-^v^l\\\<:S^ < s^ ' ;^^^\ '"^ s^ ^>§f /vx ' >=c^ . -^ -'!>■ t ° " ° •» ■<^>, <=^- •"^-s^" .^^^"'.. .0- '?- : -°v*^ .-liK-. "^-^-0^ .-{S' ,0 ^^ '-^ .^^ .0- v>J^. A- <^. ^ -n.-o^ 'b V"^ .^" •^ "^^ ^'»>;''" /"'%, ''•'-?.¥:•' ^'^^'"^^ ^-^^^'V''^ -^^^..^c ,-iN , a? -<^ "-tar ^. o ^H;^; ^^-^ ,v o " c , ^ -^--0^ c 0' .^; .^" .0 x^-;^. O * 3 « ■ .u -> ,^-' c^ ^-s^' /Ji^Hi^ ^>^:x:i^'. -^^ ^' / <>. ,^ ^"-^^' SOUVENIR PROGRAM . ^ The Historical Pageant of Madison County WRITTEN AND PRODUCED BY THOMAS WOOD STEVENS Edwardsville, Illinois September 17, 18, 19, 1912 Madison County Centennial Association o ^v Madison County Centennial Association. (Incorporated May 29, 1911.) CHARLES BOESCHENSTEIN, President. L. D. LAWNIN, Vice-President. J. FRED AMMANN, Vice-President. RALPH D. GRIFFIN, Secretary. D. E. BURROUGHS, Treasurer. E. W. BURROUGHS, Executive Secretary. PAGEANT COMMITTEE. THOMAS WILLIAMSON, Chairman. C. H. Spilman. W. L. Hadley. E. D. Bell. E. A. Delicate. Charles F. Ford. LADIES' AUXILIARY. MRS. W. F. L. HADLEY, Chairman. Mrs. L. D. Lawnin. Mrs. Charles Boeschenstein. Mrs. G. D. Burroughs. Mrs. E. W. Fiegenbaum. Mrs. C. F. Rock. Mrs. C. F. Rohland. Miss Jessie M. Johnson. Miss C. Mabel Smith. Executive Staff. THOMAS WOOD STEVENS. Director. FREDERICK J. COWLEY, Assistant Director. F. H. GOEDECKE, Musical Director. C. F. ROCK, Leader of Chorus. MISS JESSIE M. JOHNSON, Director of Dancing. F. B. SANDERS, Treasurer. TODD GROSSMAN, Property Manager. Chairmen of Scene Committees. ALTOJf COMMITTEE. In charge of Scenes I and VII. W. P. BOYNTON, Chairman. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COMMITTEE. In charge of Scene II. T. H. STOKES, Chairman. COLLINSVILLE BARACA CLASS. In charge of Scene III. MISS FLORINE HENSON, Chairman. ORDER OF RED MEN COMMITTEE. In charge of Scene IV. J. H. DUGGER, Chairman. EDWARDSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND ALUMNL In charge of Scene V. GEORGE SHAFFER, Chairman. EDWARDSVILLE COMMITTEE. In charge of Scene VI, Episode 1. JAMES WATSON, Chairman. COMMITTEE OF ATTORNEYS. In charge of Scene VI, Episode 2. HENRY B. EATON, Chairman. FORT RUSSELL COMMITTEE. In charge of Scene VI, Episode 3. NORMAN G. FLAGG. Chairman. CHORUS COMMITTEE. In charge of Scene VIII. R. WILSON. Chairman. CAST OF CHARACTERS. White Cloud, The Prophet Donald Robertson Scene 1. An Old Chief John D. McAdams A Young Hunter Harry Weld Outaga, a Prophet Wm. P. Boynton Scene 2. Pere Jaques Marquette John Hess Louis Joliet J- J- Burns Council Chief of the Pottawattomies T. H. Stokes Great Sachem of the Hlinois T. C. Dooner An Indian Messenger H. F. Kane An Indian Boy Edwin Stokes Scene 3. Henri de Tonti Walter Bowker Robert Cavelier de la Salle Ben Juda Friar Hennepin Wilbur Haddick Friar Membre Elmer Clayton A Muliner, called Jolycoeur Edward Troliet Nicanope, an Indian Chief Harry Brecka An Indian Girl ■ Miss Mildred Berkey The Mohegan Hunter Wm. Jameson Scene 4. Pontiac J- H. Dugger An Old Chief William Wilhold An Illinois Chief Jolin Faust Neyon, French Commandant Joseph Hlad Calumet Bearer Phil. W. Sommerlad ( Charles Soehlke Messengers \ otto Berlein Scene 5. George Rogers Clark Clem Grebel Captain Rocheblave West Eaton Pere Gibault Harold Sanders Mr. Raycliff . '.'.'.".'.'. Wm. Burroughs A Courier de Bois Don Proctor A Young Lady Miss Dorothy Brown An Indian Clarence Fisher f Homer G. Baird Two Provosts of the Ball \ Douglas Dale The Fiddler George B. Shaffer Scene 6. Tpq •0^ .'■'''» O .0 -, ::; " C°" X^^ o - „ o ' ,0 "V * " ^ • . V .,,...- .^^^^^ .^^ ,^^^^^^, .i/.'iiJ//.^^'-" . ,^ >'^:. ^ ^0' C 0' •^ .<^ o>' '- % "^ v^^ -- -' ,v .^^ •^f-. ^. ''-s-..^* 5- ^^ -.V ^c .0^ V <* ^^^ ^ -0^ C G' .o-^.-J^ -^^0^ ^*^°- < /T ^^^ ^ <^' .^v,^;^^^^^'"^^^^^'^. ^ .■ ^:-y\' .'^ '^ ^:^<^i?>r.* .^j^"^ ^^9- .V-^. 0' A .V 'b V^ ^^^[1^' 0' ■^ <^ ,0 -J^ AR, V 'i o o o ^0• 0' ' /v'" V. , \ ' v-* \' / o ,'^ vJ^- ... .\ % 0^ : * ♦ "-•^.- * .^' -1^. .0' v>. 0' ^'^AT'^* ^^j^*",- V "^ 'J^!^\^ .V o .\ ^^ ^ •' " " ^" P.^ /"%. ^:m^^ '^ % ^^IK^ /"% '^y^w.' ■J^" ■^^ ■.^'^^i^^/^;* ^t^' Wy^ N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA % O. * « V "^ :;^ .v«i^.;. .V ' «\..^j^ ^^.^X