example, the intervening six days may be subdi- vided to secure similar benefits. In doing this, a certain portion of time must be given to procure the means of livelihood, and for preparing food, raiment, and dwell- ings. To these objects, some must devote more, and others less, attention. The remainder of time not necessarily thus employed, might be divided somewhat in this manner: The leisure of two afternoons and evenings, could be devoted to religious and benevolent objects, such as religious meetings, charitable associa tions, school visiting, and attention to the sick and poor The leisure of two other days, might be devoted to intellectual improvement, and the pursuits of taste. The leisure of another day, might be devoted to social enjoyments, in making or receiving visits; and that of another, to miscellaneous domestic pursuits, not in- cluded in the other particulars. It is probable, that few persons could carry out such an arrangement, very strictly ; but every one can make a systematic apportionment of time, and at least aim at accomplishing it ; and they can also compare the time which they actually devote to these different ob- jects, with such a general outline, for the purpose of modifying any mistaken proportions. Without attempting any such systematic employment of time, and carrying it out, so far as they can control circumstances, most women are rather driven along, by the daily occurrences of life, so that, instead of being the intelligent regulators of their own time, they are the mere sport of circumstances. There is nothing, which so distinctly marks the difference between weak and strong minds, as the fact, whether they control cir- cumstances, or circumstances control them. It is very much to be feared, that the apportionment of time, actually made by most women, exactly inverts the order, required by reason and Christianity. Thus, the furnishing a needless variety of food, the conve- niences of dwellings, and the adornments of dress, 6n habits of system and order. 161 often take a larger portion of time, than is given to any other object. Next after this, comes intellectu- al improvement ; and, last of all, benevolence and religion. It may be urged, that it is indispensable for most persons to give more time to earn a livelihood, and to prepare food, raiment, and dwellings, than to any other object. But it may be asked, how much of the time, devoted to these objects, is employed in preparing varieties of food, not necessary, but rather injurious, and how much is spent for those parts of dress and furniture not indispensable, and merely ornamental? Let a woman subtract from her domestic employments, all the time, given to pursuits which are of no use, except as they gratify a taste for ornament, or minister increased varieties, to tempt the appetite, and she will find, that much, which she calls " domestic duties," and which prevent her attention to intellectual, benevolent, and religious, objects, should be called by a very differ- ent name. No woman has a right to give up atten- tion to the higher interests of herself and others, for the ornaments of taste, or the gratification of the palate. To a certain extent, these lower objects are lawful and desirable ; but, when they intrude on nobler interests, they become selfish and degrading. Every woman then, when employing her hands, in ornamenting her person, her children, or her house, ought to calculate, whether she has devoted as much time, to the intellec- tual and moral wants of herself and others. If she has not, she may know that she is doing wrong, and that her system, for apportioning her time and pursuits, should be altered. Some persons, endeavor to systematize their pursuits, by apportioning them to particular hours of each day. For example, a certain period before breakfast, is given to devotional duties ; after breakfast, certain hours are devoted to exercise and domestic employments; other hours, to sewings or reading, or visiting; and others, to benevolent duties. But, in most cases, A is more 14* D- F. 162 ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. difficult to systematize the hours of each day, than it is to secure some regular division of the week. In regard to the minutiae of domestic arrangements, the writer has known the following methods to be adopted. Monday, with some of the best housekeepers, is devoted to preparing for the labors of the week. Any extra cooking, the purchasing of articles to be used during the week, the assorting of clothes for the wash, and mending such as would be injured without ;— these, and similar items, belong to this day. Tuesday is devoted to washing, and Wednesday to ironing. On Thursday, the ironing is finished off, the clothes are folded and put away, and all articles, which need mending, are put in the mending basket, and attended to. Friday is devoted to sweeping and housecleaning. On Saturday, and especially the last Saturday of every month, every department is put in order; the castors and table furniture are regulated, the pantry and cellar inspected, the trunks, drawers, and closets arranged, and every thing about the house, put in order for Sun- day. All the cooking, needed for Sunday, is also pre- pared. By this regular recurrence of a particular time, for inspecting every thing, nothing is forgotten till ruined by neglect. Another mode of systematizing, relates to providing proper supplies of conveniences, and proper places in which to keep them. Thus, some ladies keep a large closet, in which are placed the tubs, pails, dippers, soap-dishes, starch, bluing, clothes-line, clothes-pins, and every other article used in washing ; and in the same, or another, place, are kept every convenience for ironing. In the sewing department, a trunk, with suit- able partitions, is provided, in which are placed, each in its proper place, white thread of all sizes, colored thread, yarns for mending, colored and black sewing- silks and twist, tapes and bobbins of all sizes, white and colored welting-cords, silk braids and cords, nee- dles of all sizes, papers of pins, remnants of linen and colored cambric, a supply of all kinds of buttons used ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. 163 m the family, black and white hooks and eyes, a yard measure, and all the patterns used in cutting and fitting. These are done up in separate parcels, and labelled. In another trunk, are kept all pieces used in mending, arranged in order, so that any article can be found, without loss of time. A trunk, like the first mentioned, will save many steps, and often much time and per- plexity ; while by purchasing articles thus by the quan- tity, they come much cheaper, than if bought in little portions as they are wanted. Such a trunk should be kept locked, and a smaller supply, for current use, re- tained in a work-basket. A full supply of all conveniences in the kitchen and cellar, and a place appointed for each article, very much facihtates domestic labor. For want of this, much vexation and loss of time is occasioned, while seeking vessels in use, or in cleansing those employed by different persons, for various purposes. It would be far better, for a lady to give up some expensive article, in the parlor, and apply the money, thus saved, for kitchen conveniences, than to have a stinted supply, where the most labor is to be performed. If our Countrywomen would devote more to comfort and convenience, and less to show, it would be a great improvement. Expensive mirrors and pier-tables in the parlor, and an unpainted, gloomy, ill-furnished kitchen, not unfrequently are found under the same roof. Another important item, in systematic economy, is, the apportioning of regular employment to the various members of a family. If a housekeeper can secure the cooperation of all her family, she will find, that " many hands make light work." There is no greater mistake, than in bringing up children to feel that they must be taken care of, and waited on, by others, with- out any corresponding obligations on their part. The extent, to which young children can be made useful, in a family, would seem surprising, to those who have never seen a systematic and regular plan for securing 164 0]Sr HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. their services. The writer has been in a family, vvhere a httle girl, of eight or nine years of age, washed and dressed herself and young brother, and made their small beds, before breakfast, set and cleared all the tables, at meals, with a httle help from a grown person in moving tables and spreading cloths, while all the dusting of parlors and chambers was also neatly per- formed by her. A brother, of ten years old, brought in and piled all the wood, used in the kitchen and parlor, brushed the boots and shoes, neatly, went on errands, and took all the care of the poultry. They were children, whose parents could afford to hire ser- vants to do this, but who chose to have their children grow up healthy and industrious, while proper instruc- tion, system, and encouragement, made these services rather a pleasure, than otherwise, to the children. Some parents pay their children for such services ; but this is hazardous, as tending to make them feel that they are not bound to be helpful without pay, and also as tending to produce a hoarding, money- making spirit. But, where children have no hoarding propensities, and need to acquire a sense of the value of property, it may be well to let them earn money, for some extra services, rather as a favor. When this is done, they should be taught to spend it for others, as well as for themselves ; and in this way, a generous and liberal spirit will be cultivated. There are some mothers, who take pains to teach their boys most of the domestic arts, which their sisters learn. The writer has seen boys, mending their own garments, and aiding their mother or sisters in the kitchen, with great skill and adroitness ; and at an early age, they usually very much relish joining in such occupations. The sons of such mothers, in their col- lege hfe, or in roaming about the world, or in nursing a sick wife or infant, find occasion to bless the fore- thought and kindness, which prepared them for such emergencies. Few things are in worse taste, than for a man needlessly to busy himself in women's work ; ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. 165 and yet a man never appears in a more interesting attitude, than when, by skill in such matters, he can save a mother or wife from care and suffering. The more a boy is taught to use his hands, in every variety of domestic employment, the more his faculties, both of mind and body, are developed ; for mechanical pur- suits exercise the intellect, as well as the hands. The early training of New-England boys, in which they turn their hand to almost every thing, is one great reason of the quick perceptions, versatility of mind, and mechanical skill, for which that portion of our Countrymen is distinguished. The writer has known one mode . of systematizing tlie aid of the older children in a family, which, in some cases of very large families, it may be well to imitate. In the case referred to, when the oldest daughter was eight or nine years old, an infant sister was given to her, as her special charge. She tended it, made and mended its clothes, taught it to read, and was its nurse and guardian, through all its childhood. Another infant was given to the next daughter, and thus the children were all paired in this interesting relation. In addition to the relief thus afforded to the mother, the elder children were in this way qualified for their future domestic relations, and both older and younger bound to each other by peculiar ties of tender- ness and gratitude. In offering these examples, of various modes of sys- tematizing, one suggestion may be worthy of attention. It is not unfrequently the case, that ladies, who find themselves cumbered with oppressive cares, after read- ing remarks on the benefits of system, immediately commence the task of arranging their pursuits, with great vigor and hope. They divide the day into regu- lar periods, and give each hour its duty ; they system- atize their work, and endeavor to bring every thing into a regular routine. But, in a short time, they find themselves baffled, discouraged, and disheartened, and finally relapse into their former desultory ways, in 166 ON HABITS OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. a sort of resigned despair. The difficulty, in such cases, is, that they attempt too much at a time. There is nothing, which so much depends upon hahit, as a systematic mode of performing duty ; and, where no such habit has been formed, it is impossible for a nov- ice to start, at once, into a universal mode of system- atizing, which none but an adept could carry through. The only way for such persons, is, to begin with a little at a time. Let them select some three or four things, and resolutely attempt to conquer at these points. In time, a habit will be formed, of doing a few things at regular periods, and in a systematic way. Then it will be easy to add a few more ; and thus, by a gradual process, the object can be secured, which it would be vain to attempt, by a more summary course. Early rising is almost an indispensable condition to success, in such an effort ; but, where a woman lacks either the health or the energy to secure a period for devotional duties before breakfast, let her select that hour of the day, in which she will be least liable to interruption, and let her then seek strength and wisdom from the only true Source. At this time, let her take a pen, and make a hst of all the things which she considers as duties. Then, let a calculation be made, whether there be time enough, in the day or the week, for all these duties. If there be not, let the least important be stricken from the list, as not being duties, and which must be omitted. In doing this, let a woman remember, that, though " what we shall eat, and what we shall drink, and wherewithal we shall be clothed," are matters requiring due attention, they are very apt to obtain a wrong relative importance, while social, in- tellectual, and moral, interests, receive too little regard. In this Country, eating, dressing, and household furniture and ornaments, take far too large a place in the estimate of relative importance ; and it is probable, that most women could modify their views and prac- tice, so as to come nearer to the Saviour's require- ments. No woman has a right to put a stitch of orna ON GIVING IN CHARITY. 167 ment on any article of dress or furniture, or to provide one superfluity in food, until she is sure she can secure time for all her social, intellectual, benevolent, and re- ligious, duties. If a woman will take the trouble to make such a calculation as this, she will usually find that she has time enough, to perform all her duties easily and well. It is impossible, for a conscientious woman to secure that peaceful mind, and cheerful enjoyment of life, which all should seek, who is constantly finding her duties jarring with each other, and much remaining undone, which she feels that she ought to do. In con- sequence of this, there will be a secret uneasiness, which will throw a shade over the whole current of life, never to be removed, till she so efficiently defines and regulates her duties, that she can fulfil them all. And here the writer would urge upon young ladies, the importance of forming habits of system, while un- embarrassed with those multiplied cares, which will make the task so much more difficult and hopeless. Every young lady can systematize her pursuits, to a certain extent. She can have a particular day for mending her wardrobe, and for arranging her trunks, closets, and drawers. She can keep her workbasket, her desk at school, and all her other conveniences, in their proper places, and in regular order. She can have regular periods for reading, walking, visiting, study, and domestic pursuits. And, by following this method, in youth, she will form a taste for regularity, and a habit of system, which will prove a blessing to her, through fife. CHAPTER XV. ON GIVING IN CHARITY. It is probable, that there is no point of duty, where conscientious persons differ more in opinion, or where they find it more difficult to form discriminating and %* 168 ON GIVING IN CHARITY. decided views, than on the matter of charity. That we are bound to give some of our time, money, and efforts, to reheve the destitute, all allow. But, as to how much we are to give, and on whom our charities shall be bestowed, many a reflecting mind has been at a loss. Yet it seems very desirable, that, in reference to a duty so constantly and so strenuously urged by the Supreme Ruler, we should be able so to fix metes and bounds, as to keep a conscience void of offence, and to free the mind from disquieting fears of deficiency. . The writer has found no other topic of investigation so beset with difiiculty, and so absolutely without the range of definite rules, which can apply to all, in all circumstances. But on this, as on a previous topic, there seem to be general principles, by the aid of which, any candid mind, sincerely desirous of obeying the commands of Christ, however much self-denial may be involved, can arrive at definite conclusions, as to its own individual obligations, so that, when these are fulfilled, the mind may be at peace. But, for a mind that is worldly, living mainly to seek its own pleasures, instead of living to please God, no principles can be so fixed, as not to leave a ready escape from all obligation. Such minds, either by in dolence (and consequent ignorance) or by sophistry, will convince themselves, that a life of engrossing self- indulgence, with perhaps the gift of a few dollars, and a few hours, of time, may suffice, to fulfil the requi- sitions of the Eternal Judge. , For such minds, no reasonings will avail, till the heart is so changed, that, to learn the will and follow the example of Jesus Christ, become the leading objects of interest and effort. It is to aid those, who profess to possess this temper of mind, that the following sug gestions are offered. The first consideration, which gives definiteness to this subject, is, a correct view of the object for which we are placed in this world. A great many even of professed Christians, seem to be acting on the suppo- j^ition, that the object of life is to secure as much as ON GIVJXG IN CHARITY. 169 possible of all the various enjoyments placed within reach. Not so, teaches reason or revelation. From these, we learn, that, though the happiness of His crea- tures, is the end for which God created and sustains them, yet, that this happiness depends, not on the various modes of gratification put within our reach, but mainly on character, A man may possess all the re- sources for enjoyment which this world can afford, and yet feel that " all is vanity and vexation of spirit," and that he is supremely wretched. Another, may be in want of all things, and yet possess that living spring of benevolence, faith, and hope, which will make an Eden of the darkest prison. In order to be perfectly happy, man must attain that character, which Christ exhibited ; and the nearer he ap- proaches it, the more will happiness reign in his breast. But what was the grand pecuharity of the character of Christ ? It was self-denying benevolerice. He came not to " seek His own ;" He " went about doing good," and this was His " meat and drink ;" that is, it was this which sustained the health and life of His mind, as food and drink sustain the health and life of the body. Now, the mind of man is so made, that it can gradually be transformed into the same likeness. A selfish being, who, for a whole life, has been nourishing habits of in- dolent self-indulgence, can, by taking Christ as his ex- ample, by communion with Him, and by daily striving to imitate His character and conduct, form such a temper of mind, that "doing good" will become the chief and highest source of enjoyment. And this heavenly principle will grow stronger and stronger, until self-denial loses the more painful part of its char- acter, and then, living to malce happiness, will be so delightful and absorbing a pursuit, that all exertions, regarded as the means to this end, will be like the joy- ous efforts of men, when they strive for a prize or a crown, with the full hope of success. In this view of the subject, efforts and self-denial, for the good of others, are to be regarded, not merely as 15 ]>. IS •^f 170 ON GIVING IN CHARITY. duties enjoined for the benefit of others, but as the moral training indispensable to the formation of that character, on which depends our own happiness. This view, exhibits the full meaning of the Saviour's declara- tion, " how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God ! " He had before taught, that vthe kingdom of Heaven consisted, not in such enjoy-' ments as the worldly seek, but, in the temper of self- denying benevolence, like His own ; and, as the rich have far gi-eater temptations to indolent self-indulgence, they are far less likely to acquire this temper, than those, who, by limited means, are inured to some de- gree of self-denial. But, on this point, one important distinction needs to be made ; and that is, between the self-denial, which has no other aim than mere self-mortification, and that, which is exercised to secure greater good to ourselves and others. The first is the foundation of monasticism, penances, and all other forms of asceticism ; the^latter, only, is that which Christianity requires. A second consideration, which may give definiteness to this subject, is, that the formation of a perfect char- acter, involves, not the extermination of any principles of our nature, but rather the regulating of them, ac- cording to the rules of reason and religion ; so that the lower propensities shall always be kept subordinate to nobler principles. Thus, we are not to aim at destroy- ing our appetites, or at needlessly denying them, but rather so to regulate them, that they shall best secure the objects for which they were implanted. We are not to annihilate the love of praise and admiration ; but so to control it, that the favor of God shall be regarded more than the estimation of men. We are not to ex- tirpate the principle of curiosity, which leads us to acquire knowledge ; but so to direct it, that all our ac- quisitions shall be useful and not frivolous or injurious. And thus, with all the principles of the mind, God has implanted no desires in our constitution, which are evil and pernicious. On the contrary, all our constitutional Jtai ON GIVING IN CHARITY. 171 propensities, either of mind or body, He designed we should gratify, whenever no evils would thence result, either to ourselves or others. Such passions as envy ambition, pride, revenge, and hatred, are to be extermi- nated ; for they are either excesses or excrescences • not created by God, but rather the result of our own neglect to form habits of benevolence and self-control. In deciding the rules of our conduct, therefore, w(? are ever to bear in mind, that the developement of the nobler principles, and the subjugation of inferior pro- pensities to them, is to be the main object of effort, both for ourselves and for others. And, in conformity with this, in all our plans, we are to place religious and moral interests as first in estimation, our social and in- tellectual interests, next, and our physical gratifications, as subordinate to all. A third consideration, is, that, though the means for sustaining fife and health are to be regarded as necessa- ries, without which no other duties can be performed, yet, that a very large portion of the time, spent by most persons, in easy circumstances, for food, raiment, and dweUings, are for mere superfluities, which are right, when they do not involve the sacrifice of higher in- terests, and wrong, when they do. Life and health can be sustained in the humblest dwellings, with the plain- est dress, and the simplest food ; and, after taking from our means, what is necessary for life and health, the remainder is to be so divided, that the larger portion shall be given to supply the moral and intellectual wants of ourselves and others, and the smaller share to procure those additional gratifications, of taste and appetite, which are desirable, but not indispensable. Mankind, thus far, have never made this apportionment of their means ; yet, just as fast as they have risen from a savage state, mere physical wants have been made, to an increasing extent, subordinate to higher objects. Another very important consideration, is, that, in urging the duty of charity, and the prior claims of moral and religious objects, no rule of duty should be 172 ON GIVING IN CHARITY. maintained, which it would not be right and wise for all to follow. And we are to test the wisdom of any general rule, by inquiring what would be the result, if all mankind should practise according to it. In view of this, we are enabled to judge of the correctness of those, who maintain, that, to be consistent, men believ- ing in the eternal destruction of all those of our race who are not brought under the influence of the Chris- tian system, should give up, not merely the elegances, but all the superfluities, of hfe, and devote the whole of their means, not indispensable to life and health, for the propagation of Christianity. But, if this is the duty of any, it is the duty of all ; and we are to inquire what would be the result, if all conscientious persons gave up the use of all superfluities. Suppose, that two millions of the people in the United States, were conscientious persons, and relinquished the use of every thing not absolutely necessary to life and health. It would in- stantly throw out of employment one half of the whole community. The manufacturers, mechanics, merchants, agriculturists, and all the agencies they employ, would be beggared, and one half of those not reduced to poverty, would be obliged to spend all their extra means, in simply supplying necessaries to the other half. The use of superfluities, therefore, to a certain extent, is as indispensable to promote industry, virtue, and religion, as any direct giving of money or time ; and it is owing entirely to a want of reflection, and of comprehensive views, that any men ever make so great a mistake, as is here exhibited. Instead, then, of urging a rule of duty which is at once irrational and impracticable, there is another course, which commends itself to the understandings of all. For whatever may be the practice, of intelligent men, they universally concede the principle, that our physical gratifications should always be made subordi- nate to social, intellectual, and moral, advantages. And all that is required, for the advancement of our whole race to the most perfect state of society, is, simply, that ON GIVING IN CHARITY. 173 men should act in agreement with this principle. And, if only a very small portion, of the most intelligent of our race, should act according to this rule, under the control of Christian benevolence, the immense supplies, furnished, for the general good, would be far beyond what any would imagine, who had never made any calculations on the subject. In this Nation, alone, sup- pose the one million and more, of professed followers of Christ, should give a larger portion of their means, for the social, intellectual, and moral, wants of man- kind, than for the superfluities that minister to taste, convenience, and appetite ; it would be enough to fur- nish all the schools, colleges. Bibles, ministers, and mis- sionaries, that the whole world could demand ; or, at least, it would be far more, than properly qualified agents to administer it, could employ. But, it may be objected, that, though this view is one, which, in the abstract, looks plausible and rational, not one in a thousand, can practically adopt it. How few keep any account, at all, of their current expenses ! How impossible it is, to determine, exactly, what are necessaries, and what are superfluities ! And in regard to women, how few have the control of an income, so as not to be bound by the wishes of a parent or a husband ! In reference to these difficulties, the first remark is, that we are never under obligations to do, what is en- tirely out of our power, so that those persons, who have no power to regulate their expenses or their charities, are under no sort of obligation to attempt it. The second remark is, that, when a rule of duty is discov- ered, we are bound to aim at it, and to fulfil it, just so far as we can. We have no right to throw it aside, because we shall find some difficult cases, when we come to apply it. The third remark is, that no person can tell how much can be done, till a faithful trial has been made. If a woman has never kept any accounts, nor attempted to regulate her expenditures by the right i^ule, nor used her influence with those that control her 15* D. E. 174 ON GIVING IN CHARITY. plans, to secure this object, she has no right to say how much she can, or cannot, do, till after a fair trial has been made. In attempting such a trial, the following method can be taken. Let a woman keep an account of all she spends, for herself and her family, for a year, arranging the items under three general heads. Under the first, put all articles for food, raiment, rent, wages, and all conveniences. Under the second, place all sums paid in securing an education, and books, and other intellec- tual advantages. Under the third head, place all that is spent for benevolence and religion. At the end of the year, the first and largest account will show the mixed items of necessaries and superfluities, which can be arranged, so as to gain some sort of idea how much has been spent for superfluities, and how much for ne- cessaries. Then, by comparing what is spent for super- fluities, with what is spent for intellectual and moral advantages, data will be gained, for judging of the past, and regulating the future. Does a woman say she cannot do this ? let her in- quire, whether the offer of a thousand dollars, as a reward for attempting it one year, would not make her undertake to do it; and, if so, let her decide, in her own mind, which is most valuable, a clear conscience, and the approbation of God, in this effort to do His will, or one 'thousand dollars. And let her do it, with this warning of the Saviour before her eyes, — "No man can serve two masters." " Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." Is it objected. How can we decide between superflui- ties and necessaries, in this Hst ? it is replied, that we are not required to judge exactly, in all cases. Our duty is, to use the means in our power to assist us in forming a correct judgement ; to seek the Divine aid in freeing our minds from indolence and selfishness ; and then to judge, as well as we can, in our endeavors rightly to apportion and regulate our expenses. Many persons seem to feel that they are bound to do better ON GIVING IN CHARlTy. l^Sl* than they know how. But God is not so hard a Mas- ter ; and, after we have used all proper means to learn the right v/ay, if v/e then follow it, according to our ability, we do wrong to feel misgivings, or to blame our- selves, if results come out differently from what seems desirable. The results of our actions, alone, can never prove us deserving of blame. For men are often so placed, that, owing to lack of intellect or means, it is impossible for them to decide correctly. To use all the means of knowledge within our reach, and then to judge, with a candid and conscientious spirit, is all that God requires ; and, when we have done this, and the event seems to come out wrong, we should never wish that we had decided otherwise. For it is the same as wishing tlmt we had not followed the dictates of judge- ment and conscience. As this is a world designed for discipline and trial, untoward events are never to be construed as indications of the obhquity of our past decisions. But it is probable, that a great portion of the women of this Nation, cannot secure any such systematic mode of regulating their expenses. To such, the writer would propose one inquiry ; cannot you calculate how much time and money you spend for what is merely or- namental, and not necessary, for yourself, your children, and your house ? Cannot you compare this with the time and money you spend for intellectual and benevo- lent purposes? and will not this shov/ the need of some change ? In making this examination, is not this brief rule, deducible from the principles before laid down, the one which should regulate you? Every person does right, in spending some portion of time and means m securing the conveniences and adornments of taste ; but the amount should never exceed what is spent in securing our own moral and intellectual improvement, nor exceed what is spent in benevolent efforts to supply the physical and moral wants of our fellow-men. In making an examination on this subject, it is some- times the case, that a woman will count among the 176 ON GIVING IN CHAIUTY. necessaries of life, all the various modes of adorning the person or house, practised in the circle in which she moves ; and, after enumerating the many duties which demand attention, counting these as a part, she will come to the conclusion, that she has no time, and but little money, to devote to personal improvement, or to benevolent enterprises. This surely is not in agreement with the requirements of the Saviour, who calls on us to seek for others, as well as ourselves, first of all, " the kingdom of God, and His righteousness." In order to act in accordance with the rule here pre- sented, it is true, that many would be obliged to give up the idea of conforming to the notions and customs of those, with whom they associate, and compelled to adopt the maxim, " be not conformed to this world." In many cases, it would involve an entire change in the style of living. And the writer has the happiness of knowing more cases than one, where persons, who have come to similar views, on this subject, have given up large and expensive establishments, disposed of their carriages, dismissed a portion of their domestics, and modified all their expenditures, that they might keep a pure conscience, and regulate their charities more ac- cording to the requirements of Christianity. And there are persons, well known in the religious world, who save themselves all labor of minute calculation, by de- voting so large a portion of their time and means to benevolent objects, that they find no difficulty in know- ing that they give more for religious, benevolent, and intellectual, purposes, than for superfluities. In deciding what particular objects shall receive our benefactions, there are also general principles to guide us. The first, is that presented by our Saviour, when, after urging the great law of benevolence. He was asked, " and who is my neighbor ? " His reply, in the parable of ' the Good Samaritan,' teaches us, that any human being, whose wants are brought to our knowl- edge, is our neighbor. The wounded man was not only a stranger, but he belonged to a foreign nation, ON GIVING IN CHARITY. 177 peculiarly hated ; and he had no claim, except that his wants were brought to the knowledge of the wayfaring man. From this, we learn, that the destitute, of all nations, become our neighbors, as soon as their wants are brought to our knowledge. Another general principle, is this, that those who are most in need, must be relieved, in preference to those who are less destitute. On this principle, it is, that we think the followers of Christ should give more to supply those who are suffering for want of the bread of eter- nal Hfe, than for those who are deprived of physical enjoyments. And another reason for this preference, is, the fact, that many, who give in charity, have made such imperfect advances in civilization and Christianity, that the intellectual and moral wants of our race make but a feeble impression on the mind. Relate a pitiful tale of a family, reduced to live, for weeks, on potatoes, only, and many a mind would awake to deep sympathy, and stretch forth the hand of charity. But describe cases, where the immortal mind is pining in stupidity and ignorance, or racked with the fever of baleful pas- sions, and how small the number, so elevated in senti ment, and so enlarged in their views, as to appreciate and sympathize in these far greater misfortunes ! The intellectual and moral wants of our fellow-men, there- fore, should claim the first place in our attention, both because they are most important, and because they are most neglected. Another consideration, to be borne in mind, is, that, in this Country, there is much less real need of charity, in supplying physical necessities, than is generally sup- jposed, by those who have not learned the more excel- lent way. This Land is so abundant in supplies, and labor is in such demand, that every healthy person can earn a comfortable support. And if all the poor were instantly made virtuous, it is probable that there would be no physical wants, which could not readily be sup- plied by the immediate friends of each sufferer. The sick, the aged, and the orphan, would be the only ob- 178 ON GIVING IN CHARITY. jects of charity. In this view of the case, the primary effort, in reUeving the poor, should be, to furnish them the means of earning their own support, and to supply them with those moral influences, which are most ef- fectual in securing virtue and industry. Another point to be attended to, is, the importance of maintaining a system of associated charities. There is no point, in which the economy of charity has more improved, than in the present mode of combining many small contributions, for sustaining enlarged and system- atic plans of charity. If all the half-dollars, which are now contributed to aid in organized systems of charity, were returned to the donors, to be applied by the agency and discretion of each, thousands and thousands of the treasures, now employed to promote the moral and in- tellectual wants of mankind, would become entirely useless. In a democracy, like ours, where few are very rich, and the majority are in comfortable circumstances, this collecting and dispensing of drops and rills, is the mode, by which, in imitation of Nature, the dews and showers are to distil on parched and desert lands. And every person, while earning a pittance to unite with many more, may be cheered with the consciousness of sustaining a grand system of operations, which must have the most decided influence, in raising all mankind to that perfect state of society, which Christianity is designed to secure. Another consideration, relates to the indiscriminate bestowal of charity. Persons, who have taken pains to inform themselves, and who devote their whole time to dispensing charities, unite in declaring, that this is one of the most fruitful sources of indolence, vice, andr poverty. From several of these, the writer has learned, that, by their own personal investigations, they have as- certained, that there are large establishments of idle and wicked persons, in most of our cities, who associate together, to support themselves by every species of im- position. They hire large houses, and hve in constant jioting, on the means thus obtained. Among them, are ON GIVING IN CHARITY. 179 women who have, or who hire the use of, infant chil- dren ; others, who are Wind, or maimed, or deformed, or who can adroitly feign such infirmities, and, by these means of exciting pity, and by artful tales of wo, they collect alms, both in city and country, to spend in all manner of gross and guilty indulgences. Meantime, many persons, finding themselves often duped by im- postors, refuse to give at all ; and thus many benefac- tions are withdrawn, which a wise economy in charity would have secured. For this, and other reasons, it is wise and merciful, to adopt the general rule, never to give aims, till we have had some opportunity of knowing how they will be spent. There are exceptions to this, as to every general rule, which a person of discretion can determine. But the practice, so common among benevolent persons, of giving, at least a trifle, to all who ask, lest, perchance, they may turn away some, who are really sufferers, is one, which causes more sin and mis- ery than it cures. The writer has never known any system for dis- pensing charity, so successful, as the one which, in many places, has been adopted in connection with the distribution of tracts. By this method, a town or city is divided into districts ; and each district is committed to the care of two ladies, whose duty it is, to call on each family and leave a tract, and make that the occa- sion for entering into conversation, and learning the situation of ail residents in the district. By this method, the ignorant, the vicious, and the poor, are discovered, and their physical, intellectual, and moral, wants, are investigated. In some places, where the writer has resided or visited, each person retained the same district, year after year, so that every poor family in the place was under the watch and care of some in- telligent and benevolent lady, who used all her influence to secure a proper education for the children, to furnish them with suitable reading, to encourage habits of in- dustry and economy, and to secure regular attendance on public religious instruction. Thus, the rich and the 180 ON ECONOMY OF TIME. poor were brought in contact, in a way advantageous to both parties ; and, if such a system could be univer- sally adopted, more would be done for the prevention of poverty and vice, than all the wealth of the Nation could avail for their relief. But this plan cannot be successfully carried out, in this manner, unless there is a large proportion of intelligent, benevolent, and self- denying, persons ; and the mere distribution of tracts, without the other parts of the plan, is of very little avail. But there is one species of charity, which needs especial consideration. It is that, which induces us to refrain from judging of the means and the relative charities of other persons. There have been such in- distinct notions, and so many different standards of duty, on this subject, that it is rare for two persons to think exactly alike, in regard to the rule of duty. Each person is bound to inquire and judge for himself, as to his own duty or deficiencies ; but as both the resources, and the amount of the actual charities, of other men are beyond our ken, it is as indecorous, as it is unchari- table, to sit in judgement on their decisions. CHAPTER XVI. ON ECONOMY OP TIME AND EXPENSES. On Economy of Time. The value of time, and our obligation to spend every hour for some useful end, are what few minds properly realize. And those, who have the highest sense of their obligations in this respect, sometimes greatly misjudge in their estimate of what are useful and proper modes of employing time. This arises from limited views of the importance of some pursuits, which they would deem frivolous and useless, but which are, ON ECONOMY OF TIME. 181 in reality, necessary to preserve the health of body and mind, and those social affections, which it is very im- portant to cherish. Christianity teaches, that, for all the time afforded us, we must give account to God ; and that we have no right to waste a single hour. But time, which is spent in rest or amusement, is often as usefully employed, as if it were devoted to labor or de- votion. In employing our time, we are to make suita- ble allowance for sleep, for preparing and taking food, for securing the means of a livelihood, for intellectual improvement, for exercise and amusement, for social enjoyments, and for benevolent and religious duties. And it is the right apportionment of time, to these various duties, which constitutes its true economy. In making this apportionment, we are bound by the same rules, as relate to the use of property. We are to employ whatever portion is necessary to sustain life and health, as the first duty ; and the remainder we are so to apportion, that our highest interests, shall receive the greatest allotment, and our physical gratifications, the least. The laws of the Supreme Ruler, when He became the civil as well as the religious Head of the Jewish theocracy, furnish an example, which it would be well for all attentively to consider, when forming plans for the apportionment of time and property. To properly estimate this example, it must be borne in mind, that the main object of God, was, to preserve His religion among the Jewish nation ; and that they were not re- quired to take any means to propagate it among other nations, as Christians are now required to extend Chris- tianity. So low were they, in the scale of civilization and mental developement, that a system, which con- fined them to one spot, as an agricultural people, and prevented their growing very rich, or having extensive commerce with other nations, was indispensable to pre- vent their relapsing into the low idolatries and vices of the nations around them. The proportion of time and property, which every ■■■M 16 D. E. 182 ON ECONOMY OF TIME. Jew was required to devote to intellectual, benevolent, and religious purposes, was as follows : In regard to property, they were required to give one tenth of all their yearly income, to support the Levites, the priests, and the religious service. Next, they were required to give the first fruits of all their corn, wine, oil, and fruits, and the first-born of all their cattle, for the Lord's treasury, to be employed for the priests, the widow, the fatherless, and the stranger. The first-born, also, of their children, were the Lord's, and were to be redeemed by a specified sum, paid into the sacred treasury. Besides this, they were required to bring a freewill offering to God, every time, they went up to the three great yearly festivals. In addition to this, regular yearly sacrifices, of cattle and fowls, were required of each family, and occasional sacrifices for certain sins or ceremonial impurities. In reaping their fields, they were required to leave unreaped, for the poor, the corners ; not to glean their fields, olive- yards, or vineyards ; and, if a sheaf was left, by mistake, they were not to return for it, but leave it for the poor. When a man sent away a servant, he was thus charged: " Furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy wine-press." When a poor man came to borrow money, they were forbidden to deny him, or to take any interest; and if, at the sabbatical, or seventh, year, he could not pay, the debt was to be cancelled. And to this command, is added the signifi- cant caution, " Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, the seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought ; and he cry unto the Lord against thee, and it be sin unto thee. Thou shalt surely give him," "because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto." Besides this, the Levites were distributed through the land, with the intention that they should be instructers and priests in every part of the nation. Thus, one twelfth of the ON ECONOMY OF TIME. 183 people were set apart, having no landed property, to be priests and teachers ; and the other tribes were required to support them liberally. In regard to the time taken from secular pursuits, for the support of religion, an equally liberal amount was demanded. In the first place, one seventh part of their time was taken for the weekly sabbath, when no kind of work was to be done. Then the whole nation were required to meet, at the appointed place, three times a year, which, including their journeys, and stay there, occupied eight weeks, or another seventh part of their time. Then the sabbatical year, when no agri- cultural labor was to be done, took another seventh of their time from their regular pursuits, as they were an agricultural people. This was the amount of time and property demanded by God, simply to sustain religion and morality within the bounds of that nation. Christianity demands the spread of its blessings to all mankind, and so the restrictions laid on the Jews are withheld, and all our wealth and time, not needful for our own best interest, is to be employed in improving the condition of our fellow-men. In deciding respecting the rectitude of our pursuits, we are bound to aim at some practical good, as the ultimate object. With every duty of this hfe, our benevolent Creator has connected some species of enjoyment, to draw us to perform it. Thus, the palate is gratified, by performing the duty of nourishing our bodies ; the principle of curiosity is gratified, in pur- suing useful knowledge ; the desire of approbation is gratified, when we perform benevolent and social du ties ; and every other duty has an alluring enjoyment connected with it. But the great mistake of mankind has consisted in seeking the pleasures, connected with these duties, as the sole aim, without reference to the main end that should be held in view, and to which the enjoyment should be made subservient. Thus, men seek to gratify the palate, without reference to the question whether the body is properly nourished; 184 ON ECONOMY OF TIME. and follow after knowledge, without inquiring whether It ministers to good or evil. But, in gratifying the implanted desires of our na- ture, we are bound so to restrain ourselves, by reason and conscience, as always to seek the main objects of existence — the highest good of ourselves and others ; and never to sacrifice this, for the mere gratification of our sensual desires. We are to giatify appetite, just so far as is consistent with health and usefulness ; and the desire for knowledge, just so far as will enable us to do most good by our influence and efforts ; and no farther. We are to seek social intercourse, to that extent, which will best promote domestic enjoyment and kindly feelings among neighbors and friends ; and we are to pursue exercise and amusement, only so far as will best sustain the vigor of body and mind. For the right apportionment of time, to these and various other duties, we are to give an account to our Creator and final Judge. Instead of attempting to give any very specific rules on this subject, some modes of economizing time will be suggested. The most powerful of all agencies, in this matter, is, that habit of system and order, in all our pursuits, which has been already pointed out. It is probable, that a regular and systematic employment of time, will enable a person to accomplish thrice the amount of labor, that could otherwise be performed. Another mode of economizing time, is, by uniting several objects in one employment. Thus, exercise, or charitable efforts, can be united with social enjoy- ments, as is done in associations for sewing, or visiting the poor. Instruction and amusement can also be combined. Pursuits like music, gardening, drawing, botany, and the hke, unite intellectual improvement with amusement, social enjoyment, and exercise. With housekeepers, and others whose employments are various and desultory, much time can be saved by preparing employments for little intervals of leisure. Thus, some ladies make ready, and keep in the parlor, ON ECONOMT IN EXPENSES. 185 light work, to take up when detained there ; some keep a book at hand, in the nursery, to read while holding or sitting by a sleeping infant. One of the most popular female poets of our Country very often shows her friends, at their calls, that the thread of the knitting, never need interfere with the thread of agree- able discourse. It would be astonishing, to one who had never tried the experiment, how much can be accomplished, by a little planning and forethought, in thus finding employ- ment for odd intervals of time. But, besides economizing our own time, we are bound to use our influence and example to promote the discharge of the same duty by others. A woman is under obligations so to arrange the hours and pur- suits of her family, as to promote systematic and habit- ual industry ; and if, by late breakfasts, irregular hours for meals, and other hinderances of this kind, she in- terferes with, or refrains from promoting regular indus- try in, others, she is accountable to God for all the waste of time consequent on her negligence. The mere example of system and industry, in a house- keeper, has a wonderful influence in promoting the same virtuous habit in others. On Economy in Expenses. It is impossible for a woman to practise a wise economy in expenditures, unless she is taught how to do it, either by a course of experiments, or by the instruction of those who have had experience. It is amusing to notice the various, and oftentimes contra- dictory, notions of economy, among judicious and ex- perienced housekeepers ; for there is probably no econ- omist, who would not be deemed lavish or wasteful, in some respects, by another and equally experienced and judicious person, who, in some different points, would herself be as much condemned by the other. These diversities are occasioned by dissimilar early habits, and by the different relative value assigned, by 16* D. E. 186 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. each, to the various modes of enjoyment, for which money is expended. But, though there may be much disagreement in minor matters, there are certain general principles, which all unite in sanctioning. The first, is, that care be taken to know the amount of income and of cur- rent expenses, so that the proper relative proportion be preserved, and the expenditures never exceed the means. Few women can do this, thoroughly, without keeping regular accounts. The habits of this Nation, especially among business-men, are so desultory, and the current expenses of a family, in many points, are so much more under the control of the man than of the woman, that many women, who are disposed to be systematic in this matter, cannot follow their wishes. But there are often cases, when much is left undone in this particular, simply because no effort is made. Yet every woman is bound to do as much as is in her power, to accomplish a systematic mode of expendi- ture, and the regulation of it by Christian principles. The following are examples of different methods which have been adopted, for securing a proper ad- justment of expenses to the means. The first, is that of a lady, who kept a large board- ing-house, in one of our cities. Every evening, before retiring, she took an account of the expenses of the day; and this usually occupied her not more than fifteen minutes, at a time. On each Saturday, she made an inventory of the stores on hand, and of the daily expenses, and also of what was due to her ; and then made an exact estimate of her expenditures and profits. This, after the first two or three weeks, never took more than an hour, at the close of the week. Thus, by a very little time, regularly devoted to this object, she knew, accurately, her income, expenditures, and profits. Another friend of the writer, fives on a regular sala- ry. The method adopted, in this case, is to calculate ir^ what the salarv amounts, each week. Then an ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 187 account is kept, of what is paid out, each week, for rent, fuel, wages, and food. This amount of each week is deducted from the weekly income. The re- mainders of each week are added, at the close of a month, as the stock from which is to be taken, the dress, furniture, books, travelling expenses, charities, and all other expenditures. Another lady, whose husband is a lawyer, divides t|ie year into four quarters, and the income into four equal parts. She then makes her plans, so that the expenses of one quarter shall never infringe on the income of another. So resolute is she, in carrying out this determination, that if, by any mischance, she is in want of articles before the close of a quarter, which she has not the means for providing, she will subject herself to temporary inconvenience, by waiting, rather than violate her rule. Another lady, whose husband is engaged in a busi- ness, which he thinks makes it impossible for him to know what his yearly income will be, took this meth- od : — She kept an account of all her disbursements, for one year. This she submitted to her husband, and obtained his consent, that the same sum should be under her control, the coming year, for similar pur- poses, with the understanding, that she might modify future apportionments, in any way her judgement and conscience might approve. A great deal of uneasiness and discomfort is caused, to both husband and wife, in many cases, by an entire want of system and forethought, in arranging expenses. Both keep buying what they think they need, without any calculation as to how matters are coming out, and with a sort of dread of running in debt, all the time harassing them. Such never know the comfort of independence. But, if a man or woman will only calculate what their income is, and then plan so as to know that they are all the time hving within it, they secure one of the greatest comforts, which wealth ever bestows, and what many of the rich, who live in a 188 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. loose and careless way, never enjoy. It is not so much the amount of income, as the regular and correct apportionment of expenses, that makes a family truly comfortable. A man, with ten thousand a year, is often more harassed, for want of money, than the sys- tematic economist, who supports a family on only six hundred a year. And the inspired command, " Owe no man any thing," can never be conscientiously ob- served, without a systematic adaptation of expenses to means. As it is very important that young ladies should learn systematic economy, in expenses, it will be a great benefit, for every young girl to begin, at twelve or thir- teen years of age, to make her own purchases, and keep her accounts, under the guidance of her mother, or some other friend. And if parents would ascertain the actual expense of a daughter's clothing, for a year, and give the sum to her, in quarterly payments, re- quiring a regular account, it would be of great benefit in preparing her for future duties. How else are young ladies to learn to make purchases properly, and to be systematic and economical? The art of system and economy can no more come by intuition, than the art of watchmaking or bookkeeping; and how strange it appears, that so many young ladies take charge of a husband's establishment, without having had either in- struction or experience in one of the most important duties of their station! The second general principle of economy, is, that, in apportioning an income, among various objects, the most important should receive the largest supply, and that all retrenchments be made in matters of less im- portance. In a previous chapter, some general princi- ples have been presented, to guide in this duty. Some additional hints will here be added, on the same topic. In regard to dress and furniture, much want of judgement and good taste is often seen, in purchasing some expensive article, which is not at all in keeping with the other articles connected with it. Thus, a ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 189 large sideboard, or elegant mirror, or sofa, which would be suitable only for a large establishment, with other rich furniture, is crowded into too small a room, with coarse and cheap articles around it. So, also, some- times a parlor, and company-chamber, will be furnished in a style suitable only for the wealthy, while the table will be supplied with shabby Hnen, and imperfect crockery, and every other part of the house will look, in comparison with these fine rooms, mean and nig- gardly. It is not at all uncommon, to find very .showy and expensive articles in the part of the house visible to strangers, when the children's rooms, kitchen, and other back portions, are on an entirely different scale. So in regard to dress, a lady will sometimes purchase an elegant and expensive article, which, instead of at- tracting admiration from the eye of taste, will merely serve as a decoy to the painful contrast of all other parts of the dress. A woman of real good taste and discretion, will strive to maintain a relative consistency between all departments, and not, in one quarter, live on a scale fitted only to the rich, and in another, on one appropriate only to the poor. Another mistake in economy, is often made, by some of the best-educated and most intelligent of mothers. Such will often be found spending day after day at needlework, when, with a comparatively small sum, this labor could be obtained of those who need the money, which such work would procure for them. Meantime, the daughters of the family, whom the mother is quahfied to educate, or so nearly quahfied, that she could readily keep ahead of her children, are sent to expensive boarding-schools, where their delicate frames, their pliant minds, and their moral and re- ligious interests, are relinquished to the hands of strangers. And the expense, thus incurred, would serve to pay the hire of every thing the mother can d y in sewing, four or five times over. The same want of economy is shown in communities, where, instead of establishing a good female school in their vicinity, the 190 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. men of wealth send their daughters abroad, at double the expense, to be either educated or spoiled, as the case may be. Another species of poor economy, is manifested in neglecting to acquire and apply mechanical skill, which, in consequence, has to be hired from others. Thus, all the plain sewing will be done by the mother and daughters, while all that requires skill will be hired. Instead of this, others take pains to have their daugh- ters instructed in mantuamaking, and the simpler parts of millinery, so that the plain work is given to the poor, who need it, and the more expensive and tasteful operations are performed in the family. The writer knows ladies, who not only make their own dresses, but also their caps, bonnets, and artificial flowers. Some persons make miscalculations in economy, by habitually looking up cheap articles, while others go to the opposite extreme, and always buy the best of every thing. Those ladies, who are considered the best economists, do not adopt either method. In regard to cheap goods, the fading colors, the damages discovered in use, the poorness of material, and the extra sewing demanded to replace articles lost by such causes, usually render them very dear, in the end. On the other hand, though some articles, of the most ex- pensive kind, wear longest and best, yet, as a general rule, articles at medium prices do the best service. This is true of table and bed linens, broadcloths, shirt- ings, and the like ; though, even in these cases, it is often found, that the coarsest and cheapest last the longest. Buying by wholesale, and keeping a large supply on hand, are economical only in large families, where the mistress is careful ; but in other cases, the hazards of accident, and the temptation to a lavish use, will make the loss outrun the profits. There is one mode of economizing, which, it is hoped, will every year grow more rare ; and that is, making penurious savings, by getting the poor to work as cheap ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 191 as possible. Many amiable and benevolent women have done this, on principle, vi^ithout reflecting on the want of Christian charity thus displayed. Let every woman, in making bargains with the poor, conceive herself placed in the same circmnstances, toiling hour after hour, and day after day, for a small sum, and then deal with others as she would be dealt by in such a situation. Liberal prices, and prompt payment, should be an invariable maxim, in deahng with the poor. The third general principle of economy, is, that all articles should be so used, and taken care of, as to secure the longest service, with the least waste. Under this head, come many particulars in regard to the use and preservation of articles, which will be found more in detail in succeeding chapters. It may be proper, however, here to refer to one very common impression, as to the relative obligation of the poor and the rich in regard to economy. Many seem to suppose, that those who are wealthy, have a right to be lavish and negli- gent in the care of expenses. But this surely is a great mistake. Property is a talent, given by God, to spend for the welfare of mankind ; and the needless waste of it, is as wrong in the rich, as it is in the poor. The rich are under obligations to apportion their income, to the various objects demanding attention, by the same rule as all others ; and if this will allow them to spend more for superfluities than those of smaller means, it never makes it right to misuse or waste any of the bounties of Providence. Whatever is no longer wanted for their own enjoyment, should be carefully saved, to add to the enjoyment of others. It is not always that men understand the economy of Providence, in that unequal distribution of property, which, even under the most perfect form of govern- ment, will always exist. Many, looking at the present state of things, imagine that the rich, if they acted in strict conformity to the law of benevolence, would share all their property with their suffering fellow-men. But such do not take into account, the inspired declaration. 192 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. that " a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth," or, in other words, life is made valuable, not by great possessions, but by such a character as prepares a man to enjoy what he holds. God perceives that human character can be most improved, by that kind of disciphne, which exists, when there is something valuable to be gained by in- dustrious efforts. This stimulus to industry could never exist, in a community where all are just alike, as it does in a state of society where every man sees, possessed by others, enjoyments, which he desires, and may secure by effort and industry. So, in a community where all are alike as to property, there would be no chance to gain that noblest of all attainments, a habit of self-denying benevolence, which toils for the good of others, and takes from one's own store, to increase the enjoyments of another. Instead, then, of the stagnation, both of industry and of benevolence, which would follow the universal and equable distribution of property, one class of men, by superior advantages of birth, or intellect, or patron- age, come into possession of a great amount of capital. With these means, they are enabled, by study, reading, and travel, to secure expansion of mind, and just views of the relative advantages of moral, intellectual, and physical enjoyments. At the same time, Christianity imposes obligations, corresponding with the increase of advantages and means. The rich are not at liberty to spend their treasures for themselves, alone. Their wealth is given, by God, to be employed for the best good of mankind ; and their intellectual advantages are designed, primarily, to enable them to judge cor- rectly, in employing their means most wisely for the general good. Now, suppose a man of wealth inherits ten thou- sand acres of real estate : it is not his duty to divide it among his poor neighbors and tenants. If he took this course, it is probable, that most of them would spend all in thriftless waste and indolence, ot in mere ON ECONOJIY IN EXPENSES. 193 physical enjoyments. Instead, then, of thus putting his capital out of his hands, he is bound to retain, and so to employ, it, as to raise his neighbors and tenants to such a state of virtue and intelligence, that they can secure far more, by their own efforts and industry, than he, by dividing his capital, could bestow upon them. In this view of the subject, it is manifest, that the unequal distribution of property is no evil. The great difficulty is, that so large a portion of those who hold much capital, instead of using their various advantages for the greatest good of those around them, employ the chief of them for mere selfish indulgences ; thus inflicting as much mischief on themselves, as results to others from their culpable neglect. A great portion of the rich seem to be acting on the principle, that the more God bestows on them, the less are they under obligation to practise any self-denial, in fulfilling his benevolent plan of raising our race to intelligence and holiness. There are not a few, who seem to imagine that it is a >mark of gentility to be careless of expenses. But this notion, is owing to a want of knowledge of the world. As a general fact, it will be found, that persons of rank and wealth, abroad, are much more likely to be systematic and economical, than persons of inferior standing in these respects. Even the most frivolous, among the rich and great, are often found practising a rigid economy, in certain respects, in order to secure gratifications in another direction. And it will be found so common, among persons of vulgar minds, and little education, and less sense, to make a display of profusion and indifference to expense, as a mark of their claims to gentility, that the really genteel look upon it rather as a mark of low breeding. So that the sort of feeling, which some persons cherish, as if it were a degradation to be careful of small sums, and to be attentive to relative prices, in making purchases, is founded on mistaken notions of gentility and pro- priety. 17 D. E 194 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. But one caution is needful, in regard to anothei extreme. When a lady of wealth, is seen roaming about in search of cheaper articles, or trying to beat down a shopkeeper, or making a close bargain with those she employs, the impropriety is glaring to all minds. A person of wealth has no occasion to spend time in looking for extra cheap articles ; her time could be more profitably employed in distributing to the wants of others. And the practice of beating down tradespeople, is vulgar and degrading, in any one. A woman, after a little inquiry, can ascertain what is the fair and common price of things ; and if she is charged an exorbitant sum, she can decline taking the article. If the price be a fair one, it is not becoming in her to search for another article which is below the regular charge. If € woman finds that she is in a store where they charge high prices, expect- ing to be beat down, she can mention, that she wishes to know the lowest price, as it is contrary to her prin- ciples to beat down charges. There is one inconsistency, worthy of notice, which is found among that class, who are ambitious of being ranked among the aristocracy of society. It has been remarked, that, in the real aristocracy of other lands, it is much more common, than with us, to practise systematic economy. And such do not hesitate to say so, when they cannot afford certain indulgences. This practice descends to subordinate grades ; so that for- eign ladies, when they come to reside among us, sel- dom hesitate in assigning the true reason, when they cannot afTord any gratification. But in this Country, it will be found, that many, who are most fond of copying aristocratic examples, are, on this point, rather with the vulgar. Not a few of those young persons, who begin life with parlors and dresses in a style fitting only to established wealth, go into expenses, which they can ill afford ; and are ashamed even to allow, that they are restrained from any expense, by motives of economy. Such a confession is never extorted, ON HEALTH OF MIND. 195 except by some call of benevolence ; and then, they are very ready to declare that they cannot afford to bestow even a pittance. In such cases, it would seem as if the direct opposite of Christianity had gained pos- session of their tastes and opinions. They are ashamed to appear to deny themselves ; but are very far from having any shame in denying the calls of benevolence. CHAPTER XVII. ON HEALTH OF MIND. There is such an intimate connection between the body and mind, that the health of one, cannot be pre- served, without a proper care of the other. And it is from a neglect of this principle, that some of the most exemplary and conscientious persons in the world, suffer a thousand mental agonies, from a diseased state of body, while others ruin the health of the body, by neglecting the proper care of the mind. When the brain is excited, by stimulating drinks taken into the stomach, it produces a corresponding excitement of the mental faculties. The reason, the imagination, and all the powers, are stimulated to preternatural vigor and activity. In like manner, when the mind is excited by earnest intellectual effort, or by strong passions, the brain is equally excited, and the blood rushes to the head. Sir Astley Cooper records, that, in examining the brain of a young man who had lost a portion of his skull, whenever " he was agitated, by some opposition to his wishes," "the blood was sent, with increased force, to his brain," and the pulsations "became fre- quent and violent." The same effect was produced by any intellectual effort ; and the flushed countenance, which attends earnest study or strong emotions of fear, shame, or anger, is an external indication of the suflused state of the brain from such causes. 196 ON HEALTH OF MIND. In exhibiting the causes, which injure the health of the mind, they will be found to be partly physical, partly intellectual, and partly moral. The first cause of mental disease and suffering, is not unfrequently found in the want of a proper supply of duly oxygenized blood. It has been shown, that the blood, in passing through the lungs, is purified, by the oxygen of the air combining with the superabundant hydrogen and carbon of the venous blood, thus forming carbonic acid and water, which are expired into the atmosphere. Every pair of lungs is constantly with- drawing from the surrounding atmosphere its healthful principle, and returning one, which is injurious to hu- man life. When, by confinement, and this process, the atmos- phere is deprived of its appropriate supply of oxygen, the purification of the blood is interrupted, and it passes, without being properly prepared, into the brain, pro- ducing languor, restlessness, and inability to exercise the intellect and feelings. Whenever, therefore, per- sons sleep in a close apartment, or remain, for a length of time, in a crowded or ill-ventilated room, a most per- nicious influence is exerted on the brain, and, through this, on the mind. A person, who is often exposed to such influences, can never enjoy that elasticity and vigor of mind, which is one of the chief indications of its health. This is the reason, why all rooms for re- ligious meetings, and all schoolrooms, and sleeping apartments, should be so contrived, as to secure a con- stant supply of fresh air from without. The minister, who preaches in a crowded and ill-ventilated apart- ment, loses much of his power to feel and to speak, while the audience are equally reduced, in their capa- bility of attending. The teacher, who confines children in a close apartment, diminishes their ability to study, or to attend to his instructions. And the person, who habitually sleeps in a close room, impairs his mental energies, in a similar degree. It is not unfrequently the case, that depression of spirits, and stupor of intel- lect, are occasioned solely by inattention to this subject ON HEALTH OF MIND. 197 Another cause of mental disease, is, the excessive exercise of the intellect or feelings. If the eye is taxed, beyond its strength, by protracted use, its blood-vessels become gorged, and the bloodshot appearance v^arns of the excess and the need of rest. The brain is affected, in a similar manner, by excessive use, though the suftering and inflamed organ cannot make its appeal to the eye. But there are some indications, which ought never to be misunderstood or disregarded. In cases of pupils, at school or at college, a diseased state, from over action, is often manifested by increased clearness of mind, and ease and vigor of mental action In one instance, known to the writer, a most exemplary and industrious pupil, anxious to improve every hour, and ignorant or unmindful of the laws of health, first manifested the diseased state of her brain and mind, by demands for more studies, and a sudden and earnest activity in planning modes of improvement for herself and others. When warned of her danger, she pro- tested that she never was better, in her life ; that she took regular exercise, in the open air, went to bed in season, slept soundly, and felt perfectly well ; that her mind was never before so bright and clear, and study never so easy and delightful. And at this time, she was on the verge of derangement, from which she was saved only by an entire cessation of all her intellectual efforts. A similar case occurred, under the eye of the writer, from over-excited feelings. It was during a time of unusual religious interest in the community, and the mental disease was first manifested, by the pupil bring- ing her Hymn-book or Bible to the class-room, and making it her constant resort, in every interval of school duty. It finally became impossible to convince her, that it was her duty to attend to any thing else ; her conscience became morbidly sensitive, her per- ceptions indistinct, her deductions unreasonable, and nothing, but entire change of scene, exercise, and amusement, saved her. When the health of the brain 17* D. E. 198 ON HEALTH OF MIND. was restored, she found that she could attend to the " one thing needful," not only without interruption of duty, or injury of health, but rather so as to promote both. Clergymen and teachers need most carefully to notice and guard against the danger here alluded to. Any such attention to religion, as prevents the per- formance of daily duties and needful relaxation, is dangerous, as tending to produce such a state of the brain, as makes it impossible to feel or judge correctly. And when any morbid and unreasonable pertinacity appears, much exercise, and engagement in other in- teresting pursuits, should be urged, as the only mode of securing the religious benefits aimed at. And whenever any mind is oppressed with care, anxiety, or sorrow, the amount of active exercise in the fresh air should be greatly increased, that the action of the muscles may withdraw the blood, which, in such sea- sons, is constantly tending too much to the brain. There has been a most appalling amount of suffering, derangement, disease, and death, occasioned by a want of attention to this subject, in teachers and parents. Uncommon precocity in children is usually the result of an unhealthy state of the brain ; and, in such ' cases, medical men would now direct, that the wonderful child should be deprived of all books and study, and turned to play or work in the fresh air. Instead of this, parents frequently add fuel to the fever of the brain, by supplying constant mental stimulus, until the victim finds refuge in idiocy or an early grave. Where such fatal results do not occur, the brain, in many cases, is so weakened, that the prodigy of infancy sinks below the medium of intel- lectual powers in afterlife. In our colleges, too, many of the most promising minds sink to an early grave, or drag out a miserable existence, from this same cause. And it is an evil, as yet little alleviated by the increase of physiological knowledge. Every college and pro- fessional school, and every seminary for young ladies, needs a medical man, not only to lecture on physiology and the laws of health, but empowered, in his official ON HEALTH OF MIND. 199 capacity, to investigate the case of every pupil, and, by authority, to restrain him to such a course of study, exercise, and repose, as his physical system requires. The writer has found, by experience, that, in a large institution, there is one class of pupils w^ho need to be restrained, by penalties, from late hours and excessive study, as much as another class need stimulus to in- dustry. Under the head of excessive mental action, must be placed the indulgence of the imagination in novel reading and castle building. This kind of stimulus, unless counterbalanced by physical exercise, not only vi^astes time and energies, but undermines the vigor of the nervous system. The imagination vi^as designed, by our kind Creator^ as the charm and stimulus to animate to benevolent activity ; and its perverted exer- cise seldom fails to bring the appropriate penalty. A third cause of mental disease, is, the want of the appropriate exercise of the various faculties of the mind. On this point. Dr. Combe remarks, " We have seen, that, by disuse, muscle becomes emaciated, bone softens, blood-vessels are obUterated, and nerves lose their characteristic structure. The brain is no excep- tion to this general rule. Of it, also, the tone is im- paired by permanent inactivity, and it becomes less fit to manifest the mental powers with readiness and energy." It is " the withdrawal of the stimulus neces- sary for its healthy exercise, which renders solitary con- finement so severe a punishment, even to the most daring minds. It is a lower degree of the same cause, which renders continuous seclusion from society so injurious, to both mental and bodily health." " Inactivity of intellect and of feeling is a very fre- quent predisposing cause of every form of nervous disease. For demonstrative evidence of this position, we have only to look at the numerous victims to be found, among persons who have no call to exertion in gaining the means of subsistence, and no objects of interest on which to exercise their mental faculties 200 ON HEALTH OF MIND. and who consequently sink into a state of mental sloth and nervous weakness." " If we look abroad upon society, we shall find innumerable examples of mental and nervous debility from this cause. When a person of some mental capacity is confined, for a long time, to an unvarying round of employment, which affords neither scope nor stimulus for one half of his faculties, and, from want of education or society, has no exter- nal resources ; his mental powers, for want of exercise, become blunted, and his perceptions slow and dull." " The intellect and feelings, not being provided with interests external to themselves, must either become inactive and weak, or work upon themselves and be- come diseased." " The most frequent victims of this kind of predis- position, are females of the middle and higher ranks^ especially those of a nervous constitution and good natural abilities ; but who, from an ill-directed educa- tion, possess nothing more solid than mere accomplish- ments, and have no materials of thought," and no " occupation to excite interest or demand attention." " The liability of such persons to melancholy, hysteria, hypochondriasis, and other varieties of mental distress, really depends on a state of irritabihty of brain, in- duced by imperfect exercise." These remarks, of a medical man, illustrate the prin- ciples before indicated ; — namely, that the demand of Christianity, that we live to promote the general happi- ness, and not merely for selfish indulgence, has for its aim, not only the general good, but the highest happi- ness, of the individual of whom it is required. A person possessed of wealth, who has nothing more noble to engage his attention, than seeking his own personal enjoyment, subjects his mental powers and moral feelings to a degree of inactivity, utterly at war with health of mind. And the greater the capacities, the greater are the sufferings which result from this cause. Any one, who has read the misanthropic wail- ings of Lord Byron, has seen the necessary result of ON HEALTBT OF MINO. 201 great and noble powers bereft of their appropriate exercise, and, in consequence, becoming sources of the keenest sufFerting. It is this view of the subject, which has often awakened feelings of sorrow and anxiety in the mind of the writer, while aiding in the developement and education of superior female minds, in the wealthier circles. Not because there are not noble objects foi interest and effort, abundant, and within reach of such minds ; but because long-estabhshed custom has made it seem so Quixotic, to the majority, even of the pro- fessed followers of Christ, for a woman of wealth to practise any great self-denial, that few have indepen- dence of mind and Christian principle sufficient to overcome such an influence. The more a mind has its powers developed, the more does it aspire and pine after some object worthy of its energies and affections ; and they are commonplace and phlegmatic characters, who are most free from such deep-seated wants. Many a young woman, of fine genius and elevated sentiment, finds a charm in Lord Byron's writings, because they present a glowing picture of what, to a certain extent, must be felt by every well-developed mind, which has no nobler object in life, than the pursuit of its own gratification. If young ladies of wealth could pursue their educa- tion, under the full conviction that the increase of their powers and advantages increased their obligations to use all for the good of society, and vt^ith some plan of benevolent enterprise in view, what new motives of interest would be added to their daily pursuits ! And what blessed results would follow, to our beloved Coun- try, if all well-educated females carried out the prin- ciples of Christianity, in the exercise of their developed powers I It is cheering to know, that there are women, among the most intelligent and wealthy, who can be presented as examples of what may be done, when there is a heart to do. A pupil of the writer is among this num- 202 ON HEALTH OF MIND. ber, who, though a rich heiress, immediately, on the close of her school-life, commenced a course of self- denying benevolence, in the cause of education. She determined to secure a superior female institution, in her native place, which should extend the benefits of the best education to all in that vicinity, at a moderate charge. Finding no teacher on the ground, prepared to take the lead, and though herself a timid and retir- ing character, she began, with the aid of the governess in her mother's family, a daily school, superintending all, and teaching six hours a day. The liberal-minded and intelligent mother cooperated, and the result is a flourishing female seminary, with a large and beautiful and well-furnished building; the greater part of the means being supplied by the mother, and almost all by the members of that family connection. And both these ladies will testify, that no time or money, spent for any other object, has ever secured to them more real and abiding enjoyment, than witnessing the results of this successful and benevolent enterprise, which, for years to come, will pour forth blessings on society. Another lady could be pointed out, who, possessing some property, went into a new western village, built and furnished her schooihouse, and established herself there, to aid in raising a community from ignorance and gross worldliness, to intelligence and virtue. And in repeated instances, among the friends and pupils of the writer, young ladies have left wealthy homes, and affectionate friends, to find nobler enjoyments, in be- nevolent and active exertions to extend intelligence and virtue, where such disinterested laborers were needed. In other cases, where it was not practicable to leave home, well-educated young ladies have inter- ested themselves in common schools in the vicinity, aiding the teachers, by their sympathy, counsel, and personal assistance. Other ladies, of property and standing, having fam- ilies to educate, and being well qualified for such du- ties, have relinquished a large portion of domestic labor ON HEALTH OF MIND. 203 and superintendence, which humbler minds could be hired to perform, devoted themselves to the education of their children, and received others, less fortunate, to share with their own these superior advantages. But, so long as the feeling widely exists, that the in- crease of God's bounties diminishes the obligations of self-denyilig service for the good of mankind, so long will well-educated women, in easy circumstances, shrink from such confinement and exertion. It is believed, however, that there are many benevo- lent and intelligent women, in this Country, who would gladly engage in such enterprises, were there any ap- propriate way within their reach. And it is a question, well deserving consideration, among those who guide the public mind in benevolent enterprises, whether some organization is not demanded, which shall bring the whole community to act systematically, in voluntary associations, to extend a proper education to every child in this Nation, and to bring into activity all the female enterprise and benevolence now lying dormant, for want of proper facilities to exercise them. There are hundreds of villages, which need teachers, and that would support them, if they were on the spot, but which never will send for them. And there are hun- dreds of females, now unemployed, who would teach, if a proper place, and home, and support, and escort, were provided for them. And there needs to be some enlarged and systematic plan, conducted by wise and efficient men, to secure these objects. Could such a plan, as the one suggested, be carried out, it is believed that many female minds, now suffer- mg, from diseases occasioned by want of appropriate objects for their energies, would be relieved. The duties of a teacher exercise every intellectual faculty, to its full extent ; while, in this benevolent service, all the social, moral, and benevolent, emotions, are kept in full play. The happiest persons the writer has ever known, —those who could say that they were as happy as they wished to be, in this world, (and she has seen such,)— were persons engaged in this employment. 204 ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. The indications of a diseased mind, owing to a want of the pro{)er exercise of its powers, are, apathy, discon- tent, a restless longing for excitement, a craving for unattainable good, a diseased and morbid action of the imagination, dissatisfaction with the world, and factitious interest in trifles which the mind feels to be unworthy of its powers. Such minds sometimes seek alleviation in exciting amusements ; others resort to the grosser enjoyments of sense. Oppressed with the extremes of languor, or over-excitement, or apathy, the body fails under the wearing process, and adds new causes of suf- fering to the mind. Such, the compassionate Saviour calls to his service, in these appropriate terms : " Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me," " and ye shall find rest unto your souls." CHAPTER XVIII. ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. There is no point, where the women of this Coun try need more wisdom, patience, principle, and self- control, than in relation to those whom they employ in domestic service. The subject is attended with many difficulties, which powerfully influence the happiness of families ; and the following suggestions are offered, to aid in securing right opinions and practice. One consideration, which it would be well to bear in mind, on this subject, is, that a large portion of the peculiar trials, which American women suffer from this source, are the necessary evils connected with our most valuable civil blessings. Every blessing of this life in- volves some attendant liability to evil, from the same source ; and, in this case, while we rejoice at a state of society, which so much raises the condition and advan- tages of our sex, the evils involved should be regarded ON THE CAHE OF fiOMfiSTlCS. 205 as more than repaid, by the compensating benefits. If we cannot secure the cringing, submissive, well-trained, servants of aristocratic lands, let us be consoled that we thus escape from the untold miseries and oppression, which always attend that state of society. Instead, then, of complaining that we cannot have our own peculiar advantages, and those of other nations, too, or imagining how much better off we should be, if things were different from what they are, it is much wiser and more Christianhke to strive cheerfully to con- form to actual circumstances ; and, after remedying all that we can control, patiently to submit to what is beyond our power. If domestics are found to be in- competent, unstable, and unconformed to their station, it is Perfect Wisdom which appoints these trials, to teach us patience, fortitude, and self-control ; and, if the discipline is met, in a proper spirit, it will prove a blessing, rather than an evil. But, to judge correctly in regard to some of the evils involved in the state of domestic service, in this Coun- try, we should endeavor to conceive ourselves placed in the situation of those, of whom complaint is made, that we may not expect, from them, any more than it would seem right should be exacted from us, in similar circumstances. It is sometimes urged, against domestics, that they exact exorbitant wages. But what is the rule of rec- titude, on this subject ? Is it not the universal law of labor and of trade, that an article is to be valued, ac- cording to its scarcity and the demand ? When wheat is scarce, the farmer raises his price ; and when a me- chanic offers services, difficult to be obtained, he makes a corresponding increase of price. And why is it not right, for domestics to act according to a rule, allowed to be correct in reference to all other trades and profes- sions? It is a fact, that really good domestic, service must continue to increase in value, just in proportion m this Country waxes rich and prosperous ; thus making the proportion of those, who wish to hire labor, rela 18 D. E. Si06 ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. lively greater, and the number of those, wilHng to go to service, less. Money enables the rich to gain many advantages, which those of more limited circumstances cannot se- cure. One of these, is, securing good domestics, by offering high wages ; and this, as the scarcity of this class increases, will serve constantly to raise the price of service. It is right for domestics to charge the market value, and this value is always decided by the scarcity of the article and the amount of demand. Right views of this subject, will sometimes serve to diminish hard feelings towards those, who would oth- erwise be wrongfully regarded as unreasonable and exacting. Another complaint against domestics, is, that of in- stability and discontent, leading to perpetual change. But in reference to this, let a mother or daughter con- ceive of their own circumstances as so changed, that the daughter must go out to service. Suppose a place is engaged, and it is then found that she must sleep in a comfortless garret ; and that, when a new domestic comes, perhaps a coarse and dirty foreigner, she must share her bed with her. Another place is offered, where she can have a comfortable room, and an agree- able room-mate ; in such a case, would not both mother and daughter think it right to change ? Or, suppose, on trial, it was found that the lady of the house was fretful, or exacting, and hard to please ; or, that her children were so ungoverned, as to be per- petual vexations ; or, that the work was so heavy, that no time was allowed for relaxation and the care of a wardrobe ; — and another place offers, where these evils can be escaped : would not mother and daughter here think it right to change ? And is it not right for do- mestics, as well as their employers, to seek places, where they can be most comfortable ? In some cases, this instability and love of change would be remedied, if employers would take more pains to make a residence with them agreeable ; and to attach ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. 207 domestics to the family, by feelings of gratitude and affection. There are ladies,, even where well-qualified domestics are most rare, who seldom find any trouble in keeping good and steady ones. And the reason is, that their domestics know they cannot better their con- dition, by any change within reach. It is not merely by giving them comfortable rooms, and good food, and presents, and privileges, that the attachment of domes- tics is secured ; it is by the manifestation of a friendly and benevolent interest in theii- comfort and improve- ment. This is exhibited, in bearing patiently with their faults; in kindly teaching them how to improve; in showing them how to make and take proper care of their clothes; in guarding their health; in teaching them to read, if necessary, and supplying them with proper books ; and, in short, by endeavoring, so far as may be, to supply the place of parents. It is seldom that such a course would fail to secure steady service, and such affection and gratitude, that even higher wages would be ineffectual to tempt them away. There would probably be some cases of ungrateful re- turns ; but there is no doubt that the course indicated, if generally pursued, would very much lessen the evil in question. Another subject of complaint, in regard to domestics, is, their pride, insubordination, and spirit not con- formed to their condition. They are not willing to be called servants; in some places, they claim a seat, at meals, with the family; they imitate a style of dress unbecoming their condition ; and their manners and address are rude and disrespectful. That these evils are very common, among this class of persons, cannot be denied ; the only question is, how can they best be met and remedied. In regard to the common feeling among domestics, which is pained and offended by being called "ser- vants," there is need of some consideration and allow- ance. It should be remembered, that, in this Country, children, from their earliest years, are trained to abhor 208 ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. slavery, in reference to themselves, as the greatest of all possible shame and degradation. They are per- petually hearing orations, songs, and compositions of all sorts, which set forth the honor and dignity of free- men, and heap scorn and contempt on all who would be so mean as to be slaves. Now the term servant, and the duties it involves, are, in the minds of many persons, nearly the same as those of slave. And there are few minds, entirely free from associations which make servitude a degradation. It is not always pride, then, which makes this term so offensive. It is a con- sequence of that noble and generous spirit of freedom, which every American draws from his mother's breast, and which ought to be respected, rather than despised. In order to be respected, by others, we must respect ourselves ; and sometimes the ruder classes of society make claims, deemed forw^ard and offensive, when, with their views, such a position seems indispensable to pre- serve a proper self-respect. Where an excessive sensibility on this subject exists, and forward and disrespectful manners result from it, the best remedy is, a kind attempt to give correct views, such as better-educated minds are best able to attain. It should be sliown to them, that, in this Country, labor has ceased to be degrading, in any class ; that, in all classes, different grades of subordination must exist; and that it is no more degrading, for a domestic to re- gard the heads of a family as superiors in station, and treat them with becoming respect, than it is for chil- dren to do the same, or for men to treat their rulers with respect and deference. They should be taught, that domestics use a different entrance to the house, and sit at a distinct table, not because they are inferior beings, but because this is the best method of securing neatness, order, and convenience. They can be shown, if it is attempted in a proper spirit and manner, that these very regulations really tend to their own ease and comfort, as well as to that of the family. The writer has known a case, where the lady of the ON THE CARE OT DOMESTICS. 209 family, for the sake of convincing her domestic of the truth of these views, allowed her to follow her own notions, for a short time, and join the family at meals. It was merely required, as a condition, that she should always dress her hair as the pther ladies did, and appear in a clean dress, and abide by all the rules of propriety at table, which the rest were required to prac- tise, and which were duly detailed. The experiment was tried, two or three times ; and, although the domes- tic was treated with studious politeness and kindness, she soon felt that she should be much more comforta- ble in the kitchen, where she could talk, eat, and dress, as she pleased. A reasonable domestic can also be made to feel the propriety of allowing opportunity for the family to talk freely of their private affairs, when they meet at meals, as they never could do, if restrained by the constant presence of a stranger. Such views, presented in a kind and considerate manner, will often entirely change the views of a domestic, who is sensi- tive on such subjects. When a domestic is forward and bold in manners, and disrespectful in address, a similar course can be pursued. It can be shown, that those, who are among the best-bred and genteel, have courteous and respect- ful manners and language to all they meet, while many, who have wealth, are regarded as vulgar, because they exhibit rude and disrespectful manners. The very term, gentleman, indicates the refinement and delicacy of address, which distinguishes the high-bred from the coarse and vulgar. In regard to appropriate dress, in most cases it is difficult for an employer to interfere, directly, with com- ments or advice. The most successful mode, is, to offer some service in mending or making a wardrobe, and when a confidence in the kindness of feeling is thus gained, remarks and suggestions will generally be properly received, and new views of propriety and economy can be imparted. In some cases, it may be well for an employer ,-^who, from appearances, antici- 18* D. E. 210 ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. pates difficulty of this kind, — in making the agreement, to state that she wishes to have the room, person, and dress of her domestics kept neat, and in order, and that she expects to remind them of their duty, in this particuhir, if it is neglected. Domestics are very apt to neglect the care of their own chambers and clothing ; and such habits have a most pernicious influence on their wellbeing, and on that of their children in future domestic life. An employer, then, is bound to exercise a parental care over them, in these respects. In regard to the great deficiencies of domestics, in qualifications for their duties, much patience and be- nevolence are required. Multitudes have never been taught to do their work properly ; and, in such cases, how unreasonable it would be to expect it of them ! Most persons, of this class, depend, for their knowledge in domestic affairs, not on their parents, who are usu- ally unqualified to instruct them, but on their employ- ers ; and if they live in a family where nothing is done neatly and properly, they have no chance to learn how to perform their duties well. When a lady finds that she must employ a domestic who is ignorant, awkward, and careless, her first effort should be, to make all proper allowance for past want of instruction, and the next, to remedy the evil, by kind and patient teaching. In doing this, it should ever be borne in mind, that nothing is more difficult, than to change old habits, and to learn to be thoughtful and considerate. And a woman must make up her mind to tell the same thing " over and over again," and yet not lose her patience. [t will often save much vexation, if, on the arrival of a new domestic, the mistress of the family, or a daughter, will, for two or three days, go round with the novice, and show the exact manner in which it is expected the work will be done. And this, also, it may be well to specify in the agreement, as some domestics would otherwise resent such a supervision. But it is often remarked, that, after a woman has taken all this pains to instruct a domestic, and make ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. 211 her a good one, some other person will offer higher wages, and she will leave. This, doubtless, is a sore trial ; but, if such efforts were made in the true spirit of benevolence, the lady will still have her reward, in the consciousness that she has contributed to the welfare of society, by making one more good domestic, and one more comfortable family where that domestic is employed ; and if the latter becomes the mother of a family, a whole circle of children will share in the benefit. There is one great mistake, not* unfrequently made, in the management both of domestics and of children ; and that is, in supposing that the way to cure defects, is by finding fault as each faihng occurs. But, instead of this being true, in many cases the directly opposite course is the best ; while, in all instances, much good judgement is required, in order- to decide when to notice faults, and when to let them pass unnoticed. There are some minds, very sensitive, easily discour- aged, and infirm of purpose. Such persons, when they have formed habits of negligence, haste, and awkward- ness, often need expressions of sympathy and encour- agement, rather than reproof. They have usually been found fault with, so much, that they have become either hardened or desponding ; and it is often the case, that a few words of commendation will awaken fresh efforts and renewed hope. In almost every case, words of kindness, confidence, and encouragement, should be mingled with the needful admonitions or reproof. It is a good rule, in reference to this point, to fore- warn, instead of finding fault. Thus, when a thing has been done wrong, let it pass unnoticed, till it is to be done again ; and then, a simple request, to have it done in the right way, will secure quite as much, and proba- bly more, wiUing effort, than a reproof administered for neglect. Some persons seem to take it for granted, that young and inexperienced minds are bound to have all the forethought and discretion of mature persons ; and freely express wonder and disgust, when mishaps 212 ON THfi CARE OF DOMESTICS. occur for want of these traits. But it would be far better to save from mistake or forgetfulness, by previous caution and care on the part of those who have gained experience and forethought ; and thus many occasions of complaint and ill-humor will be avoided. Those, who fill the places of heads of families, are not very apt to think how painful it is, to be chided for neglect of duty, or for faults of character. If they would sometimes imagine themselves in the place of those whom they control, with some person daily ad- ministering reproof to them, in the same tone and style as they employ to those who are under them, it might serve as a useful check to their chidings. It is often the case, that persons, who are most strict and exacting, and least able to make allowances and receive pallia- tions, are themselves peculiarly sensitive to any thing which implies that they are in fault. By such, the spirit implied in the Divine petition, " forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," needs especially to be cherished. One other consideration, is very important. There is no duty, more binding on Christians, than that of patience and meekness under provocations and disap- pointment. Now, the tendency of every sensitive mind, when thwarted in its wishes, is, to complain and find fault, and that often in tones of fretfulness or anger. But there are few domestics, who have not heard enough of the Bible, to know that angry or fret- ful fault-finding, from the mistress of a family, when her work is not done to suit her, is not in asreement with the precepts of Christ. They notice and feel the inconsistency ; and every woman, when she gives way to feelings of anger and impatience, at the faults of those around her, lowers herself in their respect, while her own conscience, unless very much blinded, cannot but suffer a wound. There are some women, who, in the main, are amia- ble, who seem impressed with the idea, that it is their ofiice and duty to find fault with their domestics, ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 2l3 whenever any thing is not exactly right, and follow their fancied calling without the least appearance of tenderness or sympathy, as if the objects of their disci- pline were stocks or stones. The writer once heard a domestic, describing her situation in a family which she had left, make this remark of her past employer : " She was a very good housekeeper, allowed good wages, and gave us many privileges and presents ; but if we ever did any thing wrong, she always talked to us just as if she thought ive had no feelings, and I never was so un- happy in my life, as while living with her." And this was said of a kind-hearted and conscientious woman, by .a very reasonable and amiable domestic. Every Vi^oman, who has the care of domestics, should cultivate a habit of regarding them with that sympathy and forbearance, which she would wish for herself or her daughters, if deprived of parents, fortune, and home. The fewer advantages they have enjoyed, and the greater difficulties of temper or of habit they have to contend with, the more claims they have on com- passionate forbearance. They ought ever to be looked upon, not as the mere ministers to our comfort and convenience, but as the humbler and more neglected children of our Heavenly Father, whom He has sent to claim our sympathy and aid.* CHAPTER XIX. ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Every young lady ought to learn how to take proper care of an infant; for, even if she is never to become the responsible guardian of a nursery, she will often * The excellent little work of Miss Sedgwick, entitled ' Live, and Let Live,' contains many valuable and useful hints, conveyed in a most pleasing- narrative form, vtrhich every housekeeper would do well to read. The writer also begs leave to mention a work of her own, entitled, ' Letters to Persons engaged in Domestic Service.* 214 ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. be in situations where she can render benevolent aid to otliers, in this most fatiguing and anxious duty. The writer has known instances, in which young ladies, who, liaving been trained, by their mothers, properly to perform this duty, were, in some cases, the means of saving the lives of infants, and in others, of relieving, by their benevolent aid, sick mothers, from intolerable care and anguish. On this point, Dr. Combe remarks, "All women are not destined, in the course of Nature, to become mothers ; but how very small is the number of those, wlio are unconnected, by family ties, friendship, or sympathy, with the children of others ! How very few are there, who, at some time or other of their Hves, would not find their usefulness and happiness increased, by the possession of a kind of knowledge, intimately allied to their best feelings and affections ! And how important is it, to the mother herself, that her efforts should be seconded by intelligent, instead of ignorant, assistants ! " In order to be prepared for such benevolent minis- tries, every young lady should improve the opportunity, whenever it is afforded her, for learning how to wash, dress, and tend, a young infant; and whenever she meets with such a work as Dr. Combe's, on the man- agement of infants, she ought to read it, and remember its contents. It was the design of the author, to fill this chapter chiefly with extracts from various medical writers, giving some of the most important directions on this subject ; but finding these extracts too prolix for a work of this kind, she has condensed them into a shorter compass. Some are quoted verbatim, and some are abridged, chiefly from the writings of Doctors Combe, Bell, and Eberle, who are among the most approved writers on this subject. " Nearly one half of the deaths, occurring during the first two years of existence, are ascribable to misman- agement, and to errors in diet. At birth, the stomach is feeble, and as yet unaccustomed to food ; its cravings ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 215 are consequently easily satisfied, and frequently re- newed." "At that early age, there ought to be no fixed time for giving nourishment. The stomach can- not be thus satisfied." " The active call of the infant is a sign, which needs never be mistaken." But care must be taken to determine between the crying of pain or uneasiness, and the call for food ; and the practice of giving an infant food, to stop its cries, is often the means of increasing its sufferings. After a child has satisfied its hunger, from two to four hours should intervene, before another supply is given. "At birth, the stomach and bowels, never having been used, contain a quantity of mucous secretion, which requires to be removed. To effect this. Nature •has rendered the first portions of the mother's milk purposely watery and laxative. I\urses, however, dis- trusting Nature, often hasten to administer some active purgative ; and the cons'jquence often is, irritation in the stomach and bowels, not easily subdiied." It is only where the child is deprived of its mother's milk, as the first food, that some gentle laxative should be given. " It is a common mistake, to suppose, that, because a woman is nursing, she ought to live very fully, and to add an allowance of wine, porter, or other fermented liquor, to her usual diet. The only result of this plan, is, to cause an unnatural fulness in the system, which places the nurse on the brink of disease, and retards, rather than increases, the food of the infant. More will be gained by the observance of the ordinary laws of health, than by any foolish deviation, founded on ignorance." There is no point, on which medical men so em- phatically lift the voice of warning, as in reference to administering medicines to infants. It is so difliicult to discover what is the matter with an infant, its frame is so delicate and so susceptible, and slight causes have such a powerful influence, that it requires the utmost skill and judgement to ascertain what would be proper medicines, and the proper quantity to be given. 216 ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Says Dr. Combe, -'That there are cases, in which active means must be promptly used, to save the child, is perfectly true. But it is not less certain, that these are cases, of which no mother or nurse ought to attempt the treatment. As a general rule, where the child is well managed, medicine, of any kind, is very rarely re- quired ; and if disease were more generally regarded in its true ligiit, not as something thrust into the system, which requires to be expelled by force, but as an aber- ration from a natural mode of action, produced by some external cause, we should be in less haste to attack it by medicine, and more watchful in its prevention. Ac- cordingly, where a constant demand for medicine exists in a nursery, the mother may rest assured, that there is something essentially wrong in the treatment of her children. " Much havoc is made among infants, by the abuse of calomel and other medicines, which procure momen- tary relief, but end by producing incurable disease ; and it has often excited my astonishment, to see how reck- lessly remedies of this kind are had recourse to, on the most trifling occasions, by mothers and nurses, who would be horrified, if they knew the nature of the power they are wielding, and the extent of injury they are inflicting." Instead, then, of depending on medicine, for the preservation of the health and life of an infant, the fol- lowing precautions and preventives should be adopted. Take particular care of the food of an infant. If it is nourished by the mother, her own diet should be simple, nourishing, and temperate. If the child be brought up by hand, the milk of a new-milch cow, mixed with one third water, and sweetened a little witli white sugar, should be the only food given, until the teeth come. This is more suitable, than any prepara- tions of flour or arrow-root, the nourishment of which is too highly concentrated. Never give a child breads cake, or meat, before the teeth appear. If the food ap- pear to distress the child, after eating, first ascertain if *\ ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 21T the milk be really from a new-milch cow, as it may otherwise be too old. Learn, also, whether the cow fives on proper food. Cows that are fed on still-slops, as is often the case in cities, furnish milk which is very unhealthful. Be sure and keep a good supply of pure and fresh air, in the nursery. On this point. Dr. Bell remarks, respecting rooms constructed without fireplaces, and without doors or windows to let in pure air, from with- out, '•' The sufferings of children of feeble constitutions, are increased, beyond measure, by such lodgings as these. An action, brought hij the Commonwealth, ought to lie against those persons, who build houses for sale or rent, in which rooms are so constructed as not to allow of free ventilation; and a writ of lunacy taken out against those, who, with the common-sense experi- ence which all have on this head, should spend any portion of their time, still more, should sleep, in rooms thus nearly air-tight." After it is a month or two old, take an infant out to walk, or ride, in a little wagon, every fair and warm day ; but be very careful that its feet, and every part of its body, are kept warm : and be sure that its eyes are well protected from the light. Weak eyes, and sometimes blindness, are caused by neglecting this pre- caution. Keep the head of an infant cool, never allow- ing too warm bonnets, nor permitting it to sink into soft pillows, when asleep. Keeping an infant's head too warm, very much increases nervous irritability ; and this is the reason why medical men forbid the use of caps for infants. But the head of an infant should, especially while sleeping, be protected from draughts of air, and from getting cold. Be very careful of the skin of an infant, as notl|ing tends so effectually to prevent disease. For this end, it should be washed all over, every morning, and then gentle friction should be applied, with the hand, to the back, stomach, bowels, and limbs. The head should be thoroughly washed, every day, and then brushed At? Jjif Ki^ 5218 ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. with a soft hair-brush, or combed with a fine comb. If, by neglect, dirt accumulates under the hair, apply, with the finger, the yolk of an egg, and then the fine comb will remove it all, without any trouble. Dress the infant, so that it will be always warm, but not so as to cause perspiration. Be sure and keep its feet always warm ; and, for this end, often v/arm them at a fire, and use long dresses. Keep the neck and arms covered. For this purpose, wrappers, open in front, made high in the neck, with long sleeves, to put on over the frock, are now very fashionable. It is better for both mother and child, that it should not sleep on the mother's arm, at night, unless the weather be extremely cold. This practice keeps the child too warm, and leads it to seek food too frequent- ly. A child should ordinarily take nourishment but twice in the night. A crib beside the mother, with a plenty of warm and light covering, is best for the child ; but the mother must be sure that it is always kept warm. Never cover a child's head, so that it will inhale the air of its own lungs. In very warm weather, especially in cities, gi-eat pains should be taken, to find fresh and cool air, by rides and sailing. Walks in a public square, in the cool of the morning, and frequent ex- cursions in ferry or steam-boats, would often save a long bill for medical attendance. In hot nights, the windows s-hould be kept open, and the infant laid on a mattress, or on folded blankets. A bit of straw matting, laid over a featherbed, and covered with the under sheet, makes a very cool bed for an infant. Cool bathing, in hot weather, is very useful ; but the water should be very little cooler than the skin of the child. When the constitution is delicate, the water shcmld be slightly warmed. Simply sponging the body, freely, in a tub, answers the same purpose as a regular • bath. In very warm weather, this should be done two or three times a day, always waiting two or three hours after food has been given. " When the stomach is peculiarly irritable, (from ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 219 teething,) it is of paramount necessity to withhold all the nostrums which have been so falsely lauded as * sovereign cures for cholera infantum.^ The true restoratives, to a child threatened with disease, are, cool air, cool bathing, and cool drinks of simple water, in addition to proper food, at stated intervals." Do not take the advice of mothers, who tell of this, that, and the other thing, which have proved excellent remedies in their experience. Children have different constitu- tions, and there are multitudes of different causes for their sickness ; and what might cure one child, might kill another, which appeared to have the same complamt. A mother should go on the general rule, of giving an infant very little medicine, and then only by the di- rection of a discreet and experienced physician. And there are cases, when, according to the views of the most distinguished and competent practitioners, physi- cians themselves are much too free in using medicineSj instead of adopting preventive measures. Do not allow a child to form such habits, that it will not be quiet, unless tended and amused. A healthy child should be accustomed to lie or sit in its cradle, much of the time ; but it should occasionally be taken up, and tossed, or carried about, for exercise and amusement. An infant should be encouraged to creep, as an exercise very strengthening and useful. If the mother fears the soiling of its nice dresses, she can keep a long slip or apron, which will entirely cover the dress, and can be removed, when the child is taken in the arms. A child should not be allowed, when quite young, to bear its weight on its feet, very long at a time, as this tends to weaken and distort the limbs. Many mothers, with a little painstaking, succeed in putting their infants, while awake, into their cradle, at regular hours, for sleep, and induce regularity in other habits, which saves much trouble. In doing this, a* child may cry, at first, a great deal ; but for a healthy child, this use of the lungs does no harm, and tends rather to strengthen, than to injure, them. A child who 2-20 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. is trained to lie or sit, and amuse itself, is happier than one who is carried and tended a great deal, and thus rendered restless and uneasy when not so indulged. CHAPTER XX. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. In regard to the physical education of children, Dr. Clarke, Physician inordinary to the Queen of England, expresses views, on one point, in which most physicians would coincide. He says, " There is no greater error in the management of children, than that of giving them animal diet very early. By persevering in the use of an overstimulating diet, the digestive organs become irritated, and the various secretions, immediately con- nected v/ith, and necessary to, digestion, are diminished, especially the biliary secretion. Children, so fed, become very liable to attacks of fever, and of inflammation, affecting, particularly, the mucous membranes ; and measles, and the other diseases incident to childhood, are generally severe in their attack." There are some popular notions on the subject of the use of animal food, which need to be corrected. One mistake, is, in supposing that the formation of the human teeth and stomach indicate that man was designed to feed on flesh. Linnaeus says, that the or- ganization of man, when compared with other animals, shows, that " fruits and esculent vegetables constitute his most suitable food." Baron Cuvier, the highest au- thority on comparative anatomy, says, " the natural food of man, judging from his structure, appears to consist of fruits, roots, and other succulent parts of vegetables." Another common mistake, is, that the stimulus of animal food is necessary for the full developement of the physical and intellectual powers. This notion is disproved by facts. The inhabitants of Lapland and ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 221 Kamtschatka, who live altogether on animal food, are among the smallest, weakest, and most timid, of races. But the Scotch Highlanders, who, in a very cold climate, live almost exclusively on milk and vegetable diet, are among the bravest, largest, and most athletic, of men. The South-Sea Islanders, who live almost exclusively on fruits and vegetables, are said to be altogether su- perior to English sailors, in strength and agility. An intelligent gentleman, who spent many months in Siberia, testifies, that no exiles endure the climate better than those, who have all their lives been accus- tomed to a vegetable diet. The stoutest and largest tribes in Africa, live solely on vegetable diet, and the bright, intelligent, and active Arabs, hve entirely on milk and vegetables. The popular notion is, that animal food is more nourishing than vegetable ; but on this point, scientific men hold different opinions. Experiments, repeatedly made by some chemists, seem to prove the contrary. Tables have been prepared, showing the amount of nutriment in each kind of food, by which it would appear, that, while beef contains thirty-five per cent, of nutritious matter, wheat-bread and rice contain from eighty to ninety-five per cent. The supposed mistake is attributed to the fact, that, on account of the stimulating nature of animal food, it digests easier and more quickly than vegetables. Many physicians, however, among them, Dr. Combe,* are of opinion, that animal food " contains a greater quantity of nutriment in a given bulk, than either herbaceous or farinaceous food." In some diseases, too, meat is better for the stomach than vegetables. The largest proportion of those, who have been re- markable for having lived to the greatest age, were per- sons, whose diet was almost exclusively vegetables ; and it is a wellknown fact, that the pulse of a hardy and robust man, who lives on simple vegetable diet, is from * See his ' Physiology of Digestion considered with relation to the Principles of Dietetics,' issued by the Publishers of this work. 19* D. E. 222 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. ten to twenty beats less in a minute, than that of men who live on a mixed diet. In regard to the intellect, Dr. FrankHn asserted, from experience, that an exclusively vegetable diet "pro- motes clearness of ideas and quickness of perception ; and is to be preferred, by all who labor with the mind." The mightiest efforts of Sir Isaac Newton, were per- formed, while nourished only by bread and water. Many other men, distinguished by intellectual vigor, give similar testimony. These facts show that animal food is not needful, to secure the perfect developement of mind or body.* The result of the treatment of the inmates of the Orphan Asylum, at Albany, is one, upon which all, who have the care of young children, should deeply ponder. During the first six years of the existence of this Institution, its average number of children was eighty. For the first three years, their diet was meat once a day, fine bread, rice, Indian puddings, vegeta- bles, fruit, and milk. Considerable attention was given to clothing, fresh air, and exercise ; and they were bathed once in three weeks. During these three years, from four to six children, and sometimes more, vv^ere continually on the sick-list ; one or two assistant nurses were necessary ; a physician was called, two or three times a week ; and, in this time, there were between thirty and forty deaths. At the end of this period, the management was changed, in these respects : — daily ablutions of the whole body were practised ; bread of unbolted flour was substituted for that of fine wheat ; and all animal food was banished. More attention also was paid to clothing, bedding, fresh air, and exercise. The result was, that the nursery was vacated ; the nurse and physician were no longer needed ; and, for two years, not a single case of sickness or death occurred. The * Tlie writer is not an advocate for total abstinence from animal food. She coincides with the best authorities, in thinking that adulta eat too mucli ; that children, while growing, should eat very little and quite young children, none at all. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 223 third year, also, there were no deaths, except those of two idiots and one other child, all of whom were new inmates, who had not been subjected to this treatment. The teachers of the children also testified, that there was a manifest increase of intellectual vigor and ac- tivity, while there was much less irritability of temper. Let parents, nurses, and teachers, reflect on the above statement, and bear in mind, that stupidity of intellect, and irritability of temper, as well as ill health, are often caused by the mismanagement of the nursery, in regard to the physical training of children. There is probably no practice, more deleterious, than that of allowing children to eat at short intervals, through the day. As the stomach is thus kept constantly at work, with no time for repose, its functions are deranged, and a weak or disordered stomach is the frequent result. Children should be required to keep cakes, nuts, and other good things which they may have to eat, till just before a meal, and then they will form a part of their regular supply. This is better, than to wait till after their hunger is satisfied by food, when they will eat their niceties merely to gratify the palate, and thus overload the stomach. In regard to the intellectual training of young children, some modification in the common practice is necessary, with reference to their physical wellbeing. More care is needful, in providing well-ventilated schoolrooms, and in securing more time for sports in the open air, during school hours. It is very important, to most mothers, that their young children should be removed from their care, during the six school hours ; and it is very useful, to quite young children, to be sub- jected to the discipline of a school, and to intercourse with other children of their own age. And, with a suitable teacher, it is no matter how early children are sent to school, provided their health is not endangered, by impure air, too much confinement, and too great mental stimulus. In regard to the formation of the moral character, it 224 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. has been too much the case, that the discipHne of the nursery lias consisted of disconnected efforts to make children either do, or refrain from doing, certain par- ticular acts. Do this, and be rewarded; do that, and be punished ; is the ordinary routine of family govern- ment. But children can be very early taught, that their hap piness, both now and hereafter, depends on the forma tion of habits of submission, self-denial, and benevolence. And all the disciphne of the nursery can be conducted by the parents, not only with this general aim in their own minds, but ^.Iso with the same object daily set be- fore the minds of the children. Whenever their wishes are crossed, or their wills subdued, they can be taught, that all this is done, not merely to please the parent, or to secure some good to themselves or to others ; but as a part of that merciful training, which is designed to form such a character, and such habits, that they can hereafter find their chief happiness in giving up their will to God, and in living to do good to others, instead of living merely to please themselves. It can be pointed out to them, that they must always submit their will to the will of God, or else be con- tinually miserable. It can be shown, how in the nursery, and in the school, and through all future days, a child must practise the giving up of his will and wishes, when they interfere with the rights and comfort of others ; and how important it is, early to learn to do this, so that it will, by habit, become easy and agreeable. It can be shown, how children, who are indulged in all their wishes, and who are never ac- customed to any self-denial, always find it hard to re- frain from what injures themselves and others. It can be shown, also, how important it is, for every person, to form such habits of benevolence, towards others, that self-denial, in doing good, will become easy. Parents have learned, by experience, that children can be constrained, by authority and penalties, to exer- cise self-denial, for their own good, till a habit is formed, ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 225 which makes the duty comparatively easy. For example, welltrained children can be accustomed to deny them- selves tempting articles of food, which are injurious, until the practice ceases to be painful and difficult. Whereas, an indulged child would be thrown into fits of anger or discontent, when its wishes were crossed, by restraints of this kind. But it has not been so readily discerned, that the same method is needful, in order to form a habit of self-denial, in doing good to others. It has been sup- posed, that, while children must be forced, by authority, to be self-denying and prudent, in regard to their own happiness, it may properly be left to their own discre- tion, whether they will practise any self-denial in doing good to others. But the more difficult a duty is, the greater is the need of parental authority, in forming a habit, which will make that duty easy. In order to secure this, some parents turn their ear- liest efforts to this object. They require the young child always to offer to others a part of every thing which it receives ; always to comply with all reasonable requests of others for service ; and often to practise little acts of self-denial, in order to secure some enjoyment for others. If one child receives a present of some nicety, he is required to share it with all his brothers and sisters. If one asks his brother to help him in some sport, and is met with a denial, the parent re- quires the unwilling child to act benevolently, and give up some of his time to increase his brother's enjoyment. Of course, in such an effort as this, discretion must be used, as to the frequency and extent of the exercise of authority, to induce a habit of benevolence. But, where parents deliberately aim at such an object, and wisely conduct their instructions and discipline to secure it, very much will be accomplished. Religious influence should be brought to bear directly upon this point. In the very beginning of religious in- struction, Jesus Christ should be presented to the child, as that great and good Being, who came into this 226 ON THE MANAGEBfENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. world to teach children how to be happy, both here and hereafter. He, who made it His meat and drink to do the will of His Heavenly Father ; who, in the humblest station, and most destitute condition, denied Himself, daily, and went about doing good ; should constantly be presented as the object of their imitation. And as nothing so strongly influences the minds of children, as the sympathy and example of a present friend, all those, who believe Him to be an ever-present Saviour, should avail themselves of this powerful aid. Under such training, Jesus Christ should be constantly presented to them, as their ever-watchful, tender, and sympa- thizfng friend. If the abstract idea of an unembodied Spirit with the majestic attributes of Deity, be diflicult for the mind of infancy to grasp, the simple, the gentle, the lovely, character of Christ, is exactly adapted to the wants and comprehension of a child. In this view, how touching is the language of the Saviour, to His misjudging disciples, " Suffer the little children to come unto me ! " In regard to forming habits of obedience, there have been two extremes, both of which need to be shunned. One is, a stern and unsympathizing maintenance of parental authority, demanding perfect and constant obedience, without any attempt to convince a child of the propriety and benevolence of the requisitions, and without any manifestation of sympathy and tenderness for the pain and difficulties which are to be met. Under such discipline, children grow up to fear their parents, rather than to love and trust them ; while some of the most valuable principles of character, are chilled, or forever blasted. In shunning this danger, other parents pass to the ojjposite extreme. They put themselves too much on the footing of equals with their children, as if little were due to superiority of relation, age, and experience. Nothing is exacted, without the implied concession that the child is to be a judge of the propriety of the ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 227 requisition ; and reason and persuasion are employed, where simple command and obedience would be far better. This system produces a most pernicious in- fluence. Children soon perceive the position, thus allowed them, and take every advantage of it. They soon learn to dispute parental requirements, acquire habits of forwardness and conceit, assume disrespectful manners and address, maintain their views with perti- nacity, and yield to authority with ill-humor and re- sentment, as if their rights were infringed. The medium course, is, for the parent to take the attitude of a superior, in age, knowledge, and relation, who has a perfect right to control every action of the child, and that, too, without giving any reason for the requisitions. " Obey, because your parent commands" is always a proper and sufficient reason. But care should be taken, to convince the child that the parent is conducting a course of discipline, designed to make him happy ; and in forming habits of impli- cit obedience, self-denial, and benevolence, the child should have the reasons for most requisitions kindly stated ; never, however, on the demand of it, from the child, as a right, but as an act of kindness from the parent. It is impossible to govern children properly, especially those of strong and sensitive feelings, without a con- stant effort to appreciate the value which they attach to their enjoyments and pursuits. A lady, of great strength of mind and sensibility, once told the writer, that one of the most acute periods of suffering, in her whole life, was occasioned by the burning up of some milkweed-silk, by her mother. The child had found, for the first time, some of this shining and beautiful substance ; was filled with delight at her discovery ; was arranging it in parcels; planning its future uses, and her pleasure in showing it to her companions, — when her mother, finding it strewed over the carpet, hastily swept it into the fire, and that, too, with so in- different an air, that the child fled away, almost dis- 223 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. tracted with grief and disappointment. The mother little reaUzed the pain she had inflicted, but the child felt the unkindness, so severely, that for several days ' her mother was an object almost of aversion. While, therefore, the parent needs to parry on a steady course, which will obhge the child always to give up its will, whenever its Own good, or the greater claims of others, require it, this should be constantly connected with the expression of a tender sympathy, for the trials and disappointments thus inflicted. Those, who will join with children, and help them along in their sports, will learn, by this mode, to understand the feelings and interests of childhood ; while, at the same time, they secure a degree of confidence and affection, which cannot be gained so easily, in any other way. And it is to be regretted, that parents so often relin- quish this most powerful mode of influence, to domes- tics and playmates, who often use it in the most per- nicious manner. In joining in such sports, older persons should never relinquish the attitude of supe- riors, or allow disrespectful manners or address. And respectful deportment is never more cheerfully accorded, than in seasons, when young hearts are pleased, and made grateful, by having their tastes and enjoyments so efficiently promoted. Next to the want of all government, the two most fruitful sources of evil to children, are, unsteadiness in government, and over-government. Most of the cases, hi which the children of sensible and conscientious parents turn out badly, result from one or the other of these causes. In cases of unsteady government, either one parent is very strict, severe, and unbending, and the other excessively indulgent, or else the parents are sometimes very strict and decided, and at other times allow disobedience to go unpunished. In such cases, children, never knowing exactly when they can escape with impunity, are constantly tempted to make the trial. The bad effects of this, can be better appreciated, bj ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 229 reference to one important principle of the mind. It is found to be universally true^ that, when any object of desire is put entirely beyond the reach of hope or expectation, the mind very soon ceases to long for it, and turns to other objects of pursuit. But, so long as the mind is hoping for some good, and making efforts to obtain it, any opposition excites irritable feelings. Let the object be put entirely beyond all hope, and this irritation soon ceases. In consequence of this principle, those children, who are under the care of persons of steady and decided government, know, that whenever a thing is forbidden or denied, it is out of the reach of hope ; the desire, therefore, soon ceases, and they turn to other objects. But the children of undecided, or of over-indulgent parents, never enjoy this preserving aid. When a thing is denied, they never know but either coaxing may win it, or disobedience secure it without any penalty, and so they are kept in that state of hope and anxiety, which produces irritation, and tempts to insubordination. The children of very indulgent pa- rents, and of those who are undecided and unsteady in government, are very apt to become fretful, irritable, and fractious. Another class of persons, in shunning this evil, go to the other extreme, and are very strict and pertinacious, in regard to every requisition. With them, fault-find- ing and penalties abound, until the children are either hardened into indifference of feeling, and obtuseness of conscience, or else become excessively irritable, or mis- anthropic. It demands great wisdom, patience, and self-control, to escape these two extremes. In aiming at this, there are parents, who have found the following maxims of ver)" great value. First, Avoid, as much as possible, the multiplication of rules and absolute commands. Instead of this, take the attitude of advisers. " My child, this is improper, I wish you would remember not to do it." This mode of address answers for all the little acts of heedlessness, awkwardness, or ill-manners, 20 D. E. \ 230 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. SO frequently occurring, with children. There are cases, when direct and distinct commands are needful ; and, in such cases, a penalty for disobedience should be as steady and sure as the laws of Nature. Where such steadiness, and certainty of penalty, attend dis- obedience, children no more think of disobeying, than they do of putting their fingers in a burning candle. The next maxim, is. Govern by rewards, more than by penalties. Such faults as wilful disobedience, lying, dishonesty, and indecent or profane language, should be punished with severe penalties, after a child has been fully instructed in the evil of such practices. But all the constantly-recurring faults of the nursery, such as ill-humor, quarrelling, carelessness, and ill- manners, may, in a great many cases, be regulated by gentle and kind remonstrances, and by the offer of some reward for persevering efforts to form a good habit. It is very injurious and degrading to any mind, to be kept under the constant fear of penalties. Love and hope are the principles that should be mainly rehed on, in forming the habits of childhood. Another maxim, and perhaps the most difficult, is. Do not govern by the aid of severe and angry tones. A sinde example will be given to illustrate this maxim. A child is disposed to talk and amuse itself, at table. The mother requests it to be silent, except when need- ing to ask for food, or when spoken to by its older friends. It constantly forgets. The mother, instead of rebuking, in an impatient tone, says, '' My child, you must remember not to talk. I will remind you of it four times more, and after that, whenever you forget, you must leave the table, and wait till we are done." If the mother is steady in her government, it is not prob- able that slie will have to apply this slight penalty more than once or twice. This method is far more effectual, than the use of sharp and severe tones, to secure atten- tion and recollection, and often answers the purpose, as well as offering some reward. The writer has been in some families, where the OTSI THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 231 most efficient and steady government has been sus- tained, without the use of a cross or angry tone ; and m others, where a far less efficient disciphne was kept up, by frequent severe rebukes and angry remon- strances. In the first case, the children followed the example set them, and seldom used severe tones to each other ; in the latter, the method employed by the parents, was imitated by the children ; and cross words and angry tones resounded from morning till night, in every portion of the household. Another important maxim, is, Try to keep children in a happy state of mind. Every one knows, by expe- rience, that it is easier to do right, and submit to rule, when cheerful and happy, than when irritated. This is peculiarly true of children ; and a wise mother, when she finds her child fretful and impatient, and thus con- stantly doing wrong, will often remedy the whole dif- ficulty, by telling some amusing story, or by getting the child engaged in some amusing sport. This strongly shows the importance of learning to govern children without the employment of angry tones, which always produce irritation. Children of active, heedless temperament, or those who are odd, awkward, or unsuitable, in their remarks and deportment, are often essentially injured, by a want of patience and self-control in those who govern them. Such children, often possess a morbid sensibility, which they strive to conceal, or a desire of love and approba- tion, which preys like a famine on the soul. And yet, they become objects of ridicule and rebuke, to almost every member of the family, until their sensibilities are tortured into obtuseness or misanthropy. Such chil dren, above all others, need tenderness and sympathy. A thousand instances of mistake or forgetfulness should be passed over, in silence, while opportunities for com- mendation and encouragement should be diligently sought. In regard to the formation of habits of self-denial, in childhood, it is astonishing to see how parents, who are 232 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. very sensible, often seem to regard this matter. Instead of inuring their cliildren to this duty, in early life, so that by habit it may be made easy in after-days, they seem to be studiously seeking to cut them oft', from every chance to secure such a preparation. Every wish of the child is studiously gratified ; and, virhere a necessity exists, of crossing its wishes, some compen- sating pleasure is offered, in return. Such parents, often maintain that nothing shall be put on their table, which their children may not join them in eating. But where, so easily and surely as at the daily meal, can that habit of self-denial be formed, which is so needful in gov- erning the appetites, and which children must acquire, or be ruined ? The food which is proper for grown persons, is often unsuitable for children ; and this is a sufficient reason for accustoming them to see others partake of delicacies, which they must not share. Re- quiring children to wait till others are helped, and to refrain from conversation at table, except when ad- dressed by their elders, is another mode of forming habits of self-denial and self-control. Requiring them to help others, first, and to offer the best to others, has a similar influence. In forming the moral habits of children, it is wise to take into account the peculiar temptations to which they are to be exposed. The people of this Nation are eminently a traflicking people ; and the present standard of honesty, as to trade and debts, is very low, and every year seems sinking still lower. It is, therefore, pre- eminently important, that children should be trained to strict honesty, both in word and deed. It is not merely teaching children to avoid absolute lying, which is needed. All kinds of deceit should be guarded against ; and all kinds of little dishonest practices be strenuously opposed. A child should be brought up with the de- termined principle, never to run in debt, but to be con- tent to live in an humbler way, in order to secure that true independence, which should be the noblest dis- tinction of an American citizen. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 233 There is no more important duty, devolving upon a mother, than the cultivation of habits of modesty and propriety in young children. All indecorous words or deportment, should be carefully restrained ; and delicacy and reserve studiously cherished. It is a common no- tion, that it is important to secure these virtues to one sex, more than to the other ; and, by a strange' incon- sistency, the sex most exposed to danger, is the one selected as least needing care. But a wise mother will be especially careful, that her sons are trained to modesty and purity of mind. But few mothers are sufficiently aware of the dread- ful penalties which often result from indulged impurity?* of thought. If children, in future life, can be preserved from licentious associates, it is supposed that their safety is secured. But the records of our insane retreats, and the pages of medical writers, teach, that even in solitude, and without being aware of the sin or the danger, chil- dren may inflict evils on themselves, which not unfre- quently terminate in disease, delirium, and death. Every mother and every teacher, therefore, carefully avoiding all explanation of the mystery, should teach the young, that the indulgence of impure thoughts and actions, is visited by the most awful and terrific penal- ties. Disclosing the details of vice, in order to awaken dread of its penalties, is a most dangerous experiment, and often leads to the vety evils feared. The attempts made, in late years, to guard children from future dan- gers, by circulating papers, and books of warning and information, have led to such frightful results, that it is hoped the experiment will never again be pursued. The safest course, is, to cultivate habits of modesty and delicacy, and to teach, that all impure thoughts, words, and actions, are forbidden by God, and are often visited by the most dreadful punishment. At the same time, it is important for mothers to protect the young mind from false notions of delicacy. It should be shown, that whatever is necessary, to save from suffering or danger, must be met, without shame or aversion ; and 20* D. E. 234 ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. that all, which God has instituted, is wise, and right, and pure. It is in reference to these dangers, that mothers and teachers siiould carefully guard the young from those highly-wrought fictions, which lead the imagination astray ; and especially from that class of licentious works, made interesting by genius and taste, which have flooded this Country, and which are often found on the parlor table, even of moral and Christian people. Of this class, the writings of Bulwer stand conspicuous. The only diflference, between some of his works and the obscene prints, for vending which men suffer the penalties of the law, is, that the last are so gross, as to revolt the taste and startle the mind to resistance, while Bulwer presents the same ideas, so clothed in the fas- cinations of taste and genius, as most insidiously to seduce the unwary. It seems to be the chief aim of this licentious writer, to make thieves, murderers, and adulterers, appear beautiful, refined, and interesting. It is time that all virtuous persons in the community should rise in indignation, not only against the writers, but the venders of such poison. CHAPTER XXI. ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. Every woman who has the care of young children, or of a large family, is frequently called upon, to advise what shall be done, for some one who is indisposed ; and often, in circumstances where she must trust solely to her own judgement. In such cases, some err, by neglecting to do any thing at all, till the patient is quite sick ; but a still greater number err, from excessive and injurious dosing. The two great causes of the ordinary slight attacks of illness, in a family, are, sudden chills, which close ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. 235 tlie pores of the skin, and thus affect the throat, lungs, or bowels ; and the excessive or improper use of food. In most cases, of illness from the first cause, bathing the feet, and some aperient drink to induce perspiration, are suitable remedies. A slight cathartic, also, is often serviceable. In case of illness from improper food, or sxcess in eating, fasting, for one or two meals, to give the system time and chance to relieve itself, is the safest remedy. Sometimes, a gentle cathartic may be aeedful ; but it is best first to try fasting. The following extract from a discourse of Dr. Burne, Defore the London Medical Society, contains important information. " In civilized life, the causes, which are most generally and continually operating in the produc- tion of diseases, are, afiections of the mind, improper diet, and retention of the intestinal excretions. The undue retention of excrementitious matter, allows of the absorption of its more liquid parts, which is a cause of great impurity to the blood, and the excretions, thus rendered hard and knotty, act more or less as extrane- ous substances, and, by their irritation, produce a de- termination of blood to the intestines and to the neigh boring viscera, which ultimately ends in inflammation. It also has a great effect on the whole system ; causes a determination of blood to the head, which oppresses the brain and dejects the mind ; deranges the functions of the stomach ; causes flatulency ; and produces a general state of discomfort." Dr. Combe remarks, on this subject, " In the natural and healthy state, under a proper system of diet, and with sufficient exercise, the bowels are relieved regular- ly, once every day." Habit " is powerful in modifying the result, and in sustaining healthy action when once fairly established. Hence the obvious advantage of observing as much regularity, in relieving the system, as in taking our meals." It is often the case that so- liciting Nature at a regular period, once a day, will remedy constipation, without medicine, and induce a regular and healthy state of the bowels. " When, 236 ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. however, as most frequently happens, the constipation arises from the absence of all assistance from the ab- dominal and respiratory muscles, the first step to be taken, is, again to solicit their aid ; first, by remov- ing all impediments to free respiration, such as stays, waistbands and belts ; secondly, by resorting to such active exercises, as shall call the muscles into full and regular action ; and, lastly, by proportioning the quan- tity of food to the wants of the system, and the con- dition of the digestive organs. If we employ these means, systematically and perseveringly, we shall rarely fail in at last restoring the healthy action of the bowels, with little aid from medicine. But if we neglect these modes, we may go on, for years, adding pill to pill, and dose to dose, without ever attaining the end at which we aim." There is no point, in which a woman needs more knowledge and discretion, than in administering remedies for what seem slight attacks, which are not supposed to require the attention of a physician. It is httle realized, that purgative drugs are unnatural modes of stimulating the internal organs, tending to exhaust them of their secretions, and to debihtate and disturb the animal economy. For this reason, they should be used as little as possible ; and fasting, and perspiration, and the other methods pointed out, should always be first resorted to. When medicine must be given, it should be borne in mind, that there are various clashes of purgatives, which produce very diverse effects. Some, Uke salts, operate to thin the blood, and re- duce the system; others are stimulating; and others have a peculiar operation on certain organs. Of course, great discrimination and knowledge is needed, in order to select the kind, which is suitable to the particular disease, or to the particular cons^titution of the invalid. This shows the folly of using the many kinds of pills, and other quack medicines, where no knowledge can be had of their composition. Pills which are good for one kind of disease, might operate as poison in another state of the system. It is wise to keep always on hand ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. 237 some simple cathartic, for family use, in slight attacks ; and always to resort to medical advice, whenever pow- erful remedies seem to be demanded.* It is very com- mon, in cases of colds which affect the lungs or throat, to continue to try one dose after another, for relief. It will be well to bear in mind, at such times, that all which goes into the stomach, must be first absorbed into the blood, before it can reach the diseased part ; and that there is some danger of injuring the stomach, or other parts of the system, by such a variety of doses, many of which, it is probable, will be directly contra- dictory in their nature, and thus neutralize any supposed benefit they might separately impart. It is very unwise, to tempt the appetite of a person who is indisposed. The cessation of appetite is the warning of Nature, that the system is in such a state, that food cannot be digested. « The following suggestions may be found useful, in regard to nursing the sick. As nothing contributes more to the restoration of health, than pure air, it should be a primary object, to keep a sick-room well ventilated. At least twice in the twenty-four hours, the patient should be well covered, and fresh air freely admitted from out of doors. After this, if need be, the room should be restored to a proper temperature, by the aid of a fire. Bedding and clothing should also be well aired, and frequently changed; as the exhalations from the body, in sickness, are peculiarly deleterious. Frequent ablutions, of the whole body, if possible, are very useful ; and for these, warm water may be employed. * The following electuary, by a distinguished physician, is used by many friends of the writer, as a standing resort, in cases of constipa- tion, or where a gentle cathartic is needed. One recommendation of it, is, that children always love it, and eat the pills as " good plums." Two ounces of powdered Senna ; one ounce of Gream of Tartar ; one ounce of Sulphur ; mixed with sufficient Confection of Senna, to form an electuary. Make this into pills, of the size of peas, and give a young child two or three, as the case may be. Taking three pills, every night, will generally relieve constipation in an adult. M'SS ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. The following, are useful directions foi drecsing a blister. Spread thinly, on a linen cloth, an ointment, composed of one third of beeswax to two thirds of tallow ; lay this upon a linen cloth, folded many times. With a sharp pair of scissors, make an aperture in the lower part of the bag of water, with a little hole, above, to give it vent. Break the raised skin as little as pos- sible. Lay on the cloth, spread as directed. The blis- ter, at first, should be dressed as often as three times in a day, and the dressing renewed each time. A. sick-room should always be kept very neat, and in perfect order ; and all haste, noise, and bustle, should be avoided. In order to secure neatness, order, and quiet, in case of long illness, the following arrange- ments should be made. Keep a large box for fuel, which will need to be filled only twice in twenty-four hours. Provide, also, and keep in the room, or an ad- jacent closet, a small teakettle, a saucepan, a pail of water, for drinks and ablutions, a pitcher, a covered porringer, two pint bowls, two tumblers, two cups and saucers, two wine glasses, two large and two small spoons ; also, a dish in which to wash these articles ; a good supply of towels, and a broom. Keep a slop- bucket, near by, to receive the wash of the room. Procuring all these articles at once, will save much noise and confusion. Whenever medicine or food is given, spread a clean towel over the person or bedclothing, and get a clean handkerchief, as nothing is more annoying to a weak stomach, than the stickiness and soihng produced by medicine and food. Keep the fireplace neat, and al- ways wash all articles, and put them in order, as soon as they are out of use. A sick person has nothing to do, but look about the room ; and when every thing is neat and in order, a feeling of comfort is induced, while disorder, filth, and neglect, are constant objects of annoyance, which, if not complained of, are yet felt. ON THE CARE OF THE SICK. 239 Always prepare food for the sick, in the neatest and most careful manner. It is in sickness, that the senses of smell and taste are most susceptible of annoyance ; and often, little mistakes or negligences, in preparing food, will take away all appetite. Food for the sick, should be cooked on coals, that no smoke may have access to it ; and great care must be taken, to prevent any adherence to the bottom, as this always gives a disagreeable taste. Keeping clean handkerchiefs and towels at hand, cooling the pillows, sponging the hands with water, swabbing the mouth with a clean linen rag, on the end of a stick, are modes of increasing the comfort of the sick. Always throw a shawl over a sick person, when raised up. Be careful to understand a physician's directions, and to ohey them implicitly. If it be supposed that any other person knows better about the case, than the physician, dismiss the physician, and employ that person in his stead. In nursing the sick, always speak gently and cheer- ingly ; and, while you express sympathy for their pain and trials, stimulate them to bear all with fortitude, and with resignation to Him who has appointed the trial. Offer to read the Bible, or other devotional books, whenever, it is suitable, and will not . be deemed ob- trusive. It is always best to consult the physician, as to where medicines shall be purchased, and to show the articles to him before using them, as great impositions are prac- tised in selling old, useless, and adulterated drugs. Al- ways put labels on vials of medicine, and keep them out of the reach of children. Be careful to label all powders, and particularly all white powders ; as many poisonous medicines, in this form, are easily mistaken for others which are harmless. 240 ON ACCIDENTS AND ANTIDOTES. CHAPTER XXII. ON ACCIDENTS AND ANTIDOTES. When serious accidents occur, medical aid should be immediately procured. Till that can be done, the following directions may be useful. When a child has any thing in its throat, first try, with the finger, to get the article up. If this cannot be done, push it down into the stomach, with a smooth elastic stick. If the article be a pin, sharp bone, glass, or other cutting substance, give an emetic which will immediately operate. In the case of a common cut, bind the lips of the wound together, with a rag, and put nothing else on If the cut be large, and so situated that rags will not bind it together, use sticking plaster, cut in strips and laid obliquely across the cut. Sometimes it is needful to take a stitch, with a needle and thread, on each lip of the wound, and draw the two sides together. If an artery be cut, it must be immediately tied up, or the person will bleed to death. The blood from an artery is of a bright red color, and spirts out, in regular jets, at each beat of the heart. Take up the bleeding end of the artery, and hold it, or tie it up, till a surgeon comes. When the artery cannot be found, and in all cases of bad cuts on any of the limbs, apply compres- sion ; when it can be done, tie a very tight bandage above the wound, if it be below the heart, and below if the wound be above the heart. Put a stick into the band, and twist it as tight as can be borne, till sur- gical aid be obtained. Batlie bad bruises in hot water, or hot spirits, or a decoction of bitter herbs. Entire rest, is the remedy for sprains. Bathing in warm water, or warm whiskey is very useful. A sprained leg should be kept in a horizontal position, on a bed or sofa. When a leg is broken, tie it to the other leg, to keep ON ACCIDENTS AND ANTIDOTES. 241 it still ; and, if possible, get a surgeon, before the limb swells. Bind a broken arm to a piece of shingle, and keep it still, till it is set. In case of a*blow on the head, or a fall, causing in- sensibiUty, use a mustard paste on the back of the neck and pit of the stomach, and rub the body with spirits. After the circulation is restored, bleeding is often ne- cessary ; but it is very dangerous to attempt it before. In cases of bad burns, where the skin is taken off, the great aim should be, to keep the injured part from tilt air. For this purpose, sprinkle on flour, or apply a hniment, made of linseed oil and lime-water, in equal quantities. Sweet-oil, on cotton, is good, and with laudanum, alleviates pain : but many skins cannot bear the application of raw cotton, which is sometimes very good. When a dressing is put on, do not remove it, as it will be sure to protract the cure, by admitting the air. In case of drowning, lay the person in a warm bed, or on blankets, on the right side, with the head raised, and a little inclined forward. Clear the mouth with the fingers, and cautiously apply hartshorn to the nose. Raise the heat of the body, by bottles of warm water applied to the pit of the stomach, armpits, groins, and soles of the feet. Apply friction to the whole body, with w^rm hands and cloths dipped in warm spirits of camphor. Endeavor to produce the natural action of the lungs, by introducing the nose of a bellows into one nostril and closing the other, at the same time pressing on the throat, to close the gullet. When the lungs are thus inflated, press gently on the breast and belly, and continue the process, for a long time. Cases have been known, where eflbrte have been protracted eight or ten hours, without effect, and then have proved successful. Rolling the body on a barrel, suspending it by the heels, giving injections of tobacco, and many other practices, which have been common, are highly injurious. After signs of life appear, give small quan- tities of wine, or spirits and water. In cases of poisoning, from corrosive sublimate, beat 21 D» E. 242 ON ACCIDENTS AND ANTIDOTES. up the whites of twelve eggs, mix them in two quarts of water, and give a tumbler full every three minutes, till vomiting is produced. This is the surest remedy. When tliis is not at hand, fill the stomadh, in like man- ner, with any mucilaginous substance, such as gum and water, flaxseed, or slippery-elm-bark tea. Flour and water, or sugar and water, in great quantities, are next best ; and if none of these be at hand, give co- pious draughts of water alone. In case of poisoning from arsenic, cobalt, or any such mineral, administer, as soon as possible, large quanti- ties of lime-water and sugared-water, of warm, or even of cold water, or of flaxseed tea, or some other muci- laginous drink, to distend the stomach and produce immediate vomiting, and thereby eject the poison. If opium, or any of its preparations, has been taken, in dangerous quantities, induce vomiting, without a moment's unnecessary delay, by giving, immediately, in a small quantity of water, ten grains of ipecac, and ten grains of sulphate of zinc, (white vitriol, which is the most prompt emetic known,) and repeat the dose every fifteen minutes, till the stomach is entirely emp- tied. Where white vitriol is not at hand, substitute three or four grains of blue vitriol, (sulphate of copper.) When the stomach is emptied, but not before, give, every ten minutes, alternately, a cup of acid drink, and a cup of very strong coffee, made by pouring a pint of boiling water on a quarter of a pound of ground burnt coffee, and letting it stand ten minutes, and then strain- ing it. Continue these drinks, till the danger is over. Dash cold water on the head, apply friction to the body, and keep the person in constant motion, to pre- vent sleep. If any kind of acid be taken, in poisonous quantities, give strong pearlash-water. If ley, or pearlash, or any alkali be taken, give sv/eet-oil ; or, if this be wanting, lamp-oil ; or, if neither be at hand, give vinegar, freely. In case of stupefaction, from the fumes of charcoal, or from entering a well, limekiln, or coal mine, exp g^ g> Bedpresses. A, A, /i, A, Closets. i, Store-closet. J, Back entry and Sink. p, Cellar stairs. o, o, o, Fireplaces. The parlor, d, is designed to have the doors (shown in Fig. 19) placed at the end, where is the bedpress, g. This will make it a handsome parlor, bv day, and yet ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 267 allow it to be used as a bedroom, at night. The bed- presses, in the other rooms, can have less expensive doors. A window is put in each bedpress, to secure proper ventilation. These should be opened, to air the bed, on leaving it. These can be fitted up with shelves, pegs, and curtains, as before described. If the elevation of the first cottage be preferred to this, as being less expensive, it can be used, by altering it a little ; thus, instead of the projection for the entry, make a slight projection, of the width of one brick, to preserve the same general outside appearance. Let the windows extend down to the floor, and the beauty of symmetry will also be preserved. Fig. 23. Ground-plan. ^0 10 Scale of Feet. a, Entry. \z mm^M'////M i, b, Stairs ■"ll c, Parlor, 16 / I by 20 feet. d, Kitchen, 14 byl4 feet. e, Storecloset. /, Pantry. g, Sinkroom. h, Closet. i, i, Fire- places. n, Cellar door. 0, Oven. ^ y, Furnace. m-H-H-H-H z, Sink. Fig. 24. Second Story. Stairs. Passage. c, c, c, Bed rooms. i^ (2, (f, d^ Closets. c, e, Fire- places. y, Nursery. g Room for young children. 268 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. The plans, shown in Fig. 23 and 24, are designed for families, where most domestic labor is to be done without the aid of domestics. The parlor, c, is for a sitting-room, and for company. The room, d, is the eating-room ; where, also, the ironing and other nicer family work can be done. In the small room, g, either an oven and boiler, or a cooking-stove, can be placed. The elevation, shown in Fig. 25, is designed for the front of this house. Fig. 25. |ill l ! !! ! ' ? '!T 'l !!;!! TI '''l! ! l! lim ' ^:l ! l ! :i!::i lll ! l!l!II IM I ll l!lllli ! l'' S i !i; : ! !! l!ll 'l l« ^ —zzzzz jiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiwiii mwi iii i i iii ii iii iiii jMlliMil ii ii i iiii iiiii i iinii %mi& spf Y\s. 26. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES 269 Figures 27 and 28, are plans of a two-story house, on a larger scale, with a concealed staircase, for front and back use. The elevation. Fig. 26, is designed for this plan. Fig. 27. Ground-plan. i, &, Entry. c, Stairs. d, Parlor, 16 by 20 feet. e, Dining-room, 15 by 16 feet. /, Kitchen, 15 by 16 feet. g, g, g^ Closets. h, Store-closet. 2, Back entry. j, Pantry. k, k, k, Fireplaces. X, Cellar stairs. Fig. 28. Second Story. a, a, fit, fl, Bedrooms. b, Stairs. c, c, c^ Closets. d, Passage. e, e, e, Fireplaces. 7/, Garret stairs. ^2.^* 270 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. Fig. 29. Ground-floor. c, Parlor, 17 by 17 feet. d, Dining, room, 13 by 15 feet. c, Parlor or Bedroom, 17 by 17 feet. I /, Kitchen, 19 ' by J 7 feet. J /t. Store-closet. i, h i, Closets. «,rt,?z,w, Fire- places. 0, Folding- doors. /?, Pegs for over-gar- ments. z, Cellar stairs Ficr. 30. Second Story, a, a, a, a, a^ Bedrooms, i, Stairs. ^ — ~vv.^ ^^ Passage. ^ILs ^ J4 d, d. d, d, I Closets, e, e, e, e, Fire- places. Figures 29 and 30, are plans for a larger house, which can have either of the elevations, Fig. 25 or 26^ ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 271 adapted to it. These also have a concealed staircase, tor front and back use. If a nursery, or bedroom, is wished, on the ground-floor, the back parlor, e, can be taken ; in which case, the closets, ^, i, are very useful. To prevent noise from reaching the front parlor, two gets of folding-doors, each side of the passage, o, could be placed. With this arrangement, these rooms could be used, sometimes as two parlors, opening into each other, by folding doors, and at other times, as a nursery and parlor. In this plan, the storeroom, h, and china- closet, i, between the kitchen and eating-room, are a great convenience. Figures 31 and 32, present the plan of a Gothic cottage, which secures the most economy of Jahor and expense, with the greatest amount of convenience and comfort, which the writer has ever seen. Fts.Bi. 10 20 Scale of Feet. The elevation, (Fig. 31,) exhibits the front view. It has a recess in the central part, under which, is the door, with a wmdow on each side of it. This forms a piazza ; and into this, and a similar one at the back of the house, the two centre parlors open. 5272 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES Fig. 32. In the centre of the house, (see Fig. 32,) are the two parlors, b and c ; the back one to be used as an eating-room. At X, can be placed, either a chimney, with doors on each side of the fireplace, or, (which is the most agi-eeable,) folding-doors, which can be thrown open in Summer, thus making a large saloon, through the house, from one piazza to the other. In this case, the parlors are warmed by a large stove, set near the folding-doors, which would easily warm both parlors and one or two adjacent rooms. In Winter, the out- side doors, opening to the piazzas, should be fastened and calked, and the side entry, at d, be used. At e, is the nursery, with the bedpress, g, which, being closed by day, makes a retired parlor for the mother. At ?i, is the children's playroom and sleeping-room, adjoining the njother's room. At Jc, is the kitchen, adjacent to the eating-room, with the storeroom, e, and the closets, m, m, one for the eating room, and one for the kitchen utensils. At i, is a parlor, which can be used for a study or library, by the master of the family ; while the ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 273 adjacent bedpress, j, renders it a convenient lodging- room, for guests. Another lodging-room, is at h ; and in the attic, is space enough for several comfortable lodging-rooms. A window in the roof, on the front and back, like the one on Wadsworth's Cottage, (Fig. 33,) could be placed over the front door, to light the chambers in the attic. A double roof in the attic, with ti current of air between, secures cool chambers. The closets are marked o, and the fireplaces p. The stairs to the attic are at q. By this arrangement, the house- keeper has her parlor, sleeping-room, nursery, and kitchen, on the same floor, while the rooms with bed- presses, enable her to increase either parlors or lodging- rooms, at pleasure, without involving the care of a very large and expensive house. Figure 33, is the representation of a cottage, built by Daniel Wads worth, Esq., in the vicinity of Hartford, Connecticut ; and is on a plan, which, though much smaller, is very similar to the plan represented in Fig. 32. It serves to show the manner in which the I'oofs should be arranged, in Fig. 31, which, being seen ex- actly in front, does not give any idea of the mode of this arrangement. The elevation of Wadsworth's cot- tage, could be taken for the ground-plan shown in Fig. 32, if it be preferred to the other. Both this cottage, and all the other plans, require a woodhouse, and the conveniences connected with it, which are represented in Fig. 35, (page 276.) For these Gothic cottages, an appendage of this sort should be in keeping with the rest, having windows, like those in the little Summer-house in the drawing, and battle- ments, as on the top of the wings of the barn. The ornaments on the front of the cottage, and the pillars of the portico, made simply of the trunks of small trees, give a beautiful rural finish, and their expense is trifling. In this picture, the trees could not be placed as they are in reality, because they would hide the buildings. 274 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 275 In arranging yards and grounds, the house should be set back, as in the drawing of Wadsworth's cottage ; and, instead of planting shade-trees in straight lines, or scattering them about, as single trees, they should be arranged in clusters, with large openings for turf, flow- ers, and shrubbery, which never flourish well under the shade and dropping of trees. This also secures spots of dark and cool shade, even when trees are young. In arranging shade-trees tastefully around such a place, a large cluster might be placed on each side of the gate ; another on the circular grass-plot, at the side of the house ; another at a front corner ; and another at a back corner. Shrubbery, along the walks, and on the circular plot, in front, and flowers close to the house, would look well. The barn, also, should have clusters of trees near it ; and occasional single trees, on the lawn, would give the graceful ease and variety seen in nature. Figure 34, represents the accommodations for securing water with the least labor. It is designed for a well or cistern under ground. The reservoir, R, may be a half hogshead, or something larger, which may be filled once a day, from the pump, by a man, or boy. Fig. 34. P, Pump. L, Steps to use when pumping. i2, Reservoir. 0, Brickwork to raise the Reservoir. B, A large Boiler. F, Furnace, beneath the Boiler. C, Conductor of cold water. H, Conductor of ho: water. K, Cock for letting cold water into the Boiler. S, Pipe to conduct cold water to a cock over the kitchen sink. T, Bathing- tub, which receives cold water from the Conductor, C, and hot water from the Conductor, H. W, Partition separating the Bathing-room from the Wash-room. Y, Cock to draw off hot water. Z, Plug to let off the water from the Bathing-tub into a drain. 276 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. The conductor, C, should be a lead pipe, which, in- stead of going over the boiler, should be bent along behind it. From S, a branch sets off, which conducts the cold water to the sink in the kitchen, where it dis- charges with a cock. H, is a conductor from the lower part of the boiler, made of copper, or some metal not melted by great heat ; and at Y, a cock is placed, to draw off hot water. Then the conductor passes to the bathing-tub, where is another cock. At Z, the water is let off from the bathing-tub. By this arrangement, great quantities of hot and cold water can be used, with no labor in carrying, and with very little labor in raising it. In case a cistern is built above ground, it can be placed as the reservoir is, and then all the labor of pumping is saved. Fig. 35. ^ y<^\\s^it^^■^«;^w^^^^^^ ■ w>^\'^\\^■^W!^^ G B A C JD E H \.'^^ki^XiSiiAi~s^f/SSg^S/if;SS^'m^^^^>i:^i^ \w^.. I . A^ Boiler and _J nace. |p JB, Bathing-rot C, Reservoir. D, Pump. --T7 £, Wash-form Li F, Sink. G, Kitchen. JFf, Woodpile. /, Large doors. J i, i, Bins for coa ashes. 0, Window. [j; P, P. Privies. r": T, Bathing-tub f-\ F, Door. ur fc±±±±i±±±zi± Scale of Feet. Fig. 35, is the plan of a building for back-dooi accommodations. At A^ C, D, E, are accommoda tions shown in Fig. 34. The bathing-room is adjacent to the boiler and reservoir, to receive the water. The privy, P, P, should have two apartments, as indispensa- ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 277 ble to healthful habits in a family. A window should be placed at O, and a door, with springs or a weight to keep it shut, should be at V. Keeping the window open, and the door shut, will prevent any disagreeable effects in the house. At G, is the kitchen, and at F, the sink, which should have a conductor and cock from the reservoir. H, is the place for wood, where it should in Summer be stored for Winter. A bin, for coal, and also a brick receiver, for ashes, should be in this part. Every woman should use her influence to secure all these conveniences ; even if it involves the sacrifice of the piazza, or " the best parlor." Fig. 36. [ ixxx>s^yx><5ooll ' X/N/V./y \/\''\ >>\>>><.X.X>< On S/N-'X/s ^v\;\/\ x ><'QN>v\i X^/\/ ^VXy' N XXX VvV Cx/x/x yx/x./ <^\/x/\ ^ /xXX , X-^ V\>s/|| .x>o= >xx> >> /\/x/xAX X X XV <>6bb<>^$(5(S>ooX< vWX^''\^x/\A/x/ X X XX'^'x "^ ^' '^"^^^•'' "^ ><><>^>oc o X XV x A./ X / x/x ,/\X \XxXxVxX./xX) CXXXxxwOo i (Xyw^^XX) ()i .:>. Sidie View. Fig. 36, is a latticed portico, which is cheap, and answers all the purposes of a more expensive one. It should be solid, overhead, to turn off the rain, and creepers should be trained over it. A simple latticed 24 !>• E 278 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. arch, over a door, covered with creepers, is very cheap, and serves instead of an expensive portico. I Fig. 37. C, Parlor ceiling. Kj Kitchen ceiling. Fig. 37, represents a sliding closet, or dumb ivaiter, a convenience which saves much labor, when the kitchen is in the basement. The two closets should be made wide, and broad enough to receive a common waiter. The chain, or rope, which passes over the wiieels, should branch, at X, so as to keep the closet from rubbing in its movements, when the dishes are ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 279 not set exactly in the middle, or are of unequal weights. By this method, almost every thing needed to pass be- tween the kitchen and parlor can be sent up and down, without any steps. If the kitchen is not directly under the eating-room, the sliding closet can be placed in the vicinity of one or both. Where the place is not wide enough for two closets like these, they can be made wider than they are long, say one foot and six inches long, and three feet wide. A strip of wood, an inch broad, should be fastened on the front and back of the shelves, to prevent the dishes from being broken when they are set on carelessly. There is nothing, which so much improves the ap- pearance of a house and the premises, as painting or whitewashing the tenements and fences. The follow- ing receipts for whitewashing, answer the same purpose for wood, brick, and stone, as oil-paint, and are much cheaper. The first, is the receipt used for the Presi- dent's house, at Washington, improved by further ex- periments. The second, is a cheaper one, which the writer has known to succeed, in a variety of cases, lasting as long, and looking as well, as white oil-paint. Receipt. Take half a bushel of unslacked lime, and slack it with boiling water, covering it, during the process. Strain it, and add a peck of salt, dissolved in warm water ; three pounds of ground rice, boiled to a thin paste, put in boihng hot ; half a pound of powdered Spanish whiting ; and a pound of clear glue, dissolved in warm water. Mix, and let it stand several days. Heat it in a kettle, on a portable furnace, and apply it as hot as possible, with a painter's or whitewash- brush. Another. Make whitewash, in the usual way, except that the water used should be hot, and nearly saturated with salt. Then stir in four handfuls of fine sand, to make 230 ON FIRES AND LIGHTS it thick like cream. Coloring matter can be added to both, making a light stone-color, a cream-color, or a light buff, which are most suitable for buildings CHAPTER XXV. ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. A SHALLOW fireplace saves wood, and gives out more heat than a deeper one. A false back, of brick, may be put up in a deep fireplace. Hooks, for holding up the shovel and tongs, a hearth-brush and bellows, and brass knobs to hang them on, should be furnished to every fireplace. An iron bar, across the andirons, aids in keeping the fire safe, and in good order. Steel fur- niture is more genteel, and more easily kept in order, than that made of brass. Use green wood, for logs, and mix green and dry wood for the fire ; and then the woodpile will last much longer. Walnut, maple, hickory, and oak, wood, are best, chestnut or hemlock is bad, because it snaps. | Do not buy a load, in which there are many crooked sticks. Learn how to measure and calculate the solid contents of a load, so as not to be cheated. Have all your wood split, and piled under cover, for Winter. Have the green wood logs in one pile, dry wood in another, oven-wood in another, kindlings and chips in another, and a supply of charcoal to use for broiling and ironing, in another place. Have a brick bin, for ashes, and never allow them to be put in wood. When quitting fires, at night, never leave a burning stick across the andirons, nor on its end, without quenching it. See that no fire adheres to the broom or brush ; remove all articles from the fire, and have two pails, filled with water, in the kitchen, where they will not freeze. ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. 281 Stoves and Grates. Rooms, heated by stoves, should always have some opening for the admission of fresh air, or they vi^ill be injurious to health. The dryness of the air, w^hich they occasion, should be remedied, either by placing a ves- sel, filled with water, on the stove, or by hooking a long and narrow pan, filled with water, in front of the grate ; otherwise, the lungs or eyes may be injured. A large number of plants in a room, prevents this dryness of the air. Openings for pipes, through floors, partitions, or fireboards, should be surrounded by tin, to prevent their taking fire. Lengthening a pipe, will increase its draught. P'or those, who use anthracite coal, that which is broken or screened, is best for grates, and the nut-coal, for small stoves. Three tons are sufficient, in the Mid- dle States, and four tons in the Northern, to keep one fire through the Winter. That which is bright, hard, and clean, is best ; and that which is soft, porous, and covered with damp dust, is poor. It will be well to pro- vide two barrels of charcoal, for kindling, to every ton of anthracite coal. Grates, for bituminous coal, should have a flue nearly as deep as the grate ; and the bars should be round, and not close together. The better draught there is, the less coal-dust is made. Every grate should be furnished with a poker, shovel, tongs, blower, coal-scuttle, and holder for the blower. The latter may be made of woollen, covered with old silk, and hung near the fire. Coal-stoves should be carefully put up, as cracks, in the pipe, especially in sleeping rooms, are dangerous. On Lights. Lamps are better than candles, as they give a steadier light, and do not scatter grease, like tallow candles. The best oil, is clear, and nearly colorless. Winter- strained oil should be used in cold weather. Lard is a good substitute for oil, for astral and other large lamps. 24* D. E. 282 ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. It is cheaper, burns clearer, and has a less disagreeable smell. It will not burn so well in small lamps, as in large ones. Melt it every morning, in an old pitcher, kept for the purpose. Oil, long kept, grows thick, and does not burn well. It is therefore best not to buy it in large quantities. It should never be left standing in lamps, for several days, as this spoils it, and often injures the lamps. Camphine is a kind of oil manufactured in New York, which does not smell disagreeably, nor make grease-spots, and gives a brighter light than the best oil. Cleanse the insides of lamps and oil-cans, with pearlash-water. Be careful to drain them well, and not to let any gilding, or bronze, be injured by the pearlash- water coming in contact with it. Put one table-spoonful of pearlash to one quart of water. The care of lamps requires so much attention and discretion, that many ladies choose to do this work, themselves, rather than trust it with domestics. To do it properly, provide the following things : — An old waiter, to hold all the articles used ; a lamp-filler, with a spout, small at the end, and turned up to prevent oil from dripping; a ball of wickyarn, and a basket to hold it ; a lamp-trimmer, made for the purpose, or a pair of sharp scissors ; a small soap-cup and soap ; some pearlash, in a broad-mouthed bottle ; and several soft cloths, to wash the articles, and towels, to wipe them. If every thing, after being used, is cleansed from oil, and then kept neatly, it will not be so unpleasant a task, as it usually is, to take care of lamps. Wash the shade of an astral lamp, once a week, and the glass chimney oftener. Take the lamp to pieces, and cleanse it, once a month. Keep dry fingers, in trimming lamps. To raise the wick of an astral lamp, turn it to the right ; to lower it, turn it to the left. Trim it, after it has been once used ; and, in lighting it, raise it to the proper height, as soon as may be, or it will either smoke, or form a crust. Renew the wick, when only an inch and a half long. Close-woven wicks are better than those which are loose. Dipping ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. 283 wicks in vinegar, makes them burn clearer than they otherwise would. Plain shades do not injure the eyes, like cut ones ; and prints and pictures appear better by them, than by the others. Lamps should be lighted with a strip of folded or rolled paper, kept on the mantelpiece. Weak eyes should always be shaded from the lights. Small screens, made for the purpose, should be kept at hand. A person with weak eyes, can use them, safely, much longer, when they are shaded from the glare of the hght, than if they are not so. Fill the entry-lamp, every day, and cleanse and fill night-lanterns, twice^a week, if used often. Pro- vide small, one-wicked lamps, to carry about ; and broad-bottomed lamps, for the kitchen, as these are not easily upset. A good night-lamp is made, with a small one-wicked lamp and a roll of tin to set over it. Have some holes made in the bottom of this cover, and it can then be used to heat articles. Very cheap floating tapers, can be bought, to burn in a teacup of oil through the night. Wickyarn, drawn repeatedly through melted wax, till stiff and smooth, makes a good taper, for use in seal- ing letters. It can be twined in fanciful forms, and kept on the writing-table. To make Candles. The nicest candles, are run in moulds. For this purpose, melt together one quarter of a pound of white wax, one quarter of an ounce of camphor, two ounces of alum, and ten ounces of suet or mutton tallow. Soak the wicks, in lime-water and saltpetre, and, when dry, fix them in the moulds, and pour in the melted tallow. Let them remain one night, t® cool, then warm them, a little, to loosen them, draw them out, and, when hard, put them in a box, in a dry and cool place To make dipped candles, cut the wicks of the right length, double them over rods, and twist them. They should first be dipped in lime-water, or vinegar, and dried. Melt the tallow in a large kettle, filling it 284 ON WASHING. to the top with hot water, when the tallow is melted Put in wax, and powdered alum, to harden them. Keep the tallow hot, over a portable furnace, and fill up the kettle, with hot water, as fast as the tallow is used up. Lay two long strips of narrow board, on which to hang the rods ; and set flat pans under, on the floor, to catch the grease. Take several rods at once, and wet the wicks in the tallow ; and, when cool, straighten and smooth them. Then dip them, as fast as they cool, until they become of the proper size. Plunge them obliquely, and not perpendicularly ; and when the bottoms are too large, hold them in the hot grease, till a part melts ofl*. Let them remain one night, to cool ; then cut off* the bottoms, and keep them in a dry, cool place. Cheap lights are made, by dipping rushes in tallow. CHAPTER XXVL ON WASHING. There is nothing, which tends more effectually to secure good washing, than a full supply of all conveni- ences ; and among these, none is more important, than an abundance of warm and cold water : but, if this be obtained, and heated, at a great expense of time and labor, it will be used in stinted measure. The accom- modations described on page 275, (Fig. 34,) are verj convenient in this respect. Articles to be provided for Washing. A plenty of soft water is a very important item. When this cannot be had, ley or soda can be put in hard water, to soften it ; care being used not to put in so much, as to injure the hands and clothes. Two wash-forms are needed ; one for the two tubs in which to put the suds, and the other for blueing and starching- tubs. Four tubs, of different sizes, are necessary ; also, 9 ON v/AsniNG. 285 a large wooden dipper, (as metal is apt to rust ;) two or three pails ; a grooved wash-board ; a clothes-line, (sea- grass, or horse-hair is best;) a wash-stick to move clothes, when boiling, and a wooden fork to take them out. Soap-dishes, made to hook on the tubs, save soap and time. Provide, also, a clothes-bag, in which to boil clothes ; an indigo-bag, of double flannel ; a starch- strainer, of coarse linen ; a bottle of ox-gall for calicoes ; a supply of starch, neither sour nor musty ; several dozens of clothes-pins, which are cleft sticks, used to fasten clothes on the line ; a bottle of dissolved gum Arabic ; two clothes-baskets ; and a brass or copper kettle, for boiling clothes, as iron is apt to rust. A closet, for keeping all these things, is a great conveni- ence. It may be made six feet high, three feet deep, and four feet wide. The tubs and pails can be set on the bottom of this, on their sides, one within another. Four feet from the bottom, have a shelf placed, on which to put the basket of clothes-pins, the line, soap- dishes, dipper, and clothes-fork. Above this, have another shelf, for the bottles, boxes, &c. The shelves should reach out only half way from the back, and nails should be put at the sides, for hanging the wash-stick, clothes-bag, starch-bag, and indigo-bag. The ironing- conveniences might be kept in the same closet, by hav- ing the lower shelf raised a little, and putting a deep drawer under it, to hold the ironing-sheets, holders, &c. A lock and key should be put on the closet. If the mistress of the family requests the washerwoman to notify her, when she is through, and then ascertains if all these articles are put in their places, it will prove useful. Tubs, pails, and all hooped wooden ware, should be kept out of the sun, and in a cool place, or they will fall to pieces. Common Mode of Washing. Assort the clothes, and put them in soak, the night before. Never pour hot water on them, as it sets the dirt. In assorting clothes, put the flannels in one lot. 286 ON WASHING. ^ the colored clothes in another, the coarse white ones in a third, and the fine clothes in a fourth lot. Wash the fine clothes in one tub of suds ; and throw them, when wrung, into another. Then wash them, in the second suds, turning them wrong side out. Put them in the boiling-bag, and boil them in strong suds, for half an hour, and not much more. Move them, while boiling, with the clothes-stick. Take them out of the boiling- bag, and put them into a tub of water, and rub the dirtiest places, again, if need be. Throw them into the rinsing-water, and then wring them out, and put them into the blueing-water. Put the articles to be stiflfened, into a clothes-basket, by themselves, and, just before hanging out, dip them in starch, clapping it in, so as to have them equally stiff, in all parts. Hang white clothes in the sun, and colored ones, (wrong side out,) in the shade. Fasten them with clothes-pins. Then wash the coarser white articles, in the same manner. Then wash the colored clothes. These must not be soaked, nor have ley or soda put in the water, and they ought not to lie wet long before hanging out, as it in- jures their colors. Beefs-gall, one spoonful to two pailfuls of suds, improves cahcoes. Lastly, wash the flannels, in suds as hot as the hand can bear. Never rub on soap, as this shrinks them in spots. Wring them out of the first suds, and throw them into another tub of hot suds, turning them wrong side out. Then throw them into hot blueing-water. Do not put blueing into suds, as it makes specks in the flannel. Never leave flannels long in water, nor put them in cold or luke- warm water. Before hanging them out, shake and stretch them. Some housekeepers have a close closet, made with slats across the top. On these slats, they put their flannels, when ready to hang out, and then burn brimstone under them, for ten minutes. It is but little trouble, and keeps the flannels *as white as new. Wash the colored flannels, and hose, after the white, adding more hot water. Some persons dry woollen hose on stocking-boards, shaped like a foot and leg, I ON WASHING. ^^Bl With Strings to tie them on the line. This keeps them from shrinking, and makes them look better than if ironed. It is also less work, than to iron them properly. Bedding should be washed in long days, and in hot weather. Pound blankets in two different tubs or bar- rels of hot suds, first well mixing the soap and water. Rinse in hot suds; and, after wringing, let two persons shake them thoroughly, and then hang them out. If not dry, at night, fold them, and hang them out the next morning. Bedquilts should be pounded in warm suds ; and, after rinsing, be wrung as dry as possible. Bolsters and pillows can be pounded in hot suds, without taking out the feathers, rinsing them in fair water. It is usually best, however, for nice feathers, to take them out, wash them, and dry them on a garret floor. Cotton comforters should have the cases taken off and washed. Wash bedticks, after the feathers are removed, like other things. Empty straw beds once a year. The following cautions, in regard to calicoes, are use- ful. Never wash them in very warm water ; and change the water, when it appears dingy, or the light parts will look dirty. Never rub on soap ; but remove grease with French chalk, starch, magnesia, or Wil- mington clay. Make starch for them, with coffee- water, to prevent any whitish appearance. Glue is good for stiffening calicoes. When laid aside, not to be used, all stiffening should be washed out, or they will often be injured. Never let calicoes freeze, in dry- ing. Some persons use bran-water, (four quarts of wheat-bran to two pails of water,) and no soap, for cal- icoes ; washing and rinsing in the bran-water. Potato- water is equally good. Take eight peeled and grated potatoes to one gallon of water. Soda - Washing. A very great saving in labor is secured, by soda-wash' ing. There have been mistakes made in receipts, and in modes of doing it, which have caused a prejudice against it ; but if the soap be rightly made, and rightly 288 ON WASHING. used, it certainly saves one half the labor and time of ordinanj washing. Receipt for Soda-Soap. Take eight pounds of bar-soap, eight pounds of coarse soda, (the sub-carbonate.) ten gallons of soft water, boiled two hours, stirring it often. This is to be cooled, and set away for use. In washing, take a pound of this soap, to the largest pail of water, and heat till it boils. Having previously soaked the white clothes, in ivarm, not hot, water, put them in this boiling mixture, and let them boil one hour and no more. Take them out, draining them well, and put them in a tub, half full of soft water. Turn them wrong side out; rub the soiled places, till they look clean ; then put them into blue rinsing-water, and wring them out. They are then ready to hang out. Some persons use another rinsing- water. The colored clothes and flannels must not be washed in this way. The fine clothes may be first boiled in this water ; it may then be used for coarser clothes ; and afterward, the brown towels, and other articles of that nature, may be boiled in the same w^atcr. After this, the water which remains, is still useful, for washing floors ; and then, the suds is a good manure to put around plants. It is best to prepare, at once, the whole quantity of water to be used. Take out about one third, and set it by ; and every time a fresh supply of clothes is put in, use a portion of this, to supply the waste of a former boiling. Modes of Washing Various Articles. Brown Linens, or Muslins, of tea, drab, or olive, colors, look best, washed in hay-water. Put in hay enough, to , color the water like new brown linen. Wash them first in lukewarm, fair water, without soap, (removing grease with French chalk,) then wash and rinse them in the hay-water. Nankeens look best, washed in suds, with a teacup ON WASHING. 2S9 of ley added for each pailful. Iron on the wrong side. Soak new nankeens in ley, for one night, and it sets the color perfectly. Woollen Table -Covers and M^oollen Shaivls, may be washed thus: Remove grease as before directed. If there be stains in the articles, take them out with spirits of hartshorn. Wash the things in two portions of hot suds, made of white soap. Do not wring them, but fold them and press the water out, catching it in a tub^ under a table. Shake, stretch, and dry, neither by the sun nor a fire, and do not let them freeze, in drying. Sprinkle them three hours before ironing, and fold and roll them tight. Iron them heavily on the wrong side. Woollen yarn, should be washed in very hot water, putting in a teacupful of ley, and no soap, to half a pail- ful of water. Rinse till the water comes off clear. New Black Worsted and Woolle'n, Hose, should be soaked all night, and washed in hot suds, with beefs- gall, a tablespoonful to half a pail of water. Rinse till no color comes out. Iron on the wrong side. To Cleanse Gentlemen's Broadcloths. The common mode, is, to shake, and brush the articles, and rip out linings and pockets ; then to wash them in strong suds, adding a teacupful of ley, using white soap for light cloth ; rolling and then pressing, instead of wringing, them ; when dry, sprinkhng them, and letting them He all night ; and ironing on the wrong side, or with a thin dark cloth over the article, until perfectly dry. But a far better way, which the writer has repeatedly tried, with unfailing success, is the following : Take one beefs-gall, half a pound of salaeratus, and four gallons of warm water. Lay the article on a table, and scour it thor- oughly, in every part, with a . clothes-brush, dipped in this mixture. The collar of a coat, and the grease-spots, (previously marked by stitches of white thread,) must be repeatedly brushed. Then, take the article, and rinse it up and down in the mixture. Then, rinse it up and down in a tub of soft cold water. Then, with- out wringing or pressing, hang U to drain and dry, 25 D. IS 290 ON WASHING. Fasten a coat up by the collar. When perfectly dry, it is sometimes the case, with coats, that nothing more is needed. In other cases, it is necessary to dampen the parts, which look wrinkled, v/ith a sponge, and either pull them smooth, with the fingers, or press them with an iron, having a piece of bombazine, or thin woollen cloth, between the iron and the article. To manufacture Lei/, Soap, Starchy and other Articles used in Washing. To jnake Ley. Provide a large tub, made of pine or ash, and set it on a form, so high, that a tub can stand under it. Make a hole, an inch in diameter, near the bottom, on one side. Lay bricks, inside, about this hole, and straw over them. To every seven bushels of ashes, add two gallons of un slacked lime, and throw in the ashes and lime in alternate layers. While putting in the ashes and lime, pour on boiling water, using three or four pailfuls. After this, add a pailful of cold soft water, once an hour, till all the ashes appear to be well soaked. Catch the drippings, in a tub, and try its strength with an egg. If the egg rise so as to show a circle as large as a ten cent piece, the strength is right; if it rise higher, the ley must be weak- ened by water ; if not so high, the ashes are not good, and the whole process must be repeated, putting in fresh ashes, and running the weak ley through the new ashes, with some additional water. Q^iiick-ley is made by pouring one gallon of boiling soft water on three quarts of ashes, and straining it. Oak ashes are best. To make Soft- Soap. Save all drippings and fat, melt them, and set them away, in cakes. Some per- sons keep, for soap-grease, a half barrel, with weak ley in it, and a cover over it. To make soft-soap, take the proportion of one pailful of ley to three pounds of fat. Melt the fat, and pour in the ley, by degrees. Boil it steadily, through the day, till it is ropy. If no\ boiled enough, on cooling, it will turn to ley and sedi 4. ON WASHING. 29\ nient. While boiling, there should always be a little oil on the surface. If this does not appear, add more grease. If there is too much grease, on cooling, it will rise, and can be skimmed off. Try it, by cooling a small quantity. When it appears like gelly, on becox^^iug cold, it is done. It must then be put in a cool pla^c and often stirred. . To make cold Soft-Soap, melt thirty pounds of grease put it in a barrel, add four pailfuls of strong ley, anc stir it up thoroughly. Then gradually add more ley till the barrel is nearly full, and the soap looks about right. To make Potash-Soap, melt thirty-nine pounds of grease, and put it in a barrel. Take twenty-nine pounds of light ash-colored potash, (the reddish- colored will spoil the soap,) and pour hot water on it ; then pour it off into the grease, stirring it well. Con- tinue thus, till all the potash is melted. Add one pail- ful of cold water, stirring it a great deal, every day, till the barrel be full, and then it is done. This is the cheapest and best kind of soap. It is best to sell ashes and buy potash. The soap is better, if it stand a year before it is used ; therefore make two barrels at once. To make Hard White Soap, take fifteen pounds of lard, or suet ; and, when boiling, add, slowly, five gallons of ley, mixed with one gallon of water. Cool a small portion ; and, if no gi*ease rise, it is done : if grease do rise, add ley, and boil till no grease rises. Then add three quarts of fine salt, and boil it ; if this do not harden well, on cooling, add more salt. Cool it, and if it is to be perfumed, melt it next day, put in the perfume, and then run it in moulds, or cut it in cakes. Common Hard Soap, is made in the same way, by using common fat. To manufacture Starch, cleanse a peck of unground wheat, and soak it, for several days, in soft water. When quite soft, remove the husks, with the hand, and the soft parts will settle. Pour off the water, and re- place it, every day, with that which is fresh, stirring it well. When, after stirring and settling, the water is i292 ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. clear, it is done. Then strain off the water, and dry the starch, for several days, in the sun. If the water be permitted to remain too long, it sours, and the starch ia poor. If the starch be not well dried, it grows musty. CHAPTER XXVII. ON STAUCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. To prepare Starch. Take four tablespoonfuls of starch ; put in as much water ; and rub it, till all lumps are removed. Then, add half a cup of cold water. Pour this into a quart of boiling water, and boil it for half an hour, adding a piece of spermaceti, or a lump of salt, or sugar, as large as a hazelnut. Strain it, and put in a very little blueing. Thin it with hot water. Glue and Gum-Starch. Put a piece of glue, four inches square, into three quarts of water, boil it, and keep it in a bottle, corked up. Dissolve four ounces of gum Arabic, in a quart of hot water, and set it away, in a bottle, corked. Use the glue for calicoes, and the gum for silks and muslins, both to be mixed with water, at discretion. Beefs-Gall. Send a junk-bottle to the butcher, and have several gall-bladders emptied into it. Keep it salted, and in a cool place. Some persons perfume it ; but fresh air removes the unpleasant smell which it gives, when used for clothes. Directions for Starching Muslins and Laces. Many ladies clap muslins, then dry them, and after- wards sprinkle them. This saves time. Others clap them, till nearly dry, then fold and cover, and then iron them. Iron wrought muslins on soft flannel, and on the wrong side. To do up Laces, nicely, sew a clean piece of muslin around a long bottle, and roll the lace on it ; Dulling ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. 293 out the edge, and rolling it so that the edge will turn in, and be covered, as you roll. Fill the bottle with water, and then boil it, for an hour, in a suds made with white soap. Rinse it in fair water, a little blued ; dry it in the sun ; and, if any stiffening is wished, use thin starch, or gum Arabic. When dry, fold and press it, between white papers, in a large book. It improves the lace, to wet it with sweet-oil, after it is rolled on the bottle, and before boiling in the suds. Blond laces can be whitened, by roUing them on a bottle, in this way, and then setting the bpttle in the sun, in a dish of cold suds made with white soap, wetting it thoroughly, and changing the suds, every day. Do this, for a week or more ; then rinse, in fair water ; dry it on the bottle, in the sun ; and stiffen it with white gum Arabic. Lay it away in loose folds. Lace veils can be whitened, by laying them in flat dishes, in suds made with white soap ; then rinsing, and stiffening them with gum Arabic, stretching them, and pinning them on a sheet, to dry. ON IRONING. Articles to he provided for Ironing. A settee, or settle, made so that it can be used for an ironing- table, is a great convenience. It may be made of pine, and of the following dimensions : length, five feet and six inches ; width of the seat, one foot and nine inches ; height of the seat, one foot and three inches ; height of the sides, (or arms of the seat,) two feet and four inches ; height of the back, five feet and three inches. The back should be made with hinges, of the height of the sides or arms, so that it can be turned down, and rest on them, and thus become an ironing-table. The back IS 10 be fastened up, behind, with long iron hooks and staples. The seat should be made with two lids, open- ing into two boxes, or partitions, in one of which, can be kept the ironing-sheets and holders, and in the other, the other articles used in ironing. It can be stained of a cherry-color ; put on casters, so as to move easily ; 25* D. E 294 ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. and be provided with two cushions, stuffed with hay and covered witli dark woollen. It thus serves as a comfortable seat, for Winter, protecting the back from cold. Where a settee, of this description, is not provided, a large ironing-board, made so as not to warp, should be kept, and used only for this purpose, to be laid, when used, on a table. Provide, also, the following articles : A woollen ironing-blanket, and a linen or cotton sheet, to spread over it ; a large fire, of charcoal and hard wood, (unless furnaces or stoves are used ;) a hearth, free from cinders and ashes, a piece of sheet-iron, in front of the fire, on which to set the irons, while heat- ing; (this last saves many black spots from careless ironers ;) three or four holders, made of woollen, and covered with old silk, as these do not easily take fire ; two iron rings, or iron-stands, on which to set the irons, and small pieces of board to put under them, to prevent scorching the sheet ; hnen or cotton wipers ; and a piece of beeswax, to rub on the irons when they are smoked. There should be, at least, three irons for each person ironing, and a small and large clothes-frame, on which to air the fine and coarse clothes. A bosom-board, on which to iron shirt-bosoms, should be made, one foot and a half long, and nine inches wide, and covered with white flannel. A skirt-board on which to iron frock-skirts, should be made, five feet long, and two feet wide at one end, tapering to one foot and three inches wide, at the other end. This should be covered with flannel ; and will save much trouble, in ironing nice dresses. The large end may be put on the table, and the other, on the back of a chair. Both these boards should have cotton covers, made to fit them ; and these should be changed and w^ashed, when dirty. These boards are often useful, when articles are to be ironed or pressed, in a chamber or parlor. Provide, also, a press-board, for broadcloth, two feet long, and four inches wide at one end, taper- ins: to three inches wide, at the other. ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. 295 A fluting-iron, called, also, a patent Italian iron, saves much labor, in ironing ruffles neatly. A crimp- ing-iron, will crimp ruffles beautifully, with very little time or trouble. Care must be used, with the latter, or it will cut the ruffles. A trial should be made, with old muslins ; and, when the iron is screwed in the right place, it must be so kept, and not altered without leave from the housekeeper. If the lady of the house will provide all these articles, see that the fires are properly made, the ironing-sheets evenly put on and properly pin- ned, the clothes-frames dusted, and all articles kept in their places, she will do much towards securing good ironing. On Sprinkling, Folding, and Ironing. Wipe the dust from the ironing-board, and lay it down, to receive the clothes, which should be sprinkled with clear water, and laid in separate piles, one of colored, one of common, and one of fine articles, and one of flannels. Fold the fine things, and roll them in a towel, and then fold the rest, turning them all right side outward. The colored clothes should be laid separate from the rest, and ought not to he long damp, as it in- jures the colors. The sheets and table linen should be shaken, stretched, and folded, by two persons. Iron lace and needle-work on the wrong side, and carry them away, as soon as dry. Iron calicoes with irons which are not very hot, and generally on the right side, as they thus keep clean for a longer time. In ironing a frock, first do the waist, then the sleeves, then the skirt. Keep the skirt rolled, while ironing the other parts, and set a chair, to hold the sleeves, while ironing the skirt, unless a skirt-board be used. In ironing a shirt, first do the back, then the sleeves, then the collar and bosom, and then the front. Iron silk on the wrong side, when quite damp, with an iron which is not very hot. Light colors are apt to change and fade. Iron velvetj by turning up the face of the iron, and after dampening the wrong side of the velvet, draw it over the face of the iron, holding it straight, and not biased 296 ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DTEINO. CHAPTER XXVIII. ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. To Wliiten Articles J and Remove Stains from them. Wet white clothes in suds, and lay them on the grass, in the sun. Lay muslins in suds made with white soap, in a flat dish ; set this in the sun, changing the suds, every day. Whiten tow-cloth, or brown linen, by keeping it in ley, through the night, laying it out in the sun, and wetting it with fair water, as fast as it dries. Scorched articles can often be whitened again, by laying them in the sun, wet with suds. Where this does not answer, put a pound of white soap in a gallon of milk, and boil the article in it. Another method, is, to chop and extract the juice from two onions, and boil this with half a pint of vinegar, an ounce of white soap, and two ounces of fuller's earth. Spread this, when cool, on the scorched part, and, when dry, wash it off, in fair water. Mildew may be removed, by dipping the article in sour buttermilk, laying it in the sun, and, after it is white, rinsing it in fair water. Soap and chalk are also good ; also, soap and starch, adding half as much salt as there is starch, together with the juice of a lemon. Stains in linen can often be removed, by rubbing on soft soap, then putting on a starch paste and drying in the sun, renewing it several times. Wash off all the soap and starch, in cold, fair water. Mixtures for Removing Stains and Grease, Stain-Mixture. Half an ounce of oxalic acid, in p pint of soft water. This can be kept in a corked bottle and is infallible in removing iron-rust, and ink-stains It is very poisonous. The article must be spread with this mixture over the steam of hot water, and wet several times. This will also remove indelible ink. ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. 297 The article must be washed, or the mixture will in- jure it. Another Stain-Mixture is made, by mixing one ounce of sal ammoniac, one ounce of salt of tartar, and one pint of soft water. To remove Grease. Mix four ounces of fuller's earth, half an ounce of pearlash, and lemon-juice enough to make a stiff paste, which can be dried in balls, and kept for use. Wet the greased spot with cold water, rub it with the ball, dry it, and then rinse it with fair cold water. This is for white articles. For silks, and worsteds, use French chalk, which can be procured of the apothecaries. That which is soft and white, is best. Scrape it on the greased spot, and let it lie for a day and night. Then renew it, till the spot disappears. Wilmington clay-balls, are equally good. Ink-spots can often be removed from white clothes, by rubbing on common tallow, leaving it for a day or two, and then washing, as usual. Grease can be taken out of wall-paper, by making a paste of potter's clay, water and ox-gall, and spreading it on the paper. When dry, renew it, till the spot disappears. Stains on floors, from soot, or stove-pipes, can be removed, by washing the spot in sulphuric acid and water. Stains, in colored silk dresses, can often be removed, by pure water. Those made by acids, tea, wine, and fruits, can often be removed, by spirits of hartshorn, diluted with an equal quantity of water. Sometimes, it must be repeated, several times. Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, can be removed, by putting the spot in sweet-oil, or by spreading tallow on it, and letting it remain for twenty-four hours. Then, if the article be linen or cotton, wash it, as usual ; if it be silk or worsted, rub it with ether, or spirits of wine. Lamp- Oil can be removed, from floors, carpets, and other articles, by spreading upon the stain a paste, made of fuller's earth or potter's clay, and renewing it, when dry, till the stain is removed. If gall be put into the paste, it will preserve the colors from injury. When 298 ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. the stain has been removed, carefully brush off the paste, with a soft brush. OiJ-Paint can be removed, by rubbing it with very pure spirits of turpentine. The impure spirit leaves a grease-spot. Wax can be removed, by scraping it off, and then holding a red-hot poker near the spot. Sper- maceti may be removed by scraping it off, then putting a paper over the spot, and applying a warm iron. If this does not answer, rub on spirits of wine. Ink'Stains, in carpets and woollen table-covers, can be removed, by washing the spot in a liquid, com- posed of one teaspoonful of oxalic acid dissolved in a teacupful of warm (not hot) water, and then rinsing in cold water. Stains on Varnished Articles, which are caused by cups of hot water, can be removed, by rubbing them with lamp-oil, and then with alcohol. Ink-stains can be taken out of mahogany, by one teaspoonful of oil of vitriol mixed with one tablespoonful of water, or by oxalic acid and water. These must be brushed over quickly, and then washed off with milk. Modes of Cleansing Various Articles. Silk Handkerchiefs and Ribands can be cleansed, by using French chalk to take out the grease, and then sponging them, on both sides, with lukewarm fair water. Stiffen them with gum Arabic, and press them between white paper, with an iron not very hot. A table- spoonful of spirits of wine to three quarts of water, improves it. Silk Hose, or Silk Gloves, should be washed in warm suds made with white soap, and rinsed in cold water ; they should then be stretched and rubbed, with a hard- rolled flannel, till they are quite dry. Ironing them, very much injures their looks. Wash-leather articles should have the grease removed from them, by French chalk, or magnesia; they should then be washed in warm suds, and rinsed in cold water. White Kid Gloves should have the grease removed from them, as ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. 209 above directed. They should then be brushed, with a soft brush, and a mixture of fuller's earth and mag- nesia. In an hour after, rub them with flannel, dipped in bran and powdered whiting. Colored or HosMti's gloves can be cleansed very nicely by diluted spirits of hartshorn, put on with a w^oollen cloth, and rubbed from wrist to fingers. Hang them for several days in the air, and all the unpleasant smell will be removed. Gentlemen^s white g-loves should be washed with a sponge, in white-soapsuds ; then wiped, and dried on the hands. Swanks-down tippets, and capes, should be washed in white-soapsuds, squeezing, and not rub- bing them; then rinse them in two waters, and shake and stretch them while drying. Ostrich feathers can also be thus washed. Stiffen them, with starch, wet in €old water and not boiled. Shake them in the air, till nearly dry, then hold them before the fire, and curl them with dull scissors, giving each fibre a twitch, turn- ing it inward, and holding it so for a moment. Straw and Leghorn Mats, can be cleansed, by simply washing them in white-soapsuds. Remove grease, by French chalk, and stains, by diluted oxaUc acid, or cream of tartar. The oxalic acid is best, but must be instantly w^ashed off. To whiten them, drive nails in a barrel, near its bottom, so that cords can be stretched across. On these cords, tie the bonnet, wet with suds, (having first removed the grease, stains, and dirt.) Then invert the barrel, over a dish of coals, on which roll brimstone is slowly burning. Put a chip under one side of the barrel, to admit the air. Continue this, till the bonnet is white ; then hang it in the air, (when the weather is not damp,) till the smell is removed. Then stiffen it with a solution of isinglass or gum Arabic, put on the inside, with a sponge. Press the crown, on a block, and the rest on a board, on the right side, put- ting muslin between the iron and straw, and pressing hard. Be careful not to make it too stiff. First, stiffen a small piece, for trial. 300 ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. ON COLORING. Precautions and Preparations. All the articles must be entirely free from grease or oil, and also, in most cases, from soapsuds. Make light dyes in brass, and dark ones in iron, vessels. Al- ways wet the articles, in fair water, before dyeing. Always carefully strain the dye. If the color be too light, dry and then dip the article again. Stir the article well in the dye, lifting it up often. Remove any previous color, by boiling in suds, or, what is bet- ter, in the soda mixture used for washing. Pink Dye. Buy a saucer of carmine, at an apoth- ecary's. With it, you will find directions for its use. This is cheap, easy to use, and beautiful. Balm blos- soms and Bergamot blossoms, with a little cream of tartar in the water, make a pretty pink. Red Dye. Take half a pound of wheat bran, three ounces of powdered alum, and two gallons of soft water. Boil these in a brass vessel, and add an ounce of cream of tartar, and an ounce of cochineal, tied up together in a bag. Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes, then strain it, and dip the articles. Brazil wood, set with alum, makes another red dye. Yellow Dye. Fustic, turmeric powder, saffron, barberry-bush, peach-leaves, or marigold flowers, make a yellow dye. Set the dye with alum, putting a piece the size of a large hazelnut to each quart of water. Light Blue Dye, for silks and woollens, is made with the ' blue composition,' to be procured of the hat- makers ; fifteen drops to a quart of water. Articles dipped in this, must be thoroughly rinsed. For a dark blue, boil four ounces of copperas in two gallons of water. Dip the articles in this, and then in a strong decoction of logwood, boiled and strained. Then wash them thoroughly in soapsuds. Green Dye. First color the article yellow ; and ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, ANB DYEING. 301 then, if it be silk or woollen, dip it in ' blue composi tion.' Instead of ironing, rub it with flannel, while drying. Salmon Color is made by boiling arnotto or anotta in soapsuds. Buff Color is made by putting one teacupful of pot ash, tied in a bag, in two gallons of hot (not boiling) water, and adding an ounce of arnotto, also in a bag, keeping it in for half an hour. First, wet the article in strong potash-water. Dry and then rinse in soap- suds. Birch bark and alum also make a buff". Black alder, set with ley, makes an orange color. Dove and Slate Colors, of all shades, are made by boiling, in an iron vessel, a teacupful of black tea, with a teaspoonful of copperas. Dilute this, till you get the shade wanted. Purple sugar-paper, boiled, and set with alum, makes a similar color. Brown Dye. Boil half a pound of camwood (in a bag) in two gallons of water, for fifteen minutes. Wet the articles, and boil them for a few minutes in the dye. White-walnut bark, the bark of sour sumach, or of white maple, set with alum., make a brown color. Black Dye. Let one pound of chopped logwood remain all night in one gallon of vinegar. Then boil them, and put in a piece of copperas, as large as a hen's egg. Wet the articles in warm water, and put them in the dyCj boiling and stirring them for fifteen minutes. Dry them, then wet them in warm water, and dip them again. Repeat the process, till the arti- cles are black enough. Wash them in suds, and rinse them till the water comes off clear. Iron nails, boiled in vinegar, make a black dye, which is good for restor- ing rusty black silks. Olive Color. Boil fustic and yellow-oak bark to- gether. The more fustic, the brighter the olive ; the more oak bark, the darker the shade. Set the light shade with a few drops of oil of vitriol, and the dark shade with copperas. 26 D. £. 302 ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. CHAPTER XXIX ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. In selecting the furniture of parlors, some reference should be had to correspondence of shades and colors. Curtains should be darker than the walls ; and, if the walls and carpets be light, the chairs should be dark, and vice versa. Pictures always look best on light walls. In selecting carpets, for rooms much used, it is poor economy to buy cheap ones. Ingrain carpets, of close texture, and the three-ply carpets, are best for common use. Brmsels carpets do not wear so long as the three- ply ones, because they cannot be turned. Wilton carpets wear badly, and Venetians are good only for halls and stairs. In selecting colors, avoid those in which there are any black threads ; as they are always rotten. The most tasteful carpets, are those, which are made of va- rious shades of the same color, or of all shades of only two colors ; such as brown and yellow, or blue and buff, or salmon and green, or all shades of green, or of brown. All very dark shades should be brown or green, but not black. In laying down carpets, it is a bad practice to put straw under them, as this makes them wear out in spots. Straw matting, laid under carpets, makes them last much longer, as it is smooth and even, and the dust sifts through it. In buying carpets, always get a few yards over, to allow for waste in matching figures. In cutting carpets, make them three or four inches shorter than the room, to allow for stretching. Begin to cut in the middle of a figure, and it will usually match better. Many carpets match in two different ways, and care must be taken to' get the right one. Sew a caroet on the wrong side, with double waxed # , ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. 303 thread, and with the ball-stitch. This is done by taking a stitch on the breadth next you, pointing the needle towards you ; and then taking a stitch on the other breadth, pointing the needle from you. Draw the thread tightly, but not so as to pucker. In fitting a breadth to the hearth, cut shts in the right place, and turn the piece under. Bind the whole of the carpet, with carpet-binding, nail it with tacks, having bits of leather under the heads. To stretch the carpet, use a carpet-fork, which is a long stick, ending with notched tin, like saw-teeth. This is put in the edge of the carpet, and pushed by one person, while the nail is driven by another. Cover blocks, or bricks, with car- peting, like that of the room, and put them behind tables, doors, sofas, &c., to preserve the walls from injury, by knocking, or by the dusting-cloth. Cheap footstools, made of a square plank, covered with tow-cloth, stuffed, and then covered with carpet- ing, with worsted handles, look very well. Sweep carpets as seldom as possible, as it wears them out. To shake them often, is good economy. In cleaning carpets, use damp tea leaves, or wet Indian meal, throwing it about, and rubbing it over with the broom. The latter, is very good for cleansing carpets made dingy by coal-dust. In brushing carpets in ordinary use, it will be found very convenient to use a large flat dust- pan, with a perpendicular handle a yard high, put on so that the pan will stand alone. This can be carried about, and used without stooping, brushing dust into it with a common broom. The pan must be very large, or it will be upset. When carpets are taken up, they should be hung on a hne, or laid on long grass, and whipped, first on one side, and then on the other, with pliant whips. If laid aside, they should be sewed up tight, in hnen, having snuff or tobacco put along all the crevices where moths could enter. Shaking pepper, from a pepper-box, round the edge of the floor, under a carpet, prevents the access of moths. 304 ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. Carpets can be best washed on the floor, thus : First shake them ; and tlien, after cleaning the floor, stretch and nail them upon it. Then scrub them in cold soap- suds, having half a teacupful of ox-gall to a bucket of water. Then wash off the suds, with a cloth, in fair water. Set open the doors and windows, for two days or more. Imperial Brussels, Venetian, ingrain, and three-ply, carpets, can be washed thus ; but Wilton, and other plush-carpets, cannot. Before washing them, take out grease, with a paste, made of potter's clay, ox-gall, and water. Straw matting is best for chambers and Summer parlors. The checked, of two colors, is not so good to wear. The best, is the cheapest in the end. When washed, it should be done with salt water, wiping it dry ; but frequent washing injures it. Bind matting with cotton binding. Sew breadths together like car peting. In joining the ends of pieces, ravel out a part, and tie the threads together, turning under a little of each piece, and then, laying the ends close, nail them down, with nails having kid under their heads. In hanging pictures, put them so that the lower part shall be opposite the eye. Cleanse the glass of pictures with whiting, as water endangers the pictures. Gilt frames can be much better preserved by putting on a coat of copal varnish, which, with proper brushes, can be bought of carriage or cabinet-makers. When dry, it can be washed with fair water. Wash the brush in spirits of turpentine. Curtains, ottomans, and sofas covered with worsted, can be cleansed, by wheat-bran, rubbed on with flan- nel. Dust Venetian Winds with feather brushes. Buy light-colored ones, as the green are going out of fash- ion. Strips of linen or cotton, on rollers and pulleys, are much in use, to shut out the sun from curtains and carpets. Paper curtains, pasted on old cotton, are good for chambers. Put them on rollers, having cords nailed to them, so that when the curtain falls, the cord will be wound up. Then, by pulling the cord, the curtain will be rolle2 ON THE CARE OF THE In a closet, should be kept, arranged in order, the following articles : the dust-pan, dust-brush, and dust- ing-cloths, old flannel and cotton for scouring and rubbing, sponges for washing windows and looking- glasses, a long brush for cobwebs, and another for washing the outside of windows, whisk-brooms, com- mon brooms, a coat-broom or brush, a whitewash-brush, a stove-brush, shoebrushes and blacking, articles for cleaning tin and silver, leather for cleaning metals, bottles containing stain-mixtures, and other articles used in cleansing. ON THE CARE OF THE CELLAR. A cellar should often be whitewashed, to keep it sweet. It should have a drain, to keep it perfectly dry, as standing water, in a cellar, is a sure cause of disease in a family. It is very dangerous to leave de- cayed vegetables in a cellar. Many a fever has been caused, by the poisonous miasm thus generated. The following articles are desirable in a cellar: a safe, or moveable closet, with sides of wire or perforated tin, in which cold meats, cream, and other articles should be kept ; (if ants be troublesome, set the legs in tin cups of water ;) a refrigerator, or large wooden box, on feet, with a lining of tin or zinc, and a space between the tin and wood filled with powdered charcoal, having at the bottom, a place for ice, a drain to carry off the water, and also moveable shelves and partitions. In this, articles are kept cool. It should be cleaned, once a week. Filtering jars, to purify water, should also be kept in the cellar. Fish and cabbages, in a cellar, are apt to scent a house, and give a bad taste to other articles. STOREROOM. Every house needs a storeroom, in which to keep tea, coffee, sugar, rice, candles, &.c. It should be fur- pished with jars, having labels, a large spoon, a fork, sugar and flour-scoops, a towel, and a dish-cloth. ON KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND STOREROOM. 323 Modes of destroying Insects and Vermin. Bed-hugs should be kept away, by filling every chink in the bedstead with putty, and, if it be old, painting it over. Of all the mixtures for killing them, corrosive sublimate and alcohol is the surest. This is a strong poison. CocJcroaches may be destroyed, by pouring boiling water into their haunts, or setting a mixture of arsenic, mixed with Indian meal and molasses, where they are found. Chloride of lime and sweetened water will also poison them. Fleas. If a dog be infested with these insects, put him in a tub of warm soapsuds, and they will rise to the surface. Take them off, and burn them. Strong perfumes, about the person, diminish their attacks. When caught between the fingers, plunge them in water, or they will escape. CricJcets. Scalding, and sprinkhng Scotch snuff about the haunts of these insects, are remedies for the annoyance caused by them. Flies can be killed, in great quantities, by placing about the house vessels, filled with sweetened water and cobalt. Six cents worth of cobalt is enough for a pint of water. It is very poisonous. Musquitoes. Close nets around a bed, are the only sure protection at night, against these insects. Spirit of hartshorn is the best antidote for their bite. Salt and water is good. Red or Black Ants may be driven away, by scalding their haunts, and putting Scotch snuff wherever they go for food. Set the legs of closets and safes in pans of water, and they cannot get at them. Moths. Airing clothes does not destroy moths, but laying them in a hot sun does. If articles be tightly sewed up in linen, and fine tobacco be put about them, it is a sure protection. This should be done in April. Rats md Mice, A good cat is the best remedy foi 324 ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. these annoyances. Equal quantities of hemlock, (or cicuta,) and old cheese, will poison them, but this renders the house liable to the inconvenience of a bad smell. This evil, however, may be lessened, by placing a dish, containing oil of vitriol poured on saltpetre, where the smell is most annoying. Chloride of lime and water is also good. CHAPTER XXXIII. ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. Every young girl should be taught to do the follow- ing kinds of stitch, with propriety. Over-stitch, hem- ming, running, felling, stitching, back-stitch and run, buttonhole-stitch, chain-stitch, whipping, darning, gath- ering, and cross-stitch. In doing over-stitch, the edges should always be first fitted, either with pins or basting, to prevent puckering. In turning wide hems, a paper measure should be used, to make them even. Tucks, also, should be regulated by a paper measure. A fell should be turned, before the edges are put together, and the seam should be over-sewed, before felling. All biased or goring seams should be felled. For stitching, draw a thread, and take up two or three threads at a stitch. In making buttonholes, it is best to have a pair of scissors, made for the purpose, which cut very neatly. For broadcloth, a chisel and board are better. The best stitch is made by putting in the needle, and then turning the thread around it, near the eye. This is better tlian to draw the needle through, and then take up a loop. A thread should first be put across each side of the buttonhole, and also a stay-thread, or bar, at each end. before working it. In working the button- hole, keep the stay-thread as far from the edge as pos- sible. A small bar should be worked at each end ON SEWING, CUtttNG, AND MENDING. 325 Whipping is done better by sewing over, and not under. The roll should be as fine as possible, the stitches short, the thread strong, and in sewing, every gather should be taken up. The rule for gathering, in shirts, is, to draw a thread, and then take up two threads and skip four. In darn- ing, after the perpendicular threads are run, the cross- ing threads should interlace, exactly, taking one thread and leaving one, like woven threads. The neatest sewers always fit and baste their work, before sewing ; and they say they always save time in the end, by so doing, as they never have to pick out work, on account of mistakes. It is wise to sew closely and tightly all new garments, which will never be altered in shape ; bat some are more nice than wise, in sewing frocks, and old gar- ments, in the same style. However, this is the least common extreme. It is much more frequently the case, that articles, which ought to be strongly and neatly made, are sewed, so that a nice sewer would rather pick out the threads and sew over again, than to be annoyed with the sight of grinning stitches, and vexed with constant rips. WorlcbasJcets. It is Very important to neatness, com- fort, and success in sewing, that a lady's workbasket should be properly fitted up. The following articles are needful to the mistress of a family : a large basket, to hold work ; having in it, fastened, a smaller basket, or box, containing a needle-book, in which are needles of every size, both blunts and sharps, with a larger number of those sizes most used ; also, small and large darning-needles, for woollen, cotton, and silk ; two tape- needles, large and small ; nice scissors, for fine work ; button-hole scissors ; an emery-bag ; two balls of white and yellow wax ; and two thimbles, in case one should be mislaid. When a person is troubled with damp fingers, a lump of soft chalk, in a paper, is useful, to rub on the ends of the fingers. Besides this box, keep in the basket, common scis- 28 D, ^ 326 ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. sors ; small shears ; a bag containing tapes, of all colors and sizes, done up in rolls ; bags, one, containing spools of white, and another of colored, cotton thread, and another for silks, wound on spools or papers ; a box or bag for nice buttons, and another for more common ones ; a bag containing silk braid, welting cords, and galloon binding. Small rolls of pieces of white and brown linen and cotton, are also often needed. A brick pincushion is a great convenience, in sewing, and better than screw-cushions. It is made by covering half a brick with cloth, putting a cushion on the top, and covering it tastefully. It is very useful to hold pins and needles, while sewing, and to fasten long seams w^hen basting and sewing. To make a Frock. The best way for a novice, is, to get a dress fitted (not sewed) at the best mantua- maker's. Then take out a sleeve, rip it to pieces, and cut out a pattern. Then take out half of the waist, (it must have a seam in front,) and cut out a pattern of the back and fore-body, both hning and outer part. In cutting the patterns, iron the pieces, smooth, let the paper be stiff, and, with a pin, prick holes in the paper, to show the gore in front, and the depth of the seams. With a pen and ink, draw lines from each pinhole, to preserve this mark. Then baste the parts together again, in doing which, the unbasted half will serve as a pattern. When this is done, a lady of common in- genuity can cut and fit a dress, by these patterns. If the waist of a dress be too tight, the seam under the arm must be let out ; and in cutting a dress, an al- lowance should be made, for letting it out, if needful, at this seam. The lining of the fore-body must be bi- ased. The linings for the waists of dresses should be stiffened cotton or hnen. In cutting bias-pieces, for trimming, they will not set well, unless they are exact. In cutting them, use a long rule, and a lead pencil or piece of chalk. Welting-cords should be covered with bias-pieces ; and it saves time, in many cases, to baste ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. 327 on the welting-cord, at the same time that you cover it. The best way to put on hooks and eyes, is to sew them on double broad tape, and then sew this on the frock - Hning. They can then be moved easily, and do not show where they are sewed on. In cutting a sleeve, double it biased. The skirts of dresses look badly, if not full; and in putting on lining, at the bottom, be careful to have it a very little fuller than the dress, or it will shrink, and look badly. All thin silks look much better with lining, and last much longer, as do aprons, also. In putting a lining to a dress, baste it on each separate breadth, and sew it in at the seams, and it looks much better than to have it fastened only at the bottom. Make notches in sel- vedge, to prevent it from drawing up the breadth. Dresses, which are to be washed, should not be lined. Figured silks do not generally wear well, if the figure be large and satin-like. Black and plain-colored silks can be tested, by procuring samples, and making creases in them ; fold the creases in a bunch, and rub them against a rough surface, of moreen or carpeting. Those which are poor, will soon wear off, at the creases. Plaids look becoming, for tall women, as they shorten the appearance of the figure. Stripes look becoming, on a large person, as they reduce the apparent size. Pale persons should not wear blue or green, and brunettes should not wear light delicate colors, except shades of buff*, fawn, or straw color. Pearl white is not good for any complexion. Dead white and black look becoming on almost all persons It is best to try colors, by candle-light, for evening dresses ; as some colors, which look very handsome in the daylight, are very homely when seen by candle-light. Never cut a dress low in the neck, as this shows that a woman is not properly instructed in the rules of mod- esty and decorum, or that she has not sense enough to regard them. Never be in haste to be first in a fash- ion, and never go to the extremes. ^128 ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. In buying linen, seek for that which has a round close thread, and is perfectly white ; for, if it be not white, at first, it will never afterwards become so. Much that is called linen, at the shops, is half cotton, and does not wear so well as cotton alone. Cheap linens are usually of this kind. It is difficult to discover which are all linen ; but the best way, is, to find a lot, presumed to be good, take a sample, wash it, and ravel it. If this be good, the rest of the same lot will prob- ably be so. If you cannot do this, draw a thread, each way, and if both appear equally strong, it is probably all linen. Linen and cotton must be put in clean water, and boiled, to get out the starch, and ther> ironed. A long piece of linen, a yard wide, will, with care and calculation, make eight shirts. In cutting it, take a shirt of the right size, as a guide, in fitting and basting. Bosom-pieces, false collars, &c. must be cut and fitted, by a pattern which suits the person for whom the articles are designed. Gentlemen's night-shirts are made like other shirts, except that they are longer. In cutting chemises, if the cotton or linen is a yard wide, cut off small half gores, at the top of the breadths, and set them on the bottom. Use a long rule and a pencil, in cutting gores. In cutting cotton, which is quite wide, a seam can be saved, by cutting out two at once, in this manner : — cut ofT three breadths, and, with a long rule artd a pencil, mark and cut off the gores, thus : from one breadth, cut off two gores, the whole length, each gore one fourth of the breadth, at the bottom, and tapering off to a point, at the top. The other two breadths are to have a gore cut ofi' from each, which is one fourth wide at top, and two fourths at bottom. Arrange these pieces right, and they will make two chemises, one having four seams, and the other three. This is a much easier way of cutting, than sewing the three breadths together, in bag-fashion, as is often done. The biased, or goring seams, must always be felled. The sleeves and neck can be cut according to the taste of the wearer, by another chemise 6j!( sbWing, cutting, and Miiiit>im, 329 for a pattern. There should be a lining around the armholes, and stays at all corners. Six yards, of yard width, will make two chemises. Old silk dresses, quilted for skirts, are very service able. White flannel is soiled so easily, and shrinks so much in washing, that it is a good plan to color it a light dove-color, according to the receipt given on page 301. Cotton flannel, dyed thus, is also good for com- mon skirts. In making up flannel, back-stitch and run the seams, and then cross-stitch them open. Nice flannel, for infants, can be ornamented, with very httle expense of time, by turning up the hdm, on the right side, and making a little vine at the edge, with saddler's silk. The stitch of the vine is a modification of buttonhole-stitch. Long night gowns are best, cut a Httle goring. It re- quires five yards, for a long nightgown, and two and a half for a short one. Linen nightcaps wear longer than cotton ones, and do not, like them, turn yellow. They should be ruffled with linen, as cotton borders will not last so long as the cap. A double-quilted wrapper is a great comfort, in case of sickness. It may be made of two old dresses. It should not be cut full, but rather like a gentleman's study-gown, having no gathers or plaits, but large enough to sUp oflf and on with ease. A double gown, of calico, is also very useful. Most articles of dress, for grown persons or children, require patterns. Bedding. The best beds, are thick hair mattresses, which, for persons in health, are good for Winter as well as Summer use. Mattresses may also be made of husks, dried and drawn into shreds ; also, of alternate layers of cotton and moss. The most profitable sheet- ing, is the Russian, which will last three times as long as any other. It is never perfectly white. Unbleached cotton is good for Winter. It is poor economy to make narrow and short sheets, as children and domes- tics will always slip them off*, and soil the bedtick and bolster. They should be three yards long, and two 28* D. E. 330 ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. and a half wide, so that they can be tucked in all around. All bed-linen should be marked and num- bered, so that a bed can always be made properly, and all missing articles be known. Mending. Silk dresses will last much longer, by rip- ping out the sleeves, when thin, and changing the arms, and also the breadths of the skirt. Tumbled black silk, which is old and rusty, should be dipped in water, then be drained for a few minutes, without squeezing or pressing, and then ironed. Cold tea is better than water. Sheets, when worn thin in the middle, should be ripped, and the»other edges sewed together. Window- curtains last much longer, if lined, as the sun fades and rots them. Broadcloth should be cut with reference to the way the nap runs. When pantaloons are thin, it is best to newly seat them, cutting the piece inserted in a curve, as corners are difficult to fit. When the knees are thin, it is a case of domestic surgery, which demands amputation. This is performed, by cutting off both legs, some distance above the knees, and then changing the legs. Take care to cut them off exactly of the same length, or in the exchange they will not fit. This method brings the worn spot under the knees, and the seam looks much better than a patch and darn. Hose can be cut down, when the feet are worn. Take an old stocking, and cut it up for a pattern. Make the heel short. In sewing, turn each edge, and run it down, and then sew over the edges. This is better than to stitch and then cross-stitch. Run thin places in stockings, and it will save darning a hole. If shoes are worn through on the sides, in the upper-leather, slip pieces of broadcloth under, and sew them around the holes. If, in sewing, the thread kinks, break it off and begin at the other end. In using spool-cotton, thread the needle with the end which comes off first, and not the end where you break it off. This often prevents kinks. ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 331 CHAPTER XXXIV. ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. The authorities consulted in the preparation of this and kindred chapters, are, Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Gardening, Bridgeman's Young Gardener, Hovey's Magazine of Horticulture, the writings of Judge Buel,* and Downing's Landscape Gardening. On the Preparation of Soil. If the garden soil be clayey, and adhesive, put on a covering of sand, three inches thick, and the same depth of well-rotted manure. Spade it in, as deep as possible, and mix it well. If the soil be sandy and loose, spade in clay and ashes. Ashes are good for all kinds of soil, as they loosen those which are close, hold moisture in those which are sandy, and destroy insects. The best kind of soil, is that, which will hold water the longest, without becoming hard, when dry. To prepare Soil for Pot-plants, take one fourth part of common soil, one fourth part of well-decayed ma- nure, and one half of vegetable mould, from the woods, or from a chip-yard. Break up the manure, fine, and sift it through a lime-screen, (or coarse wire sieve.) These materials must be thoroughly mixed. When the common soil which is used, is adhesive, and, indeed, in most other cases, it is necessary to add sand, the pro- portion of which, must depend on the nature of the soil. On the Preparation of a Hot Bed, Dig a pit, six feet long, five feet wide, and thirty inches deep. Make a frame, of the same size, with the back two feet high, the front fifteen inches, and the sides sloped from the back to the front. Make two sashes, each three feet * His ' Farmers' Companion ' was written expressly for the larger , series of ' The School Library,' issued by the pubhshers of this volume. ■* 332 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS* * by five, with the panes of glass lapping like shingles, instead of having cross bars. Set the frame over the pit, which should then be filled with fresh horse-dung, which has not Iain long, nor been sodden by water Tread it down, hard, then put into the frame, light, and very rich soil, ten or twelve inches deep, and cover it with the sashes, for two or three days. Then stir the soil, and sow the seeds in shallow drills, placing sticks by them, to mark the different kinds. Keep the frame covered with the glass, whenever it is cold enough to chill the plants ; but at all other times, admit fresh air, which is indispensable to their health. When the sun is quite warm, raise the glasses, enough to admit air, and cover them with matting or blankets, or else the sun may kill the young plants. Water the bed at evening, with water which has stood all day, or, if it be fresh drawn, add a little warm water. If there be* too much heat in the bed, so as to scorch or wither the plants, make deep holes, with stakes, and fill them up when the heat is reduced. In very cold nights, cover the box with straw. On Planting Flower Seeds. Break up the soil, till it is very soft, and free from lumps. Rub that nearest the surface, between the hands, to make it fine. Make a circular drill, a foot in diameter. For seeds as large as sweet peas, it should be half an inch deep. The smallest seeds must be planted very near the surface, and a very little fine earth be sifted over them. Seeds are to be planted either deeper or nearer the surface, according to their size. After covering them with soil, beat them down with a trowel, so as to make the earth as compact as it is after a heavy shower. Set up a stick, in the middle of the circle, with the name of the plant heavily writ- ten upon it, with a dark lead pencil. This remains more permanent, if white lead be first rubbed over the surface. Never plant, when the soil is very wet. In very dry times, water the seeds at night Never use' ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 333 very cold water. When the seeds are small, many should be planted together, that they may assist each other in breaking the soil. When the plants are an inch high, thin them out, leaving only one or two, if the plant be a large one, like the Balsam ; five or six, when it is of a medium size ; and eighteen or twenty of the smaller size. Transplanting, retards the growth of a plant about a fortnight. It is best to plant at two different times, lest the first planting should fail, owing to wet or cold weather. * To Plant Garden Seeds. Make the beds a yard wide ; lay across them a board, a yard long and a foot wide, and, with a stick, make a furrow, on each side of it, one inch deep. Scatter the seeds in this furrow, and cover them. Then lay the board over them and step on it, to press down the earth. When the plants are an inch high, thin them out, leaving spaces proportioned to their sizes. Seeds of a similar species, such as melons and squashes, should not be planted very near to each other, as this causes them to degenerate. The same kinds of vegetables should not be planted in the sanje place, for two years in succession. On Transplanting. Transplant at evening, or, which is better, just before a shower. Take a round stick, sharpened at the point, and make openings to receive the plants. Set them a very little deeper than they were before, and press the soil firmly round them. Then water them, and cover them for three or four days, taking care that sufficient air be admitted. If the plant can be removed, without disturbing the soil around the root, it will not be at all retarded, by transplanting. Never remove leaves and branches, unless a part of the roots be lost. To Re-pot House-Plants. Renew the soil, every year, soon after the time 334 ON THE CAllE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. of blossoming. Prepare soil, as previously directed. Loosen the earth from the pot, by passing a knife around the sides. Turn the plant upside down, and remove the pot. Then remove all the matted fibres at the bottom, and all the earth, except that which adheres to the roots. From woody plants, like roses, shake off all the earth. Take the new pot, and put a piece of broken earthen-ware over the hole at the bottom ; and then, holding the plant in the proper position, shake in the earth, around it. Then pour in water, to settle the earth, and heap on fresh soil, till the pot is even full. Small pots are considered better than large ones, as the roots are not so likely to rot, from excess of moisture. On the Laying out of Yards and Gardens. In planting trees, in a yard, they should be arranged in groups, and never planted in straight lines, nor sprinkled about, as solitary trees. The object of this arrangement, is, to imitate Nature, and secure some spots of dense shade and some of cleared turf. In yards which are covered with turf, beds can be cut out of it, and raised for flowers. A trench should be made around, to prevent the grass from running on them. These beds can be made in the shape of crescents, ovals, or other fanciful forms, of which, the figure below is one specimen. In laying out beds, in gardens and yards, a very pret- ty bordering can be made, by planting them with com- mon flax seed, in a line about three inches from the edge. This can be trimmed, with shears, when it grows too high. ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 335 On the Cultivation of Bulbs, and Tuberous Moots. For planting the Amaryllis, take one third part of leaf mould, half as much sand, and the remainder, earth from under fresh grass sods. Plant them in May The bulb should not be set more than half its depth in the ground. The Anemone and Ranunculus are medium, or half- hardy, roots. They should be planted in soil which is enriched with cowdung, and the beds should be raised only an inch from the walk. They must be planted in October, in drills, two inches deep, the claws of the roots downward, and be shaded when they begin to bud. The Crocus must be planted in October, two inches deep, and four inches apart. In measuring the depth, always calculate from the top of the bulb. Croivn Imperial, This must be planted in Septem- ber, three or four inches deep ; and need not be taken up but once in three years. Gladiolus. Those who have greenhouses, or pits, plant the Gladiolus in October, and preserve it in pots through the Winter. Those who have not these con- veniences, may plant these bulbs late in April. The earth must be composed of one half common soil, one fourth leaf mould, and one fourth sand. Plant them about an inch deep. Hyacinths should be planted in October, eight inches apart, and three or four inches deep, in a rich soil. Jonquilles should be planted in October, two inches deep, in a rich soil, and should not be taken up oftener than once in three years. Narcissus. This should be planted in October, four inches deep ; covered, through the Winter, with straw and leaves, six inches thick ; and uncovered in the middle of March. Oxalis. Plant this in September, in a soil, composed of two thirds common earth, and one third leaf mould. The old bulb dies after blossoming, and is succeeded by a new one. 336 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. Plant Tulips, in rich soil, in October, three inches deep. Plant Tuberoses late in April, in a rich, sandy soil. They are delicate plants, and should be covered, in case of frosts. Daffodils should be planted two inches deep. When bulbs have done flowering, and their leaves begin to decay, they should be taken up and dried, and kept in a dry place, till October, when they are to be replanted, taking off* the offsets, and putting them in a bed by themselves. Bulbs which blossom in water, or are in any other way forced to bloom out of season, are so much ex- hausted by it, that it takes them two or three years to recover their beauty. Dahlias. Dig a hole, a foot and a half deep ; fill it with very light, loose, and rich, soil ; and drive in a stake, a yard and a half high, to which, to tie the future plants. Then set in the root, so that it shall be an inch below the soil, where the sprout starts. When the plants are two feet high, tie them to the stakes, and take off* some of the lower side-shoots. Continue to tie them, as their growth advances. If the roots are planted in the open borders, without any previous growth, it should be done as early as the first of May, and they should be covered from the frosts. When they are brought forward, in pots or hot-beds, they should be put out, in the middle of June. It is said, by gardeners, that late planting, is better than early, for producing perfect flowers. In the Autumn, after the frosts have destroyed the tops, let the roots remain awhile in the ground, to ripen ; then dig them up, and pack them away, in some place where they will neither mould, from dampness, nor freeze. In the Spring, these roots will throw out sprouts, and must then be divided, so as to leave a good shoot, attached to a piece of the tuber or old stem, and each shoot will make a new plant. It is stated, that if the shoots themselves, with- out any root, be planted in light soil, covered with a ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 337 )eH-glass, or large tumbler, and carefully watered, they will produce plants superior to those with roots. Animals These are flowers which' last only one season. They should be so planted, that the tallest may be in the middle of a bed, and the shortest at the edges ; and flowers of a similar color should not be planted adjacent lo each other. The following is a list of some of the handsomest Annuals, arranged with reference to their color and height. Those with a star before them, do best when sowed in the Autumn. Those with ir. after them, are trailing plants. SIX INCHES TO ONE FOOT HIGH. White. Ice Plant, Sweet Alyssum, White Lep- tosiphon. Walker's Schizopetalon, Blumenbachia in- signis, * Candytuft. Yellow. * Yellow Chryseis or Eschscholtzia, Sanvi- talia procumbens, tr., Musk-flowered Mimuius. Rose. Many-flowered Catchfly, Rose-colored Ver- bena, tr. Red. * Chinese Annual Pink, Virginian Stock, Ca- landrinia Speciosa. Blue. Graceful Lobelia, Nemophfla insignis, Clin- tonia pulchella, Clintonia elegans, Nolana atriphci- io\m,tr., Anagallis indica, Commelina coslestis, Grove Love, Pimpernel (blue.) Varying Colors. * Heart's Ease, or Pansy, Dwarf Love in a Mist, * Rose Campion. ONE FOOT TO EIGHTEEN INCHES HIGH. White. Venus's Looking Glass, Priest's Schizanthus, Sweet-scented Stevia, White Evening Primrose. Yellow. Drummond's Coreopsis, * New Dark Core- opsis, Golden Hawkweed, Dracopis amplexicaulis, Drum- mond's Primrose, Cladanthus arabicus, Peroffsky's Ery- simum. 29 p* E. ^38 ON THE CARE OF YARDS ANI> GARDENS. Rose. Drummond's Phlox, Rodanthe, Rose-colored Nonea, Clarkia rosea, Silene Tenorei, Silene armeria. Red. Crimson Coxcomb, Silene pendula, Crimson Dew Plant, tr. Scarlet. Cacalia coccinea, Flos Adonis, Scarlet Zinnia, Mexican Cuphea. Liloc and Purple. Clarkia elegans, Clarkia pulchella, * Purple Candytuft, * Purple Petunia, ir., * Crimson Candytuft, Double Purple Jacobsea, Leptosiphon an- drosaceus, all the varieties of Schizanthus, Veined Ver- bena, tr., * Purple eternal Flower. Blue. Ageratum Mexicanum, * Giiia capitata, Span- ish Nigella, Blue Eutoca, Dwarf Convolvulus, Didiscus coeruleus. Lilac, Purple, or Blue and White. Collinsia bicolor, Gilia tricolor. Very Dark. Lotus Jacobgeus, Salpiglossis, Scabious. Colors varying. German iVster, Balsam, Rocket Larkspur, Ten-week Stock, Poppy. JEKfHTEEN INCHES TO TWO FEET. fVhite. * White Petunia, tr., White Clarkia, Double White Jacobsea, Love in a Mist. Red. *Lavatera trimestris, Red Zinnia, Malva miniata. Lilac and Purple. Globe Amaranthus, Purple Sweet Sultan, Sweet Scabious, Purple Zinnia, Prince's Feather, Large Blue Lupine, * Catchfly. TWO FEET AND UPWARDS. White. Winged Ammobium, * White Lavatera, White Sweet Sultan, *New White Eternal Flower, White Helicrysum, * White Larkspur. Yellow. Golden Bartonia, * Golden Coreopsis, Yel- low Sweet Sultan, African Marigold, Yellow Argemone, French Marigold, Yellow Coxcomb, Yellow Hibiscus. The Malope grandiflora and the Cleome are fine tall animals. ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 339 Climbing Plants. The followina: are the most beautiful annual climbers : Crimson, and White, Cypress Vine ; White, and Bull Thunbergia ; Scarlet Flowering Bean ; Hyacinth Bean Loasa ; Morning- Glory ; Crimson, and Spotted, Nas ttirtium ; Balloon Vine ; Sweet Pea ; Tangier Pea Lord Anson's Pea ; Climbing Cobsea ; Pink, and White Maurandia. The following are the most valuable perenniar cliinhers : Sweet--«cented Monthly Honeysuckle ; Yel- low, White, and Coral Honeysuckles ; Purple Glycine : Clematis ; Bitter Sweet : Trumoet Creeper. The Everlasting Pea is a beautiful perennial climber. The Climbing Cob^ea, and Passion Flower, are also beautiful perennials, but must be protacted in Winter. Perenniah. Those who cannot afford every year to devote the time necessary to the raising of annuals, will do well to supply their borders with perennials. The following 19 a list of some of those generally preferred. Adonis, yellow ; Columbine, all colors ; Alyssunii yellow ; Asclepias, orange and purple ; Bee Lark- spur, blue ; Perennial Larkspur, all colors ; Cardinal Flower, scarlet ; Chinese Pink, various colors ; Clove Pink ; Foxglove, purple and white ; Gentian, purple and yellow ; Hollyhock, various colors ; * Lily of the Valley ; American Phlox, various colors ; Scarlet Lych- nis ; Monkshood, white and blue ; * Spirea, white and pink ; * Ragged Robin, pink ; Rudbeckia, yellow and purple ; Sweet William, in variety. Those marked with a star cannot be obtained from seed, but must be propagated by roots, layers, &c. Herbaceous Roots. These are such as die to the root, in the Fall, and come up again in the Spring, such as Pseonies, crimson, white, sweet-scented, and straw-colored; Artemisia, 310 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. of many colors ; White and Purple Fleur-de-lis ; Wiiite, Tiger, Fire, and other Lilies ; Little Blue Iris ; Chrys- anthemums, &c. These are propagated by dividing the roots. Shrubs. The following are the finest Shrubs for yards : Li- lacs, (which, by budding, can have white and purple on the same tree,) Double Syringas, Double Althteas, Corchorus Japonicus, Snow-berry, Double-flowering Almond, Pyrus Japonica, Common Barberry, Burning Bush, Rose Acacia, Yellow Laburnum. The following are the finest Roses : Moss Rose, White, and Red ; Double and Single Yellow Rose, (the last needs a gravelly soil and northern exposure ;) Yellow Multi- flora ; La Belle Afrieana ; Small Eglantine, for borders ; Champney's Blush Rose ; Noisette ; Greville, (very fine ;) Damask ; Blush, Wliite, and Cabbage Roses. Moss Roses, when budded on other rose bushes, last only three years. . Shade Trees. The following are among the finest: Mountain Ash ; Ailanthus, or Tree of Heaven, (grows very fast ;) Tuhp Tree ; Linden ; Elm ; Locust ; Ma- ple ; Dog Wood ; Horse Chestnut ; Catalpa ; Hemlock ; Silver Fir; and Cedar. These should be grouped, in such a manner that trees of different shades of green, and of different heights, should stand in the same group. The Autumn is the best time for transplanting trees. Take as much of the root, as possible, especially the little fibres, which should never become dry. If kept long, before they are set out, put wet moss around them, and water them. Dig holes, larger than the ex- tent of the roots ; let one person hold the tree in its former position, and another place the roots, carefully, as they were before, cutting off any broken or wounded root. Be careful not to let the tree be more than an inch deeper than it was before. Let the soil be soft, and well manured ; shake the tree, as the soil is shaken ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 34 . in, that it may mix well among the small fibres. Do not tread the earth down, while filhng the hole ; but, when it is full, raise a slight mound, of, say, four inches, and then tread it down. Make a little basin, two inches deep, around the stem, to hold water, and fill it. Never cut off leaves nor branches, unless some of the roots are lost. Tie the trees to a stake, and they will be more likely to live. Water them often. On the Care of House-Plants. The soil of house-plant? should be renewed every year;, as previously directed. In Winter, they should be kept as dry as they can be without wilting. Many house-plants are injured by giving them too much water, when they have little light and fresh air. This makes them grow spindling. The more fresh air, warmth, and light, they have, the more water is needed. They ought not to be kept very warm in Winter, nor exposed to great changes of atmosphere. Forty degrees is a proper temperature for plants in Winter, when they have little sun and air. When plants have become spindling, cut off their heads, entirely, and cover the pot in the earth, where it has the morning sun, only. A new and flourishing* head will spring out. Few house-plants can bear the sun at noon. When insects infest plants, set them in a closet, or under a barrel, and burn tobacco. The smoke kills any insect envel- oped in it. When plants are frozen, cold water, and a gradual restoration of warmth, are the best remedies. Never use very cold water for plants, at any season. CHAPTER XXXV. ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. Bulbous roots are propagated by ofTsets ; some growing on the top, others around the sides. Many 29* D. E. 342 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. plants are propagated by cutting off twigs, and setting them in earth, so that two or three eyes are covered. To do this, select a side shoot, ten inches long, two inches of it, being of the preceding year's growth, and the rest, the growth of the season when it is set out. Do this, when the sap is running, and put a piece of crockery at the bottom of the shoot, when it is buried. One eye, at least, must be under the soil. Water it, and shade it in hot weather. Plants are also propa- gated by layers. To do this, take a shoot, which comes up near the root, bend it down, so as to bring several eyes under the soil, leaving the top above ground. If tlie shoot be cut half tlirough, in a slanting direction, at one of these eyes, before burying it, the result is more certain. Roses, honeysuckles, and many other shrubs, are readily propagated thus. They Vv^ill gen- erally take root, by being simply buried ; but cutting them, as here directed, is the best method. Layers are more certain than cuttings. For all woody plants, bud- ding and grafting are favorite methods of propagation. In all such plants, there is an outer and inner bark; the latter containing the sap vessels, in which the nour- ishment of the tree ascends. The success of grafting, or inoculating, consists in so pkcing the bud or graft, that the sap vessels of tlie inner bark shall exactly join those of the plant into which they are grafted, so that the sap may pass from one into the other. The following are directions for budding, which may be performed at any time from July to September. Select a smooth place, on the stock into which you are to insert the bud. Make a horizontal cut, across the rind, through to the firm wood ; and from the mid- dle of tliis, make a slit downward, perpendicularly, an inch or more long, through to the wood. Raise the bark of the stock, on each side of the perpendicular cut, for the admission of the bud, as is shown in the annexed engraving, (Fig. 40.) Then take a shoot of this year's growth, and slice from it a bud, taking an ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 343 inch below and an inch above it, and some portion of the wood under it. Then carefully shp off the woody part, under the bud. Examine whether the eye or gem of the bud be perfect. If a Httle hole appears in that part, the bud has lost its root, and another must be se- lected. Insert the bud, so that a, of the bud, sliall pass to a, of the stock ; then b, of the bud, must be cut off, to match the cut, b^ in the stock, and fitted ex- actly to it, as it is this alone which insures success. Bind the parts, with fresh bass, or woollen yarn, be- ginning a little below the bottom of the perpendicular slit, and winding it closely round every part, except just over the eye of the bud, until you arrive above the horizontal cut. Do not bind it too tightly, but just sufficient to exclude air, sun, and wet. This is to be removed, after the bud is firmly fixed, and begins to grow. Fi2. 40. Seed-fruit can be budded into any other seed-fruit, and stone-fruit into any other stone-fruit; but stone and seed-fruits, cannot be thus mingled. 344 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. Rose bushes can have a variety of kinds budded into the sane stock. Hardy roots are the best stocks. The branc/i above the bud, must be cut off, the next March or Aoril after the bud is put in. Apples and pears, are more easily propagated by ingrafting, than by budding. Ingrafting is a similar process to budding, with this advantage ; that it can be performed on large trees, whereas budding can be applied only on small ones. The two common kinds of ingrafting, are whip-grafting, and split-grafting. The first kind is for young trees, and the other for large ones. The time for ingrafting, is from May to October. The cuttings must be taken from horizontal shoots, be- tween Christmas and March, and kept in a damp cellar. In performing the operation, cut off, in a sloping direc- tion, (as seen in Fig. 41,) the tree or limb to be grafted. Fis-. 41. Then cut ofT, in a corresponding slant, the slip to be grafted on. Then put them together, so Uiat the ini>^r ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 345 bark of each shall match, exactly, on one side, and tie them firmly together, with woollen yarn. It is not es- sential that both be of equal size ; if the bark of each meet together exactly on one side, it answers the purpose. But the two must not differ much, in size. The slope should be an inch and a half, or more, in length. After they are tied together, the place should be covered with a salve or composition of beeswax and rosin. A mixture of clay and cowdung will answer the same purpose. This last must be tied on with a cloth. Grafting is more convenient than budding, as grafts can be sent from a great distance ; whereas buds must be taken in July or August, from a shoot of the present year's growth, and cannot be sent to any great distance. Fig. 42. This engraving, (Fig. 42,) exhibits the mode called stock-grafting ; a, being the limb of a large tree which is sawed off and split, and is to be held open by a small wedge, till the grafts are put in. A graft, inserted in the limb, is shown at h, and at c, is one not inserted, but designed to be put in at d, as two grafts can be put into a large stock. In inserting the graft, be careful to make the edge of the inner bark of the graft meet ex- actly the edge of the inner bark of the stock ; for on this, success depends. After the grafts are put in, the wedge must be withdrawn, and the whole of the stock 346 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. be covered with the thick salve or composition before mentioned, reaching from where the grafts are inserted, to the bottom of the sht. Be careful not to knock or move the grafts, after they are put in. Pruning. The following rules for pruning, are from a distin- guished horticulturist. Prune off all dead wood, and all the little twigs on the main limbs. Retrench branches, so as to give light and ventilation to the in- terior of the tree. Select the straight and perpen- dicular shoots, which give little or no fruit, while those which are most nearly horizontal, and somewhat curv- ing, give fruit abundantly, and of good quality. Supef- jfluous and ill-placed buds may be rubbed off, at any time ; and no buds, pushing out after Midsummer, should be spared. In choosing between shoots to be retained, preserve the lowest placed ; and, on lateral shoots, those which are nearest the origin. When branches cross each other, so as to rub, remove one or the other. Remove all suckers from the roots of trees or shrubs. Prune after the sap is in full circulation, (except in the case of grapes,) as the wounds then heal best. Some think it best to prune before the sap be- gins to run. Pruning-shears, and a pruning-pole, with a chisel at the end, can be procured of those who deal in agricultural utensils. Thinning. As it is the office of the leaves to absorb nourishment from the atmosphere, they should never be removed, except to mature the wood or fruit. In doing this, re- move such leaves as shade the fruit, as soon as it is ready to ripen. To do it earlier, impairs the growth. Do it gradually, at two different times. Thinning the fruit is important, as tending to increase its size and flavor, and also to promote the longevity of the tree. If the fruit be thickly set, take off one half, at the time of setting. Revise in .Tune, and then in July, taking off all that may be spared. On^ very large apple to ON I'HE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. 347 every square foot, is a rule that may be a sort of ^uide, in other cases. According to this, two hundred large apples would be allowed to a tree, whose extent is fifteen feet by twelve. If any person think this thin- ning excessive, let him try two similar trees, and thin one as directed, and leave the other unthinned. It will De found that the thinned tree will produce an equal weight, and fruit of much finer flavor. CHAPTER XXXVl. ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUlT. By a little attention to this matter, a lady, with the help of her children, can obtain a rich abundance of all kinds of fruit. The writer has resided in families, where little boys, of eight, ten, and twelve years old, amused themselves, under the direction of their mother, in planting walnuts, chestnuts, and hazelnuts, for future time ; as well as in planting and inoculating young fruit-trees, of all descriptions. A mother, who will take pains to inspire a love for such pursuits, in her children, and who will aid and superintend them, will save them from many temptations ; and, at a trifling expense, se- cure to them and herself a rich reward, in the choicest fruits. The information given in this work, on this subject, may be relied on, as sanctioned by the most experienced nursery-men. The soil, for a nursery, should be rich, well dug, dressed with well-decayed manure, free from weeds, and protected from cold winds. Fruit seeds should be planted in the Autumn, an inch and a half or two inches deep, in ridges four or five feet apart, pressing the earth firmly over the seeds. While growing, they should be thinned out, leaving the best ones a foot and a iialf apart. The soil should be kept loose, soft, and free from weeds. They should be inoculated or in- 34S ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. grafted, when of the size of a pipe stem ; and in a year after this, may be transplanted to their permanent stand. Peach trees sometimes bear in two years from budding, and in four year? from plantings if well kept. In a year after transplanting, take pains to train the head aright. Straight, upright branches, produce gour- mands, or twigs bearing only leaves. The side branches, which are angular or curved, y^eld the most fruit. For this reason, the limbs should he trained in curves, and perpendicular twigs should be cut off, if there be need of pruning. The last of June is the time for this. Grass should never be allowed to ^row within four feet of a large tree ; and the soil should be kept loose, to admit air to the roots. Trees m orchards should' be twenty-five feet apart. The soil under the top soil, has much to do with the health of trees. If it be what is called hard-pan, the trees will deteriorate. Trees need to be manured, and to have the soil kept open and free from weeds. Filberts can be raised in any part of this Country. Figs can be raised in the Middle States. For this purpose, in the Autumn, loosen the roots, on one side, and bend the tree down to the earth, on the other ; then cover it with a mound of straw, earth, and boards ; and early in the Spring raise it up, and cover the roots. Currants grow well in any but a wet soil. They are propagated by cuttings. The old wood should be thinned in the Fall, and manure be put on. They can be trained into small trees. Gooseberries are propa- gated by layers and cuttings. They are best, when kept from suckers and trained like trees. One third of the old wood should be removed every Autumn. Rnspbcrries do best, when shaded during a part of the day. They are propagated by layers, slips, and suckers. There is one kind, which bears monthly. Strawberries require a hght soil and vegetable manure. They should be transplanted in April or September, and be set eight inches apart, in rows nine inches asunder, and in beds which are two feet wide, with narrow allcya ON THE CULTIVATION" OF FRUIT. 349 between them. A part of these plants are non-hearers. These have large flowers, with showy stamens and high black anthers. The bearers have short stamens, a great number of pistils, and the flowers are every way less showy. In blossom-time, pull out all the non-bearers Some think it best to leave one non-bearer to every twelve bearers ; but others pull them all out. Many beds never produce any fruit, because all the plants in them are non-bearers. Weeds should be kept from the vines. When the vines are matted with young plants, the best way is to dig over the beds, in cross lines, so as to leave some of the plants standing in little squares, while the rest are turned under the soil. This should be done over a second time in the same year. Grapes. To raise this fruit, manure the soil, and keep it soft, and free from weeds. A gravelly or sandy soil, and a south exposure, are best. Transplant the vines in the early Spring, or, better, in the Fall. Prune them, the first year, so as to have only two main branches, taking ofl* all other shoots, as fast as they come. In November, cut ofFalKof these two branches, except four eyes. The second year, in the Spring, loosen the earth around the roots, and allow only two branches to grow, and every month, take off* all side shoots. When they are very strong, preserve only a part, and cut off" the rest in the Fall. In November, cut off* all the two • main stems, except eight eyes After the second year no more pruning is needed, ex- cept to reduce the side shoots, for the purpose of in- creasing the fruit. All the pruning of grapes, (except nipping side shoots,) must be done when the sap is not running, or they will bleed to death. Train them on poles, or lattices, to expose them to the air and sun Cover tender vines in the Autumn. Grapes are prop- agated by cuttings, layers, and seeds. For cuttings, select, in the Autumn, well-ripened wood, of the former year, and take five joints for each. Bury them, till April ; then soak them, for some hours, and set them out, aslant, so that all the eyes but one shall be covered 80 D. £. 350 ON THE cui.tit AtiON OF fRtirr. To Preserve Fruit. Raspberries and Strawberries can be preserved, in perfect flavor, in the following manner. Take a pound of nice sifted sugar for each pound of fruit. Put them in alternate layers, of fruit and sugar, till the jar is en- tirely full, then cork it, and seal it air tight. Currants and Gooseberries may be perfectly preserved thus. Gather them, when dry, selecting only the solid ones. Take off the stalks, and put them in dry junk- bottles. Set them, uncorked, in a kettle of water, and slowly raise it to boiling heat, in order to drive the air out of the bottles. Then take out the bottles, cork them, and seal them aii tight. Keep them in a dry place, where they will not freeze. The success of this method depends on excluding air and water. Apples, Grapes, and such like fruit can be preserved, by packing them, when dry and solid, in dry sand or sawdust, putting alternate layers of fruit and sawdust or sand. Some sawdust gives a bad flavor to the fruit. Modes of Preserving Fruit Trees. Heaps of ashes, or tanner's bark, around peach trees, prevent the attack of the worm. ' The yellows, is a dis- ease of peach trees, which is spread by the pollen of the blossom. When a tree begins to turn yellow, take it away, with all its roots, before it blossoms again, or it will infect other trees. Planting tansy around the roots of fruit trees, is a sure protection against worms, as it pre- vents the moth from depositing her egg. Equal quanti- ties of salt and saltpetre, put around the trunk of a peach tree, half a pound to a tree, improves the size and flavor of the fruit. Apply this about the first of April, and if any trees have worms already in them, put on half the quantity, in addition, in June. To young trees, just set out, apply one ounce, in April, and another in June, close to the stem. Sandy soil is best for peaches. Apple trees are preserved from insects, by a wash of strong ley to the body and limbs, which, if old, siiould MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. 351 be first scraped. Caterpillars should be removed, by cutting down their nests in a damp day. Boring a hole in a tree infested with worms, and filling it with sulphur, will often drive them off immediately. The fire-blight, or brulure, in pear trees, can be stopped, by cutting off* all the blighted branches. It is supposed, by some, to be owing to an excess of sap, which is remedied by diminishing the roots* The curcuUo, which destroys plums, and other stone fruit, can be checked only by gathering up all the fruit that falls, (which contains their eggs,) and destroying it. The canker-worm can be checked, by applying a bandage around the body of the tree, and every even- ing smearing it with fresh tar. CHAPTER XXXVII MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. Every woman should know how to direct in regard to the proper care of domestic animals, as they often suffer from the negligence of domestics. The following information, in reference to the care of a horse and cow, may be useful. A stable should not be very light nor very dark ; its floor should be either plank or soil, as brick or stone pavements injure the feet. It should be well cleaned, every morning. A norse, kept in a stable, should be rubbed and brushed every day. A stable-horse needs as much daily exer- cise as trotting three miles will give him. Food or drink should never be given, when a horse is very warm with exercise, as it causes disease. A horse should be fed, three times a day. Hay, sheaf-oats, shorts, corn- meal, and bran, are the best food for horses. When a horse is travelling, order six quarts of oats in the morn- ing, four at noon, and six at night, and direct that neither food nor water be given till he is cool. 352 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. Keep a horse's legs free from mud, or disease will often result from the neglect. A horse, much used, should be shod as often as once in two months. Fish- oil and strong perfumes, on the skin, keep flies from annoying a horse. Some horses are made fractious by having the check-rein so tight as to weary the muscles. A cow should be watered three times a day, and fed with hay, potatoes, carrots, and boiled corn. Turnips and cabbages give a bad taste to the milk. Give a handful of salt to a cow, twice a week, and occasionally give the same quantity to a horse. Let them drink pure water. A well-fed cow gives double the milk that she will if not fed well. A cow should go unmilked, for two months before calving, and her milk should not be used till four days after. The calf must run with the cow for four days, and then be shut from her, except thrice a day, when it should take as much food as it wants, and then the cow should be milked clean. Hens sit twenty days, and should be well fed and watered, during this time. The first food for chickens should be coarse dry meal. Cold and damp weather is bad for all young fowls, and they should be well pro- tected from it. Pepper-berries are good for fowls which have diseases caused by damp and cold weather. In Winter, much fuel may be saved, and comfort secured, by stuffing cotton into all cracks about the windows and the surbases of rooms, and by listing the doors. Cover strips of wood with baize, and nail them tight against a door, on the casing. The following are the causes of smoky chimneys. Short and broad flues, running up straight, as a narrow flue, with a bend in it, draws best. Large openings, at the top, draw the wind down, and should be remedied, by having the summits made tapering. A house higher than a chimney near it, sometimes makes the chimney smoke, and the evil should be remedied, by raising the chimney. Too large a throat to the fireplace, some- times causes a chimney to smoke, and can be reme MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. 353 died, by a false back, or by lowering the front, with sheet iron. Shallow fireplaces give out more heat, and draw as well, as deep ones. House-cleaning should be done in dry warm weather. Several friends of the writer maintain, that cleaning paint, and windows, and floors, in hard, cold water, without any soap, using a flannel wash-cloth, is much better than using warm suds. It is worth trying. In cleaning in the common way, sponges are best for windows, and clean water only should be used. They should be first wiped with linen, and then with old silk. The outside of windows should be washed with a long brush, made for the purpose ; and they should be rinsed, by throwing upon them water, containing a little salt- petre. When inviting company, mention, in the note, the day of the month and week, and the hour for coming. Provide a place for ladies to dress their hair, with a glass, pins, and combs. A pitcher of cold water, and a tumbler, should be added. When the company is small, it IS becoming a common method for the table to be set at one end of the room, the lady of the house to pour out tea, and the gentlemen of the party to w^ait on the ladies and themselves. When tea is sent round, always send a teapot of hot water to weaken it, and a slop-bowl, or else many persons will drink their tea much stronger than they wish. Let it ever be remembered, that the burning of lights and the breath of guests, are constantly exhausting the air of its healthful principle ; therefore avoid crowding many guests into one room. Do not tempt the palate by a great variety of unhealthful dainties. H^ve a warm room for departing guests, that they may not become chilled before they go out. A parlor should be furnished with candle and fire screens, for those who have weak eyes ; and if, at table, a person sits with the back near the fire, a screen should be hung on the back of the chair, as it is very injurious to the whole system to have the back heated. 30* D. F 354 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS, Pretty baskets, for flowers or fruits, on centra tables, can be made thus. Knit, with coarse needles, all the various shades of green and brown, into a squaie piece. Press it with a hot iron, and then ravel it out. Buy a pretty shaped wicker basket, or make one of stiff milli- net, or thin pasteboard, cut the worsted into bunches, and sew them on, to resemble moss. , Then line the basket, and set a cup or dish of water in it, to hold flowers, or use it for a fruit-basket. Handsome fire- boards are made, by nailing black foundation-muslin to a frame the size of the fireplace ; and then cutting out flowers, from wall-paper, and pasting them on the mus- lin, according to the fancy. India rubber, melted in lamp-oil, and brushed over common shoes, keeps water out, perfectly. Keep small whisk brooms, wherever gentlemen hang their clothes, both up stairs and down, and get them to use them if you can. Boil new earthen in bran-water, putting the articles in, when cold. Do the same with porcelain kettles. Never leave wooden vessels out of doors, as they fall to pieces. In Winter, lift the handle of a pump, and cover it with blankets, to keep it from freezing. Broken earthen and china, can often be mended, by tying it up, and boiling it in milk. Diamond cement, when genuine, is very effectual for the same purpose. Old putty can be softened by muriatic acid. Nail slats across nursery windows. Scatter ashes on slippery ice, at the door ; or rather, remove it. Clarify impure water with powdered alum, a teaspoonful to a barrel NOTE. 855* NOTE. A volume, entitled Miss Beecher^s Domestk Receipt Book, ipntiTp^iveA by the author of this work, under the supervision of several experi- enced housekeepers, is designed as a Supplement to this treatise on Domestic Economy. The following Preface and Analysis of the Con- tents will indicate its design more fully : Preface (for Miss Beechefs Domestic Keceipt Book.) The following objects are aimed at in this work : First, to furnish an original collection of receipts, which shall em- brace a great variety of simple and well-cooked dishes, designed for every-day comfort and enjoyment. Second, to include in the collection only such receipts as have been tested by superior housekeepers, and warranted to he the best. It is not a book made up in any department by copyirtg from other hooks, but entirely from the experience of the best practical housekeepers. Third, to express every receipt in language which is short, simple, and perspicuous, and yet to give all directions so minutely as that the book can be kept in the kitchen, and be used by any domestic who can read, as a guide in every one of her employments in the kitchen. Fourth^ to furnish such directions in regard to small dinner-parties and evening company as will enable any young housekeeper to per- form her part, on such occasions, with ease, comfort, and success. Fifth, to present a good supply of the rich and elegant dishes de- manded at such entertainments, and yet to set forth so large and tempting a variety of what is safe, healthful, and good, in connexion with such warnings and suggestions as it is hoped may avail to pro- mote a more healthful fashion in regard both to entertainments and to daily table supplies^ No book of this kind will sell without an ad- equate supply of the rich articles which custom requires, and in fur- nishing them, the writer has aimed to follow the example of Provi- dence, which scatters profusely both good and ill, and combines there- with the caution alike of experience, revelation, and conscience, *' choose ye that which is good, that ye and your seed may live." Sixth, in the work on Domestic Economy, together with this, to which it is a Supplement, the writer has atternpted to secure, in a cheap and popular form, for Arnerican housekeepers, a work similar to an English work which she has examined, entitled the Encyclopee- dia of Domestic Economy^ by Thomas Webster and Mrs. Parkes, con- taining over twelve hundred octavo pages of closely-printed matter, treating on every department of Domestic Economy; a work which will be found much more useful to English women, who have a plenty of money and well-trained servants, than to American housekeepers. It is believed that most in that work which would be of any practical use to American housekeepers, will he found in this work and the Domestic Economy. Lastly, the writer has aitned to avoid the defects complained of by most housekeepers in regard to works of this description issued in this country, or sent from England, such as that, in some cases, the receipts are so rich as to be both expensive and unhealthful ; in others, -.V " ' ''- —• -^^a CO vaimely expressed as to be very imperfect guides ; in 356* NOTE. others, that the processes are so elaborate and fussing as to make double the work that is needful ; and in others, that the topics are so limited that some departments are entirely omitted, and all are in- complete. In accomplishing thes6 objects, the writer has received contribu lions of the pen, and verbal communications from some of the most judicious and practical housekeepers, in almost every section of this country. The following embraces most of the topics contained in this work. Suggestions to young housekeepers in regard to style, furniture, and domestic arrangements. Suggestions in regard to different modes to be pursued both with foreign and American domestics. On providing a proper supply of family stores, on the economical care and use of them, and on the furniture and arrangement of a store-closet. On providing a proper supply of utensils to be used in cooking, with drawings to illustrate. On the proper construction of ovens, and directions for heating and managing them. Directions lor securing good yeast and good bread. Advice in regard to marketing, the purchase of wood, &c. Receipts for breakfast dishes, biscuits, warm cakes, tea cakes, &c Receipts for puddings,- cakes, pies, preserves, pickles, sauces, cat- sups, and also for cooking all the various kinds of meats, soups, and vegetables. The above receipts are arranged so that the more healthful and sim- ple ones are put in one portion, and the richer ones in another. Healthful and favourite articles of food for young children. Receipts for a variety of temperance drinks. Directions for making tea, coffee, chocolate, and other warm drinks. Directions for cutting up meats, and for sailing down, corning, cu- ring, and smoking. IJirections for making butter and cheese, as furnished by a practi- cal and scientific manufacturer of the same, of Goshen, Conn., that land of rich butter and cheese. A guide to a selection of a regular course of family dishes, which will embrace a successive variety, and unite convenience with good taste and comfortable living. Receipts for articles for the sick, and drawings of conveniences for their comfort and relief Receipts for articles for evening parties and dinner parties, with drawings to show the proper manner of setting tables, and of supply- ing and arranging dishes, both on these, and on ordinary occasions. An outline of arrangements for a family in moderate circumstances, embracing the systematic details of work for each domestic, and the proper mode of doing it, as furnished by an accomplished housekeeper. Remarks on the different nature of food and drinks, and their re- lation to ihe^Taws of health. Suggestions to the domestics of a family, designed to promote a proper appreciation of the dignity and importance of their station, and a cheerful and faithful performance of their duties. Miscellaneous suggestions and receipts. A GLOSSARY V op SUCH WORDS AND PHRASES AS MAY NOT EASILY BE UNDERSTOOD BY THE YOUNG READER. [Many words, not Contained in this Glossary, will be found ex- plained m the body of the Work, in the places where they first occur, r or these, see Index.] ■Academy, the Boston, an association in Boston, established for the pur- pose of promoting the study and culture of the art of music. Action brought by the Commomoealth, a prosecution conducted in the name of the public, or by the authority of the State. Mcoholic, made of, or containing, alcohol, an inflammable liquid, which is the basis of ardent spirits.. Mkali, (plural alkalies,) a chemical substance, which has the property of combining with, and neutralizing the properties of, acids, pro- ducing salts by the combination. Alkalies chamre most of the vegetable blues and purples to green, red to purple" and yellow to brown. Caustic alkali, an alkali deprived of all impurities, being thereby rendered more caustic and violent in its operation. This term is usually applied to pure potash. Fixed alkali, an alkali that emits no characteristic smell, and cannot be volatilized or evaporated without great dilficulty. Potash and soda are called the fixed alka- lies. Soda IS also called sl fossil, or mineral, alkali, and potash, the vegetable alkali. Volatile alkali, an elastic, transparent, colorless, and consequently invisible gas,, known by the name of ammonia, or ammoniacal gas. The odor of spirits of hartshorn is caused bv this gas. '' anglo-American, English-American, relating to Americans descended from English ancestors. Jlnne, Oueen, a Queen of England, who reigned from A. D. 1702 to 1714. She was the daughter of James II., and succeeded to the throne on the death of William III. She died, August 1, 1714 in the fiftieth year of her age. She was not a woman of very great mtellect; but was deservedly popular, throughout her reign, being a model of conjugal and maternal duty, and always intendincr to xio good. She was honored with the title of ' Good Queen Anne, which showed the opinion entertained of her virtues by the people. £notta, Jnnoito, Jlrnotta, ox Rocou, a soft, brownish-red substance, prepared from the reddish pulp surrounding the seeds of a tree, which grows in the West Indies, Guiana, and ether parts of South America, called the Bixa orellana. It is used as a dye. ' Anther, that part of the stamen of a flower which contains the pol- len or farina, a sort of mealy powder or dust, which is necessary to the production of the flower. Anthracite, one of the most valuable kinds of mineral coal, containing no bitumen. It is very abundant in the United States. Aperient^ opening. 356 GLOSSARY. Jlpph'Corcr, an Instrument lately invented for the purp6Re of divesting apples of tlieir cores .firiiljlcj gum, see Gum .Irahic. Arclneology, a discourse or treatise on antiquities. Arnotto, see Anotta. JrroiD-rout, a white powder, obtained irom the fecula or starch of several species of tuberous plants in the East and West Indies, Bermuda, and other places. That from Bermuda is most highly esteemed. It is used as an article for the table, in the form of puddings ; and also as a highly-nutritive, easily-digested, and agreeable, foorl, for invalids. It derives its name irom having been originally uted by the Indians, as a remedy for the poison of their arrows, by mashing and applying it to the wound. ^rUculatiiig process, the protuberance, or projecting part of a bone, by which it is so joined to another bone, as to enable the two to move upon each other. isrcticism, the state of an ascetic, or hermit, who flies from society and lives in retirement, or who practises a greater degree of morti- fication and austerity than others do, or who inflicts extraordinary severities upon himself. istrui lump, a lamp, the principle of which was invented by Benja- min Thompson, (a native of Massachusetts, and afterwards Count Rumford,) in which the oil is contained in a large horizontal ring, having, at the centre, a burner, which communicates with the ring by tubes. The ring is placed a little below the level of the flame, and, from its large surface, affords a supply of oil for many hours. Astute, shrewd. Auld Rubin Gray, a celebrated Scotch song, in which a young woman laments her having married an old rich man, whom she did not love, for the sake of providing for her poor parents. Auricles, (from a Latin word, signifying the ear,) the name given to two appendages of the heart, from their fancied resemblance to the ear. Baglivi, (George,) an eminent physician, who was born at Ragusa, in. IGbS, and was educated at Naples and Paris. Pope Clement XIV., on the ground of his great merit, appointed him, while a very young man. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Col- lege of Sapienza, at Rome. He wrote several works, and did much to promote the cause of medical science. He died, A. D. 1706. Bass, or bass wood, a large forest tree of America, sometimes called the lime-tree. The wood is white and soft, and the bark is some- times used for bandages, as mentioned in page 343. Beau jXask, see JVnsk. Bell, Sir Charles, a celebrated surgeon, who was born in Edinburgh, in the year 1778. He commenced his career in London, in ]8(J6, as a lecturer on Anatomy and Surgery. In 1830, he received the honors of knighthood, and in 1836 was appointed Professor of Sur- gery in the College of Edinburgh. He died near Worcester, in England, April 2I», 1842. His writings are very numerous, and have been much celebrated. Among the most important of these, to general readers, are, his Illustrations of Paley's Natural Theol- ogy, (which work forms the second and third volumes of the larger series of ' The School Librarv.' issued by the Publishers of this volume,) and his treatise on '■ The Hand, its Mechanism, and Vital Endowments, as cv'mcing Design.' GLOSSARY. 357 B^rgamot, a fruit, which was originally produced by ingrafting a branch of a citron or lemon tree, upon the stock of a peculiar kind of pear, called the bergamot pear. Biased, cut diagonally from one corner to another of a square or rect- angular piece of cloth. Bias j'ieces, triangular pieces cut as above mentioned. Bituminous, containing bitumen, which is an inflammable mineral substance, resembling tar or pitch in its properties and uses. Among different bituminous substances, the names naphtha and petroleum have been given to those which are fluid ; maltha, to that which has the consistence of pitch; and asphaltum, to that which is solid. Blight, a disease in plants, by which they are blasted, or prevented from producing fruit. Blond Luce, lace made of silk. Blood heat, the temperature which the blood is always found to main tain, or ninety-eight degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Blue vitriol, sulphate of copper. See Sulphate. Blunts, needles of a short and thick shape, distinguished from Sharps^ which are long and slender. Bocking, a kind of thin carpeting, or coarse baize. Boston Academy, see Acadeitiy. Botany, (from a Greek word, signifying an herb,) a knowledge of plants ; the science which treats of plants. Brazil wood, the central part, or heart, of a large tree which grows in Brazil, called the Ccesalpinia echinata. It produces very lively and beautiful red tints, but they are not permanent. Bronze, a metallic composition, consisting of copper and tin. Bridure, a French term, denoting a burning or scalding ; a blasting of plants. Brussels, (carpet,) a kind of carpeting, so called from the city of Brus- sels, in Europe. Its basis is composed of a warp and woof of strong linen threads, with the warp of which are intermixed about five times the quantity of woollen threads, of different colors. Bulb, a root with a round body, like the onion, turnip, or hyacinth. Bulbous, having a bulb. Byi-an, (George Gordon.) Lord, a celebrated Poet, who was born in London, January 22. 1788, and died in Missolonghi, in Greece, April 18 1824. Calisthenics, see page 56, note. Camwood, a dyewood, procured from a leguminous (or pod-bearing) tree, growing on the Western Coast of Africa, and called Baphia nitida. Cankerworm, a worm which is very destructive to trees and plants. It springs from an egg deposited by a miller that issues from the ground, and in some years destroys the leaves and fruit of apple and other trees. Carbon, a simple inflammable body, forming the principal part of wood and coal, and the whole of the diamond. Carbonic acid, a compound gas, consisting of carbon and oxygen. It has lately been obtained in a solid form. Carmine, a crimson color, the most beautiful of all the reds. It is prepared from a decoction of the powdered cochineal insect, to which alum and other substances are added. 358 GLOSSARY. Castci', a small phial or vessel for the table, in which to put vinfeere' articles, 143; avoid "^ounoii:?^ others' feelings, ^-^S- To he taught to keep silence, "P-JS, 2S0. Do not surround with toe many rules, 145. On making allow- ances for, 154. Waiting on, 1 63 On making useful, 163, 252. On paying, for services, 164, 230. On giving younger, to older, 165. Precocity in, 198. Eating too often, 223. To be guarded as to honesty, deceit, and running in debt, 232. Shar- ing fruits and flowers, 251. See Boys, Female, Girls, andYoung children. Chinmeys, smoky, 352. Christ's character, 169. Christianity, principles of, identi- cal with democratic, 25, 34. Churches, ill-ventilated, 196. Chyle, 89. Converted into arte- rial blood, 90. From animal and other food, 99. Cincinnati, education in, 148. Circulation, in the skin of infants, 113. Effect of cold on, 113, 118,119. .S'cc Blood. Clark, Dr., on animal diet for very young children, 220. Cleaning carpets, 303. Cleanliness, on realizing the im- portance o£f 118. Ot the sick, 238. Cleansing articles, 293. Climbing plants, 339. Closets, of conveniences, 162. Sliding, 278. For washing utensils, 285. In eating-rooms, 306. In kitchens, 322. Clotiiing and clotlies, 112. Defi- ciency ol, 113, I2.^ Excess of, 1 14. Rule as to, 1 14. Flannel, 114, 115. Of men and women, compared, 115. Example of English women as to, 117. On changing, next to the body, 120. Girls buying their own, 188. On inconsistent, 189. On wash- ing, 2j5. Ironing, 295. Whiten- ing, 2;)6. Cleansing, 298. Coloring, 300. See Dress, a7id Tight dressing Coal, 281. Coats, on folding, 315. Cobalt, poisoning from, 242. Cockroaches, 323. Coffee, see Tea. Cold, on exposure to, 113, 113. Effect of, on infants, 114. Cold and hot, food, 103. Drinks, 110. Collecting of specimens, 253. Colleges, on the endowment of, 51. On physicians in, 198. Colors, coloring and, 300. For different complexions, 327. Combe, Andrew, on drinks, 111. On exercising the brain, 199. On infants, 214. On animal food, 221. Complexions, colors for the differ- ent, 327. Condiments in food, 99 Constipation, 235, 237, note. Constitution, delicacy of, in Amer- ican females, 41, 45, 47 ; causes of it, 45, 1 28. On early attention to the, 49. Duties of wealthy mothers, respecting their chil- dren's, 50. Effect of stimula- ting drinks on the, 107. Conveniences, on providing, 162. For cooking, 319. See Closets. Convivial meetings, on exposures after, 119, 247. Cooking, food made unhealthy by. 99, iG^l. Conveniences wanted for, 319. D. E. INDEX. Cooper, Sir Astley, cited, 195. Corrosive sublimate, poisoning from, 241. Corsets, 116. Couches, cheap, 312. Courtesy, want of,l 37, 141 ; causes of it, 138, 148. See Democracy. Cows, to take care of, 352. Creeping of infants, 219. Cribs for infants, 218. Crickets, 323. Crockery, 319. Crocus, 335. Crown Imperial, 335. Cruelty in amusements, 244, 246. Crying of infants, 219. Curculios, 351. Currants, 348, 350. Curtains, 302, 304. Curvature, see Spine. Cuts, remedies for, 240. Cutting and sewing, 324, 328. Cuvier, cited, 220. D. Daffodils, 336. Dahlias, 336. Dancing, 245, 246. Daughters, on schooling, 48. On keeping, as domestic assistants, 60. Educated to domestic work, 67. See Female, an^d. Girls. Day, on converting jnto night, 123. Influence of, on vegeta bles and blood, 124. Debt, on running into, 232. Democracy, principles of, identi- cal with Christian, 25, 34. Ten- dencies of, as to the female sex, 27. On progress towards, 34. On what the success of, de- pends, 36. Of early rising, 123. Courtesy of manners and, 138, 140, 146. Derangement, from over-excite- ment, 197. Diet, see Food. Difficulties, peculiar to American women, 38. On estimating them justly, 39, 151. Remedies for, 48, 151. Digestion, organs of respiration and, 87. Details respecting, 94. Articles easiest for, 101, 104. Experiments respecting, 104. Bulk of food necessary to, 105. Impeded by bathing, 121. Dining-rooms, care of, 306. Dinner, setting table for, 309. Dirt not healthy, 118. Dish-cloths, 317. Dishes, on washing, 318. Dolls, benefits from, 254. Domestic amusements, 244. Domestic exercise, 128. Domestic Economy, on raising, as a science, 50, 67. Reasons for introducing, into school, 63. On -teaching, iirom books, 65. In- dispensable part of education, 134. Domestic education, importance of, in childhood, 48. On early training in, 49, 60, 67. On giv- ing mornings to, 49. In the Monticello Female Seminary, 54. Should alternate with stud- ies, 60. Sufferings for want of, 63. Many mothers unqualified to teach, 65. Dignity of, 67,135. Domestics, peculiar difficulties as to, in America, 40, 204. Duties to be done by daughters, and not by, 50. Blessing of a dearth of, 50. Without, 64. On mak- ing allowances for, 154, 210, 212. Care of, 204. Of aristo- cratic lands, 205. Placing our- selves in their situation, 205, 206. Exorbitant wages of, 205. Instability and discontent of, and the remedy, 206. Pride and insubordination of, and the remedy, 207, 208. On calling them servants, 207. Admitted to the table, 209. Bold and for- ward, 209. Dress and rooms of, 209, 210. Deficiencies of, and the remedies, 210. Getting away, 211. Finding fault with, 211. Patience with, 212. Re- gard to, in construction of houses, 261. Beds for, 315. Doors, outside, 260, 263. Dress, too much attention to, 166. Inconsistency in, 189. Of do- mestics, 209. See Clothing. Dresses, for the domestic duties of school girls, 55. Colors for, 327. See Clothing. INDEX. Drink, during meal-time, 103. Drinksj on healtlitul, 106. Drowning, 241. Dumb-waiters, 27S, 306. Dusting, 304, 306. Duties, enjoyments connected with, 183. E. Early rising, 122. Democratic, 123. Reasons for, 124. Time for, 126. Longevity and, 126. Effects of, on a family, 126 ; on tiie community, 127 ; on sys- tematic duty, 166. Earthen ware, 319. ' Eating, intemperance m, 94, 95. At any time, 96. Too fast, 101. Should not be followed by ex- ercise, 102; nor bathing, 121. See Food. Eating-rooms, care of, 306. Economy, on domestic, 152. Ex- travagance changed for, 176. Contradictory ideas as to, 185. General principles as to, 186. Relative obligations of rich and poor as to, 191. Neglect as to, 193. Of the aristocracy, 194. Education in America, 147. As- sociations for, 203. See Female, and Monticello. Employment, for the different di- visions of a week, 162. On reg- ular, for all the family, 163. Enjoyments, see Amusements, and Happiness. Equality, on democratic, 25. See Democracy, Sexes, and Wo- men. Establishments, expensive, given up, 176. Exercise, comparative, of Ameri- can women and others, 44. Neglect of, 50, 244. Method for securing, at the Monticello Female Seminary, 54. Indis- pensable to the health of the several parts of the human frame, 73, 97. Of the muscles, 76, 78, 97, 116, 128, 129. Ef- fect of want of, on the spine, 78, 80. Food to be graduated bv, 97. After eating, bad, 102. Evils of want of, 129. On fur- nishing interesting, 131 . Walk- ing for, 131. In useful employ- ments, 131. Excessive, 132. Rule as to, 133. On excessive, of the mind and feelings, 197. Of the brain, 199. Exhalations from the skin, 92. Expenses, on keeping account of, 173, J 74. Economy in, 185, 193. On graduating, by the income, 186. On gentility in being care- less of, 193. On extravagajice in, 194. See Economy. Eyes, screening, frt»m light, 217, 283. Family, on early rising in the, 126. Fathers neglecting the, 255. On attachments of, 256. Fasting in sickness, 235. Fathers neglecting home, 255 Fault-finding, 211. Featherbeds, 114, 313. Feelings, inactivity of the, 199. Feet, on protecting the, 115, 117, 129. Keeping those of infants, warm, 217. Bathing, for a cold, 235. Female association for educating poor females, 59. Female education, advantages for, in America, 43. Objects to be attended to, in, 48, 49. Impor- tance of mathematics in, 56. Should be conducted by fe- males, 58. Present waste in conducting, 60. See School. Female seminaries, on the endow- ment of, 51. Importance of, 52. Defects of, 53. Suitable, 53. M-onticello Female Seminary, described, 54. Division of la bor and responsibility in, 58. Requirement for admission to ' the Monticello, 59. On pro- viding, 61, 68. Reasons for in- troducing the study of domestic economy into, 63. Establish- ment of, by a wealthy female 202. Should have gardens 251. Females, influence of, on the char- acter of the young, 37. Building schoolbouses, 202. See Ameri- can women. Girls, and Women Filberts, 348. INOJJX. Finding fault, 211. Finger nails, 122, 144. Fire, -escaping from, 243. Fireplaces and fires, 260, 265, 280, 311. Fishing, 244. Flannel, 114. Utility of, 115. On washing, 285, 286. Fleas, 323. Flies, on destroying, 323. Flower baskets, 354. Flower seeds, on planting, 332. Flowers, 251, 335. Arranging, 337. Fluids, on taking, 103, 104. Folding articles, 315. Follicles of the skin, 93. Food, on the conversion of, into nourishment, 87. Responsibili- ty as to, in a family, 94. On taking too much, 94, 95, 128. On one kind of, for each meal, 95. Should be taken at proper times, 96. Strong laboring men need most, 96. Quantity of, to be graduated by exercise, 97. On the quality of, 98. Stimula- ting, 99. Animal and vegetable, 99, 100, 220, 221. Kinds of, most easily digested, 101, 104, 105. Injurious, from bad cooking,101 . On eating, too fast, 101, 128. On exercise after taking, 102. On hot and cold, 103. Highly concentrated, ] 04. Certain bulk of, necessary to digestion, 105. For infants, 214, 216. For nurses, 215. Sickness from im- proper, 235. Preparing, for the sick, 239. Footstools, 303. Foreigners, employed as domes- tics, 40. Forewarning domestics, 211. ' Forwardness of domestics, 209. Franklin, Benjamin, diet of, 222. Frocks, to make, 326. Fruit, on the cultivation of, 251, 347. To preserve, 350. Fuel, hints as to, 280. Furnaces, 260, note. Furniture, on costly, 163, 167., On inconsistent, 188. On se- lecting, 302. Packing of, for moving, 316. Kitchen, 319. G. Games of children, 253. Garden seeds, to plant, 333. Gardening, 331. Gardens, at female institutions, 251. On laying out, 334. Gas, antidote for, 242. Gastric juice, 88, 94. Gathering, in shirts, 325. Girls, on sending, to school, 48, 60 Should assist their mothers ear- ly, 49. Education of, at the IVIonticello Female Seminary, 54. Confinement of, in school, 133. Small, made useful, 164. Forming habits of system, 167 ; of making purchases and keep- ing accounts, 188. Effects of ex- citement on, 197. Taking care of infants by, 214. See Daugh- ters, and Females. Gladiolus, 335. Gloves, cleansing, 298. Godfrey, Benjamin, Female Sem- inary endowed by, 54. Gooseberries, .348, 350. Gothic cottage, 271. Government of children, 226. Unsteadiness in, and over-gov- ernment, 228. Maxims on, 229. See Children, Subordination, and Young children. Grafting, 344. Grapes, 349, 350 Grates, 281. Gratifications, on physical, 159, 171, 172. Grease-spots, 289, 297, 298. In carpets, 304. Greeks and Romans, bathing by 120. H. Habit, in a system of duty, 166. Handkerchiefs, cleansing, 298. Happiness, dependence of, on character, 169. On living to make, 169, 200. Connected with duties, 183. Hard-soap, to make, 291. Head, blows on the, 241. Headache, 78, 95. Health, delicacy and infrequency of, in American women, 41, 45 Effect of mental excitement on INDEX. 43 ; of a high sense of responsi- bility, «&x.,44 ; of want of out- door exercise, 44 ; of bad early training, 45 ; of exposures in newly-settled countries, 46. On preparation for a rational care of, in a fiimily, 68, 69. Connection of exercise and, 73, 76, 76, 97, 133; of the quantity of food and, 1'4, 95, 100; of the quility, tlrf. Of Catholics dur- inar Lent, 100. Not from dirt, 118. Etfect of early rising on, 1*2.5. On the duty of sacrificing, 159. Causes wiiich injure the mind's, 196. Amusements and, 245. Laughter and, 253. Re- gard to, in constructing houses, lii60. Ventilation and, 311. Con- nection of, with cellars, 322. See Air, Exercise, and Sick- ness. Hearths, 305 Hearts, different, 84. Cause of their throbbing, 90. Heat of the body, regulated by the skin, 92. Heating houses, 260. Help, see Domestics. Helping at table, 310. Herbaceous roots, 339. Horse-racing, 245, 246. Horses, care of, 351, Hose, on washing, 286, 289. Hospitality, on manifesting, 144. To strangers, 257. Hot and cold food and drinks, 103, 110. Hot-beds, 331 . House-cleaning, 353. Housekeepers, difficulties peculiar to American women as, 30. Preservation of good temper in, 148, 150. Allowances to be made for, 150. Necessity of a habit of system and order in, 157. General principles for, 158. Plans by, for sav- ing time, 184. See American women. Housekeeping, on a knowledge of, 134. Dignity and difficulty of, 150, 157. See Labor. House-plants, to repot, J33. Care of, 341. 32* Houses, on the constructi(m of, 258. Regard to econtjiny of la- bor in, 258 ; to water, 259, 275 , to heating, 260 ; to economy of health, 260 ; to domestics, 261 ; to good taste, 261. Plans of, and of domestic conveniences, 261 Shade-trees around, 275. BacJc- door accommodations to, 276. Hunger, 94, 132. As a guide for taking food, 97. • Hunting, 244. Hyacintlis, 335. Illinois, female association in, for educating poor females, 59. See Alton. Imagination, 199. Works of, 249. See Novel reading. Impostors, soliciting charity, 178. Impurity of thought, 233. Income, see Expenses. Indigestion, 101. See Health. Infants, mortality among, 112 114, 214. Too cold, lls! Plunging, in cold water, 113. Registrations of, 113. On giv- ing, to the older children, 165. Use of, to elicit charity, 179. Importance of knowing how to take care of, 213. Combe, Bell, and Eberle on, cited, 214. Food for, 214, 216, 218. Med- icines for, 215, 216, 218, 219. Pure air for, 217, 218. ^ Keep- ing warm, 217, 218. Keeping their heads cool, 217. Bathincr, 217, 218. Nostrums for, 219. Unquiet, 219. To creep, 219 Standing, 219. Crying, 219. See Children, and Mortality. ^Ingrafting, 344. *Ink-stains, 298. Insects, on destroymg, 323. Pre- serving apple trees from, 3.50. Institutions, see Female semina- ries, and School. Intelligence, dependence of de- mocracy on, 36. Intemperance, H. Martineau on, criticized, 30, note. In eating, 94, 95. In drinking, 106. Fe male responsibility as to, 100. Invitations, 353. D. E. IlfDEX. Ironing, articles to be provided for, 2.93. Settee for, 2U3. Boards for, 294. Hints on, 295. Iron- ware, 319. Jewish use of time, 182. Jokes, 253. Jonquilles, 335. K. Kitchens, 163, 259. On taking care of, 317. Floors of, 317. Oilcloths for, 317. Furniture for, 319. Knitting, to employ time, 185. Knives and forks, 307. Labelling powders, 239. Labor, nobility of, 55, 147. On opposing the idea of the degra- dation of, 61, 123, 124. Not inconsistent with delicacy, 62, On economy of, in houses, 258. Laces, doing up of, 292. Lamps, 281. Care of, 282. Laplanders and their food, 220. Lard, used for oil, 281. Latticed portico, 277. Laughter, 253. Laws, necessity of a system of, 25. Leghorn hats, 299. Lent, health during, 100. Ley, to make, 290. Life, object of, 168. Light, effects of, 124. Screenmg eyes from, 217, 283. Lightning, 243. Lightning rods, 243. Lights, 281. Limbs of trees, on training, 348. Linens, 288, 328. Linneeus, cited, 220. Liquids, on taking, 103, 104. Literature, guarding, 249. Longevity, Sinclair on, 126. From vegetable diet, 221 Louis XIV., manners of his age, 148. Lungs, 89. Effects of tight-dress- ing on the, 90, 117. Bleeding at the, 243. Luxuries, see Superfluities. M. Mahogany furniture, 305. Manners, good, 136. Amencan defect in, and cause of it, 137. Of the Puritans and their pos- terity, 137. Principles respect- ing, 140. Proprieties in, 141. On cultivation of, 141. At home, 142. Leading points as to, claiming attention, 142. Children to be taught, 143. On conventional, 144. At table, 144. Charity for bad, 145. Of the age of Louis XIV., 148. See Children. Marble, stains on, 305. Martineau, Harriet, criticized, 30, note^ 141, note.. Mathematics, importance of, in a female education, 56. Mattresses, 312, 329. Meals, should be five hours apart, 96. On the nature of the, 103. Time of English, 123. Meat, on eating, 99, 100. See Animal food, and Food. Mechanical amusements, 2.54. Medical men needed in literary institutions, 198. Medicines, on giving, to infants, 215. On administering, 236, 238. Different effects of dif- ferent, 236. On purchasing, 239. Labelling, 239. Men, engaged in women's work, 164,165. Mending, 330. Mental excitement, effect of, on health, 43. On reducing youth- ful, 48, 49. On invigorating, 56. Effect of, on the mind, 197. See Mind. Mexicans, teeth of, 110. Mice, .323. Mildew, removing, 296. Milk, for infants, 216, 217. Milkweed-silk, 227. Mind, connection of body and, 195. Causes which injure the health of the, 196. On inactiv- ity of, 1 99. Indications of dis- eased, 204. See Health, and Mental excitement. Mineralogical collections, 253. Modesty in children, 233. INDEX. Mo. ey, children's earning, 164. Montagu, Lady Mary VVortley, cited, 1155. Monticello Female Seminary, ac- count of, 54. System of stud- ies tliere, 57. Eftbrt made there to cure defects of char- acter and habits, 58. Morals, American, 29. Depend- ence of democracy on, 36. At- tention to, in the Monticello Female Seminary, 58. In chil- dren, 2'SS. Sec Children, and Young children. Mortality, amonir infants, 112, 114. Causes of it, 214. At the Albany Orphan Asylum, 222. Sec Infants. Mothers, sutterings of American, 42. The great objects for, in educating their daughters, 48. Influence of wealthy, 50. Should raise the science of domestic economy, 51. Few, qualified to teach domestic economy, 65. Influence of, 149, 151. Teaching boys do- mestic arts, 164. See American women, and Women. Moths, 323. Muscles, 74. Exercise of the, 76, 78, 97, 116, 129. Excessive exercise of, 132. Music, 58, 252. Muslins, on washing, 288. Starch- ing, 292. Musquitoes, 323. N. Nails, cleaning, 122, 144. Wankeens, on washing, 288. Napkins, table, 3U7. Narcissus, Ii35. Nash, Beau, biography of, 148. Neatness, in house-keeping, 152. Of sick-rooms, 2138. See Clean- liness. Needle-work, bad economy in,189. Nerves, 76. Ramilications of the, 78. Health of, dependent on muscular exercise, 78, 130. Function of, in the stomach, 87. Excited by stimulating drinks, 106, 111. Two kinds of, 129. On cutting off, 130. Exercise and inactivity of, 130 Debility of, J 30, 199. New Englanders, one cause of their tact, 165. Newton, Sir Isaac, diet of, 222. Night, converting, into day, 123. Night-gowns, 114, 329. Nia:ht-lamps, 283. No>el reading, 199, 234, 249. Nursery, discipline of the, 224, 230. Nursery, soil for a, 347. Nursing, on food while, 215. Of the sick, 237. O. Obedience of children, 226. See Children, and Government. Objects of charity, 176. Oil, 281. Taking out, 297. Oilcloths, for kitchens, 317. Opium, absorbed by the skin, 93. Antidote for, 242. Order, on a habit of, 157. Ornaments, 166. Time and moii- ey spent for, 175, 259. Orphan Asylum at Albany, 222. Ostrich feathers, washing, 299. Outhouses, 276. Over-government, 228, 229. See Children, and Government. P. Packing, of trunks, 316. Of fur- niture for moving, 316. Pain, amusements causing, 244. Paint-spots, 298. Pantaloons, on mending, 330. Parents, exercising of authority by, 226. Should provide amuse- ments, 250. Joining in chil- dren's sports, 254. Parlors, kitchens and, 163, 259 Light work in, to save time, 184 Inconsistently furnisheelted without changing their nature, but when cooked, they become much more indigestible and injurious to weak stomachs. The third mode of injuring hashes is by putting in flour in such ways that it is not properly cooked. Flour dredged on to hashes while they are cooking generally imparts the raw taste of dough. HASHES, GRAVIES, AND SAUCES.. 6f The fourth mode is by putting in so much water as to make them vapid, or else so much grease as to make them gross. The fifth is by seasoning them with so Httle care, that they either have very httle savory taste, or else are so hot with pepper and spice as to be unhealthy. If a housekeeper will follow these directions, or give them to a cook who will follow them exactly, she will always have good and healthful hashes. To prepare Gravy for a Cold Beef Hash, or Steak Hash. For a small dish for six persons, put a tea-cup and a half of boiling water into a small sauce-pan, and make a thin paste with a heaping tea spoonful of flour, wet with a great spoonful of cold water. Stir it in, and boil it three minutes. Then put in half a teaspoonful of black pep- per and rather more salt, and let it stand where it will be kept hot, but not boihng, till fifteen minutes before it is to be used. Then cut the beef into half-inch mouthfuls and take as many mouthfuls of cold boiled potato, and half as many of cold turnip. Put these all together into a tin pan the size of a dining plate. Then stir in two great spoonfuls of butter into the gravy till melted, and. if you like tomato catsup, add a great spoonful, and pour it over the hash, and cover it with a plate and let it heat on the stove, or trivet, ten minutes, and then serve it. If the hash is made without vegetables, take only a tea-cup full of water, and a teaspoonful of flour, and a little less pepper and salt. If you have the beef gravy of yesterday, use it instead of butter, and put in less pepper, salt, butter, and wa- ter. If tomatoes are liked, peel and slice two large ones, and add with the potatoes and turnips. Let a housekeeper try this, and then vary it to her own taste, or the taste of her family, and then write the exact proportions for the use of all the future cooks of her family. 68 ON THE PREPARATION OF Gravy for a Mutton Hash^ or Venison Hash. For a dish for six persons, take a tea-cup and a half of boiling water, and slice fine one small onion (say one an inch in diameter) into it, to give a shght flavor of onion, and thus hide the strong mutton taste. Mix a thin paste made with a heaping teaspoonful of flour, wet with a great spoonful of water, stir it in, and let it boil three minutes, adding a half a teaspoonful of black pep- per, and rather more salt. Then set it where it will keep hot, but not boil, till wanted. Cut the mutton into half-inch mouthfuls, leaving out most of the fat. Cut up the same nmnberof mouthfuls of cold boiled potatoes, and half as much cold boiled tur- nips, and slice in two large peeled tomatoes, or cold boiled parsnip, or both. Mix them in a tin pan the size of a dining plate, stir two great spoonfuls of butter into the gravy, and, if you like, a great spoonful of tomato cat- sup, and pour it on to the hash. Cover it with a plate, and set it to heat ten minutes on the stove, or on a trivet over coals. If you do not put in vegetables, take less water, salt, and pepper. If you do not put in onion, put in a wine- glass of currant, plum, or grape jelly, or squeeze in some lemon juice when you add the butter, and leave out the catsup, or not, as you like. Modify to suit your taste, and then write the proportions exactly, for all future cooks of your family. To j)repare a Veal Hash. Take a tea-cup of boiling water in a sauce-pan, and mix in an even teaspoonful of flour wet with a spoonful of cold water, and let it boil five minutes. Then add, not quite half a teaspoonful of black pepper, as much salt, and two great spoonfuls of butter, and set it where it will keep hot, but not boil. Chop the veal very fine, and mix with it, while chop- ping, half as much stale bread crumbs. Put it in a tin pan and pour the gravy on to it, and let it heat on a btove or trivet ten minutes. HASHES, GRAVIES, AND SAUCES. 69- Toast some bread and cut it into triangular pieces, and lay it on the bottom of a dish. Spread the hash over, and pour on the gravy. Cut slices of lemon to lay on the top and around the edge of the platter. If you like a seasoning of sweet herbs with this hash, the nicest way is to tie some in a rag and boil it in the water of the gravy when you first mix it. Common Gravies. Pour out the drippings of the tin roaster through a gravy strainer, into a pan, and set it away till cold. Next day, scrape the sediment from the bottom and then use it to make gravy in place of butter, for hashes. Mutton drippings must never be used for cooking. It is not fashionable to have gravy made for roast beef or mutton, as the juice of the meat is preferred, which, on the plate, is mixed with catsup or whatever is prefer- red. Gravies for poultry are made as directed in the article on roasting meats. Drawn hutter is the foundation of most common gravies, and is to be prepared in either of the two ways described below. Drawn Butter^ or Melted Butter. Rub in two teaspoonfuls of flour into a quarter of a pound of butter. Add five tablespoonfuls of cold water. Set it into boiling water and let it melt, and heat until it begins to simmer, and it is done. Never simmer it on coals, as it fries the oil and spoils it. Be careful not to have the flour in lumps. If it is to be used with fish, put in chopped eggs and nasturtions, or capers. If used with boiled fowl, put in oysters while it is sim- mering, and let them heat through. Another Mode of freparirtg Drawn Butter. Make three teaspoonfuls of flour into a thin batter, and stir it into a tea-cup of boiling water in a sauce -pan, and let it boil five minutes. Then take it oflj and cut up a quarter of a pound of butter into pieces, and put in 70 ON THE PREPARATION OF and keep it hot till it is melted. This is the easiest way, and if it is for very rich cooking more butter may be ad- ded. Drawn Meat Gravies^ or Brown Gravies. Put into a sauce-pan fresh meat cut in small pieces, seasoned with salt and pepper and a bit of butter, and heat it half an hour, till brown, stirring so that it shall not stick. Pour on boiling water, a pint for each pound — sim- mer three hours and skim it well. Settle and strain it, and set it aside to use. Thicken, when you need it, with brown flour, a teaspoonful to a half pint. A Nice Article to use for Gravy ^ or Soup. Take butter the size of an Qgg^ add a tablespoonful of sugar, put it in a skillet, and stir it till a dark brown, then dredge in flour, and use it to darken gravy or soup. Burnt Butter for Fish, or Eggs. Heat two ounces of butter in a frying-pan, till a dark brown, then add a tablespoonful of vinegar, half a teaspoon- ful of salt, and half a dozen shakes from the pepper box. Sauce for Salad, or Fish. Take the yolk of two eggs boiled hard, mash them with a mustard spoonful of mustard, a little black pep- per, a little salt, three tablespoonfuls of salad oil, and three of vinegar. A tablespoonful of catsup would im- prove it for many. Wine Sauce for Mutton, or Veiiison. Take half a pint of the liquor in w^hich the meat was cooked, and when boiling, put in pepper, salt, currant jelly, and wine to your taste ; add about a teaspoonful of scorched flour, mixed with a little water. Oyster Sauce. Take a pint of oyster juice, add a little salt and pep- per, and a stick of mace, boil it five minutes, and then add two teaspoonfuls of flour, wet up in half a tea-cup m HASHES, GRAVIES, AND SAUCES. 71 of milk. Let this boil two minutes, then put in the oysters and a bit of butter the size of an egg ; in two minutes take them up. Lobster Sauce. Mix in six tablespoonfuls of vinegar, the yolks of two boiled eggs, sorne of the lobster spawn, a mustard spoon- ful of mustard, two tablespoonfuls of salad oil or melted butter, and a little salt and pepper. Apple Sauce. Boil peeled and quartered tart apples, and put in but- ter and sugar to your taste. If boiled in cider with quin- ces, it will keep a long time. The fresh-made is best. Celery Sauce for Boiled Fowls. Take four or five celery heads, and cut up all but the green tops into small pieces, and boil it in half a pint of water till tender. Mix two teaspoonfuls of flour with a little milk and put in, with a salt spoonful of salt, and butter the size of an Qgg. When it boils, take it up. Celery Vinegar. This is fine to keep in the castor stand. Pound two gills of celery seed, and add sharp vinegar. Shake every day for a week or two. The flavor of sweet herbs and sage can be obtained by pouring vinegar on to them, and for three successive days taking them out, and putting in a fresh supply of herbs. It must be kept corked and sealed. Essence of Celery , to flavor Soup. Bruise celery seed, and steep it in brandy for a fort- night. An ounce to half a pint of brandy is enough. Half a teaspoonful will flavor soup. Herb Spirit. It is convenient sometimes to use herb spirit instead of the herbs. It is made thus. Take all the sweet herbs, as thyme, marjoram, sweet basil, and summer savory, dry, pound, sift, and steep in brandy for a fort- night ; an ounce to half a pint. * 72 HASHES, GRAVIES, AND SAtTClS. Soup Powder. The following is a very convenient article for soups. Dry, pound, and sift the following ingredients together. Take one ounce each, of lemon, thyme, basil, sweet marjoram, summer savory, and dried lemon peel, with two ounces of dried parsley, and a few dried celery seeds. Bottle it tight. Horseradish can be sliced thin, dried and pounded, and kept in a bottle for use. Mushrooms can be dried in a moderately warm oven, then powdered with a little mace and pepper, and kept to season soup or sauces. Soy. One pound of salt, two pounds of sugar, fried half an hour over a slow fire, then add three pints of boiling water, half a pint of essence of anchovies, a dozen cloves, and some sweet herbs. Boil till the salt dissolves, then strain and bottle it. Tomato Catsup. Pour boiling water on the tomatoes, let them stand un til you can rub off the skin, then cover them with salt, and let them stand twenty-four hours. Then strain them, and to two quarts put three ounces of cloves, two ounces of pepper, two nutmegs. Boil half an hour, then add a pint of wine. Mushroom Catsup. Put the mushrooms in layers, with salt sprinkled ovei each layer, and let them stand four days. Then mash them fine, and to every quart add two-thirds of a tea- spoonful of black pepper, and boil it in a stone jar set in boiling water two hours. Strain it without squeezing, boil the liquor, let it stand to cool and settle, then bottle, cork, and seal it, and set it in a cool place. Walnut Catsup. Bruise ten dozen young walnuts, add a quart of vinegar, and three-fourths of a pound of fine salt. Let them stand two weeks, stirring every day. Strain off the liquor, VEGETABLES. 7^ and add half an ounce of black pepper whole, thirty- cloves, half an ounce of bruised nutmeg, half an ounce of ginger, and four sticks of mace. Boil the whole an hour, then strain and bottle tight. CHAPTER IX. VEGETABLES. Potatoes. The great art of cooking potatoes is. to take them up as soon as they are done. Of course it is important to begin to cook them at the proper time. When boiled, baked, fried, or steamed, they are ren- dered watery by continuing to cook them after they reach the proper point. For this reason, potatoes, to bake or boil, should be selected so as to have them nearly the same size. Begin with the largest first, and continue to select the largest till all are gone. Be careful that the water does not stop boiling, as thus the potatoes will be watery. Never boil them very hard, as it breaks them. Boiled Potatoes. Wash, but do not cut them. Put them in boiling water, having only a small quantity more than enough to cover them. Put salt in, say a great spoonful to half a pailful of potatoes. Boil them moderately ; when near- ly done, let them simmer slowly, and when cooked (as is discovered, not by their cracking, but by a fork) pour off the water, and let them stand till dry. Medium-sized potatoes, when young, will cook in from twenty to thirty minutes ; when old, it requires double the time. When peeled they boil fifteen minutes quicker. Old potatoes, in the spring, are improved by soaking in water all night. 7 74 VEGETADLES. Other Modes of Cooking Potatoes. After boiling and peeling them, divide them and lay them on a gridiron to brown. Or when cold, the day after boiling, cut them in slices, and cook them on a griddle, with just enough lard to make them brown, or you can brown them on a gridiron. Another pretty mode for a fancy dish is, to peel large potatoes and then cut them round and round in shavings, as you pare an apple. Fry them with clean sweet lard in a frying-pan, till brown, stirring them to brown alike, drain them on a sieve, and after sprinkhng a little fine salt over them, place them on the table. Another tasteful mode is, after boiUng and peehng them, to flour them, then dip them in the yolk of an eg^^ and roll them in fine bread crumbs. Then fry them till brown and they look very handsomely, and are excel- lent to the taste. Fry them without this preparation and they are very nice. When potatoes become old, mash them fine, season with salt and butter, and a little cream or milk, place them in a dish, smoothing and shaping the lop hand- somely, and making checks with a knife ; then brown them in a stove, or range-oven, and they are excellent. These can also be made into l3alls, dipped in ^^^ and crumbs, and fried as directed above, and they look very handsomely. Potatoes, when roasted, should be very carefully washed and rinsed, and then roasted in a Dutch oven, or stove oven. Notice, lest they be put in too soon, and thus be made watery by cooking too long. The following is a very nice way of preparing pota- toes for breakfast. Peel them, and cut them in very thin slices into a very Httle boiling water, so httle that it will be evaporated when they are cooked. At this pointj add salt to your taste, some cream, or if you have not cream put in a very little milk and a bit of butter. A little practice will make this a very favorite dish in any family. The art is, to cook the potatoes with very little water, so that it will be evaporated at the time the pota- VEGETABLES. 75 toes are done. They must be stirred while cooking occa- sionally. Another mode is, to mash the potatoes and add salt, butter, and a little cream, and set them away. Then cut them in slices, and fry for breakfast. Many think the following the best way of boiling po- tatoes. Peel them, and soak in cold water two hours. Boil in just enough water to cover them. When about done, pour off the water, and let them steam five minutes uncovered. Turnips. Boil turnips in a vessel by themselves. Try them with a fork, and if sweet and good, send them to the ta- ble when taken up. If watery, mash them, wring them in a cloth, and add salt and butter, and if the sweetness is gone, add a little white sugar, and they will be as good as new. Boil them in a good deal of water, with salt in it. If they boil too long, they lose their sweetness and become bitter. An hour is the medium time re- quired. Asparagus. Keep it cool and moist on the cellar bottom till wanted. Throw it into cold water, cut off all that is tough, tie it in small bundles. Boil it in salted warm water for fifteen or twenty minutes, having only just enough to cover the asparagus. When done, take it up with a skimmer, lay it on buttered toast, and put butter on it. Then pour on the water in which you boiled the asparagus. Beets. Beets must not be cut, as this makes them lose their sweetness. Salt the water, and boil them in summer an hour, and in winter three hours. Parsnips and Carrots. Parsnips and carrots must be split, or else the outside is done too much before the inside is cooked sufficiently. Salt the water, and boil them when young half an hour, 76 VEGETABLES. and two hours when old. Boil enough to have some to slice and fry for the next day's dinner or breakfast, as they are much the best cooked in this way. Onio7is. Select the white kind, peel them and put them in boiling milk, a little salted, and boil them from half to three quarters of an hour. When taken up, drain in a colander, pour a Uttle melted butter over them, or put on cold butter. Jerusalem Artichokes. Scrape them, and put them in boiling salted water. Boil large ones about two hours, then take them up and butter them. Squashes. Summer squashes boil whole, when very young. When older, quarter them, and take out the seeds. Put them into boiling salted water ; when done, squeeze out the water by wringing in a cloth, and add butter and salt to your taste. The neck part of the winter squash is the best ; cut it into slices, peel it, boil it in salted water till tender, then drain off the water, and serve it without mashing, or, if preferred, wring it and season with butter and salt. What is left over is excellent /riec? for next day's break- fast or dinner. It must be in slices, and not mashed. Save the water in which they are boiled, to make yeast or brown bread, for which it is excellent. Cabbage and Cauliflowers. Take off the outer leaves of a cabbage, cut the stalky part in quarters, down to the centre, put it in boiling salted water, and boil them from half an hour to an hour. Cabbages, like turnips, must have a good deal of water, or they will taste strong. For cauliflowers, cut ofT all the leaves but the small ones mixed with the head, and boil in salted water till it is tender. Some wrap some of the large leaves around VEGETABLES. 77 the head, and tie them on, and when cooked throw aside the leaves. Drain the cauliflower with a skimmer and eat it with drawn butter. Most vegetables must be put in water only sufficient to cover them, allowing a Httle more for evaporation. Strong vegetables like turnips, cabbage, and some of the greens, require a good deal of water. Peas. Boil in salted Avater a little more than enough to cover them from fifteen to thirty minutes, according to their age. Add salt and butter, and boil up once. When old, they are improved by putting a very little saleratus into the water, say a quarter of a teaspoonful to half a peck of shelled peas. Sweet Corn. If it is to be boiled on the cob, put it in salted boiling wa- ter, and let it cook from twenty minutes to three quarters of an hour after it begins to boil, according to the age of the corn. tSuccatosh. If you wish to make succatosh, boil the beans from half to three quarters of an hour, in water a little salt, meantime cutting off the corn and throwing the cobs to boil with the beans. Take care not to cut too close to the cob, as it imparts a bad taste. When the beans have boiled the time above mentioned, take out the cobs, and add the corn, and let the whole boil from fifteen to twen- ty minutes, for young corn, and longer for older corn. Make the proportions two-thirds corn and one-third beans. Where you have a mess amounting to two quarts of corn and one quart of beans, take two tablespoonfuls of flour, wet it into a thin paste, and stir it into the succatosh, and let it boil up for five minutes. Then lay some but- ter in a dishj take it up into it, and add more salt if need be. 7* 78 VEGETABLES. Beans. Throw them into salted boiUiig water, and cook them from an hour to an Jiour and a half, according to the age. A little saleratus improves them when old ; a piece as big as a pea will do. If you put in too much, the skins will slip oil*. Egg Plant. Boil them in a good deal of water a few minutes, to get out the bitter taste, then cut them in slices, and sprinkle a little salt on them. Then fry them brown in lard or butter. If they are fried on a griddle, with only butter enough to keep them from sticking, they are bet- ter than when more butter is used. Baked Beans. Pick over the beans the night before, and put them in warm water to soak, where they will be kept warm all night. Next morning pour off the water, and pour on boiling water, and let them stand and simmer till the beans are soft, and putting in with them a nice piece of pork, the skin gashed. Put them into the deep dish in which they are to bake, having water just enough to cover them. Bury the pork in the middle, so that the top will be even with the surface. All the garden beans are better for baking than the common field bean. They must bake in a moderately hot oven from two to three hours. Tomatoes. Pour on scalding water, and let them remain in it two minutes, to loosen the skins. Peel them, and put them in a stew-pan with a little salt and butter, and let them stew half an hour, and then pour them on to buttered toast. Another Way. — Peel them, put them in a deep dish, put salt and pe|)per, and a httle butter over them, then make a layer of bread crumbs, or pounded crackers, then make another layer of tomatoes, and over these another layer of crumbs, till the dish is filled. The top layer VEQETABLES. 79 must be crumbs. Some persons put nutmeg and sugar with the other seasoning. Bake three quarters of an hour, or more, according to the size. Another Way. — Peel them, put them in a stew-pan with some salt, boil them nearly half an hour, then put into them three or four beaten eggs, and more salt if needed, and very httle pepper. Many would add a few small slices of onion; Most who have tried this last are very fond of it. Greens. Beet tops, turnip tops, spinach, cabbage sprouts, dan- delions, cowshps, all these boil in salted water till they are tender, then drain in a colander, pressing hard. Chop them a little, and warm them in a sauce-pan, with a little butter. Lay them on buttered toast, and if you Hke, garnish them with hard-boiled egg^ cut in slices. If not fresh, soak them half an hour in salt and water. Cucumbers. The chief art of preparing cucumbers consists in ma- king them cool and crisp. This is done by putting them in cold water for half an hour, and then cut them in thin slices into cold water. Then drain them in a colander, and season them with pepper, salt, and vinegar. Cucumbers are very nice cooked in this way. Peel and cut them into quarters, take out the seeds, and boil them hke asparagus. Put them on to buttered toast, and put a little butter over them. Macaroni. Mix a pint of milk, and a pint of water, and a tea- spoonful of salt ; put in two ounces of macaroni, and boil till the liquor is wasted and the macaroni tender. Put on butter, or pour over some gravy. Cut the mac- aroni in pieces of three or four inches, in order to help it out more conveniently. Another Way. Simmer it in thin gravy ; when tender lay it in a dish, )S0 VEGETABLES. and grate on it old cheese, and over that grated bread. Pour over it melted butter, and set in a Dutch oven till of a brown color. To Cook Hominy. Wash in several waters, and boil it five hours, allow ing two quarts of water, and half a teaspoonful of salt, to every quart of hominy. Drain it through a colander, and add butter and salt, if needed. The small-grained requires less water and time. Macaroni Puddings to eat with Meat. Simmer a quarter of a pound of macaroni in plenty of water, until it is tender. Strain off the water, and add a pint of milk or cream, an ounce of grated cheese, and a teaspoonful of salt. Mix well together, and strew over the top two ounces of grated cheese and crumbs of bread. Brown it well, in baking, on the top. It will bake in a quick oven in half an hour. It is appropriate to be eaten with boiled ham, or forms a course by itself, after meat. Salad. Salad, to be in perfection, should be fresh gathered, and put into salted cold water, which will remove all in- sects. Let them stand half an hour, and then drain them thoroughly. Mode of Dressing Salad. Take the yolks of one or two eggs boiled hard, mash them fine, mix with them pepper, salt, mustard, oil, and vinegar to your taste. Then cut up the salad, and mix it with this preparation. This is usually done at table. Mushroom. Cut off the lower part of the stem, peel them, and put them in a sauce-pan, with just water enough to prevent their burning at the bottom, put in a httle salt, and shake them occasionally while cooking, to prevent burning. When tender, add butter, salt, and pepper to your taste, VEGETABLES. 61 and wine and spice, if you like them. Serve them on buttered toast. Celeriac. This is very good, and but little known. It resem bles celery in flavor, and is much more easily cultivated Scrape and cut the roots in slices. Boil them very ten der, drain off the water, add a little salt, and turn in just milk enough to cover them. Then take them up and add a little butter. falsify, or Vegetable Oyster. Boil it till tender, then pour off the water, and add a little milk, and a Httle salt and butter. Another Way. — Parboil it, scraping off the outside, cut it in slices, dip it into beaten egg and fine bread crumbs, and fry it in lard. Another Way. — Make a batter of wheat flour, milk and eggs, and a little salt. Cut the salsify in slices ; af- ter it is boiled tender, put it in the batter, and drop this mixture into hot fat by the spoonful. Cook them a light brown. Southern Mode of Cooking Rice. Pick over the rice, and wash it in cold water. To a pint of rice, put three quarts of boiling water, and half a teaspoon ful of salt. Boil it just seventeen min- utes from the time it fairly begins to boil. Then turn off all the water, and set it over a moderate fire, with the lid off, to steam fifteen minutes. Great care must be taken to be accurate. The rice water poured off is good to stiffen muslins. Common Mode of Cooking Rice. To a pint of clean rice, put three quarts of cold water and a teaspoonful of salt. Boil it fifteen or twenty min- utes, then pour off the water, add milk and some cream, and let it boil a few minutes longer. It should not be so soft as to lose its form. In case you wish to fry it next morning, boil it long- '82 VEGETABLES. er in the water, and omit the milk, or not, as you please. It is always a good plan to boil a good deal, so as to have it next day for griddle cakes, or to cut in slices and fry. Best Mode of Cooking Tomatoes. This vegetable is much improved by cooking a long time. Immediately after breakfast, begin by boiling two onions. If they are not Uked, omit this part ; but it is best to make the trial, as some can eat this, who cannot take onions any other way comfortably. Pour boiling water over a dozen large tomatoes, and peel them. Cut them into a stew-pan ; add a tea-cup and a half of bread crumbs, a teaspoonful of black pep- per, a tablespoonful of salt, four tablespoon fu Is of butter, and also the cooked onion. Set them where they will stew very slowly all the forenoon, the longer the better. Fifteen minutes before serving them, beat up six eggs, and add, and give them a good boil, stirring all the time. (Indiana Receipt.) Sweet Potatoes. The best way to cook sweet potatoes is to bake them with their skins on. When boiled, the largest should be put in first, so as to have all cook alike. Drain them and dry them, then peel them. They are excellent sliced and fried for breakfast next day ; much better than at first. Artichokes. Boil them till tender, drain them, and serve them with melted butter. Stewed Egg Plant. Take the purple kind, stew till soft, take off the skin, mash it with butter and sweet herbs, grate bread over the top, and bake it till brown. OVENS, YEASTj BREAD, AND BISCUIT. 8? CHAPTER X. OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCIJIT. On Constructing and Heating an Oven. The best ovens are usually made thus. After the arch is formed, four or five bushels of ashes are spread over it, and then a covering of charcoal over that, then another layer of bricks over all. The use of this is, that the ashes become heated, and the charcoal being a non- conductor, the heat is retained much longer. In such an oven, cake and pies can be baked after the bread is taken out, and then custards after them. Sometimes four bakings are done in succession. The first time an oven is used, it should be heated the day previous for half a day, and the oven lid kept up after the fire is out, till heated for baking. As there is so little discretion to be found in those who heat ovens, the housekeeper will save much trouble and mortification by this arrangement. Have oven wood prepared of sticks of equal size and length. Find, by trial, how many are required to heat the oven, and then require that just that number be used, and no more. The fire must be made the back side of the oven, and the oven must be heated so hot as to allow it to be clo- sed fifteen minutes after clearing, before the heat is redu- ced enough to use it. This is called soaking. If it is burnt down entirely to ashes, the oven may be used as soon as cleared, How to know when an Oven is at the right Heat. An experienced cook will know without rules. For a novice, the following rules are of some use in determin- ing. If the black spots in the oven are not burnt oflf, it is not hot, as the bricks must all look red. If you sprin- kle flour on the bottom, and it burns quickly, it is too hot. 84 OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. If you cannot hold your hand in longer than to count twenty moderately, it is hot enough. If you can count thirty moderately, it is not hot enough for bread. These last are not very accurate tests, as the power to bear heat is so diverse in different persons ; but they are as good rules as can be given, where there has been no experience. How to knoio when Bread is Sour, or Heavy, If the bread is sour, on opening it quick and deeply with your fingers, and applying the nose to the opening, a tingling and sour odor escapes. This is remedied by taking a teaspoonful of saleratus, for every four quarts of flour, very thoroughly dissolved in hot water, which is to be put in a hole made in the middle, and very thorough- ly kneaded in, or there will be yellow streaks. If the bread is light and not sour, it will, on opening it deep and suddenly, send forth a pungent and brisk, but not a sour odor, and it will look full of holes, like sponge. Some may mistake the smell of light bread for that of sour bread, but a Httle practice will show the dif- ference very plainly. If the bread is light before the oven is ready, knead it a Httle without adding flour, and set it in a cool place. If it rises too much, it loses all sweetness, and noth- ing but care and experience will prevent this. The best of flour will not make sweet bread, if it is allowed to rise too much, even when no sourness is induced. How to treat Bread when taken from the Oven. Never set it flat on a table, as it sweats the bottom, and ac(iuires a bad taste from the table. Always take it out of the tins, and set it up end way, leaning against something. If it has a thick, hard crust, wrap it in a cloth wrung out of cold water. Keep it in a tin box, in a cool place, where it will not freeze. OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. 85 Yeast. The article in which yeast is kept must, when new yeast is made, or fresh yeast bought, be scalded and emptied, and then have a salt spoonful of saleratus put in, and be rinsed out again with warm water. If it is glass, rinsing twice with warm water will answer. Junk bot- tles are best for holding yeast, because they can be cork- ed tight, and easily cleansed. Potato Yeast. By those who use potato yeast, it is regarded as much the best, as it raises bread quicker than common home- brewed yeast, and, best of all, never imparts the sharp, disagreeable yeast taste to bread or cake, often given by hop yeast. Mash half a dozen peeled boiled potatoes, and mix in a handful of wheat fluur, and two teaspoonfuls of salt, and after putting it through a colander, add hot water till it is a batter. When blood warm, put in half a tea- cup of distillery yeast, or twice as much potato, or other home-brewed. When raised, keep it corked tight, and make it new very often in hot weather. If made with hop water, it will keep much longer. Home-made Yeast, which will keep Good a Month. Four quarts of water, two handfuls of hops, eight peeled potatoes, sliced, all boiled soft, mixed and strain- ed through a sieve. To this, add a batter, made one- third of Indian, and two-thirds of rye, in a pint of cold water, and then boil the whole ten minutes. When cool as new milk, add a tea-cup of molasses, a table- spoonful of ginger, and a tea-cup of distillery yeast, or twice as much home-brewed. Home-brewed Yeast more easily/ made. Boil a handful of hops half an hour in three pints of water. Pour half of it, boiling hot, through a sieve, on to nine spoonfuls of flour, mix, and then add the rest of the hop water. Add a spoonful of salt, half a cup of molasses, and when blood warm,, a cup of yeast. 8 86 OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. Hard Yeast. This often is very convenient, especially for hot weath- er, when it is difficult to keep yeast. Take some of the best yeast you can make, and thick- en it with Indian meal, and if you have rye, add a little to make it adhere better. Make it into cakes an inch thick, and three inches by two in size, and dry it in a drying wind, but not it the sun. Keep it tied in a bag, in a dry, cool place, where it will not freeze. One of these cakes is enough for four quarts of flour. When you wish to use it, put it to soak in milk or wa- ter for several hours, and then use it like other yeast. RubSy or Flour Hard Yeast. This is better than hard yeast made with Indian. Take two quarts of best home-brewed yeast, and a tablespoonful of salt, and mix in wheat flour, so that it will be in hard lumps. Set it in a dry, warm place (but not in the sun) till quite dry. Then leave out the fine parts to use the next baking, and put up the lumps in a bag, and hang it in a dry place. In using this yeast, take a pint of the rubs for six quarts of flour, and let it soak from noon till night. Then wet up the bread to bake next day. Brewer's and distillery yeast cannot be trusted to make hard yeast. Home-brewed is the best, and some house- keepers say, the only yeast for this purpose. Milk Yeast, One pint of new milk, and one teaspoonful of fine salt. One large spoonful of flour. Mix, and keep it blood warm an hour. Use twice as much as the common yeast. Bread soon spoils made of this. Wheat Bread of Distillery , or Brewer^s Yeast. Take eight quarts of flour, and two of milk, a table- i^poonful of salt, a gill and a half of distillery yeast, and sometimes rather more, if not first rate. Take double the quantity of home-brewed yeast. OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. 87 Sift the flour, then make an opening in the middle, pour in a part of the wetting, and put in the salt. Then mix in a good part of the flour. Then pour in the yeast, and mix it well, then add the rest of the wetting, using up the flour so as to make a stiff' dough. Knead it half an hour, till it cleaves clean from the hand. This cannot be wet over night, as, if the yeast is good, it will lise in one or two hours. Some persons Uke bread best wet with water, but most very much prefer bread wet with milk. If you have skimmed milk, warm it with a small bit of butter, and it is nearly as good as new milk. You need about a quart of wetting to four quarts of flour. Each quart of flour makes a common-sized loaf Wheat Bread of Home-brewed Yeast. Sift eight quarts of flour into the kneading tray, make a deep hole in the middle, pour into it a pint of yeast, mixed with a pint of lukewarm water, and then work up this with the surrounding flour, till it makes a thick batter. Then scatter a handful of flour over this bat- ter, lay a warm cloth over the whole, and set it in a warm place. This is called sponge. When the sponge is risen so as to make cracks in the flour over it (which will be in from three to five hours), then scatter over it two tablespoonfuls of salt, and put in about two quarts of wetting, warm, but not hot enough to scald the yeast, and sufficient to wet it. Be careful not to put in too much of the wetting at once. Knead the whole thoroughly for as much as half an hour, then form it into a round mass, scatter a httle flour over it, cover it, and set it to rise in a warm place. It usually will take about one quart of wetting to four quarts of flour. In winter, it is best to put the bread in sponge over night, when it must be kept warm all night. In sum- mer it can be put in sponge early in the morning, for if made over night, it would become sour. ft8 OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. Baker^s Bread, Take a gill of distillery yeast, or twice as much fresh home-brewed yeast, add a quart of warm (not hot) wa- ter, and flour enough to make a thin batter, and let it rise in a warm place all night. This is the sponge. Next day, put seven quarts of sifted flour into the kneading tray, make a hole in the centre, and pour in the sponge. I'hen dissolve a bit of volatile salts, and a bit of alum, each the size of a hickory-nut, and finely powdered, in a little cold water, and add it, with a heap- ing tablespoonful of salt, to the sponge, and also a quart more of blood- warm water. AVork up the flour and wetting to a dough, knead it well, divide it into three or four loaves, prick it with a fork, put it in buttered pans, and let it rise one hour, and then bake it about an hour. Add more flour, or more water, as you find the dough too stiflT, or too soft. A teaspoonful of saleratus can be used instead of the volatile salts and alum, but it is not so good. Wheat Bread of Potato Yeast. This is made like bread made with home-brewed yeast, except that you may put in almost any quantity of the potato yeast without injury. Those w^ho use po- tato yeast like it much better than any other. The only objection to it is, that in summer it must be made often, as it wall not keep sweet long. But it is very easily renewed. The chief advantage is, that it rises quick, and never gives the sharp and peculiar taste so often imparted to l3read and cake by all yeast made with hops. Potato Bread. Rub a dozen peeled and boiled potatoes through a very coarse sieve, and mix with them twice the quantity of flour, mixing very thoroughly. Put in a cofiee-cup full of home-brewed, or of potato yeast, or half as much of dis- tillery yeast, also a teaspoonful of salt. Add whatever water may be needed to make a dough as stift" as for common flour bread. OYENS, YEAST, BBEAD, AH© BISCmT. §9 An ounce or two of butter rubbed into the flour, and an egg beat and put into the yeast, and you can have fine roils, or warm cal?:e3 for breakfast. This kind of bread is very moist, and keeps well. Cream Tartar Bread. Three pints of dried flour, measured after sifting. Two cups of milk. Half a teaspoonful of salt. One teaspoonful of soda (Super Carbonate). Two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar. Dissolve the soda in half a tea-cup of hot water, am put it with the salt into the milk. Mix the cream tar tar very thoroughly in the flour : the whole success de pends OQ this. Just as you are ready to bake, pour in the milk, knead it up sufficiently to mix it well, and then put it in the oven as quick as possible. Add either more flour or more wetting, if needed, to make dough to 'mould. Work in half a cup of butter after it is wet, and it makes good short biscuit. Eastern Brown Bread. One quart of rye. Two quarts of Indian meal : if fresh and sweet, do not scald it ; if not, scald it. Half a tea-cup of molasses. Two teaspoonfuls of salt. One teaspoonful of saleratus. A tea-cup of home-brewed yeast, or half as much dis- tillery yeast. Make it as stiff as can be stirred with a spoon with warm water. Let it rise from night till morning. Then put it in a large deep pan, and smooth the top with the hand dipped in cold water, and let it stand a while. Bake five or six hours. If put in late in the day, let it remain all night in the oven. Rj/e Bread. A quart of water, and as much milk. Two teaspoonfuls of salt, and a tea-cup of Indian meal. 8* 96 OVBNS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. A tea-cup full of home-brewed yeast, or half as much distillery yeast. Make it as stiff as wheat bread, with rye flour. Rice Bread. — No. 1. One pint of rice, boiled till soft. Two quarts of rice flour, or wheat flour. A teaspoonful of salt. A tea-cup of home-brewed, or half as much distillery yeast. Milk to make it so as to mould like wheat bread. Rice Bread. — No. 2. Three half pints of ground rice. Two teaspoonfuls (not heaping) of salt. Two gills of home-brewed yeast. Three quarts of milk, or milk and water. Mix the rice with cold milk and water to a thin gruel, and boil it three minutes. Then stir in wheat flour till as stiff as can be stirred with a spoon. When blood warm, add the j^east. This keeps moist longer than No. 1. Bread of Unbolted Wheat, or Graham Bread. Three pints of warm water. One tea-cup of Indian meal, and one of wheat flour. Three great spoonfuls of molasses, or a tea-cup of brown sugar. One teaspoonful of salt, and one teaspoonful of salera- tus, dissoh^ed in a httle hot water. One tea-cup of yeast. Mix the above, and stir in enough unbolted wheat flour to make it as stiff as you can work with a spoon. Some put in enough to mould it to loaves. Try both. If made with home-brewed yeast, put it to rise over night. If with distillery yeast, make it in the morning, and bake when light. In loaves the ordinaiy size, bake one hour and a half. Apple Bread. Mix stewed and strained apple, or grated apple un- OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. 9'^ cooked, with an equal quantity of wheat flour ; add yeast enough to raise it, and mix sugar with the apple, enough to make it quite sweet. Make it in loaves, and bake it an hour and a half, like other bread. Pumpkin Bread. Stew and strain some pumpkin, stiffen it with Indian meal, add salt and yeast, and it makes a most excellent kind of bread. Walnut HilVs Brown Bread. One quart of sour milk, and one teaspoonful of salt. One teaspoonful of pulverized saleratus, and one tea- cup of molasses put into the milk. Thicken with unbolted wheat, and bake immediately, and you have first-rate bread, with very little trouble. French Rolls, or Twists. One quart of lukewarm milk. One teaspoonful of salt. A large tea-cup of home-brewed yeast, or half as much distillery yeast. Flour enough to make a stiff batter. Set it to rise, and when very light, work in one egg and two spoonfuls of butter, and knead in flour till stiff enough to roll. Let it rise again, and when very light, roll out, cut in strips, and braid it. Bake thirty minutes on buttered tins. Yorkshire Raised Biscuit. Make a batter with flour and one pint of milk scald- ing hot. When milk warm add one teacup of home- brewed yeast, (potato is best,) and half a teaspoonful of salt. Let it rise till very hght, then add two-thirds of a tea- spoonful of soda, two eggs, and a great spoonful of melted butter. Add flour enough to make it not very stiff, but just so as to mould it. Make it into small round cakes, and let it rise fifteen minutes. 92 OVENS, YEAST, BREAD, AND BISCUIT. Yery Nice Rusk. One pint of milk. One coffee-cup of yeast. (Potato is best.) Four eggs. Flour enough to make it as thick as you can stir with a spoon. Let it rise till very light, but be sure it is not sour ; if it is, work in half a teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a wine-glass of warm water. When thus light, work together three quarters of a pound of sugar and nine ounces of butter ; add more flour, if needed, to make it stiff enough to mould. Let it rise again, and when very light, mould it into small cakes. Bake fifteen minutes in a quick oven, and after taking it out, mix a little milk and sugar, and brush over the rusk, while hot, with a small swab of hnen tied to a stick, and dry it in the oven. When you have weighed these proportions once, then measure the quan- tity, so as to save the trouble of weighing afterward. Write the measures in your receipt-book, lest you forget. Potato Biscuit. Twelve pared potatoes, boiled soft and mashed fine, and two teaspoonfuls of salt. Put all through a col- ander. Mix the potatoes and milk, add half a tea-cup of yeast, and flour enough to mould them well. Then work in a cup of butter. When risen, mould them into small cakes, then let them stand in buttered pans fifteen min- utes before baking. Crackers. One quart of flour, with two ounces of butter rubbed in. One teaspoonful of saleratus in a wine-glass of warm water. Half a teaspoonful of salt, and milk enough to roll it out. Beat it half an hour with a pestle, cut it in thin round cakes, prick them, and set them in the oven when other things are taken out. Let them bake till crisp. OVENS, Yeast, bread, and biscuit. 93 Hard Biscuit. One quart of flour, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Four great spoonfuls of butter, rubbed into two-thirds of the flour. ■ Wet it up with milk till a dough ; roll it out again and again, sprinkling on the reserved flour, till all is used. Cut into round cakes, and bake in a quick oven on buttered tins. Sour Milk Biscuit. A pint and a half of sour milk, or buttermilk. Two teaspoonfuls of salt. Two teaspoonfuls of saleratus, dissolved in four great spoonfuls of hot water. Mix the milk in flour till nearly stiff enough to roll, then put in the saleratus, and add more flour. Mould up quickly, and bake immediately. Shortening for raised biscuit or cake should always be worked in after it is wet up. A good Way to use Sour Bread. When a batch of bread is sour, let it stand till verp light, and use it to make biscuit for tea or breakfast, thus : Work into a portion of it, saleratus dissolved in warm water, enough to sweeten it, and a little shortening, and mould it into small biscuits, bake it, and it is uncom- monly good. It is so much liked that some persons allow bread to turn sour for the purpose. Bread can be kept on hand for this use any length of time. W' BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. CHAPTER XI. BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. General Directions for Griddle and other Break- fast Cakes. The best method of greasing a griddle is, to take a bit of salt pork, and rub over with a fork. This pre- vents adhesion, and yet does not allow the fat to soak into what is to be cooked. In putting cakes on to griddles, be careful to form them a regular round shape, and put on only one at each dip, and so as not to spill between the cakes. In frying mush, cold rice slices, and hominy cakes, cut them half an inch thick, and fry in fresh lard, with enough to brown them handsomely. Make the slices smooth and regular. Buckwheat Cakes wet with Water. Take a quart of buckwheat flour, and nearly an even tablespoonful of salt. Stir in warm water, till it is the consistency of thin batter. Beat it thoroughly. Add two tablespoonfuls of yeast, if distillery, or twice as much if home-brewed. Set the batter where it will be a little warm through the night. Some persons never stir them after they have risen, but take them out carefully with a large spoon. Add a teaspoonful of pearlash in the morning, if they are sour. Sift it over the surface, and stir it well. Some persons like to add one or two tablespoonfuls of molasses, to give them a brown color, and more sweet- ness of taste. Extemj)ore Buckwheat Cakes. Three pints of buckwheat. BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. 95 One teaspoonful carbonate of soda, dissolved in watei enough to make a batter, and when mixed, add a tea- spoonful of tartaric acid, dissolved in a few spoonfuls of hot water. Mix it in, and bake immediately. Use salt pork to grease the griddle. Buckwheat Cakes wet with Milk. One quart of flour, and in winter stir in lukewarm milk, till it is a thin batter, and beat it thoroughly, ad- ding nearly an even tablespoonful of salt. Add a small tea-cup of Indian meal, two tablespoon- fuls of distillery yeast, or a good deal more if home-brew- ed ; say half a tea-cup full. Set it where it will keep warm all night, and in the morning add a teaspoonful of saleratus, sifted over the top, and well stirred in. If sour, add more saleratus. This is the best kind of buck- wheat cakes. Griddle Cakes of Unbolted Wheat. A quart of unbolted wheat, and a teaspoonful of salt. Wet it up with water, or sweet milk, in which is dis- solved a teaspoonful of saleratus. Add three spoonfuls of molasses. Some raise this with yeast, and leave out the saleratus. Sour milk and saleratus are not as good for unbolted as for fine flour. These are better and more healthful cakes than buckwheat. Best Rice Griddle Cakes. A pint and a half of solid cold boiled rice, put the night before in a pint of water or milk to soak. One quart of milk, added the next morning. One quart of flour stirred into the rice and milk. Two eggs, well beaten. Half a teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a little hot water. One teaspoonful of salt. Bake on a griddle. Stale, or rusked bread in fine crumbs, are very nice made into griddle cakes by the above rule ; or they can 96 BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. be mixed with the rice. The rice must be well salted when boiled. • A very delicate Omelet. Six eggs, the whites beaten to a stiff froth, and the yolks well Ijeaten. A tea-cup full of warm milk, with a tablespoonful of butter melted in it. A tablespoonful of flour, wet to a paste with a Uttle of the milk and poured to the milk. A teaspoonful of salt, and a little pepper. Mix all except the whites ; add those last ; bake im- mediately, in a flat pan, or spider, on coals, and when the bottom is done, raise it up towards the fire, and bake the top, or cover with an iron sheet, and put coals on it. The remnants of ham, cut fine and added, improve this. Some Uke sweet herbs added, and some fine-cut onion. Wheat Waffles. One quart of flour, and a teaspoonful of salt. One quart of milk, with a tablespoonful of melted but- ter in it, and mixed with the flour gradually, so as not to have lumps. Three tablespoonfuls of distillery yeast. When rais- ed, two well-beaten eggs. Bake in waflfle irons well oiled with lard each time they are used. Lay one side on coals, and in about two minutes turn the other side to the coals. Miss B.^s Waffles {without yeast). One quart of flour, and a teaspoonful of salt. One quart of sour milk, with two tablespoonfuls of butter melted in it. Five well-beaten eggs. A teaspoonful or more of sal- eratus, enough to sweeten the milk. Baked in waflie irons. Some like one tea-cup full of sugar added. Rice Waffles. A quart of milk. BREAKFAST Ax\D TEA CAKES. 97 A tea-cup of solid boiled rice, soaked three hours in half the milk. A pint and a half of wheat flour, or rice flour. Three well-beaten eggs. Bake in waffle irons. The rice must be salted enough when boiled. Good Cakes for Tea^ or Breakfast. One pint of milk, and a salt spoonful of salt. One teaspoonful of molasses, and a great spoonful of butter. One Qgg well beaten, and two tablespoon fuls of dis- tillery yeast, or twice as much home-brewed. Stir the ingredients into flour enough to make a stifl* batter. Let it rise all night, or if for tea, about five hours. Add a salt spoonful of saleratus just before baking it, dis- solved in w^arm water. Bake in shallow pans, in a quick oven, half an hour. Fried Rice for Breakfast. Boil the rice quite soft the day before, so that it will adhere well. For breakfast, cut it in slices an inch thick, cook it on a griddle, with enough sweet lard to fry it brown. Cold mush is good in the same way. It must be salted properly when boiling. Fried Hominy. When cold hominy is left of the previous day, it is very good wet up with an egg and a little flour, and fried. Rye Drop Cake [excellent). One pint of milk, and three eggs. A tablespoonful of sugar, and a salt spoonful of salt. Stir in rye flour, till about the consistency of pancakes. Bake in buttered cups, or saucers, half an hour. Wheat Drop Cake. One pint of milk, and a little cream. Three eggs, and a salt spoonful of salt. 98 BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. With these materials make a thick batter of wheat flour, or unbolted flour. Drop on tins, and bake about twenty minutes. If unbolted flour is used, add a great spoonful of molasses. Corn Griddle Cakes with Yeast. Three coflfee-cups of Indian meal, sifted. One coffee-cup of either rye meal, Graham flour, or flne flour. Two tablespoonfuls of yeast, and a salt spoonful of salt. Wet at night with sour milk or water, as thick as pan- cakes, and in the morning add one teaspoonful of pearl- ash. Bake on a griddle. If Graham flour is used, add a very little molasses. Pilgrim Cake. Rub two spoonfuls of butter into a quart of flour, and wet it to dough with cold water. Rake open a place in the hottest part of the hearth, roll out the dough into a cake an inch thick, flour it well both sides, and lay it on hot ashes. Cover it Avith hot ashes, and then with coals. When cooked, wipe off the ashes, and it will be very sweet and good. The Kentucky corn cake, and common dough, can be baked the same way. This method was used by our pilgrim and pioneer forefathers. Sour Milk Corn Cake. One quart of sour milk, or buttermilk. A large teaspoonful of pearlash. A teaspoonful of salt. Stir the milk into the meal enough to make a stifT bat- ter, over night. In the morning dissolve the pearlash in warm water. Stir it up quickly, and bake it in shallow pans. If the milk is sweet, it should be made sour by adding to it a tablespoon ful of vinegar. BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. 99 Corn Muffins [from the South). One pint of sifted meal, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Two tablespoonfuls of melted lard. A teaspoonful of saleratus, in two great spoonfuls of hot water. Wet the above with sour milk, as thick as for mush or hasty pudding, and bake in buttered rings on a buttered tin. Cor7i Griddle Cakes with Eggs. Turn one quart of boiling milk, or water, on to a pint of Indian meal. When lukewarm, add three tablespoonfuls of flour, three eggs well beaten, and a teaspoonful of salt. Bake on a griddle. Sachem^s Head Corn Cake. One quart sifted Indian meal, and a teaspoonful of salt. Three pints of scalded milk cooled^ and a teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in two spoonfuls of hot water, and put into it. Beat eight eggs, and mix all together. Bake one hour in pans, like sponge cake. It looks, when broken, like sponge cake, and is very fine. If the whites are cut to a froth, and put in, just as it goes to bake, it improves it very much. Some think this improved by adding a tea-cup of sugar. Much de- pends on the baking, and if you fail, it is probably owing to the baking. Royal Crum,pets. Three tea-cups of raised dough. . Four great spoonfuls of melted butter, worked into the dough. Three well-beaten eggs. One tea-cup of rolled sugar, beaten into the eggs. Turn it into buttered pans, and bake twenty minutes. Some like them better without the sugar. 100 BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. Bachclor^s Corn Cake. A pint of sifted corn meal, and a teaspoonful of salt. Two spoonfuls of butter, and a quarter of a cup of cream. Two eggs well beaten. Add milk, till it is a thin fritter batter, and bake in deep tin pans. Beat it well, and bake with a quick heat, and it rises like pound cake. Mrs. W:s Corn Cake. One pint of milk, and one pint of cream. Two eggs, well beaten, and a teaspoonful of salt. A teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a little hot water. Indian meal, enough to make a thick batter. Throw the salt into the meal. Then stir in the milk and cream slowly. Beat the eggs, and add them. Add the saleratus last. Bake it one hour in shallow pans, well buttered. Corn Muffins. One quart of Indian meal,, sifted. A heaping spoonful of butter. One quart of milk, and a salt spoonful of salt. Two tablespoonfuls of distillery yeast, and one of mo- lasses. Let it rise four or five hours. Bake in muffin rings. The same will answer to bake in shallow pans, like corn cake. Bake one hour. Graham, or unbolted flour, is good made by this re- ceipt. Savoy Biscuit. Beat six eggs into one pound of sugar, until white. Grate the outside of a lemon into it, mix in three quar- ters of a pound of flour, and drop them on buttered paper, a spoonful at a time. Cream Cakes. One quart of cream. BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. 101 One quart of sifted flour. One salt spoon of salt. A wine-glass of distillery yeast, or twice as much home-brewed. When quite light, bake in cups, or muffin rings. Wheat Muffins. One pint of milk, and two eggs. One tablespoonful of yeastj and a salt spoonful of salt. 'Mix these ingredients with sufficient flour to make a thick batier. Let it rise four or Ave hours, and bake in muffin rings. This can be made of unbolted flour, ad- ding two great spoonfuls of molasses, and it is very fine. Albany Breakfast Cakes. Ten well-beaten eggs. Three pints of milk, blood warm. A quarter of a pound of melted butter, and two tea- spoonfuls of salt. A teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a spoonful of hot water. Make a thick batter with white Indian meal, and bake in buttered tins, an inch thick when put in. Bake thirty or forty minutes, in a quick oven. Sally Lunn. Seven cups of sifted flour. Half a tea-cup of butter, warmed in a pint of milk. One salt spoonful of salt, and three well-beaten eggs. Two tablespoon fuls brewer's yeast. If the yeast is home-made, use twice as much. Pour this into square pans, to rise, and then bake it before it sours. With brewer's, or distillery yeast, it will rise in two or three hours, and must not be made over night. With home-brewed yeast, it rises in four or five hours. Cream Tea Cakes. One quart of flour, and a teaspoonful of salt. 102 BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. One pint of sour cream, and half a tea-cup of melted butter. Half a teaspoonful of saleratus, in a spoonful of hot water. Mix lightly in dough, to mould in small cakes and bake in bultered tins. Buttermilk Short Cakes. Two quarts of flour, and a teaspoonful of salt. Rub in two tea-cups full of soft butter, or lard, or beef drippings. Work it up into a paste, with sour milk or butter- milk, and add a heaping teaspoonful of saleratus, dis- solved in a spoonful ol" hot water. Make a soft dough, and mould it into cakes, and bake it in buttered tins. If the shortening is fresh, add an- other teaspoonful of salt. Wafers. Two tablespoon fuls of rolled white sugar. Two tablespoonfuls of butter. One coffee-cup of flour, and essence of lemon, or rose water to flavor. Add milk enough for a thick batter, bake in wafer irons, buttered, and then strew on white sugar. Pennsylvania Flannel Cakes. One quart of milk, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Three eggs, the whites beaten sepaiately to a stiff froth. Mix the milk, salt, and yolks, stir in flour till a bat- ter is made, suitable for griddle cakes. Then, when ready to bake, stir in the whites. Rye Jlour is very fine, used in this way, instead of wheat, i3ut the cakes adhere so much that it is difficult to bake them. Many love them much better than the wheat. Kentucky Corn Dodgers. Three pints of imsifted yellow corn meal. BREAKFAST AND TEA CAKES. 103 One tablespoonful (heaped) of lard.. One pint of milk. Work it well, and bake in cakes the size of the hand, and an inch thick. Ohio Corn Cake. One pint of thick sour cream, and one quart of milk, or buttermilk. If cream cannot be got, add a table- spoonful of melted lard, or butter. Dissolve enough saleratus in the above to sweeten it, and thicken with yellow corn meal to the consistency of pound cake. Put it in buttered pans, an inch thick, and bake in a quick oven. Scarborough Puffs. Take one pint of new milk, and boil it. Take out one cup full, and stir in to it flour enough to make a thick batter. Pour this into the hoiling milk. Stir and boil until the whole is thick enough to hold a silver spoon standing upright. Then take it from the fire, and stir in six eggs, one by one. Add a teaspoonful of salt, and less than a tablespoonful of butter. Drop them by the spoonful into boiling lard, and fry Hke doughnuts. Grate on the outside sugar and spice. — (Maine Receipt.) Cream Griddle Cakes. One pint of thick cream, and a pint of milk. Three eggs, and a teaspoonful of salt. Make a batter of fine flour, and bake on a griddle. Crumpets. A quart of warm milk, and a teaspoonful of salt. Half a gill of distillery yeast, and flour enough for a natter, not very stiff. When hght, add half a cup of melted butter, or a cup of rich cream, let it stand twenty minutes, and then bake it as muffins, or in cups. 104 PLAi:< PUDDINGS AND PIES. Fine Cottage Cheese. Let the milk be turned by rennet, or by setting it in a warm place. It must not be heated, as the oily parts will then pass off, and the richness is lost. When fully turned, put it in a coarse linen bag, and hang it to drain several hours, till all the whey is out. Then mash it fine, salt it to the taste, and thin it with good cream, or add but little cream and roll it into balls. When thin, it is very fine with preserves or sugared fruit. It also makes a fine pudding, by thinning it with milk, and adding eggs and sugar, and spice to the taste, and baking it. Many persons use milk when turned for a dessert, putting on sugar and spice. Children are fond of it. CHAPTER XII. PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. Creneral Directions in regard to Puddings and Custards. Make pudding-bags of thick close sheeting, to shut out the water. Before putting in the pudding, put the bag in water, and wring it out, then flour the inside thoroughly. In tying it, leave room to swell ; flour and Indian need a good deal, and are hard and heavy if cramped. Put an old plate in the bottom of the pot, to keep the bag from burning to the pot. Turn the pudding afier it has been in five minutes, to keep the heavy parts from settling. Keep the pudding covered with water, and do not let it stop boiling, as this will tend to make it water soaked. Fill up with boiling water, as cold would spoil the pudding. Dip the bag a moment in cold water, just before turning out the pudding. PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 105 Avoid stale eggs. When eggs are used, the whites should be beat separately, and put in the last thing. In many cases, success depends upon this. Never put eggs into very hot milk, as it will poach them. Wash the salt out of butter used to butter pans, as otherwise it im- parts a bad taste to the outside. Put almonds in hot water till you are ready to blanch, or skin them, and put orange, or rose water with them when you pound them, to prevent adhesion. Boil cus- tards in a vessel set in boihng water. Little GirVs Pie. Take a deep dish, the size of a soup plate, fill it, heap- ing, with peeled tart apples, cored and quartered ; pour over it one tea-cup of molasses, and three great spoon- fuls of sugar, dredge over this a considerable quantity of flour, enough to thicken the syrup a good deal. Cover it with a crust made of cream, if you have it, if not, com- mon dough, with butter worked in, or plain pie crust, and lap the edge over the dish, and pinch it down tight, to keep the syrup from running out. Bake about an hour and a half. Make several at once, as they keep well. Little Boy^s Pudding, One tea-cup of rice. One tea-cup of sugar. One half tea-cup of butter. One quart of milk. Nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt to the taste. Put the butter in melted, and mix all in a pudding dish, and bake it two hours, stirring it frequently} until the rice is swollen. This is good made without butter. Children's Fruit Dumpling. Invert a plate in a preserve kettle, or an iron or brass kettle. Put in a quart or more of sliced apples or pears. Put in no water or sugar, but simply roll out some com- 106 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. mon dough an inch thick, and just large enough to cov- er them, "and hang it over the fire fifteen or twenty min- utes. When the fiuit is cooked the dough will have risen to a fine putf, and also be cooked. There must not be any thing laid on the top of the dough to prevent it from rising, but the kettle may be covered. When it is done, take olf the dough cover, with a fork and skimmer, put it on to a plate, pour the fruit into a round dish, put the cover on, and eat it with a sweet sauce. It is more healthful, and much better than dumplings boiled the common way. Birth-day Pudding. Butter a deep dish, and lay in slices of bread and but- ter, wet with milk, and upon these sliced tart apples, sweetened and spiced. Then lay on another layer of bread and butter and apples, and continue thus till the dish is filled. Let the top layer be bread and butter, and dip it in milk, turning the buttered side down. Any other kind of fruit will answer as well. Put a plate on the top, and bake two hours, then take it off and bake another hour. Children's Boiled Fruit Pudding. Take light dough and work in a little butter, roll it out into a very thin large layer, not a quarter of an inch thick: Cover it thick with strawberries, and put on sugar, roll it up tight, double it once or twice and fasten up the ends. Tie it up in a bag, giving it room to swell. Eat it with butter, or sauce not very sweet. Blackberries, whortleberries, raspberries, apples, and peaches, all make excellent puddings in the same way. English Curd Pie. One quart of milk. A bit of rennet to curdle it. Press out the whey, and put into the curds three eggs, a nutmeg, and a tablespoonful of brandy. Bake it in paste, like custard. PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 107 Fruit Fritters. A pint of milk. A pint and a half of flour. Two teaspoonfuls of salt. Six eggs, and a pint of cream if you have it ; if not, a pint of milk with a little butter melted in it. Mix with this, either blackberries, raspberiies, currants, gooseberries, or sliced apples or peaches, and fry it in small cakes in sweet lard. Eat with a sauce of butter beat with sugar, and flavored with wine or nutmeg, or grated lemon peel. Common Apple Pie. Pare your apples, and cut them from the core. Line your dishes with paste, and put in the apple ; cover and bake until the fruit is tender. Then take them from the oven, remove the upper crust, and put in sugar and nut- meg, cinnamon or rose water to your taste ; a bit of sweet butter improves them. Also, to put in a Kttle orange peel before they are baked, makes a pleasant variety. Common apple pies are very good to stew, sweeten, and flavor the apple before they are put into the oven. Many prefer the seasoning baked in. All apple pies are much nicer if the apple is grated and then seasoned. Plain. Custard. Boil half a dozen peach leaves, or the rind of a lemon, or a vanilla bean in a quart of milk ; when it is flavor- ed, pour into it a paste made by a tablespoonful of rice flour, or: common flour, wet up with two spoonfuls of cold milk, and stir it till it boils again. Then beat up four eggs and put in, and sweeten it to your taste, and pour it out for pies or pudding. A Richer Custard. Beat to a froth six eggs and three spoonfuls sifted sugar, add it to a quart of milk, flavor it to your taste, and pour it out into cups, or pie plates. .-r 108 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. Another Custard. Boil six peach leaves, or a lemon peel, in a quart of milk, till it is flavored ; cool it, add three spoonfuls of suo"ar, and five egcrs beaten to a froth. Put the custard into a tin pail, set it in boiling water, and stir it till cook- ed enough. Then turn it into cups, or, if preferred, it can be baked. Mush, or Hasty Pudding. Wet up the Indian meal in cold water, till there are no kimps, stir it gradually into boiling water which has been salted, till so thick that the stick will stand in it. Boil slowly, and so as not to burn, stirring often. Two or three hours' boiling is needed. Pour it into a broad, deep dish, let it grow cold, cut it into slices half an inch thick, flour them, and fry them on a griddle with a httle lard, or bake, them in a stove oven. Stale Bread Fritters {fine). Cut stale bread in thick slices, and put it to soak for several hours in cold milk. Then fry it in sweet lard, and eat it with sugar, or molasses, or a sweet sauce. To make it more delicate, take off the crusts. To prepare Rennet. Put three inches square of calf's rennet to a pint of wine, and set it away for use. Three tablespoon fuls will serve to curdle a quart of milk. Re7inet Custard. Put three tablespoonfuls of rennet wine to a quart of milk, and add four or five great spoonfuls of white sugar, flavor it with wine, or lemon, or rose water. It must be eaten in an hour or it will turn to curds. Bird^s Nest Pudding. Pare tart, well-flavored apples, scoop out the cores PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 109 without dividing the apple, put them in a deep dish with a small bit of mace, and a spoonful of sugar in the open- ing of each apple. Pour in water enough to cook them ; when soft, pour over them an unbaked custard, so as just to cover them, and bake till the custard is done. A Minute Pudding of Potato Starch. Four heaped tablespoon fuls of potato flour. Three eggs, and half a teaspoonful of salt. One quart of milk. Boil the milk, reserving a little to moisten the flour. Stir the flour to a paste, perfectly smooth, with the re- served milk, and put it into the boiling milk. Add the eggs well beaten, let it boil till very thick, which will be in two or three minutes, then pour into a dish and serve with liquid sauce. After the milk boils, the pudding must be stirred every moment till done. Tapioca Pudding. Soak eight tablespoonfuls of tapioca in a quart of warm milk till soft, then add two tablespoonfuls of melted but- ter, five eggs well beaten, spice, sugar, and wine to your taste. Bake in a buttered dish, without any lining. Sago Pudding. Cleanse the sago in hot water, and boil half a pound in a quart of milk with a stick of mace or cinnamon, stirring very often, lest it burn. When soft, take out the spice and add half a cup of melted butter, four heap- ing spoonfuls of sugar, six eggs, and,* if you like, some Zante currants, strewed on just as it is going into the oven. Cocoanut Pudding (Plain). One quart of milk. Five eggs. One cocoanut, grated. The eggs and sugar ai-e beaten together, and stiiTed 10 110 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. into the milk when hot. Strain the milk and eggs, and add the cocoanut, with nutmeg to the taste. Bake about twenty ninutes like puddings. New England Squash, or Pumpkin Pie. Take a pumpkin, or winter squash, cut in pieces, take off the rind and remove the seeds, and boil it until tender, then rub it through a sieve. When cold, add to it milk to thin it, and to each quart of milk three well-beaten eggs. Sugar, cinnamon, and ginger to your taste. The quantity of milk must depend upon the size and quality of the squash. These pies require a moderate heat, and must be baked until the centre is firm. Ripe Fruit Pies. Peachy Cherry^ Plum, Currant, and Strawberry. — Line your dish with paste. After picking over and washing the fruit carefully (peaches must be pared, and the rest picked from the stem), place a layer of fruit and a layer of sugar in your dish, until it is well filled, then cover it with paste, and trim the edge neatly, and prick the cover. Fruit pies require about an hour to bake in a thoroughly heated oven. Batter Pudding. One quart of milk. Twelve tablespoonfuls of flour. Nine eggs. A teaspoonful of salt. Beat the yolks thoroughly, stir in the flour, and add the milk slowly. Beat the whites of the eggs to a froth and add the last thing. Tie in a floured bag, and put it in boiling water, and boil two hour's. Allow room to swell. Mock Cream. Beat three eggs well, and add three heaping teaspoon- fuls of sifted flour. Stir it into a pint and a half of boil- PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. Ill ing milk, add a salt-spoon of salt, and sugar to your taste. Flavor with rose water, or essence of lemon. This can be used for cream cakes, or pastry. Bread Pudding. Three pints of boiled milk. Eleven ounces of grated bread. Half a pound of sugar. A quarter of a pound of butter. Five eggs. Pour the boiling milk over the bread, stir the butter and sugar well together, and put them into the bread and milk. When cool enough, add the eggs, well beaten. Three quarters of an hour will bake it. A richer pudding may be made from the above recipe by using twice as much butter and eggs. /Sunderland Pudding- Six eggs. Three spoonfuls of flour. One pint of milk. A pinch of salt. Beat the yolks well, and mix them smoothly with the flour, then add the milk. Lastly, whip the whites to a stiff froth, work them in, and bake immediately. To be eaten with a liquid sauce. An Excellent Aj)ple Pie. Take fair apples ; pare, core, and quarter them. Take four tablespoon fuls of powdered sugar to a pie. Put into a preserving pan, with the sugar, water enough to make a thin syrup ; throw in a few blades of mace, boil the apple in the syrup until tender, a httle at a time, so as not to break the pieces. Take them out with care, and lay them in soup dishes. When you have preserved apple enough for your num- ber of pies, add to the remainder of the syrup, cinnamon and rose water, or any other spice, enough to flavor it well, and divide it among the pies. Make a good paste, and line the rim of the dishes, and then cover them, leaving 112 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. the pies without an under crust. Bake them a light brown. Boiled Apple Pudding. One quarter of a pound of butter. One pound of flour. Two dozen apples. Make a plain paste of the flour and butter. Sprinkle your pudding-bag with flour, roll the paste thin, and lay inside of the bag, and fill the crust with apples nicely pared and cored. Draw the crust together, and cut off any extra paste about the folds ; tie the bag tight, and put it into boihng water. Boil it two hours. A layer of rice, nicely picked and washed, sprinkled inside tlie bag, instead of crust, makes a very good pudding, called an Avalanche. Common dough rolled out makes a fine crust for the above, especially with a httle butter worked in it. It is more healthful than the unleavened crust. Spiced Apple Tarts. Rub stewed or baked apples through a sieve, sweeten them, and add powdered mace and cinnamon enough to flavor them. If the apples are not very tart, squeeze in the juice of a lemon. Some persons like the peel of the lemon grated into it. Line soup dishes with a light crust, double on the rim, and fill ihem and bake them until the crust is done. Little bars of crust, a quarter of an inch in width, crossed on the top of the tart before it is baked, is ornamental. Boiled Indian Pudding. Three pints of milk. Ten heaping tablespoon fuls of sifted Indian meal. Half a pint of molasses. Two eggs. Scald the meal with the milk, add the molasses, and a teaspoonful of salt. Put in the eggs when it is cool enough not to scald them. Put in a tablespoonful of PLAIN PUDDINGS ANI) PIES. 113 ginger. Tie the bag so that it will be about two-thirds full of the pudding, in order to give room to swell. The longer it is boiled the better. Some like a little chopped suet with the above. Baked Indian Pudding. Three pints of milk. Ten heaping tablespoonfuls of Indian meal. Three gills of molasses. A piece of butter, as large as a hen's egg. Scald the meal with the milk, and stir in the butter and molasses, and bake four or five hours. Some add a little chopped suet in place of the butter. Rice BallSj or German Pudding. Two tea-cups of rice. One quart of milk. Pour ounces of sugiar. One wine-glass of wine. Spice to the taste. Wash the rice carefully, and throw it in a pan of boil- ing salted water. Let it boil very fast seventeen min- utes, then pour off the water, and in its place put one- third of the milk, and a stick of cinnamon. Let it boil till it is as thick as very stiff hasty pudding, then put in half the sugar ; fill small tea-cups with this rice, and set them to cool. When cool, turn out the rice on to a large dish, pour over it a syllabub (not whipped), made of the remaining milk and sugar, with the wine. It is still better made with a syllabub of rich cream, and whipped. Apple Custard. Take half a dozen very tart apples, and take off the skin and cores. Cook them till they begin to be soft, in half a tea-cup of water. Then put them in a pudding dish, and sugar them. Then beat eight eggs with four spoonfuls of sugar, mix it with three pints of milk ; pour it over the apples, and bake for about half an hour. 10* 114 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. RJniharh Pie. Cut the stalks of the rhubarb into small pieces, and stew them with some lemon peel till tender. Strain them, sweeten to your taste, and add as many eggs as you can afford. Line pie plates with paste, and bake it like tarts, without upper crust. Plain Macaroni or Vermacelli Puddings. Put two ounces of macaroni, or vermacelli, into a pint of milk, and simmer until tender. Flavor it by putting in two or three sticks of cinnamon while boiling, or some other spice when done. Then beat up three eggs, mix in an ounce of sugar, half a pint of milk, and a glass of wine. Add these to the macaroni or vermaceUi, and bake in a slow oven. Green Corn Pudding. Twelve ears of corn, grated. Sweet corn is best. One pint and a half of milk. Four well-beaten eggs. One tea-cup and a half of sugar. Mix the above, and bake it three hours in a buttered dish. More sugar is needed if common corn is used. Bread Pudding for Invalids, or Young Children. Grate half a pound of stale bread, add a pinch of salt, and pour on a pint of hot milk, and let it soak half an hour. Add two well-beaten eggs, put it in a covered basin just large enough to hold it, tie it in a pudding cloth, and boil it half an hour ; or put it in a buttered pan in an oven, and bake it that time. Make a sauce of thin sweet cream, sweetened with sugar, and flavored with rose water or nutmeg. Plain Rice Pudding, without Eggs. Mix half a pint of rice into a quart of rich milk, or cream and milk. Add half a pint of sugar and nutmeg, PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 115 and powdered cinnamon. Bake it two hours or more, till the rice is quite soft. It is good cold. Another Sago Pudding. Six tablespoonfuls of sago, soaked two hours in cold water, and then boiled soft in a quart of milk. Add four spoonfuls of butter, and six spoonfuls of sugar beat- en into the yolks of six or eight eggs. Add currants or chopped raisins dredged with flour, and nutmeg, and cin- namon, or a grated lemon peel and juice. Bake it in a buttered dish three quarters of an hour. It is good cold. Note. — All custards are much improved by a little salt^ say a small half teaspoonful to a quart of milk. In all the preceding receipts, where no butter is used, a little salt must be put in, say a small half teaspoonful to each quart. Many puddings are greatly injured by neglecting it. Oat Meal Mush. This is made just like Indian mush, and is called Bourgoo. Modes of Preparing Apples for the Table. Pippins are the best apples for cooking. 1. Put them in a tin pan, and bake them in a reflect- or or stove, or range oven, or a Dutch oven. Try them with a fork, and when done, put them on a dish, and if sour fruit, grate white sugar over them. Sweet ones need to bake much longer than sour. Serve them in a saucer with cream, or a thin custard. 2. Take tart and large apples, and peel them ; take the cores out with an apple corer, put them in a tin, and fill the openings with sugar, and a small bit of orange or lemon peel, or a bit of cinnamon. Scatter sugar over the top, and bake till done, but not till they lose their shape. Try with a fork. 118 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 3. Peel large tart, apples, and take out the cores with the apple corer. Put them in a Dutch oven, or preserving kettle, and simmer them till cooked through. Then take tliem out and put into the kettle a pint of the vva ter in which the\^ were boiled; and beat the white of an egg and stir in. Then throw in three or four cups of nice brown sugar, and let it boil up, and skim it till clear. Then put in the apples, and let them boil up for live minutes or more. Then put them in a dish for tea, and serve with cream if you have it; if not, take a pint or pint and a half of rich milk in a sauce-pan, and beat up two eggs, and stir in and cook it in a tin pail in boihng water, and serve it hke cream to eat with the apple. 4. Peel large tart apples, put them in a tin pan with sugar in the openings, and bits of lemon or orange peel, or cinnamon, to flavor and scatter sugar over. Bake till soft, then put them in a dish, and pour over them a cus- tard made of four eggs and a quart of milk. 5. Peel tart apples, and grate them in a dish, and grate in as much stale bread. Beat up two eggs in a pint or pint and a half of milk, and make it quite sweet, and flavor with rose water, or grated lemon, or orange peel, and pour it in and mix it well. Then bake it, and eat it either as a pudding for dinner, or as an article for the tea-table, to be eaten cold and with cream. If you have quinces, grate in one-third quince, and add more sugar, and it is a great improvement. Various berries can be stewed and mixed with bread crumbs, and cook- ed in this way. 6. Peel apples (or prepare any other fruit), and put them in layers in a stone or earthen jar with a small mouth. Intermix quinces if you have them. Scatter sugar be- tween each layer in abundance. Cover the mouth with wheat dough, and set the jar in with the bread, and let it remain all night, and it make-s a most healthful and delicious dish. Some place raw rice in alternate layers with the fruit. Children are very fond of this dish thus prepared with rice, and it is very little trouble, and no- thing can be more healthful. 7. Peel and core apples (or take peaches, or pears, or PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. 117 damsons), and allow half a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Clarify the sugar, by adding water and the beaten white of an egg, and stirring and skimming it. Boil the fruit in the syrup all day very slowly, mashing and stir- ring often, till it is a thick, smooth paste. If it has skins in it, it must be strained through a colander. Put it in buttered pans to cool. Then lay it in a dry, cool place. It can be cut in slices for the tea-table. Quinces make the best. Apples, with the juice and some of the peel of lemons or oranges, are fine. This is called Fruit Cheese. 8. Boil down new sweet cider to one half the original quantity. Stew peeled and cored apples, with one quar- ter as many quinces, in this cider, till it is a very dark color. If Well boiled, it will keep a year in jars, and is called Apple Butter. ' 9. The following mode of cooking dried fruits is the best. Take dried peaches, quinces, or apples, and put them to swell in cold water for several hours. Peaches must be veri/ thoroughly washed. Then put them into a stewing kettle, with a great deal of water, and a pint of brown sugar to each pound of fruit. Cover them, and let them simmer veri/ slowly for several hours, till the water is boiled down to as much liquid as you wish. Peaches have a finer flavor when dried with the skin on, as fully ripe peaches cannot be pared and dried. "When finely flavored, peaches have a solid pulp ; when ripe they should be pared and then dried, and such are much the best for cooking in the above way. They will, when cooked thus, be preferred by every body to the finest and most expensive sweetmeats. 10. The following is the best and cheapest method of making the finest Apple Jelly. Grapes and damsons can be made the same way. Take the best pippins, and wipe them, taking out stem and eye. Cut them in thin slices, without paring or quartering, as the chief flavor is in the peel, and the jelly part is in the cores. Put them in a preserving kettle, and put in just water enough to cover them, and boil them very soft. Then mash and strain through a jelly-bag made of coarse flan- 118 PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. iiel. Put the liquid into the kettle, with a pint of brown sugar to each pint of the liquid, and add the juice and rind of a lemon cut in slices. Beat up the white of one egg, and stir in very thoroughly. Boil up three times, throwing in some cold water to stop it from running over. Then let it stand quiet on the hearth half an hour. Try it, and if not hard enough, let it boil till it will turn to jelly on cooling. Then skim off the scum, and pour off the clear jelly, and strain the sediment through the jelly-bag. Then put it in glasses. It can be boiled down, and make elegant apple candy. Grapes and damsons should have water put in when first boiled, as the flavor is thus more perfectly extracted. Frost grapes make an elegant jelly, as do the wild plum, by this method. In summer these jellies are fine for effervescing drinks, with some good wine vinegar mixed with them. Fruit Custards. A pint and a half of fruit stewed and strained, cooled and sweetened. Six eggs well beaten, and stirred into a quart of milk. Mix the above and flavor with spice, and bake in cups or a deep dish twenty minutes, or half an hour, accord- ing to the size. It is good cold. It may be boiled in a tin pail in boiling water. Modes of })reparing Rice for the Dinner or Tea Table. Pick over and wash the rice, and boil it fifteen min- utes in water with salt in it. Rice is very poor unless the salt is cooked into it. Then pour off the water, and pour in good ricli milk, and let it simmer slowly till the rice is soft. There should be milk just sufficient to make the rice of a pudding consistency, so that it can be put in cups and turned out without losing its form. 1. Fill a tea-cup with this rice, and invert it in a platter or shallow large pudding dish, and fill the dish with cups of rice inverted. On the summit of each mound thus made, make an opening with a teaspoon, and lay a pile PLAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. Il9 of jelly or sweetmeats. Then pour into the dish a cus- tard made of two eggs and a pint of milk, boiled in a tin pail in boiling water. This looks very pretty, and is ex- cellent. If you have cream, take half milk and half cream, and pour into the dish, instead of the custard. 2. Put the rice into a large bowl, and press it down hard. Then invert the bowl in a pudding dish, and empty the rice, so as to leave it in the shape of the bowl. Make, at regular distances, openings in the rice, and lay in them jelly, or sweetmeats. Help some of the rice and sweetmeats to each person in a saucer, and have a small pitcher of sweetened cream, flavored with wine and nut- meg, and pour some into each saucer. Or prepare a thin custard of two eggs to a pint of milk, boiling it in a tin pail in boiling water. 3. Set the rice away till cold. Then cut it into slices half an inch thick. Put a layer of rice in the bottom of a soup plate, and cover it with stewed apple, or jelly, or sweetmeats half an inch thick. Continue thus, with al- ternate layers of rice and jelly (or other cooked fruit) till it is as high as you wish. Then cut the edges around smooth and even, so as to show the stripes of fruit and rice, smooth it on the top, and grate on white sugar, or nutmeg. Help it in saucers, and have cream, or a thin boiled custard, to pour on to it. If you wish to ornament it a good deal, get colored sugar plums of various sizes, and put them in fanciful arrangements on the top. 4. Set away boiled rice till it is cold, and so solid as to cut in slices. Then lay in a buttered deep pudding dish alternate layers of this rice, half an inch thick, and stew- ed or grated apple. Add sugar enough to sweeten it, and spice grated or sifted on each layer of fruit. When piled up as high as you wish, cover with rice, smooth it with a spoon dipped in milk, and bake it from half to three quarters of an hour. If the apples are grated raw, you must bake three quarters of an hour. When it is done, grate white sugar over the top, and eat it for a pudding. 120 ?LAIN PUDDINGS AND PIES. Pears, plums, peaches, quinces, and all the small bei- ries can be stew ed and used with rice in this way. Rice can l)e made into rice avalanches and snow-halls^ by taking a pudding cloth and llouring it, and laying raio rice over it an inch thick, and then put pared and cored fruit on it and draw it up and tie it so that the rice will cook around the fruit. Tie it tight, allowing a little room for the rice to swell. Make several small ones in this w^ay, and they are called snoto-balls. These are eaten with cream sweetened and spiced, or with hard or soft pudding sauces. Rice and Meat Pudding. Take any kind of cold meat, and chop it fine, with cold ham, or cold salt pork. Season it to your taste with salt, pepper, and sweet herbs, a little butter, and stir in two eggs. Then make alternate layers of cold boiled rice and this mixture, and bake half an hour. Or make it into cakes with the rice and fry it. Modes of preparing Dishes with Dry Breads or Bread so old as to he not good for the tahle. Put all dry bits of crust and crumbs, and leavings of the table, in a tin pan. When the bread is drawn, set it in the oven, and let it stand all night. It is, when pounded, called rusk crumhs, and is good to eat in milk, and also in these ways. 1. IVke apple sauce or stewed pears, or peaches, or any kind of small berries, and mix them with equal quantities of rusk crumbs. Make a custard of four eggs to a quart of milk, sweetening it very sweet. Mix it with the bread crumbs and fruit, and bake it twenty minutes, as a pudding. 2. Make a custard with four eggs to a quart of milk, thicken it with rusk crumbs, and bake it twenty min- utes, and eat it with pudding sauce, flavored with wine and nutmeg. 3. Take any kind of cold meats, chop them fine with cold ham, or cold salt pork. Season with salt and pep- per, and mix in two eggs and a little butter. Mix this RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. 121 up with bread crumbs or rusk crumbs, and bake it like a pudding. Or put it in a skillet, and warm it like hash. Or put it into balls, and flatten it and fry it like forced meat balls. 4. Soak dry bread crumbs in milk till quite soft. Then beat up three eggs and stir in, and put in sliced and peeled apples, or any kind of berries. Flour a pud- ding cloth, and tie it up and boil it half or three quarters of an hour, according to the size. This pudding does not swell in boiUng. Eat with sauce. 5. Take stale bread and crumble it fine, and mix it with egg and a little milk, and boil it in a large pudding cloth, or put it around small peeled apples, and boil it for dumplings in several smaller cloths. 6. Take bread crumbs, or rusk crumbs, and mix them with eggs and milk, and bake them for griddle cakes. If you have raspberries, blackberries, whortleberries, straw- berries, or ripe currants, put them in and then thicken with a little flour, so as to make drop cakes, and bake them (a large spoonful at a time), on a griddle, as drop cakes. Or put them in muffin rings, and bake them. Eat with butter and sugar, or with pudding sauces. CHAPTER XIIL RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. Ellen^s Pudding, or Rhubarb Tart. One pint of stewed pie plant. Four ounces of sugar. One half pint of cream. Two ounces of pounded cracker. Three eggs. Stew the pie plant, and rub it through a sieve. Beat the eggs well, and mix with the sugar and cream. Stir 11 122 RICH PUDDINGS AND PlfiS. the cracker crumbs into the fruit, and add the other in- gredients. Line your plate with a moderately rich paste, and bake half an hour. Nottingham Pudding. One pint of sifted flour. Three gills of milk. One gill of rich cream. Six apples. ,, Four eggs. A salt spoonful of salt. Pare the apples, and take out the core without cutting the apple. Mix the batter very smooth, and pour over the apples. Eat with liquid sauce. This pudding re- quires an hour to bake. Rice Plum Pudding. Three gills of rice. One quarter of a pound of butter. One quarter of a pound of sugar. One quart of milk. A teaspoonful of salt. Six eggs. A pound and a half of stoned raisins or currants. Half a tablespoonful of cinnamon. A Uttle rose water, and one nutmeg. Boil the rice with lemon peel in the milk, till soft. Mix the butter, sugar, and eggs. Dredge the fruit with flour, and put in with the spice the last thing. Bake an Jiour and a half. Eve^s Pudding (the best kind). Half a pound of beef suet, .nnd half a teaspoonful of salt. Half a pound of pared and chopped apples. Half a pound of sugar. Half a pound of flour. Half a pund of stoned raisins, dredged with flour. Five eggs. A grated nutmeg. A gleiss of brandy. '> RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. 123 Chop and mix the suet and apples. Beat the sugar into the yolks of the eggs. Mix all, putting in the whites cut to a stiff froth just before going into the oven. Bake two hours. Baked English Plum Pudding. A quarter of a pound of suet, chopped first, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Half of a pound of bread crumbs. Half of a pound of stoned raisins, wet and dredged with flour. Half of a pound of currants. Half of a pound of sugar. Three ounces of citron. Milk, and six eggs. Pour enough scalded milk on to the bread crumbs to swell them ; when cold, add the other ingredients. If it is too stiff, thin it with milk ; if it is too thin, add more bread crumbs. Then add two grated nutmegs, a table- spoonful of mace and cinnamon, and half a gill of bran- dy. Bake two hours. A Boiled English Plum Pudding. One pound of currants. ■^■ One pound of stoned raisins, dredged with flour. Half a pound of beef suet, chopped fine*, and a tea- spoonful of salt. One pound of bread crumbs. One-fourth of a pound of citron. Eight eggs. Half a pint of milk, and one gill of wine, or brandy. A heaping coffee cup of sugar, and mace and nutmeg to your taste. Eaten with a sauce of butter, sugar, and wine. It requires six or seven hours to boil, and must be turn- ed several times. In both these puddings, cut the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and put in the last thing. 124 RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. Almond Cheese Cake. Beat eight eggs, and stir them into a quart of boiling milk, and boil to curds. Press the curds dry, and add two cups of cream, six heaping spoonfuls of sugar, and a teaspoonful of powdered mace and cinnamon. Then stir in three ounces of blanched almonds, beat to a thin paste with rose water, and a few bitter almonds, or peachnuts, beat with them. Lastly, put in half a pound of stoned raisins, cut up, and dredged with flour, and bake immediately, half an hour. Some persons make the curd with rennet, and then add the eggs and other articles. Cocoanut Pudding. Three quarters of a pound of grated cocoanut. One quarter of a pound of butter. One pound of sugar. One half pint of cream. Nine eggs. One gill of rose water. Stir the butter and sugar as for cake, add the eggs well beaten. Grate the cocoanuts, and stir it in with the butter and eggs. Put in the other ingredients, and bake with or without a crust. It requires three quarters of an hour for baking. Some persons grate in stale rusk, or sponge cake. Arrowroot Puddmg. Take four tea-cups of arrowroot, and mix it with a pint of cold milk. Boil another pint of milk, flavoring it with cinnamon, or peach leaves, or lemon peel. Stir the arrowroot into this boiling milk. When cold, add the yolks of six eggs beaten into four ounces of sugar. Last of all, add the whites cut to a stiff froth, and bake in a buttered dish an hour. Ornament the top with sweetmeats, or citron cut up. Ground Rice Pudding. Make a batter of a quarter of a pound of ground rice, KICK FUDPINGS AND PIES. 125 Stirred into a pint of cold milk. Pour it into tliree pints of boiling milk, and let it boil three minutes. Mix three spoonfuls of butter with four ounces of sugar, and the yolks of eight eggs, and put to the rice. When cool, strain through a sieve. Flavor with nutmeg and essence of lemon, or boil lemon peel in the milk. Add the whites of the eggs last, cut to a stiff froth, and also the juice of a lemon. Ornament with jelly. Mrs. O.^s Pumpkin Pie. One quart of strained pumpkin, or squash. Two quarts of milk, and a pint of cream. One teaspoonful of salt, and four of ginger. Two teaspoonfuls of pounded cinnamon. Two teaspoonfuls of nutmeg, and two of mace. Ten well-beaten eggs, and sugar to your taste. Bake with a bottom crust and rim, till it is solid in the centre. Cracker Plum Pudding {excellent). Take eight Boston soda crackers, five pints of milk, and one dozen eggs. Make a very sweet custard, and put into it a teaspoon- ful of salt. Split the crackers, and butter them very thick. Put a layer of raisins on the bottom of a large pud- ding dish, and then a layer of crackers, and pour on a little of the custard when warm, and after soaking a lit- tle put on a thick layer of raisins, pressing them into the crackers with a knife. Then put on another layer of crackers, custard, and fruit, and proceed thus till you have four layers. Then pour over the whole enough custard to rise even with the crackers. It is best made over night, so that the crackers may soak. Bake from an hour and a half to two hours. During the first half hour, pour on, at three different times, a httle of the cus- tard, thinned with milk, to prevent the top from being hard and dry. If it browns fast, cover with paper. Bread and butter pudding is made in a similar man- 11* 126 EICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. ner, except the custard need not be cooked when pour- ed i|;i, and the fruit may be left out. Minced Pie. Two pounds and a half of tongue, or lean beef. A pound and a half of suet. Eight good-sized apples. Two pounds of raisins. Two pounds of sugar. Two gills of rose water. One quart of wine. Salt, mace, cloves, and cinnamon, to the taste. Boil the meat, and chop very fine. Chop the suet and apples very fine. Stone the raisins, cutting each into four pieces. Dissolve the sugar in the wine and rose water, and mix all well together with the spices. Twice this quantity of apple improves the pies, making them less rich. Line your plates with a rich paste, fill, cover, and bake. Measure the spices used, to save tasting next time, and to prevent mistakes. Marlborough Pudding. Six tart apples. Six ounces of sifted sugar. Six ounces of butter, or a pint of thick cream. Six eggs. The grated peel of one lemon, and half the juice. Grate the apples after paring and coring them. Stir together the butter and sugar as for cake. Then add the other ingredients, and bake in a rich paste. Some per- sons grate in crackers, and add rose water and nutmeg. It is much better to grate than to stew the apples, for this and all pies. Orange^ or Lemon Pudding. L Two large lemons, or oranges. One pound of loaf sugar. Four ounces of butter. One pint of cream. Nine eggs. # RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. 127 A little rose water. Grate the yellow part of the peel of the fruit, squeeze the juice, mix the butter and sugar thoroughly together, beat the eggs well. Mix all the ingredients except the juice, which must not be added until ready to bake. Line your dishes with a rich paste, and fill and bake three quarters of an hour in a moderate oven. Sweet Potato Pudding. Grate half a pound of parboiled sweet potatoes, and stir to a cream six ounces of sugar and six of butter, and then add the beaten yolks of eight eggs. Mix the above, and add the grated peel and juice of a lemon, a glass of wine, and a grated nutmeg. The last thing, put in the whites of the eggs beat to a stiff froth. Common potatoes and carrots may be made as above, only they are to be boiled soft, and put through a colan- der, and more sugar used. Quince Pudding. Peel and grate six large quinces. Add half a pint of cream, half a pound of sugar, and six well-beaten eggs. Flavor with rose water, and bake in a buttered dish three quarters of an hour. PASTE FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. This is an article which, if the laws of health were obeyed, would be banished from every table, for it unites the three evils of animal fat, cooked animal fat. and heavy bread. Nothing in the whole range of cooking is more indigestible than rich pie crust, especially when, as bottom crust, jt is made still worse, by being soaked, or slack baked. Still, as this work does not profess to leave out unhealthy dishes, but only to set forth an abundance of healthful ones, and the reasons for preferring them, the best directions will be given for making the best kinds of paste. 128 RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. Healthful Pie Crusts, Good crusts for plain pies are made by wetting up the crust with rich milk turned sour, and sweetened with saleratus. Still better crusts are made of sour cream sweetened with saleratus. Mealy potatoes boiled in salted water, and mixed with tlie same quantity of flour, and wet with sour milk sweetened with saleratus, make a good crust. Good light bread rolled thin, makes a good crust for pandowdy, or pan pie, and also for the upper crust of fruit pies, to be made without bottom crusts. Paste made with Butter. Yery plain paste is made by taking a quarter of a pound of butter for every pound of flour. Still rich- er allows three quarters of a pound of butter to a pound of flour. Very rich paste has a pound of butter to a pound of flour. Directions for making Paste. Take a quarter of the butter to be used, rub it thoroughly into the flour, and wet it with cold wa- ter to a stiff paste. Next dredge the board thick with flour, and cut up the remainder of the butter into thin slices, and lay them upon the flour, and dredge flour over thick, and then roll out the butter into thin sheets and lay it aside. Then roll out the paste thin, cover it with a sheet of this rolled butter, dredge on more flour, fold it up, and roll it out, and then repeat the process till all the butter is used up. Paste should be made as quick and as cold as possible. Some use a marble table in order to keep it cold. Roll from you every time. Puff Paste. Dissolve a bit of sal volatile, the size of a hickory- nut, in cold water. Take three quarters of a pound of butter for every quart of flour, and rub in one quar- ter of the butter, and wet it up with cold water, add- RICH PUDDINGS AND PIES. 129 ing the salts when cool. Roll all the rest of the butter into sheets as directed above. Roll the paste three times, each time laying over it one-third of the butter sheets, and dredging on flour, as directed above. In rolling it, always xoW from you, and not towards you. SAUCES FOR PUDDINGS. Liquid Sauce, Six tablespoonfuls of sugar. Ten tablespoonfuls of water. Four tablespoonfuls of butter. Two tablespoonfuls of wine. Nutmeg, or lemon, or orange peel, or rose water, to flavor. Heat the water and sugar very hot. Stir in the but- ter till it is melted, but be careful not to let it boil. Add the wine and nutmeg just before it is used. Hard Sauce. Two tablespoonfuls of butter. Ten tablespoonfuls of sugar. Work this till white, then add wine and spice to your taste. A Healthful Pudding Sauce. Boil in half a pint of water, some orange or lemon peel, or peach leaves. Take them out and pour in a thin paste, made with two spoonfuls of flour, and boil five minutes. Then put in a pint of brown sugar, and let it boil. Then put in two spoonfuls of butter, and a glass of wine, and take it up before it boils. An excellent Sauce for Boiled Rice. Beat the yolks of three eggs into sugar enough to make it quite sweet. Add a tea-cup of cream, and the grated peel and juice of two lemons. When lemons can- not be had, use dried lemon peel, and a httle tartaric acid. This is a good sauce for other puddings, especial- ly for the starch minute pudding* 180 PLAIN CAKES. The first receipt for whip syllabub furnishes a very delicate sauce for a delicate pudding, such as the one made of potato starch. Sweetened cream flavored with grated lemon peel or nutmeg is a fine pudding sauce. CHAPTER XIV. PLAIN CAKES. General Directions for Making Cake. Tie up your hair so that none can fall, put on a long- sleeved apron, have the kitchen put in order, and then arrange all the articles and utensils you will have occa- sion to use. If you aie a systematic and thrifty housekeeper, you will have your sugar pounded, all your spices ready prepared in boxes, or bottles, your saleratus sifted, your currants washed and dried, your ginger sifted, and your weights, measures, and utensils all in their place and in order. Butter your tins before beginning to make the cake, so as not to stop for the purpose. It saves much trouble to have your receipt book so arranged that you can measure instead of weighing. This can be done by weighing the first time, and then have a small measure cup, and fill it with each ingredient you have weighed. Then note it down in your receipt book, and ever after use the same measure cup. Alio ays sift your flour, for neither bread nor cake should be made with unsifted flour, not merely because there may be dirt in it, but because packing injures its lightness, and sifting restores it, and makes bread and cake lighter. The day before you wish to make cake, stone your raisins, and blanch your almonds, by pouring hot water PLAIN CAKES. 131 on them, to take off the skins, and then throwing them into coki water to whiten them. When ready to make your cake, grate your lemon or orange peel. Next weigh your butter and cut it in pieces, and put it where it will soften, but not melt. Then butter your tins. Next, stir the butter to a cream, and then add the sugar, and work till white. Next, beat the yolks of the eggs, strain them, and put them to the sugar and butter. Mean- time another person should beat the whites to a stiff froth, and put them in. Then add the spices and flour, and last of all the fruit, as directed below. Do not use the hand to make cake, but a wood spoon or spad. Earthen is best to make cake in. In receipts where milk is used, never mix sweet and sour milk, as it makes cake heavy, even when either alone would not do it. Butter in the least degree strong, spoils cake. Try w^hether cake is done by piercing it with a broom splinter, and if nothing adheres it is done. An oven, to bake cake well, must have a good heat at bottom, and not be too hot on the top, or the cake will be heavy. As these receipts have all been proved, if they fail to make good cake, the fault is probably in the baking. Cake that is to be frosted, should be baked in pans with perpendicular instead of slanting sides. Line them with buttered paper, the salt soaked out of the butter. If the oven proves too hot, cover the top with paper be- fore it hardens, or the cake will be heavy. The best way to put in fruit is to sprinkle flour over it, then put in a layer of cake at the bottom, half an inch thick, then a layer of fruit, taking care that it does not touch the sides of the pan, and thus dry up ; then a lit- tle more cake, then another layer of fruit, and thus till the cake is three inches thick (not more), and let the top layer be cake. Always dissolve saleratus, or sal volatile, in hot water, as milk does not perfectly dissolve it, and thus there will be yellow specks made. 132 PLAIN CAKES. , Make your eggs cold, and whisk till they will stand in a heap. Volatile alkali the size of a hickory-nut, and a bit of alum of equal size, powdered and dissolved in cold water, will ensure light bread or cake. A quick oven is so hot that you can count moderately only twenty ; and a slow one allows you to count thirty, while you hold your hand in it. All cake without yeast should have the flour put in quickly, just as it goes into the oven. Keep cake in a tin box, or in a stone jar wrapped in clean hnen. Rose Butter. Take a glass jar, put on the bottom a layer of butter, and each day put in rose leaves, adding layers of but- ter, and when full, cover tight, and use the butter for ar- ticles to be flavored with rose water. Directions for Cleansing Currants, Put them in warm, not hot water, and rub them thoroughly. Take out all but the bottom part into an- other pail of water. Then rinse those remaining in the bottom of the first water, through two or three waters. as this part contains most of the impure parts. Then put them into the other pail with the first portion, and rinse all very thoroughly. Take them out with the hands, drain them on a sieve, and spread them on a clean large cloth on a table. Rub them dry with the ends of the cloth, and then sit down and pull off the good ones into a dish in your lap, and push the poor ones aside, being careful to look for the little stones. Spread them to dry on a board, or large dishes, and set them ii? the sun, or any warm place, to dry. Then tie them up in a jar for future use. Frosting for Cake. * For the whites of every two eggs, take a quarter of 9 pound of sifted loaf sugar. Some use only one egg iof this quantity of sugar. PLAIN CAKES. 133 Make the eggs cold in cold water, and free them from all of the yolk. Beat the whites in a cool place, till a very stiff froth. Sift the sugar, and beat it in until you can pile it in a heap. Flavor with lemon or rose wa- ter. Allow two whites for each common-sized loaf. Spread on with a knife, after the cake is cool, and then smooth with another knife dipped in water. Set it in a warm place to diy. The ornamental filagree work on frosting is easily done by using a small syringe. Draw it full of the above frosting, and as you press it out make figures to your taste. It must not be put on till the frosting of the cake is hardened. Cake Frosting {another^ which is harder). To the white of each egg^ put one heaping teaspoon- ful of starch, and nine heaping teaspoonfuls of sifted white sugar. Cut the whites to a stiff froth, mix the sugar and starch, and stir in gradually ; continue to stir ten minutes after it is mixed, add two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice, and flavor it with rose water. Put it on with a knife when the cake has stood out of the oven twenty minutes, and then set it in a cool place to harden. Allow the whites of three eggs for two cakes of common size. Good Child's Cake. Three cups raised dough. One cup of molasses. The juice and grated rind of a lemon, or one nut- meg. Half a cup of melted butter, put with the molasses. Two well-beaten eggs. A teaspoonful of saleratus in two spoonfuls of hot wateV. i Work all together, put into buttered pans, and set into th6 oven immediately. Put in the lemon juice just before you put it in the pans. If you do not have leifiori juice, add a great spoonful 12 134 PLAIN CAKES. of sharp vinegar, after working the ingredients together, and just before putting it into pans. The lemon juice must be added the last minute. Some think this is im- proved by standing to rise fifteen minutes. Try and see. Ginger Snaps. One cup of molasses. Half a cup of sugar. Half a cup of butter. Half a cup of warm water, the butter melted with it. A small teaspoonful of pearlash, dissolved in the wa- ter. Two tablespoonfuls of ginger. The dough should be stiff; knead it well, and roll into sheets, cut into round cakes, and bake in a moder- ate oven. Child's Feather Cake. ^ Three cups of light dough. Two cups rolled sugar. Three well-beaten eggs, mixed with the sugar and butter. Half a cup of warm milk, or a little less. One teaspoonful of saleratus in two great spoonfuls of water, and put in the milk. One cup of melted butter, worked into the sugar. The grated rind and juice of one lemon. Work all together, adding the lemon juice just before putting it in buttered pans. If you have no lemons, use one nutmeg, and a tablespoonful of sharp vinegar, ad- ded just before putting it in pans. One and a half, if the vinegar is weak. Some think this improved by standing to rise fifteen minutes. Try it. Best Molasses Gingerbread. One even tablespoonful of strong ginger, and two if weak. A gill and a half of milk. One heaping teaspoonful saleratus, very fine, dissolv- I PLAIN CAKES. 135 ed in a tablespoonful of hot water, and put into the milk. Half a pint of molasses, and a small tea-cup full of butter. Take three pints of flour, and rub the butter and gin- ger into it thoroughly. Then make a hole in the mid- dle, and pour in the molasses and milk, and begin mix- ing in the flour, and while doing this, put in a great spoonful of strong vinegar, and if it is weak, a little more. If not stiff enough to roll out, add a little more flour. Roll it into cards an inch thick, and put it into two but- tered square pans. Bake it in a flat tin pan, and put it, if the oven is quite hot, on a muflSn ring, to keep it from burning at the bottom, and allow from twenty-five to thirty minutes for baking. When done, set it on its edge, or on a sieve, to cool. Sponge Gingerbread. One cup of sour milk. One cup of molasses. A half a cup of butter. Two eggs. One and a half teaspoonf ul of saleratus. One great spoonful of ginger. Flour to make it thick as pound-cake. Put the butter, molasses, and ginger together, and make them quite warm, then add the milk, flour and saleratus, and bake as soon as possible. Cider Cake, One tea-cup of butter. Three tea-cups of sugar. Two tea-cups of sifted flour. A teaspoonful of saleratus in two great spoonfuls of water. A grated nutmeg, and half a tea-cup of milk, with the saleratus in it. Make a hole in the flour, and put in all the ingredients, and while mixing them, add a tea- cup of cider and four more cups of flour. 136 PLAIN CAKES. Cup Cake without Eggs. One cup of butter. Two cups of sugar. One cup of sour cream, or sour milk. Sal volatile, tlie size of a small nutmeg, or a teaspoon- ful of saleratus, dissolved in cold water. A gill of brandy or wine, half a grated nutmeg, and a teaspoonful of essence of lemon. Flour enough for a stiff batter. Put in buttered pans an inch thick, and bake in a quick oven. Cream Cake without Eggs. Four cups of flour. Three cups of sugar. One cup of butter. Two cups of sour cream. Two teaspoonfuls of sal volatile, or three of saleratus, dissolved in a little cold water. A teaspoonful of essence of lemon, and half a grated nutmeg. Work the butter and sugar together, add the cream and spice, and put all into a hole in the middle of the flour. Then add the sal volatile, or saleratus. Mix quick and thoroughly, and set in the oven immediately. Cream Tartar Cake, without Eggs. Three pints of sifted flour, measured after sifting. One teaspoonful super carbonate of soda. A salt spoonful of salt. Two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar. A cup and a half of milk. • A pint of rolled sugar. Mix the cream tartar thoroughly with the flour, and add grated lemon peel, or nutmeg ; then dissolve the soda in two great spoonfuls of hot water, and put it with the sugar to the milk. When dissolved, wet it up as quick as possible, but so as to mix very thoroughly. PLAIN CAKES. 137 Roll it out, cut into round cakes, and bake immediate- ly. It must be as soft as can be rolled. Add a little more flour, if needful ; bake in a quick oven fifteen or twenty minutes. Try more than once, as you may fail at first. When you get the knack it is easy, sure, and very good. Fruit Cake without Eggs. Two pounds of flour. One and three quarter pounds of sugar. One pint of milk. Half a pound of butter. Half a teaspoonful of salt. One and a half teaspoonfuls of soda, or saleratus, or two of sal volatile, dissolved in a little hot water. •One nutmeg, one pound of raisins, and one wine-glass of brandy. This makes three loaves. Warm the milk, and add the butter and salt to it. Work the butter and sugar to a cream, and then add the milk, then the flour^ then the saleratus, and lastly the spice and fruit. Drop Cake. Four and a half tea-cups of flour. Two and a half tea-cups of sugar. Half a cup of butter, and five eggs. Work the butter and sugar to a cream ; beat the yolks and whites separately ; add the yolks, then the whites, then the flour. Drop them on a buttered tin, and sprin- kle caraway sugar plums on the top. Sugar Gingerbread {rich). One pound of sugar. One pound of sifted flour. Half a pound of butter. Six eggs. Two even tablespoonfuls of ginger. Rub the butter and sugar together, add the eggs well 12* 138 PLAIN CAKES. ^ beaten, the flour and ginger, and bake in two square tin sheets. Sugar Gingerbread [plainer). Two cups of sugar. One cup of butter, rubbed with the sugar. One cup of milk. Two eggs. One teaspoonftil of pearlash in hot water. Three tablespoonfuls of ginger. Five cups of flour. Make it a soft dough, and add more flour if needed. Sponge Cake. Twelve eggs. The weight of ten in powdered l©af sugar. The weight of six in sifted flour. The grated peel, and half the juice of one lemon. Stir the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, until very light, then add the whites of the eggs, after they are beaten to a stiff froth, stir lightly together, flavor with the lemoU; sprinkle in the flour just before it is to be put into the oven, stirring it in as quickly as possible. Bake in two square tin pans, the bottom and sides of which should be covered with white paper, well but- tered. Weigh it once, then get the measure of the propor- tions, to save the trouble of weighing afterward. The secret of making good sponge cake Hes in putting the flour in the last minute before it goes into the oven, and having a good bake. Bridget's Bread Cake (excellent). Three cups of dough, very hght. Three cups of sugar. One cup of butter. Three eggs. A nutmeg. Raisins. PLAIN CAKES. 139 One teaspcx)iiful of pearlash, dissolved in a little hot water. Rub the butier and sugar together, add the eggs and spice, and mix all thoroughly with the dough. Beat it welJ, and pour into the pans. It will do to bake it im- mediately, but the cake will be lighter if it stands a short time to rise, before putting it into the oven. It is an ex- cellent cake for common use. It is very important that the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with the dough. Doughnuts. One pound of butter. One pound and three quarters of sugar, worked with the butter. Three pints of milk. Four eggs. One pint of yeast, if home-made, or half a pint of dis- tillery yeast. Mace and cinnamon to the taste. Flour enough to make the dough stiff as biscuit. Rub the butter and sugar together, add the other in- gredients, and set the dough in a warm place to rise. When thoroughly Ught, roll into sheets, cut with a sharp knife into diamond-shaped pieces, and boil them in fresh lard. Use a good deal of lard, and have it sufficiently hot, or the cake will absorb the fat. Cookies {plain). Two cups of sugar. One cup of butter, worked into the sugar. One cup of milk. * Two eggs. Caraway seeds. A small teaspoonful of pearlash, dissolved in a little hot water. Flour sufficient to roll. The dough should be well kneaded before it is rolled into sheets. 140 PLAIN CAKES. French Cake, Five cups of flour. Two cups of powdered sugar. Half a cup of butter. One cup of milk. One wine-glass of wine. Three eggs. Spice to the taste. A teaspoonful of pearlash. Rub the butter and sugar together, then add the milk, part of the flour, and the pearl-ash dissolved in wine ; afterward the remainder of the flour and the eggs. The yolks are to be beaten separately, and the whites beaten and put in the last thing. Bake in two square tin pans. Walnut HilVs Doughnuts. One tea-cup of sour cream, or milk. Two tea-cups of sugar. One tea-cup of butter. Four eggs, and one nutmeg. Two teaspoonfuls of saleratus. Flour enough to roll. Cut into diamond cakes, and boil in hot lard. Cocoanut Cup Cake. Two cups of rolled white sugar, and one and a half of butter. One cup of milk, and a teaspoonful of saleratus dis- solved in hot water. Four eggs well beaten, and a nutmeg. Or flavor with rose water. ^ The white part of one cocoanut, grated Flour enough to make a stiff" batter. Beat it well, put it in buttered tins, an inch thick, in a quick oven, and when done, frost it, and cut it in square pieces. Cocoanut Sponge Cake. One grated cocoanut, the outer part peeled off. A teaspoonful of salt, and half a grated nutmeg. PLAIN CAKES. 141 A pint of sifted white sugar. Six eggs, the yolks beat and strained, the whites cut to a stiff froth. One teaspoonful of essence of lemon. A half a pint of sifted flour. Mix the yolks and the sugar, and then the other in- gredients, except the whites and the flour. Just as you are ready to put the cake in the oven, put in the whites, then add the flour by degrees, and stir only just enough to mix it ; then put it on buttered paper in cake pans, and set it in. Have a quick oven, but take care not to have the top harden quick. Cover with paper if there is any danger. Lemon Cake. — No. 1. Pour tumblers of flour. Two and a hdXi oi powdered white sugar. Three quarters of a tumbler of butter. One tumbler of milk, two lemons, three eggs, and one heaping teaspoonful of soda. Saleratus will do, but is not so good as soda. This serves for two square loaves. Dissolve the soda in the milk, beat the yolks, and strain them. Cut the whites to a stiff froth, work the butter and sugar till they look like cream, then add the yolks, then the milk, then the whites of eggs, and then the flour. When thoroughly mixed, grate in the peel of one lemon, and squeeze in the juice of two, and this must not be done till it is ready to set immediately into the oven. A tumbler and a half of currants improves this cake. Put them in with the- lemon juice. This is delicious when first baked, but will not keep so well as No. 2, which is richer. Gingernuts. Six pounds of flour. One pound and a quarter of butter, rubbed into the sugar. One pound and three quarters of sugar. One quart of molasses. 142 PLAIN CAKES. Four ounces of ginger, one nutmeg, and some cinna- mon. The dough should be stiff, and then kneaded hard for a long time. Cut into small cakes. They will keep good, closely covered in a stone jar, for many months. Honey Cake. One quart of strained honey. Half a pint of sugar. Half a pint of melted butter. A teaspoon ful of saleratus, dissolved in half a tea-cup of warm water. Half a nutmeg, and a teaspoonful of ginger. Mix the above, and then work in sifted flour till you can roll it. Cut it into thin cakes, and bake it on but- tered tins, in a quick oven. New Year's Cookies. One pound of butter. A pound and three quarters of sugar. Two teaspoonfuls of saleratus, in a pint of milk (but- termilk is better). Mix the butter and sugar to a cream, and add the milk and saleratus. Then beat three eggs, and add, and grate in one nutmeg. Rub in a heaping tablespoon of caraway seed. Add flour enough to roll. Make it one quarter of an inch in thickness, and bake imme' diately in a quick oven. Boston Cream Cake. One pint of butter rubbed into one quart of flour. One quart of hot water, with the butter and flour stir- red in. When cool, break in from six to twelve eggs, as you can afford. If needed, add flour till thick enough to drop on but- tered tins in round cakes, the size of a tea-cup. When baked, open and fill with soft custard, or mock cream. PLAIN CAKES. 143 Almond^ Hickory, or Cocoanut Cake. Half a pound of flour. Half a teaspoonful of salt. A quarter of a pound of butter. One pound of sugar. One tea-cup of sour cream, or sour milk, or buttermilk. Four eggs, and lemon, or any other flavor to youi taste. A teaspoonful of saleratus, or better, a bit of sal vola^ tile, the size of a nutmeg, dissolved in two spoonfuls of hot water. Mix the above thoroughly, then grate in the white part of a cocoanut, or stir in half a pint of chopped hick- ory-nuts, chopped fine, or put in a pound of blanched al- monds, pounded, but not to a paste. Put it in buttered pans, an inch and a half thick, and bake in a quick oven. Caraway Cakes. Two quarts of flour. One cup of butter. One quart of rolled sugar. Half a pint of caraway seeds. A teaspoonful of essence of lemon. Mix the sugar and butter to a cream, add the other materials, roll out, and cut into square cakes, and crimp the edges. Sal volatile the size of a nutmeg, dissolved in a little hot water, improves this. Fruit Drop Cakes. Two pounds of flour. One pound of butter. One pound of currants. One pound of sugar. Three eggs. A teaspoonful each, of rose water, and essence of lem- on, and a gill of brandy. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream. Beat the eggs, and add them. Then put in the other articles. Strew 144 PLAIN CAKES. tin sheets with flour and powdered sugar, and then drop on in small cakes. Bake in a quick oven. Dr. BJs Loaf Cake. Two pounds of dried and sifted flour. A pint of new milk, blood warm. A quarter of a pound of butter. Three quarters of a pound of sugar. A pint of home-brewed yeast, or half as much distil- lery yeast. Three eggs, and one pound of stoned raisins. A glass of wine and a nutmeg. Work the butter and sugar to a cream, and then rub them well into the flour. Then add the other things, and let it rise over night. Bake an hour and a half, in a slack oven. Put the fruit in as directed in the receipt for raised loaf cake. Fancy Cakes. Beat the yolks of four eggs into half a pound of pow- dered sugar. Add a httle less than a half a pound of flour. Beat fifteen minutes, and then put in some es- sence of lemon, and the whites of the eggs cut to a stiff froth. Bake in small patties, and put sugar plums on the top. Fried Curd Cakes. Stir four well-beaten eggs into a quart of boiling milk. Make it very sweet, and cool it. Then stir in two even tea-cups full of sifted flour, a teaspoonful of essence of lem- on, and two more well-beaten eggs. Fry these in sweet butter as drop cakes. Wine Cake. Put six ounces of sugar into a pint of wine, and make it boiUng hot. When blood warm, pour it on to six well-beaten eggs, and stir in a quarter of a pound of sift- ed flour. Beat it well, and bake immediately in a quick oven. PLAIN CAKES. 145 Egg Rusk. Melt three ounces of butter into a pint of milk. Beat six eggs into a quarter of a pound of sugar. Mix these with flour enough for a batter, and add a gill of distillery yeast, and half a teaspoonful of salt. When light, add flour enough to make a dough stiff enough to mould. Make them into small cakes, and let them rise in a warm place while the oven is heating. Citron Tea Cakes. One tea-cup of sugar. Two-thirds of a cup of butter. Two cups of flour. A bit of volatile salts, the size of a nutmeg, dissolved in hot water (the same quantity of alum dissolved with it, improves it), and put to half a cup of milk. Beat till light, then add a teaspoonful of essence of lemon, and small thin strips of citron, or candied lemon peel. Bake in shallow pans, or small patties. French Biscuit {Mrs. Dr. C). Six pounds of flour. One pint and a half of new milk. Six ounces of butter. A cup and a half of sugar. A teaspoonful of salt. Six eggs, and half a pint of distillery yeast, or twice as much home-brewed. Melt the butter in the milk, and beat the eggs. Then add all the ingredients, set it to rise, and when very light, mould it into small biscuits, and bake in a quick oven. 13 146 BICH CAKES. CHAPTER XV. RICH CAKES. Old Hartford Election Cake (100 i/ears old). Five pounds of dried and sifted flour. Two pounds of butter. Two pounds of sugar. Three gills of distillery yeast, or twice the quantity of home-brewed. Four eggs. A gill of wine and a gill of brandy. Half an ounce of nutmegs, and two pounds of fruit. A quart of milk. Rub the butter very fine into the flour, add half the sugar, then the yeast, then half the milk, hot in winter, and blood warm in summer, then the eggs well beaten, the wine, and the remainder of the milk. Beat it well, and let it stand to rise all night. Beat it well in the morning, adding the brandy, the sugar, and the spice. Let it rise three or four hours? till very light. When you put the wood into the oven, put the cake in buttered pans, and put in the fruit as directed previously. If you wish it richer, add a pound of citron. Raised Loaf Cuke. Six pounds of dried and sifted flour. Three pounds of sugar. Two pounds and a half of butter. Four eggs, and two pounds of raisins. Four nutmegs. Two gills of wine, and two gills of brandy. In the afternoon, mix the butter and sugar, take half of it and rub into the flour ; take about a quart of milk, blood warm, put the yeast into the flour, then wet it up. "^''hen fully light, add the rest of the butter emd sugar, beat the eggs, and put then) in, apd set the whole to rise till morning. Add the brandy, wine, and spice, in the morning, aiad put it in the pans. The frqjt is to be added in this way: — First dredge it with flour, then put in enough eake to cover the bottom of the pans, then sprinkle some fruit, and do not let any of it rest against the pan, as it bijirns, and is thus wasted. Then continue to add a layer of fruit and a layer of cake, having no fruit o^ the top. This saves those that usually burn pn the pan, aiaid ^^cur^s a more eqqal distribution. Mrs. Ws Jiaised Wedding- Cake {very fine). Nine pounds of dried and sifted iour. Four and a half pounds of white sugar. Four and a half pounds of butter. Two quarts of scalded milk. One quart of the yeast, fresh made as below. Six eggs. Six pounds of raisins. Two pounds of citron. One ounce of mace. One gill of brandy. One gill of wine. Put the ingredients together as directed in the Rais- ed Loaf Cake, Yeast for the above Cake. Nine large potatoes, peeled, boiled, and mashed fine. One quart of water, a very small pinch of hops. Boil all together, strain through a sieve, add a small tea-cup of flour, and, when blood warm, half a pint of distillery yeast, or twice as much home-brewed. Strain again, and let it work till very light and foaming. Fruit Cake, or Black Cake. One pound of powdered white sugar. Three quarters of a pound of butter. One pound of flour, sifted. 148 EICH CAKES. Twelve eggs. Two pounds of raisins, stoned, and part of them chop- ped. Two pounds of currants, carefully cleaned. Half a pound of citron, cut into strips. A quarter of an ounce each, of cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves, mixed. One wine-glass of wine, and one wine-glass of brandy. Rub the butter and sugar together, then add the yolks of the eggs, part of the flour, the spice, and the whites of the eggs well beaten, then add the remainder of the flour, and the wine and brandy. Mix all thoroughly together. Cover the bottom and sides of two square tin pans with white paper, well, buttered, pour the mix- ture in, adding the fruit as formerly directed, first dredg- ing it with flour, and bake four hours. After it is taken from the oven, and a httle cooled, ice it thickly. Pound Cake. One pound of powdered loaf sugar. One pound of sifted flour. Three quarters of a pound of fresh butter. Eight eggs, and one nutmeg. Rub the butter and sugar together until very light, then add the yolks of the eggs, the spice, and part of the flour. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff" froth, and stir in with the remainder of the flour. Mix all well to- gether, and bake in small tins, icing the cakes when they are a Httle warm. French Loaf Cake. Five cups of powdered sugar. Three cups of fresh butter. Two cups of milk. Six eggs. Ten cups of dried and sifted flour. One wine-glass of wine, one wine-glass of brandy. Three nutmegs, a small teaspoonful of pearlash. One pound of raisins, a Quarter of a pound of citron. KICH CAKES, 149 Stir the sugar and butter to a cream, then add part of the flour, with the milk a little warm, and the beaten yolks of the eggs. Then add, with the remainder of the flour, the whites of the eggs well beaten, the spice, wine, bran- dy, and pearlash. Mix all thoroughly together, add the fruit, as you put it into the pans. This will make four loaves. Bake about an hour, and then ice them. Portugal Cake. One pound powdered loaf sugar. One pound of dried and sifted flour. Half a pound of butter. Eight eggs. Two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, or white wine. One pound of fruit. One nutmeff. One and a half pounds of almonds, weighed before shelling. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately. Then, by degrees, put in the flour, and add the lemon juice last, stirring all lightly together. If almonds are to be used, they should be blanched. Pound the almonds, or cut into shreds. Golden Cake. This and the following cake are named from gold and silver, on account of their color as well as their excellence. They should be made together, so as to use both por- tions of the eggs. To make golden cake^ take One pound of flour, dried and sifted. One pound of sugar. Three quarters of a pound of butter. The yolks of fourteen eggs. The yellow part of two lemons grated, and the juice also. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream, and add the yolks, well beaten and strained. Then add the lemon peel and flour, and a teaspoonful of sal volatile, dissolved 13* 150 RICH CAlSSS, in a little hot water. Beat it well, and just before put- ting it into the oven add the lemon juice, beating it in very thoroughly. Bake in square flat pans, ice it thickly, and cut it in square pieces. It looks finely on a dish with the silver cake. Silver Cake. One pound of sugar. Three quarters of a pouM of dried and sifted flour Six ounces of butter. Mace and citron. The whites of fourteen eggs. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream, add the whites cut to a stiff froth, and then the flour. It is a beautiful- looking cake. Shrewsbury Cake. One pound of dried and sifted flour. Three quarters of a pound of powdered sugar. Half a pound of butter. Five eggs. Rose water, or grated lemon peel. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream. Then add the eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately, and add the flour. Queen^s Cake. One pound of dried and sifted flour. One pound of sugar. Half a pound of butter. Four eggs. One nutmeg. One gill of wine. One gill of brandy. One gill of thin cream. One pound of fruit. Rub the butter and sugar together. Beat separately the yolks and whites of the eggs. Mix all the ingre- dients, except the flour and fruit, which must be put in just before putting in the oven. This makes two three- pint pans fuU. It requires one hour and a half to bake. RICH CAEES. 151 CruUars. Five cups of flour. One cup of butter. Two cups of sugar. Four eggs. One spoonful of rose viratet. Nutmeg. Rub the butter and sugar together, add the eggs, the whites and yolks beaten Separately, then the flour. Roll into a sheet about half an inch thick, cut this with a jagging-iron into long narrow strips. Twist them into various shapes, and fry them in hot lard, of a light brown. The ifat must be abundant in quantity, and very hot, to prevent the lard from soaking into the cake. Lemon Cake. — No. 2. One pound of dried and sifted flour. One pound of sugar. Three quarters of a pound of butter. Seven eggs. The juice of one lemon, and the peel of two. This makes two loaves. Beat and strain the yolks, cut the Whites hard, work the butter and sugar to a cream. Fruit if wished. A tumbler and a half of currants is enough. This is richer than No. 1, and keeps well. Ahnond Cake. One pound of sifted sugat. The yolks of twelve eggs, beat and mixed with the sugar. The whites of nine eggs, added to the aboVe ih a stiff froth. A pound of dried and sifted flour, mixed after the above has been stirred ten minutes. Half a pound of sweet almonds, and half a dozen bit- ter ones, blanched and pounded with rose water to a cream. Six tablespoonfuls of thick cream. t 152 RICH CAK£S. Use the reserved whites of eggs for frosting. This makes one large, or two small loaves. ' - • Lemon Drop Cakes. Three heaping tablespoonfuls of sifted white sugar. A tablespoonful of sifted flour. t' « The grated rinds of three lemons. ^^ The white of one egg well beaten ; all mixed. Drop on buttered paper, and bake in a moderate oven. Jelly Cake. ^Half a pound of sifted white sugar. Six ounces of butter. Eight eggs, w^hites beat to a stiff froth. Yolks beat and strained. Juice and grated rind of one lemon. One pound of dried and sifted flour. Work the butter and sugar to a cream. Add the eggs, then the flour, and then the lemon juice. Butter tin scolloped pans, and put in this a quarter of an inch thick. Bake a light brown, and pile them in layers, with jelly or marmelade between. Cocoanut Drops. One pound grated cocoanut, only the white part. One pound sifted white sugar. The whites of six eggs, cut to a stiff froth. You must have enough whites of eggs to wet the whole stiff. Drop on buttered plates the size of a cent, and bake immediately. Sugar Drops. Twelve spoonfuls of butter. Twenty-four spoonfuls of sifted white sugar. A pint of sifted flour. Half a nutmeg, and three eggs, the whites beaten eeparately. PRESERVES AND JELLIES. 153 Mix the butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, then the flour, drop on buttered tins, and put sugar plums on the top. Bake ten or fifteen minutes. CHAPTER XVI. PRESERVES AND JELLIES. General Directions/or making Preserves and Jellies. Gather fruit when it is dry. Long boiling hardens the fruit. Pour boiling water over the sieves used, and wring out jelly-bags in hot water the moment you are to use them. Do not squeeze while straining through jelly-bags. Let the pots and jars containing sweetmeats just made remain uncovered three days. Lay brandy papers over the top, cover them tight, and seal them, or, what is best of all, soak a split bladder and tie it tight over them. In drying, it will shrink so as to be perfectly air-tight. Keep them in a dry, but not warm place. A thick leathery mould helps to preserve fruit, but when mould appears in specks, the preserves must be scalded in a warm oven, or be set into hot water, which then must boil till the preserves are scalded. Always keep watch of preserves which are not sealed, especially in warm and damp weather. The only sure way to keep them without risk or care, is to make them with enough sugar and seal them, or tie bladder covers over. To Clarify Syrup for Sweetmeats. For each pound of sugar, allow half a pint of water. For every three pounds of sugar, allow the white of one egg. 154 PRESERVES AND JELLIES. Mix when cold, boil a few minutes, and skim it. Let it stand ten minutes, and skim it, then strain it. Brandy Peaches. Prick the peaches with a needle, put them into a ket- tle with cold water, scald them until sufficiently soft to be penetrated with a straw. Take half a pound of su- gar to every pound of peach ; make the syrup with the sugar, and while it is a little warm, mix two-thirds as much of white brandy with it, put the fruit into jars, and pour the syrup over it. The late white cUngstones are the best to use. Peaches {not very rich). To six pounds of fruit, put five of sugar. Make the syrup. Boil the fruit in the syrup till it is clear. If the fruit is ripe, half an hour will cook it sufficiently. Peaches (very elegant). First take out the stones, then pare them. To every pound of peaches, allow one-third of a pound of sugar. Make a thin syrup, boil the peaches in the syrup till ten- der, but not till they break. Put them into a bowl, and pour the syrup over them. Put them in a dry, cool place, and let them stand two days. Then make a new rich syrup, allowing three quarters of a pound of sugar to one of fruit. Drain the peaches from the first syrup, and boil them until they are clear, in the last syrup. The first syrup must not be added, but may be used foif any other purpose you please, as it is somewhat bitter. The large white clingstones are the best. To preserve Quinces Whole. Select the largest and fairest quinces (as the pooret ones will answer for jelly). Take out the cores and pare them. Boil the quinces in water till tender. Take them out separately on a platter. To each pound of quince, allow a pound of siigar. Make the syrup, then boil the quinces in the syrup until clear. PKESERVES AND JELLIES. 1^6 Qfuinte Jelly. Rub the quinces with a cloth, until perfectly smooth. Remove the cores, cut them into small pieces, pack them tight in your kettle, pour cold water on them until it is on a level with the fruit, but not to cover it ; boil titl^ very soft, but not till they break. Then dip off all the liquor you can, then put the fiuit into a sieve, and press it, and drain off all the re- maining liquor. Then to a pint of the liquor add a pound of sugar, and boil it fifteen minutes. Pour it, as soon as cool, into small jars, or tumblers. Let it stand in the sun a few days, till it begins to dry on the top. It will coritinue to harden after it is piit up. Calf's Foot Jelly, To four nicely-cleaned calf's feet, put four quarts of Water ; let it simmer gently till reduced to two quarts, theii strain it, and let it stand all night, l^hen take off all the fat and sediment, rhelt it, add the juice, and put in the peel of three lemons, and a pint of wine, the whites of four eggs, three sticks of cinna'",ion, and sugar to your taste. Boil ten minutes, then sKim out the spice and lemon peel, and strain it. The American gelatiiie, now very common, makes as good jelly, with far less trouble, and in using it you orily need to dissolve it in hot water, arid then sweeten and flavor it. To preserve Apples, Take only tarf and well-flavored apples, peel, and take out the cores without dividing them, and then parboil them. Make the syrup' with the apple water, allowing three quarters of a pound of white sugar to etery pound of ajjples, and boil! sonle lemon peel and juice in the syrup. Podr the syrup, wliile boiling, on to the appfes, turn them gently while cooking, arid only let the syri^ siftimei', ad hard! boiling breaks the 156 PRESERVES AND JELLIES. fruit. Take it out when the apple is tender through. At the end of a week boil them once more in the syrup. Pear. Take out the cores, cut off the stems, and pare them. Boil the pears in water, till they are tender. Watch them, that they do not break. Lay them separately on a platter as you take them out. To each pound of fruit, take a pound of sugar. Make the syrup, and boil the fruit in the syrup till clear. Pineapple [very fine). Pare and grate the pineapple. Take an equal quan- tity of fruit and sugar. Boil them slowly in a sauce- pan for half an hour. Purple Plum. — No. 1. Make a rich syrup. Boil the plums in the syrup very gently till they begin to crack open. Then take them from the syrup into a jar, and pour the syrup over them. Let them stand a few days, and then boil them a sec- ond time, very gently. To preserve Oranges. Boil the oranges in soft water till you can run a straw through the skin. Clarify three quarters of a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit, take the oranges from the water, and pour over them the hot syrup, and let them stand in it one night. Next day, boil them in the syrup till it is thick and clear. Then take them up, and strain the syrup on to them. Purple Plum.— No. 2. Take an equal weight of fruit, and nice brown su- gar. Take a clean stone jar, put in a layer of fruit and a layer of sugar, till all is in. Cover them tightly with dough, or other tight cover, and put them in a brick PRESERVES AND JELLIES. 16T oven after you have baked in it. If you bake in the morning, put the plums in the oven at evening, and let them remain till the next morning. When you bake again, set them in the oven as before. Uncover them, and stir them carefully with a spoon, and so as not to break them. Set them in the oven thus the third time, and they will be sufficiently cooked. White, or Green Plum. ' Put each one into boiling water, and rub off the skin. Allow a pound of fruit to a pound of sugar. Make a syrup of sugar and water. Boil the fruit in the syrup until clear, about twenty minutes. Let the syrup be cold before you pour it over the fruit. They can be preserved without taking off the skins, by pricking them. Some of the kernels of the stones boiled in give a pleasant flavor. Citron Melon. Two fresh lemons to a pound of melon. Let the su- gar be equal in weight to the lemon and melon. Take out the pulp of the melon, and cut it in thin shces, and boil it in fair water till tender. Take it out and boil the lemon in the same water about twenty minutes. Take out the lemon, add the sugar, and, if necessary, a little more water. Let it boil. When clear, add the mel- on, and let it boil a few minutes. •) Strawberries. Look them over with care. Weigh a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Put a layer of fruit on the bot- tom of the preserving kettle, then a layer of sugar, and so on till all is in the pan. Boil them about fifteen minutes. Put them in bottles, hot, and seal them. Then put them in a box, and fill it in with dry sand. The flavor of the fruit is preserved more perfectly, by simply packing the fruit and sugar in alternate layers, and sealing the 14 168 PRESERVES AND JELLIES. jar, without cooking. But the preserves do not look bo well. Blackberry Jam. Allow three quarters of a pound of brown sugar to a pound of fruit. Boil the fruit half an hour, then add the sugar, and boil all together ten minutes. To preserve Currants to eat with Meat. Strip them from the stem. Boil them an hour, and then to a pound of the fruit, add a pound of brown sugar. Boil all together fifteen or twenty minutes. Cherries. Take out the stones. To a pound of fruit, allow a pound of sugar. Put a layer of fruit on the bottom of the preserving kettle, then a layer of sugar, and continue thus till all are put in. Boil till clear. Put them in bottles, hot, and seal them. Keep them in dry sand. Currants. Strip them from the stems. Allow a pound of sugar to a pound of currants. Boil them together ten minutes. Take them from the syrup, and let the syrup boil twen- ty minutes, and pour it on the fruit. Put them in small jars, or tumblers, and let them stand in the sun a few days. Raspberry Jam. — No. 1. Allow a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Press them with a spoon, in an earthen dish. Add the sugar, and boil all together fifteen minutes. Raspberry Jam,. — No. 2. Allow a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Boil the fruit half an hour, or till the seeds are soft. Strain one quarter of the fruit, and throw away the seeds. Add the sugar, and boil the whole ten minutes. A lit- PRESERVES AND JELLIES. tie curratit juice gives it a pleasant flavor, and when that is used, an equal quantity of sugar must be added. Currant Jelly. Pick over the currants with care. Put them in a stbrie jar, and set it into a kettle of boiling water. Let it boil till the fruit is very soft. Strain it through a sieve. Then run the juice through a jelly-bag. Put a pound of sugar to a pint of juice, and boil it together ^6' minutes. Set it in the sun a few days; Qumce Marmalade. Rub the quinces with a cloth, cut them in quarters'. Put them on the fire with a little water, and stew them till they are sufficiently tender to rub them through a sieve. When strained, put a pound of brown sugar to a pound of the pulp. Set it on the fire, and let it cook Slowly. To ascertain when it is done, take out a little and let it get cold, and if it cuts srnoothly it is done. Crab-apple marmalade is made in the same way. Crab-apple jelly is made like quince jelly. Most other ifruits are preserved so much like the pre- ceding, that it is needless to give any more particular directions, than to say that a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit is the general rule for all preserves that are to be kept through warm weather, and a long time. Preserved Watermelon Rinds. This is a fine article to keep well without trouble for a long time. Peel the melon, and boil it in just enongh water to cover it till it is soft, trying with a fork. (If you wish it green, put green vine leaves above and below each layer, and scatter powdered alum, less than half a teaspoonful to each pound.) Allow a pound and a half of sugar to each pound 6f rind, and clarify it as directed previously. Simmer the rinds two hours in this syrup, and flavoi* it with lemon peel grated and tied in a bag. Then put the melon in a tureen^ and boil the syru|> tii it looks 160 PICKLES. thick, and pour it over. Next day, give the syrup an- other boiling, and put the juice of one lemon to each quart of syrup. Take care not to make it bitter by too much of the peel. Citrons are preserved in the same manner. Both these keep through hot weather with very Uttle care in sealing and keeping. Preserved Pumpkin, Cut a thick yellow pumpkin, peeled, into strips two inches wide, and five or six long. Take a pound of white sugar for each pound of fruit, and scatter it over the fruit, and pour on two wine-glass- es of lemon juice for each pound of pumpkin. Next day, put the parings of one or two lemons with the fruit and sugar, and boil the whole three quarters of an hour, or long enough to make it tender and clear without breaking. Lay the pumpkin to cool, strain the syrup, and then pour it on to the pumpkin. If there is too much lemon peel, it will be bitter. CHAPTER XVII. PICKLES. Do not keep pickles in common earthen Avare, as the glazing contains lead, and combines with the vinegar. Vinegar for pickling should be sharp, but not the sharpest kind, as it injures the pickles. If you use cop- per, bell metal, or brass vessels for pickling, never allow the vinegar to cool in them, as it then is poisonous. Add a tablespoon ful of alum and a tea-cup of salt to each IJiree gallons of vinegar, and tie up a bag with pepper, ginger-root, and spices of all sorts in it, and you have vinegar prepared for any kind of common pickling. Keep pickles only in wood, or stone ware. PICKLES. 161 Anything that has held grease will spoil pickles. Stir pickles occasionally, and if there are soft ones, take them out and scald the vinegar, and pour it hot over the pickles. Keep enough vinegar to cover them vi^ell. If it is weak, take fresh vinegar, and pour on hot. Do not boil vinegar or spice over five minutes. To Pickle Tomatoes. As you gather them, throw them into cold vinegar. When you have enough, take them out, and scald some spices tied in a bag, in good vinegar, and pour it hot over them. To Pickle Peaches. Take ripe but hard peaches, wipe off the down, stick a few cloves into them, and lay them in cold spiced vin- egar. In three months they will be sufficiently pickled, and also retain much of their natural flavor. To Pickle Peppers. Take green peppers, take the seeds out carefully, so as not to mangle them, soak them nine days in salt and water, changing it every day, and keep them in a warm place. Stuff them with chopped cabbage, seasoned with cloves, cinnamon, and mace ; put them in cold spiced vinegar. To Pickle Nasturtions. Soak them three days in salt and water as you col- lect them, changing it once in three days, and when you have enough, pour off the brine, and pour on scald- ing hot vinegar. To Pickle Onions. Peel, and boil in milk and water ten minutes, drain off the milk and water, and pour scalding spiced vinegar on to them. 14* 162 PICKLES. To Pickle Gherkins. Keep them in strong brine till they are yellow, then take them out and turn on hot spiced vinegar, and keep them in it in a warm place, till they turn green. Then turn off the vinegar, and add a fresh supply of hot, spi- ced vinegar. To Pickle Mushrooms. Stew them in salted water, just enough to keep them from sticking. When tender, pour off the water, and pour on hot spiced vinegar. Then cork them tight if you wish to keep them long. Poison ones will turn black if an onion is stewed with them, and then all must be thrown away. To Pickle Cucumbers, Wash the cucumbers in cold water, being careful not to bruise, or break them. Make a brine of rock, or blown salt (rock is the best), strong enough to bear up an Q^gg^ or potato, and of sufficient quantity to cover the cucumbers. Put them into an oaken tub, or stone- ware jar, and pour the brine over them. In twenty-four hours, they should be stirred up frorh the bottom with the hand. The third day pour off the brine, scald it, and pour it over the cucumbers. Let them stand in the brine nine days, scalding it every third day, as described above. Then take the cucumbers into a tub, rinse them in cold water, and if they are too salt, let them stand in it a few hours. Drain them from the water, put them back into the tub or jar, which must be washed clean from the brine. Scald vinegar sufficient to cover them, and pour it upon them. Cover them tight, and in a week they will be ready for use. If spice is wanted, it may be tied in a linen cloth, and put into the jar with the pickles, or scalded with the vinegar, and the bag thrown into the pickle jar. If a white scum rises, take it off and scald the vinegar, and pour it back. A small lump of alum ticklM, 163 added t6 the vinegar, improves the hardness of the cu- cumbers. Pickled Walnuts. Take a hundred nuts, an ounce of cloves, an ounce of allspice, an ounce of nutmeg, an ounce of whole pep- per, an ounce of race ginger, an ounce of horseradish, half pint of mustard seed, tied in a bag, and four cloves of garlic. Wipe the nuts, prick with a pin, and put them in a pot, sprinkling the spice as you lay them in ; then add two tablespoonfuls of salt ; boil sufficient vinegar to fill the pot, and pour it over the nuts and spice. Cover the jar close, and keep it for a year, when the pickles will be ready for use. Butternuts may be made in the same manner, if they are taken when green, and soft enough to be stuck through with the head of a pin. Put them for a week or two in weak brine, changing it occasionally. Before putting in the brine, rub them about with a broom in brine to cleanse the skins. Then proceed as for the walnuts. The vinegar makes an excellent catsup. Mangoes. Take the latest growth of young muskmelons, take out a small bit from one side, and empty them. Scrape the outside smooth, and soak them four days in strong salt and water. If you wish to green theni, put vine leaves over and under, with bits of alum, and steam them a while. Then powder cloves, pepper, and nut- meg in equal portions, and sprinkle on the inside, and fill them with strips of horseradish, small bits of cala- mus, bits of cinnamon and mace, a clove or two, a very small onion, nasturtions, and then American mustard- seed to fill the crevices. Put back the piece cut out, and sew it on, and then sew the mango in cotton cloth. Lay all in a stone jar, the cut side upward. Boil sharp vinegar a few minutes, with half a tea-cup of salt, and a tablespoonful of Etlum to three gallohs^ of 164 PICKLES. vinegar, and turn it on to the melons. Keep dried bar berries for garnishes, and when you use them turn a Ut tie of the above vinegar of the mangoes heated boiling hot on to them, and let them swell a few hours. Shced and salted cabbage with this vinegar poured on hot is very good. Fine Pickled Cabbage. Shred red and white cabbage, spread it in layers in a stone jar, with salt over each layer. Put two spoonfuls of whole black pepper, and the same quantity of allspice, cloves, and cinnamon, in a bag, and scald them in two quarts of vinegar, and pour the vinegar over the cab- bage, and cover it tight. Use it in two days after. An excellent Way of Preparing Tomatoes to eat with Meat. Peel and slice ripe tomatoes, sprinkling on a little salt as you proceed. Drain off the juice, and pour on hot spiced vinegar. To Pickle Martinoes. Gather them when you can run a pin head into them, and after wiping them, keep them ten days in weak brine, changing it every other day. Then wipe them, and pour over boiling spiced vinegar. In four weeks they will be ready for use. It is a fine pickle. A convenient Way to Pickle CucuTnbers. Put some spiced vinegar in a jar, with a little salt in it. p]very time you gather a mess, pour boiling vinegar on them, with a little alum in it. Then put them in the spiced vinegar. Keep the same vinegar for scald- ing all. When you have enough, take all from the spiced vinegar, and scald in the alum vinegar two or three minutes, till green, and then put them back in the spiced vinegar. hidiana Pickles. Take green tomatoes, and slice them. Put them in ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS, ETC, 165 a basket to drain in layers, with salt scattered over them, say a tea-cup full to each gallon. Next day, slice one quarter the quantity of onions, and lay the onions and tomatoes in alternate layers in a jar, with spices inter- vening. Then fill the jar with cold vinegar. Toma- toes picked as they ripen, and just thrown into cold spiced vinegar, are a fine pickle, and made with very little trouble. To Pickle Cauliflower^ or Brocoli. Keep them twenty-four hours in strong brine, and then take them out and heat the brine, and pour it on scalding hot, and let them stand till next day. Drain them, and throw them into spiced vinegar. CHAPTER XVIII. ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS AND EVENING PARTIES. Ice Cream. One quart of milk. One and a half tablespoonfuls of arrowroot. The grated peel of two lemons. One quart of thick cream. Wet the arrowroot with a little cold milk, and add it to the quart of milk when boiling hot; sweeten it very sweet with white sugar, put in the grated lemon peel, boil the whole, and strain it into the quart of cream. When partly frozen, add the juice of the two lemons. Twice this quantity is enough for thirty-five persons. Find the quantity of sugar that suits you by measure, and then you can use this every time, without tasting. Some add whites of eggs, others think it just as good without. It must be made very sweet, as it loses much by freezing. 109 AETICLES FOE ^ESSJSRTS Directions for freezing Ice Cream. If you have no apparatus for the purpose (which is almost indispensable), put the cream into a tin pail with a very tight cover, mix equal (uantities of snow and blown salt (not the coarse salt), or of pounded ice and salt, in a tub, and put it as high as the pail, or freezer ; turn the pail or freezer half round and back again with one hand, for half an hour, or longer, if you want it very nice. Three quarters of an hour steadily, will make it good enough. While doing this, stop four or five times, and mix the frozen part with the rest, the last time very thoroughly, and then the lemon juice must be put in. Then cover the freezer tight with snow and salt till it is wanted. The mixture must be perfectly cool before be- ing put in the freezer. Renew the snow and salt while shaking, so as to have it kept tight to the sides of the freezer. A hole in the tub holding the freezing mixture to let off the water, is a great advantage. In a tin pail it would take much longer to freeze than in the freezer, probably nearly twice as long, or one hour and a half. A long stick, like a coffee stick, should be used in scra- ping the ice from the sides. Iron spoons will be affected by the lemon juice, and give a bad taste. In taking it out for use, first wipe off every particle of the freezing mixture dry, then with a knife loosen the sides, then invert the freezer upon the dish in which the ice is to be served, and apply two towels rung out of hot water to the bottom part, and the whole will slide out in the shape of a cyhnder. If you wish to put it into moulds, pour it into them when the cream is frozen sufficiently, and then cover the moulds in the snow and salt till they are wanted. Dip the moulds in warm water to make the ice slip out easily. If you wish to have a freezer made, send the follow- ing directions to a tinner. Make a tin cylinder box, eighteen inches high and eight inches in diameter at the bottom, and a trifle lar- ger at the top, so that the frozen cream will slip out easier. • AND EVENING PARTIES. .IST Have a cover made with a rim to lap over three inc|ies, and fitted tight. Let there be a rourid handle fastened to the lid, an inch in diameter, and reaching nearly across, to take hold of, to stir the cream. This will cost from fifty to seventy-five cents. The tub holding the ice and freezer should have a hole in the bottom, to let the water run off, and through the whole process the ice must be close packed the whoje depth of the freezer. Philadelphia Ice Cream. Two quarts of milk (cream when you have it). Three tablespoonfuls of arrowroot. The whites of eight eggs well beaten. One pound of powdered sugar. Boil the milk, thicken it with the arrowroot, add the sugar, and pour the whole upon the eggs. If you wish it flavored with vanilla, split half a bean, and boil it in the milk. Another Ic& Cream. Three quarts of milk. Two pounds and a half of powdered sugar. Twelve eggs, well beaten. Mix all together in a tin pail, add one vanilla bean (split), then put the pail into a kettle of boiling water, and stir the custard all the time, until it is quite thick. After it is cooled, add two quarts of rich cream, and then freeze it. Strawberry Ice Cream. Rub a pint of ripe strawberries through a sieve, add a pint of cream, and four ounces of powdered sugar, ^nd freeze it. Ice Cream without Cream. A vanilla bean, or a lemon rind, is first boiled in ^ quart of milk. Take out the bean qr peel, and add tfee yolks of four pggs, h^^^t^m w4\' )Sf at it scalding hpt, 168 ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS but do not boil it, stirring in white sugar till very sweet. When cold, freeze it. Fruit Ice Cream, Make rich boiled custard, and mash into it the soft ripe fruit, or the grated or cooked hard fruit, or grated pineap- ples. Rub all through a sieve, sweeten it very sweet, and freeze it. Ciuince, apple, pear, peach, strawberry, and raspberry, are all good for this purpose. Rich Custards. One quart of cream. The yolks of six eggs. Six ounces of powdered white sugar. A small pinch of salt. Two tablespoon fuls of brandy. One spoonful of peach water. Half a tablespoonful of lemon brandy. An ounce of blanched almonds, pounded to a paste. Mix tlie cream with the sugar, and the yolks of the eggs well beaten, scald them together in a tin pail in boiling water, stirring all the time, until sufficiently thick. When cool, add the other ingredients, and pour into custard cups. Wine Cream Custard, Sweeten a pint of cream with sifted sugar, heat it, stir in white wine till it curdles, add rose water, or grated lemon peel in a bag, heated in the milk. Turn it into cups. Or, mix a pint of milk with the pint of cream, add five beaten eggs, a spoonful of flour wet with milk, and sugar to your taste. Bake this in cups, or pie plates. Almond Custard. Blanch and pound four ounces of sweet almonds, and a few of the bitter. Boil them five minutes in a quart of milk, sweeten to your taste, and when blood warm, Btir in the beaten yolks of eight eggs, and the whites of AND EVENING PARTIES. 169 four. Heal it, and stir till it thickens, then pour info cups. Cut the reserved whites to a stiff froth, and put on the top. A Cream for Stewed Fruit. Boil two or three peach leaves, or a vanilla bean, in a quart of cream, or milk, till flavored. Strain and sweet- en it, mix it with the yolks of four eggs, well beaten ; then, while heating it, add the whites cut to a froth. When it thickens, take it up. When cool, pour it over the fruit, or preserves. Currant, Raspberry, or Strawberry Whisk. Put three gills of the juice of the fruit to ten ounces of crushed sugar, add the juice of a lemon, and a pint and a half of cream. Whisk it till quite thick, and serve it in jelly glasses, or a glass dish. Lemonade Ice, and other Ices. To a quart of lemonade, add the whites of six eggs, cut to a froth, and freeze it. The juices of any fruit, sweetened and watered, may be prepared in the same way, and are very fine. Lem^on and Orange Cream,. Grate the outer part of the rind of eight oranges, or lemons, into a pint of cold water, and let it stand from night till morning. Add the juice of two dozen of the fruit, and another pint of cold water. Beat the yolks of six eggs, and add the whites of sixteen eggs, cut to a stiff froth. Strain the juice into the Qgg. Set it over the fire, and stir in fine white sugar, till quite sweet. When it begins to thicken, take it off, and stir till it is cold. Serve it in glasses, or freeze it. Vanilla Cream. Boil a vanilla bean in a quart of rich milk, till flavor- ed to your taste. Beat the yolks of eight eggs, and stir in, then sweeten well, and lastly, add the whites of the 15 170 ^ ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS eggs, cut to a stiff froth. Boil till it begins to thicken, then stir till cold, and serve in glasses, or freeze it. ^4 Charlotte Russe. Half a pint of milk, and half a vanilla bean boiled in it, and then cooled and strained. Four beaten yolks of eggs, and a quarter of a pound of powdered loaf sugar stirred into the milk. Simmer five minutes, and cool it. An ounce of Russia isinglass boiled in a pint of wa- ter till reduced one half, and strained into the above cus tard. Whip a rich cream to a froth, and stir into the cus- tard. The preceding is for the custard that is to fill the form. Prepare the form thus : — Take a large round, or oval sponge cake, three or four inches thick, with perpendic- ular sides. Cut off the bottom about an inch thick, or a Httle less, and then turn it bottom upwards into a form of the same size and shape. Then dig out the cake till it is a sliell, an inch thick, or less. Fill the opening with the custard, and cover it with the slice cut from the bottom. Then set it into a tub of pounded ice and salt, for forty minutes, being careful not to get any on to the cake. When ready to use it, turn it out of the form on to a flat oval dish, and ornament the top with frosting, or syringe on it candy sugar, in fanciful forms. This can be made by fitting slices of sponge cake nicely into a form, instead of using a whole cake. A Plainer Charlotte Russe. Half an ounce of Russia isinglass, or a little more. Half a pint of milk, and a pint of thick cream. Four eggs. Three ounces sifted white sugar. A gill and a half of white wine. Boil the isinglass in the milk, flavoring with vanilla or lemon. Stir the sugar into the yolks of the eggs. Put the wine to the cream, and beat them to a froth. AND EVENING PARTIES. 171 Then strain the isinglass into the yolks, thent add the cream and wine, and last of all the whites of the eggs cut to a stiff froth. Then line a dish with sponge cake, making the pieces adhere with whites of eggs, and pour in the above. A Superior Omelette JSouflee. Take eight eggs. Put the whites on one plate, and the yolks on another (two persons do it better than one) ; beat up the whites to a perfect froth, and at the same time stir the yolks with finely-powdered sugar, flavored with a Httle lemon peel, grated. Then, while stirring the whites, pour the yolks into the w^hites, stir them a little (but not beat them). Then pour all on a round tin plate, and put it in the oven ; when it begins to rise a little, draw it to the mouth of the oven, and with a spoon pile it up in a pyramidal shape, and leave it a few minutes longer in the oven. The whole baking requires but three or four minutes, and should be done just as wanted for the table. Almond Cheese Cake. Three well-beaten eggs. A pint of new milk, boiling while the eggs are mix- ed in. Half a glass of wine, poured in while boiling. On adding the wdne, take it from the fire, strain off the whey, and put to the curds sifted white sugar, to your taste, three eggs, well beaten, a teaspoonful of rose water, half a pound of sweet almonds, and a doz- en of bitter ones, all blanched and pounded, and sixteen even spoonfuls of melted butter. Pour this into patties lined with thin pastry. Ornament the top with Zante currants, and almonds cut in thin slips. Bake as soon as done. Flumm^ery. Cut sponge cake into thin slices, and line a deep dish. Make it moist with white wine ; make a rich custard, 172 ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS using only the yolks of the eggs. When cool, turn it into the dish, and cut the whites to a stiff froth, and put on the top. Chicken Salad. Cut the white meat of chickens into small bits, the size of peas. Chop the white parts of celery nearly as small. Prepare a dressing thus : — Rub the yolks of hard-boiled eggs smooth, to each yolk put half a teaspoonful of mustard, the same quan- tity of salt, a tablespoonful of oil, and a wine-glass of vinegar. Mix the chicken and celery in a large bowl, and pour over this dressing. The dressing must not be put on till just before it is used. Bread and butter and crackers are served with it. Gelatine^ or American Isinglass Jelly. Two ounces of American isinglass, or gelatine. * One quart of boiling water. A pint and a half of white wine. The whites of three eggs. Soak the gum in cold water half an hour. Then take it from the water, and pour on the quart of boiling I water. When cooled, add the grated rind of one lemon, and the juice of two, and a pound and a half of loaf su- gar. Then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and stir them in, and let the whole boil till the egg is well mixed, but do not stir while it boils. Strain through a jelly-bag, and then add the wine. Wine jelly is made thus, except that half a pint more of wine is added. In cold weather, a pint more of water may be added. This jelly can be colored by beet juice, saffron, or indigo, for fancy dishes. Oranges in Jelly. Peel and divide into halves several small-size oranges ; boil them in water till a straw will pierce them, then put AND EVENING PARTIES. 173 them into a syrup made of half a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit, and boil the oranges in it till clear. Then stir in an ounce, or more, of clarified isinglass, and let it boil a little while. Take the oranges into a dish, and strain the jelly over. Lemons may be done the same way. Jelly Tarts. One pound of sifted flour. Three quarters of a pound of butter, rubbed in well. Wet it up with about a pint of cold water, in which a bit of sal volatile, the size of a large pea dissolved in a Httle cold water, has been put. Beat the whole with a rolling-pin, cut it into round cakes, wet the tops with beaten e^gg, and strew on fine white sugar. Bake in a quick oven, and when done put a spoonful of jelly in the centre of each. Sweet Paste Jelly Tarts. A pint of dried and sifted flour. A pint of sifted sugar. Two-thirds of a pint of sweet butter. A bit of sal volatile, the size of two large peas, dissolv- ed in a tablespoonful of cold water. Mix the butter and sugar to a cream, work in the flour, add the sal volatile, and cold water, if needed, for making a paste to roll. Beat the whole with a rolling- pin, roll it half an inch thick, cut it with a tumbler, wet the tops with milk, put them on buttered tins into a quick oven, and when done, heap a spoonful of jelly on the centre of each. They are excellent for a dessert, or for evening parties. An Apple Lemon Pudding. Six spoonfuls of grated, or of cooked and strained ap- ple. Three lemons, pulp, rind, and juice, all grated. Half a pound of melted butter. Sugar to the taste. Seven eggs, well beaten. Mix, and bake with or without paste. It can be made 15* 174 ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS Still plainer by using nine spoonfuls of apple, one lemon, two-thirds of a cup full of butter, and three eggs. Buttermilk Pop. Rub an ounce of butter into a tea-cup of flour, wet it up to a thin paste with cold buttermilk, and pour it into tw^o quarts of boiling fresh buttermilk. Salt to the taste. Wheat Flour Blanc Mange. Wet up six tablespoonfuls of flour to a thin paste, with cold milk, and stir it into a pint of boiling milk. Flavor with lemon peel, or peach leaves boiled in the milk. Add a pinch of salt, cool it in a mould, and eat with sweetened cream and sweetmeats. Orange Marnielade. Take two lemons, and a dozen oranges ; grate the yellow part of all the oranges but five, and set it aside. Make a clear syrup of an equal \veight of sugar. Clear the oranges of rind and seeds, and put them with the grated rinds into the syrup, and boil about twenty min- utes, till it is a transparent mass. A Simple Lem^on Jelly [easily m^ade). One ounce of cooper's isinglass. A pound and a halt of loaf sugar. Three lemons, pulp, skin, and juice, grated. Pour a quart of boiling water on to the isinglass, add the rest, mix and strain it, then add a glass of wine, and pour it to cool in some regular form. If the lemons are not fresh, add a httle cream of tartar, or tartaric acid. American gelatine is used for this. Cranberry. Pour boiling water on them, and then you can easi- ly separate the good and the bad. Boil them in a very little water till soft, then sweeten to your taste. If you AND EVENING PARTIES. 175 wish a jelly take a portion and strain through a fine sieve. Fruits Preserved without Cooking. Pineapples peeled and cut in thin slices, with layers of sugar under and over each slice, will keep without cooking, and the flavor is fully preserved. Use a pound and a half of sugar for each pound of fruit. (Quinces peeled and boiled soft, and then laid in sugar, pound to a pound, in the same way, are very beautiful. Apple Ice {very fine). Take finely-flavored apples^ grate them fine, and then make them very sweet, and freeze them. It is very de- licious. Pears, peaches, or quinces, also are fine either grated fine or stewed and run through a sieve, then sweetened very sweet and frozen. The flavor is much better pre- served when grated than when cooked. Lemon, or Orange Ice Cream. Squeeze a dozen lemons, and make the juice thick with sugar ; then stir in slowly three quarts of cream, and freeze it. Oranges require less sugar. Cream Tarts. One pound of sifted flour, and a salt spoon of salt. A quarter of a pound of rolled sugar. A quarter of a pound of butter, and one beaten egg. Sal volatile the size of a nutmeg, dissolved in a spoon- ful of cold water. Mix the above, and wet up with cold water, and line some small patties, or tartlet pans. Bake in a quick oven, then fill with mock cream, sprinkle on powdered sugar, put them back into the oven a few minutes till a little browned. Whip Syllabub. One pint of cream. Sifted white sugar to your taste. Half a tumbler of white wine. 176 ARTICLES FOR CESSERTS The grated rind and juice of one lemon. Beat all to a stiff froth. Trifles. One well-beaten egg, and one tablespoonful of sugar. A salt spoonful of salt, and flour enough for a stiff dough. Cut it in thin round cakes, and fry in lard ; when they rise to the surface and are turned over, they are done. Drain on a sieve, and put jam or jelly on the centre of each. Nothings. Three well-beaten eggs, a salt spoonful of salt, and flour enough for a very stiff paste. Roll and cut into very thin cakes, fry them Hke trifles, and put two to- gether with jam, or jelly betweeri. Apple Snow. Put twelve very tart apples in cold water over a slow fire. When soft, take away the skins and cores, and mix in a pint of sifted white sugar ; beat the whites of twelve eggs to a stiff froth, and then add them to the apples and sugar. Put it in a dessert dish, and orna- ment with myrtle and box. Iced Fruit. •^ke fine bunches of currants on the stalk, dip them in well-beaten whites of eggs, lay them on a sieve and sift white sugar over them, and set them in a warm pkce to dry. Ornamental Froth. The whites of four eggs in a stiff froth, put into the syrup of preserved raspberries, or strawberries, beaten well together, and turned over ice cream, or blanc mange. Make white froth to combine with the colored in fanci- ful ways. It can be put on the top of boiling milk, and hardened to keep its form. AND EVENING PARTIES. 177 To Clarify Isinglass. Dissolve an ounce of isinglass in a cup of boiling wa- ter, take off the scum, and drain through a coarse cloth. Jellies, candies, and blanc mange should be done in brass, and stirred with silver. Blanc Mange. A pint of cream, and a quart of boiled milk. An ounce and a half of clarified isinglass, stirred into the milk. Sugar to your taste. A teaspoonful of fine salt. Flavor with lemon, or orange, or rose water. Let it boil, stirring it well, then strain into moulds Three ounces of almonds pounded to a paste and ad- ded while boiling, is an improvement. Or filberts, or hickory-nuts, can be skinned and used thus. It can be flavored by boiling in it a vanilla bean, or a stick of cinnamon. Save the bean to use again. Calfs Foot Blanc Mange, Take a pint of calf's foot jelly, or American isinglass jelly, and put it in a sauce-pan, with the beaten yolks of six eggs, and stir till it begins to boil. Then sweeten and flavor to your taste ; set it in a pan of cold water, and stir it till nearly cold, to prevent curdling, and when it begins to thicken, put it into moulds. Variegated Blanc Mange. For evening parties a pretty ornamental vaiiety can be made thus. Color the blanc mange in separate parcels, red, with juice of boiled beets, or cochineal ; yellow, with saffron ; and blue, with indigo. Put in a layer of white, and when cool, a layer of another color, and thus as many as you like. You can arrange it in moulds thus, or in a dish, and when cold cut it in fanciful shapes. 178 ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS Jaune Mange. Boil an ounce of isinglass in a little more than half a pint of water, till dissolved; strain it, add the juice and a little of the grated rind of two oranges, a gill of white wine, the yolks of four eggs, beaten and strained, and sugar to your taste. Stir over a gentle fire till it just boils, and then strain into a mould. Ivory Dust Jelly, Boil a pound of the dust in five pints of water, till re- duced to one quart, strain it, add a quart more of water, boil till a stiff jelly, then add lemon, or orange juice and rinS, and sugar to your taste, and strain into moulds. Apple Jelly. Boil tart, peeled apples in a httle water; till glutinous, strain out the juice, and put a pound of white sugar to a pint of the juice. Flavor to your taste, boil till a good jelly, and then put it into moulds. Another Lemon Jelly. Take the clear juice of twelve lemons, and a pound of fine loaf sugar, and a quart of water. For each quart of the above mixture, put in an ounce of clarified isin- glass, let it boil up once, and strain into moulds. If not stiff enough, add more isinglass, and boil again. *» Orange Jelly. The juice of nine oranges and three lemons. The grated rind of one lemon, and one orange, pared thin. Two quarts of water, and four ounces of isinglass, broken up and boiled in it to a jelly. Add the above, and sweeten to your taste. Then add the whites of eight eggs, well beaten to a stiff froth, and boil ten minutes, strain and put into moulds, first dip- ped in cold water. When perfectly cold, dip the mould in warm water, and turn on to a glass dish. AND EVENlNa PARTIES. • 179 Floating Island. Beat the j^olks of six eggs with the juice of four lemons, sweeten it to your taste, and stir it into a quart of boihng milk till it thickens, then pour it into a dish. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stitf froth, and put it on the top of the cream, Aiiother Syllahuh. The juice and grated outer skin of a large lemon. Four glasses of white wine. A quarter of a pound of sifted white sugar. Mix the above, and let them stand some hours. Then whip it, adding a pint of thick cream, and the whites of two eggs cut to a froth. An OrnaTnental Dish. Pare and core, without splitting, some small-sized tart apples, and boil them very gently with one lemon for every six apples, till a straw will pass through them. Make a syrup of half a pound of white sugar for each pound of apples, put the apples unbroken, and the lemons sliced, into the syrup, and boil gently till the apples look clear. Then take them up carefully, so as not to break them, and add an ounce, or more, of clarified isinglass to the syrup, and let it boil up. Then lay a slice of lemon on each apple, and strain the syrup over them. Carrageen Blanc Mange [Irish Moss). Take one tea-cup full of Carrageen^ or Irish moss, af- ter it has been carefully picked over. Wash it thorough- ly in pearlash water, to take out the saline taste ; then rinse it in several waters, put it in a tin pail, and pour to it a quart of milk. Set the pail, closely covered, into a kettle of boiling water. Let it stand until the moss thickens the milk, then strain through a fine sieve, sweet- en with powdered loaf sugar, and flavor with rose or lemon. Wet the moulds in cold water, then pour in the blanc mange, and set it in a cool place. In two, or three hours, or when quite firm, it may be used. Loos- 180 ARTICLES FOR DESSERTS en the edges from the moulds, and then turn it out upon china or glass plates. It may be served with powdered sugar and cream. A Dish of Snoio. Grate the white part of cocoanut, put it in a glas3 dish and serve with currant or cranberry jellies To Clarify Sugar. Take four pounds of sugar, and break it up. Whisk the white of an egg, and put it with a tum- blerful of water into a preserving pan, and add water gradually, till you have two quarts, stirring well. When there is a good frothing, throw in the sugar, boil moder- ately, and skim it. If the sugar rises to run over, throw in a httle cold water, and then skim it, as it is then still. Repeat this, and when no more scum rises, strain the sugar for use. To Prepare Sugar for Candies. Put a coffee cup of water for each pound of sugar, into a brass, or copper kettle, over a slow fire. Put in, for each pound, say half a sheet of isinglass, and half a teaspoonful of gum-arabic, dissolved together. Skim off all impurities, and flavor to your taste. All sugar for candy is prepared thus, and then boiled till, when drawn into strings and cooled, it snaps like glass. A httle hot rum, or vinegar, must be put to loaf sugar candy, to prevent its being too brittle. Candies made thus, can be colored with boiled beet juice, saffron, and indigo, and it can be twisted, rolled, and cut into any forms. It can have cocoanut, almonds, hickory-nuts, Brazil, or peanuts, sliced, or chopped and put in. It can be flavored with vanilla, rose, lemon, orange, cloves, cinnamon, or anything you please. Sugar Kisses. Whisk four whites of eggs to a stiff froth, and stir in AND Evening parties,! 181 half a pound of sifted white sugar, and flavor it as you hke. Lay it, when stiff, in heaps, on white paper, each the shape and size of half an eggj and an inch apart. Place thera on a board which is half an inch thick, and put them into a hot oven. When they turn a little yellow- ish, slip off the paper on to a table, and let them cool five minutes. Then slip off two of the kisses with a knife, and join the bottom parts together which touched the paper, and they, if pressed gently, will adhere. Then lay them on a plate, and continue till all are thus pre- pared. These look handsomely, and are very delicate and good. Almond Macaroons. Half a pound of almonds blanched, and pounded with a teaspoonful of essence of lemon till a smooth paste. Add an equal quantity of sifted white sugar, and the beaten whites of two eggs. Work well together with a spoon. ' Dip your hand in water, and work them into balls the size of a nutmeg, lay them on white paper, an inch apart ; then dip your hand in water, and smooth them. Put them in a cool oven for three quarters of an hour. Cocoanut can be grated and used in place of the al- monds, and thus make cocoanut macaroons. Filbert Macaroons. Heat a quarter of a pound of filbert meats till the skin will rub off, and when cold pound them, and make a paste with a little white of an egg, add a quarter of a pound of white sifted sugar, and the white of an egg ; when well mixed, bake them Hke almond macaroons. Flour macaroons look as well, and are nearly as good. To make them, work a pint of sifted white sugar into one beaten egg, till a smooth paste, and add a Httle sifted flour, so as to mould it in your hands. Flavor with es- sence of lemon, or rose water, and proceed as with al- mond macaroons. 16 182 ARTICLES 5OR DESSERTS AND EVENING PARTIES. Cocoanut Drops. The white part of a cocoanut, grated. The whites of four eggs, well beaten. Half a pound of sifted w^hite sugar. Flavor with rose water, or essence of lemon. Mix all as thick as can be stirred, lay in heaps an inch apart, on paper, and on a baking tin ; put them in a quick oven, and take them out when they begin to look yellowish. Candied Fruits. Preserve the fruit, then dip it in sugar boiled to candy thickness, and then dry it. Grapes and some other fruits may be dipped in uncooked, and then dried, and they are fine. Another Way. Take it from the syrup, when preserved, dip it in pow- dered sugar, and set it on a sieve in an oven to dry. To make an Ornamental Pyramid for a Table. Boil loaf sugar as for candy, and rub it over a stiff form, made for the purpose, of stiff paper, which must be well buttered. Set it on a table, and begin at the bot- tom, and stick on to this frame, with the sugar, a row of macaroons, kisses, or other ornamental articles, and con- tinue till the whole is covered. When cold, draw out the pasteboard form, and set the pyramid in the centre of the table with a small bit of wax candle burning wTith It, and it looks very beautifully. TEMPERANCE DRINKS. 183 CHAPTER XIX. TEMPERANCE DRINKS. The advocates of entire abstinence from intoxica- ting drinks seem to be divided into three classes. One class consider it to be a sin in itself, to take anything that contains the intoxicating principle. Another class adopt the temperance pledge on the principle urged by St. Paul in 1 Cor. 8 : 13, and engage not to use intoxicating drinks as a beverage, nor to of- fier them to others, and maintain that though neither their pledge nor divine command requires more than this, yet that, to avoid the appear ajice of evil, they will not use any kind of alcoholic Hquors for any purpose. Such will not employ it in cooking, nor keep it in their houses. The third class believe that the wisest course is to adopt the pledge " not to use, or offer to others intoxica- ting drinks as a heveragej'' and strictly to adhere, both to the spirit and letter of this pledge, but not to go beyond it. Such think it proper to use wine and brandy in cooking, and occasionally for medicinal purposes, and suppose that the cause of temperance will be best pro- moted by going no farther. The writer belongs to this last class, and therefore has not deemed it desirable to omit or alter receipts in which wine and brandy are em- ployed for cooking It has now become almost universal, in the medical profession, to maintain the principle, that alcoholic drinks, except as medicine, are never needful, but as the gene- ral rule, are always injurious. And they consider that those cases where the use of them seems to involve no evil, should be regarded as owing to the fact that a strong constitution, or some peculiarity of temperament, can oc- casionally resist the evil influence for a certain length of 184 TEMPERANCE DRINKS. time, just as some persons, by similar causes, are sustain- ed in health in a malaria district. But none can tell how long a good constitution will re- sist tiie baleful operation of alcohol or malaria, nor are these exceptions any argument in favor either of in- toxicating drinks or a pestilential atmosphere. The great abundance of dehcious and healthful drinks that are within reach, leaves no excuse for resorting to such as are pernicious. The following receipts furnish a great variety, and many of them are very easily and cheaply obtained. In regard to effervescing drinks. Dr. Pereira remarks : " Water charged with carbonic acid forms a cool and refreshing beverage. It acts as a diaphoretic and diu- retic (i. e., to promote perspiration and the healthful actiou of the kidneys), and is a most valuable agent for check- ing nausea and vomiting. When it contains bicarbo- nate of soda in solution, it proves antacid, and is a most valuable beverage for persons afflicted with calculi in the bladder." The following receipts may be tried in succession, and some among them will suit the taste of every one. Some of the receipts for drinks for the sick are also very fine for common use. Gijiger Beer Powders, and Soda Poivders. Put into blue papers, thirty grains to each paper, of bicarbonate of soda, five grains of powdered ginger, and a drachm of white powdered sugar. Put into white papers, twenty-five grains to each, of powdered tartaric acid. Put one i)aper of each kind to half a pint of water. The common soda powders of the shops are hke the above, when the sugar and ginger are omitted. Soda powders can be kept on hand, and the water in which they are used can be flavored with any kind of syrup or tincture, and thus make a fine drink for hot weather. Currant Ice Water. Press the juice from ripe currants, strain it, and put a TEMPERANCE DRINKS. 185 pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Put it into bottles, cork and seal it, and keep it in a cool, dry place. When wanted, mix it with ice water for a drink. Or put wa- ter with it, make it very sweet, and freeze it. Freez- ing always takes away much of the sweetness. The juices of other acid fruits can be used in the same way. iSarsaparilla Mead. One pound of Spanish sarsaparilla. Boil it in four gallons of water five hours, and add enough water to have two gallons. Add sixteen pounds of sugar, and ten ounces of tartaric acid. To make a tumbler of it, take half a wine-glass of the above, and then fill witti water, and put in half a tea- spoonful of soda. Effervescing Fruit Drinks. Tery fine drinks for summer are prepared by putting strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries into good vine- gar and then straining it off, and adding a new supply of fruit till enough flavor is secured, as directed in Stj-aw- berry Yinegar. Keep the vinegar bottled, and in hot weather use it thus. Dissolve half a teaspoonful or less of saleratus, or soda in a tumbler, very httle water till the lumps are all out. Then fill the tumbler two- thirds full of water, and then add the fruit vinegar. If several are to drink, put the soda, or saleratus into the pitcher, and then put the fiuit vinegar into each tumbler, and pour the alkali water from the pitcher into each tum- bler, as each person is all ready to drink, as delay spoils it. Effervescing Jelly Drinks. ^ When jams or jelUes are too old to be good for table use, mi^ them with good vinegar, and then use them with soda, or saleratus, as directed above. Summer Beverage. Ten drops of oil of sassafras. Ten drops of oil of 16* 186 TEMPERANCE DRINKS. spruce. Ten drops of oil of wintergreen. Two quarts of boiling water poured on to two great spoonfuls of cream tartar. Then add eight quarts of cold water, the oils, three gills of distillery yeast (or twice as much home-brewed), and sweeten it to the taste. In twenty- four hours, bottle it, and it is a delicious bevereige. Simple Ginger Beer. One great spoonful of ginger and one of cream tartar. One pint of home-brewed yeast and one pint of molas- ses. Six quarts of water. When it begins to ferment bottle it, and it will be ready for use in eight hours. Orange^ or Lemon Syr%ip. Put a pound and a half of white sugar to each pint of juice, add some of tne peel, boil ten minutes, then strain and cork it. It makes a fine beverage, and is useful to flavor pies and puddings. Acid Fruit Syrups. The juice of any acid fruit can be made into a syrup by the above receipt, using only a pound of sugar for each pint of juice, and kept on hand for summer drink. Imitation Lemon Syrup. Four ounces tartaric acid, powdered. Two drachms oil of lemon. This can be kept in a vial for a month, and then must be renewed. A tablespoonful put to water sweetened with loaf sugar, makes six glasses of lemonade. Superior Ginger Beer, Ten pounds of sugar. , Nine ounces of lemon juice. Half a pound of honey. Eleven ounces bruised ginger root. Nine gallons of water. Three pints of yeast. Boil the ginger half an hour in a gallon and a half of 189 TEMPERANCE DRINKS. water, then add the rest of the water and the other in- gredients, and strain it when cold, add the white of one egg beaten, and half an ounce of essence of lemon. Let it stand four days then bottle it, and it will keep good many months. Lemon Sherbet 4 Dissolve a pound and a half of loaf sugar in one quart of water, add the juice of ten lemons, press the lemons so as to extract not only the juice, but the oil of the rind, and let the skins remain a while in the water and sugar. Strain through a sieve, and then freeze it like ice cream. Orange Sherbet. Take the juice of a dozen oranges, and pour a pint of boiling water on the peel, and let it stand, covered, half an hour. Boil a pound of loaf sugar in a pint of water, skim, and then add the juice and the water in the peel to the sugar. Strain it and cool it with ice, or freeze it. The juice of two lemons and a little more sugar improves it. Sham Cham^pagne, One lemon sliced. A tablespoonful of tartaric acid. One ounce of race ginger. One pound and a half of sugar. Two gallons and a half of boiling water poured on to the above. When blood warm, add a gill of distillery yeast, or twice as much of home-brewed. Let it stand in the sun through the day. When cold in the even^ ing, cork and wire it. In two days it is ready for use Coffee. Mocha and Old Java are the best, and time improves all kinds. Dry it a long time before roasting. Roast it quick, stirring constantly, or it will taste raw and bit 188 TEMPERANCE DRINKS. ter. When roasted, put in a bit of butter the size of a chestnut. Keep it shut up close, or it loses its strength and tiavor. Never grind it till you want to use it, as" it loses flavor by standing. To prepare it, put two great spoonfuls to each pint of water, mix it with the white, yolk, and shell of an eo-ffj pour on hot, but not boiling water, and boil it not over ten minutes. Take it off, pour in half a tea-cup of cold water, and in five minutes pour it off without shaking. When eggs are scarce, clear with fish skin, as below. Boiled milk improves both tea and coffee, but must be boiled separately. Much coffee is spoiled by being burned black instead of brown, and by being burned unequally, some too much and some too little. Constant care and stirring are indispensable. Fish Skin for Coffee, Take the skin of a mild codfish which has not been soaked, rinse and then dry it in a warm oven, after bread is drawn. Cut it in inch squares. One of these serves for two quarts of coffee, and is put in the first thinsr. Chocolate. Allow three large spoonfuls of scraped chocolate to each pint of water, or take off an inch of the cake for each quart of water, boil it half an hour, and do not boil the milk in it, but add it when wanted. Cocoa and Shells. Dry the nut in a warm oven after bread is drawn, pound it, and put an ounce to each pint of water. Boil an hour, and do not add milk till it is used. If shells are used, soak them over night, then boil them an hour in the same water. Put in as much as you like. Boil cocoa and chocolate the day before, cool and take off the oil, and then heat for use, and it is as good, and more healthful. TEMPERANCE DEINKS. 189 Tea. The old-fashioned rule to put one teaspoonful for each person, is not proper, as thus fifty persons would require fifty teaspoonfuls, which is enormous. Every person must be guided by taste in this matter. Tea is spoilt unless the water is boiling when it is made. Black tea improves by boiling, but green is injured by it. Ochra. It is said that the seeds of ochra burnt like coffee, make a beverage almost exactly like it. Children's Drinks. There are drinks easily prepared for children, which they love much better than tea and coffee, for no child at first loves these drinks till trained to it: As their older friends are served with green and black tea, there is a white tea to offer them, which they will always prefer, if properly trained, and it is always healthful. White Tea. Put two teaspoonfuls of sugar into half a cup of good milk, and fill it with boiling water. Bop's Coffee. Crumb bread, or dry toast, into a bowl. Put on a plenty of sugar, or molasses. Put in one half milk and one half boiling water. To be eaten with a spoon, or drank if preferred. Molasses for sweetening is preferred by most children. Strawherry Vinegar. Put four pounds very ripe strawberries, nicely dressed, to three quarts of the best vinegar, and let them stand three, or four days. Then drain the vinegar through a jelly-bag, and pour it on to the same quantity of fruit. Repeat the process in three days a third time. 190 TEMPERANCE DRINKS. Finally, to each pound of the liquor thus obtained, add one pomid of fine sugar. Bottle it and let it stand covered, but not tight corked, a week; then cork it tight, and set it in a dry and cool place, where it will not freeze. Raspberry vinegar can be made in the same way. Royal Strawberry Acid. Take three pounds of ripe strawberries, two ounces of citric acid, and one quart of spring water. Dissolve the acid in the water and pour it on to the strawberries, and let them stand in a cool place twenty-four hours. Then drain the liquid off and pour it on to three pounds more of strawberries, and let it stand twenty-four hours. Then add to the liquid its own weight of sugar, boil it three or four minutes (in a porcelain lined preserve kettle, lest metal may affect the taste), and when cool, cork it in bottles lightly for three days, and then tight, and seal them. Keep it in a dry and cool place, where it will not freeze. It is very delicious for the sick, or the well. Delicious Milk Lemonade. Pour a pint of boiling water on to six ounces of loaf sugar, add a quarter of a pint of lemon juice, and half the quantity of good sherry wine. Then add three quarters of a pint of cold milk, and strain the whole, to make it nice and clear. Portable Lemonade. Mix strained lemon juice with loaf sugar, in the pro- portion of four large lemons to a pound, or as much as it will hold in solution ; grate the rind of the lemons into this, and preserve this in a jar. If this is too sweet, add a little citric acid. Use a tablespoonful to a tum- bler of water. RECEIPTS FOR FOOD AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. 191 CHAPTER XX. RECEIPTS FOR FOOD AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. General Remarks on the Preparation of Articles for the tSlck. Always have everything you use very sweet and clean, as the sense of taste and smell are very sensitive in sickness. Never cook articles for the sick over a smoke or blaze, as you will thus impart a smoky taste. When the mixture is thick, stir often to prevent burn- ing. Be very careful, in putting in seasoning, not to put in too Tnuch, as it is easy to add, but not to subtract. The nicest way to flavor with orange or lemon peel, is to rub loaf sugar on the peel till the oil is absorbed into it, and then use the sugar to flavor and sweeten. Herbs and spice, when boiled to flavor, should be tied in a rag, as they will not then burn on to the vessel at the edges. Always have a shawl at hand, also a clean towel, a clean handkerchief, and a small waiter when you pre- sent food or drink. Many of the articles for desserts and evening parties are good for the sick. An Excellent Relish for a Convalescent. Cut some codfish to bits the size of a pea, and boil it a minute in water to fieshen it. Pour oflf all the water, and add some cream and a little pepper. Split and toast a Boston cracker, and put the above upon it. Milk with a little butter may be used instead of cream. Ham or smoked beef may be prepared in the same way. For a variety, beat up an Qgg and stir it in, in- stead of cream, or with the cream. 192 RECEIPTS FOR FOOD These preparations are also good for a relish for a family at breakfast or tea. Several Ways of Preparing Chickens for the Sick. Chicken tea is made by boiling any part of the chick- en, and using tlie broth weak with only a Uttle salt. Chicken hroth is made by boiling a chicken a good deal, and skimming very thoroughly and seasoning with salt. A Httle rice, or pearl barley improves it, or a little parsley may be used to flavor it. Chicken panada is made by pounding some of the meat of boiled chicken in a mortar, with a little broth, and also a little salt and nutmeg. Then pour in a lit- tle broth and boil it five minutes. It should be a thick broth. Milk Porridge. Make a thin batter with Indian meal and wheat flour, a spoonful of each, and pour it into a quart of boiling milk and water, equal portions of each. Salt it to the taste. Boil ten minutes. Rice Gruelj and Oatmeal Gruel. Make a thin paste of ground rice or Indian meal, and pour into boihng water, or boihng milk and water. Let the rice boil up once, but the corn meal must boil half an hour. Season with salt, sugar, and nutmeg. A little cream is a great improvement. Arrowroot and Tapioca Gruels. Jamaica arrowroot is the best. Make a thin paste, and pour into boiling water, and flavot with sugar, salt, and nutmeg. A little lemon juice improves it. Tapioca must be soaked in twice the quantity of wa- ter over night, then add milk and water, and boil till it is soft. Flavor as above. Dropped Egg. Salt some boiling water, and drop in it a raw e^gg out AND DRINKS FOR TttE SICK. 193 of the shell, taking- care not to break the yolk ; take it up as soon as the white is hardened. Dip some toast in hot water, and put salt or butter on to it, and lay the egg on the top. Wheat Gruel for Young Children with weak stom- achs, or for Invalids. Tie half a pint of wheat flour in thick cotton, and boil it three or four hours ; then dry the lump and grate it when 3^ou use it^ Prepare a gruel of it by making a thin paste, and pouring it into boiling milk and water, and flavor with salt. This is good for teething children. Another Panada. Boil a mixture of one-fourth wine, and three-fourths water, and flavor it with nutmeg or lemon. Stir in grated bread or crackers, and let it boil up once. Herb Drinks. Balm tea is often much relished by the sick. Sage tea also is good. Balm, sage, and sorrel, mixed with sliced lemon and boiling water poured on, and then sweetened, is a fine drink. Pennyroyal makes a good drink to promote perspiration. Herb drinks must often be renewed, as they grow in- sipid by standing. Other Simple Drinks. Pour boiling water on to tamarinds, or mashed cran- berries, or mashed whortleberries, then pour ofl" the wa- ter and sweeten it. Add a little w4ne if allowed. Toast bread very brown, and put it in cold water, and it is often relished. Pour boiling water on to bread toasted very brown, and boil it a minutte, then strain it, and add a little cream and sugar. Make a tea of parch- ed corn pounded, and add sugar and oream. Cream Tartar Whey, Warm a pint of fresh milk, when scalding hot, stir in 17 194 RECEIPTS FOR FOOD a teaspoonful of cream tartar, and if this does not turn it, add more, till it does. Strain it, and sweeten with loaf sugar. Those who cannot eat wine whey can eat this without trouble, and it is good in fevers. Simple Wine Whey. Mix equal quantities of water, milk, and white wine. Warm the milk and water, and then add the wine. Sweeeten it to the taste. A great Favorite loith Invalids. Take one third brisk cider and two thirds water, sweeten it, and crumb in toasted bread, or toasted crackers, and grate on nutmeg. Acid jellies will answer for this, when cider cannot be obtained. A New Way of making Barley Water. Put two tablespoonfuls of pearl barley into a quart jug, two great spoonfuls of white sugar, a small pinch of salt, a small bit of orange, or lemon peel, and a glass of calve's foot jelly, and then fill the jug with boiling water. Shake it, and then let it stand till quite cold. It is best made over night, to use next day. When the liquor is all poured off, it may be filled again with boil- ing water, and it is again very good. Panada. Take two crackers, pour on boiling water, and let it simmer five minutes ; beat up an egg. sweeten and fla- vor it to your taste, and then put the cracker to it. Arrowroot Blanc Mange. Take two tablespoonfuls of arrowroot to one quart of milk, and a pinch of salt. Scald the milk, sweeten it, and then stir in the arrowroot, which must first be wet up with some of the milk. Let it boil up once. Orange water, rose water, or lemon peel, can be used tci flavor it. Pour it into moulds to cool. AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. 195 Rice Flour Blanc Mange. Four tablespoonfuls of ground rice and a pinch of salt wet up with a little milk and stirred into a quart of boiling milk. Rub the rind of a lemon with hard, re- fined sugar, till all the oil is absorbed, and use the su- gar to sweeten to your taste. Boil, stirring well, for eight minutes ; then cool it, and add the whites of three eggs cut to a froth. Put it on to the fire, and stir con- stantly till boiling hot, then turn it into moulds, or cups, and let it stand till cold. Another Receipt for American Isinglass Jelly. One ounce of gelatine, or American isinglass. Three pints of boiling water. A pound and a half of loaf sugar. Three lemons, cut in sHces, leaving out the peel of one. The whites of four eggs, cut to a stiff froth. Soak the isinglass half an hour in cold water, then take it out and pour on the boihng water. When cool, add the sugar, lemon, and whites of eggs ; boil all three or four minutes, then strain through a jelly-bag, and add wine to your taste. Tapioca Jelly. One cup full of tapioca. Wash it two or three times, soak it in water, for five or six hours. Then simmer it in the same water in which it has been soaked, with a pinch of salt and bits of fresh lemon peel, until it becomes transparent. Then add lemon juice, wine, and loaf sugar to flavor it. Let all simmer well togethei-, then pour into glasses to cool. Caudle To rice, or water gruel, add a wine-glass of wine, or ale, and season with nutmeg and sugar. Sago Jelly. Soak a tea-cup full of sago in cold water, half an hour, l9b RECEIPTS FOR FOOD then pour off the water, and add fresh, and soak it another half hour ; and then boil it slowly with a pinch of salt, a stick of cinnamon, or a bit of orange, or lem- on peel, stirring constantly. When thickened, add wine and white sugar to suit the taste, and let it boil a minute ; then turn it into cups. Spiced Chocolate. One quart of milk. Two squares of chocolate. One stick of cinnamon. A httle nutmeg. Grate the chocolate. Boil the milk, reserving a little cold to moisten the chocolate, which must be mixed perfectly smooth to a thin paste. When the milk boils (in which the cinnamon must be put when cold, and boil in it), stir in the chocolate, and let it boil up quickly, then pour into a pitcher, and grate on the nutmeg. Rich cream added to the milk, will improve it. Barley Water. Put two ounces of pearl barley to half a pint of boil- ing water, and let it simmer five minutes ; pour off the water, and add two quarts of boiUng water, add two ounces sliced figs, two of stoned raisins, and boil till it is reduced to a quart. Strain it for drink. Water Gruel. To two quarts of boiling water, add one gill of In- dian meal and a heaped tablespoonful of flour, made into a paste and stirred in the water. Let it boil slow- ly twenty minutes. Salt, sugar, and nutmeg to the taste. Oatmeal makes a fine gruel in the same way. Beef Tea. Broil a pound of tender, juicy beef ten minutes, salt and pepper it, cut it in small pieces, pour on a pint of AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. 197 boiling water, steep it half an hour, and then pour it off to drink. Another way is slower, but better. Cut the beef in small pieces, fill a junk J30ttle with them, and keep it five hours in boiling water. Then pour out, and season the juice thus obtained. Tomato Syru'p. Express the juice of ripe tomatoes, and put a pound of sugar to each quart of the juice, put it in bottles, and set it aside. In a few weeks it will have the appear- ance and flavor of pure wine of the best kind, and mix- ed with water is a delightful beverage for the sick. No alcohol is needed to preserve it. The medical properties of the tomato are in high re- pute, and it is supposed that this syrup retains all that is contained in the fruit. Arrowroot Custard for Invalids. One tablespoonful of arrowroot. One pint of milk. One egg. One tablespoonful of sugar. Mix the arrowroot with a little of the cold milk, put the milk into a sauce-pan over the fire, and when it boils, stir in the arrowroot and the egg and sugar, well beaten together. Let it scald, and pour into cups to cool. A little cinnamon boiled in the milk flavors it pleasantly. Sago for Invalids. Wash one large spoonful of sago, boil it in a little water, With a pinch of salt and one or two sticks of cin- namon, until it looks clear ; then add a pint of milk, boil all well together, and sweeten with loaf sugar. Rice Jelly. Make a thin paste of two ounces of rice flour, and three ounces of loaf sugar, and boil them in a quart of water till transparent. Flavor with rose, orange, or 17* 198 RECEIPTS FOR FOOD cinnamon water. It can be made also by boiling whole rice long and slowly. A pinch of salt improves it. Sassafras Jelly. Take the pith of sassafras boughs, break it in small pieces, and let it soak in cold water till the water be- comes glutinous. It has the flavor of sassafras, and is much relished by the sick, and is also good nourish- ment. Buttermilk Whey. One quart of good buttermilk. When boiling, beat up the yolk of an egg^ and stir in, and, if it can be al- lowed, some thick cream, or a little butter. Then beat the white to a stiff froth and stir in. Sugar and spice if liked. Alum Whey. Mix half an ounce of pounded alum with one pint of milk. Strain it, and add sugar and nutmeg to the whey. It is good in cases of hemorrhages, and some- times for colic. Another Wine Whey. One pint of boiling milk. Two wine-glasses of wine. Boil them one moment, stirring. Take out the curd, and sweeten and flavor the whey. Mulled Wine. One pint of wine and one pint of water. Beat eight eggs and add to the above, while boiling, stirring rapidly. As soon as it begins to boil it is done. Tainarind Whey. Mix an ounce of tamarind pulp with a pint of milk, strain it, and add a little white sugar to the whey. AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. 19& Egg Tea and Egg Coffee [very fine). Beat the yolk of an egg with a great spoonful of sugar, and put it to a tea-cup of cold tea or cold coffee. Add a half a tea-cup of water, cold in summer and boil- ing in winter, and as much cream. Then whip the white of the q^^ to a stiff froth and stir it in. It is very much rehshed by invalids. Cranberry Tea. Wash ripe cranberries, mash them, pour boihng water on them, and then strain off the water and sweeten it, and grate on nutmeg. Apple Tea. Take good pippins, shce them thin, pour on boiling water, and let it stand some time. Pour off the water, and sweeten and flavor it. Egg and Milk. Beat the yolk of an egg into a great spoonful of white sugar, or more. Add a coffee cup of good milk, then beat the w^hite of the egg to a stiff froth, and stir it in. A little wine, or nutmeg to flavor it. Sago Milk. Soak one ounce of sago in a pint of cold water an hour. Pour off the water, and add a pint and a half of new milk. Simmer it slowly till the sago and milk .are well mixed. Flavor with sugar, nutmeg, and wine. I Tapioca Milk. Made like sago milk, only not boiled so long. Bread and Milk. Take a slice of good bread and soak it in milk, and then put on a little butter, and it is often very accept- able to the sick. In some cases sprinkle a httle salt on instead of butter. 200 RECEIPTS FOR FOOD Egg Gruel. Beat the yoik of an egg with a spoonful of white sugar, and then beat the white separately, to a stiff froth. Pour water when boihng to the yolk, then stir in the white and add spice, or any seasoning, to suit the taste. When a person has taken a violent cold, after being warm in bed give this as hot as it can be taken, and it is often a perfect cure. Ground Rice Gruel. Take two tablespoonfuls of ground rice, and a pinch of salt, and mix it with milk enough for a thin batter. Stir it with a pint of boiling water, or boiling milk, and flavor with sugar and spice. Oatmeal Gruel. Four tablespoonfuls of grits (coarse oatmeal) and a pinch of salt, into a pint of boiling water. Strain and flavor it while warm. Or, take fine oatmeal and make a thin batter with a little cold water, and pour it into a sauce-pan of boihng water. Simple Barley Water. Take two ounces and a half of pearl barley, cleanse it, and boil it ten minutes in half a pint of water. Strain out this water and add two quarts of boihng water, and boil it down to one quart. Then strain it, and flavor it with slices of lemon and sugar, or sugar and nutmeg. This is very acceptable to the sick in fevers. Compound Barley Water. Take two pints of simple barley water, a pint of hot water, two and a half ounces of shced figs, half an ounce of liquorice root sliced and bruised, and two ounces and a half of raisins. Boil all down to two pints, and strain it. This is slightly aperient. AN© PRINKS FOR THE SICK. 201' Cream Tartar Beverage. Take two even teaspoonfuls of cream tartar, and pour on a pint of boiling water, and flavor it with white sugar and lemon peel to suit the taste. If this is too acid, add more h oiling water, as cold, or lukewarm water, is not so good. Seidlitz Powders. Two drachms of Rochelle salts, and two scruples of bicarbonate of soda, in a white paper ; thirty-five grains of tartaric acid in a blue one. Dissolve that in the white paper in nearly half a tumbler of water, then add the other powder, dissolved in another half tumbler of water. Syrup mixed with the water makes it more agree- able. It it a gentle laxative. Blackberry Syrup ^ for Cholera and Summer Com- plaint. Two quarts of blackberry juice. One pound of loaf sugar. Half an ounce of nutmegs. A quarter of an ounce of cloves. Half an ounce of cinnamon. Half an ounce of allspice. Pulverize the spice, and boil all for fifteen or twenty minutes. When cold, add a pint of brandy. Remarks on the Combi?iations of Cooking. The preceding receipts have been tested by the best housekeepers. In reviewing them, it will be seen that there are several ways of combining the various articles,, all of which have, in the hands of good housekeepers, proved successful. Still it will be found that some meth- ods are more successful than others. In most cases, the receipts have heen written as given by the ladies, who endorse them as the best. But it is believed that the following general rules will enable a housekeeper to modify some of them to advantage. 202 RECEIPTS FOR FOOD In using the whites of eggs, it is found, as shown by several receipts, that various combinations are much lighter when they are cut to a froth, and put in the last thing. This is so in batter puddings, and several other receipts. It seems, therefore, probable that in all cases, cake and pies, and puddings that will allow it, will be lighter by adding the cut whites of the eggs the last iiiin- ute before cooking. Sponge cake especially w^ould most probably be most easily made light by this method. In using alkalies with acids to raise mixtures, the poorest is pearlash, the next best is saleratus ; bicarbo- nate of soda is still better, and sal volatile is best of all. But one thing must be remembered in reference to sal volatile, and that is, that the hghtness made by it is owing to the disengagement of the gas by heat. It is mixed with the flour, and when set in the oven, the heat volatihzes and expels the gas, and thus the lightness is in- duced. Of course hot water must not be used to dissolve it, as it would expel much of the gas. Sal volatile must be kept powdered, and closely confined in glass bottles with ground glass stoppers. It is certain to make any mixture light that can be raised by anything. Cream tartar is best bought in lumps, and then pul- verized and kept corked. When saleratus is used with sour milk or buttermilk, the flour should be wet up with the sour milk, and then the alkali dissolved, and worked in. This makes the effervescence take place in the mixtnre ; whereas, if the alkali is put into the sour liquid, much of the carbonic acid generated is lost before it reaches the flour. In all cases, then, where saleratus is used with acid welting, it would seem best to wet up the flour with at least a part of the sour liquid, before putting in the al- kaU. When the alkali is a light powder, it may sometimes be mixed thoroughly with the flour, and then the sour liquid be mixed in. The experiment can be made by any who like to learn the result. A lady who under- stands chemistry may often improve her receipts by ap- plying chemical principles. All the lightness made by AND DRINKS FOR THE SICK. 203 an acid and an alkali is owing to the disengagement of carbonic acid, which is retained by the gluten of the flour. Of course, then, that mode is best which secures most effectually all the carbonic acid generated by the combination. Cooking is often much improved by a judicious use of sugar or molasses. Thus, in soups, a very little su gar, say half a teaspoonful to the quart, gives body to the soup, and just about as much sweetness as is found in the juices of the best and sweetest kinds of meat. It is very good when the meats used are of inferior kind, and destitute of sweetness. So in preparing vegetables that are destitute of sweetness, a little sugar is a great improvement. Mashed turnips, squash, and pumpkin, are all of them much improved by extracting all the wa- ter, and adding a little sugar, especially so when they are poor. A little molasses always improves all bread or cakes made of unbolted wheat or rye. A little lard or butter always improves cakes made of Indian meal, as it makes them light and tender. The careful use of salt is very important in cooking. Everything is better to have the salt cooked in it, but there should always be a little less salt than most would like, as it is easy for those who wish more to add it, but none can subtract it. When the shortening is butter, no salt is needed in cakes and puddings, but in all combinations that have no salt in shortening, it must be added. A little salt in sponge cake, custards, and the articles used for desserts, made of gelatine, rice, sago, and tapioca, is a great im- provement, giving both body and flavor. 204 BUTTER AND CHEESE. CHAPTER XXI. ON MAKING BUTTER AND CHEESE. The directions in this article were given by a prac- tical amateur cheese-maker of Goshen, Conn., a place distinguished all over the nation for the finest butter and cheese. Articles used in Making Cheese. The articles used in making cheese are, a large tub, painted inside and outside, to hold the milk, a large brass kettle to heat it, a cheese basket, cheese hooks, cheese ladders, strainers of loose linen cloth, and a cheese press. It is indispensable that all the articles used be first washed thoroughly, then scalded, and then dried thor- oughly, before putting away. Mode of Preparing the Rennet. Do not remove any part of the curd that may be found in the rennet (which is the stomach of a calf), as it is the best part. Take out everything mixed with the curd in the stomach. Soak the rennet in a quart of water, then hang it to dry, where flies will not reach it, and keep the water bottled for use. Rennet differs in strength, so that no precise rule can be given for quan- tity, but say about half a tea-cup full to two pails of milk. To Make Cheese. Strain the milk into the tub, keeping in all the cream. Heat a portion, and then add it to the cold, till the whole is raised to 98"" or 100° Fahrenheit ; no more and no less. Then put in the rennet, stirring well, and take enough JL, BUTTER AND CHEESE. 205 to have the curd form well in an hour. If it does not form well, more must be stirred in. When the curd is formed, cut it in small checks to th bottom, and then break it gently with a skimmer, to make the whey separate. If this is not done gently, the milk runs off, the whey turns white, and the cheese is inju- red. The greener the whey, the better the cheese. When the whey is separated, set the basket over the tub, spread the strainer over, and dip the curd into it, occa- sionally lifting the corners to hasten the draining. Then draw up the corners, twist them, and set a stone on, to press out the whey for ten minutes. Then again cut up the curd, and press it again as before. Con- tinue thus till it is thoroughly drained. Then press it all into some regular form, and in cool weather it may stand till next morning for more cheese to be added. But if the weather is hot, it must be scalded the first day. To Scald the Curd. Cut, or chop the curd into cakes the fourth of an inch in size, put it in the strainer, and immerse it in the brass kettle of warm water, enough to cover it. Then raise the temperature to 105°. Stir it well till warmed through, say half an hour. Then gradually add cold water, till reduced to 88° or 90°. Then drain the curd thoroughly as before, and salt it, al- lowing four ounces of salt to every ten pounds of curd, and mixing very thoroughly. Then put it into the small strainers, and then into the cheese hoops, laying the strainer over smoothly, and placing the follower on it. Put it to press, and let it remain two days. When taken from the press, grease it with common butter or butter made of whey cream, and set it on a shelf in a dark, cool room. Grease and turn it every day till firm, and for six months grease and turn it often. If the cheese is to be colored, boil anatto with ley, and put to the milk with the rennet. To make sage cheese, put ih sage juice (some add to the sage spin- ach juice) when you put in the rennet. Sew strips of strong cotton around large cheeses, when taken from 18 206 BUTTER AND CHEESE. the press, to preserve their form. In fly time, put cay- enne pepper in the butter you rub on. Stilton cheese is made of milk enriched by cream, and of a small size. Cottage cheese is made by pressing the curds of milk, and when free from whey, adding cream or butter and salt. Welsh rabbit is made by melting cheese and adding wine and other seasoning. Old and dry cheese is very good grated and mixed with a Httle brandy, just enough to wet it up. Directions for making Butter. Two particulars are indispensable to success in mat- ing good butter ; the first is, that the churning be fre- quent, so that the cream will not grow bitter, or sour ; and the second is cleanliness in all the implements an processes connected with it. In hot weather it is important to keep the milk, cream, and butter as cool as possible. For this purpose, those who have no ice-house, or very cool milk-room, hang their cream down a well. In winter it is needful to raise the temperature of the cream a little, while churning, but care must be taken to do it very slightly, or the but- ter is injured. The best way is to warm the churn, and churn in a warm room. After the weather gets cold, the cream rises more per- fectly after allowing the milk to stand say ten or eleven hours, to set it over a furnace a while till it is warmed through, but not heated hot enough to boil. Then take it back, let it stand eleven hours longer, and skim it. This secures more, and better cream. In hot weather, set the churn into a tub of cold wa- ter, and churn steadily, as stopping puts back the pro- cess, and injures the butter. In hot weather, do not churn very fast, as it makes soft butter. When the but- ter has come, collect it in a wooden bowl, which is the best article to work it in, having first scalded it, and then put it in cold water till cold. Do not use the hand in working over butter, as it injures it so much that a high BUTTER AND CHEESE. 207 er price is often paid for butter made without using the hand. A wooden spad made for the purpose is the proper ar- ticle for working over butter. As soon as the butter is put in the bowl, pour in as much of the coldest water as will allow you to work the butter, and keep adding and pouring off cold water, as you work it, until the water will run off clear. It is con- tinuing this process until all the buttermilk is extracted, which alone will secure butter that will keep good and sweet. Water hastens the process, but butter keeps longer not to have it used. No precise direction can be given for salting, as tastes vary so much in regard to this. It is a good way to no- tice the proportions which are most agreeable, and note the measure, and then measure ever after. In salting down in firkins, use the nicest rock salt, as much depends on the nature of the salt. The firkins must be very thoroughly seasoned, and the bottom cov- ered with salt, and the sides rubbed with it. Pack the butter in layers, with salt between. After a few days, the butter will shrink from the sides, and then the space must be filled with new and nice brine. Muslin spread under and over the layer of salt, between the layers of butter is a good plan, as it saves the butter. It is said that butter will be preserved sweet a long time for journeys, or voyages, by working into it very thoroughly a mixture composed of one-fourth salt, one- fourth saltpetre, and two-fourths white sugar. In large dairies, the milk is churned soon after it is taken from the cow. The quaUty of butter depends very much upon the kind of cows. Those who give a great deal of milk, are usually small and thin. Every cow should have a tea- cup full of salt each week, and must be well fed. Green cornstalks and carrots, are excellent for cows. Turnips, cabbage, and parsnips spoil the milk. The waste of the kitchen, with a quart of corn meal, and as much hay as she will eat daily, is good fare. Skimmed milk for drink is good, and if it is refused, withhold water, and 208 BUTTER AND CHEESE. the cow will learn to love it. Milk three times a day, and you get much more cream ; stripping must be done thoroughly, or you lose cream, and dry up the cow. Never make a cow run, as it injures the milk. Use tin vessels for milk. A stoneware churn is best, and a tin one is better than wood. Keep milk in a cool place, where air cir- culates freely ; close air spoils milk and cream. Never stir milk after it is set, as it stops the rising of the cream. Skim milk as soon as it becomes loppard. Put a httle ice in each pan in hot weather, and you get more cream. In skimming milk, do not scrape off the hardest portion that adheres to the pan, as it injures the butter. Put a spoonful of salt to each pailful of milk (except what is for family use), and it makes the butter sweeter, and come easier. Salt your cream as you gather it, and it keeps better, and makes sweeter butter. In hot weath- er churn in the coolest part of the day, and in a cool place, and do not shut the air out of the churn, as it is necessary to make the butter come. Butter is best, to work it enough the first time. Never work it three times. It will keep better to work out the buttermilk without putting in water. The more entirely it is freed from buttermilk, the longer it will keep sweet. A good brine is made for butter by dissolving a quart of fine salt, a pound of loaf sugar, and a teaspoonful of saltpetre in two quarts of water, and then strain it on to the butter. Packed butter is most perfectly preserved sweet by setting the firkin into a larger firkin, and fill- ing in with good brine, and covering it. Butter will keep sweet a year thus. Buttermilk kept in potter's ware dissolves the glazing, and becomes poisonous. Never scald strainers or milky vessels till thoroughly washed, as the milk or cream put in them will be in- jured by it. The best way to scald such vessels is to plunge them all over into scalding water, and then every spot is scalded. Butter will sometimes not come because the air is toa much excluded from the churn. i ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES FOR THE SICK. 209 CHAPTER XXII. ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES FOR THE SICK. " In some maladies," says Dr. Pereira, " as fevers and acute inflammatory diseases, an almost unlimited use of fluids is admitted, under the names of slops ^ thin diet, fever diet, broth diet, &c. They quench thirst, lessen the stimulating- quality of the blood, increase its fluidity, and promote the actions of the secreting organs. They are sometimes useful, also, in lessening the irrita- ting contents of the alimentary canal." " But in some maladies it is necessary to restrict the quantity of fluids taken, or, in other words, to employ a drj/ dietJ^ As it is so customary for invalids to throng to watering places, the following remarks contain very important cautions. " The Congress Water at Saratoga," says Dr. Lee, " though it possesses active medical qualities, yet, except in diseases attended with inflammatory action, seldom occasions unpleasant consequences, unless drank in very large quantities, when it often causes serious, if not dan- gerous effects." Dr. Steel, a physician who has devoted much attention to this subject, remarks, " About three pints should be taken, an hour or two before breakfast, and be followed by exerci^, to produce a cathartic effect. Where more is needed for this effect, add a teaspoonful or two of Epsom salts to the first tumbler. It should not be drank at all during the remainder of the day by those who wish to experience the full benefit of its use. It would be better for those whose complaints render them fit subjects for its administration, if the fountain should be locked up, and no one suffered to approach it after the hour of nine or ten in the morning." It is probable that multitudes who frequent mineral 18* 210 ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES springs, not only lose all benefit, but suffer injury by the excessive use of the water. Such waters should, by in- valids, be taken under the direction of a physician well acquainted with their nature and uses. Alcoholic drinks should never be given to the sick, ex- cept by direction of a physician, as they are powerful medical agents, and in some cases would increase dis- ease. The acid drinks are ordinarily those most relished by the sick, and they are, usually, very serviceable, espe- cially in febrile and other inflammatory attacks. Ice cream and drinks are good for the sick, especially in fevers. When a person is debihtated by sickness, the stomach should never be loaded with rich food. Nor should the palate be tempted by favorite articles, when no appetite for food exists, as this is the indication of nature that the stomach is in no order to digest food. Dr. Lee remarks, " We regard rice as the most valu- able of all the articles of food, in cases of the derange- ment of the digestive organs. It nourishes, while it soothes the irritable mucous membrane, and while it supports strength, never seems to aggravate the existing disease. For acute, or chronic affections of the alimentary canal, rice water for drink, and rice jelly for food, seem peculiar- ly well adapted, and appear to exert a specific influence in bringing about a recovery. These preparations are invaluable also in convalescence from acute fevers and other maladies, and in the summer complaints of young children." " Isinglass is a very pure form of gelatine, and dis- solved in milk, sweetened and flavored, is taken with advantage by convalescents when recovering from de- bihty." Cod sounds, and the American gelatine, are equally good. Calve's foot jelly, blanc mange, and other gelat- inous food, are among the best kinds of nourishment, especially in cases of cholera infantum. The slight quantity of spice or Wine used to flavor such articles, ex- cept in peculiar cases, cannot do any injury. FOR THE SICK. 211 Buttered toast, either dry or dipped, rarely is a suitable article for the sick, as melted oils are very difficult of di- gestion. Where there are strong powers of digestion, it may be proper. Many cases of illness, among both adults and children, are readily cured by abstinence from all food. Head- aches, disordered stomachs, and many other attacks, are caused, often, by violating the rules of health laid down in the preceding chapter, and in consequence, some part of the system is overloaded, or some of the organs are clogged. Omitting one, two, or three meals, as the case may be, gives the system a chance to rest, and thus to gain strength, and allows the clogged organs to dispose of their burdens. The practice of giving drugs to "clear out the stomach," though it may afford the needed re- lief, always weakens the system, while abstinence se- cures the good result, and yet does no injury. Said a young gentleman to a distinguished medical practitioner of Philadelphia, — " Doctor, what do you do for yourself, when you. have a turn of headache, or other sHght attack ?" " Go without my dinner," was the re- ply. " Well, if that v^U not do, what do you do then ?" " Go without my supper," was the answer. " But if that does not cure you, what then ?" " Go without my breakfast. We physicians seldom take medicines our- selves, or use them in our families, for we know that starving is better, but we cannot make our patients be- lieve it." Many cases of slight indisposition are cured by a change of diet. Thus, if a person suffers from consti- pation, and, as the consequence, has headaches, slight at- tacks of fever, or dyspepsia, the cause often may be re- moved: by eating rye mush and molasses for breakfast, brown bread, baked apples, an(J other fruits. In cases of diarrhoea, rice water for drink, and rice pudding or jelly, will often remove the evil. In cases of long-continued confinement from sickness, it is very desirable to have a good variety of articles for the sick, as the invaUd is wearied with the same round, 212 ARTICLES AI^D CONVENIENCES ' and perhaps may be suiTering for some ingredient of food, which is not found in the articles provided. For tliis reason, a large number of receipts of articles for the sick have been provided in this work. In pre- paring them, great care should be used to have every article employed clean and pure, and to prevent any burning in cooking, as the sensibilities of the sick to bad tastes and smells are very acute. It is often the case in dyspepsia and cholera infantum, that jellies of American gelatine are very much better than any preparations of farinaceous food, being much more easily digested. It would be a happy thing for the sick, and a most benevolent custom, if the young ladies of a place should practise cooking the various articles for the sick, and car- rying tbem to invalids as an offering of kindness and sympathy. It would be twice a blessing, first to the invalid, and quite as much to the young benefactress. There are many little comforts and alleviations for the sick, which should be carefully attended to, which are particularly pointed out m the chapter on the Care of the Sick, in the Domestic Economy. Such, for exam- ple, as keeping a room neat, clean, and in perfect or- der, having every article in use sweet and clean, keep- ing a good supply of cool water, providing pleasant per- fumes, lemons, flowers, and other objects agreeable to the senses, speaking softly, kindly, and cheerfully, and read- ing the Bible and other cheering books of the kind, when- ever it will be acceptable. Be careful to change the lin- en next the skin, and the bed linen, often. Be sure to ventilate the room thoroughly, two or three times a day, as pure air is a great restorative of health and strength. Wash the skin often, as it has a great tendency to re- store health, and never, except in very peculiar cases, can do any harm. Always request a physician to write all his directions, that no mistake may be made, and nothing be forgotten. Always inquire of him as to the exact mode of prepar- ing every article ordered, and never venture to alter, or omit, what he directs, unless you are sure that you FOR THE SICK. 213f are better qualified to practise than he, in which case he should be dismissed, and you should assume his duties. Always keep all medicines in papers and vials, label- led^ that poisons be not given by mistake, or other inju- rious articles used. The drawing at Fig. 5 represents a contrivance for the sick, which ought to be prepared in every village, to rent out to those who need it. Fig. 5. It is called the Water Bed, or Hydrostatic Couch, and is made at an expense of from twelve to fifteen dol- lars. The object of it is to relieve the sufferings of those who, from extreme emaciation, or from ulcers, or bed sores, are great sufferers from the pressure of the bed on these sore places. This kind of bed proves a great re- lief from this kind of suffering. It consists of a wooden box, six feet long, and two feet and a half wide at the top, and the sides gradually sloping inward, making it fourteen inches deep. This is lined with sheet zinc, to make it water tight. Over this is thrown, and fastened to the edge of the box, a sheet of thick India rubber, water-proof cloth, large enough for an entire lining to the inside of the box. The edges of it are first made to adhere to the upper edge of the box with spirit varnish, and then a thin strip of board is nailed on, to fasten it firml)^, and make it water tight. Near the bottom, at A, is a hole and plug, to let off" water ; and at B, a tin tube, soldered in the upper part of the outside, to pour water in. When used, the box is to be filled half full of water, about blood warmth. Then a woollen blanket and pillow are laid upon the In- 214 ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES dia rubber cloth, and the patient laid on them, and he will float as he would in water, and there will be no pressure on any part of the body greater than is felt when the body is in water. This is important for all who suffer from bed sores, or sloughing in protracted fevers, from diseases in the hip- joint, from diseases of the spine, lingering consumption, and all diseases that compel to a protracted recumbent position. None but those who have seen, or experien- ced the relief and comfort secured to sufferers by this bed, can conceive of its value. The writer saw the case of a young man, who was enduring indescribable tortures with the most dreadful ulcers all over his body, and who had for several days and nights been unable to sleep, from extreme suffering. This bed was made for him, as an experiment, after trying every other mode of re- lief in vain. It was placed by his bedside, and the wa- ter poured in, and then his friends raised him with the greatest care in a blanket, and laid him on it. Instant- ly his groans ceased, an expression of relief and delight stole over his countenance, and exhausted nature sunk instantly into the most peaceful and protracted slumbers. And ever after, he was reheved from his former suffer- ings. Every hospital, every alms-house, and every vil- lage should have the means of obtaining such a bed for the many classes of sufferers who would thus find relief, and it is woman who should interest herself to secure such a comfort for the sick, who especially are commend- ed to her benevolent ministries. The drawing, AA, is the outline of a sick couch, such as would prove a great comfort in every family, and at FOR THE SICK. 215 a small expense. The following are the dimensions . — • Length of seat inside, six feet three inches ; breadth, twenty-eight inches ; height of the seat from the floor, thirteen inches. The swing frame, dd^ is three feet long, and is fastened three feet from the head-board by a very large pin or screw. The seat should be of sacking, and a thick hair mattrass, or cushion for a bed or cushion and be divided into two parts, where the swing frame is fastened. The frame is fastened by large screws at^. The supporter, ee, is fastened by large and strong hinges to the upper part of the frame, and is moved into the notch- es made in the frame of the seat. When in the notch a, the frame is very low ; when in notch 6, it is higher ; and when at c, it is as high as is needful to raise the sick. A piece of sacking is to be fastened over the frame, leaving it loose, especially at the top, and leaving a space at 0, so as to give room for a pillow, and so that the head can be thrown a little back. The frame and supporter must be thick and strong. When not in use for the sick, the frame can be laid down, and the cushion laid over it, and then with a frill fastened in front, it makes a good-looking and most comfortable chamber couch, or a lolling sofa for a sitting-room. Such a couch saves much labor to friends and nurses, because it is so low, so easily moved, and the nurse can go around it and work on both sides so easily, while the frame raises the patient with great ease and comfort. It would be a good plan to engage some carpenter or cabi- net-maker, in every village, to provide such an article to to rent out, and probably it would be in constant de- mand. The frame, supporter, hinges, and screws, must be very strong, or they will break. Fig. 6 represents a contrivance for securing exercise in the open air for invalids, which would often prove con- venient and agreeable. Such an article can be easily made of the broken toy of a child, called a velocipede, or the back wheels of a child's wagon. Nothing but shafts are needed, and a common rocking-chair, with a foot-board nailed across 216 ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES FOR THE SICK. Fig. 6. the front rocker, on which to rest the feet. The chair is then slipped along back to the axle of the wheels, so that the shafts, when raised, are under the seat, and lift it up. In this way an invalid can be rolled through yards and gardens with very little effort, and with great comfort and relief to the imprisoned sufferer, who perhaps can ride in no other way. There is no way of relieving the weariness and nerv- ousness of an invalid more effectually than by rubbing the limbs and arms with the bare hand of a healthful person. Those who believe in animal magnetism would say, that by this method, the well person imparts a portion of the magnetism of a healthful body to aid in restoring the sick. Those who do not believe in it, will say that it soothes and strengthens the nerves. Either way, it is a great comfort to a suffering invalid. It is unhealthful to sleep with a sick person, especial- ly one who has lung complaints, as the breath and efflu- via from the skin sometimes communicate disease, even in complaints not contagious. Young children should not sleep with the aged, because their healthful fluids will be absorbed. THE PROVIDING AND CARE OF FAMILY STORES. 217 CHAPTER XXIII. THE PROVIDING AND CARE OF FAMILY STORES. The art of keeping a good table, consists, not in load- ing on- a variety at each rneal, but rather in securing a successive variety, a table neatly and tastefully set, and everything that is on it, cooked in the best manner. There are some families who provide an abundance of the most expensive and choice articles, and spare no expenses in any respect, who yet have everything cook- ed in such a miserable way, and a table set in so slov- enly a manner, that a person accustomed to a really good table, can scarcely taste a morsel with any enjoy- ment. , On the contrary, there are many tables where the closest economy is practised, and yet the table-cloth is so white and smooth, the dishes, silver, glass, and other ta- ble articles so bright, and arranged with such propriety, the bread so white, light, and sweet, the butter so beau- tiful, and every other article of food so well cooked, and so neatly and tastefully served, that everything seems good, and pleases both the eye and the palate. A habit of doing everything in the best manner, is of unspeakable importance to a housekeeper, and every woman ought to aim at it, however great the difficulties she may have to meet. If a young housekeeper com- mences with a determination to try to do everything in the best manner, and perseveres in the effort, meeting all obstacles with patient cheerfulness, not only the mor- al, but the intellectual tone of her mind is elevated by the attempt. Although she may meet many insupera- ble difficulties, and may never reach the standard at which she aims, the simple effort, persevered in, will have an elevating influence on her character, while at the same time she actually will reach a point of excel- 19 218 THE PROVIDIMG AND CARS lence far ahead of those who, discouraged by many ob- stacles, give up in despair, and resolve to make no more efforts, and let things go as they will. The grand dis- tinction between a noble and an ignoble mind is, that one will control circumstances ; the other yields, and al- lows circumstances to control her. It should be borne in mind, that the constitution of man demands a variety of food, and that it is just as cheap to keep on hand a good variety of materials in the store-closet, so as to make a frequent change, as it is to buy one or two articles at once, and live on them ex- clusively, till every person is tired of them, and then buy two or tbree more of another kind. It is too frequently the case, that families fall into a very hmited round of articles, and continue the same course from one year to anotlier, when there is a much greater variety within reach, of articles which are just as cheap and easily obtained, and yet remain unthought of and untouched. A thrifty and generous provider, will see that her store-closet is furnished with such a variety of articles, that successive chansres can be made, and for a srood lenfrth of time. To aid in this, a slight sketch of a well-provi- ded store-closet will be given, with a description of the manner in which each article shoidd be stored and kept, in order to avoid waste and injury. To this will be add- ed, modes of securing a successive variety, within the reach of all in moderate circumstances. It is best to have a store-closet open from a kitchen, because the kitciien fire keeps the atmosphere dry, and this prevents the articles stored from moulding, and other injury from dampness. Yet it must not be kept warm, as there are many articles which are injured by warmth. A cool and dry place is indispensable for a store-room, and a small window over the door, and another opening out-doors, is a great advantage, by securing coolness, and a circulation of fresh air. Flour should be kept in a barrel, \\\\.h. a flour scoop to dip it, a sieve to sift it, and a pan to hold the sifted llour, either in the barrel, or close at hand. The barrel OF FAMILY STOUES. 219 should have a tight cover to keep out mice and ver- min. It is best, when it can be conveniently done, to find, by trial, a lot of fiist-rate flour, and then buy a year's supply. But this should not be done, unless there are accommodations for keeping it dry and cool, and protecting it from vermin. Unbolted flour should be stored in barrels, and al- ways be kept on hand, as regularly as fine flour. Indian meal should be purchased in small quanti- ties, say fifteen or twenty pounds at a time, and be kept in a covered tub or keg. When new and sweet, it should not be scalded, but when not perfectly fresh and good when used, it is improved by scalding. It must be kept very cool and dry, and if occasionally stirred, is pre- served more surely from growing sour or musty. Rye should be bought in small quantities, say forty or fifty pounds at a time, and be kept in a keg, or half barrel with a cover. Buckwheat^ Rice, Hominy, and Ground Rice, must be purchased in small quantities, and kept in cov- ered kegs, or tubs. Several of these articles are infest- ed w^th smaU black insects, and examination must oc- casionally be made for them. Arrowroot, Tapioca, Sago, Pearl Barley, ATneri- can Isinglass, Macaroni, Vermacelli, and Oatm,eal, are all articles which help to make an agreeable variety, and it is just as cheap to buy a small quantity of each, as it is to buy a larger quantity of t\vo or three articles. Eight or ten pounds of each of these articles of food can be stored in covered jars, or covered wood boxes, and then they are always at hand to help make a variety. All of them are very healthful food, and help to form many delightful dishes for desserts. Some of the most healthful puddings are those made of rice, tapioca, sago, and macaroni, while isinglass, or American gela- tine, form elegant articles for desserts, and is also excel- lent for the sick. Sugars should not be bought by the barrel, as the brown is apt to turn to molasses, and run out on to the floor. It is best to keep four qualities of sugar on hand. 220 THE PROVIDING AND CARE Refined loaf for tea, crushed sugar for the nicest pre- serves and to use with fruit, nice brown sugar for coffee, and common brown for cooking and more common use. The loaf can be stored in the papers, on a shelf. The others should be kept in close covered kegs, or covered wooden articles made for the purpose. Butter must be kept in the dryest and coldest place you can find, in vesselsof either stone, earthen, or wood, and never in tin. Lard and Drippings must be kept in a dry. cold place, and should not be salted. Usually the cellar is the best place for them. Earthen, or stone jars are the best to store them in. Salt must be kept in the dryest place that can be found. Rock salt is the best for table salt. It should be washed, dried, pounded, sifted, and stored in a glass jar, and covered close. It is common to find it growing damp in the salt stands for the table. It should then be set by the fire to dry, and afterwards be reduced to fine powder again. Nothing is more disagreeable than coarse or damp salt on a table. Vinegar is best made of wine, or cider. Buy a keg, or half banel of it, and set it in the cellar, and then keep a supply for the castors in a junk bottle in the kitchen. If too strong, it eats the pickles. Pickles never must be kept in glazed ware, as the vinegar forms a poisonous compound with the glazing. Oil must be kept in the cellar. Winter straified must be got in cold weather, as the summer strained will not burn except in warm weather. The best of lard oil is preferred to every other by those who use it. Some lard oil is very poor. Molasses, if bought by the barrel, or half barrel, should be kept in the cellar. Sugar bakers' is best for the table, and Porto Rico for cooking. If bought in small quantities, it should be kept in a demijohn. No vessel should be corked or bunged, if filled with molasses, as it will swell, and burst the vessel, or run over. Hard Soap should be bought by large quantity, and laid to harden on a shelf, in a very dry place. It is OF FAMILY STORES. 221 much more economical to buy hard, than soft soap, as those who use soft soap are very apt to waste it in using it, as they cannot do with hard soap. Starch it is best to buy by a large quantity. It comes very nicely put up in papers, a pound or two in each paper, and packed in a box. Starch, which by the single pound is five cents a pound, if bought by the box, is only three cents a pound, and this makes a good deal of dif- ference, in a large family, by the year. The high-priced starch is cheapest in the end. Indigo is not always good. When a good lot is found by trial, it is best to get enough for a year or two, and store it in a tight tin box. Coffee it is best to buy by the bag, as it improves by keeping. Let it hang in the bag, in a dry place, and it loses its rank smell and taste. Tea^ if bought by the box, is about five cents a pound cheaper than by small quantities. If well put up in box- es hned with lead, it keeps perfectly. But put up in paper, it soon loses its flavor. It therefore should, if in small quantities, be put in glass, or tin, and shut tight. Saleratus should be bought in small quantities, then powdered, sifted, and kept tight corked in a large mouth glass bottle. It grows damp if exposed to the air, and then cannot be used properly. Raisins should not be bought in large quantities, as they are injured by time. It is best to buy the small boxes. Currants for cake should be prepared as directed for cake, and set by for use in a jar. Lemon and Orange Peel sliould be dried, pounded, and set up in corked glass jars. - Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, and Allspice, should be pounded fine, and corked tight in small glass bottles with mouths large enough for a junk bottle cork, and then put in a tight tin box, made for the purpose. Or they can be put in small tin boxes with tight covers. Essences are as good as spices. Sweet Herbs should be dried, and the stalks thrown 19* 222 THE PROVIDING AND CARE OF FAMILY STORES. away, and the rest be kept in corked large mouth bottles, or small tin boxes. Cream Tartar^ Citric and Tartaric Acids, Bicar- bonate of Soda, and Essences, should be kept in cork- ed glass jars. Sal volatile must be kept in a large-mouth bottle, with a ground glass stopper to make it air-tight. Use cold water in dissolving it. It must be powdeied. Preserves and Jellies should be kept in glass or stone, in a cool, dry place, well sealed, or tied with bladder cov- ers. If properly made, and thus put up, they never will ferment. If it is difficult to find a cool, dry place, pack the jars in a box, and fill the interstices with sand, very thoroughly dried. It is best to put jellies in tumblers, or small glass jars, so as to open only a small quantity at a time. The most easy way of keeping Harris perfectly is to wrap and tie them in paper, and pack them in boxes or barrels with ashes. The ashes must fill all interstices, but nuist not touch the hams, as it absorbs the fat. It is much less labor, and quite as certain a mode as the one previously mentioned. It keeps them sweet, and protects from all kinds of insects. After smoked beef, or ham, are cut, hang them in a coarse linen bag in the cellar, and tie it up to keep out flies. Keep Cheese in a cool, dry place, and after it is cut, wrap it in a linen cloth, and keep it in a tight tin box. Keep Bread in a tin covered box, and it will keep fresh and good longer than if left exposed to the air. Cake also should be kept in a tight tin box. Tin boxes made with covers like trunks, with handles at the ends, are best for bread and cake. Smoked herring keep in the cellar. Codfish is improved by changing it, once in a while, back and forth from garret to cellar. Some dislike to have it in the house anywhere. All salted provision must be watched, and kept un- der the brine. When the brine looks bloody, or smells badly, it must be scalded, and more salt put to it, and poured over the meat. A SUCCESSIVE VARIETY OF FOOD. 228 Salt fish barrels must not be kept near other food, as they impart a fishy smell and taste to it. Cabbages B.nd Tur7iips in the cellar often impart a bad smell to a house. All decayed vegetable matter should be kept out of a cellar, as it creates a miasma, that sometimes causes the most fatal diseases. There- fore, always take care of the vegetable bins, and have all that are decaying removed. A cellar should be whitewashed often, to keep it sweet and clean. CHAPTER XXIV. SUGGESTIONS IN REFERENCE TO PROVIDING A SUCCESSIVE VARIETY OF FOOD. By a little skill and calculation, a housekeeper may contrive to keep a constant change of agreeable varie- ties on her table, and that, too, without violating the rules either of health or economy. Some suggestions will be offered to aid in this object. In the first place, much can be effected by keeping on hand a good supply of the various bread-stuffs. Good raised bread, of fine flour, must be the grand staple, but this may, every day, be accompanied with varieties of bread made of unbolted flour, or rye and In- dian, or Indian alone, or potato and apple bread, or rice bread, or the various biscuits and rusk. It will be found that these are ail more acceptable, if there are oc- casional changes, than if any one of them is dontinued a long time. All the dough of these different kinds of bread, when light, can, with very little trouble, be made into drop cakes, or griddle cakes for breakfast, or tea, by adding some milk and eggs, and in some cases a little melted lard. 224 SUGGESTIONS IN REFERENCE TO Very fine common cake is also easily made, at every baking, by taking some of the dough of bread and working in sugar, butter, and eggs, by the receipt given for Bread Cake and Child's Feather Cake. These can be made more or less sweet and rich at pleasme. In the next place, a good supply oi fruit in the gar- den, and stored in the cellar, enables a housekeeper to keep up a constant variet}^ The directions given under the head of Modes of Preparing Apples for the Tea Table, will be found very useful for this purpose, while those for preparing Rice and Dry Bread are equally serviceable in helping out a cheap and convenient variety. There are some cheap dishes at the end also, which are very good, and easily made. The directions for preparing Hashes, also, are rec- ommended as a mode of economizing, that is very ac- ceptable when properl)?^ done. The little relishes ob- tained in summer from the garden, are very service- able in securing varieties. Among these may be men- tioned cucumbers, radishes, cabbage sprouts, Jerusalem artichokes, and tomatoes, all of which are very fine eaten \\A\\\ salt and vines-ar. Mush, hominy, tapioca, and rice cooked, and then, when cold, fried on a griddle, are great favorites. If salt pork rinds are used to grease the griddle, there will be so little fat used, that no injury to the most dehcate stomachs can result from this mode of cooking. In winter, the breakfast-table and tea-table can be supplied by a most inviting variety of muffins, griddle cakes, drop cakes, and waffles made of rice, corn meal, and unbolted flour, all of which are very healthful and very agreeable to the palate. One mode of securing a good variety, in those months in spring when fruits and vegetables fail, is by a wise providence in drying and preserving fruits and vegetables. The following directions will aid in this particular. Directions for Preserving Frnits and Vegetables. Blackberries, whortleberries, currants, raspberries, PEOVIDING A SUCCESSIVE VARIETY OF FOOD. 225 peaches, plums, apples, pears, and quinces, can all be preserved by drying them in the sun, and then storing them in bags in a cool, dry place. Green currants, and green gooseberries, can be pre- served thus. Gather them when perfectly dry, put them into very dry junk bottles, free from stems and eyes, set the bottles uncorked into a kettle of cold water, and then make the water boil. Then cork the bottles (the fruit should come up to the cork), and seal them with bee's wax and rosin. Store them in a dry, cool place, where they will not freeze. Everything depends on success in excluding air and water. Putting them in boxes, and fiihng the interstices wdth dry sand, is the surest mode of storing the bottles. There is a receipt for Preserving Pruit in Water, that has found its way into many receipt books, which seems to the writer to be a dangerous and useless one, and never should be tried. It directs that fruit be put in bottles, then water pour- ed in, and then the bottles corked tight, and the cork tied. Then the bottles are to be set in a kettle of wa- ter, which is to be heated till it boils. Of course this must burst the bottles, or throw out the corks. It is probable that the design of some plan of this sort was to exclude all air from the fruit. This could be done by setting the bottles filled with fruit and water, imcorked, in a kettle of water, and making the water boil. Then cork the bottles and seal them, and the w^a- ter will remain, but all air will be excluded. The wri- ter never has seen a person who has tried this method, and perhaps it may be one in which fruit can be pre- served. Peach Leather is much relished by invalids, and is prepared thus. Squeeze out the pulp of ver}^ ripe peaches, and spread it half an inch thick on plates or shingles, and let it dry till quite hard and tough. Then roll it up in layers, with clean paper between. Tomato Leather can be made in the same way. But the following is the best mode of preserving toma- toes. Pour boiling water on to the ripe tomatoes, and peel 226 A SUCCESSIVE VARIETY OF FOOD. them. Boil them till reduced to half the original quan- tity, throwing in. at first, a tea-cup of sugar and a large spoonful of salt for every gallon. When reduced to one half the quantity, spread it on flat dishes half an inch thick, and dry it eight or ten days in the sun, and air. Then put it in layers, with paper between. In pre- paring it for table, stew it slowly in a good deal of water, adding bread crumbs and seasoning. Some persons dry them in a brick oven instead of the sun. A quicker, but not so nice a way, is simply to cut them in two without peeUng, and dry them in the oven. Tomato Figs are prepared thus: — Scald and peel them, and then boil them in one-third the weight of su- gar, till they are penetrated by it. Then flatten and dry them in the sun, occasionally turning them and sprinkling with sugar. When dry, pack them in layers, with sugar sprinkled between. Green Corn can be preserved by simply turning back the husk, all but the last thin layer, and then hanging it in the sun, or a very warm room. When it is to be used, boil it till soft, and then cut it off* the cob and mix it with butter, and add, if you like, dried Lima beans cooked soft, in another vessel. The summer sweet corn is the proper kind to dry. Lima beans can be dried in the sun when young and tender. They are good to bake, when dried after they are ripe. Another mode is to parboil sweet corn, cut it from the cobs, and dry it in the sun. Then store it in a dry, cool place, in a bag. Another way is to take oflf all the husks but the thin one next the corn ; tie this over the corn tight, and pack it in salt. Try each of these ways, and make succotash with dried Lima beans, adding a little cream to the broth. If done right, it is excellent in winter. In cutting corn from cobs, in all cases take care not to cut off any cob, as it gives a bad taste. Peas, also, are good to dry, and make a fine dish thus. Take six or eight pounds of corned beef, put it in a large pot and fill it with water, and put in two quarts 01^ BREAD MAKING. 227 of dried peas. Let them boil till soft, and then add the sweet herb seasoning, or take it up without any other seasoning than a little pepper and the salt of the meat. Beef, cooked thus, is excellent when cold, and the pea soup, thus made, is highly rehshed. No dish is cheaper, or more easily prepared. Pumpkins and squashes can be peeled and cut in strips and dried in the sun. The stalks of rhubarb or the pie plant can be sliv- ered fine and dried in the sun for winter use. A housekeeper who will take pains to have these things done in the proper season, and well stored, will always keep an inviting table, in those months when others so much complain that they can find no variety. It is a good plan for a housekeeper the first day, or week of every month, to make a calculation of her bill of fare for that month, going over such a receipt-book as this, and ascertaining how many of the varieties of- fered she can secure. At the same time she can be laying in stores of articles for future use. System in this matter is of essential service. CHAPTER XXV. ON BREAD MAKING. Few housekeepers are aware of their responsibility m reference to the bread furnished for their family. As this is the principal article of food, there is no one thing on which the health of a family, especially of young children, is more dependant. Baker's bread is often made of musty, sour, or other Dad flour, which is made to look light, and the bad taste removed by unhealthy drugs. Of course, to the evil of unhealthy flour, is added unhealthy drugs, aijd there is no mode of discovering the imposition, 228 ox BREAD MAKING. The only safe mode is, to have all bread made in the family, and to take all needful care that it shall uni- formly be good. Bread made of salt^ or milk risings, is good only the first day, and to those accustomed to good yeast breadj it is offensive to the smell, and not acceptable to the palate. Bread made of sour milk, or buttermilk and an alkali, or made by mixing cream tartar in the flour, and an alkali in the wetting, is good as an occasional resort, in emergencies, when good yeast cannot be preserved, oi when there is not time to wait for yeast rising. But, as the ordinary bread for continued daily use, it is expensive, and not healthful or good like yeast bread. Some persons suffer from sore mouths and dis- ordered stomachs, in consequence of eating it. Some- times this is owing to the imperfect mixture of the ma- terials. When the cream tartar is not very thorough- ly mixed with the flour, or when the alkali is not prop- erly dissolved and thoroughly mixed, or when there is too much of either, the skin of the mouth and stomach are affected by the bread. Tlie only kind of bread which is always good for the health, and always acceptable to every palate, is sweet, well-raised, home-made yeast bread. The best kind of home-made yeast bread is an article of luxury to be found upon very few tables, and those who enjoy this comfort, know that there is no food upon earth, which is so good, or the loss of which is so much regretted. In order to secure such bread, these three things are indispensable, viz. : good flour, good yeast, and good care. In order to secure good flour, it is best to try it by tasting it, and you ordinarily can detect sourness or must. Buy a small quantity, and then, if it is found to be very superior, and it can be done conveniently, it is well to provide enough of it to last till the next crop of wheat affords new flour, when another supply for a year can be secured. Flour stored in barrels needs no other care than putting it in a cool, dry place, where it ON BREAD MAKING. 229 is well protected from rats and cockroaches. A tight covered box made of thick plank, large enough to hold several barrels, with shelves to hold smaller supplies of other bread-stuffs, with a door in one side shutting very tight, is a perfect protection from rats, mice, and cock roaches. Good flour has a yellowish tinge, and when pressed tio^ht in the hand, retains the creases of the skin im- pressed on it. Poor flour is not thus adhesive ; it can be blown about readily, and sometimes has a dingy look, as if ashes were mixed with it. When good flour is found, notice the brand, and seek the same next time. It is sometimes the case, however, that bad flour is passed off, by putting on the brands of persons who have gained a name as makers of superior flour. The only sure way is to try a small sample, and then get a larger supply, if it is good, from the same stock. Grown wheat makes dough that is runny, and can- not be well moulded, or make g"ood bread. This can be discovered only by trial. Smutty wheat makes flour that is very un healthful. Flour always should be sifted before using it, to re- store the lightness destroyed by packing, as well as to remove impurities. Bread is also more sure to be light, if the flour is heated before wetting. This can be done, by setting the kneading trough aslant before the fire, stirring it a little as it is warming. When bread proves to be bad, examine the yeast, and see also whether the oven bakes properly. If both are as they should be, and the bread is still poor, then the fault is in the flour, and it should be sent back and another supply obtained. And in buying flour, this liberty should always be se- cured, even if a higher price is the condition. No econ- omy is so false as to try to save by means of bad bread. Medicine and doctors' bills soon show the folly of it. Good yeast is as indispensable to good bread as good flour. Of the receipts given in this book, the one which will keep a month is the best. The one which 20 230 ON BREAD MAKING. is made with fewer materials will not keep so well, but is more easily made. In hot weather, when it is difficult to keep yeast, the hard yeast will be a great convenience. Some house- keejDers who have tried both, prefer the flour hard yeast to that which is made with Indian meal, as it does not turn sour, as Indian does. Home-brewed yeast must be used for hard yeast, and not distillery or brewer's. Yeast, when it is good, is all in a foam, or else has large beads on the surface, and its smell is brisk and pun- gent, but not sour. When poor, it sometimes smells sour, sometimes looks watery, and the sediment sinks to the bottom, and it has no froth or beads. Sometimes, when yeast does not look very good, it is improved by adding a tea-cup, or so, of flour, and two or three great spoonfuls of molasses, and setting it in a warm place to rise. Yeast must be kept in stone, or glass, with a tight cork, and the thing in which it is kept should often be scalded, and then warm water with a half tea- spoonful of saleratus be put in it, to stand a while. Then rinse it with cold water. Sour yeast cannot be made good by saleratus. The last grand essential to good bread is good care. Unless the cook can be fully trusted, the mistress of a family must take this care upon herself. She must, if needful, stand by and see that the bread is wet right, that the yeast is good, that the bread is put where it is warm enough, that it does not rise too long, so as to lose its sweetness (which is often the case before it be- gins to turn sour), that it is moulded aright, that the oven is at the right heat, and that it is taken out at the right time, and then that it is put in the right place, and not set flat on to a greasy table, or painted shelf, to imbibe a bad taste. Perhaps it may be thought that all this is a great drudgery, but it is worse drudgery to have sickly chil- dren, and a peevish husband, made so by having all the nerves of their stomachs rasped with sour, or heavy bread. A woman should be ashamed to have poor bread, far more so, than to speak bad grammar, or to have a dress ON BKEAD MAKING. 231 out of the fashion. It is true, that, by accident, the best of housekeepers will now and then have poor bread, but then it is an accident, and one that rarely happens. When it is very frequently the case that a housekeeper has poor bread, she may set herself down as a slack haked and negligent housekeeper. It is very desirable that every family should have a constant supply of bread made of unbolted flour, or of rye and Indian. Most persons like to eat of it occasion- ally, and it tends to promote health. Warm cakes also, made of unbolted flour, are very excellent, and ser- viceable to health. The receipts for these articles in this work are first-rate. Warm raised bread cakes, of fine wheat, are not so healthy for breakfast, as those made of unbolted flour, Indian meal, rice, or tapioca. Griddle cakes, muffins, and waffles, made of these last articles, are more healthful than those made of fine wheat. If eaten at the right temperature (not above blood heat), and with but little butter, they are safe and harmless. Unbolted flour is good in almost any receipt in which fine flour is to be used, and many very much prefer it for all kinds of warm cakes. Brown bread, when light, makes good drop cakes, or good grid- dle cakes, by adding a little watei: or milk, and some eggs, and in some cases, a spoonful or two of molasses. Many cases are on record, of great changes for the bet- ter, in the health of individuals and communities, by the habitual use of food made of unbolted flour. The style in which bread is prepared for the table, is a matter to be carefully attended to. In moulding up loaves and small cakes, do not leave lumps and loose flour adhering to the outside, but work them in thorough- ly, so as to have the cake look fair and smooth. Wipe off" flour from the outside before carrying to the table. Buttered pans are better than floured ones, because the cakes cleave oflf cleaner. When soda and saleratus are used, work it in thoroughly, or you will have those yel- low spots and streaks, which look so disgusting, and show a slovenly negligence. In the receipts for making bread, no particular direc- 232 ON BREAD MAKING. tioii is o^iven in resraid to the time bread should f?tand after it is moulded and put in pani^, because here is the point where observation and discretion are so indispensa- ble, and rules are unavaihnj^ without. In hot weather, when the yeast is very good, and the bread very liglit, it must not stand over lifteen minutes after it is moulded, before setting in. If it is cold weather, and the yeast is less active, or the bread not perfectly raised, it may some- times stand an hour in the pans without injury. When it is risen in the pans so as to crack, it is ready for the oven, and if it stands after this it loses sweetness, and then turns sour. A great deal of bread is spoiled by standing too long after it is put in the pans. The only way to prevent this is for the housekeeper to ascertain, by experiment, how soon her yeast ordinarily raises bread to the right point, so as to make that full lightness which does not destroy the sweetness of the flour, and yet is complete. When this is secured, the bread should not stand more than fifteen minutes after moulding, un- less it is very cold weather. Those who trust entirely to raising the bread after it is put into the pans, are much less likely to have the best kind of bread, and far more risk is run than in the way here given. In summer, if the milk is not new, it should be scald- ed, or the bread will turn sour by keeping. Bread is never as good which has turned sour, and been sweeten- ed with saleratus, as if it had risen only just enough. h\ using saleratus, take a teaspoonful to each quart of wet- ting used ; or, which is the same thing, a teaspoonful to four quarts of flour. The proportion of yeast is about a tablespoonful of brewer's or distiller's yeast for every quart of wetting, or twice as much home-brewed yeast. In warm weather, pour the wetting boiling hot into the flour, and the bread keeps better. But be careful not to kill the yeast by put- ting it in before the mixture is sufficiently cooled. About blond wannth is the right temperature. The eastern brown bread rises faster than the wlieat bread, and in hot weather cannot be made over niffht ; ON BREAD MAKING. 283 and if made with other bread, must be set to rise in a cool place. It is always best to keep bread several hours before eating, until it can be cut without making it clammy. Biscuits, and small cakes of bread, are best baked in the morning to use for tea, and in the evening for breakfast. When cake is to be made of bread dough, it ought to be wfet up with milk. Most of the rules which have been given in other books for making cream tartar bread and cakes allow too much of the acid and alkali, and this affects the health. Three pmts of flour to one teaspoonful of soda and two of cream tartar is about right. Domestics are often careless in getting right proportions, and thus health is injured. It is probable that this can be remedied by get- ting an apothecary to combine the two powders in the right proportions when very dry, and keeping them in a glass bottle, with a ground glass stopper, so as to be air-tight. The dampness of the air would make them combine, and neutralize them. There are yeast pow- ders for sale of this kind. The way to use them is first to mix them thoroughly in the flour, and then put in the wetting. In regard to yeast, the distillery rises fastest, the brew- er's nearly as fast, and the home-brewed slowest of all. Sometimes distillery yeast will raise bread in an hour. Every housekeeper must learn by trial the time neces- sary to raise bread, and by this calculate the time to put her oven heating. For large loaves of bread or cake, the oven must be heated with hard wood, so as to soak thoroughly. For smaller things lighter wood is as good, and more eco- nomical. After a housekeeper has tried her oven, her yeast, and her oven wood, she can make out very mi- nute directions for her domestics. But with poor domes- tics she ordinarily will need to persevere in superintend- ing this matter herself, if she^ would always have good bread. 20* 294 DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER CHAPTER XXVI. DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER AND EVENING PARTIES. The following directions for a dinner-party are de- signed for a young and inexperienced housekeeperj in moderate circumstances, who receives visiters at her ta- ble from the most wealthy circles. They are not intended for what would be called a stylish dinner-party, but what in New York, Philadel- phia, and Boston, in the most respectable society, would be called a plain, substantial dinner, and as complete and extensive as any young housekeeper, w4th the ordinary supply of domestics, ought to attempt any- where. Anything much more elaborate than this, usually demands the services of a professed cook. The details will be given with great minuteness, that a nov- ice may know exactly what to do in every particular. It is generally the case, that, at dinner-parties for gen- tlemen, no ladies are present but those who are mem- bers of the family. The gentleman of the house in- vites his friends the day previous, and then gives notice to his wife who are to come, and consults with her as to the articles to be provided, which of course he aids in purchasing. The housekeeper then makes a list of all the articles to be used, either for table furniture or cooking, and then examines her cupboard, store-closet, and cellar, to see if everything is at hand and in order. All the glass and silver to be used is put in readiness, and the castors, salts, and everything of the kind arranged properly. In order to be more definite, the exact dishes to be provided will be supposed to be these: Soup. Fish. A boiled ham. A boiled turkey, with oyster sauce. Three roasted ducks, and a dish of scol- AND EVENING PARTIES. 235 loped oysters. Potatoes, Parsnips, Turnips, and Celery. For dessert, Pudding", Pastry, Fruit, and Coffee. This will make a dinner for about ten or twelve per- sons. The pastry should be baked the day before, and the soup boiled down. In the morning of the day for the dinner-party, every article should be on hand from market, and the cook have extra help, so as to get breakfast and the dishes out of the way early. Then, the first thing, let her stuff and truss the tur- key and ducks, and set them away to use when the time comes. Be sure that they are trussed so that the legs and wings will be tight to the body, and not come sprawling on to the table. Suppose the dinner hour be three o'clock, as this is the earliest hour at which such a dinner could be com- fortably prepared. At niae o'clock, let the ham be washed, and put to boil. Then let the vegetables be prepared, ready for cooking. Next prepare the pudding. The pastry ought to be baked the day before. If not, it should be done very early in the morning, and be out of the way. The pudding should be one of those put in the list of rich puddings, which does not require long baking or boihng. The receipt will be the guide as to time for cooking it. Next, prepare the oysters. One large cannister (or three pints) will be needed for the dish of scolloped oysters,- and a small cannister (or a pint) will be needed for the sauce for the turkey. This last is simply drawn butter, wdth the oysters put in it, and sim- mered a few minutes. Be sure and follow the receipt for drawn butter exactly, as cooks are very apt to spoil this kind of sauce. Put the turkey to boil at one, if it is tender, as it ought to be, and sooner, if it is not. Put the ducks to roast at two. Ducks are best cooked rare, but the tur- key must be boiled through entirely, so that all parts look the same color when carved. The gravy for the ducks, and the drawn butter, must be prepared half an hour before taking up dinner. The 236 DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER fish must be put to boil in a fish kettle. The time depends on the size. I'he soup should be boiled down the day before. Let it be, for example, the receipt named Macaroni Souj). In this case, any convenient time before dinner-time, put the macaroni to boil in a sauce-pan by itself, and when cooked enough, set it aside. Then, just before dinner is to be served, pour the cold soup into the kettle, add the seasoning and macaroni, and give it such a heat as just boils it for a minute or two, and then it is ready to serve. The vegetables should be put to boil at such times as will have them cooked just right at the dinner hour, and this the housekeeper must calculate, according to their size and age. Unless there is an experienced cook, who can be trusted with everything, the lady of the house must superintend herself in the kitchen, until it is time for her to dress ; and as the company will not arrive till the hour appointed, she can, by arranging her dress, all but the finish, remain until it is nearly time to send up the dinner. Setting the Table. The table should be set early in the forenoon, by the waiter, under the direction of the lady of the house, and in the manner exhibited in Fig. 7. The table rug must first be laid exactly square with the room, and the tables also set exactly parallel with the sides of the room. If the tables are handsome ones, put on two white table-cloths, one above the other. If the tables are not handsome, cover them with a colored table-cloth, and put two white ones over. Then set the castors in the exact centre of the table. Some prefer to have them on aside-table, and the wait- er carry them around, but the table looks better to have them put in the centre. If they are put on the side- table, the celery stand may be placed, in the centre of the table. Next place the plates and knives as in Fig. 7, with a AND EVENING PARTIES. 237 napkin and tumbler at the right of each plate, as in the drawing. If it is cold weather, set the plates to warm, and leave them till wanted. Set the salt stands at the four corners, with two large spoons crossed by each, as in the drawing. Then place table-mats in the places where the dish- es are to be set. The host is to be seated at one end, and the hostess at the other, and at their plates put two knives and two forks. Put a carving knife and fork, and carver stand, at each place where a dish is to be carved. Put the jelly and pickles at diagonal corners, as marked on the drawing. If wine is to be used, put two wine-glasses by each tumbler. Just before dinner is to be served, a bit of bread, cut thick, is to be laid with a fork on each napkin. Then prepare the side-table thus : , As the party, including host and hostess, will be twelve, there must be one dozen soup plates, and one doz- en silver spoons. Then there must be two dozen large knives, and three dozen large plates, besides those on the table. This is to allow one plate for fish, and two for two changes of meat for each guest. Some would provide more. Then, there must be three dozen dessert plates, and two dozen dessert knives and forks. One dozen saucers, and one dozen dessert spoons. One or two extra of each kind, and three or four extra nap- kins, should be added for emergencies. (At a side stand, or closet, should be placed, at dinner-time, a wash dish of hot water, and two or three wiping towels.) On the side- table, also, is to be placed all articles to be used in helping the dessert ; and unless there is a convenient closet for the purpose, the dessert itself must be set there, and covered with napkins. All the dishes and plates to be used, except those for desserts and soups, must, in cold weather, be set to warm by the waiter. If coffee is to be served at the dinner- table, the furniture for this must be put on the side-table, or in an adjacent room, or closet. 238 DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER Taking up the Dinner. Such a dinner as this cannot usually be prepared and served easily, without two to cook and serve in the kitchen, and two waiters in the dining-room. One waiter will answer, if he is experienced and expert in such matters. When the hour for dinner arrives, let the cook first take up the soup and fish. The soup and soup plates are to be set by the hostess, and the spoons laid near. Potatoes and drawn butter, or fish sauce, are to be sent up with fish. The fish is to be set before the host, and the fish knife and sauce placed by it, and then the waiter is to inform the lady of the house that dinner is ready. She rises, and informs her husband, or the guests, that din- ner is ready, and then the gentleman for whom the party is made, or some other one of the invited guests, conducts the lady to the table, and takes his seat at the first plate at her right hand. She then helps the soup, beginning at the right, and passing it around in order, without inquiring whether each one wishes it. If any one prefers fish, he passes the soup to the next. Mean- time the host either helps the fish to all who wish it, or leaves it covered till the soup is removed, and the plates changed. The plates for fish are set on, around the table, and the soup plates are set on to them, while soup is served. While soup and fish are served above, the cook be- low proceeds thus : — The ham can be taken up some time before dinner, prepared for the table, and set aside, covered, as it is not injured by standing. Of course this is done at any convenient time. The turkey and ducks may first be taken up, prepared for table, and then cov- ered, and set where they will be kept warm. Then the gravies and drawn butter are to be put in the gravy boats. The vegetables must be taken up the last thing, and the potatoes last of all as the excellence of all de- pends on their being served hot, especially potatoes. Some would prepare a dish of mashed potatoes, but this AND EVENING PARTIES. 289 increases the complexity of the business, which should, as much as possible, be avoided. After soup and fish, and the plates are removed by the waiters above, and clean plates put around, wine or conversation will fill up the time, while the meats are brought on, which are to be placed on the table, cover- ed, and in the order marked in the drawing. Fig. 7. When all are prepared, the host gives a sign to the waiters, and the covers are all to be removed, and so adroitly that no steam be spilt on the table-cloth or guests. To do this, the covers must be first inverted, holding them directly over the dishes they cover ^ and this the hostess must teach the waiter to do beforehand, if need be. He is to be taught, also, to offer each article to guests on their 7e/if side, to observe when guests have done eating, and then to change their plate, knife, and fork, and never to speak except to answer questions, or to offer the articles he serves. The host carves the dish before him. The hostess helps the dish opposite to her, and the gentlemen guests carve the dishes opposite to them. As soon as ready to help, the lady asks the gentleman at her right to what he will be helped, and never makes excuses for, or praises any particular dish. The host commences at his right hand, and does the same, till all are helped. Every person begins to eat as soon as helped. The waiters are to observe if bread, water, or anything is wanting to any guest, and offer a supply. The hostess should, if possible, be at ease, so as to converse, and if she has occasion to direct the waiters (which, by pre- vious instructions, should be avoided), she should do it as quietly and easily as possible. After all the guests are helped, the host helps the hostess, and then himself. If wine is used, it is served by the host immediately after soup and fish, and any other times during the dinner he chooses. If the lady of the house is asked to drink wine, it is deemed uncourteous to refuse. She is expected to have a little poured into her glass, and raise it to her lips, looking at and slightly bowing to the guest who makes the request, and as soon as he has fill- Q40 DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER ed his glass. Whenever any other makes the same request, a very httle wine is to be poured into her glass, as the ceremony is incomplete without this. After any guest has finished eating, the waiter is to change his plate, knife, and fork, and the host or hostess asks to what he will be helped. Soon after all the guests are done eating meats, the hostess directs the waiter, and every article is removed from the table, and the upper table-cloth taken off. Then the dessert knives, forks, and plates are set around, and the dessert is placed on the table. The pudding is to be set on a mat, before the hostess, and the dish of cheese before the host, and the pastry arranged in some regular order on the table, with knives and forks to help. These are divided and distributed by the host and hostess, assisted by the guests. When these are finished, everything is removed again, and the other table-cloth taken off, leaving the bare ta- ble, or the colored cloth. Then the fruit is set on. After fruit, the coffee is brought to the table, or the company retire to the drawing-room, and take their coffee there. Such a dinner-party as the above, may be got up and carried through comfortably by a housekeeper, if she is provided with an experienced cook and well- trained waiter. But without these, it is absolute cruelty for a husband to urge, or even to allow his wife to go through all the toil, anxiety, and effort needful for such an affair. In all cases, it would be more consistent with the laws of health, and thus with the laws of God, to have a dinner including far less variety, and it is hoped that as true Christianity and true refinement advance, that the reform in regard to eating will advance, Hke the temperance reform in regard to drinking. When men become so refined and cultivated, that they can supply wit and good sense, instead of the overflows induced by the excitement of wine, diluted by AND EVENING PARTIES. 241 the stupidity resulting from excess in eating, a house- keeper will find the giving of a dinner-party a very dif- ferent matter from what it ordinarily is found to be. As dining parties are often conducted, the number, and variety, and character of the dishes offered, tempt to an excess, which overloads the stomach, and thus stupifies the brain ; so that all the wit and brilhancy that is ob- tained, is the simple product of vinous fermentation. Tea Parties and Evening Comjpany. In one respect, fashion has aided to relieve a house- keeper of much care in providing evening entertain- ments. It is now fashionable to spread a table for evening parties, and not to serve tea and coffee, as was formerly done. As this is the easiest, and most ration- al way of entertaining evening company, no other method will be so minutely described. If a lady designs to invite from forty to sixty friends to pass the evening, or even to have a much larger com- pany invited, the following would be called a plain but genteel arrangement, for company in New York, Phila- delphia, or any of out large cities. Set a long table in the dining-room, and cover it with a handsome damask cloth. Set some high article con- taining flowers, or some ornamental article, in the cen- tre. Set Champagne glasses with flowers at each cor- ner. Set loaves of cake at regular distances, and dis- pose in some regular order about the table, preserves, jellies, lemonade, and any other articles that may be selected from the abundant variety offered in the collec- tion of Receipts for Evening Parties in this book. Where a very large company is to be collected, and a larger treat is thought to be required, then a long table is set in the centre of the room, as above, and on it are placed cakes, pastry, jellies, and confectionary. Then smaller tables are set each side of a mantle, or in cor- ners, one of which is furnished with sandwiches, oysters, salad, celery, and wine, and the other with coffee, choco- late, and lemonade. Sometimes all are placed on one 21 242 DIRECTIONS FOR DINNER AND EVENING PARTIES. long table, and in this case, cakes, jellies, and confec- tionary are put in the centre, coffee and lemonade at one end, and oysters, sandwiches, celery, and wines at the other. A great deal of taste may l3e displayed in preparing and arranging such a table. As it is often the case, that the old mode of serving tea and coffee will be resorted to, one modification is proposed, which decreases the labour and anxiety to the housekeeper, and increases the enjoyment of the com- pany. It is this. Set a table in one of the parlors, and cover it with a damask cloth. Let the tea and coffee be served at this table, the lady of the house presiding. Then let the gentlemen wait upon the ladies around the room, and then help themselves. This is particu- larly convenient when it is difficult to get good waiters. Most of the articles used for evening parties (with the exception of rich cakes, wine, and high-seasoned chicken salad) are not unhealthful, if taken moderately. When these parties break up at seasonable hours, they may prove one of the most rational and harmless modes of securing social enjoyment ; but when connect- ed with highly exciting amusements, and late hours, they are sure to wear upon the constitution and health, and rational and conscientious persons, for these and other reasons, will avoid them. ON SETTING TABLES, ETC. 243 CHAPTER XXVII. ON SETTING TABLES, AND PREPARING VARIOUS ARTICLES OP FOOD FOR THE TABLE. To a person accustoiied to a good table, the manner in which the table is set, and the mode in which food is prepared and set on, has a great influence, not only on the eye, but the appetite. A housekeeper ought, therefore, to attend carefully to these particulars. The table-cloth should always be white, and well washed and ironed. When taken from the table, it should be folded in the ironed creases, and some heavy article laid on it. A heavy bit of plank, smoothed and kept for the purpose, is useful. By this method, the table-cloth looks tidy much longer than when it is less carefully laid aside. Where table napkins are used, care should be taken to keep the same one to each person, and in laying them aside, they should be folded so as to hide the soil- ed places, and laid under pressure. The table-cloth should always be put on square, and right side upward. The articles of furniture should be placed as exhibited in figures 7 and 8. The bread for breakfast and tea should be cut in even, regular slices^ not over a fourth of an inch thick, and all crumbs removed from the bread plate. They should be piled in a regular form, and if the slices are large, they should be divided. The butter should be cooled in cold water, if not al- ready hard, and then cut into a smooth and regular form, and a butter knife be laid by the plate, to be used for no other purpose but to help the butter. Small mats, or cup plates, should be placed at each plate, to receive the tea-cup, when it would otherwise be set upon the table-cloth and stain it. 244 ON SETTING TABLE, AND Fig. 7. °Ql/0 D Q^;QI ® ® CD of lOa lOa Oslo 8 A, Castors. B, Boiled Turkey. C, Oyster Sauce. D, Roasted Ducks. E, Gravy for Ducks. F, Scolloped Oysters. G, Boiled Ham. H. Potatoes. I, Turnips. S, Celery. K, Parsnips. PP, Pickles. JJ, JeUy. X, Host. Y, Hostess. A Big. 8. c so (o)®® @® o O o o on oo Voo^ O Oa Oa Os All the flour should be wiped from small cakes, and the crumbs be kept from the bread plate. In preparing dishes for the dinner-table, all water PREPARING ARTICLES FOR THE TABLE. 245 should be carefully drained from vegetables, and the edges of the platters and dishes should be made perfect- ly clean and neat. All soiled spots should be removed from the outside of pitchers, gravy boats, and every article used on the ta- ble ; the handles of the knives and forks must be clean, and the knives bright and sharp. In winter, the plates, and all the dishes used, both for meat and vegetables, should be set to the fire to warm, when the table is being set, as cold plates and dishes cool the vegetables, gravy, and meats, which by many is deemed a great injury. Cucumbers, when prepared for table, should be laid in cold water for an hour or two to cool, and then be peeled and cut into fresh cold water. Then they should be drained, and brought to the table, and seasoned the last thing. The water should be drained thoroughly from all greens and salads. There are certain articles which are usually set on together, because it is the fashion^ or because they are suited to each other. Thus with strong-flavored meats^ like mutton, goose, and duck, it is customary to serve the strong-flavored vegetables, such as onions and turnips. Thus, turnips are put in mutton broth, and served with mutton, and onions are used to stuff geese and ducks. But onions are usually banished from the table and from cooking, on account of the disagreeable flavor they impart to the atmosphere and breath. Boiled Poultry should be accompanied with boiled ham, or tongue. Boiled Rice is served with poultry as a vegetable. Jelly is served with mutton, venison, and roasted meats, and is used in the gravies for hashes. Fresh Pork requires some acid sauce, such as cran- berry, or tart apple sauce. Drawn Butter^ prepared as in the receipt, with eggs in it, is used with boiled fowls and boiled fish. Pickles are served especially with fish, and Soy is a 21* 246 ON SETTING TABLES, ETC. fashionable sauce for fish, which is mixed on the plate with drawn butter. There are modes oi garnishing dishes, and prepar- ing them for table, which give an air of taste and re- finement, that pleases the eye. Thus, in preparing a dish of fricasseed fowls, or stew- ed fowls, or cold fowls warmed over, small cups of boil- ed rice can be laid inverted around the edge of the plat- ■ ?,r, to eat with the meat. Sweetbreads fried brown in lard, and laid around such a dish, give it a tasteful look. On Broiled Ham, or Veal, eggs boiled, or fried and laid, one on each piece, look well. Greens and Asparagus should be well drained, and laid on buttered toast, and then slices of boiled eggs be laid on the top, and around. Hashes, and preparations of pig's and calve's head and feet, should be laid on toast, and garnished with round slices of lemon. Curled Parsley, or Common Parsley, is a pretty garnish, to be fastened to the shank of a ham, to con- ceal the bone, and laid around the dish holding it. It looks well laid around any dish of cold slices of tongue, ham, or meat of any kind. The proper mode of setting a dinner-table is shown at Fig. 7, and the proper way of setting a tea-table is shown at Fig. 8. In this drawing of a tea-table, small- sized plates are set around, with a knife, napkin, and cup plate laid by each, in a regular manner, while the articles of food are to be set, also, in regular order. On the waiter are placed the tea-cups and saucers, sugar bowl, slop bowl, cream cup, and two or three articles for tea, coffee, and water, a& the case may be. This draw- hg may aid some housekeepers in teaching a domestic low to set a tea-table, as the picture will assist the mem- )ry in some cases. On the dinner table, by each plate, ;s a knife, fork, napkin, and tumbler : on the tea-table, by each plate is a knife, napkin, and small cup-plate. SYSTEMATIC FAMILY ARRANGEMENT, ETC. 247 CHAPTER XXVIIL ON SYSTEMATIC FAMILY ARRANGEMENT, AND MODE OF DOING WORK. Nothing secures ease and success in housekeeping so efficiently as system in arranging work. In order to aid those who are novices in these matters, the following out- lines are furnished by an accomplished housekeeper. They are the details of family work, in a family of ten persons, where a cook, chambermaid, and boy, are all the domestics employed, and where the style of living is plain, but every way comfortable. The mistress of this fami- ly arranges the work for each domestic, and writes it on a large card, which is suspended in the kitchen for gui- dance and reference. On hiring a new cook, or cham- bermaid, these details are read to her, and the agree- ment made, with a full understanding, on both sides, of what is expected. The following is copied, verbatim, from these cards prepared for the cook and chamber- maid. Directions for the Cook. Sunday. — Rise as early as on other days. No work is to be done that can be properly avoided. Monday. — Rise early in hot weather, to have the cool of the day for work. Try to have everything done in the best manner. See that the clothes hne is brought in at night, and the clothes pins counted and put in the bag. Put the tubs, barrel, and pails used, on the cellar bottom. Inquire every night, before going to bed, respecting breakfast, so as to make preparation beforehand. Tuesday. — Clean the kitchen and sink-room. Bake, and fold the clothes to iron the next day. 248 SYSTEMATIC FAMILY ARRANGEMENT, « Wednesday. — Rise early in warm weather, so as to iron in the cool of the day. Thursday. — Fold off the clothes. No other special work. Friday. — Clean all the closets, the kitchen windows, the cellar stairs, and the privies. Try up all the grease, and put it away for use. Saturday. — Bake, and prepare a dinner for Sunday. Every day but Monday, wipe the shelves in the pan- try and kitchen closet. Be careful to have clean dish towels, and never use them for other purposes. Keep a good supply of holders, both for cooking and ironing, and keep them hung up when not in use. Keep your boiler for dish water covered. Sweep and dust the kitchen every day. Never throw dirt, bones, or paper around the doors or yard. Never give or lend what belongs to the family with- out leave. Try to keep everything neat, clean, and in order. Have a time for everything ^ a place for every^ thing, and everything in its place. The hour for going to bed is ten o'clock. Those who work hard should go to bed early, or else health and eyesight will fail. Directions for the Chambermaid. Sweep the sitting-room before breakfast on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Wednesday, give all the chambers a thorough sweep- ing, and wash down the stairs. Thursday, sweep the bedroom and nursery, and wipe the paint. Put up the clean clothes, after the cook folds them. Friday, wash the windows and the piazzas. Saturday, sweep the chambers, wash the bowls and pitchers in hot suds, and scald the other vessels, unless they are washed in hot suds daily, when they will not need it. AND MODE OF DOING WORK. 249 After doing the daily chamber- work, collect the lampa and fix them in this manner : > 5 First pick up the wicks, and cut them off square (and for this purpose keep sharp scissors), then clean all the black sediment from the tubes. Wash them in suds as hot as you can bear your hand in, and wipe them dry with a cloth kept clean for the purpose, and used for nothing else. Be careful not to fill them full, lest the oil swell and run over. Screw them very tight, and see that the little air-hole is kept open, or the lamp will not burn. Wash the outside of the oil filler, and wipe the scis- sors clean. Wash the cloths used in fresh, clean suds, dry them, and then put them in their place. Wipe the basin used, and put it in its place. After cleaning the lamps, wash and scour the knives, thus : Wash them first, and be careful not to put the han- dles in the water. Wipe them dry, and then scour them with Bath brick, and a cork dipped in soft soap. Nev- er rub a knife on a board in scouring it, as it wears it out very fast. After scouring, do not wash them, but wipe them with a dry cloth, and be careful to get the brick out from between the fork tines. Use a small stick prepa- red for the purpose. If the handles are soiled by scour- ing, wipe them with a damp cloth. Lay the large knives in one side of the knife basket, and the small ones the other side, and put the handles of the knives one way, and the handles of the forks the opposite way. Always fill the boiler after you take out dish water, lest the cook be disturbed by your neglecting it. Arrange the china-closet in order, after putting up the breakfast dishes. Dishes not often used must be wiped when used. In doing chamber-work, turn up the vallance of the beds, set the windows open, brush down cobwebs, move every moveable article, to sjweep under it, and sweep with short strokes. 250 SYSTEMATIC FAMILY ARRANGEMENT, Always hang the cloths kept for wiping bowls and pitchers on the towel frames, and use them for nothing else. Have a dust cloth with a loop for every room, and put it in the wash once a fortnight. Wash the breakfast dishes thus : — Rinse the cups, scrape the plates very clean, put the bits of butter on the butter plate, and empty all the slops into the slop bowl, and then empty it. First wash the glass things with a swab in suds, as hot as possible, wiping each one as soon as taken out of the water. When glass is very cold, put a little warm water in it before putting it into the hot suds, or you will crack it. Next wash the silver and Britannia, wiping each as soon as taken out. Then wash the other articles. Keep the castors bright and clean, and well filled. Wipe the salt spoons dry, and do not lay them so as to touch the salt. If the salt is damp, take it out and dry it, mashing it to powder. Wipe off the china-closet shelves every day, and Sat- urdays wash them. Rub the silver and Britannia every Saturday, after washing them. In the Domestic Economy, at p. 318, will be found di- rections for washing dishes in the kitchen, which are to be hung over the sink. Every family must vary somew^iat from all others in its routine of family work, and it often is the case, that such written directions will be of little or no use to do- mestics. But the fact of having them written, and the reading of them over to all new-comers, as what is ex- pected of them, and occasional reference to them, as what was agreed on when making the bargain, often will be of much service. And it is an aid to the house- keeper herself, who is liable to forget many things in teaching new-comers their duties. AND MODE OF DOING WORK. 25], Odds and Ends. There are certain odds and ends, where every house- keeper will gain much by having a regular time to attend to them. Let this time be the last Saturday forenoon in every month, or any other time more agree- able, but let there be a regular fixed time once a month, in which the housekeeper will attend to the fol- lowing things : First, go around to every room, drawer, and closet in the house, and see what is out of order, and what needs to be done, and make arrangements as to time and manner of doing it. Second, examine the store-closet, and see if there is a proper supply of all articles needed there. Third, go to the cellar, and see if the salted provis- ion, vegetables, pickles, vinegar, and all other articles stored in the cellar are in proper order, and examine all the preserves and jellies. Fourth, examine the trunk, or closet of family linen, and see what needs to be repaired and renewed. Fifth, see if there is a supply of dish towels, dish cloths, bags, holders, floor cloths, dust cloths, wrapping paper, twine, lamp-wicks, and all other articles needed in kitchen work. Sixth, count over the spoons, knives, and forks, and examine all the various household utensils, to see what need replacing, and what should be repaired. A housekeeper who will have a regular time for at- tending to these particulars, will find her whole family machinery moving easily and well ; but one who does not, will constantly be finding something out of joint, and an unquiet, secret apprehension of duties left un- done, or forgotten, which no other method will so eflfect- ually remove. A housekeeper will often be much annoyed by the accumulation of articles not immediately needed, that must be saved for future use. The following method, adopted by a thrifty housekeeper, may be imitated with advantage. She bought some cheap calico, and made 252 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES bags of various sizes, and wrote the following labels with indelible ink on a bit of broad tape, and sewed them on one side of the bags : — Old Linens ; Old Cottons ; Old Black Silks ; Old Colored Silks; Old Stockings ; Old Colored Woollens ; Old Flan- nels ; New Linen ; New Cotton ; New Woolle7is ; Nev) Silks ; Pieces of Dresses ; Pieces of Boys'' Clothes J alienee in finding them out of the way at just the wrong time, so that good success is often thus entirely prevented. Moreover, many processes of cooking and housekeep- ing are performed with much more success, when the cook is well provided with suitable utensils ; while the use of the same article for various kinds of dishes, or for different modes of cooking, often destroys the deli- cate flavor of food, and makes all dishes taste very much alike. This is the case often, in steam and canal boats, where every article on the table seems to have imbi- bed one and the same flavor; In pointing out the various conveniences to be used in housekeeping, reference will be had to those chiefly who have means to purchase everything they deem useful, and also who can obtain such domestics, that proper care will be taken of whatever is provided. In the Domestic Economy at p. 319, is a list em- bracing a full supply of all those articles which some of the best housekeepers in our country deem useful and desirable, for the various processes of house- keeping, in a family of medium size, and of abundant means ; where everything is done for comfort^ and no- thing for show. Kitchen Furniture. The kitchen floor should be covered with an oil cloth. Carpets, or bits of carpet, are not so good, because of the grease and filth that must accumulate in them, and the labor of sweeping, shaking, and cleansing them. No- thing is cleansed so easily as an oil cloth, and it is much better than a painted floor, because it can be removed to be painted. 22 254 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES If the cook is troubled with cold feet in winter, small bits of carpeting can be laid where she sits and stands the most. Otherwise they had better be kept out of the kitchen. Directions for preparing a kitchen oil cloth will be found page 317 of the Domestic Economy. There should always be a clock in the kitchen, as in- dispensable to success in cooking, and regularity of meals. Two tables, a large one for cooking, and a small one for meals, should be provided. Besides this, a settee ironing-table is a very great com- fort and convenience, which is represented at Pig. 9, and is a better pattern than the one described in the Domes- tic Economy. Fig. 9. The back is made to turn on pivots at CO, and rests when turned on the sides. At AA, are projections, with a hole that meets the holes in the sides at BB, and then the peg at E is put in to hold it firmly. The box, or seat, is divided into two parts, with lids at DD, and in these boxes are kept, on one side the ironing sheet, wipers and holders, and on the other side, the irons, rings, (fee, used in ironing. When the back is not used for ironing, it is put down, and the article is a good settee, and if provi- ded with cushions, is as comfortable as most parlor sofas. It can be put on castors, and have handles at the sides, and then it can be moved up to the fire winter evenings for use ; the back serving both to reflect the warmth of the fire^ and to keep oflf draughts of air. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 255 The following are the dimensions. Length, six feet. Width of seat, twenty inches. Height of seat, four- teen inches. Height of back, from the bottom, four feet. This makes the width of the table when it is turned down. Height of the ends where the table rests when turned over, two feet six inches. In some families, it is sometimes necessary to have a domestic sleep in the kitchen. In this case, a hunk set- tee^ like the one which is represented as open at Fig. 10, is very convenient. Fig. 10. The following are the dimensions. Six feet long. Seat two feet wide, and sixteen inches high. The parts c c pass within the ends d d. The seat a, when it is shut up, rests on the ledge that runs along the back at b. The bed and bed-clothing are at the bottom of the box, and are shut up in it by day. At Fig. 11 is represented a kitchen table, with shelves and drawers fastened over it, which, if made and fur- nished in the manner described, every housekeeper would find an invaluable aid to system, and it would save many steps, and much inconvenience. The shelves are to be nailed or screwed on the wall at a convenient height over the table. 256 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES Fig. 11 ^t.— If If %ia. The following are the dimerxsions of the two articles. Tahle. — Six feet long. Three feet two inches broad. Thirty inches high* The top to project only two inch- es over the frame. The box divided by three drawers. Two of the drawers divided by partitions into three equal parts, as seen by the dotted lines in the drawing. The shelves over the table are three feet in height, three feet six inches wide, and a foot deep. The draw- .ers are four incnes deep, and the part above the drawers is divided by me slielves into three equal portions. It is better to have two doors in front of the shelves to shut the dust out. Some would prefer a curtain to slide on FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 257 an iron wire. At A is hung the salt box, made with a lid, and at B is the coffee mill, and the other side the soap dish is at C. To furnish this complete, there should be tin boxes made with tight lapping covers, like that at Fig. 12, and of three sizes. The largest should be eight inches in height, and three and a half in diameter. The next size should be six inches high and three inches in diam- eter. The next should be four inches high and two inches in diameter. These can all be made at a tiriner's for a small sum. In the largest size put two kinds of sugar, and the starch. In the medium size keep tea and coffee, table salt and ginger. In the smallest size keep cream tartar, indigo, mustard, sweet herbs, and spices. In junk bottles, keep a supply of vinegar, molasses, and catsup. In a wide-mouth glass jar, with tight glass stopper, keep soda, or saleratus. Write labels and paste on to each, and arrange them on these shelves in one division. On the shelves of the other division, put the following articles : — those that can be suspended, hang on nails at the side, over the shelves. A dredging box, kitchen pepper box, two-sized graters, two small sieves, a bottle brush, a vial tunnel, a larger tunnel, a quart, pint, and gill measure, a gravy strainer, a corkscrew, half a dozen bowls, as many cups, saucers, and two small pitchers. On the top of the shelves put the spice mill, and the balance and weights. Fig. 16 shows the best kind. In one of the drawers of the shelves, put needles, thread, twine, wax, and bits of cotton and linen. In the other drawer put the Receipt Book, bits of paper and pencil for writing notes and memoranda, an account book, and a pen and ink. In the table drawer which is not subdivided, put these articles : — Rolling-pin, griddle spad, iron meat fork, cof- fee stick, mush stick, gridiron scraper, skewers, saw knife, chopping knife, egg and cake beaters, apple corer, pota- to beetle, meat hammer, butter spad, whetstone. In the middle drawer, put, in the front part, the kitch- en knives and forks, and carver, the iron spoons, and other spoons used in the kitchen. In the centre part of 22* 258 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES this drawer put the kitchen table-cloths, and in the back part, the bags for all kinds of family uses, the pudding cloths, jelly strainer, and starch strainers. In the other drawer, keep in one division, the clean dish cloths and towels ; in another, the roller and tum- bler towels, and in another the clean lamp towels, and a good supply of holders and dust cloths. Let the cleav- er and board be kept on the top of the shelves. By this arrangement the cook will find every article she has occasion to use close at hand, and when she washes dishes, her towels and soap, and the place where to lay up all utensils as she washes them, are in imme- diate reach. No one knows, without trial, how many steps are saved, and how much confusion and waste avoided, by such an arrangement. And the expense for securing it is a trifle, far less than is often spent for some showy but useless article for the parlor. Another arrangement is a great aid to system and order. Have a closet made as represented at Fig. 13. Fig. 13. In these partitions place these articles, the largest in the largest part, and hanging all that can be suspended, on pegs. A large and small clothes frame. A skirt board. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 259 A bosom board. A press board. A yard stick. Three or four brooras. A floor brush for sweeping oil cloths and painted floors. A cobweb brush. A long brush to wash windows outside. A carpet stretcher. A whitewash brush. A long-handle upright dust pan, and a common dust pan. A rag bag. Scrubbing brushes. In the part with shelves, place, in the upper partitions, in one, the shoes, brushes, and blacking. In another, articles for cleaning brass and silver. In another, spon- ges, rags, and stain mixtures. In the next division, be- low, put the lamps and candlesticks, and the waiter containing all the articles used in cleaning lamps. At the bottom of this closet, keep a box containing the following articles : — A hammer, a small saw, three sizes of gimlets, papers of tacks, nails, screws, two chisels, a bedscrew, a carpet claw. In another box, keep old newspaper, wrapping paper, and a large ball of twine. Have a clothes broom and clothes brush hung here, and keep the table-rug here. All other articles in common use are to be kept in the pantry, or china closet, or in the pot closet. By thus arranging articles together in one place, and with so complete an assortment, much time and many steps are saved, while they are preserved in good order. A housekeeper who chooses to do without some of these conveniences, and spend the money saved in parlor adornments, has a right to do so, and others 4iave a right to think she in this shoNvs herself deficient in good sense. The accompanying drawings are designed to show some of the most convenient kitchen and other utensils. Fig. 14. 260 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES Fig. 14 represents a Tin Baker ^ or Reflector. The iron hooks running out in front, fit it to use with grates. It can be made without them, or made so that they can be drawn out and put in. This bakes bread, cakes, apples, (fee, as well as an oven. Fig. 15. Fig. 15, called a Footman^ is made of brass, or sheet iron, and is used with a grate, to heat irons, and for other purposes. Fig. 16. Fig. 16 is the best kind of Balances to use in weigh- ing cake, and for other purposes. Fig. 17. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 261 Pig. 17 is a tall-handle Dust Pan. The pan is half a yard in length, ten inches in width, and the handle two feet high, and set up perpendicularly. It is a very economical arrangement to save carpets and labor, as it is set down in spots, and the common broom used to throw the dust and rubbing from the carpet on to it, in- stead of brushing them all across the carpet. Fig. 18. Fig. 18 is a Saw Knife, being a saw on one side, and a knife on the other. It is very useful in preparing meats. Fig. 19. Fig. 19 is a Lemon /Squeezer. At A is a concave place with holes bored through. At B is a convex pro- jection to fit into the concave portion, and here the half lemon is put to be squeezed. Fig. 21,- Fig. S50. Fig. 20, a Case for lampUghters. It is made of tin, like a tumbler, with a lid fastened at the top by a hinge. It stands in the parlor, to receive the remnants of ex- tinguished lamplighters and matches, to prevent smoke 262 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES and rubbish, and is a great convenience. It can be made for a trifle at a tinner's. Fig. 21 is a tin Match ^afe, v^^hich should be hung in the kitchen, and the matches be kept in it. It is not only convenient, but important for safety. Fig. 22. VwV Fig. 22 is a Meat Mallet, or beef steak hammer. It is a block of wood six inches square, cut in checks, so as to make sharp points on the face, and is used to make tough steaks more tender. Fig. 23. Fig. 23 is an Egg Beater. It is made of iron wire, fastened to a tin handle. It is fine for beating eggs and cake, and saves labor. The tin should be six inches long and an inch wide. Fig. 24. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 263 Fig. 24 is a small brush, useful to dust ledges in par- lors, and the frames of windows. Fig. 25. Fig. 25 is SLii Apple Cover. It is a scroll of tin sol- dered together, about seven inches long, an inch in di- ameter at the largest end, and tapering to half an inch at the smaller end, where it is cut off obliquely. It costs but a dime, and every housekeeper can have one made at a tinner's, and needs one. Fig. 26. Fig. 26 is a Gridiron Scraper. It is fitted to the bars of gridirons that have scooped bars. It has a con- vex scraper on one end of the transverse piece of iron, and a concave one at the other, so as to fit both sides of the gridiron bars. Fig. 27. Fig. 27 shows the best shape for a Rolling Pin, ^64 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES Fig. 28. J Fig. 28 shows a Fish Kettle, with the strainer drawn out above it. It should be large enough to use some- times for boiling a ham. This and the sauce pans fol- lowing can be used on a cooking stove, or be set on a trivet when an open fire is used. Fig. 29. Fig. 29 is a Preserving Kettle with a cover. Fig. 30. Fig. 30 is another Preserving Kettle, without a cov- er. The advantage of these is, that they are shallow, 80 that the fruit wUl not need to be piled. The cover FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ^4 preserves the flavor more perfectly. The best are of copper or bell metal. Porcelain ones are apt to crack. Fig; 31. Pig. 31 is a Cast Iron Sauce-pan^ lined with tin. Fig. 32. * Fig. 32 is a Tin Sauce-pan. Fig. 33, Fig. 33 is a Copper Sauce-pan. Every housekeeper needs at least four different sizes of sauce-pans. The copper ones are the best, and most durable. The iron lined with tin the next best. The tin are the poorest. 266 UTENSILS AND CONVENIENCES Fig. 34. ;l Fig. 34 is a Trivet, and is very useful in heating articles over coals to prevent burning. Three or four of different sizes are needed with an open fire. Food cooked for the sick demands them. Fig. 35. Fig. 35 is a Tin Bonnet, and is very useful to keep articles warm, to roast apples, to warm plates, &c. Two or three will be kept in constant use when it is found how useful they are. Fig. 36. as w : ^i S? -f^fi Fig. 36 is a brush to clean bottles, made of bristles twisted into wire. Fig. 37. TOR HOUSEKEEPING. S6T: prFig. 37 is a Tin j^afe. It is to be made five feet high, five feet wide, a division iii the middle, and three shelves each side. Two doors in front, with a lock and key, and all the panels of perforated tin. It is very use- ful to preserve food in hot weather, and to protect it also from mice. Refrigerators are very excellent to keep meat, but- ter, milk, and cream, during- hot weather. They are made in a superior manner, and kept for sale, but the following is a mode of securing a cheap one. Take a barrel and bore holes in the bottom. Lay some small sticks crossing, and set a half barrel within, with holes bored in the bottom. Nail list along the edge of each, and make a cover to lay on each, so that the cover resting on the hst will make it very close. Then put ice into the inner one, and the water will fil- ter through the holes in the bottom, and while the ice is preserved, it will make the inner half barrel a perfect re- frigerator. Those who buy ice every day will find this a great convenience if they have no other refrigerator Fig. 38, Fig. 38 represents an excellent pattern for a tSofa Bedsteadj such as a common carpenter can make. Its dimensions are as follows : — Length, six feet. Width, two feet two inches. Height of the seat from the floor, fifteen inches. Height of the back and sides from the seat, eighteen inches. The seat is a frame with slats to be laid across lengthwise^ as this gives more ease than crosswise slats. The back is a frame, with slats cross- wise, with two frame legs^ as at A and B, swinging on 268 ARTICLES AND CONVENIENCES hinges, and when pulled out they serve to support the back. The back is hooked up to the sides, and when laid down rests on the frame legs A B. These legs turn with pintles, or wood hinges. The ends of the sofa have grooved slides for the head and footboards to shde in, as at C C, and have brown linen nailed on both in- side and outside, on which to fasten the sofa cover. Two thick cushions of hair, or of moss and cotton, are made, one to serve for the seat, one to set up against the back. These serve for the bed when the back is laid down. A frill is fastened around the frame of the seat, and the box D, underneath, is to hold the bedclothes, and runs on castors, as also does the sofa. Fig. 39. Fig. 39 is a very convenient and cheap article for a light seat to use in a chamber, or in gardening. It is made just like a cross bedstead or cot, with a bit of stair carpeting used as the seat. Handles fastened to it make it more convenient to carry about, as it can be doubled up, and taken in one hand. These are the dimensions : Sticks for the seat, one foot long. Sticks for the legs, one foot six inches long. Fig. 40. Fig. 40 is an article for a bedchamber, and remark- ably convenient for dressing the feet. In one drawer are kept stockings of all sorts, and in the other shoes ; it has a cushion and handles, and is set on castors. It is to stand by the bedside, and a person can change the dress of the feet with the greatest comfort and conve- nience. These are the dimensions : — Twenty inches square and twelve inches high from castors to cushion. FOR HOUSEKEEPINS. 269 Housekeepers are much troubled to keep dippers in order. The only sure mode is to have two made of copper^ with iron handles fastened on very tight, one to hold a pint, and another two or three quarts. These will never rust or leak, and may be kept for years. Let them be hung by the fire. Keep trivets on which to set kettles over coals, so as not to burn the articles while cooking. The most successful mode of securing the proper care of utensils, is to make a definite agreement with the cook, on hiring her, that after dinner, she shall examine kitchen, cellar, and pantry, and wash every article that needs cleansing ; and that once a month she shall scour all that need scouring. Then, at least once a week, and once a month, the housekeeper should examine her- fSelf whether this agreement is fulfilled. CHAPTER XXX. SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD TO HIRED SERVICE. There is no subject on which young housekeepers need wisdom and instruction more, than in regard to the managemeyit of domestics, and therefore some far- ther suggestions will be offered, in addition to those pre- sented in the Domestic Economy. Success in the management of domestics very much depends upon the manners of a housekeeper towards them. And here, two extremes are to be avoided. One is a severe and imperious mode of giving orders and find- ing fault, which is inconsistent both with lady-like good breeding, and with a truly amiable character. Few do- mestics, especially American domestics, will long submit to it, and mdny a good one has been lost, simply by the influence of this unfortunate manner. The other extreme is apt to result from the great dif- 23* 270 SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD ficiilty of retaining good domestics. In cases where this is experienced, there is a habilily of becoming so fearful of displeasing one who is found to be good, that, imper- ceptibly, the relation is changed, and the domestic be- .conies the mistress. A housekeeper thus described this cliange in one whom she hired : '• The first year she was an excellent servant; the second year, she w^as a kind mistress ; the third year, she was an intolerable ty- rant !" There is no domestic so good that she will not be in- jured by perceiving that, through dependance upon her, and a fear of losing her services, the mistress of the fam- ily gives up her proper authority and control. The happy medium is secured, by a course of real kindness in manner and treatment, attended with the manifestation of a calm determination, that the plans and will of the housekeeper, and not of the domestic, shall control the family arrangements. When a good domestic first begins to insist that her views and notions shall be regarded, rather than those of the housekeeper, a kind but firm stand must be taken. A frank conversation should be sought, at a time when nothing has occurred to ruffle the temper on either side. Then the housekeeper can inquire what would be the view taken of this matter in case the domestic herself should become a housekeeper, and hire a person to help her ; and when the matter is set before her mind in this light, let the "golden rule" be applied, and ask her whether she is not disposed to render to her present em- ployer what she herself would ask from a domestic in similar circumstances. Much trouble of this kind is saved by hiring persoi;kS on trials in order to ascertain whether they are willing and able to do the work of the family in the manner which the housekeeper wishes ; and in this case, such written cards as have been exhibited in previous pages can be read, or some member of the family can go around for a day or two, and show how everything is to be done. There is no department of domestic life where a wo- man's temper and patience are so sorely tried, as in the ,*o TO HIKED SERVICS> 2T'l incompetence and constant changes of domestics. And therefore, there is no place where a reasonable and Chris- tian woman will be more watchful, careful, and conscien- ^tious. The cultivation oi patience will be much promoted by keeping in mind these considerations in reference to the incompetence and other faiUngs of those who are hired. In the first place, consider that the great object of life to us is not enjoyment^ but the formation of a right character ; that such a character cannot be formed, ex- cept by discipline, and that the trials and difficulties of don;iestic Hfe, if met in a proper spirit and manner, will, in the end, prove blessings rather than evils, by secu- ring a measure of elevation, dignity, patience, self-control, and benevolence, that could be gained by no other methods. The comfort gained by these virtues, and the rewards they bring, both in this and in a future life, are a thousand-fold richer than the easy, indolent life of in- dulgence, which we should choose for ourselves. In the next place, instead of allowing the mind to dwell on the faults of those who minister to our com- fort and convenience, cultivate a habit of making every possible, benevolent allowance and palhation. Say to yourself — " Poor girl' ! she has never been instructed, either by parents or employers. Nobody has felt any in- terest in the formation of her habits, or kindly sought to rectify her faults. Why should I expect her to do those things well which no one has taken any care to teach her ? She has no parent or friend now to aid her but myself. Let me bear her faults patiently, and kindly try to cure them." If a woman will cultivate the spirit expressed in such language, if she will benevolently seek the best good of those she employs, if she will interest herself in giving them instruction, if they need it, and good books to read if they are already qualified to understand them, if she will manifest a desire to have them made comfortable in the kitchen, and in their chambers, she certainly will receive her reward, and that in many ways. She will Q73 SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD be improving her own character, she will set a good ex- ample to her family, and in the end, she will do some- thing, and in some cases mwc/i, to improve the charac- ter and services of those whom she hires. And the good done in this way goes down from generation to genera- tion, and goes also into the eternal world, to be known and rejoiced in, when every earthly good has come to an end. It is sometimes the case, that the constant change of domestics, and the HabiUty thus to have dishonest ones, makes it needful to keep stores under lock and key. This measure is often very offensive to those who are hired, as it is regarded by them as an evidence both of closeness and of suspicion of their honesty. In such cases, it is a good plan, when first making an agreement with a domestic, to state the case in this way. That you have had dishonest persons in the family, and that when theft is committed, it is always a cause of dis- quiet to honest persons, because it exposes them to sus- picion. You can then state your reasons as two-fold : one to protect yourself from pilfering w^hen you take en- tire strangers, and the other is to protect honest persons from being suspected. When the matter is thus pre- sented, at first hiring a person, no offence will be taken afterwards. In some portions of our country, the great influx of foreigners of another language and another faith, and the ready entrance they find as domestics into American famihes, impose peculiar trials and peculiar duties on American housekeepers. In reference to such, it is no less our interest than our duty to cultivate a spirit of kindness, patience, and sympathy. Especially should this be manifested in reference to their religion. However wrong, or however pernicious we may regard their system of faith, we should remem- ber, that they have been trained to beheve that it is what God commands them to obey, and so long as they do beheve this, we should respect them for their conscien- tious scruples, and not try to tempt them to do what they suppose to be wrong. If we lead an ignorant and TO HIRED SERVME. 273 feeble mind to do what it believes to be wrong, in regard to the most sacred of all duties, those owed to God, how can we expect them to be faithful to us ? The only lawful way to benefit those whom we re- gard as in an error, is, not to tempt them to do what they believe to be wrong, but to give them the li^ht of knowledge^ so that they may be qualified to judge for themselves. And the way to make them willing to re- ceive this light, is to he kind to them. We should take care that their feelings and prejudices should in no way be abused, and that they be treated as we should wish to be, if thrown as strangers into a strange land, among a people of diflferent customs and faith, and away from parents, home, and friends. Remember that our Master, who is in heaven, espe- cially claims to be the God of the widow, the fatherless, and the stranger^ and has commanded, " If a stranger sojourn with you in your land, ye shall not vex him, but the stranger that dwelleth among you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thy- self" There is one rule, which every housekeeper will find of incalculable value, not only in the case of domestics, but in the management of children, and that is, never to find fault at the time that a wrong thing is done. Wait until you are unexcited yourself, and until the vexa- tion of the offender is also past, and then, when there is danger of a similar offence, /ore^^?ar/^, and point out the evils already done for want of proper care in this respects CHAPTER XXXI. ON THE STYLE OF LIVING AND EXPENSES. This work is designed primarily for young and in- experienced housekeepers, and the following suggestions '274 THE STYLE OF LIVING are presented as the advice of many judicious and expe- rienced matrons in our country, to their young country- women, who are to follow them in the trying duties of houselteeping. Nothing in this country is a greater source of suffer- ing to housekeepers, than had taste in their style of liv- ing and expenditure. Good taste is that nice percep- tion of fitness and propriety which leads a person to say and do whatever is suitable and appropriate in all pos- sible circumstances. Such good taste is ordinarily the result of good feehngs and well-cultivated mind, and an acquaintance with the world. Yet this correct taste is sometimes found in minds that have enjoyed but few advantages, but by nature are endowed with refined feelings and good common sense. Where this good taste exists, it leads a woman to wnsh to have her house, furniture, and style of living, in all its parts, exactly conformed to her m^eans, and her situa- Hon. If she is not rich, she will not wish to have a house, or furniture, or dress like those who are rich, and will find a pride and pleasure in making a small house, plain furniture, simple dress, and an economical table, so neat, and orderly, and comfortable, and tasteful, as to ensure comfort and satisfaction to all around her. If she cannot command good domestics, nor live comforta- bly in a house, and with furniture which requires them, she will aim to alter the style of her establishment, and adopt one which can be thoroughly and successfull)'' carried out by such domestics as she can obtain. Where good domestics are scarce, it is a very great mistake to attempt to live in a large house. The la- bor of house cleaning, and window cleaning, the sweep- ing, the care of furniture, and many other items of la- bor, are much increased by enlarging the size of the house. In the country, where good help is scarce, a house on the plan of one of the cottages drawn in the Domestic Economy, with bed presses instead of cham- bers, will be found to be a great saving of labor, and the expense that might be incurred in building, furnishing, and taking care of chambers, can be laid out in making" |[' Tea 199 Craving for Food, its cause 3 Crayons for Blackboard 287 Cream Cake without Eggs 136 Cream Cakes 100 Cream Cakes, Boston 142 Cream for stewed Fruit 169 Cream, Ice. (See Ice Cream.) Cream, Lemon and Orange 169 Cream, Mock 110 Cream Tartar Beverage 201 Cream Tartar Bread 89 Cream Tartar Bread, best Direc- tions 233 Cream Tartar Cake without Eggs 136 Creaju Tartar, Directions for ... . 2U2 Page Cream Tartar, to store 222 Cream Tartar Whey 193 Cream Tarts 175 Cream Tea Cakes 101 Cream, Vanilla 169 Cnimpets 103 Crumpets, Royal 99 Cucumbers 79 Cucumbers, new way to cook . .. 293 Currants, cleansing 132 Currants, to store 221 Carried Dishes 39 CuiTy Powder, to prepare 40 Custard, Almond 168 Custard, Apple 113 Custard, Arrowroot, for the Sick. 197 Custard, Directions for salting .. 115 Custard, Fruit 118 Custard, Plain and Richer 107 Custard, Rennet, and another. .. 108 Custard, very rich .,. . 168 Custard, Wine Cream 168 D. DiaiThoea, Cure for 211 Diet, Change of, its uses 211 Digestion, what promotes it 14 Dinner and Evening Parties, Di- rections for 234 Dinner, taking up 238 Dish of Snow 180 Domestics, Counsels for 280 Dough, to make into Drop Cakes 223 Dried Fruits, to Cook 1 17 Drinks, Aromatic, Astringent, &c. 17 Drinks for the Sick 191 Drinks, Hei'b and Simple 193 Drinks, Temperance 183 Drop Cakes, Wheat and Rye 97 Drying Fruits, Modes of 224 Ducks, to Roast 47 Dumpling, Children's Fruit 105 Dust Brush, small 262 Dust Pan, large upright 260 E. Edge or Etch Bone 28 Egg and Milk 199 INDEX. 303 Page Pie, English Curd 106 Pie, Little Girl's 105 Pie, Ripe Fruit 110 Pie, Rhubai-b 114 Pudding, Apple Custard 113 Pudding, Baked Indian 113 Pudding, Batter, Plain 110 Pudding, Bird's-nest 108 Pudding, Birth-day 106 Pudding, Boiled Apple 112 Pudding, Boiled Indian 112 Pudding, Bourgoo, or Oat Meal Mush 115 Pudding, Bread Ill Pudding, Bi-ead, for Invalids 114 Pudding, Children's Boiled Fruit 106 Pudding, Children's Fruit Dump- ling 105 Pudding, Cocoanut 109 Pudding, Fruit, Fritters 107 Padding, Fritters of Stale Bread (finef 108 Pudding, German, or Rice Balls 113 Pudding, Green Corn 114 Pudding, Indian, without Eggs (fine) 290 Pudding, Lemon, Plain and Good 289 Pudding, Little Boy's 105 Pudding, Macaroni, or Vermacelli 114 Pudding, Minute, of Potato Starch 119 Pudding, Mush, or Hasty 108 Pudding, Rice, without Eggs 114 Pudding, Sago 109 Pudding, Sago, another 115 Pudding, Squash, or Pumpkin. .. 110 Pudding, Sunderland Ill Pudding, Tapioca, with Eggs and Milkl 109 Pudding, Tapioca, without Eggs and Milk (best of all Puddings) 293 Puddings and Pies, Rich 121 Pie, Minced 126 Pie, Pumpkin, Mrs. O.'s 125 Pudding, Almond Cheese Cake . 124 Pudding, Arrowroot 124 Pudding, Cocoanut 124 Pudding, Cracker Plum (very fine) 125 Pudding, Ellen's Rhubarb (very fine) 121 Pudding, English Plum, Baked.. 123 Pudding, English Plum, Boiled.. 123 Pudding, Eve's (very fine) 122 Pudding, Ground Rice 124 Pudding, HoUingham 122 Pudding, Marlborough. i 126 Pudding, Orange or Lemon 126 Pudding, duince 127 Pudding, Rice Plum 122 Pudding, Sweet Potato or Carrot 127 PuiFs, Scarborough 103 Pumpkins, to dry 227 Purifying Water 16 a duinces, to preserve 154 Gluince Marmalade 159 n. Raisins, to store 221 Receipt Book, Advice about 285 Rennet, to Prepare 35, 108, 204 Rennet, Custard., 108 Relish, Codfish 56 Relish, Codfish, another 56 ReHsh, Salt 55 Rib 28 Rice, a good way to fix when cold 289 Rice and Meat Pudding 120 Rice Bread, two kinds 90 Rice, common and Southern Mode of Cooking 81 Rice, Four Modes of Cooking. .. 119 Rice, Fried, for Breakfast...... 97 Rice, Ground, Gruel 200 Rice, Ground, Pudding 124 Rice Gruel 192 Rice Jelly 197 Rice, to Cook over 224 Roasted and Baked Meats. .. 43 Roast Beef 44 Roast Chickens 47 Roast Ducks 47 Roast Goose 47 Roast Lamb 44 S04 INVtX. Koast Lamb Roast Mutton Roast Pig Roast Spare Rib Roast Turkey Bxjast Veal Rolling Pin Rose Leaves, to presei-ve Rhubarb Pie Rhubarb Pudding Rhubarb, to Dry Rules in regard to selecting Food Rump or Round Husk Rye Bread Rye, care of Rye Drop Cakes (excellent) Rye Griddle Cakes, Pennsylvania S. Saccharine Food Sago for Invalids Sago, how to store Sago Jelly Sago Pudding . . ..•. . ... 109, Salad, Sauce for ... Salad, to Dress Saleratus, Advice about Saleratus, to store Sally Luun Salt, Directions about Salt, how to store it Salted Provisions, to store Salsify, or Vegetable Oyster Sal Volatile, important Direc- tions regarding Sal Volatile, Colors Restored by Sarsaparilla Mead Sassafras Jelly Sauce-pans Sauces, Directions for Sauce, Apple Saace, Celery Sauce for Boiled Rice Sauce, Hard Sauce, Healthful Padding Sauce, Liquid Bauce, Lobster 44 45 45 46 46 45 263 286 114 121 227 2 28 92 89 219 97 102 7 197 219 195 115 70 8] 287 221 101 203 220 22 81 202 286 185 198 265 66 71 71 129 129 129 129 71 Page Sauce of Whip Syllabub 130 Sauce, Oyster 70 Sauce, Salad or Fish 70 Sauce, Wine, for Mutton or Veni- son 70 Sausages, another Receipt for .. 34 Sausages, Bologna 34 Sausages, preparing Cases for.. 33 Sausages, preparing Meat for... 34 Sausages, to Stew 41 Savoy Biscuit 100 Saw Knife 261 Scarborough Puffs 103 Scollops, to Cook 65 Seidlitz Powders 201 Selection and Uses of Meats 27 Servants, suggestions about 269 Setting Tables 236,263 Sham Champagne 187 Shells 188 Sherbet, Orange and Lemon 187 Shoulder and Ham of Pork 29 Sick Chair *... 216 Sick Couch 214 Sick, Food and Drink for the 191 Sifting Flour, Importance of ... . 229 Sirloin 28 Soap, Directions for storing 220 Soda Bread, best Directions 233 Soda Powders 184 Soda Saleratus, Sal volatile 202 Soda, to store 222 Sofa Bedstead 267 Soup, Directions for 57 Soup, Calf's Head, Plain 58 Soup, Clam 60 Soup, Dry Pea 59 Soup, Dry Pea and Corned Beef (very fine) 226 Soup, French Vegetable 53 Soup, Giblet 61 Soup, Macaroni 60 Soup, Mock Turtle 59 Soup, Mutton 58 Soup, Oyster 60 Soup, Pea 58 Soup, Portable 59 Soup Powders 78 lisrfiiix. 305 Soup, Southern Gambo Soup, Veal Souse - Soy - V Spare Rib Spare Rib, to Roast Spiced Chocolate Squashes, to Cook Squashes, to Dry Squeezer, Lemon... — Starch, Directions for storing Starcli, Potato, Minute Padding . Starch, to make Stool, Garden and Chamber. . . . . Store-room, best place for a Stove Pipes, to Mend Strawbeny, Acid, Royal Strawberries, to Preserve Strawberry Vinegar Style of Living and Expenses .. Succatosh Sugar for Candies Sugar, how to store it Sugar Kisses Sugar, to Clarify Sugar, when it improves Cooking Sweet Corn Sweet Potato Pudding ......... Sweet Potatoes, to Cook Syllabub, Whip Syllabub, Whip, another Syrup, Blackberry Syrup, to Clarify Syrup, Tomato T. Table, setting Tapioca Gruel Tapicoa, how to store it Tapioca Jelly Tapioca Pudding, with Eggs Tapioca Pudding, without Eggs and Milk (very fine) Tartaric Acid, to store Tarts, Cream Tarts, Spiced Apple Tea and Breakfast Cakes Tea, Beef. Pase 61 60 52 72 29 46 196 76 227 261 221 109 286 268 218 285 190 157 189 273 77 180 219 180 180 203 77 127 82 175 179 201 153 197 Page Tea, its Properties..... ........ 17 Tea, to make 189 Tea, to store 221 Tin Baker and Reflector ... 259 Toast and Cider, a favorite, for Invalids 194 Toast, best Way to make. ...... 289 Tomato Catsup 72 Tomato Figs 226 Tomato Leather 225 Tomato Syrup 197 Tomatoes, best Mode to Cook. .. 82 Tomatoes, stewed Beef (very fine) 289 Tomatoes, to Cook. 78 Tomatoes, to Pickle 161 Tongues, to Boil... 37 Tongues, to Pickle ............. 34 Trifles 176 Tripe .^ 52 Trivet '... 267 Turkey, to Boil 42 Turkey, to prepare, for Dinner Party 235 Turkey, to Roast . 46 Turnips, to Cook 75 Turnips, to store.. -. .....'. ..... '22!3 Turnovers, of Cold Meat ........ 52 Turtle Soup, Mock 59 U. Unbolted Flour, remarks about . 224 Unbolted Flour, why healthful 12, 231 Unhealthful Food, by Cooking .. 12 Utensils, Kitchen v 252 236 Variety of Food, how to provide a 223 192 Variety of Food needful 3 219 Veal, its Uses 28 195 Veal, a Leg of, to Boil 38 109 Veal, a Leg or Fillet of, to Roast 45 Veal Balls 54 293 Veal Cheese 56 222 Veal Cutlets, Broiled 54 175 Veal Cutlets, Fried 50 112 Veal, Force Meat Balls of, Cold. 52 97 Veal Hash 68 1961 Veal Pot Pie 38 S6* 306 INDEX. Pape Veal, tx) Roast 45 Veal, to select 30 Veal Soup 60 Veal, to stew, two ways 40 Veal stewed with Apples 42 Vegetable Oysters or Salsify, to Cook 81 Vegetables, Directions for Cook- ing 73 Vegetables, other Directions .... 77 Venison Hash 68 Vermacelli, how to store it 219 Vermacelli Pudding 114 Vinegar, Celery 71 Vinegar, how to store it 220 Volatile, Sal, how kept 222 Volatile, Sal, important Directions 202 W. Wafers 102 Waffles, Miss B.'s 96 Waffles,Rice 96 Waffles, Wheat 96 Walnut Catsup 71 Walnuts, to Pickle 163 Water 14 Water Bed 213 Water, Causes that Injure 75 Page Water, Congress, Directions about 209 Water Gruel 196 Water, to Purify 16, 285 Wedding Cake, Ohio 291 Weights and Measures 283 Welsh Rabbit 206 Wheat, Grown, Runoy, Smutty. 229 Whey, Alum 198 Whey, Buttermilk 198 Whey, Simple Wine 194 Whey, Tamarind 198 Whey, Wine, another 198 Whip Syllabub 175 Whip Syllabub, another 179 Whites of Eggs, Directions for.. 202 Wine, Mulled 198 Wine Whey 194 Wood, Advice about Purchasing 284 Wood, when to Buy 285 Y. Yeast, Hard, two kinds 86 Yeast, Home-brewed, two kinds 85 Yeast, how kept 85 Yeast, Milk 86 Yeast, Potato 85 Yeast, Potato (the best receipt) . 147 Yorkshire Biscuit 91 i #