The Record of some noted one Is oft in type displayed : Our ancestors, and their life work Are forgotten in a day. «<& &% Damkl T. Wandell, Pioneer 1789 History of the City of Watervliet, N. Y. 163O tO IQIO Compiled by James T. Myers Watervliet, N. Y. Press of Henry Stowell & Son Troy, N. Y. /#rjr,f 1 WATERVLIET Its First Inception, Early Advancement and Future Prospects. A yearning is felt within me to write (from history, family records and memory) the history of Gibbonsville (city of Water- vliet), and as it were, a word picture of scenes, business interests, military and social functions, and other items of interest (at least to many readers) from its settlement to its present position among the cities of the State, that may possibly recall to mind to some that peruse the same, or convey to those not familiar with its early history, the different phases of its growth, from infancy to man- hood, believing to those yet living and conversant with facts as stated, calling to mind those scenes and familiar faces of long ago, will create a heartfelt pleasure as they recognize the same, remember their connection therewith, visit (in memory) their old time acquaintances, and revel once more (in imagination) in the military, social and firemanic features as they existed in those jolly good days, and thereby generate anew a feeling of pride that they themselves were part and parcel of its foundation. 1630. Killean Van Renssellear first owned the land that is designated on old maps as Port Schuyler, Washington, Gibbonsville, West Troy, and the present city of Watervliet. Phillip Petersie Schuy- ler built the Schuyler mansion now standing south of the city. There he entertained his guests, among them the hostile Indians, who often camped on the farm north of the residence, and through kind treatment became his friends. The east half of the original building was burned in 1771. The west wall (imported Holland brick two feet thick) was left intact. The new eastern half was rebuilt in 1772. The original door saved from the fire was replaced in the brick wall, opening into the western half. The front facing the east has in place the original two-part door, the old knocker, and original shutters also saved. The old river road ran to the eastward of the house. Early stages passed the house. Later the turnpike was built to the westward of the man- sion in 1828, after the canal was finished. Present Albany road, Third avenue. Souvenirs, reminders of the early connection of the Schuyler family with the early settlement of Beverwyck (city of Albany and Albany county), adorn the walls. Conspicuous is the portrait of Peter Schuyler, first mayor of Albany, original painting by artist to Queen Anne, executed at the time Schuyler visited England, accompanied by a delegation of Indians. Courtesy de- mands acknowledgment to Mrs. Richard Schuyler for information. 1710. Derrick Van De Heyden operated a ferry, landing on the west side of the Hudson on the Bleeker farm (near Sixteenth street). Troops crossed this ferry in 1777 on their way to take part in the battle of Bemis Heights and Stillwater. Phillip, Peter, Jeremiah Schuyler and Peter Cluett were set- tlers at this date. 1758. Johanneas Wandell and Jacobus Wandell (brothers) from Amsterdam, Holland, to Newburgh, in 1758, purchased 300 acres of land known as the Commons in Newburgh, and also 300 acres in Fishkill. Ship builders, rivermen, freighting to New York, and identified with army movements between West Point and New York. Daniel T. Wandell, one of four sons of Johanneas, born in Newburgh in 1770, the only one to settle in Troy in 1789, and at that time owner and captain of sloop Elinor, plying between New York, Newburgh and Troy. Became owner and operated a ferry from near Division street, Troy, to the west side, landing on the Bleeker farm, Buffalo street (Fifteenth and Broadway) in 1804. One of the 200 to join Tammany Society in 1808 organized in Troy, branch of New York. Trustee of the First Ward of Troy in 1810. Sold the Rock House ferry in 1812 to Mathias Van De Heyden. Moved to Gibbonsville in 1816. Superintendent of both Van De Heyden ferries (upper and lower) from 1822 to 1834. Placed the first experimental steam ferry boat on upper ferry in 1832 (failure). President of village of Gibbonsville in 1829. Justice of the peace in 1837. Owner of lower ferry, Broadway and Fourteenth street, from 1835 to 1852. Placed the steam ferry boat Transit on the ferry in 1846, the horse boats being laid up. The brother of the writer was killed on one of them in 1847. Moved to Greenpoint, L. I., in 1852. Died in 1869, 99 years old. His wife, Elinor Wandell (nee Mack), born 1774, died in 1847, 73 years old. Abram Myers 1820 S. S. Wandell, son of D. T. W., born in Troy in 1802. Frances Harriet Wandell (daughter of D. T. W.) born in Troy 1810. Elinor Wandell (daughter of D. T. W.) born in Troy 1812. S. S. Wandell married a Miss Esther Eaton of Troy. When he became of age became prominent in the affairs of the village of Gibbons- ville. Captain of the first fire engine, old Niagara No. 1, in 1829. Agent of the Gibbonsville estate, Alexander estate. Charter mem- ber of W. M. E. church in 1831. Weighmaster at this port, re- taining his prestige until his death, which occurred in 1885. His son, Martin Eaton Wandell, born in Gibbonsville in 1835, died in Tampa, Fla., 1898. Master's mate in the navy; also on a whaling voyage with the writer in 1855. 1769. Jonathan Myers, from Holland, settled in Fishkill in 1769. Miller; built and operated same for some years. Identified with its early history up to the time of his death, occurring in 1836. Two sons, Abram Myers, born in Fishkill in 1802 ; Alfred, born in 1808. Mary Myers, daughter, born in 1805. Abram Myers, son, came to Gibbonsville in 1818. Opened a clothing store on River street, became prominent as a merchant. Held the position of trustee of the village, collector, and other offices. Charter member of the first lodge of I. O. O. F. No. 20 and N. G., organized in the Learned building in 1836. Married Frances Harriet Wandell (daughter of D. T. W.). His death occurred in 1866. Wife died in 1867. James T. Myers (son of Abram and Frances) born in Gibbons- ville in 1836, educated in village schools, Smith's Seminary, Troy, Jonesville Academy and Fort Edward Institute. Entered the clothing business with his father. Commercial traveler for promi- nent firms for years, bookkeeper, justice of the peace from 1900 to 1909. Elected in 1909 for three years. Member and fore- man of H. and L. Co. Hercules, member of Rip Van Winkle Co. No. 1, also captain James Roy Steamer Company No. 1 and chief engineer of the fire department in 1872. Married Marietta, daughter of Joseph Wemett, of Troy, N. Y. Isaac Chapman Myers (son of Abram and Frances) born in West Troy in 1838. Educated in same schools. Member of Rip Van Winkle Engine No. 1 and treasurer some years. Went west. Secretary of the proprietor of the St. Louis Rural World. Re- signed position. Went to California. Returned to Ogden, Utah. Died in 1898. Oliver Duncan Myers (son of J. T. M.) educated in the village schools and business college, went to Buffalo. Connected with the grain elevators. For seven years manager as head weigher, and for the Great Northern when .first put in operation. Later with the Edison Company, New York city. Married Miss Eufaula Fuller, daughter of Eugene A. Fuller. Many years foreman for K. V. Wilson & Co., Troy. Enlisted in 1861 in N. Y. Vols., 3d Army Corps. Died in 1887. Alfred Myers (son of Jonathan) to Gibbonsville in 1822. Mem- ber of No. 1 Engine Co. Captain of same. Connected with the ferries as collector. Died in 1854. Married a Miss Levina Taft of Vermont. Emma Putman (nee Myers), daughter of Alfred and Levina Myers. Married a George Putman of Green Island, who died in California. Their daughter, Jennie Putman, married Robert Church of Troy, N. Y., and who has been connected for years with the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co. at Grand Central station, N. Y. Henry Fitchett, born in Fishkill 1806, came to Gibbonsville in 1826. Married Mary Myers, sister of Abram Myers. Carpenter and builder. John Fitchett (son) born 1835. Educated in village. Book- keeper and accountant. Clerk of the village in 1854-5. Moved to Omaha. Died there. Buried in Rural. Learned Haight, member of the Haight family of Troy. To Gibbonsville in 1825. Leather dealer. Married Elinor Wandell (daughter of D. T. W.). Moved to Troy. In business on Ferry street. Later of the firm of I. & L. Haight, dealers in leather and findings. Also tannery at head of Ferry street. Later in New York. Contract for the government manufacturing mail bags. Both branches are connected with the early settlement of New- burgh, Fishkill, village of Troy, Washington, Gibbonsville, West Troy, and therefore identified with the erection of the cities of Troy and Watervliet. Jonas Yearsley and George Yearsley settled in the old town of Watervliet in the seventeenth century. Jonas built the first hotel at what is known at this date as Latham's Corners in 1845, Died in 1860. George J. Yearsley (son of George). To West Troy in 1830. Served an apprenticeship with William Tucker in 1832. Estab- lished the business later, continuing same until his death in 1902. William T. E. Yearsley (son), born and educated in the village, continuing the same line of business (harness), identifying him- self with the commercial interests of his birthplace, sacrificing per- sonal interests and home associations in support of the country's honor, and as a veteran, his services (like many others) are appre- ciated by all loyal citizens, and his membership in General John E. Wool Post, G. A. R., is the memorial tablet whereon is in- scribed the deeds of valor credited to its members. Advertisements often appeared in newspapers in past years that were very appropriate to the season. John Glass Las received a large consignment of lemon colored kerosene that he offers at $1.25 per gallon. J. D. Lobdell, January 15, 1845, offers the choice from a con- signment of straw hats at the low figure of seventy-five cents each. C. Hovey, February 10, 1832. Patrons will please call on or before March first and settle. It will enable me to keep up the appearance of a gentleman. 1786. Mathias D. Y. Van De Heyden, in 1786, owned and operated the ferry foot of Canal street (now Sixteenth) ; the first stage over the River road to Troy and Lansingburgh, crossed this ferry, and in 1790, Malon Taylor owned and commenced operating the second ferry, at the foot of Ferry street (now Fourteenth). The land from a creek called Croom Kill (Crooked creek) south of the Schuyler homestead, to a stream north, called, Stein Hoeck Kill (Stone Point creek) known as Dry river was owned by Philip S. Schuyler. In 1793 part of this plat commencing at what is now Fifth street extending north to what is now known as Eighth street was surveyed by Mr. Schuyler and laid out into lots and called Washington. The farm above this extending to Stein Hoeck (Stone Point) Rock House, was owned by Bastian De Winter. John S. Schuyler purchased it in 1786. In 1795 two stages passed over this route, owned by Annanias Piatt. In 1796 twenty stages were running over the different post routes, Stein Hoeck Kill (Dry river), draining the northwestern part of what was once all Albany county, running through the town of Colonie, entering the city just above Twelfth avenue, run- ning zigzag through it, south, passing through the United States grounds, entering the Hudson. In early days this stream fur- nished fishing grounds for. years. The waters clear, clean and gave no trouble to those living on its banks even at times of freshets spring and fall, to-day it is a bone of contention, cause why ? John Bleeker owned the farm, north from Buffalo street (Broad- way and Fifteenth street), to the intersection of the Oothout farm near Twenty-fifth street. This section later became the village of West Troy. 1790. Frederick Y. Waterman, whose ancestors served in the War of the Revolution was born in 1790 at Hudson, 1ST. Y. Served in the War of 1812. Became sheriff of Columbia county. Changed his residence, and later became postmaster at Cohoes, Albany county, 1ST. Y. A very prominent and active citizen in his day. His demise, occurring in 1834, deprived the nation of a patriot, the State of an honored official, leaving a void in his immediate family that none could fill. 7 Samuel H. Waterman and Smith A. Waterman, twins (sons of F. Y.), born in 1823 in Columbia county. Smith A. Waterman, after settling in West Troy, became interested in politics, was superintendent of first section of Erie canal, county clerk of the county of Albany, captain of the Light Guards, one of the most prominent of the organizations of the old village; whole-souled, generous and respected citizen. Born in 1823. Died in 1865. Samuel H. Waterman, brother, born in 1823. In early life clerk for Andrew Meneely. Later in the grocery and dry goods business firm of Crowner & Waterman, in the Wiswall building, later first firm to locate in the building known as Union Place Hall in 1852. Later in the lumber business, firm Saxe & Waterman. Mr. Saxe withdrew, Mr. Waterman continuing until his death on November 10, 1902. S. A. Waterman (son), born in 1858. At 17 years old clerk for John I. Thompson, six years. In 1881, with his father, clerk in the lumber trade, succeeding to the business on his death. The yards are situated on Second avenue, Lots 1801 to 1817 inclusive. It is the only firm in existence in the city that represents the lumber trade that flourished in days gone by, established by such firms as Freeman & Co., Cameron, Conant & Co., Saxe & Co., Silliman & Haswell, Alfred Mosher and others long since de- parted. Mr. Waterman is connected with the Watson family of Saratoga county, the Collins and Viles family of Albany county, and on his mother's side with the Fay family whose father was a congressman from this district years gone by. ' John L. Caulkins. To West Troy in 1825. Contractor. One of the substantial citizens of the times. His death caused a va- cancy in business circles in which he had been largely identified many years. George L. Caulkins (son), born in 1859. His maternal grandfather, Edward Learned, was first president of the village. Lumber inspector at one time. Later became an under- taker and embalmer. The family were very prominent in social and church matters in days gone by. Daniel Day. One of the old grocery merchants, and well known. Michael J. Day (son), educated here and La Salle Institute. Clerk and cashier for William H. Frear 12 years. Engaged in the coal business in 1882 under the firm name Crummy & Day. Last president of the village, and first mayor of city of Water- vliet. The firm's new office is located corner of Broadway and Thirteenth street. Stephen V. Sturtevant (son of G. A. Sturtevant, one of the pioneer settlers of Gibbonsville), born in 1844. In the lumber business, firm of Andrews & Sturtevant, fire commissioner 15 years, member of Oswald Hose Company, one of the few yoimg men whose friendship was eagerly sought, and highly esteemed. His death was sincerely regretted by many. 8 Elisha Mors. Operator in timber and real estate. To West Troy in 1863. One of the wealthiest men of the village. Died in 1875. Joshua Mors (son), of the firm of E. Mors & Son, office 106 Sixteenth street. On his father's death succeeded to the busi- ness. Iron, stone and steel being in demand for building pur- poses, the sale of timber decreasing, he closed the concern and moved to New York where he died in 1908. John C. Schuyler, born in the old homestead in 1801. Died in 1882. Officially related to the South Dutch Church. Represented the town as supervisor from 1837 to 1853. Assembly in 1836. Stephen Schuyler, born in 1851. The family history is well known by those well up in history of the county. 1795. Andrew Meneely. From north of Ireland to the early settle- ment called Washington, in 1795, and identified as one of the first settlers of the locality. Andrew Meneely, Sr., known as establishing the first bell foundry in Gibbonsville in 1826, was born in Washington in 1801. Died 1851. Learned the trade of mathematical instrument making with Julius Hanks, entering his employ when 17 years old in 1808. George Meneely (son). Formerly connected with the Meneely bell foundry. Withdrew in 1876. Established the business of the mamifacture of car journal bearings. Foundry located in 1874 on the site of the old Chollar, Sage & Dunham foundry. The family have been connected with the business interests of this locality over a century. Identified with both North and South Reformed churches. Andrew, senior, one of the original members of the first church in 1814. The firm this date is George R. Meneely & Son, he being ad- mitted in 1888, succeeding C. H. Getman, Jr., partner of G. M. Margaret Meneely, aunt of George, married Capt. James Hitch- cock. Nancy Meneely married Capt. Isaac Hitchcock. Eleanor Meneely also married. Andrew Meneely was president of the village in 1839 and again in 1843. George R. Meneely president of same in 1860. A life- long interest in the business, social, religious and political history of this old town marks them as one of the most progressive families that settled within its borders. Scions of noble stock. 1800. John Robinson, from England to Troy, "N. Y., in 1800; occupa- tion, miller; built mill back of Troy. The family consisted of wife and four sons, William T. Robinson, located in Ohio, farmer ; died in 1840; Richard Robinson went to Chicago, died in 1876; Joseph Robinson, died in 1878. After their father's death, occur- ing in 1822, Kobert Robinson settled in Gibbonsville in 1823, where he immediately identified himself with the business interest of the village, became captain and owner of several river crafts freighting lumber to New York, and was one of the pioneers in the ownership and the employment of steam tug boats, that de- veloped later as the Robinson Towing Company, used in towing their large fleet of barges and also the canal boats from the west with cargoes of lumber staves, oil and other freight consigned to ports further down the river. Mr. Robinson following his line of business from its infancy, enabled him to master all the details connected therewith, qualify- ing him as an expert pilot, to weather many of the financial storms that wrecked other crafts of like tonnage, by trimming his sails (fore, aft and mizzen). Prudence, energy and integrity, his ever watchful eye soon raised the beacon light that enabled him to steer clear of the shoals of adversity, and anchor in a harbor of safety. He had the respect and confidence of his competitors, and at the time of his death, which occurred in 1874 he left a record for probity none could question. John Robinson (son), born in West Troy, educated in the schools of the village, popular with his associates, a member of Oswald Hose Company for years, and at one time had charge of the family's interest in the Robinson estate, but his health fail- ing, he retired from active duty, and his death which occurred in 1895 released him from the cares and disappointments of this life, and as we believe, to find joy, happiness and peace beyond. Clinton Robinson (son), born and received his education in West Troy, entered the services of the Robinson Company and re- mained engaged therein until the family closed out the business; of a quiet disposition whose friendship once acquired is lasting. Mary J. Robinson (daughter), to know her, is to respect, honor and love her for the even disposition and many loveable traits of character that are so plainly and indelibly marked, as she journeys on through this selfish world, that the casual observer immediately realizes their presence, and at once recognizes the fact that there are conditions of mind, that (under any and all circumstances) make life worth living. A life-long member of the North Re- formed Dutch Church and interested in all movements that tend toward the uplifting of humanity, and a cordial greeting awaits her at all times. 1805. James Gibbons purchased the farm commencing at North street (Eighth), of the Schuylers in 1805, extending to Buffalo street (Fifteenth), and the great black rock (Rock house) and named it Gibbonsville. Julius Hanks erected the first bell foundry in 1808, on Water street (Broadway), between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, 1810 ; Parkers and Beals, stages to Lansingburg. 1813. In 1813 the United States government purchased from James Gibbons, twelve acres of land in Gibbonsville, commencing at a stream now known as Dry river; in 1828, the government made the second purchase of thirty acres; later another purchase from S. S. Wandell and others, extending the grounds on Broadway to its present limit. Isaac Chapman who came to Gibbonsville in 1813, was the first master mechanic of the post; became prominent in the business affairs of the village. President of same in 1835 ; chief of fire department in 1830; built the brick building, No. 1415 as his residence, and 1417 (Hilton's store in 1823), where the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows' then located in the Learned building as No. 20, moved to it in 1840, with number changed to 38. Died in 1856 holding the office of assessor. 1814. The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, of Washington and Gibbonsville, organized in a schoolhouse on the west side of Second avenue March 19, 1814, on rear of lot now owned by the Forsyth family. Chairman, Peter S. Schuyler ; clerk, Volkert Oothout ; Robert Dunlop and L. Blackmail. Philip Bronk, pastor. In 1815 commenced building church on then River street above north- west side (now Broadway and Eighth street). Dedicated in 1816, the first pastor continuing until 1834. Phillip S. Schuyler, An- drew Meneely, elders; Samuel Phillips and Stephen Conger, dea- cons; Dr. N. L. Hungerford, S. C. Dermott. Humphrey Oothout, contractor, who built the old White Church. It stood on River street, on the west side of Broadway, now No. 959 Broadway, residence now occupied by G. L. Schuyler ; on lot north stood the parsonage ; on the lot south of the site of the church stood the Sunday school, and in the rear of the present building stands part of the building used as the original iufant school in 1818. Hav- ing been repaired it is in first class condition, a relic of the past. 1816. The first post-office located in 1816, corner of River and Ferry streets (Broadway and Fourteenth) ; Abijah Wheeler, post master; it was named the Watervliet post-office. At this time Jonathan Hart's law office was in Washington, River street, south of the present lower locks. ■ ^1 >Z ^S^ - 1 * "*•• ^'"^Sl infill ^M Jjj u 4> H $m\ 111 Wii ■^Ia^^'"'- ^$ra§5«w '■ Es ^f^fep IjoSii ^^^ife- -41lfp cdEp Hlffinfl ^^^fcm^SS ■SlHii i 118 SI #? >?-? .3^ }_ j$ ^?— *ffiBSl:iSil^- I CD -C », 2 g £ I 1817. The building of the Erie canal commenced July 4, 1817. 1822. William Andrews, Sr., school teacher in town of Watervliet, in 1822, came to Gibbonsville in 1824. Kept grocery corner Water and Ferry streets (Broadway and Fourteenth), manufacturer in 1847 of soda, root and lemon beer, prominent in the aifairs of the village in its infancy. William Andrews, Jr., (son), born in 1830; from boyhood to date he has been identified with the history, growth and "business interests of his home city; an old time fireman, identified with old Eip Van Winkle; served in ofiice as captain; identified with the lumber trade, also in financial and banking institutions, in- terested in a very large degree in real estate, having erected on land once occupied by lumber, a settlement of ninety cottages, known as Andersonville, where a tenant can lease a home at a reasonable rent with no other tenant to interfere with their freedom. John Andrews (brother), went to California with John Learned and others from the old Second ward in 1849, and never returned. Joseph Andrews, learned the trade of mathematical instruments serving an apprenticeship with Andrew Meneely; member of Eip Van Winkle; observing the fire at the Quiggin Mill, at Troy, in 1854 from the upper floor of the foundry and by giving the alarm he enabled the members of old Kip to drag the engine to the ferry and landed it on the dock ; laid hose at the same time that Wash- ington Volunteers did. His death occurred in 1879. Eobert Andrews (brother), formerly in the grocery business, later employed by the State at the weigh-lock ; his death occurred on October 24, 1908. James Andrews, bookkeeper at Watervliet National Bank ; many years in their employ; son-in-law to Francis E. Varney, who came to West Troy in 1851, millwright, a member of the Dutch Eeformed Church, First avenue, and a zealous worker in the interest of religion and ready at all times to assist in any good work that tends to advance the interest of the city. Burden's cigar boat Helen ; built in 1833. Steamboat Chancellor Livingston in commission. Jonathan Clute's hat factory (brick), east side of Eiver road, south of Arseual Green; part standing to-day. A. S. Blackmans; sattinett factory, Eiver road (Broadway ). foot of Fifth street. S. C. Dermott; flour mill, Eiver road; Mill street (Fourth street) : b^ilt iv 179*. On the south-west corner of what is now Broadway and Second '3 street stood an old house known as the Lee house on the corner opposite another building known as the Stickney house ; evidently at some period occupied by families of that name. Delevan House, the three-story building on the east side of Broadway, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, built by Jonathan Oothout; first proprietors, Delevan and Swan; the principal hotel in its day in this section. It became a business block, stores, factories and shops; George Learned, grocery; Wit- beck & Lawrence, wagon shop, the nucleus of Jones Car Works. Later it became a tenement house, one family residing there named their children George Washington Nutting, Thomas Jef- ferson Nutting, William Henry Harrison Nutting and Andrew Jackson Nutting. One of them became a large clothing dealer in Brooklyn ; another a noted hotel proprietor. The building was built in 1820 and is a dilapidated tenement house to-day, ninety years old, the oldest in the city. William Robinson, farmer, whose ancestors came from Holland to America, about 1800. Mr. Robinson came to West Troy about 1838. Perry Robinson (son), during his life time he and his brother Edward Robinson were conspicuously identified with the canal business in its palmy days'; proprietors of groceries and stables many years ; known by all boatmen ; recognized as generous, liberal and reliable merchants, and ready at all times to take a hand in anything that would assist the unfortunate, or any sport that would drive dull care away. Perry Robinson was the president of the village in 1870 and 1871; Edward Robinson died Septem- ber 2, 1898. William Robinson (son of Edward), was educated in the schools of the village, his record as to integrity, honesty, perseverance and strict attention to matters of business is well known by the dif- ferent firms that have employed him, in Troy, and other places, while to-day he occupies a responsible position with the firm of Edwin G. Glass, druggist ; also a member of Protection Hose Com- pany and popular with his associates. 1823. Philip Schuyler, Isais Warren, Richard P. Hart, Nathan War- ren and others purchased from John Bleeker and wife the farm extending from Buffalo street (Broadway and Fifteenth) to the intersection of the Oothont farm near Twenty-fifth street and named it West Troy. Erie canal was completed October 8, 1823 from Rochester. The canal boat, Trojan Trader, left Gibbonsville docks bound for Rochester with a cargo of merchandise for western merchants sent over the two ferries on wagons by Troy merchants. The river lock being finished that afternoon the packet Superior was 14 locked through into the river and was the first boat to cross the Hudson to Troy. The villagers celebrated the event in a manner worthy of the occasion, and at this date, noting the long list of receptions to noted officials, military, civic and firemanic organ- izations, not forgetting the grand one tendered to America's friend, La Fayette, that have followed, Troy with its last grand effort iu the Hudson-Fulton celebration (a vivid panorama of earlier scenes) the climax was reached, and then and there set the pace for other cities to follow. Horace L. Dann, cooper, came to Troy in 1821. Resided corner Broadway and Fifth avenue. Came to Gibbonsville in 1823. Pur- chased the brick house built by and just finished of Jonathan Caulkins with lots adjoining. Erected a large cooperage factory, and some years later erected mills near Watertown for the manu- facture of barrel staves, and established an extensive business throughout this section. Nearly all the men and boys that fol- lowed the business in later years learned the trade in Mr. Dann's factory. Always interested in the advancement of the business of the village, his death was a loss to the community, and by it the largest plant of its kind in this section was eliminated. Died in 1879. Three sons and one daughter survived him. Marcus P. Dann established a large cooperage in Minneapolis. Retired from business. Died in 1890. Horace P. Dann, once a prosperous merchant, large dealer in coal, a lover of good horses, and at times was the owner of some fast trotters, and always in touch with his friends. Died in 1908. Whitfield Dann, formerly a Methodist minister, living. Josephine Dann, living. Elizabeth (Baker) Dann, oldest daughter of (H. L. D.). Citi- zen of Oakland, Cal., 80 years old. Connected with the noted Baker family. Prominent society leader in early days. Charles L. Dann. His long continued service (25 years) with the D. & H. Co. gave him a wide circle of acquaintances while his affability and courteous manner gained for him the apprecia- tion of the traveling public. The Dann homestead is the oldest house in Watervliet that was built in old West Troy (that is, north of Fifteenth street), and is the only one north of the Schuyler mansion that has been owned and occupied by one and the same family eighty-six years. Residents: Elijah Ranney, Edward Learned, George L. Learned, Nathan Robinson, G. T. Lansing, Augustus Velie, Ebenezer Wis- wall, Isaac Frink, David Wheeler, Enoch Burrows, Gilbert V. Bedell, Robert Dunlop, Nelson I. Hungerford, Zar Stone, Jacob Gingrich, Samuel Patch, school teacher, jumped the Genesee falls, Rochester, November 13, 1829. Dr. Velie's office first located on site of Scarborough's store. G. S. Brockway opened an office for the sale of lottery tickets in 15 the Consolidated Lottery Co. to purchase tickets either on this side of the river of Caleb Wood- ard at Side Cut or in Troy of the Calders, Adencourt and others. S. C. Salsbury and A. Salsbury, steam rope walk, on Cohoes road opposite new weighlock west side of canal, burned April 6, 1848. James Morrison, resident of the village, later proprietor of road house, Fifth avenue, Troy, noted resort for latter day sports, mar- ried Almira Salsbury. Jones' Band (arsenal). James Hitchcock, the noted fifer, Charles Doring, John Forrester and others of this band became members of Doring's band when organized. J. G. Landon & W. G. Groesbeck, iron foundry, below Ferry street. 1824. Village of Gibbonsville incorporated in 1824. First president, Julius Hanks. Robert Dunlop, brewer, in Albany, moved to Gibbonsville. The noted Dunlop brewery, situated at what is now the northwest cor- ner of Broadway and Fifth street. Archibald A. (son) connected with the firm and sole proprietor later. James Roy, in its early days foreman of same. They had their own barges to freight their ale on the river to ports to New York, loading the same at the dock through a tunnel from brewery under ground to the river. Both were identified with many improvements of the village, influential and thorough business men of the times. In after years a Mr. Bowler was proprietor, who also established a reputation as a brewer and eventually moved to Amsterdam and established the present Bowler Brewing Co. A. A. Dunlop was president of the village in 1846. The old building torn down in 1908. Myron R. Peak, hardware merchant, president of the village in 1838 and 1842, had the confidence of the public. Quiet, unas- suming, a gentleman of the old school. Martin Witbeck succeeded Mr. Peak. A heavy built man, very stern and reticent, less sociable than would be expected of a busi- ness man. President of the village in 1837 and 1840 Edward Finch, son of Henry Finch, a lumber dealer, controlled the business a few years and moved to California, became success- ful and died in Oakland in 1906. John Liney. Identified with early religious movements in the village, established a large pharmacy in the old Fourth Ward. Built the brick residence now occupied by Dr. F. P. Van Den- burgh. One daughter survives him (Caroline). He also was one of the passengers on the ill-fated steamboat Swallow in 1845. Widow Dayton, proprietor of Dayton hotel (Albany road) and Mrs. G. Coffin of West Troy were also passengers. Mrs. Coffin was one of the victims. 16 John Ring, father-in-law of Chas. Fort, contractor, resided at the south end of Park near Second street and Second avenue. Captain S. F. Washburn, an old time river man, later heavy merchant in Albany in grain, etc. 1825. Volume of business as shown by canal department for 1824, from opening of canal May 1st, to its closing, December 10, 1824: Boats to Albany from the West, 2,723 ; boats going West, 2,672. Cargoes consisted of the following merchandise: 112 tons fur., 121,756 bbls. beef and pork, 25,895 bbls. pot and pearl ash, 128,674 bu. wheat, 30,976 bu. coarse grain, 512 tons gypsum, 8,295,610 feet timber and boards, 6,118 boxes window glass, 1,127 bbls. linseed oil, 1,056 barrel staves, 8,120 bbls. salt, 4,092 cords wood. Tolls less than three cents per mile. Receipts amounted to $67,231. 1826. Evening Star Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 75. Organized in 1826 at Gibbonsville in the Chapman building, built by Isaac Chapman, master mechanic at Watervliet arsenal, in 1813. (Now Hilton's store.) Built in 1824. Charter members: Memory calls to mind circumstances that warrant me to state the following names : Levi Lincoln, E. C. Litchfield, Col. Hamilton, Isaac Hitchcock, N. L. Hungerford, J. H. Mies, Aaron Clinton, John S. Perry. Some members: S. S. Wandell, D. W. Talcott, Jas. Roy, Wm. Andrews. In the 50's the lodge adjourned sine die. Surrendered charter. In 1860 the lodge reorganized with 24 charter members, the fol- lowing six names being original members of the old lodge : D. W. Tallcott, elected master of the lodge; James Roy, S. S. Wandell, William Andrews, E. S. Washburn, A. McAllister. The original charter believed to have been lost was found later at Grand Lodge headquarters. The other twenty charter members did not belong to the old lodge. There was a reason. In 1840 moved to the cor- ner of Broadway and Sixteenth street. They adjourned in the 50's sine die. In 1860 reopened, D. W. Tallcott, first master. In 1865 the lodge suffered a heavy loss by fire, forcing them to seek new quarters on the opposite side of Broadway. Again in 1870 another conflagration required a new location and they returned to the east side again. Years have elapsed since the gavel sounded calling to order their first meeting, and not one living, who prior to 1840 greeted each other as brothers as they often met in social intercourse in the basement of the old corner building where Proprietor Burrell, with smiling countenance, served his guests with the delicacies of the season. To-day many new pil- grims from the East join hands in the rites and ceremonies of the order, and are conversant with the lodges' past history from its 17 records, have reason to congratulate each other in the purchase (long delayed) of a home of its own, a Masonic temple worthy of the name. Officers of 1910: Alexander H. Cockburn, master; David A. Tomlinson, senior warden; George B. Preston, junior warden; John G. Clute, senior deacon; Frank P. Lotz, junior deacon ; John Docherty, treasurer ; Daniel Jones, secretary ; Thos. A. Mabin, chaplain; John McBain, Jr., senior M. of C. ; R. W. Knower, junior M. of C. ; Wm. H. Roblin, steward; Thos. G. Grady, steward ; R. Trimble, marshal ; Morris S. Mackenzie, his- torian, died March 7, 1910 ; Will H. Rogers, organist ; Samuel Andrews, Thomas A. Mabin, Robert Trimble, trustees. First weighlock, south side of what is now Twenty-third street and Broadway. The West Troy Company built a canal running south from Union street to Genesee street, thence west to the canal. Built basin and dry dock (abandoned later) at Seventeenth street. Residents: John Hills, James Hitchcock, William Andrews, Sr., Jonathan Dyer, Jeremiah Dyer, Stephen Sweet, Zar Stone, died December 6, 1893; John Oswald, E. R. Phelps, L. V. K. Van Demark, died March 26, 1841. Isaac Hitchcock. One of the earliest settlers of Gibbonsville and one of the most prominent. Appointed postmaster on July 23, 1845, also April 28, 1847, and again in 1833, and held posi- tion until 1858. Saloon of Augustus Canton, near Ferry street. Watervliet House, southwest corner Buffalo and Broadway. Location of Watervliet Bank in 1836. Rock House opposite, once a hotel. The Hollister House. The lot southwest corner of Genesee and Erie streets (Nineteenth and Second avenue). Once owned by George Tibbitts. Sold by him in 1825, with two other lots, to Nathan S. Hollister, who built and opened it as a hotel in 1830. The old post route commenced at the Van De Heyden ferry (Sixteenth street) through to Schenectady. It is now occupied as a grocery and residence by Mrs. Meskell and in fair condition at this date, 1910, 80 years old. 1827. The Port Schuyler Company, incorporated. William Earl, Jabez Burrows, Abijah Wheeler, David Wheeler, Enoch Burrows, Gilbert C. Bedell, Jonathan Hart, incorporators. They purchased from Peter S. Schuyler the land north from the Schuyler home- stead to South street (Fifth street). James Quackenbush. Resident west side of canal. Building situated on site of present chair factory. Became part of the old chair factory and burned in the 40's. Rebuilt and occupied by Taylor & Seymour. Burned in 1852. Repaired and closed later. Mr. Quackenbush's daughter (Cassie) became the wife of George Sinsabaugh, proprietor of the noted ice cream and con- fectionery parlors in Troy, known throughout the State. Mrs. Sinsabaugh, now living, 82 years old, remembers with pride her early and long connection with the business and social interests of the city, and although greeted with affection by new formed acquaintances in later days, remembrances of former associates still linger in memory. Thomas Keiley. Ropemaker. First situation with S. C. Sals- bury. Family consisted of two sons, Patrick and John, and four daughters. His daughter became the wife of Patrick Lane. Mary married Thomas McCarty. Moved to Buffalo early in the 40's. Annie became the wife of John Savin. Alice, wife of Ed. Connors. John Reiley and McLean (Joseph), became partners and con- ducted an extensive coal business, was at all time ready to give his time to the advancement of any project that would accrue to the business interest of the city. Died in 1906. Their co-partner- ship continued fifty-four years, from youth to old age, they lived a life of friendship, and strange as it may seem, the passing to that world beyond within twenty-four hours of each other is in accord with their early life, having entered the spiritual one, with hands still clasped in friendship. Patrick Reiley held the position of postmaster of the village in 1887 and again in 1894. Thomas Reiley was the first treasurer of the first Catholic church, and held the position until his death, occuring in 1860. His son, Patrick succeeded him, and held it until he died in 1900. The Arsenal engine, intended for exclusive use by the post, and manned by the employees when duty required it, was always ready to respond when assistance was required outside, either in the village or in Troy; the foreman of the company was he who first arrived and captured the trumpet that hung on the machine. The services of that engine has been many times required and at Troy's large fires their presence was absolutely required. It had its day of usefulness. It was relegated to the scrap heap in 1880. In 1831 Sanford & Perry, stoneware manufacturers, first lo- cated on Champlain street; the Canal Bank moved to the corner south of Schenectady and Washington streets (First avenue and Thirteenth); sold to Robert Frazer; the firm became Porter & Frazer after Robert's death occurring in 1830; associated with him was his brother, George B. Frazer. Mr. Porter went to Cali- fornia; the partnership still continuing, later it was dissolved; the firm changed; Mr. Seymour became the owner, who sold to Smith & Shipley, who after a few years discontinued j;he same; at the time they occupied their new location on same street, north of the Thirteenth street bridge; the members of all firms have passed away and what had been a lucrative business in years gone by is eliminated from the industries of the village. The firm of John & J. W. Russell were also proprietors at one time. Old time settlers: J. M. Edgerton, L. W. Jackson, Peter Fonda, B. Smalley, Thomas Willard, E. L. Stebbins, Edward Cutler, John M. Niles, Amos Hoxie, A. L. Hemstreet, J. Aldrich, Peter Valley, Edward Mallory, Orlando Latham, George Parker, J. R. Bucklin, John McKibbin, G. W. Pitman, Huett Chard, John Oswald, Thomas Colyer, James Tully, Soloman Greenman, Max Schillor, Adam Thornburn, Joel Wallace, W. C. Stowell, Moses L. Hart. 1828. Niagara Engine Co. No. 1 (gooseneck brakes). Organized in Gibbonsville on May 12, 1828. Purchased of Josiah Hubbard, for $125. Captain, S. S. Wandell; 1st Lieut., Isaac Chapman; 2nd Lieut., Levy Lyncoln. Uniform, white duck suits. Charter members: S. S. Wandell, Levi Lyncoln, Isaac Chapman, Wm. Tucker, Wm. Andrews, D. I. Dutcher, Jules Anable, Wm. Foot, Alfred Myers, G. Taylor. Their first ball held at Delevan House, Feb. 10, 1829. In 1838 the trustees of West Troy purchased this company a new engine, for $1,000, from Holroyd & Co., Waterford, N. Y., and named the company Rip Van Winkle Co. No. 1. Foremen: Wm. Andrews, Sr. ; 1840, W. H. Hayford; 1842, Alfred Myers; 1844, Wm. Foot; 1847, Geo. Taylor; 1850, Ed. Dyer; 1853, Wm. Andrews, Jr.; 1856, Wm. L. Oswald; 1858, G. H. Swartwout; 1860, E. A. Smith; 1861, Jas. Warford ; 1862, Thos. Moore; 1863-1866, Jas. Hamil. Members: Phil Curtis, Ben Conger, Abe Dyer, Lon Chamberlin, A. Pack, Silas Betts, Jules Anable, W. H. Tompkins, L. E. Abbott, J. Morran, S. Crawford, P. Lansing, W. Parker, W. C. Stewart, David Andrews, S. Conger, C. Olcott, John Oswald, Francis Gorman, W. Cramer, J. J. Conde, J. E. Craig, H. Temple, Wm. Hackett, J. C. Fellows, E. Vanderlip, R. Temple, N. Kirker. The company was composed of the young men of the Second ward. The engine was a handsome piano box, with brass dome, and elaborate trimmings of the same metal. The company was always prompt in attending to duty. Their social features — members being mostly rivermen — occurred during the winter months. House rear of the Washington M. E. Church. In winter, Apollo Hall, Troy, Tremont and Empire House were the scenes of many festive occasions, though sleighing parties to out of town hotels, and visits to nearby companies, were quite frequent. One of the most noted balls of the company was held February 13, 1851, at Apollo Hall — Edward Dyer, Foreman; Al. Vedder, W. H. Haywood, Geo. H. Taylor, committee of arrangements. In 1853, January 14, the first ball held in Union Place Hall, after its erection, was by this company, and anyone living at this date who attended same can truthfully say that there never was a finer display of taste in the decorations, a more select assembly, or a finer banquet, than the one that was prepared for their guest, by James Badgly of the Tremont House. William Andrews, fore- man. Their noted excursion to Newburgh, in connection with the Light Guards, is called to mind. It being a double one, the mili- tary, firemen and citizens of that city vied with each other, and in the arrangement of that reception, and the generous hospitality accorded, was a surprise to their most sanquine expectations, and made both companies deeply their debtor. They rendered service in 1848 at the Halsted fire, Mechanics Hall and stables, River street, Troy, May 1. Also at the Quiggans Mill fire, August 25, 1854. After laying hose twice on dock be- tween lumber piles the heat drove them out, and they again boarded the ferry boat, fought the fire along the dock, and checked it below Adams street at woodyards of the H. R. Road. Wm. Andrews, Jr., foreman. In 1862 they again responded, with all the rest of the depart- ment, including the Arsenal engine, and the authorities at the post sent men under charge of Mr. Getman to blow up buildings as was required. Thos. Moore, foreman. They occupied their new house, corner of Fourteenth street and Broadway (Andrews building) in 1863, their last foreman being James Hamil, who died 1909. Their last reception in the old house occurred in 1861 — a banquet tendered to Hercules Hook and Ladder, and Spartan Hook and Ladder Companies. While the festivities were at their height Tivoli Hose Co. of Albany, out on a sleigh-ride, drove up to the house. The newcomers were received most pleasantly, the time passing pleasantly until the wee small hours of the morning, when all departed for their homes bearing good will toward their entertainers. James Warford, foreman. Mollia tempora. 1829. William E. Warner, stoneware factory, Schenectady street and Champlain street (Thirteenth street), established a large trade throughout this and the northern part of the State, exchanging stoneware for any and all kinds of merchandise. Freighted his white and blue clay on his own vessels from New Jersey. His residence on Washington street had four pillars made of fancy carved clay jugs. An expert shot with rifle, capturing many prizes in contest on the ice, hitting the bullseye at long distance in the head of a barrel of flour. Friend to the poor and a congenial companion. Factory burned in 1852. William Warner, engineer on river craft. Many years a resi- dent of New York; one of early schoolmates that has passed be- yond. Capt. George Warner; well known as a prominent and trusted river captain and pilot. Gone but remembered. Henry Warner. Conducted the painting and papering business. Learned the trade, practicing in his father's carriage house when a boy. Member of Oswald Hose Co. Resides in Troy. Robert Williams, an old-timer. Auctioneer, sheriff, merchant. A very popular man in the 30's; a man of good judgment and thoroughly posted in business matters of that period. Watervliet Turnpike Co. Organized in 1828. Thomas Hill- house and Robert Dunlop, contractors. The Pike commenced at the northern boundary of the city of Albany and extended to Buffalo street, north boundary at Gibbonsville (now Broadway and Fifteenth). September 29, 1829. North River Steamboat Line in commis- sion. Capt. Canter, captain of Chancellor Livingston. Capt. Wiswall commanded the James Kemp when LaFayette visited Albany in 1824; landed below Greenbush ; escorted through village to ferry by the military and crossed to Albany; received and entertained. John McLean; from Ireland in 1828 to the village of West Troy. Served as clerk for different firms. Died in 1871. Joseph McLean (son), born in Ireland in 1827; came with his father. After finishing his education, entered the employ of Dauchy & Co., lumber merchants, as bookkeeper. Later the firm was Dauchy & McLean. In 1856 formed co-partnership with John Reiley in the coal business, and continued the same fifty-six years. His demise occurred in 1906. The business fraternity lost a valuable member and the city a prominent resident. Eugene McLean, educated in the village schools; graduate of Troy High School and Albany Law School in 1882. In 1883 commenced the practice of law in his home town; held the office of village attorney from 1889 to 1897, one year after the city was incorporated. Mr. McLean is one of the prominent attorneys of this section that has won prestige through liberality and fairness, yet always holding on hard to the strong points of law and facts with determination yet with good humor, enabling him to win a jury, or compel a decision in favor of his client. 1830. J. T. B. White. Came to West Troy from Ballston in 1838 with his wife, a Miss Juliette Burt of Lanesboro, Mass. Clerk, in 1839, for Col. Hooker, Troy Towboat Co. 1853, agent of Northern Transportation Co. ; 1860, firm of J. T. B. White & Co. (R. I. Moe) Troy & Chicago Line. Mrs. Burt White, aunt of Miss Cloe Manchester, who married a Mr. Ebenezer Powell in 1830, and in 1831 came to West Troy and leased the building afterward known as the Mansion House on Broadway and Sixteenth street. In 1838, a building standing where the Collins House now stands, containing stores, was rebuilt for a hotel by one H. ~N. Carr, who leased it to Mrs. Cloe Manchester Powell ; gave it the name of West Troy Exchange, and was proprietor of same until 1844. One of their daughters married Henry A. Brigham — Mary Powell. The other, Delia, married J. L. Caulkins, his first wife. Mr. Powell leased the Rock House as a residence, it formerly hav- ing been a hotel. Attorney Brigham also resided there at one time. Died in 1870. John L. Caulkins, superintendent of marble yards, died in 1865. Rock House built 1828. James H. Brisban, a noted attorney of the village, married the sister of Hon. W. L. Oswald. Died in 1861. Elisha Powell (no relation), living in the village, and clerk in the weigh lock office, leased the Exchange Hotel and afterwards purchased the same, and was at one time collector of the port. Proprietors of the West Troy Exchange from the time it was built to 1910; H. K Carr, old and new; Mrs. Cloe Powell; Mr. Jenks ; Billings Blakesley ; Elisha Powell ; G. W. Greenwood ; 1866 Isaac Collins bought it, died; John Gladding; J. Patten & White ; J. Carpenter ; D. W. Winship ; Charles Kafka ; Wm. Childs ; Mrs. McNulty ; Chas. Kafka ; Curran & Arms ; J. Patten ; John A. Patten's Sons, 1910. In 1839 saloon in basement; pro- prietor, Myron Hart. Now known as Collins House. Fred White; born in West Troy; educated in public schools of Troy. Went to Mexico ; received the degree of Ph. D., University of the City of Mexico. Appointed assistant sanitary inspector 7th Army Corps of the city of Havana, in 1899. In 1902, left service and engaged in the printing business, and in 1910, bought the printing plant of the Empire Folding Box Co. of Watervliet. Grandson of T. B. White. Mansion House; built in 1830. Proprietors: Cloe Powell, Carthy & Gilbert, Badgley, Mrs. F. Thompson, 1863. Boarding house. Last proprietor, Mrs. F. Thompson. Tremont House; built by Levinus Lansing in Gibbonsville. in 1822; west side of Broadway below Fourteenth street. Pro- prietors : A. Rundell, Rundell <&f Dyer, Jonathan & Dyer, James Badgley, W. & E. Jenks, Solomon R. Greenman, Mrs. Mary Greenman, Billings Blakesley, William Rouse, Levi Shadbolt. Burned. For years this hotel was the center for political meetings and social entertainments. Later the Empire House, and also Gil Crane's hotel, drew most of the social gatherings. About 1830 the West Troy Hotel in the Fourth ward was built ; Hyram Twisst, proprietor. It had the patronage of the farmers and boatmen. Ashael Bennett was proprietor at one time. It was bought by 2.3 L. D. Collins and Wight and torn down in 1857 to make room for new buildings. Daniel C. Stewart ; carriage manufacturing ; corner Washington and Ferry (First avenue and Fourteenth). Very prominent busi- ness citizen. Connected with these works was Jonathan Childs' blacksmith plant. Both concerns employed the best mechanics, and the goods had a large sale throughout this section. Mr. Stewart became interested in politics; elected justice of the peace in 1840; president of the village in 1848 and again in 1850. In 1855, J. & G. Dornett purchased the plant and later the buildings were purchased by the trustees of Trinity Church. 1831. Washington Street Methodist Episcopal Church, organized in Gibbonsville. First meeting in school house corner of First ave- nue and Fourteenth street, in 1828. In 1831 — April 5 — Dan- iel T. Wandell, William Tucker, William P. Hall, Ammond Hammond, and David I. Dutcher were elected trustees. April 12, commenced building May, 1831. Church was dedicated and services were held January 19, 1832. Rev. D. Starks, D. D., pastor. In 1840 church enlarged and parsonage erected. In 1857 the old wooden church was sold to J. M. Jones, and is part of their present car factory. A new church was erected January 1, 1858, Rev. Andrew Witherspoon, pastor. Thomas Gun- salus. Henry Waterman, S. S. Wandell, Daniel T. Wandell, Capt. Burdick, Henry Gregory, Henry Fitchett, John McKibbin, B. F. Phelps, E. R. Phelps, John Parker and many more of the old members have passed to their home beyond, leaving the younger element to continue the good work, so auspiciously begun. The societies connected with the church are progressive, the Kings Daughters are looked after by their efficient president, Mrs. Wil- liam Morse (Capt. Burdick her father), being one of the first members ; the Ladies' Aid Society is assisted by President Mrs. John Williams, who is always deeply interested in the society's welfare ; made doubly exacting through the death of their beloved secretary, Mrs. Jay Van Arnum. The Sunday school has been and is to-day the pride of the members, the yearly exercises denote careful study by the scholars, and interest taken in the work by the teachers and superintendents, one of whom, Joseph C. Cary, a life-long member and closely identified with the general affairs of the church, held the position of superintendent for years, passed from his earthly labors in March, 1910. He left a large circle of friends who sincerely regret his demise. Rev. William E. Flouten, their late pastor, is succeeded by Rev. Leigh E. Diefen- dorf, this date, 1910. 24 Harrison Wilks, agent at one time for the Western Transporta- tion Co.; later in the grocery business and in 1864 formed a co-partnership with George W. Gunsalus in the clothing business. Detective Humphrey, of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., married his oldest daughter. Died in 1867. Austin Scott, agent for the Schuyler Towing Co., married Mr. Wilks' wife's sister. Always attentive to business, with a wide circle of friends and desirable neighbors. Jacob Tymesen, descendant of the Tymeson family, who settled in the town of Watervliet in 1830. Served in the army during the Rebellion; engaged in the teaming business on his return home; settled in West Troy ; he married a Miss Rachael Warner, descend- ant of the Warner family; both well-known. Mrs. Tymesen is remembered by many for her motherly care during seasons when they made her house their home ; but to-day that ambition, strength and will power has left her, and for six years she has resided with her son, Harmon, calmly awaiting the call that soon will bring her in the presence of her Maker, and a reunion with her husband, who died in 1902. Andrew Seniskey, a well-known river man. Capt. Senisky was connected with the Troy and New York steamboat service many years as freight agent. Blown from the cars of the Hudson Rail- road in 1872 ; died from the injuries received. One of the best known and popular men in their service. Charles E. Hamilton, a West Trojan, married his daughter, at present with the G. V. S. Quackenbush Co., with a service of over forty years. John Tighe, member of Assembly in 1869 and 1870. Marshall Witbeck, liveryman, one of the earliest settlers to establish the business, and had the call to attend the funerals that occurred ; social, good neighbor and popular with all classes. Steamboats, Frances Skiddy and Commodore, in 1854. 1832. Trinity Church; mission services were held in 1832, in a school- house situated on the west side of Burlington street, Rev. David Butler, of Troy, officiating. In 1834 Rev. Samuel Balis, with the families of James Lobdell and Raymond Taylor, formed the neu- cleus of the society. In 1837 the society erected a brick church on west side of Salem street (Port Schuyler) ; rector, Rev. James Tappan ; wardens, James Lobdell, A. S. Blackman ; vestrymen, Benjamin Taylor, John Masom, Gloer Blackman, Edgar Botts- ford, Gilbert C. Bedell, Thomas Evens, John Worthington, Jona- than Hart. In 1858 a new society was formed, church erected north side of what is now Sixteenth street, as St. Luke's, Rev. Washington Van Zandt, rector. In 1845 Rev. H. H. Bedell was rector of both. In 1844 Salem Street Church was sold, and 25 was burned soon after. In 1848 the society erected a new edifice on Washington street (First avenue), a wooden structure; the style of architecture was somewhat of a gothic character; this edifice was burned in 1900. In 1901 the present handsome build- ing was erected, soon after the other was destroyed, a " monu- ment " in evidence of the zeal and progressiveness of the society. The congregation has and does now number among its members many prominent citizens, and their interest is apparent as oppor- tunity presents itself to better present condition. The societies connected with Trinity are : Daughters of the Cross, Miss Edith La Page, president; Miss Jessie Trimble, secretary; Mrs. F. L. Shires, treasurer. Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Altanah Frazer, president ; Mrs. Andrew Meneely, secretary. Parish League, Miss Bertha Hollands, president ; Miss Marie Bromley, secretary ; Miss Hattie Smith, treasurer. Their parlors (First avenue and Fourteenth street) are well adapted for the societies use; special meetings and social entertainments in the same being instructive and enjoyable. River excursions are made note of, well patron- ized and always enjoyable, both by young and old. Their fairs show taste in their arrangement, the exhibits are beautiful as well as useful, while the announcement of one of their recherche suppers creates an appetite. Their most noted fair was held in Union Place Hall in 1853. Those who have been in the past appointed to fill the position of rector of Trinity were men of character, education and refinement, and none more so than the present rector, Rev. John Evans Bold, 1910. January 8, 1840, Rev. O. H. Gregory delivered an addres? in Trinity Church, west side of Canal street (Sixteenth). 1833. Empire Hotel; built about 1832; proprietors, R. Dempsey, J. P. Burhans, Samuel Segue, E. F. Kennedy, Jessie P. Wilson, Witmarsh. Very popular hotel under the management of Mr. Segue, being the favorite hotel for private entertainments and banquets of the elite of this section. Burned about 1863. Gil Crane's Hotel (now Devine's), the noted sporting resort for owners of fast trotters. The New turnpike was the sporting track ; Moscow, Fannie Jenks, Fashion and other noted horses were speeded on this pike in early time. It was one of the finest con- structed pikes in the county. Patrick Rogers came from Coxsackie to West Troy in 1833. Manufacturer (bricks). Built the malthouse standing on Second avenue. Prominent and influential business man. Died July 4, 1886. Peter A. Rogers (son) succeeded to the business. Educated in Villanova and Fordham Colleges. President of West Troy in 26 1862 and again in 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894. Elected justice of the peace in 1864. Elected surrogate of Albany county in 1871 and held the office until 1877. Many of his rulings have become standard. Though his election as a member of the Con- stitutional Convention in 1893 added another honor, accorded him by his constituents ; he has found time to devote to the interests of his native town, looking toward its advancement in business mat- ters; and at this' date, 1910, an active business man, sociable, affable, with a kind word to all. The old pump that once stood at the intersection of First avenue and Thirteenth street, where one of my playmates broke his leg, colliding with it while riding down hill on a pair of borrowed bobs, and the pump corner of Fourteenth street, where we children drank from at recess, are gone — the finest springs in the village. The wooden schoolhouse, Thirteenth street, by Dry river; Mr. Perry taught the school ; also Oliver Patch ; burned in 1845. The old bakery, kept by Mr. Hitchcock, stood on Washington street, above Dr. O. H. Gregory's residence. Thomas Zokuskie, chemist at United States Arsenal, superin- tendent of cartridge department, for many years had charge of the display of fireworks on 4th of July and other time in front of the Arsenal. How many are they that are living to-day that remem- ber the swims they had out from the rocky beach and how they floundered among the swells of the steamboats as they passed to and from in summer time. Thomas Cairns; from Ireland in 1897. Educated at the Aughna Cleagh National School, county Antrim. In 1903 estab- lished the grocery business, and in 1905 removed from opposite comer to his present location, 1701 Broadway. Centrally located, with an attractive display of a choice selection of staple and fancy groceries, it has become the center of attraction of a discrimina- ting public, whereby the magnetic influence that attaches to " pop- ular " prices adds to the volume of business, already secured. 1834. The First Presbyterian Church, organized February 12, 1834, by Horace L. Dann, Hyram Hopkins and Henry Kimberly. Feb- ruary 27, Mr. Dann purchased the lot on southwest corner of Third avenue and Twenty-first street. Changed to Congregational in 1863. Changed to Presbyterian; other changes were made, and at last settled on the title of Presbyterian. Financial difficulties forced the congregation to close their affairs, and in 1849 the trustees sold lot, and wooden church that had been erected on it, to the Ohio Street Methodist Church trustees. This church was called the Bethel Church. They bought the property in October, and the old church burned in November, 1849. 27 Their first pastor was Rev. Marcus Smith. The above Pres- byterian society laid dormant for some years, although keeping up their organization, meeting at stated intervals. In 1872 the few members decided to have a home of their own, Mr. Dann holding a mortgage on the old Presbyterian property sold to the Ohio Street M. E. Church trustees, foreclosed the same in pro- ceedings in Supreme Court before Judges Ingalls and Davis. This was a surprise to many, not knowing the existence of any mort* gage, created some bitter feeling among a few, it soon was forgotten. In 1875 Horace L. Dann, Caleb Nelson, Henry Kimberly, Jef- ferson Collins, as trustees, purchased the lots between Catherine and Ford streets, north side of what is now Twenty-third street, and erected the present edifice. Their first pastor was Rev. How- ard Butler. The congregation soon increased, some withdrawing from the Ohio Street M. E. Church. The membership though not large will no doubt in the near future increase, as the popula- tion becomes larger in that section of the city. Connected with the church is the Society of Christian Endeavor, president, Miss Elola Ball ; Lizzie Nash, secretary ; Howard Dabney, treasurer. The social features, under the auspices of the lady members, are well patronized and enjoyable, and the spiritual welfare of the members are looked after by their present able pastor, Rev. Lansing Van Auken. Steamboats Erie, Champlain, and Albany in commission. Steamboat John Mason, Troy to Albany. Louis Rousseau built a planing mill on land now occupied by Barker's collar factory. Later the firm became Rousseau & Easton, Mr. Easton withdrew about twenty years later, and the firm became Rousseau & Harrington. Mr. Rousseau died in 1884. The mill burned in 1888. C. P. Ives, corner River and Water streets (Broadway and Four- teenth street), grocer. Dan Shaw, also a grocer, on the same block. Boat orders large and worth securing. Grocers in the early period of navigation sold rope, tools of all kinds, ship supplies, wines and liquors ; store license, $5.00 ; special, $10.00. 1835. Rensselaer and Saratoga counties built the old wooden covered bridge from Green Island to Troy in 1835. It was lighted with oil lamps. Cars drawn by horses through River street to Troy House. Presidents of the village of Gibbonsville : 1825, Julius Hanks ; 1827, John Ranney; 1828, Amos Larcom; 1829, D. T. Wandell; 1830, Jeremiah Dyer; 1831, Isaac Chapman; 1832, William G. Groesbeck; 1833 and 1834, Isaac Chapman; 1835, Edward Learned. 28 Rev. Marcus Smith 1834 First Pastor of Old Bethel Church James Badgley; Badgley Hotel, turnpike (Third avenue and Fourth street), 1835. Mrs. Badgley proprietor after her hus- band's death. Built by Humphrey Oothout for the Badgleys. Luther Greenman proprietor at one time. Samuel Stickney, relative, to Gibbonsville in 1834. Theodore Stickney (son), carpenter and builder, proprietor of extensive hot houses opposite hotel which is yet standing, seventy- five years old. The Stickneys occupied it at one time. Theodore S., former member of Hercules H. & L. Co., and foreman in 1885. Merchants, Grocers : Geo. Learned, Geo. Montgomery, William Andrews, Sr., Boynton & Bacheldor, James Lobdell, a dry goods dealer years later; James T. Morrison, Ferry house (Twenty-third street); Robert Morrison Andrew Morrison, constable; Joseph James, Adam Thornburn, livery; Al. Witmarsh, John Van Arnum, James Edgerton; painter Orin Deleware; grocer, Amos Finn. The West Troy Society for the Promotion of Civil and Religious Observance of the Sabbath, organized June 11, 1834. H. L. Dann, chairman; Charles Northand, secretary. In early days the corner of what is now Fifteenth street and Broadway, the boatmen called Slaun Hook. Landlord Willard, proprietor of hotel, the Rock house ; built in 1828 by Learned & Bingham. Mr. Bingham was son-in-law of Garrett T. Witbeck, also one of the oldest settlers in this section. Steamboats Swallow and Jonas C. Heart in 1836. Swallow was wrecked on Athens rock in 1845. John Morrison, Robt. Casey, Jerry Potter, Clark Foss went to California. Morrison died on ship on passage out; Casey returned; died at home; Potter and Foss never returned. Foss became a hotel proprietor and an expert horseman. Horace Greeley's ride over the mountains in one of the stage coaches driven by Foss is noted in Greeley's biography. Alexander S. Lobdell, one of the oldest settlers and merchants of the village. In the early days the stock of a large firm con- sisted of general merchandise, from a needle to a plough, drugs, paints and dyes included. Situated on what is now Twenty-third street, known at present as the Kennedy estate. His canal trade was the largest. Boatmen recognizing the fact supplies could be purchased at less figures at his store than at any other point on their route. Prominent in church circles, one of the original trus- tees of the Ohio Street M. E. Church; at one time foreman of Spartan Hook and Ladder Company No. 2. At one period the firm was A. S. & J. D. Lobdell. Dissolved later. Both opened separate stores, J. D. locating on Broadway below Sixteenth street. A. S. continued business until his death, occurring in 1866. His sons, Henry and Edward, succeeding to the business. Soon after 29 Edward's death Henry secured the whole output of a wall paper plant; placed same on the market at cost, his discounts being his profits. He removed to Troy; opened an exclusively wall paper establishment on Third street. A lucrative business was the out- come, but ill health, resulting in his death, the family closed up the business. A progressive citizen, liberal, the welfare of his home and family his first thought, having passed from the busy scenes of this life he left a record that none could question. 1838. West Troy. Incorporated April 30, 1836. Divided into four wards. Trustees for each ward as follows : First Ward, Thomas Evans, Jonathan Hart; Second Ward, Isaac Chapman, H. M. Hopkins; Third Ward, SamT E. Ford, Henry Kimberly; Fourth Ward, Hyram Twist, A. Van Arnum. Inspectors: First Ward, Alva W. Kichardson, D. D. Abrams, A. S. Blackman ; Second Ward, Isaac Chapman, Martin Witbeck, J. C. Green ; Third Ward, S. E. Ford, J. T. Vanalstyne ; Fourth Ward, A. M. Richardson, A. Van Arnum, A. S. Lobdell. First President, Edward Learned; residence on Washington street. At this period there were twelve steamboats and seven towboats in commission. The Odd Fellows regalia consisted of a white linen collar and apron; the Noble Grand scarlet trimmed with gold fringe. Mrs. Zar Stone, of Gibbonsville, in 1836 made one and presented it to N. G. Abram Myers, of Watervliet Lodge No. 20, on the evening of his installation. The apron has since been discarded by the order. There was a peculiar reason for it. Watervliet Bank, incorporated. Location, Watervliet House, southwest corner River and Buffalo streets (Broadway and Fif- teenth). President, J. C. Schuyler; vice-president, Edward Learned ; cashier, Egbert Olcott ; teller, Everett T. Witbeck ; clerk, George W. Wheeler. Failed 1841. The panic of 1837 was the cause of the failure. Revere House, east side of New Turnpike (Albany road), north of Schuyler's bridge. Jonathan Dyer, builder, owner and pro- prietor ; next, George Aldrich ; Solomon Greenman later. Burned in the 40's. The old Parker shipyard in rear of what is now Crummy & Day's Broadway office. Business was booming in the industry per- taining to the building of river craft. Ship carpenters and calkers found employment at fair wages, and launches of vessels were many. The scene is changed not only there, but the river front has lost its former attractiveness, docks having fallen in 30 decay and the sound of the hammer, the creaking of the windlass, and the flapping of the sails, are heard no more. The fishing at the Kock House and at the old red brick house opposite the South Reformed Dutch Church, below the Arsenal, where a certain murder was committed, together with the house, have all vanished. No more picking wild grapes on the islands below Roy's factory and above all, the pastime in winter of the boys of Troy and West Troy (and men also) receiving black eyes and bloody noses, are some of the pleasures that the boys of to-day know nothing about. Donation parties and singing schools at- tracted the young folks and many were the weddings that resulted from the associations. Residents at this date: W. H. Vosburgh, A. McAllister, E. E. Litchfield, Sam'l Conger, Elijah Brown, Benj. Brown, Wm. Shaf- fer, Thos. E. Wright, Sam'l Hill, Joseph James, L. J. Lansing, Thos. Evans, Benj. Clark, Thos. Witbeck, E. R. Phelps, John Silliman, H. Boynton, Henry Evertson, Chas. Brooks, H. Chard, H. Ackerman, James Fort, O. B. Titus, Jacob Young, B. B. Griffin, J. M. Egerton, John C. Green, Alexander Robinson, John Wyman, Peter Fonda. The West Troy Female Seminary. A. Meneely, Wm. Tucker, Louis Rousseau, trustees. Roxana S. Harris and Elizabeth O. Shaw, teachers. It bloomed and faded away. Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of West Troy. Organized in Learned building, May 15, 1836. Charter members: P. G. Jacob Gingrich, A. S. Blackman, James Meneely, David Ellis, Abram Myers, J. B. Bottsford, H. N. Vedder, David B. Jewett, Jonathan Hart, Jacob Clute. Members: James Fort, John Oswald, A. P. Butler, James Roy, O. B. Titus, William Starr, Hubbard Hicks, E. F. Hitch- cock, E. R. Phelps, Nelson L. Hungerford, Thomas Heenan, John Ring, Zar Stone, Thomas Gunsalus, George A. Sturtevant, Learned Haight, G. W. Van Wheeler, E. L. Stoddard, John S. King, S. S. Wandell, L. V. VanDemark, S. F. Washburn, G. H. Vosburgh, William H. Lewis, Alexander McAllister. First Noble Grand, Abram Myers; second, J. B. Bottsford; third, Jonathan Hart; last Noble Grand, James Meneely. Surrendered charter May 15, 1840. Forty members, receiving charter from the Grand Lodge at Albany, instituted Watervliet Lodge, No. 38, May 25, 1840, in Chapman building (Hilton store). Past Grands : Abram Myers, David Ellis, A. P. Buttler, H. N. Vedder, J. J. Kenney, L. J. Lansing, G. W. Wheeler, James Fort, Aaron Clinton, Thomas Gunsalus, J. B. Taylor, A. G. Lansing, L. V. K. Van Demark, James Cook, Thomas A. Smith, Thomas M. Dean, S. S. Wandell, Ben. Brown, William Metcalf, Benjamin Clark. Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, held their first and only ball at Albany, June 10, 1838. First Noble Grand of No. 38, Abram Myers. Last Noble Grand, Justin Jacobs. Committee appointed to settle the affairs of the lodge and sur- render charter : Thomas Gunsalus, I. R. Bucklin, Justin Jacobs. This committee was suspended one year for taking part in the new lodge, named Laurel Lodge, No. 209 ; chartered, January 21, 1846; instituted, February 5, 1846, by District Deputy and staff. D. D. Grand Master, Elijah Cobb; Grand Representative, Benj. C. True; Grand Marshal, P. G. Chas. Holt; Grand Secretary, P. G. Hyram Allen ; Grand Treasurer, P. G. T. D. Knower. Charter members: Past Grands James Cook, Isaac R. Getty, E. F. Hitchcock, S. H. Washburn, L. D. Lawrence, Roby I. Moe, Sam'l Wilgus, Robt. Robinson, Jas. E. Dorman, Geo. A. Shields, Robt. Kilby, A. S. Lobdell, G. B. Frazer, L. J. Milliman, E. J. Higgins, Ariel Wager. First Noble Grand, Isaac R. Getty; second noble Noble Grand, L. D. Lawrence; third Noble Grand, G. B. Frazer; fourth Noble Grand, I. G. Foster; last Noble Grand, G. M. B. Bennett. Number changed to No. 39, July 1, 1851. First Noble Grand, A. G. Snyder ; last Noble Grand, Geo. Nichols. Number changed to No. 24, 1867. First Noble Grand, Philip Bronk. Luhr Eggers, Treasurer for years. Charles H. Richard- son followed and holds the position to date, 1910. The social features of the lodge have been many and appreciated by their guests all times. Branches from old Watervliet, No. 20. Mt. Hermon. Organized in West Troy, June 18, 1847. Received charter and immediately surrendered it and received a new charter, locating the lodge in Albany. Charter members : P. G. Alexander McAllister, P. G. Isaac, C. Hitchcock, A. G. Snyder, Thos. C. Wright, Henry Vosburgh, Sidney Guest, Lucius Larney. First Noble Grand, Alexander McAllister. Spartan Lodge, No. 62. Organized in West Troy. Chartered February 17, 1842. Charter members with cards from Watervliet Lodge, No. 38 : P. G. G. W. Wheeler, P. G. J. B. Taylor, P. G. James Fort, David Frost, Isaac R. Hitchcock, E. J. Higgins, Walter King, Asa Spaulding, Abram G. Lansing, E. L. Stoddard, D. B. Jewett, Reuben Robinson, Hyram Tynsler, H. L. Palmer, C. H. Baker, Asa King, Thos. Witbeck, J. W. Freeman, Tunis Fonda. First Noble Grand, G. R. Wheeler; last Noble Grand, Jacob Y. Anthony. Surrendered charter January 6, 1843. The 32 above charter members withdrew from No. 38 because they initiated more mechanics into the lodge than was agreeable. Spartan Lodge. Organized in Cohoes, at Cohoes Hotel, Friday evening, February 5, 1844. Charter members: Past Grands B. C. True, E. L. Stoddard, H. L. Palmer, N. Kogers, Asa S. Spaulding, J. B. Taylor, J. Y. Anthony, Wm. Burton, J. Seabury, L. T. Fonday, Thos. Witbeck, J. Van Demark, O. Parkhurst, D. Park- hurst, Wm. Orelup, J. B. Van DeWerker, Jonas Simmons, Wm. Osburn, J. W. Freeman, Isaac Fletcher. First Noble Grand, H. L. Palmer; second, Asa S. Spaulding; third, Jacob Y. Anthony; fourth, William Burton; last Noble Grand, J. W. Cheesboro. Last meeting, April 6, 1860. Eight members that joined Spartan in 1859 caused the surrender of the charter. Degree of Rebekah. Laurel Lodge conferred the degree of Rebekah on the following members and wives of same, January 10, 1852, in Chapman build- ing (Hilton's store) : Mrs. Isaac R. Getty, Mrs. Abram Myers, Mrs. C. Schermerhorn, Mrs. Timothy H. Hill, Mrs. Thos. Gun- salus, Mrs. Milo Marsh, Mrs. Chas. G. Hill, Mrs. Peter Johnson, Mrs. Alex. McAllister, Mrs. D. Starks, Rev. D. Starks and hus- bands of the above. April 9, 1859, committee appointed to nominate officers of Degree of Rebekah : Sisters Batcheldor, Hill, Woodward and Brother Alexander McAllister. April 19, 1859, the following were nominated and duly in- stalled: Noble Grand, Mrs. Abram Myers; Secretary, Mrs. W. H. Hayward, Mrs. Milo Marsh ; Treasurer, Mrs. Peter Johnson ; Inside Guard, J. M. Decke; Conductor, I. R. Getty; Warden, Mrs. Chester Bacheldor; Chaplain, Mrs. T. H. Hill. Last Noble Grand, Mrs. C. Woodward. Oyster supper at West Troy Exchange. Rebekah Degree, No. 9, of Albany, guests of the occasion. Mrs. I. N. Ireland last member initiated. Daughters of Rebekah. Rising Star Lodge, No. 100. Instituted Mav 12, 1886. Char- tered May 10, 1886. Charter members: Theodore and Mrs. Elizabeth Hogle, Geo. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, H. E. Hurlbut and Mrs. Marie Hulbert, Dr. O. F. Cobb, Mrs. Candida Cobb, J. V. Anderson, Mrs. Minerva Anderson, Chas. R. Wager, Mrs. Libbie Wager, I. H. Fonda, Mrs. Hattie Fonda, Benj. S. Neville, Orlando Robin- son, Mrs. Hannah Robinson, Wm. Swatling, Mrs. W. Kate Swat- ling, William Cleaveland, Richard Thompson, Abram Rousseau. Officers: Noble Grand, Benjamin S. Neville; Vice-Grand, 33 Elizabeth Hogle ; Eecording Secretary, Hattie Fonda ; Permanent Secretary, Sarah Wager ; Treasurer, Hannah Robinson. Second Noble Grand, Elizabeth Hogle; third Noble Grand, Minerva Anderson ; Treasurer, John V. Anderson. Private and public festivities have been many and varied, and the guests of Laurel and Evening Star have tripped many a dance on the floor of their spacious ball room, and enjoyed the sumptuous banquets that they have often provided for their many friends. The festival and fair held in Harmony Hall, Troy, from Decem- ber 9 to December 18, inclusive, no doubt with the varied musical and other events offered as attractions, outclassed all previous entertainments of that character in this section, as all the musical talent of note in Troy and vicinity volunteered their services. Dr. Nelson L. Hungerford, member of Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, was killed at Niagara Falls in the Cave of the Winds, by a rock falling on him, May 27, 1839. His was the first Odd Fellow's funeral in West Troy and the first public appearance of the lodge. He was buried in the West Troy burying ground, south of Arsenal. Later his body was removed to Connecticut. Thomas Wildey, founder of the order in America, visited Lodge No. 20 in 1840. From Columbia Lodge, No. 1, down to Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, not one of them have their record in full from date of organization except Watervliet Lodge, No. 20, and as it was the nucleus of Laurel and other lodges organized in this section, the record is full down to 1895 and is available to anyone that has pride enough as an Odd Fellow to continue it. 1837. William Hollands, from Waterford in 1837, established the West Troy Advocate, the first paper, as far as known, published in the village. Perseverance and energy overcame the many ob- stacles that always attach to nearly all new enterprises. Foreign news was obtained and published, and home matter was given special attention. With a life-long record for industry his success was assured. His death, which occurred June 8, 1853, left a void in the community. The paper was continued by the family, under the editorship and management of his son, William Hollands, Jr., who, having received some knowledge of the business from instruc- tions received at times from his father, soon became an adept at the profession, and was successful in maintaining its former posi- tion as a well regulated and newsy publication. Having studied law, and being admitted to practice, the paper was discontinued in 1865 and he became an attorney of prominence, was a fluent speaker, politician of influence, with a life-long record for in- tegrity, honesty and square dealing that none ever did or could question. He held the office of justice of the peace of the village, 34 and was often called to fill other positions, where business qualifi- cations and good judgment were required to secure desirable ends. He held the position of postmaster of the village from July 12, 1865, to April 23, 1878. He was a member of Trinity church congregation, with a deep interest in all religious, social and philanthropic measures, and his passing to his home beyond, which occurred 1908, was sincerely mourned by his associates. Edmund S. Hollands, son of Wm. Holland, Sr. ; born in West Troy; educated in the public schools of the village, and in earlier days quite influential in ward politics as they were run then, and very successful in carrying his point. He is the present teller of the National Bank of Watervliet, also a member of Trinity church, and was postmaster from February, 1898, to March 21, 1902, and a citizen and neighbor that it is a pleasure to meet. John Hollands ; born in West Troy ; educated in the schools of the village; popular among his associates. Went to Chicago, entered the employ of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance of Chicago as manager and cashier, a position that he held with honor until his death, occurring in 1889. Joseph H. Hollands, at present clerk of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, at Albany, a position that he has filled with ability, and has held the office many years. Member of Oswald Hose Co. No. 1 ; knows his friends, and their presence is at all times agreeable. Mrs. William Hollands, who believes that the duties of home are paramount to all else, yet that advice and assistance should be rendered, not only as a helpmate, but that a reasonable knowledge of her husband's business should be acquired that would be of service in time of adversity. Her early-acquired education, to- gether with a perfect knowledge of the business methods pertaining to the intricate problems connected with real estate, insurance and finance, enables her to continue the business, so firmly established by her late husband. Prominent member of Trinity Episcopal Church, also of the Friday Study Club, and at times a participant in the social events of her immediate associates. 1838. Hercules Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1; organized May 1, 1839. Charter members: G. A. Sturtevant, G. H. Larcum, A. G. Snyder, James Lobdell, Wm. Haywood, Jas. H. Brisban, H. Fitchett, A. Clawson, W. P. Dyer, E. H. Powell, J. M. Egerton, L. E. Abbott, E. A. Smith, E. A. Meneely, Alfred Richardson, E. Crowner. Officers: 1839, G. A. Sturtevant; 1845, G. H. Larcum; 1850, A. G. Snyder; 1854, ; 1857, Wm. Shaffer; 1858, D. W. Tallcott; 1859, E. A. Smith; 1860, G. W. Silliman; 1861, C. E. Tucker; 1862, Theo. Strickler; 1864, Ed. Learned; 1863, Alfred Richardson; 1866, S. D. Hopkins; 1868, Jas. T. Myers. 35 Members: G. R. Meneely, Harry Fitchett, F. M. Witbeck, Elijah Brown, M. E. Wandell, Robert Edgerton, John Lee, Jerry Berger, E. L. Stodard, Willam Silliman, Alfred Richardson, John Roy, Theo. Strickler, C. E. Tucker, D. W. Tall- cott, Wm. Shaffer, E. A. Smith, G. L. Silliman, Ed. Learned, S. D. Hopkins, J. T. Myers, Charles Bortle, C. H. McOmber, F. Tinsler, Chas. Hoxie, Wm. Chalou, Wm. Cleaveland, James Best, Geo. Yearsley, Riley Hayford, Chas. Mather, Peter Roy, G. H. Lawrence, Nicholas Witbeck, Ed. Hollands, Milton St. John, with others. J. Thorn Myers, last foreman. The company numbered among its members many of the wealthy and- influential men of the time, and entertainments were often elaborate and costly. Guests from Troy and Albany were frequently present. Their visit to Tivoli Hose Co. of Albany, in 1851, and the presentation of a service of silver, was a noted event, and the reception accorded to the visitors is yet remembered by those now living. Jas. H. Brisban, foreman at that time, made the presentation address. The necessity of a new truck being apparent, the company made the offer to the trustees to purchase a new one, they to give the old one to the company. After some delay in considering the feasibility of the same, they declined. By a vote of the company of forty-five members it was decided to resign, the foreman being authorized to present the roll of the company to the trustees for their action. Resignation accepted, closing their connection with the department. Twenty-two members immediately formed a social club under the name of the M. Y. B. Club. Alexander Lenway; restauranteur. Location, north of E. Powell's hotel. His dining rooms spacious, light and airy; the luxuries of the season were at all times attainable. The bowling alleys (amusement then in vogue) afforded recreation to merchants and others during leisure hours. The reading room, a place of rest for those inclined to peruse the periodicals provided. Can you find its equal in this city, with a population of 16,000. William A. Lenway (son) ; at one time employed as insurance agent with Wm. Hollands, A. McAlister, Grant, Freeman & Church; pilot on sloop James Johnson, Capt. Jas. Oliver. His business qualifications were always recognized by his friends, and his continued services from 1895 to 1910, as collector of canal statistics for the State at this port, is a public recognition of his trustworthiness and honor. John Sherwood, cooper to the village in 1836. Employed by H. L. Dann many years. Member of old Conqueror Engine No. 3 in early days. One of the oldest citizens of Port Schuyler living. Recognizes the decline in business in that section, and feels the effect of same. An active life many years. The rest he is now taking is well earned. 36 1839. Conqueror Engine No. 3 (hand) ; organized 1838. Charter members : Robert Dunlop, Eben Jones, D. D. Abrams, A. Whitmarsh, J. Ashley, John Ring, William Chard, J. Clute, Hewitt Chard. Officers : 1838, J. J. Ashley, D. D. Abrams, Eben Jones, James Roy, G. H. Aldrich; 1850, P. Donahou; 1854 to 1857, B. Lor- man; 1858 to 1860, J. Barker; 1860 to 1862, J. Phillips; 1863 to 1868, inclusive, Patrick Mclntee, Barney Timmons, John Sher- wood, J. Dennegan, James Carson, Wm. Jameson, Ed. Carroll, Wm. Morran, Geo. Mullington, Jas. Coleman, John Campbell, Jesse Abrams, Hewitt Chard, P. Bragle, P. Breen, J. Burns, Amos Bently, Stephen Burrows, Henry Boyle, James Brennen, Thomas Aiken, James Early, J. F. Fitzpatrick, Jas. Beggan, J. Mahon, and others. While there is no record in existence of the early history of the company, yet the social features in early days were many. Two banquets were held at the Empire Hotel previous to 1842, one held in Apollo Hall, Troy, and one held at Empire Hotel in 1853. J. Donohue, foreman. They participated in many parades, their first one being in 1840, No. 1 New Engine, Rip Van Winkle, Old Niagara No. 2, No. 3 Arsenal Engine, and a military company from Troy being in line. Dinner aboard a barge at Arsenal dock. Exercises at the North Reformed Dutch Church. Attended all calls for duty. Friendly with all companies. The company has been located in three different places on the same street, and their house was burned early in the 50's. John Grogan; came from Ireland in 1844; many years em- ployed by the firm of Rousseau & Easton. Patrick Grogan (son), also born in Ireland; educated in the village schools ; had the confidence and the respect of his associates. Entered into politics, became popular and influential throughout the county. Held the office of justice and also overseer of the poor in 1878 and 1879 ; collector of Second Collection District (West Troy and Green Island), 1874 and 1875; police justice in 1880, holding the office several years. He knew his friends and was faithful to their interests ; their ingratitude was made apparent in later years. He was considerate in the discharge of the duties of police justice, and heavy sentences were imposed only when the case absolutely warranted it. There is no blot on his life record. Herman Mather ; timber merchant. One of the early settlers of the village ; a thorough business man, punctual in all dealings ; his advice often taken in financial matters. A representative citizen of the early period. Charles L. Mather (son) ; one of the firm of the Capital Lime Kiln Co. ; one of the number of jolly good fellows, Smith Water- man, Harry Fitchett, Nick Witbeck, John Vernam and others, that 37 made life worth living. His misfortune in business ventures caused sorrow among his friends, while his death created a void in social circles. 1840. The First Particular Baptist Church of West Troy, organized March 14, 1827. Trustees, Edward Learned, Thomas Shrimpton, Jonathan Caulkins, Hyram Hopkins and Cyrus Kenney. Corner Ohio street and Central avenue (Third avenue and Sixteenth street). A wooden building was first erected in 1829 and used until 1842. Sold to a French congregation. First pastor, Rev. Ashley Vaughn. The old church was demolished and the present beautiful edifice was erected in 1870. The Young People's Union connected with the church (Elmer Truax, president ; Margaret Dysart, secretary), is in a flourishing condition. The congrega- tion represents many leading citizens of the city, and their pres- ent pastor, Rev. Thomas A. Hughes, is an able representative of the profession, and has at all times the interest and welfare of his parishioners in view. The Church of the Sacred Heart of Mary, organized in 1881, corner Stafford and Buffalo street (Sixth avenue and Fifteenth street). Their first pastor, Rev. Eugene Rev. (French Catholic.) Large congregation. Many religious and social entertainments are held by the members, and a right hand of friendship is extended to all who attend. Rev. Jules J. Burrick, present pastor. Congregation large and active. St. Patrick's Church, organized by Thomas A. Keys, cornerstone laid in 1840. The Rev. William F. Sheehan was appointed to the priesthood of this church and parish in 1858. Devoting his whole life to religious duties connected therewith, seeking the betterment of humanity at all times. Through his persistent activity the splendid new church on Nineteenth street was erected, the cornerstone laid on July 4, 1889. The magnificent altar, the gift of one of the members, together with the different pieces of statuary that adorn the interior of the building, is a pleasing feature. The first mass was held Christmas, 1891. The jubilee held June 19, 1908, in honor of their pastor, Rev. Father Sheehan's fifty years continued services, under the auspices of the societies of the church, was a fitting tribute to one deserving of the honor. The entire demonstration was a public acknowledg- ment that his parishioners appreciated the services rendered by their venerable pastor, and an evidence of the love they had for him, overshadowing any observance of like character that ever occurred in this section, and he, their pastor, viewing the same, knew that his name, and deeds would live in the memory of his friends years after his departure from the busy scene of life. His death occurred April 11, 1909. 38 The North Church, organized in West Troy; dedicated in 1840. The title was changed to the North Reformed Church. Rev. O. H. Gregory continuing as pastor. The steeple of the old church was destroyed by a heavy wind in 1852. It was again largely damaged by fire in 1901. It was rebuilt on a more mod- ern plan, increasing the beauty of its surroundings. Some of the early members in 1840 withdrew from the parent church, residing as they did nearer the present location, and soon after the title was changed to its present one: The Eeformed Dutch Church of West Troy. Andrew Meneely, Robert Robinson, Isaac Hitchcock, Stephen Washburn, Charles Easton, Louis Rousseau, Edward Learned, Myron R. Peak, Daniel C. Stewart were some of the early members. The members of this church in early days were largely interested in the temperance movement, and a large society under the leadership of Louis Rousseau and others, was in exist- ence; and the building then on the east side of the street, used for the Sunday school, was the headuarters of the society. The Cold Water Army was a factor at one time in the affairs of the village. The congregation is active and the Sunday school and societies connected therewith progressive, and, under the management of the younger element of the church their entertainments pleasing and instructive. The interest taken by their new pastor, Rev. Henry F. Hamlin has infused new life to the former existing conditions that is certain to add strength to the organization and encourage- ment to its members. Charles Mitchell came to West Troy in 1840. Identified with the express and trucking business. A citizen of integrity and well known. Bleeker Mitchell (son), connected with the towing and stabling interests for years. Moved to Waterford. Died in 1904. Robert Mitchell, farmer, went West. Died in 1901. Thomas Bart. Mitchell was in the express business many years. Died in 1902. Green Mitchell. Charles Mitchell died in 1898. Melvin Mitchell enlisted in 1861 ; returned at close of war. Settled in Trenton, 1ST. J., and a well-to-do citizen of that city. Derwin Mitchell also enlisted and served his time ; returned and established the livery business, continuing same until his death, which occurred in 1898. His family, succeeding to the business, consisting of mother and sons, John, Robert, Learned and George Mitchell, living ; Charles was killed by a kick of a horse. The Mitchells from the incorporation of the old village have been identified with its business interests, some of them at times being interested in political affairs, and had the respect and confidence of all classes of citizens. 39 1840 to 1852: Travel on canal by packets of emigrants going West was large ; opposition lines vied with each other to secure the patronage; they were well supplied with the yellow metal and disbursed it freely in this port. Many contests occurred between captains as to who was cham- pion of the great ditch, but it remained for John McMann and Elias Rogers to settle the question. Rogers at last secured the belt, to the satisfaction of boatmen in general. The timber that came through the canal, made up into rafts, was an immense feature of traffic and was handled at this port by Merritt Potter, Oscar Potter and others, giving employment to many government inspectors. It has vanished like many other business interests, lessening the bank account of many residents, for the want of employment. Who of this generation will live to enjoy the return of the prosperity that existed in the days gone by ? 1841. Protection Engine Company No. 2, organized in 1840 (hand). Burned at fire, 1865. Charter Members: II. Smith, Michael Savin, John Savin, J. McCarty, Frank O'Brien, John A. King, Ed Rogers, Wm. Cleary, Stephen Clark, Prank McCue. Foremen: 1840, H. Smith; 1845, Wm. Cleary; 1848, Ed Rogers; 1850 to 1857, H. B. West; 1857 to 1865, Michael Kelly; 1866 to 1868, Ed Kelly. Members : H. Smith, Michael Savin, J. McCarty, Frank O'Brien, Ed Rogers, Stephen Clark, John E. Glass, J. Reiley, Wm. Boyton, Michael Kelly, Martin Lorman, E. O. Lorman, Peter Garrigan, Wm. Lawlor, John Mullen, John Fox, John McDonough, Michael McDonough, Patrick Grattan, Frank McCue, F. O. Donahue, Jas. Farr, J. McCarty, Wm. J. Hodgman, M. Nally, A. Cole, Simeon Wilbur, John Hays, M. Kearny, G. Kimberly, Thomas Agan, L. B. Decker, Wm. Lorman, H. Van Arnum, Sol Green- man, E. R. Dyer, J. B. Taylor, John Savin, Tompkins Taylor, G. W. Callen, G. W. Gordon, Wm. Barrett, J. Horan, Patrick Kelly, D. Cole, T. Ward, Wm. Mason, J. McClellan, John Morey, Francis O'Brien. This company was noted for its large membership, always on the aggressive, but often meeting their Waterloo in encounters with other companies. Old No. 7 of the Nail factory, being their principal antagonist. Ever ready to respond to calls of duty, and rendered efficient aid in Troy and other places at different times. The social features always attracted large assemblies. Their ball held in Harmony Hall in 1853 was an enjoyable affair. H. H. Smith, foreman. Albert Gunnison, resident of the village prior to 1840 ; owner 40 of considerable property; a citizen of considerable influence in vil- lage affairs. His son, George Gunnison, prominent also in his day, and at one time employed by the State at the collector's office. The Sheldon property, situated on the Troy and Schenectady turnpike, on the northwest corner of what is now Nineteenth street and Second avenue, was purchased by Ruth Hawks, wife of Genera] Hawks, who built the house now standing in 1841 (Feb- ruary 10), who sold it later to Mark Smith. Daniel Cahaar, or, as it is to-day, Carr, from Ireland in 1842, bought the property in 1846. The property is owned by Mrs. Frederick Beillot, daugh- ter of Daniel Carr. The building is sixty-nine years old. Mr. Beillot formerly carried on an extensive harness business in old West Troy, and had the patronage of those dealing and using first- class saddlery. Discontinuing the business the building has been overhauled and the Beillots have opened a wholesale confectionery and fancy goods establishment, with a line of goods suitable to the trade, that has been a long-felt necessity in this section, and no doubt will be appreciated by the general public. Steamboat Empire, built in 1843. 1842. Isaac Collins came to West Troy about 1837, from Troy, set- tling there from Whitehall in 1831. Proprietor of the Northern Hotel, also connected with a line of stages. In 1847 proprietor of the three-story and basement hotel known as the Halcyon House, southwest corner Broad and Union street (Twenty-third street). Patronized by the best transient travelers. Later Mr. Collins entered the grocery business; Harbor Master in 1854 to 1860 ; in grocery and stabling 1860. In 1861 he opened a restau- rant on northwest corner Broadway and Sixteenth street, and named it the Collins House. In 1866 he bought the Exchange Hotel, named it the Collins House, and died within a few days after taking possession. Mr. Collins was a prominent business man, identified with the early business interests of the village and respected by all. Member of the Light Guards and promoter of their famous sleigh ride to Clifton Park, stopping at Caleb Fonda's Hotel. L. D. Collins came to West Troy about 1840. He entered into the shipping and forwarding business on Whitehall street. In 1850 the firm was Collins & Greenman, forwarders, on Whitehall street. In 1855 he was alone in business on Whitehall street, and ran a grocery store on Broadway. In 1860 Edward Wight came with him as clerk. In 1866 the firm was Collins & Wight. In 1867 to 1872 the firm was L. D. Collins, Jefferson Collins and Wight. L. D. Collins retired in 1873 and became interested in and 4i president of the Capital Lime & Cement Co. In 1874 the firm was Collins & Wight (Jefferson C), grocery and stables. In 1875 firm was Edward Wight. Then Wight & Mullen in 1876. It was again Edward Wight from 1878 to 1879, when Mr. Wight closed the Whitehall store and held the Broadway store until 1883, when he removed to his building on Twenty-third street. His last removal being to the building occupied by Chas. Eichards, on Whitehall street, and continues business up to date, 1910. Jefferson Collins & Flinn in 1880, co-partnership in the towing business. Jef. Collins & Potter in the forwarding and grain business, 1878-79-80. Jefferson Collins died November 6, 1881. Member of the First Presbyterian Church and charter member. Isaac Collins was a very liberal man, sociable and entertaining, and the patronage of the Halcyon House became large. No land- lord ever set a more inviting table, none ever welcomed friend or stranger with a heartier shake of the hand, and no hotel in this section had the balls, parties and entertainments that it had in its palmy days. L. D. Collins was a Republican politician of considerable influ- ence, member of Assembly in 1859 and 1860; also elected senator. Bernam Collins came to West Troy in 1857. Cattle dealer and butcher. Opened market corner Twenty-third street and Broadway in Wight building (now Glass' drug store). Later contractor and builder. Built the Wight block after the fire. Interested in politics. Employe of the State at several times. Charter member of Oswald Hose Co. No. 1. Patrick Lane came to West Troy in 1842. Became agent for the Buffalo Transportation Co., held same until his demise, which occurred February 6, 1895. John Lane (son) succeeded his father as agent for the same company, continuing until 1906, when he purchased an interest in the Troy and Watervliet ferry, foot of Twenty-third street. Elected president and manager. Mrs. John B. Egan, treasurer; Charles J. Pickett, secretary. Under the management of the pres- ent company the boats make regular trips and the public receive the service that they are entitled to. The dry dock, foot of First avenue, near Arsenal wall, was built by John T. Lamport and J. M. Barnard, in 1840. The steamboat Congress, owned by Capt. Young, for freight and passengers from West Troy to New York, in 1839; J. Hay- wood, agent. 1843. G. S. Anable, painting, decorating and sign painting, southeast corner Fourteenth street and Broadway, in 1836. 42 James Barnard, stove factory, east side of Broadway, above Fourteenth street. Burr A. Peck, groceries and general merchandise, next door. Hibby's Select School, Fourth ward, opposite weigh lock (Twenty-third street). J. T. Morrison, Fourth Ward House (ferry), in 1836. Francis Hardin, Second ward, coal and groceries, 1836. J. M. Edgerton, paints and oils, Fourth ward, opposite weigh lock, 1836. G. A. Sturtevant & Tupper, general store, Broadway, below Sixteenth street J. H. Dyer, Washington Eecess, basement, southeast corner Broadway and Fourteenth street. C. B. Allen, select school, First ward, 1838. Jacob Monk, shoe store, Broadway, below Ferry (Fourteenth) street, 1838. Wm. C. Stowell, livery connected with Chloe Powell's Hotel, Sixteenth street, 1838. A. H. Free, paint shop, Port Schuyler, 1838. Elihu Phelps, drowned, 1838. Capt. Hardin and crew tried to save him. Death of David R. King February 23, 1838. Services at Washington M. E. C. M. Stephens, select school, Fourth ward, opposite weigh lock, over Edgerton's store, 1839. Philip Traver, saloon, basement W. T. Exchange. Willett & Trip, general store, Broadway, south of Tremont house, 1838. Dr. A. Hammond & Fiddler, druggists, Twenty-third street, opposite lock, 1838. John Liney occupied the store later. A. S. Blackman's death occurred in June, 1840. The Arsenal Employees Temperance Society, auxiliary to the West Troy society, organized January 30, 1840. Isaac Chapman, president; A. Hitchcock and I. C. Hitchcock, secretaries; W. P. Hall, T. M. Dean, committee on resolutions. Martin Witbeck delivered an address; chairman, Isaac Chapman; secretaries, C. Fort, T. Heenan, J. C. Green, O. C. Latham. John T. Lamport, lumber merchant, one of West Troy's pro- gressive citizens, and at one time largely identified with its early business interests. Partner at one time with Albert Richards. Both very liberal. Few now remember his son, John Lamport, one of the young men whose society was courted by the fair sex; he was affable, courteous and agreeable companion. 43 South Reformed Church, West Troy, N. Y. Memorial Building Erected by James B. Jermain, 1874 44 1844. On June 18, 1844, the South Reformed Protestant Church of West Troy was organized. Philip T. Schuyler, Robert Dunlop, John C. Schuyler and David Moore, elders and deacons, purchased for the congregation the old church of Schuyler Crosby, standing on the old lot north of Eighth street, west side of Broadway. Rev. Theodore F. Wycoff became the pastor, continuing until May, 1846, as supply, when he was duly installed as the regular pastor, he held the connection until 1854, resigning on account of ill health ; moved to the Island of St. Thomas, where he shortly after died. Rev. Garrett F. Roof was the next pastor, until 1865 when he resigned. Jacob S. Wycoff became pastor in April, same year. Illness caused him to resign in 1869. In March, 1870, Selah W. Strong accepted a call, continuing until 1871. In 1871, contem- plating building a new church, a proposition having been made to the congregation by the Jermain family, the same was accepted. A beautiful edifice was erected by the family, corner Fifth avenue and Sixth street. Presented to the congregation and dedicated December 30, 1874, as a memorial church to the memory of Sylvanus P. Jermain, father of the Jermain family. Mr. Jermain was instrumental in founding the Home for Aged Men, situated on the Albany road, another monument of the fam- ily's regard for the welfare of others. Residents and business men of the old Fourth ward : Ashael Potter, clothing; A. Levy, clothing; James Scholan, const. ; Andrew Morrison, const. ; O. I. Sweet, grocery and stables; Benj. Tinney, grocery; Isaac Cohen, Sam'l Jerkoskie, clothing; John Toohey, raftmen's headquarters, wet refresh- ments and dancing, were the attractions that wormed the shekels from the pockets of its patrons ; Andrew Abby, barber, direct from France; Justice Houghtailing ; Wm. Rouse, barber; John Savin, blacksmith ; James Duffy, cooper ; John Liney, drugs ; John Rooney, saloon; Jerry Galvin, shoemaker; Thos. Reardon, shoe- maker ; John Reid, shoemaker ; Jef . Bennet, proprietor of Lansing House (the old building was erected about 1830) ; Jos Blais; Keil Casey; Dr. Z. Ruggles went to California in the 50's; Wm. Catlin, tinsmith and hardware; Moses Whipple, a noted horseman, an expert with the ribbons ; John Rose ; Merritt Potter, heavy dealer in timber, a prominent man in village affairs; Oscar Potter, for- warding and storage, superintendent of first section of canal at one time, member of Assembly in 1887 ; James Bernard, bowling alleys; Fred Stem, a manipulator of cards; Geo. Bently, cooper; John Damp, boarding; D. Lee, mountain Lumbermen's Hotel, Auburn street. 45 1845. Old time captains, owners of sloops, schooners and barges: Isaac Hitchcock, postmaster in 1845, 1847 and 1853; David King, Isaac Getty, Jas. Oliver; Samuel Crawford, president of village in 1852; Enoch Burrows, Ashael A. Gilbert, William Crawford, John King, Isaac Hubbard, Andrew Foster, James Warford, James Cook, Kobert Kobinson, Silas Betts, William Lobdell, Norman Hicks, Peter Hicks, Andrew Hitchcock, died 1886; John Silliman, William Foot, Butler Hubbard, Thos. Reiley, Hyram Tinsler, died 1881 ; Stephen Washburn, Alfred Mosher, died 1877; Daniel T. Wandell, sloop Elinor; (Burling- ton), Silas Betts; (Belvidere), Capt. Peter Hicks; (Sam'l Brew- ster), Capt. A. Hitchcock; (Commodore Rogers), Capt. Jas. War- ford; (Clarissa), Geo. Collins; (Currier), Capt. Thos. Anderson; (Conveyance), Capt. S. Washburn; Capt. Garragan, Thos. Reiley; (Fox), Capt. Harlow Rhodes; (Highlander), Wm. Crawford; (Henry Gage), Capt. Wm. Lobdell; (Juno), Capt. John Silliman; Capt. John King, Jas. Hardin, Capt. Wm. Wood, Capt. Andrew Foster, Meneely Hitchcock; (Meridan), Capt. H. Evertson; Capt. Jas. Farrell; (Hercules), Capt. Jas. Hitchcock; Capt. Wm. Har- vey, Capt. J. Young. Steamboat Swallow wrecked on Athens Rock, April 7, 1845. Attorney Learned I. Litchfield, member of Assembly from Fourth district, 1844 and 1845. Charles C. Duncan came from Vermont to Troy in 1839. Collector for Halstead's stage line to West Troy in 1841. Opened grocery and stables on pier south of river lock. Burned out. Opened on Twenty-first -street, south of old Candle factory. Burned out in 1848. Groeery store on Whitehall street in 1852. Store and stables, corner Twenty-fifth and Whitehall street, in 1853. Proprietor of the Morrisville Hotel ; visitors to the Shaker village stopping at the hotel for dinner, and the objective point for sleighing parties from Albany, Troy and surrounding country for years. Patronage fell off when the Shakers closed their doors to Sunday visitors. Owner of many fine horses ; a full- blooded Black Hawk, valued at $2,000 (offered and refused), was poisoned while standing in a box stall in 1853. A friend to boat- men, sociable and generous to a fault. He died on December 22, 1877. Thomas and Alfred Richardson (brothers), grocery and stables, on Whitehall street. For years their square dealing with the boat- men and others established an immense business. Alfred died in 1862. Thomas continued the business until his death, which occurred in 1870. The business was continued by his son, Charles A. Richardson, who closed the same in 1904, and bought out the coal business of Piatt in 1863. 46 Many were the terpischorean assemblies in days gone by held in different places both by young and old, where an evening was spent in enjoyable recreation. Union Place Hall as soon as erected, with its large floor space drew the patronage. Hotels that formerly were patronized lost their prestige. Odd Fellows' Hall, their annex, came next, and under their auspices, having the finest floor in the village, held all the larger clubs' patronage for some . time, at the same time holding a soiree every two weeks. The Watervliet Club also held their dances in their hall, and often held ladies' receptions, one of which I note, given at their rooms Friday evening, November 29, 1889. President, A. T. Phelps; floor committee, John L. Haswell, chairman ; E. Frank Hoy, Fred T. Lape, John F. Pateman. The Ortus Club, its membership the largest of any, always held a series of twelve dances during the winter at Odd Fellows' Hall, with masquerades between. The folowing officers one year were as follows: President, Havelock Chaloux; first vice-president, Edward Ketrick; second vice-presi- dent, E. Crall ; secretary, William Meskell ; financial secretary, Robert McCormick; treasurer, William H. Hennessey; commit- tee, James C. Garrahan, chairman ; Joseph Hanna, P. H. Lumley, John Lawler, Thos. E. McAuliffe, W. I. Collopy, W. A. Merriam. The costumes of the ladies were always elegant, their appearance attractive, and the wall flower so often seen at some gatherings, clinging to the wall until their beauty faded, had no existence. Two of the largest euchre parties ever held in the old village, with a musicale included, with each complimentary to their friends, were given by a gentleman and his wife in Union Place Hall in 1885 and 1886. To-day most of like entertainments are held in the different engine companies parlors. Pianos grace the same, and many of the members being fine musicians, enables them to entertain often. 1846, James Dunham; born in West Troy; resided on Ferry street; a well known riverman when sail vessels were in vogue. Later, as pilot and captain of steam tug boats, in the 60's, through his employer, Captain Alfred Mosher, he commanded a tug, went through the canal and lakes to Chicago and established the business of towing. On the lakes he became the master spirit of the busi- ness, owning and controlling a large fleet of lake craft and event- ually became president of the company" that controlled the same. Many of the young men engaged in the same business, went to Chicago and not only found positions under him, but gained pro- motion and a competency. Mr. Dunham was popular and well liked, as he had received assistance that had placed him in position to aid others ; his appreciation of same was apparent in his willing- 47 ness to respond to any calls for assistance, never forgetting his early associates. Died in 1884. Caroline Dunham (sister) ; belle of the Second ward in her youthful days, a favorite with all her associates, and teacher of the primary class at one time at the Second ward brick schoolhouse. Married and removed from the village. Orrin and Len Hannuni, Royal and Orville Jaqueway, attended the school, and possibly there are some that remember who fired the cannon under the parlor floor of the first house south of the school, and scattered the wedding guests. Also who threw the pepper on the red-hot stove in the Methodist classroom and drove the singing class of Thomas Gunsalus, one winter night, to the cold infant classroom upstairs. Daniel Hartnett, Robert Morrison, and Ephraim B. Baldwin, appointed by the State, built the dyke and pier — dyke north end, and pier south end of Green Island. By this improvement the water of the Mohawk river was turned to raise the water in the basin. The fourteen-foot bluff on east side of island was cut down, the dirt used to fill in. A skiff ferry was at that time in operation to Troy ; West Troy landing at the big trees, foot of Twenty-third street. The Wiswalls, D. T. Wandell, Robert Morrison and Daniel Hartnett operated same at different periods. It was at this ferry that eleven persons lost their lives by the upsetting of one of the skiffs. William Stead Myers (writer's brother) was killed in 1847 on grandfather's (D. T. Wandell) horse ferry boat, foot of River and Ferry street (Broadway and Fourteenth). Henry York Latour conveyed the body home, being the only one to witness the acci- dent. James Blunn; to West Troy in 1847. With Thomas and Wil- liam Blunn they built many of the brick buildings yet standing in the city. At one time interested in the manufacture of gelatine. A business man of the old English type, prominent and respected as a first class citizen. His daughters, Mrs. J. C. Covert, Sr., Mrs. F. W. Covert and Mrs. Geo. Linn of Troy. Otis Wood ; a resident of West Troy about 1838. One of the organizers of the Ohio Street M. E. Church in 1849. Proprietor of the largest teaming and trucking plant in the days of activity in the lumber trade. Specially interested in religious movements; one who was ready to assist the unfortunate, and extend the hand of friendship to those that were worthy of recognition. James Otis Wood (son) ; born, raised and educated in the vil- lage. Succeeded to the business established by his father; con- tinued the same until it became unprofitable. Entered into politics ; was appointed captain of West Troy police force in 1 870 ; held the same until 1886 ; appointed court officer, district attor- ney's office at Albany, 1896; ice business in 1900; appointed to a responsible position at custom house, New York, in 1902 ; held 4 8 same until his death, occurring in 1906. Was prominent in politics, with a wide circle of acquaintances. Considerate and kind in family affairs ; good citizen, and agreeable associate. James O. Wood, Jr. ; son of J. O. W. Received his education in the village; served clerkship in Albany some time. A young man of exemplary habits; his home life an ideal one, and very popular among his associates. His death, occurring July 5, 1899, left a void in the family circle, ending the life work of a promising young citizen. His wife, Mrs. Margaret (Lamphere) Wood, daughter of Wm. Lamphere, survives him. 1847. Patrick Kelly, born in Ireland in 1826. Came to West Troy in 1844. In connection with the livery business that he established in the early 40's he added the express and teaming business, and was also an extensive dealer in blooded horses. He not only had the good will of the general public, but held the confidence and the personal friendship, together with an intimate social relation, with the most prominent business men of the community. Gifted with that inbred Irish wit that nearly all natives of the Emerald Isle possess, he was a welcome guest to many social entertainments. Mr. Kelly, during a long and strenuous business activity, has at times been financially successful, but like many others looking for a day of rest, his hopes have been shattered, and misfortune has often been his lot, through large fires that have occurred in the village, and consumed at different dates property belonging to him of many thousand dollars, with no insurance. Yet to-day, 1910, at 84 years old, he is the same old companionable Patrick Kelly. Steamboats Rip Van Winkle, Hendrick Hudson, Niagara, in commission in 1845; Thomas Powell, in 1846; Alida, in 1847. Team of horses and four passengers in a barouch, were drowned on Troy side of the Hudson in 1847, near Division street. Backed off the ferryboat running from West Troy. In 1839 Ebenezer Wis wall purchased the exclusive right of the then existing ferry privileges on both sides of the river. The steam ferry at upper ferry was discontinued in 1875. William C. Durant, well known, prominent in business circles, pioneer in all good propositions looking toward the advancement of business and moral prosperity. Postmaster July 23, 1878. Fayette B. Durant (son), identified with the political, relig- ious, social, moral and business life of both the old village and the present city. He is well acquainted with the political status of the city and is one of the few having the city's interest honestly at heart that make it their duty to be present at all gatherings where the same is being considered. 49 In 1845 the noted horse, Fannie Jenks, made her 100 miles in nine hours, forty minutes and thirty-five seconds, driven by P. Hunt and Warren Blakely. The next day the horse Fashion and Fanny Jenks were driven tandem through the streets of the village. John Cary, one of the early settlers of West Troy. Heavy dealer in timber. The firm of Cary & McDonough (John) forty-five years ago was one of the largest firms in their line in this section. They employed many men and teams hauling heavy timber from the western part of this county, one of their oldest employes being John O'Brien, living, eighty-eight years old. Another one, long since dead, was good natured Green Mitchell. John Cook, from England to West Troy in 1847, with his son William, contractor; also an evangelist of some note. Con- tracted with the Wiswalls to drain their entire farm. Died in 1866. William Cook, employed at Roy's mills as boss shearer, hold- ing the position until his death in 1895. Richard Cook, to West Troy in 1840. Traveling man for Troy collar firms many years, also serving often as a Methodist preacher through country districts, private school on Temperance Hill in 1865, at one time teacher Second Ward public school. Went West and died in Jessup, Iowa, in 1887. 1848. On October 10, 1847, services were held in the Trinity brick church then situated on Canal street near upper ferry. North side (16). vMrs. Brennen from New York held a concert and musicale in the Tremont House November 3, 1847. E. L. Stoddard in April, 1847, advertised to sell his dry goods stock, preparing to go to California. T. Connors, clothing, on Whitehall street in 1847. Steam ferry boat at lower ferry in day time, horse boats at night. Harris Winfield, dog training school at James Morrison's saloon on Canal street south of what is now Twenty-third street. Below Change bridge in 1847. J. Jaques, pump manufacturer, River street below ferry in 1847. John Oswald, grocery store, corner Broadway and Fourteenth street. Later James Cook occupied it. Merchants often met there, and many a jolly party went from there on sleigh rides to out of town hotels, and with their wives enjoyed an agreeable outing. H. A. Langworthy's private school was held in the second story of the building. 50 William Christie lost his life in 1848 by an explosion in the percussion laboratory at the arsenal. The powder was used to make caps for fire arms. Cartridges were made for the army dur- ing the Mexican war. Later George Lawrence established a car- tridge factory on Temperance Hill where many of the lads of the village earned good money and received their pay in gold pieces. Drs. I. B. Bucklin & John Shankland, druggists, 1848, west side canal, one door above Kellogg & Co.'s rope walk. In 1842 Abram Myers's clothing store, site of the present police station, moved to Troy, and J. W. Hammond occupied it as a hat and cap store. A saloon in basement ; J. Burrel, proprietor. The only Chinese junk that ever crossed the Atlantic to this country sailed into New York harbor in 1845. Laid off the bat- tery. The writer with his father visited same. The rigging was of bamboo. A small model of the craft was on exhibit in the cabin. The old grave yard donated by the Schuylers and the United States government is to-day a spot that the city should have regard for. It yet contains tombstones in memory of many of the pioneers of this section. A. S. Blackman, proprietor of the first factory, died in 1840; Elijah Washburn, father of Stephen, land owner and grain merchant, died in 1855; John Stone, died in 1832; David Brown, died in 1828 ; John Grey, died in 1828 ; C. Hovey, one of the pioneer shoe merchants, died on January 22, 1845 ; William B. Burnett, died in 1832 ; Benjamin Hanks, died in 1824. The condition it is in at the present writing is a disgrace to any Christian community. Isaac R. Getty, born in Lansingburg, Rensselaer county, N. Y., November 24, 1807, became a resident of West Troy in 1839, and died in said village July 14, 1893. At the time of Mr. Getty's death he was the oldest living North river boatman in this vicinity, he having began his boating career at the age of seven- teen, and he followed the river for fifty-six years, commanding and owning several sailing and steam boats during his river life. Previous to coming to the village he married Susan Frances Bal- lou, of Troy, N. Y., and a large family of girls and boys was the result of this union. During the Civil war he was in command of the steamboat Helmus Wells, which had been chartered by the United States government to run on the Tybee roads, towing ships to sea that were sent to Savannah to bring down the cotton that was captured by General Sherman when troops took possession of that city. When the Congress street bridge was built Mr. Getty was the first superintendent and continued as such for more than nine years. He was an Odd Fellow, having been initiated in Watervliet Lodge No. 38 January 4, 1841, and afterwards be- came a charter member of Laurel Lodge, I. O. O. F., February 5, 1846, and its first noble grand. He was one of the first police 5i commissioners of the village, which office he filled for six years, being first elected in 1870. At the time of his death he had been a member of the North Reformed church for more than half a century. He was a kindly man, sober and industrious, and much respected in the community. His parents were of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and his father was a veteran of the Revolution, having been with Ethan Allen at the taking of Fort Ticonderoga, partici- pated in the battle of Bennington, and was at the surrender of General Burgoyne. James Forsyth (Scotch-fossfe) came from Ireland in 1848. Farmer in the old country. In 1849 he found employment at S. C. Dermott's flour mill, under the superintendent, E. Hanaman, and learned the trade. Later bought Breaker Island, farmed it some years and sold it to Erastus Corning in 1872 ; later dealt some in real estate. Closed his earthly labors in 1888. David Forsyth, born in 1849, and at the age of 17 entered the employ of Scarborough & Hollands, grocery, coal and wood busi- ness, corner Broadway and Eighth street. In 1888 established the coal and wood business in his own name. Died in 1894. After David's death the family, James Forsyth and sisters, succeeded to the business, the present manager being Jennie Forsyth. The male members of this family have been prominent in commercial circles. Some of them interested in the political affairs of the village and have held various government positions. Dennis Foley came from Ireland in 1855. Farmer and milk dealer. His experience in the old country enabled him to meet with success in his new home. Died in 1908. Ed. J. Foley (son) was educated in the parochial schools of the village. Established the feed and flour business, located at 1619 Broadway, where can be found at all times a large stock of goods suitable to the householder and those who have the care of live stock; a business that is a necessity, and also a desirable home market for this community. William Griffin came from Ireland in 1857. Returned to Lon- don, England, an attache of the Scotland Yard police force for three years, returning to West Troy and became a member of the police force of the village. His previous experience with the noted London force made him a valuable addition to the already efficient members. He served faithfully over twenty years and became an employee of the Standard Oil Company as watchman. In an attempt to rob the company's plant he was severely hurt by the yeggmen, and to-day suffers from that experience. He has retired from service. John A. Griffin (son) was educated in the schools of the village and La Salle Institute. Entered into the life insurance business ; and at present conducts one of the largest stock and brokerage business in this section. Popular in business circles, with an 52 extensive acquaintance throughout the State and Twentieth Cen- tury business man. Black Horse Cavalry. Organized in 1861. Colonel, Andrew J. Morrison; adjutant, Clinton H. Meneely; captains, Charles D. Rousseau, Lemuel B. Gregory. The company was later disbanded. Colonel Morrison has a foreign record for bravery as a soldier which none can question. After the war he held the position of railroad mail clerk for years. Died in 1908 an honored and respected citizen. 1849. The Ohio Street Methodist Church was organized by Alexander S. Lobdell, Ashael Potter, Edward Mallory and Otis Wood, No- vember 19, 1849; The old wooden church (called Bethel) once the First Presbyterian Church was burned in 1850; a brick build- ing was erected, Rev. I. F. Yates, continuing as pastor. A parsonage was built in 1875, and large improvements were made; a fine organ was added and the choir is composed of some of the best talent in this vicinity. The Sunday school is large, and under the leadership of their superintendent, John McBain, Sr., who has been connected with the church from his youth and is progres- sive. The general business affairs of the church are also attended too, with others of the different committees, and his advice is often taken and acted upon. The Methodist Brotherhood Club, B. H. Landfear, president; Robert Morse, treasurer; Henry Talbot, Chaplain; H. E. Sher- man, secretary; also the Epworth League, W. H. Brower, presi- dent ; Miss Agnes Rylan, secretary ; two societies connected with the church are in a flourishing condition, the entertainments by members are always high class, and a pleasure to those that attend. A souvenir of early days is in possession of the trustees of the church (the old organ), once owned by the South Reformed Dutch Church, bought by Henry Lobdell, and presented to them by the present pastor, Rev. John Landry, in 1910. One of the first mem- bers of this church, and now living in Colonie, is Mrs. Thomas Haswell. David Stewart, turning mill, foot of Washington street (First avenue ) ; Hiram Holbrook operated the dry dock, foot of same street for years ; Edward Learned, once a merchant of the village married his daughter, moved to Minneapolis and became identified with the business interests of that city. David Alsten, cabinet manufacturer ; third floor Delevan House. In 1849 his stock was damaged considerably by fire. Henry A. Brigham, member of Assembly in 1848. John A. Wing, member of Assembly in 1849. William F. Sheppard, member of Assembly in 1850. We remember Uncle Billy and Aunt Polly Raymond as host 53 and hostess in days of yore, whose house then located at the corner now Second and Railroad avenue (the Blue Eagle), and after at the corner of Nineteenth street and Railroad avenue ; always open for receptions, dances and suppers; their fatherly and motherly supervision over the comfort of the young lads and lassies that visited the place was proverbial, and they had the respect and love of all who had the pleasure of their acquaintance or ever accepted their hospitality ; light hearted, generous, happy and popular then, remembered now by few. D. W. Tallcott,' settled in Albany; from Penfield in 1830. Died in 1849. D. W. Tallcott, Jr., (son) came to West Troy in 1851, as clerk for the lumber firm of Charles J. Saxe ; after six years with that firm, in 1870 formed a co-partnership as lumber dealers under the name of Tallcott, Boyd & Co. ; purchased the Rock House for a residence of Mr. Saxe in 1864; sold it in 1881, and moved to Albany in 1880, continuing the lumber business some years, but discontinued same, and after a very active life is now enjoying a rest well earned. Mr. Tallcott was a very prominent and in- fluential citizen in years gone by, whose force of character and congenial nature endeared him to a large circle of acquaintances. 1850. The United States arsenal employees, presented to one of their superintendents, Andrew Hitchcock, a gold box as a token of their good will; the souvenir was of elegant design and workmanship; the presentation was made at the Tremont House, where a sumptu- ous banquet followed, and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present. The St. Francis Indians who had often visited their old camp- ing ground on the southern end of Green Island, where they made baskets and other Indian trinkets that they sold to their pale faced brothers, ceased about this date. St. Bridgets' Catholic Church was organized by Thomas Kyle of St. Patrick's, at the corner of Salem and Mansion streets, in 1883, Rev. James A. Curtain, officiated; later chapel and school building was erected under direction of the sisters; later Rev. William Callihan was in charge ; present priest, Rev. Patrick H. McDermott. Fire of Grant, Freeman & Church on dock below Schenectady street. Lamport & Richards, heavy lumber fire ; below Canal street, east side of canal. Dauchy & Company, fire ; Ontario street, east side of canal. Angel & Strattons, iron foundry; opposite the present weigh lock; firm failed. Lumber firms: Saxe Brothers, Sturtevant & Andrews, Haswell 54 & Mosher, Samuel Waterman, H. L. Sims; lumber inspector, John Morris, of Betts, Beebe & Betts ; timber, W. W. Whipple. Fourth ward residents: Hiram Hogle, saloon; Lawrence Mc- Donough, Michael McDonough, contractors; Joseph Garfield, painter; Dr. Douglass William Sunderland, lime and cement; a man of honor; rumor gave him the credit of refusing while a member of the Assembly in 1871, a tender of $10,000, and no doubt that it was a fact. Weinbender's Brewery, in the gulf ; Dry river an attraction ; in years gone by, returned Fourth ward Californians and the many sports vied with each other in drinking lager, and the old saloon of Philip Shannon situated there, was the scene of con- vivality; later the ladies from different sections of the village held their picnics at the grove; dancing was one of the features. Few of the participants remain to read this article. Benjamin Knower, and son, Daniel Knower come to West Troy, in 1850, and soon entered into business, and become in- terested in the advancement of every interest connected therewith ; Daniel Knower securing the position of general manager of the Sattinnet factory, and later became partner of James Roy, in the manufacture of the famous Roy shawls ; an old time merchant and citizen whose business qualifications were recognized and whose integrity was never questioned. Died in 1878. Benjamin Knower (son), born and educated in the village; graduated from Williams college, also from the Albany Law School, receiving his diploma in 1879 ; as an attorney his peers are few in this section, the pettifoging element is eliminated from his practice, and thereby holds the confidence of his many clients; recorder in 1904; justice of the peace in 1898. His record as recorder received the approval of all classes ; a member of the Albany County Bar Association and a representative citizen. James Tilley, from Grafton; where he established the cooper- age business, head linings, together with coopers tools, and as a side line manufactured ladders ; his son, James Tilley, being connected with him in the ladder part of the business; came to West Troy in 1850; James was connected with the business until 1865; withdrew when the firm of Tilley & Littlefield established the ice business ; dissolved later ; James went to New York where he died in 1906. J. S. Tilley bought his father's interest in the business in 1864, and with his brother formed the co-partnership of J. S. Tilley & Company, continuing until 1873, when it became J. S. Tilley; the present proprietor of the largest plant of like character in this section; the works and yards are on a large area on First and Second streets and the stock of adjustable ladders of all kinds and scaffolding is large and the material of the best quality ; a specialty is made of flag poles of any size; one of the features of the firm 55 are some fine specimens on exhibit at all times; with up-to-date machinery, and the employment of expert mechanics he is able to meet all contracts in quality, workmanship and delivery ; the cleri- cal work of the business is looked after by his efficient bookkeeper, Miss Rose Leach and Miss Nina Martin, stenographer, office No. 122 Second street. James Francis Phelps, Schroon, Essex county, N. Y., in 1850. Lumber dealer : In 1855 the firm of Finch & Phelps was formed and later the firm became Phelps & Smith; eventually becoming one of the leading firms in their line in the village; Mr. Phelps was prominent and cordially greeted in business circles and his advice was often taken, his withdrawal from business, and re- moval west was a loss to the village ; his death occurred at Daven- port, Iowa, in 1906. Arthur T. Phelps (son), born and educated in the village schools, graduated at the Crown Point Academy and Troy Busi- ness College, and at one time professor of same, entered his father's office as a clerk; afterwards clerk of the National Bank of West Troy, and later became cashier of same, holding the position until his resignation occurring in 1910; Mr. Phelps is considered an expert in matters of finance, and while interested in many of the propositions of the period, finds time to grasp the ribbons, and enjoy an outing behind one of his speedy roadsters ; a lover of good horses, congenial companion, and a representative citizen whose executive ability is conceeded. Lumber firms in existence at this date: Cameron, Coffin & Conant ; Harrington & Brough ; Campbell & Moody ; Odell, Water- man & Company ; Philo Dauchy & Company ; Silliman & Haswell ; Rousseau, Easton & Janes; E. W. Phelps. Mattoom & Deleware, grocery ; old Fourth ward. Wilbur McDonald, canal stable; rear of Jones Car Works; of the many in existence in early days, only one remains; that of Edward Wight on Second avenue. Wm. J. Metcalf, well-known fruit dealer; River street, below Bell foundry ; location once occupied by Martin Harris, a popular citizen, as an oyster house and restaurant. C. P. Ives, coal dealer; one of the most popular merchants in his day. George H. Montgomery, grocer; afterwards one of the justices of the peace ; a politician of some influence. John Devenpeck, book store; Wiswall's Block. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Richmond, once residents of West Troy, whose home in 1862, was Berry ville, Va., entertained Captain Wm. L. Oswalds' Company, while encamped at that point and as they left for Harper's Ferry, Mrs. Richmond baked and pre- sented to the Company, three days rations of bread; they were drafted into the rebel army, and were making preparations to 56 leave, but the timely arrival of the Union army, relieved them from further anxiety. Captain Jacob Young and his son, Hiram Young, were well known river men, popular, and well known by the general travel- ing public. One of the best known and highly respected citizens of the time connected with the lumber industry was Daniel McBeth; very few living to-day, that remember him or received the cordial greet- ing he was won't to give when passing by. 1851. Charles Barber, manufacturer; P. Boyle, Exchange saloon, Broadway and Sixteenth street ; J. W. Bland, cabinet maker ; Gideon Burdick, riverman ; Attorney, J. W. Byrne ; F. S. Ayers, one of the oldest merchants of the village ; Orlando Robinson, died April, 1893; William Athow, shoe store. Union Place Hall, erected by Rousseau & Easton in 1850. The first entertainment occurred August 21, 1851 by Jones' famous cornet band. An address by the then popular attorney, James H. Brisban, was a feature of the occasion, crediting the proprietors of the hall for the public spirit in erecting the same, and by re- quest giving the hall its name. Balls, parties, banquets, societies, Young Men's Association debates were held therein for years. It passed its usefulness and became a residential flat. Coleman's lumber fire occurred same night. Elijah Abbott, grocery; Thomas Richards, "the Arbor," W lock. Conquerer engine house burned in 1862. Henry Miller, Eagle hotel, burned. Learned Lucee, John H. Forester, Levi Shadbolt, Henry Gregory, Lemuel Gregory, brick yard, Troy. C. D. Weaver, a noted attorney, known as " Seedy Weaver." Eli Perry, member of Assembly from Fourth District in 1851. June 15 Grant, Freeman & Church fire. Young Men's Association organized 1852. Lectures and de- bates at Union Place Hall. Fair sized library and reading room, well supplied with magazines and papers, doing well at that time. Later erected a building of their own, but financial difficulties arising the society succumbed to the inevitable. Port Schuyler is credited with one noted personage who figured in early days as a prize fighter. He, like his father, was employed in the United States arsenal as a blacksmith, a fine looking, and a well built man. He went to California and received the cogno- man of the Benicia Boy — John Heenan, West Troy proper, and from the Fourth Ward, Patrick, or as he was familiarly called, Paddy Ryan. Like many of his chums, he was a sport. John 57 Morrisey, who later became a member of Assembly. Each one had their rooters, their rise and their fall. In connection I might state that Bill Pool was murdered in Stanwix Hall, 379 Broadway, New York, by Lewis Baker. The authorities of the city sent the clipper ship Grape Shot in pursuit, as he sailed to escape justice for the Canary Islands on the Isa- bella Jewett, but was captured, being overhauled in mid-ocean February 24, 1855. His guilt was never proven. Thomas Kearney, member of Assembly, Fourth District, in 1853. 1852. Bank of West Troy incorporated May 1, 1836. John Knicker- backer, John Van Schoonoven, Jas. Roy, E. Thompson Gale, John Cramer, George Cramer, Ferdinand J. Suydam, incorporators. Ferdinand J. Suydam, president; Albert Gunison, cashier; 1865 title changed to National Bank of West Troy. Thomas K. Knick- erbacker, president in 1876. Title changed to National Bank of Watervliet in 1905. Thomas A. Knickerbacker, president. General Kossuth visited Troy and United States arsenal. Inspection of fire department at upper Side Cut, Twenty-third street. Michael Savin, chief engineer of department. A promi- nent business man, owner of Savin Hall, 19 Broadway. L. De Wilde, French refugee, came here previous to this date. Tobacco and cigar merchant. Eccentric but social with those he choose to associate with. An educated and well read man. Morgan L. Taylor, ship builder, dry dock and business of like character. President in place of Samuel Crawford. Vacancy caused by death. His connections with Southern people were of that nature during the Rebellion that his sympathies were with the South, therefore a Copperhead, to the disgust of all loyal citizens. Ball and banquet of Protection Engine Co. No. 2 at Harmony Hall January 21st, Foreman Henry H. Smith. October 22d on Whitehall street, between Twenty-third and Auburn, fire destroyed Myers & Gunsalus' clothing store, O. I. Sweet's grocery and three stables, L. D. Collins's grocery, Clark Foss's saloon, C. G. Woodard's lottery office, John Reed's shoe store, James Kennedy's harness shop, grain, hay, and forty horses, two valued at $300 each, property of O. I. Sweet. M. Kilgour, saw and planing mill, passed to Ufford & Latham, thence to James Kerslake, who died July, 1892, when the business was closed. January 28, 1852. Four fires occurred this date. One of them was Bebee and Co.'s lumber yard. The years 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, are noted for the many incendiary fires in lumber yards, causing heavy losses to many firms. 58 John Graham, to West Troy 1852. Engaged with Abram Myers as clothing cutter, and in 1854, with Gunsalus and Wilks, on Whitehall street, in 1876, established the custom clothing busi- ness in the Lobdell block, and in 1879 erected the brick building corner Seventeenth street and Broadway, continuing the business on a larger scale until his death, occurring August, 1905. Promi- nent in business circles, and an influential citizen. Edward J. Graham (son), graduate of De La Salle Institute, succeeded to the business that at that time consisted of gents' fur- nishings in connection with custom tailoring. In 1909 eliminated clothing and opened an exclusively haberdasher and gentlemen's furnishings emporium, with a large stock of up-to-date line of goods suitable to the demand of buyers of first class wearing ap- parel, in the latest novelties of the season. Mr. Graham's method of doing business, his popularity, in connection with the fine line of goods always in stock, has enabled him to meet the wants of his patrons, both in quality and price, placing him in the lead in his line in this section. Dr. L. B. Rulison, born in Parish, Oswego county, N. Y., in 1860. Graduated from Albany Medical College in 1884. Located in Glenville, ~N. Y., in 1887, came to West Troy and became identified with the medical fraternity of this section, establishing a record as a reliable family physician, attentive, painstaking, with a careful diagnosis of all cases that come within his observation, that has enabled him to create a widespread confidence among citizens and patrons that seek advice and service from members of the profession. Health officer March, 1903, February 1, 1907. 1853. The West Troy Gas Light Co., incorporated. Richard S. Lob- dell, E. H. St. John, John Lockwood, W. L. Oswald, superin- tendent. In 1887 the two gas companies then in existence sold out to the Municipal Gas Company of Albany, the village receiving supply through that source. Carroll Corps, a military organization with a record at the time of being one of the best drilled companies in this section. Their drill room, Savin Hall, northeast corner Broadway and Nineteenth street. It was the scene of many a brilliant company under their auspices, and for years after was a hall for public entertainments. Michael Savin, their first captain, was a prominent business man, well known and highly respected. Two daughters are residents of the city. The largest sleighing party that ever left the village occurred under the auspices of Isaac Collins in January. Patrick Kelly's canopy seating thirty and seventy-five other single and double rigs proceeded to Clifton Park where dancing was indulged in at the Clifton Park hotel. Its genial proprietor, Caleb Fonda, fur- 59 nished for his guests' entertainment, one of the sumptuous suppers that the house had become famous throughout this section. Citizens, business and professional men alike had some desire for sociability and recreation in those days, with the red blood of youth still coursing through their veins, although many of them had passed three score and ten. Fire. Ashael Potter's stables, John Toohey's raftmen's head- quarters, Andrew Abby's barber shop and two residences on Hall street, Roger's malt house occupies the site. Mr. Hanz Ten Eyke killed near tollgate, Albany road. Elijah Simmons, with two friends, collided with another car- riage, resulting fatally. Steamboat: Golden Gate in 1852. In 1855 the number of canal boats at upper locks with those moored to the Troy docks extended out that far, the tow from Albany passing up the channel between formed a bridge and Captain James Oliver (known as Dutch Oliver) crossed from West Troy to Troy, utilizing boats of the tow to perform the trick. 1854. Light Guards, military company, organized June, 1853. Cap- tain, L. D. Collins ; first lieutenant, William L. Oswald ; second lieutenant, J. M. Lawrence ; sergeant, Charles Ducharm. Mem- bers, Smith Waterman, Nicholas Witbeck, Charles Mather, Stephen Clark, Morris Cashman, George Lawrence, William Lewis, George Van Wert, Charles Kimberly, Chester Batchelder, James Craig and forty others. Uniforms made by the firm of Brown, Craig and Van Wert. First parade, November, 1853. Reception and banquet at Empire hotel, Proprietor Furgerson meeting his guests with a royal greeting, providing a supper that for quality or quantity could not be surpassed. Many invited guests were present. Congratulations on the company's fine ap- pearance were made, toasts drank (water), and the organization's first entertainment voted a success. Jones's Band accompanied the soldiers on parade and enlivened the entertainment with ap- propriate selections. Their first ball was held in Harmony Hall, Troy, January 18, 1853. Notable guests were Governor Seymour and staff. Their noted excursion to Poughkeepsie August 15, 1854. Remembered Gill Crane sold the hotel September, 1854, to Walter Briggs. July 4, 1854, there were two parades, one by the Light Guards, captain and marshal, Smith A. Waterman; the other, the Carroll Corps, marshal, Frank O'Brien. March 30, 1854, Carrie Delaware, a young girl, was killed in G. Coffin's mill, situated east side Broadway, by falling through an opening in the floor on some saws (circular) then running. 6o The Watervliet Plank Eoad Company abandoned the road run- ning through the village to its boundary line May 16, 1854. A. A. Dunlop, secretary. June 21, 1854, Porter & Frazer's stoneware factory burned. A committee was appointed to protest against the division of the town of Watervliet as follows : A. A. Dunlop, Charles Easton, B. B. Frazer, W. F. Cornell, G. Y. Van Zant, S. S. Wandell, H. A. Brigham, lumber dealers; F. Bebee, Lee & Hall, Piatt, Get- man & Harris. J. Emmett Brown, a popular young man employed by J. W. Freeman, died April 24, 1875. The weighlock as it stands to-day, built in 1853. 1855. John Morrison, an old resident, died on shipboard on his way to California. Monument erected to his memory at Argyle, Wash- ington county. Services May 16, 1852, by Evening Star Lodge, F. & A. M., of West Troy, assisted by Lansingburgh and Fort Edward lodges. Officers, D. Stewart, D. King and B. Smith. December, 1852, a man by the name of Peck was killed in Albert Richard's saw mill. March 18, 1854, occurred the heaviest storm known in this sec- tion for years, damaging Seymour & Taylor's chair factory, top- pling over the steeple of the North Reformed Dutch church and tearing the roofs from many buildings in the village. February 13, 1852. The building then known as the Indian rubber factory, burned ; it stood on Fourth avenue near Catholic church. It had been converted into a tenement. The following persons lost nearly all they possessed: Mr. Walsh, Mr. Robinson, Joseph Smith, W. Wager, Mat O'Herron, Tom Collopy, N". O'Hearns, John Purtell, J. McMann, J. Maloney, William New- man, J. O'Neil, Widow Shaughnessy, O. O'Hearn, H. Griffin, William Kennedy, John Hay, Mary Maloney, James Coggershall and others names unknown. Building owned by J. B. Fassett & Sheldon. June 6, 1853. Susan Dennin & Fox (Mesdames Woodward & Fox) opened in Romeo and Juliet, at the old Museum building (River and Fulton streets, Troy). An attempt was made to pre- vent the performance. It was frustrated by Susan Dennin speak- ing for her sister (the demonstration being specially against her). She scored the unwashed rabble for their uncalled for outrage. The scene changed, and they received a hearty reception. Without stating names, dates or details, I recall four murders that have occurred between 1845 and 1890, two, at least, premedi- tated, using knives said to have been made expressly for the pur- pose. They both served their sentence, and I believe both are dead. The others their term has not as yet expired. William Conroy, to West Troy in 1850. Followed the trade of brick making until his death in 1857. William Conroy, Jr. (son), established the grocery business at Third avenue and Twenty-fifth street in 1876, from there to the old store of Kimberly's, corner Broadway and Nineteenth street, and later removed to his present location, No. 622 Nineteenth street, the population in that section of the city having increased of late years warranting the change. That Mr. Conroy made no mistake is evident from the large addition to his former trade, and the confidence the general public have in his up-to-date mode of doing business, realizing that his stock represents the cream of the market. 1856. Spartan, H. & Ladder Company, No. 2; organizeed in 1840. Charter members: Oscar Potter, Alexander Lobdell, Milo Marsh, J. G. Ogden, Wm. McLellan, C. K Tinney, EL Twiss, Cyrus T. Cutler, Orin Deleware. " Officers: 1840, John G. Ogden, Cyrus T. Cutler, Oscar Potter, Alexander S. Lobdell; 1856, Milo Marsh; 1858, J. G. Ogden; 1859, J. O. Wood; 1860, Cyrus T. Cutler; 1861, Ed. Scott; 1862, C. K. Tinney; 1863, C. K. Tinney; 1864 to 1866, Alex. McLellan. Fire duty was reseponded to with alacrity by the members, while their social features were many and successful ; their records having been destroyed, it is impossible to give full credit to this company in this work. It is evident that it was composed of some of the prominent men of the time. C. K. Tinney Hose Company, No. 2 ; organized in 1866 ; named after a prominent business man of the village; 1866 to 1867, Captain Alexander McClellan; 1868, C. K. Tinney; 1869, J. Berry. James Duffy, prominent in all political movements, always a candidate for office, and succeeded in his endeaver to obtain the same, holding various positions, president of the village in 1863, and held the office of justice of the peace many years ; at one time he operated a cooperage, and of late years was one of the coal merchants of the city; his death occurred March 21, 1909. George Perrott, a prosperous dry good merchant; popular with all classes; stock well selected; catered to the high class trade; in 1860, sold out and went west about 1865, resides in Marshall, Michigan. Jacob Swartz, dealer in books, periodicals and stationery; lo- cated in what was then the Mansion House, at one time Mrs. Badgley was proprietor ; located south of park ; Mrs. Cloe Powell being the first in 1831. 62 1857. In early times passengers were carried to New York on sailing vessels, but abandoned them when steam vessels began running. Lumber, staves, pot-ash, pearl ash, furs, flour and grain con- stituted their cargoes on the trip down the river ; the trip up con- sisted of household furniture, tools of all kinds and other mer- chandise for western merchants. In 1840, Tippecanoe and Tyler too; log cabin and hard cider campaign ; a log cabin was erected at the southeast corner of what is now First avenue and Thirteenth street; speeches in favor of the candidates and a hot canvass made ; an enthusiastic demonstra- tion on the election of Harrison and Tyler ; residences throughout the village were illuminated by a tallow or a sperm candle show- ing at every pane of glass. Early lumber firms: George Coffin, saw mill; Cammeron & Conant; Grant, Freeman & Church; Thomas Coleman; Campbell & Moody; timber, P. Dauchy & Company; J. W. Freeman & Company; F. S. Lamport; Herman Mather; timber, Alfred Mosher; E. W. Phelps; Francis Phelps; Albert Eichards; saw mill, Jacob Piatt; Robert Robinson; Rousseau, Eaton & Janes; Gillispie, Dean & Company; Smith & Craig. 1834, business men at this date, as licensed grocers: R. H. Hosford; P. Wallace, J. McCarty, Robert Dyer, J. McCune, T. O'Connor, J. Greencastle, William Collopy, Andrew Morrison, J. Morrison, William Mullen, C. Shorts, T. McCormick, Alfred Scoville, William Mackey, Thomas Kelly, P. Rogers, William Andrews and T. Evens & Son. 1858. _ David I. Dutcher, first chief of the fire department, in 1838, died in 1845 ; funeral services were held in the Washington Street Church; the funeral cortege was composed of the different fire companies of the village, and business men; buried in the lower cemetery; his loss was seriously felt among all classes. James Roy, came to this country in 1835 ; commenced the woolen business in the old Satinnett factory, bought the land adjoining on the south and erected extensive buildings, and established the famous Roy shawl industry, giving employment to a large number of employees for years ; he was a thorough business man, a good entertainer and ever interested in the prosperity of the village; his liberality was second to none, no society, company or individual was ever refused a donation when solicited if worthy; president of the village in 1858 ; the death of his son, James, Jr., just as he was entering into a business life created a heart-felt sorrow that he never overcame ; his death occurred in 1878, and his loss was deeply regretted by the community. 63 B. F. Knower was associated with Mr. Roy, as also were John F. and Peter A. Roy; it is still in the hands of the Roy family, and known as the Roy Woolen Mill Company; Charles P. Roy, president. July 4, 1840; fireman's parade, Chief Engineer, G. B. Smith. Rip Van Winkle with their new engine, Protection No. 2 ; Con- queror Engine No. 3 ; Hercules Hose and Ladder Company, No. 1 ; Arsenal engine and military from Troy, and invited guests. Exer- cises at the North Reformed Church and a dinner served on the barge Erie, by W. and E. Jenks, of the Tremont, closed the day. Samuel Sexton, to West Troy in 1858; tin smith and hardware merchant, established 1870; location 202 Twenty-third street; in connection with the general business the large demand by boat- men and others for pumps and signal lamps, compelled the addi- tion of that class of goods to his already large stock of merchandise ; a veteran member of the Engineering Corps, Army of the Cumber- land, General John E. Wool, Post G. A. R. and representative citizen. 1859. Oswald Hose Company, No. 1 ; organized December 22, 1859. Nemo me Impune Lacessit. Charter members: Charles Fort, John Perigom, Bernum Collins, Abram King, Henry Warner, Bernard Manning, George Hill, Augustine Smith, Lewis Smith, Charles Ducharm and Robert Wood. Officers: 1859, Charles Ducharm; 1861, B. Manning; 1862, Augustine Smith; 1863, L. Smith; 1865, Joseph Holland; 1866, W. M. Stewart; 1868, R. H. Williams; 1871, S. V. Sturtevant; 1872, George Hill; 1873, F. F. Mosher; 1875, G. M. Wiswall; 1881, G. M. Wiswall; 1882, C. A. Mosher; 1883, H. H. Warner; 1884, Archie Nelson; 1888, F. M. Perigo; 1890, H. R. Alston; 1891, O. H. Mead; 1893, H. A. Nelson; 1894, F. W. Haswell; 1895, Archie Nelson; 1898, O. H. Mead; 1899, T. E. Winnie; 1901, William Helm; 1903, F. A. Mitchell; 1904, G. S. Bedell; 1905, J. T. Hulsapple; 1906-1910, Edward L. Wiswell. The modus operandi as adopted by this company from its or- ganization, and the activity of its earlier members, have been closely followed ; their first secretary, George Mott, a fine penman, in recording events as they occurred, has subscribed to a correct and well written one that no doubt has been continued. The com- pany is noted for its numerous and varied entertainment, excur- sions and receptions, some of them I recall to mind ; reception of Cascade Engine Company, No. 2, Amsterdam, 1865 ; Oswald Social Club, organized 1863 ; dances held in Union Place Hall during the winter, thirty couples participating. August 21, 1868, Oswald club excursion down the Hudson; com- mittee, Robert H. Williams; Joseph H. Holland; S. V. Sturte- 64 vant; William M. Stewart; Blanch E. E. Williams, Robert P. Tunnard ; John S. Robinson ; steamer Carrie and barge Baldwin ; Doring's full band ; supper, Charles F. Lucas. July 26, 1869, excursion down the Hudson; committee, R. H. Williams ; W. H. Stewart ; J. H. Holland ; R. P. Tunnard ; E. £. Abbott; J. S. Robinson; F. F. Mosher; P. E. Thompson; musie by Sullivan's full band; supper, Charles F. Lucas. July 14, 1870, committee on excursion, R. H. Williams, S. Y. Sturtevant, John S. Robinson, F. F. Mosher, Arthur B. Stewart, G. O. Hill, Charles H. Pierce, George L. Mosher; Doring's full band. August 17, 1871, this committee differs some from the above; S. V. Sturtevant, John S. Robinson, J. H. Holland, F. E. Thomp- son, G. L. Mosher, A. B. Stewart, J. B. McGuyer, E. D. Scrafford, G. M. Wiswall; Doring's band; supper, Lucas; these excursions were repeated often. The visit of Hose Company, No. 5, of Buffalo, Captain Toole and the reception and banquet held at Union Place Hall, on October 14, 1873, and the return visit of the company to Buffalo, are noted events of the company, those happening later, are within the memory of the present members of the company, and the gen- eral public. In 1872, the company added an educational feature to ad coptandum a discriminating publication in a course of leje- tures held at Union Place Hall, and opened November 25, with the noted lecturer, E. H. G. Clark; subject, Fisk, on the crimes of commerce. December 9, Wallace Bruce; subject, legends of the Hudson. December 23, James E. Murdock; subject, readings. January 6, 1873, Moses Coit Tyler; subject, a night and a day in Congress. January 20, Ingersoll Lockwood ; subject, "brains!" February 3, 1874, Kate Field; subject, the British republic; or England as it is and will be. William L. Oswald, after whom the company was named, and are indebted to him for his splendid gift, was a prominent and influential young man at that time, and would hold to a principle that he believed was just and right to the bitter end ; the carriage was an elegant piece of workmanship, the flat surface of the reel showing the Scotch plaid and thistle in colors; in 1874 the comV- pany run the cart over the Congress street bridge to prevent the trustees from seizing the same, claiming that the village owned it ; they did not, it was destroyed. It was a wrong act ; being a gift from their friend ; William L. Oswald was president of the village in 1861 ; raised a company of volunteers, and as their captain went to the front, during the war ; returned home, and elected member of Assembly from the Fourth district in 1863 and 1864, became interested in business in Nor- folk, Va., and died there. 65 Lewis W. Smith, a charter member, chief engineer of the fire department from 1883, to date of death, 1905. 1860. Allen Corey published the Albany County Democrat in the in- terest of the Democratic party. It had at times quite a large circu- lation but was discontinued in 1884. A serious fire occurred on Ohio street, covering quite an exten- sive territory eastward toward the canal. It commenced in H. L. Dann's large warehouse for barrels and barrel staves. It de- stroyed a number of shops and residences. Among them were Reiley & Woodard's, Thomas Reardon's, H. J. Hastings's, H. Mc- jSTulty's, Mrs. Gorton's, and George Gunnison's residences, and others. Mr. Dann was a very exacting employer, often called Boss Dann, and there was no doubt as to the cause of the fire, parties seeking revenge for some fancied wrong. 1860, Albany and West Troy Horse Railroad incorporated. It superseded Halstead's line of stages, established in the early 40's by the Jermains, Dunlop, J. M. Haswell and Halstead Bros., and others. A. C. Halstead, superintendent. Its terminus at first was at the Rock House, thence to what is now Twenty-fifth street. The stages were withdrawn. The stables and Mechanics' Hall in Troy were destroyed by fire in May, 1848. Edward Wight in 1858 erected a block of buildings on the site of the old West Troy hotel (Twenty-third street), and established a large grocery business, connected with large stables in connec- tion with forwarding of grain interests. These buildings were partly burned in 1882 and the present block of brick buildings were erected. Collins & Perkins (Isaac, J. T.), fruit store, Broadway and Twenty-third street, 1858. Closed same year. James Collins, 1858, hotel, Foley's corner, went to Troy and opened the Alhambra. Closed it to accept a position at weighlock. E. Dill, proprietor First Ward House in 1858. N. H. Kirker, cooper, 1852, flour barrels being the principal business, mills in this section taking the output. Factory in Port Schuyler. Isaac Hilton, silk fringe, cord, tassels, etc., located opposite A. T. Dunham's residence on what is now Third avenue, in 1855. Gone, like many other industries. The old Exchange Hotel, known to-day as the Collins House. From 1838 under the management of Cloe Powell, it has received the patronage of the traveling public, its many different land- lords adding something to its attractiveness, thereby continuing its prestige, while the present owners and proprietors, John A. Patten's Sons, Joseph E. and Mark Patten, both young men edu- 66 cated in all details connected with an up-to-date hotel, will no doubt distance former efforts of previous landlords, through their generous and liberal ideas as exemplified by their mode of doing business. 1861. Michael Lettice resided on Temperance Hill, went South in 1860 when the South seceded. They pressed him into the Southern army. In 1863 he returned home. To-day he holds the office of county treasurer, Macon, Georgia. New York, Albany and Buffalo Telegraph Company installed their plant at the West Troy exchange. The outside world soon heard of the settlement. Belgian pavement on Broadway was commenced in 1862. Through strikes and mismanagement brought about by incompetent superintendents of construction who insisted on heavy crowning, the contractors were over a year in its construction. John H. Gladding, proprietor Exchange Hotel in 1860. A model landlord. Auburn street canal bridge fell October 3, 1863. Cattle killed, one man injured. New Side Cut bridge (Twenty-third street) built August 23, 1863, when part of the bracing irons parted entailing a $800 loss on W. H. Hutchison, the contractor. The vertical wall of the canal from the side cut locks to lock 2 was commenced about the same year. Sage & Co., contractors. George H. Swartwout, a young man connected with a noted family by that name, enlisted as a private in W. L. Oswald's company. Promoted to sergeant of company, then commissary of regiment, and later commissary of subsistence of First Brigade of Volunteers, Second Division of Second Army Corps, for bravery on the field during several engagements. Peter A. Swartwout, for years bookkeeper for Joseph M. Has- well (brother of William), moved to New York. Died there. L. Eggers, proprietor of the famous novelty bone works, office and factory, Lock 4, Erie canal, West Troy. Established in 1860. The output of fertilizers, tallow and greases was large. Shipped to all sections, New York firms being the heaviest buyers. About 1880 the firm was L. Eggers & Son, Luhr, Jr., being admitted as a partner, and previous to his father's demise became manager, having acted as bookkeeper and correspondent for years and being well qualified and in a position to assume the responsible position. Later Luhr withdrew and the brothers became in possession of the business. Mr. Eggers was afterwards employed as bookkeeper, and in 1904 was appointed city clerk, and by re-appointment has held the office six years ; a member of Laurel Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; 67 was elected to the office of treasurer twenty-five consecutive times ; also member of old James Roy Steamer Company. His record needs no comment. Thirty-fourth Regiment, N". Y. S. V. Company A enrolled at West Troy May 18, 1861. Mustered in June 15, 1861. Captain, William L. Oswald; first lieutenant, Elijah R. Brown; second lieutenant, Benjamin H. Warford, promoted to captain; George H. Swartwout, quartermaster sergeant, then second lieutenant, later first lieutenant subsequent as captain and commissary of sub- sistence, U. S. V. ; Armineas S. Rounds, corporal ; John Oathout, first sergeant. Roster of company: John Oathout, appointed first lieutenant on field at Antietam ; Daniel C. Johnson, captured July 1st, 1862; Anthony Kelly, since dead; Joseph Kirk, captured Antietam, exchanged, promoted adjutant ; Smith Knight, cap- tured, paroled, dead ; David Lander, dead ; William Langwell, dis- charged, disability; Henry Lorman, wounded; Edgar Lorman, discharged ; John Little, since dead ; Martin Luckey, promoted corporal; Edward Maddock, captured, paroled; John Mclntyre, corporal, dead ; John Mullen, discharged ; James H. Millers, transferred U. S. Cavalry; John Morey, first sergeant Company A, first lieutenant Company G ; Abram R. Murphy, dead ; John Murphy, killed, Antietam, 1862; Charles Nelson, dead; George Naylon, dead; George Porter, dead; H. W. Price, dead; Richard Rapps, dead ; Nicholas Saunders, dead ; Frank Thompson, since dead; Martin Troy, dead; Charles Traver, dead; Joseph An- drews, wounded, promoted to sergeant; John B. Amsden, dis- charged ; Daniel M. Becker, quartermaster sergeant ; James A. Brittan, dead; Martin Buck, killed, Antietam, 1862; Donald Cameron, wounded ; David Carey, wounded, Antietam ; Charles Carey, John Carlon, sergeant, dead; D. Cassidy, killed, White Oaks swamp ; Thomas Comstock, dead ; John Cunningham, dead ; John Daley, dead; Edwin Donohoe, dead; John Donohoe, dead; James Dugan, David Flanigan, dead ; Martin Gorman, wounded, dead ; Henry Gilman, wounded, dead ; Alexander Hanna, wounded, dead; Robert H. Hartley, killed September 17, 1862, Antietam; Timothy Heenan, wounded; James Healy, Frank Heyden, wounded ; James Hiccock, Luther A. Hill, wounded, first ser- geant, promoted sergeant-major, killed May 31, 1862, Fair Oaks; Henry White, Riley C. Whitmarsh, David Zufeldi, J. McMullen. The regiment's battle record is : Antietam, Fair Oaks, Fredericks- burg, Malvern Hill, Seneca Mills, White House, Hyler House and Glendale. Joseph James, the pioneer ice dealer of the old village and one of the constables that knew and performed his duty. A young man, Jonas Oothout, was carried over from the Lan- sing building to White building on the back of a tight rope walker. 68 The man rolled a wheelbarrow across, cooked some eggs and per- formed other tricks without accident. His name was Blondin. C. L. Yearsley, well-known young man throughout the village, enlisted August 13, 1862, in Thirteenth regiment, N. Y. Vol., killed in an engagement at the front, his body brought on. Buried in Rural cemetery. Funeral services held in Methodist church, Washing-ton street, December 25, 1864. 1862. Robert I. Getty, captain of gunboat Plate. Was attacked by rebel battery and during the action the Plate was struck by heavy explosives and set on fire. The vessel was saved by the timely arrival of one of Uncle Sam's gunboats and towed to a place of safety. Close call for Bob. 1863. James Treanor established the Watervliet Journal in January, 1860. In 1884 bought out the Albany County Democrat. Con- solidated both papers under the title of Watervliet Journal and Democrat, and associated with him Terrence I. Hardin as part- ner. Treanor died in 1896. Terrence I. Hardin, editor and journalist. Prominent as such in the State. Conversant with the history of the State and nation. A fluent speaker. Interested in all matters of public interest. A co-worker with the G. A. R. in all their movements to obtain bet- ter conditions for the old veterans yet living. Outspoken, friendly and popular with all classes. The paper is the official organ of the city of Watervliet. He was Democratic assemblyman from the Fourth District in 1885 and 1886. Pike & Morgan, extensive stables, and C. P. Hutchinson's blacksmith shop, south of lower Side Cut, burned July 11, 1862. 1864. James Roy Steamer Company No. 1 organized November 12, 1864. Named after James Roy, president of the village in 1858. Labor, omnia, vincet. Captain, Milo Marsh, later treasurer of the company, 1866-67; Charles D. Rousseau, 1868, 1869, 1870; Charles E. Tucker, 1871 and 1872 ; James T. Myers, 1873 and 1874; George H. Yearsley, 1875 to 1880; Reiley Hayford, when steamer went out of commission. It was the most powerful steamer owned by the village, and very heavy, yet from the first organiza- tion until it went out they had a record of fire duty performed second to none in this section, although the members were light weights, except generous, kind hearted veteran fireman James Phelps, and they responded through slush, mud and snow to all 69 call for assistance, and got there. They are credited with some notable out-of-town excursions. They attended the Firemen's Con- vention and trial of engines at Hudson in 1871, and as against first class machines from New York city captured and brought home the first prize of $100 in gold. On returning home they were met by Washington Volunteer company, and by torchlight and display of fireworks were escorted to the village. Through invitation from the George Y. Learned Engine Company of Pitts- field they attended, December 30, 1874, their tenth annual con- cert and ball. Doring's Band and Germania Orchestra of Boston divided the honors. Their reception was most cordial and recorded as one of the company's most delightful visits abroad. One of the coldest nights in this vicinity occurred the Bishop residence fire in 1870. This company crossed the ice and carried hot coffee to the Troy Department. The pipemen were absolutely encased in ice, especially W. Vol. Co., and many are the courtesies extended by the Troy companies to old Boy. Their grand con- cert and fair, held in Union Place Hall in 1870, netted $400, and they furnished their parlors. Fifty dollars was received from James Boy for tickets, who distributed them to his employees, doubly benefitting the company. Also donated fifty dollars for a new silver jacket for the engine. Informal receptions to com- panies, visiting the arsenal, were frequent, short notice as they invariably were. The system of the company and the every ready assistance of the lady friends enabled them to produce an elaborate lunch always. In 1870 their celebrated weekly Saturday night lunches were inaugurated. January 6, 1871, they were again started, and continued many seasons during the winter months. The company's glee club, Charles Bortell, Charles Hoxie, Charles McOmber and Beuben Best constituted the club. Their songs enlivened the occasions, while visitors occasionally rendered selec- tions. Many a strolling band of musicians, with harp, violin and other instruments, have received remuneration from the boys sum- mer evenings for services in front of the house, a feature that was always very attractive. 1865. Capitol Police Force organized. West Troy in Troy district. J. M. Landon, superintendent; captain, Lansing Clute; sergeant, Abraham M. Lansing; patrolmen, C. Spencer Loomis, Kichard Crooks, James Smith, Martin V. B. Jones, C. H. Gary, John V. Decker, Patrick Eogers. Legislated out in 1870. W. A. Swart- wout resigned as last captain and J. Grace as sergeant. Friends of Captain Swartwout presented him with a gold badge as an ap- preciation of his services. James Jones, jeweler, made it. West Troy Police Force organized April 27, 1870. Police com- 70 missioners, Ebenezer Scoville, John I. Winne, William C. Durant, Isaac B. Getty ; captain, James O. Wood ; sergeant, Sylvanus K. Jefferson; patrolmen, Timothy Nelligan, William Griffin, Charles Furlong, John Sullivan, William Collopy, Patrick Boyle, Ed. Rogers, Patrick Rogers. James Boyland succeeded Captain Wood as captain on December 6, 1886; sergeant, James Coggins; patrol- men, James K. Stewart, J. McGrath, William McCarty, M. Mc- Keon, M. Gunnen, J. Osterson, William Griffin, E. Fitzpatrick. John W. Collopy succeeded Captain Boyland as captain December 1, 1890 ; sergeant, Joseph A. Otterson. Captain Boyland died in 1908. The above act repealed March 1, 1895. Police force of the city of Water vliet organized 1896. Com- missioners, J. D. Brown, William J. Fitzgerald, Charles JSToller, Harry M. Hulsapple; captain, John W. Collopy; sergeant, Charles IsToller; acting sergeant, W. J. Moreland; patrolmen, James H. Stewart, John McGrath, Thomas Maloney, J. McKen- zie, James Burk, Thomas Steel, F. Trimble, D. Murphy, died; M. S. Corbett appointed to fill vacancy. Captain Collopy's twenty years' continued service in the department is a guarantee of ap- preciation of same by the citizens. William Hollands, member of Hercules Hook and Ladder Com- pany, at their annual election in 1865, presented their newly elected foreman, Alfred W. Richardson, with a trumpet seven feet long, made by Jules Catliu. Their annual banquet was afterwards enjoyed. Corporation Hall, erected in 1864. Third floor, council room. Recorder's Court, same floor. Second floor, Oswald Hose Com- pany's parlors, city clerk's office. First floor, hose house and engine room. October 22, 1865, the hotel that once stood opposite Menands road burned. Known as the Widow Dayton's. For years William Burnett was proprietor. Last proprietor Barney Mulligan. October 30, 1865, the funeral of a young man well known in the village, murdered in Pot Hole City, Pa. September 5, 1865, UfTord & Latham's mill, J. P. Wiswall building, Frank O'Brien building, F. Witbeck tenement, Brigham & Richardson, E. Wiswall's building, Robert Malone, Mrs. Sharp's saloon, Metcalf's blacksmith shop, Masonic Hall, Allen Corey's printing establishment entirely destroyed by fire. In 1865 Eben Wiswall, Parker Wiswall and Thomas Rath each erected brick buildings west side of Broadway. Occupied by C. E. Tucker, Montgomery Witbeck, P. Kelly and Masonic Hall ; also police station occupied it. December 16, 1870, a large fire occurred in the W T iswall block, completely destroying the stock of C. T. Moore, newsdealer ; Allen Corey printing establishment, R. S. Lobdell, glass fixtures; J. J. Armstrong and others; also occupied bv Evening Star Lodge, F. and A. M. 7i oilliam C. Duraiit & Co. (M. C. Bogue), iron foundry, Wil- liam street, corner CanaL In 1854 an industry that at one time gave employment to many citizens. Sales were large. In 1860 the. firm was Brennen & Durant. Out of existence. 1866. The tug boat Hayner ; captain and owner, Charles Hayner ; at- tempted to tow a heavy raft of timber against a heavy current, a high freshet in river, burst her boiler, killing the crew of four; Captain Hayner, William Walter Myers, Thomas Eyan and Wil- liam Ward, pilot; Thomas McDonald was on the raft; Michael McDonough, contractor, stepped from the tug as she pulled out, decided not to go out on it, and stood on the dock as the accident occurred ; James Oliver locked the tug from the basin into the river; the manhole plate was blown to Eiver street, in front of the Troy House. The next year, 1867, the tug boat Hart, met with a like fate as she lay at her dock in the river below the river lock. Clute Hose Company, No. 1, organized ; John Early, foreman ; incident not recognized, and dropped out. Alfred Christiansen, from Norway; graduated from colleges in his native country, employed by many firms in his adopted country, recognized as an expert in all mechanical work, and as master mechanic at the Watervliet Arsenal, where he was transferred in 1867, he demonstrated his ability in mastering the many difficult problems in connection with the assembling of the many parts of the largest gun that was ever constructed at the post; his death deprived the government of a valuable employee, his family of a kind husband and father, and the community of a worthy and respected citizen, occurring in 1906. Alfred Christiansen, Jr., Olaf Christiansen (sons), hold posi- tions as draughtsmen at the United States Arsenal; Ambjon Chris- tiansen, being a telegraph operator. Andrew Heatherston, cigar manufacturer on Broadway, south ol Halcyon House, burned out in 1865. James Brady, contractor ; wholesale wines and liquors ; member of" Assembly in 1866; contractor, president of the village in 1859, and well known in business circles. Speeding of horses and skating on the river were sports enjoyed in the early days ; later driving parks and skating rinks were utilized, head-on and snap the whip, were leaders with skaters, sides being chosen, each choosing a leader; John Clark of the Fourth ward and Lon Chamberlain of the Second ward, were the two experts in that line, and were often pitted against each other. American Butt and Rivet Company, located at junction of Erie and Champlain canals in 1894, closed. Company H, Seventh Regiment, Heavy Artillery; Captain 72 Charles McGuire; mustered in August 18, 1862; mustered out August 11, 1865 ; J. B. Pierce, Wm. Barker, Isaac Gillett, John Berry, John Dyer, Wm. Burton, Geo. H. Garfield, Chas. Mc- Lellan, Geo. Isham, C. T. Yearsley and John Lock are some that I call to mind, who gave their services for the country's honor, braved hardship and suffered with others throughout a three years campaign, meeting with heavy losses in engagements at Cold Harbor, Petersburg and other places, where Captain McGuire, John Lock, Geo. Isham, C. T. Yearsley and many others gave up* their lives that the Union might be preserved ; " the deeds of the volunteer," history records, the memory of their heroic struggle, will never fade. S. R. Pierce, to West Troy in 1833; carpenter and builder, continuing in the same until his demise; prominent in religious matters; member of the Methodist Church, and a citizen whose word was his bond; Mrs. Pierce, living, eighty-six years old, her kind and loving disposition and generous nature has endeared her to many. J. B. Pierce (son), educated in the village, followed the occu- pation of his father; one of the charter members of Protection Hose Company, and a veteran of sixty-two and sixty-five. 1867. James Duffy Engine Company, ~No. 2 ; organized in 1867 ; chief engineer, Michael Kelly; foreman, Edward Kelly; in place of Protection engine (hand, burned at Ufford & Lathams, mill fire, in 1865). Charter members : J. Smithy, Martin Kelly, Jerry Galvin, John Mullen. Foremen: 1868 and 1869, J. Smith; 1870, M. Keily; 1871 and 1872, John Mullen; 1873, J. Brown; 1874, M. J. Horan; 1875, M. J. Horan; 1876-78, M. Grogan; 1879 and 1880, M. Neeland. No record of this company is in existence, and very few mem- bers living know anything worth recording, they had a large mem- bership, fines or dues seldom collected, join and go-as-you-please was the characteristic feature; excursions, balls and outings were many. James Hamil, born on Temperance Hill ; name originated from a temperance meeting in early days; the last captain of old Rip Van Winkle in 1865; the boys succeeded in nominating and elect- ing him to the presidency of the village, and he served two years, 1866 and 1867; in those days tinsmiths went from house to house for jobs; through Mr. Charles Hill's friendship he was enabled to open a shop, his attention to business enabled him to prosper, while his friend who met misfortune later, no doubt received returned courtesies from him. 73 The Hamil Hose Company was organized and named after Mr. Hamil, but was not confirmed by the trustees, and soon disbanded. Oscar F. Potter, member of Assembly, Fourth district in 1867. Steamboats Vanderbilt and Connecticut, running in 1866. Company A, Thirty-fourth Regiment, New York State Volun- teers ; Captain William L. Oswald ; First Lieutenant, E. R. Brown ; Second Lieutenant, Benjamin H. Waford; mustered in June 16, 1861; mustered out June 21, 1863; George H. Swartwout, Joseph Andrews, William Bartlett, D. M. Becker, James A. Brittan, Wil- liam Campbell, John Carlin, Thomas Comstock, Thomas Carey, William Carey, John Carey, John Oathout, J. Dailey, John Donohue, Martin Gorman, Alexander Hanna, Robert H. Hartley, Luther A. Hill, Alonzo Hills, Edward Hoffman, Lewis Hoffman, Spencer Hoffman, P. Horan, Albert W. House, D. C. Johnson, Thomas Seely, John Kirk, K. Smith, William Langwell, Abe E. Lansing, John Mclntyre, John McMullen, J. H. Millis, J. Morey, Martin Luckey, James McCormick, Edgar Lorman, Henry Lor- man, Charles Nelson, Peter Ost, George Porter, Richard Rapp, James Shoemaker, Charles Timmons, William Traver, Charles Traver, Patrick Welch, R. C. Witmarsh, are some of the members of this company, whose history as connected with the Thirty-fourth Regiment, New York State Volunteers, adds honor to each indi- vidual member, whose services rendered possible the perpetual freedom of the United States and the recognition of the American flag throughout the world. Sons of Malta : phosphorescent members ; Smith Waterman, W. L. Oswald, Nick Witbeck, Samuel Segue, Isaac Collins, John Morris and others ; excursion to Schenectady, Barnhardt reception, 1852; Twenty-fifth street episode, close call on return; so-mote-it- be; many more that recall what happened to Len Sweet; who pleaded his case, and Henry Millers' tearful remonstrance; what became of the elaborate uniforms ? Warren Jones built a two-story building west side of canal on Cohoes turnpike, above what is now Twenty-sixth street. Second avenue, on the site of the present West Side Foundry Company, and operated a stoneware pottery ; about six years later, in the 70's, James Wager, then living on the Albany road, built another build- ing, having purchased the premises and established a foundry for the manufacture of stoves. About 1880 Daniel E. Paris became the successor of that firm and established the foundry under the name of the West Side Foundry. It became one of the largest stove foundries in this section. The adaptation of the Paris idea in stoves for all purposes, secured for the proprietor, a large demand throughout the State. His affability and congeniality had a marked effect in securing the confidence of his patrons. In 1894 William Sleicher, William N. Sleicher and Charles A. Sleicher became his successors. In 1907 the firm became incorpo- 74 rated under the name of the West Side Foundry Company. Wil- liam N. Sleicher, president; Charles A. Sleicher, vice-president and treasurer. Ralph H. Sleicher was admitted to the firm in 1908 ; became vice-president in 1910. Charles H. Sleicher becom- ing manager of the concern. K. A. Stevens is the present secre- tary for the company ; graduate of the Hoosick Falls High School and Troy Business College; qualified to fill the position; his accuracy and attention to the duties of the office well attest his abilities. This firm continued to manufacture stoves up to 1900, when it discontinued the same and operated the foundry as a gen- eral custom work plant, the output consisting of light and heavy castings; also architectural castings of all designs. The foundry fronts on the Erie canal. Office on Third avenue, in rear of main buildings. The plant is an acquisition to the business interests of the city, a large number of machanics being employed, mostly residents. The output is large and increasing under their present efficient manager. John Ball was born in New York city in 1856 ; educated in the public schools. Afterwards engaged in the hardware business. He came to West Troy in 1882. In 1883 was salesman for James Hamil. From 1884 to 1892 was in the grocery business on Sche- nectady and Montgomery streets. Town clerk (Watervliet) in 1892 and 1893. Again with Hamil, as bookkeeper in 1894; ter- minating in 1906. May, 1906, to July, 1908, assistant manager of Home Telephone Co. at Watervliet. From 1900 to date en- gaged in the real estate business, and in 1909 opened his perma- nent office, corner Broadway and Fifteenth street, where he has the largest real estate and insurance agency in the city ; also deals in security and fidelity bonds. Mr. Ball is largely identified with the business affairs of the city, well known throughout the com- munity and with business men in general. Watervliet Council, No. 198, Knights of Columbus, organized in I. O. O. F. Hall December 6, 1896, with fifty-six charter mem- bers. Grand knight, Michael L. Walsh. Purchased the J. I. Winne building, No. 1570 Broadway, occupied same until April 1, 1910, when they purchased of Colonel Barber the south part of what is known as the Bock house, built in 1828 by Learned & Bingham. One of the largest religious societies in this section. Its principles the " uplifting of humanity." John P. Ogden, prominent citizen of the Seventh ward. Many years connected with the D. & H. R. K. Interested in all move- ments that tend to elevate the financial, social and moral conditions of the laboring class, and a prominent member of the Railroad Employees Association ; also a prominent newsdealer, his place of business being located at No. 224 Twenty-third street, where a fine stock of stationery can at all times be found. Influential and well informed citizen. 75 1868. The M. Y. B. Social Club, organized, October 10, 1868; rooms north of West Troy Exchange; their theatrical entertainment and ball, given in Mechanicville, Christmas evening, 1869, under the name of the Thorne and Morton combination, was a pleasant outing ; a large audience greeted the opening, and were well pleased with the performance, and the dance was enjoyed by a large num- ber of young people of the village; the company was composed of the following: Treasurer, George H. Yearsley; ticket agent, Joseph Hogben; doorkeeper, Fred Tinsler; comedian, John Mor- ton Vosburgh; tragedian, Allen Parker; stage machinist, Simeon Cole ; clog specialist, Charles McOmber ; promoter, William Cleave- land; lady actor as Miss Ophelia, Peter Swartwout; quartet, Charles Bortel, bass; William Chalou, tenor; James Best, second tenor; Beily Hayford, alto; J. Thorn, manager; $2,000 dollars worth of American colors were loaned the club by Betts and Robison, Silliman and Mather, and owners of several tugs and barges, that were used to decorate the hall and stage; if there is any of the twenty-two members of the club living I would be pleased to hear from them. Prominent villagers who have died prior to this date : Roswell Wilson, October 8, 1849 ; D. M. Vail, June 5, 1849 ; Peter Van Olinda, May 9, 1855; T. C. Wright, June 1, 1860; G. K. Mont- gomery, December 11, 1868 ; George H. Lawrence, April 27, 1866 ; Henry Yearsley, June 15, 1868; Henry Hayford, September 16, 1865; T. H. Hill, June 6, 1856; Henry Fitchett, 1867; Jonathan Childs; D. M. Vail, August 13, 1849. Henry Kimberly, came to West Troy about 1824, and for years was identified with all movements that pertained to village affairs ; better known in later years as the senior member of the grocery firm of Kimberly & Williams. William B. Williams succeeded to the business, and years later closed out ; he was president of the village in 1868. Other deaths: W. H. Haywood, September 16, 1864; William Macklin, June 16, 1874; Abram Ives, June 16, 1860; Horace L. Haight, May 9, 1854; Abram Lansing, October, 1866; Peter Johnson, April 24, 1858; J. Dorman, April 18, 1846; John D. Dutcher, November 20, 1847; and Joseph Swerchark, 1843. 18S9. The old Republican Albany county committee, composed of one delegate from each district, often met to organize in regular form, and as often found it difficult to agree, and two committees would be the outcome; in 1886 this state of affairs existed, when a reconciliation was effected and George H. Fitts was agreed on as a satisfactory candidate for chairman of the committee. On the evening of the meeting Mr. Fitts was called out of town, and 76 the members assembled, John M. Bailey, Eugene Burlingham, William Loeb, James Bentley, John McBain and others, received a letter from Mr. Bramen suggesting that it would be to the in- terest of the party to elect John McBain chairman, and proceed with the organization of the committee. The communication was received with favor, and accordingly Mr. McBain received the honor. The organization by the election of president, secretary and other officers being effected, thanks were tendered to their chairman when the members with one accord, forcibly carried him to their hotel, they congratulated him on his splendid diplomacy, in effecting a reconciliation between all parties, and one of the old style greetings was indulged in, and with three cheers and a tiger they escorted their honored member to the cars, sending him home to Watervliet, with the assurance that party interest had been subserved. The incident is evidence of the fact that harmony between factions is the one safeguard to success in any party, and to secure that harmony, the rights and equity of the citizen should be the first consideration by all public servants, and the office seeker or the politician that is seeking office for personal aggrandi- ment should be relegated to the rear. Aaron DeGraff, one of the first settlers to establish the grocery business in the old Fourth ward, northeast corner of Union and Broad streets (Broadway and Twenty-third street). Francis Disabel, variety store, brick building, one door above; his wife the Fourth ward milliner; also the stock of goods com- prised an extensive line of sporting goods, being himself an expert and lover of out-door recreation, especially fishing. A gentleman of the olden type. John Garrahan, from Ireland in 1832 ; riverman, one of the old pioneer river captains; died in 1872. Garrahan Brothers, grocers; Fourth avenue and Twenty-third street; James C, educated in the village schools; with Warren Mead some years in the same business, but in 1907 established the present business, on the site of the old hay market, being centrally located; firms previously occupying the stand were very successful. With a fine stock, together with their large following, success is assurred. Few citizens are cognizant of the modus operandi taken to secure the naming of the streets as they are to-day. Money having been raised to pay the expense of a committee to proceed to Wash- ington, to interview the government officials in regard to getting more work at the gun plant. Four hundred dollars was the sur- plus after expenses were paid. Citizen Isaac LeKoy being aware of the fact that the government refused to appoint letter carriers on this route unless streets were named, was enabled to finance the proposition, securing the $400 then in the possession of Fergus Dodds, contracted with Messrs. Eddy & Halligan, of Troy, who in executing the work, made it possible to find locations easily. 77 William Lamphere, from Bainbridge, N. Y., to Troy, in 1869 ; sergeant one year on the old capitol police force, 1870; resided in West Troy; employed at Ten Eykes axe factory, Cohoes; in 1871, foreman of Seymour-Taylor & Co., chair factory, holding said position twenty-one years; in 1892, on the police force of the village; for years an employee of the State; a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the G. A. R. Thomas Scarborough, from Ireland to Lansingburg, in 1840; brushmaker; to West Troy in 1845, contractor; firm of Andrews & Scarborough, carpenters and builders ; then in the coal business ; firm of Scarborough & Hollands; in 1867, Scarborough & Forsyth (David), later Scarborough Brothers (James), James was killed by falling off a derrick in 1883; firm then became Scarborough & Sou (John Scarborough), John Scarborough succeeded to the business in 1888, and continues the same to the present date; interested also in the grocery business for years ; M. M. Cavanaugh succeeding to the grocery business at the old stand, corner of Eighth street and Broadway ; Messrs. Scarborough, Boss Andrews, William Hollands and Forsyth were some of the most prominent business men in this section, and representatives of their families now living in the city are identified with its business, political, religious and social problems, as they exist to-day. 1870. Michael Kelly Hose Company No. 2 organized in 1870. Named after a prominent politician always interested in anything per- taining to the fire department. Held every office and as chief he had no superior. Charter members, J. Costello, D. Anglum, M. Smith, M. Ryan, J. M. Farrel, J. Clark, J. Keenan, M. Mullen. Officers, 1870, John Moore; 1871, J. Costello; 1872, D. Anglum; 1873, W. F. Smith; 1874, J. Keenan; 1875, J. Moore; 1876, J. Clark; 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, M. Ryan; 1881, 1882, M. Mullen; 1883, J. Farrel; 1884, J. E. Farrel; 1885, 1886, J. Boyland; 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, W. H. Parker; 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, W. H. Daubney; 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, J. Welsh; 1899, 1900, Lester W. Coffee; 1901, 1902, L. W. Cusick; 1903, 1904, J. Lally; 1905, 1906, J. Parker; 1907, D. Smith; 1908, D. Carhart; 1909, 1910, Thomas Horan. The company has always taken an interest in fire matters and have rendered efficient aid when called to respond for duty. Social features in the way of balls or ban- quets never had any fascination for the members of this company. Their records are blind in regard to same although they have enjoyed some in days gone by. They are credited with one held November 11 in Knights of Columbus Hall, 1907. It was well attended. The proceeds procured them their uniforms. An out- ing in 1898 to Baerena Park afforded recreation to members and 78 guests. A piano graces their parlor, and as many of the young men are fine musicians an evening of enjoyment can be had by those that visit the company. Evening Star Social Club organized about 1870, their enter- tainments being held in the old Tremont Hotel, at that time Mrs. Mary A. Greenman, proprietor. The unanimity of the members enabled them to so perfect their arrangements that an evening of enjoyment by those attending always developed. It was the last regular organized club that held forth in the old hotel, disbanding in 1872. Officers and members: First president, Thomas Jenks; last president, F. Terrell ; Isaac LeRoy, Thomas F. Toomey, Thomas Oates, Ed. Nally, Thomas Jenks, James F. Connell and others. Frank Keis, from Germany in 1862. Established the grocery and provision business in 1870 at the southwest corner of Four- teenth street and Fourth avenue. Removed in 1885 to the oppo- site corner, 40 Fourteenth street. He died December, 1901, his sons, Joseph and Albert, succeeding their father, who left them a business built on a solid foundation secured through industry and perseverance. Under the new management, from the experi- ence acquired during their clerkship with him, the continued suc- cess of the firm is assured. 1871. S. J. Gleason Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 organized 1871. Named after a prominent young man of the village, fair-minded, liberal, and whose presence at all social gatherings added to the pleasures of the same. Charter members, William Chalou, Charles McOmber, James Crummy, Isaac LeRoy. Officers, 1871 to 1879, William Chalou; 1879 to 1881, James Crummy; 1881 to 1883, Isaac ReRoy; 1883 to 1892, J. D. Maloney; 1892 to 1895, P. Larkins; 1895 to 1898, J. O'Brien; 1898, J. F. Connell; 1899, J. F. McLoughlin; 1900, Joseph Otterson; 1901 to 1905, J. F. McLoughlin; 1905 and 1906, Thomas F. Mehan; 1907 to 1910, J. F. Connell; 1910, Nicholas T. Maloney. From the first forma- tion of this company they have exhibited a lively interest in all matters (firemanic and social) appertaining to an organization of like character. They were uniformed within three months after organization. They have responded to all calls for duty with promptness, and their services have been many times of value to property holders, while said service (except paid employees) has been rendered as volunteer firemen without any compensation (like others) except the pleasure derived from each other's society, and the enjoyment derived from that association, and in entertain- ing brother firemen and friends. These entertainments have been recherche and frequent. Their first appearance was September 25, 79 1872, in the parade of the Fire Department of the village, the only one held in twelve years. Their presence added dignity to the occasion, and their co-operation helped make it a success. Their first excursion was to Newark, 1ST. J. I read from the invitation received the following items: William Chalou, captain; Paul Jef- ferson, assistant; Robert A. Smith, vice president; James Crum- mey, treasurer ; J. H. Higginson, Martin R. Harris, T. A. O'Her- ron, president and secretary of the company, a committee of ar- rangements. Assessment fifteen dollars. Doring's full band of twenty-five pieces. Returning by Day Line. In 1874 they formed the escort to Trojan Hook and Ladder Company of Troy, and their guests, the Ethan Aliens of Burlington, Vt., from Congress street bridge to the United States arsenal grounds, returning to the company's rooms where an elaborate luncheon awaited their guests. This impromptu affair was followed on January 14, 1875, by a grand promenade concert and ball held in Union Place Hall. The decorations of the hall were flattering to the taste displayed by the members as artists. The costliness of, and yet the sim- plicity of the dresses worn by the ladies present added to their natural beauty and enhanced the already magnificent surround- ings, while strains of music, floating through the air, emanating from Doring's Band, enabled the guests to trip the light fantastic toe with ease and comfort. As athletes they are the banner com- pany through the splendid work performed by the company's base- ball team when they won the pennant and became champions of Albany and Rensselaer counties in 1888. Other excursions, recep- tions and banquets could be named but the above is enough to show the status of the company. Ab Initio. 1872. One of the largest and finest parades of the West Troy Fire De- partment occurred September 25, 1872. Chief Engineer James T. Myers ; first assistant, John Robinson ; second assistant, Dennis Ryan. The James Roy Engine Co. ISTo. 1. Guests, Washington Volun- teers, Troy ; G. Y. Learned Company, of Pittsfield ; visiting chiefs, J. McQuade, Coleman, Mason, Green, Ellis, Moore, Ingram, White, and other out-of-town guests. Captain, George H. Years- ley. An elaborate banquet held in their house was rendered more so from the fact that family acquaintances of Chief Myers, sixty lady friends, not one having any member connected with the de- partment presented him with as many baskets containing cakes, confections, bonbons and fruits of all kinds. The same were duly acknowledged at the time and Steward Adams saw to it that the company's tables were greatly improved in apearance by their addition. Sullivan's Band headed the company on parade and 8o rendered selections during the entertainment. Hooker McKeon, of Volunteers, headed that company. James Duffy Steamer Company No. 2. The guests of this company were W. B. White Steamer Company, Gage & Klein's Band. With a delegation of prominent citizens, Judge Grogan and former officers of the company, Captain Horan in command. The menu served to their guests was of that character that would surprise an epicure, all the delicacies of the season in abundance being served in their rooms, and so decorated to give the idea of an up-to-date hotel dining room. Songs, speeches and jokes enlivened the occasion while Gage's band put the finishing touch to the program. Michael Kelly Hose Company No. 2. Guests, Hitchcock Hose Company. Captain, G. Landry. Their entertainment for their guests was also held in their parlors. Ex-Chief Kelly presided. The good things soon disappeared owing to the fact that the march had created an appetite unusual with firemen, but the supply was equal to the demand. Cromwell's Band added on this occasion to their reputation as first class musicians. Foreman, Dan Anglum. S. J. Gleason Hook and Ladder Company. Guests, Protection Steamer No. 1, King's Band; A. A. Van Wort Company, Hitch- cock's Band. They held their banquet in Union Place Hall. They surprised their numerous guests by the splendid layout. The tables were beautifully trimmed, and the hall had an inviting appearance. The tables were occupied by a pig here and a turkey there, while ducks, chickens and squirrels were added to the dis- play. Captain, William Chalou. Academy Band done themselves proud on this occasion. Oswald Hose Company No. 1. The guests were the J. Fox Steamer Company No. 2, Captain C. Jones; A. J. Whipple Steamer, Captain N. W. Vaughn. Other guests from Trojan Hook and Ladder Company of Troy, city officials from Albany and Lansingburgh. To describe the banquet this company pro- vided for their guests is unnecessary. Their motto, " Nothing to good for our friends," was exemplified as all became seated at the tables set in the spacious dining room of the Collins House. Cap- tain, George Hill. Doring's Band of twenty-five pieces, the peer of any. Conquerer Engine No. 3 and guests; Camp McNamara, Dr. John P. Witbeck and Charles Moore in carriage; G. B. Mosher Fire Brigade, Captain LeRoy ; G. B. Mosher, R. S. Lobdell, C. L. McArthur, J. I. Russell, President Terrence Cummings, Samuel Stover and trustees. Not a cigar smoked in line. Not a man left it on the march. The ladies on Washington street furnished lemonade as the parade rested. 8i 1873. Braman, Waters W., born in Troy, N. Y., April 20, 1840; became a resident of West Troy, shortly after the close of the Civil War, and here married Margaret J. Getty, the result of which marriage was ten children, six of whom are now living. In the spring of 1891, Mr. Braman and family, with the excep- tion of one son, removed to Three Rivers, Province of Quebec, Canada, where he was engaged in the manufacture of lumber, and at which place he died December 8, 1893. During Mr. Braman's early life he was associated with his uncle, Waters W. Whipple, in the lumber business in this village, but being patriotic, and he having attained his majority, enlisted on December 7, 1861, as First Lieutenant in Company C, Ninety-third Regiment, New York Volunteers, and went to the front, where he served thirty-seven months, being in twenty-eight engagements, and was discharged at the close of the war, on January 21, 1865. When he was discharged from service he was captain of Company H, of the same regiment, with rank of brevet major; he was also tendered a commission as captain in the army, but declined the honor pre- ferring to go back to business. He did return to his chosen busi- ness, that of lumber, and soon joined a partnership consisting of Rousseau & Braman, which firm conducted their business for some years in this village, and until the lumber famine struck the village, when said firm dissolved. After that and for many years he was manager of the old Kerslake mill, on Broadway, and con- tinued with it until it closed up shortly after the death of the owner, James Kerslake. Mr. Braman was honored by his fellow citizens on several occasions, they having once elected him as a village trustee, and in 1874, 1875, 1878 and 1879 elected him as member of Assembly from the Fourth Assembly district of Albany county. While he was a member of the Assembly, he served on the committee of removal when the change was made from the old capitol to the new. He also served as State senator during the years 1880 and 1881, representing therein the seven- teenth district. For more than twenty-five years he was a Re- publican leader in Albany county, was several times a delegate to State and National conventions, and on one occasion he was tendered the nomination for Lieutenant-Governor, but declined. At the time of a great Republican gathering at the Fair Grounds on the Troy road, he presided and introduced the principal speaker, James G. Blaine. He was a member of Evening Star Lodge No. 75, F. & A. M., of Post No. 5, G. A. R., of the Grant club of Albany, and of the Watervliet club. He was a fearless, upright, and a much respected citizen. 82 1874. Young Peoples' Social, TJ. P. Hall. J. F. Patterson, E. F. Koy, J. L. Haswell, committee. Ortus Club Social, at Union Place Hall, had a large member- ship. Their orders of dancing well selected; their committee of arrangements popular and courteous. Haverlock Chalou, presi- dent ; J. E. Garrahan, chairman ; W. H. Hennessy, treasurer. At Maclntyre's picnic, on fair grounds, in 1885, Raymond Wight ran ten miles in one hour and seven minutes on a bet. Patrick Scully and Teddy Daily, starter and referee. David Anderson, a prominent business man, died January 5. Duffy third annual ball, at Union Place Hall, January 6. Laurel Lodge, I. O. O. F., mammoth sleigh ride to Clifton Park. Young Men's Literary Association ball at Union Place Hall, March 17, 1871. Duffy Steamer Co., with chief engineer and assistant, sent in their resignation, because the trustees refused to increase the salary of their engineer. It was accepted, April 12. Large fire on Green Island. Lumber yards belonging to firms in West Troy, below Green Island bridge, and coal sheds above. Troy and West Troy departments were busy nearly two days. It commenced on Sunday in 1871. West Troy and Troy Bridge Co. Organized April 23, 1872. Completed October, 1874. First load over by George Bates' teams with 100 tons of pig iron to test its strength. The structural timbers were carried away at the west approach in the fall of '72, and the eastern span fell in 1873. Trojan H. & L. Co., with their guests, were the first company to cross the bridge, on their way to visit the Watervliet Arsenal. Ethan Allen Co., of Burlington, Vt., guests. Samuel Waterman ; lumber dealer. Under no obligation to do so, paid the expenses of the funeral of a boy that was killed by falling off a pile of lumber in his yard. Village president 1855 to 1858. Francis Disabel, merchant — an old settler — died October, 1872. In October, 1872, what was known as the " widows' fire " oc- curred near the Arsenal wall. ,Mrs. Jackson, a visitor from Lansingburg, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Hursh, all widows, were burned out. Mrs. Andrews was the only one insured. The same day a Widow Schuyler, living in the lower part of the village, was also burned out. July 1, 1872. Concert at Baptist church; Prof. Gill in charge. Miss Cressy sang " The Flower Girl." Mrs. Kennedy and others also sang. Prof. Conway, pianist. Rev. M. Gurley, pastor. Perry Robinson, Stephen Shannahan, J. R. Levings, excise com- missioners of the village, were fined $250 each by the Supreme 83 Court, for paying themselves their commission out of moneys col- lected. They should have paid the money to the treasurer and drawn pay through the proper channel. Andrew Alexander, a well known banker, real estate and insur- ance agent, met with an accident causing his death, June 14, 1875. 1875. Isaac G. Braman (son of W. W. B.). Born in the village, edu- cated in the schools of the village, graduate of a business college and from boyhood a popular young man, being an expert steno- grapher, and having acquired considerable influence in his ward, he entered into politics, and increasing the same became a can- didate for mayor of the city, but withdrew in the interest of peace and harmony. He held the position of stenographer under Governor Levi P. Morton in 1895. He is well posted in the political situation of his own city as well as of the county. At present he holds the position of stenographer of the County Court of the county of Albany. Steamboat City of Troy built in 1876. Elias Vanderlip; believed to be the first undertaker to settle in Gibbonsville. When the mournful event required his services, he proceeded with dispatch, but in a manner that showed his sym- pathy for the bereaved family. His wife Nancie, always with motherly care, superintended on all like occasions the duties that were required ; was beloved by all, and both were sincerely mourned when they passed away. The old-time custom of turning the looking-glass to the wall was never omitted by Mother Nancie Vanderlip. Mr. Vanderlip died in 1880. Terrence Cummings; to West Troy in the 40's. Grocery and stabling, in 1855, located corner Twenty-fifth street and Whitehall street (Second avenue). Boat trade being quite heavy at that time, later he removed to the corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty- third street. At one time prominent in politics, taking an active part in all affairs pertaining to the village; president of same in 1869, 1872 and 1873 ; 1885 and 1886 supervisor of the town of Watervliet. A citizen respected by all. His death occurred August, 1910. 1876. Protection Hose Co. No. 4. The first meeting of the young men of the Fourth toward organization of the company was held in the office of Justice John McDonough, in 1876, Wights building, Broadway. John McBain elected chairman. Bernard Pierce, first captain ; F. O. Potter, treasurer, Emerson Jones, assistant. Charter members: John McBain, Sr., F. O. Potter, George Garfield, John Berry, Benjamin Dyer, F. W. Phillips, Charles Whipple, Geo. Clark, H. Berger, Henry Retalick, B. Pierce, Peter Glynn, D. Seabring, Frank Whipple, Emerson Jones. 84 Officers : 1878, the common council confirmed the organization; captain, F. O. Potter; 1879, Geo. Garfield; 1880, John Berry; 1881, Geo. Garfield; 1882, Benj. Dyer; 1883, Wm. Rock; 1884, Geo. Clark; 1885, Wm. Eock; 1886 and 1887, F. W. Phillips; 1888, F. W. Phillips; 1889, 1890 and 1891, Warren Balou; 1892, Geo. Phillips; 1893, 1894, 1895, F. W. Phillips; 1896 and 1897, R. T. Williams; 1898, S. M. Richards; 1899, G. R. Hutchinson; 1900 and 1901, H. Davenport; 1902 and 1903, G. H. Mitchell; 1904, T. Jones; 1906, H. B. Hodgman; 1907, J. Berry; 1908 and 1909, Jas. Shannon; 1910, C. T. Burton. James Grattan, driver — one who is worthy of the position. His care and attention to details connected with it, and his love for and kindness to dumb animals is proverbial. The social features of the company have been mostly local, con- sisting of luncheons served from time to time to home guests and some entertainments and receptions to nearby companies. The first banquet was held in their new house, east side of Third avenue, north of Twenty-third street. President John McBain, Sr., addressed the members, others followed with congratulations on the success of the cosy organization, and then all seated them- selves at the banquet table. The menu was a surprise; the good things were there, and after they has disappeared songs and toasts followed. The occasion is remembered by only a small number. Excursions abroad have been limited in number. Their noted one occurred in 1889. August 27 they left by boat and on August 29 the Seamstress Engine Co., of the Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.'s fire department, of Bridgeport, Conn., received them, and no heartier reception was ever accorded to any body or com- pany of firemen than they experienced. Two days, the 30th and 31st, added another ovation tendered them by the Volunteer Asso- ciation and the Sons of Volunteers of New Haven. Nothing was left undone by the firemen and also by the citizens of both cities that would add to the pleasure or comfort of their guests, and the occasion, at least to the visiting company, would have had double the prestige if the committee of arrangements had not overlooked the necessity of such occasions of inviting some prominent officials to accompany them to do the honors that are always expected on all like occasions. House burned February 23, 1884. West Troy Water Works organized. Directors: George R. Meneely, John Reiley, William B. Williams, Richard S. Lobdell, Jessie C. Dayton. Crowner & Waterman; dry goods. Removed from old stand to Union Place Hall building. First firm to occupy same in 1852. 1877. Edward Curren; a prominent old-time Fourth warder; an all- around good fellow. Member of Assembly in 1877 and 1878. Emigrated west. 85 Thomas Ballard; superintendent in W. S. F. Went to Pitts- burgh. Superintendent of Singer Sewing Machine Co. for years. Owner of some fast horses. F. S. Ayers; one of the first to engage in the shoe business in West Troy. A reliable merchant, and carried a stock that would compete in those days with any in this section, and taking into consideration the large stock carried by another merchant, Thomas Gunsalus, there are no concerns in the same line of business in Watervliet to-day that equals them. 1878. Joseph M. Haswell ; a lumber merchant. Connected at different periods with various financial, banking, and other business interests in the village. Always considerate of the feelings of those in trouble, generous, his daily contributions to those (societies and others) that were worthy being unusually large. Quiet, unassum- ing, and a Christian, without cant or hypocrisy, respected by all, missed from the business world, and mourned by a large circle of friends and his immediate family when he passed to his home beyond. He died on his way home in his carriage, his faithful horse following the road to his residence; the sad event occurring in 1872. John Perrigo; liveryman, contractor (masonry work). First class work or none was his motto, and during his whole life he conscientiously lived up to the same. Buildings standing to-day are evidences of his workmanship. There may be those living to-day that remember Mr. Cross, and his daughter, who taught school in the Third ward schoolhouse that burned some years later. His daughters were accomplished musicians and gave lessons on the guitar. Volunteer Hose Co. No. 2. Organized in 1876 ; in an inde- pendent condition for two years under the foremanship of John H. Hodgman, who was born in the village of Gibbonsville and was a merchant tailor for years ; an old-time fireman, well known and popular in his day. John A. King; from England (Oxford) in 1830; engineer. With Andrew Meneely, Rousseau & Easton, Albert Richards, and at one time employed at the United States Arsenal. An expert in his line, had the confidence of his employers and the respect of the citizens. Died in 1888. Abram A. King (son) ; also a machinist. At present employed at the Arsenal. A Mason since 1860. Well known. Charter member of Oswald Hose Co. and popular with his associates. Rousseau & Harrington mill burned March 15, 1886. Harrington box factory burned in 1889. Seymour chair factory partly burned in 1889. 86 1879. Thomas F. McLoughlin; from Boston in 1869. In 1884, with John Langan, wholesale liquor business, until 1892, when the co-partnership with his brother, John J. McLoughlin, was formed, and the wholesale wine and liquor business was established at 1621 Broadway at that date. The fact that older firms had the prestige did not deter them from entering the arena of competition, but with a well assorted stock of goods in their line displayed at their opening, added to their previous reputation as men of char- acter, they soon received recognition from those that appreciated honorable business methods and fair treatment. That, to-day, has secured for them a class of customers that enables them to have a contented mind, with a business built upon a solid basis. Thomas F. McLoughlin, being appointed in 1909 as chamberlain of the city of Watervliet, a position he is well adapted to fill — being an expert accountant — of necessity leaves his brother, John J., to oversee the business of the firm during office hours. The disposi- tions of both members of the firm, while seeking the advance of their business, are in accord with all honorable methods to improve the status of the city, and are at all times sociable and friendly. Rev. Ensign Stover ; one of the most noted and eloquent divines connected with the Methodist denomination. His sermons were most forceful and convincing. He was pastor of the Washington Street Methodist Episcopal Church in 1856 and 1857, and later held a pastorate with the Ohio Street M. E. Church. The monu- ment that exists to perpetuate his name consists of a life's labor of love in the interest of humanity, recorded by the angels above, and remembered only by those that were contemporary with him. Died in the 70's. Samuel Stover (brother) ; an early resident of West Troy. An attorney with a State reputation. Educated for the ministry, but selected the profession of a lawyer as his life work, and became successful to a marked degree. As a public speaker he was always in demand, and had the ability to cause a laugh or bring a tear- drop on the cheek of his listeners. As an after dinner speaker he was fanciful and witty, often advancing an idea that, though sur- prising, created a fund of amusement for those present. He was one of the four noted attorneys that defended Henrietta Robinson, the Veiled Murderess. His death', which occurred in 1873, left a vacancy in the ranks of the profession, and lessened the number of good citizens. 1880. Henry E. Eckert located in and established his business as a jeweler at No. 1520 Broadway, West Troy, in 1869; an optical and repairing department is also one of his specialties. He has demonstrated to the careful observer that by a well-selected assort- 87 ment of goods, so artistically arranged as to attract attention; that by perseverance and industry coupled with straightforward honest statements in regard to the quality of goods selected and purchased by customers, even though Troy is the objective point to many, yet business can be done on this side of the Hudson with pleasure, satisfaction and profit. It is one establishment, at least, that citizens can be proud of. Clocks, watches and bric-a-brac of many varieties are shown; diamonds and jewels of dazzling beauty, at less than New York figures; New Year's, Christmas, Easter, wedding and other presents in as large variety as can be found in most any city. H. J. Eckert (son), well-known and prominent in business circles, has a State reputation as an artistic engraver and an optician of large experience, enabling him to do justice to his patrons. Socially inclined, with a friendly word to all with whom he may come in contact. Charles M. Stover (son of Samuel Stover), born in West Troy; received an academic education; had many of the characteristics of his father ; popular among his associates ; superintendent of the Waterworks Company some years. Passed away in 1899. Henry Le Roy, one of the many merchants of the old village whose business qualifications secured for him a large patronage. His grocery, Boynton & Batcheldor's old stand, Broadway and Fourteenth street, always well stocked, was the busy corner for years. Prominent in business circles, his demise in 1878 was sincerely mourned by those that knew him. Isaac Le Roy (son), like his father, was well known; a Dem- ocratic poltician of influence ; held the office of Watervliet town clerk four years. Charter member of Gleason Hook and Ladder Company, and at present proprietor of a first-class laundry. A citizen of the times. James McKeever established the grocery business in 1880 on the opposite corner of his present place, No. 600 Sixth avenue and Fourteenth street, near the place where the first temperance meeting was held in 1835, thus giving the name of Temperance Hill to the locality. Thirty dwellings comprised the settlement at that date west of the canal, south of Ferry (Fourteenth) street. An enterprising and progressive merchant. Mr. McKeever is well known throughout the city, and can be numbered as one of the head lights connected with the mercantile interests of the city. E. A. La Page, located in 1874 ; contractor, carpenter and builder, and, in addition, under the firm name of E. A. La Page & Son, established the grocery and provision business, corner Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street. As business increased, for con- venience of patrons, they added delivery wagons. A progressive firm, carrying a stock of merchandise equal to the demand. 88 The \V. B. Tafft Pharmacy, corner of Fifth avenue and Four- teenth street, supplied a long-felt necessity in that locality. Mr. Tafft came to West Troy in 1898 with a well-assorted stock of drugs, medicines and other lines of goods pertaining to the busi- ness. He has succeeded in holding a fair amount of trade. A fine soda fountain is a feature of the establishment. Cornelius Fogarty, resided in West Troy since 1870. Promi- nent in business circles. Believes in business and economical methods in the transactions of municipal affairs. 1881. W T iliiam F. Parker, of the firm of Parker Bros., undertakers. Born in 1860. Established the business in 1881. Through energy and perseverance, coupled with a quiet, courteous manner and pleasing address, has won for the firm the good will of the community, and established a business in his line second to none in this section. He is a politician of influence, using the prestige he has with his party (Democratic) to better the political standing of the same, and the business interests of his home city. A citizen of energy, character and probity, whose friendship once gained is never lost. Joseph F. Parker (brother), member of the firm, has charge of the firm's indoor business, the careful supervision of same enables the firm to attend all calls for services promptly. The firm stands in the front rank of the business world. Levi M. Leitzell, resident of the Ninth ward. Engaged in the grocery business for years, always carrying a stock of goods that enabled him to fill any and all orders promptly. Identified with the interests of the city, and in accord with every movement that tends to advance the same. His new store on Twenty-third street, opposite his old stand, adds to the appearance of the surroundings. The fiting of the inside are of that character that enables him to display goods to the best possible advantage, with an eye to the quick serving of patrons, one of the main points to consider in conducting a large business. Charles Kafka, at one time proprietor of the Collins House, but through illness he was forced to sell and retire from a business life that had been long and varied. He died in 1904. Watervliet High School Mothers' Club. Mother. With anxious eyes and tender hands She guides us on, From youth to manhood's hour. Mother's duty, never done 'Till the grave it closes o'er her. 89 May the problems that this and other clubs have in view for the improvement of outdoor conditions of the children of the city materialize through the generous support of our citizens, and may the children be taught to understand the meaning of this endeavor on the part of the associations, and appreciation of the same will follow. 1882. Thomas Mclntyre Hose Company No. 3, organized 1873. Charter Members: Andrew Connors, M. McQuade, Patrick Manning, Isaac Fadden, Nicholas Kirker, Jas. Trimble, Thos. Mclntyre, T. Anderson. Foremen: 1873, Andrew Connors; 1876, J. Burk; 1877, M. McQuade; 1879, Patrick Manning; 1881, Isaac N. Fadden, Thos. J. Mclntyre. Some of the Members: Thos. J. Mclntyre, W. Hatch, Thos. Whitmarsh, Lawrence Horan, Mathew Horan. In 1883 this company was reorganized. Meetings held in the Excelsior Club room, and continued the name of the Thos. Mclntyre Hose Company No. 3. Wm. Angus, president ; F. A. Groner, vice-president ; J. 0. Wil- son, secretary; 1883, T. J. Mclntyre, captain; 1886, Ed Bightley; 1886, J. Brierton, Chas. B. Groner, F. A. Groner, C. M. Angus, Fred Stephens, A. Van Leuven, John Ross. Captain T. J. Mcln- tyre's death occurred in .1884. Funeral attended by the fire department. Soon after F. A. Groner's death occurred. Other Members : IT. A. Laughlin, E. G. Gardner, Wm. Bing- ham, Jas. Brierton, Sam'l N oiler, John Reiley, Henry Egan. Jos. Eagan, Vivian Grey, Jas. Connors, Ed Larkins, Wm. Dailey, John Downey, R. T. Trimble. Captains: 1890, Chas. Lawler; 1894, C. M. Angus; 1898, J. Fadden; 1900, S. D. Kennedy; 1902, J. Egan; 1909, Albert Jones; 1910, Nicholas Angus. The company has always been active in fire duty. Its social features many and varied. November 25, 1883, the first enter- tainment was held in St. Bridget's Hall. Moonlight excursion in 1884. At a fair held in Union Place Hall in 1885 they won the prize of a trumpet. Picnics, balls and parades followed each year. The members of the company have been represented in the munici- pal affairs of the village and city from the First ward. T. J. Mclntyre, Chas. Angus, John Thompson, Thos. Mclntyre, D. Feary, L. Horan, Jas. Horan, are some of the noted members. Isaac N. Fadden is the present alderman. In 1887 receiving new uniforms they appeared in line of parade of Troy Fire Department, August 17, 1887. Martin Tierney Engine Company No. 3, organized in 1873. 90 Charter Members: G. H. Taylor, J. Anderson, Wm. Trimble, W. Bingham, John Sherwood, J. Ellis. Captains: 1873, G. H. Taylor; 1876, Wm. Trimble; 1879 and 1880, William Bingham; 1878, Wm. Quirk. The members of this company in 1873 proceeded to Troy for the purpose of bringing the new engine home. They were entertained by the Washington Volunteers, and returned and housed the apparatus ready to respond to duty. The company is out of commission, the engine is yet owned by the city, and used when necessity calls. Third Ward Schoolhouse, Owasco street and Craig's lumber yard, burned November 21, 1873. Fire at Ohio and Ontario streets September 5, 1873: Wood yard, David Dyer, J. Connors, Terrence Cummings, Merrit Potter, Hiram Nash, Jas. Flannagan, Thos. Bobbins (residences and shops). Only the assistance of the Troy Fire Department pre- vented a more disastrous conflagration. The village hose being in a deplorable condition. 1883. Edward J. Sprung, former resident of West Troy. At one time connected with the constabulary of Troy previous to the organization of the police in 1865, and somewhat noted as a detective. Proprietor of a hotel in Saratoga, and in 1884 formed a co-partnership with R. A. Duckrow. The firm name being Sprung & Duckrow, machinery brokers and dealers, with office in Troy, in N. M. Boardman building; storehouses at West Troy. Mr. Sprung died in 1895, at his death the junior member, Bich- ard A. Duckrow, assumed the business and still continues the same, with office at former location. Mr. Sprung had a large acquaintance throughout the State; was well liked for the many good qualities he possessed, and his demise was sincerely regretted by many. Miss Lydia Hull, a well-known and esteemed young lady, was killed July 22, 1862, on the new steam ferry boat at the landing, foot of what is now Sixteenth street, being struck by some timbers while standing by the railing as the boat was entering the slip. The company settled with her mother for something near $2,000. Shortly after Dr. Jas. Thorn was injured. Horse boat engineers did not understand how to handle a boat propelled by steam, and it took some time to put the ferry under the new regime in first- class running order. Captain Bichard Van Decar, one of the old-time captains of Troy line of steamers. Popular with the traveling public. Died July 20, 1880. Richard Van Decar, 2d, the well-known captain of the Bell Horton. Was at different times the trusted employee of the Aus- 9i tin, Schuyler & Betts and Eobinson lines. Member of Rip & Jas. Roy Steamer Company, and always social and friendly. Saline Tetrault and family, from Canada in 1880. Margaret Mary (wife) established the bakery business on Twenty-fifth street. Her husband's demise occurred in 1885. Mrs. Tetrault continued the business until 1886, placing the business under the control of her sons, Isaiah and Joseph Tetrault. In 1890 Joseph withdrew; Isaiah, the senior member, continuing, adding groceries and provisions in connection with the bakery. He is also identified with the National Biscuit Company, having been connected with that firm for eighteen years. Success has crowned their effort and a lucrative business is the result, their patrons appreciate their method of doing business, receiving courteous treatment on all occasions. Identified with the church (Sacred Heart of Mary), and interested in all movements to promote its usefulness. Mrs. Margaret Mary Tetrault established the drygoods business in 1886, next door south of the grocery, assisted by her daughter, Jennie, continuing until her daughter's marriage in 1894 to E. De Rouseau, of Troy. In 1895 Mrs. Tetrault retired and her daughters, Albina and Amelia, purchased the business. In 1906 the sisters built the fine brick building, No. 2434 Third avenue, and opened the largest, and in fact, the only first-class drygoods establishment to be found in the city. The members of this firm hold the palm for executive ability, and are one of the Twentieth century up-to-date firms in all business methods, believing that success is only attained through nerve, perseverance and square dealing. The family is prominent in social circles and church affairs. Celia Tetrault married Matthew A. McGrath, a promi- nent business man of the city. 1884. John E. Glass, druggist, located in the McGuire building, on Twenty-third street in 1858. Removed to the Wight building, corner Broadway and Twenty-third street, in 1860. In 1862 the firm was Glass & Hutchinson; Mr. Hutchinson retired in 1866. In 1885 Mr. John McBain became a partner, the firm name being Glass & McBain. Later Mr. Glass' son Edwin was admitted as a partner, the firm name being J. E. Glass & Co. Mr. Glass died in 1885. The firm name being changed to J. E. Glass' Son & McBain. Mr. McBain withdrew in 1896 and Edwin E. Glass continues the business at the old stand. He held the office of supervisor from 1896 to 1898. John E. Glass had the confidence of his business associates. He believed in combining pleasure with business, his principal recreation being that of hunting, and with congenial companions always took delight in outings that 92 were frequent. Edwin G. Glass in continuing the business has added largely to former business by business methods and cordial greeting to patrons. A lover and owner of some finely-bred horses, and his summer outings, when business permits, consists of drives throughout the county behind one of his pets. He is ably assisted by Mrs. Glass, who for years, being an expert, has had charge of the books of the concern, and, considering the vol- ume of business done is no small item to consider. John McBain, resident of Colonie, received his education in the schools of this section. In 1861 and 1862 he made his first attempt to earn a dollar as assistant collector for Mr. Owens at the old toll-gate, then standing on the Cohoes road. The next three years he was employed by the Warner Lime and Cement Company driving team. In 1866 held clerkship with J. E. Glass, and in 1868 was employed by the Schenectady Pipe Works. In 1872 he again resumed his old position as a drug clerk, and in 1885 became a member of the firm, and continued as such through- out its different changes until his retirement, the same occurring in 1896. To the teaming business in which he had previously been engaged, he added the coal, wood, lime, cement and sewer pipe business, and at present he is largely engaged in the same. From a small beginning he has steadily advanced and now occupies a prominent position as a merchant of the city. Mr. McBain is also well-known and recognized throughout the county as a poli- tician of influence, having been elected, and, at different times appointed to offices of responsibility by town, county and State, where judgment, executive ability and honesty were the requisites to entitle the candidate to the honor. 1885. Thomas Barker and Elizabeth Barker with their son, William, and daughter, Mary E. Barker, came to West Troy in 1848, and, being a blacksmith, built a shop north side of Twenty-third street, on the lot now occupied by Mr. Dunn's barber shop. Soon after opened a grocery store in the Lobdell block. His wife also con- ducting the millinery business. Prominent members of the Ohio Street Methodist Church, and identified with every religious movement connected therewith, and evangelical in their belief, became members of the Troy Praying Band, and for years labored in the vineyard of the Master for the uplifting of humanity. Respected and loved they passed from their earthly labors, leaving a record of love for, and a life-long devotion to, the cause of religion. Mr. Barker died in 1900. Mrs. Barker died in 1898. William Barker, Jr. (son), educated in the village schools. August 6, 1862, enlisted in Company H, Seventh New York Heavy Artillery, Meneely Guards, as private, discharged June 16, 93 1865, as sergeant. On returning home he secured a position with the firm of Bennett, Strickland & Fellows, and eventually was promoted to the position of head cutter. He resigned and accepted the position of head cutter with the Cluett concern. Later became manager and later proprietor of the collar firm now designated as The William Barker Company, the position attained in business circles and the prosperity that has followed his early endeavor to gain a foothold can be ascribed to the remembrance of the advice he had received and the precepts set before him by kind parents in youthful days, and the tenacity with which he has clung to same in after years. The love he had for family, the pride he had in the home of his adoption is forcibly impressed in the mind of those who view the substantial mercantile monument to assist in per- petuating and retaining the collar industry in this section, adding as it does the only plant of its kind in the city, and the first industry established by one raised in the old village, gaining the means through his own exertions. The building was erected in 1899. William Barker, Jr., educated in the schools of Watervliet and Albany. January 1, 1890, entered the collar business, becom- ing member of the William Barker Company in 1899. William Barker, Sr., president ; William Barker, Jr., secretary and treas- urer. The firm have salesrooms in New York, Chicago, Boston and other places. Their traveling salesmen cover a large territory, and The Barker Brand (trademark) being evidence of superior goods and workmanship, insures a healthy and increasing trade. 1886. George H. Kimberly (son of Henry), born in 1837. Educated in the public schools of the village. Served clerkship in the grocery and provision business at the old store, corner of Nineteenth street and Broadway, and became identified with the business as pro- prietor for five years. Engaged in the manufacture of bells in Troy, under the firm name of Meneely & Kimberly, continuing the same five years. Later associated with the Meneely Company (incorporated), and treasurer of the firm. Member of the fire department twenty years with Protection Engine Company No. 2 (hand). Mr. Kimberly is known as a prominent business man, of sound judgment and a close observer of matters in general. Recognizing his obligations as a citizen of his home city, he is at all times ready, both by voice and means, to advance any project that will accrue to the city's interest ; and can be depended upon to oppose with the same energy and means the many schemes that are often advanced, conspicuously for the benefit of the promoters, to the detriment of the city's welfare. Charles Kimberly (brother), always popular with his associates, 94 a favorite in the old Fourth ward ; generous, with a friendly greet- ing to all. He left the village in 1854, destination unknown, his fate a mystery. Nearly all of his early associates have passed away. Jacob Fratt and Francis Fratt (brothers), butchers and drovers. Resided in 1840 on Erie street (Second avenue, below Twenty- first street), in the Horan house. Slaughter house on Ice-house hill, west of Dry river (Sixteenth street). Well known; associate of Eben Wiswall, often on hunting trips. In 1846 removed to Racine, Wis. Francis left for California. Their partnership continuing. Later the brothers returned, accounting to each other, both having been successful ; they closed their connections, squared accounts and Francis returned to San Francisco. Ashael Gilbert came to West Troy in 1845. Captain of many sailing vessels from 1839 (then living in West Troy) to 1870. Representative of the best element of navigators. He knew his business and was respected by all that knew him. Of a kind dis- position, generous and true. Daniel Hipwood came from England in 1853. Ship carpenter, one of the most expert mechanics in his line of business in this section. Superintended the building of the famous Burden water- wheel, and largely employed by other firms on large contracts. His name in connection with any, guaranteed first-class workman- ship and material. He possessed the characteristics of the true- born Englishman and maintained the same in all family affairs. As a citizen he was a loyal American. His daughter Lydia mar- ried William Andrews (his first wife). Martha married C. War- ner. Elizabeth married Capt. J. O. Wood, all prominent men of the time. Edward Hipwood (son), born and educated in the village. Fol- lowed the occupation of his father for years, and for thirty years was the trusted guardian of the grounds of the Jermain estate on the Albany road. His recreation consisted mostly in fishing, an expert in that line. Charles and George Hipwood (sons of E. H.), both educated in the schools of the village, graduates of the De La Salle Insti- tute of Troy, and Albany Business College, now occupy responsi- ble positions with the D. & H. Co. in Albany. Popular with the young people of Watervliet. 1887. Items of Diffekent Dates. The longest period from the opening and closing of the canals : 1826, March 27 to December 20, 8 months 24 days; 1853, April 20 to December 20, 8 months. 95 William Chard, ship carpenter, with his son, Hewitt Chard, 10 years old, came to West Troy from New York in 1824. Employed in the shipyard known as the Parker yard, it was owned by Capt. John Silliman. Daniel Parker and also Thos. Colyer, of Sing Sing, had the building of vessels. Mr. Chard was employed there. Hewitt Chard (son) when eighteen years old, also worked there at the trade. He was one of the workmen that helped build the barge John Haswell, scow Kentucky, schooner John Silliman and Frances Seward and others; also helped calk the floors of Robert Dunlop's brewery when James Roy was foreman for the concern; he also worked on one of Mr. Dunlop's barges used to freight down the river ; the barrels of ale were passed through a tunnel cut from the brewery under the road to the dock and then placed on board ; the name of the boat was Scotland. Mr. Chard is yet living and enjoying good health, having enjoyed the prosperous times of the past, sees the decline that has taken place in later years, yet enjoys the evening of his life at the age of eighty-nine in peace and comfort. Mr. Chard has in his possession in use a pair of hand- made door hinges taken from the doors of the old Dutch Tavern, then standing south of the lower locks. He is no doubt the oldest fireman living in the city, being one of the first members of old Conqueror Engine Company No. 3. Steamboat Sunny Side sunk by the Golden Gate in 1875. Learned & Crawford, contractors, built the lower locks. The old Dutch tavern, standing on the corner south of the locks, was burned in 1835. All the beach south of the Arsenal green was used as fishing ground. W. H. Wood & Co.'s iron and stove foundry in operation in 1889; J. Treadgill, J. Kirkpatrick, John Chalou, W. C. Durant, members of the firm, located on Seventh avenue and Sixteenth street. This section at one time held the stove industry, to-day there is none left to give employment to the large number of that class of mechanics that then resided within our borders. Samuel Wear located in West Troy as a merchant in the grocery and provision business, corner Fifth avenue and Sixteenth street, in 1887. Removed to his present location (opposite corner), 409 Sixteenth street, in 1888, a desirable location, in the immediate vicinity of a large class of citizens that recognize and appreciate the opportunity to purchase their supplies from a firm that at all time carries a full line of goods of the best quality obtainable, and at the lowest market value. Member of the Washington M. E. Church ; also treasurer of same, and has the confidence and respect of his large circle of friends. 96 1888. West Troy Ladies Amateur Association. March, 1870, Misses Cressey, Osterhout, Durant, Messrs. Hollands, Durant, Baker, Phelps, Cullen, Dyer. Hollands as Eonan, Eggy Dyer as Switchel, in wit, jokes, and sarcasm. Anchey, a dandy bartender ; Miss Cressey as Mrs. Morgan ; Miss Durant as her daughter Mary, with song " Father, dear father, come home with me now." ; Col. Baker, hotel keeper. The staging of the play, and the delineation of the different characters, were equal to the expectation of the audience that greeted their appearance. Augustus Vielie & Co., E. A. Flood, S. C. Dermott; iron foundry. South of the Arsenal, above Fifth street. Now occu- pied by G. B. Meneely & Co. Later, Augustus Vielie & Son in 1860, Collar & Jones, Collar, Sage & Dunham. C. F. Hall, man- ager of the old Vielie foundry in 1871. In 1872 the firm was C. F. Hall & Co. Win. B. Farrell and J. P. Mitchell. It was closed out about 1876. Mr. Hall opened a bakery some time after on Twenty-third street. An immense business was done by these different firms, and many families had to leave the village seeking employment when the shops shut down. Ebenezer Jones ; foundry. One of the early settlers of Gibbons- ville. Three sons. Octavus moved to Chicago with Eansom Valve Co. Marcus, Haywood and Abbott all dead. Abbott Jones re- moved to Troy and was connected with the firm of Meneely & Jones (bells). His two sons, Eobert E. and Abbott H., both living. Abbott H. Jones occupies the honorable position of district attor- ney of Eensselaer county, is a prominent member of the Bar Asso- ciation, popular with a wide circle of acquaintances that in truth can be actually designated as personal friends. Ingratitude is often exhibited in personal matters, but never more in evidence than when the older associates of Eev. 0. H. Gregory allowed the younger element to intimate to him, in 1870, that his resignation would be most acceptable. 1889. Levi J. Bibbins; from Trenton, 1ST. J., to West Troy in 1884. Ex-chief of the volunteer fire department of Trenton; lieutenant 7th Eegt., N. J. Militia; Past Commander of Palestine Com- mandery of N. J. ; Past Master, Column F. & A. M., N. J. ; Past N. G., Lodge No. 36, I. O. O. F., Trenton, N. J. Interested in manufacturing, a representative citizen and well known. Oliver B. Bibbins (son) ; actor of note. At present holds posi- tion of interlocutor with the well known minstrel organization of Al. G. Fields, now on tour. Levi S. Bibbins (son) ; a prominent young man, with a record as bookkeeper and accountant. Formerly with Hall, Hartwell & Co. At present bookkeeper for the National Bank of Watervliet. 97 George and James Conde ; sons of a former citizen of the village, an extensive dealer in lumber. The male members of this family were prominent in business circles, and ready at all times to assist in any movement for the betterment of general conditions that then existed, while the female members were leaders in many social and religious functions held in their day. James Forsythe, Jr; member of Assembly in 1884. from the Fourth district. At one time a prominent and also an influential politician ; at one time engaged in mercantile business ; at present in the employ of the government at Albany. Tavern proprietors previous to 1845 : I. Bostwick, Delavan & Swan, Jonathan Dyer, A. Rundall, II. Twisst, E. Powell, John Wigatt, Gilbert & Willard, M. Jenks, H. Bagley, J. T. Morrison, Levinus Lansing, Wallace & Cutting, Dyer & Reynolds, Jas. Donaldson, George Aldrich, Samuel Segue, Rundall, Sol. Green- man, Eaton Hitchcock, Nancie Valance, A. Blakely. Saloons: Moses Hart, Thos. McCormick, Augustus Canton, J. Burrell, C. Harrod, Ed. Cole. Nearly all groceries were licensed to sell liquor by measure during the early settlement of the village. 1890. William Daubney; from England to Montreal in 1846, and from there to Troy with his son William II. Daubney in 1855. Served in the British Royal Artillery seventeen years, through the Crimean War. Was an expert swordsman and horseman, and taught the art to the British nobility. One of the only two British soldiers that received a pension after becoming a subject of the United States. William H. Daubney (son) ; in 1855 to West Troy. Opened a blacksmith shop on Ferry street, Troy. Afterwards removed to West Troy. He conducted the newspaper business for years. Was a noted vocalist. Connected with the choir of St. Patrick's church ; with a state-wide reputation as a singer and leader. Positions of honor and profit were offered by Mrs. J. E. Wool, who was at- tracted and eventually interested in him through his pastime sing- ing while working at his trade (blacksmith) in his shop opposite her residence, while from New York City came other offers of like character. All were refused and during life his adopted home received the benefit of his accomplishment. The same was appre- ciated and his demise eliminated from the musical circles of this section a man prominent and foremost in every movement that would tend to raise the standard of the profession. Died in 1893. W. B. Daubney (son) ; born in 1866. Educated in the village schools. Distributed papers for his father; inspector for the United Traction Co. ; also connected with the board of health and for four years secretary of the Civil Service Commission, a posi- 98 tion which his abilities enabled him to fill with credit. At present with the Hancock Insurance Co. where his affable, courteous man- ner and his knowledge of human nature renders him a valuable employee of the company. A representative citizen whose influ- ence is exerted for the benefit of the many. Charles E. Tucker (son of William Tucker, an old-time resi- dent). Succeeded his father in the drug business. Closed out the business, enlisted in the navy as master's mate, going to the Brooklyn Navy Yard for assignment to vessel; returning home followed other lines of business. Member and captain of James Roy Steamer Co. at one time. Mrs. Charles E. Tucker's abilities as a professional are recognized in musical circles throughout the county as master of both piano and organ. Teacher of music and organist of Trinity church. 1891. Frederick Polk; located in West Troy, in 1860. Resided in the Second ward, at the old Delevan Hotel, it being at that time a residential building. Established and conducted the boot and shoe business. C. F. Polk (son). One of the few youths who in early life recognize and appreciate the fact that advancement from existing circumstances is obtained only through persistent effort, and with a record in early life for consistency, promptness and honesty he became connected with the Polk & Calder Drug Co. in 1879. Familiarizing himself with every detail of the business, to-day, 1910, he holds the position of president and treasurer of that firm. W. F. Polk (son). In youthful days like other boys, full of life, congenial, and could always take a hand in the sports of the times. Being of a business turn of mind, having a desire to do something to earn a dollar, he found employment as a newsboy with John Snyder, one of the then popular newsdealers, and from 1867 to 1869 followed that vocation. His attention to business, prompt- ness and courteous manner attracted the attention and secured for him the friendship of Rollin P. Saxe, a prominent lumber dealer of the village, who secured for him a position in the bank. What- ever feelings he may have had on entering into his new position, his gratitude was evident to his benefactor by his strict attention to business, and he soon secured promotion and to-day, 1910, from the position of a newsboy he has attained to the position of cashier of one of Troy's largest financial institutions, National City Bank. Rollin S. Polk (son of W. F.), having selected the same line of business as his father, at present holds the position of accountant with the National State Bank of Troy, an institution whose man- agement recognizes ability, and promotion follows. Mrs. Lesetta Polk (mother of C. F. and W. F.), now living, realizing the many temptations that so often surround early youth- 99 ful clays, feels and sees that her motherly care, tender and loving advice, and religious precepts have taken root, and to-day knows that her loved ones are honored and respected by the community and are prominent factors in the financial and business element of this section. 1892. Levinus Lansing; member of the Lansing family, that settled in the Mohawk Valley before it was created the town of Water- vliet. They were largely identified with the growth and business interests of this section, owner of large landed property in town and village, owner of the old Tremont Hotel and the Lansing House, and at his death it reverted to the heirs, one of whom, Abram Lansing, well and popularly known, was identified largely in later years with village affairs. A sister, Henrietta, married into the Mead family, and one other married Charles Witbeck, a descendant of the Witbeck family whose history dates back to Revolutionary time. As farmers, real estate owners, merchants, and also members of the legal, medical and other professions, both families were closely connected and deeply interested in the de- velopment of the farming industries, and the growth and prosperity of the business ventures of this locality. Daniel Carthy ; one of the leading contractors in his day, and is credited with the ownership and building of more buildings in the old village than any other two in the same line of business. An active and progressive citizen and interested in all propositions of a business nature that would tend toward the increase of trade in this section. He enjoyed the confidence of his business associates, the good will of his numerous employees, and the respect of all with whom he became acquainted. Samuel Carthy (son) ; painter and also carpenter. He never disappointed his patrons in the character or finish of his work; could crack a joke or tell a story; one of the old-time Fourth warders that lived to enjoy themselves and make surroundings pleasant for others. 1893. Items of Different Dates. On the lot now occupied by the Wight residence, about 1840, stood a brewery. The proprietor was drowned in a vat of his own brew. Fred Stem ; once popular in the Fourth ward. Proprietor of the Adelphia saloon on Twenty-third street, between Broadway and the Morrison ferry. On the evening of July 18, 1862, observing two men interfering with and insulting a lady on her way home from the ferry, though a man of light weight, gave both all that was coming to them. In those days the sports of the Fourth ward were always champions of the weaker sex. July 14, 1860, the noted Chicago Zouaves visited Troy, where one of their exhibition drills were given. In 1825, a wooden house stood near the spot where the big tree now stands on the lower end of the Arsenal green. It was moved years later and now stands on lot west of Jones Car Works. In 1852 Robert Morrison, proprietor of the Ferry House, foot of Twenty-third street, was the owner of some pet bears. A man one night went to sleep in their den and was hugged to death by one of them. Drowned 1853. The steam ferry at the foot of Sixteenth street (Upper Ferry) superseded the old horse boat about 1861. Ferry boats for con- veying teams over the river were abandoned, and boats for the exclusive use of foot passengers about 1875. 1870. Steamboats from New York to Troy every month. January 4, 1870, Connecticut, Capt, Teason, first trip. January 11, 1870, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) lecture; under the auspices of the Roy Steamer Co. ; at Union Place Hall. Subject: " Our fellow citizens of the Sandwich Islands." Rutger Van Den Burgh, whose father settled in North Green- bush, Rensselaer county, in the seventeenth century, was born in 1800, the homestead remaining as yet in possession of the family. Died in 1882. His son, Garrett Van Den Burgh, born in 1830. Farmers manufactured bricks from the clay on the farm, the exca- vations from whence it was taken remaining visible to this date. Died in 1897. Frederick Van Den Burgh (son), born on the old home farm. Educated in the schools of Troy, business colleges, and a graduate of the Albany Medical College in 1894, locating in Watervliet in 1896, contemporary with its incorporation. Well versed in materia medica, capable of explaining the nature and mode of action of the various substances, natural and artificial, used by the profession, he is a valuable addition to the medical fraternity, said knowledge accruing to the benefit of those that must have the advice of a physician. 1894. Postmasters of Gibbonsville, West Troy and city of Watervliet (named Watervliet P. O.) and date of appointment: January 1, 1816, Abijah Wheeler; June 23, 1825, James Hills; September 24, 1829, Abijah Wheeler; November 18, 1830, David Wheeler; July 3, 1838, Myron R. Peak; June 13, 1841, James M. Barnard; August 14, 1843, Edward Learned, Jr.; July 23, 1845, Isaac Hitchcock. Name changed to West Troy: April 28, 1847, Isaac Hitchcock; April 19, 1849, Origen S. Brigham; January 21, 1851, Alexander McAllister; May 4, 1853, Isaac Hitchcock; ioi July 6, 1858, Patrick Grattan; May 23, 1861, William H. Vos- burgh; July 12, 1865, William Hollands; April 23, 1878, Wil- liam C. Durant; February 28, 1887, Patrick Reiley; June 9, 1890, Theodore T. Woodward; January 31, 1891, Patrick Reiley; February 25, 1898, Edmund S. Hollands; March 21, 1902, Charles McOmber. Name changed to Watervliet: February 1, 1905, Charles McOmber; March 4, 1907, Thos. G. Ross. Presidents of Gibbonsville : 1825, Julius Hanks; 1827, John Ranney; 1828, Amos Larcum; 1829, D. T. Wandell; 1830, Jere- miah Dyer; 1831, Isaac Chapman; 1835, Edward Learned. Trustees : James T. Morrison, Moses Tyler, David Morrison, Charles Learned, Hyram Hopkins, Levi Lyncoln, Ephraim Bald- win, William P. Hall, David Wheeler, Smith Balou, Zachariah Cramer, Abram Myers, Henry Thalimer, John Tuesdell, Learned Hutton, John B. Collar, Eben Jones, Benjamin Brown, Martin Witbeck, J. C. Green. 1895. Abram Hilton, former resident of the town of Guilderland, where he was engaged in the grocery business, settled in West Troy, and established the same line, locating at No. 1417 Broad- way. The building was built and owned by the first master mechanic of the government post, the third story being occupied in 1840 by Lodge No. 38, I. O. O. F. Building eighty years old. John Hilton (brother), who came at the same time, formed the firm of John Hilton & Co. in 1881. Though comparative strangers in the village, at least as merchants, with a strong com- petition to contend with, having a perfect knowledge of business methods then in vogue, and withal good buyers, with capital suffi- cient to enable them to anticipate the market, they succeeded in advancing to the front in business circles. In 1905, the firm title was changed to that of John Hilton & Co., Incorporated, and with an up-to-date stock, quick service, and prompt delivery, places them in the lead of all competitors. Abram Hilton, though not a politician, has the interest of the city at all times in view. He received the nomination for and was elected to the office of mayor of the city in 1900, performing the duties of same satisfactory to his constituents. Prominent in church work; connected with the Reformed Dutch Church ; treasurer of same for years and deacon. Edward Holmes; settled in West Troy in 1836. Learned the blacksmith business with Henry Kimberly in the old shop, corner Broadway and Twentieth street. Purchased the business of Mr. Kimberly and conducted the same several years. As an apprentice in the early days, supplies for the business bought in Troy were carried on his shoulders over the ferry boat, something those learn- ing a trade do not and would not do in the twentieth century. Mr. Holmes forged the iron girders that were used in the old Twenty- third street bridge. Served some time as head blacksmith at the Arsenal. Removed to Cohoes where he now resides, at the age of 82 years. His son Edward, Jr., and grandson John, reside in West Troy. James Jones; from Scotland in 1857. Entered the employ of James Roy & Co. Later secured position at the Watervliet Arsenal, and in 1866 established the jewelry and watch business, the firm being Jones & Podmore, when in 1882 removed to Troy, opening on River street. George S. Haswell; son of Ira M. Haswell, who settled in Watervliet in 1829. Graduated from Albany Medical College in 1872. Prominent in the medical profession. Held position of coroner in 1896 ; successful in locating relatives of the cases com- ing under his supervision. Well known, popular, and up-to-date citizen. Ira M. Haswell, one of the oldest settlers of the old town of Watervliet (Colonie). Connected with the farming industry many years, also with the business of the village in its infancy. Member of the Washington M. E. Church ; largely identified with its interests. One of the most prominent residents in this section. His death created a vacancy in business, social and church circles not easilv filled. 1898. Presidents of the village of West Troy, from its incorporation in 1836, to the erection of the city of Watervliet in 1896: 1836, Edward Learned; 1837, Martin Witbeck; 1838, Myron R. Peak; 1839, Andrew Meneely; 1840, Martin Witbeck; 1841, Samuel Wilgus; 1842, Myron R. Peak; 1843, Andrew Meneely; 1844, A. T. Dunham; 1845, Albert T. Richards; 1846, Archibald A. Dunlop; 1847, A. T. Dunham; 1848, Daniel C. Stewart; 1849, Herman Mather; 1850, Daniel C. Stewart; 1851, Samuel Crawford; 1852, Morgan Taylor; 1853, L. D. Collins; 1854, George B. Frazer; 1855 and 1856, Martin Witbeck; 1857, Samuel Waterman; 1858, James Roy; 1859, James Brady; 1860, George R. Meneely; 1861, William L. Oswald; 1862, Peter A. Rogers; 1863, James Duffy; 1864, Louis S. Rousseau; 1865, Francis Bebee; 1866 and 1867, James Hamil; 1868, William B. Wil- liams; 1869, Terrence Cummings; 1870 to 1871, Perry Pobin- son; 1872 and 1873, Terrence Cummings ; 1 874 and 1875. Michael Reiley; 1876 and 1877, Patrick Lane; 1878, Robert Tunnard; 1879 and 1880, Joseph McLean; 1881, George B. Mosher; 1882, J. B. Hulsapple; 1883, Wm. B. Cox; 1884, Patrick Lane; 1885 and 1886, Terrence Ciimmmsrs ; 1887 and 1888, J. F. Burk ; 1889, J. F. Burk; 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, Peter A. Rogers; 1895, J. C. Wilbur; 1896, Michael J. Day. 103 Those who were selected in early days for office were representa- tive men, taxpayers, men whose business interests outweighed any prestige gained from office holding, therefore, as you read, and especially those of you that knew some of the early persons named, ask yourselves the question, How many of the above list, if living to-day, would stoop to the trickery and scheming of the average politicians of the twentieth century to obtain the office ? In 1896, an act to incorporate the city of Watervliet became a law May 20 — the last link to the previous ones forged that would lengthen and strengthen the chain of previous commercial enter- prises that had heretofore been established on a sound basis by intelligent and far-seeing business men of the earlier period. The success in continuing the same has been prevented through the ignorance of business methods, and the inability of their suc- cessors, in the business and political arena, to cope with the situa- tion as it existed prior to its incorporation; their first blunder committed when they changed the name from West Troy to that of Watervliet. With no plans formed, nothing tangible in sight that would immediately accrue to the city's interest, to recoup former losses, they railroaded the bill through the Legislature, with the boundary lines of no additional benefit as far as revenue to the city treasury is concerned. The second blunder, taxpayers receiving no relief from heavy burdens, and the failure of the city authorities to take advantage of the opportunity when the Green Island bridge burned to secure their rights — a free bridge across State water (the Mohawk basin), the toll of two cents being an imposition on the general public. Third blunder, on assuming control of municipal affairs as the bill designated, 1897, it was up to them to make good. The aim, plan and scope of the undertaking was far beyond their business training and intellectual capacity to cope with, and with a few spasmodic efforts of self-constituted committees in further attempts to bankrupt the city (but were caught on the hip) and the boom that was expected to mature through and by the noted heralding of the cleaning of the city, instituted by a keen, shrewd newcomer — high officials doffing their hats to the self-appointed hygienic apostle, and skirting the city, taking only a birdseye view of the situation — in autos, results could and would have accrued long ago, under the char- ter, had the officials' been not afraid to perform their duty. Therefore, under the present regime we find the city in 1910 with no additional business within its limits, finances in no better con- dition, and all the citizen has received during the last ten years from the hands of his servants is the honor accorded him by the act of incorporation — provided there is any honor — to sign his address to all correspondence city of Watervliet. 104 1897. Medical Profession. Date of Diploma: 1824, N. L. Hungerford (died 1839) ; Dr. J. Van Alstyne (away 1866) ; 1830, Augustus Viele (died 1870) ; 1837, A. Hammond (died 1852) ; 1840, Dr. Fiddler; 1838, J. K. Buckland; 1836, J. Shankland; 1850, A. Sbiland (died 1886); 1850, R. H. Sabin (died 1883) ; 1881, C. M. Culver; J. C. Shi- land (died 1908); O. F. Cobb (died 1877); 1873, A. S. Van Vranken (died 1900) ; 1886, A. McNaughton (died 1893) ; 1881, F. S. Bloss; 1888, F. D. Cole; J. P. Witbeck (died 1872) ; 1858, J. P. Gregory; 1859, P. E. Fennelly; Dr. D. Burrus; 1872, G. S. Haswell; 1887, Merlin J. Zeh, Dr. Emmet Flagler, Lansing Van Aukin; 1894, F. P. Van Denburgb; 1882, Wm. B. Sabin; 1874, C. Buffington, Geo. B. Grady, Eugene Hanratta, Dr. Uline, Dr. Elias Burman; 1884, L. B. Rulison, Dr. S. N". Daniels, Dr. James Thorn, Rudolph Seabring, Dr. Thos. E. Deveney. Some of the Vocal and Instrumeiytal Musicians of the Past and Present. Thomas Gunsalus, Geo. Bennett, C. R. Doolittle, James Duffy, William Daubney, G. Benedick, E. P. Jones, Philip Miller, Chas. Bortle, Chas. Hoxie, A. H. Goddard, William C. Goodrich, Miss Cressey, Culver Tenbrock, Miss Nettie Hipwood, Mrs. Chas. Tucker, Mrs. James Duffy, Mrs. E. L. Pettis, Miss Carrie Durant, Miss Jennie Eggers, Miss Anna Eggers, Miss Ella Durant, Miss Lena Eggers (elocutionist), Henry C. Decker, Guy S. Ball, Miss Annie Duffy, Miss Elizabeth Duffy, C. G. Phillips, Miss Hill, Miss Emma Kisby, Miss Emma Mitchell, Miss Bertha Schilling, Charles Doring, James Hitchcock, J. P. Chalou, A. P. Davis, Ida Alger, Mary Burns, John Forrester, John Hicks, J. Hanley, John J. Fogarty and many others. Many of those mentioned, though passed beyond, are remem- bered, not only by their associates, but by the general public, who have often listened and heard them in public and private enter- tainments, yet the fact is apparent that there never has been enterprise or liberality exhibited by those who patronize out-of-town musicales, to assist, or in any manner encourage the establishment of a choral club from the material that has been, and does yet reside among us, and thereby recognize home talent. Should some of the very few liberal-minded citizens drop to the situation, take pattern after their neighbor, some of us may live to hear a choral club composed of home talent that will be competent to arrange a few numbers and stage the same within the limits of Watervliet, that would be acceptable to our citizens, and that would add funds to the club that would enable them to extend their reputation by a summer outing among the White mountains. 105 The Ghost Club, composed of a coterie of young men of the city, whose professional abilities as actors and vocalists are recognized by the community, their entertainments being of a high order. President, Geo. F. Jamison; treasurer, Edward B. Shires; secre- tary, Alonzo Roush ; tenor, Edwin H. Billings. Thos. Cairns came from Ireland in 1897. Educated at the Aughna Cleagh National School, County Antrim. In 1903 established the grocery business at 1700 Broadway, and in 1905 removed to his present location 1701 Broadway. Centrally located, with an attractive display of a choice selection of staple and fancy groceries, it has become the center of attraction of a discriminating public, whereby the magnetic influence that attaches to " popular " prices adds to the volume of business already secured. 1898. List of Steamboats, from 1807 to 1910, fkom Teoy, Albany, New Yokk. 1807, Clermont, New York to Albany; 1808, North Eiver, New York to Albany; 1809, Car of Neptune; 1811, Hope, Para- gon, Perseverance; 1812, Fire Fly, First, Troy to Albany; 1813, Richmond; 1814, Fulton; 1815, Olive Branch; 1816, Chancellor Livingston; 1817, Stouginger; 1819, Henry Eckford ; 1823, James Kemp; 1824, Hudson; 1825, Sandusky, Bristol, Constitu- tion, Constellation, Chief Justice Marshall, Saratoga; 1826, Sim, Niagara, New London, Philadelphia, Swift Sure; Commerce; 1827, Albany, North America, Victory; 1828, De Witt Clinton; 1829, Ohio; 1830, Novelty; 1831, John Jay; 1832, Champlain, Erie; 1833, Ellen (Burden's Cigar boat); 1835, Robert L. Stephens, John Mason ; 1836, Rochester, Jonas C. Heart, Swallow (wrecked in 1845); 1837, James Farley, Utica, United States; 1838, Diamond, Illinois; 1839, Balloon, North America; 1840, South America, Troy; 1841, Columbia; 1842, Curtis Peck; 1843,' Empire, Knickerbocker; 1844, Trojan; 1845, Bell, Express, Niagara, Rip Van Winkle, Hendrick Hudson, Oregon; 1846, Thomas Powell; 1848, Isaac Newton; 1851, Reindeer; 1852, Golden Gate (burned at Troy dock); 1854, Hero; Frances Skiddy, Commodore; 1866, Sunny Side (sunk by Golden Gate), Connecticut, Vanderbilt; 1876, City of Troy; 1877, Saratoga; 1909, Trojan, Rensselaer. Boats running to Albany of late years not stated. John Lorman, his father a pioneer on the upper Mohawk, moved to Gibbonsville in 1811, where John was born. The Lor- man family (Benjamin and William) were connected with the early fisheries of this section. John was also in the employ of the Wiswalls on the old horse boats foot of Sixteenth street, many years. Benjamin was also identified with the old fire department 106 and held the office of captain of old Conqueror No. 3, and also chief of the same. John's death occurred in 1883. He was a well- known and respected citizen. William J. Lorman (son), born in the village of West Troy. Educated in the village schools and La Salle Institute. Connected with the leading papers of this section as reporter for over fifteen years; is popular, an agreeable companion and a bright star among the newspaper fraternity. 1899. Supervisors of Town of Watervliet from 1818 to 1898 : J. C. Schuyler, Jr., Lucas G. Witbeck, J. C. Schuyler, Francis Lansing, Gilbert I. Van Zandt, Archibald A. Dunlop, James H. Brisban, Dillon Bebee, William J. Wheeler, W. G. Caw, Gerrit Van O'Linda, Emmet Flagler, Jessie C. Dayton, David M. Wooster, Nicholas T. Kane, Patrick Keiley, Richard Scully, Ter- rence Cummings, Edwin G. Glass. Supervisors of City of Watervliet : Thomas E. Coggins, Henry E. Retallick, Cornelius T. Murphy, John J. Shilling, James H. O'Connell. Chiefs of Fire Department from 1829 to 1910: 1829, David I. Dutcher, William Tucker, S. S. Wandell, Isaac Chapman, Geo. Sturtevant, Michael Savin, Geo. Aldrich, A. W. Richardson, Wil- liam L. Oswald, H. D. Finch, Benjamin Lorman, R. I. Getty, Chas. Du Charme, J. E. Lyons, Wm. Stewart, Jas. O. Wood, M. Leroy, Lewis Smith, M. Kelly, R. I. Getty, J. E. Lyons, (Jas. T. Myers, 1876), Jas. B. McGuire, M. Kelly, Dennis Ryan, (Geo. H. Taylor, 1877), J. Mclntvre, (Lewis W. Smith, 1883 to 1906), J. E. Meskell, Jr., 1906, Nelson Sadelmire, 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910). John McDonough, resident of the old village. Cooper. After- wards opened a meatmarket. Became a candidate on the Demo- cratic ticket for justice of the peace, and was elected ; performed his duty, showing no favoritism; his party not liking his mode of procedure, caused his defeat for renomination. Conducted a large hardware, stove and tinware business for years on Twenty- third street, continuing in the business until he died in 1904. He was a personal friend of James Kennedy, who was once a cooper with Mr. Dann. Later a large real estate owner who died 1910. 1900. William Ellson in 1860 opened and conducted the boot and shoe business in what is now 2304 Broadway (Lansing estate). Very prominent in politics and an admirer and supporter of Hon. L. D. Collins. Socially inclined and recognized as one of the Fourth ward prominent citizens. Died in 1874. 107 P. E. Fennelly, M. D., graduate of St. Kyrans College, Kil- kenny, Ireland. In 1867 he came to this country. Graduating at Medical College, Albany, in 1869. Member of various societies and also health officer some time. Nicholas T. Kane; born in Ireland in 1846; came here in 1848 ; died on September 14, 1887. Engaged in the manufacture of knit goods. Supervisor in 1882 ; held the office until death closed his lifework. Prominent member of Post Kane; also vice- president of Gleason Hook and Ladder Company. Prominent in business circles. Volkert J. Oothout, son of Jonas V. Oothout and Helen M. (Lobdell) Oothout. He was born in 1855; graduated from the Albany Law School in 1881; married Sarah E. Blunn. Descend- ant of Hendrick Oothout one of the old settlers on the Mohawk in 1710. The Wiswall family: Ebenezer Wiswall, Sr., Eben Wiswall, Jr., and John Parker Wiswall. In 1810 the Wiswalls were, with others, connected in the ownership of farm lands in South Troy, West Troy and Cohoes. J. Parker Wiswall died in 1875. Edward Wiswall married Sarah Marks. Connected with that family, who settled here in early days. The Wiswalls have been very prominent in the business interests of the old villages. They held the ferry rights many years, and also identified with the religious and social features as they existed in days gone by, and are among the few pioneer families that are identified with the business, religious and social features of Watervliet. William Helm came from Germany in 1856, to West Troy in 1866. Shoemaker. Died in 1898. Member Jermain Lutheran Church, Troy. William J. Helm (son) established the shoe business in 1876 at his present location, ISTo. 1553 Broadway. Member of Oswald Hose Company, captain in 1901, and treasurer of same at this date. One of our business men that has a pride in the city's fire department, seeking to place it on a higher plane of efficiency. A thorough business man, of large acquaintance and popular through- out the city. 1901. Charles G. Richenecker, carriage manufacturer; came from Germany to West Saugerties in 1882, and to West Troy in 1888, being employed by Martin Payne and other firms in Troy until 1889, when he established a plant for the manufacturing of car- riages, etc. Affiliated with Laurel Lodge, I. O. O. F., in 1890. Beginning at the first round of the ladder he has steadily advanced step by step through perseverance, and by the employment of the best mechanics in his line that were available he has been in a position to place upon the market a class of goods that are the 108 equal if not superior to other firms in the same line. As a citizen he has an interest in the city's improvement. Is an honored mem- ber of the business community and a congenial neighbor. John Gladding Clute, son of Charles Clute, liveryman. John G. entered the employment of Mr. Charles Moore in the news- paper and stationery business, leaving his service for the position of messenger for the Bank of West Troy, and for years has been a trusted attache thereof. While connected with this corporation he has filled the position of bookkeeper, paymaster and secretary for the noted firm of William E. Martin, contractors and builders, doubling his hours of labor, looking forward to gain a foothold in the business world, and to-day his close attention to business, courteous manner, integrity, together with his loyal fidelity to the interests of his employers, has secured for him the proud position of secretary and treasurer and also member of the firm of the William E. Martin Company. A position well deserved by a popular representative citizen. Mrs. Charles Clute (mother). Her natural anxiety in the beginning of her son's business career was much relieved at his early success in life, and her declining years are spent in peaceful quiet and happiness. Post Jones-Kane, G. A. R., an organization of veterans of the Civil War, whose services rendered in times of trouble are, and should be, appreciated by every loyal American citizen. Frank J. McGuirk is commander. Royal Arcanum, Watervliet Council No. 1267. Fraternal and beneficial organization, whose members have a deep interest in the welfare of each other, and with open-handed generosity when necessity calls they come to the front with the necessary assist- ance. E. H. Perkins, regent. Arsenal City Glee Club. Walter Miller, president; A. 0. Young, treasurer ; Fred Rosekrans, secretary. Popular organiza- tion, very much in the limelight. R. S. Turner came to West Troy in 1891. Established the grocery business in 1893, corner of Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street. To increase his business, in 1901 he seized the opportunity offered and purchased the elegant residence corner of Third avenue and Sixteenth street, remodeled part of same, and to-day one of the finest fancy and staple groceries existing in the very center of the most popular section of the city. That no mistake was made in its selection, and financial interests have been subserved is evi- denced from the large stock of goods carried, denoting a steady increase of patronage. Mr. Turner was at one time alderman from the Fourth ward ; also member of the Electric Light Com- mission, is well posted as to former conditions that retarded the city's advancement, and is in accord with any legitimate move- ment tending to retrieve the business losses of the same. 109 H. M. Hulsapple, bookseller, stationer and newsdealer. A con- tinuation of the business formerly established by Mr. Charles Moore, a well-known and honored citizen. His ill health forced him to retire, greatly regretted by his many personal friends. The firm as now represented occupies a leading position and are thor- oughly up to date in their line. Being centrally located, 1589 Broadway, near Sixteenth street ferry, strangers and others can find at all times the latest periodicals of the day. John C. Taylor came to West Troy in 1836. Followed the trade of stove mounting when foundries were many and wages were such that enabled the employee to live as a white man should. Henry S. Taylor (son), born and educated in the schools of the place. Engaged in the liquor traffic ; afterward established the grocery business in 1903 at his present location, corner Third avenue and Twenty-third street. He is well known and popular. 1902. C. D. Van Dercook; cigar box manufactory. Established in Troy in 1878. Herman A. Wolfram, settling in Troy in 1869, became connected with him, being a woodworker, foot of Federal street, Troy. Soon after the firm burned out, and in 1898 Mr. Wolfram removed the business, locating in Watervliet at 1621 Twenty-first street, just east of Broadway. In 1903, the only cigar box factory, and one of the few industrial plants located in the city that is known through the State, carrying and supplying to the trade a line of goods that both in price and quality outclass many competitors, while the well known standard business methods of the proprietor secures for him the confidence of the business community. At one time a member of the public improvement commission and at present one of the police commissioners of the city, he is not a politician, yet is interested in any movement that will improve conditions as they now exist, realizing that the com- bined efforts of the citizens are necessary to uplift and advance the social, moral and business interests of the city if capitalists and others are attracted to locate within its borders. John Mabin ; from Ireland in 1882. Employed for some three years at Roys' Mills. After, in 1885, established the grocery and provision business on Second avenue, Port Schuyler. In 1898 purchased the residence of Gen. A. T. Dunlop, corner of Third avenue and Fifth street. Remodeled it and removed it the same year. In the short time Mr. Mabin has resided in West Troy by perseverance, industry and honest business methods he has secured from the first opening a steady increase of patronage that to-day places him at the head of his line of business in the lower section of the city. At one period member of public improvement com- mission. His residence is connected with the store, with a spacious lawn in front, where Gen. Dunham often exhibited the noted horse Moscow. It is the original building, with the four wooden pillars that were in vogue in the early days of the eighteenth century. 1903. Ambrose Wilcox; came to West Troy in 1850. Cooper; for some time on police force, engaged in the ice business and followed same until his death in 1901. Andros Wilcox assumed the business and continued until 1897. Death also closed his life work. Eugene F. Wilcox ; educated in the village, also in Troy. Car- ried on the same business of his father for some time. Closed out and opened an office as an insurance agent, real estate and broker- age. One of the few young men that seek opportunities to increase the volume of business already established, believing in the maxim, " If you want something ask for it, or go for it at once." In connection with the above he carries on a large painting and wall paper business, employing expert workmen, and guaranteeing all work. Thomas A. Mabin, having settled in West Troy in 1872, estab- lished the grocery business at the southeast corner of Twenty-third and River avenue. His business increasing, necessitating more floor space, he removed to his large new store, No. 1010 Twenty- third street. His stock of choice groceries is large, displayed with taste, and customers always receive quick and courteous attention. One of the small number of prominent representative business men of the city that may in the near future be able to retrieve the lost prestige of this commonwealth. L. W. Truax; located in West Troy in 1894, as carpenter and builder ; through a perfect understanding with his patrons, on contracts, and the fulfilment of same, enabled him to succeed in establishing a lucrative business. On account of poor health he discontinued the same in 1902 and established the grocery business on southwest corner of Twenty-third street and Second avenue. Business increasing, and not having floor space, he removed to his present location, 221 Twenty-third street. Always in touch with the markets, and withal a close buyer, he is enabled to place before his patrons a line of goods to select from, fresh, palatable, and at moderate prices. Elmer C. Truax (son), a valuable assistant, having acquired full knowledge of the business, can be found at all times attentive to the same, filling all orders promptly, believing that promises fulfilled make many friends. Board of Health is directly interested in the sanitary regula- tions of the city. Where is there any evidence of duty well per- formed, or that they as a body, ever became personally interested in the work coming under their supervision. Public Schools, Board of Education. The one body of office- holders that, with the desire and aid of our citizens, have placed our schools in the front rank of educational institutions in this section. Gen. John E. Wool Post No. 671. Organized 1905. Col. S. W. Snyder, Commander. Charter Members: Col. S. W. Snyder, William T. Yearsley, William Spencer, Samuel Sexton, William Barker, Cortland Adams. The post has a large membership of vet- erans who served their country during our national troubles in the 60's. Many of them to-day bear the scars that at times have been and are yet the cause of great suffering, and are evidences of supreme loyalty to the government, and an indestructible badge of honor. 1904. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. George Washington, born February 22, 1732; term of office, 1789 to 1797 ; died December 14, 1799. John Adams, born October 30, 1735; term of office, 1797 to 1801 ; died July 4, 1823. Thomas Jefferson, born April 2, 1743; term of office, 1801 to 1809 ; died July 4, 1826. James Madison, born March 16, 1751 ; term of office, 1809 to 1817; died June 28, 1845. James Monroe, born April 28, 1758; term of office, 1817 to 1825 ; died July 4, 1831. John Quincy Adams, born July 11, 1767; term of office, 1825 to 1829 ; died February 23, 1848. Andrew Jackson, born March 15, 1767 ; term of office, 1829 to 1837; died June 8, 1845. Martin Van Buren, born December 5, 1782 ; term of office, 1837 to 1841 ; died July 24, 1862. William Henry Harrison, born February 9, 1773 ; term of office, 1841, one month; died April 4, 1841. John Tyler, born March 29, 1790; term of office, 1841 to 1845; died January 18, 1862. James K. Polk, born November 2, 1795 ; term of office, 1845 to 1849 ; died June 15, 1849. Zachary Taylor, born September 24, 1784; term of office, 1849 to 1850; died July 9, 1850. Millard Filmore, born February 7, 1800; term of office, 1850 to 1853 ; died March 8, 1874. Franklin Pierce, born November 23, 1804; term of office, 1853 to 1857; died October 8, 1869. James Buchanan, born April 22, 1791 ; term of office, 1857 to 1861 ; died June 1, 1868. Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 ; term of office, 1861 to 1865; re-elected in 1865; assassinated April 15, 1865. Andrew Johnson, born December 29, 1808; term of office, 1865 to 1869; died July 31, 1875. Ulysses S. Grant, born April 27, 1822; term of office, 1869 to 1877; died July 23, 1885. Eutherford B. Hayes, born October 4, 1822 ; term of office, 1877 to 1881 ; died January 17, 1893. James A. Garfield, born November 19, 1831; term of office, 1881 ; assassinated September 19, 1881. Chester A. Arthur, born October 5, 1830 ; term of office, 1881 to 1885 ; died November 18, 1886. Grover Cleveland, born March 18, 1837; term of office, 1885 to 1889. Benjamin Harrison, born August 20, 1833; term of office, 1889 to 1893 ; died March 13, 1901. Grover Cleveland, second term; term of office, 1893 to 1897. William McKinley, born January 29, 1843 ; term of office, 1897 to 1901. William McKinley, second term; term of office, 1901; assassin- ated September 14, 1901. Theodore Koosevelt, born October 27, 1858; term of office, 1901 to 1905 ; filled vacancy. Theodore Eoosevelt, term of office, 1905 to 1909. William H. Taft, term of office, 1909 to 1913. Fortnightly literary society, organized 1905 ; Charles L. Oot- hout, president ; Mrs. Florence Hallock, vice-president ; Mrs. David Kelly, recording secretary; Miss Anna M. Agan, corresponding secretary ; Miss Mattie E. Farr, treasurer ; Mrs. F. P. Van Den- bergh, leader. Engaged in literary research, the ladies of this society quit the ordinary paths of pleasure, and entered the realms of literature, to improve their minds, gaining thereby a knowledge of the master literarians of the world on all subjects. Literature embraces a large field of subjects and he or she that has the inclination during leisure moments to read up on poetry, history, biography or fiction that will enable them to gain a correct idea of the historian's work, adds to their social qualifications, and a classical education. Under the leadership of their able literarian, Mrs. F. P. Van Den- bergh, the society stands pre-eminent. 1905. James T. Young, wood worker. Office and factory located on Nineteenth street opposite D. and H. station. To West Troy in 1890. Established in 1897. The largest and only manufactory of first class wood work, including- store, office and bank fixtures in this section. The designing and manufacture of all work is under the personal supervision of Mr. Young thereby securing to ii3 his patrons the benefit of his matured experience in all details of the business which enables him to guarantee satisfaction on all contracts. A leading manufacturer of the city in accord with all legitimate methods to improve the present status of the city, and his friends are many. George B. Preston Construction Company. Office, corner Fifth street and Second avenue. G. B. Preston, president. Carpenters and builders. Reinforced concrete work and block manufacturers. One of the most enterprising and popular firms in their line in the city. Their work throughout the city is evidence of the reliability of the firm, and the fact that the same is appreciated is noted through accumulating orders. Their motto: First class workman- ship and material at the lowest possible figures consistent with same. If the spasmodic announcement of the spread eagle meetings of our Board of Trade would only culminate into genuine observable activity and less talk it might be possible to locate in this vicinity a few more desirable firms like those mentioned. Friday Study Club, a literary society, the members graduates of the Emma Willard and other institutions of like character. Readings, historical and others; biographies of noted persons and delineation of character, portraying at times humor, pathos and sarcasm, is the menu served at their gatherings. President, Mrs. J. W. F. Podmore; vice-president, Mrs. J. L. Haswell; treasurer, Mrs. I. M. Haswell ; secretary, Mrs. I. G. Braman ; historian, Mrs. F. P. Van Denbergh. W. D. Grady established the drug business in 1908, corner of Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, the center of a large popu- lation, who appreciate the same, as it brings them nearer to a depot where medical supplies can be obtained as necessity requires and one that circumstances demanded. Our present police force. Efficient in service, ready at all times to perform their duty, yet oft times seeing their efforts to bring criminals to justice sidetracked through chicanery of court officials in the interest of some political friend of the criminal whereby the case is pigeonholed or sentence suspended, too often to the detriment of all law-abiding citizens. Charles Noller. From England in 1861. Employed at the United States arsenal as harness maker. Established the business later in Port Schuyler, and in 1888 located in Union Place Flat building, corner Broadway and Fifteenth street. It is the largest and best stocked harness and saddlery concern in the city. A large patronage from noted horsemen enabled a display of fine workmanship in harness on many a winner in races in days gone by. One of the business men of the city who is progressive, and one whose interest and influence in municipal affairs is fully demonstrated through his activity as trustee of the First and 114 Second Wards, police commissioner four years, and also former member of Board of Health. The Ludlum Steel and Spring Co. From New Jersey in 1907. Located on Fifth street near the D. and H. railroad, giving them adequate shipping facilities. President, William E. Ludlum. Edwin Corning, secretary and treasurer. Output consists of crucible cast steel mechanics' tools and railway car springs. A valuable addition to the manufacturing interests of this section, as plants of like character furnish desired employment for resident mechanics. 1906. The Covert Manufacturing Company. Established in Troy, N". Y., 1873. James C. and Madison Covert, Henry and Scud- der Wakeman constituted the firm. Removed to West Troy in 1879. The Wakemans withdrew, and in 1893 Madison Covert severed his connection with the firm, James C. Covert, pro- prietor, continuing the manufacture of saddlery, harness and wrought iron chains. At this date, 1910, carriage, wagon and automobile jacks, rope ties, halters and hammock ropes, in con- nection with the Covert celebrated harness snap, breast heel and rein chain represent the output of the firm, and are recognized by all prominent horsemen as standard goods. The advanced leaders in their several lines of goods and recognized as such in business circles. The standing of this firm and the location of their plant within this city adds to its prestige, and should be an incentive to our citizens to formulate some plan that would enable them to induce others of like character to locate with us. H. M. Witbeck & Lawrence, wagon makers, in the old Delevan building, situate on Broadway below Fourteenth street, in 1832. Lawrence withdrew, and the firm was Witbeck & Jones. J. M. Jones Company established in 1839. Location, Delavan Hotel building on Broadway, east side, between Thirteenth and Four- teenth streets, in the village of Gibbonsville. The building is now ninety years old. H. M. Witbeck & J. M. Jones, wagon makers, 1863. Witbeck withdrew, George Lawrence becoming the new member, withdrawing 1864. The manufacture of wagons pre- viously abandoned. John H. and Walter A. Jones became con- nected with the business with their father, J. M. Jones, street rail- way car builders. After his death in 1882 the business con- tinued under the supervision of the brothers until the death of Walter, when John H. Jones became the head of the present firm of J. M. Jones' Sons. During the many years the firm has existed it has been a valuable adjunct to the prosperity of the old village and the present city through the large number of its employees, and as the work necessitated expert mechanics the pay roll was of "5 necessity large and therefore an additional benefit to the mer- chants of the city. The members of this firm always have been and are yet interested and take an active part in legitimate move- ments that tend towards elevating and advancing the business interests of the city, but are aware of the fact that combined effort of all forces must obtain to effect desired results. Herman Carl, one of Troy's early residents, father of Frederick W. Carl, who located in the city of Watervliet in 1904. Proprietor of the largest and best equipped pharmacy in the city. From its first opening a favorable impression was created and a f eeling^ 01 security was felt that under the new management the prescription department (a material item) would be safeguarded in every point, and that promptness and reliability was to be the motto of the firm. Increased patronage is evidence of the popularity of the firm. 1907. H. C. Becker, carriage manufacturer. Established 1876. The plant is located on Nineteenth street near Broadway, occupying seven lots, a very desirable location, fronting on same. Since the first day Mr. Becker has endeavored to build only the best that skilled workmen and finished material would produce in a vehicle. His warerooms are replete with full line oi wagons, rockaways, three-seated runabouts, top buggies, physicians' car- riages, finished in natural wood or painted. His family sleighs and special style of carriages, when on exhibition, have been a specialty for many years. Mr. Becker has enjoyed the confidence of a large circle of friends throughout this locality, Vermont and Massachusetts, and from the time of the first loca- tion in the old village of West Troy has been an energetic citizen interested in all public affairs tending to the betterment oi city government. Six years with the Board of Water Commissioners as president, seeking improvement in the city's supply of water. Also member of the present Board of Public Improvement^ Com- mission of the city. He also advocates that our best citizens should control municipal affairs. While seeking the welfare of the city has always been prominent along religious lines, and ready to contribute both time and means for the betterment of hiimanity. Mr. Becker has well earned the reputation which he enjoys for fair dealing. Live and let live. George Isaac White. From England to Albany, thence to West Troy prior to 1850. Contractor and builder. Superintended the building of the new weighlock, his death occurring in 1856, soon after its erection. Jonathan White (son), known to-day as John White. Born in 1845. Self educated, except a short season during his early days in the village schools. After a short clerkship with the Troy n6 Towing Company he entered the office of Samuel Waterman, lum- ber dealer. In 1880 he resigned his position and established boarding and sales stables, located 1627 Second avenue — well ventilated, commodious box or open stalls, with spacious exercising yard, well sheltered, large storerooms for carriages and sleighs; also handled grain, baled hay, upholstering tow and excelsior in car lots or at retail. Mr. White is well known among the business men of the city, and is in accord with any movement that will add to the future prosperity of the city. The Searle Manufacturing Company, branch of the noted linen collar and cuff firm of the city of Troy, N. Y., located in the city of Watervliet in one of the factories of the James Roy Company, corner Broadway and Fourth street, for the exclusive manufacture of night robes, pajamas and bath robes, their large volume of business necessitating the addition of another plant to those al- ready established. Their office is pleasantly situated, overlooking the Hudson river and opposite the site of the first flour mill estab- lished in this locality. Their employees numbering over 100 will soon be increased to 200 or more, thereby furnishing employment to those residing in the lower section of the city, and a material addi- tion to the business interests of the city. President, W. W. Searle. Knaus Bros. & Arwine Company. To Watervliet 1909. Makers of craftstyle furniture, chairs, rockers, settees, Morris chairs, their manufacturing plant occupying the buildings and ground formerly known as the Seymour chair factory, southwest corner Second avenue and Twenty-fifth street. With up-to-date machinery and the employment of over 200 expert mechanics they are in position to meet competition from all sources. The opening of the plant is an addition to those previously located, and the sound of the old whistle announcing the opening and closing of the works recalls to mind the prosperous times of years gone by and an- nounces a new era in the business prosperity of the city. 1908. Matthew McGrath, came from Ireland to Troy, in 1855. Opened a large bakery on what is now Fifth avenue, but later established a distillery, the next year he disposed of same, and moved to West Troy and opened a wholesale liquor and wine establishment on Ohio and Auburn streets (Third avenue and Twenty-first street). Later the co-partnership of Riley & Mc- Grath was formed, and they established a brewery on Broadway. Mr. McGrath always had the confidence of his business asso- ciates ; honorable in his business transactions, energetic and force- ful, and at the time of his demise, occurring in February, 1875, was sincerely mourned, as was evidenced by the singular fact that when the first carriage reached St. Mary's cemetery, Troy, where 117 he was buried, the last one left the eastern end of the Congress street bridge. Matthew A. McGrath (son), succeeding to the brewing business, but soon after closed it out. Born in the village and educated at the Brother's academy, Troy; entered the mercantile world as a grocer, locating on Twenty-fifth street, his present place of busi- ness. Previous to 1894 he was one of the commissioners appointed to collect the license fee from those selling liquor in the town of Watervliet, a task that required some labor and travel. Always interested in the prosperity of both the old village and the present city, his influence, political and otherwise has always been on the side of justice and right, and hold to the conviction that education, intellectual and moral are the basis of good citizenship. One of the few, who says what he means, and means what he says, though often feeling the sting of ingratitude, his judgment of human nature teaches him to deal kindly with his fellow man. Hugh F. McGrath. Born and educated in the village, succeeded with his brothers in the brewing business established by his father, and later became identified with the firm of Riley & McGrath, contractors and builders, with headquarters in New York city. Street paving, bridge building, and the erection of concrete build- ings constitutes the principal features. Mr. McGrath's personal knowledge of details connected with that class of work, and his personal supervision of same, enables the firm to make good on all contracts that are awarded them, many specimens being in evi- dence in New York city and other places. Interested in his home city, he is at all times ready to assist in any movement that will advance business interests. Alfred Passonna. An esteemed citizen from Canada, and one of the prosperous business men of the village. Heavy dealer in grain and other merchandise, a noted dealer in horses, handling blooded stock only, his principal market being New York city. He was a member of the church of the Sacred Heart (French) and largely and at all times deeply interested in its affairs; his sudden death, while driving a spirited horse in New York in 1893, deprived the church of a loyal member, and his family of a kind and loving husband and father. George H. Lewis, jeweler. In early days the only dealer in his line in the village. A reliable merchant with a stock of goods suitable to the trade. His son, William A. Lewis associated with him, and was prominent. Later established the business in Troy. J. M. Jones (bookkeeper for Roy & Co.) & W. F. Podmore formed a co-partnership and opened a store of like character. They received considerable patronage, and prospered by close atten- tion to all details of the business. They moved to Troy about 1897, and soon after retired from business. Joseph Podmore (father), died in 1861. n8 John T. Smith. From England in 1880; contractor, carpenter and builder. Established himself in West Troy, in 1885. As a new comer, unheralded and unknown his advent among the circle of business men in this section has no precedent, taking into con- sideration the volume of business he has been enabled to establish in the few years residence. Over 100 old buildings have been purchased, and in remodeling same he has not only lessened the dilapidated appearance of many sections of the city, but created beauty spots in many localities. A hustler, his energy and per- severance, and with all his dare to do something, could be emulated by others to the benefit of themselves and the community at large. The city water supply. The condition that it is in, and the detriment to, not only the individual, but in regard to the health of the community, the tax payers should insist upon an early improvement, and above all the plant should be owned and operated by the city. The electric light plant, also inadequate to the wants of a city of this size. Everything connected with it is a back number; modern machinery and lamps throughout the city should imme- diately be installed. As it stands to-day, it is a costly asset, with- out satisfactory results. 1909. Excelsior Bag and Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. Established in Troy, K Y., 1903 ; incorporated 1908. This com- pany was located at the corner of Federal and Eiver streets, Troy , for some years and enjoyed a good business. In February, 1910, the company bought the building No. 2328-2330 Second avenue, and moved their business to this city. This change was brought about on account of the better conditions, shipping facilities, etc., that the city offered. This concern is one of the most enterprising in this section, having representatives in all large cities, it also has a large export trade. The output consists of mechanics tool bags, tool rolls, grass catchers, and many other specialties for the hardware and the automobile trade. With an up-to-the-minute shop, equipped with expensive machinery, coupled with close super- vision, this company is in position to take care of all orders, with care and dispatch. James O'Connell, settled in West Troy in 1838. Trainman, with the old Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroad, for years. Died in 1878. His wife, neice of Levy, the popular clothier, located in early times, southeast corner, now Broadway and Twenty-third street. James H. O'Connell. Born about 1865, prominent resident of the city. Insurance and other business. Connected with the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, and present supervisor of the city. William J. O'Connell (son). Educated in the city, first occu- 119 pation newsboy for Mr. Ogden, bookkeeper and stenographer, and at this date, foreman for the Excelsior Bag & Manufacturing Company. King Manufacturing Company. Plant located in the old Chollar, Sage and Dunham building, northeast corner Broadway and Eighth street. Their line consists of waste water traps, the design and the application and use of same assures satisfactory results. President, F. B. Durant ; secretary and treasurer, Henry Maybe ; superintendent, John H. King. As this goes to print they are closing out. The United States Arsenal. The continuance of the same as a military post being the one large mote in the eye of the gen- eral public that is obstructing a sensible and clearly denned view of the situation to the detriment of the mercantile business, and manufacturing interests of the city. I have reference to the attempts of our citizens to secure from the government more work, and a larger increase of employees at the post, with the view of establishing better conditions for the future. The point aimed at, and the modus operandi to gain the same, will never materialize. As far as the government is concerned, it has passed its usefulness, and the number of mechanics formerly employed, mostly residents, that made the post of value to this section, never will occur again. As a residential section, it is one of the finest in the city, and utilized as such it would add better results than its continuation under previous and present conditions. As a location for manu- facturing plants, it is an ideal one, and if it became available, there is not the least doubt that there are firms that would take advantage of the opportunity to secure a location, and P. T. Barnum's idea, that has done so much for Bridgeport, Conn., and given it a proud position in the manufacturing world: viz., (that 100 small firms of 100 employees) was of more substantial benefit that one large one of 1,000 is correct, and the idea is worthy of consideration by our citizens and Board of Trade. There is a possibility that the government might be inclined to consider a proposition to dispose of its useless possession. Citizens carefully consider the situation, digest the matter, act as unbiased judgment dictates. Ab urbe Conditi. We have been the most enviable community of " taxpayers " in this State, and should receive from Tammany Hall, their political bouquet of appreciation, for the economy injected into municipal affairs of the city, through and by the well directed efforts of the professional economists who have, and do now represent the different departments of government, most of whom were, and now are " non " taxpayers. The only city of its size in the United States, where the board of police commissioners overlook the fact that for the public benefit, the chief of the depart- ment should appear in uniform. " If not, why not." 1910. James Hamil Co. (Inc.), successors to Jas. Hamil, who estab- lished in 1869 the stove business. Became one of the successful merchants. The present company was incorporated January 1, 1910. Albert J. Danaher, president ; Owen Cullen, vice-president ; Arthur Kennedy, secretary and treasurer. Hardware, plumbing and roofing, the main business of the firm. Under the present management new life has been instilled into every department, a large field has been opened whereby an increase of trade will, in the near future, tend to add to their already large patronage. With up-to-date facilities the only concern in the city that carries a com- plete stock of goods in their line, with courteous salesmen and expert mechanics in all departments, patrons are certain of a square deal on all contracts. In reviewing the history of the early settlement of this locality from 1793, when part of the farm owned by John Schuyler, Jr., was laid out as the village of Washington, it must be apparent to those familiar with other settlements adjacent to it, that their Dutch, Scotch and Irish ancestors made no mistake in the selection of the site upon which to build their homes, and to establish in- dustries that, as the country became more settled, it would become in the near future a business center and prosperity follow. This is borne out from the fact that the selection comprises the largest acreage of level ground this side of New York, with direct com- munication by water, and at that time there was a bright outlook that other transportation facilities would materialize that would enhance the value of their investment. With these ideas in mind they seized the opportunity, and accepting the many hardships that arise in the pathway of the pioneer, through energy, perse- verance and indomitable will they reared the settlement of a farm to that of a village of business activity, substantial homes erected, mills, factories, stores and shops in operation, schools where chil- dren received tuition, and with the church the day of rest afforded an opportunity for all to listen to their pastor as he discoursed on moral and religious topics. At this date, 1802, three ferries, Van de Heyden's at Sixteenth street, Wandell's at Fifteenth street, and Malon Taylor's at Fourteenth street, enabled travelers to cross the Hudson on their way North or West as business or pleasure demanded, and the prosperity of the settlement became known beyond its border when, in 1805, one James Gibbons, a prominent, influential and progressive merchant of Albany, seized the oppor- tunity then presented, purchased the farm north from Washing- ton, extending to Buffalo street (Broadway and Fifteenth), sur- veyed and laid it out into lots, and called the place Gibbonsville. The second link was forged that in the future was to add strength to a chain of commercial enterprises that had previously been established. Having entered the arena as a speculator in real estate, and knowing from previous experience that inducements must be offered or shown whereby manufacturers, merchants, mechanics and others could be prevailed upon to settle in the new territory, he conceived and carried out a project that through some influence resulted in interesting the United States government in purchasing twelve acres of land of his recent claim. Success crowned the effort, and the United States arsenal was established, located in Gibbonsville, Albany county, N. Y., July 14, 1813. Building commenced the next year under the supervision of the commander of the post, and Isaac Chapman, the first master mechanic. Oxen were utilized in hauling supplies, etc. A wooden fence at first enclosed the grounds. The stone wall was commenced later and finished about the year 1844. Contractors, Learned & Bingham. The first church, the Keformed Protestant Dutch, of Washington and Gibbonsville, had been built in 1814 and dedi- cated in 1816. Hank's bell foundry, flour mill, sattinet factory, hat and other industries already established, the population in- creased, and at the time of the incorporation of the village in 1824 there was one church, seventeen mercantile firms, three hotels, with a ship yard in full bloom. The nucleus of the fleet of river craft, the schooner John Silliman, had already made her intial trip to ISFew York. The business men of that period, foreseeing the steady advance in the prosperity of the settlement, had in the year 1823 formed the West Troy Company, purchased of John Bleeker and his wife the Bleeker farm commencing at Buffal > street (Broadway and Fifteenth), north to the Oothout farm (near Twenty-fifth street), surveyed same and laid it out in lots, and named it West Troy, forming the third link that if welded together would form a chain of business activities that would add strength to the combination and a stronger influence in commercial circles. Only one house (history states) stood on the farm at that date, 1823. West side of river, below Canal street (Broadway and Sixteenth), site of the Kath Block. The families of the Schuylers, Dermotts, Sages, Dunlops, Elijah Washburn, Smiths, Sweets, Burnetts, Greys, Stones, Kimberlys, Lineys, Hitchcocks, Witmarsh, Oothouts, Bronk, Brown, Wheelers, Evens, Abrams, Learneds, Chards, Hoveys, Lees, Meneelys, Wan- dells, Myers, Hanks, Willards, Chapmans, Bostwicks, Powells, Binghams, Lobdells, Fitchetts, Griffins, Dyers, Rundells, Silli- mans, Robinsons, Tuckers, Samuel Patch, E. F. Hitchcock, Isaac Hitchcock, Learned Haight, Larcums, Veiles, Oswalds, Clarks, Morrisons, Blackmans, Nancie Vallence were some of the first settlers of Port Schuyler, Washington and Gibbonsville, the most influential and substantial business men prior to 1830. The com- pletion of the canal from Rochester in 1824, and finished in 1825, added to the volume of business already secured, increased river freighting, giving the ship building industry then in its infancy a brighter outlook for the future. In 1836 Gibbonsville, including Washington, was incorporated, and at that time the following persons were residents of West Troy proper, that is, north of Buffalo street (Fifteenth street) : Aaron De Graw, Francis Disable, Oscar Potter, Jerry Potter, Patrick Rogers Clark Foss, Sol Greenman, John Savin, Michael Savin, Ashael Potter, Edward Mallory, Mr. Hubbard, M. Levy, James Brady, Asa Spaulding, ]ST. J. Van Arnum, H. L. Dann, Benjamin Tinney, George Green, Dr. Ruggles, Mr. Strattan, John Reiley, Orlando Lathrop, B. B. Griffin, O. L. Stebbens, E. M. Douglass, Benjamin Clark, G. H. Servis, S. J. Lewis, E. J. Higgins, M. I. Moe, James Edgerton, William McClellan, Charles Finn, Attorney Houghtaling, Simeon Smith, David Burrus, H. Mattison, G. H. Vosburgh, W. C. Bates, Samuel Wilgus, I. Getty, R. D. Potter, Ed. Ellis, Billings Blakely, Harris Winfield Higby (school teacher Fourth Ward), T. McGuyer, William Raymond, Dr. Shankland, Herman Mather, W. Wager, James Coggeshall, A. Gilbert, James Quackenbush, Alexander Jacque, Martin Witbeck, Myron R. Peak, Alexander Lenway, L. Lansing, Dr. Van Alstyne, James Meneely, Joseph James, T. Richards, Andrew Morrison, Daniel Hartnett, Hollands, Hill, Perrigo, A. S. Lobdell, R. E. Gorton, Orin Dele- ware, Pierce, Amos Salsbury, Nathan S. Hollister, Patrick Reilly, John McCormick, James Brisban, Henry A. Brigham, James Quackenbush, with few exceptions, every one prominent in and connected with the industries and business interests of the village with a spirit of liberality unknown or practiced by as large a number of the citizens of this section since the year of 1875. The panic of 1837 was a setback to the business of the country and was severely felt by the business interests of the village. Col- lections were slow, work at the post was lessened, employees laid off, and to add to the other forces that entered into the derange- ment of business interests of the mercantile circle (although the officials of the old Watervliet Bank endeavored to stem the tide), they were forced to succumb, failing in 1841. In that early period ISTew York merchants gave heavy credits and long terms, and on open accounts most of them allowed extension of time, and by other methods assisted in lessening the evil effect that would have prevailed had they done otherwise. Through these concessions and the renewed activity that soon followed canal freights in- creased, confidence was restored, the outlook became brighter, local industries were given new life, freighting to river points below and to ISTew York revived, population increased, new industrial plants located within the circle, sunlight followed darkness, and a season of prosperity once more was assured. The enlargement of the canal added to its freighting capacity, 123 and up to the year 1850 found the village with a fleet of river craft of over forty schooners, sloops and scows owned by the citi- zens, captained by men of prominence, education and prestige. Thirty wholesale lumber and timber firms had located within the boundary line of the commonwealth, stove and other factories were in full bloom, giving employment to home industry, the social, moral and political situation was at its best, and the future seemed bright for all. From 1840 increased facilities added to the soundness of already lucrative business, mechanics found profitable employment in all branches of trade, new plants sprung into existence, new lumber and other firms located and shared in the general prosperity, and peace, contentment and happiness was everywhere apparent. Pos- sibly the volume of business done and the financial success achieved by the merchants herein located can safely be stated to have been between the years of 1840 and 1860. In 1861, and during the war, business received somewhat of a boom in this locality. Large bounties were being paid, bounty jumpers were numerous in this section, going from here to other places under the guidance of the capper, enlisting, receiving the large bounty offered, and re- turning to the village to perform the trick over again. Reaction soon followed ; the blight came. The temple of industry built as it were on a secure foundation, began to crumble. The master architects who conceived and built the framework of the structure, had long since closed their earthly existence. The extensive lum- ber trade, so long a factor in the commercial success of the place, furnishing employment for hundreds, had vanished, factories closed their doors, the large army of lumber inspectors completely wiped out of existence ; the stabling and grocery business located on the dock (Whitehall street), the enormous revenue of which for years had been of importance to the immediate prosperity of the citizen, gone never to return, together with the immense mer- cantile business on the same spot, and also on Side Cut (Twenty- third street). That in 1896 — when the city of Watervliet was incorporated — the whole business of the locality was demoralized, not a vestige of its former prestige visible, nearly all of the in- fluential and active business men of former years dead, and with few exceptions none of their successors capable to grapple with the business problems of the day, and only a shadow left of the sunbeam of prosperity to remind us of the ability, integrity and honesty of our ancestors, the self-imposed task is completed. If the reader obtains any desirable information connecting his or her family with the early pioneers or receives a moment's pleasure in the perusal of the work, it will satisfy the ambition of citizen JAMES THORN MYERS. Wateeveiet, Albany County, N. Y., 1910. 124 James T. Myers 1910 Everything That a Home Wears R. C. REYNOLD S Colonial Clocks All people may not inherit handsome Colonial Clocks, but it is their privilege to hand them down. HE just pride, now so prevalent, in possess- ing what belonged to the grandmother or greatgrandmother should suggest, beyond the mere present delight in owing good furniture, the pleasure in our power to give future generations.