CHELSEA VITAL RECORDS ^euj^i^-G-o^ , ^ ^-^^^ \ VITAL RECORDS OF CHELSEA MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 1850. COMPILED BY THOMAS W. BALDWIN, A.B,, S.B., MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. BOSTON, MASS., I9I6, ^nH ^^^ n c0^1 O Number of births printed, 10,798. Number of marriages printed, . 1,082X2= 2,164 names Number of deaths printed, 2,758 Total, 15,720 "& POTTER PR,INTING COMPANY, IE-STREET. ^ - ^!f9-' CoE CHELSEA. Established January lo, 1739, o. s., from part of Boston called "Winissimet, Rumney Marsh and Pullin Point, or other- wise called Number Thirteen (excepting Noddle's Island and Hog Island)." Part annexed to Saugus February 22, 1841. Part established as North Chelsea (now Revere) March 19, 1846. Chelsea incorporated as a city March 13, 1857. March 23, 1857, act of incorporation accepted by the town. Part of North Chelsea established as Winthrop March 27, 1852. March 24, 1871, name of North Chelsea changed to Revere, if accepted within ninety days. Act accepted April 3, 187 1. (ulation by Census: — 1765 (Prov.), 462; 1865 ^State), 14.403; 1776 (Prov.), 489; 1870 [U.S.), 18,547; 1790 :u.s.), 472; 1875 [State), 20.737; 1800 [U.S.), 849; 1880 [U.S.), 21,782; 1810 :u.s.). 594; 1885 (State), 25,709; 1820 ( :u.s.), 642; 1890 (U.S.), 27,909; 1830 [U.S.), 77«; 1895 (State), 31.264; 1840 [U.S.), 2,390; 1900 (U.S.), 34.072; 1850 ( [U.S.), 6,701 ; 1905 (State), 37.289; 1855 [State), 1 0, 1 5 1 ; 1910 (U.S.), 32,452; i860 ( 'U.S.), J3.395; 1915 (State), 43.246; EXPLANATIONS. 1. When places other than Chelsea or Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all items from the records the original spelling of the names is given, and any additions made to the spelling of the record are enclosed in brackets. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings. 4. The birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name when it is known, but if the maiden name is unknown the entry appears under the husband's name, with a dash enclosed in brackets, i.e. [ — ], to signify that the maiden name is not known. 5. Marriages and intentions are printed under the name of both parties. When both the marriage and intention are re- corded, only the marriage record is printed, and the date of the intention is not given except when needed to make more clear the date of the marriage. When the marriage appears without the intention recorded it is designated with an asterisk. 6. Additional information which does not appear in the orig- inal record, i.e., any difference shown in other entries of the record, is enclosed in parentheses. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age; aged abt. — about b. — born bp. — baptized bur. — buiied ch. — child C.R.I. — church record; Fiist Unitarian Society, Revere C.R.2. — church record, Evangelical Congregational Church of Revere d. — daughter died; day Dea. — deacon dec. — deceased dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — grave record, Revere Cemetery G.R.I a. — grave record, Revere Cemetery, as compiled by Mellen Chamberlain in " History of Chelsea" G.R.I&. — record from plan of Revere Cemetery in city hall, Revere G.R.2. — grave record. Garden Cemetery G.R.3. — grave record, Woodlawn Cemetery G.R.4. — grave record, Winthrop Cemetery h. — husband; hours inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage yr. — Junior mo. — month Md. — married prob. — probably P.R.I. — from sexton's record, kept by John Tewksbury, now in Revere Public Library 6 ABBREVIATIONS. P.R.2. — record from journal of Abel Bowen 5. — son Sr. — senior s.R. — from Suffolk County records T.R. — town record unm. — unmarried w. — wife wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year CHELSEA BIRTHS. CHELSEA BIRTHS. To THE Year 1850, I ABBOT (see Abbott), Eliza A., d. of Isaac and Eliza A., Feb. 13, 1845. ABBOTT (see Abbot), Emily S. [ ], w. of Horace P., , 1842. G.R.3. Horace P., , 1822. G.R.3. Martha A. [ ], w. of Horace P., , 1834. G.R.3. Roxanna B. [ ], w. of Wesley, Jan. 26, 1833. G.R.3. Wesley, Mar. 9, 1834. G.R.3. ABRAND, Charles, , 1832. G.R.3. ADAMS, AmeHa E. T., d. of Sam[ue]l S. and Eliza B., Dec. 27, 1844. Arthur P., s. of John 0. and Frances, Nov. 29, 1847. Charles D., , 1817. G.R.3. Charles R., , 1842. G.R.3. Dorothy, d. of Edward and Dorothy, loth day, 8th mo., 1766. Edward, s. of Edward and Dorothy, i8th day, 4th mo., 1769. Elizabeth Ervine, , 1832. G.R.3. Ellen H., d. of Alvin and Anna R. D., 12th day, 9th mo., 1841. Emma Almira Ashley Peirce [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1843. G.R.4. Fidelia M. [ ], w. of , Oct. 15, 1840. G.R.3. George T.^ Sept. 24, 1826. G.R.3. George W., , 1826. G.R.3. George Wyman, , 1819. G.R.3. Harriet A., d. of S. P. and Harriet, Dec. 14, 1847. Harriet Sumner, d. of Joseph and Phebe, bp. Aug. 19, 1804. C.R.I. James. , 1847. G.R.3. John Ouincy, June 30, 1839. G.R.3. 9 lO CHELSEA BIRTHS. Adams, Josiali, s. of Edward and , bp. July 28, 1765. C.R.I. Love L. [ ], w. of Urial, , 1830. G.R.3. Maria A. [ ], w. of George T., May 2, 181 5. G.R.3. Maria A., d, of George T. and Maria A., Apr. 20, 1849. G-R-S- Martin, Capt., Aug. 12, 1803. g.r,3. Mary A., , 1816. G.R.3. Mary R., , 1837. G.R.3. Philena [ ], w. of S. R., , 1836. G.R.3. Rebecca [ ], w. of Capt. Martin, Apr. 4, 1805. G-R-3- S. R., , 1838. G.R.3. Urial, , 1826. G.R.3. ADDISON, Alma W. [ ], w. of Charles J. W., , 1842. G.R.3. Charles J. W., , 1843. G.R.3. Flora H. [ ], w. of Henry J., Jan. 21, 1838. G.R.3. James, , 1831. G.R.3. John, , 1803. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of John, , 1807. G.R.3. ADRIAN, Catherine [ ], w. of William M., July 14, 1837. G.R.3. William M., Feb. 14, 1837. G.R.3. AIKEN, Emma Gertrude [ ], w. of William A., , 1848. G.R.4. Mary A. [ ], w. of J. B., u.s.n., , 1842. G.R.3. William A., , 1840. G.R.4. ALBEE, Marietta [ ], w. of Benj[amin], Dec. 28, 1836. G.R.3. ALCORN, Mary J., , 1824. G.R.3. William, , 1820. G.R.3. ALDEN, Mabel E., Apr. 14, 1848. G.R.3. Peleg J., , 1835. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Peleg J., , 183 1. G.R.3. ALDRICH, Frank D., , 1844. G.R.3. George E., June 11, 1841. G.R.3. ALEXANDER, Charles, Feb. 23, 1837. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s N., , 1845. G.R.3. Delaney T. [ ], w. of Lemuel A., Aug. 13, 1825. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. II Alexander, Horatio N., May i8, 1818. G.R.3. Lemuel A., Jan. 30, 1827. G.R.3. Marcelia Wright [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s N., , 1844. G.R.3. Mary H., d. of Lemuel A. and Delaney T., Feb. 9, 1849, G-R.3- Nancy S., , 1829. G.R.4. Rebecca [ ], w. of Horatio N., Jan. 31, 1808. G.R.3. ALGER, Ann Montague Cary, d, of Horatio and 0[live] Augusta, bp. June 6, 1841. c.R.i. Francis, s. of Horatio and Olive A. (Olive Augusta, c.r.i), Aug. 21, 1842. Horatio, s. of Horatio and Augusta (Olive Augusta, c.r.i), 15th day, I St mo., 1832. Jam^es, s. of Horatio and (Olive, c.r.i) Augusta, nth day, 3d mo., 1836. Olive Augusta, d. of Horatio and (Olive, c.r.i) Augusta, 19th day, nth mo., 1833. ALLARD, Aaron, June 16, 1825. G.R.3. Caroline A. [ ], w. of Aaron, Sept. 8, 1827. G.R.3. ALLEN (see Allyn), Eliza A., , 1834. G.R.3. Elizabeth Gibson [ ], w. of Ezra, Oct. 28, 1807. G.R.3. Emma J., d. of Geo[rge] Jr. and Elizabeth K., Jan. 26, 1845. Frank H., Oct. 7, 1845. G.R.3. George, s. of George and Elizabeth, Jan. i, 1849. George S., , 1830. G.R.3. Harriet E. [ ], w. of Grovenor, Mar. 24, 1820. G.R.3. Henrietta [ ], w. of Nahum H., , 1848. G.R.3. Hiram, , 1805. G.R.3. John, Mar. 12, 1824. G.R.3. John Rockwell, May 12, 1843. G.R.3. Louise G. [ ], w. of Hiram Jr., Nov. 14, 1841. G.R.3. Lucy A., , 1849. G.R.3. Maria C., d. of George Jr. and Eliz[a]b[eth] K., Dec. 21, 1846. Mary, , 1798. G.R.3. Nathaniel, June 27, 1833. G.R.3. Rowland H., Rev., Aug. 13, 1840. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Nathaniel, Apr. 26, 183 1. G.R.3. Susan S. [ ], w. of Hiram, , 1815. G.R.3. Walton Perkins, s. of Willard and Elvira, Feb. 6, 1849. Parents born in New Hampshire and Maine. \\'illiam, , 1843. G.R.3. 12 CHELSEA BIRTHS. ALLISON, Catherine, , 1846. G.R.3. Hannah J., , 1802. G.R.3. ALLMAND, Mary A. [ ], w. of William W., Jan. 18, 1824. G.R.2. ALLYN (see Allen), John, Feb. 2, 1813. G.R.3. Rachel, Aug. 31, 1814. G.R.3. ALSTON, Isaac, , 1835. G.R.3. Margaret A. D., , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1848. G.R.3. AMES, Azael, s. of Azael and Loisa, Aug. 16, 1845. Azel, Dea., Jan, 4, 1813. G.R.3. Caroline M. [ ], w. of John D., , 1827. G.R.3. Charles Francis, s. of Job and Mary C, July 20, 1848. Delia A., Mar, 6, 1842, g,r,3. Ira H., Jan, 10, 1848. G.R.3. Isabella L,, d. of Aziel and Lousia, 2d day, 7th mo., 1841, John D., , 1828, G.R,3, Louisa Lucretia, Apr, 5, 1806. G.R.3, Sarah Deering Thomas, Nov. 13, 1843. G.R.3. Sarah M. [ ], w, of Ira H., Sept, 6, 1837. g,r.3. Sophia, , 1812. g.r,3. ANDERSEN (see Anderson), Charles, in Norway, Dec, 23, 1843. G-R-3- ANDERSON (see Andersen), Albion, , 1839. g,r.3. Christian, , 1842, G,R.3. Christina M. [ ], w, of Nils P., Jan, 20, 1833, G.R.3, Emma C. [ ], w. of Nicholas, Jan. 22, 1848. .G.R.3. Harriet F. [ ], w. of William L,, , 1836. G.R.3. Jacob, , 1809, G.R.3, Jane, , 1808. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of A. T., in Bridgeport, Eng., , 1839. G.R.3. Lydia [ ], w. of Swen, , 1797. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Swen and Lydia, , 1835. g,r.3. Nicholas, Feb. 22, 1841. G.R.3. Nils P., in Sweden, Mar. 2, 1835. G.R.3. Olaf, , 1838. G.R.3. Phila [ ], w. of Jacob, , 181 3. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 13 Anderson, Robert C, in Caspar-Fife, Scot., Aug. 15, 182^. G.R.2. Swen, , 1786. G.R.3. William L., , 1833. G.R.3. ANDREW (see Andrews), John, , 1829. G.R.3. Louisa R. [ ], w. of John, , 183 1. G.R.3. ANDREWS (see Andrew), Abby M., , 1837. G.R.3. Charlotte A. [ ], w. of Samuel R., , 1819. G.R.3. Elizabeth Monahan, d. of Daniel and Grace, Feb. 11, 1849. Ezekiel, , 1826. G.R.3. Hannah S., , 1826. G.R.3. Henrietta, , 1840. G.R.3. Henry D., Oct. 14, 1845. G.R.3. Henry S., , 183 1. G.R.3. James H., s. of Nicholas and Mary, Jan. 16, 1845. John, Apr. 5, 1849. G.R.3. Mary A. [ 1, w. of Henry D., , 1838. G.R.3. Matthew, s. of Matthew and Margaret, Apr. 20, 1849. Mira A. [ ], w. of J. M., Feb. 7, 1840. G.R.3. Richard, s. of Mathew and Margaret, Sept. 24, 1844. Samuel R., , 1817. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1834. G.R.3. Sarah K., , 1828. G.R.3. W. R. P., , 1835. G.R.3. ANNABLE, Charles D., , 1831. G.R.3. ANTCHIFFE, John H., , 1827. G.R.3. Margaret L. [ ], w. of John H., , 1826. G.R.3. ANTHONY, Caroline Sarah, d. of James Esq. of North Provi- dence, R. I., and w. of Rev. James N. Sykes, May 26, 1819. G.R.3. APPLETON, Adeline [ ], w. of Thomas, Sept. 25, 1804. G.R.3. Thomas, Sept. 15, 1816. G.R.3. APPLIN, Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1799. G.R.3. Sarah, Dec. 29, 1813. G.R.3. APTED, Henry E., , 1827. G.R.3. Maria H., , 1829. g.r,3. '4 CHELSEA BIRTHS. ARCHER, Benjamin H., , 1846. G.R.3. ARCHIBALD, James E., , 1848. G.R.3. ARENBURG, Caroline [ ], w. of Nathaniel, , 1847. G.R.3. AREY, John W., Capt., in Bticksport, Me., Aug. — , 181 7. G.R.3. ARLY, Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. — , 1842. ARMSBY, Francis W., s. of Willard and Betsy R., June 18, 1844. Willard A., s. of Willard and Betsy R., Apr. 19, 1847. ARMSTRONG, Alice L. Chaffee [ ], w. of Marshall, , 1846, G.R.3. James E., , 183 1. G.R.3. Marshall, , 1845. G.R.3, Mary A., , 1843. G.R.3. ARNOLD, Caleb S., , 1815. G.R.3. Emma, d. of Stephen and Mary P., Apr. 9, 1849. Emma F., d. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1845. G.R.3. Frederic B., s. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1842. G.R.3. G. Franklin, ch. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1839. G.R.3. John W., s. of Eliphaz and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1842. Keziah Gerry [ ], w. of Caleb S., , 1816. G.R.3. Silas E., s. of Eliphaz W. and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1844. Stephen, , 1819. G.R.3. ARRAS, Roger S., Apr. 9, 1849. G.R.3. ARTKEN, David D., , 1849. G.R.3. ASH, Ellen [ ], w. of Richard, Dec, 24, 1838. g.r.2. Richard, Aug. 21, 1838. g.r.2. ASHCROFT, , d. of Edward H. and Eliza P., Jan. 18, 1847. ASHLEY, Alfred, , 1847. G.R.3. ASHMAN, Emma E., , 1847. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 15 ATKINS, Francis William, s. of Barney and Sarah, bp. Aug. 14, 1831. C.R.I. Freeman S., , 1835. G.R.3. Helen A. [ ], w. of Freeman S., , 1836. G.R.3. Isaiah, Capt., in Truro, Oct. i, 1806. G.R.3. Isaiah M., , 1780. G.R.3. Joana R.. d. of Barney P. and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1843. Joseph O., s. of Owen and Lucy, Jan. 6, 1846. ATKINSON, A. Chipman, , 1846. G.R.4. Caroline E. Kilburn [ ], w. of A. Chipman, , 1839. G.R.4. Charles James, in England, Dec. 18, 1823. G.R.3. David C, , 1846. G.R.3. Elizabeth Billings [ ], w. of Charles James, June 20, 1822. G.R.3. Frank E., Feb. 11, 1846. G.R.3. Margaret A. M. [ ], w. of David C, , 1844. G.R.3. ATWOOD, A. F. [ ], w. of Payne G., , 1812. G.R.3. Allen, , 1833. G.R.4. Augusta, Jan. 5, 1839. G.R.3. Avery, , 1834. G.R.3. Benjamin Y., , 1S33. G.R.3. Betsey L., , 1836. g.r.4- ^ Calvin, s. of Stephen and Sally. 7th day, 12th mo., 1822. Catharine, d. of Stephen and Sally, 9th day, 3d mo., 1825. Charlotte D., d. of Charles H. and Mary, Sept. 2, 1849. Clara [ 1, w. of Ebenezer L., , 1830. G.R.3. Clara E., d. of Jesse and Mary A., Oct. 10, 1847. Ebenezer L., , 1820. G.R.3. Eleazer H., Oct. 23, 1817. G.R.3. Francelia, Nov. 18, 1848. G.R.3. Franklin, s. of Wil[lialm (Wilham H., c.R.i) and Leonora. (Dec. 28, 1829, G.R.3.) Frederick, s. of Stephen and Sally, 2d day, 12th mo., 181 7. Freeman C, Dec. 29, 1818. G.R.3. George, s. of Stephen and Sally. 28th day, ist mo., 1828. Hannah, d. of Stephen and Sally, 8th day, loth mo., t8o6. Hawes, s. of Stephen and Sally, 20th day, 9th mo., 181 1. Henrietta L., d. of Jesse and Mary, Dec. 26, 1845. Isaac B.. Julv 17. 1835. G.R.3. Isaac B., . 1837. G.R.3. lO CHELSEA BIRTHS. Atwood, Joseph F., s. of Jesse and Mary A., Dec. 9, 1844. Laura L. [ ], w. of I. M., , 1847. G.R.3. Leonora [ ], w. of William H., July 21, 1809. G.R.3. (Leonora, G.R.3), d. of Wil[lia]m and Leonora (Oct. 26, G.R.3), Margaret [ ], w. of Isaac B., , 1837. G.R.3. Martha T., , 1844. G.R.3, Mary [ ], w. of Wilham H., Mar. 29, 1825. G.R.3. Nancy A. [ ], w. of Thomas H., , 1843. G.R.3. Payne G., Apr. 13, 1809. G.R.3. Payne G., Oct. 14, 1844. G.R.3. Payne G., Jan. i, 1846. G.R.3. Payne G., June 2, 1848. G.R.3. Ruth [ ], w. of William H., Aug. 19, 1825. G.R.3, Ruth Y., Mar. 15, 1841. G.R.3. Sally, 24th day, loth mo., 1784. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Sally, nth day, 8th mo., 1820. Stephen, i8th day, 2d mo., 1781. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Sally, 24th day, 8th mo., 1808. Susan F. [ ], w. of Eleazer H., Aug. 14, 1820. G.R.3. Thomas H., s. of Will H. and Leonora. Jan. 10, 1842. Warren, s. of Stephen and Sally, 15th day, 6th mo., 1815. William, s. of Wil[lia]m and Leonora. WilHam H., s. of Stephen and Sally, 6th day, 2d mo., 1805. Wilham H., , 1846. G.R.3. William S., , 1842. G.R.3. AULD, Jacob, Dec. 27, 1809. G.R.3. AUSTIN, Albert J., Oct. 19, 1841. G.R.3. Anne, July 25, 1839. G.R.3. John S., , 1832. G.R.3. Samuel P., , 1820. G.R.3, Susan P. Gifford [ ], w. of Samuel P., , 1825. G.R.3. AVERILL, Amy D. [ ] , w. of Samuel, , 1845. G.R.3. Charles S., , 1821. G.R.3. Eliza Ballard [ ], w. of , , 1822. G.R.3. EHza P. [ 1, w. of Samuel, , 1822. G.R.3. Lewis E., , 1849. G-R-3- Samuel, , 1826. G.R.3. AVERY, Charles M., , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Charles M., , 1836. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. •? AYER (see Ayers, Ay re), George A., , 1842. G.R.3. Henriette M. [ ], w. of John F., — -, 1836. G.R.3. Vashti E. [ ], w. of John F., , 1845. G.R.3. AYERS (see Ayer, Ayre), Ann M., Dec. 7, 1817. G.R.3. David, , 1813. G.R.3. Eliza T. [ ], w. of Ira, May 23, 1817. G.R.3. Ira, Sept. i, 181 5. G.R.3. Martha E., , 183 1. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Oliver E. and Mary, Oct. 11, i»47- AYLWARD, John, , 1828. G.R.3. AYRE (see Ayer, Ayers), Emma [ ], w. of John, , 1844. G.R.3. John, , 1844. G.R.3. BABB, Charles M., , 1833. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1803. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1828. G.R.3. Martha E. [ 1, w. of Andrew, , i»30. G.R.3. Walter, , 1832. G.R.3. BABSON, Edward, Aug. 20, 1839. G.R.3. BACHELDER (see Batchelder, Batcheller). Edwin A.. , 1835. G.R.3. BACON, Allen T- . ^819. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1834. G.R.3. q r n^ a Electa Sanders [ 1, w. of James June 7, ^836. G.R.4. Emily Pvke [ L ^v. of Wilham H.. , 1849- g.r.3. Francis H., , 1827, g.r.2. Tames. Mar. 28, 1828. G.R.4. Jane \ 1, w. of Allen J., . t8i8. G.R.3. John F., July I, 1833. g^ 3- . .„ Lucv M. r 1- ^^'- of Francis H —-, 183.. G.R.2. Martha A. Merrill [ 1, w. of Andrew J., , 1832. C R '^. Nathan K., Mar. 25, 1828. G.R.3. William IT., , 1849. G.R.3. BADGER, Abby, , 1827. G.R.3. Alfred J., . 1847- G.R.3. ^ Amelia "d. of Willard and Sophia A.. 3d day, 6th mo. i837- Aurelius S., s. of Leonadas V. and Mary M.. Oct. 3, 1842. i8 CHELSEA BIRTHS, Badger, Caroline Augusta, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Mary Augusta, Dec. 8, 1848. Cecelia E., d. of Leonadas V. and Mary M., Mar. 4, 1845. Esther Elizabeth [ ], w. of , Nov, 6, 1845. G.R.3. Geo[rge] H,, s, of E. N. and Sarah F., Jan. 24, 1848. Hannah [ ], w. of Charles W., Aug. 31, 1847, G.R.3, John P,, s. of Eliphalet N. and Sarah F., Nov. 6, 1845. Joseph H., s. of Willard and Sophia A., Aug. 13, 1843. Julia A,, , 1840. G.R,3. Solon B,, Dec. 22, 1842. G.R.3, Sophia, d. of Willard and Sarah A., ist day, 2d mo., 1839. BAGLEY, Alexander T., , 1838. G.R.3. George W. [prob. 1843.] Jane E., d. of William H. and Jane E., Feb. 18, 1845. Mary J. [ ], w. of Alexander T., , 1842, G.R.3. BAGNALL (see Bagnoll), Anna Theresa, d. of Elijah H. and Ann, July 9, 1848. BAGNOLL (see Bagnall), Elijah E., s. of Elijah H. and Ann, Nov, 6, 1845, BAIER (see Bair), Heinrich, , 1837. g.r.2, Theresa, , 1829, g.r.2. BAILEY (see Bayley, Bayly), , d. of Moses and Abigail. .Feb. — , 1845. Abby V. Getchell [ ], w. of Andrew J., Nov. 16, 1841. G.R.3. Adelaide P, Potter [ ], w, of Dudley P,, Aug. 5, 1841, G.R.3. Alice Ayers f ], w. of Barker, in Portsmouth, N. H., Jan, 9, 1805, G.R.3. Amanda F. [ ], w. of Capt. William B., , 1840. G.R.3. Barker, in Hanover, Jan, 22, 1801, g,r.3. Catherine [ ], w. of James, , 181 1. G.R.3. Charles, Mar, 29, 1828. g.r,3, Charles Edward, s. of Henry L, and Mary, Feb, 7, 1849. Dudley P,, Oct. 24, 1843. G.R.3. Edwin, , 1813. G.R.3. EHzabeth C. [ ], w. of Henry S. P., Apr. 25, 1837. G.R.3. Ellen J., d. of Barker and Alice Ayers, Dec, 25, 1838. G.R.3. Ellen Jordan [ ], w. of Nelson, July 10, 1842. G.R.3, CHELSEA BIRTHS. IQ Bailey, Elma M. [ ], w. of James E., , 1840. G.R.3. George T., , 1830. G.R.3. Hannah Frost [ ], w. of Phineas, July 21, 1800. G.R.3. Hannah G. [ ], w. of James, Apr. 16, 1827. G.R.3. Henry L., Capt., in Hemosend, Sweden, Sept. 17, 1816. G.R.3. Henry S. P., June 8, 1838. G.R.3. James, , 1806. G.R.3. James, Oct. 22, 1825. G.R.3. James E., , 1836. G.R.3. John B., Feb. 8, 1817. G.R.3. Luella E., , 1842. G.R.3. Lydia D. [ ], w. of Paul, , 1826. G.R.3. M. A. F., , 1827. G.R.3. Margaret Dyas [ ], w. of Edwin, , 181 3. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Capt. Henry L., Feb. 7, 1819. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Paul, , 1833. G.R.3. Nelson S., s. of Moses and Abigail, Feb. 2"/, 1844. Otis, Oct. 3, 1829. G.R,3. Paul, , 1825. G.R.3. Phineas, Apr. 9, 1802. G.R.3. Sarah J., d. of George F. and Margarett, Apr. 28, 1848. Timothy, , 1785. G.R.3. William B., Capt., , 1842. G.R.3. BAIN, Clara T., Sept. — , 1845. G.R.3. Robert, , 1832. G.R.3. William, Jan. — , 1836. G.R.3. BAIR (see Baier), Jacob, , 1834. G.R.3. BAKER, Abby G., Dec. 26, 1814. G.R.3. Agnes [ ], w. of Thomas J., Jan. 5, 1836. G.R.3. Anna Thomson [ ], w. of Charles D., , 1849. G.R.3. Benjamin N., Aug. 6, 1826. G.R.3. Caroline E. [ ], w. of William, , 1838. G.R.3. Charles D., , 1842. G.R.3. Charles T., , 1831, G.R.3. Clara A. Mallard, d. of Richard M., Nov. 27, 1848. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Richard M., , 1806. G.R.3. Elizabeth Hunt [ 1, w. of John H., July 12, 1836. G.R.3. Ellen J. [ ], w. of William H., , 1843. G.R.3. George. , 1829. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Jacob and Hannah, bp. May 26, 1776. c.r.i. 20 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Baker, Hiram, Aug. i, 1784. G.R.3. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Hannah of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. James E., , 1841. g.r,3. Jason P., , 1844. G.R.3. John, s. of John and Hannah, bp. Sept. 24, 1780. c.r.i. John H., Nov. 16, 1829. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1825. G.R.3. Maria R., Sept. 22, 1820. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of Hiram, Jan. 16, 1784. G.R.3. Mary, Sept. 6, 1839. G.R.3. Mary U., , 1839. G.R.3. Richard M., , 1804. G.R.3. Richard W,, , 1833. G.R.3. Roswell F., , 1844. G.R.3- Sarah E., , 1824. G.R.3. Theodore L., , 1837. G.R.3. Wilham, , 1836. G.R.3. WiUiam G., in Norfolk, Eng., Oct 12, 1820. G.R.3. BALCH (Louisa Maria, c.r.i), d. of William and (Maria, C.R.I ), — day, 4th mo., 1842. BALDWIN, Augustus, , 1845. G.R.3. Caroline A. [ ], w. of John, in Medfield, Jan. 13, 1830. G.R.3. Caroline E., Dec. 8, 1830. G.R.3. Charles Jr., , 1837. G.R.3. Edwin, , 1841. G.R.3. Eliza A., Mar. — , 1809. G.R.3. Eunice Augusta, Aug. 29, 1843. G.R.3. Frederick, Jan. 12, 1823. G.R.3. George E., , 1837. G.R.3. James M., Sept. 22, 1819. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1834. G.R.3. Mary J., , 1842. G.R.3. Nancy [ ], vv. of James M., Jan. 11, 1821. G.R.3. Sally, , 1801. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1800. G.R.3. Sarah E., , 1831. G.R.3. BALLARD, Daniel Jr., Jan. 5, 1810. g.r.2. George, Nov. 19, 181 1. g.r.2. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 21 BALLOU, M. Nellie Sands [ ], w. of William O., Apr. 25, 1840. G.R.3. Mary W. [ ], w. of John D., Nov. i, 1825. G.R.3. William O., Dec. 7, 1846. G.R.3. BANAR, Mary [ ], w. of T. N., , 1846. g.r.2. T. N., , 1842. G.R.2. BANCROFT, Elizabeth S. [ ], w. of W[illia]m H., Sept. 12, 1822. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., Dec. 10, 1815. G.R.3. BANFIELD, Francis L., Dr., , 1844. G.R.3. BANGS, Eliza C. [ ], w. of J. Freeman F., , 1820. G.R.3. J. Freeman F., , 1818. G.R.3. J. Freeman F. Jr., Ens. u.s.n., , 1840. G.R.3. William, Mar. 15, 1837. G.R.3. BANKER, George W., , 1834. G.R.3. BARBER, Frances A., d. of Robert and Zillih, both b. in Eng- land, Oct. 29, 1849. Francis, in Rovigno, Austria, , 1808. G.R.3. John F., Dec. 4, 1840. G.R.3. Lyman L., , 1832. G.R.3. Melvina A., Aug. 31, 1843. G.R.3. BARDEN, Elizabeth M., June 13, 1831. G.R.3. BARKER, , d. of Geo[rge] and Maria, Nov. 2t„ 1847. David, s. of David and Mehitable, 29th day, nth mo., 1760. George A., s. of George W. and Maria, May 13, 1844. Horace W., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Maria, Sept. 17, 1846. BARLOW, Emma [ ], w. of George, , 1844. G.R.3. George, , 1841. G.R.3. BARNARD, Caroline M., Jan. 20, 1828. G.R.3. George L., , 1822. g.r.2. Robert M., Sept. 27, 1824. G.R.3. BARNES, Adelaide J., , 1843. G.R.3. Alniira, , 1822. G.R.3. 22 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Barnes, Ann Judson, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Sarah A.. Sept. 3, 1846. Benj[amin] H, Jr., s. of B. H. and Sarah A., loth day, 6th mo., 1839. Edwin F. (Edwin Francis, G.R.3), s. of Edwin C. and Harriet, Dec. 26, 1849. Edwin O., July 21, 1826. G.R.3. EHzabeth Robertson [ ], w. of Robert H., Aug. 8, 1841. G.R.2. Frances P. [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1826. G.R.3. Franklin O., s. of Benj[amin] H. and Sarah A., 14th day, nth mo., 1841. Harriet G., July 27, 1829. G.R.3. Martin, , 1840. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Martin, , 1839. G.R.3. Mary David, d. of David C. and Ann Maria, Nov. 15, 1848. Sarah E., d. of Benj[amin] H. and Sarah A., July 16, 1844. Thomas, Oct. 11, 1835. G.R.3. William F., , 1842, G.R.3. William L., , 1819. G.R.3. BARNEY, Ella, d. of Henry W. and Lucy A., Nov. 18, 1849. George Troope, , 1816. G.R.3. Mary Scott [ ], w. of George Troope, , 1822. G.R.3. BARNICOAT, William, Capt., in Boston, Dec. 2, 1788. G.R.3. BARR, Alexander, , 1800. G.R.3. Annie E., , 1833. G.R.3. George T., , 1836. G.R.3. John, Feb. 3, 1839. G.R.3. Peter M., , 181 1. G.R.3. WilHam A., , 1838. G.R.3. BARRELL, James Edward, s. of James E. and Rebecca Eliza- beth, Mar. 13, 1849. BARRETT, Amos P., , 1833. G.R.3. Charles A., Oct. 18, 1844. G.R.3. Charles G., s. of Oliver S. and Lucy S., , 1847. G.R.3. E. Jennie [ ], w. of Amos P., , 1837. G.R.3. Franklin W., , 1828. G.R.3. Hannah S. [ ], w. of Sumner F., , 181 1. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 23 Barrktt, J. Augustus, Aug. 14, 1838. G.R.3. James, Mar. 2-^, 1844. G.R.3. Lizzie J., d, of Oliver S. and Lucy S., , 1835. G.R.3. Lucy S. [ ], w. of Oliver S., , 1814. G.R.3. Martha L. [ — ], w. of William S. M., , 1843. G.R.3. Mary Annette [ ], w. of Rev. Luther G., Oct. 5, 1843. G.R.3. Naomi M. [ ], w. of Franklin \\ ., , 1828. G.R.3. Oliver S., , 1812. G.R.3. Sumner F., , 1809. G-R-3- William S. M., , 1833. G.R.3. BARRIE, Elizabeth Robertson [ ], w. of Robert H., Aug. 8, 1841. G.R.2. BARRINGTON, Frances [ ], w. of , May 26, 1820. G.R.2. BARRON, Elana Noyes [ 1. w. of Henry, Aug. 6, 1828. G.R.3. Henry, Feb. 4, 1822. G.R.3. BARRUS, Rossina M., d. of Rev. Horace G. and Emeline, Feb, 5. 1847. BARRY, Edwin A., Oct. 29, 1840. G.R.3. Edwin G., Sept. 30. 181 5. G.R.3. Ellenor M., , 1818. G.R.3. James E., , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah R. [ ], w. of Edwin G., Mar. 15, 1819. G.R.3. W[illia]m A., u.s.n., Feb. 4, 1848. G.R.3. BARSTOW, Samuel R.. , 1839. G.R.3. BARTLETT, Abbie R. Farnsworth [ J, w. of George W.. Dec. 8, 1848. G.R.3. Albenia S., , 1829. G.R.3. Caroline T. Albee [ ], w. of Charles E., , 1846. G.R.3. Charles C, Dec. 11. 1840. G.R.3. Charles E., . 1841. G.R.3. Eliza E. [ ], w. of Charles C, Mar. 2, 1842. G.R.3. Enoch, Feb. 28, 1819. G.R.3. Ezra, , 1832. G.R.3. 24 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Bartlett, Flora, , 1832. G.R.3. George W., , 1845. G.R.3. Hiram M., Feb. 13, 1825. G.R.3. James, Capt., Apr. 29, 1816. G.R.3. James H., , 1849. G.R.4. Jerome W., Capt., , 183 1. G.R.3. John Roundy, May 3, 1842, G.R.3. John T., , 181 3. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of S. M., July 31, 1848. G.R.3. Mary Jane, Oct. 18, 1817. G.R.3. William B., , 1826. G.R.3. BARTLEY, George W., June 16, 1822. G.R.3. Susan R. Payles [ ], w. of George W., Apr. 9, 1831. G.R.3. BARTON, Adaline [ ], w. of Benj[amin], , 1810. G.R.3. Benj[amin], , 1805. G.R.3. Benj[amini Jr., , 1834. G.R.3. Emma L., , 1849. G.R.3. Robert H., , 1829. G.R.3. Susan Johnson [ ], w. of Robert H., , 1830. G.R.3. William F., , 1848. G.R.3. BASSET (see Bassett), Andrew N., s. of Edward and Clara J., Mar. 14, 1847. BASSETT (see Basset), Abbot, s. of Edward and Clara Jane, Mar. 10, 1845. Albina, d. of Edward and Eliza, June 21, 1838. Amelia [ ], w. of Zephaniah, May i, 1822. G.R.3. Benjamin Paul, s. of John and Phoebe, bp. Sept. 17, 1819. C.R.I. Catherine Elizabeth, d. of John and Phoebe, bp. Sept. 17, 1819. C.R.I. Celadon, ch. of Samuel J. and Julia Ann, July 8, 1833. Born in Boston. Charles Edwin, s. of Edward and Clara Jane, Jan. 27, 1849. Cha[rle]s Z., s. of Zeph. and Pameha, Jan. 14, 1843. Clara J., d. of Edward and Clara J., Nov. 4, 1843. Clarrisa, d. of Samuel J. and Julia Ann, Apr. 22 (23 dup.), 1838. Edward, s. of Edward and Eliza, June 13, 1840. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 25 Bassett, Edward Bowman, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, in Boston, Jan. 4, 1809. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, in Boston, Mar. 18, 1802. Hellen A., d. of Zephaniah and Amelia C, Feb. 4, 1845. Julia Ann, d. of Samuel J. and Julia Ann, Dec. 12, 1834. Born in Boston. Lovey Ann, d. of John and Phoebe, bp. Sept. 17, 1819. c.r.i. Samuel, b. in Lynn, Mar. 14, 1776. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, in Boston, Nov. 2, 1804. Samuel Burnap, s. of Samuel J. and Julia Ann, Nov. 26, 1840. William Farrie, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, in Boston, Dec. 8, 1811. William Frederic, s. of John and Phoebe, bp. Sept. 17, 1819. C.R.I. William Scott, s. of Samuel J. and Julia Ann, Mar. 31, 1837. Born in Boston. Zephaniah. s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, in Boston, Nov. 2"], 1806. BATCHELDER (see Bachelder, Batcheller), Mary A., d. of Sam[ue]l and Eliza, 30th day, 4th mo., 1841. BATCHELLER (see Bachelder, Batchelder), Almira F., , 1838. G.R.3. BATES, Almira [ ], w. of Nathaniel N., , 1823. G.R.3. Annie [ ], w. of Thomas S., , 1833. G.R.3. Benjamin Prince, , 1825. G.R.3. E. T., Sept. 25, 1831. G.R.3. Frank D., , 1835. G.R.3. Hamlett, May i, 1814. G.R.3. John H., , 1836. G.R.3, Joseph H., , 1827. G.R.3. Lewis Benton, Rev., Nov. 26, 1829. G.R.3. Lydia [ ], w. of Benjamin Prince, , 1835. G.R.3. Marion O. [ ]. w. of E. T., June 12, 1833. G.R.3. Martha Langley \ ], w. of Hamlett, , 181 2. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1834. G.R.3. Sophia E. [ ], w. of . . 1810. G.R.2. BATTELLE, Almina S., , 1807. G.R.3. George W., , 1837. G.R.3. 26 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BATTIS, , s. of Wil[Ha]m and Abig[ai]l, 4th day, 2d mo., 1829. Henrietta W., , 1843. G.R.4. William L., Aug. 21, 1801. g.r.i. BAXTER, Hiram F., Feb. 9, 1820. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Hiram F., , 1837. G.R.3. Prudence, d. of Daniel and Prudence, bp. Dec. 29, 1765. c.r.i. Sarah J. [ ], w. of , June 19, 1838. G.R.3. BAYLEY (see Bailey, Bayly), Elizabeth M. [ ], w. of Stephen, Aug. 31, 1849. G-R-2. Granville H., s. of Geor[ge] F. H. and Margaret A. D., Mar. 31, 1844. John D., June 7, 1826. G.R.3. Silas, s. of George F. and Margaret A. D., June 2"], 1845. BAYLY (see Bailey, Bayley), Sarah F., d. of George G. and Susan, 8th day, ist mo., 1842. BAZIN, Ann [ ], w. of Richard C., in North Berwick, Me., July 27, 1790. G.R.3. Louisa, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1822. G.R.3. Richard C., in Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 25, 1792. G.R.3. BEAL (see Beals), Stephen Walter, s. of Stephen and Sarah C., Aug. 23, 1848. Tarrent M., s. of Stephen and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1847. BEALS (see Beal), Charles Tuttle, Mar. 29, 1835. G.R.3. Sarah I. [ ], w. of Charles Tuttle, Nov. 19, 1836. G.R.3. BEAN (see Beane), Abbie J. [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. Albert G., , 1839. G.R.3. Anne J. [ ], v^. of John, July i^^, 1820. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1830. G.R.3. Everline F. [ ], w. of John C. E., , 1841. G.R.3. George, s. of John and Ann J., Dec. 23, 1845. James S., , 1837. G.R.3. John, June 17, 1815. G.R.3. John C, E., , 1832. G.R.3. Joseph Webster, , 1836. G.R.3. Lydia W., , 1816. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. T] Bean, Martha A., , 1839. G.R.3. Martha J., d. of John and Ann J., Oct. 2t^, 1847. Mary L. [ ], w. of Joseph Webster, , 1844. G.R.3. Washington, , 1808. G.R.3. BEANE (see Bean), Frances T. [ ], w. of , . 1828. G.R.3. BEARD, Emily H. [ ], w. of James M., Apr. 18, 1826. G.R.3. James F., Oct. 11, 1849. G.R.3. James M., , 1825. G.R.3. BEARSE, , d. of Richard and , June 14, 1844. BEATLEY, Charles S., , 1838. G.R.3. Ellen J. [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1838. G.R.3. Joseph William, s. of Ralph and Mary, 25th day, 7th mo., 1830. Mary Eliza [bet] h, d. of Ralph and Mary, 25th day, loth mo., 1827. Ralph H. G. T., s. of Ralph and Mary, 20th day, 7th mo., 1833. Sarah J., d. of Spencer and Mary B., 2d day, ist mo., 1841. BEATTIE, Edward, , 1835. G.R.3. Margaret Webster [ ], w. of Robert, May 4, 1841. G.R.2. Mary [ ], w. of Robert W., , 1838. G.R.3. Robert W., , 1836. G.R.3. BECK, William W., u.s.n., , 1828. G.R.3. BECKER, Anna F. Rice [ ], w. of Ernest, , 1832. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], \v. of Otto, Jan. 10, 1810. G.R.3. Ernest, , 1829. G.R.3. Otto, May 16, 1822. G.R.3. BECKWITH, Charlotte J. [ ], w. of Thomas A., , 1839. G.R.3. Thomas A., , 1829. G.R.3. BEEDEM, Adeline R. [ ], w. of , , 1849. G.R.3. BEERS, Charles C, June 24. 1812. G.R.4. Charles F., Nov. 27, "1838. G.R.4. 28 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BEGIEN, Margaret, , 1827. G.R.3. Martin, , 1820. G.R.3. BELCHER, , ch. of Joseph, nth day, 7th mo., 1828. , d. of Samuel and Mary, ist mo., 1834. Abigail, d. of Jona[tha]n and Ehz[abet]h, 7th day, 3d mo., 1758. Alfred, s. of Joseph and Eliz[abet]h C, nth day, 12th mo., 1839. Ann, d. of Nath[anie]l and Martha, 7th day, 2d mo., 1787. Anna, d. of Nathaniel and Anna, 6th day, 8th mo., 1758. Anna Eliza, d. of John and Eliza, nth day, 5th mo., 1824. Bertha [ ], w. of Warren, , 1828. G.R.4. Cyrus. , 1837. G.R.4. Dallas, s. of Thomas and Hannah of Point Pulling, Mar. 4, 1845- Dallas W., , 1846. G.R.4. David, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 28th day, 3d mo., 1747. David, s. of David and Eliza [bet] h, i8th day, 2d mo.. 1790. David, s. of Joseph and Nancy, igth day, loth mo., 1809. Deborah, d. of Nath[anie]l Jr. and Ann, 6th day, 7th mo., 1764. Edward, s. of Joseph and Nancy, 26th day, 9th mo., 1823. Edward J., s. of Thomas and Hannah, 4th day, 8th mo., 1842. Edwin S., s. of Will B. and Esther G., 13th day, 12th mo.. 1842. Eliza [ ], w. of Frederick W., , 1838. G.R.4. Eliza J. [ ], w. of Edwin S., Aug. 28, 1845. G.R.4. Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 31st day, 9th mo., 1744. Elizabeth, d. of Jonafthan], bp. July 10. 1763. c.r.i. Eliza[bet]h, d. of David and Eliza[bet]h, 20th day, 2d mo., 1788. Esther C. [ ], w. of William B., Nov. 16, i8n. G.R.4. Eunice M., d. of Joseph and Julia A., 9th mo., 1829. F. N., Aug. 15, 1831. G.R.4. Frederick W., , 1828. G.R.4. George G., s. of Samuel and Mary, 24th day, loth mo., 1819. Hannah, d. of Ensign Joseph, bp. May 13, 1716. c.r.i. Hannah [ ], w. of David, , 1813. G.R.4. Harriot A. H., d. of John S. and Margaret, 19th day, 7th mo., 1827. Hopestill, s. of James (James M., G.R.4) and Lavisa, Sept. 10. 1844. Born at Pulling Point. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 29 Belcher, James, s. of Ensign Joseph, bp. May 13, 17 16. c.r.i. James, s. of Nath[aniell Jr. and Martha, 25th day, 12th mo., 1794- James A. (J. Alvin, G.R.4), s. of James M. and Louisa, 14th day, 9th mo., 1840. James Maderson, s. of Joseph and Nancy, 19th day, 7th mo., 181 1. [Twin. J John, s. of Nath(anie|l Jr. and Ann, 19th day, 12th mo., 1766. John, s. of Nathf aniejl and Martha, 27th day, 4th mo., 1789. John, s. of David and Ehza[bet]h, 28th day, 7th mo., 1794. John (John S., dup.), s. of Joseph and Rachel, 26th day, 4th mo., 1800. John, s. of Joseph and Nancy, 13th day, 6th mo., 1815. John Cleveland, s. of John and Eliza, 20th day, 3d mo., 1820. Jonathan, s. of Ensign Joseph, bp. June i, 1718. c.r.i. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 8th day, 4th mo., 1743. Joseph, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, loth day, 5th mo., 1751. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rachel, 20th day, 2d mo., 1782. Joseph, s. of Nath[ aniejl Jr. and Martha, 22d day, 6th mo., 1797. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Nancy, loth day, 3d mo., 1808. Joseph, , 1847. G.R.4. Lavisa [ ], w. of James M., July 22, 1812. G.R.4. Levi Lincoln, s. of John S. and Margaret, 27th day, 3d mo., 1826. Martha, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 12th day, 3d mo., 1754. Martha, d, of Nath [aniejl and Martha, i8th day, 9th mo., 1784. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 25th day, 7th mo., 1749. Mary, d. of Joseph and Rachel, 28th day, 12th mo., 1795. Mar}', d. of Joseph and Nancy, 4th day, 2d mo., 1819, Mary A. [ J, w. of E. N., , 1837. G.R.4. Mary A. [ J, w. of Dallas W., , 1845. G.R.4. Nancy, d. of Joseph and Nancy, 13th day, 2d mo., 1821. Nathaniel, s. of Ensign Joseph, bp. May 13, 1716. c.r.i. Nath [aniejl, s. of Nathfaniejl and Anna, 30th day, 8th mo., 1756. Nath [aniejl, s. of Nath [aniejl and Martha, 3d day, 2d mo., 1792. Nath [aniejl Lowell, s. of John and Eliza, T7th day, ist mo., 1822. Orlando F.. s. of William and Ester G., Oct. 15, 1844. Horn at Pulling Point. Rachel, d. of Joseph and Rachel, 19th day. 3d mo.. 1785. 30 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Belcher, Samuel, s. of Joseph and Rachel, 24th day, 9th mo., 1791. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, ist day, ist mo., 1822. vSarah, d. of Ensign Joseph, bp. Sept. 17, 1721. c.R.i. Sarah, d. of Nath[anie]l Jr. and Ann, 13th day, 4th mo., 1761. Sarah E., d. of Joseph and Eliza C, 27th day, 2d mo., 1842. Susanna, d. of David and Susanna, i8th day, ist mo., 1792 (Susanna, d. of David and Eliza [beth], bp. May 27, 1792, c.R.i). Thomas Jefferson, s. of Joseph and Nancy, 19th day, 7th mo., 181 1. [Twin.] Warren, , 1825. G.R.4. Warren E., , 1847. G.R.4. Wil[Ha]m A., s. of Sam[ue]l and Mary, 31st day, 12th mo.. 1828. Wil[lia]m Burrows, s. of Joseph and Nancy, i8th day, 7th mo., 1813. W[illia]m Marsena, July 24, 1840. G.R.4. BELKNAP, Caroline Frances [ ], w. of Charles J., , 1847. G.R.3. BELL, Alexander G., Feb. 8, 1834. G.R.3. Benjamin F., Aug. 19, 181 5. G.R.3. Brooks, , 1818. G.R.3. Charles E., , 1818. G.R.3. Edwin T., s. of Will R. and Phebe A., 8th day, 9th mo., 1841. Elizabeth A., Oct. 15. 1822. G.R.3. Geo[rge] L., s. of William R. and Phebe A., 28th day, 2d mo., 1842. James, May 17, 1826. G.R.3. James, , 1842. G.R.3. James H., , 1824. G.R.3. John, , 1837. G.R.3. John H., , 1849. G.R.3. Martha T., d. of Andrew J. and Sofila, Sept. 19, 1844. Mary, Mar. 10, 1792. G.R.3. Mary, ist ch. of Benjamin and Mary, , 181 5. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of James, May 8, 1830. G.R.3. Mary F., d. of William R. and Phebe A., Jan. 25, 1844. Sarah [ ], w. of James, , 1838. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1848. G.R.3. BELLOWS, WilHam M., Oct. 11, 1825. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3I BELYEA, Margaret J., June 11, 1832. G.R.3. BEMIS, John L., , 1844. G.R.4. BENEDICT, George H., May 18, 1844. G.R.3. BENGTSON, Helena Ottila [ ], w. of Peter, in Johkop- ing, Sweden, Apr. 14, 1842. G.R.3. BENN, James C, , 1825. G.R.3. Jcannctte [ ], w. of James C., , 1830. G.R.3. BENNER, Edwin, Nov. 12, 1838. G.R.3. Enoc, s. of Enoc and Mary P., abt. Oct. 14, 1843. Enoch, Mar. 29, 181 1. G.R.3. Mary P., Mar. 8, 1806. G.R.3. BENNETT, Arabella, , 1843. G.R.3. Charles. , 1842. G.R.3. David E., , 1820. G.R.3. Edward B., , 1832. G.R.3. Francis, , 1779. G.R.3. Harriet E., , 1849, G.R.3. J. Frank, , 1846. G.R.3. Jacob T., , 1832. G.R.3. James, , 1808. G.R.3. James H., , 1831. G.R.3. James Smith, , 1849. G.R.3, Marcus H., , 1842. G.R.3. Maria C. |" ], w. of James H., , 1837. G.R.3. Maria S. [ ], w. of David E., , 1822. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Charles, , 1841. G.R.3. Mary Reed, , 1782. G.R.3. Rosanna [ ], w. of Edward B., , 1835. G.R.3. Sarah Heselden, , 1809. G.R.3. T. F., Apr. 24, 182 1. G.R,3. BENSON, Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of John, July 10, 1839. G.R.3. John, Oct. 23, 1839. G.R.3. Martha, , 1840. G.R.3. Nancy J. [ 1, w. of John Q. A., , 1834. G.R.3. BENT, Charles Andrew, s. of John and Dolly, Jan. 6, 1849. Ehza F., d. of John and Dolly, June 15, 1846. John S., s. of John and Dolly T., Dec. 6, 1843. 32 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BENTLEY, Mary Lovisa McKean [ ], w. of Francis W., in Deering, N. H., , 1837. G.R.3. William, , 1849. G.R.3. BENTON, Albert, s. of George A. and Susan G., , 1849. G.R.3. George A., , 181 5. G.R.3. Susan G. [ ], w. of George A., , 1816. G.R.3. BERCHWITH, Susan Stewart [ ], w. of John G., , 1828. G.R.3. BERGEN, Johanna, d. of Richard and Mary Jane, Dec. 2^, 1848. BERGLIND, Carl J., , 1839. G.R.3. BERGQUIST, Anna C., Sept. 13, 1832. G.R.3. BERRY, Albert W., , 1832. G.R.3. Charlotte, , 1826. g.r.2. Eliza Jane, d. of Nath[anie]l and Mary, 12th day, 9th mo., 1827. Emery, , 1828. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, 20th day, 2d mo., 1750. James, s. of Sam [ue J 11 and Mary, 5th day, 7th mo., 1743. John, s. of Sam[ue]l H. and Eliz., 26th day, 12th mo., 1841. Jonathan, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, i8th day, 5th mo., 1737. Lydia [ ], w. of James, in London, Eng., June i, 1828. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, 15th day, loth mo., 1754. Mary Ann, d. of Nathan [ie]l and Mary, 9th day, 4th mo., 1822. Nath[anie]l E., s. of Nath[anie]l and Mary, 2d day, nth mo,, 1825. Samuell, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, i6th day, 7th mo., 1748. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, 19th day, 12th mo., 1745. Susan [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., Mar. 30, 1826. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Samuel and Mary, 27th day, nth mo., 1758. BERTRAM, George, July 2, 1838. G.R.3. WiUiam H., Dr., Oct. 22, 1849. G.R.3. BETTON, Hannah C, May 17, 18 19. g.r.2. John, June 28, 1814. g.r.2. Mary Elizabeth, d. of John and Hannah C, Jan. 22, 1849. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 33 BETTS, Carrie Carr [ ], w. of , Oct. — , 1832. G.R.4. BICKERS, Cha[rle]s C, s. of Joseph and Ann, Oct. 24, 1847. BICKFORD, , s. of Thomas and Temperence S., Apr. 27, 1847. Anna F., d. of Thomas and Temperence S., Apr. 27, 1847. Betsy G. [ ], w. of Rufus, , 1803. g.r.2. Charles M., , 1834. G.R.3. George C, , 1847. G.R.3. H. Augusta, , 1837. G.R.3. Hezekiah C, Dr., Apr. 27, 1817. G.R.3. Ida Frances, d. of Thomas and Temperence S., Aug. 21, 1849. [Twin.] Moses R., , 1830. G.R.2. PauHna A. .[ J, vv. of Dr. Hezekiah C, July 18, 1820. G.R.3. Rufus, , 180I. G.R.2. Theodore, , 1849. g-R-3- Thomas, s. of Thomas and Temperance, June 22, 1844. Zelia Florence, d. of Thomas and Temperence S., Aug. 21, 1849. [Twin.] BICKLEY, Miram, d. of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1848. BICKNER, H. Elvira [ ], w. of , , 1831. G.R.4. Lizzie A., d. of H. Elvira and w. of John D. Cobb, , 1849. G.R.4. ' BIGBY, Sarah Conrad [ ], w. of . , 1807. G.R.3. BILL, Ann, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, 3d day, — mo., 1739. Anna, d. of Charl[e]s and Ruth, 16th day, 7th mo., 1736. Benjamin, s. of Charl[e]s and Ruth, 17th day, nth mo., 1741. Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Eliza[bet]h, 19th day, ist mo., 1762. Charles, s. of Charl[e]s and Ruth, 14th day, 4th mo., 1734. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, 3d day, nth mo., 1735. Jonathan, s. of Charl[e]s and Ruth, 17th day, 7th mo., 1738. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Hannah. 17th day, 3d mo., 1730. Susanna, d. of Charles and Ruth, 29th day, nth mo., 1746. 34 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BILLINGS, Jerusha C. [ ], w. of James M., Alay 20, 1815. G.R.3. BINFORD, Emily Maria, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Emily D., June 2^, 1848. BINGHAM, Catharine E., d. of Charles R. and Catharine M., July 23, 1845. Catharine M. \ ], w. of Charles Rawson, in Claremont, N. H., July 25, 1805. G.R.3. Charles Rawson, in Charlestown, N. H., Mar. i, 1805. G.R.3. Mary F., d. of C. R, and Catherine, Aug. 5, 1847. BIRD, Almira [ ], w. of Charles, Dec. 23, 1828. G.R.3. Charles, Jan. 3, 1829. G.R.3. George W., , 1847. G.R.3. James H., in Boston, Mar. 23, 1833. G.R.3. BIRL, Jacob, , 1843. G.R.3. BISBEE, Ann M., d. of Albert and Mary S., 8th day, 12th mo., 1838. BISHOP, Alexander T., , 1849. G.R.3. Allan H., , 1844. G.R.3. Isabella A., Nov. 27, 1836. G.R.3. Mary Vaughan [ ^], w. of Robert, , 1814. G.R.3. Robert, , 1807. G.R.3, Robert D., Jan. i, 1837. G.R.3. Wesley, in Hartford Co., Md., July 7, 1818. G.R.3. BJORKLUND, Cha[rle]s, Capt., , 1849. G.R.3. BLACK, Adam R., in Kenneway, Fifeshire, Scot., June 3, 1838. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of , , 1834. G.R.3. Henry, s. of Henry and Sarah, bp. Nov. 17, 1765. c.R.i. James, s. of Henry and Sarah, bp. June 30, 1771. c.r.i. John, s. of Henry and Sarah, bp. Oct. 15, 1769. c.r.i. Peter F., Jan. 9, 1841. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Henry and Sarah, bp. June 28, 1767. c.r.i. BLACKINTON, Frank L.. s. of James F. and Mary D., Apr. 29, 1849. G.R.3. James Fletcher, Sept. 5, 1819. G.R.3. Mary D. Warren [ ], w. of James Fletcher, Feb. 12, 1822. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 35 BLACKLEY, Agnes G. [ ], w. of James, , 1848. G.K.3. James, , 1844. G.R.3. BLACKNER, Emma M., d. of Greene and Maria A., Aug. 15, 1845- BLADES, Lucy M. [ ], w. of , , 1847. G.R.3. BLAIR, Isaac, , 1840. G.R.4. Jennie J., , 1840. G.R.4. BLAISDELL, Francis H., Feb. 16, 1843. ^-R-a- George R., , 1848. G.R.3. Helena E. [ ], w. of George R., , 1849. G.R.3. James, Capt., , 1819. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Capt. James, , 1826. G.R.3. BLAKE, Cha[rle]s S., s. of John J. and Emeline, 7th day, 5th mo., 1838. Edward W., June 26, 1843. GR-3- Ellen M. [ ], w. of William W., Apr. i, 1823. G.R.3. George F., , 1830. g.r,4. Hattie E., , 1846, G.R.3. J. Quincy, June 29, 1809. G.R.3. Lucretia Davis [ ], w. of J. Quincy, July 23, 181 5. G.R.3. Sarah, Mar. 28, 1795. G.R.3. Walter F., s. of J. Quincy and Lucretia Davis, June 16, 1836. G.R.3. William W., Dec. 15, 1817. G.R.3. BLAKELY, Frederick F., Sept. 16, 1832. G.R.3. BLANCHARD, Albert A., Dec. 8, 1837. G.R.3. Alfred, , 1844. G.R.3. Anna, d. of Emery and Nancy, May 4. 1847. Benjamin, Feb. 7, 181 5. G.R.3. r.enjamin S., , 1800. g.r.2. Charles Merrick, s. of Merrick and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1848. Eliza A., . 1806. G.R.2. Eliza A., , 1827. G.R.3. Ellen A., d. of Noah and Ellen, Nov. 6, 1847. Ellen H., Mar. 6, 1819. G.R.3. 36 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Blanchard, Eugenia Morange [ ], w. of William B., in Albany, N. Y., Jan. 2y, 1820. G.R.3. Francis E., May 20, 1834. G.R.3. Margaret C, , 1810. G.R.3. Marshall, , 1826. G.R.3. Mary A., Dec. i, 181 1. G.R.3. Nathan, s. of Isaiah and Eliza [bet] h, i8th day, 6th mo., 1761. Olive E., Oct. 31, 1842. G.R.3. Olive S. Cobb [ ], w. of John D., Oct. 21, 1816. G.R.3. Oliver C, s. of Alfred and Margaret, July 2, 1849. S. Stoddard, , 1818. G.R.3. Susan G., d. of Alfred and Margarett, Dec. 3, 1847. William B., in Antrim, N. H., Mar. 6, 1816. G.R.3. BLANDFORD, James, , 1821. g.r.2. Mary A, [ ], w. of James, , 1824. g.r.2. BLANEY (see Blany), Aaron, s. of Ambrose, bp. Sept. 11, 1745. C.R.I. Almira A. [ ], w. of David H., Nov. 9, 1827. G.R.3. David H., Sept. 4, 1826. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Ambrose, bp. Feb. 6, 1742-3. c.r.i. Mary Brooks, d. of Andrew and Mary, bp. Aug. 10, 1800. C.R.I. BLANY (see Blaney), Abigail, d. of Andrews and Lydia, 17th day, 6th mo., 1771. (Abigail, d. of wid. Blaney, bp. June 15, 1783, C.R.I.) Andrews, s. of Andrews and Lydia, 6th day, ist mo., 1773. (Andrew, s. of wid. Blaney, bp. June 15, 1783, c.r.i.) Thomas F., s. of Thomas R. and Mary A., 25th day, 2d mo., 1841. BLINN, Vesta Johnson [ ], w. of B. H., , 1846. G.R.3. BLISS, , d. of EH C. and Adaline, Jan. 12, 1845. Caroline D., d. of Eli C. and Adaline, 12th day, 7th mo., 1839. Eli C, s. of Eli C. and Adeline, June 3, 1848. Harriet M., d. of Eli C. and Adaline, 8th day, 6th mo., 1842. BLIZZARD, Phebe F. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1823. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 37 BLODGETT, Cynthia [ ], w. of Isaac S., , 1804. G.R.3. Elizabeth Underwood, , 1805. G-t^-3- Isaac S.. , 1800. G.R.3. John H., Feb. 18, 1832. G.R.3. John W., July 6, 1829. G.R.3. Lydia L., , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah L., Jan. 30, 1835. G.R.3. BLOOD, Hannah, Aug. 27, 1795. G.R.3. Martha A., , 1829. g.r.2. BLOOMFIELD, Henry, Feb. 11, 1841. G.R.4. BOARDMAN (see Bordman), Aaron, s. of Aaron and Mary, 27th day, 2d mo., 1756. Abijah Sergent, s. of Abij[a]h and Sally, 15th day, loth mo., 1815. Adaline S. McKellip [ ], w. of Benjamin S., Aug. 11. 1827. G.R.3. Benjfamijn, s. of Amos and Eliza[bet]h. 27th day, 12th mo., 1757. [Twin.] Benjamin S., Nov. 29. 1825. G.R.3. Elias, s. of Amos and Eliza[bet]h, 27th day, 12th mo., 1757. [Twin.] Eunice, d. of Aaron and Mary. 25th day, 8th mo., 1765. Freeman loslyn, s. of Richard T. and Maria Elizabeth, Dec. 31, T848-' Joseph, s. of William and Eliza [bet] h, 28th day, 7th mo., 1756. Mary. d. of Aaron and Mary, 3d day, 7th mo., 1760. Marv Cheever, d. of Abijah and Sallv, 13th dav, 6th mo., 1808. YTwin.] Rhoda, d. of Aaron and Mary. 3d day, 3d mo., 1763. Sally Booth, d. of Abijah and Sally, 13th day, 6th mo.. 1808. [Twin.] BOCKMANN, Anna M., . 1835. G.R.3. BODGE, George A., . 1844. G.R.3. Matilda, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Mary, Jan. 12, 1846. BOGAN, Joseph D.. , 1846. G.R.3. BOIES, Gilman F., May 7, 1822. G.R.3. James. , 1792. G.R.3. 38 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Boies, Lucy F. [ ], w. of Gilman F., Sept. 25, 1832. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of James, Dec. 2, 1800. G.R.3. BOLLING, Israel, , 1841. G.R.3. BOLTON, Joseph, , 1825. g.r.2. Mary, Sept. 29, 1808. G.R.3. Nancy J., June 17, 1848. G.R.3. Richard T., Aug. 26, 1849. G.R.3. Sarah [" ], w. of Joseph, , 1828. g.r.2. WilHam H., Mar. 28, 1842. G.R.3. WilHam T., Apr. 11, 1837. G.R.3. BOND, Ahnira J. [ ], w. of Asa, Aug. 14, 1833. G.R.3. Asa, Aug. 8, 1824. G.R.3. Emily W. [ ], w. of Thomas C, , 1845. G.R.3. Lois H., , 1828. G.R.3. Margie E., , 1839. G.R.3. Mary, , 1819. g.r.2. Mary, , 1832. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1828. g.r.2. Thomas C, Aug. 30, 1840. G.R.3. BOOKER, George, , 18 16. G.R.3. Maria M., , 1840. G.R.3. BOOLE, Elizabeth, , 1799. G.R.3. Martha A. [ ], w. of Thomas P.. Aug. 28, 183 1. G.R.3. Thomas P., Apr. 4, 1824. G.R.3. BORDEN, James M., Nov. 29, 1849. G.R.3. Mary Jane [ ], w. of Silas Hiram, , 1822. g.r.2. Silas Hiram, , 1819. g.r.2. BORDMAN (see Boardman), Amos, s. of Amos and Elisa- beth, 15th day, 5th mo., 1755. Benjamin, s. of William and Elisabeth, 7th day. 4th mo., 1737. Benjamin, s. of William and Zibiah, 28th day, 9th mo., 1760.' Bethesda, d. of William and Ehsabeth, 12th day, nth mo., 1741. Charles, u.s.n., in Roxbury, Sept. 21, 1806. G.R.3. Clona, d. of Abijah and Sally, 29th day, nth mo., 1810. Harriet S. [ ], w. of Charles, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., June 17, 1820. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 39 BoRDMAN, John, Oct. 17, 1804. G.R.3. Michaaiah, s. of William and Zibiah, 2d day, 6th mo., 1764. Nath|anie]ll, s. of William and Elisabeth, i6th day, 8th mo., 1749. Rebecca B. [ ], w. of John, Nov. 8, 1799. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of William and Elisabeth, 15th day, ist mo., 1744. William, s. of William and Elisabeth, 15th day, ist mo., 1736. William, s. of William and Zibiah, 21st day, 7th mo., 1762. BOSSEY, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Thomas W., , 1820. G.R.3. Thomas W., , 1812. G.R.3, BOSSON, , d. of William and Mary B., Jan. 9, 1845. Benjamin P., Apr. 26, 183 1. G.R.3. Jonathan Davis, in Salem, Jan. i, 1786. G.R.3. J[o]n[a]th[an], s. of J[o]n[atha]n D. and Lydia, 12th day, 5th mo., 1836. Lydia Palfrey [ ], w. of Jonathan Davis, in Salem, Dec. 4, 1791. G.R.3. Maria, Feb. 8, 1833. G.R.3. Mary B., d. of William and Mary B., Nov. 19, 1848. Mary B. Hawkes [ ], w. of WiUiam, Oct. — , 1822. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Will and Mary B., Mar. 2, 1843. William, , 1816. G.R.3. BOSWORTH, Edwin Oscar, . 1833. G.R.3. George E., s. of Edwin W. and Lutheria C, Aug. 24, 1849. [Twin.] Lydia Ann [ ], w. of Edwin Oscar, , 1833. G.R.3. William E., s. of Edwin W. and Lutheria C, Aug. 24, 1849. [Twin.] BOURNE, Charles H., Capt., , 1841. G.R.3. BOUTILLIER, James W., , 1843. G.R.3. BO WATER, James C, Nov. 8, 1836. G.R.4. BOWDITCH, Mary [ ], w. of B. F., . 1832. G.R.3. BOWEN, Abel, Dec. 14, 1768. p.r.2. Abel, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), Thursday evening, 11 o'clock, Dec. 23, 1790. p.r.2. Bradford L., May 24, 1830. G.R.3. 40 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BowEN, Dealia, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), July 12, 1792. P.R.2. Duane V., Rev., , 1840. G.R.4. Eliza, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), 2 p.m., June 24, 1805. P.R.2. Eliza Healy, , 1792. g.r.2. Harriot Delia Chapin, d. of Abel and Eliza, 31st day, 3d mo., 1835. Henry, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), 2 a.m.. May 28, 1794. P.R.2. Juliet, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), May 31, 1798. p.r.2. Lorenzo, s. o-f Abel and Dealia (Mason), 2 p.m., Feb. 28, 1804. P.R.2. Mary, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), Jan. i, 1807. pR-2. Mason, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), June 6, 1802. p.r.2. Orlondo, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), June 6, 1809. p.r.2. Romeo, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), 6 a.m., Sept. 16, 1796 P.R.2. Romeo, Apr. 16, 1819, G.R.3. Sidney, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), 11 a.m., Thursday, July 26, 1799. P.R.2. Sophfronia, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), 5 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 25, 1801. P.R.2. Susan G. [- ], vv. of Bradford L., Mar. 22, 1829. G.R.3. William, , 1836. G.R.3. BOWERMAN, William, , 1839. G.R.3. BOWERS, Albert C, May 7, 1846. G.R.3. Alonzo, June 30, 181 5. G.R.3. Susan A. [ ], w. of Alonzo, Jan. 24, 1819. G.R.3. BOYD, Elizabeth J. [ ], w. of Henry C, June 19. 1832. G.R.3. Elvira Marshall [ ], w. of Henry M., Dec. 10, 1837. G.R.3. Henry C., May 29, 183 1. G.R.3. Henry M., Aug. 20, 1841. G.R.3. Sarah E., , 1842. G.R.3. BOYDEN, Benjamin F., , 1840. G.R.3. BOYER, Francis E., s. of Christian and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1849. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 4I BOYLE, Mary, d. of George and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1844. Mary, d. of George and Sarah, Sept. 5, 1848. BOYLSTON, Geo[rge] W., , 1825. G.R.3. BRABROOK, Eliza J., d. of Ezra H. and Eliza, Nov. 14, 1843. Julia E., d. of Cha[rle]s W. and Sarah A., Oct. 3, 1846. BRACKETT, Anna [ ], w. of Richard, Jan. i, 1799. G.R.3. Charlotte, , 1832. G.R.3. Eugenia, June 6, 1827. G.R.3. Geo[rge] F., Capt., Apr. 11, 1838. G.R.3. Orestes R., s. of Anthony and Hannah L., 28th day, 2d mo., 1841. Richard, Sept. 20, 1795. G.R.3. BRADBURY, Frances [ ], w. of , , 1809. G.R.3. J. Oakes, July 21, 1819. G.R.3. Rachel G., Apr. 20, 1819. G.R.3. William M., s. of William and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1849. BRADEEN (see Braden, Bredeen), CaroHne J. [ ], w. of , , 1833. G.R.3. BRADEN (see Bradeen, Bredeen), Henry S., , 1835. G.R.3. BRADFORD, Charles G., , 1824. G.R.3. Susan, , 1835. G-R-3- Zephaniah, , 1827. G.R.3. BRADLEE (see Bradley), David, s. of David and Sarah, 20th day, loth mo., 1764. BRADLEY (see Bradlee), Etta M., d. of Ira and Marietta R., , 1845. G.R.3. Frederic, s. of Roseannah, , 1840. G.R.3. Ira, , 1816. G.R.3, Marietta R. [ ], w. of Ira, , 1819. G.R.3. Roseannah, , 181 7. G.R.3. BRAINARD, Augustus W., Apr. 18, 1843. G.R.3. J. Loring, Jan. 6, 1839. G.R.3. Joseph P., Feb. 13, 18 12. G.R.3, 42 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BRALEY, Esther A. [ ], w. of Silas W., , 1830. G.R.3. Silas W., , 1831. G.R.3. BRANCH, Harriet M. [ ], w. of , , 1837. G.R.3. BRANDT, Marie C, Nov. 4, 1848. G.R.3. BRANS, Petrus G., Apr. 25, 1848. G.R.3. BRANSCOMB, Esther D., Jan. 15, 1819. G.R.3. BRAY, Isaiah, s. of Jeremiah and Jane G., Aug. 20, 1844. Jane G., d. of Jeremiah and Jane G., Apr. 26, 1847. BRAZIER, Sarah J. [ ], w. of William H., , 1832. G.R.3. William H., , 1827. G.R.3. BREASHA, John, Oct. 17, 1789. g.r.2. Phebe B., Oct. 14, 1809. g.r.2. BREDEEN (see Bradeen, Braden), Hannah, d. of Jacob and Hannah, 7th day, 3d mo., 1754. BREED, Abigail Lindsey, d. of Nehemiah and Abigail, bp. May 17, 1795. C.R.I. J. G., Dec. 27, 1841. G.R.3. BRENTNALL (see Brentnel, Brintnal, Brintnall), Elizabeth, d. of Benj[ami]n and Elisabeth, 23d day, 12th mo., 1745. Esther, d. of Benj[ami]n and Elisabeth, 5th day, 6th mo., 1752. Phebe, d. of Benjamin and Elisabeth, 26th day, 5th mo., 1754. BRENTNEL (see Brentnall, Brintnal, Brintnall), Jona[tha]n, s. of Benj[ami]n and Eliz[abet]h, ist day, 9th mo., 1756. BREWER, Edward, , 1822. G.R.3. Harriet F. [ ], w. of Joel K., Sept. 22, 1826. G.R.3. Joel K., Jan. 2y, 1822. G.R.3. BREWSTER, Daniel, , 1823. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Daniel, , 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 43 BRIGGS, David, July 26, 1808. G.R.3. BRIGHAM, Anne Whitman Taylor [ ], w. of Franklin, Mar. 3, 1809. G.R.3. Daniel Taylor, May 30, 1840. G.R.3. Ellen J. Brown [ ], w. of Daniel Taylor, Jan. 15, 1848. G.R.3. Francis L., July 22, 1833. G.R.3. Franklin, July 19, 1805. G.R.3. BRINTNAL (see Brentnall, Brentnel, Brintnall), Benjamin, s. of Ezra and Eliza[beth], bp. Sept. 10, 1780. c.r.i. Deliverance, d. of John and Deliverance, 12th day, nth mo., 1755- Ezra, s. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. Sept. 8, 1776. c.r.i. James, s. of James, bp. Mar. 16, iy28-<). c.r.i. James, s. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. Apr. 5, 1788. c.r.i. John, s. of John and Deliverance, 24th day, 8th mo., 1753. John, s. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. Nov. i, 1778. c.r.i. Mary, d. of (Dea., c.r.i) Benj[ami]n and EHz[abet]h, 5th day, 6th mo., 1758. Polly, d. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. July 9, 1786. c.r.i. Samuel, s. of Ezra and Eliza[beth], bp, Feb. 28, 1790. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of James, bp. Feb. 3, 1734. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. Jan. 30, 1785. c.R.i. Wil[lia]m, s. of John and Deliverance, i8th day, 4th mo,, William, s. of Ezra and Eliza [beth], bp. June 9, 1782. c.r.i. Wil[lia]m Dauset, 6th day, ist mo., 1758. BRINTNALL (see Brentnall, Brentnel, Brintnal), Abigail, d, of Benjamin and Elizebeth, 15th day, loth mo., 1750. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, 8th day, loth mo., 1743- Benjamin 3d, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, 8th day, 4th mo., 1771. Betsy, d. of Ezra and Eliza [beth]. bp. May 19, 1776. c.r.i. Eliza[bet]h, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, loth day, 5th mo., 1778. Esther, d. of Benjamin and Elizebeth, 21st day, 7th mo., 1747. Ezra, s. of Benjamin and Elizebeth, 21st day, ist mo., 1749. Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, i8th day, 9th mo., 1776. John E., Aug. 3, 1836. G.R.3. 44 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Brintnall, Mary W., June 21, 1819. G.R.3. Rachel, d. of Benjamin and Rachel. i8th day, 4th mo., 1774. Samuel, s. of (Dea., c.r.i) Benj[ami]n and Elizabeth, 3d day, 3d mo., 1763. Samuel, s. of Benjamin and Rachel, 27th day, 6th mo., 1772. Sarah F. Osgood [ ], w. of Samuel R., , 1827. G.R.3. Sarah L. Stevens [ ], w. of John E., July 18, 1846. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of John, bp. July 8, 1733. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of John, bp. Apr. 18, 1736. c.r.i. Thomas (Dea., c.r.i), s. of Benj[ami]n and Elizabeth, 3d day, 1st mo., 1760, William, s. of Benj[ami]n and Elizabeth, 28th day, 7th mo., 1761. BRITNER, Elizabeth H., , 1837. G.R.3. BROCKWAY, Frederic A., s. of Thomas B. and Ann C, June 22, 1844. BROOKS, Abbie [ ], w. of , , 1819. G.R.3. Annie M., , 1839. G.R.3. Catharine [ ], w. of Thomas F., Jan. 14, 1812. G.R.3, Charles, in Duxbury, July 17, 1820. G.R.3. Charles Oscar, , 1846. G.R.3. George B., , 1833. G.R.3. Henrietta [ ], w. of Charles, in Boston, Feb. 7, 1827. G.R.3. James N., , 1827. G.R.3. Jane, , 1831. G.R.3. Luther S., Apr. 21, 1837. G.R.3. Mary C. \ ], w. of William P. B., Aug. 11, 1801. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth, d. of William P. B. and Mary C, Feb. 8, 1836. G.R.3. Mary J., Nov. 12, 1802. G.R.3. OHver, May 19, 1832. G.R.3. Sarah Roberts, d. of William P. B. and Mary C, Mar. 12, 1838. G.R.3. Thomas F., May 17, 1807. G.R.3. Ursula Colby [ ], w. of John M., Aug. 8, 1837. G.R.3. William P. B., Feb. 5, 1810. G.R.3. Zepharine E. Bigelow [ ], w. of James N., , 1828. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 45 BROWER, Catharine C, , 1833. G.R.3. Elizabeth R., , 1834. G.R.3. Henry, , 1806. G.R.3. John H., , 1830. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1804. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1838. G.R.3. BROWN, Agnes [ ], w. of WilHam, Jan. 14, 18 17. G.R.3. Alden D., , 1830. g.r.2. AmeHa [ ], w. of WiUiam, in Providence, Mar. 3, 1785. G.R.3. Asa R., , 1821. G.R.3. Benj[amin] B., Oct. 3, 1838, G.R.3. Bethiah D. Conley [ ], w. of WilHam, Mar. 13, 1782, G.R.3. Betsey M. [ ], w. of James, Mar. 31, 181 5. G.R.3. Caroline [ ], w. of Joel T., , 1845. G.R.3. Charles, , 1837. G.R.3. Charles A., in Eliot, Me., Jnne 15, 1835. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s F., s. of W[iUia]m B. and Matilda, Sept. 24, 1844. Charles H., , 183 1. G.R.3. Charles W., Feb. 5, 1828. G.R.3. Charlotte, , 1847. G.R.3. Dorcas E., . 1828. G.R.3. E. G., , 1822. G.R.3. Eben, Apr. 6, 1847. G.R.3. Edwin, s. of Albert H. and Rebecca, 15th day, 4th mo., 1842. Eliza Jane [ ], w. of Richard, , 1821. G.R.3. Emily A. [ ], w. of , , 1838. G.R.3. Emma R., d. of Will C. and Frances H., Nov. 9, 1845. Francis B., s. of Mary H., , 1845. G.R.3. Francis L., s. of Bartholomew and Sophia, Apr. 30, 1848. Francis S., , 1845. G.R.3. Freeman C, Jan. 14, 1845. G.R.3. George, Apr. 16, 1810. G.R.3. Geofrge] B., s. of Cha[rle]s H. ]. and Lucinda A., July 28, 1845. George R., , 1846. G.R.3. Harriet M., Jan. i, 1833. G.R.3. Henrietta E., d. of Albert H. and Rebecca, 30th day, 4th mo., 1840. Isabella [ ], w. of , . 1823. G.R.3. J. M. r 1. w. of E. G., , 1841. G.R.3. 46 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Brown, James, Nov. 12, 1817. G.R.3. James, , 1819. G.R.3. Jennette, May 10, 1845. G.R.3. Joel T., , 1835. G.R.3. Joel W., , 1841. G.R.3. John, s. of Benjamin of Boston, bp. Sept, 20, 1730. c.r.i. John H., Apr. 9, 1814. G.R.3. John M., , 1849. G.R.2. Joseph B., , 1842. G.R.3. Joseph L., Aug. 13, 1843. G.R.3. L. Caroline [ ], w. of Asa R., , 1827. G.R.3. Lawrence, s. of Nathan and Mary, 17th day, 9th mo., 1841. Lorena A. [ ], w. of Albert C, Apr. 2, 1844. G.R.3. Lydia A. [ ], w. of Sylvester, Jan. 2, 1843. G.R.3. Lydia W. [ ], w. of Capt. Parker, , 1800. Mary, . 1849. G.R.3. Mary Caroline, , 1837. G.R.4. Mary E. [ ], w. of Freeman C, Oct. 7, 1846. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], w. of , , 1816. G.R.3. Melvelle, s. of Albert and Rebecca, Apr. 15, 1844. Nathan, Mar. 17. 1835. G.R.3. Nathan S., s. of Mary H., , 1843. G.R.3. P. Henry, Apr. 19, 1836. G.R.3. Parker, Capt., , 1787. G.R.3. Robert, , 1825. G.R.3. Sarah, , 1823. G.R.3. Sarah A. f ], w. of Daniel H., Feb. 12, 1844. G.R.3. Sarah B. Tyler [ ], w. of , Sept. i, 1822. G.R.3. Sarah C, Jan. 2, 1819. G.R.3. Sarah I. [ ], w. of Alexander L., , 1845. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of WilHam H., Apr. 5, 1817. G.R.3 Sophia [ ], w. of , June 19, 1799. G.R.3. Susan r ]. w. of WiUiam H., July i, 1808. G.R.3. Susan Kidder [ ], w. of David, Dec. 22, 1803. G.R.3. Susan M., , 1846. G.R.3. Sylvester, Jan. 8, 182 1. G.R.3. Theodore M., s. of Albert H. and Rebecca, July 20, 1846. Washington S., s. of Nathan and Mary, 21st day, 12th mo., 1841. Wilberforce Richmond, s. of William C, and Frances H. B., May 9, 1849. WilHam, in Boston, Nov. 26, 1771. G.R.3. William, Dec. 18, 1818. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 47 Brown, William E., , 1848. G.R.3. William Everett, Mar. 28, 1838. G.R.3. William H., Aug. 31, 181 1. G.R.3. William H., Feb. 3, 1818. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., Oct. 11, 1843. G.R.3. BROWNSON, Edward, s. of Orestes A. and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1843. BRUCE, Cynthia S., , 1833. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1830. G.R.3. Jonathan Sr., , 1791. G.R.3. Jonathan Jr., , 1817. G.R.3. Mary S., , 1825. G.R.3. BRUGTS, Frances E. [ ], w. of Frederick C, , 1840. G.R.3. Frederick C, , 1835. G.R.3. BRUMMETT (see Brummitt), Eunice L., Apr. 10, 1817. G.R.3. WilHam E., May i, 1810. G.R.3. BRUMMITT (see Brummett), Abner H., , 183 1. G.R.3. Ellen, , 1832. G.R.3. BRYANT, Charlotte Brown, d. of John and Rebecca, nth day, 8th mo., 1819. Ellen L. (Ellen Louisa, G.R.3), d. of Southworth and Mary A., Nov. 14, 1843. Harriet Collier, Feb. 19, 1806. G.R.3. John, s. of John and Rebecca, i8th day, 8th mo., 1815. John, July 7, 1840. G.R.3. Joseph H., , 1834. G.R.3. Lucy M.. , 1835. G.R.3. Mary. d. of Caleb and Mary, Jan. 23, 1842. Rebecca, d. of John and Rebecca, 2d day, 9th mo., 1812. Sally Wait, d. of John and Marv, 8th day, 8th mo., 1788. Sarah A. [ ■], w. of Joseph H.. . 1837. G.R.3. Sarah Naomi Gove [ ], w. of John, , 1824. G.R.3. Southworth, Dea., Mar. 3, 1809. G.R.3. Southworth Jr., June 4, 1834. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of , Mar. 29, 1820. g.r.2. Susan J., June 25, 1798. G.R.3. Thomas B., s. of John and Rebecca, i6th day, 4th mo., 1822. Walter W., ," 1842. G.R.3. William B., May 23, 1816. g.r.2. 48 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BRYDEN, George, Nov. 13, 1843. G.R.3. James, Aug. 16, 1839. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of William, , 18 13. G.R.3. William, , 1812. G.R.3. Williamson, June 11, 1838. G.R.3. BRYER, Susan Varney [ ], w. of Alexander K., Feb. 26, 1818. G.R.3. BRYNES, Patrick, s. of Henry and Mable, July 18, 1848. BRYSON, Jane, , 1799. G.R.3. BUCK, Lizzie [ ], w. of Theo[dore] H., Aug. 3, 1840. G.R.3. Margarett B., d. of David H. and Mary L., Aug. 27, 1847. Maria F. [ ], w. of Isaac D., , 1839. G.R.3. Mary B., d. of David H. and Mary L., July 17, 1849. Born in Bucksport, Me. Theodore H., July 5, 1841. G.R.3. BUCKLEY, William H., , 1832. G.R.3. BUCKMAN, Sarah Cheever, d. of William and Abigail, bp Aug. 26, 1798. C.R.I. BUCKMINSTER, Ansel, Dec. 19, 1818. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Ansel, Nov. 8, 1819. G.R.3. James P., Jan. 29, 1848. G.R.3. BUCKNAM, James, s. of James and Mary, 8th day, nth mo., 1755- Sarah, d. of James and Mary, nth day, 4th mo., 1757. BUFFUM, Edward S., , 1818. G.R.3. Electa Eleanor [ ], w. of Edward S., , 1826. G.R.3. BUGBEE, William T., , 1848. G.R.3. BULKLEY, Sarah A. [ ], w. of Silliaman S., , 1830. G.R.3. Silliaman S., , 1820. G.R.3. BULLOCK, Samuel J., June 14, 1843. G-R-3- W[inia]m W., Dec. 11, 1841. G.R.3. BUMPUS, Sarah D. Jackson [ ], w. of E. F., , 1839. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 49 BUNCE, George. , 1831. G.R.3. Harriet L., , 1835. G.R.3. BUNDY, Edward N., s. of Nelson H. and Caroline E., Oct. 19, 1848. Born in Boston. BUNKER, Susan, d. of Tho[ma]s Jr. and Lydia M., Sept. ro, 1848. BUNNELL, Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 30, 1848. BUNTING, John, , 1836. G.R.3. BURBANK, Aaron Orsborn, s. of Aaron and Lois S., 15th day, 6th mo., 1820. Arria, d. of Aaron and Lois S., 24th day, 3d mo., 18 16. Catherine E., d. of Wellman and Catherine A., Mar. ir, 1848. James Pratt Tewksbury, s. of Aaron and Lois S., 7th day, 1st mo., 1818. Louisa Arabel, d. of Wellman and Catherine A., Oct. 14, 1849. Mary Lois, d. of Aaron O. and Mary W., Mar. 17, 1847. G.R.3. Sarah Eliza [bet] h, d. of Aaron and Lois, 4th day, 12th mo., 1824. Sarah Louisa, d. of Aaron and Lois S., 13th day, 5th mo., 1823. BURBECK, John W., Dec. 29, 1826. G.R.3. Mary, Mar. 24, 1829. G.R.3. BURCHMORE, Geo[rge] D., s. of Geo[rge] and Caroline M., Apr. 25, 1848. Hannah M., d. of Stephen and Sarah. Dec. 18, 1846. John H., s. of Stephen and Susan, Aug. 15, 1849. Susan E., d. of Stephen and Susan, June i, 1845. BURCKES, Martin, , 1789. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Martin, , 1793. G.R.3. BURDIT (see Burditt), Jabez, s. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 23, 1720. C.R.I. Jacob, s. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 23, 1720. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 23, 1720. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 23, 1720. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 23, 1720. c.r.i. BURDITT (see Burdit), William, u.s.n., , 1825. G.R.3. 50 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BURGESS, Charles Robbins, s. of Henry C. and Sarah, Feb. V. 1849. Elizabeth M. [ ], vv. of Joseph W., , 1843. G.R.3. Henry W., Nov. 20, 1827. G.R.3. Joseph W., , 1838. G.R.3. Orra B. Sampson [ ], w. of Henry W., Sept. 13, 1839. G.R.3. Sarah E. Gardner [ ], w. of Henry W., Dec. 19, 1836. G.R.3. BURK (see Burke), Alexander E., , 1833. G.R.3. Isabella [ ], w. of James, Mar. 15, 1814. G.R.3. James, Nov. 4, 1819. G.R.3. John E., Dec. 10, 1824. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of John E., Mar. 25, 1824. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Alexander E., , 1834. G.R.3. BURKE (see Burk), Sally M., Jan. 4, 1825. G.R.3. BURKETT, Abigail W. [ ], w. of Henry A., , 1820. G.R.2. Henry A., , 1825. g.r.2. BURKHOLM, [ ], w. of , , 1841. G.R.3. BURNES (see Burns), Mary A., Oct. 31, 1830. G.R.3. Michael, s. of James and Ann, Sept. 2, 1848. William P., Dec. 25, 1820. G.R.3. BURNETT, Jeanie Hunter [ ], w. of Samuel, Sept. 4, 1842. G.R.3. BURNHAM, Andrew E., , 1820. G.R.3. Emilie W. [ ], w. of Capt. Frederick M., in Helinsger, Denmark, , 1832. G.R.3. Frederick M., Capt., in Hehnsger, Denmark, Feb. 21, 1819. G.R.3. Gershom Teel, Oct. 9, 1833. G.R.3. Reuben, Nov. 4, 1809. G.R.3. Roxanna [ ], w. of Reuben, Oct. 29, 1825. G.R.3. Susan Frances [ ], w. of Gershom Teel, , 1831. G.R.3. BURNS (see Burnes), Edward A., Nov. 4, 1836. G.R.3. Elmira Bowers [ ], w. of Mark F., Nov. 27, 1836. G.R.3. James, , 1843. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 5 I Burns, Lucretia A. [ ], w. of Edward A., Nov. 19, 1837. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1832. G.R.3. Mark F., May 24, 1841. G.R.3. William, , 1826. G.R.3. BUROUGH (see Burroughs, Burrows), Jeanette R., d. of Arnold and Ellen J., Dec. 3, 1846. BURPEE, Elizabeth, , 1795. G.R.3. J. A., Dr., , 1823. G.R.3. •Mary E. [ ], w. of Dr. J. A., , 1835. G.R.3. BURR, Frank, Rev., May 13, 1832. G.R.3. Sarah Emerett [ ], w. of Rev. Frank, June 22, 1831. G.R.3. BURRIL (see Burrill), Alfred, s. of Joseph and Mary, 5th day, 2d mo., 1825. Eben[eze]r, s. of Eben[eze]r and Anna, 14th day, 5th mo., 1819. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, 14th day, 3d mo., 1816. Lemuel, s. of Joseph and Mary, 2d day, ist mo., 1823. Mary, d, of Joseph and Mary, 4th day, 8th mo., 1817. Stephen, s. of Joseph and Mary, 22d day, loth mo., 1821. BURRILL (see Burril), Bill, s. of Eben[eze]r and Martha, 15th day, 5th mo., 1790. Bill, s. of Eben["eze]r Jr. and Anna, 15th day, 9th mo., 1815. Eben[eze]r, s. of Eben[eze]r and Martha, 7th day, 2d mo., 1788. Ellen A. [ ], w. of Seth, Sept. 27, 1836. G.R.3. Hariot, d. of Eben[eze]r and Anna, 15th day, 8th mo., 1817. Harriet M., , 1841. G.R.4. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 29th day, 9th mo., 1788. Maria F., , 181 5. G.R.4. Martha Ann, d. of Eben[eze]r Jr. and Anna, 20th day, 4th mo., 1812. Mary E., , 1825. G.R.4. Nancy, d, of Joseph and Sarah, 6th day, 8th mo., 1786. Patty, d. of Eben[eze]r and Martha, 6th day, 7th mo., 1792. Sally, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 14th day, 6th mo., 1793. Sarah Belcher, d. of Eben[eze]r and Anna, 30th day, 8th mo., 1823. Seth, Jan. 27, 1835. G.R.3. Susan Boynton, d. of Eben[eze]r and Anna, 17th dav, 4th mo., 1821. 52 CHELSEA BIRTHS. BURROUGHS (see Burough, Burrows), George Arnold, s. of Lieut. Arnold and Ellen, Feb. 14, 1849. BURROWS (see Burough, Burroughs), Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1848. Born in East Boston. Caroline [ ], w. of George H., Jan. 13, 1838. G.R.3. F. W., in Devonshire, Eng., Dec. 23, 1848. G.R.3. Frederick M., Sept. 16, 183 1. G.R.3. George H., Apr. 10, 1838. G.R.3. William, June 21, 1817. G.R.3. BURWELL, Albert A., Feb. 28, 1808. g.r.2. Arthur (Arthur H., g.r.2), s. of A. A. and Sarah, Aug. — , 1847. (Aug. 10, 1847, G.R.2.) Augustus B., Mar. 31, 1835. g.r.2. Emma L., d. of Albert and Sarah E., 13th day, 8th mo., 1840. Francis A. H., s. of Albert A. and Sarah E., Aug. 4. 1845. Martha A., Dec. 9, 1837. g.r.2. Sarah C., d. of Albert A. and Sarah E.. May 31, 1842. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Albert A., Oct. 11, 18 14. g.r.2. BUSBY, John Richard, , 1840. G.R.3. BUSELL, Carohne E., Feb. 5, 1827. G.R.3. Harris' n. July 2, 1826. G.R.3. James "I., Dec. 10, 1837. G.R.3. BUSH, Thomas J., , 1848. G.R.3. BUSHEE, Caroline E., , 1824. G.R.3. John I., , 1821. G.R.3. BUSSEY, Charlotte [ ], w. of , , 1836. G.R.3. BUTLER, A. F. P., , 1842. G.R.3. Almira [ ], w. of William F., , 1838. g.r.2. Annie M. [ ]. w. of John Edward, Sept. 8, 1839. G.R.3. Annie M. [ -], w. of Levi B., June 19, 1844. G.R.3. Charles, , 1827. G.R.3. Horace B., , 1833. G.R.3. James, s. of Job and Fanny, Oct. 25, 1848. John Edward, July 6, 1836. G.R.3. Moses, , 1814. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 53 Butler, Philina, , 1819. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Horace B., , 1836. G.R.3. Sybel F. [ ], w. of Charles, , 1830. G.R.3. W. S., — , 1836. G.R.3. Wilham, s. of Wilh'am and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1848. WilHam F., , 1836. g.r.2. BUTMAN, Betsey, d. of (Capt., c.r.i) John and Mary, i8th day, 6th mo., 1790. Ebenezer, s. of John and Mary, 6th day, 3d mo., 1788. John, s. of John and Mary, 9th day, 5th mo., 1786. Mary Hutton, d. of John and Mary, ist day, ist mo., 1793. (Mary Hutton, d. of wid. Mary, bp. May 19, 1793, c.r.i.) Polly, d. of John and Mary, 13th day, ist mo., 1783. BUTNER, Bernard, , 1835. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of Bernard, , 1839. G.R.3. BUTTERFIELD, Amanda F. Morrill, , 1820. G.R.3. Dorinda S. Benner [ ], w. of George T., June 7, 1839. G.R.3. George T., Mar. 27, 1844. G.R.3. Levi C, , 1842. G.R.3. Will H., s. of Simeon and Jane H., July 26, 1842. BUTTERS, Sarah, , 1832. G.R.3. BUTTRICK, Ann P. Redfield [ ], w. of George R.. May 6, 1818. G.R.3. George R., Feb. 18, 1817. G.R.3. Lucy A., d. of George R. and Ann P. Redfield, , 1843. G.R.3. BUTTS, Edwin H., s. of Isaac R. and Nabby C., Aug. 9, 1844. William D., Jan. 8, 1834. G.R.3. BUZZELL, Alfred A., s. of Joshua and Almira, May 26, 1848. Harriet Kimball, , 1810. G.R.3. BYRAM, Augusta O., Mar. 21, 1821. g.r.2. Rotheus M., Rev., Dec. 16, 1813. g.r.2. BYRNE, John J., , 1840. G.R.3. CABAN, Sarah C., Feb. 21. 1814. G.R.3. William. Jan. 15, 1809. G.R.3. 54 CHELSEA BIRTHS. CABBOT (see Cabbott), Henry, s. of Henry and Catherine ]., Jan. 30, 1847. CABBOTT (see Cabbot), Cha[de]s, s. of Henry and Catharine J., Jan. 4, 1845. CADES, Sarah M. [ ], w. of WilHam H., Oct. 31, 1830. G.R.3. WilHam H., Jan. 16, 1820. G.R.3. CADIEU, Charles H., Aug. 13, 1837. G.R.3. Lois [ ], w. of Charles H., Mar. 20, 1839. G.R.3. CAHILL, Catherine Matheson [ ], w. of John W., Mar. 14, 181 5. G.R.3. CAIRNES, Margaret, , 181 2. g.r.2. Margaret, , 1840. g.r.2. Thomas, , 1800. g.r.2. CALDER, Mary T., d. of Robert and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], Nov. i, 1844. Robert A., s. of Robert and Eliz,, 4th mo., 1841. CALDWELL, Asenath H., Apr. 25, 1841. G.R.3. Han[na]h M., d. of John and Harriot, 3d day, ist mo., 1825. Harriot H., d. of John and Harriot, i6th day, 6th mo., 1826. Moses R., Oct. 30, 182 1. G.R.3. Sussan W., d. of John and Harriot, nth day, 12th mo., 1827. CALEF (see Caleff), Nancy J. D., , 1832. G.R.3. Oliver S., , 1827. G.R.3. CALEFF (see Calef), George W., , 1829. G.R.3. CALHOUN, Martha [ ], w. of Robert, , 1828. G.R.3. Robert, , 1826. G.R.3. CALL, Jonathan, in Newburyport, Feb. 2, 1786. G.R.3. Octavia Lauriat [ ], w. of Philip, , 1823. g.r.2. Philip, , 1823. G.R.2. CALLENDER, Benj[amin] F., s. of John L. and Mary H., July 2, 1846. CAMERON, Margaret Forsyth, d. of James and Euphania. Sept. 15, 1848. Sarah, , 1840. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 55 CAMPBELL, Abie [ ], w. of Robert, , 1840. G.R.3. Diana, Jan. i, 1801. G.R.3. Elbridge G., , 1830. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. ( J, w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. Francis, s. of Michael and Rosa, July 15, 1849. Born in Boston. Geo[rge] \V., s. of Jeremiah and Nancy, Oct. 23, 1843. Hamilton, , 1836. G.R.3. J. Prince, , 1848. G.R.3. James, July — , 1841. G.R.3. Jeremiah, , 1792. G.R.3. Katherine [ ], w. of , Mar. 17, 1829. G.R.3. Louisa M. [ ], w. of Elbridge G., , 1836. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], \v. of Hamilton, , 1843. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 28, 1734. c.r.i. Nancy Hawes [ ], w. of Jeremiah, , 1801. G.R.3. Robert, , 1832. G.R.3. Rodney .S., Nov. 2, 1842. G.R.3. Sarah E. L., d. of Jeremiah and Mary, loth day, 9th mo., 1840. CANN, Mary E., , 1849. g.r.2. CANNON, Charles A., , 1841. G.R.3. CANTERBURY, Charles L., May 11, 1822. G.R.3. Mercy Ann [ ], w. of Charles L., July 26, 1827. G.R.3. CAPEN, S. MeHnda, , 1843. G.R.4. CAPER, Warren P., , 1839. G.R.3. CAPRON, Henrietta, d. of , Nov. 21, 1842. CARD, Maria M. [ ], vv. of John P., May i, 182 1. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Warren A., Aug. 31, 1848. G.R.3. CARDY, William T. S., Dec. 6, 1836. G.R.3. CARLETON (see Carlton), George M., s. of Frederic A. and Susan C, Mar. 31, 1847. Samuel A., Jan. 25, 1849. CARLISLE, Naomi [ ], w. of W^[illia]m A., Dec. 3, 1824. G.R.3. W[illia]m A., Oct. 28, 1820. G.R.3. 56 CHELSEA BIRTHS. CARLOW, Rebecca French [ ], w. of William H., , 181 1. G.R.3. William H., , 1814. G.R.3. CARLSON, Anna M., Feb. 7, 1826. G.R.3. CARLTON (see Carleton), Adeline [ ], w. of , , 1818. G.R.3. CARNES, Edward, Col, , 1807. G.R.3. Lydia Stearns [ ], w, of Col. Edward, Aug. 10, 1810. G.R.3. CARNEY, Almira B., , 1827. G.R.4. Henry, , 1823. G.R.4. Henry Jr., , 1848. G.R.4. John, Apr. 3, 1840. G.R.3. CARPENTER, , ch. of Henry and Mary, Aug. 26, 1848. Stillborn. Alfred, , 1805. g.r.2. Cyrus, , 1818. G.R.3. Lizzie Wellington [ ], w. of William Henry, , 1843. G.R.3. Martha M. [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1824. g.r.2. Rebecca King [ ], w. of Cyrus, , 1819. G.R.3. William H., , 1789. G.R.3. William Henry, , 1837. G.R.3. CAROLL (see Carroll), Alexander, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 18, 1847. CARR, Catherine S. [ ], w. of Joseph, Apr. 26, 1822, G.R.3. Joseph, Aug. — , 1824. G.R.3. Julia, Mar. 25, 1798. G.R.3. CARROLL (see Caroll), Joseph M., July 6, 1848. G.R.3. Thomas S., , 1840. G.R.3. CARRUTH, Caroline L., d. of Thomas H. and Mary, June 17, 1844. Mary E.. Nov. 30, 1839. G.R.3. Nathan F., , 1841. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Thomas H, and Mary, Dec. 10, 1846. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 57 CARRUTHERS, Adonis, in Newbern, N. C, Nov. 24, 1814. G.R.3. Emily H., , 1839. G.R.3. Henry, , 1833. G.R.3. James Osgood, Sept. 21, 1842. G.R.3. William F., , 1837. G.R.3. CARSON, Howard Adams, Nov. 28, 1842. G.R.3. Nancy Wilmarth [ ], w. of Howard Adams, Feb. 5, 1845. G.R.3. CARTER, , ch. of Horrace and Caroline, Jan. 3, 1848. Abigail [ ], w. of Joseph, in Boston, Nov. 9, 1784. G.R.3. Amerette L., d. of Horrace and Caroline L., Jan. 18, 1846. Amorette L. [ ], w. of Horace, , 1846. G.R.3. Arthur B., s. of Benj[ami]n A. and Eliz[abe]th P., Sept. 7, 1845. Benjamin A., Sept. 24, 181 5. G.R.3. Edward H., , 1849. G.R.3. Horace, , 1822. G.R.3. Horace Lafayette, s. of Horace and Caroline L., Dec. 31, 1849. Joseph, in Charlestown, Mar. 11, 1788. G.R.3. Josiah T., s. of Cha[rle]s W. and Adaline A., Oct. 14, 1842. Lucy Caroline [ ], w. of Richard B., Apr. 25, 1829. G.R.3. Lydia Gardner, d. of wid. Harriet of Boston, bp. Nov. 30, 1828. C.R.I. Marion B. [ ], w. of Benjamin A.. July 29, 1828. G.R.3. Richard B., June 16, 1816. G.R.3. Sarah Emma [ ], w. of Henry A., , 1845. G.R.3. CARVER, Emma [ ], w. of J. H., Apr. 3, 1848. G.R.3. CARY, Anne Montague. , 1787. g.r.i, Charles M., Nov. 24, 1825. G.R.3. Charles Paine, , 1839. g.r.i. Charles Spooner, , 1778. g.r.i, Charles Spooner, , 1837. g.r.i. George, s. of Sam[ue]l Esq. and Sally, bp. Dec. 28, 1792. C.R.I. George B., , 1824. g.r.i. Harriet, , 1790. g.r.i. Harriet, , 1806. g.r.i. 58 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Gary, Harriott, d. of Sam[ue]l Esq. and Sally, bp. Dec. 28, 1792. C.R.I. Henry, , 1785. g.r.i. Henry, , 1819. g.r.i. Lucius, , 1782. g.r.i. Margaret Graves, , 1775. g.r.i. Robert, s. of Sam[ue]l Esq. and Sally, bp. Mar. 2t„ 1794. c.r.i. Robert H., , 1775. g.r.i. Samuel, , 1742. g.r.i. Sarah, , 1753. g.r.i. Thomas Greaves, s. of Sam[ue]l Esq. and Sally, bp. Sept. 11, 179I. C.R.I. William Ferdinand, s. of Sam[ue]l Esq. and Sally, bp. Nov. 20, 1795. C.R.I. CARYL, George, , 1824. G.R.3. Lucy M., , 1834. G.R.3. CASCIANI, Mary, , 1817. G.R.3. CASCO, Almira [ ], w. of Charles A., Dec. 8. 1827. G.R.3. Charles A., June 20, 1820. G.R.3. CASE, Mary, 24th day, 7th mo., 181 5. CASEY, Bridget, d. of Francis and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 10, 1849. Twin. Ellen, d. of Patric[k] and Johanna, May 11, 1845. Margaret, d. of Francis and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 10, 1849. Twin. CASH, Granville, , 1845. G.R.3. CASLEY, John, s. of John and Lucinda E., June 28, 1847. Patric[k], s. of John and Lucinda, 20th day, 3d mo., 1842. CASS, David, July 4, 1833. G.R.3. CASSELL, Susan A., Jan. 7, 1818. G.R.3. CASSIDY, Robert, July 16, 1817. G.R.3. Robert, , 1820. g.r.2. CASWELL, Arthur, Apr. 5, 1833. G.R.3. Emily Augusta, July 4, 1817. G.R.3. Frances Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1829. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 59 Caswef.l, Isaac G.. , 1834. G.R.3. Louisa C, . 1838. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of William, Sept. 22, 1792. G.R.3. Mary Ann, Apr. 19, 1823. G.R.3. Mary Ann, July i, 1825. G.R.3. Nangie L. San ford [ ], w. of Edward D., , 1833. G.R.4. Samuel, Jan. 26, 1816. G.R.3. Sarah Elizabeth [ ], w. of Arthur, Oct. 21, 1834. G.R.3. William, Nov. 16, 1787. G.R.3. William Henry, Mar. 12, 1819. G.R.3. CATHARIN, James D., Capt., , 1840. G.R.3. CAVERLY, E. James, , 1849. g.r.2. CHABOT, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Joseph A., , 1834. G.R.3. Joseph A., , 1832. G.R.3. CHADBOURNE, B. Walter, , 1846. G.R.3. Edward P., , 1841. G.R.3. Emma D. A., , 1828. G.R.3. Sarah B. f ], w. of Cyrus C, , 1817. G.R.3. Theodore I., , 1841. G.R.3. Thomas W., , 1816. G.R.3. CHADWICK, Clarissa, d. of Nath[anie]l and , bp. Jan. 8, 1775. C.R.I. John F. B., s. of Alvira and Maria, July 17, 1847. Joseph, s. of Nathaniel and , bp. May 30, 1779. c.R.i, Stephen Kent, s. of Nathaniel and , bp. June 22, 1777. C.R.I. CHALLIS, James S., , 1831. G.R.3. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlane, Chamberlin), J. C, . 1832. G.R.3. Marcia Ellen, . 1845. G-R-3- CHAMBERLANE (see Chamberlain, Chamberlin), Abigail, d. of John, bp. July 21, 1717. c.R.i. Edmund, s. of Jacob, bp. Nov. 22, 1730. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of" John, bp. July 21, 1717. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of Jacob, bp. Sept. 18, 1726. c.R.i. I 60 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Chamberlane, Hannah, d. of John, bp. July 21, 1717. c.R.i. Lois, d. of Dea. John, bp. Oct, 13, 1723. c.R.i. Lydia, d. of John, bp. Nov. 19, 1721. c.R.i. Mary, d. of John, bp. July 21, 1717. c.R.i. Nathanael, s. of Jacob, bp. Nov. 5, 1732. c.R.i. Phebe, d. of Jacob, bp, Sept. 8, 1728. cr.i. Samuel, s. of Jacob, bp. June 7, 1724. cr.i. Sarah, d, of John, bp, July 21, 1717, cr.i. Susanna, d, of John, bp, Nov, 15, 1719. cr.i. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain, Chamberlane), Hammon, Jan. 23, 1823. G.R.3. CHAMBERS, Belinda Woods [ ], w. of John, July i, 1809. G.R.3. John, May 14, 1801. G.R.3. CHANDLER, Anna Cordelia [ ], w, of Samuel Stillman, , 1824. G.R.3. Benjamin, s, of John and Sarah, 5th day, 6th mo., 1752, Charles Y., July 10, 1813. G.R.3. Edwin O., , 1817. G.R.3. Henry L., s. of Lucius and Susan A., May 29, 1846. J. M. E., , 1848. G.R.3. Jacob, s. of John and Sarah, 21st day, 3d mo,, 1754. John A., s. of Oliver J. and Maria, Sept. 28, 1846. Joseph, s. of John and Sarah, 6th day, ist mo., 1756. Mary M, [ ], w, of Edwin O., , 1831. G.R.3. Nathan, , 181 5, G.R.3. Nellie J. [ ], w. of Sidney, , 1838. G.R.3. Samuel" Stillman, , 1824. G.R.3. Sarepta P. [ ], w. of Edwin O., , 1812. G.R.3. Sidnev, , 1842. G.R.3. Will t., s. of L. H. and Susan A., Jan. 15, 1848. CHAPEL, Sarah H. T. [ ], w. of Edward A., Oct. 10, 1839. CR.3. CHAPIN, Charles H. G., Jan. 14, 1807. G.R.3. Charles P., Sept. 26, 1829. G.R.3. Marietta H., d. of Mason J. and Anna M., Sept. 4, 1846. Phoebe J. [ ], w. of Charles H. G., Jan. 29, 1810. G.R.3. Sarah Frances, d. of Mason J. and Ann, Jan. 4, 1849. Thomas W., , 1839. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 6l CHAPLIN, Charles, , 1818. G.R.3. Nancy D., , 1817. G.R.3. CHAPMAN, Clifton M., July 20. 1847. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of William H., Oct. 31, 1842. G.R.3. Frances H., d. of Geo[rge] H. [r. and Roxanna M.. Mar. 29, 1843- Jonathan T., May 2, 1808. G.R.3. Lory D., , 1836. G.R.3. Sarah P. [ ], w. of Jonathan T., Dec. 26, 1813. G.R.3. CHASE, Ann C. [ ], vv. of Anthony K., , 1826. G.R.3. Anthony K., , 1823. G.R.3. Caroline S. Hopkins [ 1, w. of Henry Fiske, Aug. 11, 1832. G.R.3. Cecilia A. [ ], w, of Sidney R., . 1838. G.R.3. Charles D., Jan. 22, 1849. G.R.3. Edward, . 1840. G.R.3. Eliza, d. of Cha[rle]s and Priscilla W., i6th dav, 5th mo., 1840. Elizabeth P., , 1808. G.R.3. Eunice J. [ ], w. of Samuel Y., in North Yarmouth, Me.. July 20, 1818. G.R.3. Francis O., s. of Lucius A. and Harriet, Aug. 6, 1849. Frank A., , 1836. G.R.3. Henry Fiske, Oct. i, 1827. G.R.3. Luther W., May 8, 1844. G.R.4. Maria B., May 25, 1819. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], vv. of Osborne, , 1844. G.R.3. Osborne, , 1842. G.R.3. Osgood, , 1828. G.R.3. Priscilla [ ], w. of Henry, , 1847. G.R.3. Samuel Y., in North Yarmouth, Me., Sept. 3, 1820. G.R.3. Wells, Sept. 2, 1813. G.R.3. Winifred P. [ ]. w. of Edward, , 1848. G.R.3. CHAUNCEY, Eliza Luscomb, , 1840. G.R.4. Robert, May 3, 1837. G.R.4. CHEEVER (see Chever), Abigail, d. of Joshua and Abigail, 1 8th dav. loth mo., 1771. .\ugusta M. [ ], w. of George P., , 1843. G.R.3. Betsey, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 20th day, nth mo., 1776. 62 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Cheever, Elisabeth, d. of Joshua and Abigail, 31st day, loth mo., 1778. Eliza, d. of Joshua Jr. and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 10, 1802. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr.', i6th day, 12th mo., 1760. Emeline Gerrish [ ], w. of William, Sept. 18, 1823. G.R.3. George P., , 1840. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., i6th day, 12th mo., 1763. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 5th day, nth mo., 1782. Harriet, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 13th day, loth mo., 1789. Harriet A., Feb. 3, 1840. G.R.3. Henry, s. of Joshua Jr. and Eliza [beth], bp. Feb. 15, 1795. C.R.I. Henry A., Apr. 23, 1839. G.R.3. Jacob, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., 27th day, nth mo., 1750. Jacob, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 8th day, nth mo., 1794. Joseph, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., 17th day, 8th mo., 1748. Joseph, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., 3d day, 12th mo., 1752. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 21st day, ist mo., 1792. Joseph C. F., , 1837. G.R.3. Joshua, s. of Joshua Jr. and Eliza [beth], bp. May 2, 1790. C.R.I. Lois, d. of Joshua and Abigail, nth day, 6th mo., 1781. Lucy, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 30th day, nth mo., 1784. Margaret, d. of Joshua and Abigail, (bp. July 13, 1783, C.R.I.) Mary A., , 1842. G.R.3. Mary Mellidge, d. of Joshua Jr. and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 9, 181O. C.R.I. Nancy, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 29th day, ist mo., 1779. Nathan, s. of Nathan, bp. Jan. 20, 1722-3. c.R.i. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., nth day, 3d mo., 1745. o.s. Nathan, s. of Joshua and Abigail, bp. Nov. 6, 1785. c.R.i. Patty, d. of Joseph and Sarah, ist day, 6th mo., 1788. Policy, d. of Joshua and Abigail, 4th day, 2d mo., 1776. (Polly, d. of Joseph and Abigail, bp. Feb. n, 1776, c.R.i.) Polly, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 17th day, 5th mo., 1786. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 63 Cheever, Ruben Hatch, s. of Joshua Jr. and Eliza[beth], bp. May 28, 1797. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Joshua and Abigail, 17th day, 2d mo., 1774. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, i6th day, 6th mo., 1775. Sarah, d. of Joshua and Abigail, bp. Jan. 3, 1790. c.r.i. Sukey, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 29th day, 5th mo., 1781. Thomas, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth Jr., 17th day, 4th mo., 1754. N.S. Thomas Huxford, s. of Joshua Jr. and Eliza[beth], bp. Aug. II, 1799. C.R.I. William, s. of Joshua and Abigail, 20th day, 2d mo., 1770. William, s, of Joshua and Eliza [beth], bp. July 29, 1792. C.R.I. William, Mar. 2, 1825. G.R.3. CHELLIS, Charles H., , 1845. G.R.3. Melissa J. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1847. G.R.3. CHENEY (see Cheny), Alfreda, , 1828. G.R.3. Hellen \V., d. of Willson and Pamelia, i8th day, 3d mo., 1838. Hope B. Covell [ ], w. of Charles A., Mar. 23, 1832. G.R.3. Permelia Eliza, d. of W^ilson and Permelia, Sept. 9, 1848. CHENY (see Cheney), Ellen L., d. of Lewis and Loisa. June 26, 1844. Pamelia, d. of W^illson and Pamelia, 23d day, ist mo., 1840. CHEREST, August, in Port au Prince, Aug. 22, 1832. G.R.3. CHESLEY, Sarah H., Oct. 11, 1816. G.R.3. CHESNUT, Elizabeth Graham [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1838. G.R.3. CHESSMAN, Ann E. [ ], w. of Edward, , 1836. G.R.3. Edward, , 1836. G.R.3. Frances E., Oct, 9, 1839. G.R.3. S. Carrie [ ], w. of , Aug. 11, 1842. G.R.3. CHESTERTON, Sarah [ ], w. of Thomas S., Oct. 6, 1830. G.R.3. Thomas S., Jan. i, 1831. G.R.3. 64 CHELSEA BIRTHS. CHEVER (see Cheever), Anna, d. of Joshua and Abigail, 24th day, 8th mo., 1768. Joshua, s. of Nathan and Anna, loth day, loth mo.. 1740. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Abigail, ist day, 3d mo., 1766, CHICK, Emma V. [ ], w. of William H.. , 1847. G.R.3. William H., , 1845. G.R.3. CHICKERING, Sylvina S., Aug. 4, 1822. g.r.2. CHILDREN, Henry E., , 1834. G.R.3. CHILDS, Catharine, , 1793. G.R.3. Francis, , 1820. G.R.3. Juliet W., , 1824. G.R.3. Minnie A., Aug. 20, 1849. G.R.3. Nathaniel, , 1847. G.R.3. Warren Chessman, s. of Francis E. and Mary Eliza, Mar. 25, 1849. CHIPMAN, Charles P., Nov. 20, 1840. G.R.3. CHITTENDEN, Albert A., s. of Cha[rle]s and Mary R.. Oct. I, 1842. Franklin P., s. of Cha[rle]s and Mary R., Oct. 15, 1846. Martha, d. of Ebenezer and Martha, 23d day, 12th mo., 1803. Mary C, d. of Cha[rle]s and Mary R., Sept. 17, 1844. Persia Charlottee, d. of Ebenezer and Martha, 23d day, loth mo., 1805. Samuel Newman, s. of Charles and Mary R., Jan. 15, 1849. CHO'ATE, Elbridge G., , 1818. G.R.3. Martha K. [ ], w. of Elbridge G., , 1825. G.R.3. CHRISTENSON, Peter, in Halmstad, Sweden, Sept. 2, 1848. G.R.3. CHRISTIE, Richard C, Sept. 13, 182 1. G.R.3. CHURCHILL, Algernon Howe, , 1837. G.R.3. CILLEY, William, , 1833. G.R.3. CLAFLEN, David D., , 1826. G.R.3. James S., , 1812. G.R.3. Lucinda, , 1801, G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 65 CLAMP, Elizabeth B. Freeman [ J, \v. of John, Aug. 3, 1829. G.R.3. CLAPP, Ann ( ], w. of Geo[rge] W., Nov. 14, 1825. G.R.3. CaroHne Matilda f ], w. of John H., Apr. 5, 1827. G.R.3. Emeline, d. of Braddish and , 22d day, nth mo., 1837. Emeline, d. of Robert R. and Eliza, 22d day, 12th mo., 1837. Will|ia]m R., s. of Robert R. and Eliza, 9th day, 8th mo., 1839. CLARK (see Clarke), Abbie C. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1841. G.R.3. Abram L., , 1837. G.R.3. Albion P., s. of Thomas and Mary H., Oct. 28, 1848. Born in Lyman, Me. Almira A., , 1820. G.R.3. Charles, , 1826. G.R.3. Charles H., Apr. 22, 1844. G.R.3. Cordelia E. [ ], w. of W[illia]m W., , 1821. G.R.2. Cyrus R., , 1832. G.R.3. Deborah, d. of Caleb and Sarah, and w. of John Sanborn, in Danvers, Dec. 18, 1803. G.R.3. Ella F., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Nov. 10, 1847. Enoch J., Nov. 30, 1824. G.R.3. Eunice R., , 1829. G.R.3. Francis, s. of Capt. Sam[ue]l, bp. Mar. 28, 1784. c.r.i. Frank M., Jan. 19, 1849. G.R.3. George H., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Dec. 20, 1846. George P., , 1831. G.R.3. George W., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Jan. 18, 1849. Georgianna, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Dec. 14, 1845. Henry, , 1836. G.R.3. Henry H. (Henry Hart, G.R.3), s. of Will[ia]m G. and Betsey J., Oct. 17, 1844. Herbert, s. of Will G. and Betsy J., Apr. ir, 1848. Hitty, d. of Capt. Sam[ue]l, bp. Sept. 19, 1779. c.R.i. Irene B. [ ], w. of Lewis, , 1836. G.R.3. lane B., d. of \Vrillia|m G. and Betsey J., Aug. 30, 1845. John R., , 1818. G.R.3. Joseph H., . 1848. G.R.3, 66 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Clark, Julia M. [ ], w. of William B., , 1825. G.R.3. Julia M., d. of W[illia]m G. and Betsy J., Jan. 25, 1842. Lewis, , 1824. G.R.3. Mary, d, of James and Margaret, Dec. 18, 1848. Mary A., d. of James and Margarett, June 6, 1847. Mary A., d. of James and Margaret, July i, 1848. Mary E. [ ], w. of W[illia]m L. D., , 1844. g.r.2. Mary E., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Nov. 11, 1844. Nancy, Sept. 12, 1819. G.R.3. Nathaniel Hale, Feb. 25, 1833. G.R.3. Phillips, s. of Sam[ue]l and Eliza[beth], bp. Aug. 5, 1787. C.R.I. Robert Temple, s. of Capt. Sam[ue]l and , bp. Nov. 23, 1777. C.R.I. Schuyler Warran (s. of Schuyler and , c.r.i), 12th day, 3d mo., 1836. Susan E. B. [ ], w. of William G., , 1833. G.R.3. Susan L., Apr. i, 1832. G.R.3. Susannah, d. of Sam[ue]l and , bp. Dec. 10, 1775. C.R.I. Thomas, s. of Capt. Sam[ue]l, bp. Nov. 10, 1782. c.r.i. WilHam, s. of Capt. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Feb. 11, 1781. c.r.i. William B., , 1823. G.R.3. William G., Oct. 7, 1833. G.R.3. WilHam H., Capt., Apr. 25, 1839. G.R.3. W[illia]m L. D., . 1840. g.r.2. W[ilHa]m W., , 18 14. g.r.2. Willis, Capt., , 1849. G.R.3. CLARKE (see Clark), David H., , 1835. G.R.3. Dorothy [ ], w. of Robert D. G., , 1843. G.R.3. Edward R., u.s.n., , 1842. G.R.3. Elias, Dec. 11, 1830. G.R.3. John W., Dec. 31, 182 1. G.R.3. Martha [— ], w. of John W., June 20, 1821. G.R.3. Robert D. G., , 1837. G.R.3. CLARRY (see Clary, Cleary), Ellen L., d. of John and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1845. CLARY (see Clarry, Cleary), Albert E., , 1848. G.R.3. CLEARY (see Clarry, Clary), Daniel, s. of John and Hannah, both b. in Ireland, May 10, 1849. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 67 CLEGG, Almira T. Tuttle [ ], w. of William H., Oct. 18, 1840. G.R,3. William H., Dec. 10, 1847. G.R.3. CLELAND, Carvill W., s. of Samuel and Delia A., Dec. 31, 1846. James Patten, s. of Samuel and Adelia Ann, July 2, 1848. Sam[ue]l, s. of Sam[ue]l and Adelia, 7th day, 4th mo., 1 84 1. Thomas R., s. of Samuel and Delia, Aug. i, 1844, CLEMENT (see Clemment), Cyrus, in Claremont, N. H., Jan. 13, 1806. G.R.3. Emma Shillaber [ ], w. of Frank, , 1847. G.R.3, Mary T., , 1845. G.R.3. Rebecca F. [ ], w. of Cyrus, in Bradford, Aug. 31, 1809. G.R.3. Thomas Benton, s. of Cyrus and Rebecca, May 2, 1849. William B., Dec. 9, 1835. G.R.3. CLEMMENT (see Clement), Edward H., s. of Cyrus and , lOth day, 9th mo., 1840. Edward H., s. of Cyrus and Rebecca F., Apr. 19, 1843. Frank M., s. of Cyrus and Rebecca F., July 29, 1845. CLEVERLY, Andrew, s. of Tho[ma]s and EHza[beth], bp July 21, 1776. C.R.I. Ann Cole, d. of Tho[ma]s and Eliza [beth], bp. Nov. 18, 1770 C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Tho[ma]s and Eliza [beth], bp. Aug. 20, 1769 C.R.I. James, s. of Tho[ma]s and Eliza [beth], bp. Aug. 20, 1769 C.R.I. John, s. of Tho[ma]s and Eliza [beth], bp. Oct. 18, 1772 C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Tho[ma]s and Eliza [beth], bp. Aug. 20, 1769 C=R.I. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, 26th day, 12th mo. 1762. CLIFFORD, Antoinette [ ], w. of Willard, , 1818 G.R.3. Benj[amin] B., in Gilmanton. N. H., Mar. 15, 1818. G.R.3. Emma, July 5, 1843. G.R.3. 68 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Clifford, Helen M., , 1820. G.R.3. John H., , 1816. G.R.3. John R., , 1839. G.R.3. Willard, , 1817. G.R.3. CLINKARD, Henry, s. of Henry and Eliz[abet]h, Feb. 27, 1847. Wilbur, s. of Henry R. and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1848. William H., s. of Will H. and Joan, Aug. i, 1847. CLOSE, Caroline A. Adams, d. of Emery and Hannah, Feb. 1 5, 1839. G.R.3. Emery, Jan. 19, 181 5. G.R.3. Emery Francis, Jan. 15, 1849. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of Emery, Mar. 7, 1820, G.R.3. CLOUGH, Eliza B., d. of Aaron R. and Lucy A., 20th day, 4th mo., 1839. Phebe A., d. of Aaron B. and Lucy A., 9th day, 9th mo., 1841. CLOUTMAN, Alvah, , 1833. G.R.3. COAN, Annie A. [ ], w. of William A., , 1843. G.R.3. William A., , 1840. G.R.3. COAXES (see Coats), Anna Pratt, d. of Burrill and Polly, bp. July 31, 1814. C.R.I. COATS (see Coates), Abigail Wilcott, d. of Burrill and Mary, bp. Sept. 21, 1817. C.R.I. Burrill Potter, s. of Burrill and Polly of Lynn, bp. Oct. 25, 1818. C.R.I. Mary Brooks, d, of Burrill and Polly, bp. June 27, 1813. C.R.I. Ruth Potter, d. of late Burrill and Mary, bp. Oct. 26, 1823. C.R.I. Sarah E., d. of Stephen and EHza[bet]h, 23d day, nth mo., 1833. Silvanus M., s. of Stephen and Eliza[bet]h, 27th day, ist mo., 183 1. Stephen P., s. of Stephen and Eliza[bet]h, i6th day, 2d mo., 1828. [Twin.] Warren L, s. of Stephen and Eliza [bet] h, i6th day, 2d mo., 1828. [Twin.] CHELSEA BIRTHS. 69 COBB, Almeda Hall [ ], w. of George W., Aug. 27, 1831. G.R.3. Antoinette E., , 1846. G.R.3. Bradford R., , 1840. G.R.3. Eben, Jan. 17, 1829. G.R.3. Eunice Hale [ ], \v. of Sylvanus, Jan. 27, 1803. G.R.3. F. W., Capt., , 1826. G.R.3. George Winslow, , 183 1. G.R.3. Hattie S. [ ], w. of Capt. F. W., , 1829. G.R.3. Lettie A.. , 1845. G.R.3. Manila D. [ ], w. of Capt. Mulford, Aug. 19, 1831. G.R.3. Mary J. Booth [ ], w. of Eben, , 1829. G.R.3. Mary L., , 1843. G.R.3. Mulford, Capt., Oct. 26, 1831. G.R.3. Sylvanus, July 17, 1798. G.R.3. COBURN (see Colburn). Cha[rle]s H., s. of Ira and Elenor, May 7, 1847. Eliza Fosdick [ ], w. of H. P., Sept. 19, 1819. G.R.3. H. P., Nov. 8, 1810. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Michael and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1849. Born in Henniker, N. H. COCHRANE, Alexander, Apr. 2^, 1816. G.R.3. Alice G., Aug. 9, 1804. G.R.3. Angeline E., Aug. 13, 1835. G.R.3. Catherine L. [ ], w. of Alexander, Jan. — , 1836. G.R.3. Charles W., May 31, 1842. G.R.3. Hugh, s. of Alexander and Margaret Rae, Apr. 15, 1846. G.R.3. Levi, Mar. 10, 1802. G.R.3. Margaret Rae [ ], w. of Alexander, Mar. i, 1820. G.R.3. COES, Zorester Bennett, s. of Will S. L. and Lydia L., Apr. 6, 1847. COFFIN, Carrie C. [ ], w. of W[illia]m G., , 1823. G.R.3. George W., , 1847. G.R.3. Jane M. [ ], w. of David S., , 1822. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of William B., July 15, 1849. G.R.4. William B., Dec. 23, 1843. G.R.4. \V[illia]m G., , 1809. G.R.3. William H., , 1845. G.R.3. 70 CHELSEA BIRTHS. COFRAN, George E., in Readfield, Me., , 1845. G.R.3. COGSWELL, Abby W., , 1827. G.R.3. COLAMORE (see Collamore), , s. of Gillman and Lucinda, Apr. 9, 1844. COLBURN (see Coburn), Charles, , 1803. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1836. G.R.3. Serena, , 1800. G.R.3. COLBY, Emma Ellen, d. of Charles H. and Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1849. Hannah R., July 18, 1806. G.R.4. Louise [ ], w. of Augustus, , 1848. G.R.3. COLE, Albert, , 1844. G.R.3. Angenette, , 1846. G.R.3. Caroline E., , 1848. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1819. g.r,3. Erastus E., Feb. 5, 1815. G.R.3. Harriet N., Oct. 28, 1815. G.R.3. Henry H., s. of Sam[ue]l W. and Martha S., Apr. 15, 1845. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Anne, 20th day, 8th mo., 1736. John, May 28, 1830. G.R.3. Maria C, d. of Samuel VV. and Martha S., Jan. 17, 1849. Mary A., May 24, 1840. G.R.3. Solomon A., , 1835. G.R.3. Willard G., , 1833. G.R.3. William, s. of Jacob and Anne, 5th day. nth mo., 1738. COLEMAN, Arabella [ ], w. of Henry N., , 1842. G.R.3. David T., , 181 1. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of David T., , 1824. G.R.3. Joseph S., , 1844. G.R.2. Obed, Apr. 3, 1809. G.R.3. Ruth [ ], w. of Obed, Mar. 16, 1805. G.R.3. COLES, Matilda [ ], w. of , Apr. 20, 1842. G.R.3. COLESWORTHY, Andrew B., , 1844. G.R.3. Lottie A. [ ], w. of Andrew B., Sept. 24, 1843. G.R.3. COLGROVE, Eunice W., , 1833. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 7I COLLAMORE (see Colamore), Maria L. F., d. of Gillman and l.ucinda C, Dec. 3, 1845. COLLIER (see Collyer), Elizabeth, , 1839. G.R.3. Ira H., , 1842. G.R.3. Will B. J., s. of Benj[arnin] Jr. and Mary A., Dec. 9, 1846. COLLINS, Chester, Feb. 24, 1827. G.R.3. Edward, s. of Edward and Angeline, Apr. 27, 1846. Florence Elizabeth, d. of Michael H. and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1849. Hannah E., d. of Edward and Angeline, Feb. i, 1844. James C, , 1822, G.R.3. Lucy S., June 22, 1812. G.R.3. Richard H., , 1845. G.R.3. Sarah, , 1835. G.R.3. COLLYER (see Collier), Mary A., Aug. 24, 1844. G.R.3. Sarah A., Sept. 15, 1812. G.R.3. COLSON, James E., , 1829. G.R.4. Joseph H., , 1829. G.R.3. Maria, , 1833. G.R.3. Susan R., , 1832. G.R.4. COLTMAN, Flenry W., Aug. i, 1847. G.R.3. COMEE, Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Hannah, 23d day, 7th mo., 1762. COMER, Emma H., in England, Jan. 6, 1826. G.R.3. CONANT, Caroline A., Aug. 6, 1827. G.R.3. Elizabeth, May 29, 1801. G.R.3. Francis W., , 1826. G.R.3. Sarah C. [ ], w, of Francis W., , 1836. G.R.3. William F,, Oct. 26, 1822. G.R.3. CONDON, Samuel, Dec. 15, 1795. G.R.3. CONE, Cyrus B., , 1837. G.R.3. CONELLY (see Connelly), Ann, d. of Michael and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 14, 1849. CONKEY, Hiram B., , 1845. G.R.3. 72 CHELSEA BIRTHS. CONLIN, Elizabeth, d. of Patrick and Elizabeth, both b. in Ireland, Aug. i6, 1849. CONLY, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. CONNELLY (see Conelly), John J., , 1849. (^-R-3- Timothy, s. of Cornelius and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, July II, 1849. CONNER (see Connor), Alice E., Sept. 5, 1848. G.R.3. Edward P., Jan. 31, 1837. G.R.3. Ellen, d. of James and Joana, both b. in Ireland, July 9, 1849. Mary M., Feb. — , 1827. G.R.3. CONNOR (see Conner), EHza E., , 1841. G.R.3. John, in Charleston, S. C., Feb. 10, 1805. G.R.3. CONOWAY, Patric[k], s. of John and Mary, Mar. 27, 1847. CONRAD, Mary E., , 1816. G.R.3. CONVERSE, Elisha Slade, July 28, 1820. G.R.3. Frank Eugene, s. of Elisha Slade and Mary Diana, Oct. i, 1846. G.R.3. Mary Diana [ ], w, of Elisha Slade, Mar. 3, 1825. G.R.3. CONWAY, Pleasant V., , 1823. G.R.3. COOK, Adams B., , 1827. G.R.3. Asa M., Maj., Nov. 16, 1823. G.R.3. Caroline [ ], w. of Rufus R., , 1801. G.R.3. Caroline E., d. of Rufus R. and Caroline, Mar. 4, 1847. Coleman, , 1822. G.R.3. Elizabeth Morse [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1806. G.R.3. Ellen T. [ ], w. of John F., , 1837. G.R.3. Emma M. [ ], w. of Lemuel P., , 1847. G.R.3. Grace [ ], w. of Martin, , 1830. G.R.4. Isaac, , 181 1. G.R.3. Joseph B., Sept. 25, 1845. G.R.3. Joseph R. C, s. of Rufus R. and Caroline, 23d day, 12th mo., 1840. Josiah W., Capt., , 1844. G.R.3. Lemuel P., , 1838. G.R.3. Martha D., Nov. 25, 1825. G.R.3. Martin, , 1827. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 73 Cook, Marv Esther, d. of Coleman and Mary G. and w. of Andrew P. Fisher, in East Boston, Nov. 21, 1847. G.R.3. jylary G. [ ], w. of Coleman, , 1827. G.R.3. Mary W. [ ■], w. of Maj. Asa M., Jan. 7, 1833. G.R.3. Rufus R., , 1804. G.R.3. COOKSON, Adelbert A., , 1842. G.R.3. COOLEY, Betsey, , 1783. G.R.3. Levi, , 1784- G.R.3. COOLIDGE, Marshall S., Oct. 28, 1835. G.R.3. COOMBS, Bertram D., , 1847. G.R.3. George Nelson, , 1840. G.R.3. Henry, Capt., , 1831. g.r.2. Joseph M., Capt., , 1846. g.r.2. Lucy D. [ ], w. of William H., , 181 5. G.R.3. Lydia J. Sprague [ ], w. of Capt. Henry, , 1836. g.r.2. William H., , 1815. G.R.3. WiUiam M., , 1841. G.R.3. COOPER, Abel F., s. of Abel B. and Matilda, Aug. 10, 1847. Catharine [ ], w. of Thomas, Oct. 17, 1832. G.R.3. Cecelia [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1814. G.R.3. Charles H., s. of Joseph and Ann, both b. in England, Oct. 17, 1849. Charlotte, d. of Thomas and Cecelia, , 1838. G.R.3. Emma E., , 1842. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Ceceha, , 1836. G.R.3. Sarah T., , 1827. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1803. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Cecelia, , 1832. G.R.3. Thomas, Jan. 15, 1833. G.R.3. COPELAND (see Copland), Augusta Alger, d. of Jonathan and Susan, bp. Sept. i, 1839. c.R.i. Henry, s. of Jonathan and Susan, bp. June 25, 1843. c.R.i. Marceilus, s. of Jonathan and Susan, bp. July 2, 1837. c.R.i. Martha A. [ ], w. of Lucien L., , 1824. G.R.3. Martha T. [- ], w. of , July 6, 1843. G.R.3. Sophia, , 1827. G.R.3. William, Oct. 7, 1834. G.R.3. ^ o ^ William, s. of Jonathan and Susan, bp. Sept. 6, i«3t). c.R.i. 74 CHELSEA BIRTHS. COPLAND (see Copeland), , ch. of , 7th day, 1 2th mo., 1834. Daniel, s. of Seth and Mary, 30th day, 4th mo., 1784. George A. (George Amory, c.R.i), s. of Jonathan and Sussanna W., I2th day, nth mo., 1825. Harriot N. (Harriet Newell, c.r.i), d. of Jonathan and Sussanna W., 12th day, 7th mo., 1829. James Webster, s. of Jonathan and Sussana W., i6th day, 1st mo., 1822. John, s. of Seth and Mary, 17th day, ist mo., 1789. Jonathan, s. of Seth and Mary, i6th day, 2d mo., 1791. Joseph (Joseph Warren, c.r.i), s. of Jonathan and Sussanna W., loth mo., 1833. Mary, d. of Seth and Mary, 12th day, loth mo., 1799. Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth, c.r.i), d. of Jonathan and Sussanna W., I2th day, ist mo., 1828. Sarah A. (Sarah Ann, c.r.i), d. of Jonathan and Sussanna W., 31st day, 5th mo., 183 1. Seth, s. of Seth and Mary, 24th day, 8th mo., 1785. Susanna, d. of Jonathan and Susanna, bp. July 11, 1824. c.r.i. COPP, Fedora [ ], w. of Rev. Joseph A., , 1817. G.R.3. Joseph A., Rev., , 1804. G.R.3. CORBETT, Leavitt, Aug. 7, 1787. G.R.3. Lucena [ ], w. of Leavitt, Apr. 21, 1792. G.R.3. CORCORAN, Catherine [ ], w. of , , 1829. G.R.3. CORCUM, Levi F., Jan. 27, 1838. G.R.3. COREY (see Cory), Catharine M. [ ], w. of Thomas S., Jan. 16, 1822. G.R.3. John W., July 3, 1818. G.R.3. Thomas S., Jan. 31, 1820. G.R.3. CORLEW, RoUin N., , 1844. G.R.3. CORLISS, Aaron T., Sept. 26, 1845. G.R.3. Joseph S., , 1841. G.R.3. CORMACK, William Epp, , 1836. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 75 CORMIER, Charrle]s H., , 1841. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1816. G.R.3. Jos. H., , 1805. G.R.3. Theo. J. W., , 1845.^ G.R.3. CORNELL, Eliza A. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1835. g.r.2. Henry, , 1835. g.r.2. CORRIGAN, William, May 12, 1829. G.R.3. CORSE, Eliza Phippen, , 1821. G.R.3. William, , 1806. G.R.3. CORSON, Martha, Apr. 10, 1818. G.R.3. CORTHELL, Margaret J., , 1847. ^-^-S- COR WIN, Charles D., Jan. 21, 183 1. G.R.3. Margarett S., Dec. 24, 1834, G.R.3. CORY (see Corey), Joshua B., , 1833. G.R.3. Richard P., , 1809. G.R.3. COSGROVE, Francis A., Feb. 21, 1827. G.R.3. Priscilla Martin [ ], w. of Francis A., Mar. 22, 1829. G.R.3. COSMAN, John G., Capt., June 30. 1843. G.R.3. COSTELLO, John T., s. of John and Maria. Nov. 9, 1846. COTTAM, James D., Mar. 16, 1834. G.R.3. COTTON, Eliza, , 1791. G.R.3. Henry, , 1829. G.R.3. Joseph H., Aug. 27, 1833. G.R.3. Maria P. [ ], \v. of Joseph H., May 7, 1838. G.R.3. COTTRELL, George W., Oct. 16, 1819. G.R.3. COURAGE, Ann Miria [ ], vv. of Thomas, Aug. 28, 1836. G.R.2. COUSENS (see Cousins), Horace, , 1829. G.R.3. COUSINS (see Cousens). Abbie S. Ostrander [ ], w. of Otis K., Dec. 9. 1848. G.R.3. Eunice D. [ ], \v. of Capt. Zacheus H., Dec. 9. 1815. G.R.3. Zacheus H., Capt., Oct. 12, 1812. G.R.3. 76 CHELSEA BIRTHS. COUTHONY, Joseph, in Chateau de Noir Moutier, France, July 1 6, 1774. Maria C. Appleton [ ], w. of John P., , 181 7. G.R.3. Susanna [ ], w. of Joseph, Oct. 22, 1782. G.R.3. COVAL, Thomas E., s. of William and Mary, Oct. 4, 1846. COVERLY, Joseph I. H., Mar. 3, 1838. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Joseph I. H., Apr. 13, 1843. G.R.3. COWDRY, John, , 1825. G.R.3. Julia A, [ ], w. of John, , 1823. G.R.3. COX, Abigail, d. of Samuel and Abigail, 9th day, nth mo., 1742. Cecelia, d. of John and Sarah, July 12, 1848. Emily, June 11, 1801. G.R.3. Fannie, May i, 1790. G.R.3. COY, Alonzo, May 31, 1840. G.R.3. Clara B. [ ], w. of Edward L., , 1836. G.R.3. Edward L., , 1832. G.R.3. Lydia R., July 6, 1845. Mary E. [ ], w. of Samuel I., June 26, 1845. G.R.3. Samuel I., Mar. 4, 1843. G.R.3. COYLE, En., d. of John and En., Dec. 12, 1842. John, s. of John and Ann, in Cork, Dec. 6, 1846. COYNE, Mary Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1849. CRABTREE, Edward, , 1847. G.R.3. CRAGG, Samuel, , 1840. G.R.3. Sophia [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1840. G.R.3. CRANE, Anna G., d. of Geo[rge] B. and Sarah, 17th day, 3d mo., 1841. Elizabeth D., Oct. 22, 1832. G.R.3. Jesse H., June 3, 181 1. G.R.3. John M., Oct. 28, 1835. G.R.3. Margaret A., Sept. 6, 1841. G.R.3. Seneh M. [ ], w. of Jesse H., Aug. 22, 1808. G.R.3. CRAWFORD, Emma A. [ ], w. of Samuel M., , 1807. G.R.3. CRAWLEY, Elizabeth G. [ ], w. of Andrew T., , 1843. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 77 CREIGHTON, George E., , 1840. G.R.3. Sarah C, [ ], w. of George E., , 1833. G.R.3. CRIE, Isaac H., July 29, 1830. G.R.3. CRITCHETT, Clara D. [ ], w. of F. A., , 1847. G.R.3. CROCKER, Bradford L., Feb. 13, 1820. G.R.3. Bradford L., , 1848. G.R.3. Ella G. [ ], w. of F. B., Nov. 16, 1846. G.R.3. Esther R., Nov. 21, 1823, G.R.3. Harriett [ ], w. of James J., Dec. 13, 1834. G.R.3. James J., Nov. i, 1833. G.R.3. Maria Louisa, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Eliza L., June 11, 1848. Mary E., d. of Sam[ue]l P. and Harriet, Aug. 29, 1845. Mary Perkins [ ], w. of Bradford L., Feb. 23, 1822. G.R.3. Matthias, June 12, 1822. G.R.3. Sarah R. [ ], w. of William H., Feb. 2, 183 1. G.R.3. CROMWELL, Alexander, , 1836. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1840. G.R.3. CROOKER, Frances, d. of Consider M. and Mary Ann, June 17, 1848. CROPLEY, Rebecca Elliot [ ], w. of James, , 1832. G.R.4. CROSBY, Emeline M., Apr. i. 1813. G.R.3. George. , 1838. G.R.3. Mary S. Haynes [ ], w. of George, , 1841. G.R.3. CROSLEY, Thomas H., Apr. 8, 1839. G.R.3. CROSS, Clara A. [ ], w. of Rufus P., Jan. 17, 1823. G.R.2. Jane [ ], \v. of Thomas H., May 23, 1842. G.R.4. CROSWELL, Mary D. [ ], w. of Samuel P., in Fal- mouth, Sept. 6, 1790. G.R.3. Samuel P., in Plymouth, Jan. 11, 1780. G.R.3. Samuel P. Jr., , 1827. G.R.3. Susan W. [ ], w. of Samuel P. Jr., , 183 1. G.R.3. CROWE, Henry G., Mar. 9, 1839. G.R.3. 78 CHELSEA BIRTHS. CROWELL, , s. of Philander and Sally, July — , 1831. G.R.3. Aaron, in Medford, May 30, 1804. G.R.3. Charlotte A. [ ], w. of W[illia]m H., . 1842. G.R.3. Emily Grover [ ], w. of Capt. Rufus, Apr. 23, 1835. G.R.3. Freeman H., June 9, 1825. G.R.3. George, s. of Aaron and Leonora W., , 1846. G.R.3. Harriet H. Spinney [ ], w. of Thomas F., July 17, 1833. G.R.3. Harriet L. [ ], w. of Thomas P., , 1840. G.R.3. Hersilia [ ], w. of Capt. Howes. , 1842. G.R.3. Hosea, , 1797. G.R.3. Howes, Capt., , 1842. G.R.3. John G., , 1839. G.R.3. Leonora A., d. of Aaron and Leonora W., , 1828. G.R.3. Leonora Warner [ ], w. of Aaron, in Harvard, Aug. 6. 1806. G.R.3. Lucy M. r ], w. of Charles A., , 1840. G.R.3. Patience L., , 181 1. G.R.3. Philander, Jan. 15, 1805. G.R.3. Randall H., , 1833. G.R.3. Rufus, Capt., July 8, 1824. G.R.3. Sally i ]', w. of Philander, Feb. 3, 1808. G.R.3. Sarah L. Pickthall [ ], w. of John G., , 1846. G.R.3. Thomas P., , 1842. G.R.3. CROWN, Loriette A. [ ], w. of Manus H., Oct. 27, 1834. G.R.3. CROWTHER, Caroline E. [ ], w. of Edward H., July 28, 1828. G.R.3. Edward H., May 26, 1824. G.R.3. Edward S., July 25, 1846. G.R.3. CRUIKSHANKS, Agnes, Nov. 8, 1836. G.R.3. Anna M. De Witt [ ], w. of Rev. James, Mar. 28, 1830. G.R.3. James, Sept. i, 1800. G.R.3. Tames, Rev., , 1828. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of James, May 15, 1798. G.R.3. Mary, in North Berwick, Scot., Sept. 7, 1834. G.R.3. Peter, Nov. 19, 1830. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 79 CUDWORTH, Abial F., s. of Abial and Lydia P., Oct. 27, 1842. Angeline B. Clark [ ], w. of Warren, Nov. 29, 1798. G.R.3. Angeline M., Aug. 28, 1825. G.R.3. Clarra B., d. of Abiel and Lydia, 22d day, 6th mo., 1837. Mary A., d. of Abiel and Lydia P., ist day, 7th mo., 1841. Warren, Aug. 24, 1787. G.R.3. Warren H., Rev., May 23, 1825. G.R.3. CUFF, Matilda M. [ ], w. of Capt. William, Mar. 4, 1829. G.R,3. William, Capt., Aug. 8, 1829. G.R.3. CULBERT, John P., . 1842. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of John P., , 1845. G.R.3. CULVER, Lafayette, May 21, 1824. G.R.3. CUMINGS (see Cumming, Cummings), Delight, Sept. 16, 1793. G.R.3. CUMMING (see Cumings, Cummings), Anna R., d. of Robert and Mary A., Apr. 17, 1847. CUMMINGS (see Cumings, Cumming), Abby M. S. [ ], w. of Jason R., , 183 1. G.R.3. Bradford, , 1813. G.R.3. Charles D., , 1828. G.R.3. Clarissa [ ], w. of , June 13, 1805. G.R.3. Gertrude Sahsbury [ ], w. of Allen, Feb. 3, 1802. G.R.3. Jason R., , 1821. G.R.3. Josiah, , 1827. G.R.3. Lydia A., , 1826. G.R.3. Lyman W., , 1844. G.R.3. Martha A., , 1829, G.R.3. Mary C, , 1796. G.R.3. Robert F., July 4, 1839. g.r.2. Sally G., Sept. 20, 1809. G.R.3. CUNNINGHAM, Ann, d. of Patric and Margaret, Nov. 17, 1846. Eliza J., in Annandale, Scot., , 1817. G.R.3. John, in Dumfries, Scot., June 4, 1792. G.R.3. Will H., s. of Henry and Nancy, Sept. 29, 1846. 8o CHELSEA BIRTHS. CUPPERS, Gertrude [ ], w. of William, , 1826. G.R.3. William, , 1823. G.R.3. CURELL, Elbridge G., Feb. 14, 1810. G.R.3. Henry H., , 1837. G.R.3. CURRANT, E. B., , 183 1. G.R.3. CURRIER, Charles A., s. of Eben[eze]r and Jane, 13th day, I2th mo., 1833. Charles E., Mar. 30, 1826. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Hugh M., , 1813. G.R.3. Emily M. Stevens [ ], w. of Henry, July 21, 18 19. G.R.3. George W., s. of Eben[eze]r and Jane, 13th day, 5th mo., 1828. Harriet D. [ ], w. of James M., , 1829. G.R.3. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Charles E., Dec. 24, 1827, G.R.3. Harry H., Aug. 11, 1843. G-R-3. Hugh M., , 1808. G.R.3. James M., , 1819. G.R.3. John H., s. of Eben[eze]r and Jane, 23d day, 3d mo., 1830. Leah B. [ ], w. of Joseph M., , 1832. G.R.3, Maria Elizabeth, d. of Lucius G. and Maria, Apr. 9, 1848. Mary Ann Weston [ ], w. of Oliver L., , 181 1. G.R.3. Oliver L., , 1806. G.R.3. Phineas P., Apr. 21, 1842. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Harry H., Dec. 27, 1842. G.R.3. Sarah Sigourney, d. of Eben[eze]r and Jane, 3d day, 7th mo., 1832. Susan Sigourney, d. of Eben[eze]r and Jane, 19th day, nth mo., 1835. CURRY, Adeline F. [ ], w. of Isaac H., , 1841. G.R.3. Cordelia R. [ ], w. of Ephraim H., Sept. 27, 1827. G.R.3. Ephraim H., July 22, 1827. G.R.3. Isaac H., , 1837. G.R.3. Nancy F. [ ], w. of Richard W., Sept. 8, 1802. G.R.3, Richard W., June 20, 1800. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 81 CURTIN, Abby Ann [ ], w. of Jere[miah], Sept. 23, 1S22. G.R.3. CURTIS, Allice B., d. of John and Marian A., Apr. 24, 1847. Alniira James [ ], w. of Paul, , 1805. G.R.3. Augusta E., , 1845. G-R-3- Christopher P., , 1843. G.R.3. Deborah M., Mar. 2, 1832. G.R.3. Eben S., , 1832. G.R.3. Emma O., d. of Ivary G. and Jerusha, Dec. 24, 1845. Fanny T., , 1818. G.R.3. Henry H., — — , 1848. G.R.3. Irene F. [ ], w. of Christopher P.. , 1840. G.R.3. Jane E. [ ], w. of Nelson, , 1832. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Herbert, , 1819. G.R.3. Nelson. , 1830. G.R.3. Paul. , 1800. G.R.3. W[illia]m, , 18 12. G.R.3. CUSACK, John, , 1839. G.R.3. GUSHING, , d. of Cha[rle]s and Sally, May 5, 1847. Alice E., (1. of Bela and Hannah and w. of John Callender, , 1836. G.R.3. Almira Frances, d. of William W. and Anna P., Oct. 11, 1848. Almira Wheeler, d. of Thomas and Uphams, 26th day, 3d mo., 1836. B., , 1827. G.R.3. Clara B., , 1837. G.R.3. David W., Dec. 6, 18 18. G.R.3. David Waterman, May 18, 1841. G.R.3. Eliza C. P. [ ], w. of John S. T., , 1804. G.R.3. Eliza J,, d. of Thomas T. and Euphame, Nov. 4, 1844. Elizabeth W. [ ], w. of David W., July 19, 1822. G.R.3. Ellison Baylies, s. of Samuel A. and Caroline S. W., May 4, 1848. Euphame H. [ ], w. of Thomas T., Jan. i, 1809. G.R.3. Franklin K., , 1832. G.R.3, Hannah L., d. of Thomas T. and Euphame. June 21, 1842. Henry Clay, s. of Hosea G. and Hannah L., May 10, 1846. James G. Lovell, s. of Hosea G. and Hannah L., Feb. 8, 1849. John P. H., , 1826. G.R.3. John S. T., , i8or. G.R.3. Martha A., d. of Bela and Hannah, Nov. i, 1838. G.R.3. 82 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Gushing, Mary [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1806. g.r.2. Mary F. G. [ ], w. of William P. H., , 1836. G.R.3. Sabrina T. [ ], w. of John P, H., , 1826. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1805. g.r.2. Samuel A., s. of Sam[ue]l A. and Garoline S. W., Oct. 21, 1845. Thomas B., s. of Bela and Hannah, May 2^, 1824. G.R.3. Thomas T., Sept. 15, 1802. G.R.3. William P. H., , 183 1. G.R.3. CUSHMAN, Emeline S. [ ], w. of Freeman L., , 1812. G.R.3. Freeman L., , 1804. G.R.3. Mary Frances, , 1838. G.R.3. CUTHBERTSON, Agnes, , 1822. G.R.3. John, , 1814. G.R.3. CUTLER, Nelson, , 1832. G.R.3. CUTTER, Abigail K., Sept. 15, 1786. G.R.3. Garoline R. [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1838. G.R.3. Edward, , 1830. G.R.3. Frances Mariah, d. of Edward and Fanny, 3d day, nth mo., 1824, Frederick, , 1845. G.R.3. Hannah Eliz[abet]h, d. of Andrew and Elizabeth, 4th day, 4th mo., 1825. John A., s. of Andrew and Eliz[abet]h, 19th day, 12th mo., 1826. Julia Ann, d. of Stephen and Adeline, , 1823. Mortimer, , 1836. G.R.3. Stephen Hall, s. of Stephen and Adeline, 4th day, 4th mo., 1821. Thomas B., Feb. 22, 1827. G.R.3. William C., Dr., , 1837. G.R.3. William H., s. of Andrew and Eliz[abet]h, 13th day, 6th mo., 1832. William P., , 1834. G.R.3. CUTTING, Ada Eliz[abet]h, d. of Azro P. and Mary E., Oct. 8, 1846. Edwin F., s. of Azro P. and Mary E., Dec. 21, 1849. Eunice L. [ ], \\. of Henry, Oct. 7, 1810. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 83 Cutting, Fred [eric] k L., , 1842. G.R.3. Henry, Aug. 3, 1803. G.R.3. Henry Jr., , 1840. G.R.3. DAGGET (see Daggett), Emma, d. of Warren and Clara, Apr. 8, 1847. DAGGETT (see Dagget), F. K., , 1825. G.R.3. Levi H.. , 1840. G.R.3. M. Caroline Delano [ ], w. of Levi H., , 1839. G.R.3. DAKIN, Charles M., Aug. 7, 1824. G.R.3. DALE, Edward W., s. of Henry and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1846. Eliza A. [ ], w. of Franklin, July 2, 1833. G.R.3. Fanny Forrester, d. of Henry W. and Lydia T., Sept. 29, 1849. Parents born in Salem and North Chelsea. Florence B. [ ], w. of Frank A., , 1847. G.R.3. Frank A., , 1815. G.R.3. Franklin, Sept. 2^, 1833. G.R.3. Henry W., s. of Henry and Lydia, May t, 1842. John, , 1846. G.R.4. DALEY, Jennie M., May 6, 1842. G.R.3. John, , 1848. G.R.3. DALTON, Joseph H., Oct. 14, 1834. G.R.3. DAM, Martha Washington, d. of Benjamin F. and Martha Elizabeth, May 29, 1849. DAME, Lucy A., Sept. 7, 1820. G.R.3. DAMMERS, Asenath E., , 1842. G.R.3. H. Sophia, , 1846. G.R.3. DAMON, Alexander, , 1816. G.R.3. Marie S. f ], w. of A. Willard, , 1845. G.R.3. Mary B. [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1821. G.R.3. DAMRELL, John S., , 1847. G.R.3. DANA, Henry, Apr. 16, 181 5. G.R.3. Susan L. [ ], w. of Cha["rle]s H., May 4, 1815. G.R.3. Susan Stone [ ], w. of Henry, , 1819. G.R.3. 84 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DANFORTH, Georgiana B. [ ], w. of Henry R., , 1830. G.R.3. Henry R., , 1828. G.R.3. DANIELS, Emily P., d. of Will P. and Nancy M., Sept. 27, 1845. Hayes, Jan. i, 1805. G.R.3. Hepsibah, July 25, 1802. g.r.2. Joseph, s. of William P. and Nancy, Feb. 15, 1849. Joseph H., Nov. 7, 1842. G.R.3. Lyman S., , 1830. G.R.3. Mary C. [ ], w. of Lyman S., , 183 1. G.R.3. Mehitable [ ], w. of Hayes, June 6, 1805. G.R.3. William, s. of Will P. and Nancy M., June 17, 1847. William B., Sept. 2, 1829. G.R.3. BANNING, John, s. of Patric and Mary, Mar. 28, 1843. DANSCOMBE, Elizabeth, , 1802. G.R.3. D'ARCY, Sarah J., , 1829. g.r.2. DARLING, , d. of Henry J. and Phebe A., Apr. 3, 1846. Amos S., Jan. 26, 1821. G.R.3, Anna F.. , 1848. G.R.3. Charles R., , 1835. G.R.3. E. Jr., Oct. 4, 1829. G.R.3. EHakim, Apr. 19, 1790. G.R.3. Harry E., s. of Henry J. and Phebee A., Jan. 21, 1848. Julia A. [ ], w. of Charles R., , 1838. G.R.3. Mary Grover [ ], w. of Eliakim, Nov. 22, 1796. G.R.3. Otis P., , 1827. G,R.3, DARLOW, Mary [ ], w. of George, , 1845. G.R.4. DARRACOT, Sarah N., d. of George and Ann M., Nov. 28, 1844. DARROW, John O., , 1820. G.R.3. H. Maria [ ], w. of John O., , 1842. G.R.3. DAVENPORT, , d. of Oliver G. and Mary, Sept. 4, 1846. Albert H., , 1845. G.R.3. Edwin, Dec. 18, 1798. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 85 Davenport, Edwin, , 1826. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1829. G.R.3. Elizabeth S. [ ], w. of Edwin, Aug. 2, 1802. r,.R.3. Lemuel, , 1819. G.R.3. Lydia [ ], w. of Lemuel, , 1823. G.R.3. William, , 1831. G.R.3. DAVIDSON (see Davison), Frank Henry, s. of Robert and Mary Esther, June 19, 1848. Tsodora, d. of Zebulon W. and Abby, Sept. 9. 1848. Joseph B., s. of Zebulon W. and Abba K., Aug. 21, 1843. Mary F., , 1809. G.R.3. Robert G., , 1839. G.R.3. DAVIS, Amelia A. Snow [ ], w. of Elbridge G., Oct. 2, 1848. G.R.3. Ann \ ], w. of Thomas, in England, Feb. 2, 1826. G.R.3. Ann Mary, Jan. 13, 1845. G.R.3. Ann Thurrell, Aug. 15, 1819. G.R.3. Calvin H., , 1817, G.R.3. Carrie L. [ ], w. of William P., Feb. 12, 1834. G.R.3. Charles, in Phippsburg, Me., July 13, 1810. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s H. A., s. of James and Basina, Oct. 11, 1844. Daniel C., , 1820. G.R.3. Dorinda S. Merrill [ ], w. of Daniel C, , 1829. G.R.3. Eb["eneze]r, Capt., July 14, 1802. g.r,3. Edward Everett, s. of Almond H. and Elizabeth L., Jan. 9, 1849. Elbridge G., June 29, 1845. G.R.3. Elizabeth Ann [ ], w. of , , 1838. G.R.3. Elizabeth H. [ ], w. of Calvin H., , 1819. G.R.3. Ella Slade [ ], w. of Henry Hall, , 1846. G.R.3. Ellen F., d. of Calvin and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1844. Frances E. [ ], w. of Capt. William P., , 1820. G.R.3. Geo[rge] C, s. of George C. and Eliz[a]b[eth], Aug. 12, 1847. George T.. , 1845. G.R.3. Harriet W., , 1837. G.R.3. Jane Andrews [ ], w. of Capt. John, Nov. 25, 1813. G.R.3. John. Capt., May 25, 1806, G.R.3. John, Nov. II, 1842. G.R.3. 86 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Davis, John W[illia]m, May ii, 1807. G.R.3. Joseph W., , 1834. G.R.3. Joshua Hinckley, Nov. 3, 1813. G.R.3. Joshua T., , 1828. G.R.3. JuHa A. [ ], w. of Newell, , 182 1. G.R.3. Levi F. S., Oct. 3, 1847. g;.r.3. Marcia M., d. of Cha[rle]s B. and Marcia, Jan. i, 1846. Maria [ ], w. of Capt. Eb[eneze]r, July 4, 1803. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of John W[illia]m, Aug. 27, 1810. G.R.3. Martha E., , 1843. G.R.3. Mary E., Nov. 11, 1839. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of Roswill, , 183 1. G.R.3. Mary S. [ ], w. of William H., , 1848. G.R.3. Newell, , 1818. G.R.3. Orlando P., , 1838. G.R.3. Rachel Center [ ], w. of Charles, , 1812. G.R.3. Roswill, , 1836. G.R.3. Susan E. M., May 19, 1835. G.R.3. Theodore, July 21, 1847. G.R.3. Thomas, in England, Apr. — , 1816. G.R.3. Thomas J., s. of Calvin and Eliz[a]b[e]th, Sept. i, 1843. William E., s. of Samuel N. and Rhoda, June 6, 1846. William H., , 1839. G.R.3. WilHam P., Capt, Jan. 27, 1812. G.R.3. William P., July 30, 1820. G.R.3. DAVISON (see Davidson), Abby K., Oct. 21, 1815. G.R.3. Pliny, , 1840. G.R.3. Zebulon W., Sept. 9, 1808. G.R.3. DAVLAND, Margaret, d. of Owen and Bridget, Nov. 30, 1844. DAWSON, Matilda, Dec. 28, 1832. g.r.2. DAY, Albert J., , 1842. G.R.3. Arad, , 1820. G.R.3. Augustus F., , 1824. G.R.3. Charles, , 1818. G.R.3. Charles E., Apr. 22, 1836. G.R.3. Charles H., Mar. 4, 1830. G.R.3. Frederick B., , 1843. G.R.3. Harriet Gove, , 1822. G.R.3. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Charles H., Oct. i, 1824. G.R.3. Henrietta H. [ ], w. of Rev. William, , 18 10. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 87 Day, Howard, Oct. 6, 1832. G.R.3. Jennie [ ], vv. of Arad, , 1833. G.R.3. Louise H., May 20, 1840. G.R.3. Lyman M., June 24, 1839. G.R.3. Marcellus, July 27, 1834. g.r,3. Mary G. [ ], w. of Frederick B., , 1842. G.R.3. Stephen, , 1814. G.R.3. Susan A. [ ], w. of Stephen. , 1816. G.R.3. DEAN, Adelaide E., d. of S. B. and A. A., 27th day, 3d mo., 1840. Charles N., Oct. 20, 1827. G.R.3. Charlotte, Apr. 6, 1845. G.R.3. Herman Brimmer, Nov. 7, 1836. G.R.3. Joshua Alfred, s. of Samuel B. and Adelaide A., July 4, 1849. Mary L., d. of S. B. and Adelaide A., 2d day, 9th mo., 1841. Mary M., in Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 5, 1807. G.R.3. Patience [ ], w. of , in Wiscasset, Me., Nov, 16, 1779. G.R.3. Sarah B., in Wiscasset, Me., July 22, 1806. G.R.3. DEARBORN (see Dearborne), Charles H., Nov. 3. 1841. G.R.3. Edward, June 2, 1809. G.R.3. Helen A., Apr. 29, 1840. G.R.3. John N., Jan. 11, 1836. G.R.3. Joseph F., May 14, 1817. G.R.3. Lucy A., Nov. 3, 1843. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of David and Harriet. Aug. 27, 1849. Sarah Nudd, only d. of James and Jemima and w. of George S. Pendergast, in Kensington, N. H., Sept. 5, 1822. G.R.3. Susan D. \ ]. w. of Edward, Aug. 10, 181 1. G.R.3. DEARBORNE (see Dearborn), Abraham Drake, Dr., Feb. 15. 1802. G.R.3. Frederick Merri weather, Feb. 24, 1842. Surgeon u.s.a. G.R.3. Harriet Newell Willard [ ]. w. of Dr. Abraham Drake. Feb. 24, 18 1 7. G.R.3. Harriet \\'illard, Jan. 3. 1847. G.R.3. DE BACON, Charles, Apr. 15, 1809. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s C, s. of Chafrlejs and Emilv L., 7th dav, 8th mo., 1841. 88 CHELSEA BIRTHS. De Bacon, Emily Lambert [ ], w. of Charles, Sept. 8, 1805. G.R.3. Maria Louisa Felt [ ], w. of Charles, , 1823. G.R.3. Sarah L., d. of Cha[rle]s and EmeHne, Apr. 3, 1843. DEBLOIS, Tabitha R., , 1797. G.R.3. DECARD, Letterio, May 8, 1838. G.R.3. DEERING, Charles, Capt., , 1825. G.R.3. DE FATTA, Eleanora R. [ ], w. of Gaspano, Apr. 7, 1840. G.R.3. Gaspano, June 4, 1834. G.R.3. DE GRAAN, Henry, , 1834. G.R.3. Mary Jane [ ], w. of H., , 1844. g,r.3. DELAND, James C, , 1817. G.R.3. James H., , 1847. G.R.3. Miriam M. [ ], w. of James C, , 1816. G.R.3. William O., , 183 1. G.R.3. DELANEY (see Delany), Emily J., , 1833. G.R.3. James H., , 1828. g,r.3. DELANO, Herbert, , 1838. G.R.3. Miranda, , 1833. G.R.3. DELANY (see Delaney), Ann [ ], vv. of Richard, June 9, 1828. G.R.3. DELFENDAHL, William, Sept. — , 1837. G.R.3. DE MOTT, Roscoe, s. of Rufus and Bethsheba, Aug. 22, 1848. Rufus S., Nov. 9, 1839. G-R-3- DEMPSEY, Margaret, d. of George L. and Margaret, May 18, 1844. DEMPSTER, George, , 1824. G.R.3. Martha A. [ ], w. of George, , 1835. G.R.3. DENNETT, Boardman L., , 1844. G.R.3. DENNIN, Alice M., d. of Patrick and Mary, July 22, 1848. DENNIS, George W., Dec. i, 1849. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 89 DENNISON, Charles, , 1833. G.R.3. Edith L., , 1842. G.R.3. DENNY, Caroline, d. of George and Mary, bp. Oct. 24, 1830. C.R.I. Sarah Bryant, d. of George and Mary, bp. Apr. — , 1829. C.R.I. DENTON, G. A. Bell, , 1815. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1828. G.R.3. Rebecca, , 1788. G.R.3. William W., , 1816. G.R.3. DERBY, Harriet E. [ ], w. of Lorenzo, May 21, 1827. G.R.3. Lorenzo. July 28, 1828. G.R.3. M. Elizabeth, Jan. 29. 1844. G.R.3. Minot P., Feb! 7. 1837. G.R.3. Nellie M., Feb. 8, 1840. G.R.3. William H., Feb. 24, 1839. G.R.3. DE ROCHEMONT, Ann Tappan, d. of and w. of Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber, Jan. 15, 181 5. G.R.3. DESMAZES, George Marshall, s. of William A. and Eliza Ann, Tan. 23, 1849. Helen E., d. of George G. and Elvira, Aug. 29, 1849. John Francis, Dec. 26, 1818. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Will A. and Eliza. Dec. 20, 1846. William P., s. of \^^illiam and Eliza A., Aug. 6, 1844. DESMOND, John Joseph, s. of Felix and Catherine P., Dec. 4, 1849. DEVENS, Thomas W., Dec. 19, 1842. G.R.3. DEVEREUX, Abbott, Dec. 12, 1847. G.R.3. ("ieorge N., Sept. 23, 1842. G.R.3. Tane W., Apr. 23, 1820. G.R.3. John N., Sept. 13, 1818. G.R.3. "Josephine A., Aug. 8, 1840. G.R.3. William H.. Aug. i, 1841. G.R.3. DEVERSON, William H., , 1837. G.R.3. DE VILLIERS, Ernestine, . 1823. G.R.3. 90 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DEVLAND (see Devlin), Agness, d. of Owen and Bridget, Apr. 20, 1843. DEVLIN (see Devland), Sarah E,, d. of Owen and Bridget, Feb. 13, 1847. DEWING, Almira Sylvester, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Almira, July 2^, 1842. North Chelsea. Benj[amin] Franklin, s. of Benj[amin] H. and Louisa, in Boston, Jan. 24, 1836. Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Almira, Nov. 23, 1849. North Chelsea. Ebenezer, s. of Benj[amin] H. and Almira, Nov. 11, 1843. North Chelsea. Mary Louisa, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Louisa, in Boston, Aug. 26, 1838. Miriam Mercy, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Almira, Aug. 28. 1847. North Chelsea. Sarah Avery, d. of Benj[amin] H. and Almira, Aug. 9, 1845. North Chelsea. DEWITT (see Dewitte), Ernest W. F., Jan. 12, 1839. G.R.3. DEWITTE (see Dewitt), Angenette L., d. of Henry R. and Levina A., Oct. 15, 1845. DE WOLF, John, , 1816. G.R.3. Lavina Swett [ ], w. of John, , 1816. G.R.3. DEXTER, Betsey R. [ ], w. of Stephen T., July 7, 1822. G.R.3. Joseph, Capt., in Chatham, Dec. 13, 1810. G.R.3. Stephen T., Apr. 19, 1818. G.R.3. DICKENSON (see Dickinson), W., , 1841. G.R.3. DICKEY (see Dickie), Thomas J., , 1827. G.R.3. DICKIE (see Dickey), Flugh, , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah M. [ ], w. of , , 1832. G.R.3. DICKINSON (see Dickenson), Adeliade, d. of Dexter and Cyrene, Apr. 14, 1845. DICKSON (see Dixon), Augusta, , 1834. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s A. S., s. of Enoch M. and Mary R., Oct. 6, 1847. Mary S., d. of Enoc. N. and Mary R., Jan. 4, 1844. Oliver, , 1832. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 9I DILL, Elizabeth B., , 1800. G.R.3. Jabez H., , 1790. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1835. G.R.3. Moses, , 1832. G.R.3. DILLAWAY (see Dilloway), Charles H., Mar. 14, 1825. G.R.3. Sarah E., June 13, 1825. G.R.3. Will H., s. of Will and Mary E., 14th day, 9th mo., 1840. DILLINGHAM, Annie N. [ ], w. of Capt. Ja[me]s S., May 26, 1839. G-R-3- Charlotte, d. of Nathan (Nathan S., g.r.2) and Emily, Jan. 25, 1848. FrankHn, s. of Nathan S. and Emily, June 3, 1845. Harriet M. Clifford [ ], w. of Henry, Mar. 29, 1843. G.R.3. Henry, Jan. 16, 1843. G.R.3. James S., Oct. 20, 1807. G.R.3. Ja[me]s S., Capt., in Harwich, Dec. 24, 183 1. G.R.3. Mary Long [ ], w. of James S., Aug. 20. 1809. G.R.3. Polly, Apr. 9, 1812. G.R.3. DILLOWAY (see Dillaway), Theodore B., s. of William and Mary E., Oct. 17, 1847. DIMICK, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1839. G.R.3. Frank Eugene, June 21, 1847. G.R.3. William J., , 1839. G.R.3. DIMOCK, Arnold S.. , 183 1. G.R.3. Malvina H. [ ], w. of Arnold S., , 1831. G.R.3. DINNIN (see Dinning), John B., , 1820. G.R.3. DINNING (see Dinnin), John W., s. of Patric and Mary, July 24, 1846. Mary A., d. of Abraham and Mary, Sept. 14, 1845. Phillip, s. of Patric and Mary, Sept. 22, 1844. DINSMORE, George, s. of Hezekiah P. and Ann D., Aug. — , 1847. DISPER, Nathaniel, s. of Ebenez[e]r and Mary. bp. Sept. 20, 1761. C.R.I. 92 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DIX, Abijah, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 5th day, 12th mo., 1750- Ann Maria, Sept. 22, 1808. G.R.3. Anna, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 22d day, 3d mo., 1741. Anna, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 12th day, 4th mo., 1745. Edmund, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 25th day, 9th mo., 1736. Elisabeth, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 20th day, 3d mo., 1731. Hannah, d. of Edmund, bp. Apr. 14, 1745. c.r.i. Isaac, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 9th day, ist mo., 1749. James Hervey, Nov. 7, 1798. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 17th day, 2d mo., 1743. Josiah, s. of Edmund and Sophia, i6th day, 5th mo., 1739. Josiah, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 4th day, 8th mo., 1757. Mary, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 8th day, loth mo., 1734. Mehetabel, d. of Benjamin, bp. Apr. 22, 1739. c.r.i. Nathan, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 17th day, 5th mo., 1747. Sarah Rogers, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, bp. Mar. 31, 181 1. C.R.I. Sophia, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 12th day, 8th mo., 1754. William, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 8th day, 9th mo., 1732. DIXON (see Dickson), Elexander, s. of Elexander and Eleaner of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. c.r.i. Lizzie S. [ ], w. of John, , 1842. G.R.3, DOANE, John G., Sept. 2, 1830. G.R.3. Thomas C., , 1839. G.R.3. DOBBINS, John, , 1833. G.R.3. Margaret C, , 1836. G.R.3. DODGE, Augusta E. [ ], w. of Daniel W., June 15, 1832. G.R.3. Benjamin F., Feb. 27, 1840. G.R.3. Charlotte E., d. of John H. and Charlotte M., Nov. 12, 1849. Daniel W., May 23, 1829. G.R.3. Ellen R., d. of Benj[ami]n and Rebecca, 17th day, 12th mo., 1841. (Nov. 17, 1841, G.R.3.) Frank, s. of George A. and Mary, Dec. 3, 1849. George A., Oct. 11, 1813. g.r.2. George F., , 1847. G.R.3. • Harriet K., d. of Benj[ami]n and Rebecca W., May 25, 1848. John F., , 1836. G.R.3. Mary B. [ ], w. of William O., , 1832. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 93 Dodge, Mary L., Nov. 26, 1824. g.r.2. Sarah J., , 1844. G.R.3. William O., , 1830. G.R.3. DOE, Freeland A., June 18, 1840. G.R.3. DOERING, Charles, May 27, 1833. G.R.3. DOGGETT, Margaret, , 1798. G.R.3. DOHERTY (see Dority), Bernard, s. of Bernard and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 28, 1849. DOLAN, Mary, d. of Bernard and Catherine, Feb. 14, 1849. DOLBEN, Joseph, Dec. 24, 1844. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Joseph, Mar. i, 1849. G.R.3. DOLE, John Woodman, , 1843. G.R.3. DOLIVER (see Dolhver), Joseph H., s. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 20, 1844. DOLLIVER (see Doliver). Almira F. [ ]. w. of , , 1831. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1808. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 181 1. G.R.3. DOLNEL, Frances P., d. of Will E. and Sarah, 3d day, 3d mo.. 1841. Sarah E., d. of Will E. and Sarah, 29th day, 2d mo., 1842. DONAGHY, James. , 1841. G.R.3. DONALDSON, Mehali J., , 1840. G.R.3. DONAVAN, Daniel, s. of Timothy and Hannah, both b. in Ireland, June 5, 1849. DONNALD (see Donnold), Caroline A., d. of William E. and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1845. DONNELL, Helen M., d. of Will E. and Sarah, June 10, 1843. Maria Floyd, d. of William E. and Sarah, May 5, 1848. DONNOLD (see Donnald), John, s. of John and Ann, Oct. 29, •843- DORITY (see Doherty), James, s. of Barnard and Mary, Oct. — , 1846. 94 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DORMAN, Nicholas, , 1837. G.R.3. DORR, Elizabeth F. [ ], w. of John W., , 1834. G.R.3. Irene S., , 1808. G.R.3. John W., , 1830. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1807. G.R.3. DOTEN, Clark W., , 1830. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Clark W., , 1828. G.R.3. DOUGHTY, Lavinia M. Clarke [ ], w. of James B., , 1802. G.R.3. DOUGLAS (see Douglass), Catherine [ ], w. of Thomas, Mar. 4, 1842. G.R.3. Eliza Orr, , 1845. G.R.3. M. Jennie, , 1841. G.R.4. W. Frederick, , 1840. G.R.4. DOUGLASS (see Douglas), Frances A. [ ], w. of John, , 1817. G.R.2. DOW, , d. of Henry B. and , June 12, 1844. Clara, d. of Henry B. and Sarah A., Nov. 16, 1846. Estella S., d. of Henry B. and AdeHne, Oct. 22, 1849. Jason F., Sept. 11, 1820. G.R.3. Martha E. [ ], w. of Jason F., Jan. 12, 1824. G.R.3. DOWLEY, Mary E., d. of Augustus and Mary, 29th day, nth mo., 1 84 1. DOWNING, , ch. of Joseph and Eliza [1848]. Still- born. Elizabeth Veazie [ ], w. of Abraham E., , 1819. G.R.3. DOWNS, Catherine, d. of Michel and Bridget, July 28, 1842. Harriet B. [ ], w. of Henry S., Feb. 10, 1820. G.R.3. Henry S., Apr. 5, 1821. G.R.3. John F., s, of Michel and Bridget, 27th day, 3d mo., 1841. DOYLE, Hanora, d. of John and Hanora, Mar. i, 1847. Julia, d. of John and Hannah, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 2;^, 1849. Mary, d. of John and Hanora, June 17, 1845. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 95 DRAKE, Annie E. | ], w. of Edmund W., May 4, 1828. G.R.3. Edmund W.. Oct. 18, 1829. G.R.3. Mary S., July 19, 1819. G.R.3. DRAPER, Albert, s. of Thomas and Eliz[a]b[eth], Aug. 27, 1847. [Twin.] Mary, d. of Thomas and Eliz[a]b[eth], Aug. 27, 1847. [Twin.] DRAWBRIDGE, Franklin, s. of David and Eliz., Jan. 15, 1846. Sarah Catherine, d. of David and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1849. DREW, Alvin D., , 1818. G.R.3. Anstrice C. [ ], w. of Alvin D., , 1826. G.R.3. Bartlett S., Mar. 23, 1836. G.R.3. Caleb, Capt., Mar. 24, 1829. G.R.3. Charles Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n Jr. and Caroline, June 9. 1848. David K., s. of Nath[anie]l and Sarah A.. July 28, 1847, Georgianna [ ], w. of Caleb, , 1835. G.R.3. Hannah G., Mar. — , 1807. G.R.3. Harriet [ ], w. of , Apr, 13, 1792. G.R.3. Hellen, d. of BenjTamin] J. and Caroline, Dec. 5, 1846. Henry C, , 1846. G.R.3. James A., July — , 1807. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1844. G.R.3. Mary C. E. [ ], w. of Bartlett S., , 1841. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Nathan L. and Sarah A., Nov. 8, 1848. Mellen W., , 1835. G.R.3. DREWRY (see Drury), Eunice A., Apr. 12, 1826. G.R.3. DRUMMOND, Jane, d. of Will. S. and Jane, Sept. 16, 1846. Will A., s. of William S. and Jane G., Mar. 24, 1845. DRURY (see Drewry), Cha[rle]s K., s. of Aaron K. and Abby H., Sept. 29, 1842. William P., , 184 1. G.R.3. DUDDY, Mary M. [ ], w. of Robert, , 184T. G.R.3. Robert, , 1837. G.R.3. DUDLEY, Elizabeth J.. Sept. 21, 1829. G.R.3. Hannah J. Drew | ], w, of David, Dec. 2y, 1832. G.R.3. Isabella .S., Mar. i, 1847. G.R.3. g6 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DUENCKE, Albert, , 1825. G.R.3. Georgenia [ ], w. of Albert, , 1834. G.R.3. DUFER (see Dufur), , d. of John R. and Sarah A., Jan. 30, 1846. George N. H., s. of John R. and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1842. John, s. of John R. and Sarah, July 2, 1848. DUFUR (see Dufer), John R., Mar. 27, 181 5. G.R.3. DUIRE (see Dvvyer), Henrietta, d. of Patric and Catharine H., Dec. 31, 1845. DUNBAR, Abraham M., , 1836. G.R.4. Emily A. [ ], w. of Abraham M., , 1841. G.R.4. John D.. , 1843. G.R.3. Justus D., , 1837. G.R.3. Lydia E., Jan. 14, 1814. G.R.3. Margery M. [ ], w. of Justus D., , 1843. G.R.3. DUNCAN, Peter, Nov. 13, 1824. G.R.3. DUNGAN, Margaret W. [ ], w. of Peter, , 1839. G.R.3. Peter, , 1834. G.R.3. DUNHAM, Charles Wesley, Apr. 8, 1846. G.R.4. Cornelius, , 1724. G.R.4. Cornelius, Capt., , 1748. G.R.4. Eliza Ann, , 1820. G.R.4. Ezra, , 1785. G.R.4. Ezra R., , 1822. G.R.4. Henry, Gen., , 1806. G.R.4. Howard C, Rev., , 1813. G.R.4. Phoebe T., Mar. — , 1829. G.R.3. DUNKLEE (see Dunkley), Martha E. Warner [ ]. w. of Nathan S., Oct. 10, 1825. G.R.3. Nathan S., July 12, 1819. G.R.3. DUNKLEY (see Dunklee), Lettie, Feb. 12, 1845. G.R.3. DUNN, Ellen, d. of Matthew and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1848. Mary Ann, , 1840. G.R.3. DUNNELL (see Dunnels), Zacheus Norrod, s. of David and Keziah, 27th day, 9th mo., I749- CHELSEA BIRTHS. 97 DUNNELS (see Dunnell), Amos, , 1797. G.R.3. Amos A., Feb. 13, 1824. G.R.3. Cordelia H. [ ], w. of Amos A., Aug. 6, 1819. G.R.3. Edward H., , 1828. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of Horatio P., Nov. 2, 1822. G.R.3. Ezra P., , 1836. G.R.3. George William, s. of Amos A. and Cordelia H., Aug. 27, 1848. G.R.3. Horatio P., Apr. 21, 1822. G.R.3. Lydia T. Caldwell [ ], w. of Amos, , 1798. G.R.3. DUNNING, Joanna [ ], w. of , , 1837. G.R.3. John, Aug. 13, 1838. G.R.3. DURELL (see Durrell), Edward H., s. of Benjamin T. and Laura J., Oct. 8, 1849. Emma A, [ ], w. of J. A., Jan. 21, 1844. G.R.3. William H., Jan. 5, 1823. G.R.3. DURGAN (see Durgin), Joseph B., Mar. 10, 1835. G.R.3. DURGIN (see Durgan), Augustus, , 1827. G.R.3. John G., . 1839. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of Augustus, , 1824. G.R.3. Susan W., , 1835. G.R.3. DURHAM, Barnet. Capt., in Belfast, Me., Mar. 11, 1827. G.R.3. Charles, in Belfast, Me., , 1823. G.R.3. Dorcas C. [ ], w. of Charles, in Brewer, Me., , 1823. G.R.3. William, in Belfast, Me., Dec. 9, 1798. G.R.3. DURRELL (see Durell), Temperance W., May 28, 1826. G.R.3. DUSTIN, George E., , 1837. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1835. G.R.3. DUTCH, Ann Maria, youngest d. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth of Ipswich, July 14, 1803. G.R.2. DUTTON, Ann [ ], w. of John, Apr. 9, 1800. G.R.3. Emma L., July 7, 1847. G.R.3. James T., Apr. 27. 1831. G.R.3. John, July 17, 1798. G.R.3. 98 CHELSEA BIRTHS. DWELLEY, John F., , 1849. G.R.3. DWIGHT, , ch. of Moseley and Delia A., June 10, 1847. Albert, , 1841. G.R.3. Caroline [ ], vv. of Albert, , 1841. G.R.3. DWINELL, Frank T., in Glover, Vt., , 1834. G.R.3. DWYER (see Duire), John, Aug. 6, 1843. G.R.3. DYER, Ann H. Schoff [ ], w. of A. H., Nov. 15, 1828. G.R.3. Betsy E., d. of Sylvanius and Apphia, Sept. 3, 1846. Cha[rle]s F., , 1847. g.r.2. Cha[rle]s P., s. of Simon D. and Ellen M., Oct. 3, 1847. David, in Castine, Me., Mar. 20, 1806. G.R.3. David Y., s. of Micah and Bethiah, in Wellfleet, July 31, 1795. G.R.3. Elizabeth Black f ], w. of David, Aug. 28, 1809. G.R.3. Ellen M., , 1822. g.r.2. Emma B. [ ], w. of Solomon H., Mar. 26, 1836, G.R.3. George A., , 1845. G.R.3. Jesse, July 22, 1821, G.R.3. Jesse H., , 1840. G.R.3. Josephine B., , 181 5, G.R.3. Louisa D. Slader [ ], w. of Francis E., Aug. 5, 1837. G.R.3. Martha Ellen, d. of Simon D. and Ellen M., June 30, 1849. Mary Ann, in Steuben, Me., Sept. 16, 181 1. G.R.3. Mary S., , 1846. G.R.3. Nathaniel A., , 1832. G.R.3. Priscilla A., , 1836. G.R.3. Quincy, , 1810. G.R.3. Richard B., , 1838. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Solomon H., , 1819. g.r,3. Solomon H,, Dec. 12, 1841. G.R.3. William C., , 1849. G.R.3. William H., , 1838. G.R.3. DYKE, Frances M. [ ], w. of James H., Oct, 25, 1828. G.R.3. James H., Apr. 10, 1828. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 99 EARL (see Earle), Mary A. [ ], w. of Henry, Jan. 20, 1815. G.R.3. Mary B., June 17, 1845. gR-3. Mary Wiswall [ J, w. of James W., Oct. 8, 1808. g.r.2. William H., , 1841. G.R.3. EARLE (see Earl), Frank O,, Mar. 11, 1837. g.r.2. EARLEY, Mary A., d. of Thomas and Mary, 9th day, loth mo., 1842. EASTER, Ruth Adelia [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1830. G.R.3. Samuel, Sept. 2^, 1817. G.R.3. EASTMAN, , d. of Edward T., Apr. i, 1848. Cyrus L., Rev., , 1822. G.R.3. Edmund T., Nov. 6, 1820. G.R.3. Franklin C, Apr. 17, 1838. G.R.3. Isaac, , 1820. G.R.4. Joseph Leonard, , 1818. G.R.3. Joseph S., Capt., , 1836. G.R.3. Melvina [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1821. G.R.4. EATON, Baron Stow, s. of Elbridge G. and Rosanna, Sept. i, 1848. Betsey P. [ ], w. of Charles F., Apr. 28, 1817. g.r.2. Charles E., , 1845. G.R.3. Charles W.. Aug. 2, 1849. G.R.3. David A., , 1831. G.R.3. Eliza T. [ ], w. of , , 1848. G.R.2. Ellen M. [ ], w. of George B., Mar. 29, 1840. G.R.3. Everett Ebenezer, s. of Elijah and Nancy, Oct. 19, 1848. Ezra O., Sept. 12, 1808. G.R.3. Frances A. [ ], w. of Philip, Mar. — , 1812. G.R.3. George B., Sept. 26. 1840. G.R.3. James A., Jan. 6, 1847. G.R.3. John C, Dec. 18, 1843. G.R.3. Lucy A. [ ], w. of William L.. Nov. 17, 1812. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Ezra O., Mar. 16, 1809. G.R.3. Philip, Aug. — , 181 1. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Capt. William B., Nov. 15, 1821. G.R.3. Susan P. [ ], w. of David A.. , 1840. G.R.3. William B., Capt., May 28, 1820. G.R.3. WiUiam L., Aug. 21, 1817. G.R.3. lOO CHELSEA BIRTHS. ECKERT, James Henry, s. of Joseph and Mary Ann, July 6, 1849. EDDS, J. Louis, , 1843. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1844. G.R.3. EDDY, Abijah, Aug. 6, 1807. G.R.3. John F., Dec. 28, 1841. G.R.3. Lucretia B. [ ], w. of Abijah, Feb. 19, 1814. G.R.3. EDGAR, Agness [ ], w. of , , 1833. G.R.3. EDGETT, Florette Ames [ ], w. of George, , 1844. G.R.3. George, , 1833. G.R.3. Ruth Gross [ ], w. of , , 1805. G.R.3. William R., , 1848. G.R.3. EDMANDS, Hannah B., , 183 1. G.R.3. EDSON, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1794. G.R.3. EDWARDS, Guy M., , 1826. G.R.3. Jane G., May 16, 1845. G.R.3. John C., , 1830. G.R.3. Joseph S., s. of Joseph S. and Elizfa]b[eth]. Dec. 4, 1846. Mary A. [ ], w. of Guy M., , 1829. G.R.3. Ralph A., s. of Henry B. and AdeHne, Nov. 18. 1849. Rebecca W., d. of Joseph S. and Elizabeth, 19th day, 9th mo., 1832. Sarah E. [ ], w. of James L., Nov. 2^, 1825. G.R.3. EKBERG, Gustaf, . 1838. G.R.3. Ingrid G. [ ], w. of Gustaf, . 1837. G.R.3. ELDRED, Rebecca W., d. of Joseph S. and Eliz[abet]h, 19th day, loth mo., 1832. ELDRIDGE, Edward M., s. of Ellery and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1848. Joseph S., Aug. 2^. 1826. G.R.2. Joshua H., Mar. 17, 1829. G.R.3. Louisa [ ], w. of Richard C., , 181 5. G.R.3. Margaret E. [ ], w. of Joshua H., June 5, 1841. G.R.3. Sarah M., d. of Ellery and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1844. ELLARD, Mary H., d. of Cornelius and Mary, both b. in Ireland, July 25, 1849. CHELSEA BIRTHS. lOI ELLENWOOD, Isabell. Apr. 24, 1843. G.R.3. ELLERY, Sarah Marcia, in Boston, Aug. 21, 1833, G.R.3. ELLIOT (see Elliott), Cordelia C. [ ], w. of Capt. David, Jan. 13, 1820. G.R.3. David, Capt, Jan. 22, 18 15. G.R.3. Hiram M., June 26, 1822. G.R.3. Robert, Jan. 7, 1817. G.R.3. ELLIOTT (see Elliot), Adelaide A., Aug. 14, 1839. G.R.3. Albert H., Aug. 2, 1833. G.R.3. Anna D. [ ], w. of Thomas J., Sept. 2, 1825. G.R.3. G. W. [ 1, w. of , Apr. 28, 1817. G.R.3. Georgiana, Nov. 8, 1841. G.R.3. Isabella M. [ ], \v. of Thomas J., Nov. 18, 1824. G.R.3. J. Harvey, Capt., , 1837. G.R.3. Juliet, Dec. 25, 1835. G.R.3. Lucinda S. [ ], w. of Thomas J., June 27, 1808. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Capt. J. Harvey, , 1838, G.R.3. Thomas J., Dec. 12, 1806. G.R.3. ELLIS, Charles Bryant, s. of Cornelius and Sukey B., 23d day, 8th mo.. 1836. Cha[rle]s F., s. of Mathias and Charlotte, 5th day, 7th mo., Cornelius Williams, s. of Cornelius and Sukey B., nth day, 6th mo., 1823, Elizabeth S., Sept. 14, 1827. G.R.3. Flora f" ], w. of John, , 1816. G.R.3. Francis E. (Francis Edwin, c.r.i), s, of Cornelius and Sukey B., 3d mo., 183 1. Frank, Apr. 27, 1840. G.R.3. Harriet A. Hall [ ], w. of William J., , 1827. G.R.3. Isaiah M., Feb. 13, 1823. G.R.3. John, , 1807. G.R.3. John C, Aug. 14, 1823. G.R.3. Josephine (Josephine Hastings, c.r.i), d. of Cornelius and Sukey B., 8th mo., 1833. Margaret A. [ ], w. of Charles F., Nov. 5, 1837. G.R.3. Mary, , 1818. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Isaiah M., , 1826. G.R.3. Reuben N., Aug. 25, 1819. G.R.3. Robert, , 1842. G.R.3. 102 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Ellis, Sussan Mary, d. of Cornelius and Sukey B., 30th day, loth mo., 1828. Theodore A., Jan. i, 1847. G.R.3. William J., , 1828. G.R.3. ELMS, Hannah J., , 1831. G.R.3. William, , 1833. G.R.3. ELWELL, , s. of Isaac and Eliz[abe]th, Jan. 18, 1846. Albert B., , 1849, G.R.3. Eunice S., , 1820. G.R.3. Francis D., s. of Isaac and Eliz[abeth], 4th day, 12th mo., 1842. Martha, , 1849. G.R.3. Tristram J., , 1829. G.R.3. EMERSON, Amelia J. [ ], w. of George F., Aug. 15, 1840. G.R.3. Atalanta [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1790. G.R.3. Caroline A., June 6, 1832. G.R.3. Diantha \ ], w. of George, , 1826. G.R.3. Elias, , 1794. G.R.3. George, , 1824. G.R.3. George F., Dec. 25, 1837. G.R.3. Geofrge] M., s. of Robert H. and Cyrene S., Aug. 7, 1848. Howard, May 18, 1813. G.R.3. Isaac, , 1787. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Aaron W., Jan. 11, 1826. G.R.3. Nancy B., , 1798. G.R.3. Richard W., Dec. 15, 1831. G.R.3. EMERTON, Georgianna [ ], w. of Leonard, , 1845. G.R.3. Leonard, Aug. 2, 1810. G.R.3. Leonard, , 1844. G.R.3. Thankful Gill [ ], w. of Leonard, Sept. 3, 1819. G.R.3. EMERY (see Emmery), , d. of John W. and Charlotte C, June 4, 1846. Adalaide, d. of John W. and Charlotte C, June 6, 1846. Alonzo, Jan. 4, 1803. G.R.3. Chloe [ ], w. of Edgar, , 1830. g.r.2. Elizabeth [ ], w. of W[illia]m, , 1843. G.R.3. James, , 1837. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. IO3 Emery, Jane, , 1780. g.r.2. John, Jan. 8. 1808. g.r.2. Martha J. W., d. of John and Mercy L,, Feb. 22, 1842. g.r.2. Mary A. [ ], w. of W[iIHa]m, , 1840. G.R.3. Mary Mutrie [ ], w. of W[inia]m, , 1847. G.R.3. Mercy L. [ ], w. of John, July 19. 1802. g.r.2. Walter A. F., s. of John and Mercy L., Oct. 9, 1839. g.r.2. W[ilHa]m, , 1840. G.R.3. EMMERY (see Emery). Charlotte M., d. of John W. and Charlotte C, Dec. 18, 1847. ENDICOTT, Clara Browning [ ], w. of Elijah, , 1825. G.R.3. EHjah, , 1821. G.R.3. Elizabeth Blanche, d. of Augustus B. and Sarah, July 5, 1849. Eugene Francis, s. of Elijah and Clara S., Oct. 14, 1848. Mary A., d. of Augustus B. and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1846. ENGELHARDT, Anna, , 1837. G.R.3. Carl L., , 1839. G.R.3. ENGLES, S. Allen, u.s.n., , 1827. G.R.3. ENS WORTH, Charles F., Jan. 30, 1838. G.R.3. Hannah, Dec. 23, 1825. G.R.3. ERICKSON, Anna C. [ ], w. of Gustaf, , 1833. G.R.3. Custaf, , 1831. G.R.3. Maria, July 31, 182 1. G.R.3. Samuel, July 4, 1828. G.R.3. ESCHBACH, George H., Dec. 18, 1834. G.R.3. ESTABROOK, Evelyn O. [ L \v. of John L., , 1830. G.R.3. John L., , 1834. G.R.3. ETTING, Kate Schoonmaker ( ]. w. of Henry D., Oct. 18. 1839. G.R.3. EUSTACE (see Eustice, Eustis), Thomas, s. of Thomas, bp. July 17, 1735. C.R.I. William, s. of Thomas, bp. July 31, T737. c.r.i. 104 CHELSEA BIRTHS. EUSTICE (see Eustace, Eustis), Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, 5th~day, 2d mo,, 1746. Abihail, d. of Joshua and Abihail, 27th day, nth mo., 1759. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas and Abigail, 7th day, 4th mo., 1750. Jacob, s. of Joshua and Abial, bp. Feb. 26, 1764. c.r.i. James, s. of Joshua and Abihail, i8th day, 5th mo., 1761. Joseph Sprague, s. of Joshua and Abial, bp. Apr. 10, 1768, C.R.I. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Abihail, 14th day, 6th mo., 1758. EUSTIS (see Eustace, Eustice), Abigail, d. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 23, 1733. c.Ri. Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, 4th day, 7th mo., 1739. Chamberlain, s. of Thomas and Abigail, 9th day, ist mo., 1744. Mary, d. of Thomas and Abigail, 14th day, 7th mo., 1741. Mary, d. of James and Mary, 31st day, 7th mo., 1741. Sarah, d. of Thomas, bp. May 23, 1731. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of James and Mary, 14th day, ist mo., 1742. EVANS, Alonzo H., , 1820. G.R.3. Eliza Mason, , 1842. G.R.3. George A., , 1846. G.R.3. George E., Jan. 19, 1835. G.R.3. Irving A., , 1848. G.R.3. John, Capt., Jan. 14, 1844. G.R.3. Mary, , 1827. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1809. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Samuel H. and Mary, Aug. 5, 1849. Richard H., , 1827. G.R.3. Robert, native of Worcestershire, Eng., , 181 1. g.r.2. EVERDEAN, George W., , 1845. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1813. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1814. G.R.3. Reuben Roberts, s. of Joseph and Mary Jane, Sept. i, 1848. EVERETT, James Harrison, s. of James M. and Sarah Byers, Feb. 14, 1841. G.R.3. Tames M., in Wrentham, Aug. 20, 1809. G.R.3. Polly S. [ ], w. of , Nov. 18, 1830. G.R.3. Sarah Byers [ ], vv. of James M., Nov. 25, 1815. G.R.3. EWELL, Ellen, , 1837. G.R.3. Jane C. [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1838. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. IO5 EwELT,, Sarah W. [ ], w. of William S., , 1838. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1832. G.R.3. William S., , 1835. G.R.3. FAIRBANKS, , s. of George C. and , Aug. 25, 1844. Zephaniah Francis, s. of Lewis and Martha, 2d day, 5th mo., 1838. FAIRCHILD, William, in Boston, Feb. 22, 1825. G.R.3. FAIRFIEI^D, Lydia E., June 11, 1840. G.R.3. FALES, Edward, , 1833. G.R.4. FALL, Dorothy Stuart [ ], w. of Parker, Dec. 18, 1812. G.R.3. Parker, Dec. 16, 1806. G.R.3. FALLS, William Francis, s. of Thomas J. and Dolly, July 17, 1848. FANCY, Joseph A., , 1838. G.R.3. FANNELL, Mary A., d. of Barny and Mary, Aug. 17, 1846. FANNING, Thomas Bernard, s. of Bernard and Mary, Oct. 18, 1848. FARLEY, Adeline Swift, d. of James P. and Chloe S., Oct. 11, 1849. Parents born in Ipswich and Falmouth. Caroline A., d. of Gustavus and Amelia, Mar. 10, 1847. Eunice Whitney, d. of Gustavus and Amelia A., Aug. 20, 1849. Gustavus, s. of Gustavus and Amelia N., July 4, 1844. Henry E5unker, s, of James P. and Chloe S., June 7, 1845. James P., s. of James P. and Chloe S., Nov, 12, 1847. James Phillips, Dec. 21, 1816. G.R.3. jeannette Cabot, d. of Sam[ue]l P. and Chloe S., June 12, 1843- Thomas, s. of Richard and Ann, July 12, 1848. Thomas S., s. of James P. and Chloe S., loth day, 8th mo., 1841. Walter, s. of Gustavus and Amelia, May 24, 1846. I06 CHELSEA BIRTHS. FARMER, Bridget, d. of Michael and Ann, Nov. 28, 1846. George, , 18 17. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of George, , 1828. G.R.3. Owen, s. of Michael and Ann, May 24, 1844. FARNHAM (see Farnum), Charles Coolidge, s. of Charles H. and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1849. Dorothy A. Brown [ ], w. of Edwin L., Sept. 27, 1822, G.R.3. Edwin L., Sept. 15, 1818. G.R.3. William, , 1828. G.R.3. FARNSWORTH, Alniira B., Jan. 4, 181 5. G.R.3. Henry B., Aug. 3, 1848. G.R.3. James, May 29, 181 5. G.R.3. James L., July 4, 1813. G.R.3. Julia A., Sept. 25, 1817. G.R.3. Sophronia [ ], w. of John, Sept. 21, 1820. G.R.3. FARNUM (see Farnham), , d. of Cha[rle]s H. and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1846. , s. of Cha[rle]s H. and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1848. Catherine F., d. of Tho[ma]s and Catherine, Oct. 29, 1847. Cha[rle]s C, s, of Benj[ami]n and Adaline A., Sept. 29, 1844. J. D., , 1817. G.R.3. Louisa H., , 1826. G.R.3. Oliver, s. of Benj[amin] and Adaline, Dec. — , 1846. FARREN (see Farrin), Jennie Lees [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., Feb. 17, 1840. G.R.3. FARRIN (see Farren), Matilda, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 14, 1844. FARRINGTON, Ehza, d. of , bp. July 16, 1807. c.r.i. FARWELL, G. W., , 1835. G.R.3. L. F. [ ], w. of G. W., , 1842. G.R.3. FASH, Sarah E. [ ], w. of Stephen, , 1838. G.R.3. Stephen, , 1838. G.R.3. FAULKNER, Margaret, , 1829. G.R.3. FAWCETT, Amos, , 1828. G.R.3. Eliza G. [ ] , w. of James, , 1838. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. IO7 Fawcett, James, , 1835. G.R.3. Mary F. Wier [ ], w. of Amos, , 1826. G.R.3. FAY, Eugene F. A., s. of Francis B. and Nancy B., loth day, 3d mo., 1840. Frank B., Jan. 24, 182 1. G.R.3. Harry Frank, s. of Frank B. and Rebekah, Aug. 5, 1849. Henry H., Jan. 7, 1815. G.R.4. Mary A. [ ], w. of Henry H., Nov. 19, 1814. G.R.4. Norman William, s. of Frank B. and Rebekah, Feb. i, 1848. Rebekah [ ], w. of Frank B., , 1820. G.R.3. FEATON, Helen M. [ ], w. of James, , 1834. G.R.3. James, , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah Louisa [ ], w. of James, , 1842. G.R.3. FEELY, Catherine [ ], w. of James, , 1818. G.R.3. James, , 1808. G.R.3. FELKIN, William Crane, July 24, 1836. G.R.3. FELL, Elizabeth Fairslough [ ], w. of Thomas, in Chorley, Eng., Feb. i, 1840. G.R.3. FELLOWS, Edward, s. of John F. and Mary, Oct. 15, 1848. Lx)uisa S., d. of John and Mary L., Nov. 19, 1846. FELTON, Emily L., , 1829. G.R.3. FENLEE, George, Dec. 6, 1809. G.R.3. FENNO, , d. of John and Lucy E., Mar. 27, 1844. , s. of Joseph and Lydia M., July 30, 1844. Ann Adaline, d. of Lazarus and Nancy, bp. Sept. 26, 1813. C.R.I. Caroline Amelia, d. of Toseph and Lydia Maria, bp. July 2, 1843- Charles F., July 30, 1844. G.R.3. Dorcas B. [ ], w. of Henry A., Jan. 18, 1836. G.R.3. Edward Augustus, s. of Joseph and Lydia Maria, bp. July 2, 1843. C.R.I. EHz[abet]h WilHams, d. of John and Charlottee, loth day. 4th mo., 1834. Francis Parkman, s. of John and Charlotte F., bp. Aug. 23, 1835. C.R.I. Franklin H., s. of John and Lucy E., Aug. 7, 1846. I08 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Fenno, George Darracott, s. of Henry W. and Rebecca H. D., bp. July 19, 1840. C.R.I. Harriet, d. of Lazarus and Nancy, bp. Sept. 26, 1813. c.R.i. Harriet A. (Harriet Ardelia, c.r.i), d. of Will[iam] and Margarett, 25th day, 12th mo., 1839. Harriet E. [ ], w. of Joseph H., , 1829. G.R.3. Harriotte Ardelle, June 24, 1847, G.R.3, Henry A., Mar. 20, 1835. G.R.3. Henry Augustus, s. of William and Margaret N., bp. July 2, 1843. C.R.I. Hermon Chapin, s. of John and Lucy E. H., June 16, 1849. John, s, of William and Margaret N., loth mo., 1833. Joseph H., , 1820. G.R.3. Joshua B. (Joshua Bailey, c.r.i), s. of William and Margaret N. (Margaret N. B., c.r.i), 3d day, ist mo., 1830. Lydia Maria [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1821. g.r,3. Margaret Norwood Bailey, d. of William and Margaret N., bp. July 2, 1843. C.R.I. Margarette N. [ ], w. of William, Oct. 28, 1813. G.R.3. Maria Beal, d. of Lazarus and Nancy, bp, Sept. 26, 1813. c.r.i. Martha, d. of Lazarus and Nancy, bp. Sept. 26, 1813. c.r.i. Mary Ann Bigelow, d. of Henry W. and Rebecca H. D., bp. July 19, 1840. C.R.I. Mary E. Borden [ ], w. of John P., Sept. 15, 1823. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth Williams, d. of John and Charlotte F., bp. Nov. 2, 1834. C.R.I. Mary (Mary Heard, c.r.i), d. of John and Lucy, nth day, 1st mo., 1841. Thomas L., s. of Joseph and Lydia L., ist day, loth mo., 1841. (Thomas Lillie, s. of Joseph and Lydia Maria, bp. July 2, . 1843, C.R.I.) William, s. of William and Margaret N., 26th day, 7th mo., 1832. FERGUSON (see Furgerson), John R., , 1826. G.R.3. Luther E., Nov. 17, 1832. G.R.3. Phoebe A. [ ], w. of John R., , 1829. G.R.3. Robert, , 1830, G.R.3. Sidney S., , 1846. G.R.3. FERNALD, Abbie T., , 1836. G.R.3. Ammi C, , 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. IO9 Fernald, Charles W., Apr. 14, 1831. G.R.3. Clara A. [ ], w. of Charles VV., Nov. 25, 1833. G.R.3. Ichabod N.. , 1825. G.R.3. Isaac, , 1835. G.R.3. Joanna, , 1812. G.R.3. Lizzie I., , 1844. G.R.3. Lucy G., Nov. 26, 1797. G.R.3. Luther E., Apr. 17, 1838. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Ammi C, , 1826. G.R.3. Sarah B., Nov. 3, 1846. G.R.3. FERRELL, John Albert, Feb. 28, 1842. G.R.3. Juliette Niles, Sept. 26, 1841. G.R.3. FERRIER, Emily L. [ ], w. of William A., , 1831. G.R.3. John, June 23, 1830. G.R.3. Martha R. [ ], w. of John, Oct. 6, 1830. G.R.3. FERRIN, Horace, May 3, 1814. G.R.3. FESSENDEN, Daniel B., , 1843. G.R.3. FIELD, Agnes P., Apr. 28, 1845. G.R.3. Charles, , 1829. G.R.3. Edwin, s. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mary N., 30th dav, 6th mo., 1841. Fred Olin, , 1827. G.R.3. Frederick A., , 1837. G.R.3, Freeman, , 1803. G.R.3. James B., , 1828. G.R.3. Marie [ ], w. of Fred Olin, , 183 1. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1823. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], vv, of Freeman, , 1810. G.R.3. Susan E., , 1832. G.R.3. Warren S., , 1833. G.R.3. William B., , 1820. G.R.3. FIFIELD, Alice J. [ ], w. of George E., . 1847. G.R.3. John B. M., Sept. 19, 1819. G.R.3. Mary J., , 1820. G.R.3. Sarah S., , 1824. G.R.3. FILER, Lucian G.. Sept. 15, 1829. G.R.3. no CHELSEA BIRTHS. FILLEBROWN, Tho[ma]s G., s. of Howard R. and Charlotte E., Mar. 13, 1844. FINLAY, Christina, , 1830. G.R.3. Robert, , 1826. G.R.3. FINN, James, , 1834. G.R.3. John D., , 1824. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of John D., , 1824. G.R.3. FISHER, Ann M., d. of Isaiah and Ann M., Mar. 4, 1843. Charles, Apr. 14, 1833. G.R.3. Clarissa Hixon [ ], w. of William G., Jan. 16, 1805. G.R.3. George, , 1838. G.R.3. Helena |" ], w. of J. H., Oct. 17, 1847, G.R.3. James H., s. of Isa[i]ah and Ann M., Sept. 20, 1847. Lottie A. [ ], w. of Louis, Aug. 15, 1843. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Herman B., Apr. 22, 1846. G.R.3. Mary Ann, d. of Samuel B. and Amelia M., in Grafton, Vt., Dec. 22, 1819. Mary J., , 1841. G.R.3. Sarah Gerrish, Aug. 23, 1846. G.R.3. Sarah M. [ ], w. of William N., , 1837. G.R.3. William G., Mar. 20, 1804. G.R.3, WilHam N., , 1833. G.R.3. FISK Csee Fiske), Alonza B., Mar. 25, 1838. G.R.3. Ann EHzabeth [ ], w. of William, , 1816. G.R.3. William, , 1806. G.R.3. FISKE (see Fisk), H. Manila, , 1818. G.R.3. Henry A., , 1838. G.R.3. Josephine A., , 1844. G.R.3. Orin W., , 1814. G.R.3. FITCH, Frederick A., Dec. 5, 1842. G.R.3. FITZ, Cha[rlels, s. of Albert and Eliza R., May 2, 1847. Edith, d. of Albert and Eliza R., Feb. 10, 1845. Francis, s. of Albert, b. in Boston and Eliza R. Nye, b. in Sandwich, May 15, 1840. Reginald H., s. of Albert and Eliza R., May 4, 1843. Walter S., s. of Albert and Eliza R., 23d day, 3d mo., 1838. i CHELSEA BIRTHS. 1 1 1 FLAGG, Ira C, June 5, 1840. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of , July 14, 1791. g.r.2. FLANAGAN, Elizabeth [ ], w. of John, , 1829. G.R.4. John, , 1829. G.R.4. FLANDERS, , d. of Moses and Mary, [1847 or 1848]. Alphonzo M., June 25, 1844. G.R.3. Julia A., , 1825. G.R.3. FLEMING (see Flemming) , Robert Kennedy, in Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 29, 1832. G.R.3. Rudolf W., , 1848. G.R.3. FLEMMING (see Fleming), Catherine E. [ ], w. of James, Feb. 28, 1839. G.R.3. James, May i, 1835. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of John and Jane Finley, Feb, 14, 1845, FLETCHER, Adeline E., , 1841. G.R.3. Benjamin, , 1803. G.R.3. Elbridge E., , 1812. G.R.3. Eliza E., , 1848. G.R.3. John Ware, Apr. 11, 1824. G.R.3. Joseph L., . 1843. G.R.3. Lavinia \V., , 1829. G.R.3. Margaret E. [ ], w. of Samson, , 1841. G.R.3. Mary A. Campbell, , 181 5. G.R.3. Mary B., , 1810. G.R.3. Mary Gould, July 15, 1837. G.R.3. Miriam Bird [ ], w. of Elbridge E., , 1823. G.R.3. Rhoda B., , 1833. G.R.3. Sally, , 1785. G.R.3. Samson, , 1835. G.R.3. Sarah A., , 1832. G.R.3. William, , 1823. G.R.3. FLINN, Ellen, d. of Barny and Mary, Dec. 18, 1845. Horace T., , 1847. G.R.3. Lydia T. [ 1, w. of William W., , 1821. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Barny and Mary, , 1843. William W., , 182 1. G.R.3. 1 12 CHELSEA BIRTHS. FLINT, Eliza H., June 2, 18 19. G.R.3. Fannie E. [ ], w. of E. W., , 1845. g.r,3. Helen M, [ ], w. of William H., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary K., Feb. 9, 1821. G.R.3. Mary Kettell [ ], w. of Simeon, Aug. 7, 1794. G.R.3, Mary M., d. of Sam[ue]l and Abba A., Sept. 25, 1843. Sarah A., Jan. 5, 1824. G.R.3. William H., , 1832. G.R.3. FLOOD, Mary S. [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s H., , 1835. G.R.3. FLOYD, , 17th day, loth mo., 1834. Aaron, s. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), 22d day, 6th mo., 1800. Abbi A, f" ], w. of P. Payson 2d, , 1839. G.R.4. Abigail, d. of Benjamin, bp. May 11, 1735. c.r.i. Abijah, s. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), 14th day, 9th mo., 1794. [Twin.] Adalide, d. of Edward and Lucretia, Apr. 18, 1844. Almira S., d. of Thomas and Hannah B., 4th mo., 1833. Andrew, s. of Hugh and Mary, 17th day, 12th mo., 1743. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, bp. May 2, 1731. c.r.i. Benjamin, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Joanna, 3d day, 3d mo., 1746. Benj[amin] T., s. of David Jr. and Sally, Sept. i, 1843. Bill, s. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), i8th day, nth mo., 1791. Charllotte, d. of James and Hannah, 26th day, 5th mo., 1766. David, s. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 20th day, loth mo., 1742, David, s. of Hugh and Rachel, 7th day, 6th mo., 1767. David, s. of David and Hannah, 14th day, ist mo., 1807. Ebenezer, s. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 4, 1733. c.r.i. Edward, s. of David and Hannah, 24th day, ist mo., 1809. Elener, d, of Hugh and Mary, 27th day, 8th mo., 173 1. Elenor, d. of Hugh and Rachel, 3d day, 3d mo., 1765. Eliza Hall, d. of Thomas and Sarah, bp. Sept. 24, 1815. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin, bp. Sept. 10, 1738. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Joanna, bp. Aug. 26, 1759. c.r.i, Elizabeth, d. of Jos. and Eliza [beth] of Maiden, bp. July 5, 1778. C.R.I. Emmily, d. of Bill and Lydia, 6th mo., 1825. Ezra, s. of Samuel, bp. June 25, 1738. c.r.i. George, s. of Esther, 5th mo., 1814. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I I 3 Floyd, George W., s. of Bill and LvcHa, 28tli day, 5tli nio., 1823. George Washington, s. of James Sr. and , nth day, 8th mo., 1804. (George Washington, s. of James Jr. and Eunice, bp. Aug. 26, 1804, c.r.i.) Hannah, d. of Hugh and Mary, 27th day, 12th mo., 1735. Hannah, d. of James and Hannah, 30th day, 3d mo., 1758. Hannah, d. of David and Hannah, 5th day, ist mo., 1813. Hannah Burnett, d. of Samuel and Sussanna, 17th day, 3d mo., 1788. Hannah Matilda, d. of Thomas and Sarah, bp. Sept. 24, 1809. C.R.I. Henry, s. of David and Hannah, 21st day, nth mo., 1799. Henry Otis, Nov. i, 1839. G.R.4. Hepzibath, d. of Hugh and Rachel, 2d day, 12th mo., 1769. Hugh, s. of Hugh and Mary, 2d day, 2d mo., 1732. Hugh, s. of Hugh and Rachel, 23d day, 4th mo., 1760. Jacob, s. of John Jr., bp. July 15, 1722. c.r.i. Jacob, s. of James and Hannah, 22d day, 6th mo., 1764. James, s. of John and Mary, 30th day, loth mo., 1729. James, s. of James and Hannah, 17th day, 3d mo., 1762. James 3d, s. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), 5th day, nth mo., 1787. Joanna, d. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 6th day, 12th mo., 1731. John, s. of John Jr., bp. Apr. i, 1716. c.r.i. John, s. of John Jr., bp. July 13, 1718. c.r.i. John, s. of John and Sarah Jr., 7th day, 9th mo., 1741. John, s. of James and Hannah, 9th day, 3d mo., 1760. John, s. of James and Hannah, 15th day, nth mo., 1773. John, s. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), 14th day, 9th mo., 1794. [Twin.] John, s. of David and Hannah, 29th day, 12th mo., 1810. Joseph, s. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 27th day, ist mo., 1737. Joseph, s. of Jos. and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 5, 1767. c.r.i. Josiah, s. of Samuel and Sally, 6th day, 7th mo., 18 18. Lucius, , 1834. G.R.4. Lucretia [ ], vv. of Edward, , 1822. G.R.4. Lucy, d. of Hugh and Rachel, 27th day, loth mo., 1774. Lucy, d. of David and Hannah, nth day, loth mo.. 1801. Lydia, d. of Peter and Mary, 20th day, 5th mo., 1771. Lydia S., , 1826. G.R.3. Mary, d. of John Jr., bp. Apr. 16, 1721. c.r.i. Mar>', d. of John, bp. Apr. 5, 1724. c.r.i. 114 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Floyd, Mary, d. of Hugh and Mary, 5th day, 3d mo., 1730. Mary, d. of Benjamin, bp. May 2, 1731. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Peter and Mary, bp. June 10, 1764. c.r.i. Mary, d. of James and Hannah, 31st day, 7th mo., 1769. Mary [ ], w. of John, Oct. 17, 1813. G.R.4. Mary Hall, d. of David and Hannah, 3d day, 5th mo., 1805. Mary Hall, Apr. 15, 1838. G.R.4. Nancy, d. of James Sr. and (Eunice, c.r.i), 20th day, 6th mo., 1797. Nathan, s. of Samuell and Joanna, i6th day, i — mo., 1744. (bp. Feb. 12, 1743-4, C.R.I.) Nathanael, s. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, nth day, 4th mo., 1741. Noah, s. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 26th day, 6th mo., 1735. P. Payson 2d, , 1840. G.R.4. Peter, s. of Hugh and Mary, 6th day, 6th mo., 1734. Peter, s. of Peter and Mary, 19th day, 9th mo., 1764. Philenia Proctor [ ], w. of Henry Otis, Mar. 28, 1838. G.R.4. Phillip Payson, s. of David and Hannah, 19th day, 3d mo., 1815. Rachel, d. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 30th day, loth mo., 1739. Rachel, d. of Hugh and Rachel, 25th day, 7th mo., 1762. Rebecca, d. of Peter and Mary, 26th day, loth mo., 1767. Rebecca, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. May 27, 1770. c.r.i. Sally Ann, d. of Samuel and Sally, 8th day, 12th mo., 1816. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 6th day, 12th mo., I733- .Samuel, s. of Hugh and Rachel, i6th day, 8th mo., 1772. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Susanna, 2d day, 9th mo., 1780. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sussanna, 26th day, 5th mo., 1782. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Sally, i6th day, 9th mo., 1823. Sam[ue]l, s. of Josiah and EHza, Apr. 26, 1844. Sarah, d. of John and Mary, 23d day, nth mo., 1726. Sarah, d. of Benjamin, bp. May 2, 1731. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of Jos. and Eliza[beth], bp. Apr. 16, 1780. c.R.i. Sarah M., d. of Phillips P. and Sally A., May 16, 1843. Steephen, s. of Hugh and Mary, 17th day, i — mo., 1741. Sumner, s. of Phillips P. and Sally A., Nov. 14, 1845. Born at Point Shirley. Susan S., d. of Samuel and Sally, 20th day, ist mo., 1827. Susannah, d. of Hugh and Mary, 26th day, nth mo., 1737. Sussanah, d. of Hugh and Rachel, 22d day, 8th mo., 1780. Sussanna, d. of Samuel and Sussanna, 22d day, nth mo., 1784. CHELSEA BIRTHS. II5 Floyd, Tabatha, d. of Sam[ue]l and Joanna, 4lh day, 4th mo., 1729. Theodore, s. of Phillips P. and Sally A., 17th day, 5th mo., 1841. Thomas, s. of Hugh and Rachel, 28th day, ist mo., 1778. Thomas, s. of David and Hannah, 3d day, 9th mo., 1803. Thomas, Nov. 3, 1838. G.R.4. Thomas Alfred, s. of Thomas and Sarah, bp. Apr. 14, 181 1. C.R.I. Willard F., s. of David and Sally, Oct. 28, 1845. Born at Point Pulling. William, s. of Hugh and Mary, 27th day, 6th mo., 1739. FLUANT (see Fluent), Andrew, s. of Chadborn and Jane, May 14, 1844. FLUENT (see Fluant), , ch. of Paul C. and Jane, Dec. 19, 1848. Stillborn. FOLEY, Andrew, s. of Barnard and Ann, Sept. 18, 1847. FOLJAMBE, Samuel W., , 1827. G.R.3. William, , 1795. G.R.3. FOLSOM, Benjamin Jr., , 1845. G.R.3. Jacob A., , 1822. G.R.3. Mary Reed. , 1845. G.R.3. Minnie J., , 1822. G.R.3. Sarah G. [ ], w. of Jacob A., , 1826. G.R.3. William J., , 1844. G.R.3. FONTAINE, Chauncey P., June 29, 1844. G.R.3. Mary E., June 21, 1846, G.R.3. FOOT (see Foote), Walter, Nov. 16, 1836. G.R.3. FOOTE (see Foot), Edward, Oct. 12, 1824. G.R.3. Emily Curtis, Oct. 30, 1822. G.R.3. FORAN, Mary K., Oct. 27, 1841. G.R.3. FORBE (see Forbes), Silas, , 1842. G.R.3. FORBES (see Forbe), Eleanor [ ], w. of Nathan. , 1832. G.R.3. Nathan, , 1836. G.R.3. I 1 6 CHELSEA BIRTHS. FORBUSH, Abby B. [ ], w. of Albert, May 30, 1824. G.R.3. Abram, , 1828. G.R.3. Albert, Apr. 22, 1817. G.R.3. FORD, Catherine M. Vance [ ], w. of William Cowper, , 1822. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s E., s. of James G. and Susan, 29th day, 7th mo., 1840. Charles P., Apr. :i2, 1836. G.R.4. William B., , 1848. G.R.3. William Cowper, , 1817. G.R.3. FORRISTALL, Alexander, , 1805. G.R.3. Charles A., , 1833. G.R.3. Harriet, d. of Sylvendas and , June 14, 1845. [Twin.] Harriet G. [ ], w. of Sylvender, Dec. 5, 181 1. G.R.3. Hellen, d. of Sylvendas, and , June 14, 1845. [Twin.] Mary, , 1806. G.R.3. Mary E., Jan. 14, 1847. G.R.3. Mary L., , 1837. G.R.3. P. J., , 1822. G.R.3. Sally Ann [ ], w. of P. J., , 1822. G.R.3. Sylvender. Oct. 2, 1809. G.R.3. Thomas C, , 1835. G.R.3. FORSYETH (see Forsyth), Isabella J., d. of George and Rebecca B., July i, 1844. FORSYTH (see Forsyeth), Alexander, , 1819. G.R.3. Deborah N. [ ], w. of , , 1790. G.R.3. Eliz[abe]th, d. of Will and Jane, Mar. 20, 1848. George, , 181 5. G.R.3. George W., s. of George and Rebecca B., Oct. i, 1846. James B., Dr., , 1809. G.R.3. Joanna M. [ ], w. of , , 1836. G.R.3. Margarett H., d. of Dr. James B. and Octava A,, Mav 22, 1847. Mary, , 1796. G.R.3. Octavia A. [ ], w. of Dr. James B., , 181 5. G.R.3. Rebecca, , 1818. G.R.3. Thomas Gordon, , 1794. G.R.3. William, , 1822. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. »'7 FOSS, Josephine L., d. of J. R and C. L., Sept. 15. 1848. G.R.3. Nancy E., , 1832. G.R.3. Silas, Oct. 22, 1833. G.R.3. FOSTER, Addie P. [ ], w. of John G., , 1843- G.R.3. Annie, Dec. 10, 1848. G.R.3. Caroline E.. , 1814. G.R.3. Charles F., July 20, 1844. G.R.3. Elizabeth O., , 1826. G.R.3. George F., , 1832. G.R.3. George F., Tune 12, 1844. G.R.3. Hiram T., Dec. 7, 1842. G.R.3. Isabel M., d. of Joshua and Sarah A., Jan. 17, 1846. Joel Eaton, , 1826. G.R.3. John. s. of John R. and Susan, June 23, 1846. JohnL., Dec. 10, 1830. G.R.3. Judith R., ,1820. G.R.3. Julia A., d. of David J. and Charlotte, Mar. 28 1847. Louisa V. [ ], w. of Thomas P., -—, ^%^^-«-3- Lydia Ann S. B. [ 1, w. of Thomas P., , 181 1. G.R.3. Lydia Frances, , 1827. G.R.3. Martha T., , i779- G.R.3. Mary E., , 1829. G.R.3. Nancy B., , 1841. G.R.3. Thomas A., , 1821. G.R.3. Thomas P., , 1809. G.R.3. FOWLE, Angeline [ ], w. of Samuel L., , 1830. Henry V of Henry and Mary Ann, Aug. 17, 1848. Mary Anna, d. of Henry J. and Mary A., Feb. 11, 1847- Miriam C. [ -], w. of Samuel, , i775- g^R-3- Patia A. [ ], w. of Samuel L., , io35- G.K.3. Samuel, , I79^- G.R.3. Samuel L., . 1826. G.R.3. FOWLER, Abigail, d. of Charles H. and Julia A., Dec. 8, 1849- Harriet N., , 1831. G.R.3. James Albert, , 1845. G.R.3 ^ ,. . „ , ^ ^«^« 'Joana B., d. of Chafrlels H. and Juha A., Feb. 20, 1848. "lohn E., Dec. to, 1848. g.r.4- William G., , 1809. G.R.3. I 18 CHELSEA BIRTHS. FOWLES, Harriet [ ], vv. of , Sept. 30, 1799. G.R.3. FOX, Adaline M. [ ], w. of William B., Aug. i, 1835. G.R.3. Charles M., Oct. — , 1845. G.R.3. Edward S., Feb. 3, 1826. G.R.3. Eliza [ ], w. of John, in Leicester, Eng., Jan. 14, 181 1. G.R.3. Ehzabeth W. [ ], w. of Edward S., Apr. 10, 1828. G.R.3. George Gilbert, June 11, 1837. G.R.3. John, in Leicester, Eng., Dec. 11, 1806. G.R.3. FOXWELL, Thomas L, , 1841. G.R.3. FOYE, Hannah, , 183 1. G.R.3. FOYSTER, Robert, , 1841. G.R.3. FRACKER, John W., s. of William and Martha, 3d day, 9th mo., 1841. FRAME, James, Mar, 11, 1829. G.R.3. John C., , 1845. G.R.3. Joseph, June 5, 1838. G.R.3. Martha, Aug. 31, 1830. G.R.3. FRANCIS, Charles, Feb. 16, 1829. G.R.3. Hellen A., d. of Rev. Eben and Mary, June 24, 1846. Mary G. Bartlett [ ], w. of William J., , 1840. G.R.3. ERASER (see Frasier, Frazier), , d. of George and, Mary C, Feb. 12, 1845. Alwildia Warren [ ], w. of , Mar. 15, 1838. G.R.3. Finley, , 1837. G.R.3. Henry Erl, Nov. 4, 1825. G.R.3. Jessie B. [ ], w. of Finley, , 1839. G.R.3. Warren, , 1833. G.R.3. William T., , 1844. G.R.3. FRASIER (see Eraser, Frazier), Elisabeth [ ], w. of John, May 2, 1819. G.R.3. FRAZIER (see Eraser, Frasier), Hannah [ ], w. of James H., Mar. 28, 183 1. G.R.3. James H., Dec. 25, 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I 19 FREEMAN, Annie L., , 1840. g.r.2. Catherine E., Dec. 16, 1837. G.R.3. Ephraim W., , 1835. G.R.3. George P., s. of George and Eliza A., Oct. 6, 1845. Hannah A. [ J, w. of Sullivan A., Sept. 27, 1846. G.R.4. John W., , 1834. G.R.3. Knowles, Oct. 28, 1839. G.R.3. Lizzie E. [ ], \v. of Ephraim W'., , 1849. G.R.3. Phebe C. [ ], w. of Sullivan, Nov. 7, 181 5. G.R.4. Samuel, Oct. 11, 1843. G.R.3. Sullivan, Mar. 21, 1809. G.R.4. Sullivan A., Aug. 2^, 1845. Thomas H., , 1834. g.r.2. FRENCH, Alice, d. of George R. and Sarah E., Nov. 13, 1849. Charles M., May 4, 1826. G.R.3. Frances W. [ ], w. of Charles M., , 1824. G.R.3. Geo[rge] Emery, s. of Geo[rge] R. and Sarah Elizabeth, June 29, 1848. FRETCH (see Fritsch), Cynthia A., Sept. 25, 1840. G.R.3. Cynthia B. [ ], w. of William S., Apr. 15, 1807. G.R.3. William S,, June 15, 1805. G.R.3. FRIES, Karl F., , 1841. g.r.2. Katchen, , 1844. g.r.2. FRITSCH (see Fretch), Annie [ ], w. of August, Jan. I, 1846. G.R.3. August. Oct. 24, 1836. G.R.3. FROST, .A^daline W. Barton [ ], w. of George D., , 1838. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s H. (Charles Hubbard, G.R.3), s. of Rufus S. and Ellen M., Apr. 13, 1848. Edward W., Dec. 12, 1824. G.R.3. Ellen Amelia, d. of Rufus S. and Ellen M., Dec. 15, 1849. Ellen Hubbard [ ], w. of Rufus S., Aug. 18, 1828. G.R.3. Eunice [ ], w. of Nath[anie]l. , 1806. G.R.3. George D., , 1835. G.R.3. Lenette M. [ ], w. of Louis William, May 10, 1836. G.R.3. Louis William, Aug. 29. 1844. G.R.3. Mary R., July 3, 1845. G.R.3. I20 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Frost, Mary E. [ ], w. of William, Aug. 19, 181 3. G.R.3. Rufus S., in Marlborough, N. H., July 18, 1826. G.R.3. Susan P., May 22, 1806. G.R.3. William, Jan. 28, 1809. G.R.3. FRYE, Elizabeth, , 1773. Lewis T., , 1815. G.R.3. Mary, , 1833. G.R.3. Samuel M,, , 1816. G.R.3. FRYER, James, , 1831. G.R.3. John Oliver, Jan. 10, 1844. G.R.3. FULLER, Abba J., d. of Dan[ie]l T. and Sarah, July 7, 1843. Alonzo W., , 1841. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Charles and Jane, 30th day, 12th mo., 1824. Cha[rle]s E., s. of Dan[ie]l T. and Sarah, 29th day, nth mo., 1839. Cha[rle]s E., s. of Daniel and Sarah, 27th day, 7th mo., 1841. Clarisia A. (Clarissa Allen, c.r.i), d. of Jonathan and Eliza- beth, 23d day, 3d mo., 1810. Daniel S., Apr. 13, 1838. G.R.3. Daniel T. (Daniel Tuttle, c.r.i), s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 8th day, loth mo., 1813. Dorcas [ ], w. of Stephen, Aug. 30, 1806. G.R.3. Ester, d. of Jonathan and Mary, 9th day, nth mo., 1766. Ester G. (Esther Greenough, c.r.i), d. of Jonathan and Eliza- beth, i6th day, nth mo., 181 1. Gurden E., , 1820. G.R.3. Hannah C. [ ], w. of Gurden E., , 183 1. G.R.3. Jonathan (s. of Jonathan and Mary, c.r.i), i6th day, nth mo., 1769. Jonathan G. (Jonathan Goodsman, c.r.i), s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 8th day, 9th mo., 1816. Joseph W., s. of Stephen and Dorcas, July 4, 1829. G.R.3. L. Mary (Mary Lamson, c.R.i), d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 27th day, 1 2th mo., 1808. Lorin Lovejoy, in Readfield, Me., Jan. 25, 1820. G.R.3. Lucy P. [ ], \v. of Lorin Lovejoy, in Sebec, Me., Aug. 29, 183 1. G.R.3. Lydia O., , 1847. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Mary, i8th day, ist mo., 1758. Mary, d. of Rev. Edward and Ann, nth day, 3d mo., 1833. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 121 Fuller, Minerva K., July i6, 1810. G.R.3. Myra W. Gushing [ ], w. of Solomon, Mar. 25, 1836. G.R.3. Otis G., , 1836. G.R.3, Richard H., , 1822. G.R.3. Sarah G. [ ], w. of Daniel T., Aug. 23, 181 5. G.R.3, Sarah H. [ ], w. of Daniel T., , 1814. G.R.3. Solomon, Nov. 4, 1827. G.R.3. Stephen, Oct. 4, 1802. G.R.3. Stephen W., Jan. i, 1836. G.R.3. FULLERTON, Rosalia P., Aug. 12, 1840. G.R.3. Susan B., Nov. 5, 1834. G.R.3. FULTON, John B., Dr., , 1834. G.R.3. Lucretia Boole, , 1826. G.R.3. FURGERSON (see Ferguson), Juliet, d. of Hiram and Ellen, 13th day, 2d mo., 1839. FURGUS, Maria S., d. of Tho[ma]s S. and Maria, 6th day, 8th mo., 1841. FURLONG, F. B., , 1844. G.R.3. James, in Boston, Oct. 3, 1799. G.R.3. Lucy H. f ], w, of F. B., , 1844. G.R.3. Mary, in Boston, Dec. 13, 1796. G.R.3. FUZZARD, Emeline A., , 1828. G.R.3. William, , 1821. G.R.3. GALEER, William, s. of Humphrey and Sarah, both b. in England, Oct. 31, 1849. GALLAGAR, Joseph E., s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 28. 1845. GALLAWAY, James C, May 12, 1822. G.R.3. GALLISON, Daniel Y., , 1840. G.R.3. Elvira Y. f ], w. of William, Sept. i, 1806. G.R.3. William, July 12, 1809. G.R.3. GALLOUPE, Amos, , 1836. G.R.3. Lois G. Smith [ ], \v. of Amos, , 1842. G.R.3. GAMBLE, Susan IL [ ], w. of James, , 1828. G.R.3. 122 CHELSEA BIRTHS. GAMMANS, George H., s. of William B., b. in Middleboro, and Ann Warwick, b. in Carlisle, Eng., Mar. 5, 1842. GANDALL, Maria, d. of Sam[ue]l and Rebecca C, Apr. 10, 1843. Will, s. of Samuel and Rebecca C, 20th day, 12th mo., 1841. GANN, Henry A., Dec. 31, 1833. G.R.3. GARDEN, Isabell, , 1821. G.R.3. GARDNER, Annie C, , 1849. g.r.2. Charles Russell, , 1837. G.R.4. Hannah Ellen French [ ], w. of Charles Russell, , 1837. G.R.4. John C, , 1842. G.R.3. Martha, , 1817. G.R.3. Rozalvin H., , 1847. G.R.3. Ruth S., , 1843. G-R-3- William B., , 1837. G.R.3. W[inia]m H., , 1841. G.R.3. GARFIELD, John, Dr., , 1836. G.R.3. GARIBOLDI, Ambrose, , 1842. G.R.3. Lucinda L. [ ], w. of Pietro, , 1823. G.R.3. Pietro, , 1818. G.R.3. GARLAND, George A., , 1846. G.R.3. George P., , 1838. G.R.3. GARNER, Robert, Aug. 10, 1843. G.R.3. GARRATT, Ann Russell [ ] , w. of Joseph, in Somerset- shire, Eng., Feb. 19, 1823. G.R.3. Joseph, in Co. Staffordshire, Eng., May 11, 1817. G.R.3. GAST, Dorothy, , 1832. G.R.3. GATELEY, Anna M., d. of Patric and Isabelle, May 16, 1846. GATES, Martha A., Feb. 3, 1842. G.R.3. GAY, Abigail, d. of Abner and Lydia, 14th day, 6th mo., 1822. Abner, s. of Abner and Lydia, 22d day, 4th mo., 1810. Cha[rle]s H. W., s. of Abna and Lydia, 3d day, 5th mo., 1840. Ellen, , 1825. G.R.3. George, s. of Abner and Lydia, 9th day, 2d mo., 1814. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I23 Gay, Joel, s. of Abner and Lydia, ist day, 7th mo., 1807. Joseph La Fayette, s. of Abner and Lydia, 3d day, 6th mo., 1824. Lydia, d. of Abner and Lydia, loth day, 2d mo., 1816. Lydia, d. of Abner and Lydia, nth day, 7th mo., 1818. Mary Abbot, d. of Abner and Lydia, 5th day, nth mo., 1820. Mary E., d. of Joel and EHzabeth, gth mo., 1833. Oliver, s. of Abner and Lydia, 4th day, 5th mo., 1826. Sally, d. of Abner and Lydia, i6th day, nth mo., 1808. Timothy, s. of Abner and Lydia, loth day, 4th mo., 1812. GEAR, Sarah F. [ ], w. of , , 1836. G.R.3. GEORGE, Alphonso VV., , 1834. G.R.4. Harriet J. [ ], w, of Alphonso W., , 1835. g,r.4. GEROULD, Josiah H., , 183 1. G.R.3. GERRARD, Margueritte, 3d d. of Col. Thomas and Margueritte and w. of John Robinson, Sept. r, 1829. G.R.3. GERRISH, Abbie F. Toppan [ ], w. of Israel H.. , 1830. G.R.3. Amelia H. f ], w. of James R., Apr. 20, 1841. G.R.3. Benjamin J., , 181 1. G.R.3. Charles H., Apr. 22, 1838. G.R.3. Emily Gertrude, Jan. 26, 1846. G.R.3. George W., Jan. 20, 1809. g.r.2. Hannah W., d. of Joseph and Hannah G., Oct. 15, 1842. Hellen A., d. of Hiram and Sophia, Dec. 11, 1843. Hiram A., s. of Geofrge] W. and Sarah, 9th day. 2d mo., 1838. Joanna E., d. of Geo. W. and Sarah, 3d day, 8th mo.. 1840. Lydia C, d. of Geofrge] W. and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1848. Mary G., d. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 21, 1846. Mary G. Reynolds [ ], w. of Israel H., , 1836. G.R.3. Matilda B. [ ], w. of Benjamin J., , 181 1. G.R.3. Sarah A., d. of George W. and Sarah H., Oct. 3, 1844. Susan A., d. of Richard and Sarah A., 27th day, 7th mo., 1837. Will, s. of Geo|"rge] W. and Sarah H., June 23, 1842. (Lieut. William, June 24, 1842, G.R.3.) GETCHELL, Barzillia G., , i8n. g.r.2. Emily D., , 1847. G.R.3. Evelyn J., , 1848. G.R.3. Mary B., , 1817. g.r.2. Randolph C, Sept. 14, 1838. g.r.2. 124 CHELSEA BIRTHS. GIBBONS, William, Jan. lo, 1843. G.R.3. GIBBS, Anna L. [ ], w. of George L., , 1828. G.R.3. George L., , 1825. g,r.3. Helen M. [ ], w. of James, , 1836. g.r,3. James, , 1832. G.R.3. Joanna [ ], w. of William, , 1825. G.R.3. William, , 1822. G.R.3. GIBBY, William H., , 1847. G.R.3. GIBSON (see Gipson), George T., Feb. 7, 1837. G.R.3, James, Capt., May 3, 1800. G.R.3. Mary H., Sept. 26, 1839. G.R.3. GIGGEY, Benjamin M., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Benjamin M., , 1827. G.R.3. GILBERT, Alvah A., Dec. 15, 1847. G.R.3. Andrew, , 182 1. G.R.3. Anna O. [ ], w. of Andrew, , 1817. G.R.3. Clara A. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1831. G.R.3, GILCHRIST, Agnes, July 4, 1825. G.R.3. William, Aug. 24, 1827. G.R.3. GILKEY, Sarah A. [ ], w. of Andrew, Apr. 20, 1835. G.R.3. GILLETT, Edward A., , 1827. G.R.3. GILLINGS, Rebecca, , 1800. G.R.3. GILMAN, Abbie M., , 1849. G.R.3. Caroline Rebecca, d. of Eliphalet and Rebecca S., July 28, 1848. Twin. Parents born in Hallowell, Me., and Sid- ney, Me. Charles C, s. of Eliphalet and Rebecca S., July 28, 1848. Twin, Parents born in Hallowell, Me,, and Sidney, Me. Charles E., Jan. i, 1808. G.R.3. Edward L., Lieut., s. of Charles E. and Mary A., Aug. 7, 1837. G.R.3. James A., , 1846. G.R.3. John T., Aug. 3, 1825. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of John T., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Charles E., July 26, 1807. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I25 GiLMAN, Mehitabel [ ], w. of Jonathan, Oct. 30, 1808. G.R.3. Sarah A. Kingman [ ], vv. of Charles S., Dec. 3, 1849. GILMORE, EHzabeth, Dec. 2, 1815. G.R.3. Mary Ann, d. of Tho[ma]s and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Sept. II, 1849. Matilda J., Feb. 2^, 1824. G.R.3. William, Mar. 12, 1846. G.R.3. GILPIN, Elizabeth [ ], w. of James, in London, Eng., July 5, 1847. G.R.3. GILSON, Helen L., Nov. 22, 1835. G.R.3. GINN, James P., Nov. 11, 1841. G.R.3. John O., , 1824. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of John O., , 183 1. G.R.3. GIPSON (see Gibson), Montgomery, , 1839. G.R.3. GIRAGOSIAN, Sarah [ ], w. of Rev. H. M. of Malatia, Turkey in Asia, , 1837. G.R.3. GIVEN (see Givens), John Otis, , 1819. G.R.3. GIVENS (see Given), Catherine, , 1819. G.R.3. Charles, , 1830. G.R.3. GLASS, Caroline, , 183 1. G.R.3. John, , 1841. G.R.3. GLEASON, Catherine P., d. of Horrace and Catherine, 8th day, 8th mo., 1839. Ella F., d. of Horrace and Catherine, nth day, 5th mo., T841. Hannah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, 3d day, loth mo., 1766. Horace Francis, s. of Horace and Catherine A., Nov. 26, 1848. Jacob, s. of Josiah and Sarah, 2d day, 4th mo., 1769. Joshua, s. of Josiah and Sarah, 27th day, 6th mo., 1761. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sarah, 7th day, ist mo., 1764. Maria L., d. of Hor[ace] and Catherine, June 5. 1843. [Twin.] Mary, d. of Josiah and Sarah, 29th day, loth mo., 1758. Mary E., d. of Hor[ace] and Catherine, June 5, 1843. [Twin.] Sarah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, 23d day, ist mo., 1756. Susanna, d. of Josiah and Sarah, 25th day, loth mo., 1772. 126 CHELSEA BIRTHS. GLIDDEN, Daniel P., Sept. 13, 1821. G.R.3. Joanna A., Jan. 17, 1827. G.R.3. Jos. W., Sept. II, 1808. G.R.3. Lucy A., May 24, 1816. G.R.3. GLINE (see Glines), Bradford E., Sept. 10, 1821. G.R.3. Jane E., Sept. 29, 1824. G.R.3. GLINES (see Gline), Frank, Aug. 23, 1846. G.R.3. Jacob T., July 20, 1817. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Jacob T., May 19, 1819. G.R.3. GLOVER, Charles P., , 1841. G.R.3. Elizabeth C, Nov. 29, 1817. G.R.3. GOBLE, Emma Louisa, June 14, 1830. G.R.3. GODBOLD, Ann Penno [ ], w. of Gustavus A., Peb. 26, 1804. G.R.2. Caroline E., d. of Gustavus A. and Ann P., Peb. 9, 1846. Cornelia, d. of Gustavus A. and Ann P., 6th day, 12th mo., 1840. Gustavus A., July 24, 1804. g.r.2. Joseph Warren, , 1846. G.R.3. Mary Prances, , 1845. G.R.3. Susan Maria, d. of G. A. and Ann P., ist day, 3d mo., 1839. Thaddeus, s. of , May 15, 1844. GODDARD, Alfred J., Aug. 11, 1840. G.R.3. GODFREY, Alexander M., , 1838. G.R.3. Christianna H., Oct. 14, 1835. g,r.3. John A., Apr. 29, 1841. G.R.3. John D., Dec. 11, 1833. G.R.3. Mary A., Aug. 15, 1833. G.R.3. Sarah B., July 4, 1846. G.R.3. GOEPPER, John, , 1810. G.R.3. Wilhelmina [ ], w. of John, , 1823. G.R.3. GOLDSMITH, Benjamin W., Peb. 10, 1841. G.R.3. Mary P., Apr. 22, 1840. G.R.3. GOLDTHWAIT, Henry, s. of Thomas and Catharine, 29th day, 3d mo., 1759. Lydia, , 1797. G.R.3. Lydia A., d. of J. L., and Lydia A., Oct. — , 1847. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 127 GOODELL, James, in Lynn, Sept. 24, 1824. G.R.3. GOODHUE, Eliza A., , 1825. G.R.3. GOODING, Charlotte F. [ ], w. of Samuel H., Feb. 9, 1823. G.R.3. Edmund Hartt, , 1846. G.R.3. Eleanor [ ], w. of George, Jan. 21, 1819. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Thomas, Aug. 13, 1809. G.R.3. Ellen M., d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1849. G.R.3. George, , 1820. G.R.3. Harriet A, Gilson [ ], w. of Edmund Hartt, , 1849. G.R.3. Martha E., d. of George and Eleanor, , 1844. G.R.3. Samuel H., June 2, 1813. G.R.3. Thomas, in Boston, July 8, 1805. G.R.3. GOODRICH, Luther, Apr. 26, 1804. G.R.3. GOODSOE, William H., Jan. 26, 1818. G.R.3. GOODSON, Edward D., , 1845. G.R.3. GOODSPEED, Theodore \V., , 1826. G.R.3. GOODWIN, Anne Eliza, Mar. 18, 1833. G.R.3. Elizabeth Knight [ ], w. of William, July 4, 1800. G.R.3. Lucinda T. [ "j, w. of Reuben, , 1834. G.R.3. Lucy Huse, d. of William and Elizabeth Knight, Jan. 23, 1829. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 28, 1827. G.R.3. Nancy J., , 1841. G.R.3. Reuben, , 1833. G.R.3. William, Feb. 15, 1797. G.R.3. GOOGINS, Mary A., , 1832. G.R.3. GORDON, Christopher H., July 10, 1845. gR-3- Elbridge. . 1821. G.R.3. Esther T. f" 1. w. of Walter W.. , 1842. G.R.3. Hannah J. [ ], w. of Elbridge, , 1823. G.R.3. Henn' E., May — , 1839. G-R-3- Walter W., , 1844. G.R.3. GORHAM, GeoTrge] E., s. of Robert M. and Sarah S., Aug. 13. 1848. 128 CHELSEA BIRTHS. GOUDY, Harratt F., Capt., Feb. 28, 1816. G.R.3. Margaret M. Gorham [ ], w. of Capt. Harratt F., Aug. 28, 1817. G.R.3. GOULD, A. Lawrence, Apr. 8, 1834. G.R.3. Alice Julia [ ], w. of Dr. Daniel, in Montreal, . 1805. G.R.3. Annie S. H. [ ], w. of A. Lawrence, Apr, 24, 1841. G.R.3. Caroline Wood [ ], w. of Oscar O., , 1825. G.R.3. Catharine, , 1804. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1836. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s W., s. of Jesse and Frances A., Apr. 10, 1847. Corbin, Nov. 22, 1800. G.R.3. Daniel, Dr., in Stoneham, , 1789. G.R.3. David, Jan. 5, 1793. g.r.2. Emeline [ ], w. of Robert S., Oct. 21, 1809. G.R.3. Frances A. [ ], w. of Jesse, July 16, 1817. G.R.3. Francis A. [ ], w. of James, May 16, 1848. G.R.3. Harriet W., , 1817. G.R.3. James, s. of Jesse and Frances A., Aug. 6, 1848. James, s. of Jesse and Frances A., Dec. 15, 1849. Jesse, May 8, 1809. G.R.3. Jesse, s. of Jesse and Almira, Jan. 18, 1842. Lucy A. A., , 1824. G.R.3. Mary Catharine, , 1838. G.R.3. Moses P., May 23, 1833. G.R.3. Nancy [ ], w. of Salma E., Mar. 24, 1816. G.R.3. Oscar O., , 1824. G.R.3. Randall, Feb. 6, 1832. G.R.3. Rebecca Austin, d. of Dr. Daniel and Alice Julia, , 1826. G.R.3. Robert S., Oct. 17, 1805. G.R.3. Robert S. Jr., June 15, 183 1. G.R.3. Rosella N., , 1844. G.R.3. Salma E., Sept. 30, 1810. G.R.3. Samuel, Mar. 11, 1843. g.r.2. Sarah Ann [ ], w. of Corbin, Feb. 22, 1816. G.R.3. Sarah Jane, d, of Salma E. and Nancy, Nov. 18, 1843. G.R.3. Sarah Jane, d. of Salma E. and Nancy, Sept. 18, 1846. G.R.3. Sarah P. Richardson [ ], w. of Moses P., Aug. 18, 1836. G.R.3. Tho[ma]s B., s. of George and Eliz[abet]h, Sept. 14, 1842. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 129 Gould, William, , 1800. G.R.3. William E., , 1824. G.R.3. GOURLEY, Eliza [ ], w. of John, Apr. 8, 1825. G.R.3. John, July 5, 1825. G.R.3. GOVAN, Janet, d. of James of Glasgow and w. of William Moir, , 1833. G.R.3. GOVE, Adeline Ramsdell [ ], w. of James A., Oct. 18, 1840. G.R.4. Anna Morse, d. of Charles R. and Martha W., May 22, 1848. Born in East Cambridge. Austin, Mar. 26, 1812. G.R.3. Wesley A., Sept. 9, 1834. G.R.3. William T., Mar. 3, 1847. G.R.3. GOWING, Catherine, , 1837. G.R.3. Daniel, , 1828. G.R.3. GRAHAM, Elizabeth M. [ ], w. of , , 1823. G.R.2. Isabell [ ], vv. of Matthew, , 1847. G.R.3. Jane, Mar. 9, 1796. G.R.3. Margarett, d. of John and Marg[a]rett, Jan. i, 1848. Mary A., d. of John and Margarett, Oct. 15, 1845. Matthew, , 1839. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth M., , 1840. g.r.2. Will H., s. of Robert M. and Sarah T., Jan. 23, 1847. GRANT, Elouise E., Aug. 4, 1843. G.R.3. George, , 1839. G.R.3. George A,, , 1836. G.R.3. Lydia P. [ ], w. of , , 1835. G.R.3. Mary J. P. [ ], w. of George A., , 1838. G.R.3. Merrill H., , 1840. G.R.3. Sarah E, Norris [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s H., , 1847. G.R.3. William C. G., Sept. 27, 1846. G.R.3. GRAUSTEIN, [ ], w. of M., Feb. 16, 1831. G.R.3. GRAVES, Ambrose L., Sept. 9, 181 1. G.R.3. Ambrose L., Aug. 4, 1842. G.R.3. 130 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Graves, Andrew F., s. of Rev. J. M. and Susannah W., , 1825. G.R.3. Eliza T., , 1816. G.R.3. Hattie L., June 14, 1846. G.R.3. Hiram A., Rev., Apr. 14, 1813. g.r,3. Hiram Albert, s. of Rev. Hiram A. and Mary Hinman, May 20, 1846. G.R.3. Joseph M., Rev., May 7, 1793. G.R.3. Joseph Muzzy, s. of Rev. Hiram A. and Mary Hinman, July 13, 1843. .G.R.3. Julia A. [ ], w. of Andrew F., , 1834. G.R.3. Mary Hinman [ ], w. of Rev. Hiram A., May 24, 1812. G.R.3. Sorada, May 22, 1819. G.R.3. Susan Gould [ ], w. of A. T., Nov. 19, 1798. G.R.3. GRAY, Ann, , 1832. G.R.3. Charles Carroll, Capt., in Fairfax, Va., , 1838. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s E., s. of Cephas and Nancy, Mar. 29, 1848. Edward F., June 22, 1841. G.R.3. Emily N. [ ], w. of Francis P., , 1842. G.R.3. Francis P., , 1832. G.R.3. Frederick S., , 1841. G.R.3. Isabella L. [ ], w. of Wesley N., , 1845. G.R.3. John, , 183 1. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1834. G.R.3. Norman H., , 1847. G.R.3. William, , 1826. G.R.3. GREELY, Rufus F., s. of Thomas H. and M., Feb. 16, 1847. Thomas H., June 25, 1819. G.R.3. GREEN (see Greene), , d. of James and Rachal, 20th day, I2th mo., 1832. Abigail, d. of Benjamin and Abigail, 5th day, nth mo., 1792. Albert, s. of John and Phebe, 21st day, 6th mo., 1834. Alpheus, s. of John and Phebe, 28th day, nth mo., 1841. Anna, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, 24th day, 8th mo., 1794. Anna, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, ist day, ist mo., 1799. Augusta Ann, d. of James and Rachel, 25th day, nth mo., 1822. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, 2d day, 4th mo., 1791. Benjamin, s. of James and Joanna, 19th day, 5th mo., 1805. Charles E., s. of John and Phebe, 5th day, 8th mo., 1829. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I3I Green, Charles Marden, s. of Thomas and Anna, Apr. 15, 1849. Charlotte A., d. of Thomas and Sarah, 2d day, 6th mo., 1829. EHzabeth, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, 22d day, 6th mo., 1780. Ehzabeth, d. of Thnothy and (Sarah, c.R.i), 9th day, 2d mo., 1820. Ellen M., d. of Andrew and Mary H., 19th day, 8th mo., 1838. George E., s. of James and Radial, 23d day, nth mo., 1829. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Martha, 4th day, 12th mo., 1773. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Martha, i6th day, 7th mo., 1779. Hannah, d. of Timothy and Sarah, bp. Sept. 21, 1823. c.R.i. Harriot, d. of Timothy and , 20th day, 7th mo., 1823. Henrette, d. of Thomas and Sarah, 15th day, ist mo., 1832. James, s. of James and Joanna, 24th day, 9th mo., 1796. James Stowers, s. of James and Rachal, 4th day, 6th mo., 1825. Joanna, d. of James and Joanna, 21st day, nth mo., 1792. John, s. of Joseph and Sussanna, 17th day, ist mo., 1790. John, Oct. 26, 1827. G.R.3. John A. Tucker, s. of John and Phebe, 22d day, 9th mo., 1822. John Pratt, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, ist day, 3d mo., 1798. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sussanna, 6th day, 6th mo., 1784. Joseph, s. of John and Phebe, 15th day, 7th mo., 1824. Lenard, s. of John and Phebe, 27th day, nth mo., 1827. Levi, s. of Joseph and Sussanna. 9th day, ist mo., 1804. Louisa G. [ ], w, of Stephen A., , 1839. G.R.3. Lydia Tucker, d. of John and Phebe, 3d day, nth mo., 1818. Margaret. Sept. 10, 1828. G.R.3. Martha, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, loth day, 4th mo., 1788 Martha, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, i8th day, 12th mo., 1791. Marth [a] M., d. of John and Phebe, 5th day, 3d mo., 1832. Mary [ ], w. of , Oct. 22, 1807. G.R.3. Marv, d. of Timothy and (Sarah, c.R.i), 21st day, 3d mo., '1816. Mary A., d. of Thomas 2d and Sarah. 12th mo., 1832. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Martha, i8th day, 2d mo., 1771. Samuel, s. of James and Joanna, 9th day, 5th mo., 1803. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sussanna, 14th day, 12th mo., 1785. Sarah [ '—], w. of Thomas, Aug. 25, 1803. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of John and Phebe, 23d day, 7th mo., 1820. Sarah L., d. of Thomas and Sarah, 24th day, ist mo., 1825. Stephen, s. of Joseph and Martha, 31st day, loth mo., 1776. Stephen A., , 1834. G.R.3. 132 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Green, Susanna, d. of James and Joanna, i6th day, nth mo., 1800. Sussanna, d, of Joseph and Sussanna, loth day, 12th mo., 1782. Thomas, s. of Joseph and Sussanna, i6th day, 8th mo., 1796. Thomas, s. of James and Joanna, 21st day, ist mo., 1798. Thomas, s. of Joseph and Sussanna, i6th day, loth mo., 1800. WilHam Albert, May 6, 1843. Native of Velasco, Tex. g.r.2. WilHam Pratt, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, 15th day, 6th mo., 1795. GREENE (see Green), Charles Warren, , 1846. G.R.3. GREENLAW, Sophronia P., , 1838. G.R.3. GREENLEAF, Thomas, Apr. 25, 1793. G.R.3. GREENOUGH, Cha[rle]s H., s. of John G. and Maria ]., Dec. 2, 1843. GREENVILLE, Elizabeth C. [ ], w. of Charles A. . 1825. G.R.3. GREENWAY, John D., , 1837. G.R.3. GREENWOOD, Annie Olive [ ], w. of Charles, Jan. 3. 1826. G.R.3. Charles, Apr. 15, 182 1. G.R.3, William, , 1842. G.R.3. GREGORY, Abijah, , 181 5. G.R.3. Edward, , 1812. G.R.3. Harriet Eaton [ ], w. of Edward, Aug. 30, 1807. G.R.3. Lovisa Kibby [ ], w. of Abijah, , 1817. G.R.3. GRENNELL, Elizabeth E., , 1836. G.R.3. GRENOLD, Anthony D., , 1824. G.R.3. GRIFFIN, , d. of Isaac and Sarah E., May 3, 1845. , d. of Isaac and Sarah E., May 2, 1846. Abigail S., May 31, 1786. G.R.3. Charles A., , 1842. G.R.3. Isaac. , 1816. G.R.4. Joseph Allen, Apr. 19, 181 5. G.R.3. Louisa N., , 1820. G.R.3. Priscilla, , 1828. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of , , 1822. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I 33 GRIFFITHS, Ellen [ ], w. of Julian, , 1837. G.R.3. Julian, , 1835. G.R.3. GRIGtJS, M. Elizabeth, , 1832. g.r.2. GRIMES, Alexander, Jan. 13, 1847. G.R.3. Charlotte, Aug. 7, 1822. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1832. G.R.3. Leonard A,, Rev., in Loudon Co., Va., Nov. 9, 1814 (181 2 on monument). G.R.3. Mary,^ , 1834. G.R.3. Octavia J. [ ], w. of Rev. Leonard A., in Washington, D. C, Apr. 6, 181 5. G.R.3. GROUT, Charles, , 1832. G.R.3. Clara Morgan, ,1843. G.R.3. GROVE, Evelyn M., , 1849. G.R.3. GROVER, , s. of Edward and Mary J., Dec. i, 1847. Abigail, d. of John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 22, 1776. c.R.i, Amaziah, , 1848. G.R.3. Archelaus, , 1824. G.R.3. Catharine H., Feb. 17, 1818. G.R.3, Catherine [ ], w. of Nathaniel, in Charlestown, July 17, 1797. G.R.3. Christopher C, , 1832. G.R.3. Edmund, s. of John, bp. Mar. 2, 1728-9. c.R.i. Hannah, d. of John and Margarett, bp. July 14, 1771. c.R.i. Isabel L., d. of Elbridge and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1848. John, s. of John and Margaret, bp. Oct. 31, 1784. c.r.i. Joshua, s. of John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 26, 1779. c.r.i. Ix)uise B., , 1847, G.R.3. Lydia, d. of John and Margarett, bp. Nov. 29, 1772. c.r.i. Lydia, d. of John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 14, 1783. c.r.i. Mary, d. of John and Margarett, bp. July 14, 1771. c.r.i. Mary E. [ ], w. of Archelaus, , 1828. G.R.3. Nathaniel, in Lexington, June 4, 1794. G.R.3. Peggy, d. of John and Margaret, bp. Aug. 5, 1787. c.R.i. Sarah, d. of John and Margarett, bp. July 14, 1771. c.r.i. Sarah, , 1816. G.R.3. Simon, s. of John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 25, 1774. c.r.i. William D., , 1839. G.R.3. GRUBER, Abrani W.. , 1838. G.R.3. Eleanor Cox [ ], w. of Henry, May 29, 1802. G.R.3. 134 CHELSEA BIRTHS. GRUEBY, Edward Lewis, , 1808. G.R.3. Elizabeth Gilbert [ ], w. of George H,, , 1822. G.R.3. George PL, , 1818. G.R.3. Mar}^ Rand, , 1812. G.R.3. GUELPA, Philip, , 1822. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of PhiHp, , 1823. G.R.3. GUERNSEY, Jarvis A., , 1845. G.R.3. GUILD, Albert Augustine, s. of Albert and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1837. Edward B., , 1839. G.R.3. Emily Macdonald [ ], w. of Edward B., , 1843. G.R.3. James W., , 1820. G.R.3. GUILE, Samuel Alfred, , 1845. G.R.3. GUNDLACH, Henry, , 1840. G.R.3. GUNN, Daniel, , 1824. G.R.4. GURNEY, E. Alice J. Keough [ ], w. of Franklin, Feb. 5, 1849. G.R.3. Edward A., , 1848. G.R.3. J. Theodore, Nov. 12, 1841. G.R.3. James, , 1818. G.R.3. GUTTERSON, Donagh F., d. of W[illia]m H. and Eunice L., , 1848. G.R.3. Eunice L. [ ], w. of W[illia]m H., , 1813. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., , 1809. G.R.3. GWINN, Elizabeth L. [ ], w. of James, , 1808. G.R.3. James, , 1807. G.R.3. HABIG, Nicholas B., Apr. — , 1823. G.R.3. HACKETT, Carlton Allen, , 1846. G.R.3. Jeremiah Carlton, , 1810. G.R.3. John O., Elder, June i, 1809. G.R.3. Mary Adalaide, , 1847. G.R.3, HADAWAY, Ephraim, s. of J. T. and Catherine W., Jan. 14, 1848. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 135 HADLEY, Andrew S., s. of Cha[rle]s S. and Agness R., Oct. 9, 1843. Annie D., Oct. 23, 1832. G.R.3. Edward F., , 1822, G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1821. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of George W., , 1829. G.R.3. Elizabeth M., , 1826. G.R.3. George B., Sept. 8, 1834. G.R.3. George W., , 1820. G.R.3. Horace B., , 1848. G.R.3. Mary E. (" ], w. of Horace B., , 1848. G.R.3. William E., , 1837. G.R.3. HAGER, John M., Aug. 6, 1812. G.R.3. Margaretha [ ], w. of John M., Mar. 22, 1823. G.R.3. HAGGERSTON, Alexander, . 1837. G.R.4. Louisa A. Tewksbury [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1841. G.R.4. HAHN, Dexter W., , 1823. G.R.3. Emily A., , 1827. g.r,3. Jacob, , 1788. G.R.3. Rodolphus F., , 1826. G.R.3. Sally, , 1798. G.R.3. Sidney B., , 1831. G.R.3. Silas B., , 1819. G.R.3. HALE, Almon, , 183 1. G.R.3, Charles N., Feb. 5, 1820. G.R.3. Harriet F. Fuller [ ], w. of Almon, Oct. 14, 1832. G.R.3. Rob[er]t T., s. of Edward F, and Harriet S., Mar. 27, 1846. HALEY, Almira E., d. of Parker and Almira W., Sept. 7, 1846. Lottie M. [ ], w. of George E., , 1846. G.R.3. Nancy Emma, d. of Parker and Elmira, Oct. 27, 1848. Robert P., s. of Parker and Almira, May 20, 1844. HALL, , s. of William and Susanna, 13th day, loth mo., 1832. (Charles H., in N. Chelsea, Oct. 13, 1832, G.R.3.) (Charles Hyland Hall, s. of William and Susan, bp. Sept. 7, 1834, C.R.I.) , d. of , Feb. 21, 1848. Aaron, s. of Aaron and Mary, bp. Mar. 30, 1783. c.r.i, Aaron, s. of Aaron and Abigail, 9th day, 5th mo., 1812. 136 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Hall, Abigail, d. of Aaron and Abigail, 25th day, nth mo., 1809. Almira, d. of Wil[lia]m and Sussanna S., 27th day, 8th mo., 1823. Almira F. Frisbee [ ], w. of George O., Nov. 8, 1848, G.R.3. Benjamin B., May 19, 1839. G.R.3. Caroline Matilda, d. of Aaron and Abigail, 28th day, 4th mo., 1822. Catharine, d. of Zachariah and Catharine. 8th day, 9th mo., 1805. Cha[rle]s W., s. of Isaac C. and Susan, Nov. 2, 1843. Christopher John, s. of Jona[tha]n P. and Abigail, 30th day, I2th mo., 1801. Clara A., d. of Hiram K. and Louisa, 29th day, nth mo., 1839. Edward P., s. of Zac[haria']h Jr. and Mary, , 1841. Eliza, d. of Zachariah and Catharine, 14th day, ist mo., 1808, Elizabeth, d. of Zechariah and Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 24, 1808. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. July 22, 1810. c.r.i. Elizabeth S, [ ], w. of Rev. Henry P., , 1829. G.R.3. Elletta J. S., d. of Will C. and Emeline, Feb. 21, 1848. Emma L., d. of Stephen and Mary, July 17, 1849. Evalina A. [ ], w. of Stephen A., , 1830. G.R.3. George, Nov. 29, 1822. G.R.3. George A. (George Alfred, c.r.i), s. of William and Susanna S., 29th day, 1 2th mo., 1828. Geo[rge] A., s. of Elijah H. and Ehza N., Nov. 11, 1842. George O., May 20, 1846. G.R.3. George W., Nov. 9, 1849. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. July 22, 1810. c.r.i. Hannah A., d. of William and Susanna S., 14th day, 2d mo., 1827. Hannah G. [ ]. w. of Winslow, Dec. 16, 1826. G.R.4. Hannah G. |" ], w. of George, Sept. 16, 1827. G.R.3. Hannah Tucker, d. of Zach[aria]h and Hannah T., 3d day, 1 2th mo., 1820. Harriet, d. of Zachariah and Catharine, bp. May 7, 181 1. c.r.i. Harriet E., d. of Zachariah Jr. and Mary, Aug. 21, 1844. Harriet F., June 20, 1841. G.R.3. Harriet M. Ramsdell [ ], w. of William O., , 1827. G.R.3. Harriot, d. of Zachariah and Catharine, 3d day, 3d mo., 1812. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 137 Hall, Henry, Oct. 4, itScx). G.R.3. Henry Andrew, s. of Rev. Henry P. and Abby W., Jan. 2, 1845. G.R.3. Henry P., Rev. , 1814. G.R.3. Isaac G., Oct. 7, 1820. G.R.4. James F., Sept. 2, 1838. G.R.3. Jane Frances [ ], w. of William Penn, Sept. 29, 1824. G.R.3. Jane Sigourney, d. of William and Sussanna S., 9th day, 1st mo., 1822. Jane T., d. of Zachar[i]ah G. and Mary T., July 28, 1842. John, Apr. 16, 1810. G.R.3. John, , 1832. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. July 22, 1810. c.r.i. Louisiana Nevvhall [ ], w. of George A,, , 183 1. G.R.3, Lucy, d. of Zachariah and Catharine, 2d day, 7th mo., 1814. Lucy N. [ ], w. of , Aug. 15, 1848. G.R.3. Lydia H. [ ], w. of , May 13, 1816. G.R.3, Margaret Cary, d. of Aaron and Abigail, 4th mo., 18 17. Mariah, d. of Zach[aria]h and Hamiah, 4th day, 7th mo., 1832. Mary [ ], w. of John, Sept. 4, 1807. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. Sept, 18, 1814. c.r.i. Mary E. [ ], w. of Albert B., Sept. 5, 1836. G.R.3. Mary R., d. of Zach[aria]h and Hannah, 14th day, 6th mo., 1828. Nathaniel Hood, s. of Andrew and Esther of Boston, bp. Apr. I, 1764. C.R.I. Policy, d. of Aaron and Mary, bp. July 8, 1781. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. Aug. 4, 181 1. c.r.i. Sarah Caroline, d. of Rev. Henry P. and Abby W., July 24, 1847, G.R,3. Sarah K., d. of Zach[aria]h and Hannah, 20th day, 9th mo,. 1830. Sarah S. (Sarah Sigourney Oliver, cR.i), d. of William and Susanna S., i8th day, nth mo., 1830. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. July 22, 1810. c.r.i. Stephen A. (Stephen Augustus, c.r.i), s, of William and Susanna S., 12th day, 3d mo., 1825. Susan A., d. of Isaac C. and Susan, Oct. 11, 1847. Susan Augusta, d. of William and Susan, bp. Sept. — , 1827. c.r.i. 138 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Hall, Susan Jane, d. of Aaron and Abigail, ist mo., 1820. Susanna, d. of Stephen and Hannah, bp. Jan. 30, 1813. c.R.i. Susanna Floyd, d. of Jona[than] P. and Abigail, bp. July 29, 1804. C.R.I. Susannah [ ], w. of Isaac G., May i, 1822. G.R.4. William, s. of Aaron and Abigail, 15th day, 9th mo., 1814. (William Coats, s. of Aaron and Abigail, bp. July 30. 1815, C.R.I.) William, s. of Zach[aria]h and Hannah T., 7th day, nth mo., 1822. (William Tucker, s. of Zechariah and Hannah, bp. Apr. 6, 1823, C.R.I.) William Oliver, s. of William and Sussanna S., 4th day, loth mo., 1820. William Penn, June 28, 1821. G.R.3. Winslow, Aug. 22, 1826. G.R.4. Zachariah, s. of Zachariah and Catharine, 23d day, ist mo., 1 8 10. HALLETT, Elizabeth, , 1846. g.r.2. Mary H. Chase [ ], w. of Hendricks A., , 1849. G.R.3. HALLIDAY, Maria L. [ ], w. of William, Dec. 28, 1831. G.R.3. William, July 4, 1830. G.R.3. HALLMAN, Catherine E. [ ], w. of F. B., , 1832. G.R.3. HALSTAT, Ellen M., d. of Will M. and Joanna, i8th day, 7th mo., 1839. Geo[rge], s. of Will M. and Joanna, Mar. i, 1842. Joshua H., s. of Will M. and Joanna, Mar. 18, 1844. HALSTEAD, Kate A., , 1838. G.R.3. HAM, Andrew J., , 1832. G.R.3. Caroline O. [ ], w. of Woodbury A., June 21, 1838. G.R.3. Francis, Mar. 9, 1827. G.R.3. George W., , 1825. G.R.3. James Franklin, Jan. 23, 1827. G.R.3. Martin, Jan. 9, 1839. G.R.3. Mary H., , 1832. G.R.3. Olive [ ], w. of George W., , 1830. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I39 Ham, Rufus K,, Feb. 13, 1829. G.R.3. Samuel J., , 1836. G.R.3. Woodbury A., Sept. 7, 1835. G.R.3. HAMBLEN (see Hamblin, Hamlin), Benj[amin] B., , 1820. G.R.3. Mary J. [ J, w. of Benj[amin] B., , 1827. G.R.3. HAMBLET, Indiana Nichols [ ], vv. of James Jr., June 22, 1829. G.R.3. James, Aug. 4, 1795. G.R.3. James Jr., June 16, 1824. G.R.3. M. Louisa Lester, Jan. 10, 1847. G.R.3. Susan I ], w. of James, Sept. 15, 1799. G.R.3. HAMBLETON, Joseph J., , 1840. G.R.3. Maria A. [ J, w. of Joseph J., , 1837. G.R.3. HAMBLIN (see Hamblen, Hamlin), Harriet N. [ ], w. of Sturdivant J., Feb. 29, 1816. G.R.3. Henry B., , 1839. G.R.3. Sturdivant J., Mar. 18, 1816. G.R.3. HAMER, George Warren, , 1828. G.R.3. HAMILL, Hannah [ ], vv. of Hugh, Aug. 15, 1847. G.R.3. HAMILTON, Enoch S., , 1822. G.R.4. Herbert E., , 1848. G.R.3. John C, June 20, 1840. G.R.3. Margaret A., Aug. 2, 1844. G.R.3. Sarah R., , 1817. G.R.4. HAMLIN (see Hamblen, Hamblin). Joseph P., , 1832. G.R.3. Mary H., , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah E., Nov. 5. 1828. G.R.3. HAMMAN (see Hammon, Hammond, Hamond), Permelia Wood [ ], w. of William, Jan. 9, 1834. G.R.3. William, Nov. ii, 1827. G.R.3. HAMMER, Theodore, Oct. 25. 1842. G.R.3. HAMMETT, David T., , 1835. G.R.3. Willard A., Dec. 25, 1840. G.R.3. 140 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HAMMON (see Hamman, Hammond, Hamond), Esther, d. of Benja[min] and Hannah, bp. Sept. 7, 1766. c.r.i. HAMMOND (see Hamman, Hammon, Hamond), Alexander, , 184I. G.R.2. Andrew, , 1847. G.R.4. Hannah, d. of Mrs. , bp. Oct. 30, 1785. c.r.i. Keziah, d. of Mrs. , bp. Oct. 30, 1785. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Edward and Desire of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. Mary Louisa, in Halifax, N. S., Dec. 27, 1842. G.R.3. Thomas, in New York city, Nov. 14, 1838. G.R.3. HAMOND (see Hamman, Hammon, Hammond), Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, bp. Sept. 24, 1775. c.r.i. HAMPTON, Adahne M., d. of S. and A., Oct. 19, 1848. G.R.3. Will, s. of Sam[ue]l and Ann [Feb. — , 1846]. HANCOCK (see Handcock), J. M., Jan. 19, 1835. G.R.3. HAND, Daniel, s. of John and Mary, Apr. 7, 1849. HANDCOCK (see Hancock), William Armigel, s. of Obadiah and Jane, Sept. 25, 1848. Born in Boston. HANDY, Sophronia, Apr. 21, 181 1. G.R.3. William F., July 13, 1845. G.R.3. HANKERSON, Nancy, in Palmyra, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1812. G.R.3. HANKINSON, Martin, Sept. 22, 1830. G.R.3. Melinda R. [ ], w. of Martin, May 14, 1832. G.R.3. HANLON, Edward Lewis, Sept. i, 1848. G.R.4. HANNAH, Azelia [ ], w. of WiUiam T., May 16, 18 12. G.R.3. Esther, , 1798. G.R.3. W. Augustus, Apr. 7, 1841. G.R.3. William T., June 7, 181 1. G.R.3. HANSCOM, Catherine Foster [ ], w. of John, , 1768. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of John, in Litchfield, Me., , 1812. G.R.3. John, in Kittery, Me., , 1764. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I4I HANSELL, Janet, , 1844. G.R.4. HANSEN (see Hanson), Carl Julius, in Helinsger, Denmark, July 7, 1836. G.R.3. Frederick, in Aalborg, Denmark, Nov. 6, 1849. G.R.3. HANSON (see Hansen), Augustus B., , 1836. G.R.3, Catherine, , 1804. G.R.3. Jane L., , 1832. G.R.3. John H., , 1836. G.R.3. HARADEN, Flora I. [ ], w. of Samuel A., , 1845. G.R.3. Samuel A., , 1844. G.R.3. HARDEN (see Hardin, Harding), James, s. of James and Mary, 25th day, 9th mo., 1838. HARDIN (see Harden, Harding), , d. of James and Mary, 25th day, 7th mo., 1841. , d. of James and Mary, Apr. 19, 1847. Emily, d. of James and Mary, Apr. 19, 1848. Horace B., s. of James and Mary, May 4, 1845. James M., , 1838. G.R.3. HARDING (see Harden, Hardin), Abby Ann, May 24, 1838. G.R.3. Abigail Small, Mar. 20, 1837. G.R.4. Amanda M., , 1837. g.r.2, Austin, , 1825. G.R.2. Bertha, Nov. it, 1804. G.R.4. Charles W., , 1845. G.R.3. Charlotte M. [ ], w. of , Oct. 13, 1833. G.R.3. Delia F., , 1833. G.R.3. Edward, Jan. 25, 1802. G.R.3. Edward, , 1826. G.R.3. Eliza A., Mar. 12, 1829. G.R.3. Joshua Jr., Oct. 30, 1825. G.R.4. Josiah M., June 11, 1800. G.R.3. Martha R., May 5, 1841. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Edward, May 20, 1796. G.R.3. Nancy, Aug. 21, i8or. G.R.3. Sarah E., , 1842. G.R.3. Sarah Elizabeth [ ], w. of Edward, , 1828. G.R.3. Thomas N., Nov. 12, 1823. G.R.3. 142 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HARDY, Caroline A. [ ], w. of Henry E., , 1832. G.R.3. Charles *k., , 1839. G.R.3. Henry E., , 1829. G.R.3. Jane, d. of John and Jane, July 21, 1843. Margaret [ ], w. of Charles K., , 1837. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of William C, , 1835. G.R.3. William A., , 1823. G.R.3. William C, , 1836. G.R.3. HARGRAVE, George, , 1829. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of George, , 1828. G.R.3. HARLEY, William, Capt., , 1836. G.R.3. HARLOW, Thomas T-. Nov. 29, 1829. G.R.3. William T., , 1847. G.R.3. HARMON, Byron R., Dr., June 9, 1836. G.R.3. Clara M. Blake [ ], w. of Dr. Byron R., Aug. 3, 1841. G.R.3. HARNED, Sarah B. [ ], w. of William, , 1804. G.R.2. William, , 1804. g.r.2. HARPER, Arch, , 1823. G.R.3. Susan Torry [ ], w. of Arch, , 1826. G.R.3. HARRIMAN, Cha[rle]s W., , 1848. g.r.2. Rhoda, , 1848. G.R.2. HARRINGTON, Alice E., ,1811. G.R.3. Anna [ ], w. of Eben, May 29, 1841. G.R.3. Arthur, Feb. 16, 1840. G.R.3. Caroline W. [ "|, w. of Thaddeus, , 1836. G.R.3. Charles B., , 1836. G.R.3. Eben, , 1829. G.R.3. Geo[rgel O., s. of Jona[th]h[an] and Lydia, ist day, 4th mo., 1840. Henry, Mar. 27, 1829. G.R.3. Joel K., s. of Nath[anie]l and EHza[bet]h, 17th day, nth mo., 1827. John H., s. of Jonaj'thajn and Lydia, 8th mo., 1833. Joseph, s. of Nathfaniejl and Eliza [bet] h, 8th day, loth mo., 1826. [Twin.] CHELSEA BIRTHS. 143 Harrington, Laban T., , 1842. G.R.3. Melvina A. [ ], w. of William S., , 1827. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Nath[anie]l and Eliza[bet]h, 8th day, loth mo., 1826. [Twin.] Sarah [ ], \v. of Arthur, Mar. 16, 1839. G-R-3- Thaddeus, , 1803. G.R.3. Thaddeus, , 1833. G.R.3, W. H., Jan. 29, 1823. G.R.3. HARRIS, Ansel J., , 1841. G.R.3. Chaf"rle]s B., s. of Henry and Emeline, June 14, 1847. Daniel S., s. of Joseph and Mary, ist day, loth mo., 1833. Elizabeth, d. of Wfillialm and Mary, bp. July 9, 1775. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of W|"illia]m and Mary, bp. Dec. 29, 1776. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of William and Mary, bp. Aug. 15, 1779. c.R.i. Elizabeth C. [ ], w. of Robert G., , 1836. G.R.3. Emma Pearmain, , 1845. G.R.3. Giles David Shillaber, s. of Joseph and Marv, 29th day, 3d mo., 1824. Isabel Barton [ ], w. of Ansel J., , 1841. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, bp. June 2, 1782. c.R.i. Joseph Eustis, s. of Joseph and Mary, 2d day, ist mo., 1826. Louisa [ "1, w. of John T., Oct. 8, 1841. G.R.3, Maria J., d. of Mathew and Jane, Feb. 26, 1844. Mary, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary S., , 1833. G.R.3. Phydora J. f ], w. of John, Mar. 28, 1830. g.r,3. Polly, d. of W[illia]m and Mary, bp. Mar. 18, 1781. c.R.i. Robert G., , 1842. G.R.3. Sarah E.. d. of Joseph and Mary, 13th day, 2d mo., 1831. William Jr., s. of Joseph and Mary, 2d day, 8th mo., 1821. William Giles, s. of Joseph and Mary, 15th day, 5th mo., 1828. William H., , 1830. G.R.3. HARRISON, Ann, , 1829. G.R.3. Catherine, , 1811. G.R.3. John L., , 1847. G.R.3. HART (see Hartt). A. Orlando, s. of Joseph S. and Tem- perance A., in Cambridge, Jan. 28, 1834. G.R.3. Emma Louisa, d. of Nath[anie]l O. and Almira, May 29, 1849. John Nelson, in Kennebunk, Me., , 1814. G.R.3. 144 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Hart, Joseph S., in Keniiebunk, Me., Nov. i6, 1810. G.R.3. Orin Fuller, Feb. 3, 1838. G.R.3. R. Evander, s. of Joseph S. and Temperance A., in Cambridge, Aug. 14, 1834. G.R.3. Roxanna Jane [ ], w. of John Nelson, , 1826. G.R.3. Susan J. [ ], w. of William H., , 1841. G.R.3. Temperance A. [ ], w. of Joseph S., in Boston, Dec. 5, 1805. G.R.3. William H., , 1836. G.R.3. HARTFORD, Erastus G., Dec. 24, 1827. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of , , 183 1. G.R.3. HARTIGAN, Helen, Nov. 14, 181 1. G.R.3. HARTLEY, Frederick W., , 1836. G.R.3. Jemima Addison [ ], w. of Frederick W., , 1835. G.R.3. HARTT (see Hart), Henry H., in Boston, May 9, 1808. G.R.3. Lucy Ann [ ], w. of Henry H., in Medford, June 27, 1815. G.R.3. Sally Webb [ ], w. of Edward, in Boston, Sept. 28, 1773. G.R.3. HARVENDER, Ephraim H., , 1839. G.R.3. HARVEY, Elizabeth J. [ ], w. of John, , 1830. G.R.3. John, in Cornwallis, Eng., Nov. 28, 1804. G.R.3. John, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary, . 1822. G.R.3. Sarah, , 1808. g.r.2. HARWOOD, Etta W. [ ], w. of William P., Feb. 28, 1848. G.R.3. Walter H., , 1849. G.R.3. William P., Mar. 3, 1845. G.R.3. HASELTON (see Hazeltine), Hannah, d. of Sam[ue]l and Ruth, bp. May 23, 1773. c.R.i. Louis, d. of Sam[ue]l and Ruth, bp. May 10, 1778. c.R.i. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]l and Ruth, bp. July 21, 1771. c.R.i. HASEY (see Hassey, Hassy), Abigail, d. of Samuel and Sarah, i6th day, nth mo., 1739. Abigail, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, nth day, ist mo., 1757. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 145 Hasey, Ebenezer, s. of (Elder, c.r.i) William and Abigail, 5th day, mo., 1737. (bp. Sept. 11, 1737, c.r.i.) Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, 25th day, mo., 1758. Elizabeth, d. of Nathan[ie]l and Elizabeth, i6th day, 4th mo., 1750- Ehzebeth, d. of Joseph and Elizebeth, 23d day, i — mo., 1741. Esther, d. of Samuel and Sarah, 15th day, ist mo., 1745. Hannah, d. of John and Mary, 3d day, nth mo., 1739. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, 14th day, mo., 1747- Hannah, d. of Eben[eze]r and Lidea, 23d day, loth mo., 1759. Jacob, s. of Joseph and Elizebeth, 9th day, mo., 1744. Jacob, s. of Nathan [ie]l and Elisabeth, 14th day, 9th mo., 1756. John, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, 14th day, 2d mo., 1763. Joseph, s. of Asa, bp. Nov. 6, 1715. c.r.i. Lois, d. of John and Mary, 2d day, 6th mo., 1746. Martha, d. of Samuel and Sarah, 8th day, 2d mo., 1738. Mary, d. of John and Mary, 25th day, mo., 1737. (bp. Jan. I, 1737-8, C.R.I.) Mary, d. of Joseph and Elizebeth, 25th day, i — mo., 1739. Mary, d. of John and Mary, 24th day, ist mo., 1744. Nathaniel, s. of Nath[anie]ll and Eliza [beth], bp. Aug. 9, 1761. C.R.I. Phebe, d. of Samuel and Sarah, 5th day, 2d mo., 1741. Sarah, d. of John and Abigail, ist day, 2d mo., 1732. Thomas Norris, s. of Nath[anie]ll and Eliza [beth], bp. Oct. 2, 1763. C.R.I. Susanna, d. of John and Mary, 13th day, 9th mo., 1741. William, s. of Samuel and Sarah, 22d day, 2d mo., 1743. William, s. of Nathan [ie]l and Elizabeth, 15th day, 5th mo., \\'illiam, s. of Ebenezar and Lydia. 8th day, 6th mo., 1761. HASKELL, Carrie A., d. of Thomas and w. of Smith, Nov. — , 1825. G.R.3. Clara Adeline, d. of Abram and Mary. Aug. 23, 1848. Debora, d. of W[illia]m E. P. and Debora. ist day, ist mo., 1842. Edward P., s. of Micajah and Anna D., June — , 1845. Emma F., d. of Thomas and Lucy and w. of Gardner, Sept. 25, 1838. G.R.3. Emma P., d. of Will E. P. and Deborah, Aug. 12, 1845. Frank A., s. of Will O. and Sarah S., Dec. 25, 1846. 146 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Haskell, Frank Albert, s. of W[illia]m E. P. and Deborah, Aug. 22, 1849. Frank E., s. of W. E. P. and Deborah, Apr. 25, 1843. Harriet EUis, d. of Loomis Pomroy and Sarah E., July 15, 1849. Hiram B., Dr., , 1848. G.R.3. John H., s. of Micajah and Ann D., Oct. 14, 1847. Joseph W., , 181 5. G.R.3. Lyman, , 1832. G.R.3. Marietta, d. of W. E. P. and Deborah, Nov. i, 1847. Mary E,, d. of Abraham and Mary, May 18, 1845. Ophelia A. [ ], w. of Lyman, , 1843. G.R.3. Sarah S. [ ], w. of WilHam O., Mar. 4, 1813. G.R.3. Theodotia, , 181 5. G.R.3. William O., Sept. 17, 1808. G.R.3. William O., s. of W^ill O. and Sarah S., May 24, 1844. HASKINS, Cynthia A. [ ], w. of Joseph W., , 1828. G.R.3. Horace, Apr. 3, 1829. G.R.3. Joseph W., , 1826. G.R.3. Laura B, Jameson [ ], w. of Horace, May 18, 1832. G.R.3. HASSEY (see Hasey, Hassy), Abigail, d. of Abigail of Maiden, bp. July 6, 1718. C.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Jacob, bp. Oct. 26, 1718. c.r.i. Hannah, d. of Asa, bp. Dec. 16, 1716. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Nath[anie]l and EHza[beth], bp. Apr. 15. 1759. c.R. I . ^" William, s. of John, bp. May 16, 1736. c.r.i, HASSY (see Hasey, Hassey), Abigail, d. of Jacob, bp. June 10, 1716. C.R.I. Abraham, s. of Asa, bp. Apr. 13, 1718. c.R.i. Ebenezer, s. of William, bp. July 9, 1721. c.r.i. HASTINGS, Abijah, s. of Abijah and Martha, 2d day, ist mo.. 1762. Abijah, s. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna (Sukey L., c.r.i), loth day, 8th mo., 1810, Bethiah, d. of Abijah and Martha, 9th day, 7th mo., 1760. Bethiah, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sukey L., bp. May 4, 1806. c.r.i. CHELSEA BIRTHS. H? Hastings, Cornelius W., s. of Abijah and Ellen, 20th day, 2d mo., 1 84 1. Hellen M., d. of Abijah and Ellen, Mar. 28, 1842. Hellen M., d. of Abijah and Hellen M., Jan. 30, 1844. Jacob, s. of Abijah and Martha, ist day, 4th mo., 1772. John. s. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna, 27th day, 3d mo., 1806. ( Tohn Ingraham, s. of Abijah Jr. and Sukey L., bp. May 4, 1806, C.R.I.) Joseph, s. of Abijah and Martha, 20th day, 5th mo., 1768. Joseph, s. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna (Sukey L., c.R.i), 8th day, 3d mo., 1804. Lydia, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna, 25th day, 5th mo., 1808. (Lydia Ingraham, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sukey L., bp. Sept. 29, 1810. c.R.i.) Martha, d. of Abijah and Martha, i6th day, 9th mo., 1764. Martha, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sussannah (Sukey L., c.R.i), 19th day, 6th mo., 1801. Mary, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna, 8th day, 2d mo., 1800, (Mary Ingraham, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sukey L., bp. May 4, 1806, C.R.I. Sussanna, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sussanna, i6th day, 6th mo., 1798. (Sukey, d. of Abijah Jr. and Sukey L., bp. May 4, 1806, C.R.I.) HATCH, Anthony, , 1812. G.R.3. Arthur J., Dec. i, 1836. G.R.3. Asa L., , 1825. G.R.3. Augustus. Capt., , 1840. G.R.3. Charles H., Sept. 15, 1828. G.R.3. Eunice [ ], w. of Charles H., June 14, 1828. G.R.3. Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Hannah of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. Frances S. [ ], w. of Capt. Joseph S., June 20. 1834. G.R.3. Frederick Wfillialm, , 1845. G.R.3. Hiram, in Jefferson, Mo.. Mar. 21, 1827. g.r.2. John, s. of Ezekiel and Hannah, bp. Sept. 13, 1767. c.R.i. Joseph S., Capt., Apr. 28, 1829. G.R.3. Keziah R. [ 1, w. of Anthony. , 1813. G.R.3. Sarah W. [ 1, w. of Capt. William B., , 1813. G.R.3. William B., Capt., , 1810. G.R.3. HATCHER, Mary, , 1845. G.R.3. 148 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HATFIELD, Cyrus W., , 1822. G.R.3. HATHAWAY, Hattie L., , 1848. G.R.3. Hiram, Oct. 15, 1821. G.R.3. Leonora, d. of Samuel and Susan, July 11, 1842. G.R.3. Susie J., d. of Samuel and Susan, Nov. 19, 1841. G.R.3. William T., , 1844. G.R.3. HAUCK, Eva R., , 1799. G.R.3. Julius B., , 1849. G-R-3. Peter, , 1796. G.R.3. HAUSHATTER, Augustus, Mar. 20, 1827. G.R.3. HAVILAND, Mary [ ], w. of , , 1809. G.R.3. HA WES, , ch. of W[illia]m and Emeline D., Jan. — , 1846. , d. of Will and Emeline, Feb. 5, 1847. John L., s. of William and Emeline D., Oct. 20, 1844. HAWKES (see Hawks), Emma Florence, d. of Ezra Jr. and Mary Ann, Apr. 12, 1849. Ezra, , 1816. G.R.3. Harrison, , 1835. G.R.3. Isabel S., , 1835. G.R.3. Leopolde H., s. of Georg[e] W. and Emeline, Nov. 16, 1843. Mary A., d. of Ezra and Mary A., Oct. 5, 1844. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Ezra, , 1822. G.R.3. HAWKINS, Charles, , 1817. g.r.2. Charles G., Dec. 30, 1848. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of John, Feb. 5, 1814. G.R.3. John, , 1813. G.R.3. John E., , 1828. G.R.2. HAWKS (see Hawkes), Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, 5th day, 4th mo., 1761. Abigail, d. of Jona[tha]n and Rachel, 3d day, 3d mo., 1778. Edward, s. of wid. Abigail, bp. Nov. t.j, 1768. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Tona[tha]n and Rachel, 2d day, 8th mo.. 1780. Ezra H., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Emeline, i8th day, loth mo., 1839. Geo[rge] W., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Emeline, 3d day, 6th mo., 1841. Rachel, d. of Jona[tha]n and Rachel, 2d day, 9th mo., 1776. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 149 Hawks, Thomas G. M., Nov. 2^, 1845. G.R.3. William, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, 4th day, 3d mo., 1756. HAY, Sally [ ], w. of Thomas, Aug. 25, 1797. G.R.3. Thomas, June 17, 1790. G.R.3. HAYDEN, Abel F., , 1835. G.R.3. Ellen M., Feb. — , 1827. G.R.3. Frances, d. of Joseph and Abba, 2d day, 3d mo., 1837. Kimball, , 1823. G.R.3. Mary Orr, July 18, 1820. G.R.4. William A., , 1839. G.R.3. HAYES, Annie [ ], w. of , Oct. 31, 1845. G.R.3. John F., Jan. 14, 1839. G.R.3. Lois E., Jan. 24, 1842. G.R.3. Mary Eraser [ ], w. of William F., , 1833. G.R.3. Michael, s. of James and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Feb. 5, 1849. Born in Boston. Oliver F., s. of Oliver P. and Mary T., Aug. 16, 1845. William F., Dec. 10, 1831. G.R.3. William T., , 1841. G.R.3. HAYNES, Adaline D., , 1826. G.R.3. Betsey Mayo, Jan. 19, 1822. G.R.3. Phoebe Ann Knight [ ], w. of Amos, Dec. 3, 1836. G.R.3. HAYWARD (see Haywood, Heywood), Caroline E. [ ], w. of L. H., Mar. 31, 1827. G.R.3. Caroline M. [ ], w. of Levi D., , 1826. G.R.3. Clara [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s A., Sept. 25, 1849. G.R.3. Levi D., , 1813. G.R.3. HAYWOOD (see Hay ward, Heywood), Clara A. [ ], w. of J. H., Mar. 4, 1840. G.R.3. HAZARD, EHza A. [ ], w. of John H., , 1829. G.R.3. John H., , 1827. G.R.3. HAZELTINE (see Haselton), Elizabeth, , 1835. G.R.3. Horace, June 6, 1832. G.R.3. HEAD, Guy C, , 1832. G.R.3. HEALD, Benjamin R., in Ludlow, Vt., , 1803. G.R.3. Lydia Corvvin, in Tunbridge, Vt., , 1815. G.R.3. 150 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HEATH, Alice [ ], w. of Capt. William, in Boston, Sept. 9, 1784. G.R.3. Alice, July 9, 1809. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1834. G.R.3. Benjamin, ist s. of Capt. William and Alice, Dec. 29, 181 2. G.R.3. Benjamin, s. of Capt. William and Alice, May i, 1821. G.R.3. Catherine P. [ ], w. of Nathaniel, in Salem, Apr. 14, 1813. G.R.3. Charles C, July 29, 1806. G.R.3. Charlotte T. [ ], w. of Benjamin, July 17, 1823. G.R.3. Delia, d. of Capt. William and Alice, Aug. 23, 1819. G.R.3. Delia M., d. of Capt. WiUiam and Alice, Jan. 12, 1816. G.R.3. De Oscar P., , 1834. G.R.3. Ebenezer S., s. of Capt. William and Alice, June 8, 1808. G.R.3. John P., , 183 1. G.R.3. Melinda G. [ ], w. of Charles C, June 24, 1817. G.R.3. Nathaniel, in Charlestown, June 30, 1814. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of John P., , 1830. G.R.3. WiUiam, Capt., in Boston, Aug. 18, 1782. G.R.3. William, s. of Capt. William and Alice, May 29, 181 1. G.R.3. William A., in Charlestown, Apr. 25, 1843. G.R.3. HEDRICK, Sarah [ ], w. of , Apr. 20. 1785. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of , and w. of Z. Spaulding Roby, Jan. 4, 1814, G.R.3. HEELER, Henry H., , 1848. g.r.2. HEGARTY, George, , 1828. G.R.3. HEINZ, Adam, , 1822. G.R.3. Eva [ ], w. of Adam, , 1829. G.R.3. HEMENWAY (see Hemmenway), Louisa, d. of Sylvanus and Eunice, Apr. 19, 1843. Sylvanus, s. of Sylvanus and Eunice J., Oct. 25, 1844. HEMMENWAY (see Hemenway), George S., Aug. i, 1833. G.R.3, Mary Elizabeth Stinson [ ], w. of George S., Jan. 5, 1832. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I5I HEMMINGS, Robert W., , 1842. G.R.3. HEMP, Mary J., d. of Henry and Helenor, Oct. 10, 1845. HEMPEY, Hannah [ ], w. of , May 30, 1817. G.R.3. HENDERSON, Charles, , 1843. G.R.3. Clara D., , 1832. G.R.4. George, , 1845. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Mary Ann, July 7, 1849. Mary R., , 1793. G.R.4. William, , 1844. G.R.3. HENDY, Will E., s. of John E. and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1842. HENEY, John A., Nov. 19, 1835. G.R.3. HENNIGAN, Maria V., , 1829. G.R.3. HENNINGS, Andrew, , 1820. G.R.3. Barbara [ ], w. of Andrew, , 1828. G.R.3. HENRICKSON, Anders G., , 1847. G.R.3. Maria B. [ ], w. of Anders G., , 1842. G.R.3. HENRY, Caroline Augusta, d. of Sanford and Lucia, Jan. 4, 1849. Eblen, s. of Sanford and Lucia, June 21, 1846. Helen TurnbuU [ ], w. of Thomas, Mar. 17, 1849. G.R.3. Thomas. Nov. 5, 1848. G.R.3. HENSBY, John W., Capt., , 1844. G.R.3. HENSHAW, Abigail, d. of Nath[anie]l and Abigail, bp. July 8, 1770. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Nath[anie]l and Abigail, bp. Oct. 4, 1772. c.r.i. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, bp. Aug. 11, 1771. C.R.I. HERON, John, , 1824. Native of Newton-Stewart. Scot., G.R.3. HERRICK, David W., Nov. 19, 1827. G.R.3. G. H. W., Dr., , 1839. G.R.3. Hannah M., , 1842. G.R.3. 152 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HERRIMAN, Clara E., , 1845. G.R.3. HERSEY, Ade G., , 1847. G.R.3. Benjamin Hudson, Nov. 19, 1823. G.R.3. Emma Belyea [ ], w. of Benjamin Hudson, Jan. 8, 1829. G.R.3. Ezra L., , 1826. G.R.3. Harriet B., , 1802. G.R.3. Harrison D., Sept. 12, 1846. G.R.3. Sarah P., , 183 1. G.R.3. HERSOM, Charles E., , 1845. G.R.3. Nellie H. [ ], w. of Charles E., , 1846. G.R.3. HEWES (see Hughes), Frank A., June 20, 1845. G.R.3. Frederic H., s. of Elijah and Matilda, Aug. 2, 1847. George B., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Sophia, Feb. 20, 1847. George W., , 1822. G.R.3. George W., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Sophia, Aug. 24, 1849. Jabez F., June 14, 1814. g.r.2. Lavina S., , 1830. G.R.3. Matilda A., d. of Elijah and Matilda, ist day, 7th mo., 1838. Sophia, , 1823. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of James and Mary, Aug. 31, 1846. William L., s. of George and , Dec. 5, 1844. William T., in Camden, Me., Aug. 15, 1835. G.R.3. HEWETT (see Hewitt), Mary A., d. of Lewis S. and Sophia, Dec. 9, 1846. HEWITT (see Hewett), Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1839. G.R.3. HEYWOOD (see Hayward, Haywood), Henry M., , 1822. G.R.3, Mary J., , 1823. G.R.3. HICKMAN, Eliza G., , 1818. G.R.3. Eusebia, , 1793. G.R.3. James, , 1791. G.R.3. James E., , 1824. G.R.3. HICKS, Catherine, Nov. 9, 1802. G.R.3. Jane C, , 1842. G.R.3. John Tyler, Oct. 31, 1842. G.R.3. Miranda S. [ ], w. of John, May 25, 1810. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 153 HIGGINS, Benjamin W., , 1846. G.R.3. Beriah, Sept. 10, 1832. G.R.3. Charlotte A. [ ], w. of Beriah, Jan. i, 1832. G.R.3. Ephraim, , 1771. G.R.3. George H., , 1846. G.R.3. H. P., Capt., June 30, 1810. G.R.4. Hopey [ ], w. of Ephraim, , 1790. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Paine S., , 1809. G.R.3. Nancy [ ], w. of William, , 1810. G.R.3. Paine S., , 1809. G.R.3. Rebecca, , 1840. G.R.3. Rozella, Miss, Oct. 27, 1814. G.R.3. Ruth Y., , 182 1. G.R.3. Susan S., Apr. 6, 1825. G.R.4. William, , 1806. G.R.3. HILAR, , d. of Josiah and Eliza, Nov. 30, 1847. HILBOURN, Almira M. [ ], w. of Alpheus J., , 1835. G.R.3. Robert Jr., in Oxford, Me., June 7, 1802. G.R.3. Lydia Bullen [ ], w. of Robert Jr., in Oxford, Me., Apr. 2, 1791. G.R.3. HILDRETH, Emily Eliza, d. of Abijah E. of Westford, and Eliza P. W. of Boston, May 25, 1839. HILL, Abby R., Jan. 22, 1837. G.R.3. Amaziah N., , 1826. G.R.4. B. G., Dec. I, 1795. G.R.3. Charles A., June 17, 1834. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s H., s. of Cha[rle]s Jr. and Lucy, Aug. 9. 1847. Chafrlejs W. P., s. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1842. Deborah G., Apr. 14, 1828. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of S. Prentiss, July 6, 1814. G.R.3. F. A., Maj., Mar. 19, 1833. G.R.3. George Albert, Nov. 5, 1843. G.R.3. George G., June 14, 1829. G.R.3. Hannah G. [ ], w. of S. Prentiss, Nov. 13, 1819. G.R.3. Herbert E., Col., Dec. 18, 1845. G.R.3. Isaac A., Sept. 27, 1836. G.R.3. James, July 11, 1828. G.R.3. James M., , 1824. G.R.3. Jennie Graham, , 1849. G.R.3. 154 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Hill, John, s. of Moses, bp. July 13, 1718. c.r.i. M. Lizzie, Sept. 14, 1840. G.R.3. Maria D. [ ], w. of James, Aug. 19, 1818. G.R.3. Martha M. [ ], w. of B. G., Mar. 27, 1802. S. Prentiss, May 2, 1813. G.R.3. Sarah E., d. of Cha[rle]s Jr. and Lucy C, Sept. 10, 1844. WilHam Gilbert, Oct. 15, 1840. G.R.3. WiUiam H., Dec. 28, 1830. G.R.3. HILLIARD, Cyrus Hibbard, Sept. 18, 1843. G.R.3. HILLMAN, Jane, , 1818. G.R.3. HILLSON, Robert A., , 1849. G.R.3. HILTON, Mary [ ], w. of William P., , 1845. G.R.3. William P., , 1839. G.R.3. HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Charles M., , 1848. G.R.3. David F., , 1844. G.R.3. Emily, Oct. 26, 1820. G.R.3. Emma F. Brown [ ], w. of Charles M., , 1848. G.R.3. Freeman, Oct. 30, 1812. G.R.3. Freeman, , 1821. g.r.2. Harrison, June 15, 1837. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Freeman, , 1827. g.r.2. Sylvester B., , 1841. G.R.3. HINDS, Catharine M. [ ], w. of , , 1834. G.R.3. Ephraim, , 1827. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of Ira, , 1837. G.R.3. Mary L. O., , 1831. G.R.3. HINE, Augustus J., Apr. 19, 1847. G.R.3. Elijah B., July 24, 1820. G.R.3. Elijah B., Nov. 30. 1848. G.R.3. Hannah M. Worthen [ ], w. of Augustus J., Apr. 19, 1847. G.R.3. Serena [ ], w. of Elijah B., July 4, 1821. G.R.3. HINKLEY (see Hincklev), David, s. of Freeman and Emily, Oct. 5, 1845. Emily F., d. of Freeman and Emily, Feb. 12, 1844. HITCHENS (see Hitchings), Augustus, s. of Augustus and Hannah K., Aug. 21, 1843. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 155 HITCHINGS (see Kitchens), Clarissa S. [ ], w. of Daniel, Mar. 13, 1818. G.R.3. Daniel, Dec. 19, 1816. G.R.3. HIXON, Eliza [ ], w. of W[illia]m F., , 1823. G.R.3. W[illia]m F., , 1819. G.R.3. HJELMQUIST, Eva, , 1838. G.R.3. HOBBS, Drusilla W., Oct. 13, 1836. G.R.3. Harry B., , 1841. G.R.3. Henrietta W., , 1839. G.R.3. Joseph W., s. of John and Lucy A., Mar. 7, 1845. Mary L., d. of Cyrus and Ellen M., Oct. 25, 1846. HOBBY, Agness, d. of Will and Agness, Jan. 7, 1844. John D., s. of W[illia]m Jr. and Agness, Aug. 27, 1845. Mary, d. of William Jr. and Agnes, May 9, 1848. HODGDEN (see Hodgdon), Geo[rge] A., s. of Stephen and Mary, June 16, 1846. Stephen A., s. of Stephen and Debora, Nov. 23, 1846. HODGDON (see Hodgden), Alexander, , 1825. G.R.3. George C, Aug. 31, 1812. G.R.3. James G., s. of Stephen and Debora, July 14, 1844. Lucy C. [ ], w. of George C, Jan. 10, 1819. G.R.3. Lydia B. Sawyer [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1828. G.R.3. HODGE (see Hodges), Ann Rebecca, d. of Robert and Sophia, Mar. 27, 1849. Ebenezer, Dec. 23, 1829. G.R.3. Eliza A.. , 1829. G.R.3. John Alexander, , 1S22. G.R.3. Sophia H., , 1817. g.r.2. HODGES (see Hodge), Sarah J., , 1823. G.R.3. HODGKIN (see Hodgkins. Hodgskin, Hodkins), Emma L, d. of Cha[rle]s A. and Eliz[a]b[e][t]h F., Oct. 10, 1847. HODGKINS (see Hodgkin, Hodgskin, Hodkins), George W., , 1837. G.R.3. Jane, mother of W[illia]m Hammon, Nov. 22, 1797. G.R.3. William H., , 1840. G.R.3. HODGMAN, Helen A. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1841. G.R.3. 156 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HODGSKIN (see Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodkins), , s. of Stephen and Mary, June 16, 1846. HODKINS (see Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodgskin), Allen Francis, s. of Francis and Hannah Priscilla, Aug. 29, 1849. HODSON, Elizabeth D., , 1833. G.R.3. Henry, , 1820. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1776. G.R.3, Richard, , 1775. G.R.3. HOEHLE, Friedrich, , 18 16. G.R.3. Wilhelmine, , 1814. G.R.3. HOFFMAN, Jacob, , 1807. G.R.3. Jacob W., , 1847. G.R.3. Rachel Coombs [ ], w. of Jacob, , 1809. G.R.3. HOFFS, Mary J., Sept. 14, 181 5. G.R.3. HOGAN, Sarah A. [ ], w. of , Aug. 27, 181 3. G.R.3. Will J., s. of Peter and Johanna, Feb. — , 1848. William H., Mar. 29, 1843. G.R.3. HOLBROOK, Amelia A, [ ], w. of Frederick W., , 1839. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1834. G.R.3. Frederick W., , 1835. G.R.3. George K., May 30, 1839. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Polly, and w. of David Y. Dyer, in Wellfleet, July 19, 1797. G.R.3. Herbert Adin, s. of Samuel E. and Caroline C, Dec. 16, 1849. Jesse D., Capt., , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of George K., Jan. 7, 1836. G.R.3. Susan Walker [ ], w. of Andrew J., , 1834. G.R.3. Will L., s. of Sam[ue]l E. and Caroline, Nov. 15, 1847. HOLDEN, Eli, May 7, 1810. G.R.3. Isabella B., d. of Dana and Almira, nth day, 8th mo., 1839. Leveret Dana, s. of Dana and Almira, Mar. 2, 1843. Louisa J. [ ], w. of Oliver, , 183 1. G.R.3. Margaret A., d. of Elijah and Lucy, 3d mo., 1841. Mary, , 1805. G.R.3. Oliver, , 1829. G.R.3. Phoebe Shute [ ], w. of Eli, Apr. 20, 1810. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 157 HOLLAND, John, only s. of Capt. Samuel May and Laura Peirce, in Boston, Nov. 23, 1827. G.R.3. Laura Peirce [ ], w. of Capt. Samuel May, in Boston, Nov. 28, 1804. G.R.3. Nancy, Sept. 25, 1790. G.R.3. Samuel May, Capt., in Boston, Dec. 14, 1798. G.R.3. HOLLINGSWORTH, Eliza J., June 16, 1828. G.R.3. HOLLIS, Charles F., Dec. 18, 1832. G.R.3. E. Stanly, Oct. 25, 1845. g.r,3. Eben, s. of W[illia]m O. and Hannah, 21st day, loth mo., 1840. Edward S., s. of Will O. and Hannah S., Oct. 25, 1845. Ellen M. [ ], w. of Charles P., Apr. 8, 183 1. G.R.3. Ellen M., d. of Will O. and Hannah S., Feb. 27, 1843. Esther E., Mar. 24, 1826. G.R.3. Eunice G. [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. Hannah S. [ ], w. of William O., Oct. 7, 1804. G.R.3. Joseph O., Sept. 24, 1830. G.R.3. William H., May 15, 1828. G.R.3. William O., Jan. 5. 1796. G.R.3. HOLLOWAY, Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 30, 1743. c.r.i. Martha, d. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. c.r.i. HOLM, Charlotte [ ], w. of Oscar, in Sweden, Apr. 14, 1843. G.R.3. Emily M. f ], w. of C. H., May 21, 1828. G.R.3. Maria M., , 1846. G.R.3. Soren G., Capt., , 1826. G.R.3. HOLMAN, Hattie M. [ ]. w. of , Feb. 14. 1843. G.R.3. HOLMES, C. F. T., , 1812. G.R.3. Caroline, d. of Gideon S. and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1849. Catharine, d. of Gideon S. and EHz[abe]th, Feb. 9, 1844. Charles M., Mar. 22, 1836. G.R.3. Charles S., , 1837. G.R.3. Charles S., Sept. i, 1847. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Capt. Gideon S., Apr. 2, 1809. G.R.3. Elizabeth A., , 1835. G.R.3. 158 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Holmes, Elizabeth B., d. of Gideon S. and Elizabeth B. and w. of W[illia]m B. Hooper of Arizona, in Lynn, Dec. 15, 1839. G.R.3. Ellen C. [ ], w. of William A., Oct. 31, 1837. G.R.3. Emily A. W., , 1840. G.R.3. Emma H. [ ], w. of Jacob P., , 1846. G.R.3. Galen, , 1813. G.R.3. Gideon S., Capt., Feb. 10, 181 1. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, 3d day, 8th mo., 1755. Jacob H., , 1823. G.R.3. Jane, , 1804. G.R.3. Jane E., Apr. 4, 1816. G.R.3. John, , 18 19. G.R.3. Lena M. [ ], w. of C. F. T., , 1812. G.R.3. Lucy A. W., , 1826. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Galen, , 1824. G.R.3. Sarah C., , 1827. G.R.3. Sarah T., d. of , and w. of Coates, , 1841. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Gideon S. and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], Jan. 4, 1847. WilHam A., Jan. 4, 183 1. G.R.3. William A,, May 2, 1834. G.R.3. HOLSTON, Ida Evaline [ ], w. of C. Henry, , 1847. G.R.3. HOLT, Amelia [ ], w. of John S., July 2, 1849. G.R.3, John S., May 29, 1846. G.R.3. Justin E., , 1849. G.R.3. Lucretia G. [ ], w. of Justin E., , 1829. G.R.3. Ruth [ ], w. of Thomas, in Newburyport, Jan. 10, 1800. G.R.3. Sophia Campbell, Aug. 8, 1795. G.R.3. Thomas, in Boston, Jan. 6, 1804. G.R.3. HOLTON, Charles O., , 1822. G.R.3. Isaac Farwell, Rev., in Westminster, Vt., Aug. 30, 1812. G.R.3. Nancy E., , 1831. G.R.3. HOLWAY, Sarah R. [ ], w. of Lemuel, , 1834. G.R.3. HOOD, Charles W., , 1840. G.R.3. George Henry, , 1835. G.R.3. Henrietta Janvrin, , 1833. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 159 HOOK, Dudley W., Feb. 20, 1797. g.r.2, Mary N. [ ], w. of Dudley W., Sept. 11, 1807. g.r.2. HOOL, William, s. of W[illia]m and Hannah of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. HOOPER, Eben[eze]r Butman, s. of Greenfield and Abigail, 26th day, 7th mo., 1800. Elizabeth C, , 1841. G.R.3. Joseph H., , 1843. G.R.3. (Stephen, c.r.i), s, of Greenfield and Abigail, 26th day, nth mo., 1802. HOOTON, Eliza A. [ ], w. of William, , 1839. G.R.3. William, , 1842. G.R.3. HOPKINS, Elisha, , 1831. G.R.3. Franklin, Jan. 22, 1837. G.R.3. Jane, , 1840. G.R.3. Jane R., , 1837. G.R.3. Lucy A., d. of Abner F. and Amelia, 19th day, 4th mo., 1841. Mary Crossland [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1845. G.R.3. Samuel E. W., , 1843. G.R.3. Sarah P. [ ], w. of T., Aug. 3, 1834. G.R.3. T., Mar. 27, 1830. G.R.3. HOPPER, Alonzo, , 1834. G.R.3. HORSFALL, Fannie B., , 1849. G.R.3. HORSLEY, Elizabeth. Feb. 29, 1847. G.R.3. HORTON, Adeline, , 1843. G.R.3. Alice A., , 1845. G.R.4. David P., June 18, 1832. G.R.3. Georgiana [ ], w. of David P., Feb. 28, 1842. G.R.3. Mary E., . 1841. G.R.3. Susan A., d. of John and Elizabeth of Guysboro, N. S., and w. of W[illia]m Katzmann, June 4, 1844. G.R.3. HOSMER, Calvin, Mar. 17, 1805. G.R.3. Geo[rge] C., s. of Luther and Anna L., ist dav, 6th mo.. 1841. l60 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HosMER, Sarah [ ], w. of Calvin, Aug. 27, 1812. G.R.3. Will H., s. of Luther and Ann L., Nov. 10, 1843. HOUGH, Ann, d. of Eben[eze]r and Ann, 31st day, 3d mo., 1760. Benjafmin], s. of Eben[eze]r and Ann, 7th day, 5th mo., 1767. [Twin.] (Benjamin Kent, s. of Eb[eneze]r and Ann, bp. Sept. 25, 1774, c.R.i.) Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Ann, 29th day, ist mo., 1756. Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Ann, 25th day, 6th mo., 1764. Hannah, d. of Ebenez[e]r and Ann, 7th day, 5th mo., 1767. [Twin.] John, s. of Ebenezer and Ann, 20th day, mo., 1757. Richard Foster, s. of Eben[eze]r and Ann, 3d day, 6th mo., 1762. Samuell Watts, s. of Ebenezer and Ann, 9th day, 5th mo., 1754. HOUGHTON, , ch. of Levi and , , 1842. Alonzo E., s. of Alonzo and , May 13, 1844. Frances C. [ ], w. of George M., , 1841. G.R.3. Geo[rge] A., s. of Levi R. and Harriet, Jan. 20, 1845. George M., , 1842. G.R.3. Lucy A., d. of Alonzo and Lucy A., Jan. 31, 1843. HOUSE, Francis, s. of Francis and Sarah of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. HOUSTON (see Huston), Ellen, , 183 1. G.R.3. HOVEY, Arria, , 182 1. G.R.3. Charles F., , 183 1. G.R.3. Delia, Nov. 2, 1806. G.R.3. James, , 181 5. G.R.3. Maria D. [ ], w. of Charles F., , 1833. G.R.3. HOWARD, Allen E., , 1829. G.R.3. Ella O., d. of Nath[aniel] Jr. and Catherine C. N., Sept. 9, 1846. Francis, Nov. 18, 1847. G.R.4. Harriet M. [ ], w. of William S., , 1842. G.R.3. Hollis M., Feb. 22. 1842. G.R.3. John, Capt., June 14, 1809. G.R.3. John Day, Jan. 23, 181 5. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. l6l Howard, Joseph R. L., s. of Nath[aniejl and Catherine, Jan. 15. 1843- Kate, d. of Charles, b. in Boston, and Sarah (Sarah A., dup.), b. in New York, Aug. 5, 1849. Margaret [ ], vv. of Holhs M., , 1843. G.R.3. Maria E. Bright [ ], w. of Allen E., , 1834. G.R.3. Matilda J. [ ], w. of John Day, June 2, 1817. G.R.3. Nancy, Mar, 25, 18 10. G.R.3. Nathjaniejl E., s. of Dr. Nathaniel and Catharine, Oct. 31, 1844. Sophia H., d. of Cha[rle]s and Sarah A., Dec. 4, 1846. HOWE (see Howes, Howse), Charlotte H. [ ], w. of Milton, , 1807. G.R.3. Emily F., d. of Robert and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1847. George H., s. of Robert and Rebecca P., May 10, 1846. Henry H., , 1838. G.R.3. Lydia T., , 1800. G.R.3. Milton, , 1809. G.R.3. Ruth Lincoln [ ], w. of Daniel B., Nov. 9, 1809. G.R.3. HOWELS, Augusta A., Sept. 15, 1832. G.R.3. William M., Apr. 8, 1819. G.R.3, HOWES (see Howe, Howse), Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1828. G.R.4. Joshua M., Aug. 28, 1839. G.R.3. Josiah A., July 12, 1840. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of William and Emeline, 26th day, ist mo., 1842. Mary G. [ ], w. of S. H., Aug. 9, 1845. G.R.3. HOWIE, William F., , 1833. G.R.3. HOWLAND, Betsey Custis, Feb. 28, 1803. G.R.3. Warren, May 22, 1835. G.R.3. HOWSE (see Howe, Howes), Edward A., s. of Edward S. and Mary A., Mar. 16, 1844. HOYT, Edward E., , 1837. G.R.3. Hannah M. [ ], w. of John E,, Dec, 4, 1838, G.R.3, James, , 1800. G.R.3. John E., Sept. 4. 1829. G.R.3. Lucina, . 1776. G.R.3, Mercie B. [ ], w. of Edward E., , 1837. G.R.3. 1^2 CHELSEA BIRTHS. HUBBARD, Amelia J., July 29, 1806. G.R.3. Charles, Mar. 18, 1801. G.R.3. , , o , o Frances A., d. of Cha[rle]s and Amelia, 3d day, 8th mo., 1841. Martha J., d. of Ephraim H. and Sophronia W., Aug. 17, 1849. HUBBELL, Edgar G., July 7, 1842. G.R.4. HUCKINS, Robert L., , 1840. G.R.3. HUDSON, Edward W., Dec. i. 1848. G.R.3. Margaretta B. [ ], w. of Edward W., Mar. 17, 1846. G.R.3. HUGHES (see Hewes), Henry, , 1839. G.R.3. James A., s. of John Avery and Tamsm S., July 12, i84». G R "? John A., , 1832. G.R.3. John Avery, Aug. 30, 1822. G.R.3. Mathew, s. of James and Mary, Oct. 22, 1847. Tamsin S. [ ], w. of John Avery, Aug. 23, 1826. G.R.3. HUGHSON, William, , 1840. G.R.3. HULL, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Dea. Phineas, , 182 1. G.R.3. George, , 1830. G.R.3. Phineas, Dea., , 1813. G.R.3. HUMPHREY, Bela A., Capt., . 1830. G.R.3. Harriett R. [ ], w. of John, , 1833. G.R.3. John, , 183 1. G.R.3. Madesta W., w. of Capt. Bela, , 1842. G.R.3. HUNNEWELL, Edwin, Feb. 28, 1823. G.R.3. EHzabeth B. [ ], w. of William, , 1824. G.R.3. Mary A., Mar. 16, 1829. G.R.3. Sarah A., Feb. 22, 1825. G.R.3. Thomas F., Apr. 16, 1820. G.R.3. William, , 1814. G.R.3. HUNT, Etta, , 1839. G.R.3. Jane Jones [ ], w. of Lewis, , 1828. G.R.3. Joseph Edward, s. of Abraham L. and Jane, June 27, 1849. Martha A., . 1849. G.R.3. Warren, , 1827. G.R.3. WilHam, , 1819. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 163 HUNTER, George, see Thomas D. Wight. HUNTING, E. Newell, , 1797. G.R.3. Elizabeth C. [ ], w, of E. Newell, , 1805. g,r.3. HUNTINGTON, Edwin M., s. of Nelson and Mary A., Aug. 7, 1845- Julietta, d. of Lucius W. C. and Betsy, Nov. 22, 1844. HUNTLEY, Eunice [ ], w. of Harris H., , 1835. G.R.3. Harris H., , 1833. G.R.3. Helen M., d. of J. G. and A. A., and w. of W. H. Neale, Aug. II, 1847. G.R.3. Josiah G., Apr. 28, 1820. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w. of Russell, , 1819. G.R.3. Russell, , 1816. G.R.3. HUNTOON, Thomas B., Oct. 20, 1833. G.R.3. HUNTRESS, Louisa W., June 19, 1821. G.R.3. HURD, , s. of and Eliza, Feb. 4, 1847. Geo[rge] W., s. of Jeremiah C. and Mary, 7th day, 4th mo., 1841. HUSSEY, Andrew W.. , 1829. G.R.3. Eunice A. [ ], w. of Andrew W., , 1834. G.R.3. W[ilHa]m J., , 1833. G.R.3. HUSTON (see Houston), Josephine, Aug. 11, 1836. G.R.3. HUTCHINGSON (see Hutchinson), Andrew, s. of Robert R. and Catherine, Feb. 14, 1848. HUTCHINS, Ann Augusta, , 1835. G.R.3. Horatio H., Jan. 30, 1839. G.R.3. J. Clark, , 1840. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Horatio H., Aug. 2, 1844. G.R.3. HUTCHINSON (see Hutchingson), Charles Carroll, . 1832. G.R.4. Elvira A. [ ], w. of George N., Jan. 9, 18 13. G.R.3. George N., Sept. 3. 1812. G.R.3. Isadore Bradley Bliss [ J, w. of Charles Carroll, , 1835. G.R.4. 164 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Hutchinson, Rachel W. Lane [ ], w. of Eben, Feb. i, 1837. G.R.3. Rosalie Maxey, , 1832. G.R.3. William Henry, , 1830. G.R.3. HYDE, Esther A. Noyes [ ], w. of Seaborn J., Dec. 11, 1822. G.R.3. George W., Nov. 22, 1819, G.R.3. Seaborn J., Oct. 26, 1816. G.R.3, HYLER, Ellen A., d. of Josiah and Eliza, Nov. 7, 1842. Harriet, d. of Josiah H. and Eliza, loth day, 12th mo., 1840. HYND, William, Apr. 18, 1849. G.R.3. ILLSLEY (see Ilsley), Jonathan C, , 1838. G.R.3. ILSLEY (see Illsley), Abigail Williams [ ], w. of Hosea, Aug. 25, 1801. G.R.3. Bennet T., , 1832. G.R.3. Bethia C. Ryder [ ], w. of William R., , 1837. G.R.3. C. Louisa [ ], w. of Bennet T., , 1839. G.R.3. Charles S., Lieut. Col., , 1837. G.R.3. Daniel P., June 12, 1838. G.R.3. David P., , 1833. G.R.3. Edward (Edward M., G.R.3), s. of Hosea Jr. and Mary A., Oct. 21, 1847. Enoch, Aug. 8, 1800. G.R.3. George, s. of Hosea and Abigail, May 7, 1846. (Apr. 7, dup.) Harriet P., , 1830. G.R.3. Hosea, Feb. 25, 1799. G.R.3. Joseph M. P., , 1834. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Enoch, Nov. 15, 1804. G.R.3. Mary A., Feb. 19, 1824. G.R.3. Phillip G., s. of Hosea and Abigail, Nov. 26, 1843. Susan E. F., d. of Hosea and Abigail, 15th day, 8th mo., 1841. William R., , 1834. G.R.3. INGALLS (see Ingles), George H., Aug. 17, 1832. G.R.3. Martha E. Short [ ], w. of George H., Mar. 5, 1825. G.R.3. Mary R. [ ], w. of Oliver W., , 1832. G.R.3. OHver W., , 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 165 INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Sophrona A., d. of John D. and Sophrona S., Apr. i6, 1844. INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Oliver W., '■, 1827. g.r.2. INGLES (see Ingalls), Mary, d. of Mary, bp. Nov. 30, 1766. C.R.I. INGRAM, Adalisa, d. of Will and Mary L., Aug. 31, 1846. IRELAND, Alice, d. of Thomas and , bp. Aug. 13, 1769. C.R.I. Isaiah, s. of Isaiah and Susannah, bp. June 14, 1772. r.R.i. Samuel F., , 1826. G.R.3. Susan E., , 1826. G.R.3. IRISH, Ewin L., ch. of Isaac and Rebecca, Sept. 18, 1846. IRVING, David, , 1773. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1825. G.R.3. IRWIN, H. Almira [ ], w. of Samuel G., . 183 t. G.R.4. Margaret A. [ ], w. of Robert, , 1842. G.R.3. Robert, , 1840. G.R.3. Samuel G., , 1827. G.R.4. IVES, Burnett, Capt., , 1828. G.R.3. Jessie [ ], w. of Capt. Burnett, , 1830. G.R.3. JACK, Horatio, , 1840. G.R.3. JACKSON, Abba F., d. of E. W. and Abba E., Aug. 18, 1848. Abbie Jane [ ], w^. of , Jan. 3, 1847. G.R.3. Adaline Beals, , 1813. G.R.3. Almira L. [ ], w. of Charles E., May 19, 1846. G.R.3. Catharine [ ], w. of George, , 1822. G.R.3. Charles Gerry, , 1849. G.R.3. Edwin Walter, s. of Eliphalet W. and Abba E., Nov. 29, 1849. George, , 1818. G.R.3. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Samuel S., Jan. 6, 1814. G.R.3. Irving G., . 1847. G.R.3. John F., Feb. 14, 1835. G.R.3. Nathan B., May 10, 1849. G.R.3. Robert EUms, , 1813. G.R.3. l66 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Jackson, Samuel S,, Oct. 4, 181 1. G.R.3. Seth H., , 1841. G.R.3. JACOBS, Elizabeth [ ]. w. of , Dec. 25, 1800. G.R.2. George C, , 1810. G.R.3. George H. O., , 1843. G.R.3. John, , 1804. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1814. G.R.3. JAKEMAN, Carrie E., , 1836. G.R.3. George W., , 1835. G.R.3. Hannah, , 1810. G.R.3. JAMES, Alfred, , 1826. G.R.3. Annie E. [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1837. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. [ ], vv. of George E., Nov. 26, 1839. G.R.3. Eveline B., , 182 1. g.r.2. George E., Sept. 25, 1832. G.R.3. Joseph Knightley, s. of Henry and Charlotte Marriott, in Burford, Eng., May 2, 1849. G.R.3. Martha W. [ ], w. of William, July 14, 1821, G.R.3. Mary M. [ ], w, of Richmond, , 1837. G.R.3. Richmond, , 1835. G.R.3. William, Oct. 10, 1820. G.R.3. William H., , 1815. G.R.2. JAMESON, Charles P., Aug. 24, 1824. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Charles P., Apr. 25, 1837. G.R.3. James, Oct. 5, 1828. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of James, Aug. 28, 1835. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Cha[rle]s and Jennette E., Jan. 6, 1845. JANES, Elihu, Sept. 12, 1813. G.R.3. Emily Foster [ ], w. of Elihu, Aug. 8, 181 1. G.R.3. JANVRIN, Frances, d. of Dennis and Sarah, 29th day, 6th mo., 1839. JAQUITH, Addie M. [ ], w. of Azro B., , 1842. G.R.3. Azro B., , 1842. G.R.3. JEFFERSON, Daniel, in London, Eng., , 1821. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth [ ], vv. of Daniel, b. in London, , 1829. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 167 JELLISON, James M., Sept. i, 1848. G.R.3. JEMISON, Elizabeth [ ], w. of William, , 1795. G.K.3. John L., , 1830. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of John L., , 1830. G.R.3. JENKINS, Abbv A., , 1818. G.R.3. Adelaide F. [— ], w. of Alfred B.. , 1848. G.R.3. Le Baron H., , 1832. G.R.3. Loyal L., , 1836. G.R.3, Margaret A., , 1823. G.R.3. Mary J., . 1837. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1808. G.R.3. Thomas. , 1831, G.R.3. JENNESS, Levi, Aug. 6, 1818. G.R.3. Sarah D. [ ], w. of Levi, Apr. 22, 1821. G.R.3. JENNINGS, Alexander H., , 181 5. G.R.3. Ann S. D. [ ], w. of Alexander H., , 1816. G.R.3. Benjamin F, K., , 1833. G.R.3. Elizabeth R., d. of A. H. and M., Feb. i, 1809. g.r.2. Frederick A., s. of A. H. and M., Feb. 10, 1817. g.r.2. George H., , 1827. G.R.3. George H., s. of George H. and Martha. Aug. 28, 1849. Hannah G., d. of A. H. and M., Aug. 17, 1807. g.r.2. Helen M., July 4, 1842. G.R.3. Martha M., , 1827. G.R.3. Mary, d. of A. H. and M., Jan. 3, 1813. g.r.2. Mary H. [ ], w. of Lewis C., , 1849. G.R.3. Sarah A., , 1821. G.R.3. Stephen E., , 1833. G.R.3. JEPSON, Joseph C., , 1839. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of Joseph B., , 1815. G.R.3. JERAULD, Albert A., Oct. 15, 1844. G.R.3. Catherine Green [ ], w. of James W., May 24, 1826. G.R.3. James W., Aug. 5, 1818. G.R.3. JEWELL, Maria S. Eeede [ ]. w. of William N., . 1837. G.R.3. l68 CHELSEA BIRTHS. JEWETT, Caroline Dunn, Apr. 21, 1846. G.R.3. George Kimball, Aug. 9, 181 2. G.R.3. Maria Louise [ ], w. of George Kimball, Nov. 27, 1815. G.R.3. Nathaniel March, Oct. 10, 1842. G.R.3. W[inia]m M., , 1842. G.R.3. JOHNSON (see Johnston, Johnstone), Albert R., , 1849. G.R.3. Amasa P., June 2, 1838. G.R.3. Andrew, in Sweden, , 1826. g.r.2. Andrew, , 1834. G.R.3. Anna S., d. of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1844. Barthold Alfred, , 1845. ^^.3. Catharine P. [ ], w. of W[illia]m A., , 1846. G.R.3. Charles D., , 1849. G.R.3. Charles William, s. of Charles H. and Julia S., Feb. 4, 1849. Daniel, Apr. 19, 1815. G.R.3. Edward, Apr. 7, 1829. G.R.3. Effie L. [ ], w. of Joshua, , 1848. G.R.3. Eliza G. [ ], w. of Robert F., Apr. i, 1833. G.R.3. Eliza J. [ ], w. of , , 1820. G.R.3. EHzabeth [ ], w. of Capt. Jacob P., , 1823. G.R.3. Helen [ ], w. of Andrew, , 1832. G.R.3. Henry, Sept. 16, 1841. G.R.3. Henry E., , 1816. G.R.3. Horace H., Nov. 17, 1832. G.R.3. J. Gregory, , 1847. G.R.3. Jacob P., Capt., , 1823. G.R.3. John A., , 1846. G.R.3. John E., , 1847. G.R.3. Joshua, , 1840. G.R.3. Juha A. [ ], w. of Daniel, Mar. 6, 1827. G.R.3. L., , 1805. G.R.3. Lucretia [ ], w. of Reuel, , 1781. G.R.3. Mary C. [ ], w. of Andrew, in Sweden, , 1829. G.R.2. Mary E., May 16, 1820. G.R.3. Mary E. Jenkins [ ], w. of William F., , 1844. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of , , 1830. G.R.3. Olof, in Gottenberg, Sweden, , 183 1. G.R.3. Reuel, , 1772. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 169 Johnson, Robert R, July 15, 1830. G.R.3. Samuel Tufts, s. of Joseph J. and Mary Jane, Apr. 22, i84«. I',om in Boston. Sarah R., June 22, 1839. G.R.3. Wfillia]m A., , 1847. G.R.3. William F., , 1839. G.R.3. JOHNSTON (see Johnson, Johnstone), Mary A. [ ], w. of SulUvan A., , 1833. G.R.3. Sullivan A., , 1838. G.R.3. Thofmajs E., Nov. 9, 1830. G.R.4. JOHNSTONE (see Johnson, Johnston), Helen Gilpen Sher- lock [ 1. w. of James P., ,' 1830. G.R.4. James P., , 1820. G.R.4. JOLLEY, Francis, , 1835. G.R.3. JONES, Abbie Hathaway [ ], w. of Frederick D. S., Sept. 5, 1814. G.R.3. Alonzo, Jan. 17, 1840. G.R.3. Anna, d. of J. L. and Esther, Jan. 28, 1842. Cecilia Mair [ ], w. of Capt. Charles, , 1810. G.R.3. Charles, Jan. 6, 1839. G.R.3. Charles W., Dec. 12, 1828. G.R.3. Cordelia H., , 1835. G.R.3. Daniel, May i, 181 1. G.R.3. David H., Dec. 7, 1826. G.R.3. Edward K., , 183 1. G.R.3. Edward S., s. of J. L. and Esther, 14th day, 12th mo., 1839. Ehzabeth D., , 1836. G.R.3. EUz[alb[e]th E., d. of James L. and Ester E., Nov. 18, 1844. Elizabeth F., , 1848. G.R.3. Erneline [ ], w. of Chades W., Dec. 14, 1837. G.R.3. Frederick D. S., May 8, 1807. G.R.3. Geo[rge] E., July 10, 1824. G.R.3. Geo[rge] H., , 1828. G.R.3. George W., , 1820. G.R.3. Griffith, Oct. 18, 1820. G.R.3. Gustavus, only s. of Frederick D. S. and Abbie Hathaway, Nov. 10, 1838. G.R.3. James H., s. of Tames L. and Ester E., Jan. 28, 1844. Jane L. I -1. w. of David H., Oct. 26, 1828. G.R.3. John. Sept. 6, 1772. G.R.3. lyO CHELSEA BIRTHS. Jones, Joshua A., s, of James L. and Esta E., Oct. 28, 1847. Laura A., Nov. 2, 1837. G.R.3. Lucinda Carter [ ], w. of William E., May 3, 1816. G.R.3. Martha M. [ ], w. of Geo[rge] H., , 1831. G.R.3. Mary, May 11, 1775. G.R.3. Mary A. Oliver [ ], w. of Daniel, Oct. 7, 1809. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Gilbert E., , 1821. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Cha[rle]s and Cecilia, 20th day, 6th mo., 1841. Phebe P., Mar. 8, 1821. G.R.3. Roswell H., , 1845. G.R.3. Sarah Amelia [ ], w. of William Thompson, May 23, 1843. G.R.3. Thankful, , 1804. G.R.3. Warren, , 1798. G.R.3. William, Apr. 22, 1809. G.R.3. William, in Liverpool, Eng., Nov. 7, 1820. G.R.3. William, Oct. 9, 1835. G.R.3. William Thompson, in Wolfboro, N. H., Jan. 16, 1840. G.R.3. JORDAN, Abby Almeda, d. of Woodbury and Abby Almeda, May 16, 1849. Christopher, , 1804. G.R.3. David Mason, s. of David and Desdemona, Apr. 23, 1849. Elizabeth [ ], w. of H. A., , 183 1. G.R.3. Harriett Todd, , 181 5. G.R.3. Jeremiah, , 181 1. G.R.3. Sarah S. [ ], w. of Christopher, , 1806. G.R.3. William J., 1837. G.R.3, JOSLIN (see Josselyn), Charlotte B. [ ], w. of William, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary P., , 1819. G.R.3. JOSSELYN (see Joslin), Asa H., , 1824. G.R.3. Harriet S., , 183 1. G.R.3. Lucy S. [ ], w. of Capt. W[illia]m E., May 10, 1820. G.R.3. Marietta F. [ ], w. of William H., , 1849. G.R.3. Polly, May 18, 1782. G.R.3. Will A., s. of Will A. and Adeline, Jan. 10, 1848. William H., , 1849. G.R.3. JOY, Almira R. [ ], w. of Love, Nov. 10, 1830. G.R.3. Love, June 5, 1828. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I7I JOYCE, George Edward, , 1840. G.R.3. Julia Ann [ ], w. of George Edward, , 1841. G.R.3. JUDD, March, , 18 16. g.r.2. KALBFLEISCH, John, May 27, 1818. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of John, Apr. 9, 1826. G.R.3. KATON, Lemuel E., Apr. 5, 1824. g.r.2. Nancy M., Sept. i, 1822. g.r.2. KATZMANN, William, s. of Heinrich and Gertrude of Ger- many, June 14, 1845. G.R.3. KAULA, Francis, June 4, 1847. G.R.3. Mary A., Feb. 24, 1839, G.R.3. Matthew, Mar. 19, 1837. G.R.3. KAULBACH, Maria B. [ ], w. of Thomas M., , 1835. G.R.3. Thomas M., , 1822. G.R.3. KEACH, Abram, , 1828. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Abram, , 1834. G.R.3. KEAN (see Keen), , d. of Lewis and Catherine, Feb. 10, 1847. [Twin.] , d. of Lewis and Catherine, Feb. 10, 1847. [Twin.] Edward, s. of Lewis and Caroline E., Aug. 10, 1843. Henry, , 1824. g.r.2. Mary, , 1833. G.R.2. Samuel, s. of Lewis and Caroline E., June 7, 1845. KEAY, Mary A., d. of William and Mary, Mar. 21, 1848. KEEN (see Kean), Emeline [ ], w. of Lewis, , 1843. G.R.3. Lewis, , 183 1. G.R.3. KEIFE, Emily E. [ ], w. of , Apr. 3, 1848. G.R.3. KEITH, Emeline P.. [ ], w. of Robert E., Dec. 30. 1820. (;.R.3. Margaret C. [ 1. w. of Robert, in Boston, Sept. 13, 1792. G.R.3. Robert, in Boston, Dec. 15, 1792. G.R.3. Robert E., in Boston. Mar. 12, 1819. G.R.3. 172 CHELSEA BIRTHS. KELLER, Azor A., . 1844. G.R.3. Henry, , 1847. G.R.3. KELLEY (see Kelly). Alvah, , 1797. G.R.3. Edwin A., Nov. 21, 1833. G.R.3. Eliza M., Dec. 4, 1837. G.R.3. Lucy [ ], w. of Alvah, , 1800. G.R.3. KELLOGG, Hannah B. Gushing [ ], w. of Walter J., , 1830. G.R.3. KELLOUGH, Anna M. [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1848. G.R.3. KELLY (see Kelley), Cha[rle]s T., s. of Micajah and Har[r]iet, 6th day, 9th mo., 1839. Daniel D., Jan. 18, 1818. G.R.3. Frances A. [ ], w. of Daniel D., Sept. 13, 1819. G.R.3. Harriet E., d. of Micajah and Harriet, June 16, 1842. Jasper, , 1817. G.R.3. Patrick, s. of Derby and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 8, 1849. Phillip, s. of William and Ann, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 2, 1849. KELSEY, Elizabeth, , 1832. G.R.3. Lena M., , 1843. G.R.3. Robert, Capt., , 1806. G.R.3. KEMLO, Ella Frances, d. of Francis and Lydia W., Jan. 8, 1849. Lydia Watts, May 11, 1826. G.R.3. KEMP, N. Milton, , 1833. G.R.3. Nathaniel M., , 1809. G.R.3. Rachel H. [ ], w. of Nathaniel M., , 1798. G.R.3. KEMPTON, Curtis P., , 1828. G.R.3. Deborah Lloyd [ ], w. of Curtis P., , 1834. g.r,3. KENDAL (see Kendall, Kendell), Asa, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Mar. 16, 1735. C.R.I. KENDALL (see Kendal, Kendell), Edward, , 1844. G.R.3. KENDELL (see Kendal, Kendall), William, s. of William and Mary Bowdwright, loth day, 2d mo., 1814. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 173 KENDRICK, Allen M., Sept. i, 1846. KENISON, John, Apr. 5, 1833. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of John. Aug. 16, 1837. G.R.3. KENNARD, Pauline Adams, Apr. 12, 1843. G.R.3. KENNEDY, James H., Aug. 18, 1804. g.r.2. Jane, , 1844. G.R.3. John, May 5, 1831. g.r.2. Margaret [ ], w. of James H., June 17, 1815. g.r.2. KENNEY (see Kenny), Arthur C, July t8, 1838. G.R.3. Henry F., s. of Henry and Sarbra, Feb. 8, 1844. Nellie L., May 10, 1848. G.R.3. KENNY (see Kenney), Adda, d. of Henry Jr. and Sabra, Mar. 20, 1848. Ann E., d. of George A. and Mary A., July 2, 1849. KENT, Benjamin, s. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 22d day, 4th mo., 1744. Carissa, d. of Stephen and Elisabeth, 12th day, 3d mo., 1748. Charles H., s. of Hathaway and Maria M., Mar. 25, 1848. G.R.3. Clarissa, d. of Stephen and Elisabeth, loth day, 7th mo., 1746. Edward S., Nov. 25, 1835. G.R.3. Elizabeth, d. of Steven, bp. Mar. 21, 1736. c.r.i. Hathaway, Mar. 29, 1825. G.R.3. Jacob, s. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 12th day, ist mo., 1741. Rebecca, d. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 26th day, 3d mo., I743- Sarah Ellen [ ], w. of Edward S., May 30, 1839. G.R.3. Sibil, d. of Stephen and Elisabeth, 24th day, ist mo., 1750. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 27th day, 4th mo., 1740. KENYON, Joseph, July 27, 1820. G.R.3. Mary Decon [ 1, w. of Joseph, Jan. 16, 182 1. G.R.3. KEOUGH, Henry J., Oct. 15. 182 1. g.r.2. Juliet [ ], w. of Henry J., Jan. 5, 1830. g.r.2. KERR, Thomas, Feb. 17, 1847. G.R.3. KESSLER, Eva M. [ 1, w. of William L., Mar. 8, 1841. G.R.3. William L., Feb. 16, 1840. G.R.3. 174 CHELSEA BIRTHS. KETTELL, Sarah C, July 29, 1796. G.R.3. KEYES, Dean W., , 1828. G.R.3. Hiram S., , 1847. G.R.3. KIBBEE (see Kibby), George A., , 1829. G.R.3. Sarah Sanborn [ ], w. of George A., , 1832. G.R.3. KIBBY (see Kibbee), Betsey Cook [ ], w. of Rev. Epaphras, , 1794. G.R.3. Charles, , 183 1. G.R.3. Elizabeth N., , 1832. G.R.3. Emelyn B., , 1827. G.R.3. Epaphras, Rev., , 1777. G.R.3. Epaphras Jr., , 1820. G.R.3. Eunice B. [ ], w. of Charles, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary S., , 1822. G.R.3. KIDDER, Abby T., Oct. 10, 1807. G.R.3. Darius B., Aug. 22, 1823. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. G., , 181 1. G.R.3. Emma N. [ ], w. of William G., Aug. 25, 1845. G.R.3. Hannah L., , 1818. G.R.3. James, , 1798. G.R.3. Kate G. [ ], w. of James D., , 1827. G.R.3. Susan Blanchard, d. of James and Susanna D. B., Mar. 29, T831. G.R.3. Susan D. B. [ ], w. of James, , 1795. G.R.3. WilHam G., Aug. 5, 1845. G.R.3. KIDNEY, James W., July 23, 1831. G.R.3. Lydia E., May i, 183 1. G.R.3. KIERSTEAD, Abigail P. [ ], w. of , June 28, 1806. G.R.3. Jesse G., Mar. 25, 1805. G.R.3. KILEA, Patrick, s. of Martin and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 30, 1849. KILPATRICK, Hugh, in Edinburgh, Scot., Mar. 29, 1816. G.R.3. Janet Hutchison [ ], w. of Hugh, in Paisley, Renfrew- shire, Scot., Mar. 7, 1817. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. >75 KIMBALL, Albert H., s. of Ensign and Mary E., Aug. 9, Arabella']. [ ], w. of Shubael G., May 4, 1827. G.R.3. Augustus W., Nov. 21, 1827. G.R.3. Benj[amin], Aug. 15, 1786. G.R.3. Catherine [ 1, w. of Isaiah W., , i«i2. G.R.3. Charles L., , 1825. G.R.3. D. Frank, Dec. 4, 1845. G.R.3. Edwin A., s. of Ensign and Mary A., Dec. 19, 1842. Elizabeth P. [ ], w. of Samuel S., , 1827. G.R.3. Ellen [ -], w. of Stephen, July 16, 1829. G.R.3. Emma Harriet, , 1836. G.R.3. Ensign, Oct. 7, 1818. G.R.3. George Albert, s. of Charles and Mary F., May 2, 1849. Geo[rge] H., , 1838. G.R.3. Hannah W. [ ], w. of Daniel, Oct. 10, 1810. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of Lorenzo S., , 1839. G.R.3. Hattie A. [ ], w. of A. H., July 16, 1841. G.R.3. Hervey Zury, May 25, 181 1. G.R.3. Isaiah W., . 1812. G.R.3. James A., June 26, 1843. G.R.3. Lewis, Nov. 18, 1822. G.R.3. Lorenzo S., , 1838. G.R.3. Louisa. Mar. 15, 1817. G.R.3. Lucretia A. B., , 1835. G.R.3. „ „ „ Lucy D. [ ], w. of Hervey Zury, Apr. 18, 1818. G.R.3. Lucy Maria, d. of Hervey Z. and Lucy D., Aug. 12, 1845. C R "^ Lvman Leland, , 1839. G.R.3. Maria H. [ ], w. of Benj[amm], , 1834. G.R.3. Martha, , 1805. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ 1, w. of Geo[rge] H., , 1842. G.R.3. Samuel S., , 1826. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Benj[amin], Aug. 3, 1792. G.R.3. Shubael G., June ti, 1816. G.R.3. Stephen, Nov. 17, 1825. G.R.3. Victoria [ ], w. of Augustus W., June 8, 1844. G.R.3. KINCAID, Alden Lewis, , 1821. G.R.3. Edward B., , 1849. G.R.3. Lorenzo B.. , 1840. G.R.3. Martha J. Gove [ ], w. of Alden Lewis, , 1836. G.R.3. 176 CHELSEA BIRTHS. KING, Allice, d. of John G. and Jane, Feb. 20, 1844. Amelia, , 1844. G.R.3. Apollos, , 1786. G.R.3. D. A., , 1828. G.R.3. Edward, Nov. 22, 1843. G.R.3. Elizabeth Hill [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1829. G.R.3. Hannah K., , 1804. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1792. G.R.3. M. E. [ ], w. of D. A., , 1836. G.R.3. Mary, , 1823. G.R.3. Orville F., July 6, 1838. G.R.3. Robert, , 1816. G.R.3. Sarah Blanchard [ ], w. of Apollos, , 1786. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1829. G.R.3. KINGMAN, Edward A., , 1817. G.R.3. Emeline, , 1825. G.R.3. James H., , 1823. G.R.3. Maria K. [ ], w. of Edward A., , 1830. G.R.3. KINGSBURY, Jasper B., Oct. 5, 1830. G.R.3. KINGSTON, Alice J. Harding [ ], w. of James H., Feb. 17, 1836. G.R.3. James H., July 22, 1832. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of , May 12, 1835. G.R.3. KINSMAN, Elijah, May 14, 1840. G.R.3. KIRBY, Charles A., July 18, 1837. G.R.3. KIRKLAND, James M.. , 1832. G.R.3. KIRTLAND, Elizabeth G., , 1829. G.R.3. KIRWAN, Thomas, , 1829. G.R.3. KNAPP, Emily Louise [ ], w. of George Henry, , 1842. G.R.3. George Henry, , 1843. g.R-3- KNEELAND, Mary C., d. of Noah and Naomi, Apr. 12, 1847. KNIGHT (see Knights), Abigail [ ], w. of Sumner, 29, 181 5. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 177 Knight, Benjamin, Aug. 22, 1802. G.R.3. Charles Robateau, Aug. 22, 1802. G.R.3. Edward H., , 1831. G.R.3. Jane M. [ ], w. of Edward H,, , 1832. G.R.3. Loretta Foster, Aug. ii, 1844. G.R.3. Nathaniel J., Dr., Sept. 17, 1802. G.R.3. Mary Ellen Tilton, d. of Abigail and Sumner, Dec. 26, 1845. G.R.3. Phoebe Foster [ ], w. of Charles R., Oct. 2, 1804. G.R.3. Sarah Davis [ ], w. of Dr. Nathaniel J., Sept. 13, 1808. G.R.3. KNIGHTS (see Knight), Hiram, , 1822. G.R.3. William W., , 1830. G.R.3. KNOTT, James Reynolds, Sept. 16, 1835. G.R.3. KNOWLES, Benjamin F., , 1841. G.R.3. Marietta H., July 26, 1849. G.R.3. Rachel [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1817. G.R.3. Paul, Feb. 8, 1805. G.R.3. KNOWLTON, Elizabeth R., , 1803. G.R.3. Freelin G., , 1849. G.R.3. Joseph S., , 1836. G.R.3. Samuel G., , 1843. G.R.3. KNOX, Abigail [ ], w. of Moses E., May 2, 181 5. G.R.3. Benjamin H., June 2^, 1821. G.R.3. Carrie M. [ ], w. of WiUiam Penn, , 1846. G.R.3. Charles B., July 30, 1843. ^-R-S- Franklin Caleb, s. of Benjamin H. and Sarah L., July 31, 1849. J. Henry, , 1844. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of Benj[a]m[in] and Sarah, July 16, 1847. Mary E. [ ], w. of William Penn. , 1848. G.R.3. Sarah L. [ 1, w. of Benjamin H., Jan. 21, 1815. G.R.3. Susan A. f ], w. of J. Henry, , 1846. G.R.3. William Penn, , 1845. G.R.3. KORNEGAY, Mary E. [ ], w. of , , 1840. G.R.3. KRAFT, E. L., , 1823. g.r.2. V. F., . 181 1. G.R.2. 178 CHELSEA BIRTHS. KRAMER, Fredolin, , 1848. G.R.3. Rudolph, June 9, 1847. G.R.3. KRAPP, Emma Frances [ ], w. of Gardner, , 1849. G.R.3. KRETSCHMAR, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. KULLABERS, Johanna, Jan. 16, 1835. G.R.3. KYLE, Winslow S., , 1826. G.R.3. LACY (see Lasey, Lassev), James, s. of William and Eliza, Feb. 8, 1847. William, s. of James and Margarett, Nov. — , 1846. LADD, Charles, , 1794. G.R.3. Charles E., s. of Charles, , 1826. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of G. F., , 1845. G.R.3. Frances M. [ ], w. of Guildford S., , 1834. G.R.3. George Gilman, , 1831. G.R.3. Guildford S., , 183 1. G.R.3. Hastings A., July 15, 1823, G.R.3. Martha Josephine, , 1839. G.R.3. Rebecca B. [ ], w. of Hastings A., July 5, 1827. G.R.3. LAIGHTON (see Leighton), Ivan, , 1844. G.R.3. Mark, Sept. 8, 1836. G.R.3. LAKE, Annie W., , 1807. G.R.3. LAKIN, James T., , 1841. G.R.3. LAMBERT, Rebecca H., d. of Henry and Mary B., Feb. 7, 1845. LAMONT (see Lemont), John G., , 1847. G.R.3. LAMPREY, Geo[rge] Henry, s. of David and Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1848. LAMSON, Isadore D. f 1, w. of W[illia]m, Sept. 9, 1849. G.R.3. Mary L., d. of John L. and Mary E., Aug. 27, 1844. LANDT, Johanna Ritz [ ], w. of , Feb. 13, 1822. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 179 LANE, Alvin B., June 18, 1815. G.R.3. Arozine M. [ ], w. of Dr. R. L., , 1842. G.R.3. Catherine, Mar. 9, 1825. G.R.3. Emma Woods, d. of Benjamin F. and Harriet, Jan. 27, 1849. Franklin S., , 1838. G.R.3. George W., , 1826. g.r.2. Martha Dennison f ], 2d \v. of Samuel, Nov. 12, 1803. G.R.3. Olive, , 1824. G.R.3. Susan II. [ J, vv. of James, Apr. i, 1830. G.R.3. William G., Apr. 25, 1830. G.R.3. LANG, Elizabeth, , 1800. G.R.3. LANGLEY (see Langly), Martha, Nov. 17, 1784. G.R.3. LANGLY (see Langley), Mary B., d. of John D. and Hannah, Sept. 22,, 1849. LANGWORTHY, Antoinette N., d. of Rev. Isaac P. and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1847. Cyrus W., s. of Rev. Isaac P. and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1844. Frank Abner, s. of Rev. Isaac P. and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1849. LANNEY, Susan, d. of James and Abigail, Apr. 24, 1848. LANSIL, Sarah F., , 1844. G.R.3. LARASEY, James, May 7, 1828. G.R.3. Susan L. [ ], \v. of James, Aug. 31, 1832. G.R.3. LARKIN, Thomas, s. of James and Bridget, Apr. 28, 1844. LARRABEE, Lydia D. f ], w. of W[illia]m H., , 1832. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., , 1832. G.R.3. LARRY, Lydia S., , 1830. G.R.3. Patric, s. of Jerry and Margarett, Apr. — , 1846. Born in Cork. LARSEN, Peter FI., in Norway, Jan. 18, 1817. G.R.3. LASEY, (see Lacy, Lassey), Mary, d. of James and Margaret, Vt\i. 14, 1845. LASH, Susan R., Aug. 21, 1812. G.R.3. l80 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LASKEY (see Lasky), Eliza A., , 1829. G.R.3. John H., , 1843. G.R.3. Stephen G., , 1824. G.R.3, Wilbur Jr., , 1844. G.R.3. LASKY (see Laskey), Mary E., , 1849. G.R.3. LASLIE (see Leslie), Charles, b. in Wolcott, Vt., s. of Alex[ande]r W. and Emily of Wolcott, Vt., Mar. 4, 1839. LASSEY (see Lacy, Lasey), Will, s. of Francis and Mary, Feb. 14, 1846. LATIMER (see Lattimer), Will H., s. of George and Rebecca, Feb. 23, 1846. Colored. LATTIMER (see Latimer), Quincy Lewis Howard, s. of Geo[rge] and Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1848. Rebecca, d. of George and Rebecca, June 9, 1847. LAUNDRY. Arathusa C. [ ], w. of Richard. Sept. 9, 1838. G.R.3. LAURY, Abby, , 1825. G.R.3. LAYERS, j;r^iah F., Apr. 18, 1836. G.R.3. LAW, Ahlette J., , 1843. G.R.3. John, , 1836. G.R.3. LAWLEY, Caroline A., Feb. i, 1849. G.R.3. Martha, Sept. 10, 1820. G.R.3. LAWRENCE, , d. of Lewis and Ann, May 4, 1844. Allice P., d. of Lewis W. and Ann S., Aug. 20, 1845. Almira [ ], w. of Charles B., June 28, 1827. G.R.3. Anna Furnas [ ], w. of Prescott, Nov. 6, 1832. G.R.3. Anna M. P., d. of Lewis W. and Anna M., May 4, 1844. Caroline Waldron [ ], w. of Josiah, , 1823. G.R.3. Charles B., Dec. 6, 1812. G.R.3. Daniel S., Sept. 15, 1818. G.R.3. Esther Reid [ ], w. of John T., May 22, 1820. G.R.3. Helen Augusta, d. of Parker and Mary Ann, Feb. 4, 1849. John T., Dec. 10, 181 5. G.R.3. Josiah, , 1820. G.R.3. Leroy P., Dec. 4, 1837. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. lOI Lawrence, Mary A. [ ], w. of Parker, July 7, 1826. G.R.3. Mary E. [ J, w. of Leroy P., , 1841. G.R.3. Mitchell, Apr. 9, 1819. G.R.3. Parker, Jan. 12, 1817. G.R.3, Philip, , 1842. G.R.3. Prescott, Jan, i, 1822. G.R.3. Sarah B. f ], w. of Daniel S., Jan. i, 1820. G.R.3. Sarah M. Orne [ ], w. of Mitchell, Dec. 5, 1835. G.R.3. LAWS, Lucius M., , 1849. G.R.4. LAWSON, Ellenor M. [ ], w. of John H., , 1824. G.R.3. Janet Forsyth [ ], w, of L. E., , 1827. G.R.3. John H., - — , 1843. G.R.3. LAWTON, Hannah R. [ ], w. of William H., , 1827. GR.3. William H., , 1821. G.R.3. LEARNED, Charlotte A., , 1828. G.R.3. LEARS, Mary, , 1799. G.R.3. Sarah Spring [ ], w. of William Charles, , 1823. G.R.3. William Charles, , 182 1. G.R.3. LEATH, Benjamin, s. of Francis and Sarah of Woburn, bp. Sept. 21, 1729. C.R.I. Ebenezer, s. of Francis and Sarah of Woburn, bp. Sept. 21, 1729. C.R.I. Eleanor, d. of John, bp. Apr. 10, 1726. c.r.i. Elijah, s. of John, bp. Oct. 7, 1722. c.R.i. Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. Mar. 21, 1736. c.r.i. Francis, s. of John, bp. Aug. 16, 1730. c.R.i. Jedidiah, s. of John, bp. Jan. 16, 173 1-2. c.r.i. John, s. of John, bp. Mar. i, 1718-9. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Francis and Sarah of Woburn, bp. Sept. 21, 1729. C.R.I. Mary, d. of John, bp. Apr. 14, 1734. c.r.i. Robert, s. of Francis and Sarah of Woburn, bp. Sept. 21, 1729. C.R.I. Samuel, s. of John, bp. Oct. 2, 1720. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Mar. 10, 1727-8. c.r.i. l82 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LEAVENS, Elizabeth [ ], w. of George L., July i8, 1797. G.R.3. Erastus, July 29, 1842. G.R.3. Erastus W., Aug. 22, 1821. G.R.3. George L., Apr. 30, 1796, G.R.3. Helen F. [ ], w. of Erastus W., Jan. 8, 1823. G.R.3. Mary A., , 183 1. G.R.3. LEAVITT, Eliza A., , 1840. G.R.3. Sumner, , 1833. G.R.3. William P., , 1835. G.R.3. LECKIE, Horrace T., s. of John and Ann, Dec. 11, 1845. Will ]., s. of John and Ann, Jan. 2, 1848. LE COUNT, Maria Louisa Fox [ ], w. of Frederick R.. in Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1849, G-R-3- LEE, James, Dea., , 1837. G.R.3. William H., , 1846. G.R.3. LEEDS, Caroline T. Carr [ ], w. of Stillman, Apr. 23, 1838. G.R.2. Charlotte C. [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1825. G.R.3. Henry, , 1803. G.R.3. Henry Jr., , 1833. G.R.3. Martha H., d. of Henry and Mary, Dec. 27, 1846. Mary Smith [ ], w. of Henry, , 181 1. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1823. G.R.3. LEES, John, in Galashiels, Scot., , 1802. G.R.3. LEET, Carrie A. [ ], w. of , , 1841. G.R.3. LE FAVOUR, Alice R. [ ], w. of Thorndike, May 30, 1848. G.R.3. LEGG, Ellen E., d. of Will and Nancy J., Oct. 19, 1846. Martha A. [ ], w. of William A., Mar. 9, 1826. G.R.3. Mary J., d. of William H. and Nancy J., June i, 1848. William A., Nov. 30, 1819. G.R.3. LEGROW, Electa J., , 1822. G.R.3. Elias, , 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 183 LEIGHTON (see Laighton), A. Judson, , 1844. G.R.3. Maria M., , 1845. G.R.3. Mary Jane Beggs [ ], vv. of Frederick T., , 1838. G.R.3. Roxie, , 1837. G.R.3. LEIM, William W., Mar. 18, 1835. G.R.3. LEISHMAN, Alexander, , 1830. g.r.2. Janet W. Norris [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1836. g.r.2. LEMAN, Cornelia M. [ ], w. of George H., Feb. 23, 1842. G.R.3. George H., Dec. 25, 1838. G.R.3. LEMAZURER, Philip, , 1825. G.R.3. LEMONT (see Lamont), Adam, Jan. 26, 1840. G.R.3. LENT, Sarah J. Bell, May 24, 1829. G.R.3. X'incent D., Oct. 7, 1822. G.R.3. LENTH, Peter, Dec. 25, 1839. g.r.2. LEONARD, Adelbert W., , 1849. g.r.2. George F., , 1830. G.R.3. CTeo[rge] W. Blinn, , 1845. G.R.3. Jane S., , 1829. G.R.3. John S., Aug. 3, 182 1. G.R.3. W[illia]m E., s. of John S. and Mary E., Mar. 24, 1845. G.R.3. LERAY, Mary A. [ ], w. of Thomas \V., , 1844. G.R.3. Thomas VV., , 1833. G.R.3. LEROY, Lindsey L., , 1843. G.R.3. LESLIE (see Laslie), Duncan, , 1837. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], vv. of Duncan, , 1833. G.R.3. LESTER, John H., , 1826. g.r.2. Lucy M. [ 1, w. of John H., , 1828. g.r.2. LEVAN, Sarah, d. of John and Mary, Aug. 17, 1847. LEVERETT, Mary J. [ 1. w. of , , 1827. G.R.3. 184 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LEVI, Emma R. Anil [ ], w. of William G., June 6, 1845. G.R.3. Gallah, Mar. 4, 183 1. g.r,3. Jane G., Sept. i, 1833. G.R.3. LEVINGSTON (see Levingstone), Margaret, d. of Robert and Zebiah, 14th day, 8th mo., 1744. LEVINGSTONE (see Levingston), Anna, d. of Robert and Zebiah, 2d day, 5tli mo., 1736. Hannah, d. of Robert and Zebiah, 25th day, 3d mo., 1739. John, s. of Robert and Zebiah, 19th day, 2d mo., 1734. Mary, d. of Robert and Zebiah, nth day, 3d mo., 1732. William, s. of Robert and Zebiah, 25th day, 3d mo., 1742. Zebiah, d. of Robert and Zebiah, 9th day, 7th mo., 1730, LEWIS, Abigail, d. of Isaac and Ann Jr., 8th day, ist mo., 1740. Abijah, s. of Isaac, bp. June 22, 1718. c.r.i. Abijah, s. of Abijah and Rachel, 29th day, ist mo., 1759.. Asa, Nov. 27, 18 1 5. G.R.3. Benjamin, s. of Nathan and Mary, 4th day, 6th mo., 1762. David, s. of Nathan and Mary, 19th day, 2d mo., 1757. Ebenezer, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 7th day, nth mo., 1754. Elizabeth, d. of Abijah and Rachel, 21st day, loth mo., 1756. Eunice C. [ ], w. of , Jan. 28, 182 1. G.R.3. Frances, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 8th day, loth mo., 1751. Georg[e], s. of Isaac and Anna, 25th day, 7th mo., 1747. George, , 1801. G.R.3. George F., , 1848. G.R.3. George K., June 28, 1847. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Abijah and Rachel, 31st day, 5th mo., 1750. Hannah, Oct. 12, 1792. G.R.3, Helen E., , 1837. G.R.3. Henery, s. of Nathan and Mary, i6th day, 9th mo., 1759. James P., , 1826. G.R.3. John, s. of Nathan and Mary, loth day, ist mo., 1752. John, Aug. 27, 1779. G.R.3. John E., , 1846. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of Isaac, bp. Jan. 19, 1723-4. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 12th day, 12th mo., 1752. Lydia, d. of Isaac, bp. July 24, 1726. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Isaac, bp. Oct. 11, 1719. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Isaac and Ann Jr., 8th day, 2d mo., 1742. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 185 Lewis, Mary Anderson [ ], vv. of Ray T., , 1842. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of William and Nancy, June 20, 1842. Moses, s. of Abijah and Rachel, i6th day, loth mo., 1762. Nathan, s. of Isaac, bp. Jan. 28, 172 1-2. c.r.i. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Mary, 26th day, 2d mo.. 1750. Phineas S., Jan. 27, 1837. G.R.3. Ray T., , 1838. G.R.3. Sabrina T. [ ], w. of George, , 181 r. G.R.3. Samuel, s. of Abijah and Rachel, i6th day, 12th mo., 1752. Samuel D., Dec. 10, 1808. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Isaac and Anna, 20th day, 7th mo., 1748. Sarah, d. of Abijah and Rachel, 21st day, loth mo., 1754. Sarah F., d. of Shubael and Keziah, 15th day, 7th mo., 1838. Steven, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 23d day, 9th mo., 1758. Thomas, s. of Nathan and Mary, TQth day, 7th mo., 1754. William, s. of Isaac and Ann Jr., 19th day, 2d mo., 1744. W'illiam, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 14th day, loth mo., 1756. LIBBEY (see Libby), John H., , 1836. G.R.3. Julia A. Wood [ ], w. of Joel, , 1817. g.r.2. LIBBY (see Libbey), Adaliade, d. of John O. and jane G., Feb. 4, 1845. Addie F. | ], w. of F. L., , 1849. G.R.3. Addison G., , 1832. G.R.3. Augusta L.. , 1834. G.R.3. Catherine B. Wyeth [ ], w. of Stillman H., Sept. 16, 1839. G.R.3. Charles J., Mar. 21, 1848. G.R.3. Edward L., s. of Edward W. and Amelia A., July 28, 1849. George W., Feb. 24, 181 1. G.R.3. Lucretia H. [ ], w. of Wyman, , 1847. G.R.3. Margaret J., , 1840. G.R.3. Olive B. [ ], w. of George W., Mar. 7, 1819. G.R.3. Sarah A. W., July 12, 1835. G.R.3. Stillman H., Apr. 3, 1826. G.R.3. Varanes, . 1818. G.R.3. Wyman, , 1846. G.R.3. LIGHT, Stephen, Feb. 13, 1836. g.r.2. LIGHTHILL, August P., Dr., , 1834. G.R.4. Edward B., Dr., , 183 1. G.R.4. Ellen [ ], w. of Dr. August P., , 1838, G.R.4. l86 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LILLIE, Margaret H. [ ], w. of , , 1847. G.R.3. Nathaniel S., Aug. 18, 1829. g.r.2. LINCOLN, Annie, Apr. 29, 1849. G.R.3. Augusta, , 1842. G.R.4. Charles E., s. of George L. and Ann, Aug. 4, 1849. Helen Maria, , 1832. G.R.3. Henry Barry, , 1830. G.R.3. Uriah R., , 1837. G.R.3. LINDERGREEN, Nils Petter, Aug. 28, 1831. G.R.3. LINGLEY, Catherine [ ], w. of , , 1823. G.R.3. LINNELL, Ellen E. [ ], w. of George W., , 1842. G.R.3. Emily A., , 1827. G.R.3. Esther Frances, May 26, 1844. G.R.3. George W., , 1828. G.R.3. Joseph Warren, Sept. 16, 1845. G.R.3. Joshua, , 1820. G.R.3. LINSCOTT, Abby R., , 1826. G.R.3. Ephraim, , 1817. G.R.3. John, , 1823. G.R.3. Maria [ ], w. of John, , 1825. G.R.3. Maria Antoinette [ ], w. of Ephraim, , 1829. G.R.3. LIST, Augusta P. [ ], w. of Frederick , 1848. G.R.3. Frederick, , 1846. G.R.3. LITCHFIELD, Albert, , 1843. G.R.3. Caroline C. [ ], w. of William G., Apr. 28, 1822. g.r.2. Davis, , 1809. G.R.3. EHza E., , 1819. G.R.3. Frank, , 1848. G.R.3. Harvey T,, . 1830. G.R.3. Jane B. [ ], w. of L. Walter, , 1830. G.R.4. L. Walter, , 1844. G.R.4. Mary Ann, , 1831. G.R.3. Melinda, , 1845. G.R.3. Nancy J., , 1836. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 187 Litchfield, Nancy McL. [ ], w. of W. A., Feb. 17, 1817. G.R.2. Sarah J., , 1845. G.R.3. Silas C, , 1833. G.R.3. Susan, , 1837. G.R.3. W. A., , 1820. G.R.2. William, , 1838. G.R.3. William G., Feb. 3, 1822, g.r.2. LITTLE, Fred K., Sept. 22, 1845. G.R.3. Israel K., Sept. 4, 1818. G.R.3. Julia A. [ ], w. of Israel K., Mar. 16, 1820. G.R.3. Omar, , 1822. G.R.3. Orison, Mar. 6, 1836, G.R.3. R. Emily Hazen | ], w. of Orison, Mar. 25, 1838. G.R.3. Susan D., , 1830. G.R.3. LITTLEFIELD, Calvin A., , 1822. G.R.3. Charles William, Mar. 23, 1843. G.R.3. Charlotte A., , 1849. G.R.3. Charlotte H. Eldridge [ ], w. of Calvin A., , 1823. G.R.3. Ellen E. [ ], w. of James A., , 1833, G.R.3. Evelyn Green, , 1847. G.R.3. James A., , 1829. G.R.3. James G., Oct. 31, 1843. g.r,3. Julia R., , 1834. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1820. G.R.3. Samuel T., , 1844. G.R.3, Susan, , 1787. G.R.3. Susan E., , 1849. G.R.3. Susan F., d. of James and Frances J., Dec. 17, 1844. LIVERMORE, Ella Maria, d. of Lorenzo A. and Abby, Dec. 23, 1849. Twin. Emma Sophia, d. of Lorenzo A. and Abby, Dec. 23, 1849. Twin. LOCKE, A. J., , 1822. G.R.3. Andrew J., Dec. 24, 1815. G.R.3. Caroline P., , 1827. G.R.3. Edwin F., Jan. 9, 1847. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of . Jan. 16, 1838. G.R.3. Susan D., Oct. 30, 1821. G.R.3. Wilhelmina F. [ ], w. of Edwin F., Dec. 20. 1847. G.R.3. l88 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LOCKHART, Hannah S., Oct. 7, 1846. G.R.3. William M., Jan. 13, 1847. G.R.3. LOGAN, John M., , 1830. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1834. G.R.3. William B., s. of W[illia]m H. and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1826. G.R.3. LOHEED, Annie, Nov. 29, 1849. G.R.3. LOMBARD, Betsey M., Dec. 25, 1828. G.R.3. Caleb, Oct. 20, 1817. G.R.3. Eliza J. [ ], w. of Thomas G., , 1841. G.R.3. Henry S., Oct. 19, 1826. G.R.3. Josiah L., Nov. 30, 1833. G.R.3. Susan T. [ ], w. of Josiah L., Oct. 24, 1836. G.R.3. Susannah G. [ ], w. of Caleb, July 14, 1819. G.R.3. Thomas G., , 1830. G.R.3. LONG, Charles H., , 1847. G.R.3. David C, Sept. 19, 1801. G.R.3. William Hale, Feb. 22, 1835. G.R.3. W[illia]m M., , 1847. G.R.3. LONGLEY, M. E. R., , 1841. g.r.i. Thomas F., , 1838. g,r.3. LONGSHAW, Annie Foster [ ], w. of Luther M., in Florence, Ala., Jan. i, 1848. G.R.3. WilUam, Jan. 26, 181 1. G.R.3. LOOMER, Simeon, Feb. 24, 1827. G.R.3. LOOMIS, Emer A., s. of Jason B. and Sarah H., Aug. it, 1842. Frances Caroline [ ], w. of Horatio A., Feb. 25, 18 18. G.R.3. LORD, Anna L. [ ], w. of , Oct. 22., 1849. G.R.3. Catharine R., , 1820. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s A., s. of Naum and Catherine, , 1842. Ella M. [ ], vv. of George F., , 1842. G.R.3. George F., , 1833. G.R.3. Mary Winn, Aug. 14, 1837. G.R.4. Sarah J., , 1833. G.R.3. William H., Sept. 29, 1840. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 189 LORDES, Amanda M. Broad [ ], w. of William JJ., , 1842. G.R.4. LORING (see Lorring), Catherine VV., , 1815. G.R.3. Celina Elizabeth [ ], w. of J. Francis, June 26, 1828. G.R.3. Charles, . 1837. G.R.3. Elisha B., July 19, 1813. G.R.3. Eliza P. [ J, VV, of Dea. Jona., in Boston, , 1788. G.R.3. George, , 1814. G.R.3. Hannah G., , 181 1. G.R.3. Harriet O., in Boston, , 1817, G.R.3. J. Francis, Oct. 10, 1828. G.R.3. James, , 181 1, G.R.3. John P., , 1834. G.R.3. Jona., Dea., in Hull, , 1785. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1824. G.R.3. Lucy F. [ ], w. of Elisha B., Dec. 9, 1819. g,r.3. Mary J. G., d. of James and Hannah, July 3, 1843. Sarah P., in Boston, , 1809. G.R.3. Stanton D., s. of Joshua and Margaret S., Sept. 13, 1845. LORRING (see Loring), Emily A., d, of James and Hannah, 6th day, 2d mo., 1840. LOTHROP, Caroline W., Oct. 8, i8or. G.R.3. George W., June 11. 1832. G.R.3. John L., Dr., Aug. 27, 1813. G.R.3. Mary F., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary O., , 1844. G.R.3. Sarah M., Aug. 30, 1813. g,r.3. Welcome Jr., July 13, 1827. G.R.3. LOUD, Abby L. [ ], w. of John G.. , 1848. G.R.3. Ellen Maria [ ], w. of George Willis, , 1846. G.R.3. George Willis, , 1848. G.R.3. John G., , 1844. G.R.3. Samuel Herbert, s. of Samuel and Anna G., June 13, 1848. LOUGEE, Edgar W., . 1845. G.R.3. Elizabeth F., , 1848. G.R.3. LOUGHEAD, Jane, , 1814. LOURA, Margaret, d. of John and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1847. 1 90 CHELSEA BIRTHS. LOVEJOY, Sarah W. [ ], w. of Levi B., , 1803. G.R.3. LOVELAND, Adelaide, , 1841. G.R.4. Helen E., , 1826. g.r.2. LOVERING, Daniel M., Dec. 14, 1803. G.R.3. Ellen A. [ ], w. of Harrison, Aug. 27, 1839. G.R.3. Sally [ ], w. of Daniel M., Aug. 15, 181 1. G.R.3. Winthrop, , 1846. G.R.3. LOVETT, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , Sept. i, 1772. G.R.3. Ellen, d. of Bartholomew and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 8, 1849. Joseph, Oct. 10, 1809. G.R.3. LOW, Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, 7th day, ist mo., 1770. Abigail, d. of John and Charlotte, bp. Oct. 28, 1803. c.r.i. Albert Webb, s. of Charles L. and Wealthy A., July 30, 1848. Calvin Page, , 1847. G.R.3. Charles, June 7, 1825. G.R.3. Charlotte, d. of John and Charlotte, bp. Sept. 7, 1802. c.r.i. Charlotte, d. of John and Charlotte, bp. Oct. 30, 1814. c.r.i. Eliza [bet] h, d. of John and Abigail, 26th day, loth mo., 1773. Elizabeth, d. of James and Thurza, i8th day, nth mo., 1810. Francis, Capt., in Barre, Sept. 23, 1795. G.R.3. Francis, , 1824. G.R.3. James, s. of John and Abigail, 22d day, 9th mo., 1777. John, s, of John and Abigail, nth day, 8th mo., 1775. John, s. of John Jr. and Charlotte, bp. June 30, 1799. c.r.i. John, s. of James and Thurza, 15th day, nth mo., 1808. John Gardner, s. of John and Hannah, loth day, ist mo., 1835. Lois, d. of John and Abigail, loth day, 9th mo., 1790 Lois, d. of James and Thurza, 29th day, 8th mo., 1807. Lydia, d. of John and Abigail, 3d day, nth mo., 1788. Margaret (cl. of John and Charlotte, c.r.i), Nov. 7, 1800. G.R.3. Margaret f ], w. of Francis, , 1826. G.R.3. Mary, d. of William and Mary, 5th day, 2d mo., 1757. Mary, d. of John and Abigail, 4th day, 9th mo., 1786. Nancy (d. of John and Charlotte, c.r.i). May 13, 1814. G.R.3. Nathaniel, s. of John and Abigail, 17th day, 8th mo., 1784. Nathaniel, s. of John and Charlotte, bp. Oct. 30, 1814. c.r.i. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I9I Low, Samuel, s. of John and Abigail, 21st day, loth mo., 1781. Sam|ue]li, s. of Will[ialm and Mary, 13th day, 2d mo., 1759. Sarali, d. of John and Abigail, 9th day, 12th mo., 1779. Sarah, d. of John and Charlotte, bp, Oct. 30, 1814. c.R.i. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Charles, Mar. 2, 1828. G.R.3. Seth L., , 1 84 1. G.R.3. Susan A. [ ], w. of , , 1825. G.R.3. William, s. of John and Abigail, 23d day, 9th mo. 1771. William Ratchford, s. of John and Charlotte, bp. May 26, 1805. C.R.I. LOWELL, Daniel W., , 1836. G.R.3. LOWNSBRO, George, , 1849. G.R.3. LOWTHER, George W., , 1822. G.R.3. Sarah J. F. Logan [ ], w. of George W., , 1827. G.R.3. LUCE, Martha L., Mar. 2^, 1847. g-R-3- LUDWIG, Louis, in Stockholm, Sweden, Apr. 6, 1841. G.R.3. LUND, Annie M., Sept. 5, 1835. G.R.3. Frederick, Sept. 18, 1833. G.R.3. Hannah B. [ ], w. of James, , 1807. G.R.3. James, , 1803. G.R.3. Maria Mendell [ ], w. of Frederick, Sept. 19, 1837. G.R.3. LUNDY, Grace, d. of Sarah, Nov. i, 1848. LUNT, Andrew, Mar. 5, 1797. G.R.3. Andrew F., May 12, 1827. G.R.3. Francis. , I790- G.R.3. George W., Jan. 19, 1841. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of John A., Dec. 24, 1835. G.R.3. James B., , 1834. G.R.3. John A., Apr. 29, 1835. G.R.3. Lydia, — — , 1794. G.R.3. Rebecca (i. [ ], w. of Andrew, Jan. 3, 1802. G.R.3. LYDSTON, Elizabeth Ann Todd [ ], w. of Augustus M., , 1845. G.R.3. LYMAN, Charles W., Sept. 23, 1836. G.R.3. igi CHELSEA BIRTHS. LYNCH, Anna, d. of Timothy and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, in Derry, N. H., Jan. 2, 1849. [Twin.] Annette C. [ ], w. of , , 1848. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of George, , 1829, G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of James K., Mar. 22, 1835. G.R.3. George, , 1832. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Timothy and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, in Derry, N. H., Jan. 2, 1849. [Twin.] James K., June i, 1827. G.R.3. John, , 1825. G.R.3. Mary Ann, d. of John and Ann, May 15, 1849. LYNDE, Charles, May 20, 1830. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Charles, Sept. 11, 1830. G.R.3. LYNN, Sarepta [ ], w. of , , 1824. G.R.3. LYON (see Lyons), Johannes E., Oct. 4, 1810. G.R.3. Kjerstie [ ], w. of Johannes E., Jan. i, 181 1. G.R.3. LYONS (see Lyon), Josiah T., s. of Will and Jane, Nov. 13, 1845. Maria, d. of Michael and Ellen, Aug. 5, 1848. MABURY (see Mayberry, Maybury), Charles W., June 10, 1812. G.R.3. MACARTNIE, Lillie, June 25, 1822. G.R.3. MacCLELLAN, (see McLellan), Eliza, , 1841. G.R.3. William, , 1829. G.R.3. MACCURDINS, Abraham, s. of , from Ireland, bp. , 1727, C.R.I. MACDONALD (see McDonald, McDonnald), Asa T. N., . 1840. G.R.3. Charles F., Dr., , 1829. G.R.3. Edward, , 1844. G.R.3. Elizabeth C, Sept. 8, 1825. G.R.3. Emma G. F., , 1842. G.R.3. James, Dr., , 1833. G.R.3. Jeremiah, May 9, 1822. G.R.3. John, Capt., Jan. 4, 1847. G.R.4. John B., June 11, 1838. G.R.3. Mary J., Feb, 14, 1827. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. I93 MacINNESS, Neil, , 1849. G.R.3. MACKAY (see McKay), Carl A., , 1836. G.R.3. MACKENZIE (see McKenzie), Dan[ie]l, , 1828. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of James G., Sept. 30, 1841. G.R.3. James G., Sept. 21, 1833. G.R.3. John, , 1819. G.R.3. Louisa A. [ ], w. of and mother of Louisa F. Lucius, Sept. 14, 1835. G.R.3. MACKINTOSH, Margaret Forsyth [ ], w. of Alexander, Mar. 10, 1825. G.R.3. MACNEIL (see McNeil), John C., Nov. 17, 1825. G.R.3. MACY, Lydia C., d. of James S. and Sophronia, May 30, 1849. MAGEE, Caroline S. [ ], w. of Edward, , 1826. G.R.4. Daniel, Oct. 31, 1833. G.R.3. E. Augustus, , 1847. G.R.4. Edward, , 1823. G.R.4. Eleanor M. [ ], w. of John, , 1827. G.R.3. George, , 1809. G.R.3. John, , 1826. G.R.3. Lizzie, , 1845. G.R.4. Thomas, , 1786. g,r.3. MAGIN, Andrew J., , 1838. G.R.3. MAGNUS, Andrew A., , 1847. G.R.3. MAGONAGELL, Hugh, s. of Hugh and Susan, Aug. 9, 1845. MAGOUN, Angehne, Nov. 2^, 1827. G.R.3. Emeline A., Aug. 17, 1839. G.R.3. Israel P., , 1827. G.R.3. James W., , 1822. G.R.3. Joshua, , 1796. G.R.3. Joshua F., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary, , 1829. G.R.3. Sarah W., , 1796. G.R.3. Sarah \\'., , 1831. G.R.3. Sarah W., , 1843. G.R.3. MAGURN, Harriet [ ], w. of , , 1835. G.R.3. 194 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MAHLMANN, William H., Aug. ii, 1806. G.R.3. MAHON, Isabella [ ], w. of James, , 1822. G.R.3. James, , 1814. G.R.3. MAHONY, Eliza, sister of William H., , 1828. G.R.3. James Semple, Mar. 21, 1818. G.R.3. William H., Mar. 18, 1830. G.R.3. MAHRENHOLZ, August, Mar. 17, 1847. G.R.3. MAINE, Anna E., d. of Sebeus C. and Julia O., Aug. 2, 1844. Frank N., Aug. 27, 1849. G.R.3. Will S. B., s. of Sebeus C. and Julia O., Sept. 29, 1846. MAIR (see Mairs), George W., , 1816. g.r.2. Kate A., , 1836. g.r.2. Lucretia L. [ ], w. of George W., , 1818. g.r.2. Peter, , 1808. g.r.2. Samuel, , 1833. g.r.2. Sophronia [ ], w. of Peter, , 1812. g.r.2. MAIRS (see Mair), Elizabath, d. of Adolphus and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1849. MAKANT, Sarah Ann [ ], w. of William, Feb. 9, 1840. G.R.3. MAKECHNIE, Sarah A. H. Moore, , 1833. G.R.3. MAKER, Helen Louisa, Feb. 24, 1843. G-R-3' John Crosby, Dec. 20, 1837. g,r.3. MALCOLMSON, John B., Capt., , 1844. G.R.3. MALLON, Gad H., July 25, 1807. G.R.3. MALOON, S. Davis, Feb. 7, 1823. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of S. Davis, June 16, 1827. G.R.3. MALOT, John H., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1836. G.R.3. MALTBY, Charles B., Jan. 5, 1838. G.R.3. MANAHAN (see Monahan), James, s. of Peter and Catherine, June 16, 1846. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 195 MANEGAN (see Monagan), Edward, s. of James and Cather- ine, Jan. 19, 1847. MANN, Charles H., Aug. 11, 1846. G.R.3. Eben, Mar. 28, 1812. G.R.3. George F., Dec. 23, 1840. G.R.3. Mary Albee [ ], w. of Eben, Dec. 31, 1809. G.R.3. MANNDER, Geofrge] W., , 1816. G.R.3. JuHa A., , 1822. G.R.3. Juha M., , 1844. G.R.3. MANNING, Charles B., , 1829. G.R.3. John A., , 1837. G.R.3, Melvina [ ], w. of Charles B., , 1830. G.R.3. MANSFIELD, Alfred D., Feb. 12, 1823. G.R.3. Maggie S. [ ], w. of , Oct. 20, 1844. G.R.3. Sophia J. [ ], w. of Alfred D., May 29, 1836. G.R.3. MANSON, Eliza Emerson Vance [ ], w. of Thomas Lincoln, Apr. 27, 1824. G.R.3. Elizabeth Tower, , 1825. G.R.3. Samuel Turner, , 1826. G.R.3. Thomas Lincoln, May 29, 1822. G.R.3. MARCHINGTON, Joseph P., , 1842. G.R.3. Philip. , 1838. G.R.3. MARCY, James L., s. of James S. and Sophrona, Mar. 15, 1845. Sarah M., d. of James S. and Sophrona, Jan. i, 1847. MARDEN, , d. of Will and Susan C, Oct. 2, 1845. David, , 1810. G.R.3. Jane T., d. of W[inia]m and Susan C, Dec. 13, 1846. Mary A. [ ], w. of David, , 1817. G.R.3. Robert S. G., Dec. 16, 1838. G.R.3. MAREEN, Ithamar E., , 1844. G.R.3. MARESS, Ann [ ], w. of John Joseph, June 30, 1822. (;.K.3. MARKS. Catherine [ ], w. of , Nov. 13, 1838. G.R.3. 196 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MARPLE, Charles H., , 1838. G.R.3. Clara W. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1843. G-R-3- Franklin F., in Charlestown, May 15, 1844. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], vv. of John M., in Charlestown, , 181 1. G.R.3. MARQUAND, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Henry, Oct. 16, 1802. G.R.3. Henry, Mar. 20, 1795. G.R.3. James H., Feb. 22, 183 1, G.R.3. John S., June 9, 1828. G.R.3. MARR, Bridget, Sept. 3, 1822. G.R.3. MARSH, Abigail [ ], w. of , Jan. 27, 1797. G.R.3. Louisa S. [ ], w. of George H., May 29, 1843. G.R.4. Maria Donna, , 1830. G.R.3. Thomas C, , 183 1. G.R.3. Warren A., Apr. 18, 1841. G.R.4. William H., June 29, 1815. G.R.3. MARSHALL, Elijah Jr., Aug. 14, 1788. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Elijah Jr., Sept. 4, 1787. G.R.3. James, , 1815. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1789. G.R.3. Leonard, , 1809. G.R.3. Leonard B., , 1847. G.R.3. Mary W. [ ], w. of Leonard, , 1813. G,R.3. Matilda [ ], w. of William, , 1836. G.R.3. Phebe B. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1787. G.R.3. Rebecca Irving [ ], w. of James, , 1828. G.R.3. Richard, May 10, 1844. G.R.3. Susan R., , 1837. G.R.3. Susannah [ ], w. of Richard, Apr. 9, 1842. G.R.3. William, , 1832. G.R.3. MARSON, William H., , 1830. G.R.3. MARSTERS, Eliza J., , 1840. G.R.4. Joseph D., , 1821. G.R.4. MARSTON, Daniel W., s. of Sam[ue]l M. and Eliz[abe]th H., Sept. 2, 1845. David G., , 1834. G.R.3. Emma A. Davis [ ], w. of David G., , 1839. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 197 Marston, John W., Oct. i8, 1835. G.R.3. Joseph L,, . 1841. G.R.3. Martha A., d. of Samuel M. and EHz[a]b[eth] H., Aug. 27, T847. MARTIN, Benjfamin], s. of Benj[aminJ T. and Eliz[abet]h S., July 5. 1843. Benjamin T., , 1815. G.R.3. Benjfamin] T., s. of Benj[amin] T. and Eliz[abe]th S., Jan. 31, 1845. Celia Ann, d. of Samuel J., b. in Hancock, Me., and Rachel b. in Boston, .Sept. 5, 1847. Clara J., , 1845. g,r.3. Cyrene Victoria, d, of Darius A. and Eliza W., Dec. 15, 1848. Darius A., , 1813. g.r.2. E. Gerry, Capt., , 1843. c^.R.3- Eliza W. [ ], w. of Darius A., , 1813. g.r.2. Elizabeth S. [ ], w, of Benjamin T., , 181 5. G.R.3. Emeline [ ], vv. of Ira F., , 1829. G.R.3. Frances, , 1840. G.R.3. Hellen, d. of Darias and EHza W., July 10, 1844. Henry, , 1823, G.R.3. Ira F., , 1823. G.R.3. Margaret A. \ ], w. of L. R., , 1845. G.R.3. Maria T. Marden [ ], w. of Capt. E. Gerry, , 1844. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of D. A. and Eliza W., Dec. 27, 1845. Mercy T. [ ], w. of Nevvhall, July 18, 1805. g.Y(.^. Newhall. Aug. 22, 1802. G.R.3. Rachel f 1, w. of Samuel J., , 1823. g.r.2. Samuel J., , 1818. g.r.2. Sarah Jane, d. of D. A. and Sarah J., July 17, 1842. Sophia [ ]. \v. of Thomas, , 1839. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1839. G.R.3. Virginia, d. of Darius A. and Eliza W., Apr. 3, 1847. MARTINSON, Catherine E., , 1834. G.R.3. Martin II., , 1822. G.R.3. MASON, Alanson P., Rev., Jan. 19, 1813, G.R.3. Ann W., . 1828. G.R.3. Dealia, Oct. 7, 1770. p.r.2. Hale, , 1790. G.R,3. Ilcnry. , 1806. G.R.3. 198 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Mason, Henry, Dec. 15, 1838. G.R.3. Henry Jr., , 1841. G.R.3. Ida, d. of Charles B. and Susan R., June 18, 1848. J. Otis, , 1807. G.R.3. John R., s. of Henry and JuHa, July 11, 1847. Julia [ ], w. of Henry, , 1808. G.R.3. Julia C, , 1837. G.R.3. Lucius F., , 1829. G.R.3. Lucy Lane [ ], w. of Hale, , 1795. G.R.3. Martha F,, June 28, 1822. G.R.3. Paul Curtis, s. of Henry and Julia, Oct. 6, 1849. Phoebe R., , 1820. G.R.3. Polly C. [ ], w. of J. Otis, , 1808. G.R.3. Samuel W., , 1824. G.R.3, Sarah A., July 16, 1820. G.R.3. Sarah Mason Peabody [ ], w. of Silas, , 1813, G.R.3. Sarah R. [ ], w. of Rev. Alanson P., , 1814. G.R.3. Silas, , 181 1, G.R.3. Thomas, , 1845. G-R-3- Will W. E., s. of Will P. and Mary A., Dec. 19, 1847. William J., , 1830. G.R.3. MASSEY, , s. of Stephen D. and Lucretia D., Apr. 12, 1847. Dudley A., s. of Stephen D. and Lucretia D., Aug. 27, 1843. MASTERS, Eliza A. [ ], w. of Newton B., , 1832. G.R,2. Newton B., , 1839. g.r.2. MATHESON, Isabel, , 1825. G.R.3. Kenneth, , 1789. G.R.3. Murdock, Aug. 15, 1827. G.R.3. Roderick, , 1832. G.R.3. Susannah Johnstone [ ], w. of Kenneth, , 1800. G.R.3. MATHEWS (see Matthews), , s. of John and Lyida S., June 15, 1844. Annie S., , 1845. G.R.3. Cyrus W., , 1848. g.r,3. Retenna, d. of John F, and Frances E., Dec. 29, 1844. MATTESON, Daniel, Apr. 15, 1828. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 199 MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Nath[anie]I and Hannah T., June 21, 1848. Sophia H., , 1845. G.R.3. WilHam H., , 1836. G.R.3. MATTOX, , cli. of Henry and Charity, nth day, 5th mo., 1840. Edward, s. of Henry and Mary, Oct. 24, 1848. Henry, s. of Henry and Mary, July 22, 1842. Isaac, s. of Henry and Mary A., Dec. 20, 1844. John, s. of Henry and Mary A., Feb. 21, 1846, Margaret, d. of Henry and Charity, 9th day, 9th mo., 1838. MAVOR, Thomas R., , 1844. G.R.3. MAW, Elizabeth H. [ ], w. of John, , 1848. G.R.4. John, , 1843. G-R4. MAXWELL, James P., , 1842. G.R.3. John W., -, 1832. G.R.3. MAY Geo[rge] B., s. of Sam[ue]l H. and Mary J., Sept. 4, 1845. Samuel Hunt, s. of Sam[ue]l H. and Mary Jane, Apr. 4, 1849. William W., s. of Sam[ue]l and Jane, Nov. 16, 1847. MAYBERRY (see Mabury, Maybury), Mary E., , 1825. G.R.3. MAYBURY (see Mabury, Mayberry), Edwin Daniel, s. of John and Clarissa, Aug. 11, 1848. MAYNARD, Almira | ], w. of Joseph, Sept. 11, 18 ro. G.R.3. Frank H., s. of Francis and Sophia. Oct. — , 1846. George VV., , 1844. G.R.3. Joseph, Apr. 25, 1810. G.R.3. Joseph H., Apr. 3, 1834. G.R.3. Josephine C, Sept. 2, 1836. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of George W., , 1847. G.R.3. MAYO, Amy Richardson [ ], w. of Capt. Franklin. . 1825. Azubah C, , 1809. g.r.2. Charily. Aug. 31, 1828. G.R.4. 200 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Mayo, Emily K., d. of Joshua C. and Sarah H., July 6, 1849. Eveline R. [ ], \v. of Noah, Sept. 21, 1839. G.R.3. Franklin, Capt., , 1812. G.R.3. Geo[rge] L., Mar. 3, 1826. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of Uriah R., Feb. 13, 1813. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of Hezekiah, , 1819. G.R.4. Helen M. [ ], vv. of Nathan W., Feb. i, 1844. G.R.3. Henry C, s. of Capt. Franklin and Amy Richardson, , 1844. G.R.3. Hezekiah, , 1819. G.R.4. I Jane H., Mar. 13, 1827. G.R.3. Joanna H., Dec. 25, 1815. G.R.3. Lucia Le Baron, in Plymouth, May 15, 1788. G.R.3. Mercy, Aug. 24, 1817. G.R.3. Nathan W., Sept. 13, 1835. G.R.3. Noah, Sept. 19, 1826. G.R.3. Olive B. [ ], w. of Geo[rge] L., Mar. 23, 1826. G.R.3. Thomas H., , 1832. g.r.2. Timothy L., Aug. 22, 1824. G.R.3. Uriah R., Sept. 24, 1810. G.R.3. Watson G., Jan. 26, 181 2. G.R.3. Zeta H., Sept. 18, 1831. G.R.3. McALVIN, Lucia [ ], w. of William, , 1805. G.R.3. William, , 1790. G.R.3. McARTHUR, Robert, Apr. 28, 1812. G.R.3. McBAY, Leticia [ ], w. of John, Feb. 25, 1843. G.R.3. Stewart, s. of John and Esther, Jan. i, 1849. McBRIDE, Agnes, in Edinburgh, Scot., , 1841. G.R.3. Elizabeth W. [ ], w. of William, Dec. 24, 1830. G.R.3. William, Mar. 18, 1822. G.R.3. McCANN, Margaret H., d. of John and Ellen H., Nov. 19, 1846. Mary A. C. (Mary H., dup.), d. of Henry and Jane, Aug. 11, 1843. McCARD, Mary M., d. of John and Jane, May 26, 1847. McCarthy, James G., , 1835. G.R.3. McCAULY, Francis, s. of Edward and Catherine, Dec. 29, 1848. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 201 McCLANATHAN, Nancy O., d. of Lain, Aug. 15, 1845. McCLOUD (see McLeod, McLoiid), Betsy, , 1772. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1834. g.r,3. Hannah, , 1807. G.R.3. McCLURE, Alvin Brackett, , 1841. G.R.3. Hannah Jane, , 1813. G.R.3. James Henry, , 1846. G.R.3. John, , 1804. G.R.3. McCOMBIE, Anna [ ], w. of John, May 8, 1848. G.R.3. John, Jan. 13, 1844. G.R.3. McCONNELL, Alexander, Jan. 15, 1829. G.R.3. Emma F., , 1849. G.R.3. James, Apr. 8, 1828. G.R.3. Martha [ — '■ ], w. of Alexander, Jan. 13, 1829, G.R.3. Rebecca [ ], w. of James, Sept. 28, 1827, G.R.3. William, , 1827. G.R.3. McCONOWAY, John, s. of John and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 31, 1849. Stillborn. McCORMACK, Elizabeth [ ], w. of James, Apr. 16, 1827. G.R.3. James, July 12, 1827. G.R.3. Mccormick, Elizabeth Hannah, , 1836. G.R.3. Jane Sampson, , 1844. G.R.3. William, . 1835. G.R.3. McCOSKER, Thomas, , 1832. G.R.3. McCULLOCK, Jessie, Apr. 26, 1824. g.r.2. McCURDAY, \\ illiam, s. of Daniel and Ellen, Apr. 14, 1849. McDEED, Thomas, s. of James and Mary, May 25, 1843. McDEVITT, James, s. of James and Mar}% May 2, 1846. John, s. of John and Rose, both b. in Ireland, Nov. i, 1849. Thomas, s. of James and Mary, May 28, 1843. McDonald (see MacDonald, McDonnald), Eleanor P., , 1815. G.R.3. Isaac P., , 1828. G.R.3. James E., , 1838. G.R.3. 202 CHELSEA BIRTHS. McDONNALD (see MacDonald, McDonald), Maria R., d. of Rosina, 19th day, 3d mo., 1841. McDONNOUGH (see McDonough), Ann, d. of Patric and Mary, Nov. — , 1842. John, s. of Patric and Mary, Dec. 15, 1844. Mcdonough (see McDonnough), John, s. of Patric and Mary, , 1843. Margaret, d. of Patric and Mary, Dec. 12, 1846. Mary, d. of Patrick and Mary, both b. in Ireland, June 14, 1848. McDOUGALL, Donald, , 1833. G.R.3. Lucetta C, , 1843. G.R4- McDOWNEY, Thomas, s. of John and Bridget, Jan. i, 1848. McEACHERN, Dougald, , 1848. G.R.3. McEGAN, Catherine, d. of Murty and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 10, 1849. McFARLAND, Agnes [ ], w. of , , 1840. G.R.3. H. N., May i, 1810. g,r.3. Lucinda [ ], w. of H. N., , 1817. G.R.3. William A., Jan. 25, 1822. G.R.3. McFARLANE, Eliza, , 1822. G.R.3. John, , 1818. G.R.3. McGAFFEY, John A., , 1844. G.R.3. McGEE, Mary A., , 1816. G.R.3. McGILLOCK, James, s. of John and Eliza, both b. in Ireland, Dec. I, 1849. McGLETHLIN (see McGlothland, McGlothlin, McLaughlin), Catherine, d. of Michel and Margaret, May — , 1842. McGLOTHLAND (see McGlethlin, McGlothlin, McLaughlin), John, s. of Patric and Celia, Aug. 15, 1843. McGlothlin (see McGlethlin, McGlothland, McLaughlin), Bridget, d. of Oniel and Rosy, Feb. i, 1846. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 203 McGlothlin, Bridget, d. of Patric and Mary, Aug. 9, 1846. Ellen, d. of John and Grace, May 5, 1844. Ellen, d. of Michael and Margaret M., Feb. 19, 1845. James, s. of Michael and Margaret, 4th day, 3d mo., 1839. James, s. of Patric and Cecelia, Sept. 12, 1846. Mary, d. of Neal and Rose, Jan. 16, 1843. Thomas, s. of Michael and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 12, 1849. McGRAY, John E., , 1834. G.R.3. McGregor, David L., , 1828. G.R.3. Emily W. [ J, w. of David L., , 1834. G.R.3. McILROY, John V., , 1829. G.R.3. McILVAINE, Margaret, d. of David and Mary, both b. in Ireland, June 18, 1849. Born in Charlestown. McINTIRE (see Mclntyre), Elizabeth G. [ ]. w. of Lorenzo S., Feb. 11, 1829. G.R.3. Harriet \V., d. of T. B. and w. of George L. Barnard. , 1830. G.R.2. Lorenzo S., Feb. 20, 1828. G.R.3. Mary A. Freeman [ ], w. of Theodore B., Dec. 25, 1798. G.R.2. Porter, s. of Tho[ma]s and CaroHne, Jan. 17, 1846. Born at Point Shirley. Theodore B., Aug. 9, 1792. g.r.2. McINTYRE (see Mclntire), Charles D., Apr. 3, 1831. G.R.3. Robert. Capt., . 1823. G.R.3. Robert, , 1844. G.R.3. McKAY (see Mackay), Adaline [ ]. w. of Nathaniel, , 1831. G.R.3. Alice T., , 1843. r..R.3. Ann f ], w. of Hugh R., . 1788. G.R.3. Benjamin, , 1846. G.R.3. Elizabeth Crogheron, d. of Hugh R. and Ann, . 1809. G.R.3. Harriet N., , 1823. G.R.3. Hugh R.. , 1788. G.R.3.' Martha [ ], w. of , , 1839. (^■•R-3- Xathaniel, Mar. 2, 1832. G.R.3. 204 CHELSEA BIRTHS. McKEE, Amelia, d. of Jesse and Mary, , 1845. g.r.2. Anna, d. of Jesse and Mary, , 1849. g.r.2. George, Feb. 21, 1841. G.R.3. Jesse, , 1818. G.R.2. Mary [ ], w. of Jesse, , 1824. g.r.2. McKENNA, Catherine [ ], w. of , Dec. 25, 1830. G.R.3. John M., s. of John and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 26, 1849. McKENZIE (see Mackenzie), Moses H., July 4, 1846. G.R.3. McKEY, William Richard, Feb. 14, 1840. G.R.3. McKIBB, Bridgett, d. of James and Mary, Mar, 2, 1846. McKIE, John A., , 1846. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of William, Nov. 2.y, 1838. G.R.3. William H., Jan. 30, 1827. G.R.3. McKINNON, John, May 20, 1839. G.R.3, Mary Wallace [ ], w. of John, Aug. 30, 1834. G.R.3. McLAIN (see McLean), Martha, Mar. 4, 1828. g.r.2. McLaren, Daniel, , 1826. G.R.3. McLaughlin (see McGlethlin, McGlothland, McGlothlin), Ann, d. of Patrick and Mary, July 28, 1848. Bridget, d. of Niel and Rose, May 19, 1848. Daniel, s. of Phillip and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Nov. i, 1849. McLEAN (see McLain), Alexander, , 1826. G.R.3. Allan Jr., Dec. 5, 1832. G.R.3. Duncan, , 181 1. G.R.3. Joanna [ ], w. of , Oct. 2'j, 183 1. G.R.3. John M., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of John M., , 1833. G.R.3. Mary Cecilia, , 1823. G.R.3. Mary O., , 1836. G.R.3. Sarah A., Apr. 7, 1821. G.R.3. William J., Apr. 27, 1838. G.R.3. McLELLAN (see MacClellan), Edward, , 1801. G.R.3. Lucia F., , 1825. G.R.3. Rebecca S. Cleveland [ ], w. of Edward, , 1814. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 20$ McLENNAN, Donald of Halifax, N. S., , 1786. G.R.3. McLEOD (see McCloud, McLoud), Edward, , 1826. G.R.3. H. G., Ian. i, 1844. G.R.3. John G., , 1840. G.R.3. McLOUD (see McCloud, McLeod), Eunice M. [ ], w. of John, Nov. 8, 1830. G.R.3. John, Feb. 15, 1819. G.R.3. McMELLEN, Sarah, d. of Joseph and Rosanna, Mar. 26. 1846. McMINN, Charlotte A., , 1819. G.R.3. McNALLY, Margaret, , 1843. G.R.3. McNEAR, Emily M., d. of Baker and Mary, Jan. 6, 1847. McNEIL, Amy A. [ ], w. of John, , 1825. g.r.2. George, , 1824. G.R.4. John, , 1826. G.R.2. McPHAIL (see McPhaill), John A., Jan. 14, 1833. G.R.3. McPHAILL (see McPhail), James G., Capt., , 1823. G.R.3. McQUARRY, Agnus, Sept. 17, 1825. G.R.3. Phebe A., Jan. 5, 1832. G.R.3. MEAD, Charles E., , 1828. G.R.3. Cornelia W., , 1828. G.R.3. Cynthia A. [ ], w. of Nathaniel J., , 1834. G.R.3. Nathaniel J., , 1833. G.R.3. MEADER, Bartlett D., , 1838. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of Bartlett D., , 1838. G.R.3. MEADOWS, Jesse A., , 1831. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Jesse A., , 1826. G.R.3. MEANS, Ada C, , 1849. G.R.3. Elizabeth A., , 1849. G.R.3. George F., , 1845. G.R.3. Judith B., , 1813. G.R.3. Mark D., Capt., , 1810. G.R.3. MEEMS, Pleasant, , 1849. G.R.3. 206 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MEIERS, Elizabeth [ ], w. of George J., June 30, 1827. G.R.3. George J., July 24, 1829. G.R.3. MEIGS, Flora, , 1818. G.R.3. MELLEN, Mary A., Oct. 10, 1799. G.R.3. MELVILLE, Caroline, , 1844. G.R.3. George W., , 1828. G.R.3. S. Elizabeth, , 1830, G.R.3. Sarah Jane [ ], w. of George W., , 1822. G.R.3. MELVIN, Emma A., , 1838. G.R.3. Emma S. [ ], w, of F. P., , 1847. G.R.3. Frank E., , 1838. G.R.3. George C., , 1830. G.R.3. Joanna [ ], w. of , , 1798. G.R.3. John A., , 1833. G.R.3. Maria L., , 1835. G.R.3. Theodore A., , 1835. G.R.3, MENDELL, Charles H., Aug. 25, 1839. G.R.3. MENNER, Mathias, anglicized Matthias Miner, in Merdungen, near Freyburg, Grand Duchy of Baden, Ger., Feb. 19, 1817. G.R,3. MEOLUA, Edward, s. of Owen and Rosanna, Mar. 31, 1844. MERCER, Edwin, , 1827. G.R.3. MEREDITH, Francis, , 1835. G.R.3. Hannah W. [ ], w. of Francis, , 1832. G.R.3. MERIAM (see Merriam), , s. of , Nov. 31 (sic), 1844. Emily F., d. of Otis and Harriet N., Nov. 23, 1846. Georgianna, d. of Henry L. (Ezra L. in pencil) and Eliza B., Dec. 6, 1846. Mary J., d. of W[illia]m N. and Abigail M., Sept. 22, 1846. Warren L., s. of Liberty and Lucinda, Aug. 12, 1846. MERRIAM (see Meriam), Cha[rle]s A., s. of Otis and Harriet, 29th day, 4th mo., 1841. Daniel B., , 1848. G.R.3. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Otis, , 1816. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 207 Merriam, Judson TOrry, s. of Liberty and Lucinda, Apr. 13, 1849. Mary E. [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s A., , 1845. G.R.3. Otis, , 1810. G.R.3. Sam[ue]l N., s. of \V[illia]m N. and Abigail, 14th day, 12th mo., 1841. MERRICK, Lucy S.. , 1826. G.R.3. Otis S., Aug. 31, 1816. G.R.3. MERRILL, Achsah F. [ ], w. of Charles B., , 1819. G.R.3. Anna E., d. of Cha[rle]s B. and Eudora A. J., Sept. 14, 1847. Charles Theodore, s. of Theodore E. and Martha Jane, May 6, 1845. Born in Boston. Charles W., July 7, 1846. G.R.3. Diana French, Sept. 18, 1813. G.R.3. Elias T., , 1803. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of Horace, , 1822. G.R.3. Elvira A. [ ], w. of James M., Aug. 15, 1823. G.R.3. Eudora J. [ ], w. of Charles B., , 1816. G.R.3. Frank H., s. of Theodore C. and Martha J., Nov. 19, 1846. Harry Gordon, s. of Theodore C. and Martha Jane, Jan. 31, 1849. Harum, Feb. 3, 181 1. G.R.3, Horace, , 1814. G.R.3. Israel H., in Freeport, Me., , 1828. G.R.3. James M., June 10, 1819. G.R.3. Joseph H. Addison, July 12, 1821. G.R.3. Lemuel, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary A., July 8, 1814. G.R.3. Mary F. P., Feb. 28, 1808. G.R.3. Richard W., , 1822. G.R.3. vSusan H. [ ], w. of Frank S., , 1829. G.R.3. MERRIMAN (see Meryman), H. G. O., , 1815. G.R.3. Irene O. [ ], w. of H. G. O., , 1818. G.R.3. MERRITT, D. W., Dec. 20, 1841. G.R.3. Emily P. Lawrence [ ], \v. of Henry W., Feb. i, 1836, G.R.3. Henry W., Dec. 19, 1835. G.R.3. J. Warren, , 1837. G.R.3. Jefferson D., , 1841. G.R.3. "Martha A. B. [ ], w. of J. W^arren, , 1838. G.R.3. 2o8 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MERYMAN (see Merriman), Jacob, Capt., in Harpswell, Me., Oct. 25, 1807. G.R.2. Joseph B., in Portland, Me., May 25, 1842. g.r.2. MESERVE, John S., , 1827. G.R.3. Pameha E. [ ], w. of John S., , 1834. G.R.3. Ruth M. [ ], w. of John S., , 1828. G.R.3. Sally P. [ ], w. of , June 16, 1799. G.R.3. MESSENGER, Lydia M., Sept. 26, 1838. G.R.3. MESSTER, Henry, , 1808. G.R.3. Henry, May i, 1839. G.R.3. Mary Ann, , 1818. G.R.3. METCALF, George W., , 1826. G.R.3. Hannah F. McCausland [ ], w. of Simeon M., in Hallowell, Me., Jan. 24, 1823. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], w. of George W., , 1829. G.R.3. Simeon M., in Zanesville, O., Sept. 28, 1818. G.R.3. MEYER, Frank, Oct. 15, 1844. G.R.3. MILBERRY, Margaret J., w. of Edwin H., , 1847. G.R.3. MILKE, Amanda M. [ ], w. of August, May 20, 1828. G.R.3. August, Aug. 2, 1832. G.R.3. MILLER, Alexander A., Aug. 28, 1832. G.R.4. Caroline F., , 1822. G.R.3. Charles N,, in Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1834. G.R.3. Charles W., , 1838. g.r.2. Elizabeth G., , 1823. G.R.3. Frederic J., , 1833. G.R.3. Lizzie [ ], w, of W[illia]m B., , 1839. G.R.3. Lyman M., , 1836. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Saliman, , 1805. G.R.3. Mary A. f ], w. of John, , 1834. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Lyman M., , 1836. G.R.3. Saliman, , 1808. G.R.3. Stephen W., Jan. 13, 1813. G.R.3. William H., , 1822. G.R.3. MILLET, Morris, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Sept. 20, 1761. C.R.I. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 209 MILLIKEN, J. Edwin, , 1848. G.R.3. John J., , 1813. G.R.3. Mary Jane, 3d d. of John of St. Stephen, N. B., and \v. of George Sherman of Boston, in Campobello, N. B., Nov. 16, 1826. G.R.3. Nancy P., , 1814. G.R.3. MILLS, Abigail, May 15, 1815. G.R.3. Abigail S., Oct. 14, 1793. G.R.3. Alicia Honor Bisset [ ], w. of Frederick James, in S. Africa, May — , 1829. G.R.3. Annie Howe, , 1841. G.R.3. Edith Bisset, Aug. 21, 1849. G.R.3. Elisha, , 1810. G.R.3. Eliza B. [ ], w. of George W., May 4, 1845. G.R.3. Frederick A., , 1849. G.R.3. Frederick James, in Suffolk, Eng., Jan. 11, 1825. G.R.3. George W., , 1842. G.R.3. Hannah E. [ ], w. of Joseph E., , 183 1. G.R.3. Henry F., , 1838. G.R.3. Isaac Bonney, Dec. 7, 1826. G.R.3. James L., Aug. 11, 1798. G.R.3. Joseph E., , 1830. G.R.3. Margaret M., Oct. 29, 1802. G.R.3. Richard A., , 1823. g,r.4. WilHam F., , 1814. G.R.3. William N., , 1839. G.R.3. MILTON, Elizabeth Snow (Slade) [ ], w. of George B., and formerly w. of Levi Slade, , 1824. G.R.3. MINER, Phylis Redpath, , 1835. G.R.3. MINK, Susan Ellen Mahony [ ], w. of Oliver W., May 5, 1846. G.R.3. MIRICK (see Myrick), Harriet Elizabeth, May 8, 1827. G.R.3. MISENER, Edward. Jan. 24, 1842. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of Edward, Feb. 23, 1843. G.R.3. MISKELLY, James, , 1808. G.R.3. Mary B. [ ], w. of James, , 1805. G.R.3. MITCHEL (see Mitchell). Geofrge] L., s. of Lyman and Huldah, 14th day, 2d mo., 1839. 210 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MiTCHEL, Geo[rge] L., s. of Lyman and Huldah, May 5, 1842. Robert, s. of Lyman and Huldah, loth day, 3d mo., 1841. MITCHELL (see Mitchel), Alanson, Aug. 3, 1790. G.R.3. Alexander, , 183 1. G.R.3. Charles VV., s. of Lyman and Huldah, Oct. 2, 1848. George Edwin, , 1844. G.R.3. Henry L., , 1839. G.R.3. James D., in Scotland, July 25, 1825. G.R.3. Mary Ann Davey, Oct. 13, 1797. G.R.3. Olive M., d. of Lyman and Hulda, Feb. 7, 1844. Prudence B., , 1832. G.R.3. W. Helen, , 1843. G.R.3. MODEE, Adolph J., , 1835. G.R.3. MOFFAT, Elijah, , 1780. G.R.3. Janet P. [ ], w. of Elijah, , 1784. G.R.3. Richardson, s. of Elijah and Jannet P., , 1819. G.R.3. Sarah S. [ ], w. of Richardson, , 1819. G.R.3. MOIN, Edward, s. of Francis and Mary, Apr. 30, 1849. MOIR, William, , 1826. G.R.3. MONAGAN (see Manegan), Francis, s. of James and Cath- erine, Feb. 8, 1849. MONAHAN (see Manahan), Ann, d. of Peter and Catharine, Aug. 18, 1843. MONROE (see Munroe), Amelia, July 10, 1839. g.r,3. David B., , 1839. G.R.3. MONSON, Anna, June 9, 1842. G.R.4. MOODY, Adeliade F., d. of Henry D. and Hannah E., May 23, 1845. Diantha, Oct. 6, 1827. G.R.4. Henry M., s. of Henry D. and Hannah E., Nov. 23, 1846. Mary A., , 1817. g.r.2. William Herrick, s. of Henry D. and H. Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1848. MOOERS, Frank M., , 1848. g.r.2. MOON, Jabez, May 31, 1848. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 21 I MOONEY, Catherine J. [ ], w. of Capt. James, Oct. 15, 1832. G.R.3. MOORE, Abbie F., . 1845. G.R.3. Alonzo, s. of L. V. R. and Mary, Aug. 27, 1843. Cha[rle]s H., s. of Hugh K. and Mary A., Aug. 21, 1846. Charlotte A., , 1825. G.R.3. David, , 18 1 7. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. f ], w. of James S., , 1825. G.R.3. Elizabeth Davies [ ], w. of William, , 1824. G.R.3. Ella Sophia, d. of Hugh K. and Mary Ann, Nov. 13, 1848. Florretta, d. of Levi V. R. and Mary, Apr. 11, 1845. Francis L., Aug, 14, 1817. G.R.3. James M., s. of James M. and Lucy, Dec. 4, 1849. James S., , 1824. G.R.3. Johanna, , 1849. G.R.3. Martin, , 1847. G.R.3. Mary, , 1812. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Luke and Mary, Apr. 5, 1843. Mary Ann, June 11, 1823. G.R.4. Milton, s. of Milton and Rhoda (Dean), Nov. 29, 1840. Sarah G. [ ], w. of Francis L., Dec. 24, 1821. G.R.3. MOOREHEAD, Almira Low Brigham [ ], w. of James M., Apr. 27, 1832. G.R.3. James M., Aug. 21, 1817. G.R.3. MORAN, Henry W., , 1838. G.R.3. Mary P., , 1839. G.R.3. MORANG, Alexander C, Oct. 21, 1842. G.R.3. Frances A. [ ], w. of Alexander C. May 25, 1843. G.R.3. MOREE, Mary, d. of Hannah and Solomon, bp. Jan. 29, 1769. C.R.I. MORELAND, Enos W., , 1826. G.R.3. MORETON, Ann [ ]. w. of Charles, in England, Nov. 15, 181 1. G.R.3. MORGAN, . s. of Rennet and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1845. Annie Parker f ], w. of Capt. Charles. June 17, 1845. G.R.3. 212 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Morgan, Charles, Capt., July 21, 1843. G.R.3. Cora P., , 1840. G.R.3. Dura P., Rev., , 1840. G.R.3. Edward B., Oct. 12, 1844. G.R.3. Emma [ ], w. of William, , 1828. g.r.2. Mary S., d. of W. L. and Mary, Mar. 5, 1848. Washington, , 1846. g.r,3. MORINE, Ellen Martha [ ], w. of , , 1836. G.R.3. MORLEY, Anna M. [ ], w. of , , 1813. G.R.3. Eleanor J. E. [ ], w. of James, , 1836. G.R.3. John M., Aug. 18, 1826. G,R.3. Martha Campbell [ ], w. of John M., Sept. 16, 1829. G.R.3. MORRILL, Charles, , 1824. G.R.3. Ehzabeth G., , 1839. G.R.3. Emily, , 1843. G.R.3. Francis C, Dec. 25, 1838. G.R.3. George Byron, , 1836. G.R.3. Lewis W., , 1793. G.R.3. Lurena L. f ], w. of Thomas, , 181 5. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Lewis W., , 1794. G.R.3. Mary Ann i ], w. of Charles, , 1825. G.R.3. Mary E. Bertram [ ], w. of George E., , 1842. G.R.3. Mary F., , 1846. G.R.3. Oscar P., , 1820. G.R.3. Survina D., , 1840. G.R.3. Thomas, , 18 10. G.R.3. MORRIS, Daniel, , 1821. G.R.4. Elsie B., , 1824, G.R.4. James, s. of William L. and Annie K., , 1848. G.R.3. John, Aug. 15, 1822. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1823. G.R.3. Mason, s. of Robert Jr. and Catherine, Mar. 6, 1849. Robert, s. of Robert and Catherine, Feb. 7, 1848. Rosanna, May 4, 1829. G.R.3. Simon S., , 1847. G.R.3. William L., , 1820. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 213 MORRISON, , s. of Benj[amin] and Sarah, Apr. 23, , di. of Robert T. and [1848 or 1849]- Born in Boston. Charles K., Mar. 13, 1816. G.R.3. Frank E., s. of E. J. and Mary A., July 7, 1847. Frank R., , 1849. G.R.3. John H., Apr. 18, 1841. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Charles K., May 15, 1820. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of EHnus J. and Mary A., July 8, 1849. Mary W. Taylor [ ], w. of Thomas, Oct. 10, 1830. G.R.3. Reuben H., , 1847. G.R.3. MORSE (see Morss), , s. of Metcalf and Lucinda, May 6, 1845. Albert, Apr. 28, 1830. G.R.3. Alfred, Dec. 25, 1836. G.R.3. Anna [ ], w. of William P., Nov. 14, 1824. G.R.3. Anne Gage, , 1786. G.R.3. Asa M., Mar. 9, 1830. G.R.3. Ben j [ami] n, s. of Austin and Susan, Oct. 14, 1842. Bertha J., May 3, 1834. G.R.3. Charles' R., , 1828. G.R.3. Christiana D., Oct. 19, 1824. G.R.3. Darius, s. of Solomon and Hannah, bp. July 26, 1772. c.R.i. Edmund N., , 1793. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of Asa M., Oct. 3, 1834. G.R.3. Eliza A., , 1844. G.R.4. Elizabeth H., , 1791. G.R.3. Emma Kenney, d. of James D. and Elizabeth S., Nov. 3, 1848. Cieorge, , 1827. G.R.4. George A., , 1837. G.R.3. Helen Elizabeth, d. of Enoch R. and Isabella, Jan. 23, 1849. Isabella M., d. of Enoc R. and Isabella, Sept. 24, 1845. Jerusha B., , 1815. G.R.4. John P., Capt., May 7, 1822. G.R.3. M. Isabel. , 1819. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1846. G.R.3. Mary E., Oct. 16, 1830. G.R.3. Milan. , 1819. G.R.3. Milan H., , 1844. G.R.3. Sarah A., , 1839. G.R.3. 214 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Morse, Sarah C. [ ], w. of Edmund N., , 1800. G.R.3. Susan M. [ ], w. of Alfred, Dec. 25, 1841. G.R.3. Victoria Kimball, , 1839. G.R.3. William H. H., s. of Edmund N. and Sarah C, , 1845. G.R.3. William P., Feb. 28, 1824. G.R.3. MORSS (see Morse), Antony S., Apr. 4, 1823. G.R.3. Lucy Elizabeth [ ], w. of Antony S., May 6, 1826. G.R.3. MORTON, Mary G. [ ], w. of Andrew, July 3, 1804. G.R.3. MOTTE, Joseph, Dec. 10, 181 1. G.R.3. Mary B. [ ], w. of Joseph, May 12, 1822. G.R.3. MOULTON, Adelaide E. Sampson, , 1844. G.R.3. Irene A., , 1838. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1837. G.R.3. Susan G., , 1838. G.R.3. MOY, Hepsabeth C. [ ], w. of James W., , 1845. G.R.3. MUDGE, Caroline Goodridge [ ], w. of Rev. Zachariah A., , 1818. G.R.3. MUIR, Daniel, in Edinburgh, Scot., Feb. 2y, 1838. G.R.3. MULDONNEY (see Muldonny), John, s. of John and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, July 4, 1849. MULDONNY (see Muldonney), Mary A., d. of John and Bridget, Sept. — , 1846. MULLER, Agnes Lucretia, July 12, 1844. G.R.3. MULLET (see Mullett), Betsy, , 1780. G.R.3. John, , 1786. G.R.3. Lucy Ann, , 1818. G.R.3. Sophia B., , 1832. G.R.3, MULLETT (see Mullet), Alfred B., , 1841. G.R.3. Charles T., , 181 1. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 215 MuLLETT, Emily A. [ ], w. of John, , 182 1. G.R.3. John, , 1816. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of Charles T., , i8ri. G.k.3. MUMLER, Charles H., , 1838. G.R.3. Elizabeth H. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1837. G.R.3. MUNCH, Augusta Theresa [ ], \v. of Charles R., , 1829. G.R.3. Charles R., , 1828. G.R.3. MUNROE (see Monroe), , ch. of Francis A. and Sarah J., Dec. 24, 1849. Abel B., Mar. 11, 1844. G.R.3. Charles, , 1796. G.R.3. Cordelia A. [ ], w, of William B., Nov. 6, 1846. G.R.3. EHza P., Apr. 7, 1820. G.R.3. James L., s. of James L. and Phebe C, Aug. 4, 1849. John, , 1812. G.R.3. Josiah, , 1837. G.R.3. Jotham E., , 1837. G.R.3. Lucinda W. Sylvester [ ], w. of John, , 1830. G.R.3. Lydia H. Nickerson [ ], w. of Jotham E., , 1838. G.R.3. Maria Ellen [" ], w. of , Apr. 18, 1835. G.R.3. Maria Russell, , 1801. G.R.3. William B., Feb. 2, 1826. G.R.3. \Mlliam F., s. of Francis A. and Jane, July 7, 1847. MURDOCK, Caleb, Feb. 16, 181 7. G.R.3. David J., , 1838. G.R.3. Julia H., , 1842. G.R.3. Maria H. [ "|, w. of Caleb, Dec. 27, 1830. G.R.3. Priscilla L., Feb. 18, 181 5. G.R.3. MURKELLY, Edward, , 181 1. G.R.3. Jane Bowers [ ], w. of Edward, , 1813. G.R.3. MURPHY, George L., . 1831. G.R.3. John, , 1814. G.R.3. Margaret Ann [ ], w. of John, June 13, 1802. G.R.3. Mary Lawrence [ ], w. of George H., Feb. 10, 1840. G.R.3. Thomas, in Boston, Oct. 2, 1825. G.R.3. William, , 1838. G.R.3. 2l6 CHELSEA BIRTHS. MURRAY, Margaret A. [ ], w. of Robert, Dec. 29, 1830. G.R.3. Robert, Nov. 12, 1833. G.R.3. William H., , 1842. G.R.3. MUTRIE, James, , 1819. G.R.3. Mary, d. of James and Sarah A., Mar. 20, 1846. MUZZEY, William A., , 1838. G.R.3. MYER, Hannah E. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1830. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1824. G.R.3. MYERS, Elizabeth P. [ ], w. of , Feb. 12, 1836. G.R.3. MYRICK (see Mirick), Elisha, , 1825. g.r.2. Sarah A., , 1826. g.r.2. NASH, , ch. of L. S. and Mary A. [Apr., 1848.] Alfred, Capt., , 1818. G.R.3. Charlotte Eaton [ ], w. of Silas A., , 1819. g.r,3, Martha Willis, d. of Silas A. and Charlotte, Aug. 12, 1848. Mary E., May 18, 1842, G.R.3. Mary J., d. of Luther S. and Mary A., Mar. 11, 1846. Susan G. [ ], w. of Capt. Alfred, , 1818. G.R.3. Walter S., , 1847. G.R.3. WilHam H., May 21, 1828. G.R.3. NASON, Abbie Elizabeth [ ], w. of Hiram I., Feb. 15, 1847. G.R.3. Charles E., , 1843. G.R.3. Edward C, , 1845. g.r.2. James Rogers, Nov. 18, 1830. G.R.3. Richard, Jan. 21, 1820. G.R.3. Sarah E., Apr. 11, 1823. G.R.3. NATION, Thomas H., Jan. 28, 183 1. G.R.3. NAUGHTON, Duncan, , 1832. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Duncan, , 1833. G.R.3. NAY, George W., Dec. 10, 1814. G.R.3. Moses C, , 1824. G.R.3. NEAL (see Neill), Susan W., , 1827. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 217 NEALLEY, Lydia H. [ ], w. of Samuel S., Jan. 14, 1815. G.R.3. Samuel S., May 13, 1818. G.R.3. NEEDHAM, Isaac, s. of Ralph and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1848. NEILL (see Neal), Annie [ ], w. of Francis R., Aug. 5, 1832. G.R.3. Francis R., May i, 1831. G.R.3. NEISS, David L., July 22, 1817. G.R.3. Maria B., Oct. 2^, 1826. G.R.3. NELSON, Albert, s. of Neal and Eliza J., , 1845. G.R.3. Catherine, Oct. 8, 1849. G.R.3. Eliza J. [ ], w. of Neal, , 1823. G.R.3. Georj^e E., , 1833. G.R.3. Georgiana D. G., , 1833. G.R.3. John, , 1842. G.R.3. Neal, , 1803. G.R.3. Nils P., , 1846. G.R.3. Susan C., July 5, 1813. G.R.3. Susan Maria, d. of Emmons and Caroline, Aug. 23, 1848. NERLAND, Benja[min] H., s. of Michael and Sarah J., Sept. 25, 1846. NESMITH, Mary H. P. [ ], w. of J. P., July 23, 1841. G.R.3. NEVENS (see Nevins), Edward, Sept. 12, 1836. G.R.4. NEVINS (see Nevens), William, s. of WilHam and Rachel Lewis. 9th day, 5th mo., 181 1. NEWCOMB, Abigail, d. of Thofmajs and Mary of Point Shirley, bp. June 4. 1774. c.R.i, Bradley C, in Boston. Aug. 19, 1829. G.R.3. Charles Fenno, s. of Norton and Lydia, Apr. 27, 1832. G.R.3. Danforth S.. in Boston, Sept. 17, 1827. G.R.3. Emma Josephine, d. of Thomas C. and Phebe Josephine, Sept. 13, 1848. Jeremiah S., , 1824. G.R.3. Katharine, d. of Tho[ma]s and Mary, bp. Oct. 23, 1768. c.r.i. 2l8 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Newcomb, Phebe Josephine [ ], w. of Thomas C, Sept. 27, 1824. G.R.3. Sally K., , 1825. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Mary, nth day, 8th mo., 1766. Susan E., in Boston, Sept. 15, 1834. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, 27th day, 9th mo., 1764. Thomas C, Nov. 26, 1823. G.R.3. William Danforth, s. of Norton Jr. and Rebecca B., Jan. 28, 1849. NEWELL, Allen L., s. of Warren and Mary Ann, in Keene, N. H., Mar. 9, 1844. Benjamin V., June 17, 1819. G.R.3. Charles Henry, s. of Warren and Mary Ann, in Keene, N. H., Aug. 30, 1842. Henry H., s. of Warren and Mary Ann, in Keene, N. H., Mar. 13, 1841. Hervey, , 1823. G.R.3. John H., , 1833. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of Hervey, . 1827. G.R.3. Martha H. [ ], w. of Asa M., Oct. 25, 1831. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Hervey, , 1824. G.R.3. Susan B. [ ], w. of Benjamin V., July i, 1819. G.R.3. Warren, s. of John and Rhoda, in Alstead, N. H., Sept. 15, 1817. Z. H., Oct. 3, 1827. G.R.3. NEWHALL, Augusta, Feb. i, 1825. G.R.3. Bernard, Aug. 15, 1781. G.R.3. Bridge B., Oct. 18, 1835. G.R.3. Elizebeth, d. of William and Elizabeth, 23d day, nth mo., 1780. Elliot B. [ ], w. of Bernard, Oct. 20, 1793. G.R.3. Emeline B., Dec. 2J, 1827. G.R.3. Henry A., Feb. 23, 183 1. G.R.3. Jennie [ ], w. of Henry A., Aug. 8, 1835. G.R.3. Laura, , 1842. G.R.3. Martha T., July 14, 1822. G.R.3. Rachel, d. of William and Elizabeth, 20th day, 12th mo., 1777. Webster, Apr. 2, 1833. G.R.3. NEWMAN, William P., Jan. — , 1842. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 219 NEWHOUSE, Mary [ "|. w. of George E., Aug. lo, 1849. G.R.3. NEWTON, , ch. of Cha[rle]s H. and Mehitable Went- worth, 20th day, 8th mo., 1841. Abigail J. G., May 12, 1781. G.R.3. Julia A., May 6, 1835. G.R.3. Rebecca T., , 1827. G.R.3. NICHOLS (see Nicolls), Abigail \V. [ ], w. of Benjamin, May 9. 1801. G.R.3. Agnes E., d. of Curtis C. and Mary E, July 9, 1849. I'enjamin, Jan. 16, 1802. G.R.3. Benjamin E., , 1833. G.R.3. Cha(rle]s, s. of Cha[rle]s and Agness, Apr. 8, 1848. Charles L., July 28, 1849. G-R-3- Elizabeth P. [ ], w. of John S., Sept. 8, 1822. G.R.3. Hannah G. [ ], w. of Samuel, Jan. 16, 1824. G.R.3. James H., , 1832. G.R.3. John S., Feb. 20, 18 17. G.R.3. Joseph E., Apr. 6, 1828. G.R.3. Julia A, [ ], w. of , July 31, 1831. G.R.3. Lucena C. [ ], w. of Joseph E., Sept. 22, 1822. G.R.3. Lucinda I, [ ], w. of Charles L., Sept. 17, 1843. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1829. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Benjamin E., , 1835. G.R.3. Prudence S., , 1818. G.R.3. Richard, Mar. 12, 1800. g.r.2. Susan f ], w. of Thomas O., Oct. 11. 1801. G.R.3. Susan Maria, d. of Thomas O. and Susan and w. of Oliver Pratt, Apr. 7, 1823. G.R.3. Thomas Jefferson, s. of Thomas O. and Susan, Jan. 12, 182 1. G.R.3. Thomas Oakes, s. of John and of Maiden, bp. Xov. 9, 1794. C.R.I. (Thomas O., Sept. i, 1794. G.R.3.) Will H., s. of Will W. and Eliza A., July 4, 1842. NICKERSON, Augustus J., Capt.. , 1837. g.r.2. David. , 1832. G.R.3. Gardner, . 1845. r..R.3. Georgianna Seavey [ ]. w. of Capt. Augustus T. , 1847. G.R.2. S. R., June 3, 1838. G.R.3. William W..' . 1828. G.R.4. 220 CHELSEA BIRTHS. NICOLLS (see Nichols), Eleanor [ ], w. of Henry, , 1827. G.R.3. Henry, , 1829. G.R.3. NILES, Halsey B., s. of Winslow B. and Lucy E., , 1829. G.R.3. NILSON, Katherine, , 1808. G.R.3. NISBET, Andrew R., , 1839. G.R.3. NLITE, Mary H., Mar. 9, 1813. G.R.3. NOBLE, Caroline B., May 19, 1834. G.R.3. Edward W., , 181 1. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1818. G.R.3. Elizabeth B., , 182 1. G.R.3. Henry C, June 10, 1844. G.R.3. James H., , 1809. G.R.3. Joseph C, Apr. 14, 1838. G.R.3. NOLAND, Catherine [ ], w. of , , 1828. G.R.3. Filena, , 183 1. G.R.3. NORCROSS, Alvin C, , 1843. G.R.3. EHzabeth Y. f ], w. of J. E., , 1837. G.R.3. J. E., , 1830. G.R.3. Joseph Leland, , 1834. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of Joseph Leland, , 1837. G.R.3. NORRIS, Ann M. [ ], w. of George W., Dec. 19, 1832. G.R.3. Caroline E. [ ], w. of Erasmus A., Feb. 4, 1827. G.R.3, George W., May 16, 1818. G.R.3. Jesse, , 1823. G.R.3. Martha A., , 1839. G.R.3. Susan P. [ ], w. of Jesse, , 1823. G.R.3. NORTH, Rebecca M., in Cornwallis, N. S., Mar. 31, 181 5. G.R.3. NORTHUP, Gould, u.s.n., , 1831. G.R.3. NORTON, , ch. of Alfred, July — , 1847. Albert, Feb. 26, 1815. G.R.3. Albert G., s. of Albert and Mary, Aug. 24, 1846. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 221 Norton, Alfred, s. of Alfred and Eliza A., Mar. 28, 1845. Ann, d. of Joshua Jr. and Eliz[a]b[e]th, Apr. 9, 1842. Benj[amin] A., s. of Alfred and Eliza, Nov. 28, 1847. Charlotte H., d, of Joshua Jr. and Elizabeth, July 15, 1844. Daniel, Feb. 18, 1796. G.R.3. Daniel, June 4, 1823. G.R.3. David W., s. of Joshua B. (Jr. dup.) and Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ann dup.), 31st day, ist mo., 1838. Elizabeth B. [ ], w. of John B., Dec. 21, 1822. G.R.3. Eliz[abet]h W., d. of Josh [u] a Jr. and Eliz[abeth], 21st day, 1 2th mo., 1840. Geo[rge] W., s. of Daniel and Mary J., Dec. 11, 1843. Gustavus A., July 20, 1836. G.R.3. Hannah, May 3, 1818. G.R.3. John B., May 27, 1823. G.R.3. John H., s. of Josh [u] a Jr. and Eliz[abet]h Ann, 9th day, 6th mo., 1839, Margaret W. [ ], w. of William A., July 16, 1826. G.R.3. Martha W. [ ], w. of Gustavus A., May 20, 1840. G.R.3. Matilda, d. of Daniel J. and Mary J., June 18, 1846. Orin E., , 1840. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Joshua Jr. and Eliz[abet]h, May 15, 1843. Sarah Frances, d. of Albert and Mary, Sept. 13, 1848. William A., Apr. 2, 1824. G.R.3. NOTTAGE, Edwin A., s. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, Apr. 20, 1842. Eliza Jane, d. of James C. and Harriet N., Sept. 18. 1849. Frank, s. of Nath[anie]l and Jane H., Sept. 3, 1848. Harriet A., d. of James C. and Harriet N., Dec. 23, 1844. Hellen M., d. of James and Harriet, Apr. 17, 1847, James H., Mar. 2, 1809. G.R.3. James H., s. of James and Harriet N., Aug. 29, 1842. Josiah M., , 1838. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Samuel F., Jan. 14, 1831. G.R.3. Nathaniel, Sept. 18, 1805. G.R.3. Samuel F., Apr. 10, 1829. G.R.3. NO WELL, Francis F., s. of Moses and Sarah A., 15th day, 3d mo., 1839. Marietta B., d. of Moses and Sarah A., Oct. 22, 1843. NOYES, Abby A., Jan. 19, 1834. G.R.3. Cordelia G. [ ], w. of Henry, Apr. 10, 1840. G.R.3. 222 CHELSEA BIRTHS. NoYES, E. Lincoln, Nov. 28, 1835. G.R.3. Emma L., July i, 1847. G.R.3. John Albert, , 1849. G.R.3. Lauren A., Apr, 26, 1830. G.R.3. Mary L., July 21, 1814. G.R.3. NUGENT, John, s. of John and Mary, in South Andover, June 4, 1848. NURSE, Phineas S., s. of Phineas and Julia, Dec. ^y, 1844. NUTE, Mary E. [ ], w. of Albert H., , 1838. G.R.4. NUTTING, Mary Augusta, d. of Charles and Augusta, Mar. 21, 1849. NYE, James P., Nov. 19, 1819. G.R.3. Mary A. J., d. of George B. and Mary M., Nov. 3, 1844. Susan A. [ ], w. of James P., Apr, 6, 1822, G.R.3. OAKLEAF, John, June 16, 1822. G.R.3. Ulreka, Sept. 20, 1818. G.R.3, OBERLANDER, Andrew, Jan, 5, 1830. g,r.3. Elizabeth [ ], w, of Andrew, Jan. 12, 1838. G.R.3. J OBURG, John, Mar. 31, 1819. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of John, Jan. 11, 1832. G.R.3. ODELL, , s. of George W. and Hulda D., June 4, 1846. Edward Clark, s, of Geo[rge] W, and Huldah D., Nov, 6, 1848. ODIORNE, Benjamin, , 1819, g.r.2. Frederic H., May 26, 1830. G.R.3. OGDEN, , s. of Isaac and Martha W., June 28, 1844, Henry E., s. of Isaac and Martha W., Aug. 23, 1845. O'KEEFE, Joana, d. of Dennis and Margaret, both b. in Ire- land, Oct. 17, 1849, born in Manchester, N. H. OLANDER, Paul J., in Sweden, Sept. 7, 1828, G.R.4, OLIVER, Ann Townsend, d. of Will[ia]m and Reb[ecca]h, 3d day, 6th mo., 1753. Benja[min] Pratt, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, 15th day, 7th mo., 1782. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 223 Olivkr. Daniel Sigourney, s. of William Jr. and Sussanna, 23d day, 4th mo., 1785. David, s. of \V[illia]m and Mary, 13th day, 4th mo., 1793. Eben P., Feb. 15, 1820. G.R.3. Elizabeth, d. of W[illia]m and Mary, bp. Oct. 5, 1777. c.r.i. Francis C, Jan. 4, 183 1. G.R.3. George F., , 1839. G.R.3. George Washington, s. of Wil[lia]m and Mary Ann, 25th day, 4th mo., i8cx). Harriet, d. of Francis and , 8th mo, 1841. Hepzibah, d. of William' and Rebeckah, 14th day, 7th mo., 1759- James, s. of Capt. Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 11, 1728. c.r.i. James, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, 24th day, loth mo., 1787. Jane [ J, w. of Henry H., Aug. 2, 1796. G.R.3. Jane Sigourney, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary Ann, 15th day, 3d mo., 1796. Joanna Tileston, d. of William Pitt and Joanna, bp. May 25, 181I. C.R.I. Joanna Tilestone, d. of William Jr. and Sussanna, i8th day, 5th mo., 1782. John, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, 15th day, 7th mo., 1779. John (John P., g.r.i), s. of Wil[Ha]m and Mary Ann, 25th day, 6th mo., 1797. John Sale, s. of William and Rebecca, nth day, 4th mo., 1763. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Abigail, bp. Oct. 12, 1777. c.r.i. Martha, d. of Nath[anie]ll and Mercy Jr., i8th day, — mo., 1742. Mary, d. of W[illia]m and Mary 3d, bp. May 26, 1776. c.r.i, Mary Ann (Mary Ann Brimmer, c.r.i), d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary Ann, 27th day, 2d mo., 1799. Mary J. [ ], w. of Eben P., Jan. 2, 1825, G.R.3. Nathan, s. of William Jr. and Sarah, 15th day, 6th mo., 1797. Nathfaniel], s. of Nath[anie]l and Mercy, 19th day, 9th mo., 1744. Nath[anie]l, s. of William and Rebekah, 27th dav, — mo., 1746. Nath[anie]l, 23d day, 2d mo,, 1751. Nathaniel Putnam, s. of W[illia]m and Susann[a], bp. Oct. 18, 1778. C.R.I. NathTaniell P. (Nathaniel Putnam, c.r.i) 2d, s. of William Jr. and Sussanna, 15th day, 12th mo., 1780. Polly, d. of W[illia]m and Mary, 3d day, 4th mo., 1772. 224 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Oliver, Polly, d. of Joseph and Abigail, bp. Dec. 31, 1775. C.R.I. Rebecka, d. of Will[ia]m and Reb[ecka]h, nth day, nth mo., 1758. Samuel, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, 20th day, 8th mo., 1785. Sarah, d. of William and Rebecca, 17th day, 4th mo., 1757. Sarah Sigourney, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary Ann, i6th day, loth mo., 1794.' Sarah Sigourney, d. of W[illia]m Pitt dec. and , bp. July 25, 1824. c.R.i. Sussanna Sigourney, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary Ann, 15th day, 6th mo., 1793. Thomas Tileston, s. of William Jr. and Sussanna, 2d day, 6th mo., 1787. Thomas William, s. of W[illia]m Pitt, dec, and , bp. July 25, 1824. C.R.I. William, s. of William and Rebekah, loth day, ist mo., 1744. William, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, ist day, nth mo., 1774. William, s. of WilHam Jr. and Sarah, 9th day, 3d mo., 1796. William, s. of WilHam Pitt and Joanna, bp. May 25, 181 1. C.R.I. William Pitt, s. of William Jr. and Sussanna, loth day, 4th mo., 1777. OLMSTEAD, Montgomery, s. of John W. and Sarah, Oct 9, 1842. OLSEN, Gustav, Dec. 18, 1846. g.r.2. John E., in Sweden, Nov. 2, 1841. G.R.3. Joseph D., , 1839. G.R.3. Margaret T. [ ], w. of Joseph D., , 1845. G.R.3. ONLEY, William H., in Charles City, Va., June — , 1825. G.R.3. ORCUTT, Abagail B., June — , 18 10. g.r.2. Catherine W., d. of Samuel and Sarah, July 18, 1847. Clara Isabel, d. of Samuel and Sarah, July 11, 1849. Elsia C, Oct. 23, 1825. G.R.3. Henry M., May 24, 1825. G.R.3. John A., s. of Samuel and Sarah A., July i, 1844. Samuel, Feb. 11, 1813. g.r.2. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1842, Sarah Ann, Feb. 11, 1816. g.r.2. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 225 ORMSBEE, Sabrina, , 1826. G.R.3. Susan, , 1800. G.R.3. William, , 1822. G.R.3. ORR, Jane, , 1819. G.R.3. Samuel, Mar. 5, 1843. G.R.3. OSGOOD, Amos G., , 1835. G.R.3. Catharine A. [ ], w. of Charles N., Jan. 21, 1840. G.R.3. Charles N., Oct. 15, 1835. G.R.3. Enoch, in Newburyport, July 30, 181 1. G.R.3. Geo[rge] L., s. of S. H. and Adaline, Apr. 3, 1844. Henrietta L. [ ], w. of P. B., , 1846. G.R.3. James Madison, Dec. 25, 1838. G.R.3. John, s. of Josiah and Mary A., June 26, 1849. John H., Oct. 17, 1808. G.R,3. Josiah, Apr. 29, 1809. G.R.3. Josiah A., s. of J. H. and Adaline, Dec. 6, 1842. Martha F., d. of Josiah and Mary A., Nov. 19, 1846. Mary A., , 1826. G.R.3. Mary A. R., d. of John H. and Adeline, July i, 1847. P. B., , 1845. G.R.3. Rosanna, Apr. 2, 1834. g.r.2. OSMAN, John S., Dr., Feb. 9, 1831. G.R.3. OSTRAM, Sophia, d. of Cha[rle]s and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1847. OSTRANDER, Albert, Dec. 27, 1808. G.R.3. Nancy H., Mar. 8, 1814. G.R.3. OTHEMAN, Edward, Rev., , 1808. G.R.3. Edward B., Oct. 11, 1833. G.R.3. Emarancy T. [ ], w. of Rev. Edward, , 1809. G.R.3. Susanna [ ], w. of and mother of Rev. Edward, , 1769. G.R.3. OTIS, Alora Hatch, s. of Howland and Elizabeth Y., Aug. 28, 1848. G.R.3. Cushing, Oct. 6, 1828. G.R.3. Elizabeth Y. [ ], w. of Howland, Nov. 10, 1818. G.R.3. Howland, Mar. 9, 1817. G.R.3. Jane Collier [ ], w. of Joseph, Sept. 6, 1820. G.R.3. Joseph, Jan. 2, 1819. G.R.3. Rachel [ ], w. of Cushing, Sept. 3, 1829. G.R.3. 226 CHELSEA BIRTHS. OTTO, Lydia, , 1828. G.R.3. OULTON, Milledge, Nov. 9, 1840. G.R.3. OWEN, Ann Eliza, d. of Rufiis S. and Charlotte, Nov. 3, 1848. William, Jan. i, 1844. g.r.2. OXENHAM, Philip J., , 1845. G.R.3. Sarah M. [ ], w. of Philip J., , 1848. G.R.3. OXLEY, Alexander, , 1819. G.R.3. PAGE (see Paige), Charles H., Jan. 21, 1833. G.R.3. David P., Oct. i, 1834. G.R.3. Edward P., s. of Sam[ue]l and Mary, Aug. 17, 1846. Edward P., s. of Samuel and Margaret A., , 1848. G.R.3. Fannie E. [ ], w. of David P., Oct. 2.^, 1836. G.R.3. Fraziette, d. of Samuel and Margaret A., , 1833. G.R.3. George A., Aug. 20, 1814. g.r.2. Geo[rge] F., s. of Madison and Louisa S., Feb. 4, 1844. George Shepard, July 29, 1838. G.R.3. Margaret A. [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1812. G.R.3. Mary f ], w. of George A., July 4, 181 5. g.r.2. Mary Elizabeth, d. of George A. and Mary, Aug. 30, 1837. g.r.2. Samuel, , 1805. G.R.3. Samuel H., s. of Samuel and Margaret A., , 1840. G.R.3. PAGET, Julia F. [ ], w. of Robert, , 1849. G.R.3. Robert, , 1837. G.R.3, PAIGE (see Page), George W ., , 1826. G.R.3. John. Aug. 15, 1836. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of George W., , 1837. G.R.3. PAINE (see Payne), Benjamin S., , 1817. G.R.4. Betsey [ ], w. of Capt. John Avery, , 181 1. G.R.3. Edgar, Aug. 31, 1816. G.R.3. Elbridge G., Sept. 5, 1818. G.R.3. Elizabeth N., Feb. 28, 1818. G.R.3. Ephraim A., Oct. 4, 1828. G.R.3. Henry R., Oct. 26, 1838. G.R.3. Jeremiah, , 1809. G.R.3. John Avery, Capt., , 1805. G.R.3. Joseph W., Capt., , 1842. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 227 Paink, Joshua S., Feb. lo, 1829. g.r.2. Martha F. Eaton [ ], w. of Henry F., Feb. 26, 1845. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Edgar, Dec. 29, 1823. G.R.3. Mary f ], w. of Benjamin S., , 1824. G.R.4. Sarah Ellen, , 1826. G.R.3. PALFRAY, Benjamin C, Feb. — , 1824. G.R.4. Mary N. [ 1, w. of Benjamin G., Apr. i, 1843. G.R.4. PALMBERG, Sarah Ada Abbott [ ], w. of Andreas, in Leeds, Eng., Jan. 15, 183 1. G.R.3. PALMER, Allison H., Sept. 29, 1818. G.R.3. Alonzo, , 1832. G.R.3. Amanda M. [ ], w. of Jonathan P., May 26, 1830. G.R.3. Charlotte D. Wilson [ ], w. of Daniel R., , 1821. G.R.3. Daniel R., , 1823. G.R.3. Elizabeth Cummings [ ], w. of Harry K. W., Jan. 25, 182 1. G.R.2. Frances Elizabeth, d. of H. K, W. and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1849. George W., , 1822, G.R.3. Henry K. W., Sept. 23, 1819. G.R.2. Jonathan P., Dec. 19, 1819. G.R.3. Ruth Gould [ ], w. of Allison H., May 19, 1823. G.R.3. Susan A., , 1813. G.R.3. Will H., s. of H. K. W. and Eliza, Nov. 20, 1842. PARAZINA, William B., Feb. 8, 1849. G.R.3. PARK, Edward D., , 1844. G.R.3. Elbridge G., , 1839. G.R.3. PARKER, Aurelia I., , 1808. G.R.3. Abbie T. [ ]. w. of Daniel T., , 1838. G.R.3. Daniel T., , 1842. G.R.3. David, s. of David and Mary, nth day, 5th mo., 1744. Edmund B., , 1834. G.R.3. Edward, , 181 1. G.R.3. Eliza M., , 1838. G.R.3. Ezra, s. of John, bp. July 22, 1739. c.R.i. Frederick, Apr. 26, 181 1. G.R.3. George, , 1844. G.R.3. George A., , 1844. G.R.3. 228 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Parker, George W., Dec. 25, 1828. Founder of Parker's Helping Hand Mission and Home, g.r.2. Hannah R. Partridge [ ], w. of Lysander O., Jan. 12, 1837. G.R.3. Henrietta, d. of Grenville and Hannah, May 20, 1844. Jacob, s. of David and Mary, , 1746. Louisa A., , 1839. G.R.3. Lysander O., Oct. 3, 1832. G.R.3. Mary Greenwood [ ], w. of Frederick, Mar. 13, 1821. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], w. of Maynard A., Feb. 16, 1841. G.R.3. Mary J., , 1841. G.R.3. Maynard A., Mar. 17, 1829. G.R.3. Mercy, d. of David and Mary, 26th day, 5th mo., 1741. Nancy, , 181 1. G.R.3. Nathan D., , 1835. G.R.3. Rebecca, d. of David and Mary, 19th day, nth mo., 1742. Retire H., , 1840. G.R.3. Ruth F. [ ], w. of Maynard A., Feb. 24, 1826. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1819. G.R.3. Thomas S., , 1830. G.R.3. W. E., Capt., , 1846. G.R.3. William, s. of David and Mary, loth day, 6th mo., 1745. PARKIN, Emily [ ], w. of Robert, July 13, 1835. G.R.3. Robert, May 15, 1821. G.R.3. PARKINSON, Edward, Oct. 30, 18 15. G.R.3. Henry, Capt., , 1841. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Edward, May 3, 1824. G.R.3. PARKS, Cha[rle]s C., s. of Francis and Sarah, Nov. — , 1846. PARMELEE, Adeline Sargent [ ] , w. of Lorin G., June 20, 1828. G.R.3. Lorin G., May 8, 1827. G.R.3. PARSHLEY, Alonzo, Dec. 2, 1839. G.R.3. Laura M., Dec. 24, 1846. G.R.3. PARSONS, John S., , 1837. G.R.3. M. E., Feb. 19, 1834. G.R.3. Mary C., , 1834. G.R.3. Richard, , 1843. g.r.2. Thomas, , 1832. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 229 PARTELOW, Betsy Elizabeth [ ], w. of Nathan, . 1820. G.R.3. PARTRIDGE, Elizabeth Jordan, d. of Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 27, 1822. G.R.3. Nancy [ ], w. of Nathan, Oct. 3, 1799. G.R.3. Sarah W. G. [ ], w. of William J., , 1828. G.R.3. William J., , 1824. G.R.3. PASZYNSKY, Lewis, s. of Lewis and Adeline M., May 4, 1848. PATEE, Gordon, , 1829. G.R.3. PATRIC, Georgianna, d. of David and Joanna, Mar. 7, 1845. PATTAN (see Patten, Pattin), Thomas, s. of Thomas and Jemima, ist day, mo., 1748. PATTEN (see Pattan, Pattin), Albert G., July 8, 1833. g.r.2. Artemas S., Mar. 12, 1816. G.R.3. Eliz[a]b[eth], d. of Will and Mary, Apr. 2, 1848. Isabel P., d. of Artemas S. and Susan W., Sept. 14, 1849. G.R.3. Joshua A., Apr. 20, 1827. G.R.3. Marion Brown, Feb. 23, 1826. Mary Ann, Apr. 6, 1837. G.R.3. Susan Amelia, d. of Artemas S. and Susan W., Feb. 2, 1844. G.R.3. Susan W. [ ], w. of Artemas S., Oct. 9, 1818. G.R.3. PATTERSON, Margaret [ ], w. of William, July 7, 1829. G.R.3. Mary Symmes [ ], w. of Rev. W. C., Nov. 16, 1805. G.R.3. Susan E., , 1831. G.R.3. Susan H. [ ], w. of D. W. F., , 1800. G.R.3. W. C., Rev., May 28, 1810. G.R.3. William, June 5, 1825. G.R.3. William F., , 1837. G.R.3. PATTIN (see Pattan, Patten), John, s. of Thomas and Jemima, 30th day, mo., 1750. 230 CHELSEA BIRTHS. PAUL, Charles, s. of Phinehas and Jane, bp. May 4, 1806. C.R.I. Clarke, s. of Phinehas and Jane, bp. Oct. 7, 1805. c.r.i. Emma, d. of Phinehas and Jane, bp. Oct. 7, 1805. c.r.i. George, s. of Phinehas and Jane, bp. Oct. 7, 1805. c.r.i. Marianne Totten [ ] , w. of William, June 3, 1832. G.R.3. William, Oct. 26, 1829. G.R.3. PAYNE (see Paine), Abbie S. [ ], vv. of Sylvanus, Sept. 25, 1821, G.R.4. Albert E., , 1834. G.R.3. Harriet M. [ ], w. of Dr. James H., June 19, 1838. G.R.3. James H., Dr., June 4, 1825. G.R.3. Myra Boynton, d. of Henry A. S. D. and Eunice, Oct. 28, 1849. Sylvanus, July 29, 1821. G.R.4. William, , 1844. G.R.3. PAYSON, Ann, d. of Rev. Phillip and Elizabeth, 3d day, mo., 1759. (bp. Feb. 11, 1759, c.r.i.) Eliza [bet] h, d. of Rev. Phillip and Elizabeth, ist day, mo., 1762. (bp. June 6, 1762, c.r.i.) Emily, d. of Samuel S. and Grace W. of Charlestown, May 10, 1794. G.R.3. George H., s. of John F. and Deborah, 19th day, loth mo., 1831. John W^elsh, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W., Sept. 15, 1797. G.R.3. Mary Parker, d. of Samuel and Grace, bp. Dec. 23, 1804. C.R.I. Phillip, s. of Rev. Phillip and Elizabeth, 8th day, mo., 1760. (bp. July 13, 1760, C.R.I.) Samuel, s. of Rev. Phillip and Elizabeth, 27th day, mo., 1764. (bp. Apr. I, 1764, C.R.I.) Samuel Phillips, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W., of Charles- town, Oct. 2, 1791. G.R.3. Samuel Phillips, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W, of Charlestown, Aug. 10, 1795. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Phillip and Eliza [bet] h, 24th day, mo., 1769. (bp. Nov. 26, 1769, C.R.I.) PEABODY, Augusta V., d. of John A. and Eliza M. Baxter, , 1849. G.R.3. C. Gertrude, , 1838. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 23 I Pearody, Eliza M., d. of John A. and Eliza M. Baxter, , 1845. G.R.3. Eliza M. Baxter [ ], w. of John A., , 1818. G.R.3. Elizabeth L., Oct. 30, 1827. G.R.3. G. W., , 1836. G.R.3. I. N., , 1833. G.R.3. James W., s. of John A. and Eliza M. Baxter, , 1847. G.R.3. John A., , 1818. G.R.3. Lavina M., d. of John A. and Eliza M. Baxter, , 1844, G.R.3. PEACOCK, Eliza A. [ ], w. of Freeman, Oct. 28, 1814. G.R.3, Freeman, Apr. 16, 1802, G.R.3. PEAK, Abby L., d. of Phillip and Mary, 14th day, 6th mo., 1838. Dorcas B. Clark [ ], w. of John C, Aug. 13, 1834. G.R.3. John C, Jan. 6, 1828. G.R.3. PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce), Elizabeth. , 183 1. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of George, Jan. 4, 1824. G.R.3. George, Nov. 15, 1815. G.R.3. Geofrge] W., , 1826. G.R.3. Louisa [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., , 1827. G.R.3. Royal, s. of Thaddeus and Lucy, bp. June 9, 181 1. c.r.i. Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus and Lucy, bp. Oct. 2, 1814, c.R.i. PEARMAIN, Cordelia M. [ ], w. of Wilham R., , 1818. G.R.3. Emma C, d. of Will R. and Cordelia M., Sept. 6, 1845. Margaret C, d. of Will R. and Cordelia M., Sept. 6, 1847. William R., , 1815. G.R.3. PEARSON, Ada, d. of Abijah and Hopestead Eliza, Nov. 10, 1848. Charles E., Aug. 25, 1834. G.R.3. Charles E., , 1840. G.R.3. Emeline, d. of Lemuel L. and Sarah, in Boston, Oct 17, 183 1. G.R.3. Hannah G., , 1829. G.R.3. Henrietta M., , 1818. G.R.3. Henry A., Oct. 7, 183 1. G.R.3. Johanna E. [ ], w. of Charles E., , 1837. G.R.3. 232 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Pearson, Laura A. [ ], w. of Henry A., May 10, 1837. G.R.3. Lauren, Rev., Aug. 19, 1808. G.R.3. Lemuel L., in Ipswich, Dec. 22, 1795. G.R.3. Leonard W., , 1816. G.R.3. Linus Everett, Jan. 7, 1836. G.R.3. Louisa F., d. of Lemuel L, and Sarah, in Boston, Aug. 22, 1836. G.R.3. Martha E. [ ], w. of Rev. Lauren, in Ellsworth, Me., Dec. 10, 1820. G.R.3. Mary A., Apr. 24, 1841. G.R.3. Rebecca, d. of Abijah and Hopestead E., Dec. 22, 1846. Sarah [ ], w. of Lemuel L., in Boston, Aug. 8, 1800. G.R.3. Sarah, eldest d. of J. O. and M. A., Feb. 2, 1843. G.R.3. Sarah E., , 1823. G.R.3. Theodore William, s. of Reuben and Mary, May 11, 1848. PEASE, Elizabeth W., , 1821. G.R.3. Frederick, Oct. 30, 1826. g,r.3. Henrietta Harlow [ ], w. of Frederick, Nov. 18, 1825. G.R.3. John T., , 1834. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of John T., , 1844. G.R.3, Usher P., , 1820. G.R.3. PEASLEE, Hannah F., d. of John N. and Mary J., , 1846. G.R.3. John N., , 1812. G.R.3. John W., Apr. 19, 1832. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of John N., , 1818. G.R.3. PECK, Benjamin W., , 1842. G.R.3. Charrle]s, s. of Levi and Lucy M., June 3, 1847. Frederick Whitcomb, s. of Levi and Lucy, Oct. 10, 1849. John, Feb. 8, 1819. G.R.3. PEDRICK, Abbie H., , 1835. G.R.3. Joseph, June 24, 1809. G.R.3. Joseph, Feb. 7, 1839. G.R.3. Lydia F., Sept. 22, 1816. G.R.3. Nancy S. [ ], w, of WilHam, , 181 1. G.R.3. William, , 1804. G.R.3. PEFFER, Mary G., , 1835. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 233 PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce), Almira Louisa, d. of John and Sarah, nth day, 7th mo., 1823. Eliza W., , 183 1. G.R.3. Elnora E. [ J, w. of Edwin F,, June 24, 1845. G.R.3. Ephraim, s. of John and Sarah, i6th day, 6th mo., 1813. Esther, , 1839. G.R.3. George, in Hallowell, Me., May 22, 1829. G.R.3. George W., , 1820. G.R.3. Henry A., s. of John and Sarah, 29th day, nth mo., 1828. John Dorr, in Boston, Aug. 6, 1812. G.R.3. John Payson, s. of John and Sarah, 26th day, 3d mo., 1818. Louisa G., , 1819. G.R.3. Lydia Mariah, d. of John and Sarah, 12th day, ist mo., 1821. Mary Hall, d. of Thaddeus and , bp. May 10, 1807. C.R.I. Sarah [ ], w. of Thaddeus, Dec. 17, 1825. G.R.3. Sarah Ann, d. of John and Sarah, 4th day, nth mo., 1814. Thaddeus, Aug. 17, 1814. G.R.3. Vernon R., , 1844. G.R.3. William, in Waltham, Nov. i, 1789. G.R.3. W[illia]m W., Jan. 5, 1819. G.R.3. PENDERGAST, George H., eldest s. of George S. and Sarah N., in Charlestown, July 8, 1846. G.R.3. George S., s. of Solomon and Rebecca and husband of Sarah Nudd, in Barnstead, N. H., Nov. 19, 1815. G.R.3. Nancy, June i, 1819. G.R.3. PENNEY, Mary E. W., Oct. 6, 1841. G.R.3. PENNIMAN, Adna L., , 1830. G.R.3. Clara A. L. [ ], w. of Adna L., , 1832. G.R.3. Herbert, s. of John and Nancy, Apr. 19, 1848. PENNINGTON, Margaret, Nov. 12, 1812. G.R.3. PENTZ, Annie M., June 17, 1836. G.R.3. PEPPER, George, s. of Daniel and Julia H., 20th day, 8th mo., 1839. Julia Ann, d. of Daniel and Julia A., Mar. 26. 1844. Simeon E., s. of Daniel and Julia A., ist day, 12th mo., 1841. PERCY, , ch. of Henry C. and Adaline, Aug. 30, 1846. PERHAM, Albion Bertram, June 22, 1827. G.R.3. 234 CHELSEA BIRTHS. PERKINS, Albert F., s. of John and Harriet N., Sept. 28, 1842. Anna Elizabeth [ ], w. of Charles H., Oct. 6, 1835. G.R.4. Benjamin F., May 18, 1826. G.R.3. Charles H., Oct. 25, 1833. G.R.4. Cynthia A., Apr. 13, 1827. G.R.3. Ebenezer Francis, July 3, 1834. G.R.3. Edward H., , 1838. G.R.3. Emma A., d. of John and Harriet N., Jan. 13, 1847. Francis C, Dec. 23, 1833. G.R.3. Franklin B., Apr. 9, 1822. G.R.3. Gardner W., Mar. 8, 1842. G.R.3. George G., , 1829. G.R.4. Henrietta C. [ ], w. of John U., , 1834. G.R.3. Ida C, , 1845. G-R-4- James Edward, s. of James H. and Mary Ann, June 28, 1849. James Francis, s. of Zebediah Jr. and Mary Ann, May 28, 1848. Ja[me]s H., , 1823. G.R.3. Jane L. [ ], w. of Edward H., , 1846. G.R.3. John Francis, s. of John and Harriet N., Oct. 6, 1848. John W., s. of W[illia]m and Sally P., 7th day, 9th mo., 1837. Louisa, , 1840. G.R.3. Lucy A. [ ], w. of Francis C, Aug. 8, 1833. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Ja[me]s H., , 1826. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of John and Harriet N., June 7, 1845. Robert R., Oct. 7, 1821. G.R.3. Susan P., Jan. 27, 1818. G.R.3. Wilber B., s. of Will and Sally P., May ^zy, 1845. PERLEY, Annie Maria, , 1824. G.R.3. Elbridge G., , 1836. G.R.3. Elizabeth M., , 1838. G.R.3. George, , 182 1. G.R.3. PERRY, Arvilla E., , 1835. G.R.3. Benjamin F., , 1817. G.R.3. Charlotte A. [ ], w. of Benjamin F., , 1829. G.R.3. Franklin R., , 1832. G.R.3. George B., , 1845. G.R.3. George L., , 1830. G.R.3. George W., June 24, 1817. g,r.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 235 Perry, Georg^e W., May 9, 1822. G.R.3. John N., May 3, 1848. g.r.2. Orlando D., , 1846. G.R.3. Rebecca J. [ ], w. of George W., Nov. 16, 1816. G.R.3. PETERS, Ada, d. of William D. and Sarah A., Oct. 4, 1844. Ambrose D., Dec. 8, 1823. G.R.3. Ellen M. [ ], w. of Luther H., Sept. i, 1842. G.R.3. Luther H., May 30, 1833. G.R.3. Peter J., , 1844. G.R.3. Sarah T-, Jan. ii, 1835. G.R.3. Will S.', s. of William and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1847. PETERSEN (see Peterson), Henry H., , 1838. G.R.3. Wilhelmina [ ], w. of Henry H., , 1823. G.R.3. PETERSON (see Petersen), Gus W., , 1840. G.R.3. Ludwig, , 1826. G.R.2. Nella Jacobson, , 1840. G.R.3. Niles, , 1824. G.R.3. PETTINGAIL (see Pettingill), Frank T., s. of John E. and Hannah, Sept. — , 1847. PETTINGILL (see Pettingail), Will E., s. of John E. and Hannah M., Oct. 2, 1845. PFEIFER, Augustus, , 1845. G.R.3. PHELAN, Owen J., , 1833. G.R.3. S. A. [ ], w. of , May 17, 1820. G.R.3. PHELPS, Edward Gilbert, Dec. 12, 1848. G.R.3. Edward J., , 1845. t;-R-3- Edward \V., . 1848. g.r.2. Fred E., , 1835. g.r.2. Ja[me]s T. Jr., May 24, 1845. G.R.3. James Turner, Oct. 13, 1808. G.R.3. Letitia Frost, Apr. 25, 1843. G.R.3. Lucy Jane Mitchell, May 25. 1819. G.R.3. Rebecca M.. , 1839. g.r.2, Susan ^^^, , 1805. G.R.2. William Nash, s. of James T. and Lucy J., in Enosburg, N. Y., May 27, 1840. G.R.3. 236 CHELSEA BIRTHS. PHEMISTER, Alexander, in Edinburgh, Scot., Aug. 20, 1829. G.R.3. Isabella Kent, in Edinburgh, Scot., Apr, i, 1837. G.R.3. PHILBRICK, Harry G., s. of Thomas G. and Sophia, Apr. 12, 1849. PHILLIPS, Archer W., , 1836. G.R.3. Charles Hastings, Jan. 30, 1843. G.R.4. Charlotte E. [ ], w. of H. A., , 1845. G.R.3. Clarissa P., , 1805. G.R.3. Eliza Wells [ ], w. of John George, , 1838. G.R.4. George E., , 1837. G.R.3. George H,, , 1812. G.R.3. John George, , 1837. G.R.4. Lucinda G., , 1829. G.R.3. Martha J., , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah A., , 1844. G.R.3. PHINNEY, George W., in Wilmot, N. S., , 1843. G.R.3. PHIPPEN, Ellen M., Oct. 29, 1834. G.R.3. George, , 1813. G.R.3. George, Jan. 28, 1836. G.R.3. Isabella Dias [ ], w. of George, , 1820. G.R.3. Lucy Ann Allen [ ], w. of George, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary E., Apr. 7, 1837. G.R.3. PHIPPS (see Phips), Anna Kimball, d. of Benj[ami]n Jr. and Anna M., Oct. 13, 1849. Anne M., Nov. 29, 1823. G.R.3. Benjamin, Feb. 12, 1824. G.R.3. James M., , 1814. G.R.3. Sarah L., , 1816. G.R.3. PHIPS (see Phipps), Bainbridge, , 1837. G.R.3. Emily L. Barton [ ], w. of Bainbridge, , 1838. G.R.3. PICKARD, Annie M., , 1834. G.R.3. Edward L., , 1843. g.R-3. William, , 1826. G.R.3. PICKERING, James, Dec. 8, 1832. G.R.3. Leonard, Apr. 25, 1813. G.R.3. Manila [ ], w. of Leonard, Oct. 28, 1813. G.R.3. Sarah A., June 13, 1838, G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 237 PICKETT, Annie M., , 1842. G.R.3. Charles E., , 1837. G.R.3. Eliza J., , 1828. G.R.3. Russell T., , 1825. G.R.3. PICKFORD, Henry, , 1836. g.r.2. Sarah A. [ ], vv. of Henry, , 1835. g.r.2. PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce), Abigail W. [ ], w. of Samuel Jr., June 5, 1837. G.R.3. Abraham P., in Newburyport, Oct. 20, 1823. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1830. G.R.3. Annie, , 1834. G.R.3. Augusta S. (Augusta Smith, c.r.i), d. of John and Sarah, 9th mo., 1830. Charles B., in Southport, Me., , 1843. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1803. G.R.3, Eliza G. [ ], w. of , , 1839. G.R.3. Ephraim, s. of John and Sarah, bp. Aug. 24, 1834. c.r.i. G. W. W., Aug. I, 1844. G.R.3. George, s. of John and Rachel, , 1798. Grace A., , 1835. G.R.3. H. Louisa, , 183 1. G.R.3, Helen Marr Howe [ ], w, of Joseph, , 1835. G.R.3. Henry A. (Henry Augustus, c.r.i), s. of John and Sarah, nth mo., 1828. James, , 1837. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1826. G.R.3. Levi, Dr., June 6, 1804. G.R.3. Mary Stowers [ ], w. of Sewell, Mar. 6, 1797. G.R.3. Sabra Kidder [ ], w. of Dr. Levi, Dec. 7, 1804. G.R.3. Sabra Maria, d. of Dr. Levi and Sabra Kidder, June 24, 1832. G.R.3. Samuel Jr., Sept. 2j, 1836. G.R.3. PIERCY, Henry Albert, s. of Henry C. and Adeline G., Sept. i, 1848. Richard C, s. of Richard C. and Eveline, Sept. 7, 1848. PIGGOT (see Pigott), Ellen M., d. of M. M. and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1846. Lawrence D., s. of Morrice M. and Hannah, Aug. 19, 1844. PIGOTT (see Piggot), Maurice M., s. of Maurice M. and Hannah, June i, 1848. 238 CHELSEA BIRTHS. PIKE, Albert Cyrel, s. of John J. and Sarah Ann, Nov. 18, 1848. Cha[rle]s E., s. of Geo[rge] D. and Lucy J., Feb. 25, 1845. Cha[rle]s H., s. of John J. and Sarah A., Mar. 23, 1847. Hattie N., , 1841. g,r.3. Jane A., , 1819. G.R.3. John J., , 1821. G.R.3. Moses, Sept. 22, 1824. g.r.2. Thomas H., Dec. 21, 1839. G.R.3. PILLSBURY, Elizabeth W., , 1814. G.R.3. John G., , 1812. G.R.3. PINGREE, J. O., , 1826. G.R.3. PINKHAM, Adelia (Adelia M., G.R.3), d. of Vincent and Lois, 8th day, nth mo., 1841. Augusta L., d. of Vincent and Lois, , 1835. G.R.3. Charlotte H,, d. of Richard G. and Rebecca F., Sept. 4, 1844. Charlotte W., d. of Vincent and Lois, 24th day, 5th mo., 1832. Edward E., s. of Vincent and Lois, 7th day, 9th mo., 1838. Emma J., d. of Vincent and Lois, , 1837. G.R.3. Henry V., s. of Vincent and Lois, 12th mo., 1833. James L., s. of Vincent and Lois, 14th day, ist mo., 183 1. Lois [ ], w. of Vincent, Aug. 29, 1807. G.R.3. Theodore, s. of Vincent and Lois, Apr. 29, 1844. Vincent, Oct. 14, 1797. G.R.3. PIPER, Harriet, , 1800. G.R.3. Joseph L., , 1824. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of Joseph L., , 1826. G.R.3. Moses, , 1795. G.R.3. Moses How, , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Joseph L., Aug. 4, 1836. G.R.3. PISHON, Hariot E., d. of Thomas and Harriet H. S., July 11, 1846. Josiah Sturgis, s. of Thomas J. and Harriet, Aug. 2^, 1849. PITCHER, Vesper, Capt., Feb. 12, 1839. G.R.3. PITMAN, Ellen M., d. of Francis and Sarah, July 31, 1847. Harriet E., d. of Mark and Harriet, Nov. 24, 1849. Mary E., , 1842. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 239 Pitman, Mary L., , 181 1. G.R.3. Sally, Sept. 22, 1789. G.R.3. William, , 1802. G.R.3. PIX, Liza, , 1846. G.R.2. PLAISTED, Elizabeth G. [ ], w. of William T., , 1821. G.R.3. William T., , 1821. G.R.3. PLUMER (see Plummer), Caroline A. [ ], w. of Isaac L., Aug. 3, 1827. G.R.3. Charlotte P. [ ], w. of David S., , 1835. G.R.3. David B., , 1806. G.R.3. David S., , 1842. G.R.3. George W., , 1836. G.R.3. Isaac L., Sept. 10, 1817. G.R.3. Martha P. [ ], w. of Nathaniel B., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary G. [ ], w. of David B., , 1802. G.R.3. Nathaniel B., , 1838. G.R.3. PLUMLEY, George W., , 1837. G.R.3. PLUMMER (see Plumer), Amanda H. Porter [ ], w. of James M. G., , 1838. G.R.3. David S., , 1840. G.R.3. E., Rev., Dec. 2, 1802. G.R.3. James M. G., , 1845. G.R.3. Martha P., , 1844. G.R.3. POLLARD, Asa P., May 9, 1824. G.R.3. Eliza A., , 1812. G.R.3. George, Sept. i, 1836. G.R.3. Lucinda M. [ ], w. of Asa P., Sept. 19, 1829. G.R.3. Luther, , 1806. G.R.3. POMROY, Almira S. [ ], w. of George K., , 1838. G.R.3. Clara Jane. d. of Daniel F. and Rebecca R., Nov. 14, 1848. Born in Boston. Deliverance, d. of Joseph and Tabitha of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. George K., , 1839. G.R.3. John, s. of Joseph and Tabitha of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. 240 CHELSEA BIRTHS. POOLE, Sarah A. [ ], w. of Warren, July 12, 1833. G.R.3. Warren, Aug. 21, 1824. G.R.3. POOR, Cha[rle]s H., s. of Cha[rle]s B. and , 23d day, 9th mo., 1840. George E., , 1836. G.R.3. James E., Jan. 20, 1843. G.R.3. John M., Feb. 29, 1836. G.R.3. Katharine S. [ ], w. of John M., Aug. 2, 1843. G.R.3. Sarah Paine, June 8, 1832, G.R.3. Susan S. A. [ ], w. of George E., , 1836. G.R.3. POPE, Cha[rle]s G., , 1840. G.R.3. John, s. of EHjah and Anna, bp. Aug. 22, 1762. c.R.i. Milton G., in Hyannis, July 15, 1845. G.R.3. Rufus S. Jr., in Hyannis, Sept. 23, 1847. G.R.3. Rufus Spurr, Rev., in Stoughton, Apr, 2, 1809. G.R.3. Sarah B., June 5, 1812. G.R.3. PORPER, George, , 1845. G-R-3- PORTER, Abigail, Feb. 3, 1794. G.R.3. Almira Dexter [ ], w. of Thomas Whittier, Sept. 25, 1822. G.R.3. Almira Loring Gardner [ ] , w. of Thomas Whittier, Nov. 13, 1826. G.R.3. Amos, s. of Amos and Anna, 20th day, mo., 1769. Amos, , 1827. G.R.3. Ann, d. of Amos and Anna, 6th day, ist mo., 1766. Caroline W., , 1822. G.R.3. Catherine, , 1840. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1833. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 18 10. G.R.3. Frederick W., Oct. 11, 1830. G.R.3. John Vose, Nov. 12, 1836. G.R.3. Jona[tha]n, s. of Amos and Anna, 6th day, mo., 1771. Lydia, d. of Amos and Anna, 20th day, mo., 1765. Mary Esther [ ], w. of Samuel A., Dec. 7, 1833. G.R.3. Mary G. [ ], w. of Amos, Nov. 29, 1832. G.R.3. Mary Holt [ ], w. of William S., in Connecticut, July 16, 1802. G.R.3. Myra A., , 1837. G.R.3. Rebecca Leach [ ], w. of James A., in Saco, Me., Aug. 29, 1805. G,R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 24I Porter, Samuel A., Sept. 13, 1825. G.R.3. Samuel A., Dec. 29, 1838. g.r.2. Thomas Whittier, Nov. 13, 1820. G.R.3. William, , 1818. G.R.3. William S., in Boston, Aug. 30, 1804. G.R.3. Willie F., , 1849. G.R.3. POTE, Adaline W., Sept. 23, 1829. G.R.3. Benjamin, July 31, 1804. G.R.3. Harriet C, , 1844. G.R.3. Increase S., June 6, 1824. G.R.3. Jeremiah H., , 1821. G.R.3. Martha M. [ ], vv. of Jeremiah H., , 1835. G.R.3. Martha S. [ ], w. of Jeremiah H., , 1820. G.R.3. Samuel, July 21, 1823. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Increase S., Feb, 12, 183 1. G.R.3. Sophronia E., Sept. 25, 1839. G.R.3. POTTER, Alec, , 1837. G.R.3. Edward K., , 1848. G.R.3. Joseph, May 10, 1843. G.R.3. Josie, , 1847. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Joseph, Apr. 16, 1848. G.R.3. POTTLE, , ch. of George and Allice, June i, 1846. Abbie L., Jan. 2, 1831. G.R.3. Anna Ricker [ ], w. of William, , 1776. G.R.3. Helena M., d. of J. W. and Matilda A., June 12, 1847. Jonathan W., , 1818. G.R.3. Mary Evelyn, d. of J. W. and Matilda A., May 2, 1849. Matilda A., gr. d. of William and Anna Ricker, , 1841. G.R.3. Matilda A. Bradbury [ ], w. of Jonathan W., , 1821. G.R.3. William, , 1763. G.R.3. POUNDER, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1829. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1829. G.R.3. POWELL, Samuel, , 1826. G.R.3. POWER (see Powers), James Lowe, , 1831. G.R.3. Margaret W. [ ], w. of James Lowe, , 1841. G.R.3. 242 CHELSEA BIRTHS. POWERS (see Power), Ellen T., d. of Herman and Caroline H., Nov. 8, 1845. Frederic E., s. of Herman and Caroline S., Mar. 10, 1848. Herman, , 1808. G.R.3. L. Dea., in Greenwich, Nov. 18, 1791. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of Lucius, Mar. 22, 1797. G.R.3. PRATT, , d. of Isaac and Sarah, i ith day, 5th mo., 1826. , s. of Reuben and , loth mo., 1833. , s. of Elisha and Susan, Aug. 10, 1842. , twin ch. of Sam[ue]l and Rebecca, Apr. — , 1847. -, twin ch. of Sam[ue]l and Rebecca, Apr. — , 1847. Abba D., d. of Thomas and Delia, Jan. 26, 1845. Abigail, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, 9th day, mo., 1747. Abigail, d. of (Lieut., c.r.i) Samuel and Elizabeth, 1 8th day, 5th mo., 1759. Adine Edgerly [ ], w. of Henry, Jan. 26, 1840. G.R.3. Alfred H. (Alfred Hall, c.r.i), s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.r.i), 1st day, ist mo., 1810. Allen, Sept. 7, 1815. G.R.3. Allen T. (Allen Thomas, G.R.3), s. of William and Phebe A., June I, 1848. (May 27, 1848, G.R.3.) Almira G., d, of Robert L. and Catharine, Jan. 26, 1844. Andrews Washington, s. of Daniel and Abigail, 26th day, 9th mo., 1796. Anna, d. of Daniel (Jr., c.r.i) and Abigail, 21st day, 2d mo., 1786. Anna M., d. of David U. and Rebecca W., Sept. 10, 1844. Anne, d. of John of Maiden and Mehitabel (Davis), bp. Oct. 4, 1724. C.R.I. Anne, d. of Daniel and Mary, 26th day, ist mo., 1753. Annie Currier [ ], w. of John F., , 1836. G.R.3. Augustus, s. of Wash[ingto]n and Deborah. Augustus Warren (s. of Washington Andrews and Hannah, c.r.i). Mar. 29, 1825. G.R.3. Barnabus Turner, s. of Samuel and Mary, 17th day, 9th mo., 1793- Becka, d. of Jos. and Bethany, bp. Mar. 21, 1790. c.r.i. Benjamin, s. of Thomas and Mary, 20th day, 5th mo., 1725. (Benjamin, s. of Ensign Thomas, bp. June 9, 1734, c.r.i.) Bethany, d. of Joseph and Bethany, bp. Aug. — , 1803. c.r.i. Betsey, d. of Joseph and Bethany, 24th day, 2d mo., 1784. Betsey, d. of Samuel and Mary, 2d day, 4th mo., 1786. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 243 Pratt, Caleb, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Rebecca, i6th day, 7th mo., 1738. (bp. June 18, 1738, C.R.I.) Caleb, s. of Caleb and Mary, ist day, mo., 1763. Calel), s. of Daniel and Mary, i6th day, 7th mo., 1764. Caleb, s. of Caleb and Mary, 23d day, 6th mo., 1804. Caleb Ino^raham, s. of Caleb Jr. and Marv, 5th dav, 4th mo., 1808. Caroline M., d. of David W. and Rebecca W., Oct. 5, 1846. Catherine, d. of Robert and Catherine, 20th day, 8th mo., 1841. Charles, s. of Daniel Jr. and Polly, bp. Aug. 20, 1826. c.r.i. Charles C. (Charles Cary, c.r.i), s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.r.i), 6th mo. 1824. ChaPrle]s C., s. of J. D. and Mary, Feb. 8, 1842. Chafrlejs C, s. of jabez D. and Mary P., May 24, 1843. Charles H., in Boston, Aug. 21, 1829. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s H. (Charles Hanson, G.R.3), s. of Will and Phebe A., Oct. 12, 1845. Clarissa [ ], w. of Edward H., , 1818. G.R.3. Daniel, s. of Thomas and Mary, 17th day, 2d mo., 1724, (Daniel, s. of Ensign Thomas, bp. June 9, 1734, c.r.i.) Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary, 28th day, 8th mo., 1760. Daniel, s. of Daniel (Jr., c.r.i) and Abigail, 5th day, 5th mo., 1784. Daniel, s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary, nth day, 4th mo., 1809. David U., s. of David U. and Rebecca W., Sept. 21, 1848. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, 21st day, mo., 1755. Ebenezer, s. of Lieut. Samfuejl and Eliza [beth], bp. Apr. 23, 1769. c.r.i. Ebenezer, s. of Lieut. Samuel and Mary, bp. May 19, 1782. c.r.i. Ebenezer Paine, s. of Jos. and Bethany, bp. Apr. 19, 1795. C.R.I. Ebigail Pell, d. of John and Abigail, 5th day, 4th mo., 1804. Edna M. (Edna Maria, c.r.i), d. of \Vash[ingto]n (Washing- ton A., c.r.i) and Deborah, (bp. Sept. — , 1827, c.r.i.) Edward, s. of Thomas and Mary, 22d day, loth mo., 1728. (Edward, s. of Ensign Thomas, bp. June 9. 1734.) Edward, s. of Daniel and Mary, 12th day, 7th mo., 1762. Edward, s. of Samuel and Mary. 23d day, ist mo., 1791. Edward, s. of Daniel and Abigail. 21st day, 4th mo., 1801. Edward .A^., Oct. 21. 1849. G.R.3. Edward H. (Edward Hall. c.r.\), s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.r.i), 23d day, 12th mo., 181 2. 244 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Pratt, Edward W., s. of David W. and , 12th day, 5th mo., 1841. Edward Washington, s. of Edward and Mary, bp. Dec. 26, 1813. C.R.I. Eleanor M., d. of Stephen and Eliza L., 27th day, ist mo., 1827. Eleanor S., , 1799. G.R.3. Eliza L. [ ], w. of Stephen, , 1807. G.R.3. Eliza Mariah, d. of Samuel and Elenor, 19th day, nth mo., 1824. Elizabeth, d. of John and Susanna, 26th day, 6th mo., 1754. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell and Elizabeth, 22d day, 3d mo., 1756. Eliza [bet] h, d. of Caleb Jr. and Mary, 3d day, 7th mo., 1799. Elizabeth Frances, Nov. 4, 1847. G.R.3. Elizabeth M., , 1824. G.R.3, Elizabeth Sturgis [ ] , w. of Barnabus T., in Boston, Feb. 12, 1797. G.R.3. Emily Marian [ ], w. of Herman W., , 1846. G.R.3. Esther W., , 1817. G.R.3. Eunice, d. of John and Abigail, 17th day, 7th mo,, 1801. Francis G., s. of Joshua H. and Eliza [bet] h, 5th day, 3d mo., 1825. Frederick W. (Frederick William, c.r.i), s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.R.i), 6th day, loth mo., 1814, George, s. of William and Lydia, i8th day, 3d mo., 1812, George, s. of Thomas 2d and Phoebe, bp. Mar. 24, 1822. c.r.i. George W., s. of Joseph G. and Emile H., Mar. 24, 1844. Geo[rge] W. C., s. of Will and Phebe A., July 10, 1843. George Wash[ingto]n, s. of Andrew W. and Deborah, 19th day, 3d mo., 1823. (George Washington, s. of Washing- ton A. and Hannah, bp. June 15, 1823, c.r.i.) Harriot Anna, d. of Hall (Joshua H., c.r.i) and Eliz., 14th day, 3d mo., 1830. Harriot Sturgis, d. of Barnabus T. and Eliza[bet]h, 13th day, 4th mo., 1825. Henry, s. of Samuel and Mary, 24th day, 5th mo., 1788. Henry, Aug. 16, 1838. G.R.3. Henry, s. of Caleb and Pomona, Feb. 13, 1849. Isaac, s. of (Lieut., c.r.i) Samuel and Elizabeth, 22d day, 8th mo., 1766. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Mary, 25th day, 3d mo., 1796. Isaac L., s. of Jairus and Deborah, 20th day, 3d mo., 1841. Jairus, May 2, 1827. G.R.3. James H., s. of Nehemiah J. and Eunice, Feb. — , 1847. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 245 Pratt, Joanna, d. of John and Sussan[na], 31st day, mo., 1764. (bp. Feb. 5, 1764, C.R.I.) Johanna, d. of John and Susanna, bp. Oct. 19, 1766. c.r.i. John, s. of John of Maiden and Mehitabel (Davis), bp. Aug. 13, 1 72 1. C.R.I. John, s. of Thomas and Mary, 26th day, 3d mo., 1727. (John, s. of Ensign Thomas, bp. June 9, 1734.) John, s. of Eben[eze]r and Mary, 15th day, 9th mo., 1756. John, s. of John and Sussanna, 15th day, mo., 1761. (bp. Oct. 18, 1761, C.R.I.) John, s. of Capt. John and Mary, bp. Apr. 12, 1795. c.R.i. John Brooks, s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary, 15th day, 7th mo., 1816. John F., , 1830. G.R.3. John M., , 1832. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of (Ensign, c.R.i) Thomas and Mary, 26th day, 8th mo., 1737. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Eliza[bet]h, 20th day, 9th mo., 1757. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Bethany, 8th day, 3d mo., 1791. Joseph (Joseph Green dup.), s. of William and Lydia, 13th day, loth mo., 1808. Joseph Tuckerman, s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.R.i), nth day, 5th mo., 1820. Joshua, s. of Thomas and Anna, 14th day, 9th mo., 1789. [Twin.] Joshua Hall, s. of (Lieut., c.R.i) Daniel and Abigail, i8th day, 9th mo., 1798. Joshua Hall, s. of Joshua H, and Eliza [bet] h, 4th day, loth mo., 1823, Josiah, s. of Caleb Jr. and Mary, 29th day, 5th mo., 1804. Lewis T., July 25, 1833. G.R.3. Lois, d. of Caleb and Mary, loth day, 8th mo., 1779. Lois EHz[abet]h, d. of Joshua H. (Hall, dup.) and Eliza [beth], 26th day, 1st mo., 1826. Lucy E. (Lucy Ellen, c.R.i), d. of Wash[ingto]n and Deborah. (bp. July — , 1829, C.R.I.) Lydia, d, of William and Lydia, 24th day, nth mo., 1805. Lydia A. [ ], w, of Samuel S., July 2, 1831. G.R.3. Margaret E. [ ], w. of William, , 1831. G.R.3. Martha L., d. of Samuel and Elenor, 24th day, 12th mo., 1830. Mary, d. of Joseph and Bethany. Mary, d. of John of Maiden and Mehitabel (Davis), Mar. 13, 1719-20. C.R.I. 246 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Pratt, Mary, d. of (Ensign, c.r.i) Thomas and Mary, 30th day, 3d mo., 1736. Mary, d. of Benja[min] and Mary, 20th day, 9th mo., 1752. Mary, d. of Daniel and Mary, 20th day, 9th mo., 1755. Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, bp. Sept. 20, 1761, c.r.i. Mary, d. of Caleb and Mary, 6th day, mo., 1777. Mary, d. of Jos., bp. Apr. 2, 1797. c.r.i. Mary A. (Mary Ann, c.r.i), d. of Wash[ingto]n (Washing- ton A., c.r.i) and Deborah, (bp. Aug. 14, 1831, c.r.i.) Mary A., d. of Oliver and Sarah D., May i, 1843. Mary Abig[ai]l, d. of Hall (Joshua H., c.r.i) and Eliz., 6th day, nth mo., 1827. Mary Ann, d. of Daniel Jr. and Mary, 12th day, loth mo., '1807. Mary Eliza[bet]h, d. of Barnabus T. and EHza[bet]h, 28th day, 4th mo., 1823. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Reuben and Mary, Mar. 20, 1849. Mary L., d. of Edward H. and Clarissa, , 1846. G.R.3. Mary Warren, d. of Edward and Mary, bp. Nov. 30, 1816. C.R.I. Moses Hall, s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary, 20th day, 3d mo., 1822. Nabby, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 26, 1786. c.R.i. Nabby, d. of Daniel and Abigail, 7th day, 3d mo., 1788. Nancy, d. of Joseph and Bethany, loth day, 3d mo., 1785. Nathan, s. of Caleb and Mary, 8th day, mo., 1768. Nathan, s. of William and Lydia, 9th day, 2d mo., 1798. Nehemiah, s. of Caleb Jr. and Mary, 2d day, 7th mo., 1802. Oliver, s. of Daniel (Jr., c.r.i) and Abigail, 26th day, 4th mo., 1792. [Twin.] Oliver, s. of Daniel Jr. and Mary (Polly, c.r.i), 2d day, 7th mo., 1 8 18. Oriann [ ], w. of Allen, Mar. 7, 1823. G.R.3. Phebe A. [ ], w. of William, Feb. 14, 1814. G.R.3. Polly, d. of (Lieut., c.r.i) Samuel and Mary, 24th day, 4th mo., 1784. Polly, d. of Daniel (Jr., c.r.i) and Abigail, i6th day, 3d mo.. 1790. Polly, d. of Caleb Jr. and Mary, 3d day, 7th mo., 1797. Rachel, d. of Lieut. Sam[ue]l and EHza[beth], bp. Aug. 11, I77I. C.R.I. Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, loth day, ist mo., 1762. Rebecca De Carteret, , 1816. G.R.3. Rebecca Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Rebecca, Nov. 20, 1848. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 247 Pratt, Rebeccah, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 4, 1733. c.r.i. Reuben, s. of Daniel (Jr., c.r.i) and Abigail, 20th day, 6th mo., 1794- Reuben, s. of Thomas 2d and Phoebe, bp. Oct. 31, 1819. c.r.i. Robert Lash, s. of Caleb and Mary, 3d day, 5th mo., 1806. Samuel, 5th day, ist mo., 1704. Samuel, s. of Samuell and EHsabeth, 25th day, nth mo., 1753. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Elisabeth, 13th day, 2d mo., 1754- Samuel, s. of Caleb and Mary, 5th day, mo., 1772. Samuel, s. of (Lieut., c.r.i) Samuel and Mary, i6th day, 5th mo., 1782. Samuel, , 1785. G.R.3. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Bethany, 8th day, mo., 1787. Samuel, s. of William and Lydia, 9th day, ist mo., 1795. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, 7th day, 9th mo., 1799. Sam[ue]l Hatton, s. of Eben[eze]r and Mary, 13th day, mo., 1759. Samuel Low, s. of Samuel and Elinor, 28th day, nth mo., 1828. Samuel Sturgis, s. of Barnabus T. and Eliza [bet] h, 4th day, 6th mo., 1831. (June 3, 1831, G.R.3.) Sarah, d. of John of Maiden and Mehitabel (Davis), bp. July 14, 1723. C.R.I. Sarah, d, of Daniel and Mary, 25th day, mo., 1758. (bp. Apr. 23, 1758, C.R.I.) Sarah, d. of Caleb and Mary, 17th day, 8th mo., 1808. Sarah A., d. of Jairus and Abigail, in Boston, Apr. 30, 1835. G.R.3. Sarah Lois, d. of Oliver and Sarah, 30th day, ist mo., 1835. Sarah Watts Woods [ ], w. of Isaac, Apr. 6, 1800. G.R.3. Sarah Woods, d. of Isaac and Sarah, 8th day. 9th mo., 1822. Stephen, s. of Joseph and Bethany, bp. Aug. 25, 1799. c.r.i. Stephen, s. of William and Lydia, 7th day, 5th mo., 1800. Susan H., d. of Andrew W. and Deborah, Mar. 24, 1844. Susan Jane, d. of Edward W. and Esther W., Sept. 10, 1848. Susanna, d. of John and Susanna, 9th day, loth mo., 1758. Susanna, d. of John and Susan [na], ist day, mo., 1759. Tabitha, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Oct. 22, 1732. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of Jno. and Susanna. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, 9th day, 3d mo., 1722. (Thomas, s. of Ensign Thomas, bp. June 9, 1734, c.r.i.) 248 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Pratt, Thomas, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, 3d day, loth mo., 1753- Thomas, s. of Thomas and Anna, 14th day, 9th mo., 1789. [Twin.] Thomas, s. of Daniel (Jr., c.R.i) and Abigail, 26th day, 4th mo., 1792. [Twin.] Thomas, s. of (Capt., c.R.i) Thomas and Anna, 4th day, nth mo., 1794. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Fidelia, , 1844. Thomas Brook, s. of Caleb and Mary, 12th day, mo., 1774. . Thomas Nichols, s. of Oliver and Susan, Aug. 9, 1849. G.R.3. Thomas Wait, s. of (Lieut., c.R.i) Samuel and Elizabeth, 19th day, 5th mo., 1764. Thomas Wait, s. of Thomas 2d and Phoebe, bp. Oct. 31, 1819. C.R.I. William, s. of Caleb and Mary, 12th day, ist mo., 1764. William, s. of James and Sarah, 27th day, 5th mo., 1767. William, s. of William and Lydia, 4th day, 4th mo., 1793. (4th day, 3d mo., 1793, dup.) William, June 21, 1812. G.R.3. Wil[lia]m, s. of Stephen and Eliza L., 13th day, 2d mo., 1826. William, s. of Stephen and Eliza L., 8th day, 9th mo., 1830. William Hudson, s. of Thomas 2d and Phoebe, bp. Nov. 26, 1820. C.R.I. PRAY, Frank, , 1849. G.R.3. James, , 1799. G.R.3. Louise F. [ ], w. of William, , 1827. G.R.3. Mark W., , 1827. G.R.3. Mary, , 1804. G.R.3. William, , 1819. G.R.3. William M., , 1826. G.R.3. PREBLE, Elizabeth M. [ ], w. of Jeremiah, , 1824. G.R.3. George Stephen, s. of Jeremiah and Sarah Ann, , 1842. G.R.3. Lydia Ann, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah Ann, , 1836. G.R.3. Sarah Ann [ ], w. of Jeremiah, , 1814. G.R.3. PRENTISS, Abigail Welsh [ ], w. of Nathaniel Apple- ton, Jan. 22, 1800. G.R.3. Nathaniel Appleton, u.s.n., in Boston, Sept. 2, 1787. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 249 PRESBY, Edwin, s. of Rodney and Mary E., Sept. 21, 1835. G.R.3. Eliza S. Barnard [ ], w. of George R., May 18, 1842. G.R.3. Etta L. Cochrane, d. of Rodney and Mary E., May i, 1846. G.R.3. George R., s. of Rodney and Mary E., Nov. 15, 1836. G.R.3. Henry Barnard, s. of Rodney and Mary E., Feb. 22, 1842. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Rodney, in Weare, N. H., Aug. 6, 1807. G.R.3. Rodney, in Bradford, N. H., Apr. 15, 181 1. G.R.3. PRESCOTT, Addie A., , 1842. G.R.3. Clara A. M. [ ], w. of George Watson, , 1834. G.R.3. Eleanor [ ], w. of , , 1826. G.R.3. Eliza M. Hauthwat [ ], w. of Asa D., July 26, 1840. G.R.3. Geo[rge] E., , 1820. G.R.3. Geo[rge] W., May 8, 1826. G.R.3. George Watson, , 1820. G.R.3. Jonafthan], Mar. 16, 1779. G.R.3. Joseph T., July 19, 1819. G.R.3, Josiah, , 1841. G.R.3. Lois [ ], w. of Geo[rge] E., , 1822. G.R.3. Lucy A. [ ], w. of Frederick A., Apr. 10, 1842. G.R.3. Mary A., Sept. 5, 1823. G.R.3. Phoebe N., June 18, 1849. G.R.3. Ruth [ ], w. of Jonathan, July 3, 1776. g.r.2. PRESHO, Charles D., , 1828. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Charles D., , 1828. G.R.3. PRICE, Fitz J., , 1833. G.R.3. Harriet [ ], w. of E. Sewall, Apr. 6, 1827. G.R.3. Mary F. [ ], w. of Fitz J., , 1834. G.R.3. Nelson Oswald, Apr. 24, 183 1. G.R.3. PRINCE, Ann Maria [ ], w. of Samuel N., , 1826. G.R.3.^ Eleanor C, , 1790. g.r.2. Eliza F. [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1800. G.R.3. Frank Webster, s. of James H. and Eliza F., June 9, 1849. 250 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Prince, Franklin, Jan. 12, 1822. G.R.4. Hannah A. [ ], w. of Henry F., , 1838. G.R.3. Hannah G., d. of James H. and Eliza F,, Sept. 17, 1847. Henry F., , 183 1. G.R.3. Hezekiah, , 1834. G.R.3. John M., , 1789. G.R.2. Joseph B. Jr., s. of J. B. and Eliza P., 3d day, 2d mo., 1840. Maria E., d. of Samuel and Eliza F., , 1825, G.R.3. Samuel, , 1799. G.R.3. Samuel N., , 1823. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., , 1849. G.R.3. PRIOR (see Pryor), Joseph M., , 1840. G.R.3. Rosamond G. [ ], w. of WilHam M., in Gray, Me., Apr. 21, 1809. G.R.3. William M., in Bath, Me., May 16, 1806. G.R.3. PROCTOR, Irene V., , 1830. G.R.3. John, , 1833. G.R.3. PROUTY, Albert Blossom, s. of Henry H. and Delia, May 31, 1848. George, s. of Henry H. and Delia, Nov. 6, 1845. Sarah A., , 1826. G.R.3. Susan H., d. of Henry H. and Delia, 21st day, 2d mo., 1841, PROWSE, Charles, Oct. 4, 1836. G.R.3. Elizabeth Jane [ ], w. of Charles, June 12, 1837. G.R.3. PRUDEN, Geo[rge] Alfred, s. of George W. and Dorcas J., June 26, 1849. PRYOR (see Prior), W[inia]m H., , 1849. G.R.3. PUFFER, Myra Wood, d. of Merrick and Mary, Oct. 20, 1848. PULSIFER, Bickford, Dec. 8, 1800. G.R.3. PUNCHARD, John, , 1791. G.R.3. Nancy Maria [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1830. G.R.3. Sarah Ward [ ], w. of John, , 1793. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1824. G.R.3. PURDY, Frances J., Feb. 7, 1818. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 25I PUTNAM, Betsey T., , 1789- G.R.3. r^lvin , 1808. G.R.3. ^ ^ Y^ly'u. [J 1, w. of Freeland, , 1846. G.R.3. Freeland, , 1846. G.R.3. George T., Sept. 9, 1846. G.R.3- Harriet C. [ ], w. of Freeland, , 1845- G.R.3. Jane, Oct. 9, 1822. G.R.3. John P., June 15, 1827. G.R.3. Lydia G. r 1- w. of Calvin, -— -, 1816. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of John P. and Jane, July 19, 1849. Mattie A. Bruce [ ], w. of William H., , i»30. C R '^ Sarah Ellen, , 1832. G.R.3. Simeon, , 1818. G.R.3. Vesta A. [ ], w. of Simeon, , 1022. G.R.3. William H.. , 1830. G.R.3. QUIMBY, Ann Julia [ ], w. of Monroe T., June 24, 1837- Emma Frances, d. of Andrew J. and Huldah. Feb. 4, 1849. [Twin.] Francis W., , 183 1. G.R.3. , ^ , ^ ^ ^ rx •„ i Huldah, d. of Andrew J. and Huldah, Feb. 4, i849- [Twin.J Monroe T., July 20, 1829. G.R.3. OUINN, Edward A., Feb. 18, 1827. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w. of Edward A., June 20, 1828. G.R.3. QUINT, Jerusha W. [ ], w. of Wilson, Dec. 14, 1816. Wilson, Nov. 5, 1818. G.R.3. RADAHAIN, Francis, s. of James and Bridget, Oct. 8, 1846. RALPH, James, May 5, 1821. G.R.3. RAMSAY (see Ramsey), Abigail, , 1807. G.R.3. Cynthia R. [ ], w. of Edwin R., , 1831. G.R.3. Edwin R., , 1834. G.R.3. RAMSDELL, , d. of E. G. and Jane, Jan. 5, 1846. George, s. of Elbridge G. and Jane, Oct. 13, 1844. RAMSELL, Maria B. [ ], w. of William B., Nov. 20, 1825. G.R.3. William>.., Oct. 6. 1826. G.R.3. 252 CHELSEA BIRTHS. RAMSEY (see Ramsay), James, June 24, 1831. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of James, Apr. 7, 1833. G.R.3. RAND, Alonzo, Jan. 10, 1827. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s T., s. of Franklin and Clarasa, Jan. 3, 1846. H. Jefferson, ch, of Franklin and Clarissa, 12th day, 5th mo., 1841. John C, s. of Franklin and Clar[is]sa, 6th day, 6th mo., 1842. [year in pencil.] Josephine E. [ ], w. of Thomas N., -: , 1840. G.R.3. Mary G., d. of Franklin and Clarisa, Feb. 3, 1844. Thomas N., , 1827, G.R.3. RANDALL, Emma A. Tilton [ ], w. of Charles E., in Lowell, Apr. 13, 1849. G-R-3- John E., Feb. 25, 1833. G.R.3. Mary E., Dec. 24, 1833. G.R.3. Mary Gould [ ], w, of William, Dec. 16, 1805. G.R.3. RANKIN (see Rankine), David A., , 1844. G.R.3. Nellie W. [ ], w. of David A., , 1844. G.R.3. RANKINE (see Rankin), Grizella [ ], w. of Thomas, Aug. 3, 1838. G.R.3. Thomas, May 15, 1836. G.R.3. RANLETT, Mary Ann G. Stevens [ ], w. of Seth A., Aug. 24, 1812. G.R.3, Seth A., , 1808. G.R.3. RAY, Augusta A. G. [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., , 1840. WiUiam H., , 1838. G.R.3. RAYMOND, , s. of Lawrence and Rosanna, May 16, 1845- Almira Ann, d. of William and Mary, Mar. 23, 1823. G.R.3. Benj[amin] G., , 1835. G.R.3. Francis, Apr. 26. 1823. G.R.3. Geo[rge], s. of Frederick and Betsy, nth day, 8th mo., 1839. Ja[me]s H., , 1835. G.R.3. Joel, , 1792. G.R.3. Joel, , 1825. G.R.3. John L., , 1790. G.R.3. Marcus M., Feb. i, 1841. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 253 RayxMONd, Martha Maria [ ], w. of Marcus M., Apr. lo, 1842. Mary [ ], w. of William, May 17, 1786. G.R.3. Mary, , 1795. G.R.3. S. Laura [ ], w. of Francis, Apr. 10, 1827. G.R.3. Sarah J. f ], w. of Joel, , 1825. G.R.3. William, Aug. 8, 1786. G.R.3. RAYNES, Emeline [ ], w. of , , 1830. G.R.3. Esther Wadsworth [ ], w. of Francis, , 1826. G.R.3. Harriett C. Hanscom [ ], w. of Francis, , 1818. G.R.3. READ (see Reed, Reid), Eliza S. [ ], w. of Josiah M., , 1809. G.R.3. Eusebia, d. of Sweeten and Anna, bp. Mar. 30, 1806. c.r.i. George S., , 1817. G.R.3. Harriet, d. of Sweeten and Anna, bp. Mar. 28, 1806. c.r.i. Josiah iVL, , 1809. G.R.3. Lucy Ann, d. of Sweeten and Anna, bp. Mar. 30, 1806. c.r.i. Pamelia, d. of Sweeten and Anna, bp. Mar. 30, 1806. c.r.i. REDDER, David W., , 1842. G.R.3. Mary L ( ], w. of David W., , 1840. G.R.3. REDDING, Nathaniel W., Mar. 2, 1843. g.r.2. REDDY, William M., , 1846. G.R.3. REED (see Read, Reid), , d. of Freeman and Eliza C, Feb. 3, 1846. Andrew A., , 1844. G.R.3. Chrischana. July 2^^, 1840. G.R.3. Clara B. Parker [ ], w. of Nathan H., , 1846. G.R.3. Eliza G. Malcomb [ ], w. of Freeman, June 4, 1812. G.R.3. Elizabeth C., , 1824. G.R.3. Emeline, d. of W[illia]m and Hannah, 2d day, loth mo., 1837. Emely F., d. of Geofrge] W. and Emeline, 12th mo., 1838. Emily H. [ ], w. of Josiah T., , 1832. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of \Villiam, , 1795. G.R.2. Harriet E. [ ], w. of Henry F., , 1844. G.R.3. Jane D. [ ], w. of William, May 26, 1816. G.R.3. Jonas H., , 1829. G.R.3. 254 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Reed, Josiah T., , 1821. G.R.3. Lydia M. [ ], w. of Josiah T., , 1819. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w. of Samuel H., , 1839. G.R.3. Samuel H., , 1830. G.R.3. Thomas Bagnall, s. of William G. and Eliza C, both b. in Bos- ton, July 8, 1848. Thomas J., Feb. 10, 1830. g.r.2. William, , 1792. g.r.2, William, Dec. 24, 1813. G.R.3. REGAN (see Regann), John, s. of Peter and Catherine, Apr. 24, 1849. REGANN (see Regan), Rachel H., , 1823. G.R.3. REID (see Read, Reed), David, , 1840. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of James, , 1824. G.R.3. James, , 1820. G.R.3. Wilham, Jan. 6, 1845. G.R.3. REMICK, Joseph, Jan. 27, 1823. G.R.3. Mary A. P. [ ], w. of Joseph, Mar. 14, 1829. G.R.3. Mellen S., s. of Warren J. and Sarah, July 3, 1849. Bom in Lovell, Me. RENNER, Eliza, , 1849. G.R.3. RESTALL, Lily E. Williams [ ], w. of Robert, , 1833. G.R.3. Robert, , 1831, G.R.3. RESTIEUX, Edward W., Sept. 24, 1832. G.R.3. REVEL, John, , 1831. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of John, , 1843. G.R.3. REYNOLDS, Bela R., May 3, 1840. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1822. G.R.3. Emilie M. [ ], w. of Adam M. C, Nov. 7, 1847. G.R.3. RHOADES (see Rhodes), Sam[ue]l H., s. of Sam[ue]l H. and Emily, Oct. 3, 1845. RHODES (see Rhoades), Eliz[a]b[eth] S., d. of Samuel and Emily, Apr. 23, 1848. [Twin.] Mary E., d, of Samuel and Emily, Apr. 2^, 1848. [Twin.] Warren, s. of Amos and Sarah D., 17th day, 6th mo., 1841. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 255 RICE, A. Mellen, June 23, 1841. G.R.3. Addie M. [ ], w. of A. Mellen, Nov. 21, 1840. G.R.3. Edmund E., , 1844. G.R.4. Edwin, Apr. 11, 1815. G.R.3. Emma A., , 1845. G.R.3. Mary Sybilla, Feb. 27, 1834. G.R.3. Milo, Mar. 27, 1810. G.R.3. Samuel C, , 1816. G.R.3. Thaddeus A., , 1837. G.R.3. Winneford, d. of Miles and Ellen, both b. m Ireland, Nov. 19, 1849. RICH, Atwood, , 1806. G.R.2. Edwin, Capt., May 8, 1839. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1809. G.R.2. Jessie A. [ ], w. of Capt. Edwin, , 1842. G.R.3. [ohn. Feb. 22, 1826. G.R.3. Jonas G., in Maiden, Dec. 7, 1834. G.R.3. Lizzie A. [ ], w. of Harvey G., , 1849. G.R.3. Lyman R., Jan. 24, 1834. G.R.3. Margaret B. [ ], w. of Winslow L., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Michael, , 1819. G.R.3. Mary Ellen Mayo [ ], w. of Lyman B., May 7, 1839. G R '^ Mary H., , 1842. G.R.3. Mary W., Sept. 17, 1831. G.R.3. Michael, , 1806. G.R.3. Obadiah, , 1836. G.R.3. Perez G., , 1847. G.R.3. Ransom, Dec. 14, 1823. G.R.3. Richard, , 1829. G.R.3. Samuel, June 25, 1829. G.R.3. Sarah J., June 10, 1832. G.R.3. Susan S., , 1846. G.R.3. Winslow L., , 1837. G.R.3. RICHARDS, Abby W. Cressey, d. of Ephraim B. and Mary E., Sept. 14, 1840. G.R.3. Abigail, ,1781. G.R.3. Caroline A. [ ], w. of Francis D., Sept. 13, 1830. g.r.2. Charles, s. of Francis D. and Caroline A., Sept. 12, 1849. Elizabeth [ 1, w. of Francis, Mar. 23, 1812. G.R.3. Enoch K., , 1816. G.R.3. 256 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Richards, Francis, Dec. 16, 181 1. G.R.3. Francis D., Oct. 18, 1824. g.r.2. Martha J., , 1812. G.R.3. Statira G., , 1823. G.R.3. William C, , 1823. G.R.3. RICHARDSON, (see Richison) Abby P., , 1848. G.R.3. Albert, Apr. 8, 1825. G.R.4. Ann E., , 183 1. G.R.3. Biel, s. of Susanna, bp. Nov. 8, 1719. c.R.i. Charles Addison, Oct. 9, 1829. G.R.3. Eliza A., , 1844. G.R.3. Esther Louisa, d. of Francis B. and Mary A., June 11, 1846, G.R.3. Francis B., , 1822. G.R.3. Francis N., Jan. 7, 1828. G.R.3. Hannah, , 1792. G.R.3. Horace, Jan. 11, 1821. G.R.4. John F., Dec. 3, 1817. G.R.3. Lorenzo, in Moultonboro, N. H., , 1843. G.R.4. Mary A. [ ], w. of , ,1816. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Francis B., , 1822. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of WilHam M., Apr. 8, 1834. G.R.3. Mary Jane, June 18, 1829. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of John F., Dec. 4, 1820. G.R.3. Nancy, in Danvers, Oct. 18, 1802. G.R.3. Nathan, s. of Nathaniel, bp. Nov. i, 1719. c.r.i. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Charles, , 1825. G.R.3. Sarah L. [ ], w. of Horace, Jan. 3, 1830. G.R.4. Susannah S., Jan. 20, 1827. G.R.4. William M., Sept. 4, 1832. G.R.3. RICHISON, (see Richardson) Rachel, d. of Nathaniel, May 26, 1717. C.R.I. RICKER, Alice J. Nason [ ], w. of , , 1849. G.R.2. RIDEHEAN, Mary Ann, d. of James and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Jan. 11, 1849. Born in Providence, R. L RIDEOUT, Celia H., , 1839. G.R.3. Reuben A., , 1834. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 257 RIPLER, , s. of Tho[ma]s J. and Maria, Aug, 19, 1842. Anna Maria, d. of Geo[rge] E. and Mary Ann, May 15, 1848. George E., , 1824. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1824. G.R.3. Parker, Apr. 24, 1849. G.R.3. Samuel F., June 30, 1844. G.R.3. RIDLON, (see Ridlond) Charles Thomas, s. of Thomas H. and Mary Frances, May 15, 1849. Graville H., s. of Tho[ma]s H. and Mary F., Oct. 3, 1847. RIDLOND, (see Ridlon) Thomas, s. of Thomas H. and Mariah, Mar. 12, 1845. RIGBY, Martha, Dec. 24, 1798. G.R.3. RIGGS, Mary A., Oct. 9, 1824. G.R.4. RIKEMAN, Mary A. Smith [ ], w. of Albert, Mar. 17, 1820. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of William H., , 1849. G.R.3. RILEY, Mary A., d. of John and Bridget, Nov. 26, 1847. RIMBACH, Hattie P., , 1845. G.R.3. Louis, , 1824. G.R.3. RING, Betsey H., Sept. 27, 1827. G.R.3. Charles T., , 1841. G.R.3. Josephine L., , 1842. G.R.3. Lucy, May 2, 1805. G.R.3. Sarah, , 1818. G.R.3. William H., May 18, 1843. G.R.3. William P., Dec. 4, 1805. G.R.3. RIPLEY, George H., , 1840. G.R.3. Isaac Henry, , 1845. G.R.3. Lewis P., , 1809. G.R.3. Susan A., , 1820. G.R.3. Susan J., , 1848. G.R.3. RITCHIE, Harriet M. Lunt [ ], w. of James A., , 1837. G.R.3. James A., , 1837. G.R.3. Letitia Ellen, Sept. 16. 1830. G.R.3. Thomas, Apr. 19, 1826. G.R.3. 258 CHELSEA BIRTHS. RITZ, Abbie H. Todd [ ], w. of Ernest P., , 1848. G.R.3. Ernest P., , 1848. G.R.3. RIVERS, Cha[rle]s H., s. of Benj[amin] and Catherine, Sept. 30, 1846. Lewis Waldo, s, of Benjamin and Catherine, Feb. 28, 1849. ROACH, Annie E., , 1834. G.R.3. Benjamin W., , 1830. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of Benjamin W., , 1827, G.R.3. Martha E. [ ], w. of John A. J,, June 22, 1833. G.R.3. ROAK, Ellen, d. of James and Mary A., Dec. 15, 1844. ROBBINS, Cha[rle]s F., s. of Rev. Sam[ue]l D. and Mary E., July 2, 1847. CordeHa, d. of Sam[ue]l D. and Mary E., Aug. 9, 1844. Elizabeth Baldwin [ ], w. of Robert Lash, June 25, 1817. G.R.3. Ellen M., Nov. 18, 1840. G.R.3. Eugene Patterson, Oct. 21, 1841. G.R.3. Geo[rge] A., s. of George and Eliza F., Sept. 24, 1847. J. William, , 1844. G.R.3. Jane, d. of Samuel D. and Mary E., 9th day, 12th mo., 1839. Joseph, July 19, 1808. G.R.3. Margaret Eleanor [ ], w. of Joseph, Nov. 20, 18 15. G.R.3. Margaret Elizabeth, July 6, 1842. G.R.3. Maria, Jan, 20, 1802. G.R.3. Mary C, d. of Sam[ue]l C. and Mary E., May 9, 1842. Robert Lash, Jan. 24, 1816. g,r.3. ROBBINSON (see Roberson, Robertson, Robinson, Robison), Joseph, s. of Thomas and Ann, Apr. 27^, 1848. ROBERSON (see Robbinson, Robertson, Robinson, Robison), Edward, s. of Bud and Mary, bp. Aug. 2y, 1775. c.r.i. ROBERT, (see Roberts) Fitz A., , 1848. G.R.3. ROBERTS, (see Robert) Edwin, , 1840. G.R.3. Eleanor M. [ ], w. of George, Oct. 27, 1835. G.R.3. Faustina, , 1816. G.R.3. George, Sept. 17, 1832. g.r,3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 259 Roberts, Helen M. [ ], w. of Horatio, , 1844. G.R.3. Horatio, , 1832. G.R.3. Isebell E. [ ], w. of T. B., Mar. 18, 1830. G.R.3. J. M., , 1807. G.R.3. James W., , 1825. G.R.3. John Franklin, s. of John and Mary Jane, Mar. 9, 1849. Lucy R., , 1825. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Benj[amin], Aug. 6, 1830. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of , June 10, 1830. G.R.3. Samuel H., , 1849. G.R.3. Thomas B., Mar. 10, 1831. G.R.3. ROBERTSON (see Robbinson, Roberson, Robinson, Robison), Charles, in Inverness, Scot., , 1841. G.R.3. Charles M., Nov. 28, 1822. G.R.3. George W., , 1835. G.R.3. Hannah F. [ ], w. of Charles M., Feb. 18, 1825. G.R.3. James, Aug. 8, 1814. g.r.2. James W., , 1849. g.r.2. Janet Craig [ ] , w. of Charles, in Dundonald, Scot., , 1836. G.R.3. John, Jan. 9, 1827. G.R.3. Margaret Wake [ ], w. of George W., , 1839. G.R.3. Margery C, d. of Gilbert and Mary, June 26, 1849. Martha A. [ ], w. of James, June 22, 1832. G.R.3. Rebecca [— 1, w. of James, June 9, 1814. g.r.2. William, , 1847. G.R.3. ROBIE (see Roby), John A., Jan. 31, 1823. G.R.3. Sibyl B., Mar. 2, 1825. G.R.3. ROBINSON (see Robbinson, Roberson, Robertson, Robison), Ann, , 1802. G.R.3. .A-Ustin B., , 1842. G.R.3. Burton, Feb. 23, 1820. G.R.3. David T., , 181 1. G.R.3. Eliza [ ], w. of Reuben T., , 1795. G.R.3. Eliza B. [ — ], w. of George H., , 1849. G.R.3. Elvira, , 1829. G.R.3. Emma B. [ ], w. of Nathaniel W., Dec. 13, 1824. G.R.3. Emma Comfort, d. of N. W. and E. B., Nov. 27, 1845. G.R.3. George H., , 1846. G.R.3. George H., , 1847. G.R.3. Georgie Sherman, , 1849. G.R.3. 26o CHELSEA BIRTHS. Robinson, Harriet, Aug. 3, 1824. G.R.3. Henry E., , 1820. G.R.3. John T., , 1802, G.R.3. Joseph Willcutt, , 1833. G.R.3. Julia C, , 1828. G.R.3. Louisa F. [ ], w. of David T., , 1816. G.R.3. Nathaniel W., Dec. 5, 1813. G.R.3. Reuben T., , 1793. G.R.3. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1835. G.R.3. ROBISON (see Robbinson, Roberson, Robertson, Robinson), Mary, d. of Abel, bp. Oct. 5, 1740. c.R.i. Susanna, d. of Abel, bp. Apr. 25, 1742. c.R.i. ROBLET, Cornelius, June 30, 1799. G.R.3, Sarah B. [ ], w. of Cornelius, Nov. 9, 1800. G.R.3. ROBY (see Robie), Charles C, Sept. 18, 1845. G.R.3. Charles F. E., July 2, 1818. G.R.3, Henry, Jan. 26, 1828. G.R.4. Mary A. [ ], w. of Charles F. E., Apr. 22, 1824. G.R.3, Mary J. [ ], w. of Henry, Mar. 18, 1831. G.R.4, Sarah Jane, July 22, 1845. G.R.3. Z, Spaulding, Apr. 7, 1816. G.R.3. ROCH, John S., Oct. 13, 1825. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1837. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1846. G.R.3. ROCHE, Mary [ ], w. of Joseph E., May 10, 1835. g.r.2. ROCKWELL, L. W,, , 1822. G.R.3, Mary A, Clinkard [ ], w. of L, W,, July — , 1825. G.R.3. ROCKWOOD, Cha[rle]s E., s. of Cha[rie]s and Lois E,, Jan. 14, 1846. RODGERS (see Roger, Rogers), Lucy M., d. of Robert B. and Lucy W., loth day, nth mo., 1840. ROE (see Row, Rowe), , s. of Arthur and Joanna, Apr, 12, 1845. ROGER (see Rodgers, Rogers). Frank B., s. of John W, and Abby A., Nov, 15, 1846, CHELSEA BIRTHS, 261 ROGERS (see Rodgers, Roger), Abby Ann, Nov. 24, 1819. G.R.3. Alvan, July 31, 1802. G.R.3. Ann C. Jennings [ ], w. of George W., , 1833. G.R.3. Anna L., , 1841. G.R.3. Charles A., June 7, 1836. G.R.3. Charles E., , 1829. G.R.3, Charles Frances, s. of Samuel F. and Eliza, Nov. 13, 1848. Eliza J. (Eliza Jane, G.R.4), d. of Samuel T. and Eliza, Mar, 14, 1847. Emily D,, , 1828, G.R.3, Frances L. Emery [ ], w. of J, Frederic, Jan, 21, 1838, G.R.3, Frank H,, , 1840, g.r,3, Frederic, s. of John W, H. and Abby A., Sept. 16, 1845, George Augustus, s, of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, May 2}^, 1840, G,R,3. George W., , 1824. G.R.3, Harvey, ,1811, g.r,3. Helen Johnston [ ], w, of Harvey, , 1810. G.R.3. J. Frederic, Nov, 29, 1829. g.r,3. Margaret M,, , 1793. G.R.3, Martha S. [ ], w, of Charles E., , 1835, G.R.3. Mary Adelaid, d, of Robert B, and Lucy M., Aug, 4, 1837. G.R,3. Mary Augusta, d. of Alvan and Mary Dillaway and w. of William G. Lamkin, Aug. 28, 1845, G.R.3, Mary Dillaway [ ], w, of Alvan, Mar. 30, 1812, G.R.3. Mary Emily, d, of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, Apr, 17, 1838, G.R.3. Nathaniel Hamilton, , 1837. g.r,4. Robert B,, June 17, 1817. G.R.3. S. G. A,, , 1834. G.R.3. Sarah E, [ ], w, of Charles A., Sept, 25, 1838. G.R.3, ROKE (see Roque, Rourke), Ellen, d, of James and Mary A,, Sept. 20, 1846. ROLLINS, Elizabeth [ ], w. of , , 1794. g.r.2, Elizabeth J,, Aug. 15, 1815. G.R.3, Henry W., , 1845, g,r.3, Hiram S,, July 31, 1817. G.R.3. 262 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Rollins, John Murray, , 1830. G.R.3. Lydia Maria, Mar, 3, 1829. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Henry W., , 1848. G.R.3. Mary Ann Millar [ ], w. of John Murray, , 1832. G.R.3. S. G., Apr. 26, 1820. G.R.3. ROQUE (see Roke, Rourke), Bridget, d. of Peter and Bridget, Nov. 28, 1848. Mary Ann, d. of James and Mary Ann, Mar. 20, 1849. RORKE, Philip T., in Newfoundland, Mar. 5, 1836. G.R.3. ROSASCO, Angelo, s. of Paolo and Ann J., Sept. 18, 1849. ROSE, Ellen A. [ ], w. of William Labdon, Aug. 10, 1837. G.R.3. George, Capt., , 1824. Jessie, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary, , 1838. G.R.3. William Labdon, in Devonshire, Eng., Jan. 2, 1833. G.R.3. ROSLING, C. Eric, , 1841. G.R.3. ROSS, Donald, of Scotland, , 181 5. G.R.3. Emma F. [ ], w. of , June 24, 1843. G.R.3. Eunice [ ], w. of , , 1817. G.R.2. George B., , 1822. G.R.3. Margaret S., , 1819. G.R.3. Matilda [ ], w. of George B., , 1827. G.R.3. Sophia, , 1828. G.R.3. ROSSITER, Eugenia A., d. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C., , 1838. G.R.3. Joseph, Capt., in Clinton, Conn., Jan. 11, 1807. G.R.3. Joseph B., s. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C, , 1837, G.R.3. Josephine, d. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C, , 1840. G.R.3. Lydia C. [ ], w. of Capt. Joseph, in Newburyport, Dec. 10, 1807. G.R.3. ROULSTONE, Thomas R., Dec. 8, 1839. G.R.3. ROURKE (see Roke, Roque), Mary A., d. of Peter and Bridget, Feb. 8, 1847. ROW (see Roe, Rowe), John G., , 1839. G.R.3. Katherine [ ], w. of John G., , 1842. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 263 ROWE (see Roe, Row), Deborah J. O. [ ], w. of Noah, May 3, 181 1. G.R.3. Ehza, , 1825. G.R.3. Howard F., , 1844. G.R.3. Lucy Emma [ ], w. of Wilham T., Aug. 12, 1846. G.R.3. Noah, Mar. 16, 1817. G.R.3. Wilham T., July 23, 1849. G.R.3. ROWELL, CromweU G., , 1827. G.R.3. Emma J. Jaquith [ ], w. of , Sept. 17, 1845. G.R.3. Lottie A. [ ], w. of Cromwell G., , 1827. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Wahace A., July 27, 1847. G.R.3. Wallace A., Jan. 29, 1844. G.R.3. ROWSE, Elizabeth Tucker [ ], w. of , , 1808. G.R.3. Richard, , 1831. G.R.3. Sarah Maria [ ], w. of Richard, , 1837. G.R.3. RUDD, Mary E. Coggeshall [ ], w. of , in New- port, R. L, June 15, 1802. G.R.3. RUDOLPH, Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of George, Mar. 23, 1835. G.R.3. George, Jan. 2^, 1835. G.R.3. RUGG, Frederick, s. of Sam[ue]l and Harriet, Aug. — , 1846. George J., , 1819. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of , in Cape Elizabeth, Me., Jan. 17, 1807. G.R.3. RUGGLES, Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1849. G.R.3. Ellen A., Jan. 15, 1841. G.R.3. Henrietta J., d. of Cha[rle]s H. and Eunice M., Sept. 19, 1846. RUMNEY, Harriet Dane [ ], w. of John, , 1829. G.R.3. John, , 1821. G.R.3. RUNEY, James S., , i8i6. G.R.3. RUSHFORTH, Thomas L., , 1843. gR-3- RUSS, Anna C. [ ], w. of , , 183 1. G.R.4. 264 CHELSEA BIRTHS. RUSSELL, Edwin E., Jan. 13, 1819. G.R.3. Emma D. [ ], w. of Joseph M., Dec. 16, 1824. G.R.3. Joseph M., Nov. 24, 1819. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Edwin E., Dec. 4, 1825. g.r,3. Mary E., d. of Edwin E. and Mary A., Apr. 19, 1847. G.R.3. RUTHVEN, Henry H., , 1804. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Henry H., , 1821. G.R.3. RUTTER, Fannie G. [ ], w. of John H., May 26, 1822. G.R.3. John H., Jan. 10, 1820. G.R.3. RYDER, Elisha, , 1829. G.R.4. Godfrey, Dec. 9, 1824. G.R.3. Howes, in Chatham, Jan. i, 1795. G.R.3. Howes, in Chatham, Jan. 31, 1818. G.R.3. James P., , 1845. G.R.3. Llewellen, Mar. 26, 1838. G.R.3, Lubana Nickerson [ ], w. of Howes, in Chatham, Jan. 22, 1796. G.R.3. Margaret W. [ ], w. of EHsha, , 1835. G.R.4. Reuben, in Chatham, Feb. 22, 1816. G.R.3. Sabrina T. [ ], w. of Howes, in Chatham, Sept. 22, 1818. G.R.3. Sarah O., July 5, 181 1. G.R.3. WilHam B., , 1838. G.R.3. RYMILL, Francis A., June — , 1822. G.R.3. WiUiam H., May — , 1821. G.R.3. SAFFORD, Sarah A. [ ], w. of Ephraim, in Hampton, N. H., , 1822. G.R.4. SALE, Almira, d. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 28th day, 5th mo., 181 1. Anna, d. of John and Sarah, 30th day, loth mo., 1753. CorneHa, d. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 30th day, 3d mo., 1819. EmeHne, d. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 4th day, nth mo., 1815. Ephraim, s. of John (Jr., c.r.i) and Sarah, 19th day, 3d mo., 1762. Ephraim, s. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 29th day, loth mo., 1822. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 265 Sale, Frederick, s. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), nth day, 4th mo., 1810. George Frederic, s, of John and JuHa, Aug. 22, 1848. Hannah [ ], w. of Col. John, , 1778. G.R.3. James G., May 21, 1839. G.R.3. James Penn, s. of Col. John, bp. May 25, 1800. c.r.i. James Penn, s. of (Col., c.r.i) John (and Deborah, c.r.i), 25th day, 2d mo., 1802. Jane Bailey, d. of John, 7th day, ist mo., 1804. John, s. of John and Sarah, 3d day, 8th mo., 1757. John, s. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 27th day, nth mo., 1820. John A., d. of John and Julia, Oct. 18, 1846. Lovisa, d. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 22d day, 7th mo., 1812. Lydia [ ], vv. of James P., July 11, 1818. G.R.3. Mary, d. of John and Sarah, 3d day, nth mo., 1763. Mary, d. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 17th day, loth mo., 1813. Mary A., d. of James and Mary, 6th mo., 1841 (June 24, 1841, w. of William H. Bollen. G.R.3). Mary L. [ ], w. of James P., May 4, 1804. G.R.3. Rebeckah, d. of John and Sarah, 4th day, 3d mo., 1769. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, 12th day, 8th mo., 1755. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, 22d day, 3d mo., 1766. Sarah Floyd, d. of (Col., c.r.i) John, 22d day, 3d mo., 1800. Townsend Penn, s. of John and Sarah, loth day, 4th mo., 1760. William, s. of John (and Hannah, c.r.i), 2d day, nth mo., 1817. SALISBURY (see Salsbury), Thomas Edson, s. of Thomas L. and Eliza M., Sept. 26, 1849. SALSBURY (see Salisbury), Emma C, d. of Will S. and Julia A.; Feb. 23, 1847. SAMPSON, , s. of Cha[rle]s and Christina, May 18, 1845- Arad T., Mar. 30, 1823, G.R.3. Aurelia L. [ ], w. of Arad T., June 21, 1817. G.R.3. Avericka [ ], w. of , Mar. 14, 1834. G.R.3, Betsey Wright [ ], w. of Thomas, Jan. 28, 1811. G.R.3. Catherine [ ], w. of Charles, , 1830. g,r.3. Charles, , 1828. G.R.3. George W., , 1843. G.R.3. 266 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Sampson, Henry A., s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 26, 1841. G.R.3. James Edward, Nov. 14, 1839. G.R.3. Sidney S., , 1837. G.R.3. Thomas, Jan. 30, 1809. G.R.3. Thomas F., June 26, 1836. G.R.3. SAMUEL (see Samuels), Joseph, Aug. 31, 1833. G.R.3. Margaret O. [ ], w. of Joseph, Dec. 21, 183 1. G.R.3. SAMUELS (see Samuel), Solomon D., , 1849. G.R.3, SANBORN, Charles B., Sept. 29, 1842. G.R.3. Deborah, , 1799. g.r.2. Eliza [ ], w. of Erastus W., Oct. 5, 1812. G.R.3. Erastus W., Sept. 14, 1807. G.R.3. George Peter, Aug. 31, 1833. G.R.3. Harlan Page, , 1848. G.R.3. John, in Sandwich, N. H., Mar, 2, 1799. G.R.3. John, , 1813. G.R.3. Lucy M. [ ], w. of Daniel W., July 9, 1836. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of John, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of , Apr. 5, 1828. G.R.3. Peter, , 1793. G.R.3. Russell F., , 1800. G.R.2, Sarah Proctor Whitney [ ], w. of Peter, , 1796. G.R.3. Sophronia Worthen [ ], w. of George Peter, May 17, 1840. G.R.3. SANCHEZ, Elizabeth M., June 30, 1839. G.R.3. Joseph S., in Pensacola, Fla., , 1845. G.R.3. SANDERS, Abbie M., , 1836. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1828. G.R.3. SANDERSON, Eliza Bowen, d. of Henry W. and Eliza, Dec. 31, 1848. Emily T,, , 1822. G.R.3. Henry L., s. of Henry W. and Eliza, 3d day, 4th mo., 1841. Henry W., , 1817. g.r.2. Joseph, , 1841. G.R.3. Lilla, d. of Henry W. and Eliza, Dec. 31, 1848. g.r.2. Mary E., d. of Henry W. and Eliza, Aug. 3, 1843. Rav S., Sept. 29, 1843. G.R.3. Will P., s. of Henry and Eliza, Apr. 14, 1847. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 267 SANDFORD (see Sanford), Joseph H., , 1820. G.R.3. Mary Jane [ ], w. of Joseph H., , 1823. G.R.3. SANDS, Hiram, , 1805. G.R.3. Sarah S., , 1809. G.R.3. SANFORD (see Sandford), Aaron W., Feb. 16, 1810. G.R.3. Albert, June 26, 1825. G.R.3. Hannah Atkins [ ], w. of Aaron W., Sept. 18, 1812. G.R.3. SANGER, Emily E., Jan. i, 1846. G.R.3. Nathan C, , 1845. G.R.3. SARGEANT (see Sargent, Sergent), Nathan, s. of Amos and Alhce of Maiden, bp. Nov. 30, 1817. c.r.i. Susannah, d. of John and Susannah (Chamberlane), bp. Apr. 7, 1745. C.R.I. SARGENT (see Sargeant, Sergent), , d. of Christopher G. and Julia, July i, 1845. Aaron, , 1795. G.R.3. Aaron, , 1822. G.R.3. Caroline M. [ ], w. of George, , 1823. G.R.3. Catherine [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1780. G.R.3. Catherine B., d. of Benj[amin] and Mary Ann, June 10, 1848. Clara C. Board [ ], w. of George, , 1830. G.R.3. Ellen E., d. of Gillman and Mary H., Jan. 14, 1844. Emeline, d. of Aaron and Sarah, , 1835. G.R.3. Emeline Augusta, d. of Aaron and S. Maria, , 1847. G.R.3. Frank J., Capt., , 1828. G.R.3. George, , 182 1. G.R.3. George H., Feb. 6, 1837. G.R.3. George W., , 1832. G.R.3. Isaac, , 1785, G.R.3. Lydia, d. of Nathan and Mary, 25th day, 5th mo., 1744. Otis, s. of Christopher G. and Julia, June i, 1843. Phebe A., s. of Gillman and Mary, 25th day, 12th mo., 1838. S. Maria [ ], w. of Aaron, , 1824. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Nathan and Mary, 12th day, ist mo., 1742. Sarah [ ], w. of Aaron, , 1800. G.R.3. Susan [ 1, w. of , , 1829. G.R.3. Tabatha, d. of Thomas and Tabatha, 3d day, 12th mo., 1745. Theodore P., s. of James B. and Susan E., Nov. 10, 1848. 268 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SAUER, C. Frederick, , 1841. G.R.3. Emma A. [ ], w. of C. Frederick, , 1846. G.R.3. SAUNDERS, Cynthia B. [ ], w. of Fred A., May 14, 1841. G.R.3. Fred A., Nov. 25, 1841. G.R.3. Guilford D., Apr. 25, 1848. G.R.3. Mary R., , 1841. G.R.3. SAVAGE, Abby R., Aug. 2, 1807. G.R.3. Abram M., , 1797. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1834. G.R.3. Apphia C. Merrill [ ], w. of Andrew J., , 1835. G.R.3. Cephas R., July 16, 1820. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. McDonald [ ], w. of Andrew ]., , 1849. G.R.3. Emma H. L., Mar. 16, 1845. G.R.3. Harriet [ ], w. of William P., in Jaffrey, N. H., Aug. 16, 1825. G.R.3. Henry, Oct. 20, 1838. G.R.3. Lucinda [ ], w. of Cephas R., Nov. 5, 1823. G.R.3. Maria, , 1829. G.R.3. Rachel Jane [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1835. G.R.3. Thomas, u.s.n., , 1842. G.R.3. Tho[ma]s L., , 1827. G.R.3. William F., in Norridgewock, Me., , 1840. G.R.3. SAVIL, Ellen L., d. of Asa M. and Sarah A., 9th day, 12th mo., 1841. [Twin.] Sarah A., d. of Asa M. and Sarah A., 9th day, 12th mo., 1841. [Twin.] SAVORY, Mary Ida, d. of Thomas C. and Mary A., Dec. 23, 1849. SAWIN, Charlotte [ ], w. of , Dec. 30, 1806. G.R.3. Charlotte, d. of John and Charlotte, Jan. 20, 1843. Elizabeth Lash, , 1832. G.R.3. Eunice L. [ ], w. of Robert L. Sawin, Jan. 9, 1833. G.R.3. Harriet W. L., d. of John and Charlotte, 26th day, loth mo., 1840. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 269 Sawin, John Travis, , 1837. G.R.3. Mary G., d. of John and Charlotte, Dec. 27, 1844. Samuel D., , 1835. G.R.3. Susan Lash, d. of John and Charlotte, July 21, 1848. SAWTELL, Benjamin W., Mar. 4, 1822. G.R.3. Benjamin W., Jr., , 1845. G.R.3. Harriet E., , 1847. G.R.3. SAWYER, Charlotte, , 18 17. G.R.3. Elizabeth G. [ ], w. of George O., , 1819. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of W[illia]m N., Jan. i, 1802. g.r.2. Frances J., d. of Horace and Sarah H., Sept. 24, 1846. George O., , 1818. G.R.3. George W., s, of Will N. and Ellen, nth day, 9th mo., 1841. Hannah A. [ ], w. of William W., Apr. 14, 1822. G.R.3. Helen G. Johnson [ ], w. of Seth F., , 1840. John P., Nov. 25, 1838. G.R.4. John L., Sept. 18, 1830. G.R.4. Louise M. [ ], w. of Capt. J. W., in Freeport, Me., , 1847. G.R.3. Martha T., d. of W[illia]m N. and Ellen, 22d day, 3d mo., 1839- Mary J. [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. Seth, Jan. 14, 1795. G.R.3. Seth F., , 1829. G.R.3. Susan P. [ ], w. of Seth, Dec. 12, 1807. G.R.3. Walter Scott, s. of Horace A. and Sarah H., Feb. 10, 1849. Weltha B., , 1817. G.R.3. William H., u.s.n., , 1844. G.R.3. W[illia]m N., Jr., Nov. 9, 1832. g.r.2. William W., June 2, 1819. G.R.3. SCANLAN, Martin, , 1836. G.R.3. SCHANZENBECKER, Benedick, May 10, 1837. G.R.3. Caroline [ ], vv. of Benedick, Aug. 10, 1842. G.R.3. SCHEFF (see Schoff, Shuff), , ch. of Cha[rle]s E. and Eliza P., June 5,' 1847. SCHILLER, Catherine J., May 8, 1837. G.R.3. SCHNUCK, Catharine, Mar. 15, 1818. G.R.3. 270 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SCHOFF (see Scheff, Shuff), Ann P. [ ], w. of Charles E., , 1806. G.R.3. Charles Hartwell, s. of Charles E. and Elizabeth, Mar. 20, 1849. Edward N., , 1834. G.R.3. Elizabeth P. [ ], w. of Charles E., Aug. 26, 1808. G.R.3. Emma Adelaide, d. of Frank B. and Ellen Maria, Feb. 7, 1849. SCHUCHHARDT, Herman, , 1834. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of Herman, , 1837. G.R.3. SCHWAAR, Dora [ ], w. of , in Germany, July 26, 1807. G.R.3. SCHWAB, Dora [ ], w. of Auton, July 12, 1830. g.r.2. SCOTT, Daniel B., , 1848. G.R.3. David, , 1837, G.R.3. Elizabeth, b. in Charlestown, Apr. — , 1773. Eliza[beth] French, d. of Eben[eze]r, bp. Oct. 23, 1796. c.R.i. Elizabeth M. [ ], w. of John M., , 1825. G.R.3. George M., , 1839. G.R.3. Harriot, d. of Ebenezer, bp, Apr. 2, 1797. c.R.i. Hattie M. [ ], w. of William, July 10, 1847. G.R.3. John M., , 1822, G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1842. G.R.3. Martha Plaistead, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Dec. 14, 1794. c.R.i. Mary A. [ ], w. of William, , 1837. g.r.2. Nancy, d. of Eben[eze]r, bp. Oct. 23, 1796. c.R.i. Thomas, , 1835, G.R.3. W. Walter, , 1848. G.R.3. William, , 1833. g.r.2. SCOVELL, Osro A., June 6, 1845. G.R.3. SCUGGINS, EUzabeth J. [ ], w. of , Mar. 20, 1830. G.R.3. SEABER, Annie E., , 1847. G.R.3. SEAMAN, Sarah E., d. of Sylvanus P. and Clarissa, Oct. 2.2, 1847. SEARLE (see Searles), Susan F., , 1824. G.R.3. SEARLES (see Searle), Charles F., Jan. i, 1830. G.R.3. Hannah J., Sept. 10, 1832. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 2']\ SEAVER, , ch. of Rev. Horrace and Loisa, Mar. i8, 1846. Abbie W. [ ], w. of William J., June 7, 1848. G.R.3. Eben M., Jan. 14, 1828. G.R.3. James, , 1843. G.R.3. Loisa B. N., d. of Horrace and Loisa, Dec. 9, 1844. Louisa, Oct. 26, 1796. G.R.3. Lucy J. [ ], w. of William F., Sept. 15, 1839. G.R.3. Mary C, , 1839. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of Hammond, Apr. 22, 1813. G.R.3. William J., s. of Hammond and Susan, May 10, 1840. G.R.3. SEAVEY (see Seavy), Adoniram B., Nov. 12, 1824. G.R.3. Albert, , 1841. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1843. ^-R-v^- Harriet [ ], w. of Moses, Feb. 25, 1808. G.R.3. J. Frank, , 1837. G.R.3. Lydia A., , 1838. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w. of Adoniram B., May 17, 1826. G.R.3. Moses, May 12, 1803. G.R.3. SEAVY (see Seavey), Anna E. F., d. of Amos and Eliza J., June 9, 1847. Letta Amelia, d. of Amos and Eliza T., Apr. 16, 1844. SECCOMBE, Thomas, June — , 1839. G.R.3. SEDGWICK, C. J. [ ], w. of , May 17, 1834. G.R.3. SEELY, William D., , 1826. G.R.3. SEIBERLISH, Frank B., , 1832. G.R.3. Mary C. [ ], w. of Frank B., , 1841. G.R.3. SELLON, Marietta, Oct. 10, 1848. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Samuel H., Aug. 19, 1813. G.R.3. Samuel H., May 24, 1801. G.R.3. SENDLER, Auguste [ ], w. of , , 1846. G.R.3. SERGENT (see Sargeant, Sargent), , d. of David and Anna, 4th day, ist mo., 1779. Benjamin, s. of Samuel and Lois, 19th day, ist mo., 1755. Daniel, s. of Samuel and Lois, 7th day, 2d mo., 1757. 272 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Sergent, Deborah, d. of Nathan and Mary, 29th day, 5th mo., 1747- Elizabeth, d. of Nathan and EHzabeth, 13th day, 6th mo., 1757. Lois, d. of Samuel and Lois, 23d day, ist mo., 1754. Lois, d. of Benja[min] and Sarah, 15th day, ist mo., 1795. Mary, d. of David and Mary, 13th day, ist mo., 1781. Samuel, s. of Nathan and Mary, 27th day, lOth mo., 1749. Samuel, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, 25th day, 12th mo., 1758. Silas, s. of Ebenezer and Huldah, ist day, 3d mo., 1779. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Tabatha, 4th day, 3d mo., 1747. SEVERANCE, Anna P., d. of Cha[rle]s and Charlotte, Aug. 7, 1846. Charles, Jan. 23, 1818. G.R.3. Clara H. [ ], w. of Charles, Aug. 31, 1834. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of Sargent P., , 1825. G.R.3. SEWARD, Lydia S. [ ], w. of Samuel, June 30, 1835. G.R.3. Mary P., d. of Thomas and Martha A., 14th day, 4th mo., 1841. Samuel, June 29, 1830. G.R.3. SEXTON, Alice, June 23, 1835. G.R.3. Hannah Blanchard [ ], w. of John M., Apr. 28, 1803. G.R.3. John B., , 1837. G.R.3. John M., Apr. 21, 1799. G.R.3. SHACKLY, Daniel, s. of Jeremiah and Catherine, Jan. — , 1847. SHANECK, Henry P., Aug. 19, 1848. G.R.3. SHANKLIN, Elizabeth M. [ ], w. of Thomas G., , 1835. G.R.3. Thomas G., , 1833. G.R.3. SHANLEY (see Shanly), Catharine, d. of Thomas and Catharine, Apr. 14, 1844. Cha[rle]s, s. of Thofma]s and Catherine, July 22, 1847. John, s. of Tho[ma]s and Catharine, Dec. 28, 1845. SHANLY (see Shanley), Margaret, d. of Thomas and Cather- ine, Aug. 3, 1842. SHANNON, Henry F., Dec. 29, 181 1. G.R.3. Mary M. [ ], w. of Henry P., May 16, 1815. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 273 SHAPLEIGH, James G., Dec. 6, 1829. G.R.3. Mary E., Dec. 15, 1838. G.R.3. SHARP (see Sharpe), David, Nov. 9, 1828. G.R.3. Eliz[abe]th, d. of Sam[ue]l J. and Rebecca, Aug. -. i«47- Esther A f ], w. of Henry A. Sr., Sept. 27, 1826. G.R.3. Frances Anna [ ], w. of David, Mar. 27, 1828. G.R.3. Henry A., , 1828. G.R.3. Jane, , 1849. G.R.3. SHARPE (see Sharp), Emma Beal, Jan. 21, 1846. G.R.4. SHATTUCK, George, , 1835. G.R.4. SHAW, Catherine A., Dec. 24, 1822. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1825. G.R.3. EHza T., , 1825. G.R.3. Frank F., , 1847. G.R.3. George H. C, , 1831. G.R.3. Laurette F. [ ], w. of George H. C, , i«35- G.R.3. Lydia [ ], w. of Charles L., , 1826. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1825. G.R.3. Maria [ 1, w. of , , 1839- G.R.3. Mary F., d. of Cha[rlels S. and Pamelia, Mar. 12, 1846. Mary L., Apr. 4, 1845. G.R.3. Mary S., , 1833. G.R.3. Oliver L., , 1827. G.R.3. Robert, , 1839. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1827. G.R.3. SHEDD, Eveline, , 1810. G.R.3. Sophia A. Burgess [ ], w. of Thomas Augustus, Sept. 26, 1838. G.R.3. Thomas Augustus, Nov. 14, 1822. G.R.3. William M., , 1810. G.R.3. SHEERIN, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Grace S., Feb. 28, 1847. SHEFFIELD, Eliza J. S. [ ] , w. of Monroe E., Sept. 27, 1845. G.R.3. SHEPARD, Angeline M., , 1836. G.R.2. Charles D., , 1827. G.R.3. Cynthia B. Godwin [ ], w. of George F., , 1829. G.R.3. 274 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Shepard, George F., , 1827. G.R.3, Sarah M. Metcalf [ ], w. of George F., , 1843. G.R.3. SHEPARDSON, Jarvis C., Dec. 7, 1822. G.R.3. SHERBURNE, Charles Henry, June i, 1840. G.R.3. Sarah Elizabeth Brown [ ], w. of Charles Henry, Aug. 20, 1842. G.R.3. Sarah J., Aug. 28, 1831. G.R.3. SHERIDAN, Joseph, , 1840. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1837. G.R.3. SHERRIFFS, William D., in Aberdeen, Scot., , 1813. G.R.3, SHERMAN, Edward Lowell, June 16, 1833. G.R.3. Elisha, May i, 1817. G.R.3. Joseph W., Mar. 24, 1824. G.R.3. Maria A. [ ], w. of J. H., Apr. 17, 1830. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Thomas, Nov. 12, 181 1. G.R.3. Olive Ann [ ], w. of Aaron, May 26, 1818. G.R.3, Susie, , 1842. G.R.3. Thomas, Aug. 30, 1807. G.R.3. SHERWIN, Joseph, Sept. 26, 1813. G.R.3. Lydia K. [ ], w. of Dea. Joseph, Mar. 2.2, 181 5. G.R.3. SHILLABER, Benjamin P., Apr. 18, 1843. G.R.3. Benjamin Penhallow, July 12, 1814. G.R.3. Carohne W., Mar. 25, 1845, G.R.3. Louis Ira, Dec. 25, 1849. g,r.3. SHORT, Michael, s. of Owen and Rosina, Nov. 7, 1846. SHOVE, Augustus J., , 1827. G.R.3. Martha G., , 1828. G.R.3. SHUFF (see Scheff, Schoff), Isabella, d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Ann P., Dec. 8, 1842. Mojiana H., d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Anna S., 26th day, 9tli mo., 1 84 1. SHUGROW, Jerry, s. of Jerry and Catherine, both b. in Ire- land, Dec. 15, 1849. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 275 SHURTLEFF, Josiah B., , 1838. g,r.3. Mary J. Hall [ ], w. of Josiah B., , 1848. G.R.3. SHUTE, Benja[min], s. of Benja[min] and Eliza[beth], bp. Oct. 18, 1761. C.R.I. David, s. of Richard and Mary, 25th day, ist mo., 1771. Dorathy, d. of Benjamin and Eliza [bet] h, nth day, ist mo., 1764. Elizabeth, d. of Benj[ami]n and Eliza [beth], bp. Apr. 20, 1760. C.R.I. George H., s. of Henry and Tabitha, Mar. 21, 1829. G.R.3. Henry, Jan. 2^, 1805. G.R.3. John, Alar. 29, 1810. G.R.3. Michael H., June 18. 1827. G.R.3. Polly, d. of Benj[ami]n and Polly, bp. Oct. 2, 1791. c.R.i. Priscilla A., , 1816. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Benja[min] and Eliza[beth], bp. Nov. 17, 1765. C.R.I. Sarah, d. of Richard and Mary, 26th day, 4th mo., 1769. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Michael H., July 29, 1832. G.R.3. Tabitha [ ], w. of Henry, Dec. 26, 1805. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Benja[min] and EHza[beth], bp. July 8, 1770. C.R.I. SIAS, Horace, , 1843. G.R.3. SIBLEY, Ann M., Aug. 24. 1819. G.R.3. Arthur, s. of Stephen and Anna, 9th day, 4th mo., 1840. Catherine A., d. of Cha[rle]s and Catherine, 8th day, 4th mo., 1841. Charles Alonzo, s. of Charles and Catherine, July 12, 1848. Edwin, s. of Stephen and Anna, Feb. 17, 1844. Frank T.. s. of Stephen and Anna, June 7. 1842. James B., s. of Cha[rle]s and Catherine, Dec. 29, 1842. Mary I. Williams [ ], \v. of Solomon, , 1823. G.R.3. Mary L., d. of Cha[rle]s and Catharine, Feb. 5, 1845. Nelson H., s. of Cha[rle]s and Catherine, 28th dav, 9th mo., 1838. Solomon, , 1823. G.R.3. SIDRICK, Abbie C, Jan. 11, 1839. G.R.3. George D., May 10, 1836. G.R.3. SIEMONS, Mary H., d. of Harm and Mary J., Apr. 8, 1845. 276 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SILLON, Henry B., , 1841. G.R.3. Sarah Prince [ ], w. of Henry B., , i343. G.R.3. SILOWAY, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary J., Apr. 22, 1848. SIME, Wilham W., , 1833. G.R.3. SIMINGTON, J. E., Jan. 25, 1820. G.R.3. SIMMONS, Catharine A. [ ], w. of Charles A., , 1836. G.R.3. Charles A., , 1830. G.R.3. Henry W., June 20, 1824. G.R.3. Maria R. [ ], w. of Henry W., June 20, 1830. g,r.3. Martha L. [ ], w. of W. A., Oct. 5, 1843. G.R.3. Mary K. Bramhall [ ], w. of William, . 1838. G.R.3. Susan E. [ ], w. of Capt. Charles, , 1833. G.R.3. William A., , 1830. G.R.3. SIMONDS, Calvin, June 30, 1807. G.R.3. Calvin, Mar. 21, 1847. G.R.3. Louisa A., Jan. 9, 1820. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Calvin, Apr. 14, 1813. G.R.3. T. Greenleaf, Aug. 31, 1843. G.R.3. SIMONS, Francis A., , 1838. G.R.3. Wilham F., May 5, 1842. G.R.3. SIMPSON, Alphonso, s. of James and Lydia, May 17, 1843. Frances H., , 1845. G.R.3. George W., , 1846. G.R.3. James, Capt., , 1804. G.R.3. John H,, , 1841. G.R.3. John S., s. of James and Lydia, 6th day, ist mo., 1842. Joseph, May 17, 1824. G.R.3. Lydia [ ], w. of Capt. James, , 1812. G.R.3. Martha M. [ ], w. of Joseph, Feb. 4, 1825. G.R.3. Medora J., d. of James and Lydia, Nov. 7, 1847. Thomas, , 1845. G.R.3. SINCLAIR, James, , 1842. G.R.3. Janet, , 181 5. G.R.3. Lillias [ J, w. of James, , 1843. G.R.3. J CHELSEA BIRTHS. 277 SKELTON (see Skilton), Caroline Curtis [ ], w. of George, Nov. 29, 1812. G.R.3. George, May 12, 1812. G.R.3. SKILTON, (see Skelton), Samuel Putnam, , 1839. G.R.3. SKINNER, Abraham, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 20, 1719. c.r.i. Abraham, s. of Abraham, bp. Sept. o.'j, 1719. c.r.i. Benjamin, s. of Thomas, bp. Nov. 8, 1719. c.r.i. Isaac, s. of Abraham, bp. Oct. 20, 1723. c.r.i. John, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 20, 1719. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 20, 1719. c.r.i. Thomas, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 20, 1719. c.r.i. William, s. of Abraham, bp. Nov. 13, 1720. c.r.i. SLACK, Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 19th day, 8th mo., 1745. (Elizabeth, d. of wid. Sarah, bp. Dec. 29, 1745, C.R.I.) Martha, , 1847. G.R.3. SLADE, Alia F., d. of Levi and Eliz[abe]th, June 19, 1846. Almira P., Dec. 21, 1820. G.R.3. Ann M., d. of Henry and Caroline, May 6, 1843. Anna J. (Annie Jeanette, G.R.3), d. of David and Eliza W., Mar. 2, 1847 (w. of Henry Dillingham, G.R.3). Anna Maria [ ], w. of William J., , 1819. G.R.3. Calvin, Aug. 21, 1818. G.R.3. Carohne E., , 1816. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Henry and Sarah, 4th day, 3d mo., 18 16. David B., s. of Henry and Sarah, 13th day, 4th mo., 1819. Eliza Jane, d. of Henry and Sarah, 24th day, 9th mo., 1820. Elizabeth W. Whitaker [ ], w. of David, Aug. 26, 1826. G.R.3. Ellen A., d. of Levi and Eliz[abet]h, June 29, 1843. Ellen M. [ ], w. of George P., June 29, 1839. G.R.3. Fanny Elizabeth [ ], w. of Foster, June 17, 1826. G.R.3. Foster, Oct. 17, 1821. G.R.3. Gustavus Adolphus, only s. of David and Elizabeth W., July 13, 1849. G.R.3. Henrietta G., July 22, 1833. G.R.3. Henry (s. of John and Hannah, c.r.i), Aug. 14, 1791. G.R.3. Henry, s. of Henry and Sarah, 7th day, loth mo., 1814. Isaac, s. of John and Hannah, bp. Oct. 4, 1789. c.r.i. John, Capt., , 1780. G.R.3. Leroy S., Feb. 13, 1828. G.R.3. 278 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Slade, Levi, Apr. 17, 1822. G.R.3. Lewis B., s. of Henry and Sarah, loth day, 4th mo., 1822. Lucy, d. of John and Hannah, bp. Oct. 4, 1789. c.r.i. Lydia Sweetser, d. of Henry and Sarah, 27th day, 6th mo., 1826. Mary Ann [ ], w. of William J., , 1810. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Henry and Caroline E., 4th day, 6th mo., 1840. Polly Jennings [ ], w. of Capt. John, , 1786. G.R.3. Sally, May 30, 1795. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Henry and Sarah, 15th day, 5th mo., 181 7. William J., , 1807. G.R.3. SLADER, Frederic, s. of George and Sarah, July i, 1844. George Reed, in London, Eng., June 4, 1815. G.R.3. George W., Feb. 22, 1840. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of George Reed, in Worthing, Eng., Apr. 19, 1808. G.R.3. Thomas A., s. of George and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1845. SLASON, W[illia]m N., Rev., Feb. 26, 1809. G.R.3. SLOAN, John, Feb. 2, 1846. Native of Scotland. G.R.3. Robert, Sept. 27, 1841. G.R.3. SLOCUM, Anna Harris [ ], w. of George E., , 1822. G.R.3. George E., , 1823. G.R.3. SLY (see Slye), Julia Edmands [ ], w. of Maaziah, July 15, 1823. G.R.3. Maaziah, , 1821. G.R.3. SLYE (see Sly), Edward Payson, , 1844. G.R.3. SMALL, Albion P., Aug. 29, 1844. G.R.3. Aratus, Apr. 11, 1847. G.R.3. Benjamin G., , 1830. G.R.3. Charles A., , 1837. G.R.3. George D., Jan. 22, 1842. G.R.3. Helen M. [ ], w. of Benjamin G., , 1835. G.R.3. Henrietta M. [ ], w. of Capt. James M., Mar. 12, 1841. G.R.3. Hulda H., July — , 1838. G.R.3. James M., Capt., Aug. 24, 1825. G.R.3. Warren J., Aug. — , 1837. G.R.3. William H., , 1838. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 279 SMALLCORN, Eunice Elizabeth 28, 1813. G.R.3. Robert, July 14, 1809. G.R.3. -], w. of Robert, May -], w. of Geo[rge] D., SMART, Louisa B G.R.3. SMITH, Abigail K. [ ], w. G.R.3. Adelaide F. (Adelaide Frances, c.r.i), d 1820. of O. H. P., May 30, 1828. of Edward K. and Sussanna, i8th day, loth mo., 1833. Angelina, d. of Edward K. and Sussanna, 5th mo., 1830. Ann Maria [ ], w. of , Oct. 30, 1833. g-R-3- Anna [ ], w. of Capt. J. W., , 1836. G.R.3. Annie P. [ ], w. of , , 1848. G.R.3. Asa, , 1816. G.R.3. Belinda N. [ ], w, of Gilbert, , 1841. G.R.3. Caleb Harding, Mar. 4, 1824. G.R.3. Caroline L., d. of David W. and Sarah A., Aug. 17, 1842. Catherine Paine [ ], w. of John Wesley, in Thomaston, June 27, 1824. G.R.3. Celia, d. of Charles and Harriet, Aug. 3, 1849. Charles H., s. of David W. and Sarah A., Mar. 9, 1845. Charles True, s. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1848. G.R.3. Charlotte Ann [ ], w. of Daniel, July 25, 1802. g.r.2. Charlotte M., , 1833. G.R.3. Charlotte T., in Surry, Me., June 8, 1807. G.R.3. Christopher R., s. of Charles and Harriet C, Mar. 2, 1845. , 1847. G.R.3. — ], w. of James, Dec. 7, 1819. G.R.3. 1825. G.R.3. , of Maiden, bp. Feb. 20, 1785. , 1846. G.R.3. , s. of Edward K. and Susan, i8th day, 8th mo., s. of Edw[ar]d K. and Susan, 29th day, 4th mo., Clement W Deborah A. [ E. Warren, - Ebenezer, s. of Capt. C.R.I. Edward F., Ed[wa]rd K 1826. Edward K., 1840. Edward P., Feb. 15, 1840. G.R.3. Edwin, Rev., Mar. 8, 1836. G.R.3. Elijah W., , 1831. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1836. G.R.3. Eliza, d. of Samuel and Anna, Dec. 23 Eliza A. Loring [ ], w. of T. H., — Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of William H., 1844. — , 1814. G.R.3. -, 1816. G.R.3. 28o CHELSEA BIRTHS. Smith, Elizabeth N. [ ], w. of Henry A., , 1844. G.R.3. Ellen, , 1794. Native of Perthshire, Scot. G.R.3. Elsie J. [ ], w. of Thomas E., , 1834. G.R.3. Emma Jane, d. of Jacob A. and Harriet B., Jan. 13, 1841. G.R.3. Enoch M., , 1843. G.R.3. Ephraim, Jan. 10, 1841. G.R.3. Eunice [ ], w. of Oliver, , 181 1. G.R.3. Flora, Jan. 8, 1834. G.R.3. Frank R., June 7, 1847. G.R.3. Freeman A., , 1826. G.R.3. George D. V., Sept. 8, 1836. G.R.3. George M., Oct. 29, 1828. G.R.3. George W., Feb. 15, 1828. G.R.3. George W., , 1835. G.R.3. George W., , 1840. G.R.3. Gilbert F., , 1830. G.R.3. H. Vincent, July 25, 1840. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Silas and Sarah, of Point Shirley, bp. June 4, 1774. C.R.I. Hannah M. [ ], w. of George W., , 1835. G.R.3. Harriet A., July 28, 1844. G.R.3. Harriet A., d. of Horace E. and Martha A., Sept. 6, 1849. Harriet B. [ ], w. of Jacob A., July 12, 1798. G.R.3. Harriet B. P., d. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1846. G.R.3. Harriet L. [ ], w. of Capt. Cha[rle]s T., , 1822. Haskell B., , 1827. G.R.3. Henry, in England, Nov. 16, 1837. G.R.3. Henry A., Oct. 11, 1821. g.r.2. Henry A., , 1837. G.R.3. Hiram D., Nov. 19, 1827. G.R.3. Horatio, , 1834. G.R.3. Imogene, d. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1846. G.R.3. Isabella [ ], w. of William, Nov. 29, 1823. G.R.3. J. B., , 1809. G.R.3. J. W., Capt., , 1827. G.R.3. Jacob A., Apr. 22, 1805. G.R.3. James, July 281, 1814. G.R.3. James P., Sept. 18, 1849. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1835. G.R.3. Jane E. [ ], w. of John G., May 12, 1830. G.R.3. John, Jr., May 2, 1812. G.R.3. John, Oct. 26, 1846. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 281 Smith, John, , 1847. G.R.3. John C., s. of John C. and Eliz[abet]h M., 17th day, 4th mo., 1840. John G., May 18, 1831. G.R.3. John Wesley, in Truro, Aug. 22, 1822. G.R.3. Joseph, Apr. 16, 1815. G.R.3. Joseph N., Apr. 24, 1798. G.R.3. Josiah C, , 1834. G.R.3. Josie [ ], w. of James P., Aug. 30, 1846. G.R.3. Lavinia E. [ ], w. of , Apr. 3, 1816. G.R.3. Leonard F., , 1827. G.R.3. Lodicea H., , 1828. G.R.3. Lois [ ], w. of John, Dec. 26, 1781. G.R.3. Lucy L. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1800. G.R.3. M. Allen, , 1836. G.R.3. Maggie A., Nov. 24, 1843. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1815. G.R.3. Margaret [ ], w. of Henry, in England, Nov. 26, 1840. G.R.3. Maria T., , 1839. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Stephen, May 25, 1796. g.r.2. Mary A., Oct. 25, 1829. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Joseph B., Jan. 13, 1842. G.R.3. Mary C. [ ], w. of John, Jr., Jvdy 20, 181 1. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Freeman A., , 1832. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of John C. and E. M., 26th day, 2d mo., 1839. Mary E. [ ], w. of Edward F., , 1841. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth [ ], w. of WilUam H., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary F., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary L., d. of Charles and Harriet, Apr. 16, 1847. Mary P., [ ], w. of Joseph N., June 20, 1816. G.R.3. Melissa A. Kent [ ], w. of Leonard F., , 1831. G.R.3. Nancy M. [ ], w. of Freeman A., , 182 1. G.R.3. O. H. P., July 8, 1824. G.R.3. Oliver, , 1803. G.R.3. Owen J., , 1848. G.R.3. Patrick John, s. of Matthew and Rosa, Apr. 29, 1849. Phebe W. [ ], w. of Asa, , 1823. G.R.3. Robert L., , 1844. G.R.3. Rosetta S. [ ], w. of Enoch M., , 1844. G.R.3. Ruth Wilmarth [ ], w. of Frank L., Feb. 23, 1848. G.R.3. Sally Pickering [ ], w. of J. B., , 1810. G.R.3. Samuel, in Biddeford, Me., Jan. 5, 1818. G.R.3. Samuel A., Aug. 18, 1832. G.R.3. 282 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Smith, Sarah, d. of Silas and Sarah, bp., Sept. 7, 1766. c.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. of James, , 1838. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Samuel A., Aug. 2, 1840. G.R.3. Sarah D. [ ], w. of George D. V., Aug. 15, 1840. G.R.3. Sarah Floyd [ ], w. of Gilbert F., , 1831. G.R.3. Sarah Paige, in Weathersfield, Vt., , 1837. G.R.4. Stephen, Jan. 8, 1798. g.r.2. Sussan (Susan Joanna, c.r.i), d. of Ed[war]d K. and Sussan, loth day, 3d mo., 1828. T. H., , 1817. G.R.3. Theodotia W. [ ], w. of Samuel, in Wells, Me., Jan. 13, 1818. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1836. G.R.3. Thomas E., Dec. 25, 1832. G.R.3. W. T., , 1842. G.R.3. Warren F., , 1831. G.R.3. William, s. of Silas and Sarah, bp. Sept. 7, 1766. c.r.i. William, Feb. 29, 1824. G.R.3. William B., , 1832. G.R.3. W[illia]m D., , 1838. G.R.3. William H., , 1816. G.R.3. William H., Mar, 24, 1828. G.R.3. SMYTH, Edwin R., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary S. [ ], w. of Edwin R., , 1835. G.R.3. SNAITH, Abby F. Crocker [ ], w. of George S., Aug. 19, 1835. G.R.3. Richard Temple, , 1810. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Richard Temple, , 1810. G.R.3. SNELLING, Christopher F., Feb. 14, 1846. G.R.3. Joseph, June 21, 1816. G.R.3. Lucy A., d. of William J. and Lucy, Aug. 29, 1849. Mary F., d. of WilHam and Lucy, Mar. 14, 1848. SNOW, Abigail [ ], w. of , Sept. 25, 1803. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of John E., , 1833. G.R.3. Elizabeth C. [ ], w. of Benjamin F., Dec. 28, 1809. G.R.3. Elva A. Richmond [ ], w. of Walter H., , 1849. G.R.3. Franklin D., , 1829. G.R.3. George W., s. of Zenas and Temperance, 31st day, loth mo., 1837. Hannah [ ], w. of George, in Weymouth, Aug. 28, 1816. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 283 Snow, Hannah Jane, , 1823. G.R.3. Harriet N.Horton[ ],w. of Franklin D., , 1831. G.R.3. James A., s. of Zenas and Temperance, Mar. 28, 1844. Joel, , 1814. G.R.3. Louise O., , 1835. G.R.3. Mar>' Ella, d. of Robert K. and Mary, June 27, 1848. Mary Frances, , 1833. G.R.3. Mary Taylor, , 1824. G.R.3. Robert Knowles, , 1823. G.R.3. Sarah D., , 1846. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Joel, , 1826. G.R.3. Susan [ ], w. of Eugene A., Aug. 31, 1849. G.R.3. Temperance, , 1802. G.R.3. Will A., s. of Zenas and Temperance, 15th day, 4th mo., 1839. William Franklin, Rev., in Boston, Dec. 13, 1838. G.R.3. Zenas, , 1800. G.R.3. SODERSTROM, Matilda, Sept. 22, 1843. G.R.3. SOLBERY, Charles J., in Christiana, Norway, June 10, 1826. G.R.3. SOLEY, John, Apr. 30, 1841. G.R.3. SOMERBY, Augustus T., in Ellsworth, Me., July 4, 1840. G.R.3. SOMES, , ch. of Kiah B. and Cinderella T., Aug. — , 1845. Bom in Upper Chelsea. A. Arabella, Aug. 31, 1847. G.R.3. Cinderella Tamson Perkins [ ], w. of Kiah Bailey, Apr. 21, 1819. G.R.3. EHz[abet]h A., d. of Kiah B. and Cinderella T., Jan. 8, 1843. Etta A., ,1842. G.R.3. Joseph M., , 1827. G.R.3. OHve H. [ ], w. of Joseph M., , 1832. G.R.3. SOPER, Cathcrina Eleanor [ ], w. of John R., in London, Eng., , 1837. G.R.3. SORENSEN, Ane Catherine [ ], w. of Niels P., Dec. 8, 1848. G.R.3. SOUBRA, Cecila E., d. of Benj[amin] A. and Rebecca C, Oct. 2^, 1846. 284 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SOULE, Catherine D. [ ], w. of Virgil M., Mar. 15, 1834. G.R.3. Eliza M. Henderson [ ], w. of Dr. Horatio S., , 1826, G.R.4. Horatio S., Dr., , 1823. G.R.4. James A., s. of James M. and Mary E., 22d day, ist mo., 1838. James A., s. of James M. and Mary E., 19th day, 8th mo., 1839. Lucy H., , 1823. G.R.3. Sarah S. C, d. of James M. and Mary E., Oct. 2, 1842. Thomas H., s. of James M. and Sarah H., Jan. 7, 1846. SOUTHACK, Anna J., d. of Francis and Maria, Mar. 17, 1825. G.R.3. SOUTHER, Caroline A. M. [ ], w. of Edward, Aug. 24, 1826. G.R.3. Edward, Sept, 28, 1828. G.R.3. Hannah H., [ ], w. of Joseph, Aug. 3, 1796. G.R.3. Henry, Mar. 5, 1826. G.R.3. Joseph, Apr. 24, 1797. G.R.3. Joseph L,, s. of Joseph and Hannah J., July 19, 1849. Letitia, Sept. 6, 1830. G.R.3. Mary Ellen, Jan. 10, 183 1. G.R.3. SOUTHWICK, Charles Jacob, , 1849. G.R.3. SPADE, Charles Edwin, , 1834. G.R.3. Margaret C, Norris [ ], w. of Charles Edwin, , 1840. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of William and Mary, 26th day, 8th mo., 1839. William, s. of William and Mary, 3d day, nth mo., 1840. SPARE, J. Bayard, Aug. 22, 1815. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of J. Bayard, Apr. 5, 1815. G.R.3. SPARHAWK, George, May 22, 1820. G.R.3. N. Semantha [ ], w. of George H., Nov. 28, 1840. G.R.3. Rebecca Freebody [ ], w. of George, July 30, 1818. G.R.3. SPARKS, Julia [ ], w. of , , 1837. G.R.3. SPARROW, Freelove [ ], w. of Henry N., , 1826. G.R.3. Henry N., , 1832. G.R.3. SPAULDING, A. J., , 1838. G.R.3. S. Charles, , 1843. G.R.3. Sarah J., Sept. 19, 1846. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 285 SPAVIN, Caroline E., d. of Robert and , [prob. 1840]. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Robert, , 1812. G.R.3. Robert, , 1808. G.R.3. Robert, , 1834. G.R.3. SPEAR, Amaretta J. [ ], w. of Albert, Mar. 3, 1831. G.R.3. Susan Emma, , 1845. G.R.3. SPEIERS, George, Mar. 17, 1838. G.R.3. SPENCER, Henry A., , 1847. G.R.3. SPENSE, Emily D. [ ], w. of James M., , 1834. G.R.3. James M., , 1828. G.R.3. SPILLER, Christiana, , 1843. G.R.3. Frances Emily [ ], w. of Frederick M., Jan. 12, 1849. G.R.3. Frederick M., Apr. 15, 1845. G.R.3. Sarah W., , 1821. G.R.3. SPINNEY, Laura A., d. of Leonard and Martha E., July — , 1840. G.R.3. SPITTLE, Robert C, , 1829. G.R.3. SPOFFORD, Abijah P., , 1819. G.R.3. Almira [ ], w. of Abijah P., , 1816. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Abijah, , 1836. G.R.3. SPOONER, Daniel, June 24, 1810. g.r.2. Eliza T., , 1827. G.R.3 Maria A., d. of David and Adaline, Jan. — , 1847. SPOOR, Albert E., s. of Elijah and Sarah A., 13th day, 12th mo., 1840. Charlotte C, d. of Frederic and Rachail, Mar. 25, 1845. Charlotte Frances, d. of Frederic and Rachel, May 29, 1849. Eugene R., s. of Elijah and Sarah A., 29th day, 5th mo., 1839. Mary F., d. of Frederic and Rachel, Feb. 6, 1847. SPRAGUE, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, of Maiden, bp. Sept. 20, I719. C.R.I. Rachel, d. of Samuel and Rachel, 19th day, 9th mo., 1756. Rufus W., Nov. 15, 1820. G.R.3. Susan O., Aug. 5, 1821. G.R.3. Susan W. [ ], w. of Leonard, , 1836. G.R.3. 286 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SPRATT, James, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary Longfellow [ ], w. of James, , 1837, G.R.3. SPRINGER, , ch. of John S. and Lydia R., Feb. 22, 1842. SPROUL (see Sproiile), Charles Henry, s. of William and Jane, May 25, 1849. Born in Bulton, N. J. Jane, , 1835. G.R.3. John R., , 1840. G.R.3. SPROULE (see Sproul), Charles, , 1834. G.R.3. Elizabeth Ann, June 10, 1820. G.R.3. EHzabeth Foster [ ], w. of Charles, , 1834. G.R.3. SPURR, Lydia, d. of Joseph and Meriam, bp. Apr. 15, 1770. C.R.I. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Meriam, bp. Jtdy 2, 1767. c.r.i. William, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 17, 1765. c.r.i. SQUIRE, Jane G. C, July 13, 1829. G.R.3. Joseph, Dec. 24, 1822. G.R.3. Lodemia B. [ ], w. of Daniel P., in Suffield, Conn., June 9, 1814. G.R.3. Moses Parker, in Weathersfield, Vt., Dec. 4, 1820. G.R.3. STACEY, Benjamin F., , 1834. G.R.3. Emily A. Dodge [ ], w. of Benjamin F., , 1839. G.R.3. STANIEL (see Staniels), Edward C. D., s. of Carpenter and Sarah, 29th day, 8th mo., 1823. (Edward Carpenter, bp. Oct. 19, 1823. C.R.I.) George Carpenter, s. of Carpenter and Han[na]h, 6th day, nth mo., 1826. STANIELS (see Staniel), Abba F. (Abby Frances, c.r.i), d. of Carpenter and Hannah, 19th day, ist mo., 1832. Charles Edward, s. of Carpenter and Sarah, bp. Dec. i, 1822. C.R.I. Horatio Alger, s. of Carpenter and Hannah, bp. Aug. 11, 1839. C.R.I. John S. (John Stephen, c.r.i), s. of Carpenter and Hannah, 24th day, i2thmo., 1827. Mary H. (Mary Hannah, c.r.i), d. of Carpenter and Hannah, nth mo., 1833. Sarah Adams, d. of Carpenter and late S., bp. Mar. 29, 1825. C.R.I. Susan A. (Susan Ann, c.r.i), d. of Carpenter and Hannah, 23d day, loth mo., 1829. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 287 STANLEY, D. Nelson, Sept. 19, 1828. G.R.3. STANTON, Ann Matilda, d. of George and Elizabeth, both b. in England, Mar. 15, 1849. Bom in Wednesbury, Eng. Knight P., s. of Knight and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1842. STANWOOD, Frances J. [ ], w. of William, , 1838. G.R.3. George, May — , 1818. G.R.3. Susan A. [ ], w. of W[illia]m E., , 1818. G.R.3. William, , 1826. G.R.3. STANYAN, Harriet J., , 1827. g.r.2. Newell, , 1825. g.r.2. STAPLES, Abigail S. [ ], w. of William C, , 1820. G.R.3. Jane A. [ ], w. of William P., Sept. 14, 1835. G.R.3. William C., , 1823. G.R.3. William P., Jan. 28, 1835. G.R.3, STARBIRD, George M., Apr. 27, 1833. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of George M., Jan. 30, 1838. G.R.3. STARKWEATHER, Charles B., , 1814. G.R.3. Comfort M. H. [ ], w. of Charles B., , 1814. G.R.3. STEARNS, Charlotte [ ], w. of Hiram N., May 23, 1833. G.R.3. Clara E. [ ], w. of Thomas H. E., , 1830. G.R.3. Edward P., June 8, 1844. G.R.3. Harry P., youngest s. of Charles H. and Sarah P., , 1847. G.R.3. Hiram N., July 15, 1828. G.R.3. Horace, Oct. 25, 1800. G.R.3. Isaac R., s. of Charles H. and Sarah P., , 1842. G.R.3. Joseph G., s. of Joseph G. and Mary E. T., Jvdy 4, 1846. Martha, d. of Geo[rge] C. and Marsha, June 12, 1843. Mary E. Clark [ ], w. of Philip Payson, Apr. 4, 1816. G.R.3. Philip Payson, Feb. 27, 1815. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Tho[mas], Aug. — , 1775. g.r.2. Sarah B., , 1843. G.R.3. Sophia M., Apr. 11, 1806. G.R.3. Thomas H. E., , 1829. G.R.3. 288 CHELSEA BIRTHS. STEBBENS (see Stebbins), Amelia A., d. of Isaac and Mary A., Nov. II, 1845. STEBBINS (see Stebbens), Harriet Ann, Nov. 2, 1848. Found- ling. Isaac, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary Augusta [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1822. G.R.3. Rebecca, , 1774. G.R.3. STEDMAN, Frederick W., , 1848. G.R.3. STENBERY, Catharine Sophie [ ], w. of John, Jan. 5, 1828. G.R.3. STEPHENS (see Stevens), Stephen G., Dec. 4, 1844. G.R.3. STEPHENTON, William, s. of Benjamin and Rebecca, both b. in Ireland, May 27, 1849. STETSON, Catharine H., , 181 7. G.R.3. Elizabeth A., July 2, 1828. G.R.3. Ellen M., , 1840. G.R.3. George H., , 1837. G.R.3. Susan R., , 1837. G.R.3. William J., , 1814. G.R.3. William J., Jr., , 1846. G.R.3. STEVENS (see Stephens), Albert A., Jan. 26, 1841. G.R.3. Benjamin F., Aug. 3, 1839. G.R.3. Cha[rle]s F., , 1826. G.R.3. Edwin, Sept. 16, 1825. G.R.3. Emeline N., , 1808. G.R.3. Emily E., d. of Abel and Margaret, i6th day, ist mo., 1842. Evelina A., June 18, 1843. G.R.3. Evelyn [ ], w. of Cha[rle]s F., , 1823. G.R.3. Hannah K., Jan. 23, 1830. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of Benjamin F., Oct. 15, 1849. G.R.3. Lizzie [ ], w. of Silas M., Apr. 2, 1845. G.R.3. Martha [ ], w. of John S., July 4, 1825. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth [ ], w. of Edwin, May 30, 183 1. G.R.3. Simeon, , 1821. G.R.3. Thomas Joseph, , 1836. G.R.3. STEVENSON, Charles E., , 1833. G.R.4. Ellen Eveline [ ], w. of John, , 1838. G.R.4. STEVNES, Eugenia A., Aug. 29, 1843. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 289 STEWART (see Stuart), Adam, Dr., , 1776. g.r.2. Adam, , 1827. g.r.2. Caroline W., , 1840. G.R.3. Charles, , 1830. g.r.2. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Dr. Adam, , 1800. g.r.2. Elizabeth, , 1832. g.r.2. James, Oct. 13, 1846. G.R.3. James P., , 1835. G.R.3. Warren G., in England, , 1835. G.R.3. STICKNEY, Emily, d. of John and Hannah S., 24th day, 12th mo., 1840. Jane S., d. of John and Hannah S., 6th day, 5th mo., 1839. STILES, Asa G., , 1827. G.R.3. Eliza [ ], w. of Francis, , 1812. G.R.3. Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] J., d. of John and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1848. Francis, , 1794. G.R.3. STINCHFIELD, Frances T., , 1824. G.R.3. Levi B., , 1817. G.R.3. STINSON, Annie V., , 1847. G.R.3. STIVERS, Abbie J. [ ], w. of Sherman M., Sept. 10, 1835. G.R.3. Sherman M., June 3, 1838. G.R.3. STOCKBRIDGE, Addie E. [ ], w. of Lewis, , 1848. G.R.3. James O., Apr. 25, 1841. G.R.3. Lewis, , 1847. G-R-3- STOCKER, Edward K., s. of William and Rebecca S., Dec. 13, 1849. Henry T., u. s. n., Dec. 24, 1822. G.R.3. STOCKMAN, Edward A., Rev., , 182 1. G.R.3. EUzabeth A., , 1829. G.R.3. Mary B., , 1829. G.R.3. Moody, , 1789. G.R.3. STODDARD, Mary A. Knox [ ], w. of Joseph F., Feb. 11, 1849. G.R.3. Susan P., Aug. 25, 1803. G.R.3. 290 CHELSEA BIRTHS. STODDER, Angle L., Feb. 21, 1845. G.R.3. Henry C, Feb. 15, 1841. G.R.3. John L., Apr. 6, 1813. G.R.3. STONE, Abby H., Nov. 5, 1848. G.R.3. Amos, , 1816. G.R.3. Andrew J., , 1839. G.R.3. Annie M. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1827. G.R.3. Annie W., Feb. i, 1845. G.R.3. Benjamin F., Apr. 6, 1814. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1826. G.R.3. Charles O., , 1842. G.R.3. Clrllsta, Dec. 10, 182 1. G.R.3. Daniel P., In Topsham, Me., Oct. 23, 1797. G.R.3. E. Fenwlck, In Dover, N. H., Mar. 28, 1832. G.R.3. Edwin S., s. of David S. and Aurella J., July 15, 1842. Elizabeth F., , 1813. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. of Salmon, , 1842. G.R.3. Emily G. [ ], w. of Andrew J., , 1848. G.R.3. Euseblus S., , 1845. G.R.3. Frances [ ], w. of Henry O., , 1829. G.R.3. Harriet E., d. of John and Harriet H., May 14, 1845. Henry O., , 1817. G.R.3. Hope Jane, , 1834. G.R.3. James Albert, s. of James and Harriet, May 13, 1849. Parents born In New Hampshire and Maine. Jasper, Jan. 30, 1815. G.R.3. Jasper, Aug. 26, 1818. G.R.3. John, , 1799. G.R.3. John, , 1823. G.R.3. John E., , 1838. G.R.3. Jonathan, Apr. 29, 1823. G.R.3. Lucy Augusta, , 1843. G.R.3. Lucy Waterman [ ], w. of Benjamin F., Jan. 22, 1813. M.L., , 1838. G.R.3. Marion, d. of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 31, 1847. Mary A., Aug. 14, 1815. G.R.3. Mary Dodge [ ], w. of John, , 1801. G.R.3. Mary Eliza, , 1825. G.R.3. Mary L. [ ], w. of John E., , 1846. G.R.3. Mary L. A. [ ], w. of Jonathan, Jan. i, 1833. G.R.3. . Mary P. Swett [ ], w. of Jasper, Feb. 20, 1819. G.R.3. Moses P., June 14, 1817. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 29I Stone, Salmon, , 1827. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Amos, , 1824. G.R.3. Sarah R. A. [ ], w. of Jonathan, Aug. 28, 1833. G.R.3. Stephen H., Nov. 7, 1815. G.R.3. Stephen S., in Westford, June 11, 1805. G.R.3. Thomas J., s. of David and Aurilla, Aug. i, 1846. Uzebius, s. of David S. and AureHa S., Dec. 14, 1843. Valeria Goodnow [ ], w. of Daniel P., Nov. i, 1802. G.R.3. Virginia C. Sprague [ ], w. of W. D., , 1841. G.R.3. William P., , 1849. G.R.3. STOODLEY, Harriet [ ], w. of W[illia]m F., , 1804. G.R.3. W[illia]m F., , 1802. G.R.3. STORER, Betsey Hatch [ ], w. of , , 1822. G.R.3. STORY, George W., s. of Asa and Martha, June 13, 1842. G.R.3. James F., Oct. 28, 1837. G.R.3. Sarah S. [ ], w. of James F., Aug. 18, 1840. G.R.3. STOVER, Alvra H., , 1844. G.R.3. Frances N. [ ], w. of Walton H., Feb. 7, 1831. G.R.3. James C., , 1840. G.R.4. Lois G. [ ], w. of Capt. Newton, Aug. 27, 1842. G.R.3. Newton, Capt., Apr. 8, 1842. G.R.3. Ruth A., , 1840. G.R.4. STOWE, Phineas, Rev., in Milford, Conn., Mar. 20, 1812. G.R.3. STOWELL, Austin, s. of Austin and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1848. Lorenzo, Mar. 15, 1820. G.R.3. Sarah Jane [ ], w. of Lorenzo, May i, 1825. G.R.3. STOWERS, Abigail, d. of James and Elizabeth, 13th day, nth mo., 1748. Abigal, d. of James, Jr., and Abigal, 20th day, ist mo., 1806. Amos F. (Amos Trevalley, c.r.i), s. of Sam[ue]l S. and Phebe, 7th day, 5th mo., 1833. Anna, d. of Joseph and Lois, i6th day, 9th mo., 1804. Benj[ami]n, s. of James and Sarah, 17th day, 6th mo., 1777. Benj[ami]n, s. of Sam[ue]l Sprague and Sarah, 19th day, 12th mo. 1805. 292 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Stowers, Benjamin, s. of Joseph and L(5is, 12th day, 2d mo., 1806. Charles A., , 1836. G.R.3. Christopher Colimibus, s. of Joseph and Sally W., loth day, 7th mo., 1819. David Wait, s. of Joseph and Sally Bryant, 9th day, 4th mo., 1815. Edward, s. of James, Jr., and Abigail, ist day, 6th mo., 181 1. Elenor S. Travelly, d. of Samuel S. and Phebe, i6th day, nth mo., 1821. Elizabeth, d. of James and Elizabeth, 17th day, nth mo., 1739. Elizabeth, d. of Sam[ue]l and Eliza[beth], bp. Apr. 16, 1786. C.R.I. Elizabeth Harris, d. of Samuel S. and Phebe, 6th day, 3d mo., 1819. Ellen Shute Trevally, d. of Samuel S. and Phebe, bp. Mar. 31, 1822. C.R.I. F., s. of David and Martha, 5th mo., 1840. George, s. of James and Abigail, bp. Oct. 17, 1813. c.r.i. George, s. of Joseph and Sally Bryant, 4th day, 2d mo., 1818. George G. (George Chandler, c.r.i), s. of Samuel S. and Phebe, 3d day, 2d mo., 1826. James, s. of James and Elizabeth, 14th day, 4th mo., 1742. James, s. of James and Sarah, 2d day, 7th mo., 1771. James, 3d, s. of James and Abigail, 29th day, 3d mo., 1798. James, 4th, s. of Sam[ue]l Sprague and Sarah, 4th day, 3d mo., 1799. James D., Dec. 17, 1824. G.R.3. John Bryant, s. of Joseph and Sally Bryant, ist day, 5th mo., 1816. Joseph, s. of James and Sarah, loth day, nth mo., 1773. Joseph, s. of James, Jr. and Abigal, loth day, loth mo., 1801. Joseph Bryant, s. of Joseph and Sally Bryant, 25th day, nth mo., 1811. Lois, d. of James and Sarah, 25th day, 8th mo., 1782. Louis, d. of Sam[ue]l and Eliza[beth], bp. Feb. 24, 1788. c.r.i. Lydia, d. of James, Jr. and Abigal, ist day, 3d mo., 1804. Mary, d. of James and Elizabeth, 23d day, loth mo., 1753. Mary, d. of Sam[ue]l Sprague and Sarah, 6th day, 3d mo., 1797. Mary Bryant, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 29th day, 9th mo., 182 1. Mary Harris, d. of Samuel S. and Phebe, loth day, 2d mo., 1816. Nancy, d. of Sam[ue]l Sprague and Sarah, 21st day, 9th mo., 1794. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 293 Stowers, Nancy (Nancy Caroline, c.r.i), d. of Sam[ue]l S. and Phebe, 17th day, 4th mo., 183 1. Nathaniel, s. of James and Elizabeth, 28th day, 3d mo., 1757. Nathaniel, s. of James, Jr. and Abigal, 30th day, loth mo., 1809. Phebe Ann, d. of Samuel S. and Phebe, i6th day, ist mo., 1824. Rachel, d. of James, Jr. and Abigal, 15th day, ist mo., 1800. Rebeccar, d. of Joseph and Lois, 4th day, 6th mo., 1803. Samuel, s. of James and Eliza[beth], bp. Aug. 16, 1761. c.r.i. Samuel, s. of James and Elizabeth, nth day, 8th mo., 1769. Sam[ue]l Sprague, s. of James (Jr., c.r.i) and Sarah, 20th day, nth mo., 1768. Sam[ue]l Sprague, s. of Sam[ue]l (Samuel Sprague, c.r.i) and Sarah, 13th day, 6th mo., 1791. Sam[ue]l Sprague, s. of Samuel S. and Phebe, loth mo., 1826. Sarah, d. of James and Elizabeth, 25th day, ist mo., 1745. Sarah, d. of James and Sarah, 5th day, nth mo., 1765. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]l (Samuel Sprague, c.r.i) and Sarah, 15th day, 8th mo., 1792. Sarah A. E. [ ], w. of James D., Oct. 14, 1825. G.R.3. Sarah Sprague, d. of James, Jr. and Abigal, 4th day, 12th mo., 1807. Sarah Wait, d. of Joseph and Sally Bryant, Aug. 18, 1813. Thomas Pratt, s. of Joseph B. and Nancy S., bp. Apr. 19, 1840. c.r.i. STRAHAN, Thomas, May 10, 1847. g-R-3. STRAW, Jefferson H., , 1841. G.R.3. Jefferson H., 2d, , 1845. G-R-3- Mary E., , 1836. G.R.3. Milton A., , 1809. G.R.3. Milton A., Jr., , 1836. G.R.3. STREETER, Allen L., , 1846. G.R.3. Chester R., Aug. 21, 1848. G.R.3. Homer O., , 1844. G.R.3. Sybil H. [ ], w. of Allen L., , 1847. G.R.3. STROELIN, Julia Ann [ ], w. of Julius T., , 1819. G.R.3. Julius T., , 1825. G.R.3. STRONG, George M., ,1830. G.R.3. 294 CHELSEA BIRTHS. STROUD, William T., Feb. 1 1, 1846. G.R.3. STROUT, Eliza L., Sept. 3, 1847. G.R.3. James A., , 1826. G.R.3. Jesse M., , 1834. G.R.4. Maria E. [ ], w. of James A., , 1828. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w, of Jesse M., , 1825. G.R.4. STUART (see Stewart), Allan C, Jiily 15, 1833. G.R.3. Amos, , 1830. G.R.4. Caroline Augusta, , 1842. G.R.4. Cha[rle]s L., , 1840. G.R.3. STUBBS, Alexander, Capt., , 1834. G.R.4. Julia A., , 1822. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of Capt. Alexander, , 1838. G.R.4. W[illia]m, in Devonshire, Eng., Feb. 24, 1791. g.r.2. STUDLEY, Charles, Aug. 17, 1819. G.R.3. Cordelia Holman, , 1829. G.R.3. George, , 1799. G.R.3. James L., , 1833. G.R.3. John H., , 1828. G.R.3. Mary, , 1802. G.R.3. Olive Joy [ ], w. of Charles, Sept. — , 1820. G.R.3. STURTEVANT, Annie E. [ ], w. of Walter H., , 1833. G.R.3. Martha J. [ ], w. of William L,, Feb. 14, 1830. G.R.3. Walter H., , 1830. G.R.3. William L., Nov. 22, 1833. G.R.3. SULIVAN (see Sullivan), John, s. of Patric and Ellen, July 4, 1846. Mary A., d. of Patric and Ellen, Jan. 6, 1844. Timothy, s. of Patric and Ellen, Apr. 2, 1842. (Apr. 4, 1842, dup.) SULLIVAN (see Sulivan), Emma A. [ ], w. of John F., Aug. 20, 1843. G.R.3. Frank S., Sept. 17, 1845. G.R.3. John F., Jan. 14, 1832. G.R.3. Julia A., d. of Patrick and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 11, 1849. Louisa Lawson [ ], w. of Michael, Apr. 5, 1839. G.R.3. Mary A. Peters [ ], w. of G. W., Dec. 25, 1842. G.R.4. Michael, Sept. 29, 1839. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 295 SUMMERS, William H., Capt., , 1827. G.R.3. SUMNER, Rebecca H., , 1797. G.R.3. SUNBURY, Horace A., , 1833. G.R.3. SURRELL, Peter F., May 18, 1843. g-R-3- SUSSMILCH, Ludwig, , 1842. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Ludwig, , 1836. G.R.3. SUTHERLAND, Catherine, Aug. 24, 1841. G.R.3. Cha[rie]s, s. of George and Rebecca, 2 2d day, 7th mo., 1840. Ellen T., d. of George and Rebecca, 20th day, 6th mo., 1838. Peter, Jan. 15, 1834. G.R.3. SUTTON, Emma F. [ ], w. of George H., , 1849. G.R.3. SWAIN, William, Capt., Mar. 2, 1842. G.R.3. SWAN, Andrew, Dec. 17, 1829. G.R.3. Annie Burgess [ ], w. of William, , 1835. G.R.3. Joseph T., Nov. 21, 1820. G.R.3. Rosanna F. [ ], w. of Joseph T., Dec. 6, 183 1. G.R.3. William, , 1835. G.R.3. SWATLAND, Robert G., , 1848. G.R.3. SWAZEY, Alice Maria, d. of Thomas H. and Frances A., June 4, 1848. Emma Frost [ ], w. of Henr>' B., , 1820. G.R.3. George B., , 1825. G.R.3. Henry B., , 1827. G.R.3. Lizzie Elizabeth Folsom, in Bucksport, Me., Nov. 22, 1820. G.R.3. SWEET, J. B., , 1813. G.R.3. SWEETLAND, Georgianna H. Gruber, , 1837. G.R.3. SWEETSER (see Sweetswer), Benj[amin] G., , 1783. G.R.3. Eugene Francis, s. of Thomas and EHzabeth, Dec. 5, 1848. John, s. of John and Katharine, bp. Apr. 14, 1765. c.r.i. Joseph, May — , 1811. G.R.3. Katharine, d. of John and Katharine, bp. Mar. i, 1767. c.r.i. Lydia Kettell [ ], w. of Benj[amin] G., ,1792. G.R.3. Margaret A. [ ], w. of , Aug. 24. 1818. G.R.3. Susan H., d. of Tho[ma]s and Eliz[a]b[e]th, Nov. 22, 1844. 296 CHELSEA BIRTHS. SWEETSWER (see Sweetser), Cha[rle]s H., s. of Thomas and Eliz[a]b[eth], Oct. 22, 1846. James H., s. of Thomas and Eliz[abet]h, Feb. 14, 1842. SWETT, Abbie M. [ ], w. of Edmund H., Mar. 4, 1829. G.R.3. Calthea G., Nov. — , 1819. G.R.3. Charles S., , 1825. G.R.3. Edmund H., Sept. 8, 1822. G.R.3. Edward A., , 1835. G.R.3. Frank G., Jan. — , 182 1. G.R.3. George B., , 1847. G.R.3. Huldah, , 1832. G.R.3. SWIFT, Fannie A., , 1829. G.R.3. SWITZER, John J., , 1823. G.R.3. SWORDS, Thomas A., , 1844. G.R.3. SYKES, Louis Porter, s. of Rev. James N. and Caroline Sarah (Anthony), July 22, 1845. G-R-3- SYLVESTER, Asaph, , 1822. G.R.3. Ciirtis L., , 1829. G.R.3. Roscoe, July 2, 1843. G.R.3. Sallie A., Sept. 13, 1842. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Asaph, ,1829. G.R.3. SYMMES, Leonora W., d. of Caleb and w. of Bradford E. Gline, Oct. 5, 1826. G.R.3. Rufus, Aug. 19, 1836. G.R,.3. TAAPKEN, Julie C, Sept. 2, 1846. G.R.3. TABB, Robert, , 1830. G.R.3. TAGGARD, David Augustus, s. of David P. and Lucinda, Sept. 29, 1848. Emma A., d. of David P, and Lucinda, July 13, 1846. George E., s. of David P. and Lucinda D., May 4, 1844. TAINTOR, Alexander W., , 183 1. G.R.3. TAIT, Caroline [ ], w. of , , 1843. G.R.3. Elizabeth N., , 1843. G.R.3. TALBOT, James R., s. of Sam[ue]l D. and Agness S., Mar. 11, 1848. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 297 TANNER, George, Capt., Sept. 3, 1824. G.R.3. TAPLEY, George Albert, , 1820. G.R.3. Parnell Munroe [ ], w. of George Albert, , 1821. G.R.3. TAPLIN, George, , 181 7. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1817. G.R.3. TARBELL, Eliza Jane [ ], w. of Henry Webster, Jan. 31, 1830. G.R.3. George A., Apr. 26, 1848. G.R.3. Henry Webster, Feb. 20, 1832. G.R.3. Marion Parker [ ], w. of , , 1809. G.R.3, TARBOX, A. Jackson, , 1832. G.R.3. Eliza W., , 1808. G.R.3. Frederick H., Dec. 4, 1837. G.R.3. Harriet P. [ ], w. of Frederick H., May 29, 1845. G.R.3. Lucy A., , 1835. G.R.3. Nathan, , 181 1. G.R.3. TARLTON, Ann, , 1825. G.R.3. TARR, Benjamin, May 28, 1793. G.R.3. Martha, Feb. 29, 1796. G.R.3. TATE, John M., Aug. 12, 1842. G.R.3. TAYLOR, Abby Maria [ ], w. of William G., May 2, 1826. G.R.3. Albert Henry, , 1820. G.R.3. Charles Henry, s. of Ezekiel and Louisa, Mar. 24, 1849. Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of J. Thomas, Nov. 14, 1848. G.R.3. George G., , 1842. G.R.3. George H., Sept. 11, 1849. G.R.3. Georgianna R. Thomas [ ], w. of William, , 1835. G.R.3. Harriet Lydia [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1832. G.R.3. Henry, July 8, 1825. G.R.3. Horace J., , 1844. G.R.3. J. H., July 29, 1819. G.R.3. J. Thomas, Mar. 8, 1844. G.R.3. James, , 1825. G.R.3. James G., , 1830. G.R.3. Jane, Mar. 2, 1826. G.R.3. Jane, d. of James and Ann, Dec. 29, 1849. 298 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Taylor, Jennie Malcolm, , 1834. G.R.3. Julia A., d. of Knowles, of New York, and w. of Seth Whittier, June 20, 1820. G.R.3. Julia A., , 1841. G.R.2. Kenson Ebenezer, Oct. 18, 1844. G.R.3. Maria L., , 1831. G.R.3. Mary Ann, June 20, 1823. G.R.3. Paul, , 1840. G.R.3. Ritchie McG., Sept. 29, 1845. G.R.3. Samuel A., , 1839. G.R.3. Seth E., s. of Ezekiel and Loisa, Sept. 5, 1844. Sophronia Jane [ ], w. of Albert Henry, , 1827. G.R.3. Warren V., , 1847. G.R.3. William G., June 20, 1819. G.R.3. William K., s. of John M. and Ann H., July 28, 1843. TEAGUE, George M., Feb. 17, 1817. g.r.2. Mary E. [ ], w. of George M., July 11, 1814. g.r.2. TEAKLES, Peter S., , 1841. G.R.3. TEMPLE, Alonzo W., s. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., , 1844. G.R.3. Amelia J., d. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., , 1842. G.R.3. Harriet A. [ ], w. of Isaac B., Feb. 8, 1820. G.R.3. Isaac B., Dec. 26, 1813. G.R.3. John, Aug. 9, 1838. G.R.3. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Thomas G., , 1818. G.R.3. Thomas G., , 1815. G.R.3. Thomas J., s. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., , 1840. G.R.3. Thomas J., s. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., , 1848. G.R.3. TEMPLETON, William, , 1841. G.R.3. TENNEY (see Tenny), Alonzo C., , 1833. G.R.3. Betsey T., , 1815. G.R.3. Daniel B., Mar. 15, 1824. G.R.3. Elizabeth, July 20, 1806. G.R.3. Elizabeth C., , 1838. G.R.3. Elizabeth Phelps [ ], w. of Henry A., , 1843. G.R.3. Francis Vergnier, Apr. 19, 1819. G.R.3. Geo[rge] P., s. of Henry B. and Eliz[a]b[eth] W., Oct. 31, 1846. Henry A., s. of Henry D. and Eliz. W., 27th day, ist mo., 1840. Joanna Stanwood, Jan. 7, 1819. G.R.3. John C., Apr. 30, 1815. G.R.3. John H., , 1808. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 299 Tenney, Julia [ ], w. of John C, Mar. 17, 1828. G.R.3. Lucy A. [ ], w. of John C, Sept. 15, 1829. G.R.3. Lyman B., , 1846. G.R.3. Samuel N., , 1802. G.R.3. Samuel P., , 1838. G.R.3. Sarah G., , 1845. G.R.3. Sarah P., , 1803. G.R.3. TENNY (see Tenney), Ellen E., d. of Henry B. and Eliz[a]- b[e]t[h] W., Mar. 25, 1845. TENT, Amelia A., , 1843. G.R.3. TERRY, Elizabeth B. [ ], w. of Nelson L., , 1848. G.R.2. Nelson L., , 1833. g.r.2. TETLOW, George B., , 1843. G.R.3. Thomas E., , 1804. g.r.2. TEWKESBERY (see Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tukesbury, Tuksbery), Josiah Gleason, s. of John, 3d and Sarah, 6th day, 6th mo., 1813. Lvdia Williams, d. of John, 3d and Sarah, i6th day, 3d mo., 1815. Nancy Sprague, d. of John, 3d and Sarah, ist day, 5th mo., 1817. TEWKESBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tiikesbury, Tuksbery), William, s. of Andrew and Susanna, bp. July i, 1764. c.r.i. TEWKSBERY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tukesbury, Tuksbery), Abigail, d. of Will[ia]m and Lydia, 21st day, 9th mo., 1813. Adeline, d. of Andrew and Mary, 30th day, ist mo., 1804. Anna, d. of Bill and Martha, 15th day, 9th mo., 1813. Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 23d day, 9th mo., 181 5. Bill, 2d, s. of Bill and Martha, 25th day, 3d mo., 1817. Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 7th day, 12th mo., 1827. Caroline, d. of Will[ia]m and Lydia, 6th day, 3d mo., 182 1. Elinor, d. of Will[ia]m and Lydia, 27th day, 12th mo., 1815. Eliza[bet]h, d. of Henry and Sussan[na], 23d day, 5th mo., 1810. Gerry, s. of Andrew and Mary, i6th day, 6th mo., 1810. Han[na]h B., d. of Washington and Hannah, 28th dav, 3d mo., 1819. Harriot, d. of Andrew and Mary, 13th day, 4th mo., 1802. 300 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Tewksbery, Henry, s. of Henry and Sussan[na], ist day, 12th mo., 1808. James, s. of Will[ia]m and Lydia, 4th day, 2d mo., 181 7. John, s. of Andrew and Mary, 9th day, 9th mo., 1797. John, s. of Bill and Martha, 27th day, 5th mo., 182 1. Lois, d. of John, 3d and Sarah, 27th day, 4th mo., 1819. Lorenzo, s. of Washington and Hannah, i6th day, 8th mo., 1823. Lucinda, d. of Andrew and Mary, 7th day, 4th mo., 1800. Lucresia Ann, d. of John W. and Abigail L., 4th day, 9th mo., 1822. Lydia, d. of Will[ia]m and Lydia, 31st day, ist mo., 1819. Martha, d. of Bill and Martha, 7th day, 6th mo., 181 1. Martha, d. of Bill and Martha, i6th day, nth mo., 18 19. Mary, d. of Bill and Martha, 19th day, 8th mo., 1824. Sally, d. of Will[ia]m and Abigail, 12th day, loth mo., 1803. Sally Floyd, d. of Washington and Hannah B., i6th day, 8th mo., 1814. Sam[ue]l, s. of Bill and Martha, 21st day, 2d mo., 1818. Sam[ue]l Harris, s. of Andrew and Mary, 6th day, 12th mo., 1806. Samuel Howe, s. of Washington and Hannah B., Aug. 4, 1812. Sarah, d. of John, 3d and Sarah, 15th day, nth mo., 182 1. Sussanna Floyd, d. of Henry and Sussan[na], 19th day, ist mo., 1806. Wil[lia]m Jenks, s. of Will[ia]m and Abigail, 7th day, ist mo., 1806. TEWKSBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tvdcesbury, Tuksbery), , ch. of Martin and Ardelia, 6th mo., 1841 (d. of Martin W. and Adeline, June 4, 1841. G.R.3.) A. Theodore, , 1849. G.R.4. Abigail E., d. of Phillip and Nancy, 6th day, ist mo., 1827. Albert N., , 1848. G.R.4. Andrew, s. of John and Sarah, 21st day, 2d mo., 1740. Andrew, s. of And[re]w and Susanna, i8th day, loth mo., 1762. Angeline, d. of Andrew, Jr., and , loth mo., 1833. Anna, d. of John and Anna, 22d day, 9th mo., 1761. Armenia T. [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1828. G.R.4. Bill, s. of John and Anna, i6th day, 2d mo., 1780. Catharine Adelia, d. of James S. and Mary, 29th day, 8th mo., 1826. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3OI Tewksbury, Catherine G. [ ], w. of Richardson A., Sept. 18, 1824. G.R.3. Charies, s. of John W. and Abigail L., , 1824. Charies Edwin, s. of James S. and Mary, 2d day, loth mo., 1834. Cha[rle]s H. S., s. of James and Anna, 17th day, 4th mo., 1842. (Apr. 27, 1842, dup.) Chariotte, d. of John and Sarah, 9th mo., 1830. Charlotte M., , 1833. G.R.4. Clifi[ord W., s. of Martin W. and Adeline, May 20, 1835. G.R.3. Curtis C, s. of Josiah and Theoda P. Cutting, Jan. 20, 1842. Edward E., s. of Gerry and Martha A. Burrill, , 1848. G.R.4. Edwin R. L., s. of Martin and Adeline, 9th mo., 1833. (Aug. 12, 1833, G.R.3.) Eliza A., d. of Geo[rge] W. and , Sept. 25, 1842. Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, 13th day, loth mo., 1744. Eliza[bet]h, d. of William and Lydia, 12th mo., 1826. Emily T., d. of Josiah G. and Theoda P., Oct. 21, 1840. G.R.3. Epharaim P. (Ephraim Pierce, c.r.i), s. of John and Sarah, 26th day, ist mo., 1834. Francis W., s. of James S. and Mary, nth mo., 1832. Hannah, d. of John and Anna, i8th day, 8th mo., 1773. Harriet, , 1830. G.R.4. Harriet E. (Harriet Elizabeth, c.r.i), d. of John and Sarah, 25th day, ist mo., 1829. Hellen A., d. of Josiah G. and Theoda, Oct. 22, 1844. Henry, s. of John and Anna, 29th day, 3d mo., 1777. James, s. of John and Sarah, 26th day, 9th mo., 1746. James Willard, s. of James and Mary, 3d day, 6th mo., 1828. Joanna [ ], w. of George W., , 1824. G.R.4. John, s. of John and Sarah, 20th day, 5th mo., 1735. John, s. of John and Anna, 26th day, nth mo., 1758. John, s. of John, Jr., and Sarah, 22d day, 5th mo., 1784. John, s. of John and Sarah, bp. May 9, 1824. c.r.i. John, s. of James S. and Mary, 9th mo., 1830. John S., Aug. 18, 1834. G.R.4. John W., s. of John and Sarah, 26th day, 3d mo., 1824. Jona[tha]n Bill, s. of John and Anna, 6th day, 4th mo., 1766. Joshua, s. of John and Sarah, 29th day, loth mo., 1751. Lucy Ann (Lucy Ann Williams, c.r.i), d. of John and Sarah, 29th day, 6th mo., 1825. Martin G. (Granville, G.R.3), s. of Martin W. and x\daline, July 28, 1843. Martin W., June 15, 1810. G.R.3. 302 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Tewksbury, Mary[ ], w. of JohnS., Mar. 21, 1758. g.r.i. Mary, d. of John and Anna, 27th day, ist mo., 1764. Mary Emiline, d. of James S. and Mary, 6th day, 12th mo., 1824. Mary S. [ ], w. of M. Granville, Jan. 4, 1847. G.R.3. Nancy A. [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1830. G.R.4. Nancy Sturgis, d. of Phillip and Nancy, 23d day, 9th mo., 1819. Nath[anie]l A., s. of Henry, Jr., and Sarah, July 8, 1845. Born at Point Pulling. Palina A., d. of William and Susan, 25th day, 4th mo., 1830. Phillip, s. of Phillip and Nancy, 27th day, loth mo., 1823. Phillips, s. of John and Anna, 29th day, 7th mo,, 1783. Sam[ue]l R., s. of Samuel and Sarah, 9th mo., 1833. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, 22d day, ist mo., 1738. Sarah, d. of John and Anna, 2 2d day, loth mo., 1768. Sarah C, d. of John W. and Abigail L., 5th day, 5th mo., 1826. Sarah L., d. of Henry J. and Sarah, May 29, 1843. Susanna, d. of And[re]w and Susanna, 23d day, nth mo., 1766. Susanna Sargeant, d. of Henry and Susannah, bp. June 26, 1808, C.R.I. Thomas, s. of John and Anna, bp. June 16, 1771. c.r.i. Thomas Sturgis, s. of Phillip and Nancy, ist day, ist mo., 1822. William, Jan. 3, 1779. g.r.i. Will[ia]m H., s. of Henry J. and Sarah, 23d day, 4th mo., 1841. Winifred C, June 3, 1845. G.R.4. THACHER, Enoch R., , 1837. G.R.3. Rachel J., , 1837. G.R.3. THAYER, Beza Clark, s. of Beza and Mary J. B., Aug. 14, 1849. Caroline, d. of Luther M. and Sarah C, June 16, 1847. Edwin L., , 1835. G.R.3. Eliza [ ], w. of Joseph E., May 23, 1837. G.R.3. Ella S. [ ], w. of Frank N., Mar. 27, 1839. G.R.3. Frank Hayden, s. of Jarvis and Abby, Aug. 23, 1849. Frank N., Aug. 31, 1833. G.R.3. Joseph E., June 11, 1830. G.R.3. Joseph W., , 1844. G.R.3. M. Amanda [ ], w. of Edwin L., , 1838. G.R.3. Rosetta L., , 1848. G.R.3. Sarah, Feb. 14, 1775. G.R.3. Sarah H., d. of Ja[r]vis and Abba, May 29, 1847. Walter B., , 1844. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3O3 THIRKELL, William J., , 1833. g.r.2. THOMAS, Albert Guild, s. of Peter L. and Eliz A., ist day, i2th mo., 1836. Charles W., July 26, 1841. G.R.3. Elizabeth Ami, d. of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1848. EHz[abe]th Brewster, d. of Peter L. and Eliz A., 27th day, 9th mo., 1837. George B., Oct. 11, 1833. G.R.3. H. Augusta, , 1832. G.R.3. Jacob Long, s. of Peter L. and Ehz. A., 6th day, 8th mo., 1835. Lura C. Burgess [ ], w. of Dr. Silas C, Apr. 7, 1832. G.R.3. Malissa S., d. of Sanders H. and Julia, Dec. — , 1847. Mary S., , 1839. G.R.3. Penrose F., , 1843. G.R.3. Rebecca, , 1819. c.R.3. Sarah J., , 1827. G.R.3. THOMBS, Susan R. [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1832. g.r.2. Thomas, , 1827. g.r.2. THOMPSON (see Thomson), , s. of Henry and Nancy, Apr. 9, 1847. Albert, s. of Edward K. and Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1849. Andrew, in Norway, June 22, 1805. G.R.3. Annie [ ], w. of , , 1831. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Henry and Nancy F., May 30, 1844. Ebenezer, , 1781. G.R.3. Edna [ ], w. of John J., , 1847. G.R.3. Eleanor, , 1791. G.R.3. Ellen, , 1839. G.R.3. Francis W., s. of Samuel and Lorana W., Sept. 13, 1844. Gamaliel B., Nov. 30, 1818. G.R.3. Hannah [ ], w. of Ebenezer, , 1779. G.R.3. Henry, , 1841. G.R.3. Henry F., s. of Henry and Nancy, 29th day, nth mo., 1837. Henry W., July 17, 1837. G.R.3. James, s. of William, recommended from Ireland, bp. Aug. 2, 1724. C.R.I. James, , 1843. G.R.3. James C, , 1831. g.r.2. James S., s. of Henry and Mary, 30th day, 12th mo., 1841. Jemima M., , 1836. G.R.3. John B., Dec. 14, 1824. G.R.3. 304 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Thompson, John J., , 1842. G.R.3. John W., , 1843. G.R.3. JuHa [ ], w. of Warren D., , 1848. g,r.3. Lucia [ ], w. of Samuel G., , 1830. G.R.3. Lucy W., , 1844. G.R.2. Marion, in Fifeshire, Scot., Dec. 6, 1805. g.r,3. Mary A. [ ], w. of , May 17, 1816. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of John B., July 17, 1826. G.R.3. Rosamond J. [ ], w. of Henry W., Dec. 6, 1840. G.R.3. Samuel G., , 1818. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1817. G.R.3. Susan Jennings, d. of Ebenezer and Hannah, , 181 1. G.R.3. Virginia G. [ ], w. of Thomas M., , 1844. g.r.2. Warren D., , 1844. G.R.3. William, , 1814. G.R.3. William, , 1848. G.R.3. THOMSON (see Thompson), Hannah D., , 1840. G.R.3. Harry John, , 1828. G.R.3. THORNTON, Mark, Nov. 8, 1837. G.R.3. Susan A. Brown [ ], w. of George, in Eliot, Me., Apr. 3, 1829. G.R.3. THURSTON, Harriet S. [ ], w. of Edwin M., , 1830. G.R.3. Samuel S., Nov. 4, 1843. g-R-3- TIBBETTS, Melissa Hammond, , 1834. G.R.3. Ruth [ ], w. of , Oct. 21, 1808. G.R.3. Sewall D., , 183 1. G.R.3. William H., Jan. i, 1839. G.R.3. TILDEN, Edward F., June 9, 1817. G.R.3. John Gould, Lieut, u. s. n., , 1840. G.R.3. TILTON, Daniel L., Feb. 9, 1825. g.r.2. Ellen M., Sept. 7, 1829. g.r.2. Margaret, , 1842. G.R.3. TIMMERMAN, Eliza J. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1822. G.R.2. Henry, , 1818. g.r.2. Henry, , 1849. G.R.3. TINGLEY, John E., , 1848. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 305 TINKHAM (see Tinkom), Susan [ ], w. of , -, 1831. G.R.3. TINKOM (see Tinkham), Charles J., , 1837. G.R.3. Jennie G. [ ], w. of Charles J., , 1839. G.R.3. TITCOMB, John H., s. of J. H. and Annie D., Jan. 13, 1842. TITUS, Harriet Elizabeth Barber [ ], w. of Ira Edson, June 7, 1835. G.R.3. Ira Edson, Oct. 28, 1833. G.R.3. Lucy W., Sept. 16, 1813. G.R.3. TOBEY, Alvan, Rev., in Wiknington, Vt., Apr. i, 1808. G.R.3. John S., , 1836. G.R.3. TOLES, R. C, Rev., , 1813. G.R.3. TOLMAN, Henrietta [ ], w. of William H., , 1833. G.R.3. John A., ,1831. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of William, , 1789. G.R.3. William, , 1791. G.R.3. William H., , 1829. G.R.3. TOMFOHRDE, Andreas, Mar. 3, 1845. G.R.3. John P., Aug. II, 1840. G.R.4. TOMKINSON, Mary [ ], w. of W[illia]m, in England, Jan. II, 1821. G.R.3. W[illia]m, in Magglesfield, Eng., June 11, 1825. G.R.3. TOMLINSON, Henry C, July 26, 1826. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of Henry C, May 7, 1830. G.R.3. TOMPKINS, William Lakeman, s. of William O. and Mary Lucretia, Aug. 12, 1848. TOOMY, Lawrence, s. of Timothy and Ellen, both b. in Ire- land, Aug. 25, 1849. TOURTELLE, Daniel, , 1816. G.R.3. Sarah A., ,1817. G.R.3. TOWER, Ann A., May 22, 1833. G.R.3. Benjamin, , 1807. G.R.3. Benjamin R., Jr., , 1841. G.R.3. Catherine [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1810. G.R.3. Henrietta B., , 1838. G.R.3. Sarah J. Davis [ ], w. of Charles, , 1839. G.R.3. 306 CHELSEA BIRTHS. TOWLE, Agnes A. [ ], w. of Jeremy, , 1836. G.R.3. Charlotte M. [ ], w. of , , 1849. G.R.3. Elizabeth Calder [ ], w. of William R., , 1816. g.r.i. Jeremy, Sept. 10, 1832. G.R.3. Lawrence E., , 1848. G.R.3. Mary F. Arthur [ ], w. of Henry, Aug. 25, 1839. G.R.3. William B., , 1846. g.r.i. William R., , 181 5. g.r.i. TOWN (see Towne, Towns), Alexander H., July 21, 1827. G.R.3. Mary S., d. of Robert W. and Susan D., May 26, 1846. TOWNE (see Town, Towns), Eliza H. [ ], w. of William L., , 1842. G.R.3. Eugene, s. of Robert and Susan, June 3, 1848. George Moody, , 1838. G.R.3. William L,, , 183 1. G.R.3. TOWNS (see Town, Towne), Mary Ann [ ], w. of Moses, Mar. 31, 1800. G.R.2. Moses, Mar. 3, 1799. g.r.2. TOWNSEND, Abigail H. W. [ ], w. of James L., Mar. 22, 1820. G.R.3. Charles E., s. of James and Louisa S., in Gardiner, Me., Dec. 27, 1849. G.R.3. James L., Oct. 24, 1814. G.R.3. James W., Jan. 22, 1845. G.R.3. Louisa S., in New Gloucester, Me., Jan. 10, 1824. G.R.3. Rebecca R. Yates [ ], w. of William H., , 1839. G.R.3. True W., , 1824. g.r.2. William H., , 1836. G.R.3. TRACEY (see Tracy), James Henry, s. of Thomas and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 18, 1849. TRACY (see Tracey), Austin N., Sept. 12, 1830. G.R.3. Eliza A. [ ], w. of Austin N., , 1822. G.R.3. Francis, , 1800. G.R.3. Hannah Smith [ ], w. of John, in Vershire, Vt., , 1811. G.R.3. John T., s. of Thomas and Bridgett, Apr. 11, 1848. Mary E., d. of Tho[ma]s and Bridgett, Dec. 15, 1845. Sarah J., , 1824. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 307 TRAFTON, Charles H., s. of John H. and Nancy H., Oct. 18, 1846. TRASK, Ann [ ], w. of Charles F., , 1818. g.r.2. Benjamin, , 1814. g.r.2. Charles P., , 1816. g.r.2. Charles H., , 1836. G.R.3. Elizabeth H. [ ], w. of Oliver B., , 1787. G.R.3. Jane R. [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1809. g.r.2. Mary E., d. of Jason and Mary A., Sept. 5, 1847. Mary J. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1837. G.R.3. Oliver B., , 1793. G.R.3. Sarah F., d. of Jason and Mary, Aug. 14, 1849. Sarah H., Dec. 4, 1823. G.R.3. TREADWELL, Frank, s. of Samuel and Mary A., Jan. 6, 1845. G.R.3. Mary A. Hughes [ ], w. of Samuel, in Newbury port, Mar. 13, 1818. G.R.3. Samuel, in Ipswich, Aug. 30, 1816. G.R.3. TREAT, Andrew, June 23, 1814. G.R.3. Arthur, June 23, 1814. G.R.3. Harriet WyHie [ ], w. of Arthur, Aug. 12. 1821. G.R.3. Sarah J. Wylie [ ], w. of Andrew, Oct. 21, 1824. G.R.3. TREDICK, Dorothy, , 1796. G.R.3. TREFETHEN, Sarah A., , 1824. G.R.3. TREMERE, Benj[amin] B., Feb. 23, 1824. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Benj[amin] B. and EHza J., May 18, 1849. G-R-3- Eliza J. [ ], w. of Benj[amin] B., Sept. 4, 1826. G.R.3. TRIFIT, Ferdinand M., , 1848. G.R.3. TROWBRIDGE, Almarin, Nov. 24, 181 1. G.R.3. Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of Almarin, Sept. 13, 1820. G.R.3. Lucretia H., Mar. 4, 1843. G.R.3. TRUE, Ann Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Charies E. and Elizabeth B., in Lowell, Dec. 10, 1846. g.r.2. Loisa A., d. of Rev. E. K. and , Sept. — , 1845. TRYDER, George H., Apr. 23, 1816. G.R.3. Margaret, Mar. 17, 1818. G.R.3. 308 CHELSEA BIRTHS. TUCKER, Bevis, , 1831. G.R.3. Charles H., May 28, 1834. G.R.3. Dorcas Ann [ ], w. of Charles H., Nov. 4, 1835. G.R.3. Edwin G., s. of Jeremiah and Sarah, July 31, 1843. Emily J., , 1841. G.R.3. Emily L., d. of Eleazer and Eliz[abet]h, Dec. 20, 1846. George A., Mar. 23, 1831. G.R.3. George L., , 1828. G.R.3. Harriet T., d. of Jonath[an] and Phebe, Sept. 9, 1844. Jane E., d. of Thomas O. and Sarah E., Dec. 26, 1844. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1846. Josie M. [ ], w. of George A., Aug. 21, 1839. G.R.3. Nancy H., , 1826. G.R.3. Sarah E., d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1847. TUCKERMAN, Abigail Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Abigail, bp. Sept. 22, 1805. C.R.I. Ann Montague Gary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 5th day, nth mo., 1823. [Twin.] Edward, s. of Joseph and Abigail, 2d day, 6th mo., 1807. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Abigail, nth day, 8th mo., 1805. George, s. of Joseph and Sarah, bp. June 3, 182 1. c.r.i. George Ferdinand, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 5th day, nth mo., 1823. [Twin.] Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 29th day, 6th mo., 181 1. Lois, d. of John, Jr., and Sarah, bp. July 4, 1819. c.r.i. Lucius, s. of Joseph and Sarah, 19th day, 3d mo., 1818. Samuel Gary, s. of Joseph and Sarah, ist day, 2d mo., 1815. Sarah Gary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 14th day, 2d mo., 18 13. Susan Parkman, d, of Joseph and Abigail, bp. June 3, 1804. c.r.i. TUCKESBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tucksbery, Tukesbury, Tuksbery), Andrew, s. of Andrew and Polley, 17th day, loth mo., 1789. Eliz[abeth], d. of Andrew and Polley (Mary, dup.), 29th day, 7th mo., 1795. Hariot, d. of John S. and , ist day, 4th mo., 1799. Lydia, d. of Andrew and Polley, 17th day, 7th mo., 1793. Polley, d. of Andrew and Polley, loth day, 8th mo., 1791. Salley, d. of Andrew, Jr. and Polley, 2d day, 3d mo., 1788. Sarah, d. of James and Mary, 24th day, nth mo., 1792. TUCKSBERY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery), James, s. of James and Mar}'-, loth day, 12th mo., 1770. Mary, d. of James and Mary, 6th day, ist mo., 1772. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3O9 TUELLS, Angeline [ ], w. of Elijah, , 1825. G.R.3. Elijah, Jan. 5, 1821. G.R.3. TUFFTS (see Tufts), Sam[uc]l, s. of Jos. and Hanna[h], bp. June 29, 1760. C.R.I. TUFTS (see Tuffts), Augustus, -, 1835. G.R.3. Emily Hancock [ ], w. of Augustus, , 1836. G.R.3. Huldy, d. of John and Lydia, Mar. i, 1801. Mary H., , 1806. G.R.3. Nathan, Jan. — , 1823. G.R.3. William F., Lieut., , 1844. G.R.3. TUKESBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tuksbery), Abigail, d. of Andrew and Susan[na], bp. Oct. 3, 1779. c.r.i. TUKSBERY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tukesbury), Abigail, d. of Andrew and Susanna, 30th day, nth mo., 1785. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew and Susanna, 4th day, 8th mo., 1771. Esther, d. of Andrew and Susanna, 12th day, 5th mo., 1773. George Washington, s. of Washington and Hannah Burnam, ist day, 4th mo., 1810. Hannah, d. of Andrew and Susanna (bp. June 11, 1769, c.r.i). James Stowers, s. of John, Jr. and Sarah, 17th day, 5th mo., 1793. [Twin.] Lois Stowers, d. of John, Jr. and Sarah, 17th day, 5th mo., 1793. [Twin.] Louis, d. of Andrew and Susanna, 2 2d day, 6th mo., 1778. Mary, d. of Will[ia]m and Abigail, 7th day, 2d mo., 1802. Samuel, s. of James and Mary, 24th day, nth mo., 1779. Sarah, d. of John, Jr. and Sarah, i8th day, nth mo., 1790. Sargeant John, s. of James and Mary, 5th day, 8th mo., 1774. Thomas, s. of John, Jr. and Sarah, 8th day, 7th mo., 1787. Washington, s. of James and Mary, 7th day, 3d mo., 1783. William, s. of James and Mary, 31st day, ist mo., 1778. TUNE, William E., Dec. 19, 1833. g.r.2. TURELL, John Aves, Feb. 24, 1823. G.R.3. TURNBULL, Ann Maria [ ], w. of Samuel, Oct. 26, 1836. G.R.3. TURNER, Andrew E., Nov. — , 1804. G.R.3. Anna L. [ ], w. of Alden S., in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 3, 1834. G.R.3. 3IO CHELSEA BIRTHS. Turner, Catherine [ ], w. of Lewis, Mar. 7, 1820. G.R.3. Celia E. [ ], w. of Nathaniel W., Sept. 10, 1810. G.R.3. David S., , 1823. G.R.3. Edwin, Sr., , 1831. G.R.3. George W., May 16, 1820. G.R.3. John J., Mar. — , 1824. G.R.3. Laban W., , 1835. G.R.3. Lewis, Aug. 9, 182 1. G.R.3. Maria [ ], w. of , , 1838. g.r.2. Martha J., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary A., , 183 1. G.R.3. Mary E. [ ], w. of Laban W., , 1839. G.R.3. Nathaniel W., May 13, 1810. G.R.3. Phebe Jane [ ], w. of John, Jan. 4, 1826. G.R.3. Sarah T. [ ], w. of George W., Apr. 10, 1822. G.R.3. William A., , 1849. G.R.3. TUTEIN, Annie E., Aug. 2, 1844. G.R.3. Edward G., June 16, 1840. G.R.3. TUTTLE, Abigail, d. of Samuel, bp. June 10, 1716. c.r.i. Abigail, d. of Samuel and Abigail, 7th day, nth mo., 1721. Abijah, s. of wid. Mehitabel, bp. May 30, 1762. c.r.i. Andrew, s. of Jos. and Hanna[h], bp. Apr. 2, 1758. c.r.i. Angeline, d. of Israel and Abigail, 5th day, 4th mo., 1841. Anna, d. of Samuel and Anna, 27th day, nth mo., 1744. Anna, d. of Daniel and Anna, 3d day, 3d mo., 1755. Benj[ami]n, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, i6th day, 4th mo., 1752. Betsy, d. of Joseph and Eliza[beth], bp. Oct. 7, 1787. c.r.i. Burril, s. of John and Mary, 5th day, 8th mo., 1760. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary, 2 2d day, 6th mo., 1732. Daniel, s. of Benja[min] and Mary, bp. Apr. 13, 1766. c.r.i. Eben[eze]r, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 17th day, 4th mo., 1754. Eben[eze]r, s. of John and Mary, 4th day, 7th mo., 1758. Edward, s. of Samuel and Anna, 19th day, 6th mo., 1741. Edward, s. of Benja[min] and Mary, bp. Jan. 31, 1762. c.r.i. Edward, s. of Richard and Eunice, loth day, loth mo., 1788. Edward, s. of Joseph and Eliza[beth], bp. Aug. 26, 1792. c.r.i. Edward, s. of Joseph and Eliz. N., Jan. 5, 1843. Elijah, s. of John and Mehetabell, loth day, 9th mo., 1750. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Abigail, 23d day, loth mo., 1718. Elizabeth, d. of Elisha, bp. Apr. 9, 1727. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Anna, 8th day, 3d mo., 1743. Elizabeth, , 1776. G.R.3. Ezra, s. of John and Mary, bp. Nov. 10, 1765. c.r.i. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3II TuTTLE, George, s. of Israel and Abig[ai]l, , 1826. Hannah, d. of Elisha, bp. Mar. 11, 1715-6. c.r.i. Hannah V., Oct. 28, 1786. G.R.3. Huldah Crafford, d. of John and Mary, 2 2d day, 2d mo., 1758. Jabez, s. of Elisha Sr., bp. Mar. 11, 1715-6. c.r.i. Jacob, s. of Elisha, bp. Feb. 28, 1724-5. c.r.i. Joanna, d. of Samuel and Anna, 28th day, nth mo., 1746. Joanna, d. of Benjamin and Mary, 23d day, 4th mo., 1748. John, s. of Samuel and Abigail, i6th day, loth mo., 1728. John, s. of John and Mehitable, 21st day, 4th mo., 1743. John, s. of John and Mary, i8th day, 4th mo., 1756. John Kent, s. of wid. Mehitabel, bp. May 30, 1762. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of John and Mehetabell, loth day, 6th mo., 1748. Joseph, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 28th day, 8th mo., 1755. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Eliza[beth], bp. Mar. 12, 1786. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of Israel and Abigail, 6th day, 12th mo., 1824. Martha, d. of Benja[min] and Mary, bp. June 10, 1764. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Samuel and Abigail, 28th day, 12th mo., 1731. Mary, d. of Daniel and Mary, 3d day, 8th mo., 1739. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Mary, 12th day, 6th mo., 1750. Mary, d. of John and Mar^^ 2d day, loth mo., 1762. Mehitabel, d. of wid. Mehitabel, bp. May 30, 1762. c.r.i. Rebecca, d. of John and Mehitable, 25th day, loth mo., 1745. Patty, d. of Joseph and Eliza[bethl, bp. Apr. 4, 1790. c.r.i. Sam[ue]l, s. of Samuel and Abigail, 9th day, 3d mo., 1726. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Anna, 29tli day, 3d mo., 1739. Samuel, s. of John and Mary, 2d day, nth mo., 1753. Samuel, s. of Benja[min] and Mary, bp. Aug. 19, 1770. c.r.i. Tabatha, d. of Samuel and Abigail, 8th day, 7th mo., 1724. Turell, s. of Benjamin and Mary, 25th day, 7th mo., 1759. William, s. of Joannah, bp. June 16, 1745. c.r.i. TWITCHELL, Mary A., , 1834. G.R.3. TWOMBLY, Bculah A. [ ], w. of J. Frank, , 182 1. G.R.2. TYLER, George E., , 1832. G.R.3. George H., Mar. 19, 1848. G.R.3. John, in England, July 23, 1835. G.R.3. TYRER, Dorathy [ ], w. of Capt. John, Mar. 12, 1819. G.R.3. John, Capt., Feb. 9, 1824. G.R.3. 312 CHELSEA BIRTHS. UART, Eliz[a]b[eth] G., d. of John and Lucy, July 9, 1843. John, , 1817. G.R.3. John L., s. of John and Lucy, May 5, 1846. Lucy [ ], w. of John, , 1815. G.R.3. Mary F., d. of John and Lucy, July 21, 1849. UNDERHILL, Elihu T., Apr. 23, 1837. G.R.4. John Jay, in Chester, N. H., Dec. 22, 1835. G.R.3. Louisa, d. of and Sally, Sept. 9, 1843. UNDERWOOD, Caroline [ ], w. of Royal, May 14, 1811. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Joseph, Mar. 27, 1786. G.R.3. Joseph, Apr. 4, 1782. G.R.3. Mary Tenny, , 1816. G.R.3. Phineas, , 1809. G.R.3. Royal, Apr. 28, 1810. G.R.3. UPHAM, Ezekiel, s. of Jesse and Sarah, i8th day, 9th mo., 1768. Ezra, s. of Jesse and Sarah, 4th day, 8th mo., 1774. Hannah, d. of Jesse and Sarah, i8th day, 12th mo., 1780. Jesse, s. of Jesse and Sarah, 28th day, 4th mo., 1772. Jesse, s. of Jesse and Sarah, 8th day, nth mo., 1779. Joshua, s. of Jesse and Sarah, 15th day, 12th mo., 1784. Sarah, d. of Jesse and Sarah, 2 2d day, 8th mo., 1770. UPTON, Charles H., Capt., , 1833. G.R.3. VALENTINE, Miranda E., Sept. 11, 1815. G.R.3. VAN BUSKIRK, Ellen, Mar. 15, 1838. G.R.3. VANDERHOOF, Albert, , 1817. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Albert, , 1817. G.R.3. VANEVER (see Vannevar), Cha[rle]s H., s. of James M. and Mary S., Dec. 14, 1842. VAN MAGNESS, Benjamin, Dr., , 1840. G.R.3. VANNEVAR (see Vanever), Aaron B., Mar. 22, 1820. G.R.3. Dorothy G., Oct. 26, 1821. G.R.3. Eveline M., d. of James M. and Mary S., 23d day, nth mo., 1839. George, Jan. 22, 1793. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 313 Vannevar, George A., , 1846. G.R.3. Harriet M., Apr. 23, 1835. G.R.3. James M., June 26, 1801. G.R.3. Mary S. [ ], w. of James M., Sept. 25, 1802. G.R.3. Nancy, Aug. 19, 1798. G.R.3. VAN NOSTRAND, William T., Oct. 7, 1821. G.R.3. VARNEY, Benjamin, , 1828. G.R.3. Henrietta F. [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1832, G.R.3. VAUGHAN (see Vaughn), Clementine [ ], w. of Benjamin, July 2, 1837. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1831. G.R.3. Nancy E. [ ], w. of James W., Apr. 11, 1846. G.R.3. Samuel T., , 1834. G.R.3. VAUGHN (see Vaughan), Margaret, , 1838. G.R.3. VEAZEY (see Veazie), Mercy [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1817. G.R.3. Samuel, , 181 1. G.R.3. VEAZIE (see Veazey), Eli, , 1843. G.R.3. Emma L., , 1845. G.R.3. Frank W., , 1848. G.R.3. George A., , 1815. G.R.3. Hannah B., , 1818. G.R.3. Helen J. [ ], w. of Henry K., , 1848. G.R.3. Jeremiah K., Mar. 30, 1824. G.R.3. Rebecca E. [ ], w. of Jeremiah K., Jan. 7, 1832. .G.R.3. VENNER, George W., Jan. 12, 1829. G.R.3. Margaret J. [ ], w. of George W., Apr. 20, 1835. G.R.3. VIAL (see Viall, Vialle), Nathaniel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Mary, bp. Apr. 4, 1762. C.R.I. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Mary, bp. June 10, 1759. c.r.i. VIALL (see Vial, Vialle), Alice B. [ ], w. of John, June 29, 1826. G.R.3. Ellis, s. of Sam[uc]l and Mary, bp. May 13, 1770. c.r.i. John, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Mary, bp. May 24, 1767. c.r.i. John, Mar. 17, 1818. G.R.3. VIALLE (see Vial, Viall), EHzabeth A. [ ], w. of William H., , 1834. G.R.3. William H., 1833. G.R.3. 314 CHELSEA BIRTHS. VIANCOUR, Eli Parker, Sept. 5, 1844. G.R.3. VICKERY, Eliza, , 183 1. G.R.3. VILNO, Elizabeth C, Apr. 15, 1843. G.R.3. VINAL, Alice O., , 1848. G.R.3. Marcellus H., , 1848. G.R.3. VINTON, Frederic Porter, Jan. 29. 1846. G.R.3. VIVIAN, James H., , 1833. G.R.3. VON SCHOPPE, Amalia [ ], w. of , Dec. 25, 1846. G.R.3. VOSE, Harriet S., , 1820. G.R.3. Thomas C, , 1818. G.R.3. WACHTER, Pauline [ ], w. of Philip, June 22, 1829. G.R.3. WADE, Edwin L., May 13, 1845. G.R.3. WADSWORTH, Caroline W., d. of Geo[rge] G. and Eliza, Feb. 27, 1844. Eliza R. [ ], w. of Geo[rge] P., , 1807. G.R.3. Jesse, , 1824. G.R.3. Mary Lorraine Lees [ ], w. of Jesse, , 1835. G.R.3. Mercy G. [ ], w. of , Jan. 21, 1822. G.R.3. WAGNER, Elizabeth, , 1832. G.R.3. William,' , 1828. G.R.3. WAGSTAFF, Alfred I., , 1835. G.R.3. Matilda L., , 1838. G.R.3. WAIT (see Waite, Waitt), Ebenezer, s. of Thomas, Jr., who married Abraham Hasey's widow, bp. Nov. 29, 1724. C.R.I. Edward, s. of Rob[er]t and Martha, 12th day, loth mo., 1740. Ellen Maria, d. of Sarah, bp. July 3, 1817. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Thomas, Jr., bp. Nov. 20, 1726. c.r.i. Nathan, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. July 10, 1763. c.r.i. Rebecca, d. of Edw. and Rebecca, 9th day, 6th mo., 1789. Rebecca Sale, d. of Edw. and Rebecca, 2d day, ist mo., 1785. Sarah Oliver, d. of Edward and Rebeckah, nth day, 5th mo., 1783- William H. H., s. of Richard G. and Mary T., Feb. i, 1843. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 315 WAITE (see Wait, Waitt), Horace H., Sept. i8, 1835. G.R.3. James Monroe, , 1824. G.R.3. Mary Sale, d. of Edward and Rebeckah, 23d day, 3d mo., 1793. Oliver, s. of Edward and Rebeckah, 9th day, ist mo., 1796. WAITT (see Wait, Waite), Emma L., , 1846. G.R.3. George W., , 1821. G.R.3. Henry, , 1842. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Nov. 19, 1758. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Oct. 15, 1769. c.r.i. Sarah, Aug. 11, 1820. G.R.3. WAKE, Joseph, in Durham Co., Eng., Jan. 21, 1808. G.R.3. WAKEFIELD, Angeline E. Gordon [ ], w. of Dr. Jonas Franklin, Apr, 19, 1827. G.R.3. Grace, d. of Enoch H. and Caroline H., Oct. 9, 1845. Jonas Franklin, Dr., June 20, 1825. G.R.3. Sarah A., d. of Enoch H. and Caroline H., Feb. 9, 1848. WALBOURNE, Mary [ ], w. of , , 1844. G.R.3. WALDMYER, Anna J., d. of Benj[amin] and Nancy D., May 28, 1844. Philip, May 2, 183 1. G.R.3. Susan F., d. of Benj[ami]n and Nancy, Jan. 30, 1848. (Jan. 25, dup.) WALDRON, Anna Wallace, d. of Alfred A. and Elizabeth P., Mar. 23, 1849. Horatio Gates, , 1842. G.R.3. WALES, Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, 3d day, ist mo., 1818. John, s. of William and Hannah, 3d day, 5th mo., 1808. Nathaniel, s. of William and Hannah, 30th day, 5th mo., 1813. Robert, , 1849. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of William and Hannah, 20th day, 5th mo., 1806. Sussan, d. of William and Hannah, 27th day, 8th mo., 1804. William, s. of William and Hannah, 20th day, 5th mo., 1810. WALKER, Adeline, , 1844. G.R.3. Ann, Sept. 20, 1816. G.R.3. Anna [ ], w. of Edward, Aug. 8, 1839. G.R.3. Benjamin Ames, s. of Samuel and Louisa, Oct. 4, 1848. 3l6 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Walker, Charles, Jan. 28, 1830. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Samuel and Loisa, Mar. 15, 1845. Charles H., Dr., Aug. 21, 1822. G.R.3. Edward L., s. of Will and Mary, Dec. 24, 1843. Edwin G., , 1830. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1826. G.R.3. Flora M., , 1830. G.R.3. James, Sept. 10, 1809. G.R.3. John Winn, ,1806. G.R.3. John Winn, Jr., , 1831. G.R.3. Julia P. M. [ ], w. of Dr. Charles H., May 15, 1825. G.R.3. Louisa Wood [ ], w. of Samuel, June 16, 1810. G.R.3. Lydia A., d. of Sam[ue]l and Louisa, Dec. 22, 1843. Margaret [ ], w. of Nicholas Mosher, Oct. 3, 181 7. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1842. G.R.3. Nicholas Mosher, Apr. 26, 1818. G.R.3. Oliver H., , 1841. G.R.3. Rhoda Gould [ ], w. of John Winn, , 181 1. G.R.3. Samuel, July 12, 1803. G.R.3. Samuel, , 1841. G.R.3, Samuel A., s. of Samuel and Laura, 6th day, 12th mo., 1841. Sarah C, d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mary B., Sept. i, 1843. Will G., s. of Will and Mary, Aug. 18, 1845. WALKINS, Charles S., Nov. 20, 1826. G.R.3. , WALLACE (see WalHs), Abbie J. [ ], w. of James A., , 1835. G.R.3. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Margaret, 23d day, 2d mo., 1841. Francis, s. of Daniel and Margaret, Nov. 6, 1842. [Twin.] James A., , 1832. G.R.3. Mary J., d. of Will O. and Elvina S., Dec. 3, 1843. Sarah A., d. of Daniel and Margarett, Jan. i, 1845. Will[ia]m H., s. of Daniel and Margaret, Nov. 6, 1842. [Twin.] WALLEN, Charles A., , 1839. G.R.3. WALLIS (see Wallace), Elbridge G., Feb. 2, 1813. G.R.3. Mary Jane [ ], w. of Elbridge G., Apr. 26, 1816. G.R.3. WALLS, Thomas, , 1836. G.R.3. WALSH, Annie S., , 1838. g.r.^ Emma, , 1831. G.R.4. Frederick W., , 1829. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 3I7 WALTERS, Edward P., , 1844. G.R.3. Robert, , 1849. G.R.3. WANT, George, , 1846. G.R.3. WARD, Henry, , 1835. G.R.3. Lydia W. [ ], w. of , , 182 1. G.R.3. Mary, , 1828. G.R.3. Nancy [ ], w. of Henry, , 1835. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1833. G.R.3. WARE, Eliza, Sept. 11, 1785. G.R.3. Emily, Aug. 17, 1821. G.R.3. James, Nov. 2, 1785. G.R.3. Lucy [ ], w. of Paschal P. P., Sept. 5, 1824. G.R.3. Paschal P. P., June 12, 1820. G.R.3. WARNER, Alice A. C. [ ], w. of WilHam, , 1844. G.R.3. Hattie G. [ ], w. of , , 1836. G.R.3. John, Mar. 16, 1828. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1845. G.R.3. William, , 1843. G.R.3. WARREN, Cha[rle]s S., s. of Will and Priscilla, Dec. 10, 1847. Christena E. [ ], w. of Joseph H., Aug. 15, 1832. G.R.3. Daniel P., , 1814. G.R.3. Edward J. P., , 1827. G.R.3. Eliza H., , 1830. G.R.3. Evelyn B., , 1843. G.R.3. Irena B. Twombley [ ], w. of Daniel P., , 1826. G.R.3. Joseph G., , 1842. . G.R.3. Joseph H., Jan. 9, 1832. G.R.3. Mark F., July 4, 1819. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Mark F., June 3, 182 1. G.R.3. Nathaniel G., May 7, 1817. G.R.3. Susan G., Dec. 15, 1820. G.R.3. WARWICK, John J., in Norway, June 24, 1836. G.R.3. WASHBURN, Louisa W. [ ], w. of Philip M., Dec. 2, 1843. G.R.3. WASHINGTON, George, Sept. 8, 1836. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of , , 1842. G.R.3. 3l8 CHELSEA BIRTHS. WASLEY, Jennie [ ], w. of John R., , 1829. G.R.3. John R., , 1809. G.R.3. Mary Ann [ ], w. of John R., , 1813. G.R.3. WASSON, George, , 1834. G.R.3. Margaret A. [ ], w. of George , , 1834. G.R.3. WATERMAN, Anthony A., , 1848. G.R.3. EHzabeth C., , 1810. G.R.3. Leora, d. of Nath[anie]l and Harriet, 5th day, 5th mo., 1840. Thomas, , 1809. G.R.3. WATERS (see Watters), Charles, May 14, 1844. G.R.3. Hervey, in Millbury, July 10, 1804. G.R.3. Lydia F. [ ], w. of W[illia]m, Jr., Nov. — , 1834. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of William, Nov. 16, 1808. G.R.3. Mary W., , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah, , 1846. G.R.3. William, Oct. 10, 1806. G.R.3. W[illia]m, Jr., Sept. — , 1832. G.R.3. WATKINS, Cecelia F., d. of John W. and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1843. Mary A., d. of William and Abba A., Feb. 15, 1844. Rosetta [ ], w. of James, May i, 1825. G.R.3. WATSON, George, , 1809. G.R.3. George Henry, s. of George and Lydia A. N., , 1837. G.R.3. Grizzella A. [ ], w. of , Sept. — , 1816. G.R.3. Harriet [ ], w. of Henry, , 1827. G.R.3. Henry, , 1830. G.R.3. John, in Newby, Eng., July 22, 1816. G.R.3. John A., s. of John and Catharine T., Oct. 12, 1843. Lucy R. [ ], w. of George, , 1822. G.R.3. Lydia A. N. [ ], w. of George, , 1813. G.R.3. Lydia Ann, d. of George and Lydia A. N., , 1835. G.R.3. Will G., s. of John and Catherine, Sept. 12, 1847. WATTERS (see Waters), Catherine, , 1841. G.R.3. James, , 1839. G.R.3. WATTS, Anna, d. of Richard and Sarah, ist day, ist mo., 1748. Anne, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 19, 1727. c.r.i. Belcher, s. of Capt. Samuel, bp. June 8, 1735. c.r.i. Belcher, s. of Samuel and Han[na]h, 15th day, 3d mo., 1762. Bellingham, s. of Samuel, bp. Sept. 3, 1732. c.r.i. Bellingham, s. of Capt. Samuel, bp. May 26, 1734. c.r.i. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 319 Watts, Benja[mi]n, s. of Wil[liam] and Mary, 3d day, 3d mo., .1763. Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mar}', 21st day, 7th mo., 1805, Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 9th day, nth mo., 1821. Catherine, d. of Daniel and EHzabeth, 2d day, loth mo., 1741. Charles H., , 1833. G.R.3. Daniel, s. of Daniel, bp., Feb. 23, 1734-5. c.r.i. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Eliza[bet]h, 6th day, nth mo., 1738 (bp. Oct. 12, 1738, c.r.i). Eben[eze]r, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth, 27th day, loth mo., 1740. Eben[eze]r, s. of Richard and Sarah, 9th day, 4th mo., 1756. Edward, s. of Samuel, bp. Aug. 9, 1724. c.r.i. Edward, s. of Hon. Samuel and Hannah, 25th day, 7th mo., 1737- Elizabeth, d. of Samuel, bp. Dec. 4, 1720. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel, bp. Sept. 16, 1722. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Daniel, bp. Mar. 14, 1730-1. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Sarah, 9th day, 3d mo., 1742. Eliza[bet]h, d. of Samuel and Han[na]h, 5th day, 9th mo., 1754 Eliz[abet]h, d. of John and EHza[bet]h, 28th day, 7th mo., 1777 Elizabeth, d. of Richard and Mary, bp. Jan. 23, 1780. c.r.i Hannah, d. of Hon. Samuel and Hannah, 6th day, 8th mo., 1741 Hannah, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, 17th day, 2d mo., 1742 Hannah, d. of Wil[liam] and Mary, 24th day, 9th mo., 1765. Hannah, d. of Isaac and Rachel, 24th day, 12th mo., 1781. Isaac, s. of Hon. Samuel and Hannah, 31st day, 7th mo., 1738. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Han[na]h, 5th day, 5th mo., 1748. John, s. of Daniel, bp. Sept. 23, 1744. c.r.i. John, s. of Samuel and Han[na]h, 15th day, ist mo., 1747. John, s. of John and Eliza[bet]h, 20th day, 6th mo., 1775. John, s. of Isaac and Rachel, 8th day, 2d mo., 1784. John, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, ist day, 6th mo., 1818. John R., Capt., , 1829. G.R.3. Joseph, , 1810. G.R.3. Joseph F., , 1836. G.R.3. Martha, , 1815. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Richard and Sarah, i8th day, 3d mo., 1749. Mar>^ d. of Samuel and Han[na]h, i6th day, 2d mo., 1750. Mary, d. of Richard and Mary, bp. Apr. 21, 1776. c.r.i. Mary Rachel, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, ist day, 6th mo., 1804. Rachel, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 2, 1728-9. c.r.i. Rachel, d. of Samuel and Hannah, i8th day, 3d mo., 1745. 320 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Watts, Rachel, d. of Sam[ue]ll, Jr., bp. Mar. 25, 1764. c.r.i. Rachel, d. of Isaac and Rachel, 3d day, 6th mo., 1780. Rachell, d. of Daniel and Eliza[bet]h, 4th day, 3d mo., 1737. Rebecca B., Dec. 4, 1767. G.R.3. Richard, s. of Samuel, bp. Feb. i, 1718-9. c.r.i. Richard, s. of Richard and Sarah, 2d day, 9th mo., 1740. Richard, s. of Richard and Sarah, i6th day, 12th mo., 1746. Richard, s. of Richard and Sarah, 7th day, 3d mo., 1754. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, 20th day, 7th mo., 1743. Samuel 3d, s. of Sam[ue]l and Ann, 4th day, 12th mo., 1774. Sam[ue]l 3d, s. of Sam[ue]l and Ann, 4th day, 8th mo., 1777. Samuel 3d, s. of Sam[ue]l and Ann, 9th day, 8th mo., 1778. Sam[ue]l 2d, s. of Sam[ue]l and Ann, 5th day, loth mo., 1779. Sarah, d. of Daniel, bp. July 29, 1733. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of Richard Jr. and Sarah, 2d day, loth mo., 1744. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, 27th day, 4th mo., 1756. Sarah, d. of Richard and Mary, bp.. Mar. 15, 1778. c.r.i. Susanna, d. of Samuel and Han[na]h, 27th day, nth mo., 1752. William, s. of Elder Samuel, bp. Aug. i, 1736. c.r.i. William, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 21st day, 3d mo., 1808. William Brintnell, s. of William and Mary, 29th day, ist mo., 1760, WAUGH, E. A. [ ], w. of J. H., , 1834. G.R.3. Eliza [ ], w. of John, May — , 1833. G.R.3. J. H., , 1833. G.R.3. John, Feb. — , 1822. G.R.3. WAYLAND, John Harris, s. of Michael and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1849. WEAVER, Sarah, , 1830. G.R.3. WEBB, Abbie Frances, July 2, 1846. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Samuel and Margaret, Mar. 12, 1779. G.R.3. WEBBER, Cha[rle]s E., s. of Gilbert T. and Julia A., Dec. 28, 1844. Francis M., May 25, 1846. G.R.3. Gilbert T., , 1816. G.R.3. Gilbert T., s. of Gilbert T. and Julia A., Mar. 6, 1842. Henry A., , 1832. G.R.3. James A., , 1832. G.R.3. Lincoln, s. of Gilbert T. and Julia A., Nov. i, 1847. Martha [ ], w. of Sewell W., , 1828. G.R.3. 4 CHELSEA BIRTHS. 321 Webber, Mary E., , 1829. G.R.3. Melora K., , 1833- G.R.3. Sarah A., , 1836. G.R.3. Sewell W., July 15. 1827. G.R.3. Stephens., , 1831. G.R.3. Vesta A. Towne [ ], w. of James A., , i833- G.R.3. WEBSTER, , ch. of Charles E. and Lydia A., Oct. 21, 1849- Andrew, , 182 1. G.R.3. Andrew A., ,1845- ^•'^:\-,. . .. .^ tR.^ Anna J., d. of Charles E. and Lydia A., Nov. 30, 1846. Benjamin F., , 1805. G.R.3. Cordelia, , 1831. G.R.3. David, Sept. 21, 1829. G.R.3. Edward O., , 1831- G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1824. G.R.3. Elizabeth B., , i799- G.R.3. Elizabeths., ,1811. G.R.3. ., .^^ o n o Ellen P. Butler [ ], w. of David, Apr. 18, 1848. G.R.3. Francis F., , 1839- G.R.3. George E., Oct. 15, i845- G.R.3. Joshua, , 1795- G.R.3. Mary G., , 1831. G.R.3. ^-^■,1^9^; w*: of^ViUiam W., — . X8.4. 0...3. William W., , 1823. G.R.3. WEED, Celia H. [ ]. w. of Hartford H., , 1849. G R ^ . WEEDMAN, Frances J. [ ], w. of , Nov. -, 1829. G.R.3. WEEKS, Albert Poland, Dr., , 1840. G.R.3. Charles H., , 1841. G.R.3. Isabella M. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1838. G.R.3. WEELAND, Albert J., s. of Dr. William and Adaline, Mar. 4, 1848. WEEMAN, Betsey W., , 1830. G.R.3. Catherine M. [ ], w. of EH P., . 1811. G.R.3. Edward P., , 1836. G.R.3. EH P., , 1802. G.R.3. Jennie S. [ ]. w. of Edward P., , 1842. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Eli P., . 1823. G.R.3. 322 CHELSEA BIRTHS. WEISEL, Henry, Oct. 5, 1838. G.R.3. WEISS, August J., May 23, 1828. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of August J., Feb. i, 1832. G.R.3. WELCH (see Welsh), Carrie V. [ ], w. of Edward C, Mar. II, 1842. G.R.3. Edward C, , 1840. G.R.3. Eliza, d. of Thomas and Ann, July 5, 1843. Margaret, d. of Thomas and Ann, Jan. 16, 1846. Mary J., Sept. 30, 1827. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of John and Ann, July 12, 1848. W[illia]m H., s. of Folanshee G. and Cordelia E., May 23, 1845. WELLENBROCK, John, June 10, 1838. G.R.3. WELLINGTON, Charles W., Mar. 31, 1819. G.R.3. Eliz. M., d. of Cha[rle]s W. and Eliz[abet]h, Oct. i, 1843. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Charles W., Jan. 20, 1820. G.R.3. Frank H., , 1849. G.R.3. Horatio, Sept. 6, 1817. g.r,3. WELLMAN, George A., Oct. 15, 1828. G.R.3. Harriet Lewis [ ], w. of George A., Feb. 19, 1832. G.R.3. Susan Prescott, d. of Francis O. and Anna, Jan. 23, 1849. WELLOCK, Franklin B., , 1839. G.R.3. Harriet L., , 1838. G.R.3. WELLS, Edward, , 1842. G.R.3. Ellen L., , 1841. G.R.3. George W., , 1809. G.R.3. George W. Jr., , 1837. G.R.3. Ivory, , 1827. G.R.3. Joseph L., Dec. 9, 1814. G.R.3. Lucy E. [ ], w. of Joseph L., Dec. 20, 1825. G.R.3. Mary A., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Sarah G., Nov. 23, 1845. Sarah G. Cook [ ], w. of George W., , 1817. G.R.3. Sary E., d. of George W. and Sarah G., Apr. 25, 1848. Susan A. Thayer [ ], w. of Edward, , 184 1. G.R.3. William C. W., Dec. 24, 1817. G.R.3. William F., , 1837. G.R.3. WELSH (see Welch), Patrick F., s. of Thomas and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, July 25, 1849. Rebecca L., , 1849. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 323 WEMYSS, Isabella J., , 1843. G.R.3. James, , 1823. G.R.3. Margaret T., , 1819. G.R.3. WEND ALL (see Wendell), Daniel M., s. of Daniel D. and Harriet E., Dec. 14, 1844. WENDELL (see Wendall), Abraham Quincy, June 4, 1847. G.R.3. Daniel Stanwood, s. of Daniel D. and Harriet E., Dec. 27, 1848. WENTWORTH, Anna P., , 1843. G.R.3. Catharine H. Pinkham [ ], w. of Josephus F., Aug. 5, 1816. G.R.3. Fannie B. [ ], w. of Jeremiah C, , 1840. G.R.3. George S., Nov. 22, 1827. G.R.3. Hannah W. [ ], w. of Jona[than] Y., Mar. 27, 1823. G.R.3. Jeremiah C, June 24, 1833. G.R.3. Jona[than] Y., July 8, 1816. G.R.3. Josephus F., Oct. 19, 1820. G.R.3. Marcia A., , 1816. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Elijah, Nov. 19, 1818. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of Samuel A., , 1834. g.r.2. Owen A., s. of Jeremiah R. and Susannah, Jan. 31, 1846. Ransom D., May 11, 1848. G.R.3, Samuel A., , 1821. g.r.2. Sarah J. Pinkham [ ], w, of Josephus F., Sept. 29, 1828. G.R.3. WESCOTT, Jordan P., , 1848. G.R.4. WESSON, George H., , 1847. G.R.3. WEST, Amos W., , 1846. G.R.3. Edward, , 1805. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Aaron, Nov. 16, 1794. G.R.3. George, June 2, 1830. G.R.3. Georgie L. [ ], w. of Charles, Aug. 2, 1831. G.R.3. Hannah E. [ ], w. of George, Feb. 8, 1834. G.R.3. Lewis B., , 1827. G.R.3. Louisa, , 18 10. G.R.3. Lucretia L. [ ], w. of Charles, Aug. 20, 1836. G.R.3. Thomas V., , 1807. G.R.3. W. A., , 1841. G.R.3. WESTGATE, Matthew B., June 29, 1844. G.R.3. 324 CHELSEA BIRTHS. WESTLAKE, Isabella [ ], w. of William, , 1834. G.R.3. William, , 1829. G.R.3. WESTON, Addie A., , 1845. g.r.2. Hannah E. [ ], w. of Washburn, Aug. 24, 1838. G.R.4. John E., Apr. 18, 1824. G.R.3. John H., Capt., , 1830. G.R.3. Sarah E. Newhall [ ], w. of Capt. John H., , 1831, G.R.3. Sarah S. O. [ ], w. of John E., Nov. 13, 1830. G.R.3. Susannah, d, of Ruben and Eliza[beth], bp. Jan. 7, 1787. c.r.i, Washburn, May 22, 1826. G.R.4. WETHERBEE, Mary L., Apr. 5, 1849. G.R.3. WHEAT, Margaret E. [ ], w. of , , 1845. G.R.3. WHEELAN, Frances, d. of Will and Adaline, Aug. 23, 1846. WHEELER, Cha[rle]s A., s. of Benj[amin] and Allice, Mar. 24, 1843. Charles C, , 1835. G.R.3. Charles H., Dec. 26, 1842. G.R.3. Daniel, , 1816. G.R.3. Esther W., , 1824. G.R.3. Henry T., , 1818. G.R.3. Isabella [ ], w. of Charles C, , 1835. G.R.3. Jennie Case [ ], w. of William G., Apr. 15, 1826. G.R.3. Martha F., d. of William and Martha A., Oct. 10, 1846. Mary Case [ ], w. of William G., Apr. 6, 1823. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Henry T., , 1834. G.R.3. William Frank, s. of WilHam Z. and Martha A., Mar. 18, 1849. William G., Aug. 3, 1821. G.R.3. WHEELOCK, Maria Rose, , 1833. G.R.3. Merrill C, , 1822. G.R.3. WHEELWRIGHT, Abbie S. [ ], w. of Robert H., , 1820. G.R.3. Anna P., d. of Geo[rge] S. and Lydia, Feb. i, 1844. Robert H., , 1825. G.R.3. WHIDDEN, Andrew Oilman, June 4, 1822. G.R.3. Elizabeth Jane [ ], w. of Andrew Oilman, June 24, 1822. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 325 Whidden, Florence Adelaide, d. of Andrew Oilman and Eliza- beth Jane, Jan. i, 1847. G.R.3. Stephen Celestine, s. of Andrew Oilman and Elizabeth Jane, Sept. 12, 1849. G.R.3. Stephen Huse, in Portsmouth, N. H., May 25, 1825. G.R.3. WHIPPLE, Angeline M., Feb. 14, 1815. G.R.3. Emma, July 16, 1843. G.R.3. Parley, Mar. 27, 1796. G.R.3. WHITAKER (see Whittaker), James H., Dec. 17, 1832. G.R.3. Mary H., Apr. 21, 1835. G.R.3. WHITCOMB, Abbie M. [ ], w. of J. Wilder, Sept. i, 1816. G.R.3. Elizabeth W., , 1797. G.R.3. Ellen M., , 1833. G.R.3. Frederick C, , 1824. G.R.3. J. Wilder, Feb. 13, 1815. G.R.3. Levi L., .1791- G.R.3. Luthera B. [ ], w. of Frederick C, , 1823. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Actor J. T. and Eliza, Feb. 2, 1842. Mary F., , 1826. G.R.3. WHITE (see Whyte, Wight), Abigail F. [ ], w. of Horatio N., Apr. 13, 1812. G.R.3. Ann, , 1803. G.R.3. Austin J., Mar. 21, 1830. G.R.3. Charles F., Capt., Nov. 10, 1816. G.R.3. Charles M., Dec. 24, 1840. G.R.3. Charles N., Aug. — , 1824. G.R.4. Davis J., Jan. 27, 1833. G.R.3. Ebenezer, , 1806. G.R.3. Edwin A., Feb. 8, 1829. G.R.3. Emily M. [ ], w. of Joseph A., , 1838. G.R.3. Evelina, , 1840. G.R.3. F. Angelia, , 1840. G.R.3. Francis, , 1823. G.R.3. Francis, , 1839. G.R.4. Franklin, , 1842. G.R.3. Franklin T., in Hallowell, Me., June 12, 1824. G.R.3. George H., in Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. i, 1836. G.R.3. Georgianna, , 1836. G.R.3. Hannah Haskell [ ], w. of WilHam, , 1805. G.R.3. Henrietta A. [ ], w. of Charles N., , 1831. G.R.4. Henry Kirk, Oct. 9, 1844. G.R.3. 326 CHELSEA BIRTHS. White, Horace Carr, Dr., , 1836. G.R.3. Horace N., Apr. 19, 1838. G.R.3. Horatio N., Feb. 22, 1809. G.R.3. Horatio W., June 30, 1840. G.R.3. Ira E., Apr. 20, 1839. G.R.3. Ira J., , 1813. G.R.3. Isabella [ ], w, of Francis, — : — , 1823, G.R.3. Joseph, , 1837. G.R.3. Joseph A., ,1828. G.R.3. Joseph R., , 1834. G.R.2. Levina S., , 1844. g.r.2. Mary E. G. [ ], w. of Franklin T., June 6, 1832. G.R.3. Mary Randall, , 1830. G.R.3. Mehitable R. [ ], w. of Capt. Charles F., June 30, 1818. G.R.3. Rebecca B., , 1817. G.R.3. Sarah J., , 1818. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Edwin A., July 22, 1835. G.R.3. Sarah L. A. Chambers [ ], w. of Austin J., Aug. 2, 1837. G.R.3. William, , 1799. G.R.3. WHITEHOUSE, Annabella [ ], w. of Frank N., Oct. 30, 1847. G.R.3. Frank N., , 1849. G.R.3. George Preston, s. of Moses and Elizabeth, July 14, 1848. WHITEMORE (see Whitmore, Whittamore, Whittemore), Abrah[a]m, s. of Abrah[a]m and Hannah, 7th day, loth mo., 1761. Amos, s. of Benj[ami]n and Hannah, 9th day, 2d mo., 1747. Hannah, d. of Abrah[a]m and Hannah, 9th day, nth mo., 1763. Jacob, s. of Abrah[a]m and Hannah, 20th day, 8th mo., 1766. WHITING, Amy Ann, d. of William B. and Lavina Dexter, Feb. 8, 1842. G.R.3. Cotton, s. of John and Martha, i6th day, 2d mo., 1754. Eliza[bet]h, d. of John and Martha, 12th day, ist mo., 1756. John, s. of John and Martha, ist day, 2d mo., 1746. Lavina Dexter [ ], w. of William B., Feb. 21, 1818. G.R.3. Lucy, d. of John and Martha, 14th day, 2d mo., 1744. Martha, d. of John and Martha, i6th day, 2d mo., 1751. Mary, d. of John and Martha, ist day, 6th mo., 1742. Samuel, s. of John and Martha, 25th day, 6th mo., 1749. William B., Mar. i, 1817. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 327 WHITMAN, Cha[rlc]s C, s. of Jon[a]th[an] R. and Anna M., Oct. 15, 1847. James Thompson, July 24, 1830. G.R.3. John, , 1825. G.R.3. Mary Greenlaw [ ], w. of James Thompson, July 11, 1833. G.R.3. Parthenia H. [ ], w. of John, , 1838. G.R.3. WHITMARSH, John W., , 1832. g.r.2. WHITMORE (see Whitemore, Whittamore, Whittemore), Al- bina Allan [ ], w. of George, Oct. 25, 1839. G.R.3. Annie D. Herrick, Jan. 16, 1847. G.R.3. Charles Edward, Oct. 10, 1845. G.R.3. George, Apr. 30, 1842. G.R.3. Henry S., , 1818. G.R.3. James D. Herrick, Jan. 16, 1847. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Hezekiah and Mary, 19th day, loth mo., 1756. WHITNEY, Alfred C., Capt., Sept. 30, 1835. G.R.3. Alice W., d. of Joseph and Ann, , 1836. G.R.3. Ann M. [ ], w. of Sylvester, Feb. 11, 182 1. G.R.3. Annie [ ], w. of Capt. Alfred C, June 19, 1842. G.R.3. Henry A., Oct. 6, 1823. G.R.3. Henry A., s. of Joseph and Ann, , 1840. G.R.3. James, , 1830. G.R.3. James, s. of Benjamin and Margaret, Nov. 7, 1849. Joseph A., s. of Joseph and Ann, , 1838. G.R.3. Maria P., d. of Joseph and Ann, , 1834. G.R.3. Mary E., , 1837. G.R.3. Mary J. [ ], w. of , Apr. 6, 1834. G.R.3. Sylvester, Feb. 29, 1816. G.R.3. WHITON (see Whitten, Whitton), Charlotte H. [ ], w. of Joseph H., , 1849. G.R.3. Jane G. [ ], w. of Joseph D., , 1822, G.R.3. Joseph D., , 1819. G.R.3. Joseph H., , 1845. G.R.3. Lucy M. [ ], w. of Joseph D., , 1834. G.R.3. Robert P., , 1849. G.R.3. WHITTAKER (see Whitaker), Abbie W. [ ], w. of , Feb. 6, 1829. G.R.3. WHITTAM (see Whittum), Ann E., d. of Moses and Sarah S., Aug. 12, 1845. 328 CHELSEA BIRTHS. WHITTAMORE (see Whitemore, Whitmore, Whittemore) , Edmund, s. of Joseph, bp. July 5, 17 19. c.r.i. John, s. of John, of Maiden, bp. Aug. 27, 1721. c.r.i. Rebeccah, d. of Benjamin, bp. June 16, 1734. c.r.i. WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore, Whitmore, Whittamore), Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 2, 1730. c.r.i. Abraham, s. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 7, 1735-6. c.r.i. Alice, d. of David, bp. Mar. 16, 1735. c.r.i. Alpheus A., Dec. 6, 1835. G.R.3. Amos, s. of Benjamin, bp. Feb. 26, 1737-8. c.r.i. Augustus, Dec. 31, 1806. G.R.3. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. c.r.i. Catherine S., Nov. 3, 1834. G.R.3. Clarissa A. [ ], w. of , , 1818. g.r.2. David, s. of David, bp. Sept. 22, 1734. c.r.i. Elias, s. of Elias, bp. Feb. 13, 1731-2. c.r.i. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Augustus, Nov. 14, 1810. G.R.3. Esther, d. of Benjamin, bp., Oct. 5, 1729. c.r.i. George, Mar. 9, 1820. G.R.3. Hannah, d. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 22, 1728. c.r.i. Hezekiah, s. of Benjamin, bp., Feb. 21, 1730-1. c.r.i. Jacob, s. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. c.r.i. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah, bp. Aug. 18, 1723. c.r.i. John, s. of Pelatiah, bp. May 17, 1747. c.r.i. Leicester H., Jan. 7, 1829. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 10, 1734. c.r.i. Mary F. Ferrier [ ], w. of Nathan W., , 1839. G.R.3. Mary H. [ ], w. of Leicester H., May 8, 183 1. G.R.3. Mary M., Dec. 8, 1819. G.R.3. Nathan, s. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 21, 1735. c.r.i. Nathan W., , 1828. G.R.3. Phebe, d. of Benjamin, bp. Feb. 6, 1731-2. c.r.i. Rachel, d. of Elias, bp. July 2, 1735. c.r.i. Samuel, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 26, 1732. c.r.i. Samuel N., , 1831. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Benjamin, bp. Mar. 31, 1728. c.r.i. Theodosius J., Feb. 21, 1839. G.R.3. Timothy, s. of Elias, bp. Mar. 24, 1734. c.r.i. WHITTEN (see Whiton, Whitton), Charlotte E., Dec. 5, 1839. G.R.3. Ephraim F., Dec. 31, 1829. G.R.3. Francis, Sept. 6, 1805. G.R.3. Francis, Sept. 13, 1833. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 329 Written, George W., July 19, 1842. G.R.3. Hannah E. [ ], w. of Francis, Nov. 16, 1805. G.R.3. Matthew, Mar. 8, 1820, G.R.3. Phebe S. [ ], w. of Matthew, June 3, 1819. G.R.3. WHITTIER, Benjamin Frederick, s. of Benjamin and Hannah M., Sept. 23, 1848. Harriet Elizabeth [ ], w. of Seth, Sept. 16, 1818. G.R.3. James K., Mar. i, 1836. G.R.3. Sarah J., June 5, 1836. G.R.3. Seth, in Searsmont, Me., Mar. 13, 181 1. G.R.3. WHITTLE, Almira B. [ ], w. of Edward M., , 1842. G.R.3. Edward M., , 1845. G.R.3. Emily Josephine [ ], w. of John Wesley, Mar. 19, 1847. G.R.3. John Wesley, Mar. 26, 1838. G.R.3. Lucina A., ,1841. G.R.3. W. J., , 1840. G.R.3. WHITTLESEY, Corydon M., May 28, 1825. G.R.3. Maria Louise Ayer [ ], w. of Corydon M., Mar. 18, 1826. G.R.3. WHITTON (see Whiton, Whitten), John F., Nov. 2, 1826. G.R.3. WHITTUM (see Whittam), Sarah C, d. of Moses and Sarah S., Nov. 30, 1842. WHORF, Charles H., Dec. 5, 1838. G.R.3. James, in Provincetown, Aug. 26, 1804. G.R.3. Rebecca S. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1845. G.R.3. Susan, , 1805. G.R.3. WHRIGHT (see Wright), Mary C. [ ], w. of George, Sept. ID, 1837. G.R.3. Sarah J. [ ], w. of George, Sept. 9, 1831. G.R.3. WHYTE (see White, Wight), William, Jan. 2, 1820. G.R.3. WIEGAND, P. A., Sept. 29, 1826. G.R.3. Wilhelmina [ ], w, of P. A., Mar. 13, 1825. G.R.3. WIER, Alphia T., d. of Robert and Eunice, Nov. 21, 1844. Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1828. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Robert and Eunice, nth day, 4th mo., 1841. Stephen, Dec. 25, 1824. G.R.3. 330 CHELSEA BIRTHS. WIGGIN (see Wiggins), Annie M. [ ], w. of Mark M., Aug. 20, 1845. G.R.3. Arthur H., s. of James L. and Mary Ann B., Oct, 26, 1848. George F., s. of George B. and Mary A., June 4, 1845. M. A. B. [ ], w. of , , 1817. G.R.I. Maria M., Nov. 25, 1830. G.R.3. Sarah E., d. of George and Mary A., Mar. 5, 1848. WIGGINS (see Wiggin), , eh. of James L. and Mary A., May 20, 1847. George, s. of John T. and Mary A., 22d day, 5th mo., 1831. Geo[rge] H., s. of James L. and Mary A., June 14, 1843. John T., s. of John T. and Mary A., 26th day, 9th mo., 1832. WIGHT (see White, Whyte), Thomas D., aHas George Hunter, , 1848. G.R.3. WILBER (see Wilbur), Caroline A. [ ], w. of Chelgias S., Nov. II, 1826. G.R.3. WILBUR (see Wilber), David, , 1835. G.R.3. Mary M. [ ], w. of David, , 1835. G.R.3. WILD (see Wilde), George A., , 1827. G.R.3. WILDE (see Wild), Charles Tidd, ,1818. G.R.3. William Allan, July 11, 1827. G.R.3. WILDER, Adelaide Chipman, d. of John E. and Adelaide E., Dec. 4, 1849. Frank W., , 1833. G.R.3. Lucy Ellen, d. of Solomon and Ellen A., Oct. 18, 1848. Bom in Ipswich. Mary F., , 1832. G.R.3. Sarah C, d. of Cha[rle]s B. and Mary A., Aug. 5, 1845. WILEY (see Wyllie), George Otis, July 8, 1833. G.R.3. Mary A., Mar. 11, 1848. G.R.3. William S., Oct. 11, 1829. G.R.3. WTLFORD, George Bargate, May 16, 1840. G.R.3. WELKIE, Eliza A. [ ], w. of Rev. W., Feb. 23, 1819. G.R.4. James, Capt., , 1834. G.R.3. W. Rev., Apr. 6, 1813. G.R.4. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 33 1 WILKINSON, Hannah H. Raymond [ ], w. of John H., , 1826. G.R.3. James, , 1828. G.R.3. John H., , 1819. G.R.3. Margaret E., , 1832. G.R.3. WILLARD, Ella J., d. of George and Jane A., Sept. 6, 1847. Frances E. [ ], w. of Lewis, , 1837. G.R.3. Lewis, , 183 1. G.R.3. WILLCOMB, Edward S., Nov. 8, 1848. G.R.3. George, Jan. 4, 1834. G.R.3. WILLET, Charles A., , 1825. g.r.2. WILLIAMS, Abby Smith, d. of Richard and Rachel, i6th day, 9th mo., 1817. Abby Smith 2d, d. of Richard and Rachel, 14th day, 8th mo., 1819. Alice, , 1844. G.R.3. Arthur S., , 1843. G.R.3. Augustus, s. of David and Abigail, 23d day, ist mo., 181 2. Betsey, June 28, 1830. G.R.3. Charles, s. of David and Martha, 27th day, 6th mo., 1799. (25th day, 6th mo., 1799, dup.) Charles, , 1803. G.R.3. Charles Jr., , 1830. G.R.3. Clarissa [ ], w. of Nahum, Dec. 16, 1790. G.R.3. Clarissa, d. of David and Martha, 17th day, nth mo., i8oi. David, s. of David and Martha, 8th day, 4th mo., 1805. David, s. of David and Abigail, i8th day, 8th mo., 1810. David, s. of David and Abigail, i8th day, 12th mo., 1816. David T., , 1834. G.R.3. Edith M., , 1847. G.R.3. Edmund B., s. of John and Lydia J., Aug. 19, 1842. Edward, s. of Richard and Rachel, 24th day, 7th mo., 1815. (Edward, s. of late Capt. Richard and wid. Rachel, bp. Dec. 12, 1823. C.R.I.) Edward A., , 1815. G.R.3. Edward E., July 2, 1822. G.R.3. Elizabeth [ ], w. of David T., , 1839. G.R.3. Emily J. [ ], w. of Edward A., , 1820. G.R.3. Evan, Mar. 25, 1820. G.R.3. Everett H., June 27, 1846. G.R.3. F. Marcella [ ], w. of James, , 1842. G.R.3. 332 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Williams, Francis, s. of Richard and Rachel, 29th day, 6th mo., 1822. George, s. of David and Abigail, 28th day, 6th mo., 1820. Hannah S. [ ], w. of J. G., Feb. 22, 1820. G.R.3. Harison B., s. of John and Lydia J., Aug. i, 1844. Hattie O. [ ], w. of R., , 1845. G.R.3. Horatio, Jan. 16, 1814. G.R.3. J. Munroe, , 1833. G.R.3. James, , 1843. G.R.3. James K. P., Feb. 20, 1845. G.R.3. James L., June 10, 1820. G.R.3. Jane J., d. of Henry G. and Julia W., July i, 1845. Jeffery B., s. of Jeffery B. and Hannah, nth day, 12th mo., 1787. John, s. of Jona[tha]n and Lydia, 28th day, 2d mo., 1778. John, Capt., Oct. 12, 1797. G.R.3. Jonathan, s. of Jona[tha]n and Lydia, 3d day, 9th mo., 1775. Joseph H., s. of John and Mary, 4th day, 7th mo., 1840. Loiza M., d. of David and Abigail, 28th day, 12th mo., 1822. Lydia, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, bp. Oct. 31, 1773. c.r.i. Lydia, d. of Jona[tha]n and Lydia, 14th day, 5th mo., 1780. Lydia J. [ ], w. of Capt. John, Oct. 11, 18 11. G.R.3. Maria, d. of Richard and Rachel, 31st day, 8th mo., 1808. Martha M., d. of David and Abigail, 2d day, 4th mo., 1809. Mary, Nov. 17, 1808. G.R.3. Mary Frances [ ], w. of Peter, Oct. 29, 1848. G.R.3. Mary P. [ ], w. of Thomas A., , 1817. G.R.3. Nahimi, Jan. i, 1785. G.R.3. Rachel, d. of Richard and Rachel, loth day, 6th mo., 1813. Rebecca, , 1809. G.R.3. Richard, s. of Richard and Rachel, 8th day, 4th mo., 1811. Rose Anne [ ], w. of Andrew, Oct. 30, 1841. G.R.3. Ruth A., , 1822. G.R.3. Sally, d. of David and Martha, 8th day, 4th mo., 1803. Sally, d. of David and Abigail, 26th day, nth mo., 181 5. Sam[ue]l S., s. of David and Abigail, 3d day, 3d mo., 1813. Sophia A. [ ], w. of Edward A., , 1829. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1818. G.R.3. Thomas A., , 1809. G.R.3. Wil[lia]m, s. of David and Abigail, i6th day, ist mo., 1819. WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth R. [ ], w. of George, , 1830. G.R.3. George, , 1833. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 333 Williamson, Geo[rge] W., , 1826. G.R.3. James, , 1836. G.R.3. Margaret Hume [ ], w. of Samuel, in Leith, Scot., , 1835. G.R.3. Samuel, in Leith, Scot., , 1845. G.R.3. WILLIS, Charles R., s. of Charles and Matilda, Aug. 17, 1849. Parents bom in Boston. Edward B., s. of Nath[anie]l P. H. and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1849. [Twin.] George W., Dec. 12, 1817. G.R.3. James Edward, s. of Nath[anie]l P. H. and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1849. [Twin.] Mary H. [ ], w. of William P., , 1845. G.R.4. Theresa B. [ ], w. of George W., July i, 1820. G.R.3. Warwic P., s. of Nath[an]iel P. H. and Lydia, June 14, 1844. William P., , 1844. G.R.4. WILLOUGHBY, William R., Jan. 19, 1830. G.R.3. WILLSON (see Wilson), Almira J., d. of Albert and Eliz[abet]h, April II, 1846. WILMOT, Cynthia G. [ ], w. of Samuel, Feb. 8, 1842. G.R.3. WILSON (see Willson), Alice F. Rich [ ], w. of George W., Aug. 12, 1835. G.R.3. Andrew G., s. of William and Mary, Apr. 19, 1842. G.R.3. Benj[ami]n, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 26th day, 3d mo., 1818. Catherine S. [ ], w. of John, , 1831. G.R.3. Charles Henry H., u. s. n., June 11, 1835. G.R.3. David, in Auchinaird, Glasgow, Scot., Dec. 21, 1842. g.r.2. Georg[e], s. of Benjamin and Mar}% 31st day, ist mo., 1830. George W., Jan. 31, 183 1. G.R.3. Helen S., , 1838. G.R.3. Henry G., , 1848. G.R.3. James F., , 1832. G.R.3. James H., Aug. 28, 1829. G.R.3. John, , 1837. G.R.3. John B., , 1817. G.R.3. John L., s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 14th day, 5th mo., 1828. John S., July 12, 1848. G.R.3. Jonas W., , 1835. G.R.3. Joseph F., May 26, 1826. G.R.3. 334 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Wilson, Joseph Harris, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 12th day, 2d mo., 1820. Martha, May 18, 1844. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of William, Mar. 15, 1815. G.R.3. Mary, , 1816. G.R.3. Mary, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 23d day, 4th mo., 1822. Mary, , 1834. G.R.3. Mary A. [ ], w. of John B., , 1820. G.R.3. Mary Ellen [ ], w. of William H., , 1835. G.R.3. Mary H., d. of Benjamin and Mary, 21st day, 8th mo., 1833. Nancy, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 13th day, 12th mo., 1825. Nellie M. [ ], w. of Charles Henry H., June 7, 1842. G.R.3. Robert, in Sunderland, Eng., Aug. 3, 1801. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, i6th day, ist mo., 1824. Sarah E., , 1840. G.R.3. William, in Ayrshire, Scot., June 11, 1813. G.R.3. William H., , 1832. G.R.3. William S., s. of Benjamin and Mary, 25th day, nth mo., 1831. WILSS, August, Apr. 14, 1837. G.R.3. Louise C. [ ], w. of August, Dec. 11, 1840. G.R.3. WILTON, Charles Codman, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah Jane, Mar. 28, 1849. WINCHESTER, Miriam [ ], w. of I. W., , 1841. G.R.3. WINDE, , d. of Lewis and Eliza, Sept. 26, 1847. WINGATE, Winslow P., s. of Stephen and Mary D. P., June i, 1848. WINGREN, Magnus, , 1835. G.R.3. WINN, William, Oct. 14, 18 19. G.R.4. WINNING, Anna C, Aug. 6, 1S38. G.R.3. Clara, , 1841. G.R.3. David P., , 1837. G.R.3. David Parker, , 1798. G.R.3. James, , 1847. G.R.3. Martha F., , 1832. G.R.3. Rebecca Colbum [ ], w. of David Parker, , 18 10. G.R.3. Susan S. Walker [ ], w. of David Parker, , 1800. G.R.3. William, , 1844. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 335 WINSBY, Daniel, May 9, 1810. G.R.3. Mary, Dec. 28, 1821. G.R.3. WINSHIP, Joanna T. [ ], w. of Abel, , 1799. G.R.3. WINSLOW, Lillie Hubbard [ ], w. of George C, Dec. 17, 1838. G.R.3. WISWALL (see Wiswell), Ann [ ], w. of Rev. William D., Sept. 12, 1801. G.R.3. WISWELL (see Wiswall), Charles H., , 1841. G.R.3. Edward, , 1844. G.R.3. Elbridge G., Capt., , 1810. G.R.3. Elbridge G., Feb. 16, 1838. g.r.2. Louisa Wilson [ ], w. of Capt. Elbridge G., , 1812. G.R.3. WITHAM, Eliza A., , 1832. G.R.3. Olive G. [ ], w. of John H., , 1836. G.R.3. WOHLSCHLEGEL, Joseph, Mar. 8, 1826. G.R.3. WOLFE, John H., , 1817. G.R.3. Mary A., , 1822. G.R.3. WOLTER, Henry, , 1821. G.R.3. Maria G., , 1825. G.R.3. WOMBOLT, John, , 1819. G.R.3. WONSON, Sam[ue]l G., s. of Sam[ue]l G. and Eliz[abet]h A., Jan. 15, 184^. [Twin.] Will N. S., s. of Sam[ue]l G. and JEliz[abet]h A., Jan. 15, 1843. [Twin.] WOOD (see Woods), Charles S., , 1834. G.R.3. Charlotte A., [ ], w. of Samuel B., , 1836. G.R.3. Eliza, , 1829. G.R.3. Elizabeth, , 1836. G.R.3. Francis, s. of Francis and Mary, Jan. 18, 1845. James, , 1846. G.R.3. Jedidah [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1833. G.R.3. Magnus, , 1844. G.R.3. Margaret, d. of Michael and Sarah, June 11, 1849. Margaret, d. of Robert C. and Eliza, Dec. 17, 1849. Mary Ann, d. of John and Alice, Feb. i, 1849. Mary R. [ ], w. of James R., Aug. 28, 1842. G.R.3. Matilda, , 1801. G.R.3. 336 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Wood, Paschal, , 1827. G.R.3. Pennelia, Nov. 7, 1808. G.R.3. Peter, s. of John and Mary, Sept. 29, 1846. Samuel, , 1839. G.R.3. Samuel B., , 1830. G.R.3. Square, , 1798. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1830. G.R.3. Thomas W., , 1841. G.R.3, WOODBRIDGE, Mary [ ], w. of S. G., , 1792. G.R.3. WOODBURY, Nelson, , 1839. G.R.3. Sarah [ ], w. of Nelson, , 1843. G.R.3. WOODED (see Woodhead), WilHam, s. of Thomas and Harriet, Oct. I, 1849. WOODFALL, Mary F., , 1848. G.R.3. Tho[ma]s E., , 1846. G.R.3. WOODHEAD (see Wooded), Harriet [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1825. G.R.3. Thomas, , 182 1. G.R.3. WOODMAN, Agnes Barbara [ ], w. of William E., July 20, 1835. G.R.3. Robert, , 1843. G-R-3- WOODRUFF, Julia M. Abbe [ ], w. of William B., , 1827. G.R.3. William B., , 1822. G.R.3, WOODS (see Wood), Abba P., d. of Thomas J. and Lydia, 24th day, 4th mo., 1828. Bamy E., s. of Barney and Ann, Nov. 14, 1844. Caroline, d. of Michael and Sarah, July 4, 1847. Delia [ ], w. of Leander, Feb. 20, 1839. G.R.3. Fannie A. [ ], w. of William W., , 1839. G.R.3. George P., s. of Thomas J. and Lydia, 27th day, 6th mo., 1826. John, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 7, 1848. John H., s. of Francis and Ellen A., July 16, 1845. Julia A., d. of Tho[ma]s J. and Lydia, Nov. 10, 1843. Leander, Dec. 21, 1835. G.R.3. Lydia Ann, d. of Thomas J. and Lydia, 2d day, 7th mo., 1831. Margaret, d. of Bamy and Ann, Jan. 17, 1843. Mary P. [ ], w. of E. D., Oct. 9, 1842. G.R.3. William W., , 1830. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 337 WOODSIDE, Charlotte, Feb. 6, 1826. G.R.3. William M., Aug. 8, 1844. G.R.3. WOODWARD, Benjamin, , 1793. g.r.2. Catherine E., d. of Benjamin and Phebe Hunt, , 1820. G.R.2. Melvina M. Barnes [ ], w. of Erastus, , 1847. g-R-3- Phebe Hunt [ ], vv. of Benjamin, , 1793. g.r.2. WOODWORTH, Elizabeth Huntress, , 1813. G.R.3. Eunice A., Dec. 23, 1848. G.R.3. WOOLLARD, Margaret A., d. of George and Mary A., Feb. 16, 1847. WOOLLASTON, Lydia G., d. of John and w. of Thomas Bur- beck, Jr., Aug. 26, 1801. G.R.3. WOOLLEY, Mary Ann Peirce [ ], w. of William, Sept. 19, 1828. G.R.3. William, Nov. 21, 1830. G.R.3. WORCESTER (see Worster), Allen F., , 1838. G.R.3. Ann M., d. of Thomas and Maria, Feb. 15, 1842. Horrace, s. of Noah and Nancy B., May 3, 1844. Nath[anie]l, s. of Noah and Nancy, Mar. 3, 1846. Roxana L., , 1841. G.R.3. WORMWOOD, , s. of Daniel and Susan J., Sept. 27, 1844. , s. of Daniel and Susan, May 11, 1847. WORSLEY, Isaac, Nov. 19, 1818. G.R.3. WORSTER (see Worcester), Isaac H., , 1842. G.R.3. WORSWICK, Thomas, in St. Michael, Lancashire, Eng., Feb. 24, 1812. G.R.2. WORTHEN, Irene Chamberlain [ ], w. of Moses P., , 1815. G.R.3. Moses P., , 1811. G.R.3. WRIGHT (see Whright), Abel G. (Abel Gardner, c.r.i), s. of John and Prissilla, 25th day, 6th mo., 183 1. Abigail Hayden, d. of John and Priscilla, bp. Oct. 4, 1835. C.R.I, Albert T., , 1834. G.R.3. Ann Huntington [ ], vv. of George, , 1821. G.R.3. 338 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Wright, Anna, d. of Ephraim and Eliza, Mar. 11, 1847. Benjamin Shurtleff, s. of John and Priscilla, bp. May 3, 1840. C.R.I. Caldwell, , 1826. G.R.3. Charles J., , 1840. G.R.3. Edwin, ,1821. G.R.3. Edwin, , 1827. G.R.3. Ellen M. (Helen Maria, c.r.i), d. of John and Priscilla, 8th day, ist mo., 1833. Elvina, , 183 1. G.R.3. Emily S. (Emily Sophia, c.r.i), d. of John and Prissilla, 9th day, 4th mo., 1830. Emmeline [ ], w. of Charles S., , 1847. G.R.3. George, , 1823. G.R.3. Hannah, , 1791. G.R.3. Harriot A., d. of John and Prissilla, 4th mo., 1827. Harriot Osgood, d. of John and Priscilla, 27th day, 4th mo., 1822. Helen M. C. [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1826. G.R.3. Henry, Jan. 4, 1829. G.R.3. Henry, s. of Ephraim and Eliza, Apr. 13, 1844. Jane, , 1810. G.R.3. Jane [ ], w. of Erastus, , 1829. G.R.3. John Pitman, d. of John and Prissilla, 9th day, 8th mo., 1837. Josiah Sturgis, , 1842. G.R.3. Margaret Houston [ ], w. of Caldwell, , 1822. G.R.3. Mary Gardner, d. ofjohn and Priscilla, 14th day, ist mo., 1820. Mehitable T. [ ], w. of Josiah Sturgis, , 1836, G.R.3. Prissilla Jane, d. of John and Prissilla, 15th day, 5th mo., 1825. Sally, Feb. 22, 1781. G.R.3. Sarah Eliz[abet]h, d. of John and Priscilla, 19th day, 9th mo., 1821. William, , 1800. G.R.3. William G. O. (William Gardner Oliver, c.r.i), s. of John and Prissilla, 2ist day, 12th mo., 1828. WYETH, Catherine, d. of Joseph and Emeline, i6th day, 9th mo., 1839. Eliphalet J., s. of Joseph and Emeline, Nov. 24, 1845. Emeline J., d. of Joseph and Emeline, Jan. 15, 1844. Lillian, d. of Joseph and Emeline, Sept. 18, 1848. Lucy, d. of Joseph and Emeline, Feb. 20, 1847. Mary A. G., d. of Joseph and Emeline, 3d day, 8th mo., 1841. Ruth J., Jan. 9, 1839. G.R.3. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 339 WYLLIE (see Wiley), Emma N. [ ], w. of William J., , 1833. G.R.3. William J., , 1828. G.R.3. WYMAN, Arthur H., s. of Henry and Grace, June — , 1847. Charlotte P., Feb. i, 1815. G.R.3. Eliza T. [ ], w. of Jerome B., , 1828. G.R.4. Geo[rge] A., s. of Abel and Eliz L., Nov. 13, 1846. George W., , 1823. G.R.4. Jerome B., , 1827. G.R.4. Mary N., , 1822. G.R.4. YALE, Rebecca T., , 1837. G.R.3. Rufus M., , 1824. G.R.3. YATES, George W., June 11, 1808. G.R.3. Margaret, Mar. 30, 1816. G.R.3. YEATON, Elvira, , 1836. G.R.3. Mary O., , 1810. G.R.3. YELLAND, , s. of Will and Mary A., Mar. 29, 1848. Albert, s. of Will H. and Mary A., Jan. 19, 1846. John Henry, s. of Francis and Catherine N., Sept. 30, 1848. YENETCH, Constantine, June 24, 1815. G.R.3. Sophia, May 7, 1815. G.R.3. YORK (see Yorke), Annie L., , 1843. G.R.3. George N., May 6, 1809. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of Isaac and Maria, July 11, 1849. YORKE (see York), George W., June 9, 1828. G.R.3. YOUNG, Abbie L. [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1845. G.R.3. Agnes J. McDowell [ ], w. of William, Mar. 26, 1839. G.R.3. Benjamin, , 1827. G.R.3. CaroHne A., d. of Will W. and Rebecca B., July 18, 1847. Elizabeth A., , 1821. G.R.3. Elizabeth E. [ ], w. of William, , 1839. G.R.3. Emera L. [ ], w. of , , 1844. G.R.3. Emma M., d. of Alonzo E. and Sarah P., June 9, 1847. Eunice C. Sawyer [ ], w. of David G., , 1830. G.R.3. Fannie [ ], w. of W[illia]m J., , 1839. G.R.3. George A., , 1822. G.R.3. George E., , 1822. G.R.3. George H., , 1829. G.R.3. George W., s. of Wilham W. and Rebecca B., Sept. i, 1844. 340 CHELSEA BIRTHS. Young, George William, s. of George and Harriet, Jan. i8, 1849. Harriet E. [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1829. G.R.3. Ira J., in Wakefield, N. H., Apr. 2, 1819. G.R.3. Isaac, , 1823. G.R.3. James S., , 1826. G.R.3. John, , 1833. G.R.3. Julia Collamore, d. of William and Laura A., Aug. 11, 1849. Julius, s. of W[illia]m and Ann, Oct. 9, 1846. Lavinia H. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1833. G.R.3. Lucy A. [ ], w. of Benjamin, , 1827. G.R.3. Lydia A., ,1821. G.R.3, Margaret Ferguson [ •], w. of John, , 1835. G.R.3. Maria F. [ ], w. of Moses A., Aug. 31, 1816. g.r.2. Mary A. [ ], w. of George H., , 1827. G.R.3. Moses A., July 16, 1815. g.r.2. Phebe [ ], w. of Isaac, , 1832. G.R.3. Rachel Ann, Feb. 3, 181 1. g.r.2. Rhoda S. [ ], w. of Ira J., in Turner, Me., Feb. 22, 1820. G.R.3. Sabrina [ ], w. of Timothy, in Rochester, N. H., May 14, 1794. G.R.2. Sarah E. [ ], w. of , , 1830. G.R.3. Sarah J. Reid [ ], w. of George A., , 1832. G.R.3. William, , 1833. G.R.3. ZEIGLER, Andrew, , 1846. G.R.3. ZEPPERNICK, Carl C. L., , 1844. G.R.3. Isabella C. [ ], w. of Carl C. L., , 1849. G.R.3. ZIMMER, Alexina [ ], w. of Martin A., , 1849. G.R.3. Martin A., , 1842. G.R.3. ZUCHTMANN, Louisa [ ], w. of , , 1799. G.R.3. ZWICKI, Frederick, July 14, 1829. G.R.3. NEGROES. Balindon, ch. of Phillis, Elder Samuel Watts' negro woman, bp. Sept. 29, 1745. C.R.I. Cato, ch. of Phillis, Elder Samuel Watts' negro woman, bp. Sept. 29, 1745. C.R.I. CHELSEA BIRTHS. 34 1 Hamblett, s. of Flora, servant of Capt. Gary, bp. Oct. 29, 1769. C.R.I. Joseph, s. of Flora, negro servant of Capt. Cary, bp. Feb. 11, 1770. C.R.I. Margaret, d. of Caesar and Susannah, bp. Sept. 16, 1759. c.r.i. Peter, s. of Peter and Jain, bp. June 12, 1763. c.r.i. Prisscilla, d. of Flora, bp. July 12, 1772. c.r.i. Simon, negro child, servant to wid. Rebecca Pratt, bp. Mar. 2, 1766. C.R.I. Susannah, d. of Ctesar and Susannah, bp. Sept. 16, 1759. c.r.i. Violet, ch. of Phillis, Elder Samuel Watts' negro woman, bp. Sept. 29, 1745. c.r.i. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOT, Henry (3d, c.r.i) of Andover, and Lucy Floyd, Dec. 13. 1825. ABRAHAMS, Eliza A. of Boston, and Alfred Norton, int. Mar. 21, 1844. ADAMS, Anne of Medford, and Nath[anie]l Chittenden, Nov. 14, 1798. Caroline C. and Joseph White of Boston, int. Mar. 2, 1846. Caroline S. and Joseph W. White, int. Apr. 10, 1846. Henry A. C. of Quincy, and Eliz[abe]th T. Denton, int. Apr. 6, 1845. Naby and Eben[eze]r Whitemore of Peterborough, N. H. (Boston, c.r.i), Feb. 3, 1805. AFFLACK, Margaret of Charlestown, and Samuel S. Williams, int. July 5, 1833. ALGER, Angeline and Thomas Nicholson (Nickerson, int.) of Hookset, N. H., Jan. i, 1837. Horatio, Rev. and Olive A. Fenno of Boston, int. Mar. 7, 183 1. ALLEN (see Allyn), Alexander, s. of Alexander of Kennebec, Me., and Hannah, a. 26 y., and Josephine King of Waltham, d. of Benj[amin] of Kennebec, Me., a. 22 y., Dec. 8, 1847. Helena and Henr^^ Kemp, int. Nov. 9, 1844. Joseph and Sarah Oaks of Point Shirley, int. June 8, 1754. Mary and Thomas Mullet, int. Apr. 16, 1757. Sam[ue]l of Dorchester, and Lois Ta}', Oct. 26, 1780. ALLYN (see Allen), Alfred W. and Caroline Chandler, int. A])r. 3, 1846. AMES, Aaron of Brookline, and Eliza Tuttle, int. Oct. 21, 1811. Jacob and Irene Cheever of Saugus, int. Feb. 19, 1838. Marah S. and Lucius G. Currier, int. Apr. 2, 1847. 345 346 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. ANDREW, Israel W., s. of Israel of Danvers, and Sally, a. 25 y., and Eliza P. Tapley, d. of W[illia]m of Newburyport, and Eliza S., a. 27 y., both of Danvers, Feb. 26, 1846.* APPLETON, Rachel, d. of John and Sarah, a. 17 y., and James Regan, s. of James and Mary, a. 21 y., Mar. i, 1847. ARMSBY, Anna D. and Thadeus M. Daniels of Medway, int. Dec. 6, 1844. ARMISTEAD, George of Charlestown, and Eliza Thayer, int. Dec. 5, 1849. ARNOLD, J. F. of Charlestown, s. of Will of Charlestown, and Catherine, a. 23 y., and Sarah E. Snow, d. of Zenas, a. 20 y., Oct. 7, 1847. Stephen and Mary F. Kellogg (Kelley, int.) of East Boston, Dec. 28, 1843. ATHERTON, Emily W. and Samuel S. Gilson, Aug. 4, 1842. Harriet A. and David Dearborn, int. Nov. 2, 1844. ATKINS, Barney P. (Bamabus P., int.) of Maiden, and Sarah Pratt, Apr. 17, 1828. Deborah of Maiden, and Andrews W. Pratt, int. June 4, 1820. Leonora of Maiden, and William H. Atwood, Oct. 22, 1829. Owen and Lucy A. Tucker, Aug. — , 1844 (int. Aug. 10, 1844). Pomona of Maiden, and Caleb Pratt Jr., int. Jan. 27, 1828. Thankfull of Maiden, and Edward Pratt, int. Jan. 6, 1827. ATWOOD, Hannah and John Danforth of Lynn (Saugus, int.), May 8, 1831. Hawes and Sally S. Smith of Wellfieet, int. Jan. 15, 1833. Jesse and Mary A. Clark, Nov. 14, 1843. Keziah and Thomas Mallett, int. Dec. 13, 1755. Sarah and Caleb A. Waitt of Maiden, Mar. 7, 1839. Stephen Jr. and Elizabeth M. Ford of Boston, int. Nov. 12, 1833- William H. and Leonora Atkins of Maiden, Oct. 22, 1829. AVERY, Eliz[abe]th J. and Warren Barnes, Nov. — , 1844 (int. Nov. 2, 1844). AYERS, Adaline E., d. of Willard and Emely, a. 23 y., and George W. Francis, s. of James and Lucy, a. 27 y., both of Waltham, Nov. 14, 1845.* * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 347 BACHELDER (see Batchelder), Nancy and Capt. Henry Russell of Boston, int. Oct. 27, 181 1. BAGNALL, Eliza C, d. of Tho[ma]s and Mary, a. 23 y., and Will G. Reed of Andover, s. of Will and , a. 24 y., Oct. 14, 1847. BAILEY, Benj[ami]n F. L. (Baylies dup.) and Caroline A. Dorety, Jan. 24, 1836.* Catharine W. (Benley of East Cambridge, int.) and James M. Littlefield (of Lyman, Me., int.), Nov. 28, 1833. Margaret N. of Boston, and William Fenno, Jan. 20, 1829. BAKER, Charles E., s. of Edward and Susan G., b. in East- port, Me., a. 24 y., and Sarah Foster, d. of Joshua and Sarah Ann, b. in Boston, a. 18 y., Nov. 29, 1849. George, Dr., and Eliza W. Graham of Troy, N. H., int. May 19, 1847. Jacob and Hannah Peirce, int. Nov. 9, 1768. BANGS, EHza B. of Limerick, Me., and Noah R. Martin, int. May 21, 1847. BANKS, William and Eliza[beth] Cook, Nov. 20, 1794. BARBRICK, Mary L., d. of John and Eliza, a. 18 y.. b. in Portland, Me., and George S. Haskell, widr., s. of Thomas and Lucy, a. 26 y., b. in Boston, Nov. i, 1849. BARKER, David and Mehitebel Brintnall, Dec. 27, 1759. Mehitable and Eleazar Dowse of Charlestown, Apr. 18, 1765. Nathan M. and Mary E. Merrill of Salem, int. Nov. 7, 1845. BARNARD, Geo[rge] L. and Adaline A. Cook, int. May 5, 1844. BARNES, Susan and Joseph Parker, both of Boston, Dec. 14, 1843.* Warren and Eliz[abe]th J. Avery, Nov. — , 1844 (int. Nov. 2, 1844). BARRETT, Simon H. (Sam[ue]l H. of Maiden dup.) and Mary A. (Mary Ann, int.) Pratt, Dec. 17, 1835. William C. and Emeline S. Nichols, both of Maiden, June 25, 1835. C.R.I.* BARROW, William (of Boston, int.) and Eliza[beth] Glover, Mar. 21, 1797. • Intention not recorded. 348 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BARTERS, William, widr., of Lynn, s. of Richard, a. 29 y., and Margaret Sheridan of Lynn, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 2, 1849.* BARTON, W[illia]m and Abigal Connery, Mar. 9, 1779. BASS, James and Mary Karrim, int. May 16, 1828. William E. and Sarah J. Singleton of Boston, int. July 19, 1849. BASSETT, Diana and Prince Clary of Boston, July 25, 1809. Edward and Clara Jane Morgan of Lynn, int. Jan. 7, 1843. Samuel and Sarah Nichols, Nov. 18, 1835. Zeph[ania]h and Pamelia C. Town, Apr. 22, 1841. BATCHELDER (see Bachelder), Charlotte H., d. of Samuel and Eliza, a. 18 y., b. in Boston, and Rufus S. Owen, s. of Philip Jr. and Hannah, a. 31 y., b. in Brunswick, Me., in New York City, Jan. 25, 1848.* Harris and Sarah P. Whitehouse, both of Boston, Jan. — , 1845.* Jerusha and Calvin Kezar, int. Apr. 29, 1843. BATES, Olive M. and Samuel R. Newhall, May 24, 1835. BATT, Betsey of Lynn, and Jacob Beard, int. Nov. 8, 1801. BATTIS, William L. and Abigail Tewksbury, int. Sept. 28, 1827. BATTS, John and Deliverance Pomroy, Jan. 4, 1768. BEAL (see Beals), Stephen and Sarah C. Meriam of Waltham, Oct. 12, 1846. BEALS (see Beal), Adaline L., d. of Joshua of Bowdoinham, and Abigail, a. 20 y., and Cha[rle]s Whittier, s. of Moses of Brunswick, Me., and Sarah J., a. 23 y., Nov. 27, 1845. BEAN, Deliverance of Boston, and John Brintnall, int. July 2, 1752. BEARD, Jacob and Betsey Batt of Lynn, int. Nov. 8, 1801. BEATLEY, Ralph, Capt., and Mary C. Gardner, Oct. 17, 1826. Ralph, widr., s. of Ralph and Eliz[abe]th, a. 43 y., and Cather- ine Hills of Boston (formerly of Hancock, N. H., int.), d. of James of Hancock, N. H., and Thankful, a. t,^ y., in Boston, Oct. 24, 1846. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 349 BECKFORD (see Bickford), Mary J., d. of Capt. Daniel, a. 21 y., and Will S. Tuckennan, s. of Will, formerly of Boston, and Judy P., a. 22 y., Oct, 14, 1845. BELCHER, Anna of Boston, and Eben[eze]r Burrill Jr., int. Sept. 8, 181 1. Caroline A. and Francis C. Doane of East Boston, int. Apr. 6, 1845. David and Eliza[beth] Sargeant, Feb. 20, 1787. David and Hannah Floyd, int. Nov. 12, 1836. Eliza[beth] and Ezra Glover of Dorchester, June i, 1786. Hannah and Richard Hunnewell of Boston, July 29, 1742. Hannah and John Ramond, int. Aug. 14, 1773. James M. and Lavisa Sale, int. Nov. 4, 1837. John and Eliza Evans of Wrentham, int. Feb. 13, 18 19. John and Betsey Pecker, int. July 15, 1837. John and Sarah B. Burrill, July 4, 1841. John S. and Margaret Nevens of Windham (Winsor dup. and C.R.I, Windham, int.), N. H., Apr. 24, 1825. Jonathan and Elizebeth Tuttle, May 13, 1742. Joseph and Rachel Shute, Dec. 18, 1781. Joseph Jr. and Nancy Burrill, Sept. 30, 1807. Joseph (2d int.) and Julia Ann Wise, Mar. — , 1827. Joseph 2d and Elizabeth C. Wise, July 26, 1835. Martha and Bill Tewksbury, Dec. 21, 1809. Mary and Nathaniel Berry, Apr. 29, 1820. Mary (Nancy, int.) and Abner Smith of Boston, Nov. 18, 1838. Mary E. and Ebenezer Burrill of East Boston, int. Apr. 12, 1845. Nathaniel and Anna Dows of Billerica, Apr. 24, 1755. Nath[anie]l, Jr. and Martha Humphreys of Weymouth, int. Apr. 13, 1782. Patty and Eben[eze]r Burrill, May 3, 1787. Priscilla and John Tuttle, int. Dec. 30, 1786. Sally and Joseph Burril, Feb. 14, 1786. Samuel and Mary Whiting, int. Jan. 16, 1819. Sarah (Jr., int.) and John Floyd, Jr., Dec. 9, 1740. Thomas J. and Hannah B. Tewksbury, int. Feb. 26, 1839. William B. and Ester G. Fuller, int. Sept. 9, 1839. BELKNAP, Hulda of Boston, and Capt. John Sale, Apr. i6, 1742. BELL, Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] and Adrian Peterson, u. s. n., int. Apr. 16, 1842. Esther R. of Boston, and Mat[thia]s Crocker, int. June 20, 1845. 350 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BENNETT, Susan of Charlestown, and Benj[amin] O. Newell, int. July 27, 1844. BENTLEY, Elizabeth and John Whitemore, both of Boston, Oct. 26, 1820.* Thomas and Eliza J. Jones, both of Boston, May — , 1843.* BERRY, Catherine and James Brown of Lynn, int. May 21, 1787. Jonathan and Joanna Redding of Lynn, int. Sept. 9, 1759. Joseph M. of Boston, and Mrs. Mary Colbey, Sept. 3, 1835. Mary Ann and Ezra Hawkes Jr., int. Sept. 11, 1841. Nathaniel and Mary Belcher, Apr. 29, 1820. BETTON, John, s. of John of Windham, Vt., and Mary, a. 32 y., and Hannah C. Rines, d. of Joseph of Maine, and Sarah, a. 28 y., Dec. 23, 1847. BICKFORD (see Beckford), EHzabeth S. and Benj[ami]n T. Martin of Boston, int. Dec. 3, 1837. Thomas and Temperance S. Foster. [No date] (Aug. 5, 1843, int.). BILL, Ann and John Tukesbury, Sept. 21, 1758. Benjamin of Boston, and Elizabeth Watts, Apr. 16, 1761. Benjamin and Tabitha Nichols of Maiden, in Maiden, May 6, 1787. Eliza[beth], wid., and John Watts, Jan. 29, 1775. Ester and David Thomas [no date] (int. Mar. 10, 1810). Hannah and James Floyd, int. Dec. 25, 1756. Hannah, wid., and John Floyd, Aug. 24, 1763. Hannah and Joseph Hasey, Aug. 21, 1767. Sarah and Asa Prouty (of Boston, int.), Oct. 9, 1808. Susanna and Seth Wood of Stoughton, Mar. 7, 1769. BINFORD, Emily D., d. of Jeremiah and Bethia, a. 21 y., and George W. Binford, s. of Sam[ue]l of Baldwin, Me., and Susan, a. 22 y., Aug. i, 1847. Ester W. of West Baldwin, Me., d. of Samuel and Susan of Maine, a. 24 y., and Edward W. Pratt, s. of Edward and Mary, a. 29 y., Nov. 16, 1845. George W., s. of Sam[ue]l of Baldwin, Me., and Susan, a. 22 y., and Emily D. Binford, d. of Jeremiah and Bethia, a. 21 y., Aug. I, 1847. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 35 I BIRD, Margaret of Rumney Marsh, Irish maid servant to John Grover, and Edmond Cousins of PulHng Point [no date].* Martha A. of Watertown, and David W. Stowers, int. Mar. i6, 1839. BISBEE, Pcrsis, d. of Martin and Sophia, a. 20 v., and Joseph D. Blodgett, s. of Dexter of Medford, and Roxanna, a. 21 y., June 17, 1847. BISSELL, WilHam E. of Norwalk (Warwick, int.), Conn., s. of Emery of Norwalk, Conn, and Mary, a. 26 y., and Ange- lina T. Seaver, d. of Rev. Horrace and Louisa, a. 18 y., Nov. 13, 1846. BLACK, Henry and Sarah Stowers, July 25, 1765. BLACKMER, Green of Boston, s. of Holland, a. 19 y., and Maria A. (Maria S., int.) Luther, d. of Blade, a. 17 y., Feb. 2, 1845. BLAIR, Lydia P. and Nath[anie]l R. Ring, Dec. 26, 1843. BLAKE, Hannah W. and Daniel Johnson Jr., int. Sept. 17, 1836. John J. and Emeline Somes, int. Sept. 10, 1836. BLANCHARD, Aaron of Medford, and Tabatha Floyd, int. Oct. 5, 1750. Josiah (Isaiah, int.) and Eliza[beth] Burditt, Oct. 23, 1760. Simon and Joanna Green, Jan. 6, 1822. BLANEY, Abigail and Nehemiah Breed of Lynn, int. Apr. 13, 1793- Andrew of Marblehead, and Lydia Sargeant, Dec. 2, 1770. Andrew and Polly Seccombe of Salem, int. Jan. 26, 1799. Stephen K. of Nashville, N. H., and Mary J. Titus of Cambridge, July or Aug. 1842.* BLODGET (see Blodgett, Blodgget), Nancy and Amos Steams, int. May 29, 1812. BLODGETT (see Blodget, Blodgget), Joseph D., s. of Dexter of Medford, and Roxanna, a. 21 y., and Persis Bisbee, d. of Martin and Sophia, a. 20 y., June 17, 1847. Mary Anslis and Aurelius L. Weymouth of New York City, int. Mar. 18, 1837. • Intention not recorded. 352 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BLODGGET (see Blodget, Blodgett), James and Mary Bumps, May lo, 1795. Jane of Maiden, and Charles Fuller, int. Jan. 25, 1824. BLOWERS, Jeroushea of Boston, and John Brintnall, int. Apr. 3, 1763. BOARDMAN (see Bordman), Aaron (Jr., int.) and Mary (Foley, int.) Upham of Maiden, in Maiden [no date] (int. Oct. 13, 1780). Abigail of Lynn, and William Tuksbury, int. Nov. 22, 1800. Abijah and Sally Sergent of Hillsborough, N. H., int. Mar. 29, 1807. Amos and Elizabeth Smith of Reading, May 28, 1752. Lydia and Edward Hone of Salem, June 28, 1807. Mary C. and Joshua Upham of Maiden, int. Apr. 4, 183 1. Sally of Lynn, and Nathan Hitchings, int. Sept. 4, 1803. Samuel and Abigail Grover of Maiden, in Maiden, Dec. 5, 1760. Sarah and Francis Smith of Reading, Dec. 12, 1746. BOATMAN, Francis (of Hingham, int.) and Phillis Oliver, black, Apr. 10, 1799. BODKIN, Thomas and Ann Gilmore, int. Dec. 19, 1846. BOGLE, Geo[rge] and Sally Doherty, int. Jan. 11, 1844. BORDEN, Mary E. of Lowell, and John F. Fenno, May 7, 1844. C.R.I. BORDMAN (see Boardman), Aaron and Mary Cheever of Lynn, int. Apr. 13, 1754. Daniel and Anna R. Kingman, May 23, 1813. Eunice and James Floyd Jr., July 3, 1787. Mary and Elias Bryant of Stoneham, Mar. 14, 1782. Will[ia]m (Jr., int.) and Zebiah (Abiarel, int.) Livingstone, Feb. 22, 1759. BOSSON, Geo[rge] C. and Mary Jane Hood of Salem, int. Mar. 28, 1849. Hannah P., d. of J. D. and Lydia, a. 22 y., and William Williams of New London, Conn., s. of Abraham of Marlboro, and Susan, a. 22 y., July 8, 1846. Martha E. (Martha EHzabeth, int.) and Benj[amin] F. (Benjamin Franklin, int.) Dam of Boston, Sept. 23, 1842. Wilham and Mary B. Hawkes of South Reading, int. May i, 1841. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 353 BOSWORTH, Lydia and Amos Brown, int. Jan. 26, 1756. BOUTMAN, Ebenezer of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Kent, in Marblehead, May 13, 1752 (int., Apr. 2, 1754). BOWEN, Abel and Dealia Mason, Mar. 31, 1789. p.r.2.* Anna M., d. of Abel and Eliza, a. 25 y., and Beni[ami]n Phipps, s. of Benj[ami]n of Charlestown, and Abigail, a. 25 y., Jan. 4, 1849. Eliza and Henry W. Sanderson, Oct. 23, 1839. BOWERS, Isaac Jr. and Olive T. Weeks, both of Boston, June 20, 1825.* BOYINTON (see Boynton), Asa and Polly Edmonds of Lynn, int. Feb. 2, 1782. BOYNTON (see Boyinton), Lucy of Saugus, and Cornelius C. Felton, int. Oct. i, 1825. Margarett F. of Boston, and George W. Dow, int. Oct. 29, 1848. Mary W. and Joseph Burril Jr., Aug. 3, 181 5. Richard and Susanna Woodhouse, July 14, 1776. Susanna and Bill Burrell, Dec. 17, 1812. BRABROOK, Ezra H. and Eliza Cheever, both of Boston, May 14, 1843.* Julia and Cha[rle]s Fowler, int. Apr. 2, 1847. BRACKET, Richard (Capt., int.) of Boston, and Anna Green, June 28, 1822. BRADEEN (see Breeden), Almira W. and Parker Haley, int. May 20, 1843. BRADFORD, Mary T. and SuUivan Eskine of Alna, Me., Oct. 23, 1832. BRADLEE (see Bradley), James and Priscilla Rogers, both of Boston, Mar. 25, 1804.* BRADLEY (see Bradlee), David of Boston, and Sarah Watts, Mar. 22, 1764. BRADY, Mary and Francis Mone, int. June 16, 1848. BRAY, Adeline and Daniel Spooner, Sept. 24, 1835. • Intention not recorded. 354 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BREED, Betsey of Lynn, and Elkanah Copland, int. Apr. 8, 1794. _ .^ Nehemiah of Lynn, and Abigail Blaney, int. Apr. 13, 1793. BREEDEN (see Bradeen), Jacob and Hannah Floyd of Maiden, in Maiden, Mar. 2, 1749-50. John and Eliz[abe]th Fuller of Lynn, int. June i, 1740. BRENHAM, Eliz[abet]h A. and James B. Reed, int. Oct. 2, 1846. BRENTNALL (see Brintnal, Brintnall, Brintnell), Deborah and Joseph Whittemore, int. 8 br. 4, 1755. BRIDGE (see Bridges), Harriet and Sam[ue]l Hall Jr. of St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 20, 1840. Lydia J. and Capt. John Williams, int. May 28, 1841. BRIDGES (see Bridge), Rebecca L. of St. Albans, Vt., and Frank B. Fay, int. Sept. 30, 1845. BRIGGS, Daniel H. of Boston, and Almira T. McAllister, int. Nov. 13, 1845. Jona[tha]n A. Briggs of New York City, and Sarah E. Hayward, int. Oct. 22, 1848. BRIGHAM, Betsey and William Carlton Jr., June 9, 1809. Lucy Ann of Saxonville, and Henry W. Hartt, int. Oct. 3, 1835. BRINTNAL (see Brentnall, Brintnall, Brintnell), Abigal and Joseph Oliver, Apr. 18, 1771. Benjamin and Elizebeth Waite of Lynn, int. Mar. 7, 1741. Benja[min] Jr. and Rachel Watts, Oct. 11, 1770. Eliza[beth] and Richard Floyd of Boston, June 30, 1768. Esther and Tileston Clark, June 16, 1774. Ezra and Eliza[beth] Watts, June 2, 1774. BRINTNALL (see Brentnall, Brintnal, Brintnell), Benjamin and Rebecca Parker of Maiden, in Maiden [no date] (int. July I, 1780). Esther and Nathan Dexter of Maiden, in Maiden, June 26, 1744. John and Deliverance Bean of Boston, int. July 2, 1752. John and Jeroushea Blowers of Boston, int. Apr. 3, 1763. Mary and Nathan Shute, Nov. 14, 1745. Mehitebel and David Barker, Dec. 27, 1759. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 355 BRINTNELL (see Brentnall, Brintnal, Brintnall), Phcbe and John Reed of Boston, Sept. 14, 1758. BRITTON, Joseph of Salem, and Joanna Tuttle, Sept. 4, 1740 BROOKS, Cynthia of Scituate, and Stephen Hall Jr., int. Nov 8, 1829. Eliza F, of Guilford, Conn., and James M. Prince, int. Sept. 8 1846. Mary of Charlestown, and Daniel Pratt, in Charlestown, Apr 2, 1752. Pompy (of Medford, int.) and Lydia Worrow, Nov. 22, 1796 Blacks. BROWN, Abigail, d. of Will and Susan, a. 17 y., and James Laney, s. of John of Scotland, and Mary, a. 24 y., Dec 25, 1846. Almira of Thomaston, Me., and Christopher A. Brown, int. Apr 3. 1831. Amos and. Lydia Bosworth, int. Jan. 26, 1756. Christopher A. and Almira Brown of Thomaston, Me., int Apr. 3, 1831. James (Capt., int.) of Boston, and Hannah Wattp, May 22 1786. James of Ljmn, and Catherine Berry, int. May 21, 1787. John and Sarah Tha^^er, Feb. 28, 1823. Nicholas and Ester Curtis of Boston, int. E>ec. 28, 1837. Nicholas of Boston, and Johanah Mahoney, June 10, 1840. Sarah and Michael Welsh, Apr. 19, 1831. BROWNING, Clara S., d. of Asaph of Petersham, and , a. 21 y., and Elijah W. Endicott, s. of Elijah of Canton, and Cynthia, a. 26 y., June 10, 1847. BRUCE, Betsey (Elizabeth, int.) and Jonathan Fuller Jr., Jan. 22, 1807. BRYANT, Cynthia of Lexington, and Benjamin ShurtlefT Jr., int. Sept. 4, 1830. Elias of Stoneham, and Mary Bordman, Mar. 14, 1782. Lucinda W. and John C. Mills of Boston, int. Oct. 12, 1844. Sally Wait of Maiden, and Joseph Stowers, int. July 29, 1810. Southworth, Dca., and Harriet T. Collier of Boston, int. Dec. 2, 1844. BUCKMAN (see Bucknam), Aaron of Maiden (Bucknam, int.), and Joanna Floyd, May i, 1768. 356 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BUCKNAM (see Buckman), Abigail and Daniel Taylor of Lynn, int. Sept. 13, 1828. Sarah C. and Abner Peirce, Jr., Feb. 4, 1819. BUDD, Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], d. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, a. 21 y., and Henry M. Litchfield, s. of Canterbury of Roxbury, and Sarah, a. 23 y.. May 21, 1847. Mary A., d. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, a. 21 y., and Henry Fowl, s. of Henry of Boston, and Mary E., a. 23 y., Nov. 27, 1845. BUHANNON, Nancy of St. Stephens, N. B., d. of James and Sally, a. 22 y., b. in St. Stephens, N. B., and John M. Nor- wood of St. Stephens, N. B., s. of John and Martha, a. 34 y., b. in Ireland, Dec. 30, 1849. BUMPS, Mary and James Blodgget, May 10, 1795. BURBANK, Aaron of Boston, and Lois Tewkesbery, int. Oct. i, 1815. Wellman, s. of Moses T. of Maine, and Betsy, a. 28 y., and Catherine A. Manning, d. of W[illia]m J. and Catherine, a. 19 y., May 6, 1847. BURBECK, Susan P., d. of Henry and Susan P., a. 19 y., and Samuel Stodder, s. of Sam[ue]l C. of Boston, and Mary, a. 21 y., July 24, 1848. BURCHMORE, Stephen Jr. and Susan E. Harding, Mar, 29, 1845. BURDITT, Elizabeth and Nathan Burditt of Maiden, in Mai- den, Mar. 2, 1756. Eliza[beth] and Josiah (Isaiah, int.) Blanchard, Oct. 23, 1760. Nathan of Maiden, and Elizabeth Watts, int. 8 br. 18, 1755. Nathan of Maiden, and Elizabeth Burditt, in Maiden, Mar. 2, 1756. Thomas of Maiden, and Hannah Collins, Apr. 6, 1802. BURNAP, David of Hopkinton, and Hannah Chamberlain, Jan. I, 1741. BURNES (see Burns), Mary E., a. 22 y., and James E. Dudley, s. of James of Waterford, Me., and Lucinda, a. 21 y., both of Boston, Dec. 13, 1846.* * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 357 BURNS (see Burnes), Jane and James Kelly of Lynn, int. June 13, 1846. BURRELL (see Burril, Burrill), Bill and Susanna Boynton, Dec. 17, 1812. John, of Lynn, and Anna Tuttle, June 7, 1764. Mary of Lynn, and John Tuttle, Aug. 25, 1752. BURRIL (see Burrell, Burrill), Joseph and Sally Belcher, Feb. 14, 1786. Joseph Jr. and Mary W. Boynton, Aug. 3, 181 5. Polly and Eleazar Daniels, Mar. 30, 1786. Sally and Samuel Floyd, Apr. 6, 18 14. BURRILL (see Burrell, Burril), Bill and Maria Fuller of Boston, int. Feb. 15, 1840. Eben[eze]r and Patty Belcher, May 3, 1787. Eben[eze]r Jr. and Anna Belcher of Boston, int. Sept. 8, 181 1. Ebenezer of East Boston, and Mary E. Belcher, int. Apr. 12, 1845. Joseph and Charlotte S. Payne of Needham (formerly of Mere- dith, N. H., int.), Nov. 18, 1838. Martha Ann and Gerry Tewksbury, Sept. 13, 1835. Mary of Lynn, and John Fearn, int. July 16, 1744. Mary and Willard Danforth of Charlestown, Nov. 18, 1838. Nancy and Joseph Belcher, Jr., Sept. 30, 1807. Sarah B. and John Belcher, July 4, 1841. Susan B. and George E. Griffin of Charlestown, Mar. 29, 1842. BURROUGHS, Mary and John McColgan, int. Aug. 13, 1844. BUTMAN, Abigail and John Pratt, Aug. 4, 1799. Jacob and Hannah Floyd, Feb. 17, 1780. John and Mary Pratt, May 31, 1781. Matthew and Abigal Pratt, May 18, 1786. BUTTERFIELD, Hannah and (Col., int.) John Sale, Apr. 2, 1810. BUTTERS, Joshua and Martha Todd of Maiden, int. July 26, 1843. BUTTS, Sarah E. and William B. Little of Boston, int. Oct. 17, 1846. BUZZEL (see Buzzell), Joshua and Almira Lewis of Maiden, int. Sept. 4, 1846. 358 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. BUZZELL (see Buzzel), Andrew, s. of W[illia]m of Tamworth, N. H., and Eliz[abe]th, a. 34 y., and Mary Welch, wid., d. of Michael and Mary Bums, a. 32 y., Nov. 13, 1845. BYRNE, James and Ann Cunningham, int. Oct. 18, 1847. CALDER, Robert and Elizabeth Davis, Oct. i, 1835. CALDWELL, Eliza A. of Charlestown, and William H. Dufur, int. Oct. 28, 1841. John and Harriot Hall, Apr. 8, 1824. CALL, Sam[ue]l and Esther Green of Stoneham, May i, 1777. CALLAHEW, Mary Ann, d. of Thomas and Mary A., a. 22 y., and Elisha Cleavland of Boston, a. 24 y., Apr. 3, 1845.* CAMPBELL, Lavina, d. of Jeremiah and Nancy, a. 23 y., and Rev. Cha[rle]s Gibbs of Norwalk, O., s. of David of Nor- walk, O., and Eliz[a]b[eth] L., a. 28 y., Mar. i, 1849. CAN, John and Mary Jenkins, Jan. 25, 1808. CAPEN, Lemuel and Esther Clap of Milton, int. July 15, 1786. CARBERY (see Carberry), Margaret and Michael Donley, int. Jan. 30, 1848. CARBERRY (see Carbery), Mary and Bamy Shields, int. Apr. 6, 1845. CARD, Harriet D. and James M. Currier, int. Apr. 29, 1842. Mary Ann, d. of John of Dover, N. H., and Hannah, a. 28 y., and George W. Wheeler of St. Charles, 111., s. of James of Winthrop, Me., and Hannah, a. 24 y., July 3, 1845. CARLTON, WiUiam Jr. and Betsey Brigham, June 9, 1809. CARNEY, Rachel, d. of John and Sarah, a. 23 y., and William B. Jones, widr., of Boston, s. of Abner of Lynn, and Phebe, 3-31 y-i Jan. 28, 1848. CARROL (see Carroll), John and Mary McAlHster of Boston, int. Nov. 5, 1846. CARROLL (see Carrol), Margarett of Roxbury, and James Clark, int. Oct. 3, 1845. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 359 CARSON, Ellen and Henry Carson, int. Aug. 24, 1845. Henry and Ellen Carson, int. Aug. 24, 1845. CARTER, Charles, Capt. and Adaline A. Delano of Woolwich, Me., int. Oct. 15, 1841. Harriet D. and Charles S. Lemont, Apr. — , 1845 (i^t. Mar. 29, 1845)- Horace, s. of Abel and Harriet, a. 22 y., and CaroHne L. Crom- well of Westport, Me., d. of Simon and Abigail, a. 20 y., June 18, 1845. John C, Capt. and Mary P. Stinson of Woolwich, Me., int. Jan. 28, 1842. CARY, Fanny and David Fareweather (of Boston, int.), Sept. 28, 1798. Blacks. Sarah and Rev. Joseph Tuckerman, int. Oct. 15, 1808. CAVENDISH, Girdler and Mary Smith, Dec. 13, 1772. CHAMBERLAIN, EHzebeth and Nathanael Hasey, int. Jan. 20, 1750. Hannah and David Bumap of Hopkinton, Jan. i, 1741. Susannah and John Sergeant of Maiden, Jan. 11, 1742. CHANDLER, Caroline and Alfred W. Allyn, int. Apr. 3, 1846. John of Boston, and Sarah Whittemore, int. — 20, 1748. John (Jr., int.) and Mary Wyman, Nov. 8, 1804. CHAPIN, Eben S. of Plymouth, and Maria Dudley, int. Dec. 3, 1848. Hermon M. of Cleaveland, O., s. of Nath[anie]l and Fanny B., a. 26 y., and S. M. J. Fenno, d. of John and Charlotte, a. 22 y., Oct. 15, 1849. CHAPMAN, Edward, s. of George H. of Saybrook, Conn., and Lucia, a. 26 y., and Mary Ann Field, d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mar}' N., a. 20 y., Jan. 21, 1847. CHASE, James B. of Lynn, and Priscilla J. Wright, int. July 13, 1844. Rufus of New York City, and Susan T. James, int. Dec. 14, 1839. CHATHRO, Jeremiah and Catherine Regan, int. Feb. 10, 1846. CHEENY (see Cheney), Daniel of Concord, and Hannah Payne, Nov. 16, 1788. 360 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. CHEEVER (see Cheevor), Abigail and Reuben Hatch (of Mai- den, int.), Sept. 13, 1796. Abigail, d. of Osgood of Derry, N. H., and Jane, a. 20 y., and Isaac H. Morrison, s. of John P. of Dover, N. H., and Mehitable, a. 22 y., July 10, 1848. Anna and Capt. Thomas Pratt, Jan. 8, 1789. Eliza and Ezra H. Brabrook, both of Boston, May 14, 1843.* EHz[a]b[eth] and John Cook of Cambridge, Jan. 16, 1805. Hannah and William Malloy of Boston, Jan. — , 1845 (int. Dec. 27, 1844). Irene of Saugus, and Jacob Ames, int. Feb. 19, 1838. Joseph Jr. and Phebe Crowell, Oct. 8, 1815. Joshua and Abigail Eustis, May 8, 1765. Joshua Jr. and Elizabeth Hazford (Huxford of Boston, int.), Mar. 24, 1789. Lois and Josiah Mixer of Cambridge, Sept. 19, 1805. Margaret and Abraham Grant of Cambridge, May 10, 1807. Mary of Lynn, and Aaron Bordman, int. Apr. 13, 1754. Mary of Lynn, and John Sergent Tuwkesberry, int. June 23, 1798. Nathan Jr. and Elizabeth Tuttle, Mar. 4, 1744. Nathan and Elinor Platts, Nov. 3, 18 14. Sally and William Oliver Jr., Feb. 19, 1795. Tho[ma]s and Sarah Manrox of Halifax, int. Jan. 12, 1781. William and Julia Ann Corey of Brookline, int. Nov. 8, 1800. CHEEVOR (see Cheever), Nathan of Boston, alias Chelsea, and Anna Fuller of Lynn, Feb. 15, 1738. CHENEY (see Cheeny), Sam[ue]l (Dr., c.r.i) of Walpole, and Hannah Hawks, Oct. 24, 1771. Sam[ue]l C. and Mary E. Woods, Apr. 8, 1836 (Apr. 7, 1836, c.r.i). CHILD (see Childs), Eliz[a]b[e]th of Weston, and Rev. Benja- min F. Clark, int. Sept. 24, 1841. Will C. of Boston, and Mary A. Smith, int. Oct. 28, 1843. CHILDS (see Child), Rebecca, wid., d. of Alexander a. 33 y., and Trueman J. Ring, s. of David, a. 35 y., both of East Boston, Sept. 15, 1844.* CHITTENDEN (see Chittinton), Nath[anie]l and Anne Adams of Medford, Nov. 14, 1798. Samuel of Maiden, and Sally Flagg Newman, Oct. 21, 1804. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 361 CHITTINTON (see Chittenden), Nancy and Jonathan Cum- mings (of Boston, int.), June 16, 1799. CHROFFORD, Harriet and Patric Connas, int. Jan. 15, 1848. CHURCHILL, Mary F. and William F. Lawrance of Nashua, Jan. 9, 1832. CHUTHER, Eleanor and Alcx[ande]r Dickson, May 6, 1773. CLAFLIN, Will H., of Boston, and Elenor S. Pearson, Apr. 27, 1846. CLAP (sec Clapp), Bradish Roswell of Boston, and Elizabeth Beals Hawkes, int. Jan. 10, 1837. Esther of Milton, and Lemuel Cap.en, int. July 15, 1786. CLAPP (see Clap), Judith O. (Judith Otis, int.) and Parker Jones of Boston, Nov. 4, 1828. CLARK, Abigail A. and William Watkins of Boston, May or June 1842 (int. May 4, 1842). Ann Matilda and George IDarracott Jr. of Boston, int. Oct. 31, 1835- Benjamin F., Rev., and Eliz[a]b[e]th Child of Weston, int. Sept. 24, 1841. Betsey and Nath[anie]l Vial, Feb. 13, 1784. Clara A., d. of George, a. 20 y., and Joseph L. Eastman of Boston, s. of Jonath[an] of Salisbury, and Eliz[abe]th C, a. 26 y., Sept. 18, 1845. Clara A. and Stephen T. Goodwin of Newburyport, int. Dec. 19, 1846. Fidelia and Thomas Pratt, Nov. — , 1842. (int. Oct. 15, 1842). George W. and Eunice G. Wheeler, Dec. 7, 1843. James and Margarett Carroll of Roxbur\', int. Oct. 3, 1845. Mary A. and Jesse Atwood, Nov. 14, 1843. Mathew and Abigail Mavericke, d. of Elias of Winissimet, Apr. 4, 1655-* Phebe A. and William Pratt of Boston, May — , 1842 (int. May 4, 1842). Tho[ma]s of Lyman, Me., s. of Geo[rge] of Lyman, Me., and Mar;>^ a. 29 y. and Mary H. Thompson of Maiden, a. 29 y., Nov. 14, 1847.* Tileston and Esther Brintnal, June 16, 1774. CLARY, John and Hannah Dinsmore, int. Nov. 9, 1844. Prince of Boston, and Diana Bassett, July 25, 1809. • Intention not recorded. 362 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. CLAY, Mary J. and Sam[u]el H. May, Dec. — , 1844 (int. Nov. 16, 1844). CLEAVLAND, Elisha of Boston, a. 24 y. and Mary Ann Calla- hew, d. of Thomas and Mary A., a. 22 y., Apr. 3, 1845.* CLEVERLY, Thomas and Elizabeth Tucksbury, May 6, 1762. CLOCK, Abraham and Sarah Sterling, int. July 16, 1841. CLOUGH (see CluflE), Isaac S., widr., of Waltham, s. of Samuel and Lydia, a. 29 y., and Emeline E. Root of Farmington, Conn., d. of Amri and Anna, a. 19 y.. May i, 1848.* CLUFF (see Clough), Elias and Susan Eskines, July 24, 1834. COAXES (see Coats), Sally and Benjamin Sergent, Dec. 30, 1793- COATS (see Coates), Burril (Burril Potter, int.) and Mary Pratt, Jan. 2, 181 2. Mehitable and Ephraim Rhodes of Lynn, Mar. 25, 1804. Phillips and Mary Wait, Apr. 9, 1809. Stephen and Elizabeth Jacobs, Apr. 5, 1827. Wil[lia]m and Anna Pratt, Jan. 26, 1809. COBB, Mercy of Truro, and Prince Perry, Mar. 13, 1772. COCHRAN, John and Mary Himiphrey, Jan. 3, 1765. Mary J., d. of William and Margaret, a. 18 y., and Henry L. Putnam, s. of Joseph and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], a. 21 y., Feb. 7, 1847. COLBEY (see Colby) Amelia C, of Hopkinton, N. H., and Joseph Fenno, int. July 30, 1836. Johanna and James Hubbard, Apr. 19, 183 1. Mary, Mrs. and Joseph M. Berry of Boston, Sept. 3, 1835. COLBORN, Mary A., d. of James of Boston, and Mary, a. 22 y., and Luther S. Nash, s. of Luther of Princeton, and Mary, a. 22 y., Oct. 19, 1845. COLBY (see Colbey), Caroline S. (Caroline T., int.), a. 24 y., and Edward H. Greenlief, a. 30 y., June 22, 1848. Hannah, d. of William and , a. 16 y., and Samuel Crom- well, s. of Simon and , a. 21 y., Apr. 11, 1849. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 363 COLE, Anne and Stephen Randuell, int. Sept. 12, 1747. Mary and Josiah Leason, int. Dec. 27, 1750. Rachel Y. and Warren Eastman, int. Mar. 10, 1849. COLLIER, Harriet T., of Boston, and Dea. Southworth Bryant, int. Dec. 2, 1844. Henrv Thomas T. and Maria L. Lillie of Boston, int. Dec. 11, 1837. COLLINS, Ezekiel and Lvdia A. Hodge of Boston, May 21, Hannah and Benjamin Whittcmore, Apr. 28, 1746. Hannah and Thomas Burditt of Maiden, Apr. 6, 1802. Moses and Harmah Slade, Oct. 28, 1802. COMEE, Benjamin of Lexington, and Hannah Watts, Mar. 25, 1762.* Martha and William Williams, Apr. 2, 1761. CONANT, Henry, widr., of Worcester, s. of James of Dudley, and Lucy, a. 50 y., and Susan Stone, d. of Dan[ie]l of Gran- tham, and Susan, a. 47 y., Nov. 10, 1846.* CONLEY, Patric and Eliza McAuley, int. Sept. 24, 1848. CONLIN, Thomas and Ellen McLaughlin, int. Dec. 22, 1849. CONNAS, Patric and Harriet Chrofford, int. Jan. 15, 1848. CONNERY, Abigal and W[illia]m Barton, Mar. 9, 1779. COOK, Adaline A. and Geo[rge] L. Barnard, int. May 5, 1844. David W. and Elvira F. Dean, June i, 1848.* Eliza[beth] and William Banks, Nov. 20, 1794. John of Cambridge, and Eliz[a]b[eth] Cheever, Jan. 16, 1805. COOMES (see Cooms) William and Jane Himiphrey, int. Oct. 9. 1752. COOMS (see Coomes), Mary and Samuel Whittcmore, Feb. 13, 1746. COOPER, Abel B., s. of Abel of Seekonk, and Mary N., a. 24 y., and Matilda Libby, d. of Benj[ami]n of Maine, and Han- nah, a. 24 y.. May 14, 1845. * Intention not recorded. 364 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. COPELAND (see Copland), Lemuel (Samuel, int.) S., s. of Amasa D. and Rachail W., a. 20 y., and Bethiah W. Som- erby, d. of Andrew and Eliza, a. 21 y.. Mar. 30, 1847. Seth of Milton, and Mary Fuller, June 17, 1783. Susannah and Cha[rle]s Grover, int. Aug. 25, 1843. COPLAND (see Copeland), Elkanah and Betsey Breed of Lynn, int. Apr. 8, 1794. Jonathan and Susanna Webster, Jan. 27, 1820. Joseph Jr. of Bridgewater, and Sarah Swift Huxford, int. Mar. 20, 1808. COPP, Adaline, d. of Joshua and Mary, a. 17 y., and Josiah Sanderson, s. of Josiah and Eunice, a. 23 y., Dec. 26, 1846. Sophrona G., d. of Samuel and Persis, a. 19 y., and Joseph White of Boston, s. of William of South America, and Mary, a. 22 y., Jan. 23, 1848. CORDLY, Thomas and Ellen Murry, int. June 23, 1840. COREY, Julia Ann of Brookline, and William Cheever, int. Nov. 8, 1800. COTTEREL, Patrick, s. of Edmund and Mary, a. 28 y., and Margaret Foley, d. of Matthew and Margaret, a. 26 y., both b. in Ireland, Dec. 10, 1848. COUSINS, Edmond of PulHng Point, and Margaret Bird of Riminey Marsh, Irish maid servant to John Grover. [No date.]* COX, John and Sarah Houghton, int. Sept. 16, 1845. Samuel A. of Maiden, and Hariot Hall, July 30, 1834. Samuell and Abigail Tuttle, Mar. 25, 1742. CROCKER, Mat[thia]s and Esther R. Bell of Boston, int. June 20, 1845. CROMWELL, Caroline L. of Westport, Me., d. of Simon and Abigail, a. 20 y., and Horace Carter, s. of Abel and Harriet, a. 22 y., June 18, 1845. Samuel, s. of Simon and , a. 21 y., and Hannah Colby, d. of William and , a. 16 y., Apr. 11, 1849." CROSS, Will and Sarah L. Dunlap, int. Feb. 14, 1844. CROWELL, Lydia and William Tewkesbery, Mar. 31, 1813. Phebe and Joseph Cheever Jr., Oct. 8, 181 5. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 365 CRUDEN, Francis of Lynn, s. of Barnard, a. 22 y., and Mar- j^aret Cruden of Lynn, d. of Edward, both b. in Ireland, Sept. 19, 1849.* Margaret of Lynn, d. of Edward, and Francis Cruden of Lynn, s. of Barnard, a. 22 y., both b. in Ireland, Sept. 19, 1849.* CUDWORTH, Abial and Lydia H. (P. int.) Dodge of Salem, Aug. 25, 1836. CUMMINGS, Abigail and David Williams, June 12, 1808. Ann and F. B. (Flareal Benaud de, int.) Mayria, foreigner, Apr. 8, 1832. Eliz[a]b[e]th and Henry K. W. Palmer of Boston. [No date] (int. Dec. — , 1841). Jacob, Rev. of Hampton, N. H., and Harriot Tewksbury, Apr. 21, 1824. Jonathan (of Boston, int.) and Nancy Chittinton, June 16, 1799. CUNNINGHAM, Ann and James Byrne, int. Oct. 18, 1847. Henry C, s. of Nathan G. and Polly, a. 22 y., and Nancy Jane (Mary J., int.) Lemont, d. of Sam[ue]l and Roxan, a. 19 y., May 4, 1845. CURRIER, Amos S., s. of Will of Boston, and Mary, a. 24 y., and Mary L. Tibbetts, d. of Sam[ue]l of Boston, a. 25 y., both of Boston, Sept. 14, 1846.* Eben[eze]r and Jane Sigourney Oliver, Apr. 4, 1823. James M. and Harriet D. Card, int. Apr. 29, 1842. Lucius G. and Marah S. Ames, int. Apr. 2, 1847. CURTIS, Ester of Boston, and Nicholas Brown, int. Dec. 28, 1837- CUSHING, Cha[rle]s A., widr., s. of G. of Ashbumham, and Catharine, a. 27 y., and Sally McFarlane, d. of John and Mary, a. 18 y., both of Boston, Mar. 15, 1846.* Sarah of Tvuner, Me., and Richard F. Park, int. Sept. 17, 1845. CUTLER, Mary R. of Livermore Falls, Me., and Sam[ue]I Taylor, int., Aug. 9, 1847. CUTTER, Andrew and Elizabeth Hall, May 2, 1824. Henry and Nancy Cutter of Wobum, int. Oct. 27, 1827. Nancy of Wobum, and Henry Cutter, int. Oct. 27, 1827. • Intention not recorded. 366 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Cutter, Sukey T. and Nehemiah Wyman Jr., of Charles- town, int. Oct. 17, 1812. William and Nancy Wyman of Woburn, int. July 30, 1826. CUTTING, Azro P. and Mary E. Pishon of Dover, N. H., int. May 19, 1845. Hannah M. and Frederick J. Davenport, int. Oct. i, 1845. DALE, Henry W. and Lydia T. Green, int. May 5, 1839. Hotton of Salem, and Eliza Williams, int. Aug. 24, 181 1. DAM, Benj[amin] F. (Benjamin Franklin, int.) of Boston, and Martha E. (Martha Elizabeth, int.) Bosson, Sept. 23, 1842. DANFORTH, John of Lynn (Saugus, int.), and Hannah At- wood. May 8, 183 1. Polly of Reading, and Samuel Smith, Jan. 9, 1787. Willard of Charlestown, and Mary Burrill, Nov. 18, 1838. DANIELS, Charles of Maiden, and Hannah D. Turner, int. Apr. 12, 1835. Eleazar and Polly Burril, Mar. 30, 1786. Thadeus M. of Medway, and Anna D. Armsby, int. Dec. 6, 1844. William P., s. of Joseph of Boston, and Hepzibeth, a. 20 y., and Nancy M. (Mary M., int.) Dunton, d. of John of Boothbay, Me., and Sarah, a. 17 y., Aug. 23, 1845. DARLING, Frances A. of Bucksport, Me., and Thomas H. Swazey, int. July 28, 1847. Mary and Phillip McGraw, int. Nov. 25, 1753. DARRACOTT, George Jr. of Boston, and Ann Matilda Clark, int. Oct. 31, 1835. DART, Hannah and John Symms of Lynn, int. Jan. i, 1751. DAVENPORT, Anne M. of Charlestown, and Charles H. Stone, int. Apr. 21, 1849. Frederick J. and Hannah M. Cutting, int. Oct. i, 1845. DAVIS, Calvin H. and Elizabeth H. Stowers, Apr. 17, 1842. C.R.I. David of Cape Ann, and Eliza[beth] Lewis, Apr. 29, 1776. Edmond and Mary Ann B. Waitt, Mar. 8, 1835. Elizabeth and Robert Calder, Oct. i, 1835. Emily H. and Joseph (Joseph G., int.) Pratt, Apr. 22, 1838. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 367 Davis, Lucy E. and Calvin Richardson (of Boston, int.), May 19, 1842. Mehitabel and John Pratt of Maiden. [No date. Previous to 1720.] C.R.I.* Nancy of Beverly, and John Moore, int. July 17, 1835. Sarah and Levi Green, int. Nov. 10, 1834. Susannah B., d. of W[illia]m of Boston, and Sally, a. 41 y., and Micah (Michael, int.) Orcutt, widr., of Randolph, s. of of Boston, a. 58 y., Nov. 27, 1845. DAY, Eucebia N., d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, a. 19 y., and David W. Lord, s. of Nath[anie]l of Maine, and Ruth, a. 26 y., Apr. 13, 1848. William of Lynn, and Sally Jackson, int. Dec. 29, 1838. DEAN, Elvira F. and David W. Cook, June i, 1848.* Rhoda and Milton Moore of Charlestown, Dec. 25, 1838. DEARBORN, David and Harriet A. Atherton, int. Nov. 2, 1844. DEBACON, Cha[rle]s and Mariah L. Felt of Salem, int. Sept. 15, 1848. DELANO, Adaline A. of Woolwich, Me., and Capt. Charles Carter, int. Oct. 15, 1841. DELAY, Louisa, Mrs., of Boston, and William Tewksbury, int. Nov. 5, 1842. DEMMING, James and Hannah Whiton, int. Jan. 10, 1808. DEMMON, Benj[ami]n and Betsey Morse of Framingham, int. May 3, 1807. DENNIS, William L., Rev., of Barnstable, and Ehza A. Willis, int. Aug. 4, 1838. DENNISON, Martha of Gloucester, and Samuel Lane, int. Apr. 4, 1848. DENTON, EHz[abe]th T. and Henry A. C. Adams of Quincy, int. Apr. 6, 1845. DESMAZES, George G. and Elvira Meriam. [No date] (Dec. 24, 1843, int.). John F., widr., s. of John of Ossipee, N. H., and Nancy, a. 27 y., and Sarah W. Pratt, d. of Isaac and Sarah, a. 23 y., Aug. 12, 1845. • Intention not recorded. 368 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. DEWING, Benj[amm] Hill of Boston, s. of Ebenezer of Ded- ham and Sarah, a. 23 y., and Louisa Jackson of Dedham, d. of Geo[rge] W. of Halifax, and Mary, a. 27 y., Nov. 27, Benj[amin] Hill, widr., of Boston, s. of Ebenezer of Dedham, and Sarah, a. 30 y., and Almira Sylvester of Dedham, d. of Reuben of Halifax, and Desire, a. 31 y., Oct. 28, 1841.* DEXTER, James and Mehitable Hillman, of Boston, int. July 20, 1839. Martha A. and Thomas Sewards of Boston, int. Nov. 11, 1837. Nathan of Maiden, and Esther Brintnall, in Maiden, June 26, 1744. DICKSON, Alex[ande]r and Eleanor Chuther, May 6, 1773. Catherine of Marshfield, and Thomas P. Farnum, int. Jan. 2, 1847. Sophrona of Maine, and Noah B. Lord, int. Mar. — , 1842. DILLINGHAM, Ann E. and David Ferguson, in Providence, R. I., Aug. II, 1849.* DILLOWAY, Ann M. and Joseph Sawyer, int. May 21, 1847. DINNING, Allice and John Woods, int. Jan. 2, 1847. DINSMORE, Hannah and John Clary, int. Nov. 9, 1844. Harriet of Lowell, and James Stone, int. Oct. 12, 1844. Hezekiah P., s. of Andrew of Maine, and Sarah, a. 24 y., and Ann D. Dunlap, d. of Robert of Vermont, and Louisa, a. 19 y., Oct. 20, 1845.* DISPAY (see Disper), Sarah (Dispaw, int.) and Elisha Fuller, Sept. 25, 1750. DISPER (see Dispay), Edward, resident in Needham, late of Chelsea, and Elisabeth Hunting of Needham, Feb. 9, 1763. S.R.* Lois and John Rion of Maiden, int. Jan. 12, 1780. DIX, Martha and Daniel Farrar of Watertown, Mar. 3, 1812. DOANE, Francis C. of East Boston, and Caroline A. Belcher, int. Apr. 6, 1845, DODGE, Lydia H. (P., int.) of Salem, and Abial Cudworth, Aug. 25, 1836. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 369 DOHERTY (see Dorety, Dorrity), Sally and Geo[rge) Bogle, int. Jan. ii, 1844. DOLAND, Mich[a]el and Bridgett Farmer, int. Nov. 18, 1847. DOLSON, Catharine and Frederic Spoor, int. Apr. 2, 1841. DONAHUA, Ellen and John Kallehan, int. Nov. 2, 1848. DONALD, John and Dorcas Ann Thornton, int. June 29, 1842. DONLEY, Michael and Margaret Carbery, int. Jan. 30, 1848. DORETY (see Doherty, Dorrity), Caroline A. and Benj[ami]n F. L. Bailey (Baylies, dup.), Jan. 24, 1836.* DORR, Adaline M., d. of John and Adaline, a. 21 y., and Joseph J. Frost of Boston, s. of Joshua of Yarmouth, and Sarah, a. 28 y., Nov. 18, 1848. DORRITY (see Doherty, Dorety), Mary and Patric McGlothlin, int. Jan. 13, 1846. DOUGLASS, Lucinda and Liberty Meriam, Feb. 4, 1845. Sarah J., a. 22 y., and Francis A. Munroe of Boston, s. of John, a. 26 y.. Mar. 21, 1847.* DOW, George W. and Margarett F. Boynton of Boston, int. Oct. 29, 1848. Henry B. and Adaline Hanson of Somersworth, N. H., int. Jan. 7, 1843. Jonath[an] of East Cambridge, and Mary R. Hall, int. Jan. 4, 1844. DOWNING, George and Ellen Locke, both of Boston, Sept. 20, 1836.* Mary and Isaac Lewis (3d, int.), Jan. 3, 1758. DOWS (see Dowse), Anna of Billerica, and Nathaniel Belcher, Apr. 24, 1755. DOWSE (see Dows), Eleazar of Charlestown, and Mehitable Barker, Apr. 18, 1765. , John of Salem, and Damaras Tuttle, int. Jan. 29, 1751. DRAPER, Thomas, widr., s. of Will of Europe, and Martha, a. 39 y., and Elizabeth Mear, d. of Will and Mary, a. 29 y., Sept. 18, 1846. • Intention not recorded. 370 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. DRUMMOND, William S., s. of William, a 23 y., and Jane G. Robinson, d. of Andrew G., a. 20 y., both of Boston, Aug. 2, 1844.* DUDLEY, James E., s. of James of Waterford, Me., and Lucinda, a. 21 y., and Mary E. Burnes, a. 22 y., both of Boston, Dec. 13, 1846.* Maria and Eben S. Chapin of Plymouth, int. Dec. 3, 1848. DUFUR, William H. and Eliza A. Caldwell of Chariestown, int. Oct. 28, 1841. DUNLAP, Ann D., d. of Robert of Vennont, and Louisa, a. 19 y., and Hezekiah P. Dinsmore, s. of Andrew of Maine, and Sarah, a. 24 y., Oct. 20, 1845.* James and Mary L. Fuller, Nov. 29, 1832. Sarah L. and Will Cross, int. Feb. 14, 1844. DUNN, Joseph of Lynn, s. of Luke and Sarah, a. 35 y., and Susan McKenna of Lynn, d. of Bridget, a. 28 y., both b. in Ireland, Aug. 26, 1849.* DUNTON, Nancy M. (Mary M., int.), d.of John of Boothbay, Me., and Sarah, a. 17 y., and William P. Daniels, s. of Joseph of Boston, and Hepzibeth, a. 20 y., Aug. 23, 1845. DURELL, Ann M., d. of Jackson and Almira, a. 19 y., and Jonathan R. Whitman of Boston, s. of Calvin of Hebron, Me., and Sarah, a. 24 y.. Mar. 30, 1847. Augusta of Lee, N. H., and Lewis C. Gerrish, int. Nov. 10, 1843. Benj[amin] T., s. of Nicholas of New Hampshire, and Marcy, a. 26 y., and Laura J. Lane, d. of Jonathan of New Hamp- shire, and Hannah, a. 22 y., Dec. 3, 1848. Sarah J., d. of Sam[ue]l J. and Almira, a. 17 y., and George A. Noyes of Boston, s. of Ward of Maine, and Clarisa, a. 26 y., July 9, 1848. DWYER, Rogers of Lynn, s. of William and Eliza Hassett of Lynn, both b. in Ireland, Dec. i, 1849.* DYER, A. H., s. of Clark of Maine, and Harriet, a. 23 y., and Annie H. Schoff, d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Nancy, a. 20 y., Oct. I, 1848. Edwin of Boston, s. of Ebenezer of Boston, and Patty C, a. 30 y., and Mary Walker, d. of Charles E. and Mary, a. 20 y., Jan. 23, 1849. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 371 Dyer, Julia P. of Buckfield, Me., d. of Thomas and Hannah, a. 19 y., and John Sale, s. of John and Hannah, a. 25 y.. Mar. 24, 1846. S. Dearborn and Ellen M. Prince, int. Aug. 7, 1846. EASTLAND, Edward T. and Mary Ann Garry, Apr. — , 1845 (int. Apr. 5, 1845). EASTMAN, Joseph L. of Boston, s. of Jonath[an] of Salisbury, and Eliz[abe]th C, a. 26 y., and Clara A, Clark, d. of George, a. 20 y., Sept. 18, 1845. Warren and Rachel Y. Cole, int. Mar. 10, 1849. EATON, Clarisa B. of East Cambridge, and Tho[ma]s H. Park, int. July 17, 1837. Nathaniel and Rebeckah N. Pratt, int. Aug. 21, 1835. Nathaniel B. and Ruth Steams of Charlestown, int. Jan. 20, 1838. William H. of Chatham, and Mar>' A. C. Moore. [No date] (int. Mar. 20, 1844). EDMISTON, Samuel of Boston, and Abby Mahafley, Apr. 23, 1843. EDMONDS, Lucilia of Saugus, and Zenas Perkins, int. Sept. 7, 1846. Polly of Lynn, and Asa Boyinton, int. Feb. 2, 1782. EGAN, Ann, d. of Barnard and Mary, a. 22 y., and Daniel Monahan, widr., s. of Patrick and Nancy, both b. in Ire- land, Dec. 29, 1849. ELDRED, Joshua C. and Sarah D. Jones of Scituate, int. Nov. 23, 1847. ELLEMS, Hannah of Scituate, and Oliver Wait, int. Jan. 12, 1821. ELLERY, William and Harriet F. Say ward, both of Gloucester, Feb. 12, 1826.* ELLIS, Cornelius of Boston, and Susan B. Hasting, int. May 21, 1822. Ellen A., d. of T. D. and Sarah F., a. 23 v., and Rev. Thomas Laurie, widr., s. of John of Jacksonville, 111., and Jemima, a. 27 y., May 25, 1848. • Intention not recorded. 372 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Ellis, Isaiah M. of Roxbury, s. of Josiah of Springfield, Vt., and Sarah, a. 23 y., and Mary A. Welch, d. of Henry and Margaret, a. 21 y., Jan. 28, 1846. ELLISON, Mary and John Firth, Oct. — , 1842 (int. Sept. 10, 1842). Samuel of Boston, and Olive Hersey, int. Oct. 21, 1834. EMERSON, Jonathan (of Reading, int.) and Martha Williams, Mar. I, 1796. Robert H. and Cyrena S. Wheeler of Bradford, Nov. 30, 1843. Ruth, Mrs., of Maiden, and Dea. James Floyd, Apr. 6, 1842. EMERY, Susan and Thacher Foster, Esq. of Brewster, int. May 7, 1847. ENDICOTT, Augustus B. and Sarah Fairbanks of Dedham, int. June 20, 1845. Elijah W., s. of Elijah of Canton, and Cynthia, a. 26 y., and Clara S. Browning, d. of Asaph of Petersham, and , a. 21 y., June 10, 1847. ESKINE, SulHvan of Alna, Me., and Mary T. Bradford, Oct. 23, 1832. ESKINES, Susan and Elias Cluff, July 24, 1834. EUSTICE (see Eustis), Elizabeth and Josiah Webber of Med- ford, Dec. 29, 1743. Hannah and John Reed of Boston, int. July 28, 1756. Thomas and Hannah Graham, int. Apr. 15, 1797. EUSTIS (see Eustice), Abigail and Joshua Cheever, May 8, 1765- Joshua and Abihail Sprague of Medford, May 25, 1757. Mary and W[illia]m Harris, Mar. 29, 1774. EVANS, Eliza of Wrentham, and John Belcher, int. Feb. 13, 1819. EVERDEAN, Joseph, widr., s. of Sargent and Lydia, a. 34 y., and Mary J. Roberts, d. of Reuben and Sarah, a. ;^^ y., Nov, 21, 1847. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks), George C. of Boston, and Joanna L. Halstat, Dec. 17, 1843. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 373 FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank), Sarah of Dedham, and Augustus B. Endicott, int. June 20, 1845. FANNING, Patric and Bridgett Farmer, int. Nov. 17, 1847. FAREWEATHER, David (of Boston, int.) and Fanny Gary, Sept. 28, 1798. Blacks. FARLAND, Margaret of Boston, and Thomas Mone, int. Apr. 16, 1847. FARLEY, Richard and Ann Farmer of Boston, int. Nov. 14, 1846. FARMER, Ann of Boston, and Richard Farley, int. Nov. 14, 1846. Bridgett and Patric Fanning, int. Nov. 17, 1847. Bridgett and Mich[a]el Doland, int. Nov. 18, 1847. Catherine, d. of Patrick and Bridget, a. 27 y., and Thomas Mul- donney, s. of Thomas and Margaret, a. 21 y., both b. in Ireland, June 29, 1849. Thomas and Bridgett Goaken, int. Nov. 10, 1847. FARNHAM (see Famum), Cha[rle]s H. of Andover, and Sarah Green, June 22, 1842. c.r.i. EARNS WORTH, Emeline and George W. Hawkes, int. Aug. 29, 1839. FARNUM (see Farnham), Benjamin and Adeline Augusta Peterson, int. July i, 1843. Thomas P. and Catherine Dickson of Marshfield, int. Jan. 2, 1847. FARRAR, Daniel of Watertown, and Martha Dix, Mar. 3, 181 2. FARRIN, John of Biddeford, and Hannah Newman, int. Apr. 3O' 1750- FARRINGTON, Amos of Lynn, and Sally Upham, in Lynn, Sept. 26, 1788. FARROW, John S. and Sarah Orcutt, int. Jan. 4, 1845. FAULKNER, Asasy and Betsey Tuttle, Dec. 18, 1803. Sarah of Maiden, and John Wayte, in Maiden, Nov. 25, 1743. FAY, Frank B. and Rebecca L. Bridges of St. Albans, Vt., int. Sept. 30, 1845. 374 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. FEARN (see Fern), John and Mary Burrill of Lynn, int. July i6, 1744. FELT, Mariah L. of Salem, and Cha[rle]s Debacon, int. Sept. 15, 1848. FELTON, Cornelius C. and Lucy Boynton of Saugus, int. Oct. I, 1825. FENNO, John and Lucy (Lucy E., int.) Heard, Apr. 14, 1839. John F. and Mary E. Borden of Lowell, May 7, 1844. c.r.i. Joseph and Amelia C. Colbey of Hopkinton, N. H., int. July 30, 1836. Joseph and Lydia Maria Peirce, Jan. 3, 1841. c.r.i. Olive A. of Boston, and Rev. Horatio Alger, int. Mar. 7, 1831. S. M. J., d. of John and Charlotte, a. 22 y., and Hermon M. Chapin of Cleaveland, O., s. of Nath[anie]l and Fanny B., a. 26 y., Oct. 15, 1849. Susan Catherine and William Marden, both of Boston, in Bos- ton, June 16, 1836. C.R.I.* William and Margaret N. Bailey of Boston, Jan. 20, 1829. FERGUSON, David and Ann E. Dillingham, in Providence, R. L, Aug. II, 1849.* FERN (see Feam), Abigail of Lynn, and Hugh Floyd 3d, int. Sept. 3, 1785. FERSON, Cha[rle]s H. and Nancy Stone, int. Oct. 12, 1844. FIELD, Eustace of North Bridgewater, s. of John and Olive, a. 23 y., and Mariah M. Snow, d. of Asa and Mary, a. 20 y., Nov. 25, 1847. Mary (wid., c.r.i) of Boston, and Sam[ue]l Pratt, June 24, 1781 (June 14, c.r.i). Mary Ann, d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mary N., a. 20 y., and Edward Chapman, s. of George H. of Say brook. Conn., and Lucia, a. 26 y., Jan. 21, 1847. FILLEBROWN, Sukey of Charlestown, and Sweethin Reed, int. Jan. 24, 1807. FINNY, Daniel and Mary McLaughlin, both of Lynn, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 5, 1848.* FIRTH, John and Mary Ellison, Oct. — , 1842 (int. Sept. 10, 1842). • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 375 FISH, Alanson, Rev., and Eunice Whipple of Needham, int. Oct. 19, 1837. FISHER, Mary Ann, d. of Samuel B. and Amelia M., a. 21 y., b. in Grafton, Vt., and Newell Warren, s. of John and Rhoda, a. 23 y., b. in Alstead, N. H., in Springfield, Vt., Apr. 2, 1840.* FISK, David of Merrimac, and Edith Tay, Oct. 25, 1786. FITZGERALD, John, s. of Daniel and Ellen, a. 27 y., and Ann McCue, d. of Thomas and Bridget, a. 25 y., both b. in Ireland, Oct. 14, 1849. Margaret of Charlestown, and Patrick Sullivan, int. Dec. 29, 1849. FLETCHER, Asaph (Dr., c.r.i) of Westford, and Sarah Green, Oct. 3, 1776. Mercy and Alexander Nichols (of Derry, N. H., int.). Mar. 15, 1797. FLINT, Susan R. of Allenstown, N. H., and PHn White, Dec. — , 1844 (int., Dec. 8, 1844). FLOYD, Bill and Lydia Kendall, Mar. 13, 1823. Charlotte and Uriah Okes of Maiden, July 9, 1795. Daniel of Maiden, and Elizabeth Jenkins, in Maiden, Oct. 4, 1751- David and Hannah Tewkesbury, Dec. 6, 1798 (Nov. 6, 1798, c.r.i). David (Jr. int.) and Sally F. Tewksbury, Nov. 28, 1833, Edward and Lucretia S. Tewksbury, Dec. 16, 1841. c.r.i. Eliza[beth], wid., and Reuben Wessen (Weston, int.), Mar. 28, 1786. Elizabeth of Maiden, and Joseph Waite Jr., June 23, 1791. Eliz[a]b[eth] and Wilham Peirce, Oct. 2, 1808. Hannah of Maiden, and Jacob Breeden, in Maiden, Mar. 2, 1749-50. Hannah and Abraham Whittemore, Dec. 18, 1760. Hannah and Jacob Butman, Feb. 17, 1780. Hannah and David Belcher, int. Nov. 12, 1836. Hannah B. and Washington Tewksbury, Jan. 26, 1809. Hepzibeth and Joseph P. (Joseph Patten of Medford, int.) Hall, Dec. 6, 1796. • Intention not recorded. 376 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Floyd, Hugh of Maiden, and Abigail Hasey, in Maiden, Apr. 15, 1752. Hugh and Rachel Floyd, May 10, 1759. Hugh 3d and Abigail Fern of Lynn, int. Sept. 3, 1785. James and Hannah Bill, int. Dec. 25, 1756. James Jr. and Eunice Bordman, July 3, 1787. James, Dea. and Mrs. Ruth Emerson of Maiden, Apr. 6, 1842. Joanna and Aaron Buckman of Maiden (Bucknam, int.), May I, 1768. John Jr. and Sarah Belcher (Jr., int.), Dec. 9, 1740, John and wid. Hannah Bill, Aug. 24, 1763. John 2d and Mary Sale, int. Nov. 27, 1837. Josiah and Eliza Tewksbury, Mar. 24, 1842, c.r.i. Lucy and Henry Abbot (3d, c.r.i) of Andover, Dec. 13, 1825. Peter and Mary Tuttle, Dec. 4, 1760. PhilHps P. and Sally A. Floyd, int. May 24, 1840. Rachel and Sam[ue]l Sprague of Maiden, int. Oct. 9, 1752. Rachel and Hugh Floyd, May 10, 1759. Richard of Boston, and Eliza[beth] Brintnal, June 30, 1768. Sally A. and Phillips P. Floyd, int. May 24, 1840. Sam[ue]l and Susanna Sargeant, Apr. 20, 1779. Samuel and Sally Burril, Apr. 6, 1814. Sarah and John Sale (Jr., int.), Apr. 7, 1752. Stephen of Boston, and Abigail Pratt, Nov. 16, 1769. Susanna and Henry Tuksbery, Feb. 26, 1805. Tabatha and Aaron Blanchard of Medford, int. Oct. 5, 1750. Thomas and Sally Pratt of Medford, int. May 10, 1807. Thomas and Hannah (Hannah Borne, int.) Sturgis, Apr. 11, 1830. FLYNN, Barny and Mary Shanly, int. Jan. 14, 1843. FOGG, Lucy M. of Epping, N. H., and Davenport A. Morrison, int. Dec. 24, 1847. FOLEY, Margaret, d. of Matthew and Margaret, a. 26 y., and Patrick Cotterel, s. of Edmund and Mary, a. 28 y., both b. in Ireland, Dec. 10, 1848. FOLLIS, John, s. of , dec, and Mary, a. 21 y., and Ann Parker, a. 27 y., both parents dec, Aug. 26, 1844. FOLSOM, Horrace, s. of Stephen of Enfield, N. H., and Polly, a. 27 y., and Condace H. Tucker, d. of Nath[anie]l of Nor- wich, N. H., and Hannah, a. 24 y., Feb. 24, 1846.* * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 377 FORD, Abigail B. and Josiah M. Whitney of Maiden, int. Aug. 19, 1838. Elizabeth M. of Boston, and Stephen Atwood Jr., int. Nov. 12, 1833- FORRISTALL, Sylvender and Harriot Wheeler of Troy, N. H., int. Dec. 8, 1839. FOSS, Leonard and Nancy Rendall of Livingston, Me., int. June — , 1845. FOSTER, Eliza, d. of Edward and Ann, a. 33 y., and William Williams of Boston, s. of John and Mary Aim, a. 35 y., June 27, 1849. Jane S. of Westbrook, Me., and George A. Prebble, int. Dec. 25, 1847. Mar}'' A., Mrs., of Beverly, and Joseph Gerrish, int. Mar. 23, 1845. Sarah, d. of Joshua and Sarah Ann, b. in Boston, a. 18 y., and Charles E. Baker, s. of Edward and Susan G., b. in East- port, Me., a. 24 y., Nov. 29, 1849. Sarah R. of Gloucester, and James Gerrish, Esq., int. Dec. 19, 1846. Temperance S. and Thomas Bickford. [No date] (Aug. 5, 1843, int.). Thacher, Esq. of Brewster, and Susan Emery, int. May 7, 1847. FOWL, Henry, s. of Henry of Boston, and Mary E., a. 23 y., and Mary A. Budd, d. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, a. 21 y., Nov. 27, 1845. FOWLER, Abigail P. and Ezekiel Glazier of Chariestown, Dec. 4, 1836. Cha[rle]s and Julia Brabrook, int. Apr. 2, 1847. FRACKER, Martha A. and Emery A. Johnson, Sept. — , 1842 (int. Aug. 9, 1842). FRANCIS, George W., s. of James and Lucy, a. 27 y., and Ada- line E. Ayers, d. of Willard and Emely, a. 23 y., both of Waltham, Nov. 14, 1845.* FREEMAN, Geo[rge] and Eliza A. Harden, int. May 4, 1844. FRENCH, George R. and Sarah E. Osgood, both of Boston, Jan. 4, 1846.* Maria of Canton, and Charles L. Turner, int. Sept. 24, 1836. • Intention not recorded. 378 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. FROST, Joseph J., of Boston, s. of Joshua of Yarmouth, and Sarah, a. 28 y., and AdaHne M. Dorr, d. of John and Ada- line, a. 21 y., Nov. 18, 1848. Rufus S., s. of Joseph of Marlboro, N. H., and Lucy, a. 21 y., and Ellen Maria Hubbard, d. of Charles and Amelia J., a. 19 y., Aug. 4, 1849. FROTHINGHAM, Henry K. of Charlestown, and Elizabeth H. Green, int. Oct. 24, 1837. FULLER, Anna of Lynn, and Nathan Cheevor of Boston, alias Chelsea, Feb. 15, 1738. Charles and Jane Blodgget of Maiden, int. Jan. 25, 1824. Daniel T. and Sarah Somes, int. Mar. 31, 1837. Elisha and Sarah Dispay (Dispaw, int.), Sept. 25, 1750. EHz[abe]th of Lynn, and John Breeden, int. June i, 1740. Ester G. and William B. Belcher, int. Sept. 9, 1839. John and Esther Tuksbery of Boston, Dec. 28, 1802. Jonathan of Boston and Mary Tuttle, Mar. 28, 1758. Jonathan Jr. and Betsey (Elizabeth, int.) Bruce, Jan. 22, 1807. Jonathan G. of Lynn, and Loiva Heath, Nov. 29, 1838. Margreat and Nathaniel Lothrop Jr. of Norwich, int. Mar. 5, 1747-8. Maria of Boston, and Bill Burrill, int. Feb. 15, 1840. Mary and Seth Copeland of Milton, June 17, 1783. Mary and Nathaniel Pierce of Medford, int. Oct. 31, 1789. Mary L. and Joseph S. Wendell of Lynn, int. Jan. 6, 1827. Mary L. and James Dunlap, Nov. 29, 1832. Milton, Dr., of Westminster, and Rachel Jacobs, Oct. 12, 1823. Richard H., s. of Richard of New Hampshire, and Mararain, a. 26 y., and Charlotte A. Munroe, d. of John and Mary, a. 19 y., Oct. 15, 1848. GANDALL, Sam[ue]l of Boston, and Rebecca C. Tyler of Salem, Feb. 27, 1844.* (1840, c.r.i). GARDNER, Hannah (Hannah N., int.) and John Low, May 3, 1833. Mary C. and Capt. Ralph Beatley, Oct. 17, 1826. Priscilla and John Wright, Feb. 7, 18 19. GARLAND, EHza of Calais, Me., and S. W. Valentine, int. Apr. 16, 1848. GARRY, Mary Ann and Edward T. Eastland, Apr. — , 1845 (int. Apr. 5, 1845). * Intention not recorded. 1 I CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 379 GAVETT, Abigail of Boston, and John Watkins of Maiden, July or Aug. 1843.* GAY, Abner and Lydia Low, Mar. 4, 1807. Abner Jr. and Lydia L. Wiggin, May 5, 1839. Timothy and Mary A. Wiggins, May 26, 1833. GERRISH, Edwin L. and Mary Ann Hanson of Somersworth, N. H., int. Nov. 3, 1849. James, Esq. and Sarah R. Foster of Gloucester, int. Dec. 19, 1846. Joseph and Mrs. Mary A. Foster of Beverly, int. Mar. 23, 1845. Lewis C. and Augusta Durell of Lee, N. H., int. Nov. 10, 1843. GETCHELL, Mary and Calvin E. Muncy, both of Wiscasset, int. May 18, 1849. Susanna (of Boston, int.) and Isaac Lewis, Apr. i, 1746. GIBBS, Cha[rle]s, Rev., of Norwalk, 0., s. of David of Norwalk, O., and Eliz[a]b[eth] L., a. 28 y., and Lavina Campbell, d. of Jeremiah and Nancy, a. 23 y.. Mar. i, 1849. GIBSON, S. Hervey of Boston, s. of David and Ann, a. 25 y., and Ann E. Thacher, a. 19 y., June 24, 1844. GILBERT, Elvira A. of New Braintree and William Johnson, int. Aug. 3, 1840. GILLESPIE, Robert of Boston, and Elizabeth Low, int. Sept. 9, 1804. GILLMORE (see Gilmore), Thomas and Catherine McDeed, int. Nov. 6, 1847. GILMAN, Lucy Ann of Boston, a. 38 y., and Stephen Smith, widr., s. of Stephen of New Portland, Me., and Mary, a. 50 y., Nov. 19, 1848. GILMORE (see Gillmore), Allice and Patric Regan, int. Mar. 2, 1846. Ann and Thomas Bodkin, int. Dec. 19, 1846. GILSON, Samuel S. and Emily W. Atherton, Aug. 4, 1842. GLAZIER, Ezekiel of Charlestown, and Abigail P. Fowler, Dec. 4, 1836. • Intention not recorded. 380 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. GLEASON, Joshua and Anna Tuckesbury, Sept. 23, 1794. Josiah and Sarah Tewksbury, Oct. 27, 1755. GLIDDEN, Eliphalet and Abigail Newman, Jan. 9, 1832. GLOVER, Eliza[beth] and William Barrow (of Boston, int.), Mar. 21, 1797. Ezra of Dorchester, and Eliza[beth] Belcher, June i, 1786. GLYNN, Mary A., d. of John of Charlestown, and Margaret, and George A. Kenny of Boston, s. of George M. of Salem, and Sarah G., Sept. 21, 1848.* GOAKEN, Bridgett and Thomas Farmer, int. Nov. 10, 1847. GODBOLD, John, s. of Gustavus A. and Ann F., a. 24 y., and Hannah Reynolds, d. of Winthrop and Elizabeth, a. 21 y., both b. in Boston, Nov. 15, 1849. GODFREY, AmeHa and George Moultrie (Moltire, int.), Oct. ID, 183 1. Foreigners. GOLDSBURY, Samuel, Capt., and Sally James, both of Boston. [No date. Entered on records between dates Apr. 9, 1809 and June 9, 1809.*] GOODHUE, Hannah E. and Henry D. Moody. [No date.] (Henry D. Moody and Eliz[abe]th Goodhue, int. Sept. 16, 1843-) GOODWIN, John and Eliza[beth] Hasey, Apr. 22, 1777. Stephen T. of Newburyport, and Clara A. Clark, int. Dec. 19, 1846. GORHAM, Cha[rle]s of Boston, and Mary W. Taylor, int. Aug. 26, 1843. GOTHAM, Mary Ann and James Marsh of Charlestown, int. Jan. 12, 1823. GOULD, Jesse, widr., and Frances A. WilHs, d. of Cha[rle]s and , June 23, 1846. Mary Ann of Boston, and Sam[ue]l Pratt, 2d, int. Aug. 6, 1838. Olive and Eben[eze]r Williams, Nov. 24, 181 1. Will M., Dr., s. of Benj[amin] of Dixiield, Me., and Hannah, a. 27 y., and Mrs. Martha F. Hardwell, d. of Samuel Love- joy of Norway, Me., and Abby, a. 24 y., both of Boston, May 15, 1845.* * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 381 GOVE, Martha and Milton Harrington, Mar. 6, 1842. GRACE, Joseph and Mary Sargeant, Apr. 12, 1779. GRAHAM, EHza W. of Troy, N. H., and Dr. George Baker, int. May 19, 1847. Hannah and Thomas Eustice, int. Apr. 15, 1797. GRANT, Abraham of Cambridge, and Margaret Cheever, May 10, 1807. GRAY, Cephas W., s. of Jacob of Cornish, Me., and Nancy, a. 26 y., and Nancy F. Guptill, d. of Tho[ma]s of Cornish, Me., and Sally, a. 28 y., Oct. 14, 1847. GREEN, Abby F. and John R. Robinson of Boston, int. Aug. 24, 1839. Anna and (Capt. int.) Richard Bracket of Boston, June 28, 1822. Benjamin and Nabby Pratt, Dec. 17, 1789. Benjamin and Sarah S. Stowers, Oct. 19, 1830. Catherine W. and Benj[ami]n Phipps, int. Apr. 17, 1838. Ehza[beth] and Nath[anie]l Stower, Apr. 9, 1786. Elizabeth H. and Henry K. Frothingham of Charlestown, int. Oct. 24, 1837. Emily of Boston, and Sam[ue]l Hall Rhoades, int. Mar. 22, 1843. Esther of Stoncham, and Sam[ue]l Call, May i, 1777. Hannah and Amos Lyon, Mar. 2, 181 5. Isaac of Reading, and Lois Sprague, Feb. 13, 1772. James and Joanna Pratt, May 11, 1790. James Jr. and Rachel Stowers, Mar. 19, 1820. Joanna and Simon Blanchard, Jan. 6, 1822. John and Phcbe Tucker of Andover, int. Oct. 12, 1817. Joseph of Stoneham, and Martha Sprague, Sept. 22, 1757. S.R. Joseph Jr. and Susanna Pratt, Jan. 11, 1780. Joseph Jr. and Phebe Holt of Andover, int. June 17, 182 1. Levi and Sarah Davis, int. Nov. 10, 1834. Lydia and William Pratt, June 15, 1792 (May 9, 1792, c.r.i). Lydia T. and Henry W. Dale, int. May 5, 1839. ^lartha and Amos Pcirce, Dec. 16, 1813. Patty and Sam[ue]l Low, June 27, 1786. Rebecca and Peter Hay (3d, int.) of Stoneham, Jan. 27, 1774. Sarah and (Dr., c.r.i) Asaph Fletcher of Westford, Oct. 3, 1776. 382 CHELSEA MARRIAGES, Green, Sarah and Cha[rle]s H. Farnham of Andover, June 22, 1842. C.R.I. Susan and E. K. (Edward K., int.) Smith of Boston, Nov. 7, 1824. Susanna and Peter Holt of Andover, June 6, 181 1. Thomas and Sarah Mitchell, Nov. 17, 1824. Thomas and Sarah Todd of Maiden, int. Dec. 3, 183 1. GREENLIEF, Edward H., a. 30 y., and Caroline S. (Caroline T., int.) Colby, a. 24 y., June 22, 1848. GREENWOOD, Mary Fletcher, d. of Sarah, a. 24 y., and Thomas Hodges, both parents dec, a. 24 y., May 4, 1845.* GRIFFIN, George E. of Charlestown, and Susan B. Burrill, Mar. 29, 1842. GROSS, James M. of Ashbumham, and Sarah W. Stowers, Oct. 28, 1840. C.R.I. GROVER, Abigail of Maiden and Samuel Boardman, in Maiden, Dec. 5, 1760. Catharine of Maiden, and Robert L. Pratt, in Maiden, Apr. 21, 1839. Cha[rle]s and Susannah Copeland, int. Aug. 25, 1843. Hannah of Maiden, and Timothy Pratt, Mar. 29, 1787. GUNNISON, Mary A. of Gloucester, and Josiah Osgood, int. Dec. 2, 1845. GUPTILL, Nancy F., d. of Tho[ma]s of Cornish, Me., and Sally, a. 28 y., and Cephas W. Gray, s. of Jacob of Cornish, Me., and Nancy, a. 26 y., Oct. 14, 1847. HACKETT, Ellen of Boston, a. 26 y., and Thomas Hackett, s. of James and Jane, a. 26 y., both b. in Ireland, Oct. 29, 1848. Thomas, s. of James and Jane, a. 26 y., and Ellen Hackett of Boston, a. 26 y., both b. in Ireland, Oct. 29, 1848. HAD AWAY, John T., of Boston, and Catherine W. SnelHng, int. Apr. i, 1847. HADLEY, Harriot N. of Lunenburg, and Levi R. Houghton, int. Aug. 30, 1837. Lydia and Matthew Whipple Sprague, Oct. 7, 1779. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 383 HAGERTY, Andrew and Rosanna Reed of Boston, int. Apr. ii, 1841. HALEY, Barker and Almira W. Bradeen, int. May 20, 1843. Sarah S. of Bath, Me., and James M. Soule, int. Jan. 27, 1845. William and Sarah Payson, Nov. 27, 183 1. BLALL, Aaron of Medford, and Mary Pratt, May 11, 1780. Aaron Jr. and Nabby Pratt, Apr. 15, 1806. Almira P. of Saugus, and Charles Slade, int. Nov. 9, 1839. Catharine and Benjamin Parker of Charlcstown, Jan. 7, 1830. Eliza and Samuel Tucker of Andover, June 12, 1831. Elizabeth and Andrew Cutter, May 2, 1824. Eliz[a]b[e]th and Cha[rle]s W. Wellington, int. Oct. 24, 1840. Hannah and Carpenter Staniels, Feb. 19, 1826. Hannah T. and Rev. Lathrop Taylor of Taunton, Oct. 10, 1843. Hariot and Samuel A. Cox of Maiden, July 30, 1834. Harriot and John Caldwell, Apr. 8, 1824. John and Frances Willis of Boston, int. Oct. 20, 1825. John C. and Sally A. Kelly, Oct. 10, 1844. Joseph P. (Joseph Patten of Medford, int.) and Hepzibeth Floyd, Dec. 6, 1796. Lucy and Elijah Holden (of Maiden, int.), Nov. 19, 1835. Mary of Charlestown, and Daniel Pratt Jr., int. Nov. 16, 1806. Mary and Royal Peirce, int. Mar. 11, 1837. Mary R. and Jonath[an] Dow of East Cambridge, int. Jan. 4, 1844. Sam[ue]l Jr. of St. Louis, Mo., and Harriet Bridge, Aug. 20, 1840. Stephen and Mrs. Rachel Jacobs of Boston, Jan. 7, 1821. Stephen Jr. and Cynthia Brooks of Scituate, int. Nov. 8, 1829. Susan and John H. Richardson of Woburn, June 11, 1840. C.R.I.* William and Sussanna Sigoumey Oliver, Dec. 23, 18 19. Will[ia]m C. of Boston, and Emeline Smith, int. Feb. 18, 1841. Zacariah Jr. and Mary Thayer, int. Mar. 16, 1839. Zachariah and Hannah Tucker of Andover, int. Dec. 2, 1819. HALLOWAY, Lydia and Tho[ma]s Woodman, int. June 9, 1846. HALSTAT, Joanna L. and George C. Fairbank of Boston, Dec. 17, 1843. • Intention not recorded. 384 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. HAMILTON, Benj[amin], s. of Richard of Searsmont, Me., and Mary, a. 23 y., and Susan F. Maxwell, d. of Joshua of Wells, Me., and Dorathy, a. 23 y., both of Boston, Jan. 12, 1847.* HAMLIN, Martha M., d. of Silas of Maine, and Martha, a. 21 y., and George H. Jennings, s. of Phillip and Grace, a. 22 y., Nov, 30, 1848. HAMMON (see Hammond), Sarah and Francis House, int. Mar. 13, 1773. HAMMOND (see Hammon), Edward and Desire Tilton, July 23. 1773- Hannah and Solomon Mory, Sept. 27, 1767. Mary and William Holl (Hool, int.), Dec. 24, 1767. HANSCOM, Mary A., d. of William of Farmington, N. H., and Keziah P., a. 27 y,, and William P. (Will B., int.) Mason, s. of James of Robbinston, Me., and Mary A., a. 27 y.. Mar. 31, 1847. HANSON, Adaline of Somersworth, N. H., and Henry B. Dow, int. Jan. 7, 1843. Mary Ann of Somersworth, N. H., and Edwin L. Gerrish, int. Nov. 3, 1849. HARDEN (see Hardin, Harding), EHza A. and Geo[rge] Free- man, int. May 4, 1844. HARDIN (see Harden, Harding), Mary A., d. of James and Mary, a. 22 y., and James H. Perkins, s. of John of Wool- wich, Me., and Harriet, a, 25 y., Sept. 10, 1848. HARDING (see Harden, Hardin), Susan E. and Stephen Burch- more Jr., int. Mar. 29, 1845. HARD WELL, Martha F., Mrs., d. of Samuel Lovejoy of Nor- way, Me., and Abby, a. 24 y., and Dr. Will M. Gould, s. of Benj[amin] of Dixfield, Me., and Hannah, a. 27 y., both of Boston, May 15, 1845.* HARDY, George, s. of Elijah of Westboro, and Hepzibeth, a. ;^T^ y., and Susan A. Maloney, d. of Tho[ma]s of St. George, Me., and Hannah, a. 26 y., Dec. 6, 1845. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 385 HARPER, Thomas of Charlestown, and Nancy Pratt, Mar. 8, 1812. HARRINGTON, Jonathan of Boston, and Lydia Stowcrs, Oct. 2, 1832. Milton and Martha Gove, Mar. 6, 1842. HARRIS, Joseph and Mary Shillabee of Boston, int. Mar. 18, 1820. W[ilHa]m and Mary Eustis, Mar. 29, 1774. HARROD, EmeHne E. of Harvard, and Joseph C. Stone, int. Jan. 3, 1848. HARTSHORN, Catherine, d. of Preston and Ann, a. 26 y., and Stillman S. Orcutt of Randolph, s. of Micah of Randolph, and Betsy, a. 22 y., Apr. 13, 1848. Frances A., d. of Hollis and Mary, a. 19 y., and Samuel E. Shaw of New York City, s. of Edward and Sarah, a. 25 y., May 9, 1847. Joseph C. and Rachel Thurber of Providence, R. I., int. Aug. 3, 1844. HARTT, Henry W. and Lucy Ann Brigham of Saxonville, int. Oct. 3, 1835. HASELTINE, Sam[ue]l of Boston, and Ruth Sampson, June 8, 1769. HASEY, , wid. of Abraham, and Thomas Wait. [No date. Previous to 1725.]* Abigail and Hugh Floyd of Maiden, in Maiden, Apr. 15, 1752. Eliza[beth] and John Goodwin, Apr. 22, 1777. Joseph and Hannah Bill, Aug. 21, 1767. Nathanael and Elizebeth Chamberlain, int. Jan. 20, 1750. Sarah and Joseph Lewis, int. Dec. 17, 1750. Susanna and Andrew Tuxberry, Feb. 18, 1762.* HASKELL, Abraham and Mary Little, Feb. 11, 1843. George vS., widr., s. of Thomas and Lucy, a. 26 y., b. in Boston, and Mary L. Barbrick, d. of John and Eliza, a. 18 y., b. in Portland, Me., Nov. i, 1849. L. P. (L. Pomroy, int.), s. of Benj[ami]n of Maine and Mary F., a. 22 y., and Sarah E. Warson, d. of John S. and Lydia, a. 23 y., Oct. 3, 1848. • Intention not recorded. 386 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. HASKINS, Eliza and John McGillick, int. Jan. 9, 1847. HASSETT, Eliza of Lynn, and Rogers Dwyer of Lynn, s. of William, both b. in Ireland, Dec. i, 1849.* HASTING (see Hastings), Susan B. and Cornelius Ellis of Bos- ton, int. May 21, 1822. HASTINGS (see Hasting), Abijah (of Boston, int.), and Martha Ingraham, Apr. i, 1760. Abijah (Jr., int.) and Sukey Langdon Nye (Susannah Langton Nye of Boston, int.), Feb. i, 1798. Abijah and Ellen M. (Ellen Maria, int.) Waitt, Jan. 26, 1844 (1840, c.R.i) (int. Dec. 22, 1839). Martha and John Hutchinson of Charlestown, June 18, 1818. Martha and Capt. John Peirce, June 4, 1837. HATCH, Hannah and William Hoole, int. Dec. 26, 1772. Mary Ann of Kennebunk, Me., and John T. Wiggin, int. Nov. 24, 1826. Nathaniel of Maiden, and Sarah Steward, int. Mar. 8, 1801. Reuben (of Maiden, int.) and Abigail Cheever, Sept. 13, 1796. Tabitha and Joseph Pomroy, Nov. 13, 1769. HAWES, Maria A. of Boston, and Otis Stevens of Roxbury, Aug. — , 1843.* HAWKES (see Hawks), Elizabeth Beals and Bradish Roswell Clap of Boston, int. Jan. 10, 1837. Elizebeth and Zachariah Pool (of Boston, int.), July 9, 1760. Ezra Jr. and Mary Ann Berry, int. Sept. 11, 1841. George W. and Emeline Famsworth, int. Aug. 29, 1839. Harriot N. and James C. Nottage, int. Nov. 5, 1841. Mary B, of South Reading and William Bosson, int. May i, 1841. Rachel and John Pearce, Aug. 20, 1797. HAWKS (see Hawkes), Abigail and James Stowers Jr., Dec. 17, 1797. Elizabeth and Samuel Pratt (Jr., int.) Nov. 17, 1799. Hannah and (Dr., c.r.i) Sam[ue]l Cheney of Walpole, Oct. 24, 1771. Jona[than] and Rachel Sprague, May 20, 1776. HAY, Peter (3d, int.) of Stoneham, and Rebecca Green, Jan. 27, 1774- * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 387 HAYDEN, Abby A., d. of Joseph and Abby, a. 18 y., and Jarvis Thayer, s. of Daniel of Sidney, Me,, and Clarissa, a. 28 y., July 20, 1845. Mary Hammett and Alpha Herman Richardson, int. Sept. 24, 1842. HAYES, George W., widr., s. of John C. of Augusta, Me., and Dorothy, a. 35 y., and EHz[a]b[e]th A. Jackson, d. of of Rochester, N. H., a. 27 y., June 7, 1846. Mary A., d. of Jonath[an] of Dover, N. H., and Priscilla, a. 24 y., and Sereno Sewall (Sereno S. Webster, int.) of Augusta, Me., a. 28 y., Oct. 28, 1845. Oliver P. and Mary T. Jones, Aug. 6, 1843. HAYWARD, Sarah E. and Jona[tha]n A. Briggs of New York City, int. Oct. 22, 1848. HAZFORD (see Huxford), Elizabeth (Huxford of Boston, int.) and Joshua Cheever, Mar. 24, 1789. HEARD (see Kurd), Lucy E. and John M. Snow, int. Oct. 15, 1834. Int. stopped Oct. 18, 1834. Lucy (Luc}^ E., int.) and John Fenno, Apr. 14, 1839. Mary and Capt. John Williams, Nov. 16, 1837. Mary A. of Boston, and Joseph Henderson, int. Nov. 3, 1846. HEATH, Loiva and Jonathan G. Fuller of Lynn, Nov. 29, 1838. HENDERSON, Joseph and Mary A. Heard of Boston, int. Nov. 3, 1846. Nathanael and Ehzabeth Pomeroy, int. Dec. 5, 1757. HENDRIKIN, Mary A. of Boston, and Jason Trask, int. Jan. 23, 1847. HERRICK, M. A. of Boston, s. of Israel E. of New Hampshire, and Martha, a. 26 y., and Jane R. Hubbard, d. of Charles and Amelia J., a. 21 y., Dec. 20, 1848. HERSEY, Olive and Samuel Elhson of Boston, int. Oct. 21, 1834. HEWES, Elijah, widr., s. of EHjah and Rebecca, b. in Lynn- field, a. 35 y., and Mrs. CaroHne C. Peabody, d. of William and Dorothy Gipson, a. 22 y., Nov. 19, 1849. Eliz[a]b[e]th Ann and William W. Nichols, int. June 17, 1841. George W. and Sophia Swett. [No date] (int. Dec. 19, 1844). Rebecca B. and WilHam W. Young. [No date] (int. Oct. 8, 1843)- 388 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. HIGGINS, Joseph and Polly Rand of Charlestown, Feb. 19, 1786. Moses P. and Ann E. Pratt, both of Maiden, June or July, 1843-* HILL (see Hills), Cha[rle]s Jr. and Lucy C. Nichols of Boston, int. Dec. 31, 1838. Martha, d. of Charles and Elizabeth, a. 22 y., and Hervey Newell, s. of John and Rhoda, a. 26 y., Apr. 9, 1849. Patience and Amos Willis of Boston, int. July 27, 1796. HILLMAN, Mehitable of Boston, and James Dexter, int. Jiily 20, 1839. HILLS (see Hill), Catherine of Boston (formerly of Hancock, N. H., int.), d, of James of Hancock, N. H., and Thankful, 3- 33 y-> ^iid Ralph Beatley, widr., s. of Ralph and Eliz- [abe]th, a. 43 y., in Boston, Oct. 24, 1846. Frances B., d. of James of Hancock, N. H., and Thankful, a. 39 y., and Emmons Thayer, widr. of Braintree, s. of Nath- aniel E. of Braintree, and Deliverance, a. 42 y., June 29, 1848.* HINDS, Mary and Sam[ue]ll Jenks, Feb. 3, 1760. HINKLEY, William and Axanna Woods of Groton, int. Dec. 16, 1820. KITCHENS (see Hitchings), Augustus and Mrs. Hannah K. Hooton, int. Oct. 22, 1842. Josiah and Ann (Anna, int.) Livingstone, Mar. i, 1759. HITCHINGS (see Hitchens), Nathan and Sally Boardman of Lynn, int. Sept. 4, 1803. HOBART, Deborah and (Col., int.) John Sale, Jr., Nov. 29, 1797. HOBBS, Minerva A. of Norway, Me., and Luther Hutchins, int. Jan. 17, 1845. HODGDON, Nancy and William H. Merrow, int. July 24, 1841, HODGE (see Hodges), Lydia A. of Boston, and Ezekiel ColHns, May 21, 1837. HODGES (see Hodge), Thomas, both parents dec, a. 24 y., and Mary Fletcher Greenwood, d. of Sarah, a. 24 y.. May 4, 1845.* • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 389 HOLDEN, Abba and Israel Tuttle, Feb. i, 1824. Elijah (of Maiden, int.) and Lucy Hall, Nov. 19, 1835. HOLL (see Hool, Hoole), William (Hool, int.) and Mary Ham- mond, Dec. 24, 1767. HOLLAND, Lucey and Paul Rily, int. Nov. 27, 1754. HOLLIOKE, Susanna, d. of Edward of Rumney Marsh, and Michael Martine, m. by Gov. John Endicott, Aug. 12, 1656.* HOLLOWAY, Mary and Hezekiah Whittemore, int. 8br. 10, 1755- HOLT, Peter of Andover, and Susanna Green, June 6, 181 1. Phebe of Andover, and Joseph Green, Jr., int. June 17, 1821. HOMPRAY (see Humphrey, Humphreys), John and Mary Porch, int. Mar. 10, 1760. HONE, Edward of Salem, and Lydia Boardman, June 28, 1807. HOOD, Mary Jane of Salem, and Geo[rge] C. Bosson, int. Mar. 28, 1849. HOOL (see Holl, Hoole), Mary (Hoole, int.) and Thomas New- comb of Cape Cod, Nov. 22, 1763. HOOLE (see Holl, Hool), William and Hannah Hatch, int. Dec. 26, 1772. HOOTON, Hannah K., Mrs., and Augustus Hitchens, int. Oct. 22, 1842. HOPKINS, Harriet N. and Nath[anie]l B. Hoyt of Providence, R. I., int. Mar. 9, 1845. HOTTON, Jupiter, free negro, and Phillis, servant to Hon. Capt. Samuel Willis, Esq., int. Nov. i, 1749. HOUGH, Ebenezer and Ann Watts, int. Sept. 3, 1749. Sarah and Eben[eze]r Pratt of Maiden, int. July 21, 1752. HOUGHTON, Levi R. and Harriot N. Hadley of Lunenburg, int. Aug. 30, 1837. Sarah and John Cox, int. Sept. 16, 1845. HOUSE, Francis and Sarah Hammon, int. Mar, 13, 1773. * Intention not recorded. 390 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. HOUSEN, Mary Ann and Henry Mattox, int. Feb. 15, 1843. HOWARD, Eliza, d. of Silas of Maine, and Betsy, a. 30 y., and Jerome Thorp., s. of Ira of Somerville, and Catherine, a. 26 y., Sept. 28, 1845. Nathaniel and Catharine C. M. Ware, int. Jan. 29, 1842. HOWE (see Howes), Sarah B. and Frederick W. Wilder, both of Lancaster, May 29, 1842. c.r.i.* HOWES (see Howe), Edward S. and Mary S. Perkins, int. July 29, 1842. HOYT, Hannah Maria of Nashua, N. H., and John Edwin Pettingill, int. Oct. 29, 1842. Nath[anie]l B. of Providence, R. I., and Harriet N. Hopkins, int. Mar. 9, 1845. HUBBARD, Ellen Maria, d. of Charles and Amelia J., a. 19 y., and Rufus S. Frost, s. of Joseph of Marlboro, N. H., and Lucy, a. 21 y., Aug. 4, 1849. James and Johanna Colbey, Apr. 19, 1831. Jane R., d. of Charles and Amelia J., a. 21 y., and M. A. Herrick of Boston, s. of Israel E. of New Hampshire, and Martha, a. 26 y., Dec. 20, 1848. HUDSON, Joseph of Boston, and Sarah White, Dec. 24, 1764. Phebe of Maiden, and Thomas Pratt, int. Oct. — , 1816. HUMPHREY (see Hompray, Humphreys), Jane and William Coomes, int. Oct. 9, 1752. Mary and John Cochran, Jan. 3, 1765. Seth G. of New York, and Ann R. Osgood of Boston, July 12, 1846.* HUMPHREYS (see Hompray, Himiphrey), Martha of Wey- mouth, and Nath[anie]l Belcher Jr., int. Apr. 13, 1782. HUNNEWELL, Cha[rle]s H., widr., s. of Cha[rle]s of Cambridge, and Ruth, a. 33 y., and Olive Pinkham, d. of , of Boothbay, Me., a. 32 y., both of Boston, Nov. 7, 1847.* Richard of Boston, and Hannah Belcher, July 29, 1742. HUNT, Abraham L., s. of Luther of Vermont, and Jane, a. 23 y., and Jane Jones, d. of Joseph of England, and Cather- ine, a. 20 y., Mar. 24, 1848. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 391 HUNTING, Elisabeth of Needham, and Edward Dispcr, resi- dent in Needham, late of Chelsea, Feb. 9, 1763. s.r.* HURD (see Heard), Peter of Boston, s. of of Europe, a. 28 y., and Marantha Luke, a. 25 y., Nov. 10, 1847. HUTCHINS, Luther and Minerva A. Hobbs of Non^'ay, Me., int. Jan. 17, 1845. HUTCHINSON, John of Charlestown, and Martha Hastings, June 18, 1818. HUXFORD (see Hazford), Sarah Swift and Joseph Copland Jr. of Bridgewater, int. Mar. 20, 1808. HYDEN, Elisabeth and Richard Poach, int. Nov. 13, 1754. ILSLEY, Enoch and Mary , June 30, 1831. G.R.3. Hosea Jr. and Ann Morse of East Dixfield, IVIe., int. Sept. 4, 1846. INGALLS, EHzabeth B., d. of Abner and Lucy, a. 21 y., b. in Lynn, and Jewett N. Remick, s. of Timothy and Mary, a. 26 y., b. in Cornish, Me., Dec. 5, 1849. INGLESBY, Anne and Daniel Tuttle Jr., int. Sept. 6, 1754. INGRAHAM, Martha and Abijah Hastings (of Boston, int.), Apr. I, 1760. Mary of Boston, and Caleb Pratt, Jr., Dec. 25, 1794. IRELAND, Isaiah and Susanna Ireland, Oct. 3, 1771. Susanna and Isaiah Ireland, Oct. 3, 1771. JACKSON, Eliphalet W., Rev., and Sarah B. McLellon of Gorham, Me., int. May 31, 1840. Eliz[a]b[e]th A., d. of , of Rochester, N. H., a. 27 y., and George W. Hayes, widr., s. of John C. of Augusta, Me., and Dorothy, a. 35 y., June 7, 1846. Louisa of Dedham, d. of Geo[rge] W. of Halifax, and Mary, a. 27 y., and Benj[amin] Hill Dewing of Boston, s. of Eben- ezer of Dedham, and Sarah, a. 23 y., Nov. 27, 1834.* Margarett of Boston, d. of Ephraim of Jackson, Me., and Mar- garett, a. 24 y., and Will T. Tolman, s. of William and Jane, a. 21 y., Nov. 30, 1848. Sally and WiUiam Day of Lynn, int. Dec. 29, 1838. • Intention not recorded. 392 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. JACOB (see Jacobs), Amanda and Capt. Galen James of Med- ford, May 15, 1833. JACOBS (see Jacob), Elizabeth and Stephen Coats, Apr. 5, 1827. Rachel, Mrs., of Boston, and Stephen Hall, Jan. 7, 1821. Rachel and Dr. Milton Fuller of Westminster, Oct. 12, 1823. JAMES, Eliza G. and Horrace S. Taylor of Springfield, Sept. — , 1844 (int. Aug. 17, 1844). Francis of Boston, and Huldah Crawford Tuttle, int. Mar. 21, 1782. Galen, Capt. of Medford, and Amanda Jacob, May 15, 1833. Sally and Capt. Samuel Goldsbury, both of Boston. [No date. Entered on records between dates Apr. 9, 1809 and June 9, 1809.]* Sarah of Lynn, and Jesse Upham, Apr. 2, 1769.* Susan T. and Rufus Chase of New York City, int. Dec. 14, 1839. JANVRIN, Hellen, d. of Dennis and Sarah, a. 19 y., and Fred- eric W. Sargent of Boston, s. of Robert of Amesbury, and Eunice, a. 28 y. [Oct., 1847] (int. Aug. 21, 1847). JAQUITH, Arvilha and Luther Newhall, int. Oct. 27, 1849. JENKINS, EHzabeth and Daniel Floyd of Maiden, in Maiden, Oct. 4, 1751. Mary and John Can, Jan. 25, 1808. JENKS, Sam[ue]ll and Mary Hinds, Feb. 3, 1760. JENNINGS, George H., s. of PhilHp and Grace, a. 22 y., and Martha M. Hamlin, d. of Silas of Maine, and Martha, a. 27 y., Nov. 30, 1848. JOHNSON, Cha[rle]s H. and Julia S. Somes, int. Apr. 16, 1848. Daniel Jr. and Hannah W. Blake, int. Sept. 17, 1836. Emery A. and Martha A. Fracker, Sept. — , 1842 (int. Aug. 9, 1842). Nehemiah of Rowley, s. of Nehemiah and Abigail, a. 27 y., b. in Rowley, and Ann E. Sinclair, d. of William and Joana, a. 22 y., b. in Boston, Dec. 19, 1849. WilHam and Elvira A. Gilbert of New Braintree, int. Aug. 3, 1840. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 393 JONES, Amelia J. and David S. Stone, int. Aug. 6, 1841. Ann Louisa and Edward Albert Phelps, int. Oct. 31, 1849. Eliza J. and Thomas Bentley, both of Boston, May — , 1843.* Jane, d. of Joseph of England, and Catherine, a. 20 y., and Abraham L. Hunt, s. of Luther of Vermont, and Jane, a. 23 y.. Mar, 24, 1848. Mary T. and Oliver P. Hayes, Aug. 6, 1843. Parker of Boston, and Judith O. (Judith Otis, int.) Clapp, Nov. 4, 1828. Sarah D. of Scituate, and Joshua C. Eldred, int. Nov. 23, 1847. Thomas F., s. of Thomas F. and Mabel, a. 23 y., and Charlotte Wing, wid., d. of of Maine, a. 24 v., Dec. 31, 1848.* William B., widr., of Boston, s. of Abner of Lynn, and Phebe, a. 31 y., and Rachel Carney, d. of John and Sarah, a. 23 y., Jan. 28, 1848. KALLEHAN, John and Ellen Donahua, int. Nov. 2, 1848. KANE, Catherine and Peter Manahan, int. Feb. i, 1848. KARRIM, Mary and James Bass, int. May 16, 1828. KELLEY (see Kelly), Micagah and Harriot Thayer, int. Nov. 16, 1838. William and Ann Mcjoume, int. Jan. 2, 1847. KELLOGG, Mary F. (Kelley, int.) of East Boston, and Stephen Arnold, Dec. 28, 1843. KELLY (see Kelley), James of Lynn, and Jane Bums, int. June 13, 1846. Sally A. and John C. Hall, Oct. 10, 1844. KEMLO, Francis of Boston, s. of Will and Eliza, a. 30 y., and Lydia W. Pratt, d. of Isaac and Sarah W., a. 21 y., Apr. 22, 1847. ElEMP, Henry and Helena Allen, int. Nov. 9, 1844. KENDALL, Jane of Boston, d. of Eleazar of Boston, and Fanny, a. 24 y., and Henry Morse, s. of Warren of Attleboro, and Nancy, a. 28 v., Oct. 17, 1847. Lydia and Bill Floyd, Mar. 13, 1823. KENNY, George A. of Boston, s. of George M. of Salem, and Sarah G., and Mary A. Glynn, d. of John of CharlestowTi, and Margaret, Sept. 21, 1848.* • Intention not recorded. 394 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. KENT, Benjamin of Boston, and Elizebeth Watts, Nov. 6, 1740. Elizabeth and Ebenezer Boutman of Marblehead, in Marble- head, May 13, 1752 (int. Apr. 2, 1754). Mehitobel and John Tuttle, Sept. 23, 1742. KETTLE, Joseph and Eliza[beth] Vinson, May 20, 1773. KEZAR, Calvin and Jerusha Batchelder, int. Apr. 29, 1843. ElIDDER, Elias of Charlestown, and Lticy Slade (of Groton, int.). May 12, 1811. Lucy S. and Will Tileston of Boston, int. Oct. 2, 1845. KIMBALL, Ensign and Mary E. Pratt, Feb. 27, 1842. c.r.i. KING, Hezekiah and Esther Whitemore, Apr. 2, 1775. Josephine of Waltham, d. of Benj[amin] of Kennebec, Me., a. 22 y., and Alexander Allen, s. of Alexander of Kennebec, Me., and Hannah, a. 26 y., Dec. 8, 1847. KINGMAN, Anna R. and Daniel Bordman, May 23, 18 13. Susan H. of Boston, and Cha[rle]s M. Tafts (Taft dup.), May 31, 1838 (Apr. 31 dup.) (May 15 int.). Thomas of Abington, and Mary Page, int. Oct. 9, 1752. KINSMAN, Mary of Gorham, Me., and WilHam Walker, int. Dec. 2, 1842. KISSICK, Frances Ann and Eliphalet T. Whitehouse, int. Feb. 20, 1835. KITCHINGS, Rachel and Abijah Lewis of Boston, int. Jan. 13, 1750- KNIGHT (see Knights), Caroline M. and Helon H. Knights, int. Feb. 4, 1848. KNIGHTS (see Knight), Helon H. and Caroline M. Knight, int. Feb. 4, 1848. KNOWER, Eliza of Maiden, and W[illia]m Low (Jr., int.), Nov. 13, 1769. Jemima of Maiden, and Samuel Lewis, in Maiden, July 3, 1777. KOWSE, Mary Catharine and Jabez Dill Pratt, int. Jan. 3, 1840. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 395 LACY, Mary and Patric McGee, int. Oct. 7, 1847. LAMPER, Joseph B. of Lynn, and Mary G. Wright, Jan. 24, 1839. LANE, Laura J., d. of Jonathan of New Hampshire, and Han- nah, a. 22 y., and Benj[amin] T. Durell, s. of Nicholas of New Hampshire, and Marcy, a. 26 y., Dec. 3, 1848. Samuel and Martha Dennison of Gloucester, int. Apr. 4, 1848. Theresa B., d. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, a. 25 y., and George W. Wilhs of Boston, s. of Dean of Boston, and Jane, a. 27 y., June 28, 1846. LANEY, James, s. of John of Scotland, and Mary, a. 24 y., and Abigail Brown, d. of Will and Susan, a. 17 y., Dec. 25, 1846. LASH, Mary of Boston, and Caleb Pratt 3d, int. Mar. 21, 1802. LAUGHTON, Vilera Ann of Hallowell, Me., and Richard Mace Jr., int. Apr. 16, 1843. LAURIE, Thomas, Rev., of Jacksonville, 111., and Martha F. Osgood of Westford, July 21, 1842.* Thomas, Rev., widr., s. of John of Jacksonville, 111., and Je- mima, a. 27 y., and Ellen A. Ellis, d. of T. D. and Sarah F., a. 23 y., May 25, 1848. LAWRANCE (see Lawrence), William F. of Nashua, and Mary F. Churchill, Jan. 9, 1832. LAWRENCE (see Lawrance), Lewis W. and Ann S. Trcadwell, June 13, 1843. Oriann (Oriana, int.) and Allen Pratt, in Boston, Feb. 25, 1843. Parker, s. of Josiah of Epping, N. H., and Sally, a. 31 y., and Mary Ann Peterson, d. of Andrew, a. 21 y., Apr. 9, 1848. LEACH, Andrew, s. of William and Jane, b. in York, Me., a. 24 y., and Hannah S. Maxwell, d. of Clement and Char- lotte, b. in Wells, Me., a. 22 y., Nov. 11, 1849. LEASON, Josiah and Mary Cole, int. Dec. 27, 1750. LEIGHTON, Richard and Lovey Waldron of Barrington, N. H., int. Dec. 27, 1816. * Intention not recorded. 396 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. LEMONT, Charles S. and Harriet D. Carter, Apr. — , 1845 (int. Mar. 29, 1845). Nancy Jane (Mary J., int.), d. of Sam[ue]l and Roxan, a. 19 y., and Henry C. Cunningham, s. of Nathan G. and Polly, a. 22 y., May 4, 1845. LEVERIT, Will[ia]m (of Medford, int.) and Rachel Watts, Apr. 12, 1759. LEWIS, Abigal and Lemuel Spur, Dec. 6, 1769. Abijah of Boston, and Rachel Kitchings, int. Jan. 13, 1750. Almira of Maiden, and Joshua Buzzel, int. Sept. 4, 1846. Eliza[beth] and David Davis of Cape Ann, Apr. 29, 1776. Hannah and Jacob Parsons, Sept. 20, 1772. Harriet and John Perkins, int. Nov. 27, 1841. Isaac and Susanna Getchell (of Boston, int.), Apr. i, 1746. Isaac and Sarah Norrwod of Lynn, int. July 8, 1750. Isaac (3d, int.) and Mary Downing, Jan. 3, 1758. Joseph and Sarah Hasey, int. Dec. 17, 1750. Mary and Thomas Luckess of Boston, int. Nov. 18, 1747. Samuel and Jemima Knower of Maiden, in Maiden, July 3, 1777. Sarah D. and Oliver Pratt, Dec. 12, 1833. LIBBY, Matilda, d. of Benj[ami]n of Maine, and Hannah, a. 24 y., and Abel B. Cooper, s. of Abel of Seekonk, and Mary N., a. 24 y.. May 14, 1845. LILLIE, Maria L. of Boston, and Henry Thomas T. Collier, int. Dec. 11, 1837. LITCHFIELD, Henry M., s. of Canterbury of Roxbury, and Sarah, a. 23 y., and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] Budd, d. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, a. 21 y., May 21, 1847. LITTLE, Mary and Abraham Haskell, Feb. 11, 1843. William B. of Boston, and Sarah E. Butts, int. Oct. 17, 1846. LITTLEFIELD, Artheina (Athenia, int.) B., d. of John and Hannah, a. 20 y., and Cha[rle]s P. Thurston of Portland, Me., Dec. 15, 1847. George T. and Anna Thorpe of Athol, int. Nov. 8, 1849. James M. (of Lyman, Me., int.) and Catharine W. Bailey (Benley of East Cambridge, int.), Nov. 28, 1833. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 397 LIVINGSTONE, Ann (Anna, int.) and Josiah Kitchens, Mar. i, 1759- Zebiah (Abiarel, int.) and Will[ia]m Bordman (Jr., int.), Feb. 22, 1759. LOCKE, Ellen and George Downing, both of Boston, Sept. 20, 1836.* LORD, David W., s. of Nath[anie]l of Maine, and Ruth, a. 26 y., and Eucebia N. Day, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, a. 19 y., Apr. 13, 1848. Na[h]um and Catherine R. Taft, May 3, 1840. Noah B. and Sophrona Dickson of Maine, int. Mar. — , 1842. LORENDO, Francis and Martha M. Williams, Apr. 15, 183 1. LORING, Eliza A. and Theophilus H. Smith of Boston, int. Nov. I, 1846. LOTHROP, Nathaniel Jr. of Norwich, and Margreat Fuller, int. Mar. 5, 1747-8. LOW, Abigail and John McDowel, Feb. 19, 1799. Abigail, Mrs., and Edward Sargent of Boston, Feb. i, 1843. C.R.I. Elizabeth and Robert Gillespie of Boston, int. Sept. 9, 1804. James and Thurza Packard, May 10, 1807. c. r. i. James and Mrs. Ebigail (Abigail, c.r.i and int.) Stowers, Apr. 8, 1821. John and Abigal Stowers, May 5, 1768. John Jr. and Charlotte Sanbac, May 20, 1798. John and Hannah (Hannah N., int.) Gardner, May 3, 1833. Lois and Jacob Shute, Apr. 23, 1815. Lois and Vincent Pinkham, Dec. 24, 1829. Lydia and Abner Gay, Mar. 4, 1807. Sam[ue]l and Patty Green, June 27, 1786. Sarah and William Ransford (Ratchford of Boston, int.), Oct. 15. 1797- W[illia]m (Jr., int.) and Eliza Knower of Maiden, Nov. 13, 1769. LOWELL, Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] W., b. in Newfield, Me., a. 30 y., and Darius A. Martin, s. of John of Boston, and Mary Ann, b. in Providence, R. L, a. 30 y., Jan. 8, 1844. • Intention not recorded. 398 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. LUCKESS, Thomas of Boston, and Mary Lewis, int. Nov. i8, 1747- LUKE, Marantha, a. 25 y., and Peter Hurd of Boston, s. of of Europe, a. 28 y., Nov. 10, 1847. LUTHER, Maria A. (Maria S., int.), d. of Slade, a. 17 y., and Green Blackmer of Boston, s. of Holland, a. 19 y., Feb. 2, 1845- LYON, Amos and Hannah Green, Mar. 2, 1815. Ann M. of Cambridge, and Thomas F. Worcester, int. Mar. 6, 1841. MACE, Richard Jr. and Vilera Ann Laughton of Hallowell, Me., int. Apr. 16, 1843. MACKIE, Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] of Halifax, N. S., and James Ormsby, Oct. 20, 1848. MAHAFFEY, Abby and Samuel Edmiston of Boston, Apr. 23, 1843. MAHONEY, Johanah and Nicholas Brown of Boston, June 10, 1840. MALINEAUX, Mary F. and George A. Wadley of Boston, int. Oct. 2, 1846. MALLETT, Thomas and Keziah Atwood, int. Dec. 13, 1755. MALLOY (see Maloy) William of Boston, and Hannah Cheever, Jan. — , 1845 (int. Dec. 27, 1844). MALONEY, Susan A., d. of Tho[ma]s of St. George, Me., and Hannah, a. 26 y., and George Hardy, s. of Elijah of West- boro, and Hepzebeth, a. 33 y., Dec. 6, 1845. MALOY (see Malloy), Catherine and Hugh McGlothlin, int. Aug. 14, 1847. MANAHAN, Peter and Catherine Kane, int. Feb. i, 1848. MANN, Mary, d. of Enoch and Clarasa, a. 19 y., and Thomas H. Ridlon, widr., s. of Ephra[i]m of Saco, Me., and Rachel, a. 30 y., Oct. 25, 1846. Rachel, d. of Thomas, a. 27 y., and Frederick Spoor, widr., s. of Ephraim, a. 32 y., July 14, 1844. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 399 MANNING, Catherine A., d. of W[illia]m J. and Catherine, a. 19 y., and Wellman Burbank, s. of Moses T. of Maine, and Betsy, a. 28 y., May 6, 1847. Luke of Townsend, and Mary (Mary B., c.r.i and int.) Watts, Jan. II, 1825, MANROX, Sarah of Halifax, and Tho[ma]s Cheever, int. Jan. 12, 1781. MANSFIELD, Sarah of Lynn, and Samuel Tuttle Jr., int. Mar. 17, 1751. MANSON, Moses and Mrs. Sally Marston, both of Boston, June 18, 1821.* MARBLE, James of Boston, and Ellen J. Pratt, int. Apr. 17, 1841. MARDEN, William and Susan Catherine Fenno, both of Bos- ton, in Boston, June 16, 1836. c.r.i.* MARSH, James of Charlestown, and Mary Ann Gotham, int. Jan. 12, 1823. MARSTON, Lucinda D. and David P. Taggard, Oct. 22, 1843. Sally, Mrs. and Moses Manson, both of Boston, June 18, 182 1.* MARTIN (see Martine), Ben3[ami]n T. of Boston, and Eliza- beth S. Bickford, int. Dec. 3, 1837. Darius A., s. of John of Boston, and Mary Ann, b. in Providence, R. I., a. 30 y., and Eliz[a]b[ejt[h] W. Lowell, b. in Newiield, Me., a. 30 y., Jan. 8, 1844. Noah R. and EHza B., Bangs of Limerick, Me., int. Mav 21, 1847. MARTINE (see Martin), Michael and Susanna HoUioke, d. of Edward of Rumney Marsh, m. by Gov. John Endicott, Aug. 12, 1656.* MASON, Dealia and Abel Bowen, Mar. 31, 1789. f.r.2.* William P. (Will B., int.), s. of James of Robbinston, Me., and Mary A., a. 27 y., and Mary A. Hanscom, d. of WilHam of Farmington, N. H., and Keziah P., a. 27 y.. Mar. 31, 1847. MATTOX, Henry and Mary Ann Housen, int. Feb. 15, 1843. MAVERICKE, Abigail, d. of Elias of Winisimmet, and Mathew Clark, Apr. 4, 1655.* • Intention not recorded. 400 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. MAXWELL, Hannah S., d. of Clement and Charlotte, b. in Wells, Me., a. 22 y., and Andrew Leach, s. of William and Jane, b. in York, Me., a. 24 y., Nov. 11, 1849. Susan F., d. of Joshua of Wells, Me., and Dorathy, a. 23 y., and Benj[amin] Hamilton, s. of Richard of Searsmont, Me., and Mary, a. 23 y., both of Boston, Jan. 12, 1847.* MAY, Sam[ue]l H. and Mary J. Clay, Dec. — , 1844 (int. Nov. 16, 1844). MAYHEW, Sarah P. and John K. Robberts, int. Aug. 26, 1848. MAYRIA, F. B. (Flareal Benaud de, int.), foreigner, and Ann Cummings, Apr. 8, 1832. McAllister, Almlra T. and Daniel H. Briggs of Boston, int. Nov. 13, 1845. Mary of Boston, and John Carrol, int. Nov. 5, 1846. Rosina and Owen Short, int. Aug. 23, 1845. McAULEY, Eliza and Patric Conley, int. Sept. 24, 1848. McCOLGAN, John and Mary Burroughs, int. Aug. 13, 1844. McCUE, Ann, d. of Thomas and Bridget, a. 25 y., and John Fitzgerald, s. of Daniel and Ellen, a. 27 y., both b. in Ire- land, Oct. 14, 1849. McCURDY, Robert B. and Susan B. Stodder, Nov. 26, 1837. McDEED, Catherine and Thomas Gillmore, int. Nov. 6, 1847. McDEVIT, Catherine and Edward Toomey, int. Dec. 30, 1845. McDOWEL, John and Abigail Low, Feb. 19, 1799. McFARLAND (see McFarlane), Andrew, Capt. of Boothbay, and Mary Sale, int. Nov. 27, 1798. McFARLANE (see McFarland), Sally of Boston, d. of John and Mary, a. 18 y., and Cha[rle]s A. Cushing, widr., s. of G. of Ashbumham, and Catharine, a. 27 y., Mar. 15, 1846.* McGEE, Patric and Mary Lacy, int. Oct. 7, 1847. McGILLICK, John and Eliza Haskins, int. Jan. 9, 1847. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 4OI McGLOTHLIN (see McLaughlin), Ann and John SuHvan, int. Oct. 5, 1844. Hugh and Catherine Maloy, int. Aug. 14, 1847. Patric and Mary Dorrity, int. Jan. 13, 1846. McGRAW, PhilHp and Mary Darhng, int. Nov. 25, 1753. McJOURNE, Ann and WilHam Kelley, int. Jan. 2, 1847. McKENNA, Susan of Lynn, d. of Bridget, a. 28 y., and Joseph Dunn of Lynn, s. of Luke and Sarah, a. 35 y., both b. in Ireland, Aug. 26, 1849.* McLaughlin (see McOlothlin), Ellen and Thomas Conlin, int. Dec. 22, 1849. Marv and Daniel Finny, both of Lynn, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 5, 1848.* McLELLON, Sarah B. of Gorham, Me., and Rev. Eliphalet W. Jackson, int. May 31, 1840. MEAR, Elizabeth, d. of Will and Mary, a. 29 y., and Thomas Draper, widr., s. of Will of Europe, and Martha, a. 39 y., Sept. 18, 1846. MERIAM (see Merriam), Elvira and George G. Desmazes. [No date] (Dec. 24, 1843, int.). Jeremiah, s. of Will S. and Martha, a. 20 y., and Elizabeth E. Mosher, d. of W[illia]m of Boston, and , a. 18 y., Nov. 7, 1847. Liberty and Lucinda Douglass, Feb. 4, 1845. Sarah C. of Waltham, and Stephen Beal, Oct. 12, 1846. MERRIAM (see Meriam), Sidtina F. and Will[ia]m E. Stan- wood, int. Sept. 6, 1845. MERRILL, James and Emeline Wyman, Oct. 10, 1839. Mary E. of Salem, and Nathan M. Barker, int. Nov. 7, 1845. Stephen and Elizabeth Wyman, Nov. i, 1835. Theodore C. and Martha S. Smith, int. Oct. 12, 1844. MERROW, John W. and Lydia A. Moulton, Feb. 28, 1844. Sarah and Nath[anie]l Osgood, int. Mar. 3, 1841. William H. and Nancy Hodgdon, int. July 24, 1841. MILLET, Jemimy and John Oakes, Mar. 25, 1759. • Intention not recorded. 402 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. MILLS, John C. of Boston, and Lucinda W. Bryant, int. Oct. 12, 1844. MITCHELL, Sarah and Thomas Green, Nov. 17, 1824. MIXER, Josiah of Cambridge, and Lois Cheever, Sept. 19, 1805. MOGAN, WilHam H. and Hannah Pratt of Boston, int. Feb. 19, 1815. MOIR, Mary, d. of James and Eliz, a. 21 y., and Reuben Pear- sons of Braintree, s. of Sam[ue]l and EHz, a. 24 y., Aug. i, 1847. MONAHAN, Daniel, widr., s. of Patrick and Nancy, and Ann Egan, d. of Barnard and Mary, a. 22 y., both b. in Ireland, Dec. 29, 1849. MONE, Francis and Mary Brady, int. June 16, 1848. Thomas and Margaret Farland of Boston, int. Apr. 16, 1847. MOODY, Henry D. and Hannah E. Goodhue. [No date] (Henry D. Moody and Eliz[abe]th Goodhue, int., Sept. 16, 1843)- MOORE, John and Nancy Davis of Beverly, int. July 17, 1835. Mary A. of Augusta, Me., and Albert Norton, int. Oct. 3, 1845. Mary A. C. and William H. Eaton of Chatham. [No date] (int. Mar. 20, 1844). Milton of Charlestown, and Rhoda Dean, Dec. 25, 1838. MORGAN, Clara Jane of Lynn, and Edward Bassett, int. Jan. 7, 1843. Eunice of Brighton, and Samuel Tewksbery, int. Feb. 14, 1824. MORRILL, Harrison O. and Mary S. Richardson, both of Bos- ton, Aug. 26, 184I. C.R.I.* William (Benja[min] D., int.) and Julia Ann Wormwood, July 7, 1837. MORRISON, Davenport A. and Lucy M. Fogg of Epping, N. H., int. Dec. 24, 1847. Isaac H., s. of John P. of Dover, N. H., and Mehitable, a. 22 y., and Abigail Cheever, d. of Osgood of Derry, N. H., and Jane, a. 20 y., Jtily 10, 1848. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 403 MORSE, Ann of East Dixfield, Me., and Hosca Ilsley Jr., int. Sept. 4, 1846. Betsey of Framingham, and Benj[ami]n Demmon, int. May 3, 1807. Henry, s. of Warren of Attleboro, and Nancy, a. 28 y., and Jane Kendall of Boston, d. of Eleazer of Boston, and Fanny, a. 24 y., Oct. 17, 1847. MORTON, Mary and Zebedee Wright, Dec. 14, 181 7. MORY, Solomon and Hannah Hammond, Sept. 27, 1767. MOSHER, EHzabeth E., d. of W[illia]m of Boston, and a. 18 y., and Jeremiah Meriam, s. of Will S. and Martha, a. 20 y., Nov. 7, 1847. MOULTON, Lydia A. and John W. Merrow, Feb. 28, 1844. MOULTRIE, George (Moltire, int.) and Amelia Godfrey, Oct. 10, 1 83 1. Foreigners. MULDONNEY, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Margaret, a. 21 y., and Catherine Farmer, d. of Patrick and Bridget, a. 27 y., both b. in Ireland, June 29, 1849. MULLET, Thomas and Mary Allen, int. Apr. 16, 1757. MUNCY, Calvin E. and Mary Getchell, both of Wiscasset, Me., int. May 18, 1849. MUNROE, Charlotte A., d. of John and Mary, a. 19 y., and Richard H. Fuller, s. of Richard of New Hampshire, and Mararain, a. 26 y., Oct. 15, 1848. Francis A. of Boston, s. of John, a. 26 y., and Sarah J. Douglass, a. 22 y., Mar. 21, 1847.* James L., s. of John and Mary, a. 23 y., and Phebe O. Wads- worth, d. of Uriel and Phebe, a. 19 y., Oct. 15, 1848. Jonas of Lexington, and Rebecca Watts, int. Feb. 7, 1751. MURPHY, Daniel and Julia Murphy, int. Aug. 9, 1847. Juha and Daniel Murphy, int. Aug. 9, 1847. MURRY, Ellen and Thomas Cordly, int. June 23, 1840. NASH, Luther S., s. of Luther of Princeton, and Mary, a. 22 y., and Mary A. Colbom, d. of James of Boston, and Mary, a. 22 y., Oct. 19, 1845. Silas Atkins of Medford, and Charlotte Eaton Willis, int. Nov. 5, 1842. • Intention not recorded. 404 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. NEVENS, Margaret of Windham (Winsor dup. and c.r.i, Windham, int.), N. H., and John S. Belcher, Apr. 24, 1825. WilHam and Sarah Thompson of Marblehead, int. Feb. 26, 1815. NEWCOMB, Thomas of Cape Cod, and Mary Hool (Hoole, int.), Nov. 22, 1763. NEWELL, Benj[amin] O. and Susan Bennett of Charlestown, int. July 27, 1844. Hervey, s. of John and Rhoda, a. 26 y., and Martha Hill, d. of Charles and Elizabeth, a. 22 y., Apr. 9, 1849. NEWHALL, Luther and ArvilHa Jaquith, int. Oct. 27, 1849. Olive of Lynn, and Samuel Oliver, int. Oct. 31, 18 13. Samuel R. and Olive M. Bates, May 24, 1835. W[ilHa]m and Eliza[beth] Pratt, Feb. 27, 1777. NEWMAN, Abigail and Eliphalet GHdden, Jan. 9, 1832. Hannah and John Farrin of Biddeford, int. Apr. 30, 1750. Laura J. and James Snow, Apr. 4, 1844. Sally Flagg and Samuel Chittenden of Maiden, Oct. 21, 1804. NICHOLS, Alexander (of Deny, N. H., int.) and Mercy Fletcher, Mar. 15, 1797. Emeline S. and William C. Barrett, both of Maiden, June 25, 1835. C.R.I.* Lucy C. of Boston, and Cha[rle]s Hill Jr., int. Dec. 31, 1838. Sarah and Samuel Bassett, Nov. 18, 1835. Sophia of Maiden, and Capt. John Williams, int. July 22, 1825. Tabitha of Maiden, and Benjamin Bill, in Maiden, May 6, . .^787- William W. and Eliz[a]b[e]th Ann Hewes, int. June 17, 1841. NICHOLSON, Thomas (Nickerson, int.) of Hookset, N. H., and Angeline Alger, Jan. i, 1837. NORRWOD (see Norwood), Sarah of Lynn, and Isaac Lewis, int. July 8, 1750. NORTON, Albert and Mary A. Moore of Augusta, Me., int. Oct. 3, 1845. Alfred and Eliza A. Abrahams of Boston, int. Mar. 21, 1844. Daniel J. and Mary J. Witherell of New Market, N. H., int. Dec. 2, 1842. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 4O5 NORWOOD (see Norrwod), John M. of St. Stephens, N. B., s. of John and Martha, a. 34 y., b. in Ireland, and Nancy Buhannon of St. Stephens, N. B., d. of James and Sally, a. 22 y., b. in St. Stephens, N. B., Dec. 30, 1849. NOTTAGE, James C. and Harriot N. Hawkes, int. Nov. 5, 1841. NOWELL, Cha[rle]s of Boston, arid Eliza Robinson, Oct. 9, 1842. NOYES, George A. of Boston, s. of Ward of Maine, and Clarisa, a. 26 y., and Sarah J. Durell, d. of Sam[ue]l J. and Almira, a. 17 y., July 9, 1848. George N., widr., of South Boston, s. of Enoch and Hannah, a. 35 y., and Mary S. Pruden, d. of G. W. and Sarah S., a. 25 y., Nov. 9, 1848. NYE, Sukey Langdon (Susannah Langton Nye of Boston, int.) and Abijah Hastings (Jr., int.), Feb. i, 1798. OAKES (see Oaks, Okes), Hannah of Maiden, and Benjamin Pratt, in Maiden, Apr. 7, 1782. John and Jemimy Millet, Mar. 25, 1759. OAKS (see Oakes, Okes), Sarah of Point Shirley, and Joseph Allen, int. June 8, 1754. O'CONNELL, Catherine, d. of John and Mary, a. 19 y., b. in Ireland, and Lorenzo Wright, s. of Zebedee and Rhoda, a. 23 y., Apr. 17, 1849. ODAM, Katharine and John Sweetser, Feb. 10, 1765. OGIER, Sarah, d. of William of Camden, Me., and Sarah, a. 20 y., and David N. York, s. of Joseph and Eunice, a. 20 y., Aug. 30, 1848. OKES (see Oakes, Oaks), Uriah of Maiden, and Charlotte Floyd, July 9, 1795. OLIVER, Ann Townsend and Walter Perkins, Oct. 31, 177 1. Benjamin Pratt and Susannah Parker, Jan. 27, 1803. Edward of Maiden, and Sarah Wayte, in Maiden, Mar. 23, 1747-8. , . , Jane Sigoumey and Eben[eze]r Currier, Apr. 4, 1823. Joseph and Abigal Brintnal, Apr. 18, 177 1. 406 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Oliver, Nathanael Jr. and Mercy Wendell of Boston, int. May 21, 1741. Phillis, black, and Francis Boatman (of Hingham, int.), Apr. 10, 1799. Rebecca and Edward Wait, Dec. 22, 1782. Samuel and Olive Newhall of Lynn, int. Oct. 31, 1813. Sussanna Sigoumey and William Hall, Dec. 23, 1819. William and Rebecca Sale, Jan. 6, 1742. W[illia]m of Frankfort, and Mary Pratt (Jr., int.), July 25, 1771. W[illia]m Jr. and Susanna Sigoumey, May 28, 1776 (May 23, C.R.l). William Jr. and Sally Cheever, Feb. 19, 1795. ORCUTT, Micah (Michael, int.), widr., of Randolph, s. of of Boston, a. 58 y., and Susannah B. Davis, d. of W[illia]m of Boston, and Sally, a. 41 y., Nov. 27, 1845. Sarah and John S. Farrow, int. Jan. 4, 1845. Stillmans of Randolph, s. of Micah of Randolph, and Betsy, a. 22 y., and Catherine Hartshorn, d. of Preston and Ann, a. 26 y., Apr. 13, 1848. ORMSBY, James and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] Mackie of Halifax, N. S., Oct. 20, 1848. OSBORN, Eliz[abe]th, d. of Eben of Scituate, and Mary, a. 17 y., and Daniel Parker, s. of Robert of New Hampshire, and Desire, a. 24 y., Nov. 15, 1848. OSGOOD, Ann R. of Boston, and Seth G. Humphrey of New York, July 12, 1846.* Josiah and Mary A. Gunnison of Gloucester, int. Dec. 2, 1845. Martha F. of Westford, and Rev. Thomas Laurie of Jackson- ville, 111., July 21, 1842.* Nath[anie]l and Sarah Merrow, int. Mar. 3, 1841. Sarah E. and George R. French, both of Boston, Jan. 4, 1846.* OWEN, Rufus S., s. of Philip Jr. and Hannah, a. 31 y., b. in Brunswick, Me., and Charlotte H. Batchelder, d. of Samuel and Eliza, a. 18 y., b. in Boston, in New York City, Jan. 25, 1848.* OXNARD, Mary and Dr. Edward Watts of Falmouth, May 22, 1765- Sarah of Boston, and Hon. Samuel Watts, Esq., int. Apr. 10, 1756. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 4O7 PACKARD, Thurza and James Low, May lo, 1807. c.r.i. PAGE, Mar}-- and Thomas Kingman of Abington, int. Oct. 9, 1752. PAIN (see Payne), Betheny and Joseph Pratt (Jr., int.), Feb. 27, 1783. PALMER, Henry K. W. of Boston, and EHz[a]b[e]th Cummings. [No date] (int. Dec. — , 1841). PARK, Richard F. and Sarah Gushing of Turner, Me., int. Sept. 17, 1845. Tho[ma]s H. and Clarisa B. Eaton of East Cambridge, int. July 17, 1837. PARKER, Ann, a. 27 y., both parents dec, and John FolHs, s. of , dec, and Mar>', a. 21 y., Aug. 26, 1844. Benjamin of Charlestown. and Catharine Hall, Jan. 7, 1830. Benjamin W. of Boston, and Philinda Tewksburj^ Dec 11, 1831. Daniel, s. of Robert of New Hampshire, and Desire, a. 24 y., and Eliz[abe]th Osbom, d. of Eben of Scituate, and Mary, a. 17 y., Nov. 15, 1848. Joannah W. and David Patric, Dec. 23, 1841.* Joseph and Susan Barnes, both of Boston, Dec 14, 1843.* Mary D. of Lowell, and Stephen B. Wingate, int. Mar. 20, 1847. Nancy M., d. of Pierpont and Sarah, a. 19 y., b. in Andover, Me., and Thomas Punchard of Boston, s. of John and Sarah, a. 26 y., b. in Boston, Dec. 20, 1849. Rebecca of Maiden, and Benjamin Brintnall, in Maiden [no date] (int. July i, 1780). Susannah and Benjamin Pratt Oliver, Jan. 27, 1803. PARKMAN, Abigail of Boston, and Joseph Tuckerman, int. May 29, 1803. PARSONS, Jacob and Hannah Lewis, Sept. 20, 1772. PATRIC, David and Joannah W. Parker, Dec. 23, 1841.* PAYNE (see Pain), Charlotte S. of Needham (formerly of Meri- dith, N. H., int.), and Joseph Burrill, Nov. 18, 1838. Hannah and Daniel Cheeny of Concord, Nov. 16, 1788. • Intention not recorded. 408 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. PAYSON, Olive F. of Boston, and Samuel L. Stowers, int. Apr. I, 1837. Phillips, Rev., and Elizabeth Stone of Weston, in Weston, Aug. 17, 1758. Sarah and William Haley, Nov. 27, 1831. PEABODY, Caroline C, Mrs., d. of William and Dorothy Gip- son, a. 22 y., and Elijah Hewes, widr., s. of Elijah and Rebecca, b. in Lynnfield, a. 35 y., Nov. 19, 1849. PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce), John and Rachel Hawkes, Aug. 20, 1797. Marcy and William Wiley, int. Dec. 18, 1774- PEARL, Mary E., formerly of Porter, Me., and Geo[rge] Pratt, int. Sept. 25, 1847. PEARSON (see Pearsons), Elenor S. and Will H. Claflin of Boston, Apr. 27, 1846. PEARSONS (see Pearson), Reuben of Braintree, s. of Sam[ue]l and Eliz., a. 24 y., and Mary Moir, d. of James and Eliz., a. 21 y., Aug. I, 1847. PECKER, Betsey and John Belcher, int. July 15, 1837. PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce), Abner Jr. and Sarah C. Bucknam, Feb. 4, 1819. Almira L., d. of John, a. 21 y., and Robert A. Vinal, s. of Rob- [er]t and Lydia, a. 24 y., Oct. 29, 1844. Amos and Martha Green, Dec. 16, 18 13. Hannah and Jacob Baker, int. Nov. 9, 1768. John and Sarah Tewksbery, Mar. 28, 1813. John, Capt., and Martha Hastings, June 4, 1837. Lydia Maria and Joseph Fenno, Jan. 3, 1841. c.r.i. Royal and Mary Hall, int. Mar. 11, 1837. William and EHz[a]b[eth] Floyd, Oct. 2, 1808. PENNIMAN, Adna and Mrs. Sarah A. Robinson of Watertown, int. Nov. 2, 1848. PERKINS (see Purkins), Amanda and Nath[anie]l Treadwell, int. Oct. 16, 1841. Cindarilla S. (Cindarilla T., int.) and Kiah B. Somes, May 9, 1841. James H., s. of John of Woolwich, Me., and Harriet, a. 25 y., and Mary A. Hardin, d. of James and Mary, a. 22 y., Sept. 10, 1848. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 409 Perkins, John and Harriet Lewis, int. Nov. 27, 1841. Mary S. and Edward S. Howes, int. July 29, 1842. Walter and Ann Townsend Oliver, Oct. 31, 1771. Zebadiah Jr. and Ellen F. Stowers, int. Nov. 27, 1842. Zebediah, widr., s. of Zebediah and Hannah, a. 29 y., and Mary A. Vanevar, d. of James and Mary, a. 22 y., Nov. 22, 1846. Zenas and Lucilia Edmonds of Saugus, int. Sept. 7, 1846. PERNO, Sophia, wid., of Boston, d. of James of Windsor, Vt., a. 31 y., and Quincy R. Ward of Charlestown, s. of Jacob of Ashbumham, N. H., and , a. 23 y., Oct. 15, 1848.* PERRY, Prince and Mercy Cobb of Truro, Mar. 13, 1772. PETERSON, Adeline Augusta and Benjamin Famum, int. July I, 1843. Adrian A., u. s. n., and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] Bell, int. Apr. 16, 1842. George F. of New York City, s. of Adrian A. and Frances, a. 24 y., and Antinett Pratt, d. of Obed and Harriet M., a. 23 y., Nov. 10, 1845. Mary Ann, d. of Andrew, a. 21 y., and Parker Lawrence, s. of Josiah of Epping, N. H., and Sally, a. 31 y., Apr. 9, 1848. PETTINGILL, John Edwin and Hannah Maria Hoyt of Nashua, N. H., int. Oct. 29, 1842. PHELPS, Edward Albert and Ann Louisa Jones, int. Oct. 31, 1849. PHIPPS, Benj[ami]n of Charlestown, and Catherine W. Green, int. Apr. 17, 1838. Benj[ami]n, s. of Benj[ami]n of Charlestown, and Abigail, a. 25 y., and Anna M. Bowen, d. of Abel and Eliza, a. 25 y., Jan. 4, 1849. PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce), George A. of Frankfort, Me., s. of Waldo of Frankfort, Me., and Catherine, a. 36 y., and Louisa T. Pike, d. of Elijah and Nancy, a. 24 y., Sept. 17, 1848. Nathaniel of Medford, and Mary Fuller, int. Oct. 31, 1789. PIKE, George D. and Lucy J. Ricker, Dec. 14, 1843. John J., s. of John of Norway, Me., and Mercy, a. 24 y., and Sarah A. Slade, d. of Henry and Sally, a. 28 v., Oct. 16, 1845. • Intention not recorded. 410 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Pike, Louisa T., d. of Elijah and Nancy, a. 24 y., and George A., Pierce of Frankfort, Me., s. of Waldo of Frankfort, Me., and Catherine, a. 36 y., Sept. 17, 1848. PINKHAM, Olive, d. of of Boothbay, Me., a. 32 y., and Cha[rle]s H. Hunnewell, widr., s. of Cha[rle]s of Cambridge, and Ruth, a. 33 y., both of Boston, Nov. 7, 1847.* Rebecca F. and Nathan Pratt, Jan, 27, 1833. Vincent and Lois Low, Dec. 24, 1829. PISHON, Mary E., of Dover, N. H., and Azro P. Cutting, int. May 19, 1845. Tho[ma]s S., s. of Roderic P. of Belfast, Me., and Betsy, a. 25 y., and Harriet H. S. Pratt, d. of Bamabus and Eliza, a. 20 y., Oct. 26, 1845. PLATTS, Elinor and Nathan Cheever, Nov. 3, 1814. POACH (see Porch), Lydia and William Wilkins, int. Jtdy 23, 1757- Richard and Elisabeth Hyden, int. Nov. 13, 1754. POLLARD, Joseph of Reign, N. H., and Polly Slade, int. Feb. 4, 1801. POMEROY (see Pomroy), EHzabeth and Nathanael Henderson, int. Dec. 5, 1757. POMROY (see Pomeroy), Deliverance and John Batts, Jan. 4, 1768. Joseph and Tabitha Hatch, Nov. 13, 1769. POOL, Eliza[beth], wid., and Rev. Peter Thacher of Maiden, Oct. 8, 1770. Zachariah (of Boston, int.) and Elizebeth Hawkes, July 9, 1760. PORCH (see Poach), Mary and John Hompray, int. Mar. 10, 1760. PORTER, Elizabeth and Samuel Taylor, May 9, 1824. POTTER, Sarah D. of Providence, R. L, and Amos H. Rhodes, int. July I, 1840. PRATT, Abigail and Stephen Floyd of Boston, Nov. 16, 1769. Abigal and Matthew Butman, May 18, 1786. Allen and Oriann (Oriana, int.) Lawrence, in Boston, Feb. 25, 1843. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 4I ! Pratt, Andrews W. and Deborah Atkins of Maiden, int. June 4, 1820. Ann E. and Moses P. Higgins, both of Maiden, June or July, 1843.* Anna and Sani[ue]l Stuart of Scarboro, Mar. 12, 1771. Anna and W[illia]m Coats, Jan. 26, 1809. Anna, Mrs. and Joseph Stowers, Apr. 11, 1830. Antinett, d. of Obed and Harriet M., a. 23 y., and George F, Peterson of New York City, s. of Adrian A. and Frances, a. 24 y., Nov. 10, 1845. Barnabas Turner and Eliz[a]b[eth] Sturgis, Dec. 6, 182 1. Benjamin and Mary Rachell, int. Nov. 15, 1750. Benjamin and Hannah Oakes of Maiden, in Maiden, Apr. 7, 1782. Benjamin and Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt of Medford, int. Nov. 6, 1814. Betsey and Joseph Ridler of Boston, Sept. 28, 1806. Caleb and Mar>^ Sprague, May 26, 1762. Caleb Jr. and Mary Ingraham of Boston, Dec. 25, 1794. Caleb 3d and Mary Lash of Boston, int. Mar. 21, 1802. Caleb Jr. and Pomona Atkins of Maiden, int. Jan. 27, 1828. Daniel and Mary Brooks of Charlestown, in Charlestown, Apr. 2, 1752. Daniel (Jr., int.) and Abigal Wilcott, Nov. 21, 1782. Daniel Jr. and Mary Hall of Charlestown, int. Nov. 16, 1806. Eben[eze]r and Mary Sentall, int. May i, 1752. Eben[cze]r of Maiden, and Sarah Hough, int. July 21, 1752. Edna M. and Joseph Robbins, int. Sept. 4, 1847. Edward and Mary Robbins, Dec. 25, 1810. Edward and Thankfull Atkins of Maiden, int. Jan. 6, 1827. Edward W., s. of Edward and Mary, a. 29 y., and Ester W. Binford of West Baldwin, Me., d. of Samuel and Susan of Maine, a. 24 y., Nov. 16, 1845. Eliza[beth] and W[illia]m Newhall, Feb. 27, 1777. Elizabeth of Maiden, and Joseph Tuttle, in Maiden, Jan. 8, 1784. Elizabeth, Mrs., of Medford, and Benjamin Pratt, int. Nov. 6. 1814. Elizabeth and Joshua H. Pratt, Dec. 18, 1822. Ellen J. and James Marble of Boston, int. Apr. 17, 1841. Geo[rgc] and Mary E. Pearl, formerly of Porter, Me., int. Sept. 25, 1847. Hannah of Boston, and William H. Mogan, int. Feb. 19, 1815. * Intention not recorded. 412 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Pratt, Harriet H. S., d. of Bamabus and Eliza, a. 20 y., and Tho[ma]s S. Pishon, s. of Roderic P. of Belfast, Me., and Betsy, a. 25 y., Oct. 26, 1845. Isaac and Sarah W. Wood of Hillsboro, N. H., Apr. 2, 1821. Jabez Dill and Mary Catharine Kowse, int. Jan. 3, 1840. Joanna and James Green, May 11, 1790. John of Maiden, and Mehitabel Davis. [No date. Previous to 1720.] C.R.I.* John and Susannah Wheelwright of Medford, Dec. 6, 1753. John, Capt., and Mary Tukesbury, Dec. 5, 1793. John and Abigail Butman, Aug. 4, 1799. Joseph of Maiden, and Elizabeth Sprague, in Maiden [no date] (int. July 9, 1757). Joseph (Jr., int.) and Betheny Pain, Feb. 27, 1783. Joseph (Joseph G., int.) and Emily H. Davis, Apr. 22, 1838. Joshua H. and Elizabeth Pratt, Dec. 18, 1822. Joshua H. (of Maiden, int.) and Mary S. Waitt, May 31, 1835. Josiah (Joseph, int.) and Mary Pratt, May 28, 1835. Louis and Joseph Stowers, Feb. 6, 1803. Lydia and Thomas J. Woods, Apr. 6, 1826. Lydia W., d. of Isaac and Sarah W., a. 21 y., and Francis Kemlo of Boston, s. of Will and Eliza, a. 30 y., Apr. 22, 1847. Mary (wid., c.r.i) and William Watts, Aug. 8, 1760. Mary (Jr., int.) and W[illia]m Oliver of Frankfort, July 25, 1771. Mary and Aaron Hall of Medford, May 11, 1780. Mary and John Butman, May 31, 1781. Mary and Burril (Burril Potter, int.) Coats, Jan. 2, 1812. Mary and Josiah (Joseph, int.) Pratt, May 28, 1835. Mary A. (Mary Ann, int.) and Simon H. Barrett (Sam[ue]l H. of Maiden dup.), Dec. 17, 1835. Mary E. and Ensign Kimball, Feb. 27, 1842. c.r.i. Mary Warren and Joseph Robbins, Oct. 8, 1840. c.r.i. Nabby and Benjamin Green, Dec. 17, 1789. Nabby and Aaron Hall Jr., Apr. 15, 1806. Nancy and Thomas Harper of Charlestown, Mar. 8, 181 2. Nancy (Mary, c.r.i, and int.) and William Wilkins, July 18, 1819. Nathan and Rebecca F. Pinkham, Jan. 27, 1833. Oliver and Lois Sargeant, Jan. 6, 18 14. Oliver and Sarah D. Lewis, Dec. 12, 1833. Polly and Benjamin Watts, May 19, 1803. Rachel of Maiden, and Isaac Watts, in Maiden, Dec. i, 1779. Rebeccah and Josiah Thomson of Charlestown, int. May i, 1752. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 413 Pratt, Rebeckah and Bamabus Turner of Charlestown, Jan. 6, 1790. Rebeckah N. and Nathaniel Eaton, int. Aug. 21, 1835. Reuben and Mary Stickney of Rowley, int. Apr. 29, 1848. Robert L. and Catharine Grover of Maiden, in Maiden, Apr. 21, 1839. Sally of Medford, and Thomas Floyd, int. May 10, 1807. Samuel (Jr., int.) and Elizabeth Wayte of Maiden, in Maiden, Jan. I, 1752. Sam[ue]l and (wid., c.r.i) Mary Field of Boston, June 24, 1781 (June 14, c.r.i). Samuel (Jr., int.) and Elizabeth Hawks, Nov. 17, 1799. Samuel and Elenor S. Travelly of Boston, int. Feb. i, 1823. Sam[ue]l 2d and Mary Ann Gould of Boston, int. Aug. 6, 1838. Sarah and Barney P. (Bamabus P., int.) Atkins, Apr. 17, 1828. Sarah W., d. of Isaac and Sarah, a. 23 y., and John F. Desmazes, widr., s. of John of Ossipee, N. H., and Nancy, a. 27 y., Aug. 12, 1845. Stephen and EHza L. Travelly, Oct. 26, 1825. Susanna and Joseph Green, Jr., Jan. 11, 1780. Thomas, Capt. and Anna Cheever, Jan. 8, 1789. Thomas and Phebe Hudson of Maiden, int. Oct. — , 1816. Thomas and Fideha Clark, Nov. — , 1842 (int. Oct. 15, 1842). Timothy and Hannah Grover of Maiden, Mar. 29, 1787. William and Lydia Green, June 15, 1792 (May 9, 1792, c.r.i). William and Abigail Stowers, Nov. — , 1825 (Nov. 24, 1825, c.r.i). WilHam of Boston, and Phebe A. Clark, May — , 1842 (int. May 4, 1842). PREBBLE, George A. and Jane S. Foster of Westbrook, Me., int., Dec. 25, 1847. PRINCE, Ellen M. and S. Dearborn Dyer, int. Aug. 7, 1846. James M. and Ehza F. Brooks of Guilford, Conn., int. Sept. 8, 1846. PROUTY, Asa (of Boston, int.) and Sarah Bill, Oct. 9, 1808. PROVENDER, Sarah and Joseph Slack, June 6, 1744. PROVINCE, David and Louis Stowers, May 24, 181 2. PRUDEN, George W. of Boston, s. of D. W. and Sarah, a. 23 y., and Dorcas J. Tinker, d. of Joseph W. of Ellsworth, Me., and Abigail R., Oct. 8, 1848.* * Intention not recorded. 414 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Pruden, Mary S., d. of G. W. and Sarah S., a. 25 y., and George N. Noyes, widr., of South Boston, s. of Enoch and Hannah, a. 35 y., Nov. 9, 1848. PUNCHARD, Thomas of Boston, s. of John and Sarah, a. 26 y., b. in Boston, and Nancy M. Parker, d. of Pierpont and Sarah, a. 19 y., b. in Andover, Me., Dec. 20, 1849. PURKINS (see Perkins), Walter (of Boston, int.) and Rebecca Sale, Mar. 12, 1797. PUTNAM, Henry L., s. of Joseph and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], a. 21 y., and Mary J. Cochran, d. of William and Margaret, a. 18 y., Feb. 7, 1847. QUIGGINS, Mary, d. of Hewes and Grace, a. 24 y., and Gil- bert J. Robertson (Robinson, int.), s. of Robert of Scotland, and Marjory, a. 30 y., Dec. 13, 1846. QUIMBY, Andrew J., s. of Robert of Wakefield, N. H., and Mary, a. 20 y., and Hulda Webber, d. of Daniel of Kenne- bunk. Me., and Susan, a. 17 y., Nov. 5, 1848. RACHELL, Hannah and Samuel Watts, Jr., Jan. 8, 1741. Mary and Benjamin Pratt, int. Nov. 15, 1750. RAMOND (see Raymond), John and Hannah Belcher, int. Aug. 14, 1773. RAND, Guy and Susan Woods, int. June i, 1849. Polly of Charlestown, and Joseph Higgins, Feb. 19, 1786. RANDELL (see Randuell, Rendall), John (of Boston, int.) and Sally (Sarah, int.) Sale, Aug. 15, 1799. RANDUELL (see Randell, Rendall), Stephen and Anne Cole, int. Sept. 12, 1747. RANSFORD, WiUiam (Ratchford of Boston, int.) and Sarah Low, Oct. 15, 1797. RAYMOND (see Ramond), Hannah and William (Benjamin, c.R.i) Wales, Dec. 20, 1803. Hannah E. of Boston, and John H. Wilkinson, int. June 3, 1848. REDDING, Joanna of Lynn, and Jonathan Berry, int. Sept. 9, 1759- CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 415 REED, James B. and Eliz[abet]h A. Brenham, int. Oct. 2, 1846. John of Boston, and Hannah Eustice, int. July 28, 1756. John of Boston, and Phebe Brintncll, Sept. 14, 1758. Rosanna of Boston, and Andrew Hagerty, int. Apr. 11, 1841. Sweethin and Sukey Fillebrown of Charlestown, int. Jan. 24, 1807. Will G. of Andover, s. of Will and , a. 24 y., and Eliza C. Bagnall, d, of Tho[ma]s and Mary, a. 23 y., Oct. 14, 1847. REGAN, Bridgett and John Riley, int. Jan. i, 1847. Catherine and Jeremiah Chathro, int. Feb. 10, 1846. James, s. of James and Mary, a. 21 y., and Rachel Appleton, d. of John and Sarah, a. 17 y.. Mar. i, 1847. Patric and Allice Gilmore, int. Mar. 2, 1846. REMICK, Jewett N., s. of Timothy and Mary, a. 26 y., b. in Cornish, Me., and Elizabeth B. Ingalls, d. of Abner and Lucy, a. 21 y., b. in Lynn, Dec. 5, 1849. REND ALL (see Randell, Randuell), Nancy of Livingston, Me., and Leonard Foss, int. June — , 1845. REYNOLDS, Hannah, d. of Winthrop and Elizabeth, a. 21 y., and John Godbold, s. of Gustavus A. and Ann F., a. 24 y., both b. in Boston, Nov. 15, 1849. RHOADES (see Rhodes), Sam[ue]l Hall and Emily Green of Boston, int. Mar. 22, 1843. RHODES (see Rhoades), Amos H., and Sarah D. Potter of Providence, R. L, int. July i, 1840. Ephraim of Lynn, and Mehitable Coats, Mar. 25, 1804. Pamelia of Lynn, and Augustus Williams, int. Oct. 27, 1839. RICH, William and Mrs. Mary Ann Tolman, int. Oct. 7. 1835. RICHARDSON, Alpha Herman and Mary Hammett Hayden, int. Sept. 24, 1842. Calvin (of Boston, int.) and Lucy E. Davis, May 19, 1842. John H. of Woburn and Susan Hall, June 11, 1840. c.r.i.* Mary S. and Harrison O. Morrill, both of Boston, Aug. 26, 184I.* C.R.I. RICKER, Lucy J. and George D. Pike, Dec. 14, 1843. RIDLER, Joseph of Boston, and Betsey Pratt, Sept. 28, 1806. • IntcDtioD not recorded. 4l6 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. RIDLON, Thomas H., widr., s. of Ephra[i]m of Saco, Me., and Rachel, a. 30 y., and Mary Mann, d. of Enoch and Clarasa, a. 19 y., Oct. 25, 1846. RILEY (see Rily), John and Bridgett Regan, int. Jan. i, 1847. RILY (see Riley), Paul and Lucey Holland, int. Nov. 27, 1754. RINES, Hannah C, d. of Joseph of Maine and Sarah, a. 28 y., and John Betton, s. of John of Windham, Vt., and Mary a. 32 y., Dec. 23, 1847. RING, Nath[anie]l R. and Lydia P. Blair, Dec. 26, 1843. Trueman J., s. of David, a. 35 y., and Rebecca Childs, wid, d. of Alexander , a. ;^;^ y., both of East Boston, Sept. 15, 1844.* RION, John of Maiden, and Lois Disper, int. Jan. 12, 1780. ROBBERTS (see Roberts), John K. and Sarah P. Mayhew, int. Aug. 26, 1848. ROBBINS, Joseph and Mary Warren Pratt, Oct. 8, 1840. C.R.I. Joseph and Edna M. Pratt, int. Sept. 4, 1847. Mary and Edward Pratt, Dec. 25, 1810. ROBERTS (see Robberts), Mary J., d. of Reuben and Sarah, 3- 33 y-> ^ii% Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), Abigail and William L. Battis, int. Sept. 28, 1827. Adeline and Martin W. Tewksbury, Oct. 21, 1832. Bill and Martha Belcher, Dec. 21, 1809. Eliza and Josiah Floyd, Mar. 24, 1842. c.r.i. George W. and Joanna Waitt of Maiden, Nov. 25, 1841. c.r.i. Gerry and Martha Ann Burrill, Sept. 13, 1835. Hannah B. and Thomas J. Belcher, int. Feb. 26, 1839. Harriot and Rev. Jacob Cummings of Hampton, N. H., Apr. 21, 1824. Henry Jr. and Sarah Wales, June 20, 1839. James S. and Mary Willard, June 24, 182 1. John W. and Abigail L. Sturgis, June 26, 1820. Lois, d. of John and Sarah, a. 24 y., and Robert Spavin, s. of Robert and Ann, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., a. 36 y., Dec. 3, 1843. Lucretia S. and Edward Floyd, Dec. 16, 1841. c.r.i. Martin W. and Adeline Tewksbury, Oct. 21, 1832. Nancy S. and Joseph B. Stowers, Apr. 5, 1838. Philinda and Benjamin W. Parker of Boston, Dec. 11, 183 1. Phillips (of Pulling Point, c.r.i) and Nancy Sturgis (of Point Shirley, c.r.i), Apr. 8, 1819. Sally F. and David Floyd (Jr., int.), Nov. 28, 1833. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 427 Tewksbury, Samuel H. and Sarah H. Sturgis, Oct. i8, 1832. Sarah and Josiah Gleason, Oct. 27, 1755. Washington and Hannah B. Floyd, Jan. 26, 1809. William and Mrs. Louisa Delay of Boston, int. Nov. 5, 1842. THACHER, Ann E., a. 19 y., and S. Hervey Gibson of Boston, s. of David and Ann, a. 25 y., June 24, 1844. Peter, Rev., of Maiden, and wid. Eliza[beth] Pool, Oct. 8, 1770. THAYER, Eliza and George Armistead of Charlestown, int. Dec. 5, 1849. Emmons, widr., of Braintree, s. of Nathaniel E. of Braintree, and Deliverance, a. 42 y., and Frances B. Hills, d. of James of Hancock, N. H., and Thankful, a. 39 y., June 29, 1848.* Harriot and Micagah Kelley, int. Nov. 16, 1838. Jarvis, s. of Daniel of Sidney, Me., and Clarissa, a. 28 y., and Abby A. Hayden, d. of Joseph and Abby, a. 18 y., Julv 20, 1845. Mary and Zacariah Hall, Jr., int. Mar. 16, 1839. Sarah and John Brown, Feb. 28, 1823. THOMAS, David and Ester Bill [no date] (int. Mar. 10, i8io). THOMPSON (see Thomson), Ebenezer and Mrs. Hannah G. Somerby, both of Boston, Oct. 5, 1841.* Mary H. of Maiden, a. 29 y., and Tho[ma]s Clark, of Lyman, Me., s. of Geo[rge] of Lyman, Me., and Mary, a. 29 y., Nov. 14, 1847.* Sarah of Marblehead, and William Nevens, int. Feb. 26, 1815. THOMSON (see Thompson), Josiah of Charlestown, and Re- beccah Pratt, int. May i, 1752. THORNTON, Dorcas Ann and John Donald, int. June 29, 1842. THORP (see Thorpe), Jerome, s. of Ira of Somer\'ille, and Catherine, a. 26 y., and Eliza Howard, d. of Silas of Maine, and Betsey, a. 30 y., Sept. 28, 1845. THORPE (see Thorp), Anna of Athol, and George T. Little- field, int. Nov. 8, 1849. THURBER, Rachel of Providence, R. L, and Joseph C. Harts- horn, int. Aug. 3, 1844. • Intention not recorded. 428 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. THURSTON, Cha[rle]s P. of Portland, Me., and Artheina (Athenia, int.) B. Littlefield, d. of John and Hannah, a. 20 y., Dec. 15, 1847. TIBBETS (see Tibbetts), Alpheus and Martha S. (A., int.) Rogers, Dec. 13, 1843. TIBBETTS (see Tibbets), Mary L., d. of Sam[ue]l of Boston, a. 25 y., and Amos S. Currier, s. of Will of Boston,, and Mary, a. 24 y., both of Boston, Sept. 14, 1846.* TILESTON, Will of Boston, and Lucy S. Kidder, int. Oct. 2, 1845- TILTON, Desire and Edward Hammond, July 23, 1773. TINKER, Dorcas J., d. of Joseph W. of Ellsworth, Me., and Abigail R. and George W. Pruden of Boston, s. of D. W. and Sarah, a. 23 y., Oct. 8, 1848.* TITUS, Mary J. of Cambridge, and Stephen K. Blaney of Nashville, N. H., July or Aug., 1842.* TODD, Martha of Maiden, and Joshua Butters, int. July 26, 1843. Sarah of Maiden, and Thomas Green, int. Dec. 3, 183 1. TOLMAN, Mary Ann, Mrs., and WilHam Rich, int. Oct. 7, 1835. Will T., s. of William and Jane, a. 21 y., and Margarett Jackson of Boston, d. of Ephraim of Jackson, Me., and Margarett, a. 24 y., Nov. 30, 1848. William C- of Hanson, and Jane B. Sale, int. Jan. 4, 1827. TOOMEY (see Toomy), Edward and Catherine McDevit, int. Dec. 30, 1845. TOOMY (see Toomey), John, Dr., and Mary M. Sanderson, int. Dec. 4, 1841. TOWN, PameHa C. and Zeph[ania]h Bassett, Apr. 22, 1841. TRAFTON, Phebe of Westbrook, Me., and Jonathan Tucker, int. June 3, 1843. TRASK, Jason and Mary A. Hendrikin of Boston, int. Jan. 23, 1847. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 429 TRAVELLY, Elenor S. of Boston, and Samuel Pratt, int. Feb. i, 1823. Eliza L. and Stephen Pratt, Oct. 26, 1825. TREAD WELL, Ann S. and Lewis W. Lawrence, June 13, 1843. Nath[anie]l and Amanda Perkins, int. Oct. 16, 1841. TUCELER, Condace H., d. of Nath[anie]l of Norwich, N. H., and Hannah, a. 24 y., and Horrace Folsom, s. of Stephen of Enfield, N. H., and Polly, a. 27 y., Feb. 24, 1846.* Hannah of Andover, and Zachariah Hall, int. Dec. 2, 1819. Jonathan and Phebe Trafton of Westbrook, Me., int. June 3, 1843. Lucy A. and Owen Atkins, Aug. — , 1844 (int. Aug. 10, 1844). Phebe of Andover, and John Green, int. Oct. 12, 18 17. Samuel of Andover, and Eliza Hall, June 12, 183 1, TUCKERMAN, Joseph and Abigail Parkman of Boston, int. May 29, 1803. Joseph, Rev., and Sarah Gary, int. Oct. 15, 1808. Will S., s. of Will, formerly of Boston, and Judy P., a. 22 y., and Mary J. Beckford, d. of Gapt. Daniel, a. 21 y., Oct. 14, 1845. TUCKESBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbtiry, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tukesbury, Tuks- bery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), Anna and Joshua Gleason, Sept. 23, 1794. TUCKSBERY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbury, Tukesbury, Tuks- bery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), James and Mary Sargeant, Apr. 16, 1770. John Jr. and Sally (Sarah, int.) Stowers, Feb. 8, 1784. Polly and Benja[min] Shute Jr. of Frankfort, Oct. 10, 1786. TUCKSBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tukesbury, Tuks- bery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), Elizabeth and Thomas Gleverly, May 6, 1762. TUFTS, Dorothy and Oliver Tufts of Gharlestown, int. Nov. 2, 1838. Edward and Elinor Sargent, May 26, 1828. Huldah and John Wait, 3d of Maiden, int. Apr. 10, 1828. Oliver of Gharlestown, and Dorothy Tufts, int. Nov. 2, 1838. • Intention not recorded. 430 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. TUKESBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tuks- bery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), John and Ann Bill, Sept. 21, 1758. Mary and Capt. John Pratt, Dec. 5, 1793. Sarah and Samuel Sprague Stowers, Jan. 20, 1791. TUKSBERY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), Esther of Boston, and John Fuller, Dec. 28, 1802. Henry and Susanna Floyd, Feb. 26, 1805. TUKSBURY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tuksbery, Tuwkesberry, Tuxberry), William and Abigail Boardman of Lynn, int. Nov. 22, 1800. TURELL, Mary (of Boston, int.) and Benjamin Tuttle, May 6, 1747- TURNER, Bamabus of Charlestown, and Rebeckah Pratt, Jan. 6, 1790. Charles L. and Maria French of Canton, int. Sept. 24, 1836. Ellen and Francis Woods, int. Sept. 13, 1844. Eunice and Robert Wier, both of Boston, May 3, 1840.* Hannah D. and Charles Daniels of Maiden, int. Apr. 12, 1835. TUTTLE, Abigail and Samuell Cox, Mar. 25, 1742. Anna and John Burrell of Lynn, June 7, 1764. Anna of Maiden, and Samuel Sargent, in Maiden, Apr. 17, 1774- Benja[min] and Mary Sale, Feb. 14, 1744. Benjamin and Mary Turell (of Boston, int.), May 6, 1747. Betsey and Asasy Faulkner, Dec. 18, 1803. Damaras and John Dowse of Salem, int. Jan. 29, 1751. Daniel Jr. and Anne Inglesby, int. Sept. 6, 1754. Eliza and Aaron Ames of Brookline, int. Oct. 21, 181 1. Elizabeth and Nathan Cheever Jr., Mar. 4, 1744. Elizebeth and Jonathan Belcher, May 13, 1742. Huldah Crawford and Francis James of Boston, int. Mar. 21, 1782. Israel and Abba Holden, Feb. i, 1824. Joanna and Joseph Britton of Salem, Sept. 4, 1740. Joanna and John Wells Jr. of Boston, June 2, 1774. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 43I TuTTLE, John and Mehitobel Kent, Sept. 23, 1742. John and Mary Burrell of Lynn, int. Aug. 25, 1752. John and Priscilla Belcher, int. Dec. 30, 1786. Joseph and EHzabeth Pratt of Maiden, in Maiden, Jan. 8, 1784. Mary and Samuel Viall of Lynn, int. Oct. 14, 1750. Mary and Jonathan Fuller of Boston, Mar. 28, 1758. Mary and Peter Floyd, Dec. 4, 1760. Mary and Budd Robinson of Boston, Feb. 19, 1771. Samuel Jr. and Sarah Mansfield of Lynn, int. Mar. 17, 1751. Tabitha and Thomas Sergeant, Sept. 27, 1744. TUWKESBERRY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tukes- bur3^ Tuksbery, Tiiksbury, Tuxberry), John Sergent and Mary Cheever of Lynn, int. June 23, 1798. TUXBERRY (see Tewkesbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tuckesbury, Tucksbery, Tucksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury, Tuwkesberry) , Andrew and Susanna Hasey, Feb. 18, 1762.* TYLER, Rebecca C. of Salem, and Sam[ue]l Gandall of Boston, Feb. 27, 1844.* (1840, c.R.i). UNTHANK, Barbary and Benjamin Wayte of Maiden, in Maiden, Mar. 20, 1746-7. UPHAM, Ezra of Maiden, and Sarah Watts, Aug. 15, 1782. Jesse and Sarah James of Lynn, Apr. 2, 1769.* Joshua of Maiden, and Mary C. Boardman, int. Apr. 4, 1831. Mary (Poley, int.) of Maiden, and Aaron Boardman (Jr., int.), in Maiden [no date] (int. Oct. 13, 1780). Sally and Amos Farrington of Lynn, in Lynn, Sept. 26, 1788. VALENTINE, S. W. and Eliza Garland of Calais, Me., int. Apr. 16, 1848. VANEVAR, Mary A., d. of James and Mary, a. 22 y., and Ze- bediah Perkins, widr., s. of Zebediah and Hannah, a. 29 y., Nov. 22, 1846. VIAL (see Viall), Nath[anie]l and Betsey Clark, Feb. 13, 1784. VIALL (see Vial), Samuel of Lynn, and Mar^^ Tuttle, int. Oct. 14, 1750. • Intention not recorded. 432 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. VINAL, Mary L. of Hanson, and James P. Sale, int. Jan. 31, 1838. Robert A., s. of Rob[er]t and Lydia, a. 24 y., and Almira L. Peirce, d. of John, a. 21 y., Oct. 29, 1844. VINSON, Eliza[beth] and Joseph Kettle, May 20, 1773. WADLEY, George A. of Boston, and Mary F. Malineaux, int. Oct. 2, 1846. WADSWORTH, Phebe O., d. of Uriel and Phebe, a. 19 y., and James L. Munroe, s. of John and Mary, a. 23 y., Oct. 15, 1848. WAIRE (see Ware), John of Milton, and Margrett White, int. Sept. 30, 1747. WAIT (see Waite, Waitt, Wayte) , Edward and Rebecca Oliver, Dec. 22, 1782. Ezra (of Maiden, int.) and Sarah Sargeant, Feb. 20, 1766. John 3d of Maiden, and Huldah Tufts, int. Apr. 10, 1828. Joseph of Maiden, and Mary Wait, Apr. 22, 1755. Mary and Joseph Wait of Maiden, Apr. 22, 1755. Mary and Phillips Coats, Apr. 9, 1809. Oliver and Hannah Ellems of Scituate, int. Jan. 12, 182 1. Thomas and Hasey, wid. of Abraham. [No date. Pre- vious to 1725]. C.R.I. * WAITE (see Wait, Waitt, Wayte), EHzebeth of Lynn, and Ben- jamin Brintnal, int. Mar. 7, 1741. Joseph Jr. and Elizabeth Floyd of Maiden, June 23, 1791. WAITT (see Wait, Waite, Wayte), Caleb A. of Maiden, and Sarah Atwood, Mar. 7, 1839. Ellen M. (Ellen Maria, int.) and Abijah Hastings, Jan. 26, 1844 (1840, c.R.i) (int. Dec. 22, 1839). Joanna of Maiden, and George W. Tewksbury, Nov. 25, 1841. C.R.I. Mary Ann B. and Edmond Davis, Mar. 8, 1835. Mary S. and Joshua H. Pratt (of Maiden, int.), May 31, 1835. WALDMYER, Benj[ami]n and Nancy D. S. , int. Oct. 29, 1842. WALDRON, Lovey of Barrington, N. H., and Richard Leighton, int. Dec. 27, 1816. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 433 WALES, Sarah and Henry Tewksbury Jr., June 20, 1839. William (Benjamin, c.r.i) and Hannah Raymond, Dec. 20, 1803. WALKER, Mary, d. of Charles E. and Mary, a. 20 y., and Ed- win Dyer of Boston, s. of Ebenezer of Boston, and Patty C, a. 30 y., Jan. 23, 1849. Samuel and Nabby Roberts of Goffstown, N. H., int. Aug. 27, 1797. William and Mary Kinsman of Gorham, Me., int. Dec. 2, 1842. WALLACE, WilHam O. and Elvina S. Tapley of Danvers, July 15. 1S43. WARD, Quincy R. of Charlestown, s. of Jacob of Ashbumham, N. H., and , a. 23 y., and Sophia Pemo, wid., of Boston, d. of James of Windsor, Vt., a. 31 y., Oct. 15, 1848.* WARE (see Waire), Catharine C. M. and Nathaniel Howard, int. Jan. 29, 1842. WARREN, Newell, s. of John and Rhoda, a. 23 y., b. in Alstead, N. H., and Mary Ann Fisher, d. of Samuel B. and Amelia M., a. 21 y., b. in Grafton, Vt., in Springfield, Vt., Apr. 2, 1840.* WARSON, Sarah E., d. of John S. and Lydia, a. 23 y., and L. P. (L. Pomroy, int.) Haskell, s. of Beni[ami]n of Maine, and Mary F., a. 22 y., Oct. 3, 1848. WARWICK, Geo[rge] of Boston, and Martha Woodman, int. Oct. 23, 1844. WATERS, Owen, s. of John and Margaret, a. 22 y., and Bridget Salmon, d. of Michael and Catherine, a. 21 y., both b. in Ireland, Oct. 9, 1849. WATKINS, John of Maiden, and Abigail Gavett of Boston, July or Aug., 1843.* William of Boston, and Abigail A. Clark, May or June, 1842 (May 4, 1842, int.). WATSON, S. Noble, s. of Ebenezer of Waterford, Me., and Polly, a. 26 y., and Sarah S. Stone, d. of Oliver of Maine, and Sarah, a. 26 y., May 13, 1846. * Inteation not recorded. 434 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. WATTS, Ann and Ebenezer Hough, int. Sept. 3, 1749. Benjamin and Polly Pratt, May 19, 1803. Edward, Dr., of Falmouth, and Mary Oxnard, May 22, 1765. Elizabeth and Nathan Burditt of Maiden, int. 8br. 18, 1755. Elizabeth and Benjamin Bill of Boston, Apr. 16, 1761. Eliza[beth] and Ezra Brintnal, June 2, 1774. Elizebeth and Benjamin Kent of Boston, Nov. 6, 1740. Hannah and Benjamin Comee of Lexington, Mar. 25, 1762.* Hannah and (Capt., int.) James Brown of Boston, May 22, 1786. Isaac and Rachel Pratt of Maiden, in Maiden, Dec. i, 1779. John and wid. Eliza[beth] Bill, Jan. 29, 1775. Mary and Richard Watts, June 24, 1773. Mary (Mary B., c.r.i and int.) and Luke Manning of Townsend, Jan. II, 1825. Nancy (Ann, int.) and Sam[ue]l Watts Jr., Nov. 11, 1773. Rachel and Will[ia]m Leverit (of Medford, int.), Apr. 12, 1759- Rachel and Benja[min] Brintnal Jr., Oct. 11, 1770. Rebecca and Jonas Munroe of Lexington, int. Feb. 7, 1751. Richard and Mary Watts, June 24, 1773. Sally (Sarah, int.) and Amas (Amos, int.) Steams, May 24, 1796. Samuel Jr. and Hannah Rachell, Jan. 8, 1741. Samuel, Hon., Esq., and Sarah Oxnard of Boston, int. Apr. 10, 1756. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Nancy (Ann, int.) Watts, Nov. 11, 1773. Sarah and David Bradley of Boston, Mar. 22, 1764. Sarah and Ezra Upham of Maiden, Aug. 15, 1782. Susanna and Reuben Wessen (Weston, int.), Feb. 18, 1777. William and (wid., c.r.i) Mary Pratt, Aug. 8, 1760. WAYTE (see Wait, Waite, Waitt), Benjamin of Maiden, and Barbary Unthank, in Maiden, Mar. 20, 1746-7. Elizabeth of Maiden, and Samuel Pratt (Jr., int.), in Maiden, Jan. I, 1752. John and Sarah Faulkner of Maiden, in Maiden, Nov. 25, 1743- Sarah and Edward Oliver of Maiden, in Maiden, Mar. 23, 1747-8. WEBBER, Hulda, d. of Daniel of Kennebunk, Me., and Susan, a. 17 y., and Andrew J. Quimby, s. of Robert of Wakefield, N. H., and Mary, a. 20 y., Nov. 5, 1848. Josiah of Medford, and EHzabeth Eustice, Dec. 29, 1743. • Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 435 WEBSTER, Charles E., s. of David and Eunice G., a. 23 v., and Lydia A. Sanderson, d. of Josiah and Eunice, a. 24 y., Apr. 17, 1845. Mary and Benj[ami]n Wilson, Oct. 19, 1817. Sereno S. See Sereno Sewall. Susanna and Jonathan Copland, Jan. 27, 1820. WEEKS, Olive T. and Isaac Bowers Jr., both of Boston, June 20, 1825.* WELCH (see Welsh), Mary, wid., d. of Michael and Mary Bums, a. 32 y., and Andrew Buzzell, s. of W[illia]m of Tamworth, N. H., and Eliz[abe]th, a. 34 y., Nov. 13, 1845. Mary A., d. of Henry and Margaret, a. 21 y., and Isaiah M. Ellis of Roxbury, s. of Josiah of Springfield, Vt., and Sarah, a. 23 y., Jan. 28, 1846. WELLINGTON, Cha[rle]s W. and EHz[a]b[e]th Hall, int. Oct. 24, 1840. WELLS, John Jr. of Boston, and Joanna Tuttle, June 2, 1774. WELSH (see Welch), Michael and Sarah Brown, Apr. 19, 1831. WENDELL, Joseph S. of Lynn, and Mary L. Fuller, int. Jan. 6, 1827. Mercy of Boston, and Nathanael Oliver Jr., int. May 21, 1741. WENTWORTH, Benj[amin] and Harriet Swett, Sept. — , 1842 (int. Aug. 5, 1842). WESSEN, Reuben (Weston, int.) of Reading, and Susanna Watts, Feb. 18, 1777. Reuben (Weston, int.) and wid. Eliza[beth] Floyd, Mar. 28, 1786. WEYMOUTH, Aurelius L. of New York City, and Mary Anslis Blodgett, int. Mar. 18, 1837. WHEELER, Cyrena S. of Bradford, and Robert H. Emerson, Nov. 30, 1843. Eunice G. and George W. Clark, Dec. 7, 1843. George W. of St. Charles, 111., s. of James of Winthrop. IMe., and Hannah, a. 24 y., and Mary Ann Card, d. of John of Dover, N. H., and Hannah, a. 28 y., July 3, 1845. Harriot of Troy, N. H., and Sylvender Forristall, int. Dec. 8, 1839- * lDt«DtioD not recorded. 436 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. WHEELWRIGHT, Susannah of Medford, and John Pratt, Dec. 6, 1753. WHETTER, John D. of Boston, and Mary A. Whitten, Dec. 23, 1844. WHIPPLE, Eunice of Needham, and Rev. Alanson Fish, int. Oct. 19, 1837. WHITAKER, EHz[a]b[e]t[h] and David Slade, June 18, 1843. WHITE, Joseph of Boston, and Carohne C. Adams, int. Mar. 2, 1846. Joseph of Boston, s. of WiUiam of South America, and Mary, a. 22 y., and Sophrona G. Copp, d. of Samuel and Persis, a. 19 y., Jan. 23, 1848. Joseph W. and CaroHne S. Adams, int. Apr. 10, 1846. Margrett and John Waire of Milton, int. Sept. 30, 1747. PHn and Susan R. Flint of Allenstown, N. H., Dec. — , 1844 (int. Dec. 8, 1844). Sarah and Joseph Hudson of Boston, Dec. 24, 1764. WHITEHOUSE, EHphalet T. and Frances Ann Kissick, int. Feb. 20, 1835. Sarah P. and Harris Batchelder, both of Boston, Jan. — , 1845.* WHITEMORE (see Whittemore), Eben[eze]r of Peterborough, N. H. (Boston, c.r.i), and Naby Adams, Feb. 3, 1805. Esther and Hezekiah King, Apr. 2, 1775. John and Elizabeth Bentley, both of Boston, Oct. 26, 1820.* WHITING, Caroline A. of Boston, d. of Samuel, b. in Boston, a. 23 y., and William A. Rogers of Boston, s. of William, b. in Boston, a. 25 y., Oct. 14, 1849.* Mary and Samuel Belcher, int. Jan. 16, 1819. WHITMAN, Jonathan R. of Boston, s. of Calvin of Hebron, Me., and Sarah, a. 24 y., and Ann M. Durell, d. of Jackson and Almira, a. 19 y.. Mar. 30, 1847. WHITNEY, Josiah M. of Maiden, and Abigail B. Ford, int. Aug. 19, 1838. WHITON (see Whitten), Hannah and James Demming, int. Jan. 10, 1808. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 437 WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore), Abraham and Hannah Floyd, Dec. 18, 1760. Benjamin and Hannah ColHns, Apr. 28, 1746. Hezekiah and Mary Holloway, int. 8br. 10, 1755. Jacob and Sarah Slack, int. Oct. 9, 1747. Joseph and Deborah Brentnall, int. 8br. 4, 1755. Samuel and Mary Cooms, Feb. 13, 1746. Sarah and John Chandler of Boston, int. 20, 1748. WRITTEN (see Whiton), Mary A. and John D. Whetter of Boston, Dec. 23, 1844. WHITTIER, Cha[rle]s, s. of Moses of Brunswick, Me., and Sarah J., a. 23 y., and Adaline L. Beals, d. of Joshua of Bowdoinham, and Abigail, a. 20 y., Nov. 27, 1845. WIER, Robert and Eunice Turner, both of Boston, May 3, 1840.* WIGGIN (see Wiggins), George B. and Mary A. Tebbetts of Boston. [No date] (int. Jan. 28, 1844). John T. and Mary Ann Hatch of Kennebunk, Me., int. Nov. 24, 1826. Lydia L. and Abner Gay Jr., May 5, 1839. WIGGINS (see Wiggin), Mary A. and Timothy Gay, May 26, WTLCOTT, Abigal and Daniel Pratt (Jr., int.), Nov. 21, 1782. WILDER, Frederick W. and Sarah B. Howe, both of Lancaster, May 29, 1842. C.R.I.* WILEY, William and Marcy Pearce, int. Dec. 18, 1774. WTLKINS, William and Lydia Poach, int. July 23, 1757. WiUiam and Nancy (Mary, c.r.i, and int.) Pratt, July 18, 1819. WILKINSON, John H. and Hannah E. Raymond of Boston, int. June 3, 1848. WILLARD, Mary and James S. Tewksbury, June 24, 1821. WILLIAMS, Amos A. (Amos Adams, int.) of Baltimore, and Nancy Williams, Oct. 31, 1802. Augustus and Pamelia Rhodes of Lynn, int. Oct. 27, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 438 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Williams, Daniel D. and Agnes Young, int. May 27, 1843. David and Abigail Cummings, June 12, 1808. Eben[eze]r and Olive Gould, Nov. 24, 18 11. Eliza and Hotton Dale of Salem, int. Aug. 24, 181 1. Harriet A. and Henry H. W. Sigourney, int. Sept. 21, 183 1. John, Capt., and Sophia Nichols of Maiden, int. July 22, 1825. John, Capt.. and Mary Heard, Nov. 16, 1837. John, Capt., and Lydia J. Bridge, int. May 28, 1841. Jona[than] and Lydia Sprague, Sept. 12, 1771. Lydia of Lunenburgh, and (Capt., int.) James Stowers, Dec. 5, 1797. Martha and Jonathan Emerson (of Reading, int.), Mar. i, 1796. Martha M. and Francis Lorendo, Apr. 15, 1831. Nancy and Amos A. (Amos Adams, int.) Williams of Baltimore, Oct. 31, 1802. Samuel S. and Margaret Afflack of Charlestown, int. July 5, 1833- Sarah of Brighton and John Tewkesbery, 3d, May 24, 1812. William and Martha Comee, Apr. 2, 1761. William of New London, Conn., s. of Abraham of Marlboro, and Susan, a. 22 y., and Hannah P. Bosson, d. of J. D. and Lydia, a. 22 y., July 8, 1846. William of Boston, s. of John and Mary Ann, a. 35 y., and Eliza Foster, d. of Edward and Ann, a. 33 y., June 27, 1849. WILLIS, Amos of Boston, and Patience Hill, int. July 27, 1796. Charlotte Eaton and Silas Atkins Nash of Medford, int. Nov. 5, 1842. Eliza A. and Rev. William L. Dennis of Barnstable, int. Aug. 4, 1838. Frances of Boston, and John Hall, int. Oct. 20, 1825. Frances A., d, of Cha[rle]s and , and Jesse Gould, widr., June 23, 1846. George W. of Boston, s. of Dean of Boston, and Jane, a. 27 y., and Theresa B. Lane, d. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, a. 25 y., June 28, 1846. WILSON, Benj[ami]n and Mary Webster, Oct. 19, 181 7. WING, Charlotte, wid., d. of of Maine, a. 24 y., and Thomas F. Jones, s. of Thomas F. and Mabel, a. 23 y., Dec. 31, 1848.* WINGATE, Stephen B. and Mary D. Parker of Lowell, int. Mar. 20, 1847. * Intention not recorded. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 439 WISE, Elizabeth C. and Joseph Belcher 2d, July 26, 1835. Julia Ann and Joseph Belcher (2d, int.), Mar. — , 1827. WITHAM, James and Abigail Stone, int. Nov. lo, 1754. WITHERELL, Mary J. of New Market, N. H., and Daniel J. Norton, int. Dec. 2, 1842. WONSON, Sam[ue]l Giles of Gloucester, and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] H. Sawyer, int. Feb. 26, 1842. WOOD (see Woods), Mary and John Woods, int. Sept. 13, 1845. Sarah W. of Hillsboro, N. H., and Isaac Pratt, Apr. 2, 182 1. Seth of Stoughton, and Susanna Bill, Mar. 7, 1769. WOODHOUSE, Susanna and Richard Boynton, July 14, 1776. WOODMAN, Martha and Geo[rge] Warwick of Boston, int. Oct. 23, 1844. Tho[ma]s and Lydia Halloway, int. June 9, 1846. WOODS (see Wood), Axanna of Groton, and William Hinkley, int. Dec. 16, 1820. Francis and Ellen Turner, int. Sept. 13, 1844. John and Mary Wood, int. Sept. 13, 1845. John and Allice Dinning, int. Jan. 2, 1847. Mary E. and Sam[ue]l C. Cheney, Apr. 8, 1836 (Apr. 7, 1836, C.R.l). Susan and Guy Rand, int. June i, 1849. Thomas J. and Lydia Pratt, Apr. 6, 1826. WOODWARD, Henry and Sarah Rowlands, Aug. 8, 1849.* WOODWORTH, Augustus E. of Rochester, N. Y., s. of Spencer of Rochester, N. Y., and Amanda, a. 22 y., and Amanda M. Smith, d. of Clark and Jane, a. 21 y., Sept. 7, 1845. Malinda and Cha[rle]s W. Smith. [No date] (int. Oct. 28, 1843). WORCESTER, Thomas F. and Ann M. Lyon of Cambridge, int. Mar. 6, 1841. WORMWOOD, Julia Ann and William (Benja[min] D., int.) Morrill, July 7, 1837. WORROW, Job, mulatto, and Anna Senee, Indian (late of Prince Town, int.), July 13, 1777. Lydia and Pompy Brooks (of Medford, int.), Nov. 22, 1796. Blacks. * Intention not recorded. 440 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. WRIGHT, John and Priscilla Gardner, Feb. 7, 1819. Lorenzo, s. of Zebedee and Rhoda, a. 23 y., and Catherine O'Connell, d. of John and Mary, a. 19 y., b. in Ireland, Apr. 17, 1849. Mary G. and Joseph B. Lamper of Lynn, Jan. 24, 1839. Priscilla J. and James B. Chase of Lynn, int. Jiily 13, 1844. Zebedee and Mary Morton, Dec. 14, 1817. WYMAN, EHzabeth and Stephen Merrill, Nov. i, 1835. Emeline and James Merrill, Oct. 10, 1839. Mary and John Chandler (Jr., int.), Nov. 8, 1804. Nancy of Woburn, and William Cutter, int. July 30, 1826. Nehemiah Jr. of Charlestown, and Sukey T. Cutter, int. Oct. 17, 1812. YORK, David N., s. of Joseph and Eunice, a. 20 y., and Sarah Ogier, d. of William of Camden, Me^, and Sarah, a. 20 y., Aug. 30, 1848. YOUNG, Agnes and Daniel D. Williams, int. May 27, 1843. William W. and Rebecca B. Hewes. [No date] (int. Oct. 8, 1843)- UNIDENTIFIED AND NEGROES. , Mary and Enoch Ilsley, June 30, 183 1. G.R.3. Nancy D. S. and Benj[ami]n Waldmyer, int. Oct. 29, 1842. Adam, servant to Stephen Tiifts of Maiden, and Priscilla, serv- ant to Samuel Floyd, int. Nov. 29, 1749. Bathsheba, slave to Capt. Watts, Esq., and Salam, a slave be- longing to John Hearod of Boston, int. Jan. 24, 1744. Catharina and Simo, servants to Capt. John Sale, int. Feb. 4, 1748. Ceasor, servant to Capt. Sam[ue]ll Sprague, and Philis, servant to Lieut. Jon[a]th[an] Williams, int. Mar. 26, 1779. Cesar, servant to Capt. John Sale, and Phillis, servant to Edw[ar]d Tuttle, int. Feb. 4, 1748. Cesar, negro ser[van]t to Cpt. (John, int.) Sail, and Susanna, serv[an]t to Granny Tuttle (John Tuttle, int.). Mar. 22, 1759- Charity, servant to Nath[anie]l Oliver, Esq., and Charles, serv- ant to Hon. Sam[ue]ll Watts, Esq., int. May 12, 1755. Charles, servant to Hon. Sam[ue]ll Watts, Esq., and Charity, servant to Nath[anie]l Oliver, Esq., int. May 12, 1755. CHELSEA MARRIAGES. 44I Cuffe, servant to Dr. Silvester Gardner of Boston, and Moll, serv[an]t of Capt. Richard Watts, Oct. i, 1761.* Fortune and Hagar, servants to Jonathan Bill, int. Jan. 20, 1756. Fortune, servant to wid. Hannah Bill, and Jane, servant to wid. Abigail Hasey, Jan. 13, 1763. Fortune, servant to Nathan Sargeant Jr. of Maiden, and Violet, servant to William Oliver, int. Nov. 11, 1770. Hagar and Fortune, servants to Jonathan Bill, int. Jan. 20, 1756. Jane, a servant to wid. Rebecca Pratt, and Peter, negro servant to wid. Abigail Hawks, Apr. 20, 1762. Jane, servant to wid. Abigail Hasey, and Fortune, servant to wid. Hannah Bill, Jan. 13, 1763. Moll, serv[an]t of Capt. Richard Watts, and CufEe, ser\'ant of Dr. Silvester Gardner of Boston, Oct. i, 1761.* Pegge, se[rvan]t to Mrs. Rachell Floyd, and Pito, servant to Sam[ue]l Parkman of Boston, Nov. 18, 1746. Peter, negro servant to wid. Abigail Hawks and Jane, a servant to wid. Rebecca Pratt, Apr. 20, 1762. Philis, servant to Lieut. Jon[a]th[an] WilHams and Ceasor, serv- ant to Capt. Sam[ue]ll Sprague, int. Mar. 26, 1779. Phillis, servant to Edw[ar]d Tuttle, and Cesar, servant to Capt. John Sale, int. Feb. 4, 1748. Phillis, servant to Hon. Capt. Samuel WilHs, Esq., and Jupiter Hotton, free negro, int. Nov. i, 1749. Pito, servant to Sam[ue]l Parkman of Boston, and Pegge, se[rvan]t to Mrs. Rachell Floyd, Nov. 18, 1746. Primus, servant to David Green of Reading, and Susannah, servant to Abigail Tuttle, int. Oct. 31, 1748. Prince, servant to Hon. Samuel Watts, Esq., and Zilpha, serv- ant to Capt. John Freeman of Boston, int. Feb. 5, 1766. Prince, negro (servant to Sarah Watts, int.), and Violet, negro (servant to Abigail Hasey, int.), July 26, 1770. Priscilla, servant to Samuel Floyd, and Adam, servant to Stephen Tufts of Maiden, int. Nov. 29, 1749. Salam, a slave belonging to John Heargd of Boston, and Bath- sheba, slave to Capt. Watts, Esq., int. Jan. 24, 1744. Simo and Catharina, servants to Capt. John Sale, int. Feb. 4, 1748. Susanna, serv[an]t to Granny Tuttle (John Tuttle, int.), and Cesar, negro ser[van]t to Cpt. (John, int.) Sail, Mar. 22, 1759- • Intention not recorded. I 442 CHELSEA MARRIAGES. Susannah, servant to Abigail Tuttle, and Primus, servant to David Green of Reading, int. Oct. 31, 1748. Violet, negro (servant to Abigail Hasey, int.), and Prince, negro (servant to Sarah Watts, int.), July 26, 1770. Violet, servant to William Oliver, and Fortune, servant to Na- than Sargeant Jr. of Maiden, int. Nov. 11, 1770. Zilpha, servant to Capt. John Freeman of Boston, and Prince, servant to Hon. Samuel Watts, Esq., int. Feb. 5, 1766. CHELSEA DEATHS. CHELSEA DEATHS. To THE YEAR 185O. ADAMS, , s. of , and brother of John and Samuel, bur. Sept. 26, 1792, a. 9 y. c.r.i. , ch. of Charles and Sally, Dec. 25, 1813, a. 9 m. c.r.i. Elijah, s. of Eliah and Priscilla, May 26, 1697, a. 9 w. 4 d. g.r.i. John, brother of Samuel, bur. June 11, 1792. Drowned by "ye oversetting a boat." c.r.i. Josiah, s. of Edward, bur. Aug. 23, 1765, a. 3 m. c.r.i. Mary R., , 1838. G.R.3. Pamelia S., Sept. 22, 1836, a. 6 m. G.R.3. Priscilla, w. of Eliah, Nov. 4, 1702, a. 33 y. 6 m. 8 d. g.r.i. Richard, s. of Richard and , Dec. 26, 1848, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever, Robert of Kingston, 22d day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 17 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Sam[ue]l, brother of John, bur. June 11, 1792. Drowned by "ye oversetting aboat." c.r.i, Walter W., b. in Boston, Jan. 29, 1845, a. 28 y. Consumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ADEE, , a ch. of Dr. (Oct., p.r.i), , 1839. , a ch. of Dr, (Oct,, p,r.i), , 1839, ADLINGTON, Thomas of Boston, 3d day, loth mo., 1838, a. 44 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ALDENS, John, b. in Cork, Ire., June 19, 1847, ^- 35 Y- Sea- man. ALEXANDER, Mary H., d. of Lemuel A. and Delaney T., July 21, 1849. G.R.3. ALEXIS, John of New Orleans, 27th day, 2d mo., 1828, a. 28 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ALGER, James, Nov. 2, 1844, a. 74 y. (75 y., c.r.i). Old age. 445 446 CHELSEA DEATHS. ALLEN, , w. of Ezra, Oct. 25, 1846. Elisha S., b. in Wayne, Me., Apr. 29, 1848, a. 32 y. Seaman. Henrietta R., d. of , wid. of , Sept. 13, 1843, ^- ^ Y- 10 m. Scarlatina, (ch. of Mr. Allen, Sept. — , 1842, a. 22 m., P.R.I.) Jesse, b. in Boston, Nov. 18, 1847, ^- 47 Y- Md. Richard of Manchester, 3d day, 8th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. AMES, , Mrs., i6th day, loth mo., 1841. Aaron, June 15, 1814, a. i y. c.r.i. Ashley La Forrest, s. of Seth Coleman and Abby Eldridge, Aug. 24, 1847, a. 4 y. G.R.3. Henry, b. in Prospect, Me., Nov. 7, 1844, a. 52 y. Pneumonia. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jerusha, w. of Ezra, Oct. 8, 1841, a. 41 y. Pleurisy fever. AMOS, Theodore, Oct. i, 1847. Typhus fever. ANDERSON, Andrew, b. in Gottenburg, Sweden, Jan. 3, 1845, a. 52 y. Stoppage. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. James of Salem, 8th day, 12th mo., 1836, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Peter of Boston, i8th day, 3d mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ANDREW (see Andrews), Seth of Providence, 13th day, loth mo., 1828, a. 39 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ANDREWS (see Andrew), Thomas, b. in Dorchester Co., Md., Mar. 8, 1845, ^- 20 y. Fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospi- tal. ANNIS, James of Watertown, 8th day, 8th mo., 1828, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ANTHONY, Joseph of St. Antonio, 9th day, 7th mo., 1839, a. 32 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ANTONIO, Francis, Oct. 3, 1841, a. 49 y. Born in East Indies. Consumption. AREY, Annie L., d. of John W. and Ruth W., Oct. 20, 1849, a. 4 d. 6 h. G.R.3. Mary E., d. of John W. and Ruth W., Mar. 19, 1844, a. 11 m. 28 d. G.R.3. Woodbury, s. of John W. and Ruth W., Oct. 8, 1846, a. 8 m. 9 d. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 447 ARNOLD, , ch. of Mrs., nth day, 3d mo., 1840, a. 11 y. Emma, d. of Stephen and Mary F., May 4, 1849, ^- 26 d. Canker. Emma F., d. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1847. G.R.3. Frederic B., s. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1847. G.R.3. G. Franklin, ch. of Caleb S. and Keziah Gerry, , 1844. G.R.3. John W., s. of Eliphaz W. and Sarah, Oct. lo, 1843, a. i y. 6 m. Teething. Sarah E., Feb. 12, 1848, a. 3 d. Canker. ARTHOLL, Joseph of Owahie, Oct. 3, 1835, a. 32 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ASHCROFT, Mary A., d. of Edward and Ester, Sept. 20, 1847, a. 8 m. ATHERTON, Humphrey, May 22, 1843, a. 43 y. Inflamma- tion of bowels. ATKINS, Arminta, Dec. 30, 1839, a. 21I2- y. c.r.i. Daniel, Mar. i, 1836, a. 67 y. c.r.i. Thankful, w. of , June 30, 1841, a. 66 y. c.r.i. Thomas of Skeltin, 26th day, 12th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ATWOOD, , ch. of S., Nov. — , 1846. Boston, p.r.i. , ch. of Stephen, Dec. 6, 1846, a. 4 y. p.r.i. , ch. of Stephen, Mar. 12, 1847. Boston, p.r.i. (Augusta, G.R.3), d. of (Capt., p.r.i) (W[illia]m H., c.r.i), 14th day, 2d mo., 1839. (a- 5 w., c.r.i.) Henrietta L., d. of Jesse and Mary A., July 26, 1846, a. 7 m. Colic. Isaac B., Sept. 6, 1835. G.R.3. Leonora, w. of Wilham H., Feb. 6, 1844. G.R.3. Payne G., Oct. 16, 1844. G.R.3. Payne G., May 12, 1847. G.R.3. Payne G., Feb. 12, 1849. G.R.3. Ruth Y., July 30, 1841. G.R.3. Stephen, June 10, 1848, a. 67 y. p.r.i. AUSTIN, Mathew, Apr. 3, 1847, a. 58 y. Dropsy. AVERILL, John, Oct. 25, 1841, a. 41 y. Bom in France. Con- stunption. AYER (see Ayers), John of Haverhill, 5th day, loth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 448 CHELSEA DEATHS. AYERS (see Ayer), Mary E., d. of Oliver E. and Mary, July 15, 1849, a. I y. 8 m. Scrofula. BABBET, Edward, loth day, 9th mo., 1840, a. 40 y. BACON, Josiah of Salem, 23d day, 3d mo., 1831. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BADGER, , d. of Will and , Feb. 2, 1841. Still- bom. Abigail, w. of Tho[ma]s, Oct. 2, 1832, a. 69 y. G.R.3. Aurelius, s. of Leonidas V. and Mary M., Dec. 23, 1844, a. i y. Measles. Eucebius L., s. of Leonidas V. and Mary M., Dec. 3, 1844, a. 3 y. 3 m. Measles. Mary, Sept. 3, 1830, a. 26 y. G.R.3. Thomas, Nov. 9, 1826, a. 62 y. G.R.3. BAGLEY, Nelson S., s. of Moses and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1844, a. 5 d. BAGNALL, Sally, b. in Accomac Co., Va., Aug. 28, 1847, ^• 69 y. Consumption. Thomas, b. in Boston, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 63 y. Dysentery. Md. BAILEY (see Daily, Bayley), , ch. of , loth mo., 1836. , ch. of , Dec. 30, 1842, P.R.I. , Feb. — , 1845. Stillborn, (ch. of Mr. Bailey, Feb. 25, 1845, P.R.I.) Mary A., w. of , Jan. 26, 1848, a. 29 y. p.r.i. Will E., Nov. 9, 1847, a. I y. 4 m. Brain fever. BAILY (see Bailey, Bayley), , ch. of , bur. Nov. — , 1836. p.r.i. BAKER, Augustus, b. in Prussia, Nov. 8, 1841, a. 31 y. Frac- ture of spine. William, b. in Frankfort, Pa., Jan. 9, 1845, a. 47 y. Consump- tion. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BALCH, Louisa Maria, d. of W[illia]m, Sept. 4, 1843, a. 16 m. C.R.I. BALL, George D., s. of J. F. and Eliza, b. in Boston, Aug. 2, 1848, a. 14 y. Dysentery. BALLARD, Daniel, Dec. 7, 181 1, a. 70 y. g.r.2. CHELSEA DEATHS. 449 BALM, Thomas of Albany, 6th day, loth mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BANGS, Isaac of New Braintree, 30th day, nth mo., 1828, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Joseph B., Dec. 14, 1842, a. 23 y. Lung fever. BANKS, William of Baltimore, 23d day, ist mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BAPTISTE, Louis, b. in Madras, Dec. 2, 1846, a, 24 y. BARBADOES, James G., June 21, 1841, a. 15 y. G.R.3. BARBER, Samuel, bur. Dec. 19, 1829. Boston, p.r.i. BARKER, H. W., ch. of Geo[rge] W. and Maria, Oct. 20, 1846, a. 5 d. Bowel complaint. Jacob of Delaware, 30th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. 25 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BARNARD, Susan S., w. of George, May — , 1847, 2.. 40 y. Constunption. BARNES, Ann J., d. of Benj[amin] H. and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1849, a. 2 y. 4 m. Measles. Benj[amin] H., s. of Benj[amin] H. and Sarah A., Nov. 11, 1842, a. 3 y. 5 m. Scarlatina. James, Jan. 31, 1842. BARNEY, Geo[rge] W., s. of Henry W. and Lucy A., b. in Boston, Sept. 20, 1849, a. 3 y. 9 m. Dropsy. BARRETT, Bilhah, w. of , Nov. 11, 1846, a. 93 y. Bos- ton, P.R.I. Charles G., s. of Oliver S. and Lucy S., , 1848. G.R.3. Emeline S., w. of W[illia]m C, May 11, 1836, a. 27 y. c.r.i. Frank, Sept. 20, 1847, ^- 3 i^- G.R.3. Lizzie J., d. of Oliver S. and Lucy S., , 1844. G.R.3. BARRON, Julia A., d. of Alexander, Sept. 4, 1847, a. 2 y. Fits. BARROW, Mrs., "that [was] the wid. Glover," bur. Nov. 25, 1797. a. 53 y. C.R.I. BARTON, Bristol of Milton, Del., 14th day, 5th mo., 1836, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BASFORD, Joseph of England, 3d day, loth mo., 1828, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 450 CHELSEA DEATHS. BASSET (see Bassett), Parker, nth day, 8th mo., 1818. (a. 9 y. Black, C.R.I.) BASSETT (see Basset), , ch. of Sampson, bur. Aug. 10, 1778, a. I y. Negro, c.r.i. Andrew M. (Andrew Martin, G.R.3), s. of Edward and Clara J., Aug. 13, 1847, 3-. 5 m. Consumption. C, w. of , Dec. 28, 1837, a. 32 y. Eliz[abe]t[h], 2d day, 7th mo., 1840, a. 25 y. Huldah (Cleverly), wid. of Edward, in Boston, Aug. 26, 1821, a. 86 y. Old age. Levey A. (Lovey Ann, p.r.i), ist day, nth mo., 1828. Mary, d. of Edward and Huldah, in Boston, Oct. 20, 1820, a. 56 y. Unm. Consumption. Sampson, 21st day, 4th mo., 1826. (a. 86 y. Black, c.r.i.) Sarah, 30th day, 9th mo., 1840, a. 45 y. Colored. BASTON, Nath[anie]l of Newcastle, Me., Dec. 10, 1834, a. 39 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BATA, Eliza, b. in Lower Norton, N. S., Sept. 3, 1848, a. 22 y. Rheumatic fever. BATCHELDER, , ch. of Sam[ue]l (bur. Sept. — , 1837, p.r.i). , ch. of Mr., 28th day, loth mo., 1840, a. 10 m. , ch. of Mr., i8th day, loth mo., 1841. , June 25, 1845, 3" 59 Y- Consumption. Florence L., d. of John H. and Jane R. [1843 o^ 1844], a. 21 d. Inflammation. Mary A., d. of Sam[ue]l and Eliza, Oct. 9, 1841, a. 6 m. Cholera infantum. BATTIS, John of Machias, 2d day, 2d mo., 1837, a. 21 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BAXTER, Content, Apr. 24, 1807, a. 80 y. c.r.i. BAYLEY (see Bailey, Baily), Geo[rge] F. H., July 8, 1847, a. 2 y. II d. Inflammation of brain. BEAN, Abigail A. P., d. of Joshua and Abigail, b. in Readfield, Me., Oct. 26, 1849, ^- 27 y- Consumption. BEARSE, , d. of Richard and , June 14, 1844, a. I d. BEAT, George of Warren, Scot., 24th day, 9th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 45 I BEATLEY, Charles S., s. of Spencer and Mary, Sept. 13, 1836, a. 10 m. G.R.2. Mary C, w. of Ralph, b. in Charlestown, Apr. 5, 1844, a. 37 y. Enlargement of heart. Ralph, Capt., Oct. 16, 1804, a. 42 y. g.r.2. Sarah J. (Sarah Josephine, G.R.2), d. of Spencer and Mary, May 28, 1845, ^- 3 Y- (^- 4 Y-- 5 n^-> G.R.2). Scarlatina. BECK, Joseph, s. of Joseph and , July 24, 1848. Still- bom. BECKER, Laura, d. of Alex and , June 19, 1845. (a. 8 m., P.R.I.) Teething. BECKWITH, Amer C, Oct. 5, 1844, a. 24 y. Typhus fever. BELCHER, , youngest ch. of Nath[anie]l Jr., bur. Aug. i, 1759. a. 13 y- C.R.I. , wid. of , bur. Nov. 18, 1784, a. 76 y. c.r.i. , wid. of , Dec. 27, 1806, a. 78 y. c.r.i. , ch. of David, bur. Mar. 6, 1824. Boston, p.r.i. , ch. of David, bur. Sept. 12, 1826. Boston, p.r.i. , inf. s. of Joseph, July 11, 1828. c.r.i. , ch. of (Capt., p.r.i) Joseph 2d, lothday, nth mo., 1832. Abby E., w. of David B., Apr. 25, 1849, a. 26 y. Childbed. Abby E., d. of David B. and Abby E., Apr. 27, 1849, a. 10 d. Infantile. Abigail, Dec. 29, 1833, a. 67 y. G.R.4. Anna, bur. Aug. 2, 1778, a. 20 y. c.r.i. David, 8th day, 9th mo., 1794. (a. 47 y. Drowned, g.r.i.) David, bur. Dec. 17, 1826. p.r.i. Edward (s. of Joseph and Nancy, G.R.4), nth day, 2d mo., 1832, (a. 8 y., G.R.4.) Eliza, w. of (John, g.r.i), , 1837. (Mar. 29, 1837, a. 37 y., G.R.I.) Eliza[beth], wid. of , bur. Dec. 5, 1796, a. 79 y. c.r.i. ElizalDeth, d. of David and Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1807, a. 19 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, wid. of David, July 12, 1817, a. 63 y. g.r.i. Jacob, Dec. 31, 1806, a. 64 y. c.r.i. James, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Dec. i, 1723, a. 16 y. g.r.i. James, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, in Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. — , 1816, a. 22 y. G.R.I. Jeremiah, Feb. 6, 1722-3, a. 81 y. 6 m. g.r.i. John, bur. Sept. 22, 1761, a. 21 y. c.r.i. 452 CHELSEA DEATHS. Belcher, John, Mar. 24, 1813, a. 62 y. c.r.i. John, Oct. I, 1837, a. 48 y. g.r.i. John S., 2d day, 6th mo., 1827. Jonathan, bur. Oct. 17, 1785, a. 67 y. c.r.i. Jonathan of Piilhng Point, June 24, 1808, a. 65 y. c.r.i. Joseph, Nov. 7, 1739, in his 65th y. g.r.i. Joseph, , 1849. G.R.4. Julia A. (JuHan, g.r.i), nth day, 7th mo., 1832. (July 12, 1832, a. 25 y., G.R.I.) Martha, Miss, 27th day, 12th mo., 1833. Martha, w. of Nathaniel, Feb. 3, 1834, a. 73 y. g.r.i. (Martha, wid. of , bur. Feb. 4, 1833. p.r.i.) Mary, d. of Jona[than] and Eliza[beth], bur. Sept. 24, 1760, a. 12 y. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Joseph and Nancy, 14th day, 9th mo., 1822. (a. 5 y., 7 m., G.R.4.) Nancy, w. of Joseph, in East Boston, Sept. 18, 1849, ^- 63 y. G.R.4. Nathaniel, bur. Dec. 31, 1781, a. 78 y. c.r.i. Nath[anie]l, drowned in Boston Harbor, Sept. 29, 1797, a. 40 y. G.R.I. Nathaniel, Sept. 2, 1810, a. 80 y. c.r.i. Nath[anie]l, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. i, 181 2, a. 20 y. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l L[owell], s. of John and Eliza, nth day, nth mo., 1822. (a. 9 m., G.R.I.) Rachel (wid., p.r.i), 7th day, loth mo., 1827. William Sargeant, Dec. 14, 1840, a. 17 y. Boston, p.r.i. BELL, Benjamin F., Dec. 31, 1847. G.R.3. Elizabeth A., Apr. 10, 1839. G.R.3. John, b. in Rochester, Sept. 24, 1841, a. 36 y. Colored. Mary, ist ch. of Benjamin and Mary, , 1815, a. 4 d. G.R.3. BEMIS, James of England, Mar. 10, 1834, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BENNER, Emily J., Oct. 21, 1842, a. i y. 2 m. 5 d. Cholera infantum. Enoch Jr., Dec. 27, 1842, a. 2 y., 10 m. 4 d. Fits. Enoch, s. of Enoc[h] and Mary P., Oct. — , 1844, a-, i d. BENNETT, Marcus H., , 1847. G.R.3. BERG, Mary Frances, only d. of Peter and Mary, Dec. 15, 1848, a. 22 m. G.R.2. CHELSEA DEATHS. 453 BERRY, , wid. of , bur. Aug. i6, 1791, a. 76 y, C.R.I. Edward, b. in Spain, Sept. 27, 1842, a. 28 y. Erysipelas. Nath[anie]l E., s. of Nath[anie]l and Mary, 31st day, ist mo., 1826. T., inf. ch. of N. (Nathaniel, p.r.i), 21st day, ist mo., 1832. Theophilus, Nov. 13, 1848, a. 74 y. Consumption. William of Trenton, Me., 4th day, loth mo., 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BEST, Mary Elizabeth, only d. of James and Ellen, Aug. 10, 1849, a. 2 y. 8 m. g.r.2. BIANCO, Henry, or Henry Brown of Virginia, i6th day, 8th mo., 1828, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BICKFORD, , ch. of Thomas and Temperence S., Apr. 27, 1847. Stillborn. BICKLEY, Alice, d. of John and EHzabeth, Feb. 26, 1849, a. 4 y. 2 m. Scarlet fever. Joseph, s. of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1849, ^- 2 y- 10 m. Measles. BILL, Benjamin, bur. July 22, 1790, a. 29 y. Charles, Apr. 2, 1813, a. 80 y. c.r.i. James, Jan. 26, 1717-8, a. 70 y. g.r.i. Jonathan, Lieut., Apr. 17, 1729, a. 76 y. g.r.i. Jonathan, Dec. 16, 1731, a. 51 y. G.R.3. Jonathan, Oct. 19, 1761, in his 6ist y. g.r.i. Jonathan, s. of Charles and Ruth, 23d day, nth mo., 1822. (a. 75 y., c.r.i.) Joseph, Feb. 17, 1717-8, a. 60 y. g.r.i. Mary, bur. July 2, 1790, a. 61 y. c.r.i. Sarah, w. of Joshua, Apr. 24, 1731, a. 43 y. 3 m. 17 d. g.r.i. BILLINGS, Timothy of Sedgwnck, Me., Apr. 5, 1835, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BINFORD, Emily M., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Emily D., June 29, 1849, a. I y. Dropsy on brain. BISBEE, George H., July 3, 1835, a. 22 m. G.R.3. BLACK, , w. of Peter, (Apr., p.r.i), 1839. BLAIR, , ch. of Mr. (Victor S., p.r.i), 23d day, 6th mo., 1836. 454 CHELSEA DEATHS. BLAKE, , ch. of , 27th day, nth mo., 1836, a. 4 m. Ezekiel of Bath, Sept. 8, 1835, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Sarah C, w. of , 6th day, 5th mo., 1840, a. 46 y. BLANCHARD, , ch. of WilHam, June — , 1842. Boston, P.R.I. , ch. of W., , 1843. Boston, p.r.i. Chariotte, w. of , May 28, 1843, a. 21 y. Boston, p.r.i. Henry, b. in New Jersey, Oct. 12, 1841, a. 40 y. Erysipelas. Colored. Joanna, 9th day, 4th mo., 1824. (w. of Simon and d. of James and Joanna Green, Apr. 8, 1824, a. 31 y. g.r.i.) Olive S. Cobb, at sea, Aug. 23, 1847, ^- 3^ Y- ^o ^^- G.R.3. Samuel (s. of Simon, p.r.i), 21st day, 9th mo., 1823. BLANEY, Chris[tophe]r, of Island, 19th day, 8th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Thomas F., s. of Tho[ma]s R. and , Oct. 4, 1841, a. 7 m. 15 d. Cholera infantum, (ch. of Mr. Blaney, 6th day, loth mo., 1841 dup.) Thomas W.,.s. of Thomas R. and Mary A., loth day, 9th mo., 1840, a. 9 m. BOARDMAN, Bethesda, d. of Will[ia]m and Eliza[bet]h, 14th day, 2d mo., 1757. Eliza[bet]h, w. of Will[ia]m, 5th day, 2d mo., 1757. Ivory, bur. Oct. 9, 1823. Saugus, p.r.i. John of Philadelphia, Oct. 6, 1834, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. BOCA, Mary, d. of Christian and Ann, b. in Boston, July 9, 1849, 3- 2 y. Dropsy on brain. BOKERSON, John of Hanover, Jan. 20, 1835, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BOND, Lois H., , 1847. G.R.3. BONNER, , ch. of , Oct. — , 1842. p.r.i. BOODY, WilHam of Machias, Sept. 15, 1834, a. 13 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BOOTH, Louisa C, d. of George and Abigail, Mar. 15, 1843, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever. (Mar. 15, 1845, ^- 2 y-, 10 m. dup.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 455 BOSSON, Mary E., d. of Will and Mary, July 28, 1843, a. 5 m Whooping cough. BOSWORTH, Geo[rge] E., s. of Edwin W. and Luthcria C. Aug. 24, 1849, a. I d. Infantile. William E., s. of Edwin W. and Lutheria C, Aug. 24, 1849 a. I d. Infantile. BOTT, , w. of of Point Shirley, bur. Jan. 23 1772, a. 36 y. C.R.I. BOURE, J. of New York, 22d day, loth mo., 1836, a. 30 y Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BOWDITCH, Thomas, Capt., i6th day, 2d mo., 1 841, a. 48 y (Feb. 19, 1841, C.R.I.) (Feb. 16, 1841, p.r.i.) BOWEN, , ch. of , bur. Jan. — , 1838. p.r.i. Abel, Dec. 8, 1811, a. 43 y. p.r.2. Dealia, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), July 13, 1792. p.r.2. Harriot D. C. (ch. of H. dup.), , 1837. (bur. June 12, 1837, a. 2 y., p.r.i.) Juliet, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), Sept. 13, 181 1. p.r.2. Lorenzo H., bur. Dec. 10, 1835, a. 21 y. p.r.i. Mary, d. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), July 13, 1808. p.r.2. Mason, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), July 11, 1803. p.r.2. Orlondo, s. of Abel and Dealia (Mason), Feb. 5, 1810. p.r.2. BOWN, Julia E., adopted d. of John and Ester, b. in Boston, Aug. 22, 1846, a. 6 m. Bowel complaint. BOYNTON, , w. of , May 10, 1843. Charles- town, p.r.i. Ezekiel, July 8, 1844, a. 21 y. p.r.i. Nathaniel, bur. Apr. 15, 1821. Saugus, p.r.i. BRABROOK, Cha[rle]s W., b. in Leominster, Apr. 20, 1847, a. 38 y. (38 y. II d., G.R.2). Consumption. George H., s. of W[ilHa]m F. and Sarah A., b. in Charlestown, Mar. 7, 1845, a. 4 y. 3 m. Dropsy on brain. Sarah J., d. of Cha[rle]s W. and Sarah A., b. in Leominster, Feb. 2, 1845, a. 4 m. Consumption. William T., Aug. 4, 1848, a. 31 y. Consumption. BRACKET, Joshua of Bristol, Mc., June 14, 1835, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 456 CHELSEA DEATHS. BRADEN (see Bredan, Bredeen, Breeden), , July 21, 1844, a. 21 y. Erysipelas. BRADFORD, Charles, Capt., Nov. 26, 1845, a. 51 y. Boston, P.R.I. BRADLEY, Charles, 30th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 34 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BRAGGE, Sarah, Jan. 28, 17 14, a. abt. 94 y. g.r.i. BRAWN, Martin, Feb. 14, 1849, a. 65 y. Consumption. BREDAN (see Braden, Bredeen, Breeden), Mary, bur. June 18, 1762, a. 64 y. C.R.I. BREDEEN (see Braden, Bredan, Breeden), Abigail, bur. Dec. 24, 1774, a. 73 y. C.R.I. Hannah, w. of Jacob, bur. Jan. 17, 1780, a. 68 y. c.r.i. Mary, bur. Oct. 3, 1763, a. 82 y. c.r.i. BREEDEN (see Braden, Bredan, Bredeen), Hannah, 12th day, 3d mo., 1829. (Mar. 23, 1829, a. 75 y., c.r.i.) Jacob, 14th day, 3d mo., 1787. (a. 76 y., c.r.i.) BREWER, Clark Jr., Mar. 15, 1841, a. 25 y. 2 m. G.R.3. BRINTNAL (see Brintnall), Benj[ami]n, Dea., bur. July 28, 1786, a. 70 y. C.R.I. Deborah, wid. of , bur. Apr. 16, 1768, a. 73 y. c.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of Dea. , Sept. 24, 1770, a. 48 y. c.r.i. Eliza[beth], d. of Ben[ami]n Jr., biu*. July 29, 1778, a. 5 y. c.r.i. James, 3d mo., 1830. (Apr. 3, 1830, c.r.i.) John, Lieut., drowned in attempting to go to Castle William in a small canoe, Feb. 20, 1764. c.r.i. Mary, bur. Dec. 8, 1778, a. 21 y. c.r.i. BRINTNALL (see Brintnal), , d. of John and Phebe, Aug. 21, 1702, a. 5 y. I m. 17 d. g.r.i. , s. of John and Phebe, 31st day, 9th mo., 1756. Deliverance, w. of John, 21st day, loth mo., 1759. (a. 27 y., C.R.I.) Esther, d. of Benjamin and Elizebeth, 8th day, loth mo., 1747. Phebe, w. of John, 19th day, 2d mo., 1753. Rachel, d. of Benjamin and Rachel, 31st day, 7th mo., 1778. Sarah, , 1732. g.r.i^. William, s. of John and Deliverance, 6th day, ist mo., 1758. (a. 2 y., C.R.I.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 457 BROCATIN, Alpheus of Sweden, 4th day, 6th mo.', 1836, a. 62 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BROCKWAY, Emily F., d. of T. B. and A. C, Aug. 18, 1849, a. 2 y. 10 m. 14 d. G.R.ia. BROOKS, Adeline Augusta, d. of Thomas, dec., of Salem, Nov. 8, 1845, a. 34 y. g.r.i. BROWN, , inf. ch. of , 26th day, ist mo., 1832. Abigail, 24th day, nth mo., 1841, a. 77 y. (Nov. 22, 1841 dup.) Heart disease. Aca, b. in Stockholm, Sweden, Apr. 13, 1848, a. 47 y. Seaman. Cha[rle]s B., s. of W[illia]m C. and Frances, Jan. 12, 1845, ^- 4 Y- Dropsy. Cha[rle]s F., s. of W[illia]m B. and Matilda, Oct. 6, 1844, a. 15 d. Thrush. Cyrus Eugene, Dec. 30, 1845, 9- 10 m., 11 d. G.R.3. George, b. in Baltimore, Md., Mar. 23, 1844, a. 36 y. Chronic diarrhoea. Hannah B., b. in Cape Elizabeth, Me,, Apr. 25, 1849, ^- 7^ y. Consumption. Henry, or Henry Bianco of Virginia, i6th day, 8th mo., 1828, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Isabella, d. of Will C. and Frances, Dec. 28, 1844, a. 17 y. Con- sumption. James of Ossipee, N. H., loth day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 27 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. James of Charleston, S. C, Sept. 15, 1835, a. 40 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. James, b. in Newberry, N. J., July 21, 1844, a. 23 y. Peritonitis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, Nov. 21, 1842, a. 23 y. Chronic abscess. John, b. in St. Thomas, W. I., Mar. 28, 1844, a. 50 y. Con- sumption. Joseph of Baltimore, 8th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Joseph B., , 1849. G.R.3. Katharine, bur. May 8, 1765. Irishwoman, c.r.i. Livermore, s. of Nathan and Mary, Feb. 13, 1844, a. 2 y. 6 m. Congestion of brain. Lorenzo H., Dec. 10, 1835. Sam[ue]l G., June 16, 1846, a. 35 y. Consumption. Theodore M., s. of Albert H. and , Oct. i, 1847, a. i y. 3 m. Dysentery. 458 CHELSEA DEATHS. Brown, Will H., s. of Francis and Eliza, Oct. 10, 1846, a. 2 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever. William, in Martinique, Nov. 28, 1816. G.R.3. Wniiam of Cumberland, Eng., 20th day, 9th mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William of Montpelier, Sept. 21, 1834, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BROWNSON, George, s. of Orestes A. and , Mar. 26, 1849, a. 8 y. Scarlet fever. BRUCE, Alexander, b. in Scotland, Dec. 18, 1849, a. 28 y. Drowned. Unm. John, b. in Scotland, Oct. 28, 1841, a. 21 y. Epileptic fit. BRYANT, , w. of , bur. Nov. 25, 182 1. Maiden, P.R.I. , ch. of , 2d day, 3d mo., 1839. John, b. in Stoneham, Apr. 20, 1845, a. 84 y. Old age. Mary, w. of Southworth, Jan. 16, 1844. Consumption. Mary, d. of Caleb and Mary, Apr. 12, 1849, a. 9 y. Scarlet fever. BUCK, Ephraim Jr., Dr., Feb. 13, 1847, a. 33 Y- G.R.3. Margaret B., d. of David H. and Mary L., b. in Bucksport, Me., Sept. 22, 1848, a. I y., 28 d. Bowel complaint. BUCKMAN, William Jr., bur. Nov. 2, 1825. p.r.i. BUCKNAM, , wid. of , bur. Apr. 29, 1778, a. 47 y. C.R.I. , w. of , July 4, 1845, a- 75 y- Lynn, p.r.i. John (Sept. 24, 1837, a. 35 y., c.r.i). William, loth day, ist mo., 1828. BUFFUM, Ruth Ann, d. of Joshua and Ruth, b. in Boston, July 16, 1849, a. 5 y. II m. Dysentery. BUNKER, Susan, d. of Thomas Jr. and Lydia M., Sept. 9, 1848. Stillborn. BURBANK, , ch. of Aaron, bur. Sept. 6, 1823. Boston, P.R.I. Aaron of Boston, Nov. 22, 1839, a. 49 y. c.r.i. Lois S., w. of , 8th day, loth mo., 1840, a. 47 y. Mary Wilber Mountfort, w. of Aaron O., May 13, 1847, a. 23 y. 6 m. II d. G.R.3. Sarah E., d. of Aaron and Lois, 8th day, 8th mo., 1825. Sarah Louisa, d. of Aaron and Lois S., 6th day, 9th mo., 1823. CHELSEA DEATHS. 459 BURCHAM, Walter, Sept. i6, 1846. p.r.i. William, Sept. 28, 1846. p.r.i. BURCHMORE, John H., s. of Stephen and Susan, Nov. 9, 1849, ^- 2 ni- 26 d. Dropsy on brain. Mary, w. of Stephen, Nov. 28, 1842, a. 29 y. Scarlatina. Susan E., d. of Stephen and Susan, Sept. 6, 1846, a. i y. 3 m. Cholera infantum. BURDITT, Elizabeth, d. of wid. Eliza[beth], bur. Feb. 5, 1760, a. 3 y. C.R.I. Hannah, 12th day, 3d mo., 1828. Jabez, Feb. 18, 1816, a. 62 y. c.r.i. Lydia, w. of Jabez, Aug. 14, 1812, a. 64 y. c.r.i. Nathan, s. of wid., Eliza[beth], bur. July 9, 1760, a. 2 y. c.r.i. Thomas, Oct. 14, 1835. (a. 65 y., c.r.i.) William, June 13, 1837, a. 35 y. G.R.3. BURK, John, bur. Nov. 19, 1828. p.r.i. John, 7th day, ist mo., 1829. Foreigner. BURKUS, Sarah, d. of J. P., b. in Nova Scotia, June 30, 1845, a. 8 m. Scarlet fever. BURNHAM, Cha[rle]s, b. in Kennebunk, Me., Sept. i, 1843, a. 25 y. Congestion fever. Ezekiel, July 13, 1844, a. 21 y. Typhus fever. BURR, George T. of Boston, i6th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 28 y. Suicide. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BURREL (see Burrell, Burril, Burrill), Harriet (Harriet, d. of Ebenezer and Ann, G.R.4), 30th day, 4th mo., 1840 (1841, G.R.4), a. 23 y. (Apr. 30, 1840, p.r.i.) BURRELL (see Burrel, Burril, Burrill), , ch. of Bill, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 95 m. Boston, p.r.i. BURRIL (see Burrel, Burrell, Burrill), Ebenezer, 17th day, 2d mo., 1832, a. 44 y. (45 y. 10 d., G.R.4). Joseph, 23d day, 7th mo., 1818 (at Pulhng Point, a. 56 y., c.r.i.) Margaret, , 1830. BURRILL (see Burrel, Burrell, Burril), , ch. of B., Sept. 3, 1842, a. 8 m. P.R.I. Ebcn[eze]r, 29th day, 9th mo., 1823. Joseph, Apr. 2, 1843, a. 54 y. 6 m. 4 d. G.R.4. 460 CHELSEA DEATHS. BuRRiLL, Margaret, d. of Ebenezer and Ann, Dec. 20, 1831, a. 1 y. 6 m. G.R.4. Martha, w. of Ebenezer, Nov. 6, 1814, a. 62 y. g.r.i. (59 y., C.R.I.) Mary E., , 1848. G.R.4. Micajah, Mar. 26, 1847, a. 87 y. p.r.i. Ruth, w. of , Aug. 24, 1848, a. 84 y. p.r.i. Sarah, w. of . (bur. Oct. 23, 1837, a. 76 y., p.r.i.) BURROWS, John J., Nov. 9, 1845, a. i m. G.R.3. Mary E., Aug. 11, 1848, a. 2 m. 4 d. G.R.3. William, b. in England, Nov. 26, 1848, a. 43 y. Pleurisy. BURT, , Mr., at Point Shirley, Jan. 8, 1829, a. 50 y. C.R.I. BURWELL, Arthur H., s. of Albert A. and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1849, a. I y. 8 m. Scarlet fever. Sarah C, d. of Albert A. and Sarah E., Mar. 13, 1843. g.r.2. Frank A., s. of Albert A. and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1849, a. 3 y. 7 m. Scarlet fever. BUSH, James of Jamaica, nth day, 4th mo., 1838, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. BUTMAN, , ch. of Matthew, bur. Aug. 10, 1790, a. 10 m. C.R.I. , ch. of wid. Mary, bur. Nov. 17, 1793, a. 11 y. c.r.i. Abigail, , 1830. (Mrs. Butman, bur. May 7, 1830, p.r.i.) Ebenezer, bur. Feb. 12, 1799, a. 74 y. c.r.i. Elizabeth, Miss, Nov. — , 1815. c.r.i. Hannah, wid. of Jacob, Oct. 21, 1849, a. 91 y. g.r.i. Mary, w. of Thomas, Jan. 13, 1792, a. 70 y. g.r.i. Thomas, bur. Sept. 9, 1798, a. 70 y. c.r.i. BUTTERFIELD, , ch. of Mr. , , 1834. (bur. Sept. — , 1834, P.R.I.) , ch. of (Mar. 1839, p.r.i). Abram, Apr. 10, 1825, a. 14 m. G.R.3. Mary J., June 3, 1833, a. 26 y., 6 m. G.R.3. Stephen, June 3, 1832, a. 51 y., 5 m. G.R.3. W[illia]m H., s. of Simeon and Jane H., Sept. 4, 1844, a. i y. 2 m. Teething. BUTTS, Sarah A., May 3, 1846, a. 41 y. Consumption, (a. 42 y., G.R.3.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 461 CABBOT (see Cabot), Gco[rge] H., Aug. 15, 1842, a. i y. 10 m. Dysentery. CABOT (see Cabbot), Henry, s. of Henry and Catharine J., Sept. I, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. Dysentery. CADY, Cha[rle]s F., adopted s. of David A., Aug. 31, 1846, a. 7 m. 12 d. Dropsy. CALDER, , ch. of , Feb. 19, 1848, a. 3 m. p.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of , Feb. 17, 1848, a. 34 y. p.r.i. Mary A. F., Sept. 7, 1847, a. 3 y. p.r.i. CALDWELL, Harriot H., 12th day, 2d mo., 1830. CALL, John, , 172 1. g.r.i^. CANFIELD, Ellen C, d. of Joel S. and Mary A., b. in Vermont, Mar. I, 1849, a. 6 y. 2 m. Brain fever. John, s. of Joel S. and Mary A., Oct. 2, 1848, a. i y. 2 m. Dysen- tery. CAPEN, , ch. of , bur. , 1835. p.r.i. , ch. of , bur. , 1835. p.r.i. Sam[ue]l A., May 7, 1847, a. 49 y. Consumption. CARLTON, , inf. ch. of William and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1813, a. 54 h. C.R.I. Lydia A., d. of J. P. and Anna, b. in Bradford, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 14 y. Bilious fever. CARPENTER, , ch. of Henry and Mary, Aug. 26, 1848. Stillborn. Colored. Charles of Rhode Island, 28th day, nth mo., 1837, a. 19 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Edward T., b. in Maine, Oct. 11, 1841, a. 23 y. Consumption. CARRUTH, Mar>' E., Aug. 11, 1843, a. 3 y., 8 m. 11 d. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Thomas H., Jan. 20, 1848, a. i y. 2 m. Fits, (a. 13 m. 10 d., G.R.3.) CARTER, , ch. of , Aug. 25, 1846, a. i y. 9 m. p.r.i. Catherine, w. of , 17th day, 4th mo., 1840, a. 26 y. Eunice, wid. of John of Waterford, Me., in Boston, Mar. 15, 1816, a. 55 y. G.R.2. Sarah Isabella, Feb. 2, 1843, ^- 4 n^- g.r.2. 462 CHELSEA DEATHS. GARY, Edward, Jan. 25, 1808, a. 19 y. c.r.i. George B., , 1846. g.r.i. (Dec. 26, 1846, a. 22 y., p.r.i.) Lucius, , 1825. G.R.I. Samuel, Capt., Esq., bur. Dec. 7, 1769, a. 56 y. c.r.i. Samuel, Esq., Aug. i, 181 2, a. 69 y. c.r.i. Sarah (Mrs., c.r.i), 6th day, 8th mo., 1825. (Aug. 26, 1825, a. 72 y., C.R.I.) CASEY, Bridget, d. of Francis and Catherine, Dec. 14, 1849, a. 5 d. Infantile. Margaret, w. of Francis, b. in Ireland, Feb, 10, 1849, a. 36 y. Consumption. CASS, John, 2ist day, 4th mo., 1840. Smallpox. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CASWELL, Emily Augusta, July 8, 182 1. G.R.3. Mary Ann, July 14, 1825. G.R.3. Samuel, July 20, 1820. G.R.3. Samuel, s. of Sarah, Aug. 8, 1846. Cholera infantum. William Henry, July 16, 1821. G.R.3. CENTER, John, Ens., Dec. 31, 1706, a. 46 y. 8 m. g.r.i. CHADWICK, Stephen Kent, s. of Nathaniel and Isibbil, Sept. 17, 1777, a. 3 m. 17 d. g.r.i. CHAMBELL, John of Ireland, 26th day, 8th mo., 1828, a. 41 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin, ChambrHng), Elizabeth, d. of John and Hannah, Dec. 12, 1721, a. 11 y. 3 m. 16 d. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Dea. John, Oct. 26, 1727, in her 46th y. g.r.i. Hannah, w. of Lowell, b. in Maiden, Feb. 4, 1844, a. 22 y. Typhus fever. Hannah H., , 1844. Typhus fever. Jacob, Sept. 15, 1734, in his 44th y. g.r.i. John, Dec. 27, 1721, in his 67th y. g.r.i. John, Dea., Dec. 30, 1753, a. 75 y. g.r.i. Lois, d. of Dea. John and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1725, a. i y. 11 m. 21 d. G.R.ia. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain, ChambrHng), Lydia, d. of Dea. John and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1722, a. 9 m. 4 d. g.r.i^. CHAMBERS, John, May 27, 1848. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 463 CHAMBRLING (sec Chamberlain, Chamberlin), John, s. of John and Hannah, Apr. 29, 1717, a. 7 w. g.r.i. Rachell, d. of John and Hannah, Mar. 30, 17 18, a. 15 d. g.r.i. CHANDLER, , w. of John, bur. May 20, 1759. c.r.i. Amos, s. of , 6th mo., 1834. (ch. of Mr. Chandler, bur. Aug. 10, 1834, P.R.I.) William, 25th day, 5th mo., 1837. Died at U. S. Marine Hospi- tal. CHAPON, , a. ch. of Mr. , , 1834. , a. ch. of Mr, , , 1834. CHASE, , ch. of Dr., 23d day, 5th mo., 1840. Bailey, b. in Newburyport, Apr. 5, 1843, a. 17 y. Fracture of skull. Ella A., d. of Oliver R. and Abba A., b. in Charlestown, Aug. 14, 1849, ^- 9 m- Dysentery. George, in Claremont, N. H., Oct. i, 1840, a. 53 y. G.R.3. George S., in Claremont, N. H., Sept. 24, 1841, a. 52 y. G.R.3. Lucius O., s. of Lucius and Harriet, Mar. 13, 1847, ^- 7 i^- Teething. Susan Eliza, only d. of Rufus and Susan T., in. New York, Dec. 13, 1843, a. 3 y. 2 m. 21 d. g.r.2. Susan T., w. of Rufus, in New York, Dec. 26, 1844, a. 28 y., 9 m. 19 d. G.R.2. William of Hallowell, 13th day, loth mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHEAN, George of Virginia, 14th day, loth mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHEEVER (see Chever), , ch. of William, , 1803, a. 2 y. C.R.I. Abigail, w. of Dea. , Feb. — , 1809, a. 63 y. c.r.i. Abigail, Sept. 10, 1826, a. 77 y. c.r.i. Betsey, d. of Joseph and Sarah, 12th day, 9th mo., 1791. (a. 15 y., C.R.I.) Eliz[abc]th, w. of Rev. Thomas, May 10, 1727, in her 64th y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1814, a. 86 y. c.r.i. Elizabeth, wid. of T., loth day, 8th mo., 1826. Elizabeth, w. of Joshua, 29th day, 5th mo., 1827. Elizabeth, w. of , bur. Dec. 30, 1837, a. 33 y. p.r.i. Hannah, w. of Nathan, July i, 1724, a. 23 y., 2 m. 15 d. g.r.i. 464 CHELSEA DEATHS. Cheever, Harriet, w. of , bur. Nov. 10, 1835, a. 44 y. P.R.I. Harriot of Boston, 6th mo., 1834. (bur. July 21, 1834, p.r.i.) Joseph, s. of Nathan and EHzabeth Jr., 2 2d day, 6th mo., 1752. Joshua, Dea., Jan. 15, 1813, a. 73 y. c.r.i. Joshua, Mar. 8, 1816. c.r.i. Joshua, bur. May 31, 1827. p.r.i. Joshua of Boston, Feb. — , 1841, a. 51 y. p.r.i. Nathan (Lieut., c.r.i), Sept. 30, 1774, a. 81 y. 7 m. g.r.i. Nathan a.m., bur. Jan. 13, 1787, a. 64 y. c.r.i. Nathan, , 1837. (Sept. 5, 1837, a. 5iif y., c.r.i.) Ruel H., bur. June 25, 1828. p.r.i. Sally, d. of Dea. Joshua and Abigail, Nov. 20, 1786, a. 12 y. 9 m. G.R.I. Sally, d. of Dea. Joshua and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1790, a. 11 d. G.R.I. Sam[ue]l, bur. Aug. 5, 1799, a. 34 y. Killed by lightning. C.R.I. Sarah, w. of Thomas, Jan. 30, 1704-5, a. 47 y. g.r.i. Sarah, d. of Dea. , bur. Nov. 23, 1786, a. 13 y. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of Dea. , bur. Jan. 10, 1790, a. 10 d. c.r.i. Susan D., d. of Ira and Mehitable, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 2 y. 6 m. Dropsy on brain. Tho[ma]s, Rev., 27th day, nth mo., 1749. Thomas, Dec. — , 1813. c.r.i. Thomas P., Apr. 17, 1844, a. 17 y. Boston, p.r.i. William, Mar. 2, 1813, a. 43 y. c.r.i. CHENY, Pamelia, d. of Willson and Pamela, Mar. 7, 1847, a. 7 y. Lung fever. CHEVER (see Cheever), Anna, w. of Nathan, loth day, nth mo., 1740. (a. 36 y. 7 m., g.r.i.) CHITTENDEN, Mary C, d. of Cha[rle]s and Mary, Mar. 5, 1847, 9^- 2 y. 5 m. 13 d. Lung fever. Samuel, July 9, 1845, a. 71 y. g.r.2. CHRISTAISUN, C, b. in Norway, Sept. 29, 1843, a. 31 y. Congestion fever. CLAPP, Elizabeth, w. of Otis, Jan. 28, 1806, a. 30 y. G.R.3. Elizabeth Ann, Sept. 9, 1801, a. i y. G.R.3. Otis, Sept. 22, 1842, a. 73 y. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 465 CLARK (see Clarke), — -, ch. of Silas, bur. Apr. 15, 1776, a. 3 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Tileston, bur. Aug. 4, 1778, a. 20 m. c.r.i. -, ch. of Tileston, bur. Nov. 6, 1791, a. 9 w. c.r.i. Geo[rge] H., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Eunice G., Apr. 22, 1847, a. 4 m. Whooping cough. Mary, d. of James and Margaret, Aug. 17, 1849, ^- ^ ^- Dysen- tery. Mary A., d. of James and Margaret, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 3 m. Dysentery. CLARKE (see Clark), Sarah C, Mrs., May 6, 1840, a. 46 y. P.R.I. CLARRY, Elizabeth, Mar. — , 1841. Lynn, p.r.i. CLARY, Prince, Mar. — , 1835. p.r.i. CLAY, Justin of Blue Hill, 21st day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CLELAND, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Adelia Ann, Mar. 6, 1849, a. 7 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever. Thomas B., s. of Samuel and Adelia Ann, Feb. 28, 1849, a. 4 y. 7 m. Scarlet fever. CLEMMENT, Edw[ard] H., May 21, 1842, a. i y. 9 m. Croup. CLINE, William of Salem, N. H., 27th day, nth mo., 1831. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CLINKARD, Cha[rle]s H., s. of Henry and Eliz., Sept. 7, 1846, a. II m. Bowel complaint. Henry R., s. of Henry R. and , Oct. 26, 1847, a. 8 m. CLOWLEY, John of Prospect, Me., Feb. 20, 1835. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COATS (see Coatts), , ch. of Stephen, , 1837. (bur. May 14, 1837, P.R.I.) Mary, w. of Phillip, Oct. 22, 1844, a. 74 y. (75 y., c.r.i.) Old age. COATTS (see Coats), William, Dec. 27, 1848, a. 62 y. p.r.i. COBB, Edward, July 3, 1848, a. 30 y. g.r.2. Rebecca, w. of Edward, Oct. 2, 1840, a. 23 y. 8 m. g.r.2. 466 CHELSEA DEATHS. COBURN, James, 9th day, ist mo., 1832. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, Apr. 19, 1845, a. 22 y. Phthisis pulmonalis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CODMAN, Eliz[abe]th, b. in Boston, Jan. 26, 1845, a. 46 y. Consumption. COLAMORE, , ch. of Gillman and Lucinda, Apr. 9, 1844, a. I d. COLE, , wid. of , bur. Dec. 13, 1793, a. 82 y. C.R.I. Consider, Dec. i, 1810, a. 25 y. c.r.i. John, s. of John and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1721, a. 14 y. c.R.ia. Thomas, Rev., June — , 1847, a. 35 y. G.R.3. COLESWORTHY, Lydia, w. of , (Dec, p.r.i), 1838, a. 96 y. COLEY, , Mr. of Maine, stranger, 6th mo., 1833. COLLETT, William H., s. of James and Rachel, Nov. 15, 1845, a. I y. I m. 5 d. G.R.3. COLLINS, , ch. of , , 1837. (bur. June 8, 1837, P.R.I.) Hannah, w. of , 27th day, nth mo., 1836, a. 85 y. Lydia, w. of Moses, May 21, 1799, a. 75 y. g.r.i. Moses, May 15, 1810, a. 85 y. g.r.i. Samuel C. of Chatham, 12th day, 9th mo., 1839, a. 33 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COMBEE, Sally, bur. Jan. 10, 1786, a. 20 y. c.r.i. COMEE, Hannah, w. of Benj[ami]n, bur. Dec. 3, 1767, a. 27 y. C.R.I. John, alias Tho[ma]s Duffy of Liverpool, Eng., Jan. 22, 1836, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COMIER, Jesse of Richmond, Va., 5th day, 4th mo., 1838, a. 56 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COMSTOCK, John of Mansfield, Conn., July 15, 1835, a. 45 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CONANT, James of Badingham, nth day, 5th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 467 CONNELL, Samuel, Sept. 5, 1842, a. 20 y. Erysipelas. CONNOR, George, b. in Snowhill, Md., May 26, 1844 (1845 dup.), a. 25 y. Consumption. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COOK, , ch. of of Point Shirley, Nov. — , 1807, a. 9 w. C.R.I. Benj[amin], b. in Boston, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 32 y. Hydrothorax. Catharine, domestic of Mrs. Williams, Jan. i, 1807, a. 58 y. C.R.I. Joseph R. C, s. of Rufus R. and Caroline, July 5, 1845, a. 4 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever. Rufus H., b. in Boston, s. of Rufus R. and Caroline, July 11, 1844, a. 5 y. 2 m. Croup. COOLEY, Isaac O., Sept. 25, 1837, a. 28 y. g.r.i. COOPER, Elizabeth, w. of Joseph, b. in England, Aug. 23, 1849, ^- 26 y. Liver complaint. COPELAND (see Copland), , ch. of J. W., July 27, 1846, a. 4 m. Boston, p.r.i. , ch. of J. W., Feb. 29, 1848, a. 8 m. Boston, p.r.i. Daniel, Capt., Oct. — , 1840, a. 57 y. Boston, p.r.i. Eliza A., w. of , Jan. 2, 1848, a. 26 y. Boston, p.r.i. John, Aug. 25, 1847, 3- 58 y- P-R-i- Mary, w. of , 20th day, 8th mo., 1838, a. 78 y. Seth, 24th day, 2d mo., 1840, a. 83 y. COPLAND (see Copeland), , ch. of Charles, Nov. 15, 1846, a. 6 y. Boston, p.r.i. Edward D., Jan. 13, 1842, a. 3 y. Boston, p.r.i. CORBETT, Lucena, w. of Leavitt, Apr. 23, 1823, a. 31 y. G.R.3. CORLEY, James of London, 28th day, loth mo., 1836, a. 50 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CORNELIUS, John of Amsterdam, 17th day, ist mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CORY, Joshua B., , 1845. G.R.3. Richard P., , 1847. G.R.3. 468 CHELSEA DEATHS. COTTON, Edward, b. in Maryland, Mar. 21, 1847, a. S3 Y- Colored. Philemon of New York, nth day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 41 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. COUTHONY, Joseph, in Boston, Jan. 27, 1830. G.R.3. COWAN, Margaret, wid. June 27, 1848, a. 70 y. Inflammation of bowels. COYNE, Mary Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1849, a. 10 m. Consumption. COYNL, Owen, Jan. 5, 1848, a. 16 y. Typhus fever. COZENS, David, Sept. 20, 1836, a 22 y g.r.i. (Sept. 22, 1836. Drowned, c.r.i.) CRANE, Jesse H., July 22, 1848. G.R.3. Will E., b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1847, a. 23 y. Dropsy. (Feb. 18, 1846, a. 20 y., G.R.2.) CRARY, Oliver, b. in Prospect, Me., Oct. 7, 1844, a. 52 y. CRAWLEY, Peter, b. in Ireland, Dec. 30, 1846, a. 28 y. Con- sumption. CRISP, Sarah Catherine, d. of Robert and Eliza, Aug. 9, 1848, a. I y. 5 m. G.R.3. CROCKER, Maria L., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Eliza L., Oct. 29, 1849, a. I y. 4 m. 13 d. Teething. Martha A., w. of Oliver, b. in Boston, June 2, 1848, a. 27 y. Inflammation of brain. CROOKER, Samuel of Boston, i6th day, nth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CROSBRY (see Crosby), Thomas of Bangor, Me., 30th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 15 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CROSBY (see Crosbry), , w. of , , 1837. (bur. May 27, 1837, ^- 78 y-. P-R-i.) Caroline E., Aug. 5, 1842, a. 2 y. 10 m. Canker. Emeline, d. of George F. and Emeline M., Mar. 27, 1847. G.R.3. Mary P., July 24, 1842, a. 4 y. 8 m. Croup. CHELSEA DEATHS. 469 CROW, Elizabeth, wid., b. in Scotland, Aug. ii, 1849, ^- 63 y. Consumption. CROWELL, David, of New Bedford, 2 2d day, 8th mo. 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. George, s. of Aaron and Leonora W., , 1846. G.R.3. Leonora A., d. of Aaron and Leonora W., , 1831. G.R.3. Nehemiah, b. in Yarmouth, Mar. 18, 1848, a. 45 y. Seaman. CRUFT, , Capt., 9th da3^ 12th mo., 1839. CRUIKSHANKS, Peter, Oct. 5, 1847. G.R.3. CUDWORTH, , ch. of Abial, 7th day, 2d mo., 1840. , ch. of , Jan. 27, 1842. p.r.i. Abial, s. of Abiel and Joanna, July 14, 1842, a. 30 y. 11 m. Consumption. Harriet M., d. of Abiel and Lydia P., Feb. 5, 1840. Warren, Apr. 11, 1827. G.R.3. CUMMINGS, Anna Roberts, d. of Robert and Mary Ann, Apr. 7, 1849, a. 2 y. Lung fever. Bobbeta, d. of Robert and Mary Ann, Apr. 2, 1841, a. 2 y. G.R.2. David, Oct. 16, 1846, a. 49 y. G.R.3. Harriet Lucy, 2d d. of Robert and Mary Ann, Apr. 11, 1839, a. 5 y. G.R.2. Mary Ann (Cunningham, t. r.), eldest d. of Robert and Mar}^ Ann, Nov. 6, 1846, a. 15 y. g.r.2. Will H., s. of Henry and Nancy, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 7 d. Brain fever. CURRIER, , ch. of E., 29th day, 3d mo., 1832. , ch. of Eben[eze]r, 5th day, 12th mo., 1832. CURRY, William, Mar. — , 1844, a. 42 y. Chronic diarrhoea. « CURTIS, Henry of New Orleans, 6th day, loth mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CUSHING, Almira P., d. of William W. and Ann P., Aug. 6, 1849, a. 10 m. Dysentery. Bela, s. of Bcla and Hannah, in California, Jan. 11, 1S48, a. 20 y. I m. G.R.3. David W., Apr. 2, 1847. G.R.3. Rob[er]t C. W., s. of Sam[ue]l A. and Caroline S. W., Sept. 11, 1843, a. I y. 10 m. Consumption. 470 CHELSEA DEATHS. CUTTER, , Mr., bur. June ii, 1792. Drowned by "ye oversetting a boat." c.r.i. , ch. of Andrew, 17th day, 7th mo., 1832. Eustace C, Aug. 23, 1848, a. 23 y. G.R.3. William, 21st day, loth mo., 1826. (a. 25 y., c.r.i.) CUTTING, Catharine, 14th day, 7th mo., 1836, a. 10 m. Eliza R., w. of A. P., Dec. 24, 1844, a. 35 y. Consumption. Hariot A., w. of , 9th day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 32 y. Henry F., 8th day, 6th mo. (1838, p.r.i), a. 8 y. DALID, Peter of Sweden, 29th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 32 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DALLAS, Mary, 29th day, loth mo., 1839, a. 35 y. DALRYMPLE, Catharine L., d. of Geo[rge] D. and Eliz[abe]th, Aug. 3, 1844, a. 16 m. Cholera infantum. DALTON, Eliz[a]b[e]t[h] A., Sept. 16, 1846, a. 58 y. Diarrhoea. DAM, Sally, wid. of Joseph, late of Shapleigh, Me., June 26, 1843, 3- ^O y- I<^ I^- G.R.2. DAMON, Amelia, w. of , , 1837. DANIELS, Emily J., d. of William P. and Nancy M., Oct. 11, 1848, a. 3 y. Dysentery. Jemima, Mrs., 9th day, 3d mo., 1832. DANVERS, Amelia, Mrs., bur. Apr. 1837. p.r.i. DARACOTT, Ann M., d. of George Jr. and Anna M., Sept. 17, 1844, a. 9 m. Cholera infantum. DARLING, Abigail W., July 17, 1825, a. i y. 26 d. G.R.3. David of Marblehead, Nov. 26, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DAVIS, , ch. of Charles, Feb. 25, 1849, a. 7 y. 7 m. Boston, P.R.I. Charles of Stockholm, Eng., i8th day, nth mo., 1837, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Cha[rle]s, s. of James and Barsona, Aug. 8, 1846, a. i y. 9 m. Chafrlejs, , 1849. g.r.i&. Geo[rge] of Waterford, 27th day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 31 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Geo[rge], , 1849. G.R.ib. CHELSEA DEATHS. 47I Davis, John of Rhode Island, 5th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 57 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1835. Died at U. S, Marine Hospital. Joseph, b. in Cadiz, Spain, Aug. 19, 1847, a. 31 y. Lemuel of Meredith, i6th day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Simon, May 26, 18 18, a. 62 y. Was in battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. G.R.3. Thomas of England, 2 2d day, 7th mo., 1837, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Thomas J., s. of Calvin and Eliz[a]b[e]t[h], Nov. 17, 1843, 3- 3 m. Dropsy on brain. William of London, Eng., 29th day, nth mo., 1837, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WilHam E., s. of Sam[ue]l N. and , Sept. 20, 1847, a. i y. 3 m. Dysentery. DAVISON, Abby, d. of Zebulon W. and Abby, b. in Gloucester, May 19, 1849, 2.. 8 y. Dropsy on chest. DAWLEY, Mary E., d. of Augustus S. and Mary, Sept. 11, 1841, a. 5 m. Cholera infantum. (12th d., 9th mo. dup.) DEAN (see Deane), George, alias Suza Pickens of Middlebor- ough, 15th day, 7th mo., 1833. Died at the U. S. Marine Hospital. DEANE (see Dean), George, July 14, 1847, ^- 3^ Y- DEARBORN, Nancy, w. of , 13th day, 3d mo., 1841, a. 70 y. (Apr. 7, 1841 dup.). De BACON, Cha[rle]s C, Dec. 29, 1842, a. i y. 4 m. Inflam- mation of brain. Emily, w. of Cha[rle]s, Oct. 21, 1847, a. 42 y. Dyspepsia. DEBENDER, Sarah, 30th day, ist mo., 1840, a. t,;^ y. DEERING, Isaac, 7th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. 19 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DELANY, C, w. of , Aug. 15, 1842, a. 30 y. p.r.i. DEMOTT, Roscoe, s. of Rufus and Bathsheba, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 2 d. Dropsy on spine. De MOYRIA, Florcal Renaud, 7th day, loth mo., 1837, a. 42 y. 472 CHELSEA DEATHS. DeNARO, Cha[rle]s, Sept. 14, 1842, a. 33 y. Consumption. DES MAZZIS, , w. of , June 28, 1843, a. 23 y. P.R.I. DESPAW (see Dispaw), , Mr., bur. Dec. 23, 1768, a. 73 y. C.R.I. , wid. of , bur. Aug, 6, 1778, a. 86 y. c.r.i. DEVEREUX (see Deverioux), William H., Oct. 2, 1842. G.R.3. DEVERIOUX (see Devereux) (Anne, c.r.i), w. of Capt. , of Marblehead, 24th day, 7th mo., 1828. (d. of wid. Leach of Boston, a. 19 y., c.r.i.) DEVLIN, Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Owen and Bridget, Jan. 2, 1849, a. I y. 10 m. Dysentery. DEWING, Louisa, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Mary, b. in Halifax, May 4, 1840, a. 33 y. 5 m. 6 d. Md. DEWIRE, Ellen, b. in Salem, Mar. 24, 1849, a. 31 y. Con- sumption. DEXTER, James, Jan. 13, 1842, a. 64 y. Consumption. Reconcile, , 1837. (bur. Aug. — , 1837, a. 59 y., p.r.i.) DICKSON (see Dixon), Mary S., d. of Enoch N. and Mary R., May 9, 1844, a. 4 m. 5 d. Consumption. DILLINGHAM, Howard, s. of Nathaniel S. and Emily, Nov. 26, 1844, a. 2 y. 2 m. Scarlet fever. DIMPSEY, Margaret, d. of George P. and Margaret, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 5 m. Dysentery. DINSMORE, George R., s. of Hezekiah and , Oct. 7, 1847, a. 3 m. Erysipelas. DINSON, John of Sandwich, Sept. 27, 1834, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DISPAW (see Despaw), Ebenezer, drowned in attempting to go to Castle William in a small canoe, Feb. 20, 1764. c.r.i. DIX, , wid. of , bur. Mar. 11, 1789, a. 78 y. c.r.i. Abijah, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 6th day, 3d mo., 1755. Anna, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 4th day, 9th mo., 1742. Josiah, s. of Edmund and Sophia, 19th day, ist mo., 1753. Sophia, d. of Edmund and Sophia, 30th day, 9th mo., 1754. CHELSEA DEATHS. 473 DIXON (see Dickson), Joseph of Newburyport, 25th day, 7th mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DOAN, Lemuel of Maine, 31st day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DODGE, Harriet H., d. of Benj[ami]n and Rebecca W., Oct. 24, 1849 (Oct. 16, 1849, G.R.3), a. I y. 5 m. Lung fever. Ralph W. E., s. of Benjamin and Rebecca W., Nov. 30, 1836, a. II m. G.R.3. Waldo Emerson, s. of Benjamin and Rebecca W., Oct. 3, 1835, a. I y. 5 m. G.R.3. DOHERTY (see Dorety), William, b. in Clairbom Co., Pa., Apr. 22, 1843, a. 30 y. Bilious fever. DOLAND, James, b. in Baltimore, Md., June 17, 1843, ^- 27 y. Consumption. DONNELL, Hellen M., d. of Will E. and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1843, a. 5 m. Dropsy on brain. Maria F., d. of William E. and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1849, a. i y. 5 m. Abscess. DONNELLY, Arthur, loth day, 3d mo., 1838, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DORETY (see Doherty), , ch. of William and Ellen, July I, 1849. Stillborn. DORR, Harriet E., d. of Edward R. and Eliza A., b. in Boston, Aug. 14, 1849, 3- 3 ^^- Dysentery. DORSEY, John of Nobleborough, i8th day, 8th mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DOW, , d. of Henry B. and , June 12, 1844. Still- bom. DOWELL, James, June 26, 1846, a. 26 y. Consumption. DOWNES, Catherine, Sept. 15, 1842, a. 2 m. Consumption. DOYLE, Julia, d. of John and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1849, ^- i t^- 10 d. Congestion of brain. Michael, s. of Timothy and Mary, b. in Boston, Nov. 26, 1849, a. I m. 474 CHELSEA DEATHS. DRAPER, Albert, Aug. 31, 1847, a- 5 ^- Disease of brain. DRAWBRIDGE, , ch. of David and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1848. Stillborn. Catherine M, J., d. of David and Elizabeth, b. in England, Dec. 16, 1848, a. 5 y. Scariet fever. Franklin A., s. of David and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1848, a. 3 y. Scarlet fever. DRESSER, Daniel, b. in Washington, N. H., Sept. 8, 1846, a. 22 y. Typhus fever. DREW, Francis B., s. of Benj[amin] and , Aug. 30, 1847, a. 2 y. 5 m. Dysentery. DRUMMOND, George, b. in Accomac Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1847, a. 24 y. Colored. Seaman. DUDLEY, Thomas of Norfolk, 15th day, 4th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DUFF, Georgette M., d. of WilHam and Hannah, b. in Boston, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 5 y. Dysentery. DUFFY, Tho[ma]s, alias John Comee of Liverpool, Eng., Jan. 22, 1836, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DUNHAM, Cornelius, , 1766. G.R.4. DUNN, Timothy of Philadelphia, 22d day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. DUNNELS, George WilHam, s. of Amos A. and Cordelia H., May 21, 1849. G.R.3. DUTCH, Elizabeth, wid. of (Nathaniel, G.R.2), Sept. 9, 1848, a. 78 y. Consumption. (Sept. 8, 1848, g.r.2.) DYER, Charles P., s. of Simon D. and Ellen M., Aug. 12, 1849, a. I y. 10 m. Dysentery. Ellen M., w. of Simon D., Aug. 12, 1849, ^- 27 y. Consump- tion. M., Feb. II, 1849, a. 16 y. G.R.3. EARLEY, Jane, d. of Thomas and Mary, July 28, 1843, a. 16 y. Consumption. CHELSEA DEATHS. 475 EASTLAND, , ch. of E. T. and Mary Ann, Nov. 13, 1849. Stillborn. EASTMAN, , ch. of Edward F., Apr. i, 1848. Stillborn. George L., s. of Joseph L. and Clara A., b. in East Boston, July 31, 1848, a. 2 y. Bowel complaint. EATON, Ellen O., Apr. — , 1842, a. 27 y. Inflammation of bowels. Everett E., s. of Elijah and Nancy J., Aug. 9, 1849, ^- 10 m. Cholera infantum. George of Sweden, 6th day, nth mo., 1836, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary D., w. of Cha[rle]s P., July 7, 1842, a. 34 y. g.r.2. Rebecca, w. of , 9th mo., 1836, a. 20 y. Rosanna, b. in Bluehill, Me., May 28, 1849, a- 28 y. Consump- tion. EDGARTON, C, Miss, Nov. 12, 1845. p.r.i. EDMANDS, Charlotte A., w. of George E., Feb. 17, 1849, a. 36 y. G.R.3. EDMUNSTON, Samuel, b. in Belfast, Ire., Sept. 10, 1847, a. 36 y. Seaman. EDWARD (see Edwards), William of New York, i8th day, 9th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. EDWARDS (see Edward), Joseph S., s. of Joseph S. and Eliza- beth, Dec. 12, 1848, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever. ELDRIDGE, David of Chatham, 13th day, 8th mo., 1837, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Edward M., s. of Ellery and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1849, a. i y. 6 m. 10 d. Dysentery. Sarah M., d. of Eben and Sarah, Sept, 12, 1846, a. i y. 11 m. Cholera infantum. ELLARD, Hugh, s. of Cornelius and Mary, b. in Liverpool, Eng., Mar. 20, 1849, a. 4 y. 4 m. 22 d. Bvimed. ELLIOTT, Adelaide A., Feb. 15, 1844. G.R.3. Albert H., June 23, 1844. G.R.3. Juliet, May 8, 1847. G.R.3. Lucinda S., w. of Thomas J., Dec. 4, 1845. G.R.3. Robert, b. in New Bedford, Apr. 19, 1848, a. 29 y. Colored. Seaman. 476 CHELSEA DEATHS. EL WELL, , 8th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 2 y. 4 m. (ch. of Capt. Elwell, bur. Apr. 8, 1839, a. 2 y. 4 m., p.r.i.) Adeline, d. of Henry and Mary G., Aug. 25, 1839, a. 8 m. 20 d. G.R.3. David S., s. of Isaac and Eliz[abe]th, Aug. 30, 1846, a. 7 m. 12 d. Bowel complaint. Edward T., s. of Isaac and , Nov. i, 1842, a. 3 y. 2 m. Scarlatina, (ch. of Capt. Elwell, p.r.i.) Mary Adeline, d. of Henry and Mary G., Sept. 5, 1848, a. 7 y., 4 m. 20 d. G.R.3. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Mary G., Oct. 23, 1835, a. 23 m. 4 d. G.R.3. Phebe Ann, d. of Henry and Mary G., Oct. 8, 1844, a. 4 m. 10 d. G.R.3. Samuel, 28th day, 12th mo., 1839. Died at U. S. Marine Hos- pital. Smallpox. ELWOOD, Henry, s. of Nathan and , Oct. 3, 1847, a. 9 m. Consumption. EMERSON, Charles, s. of Joseph and Lydia P., Oct. 5, 1839, a. I y. 3 m. G.R.3. Eliza Ann, d. of Joseph and Lydia P., May 15, 1835, a. 9 m. G.R.3. George M., s. of Robert H. and Cyrene S., Aug. 21, 1848, a. 14 d. Bowel complaint. Mary Eaton, d. of Joseph and Lydia P., Apr. 30, 1847, ^- 3 Y- 2 m. G.R.3. Sarah Dearbourn, only ch. of Edward A. and Hannah B., May 25, 1843, a. 16 y. 8 m. g.r.2. EMERY, , w. of , loth mo., 1836. Adelaide F., d. of John W. and Charlotte, July 27, 1849, ^- 3 Y- Dysentery. Thomas, b. in Maryland, Jan. 13, 1847, a. 34 y. Colored. Walter A. F., s. of John and Mercy L., July 28, 1846. g.r.2. ENOS, Frank, b. in Western Islands, Aug. 13, 1846, a. 23 y. ERTILE, Thomas of New Jersey, 29th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ESLER, Adelia, w. of John, Aug. 27, 1846, a. 34 y. G.R.3. ESTERLY, Cha[rle]s, b. in Sweden, June 10, 1844, a. 55 y. Pulmonary consumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. i CHELSEA DEATHS. 477 ETNA, Jacob, Jan. 20, 1842, a. 30 y. Peritonitis. Colored. EUSTES (see Eustice, Eustis, Uestis), Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Dec. 10, 1744, a. 5 y. 5 m. 5 d. g.r.i. Sarah, wid. of William, June 28, 1748, in her 85th y. g.r.i. Thomas, June 29, 1752, in his 49th y. g.r.i. EUSTICE (see Eustes, Eustis, Uestis), John, bur. Apr. 26, 1769, a. 60 y. C.R.I. Jonathan, bur. May 3, 1762, a. 63 y. g.r.i. Sarah, bur. Jan. 6, 1759, a. 81 y. c.r.i. EUSTIS (see Eustes, Eustice, Uestis), Abigail, wid. of Thomas, Aug. 18, 1798, a. 91 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, w. of , Sept. 22, 1802, a. 52 y. g.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of , bur. July 10, 182 1. Saugus, p.r.i. Jonathan, Sept. 3, 1738, in his 63d y. G.R.ia. Molly, Miss, , 1803, a. 60 y. c.r.i. Sarah, Miss, Oct. 17, 1812, a. 82 y. c.r.i. William, May 29, 1757, a. 65 y. g.r.i. Wil[lia]m, ist day, 4th mo., 1818. (a. 81 y., c.r.i.) FAIRBANKS, , ch. of Lewis, , 1837. (bur. Apr. — , 1837, P.R.I.) , s. of George C. and , Aug. 25, 1844. Stillborn. FAIRWEATHER, David, May 12, 1813. Black, c.r.i. Fanny, wid. of , Feb. — , 1844 (Feb. 28, 1844, p.r.i), a. 80 y. Apoplexy. (Native of Africa, g.r.i.) FANELL, Samuel of New York, Dec. 21, 1834, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FARDICK, , ch. of Cha[rle]s and , Oct. 14, 1846, a. I y. 3 m. Liver complaint. FARLEY, Walter, s. of Gustavus and Amelia, May 25, 1846, a. I d. FARMER, Patric, widr., Nov. 17, 1846, a. 76 y. FARNUM, Charles C. (Charles Clement, G.R.3), s. of Benj[a- mi]n and Adeline A., Dec. 11, 1849, a. 5 y. 2 m. 13 d. Scarlet fever. Clement M., at Bowdoin College, Dec. 18, 1843, a. 21 v. g.r.2. Oliver A. (Oliver Augustus, G.R.3), s. of Bcnj[ami]n and AdcHne A.. Dec. I, 1849, ^- 3 y- 19 d. Dropsy on brain. 478 CHELSEA DEATHS. FARRER, James of Boston, 17th day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FARRIN, John, b. in Ireland, Dec. 3, 1848, a. 43 y. Killed by falling in a well. FARRIS, , Mr., bur. Feb. 10, 1829. p.r.i. FARWELL, William of Addison, Me., 8th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FENNO, , eh. of John, bur. Dec. 31, 1836. p.r.i. Amelia C. (w. of Joseph, c.r.i), loth day, istmo., 1840, a. 27 y. (a. 26yV y., C.R.I.) Edward M. (Edward K., s. of John and Charlotte, c.r.i) (Ed- ward King, p.r.i), 28th day, lothmo., 1831. (a. 3 y., c.r.i.) John, 26th day, 7th mo., 1835. Mary Eliza W. (Mary EHzabeth Williams, d. of Dea., c.r.i), 22d day, ist mo., 1835. (Jan. 23, 1835, a. 9 m. 10 d., c.r.i.) Sarah A., bur. Sept. — , 1838, a. 28 y. Boston, p.r.i. FERDY, , ch. of , July 15, 1846. p.r.i. FIELD, , Mr., , 1838. Cha[rle]s H., s. of Cha[rle]s and , Sept. 4, 1846, a. 7 y. Bowel complaint. Samuel, b. in Salem, May 17, 1841, a. 59 y. Ascites. FIELDS, Eben, see Fields Pratt. FILL, George, b. in Richmond, Va., Feb. 23, 1845, ^- 24 y. Fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FISK, Ziba of New York, 28th day, loth mo., 1836, a. 18 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FITZGERALD (see Fitzjerald), Joanna, d. of Michael and Bridgett, b. in East Boston, Aug. 23, 1849, 3- ^ Y- 20 d. Teething. FITZJERALD (see Fitzgerald), , July 30, 1846. Thomas F., s. of William and Mary, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 10 m. Bowel complaint. FLAGG, Hamlin Briggs, Nov. 17, 1847, a. 23 y. g.r.2. Susan Louisa, w. of Hamlin Briggs, Aug. 22, 1847, a. 19 y. G.R.2. CHELSEA DEATHS. 479 FLANDERS, A. W., Aug. 8, 1845, a. 33 y. 4 m. g.r.2. Eugene A., s. of Joseph and Nancy, June 15, 1846, a. 9 y. 4 m. Dropsy. Samuel P., s. of William B. and Sarah Ann, b. in Boston, Aug. 23, 1849, a. I y. 8 m. Cholera infantum. FLEMMINGS, , ch. of Mr., 30th day, 12th mo., 1840, a. 10 m. FLETCHER, Benjamin, , 1844. G.R.3. Jhaddock B., Aug. 10, 1840. p.r.i. FLINN, Sarah G., w. of W[illia]m W., Sept. i, 1843. G.R.3. FLINT, Hepzibah, w. of Simeon, Feb. 21, 1827, a. 36 y. G.R.3. Lydia A., June 9, 1814, a. 25 y. G.R.3. Lydia A., d. of Simeon and Hepzibah, Aug. 19, 1822, a. 5 y. G.R.3. FLOYD, , ch. of Hugh, bur. Oct. 3, 1775, a. 11 m. c.r.i, , ch. of Samuel, bur. Feb. 7, 182 1. p.r.i. , ch. of George, Aug. 23, 1848, a. i m. p.r.i. Aaron, s. of Dea. James and Eunice, July 5, 1817, a. 17 y. G.R.I. Abigail, wid. of , bur. Oct. 29, 1789, a. 76 y. c.r.i. Abijah, 9th day, 8th mo., 1838, a. 44 y. (a. 43 y. 11 m., c.r.i.) Emily, June 26, 1844, a. 19 y. Eimice (w. of Dea., c.r.i), 14th day, loth mo., 1825. (Oct. 13, 1825, a. 65 y., G.R.I.) George W. (George Washington, c.r.i), s. of Dea. James and Eunice, June 23, 1817, a. 13 y. g.r.i. Hannah, w. of John, bur. Sept. 7, 1775, a. 77 y. c.r.i. Hannah, Oct. 5, 1805. c.r.i. Hannah Matilda, d. of Tho[ma]s and Sarah, Jan. i, 18 10, a. 6 m. c.r.i. Hugh, Nov. 17, 1730, a. 67 y. g.r.i. Hugh, bur. Sept. 28, 1789, a. 86 y. c.r.i, Hugh, bur. Aug. 6, 1800, a. 69 y. c.r.i. Jacob, bur. Mar. 29, 1775, a. 53 y. c.r.i. Jacob, July 30, 1849, a. 85 y. g.r.i. James, 31st day, loth mo., 1822, a. 93 y. Johanna, w. of Sam[uc]ll, June 17, 1770, a. 64 y. c.r.i. John, Lieut., Jan. 7, 1723-4, in his 58th y. g.r.i. John, s. of James and Hannah, 31st day, 3d mo., 1768. (a. 9 y., c.r.i.) John, bur. Nov. 4, 1775, a. 89 y. c.r.i. 480 CHELSEA DEATHS. Floyd, John, s. of James (and brother of Dea., c.r.i), 13th day, 4th mo., 1818. (a. 45 y., c.r.i.) John L. of Boston, Dec. 4, 1834, a. 50 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Louisa, d. of Josiah and EHza, Apr. 4, 1843, ^- 7 i^- Lydia, Apr. 24, 1844, a. 55 y. Bleeding at lungs. Mary, w. of John, June 18, 1732, in her 39th y. g.r.i. Mary, i6th day, 4th mo., — , a. 35 y. (Apr. 6, 1838, a. 37 y., C.R.I.) Nancy, d. of Dea. James and Eunice, June 29, 1817, a. 20 y. G.R.I. Nathan, 21st day, ist mo., 1827, a. 83 y. Noah, s. of John and Rachel, Nov. 2, 1706, a. 10 y. 5 m. g.r.i. Peter, 13th day, loth mo., 1839, a. 75 y. (Nov, 14, 1839, a. 75Ay-. C.R.I.) Rachel, 21st day, 7th mo., 1818. (a. 79 y., c.r.i.) Samuel, 4th day, 3d mo., 1780. (a. 85 y., c.r.i.) Samuel, Jan. 10, 1805, a. 71 y. c.r.i. Samuel Jr., i6th day, 2d mo., 1829. (Jan. 16, 1830, at the Point, a. abt. 48 y., c.r.i.) Sarah, w. of Capt. John, June 16, 1717, a. 75 y. g.r.i. Sarah, Nov. 14, 1835. (a. 42 y., p.r.i.) Sussanna, , 1830. (Mrs. Susanna Floyd, May 7, 1830, a. 85 y., C.R.I.) Theodore, s. of Phillip and Sally, Sept. 8, 1843, 3- 2 y. Bleeding. FLUENT, , ch. of Paul C. and Jane, Dec. 19, 1848. Stillborn. FORBES, Julia, d. of Russell and Lucinda, Sept. 9, 1842. Brain fever, (ch. of , Sept. 15, 1842, a. 11 m., p.r.i.) FORD, (Mrs., p.r.i), Sept. 9, 1842, a. 26 y. Dropsy. Caleb S., Mar. 8, 1841, a. 44 y. 8 m. 15 d. G.R.3. FORIN, Mary, 24th day, 2d mo., 1828. Irish. FORREST, James, May 22, 183 1, a. 31 y. g.r.i. FORRESTALL (see Forristall), — • , w. of , , 1837. , ch. of S., , 1837. FORRISTALL (see Forrestall), Alexander, , 1847. G.R.3. Charles A., , 1836. G.R.3. Harriet G., d. of Sylvender and Harriet, Aug. 13, 1849, a. 4 y. 2 m. Dysentery. Hellen A., d. of Sylvender and Harriet, Aug. 13, 1849, ^- 4 7- 2 m. Dysentery. CHELSEA DEATHS. 481 FORSYETH, Annie A., d. of Dr. and Octavia, Apr. lo, 1845, a. 4 y. Whooping cough. FOSTER, George H., June 22, 1847, a. 3 y. 6 m. G.R.3. John H., s. of EHph[a]lct and Mary, b. in Beverly, Nov. 24, 1846, a. 13 y. 6 m. Scarlatina. Lucinda, w. of Amasa, b. in Groton, Aug. 27, 1849, ^- 35 Y- Insanity. Sarah, w. of Albert J., May 12, 1845, a. 28 y. Consumption. Susan T. D., w. of John R., July 31, 1847, ^- 29 y. Consump- tion. FOWLE, Isaac, s. of Isaac and , Aug. 22, 1847, a. 4 y. Bowel complaint. FOWLER, , ch. of , , 1843. p.r.i. FRACKER, WilHam, b. in Boston, July 10, 1848, a. 51 y. In- flammation of bowels. FRANCIS, James, Sept. 18, 1842, a. 19 y. James S., May 26, 1842, a. 24 y. Consumption. Joseph, Aug. 31, 1842, a. 26 y. Consumption. Joseph, Jan. 27, 1848, a. 23 y. Colored. Seaman. William of Marseilles, 4th day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FRAZIER, James of Baltimore, 7th day, loth mo., 1839, a. 24 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FREEMAN, Daniel of Conn., 12th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 29 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital, FRENCH, , ch. of (Mr. L., p.r.i), 27th day, 12th mo., 1838. FROST, Lucy, wid., July 24, 1848, a. 61 y. Heart complaint. William D. of Orrington, Me., July 30, 1835, a. 17 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FRYE, John of England, Aug. 19, 1834, a. 34 y. Died at U. S. Alarine Hospital. FUCY, James, b. in Ireland, Dec. 3, 1846, a. 31 y. Aneurism. FULLER, Abba J., d. of Dan[ie]l T. and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1843, a. 2 m. Dropsy on brain. Andrew, s. of John and Esther, Sept. 30, 1806, a. 10 m. 8 d. G.R.I. 482 CHELSEA DEATHS. Fuller, Ann C, , 1840. c.r.2. Charles E., 31st day, 8th mo., 1840, a. 10 m. Ester, d. of Jonathan and Mary, 8th day, 8th mo., 1766. (Esther Fuller, bur. Aug. 20, 1765, a. 5 m., c.r.i.) Ester, w. of John, June 7, 1806, a. ^t, y. g.r.i. Jonathan, Dec. 21, 1813, a. 82 y. c.r.i. Mary, w. of , Aug. 16, 1813, a. 74 y. c.r.i. Samuel "was killed with a gun," 5th day, 8th mo., 1743. (s. of Nathan and Anna, a. 14 y. 7 m., g.r.i.) Sarah J. B., Dec. 29, 1847, a. 29 y. p.r.i. Susanna, d. of John and Esther, Sept. 11, 1806, a. 9 m., 20 d., g.r.i. Zacheus R. of Boston, 12th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 73 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. FURBER, , s, of Tho[ma]s, June 19, 1817, a. 15 m. C.R.I. • (Mrs., p.r.i), Aug. 9, 1842, a. 45 y. Inflammation, FURGERSON, Richard, Nov. 6, 1842, a. 53 y. Dropsy. GABLAILL, Benjamin of Goldsborough, 8th day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 48 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GALISPEE, , w. of , bur., Apr. 2, 1822. Boston, P.R.I. GALLAGHER, Joseph E., s. of Josep[h] and Mary, Sept. — , 1846, a. II y. Bowel complaint. GALLOWAY, Charles of Boston, 4th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 29 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GAMMON, William, Aug. 27, 1842, a. 19 y. Inflammation of lungs. GARDNER, Abel, 9th day, loth mo., 1836, a. 77 y. Bethiah, w. of , 13th day, ist mo. (1838, a. 71 y., p.r.i.) GARRETT, Ann, Aug. 9, 1845, a. i y. 8 m. 7 d. g.r.2. Mary J., Feb. i, 1849, a. 13 m. g.r.2. GARRICK, William of Scotland, 2d day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GATERS, Tobias, Nov. 15, 1842, a. 39 y. Aneurism. Colored. CHELSEA DEATHS. 483 GATES, Oliver F., 12th day, 6th mo., 1839, a. 23 y. GAULT, , ch. of , July — , 1841. p.r.i. GAY, Abigail, w. of Abner, Sept. 28, 1832, a. 44 y. c.r.i. Joseph Lafa[y]ette, s. of Abner and Lydia, , 1830. (Nov. i, 1830, a. 6yV y-, C.R.I.) Lydia, d. of Abner and Lydia, 2d day, 9th mo., 1817. (a. 18 m., C.R.I.) Lydia (w. of Abner, g.r.i), 26th day, 9th mo., 1832. (Sept. 27, 1832, a. 44 y., G.R.I.) Mary A. (Mary Abbot, c.r.i), d. of Abner and Lydia, 19th day, ist mo., 1821. (a. 3 m., c.r.i.) Sally, 14th day, 3d mo., 1810. GEER, Horace, b. in Charlestown, N. H., Sept. 23, 1848, a. 75 y. Old age. GEORGE, , wid. of , bur. May 20, 1760, a. 67 y. c.r.i. GERRISH, , ch. of . (bur. Dec. 2, 1837, a. 14 m., P.R.I.) (Elizabeth, G.R.2), d. of Geo[rge] W. (and Sarah W., G.R.2), 27th day, 8th mo., 1841, a i y. (Aug. 25, 1841, a. 13 m., g.r.2.) Elizabeth Ellen, d. of Joseph and Hannah G., Dec. 26, 1836, a. 7 y. G.R.2. Giles W., only s. of Benjamin and Matilda B., July 13, 1844. G.R.3. Hannah (Hannah G., G.R.2), w. of Joseph, Jan. 2, 1844, a. 35 y. Consumption. Hannah W., Mar. 19, 1843. Teething. Hannah Whitridge, d. of Joseph and Hannah G., Mar. 19, 1838, a. 5 y. G.R.2. Joana P., d. of Geo[rge] W. and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1841. Joanah S., d. of George W. and Sarah W., Dec. 2, 1837, a. 19 m. G.R.2. Richard, June 15, 1843, a. 36 y. G.R.3. Samuel Thomdike, s. of Hannah G. and Joseph, Sept. 18, 1836, a. 2 y. G.R.2. Sarah A., d. of George and Sarah, May 7, 1847, a. 2 y. 7 m. Whooping cough. GERRY, Charlotte, w. of Samuel, Apr. 12, 1849, ^- 49 Y- Con- sumption. 484 CHELSEA DEATHS. GIBBS, Charles H., Feb. 15, 1832, a. 6 m. 15 d. G.R.3. Geo[rge] L., s. of George L. and Anna L., May 18, 1848, a. 13 m. 4 d. G.R.3. Hannah N., Apr. 19, 1839, a. 19 y. G.R.3. John, Dec. 16, 1841, a. 59 y. G.R.3. John, Apr. 23, 1845, a. 57 y. G.R.3. Page F., Sept. 4, 1835, a. 20 y. G.R.3. GIBSON, George T., Nov. 17, 1837. G.R.3. James, Capt., lost at sea, Apr. 20, 1840. G.R.3. James, b. in Sydney, N. B., Jan. i, 1844, a. 36 y. Consumption. Mary H., Aug. 26, 1840. G.R.3. William, Dec. 31, 1842, a. 27 y. Consumption. GIFFORD, , w. of , June 2, 1841, a. 30 y. , ch. of Mrs., 2d day, 6th mo., 1841. William, b. in Westport, Aug. 3, 1844, a. 46 y. Dropsy. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GILBERT, Francis of New Orleans, May 9, 1835, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Thomas of Bristol, Eng., 20th day, 12th mo., 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GILES, Jesse, , 1830. (Sept. 5, 1830, p.r.i.) GILLMAN, Jonathan, b. in Vermont, Feb. 22, 1847, a. 42 y. Consumption. GILLMORE, , ch. of Mr., ist day, nth mo., 1840, a. 10 m. GIVEN, Foster H., s. of John and Ann, Apr. 12, 1849, a. i y. 2 m. Scarlet fever. GLEASON, Ella F., d. of Horrace and Catharine, Nov. 30, 1843, a. 2 y. 7 m. Josiah, nth day, nth mo., 1784. Josiah, bur. May 19, 1790, a. 70 y. c.r.i. Maria L., d. of Horrace and , July 10, 1847, a. 4 y. i m. Dropsy on brain. Sarah, w. of Josiah, bur. Sept. 9, 1775, a. 37 y. c.r.i. GODBOLD, Thadeus, s. of Gustavus A. and Ann F., Sept. 19, 1844, a. I y. 4 m. 4 d. Dysentery. GOING, John of England, 2 2d day, 4th mo. 1838, a. 43 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 485 GOLDERMAN, , ch. of , Nov. i, 1840, a. 10 m. P.R.I. Doran, w. of Casper, Jan. 17, 1842, a. 31 y. Consumption. Ellen M., d. of Casper and Doan, Oct. 19, 1841, a. i m. 16 d. Consumption. John G., s. of Casper and Doan, Dec. 2, 1841, a. 3 m. GOODRICH, Clarissa, July 4, 181 1, a. 9 y. 3 m. G.R.3. Salmon, Capt., at sea, Nov. 20, 1815, a. 45 y. 5 m. G.R.3. GOODWIN, Allen A., s. of Sam[ue]l F. and Caroline E., b. in Cambridge, Dec. 26, 1849, ^- 3 7- '^ ^- Scariet fever. Elizabeth, 28th day, 8th mo., 1825. (a. 75 y., c.r.i.) R., Mr. (bur., Sept. — , 1837, p.r.i.) Sam[ue]l W., s. of Sam[ue]l F. and Caroline E., b. in Boston, Dec. 29, 1849, 3- 4 y- 5 "^- Croup. Will, b. in Maine, Jan. 31, 1847, a. 34 y. Consumption. GORHAM, Geo[rge] E., s. of Robert M. and Sarah S., Nov. 7, 1848, a. 2 m. 21 d. Dysentery. GOSS, , Mr., bur. Sept. 20, 1822. New Hampshire. P.R.I. GOTT, WilHam of Schenectady, 7th day, 6th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GOULD, , ch. of , 19th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 9 m. (ch. of Mr. Gould, James, Oct. 17, 1838, p.r.i.) , ch. of Mr., ist day, 2d mo., 1841, a. 8 m. , ch. of Mr., i8th day, 7th mo., 1841. Elvira, w. of Jesse, July 28, 1844, a. 31 y. Typhus fever. James, s. of Jesse and Frances A., Aug. 10, 1848, a. 4 d. In- fantile. Mary F. A., Jan. 30, 1842. Whooping cough. Rebecca Austin, d. of Dr. Daniel and Alice Julia, , 1828. G.R.3. Robert S. Jr., June 18, 1839. G.R.3. Sarah Jane, d. of Salma E. and Nancy, Nov. 23, 1845. G.R.3. Sarah Jane, d. of Salma E. and Nancy, Mar. 9, 1849. G.R.3. GOVE, Daniel F., s. of S. and C. W., Mar. 20, 1840, a. 21 d. G.R.3. James R., s. of Austin and Louisa A., Mar. 7, 1840, a. 5 m. G.R.3. GRADY, Edward, b. in Ireland, May 23, 1841, a. 41 y. 486 CHELSEA DEATHS. GRAHAM, Freeman C, b. in New Jersey, Dec. 23, 1841, a. 41 y. Ascites. Robert, b. in Ireland, Dec. 9, 1843, ^- 35 Y- GRAVES, Hiram Albert, s. of Rev. Hiram A. and Mary Hin- man, July 26, 1847. G.R.3. Joseph Muzzy, s. of Rev. Hiram A. and Mary Hinman, May 18, 1846. G.R.3. Martha, w. of Richard, Aug. 26, 1846, a. 63 y. G.R.3. GRAY, John (John R., p.r.i) Jr. of Boston, 25th day, 7th mo., 1828. (Sept. 8, 1828, a. 31 y., c.r.i.) Samuel B., Oct. 18, 1842, a. 18 y. Bilious remittent fever. GREEN, , ch. of Jos. Jr., bur. Aug. 6, 1775, a. 20 m. c.r.i. , ch. of Jos. Jr., bur. Aug. 9, 1790, a. 3 y. c.r.i. , ch. of Benj[ami]n H., 9th mo., 1836. , ch. of Levi, July — , 1840. Maiden, p.r.i. , ch. of Thomas, May 11, 1842, a. 14 m. Cambridge, P.R.I. Abigail, w. of Benjamin, Apr. 4, 1836, a. 81 y. g.r.i. Andrew, s. of Andrew and Mary, Feb. 6, 1849, a. 2 y. Conges- tion of brain. Andrew, b. in Boston, Dec. 26, 1849, ^- 7° Y- Heart disease. Md. Anna, 20th day, 2d mo., 1798. (ch. of Jos. Green Jr., bur. Feb. 23, 1798, a. 4 y., C.R.I.) Benjamin, Sept. i, 1837, 3- 75 y- g.r.i. Dorcas E., d. of Thomas 2d, May 11, 1842, a. 14 m. c.r.i. Eliz[abe]th, Nov. 5, 1844, a. 64 y. Asthma. James of Block Island, 31st day, loth mo., 1832. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Joanna, w. of (James, c.r.i), (Sept. 29, 1837, a. 71 y., c.r.i). Joseph, Apr. 6, 1801, in his 66th y. g.r.i. Joseph, 3d day, loth mo., 1825. (Oct. 4, 1825, a. 68 y., G.R.I.) Joseph, s. of Levi and , May — , 1845. (Joseph W. Green, May 5, 1845, ^ 7 n^-» Maiden, p.r.i.) Joseph, Jan. 15, 1848, a. 63 y. 7 m. g.r.i. Joseph H., s. of Levi and Sarah, July 13, 1840, a. 3^ m. c.r.i. Martha, 7th day, 8th mo., 1790. Martha, wid. of Joseph, 20th day, 9th mo., 1822, a. 85 y. (84 y., g.r.i.) Peter, Aug. 21, 1847. Consumption. Colored. CHELSEA DEATHS. 487 Green, Samuel, s. of James, and , at Batavia, Aug. lo, 1821, a. 18 y. C.R.I. Samuel, Dec. 25, 1835. (a. 65 y., g.r.i.) Sarah L., , 1837. (Sarah Louisa, d. of Thomas, July 18, 1837, a. 12^ y., C.R.I.) Stephen, , 1837. (Sept. 3, 1837, a. 62 y., g.r.i.) Susannah, wid. of Joseph, July 23, 1843, ^- ^4 Y- g-R-I- Thomas, 27th day, 2d mo., 1798. (ch. of Jos. Green Jr., bur. Mar. 2, 1798, a. 19 m., c.r.i.) WilHam, Oct. 26, 1842, a. 23 y. Inflammation of liver. GREENWOOD, John, b. in Bangor, Me., Nov. 23, 1846, a. 25 y- GREGG, John, b. in Scotland, Apr. 18, 1841. GRIFFIN, , ch. of Isaac and Sarah E., May 3, 1845. Stillborn. George, b. in Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 16, 1848, a. 24 y. Seaman. John of Norfolk, Aug. 23, 1834, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GRIFFITH, Sarah, Aug. 2, 1848, a. 85 y. Dysentery. GRIGGS, Charles, 24th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. GROVER, Margaret, w. of Jotham, Apr. 6, 1695, a. 35 y. G.R.I. Prudence, w. of John, July 23, 1731, in her 45th y. g.r.i. GULBRAITH, John, b. in Scotland, June 10, 1841, a. 16 y. GUSSINS, David, 20th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 22 y. Drowned. HACKETT, Carlton Allen, , 1846. G.R.3. Mary Adalaide, , 1848. G.R.3. HACKLER, B. C. of Russia, Dec. 3, 1834, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HACY (see Harsey, Hascy, Hasey, Hassey), Asa, Nov. 12, 1725, a. 42 y. 3 m. g.r.i. HADAWAY, , ch. of J. T. and Catherine W., Sept. 20, 1849. Stillborn. Catherine W., w. of John T., b. in Boston, Sept. 20, 1849, ^• 27 y. Dysentery, (a. 27 y. 2 m. 22 d., G.R.3.) 488 CHELSEA DEATHS. HAGER, Benjamin of St. Thomas, i8th day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jane, b. in Waltham, Mar. 24, 1849, ^- ^4 Y- Consumption. HAINES, , ch. of , Nov. — , 1842, a. 4 y. p.r.i. HALE, Frederic A., s. of Frederic, b. in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 30, 1845, a. 5 y. Inflammation. Geo[rge] Walter Byron, s. of Geo[rge] W. and Clara A. in Bos- ton, Aug. II, 1849, a. 5 y. 3 m. Ulcerated sore throat. HALEY, Robert T. (Robert Parker, g.r.2), s. of Parker and Elmira, Jan. 17, 1849, ^- 4 Y- ^o m. Scarlet fever. (Jan. 14, 1849, 8- 4 y- 7 rn-. g.r.2.) HALL, Aaron, Dec. 8, 1842, a. 60 y. Consumption. Catharine, w. of (Maj., c.r.i) Zach[aria]h, 28th day, 2d mo., 1816. (Feb. 26, 1816, a. 33 y. 9 m., g.r.i.) Hannah (w. of Stephen, c.r.i), 3d day, 4th mo., 1819. (a. 46 y., C.R.I.) Henry Andrew, s. of Rev. Henry P. and Abby W., July 15, 1845. G.R.3. Joseph B., s. of Elijah H. and Eliza N., May 26, 1844, a. 13 y. 8 m. Dropsy in head. Mary, w. of Nath[anie]l, Esq., Sept. 26, 1804, a. 69 y. c.r.i. (Mary H., g.r.i) wid. of Stephen, 12th day, ist mo., 1822 (Jan. 8, 1822, a. 68 y. 7 m., g.r.i) (mother of Stephen and Zechariah, a. 70 y., c.r.i). Mary K., d. of Zec[a]r[iah] and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1845, ^- '^7 Y- 4 m. 3 d. Consumption. Nathaniel, Esq., June 10, 1809, a. 75 y. c.r.i. Peter, b. in Sandwich Islands, Oct. 14, 1847, a. 24 y. Colored. Seaman. Policy, July 16, 1 78 1, a. 4 d. g.r.i. Sarah Caroline, d. of Rev. Henry P. and Abby W., Sept. 17, 1848. G.R.3. Stephen Sr., Aug. 31, 1817, a. 71 y. c.r.i. Stephen, Oct. i, 1817, a. 72 y. 8 m. g.r.i. Stephen, 2d day, 7th mo., 1840, a. 70 y. (a. 69/^ y., c.r.i.) William of Norway, 27th day, ist mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HALSTAT, Ellen M., d. of William M. and Joanah, Jan. 11, 1842, a. I y. 7 m. Croup. HAM, Tobias of Berwick, 6th day, 8th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 489 HAMBLIN, , Mr., , 1840. (Sept. — , 1840, p.r.i.) Joseph of Gosham, i8th day, 9th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HANCH, John of Bristol, Eng., 31st day, ist mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HANCOCK, Susan, w. of John, June 27, 1849, ^- 7^ y- G.R.3. HANKS, John of Russia, 12th day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HANSCOM (see Hanscomb), , ch. of , bur. Sept. 22, 1834. P.R.I. Catherine Foster, w. of John, , 1835. G.R.3. John, , 1827. G.R.3. HANSCOMB (see Hanscom), , ch. of Joseph, 20th day, 9th mo., 1836. (a. 5 w., C.R.I.) Joseph, 25th day, 7th mo. (1838, p.r.i.) HANSON, Henry of Deec Island, Me., Oct. 7, 1834, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HARDEN (see Hardin, Harding), , Mr., , 1838. Henry, , 1834. (W[illia]m Henry Hardin, June — , 1834. Boston, P.R.I.) HARDIN (see Harden, Harding), Horace B., s. of James and Mary, June 30, 1845, ^- 2 m. HARDING (see Harden, Hardin), , ch. of . (bur. Sept. — , 1837, P.R.I.) , Mr., Apr. 19, 1842, a. 30 y. p.r.i. Jonathan, Capt., at Martinique, Oct. 7, 1809, a. 30 y. 5 m. G.R.3. HARDY, , ch. of , Sept. 26, 1843. p-^-i- Edwin, Oct. 19, 1836^ a. i y. 8 d. G.R.3. Harriet A., May 7, 1835, a. i y. i m. i d. G.R.3. HARPER, , Maj., Jan. 16, 1841, a. 73 y. Boston, p.r.i. HARRINGTON, Lewis C, 6th day, nth mo., 1824. HARRIS, , w. of , Apr. 12, 1846, a. 23 y. p.r.i. , ch. of , Oct. 19, 1846, a. 6 m. Cambridge, p.r.i. Daniel S. (s. of Dea. Joseph, c.r.i), 6th day, 7th mo., 1835. (July 7, 1835, a. 21 m., c.r.i.) 490 CHELSEA DEATHS. Harris, Eliza[beth], d. of W[illia]m, bur. Aug. 23, 1776, a. 16 m. C.R.I. Eliza[beth], d. of W[illia]m and Mary, bur. July 19, 1778, a. 20 m. C.R.I. George A., s. of Henry, Mar. 16, 1848, a. 2 y. 9 m. Gastric fever. Giles D. (Giles David, c.r.i) S., s. of Joseph and Mary, 15th day, 4th mo., 1826 (a. i| y., c.r.i), Henry, b. in District of Columbia, Jan. 12, 1842, a. 47 y. Con- sumption. Colored. John, b. in Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1841, a. 59 y. Disease of heart. Colored. Mary, wid. of Dea. Will[ia]m, 8th day, 2d mo., 1829, a. 88 y. Mary, loth day, 5th mo., 1834. Polly, Miss. (Oct. 18, 1838, c.r.2.) William (Dea., c.r.i), 25th day, 6th mo., 1824. (a. 73 y., c.r.i.) William Jr., s. of Joseph and Mary, 13th day, 4th mo., 1826. (a. 3 y., C.R.I.) HARSEY (see Hacy, Hascy, Hasey, Hassey), Sarah, w. of Elder William, Feb. 27, 1736, a. 50 y., 9 m. 18 d. g.r.i. HART, Anne, d. of William and Jane, May i, 1849, a. 19 y. G.R.3. R. Evander, s. of Joseph S. and Temperance A., in Boston, Sept. 6, 1836. G.R.3. HARVEY, Mary, , 1847. G.R.3. HASCY (see Hacy, Harsey, Hasey, Hassey), Hannah, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, July 18, 1748, a. i y. 3 m. 4 d. g.r.i. William, June 7, 1695, a. 43 y. g.r.i. HASEY (see Hacy, Harsey, Hascy, Hassey), Abigail, w. of John, 17th day, 2d mo., 1732. (Feb. 17, 1731, in her 20th y. g.r.i.) Abigail, wid. of Dea. Jacob, Feb. 28, 1783, a. 90 y. g.r.i. Abraham, Jan. 17, 1713-4, a. 27 y. 11 m. 3 w. g.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of William Jr., July 25, 1708, in her 27th y. g.r.i. Elizabeth, wid. of , July 31, 1828, a. loi y. c.r.i. Jacob, Dea., Apr. 29, 1753, a. 67 y. i m. i d. g.r.i. Jacob, s. of Nath[anie]l, bur. June 27, 1766, a. 10 y. c.r.i. Joseph, Lieut., June 28, 1707, a. 50 y. g.r.i. Joseph, s. of Jacob and Abigail, May 6, 1712, a. 2 m. 11 d. G.R.I. CHELSEA DEATHS. 49I Hasey, Judah, w. of William, Nov. 17, 17 18, a. abt. 68 y. g.r.i. Mary, d. of John and Mary, 27th day, — mo., 1739. Nathaniel, bur. Jan. 25, 1782, a. 77 y. c.r.i. William, s. of John and Mary, ist day, 3d mo., 1739. William, s. of Samuel and Sarah, 25th day, 3d mo., 1743. William, elder, — 21, 1753. (in his 74th y., g.r.i.) HASKELL, , ch. of William P. and Deborah, Jan. 3, 1842. Croup. Anna, w. of Nathan, Feb. 16, 1849, ^- 7° Y- Apoplectic fit. Edward, s. of William E. P. and , Oct. 9, 1848, a. 5 y. 6 m. Dysentery. Edw[ar]d P., s. of Micajah, July 25, 1846, a. i m. Croup. Eli, b. in Thomaston, Me., June 17, 1845, a. 17 y. (1844 dup.) Southern fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Julia Ann, d. of Geo[rge] S. and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 1848, a. 26 d. Infantile. Marrietta, d. of William E. P. and , Oct. 14, 1848, a. 11 m. Dysentery. Rebecca, w. of Geo[rge] S., b. in Maine, Dec, 4, 1848, a. 23 y. Consumption. HASSEY (see Hacy, Harsey, Hascy, Hasey), Joseph, s. of Jos. and Eliza[beth], bur. Oct. 12, 1773, a. 19 m. c.r.i. Mary% bur. Nov. 13, 1780, a. 21 y. c.r.i. Nath[anie]l, s. of Nath[anie]l and Eliza[beth], bur. Nov. 12, 1761, a. 5 m. C.R.I. HASTINGS, , ch. of Capt. Joseph, bur. Nov. 15, 1831. P.R.I. , ch. of Abijah, July 18, 1848, a. 2 y. 2 m. p.r.i. Abijah, 24th day, 2d mo., 1826 (Feb. 25, g.r.i), a. 96 y. (a. 95 y. 9 m., C.R.I.) Abijah (Capt., c.r.i), 9th day, loth mo. (Oct. 11, c.r.i), 1832. (a. 70t«2- y-. C.R.I.) Bethiah, 24th day, ist mo., 1792. (a. 32 y., c.r.i.) Caroline W., Dec. 12, 1842, a. i y. 10 m. Fits. (Cornelius Williams, s. of Abijah Hastings, Dec. 15, 1842, a. 22 m., C.R.I.) Hellen M. (Helen Maria, c.r.i), d. of Abijah and Hellen, Oct. 17, 1843, a. I y. 6 m. Bowel complaint. Joseph, 28th day, ist mo., 1786. Judith S., w. of , bur. July 12, 1836, a. 32 y. p.r.i. Martha (w. of Abijah, g.r.i), 13th day, 5th mo., 1819. (May 12, 1819, a. 84 y., G.R.I.) 492 CHELSEA DEATHS. HATCH, Anna, Nov. i, 1836. Martha, 5th mo., 1833. Reuben, of Boston, 20th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HAUGH, Marcy, w. of Atherton, Nov. 16, 1702, a. abt. 29 y. G.R.I. HAWES, Herman, Sept. 26, 1841, a. 58 y. Consumption. (Mr. Hawes, 24th day, 9th mo., 1841, a. 60 y. dup.) John L., s. of William and Emeline D., Nov. 20, 1844, a. i m. Bowel complaint. HAWKINS, Charles of Baltimore, 5th day, nth mo., 1830. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HAWKS, Jonathan, bur. Feb. 6, 1762, a. 47 y. c.r.i. Rachel, w. of Jona[than], bur. June 27, 1782, a. 26 y. c.r.i. HAY, Thomas, May 14, 1844. G.R.3. HAYDEN, John, July 2, 1842, a. 21 y. Consumption. HAYES, , ch. of , Sept. 22, 1835. , ch. of Mr., 6th day, 5th mo., 1840. Theodosia L. B., w. of Ja[me]s and d. of Laz's B. and Mary Fenno, Mar. i, 1846, a. 27 y. g.r.2. HAYNES, Jacob, Aug. 30, 1846. p.r.i. Lucy Steadman, w. of Edward Jr., Apr. 22, 1847, 3- 33 Y- G.R.3. HAYWARD, William C, Oct. 16, 1849, a. 7 m. G.R.3. HEALEY, WilHam of Dublin, May 5, 1834, a. 49 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HEARD (see Hurd), Joseph, 22d day, nth mo., 1838, a. 76 y. HEATH, Benjamin ist, s. of Capt. William and Alice, Oct. 31, 1817. G.R.3. Delia, d. of Capt. William and Alice, Sept. 20, 182 1. G.R.3. Delia M., d. of Capt. William and Alice, Sept. 26, 1816. G.R.3. Ebenezer S., s. of Capt. William and Alice, killed at Goliad, Texas, Mar. 27, 1836. G.R.3. William, Capt. in Callao, S. A., Apr. 17, 1828. G.R.3. William, s. of Capt. William and Alice, died near New Orleans, La., , 1835. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 493 HEMENWAY, Mary J., d. of Sylvanus and Eunice, Sept. 5, 1843, a. 5 m. Cholera infantum. HENLEY, Nancy E., Jan. 5, 1836, a. 12^^ y- c.r.i. HENRY, Peter, b. in Germany, July 10, 1847, a- 26 y. Seaman, William of Philadelphia, Feb. 7, 1836, a. 23 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HERBERT (see Hurbert), , Mr., a stranger, 5th day, loth mo., 1831. HERLEY, Nancy, Jan. 5, 1836. HERSEY, Erastus, b. in Wolfborough, N. H., Aug. 22, 1849, a. 24 y. Dysentery. Unm. HEWES (see Hughes), Geo[rge] W., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Sophia, Oct. 4, 1849, a. i m. 12 d. Inflammation of bowels. Matilda G., w. of Elijah, vSept. 3, 1847, a. 31 y. Nervous fever. Sophia, w. of Geo[rge] W., b. in Readfield, Me., Oct. 3, 1849, a. 26 y. Inflammation of bowels. HIDEMAN, John of Wheatley, Eng., Feb. 11, 1836, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HILAR, Sarah M., d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1849, a. I y. 10 m. Dysentery. HILL (see Hills), , ch. of J., bur. Oct. 9, 1797, a. 3 y. Drowned, c.r.i. , w. of John, bur. July 29, 1800, a. 28 y. c.r.i. , ch. of , 5th day, 2d mo., 1839. Elizabeth, 15th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 27 y. Geo[rge] O., s. of Jons and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1843, a. 2 y. 5 m. Dropsy on chest. John, b. in Georgia, Feb. 26, 1847, a. 42 y. Joseph, 25th day, 7th mo. (1838, p.r.i.) William Jr. of Boston, Feb. 5, 1836, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HILLS (see Hill), Samuel, b. in Nottingham, N. H., June 14, 1847, a. 29 y. Seaman. HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Mary H., Aug. 5, 1847, a. 23 y. G.R.3. HINE, Elijah B., Apr. 17, 1849. G.R.3. 494 CHELSEA DEATHS. HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Elizabeth, 8th day, nth mo., 1833. Emily F., d. of Freeman and Emily, Sept. 27, 1848, a. 4 y. 7 m. Dysentery. Lot of Barnstable, Oct. 13, 1835, a. 18 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KITCHENS (see Hitchings), Hannah K., w. of Augustus, Apr. 30, 1844, a. 42 y. Bleeding at lungs. HITCHINGS (see Kitchens), Nathan, b. in Saugus, Jan. 12, 1846, a. 71 y. Mortification. HOBBS, Hannah, Mrs., Nov. — , 1839. Boston, p.r.i. Henry, b. in Ireland, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 32 y. Chronic diarrhoea. HODGE, Mary, 8th day, nth mo., 1833. HODGDEN (see Hodgdon), Oscar W., s. of Stephen and Deborah, Apr. 30, 1845, a. 4 y. Scarlatina. HODGDON (see Hodgden), Daniel, Aug. i, 1835. (Aug. 19, 1835, P.R.I.) James G., s. of Stephen and , May 12, 1845, ^- 10 ^'^' Scarlatina. HODGKINS, Emma J., d. of Charles E. and Elizabeth F., Aug. 16, 1848, a. 10 m. Dysentery. HOGAN, Mary, w. of , Mar. 4, 1847, a. 79 y. p.r.i. HOIT, Temble H. of Concord, N. H., May 12, 1834, a. 37 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HOLDEN, Ellen M., d. of EH and Phoebe, July 16, 1839, a. 2 y. 8 d. G.R.3. HOLE, Peter, bur. Apr. 11, 1837, a. 55 y. Boston, p.r.i. HOLLAND, Samuel May, Capt., in New York, Jan. 18, 1833. G.R.3. HOLLIDAY, , ch. of , Aug. 17, 1846, a. 6 m. P.R.I. Eunice, w. of , Apr. 10, 1847, ^- 23 y. p.R.i. HOLLIS, Ellen S. B., Feb. 13, 1842, a. 6 y. 7 m. Scarlatina. HOLMES, EHzabeth A., d. of Gideon S. and Elizabeth B., , 1838. G.R.3. John, b. in Nantucket, Mar. 21, 1847, ^- 3^ y- Will P., b. in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 2, 1847, a. 16 y. Seaman. CHELSEA DEATHS. 495 HOLT, , w. of , bur. Feb. 5 or 6, 1825. Boston, P.R.I. HOOD, Henry, b. in Boston, July 20, 1843, 3- 24 y. Disease of heart. HOOKEY, Agnes, d. of William and Agness, Dec. 14, 1841, a. 2 y. 7 m. Croup. HOOL, Mary, w. of W[illia]m of Point Shirley, bur. Apr. 17, 1772, a. 27 y. C.R.I. HOPKINS, Michael, Capt., lost at sea, Dec. — , 1832, a. 27 y. G.R.3. Michael of Baltimore, 4th day, 12th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HORMONY, John of Chester, Pa., 20th day, 9th mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HORTON, Alonzo, Jan. 30, 1839, a. 16 y. G.R.3. Dillingham, Oct. 15, 1846, a. 20 y. i m. G.R.3. Matilda A., Jan. — , 1847, a. 7 y. 7 m. Dropsy on brain. Matilda F., d. of L. B., Apr. 22, 1847, a. 7 y. Dropsy on brain. HOSMER, William H., s. of Luther and Ann L., Dec. 7, 1844, a. I y. I m. HOUGH, Ebenezer, bur. Jan. 5, 1772, a. 47 y. c.r.i. HOUGHTON, Alonzo, Dec. 16, 1843, a. 27 y. Stoppage. Alonzo E., s. of Alonzo and , June 13, 1844, a. i m. Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth, c.r.i), d. of Levi and Hariot, Sept. 4, 1843, a-. I y. 5 m. Cholera infantum. HOVEY, , ch. of James and Arria, Dec. 5, 1849. Still- bom. HOWARD, Abraham, s. of Abraham and , Sept. 29, 1848, a. I y. 3 m. Dysentery. Francis, Sept. 7, 1848. G.R.4. James of New Lisbon, 15th day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Kate, d. of Charles and Sarah A., Aug. 12, 1849, a. 7 d. In- fantile. Samuel of New York State, 14th day, nth mo., 1828, a. 22 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William, b. in Glasgow, Scot., July 18, 1847, a. 32 y. 496 CHELSEA DEATHS. HOWE, Robert J., s. of Robert and Rebecca F., Nov. 10, 1844, a. I y, 7 m. Cancer on the eye. HOWSE, Mary A., w. of Edward C, Apr. 28, 1844, a. 26 y. Consumption. HUBBARD, John, 23d day, loth mo., 1828. William, Oct. 5, 1831, a. 61 y. c.r.i. HUGHES (see Hewes), Henry of Manchester, Eng., 12th day, 8th mo., 1837, a. 29 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William of Boston, i8th day, 6th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. HUNNEWELL, Ellen M., d. of WilHam and Matilda Tyler, July 29, 1844, a. 4 m. 24 d. G.R.3. HUNT, Almira S., w. of Andrew K., Dec. 14, 1841, a. 28 y. G.R.3. Amelia Virginia, d. of Andrew K. and Almira S., Feb. 11, 1843, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.3. Mary A., w. of Edward S., Apr. 2, 1841, a. 26 y. g.r.2. Sarah, 14th day, ist mo., 1841, a. 40 y. HUNTLY, Francis W., b. in Prospect, Me., June 24, 1847, a. 35 y. Seaman. HURBERT (see Herbert), Mary S., Feb. 10, 1848, a. 10 m. Teething. HURD (see Heard), Eliz[abet]h, Mar. 19, 1847, ^- 22 y. Anemia. HUTCHINS, Luther H., Oct. 25, 1847, a. 4 m. Constimption. HUTCHISON (see Hutchinson), Andrew R., s. of Robert R. and Catherine A., Sept. 28, 1849, a. i y. 7 m. Dropsy on brain. HUTCHINSON (see Hutchison), Martha, w. of , July 24, 1848, a. 84 y. P.R.I. HYDE, Ehzabeth, wid. of Rev. Edward, June 17, 1848, a. 61 y. Bom in Quincy. Consumption. IN GALS (see Ingolls, Ingols), James, 27th day, 8th mo., 1836, a. 46 y. INGERSOL, John, b. in New York City, July 25, 1843, a. 33 y. Disease of heart. CHELSEA DEATHS. 497 INGOLLS (see Ingals, Ingols), Susan [1836]. INGOLS (see Ingals, IngoUs), Mary, bur. Mar. 25, 1772, a. 43 y, C.R.I. IRISH, Adelaide, d. of Isaac and Rebecca, b. in Boston, Mar. 26, 1849, ^- 4 y- 1° ^- Scarlet fever. JACKSON, Abba F., d. of E. W. and Abba E., Apr. 5, 1849, a. 8 m. Scarlet fever. Michael, Apr. 19, 1841. Consumption. JACOBS, John or Francis Langes of Rochclle, 27th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Thomas, b. in West Indies, Oct. i, 1841, a. 60 y. Erysipelas. Colored. JAMES, M. B., in New York, Sept. 8, 1845, a. 33 y. g.r.2. JAMESON, Cha[rle]s, b. in Shetland, Dec. 2, 1845, a. 50 y. 4 m. Fit. JAMESTON, Jennette E., d. of Cha[rle]s and Jcnnette E., July 26, 1843, a- S rn. Dropsy on brain. JANVRIN, , ist day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 5 y, , 2d day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 3 y. , 30th day, 6th mo., 1839. (ch. of Capt. Janvrin, p.r.i.) JAQUITH, , ch. of . (bur. Jan. — , 1838, p.r.i.) JAR VIS, William. Dea. bur. June 28, 1824. p.r.i. JENKINS, Richard D. of Falmouth, Eng., 25th day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. JENNY, Jethro of New Bedford, July 14, 1835, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. JERARD, William, b. in Wiscasset, Me., July 11, 1843, ^- 26 y. Consumption. JOHNS, William of Milford, Eng., 24th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. JOHNSON (see Johnston), Ann M., d. of William and . b. in Quincy, Aug. 12, 1849, a. 21 y. Inflammation of bowels. Unm. 498 CHELSEA DEATHS. Johnson, Anna, wid. of , bur. Jan. 2, 1769, a. 94 y. c.r.i. Artemas Tufts, s. of Lewis and Louise of Charlestown, May 18, 1847, 3- 2 y. 3 m. 12 d. G.R.3. Emery A., Dec. 24, 1843, a. 25 y. George, July 27, 1843, a. 22 y. Consumption. Colored. Henry, 20th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 48 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Washington, 20th day, 3d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Providence, nth day, loth mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Bristol, Eng., Oct. 31, 1835, a. 51 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of New Orleans, 2d day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 40 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Lewis Edward, s. of Lewis and Louise of Charlestown, Dec. 24, 1837, a. I y. 10 m. 2 d. G.R.3. Rebecca J., d. of Joseph G. and Mary J., b. in Boston, Aug. 22, 1848, a. 5 y. Dysentery. Reuel, , 1844. G.R.3. William of Blenham, N. Y., June 21, 1835, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. JOHNSTON (see Johnson), Janet, b. in Scotland, Aug. 11, 1849, 3- 28 y. Consumption. Unm. JONES, Betsy, w. of , 5th day, nth mo., 1840. Hannah, d. of David and Sarah, b. in England, Oct. 17, 1849, a. I y. 8 m. Dysentery. James H., s. of James L. and Esther E., July 2, 1849, ^- 5 Y- 7 m. Congestion of brain. John, 31st day, 3d mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Smallpox. John, Jan. 27, 1842. G.R.3. John, b. in Boston, Jan. 16, 1845, ^- 45 Y- Fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John W., b. in London, Eng., Jan. 12, 1848, a. 22 y. Seaman. Joshua A., s. of James L. and Esther E., Feb. 8, 1849, a. i y. 2 m. Congestion of brain. Martha, w. of John, June 15, 1843, a. 21 y. Inflammation. Robert, Sept. 12, 1842, a. 29 y. Inflammation of bowels. Samuel, b. in Springfield, Nov. 20, 1843, a- 18 y. Consumption. Tho[ma]s P., Sept. 4, 1846, a. 49 y. Congestion of brain. William of Hudson, 28th daj^ ist mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 499 JORDAN (see Jordon), Richard of New Bedford, loth day, 2d mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Simon, b. in Portland, Me., Dec. 24, 1848, a. 65 y. Disease of heart. JORDON (see Jordan), Antonio, b. in Lisbon, Spain, Aug. 16, 1847, a. 30 y. Seaman. JOSEPH, Emanuel, 6th day, loth mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KASE, , ch. of , 24th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 8 m. KEAN, , ch. of Levi and CaroHne, Feb. 10, 1847. Still- born. KEATH, William of Bath, Me., 31st day, 8th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KEENE, David, b. in Bridgeport, N. F., Mar. 25, 1848, a. 23 y. Seaman. KELLER, William of Belfast, Me., 24th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KELLEY (see Kelly), , w. of , June 23, 1843, a. 28 y. P.R.I. Daniel Dole, s. of WilHam, Oct. 18, 1846, a. 3 d. G.R.3. Daniel Dole, s. of Robert, Aug. 13, 1848, a. i y. 13 d. G.R.3. Edmund S. J., s. of William, Aug. 17, 1845, a. 25 d. G.R.3. Jacob Merrill, s. of Robert, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 23 d. G.R.3. James, Dec. 20, 1848, a. 44 y. 9 m. 12 d. G.R.3. James Perry, s. of Capt. Robert and Mary, supposed lost at sea, abt. 1830, a. 17 y. G.R.3. Lucy, Nov. 15, 1846, a. 42 y. 10 m. 3 d. G.R.3. M. Augustus, s. of Morris and Abbie T., Dec. 24, 1849, a. 5 y. 21 d. G.R.3. Mary, w. of Capt. Robert, Sept. — , 1835, a. 41 y. G.R.3. Micajah, Jan. 23, 1843, a. 29 y. g.r.i^. Robert, Capt., lost at sea, , 1818, a. t,5 Y- G.R.3. KELLY (see Kelley), Edward of New Hampshire, 26th day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Harriet E. (Harriet Elizabeth, p.r.i) (d. of Micajah and Harriet, G.R.ia), Aug. 25, 1845, a. 3 y. 2 m. 27 d. KEMP, Nathaniel, Mar. 7, 1848, a. 39 y. Heart disease. 500 CHELSEA DEATHS. KENDRICK, Daniel M., s. of Allen M. and Nancy M., Apr. ii 1845, a. 5 y. Scarlatina. KENNY, Asa, of Boston, 5th day, 12th mo., 1836, a. 58 y Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Geo[rge] W., s. of John N. and Hannah J., July 22, 1846, a. 13 y 6 m. Bowel complaint. KENT, Benjamin, s. of Stephen and Elizabeth, Mar. 3, 1747 a. 4 y. G.R.I. Clarissa, d. of Stephen and Elisabeth (Feb. 28, 1747, a. 19 m 20 d., G.R.l). Jacob, s. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 17th day, 6th mo., 1741 (June 17, 1742, a. 5 m. 5 d., g.r.i.) Rebecca, d. of Stephen and Elizebeth, 26th day, 3d mo., 1743. KERN, Nathan of Boston, 2d day, 4th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KERSAW, John of Pool, Eng., 22d day, 7th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. KEYES, Joseph A., Feb. 11, 1843, a. 25 y. Consumption. Susan M., w. of Lewis E., b. in Framingham, Mar. 28, 1849, a. 37 y. Consumption. KIBBLE, , ch. of Andrew and Mary, May 21, 1848. Stillborn. Mary, w. of Andrew, May 26, 1848, a. 19 y. Inflammation of brain. KIDDER, Elizabeth A. G., , 1846. G.R.3. KIMBAL (see Kimball), Thomas, b. in Boston, Jan. 3, 1848, a. 29 y. Seaman. KIMBALL (see Kimbal), , ch. of x\bner, bur. Apr. 2, 1823. Boston, P.R.I. Abner, bur. Sept. — , 1835. p.r.i. Sarah, , 1837. c.r.2. KIMMELL, Roswell, Aug. 10, 1842, a. 21 y. Constimption. KING, Allice, d. of John G., May 10, 1846, a. 2 y. 3 m. Brain fever. Damarus (Mrs., c.r.i), ist day, 8th mo., 1836, a. 19 y. (Aug. 3, 1836, c.r.i.) Henry, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1848, a. 28 y. Seaman. CHELSEA DEATHS. 5OI KISSICK, Robert H., Sept. — , 1843, a. 7 m. Boston, p.r.i. William, Jan. 8, 1846, a. 6 y. 10 m. Boston, p.r.i. KLUSS, Cha[rle]s, b. in Prussia, Mar. 8, 1842, a. 32 y. Con- sumption. KNOWLES, , w. of , 6th day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 62 y. Abigail, w. of , Nov. 29, 1840. Boston, p.r.i. LACY (see Leacy), Hugh, s. of William and Rose, b. in Ireland, Feb. 29, (sic) 1849, a. 16 y. Typhus fever. John, s. of William and Rose, b. in Ireland, Alar. 5, 1849, a. 9 y. Typhus fever. Margaret, b. in Ireland, Apr. — , 1847, a- 25 y. Consumption. LAMB, Mary P., , 1841. c.r.2. LAMBERT, Josiah S., s. of Henry and Mary B., Feb. 18, 1844, a. 2 y. 6 m. Constimption. LAMPIN, Henn,^ of Hanover, Eng., 13th day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LAMPSON, Pratt, Oct. 6, 1847, a. 61 y. Consumption. LANE, Sally, w. of Sam[ue]l, Oct. 25, 1846, a. 53 y. 8 m. Con- sumption. (53 y. 7 m. 16 d., G.R.3.) Sam[ue]l A., s. of Samuel and (Sally W., G.R.3), June 4, 1847, a. 18 y. 10 m. Consumption. LANGES, Francis or John Jacobs of Rochelle, 27th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LANGLEY, Joseph, s. of John D., Aug. 26, 1848, a. 2 m. 21 d. Bowel complaint. (Moses, Oct. 5, c.R.i), 1838. (a. 22 y., drowned, c.r.i.) LANGMAID, Richard, of Ireland, 2d day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LANGWORTHY, Antoinette N., d. of Rev. Isaac P. and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. 15 d. Dysentery. Cyrus W., s. of Rev. Isaac P. and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1849, 'i- 5 Y- Dysentery. LATIMER, Rebecca, d. of Gco[rgc] and , June 26, 1847, a. 17 d. General debility. 502 CHELSEA DEATHS. LAWRENCE, Benj[ami]n of New York, 9th day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LAWSON, John of Norway, 2d day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LEACY (see Lacy), John, 29th day, 5th mo., 1837, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LEAVENS, Elizabeth, w. of George L., Mar. 29, 1840. G.R.3. LECKIE, Horace T., s. of John and Ann, Jan, 19, 1849, a. 3 y. Scarlet fever. LEEDS, Martha, Aug. 25, 1849, a. 2 y. 8 m. g.r.2. LEESE, Sarah, b. in Roxbury, Apr. 3, 1849, a. 2 y. 4 m. Scarlet fever. LEET, , a ch. of , Apr. 30, 1847. Boston, p.r.i. , a ch. of , Apr. 30, 1847. Boston, p.r.i. LEFLAW, John N., b. in Salem, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 40 y. Hyper- trophy of heart. LEGG, Ellen E., d. of William H. and Nancy J., Nov. 22, 1848, a. 2 y. Dropsy on brain. Mary J., d. of William H. and Nancy J., Nov. 29, 1848, a. 6 m. Scarlet fever. LEIGHTON, Daniel of Boston, May 26, 1834, a 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LEMAN, Daniel, Aug. 27, 1848, a. 76 y. Fever. LENARD (see Leonard), Francis of New York, Sept. 18, 1835, a. 22 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LEONARD (see Lenard), Emma F., d. of Charles H. and Phebe, b. in Newcastle, Ky., Oct. 17, 1849, a. i y. 9 m. Teething. James, b. in New York, Nov. 8, 1847, a. 44 y. Colored. Sea- man. LEWIS, Abijah, bur. Mar. 18, 1788, a. 77 y. c.r.i. Amasa, Apr. 11, 1849, a. 69 y. G.R.3. Archbald, of New York, ist day, 12th mo., 1836, a. 42 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Colored. Eliza Ann R., d. of William and Eliza, Aug. 10, 1848, a. i y. 3 m. 13 d. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 5O3 Lewis, Isaac, btir. Dec. 20, 1763, a. 81 y. c.r.i. Rachel, , w. of , bur. July 27, 1801, a. 84 y. c.r.i. Rachel, Miss, Jan. 7, 1848, a. 57 y. Boston, p.r.i. Sarah, bur. Apr. 24, 1774, a. 85 y. c.r.i. LICK, James of Philadelphia, 5th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LIGREN, Peter of Sweden, 2d day, nth mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LINCOLN, Bates, b. in Brewster, July 17, 1843, a. 47 y. Con- sumption. Dawson, Capt. in Vera Cruz., June 17, 1847, ^- 33 Y- G.R.3. Frederick E., s. of Capt. Dawson and Lucy, in Boston, June 20, 1838, a. II m. G.R.3. Lucy M., d. of Capt. Dawson and Lucy, in Cuba, June 28, 1844, a. 10 d. G.R.3. Lucy M., d. of Capt. Dawson and Lucy, in Boston, Aug. 11, 1847, ^- 16 ™- G.R.3. LINNELL, Alonzo of Orleans, July 8, 1834, a. 19 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LITTLE, Mary, June 10, 1845, a. 56 y. Consumption. LITTLEFIELD, Betsey Coes, w. of John, Sept. 28, 1837, a. 44 y. G.R.2. Otis of iCennebunk, Nov. 3, 1834, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Susan T., June 8, 1827, a. 5 y. g.r.2. LITTLEJOHN, Abner, b. in Portland, Me., Nov. 9, 1844, a. 19 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Typhoid fever. LIVINGSTON, Duncan, b. in Scotland, Apr. 22, 1842, a. 35 y. Delirium tremens. LOCKE, John, Sept. 5, 1846, a. 74 y. Paralytic fit. LONG, Eliza, w. of , May 31, 1846, a. 46 y. p.r.i. William of Charlestown, 3d day, 5th mo., 1828, a. 42 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LOOMIS, Emer A., s. of Jason B. and Sarah H., Sept. 4, 1843, a. I y. Consumption. LORD, Samuel, Feb. 3, 1847, a. 68 y. p.r.i. 504 CHELSEA DEATHS. LORING, Bradford H., s. of Joshua and Margarett, Mar. 12, 1842. Congestion of brain. Cha[rle]s A., July 9, 1842, a. 4 y. Typhus fever. Cordelia M., , 1842. Measles. Joshua H., s. of Joshua and Margaret S., Dec. 13, 1843, a. 4 y, 4 m. Inflammation of lungs. Mary J., d. of James and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1844. LOTHROP, Emily A., May 14, 1839, a. 6 m. g.r.2. LOUD, Lucy, Jan. 18, 1849, ^- 54 Y- Consumption. Nancy, Jan. 16, 1849, ^- 54 Y- G.R.3. LOUNDER, Priscilla, Jan. 5, 1847, a. 5 y. 6 m. G.R.3. LOVERING, Moses of Louden, N. H., 31st day, 12th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. LOVETT, Margeret, b. in Ireland, Sept. 6, 1849, a. 20 y. Ship fever. Unm. LOW, , wid. of , bur. Aug. 14, 1794, a. 74 y. C.R.I. , ch. of George, bur. Nov. 24, 1820. Boston, p.r.i. , ch. of George, bur. June i, 1823. p.r.i. Abigail, wid. of , Oct. 6, 1812, a. 65 y. c.r.i. Alexander, s. of William and Mary, 9th day, ist mo., 1757. Charlotte, d. of John and Charlotte, Nov. 13, 1802, a. 11 w. C.R.I. Charlotte, w. of John, Nov. 8, 1825, a. 53 y. g.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of William, Jan. 17, 1819, a. 67 y. g.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of George and Mary, Nov. 22, 1820, a. 3 y. 19 d. G.R.I. James, 17th day, 12th mo., 1821. James, 3d day, 12th mo., 1826. (Dec. 23, 1826, c.r.i.) John, bur. Aug. 13, 1800, a. 57 y. c.r.i. John, , 1843, ^- 60 y. P.R.I. Lydia Oakes, d. of Nathaniel and Rachel, June 9, 1825, a. 9 y. G.R.I. Martha, wid. of Samuel, Esq., May 2, 1846, in her 85th y. G.R.I. Mary, , 1820. g.r.i&. Nathaniel, May 22, 1820, a. 36 y. g.r.i. Sam[ue]l, s. of William, , 1789. G.R.ib. Samuel, 5th day, 6th mo., 1823. (a. 64 y., g.r.i.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 505 Low, Thurza (w. of James, c.r.i), 8th day, 4th mo., 1820. (a. S3 y., C.R.I.) William, Mar. ig, 1787, a. 67 y. g.r.i. William, s. of John and Abagail and gr. s. of William, June 21, 1789, a. 18 y. G.R.I. William, Sept. 13, 1812, a. 64 y. g.r.i. LUTHER, , b. in Scotland, July 16, 1841, a. 73 y. LUTTS, John, b. in Pennsylvania, Apr. 18, 1848, a. 84 y. Old age. LYON, , w. of , Oct. 25, 1842. P.R.I. Amos, 23d day, 8th mo., 1826, a. 44 y. (Aug. 22, 1826, c.r.i.) Hannah (w. of Amos, g.r.i), ist day, nth mo., 1829. (a. 50 y., G.R.I.) Lucretia, Feb. 5, 1842, a. 70 y. Pleurisy fever. MABURY, Eliza, d. of John and Clarissa, Feb. 6, 1849, a. 6 y. Dropsy. John, s. of John and Clarissa, Feb. i, 1849, ^- 4 Y- Dropsy. MACO, Francis of Marseilles, 4th day, nth mo., 1831. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MACY, James H., s. of James S. and Sophrona T., Aug. 27, 1846, a. I y. 5 m. Dysenter>\ MADDOX (see Mattox), , ch. of Mr., 26th day, 4th mo., 1841. , ch. of , , 1843. P.R.I. MAGEE, Catherine, d. of Patrick and Mary, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 21 d. Infantile. Mary, w. of Patrick, b. in Ireland, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 23 y. Child- bed. MAGILLION, G. L. of Rumney, 5th day, 6th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MALLETT, William, Feb. 21, 1849, a. 66 y. i m. g.r.2. MALLORD, Ezekiel of Norfolk, Va., 26th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. 54 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MANCHESTER, Edwin, b. in Rhode Island, Sept. 14, 1844, a. 27 y. Phthisis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Portland, 30th day, loth mo., 1839, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 5o6 CHELSEA DEATHS. MANN, Barnabas M., Capt., , 1829, a. 38 y. g.r.2. MANNING, Luke, Aug. 21, 1840, a. 40 y. G.R.3. MANUEL, John, b. in Canada, Apr. 18, 1848, a. 53 y. Colored. Seaman. MARBLE, Anna, bur. Jan. 22, 1761, a. nearly 60 y. c.r.i. MARCHINGTON, Joseph, b. in Halifax, N. S., Aug. 18, 1849, a. 57 y. Cholera. MARDIN, , Oct. — , 1845. Stillborn. MARKEW, C. F., b. in Denmark, Feb. 5, 1845, a. 33 y. Dropsy. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MARSHALL, Elijah, Jr., May 5, 1842. G.R.3. MARTIN, , ch. of Mr., 3d day, 9th mo., 1841. Benj[amin], s. of Benj[amin] T. and Eliz[abe]th S., Sept. 18, 1844, a. I y. 2 m. 14 d. Croup. Henry of West Cambridge, i6th day, nth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Israel, 20th day, 6th mo., 1840, a. 48 y. Sarah J., , 1842, a. i y. 3 m. Bowel complaint. Sarah L., d. of D. A. and Sarah L., Sept. 3, 1841. Sarah S., Sept. 5, 1842, a. 22 y. Consumption. MASON, , ch. of Mr. , bur. Aug. 4, 1793, a. 6 m. C.R.I. Thomas of Yorkshire, 5th day, 5th mo., 1828, a. 40 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MASSEY, Herbert S., s. of Stephen D. and Lucretia D., Feb. 8, 1848, a. 10 m. Brain fever. MATHEWS (see Matthews), Ann I., d. of John F. and Frances E., July 10, 1844, a. I y. I m. Fits caused by a fall. Augustus, b. in Georgetown, Me., Feb. 25, 1845, ^- 21 y- Con- stmiption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Melissa A., Apr. 13, 1849, ^- 3Y- 3 i^- G.R.3. MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Sylvanus, s. of Nath[anie]l and Harriet T., b. in Yarmouth, Jan. 28, 1849, a. 2 y. 9 m. Lung fever. MATTOX (see Maddox), , Nov. 27, 1842, a. 3 y. Scarla- tina. Christy, w. of , Aug. 10, 1842. CHELSEA DEATHS. 507 McALVIN, William, , 1840. G.R.3. McCANN, Ann E., d. of John and Ann E., Jan. 21, 1845, a. 8 m. Inflammation of lungs. McCAULEY, Peter, s. of Edward and Catherine, b. in East Boston, Dec. 29, 1848, a. i y. 7 m. Dysentery. McCONNELL, James Noble, s. of James and Rebecca, Dec. 19, 1S49, a. 3 m. 8 d. G.R.3. McCONWAY, John, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 31, 1849. In- fantile. McCURDY, , Mr., 28th day, 3d mo., 1840, a. 29 y. Mcdonough, Anna M., Aug. 15, 1842, a. 2 y. 6 m. McFARLAND, W., Dec. 30, 1847, a. 22 y. McGLOTHLIN (see McLaughlin), Will, Aug. 23, 1842, a. 20 y. Inflammation of lungs. McGUIRE, Henry Bates, s. of Thomas and Jane B., Aug. 30, 1849, a. 13 m. 14 d. G.R.3. McINTIRE, Andrew J., s. of Andrew and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1829, a. 6 m. 22 d. g.r.2. Caroline E., d. of Andrew and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1841, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.2. McKENZIE, James, b. in New York City, June 17, 1845, a. 22 y. Consumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. James M., b. in New York City, June 17, 1844, a. 22 y. Con- sumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. McKOWN, Abigail, July 11, 1846, a. 59 y. Consumption. Ann, nth day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 16 y. McLaughlin (see McOlothlin), Ann, d. of Patrick and Mary, Nov. I, 1849, a. I y. 3 m. Dropsy on brain. Charles, b. in Nova Scotia, Dec. 29, 1849, a. 24 y. Scarlet fever. Unm. Daniel, b. in Ireland, May 21, 1844, a. 40 y. Consumption. McLEAN, Allen of Portland, 31st day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. McNEAL, James of Scotland, Feb. i, 1834, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 508 CHELSEA DEATHS. McQUESTEN, Albert, s. of William and Henrietta, May 26, 1847, a. 49 y. G.R.2. MEAD, Gilbert of Durham, N. H., May 28, 1835, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, Nov. 8, 1836, a. 40 y. G.R.3. MEARS, William, b. in England, Dec. 14, 1848, a. 65 y. Drowned. MEIERS, Thomas, , 1830. (May 30, 1830, p.r.i.) MEINGES, George W. of Boston, 23d day, 2d mo., 1838, a. 54 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MEINS, Margaret, w. of Andrew, Sept. 5, 1839, a. 48 y. G.R.3. MEIR, John of Philadelphia, 28th day, loth mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MELVILLE, John of Boston, 17th day, 6th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MERIAM (see Merriam), Mary J., Oct. 30, 1847, a. i y. 2 m. Lung fever. MERIDETH, Daniel of Philadelphia, 15th day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 44 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MERRIAM (see Meriam), , ch. of , Aug. — , 1843. P.R.I. , Dec. — , 1844. Stillborn. William, b. in Ireland, Oct. 10, 1841, a. 29 y. Consumption. MERRILL, Charles B., s. of James and Chloe, b. in Hebron, Me., Oct. 12, 1849, a. 38 y. Dysentery. Md. Enoch of Cumberland, Me., Nov. 2, 1835, a. 40 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Harry Gordon, s. of Theodore C. and Martha Jane, Oct. 25, 1849, a. 9 m. Dysentery. MERYMAN, Joseph B., in Portland, Me., June 11, 1846. G.R.2. MICHEL, John of New Orleans, 14th day, loth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MICK, John of Salem, July 27, 1834, a. 41 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MIERS, , Mr., bur. , 1820. p.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 5O9 MILES, James of Philadelphia, 19th day, 6th mo., 1838, a. 32 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Noah R. P. of Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1834, a. 32 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MILLA, Antonio D. of Bombay, 7th day, 6th mo., 1829. Col- ored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MILLER, John, b. in Pawtuxet, R. I., June 2, 1844 (1845 dup.), a. 45 y. Consumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MILLS, Harry, b. in Fanboro, Md. May 16, 1847, a. 31 y. Seaman. Henr>' of Philadelphia, 5th day, loth mo., 1839, a. 14 y. Col- ored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MINEHEN, Emma, d. of John and , Sept. 30, 1848, a. I y. 6 m. Dysentery. MINKS, Phillip, b. in Prussia, Nov. 2, 1841, a. 40 y. Hydro- thorax. MISKELLY, John, Sept. 9, 1841, a. 77 y. Charlestown, p.r.i. MITCHEL, , ch. of Mr., 22d day, 9th mo., 1840. , ch. of Mr., 13th day, 3d mo., 1841. George L., s. of Liman and Hulda, Sept. 21, 1841, a. 2 y. 7 m. Whooping cough. Thomas, Nov. 24, 1842, a. 26 y. Consumption. William, 29th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MOIN, Edward, s. of Francis and Mary, Sept. 27, 1849, a. 4 m. 27 d. Teething. MOLOY, Rich[ar]d, b. in Barbadoes, Nov. 15, 1841, a. 60 y. Hydrothorax. Colored. MOLTON, Noah of New Haven, 24th day, ist mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MONAGHAN, Edward, s. of James and Catherine, Dec. 2, 1848, a. I y. 10 m. Croup. MOODY, Georgie, d. of Benjamin and Susannah W., Sept. 12, 1842, a. I y. I m. g.r.2. Henr>' S., s. of Henry D. and Tryphena, Apr. 21, 1845, a. 8 y. 2 m. Lung fever. Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Susannah W., Aug. 28, 1837, a. i y. G.R.2. 5IO CHELSEA DEATHS. MOON, Peter S., s. of Joseph D. and Sarah S., b. in England, Oct. 26, 1849, a. 7 y. Inflammation of throat. MOONEY, Daniel, bur. Sept. 9, 1822. Boston, p.r.i. MOORE, , ch. of , 2d day, loth mo., 1836. Alonzo H., s. of L. V. R. and Mary, Nov. 27, 1843, ^- 2 m. Croup. Charles Alvah, Nov. 11, 1835, a. 16 m. G.R.3. Frangelia Annette, d. of Francis L. and Sarah G., Mar. i, 1849, a. 4 y. 8 m. 26 d. G.R.3. Jeremiah of Mount Desert, Me., Oct. 12, 1834, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Cumberland, N. Y., 25th day, 12th mo., 1836, a. 39 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Milton, 30th day, loth mo., 1841, a. 33 y. (Oct. 28, 1841, dup.) Typhus fever. (Oct. 30, 1841, a. 30 y., p.r.i.) William, of Island, Aug. 19, 1835, a. 32 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William of Buffalo, Aug. 29, 1835, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. MORAN, Samuel of Eastport, i6th day, 7th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MOREY, , Mr., bur. Oct. 7, 1837. p.r.i. MORRILL, George Byron, , 1842. G.R.3. Leonard, July 5, 1839, a. 18 y. Boston, p.r.i. MORRIS, Richard, b. in Castine, Me., Sept. 30, 1843, a. 33 y- William of New York, 31st day, loth mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MORRISON, , ch. of , Jan. — , 1849, a. 4 y. Boston, P.R.I. Henry S., June 14, 1842, a. 31 y. Consumption. John, Oct. 31, 1845, a. 37 Y- 7 m. G.R.3. John H., Feb. 4, 1842. G.R.3. MORSE, , Oct. 14, 1842, a. I d. Andrew J., s. of Eli and Martha, b. in East Dixfield, Me., Aug. 26, 1849, a. 19 y. Cholera. Emma K., d. of James D. and Elizabeth S., Aug. i, 1849, a. 9 m. Cholera infantum. CHELSEA DEATHS. 5 I I MORTIMER, John A. of Richmond, Va., 27th day, ist mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MOSLEY, John of Island, nth day, 8th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MULLET (see Mullett), John, , 1825. G.R.3. MULLETT (see Mullet), Charies E., Sept. 12, 1849, a. 12 y. G.R.3. Susan E., Mar. 4, 1842, a. 4 w. G.R.3. MUNROE, John, b. in England, Oct. 9, 1841, a. 20 y. In- temperance. Rebec[c]a, d. of John and Mary, Mar. 27, 1847, a. 15 y. 9 m. Inflammation of lungs. MUNTER, George, b. in Frankfort, Me., May 13, 1847, a. 24 y. Seaman. MURPHY, John, 20th day, 7th mo., 1839, a. 62 y. William of Baltimore, Oct. 20, 1834, a 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William W., 9th day, 7th mo., 1839, a. 29 y. MURRY, George of Baltimore, 22d day, 3d mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Oxford of Maryland, 20th day, ist mo., 1828. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. MYRIE, Mary, May i, 1843, a. 66 y. 11 m. Consumption. NASH, Mary J., d. of Luther S. and Mary A., Jan. 5, 1847, a. 9 m. Congestion of the brain. NASON (see Nayson), William B., Oct. 6, 1843, a. 33 y. G.R.3. NAVY, George H., s. of 1. W. and A. O., Jan. 3, 1849. g-R-2. Martha M., d. of I. W. and A. O., Nov. 11, 1847. g.r.2. Nancy J., d. of I. W. and A. O., Dec. 15, 1841. g.r.2. NAYLAND, Mary, Mar. 10, 1848, a. 7 y. Bowel complaint. NAYSON (see Nason), Samuel of Liverpool, June 29, 1835, a. 60 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. NEAL, Anderson of Washington, N. C, 5th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 37 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 512 CHELSEA DEATHS. NELSON, , ch. of , bur. Dec. 24, 1818. p.r.i. J. of Point Shirley, Nov. 6, 1814, a. 20 m. c.r.i. John of Denmark, 2d day, 8th mo., 1837, a. ^,3 Y- Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary F., Miss (of Boston, p.r.i), Nov. 2, 1846, a. 37 y. g.r.i. NESBITON, George of Webb Island, i6th day, loth mo., 1828. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. NEWCOMB, Susan E., Apr. 13, 1845. G.R.3. NEWELL, Barney, Sept. 17, 1842, a. 31 y. Consumption. Colored. NEWHALL, Bridge B., Aug. 18, 1836. G.R.3. Henry, 19th day, 7th mo., 1822. (a. 104 y., Rev. soldier, G.R.3.) Joel P. of Marblehead, 3d day, 8th mo., 1836, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Joseph (Newell, c.r.i), , 1830. (June 13, 1830, a. 64II- y., C.R.I.) Sarah, w. of Henry, Dec. 10, 1814, a. 6 y. g.r.i. Webster, Feb. 6, 1834. G.R.3. NEWTON, , ch. of Cha[rle]s H. and Mehetible Went- worth, Aug. 21, 1841, a. i d. Congestion of brain. NICHOLS (see Nickoals), , ch. of , loth mo., 1836, a. 5 y. Joseph of New Orleans, Dec. 4, 1835, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Josephine H., d. of George A. and Mary R., Dec. 27, 1844, a. II m. Dropsy. Nathan Jr. of Maiden, Apr. 15, 1830, a. 29 y. c.r.i. Nathan, Capt., of Maiden, Aug. 21, 1841, a. 76 y. c.r.i. Rebecca, d. of Nathan Jr., dec, of Maiden, June 21, 1830, a. 8 m. C.R.I. Thomas Jefferson, s. of Thomas O. and Susan, Mar. 21, 1828. G.R.3. NICKERSON, Braddock, b. in Falmouth, Sept. 9, 1843, a. 35 y. Dropsy. NICKOALS (see Nichols), Tabitha, w. of James Jr., Sept, 22, 1723, in her 24th y. g.r.i. NOBLE, Anthony, May 13, 1843, ^- 45 7- Disease of heart. NOLEN, Patrick of Ireland, 17th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 513 NORTON, , ch. of A. and , July — , 1847. Still- born. Albert G., s. of Albert and Mary, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 3 d. Canker. Andrew.of Richmond, Va., 15th day, 4th mo., a. 57 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Charlotte H., d. of Joshua Jr. and Eliz[abe]th, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 3 m. Consumption. Elizabeth, wid. of David, Feb. 4, 1849, a. 80 y. Consumption. Sarah, w. of John, Oct. 18, 1847, a. 56 y. NOTTAGE, Edwin A., s. of Nath[anie]l and Jane, Mar. 22, 1841, a, I y. 8 m. Fits. Edwin A., s. of Nathaniel and Jane H., Jan. 11, 1845, ^- 2 y. 9 m. Heart disease. Frank, s. of Nath[anie]l and Jane H., Aug. 25, 1849, a. i y. Dysentery. James Henry, s. of James C. and Harriet A., Jan. 6, 1849, a. 6 y. 5 m. 15 d. Scarlet fever. Nathaniel W., 22d day, 3d mo., 1841, a. 20 m. Orlando W., nth day, 8th mo., 1838. NOWELL, Edward, Aug. 12, 1836. g.r.2. Francis F., s. of Moses and Sarah A., Aug. 31, 1849, a. 10 y. 6 m. Typhoid fever. Henry, June 19, 1822, a. 93 y. c.r.i. Moses, b. in Dracut, Sept. 6, 1849, a- 41 y- Dysentery. Md. NOYES, John M., July i, 1841, a. 36 y. G.R.3. Susan F., d. of John M. and Abigail, July 6, 1840, a. 2 y. G.R.3. NUBY, Will, b. in New York City, Jan. 23, 1848, a. 40 y. Col- ored. Seaman. NURSE, Franklin, Oct. 16, 1847, a. 23 y. Dysentery. NYE, Henry, 12th day, loth mo., 1838, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. OAKES, , w. of , of Maiden, June 18, 1830, a. 75 y. C.R.I. Benj[ami]n, bur. May 8, 1759, a. 19 y. c.r.i. O'CONNELL, John, b. in Ireland, July 28, 1849, a. 55 y. Con- sumption. Michael, s. of John and Mary, b. in Ireland, Aug. 24, 1849, a. 20 y. Dysentery. 514 CHELSEA DEATHS. ODELL, Edward C, s. of Geo[rge] W. and Huldah D., Sept. 26, 1849, a. 10 m. 19 d. Dysentery. Henry A., s. of Geo[rge] W. and Huldah D., Oct. 4, 1849, ^- 3 Y- 4 m. Dysentery. O'DONNELL, Ralph, June 3, 181 1, a. abt. 70 y. Irishman. C.R.I. OGDEN, , s. of Isaac and , June 26, 1844. Still- bom. OGLE, John, b. in Maryland, Dec. 21, 1846, a. 47 y. Pneu- monia. O'HARA, Sarah, w. of John, b. in Ireland, June 17, 1848, a. 31 y. Childbed. OLCUTT, Sidney S., of Chitter, Ont., 25th day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 19 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. OLIVER, , ch. of Joseph, bur. Nov. 28, 1776, a. 11 m. C.R.I. , ch. of W[illia]m and Mary, bur. Sept, 27, 1778, a. 12 m. C.R.I. , ch. of W[illia]m Jr., bur. July 23, 1781, a. 18 m. Drowned, c.r.i. , ch. of W[illia]m, bur. July 18, 1799, a. 5 m. c.r.i. , Dec. 10, 1816, a. 71 y. c.r.i. , w. of , 9th mo., 1836. , ch. of , 9th mo., 1836. Elizabeth, 3d mo., 1830. (bur. Mar. 27, 1830, p.r.i.) Geo[rge] W., , 1814. g.r.i&. Hepzibah, d. of William and Rebecca, Dec. 16, 1769, a. 10 y. 5 m. 2 d. G.R.I. John P., May 11, 1837, g.r.i. (a. 40 y., p.r.i.) John Sale, s. of William and Rebecca, Nov. 21, 1769, a. 6 y. 7 m. 10 d. G.R.I. Mary, , w. of , Mar. 26, 1830, a. 77 y. c.r.i. Mary, w. of , ist day, loth mo., 1839, a. 88 y. Mary Ann, w. of William, Nov. 17, 1802, a. 43 y. g.r.i. Mercy, w. of Nath[anie]l Jr., 29th day, 2d mo., 1760. (a. 38 y., c.r.i.) Nath[anie]l 3d, nth day, 4th mo., 1750. Nathaniel, Capt., Dec. 26, 1768, a. 86 y. c.r.i. Nath[anie]l Putnam, s. of William Jr. and Sussanna, 7th day, loth mo., 1778. Rebekah, w. of , bur. Jan. 21, 1801, a. 78 y. c.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 515 Oliver, Sally wid. of , Jan. 24, 1837, a. 67 y. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of William and Rebecca, Nov. 10, 1769, a. 12 y. 6 m. 23 d. G.R.I. Sarah, Oct. — , 1839, a. 26 y. Maiden, p.r.i. Sarah Roberts, wid. of W[illia]m P., Jan. 21, 1837, a. 67 y. G.R.I. Sarah S., Nov. 7, 1839, a. 26 y. g.r.i. Sarah Sigoumey, d. of William and Mary Ann, Aug. 5, 18 14, a. 19 y. G.R.I. Susannah, w. of William, May 17, 1791, a. 36 y. g.r.i. W[illia]m, a. m., bur. Sept. 29, 1782, a. 62 y. c.r.i. William, 21st day, 6th mo., 1831 (June 22, 1831, a. 87 y., g.r.i) (a. 8654 y., c.r.i). OLSTON, Peter of Gottenberg, 19th day, 5th mo., 1839, a. 67 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ORCUT (see Orcutt), , w. of , i8th day, 12th mo., 1838. ORCUTT (see Orcut), Michael, Dec. 18, 1842, a. 85 y. Old age. Samuel Jr., Nov. 2, 1842, a. i y. 2 m. Dropsy. ORMSBY, Roxanna, w. of Hugh, May 11, 1849, a. 51 y. Fit. OSBORN, George R., only s. of Richard and Joanna, Aug. 19, 1849, a. 5 y. 7 m. G.R.3. Thomas, b. in Robbinston, Me., Aug. 4, 1847, a. 32 y. OSGOOD, Geo[rge] W., s. of Will P. and Dorcas A., Dec. 8, 1846, a. I y. 6 m. Bowel complaint. OTIS, Amos, Dec. 22, 1841. Delirium tremens. OWEN (see Owens), Ann Eliza, d. of Rufus S. and Charlotte, Jan. 3, 1849, a. 2 m. Infantile. OWENS (see Owen), Alfred of Bath, 25th day, 3d mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Isaac S., July 17, 1842, a. 32 y. Consumption. PACKLEY, Samuel L. of Newton, Conn., 23d day, 8th mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PAGE, Gilman B., June 5, 1837, a. 7 y. G.R.3. Margaret A., w. of Samuel, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 37 y. Consump- tion. Nancy, w. of Benj[ami]n, Jan. 14, 1843, a. 43 y. G.R.3. 5l6 CHELSEA DEATHS. PAINE, John, Nov. 21, 1842, a. 88 y. Inflammation of lungs. Colored. PALFREY, Eliza, w. of Edw[ar]d, Jan. 3, 1845, 3- 37 7- Inflam- mation of brain. PALMER, John of Lancaster, New York, 6th day, 4th mo. 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Manley, b. in United States, Aug. 8, 1843, a. 33 y. PARKE, Jane Susan, Sept. 27, 1839, a. 19 y. G.R.3. PARKER, , ch. of , 27th day, loth mo., 1836. , ch. of Benjamin, Apr, 6, 1840, a. i y. East Boston, P.R.I. Conant (Constant, p.r.i), loth day, ist mo., 1841, a. 7 y. Henry, b. in Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1843, ^- 3° y- Disease of heart. John M. of Hollis, N. H., Jan. 29, 1835, a, 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Pierpont, b. in Westborough, Sept. 11, 1849, ^- 77 Y- Dysen- tery. Md. Willard A., s. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1849, ^- 7 ^• Infantile. PARMETER, Harriet, 25th day, 4th mo., 1840, a. 23 y. PARSONS, , ch. of Jacob, bur. May 16, 1776, a. 4 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Jacob, bur. Oct. 13, 1776, a. 2 y. c.r.i. , ch. of , Sept. 18, 1847, a. 9 m. p.r.i. Eben of Boston, 8th day, loth mo. 1838, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Peter of Boston, Dec. 12, 1834, a. 60 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William H., s. of Abijah and Hopestead, Nov. 3, 1844, a. 6 y. Bowel complaint. PATMER, Anthony of Malta, ist day, 4th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PATRIC (see Patrick), Jane E., d. of Joel and Jane, June 17, 1847, ^- 17 y- Fits. (17 y. 6 m. dup.) PATRICK (see Patric), Horace B., s. of Joel and Jane, Mar. i, 1849, ^•3 7-6 m. Scarlet fever. CHELSEA DEATHS. 517 PATTERSON, Susan E., , 1848. G.R.3. Thomas of Boston, 13th day, loth mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PAUL, Emma, d. of Phinehas and Jane, Oct. 7, 1805. c.r.i. James, b. in Trieste, Austria, Oct. 17, 1844, a. 29 y. Hydro- thorax. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PAYSON, Ann (d. of Phillips, d.d., c.r.i), Aug. 29, 1803, a. 45 y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, w. of Rev. Dr. Phillips, Sept. 25, 1800, in her 66th y. G.R.I. Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Dr. Phillips, dec., Sept. 14, 1829, a. 67 y. G.R.I. Emily, d. of Samuel S. and Grace W. of Charlestown, Oct. 20, 1810. G.R.3. (a. 16 y., G.R.I.) Grace Welsh, w. of Samuel of Charlestown, June 14, 1837, a. 75 y. G.R.3. John Welsh, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W., in Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4, 1821. G.R.3. Phillips, Rev. Doc, nth day, ist mo., 1801. (In his 65th y. and 44th y. of his ministry, g.r.i.) Samuel Phillips, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W. of Charlestown, Oct. 25, 1792. G.R.3. Samuel Phillips, s. of Samuel S. and Grace W. of Charlestown, Sept. 13, 1801. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of (Rev., g.r.i), Phillip and Eliza[bet]h, 17th day, 8th mo., 1791. (a. 21 y., g.r.i.) PEAK, Abigail D., i6th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 13 y. Mary L., Oct. 21, 1831, a. 18 m. g.r.2. William B. S., Oct. 31, 1836, a. 18 m. g.r.2. PEARSON (see Pearsons), Louisa F., d. of Lemuel L. and Sarah, in Newbur^-port, Nov. 30, 1841, a. 5 y. 3 m. G.R.3. PEARSONS (see Pearson), Henry, Nov. 4, 1844, a. 6 y. In- flammation of brain. PEATH, Jonas, b. in Boothbay, Me., July 17, 1843, a. 22 y. Consumption. PEIRCE (see Pierce), Amos (of Boston, c.r.i). Mar. 16, 1842, a. 52 y. g.r.i. Ephraim (s. of John and Sarah, c.r.i), 31st day, 5th mo., 1833 (a. 20 y., c.r.i) (June 2, 1833, G.R.3). 5l8 CHELSEA DEATHS. Peirce (Hannah W., c.r.i), d. of Royal, 30th day, ist mo., 1840. (a. 2 m., C.R.I.) Sarah (w. of John, G.R.3) 8th day, loth mo., 1834 (a. 44 y., G.R.3) (a. 43|i y., c.r.i). Sarah Ann (d. of John, c.r.i), 17th day, loth mo., 1834 (a. 20 y., G.R.3) (Oct. 18, 1834, a. iQlf y., c.r.i). WilHam, s. of WiUiam, Sept. — , 1818, a. 21 m. G.R.3. WilHam, in Charlestown, Aug. 27, 1819. G.R.3. PENDERGAST, George H., eldest s. of George S. and Sarah N., June 5, 1848. G.R.3. PENNIMAN, Adna, widr., b. in Plymouth, N. H., Dec. 31, 1849, 3- 42 y- Bleeding at lungs. Sarah A., w. of Adna, b. in Watertown, Mar. 9, 1849, a. 26 y. Consimiption. PENNOCK, Cha[rle]s of Woole, Eng., 27th day, 3d mo., 1839, a. 15 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PERCY (see Piercy), , ch. of Henry and Adaline, Aug. 30, 1846. Stillborn. PERKINS, , ch. of Mr., loth day, 9th mo., 1840, a. i y. Albert F. (Albert Francis, G.R.2), s. of John (and Harriet N., G.R.2), Nov. I, 1845, ^- 4 y- (3 y- I i^M G.R.2). Scarlet fever. Benjamin Franklin, s. of Benjamin F. and Julia A., Sept. 3, 1849, ^- 5 i^- G.R.3. Ellen T., w. of Zeb[e]d[iah] Jr., Sept. 2, 1843, ^- 22 y. Consump- tion. Joseph, July 27, 1842, a. 42 y. Consumption. PERNY, William of Waterville, Me., i6th day, ist mo., 1837, a. 40 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PERRY, John of Sweden, 4th day, 6th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, b. in Norfolk, Va., Dec. 10, 1847, ^- 4^ y- Colored. Seaman. PETERS, Ada E., d. of William D. and Sarah A., Jan. 2, 1849, a. 4 y. 2 m. Scarlet fever. Frederick of Philadelphia, Aug. 26, 1835. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. Joseph of New York, 26th day, 7th mo., 1828, a. 34 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William S., s. of William D. and Sarah A., Jan. 7, 1849, 3- ^ y- 9 m. Scarlet fever. CHELSEA DEATHS. 519 PETERSON, George, s. of Christian and , Feb. 7, 1837, a. 7 y. Drowned, g.r.2. John of Salem, Jan. i, 1835, a. 60 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Philadelphia, 2d day, 12th mo., 1838, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PETMAN (see Pitman), Samuel of Baltimore, Jan. 5, 1834, a. 37 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PETTIT, Cha[rie]s (Charies B. from Keene, N. H., c.r.i), Dec. 20, 1844, a. 26 y. Typhus fever. PHELPS, Mathew, June 20, 1847, a. 37 y. PHILBROOK, Julia Ella, Sept. 12, 1848, a. i y. 4 d. G.R.3. Will, b. in Maine, Mar. 20, 1842, a. 13 y. Typhus fever. PICKARD, W[inia]m, Aug. — , 1843, a. 28 y. Pleurisy. PICKENS, Suza, alias George Dean of Middleborough, 15th day, 7th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PIERCE (see Peirce), , d. of (Capt., p.r.i) John and Sarah, 27th day, 6th mo., 1827. , eh. of Sewell, bur. Apr. 23, 1828. p.r.i. John H., Apr. 11, 1849, ^- 4^ Y- Consumption. Josephine Ophelia, bur. Oct. 29, 1838, a. 2 y. Boston, p.r.i. Sarah (w. of John, c.r.i), 8th day, loth mo., 1834. (a. 43 H y., C.R.I.) PIERCY (see Percy), Richard C, s. of Richard C. and Eveline Sept. 30, 1848, a. 21 d. Bowel complaint. PIGOTT, John W., June 20, 1843, ^- iQ Y- Consumption. Lawrence D., s. of Maurice M. and Hannah, Apr. 26, 1849, a. 4 y. 8 m. Killed by a horse. PIKE, Asa, bur. June 22, 1789, a. 18 y. Drowned, c.r.i. PINKHAM, Bridget, Feb. 8, 1846, a. 84 y. Old age. Joseph, b. in Boothbay, Me., Aug. 23, 1846, a. 19 y. W[illia]m Pratt, s. of Vincent, Sept. 20, 1843, ^- ^ Y- c.r.i. PITMAN (see Petman), Daniel J., Mar. 12, 1841, a. 10 d. G.R.3. Daniel W., Nov. 29, 1839, a. 12 d. G.R.3. Mary Amelia, w. of Daniel, Nov. 30, 1845, 3- 3^ Y- G.R.3. 520 CHELSEA DEATHS. PLAINTAIN, George of Boston, 6th day, ist mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PLAISTED, Edwin R., s. of William T. and Elizabeth G., Aug. 19, 1848, a. 14 m. 14 d. G.R.3. POOR, Rebecca, w. of , Sept. 10, 1837, a. 26 y. g.r.i. PORTER, Benj[ami]n, 8th day, 9th mo., 1827. Lydia, d. of Amos and Anna, 23d day, nth mo., 1775. POTTER, Cha[rle]s, Jan. 7, 1844, a. 22 y. Consumption. Daniel of Concord, 4th day, 6th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Rosswell N., Mar. 14, 1841, a. 65 y. POTTLE, Anna, b. in Brunswick, Me., May 4, 1847, a. 70 y. Heart disease. (Anna Ricker, w. of William, G.R.3.) Matilda, gr. d. of William and Anna Ricker, , 1845. G.R.3. Matilda A., Jan. i, 1849, ^- 4 Y- ^^ ^- Measles. POWERS, Anna, 2d day, nth mo., 1823. PRATT, , w. of Ebenezer, bur. Sept. 13, 1796, a. 71 y. C.R.I. , ch. of Edward, bur. Mar. 26, 183 1. Charlestown, P.R.I. , ch. of Oliver, , 1837. (bur. Apr. — , 1837, p.r.i.) , ch. of Robert L., loth day, 3d mo., 1840. , ch. of Mr., 20th day, 6th mo., 1840. -, ch. of Sam[ue]l and Rebecca, [Apr. — , 1847]. Stillborn. Abigail, w. of Samuel, bur. May i, 1828. p.r.i. Abigail, w. of Daniel, June 28, 1837, a. 78 y. g.r.i. Allen T. (Allen Thomas, G.R.3), s. of William and Phebe A., July 30, 1848, a. 2 m. Erysipelas. Armenta A., d. of Andrew W. and Deborah, Dec. i, 1835, a. 15 m. G.R.I. Bamabus T., Dec. 5, 1842, a. 50 y. (49 y. 2 m. 18 d., G.R.3.) Becca, d. of Caleb and Mary, bur. Apr. 13, 1788, a. 6 y. c.r.i. Betsey, d. of Jos., bur. Apr. 13, 1791, a. 2 y. c.r.i. Betsy , w. of , May 21, 1847, a. 72 y. p.r.i. Caleb, s. of Samuel and Rebeckah, Sept. 19, 1728, a. 6 m. 7 d. g.r.i. Caleb, Apr. 14, 1804, a. 66 y. g.r.i. Caleb 2d, a. 74 y. (Oct. 28, 1838, g.r.i.) Caleb (Capt., c.r.i), Dec. 28, 1844, a. 81 y. 9 m. Stoppage. CHELSEA DEATHS. 521 Pratt, Caleb Atkins, Jan. 24, 1848, a. 18 y. 9 m. G.R.3. Charles, s. of Daniel and Marj^ (in Augusta, Me., g.r.i), Oct. 5, 1848, a. 22 y. 8 m. Lung fever. Charles C. (Charles Cary, s. of Dan[ie]l Jr. and Polly, c.r.i), 6th mo., 1825. (May 30, 1825, a. 19 m., c.r.i.) Charles H. (Charles Hanson, G.R.3), s. of William and Phebe A., Dec. 27, 1849, a. 4 y. 3 m. Croup. Daniel (Jan, 26, c.r.i), 1803, a. 80 y. g.r.i. Daniel, , 1818. G.R.ib. Daniel, Dec. 18, 184!, a. 82 y. Consumption, (a. 81 ,V y., c.r.i.) David W., s. of David U. and Rebecca W., Sept. 18, 1849, a. I y. Congestion of brain. Deborah A., d. of Andrew W. and Deborah, May 12, 1822, a. 7 m. 8 d. g.r.i. Ebenezer, bur. Apr. 30, 1767, a. 37 y. c.r.i. Eben[eze]r, s. of Eben[eze]r and Man^^ loth day, — mo., 1768. (Ebenezer, s. of wid. Mary, bur. May 12, 1768, a. 13 y., c.r.i.) Edward, Feb. 9, 1818, a. 56 y. g.r.i. (Feb. 9, 1817, a. 55 y., c.r.i.) Edward Jr., Oct. 16, 1848, a. 4 y. 9 m. G.R.3. Elizabeth, d. of John and Susan[n]a, bur. June 17, 1774, a. 20 y. C.R.I. Elizabeth, wid. of Samuel, Nov. 13, 1784, a. 56 y. g.r.i. Elizabeth (w. of Joshua Hall, c.r.i), 17th day, 12th mo., 1831. (a. 32-/^ y., C.R.I.) Elizabeth, w. of (Samuel, p.r.i), 8th day, ist mo., 1837, a. 38 y. Fields, alias Eben Fields, Dec. 28, 181 1, a. 32 y. c.r.i. Francis, s. of Joshua H. and Eliza[bet]h, 4th mo., 1825. (Apr. 2, 1825, a. 4 w., c.r.i.) Francis E., s. of Hall (Joshua H., p.r.i) and Eliz., 2d day, 4th mo., 1825. George, 8th day, 9th mo., 1817. (s. of Bill and , a. 5^ y., c.r.i.) George, , 1822. g.r.i?;. George, s. of Stephen and Eliza L., 3d day, 3d mo., 1826. (a. 3 m., c.r.i.) George H., s. of Caleb Jr., Dec. 15, 1836, a. 5 m. 20 d. c.r.i. (Dec. 13, G.R.3.) Henry, 12th mo., 1824. Died at sea. (bur. Dec. 10, 1824, P.R.I.) John, 2d, May 14, 1790, a. 63 y. g.r.i. John, Capt., of Boston, bur. Mar. 14, 1836. p.r.i. 522 CHELSEA DEATHS. Pratt, Joshua, s. of (Capt., c.r.i) Thomas and Anna, 2d day, lothmo., 1789 (Oct. 10, 1789, a. 26 d., g.r.i) (Oct. 3, 1789, a. 3 w., c.r.i). Joshua H., s. of Hall and Eliz., 13th day, lothmo., 1831. (Oct. 15, 1831, a. 8 y., C.R.I.) Lois, w. of Hall, 25th day, 4th mo., 1832. Lydia, w. of (William, Oct. 26, 1837, a. 68 y., g.r.i). Maria Thankful, d. of Edward and Thankful of Charlestown, Dec. 15, 1831, a. 4 y. c.r.i. (Dec. 13, 1831, G.R.3.) Mary, w. of Lieut. Thomas, Oct. 14, 1775, a. 77 y. g.r.i. Mary, wid. of , bur. Mar. 23, 1786, a. 65 y. c.r.i. Mary, d. of Caleb and Mary, 20th day, — mo., 1793. Mary, w. of C, 9th day, 5th mo., 1819. (w. of Caleb and d. of Robert Lash, late of Boston, May 19, 1819, a. 49 y., G.R.I.) Mary, w. of Caleb Sr., ist day, nth mo., 1829. (a. abt. 89 y., c.r.i.) Mary, w. of Daniel, June 30, 1837, a. 781% y. c.r.i. Mary, w. of Caleb 2d, , 1838. g.r.i S. Mary Ann, d. of Edward and Thankful, Feb. 22, 1831, a. lyV Y- C.R.I. (Feb. 19, 1831, G.R.3.) Mary (Mary Brooks, g.r.i), wid. of Daniel, 8th day, 3d mo., 1818. (a. 87 y., g.r.i.) Mary C, w. of Jabez D., May 30, 1844, a. 27 y. Nabby, d. of Edward and Eliz[abeth], bur. Nov. 4, 1787, a. 2 y. C.R.I. Polly, d. of Caleb, bur, Nov. 23, 1793, a. 17 y. c.r.i. Rebecca, wid. of , bur. May 12, 1775, a. 70 y. c.r.i. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, loth day, 3d mo., 1753. (Mar. 10, 1755, a. 3 m. 3 w., g.r.i.) Samuel, 15th day, 5th mo., 1754. (May 14, 1754, a. 50 y., g.r.i.) Samuel, Lieut., Mar. i, 1773, a. 46 y. g.r.i. Sam[ue]l, s. of Capt. Jos., btu. June 29, 1787, a. 22 y. c.r.i. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Mar. 7, 1797, a. 15 y. g.r.i. Samuel, Lieut., Dec. 24, 1809, a. 56 y. g.r.i. (Rev. soldier, G.R.3.) Sarah, d. of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 20, 1799, a. 41 y. g.r.i. Sarah A., d. of Andrew W. and Deborah, Dec. 31, 1838, a. 15 d. G.R.I. Sarah F., Mar. 31, 1836, a. 2 y. 10 m. G.R.3. Sarah J., d. of Andrew W. and Deborah, Nov. 28, 1833, a. 28 d. G.R.I. (ch. of Washington, p.r.i.) Sarah M., d. of Caleb Jr., Apr. 2, 1836, a. 2|| y. c.r.i. Stephen, , 1847. G.R.3. (Mar. 17, 1847, a. 47 y., p.r.i.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 523 Pratt, Susan H., d. of Andrew W. and Dcbora[h], Sept. 8, 1843, a. 5 m. (5I m., g.r.i.) Bowel complaint. Susanna, d. of John and Susanna (Dec. 5, 1758, a. 2 m., c.r.i). Susannah, w. of John, Dec. 27, 1789, a. 56 y. g.r.i. (Susanna Pratt, w. of John, Dec. 30, 1787, a. 60 y., c.r.i.) Thankful P., w. of Edward, June 22, 1842, a. 39 y. G.R.3. Thomas, s. of Ebenez[c]r, bur. Oct. 7, 1769, a. 17 y. c.r.i. Thomas, Lieut., Mar. 28, 1780, a. 81 y. g.r.i. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Anna, 25th day, 9th mo., 1789. (a. 9 d., G.R.I.) Thomas, s. of Thomas and Anna, 12th day, 9th mo., 1820. Thomas (Capt., c.r.i), 19th day, 8th mo., 1823. Died at sea (six days out from Point Petre, Guadeloupe, a. 67 y., c.r.i). Thomas F., loth day, 9th mo., 1833. Washington, s. of Andrew W. and Deborah, Aug. 29, 1820, a. 3 d. G.R.I. William, Nov. 18, 1803, a. 85 y. c.r.i. William, 13th day, 3d mo., 1822. (a. 58 y., g.r.i.) William R., Oct. 31, 1848, a. 4 y. Charlestown, p.r.i. PREBLE, Eveline Augusta, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah Ann , 1844, a. 3 m. G.R.3. James of Whitefield, Me., 20th day, loth mo., 1836, a. 31 y Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary Abby, d. of Jeremiah and Sarah Ann, , 1843 a. 2 m. G.R.3. PRESBY, Edwin, s. of Rodney and Mary E., Jan. 17, 1836 G.R.3. Henry Barnard, s. of Rodney and Mary E., Jan. 15, 1844 G.R.3. PRESCOTT, Charles B., s. of Jona[than] and Betsy, Oct. 27 1839. a. 37 y. G.R.3. Harrison, s. of Jona[than] and Betsy, May 3, 1806, a. 10 m. 27 d G.R.3. Harrison, s. of Jona[than] and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1839, a. 32 y G.R.3. Jerome, s. of Jona[than] and Betsy, Oct. 29, 1847, a. 35 y G.R.3. PRIEST, Charles, Dec. 26, 1844, a. 25 y. p.r.i. PROUTY, Samuel K., of Hingham. i6th day, 12th mo.. 1838, a. 38 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 524 CHELSEA DEATHS. PROVINCE, David (Capt., c.r.i), 7th (9th dup.) day, 3d mo., 1835. (Mar. II, 1835, a. 60 y., c.r.i.) Lois (w. of David, c.r.i), 23d day, nth mo., 1824, a. 42 y. PROVOST, Joseph of Charleston, S. C, ist day, 6th mo., 1839. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PRUDEN, George W., Mar. 21, 1849, a. 55 y. Inflammation of bowels. Sarah S., Feb. 6, 1848. Consumption. PULIFF, Sumner of Salem, 2 2d day, 6th mo., 1839, a. 46 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. PUNCHARD, John, in Florida, , 1834. G.R.3. Sarah Ward, w. of John, , 1838. G.R.3. PUTNAM, Sarah Ann R., d. of Calvin and Lydia G., b. in Gloucester, Oct. 30, 1848, a. 5 y. 6 m. Dysentery. QUIMBY, , ch. of Mr., , [1836]. Huldah, d. of Andrew Jackson and Huldah, Feb. 5, 1849, a. I d. Infantile. RACHELS, , w. of , bur. Sept. 27, 1764, a. 75 y. C.R.I. John, bur. Dec. 28, 1767, a. 86 y. c.r.i. RADCLIFF, Benj[amin], b. in Virginia, July 6, 1841. Smallpox. RAMSDALL (see Ramsdell), Abigail, bur. Sept. 25, 1776, a. 62 y. C.R.I. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdall), George, s. of Elbridge G. and Jane, Oct. 29, 1844, a. 16 d. Canker in bowels. Walter B., s. of Elbridge G. and Jane, Oct. 6, 1844, a. i y. i m. RAND, , ch. of , 3d day, 8th mo., 1841. Jefferson H., s. of Franklin and Clarisa, Aug. 8, 1841. Cholera infantum. Mary G., d. of F., Feb. 4, 1846, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever. Rachel, Dec. 12, 1847, ^- ^9 Y- Typhus fever. RANDELL, Sarah of Charlestown, nth day, 6th mo., 1834. (Mrs. Randall, bur. Aug. 11, 1834, p.r.i.) RANDLES, George, b. in Virginia, May 24, 1841, a. 32 y. RANDOLPH, Juba, Sept. 20, 1842, a. 35 y. Consumption. Colored. CHELSEA DEATHS. 525 RANSOM, David, b. in New York City, Oct. 6, 1847, a. 19 y. Colored. Seaman. RATCHFORD, Sally, w. of William, Nov. 12, 1808, a. 29 y. G.R.I. RAY, George of Philadelphia, ist day, loth mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. RAYMOND, , wid. of , Nov. 24, 181 1, a. 77 y. C.R.I. Almira Ann, d. of William and Mary, Aug. 26, 1824, a. 17 m. 3 d. G.R.3. John, Mar. — , 1803, a. 75 y. c.r.i. READ (see Reed), , ch. of Mrs., , [1836]. REAM, Adam, b. in Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1844, a. 25 y. Typhoid fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. REDDING, Henrietta M., Sept. 3, 1849, a. 16 m. g.r.2. REED (see Read), , ch. of Mr. . (bur. Jan. — , 1838, P.R.I.) Anne, d. of Sweeten, June 4, 1806, a. 38 y. c.r.i. David, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., Apr. 23, 1848, a. 22 y. Sea- man. France M. (Frances Mary, c.r.i), 23d day, 5th mo., 1832. (a. io| m., c.r.i.) Frederic O. of Portland, 9th day, 12th mo., 1838, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Frederick of New Bedford, 4th day, ist mo., 1837, a. 21 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Harriet, d. of Sweeten and Anna, Mar. 3, 1806. c.r.i. James C, 25th day, 8th mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Diarrhoea. Jeremiah, b. in Ireland, Mar. 12, 1848, a. 29 y. Seaman. Leonard of Tiverton, 12th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 17 y. Col- ored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Sarah, wid., b. in Braintree, Dec. 8, 1849, ^- ^o y. Cancer. William, Nov. 18, 1848, a. 28 y. G.R.3. REMIS, Cha[rle]s, b. in Norway, Oct. 7, 1846, a. 40 y. Con- sumption. REVEY, Cha[rle]s, b. in New York, Nov. 12, 1846, a. 45 y. Colored. 526 CHELSEA DEATHS. REYNOLD (see Reynolds), Edward, b. in France, Dec. 28, 1846, a. 18 y. Apoplexy. REYNOLDS (see Reynold), William of New York, 2 2d day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. RHOADES (see Rhodes), Isaac, May i, 1848, a. 67 y. Bleed- ing at lungs. RHODES (see Rhoades), (Mr., p.r.i), nth day, 8th mo., 1818. A stranger. Caroline S., , 1842, a. 16 y. (June 22, 1842, p.r.i.) Hannah, w. of Isaac, June 13, 1846, a. 58 y. 6 m. John of New York, 15th day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Warren, s. of Amos H. and Sarah D., Sept. 29, 1841. Con- siimption. RICH, George of Portugal, Dec. 19, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. RICHARDS, Betsy (of Weymouth, c.r.i), 2d day, 12th mo,, 1840. (Dec. 4, 1840, a. 8oj\ y., c.r.i.) RICHARDSON, Hannah, w. of N. W., May 18, 1847, a. 43 y. Consumption. Nath[anie]l W., Sept. 9, 1848, a. 49 y. Lockjaw. RICKER, Alphonze, Aug. 14, 1842, a. 20 y. Consimiption. RIDLER (see Ridlon, Ridlond), , ch. of Thomas and Maria, Sept. 9, 1842, a. 18 d. Charles B., s. of Joseph, Jan. 26, 1829, a. 8 y. g.r.i. (8 y. 6 m., G.R.3.) Charlotte L., w. of Samuel P., Jan. 30, 1845, a. 24 y. G.R.3. Isaac, s. of Joseph, Feb. 26, 1829, a. 21 y. g.r.i. Joseph, Nov. 12, 1828, a. 50 y. G.R.3. RIDLON (see Ridler, Ridlond), Sebastian S., s. of Thomas H. and , Feb. 4, 1849, a. 11 y. 4 m. Typhoid fever. RIDLOND (see Ridler, Ridlon), Maria, w. of Thomas H., May I, 1845, a. 28 y. Consumption. Thomas, s. of Thomas H. and Maria, Mar. 24, 1845, a. 12 d. Consumption. RINGAUD, Joseph, b. in France, June 14, 1843, a. 40 y. Frac- ture of spine. CHELSEA DEATHS. 327 RINGER, A. F., b. in Prussia, Apr. 12, 1844, a. 21 y. Cancer. RINGOT, Joseph Mark, Sept. 21, 1842, a. 57 y. 7 m. g.r.2. Nancy, w. of Joseph Mark, July 23, 1846, a. 56 y. g.r.2. WilHam A., Aug. 4, 1849, a. 31 y. g.r.2. RINK, Peter, b. in Hamburg, Apr. 17, 1845, a. 27 y. Con- sumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. RIPLANEY, Janette C, b. in Cork, Ire., Apr. 30, 1848, a. 2 y. Consumption. RIPLEY, Jane, wid. of John, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 82 y. Consump- tion. John, July 18, 1842, a. 79 y. 7 m. Gravel. (John of Boston, Aug. 16, 1842, in his 80th y., g.r.2.) (July 18, 1842, p.r.i.) RIVERS, Charles M., s. of Benj[amin] and Catherine, Sept. ii, 1848, a. 2 y. Brain fever. ROACH, Samuel of New York, 2d day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ROATH, Charles, b. in Norwich, Conn., Dec. 5, 1849, a. 49 y. Fistula. Md. ROBBINS, Joanna, Oct. 14, 1846, a. 38 y. Consumption. John, b. in Spain, Oct. 7, 1842, a. 35 y. Ulceration of bowels. Mary W., w. of Joseph, Nov. 19, 1846, a. 38 y. Consumption. ROBERSON (see Robinson), EHzabeth (w. of , c.r.i), 3d day, 9th mo., 1834. (a. 42 y., c.r.i.) ROBERTS, Andrew, b. in Centreville, Md., Sept. 6, 1843, a. 35 y. Cholera morbus. James of Long Isle, 20th day, 9th mo., 1837, a. 45 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jordan, 24th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. ROBINSON (see Roberson), , Mr., , 1838. Charles of Bermuda, 28th day, 3d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Emma Comfort, d. of N. W. and E. B., Oct. 14, 1847. G.R.3. John T., , 1841. G.R.3. Julia C, d. of Gco[rge] and Nancy, b. in Boston, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 45 y, Unm. Dysentery. 528 CHELSEA DEATHS. ROBY, Z. Spaulding, Sept. 7, 1848. G.R.3. ROGERS, Frank B., s. of J. W. H. and Abby Ann, Aug. 2, 1848, a. I y. 8 m. 18 d. Dysentery. George Augustus, s. of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, Sept. 20, 1840. G.R.3. Mary Adelaid, d. of Robert B. and Lucy M., Sept. 8, 1848. G.R.3. Mary Emily, d. of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, Apr. 22, 1838. G.R.3. ROLLINS, Albert H., s. of T. and Ann M., Apr. 8, 1843, a. 19 m. G.R.3. Ann M., w. of T., July 26, 1844, a. 29 y, G.R.3. Elizabeth A., d. of T. and Ann M., May 4, 1843, ^- 3 Y- 3 ^^^ G.R.3. ROQUE, Ellen, d. of James and Mary Ann, Dec. 24, 1848, a. 2 y. 7 m. Dysentery. ROSE, , w. of , Mar. 8, 1848. Worcester, p.r.i. ROSSITER, Joseph B., s. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C, , 1837. G.R.3. Josephine, d. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C, , 1847. G.R.3. ROULSTONE, W[illia]m W., Aug. 15, 1845, a. 29 y. Killed at fire in Brattle Sq., Boston. G.R.3. RUSSELL, Mary E., d. of Edwin E. and Mary A., June 4, 1849. G.R.3. RYAN, Sam[ue]l of New Haven, 21st day, 4th mo., 1838, a. 34 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. RYDER, Howes, Jan. — , 1827, a. 32 y. G.R.3. Reuben, lost at sea, Nov. 25, 1834, a. 18 y. G.R.3. SADLER, Robert of Scotland, 15th day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 29 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SALE, Almira (d. of Col. John and Hannah, c.r.i), 3d day, 3d mo., 1834. (a. 22 y., c.r.i.) Deborah, w. of (Col., c.r.i) John, Dec. 18, 1804, a. 31 y. g.r.i. Huldah, wid. of , bur. May 3, 1780, a. 92 y. c.r.i. James Penn, s. of Col. John (and Deborah, g.r.i), bur. Sept. ID, 1801, a. 3 y. c.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 529 Sale, John, Capt., bur. Sept. 19, 1763, a. 77 y. c.r.i. John, Dea., Apr. 20, 1803, a. 76 y. g.r.i. John (Col., c.r.i), Aug. 31, 1835. (a. 78 y., c.r.i.) Nancy, Aug. 11, 1815, a. 62 y. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, 12th day, loth mo., 1756. Sarah, w. of Dea. , btir. June 22, 1785, a. 59 y. c.r.i. Wilham (s. of Col. John, c.r.i), 5th day, 9th mo., 1831. (a. 14 y., c.r.i.) SAMPSON, Sam[ue]l. (bur. Sept. — , 1837, p.r.i.) SAMSON, , ch. of , bur. Apr. 5, 1790, a. 20 m. Negro, c.r.i. SANBORN, Deborah, Mar. 24, 1830, a. 14 m. 15 d. G.R.3. George H., Apr. 23, 1832, a. 5 y. 9 m. 23 d. G.R.3. James A., May 7, 1844, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.3. Lewis G., Aug. 31, 1835, a. 20 m. G.R.3. Martin L., Dec. 6, 1848, a. 4 m. 19 d. G.R.3. SANDFORD (see Sanford), Gelston, s. of Joseph H. and Mary J., Aug. 9, 1846, a. 10 m. 12 d. G.R.3. SANFORD (see Sandford), Clarissa, d. of Aaron W. and Han- nah Atkins, Dec. 29, 1839, a. 7 y. G.R.3. Joseph, s. of Aaron W. and Hannah Atkins, Oct. 20, 1842, a. i y. 3 m. G.R.3. Mary, w. of , , 1837. (bur. Aug. — , 1837, a. 56 y., P.R.I.) Robert, s. of Aaron W. and Hannah Atkins, Mar. 26, 1843, a. 4 y. G.R.3. SARGEANT (see Sargent, Seargeant, Sergeant, Sergent), , s. of Benja[min] and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1802, a. 15 h. C.R.I. Daniel, Nov. 24, 1801, a. 44 y. c.r.i. Ebenezer, bur. July 15, 1794, a. 46 y. c.r.i. Lois, d. of Samuel and Lois, Oct. 18, 1781, a. 27 y. g.r.i. (28 y., C.R.I.) Lois, w. of , bur. May 30, 1801, a. 82 y. c.r.i. Samuel Jr., bur. Dec. 26, 1787, a. 43 y. c.r.i. Samuel, Oct. 28, 1803, a. 86 y. c.r.i. Sarah, w. of Benj[amin], Nov. 16, 1812, a. 49 y. c.r.i. Susannah, wid. of , bur. Jan. 2, 1796, a. 77 y. c.r.i. W[illia]m, bur. Apr. 3, 1784, a. 27 y. c.r.i. 530 CHELSEA DEATHS. SARGENT (see Sargeant, Seargeant, Sergeant, Sergent), , ch. of Oilman and Mary H., May 3, 1848. Still- born. Benjamin, bur. Jan. 28, 1835, a. 30 y. p.r.i. Charles B., s. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Mar. 28, 1832, a. 4 y. 7 m. G.R.3. Charles B., s. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Apr. 20, 1844, a. I y. 4 m. G.R.3. David B., s. of Benjamin and Mary Ann, b. in Boston, Sept. 4, 1849, ^- 6 y. Dysentery. Emeline, d. of Aaron and Sarah, , 1842. G.R.3. Hellen, w. of Frederick W., May 14, 1849, a. 21 y. Brain fever. Mary Ellen, d. of Oilman and Mary H., Apr. 28, 1849, a. 5 y. 3 m. Scarlet fever. Otis, s. of Christopher O. and Julia, Feb. 5, 1849, ^- 5 Y- 7 ^n- Scarlet fever. Phebe Ann, d. of Oilman and Mary H., Apr. 25, 1849, a. 10 y. 4 m. Scarlet fever. Rebecca W., d. of Christopher O. and Julia, b. in Oloucester, Jan. 22, 1849, a. 9 y. 5 m. Scarlet fever. Richard, b. in New Orleans, La., May 30, 1847, a. 26 y. Sea- man. Sarah O., d. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Sept. 8, 1833, a. i y. II m. G.R.3. SAUNDERS, Charles of Wilmington, N. C, 6th day, 5th mo., 1836, a. 31 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SAVAGE, Sarah Elisebeth, only d. of Capt. John H. and Mary A., Dec. 6, 1845, a. 4 y. 10 m. G.R.3. SAVEL, Sarah A., d. of James M. and Sarah A., Mar. i, 1842. Croup. SAWIN, Charlotte S., d. of John and Charlotte, Mar. 4, 1844, a. I y. 2 m. Inflammation of lungs. Harriet W. L., d. of John and Charlotte, Nov. 24, 1843, a. 3 y. I m. Scarlet fever. SAWYER, Oeorge, s. of WilHam L. and Ellen, June 12, 1844, a. 2 y. 10 m. Croup. Henry Weeks, Sept. i, 1848, a. 4 m. G.R.3. SCHOFF, , ch. of Cha[rle]s E. and Eliza P., June 5, 1847. Stillborn. CHELSEA DEATHS. 53 I SCHONILL, Sophia Loiza, 24th day, 6th mo., 1823. SCHULTOR, Cha[rle]s of Denmark, 22d day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SCOTT, John, Sept. 21, 1842, a. 25 y. Inflammation of kmgs. Sam[uel] P., b. in Newport, R. I., Mar. 28, 1844. Consumption. SCOVILL, , w. of , bur. June 24, 1823. p.r.i. SEAGER, , ch. of , Dec. — , 1842. p.r.i. SEAMAN, Harriet M., b. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 8 m. Dysentery. Mark T., s. of Nathan and Ehza N., b. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 5 y. Dysentery. Nathan, b. in Maine, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 31 y. Dysentery. SEARGEANT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Sergeant, Sergent), John, bur. Jan. 13, 1776, a. 59 y. c.r.i. SEARS, John (Joshua, p.r.i), 27th day, loth mo., 1827. (A stranger, c.r.i.) SENTER, Warren P., s. of Aaron and Rebecca, b. in Burling- ton, May 6, 1849, ^- 26 y. Consumption. SERGEANT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Seargeant, Sergent), John Jr., bur. Jan. 3, 1767, a. 22 y. c.r.i. SERGENT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Seargeant, Sergeant), John of Gloucester, 24th day, 6th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SESSIONS, Abraham of Virginia, 26th day, 7th mo., 1829, Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SEVERANCE, Anna Frances, d. of diaries and Chariotte, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 2 y. I m. Dropsy on brain. SEWARD, Mary F., d. of Thomas and Martha A., Apr. 14, 1841. SEWELL, , ch. of , Mar. — , 1842. p.r.i. SHAHAN, Benjamin of Salem, Feb. 21, 1836, a. 53 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHANLEY, John, s. of Thomas and Catherine, July 25, 1846, a. 7 m. Croup. 532 CHELSEA DEATHS. SHARP, Collins, b. in New York City, June ii, 1847, a. t,^ y. Seaman. John, Sept. 29, 1836, a. 49 y. G.R.3. SHASTER, Abraham of Maryland, 24th day, loth mo., 1830. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHAW, Jonathan of Bridgton, 13th day, 3d mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHAYS, George, i8th day, 12th mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHEARMAN, John of Island, 15th day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHED, Hiram of Salem, i6th day, loth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHEPHERD, David, b. in Connecticut, Oct. 10, 1841, a. 25 y. , Consumption. SHEPLARD, John S., 21st day, 9th mo., 1837, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SHERMAN, Clark, b. in Rhode Island, May 4, 1841, a. 27 y. Chronic diarrhoea. SHIELDS, Frank, b. in Ireland, Jan. 9, 1849, 3- 5^ Y- Consump- tion. SHILLABER, Benjamin P., Aug. 8, 1844. G.R.3. SHINE, John, b. in Bangor, Me., Aug. 31, 1846, a. 20 y. SHIPLEY, Cornelia B., d. of Simon G. and Judith, Dec. 13, 1835, a. 2 y. 9 m. G.R.3. Elizabeth R., d. of Simon G. and Judith, June 30, 1843, a. 2 y. II m. G.R.3. Francis W., s. of Simon G. and Judith, June 9, 183 1, a. 4 y. G.R.3. Francis W., s. of Simon G. and Judith, May 19, 1832, a. 18 m. G.R.3. John, Oct. 4, 1829, a. 59 y. G.R.3. Judith, w. of Simon G., June 20, 1843, a. 45 y. G.R.3. SHUTE, Bathsheba, d. of Richard and Mary, 25th day, ist mo., 1770. Huldah, 20th day, 9th mo., 1822. CHELSEA DEATHS. 533 Shute, Lois (w. of Jacob, c.r.i), 27th day, 6th mo., 1823. (a. ^T, y., C.R.I.) Sarah, Nov. 26, 1842, a. 72 y. Palsy. SIBLEY, Catherine A., d. of Cha[rie]s and Catherine, Sept. 21, 1847, a- 6 y. 5 m. Dysentery. Charles Jr., b. in Barre, Dec. 29, 1849, a. 41 y. Typhoid fever. Md. Charles E., s. of Cha[rle]s E. and Catherine, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 12 y. 7 m. Dysentery. James B., s. of James and Catharine, Oct. 9, 1843, ^- 9 ^^• Whooping cough. Mary L., d. of Cha[rle]s and Catherine, Sept. 20, 1847, ^- 2 y. 7 m. Dysentery. SIEMONS, W[illia]m C, s. of Harm and Jane, June 2, 1841, a. 17 m. G.R.2, William C, s. of Harm and Mary J., June 22, 1844, a. 9 m. Teething. SIGOURNEY, EHsha, merchant, of Boston, Sept. 10, 181 1, a. 58 y. G.R.I. SIMMONS, John of St. Thomas, 14th day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 32 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIMONS, George of New York, Jan. 10, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIMONTON, Peter of Sweden, 6th day, loth mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIMPSON (see Simson), Sarah A., d. of Thomas W. and Ellen, Nov. II, 1848, a. 2 W. G.R.2. SIMS, Michael of Danby, Conn., 13th day, 9th mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIMSON (see Simpson), William of New York, 9th day, 12th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIPLE, Moses, loth day, ist mo., 1832. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SIRVEND, WilHam of France, 22d day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 49 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SKERSEY, Samuel of Salem, 17th day, 4th mo., 1828, a. 52 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 534 CHELSEA DEATHS. SKIDMORE, Emily, July 3, 1849, a. 7 y. 8 m. G.R.3. SLACK, Deliverance, wid. of S., Aug. 22, 1846, a. 81 y. By a fall. SLADE, , eh. of , bur. Apr. 6, 1786, a. 14 m. C.R.I. Charles H., Feb. 25, 1840, a. 22 y. Boston, p.r.i. Ellen A., d. of Levi and , Oct. 15, 1844, a. i y. 3 m. 15 d. Infantile. Hannah C, Mrs., 9th day, 6th mo., 1833. (a. 21 y., g.r.i.) Isaac, , 1830. (Aug. 24, 1830, a. 4^1% Y-. c.r.i.) John, bur. Sept. 16, 1791, a. 52 y. c.r.i. John, Capt., , 1840. G.R.3. Mary Ann, w. of William J., , 1837. G.R.3. (Mrs. Slade, bur. Sept. 2, 1837, a. 25 y., p.r.i.) Nancy, w. of , July 26, 1844, a. 68 y. Boston, p.r.i. Robert, Nov. 8, 1819, a. 37 y. g.r.i. SLADER, Tho[ma]s A., s. of George R., Aug. 30, 1847, a. i y. 8 m. Dysentery. Will, July 29, 1847, a. 57 y. Dropsy. William H., s. of George R. and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1844, a. 2 y. 8 m. Croup. SLOANE, Odin of New Hampshire, 30th day, 8th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SMALL (Robert, c.r.i), 5th day, 9th mo., 1838. (a. 24 y., drowned, c.r.i.) SMART, William of New York, nth day, 2d mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SMITH, , ch. of . (1839, p.r.i.) Benj[amin], b. in Detroit, Feb. 28, 1847, a. 45 y. Charles, Mar. i, 1849, a. 45 y. Drowned at Cape Cod. Charles True, s. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1849. G.R.3. Ebenezer of West Cambridge, Apr. 11, 1835, a. 37 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Edward of Boston or Bangor, Oct. 18, 1834, a. 29 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Edward K., s. of Edward K. and Susan, 8th day, ist mo., 1827. (a. 4 m. 20 d., C.R.I.) Edward P., Nov. 19, 1842. G.R.3. Elijah of Philadelphia, 25th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 535 Smith, Emma Adelia, d. of Abncr and Adelia M., Mar. i6, 1848, a. 5 w. 3 d. G.R.4. Frederic of Sweden, 4th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Geo[rge], b. in Italy, May 6, 1847, 3- 21 y. George Abner, s. of Abner and Mary Ann, June 10, 1838, a. I y. 5 m. G.R.4. Geo[rge] S., s. of Geo[rge] S. and Susan B., Dec. 25, 1848, a. i y. 5 m. Scarlet fever. Gorrge, b. in Naples, Italy, May 6, 1847, a. 21 y. Seaman. Harriet B. P., d. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1849. G.R.3. Henry Abner, s. of Abner and Adelia M., Aug. 20, 1846, a. 7 m. G.R.4. Horace Abner, s. of Abner and Nancy, Dec. 15, 1842, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.4. Imogene, d. of Oliver and Eunice, , 1849. G.R.3. Jacob of Boston, 15th day, nth mo., 1836, a. 42 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. James of Ireland, 19th day, 8th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. James of Denmark, 2d day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 20 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jeffrey of Portsmouth, N. H., 15th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. t,^ y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Joel of Long Island, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1836, a. 41 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, Capt., Sept. 21, 1706, a. 85 y. g.r.i. John of New York, i8th day, 6th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, 29th day, nth mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospi- tal. Consumption. John, b. in Philadelphia, July 7, 1844, a. 29 y. Phthisis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John A., 20th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 31 y., of Hallowell, Me. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary, w. of Capt. John, Feb. 6, 1693-4, a. abt. 48 y. g.r.i. Mary, w. of Stephen, May 21, 1847, a. 51 y. Consimiption. (May 23, 1847, G.R.2.) Mary Ann, w. of Abner, Nov. 17, 1838, a. 24 y. G.R.4. Mary E., d. of J. C. and E. M., June 4, 1841, a. 3 y. 3 m. Con- sumption. Nancy, w. of Abner, July 11, 1841, a. 22 y. G.R.4. Nathaniel, June 23, 1844, a. 52 y. Consumption. Peter, b. in Sweden, Jan. 20, 1847, a. 40 y. 536 CHELSEA DEATHS. Smith, Sarah, d. of Silas and Sarah, bur. Dec. i, 1774, a. 12 y. C.R.I. Tho[ma]s, b. in Massachusetts, Jan. 17, 1847, a. 37 y. William, Rev. 2d, pastor of ist Baptist Church, jiily 26, 18 11, a. 30 y. G.R.2. William of Plymouth, 20th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William, b. in Maine, Oct. 12, 1841, a. 35 y. Erysipelas. William, Aug. 24, 1842, a. 18 y. Inflammation of lungs. SNAITH, Richard Temple, , 1849. G.R.3. SNELLING, William J., b. in Boston, Dec. 24, 1848, a. 44 y. Delirium tremens. SNELLINGS, William of Pennsylvania, 3d day, 12th mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SNOW, Abby F., d. of Robert K. and Mary, b. in Boston, Oct. 26, 1849, ^- 4 y- Dysentery, SOMERBEY (see Somerby), Anther of Newburyport, Jan. 15, 1835, a. 39 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SOMERBY (see Somerbey), Charles of Prussia, Apr. 10, 1834, a. 48 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Enoch, b. in Newburyport, Mar. i, 1844, a. 2,3 Y- Consumption. SOMES, , ch. of K. B., Oct. 7, 1845, a. i m. 10 d. Whoop- ing cough. SOULE, , Mr., , , 1838. James A. (James Alanson, G.R.2), s. of James M. and Mary E., 24th day, 7th m.o., 1838. (Juty 22, 1838, a. 6 m., g.r.2.) Mary E., w. of James M., Feb. 14, 1843, ^- 3° y- g.r.2. SPACK, Samuel, 28th day, 7th mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SPADE, William H., loth day, 3d mo. (1838, p.r.i), a. 4 y. 9 m. SPAVIN, EHz[abeth], w. of Robert, May 13, 1842, a. 30 y. Typhus fever. SPELMAN, Nathan of EHsduth City, i8th day, nth mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SPENSER, WilHam of New York, 22d day, loth mo., 1837, a. 37 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 537 SPICER, James, b. in Prospect, Me., May 27, 1845, a. 34 y. Consumption. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SPOONER, Charles E., Aug. 17, 1845, a. i y. 11 d. g.r.2. Jarrett B., Sept. 12, 1842, a. i y. 2 m. 14 d. g.r.2. Mart[h]a A. B., d. of Daniel and Adaline, July 10, 1847, a. 5 m. 20 d. G.R.2. SPOOR, Catherine D., w. of Frederick, May 10, 1843, a. 22 y. G.R.2. Ephraim, b. in New Ipswich, N. H., May 11, 1849, a. 66 y. Consumption. Juliett A,, Aug. 18, 1842, a. 6 y. Dysentery. SPRAGUE, , wid. of , bur. June 23, 1786, a. 73 y. C.R.I. Caesar, Dec. 17, 1803, "black man supposed to be near 100." C.R.I. Lydia, w. of , Aug. 13, 1777, a. 69 y. g.r.i. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Rachel (Martha, g.r.i), 4th day, 9th mo., 1768. (In his 23d y., g.r.i.) Samuel, Capt., Apr. 15, 1783, a. 70 y. g.r.i. STABLER, John, b. in Germany, Oct. 11, 1848, a. 38 y. Cramp. STAKE, Samuel of Holliston, 7th day, nth mo., 1836, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. STANIEL (see Staniels), Ed[war]d Carp[ente]r (s. of Carpenter and Sarah, c.r.i), 9th day, 3d mo., 1824. (a. 6 m., c.r.i.) Geo[rge] Carpenter (s. of Carpenter, c.r.i), 22d day, 9th mo., 1827. (a. 9 m., C.R.I.) Sarah, d. of C. and Sarah, 15th day, ist mo., 1825. Sarah (w. of Carpenter, c.r.i), 26th day, ist mo., 1825. (a. 24 y., C.R.I.) STANIELS (see Staniel), , ch. of Carpenter, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 3 m. C.R.I. Abby F., nth mo., 1834. (Abby Frances, d. of Carpenter and H., Nov. 4, 1834, a. 2|f y., c.r.i.) Ann, Mrs., of IBoston, 7th day, ist mo., 1834. Ann C, Miss, Oct. 18, 1846, a. 17 y. Maiden, p.r.i. Charles Edward, 8th day, 12th mo., 1822. (a. 2 y., c.r.i.) Hannah, w. of , Mar. 11, 1843, a. 37tV Y- c.r.i. (Mar. 9, 1843, p.r.i.) Hiram, Aug. 19, 1847, a. 21 y. Boston, p.r.i. 538 CHELSEA DEATHS. STANTON, , w. of , Sept. — , 1842, a. 21 y. P.R.I. STAPLES, , ch. of , Sept. — , 1842. p.r.i. STEARNS, Edward P., June 23, 1849. G.R.3. STEBBINS, Harriet Ann, July 3, 1849, a. 8 m. Teething. Foundling. Rebecca, Feb. 28, 1842. G.R.3. STEDMAN, , w. of , 27th day, 12th mo., 1839. STEPHENS (see Stevens), , ch. of , Oct. 13, 1842. P.R.I. STERLING, Richard of Boston, 13th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 42 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. STEVENS, (see Stephens), George, b. in St. Thomas, May 8, 1844, a. 27 y. Phthisis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Henry, s. of Newburyport, 20th day, 6th mo., 1838, a. 49 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Maryland, 31st day, 3d mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Lydia, wid. of , July 9, 1824, a. 76 y. c.r.i. Mary H., d. of Joseph G. and Mary E. T., b. in Boston, Sept. 17, 1846, a. 7 m. Dropsy on brain. STEWART, Adam, Dr., , 1842. g.r.2. Elizabeth, w. of Dr. Adam, , 1844. g.r.2. Josiah of New York, nth day, 4th mo., 1836, a. 23 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. STICKNEY, , ch. of . (bur. Mar. — , 1838, P.R.I.) Mary P., d. of John and Hannah S., Mar. 17, 1842, a. 7 y. 6 m. STILLMAN, Samuel, Rev., d.d.. Mar. 12, 1807, a. 70 y., "after a faithful ministry of forty-two years." G.R.3. STIMPSON, , ch. of James and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1842. STOCKMAN, Moody, , 1841. G.R.3. STODARD (see Stoddard), , , 1839. (Mr. Stodard, Oct. , 1839, P.R.I.) STODDARD (see Stodard), Atteresta, ch. of S. K. and J. H., Mar. 19, 1841, a. 8 m. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 539 STONE, , ch. of , Aug. 16, 1842. P.R.I. Benj[ami]n, bur. July i, 1766, a. 66 y, c.r.i. Henry M., b. in Sandwich, Oct. 4, 1848, a. 39 y. Consumption. Silas, July i, 1842, a. 25 y. Consumption. Tho[ma]s F., s. of Dan[ie]l S. and Aurelia J., Sept. 14, 1846, a. 6 d. Consumption. STORER, Seth S., b. in Maine, Jan. 12, 1842, a. 29 y. Scurvy. STORY, Martha Ann, d. of Asa and Martha, Nov. 16, 1840, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.3. STOWARS (see Stowers), Sally, w. of , 30th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 59 y. STOWERS (see Stowars), , ch. of Sam[uel] (Samuel S., p.R.i), 23d day, 9th mo., 1839. Anna (d. of J., Esq., c.r.i), 23d day, 6th mo., 1825, a. 20 y. 9 m. Benjamin, 12th day, ist mo., 1805. (a. 27 y., c.r.i.) Benj[ami]n, s. of Joseph, 4th day, 5th mo., 1827, a. 21 y. Edward (s. of wid. Abigail, c.r.i), 7th day, 9th mo., 1820. (a. 9 y., c.r.i.) Elizabeth, w. of , Mar. 9, 1802, a. 85 y. c.r.i. George, s. of James Jr., dec, and Abigail, June 19, 1814, a. I y. c.r.i. George, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 30 y. p.r.i. James, Jan. 16, 1780, in his 64th y. g.r.i. James Jr., June 14, 1814, a. 43 y. c.r.i. James, , 1816, a. 74 y. c.r.i. James, Lieut, (s. of James, dec, c.r.i), 22d day, 7th mo., 1825, a. 27 y. Lois, w. of Joseph, nth day, 9th mo., 1807. (a. 28 v., c.r.i.) Lydia, 7th day, 7th mo., 1824. Nath[anie]l, bur. Nov. 11, 1797, a. 41 y. c.r.i. Phebe Ann (d. of Sam[ue]l, c.r.i), 9th day, 8th mo., 1831. (a. 7^V y- C.R.I.) Phebe F., w. of (Sam[ue]l S., c.r.i), 23d day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 42 y. (June 26, c.r.i.) Sally W., nth day, 2d mo., 1825. Samuel Sprague, 27th day, 6th mo., 1805. (a. 36 y., c.r.i.) Sarah, w. of Capt. James, bur. Sept. 23, 1796, a. 53 y. c.r.i. STRADDEN, WilHam of Roxbury, i6th day, 3d mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. STRAW, Jefferson H., , 1842. G.R.3. 540 CHELSEA DEATHS. STUDLEY, , ch. of Mr., 31st day, 3d mo., 1836. George, , 1847. G.R.3. STURGIS, , ch. of Charles, June 27, 1847, a. 17 m. E. Boston, P.R.I. Samuel, 13th day, nth mo., 1825. (a. 64 y. 2 m., G.R.4.) SULIVAN (see SuUivan), Hughe of New York, 20th day, ist mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SULLIVAN (see Sulivan), Daniel, b. in Cork, Ire., Sept. 7, 1844, a. 22 y. Phthisis. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jeremiah, 30th day, ist mo., 1837, a. 48 y. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. Michael of Gloucester, 9th day, loth mo., 1827. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SWAN, Alexander of North Hampton, 3d day, 3d mo., 1837, a. 44 y. Colored, Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SWEETSER (see Sweetswer), Flora R., d. of W[illia]m H., and Caroline E. S., b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 7, 1849, ^- 10 m. Teething. SWEETSWER (see Sweetser), Lydia, wid. of , July 24, 1843, a. 84 y. Old age. SWIFT, Eben[eze]r of Plymouth, July 2, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Felix of Rochester, Mass., May 11, 1835, a. 26 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. SYMES, David, b. in Ireland, Dec. 25, 1848, a. 40 y. Con- sumption. TAFT, Jack T., , 1839. Colored. TAPLEY, John, Dec. — , 1847, a. 74 y. p.r.i. TAY, , ch. of Isaiah, bur. Aug. 28, 1775, a. 10 m. c.r.i. Eliza[beth], bur. Apr. 30, 1781, a. 24 y. c.r.i. TAYLOR, Ezekiel, b. in Lyman, Me., Mar. 22, 1849, a. 36 y. Fit. Lucy Hall, w. of H., Mar. 3, 1848, a. 37 y. 9 m. G.R.3. Seth, b. in Lyman, Me., Nov. 29, 1848, a. 71 y. Fit. Ursula Jane, d. of H. and Lucy Hall, Jan. 16, 1839, a. 19 m. 13 d. G.R.3. CHELSEA DEATHS. 54I TEAGUE, , ch. of , Dec. 6, 1842. p.r.i. John R., s. of John R. and Evelina, b. in Boston, Aug. 30, 1844, a. I y. Convulsions. TEDBOLD, Cha[rle]s, b. in Wales, Eng., Feb. 11, 1848, a. 24 y. Seaman. TEMPLE, Robert of Ireland, 28th day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Thomas J., s. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., , 1847. G.R.3. TERNAN, Mary, d. of Patrick and Catherine, b. in Boston, Oct. 30, 1849, a. 2 m. 21 d. TEUKSBERY (see Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukes- bury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury), John (of Pulling Point, c.r.i), Mar. II, 1816, a. 81 y. g.r.i. TEWKESBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury), Sarah, wid. of , bur. July 28, 1765, a. 56 y. c.r.i. William, s. of Andrew, bur, Nov. 20, 1766, a. 2 y. c.r.i. TEWKSBERY (see Teuksber>^ Tewkesbury, Tewksbury, Tukes- hxiry, Tuksber}', Tuksbury), Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 6th day, 3d mo., 1816. (a. 6 m., g.r.i.) Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 23d day, 5th mo., 18 17. Martha, d. of Bill and Martha, nth day, 9th mo., 1814. (a. 3 y. 3 m. G.R.4.) Sam[ue]l, s. of Bill and Martha, i6th day, ist mo., 1818. (18 19, c.r.i, and p.r.i.) (a. 10 m., c.r.i.) TEWKSBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, iTewksbery, Tukes- bury, Tuksbery, Tuksbur^^), , ch. of James S., bur. Nov. — , 1822, p.r.i. , ch. of John, bur. Feb. 9, 1828. p.r.i. , ch. of Martin and Adaline, , 1841. (d. of Martin W. and Adeline, June 5, 1841, G.R.3.) -, ch. of Mrs. Mary, 24th day, 9th mo., 1841. Abigale, w. of William, Jan. 21, 1812, a. 34 y. 8 m. 21 d. G.R.I. Alfred, only ch. of Tho[ma]s S. and Adaline, Mar. 22, 1848, a. 5 m. G.R.4. Andrew, at Deer Island, Oct. 24, 1814, a. 75 y. g.r.i. Andrew Jr., [no date]. (Andrew of Point Shirley, June 26, 1835, a- 45tV y- C.R.I.) 542 CHELSEA DEATHS. Tewksbury, Andrew, Feb. 14, 1846, a. 83 y. 4 m. Old age. (Angeline M., c.r.i), d. of Andrew, i8th day, 9th mo., 1832. (At Point Shirley, Sept. 20, 1832, a. i|f y., c.r.i.) Ann, d. of Bill and Martha, Dec. 11, 1848, a. t,;^ y. G.R.4. (Ann Tewksbury, Dec. 13, 1846, a. 33 y., p.r.i.) Anna (wid., g.r.i), 2d day, 4th mo., 1829. (a. 89 y., g.r.i.) Catharine A. (d. of James, c.r.i), 17th day, nth mo., 1827. (a. 15 m., C.R.I.) Cha[rle]s E. (Charles Edwin, s. of James, c.r.i), i8th day, 6th mo., 1839, a. 4 y. 8 m. Cha[rle]s E. (Charles Edwin, c.r.i), s. of Josiah S. and Sept. 24, 1 841, a. 6 m. Inflammation of bowels. (Clifford Wayne, c.r.i), s. of Martin, 14th day, ist mo., 1837 a. 2 y. (a. 20 m., c.r.i.) (Clifford W., s. of Martin W. and Adeline, Dec. 9, 1836, G.R.3.) (ch. of Martin, Jan. 14 1837, a. 2 y., P.R.I.) Eliza[beth], w. of William, July 18, 1841 (July 16, g.r.i), a 70 y. (W. of Capt. William T. of Point Shirley, a. 'jOj\ y. C.R.I.) Elizabeth, d. of William, in Charlestown, July 6, 1849, ^- 22 y G.R.I. Helen Augusta, Sept. 16, 1845, ^- ^^^ ^- Boston, p.r.i. James S., 28th day, loth mo., 1840, a. 47 y. John, 24th day, 2d mo., 1752. John Jr. (Lieut. John S., p.r.i), 17th day, loth mo., 1822, a. 64 y. John, s. of John and Sarah, May 10, 1824, a. 6 or 7 w. c.r.i. John S. (John Sargeant, c.r.i), Sept. 27, 1837. g.r.i. (a. 63 y., C.R.I.) John Thomas (inf. s. of Capt. John, c.r.i), 7th day, ist mo., 1827. John W., loth day, 6th mo., 1824. Joshua, s. of John and Sarah, 2d day, 2d mo., 1752. Lydia (Lydia Crowell, w. of W[illia]m, c.r.i), 24th day, 9th mo., 1831. (Sept. 25, 1831, a. 42 y., g.r.i.) (a. 4iyV Y- C.R.I.) Martha (d. of Bill and Martha, g.r.i), 5th day, 2d mo., 1837 a. 17 y. Mary (w. of John I., c.r.i), 2d day, 3d mo., 1833. (Mar. 5 1833, a. 75 y., C.R.I.) Mary, w. of (James, g.r.i), 27th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 90 y (Mrs. Mary of Boston, a. 89!! y., c.r.i.) Mary, wid. of Andrew, Dec. 26, 1848, a. 82 y. 3 m. G.R.4 (Mrs. Mary Tewksbury, Dec. 26, 1847, a. 82 y., p.r.i.) CHELSEA DEATHS. 543 Tewksbury, Mary Emily, nth day, ist mo,, 1825. (d. of W[illia]m and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1825, a. 22 m., c.r.i.) Samuel, Oct. 19, 1849, a. 70 y. G.R.4. Sarah (wid., c.r.i), 26th day, 12th mo., 1831. (a. 66 y., C.R.I.) Susan (wid. of Andrew, g.r.i), 13th day, 5th mo., 1832. (Point Shirley, C.R.I.) (May 11, 1832, a. 90 y., g.r.i.) {a.&g^'^^y., c.r.i.) Thomas, 28th day, loth mo., 1827. (a. 40 y., c.r.i.) THATCHER, Shadrac B., loth day, 8th mo., 1840. THAYER, Julia, d. of Charles G. and Jane M., Oct. 12, 1836, a. 15 m. G.R.3. Mason, i6th day, ist mo., 1841. Samuel Moody, s. of Charles G. and Jane M., Aug. 9, 1845, a. I m. G.R.3. Sarah H., d. of Jarvis and , Oct. 8, 1847, a. 4 m. Lung fever. THOMAS, , ch. of Mr. , , 1834. (bur. Sept. 23, 1834, P.R.I.) Andrew, b. in New York, Oct. 20, 1843, a. 29 y. Chronic diarrhoea. David of Sweden, 23d day, loth mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. Frank, b. in Western Islands, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 37 y. George, b. in Western Islands, Jan. 18, 1845, ^- 23 y- Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Ulcers. George, b. in Boston, June 13, 1847, ^- ^5 y- Colored. Seaman. Isaac of Lynn, 26th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 54 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1843, 3- 21 y. 5 m. Native of St. Agnes, Cornwall, Eng. g.r.2. William H., s. of Peter and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1849, 3- 4 Y- (4 y. 2 m., G.R.2.) Cholera morbus. William S., b. in Concord, N. H., Nov. 17, 1843, a. 21 y. THOMPSON (see Tompson), Alexander, b. in Gottenburg, Sept. 24, 1843, ^- 28 y. Congestive fever. Bridget, 20th day, 4th mo. (1838, p.r.i), a. 34 y. Edward, b. in Boston, Aug. 18, 1849, a. i y. 5 m. Bowel com- plaint. Hannah, w. of Ebenczer, Mar. 18, 1841, a. 61 y. 5 m. G.R.3. James S., Jan. 30, 1843, a. i y. i m. Dropsy on brain. 544 CHELSEA DEATHS. Thompson, Jennings, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 22 y. 10 m. G.R.3. Rufus, b. in New York, Nov. 8, 1847, ^- 24 y. Congestive fever. Susan Jennings, d. of Ebenezer and Hannah, , 1834. G.R.3. THORNTON, James of England, i8th day, 4th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. THORPE, , ch. of J., July 24, 1848. p.r.i. TIBBETS (see Tibbetts), Lydia Matilda, w. of Israel, in Charles- town, May 13, 1845, 3" 26 y. g.r.i. TIBBETTS (see Tibbets), , w. of , Oct. 2, 1845, a. 26 y. Charlestown. p.r.i. TIMMS, Mathew of Hamburg, 9th day, 8th mo., 1837, ^- 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. TINNEY, William, 25th day, nth mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Consimiption. TIPPEN (Susannah, g.r.i), w. of , 25th day, 4th mo., 1832. (a. 66 y., g.r.i.) TIRRILL, Lemuel of Weymouth, 21st day, 5th mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. TOD, Samuel, Apr. 16, 1727, a. 23 y. g.r.i. TOLMAN, , ch. of , Sept. 26, 1847, a. i y. p.r.i. James P., s. of W[illia]m C. and Jane B., Oct. 4, 1846. TOMPKINS, William O., b. in Boston, May 15, 1849, a. 24 y. Lung fever. TOMPSON (see Thompson), Adam of Helny, 28th day, 2d mo., 1838, a. 18 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospi- tal. TOWLE, Frances Ellen, d. of William R. and Elizabeth Calder, Mar. 30, 1849, a- 5 V- ^9 ^' g.r.i. TOWN, Clarrisa, b. in Greenwich, July 9, 1849, a. 44 y. Ner- vous debility. Unm. • TOWNS AND (see Townsend), Charles of Long Island, 2d day, nth mo., 1827. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. CHELSEA DEATHS. 545 TOWNSEND (see Townsand), Alexander, Apr. 5, 1835, a. 527. G.R.I. Eliza[bet]h (Mrs, of Boston, g.r.i), 23d day, 6th mo., 1824. (a. 65 v., G.R.I.) Samuel, Dec. 21, 1704, a. abt. 66 y. g.r.i. TRASK, Mary E., d. of Jason and Mary A., Feb. 21, 1849, a. I y. 5 m. 16 d. Dropsy on brain. TREADWELL, Amanda, w. of Nathaniel, b. in Dresden, Me., Aug. 30, 1848, a. 26 y. Lung complaint. TREFETHEN, Sarah A., , 1847. G.R.3. TREPP, Carter D., b. in Ireland, Sept. 14, 1846, a. 14 y. TREVALLEY, George, s. of , July 15, 1802, a. 16 m. C.R.I. George, s. of , Aug. 27, 1803, a. 7 m. g.r.i. TREWERGY, Benjamin F., b. in Maine, June 22, 1849, a. 24 y. Typhus fever. TRUE, Ann E. (Ann EHzabeth, G.R.2), d. of C. K. and (EHza- beth B., G.R.2), Sept. 30, 1847, a. i y. 2 m. Dysenteny^ Loisa A. (Louisa Ann, G.R.2), d. of Rev. Chajrlejs H., Nov. 16, 1845, ^- 2 m. Whooping cough. Rebecca, d. of Rev. Charles E. and Elizabeth B., in Charles- town, Aug. 17, 1849, a. I m. G.R.2. TRULL, William J., Mar. 5, 1844, a. 22 y. Nervous excite- ment. TUCKER, , ch. of Thomas, Nov. 16, 1846, a. 2 m. P.R.I. Elizabeth, wid. of Jeremiah, b. in Portland, Me., Julv 22, 1849, a. 68 y. Grace, w. of George of Marblehead, Jan. 24, 1730, in her 37th y. G.R.I. Jane E., d. of Tho[ma]s and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1843, a. 2 y. 7 m. Lung fever and whooping cough. Sarah Ann H., d. of Thomas and Filena, b. in South Reading, July II, 1848, a. 13 y. 10 m. Consumption. Sarah E., d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1849, a. i y. 8 m. 5 d. Lung fever. Stephen, i6th day, 9th mo., 1834. 546 CHELSEA DEATHS. TUCKERMAN, Abigail, w. of Joseph, July 28, 1807, a. 28 y. C.R.I. Ann Montague (Ann Montague Gary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, c.R.i), 30th day, nth mo., 1823. (a. 3I w., c.r.i.) George, youngest s. of Jos. and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1822, a. 10 m. C.R.I. Susan Parkman, eldest d. of Joseph and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1809, a. 5 y. 6 m. 20 d. c.r.i. TUKESBURY (see Teuksbery,Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury), Sarah, d. of James and (wid., c.r.i) Mary, Apr. 26, 1802, a. 9 y., 5 m. g.r.i. Thomas, s. of John, bur. May 18, 1783, a. 13 y. c.r.i. William, s. of Jon, bur. Apr. 8, 1779, a. 13 y. c.r.i. TUKSBERY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tukesbury, Tuksbury), James, Nov. 5, 1800, a. 55 y. G.R.I. TUKSBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewks- bury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery), James, eldest s. of James, June 4, 1799, a. 29 y. 6 m. g.r.i. TUTELL (see Tuttel, Tuttell, Tuttle), Phebe, d. of Jonathan and Anne, Dec. 4, 17 13, a. 12 y. 9 m. g.r.i. TUTTEL (see Tutell, Tuttell, Tuttle), Abigail, d. of Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1717, a. 7 m. 2 d. g.r.i. Abigail, w. of Edward, Jan. 23, 1723-4, a. 67 y. 11 m. g.r.i. Edward, Jan. 20, 1730, in his 79th y. G.R.ia. Joseph, s. of Edward and Joanna, Jan. 16, 17 13, a. 10 m. 4 d. G.R.ia. Joseph, s. of Edward and Joanna, May 10, 17 18, a. i y. 4 m. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Edward and Joanna, Dec. 24, 1718, a. 6 m. 4 d. G.R.I. TUTTELL (see Tutell, Tuttel, Tuttle), John, s. of Samuel and Abigail, May 19, 1717, a. 2 y. 3 m. 5 d. g.r.i. TUTTLE (see Tutell, Tuttel, Tuttell), , ch. of Richard, bur. Aug. 31, 1794, a. 12 m. c.r.i. Abigail, 23d day, ist mo., 1773. (a. 81 y., c.r.i.) Anna, w. of Sam[ue]l, bur. July 5, 1772, a. 54 y. c.r.i. Benjamin, bur. Sept. 10, 1775, a. 56 y. c.r.i. Damans, Oct. 21, 1723, a. 25 y. g.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 547 TuTTLE, Daniel Jr., bur. Dec. 7, 1762, a. 30 y. c.r.i. Daniel, bur. Aug. 11, 1771, a. 77 y. c.r.i. (Ebenezer, c.R.ia), s. of Edward and Joanna, Nov. 23, 1729, a. 2 y. 9 m. g.r.i. Edward, s. of Edward and Joanna, Apr. 20, 1727, a. 20 y. 9 m. G.R.I. Edward, bur. Feb. i, 1768, a. 88 y. c.r.i. Elijah, s. of Edward and Joanna, Aug. 18, 1736, a. 13 y. 10 m. G.R.I. Elisha, bur. Oct. 3, 1775, a. 85 y. c.r.i. Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1706, a. abt. 4 y. g.r.i. Eliza[beth], bur. Apr. 5, 1760, a. 17 y. c.r.i. Elizabeth, w. of Elisha, bur. Jan. 8, 1773, a. 86 y. c.r.i. Eunice, d. of Edward and Joanna, Sept. 18, 1728, a. 4 m. 18 d. g.r.i. Joanna, w. of Edward, Oct. 19, 1728, a. 42 y. g.r.i, John, Aug. I, 1708, a. 20 y. g.r.i. Martha, Sept. 7, 1700, a. i y. g.r.i. Martha, loth day, 4th mo., 1744. Mary, wid. of Dan[ie]l, bur. Feb. 11, 1775, a. 63 y. c.r.i. Samuel, Jan. 18, 1742, a. 50 y. 10 m. g.r.i. Sam[ue]l, bur. Feb. 12, 1776, a. 67 y. c.r.i. Sarah, d. of Edward, bur. Nov. 19, 1757. c.r.i. Thomas, bur. Jan. 4, 1795, a. 46 y. c.r.i. TWYCROSS, Stephen, b. in Maine, May 11, 1841, a. 69 y. TYNES, Jerry, July 16, 1842, a. 40 y. Erysipelas. Colored. TYZZER, Mary J., Dec. 4, 1842, a. i y. 6 m. Scarlatina. UART, John H., s. of John and , Jan. 15, 1848, a. i y. 8 m. UESTIS (see Eustes, Eustice, Eustis), Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, June 27, 1736, a. 2 y. 9 m. 10 d. g.r.i. William, Feb. 10, 1736, a. 77 y. 11 m. 20 d. g.r.i. UNDERWOOD, Mary Tenney, , 181 7. G.R.3. Phineas, , 1824. G.R.3. UPHAM, Jesse, s. of Jesse and Sarah, 2d day, ist mo., 1775. URIAH, James, 12th day, 3d mo., 1837, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. VALISON, John of Marblehead, Sept. 17, 1834, a. 54 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. 548 CHELSEA DEATHS. VANDOIS, Joseph of High Park, Apr. 2, 1835, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. VANDYKE, William, b. in Reading, Pa., Oct. 7, 1844, a. 23 y. Southern fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. VANEVER (see Vannevar), EveHne, d. of James M. and Mary S., Jan. 26, 1842, a. 2 y. 2 m. Lung fever. VANNEVAR (see Vanever), , eh. of , Feb. — , 1842. P.R.I. VARNUM, Emily, July i, 1846. p.r.i. VEDOTO, Geo[rge] W., b. in Freedom, Me., Oct. 29, 1843, a. 25 y. Congestive fever. VERNON, Henry of Port au Prince, i8th day, 3d mo., 1831. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. VIALL, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 10, 1755, a. 11 m. 7 d. G.R.I. Sam[ue]l of Lynn, bur. Feb. 24, 1781, a. 72 y. c.r.i. VILNON, Sarah, July 18, 1845, a. 79 y. g.r.2. VINAL, Asa of Scituate, 14th day, loth mo., 1828, a. 62 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Francis of Waldoborough, 9th day, 9th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. VINEY, Warren, b. in Maine, Nov. 23, 1846, a. 39 y. WADE, James of Newfoundland, i8th day, 5th mo., 183 1. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WADLEY, George D., s. of Isack and Eliza, Feb. 25, 1842, a. 3 y. I m. Croup. WAIT (see Waitt), , ch. of Jos. Jr., bur. Mar. 28, 1795, a. 7 m. c.r.i. Abijah, s. of Jos. and Han[nah], bur. Mar. 18, 1762, a. 10 y. c.r.i. Edward, 4th day, 2d mo., 1822. (Feb. 3, 1822, a. 82 y., g.r.i.) Joseph Jr., bur. Oct. 24, 1765, a. 22 y. c.r.i. Joseph, s. of Jos[ep]h Jr., bur. Oct. 8, 1797, a. 6 y. c.r.i. Joseph, bur. Sept. 7, 1801, a. 77 y. c.r.i. Judith Rebecca, d. of Oliver and Hannah of Maiden, Nov. 2, 183 1, a. 3yV y- C.R.I. CHELSEA DEATHS. 549 Wait, Mary, 24th day, 12th mo., 1822. (a. 92 y., c.r.i.) Robert, bur. Dec. 29, 1766, a. 71 y. c.r.i. WAITT (see Wait), , ch. of Oliver, bur. May 14, 1825. P.R.I. Charles, June 5, 1846, a. 50 y. p.r.i. Gustavus C, s. of Oliver, July 21, 1839, a. 5 m. c.r.i. Jonathan, bur. Apr. 26, 1776, a. 59 y. c.r.i. Joseph Jr., bur. Dec. 31, 1799, a. 42 y. c.r.i. Rebecca Sale, d. of Edward and Rebecca. Apr. — , 1787, a. 2 y. G.R.I. (Apr. 21, 1787, C.R.I.) Rebeccah, w. of (Edward, g.r.i), nth day, 2d mo., 1837, a. 88 y. (a. 88tVy-, C.R.I.) Sarah, Miss (Sally O., p.r.i), Aug. 11, 1842, a. 59 y. c.r.i. WAKEFIELD, Gertrvide Jane, d. of Thomas L. and Jane W., b. in New York, Oct. 12, 1849, a. 2 y. 4 m. Worms. WALDRON, Geo[rge] Thomas of Boston, gr. s. of Major Thayer at Deer Island, Aug. 21, 1835, a. i y. c.r.i. Horatio G., s. of Horatio G. and Mary, Feb. 27, 1839. G.R.3. WALKER, Cha[rle]s E., Feb. 10, 1848, a. 43 y. Lung fever. George of Norfolk, Va., 29th day, 2d mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Gillman S., s. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mary B., 25th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 3 y. John of Liverpool, Eng., 14th day, 5th mo., 1833. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John H., b. in Portsmouth, N. H., July 15, 1847, a. 31 y. Lydia A., d. of Sam[ue]l and Louisa, Feb. 14, 1844, a. 2 m. Inflammation. Sarah C., d. of Cha[rle]s E. and Mary B., Sept. 6, 1843, a. 2 y. Inflammation. WALLACE (see Wallis), Alfred, b. in Norwich, Conn., Oct. 20, 1847, 3- 40 y* Colored. Seaman. Mary, 15th day, ist mo., 1841, a. 23 y. Nancy, Aug. 28, 1841, a. 18 y. Consumption. Will H., Nov. 23, 1842, a. 14 d. WALLIS (see Wallace), Elbridge Gerny^ s. of Elbridge G. and Mary Jane, Alay 14, 1839, a. 2 y. 10 m. G.R.3. Lydia Ann, d. of Elbridge G. and Mary Jane, Sept. 25, 1839, a. I y. 4 m. G.R.3. Mary I., d. of Will O., and Elvina S., Aug. 11, 1844, a. 8 m. 9 d. Inflammation of the brain. 550 CHELSEA DEATHS. WALLS, William, May 31, 1806, a. 70 y. c.r.i. WANAR, Ben, a mulatto man, bur. Sept. 8, 1794. c.r.i. WANER, Joseph of Vineyard, 30th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 44 y. Colored. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WARE (see Weare), Albion, b. in Hampden, Me., Apr. 21, 1845, a. 22 y. Fever. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WARNER, Benj[ami]n of Nantucket, 20th day, ist mo., 1828. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WARREN, Andrew R., s. of William and , Sept. 16, 1846, a. 6 y. 6 m. Charles S., s. of William and Prisscilla, Aug. 31, 1849, ^- i Y- 8 m. Dysentery. Edward N. of New York, 25th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 40 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Will[ia]m E., s. of Will and , Sept. 5, 1846, a. 13 y. Canker. WARROW, Betty, Nov. 6, 1840, a. 86 y. c.r.i. Job, 20th day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 100 y. Colored. WASHBURN, Ira, 27th day, 8th mo., 1836. (A. stranger at the Pines, Ira Washburn, Duxbury, Aug. 27, 1836, p.r.i.) WASLEY, Mary Ann, w. of John R., b. in England, Apr. 25, 1849, a. 35 y. Childbed. WATERS, , w. of , biir. July 23, 1836, a. 78 y. Maiden, p.r.i. WATKINS, Mary A., b. in East Boston, Apr. 8, 1849, a. 5 y. 2 m. Scarlet fever. WATSON, Andrew of Northport, Me., 25th day, 9th mo., 1837, a. 58 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. George, b. in England, Mar. 9, 1847, ^- ^o y. Dropsy. Wil[lia]m of New York, 7th day, 2d mo., 1830. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William G., s. of John and Catherine P., Sept. 5, 1848, a. 11 m. Cholera infantum. WATTS, , w. of Dea. Daniel, bur. Mar. 21, 1760, a. 57 y. c.r.i. , Dea., bur. June 7, 1760, a. 56 y. c.r.i. , ch. of Richard, bur. Aug. 27, 1775, a. 20 m. c.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 55 I Watts, , ch, of Sam[ue]l Jr., bur. Aug. ii, 1778, a. 14 m. C.R.I. , s. of Isaac, bur. Oct. 5, 1792, a. 5 y. c.r.i. , s. of Sam[ue]l, bur. June 13, 1794, a. 7 y. c.r.i. , w. of W[illia]m, bur. Oct. 18, 1799, a. 76 y. c.r.i. Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, i8th day, 8th mo., 18 10. Eben[eze]r, s. of Dan[ie]l and Eliza[bet]h, 9th day, loth mo., 1740. Edward, June 5, 1714, a. 47 y, g.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1721, a. i y. G.R.I^. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel, Mar. 16, 1730-1, a. 32 y. g.r.i. Eliza[bet]h, d. of John and Elizabeth, 7th day, loth mo., 1778. (a. 14 m., c.r.i.) Hannah, w. of Sam[ue]l, Esq., bur. Nov. 19, 1780, a. 63 y. c.r.i. John, s. of John and Eliza[bet]h, 21st day, 3d mo., 1777. (a. 20 m., c.r.i.) Mary, d. of Richard and Sarah, 7th day, 5th mo., 1750. Rebecca, w. of Edward and sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Bellingham, Mar. 25, 1715, a. 47 y. g.r.i. Rebecca, d. of Belcher and Reb[ecca], bur. Oct. 12, 1785, a. 22 m. c.r.i. Richard, Capt., bur. July 10, 1771, a. 52 y. c.r.i. Richard, bur. Nov. 29, 1793, a. 40 y. c.r.i. Samuel, Hon., 5th day, 3d mo., 1770. (a. 72 y., c.r.i.) Samuel 3d, s. of Sam[ue]l (Jr., c.r.i) and Ann, 15th day, 3d mo., 1777. (a. 2 y., c.r.i.) Sam[ue]l, Esq., bur. Nov. 30, 1791, a. 75 y. c.r.i. Sarah, w. of (Capt., c.r.i), Richard, 20th day, 2d mo., 1758. (a. 36 y., c.r.i.) WEARE (see Ware), Jemima, w. of William of Boston, July 25, 1719, a. 26 y. G.R.I. WEBB, James of Eastport, Me., 3d day, 6th mo., 1839, a. 23 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary H., d. of Albert and , Oct. 3, 1847, a. i y. 5 m. Dysentery. WilHam, b. in Newburyport, Mar. 12, 1847, a. 27 y. Colored. WEBBER, ch. of Mr., 2d day, 12th mo., 1840. , a ch. of Mr., 2d day, 12th mo., 1840. WEBSTER, John W., b. in Maryland, July 21, 1847, a. 38 y. Apoplexy. 552 CHELSEA DEATHS. WELCH (see Welsh), Cordelia E. (Cordelia Emily, w. of Folans- bee Goodrich, g.r.2), Oct. 30, 1847, ^- 3^ Y- Lung fever. William M. (William Henry, G.R.2), s. of F. G. and Cordelia E., Oct. I, 1848, a. 3 y. 4 m. Dropsy on brain. WELSH (see Welch), James of Ireland, 4th day, 4th mo., 1838, a. ;^7, y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WENTWORTH, Joshua of Frankfort, i8th day, 8th mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WESCOTT, Horace, s. of S. and Mary S., Oct. 10, 1843. Whooping cough and bowel complaint. WESSON, Susanna, w. of Reuben, bur. Nov. 23, 1784, a. 33 y. C.R.I. WESTERMAN, John of Sweden, July 14, 1834, a. 25 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WHALL, Deborah, bur. Mar. 27, 1831. p.r.i. WHEELAN, Michael A., b. in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 8, 1844, a. 32 y. Hemorrhage of lungs. WHEELER, , ch. of , Sept. — , 1845. p.r.i. Cha[rle]s A. (Charles Alvan, c.r.i), s. of Benj[amin] (Jr., c.r.i) and Allice, Sept. 17, 1843, a. 6 m. Cholera infantum. Martha F., d. of William Z. and Martha A. C, Aug. 7, 1849, a. 2 y. 10 m. Scarlet fever. Theodore, Aug. 22, 1842, a. 24 y. Consumption. WHETTER, Mary E., d. of Charles, Aug. 6, 1846, a. i m. WHETTY, Eva A., d. of John D. and (Mary A., G.R.2), Oct. 23, 1846, a. 8 m. (8 m. 23 d., g.r.2.) Croup. WHILEY, Ephraim of Castine, Me., 15th day, loth mo., 1828, a. 18 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WHISTON, Dorothy, b. in Halifax, Aug. 21, 1847, a. 46 y. Typhus fever. WHITE, Abigail, wid. of Joseph, b. in Boston, Feb. 9, 1849, a. 72 y. Consumption. Franklin, , 1842. G.R.3. Georgianna, , 1841. G.R.3. James, May 6, 1846, a. 48 y. 6 m. Consumption. CHELSEA DEATHS. 553 White, Laura, Oct. 4, 1841, a. i y. g.r.2. Mark, July 13, 1847, a. i y. 21 d. Measles. (July 12, 1847, a. 4 y. 30 d., G.R.2.) Sarah, Oct. 13, 1835, a. 44 d. g.r.2. Thomas, b. in Boston, Sept. 25, 1848, a. 63 y. Fit. WHITEHOUSE, , a. ch. of Mr. , , 1836. (Jan. 17, 1836, P.R.I.) , a. ch. of Mr. , , 1836. (Jan. 17, 1836, P.R.I.) WHITEMORE, Pheebe, bur. May 8, 1759, a. 27 y. c.r.i. WHITHAM, Nathan, Jan. 9, 1842, a. 19 y. Typhus fever. WHITING, George Henry, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 12, 1831, a. 20 m. G.R.3. George William, s. of Samuel and Mary, Aug, 23, 1827, a. 2 y. G.R.3. WHITON, Blossom, Apr. 17, 1842, a. 62 y. G.R.3. WHITTEMORE, Joseph, Dec. 30, 1735, a. 36 y. g.r.i. WRITTEN, Ephraim F., May 10, 1832. G.R.3. George W., May 3, 1846. G.R.3. WIER, , ch. of Mr., 31st day, 8th mo., 1841. Mary, d. of Robert and Eunice, Aug. 29, 1841. Dysentery. WIGGIN (see Wiggins), , ch. of James and Mary A., May 20, 1847. Stillborn, (ch. of Mr. Lawrence Wiggin, May 21, 1847, P.R.I.) Charles H. (Charles F., p.r.i), Dec. 16, 1838, a. 25 y. g.r.i. George, 30th day, 4th mo., 1834. (a. 68 y., g.r.i.) Sarah Ellen, d. of Charles H., dec. July 23, 1841, a. 3 y. 4 m. 13 d. G.R.ia. WIGGINS (see Wiggin), Geo[rge] H., s. of James L. and Mary A., Apr. 19, 1844, a. 10 m. 15 d. Dropsy on brain. George S. of Saco, Me., Apr. 30, 1834, a. 21 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John, 9th day, 9th mo., 1833. (John T., s. of John T. and , Sept. 8, 1833, a. 11^ m., c.r.i.) Martha, b. in Stratham, N. H., Nov. 4, 1846, a. 74 y. Con- sumption. 554 CHELSEA DEATHS. WILBER, John (Jr., g.r.i) (Capt., c.r.i), 3d day, 6th mo., 1834. (a. 46 y., G.R.I.) WILDER, Samuel W., Jan. 12, 1841, a. 29 y. G.R.3. WILDS, Elethea, b. in Westport, Me., June 10, 1849, a. 26 y. 9 m. Consumption. WILEY, Stephen, Dec. 11, 1846, a. 58 y. G.R.3. WILKINS, , Miss, 29th day, loth mo., 1838. Susan M., i6th day, ist mo., 1839, a. 18 y. WILLCUTT, William, , 1837. (bur. Mar. 22, 1837, a. 48 y., P.R.I.) WILLIAM (see Williams), John of Albany, 27th day, 3d mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary (Mary H., c.r.i), w. of (Capt. J., c.r.i), 12th day, 7th mo., 1840, a. 24 y. WILLIAMS (see William), , w. of Ebenezer, Dec. 6, 1812, a. 21 y. C.R.I. A. Smith, d. of Richard and Rachel, 9th day, 8th mo. 1818. Cha[rle]s, June 18, 1842, a. 19 y. Lung fever. Colored. David, s. of D. and Marth[a], 8th mo., 1806. David, s. of D. and Abigail, nth mo., 1810. Elijah D., Jan. 24, 1842, a. 24 y. 10 m. Brain fever. Emeline P., 12th day, 12th mo., 1838, a. 23 y. Emma E., d. of Oliver and Maria, July 28, 1846, a. 8 m. G.R.3. George, , 1830. (bur. Mar. 19, 1830, p.r.i.) Hannah, bur. Feb. 6, 1795, a. 18 y. c.r.i. Hannah (wid., c.r.i), 14th day, 9th mo. (Sept. 17, c.r.i), 1834. (a. 76 y., C.R.I.) Harrison B., s. of John and Lydia, Apr. 29, 1849, a. 4 y. 8 m. 28 d. Scarlet fever. Henry Howell, Esq., Dec. 26, 1802, a. 66 y. c.r.i. James of Fredericksburg, 8th day, 3d mo., 1837, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Jeffery B., 2d day, 2d mo., 1823. (Feb. 2, 1822, a. 74 y., c.r.i.) John, b. in Charlestown, July 29, 1847, a. 45 y. Joseph, Jan. 6, 1848, a. 84 y. Old age. Joseph H., s. of Capt. J., Apr. 22, 1839, a. 7 m. c.r.i. Lewis of Worcester, 4th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 35 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Lydia, d. of Jona[than] and Lydia, bur. Feb. 5, 1774, a. 6 m. c.r.i. CHELSEA DEATHS. 555 Williams, Lydia, Miss, bur. Oct. 31, 1799, a. 20 y. c.r.i. Maria, w. of Oliver, Dec. 14, 1846, a. 31 y. G.R.3. Martha, w. of David, 21st day, 3d mo., 1807. Richard, Capt., at sea on passage from Gottenburg, July 28, 1823. C.R.I. Robert, , 1830. (Nov. 2, 1830, a. 30f^2- y., c.r.i.) Robert of Maryland, Oct. 15, 1835, 3- ^i y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Robert, b. in Boston, Apr. 9, 1847, s- 3° Y- Sally, d. of D. and Marth[a], 2d mo., 1805. Sarah, wid. of , Nov. 13, 1789, a. 96 y. g.r.i. Sophia, Mrs., Jan. 17, 1833, a. 34 y. c.r.i. Thomas, 2d day, 12th mo., 1833. William, Apr. i, 1843, ^- 22 y. Consumption. WILLIS, Charles, Jan. 18, 1845, ^- 55 Y- 7 "i- Palpitation of heart. Edward B., s. of N. P. H. and Lydia B., Feb. 4, 1849, a. 6 d. Infantile. William, Feb. 4, 1842. Consumption. Colored. WILLMOUTH, John of Fall River, 28th day, 9th mo., 1838, a. 31 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WILLS, Aaron of Amesbury, Apr. 20, 1835, a. 27 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WTLLSON (see Wilson), Lewis of St. Augustine, i8th day, nth mo., 1838, a. 25 y. Colored. Died at U. S. IVIarine Hospi- tal. William of Eastport, 21st day, 7th mo., 1838, a. 48 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WILMINGTON, George L. of Wilmington, N. C, 5th day, 12th mo., 1833. Died at U, S. Marine Hospital. WILSON (see Willson), , ch. of Benj[ami]n, nth day, i2th mo., 1832. George of New Haven, 24th day, nth mo., 1828, a. 22 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. John of Baltimore, 14th day, ist mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Mary, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, 19th day, 4th mo., 1826. (a. 4 y. c.r.i.) Sarah, d. of Benj[ami]n and Mary, i8th day, 4th mo., 1826. (a. 2^ y., c.r.i.) 556 CHELSEA DEATHS. Wilson, Thomas of Philadelphia, 17th day, loth mo., 1832. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William of Norway, i6th day, nth mo., 1828, a. 36 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. William, Oct. 3, 1847, a- i y- 9 m. p.r.i. WING, Joseph Jr. of Montpelier, Vt., July 12, 1835, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. WINGATE, Winslow P., s. of Stephen and Mary D. P., Aug. 28, 1848, a. 3 m. Bowel complaint. WINN, Dennis, ist day, 6th mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Smallpox. WINNING, David P., , 1838 [a. abt. i y.] . G.R.3. Susan S. Walker, w. of David Parker, , 1837. G.R.3. WINSLOW, , w. of , i8th day, 12th mo., 1841, a. 50 y. , Miss, i8th day, 12th mo., 1841, a. 17 y. WINTER, James M., b. in Maine, July 31, 1841, a. 24 y. Con- sumption. WINTHROP, Deane of Pulling Point, Mar. 16, 1703-4, a. 81 y. G.R.I. Jose, Capt., Nov. 15, 1702, a. 36 y. 6 m. 11 d. g.r.i. WISWALL, Ann, w. of Rev. William D., June 8, 1841. G.R.3. WISWELL, Edward, , 1848. G.R.3. WITCHIEF, , 15th day, loth mo., 1839. Suicide. WITNEY , 13th day, 4th mo., 1818. A stranger found dead. WOOD (see Woods), , ch. of Barny, 2d day, 3d mo., 1839. Catherine, d. of Michael and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1848, a. i y. i m. Dysentery. George, b. in Lubec, Me., June 23, 1847, a. 28 y. Seaman. Margaret, d. of Michael and Sarah, Mar, 11, 1849, a. 6 y. Scarlet fever. WOODS (see Wood), John, s. of John and Mary, June 27, 1849, a. I y. 6 m. Dysentery. John H., s. of Francis and Ellen A., May 15, 1847, a. 10 y. Scarlatina. Peter, s. of John and Mary, June 24, 1849, a. 3 y. Dysentery. CHELSEA DEATHS. 557 WOOLLAND, Georgianna, Dec. 13, 1848, a. 7 y. g.r.2. WORCESTER, Eleanor, d. of Noah and Nancy, Oct. 3, 1843, a. 16 m. G.R.I. Isaac, nth day, 7th mo., 1840. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. Head disease. John H. (s. of Noah and Nancy, g.r.i), Sept. 2, 1842. (a. 14 y., G.R.I.) WORMWOOD, , s. of Daniel and Susan J., Sept. 27, 1844, a. ^4 d. WORTH, , ch. of , bur. Nov. — , 1824. p.r.i. WRIGHT, Emily S., d. of John and Priscilla, Feb. 17, 1842, a. 12 y. Typhus fever, (a. ii|^ y., c.r.i.) Erastus, b. in United States, Sept. 8, 1843, ^- 29 y- Ezra (Ezra H., c.r.i.), 17th day, 7th mo., . (July 17, 1838, a. 40 y., C.R.I.) Harriot O. (Harriet Osgood, d. of John and Priscilla, c.r.i), 28th day, loth mo., 1825. (a. 2| y., c.r.i.) Hellen M., d. of John and Priscilla, Mar, 19, 1842, a. 9 y. In- flammation of bowels, (a. gf^ y., c.r.i.) John, Jan. 30, 1842. Catarrhal fever. WYETH, Eliphilet J., s. of Joseph and Emeline, Apr. 4, 1847, a. I y. 5 m. Teething. Naomi (w. of Ebenezer, g.r.i), July 28, 1842, a. 83 y. Consump- tion. WYMAN, , inf. ch. of , of Point Shiriey, Mar. 12, 1816, a. 2^ y. c.r.i. , d. of Alpheus (Eliphaz in pencil) and Eliza[bet]h, 5th day, 4th mo., 1824. -, Aug. — , 1842. Consumption. Abigail, d. of of Point Shirley, Apr. — , 1824, a. 2 y. C.R.I. Isaac, 4th mo., 1828. Drowned. (Apr. 9, 1828, c.r.i.) John J., s. of John, July 27, 1842, a. 14 m. c.r.i. William (of Point Shirley, c.r.i), 5th day, nth mo., 1834. (a. 28 y., C.R.I.) YELLAND (see Yerilane), , ch. of , Sept. — , 1843. Hingham, p.r.i. , ch. of , Mar. 26, 1845. Hingham, p.r.i. John W., s. of Francis and Catherine N., Aug. 24, 1849, ^- 1 1 m. Dysentery. 558 CHELSEA DEATHS. YERLLANE (see Yelland), , ch. of Mr. , , 1834. (Eleanor Yelland, d. of W[illia]m H. and Mary Ann, Sept. 18, 1834, a. 13 m. 13 d., g.r.i.) YORK, Mary A., in Haverhill, June 9, 1839, a. 29 y. G.R.3. YOUNG, , 8th day, nth mo., 1838. Cha[rle]s H., s. of Samuel and Agnes, May 14, 1844, a, 15 y. 9 m. Consumption. Edward, nth day, 8th mo., 1837, a. 30 y. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. Julia, d. of William and Ann, b. in England, Nov, 14, 1848, a. 5 y. Scarlet fever. Noah of Scituate, 226. day, 9th mo., 1829. Died at U. S. Ma- rine Hospital. Tho[ma]s, Sept. 7, 1846, a. 15 y. Colored. YOUNGMAN, Daniel of Peterborough, Vt., 2d day, loth mo., 1836, a. 24 y. Died at U. S. Marine Hospital. NEGROES. Caesar, a negro man, bur. Nov. 23, 1795. c.r.i. Charity, negro servant maid to Nath[anie]l Oliver, Esq., bur. Jan. 13, 1760, a. 23 y. Fortune, a negro man of a great age, bur. Sept. 30, 1794. c.r.i. Jack, a negro man, bur. Feb. 14, 1792, nearly 100 years old. C.R.I. Jack, a colored man, bur. Oct. — , 1839. p.r.i. James, a negro man, bur. Apr. 3, 1778, a. 78 y. c.r.i. Judith, servant to Capt. Oliver, bur. Mar. 18, 1760, a. 47 y. C.R.I. Margarett, a negro woman, bur. June 30, 1784, a. 84 y. c.r.i. Mark, negro man of W[illia]m Oliver, bvu*. Feb. 12, 1777, a. 28 y. C.R.I. Pegg, a negro woman, bur. Mar. 30, 1791. c.r.i. Prisscilla, negro servant to Sam[uel] Floyd, bur. Sept. 19, 1774, a. 54 y. C.R.I. f i 11 ' V.' V ■