A . O'liBARY lift !ieAL mmt, (MX "d ; ^Le^C^a.* tt -o #/*++-*,- y /l( your health and nervous system is feebU and low, — lOO low. M b not in the best health, - You are in rather delicate health, if not decidedly ill. Mo : u are now sutVerine; tVoin a flight illness, probably tem- . headache, fever, cold, indigestion. Al - You are not in your best health, hut Buffering somewhat. 8a 9 . — I .1 are not ill, neither are von very well. confining yourself too ciosely in doors, breathing an impure atm< wilting you down. lYi i . — fair health, though are not very hearty. Full 2ly, keenly, — almost too much so for your own best peace. Large 2d. — 1 Dice, tine, sweet, ta>ty, dainty, delicate nature. should cultivate a plain, practical, common sense, every-day tone. Large 3d. — You are as sensitive as a naked nerve; tremulous with joy and sorrow ; written between the two words agony and ecstasy. Large 4th. — You are over-nice, an exquisite ; over-fine, squeamish. Very Large. — Yours is a very refined, sensitive, susceptible, silken temperament ; much more than ordinarily so. ACTIVITY. Small. — You are very slow and deliberate in all your movements. Moderate. — You are rather slow and deliberate in movement. 2«/. — You are not rapid in movement, but slow heavy, and perhaps lazy. You do not like to work. 3d. — You arc deliberate in movement, but, once fairly at work, you fa olty for dispatch. Sometimes do two days work in one. AvXJLAGE. — Yon are not remarkably active, but rather deliberate and imethnes do, hurry. Average S I, you are quite active, perhaps flurried, but, when - ttle down to the deliberate and hi>urely. Fit i. — You are ive, but not too much so; will hurry when necess.': m be delib Full 2d. — You ar kably active, hut nrc disposed to do as much as TO If, and exhaust your I • quick and sprightly in m y thing like hard f :ick, in all y<»ur moti 8 '. — You a: Iwayi in motion ; lik< r than IU too active. Should learn t<> Large 3d. — J t, agile in I rt. Large 4th. — 'i Ipple, qni'k, and light in | !i ; pliant. Large bth. — Your- 1, with practice, •ucceed wt dancing. 8 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. ihould learn to take life more slowly, deliberately, and tlv. What's the harry I Eternity is long. Stop and think. Patience. V1.1, . — You are very active and rapid in all your movements, lively, Spry, quick, restless, going, going, going ever. SIZE OF THE BRAIN. ( inches.) mi. — Your mind is, at best, but weak and inferior, though active, and, perhaps, bright. — This mind is too idiotic to comprehend any description. MODERATE. — Your mind is not large nor strong, but bright and active. You may do a good business, and attain a fair success, still, you have not sufficient power to wield a large inlluence over the minds of others, but will be easily warped by surrounding circumstances. Moderate 2d. — Yours is not a brilliant nor large character, but a very ordinary one. You will not wield a large influence, nor be felt far. Moderate 3d. — Yours is not a large but an active mind. You are known for many peculiarities of character — for eccentricities and oddities. Average. — Yours is not a very large mind, but it is bright and active. Y'ou wall accomplish more than some who have a much larger head than you. With proper culture, you will attain and achieve much. Average 2d. — Yours is a mind of fair, but not great power. Average 3d. — Yours is but an ordinary mind, — not large nor brilliant. Average 4th. — Your mind is one of average capacity, of fair power; but you are known for peculiarities, eccentricities, and oddities, quite as much as for strength of character; developed in strong and weak points. You have a tendency, whether inherited or otherwise, to derangement of the mind, — to insanity, against which you would do well to guard. Fell. — Yours is a mind of very fair power ; one capable of accomplish- ing much, of making itself felt in society, of wielding a large influence. Full 2d. — Yours is a mind of fair power, and if properly cultivated, and your circumstances be favorable, you will do a good deal in the world ; but if not, you will not achieve a great deal. Full 3d, — Although your brain is of full size, the mind is an ordinary one. Large. — Yours is a mind of fine and large power. You can wield an influence ; can make yourself felt, among your friends at least, if not by the world at large ; can accomplish much. Large 2d. — You have a fine brain, a fine mind, but not physical energy, a, power to sustain it. Your head will devour the body. Large 3d. — Tours is a large brain ; a strong, but not brilliant mind. Large 4th. — Although yours is a large head, the mind is coarseand inferior. ye 5th. — Yours is a strong character, but an eccentric and peculiar one You are known for oddities, for an unlikcness to others. Vert Large. — Yours is a very powerful mind. AMATIVENESS. LL. — You are cold and indifferent toward the opposite sex. - Toward the opposite sex you are sometimes, perhaps, I amatory, but generally cold and indifferent. Modi -ate 2d. — You are not a warm lover of the opposite sex, not very r cold and coy, yet would enjoy married life. but rather cold and coy, yet would enjoy PHRENOLOGICAL CHART? 9 — You are y coy and shy In the company of tho i I not Book it much ; bnt yon are I i and Loving toward the pie generally. Dot difficult to i ind probably to cnli aough to continue interested. i ,-;./. — You love to be petted, fondled, and caressed by those you cong sex-passion or desii —When once your heart is interested, von arc very faithful. , bnt I" conus at last very mellow. [.. — ion love tho oppoc rith much tenderness, — with much i a- lower carnal ; _ I. — V 'i lo warmly ami well, but perhaps not too I I to a correct Life. i much interested in the opposite sex , arc fond of their iwhat inclined to flirtations. You easily get into love, get our again. 4th. — it is not often you get fully in love, but, once f.urly cnli you have much exclusiveness, tend ad devotedness of attachment. are faithful in your attachments, clinging and true to the ono you d to love many, nor arc you very warm. Full 5th. — You love the opposite sex in a plain, every-day way \ rather \ and earnestly, Bomethnes, yet not enough so to greatly disturb the current of your life, or to make you at all romantic or sentimental. Lvi:<;i.- 'arm, loving, ardent nature. You enjoy the y of the opposite sex much more highly than that of your own. To love and be i ono of the highest joys of your life. :>'. 2d. — You love warmly, passionately, fondly. The amorous feeling is aim with you, though it partakes of the spiritual as well as of the carnal /. ;c 9d. — You have a deep, absorbing, intense affection. >i 4th. — Yours IS a rich, warm, full, deep, voluptuous, loving nature. irnest, faithful, and true. Yon love on, and on, and on, I ry day, if with the one you love. fe 5//j. — Yon love much and many, perhaps " not wisely but too well." ptible heart. You will have many love ex- »me of them, no doubt, deep ones. Better not many young. nn, amorous, passionate natnr burn m and embrace of the opposite sex. train this passion, purify and orient the feel- ble. :.h you, almost) 0T quite, uu- controlla' PHILOPROGENITIVEH] II love of - ] indiffer- ent. You will Iren. I devotedly nor tender your children. 10 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. :d. — You do not love children very well, but may be fond of pets. Aver -You love children tolerably well, but you will not bear a deal from them. As d parent, you would do much for your children, to ler them happy, but would often get angry and cross towards them. Average 4th. — As a parent, you would be, perhaps, stern and exacting — not sympathizing with the ways and plays of childhood. Full. — You love children and pets well, but not passionately. As a parent, you would be tender and devoted, but not too much so. Full Set. — You manifest some attachment to children, but not a great deal : probably more to other pets, — as a horse, a dog, a cat, a bird, or boat. Full 9 /. — Vou love children very well, and as a parent would be fond of your family and of their society ; yet you would not bear much from them, but would sometimes treat them crossly. Large. — As a parent, you would be almost too tender, and probably in- dulgent. If you have children of your own, you love them with a love well- nigh idolatrous, however defective in character they may be. Large 2d. — As a parent, you would be very fond, even tender and devoted. You easily adapt yourself to the ways of childhood, sympathizing with their games, and sports, and ways, and needs, and sorrows ; and winning their love. Large 3d. — Y"ou are very fond of a cat, a dog, a doll, a bird, or baby. Large 4th. — Y^ou are very fond of a dog, or pony, or boat, or some other such pet, and if you have one, will give it little peace or rest, but rough handling, keeping it ever busy and in trouble, with tricks, and games. Large 5th. — If you have children of your own, you will love them with a strong love, but if you have not, you will show no great interest in the young, nor anxiety about their welfare. Large 6th. — As a parent, you would be affectionate, but rather stern. Very Large. — As a parent, you would love your children to idolatry. ADHESIVENESS. S3IALL. — Y r ou are cold and indifferent toward the world, preferring solitude to society. Y r ou neither have nor want many friends. Moderate. — You are not very affectionate toward friends ; do not cling to them strongly ; -will probably have a few, but not many, very true and devoted ones. You are not loving toward them. Mod-rate 2d. — Where you are a friend at all, you are true and sincere, but you are not one to make many friends nor acquaintances. Avi.i: \(,i:. — You love friends tolerably well, but not remarkably so. . /. — You are social, friendly, and approachable, but not at all devoted in your attachments ; not very faithful nor earnest. •age 'Id. — You are social and friendly, but not very particular as to who are your friends. You want society-companionship of some kind; some one to talk to, and be with ; whether at work or play. rage 4th. — Although you are not easily interested in strangers, nor apt at making acquaintances, your friendship not easily won, yet when once a friend, you are true and reliable, seldom changing the old for the new. I i LL. — Yon are friendly, social, warm-hearted towards those with whom jon are acquainted, and whom you think worthy, but are not too much so. Full 2d. — You are social and warm-hearted, but not deep nor very earnest in your friendship, — more social than faithful. You form attachments readily but almost as readily break them. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 11 Full 3d. — You enjoy society of sonic kind, company, very much, yet you are not very particular as to your acquaintance*, bat aho w a sociability for all. You ah" approachable, and companionable, and easy to become ac- quainted. Yon like to fa one with yon. to talk to and confide in. Full 4th. — You have | soeial. *6bj, friendly way thai induces people to think vou mora of ■ friend than you really are. Full 5th. — When a friend yon are a tirni one and true, yet you are not social nor generally affectionate. l, friendly, warm hearted, almost too much so. • loneliness, a want of companionship, a desire to be with some one that is dear to yon. You can hardly enjoy a good thing alone. It li easy to awaken your interest in those with whom you associate, and once a fiivnd j 1. — Yon are a warm, true, earnest, tender, trusting, loving friend. Large 3d. — Yon are a warm, trne, and sincere friend, hut you are not he sentimental part of friendship — to its more tender, fond, and iring ways. Yon are, bo to say, an everyday friend. — Yon will Lose by your friends — trusting them too much. Better not run rlakfl for your friends, — not sign papers nor anything of that kind. Your friendship i- and deep, and to be relied on. Large 5th. — You love friends mueh in your way. You are social and af- fectionate, hnt will generally manage to get as much as you give. Large 6th. — You love your friends in a strong, social, hearty, but plain way. You like to eat, drink, and be merry with them, but are very careless as to who they are, coarse or fine. Very Large. — You are decidedly too friendly, warm-hearted, social. INHABITTYENESS. Small. — You have very little regard for any particular spot, but can make it home wherever night overtakes you. Moderate. — You have something of the home-love, but very little. 'crate 2d. — You have very little love for any one spot in the world, only as you may be more happily or comfortably situated, in one than another. Y'ou love to roam, probably, and would highly enjoy travelling. rage. — Ton love home and country only tolerably well. ■age 2d. — When you are away from home a short time, you want to get back, and when you are at home I >hort time, you are uneasy to get away. You are apt to feel that happiness is somewhere else than where you are, here far away, and that you would he happier could you he there. Average 3d. — You are always most patriotic when away from home. I have no groat love for home, neither ha\ e you l rally any g. to you do. it without mueh trouhle. Your IN 'I hom€ an- tender. Fui ry well, but do not like to confine your- self 1 • -.ally, or tr Full 3d. — You love your home much lly *=o if it be a pleasant one, but you are nor derot dly attached to Full 4th. — Y'our love for your home is strong enough, but not too strong. Full 5th. — Y'ou have a deViro to make your tctfve and pleasant. You are desirous of adorniner, ornamenting, and beautifying your home, and of making it appear attractive and in style. 12 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. LdLBOX. — You are very strongly attached to your home, and you dislike .\ t it or to remain away long at a time. When absent, you think often of the " home, sweet home. V — Your home i; verj dear to you, especially so if it be a pleasant ran tf it be otherwise, still you love it, "the poor, dear old home." — You are apt to remain at home too much, for the home is •ir place, your castle, your palace — in short, your home. . — You love your country deeply, and are patriotic at heart ; indeed, are very zealous in her praise and her defence, and disposed to over- look her faults. :c 5th. — Your patriotism is strong, but narrow in its aim, thinking your country the best of all countries, and defending it, right or wrong. ge Sth. — Y"our love for home is a strong, selfish, animal need. Very Large. — Y'our love for your home and country is deep, tender. CONTINUITY. Small. — Y"ou change rapidly, suddenly, from one thing to another. You are impatient, restless, uneasy, beginning many things, completing few. You prefer short stories, short sermons, short speeches. Small 2d. — Y^ou are very impatient of suffering or constraint. Moderate. — Y"ou change often from one train of thought to another, yet when necessary, can continue on the one for a time, but not long nor patiently. Moderate 2d. — Your mind is active, but not patient ; hence you are not deep, however brilliant. You may persevere and carry your point, but you do not apply yourself closely nor patiently ; are not steady-paced, but fitful. Moderates. — You are very impatient. You cannot bear to wait. Average. — Y"ou are not very patient ; not apt to continue long upon any one subject, or train of thought, but to pass rapidly from one to another. rage 2d. — You often break off suddenly from what you arc saying or doing! to turn to something else, but are apt to return at a future time, and resume it where you left it, and cany it on awhile, perhaps to drop it again. You sometimes say, " What was I saying," or " What was I thinking of." Average 3d. — In conversation, you often forget to finish what you com- menced to say. A little thing would interrupt you. rage 4th. — Y^ou can persevere and carry your point, at last, but you are not patient, nor persistent, but fitful and forcible. FULL. — When you commence, you like to continue till completion, but Ofl greatly disturbed by interruption; arc tolerably patient. Full 2a. — You can concentrate your thoughts very well, but are not apt to continue the effort ; can bend all your energies upon any one point for a time, but cannot continue patiently at it. Full 3d, — You are not wanting in patience, in a quiet steadiness of pur- diligence and perseverance, but you have not great power of conccn- : your thought. L LRGE. — You continue on any one point almost too long at a time Largt 'id. — You are patient, persistent, and steady-paced in what you do. Large 3d, — You arc very patient and enduring, bearing and forbearing. /. ;'/(. — You arc very patient and forbearing towards others, espe- towardfl those you love; can wait quictiy, and watch patiently, o who perhaps could not so wait and watch with you. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 13 Large 5th. — You arc very patient in bearing pain or suffering j not apt to chafe, and fret, and grow restless under it, but to endure it. Of any trial. Large 6th. — You are diligent and industrious, patiently persevering. Very Larok. — When von commence, then is little prospeet of your concluding, till you finish every item, and wear out by slow decay. VITATIVENESS. Small. — You have hut little tenacity of life. Small 2d. — You do not cling to existence with great tenacity. Under great discouragement or dejection, w T ould probably resort to suicide. Moderate. — Your hold upon life is not very strong. Death will find your door open, probably, or at least, ajar when he wants to strike. . — You do not care much about life. Moderate 3d. — You are very stolid and indifferent about life or death. Average. — You have some, but not great tenacity of life. Average 2d. — If sorely perplexed, or greatly tried, with gloomy, discour- aging, and painful prospects before you, you would be tempted to put an end to your own life, though your sense of religious duty will be likely to restrain you. Average 3d. — You do not attach great value to life, but under sore trial, or great sorrow, would tire of it. Fill. — You hang on to life with a good deal of tenacity. Full 2d. — You value life highly, even though it bo not the most nappy. Full 3d. — You value life highly, attach much importance to the mere privilege of being, even though it involve much suffering. Full 4th. — Although you value life and its privileges highly, you are so impatient of suffering, and so likely to suffer much, in one way or another, that you will be tempted to make way with yourself. Full bth. — In your sad, unhappy, and sentimental moods, yoti sometimes say you wish you were dead, % but when you come to the reality, you will shrink from it with all of ordinary horror. Large. — You cling to life. You have great tenacity of life-power ; will endure what would kill others more strong than you, and will resist diseases that would destroy them. Largr2d. — Life is very dear to you. You will yield all else before it. You attach unbounded importance, — perhaps rightly so, — to the privilege of bring. Will LStence, even if it be of pain and trial. Larg* dd. — You value life. — I once, personal identity, very highly, — beyond all power of telling. The thought of annihilation is t. r- rible to y< rible, and y«-t you will approach death tin<|uivcriug, probably hopcfuUj and happily, such il your faith in the eternal life. .. 4th. — You bftTC an undue horror of death, of d J ; Very Lakol. — Your tenacity of life is enormous. IffiAlTVEN] Small. — TOO dread a!' strife M '"1 incline to the timid. Small 2d. — V . but not much ; are too fond of peace, too much averse to strife, too mild, gentle. 2 14 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. Moi>i kati:. — You are nither inefficient nnd easy, too mild and harmless to inccttd well, yet at times may, under great provocation, rouse up and be brave and accomplish much, but in the main will he rather timid. Modi rare 2d. — Yours is a mild gentle, and pacific disposition. Mwh rate 3d. — You are gentle, peaceable, and timid generally, but some- times you become a little fretful, nervous, irritable, and sour. Average. — You arc rather mild, and gentle, and pacific, somewhat averse to strife and contention; still you have a fair share of energy. Avenue 2d. — You are disposed to favor moral suasion ; inclined to the peaceful, even though at much sacrifice. Average 3d. — You arc slow to anger, but severe when aroused. Average 4th. — You are usually rather mild and gentle, but sometimes fretful, nervous, and perhaps a little cross, but not bold nor violent. Full. — You are ready enough in resisting and defending, but not dis- posed to contention ; arc not quarrelsome nor apt to attack. Full 2d. — You are not very easily annoyed, nor angered, though you are not wanting in temper, and when provoked you are very severe. Full 3d. — You are sometimes too quick in the temper, a little contrary. Full 4th. — You are very quick in the temper, fiery and flashy, but soon over it again. Not severe, but hasty ; too much so for your own good. Full 5th. — You are rather fretful, touchy, testy, petulant, fault-finding. Large. — You are very quick and ready in resisting, brave, energetic, and forcible. You do not hesitate to say no ; are almost too disputative. Large 2d. — You are inclined to plague, tease, tantalize, torment others. You are quick in the temper, and you take a kind of delight in witnessing strife, in hearing debate and argument, in seeing men, or animals, contend. Large 4th. — You have much resolution and energy. Large 5th. — You are very energetic, vehement, violent, and impetuous. Large 6th. — You are too quick tempered, high-strung, irritable, peevish. Very Large. — You are decidedly too contentious, too much disposed to oppose, to do battle with every body and every principle. DESTRUCTIYENESS. Small. — Your temper, however hasty, is too light to effect much. /// 2d. — You are remarkably free from all malignancy of disposition. Moderate. — You do not like to inflict pain, but can do it when really , though, in such cases, the greater pain is generally to yourself. /< rate 2d. — You are incapable of a deep indignation or hate, or of in- spiring dread. Moderate 3d. — You shudder at sight or thought of bloodshed, or wounds. Average. — When aroused you are tolerably energetic and forcible, but not at all cruel, nor harsh, nor severe. You can say a bitter sharp thing. Average 2d. — You show a good deal of mental severity, in criticising and condemning what you conceive to be wrong. Average 3d. — You show a good deal of nerve in -witnessing pain. Average 4th. — You are not severe nor harsh in inflicting pain, even in anger, but rather wanting in bitterness and depth of indignation ; but you are sometimes sullen, sulky, and perhaps a little morose. Full. — When aroused, you are quite severe, — bitter and forcible in anger, but by no means cruel nor savage. PHRENOLOGICAL (HART. 15 Full 2d. — In eomo things you ire quite tender-hearted, ovcrcomo nt the sight of blood, < ken, but in censure and criticism but are bitter and keen. FuUSd, — Yon ore igh, and, when angry, ere forcible and d estructi ve. 5fou can inflict pain, physical or mental, without much com- punction, vet are not habitually erne], but practical and executive. Full 4th. — You are not very severe, at least not uncommonly so ; not very harsh nor malignant, nor savage at all ; but when angry you arc rather mor< sullen, sulkv, and forbidding. Full 5th. — Ybu are not easily stirred, provoked to anger, but when onco are slow to get over it. I. un .. — When angry you are very severe, bitter, cutting, and forcible. '. — You are very energetic, forcible, and rough-handed in driving your way through life. When angry you are terribly in earnest. :e"'6d. — You are sharp, pungent, peppery, keen, stinging, when angry. You are cynical, sharp, sour, snappish, disposed to sneer at what you dis- like, and to dislike more than you like in the world ; to find fault. Large 4th. — Y'ou are sullen, morose, envious, gloomy, sour, and dark-spirited. Large bth. — Y r ours is a stern, severe, exacting nature. Once really angry, you are very slow to get over it; unforgiving and unforgetting of an insult. Y'ou will remember an injury always. Large 6th. — Y'ou have a very fierce temper. Y"ou are too bitter, malig- nant, vindictive when angry, — too unforgiving, too merciless. Y'ou delight in death-scenes, and probably, in killing the animals, and if provoked, could kill men. Yery Large. — You take a singular delight in cruelty, in paining. ALEUENTIVENESS. Small. — Y'ou are dainty, light, and fastidious in appetite. Small 2d. — Yours is a capricious appetite. Moderate. — Y'ou are rather dainty in appetite ; you do not eat heartily. Moderate 2d. — Y'ou are rather nice and dainty in appetite, but what you do like, you enjoy very highly, though are not hearty. Urutfl 'kl. — Your taste in the way of food is fastidious, over-nice, par- ticular, and perhaps a little squeamish. It is ditlicult to please you. AvLRAfii;.— You do not Sacrifice much to the indulgence of your np- >u enjoy your food generally, and that is saying about all, f«>r you are not very hearty, — no gourmand. .1 • | ! — You are rather imiitti rent as to your food, still, yon heart; your way, and convenient, asking few questions. •atly under the influence of JOUI mind, h i> likely, m a dyspeptic t< 41a. — Your appetite is only fair, rarely hearty, and yet when all things are y die go Ally. ■. — Your i I if good, but not too hi Full 2d. — Yours u a hearty appetite for plain, substantia] food. Y'ou like to . but are none too nice, 001 in your tfl Full 3d. — Y'ou have t) taste in mi ble. Full 4th. — 5 Y'our digestion il not good, and it si your appetite. Should by all means avoid eating between meals, nibbling. 16 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. F}ill 5th. — You arc fond of highly-seasoned food, stimulants, etc. L4ROE. — Yours is a hearty appetite, almost too much so. If yon can have what Boitfl your taste, you cat very heartily, and enjoy it very highly, hut If not, you eat but little, and with little enjoyment. . — Yours is a very hearty appetite ; fond of rich diet, and plenty of it. You take much comfort in table enjoyments, and incline somewhat to stimulants. "Look not upon the wine," etc. Large 3d. — Your appetite is much better than your digestion. Large 4th. — You cat too fast rather than too much, and you hurry to your business or pleasures too soon after eating. Large 5th. — Your appetite is so deranged by a bad digestion, by dyspep- sia, — so abnormal, that it is difficult to tell what or how much you relish. Large 6/A. — You cat and drink too much for your own good. Very Large. — Your appetite is well-nigh, or quite, uncontrollable. ACQUISITIVENESS. Small. — You have but very little desire to acquire property. Small 2d. — You are very generous and open-handed. Moderate. — You are not very saving nor prudent in financial matters. Moderate 2d. — You have rather an indefinite idea of the right of posses- sion ; generous, and careless of money yourself, you think others ought to be bo too, and hence are inclined to borrow of your friends and then spend freely. Moderate 3d. — You probably get money easily, and spend it liberally. Average. You take some pains to acquire property, but you are not very eager about it. Average 2d. You do not care mucn for money for its own sake, not as mufh as you seem to ; you arc fond of business, and are a very good financier. Average 3d. — You take but little trouble about money matters when you can avoid it ; not that you are indifferent to property or possession. Average 4th. — In bargaining, you aim .to do the large and generous, dis- daining to boat down in price ; yet you do not hesitate to be under obligations to your friends for means to do this, for you arc not a very successful financier. Full. — Your desire to acquire and save property is quite strong, but not too mu'-h so. You are economical, frugal, saving, when occasion requires. Full 2d. — You appreciate property, and entertain due respect for those who possess it, but you are not much disposed to put forth great effort to •cqmre It, though you are generally frugal, saving, and economical. / 7.3'/. — You are rather close in small matters, but sometimes quite liberal in large ones, are likely to attend to details and retails. Full 4th. — You are more apt at making than saving money. Full 5th. — You have a strong desire to make money, and perhaps to save it, yet will oft"n spend thoughtlessly, and then be none too upright in getting. J, LBOB. — You are eager and anxious to acquire property, and to wield a money influence, hastening to be rich. You arc industrious, and frugal. You will ptobably be wealthy some day, if you are not now. Large 2d. — You are disposed to devote too much to the making of money ; are rather close, avaricious, parsimonious. Large 3d. — In trade and general business, you show a generosity and liberality in small matters, but in largo affairs you are close and careful. Large 4th. — Your desire to acquire property is very strong, so much so as to prompt you to great exertion, but you are likely to spend very liber- ally. Will be enterprising, energetic, but will live through much. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. • 17 Large 5th. — You are very fond of money, stilish, and contracted. Large Oth. — You arc close and avaricious in money matters. Very Largi:. — Your desire for gain is morbid, amounting to insanity. SECKKTIYKXESS. Bm vi.l. — Ton are too frank, free, open-hearted, transparent. /// 2d. — You are very innocent, open-hearted, and sincere. lfoIMHti i v. — You arc very frank, free, open-hearted, and candid. You -hould learn to conceal where concealment is well. •2d. — You sometimes keep a secret from fear of the conse- quences of revealing it, hut seldom from a secretive propensity. derate 3d. — You arc candid, often to bluntness ; hut not always true. AvKi:.\(ri:, — You are rather frank, outspoken, and sincere. True, you can keep a >ecrct when you wish, hut you do not often wish to do it. 2d. — You are rather innocent and sincere in your manners, and of thought and expression, — rather outspoken and frank. • rage 3d. — You are rather plain and blunt in your ways and words. rage 4th. — You are usually rather candid, and i'rank, though you same, — put on ways and manners. i i.. — You can keep a secret for yourself or others ; can conceal your emotions, command your countenance when you think ncccssaiy. Full 2d. — In your cooler, calmer moments, you keep your secrets very well, hut when you e 1. you let your thoughts flush on the surface. I 3d. — You have not many secrets of your own, but you can keep very well those confided to you by another. Full 4th. — You keep your own secrets very well, but the secrets confided to you by others, you do not always keep, indeed, not always your own. Full ot'h. — You can keep your own secrets very well, even go so far, sonic- ate and to prevaricate and misrepresent Large. — You are secretive, non-committal, as to your plans, purposes, . ic. Your best friends do not folly understand' you. Large 2d. — You arc quite reserved, non-committal, self-possessed, and, as some would say, dignified in character. It is not easy to approach vou. ak very loudly, or Laugh out freely, or in any way be noisy. Large 3d. — You pretend to be very candid and open, assuming great sincer- ut you do it to be able to conceal your real plans. •ie 4th. — You are sly, demure, quiet, under the surface. • alihy, cunning, shy, hidden j not obtrusive nor noisy*. ■ge 5th. — In speaking and writing, you often use ambiguous term's, dealing in and innuendoes, insinuating rather than saying. Large Oth. — \ running, fox-i: \\ :.. — You y cunning, politic, lly, deceitful. CAUTIOUSNESS. [ALL. — Y ttt Small 2d. — You are it, improvid krate. — You arc I 'Irate. 2d. — Ti in good will do much, but i I wil] be likely to fall far. 18 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. Moderate 3d. — Yours is a careless, easy, heedless, thoughtless, improvident, 6oul. Average. — You are only tolerably careful. In your calmer moods you are prudent, bat in times of excitement rather rash and careless. 2d. — You are rather quick to decide, even in important matters, and your first thought is often your best. Are rather wanting in prudence. rage 3d. — You are not positively careful, indeed you have but little real forecast, still, you will not bo betrayed into any very serious mistakes. Average 4th, — You are brave, fearless, and intrepid, in the hour of dan- ger, and of excitement. You have little of the cowardly or shrinking. Fill. — You are generally careful, prudent, and deliberate, but none too much so ; are somewhat watchful and suspicious of men's motives. Full 2d. — You are decidedly in earnest about the affairs of life, indulging in a good many fears as to the consequences of your actions. Full 3d. — You are cautious and careful, but you have so much to impel you on, that you need all your prudence to keep you from extremes. Full 4th. — You are generally rather prudent and careful, but not timid. Full 5th. — At times you are very cautious, at other times reckless. You are more prudent in deeds than words, in what you do than say. Large. — You are careful, cautious, watchful, anxious, apprehensive of dangers, always on the lookout, not easily nor often caught napping. Large 2d. — You miss many of the best opportunities of life, by waiting to see how things may turn, and by not risking enough. Large 3d. — You are cautious, careful, watchful, even cowardly. You are too timid, hesitating, and uneasy; too apt to "take care." You should take counsel of your hopes, not of your fears. Large 4th. — You are too apprehensive of dangers, tearing the worst. Your fears are very active. You are nervously apprehensive of dangers. Large 5th. — You are very prudent, long-headed, sharp, shrewd, cunning. You are very careful, cautious, anxious, watchful, doubting, fearing, too much so for your .soul's peace. You are apt to procrastinate. Large Uh. — You hesitate long before deciding on any important matter, and sometimes even on the unimportant. You want decision of character. You anticipate, and when anything of evil happens, you are in the habit of saying, or thinking, " It is just as I expected. " Very Large. — Your life must be miserable from your excessive fears. APPROBATIYENESS. Small. — You do not care what others think of you. Small 2d. — You are very abrupt and plain-spoken. Moderate. — You are rather independent, you do not court favor. Moderate 2d. — You are not very ambitious to attain fame or renown. Moderate 3d. — You arc not polished in speech, but apt to say yes, no, bluntly. Average. — You are somewhat, but not very sensitive to praise. Average 2d. — You are not indifferent to praise, or blame, or reputation. ,' 3d. — Although not much disposed to curry favor, or seek re- nown or win applause, you are very sensitive to blame or censure. Average 4th. — You arc quite independent-minded, and endowed with a good deal of moral courage. You are not apt to follow fashions, nor to lead them either, nor to put on airs, nor make fine speeches, nor to be very polished in manners. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 19 Full. — You are sensitive to praise or blame; are courteous, affable, ami ambitious to please, to appear to pood advantage, but not too much so. Full 2d. — You are endowed with a pood deal of moral courage, and independence of thought and action j yet you arc very ambition*. Full 3d. — r You are desirous of appearing well, of winning attention, but you do not struggle much to attain it; are rather easy, self-possessed. Full 4th. — You do not struggle so much to win approval as notoriety. Full 5th. — You are sensitive to praise, but probably more so to blame or neglect. Y'ou desire to be seen, felt, noticed in society. Large. — Y'ou are exquisitely sensitive to praise or blame, — too much so for peace of mind. You are too ambitious to make a name. Lane 2roud, and high-headed ; but, under the depressing influence of failures, you your self-faith, and become quite humble, and modest. Full 5th. — Once your pride and spirit were high, but now they are pretty well subdued, and humbled, and broken, by many cares, and disappointments. Lakge. — You are proud and self-reliant. You "call no man master." You stoop to none, only in courtesy. You think almost too much of self. You arc rather aristocratic, and patrician, and exclusive. Large 2d. — You are dignified, easy, self-possessed, and at homo in your pride. There is nothing trifling nor small in your ways. Large 3d. — You have a great desire to come out first and best, but would rather fail than be beholden to another for your success. You are hot-headed and high-headed, bold and self-confident. JLarge 4th. — You pride yourself on your oddities, eccentricities. Large 5th. — You are proud high-headed, stiff, set, as if cast in a mould. You are inclined to boast, to brag, to make large pretensions. Large 6th. — You are proud, high-headed, self-confident, independent, rather egotistic and dogmatic; disposed to domineer, to rule others. Very Large. — You are excessively proud, high-headed, stiff-necked. FIRMNESS. Small. — You are fickle, wavering, unstable; easily coaxed or driven. Small 2d. — You have very little resoluteness, firmness, force, or stability. Moderate. — Your will is rather feeble and fickle. You change too easily and often. It is not difficult to coax you from your purpose. Moderate 2d. — You have not enough of firmness to give personal stability. Moderate 'id. — You are rather wanting in resoluteness, fixedness. Average. — You have some resoluteness and perseverance. Average 2d. — Yours is an active and rather energetic character, but one that moves fitfully, starts and stops often. Average 3d. — You start suddenly, and stop suddenly; are not steady. Average 4th. — You are rather wanting in will-power — the magnetic will. Jill. — You are quite firm, positive, and set in your way, but not too much so. Have a good, strong will, but can yield when it is well to yield. Full 2d. — Sometimes you are quite firm and persevering, but not always. Full 3d. — When impelled by a sense of duty you show much perseverance, but when not thus impelled, you relax. Full 4th. — It is much easier to coax than to drive you from your purpose. Full 5th. — You show much energy of character, but not perseverance. Large:. — You are almost too firm, too fixed, too unyielding. Very de- termined and unflinching. Large 2/1. — You hesitate long about deciding any important matter, some- times even on trifles, appearing to vacillate between the yes and no f but when you do decide, you adhere closely to your purpose. You have large Firmness, but also large fear. Largo, 3d. — You have much of the old Roman inflexibility and persever- an unflinching firmness and steadiness of purpose. You have rather a stubborn, fixed, unflinching will. Large 4th. — You have a quiet, persevering way of sticking to your purpose, of carrying out your schemes and executing your plans. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 21 It is not easy to interest nor stmt you, nor is it easy to stop you when you do start. You are Dot easily moved DOT influenced. Large 5th. — You aro at times very self-Willed, hut not tlwajS. Large 6th. — You sometimes say that you may he coaxed, hut not driven. i.. — Yuu aro renuirkahle for a most mulkhly stubborn and unyielding will. Y"ou must hang on till the end. You cannot yield. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. — You have hardly any idea of tho meaning of tho word right. .7/ 2d. — You havo a 6oeial, free, open-hearted way that will interest others, hut you are not honest, not governed hy principle. — You have somo idea of the right, hut it is rather feeble and easily overcome. Y'ou are not very honest nor upright. ^ on ihosl 1 cultivate conscientiousness, uprightness, sincerity. Moderate 2d. — You are good-natured, social, and pleasant, disposed to oblige others, hut you arc not very honest. Will probably havo a pretty hard experience, and live rather a fast lite. Moderate .W. — In your dealing! with tho world, you are influenced much, more by a sentiment of self-respect and self-regard, of a kind of honor, than by hoi; ; . — When uninfluenced by powerful motives, or passions, you deal fairly, and are generally rather trustworthy, hut under strong temptation way. Have not a very sensitive conscience. rage 2d. — In the minor morals, in all that is dictated hy the social u are not particularly faulty, but you have but few of the heroic virtues. Average 3d. — Yours is a social, warm nature, that means to do right, but one that is easily misled, — controlled hy your circumstances. Average 4th. — If surrounded by religious and moral society, and encouraged by virtuous friends, you will live a tolerably blameless and correct life, but if left to vicious influences, you arc not one to resist them. Fill. — You are honest at heart, and upright in the purposes of life, but will sometimes err, though, perhaps, not greatly, and then will repent. Full 2d. — Y'our nature is so self-controlling, so equipoised, that it is easy for you to deal fairly. Y^ou are not one of deep nor powerful temptations, Full :) r ery little awe for God or man. You do not revere the old, nor yet the new, nor, in fact, anything else. Small 2d. — You are bold, forward, free, familiar ; irreverent, disrespectful. Moderate. — You are not very deferential nor respectful towards the old. You should cultivate the reverential, respectful, prayerful, religious. Moderate 2d. — You arc not very religious, but rather light, irreverent, and heedless of sacred tilings. You sometimes speak profanely. Moderate 3d. — You are not wanting in gentleness of spirit, in mildness and sweetness of feeling, but are not reverential at all. Average. — You have something of a feeling of respect and reverence for things sacred and holy, and for superiors, where you recognize them. Average 2d. — You are not wanting in reverence for your Creator, nor for what you prize as the true and good, but you show very little for men. iverage 3d. — You show no great respect for authority, except that of nature, or of nature's God. Are not disposed to observe the laws merely because they are laws, or are on the statute-book. Average 4th. — You are more religiously disposed than you get credit of being. By many you are thought an infidel, or at least indifferent to religious matters, but you are not so. Probably a rationalist. Full. — You are not wanting in respect for those who arc worthy of it ; are deferential, but not slavishly so, and disposed to worship God. Full 2d. — You are religiously disposed, probably a member of a church. Full 3d. — You are liberal and reformatory in your religious ideas, but not wanting in reverence. Religion of some kind is verv dear to you, but it is probably of a fresh, new, radical tone. Full 4th. — You manifest a deep reverence and respect for what you deem superior and worthy, for great men, great talent and genius, large ideas. Full bth. — You are disposed to revere old customs, and perhaps aged people, but are not remarkable for religious zeal nor disposition to worship. Large. — The love of God is deep and strong in your soul. You delight in worshipping him, in rendering praise and adoration to his holy name. Large 2d. — You are rather a submissive, gentle, religious soul, very deferential to accepted authority, to that of your teachers. You take great interest in the support of the church, in doing for it. Large 3d. — You entertain peculiar religious views, still, are religious. Large 4th. — You are very deferential and respectful to the aged. Aro strongly inclined to worship, to prayer, to religious exercises. Large bth. — In your religious views you are very zealous, but narrow. Very Large. — Yoa delight extremely in religious worship. BENEVOLENCE. Small. — You are very indifferent to the sufferings of the world, — cold. Small 2d. — You have very little interest in the well-being of others. Moderate. — You are not very obliging nor kind-hearted. Moderate 2d. — You have but little interest in the welfare or others, but little faculty to make them interested in yours. Moderate 3d. — You aro passive and indifferent ; little real kindness and little real cruelty ; not malignant, not disposed to pain, but not benevolent. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 25 Avru.vr.F. — You show some kindness, hut it || of a passive nature. _' Btructing, building, or inventing, but not so much so II ;tion. Full 8 1. but you cannot invent. I 3d. — You can plan, i . . • Bt means of accom- plishing an object, but you are not apt in executing 3 26 rilKENOLOGICAL CHART. Full 4th. — You hare good taste, and a nimblcncss of tho fingers, still, yon probably manifest no great interest in machinery, nor in mechanical operations. Full bth. — Your constnictiveness turns less to mechanical operations than to performances merely mental. Large. — You show great aptitude in constructing, planning, originating, or inventing anything in a mechanical way. You take delight in machinery and mechanical operations. Could in- vent, and succeed, more than ordinarily well, as a mechanic, or machinist. Large 2d. — You can use tools excellently well ; can build, construct, fit, finish, as a mechanic, well ; but you do not invent any new means. Large 3d. — You can plan, invent, or originate well, but you are not suc- cessful in executing. You theorize better than you practise. Large 4th. — You like to make or mend the delicate, and fine. Large 5th. — You can build, make, construct the large, coarse, strong, useful, better than the fine, delicate, and ornamental. Large 6th. — You probably take some interest in mechanical operations, but are more. distinguished for the constructive faculty in mental matters. Very Large. — Your mechanical genius is remarkable. IDEALITY. Small. — You are very plain and unornamental in all you do and say. Small 2d. — You are very free from the fanciful, the imaginative. Moderate. — You are rather plain and practical, not poetic nor ideal. Moderate 2d. — Your tastes are plain, but not wanting in refinement. Moderate 3d. — Yours is a plain, homespun, commonplace taste. Average. — You have not an ardent imagination, nor do you love the beautiful at all passionately, yet are not entirely devoid nor indifferent. Average 2d. — You have some fancy and imagination, and a peculiar taste, but no great love for the really beautiful. Full. — You are not wanting in a love of the beautiful, — a taste for Doetry, for the refined and elegant of life. Full 2d. — You are tasty, nice, and fine, but not very imaginative. Full 3d. — You are fond of the beautiful, as it appeals to the eye, in dress. Full 4th. — You have quite a taste for gaudy ornaments, for trinkets. Full bth. — You have a good deal of power of the imagination, and real oeauty of fancy, but mingled with a relish for something of the coarse. Large. — You love all things beautiful. You are a dreamer. Large 2d. — You are very fond of the beautiful, the refined, the poetic. Large 3d. — Yours is a fine, clear, classic taste, fond of the beautiful. You delight in the subdued, delicate, and fine, rather than in the gorgeous. Large 4th. — Yours is a refined taste, and a good judgment in matters of art, or drc^s, or beauty. Will often be complimented on your taste. You have a happy faculty for arranging matters of dress, or ornament. Large bth. — You are a muscr, a dreamer, always imagining probabilities ; pensive, quiet, shadowy, mystic, living more in the ideal than in the real. Large (>th. — You are very fond of the beautiful as it appears in dress, in ornament, and display, as it appeals to the eye ; the gorgeous, the brilliant. Your taste is for the warm and passional. You delight in the crimson. Vert Large. — You have a remarkably high poetic taste. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. SUBLIMITY. 27 - \i.t.. — -You remain quite indifferent to, and unmoved by the sublime. Mi»im:katk. — You are not entirely wanting in a regard for the enblime. Avkkaoi:. — You manifest some, hut no great interest in sublimity of scene r some but not much fondness lor the grand, wild, dark, stormy. Average 2d. — You would appreciate the sublime, vast, infinite, wild. grand, if you did not fear it, but the fear probably makes you shrink from it LL — You appreciate the sublime, the wild, the grand. Full 2d. — You are at times sentimental, pensive, and sad. Lvi;i:i:. — You delight in the sublime, the wild, the grand, the majestic, as the dark, wild nighfeetorm, the pealing of thunder, the foaming cataract. Large 2d. — You have a taste for the sublime, but it probably takes atingo of the SOmbre, the shadowy, the dark, and, maybe, the mournful. Large 3d. — Y'ou lovo the sublime, but in a subdued, soft, pensive, tenber, sentimental, moonlight tone ; something of the sad, the night clouds Very Large. — Y'our love of the grand, amounts to a passion, a frenzy. IMITATION. Small. — You do not imitate others, in manners nor expressions. Moderate. — You are not much of a mimic. lerate 2d. — You take much pleasure in seeing others mimic, but you are not at all apt at it yourself, nor at copying manners, fashions. 3d. — Y'ou are wanting in the sympathetic. Your features are not very o; of your emotions, not very plastic. 1 Average. — Although no great mimic, you can imitate somewhat. Averar/e 2d. — You might succeed tolerably well in drawing or copying. Average 3d. — Y'ou enjoy mimiciy ; like to see others mimic and take off, but you are not very apt at it yourself, though, with practice, might succeed. Fill. — Y^ou can imitate, copy, and even mimic, when you try, though you are not remarkably apt at it. — You can copy after a pattern, but you cannot mimic well. Full 3 /. — Yon would, with due practice, Bnoceed in drawing, pencilling. Fuli 4'h. — You can mimic the ways and manners of others with a good deal of accuracy and aptness, but you do not copy well nor cl<> /•' 5''<. — You manifest much sympathy with your surroundings. Laeob. — Y v, imitate, and mimic well and closely. / 2d. — J i imitation, and even of mimicry. out. 'icil- lin_r. Ua ;■ 1 '<. — Yon Can imitate, and tT€ I to. th«- in U — You arc naturally \ patlv: .assume t that you wish to rcpre Vert Large. — You have an unconquerable propensity to mimic 28 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. MIRTHFULNESS. S I all. — You arc very sober, serious, solemn, long-faced. Not witty. Small 2d. — Life is serious, sober, and earnest, to you. Moderate. — You are rather serious, sober, and earnest, — not very witty, humorous, nor mirthful. Rather dry, still arc, at times, playful. Moderate 2d. — You are not very witty, nor mirthful, but you some- times indulge in playful, lively, and perhaps, merry moods. Your laugh is light. Moderate 3d. — You are not very witty, nor mirthful, but you have some- thing of the droll that provokes laughter on the part of others. Average. — You enjoy a good joke in its proper time and place, but you are not very apt at making one ; not very witty, mirthful, facetious. Average 2d. — Although not very witty, you are quite playful. Average 3d. — You are not very mirthful, yet you appreciate a good joke. Average 4th. — You are generally rather serious, and sober, and earnest, but sometimes you get off a dry, cutting, pointed joke. Full. — You are quite witty, playful, humorous, mirthful, but not re- markably so. You enjoy jokes, fun, and sport, in their place. Full 2d. — You are quite playful, sportive, lively, and merry, at times jocose and jolly, but only at times ; are not remarkable for real wit. Full 3d. — You enjoy fun and sport, and laugh heartily thereat ; but are not apt in turning nor starting a joke, not very witty in your replies. Full 4th. — You are at times quite droll, and comical, and odd. Full bth. — You are more humorous than witty. Large. — You are very witty and mirthful. You laugh heartily at a good joke, and can fully appreciate it. You are very apt in your replies. Large 2d. — You are more humorous than really witty ; more disposed to provoke and enjoy a laugh, than apt in turning a joke. Large 3d. — You are known among your friends for a dry, pungent wit. Large 4th. — You are very strongly disposed to laugh at and enjoy the jokes made by others, but are not very apt to make them yourself. Large bth. — You are a jolly, lively, merry, roisterly, social companion. Large 6th. — You arc very fond of witty, funny, but smutty jokes. Vert Lajige. — You are remarkable for wit, sport, fun, humor, jollity. INTELLECT. Small. — You are weak in intellectual power. Moderate. — You are not at all remarkable for intellectual strength. Average. — You have an average but not great power of intellect. Average 2d. — You have a desire to acquire knowledge, to be a scholar and to do something intellectually, but you find it difficult to learn. Average 3d. — Your intellect is bright, lively, and active, but not studious. Average 4th. — Your intellect is not very brilliant now, but perhaps rather dull, but by and by, as your constitution matures, it will brighten. Your intellect would be very fair if ill health did not impair it. Full. — You have a fair, and rather fine intellect. Full 2d. — You learn quite quickly and easily, gleaning knowledge read- ily, but you have no great passion nor desire for intellectual attainment. Full 3d. — You learn slowly and probably with some difficulty, but you have a passion, or at least, desire for knowledge. PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. 29 Full 4th. — Yours is a practical, plain, business intellect, but, probably tj highly cultivated. Full'b'h. — Sou day intellect, of fair strength. Labob. — Yours is i fine intellect, and strong; You delight in study. {OOd intellect* good natural ability. — Yon learn easily, rapidly, but fitfully, not diligently. Your is a rather bright but flashy intellect, a quick, keen, inarp, scintil- lating mind, but not patient nor steady. Could, but would not. ie 4th. — Your intellect is precocious, developing, and ripening before :ue — the worm at the heart Brilliant and old in youth. Large bth. — Your intellect is strong, but wanting, a little, in dsicipline. ir intellect will not develop, till the body attain nearly its growth. Large 6th. — Yours is a large intellect, but plain, rough and practical. Vi:i;v Lakgk. — You are remarkable for your disposition to acquire knowledge — to think, study, and observe the ways of life. INDIVIDUALITY. Small. — You have very feeble observing powers. IfODBBA 1 1:. — You notice but little, have only ordinary observing powers. Aybbaob. — You have some disposition to observe and notice things, but you are not very curious nor inquisitive. rage %d. — You generally retain a tolerably distinct recollection of what you have seen, but not the closest nor entirely accurate. Leu.. — You are quite a close observer. You see what is to be seen. Four eyes are open, and to some purpose; yet you aro not disposed to a very close scrutiny, nor scanning of details. full 2d. — You* notice things very well, and remember them distinctly when ; te them, but defect of vision interferes with this faculty Fufl 3d. — You have much curiosity to sec and know about what interests to hear the news, perhaps the gossip of the day, to see what others r, and how they look, but you pass things unnoticed on the street. Full 4th. — You are quite inquisitive, disposed to ask questions. Large. — You have a great propensity to observe, see** know, examine »und you. Arc always looking, and with open eyes. '. — You have a strong desire to see what is to be seen, a curiosity adi- i scrutinize, to inquir* irding anything new. •pe .'J'/. — With good powers of observation, you have a great desire to lly wonderful or curious thin LCtures, drawings, panoramas, etc. 91044ft. — 5 ■• ing the little things, the pSC power. eral, taking in I £, but not rather than microscopic. VbI and prop see and know everything around you ; to glean and gather kno\s li FORM. I vr.r.. — V 30 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. i Moderate. — Your memory of features, faces, forms, outlines, shapes, 1 etc., is not very distinct nor retentive. { Should cultivate a disposition to observe and remember faces, forms.! Average. — Your memory of forms and faces is only tolerably fair. l r iLL. — You remember faces, features, forms, outlines, shapes, etc., well, 1 but not as distinctly as some do. You are, also, a very good judge of them. Full 2d. — You remember faces, forms, and features, well, when you can see them, but defect of vision is marring this power to some degree. Large. — You arc endowed with an excellent memory of faces, forms, ' features, shapes, outlines, etc. If you once see a face, you remember it. You can distinguish the forms of those you know, at quite a distance Ixirge 2d. — You have a very good memory of faces, when you try to re- member them, but are often careless of noticing people, and may forget them. Large 3d. — Although your vision is defective, preventing your seeing faces and forms to advantage, you retain a very distinct recollection of the outlines, and shapes, and features, with which you are familiar. You have a nice sense of form, and if you could see, would remember distinctly, faces, even those that you might have seen only once. Large 4th. — You ought to be able to write a good hand. Very Larue. — You hardly ever forget a face into which you have looked. SIZE. Small. — You are a very poor judge of size, length, breadth, height. Moderate. — You are not a very good judge of size or proportion. Average. — You have a tolerably accurate eye in determining size, bulk, and proportion, but are not gifted in this respect. Full. — You are a very good judge of the size, bulk, proportion of any object you see. Have generally a correct eye, in measuring distances. Large. — You have a very accurate eye in determining size, bulk, pro- portion, length, breadth, thickness, etc. You can tell the distance from one point to another, how far, how near; can measure any article, almost as well by the eye, as others can by rule. Large 2d, — You are a very good judge of the weight, or measurement of a body; apt to detect its deficiency or overplus when interested in it. Very Large. — You have a most remarkably accurate eye. WEIGHT. Small. — You could not balance yourself on a high place, but would be likely to become dizzy, "and topple headlong down." Moderate. — You can not maintain your balance very well on a high place have not much of the ability to climb, to equipose, to fling a stone. Average. — You have only a tolerably nice, not very accurate sense of weight, balance. Have rather a vague idea of the laws of gravitation. i ; n.L. — You can maintain your balance very well, even on a high place ; arc endow< d with a fair, intuitive perception of the laws of gravitation. Full 2d. — You have naturally very fair ability to balance, but you hardly exercise this faculty enough to devclope it. Fall 3d. — You shrink from climbing on high, dangerous places, for you get dizzy headed, and suffer from painful, and indescribable emotions there. Large. — You have a nice, intuitive perception of the laws of gravitation, hence you can maintain your balance easily and safely, even on high places. PHRENOLOGICAL (HART. 31 You could easily loam to walk a rope, to climb as a sailor would, to balance Oil tiptoe, to hold ■ body in eqaipose, t<> ri^e well; seldom miss yoar footing. , you become dizzy headed and cy un- pleasant emotions, bul you rarely miss your footing, ox Btumblc, or falL re not apt to become dizzy headed on high pla ,\ L lege. — Vo,i arc remarkable for your skill in balancing, in deter- mining and maintaining t ho centre of gravity. COLOR. 5 CALL. — You can tell white from black, perhaps, and but little more. Moderate. — You are not very apt to observe colors, unless they are r in glaring contrast. You seldom notice the color <>f garments. A.VERAGB. — Xou take some intercut and pleasure in colors, but not much ; arc not apt to notice the nicer blendings of the more delicate hu .1 ■■ rage 2d. — With practice in coloring, you might attain tome BUG but not great skill ; might learn to paint houses, ships, wagons, signs, etc. Full. — You can judge of colors tolerably well, and can remember them : TOU try, and are pleased by a proper blending of them. Full 2d. — You might, by practice and discipline of the eye, attain much ■access in coloring, in painting, but, without such discipline, will not bo sen-hive to the more delicate tinges, and hues, and Colo Large. — Your eye is very sensitive to fine blendings of colors, so much so as to be pained by violent contrasts, or strong mixtures You delight in delicate tints and shades, and hence will love to contemplate fine paintings. Large 2d. — You would, with due practice, color finely, paint well. Large 3d. — You delight in high colors, as scarlet. Very Large. — You are remarkably sensitive to fine colors. If you were a painter, you would be a colorist, and delight in Titian. ORDER. Small. — Y'ou arc very shiftless, untidy, and slovenly in your habits. MODERATE. — You are rather untidy, careless, and disorderly. — You should cultivate order, system, arrangement. i like well enough to see things in their place, but do not care I l about it, do not trouble yourself much about disorder. i their place, and take much pains to hough none too much ; arc generally rather orderly. — You like to ^••<- things i . and pretty, but you are not : them. Not so orderly as tasty. — You like to - in order, and if you have control of . but not very apt to do it yom J | | — I iite orderly, and particular, but in othen I x. and indifferent. L iMQM. — Y alar, tidy, be in all J h. ,J / •:..■-! '. ior. EargeAth. — 5 nlarity, at interr : / ye hth. — N . : -ore- ease, rm, naturalness, ahmdon ; should !• Very Laroe. — You 32 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. NUMBERS OR CALCULATION. Small. — You arc not free nor easy in multiplying, dividing, adding, sub- tracting, counting, nor in any way using or remembering numbers. Moderate. — You are not apt in the use of numbers, in multiplying, adding, subtracting, dividing, counting, remembering how many, nor in anything depending upon a nice and ready appreciation of numbers. Average. — You would succeed fairly in the use of numbers, if you found it necessary to study and use them, but you will hardly delight in it. Average 2d. — You show some ingenuity in finding out ways for the solu- tion of mathematical problems, for attaining the sum total, but you are not very apt at the mere use of numbers, as in multiplying, dividing, etc. Average 3d. — If you find it necessary to use figures much, you will leam them fairly well, but otherwise, will show but little ability in this direction. Full. — You succeed in the use of numbers, as in adding, subtracting, counting, etc., in the higher mathematics, but are not remarkable, for ability nor genius in this way. Fall 2d. — You would succeed much better in the higher mathematics, in geometry, trigonometry, than in the ground rules of arithmetic. Full 3d. — You would succeed in the abstruse mathematics, as algebra, better than in the more practical and every-day use of numbers. Large. — You succeed more than ordinarily well in the use of numbers ; could multiply, divide, add, subtract, and count correctly, easily, and rapidly. Large 2d. — You take delight in mathematical computations, in statistics. Large 3d. — You would succeed excellently well m the higher mathematics. Large '4th. — You would succeed well in the use of numbers Very Large. — You are remarkable for your ability in numbers. LOCALITY. Small. — You have but a very feeble recollection of localities. Moderate. — You have not a very distinct nor retentive memory of place*, localities, the relations of objects, the points of the compass, etc. Average. — You have a tolerably fair mcmoiy of places, of location. A verage 2d. — You have a desire to travel, to sec strange countries, but if left to your own guidance only, would be very apt to lose yourself. rage 3d. — You do not bear well in mind the points of the compass, but when you travel, are apt to get " turned round." Till. — You remember well the places you see, the localities of objects. ' 2d. — Although not remarkably apt at finding your way in new or Btrange places, you have a great desire to travel, to see the world. I \::ge. — You have a very retentive memory of the localities you have d, and of the objects you have seen. You love to travel. / rge 2d — You can find your way, easily and readily, in strange places. Very Large. — You have an insatiable desire to travel. EVENTUALITY. Shall. — Yours is a very treacherous and unreliable memory of events. DKRATE. — Your memory of facts, incidents, circumstances, stories, narrative?, etc., is not very retentive but rather treacherous and poor. PHUBfOLOGIOAL OH1RT. AteraOE. — Your memory of events is not very retentive, still, nor the* live. — You remember very well what interests you nmeh, but of that in which you take Le6l interest, you are apt to be forgetful. - Ymii sometimes complain of want of memory in reading, i really not at fault, hut where the defect is want of attention. A'/i. — Your eares and trials are killing your memory. Failure of health, or use of tohaeeo, or trouble of the brain or nervous. li physical cause is impairing your memory. i.. — Your memory of events, is very fair, hut not the best. Full 2d. — Your memory of eveuts, was onee very fair, hut it is fading. Full 3d. — You rememher mueh more distinctly what happened many -. than what happened lately. Full 4th. — You get an idea very readily, and are apt at committing, but you soon forget again. Full 5M. — Your memory of facts, stories, events, circumstances, etc., is very fair, when you try to remember, but you are too inditferent to try. Large. — Your memory of facts is more than ordinarily good. Lart;e 2d. — You eould learn well anything pertaining to history. — Your memory is slow to get, but sure to hold. Very Large. — Your memory of events is remarkably retentive. TIME. lia. — You have little idea of the flight of time. Moderate. — Your remembrance of the time at which anything oc- curred, whether after or before any other occurrence, is not good. • 2d. — Your memory of dates is rather defective. ate 3d. — You cannot beat time to music very accurately. ArULAQB. — Your memory of dates is not very retentive, neither is it ii.. — Your memory of dates is very fair, but not the best. L vkge. — You have a more than ordinarily good memory of dates. Large 2d. — You can beat time to music accurately' and well. :iy Large. — You have an extraordinarily retentive memory of dates. TUNE. ; hare very littl' I >vc for music. lioi reiy fond of music, nor will you bo apt to at- tain skill in pi' \ with culture, migl i . — With proper di >u might learn to sing or play from lty. but will i :n music. . hut yon will not be . skill in makin_ :.i.. — You with proper cult and mnch ikiU m m Full 3. Vehy Large. — Y'ou have an extraordinarily deep, cause-inquiring mind. COMPARISON. Small. — You seldom recognize similarities or dissimilarities. V operate. — You arc not very apt in tracing analogies, similarities. Average. — Y'ou take some interest and pleasure in fine comparisons. Full. — You appreciate fine comparisons, and sometimes originate ap- propriate ones ; are tolerably apt at analyzing and reasoning from analogy. Large. — Y'ou are very apt to institute comparisons between one thing another, to trace out analogies, similarities, dissimilarities. I '. — You have something of a disposition to criticise, and dissect. — You are apt to use the words like and unlike, in writing or speaking, to OSS the comparative or superlative degree. — You take pleasure, perhaps delight in criticising analytically, in fin faultl and flaws, and may be the perfections of things. Large 5th. — In an argument, you are more apt at pulling to pieces than gather, at | than synthctizing. . — You have for physical comparisons. You could which of two bo. lies was the longer or shorter or higher, or loi dlcr. ire remarkable for your aptitude in comparisons. IIl'MAX NATURE, _ Yon hi Is perception of human oharacter. Moderate. — Yon arc not very apt h tare. aion and . :-..« d In ;• :i, " iv hy feeling than phitotO] 36 PHRENOLOGICAL CHART. Fri.L. — You rend human nature, men's motives and characters, tolerably closely and well, but not remarkably so. Full 2d. — You are very quick to decide as to whether you would like or dislike a stranger. Laboe. — You are apt to decide, on short acquaintance, as to the charac- ter nf those you meet, and are seldom mistaken in any important point. Large 2d. — You like to study character, and to observe what different person* would do, or how they would act, in different circumstances. Large 3d. — On entering the presence of another, you quickly and in- stinctively and intuitively understand his mood or tone of feeling. Large ith. — You are apt to make up your mind at once on seeing and being introduced to a stranger, as to whether you would like him or not. Large 5th. — In the business affairs of life, you read men closely but in determining the nicer, finer poetic shades, you are apt to err. Large 6th. — You generally read human character, and human motives very correctly, only that you take people to be quite as bad as they are. You are jealous and suspicious of the motives and conduct of others. Vkbt Large. — You delight in studying human character. AGREEABLENESS. Small. — You are very abrupt, uncouth, and disagreeable in manners. Moderate. — You are not very agreeable, nor winning in your ways. Moderate 2d. — You should study books on politeness, courtesy. Average. — You can be rather pleasing and agreeable in manners, but not very much so, not one to make the most favorable impression at first. Fill. — You are generally affable, and agreeable, but not markedly so. Full 2d. — You have an easy off-hand democratic way, without being especially affable or polite. You might succeed in a political way. Full 3d. — Your first appearance is perhaps more striking than prepos- Beflsing. Among casual acquaintances, you arc rarely understood. Large. — You are very urbane, affable, easy, winning, agreeable, bland. fjirge 2d. — With appropriate training and culture, you would succeed more than ordinarily well in promiscuous or refined society. Ljarge 3d. — You have fine powers of persuasion. Large 4th. — You appear to be very artless, and innocent, very winning. Large fyth. — You can be quite winning, fascinating, charming, in your manners, but probably are not always so, only when it serves your purpose. Lm-ge 6th. — When you wish, you can be very winning and agreeable, but you can also sometimes be, and indeed often are, the very opposite of this. Very Large. — You are remarkable for easy winning manners. 23 July 1*61. <