Class X 4 '5? Book_l3^__ 1 THE TERRITORIAL ROLIOY. SPEECH OF ELI THAYER, OF MASS., IN REPLY TO HON. MR, CURTIS AND HON. MR. GOOOH. Delivered in the TJ. S. House of Representatives, May 11, 1860. Mr. Speaker : I have listened with great in- terest to the remarks of my colleague, and also to those of the gentleman from Iowa, [Mr. Curtis.] They have manifested suitable inge- nuity in the discussion of this question ; for, sir, it is the work of giants to prove to the peo- ple of this country that they have not a right to govern themselves, and that Congress has a right to govern them. That is a work that can be done only by giants. It is easy for or- dinary men, for common men, to show to the people of this country that they have the right to govern themselves, and that they are abun- dantly prepared to exercise that right. In the early history of this Government, we had the Providence Plantations, the Plymouth colony, and the New Haven eolouy, which drummed out a Governor Forced upon them by a non res- ident Power, and thereby secured to that State an indestructible possession — the proud history of the charter oak. Those men from the old country formed upon our soil model govern- ments, and they did it without ever having had the experience afforded by the exercise of self- government. But, sir, it is contended that we, who have always governed ourselves, when we go to a Territory of the United States are unable to tell our hands from our feet. It is contended that a man not only loses his rights, but loses his common sense, by going to a Territory. The gentleman from Iowa Mr, CURTIS. Mr. Speaker Mr. THAYER. I will allow no interruption. The gentleman from Iowa refused to let me ask him a question. I remember that. Mr. CURTIS. I certainly did not, or at least I did not intend it. Mr. THAYER. I shall not be interrupted. I have the floor. Mr, CURTIS, I did not hear the gentleman, if he asked me any question. Mr. THAYER. I was not astonished at the surprise which my colleague manifested, that I hid taken the lead in this business of killing off these Territorial organizations which go up