BY-LAWS, J{ules of ^ndep *^^ )(osten of ^fficens Department of Massachusetts. r FEB 9 Mt6 1 IC.^ BY-LAWS As members of John A. Andrew Post No. 15, G. A. R., Department of MassachuseD.ts, and (ftomrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, we hereby- bind ourselves by the following By-Laws : ARTICLE L— Name. The name of this Post shall be John A. Andrew, ARTICLE II. Section i .—The regular meetings of this Post shall be held on Friday evening of each week, except as provided in Section 2 of this Article, commencing at eight o'clock. Sec. 2.— The third Friday evening of each month shall be known as Entertainment evening, and shall be devoted to social purposes unless otherwise ordered by the Commander. Sec. 3. — If any candidate for membership to this Post shall not appear for muster within three months after his election, his application shall be referred back to the Examining Committee, by the Adjutant for their investigation and report. ARTICLE III.— Fees and Dues. jr Sec. I. — The fee for membership in this Post shall be tlwGO dollars, and a G. A. R badge shall be presented to the comrade on his muster-in without further expense to the comrade. The fee for membership by transfer from other Posts shall be ^ .©«e dollarS . These amounts must accompany each application when presented. Sec. 2. — The regular assessment of this Post shall be four dollars per year, payable quarterly, at the first regular meetings of the months of January, April, July and October. Sec. 3. — Comrades mustered ( in before the last month of a quarter, shall pay the full assessment for that quarter ; otherwise they shall not be assessed until the next quarter. Sec. 4. — All fees and dues must be paid to the Quartermaster, or his authorized agent, for which receipts shall be given. All receipts must be preserved by the Comrades, to be produced at any time as prima facie evidence that they are square on the books ; otherwise, fees and dues of Comrades in arrears will be exacted. ARTICLE IV.— Committees. Sec. I. — The regular Committees of this Post shall consist of seven standing committees ; they shall be appointed by the Com- mander, to serve during his term of office. Comrades to be placed upon these committees must be in good standing, and shall not be members of more than one standing committee at the same time. The Commander by virtue of his office shall be a member of all standing and special committees. STANDING COMMITTEES. 1st. Committee on Cemeteries. 2d. Auditing Committee. 3d. Visiting Committee. 4th. Committee on Halls. 5th. Entertainment Committee. 6th. Library Committee. 7th. Committee on Good of the Order COMMITTEE ON CEMETERIES. Sec. 2. — This committee shall consist of three Comrades, whose duty it shall be to take full charge of all matters pertaining to cemeteries. They shall have charge of the list of the dead, with power to amend, revise and correct the same, and to decide in cases of doubtful locations. Sec. 3. — They shall have power to revise and consolidate the routes, and apportion the graves in each in an equitable and judi- cious manner; they shall also keep a correct list of all graves, add- ing to the same each year all new interments. Ten days previous to Memorial Day they shall furnish the Quartermaster with a revised and corrected number of the graves to be decorated. AUDITING COMMITTEE. Sec. 4. — This committee shall consist of three Comrades, whose duty it shall be to inspect and audit the books and records of the Adjutant, and the books and accounts of the Quartermaster at least once during each month and report upon the same in writing. VISITING COMMITTEE. Sec. 5. — This committee shall consist of five Comrades to whom all applications for relief shall be referred. It shall be their duty to see each applicant in person, to investigate each case care- fully and report to the Post with such recommendations as they consider proper. It shall be their duty, also, upon the death of a Comrade to inquire into the circumstances, and to report to the Commander. In order to enable this committee to act with judgment in cases of difficulty that may occur, the Surgeon and Chaplain of the Post shall be members of the committee ex-officio. COMMITTEE ON HALLS. Sec. 6. — This committee shall consist of five Comrades to which shall be added the Adjutant and Quartermaster as members ex-officio. It shall be the duty of this committee to see that suitable halls are provided in which to hold the meetings of the Post. entertainment COMMITTEE. Sec. 7. — This committee shall consist of five Comrades, whose duty it shall be to provide for the regular entertainment evening of this Post ; and to provide for and superintend all other entertain- ments of the Post that may be referred to them for action. LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Sec. 8. — This committeee shall consist of five Comrades, whose duty it shall be to have charge of the Post Library, to purchase all books, and to attend to the loaning of the same to comrades of the Post. One of said committee shall be in attendance at every meet- ing of the Post to receive and deliver books. COMMITTEE ON GOOD OF THE ORDER. Sec. 9. — This committee shall consist of ten Comrades, whose duty it shall be to recommend to the Post, from time to time, ways and means to increase the strength of the Post in money, men, and influence, and anything which in their judgement would tend to the good of the order in general and this Post in particular. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Sec. id— a committee of three shall be appointed on each application for membership, whose duty it shall be to see the appli- cant in person, to enquire carefully into the facts set forth in his application, and if errors or omissions are discovered in the same, to have them corrected ; to inquire into his moral character, and report in writing upon the application with a recommendation to the Post, either for his election or rejection. [TV^. B.— A strict perforjnance of the duties assigned to this couimittee is of vital importance to the well-being of the Post. ] REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Sec. II. — The final reports of standing committees and all other committees, shall be made in writing and placed in the hands of the Adjutant to be carefully filed. Sec. 12. — No committee, regular or special, of this Post, shall contract any bill or expend any money unless by a direct vote of the Post. All monies received by any committee of this Post shall be at once turned over to the Quartermaster. No member of any committee of this Post shall be paid for his personal services, unless by vote of the Post. ARTICLE V. — Quartermaster's Bonds. The Quartermaster shall give bonds in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000, ) with sufficient security for the faithful discharge of his duties. ARTICLE VI. — Expenditure of Money. Sec. I. — No appropriation of money exceeding the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00, ) shall be made unless by a two-thirds vote of the members voting at a regular meeting. Sec. 2. — No motion requiring an appropriation of money, shall be put to vote after ten o'clock, p. m., unless by a three-fourths vote of members present ; and if at five minutes often o'clock, p. m., should any such motion be pending, all debate shall close and a vote be taken. ARTICLE VII.— Duties of Comrades. It shall be the duty of comrades to promptly and cheerfully accept all details for duty in the Post, and to fulfil the requirements to the best of their ability. When present at a meeting, it is the duty of all comrades to vote upon every question that may be presented to the Post for action ; care should be taken not to mention abroad, in the hearing 7 of others, not members of the Post, any business done and passed at its meetings. It should be held as a duty to attend all meetings ; pay promptly all dues and fees ; and to be present at all parades, funerals, escorts, etc., and to render all the time and assistance which it is in their power to give, and thereby further the interests of the Post, and assist their officers in carrying out the provisions of these By-Laws and of the Rules and Regulations governing the Grand Army of the Republic. ARTICLE VIII. None of these By-Laws shall be repealed, annulled, altered, or amended, unless a proposal in writing be presented to the Post at least one regular meeting previous to the discussion, when a three- fourths (3-4) vote of the members present shall be necessary for its adoption. But any or all of them may be suspended at any meeting by a vote of seven-eighths (7-8) of the members present. Hdqs. Dept. Mass., G. A. R., Boston, Jan, 15, 1886. The foregoing By-Laws are hereby approved. By command of JOHN W. HERSEY, A. C. Monroe, Dept, Commander. A. A. G. RULES OF ORDER. Adopted Nov. 6. 1885. 1. The Commander shall state every question properly pre- sented to the post, and before putting it to vote shall ask, " Is the post ready for the question ?'' Should no member offer to speak, he shall rise to put the question ; and, after he has risen, no further discussion shall be in order. 2. The Commander, rising for that purpose, may speak to points of order in preference to other members, he shall announce all votes and decisions, and decide questions of order subject to an appeal to the post by any one member, which appeal, if required by the Commander, shall be in writing. When an appeal is made, the Adjutant shall record the point of order and ruling from which the appeal is taken. 3. When an appeal is taken from the decision of the presiding officer, the officer next in rank shall put the question thus : '* Shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the post? " 4. When the decision of any vote is doubted, the Commander shall direct the Adjutant to count the vote in the affirmative and negative, and report the result to him. 5. When two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Commander will decide who is entitled to the floor. 6. A motion must be seconded and stated by the Commander before any- action thereon is in order, and if required by the Com- mander shall be reduced to writing. 7. A motion may be withdrawn by the mover and seconder before a vote is had thereon, if no objection is made ; and if with- drawn, no record thereof shall be made upon the minutes. 8. The name of a member making a motion or offering any business shall be entered on the minutes. 9. A division of a question containing two or more distinct propositions may be demanded by any member. 10. When a member wishes to speak, he shall rise and respect- fully address the Commander, confining his remarks to the question before the post, and avoiding personalities and unbecoming language . 1 1 . No member shall be interrupted while speakmg, except by a call to order or by a member to explain. 12. No member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, except for explanation when misrepresented, nor longer than five minutes if objection is made at any time, without a vote of the post, to be taken without debate. 13. No member shall, in debate, impeach the motives of a fellow-member, or treat him with personal disrespect. 14. Any conversation calculated to disturb a member while speaking, or to hinder the transaction of business, shall be deemed a violation of order, and if persisted in shall incur censure. 15. On questions of order, there shall be no debate, unless the Commander shall invite it, or unless an appeal is taken. lO 1 6. When a member is called to order, he shall at once take his seat until his point of order is decided. 17. When a member is called to order for words spoken in debate, the objectionable words shall, if required, be reduced to writing by the comrade uttering them. 18'. When a question is before the post, the only motions in order shall be 1. The previous question. 2. To lay on the table. 3. To postpone indefinitely. 4. To postpone to a definite period. 5. To postpone. 6. To refer. 7. To amend. To take precedence in the order named, and the first two to be decided without debate. . 19. When the previous question is moved and seconded, it shall preclude. all other motions and debate. It shall be put in this form : " Shall the main question be now put?'^ If decided in the affirmative, the vote shall be at once taken, without debate. When the previous question is not carried, the discussion may go on, and in the same order as if a motion for the previous question had not been made. 20. The reading of any paper relating to the subject under debate shall always be in order, and shall be read by the Adjutant, and, after being read, shall become the property of the post. 21. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest sum or number, or longest time, or in the order of nomination if it is to be filled with the name of a person. II 22. Any member may have his vote on any question recorded by passing to the Adjutant, in writing, his name and vote at the same meeting at which the vote was taken. 23. When a matter is postponed indefinitely, it shall not again be in order. 24. But two amendments can be pending at the same time. 25. No substitute motion shall be accepted or acted upon by this post. 26. When a vote has been taken, it shall be in order for any comrade to move a reconsideration thereof at the same or the suc- ceeding regular meeting; and when a motion for reconsideration has been decided, that decision shall not be reconsidered, and no question shall be twice reconsidered. Debate on a motion for re- consideration shall be limited to thirty minutes, and no comrade shall occupy more than five minutes 27. All reports and resolutions must be submitted in writing, and when from a committee they must be signed by a majority of such committee. 28. When a majority report is followed by a report from the minority of a committee, the former, after being read, shall lie upon the ttble until the latter is presented, after which, on motion, either may be considered. 29. When a report has been read, it shall be considered before the post for action, without any motion to receive. 30. No report or resolution properly before the post shall be withdrawn without its permission, to be given or refused without debate. 31. Questions not debatable: 1. For the previous question. 2. To lay on the table. 3. To take up any particular item of business. 4. Granting leave to speak. 5. Granting leave to withdraw a report or resolution. 6. Questions of order where no appeal has been taken, or where the Commander has not invited discus- 32. All questions arising in the post meetings not governed by the foregoing rules of order shall be decided by the Commander, subject to an appeal to the post. 33. None of these rules of order shall be repealed, annulled altered, or amended, unless a proposal in writing be presented to the post at least one regular meeting previous to the discussion, when a three-fourths vote of the members present shall be necessary for its adoption. But any or all of them may be suspended at any meeting by a vote of seven-eighths of the members present. 13 ROSTER OF OFFICERS. 2d Term, 1867. 2d Term, 1868. 2d Term, 1869. p. c. C. G. Atwood. E. P. Nettleton. E. P. Nettleton. S. V. c. J. W. Denny. E. 0. Shepard. T. L. Livermore. J.V.C. L. N. Tucker. H. C. Sylvester. J. E. Hollis. Adjt. A. N. Sampson. H. W. Fernald. C. F. Hammond. Q. M. C. S. Seagrave. D. C. Cisson. L. B. Hiscock. Chap. N. M. Gaylord. N. M. Gaylord. R. G. Seymour. Surg. O. D. E. A. Whiston. C. G. Davis. P. A. O'Connell. Geo. C. Joslin. C. W. Thompson. O. G. O. Moulton. A. W. Brigham. T. M. Cazmay. S. M. L. G. A. Fauteaux, W. B. Frothingham, Q. M. S. J. F. Hollis. 1st Term, 1869. J. H. Stevens. 1st Term, 1870. 1st Term, 1868. P. C. C. H. Hovey. C. G. Atwood. T. L. Livermore. S. V. C. T. L. Livermore. C. G. Davis. E. T. Raymond. J. V. c. C. C. Soule. A. W. Brigham. Geo. E. Norris. Adjt. Chas. B. Fox. L. G. A. Fauteaux.. W. C. Phelan. Q. M. Geo. F. McKay. D. C. Cisson. W. B. Frothingham. Chap. N. M. Gaylord. N. M. Gaylord. R. G. Seymour. Surg. j. P. Treadwell. Sam. A. Green. J. P. Ordway. O. D. C. W. Thompson. Geo. C. Joslin. Geo. O. Noyes. O. G. O. Moulton. C. L. Roberts. T. C. Bond. S. M. S. F. Seabury. R. W. Storer. Q. M. S. J. E. Hollis. F. E. Frothingham. 2d Term. 1870. 1873. 1876. p. c. C. G. Davis. D. G. Macnamara. Theo. L. Kelly. S. V. c. Geo. C. Joslin. Thos. Langlan. C. W. Thompson. j. V. c. C. B. Kenfield. Theo. L. Kelly. Chas. H. Bell. Adjt. D. G. Macnamara. Geo. J. Hinds. E. F. Rollins. Q. M. Wm. S. Frost. Wm. S. Frost. J. H. Brown. Chap. R. G. Seymour. A. K. Tilden. G. W. Powers. Surg. J. P. Ordway. Sam. A. Green. W. B. Frothingham. O. D. Chas. B. Cutler. W. S. Walsh. J. T. Price. O. G. W. K. Spring. J as. T. Price. T. L. Baker. S.'M. Chas. H. Nason. Wm. H. Flanders. B. F. Bowman. Q.M. S. Geo. E. Filkins. J. W. Kenfield. R. W. Storer. 1871. 1874. 1877. P. C. G. S. Worcester. Wm. S. Frost. Geo. J. Hinds. S. V. C. Jos. S. Cary. Theo. L. Kelly. Geo. W' . Powers. J. V. C. C. B. Kenfield. C. W^. Thompson. Thos. C. Bond. Adjt. D. G. Macnamara. J. I. Baker. Thos. Langlan. Q.M. Wm. S.. Frost. J. W. Kenfield. J. H. Brown. Chap. W. B. Frothingham. W. B. Frothingham, D. Linehan. Surg. J. W. Foye. A. K. Tilden. J. F. Perry. O. D. Chas. B. Cutler. Chas. H. Bell. R. F. Lynam. O. G. Geo. E. Filkins. John T. Small. C. C. Sewell. S.M. A. V. Johnson. Chas. H. Nason. S. D. Edgar. Q. M. S. M. C. Davy. Wm. H. Flanders. R. W. Storer. 1872. 1875. 1878. P. C. W. A. Simmons. Theo. L. Kelly. Geo. J. Hinds. S. V. C. G. S. Worcester. S. F. Seabury. Geo. W. Powers. J. V. C. Sam. F. Seabury. W. B. Frothingham. J. C.Thomas. Adjt. O. E. Doolittle. E. F. Rollins. S. D. Edgar. Q.M. Wm. S. Frost.' J. H. Brown. J. H.Brown. Chap. Surg. W. B. Frothingham. J. P. Ordway. G. W. Powers. W. B. Frothingham. O. D. Thos. C. Bond. C. H. Shaw. R. F. Lynam. O.G. Thos. Loheed. M. Mittlestadt. W. L. Wallingford. S. M. Thos. Langlan. R V Row nin n IJ, 1 • UW W 11IC4I I» Q. M. S. J. W. Kenfield. R. W. Stnrer. R. W. Storer. 1879. 1882. 1885. P.C. G. W. Powers. R. F. Lynam. John A. Keefe. S. V. c. J. C. Thomas. E. B. Loring. James E. Reid. J. V. c. R. F. Lynam. Dennis Linehan. Oliver Downing. Adjt. C. H. Nason. C. H. Nason. E. F. Rollins. Q. M. J. H. Brown. J. H. Brown. Stephen B. Clapp. Chap. Oliver Downing. R. Middleton. R. Middleton. Surg. F. S. Kelly. E. A. Taylor. Geo. H.Payne, M. D. O. D. D. W. Wardrop. E. Cleaves. Geo. B. White. O. G. T. L. Baker. R. King. E. F. Gossom. S. M. E. A. Story, Jr. E. A. Story, Jr. E. A. Everett. Q. M. S. R. W. Storer. R. \V. Storer. E. A. Story, Jr. 1880. 1883. 1S86. P.C. G. W. Powers. Dennis Linehan. David R. Pierce. S. V. C. J. C. Thomas. Geo. O. Noyes. Wm. B. Daley. Geo. B. White. J.V.C. G. T. Albro. Emery Cleaves. Adjt. C. H. Nason. E. F. Rollins. E. F. Rollins. Q. M. J. H. Brown. J. H. Brown. James E. Reid. Chap. R. Middleton. R. Middleton. R. Middleton. Surg. F. S. Kelly. E. A. Taylor. Geo. H. Payne, M. D. O. D. R. F. Lynam. Phillip Smith. Geo, A. Cole. O. G. D. W. Bullard. W. H. Hanscom. Wm. H. Fitzgerald. S. M. E. A. Story, Jr. W. K. Spring. David C. Clapp. Q. M. S. R. W. Storer. R. W. Storer. E. A. Story, Jr. 1881. 1884. 1887. P.C. J. C. Thomas. Geo. O. Noyes. S. V. C. R. F. Lynam. Emery Cleaves. J. V. C. E. B. Loring. John A. Keefe. Adjt. C. H. Nason. E. F. Rollins. Q. M. J.H.Brown. E. S. Fisher. Chap. R. Middleton. Wm. H. Estey. Surg. E, A. Taylor. Th©s. Langlan. O. D. Geo. O. Noyes. James E. Reid. O. G. D. W. Bullard. Geo. B. White. S. M. E. A. Story, Jr. E. A. Everett. Q. M. S. R. \\\ Storer. E. A. Story, Jr. CONTRIBUTING FRIENDS. AMENDMExNTS TO THE BY-LAWS. PoposED July 2, 1886. Adopted July 16, 1886. 1st. For the purpose of identifying its friends with its- charities, success and progress, the Post shall maintain a Roll of Contributing Friends, whose names shall appear in the roster, apart from those of the Comrades of the Post. 2nd. Any respectable person of either sex may, upon applica- tion in writing, with a recommendation by some Comrade in good standing, have his or her name placed upon said Roll, by a major- ity vote of the Comrades present at a regular meeting of the Post. i8 3rd. Contributing Friends shall not in' any way take part in the meetings of the Post, and shall not have an organization, but they may be invited by the Post to participate in any public exer- cises, installation of officers or Camp Fires, but not parades, upon vote to that effect by a majority of those present at a regular meeting preceding such public occasion. 4th. It is not the intention, in any way, by the institution of the "Roll of Contributing Friends," to permit any encroachment upon the privileges and honor appertaining to Comradeship in the Grand Army of the Republic. The idea is simply to secure a list of worthy persons, who are well-wishers and friends to John A. Andrew Post 15, and who desire to aid its existence by their gener- osity. For this purpose, all persons whose names are upon said Roll, shall pay to the Quartermaster of the Post, the sum of Ten (10) Dollars annually, at at any time between the first day of Jan- uary and the first day of April of each year. If payment shall not have been made by the latter date such delinquents shall be notified that it is presumed they no longer desire to be classed among the Contributing Friends of the Post, and their names will be erased from the Roll upon the first day of July ensuing, unless payment of the annual contribution shall have been made in the 19 meantime. Upon election to the roll of "Contributing Friends,'' the payment for the current year shall become due immediately. 5th. Membership of the " Contributing Friends " shall not be limited, and shall be subjected to but one qualification— that is Loyalty to the Flag and Government of the United States, in the past as well as the present. 6th. The revenue~obtained from Contributing Friends shall be devoted to liquidating the expenses of Memorial Day, and if in excess of the expenses for the current year, such excess shall be turned into the Relief or Charity Fund of the Post. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 195 941 M 012