P s ,F75 mj' 'I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©^ ©iqt^rig^ !fo. Shelf.f..£:Z•. ■ ■-. - .■ \ 1 ,. ' •■ . ; " , 7Ii\DEN Seymour^ fiTCH . 33, ^f ;:: THE AMEklv.A.N i^ivAfHK i -%-■ 'i i^" ^toHC^ 'This yer's got ter end He wer' heir ter a fortun^ cr miUyinis, they sed ; '»i' tli' pa'son tor me He wer" one er them horned in tlC piCple, wotever sich hatchin' may he. Ill less'n er week arter comin' he went with our Belle er^ryivhar, 'X' Belle, she^d git miyhty oiieany if Jim '/• me ever calVd thar. She went with him days on th' river, '«' nights, w'cn th' fuH moon hed com'. Stopped late^ 'til th' nayhers got tallcin',—w'ile Jim 'ii' ms sullc'd it ter hum. Jes Belle's age he wer', sca'eely older ; —thet smoothfaced he looked like er child ;- 'N' thet, I guess. Minded th' pn'soi'., who loolc'd on tlui'r doin's 'n' smiVd. Er day com' w'en they went a-hoatin', 'w' thet night they didn't com' hack;- Th' nex' day she sent hum er letter what toV th' hull story so black. Th' pa' son he foller'd ' n' foun' 'em in one er th' hig Jilast'n towns, 'N' see her, all dimuns '«' laces, 'n' fix'd up in hemUiful gowns. f yW 'One er tliem born'd in th' pu'ple. Heprai/d she'd conC hack ter tK" ole home ; — fto line ; — they wti' marri'd, she »ed \ But ya' son felt sure thel th' hitchin'' wcC n't regular but triflin\ inste'd. He com' hum alone, sore 'ii' yrietnn', but held up his head fer her name, 'y toV ec'nj one she «•«' marri'd, 'n' never spoke naught ter Iter blame. But Jim 'n'me didn't believe him ;—we never sed nothin' ter none. We on'y shuck han's kinder silent on meetin', — our tho'ts tva' our own. Th' pa' son soon grow'd pale 'n' feeble, 'n' sorrowin, hung down his head, 'Til, Uis'ly, they brought him. er letter, '«' then hejes tuck ter his bed. Jim '«' me ivent ter see him one ev'nin', 'w', w'ile we sot with him, he cried. 'N' ioV us th' hull er th' story ; — then, jes faded out. 'til he died. We berried him ther' in November, 'n' Jirn 'n' me know'd th' time'd com' Wen me 'n' him hed pressin' biznis, a-goin' ter take u^ from hum. »i 'Th' pa'son sood growd pale n' feeble. We both on us readpo'r Belle's letter ;— its tear-mark' d 'n tn-mbdy lines ToV er hunger 'n' cruel demrtin\—how thet boy'd skipp'd out West ter som' mines ;— Tliem mines wot hed gif Mm his millyuns, 'n' heap'd him up silver '«' gold ; — Thet gold with which honor is bought, sir ;—thet gold fer which honor is sold! We got all our money Vgether 'n' divvy d it fair, me 'n' Jim ; — 'N' then I com' East yer' ter find her, 'n' Jim , Iw went West ter find him. We never let outer our people wot plans hed bin laid by us two. But Jim 'n' me know'd, ic'en we parted, ivot each wer' expected ter do. I com' ter th' town wher' he'd left her:-I ivasn't u-trampin' it then. But travel' d respec'abk, 'n', sir, I lived like er man among men. Th' folks tvher' slie'd lived spoke so kindly but sorrerful-like about Belle, I knatv'd th' gal's trouble tver' deeper then she hed bin willin' ter tell. They sed, iv'en she Iwefd 'bout t]i"pc,'son, she 'pear'd like sli^'d tuni'd inter stoney 'jV, takin' tK few things wer' by her, ivent off, Hhout er word, all alone. I hunfd all over thet city in places 'tioer' liJcely she'd go, — It tuck me th' hull er thet tvinttir, 'n money begun ter git low. Wen si)ring broke, I went ter another, '«' so I kep' on, nigh a year, But find her I couldn't, 'n', som'how, begun ter git cold with th' fear Thet mebbe her shame 'n' her sorrer hed druv her from this world ter one Wher' wimmin like her is fergiven fer lovin' too fond, ez she'd done. But, then 'twouLl com' over me alters, ez tho' she wa' not far awa'j. Thet trampin' 'n' s' urchin' 'n' waitin', I'd find her 'n' save her. soni day. 'Long 'bout in th' very nex' winter ther' com' th' fust letter from Jim, — Tlicr' wuzn'l no cause ter write sooner, tho' I hed writ of 'en ter him. 'Twer' dated from jail in Nerady ; — he sed he wer' stoppiii' ther' 'til He tuck en exalted persition wot he'd bin elected ter fill. He sed thet wHle Fd Hn a-s'archin' fer Belle, she lied wandv'd out West, A-tnjin ter git ter tlC villun thet wrong' d her po'r innercent breast. She'd broke down at las' in Missouri/, 'n', dyin er want 'n' despair. He'd foun' her, a charity-patienl, in som' instertooshin out ther\ He stay'd ther', clus by her, 'n' 'tended ter hevin' her nussed, day 'n night, 'Til th' babby wer' born'd, '«' then waited 'til Belle hed got strong 'n' all right. Then he toV her its father hed gone ter th' town wher' I wer' in ther East,- Sed he lied, but he knoto'd she be safer nigh me than t^er go ter thet beast. He^stalid her with all thet he hed, sir, 'sides pay in' her j)assage right thro', Tlien. facin th' west'ard, he tramp' d it ; — I tell yer, ole Jim tva' true blue. ^^||g;.i»li^^---^:^y;r ■0--'*/(► .i^*. (-"^^K ■i4