Hiiiililii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D0DD173SE^A U' ^ ^V.': ■•^v'^'^' •^0 .■« • '^^.^ V. -ftz-rS A. ■ ^^ ■•n-0^ •iv' -<-\- .^^^^o. ■'.^ o V <• ^-^ ^^ •f'* „<(,'i -^^ •^^ V v^ ,4q. jJo ,^-^°<. ^&; ,^^ "^oV^ V. ii -b v ^o ..•*■' ■^^0^ .<^°- Off ^0 v_,. .-'/?>■ 0' ■'y- o' .•^ °^ « * o* % 5^^^,. ^^J^; -u ^v-. >"-?:*> .c,.r .*^.' / '-^ ^mv"" VW^^^ " v-¥^-v"X '> f ■ - "■ . C> .V •:■■; ,%' or^f^^^ ^ * » / 1 'V.'i.'^ i-, --.„/ *^-. v„.' .■;^, -'^-^Z *^:- ■ ^ »LVL' ^ - ft 5! °o j.N^ ■<:* 'bv A p. -ij^- •I o .4Va\ V ./ y^'-''""'^^ .a^^'^Vax^. ,/'*^'-"''^^ a^^^Wa^^ >' iiiiS^ii^^^^iS^^^^^^^^^^ mmm^^ 1851 Comnieiuoration 1911 of Zhc Cbrietiana IRiot an5 tTbc Urcaeon XTriale of 1851 1/ ■' 'i' ■^\ ^\ ^ llOtVIPI ■Un^cr tbe HuBpiccs of tlbe ILancastev (i:ount\> IIMstovical Societ'? Cbiistiana, lP»a.. Satuvba^. September 9. 10 It if ')'3v. ^ Souvenir KbroGvanx mmmm''sf*.^' / ^0 ^V y (Il)r (Eltristiana iSint i.'^5i 191 1. ( )iU lit tliL- >ti"i(k'nt clash uf lidpcs and fears The limes ha\-e huilded music: where (d' late Passion strode fierce, and wrath and white-lipped hate ^let bitterly in ai^imy and tears, Meet we in kindness. Cancelled are arrears Of (le])t and credit. Tt were ill to ] irate (Jt rights and w roni;> ; nia\- we commemorate More than the lends of the fori^otten vears. (ireat (jodl whicli one of us sliall cast a stone At byg'one riot? I la\e we too not set ( )ur h.ands a^'ainst lli\' laws? Is nouq'ht our own That cries lor iiardon.- Are no tear drops wet? Judi.i'e of ihe Nations ^ranl us to atone — .\nd ot th\- merc\' teach us to 1or^"et. F. Lyman W'i xdoi.imi. Arrauurmrntii Ulummittrr. W. U. 1 1 l':XSl':i. Cliainimii, H. FRANK ESHLILMAX Secretary. r.. C. ATLEE Treasurer. J. GUY ESHLEAI AX Clerk. ?3iiral (Tummitlrr. Di;. I.. W". I'dW XAi.i., Lliainiiaii. Ciiari.i;s S. Si.okhm. Sciictary. Ri)V IT. I 'assmi iRi:, Treasurer. Calvin farter, \i. ( i. Ilrddiiicll, Tlids. Wliitson, [. 1). TTastings, Will. 1-iclis. M. 1'. Cooiicr, M. K. I lamiiK md, Dr. T. S. Irwin, J. C,. Mast. Marvin Iv linsliong. Geo. S. Hartnian, Ami IS (iillicrt. J. A. Ilarrar, Dr. ( ). II. I'a.xsdn. P. E. Ilannnm, James TT. \\'liitesicle, A. J. Melelier, I'-ilw. J- Knox, Thdnias Mc( inwan, I'^^eil. lirinton, Dr. J. In. Martin, I'rank M. Tnint, Rohert S. ArcClnre. I'.. I'^rank Leaman, .M. 1. r.rinlnn. ( ienrge \V. 1 lenscl, Jr. Samuel j. Xixim, Frank Walter, l"^. H. Keen. Jones Eavensim. l.ulwin Triiut, J. F. Reynolds, W. D. Swisher, rr. L. Skiles, Samuel Carter, Wm. Chamherliu, W'm. ITo|ikins. ?iiiittnrarit Hrrrptinit (Unmmittrr. George Steinman, Hon. J. Hay Brown, Hon. E. G. Smith, Hon. W. W. Greisl, Hon. John G. Homsher, Hon. II. L. Rhoads, Charles F. I'ngh, Amhrose I'nwiiall, Cyrus I'lrintdu, Thomas Hirst. James P. Marsh, Brinton Walter, Wm. McGovvan, Sr., I\[. B. Kent, F. R. Diffenderffer, Francis Lennox, Dr. H. iNIcGowan. George Steele, \\'. S. Flastings, Hon. A. B. Hasslcr, Hon. Thos. S. r.ntler, Hon. W. C. Spn.ul. Hon. F. !'.. .McClain, Joseph C. Walker. Morris Ci toper. W. P. Brinton. Tho,s. J. Phillips, D. F. Magee Hon. C. I. Landis, James M. Walker, Gilbert Bushong, Benjamin Eavenson, Peter Woods. Samuel \\'hits(in, William F. Jackson, 11. R. l'ult..n, IT. C. Hopkins. Rev. R. F. Wright, Chas. Dingee. Henry Preston, S. R. Slaxinaker, .\. K. Hostetter. (riiniuiilmji|. I'"ir-I Fe(k-|-al I'"u,<,ntivc Slave T.aw Apprnvnl l'\'liniarv 12, 1793. [•'.(Iward ( lorMich. Iinni \l>ril 17. 1795. I 'i.-iin>\l\aiiia Statute Ivej^nlaliiii; Rettini nf l''iiL;Ui\e Sla\es 1826. I'rij^t,' C'a-e Decided I'.y I'nited State- Su|ireiiic C 'ylvania Statute Re|)ealiiit; Act nt iSjd i'^47 l';>ca|)e iif ( ',cir>ucli Slave- Xnveniliei', 1849. " Informer " I'adi^'ett'- l.ettir tn ( Inrsuch \u.i;u-t 21 ). 1S51. ( 'Kirsucli (let- Warrants Septeinher i). I S3:. ( )tficiaU Start I'nr (/hri-tiaua Sejitenilier i). 1831. Attempt tM l'"..\ecute Warrant-, l\ii:t. Death t>f I'.dw. (ior-iiclt and \\i unidins; id" Dickin-on and Jo-lina (l(ir-ucli September i 1. 1851. I'irst Arrests Septeml)er 12, 185 1. llcariuLj 111' I'ri-iiners at Lanca-ter Septentlier 23. 1851. Judge Kane's L'liarge to ( Irand |m\ Se|)teml)er 29. 1851. Indictments fnr Treasiin found and remitted to ( 'ircuit Court ( )cti)ber 6, 1851. X'enire for loS jurors Octolier 9, 1831. I'. S. Circuit Court Convened Xo\eml)er 24. 1851. Ca-tner I lan\\a\ Arraigned .\'o\eml)er 25. 1851. Jiirv l-"inally Sworn November 28. 1851. Defense ()])ens Decenilier 2. 1851. Ic- tim on \' Concluded December 5. T851. jury ('barged and \ erdict of " X'ot ( ;iiill\" Uctuined ' December 11, 1831. Argument on Mnliontbal C. S. pa\ co-t- for llan\\a\ December 17, 1831. Indictment- In Lancaster Cotntty (j. S. of llan\\;i\ ct al. foi' l\iol and Re-i-ting ( )l"ficer bmuar\ Ses-ii_)n, 1852. All Rioi Indictments and Hill ; .v. II. II. Kline for Perjury i.^uored with C_'ouiit\- for Cost.s januar\ , 1832. Case of C. S. rs. Sam. William- tried at 1 'liiladelpliia and concludid b\ X'erdicI of " .\'ot ( luiltx." I''ebinai\ 4. 1S32. I )ealli of I )ickin-on ( ior-ucb \ugu-t 2. 1 882. I )ealli of ( a-lner I Ian way .Ma\ 21 1, i.Si)^. Deatb of b'.lijali Lewis ( )ctiibrr iS, 1884. J.)eatb of jo-eph Scarlet July 8, 1882. Namrs uf thr dlurij Willi ®^r^ thr (Irrasntt (Uaar iif lluitrH ^tatra its. (Uasturr iiiamuait. 1. l\i)i'.i';iM Mllkitt. farmer, Ickcsburg. Perry C'ounty, aged («). 2. Ja.mi;s Wilsox, gentleiiian, ]<"airfielil, Adams County, aged 7,^. 3. 'rii(iM.\s CoNNELt.\-. carpenter. Heaver Meadow, Carbnn County, aged 54. 4. 1'i-:ii;k .\r.\Rrix, surveyor, Ephrata, Lancaster County, aged 40. 5. RoiiKKr S.Mrjii, gentleman, CJettysburg, Adams County, aged ^~. 6. WILr.l.\^r R. Sadhler, farmer, York Sulplnu" Sjirings, Adams Ciiunt\-. ageil 41, 7. J.\.Mi:s M. lloPKixs, farmer. Conowingo l*"urnace. Drumore rnwiiship. Lancaster County, aged 50. 8. John Junkix. farmer. Landisburg. I'erryCounty. aged 5''). 9. Solomon New.max. sniitb, ]\[i!ford. Like Countv. aged 4.S. 10. JoxATiiAX Waixwkichi', merchant, Lhihidelphia, aged 66. 11. Epiikai.m P'exton, farmer, L'pper Dnlilin. M. intgitmery l"(iunt\. aged ^2. 12. James Cowden, merchant. Cnhmibia. Lancaster County, aged 30. Average age of jurors : 53. C^STNER HANWAY. ELIJAH LEWIS. SOON AFTER THE TREASON TRIALS. JOSEPH SCARLET. IGaiit unh ICibrrtit. From jiihii (i. Whitticr's " Stanzas fur the Times," 1S50. I hear a \nice: "" TIius saitli the Law, Let l.i)\c l>c (luml) : ('las])in^' her hheral hamls in awe, Let sweet-lipped (haritv witlnh'aw I'^rom liearth ami home." 1 hear another \-oice : " Fhe poor Are thine to i(;ii(\ ; Tnrn not the onteast from th\- door. Nor i;i\e to honds and w mn^' once more W hom ( ii 1(1 h.alh I I'eed." Hear Lord! hetween that law and Thee No choice remains ; ^'et not nntrne to man's decrei', riioni^h s]iurnin^' its rewards. i> In- Who hears its ]).ains. Not mine Sedition's lrum])etd)last And threatening- word ; I read the lesson of the Last, That firm endnrance wins at last More than the swi ird. O cle;ir-eyed Faith, and I'atience thon So calm and strong ! Fend strength to weakness, teach ns how The slee])less e\'es of God look' throngh This night ol wrong! EDW \RD r,(')RSLTH. ( ■■ He I )ie(l ]■'<»■ \hv Law." ) DICK IX SOX GORSLTIT, |( )siir.\ c-oRsrcii. ilu^irtr^ fur (Erpaaun. I. c ASTXI'.R ll.\XW.\\\ 'I'rii-d and .\ci|uiltc'(l. ( '■ lie SulTercd I'^ir iM-cedniii.'" ) J. losi'.ni Scakm:i'. _'o. C()i.i.isria< Wilson. Elijah I.lwls. ji. Jdiix Jack.so.x. |a.\1I;.S JAtKSO.N'. -'-'. \\llJ.L\M I'uowx. 4 .•^ S <; lo I I T2 1.^ 14 l.> \(> 17 iX C.i-DKia: Wii.i iwis. _'.^. Isalmi C'lakk.son. |A( (ii; .MiKiivi:. . -'-|. I li:.\RV Sims. (ii-.i)K(a; l\i-.i:i). . -'5. C'iiaklks Htntkr. r>i;\ I AM IX loiixsnx. j(). I .i:\\is ( ;ati;s. I )ax ILL ( ■A^•LSLl■,KK^•. JJ. ri-Ti-K W'oiihs. \ls(ix I'i;uxsi.ia-. -'S. I i- w is ( i.akksox. William r.uowx, Jiid. -''l .Xi i.sox ( 'Airri-;u. 1 li-.xin- ('.ki-;kx. ,V). William l'AkKi:u. I-'.I.I I All ( LAKK. .^1. JdllX i'.LKUN-. |(iiix I liii.i.iDAN-. ■ .^-'. William I'.luun . William Williams. 3,^ Sam lli. W 1 i.i.i a.\is. r.l-.XjAMIX I'l XDLKCAS'I-. 34. joSlI MaMMILXD. |()IIX MllRCAX. 35. I ll-XKV ClKTIS. I'".zi:kii:l TiKiM Lsf)X. .V'. Wash i xciox Williams. TiKi.M.xs I;l-tli:k. .V- W hiia.m Thomas. ^S. X'i;i.sox l-'(iKi). DICKINSON GORSUCH. AS A MARYLAND FARMEU AND SUPPORTER OF THb UNION DURING THE WAR. JOHN W. ASHMEAD. U. S. ATTOHNFV WH ) CONDUCTED TM6 PROStCUTION. Ci^,^-/v^^n,-^^ /^ ^yi'-\-/X'^ ,^^0^^ ^y^la\e power," and was directed especialls to 1 lanway. Lewis and .'scarlet. 1 he con- cluding stanza is deeply imbedded in popular appreciation of the best in our nati(jnal lileratiire.| TIk' ;ioe is (hill ami iiii'aii. Men cfeeji, N'lil walk: with hlncid tud pale and lame To |>a\' llie (lehl thev nwe to shame; I '.in ehi'ap, sell dear; eaL dfitik. and slee]) 1 )nwii -pillowed, deal" In moaitinu waul; I'aN tithes im' smil iiisttrain'e ; keep Si.\ da\ s III Mamiiiiiii, mie Id C'atil. Ill sitch a lime. .L;i\e thanks U< (lod. d hal siimewhal nt ilu- li(il\- rai^e With which the ])r(i])lu'ls in their a,L;"e Hii all its decent secinini;s irod, 1 las set \ iiiir feci ti])'iii the lie. jh.at man .and nx ;md si ml and clnd Arc iiiarkcl slnck In sell and htiv ! ddu- lint wiiiaN friiin MHir lijis. my nwii, d'li caiilinii ir.aincd, mi,i;lil iiul repeal; Ihil if SI line tain-s aniuiiL; tin- wheal Of g'cncfiiiis ihiniL^hl and ilvvd were sown. No coininoii wroipn pro\okcd \-onr zc;tl ; The silken oannllct that is ihfown Jn such a ([uarrcl riii_L;s like steel. The 1)i-;i\c (lid strife llie f;illic'rs saw I'Di" I'rcciloni calls for men a,L;ain ],ikc' those who hattled not in vain For lui.i^land's I'liarter, Alfred's law; And ri^iit of speech and trial just \\ a;;e in xdur name their ancient war \\ ith \enal conrts and perjnred trust. (lod's -cCiiys scciii (hirk. hut soon or late. T/icy tottcJi the shliiini^ hihs of (hiv: 1 he ei'il eaiincf hruok ilehiw The i^ood eaii leell afford to leait. (lire eniiiiied kiiares their hour of eriiiie ) e hare the future -/-(N/;/ and j^reat. The safe aff'eal of Truth to 'rime! I. T'ORI'".X( )()X— Dl'.HU A TH >X i '!• .NK )Xl ' M I'.X'I". 10 A.M. 'I'Ik' people i)f tliristiaiia and vicinity, all guest.s ami visitor,-; and others interested, will assemble at the east entrance to the New Subway, at lo A,.M., when tiic following order of exercises will he observed: I Invocation ^^i'-^ • R- 1^- ^^'KI|■.llT, of Zion .\. M. I'".. Church. J Music. " America '" ( iii I'.M. l'-\u.\i>K. The ScIkioI ChiMreii. Town ( onncil and School Directors of Chrisiiana r.orongh. and the School Directors of .Sadshury Towushi]., the < .. A. R., Kni.^hts of the ( iolden luigle. the Independent ( )rder of Red .Men ,iiiliall, Dr. [,. W. Powiiall. Aii)i-:s. Detaclinient of State Constabulary. Hurger's Fourth Regiment T')an(l, Aaron W. l-'slielman, leader. Company K, Fourth Rei^iment, X. G. 1'., Captain (J. (J. Reitzel e 7 .;; y^jsjrys'- NEGRO SERVITUDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY, PA . A D. 1800. (Thr (Uluiatiaua Etnt. 'Twas here that first was heard the thrilhiis' cry W'hicli ijcaled the knell of hondag-e thro' the land : "Twas here that first our people took the stand \Miich cleansed us from the guilt of slavery — - ^'e call it Riot! Lol it made men free! It was a trumpet call, clear, loud and grand, And in good time, oheying its command We heard our Union s]ieak for Liberty. Here slavery first died. The blood shed here Destroved the chains of every trembling slave; Tt bound the Nation Axith a link more dear And took from us a stigma dark and grave. So thus we mark this fair September morn. \\'here bondage perished, and free men were born! Mary .Y. Robinson. "retreat farm." home of the gorsuches. BETWEEN MONKTON AND GLENCOE, BALTIMORE CO., MD. 54 W -- .M 'XA-. ^V^^ :• '>>'^ % 5^ ^^ ,.^^ "^. °o \ ■^ ^^. »'= JP'7-^ ■-^^0^ ^' V, A -ot.^ xO^'-. W\^ c, ^ri '^^:S '> >)/ ■1 o^ iP-n^. v^. ^ O. ♦ „ „ o •> .o-^ . ' • "^^ , . , ■• O ^\ '^0*^ i:^ ► « • "- ■^^ .'i, c '-,?■,.-''.% ' ^°-n^. Si^ '^^^•' ^ ^.^ qO^ \ V?i^f,^ .^^B*" .4/\u ^^^^^:^' <^'^'''^>. ''-^^ .-JteCv \/ .-^M. %,** :'^^\ \ '^r.

'«^ >. '^^0-' .-^o.^ --cS -. %,** .-'d^-- %/ .>«-. u^/ .^mk. 1 k aV'*'. j ' 'o'. . -" o V