V *->^: ^ ^y^ r- t^. .& ^>.%' /p^^-. f'i., ' , --^^ ''-^^^ V,'"- -^ ■vi' c. ,4 o. :^; :^ C^' ,m '^ -' ,A^ o V . ^ • ■ i^^,* ^^ A^ S'^i?^/- Confederate Women of Arkansas IN THE CIVIL WAR 1861 -'65 Memorial Reminiscences PUBLISHED BY The United Confederate Veterans of Arkansas November 1907 State Committee on Memorial to Women of the Confederacy J. M. LUCEY. Chairman J. KELLOGG, Secretary J. H. BERRY V. Y. COOK DAN W. JONES CHARLES COFFIN PRICE: PAPER. 50 CENTS PER COPY CLOTH. $1.00 PER COPY Order of J. KELLOGG, Little Rock. Ark. H, G. PUGH PTG. CO., LITTLE ROCK, i / / -^ Uss Copyright 1907 By J. KELLOGG, Secretary Memorial Committee, U. C. V. TRANSFLnRcD FROM OOPYHIflHT OFFICE DEC 2 tait J. M. Lucey Dan W. Jones J. H. Berry Chas. Coffin J. Kellogg V. Y. Cook This volume is dedicated to the Confederate IVomen of Arkansas and of the South, as a memorial of their glorious work in behalf of the Confederate States of America. J. M. Lucey, Chairman, J. Kellogg, Secretary, V. Y. Cook, Chas. Coffin, Dan W. Jones, J. H. Berry, Committee. Contents. Page Preface ----------------- 13 AUGUSTA— "■Reminiseencos of the War Between the States." By Mrs. Eugene R. Goodwin -------17 ''SigeFs Raiders Bum a Fine Home," By Mrs. Homer F. Sloan -------- 23 BATESVILLE— "Personal Recollections of 1863," By Mrs. Emily S. Reed - - - - - - - -..-24 BIG FOR,K— "Privations of a Soldier's Widow." By Mrs. M. M. Hendrix --------- 27 BRINKLEY— "Bravery of Miss Linnie Hutchinson," By "Major W. F. Forbes - - - - - - . . 29 CLARKSVILLE— "Sketch of :\[rs. Lutetia M. Howells." By Mrs. Sallie E. Jordan -------- 31 CHARLESTOX— "Heroic Deeds of Southern Women,'" Bv Mrs. K. D. Goodbar ---------- 34 "Mrs. Richard Ledbetter," By Mrs. K. D. Goodbar --------- 36 "['nprinted Arkansas History,'" By Mrs. L. J. Garnwick ---------- 37 CA]iIDEN— "Reminiscences of Mrs. Virginia Cleaver.'' By Mrs. Virginia C. Cleaver - - - - - - -38 "Work of Camden Women," By Mi-s. G. N. Stinson --------- 43 "Reminiscences of Mrs. E. S. Scott,'" By Mrs. A. A. Tufts ---------- 4fi "Praver of Mrs. Hood Moving Federal Raider-."" Bv Mrs. S. Hood --'--------- 49 "Recollections of M. C. Hines"" -------- 51 CONTENTS II. Page CORSICANA— "Federal Raiders/' By Mrs. Laura A. Wooten - - 53 DE QUEEN— "When Papa Was Gone to the War," By Mrs. L. A. Eason - -...54 "Incident in the Life of Mrs. C. K. Holman," By Miss Ida C. Hohnan --------- 55 DODDRIDGE— "Women Plowing in the Field," By Mrs. James ------ 56 DARDANELLE— "Southern Women Walking Fifty Miles to Mill," By E. E. Collier ---------- 53 "Bloody Work of Bushwhackers Near Pocahontas," By Mrs. S. C. Hall - - - - - 59 EL DORADO— "How Women Supported the Family," By Mrs. Pattie Wright Hedges ------ 62 ELMO— "Farewell to Jacksonport Guards," By Mrs. V. Y. Cook -.----.-.- 67 EUREKA SPRINGS— "Hardships of the Wife of a Captain in Monroe's Regiment," By Mrs. D. L. Vance --------- 69 FAYETTEVILLE— "Miss Barrington's Bravery," By Mrs. F. L. Sutton 7S FORT SMITH— "Miss McSweeny as a Confederate Spv," By J. M. Lucey ----------- 75 "Sketch of Mrs. Sallie Wallace Rutherford." By Miss Emilise Dowd --------- 77 "Sketch of Mrs. Sophia Kannady, a Heroine of Fort Smith,'^ By W. J. Weaver - - - - 79 "Sketch of Mrs. W. L. Cabell," By Lieut.-Gen. W. L. Cabell - - 86 "Sketch of Judge Rogers and Family of Fort Smith," - 89 GRAY— "Husband and Five Brothers in the W.ar," By Mrs. Mahaley Pollard - 9.0 CONTENTS III. Page HAERISOX— "Federal Eaiders and Their Cruelties," By Mrs. J. B. Crump 91 "Two Brave Women," By Mrs. J. B. Crump --------- 93 HAVANA— "Husband Killed at Sliiloh," By Mrs. Anna .Mitchell - - - - 95 HOPE— "Weaving Jeans for the Confederates," By Mrs. M. C. Livingston - - 97 "Hospital Work of Judge James Green and Wife," By B. W. Green, of Little Rock .-. - - - - - DD HOT SPRINGS— "Narrow Escape from Federal Prison," By Mrs. Sue L. James 101 "Work of Mrs. James M. Keller," By J. M. Lucey ----------- 113 IMBODEN- "Braver}^ of Mrs. Clay Robinson," By Mrs. J. C. Poindexter - - - - - - - -115 JAOKSONPORT— "Personal Recollections," By Mrs. Josephine Robinson Brandenburg - - 131 LAKE VILLAGE— "Sketch of Mrs. D. H. Reynolds." By J.^ W. McMurray - - - . 123 LITTLE ROCK— "Sam C. Bell and Charles Scott," By Mrs. Mary E. Woodruff Bell ----- 135 "Reminiscences of the Old South," By Mrs. Ehnira F. Snodgrass ------ 13T "Sketch of Mrs. Jared C. Martin," By Mrs. Mollie D. Martin - - 13:1 "Arkansas Sisters of Mercy in the W\ar," By J. M. Lucey -'--------- 134 "■"Federal Raiders of Mississippi," By Mrs. Mary Brunson _-. 141 LOCKESBURG— "Raid of Clavton's Regiment," By Mrs.' S. D. Dickson -------- 143 CONTENTS IV. '"ago MARIANNA— "The Daughter of the First Arkansas Regiment,'' By Miss Laura Grovan -------- 144 MONTICELLO— "Sketch of Mrs. W. F. Slemmons," By Mrs. Willie Slemmons Duke ----- 14G NASHVILLE— "Sufferings of Ellis Family at Baily Springs, Ala.," By J\Irs. Cora Williamson Kodgers ----- 148 "The Williamson Family of Alabama," By Mrs. Cora Williamson Rodgers . _ _ - 151 NEWPORT— "Sketch of Mrs. Laura C. Doswell,'" By Mrs. C. H. Wilmans -------- 154 OZARK— "Cruelties of the l.'lth Kansas Cavalry," By Mrs. Jeffers ----------- 155 PRAIRIE GROVE— • "Heroism of Mrs. N. J. Norton Staples." By Mrs. D. H. Torbett -------- 158 SALINE COUNTY— "A Husband Hangetl for His ^loney," By Mrs. 0. M. Mashburn - "- - - - - - 160 SPRINGTOWN— "Ditficulties of Life of Confederate Women." By Mrs. W. D. Wasson -------- IGl UNION COUNTY— "Sherman's Raid," By Mrs. ^ktargaret E. Rusb ------- 165 WALNUT RIDGE— "Anderson ville A'^indicated," By Chas. Coffin ----------- 166 CONTEXTS V. CONTENTS EXTRA. Pag-e A Safe Hiding Place - 23 She Knew Her Boys - - - - 26 A Story of the Lees 28 A Heroine of Chickamauga 30 Short Rations - - 33 Don't Let the Old Man Bleed on the Biscuits ------- 35 Brave and Fearless to the End 37 Father Murphy and General Butler 42 Would Never Love Another Country - - - - - 45 A Modest Request - - 48 Carrying Out His Orders 50 Religious Loyalty ------ 53 Grand Rounds 57 Long Way From Headquarters 61 Disposal of "Rebel Women" - 66 Lee's Farewell Address 68 Caring for Sick Soldiers in Granville County, N. C. 72 Jefferson Davis' Suggested Inscription for Monument to Women of Confederacy - 78 Captain Sallie Tompkins 85 Socks That Never Wore Out 88 Privations Borne With a Smile - - - 94 General Forrest's Tribute - 98 Saving a Watch 100 Sherman Thought Southern Women Tough Set 114 John Wise and His Big Clothes 118 Origin of Confederate Memorial Association - - 119 The Heart of Robert Bruce 120 General Forrest's Secret - - - - - - - 122 John Allen's Cow 124 First Recognition of Confederate Flag 124 Sign of the Stork - - 126 JelTerson Davis Monument 131 Bates and the Flag 140 Whip^ped the Yankees with Popguns 142 Misplaced Sympathy - 147 An Arkansas Woman Captured by a Gunboat 150 A Plucky Woman of Maine 153 A Memorial Incident - 157 Persimmons to Draw Stomach Up - - 159 Johnnie Reb. Captured 162 Somebody's Darling - 163 The Rebel Yell ------- I64 A Northern War Nurse I67 Southern Cross of Honor - - - - 168 History of Confederate Uniform and Flag 172 Flags of the Confederacy Officially Described -.---- 177 The Women of the Confederacy, God Bless Them - - - - 180 Confederate Generals, Lieut.-Generals and Maj. -Generals - - 182 CONTENTS VI Pape The Bishops in the War 184 Letter From Confederate Women to the Soldiers ... - - 186 Original Version of Dixie 187 General Grant Sworn to Secrecy by a Little Girl 188 Army Order of Gen. Lee at Chambersburg, Pa. 19o The Mother of Seven Soldiers 191 The Homespun Dress r 192 Poem to the Women of the Confederacy 194 Letter of Mrs. Jefferson Davis to J. L. Underwood 196 Vivid History of Our Battle Flag 197 Origin of the United Daughters of the Confederacy - - - - 199 Origin of United Sons of Confederate Veterans 202 Origin of United Confederate Veterans 205 Southern Girls Marry Gne-Legged Soldiers 207 Specimen Cases of Desertion 208 Woman's Devotion 212 The Confederate Museum of Richmond 214 Barbara Frietchie 217 The Conquered Banner 219 ILLUSTRATIONS Memorial Committee, U. C. V. 4 New State Capitol and Grounds 12 Mrs. C. K. Holman, of De Queen ..---- 56 Mrs. Sallie Wallace Rutherford 72 Mrs. Sophia Kannady - - - - 80 Gen. W. L. Cabell, Mrs. W. L. Cabell, and Mrs. Kate Cabell Muse 84 Judge J. H. Rogers and Mrs. Bessie (Rogers) Ray 88 Mrs. Sue L. James, Hot Springs 104 Mrs. J. M. Keller 112 Rev. Mother M. Alphonsus Carton, of Little Rock 136 Mrs. J. J. Sample, Daughter of Gen. D. C. Govan 144 Mrs. C. R. Cockle, Daughter of Gen. J. F. Fagan ------ 148 Mrs. Jefferson Davis and Miss Winnie Davis ------ 192 Woman's Devotion 212 Preface. The State Annual Reunion of the Arkansas United Confed- erate Veterans, held at Fort Smith, October 17-19, 1906 appointed, through the commander, Gen. N. T. Roberts, a committee of five veterans, J. H. Berry, V. Y. Cook, Charles Coffin, Dan W. Jones and J. M. Lucey, to arrange for the co- operation of the United Confederate Veterans of Arkansas and Sons of Veterans with the general committee of the United Confederates of the South for the erection of at least one monu- ment in each of the Southern States to commemorate the heroism of the Southern women in' the Civil war period. STARTED FIVE YEARS AGO. This monument movement came into prominence five years ago, when the fact began to dawn upon the minds of the old veterans and sons of veterans that the women of the South had borne a very conspicuous part in the glorious achievements of the Southern soldiery, so much so that had it not been for their superb nobility of character in cheerfully bidding what was often a last farewell to their loved ones and in working away the beauty and tenderness of Southern rearing in country and town to support their lonely families, the war could not have been sustained for any considerable length of time. But when this fact did finally dawn ujwn the minds of the old veteran-- they resolved to attest their appreciation of the greatness of the Southern women, who excelled the historic Roman matron and Spartan mother, by gathering and publishing the reminis- cences of the work of the women of the South in the Civil war period and by erecting at least one monument in each Southern State to commemorate their heroism. Gen. C. Irvine Walker, Charleston, S. C, commander of the U. C. V. Department of the Army of Northern Virginia, was made chairman at the Louisville reunion, three years ago, of Preface ii. the general committee. This committee has succeeded in gather- ing and publishing in newspaper supplements the chronicles of the work of Southern women in several Southern States, notabl}' South Carolina. Virginia and Tennessee. This work will be pushed to completion in the remaining States of the South. Gen. Walker's committee have also accomplished consider- able work on the question of a monument to Southern women. It has been decided that the monument be of bronze. Designs were called for last year and at the meeting of the committee after the adjournment of tlie Richmond reunion of the present year a selection of a design was made. The committee are now selecting the artist Avho is to carry out their wishes and supervise the casting of the monuments. Within a short time the artist will be selected and the next step will be to estimate the cost of each monument for a State and to apportion it. The veterans and sons of veterans of each State will be asked to share State by State, in the expense incurred. It is impossible just now to estimate exactly what each State will have to pay as a pro rata for a monument. Perhaps five thousand dollars is approximate. Each monument will be an original under this plan and the uniformity throughout the South will be a strik- ing feature. Everywhere will be seen that face and figure of Southern beauty and power, looking down with inspiring love and tenderness upon the rising generations of the Southland. ARKANSAS COMMITTEE. Our Arkansas committee met in Little Rock last winter and organized for work along these lines. It was discovered that quite a large number of papers written by Southern ladies of the State. and full of interesting reministenses were in the hands of J. Kellogg, Little Rock, as the result of a previous effort in this direction. At the above meeting J. M. Lucey was made chairman and J. Kellogg was made honorary member of the board and elected secretary. The chairman was empowered to collect all accessible papers and to solicit new ones from the ladies of tlie State; all of which were to be carefully supervised Preface hi. by him and then published in a pamphlet form, rather than a newspaper supplement. It was. however, decided to publish the papers first in the Sunday edition of the Arkansas Gazette and after submission to their authors to ])rint them in a pamphlet of an edition of 3,000 copies. The Memorial Committee were able to report to the State Eeunion U. C. V... held October 4-5, this year, at Hot Springs, Ark., that the work of going over the old papers and collecting new ones was practically completed. All of the old papers, with possibly two or three exceptions, have appeared in the Sunday edition of the Arkansas Gazette. jSTone of the new series of pajiers have been given to the Gazette, as it was only recently tliat tlie final copy of the old series was used, and it is thought best to get out the pamphlet without further delay. The report of the Memorial Committee was unanimously approved by the Eeunion. and tlie Committee was made a permanent one. and authorized to publish three thousand copies of the pamphlet and to arrange a jjlan to canvass the principal cities of the State to raise five thousand dollars for the monument to the Confederate Women of Arkansas of the Civil War period. This volume is, therefore, published under the auspices of the United Confederate Veterans of Arkansas, as a tribute to the women of the South, and a slight acknowledgement of their many sucessful efforts to glorify the Confederate soldier. No effort has been made to give these papers a literary dress. They are given in the simple language and style in which they were orginally written. They will become a most desirable addition to the material that will some day be used to make up a satisfactory history of the mighty struggle of the North and South over forty years ago, as each paper contains some particular incident of historic value. To render our volume more complete and perhaps more attractive, several selections have been inserted which refer to subjects dear to every Confederate heart; History of the Origin of the U. C. v., of the U. S. C. V., and of the Daughters; of the Confederate Unifornrand Flag; of the Confederate Museum and the Memorial Association, and similar things ^War songs and poems which have become historic are given, and finally anecdotes of camp life are presented not merely to relieve the Preface iv. heavier reading but to bring for^vard a feature of Confederate life that liistorians covet. Few Confederate Veterans will read these pages with dry eyes. They will read of Sterling Price's body guard of eighty men appearing on the streets of Camden from their Missouri raid with sockless feet and almost frozen when the Southern ladies gave every man of them a pair of socks and some of them shoes and then worked day and night, Sunday and weekday, to make up the deficit for the boxes they were sending to their own loved ones on distant battlefields. They will read of tenderly raised Southern women working in the fields alone with negro servants to raise a simple crop, that was to be carried off by Federal raiders. The women who wove and spun the clothing of the Southern soldier and their own, who risked their lives in bearing important dispatches to Confederate generals, who spent days and nigiits at the cot of the soldier in the hospital and who have cared for the graves of the Confederate dead even to the extent of erecting countless memorial monuments and leaving their own heroism to be imnoticed, if not unknown, deserve to be com- memorated in the grandest records and finest monument that man's genius can devise. The old Confederate veterans of Arkan- sas would otherwise indeed be ungrateful to the noble women who stood by the Southern cause in war and, when all was lost but honor, received the broken-doA\T[i father, husband and brother, without a tear or anything but comfoi-ting word* and cheerful smiles. J. M. LUCEY. Chainiian. DAN W. JONES, CHAELES COFFIN", V. Y. COOK, J. H. BERRY, J. KELLOGG, Secretary. Committee of the Arkansas Division, U. C. V., on Memorial to the Women of the Confederacy. This book is published for the benefit of the fund to erect a monument to the women of the Confederacy in Arkansas. The price of the book is, paper bound, 50 cents; cloth bound, $1.00. If ordered by mail, 6 cents must be added for the paper bound copy and 12 cents for the cloth bound copy. Cash in full must accom- pany every order. Apply to or address, J. Kellogg, Secretary Mem. Com., 309 W. Second St., Little Rock, Ark. REMINISCENCES OF THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. By Mrs. Eugene R. Goodwin^ of Augusta. In April of 1861, there was the wildest excitement in Augusta, Ark., when the first company of mounted rifles was being formed. Manly hearts burning to go to the defence of their country, and yet yearning anxiously for the loved and defence- less ones they must leave behind them. Wives, mothers, sisters, and sweethearts struggling bravely to conceal their own bitter heartaches, that they might strengthen and cheer their dear ones, for the hard duties that lay before them. But there was neither time, nor opportunity for any sentimental indulgence of any of these feelings : the most strenuous activity was imperative. Women must be taught the use of fire-arms that they might be able to defend themselves and their homes. Their first awk- ward efforts proved the occasion of much grim mirth, while some soon became good marksmen. There was no government to suppl} clothing for the soldiers, so the merchants furnished material, and women gathered in numbers to cut and make the grey uniforms and knitting socks became the pastime and rest-work of busy fingers in all the odd minutes. But as we look back, all this seems but pleasure compared with what followed. Orders soon came for "all volunteers to report in Little Eock." Now, the romance is all gone, and the fearful realities are upon us. We must make them a flag, and it must be presented in due form. In the presence of an immense crowd, our gallant boys clothed in their grey uniforms and mounted on their war steeds were reined up in line before a stand from which a frail girl, trembling with emotion, after an address full of martial fervor, patriotism and confidence in II 18 Confederate "Women of Arkansas the courage and heroism of the brave hearts before her, handed the flag to the standard bearer. Upon receiving it, he made a short chivalric reply and every hat ■went up and every throat hurrahed for "the courage of our women and the sacredness of our Cause.*' Then galloping from this portentous scene, all were soon engaged in preparations for the final parting on the morrow. As the boat upon which the troops were to embark steamed up to the wharf, friends and relatives crowded around our heroes and who shall tell of the anguish, that wrung those hearts in that last parting? The picture of that boat, as she rounded the bend in the river, the boys' caps and handkerchiefs waving, some singing and others shouting, every attitude giving express- sion to the depth of their emotion, still stands out in bold relief upon memory's tablet and refuses to be effaced by the occurences of more than forty years. I shall not open the pages of memory that tell of the bitterness that followed. There were no mails to bring tidings 'from the loved ones, and harrowing rumors were continually reaching us of their sufferings and privations, so that we were forced in many ways to feel that the "horrors of war' were upon us. Tho' some distance from the seat of war, we were often subjected to visits from small bodies of troops, sent on some mission by one or other of the contending armies. The first rumor of tlie enemy's coming struck terror into every heart. We feared everything, but escaped, this time, with only the loss of any and everything they could eat, wear or carry off. On one occasion, when our Capt. Eutherford and his men had been giving the enemy considerable trouble, they sent a small body of troops to surprise and capture them. Coming up on the opposite bank of White River and finding no means of crossing over into the town, a number of the most reckless and daring among them doffed every article of clothing, swam the river and with shameless effrontery, paraded our streets in Eeminiscences of the War Between the States 19 an absolutely nude state. Instantly every door and blind was closely shut; curtains drawn; and the whole town was as still as death. A negro man was hastily despatched to warn them not to approach too near any dwelling for the women of that town were well armed and well drilled in the use of firearms. The faithful negro adding in his own persuasive way "And I tell you gemmans, if you step your foot in one of dem yards, you won't neber hab no more use for does.' They gave full credit to this kindly hint and at once recrossed the river and we heard of them no more, and our hearts went up in a hymn of praise to our God for this special deliverance. Another trying time was when Curtis's army came thro' our town. My mother still had with her the negro man mentioned above (her carriage driver in slave times) to whom — by thi way, let me just here pay a well-deserved tribute. During all the years, of the war, he seemed to feel that he was duty bound to work for and protect his mistress and her family. He regularly brought to her all his earnings ; and was as loyal, in every way, as the truest and noblest son, or brother could have been. He was at once sent to the General's headquarters for "a guard" and with a request that he permit some worthy officer to board with us during his stay in our town. , He sent us quite a polished, pleasant gentleman, Capt. of an Indiana Company. This proved a boon to us, for he not only treated us beauti- fully, but saw that we and all we had, were carefully protected from depredations and indignities to which others were subjected. When the command moved on and left our town, there was a rumor that they had found us to be such fire-eating rebels that stragglers had been ordered to remain behind and burn the town that night. We had no men, but the women held a council and "vre decided to foim ourselves into a police force and patrol the town all night. This we did; walking our several beats as faithfully, if not as fearlesssly, as any city police. Wliether or not the rumor had been baseless, we never knew, but our town wai not burned. 20 Confederate Women of Arkansas Once the dreaded cry "The federals are coming" caught a wounded confederate soldier "laying up for repairs" in my mother's home. What to do we knew not. There was no chance to get him out of town. We knew there were some in town who would inform on us; then, of course, would follow a thorough search of our home and premises. So, after a hurried consulta- tion my pale face and wasted form (being just out of a severe spell of sickness) suggested a way out of our dilemma. Earn- estly praying God's blessings on our plan, we decided to arrange one room as for a very sick person. We arranged a table filled with medicines and other sick room paraphernalia; stationed a nurse; darkened the room; and placed the wounded soldier between the mattress and feather bed; then put me to bed, arranging the feathers to conceal the unnatural bump in that bed. We tried to keep the whole house in a hush to awe them into not making the search if possible but they were not so easily turned aside. They bluntly stated "They had orders to search this house and they intended to search it." We could not even 'prevail upon them to spare the sick room, tho' we entreated with tears (which were not in our plans.) They filed in, peered everywhere ; even under the patient's bed and punched, with their bayonets, every suspicious looking object, then quietly left the room; leaving me trembling with fear — my fears being mis- chievously aggravated by hearing much bemuffled Avhispers "You are smothering me to death" and many like remarks, coming from the hiding place of our wounded Eeb, ere my mother con- sidered it safe to let him out. But by God's blessing on our efforts, one more soldier was spared to fight to the end of the war and is now a wealthy and prominent citizen of Shreveport, Louisiana. Just one more incident and I will close. When the Fitz- hugh fight occurred the Yankees were still trying to capture or wipe out Capt. Eutherford's command. Having failed in all previous attempts, then sent a gunboat up from Helena with a force of about four hundred fighting men aboard. They landed at Augusta, sent out their troops, leaving the crew and a few offi- cers in charge of the boat. These officers entertained themselves Remixisences of the War Between the States 21 during the day by calling on young ladies. Being in use as a female academy at that time, our house was especially attract- ive to them. They were very courteous and polite ; "hoped we would pardon them, but they were very anxious to make the acquaintance of some of the Southern girls." We didn't dare repulse them but discouraged their attentions by our manners and the assurance that we felt only bitterness towards their cause and their armies. They met all this with the most patient, forbear- ing politeness, telling us those feelings were very natural now^ but after a while we would feel differently. This so exasperated us that when they begged for music, we told them we knew only Southern war songs, and to their request, "Then sing them for us" we selected the bitterest we knew, throwing all the spirit into them that was then almost bursting our hearts. They not only listened very kindly, but seemed really to enjoy our "rebel"songs. But soon the fight was on. We could hear the firing and we very excitely and confidently told them: Now you will have to go, for our men will whip or capture all your troops."' They hooted at such a thought but very calmly and gallantly bade us goodbye and started for the boat, and before they reached the wharf, their men came flying in, hotly pursued (as they thought) by the victorious "rebels." And very soon their gunboat was steaming down stream. This was too good a chance, we just couldn't resist the temptation to sing, with wildest enthusiasm, "We'll hurl the Yankee crew from the land we love the best." Now it happened our house and Academy was not two hundred yards from the river, so we were in full view, and this volume of song, triumphantly welling up from ten or fifteen young ladies was more than the defeated Yankees could stand, so they turned loose their cannon on us. But the river was narrow and the banks were very high, at that point, so their balls only cut some of the highest tree tops. "Oh, she's not at all nice," said little Elsie; "she's always wishin' she was a boy." "Well," replied Mabel, "I wish I was too." "I know, but she wishes it out loud, so the boys can hear her." — Philadelphia Press. SIGEL'S RAIDERS BURN A FINE HOME. By Mrs. Homer F. Sloan, of Augusta. One of the hardest things to understand about war, especially by women, is the flagrant destruction of homes and neces- saries of life. General Franz Sigel was exiled from Germany because of his advocacy of popular government. He was given a high position in the Union army in order to gratify the German soldiers who had entered the army in large numbers. Such a man should be expected to have manly and generous sentiments. The following incident of his raid near Augusta shows how brutal he was : On a large plantation near Augusta, Ark., in 1863 was an old Southern home. There were 200 negro slaves contentedly working and the land was in a fine state of cultivation. But in the roomy comfortable old house which the blue-coats surrounded was only an old woman and her daughter. "Don't seem to be any men 'round?" questioned an officer, "All gone to fight the Yankees," answered the woman promptly. Then a soldier came up to the officer, saying, "There is only a small quantity of meat in the smoke house." When questioned as to where the rest of the meat was hidden, the woman refused to tell. Threatened with the burning of her home if she did not direct them to the place of concealment, she still refused, saying that over 200 people on the place were depending upon her for food. "But," said the officer, "what will you do? You can save your house by giving up the meat." "No," she replied, "I cannot let my people starve; as for the house, there are plenty of logs in the woods to build another one." A soldier led around a beautiful horse and at once the girl ran to it and caught the bridle, begging them not to take her pet. Fine old furniture was broken and thrown from the Sigel's Raiders Burn a Fine Home 23 windows and doors; great feather beds and pillows were carried into the yard and ripped open with knives. But the woman sat under a tree placidly knitting — deaf alike to threats and destruction. "What are you knitting?" inquired one. "Socks for the Confederate soldiers." "How many pairs have you made?" "So many that I can rib them, turn the heel and toe them off in the dark." "How many have you on hand ?" """Tot a pair; sent them away yesterday." The negroes denied knowing anything about where the meat was hidden, the girl continued pleading to keep her horse, the old woman knitted in silence. Finally the order to start the fire was given. Then the officer said each of them might have one thmg saved for them out of the house. The mother said to give her her sewing machine, and it was set near her; the girl chose her piano and it was brought out; then the torch did the work. The girl was allowed to lead her horse as she went to stand beside her mother. Thus the enemy left them to see the destruction of their home, the old woman knitting, knitting, the young woman standing quiet, one arm thrown over her horse's neck — a picture of war's cruelty, and illustration of woman's sacrifice and fortitude. A SAFE HIDING PLACE. This story was told the writer by the prominent actor there- of, but a feeling of delicacy withholds the name. Miss Kitty (for thus we shall call her), her brother and sweetheart were having a gay time in the parlor, fun and laugh- ter running high, when suddenly the house was surrounded by the Yankees. The lover instantly disappeared up the chim- ney. But the brother, where was he to go? There was not a moment to lose. Beckoning him. Miss Kitty stood and pointed to her voluminous hoop skirts. The young man comprehended, and in a second was in refuge. And when the soldiers entered the room, the young woman was standing in an apparent care- less attitude combing her hair. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF 1863. By Mrs. Emily S. Reed, of Batesville. After a lapse of more than forty years, events that happened so long ago must have been of a very startling nature to retain still a vivid place in memorj^. It has been said, that there are three things that leave ineffaceable impressions, excessive joy, grief and fright; and the last certainly did for awhile prevail over all other feelings on the occasion I now recall. The winter of eighteen hundred and sixty-three was unus- ually severe at Batesville, Ark., and people were in no condition to face the hardships and privations that steadily grew worse, as first one army and then the other held this country. They consumed what little was raised on the farms by women and small boys, (all able-bodied men being in the -army), and the question of daily rations for the family was growing to be a very serious one. I have knoT\Ti girls to ride horseback ten and often twenty miles to get a peck of meal and a few pounds of flour, and they considered themselves lucky indeed to find a little dried fruit. Early in February, I forget the exact date, the weather grew much colder, and ended in a heavy snow, which added greatly to the discomfort already prevailing. GERMAN FEDERAL RAIDERS SUDDENLY APPEAR. One of my brothers was at home sick in bed. One even- ing, mother, my younger brothers and myself were in the sit- ting room with him, when mother asked me to go out in the dining room and get a glass of water to mix some medicine. To reach the dining room, I had to go down two steps on the back porch on which both it and the Idtehen opened. I went through the door of the former, got the glass and water, and turned to go back when happening to glance toward the window, I saw what literally paralyzed me with fright, and instant death seemed before me, for there 'at the window were crowded a lot of hideous, grinning "^feds," jabbering in Dutch and pointing at Personal Eecollections of 1863 25 me. I was simply scared silly, but had sense enough to run for my life, and burst into the sitting room white as a ghost, with eyes so full of horror, that mother came flying to me, saying, "Em, what's the matter?'' Just as I gasped out. "Mother, the yard is full of 'feds' !" in they poured, back door and front door, crowding and jabbering some orders in Dutch, which, of course, none of us understood, at which they were getting very angry with us, until one officer, the first American we had seen, pus^.ed his way in and ordered mother to get supper for fifty men. She calmly (while I wondered how she could talk at all), replied, that there wasn't enough in the whole neigh- borhood to feed that many. He made an angry reply and told his men to help themselves, which they lost no time in doing. DRIED APPLES BUSTING 'fEDS' First, they tied their horses all over the yard to a lot of young fruit trees, then broke open the store room, etc., soon demolishing what was on hand. I remember noticing (after I had gotten partly over my scare) a few big Dutch fellows, ravenously "getting away" with a bag of dried apples, which had quite recently been sent to motlier from the country, and for which she had exchanged salt, and the sight recalled a con- versation I once heard between two little boys on the dried apple question. One boy had a pocket full of this fruit and the other wanted " a divide," which being refused, he said, "My ma says dried apples raw will swell up and bust you !" which I fervently hoped might be realized in the preent instance. waking's command of raiders. They took possession of anything they saw, and carried things their own way, we meanwhile being all crowded together in the sitting room, glad to know we were still alive. At twelve o'clock, when Colonel Waring and staff arrived, he took our parlor for headquarters, and ordered those Dutch around, like so many dogs, — "begging a dog's pardon !" x\fter his arrival matters did not look so "skeery," for this officer, though a "Fed," was a gentleman in manner, and was very profuse in his apologies to mother, — said "she should be amply remunerated 26 Confederate Women of Arkansas for any and all damages she had sustained, to which he would attend personally, as he was now in command of this section/' (which 'tis needless to say was all "bosh,") as his stay was brief, though long enough to leave a heavy mark wherever that Dutch gang raided Batesville that night. Among other things, I think, they found a large quantity of sugar in the basement of the court house, belonging to Geo. Case, which they wantonly destroyed. That was truly a night of terror in Batesville, and even at this late day a sort of "chill" runs over me when I think of those awful 'Feds' at the window, when I realized for the first time, what it meant "to be scared silly." Towards day-break, the whole command moved swiftly north, and a few hours later, Gen. Shelby crossed the river with about three thousand men, and followed them a short distance. It seems this command was reported to be the advance guard of a large force of Federals coming here, but was in reality about five hundred Dutch, known as 'taring's Com- mand," on one of their notorious raids through southern Mis- souri and north Arkansas. SHE KNEW HER BOYS. During the war between the States a rumor of "battle at Seven Pines" reached a remote part of Virginia, but as yet there were no details. A mother had two sons — John and James — in the same company, and anxiety found expression in the oft repeated lament: "Poor John, I know, I know he's killed or wounded." The husband and father at last became annoyed at the re- peated mention of John to the exclusion of James, and ex- claimed : "What about James ? You love him equally with John, Why don't you think of him ?" The mother replied: "My poor John! James is all right, husband, for there are seven trees there, and I know that James is behind one of them." PRIVATIONS OF A SOLDIER'S WIDOW. By Mrs. M. M. Hendrix, of Big Fork. My husb nd Benjamin Franklin Hendrix entered the Southern army in the beginning of the war, joining Captain Edwin's company, Fourth Arkansas infantry, in June, 1861. He was killed in battle December 15, 1863, leaving me with four little children, to live the hard life of many a Confederate widow. My oldest child, George Washington, was seven years old ; the next, Samuel Enochs was five ; the third was Benjamin Franklin, three years old, and the youngest. Sarah Elizabeth, was only ten months old. I felt all these things the more because I was an adopted citizen of Arkansas. My native home was in Pickens county, South Carolina, where I was born October 17, 1832. My par- ents moved to Cherokee county, Ga., when I was about one year old. At the age of 12, I came with my parents to Montgomery county, Arkansas, and September 4, 1852, married Benjamin F. Hendrix, who was the same age as myself, 22 years. FEDERAL RAIDERS TOOK EVERYTHING. With four little ones to provide for, I found life a hard problem. Many times when night came and I lay down, I could not sleep on account of my destitute condition, and being forced to see my children suffer from cold and hunger without power or prospect of helping them. I could have managed to live fairly well, as I could work in the field and chop wood and I had some provisions laid by and the house was comfortably furnished, but federal soldiers came and robbed me of every- thing, not leaving a mouthful at times for myself and little ones. They were frequently brutal and once when I seemed slow about cooking something for them, they began cursing and pointed a gun at me, so that I was terribly frightened. But God was good to me in keeping me in a Christian spirit, and I 28 Confederate Women of Arkansas succeeded in raising all my children. My son, G. W. Hendrix, lives at Black Springs, Ark.; Samuel E. Hendrix, lives at intimatliule, Ark.; B. F. Hendrix lives at Maxwell, I. T., and my daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, lives at Big Fork, Ark., and is happily married to Mr. Liles. A STORY OF THE LEES. The visit of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, says the Louisville Courier- Journal, has started a story which he told on himself several years ago, and which is a good illustration of the love the Confederate soldiers bore toward Gen. Eobert E. Lee. As it is well known. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was at the head of the cavalry, and these were much envied by the infantrymen, who had to walk through the mud and dust. After General Eobert E. Lee had surrendered, Gen. Fitz- hugh Lee rode away from Appomattox. While riding through a lane he met an old North Carolina soldier. "Ho, there," cried General Lee, "where are you going?" "I've been off on a furlough and am now going back to join Gen. Bob Lee," replied the soldier. "You needn't go back, but can throw your gun away and return liome, for Lee's surrendered." "Lee's surrendered ?" "That's what I said," said General Jjee. "It must have been that damned Fitz Lee, tlien. Rob Lee would never surrender," and the old soldier put on a look of contempt and walked on. BRAVERY OF MISS LINNIE HUTCHINSON. By Maj. W. F. Forhes, of BrinMey. There is one sweet Southern girl, a cousin of mine, who has long since passed to her reward, of whom I feel it a duty to speak, Miss Linnie Hutchison. Her work did not pertain much to Arkansas, but she was well known to H. C. Tipton, former state treasurer, and others. WHEN THE YANKEES TOOK MEJIPHIS. The first Confederate company of Horn Lake, Miss., where we lived, was made up March 1, 1861, and we were ordered to Pensacola, Fla. When the Yankees took ]\Iemphis my uncle's fine home and farm became a regular raiding ground for them. My uncle was 75 years old and Miss Linnie quite a girl. For 24 miles from Memphis to Hernando the Federals burned every- thing combustible and not a cow. horse, hog or chicken was left. They were three years in this work of devastation and all this time Linnie Hutchinson was subjected to every possible insult and injury. ROUTED FIFTY YANKS. The house was burned to the ground and the old man and young girl took up their abode in a negro cabin. Miss Linnie had practiced much with pistol and gun, as the necessity of being able to defend herself dawned upon her young mind. When the Feds would come into her yard, she stood, pistol in hand, ready for anything. One day a company of fifty entered the yard and began shooting every chicken in sight. Standing upon the cabin porch and raising her gun, she declared that she would shoot the man that fired the next shot at her chickens. They vacated the yard without further ado. She saved one old horse, old Mike, the buggy horse, but only after a fierce struggle in which several sol- diers threw her round and round as she clung to the bridle until blood gushed from her wrists. 30 Confederate Women of Akkansas Her only brother, James Hutchinson, was killed at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., falling with Gen. Pat Cleburne. brave, but just and tender. A neighbor boy. Willie White, was a Union man. Some raiding Federals thought he was a bushwhacker and shot him thirteen times until death came to his relief. That brave South- ern girl, Confederate to the core of her heart, knowing that Billie Brown was an honest man, went down on her knees to beg his life from his cruel captors. FAITHFUL old NEGROES. There were twenty-five negroes on the Hutchinson plantc* tion during the war and no white people except an old man and a weak young woman. Nothing went wrong. The negroes were faithful. They helped on all occasions to hide things and never told the Yankees. They made a living during the four years of the war for white and black. Old Aunt Sasa was a constant guard over Miss Linhie, frequently remaining up all night when danger was anticipated. A HEROINE OF CHICKAMAUGA. During the preliminary manoeuvers which preceded the battle of Chickamauga, Manigault's brigade was in position near a small farm, the humble log cabin of which marked the poverty of the owner, but close to this was a patch of luscious sorghum oane, into which the boys found their way and commenced to forage. As they were in the midst of the cane breaking it and sucking the juicy portions, two newcomers appeared on the scene. Colonel Sawyer, of the Twenty-fourth Alabama regiment, and the owner. The colonel promptly ordered the men out, but the old woman interfered; her dress and appearance indicated how dependent she was upon that little patch for part of her support, but her heart was warm for the cause. "Colonel," she said, "that's my sorghum; I raised it, but these are my boys; let them have all thoy want. Pitch in boys and help yourselves." SKETCH OF MRS. LUTETIA M. HOWELLS, OF CLARKSVILLE. By her daughter, Mrs. Sallie E. Jordan, of C'larksville. It is with the greatest reluctance that I write this sketch of my mother's experience during the Civil war. If those who have urged me so much and so often to write, knew what I have suff- ered in putting those sad particulars on paper, they would have said, "let them alone." Those who have undertaken to gather reminiscences of this kind have a hard task on their hands as one- thousandth part of what the women of the South .suffered during the war can never be told. It i= a duty, however, that the authors of these reminiscences should be aided in every possible way, so that valuable materials of history may not be lost. This is why I send my crude statements, though it is breaking my heart to do so. At the time of the burning of my mother and aunt, my father, S. J. Howell, had gone to Texas with our servants. My brother, Captain J. B. Howell, was ordinance officer of General James F. Fagan. Our home was in a little town on the Arkansas river, called Pittsburg, about nine miles from Clarksville. The Federal officer in command of Clarksville at the time was Col. Waugh. He had never been known to do a kind act for any citizen until my mother's awful treatment happened, when he began to act as a human being. One Federal officer called and said to me : "If my wife or mother had been treated as yours, I would live only to kill Federals and when I came to die, I would regret that I could not live longer to kill more." The following are the main particulars: On the night of the 20th of February, 1864, five or six Federal soldiers came and demanded money of mother, saying, "I know you have it, every one knows that your husband has plenty of money." When she refused to give them money, they stripped the right foot and leg and thrust it into a bed of red hot coals lying in a large open fireplace. When they took it out they asked her if she would 32 Confederate Women op Arkansas tell them where the money was, and when she said no, they put it back and told her they would burn her to death if she did not tell. The flesh was cooked until it fell off from the knee to the toe. They then brought in my widowed aunt, Mrs. John W. Willis, who was living with my mother. They had been keeping her outside on the lawn, and had previously told her that my mother had sent her word to tell them where the money was. as they were burning her to death. She said she did not believe them and refused. They then took my mother from the fire and put my aunt in, and burned her in the same way, but not quite so severely. At last when the found they were of the material from which heroines are made and Spartan mothers reared, they released them and going to the servants quarters, they locked them in and told them if they came out before sun up, their heads would be shot off. My poor mother in some way found the lin- seed oil and together she and my aunt dressed their burns. Next morning the three negro women in great fear came to them and did what they could for them. Later on these women took the week's laundry and went across the hill, a quarter of a mile from the house, where there was a fine spring, to do the washing; the hill hid this house from their view. Later on one of the women started back to see if there was anything needed. When she reached the top of the hill, she saw the flames bursting out from the roof. When mother and aunt learned that the house was on fire, they in some mysterious way with those terribly burned limbs, crawled to the wood pile, where they lay and watched the destruction of a fine old Southern home (the home where brother John and I were reared). When the building was falling into ashes some Federal officers came with ambulances to fill them with furnishings from this house. When they saw the sad plight of my loved ones, they were compelled to take them to Clarks- ville, where they could receive medical attention. I must say Drs. Root and Adams of Kansas, in whose charge they were placed, were exceedingly kind to them. A week after this terrible affair Capt, Abbot, commanding a U. S. transport, (but a Southern sympathizer), came down from Clarksville and sent me word, saying, that he had not the courage to bring the mes- Sketch of j\1rs. Lutetia M. Howells 33 sage in person. Capt. Abbot held the transport until I could get ready to return with him. I left my four fatherless chil- dren, (baby being quite ill), with my dear friend, Mrs. Adams, widow of ex-GrOvernor Samuel Adams, step-mother of Capt. John D. Adams, and mother of Gen. Jas. F. Fagan. Mrs. Adams was afterwards with me in Little Eock, having been turned out of her home by Federal officers. It took the transport three days to reach Spadra Bluff, the nearest point by river to Clarksville. I was told here that mother was dying and that her limb had been amputated, all of which was almost unbearable for me, and the suffering so changed me that some of my loved ones did not recognize me. I must pass over the meeting with my mother ; I can not even at this late day write of it. I staid until my mother could be moved to Spadra Bluff by ambulance, and by transport to my home in Little Rock. The news soon spread that we had arrived. The first to reach the boat was our old friend. Dr. R. L. Dodge, He dropped on his knees beside mother's bed and wept aloud. Mother did not die just at this time, but lingered two years. Poor, dear mother, how she suff- ered ! 'T. forgive them for the pain and poverty they have caused me," were her words. They destroyed what they could not carry away, shooting large numbers of cattle, hogs, etc. Maj. jSTewsome (a Federal), told me at Spadra, that when mother's house was on fire, he counted fourteen others burning at the same time, and he knew that orders for the fires had been sent out from headquarters. SHORT RATIONS. A half famished fellow in the Southern States, tells of a baker (whose loaves had been growing small by degrees and beau- tifully less) who when going his rounds to serve his customers, stopped at the door of one of them, and knocked, when the lady within exclaimed : "Who's there ?" and was answered : "The bak- er." "What do you want?" "To leave your bread." "Well, you needn't make such a fuss about it — put it through the keyhole !" HEROIC DEEDS OF SOUTHERN WOMEN. By Mrs. K. D. Goodbar, of Charleston. Mrs. Catherine Haynes, whose home is near Charleston, Arkansas, is one of the oldest 'and most interesting of the few remaining women in that section who worked, suffered and endured, for the "Lost Cause." She is living out her sunset years in the same old family homestead, which was once the scene of so much stirring adven- ture, and lier recollections of those trying days are still fresh and unobscured, though Time is laying his hand heavily now upon her silvered locks. Mrs. Haynes and her two daughters, Miss Lizzie and Miss Sarah Jane, are known to have huried, or assisted in burying, at least six, perhaps more of our fallen heroes, which was certainly no mean service. She has often been heard to relate the follow- ing incident : Six men belonging to Col. Mcintosh's regiment were quietly eating breakfast in one of three small cottages, built close to the Haynes' homestead. Mrs. Tobb, a Union woman, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Knott, a widow, were the occupants of the houses. The men were totally unsuspicious of any danger, but were suddenly attacked by a small party, and three of them were shot down in Mrs. Eoberts' yard, while the others escaped. The names of the three soldiers killed were : Perkins, Tom Jones, and Milton Hayes, all of them closely related to men widely known in this section of the State. Mrs. Tobb ran alone all the way to the Haynes' home to tell the awful news, and to get assistance in caring for the bodies. There was not a man left on the Haynes' place so Miss Lizzie and Miss Sarah Jane accompanied Mrs. Tobb to the scene of the tragedy, determined that not one of our brave boys should lack a decent burial so long as there were tender, pitying hands to perform the last sad duties. Nixon's graveyard was a full half-mile distant, but one of Heroic Deeds of Southern Women 35 them knew of an empty grave which had been dug for the body of a Captain Bean who had been carried back home to Roseville, and buried there instead. There was one available vehicle. It was a small cart, roughly constructed, and mounted upon two old wagon wheels. To this was harnessed the only team a brace of young steers. With Mrs. Knott driving and two of the other women walking behind to hold the lifeless bodies on the shaky cart, from which they were in imminent danger of falling, the pathetic little procession wended its way to the graveyard. With their own hands they laid the three bodies, uncoffined, in the same grave, and with an old shovel and a rusty spade, these faith- ful and heroic women put the clods of "earth to earth and ashes to ashes," upon the sacred dead. Finally worn out with physical exertion and mental emo- tion, they turned wearily liomeward. It was nearing the close of day when 'at last they arrived, and bright stars, just peep- ing out from the grey twilight, were soon to shed their cold unfeeling radiance upon the dark tragedies of human life. "DON'T LET THE OLD MAN BLEED ON THE BISCUITS." Four or five members of Company H, Fifth Mississippi, while l}dng in the trenches around Atlanta in 1864, had a brief respite one morning from the annoying shot and shell. We had got a large lot of biscuits, and expected to have a fine time of it in enjoying the unusual banquet. But human hopes often de- ceive us. While we were sitting a la l\irk on a blanket, pitching into the biscuits, and old Tommie R — , a long, lea.n specimen, of Eebeldom, was stretching out his bony arms for the biggest one in the pile, a minnie ball took off a piece of his head as big as a five-dollar Confederate note, and pitched him over upon our stock of biscuits. George H — jerked at him and cried out: "Damn it, boys, dont let the old man bleed on the biscuts." F. J. MASON. MRS. RICHARD LEDBETTER. By Mrs. K. D. Guodhar, of Charleston. Mrs, Richard Ledbetter is now past seventy years of age. She is a ruddy-cheeked, sunny-natured old lady, whose perfect health is a fair sample of the blessings vouchsafed to those who take a cheery view of life under 'any and all circumstances. She is always to be met with at the re-union of Confederate soldiers which occurs annually on or about August 2, near Charleston, Arkansas, which is a notable gathering, sometimes bringing as many as ten thousand people together. Her liveliest memories cluster about the circumstances of a long and wearying journey, which she and a Mrs. Graham made together, during the trou- blous war times. They rode horseback, entirely without other escort, from a point in Sevier county to Montgomery county, Arkansas, and back again, a total distance of about three hun- dred miles. Mrs. Graham went for the purpose of nursing a wounded husband, but Private Graliam had stepped his last to the drumbeat, and his widow was left only the mournful conso- lation of a visit to his grave. Young Mrs. Ledbetter left Mrs. Graham at this point and went on alone, ten miles further, to visit her parents, after which they retraced together the long and dangerous journey. Both going and coming there seemed an ample opportunity for undesirable adventures, but fortunately they met none of the enemy, and the well-known, undeviating hospitality of the South, afforded them all the shelter and assistance needed. Once only did native intuition, or a special providence, seem to inter- vene in their behalf when they were led to make a wide detour from the main road, and upon rejoining the highway, were told of a large body of Federals, about 500 in number, having passed in the interim. They thus missed an encounter which would have been unpleasant and detaining, to say the least. UNPRINTED ARKANSAS HISTORY. By Mrs. L. J. Carmach, of Charleston. Mrs. Carmack remembers the funerals of Grenerals Styne and McCullough. When a small child, she watched the proces- sions march past her father's house in Fort Smith, en route for the National Cemetery. One of the three soldiers, whom three young ladies buried, near Charleston, was shot down in Mrs. Roberts' yard. Mrs. Lizzie Haynes was one of these young ladies. They could not procure coffins for the soldiers, but reverently buried them as best they could, with their own hands. Wlien the sad task was done and they turned homeward, which was three miles distant, the stars were beginning to shine. Once old Mrs. Susan Richardson and "Grandma" Gunter drove some yearlings hitched to a wagon from Charleston to Fort Smith for provisions. On the way home some of the yearlings became exhausted and the women took turns helping draw the wagon. The ladies met at the Methodist church in Fort Smith, and made clothes, shirts mostly, for the soldiers. A Mrs. Beard cut the clothes, and let Mrs. Carmack and many other little school- girls make little oilcloth haversacks for the soldiers. Fort Smith depended on Federal wagon trains for supplies. Most people, especially through the country, spun and wove their cloth. BRAVE AND FEARLESS TO THE END. Miss Pussy Whitty, of Missouri, a plucky and fearless girl of 19, did many acts of daring to decoy the Federals into the hands of her father's company. She went many nights in rain and snow to pilot small bands of Southern patriots and often carried baskets of provisions to the brush to feed the Confed- erates while recruiting in her State. In the summer of 1863 she rode sixty miles in the night to carry news to the intrepid Quantrell. REMINISCENCES OF MRS. VIRGINIA CLEAVER. By Mrs. Virginia C. Cleaver, of Camden. In the fall of 1861, my husband, Capt. W. H. Cleaver, raised a company of cavalry in Homer, Angelina county, Tex, He was in Riley's regiment, Sibley's l>rigade. and went from Homer to San Antonio, and from there he went on that ill-fated expe- dition to New Mexico. He never returned from New Mexico. For many long years of anxiety and suspense — many long years of alternate hope and doubt — I watchel for his return and list- ened for some tidings of him, but it was all in vain. I heard he was killed by Mexicans, July 1, 1862, while crossing the Rio Grande. His horse was shot from under him and fell. He fought bravely for his life, standing in the river, until he fell to rise no more. After my husband's departure from Homer I remained a week or so in Texas, and then returned by private conveyance to my old home in Arkansas, where lived my widowed mother, one sister and two little brothers. My two older brothers joined the army in the beginning of the war, and the third brother, a mere boy, went a little later. My mother, Mrs. Newport Bragg, lived four miles west of Camden, and as soldiers belonging to both the Confederate and Federal armies were stationed in Cam- den at different times during the war, we were in the lines of first one army and then the other. When our boys were in possession of Camden it was a gay town, filled with officers, their wives and daughters. So many brave and gallant soldiers with their gray uniforms, the bands playing "Dixie," and "The Bonny Blue Flag," and our loved flag displayed all over the town. Cens. Price and Marmaduke were here. Shelby and his brigade, and many others that I cannot now recall. We suffered many hardships and privations, but it was all done very cheerfully. Provisions were very scarce, and it was hard to feed our families and our servants, but we always Reminiscences of Mrs. Virginia Cleaver 39 had enough to give to a Confederate soldier. No one who ''wore the gray" was ever sent away hungry from my mother's door. WHEN CLOTHING WAS SCARCE. Clothing was very scarce. A calico dress was a luxury, costing more than a silk one does now, and, like all Southern ladies, we were proud of our homespun dresses. Our hats were made of the palmetto that grows in the swamps. It was cut down, boiled and then bleached in the sun until almost snow white. It was split fine and braided and sewed into a hat. The girls grew very expert in braiding palmetto and the hats were very beautiful. Our shoes we had to make ourselves of various kinds of cloth, most often of gray jeans. We made the uppers, and then had them soled by a shoemaker. We made caps for our soldier boys of grey Jeans, and I have made many a pair of gauntlet gloves of dressed fawn silk. I couldn't weave, but my mother had learned to weave when a girl, and she wove my sister and myself some beautiful homespun dresses. She had all the cotton cloth for our servants woven on our farm by a woman belonging to us, and there were several persons in the neighbor- hood who wove the woolen cloth we needed. We had no coffee (real coffe. I mean), so had to use various substitutes, such as sweet potatoes, cut, dried and then parched, burnt molasses, parched meaF and rye, etc. Our soldiers, who were camped near us for some time, were so good to my mother, who missed her coffee more than the rest of us, that they often saved their entire rations of coffee instead of drinking it them- selves and brought it to my mother. Sometimes there would be hardly a teacup of it, tied up in the comer of a much soiled handkerchief, but it was coffee, and we were glad to get it ; and after washing it well before roasting it. we enjoyed it very much. Drugs were very scarce, and we learned to depend on home remedies. For instance, for chills we used tea made of willow bark fodder. A teaspoonful of cornmeal in a little water was taken at intervals, like we do quinine, and strange to say, that often kept off the chill. We learned to do without many things that now are a necessity, and it was cheerfully done, though sometimes the flesh would grow weary and sigh for the "flesh- 40 Confederate Women of Aekansas pots of Egypt." There was no sacrifice too great to make for our country and our boys in gray. CLASH OF PICKETS AT CAMDEN. In '64, when Steel's army was in Camden, there was a picket fight in our yard. Our pickets were stationed a mile east of us, and had a fight with a detachment of Steele's army. Our pick- ets fell back into our back yard and took refuge behind the house, outbuildings and large trees. My mother and myself got behind a stack chimney in the dining room for safety, and my sister and sister-in-law, who lived with us, hid in a closet to keep from being hit by balls. A ball did come through a window in the dining room and went into the wall about eight feet from where my mother and I were standing. battle's cherokees in war paint. Our main army was camped a mile back on the "Two Bayou," and our pickets fell back there. Col. Battle with his regiment of Indians (mostly Cherokees), belonging to Maxe/s brigade, came up as quickly as possible, coming through our back yard, and the Yankees seeing them and thinking our main army was behind them, left and were soon at Camden. One of them told me they came out with orders to burn our dwelling, as they had heard of it in Little Rock as being "a regular Secesh harbor," The Indians had on their war paint, and heads decked with peacock feathers. While they were camped at the "Two Bayous," the Indians frequently came to our house for something to eat, and enjoyed the lye hominy and sassafras tea that we had to give them. After eating a plate piled up with the hominy, they would pass the plates back, saying *^oad up, load up," and we did "load up" in a hurry, for we were afraid of them. Hominy 'among Indians is called Tom Fuller and is a favorite Indian dish. The feathers they had came out of our peacock fly brush. An Indian saw it one day, and demanded a feather. Of course he got it. Then another came and still another with the same demand and bo on until there was not one left. Perhaps some of the younger generation do not know what a fly brush is. Eeminiscences of Mrs. Vieignia Cleaver 41 Every Southern household had a brush made of the beautiful iridescent feathers of the peafowl and at meal times in warm weather, a little darky kept the flies off by gently waving it to and fro over the table. All of our valuables were hidden out from the house and, one of our servants, my mother's foreman, assisted in concealing tKem. A Confederate captain said to my mother one day, "]V^adam, you had better send that old man back where your other servants are, for if the Yamkees come he will surely betray your confdence." She had so much faith in him, that ^she called him 10 her and said, "Billy, would you betray the hiding places of my valuables to the Yankees if they come ?" He replied, "Missus, I don't know, I will have to pray over that, before I can tell you," so he was sent down on Eed river where the other darkies were. We had all of our meat hidden out in the woods in a large pen, and the meat was covered with com, so we would not be left entirely without provisions if the Yankees came, and we flattered ourselves that is was so securely hidden, no one could ever find the pen. One day three Yankees rode up from the direction of the hidden meat and corn. One of them remained at the gate holding the horses and two came in and asked my mother if that was her provisions hidden in the woods. She thinking they were only trying to find out if she had anything concealed, replied, "no," then with an aggravated, tantalizing look one said, "Madam, if it is not yours we will send out and get it tomorrow," she said, "all right," and at the same time her face turned scarlet and the man said, "Ah, madam, your face betrays you; you are not accustomed to telling untruths," but they did not send for it, as the woods were filled with our sol- diers, and they were afrad. TRAGEDY OF THE TROUSERS. One day when Steele's army was in Camden and our pickets were at our house, there was a poor sick soldier in our bam who sent a friend with a piece of cloth alike on both sides to ask the ladies to make him a pair of trousers. My mother cut them and my sister-in-law and I made them, every stitch being 42 Confederate Women of Arkansas taken with our fingers. He was in a great hurry for them, as he was not presentable, and frequently sent his friend in to hurry us up. Sister J — took one leg and I the other to make. Finally, they were done except putting together, when we found to our dismay they were both made for the same leg. I was not so neat with my needle as my sister, so my part of the work had to be taken out and made over. When our men were engaged in battle with Steele's army at Porson Springs we could hear the roar of cannon and small arms and see the smoke, as Porson Springs was not more than seven or eight miles distant. After the battle of Prairie d' Anne, Steele's army came to Camden ; it was the 15th of April, '64, a bright, beautiful day, and we could hear the rumble of their wagons, twelve hundred in number, for miles. After many privations and sorrows, the war closed, and our boys all came home safely. We were without a dollar, our negroes were freed, our horses and mules had either been "pressed" or confiscated. We had no hogs, no poultry except one old turkey hen that had stolen a nest in the woods and so escaped. A Confederate soldier gave us a poor, old mule, before the surrender and for safety we had it tied to a tree in the back yard, but lightning struck the tree one day and killed it, so then we were, like so many of our Southern people, with only our land left. But our boys were young and hopeful, and took up the burden of life anew, and have succeeded in making a living. FATHER MURPHY AND GENERAL BUTLER. When G-eneral Butler was in command at New Orleans, during "the war," he was informed that Father M*urphy had said he would even refuse to hold funeral services for his soldiers. General Butler sent for him in haste, and began roundly scolding him for expressing such un-Christian and rebellious sentiments. "General," the priest answered, "you have been misinformed. Nothing wpuld afford me greater pleasure than to perform the funeral service over you and all your soldiers," WORK OF CAMDEN WOMEN. By Mrs. G. N. Stinson, of Camden. Maj. Joseph Graham and his charming family were well- known in Camden in the times before the war as leaders in soci- ety. Their wealth, education and prominence made the old Graham mansion a notable place. Maj. Graham was a first cousin of Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, and his wife was Mary Wash- ington, who inherited the blood of her kinsmen, George Wash- ington and Robert E. Lee. The first company of Confederate soldiers to leave Camden, in 1861, was the Camden Knights. They were assigned to the First Arkansas Regiment 'and were ordered to far-off Virginia. Fathers, husbands and brothers of the principal families were on the roll of this company, and it was a sad trial to the dear ones left behind that two or three weeks were necessary to convey a letter to or fro. But soon other companies were formed and ordered to different commands. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS" AID SOCIETY. The ladies of Camden, after bidding adieu to their loved ones, dried their tears and began the life that has endeared the Southern woman to the old Confederate soldier. A society was organized to make clothes for the soldiers, gather medicines and write them cheering letters. Mrs. J. H. Graham was chosen president and soon became the guiding liglit. The writer was a member of that society and well remembers the perfect unity that prevailed, notwthstanding the fact that 'all religious denomi- nations and all classes of society were represented. Mrs. Gra- ham gave freely of her money and her time. She fed the hun- gry, clothed the threadbare and nursed the sick back to life. Two soldiers died in her home, whom she had nursed as tenderly as their mother could have done. MAKING CLOTHES. Whole suits of clothes and undergarments were made by 44 Confederate Women of Arkansas ladies who had not previously ever made one. A tailor or skilled woman in cutting was employed to cut out garments, which were frequently taken home to be returned in a few days. Many, however, preferred to work at the society meetiugs and exchange t3ie news and gossip of the day. The woods were scoured for roots and barks to dye the Con- federate gray. They resurrected the spinning wheel, carded and spun. KNITTING SOCKS FOR PRICE'S BODYGUARD, Knitting socks — this was the most fashionable work of the times, the old teaching the young. Women walked the streets of Camden knitting socks, and on a visit to a friend the click of the knitting needles kept time with their tongues. Greneral Sterling Price's bodyguard, one frosty morning, halted long enough at Mrs. Graham's to receive eighty pairs of socks. Mrs. Caroline Burk knitted a sock one day that a poor Confederate soldier might have two pairs as he was hurriedly ordered away. Mrs. Tyra Hill knitted a pair of socks as she rode in her carriage from Camden to Washington on a visit to her son. These women had been delicately reared, but they remem- bered that they were Southern women and that the South had now need of their work. They frequently toiled all day and far into the night, so that some passing soldier might be cared for or the box for their distant loved ones made ready. HOSPITAL WORK. The sick and wounded soldiers were cared for in Camden. There were regular days to send nourishing and dainty meals to the sick and other days to visit them and cheer them up. For those at a distance, bed comforts and food that would keep good ■for a few days would be shipped as circumstances permitted, atid many a soldier exhibited in camp the handiwork of the wife, mother or the girl he left behind him. WHEN HOPE HAD FLED. The women had nobly done their part at home as the men had done theirs on the field of battle. But in 1865 all hope had fled, and the tattered remnants came back. The returning soldier Work of Camden Women 45 many times foimd his old home in ruins but his wife was not sitting a picture of desolation bemoaning her said lot.' The women did not complain or censure. They spoke words of cheer and comfort to their brave soldiers and when the white wings of peace rested on our Southland, they took up their new tasks with renewed vigor, assisting their dear men to mend their broken fortunes But few are now living that helped Mrs. Graham to pack boxes of clothing for the boys in gray. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and six children are sleeping in the old Camden cemetery. Only one child survives them, Mrs. Laura Toney of Woodberry Ark., a worthy descendant of a noble family. WOULD NEVER LOVE ANOTHER COUNTRY. This is one of Gen. Gordon's stories : In the Confederate army Longstreet's corps was making a night march. About 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning when everyone was tired and worn' , out, a Georgia regiment stopped. A Georgia soldier put his rifle up against the tents on the other side of where Longstreet was. "Well," he said, "this is pretty hard — to fight all day and march all night. But l' suppose I can do it for my country." : He continued : "I can go himgry, I can fight ; if need be I can : die for my country, because I love my country; but when this war is over I'll be blowed if I'll ever love another country. — Christian Register. REMINISCENCES OF MRS. E. S. SCOTT. By Mrs. A. A. Tufts, of Camden. The name of my mother, Mrs. E. S. Scott of Camden, may be very properly enrolled among the number of those who loved and suffered for the South. Though she was mercifully spared the crowning blow which fell upon so many other mothers, whose brave sons gave up their lives in the struggle, yet she worked faithfully and spent many an hour of keen suspense 'and shed many bitter tears during those four long years. At first, she was opposed to secession, on account of the terrors of war, but when. Virginia, her native state, and Arkansas, her home state, went out of the Union, Mother went too, and when my brothers took up arms against the North she was ready with heart and tongue, pen and prayers, to further the cause. She was naturally of a bright and cheery disposition, especially fond of the society of young people, and once she laughingly said, "I might have stayed young always and never had to wear glasses, if it had not been for Abe Lincoln and his war making me shed so many tears and read by tallow candles." With the other ladies of Camden she was daily to be found sewing for the soldiers, knitting socks or rolling bandages. In a letter, dated August 15, 1861, she writes as follows: "We have a Soldiers' Aid society and are working constantly. We are determined to sustain our soldiers as far as we are able, to work for them, pray for them, and if the worst comes, we will burn up our bouses and sweep the earth literally and die, before we will give up our fair and beautiful land." ! that victory at Manassas ! The God of Israel was and is our God. Glory be to His holy name !" Early in the war the regiment to which my brothers belonged were engaged east of the Mississippi river, and in order to be near them my mother went to Gainesville, Ala., where she lived the greater part of the time until the surrender. Then she began to work for the soldiers Reminiscences of Mrs. E. S. ^Scott 47 in a way very near to her heart. There was a Confederate mili- tary hospital in the town, under the charge of Dr. Randolph Brunson, late of Pine Bluff, and I well remember how enthusias- tically she took up the work of nursing the sick and woimded soldiers. It was very hard to procure good brandy and nourish- ing food, but she always managed in some way to get the very best in the hospital stores for her special patients. At one time we had three sick soldiers in our house, of whom she had entire care. One was my oldest brother, Capt. Frank T. Scott, who had some serious eye trouble; another was Lieut. McLaughlin, with a shattered leg, and the third was a young Virginian, A. P. Bierne, midshipman in the Confederate navy, suffering from the results of exposure, which threatened consumption. During the summer of 1863, my mother was in Yazoo City, Miss., where the cannonading at Vicksburg could be plainly heard. My younger brother, Capt. C. C. Scott, was in the besieged city, and it was a time of great anxiety to my mother. Some of the days when the cannonading Avas constant she would often say, "It may be that shot has killed my Iwy." Then again on a day when all was still there would come the fear that the city had surrendered and she would almost long to hear again the roar of the cannon. In Yazoo City the court house was used as a military hospi- tal, and I can remember going there with mother and seeing the sick men on cots even out in front on the sidewalk. One day the news came that Federal troops were entering the city, and mother was greatly distressed to see the pale, emaciated men put into rude conveyances and hurried away for fear of capture. Soon after the surrender we returned to our home near Cam- den where for a year or two afterward mother still had a soldier to care for. This was a one-armed Confederate, who began to build up his fortune as a farmer, and who had the misfortune to break two fingers on his only hand. For several months it was her self-appointed task to dress and care for his crippled hand, and sometimes with eyes so misty with tears that she could scarcely see how to apply the dressings properly. She was more fortunate than many mothers in this, that both of her sons were 48 Confederate Women of Arkansas spared to return home and be a comfort to her for the 11 years that she lived after the war closed^ and when at last she came to the end of her pilgrimage she was ready to lay down the bur- den she had borne so patiently and her beautiful, faithful and gentle life will ever remain an inspiration, not only to her children, but to all who ever came within the sphere of her influence. Few people living now have any idea what heroism it required to be a Confederate mother. They lived in a state of constant apprehension, fear of death or wounds to their soldier boys at the front and fear of starvation and rags for the little ones at home. Every strange face and every letter brought a chill to the heart. Eagerly they listened for news from the front, though at the same time dreading to hear what was oftener bad news than good. They toiled and slaved and comforted each other during the day, but at night while their little ones slept, their pillows were wet with tears as they wept and prayed with none but the great God to listen to their sobbing. A MODEST REQUEST. A Wounded Confederate Harder Hit in the Hospital Than on the Field. During the summer of 1864, wbile the hospitals of Rich- mond were crowded with wounded, tbe ladies of the city visited them daily, carrying with them delicacies of every kind and vied with each other in their efforts to comfort and cheer up the wounded. On one ocasion a bright-eyed damsel of about seven- teen summers was distributing flowers and speaking tender words of encouragement to those around her, when she over- heard a young officer who was suffering from his wounds ex- claim : "Oh, my Lord !" Approaching him rather timidly, in order to rebuke his profanity, she said: "I think I heard you call upon the name of the Lord. I am one of his daughters. Is there anything 1 can ask him for you ?" A hasty glance upon her lovely face and perfect form caused his countenance to brighten, as he instantly replied : "Yes, please ask Him to make me His son-in-law." PRAYER OF MRS. HOOD MOVING FEDERAL RAIDERS. By Mrs. S. Hood, of Camden. I was 17 years old when the war commenced and had been married a year. We had a happy home in Camden, Ark. My husband, four brothers and two brother-in-laws joined the Con- federate regiment that was made up there. They were in many battles, but none was killed or even wounded, except one, who received a flesh wound in his arm. With one exception, an old and broken down man, all are now dead. husband's unexpected return. My husband had been gone two years, and not hearnig from him, I thought that he was dead. One evening I was weaving cloth. The loom house was about three feet above the ground and there were no steps. My ear, alert to every footstep, caught that of my husband. I jumped fully five feet to get to him. We were now happy for a time. His health was broken down and just as soon as he was able to handle a musket off he went again. FEDERAL RAIDERS MOVED BY PRAYER. I was living across the Ouachita river when the Federals came to Camden. I had a good horse and hid him and ever\'- thing else that could be carried away. A neighbor of mine was not so fortunate. She was a widow and her sons were in the Southern army. I happened to be at her house one day when 200 Federals rode up. It was noon and they wanted dinner. The poor woman fed as many as she could. They went searching all over the place for meat, lard and breadstuffs. Then they tried to find the horses. The asked where her husband was and she told them that she was a widow. Then they wanted to know whether any of her boys were rebel soldiers, and when she replied "yes," they began cursing at a fearful rate. IV 50 Cox FEDERATE WOMEN OF AkKANSAS That poor widow, believing that her last hour had come, fell upon her knees and poured forth such a prayer as I had never before or since heard. It moved those rough men so that some of them actually cried and they declared that the prayer would last them their lifetime. The whole troop soon left her in peace. Two of her sons died in the war and now she, too, has gone to her reward. CARRYING OUT HIS ORDERS. Hugh Mc , a son of the Emerald Isle, who had volun- teered in the 6th South Carolina infantry, was stationed on the beach of Sullivan's Island with strict orders to let no one pass him without the countersign, and that to be communicated only in a whisper. Two hours later the corporal, with the relief, dis- covered by the moonlight Hugh, up to his waist in water, the tide having set in since he was posted. "Who goes there?" the sentinel shouted. "Eelief." "Halt relief. Advance corporal and give the countersign." "I^m not going in there to be drowned," replied the corporal. "Come out here and let me relieve you." "Divil a bit of it," returned Hugh. "The leftenant toald me not to lave me post." "Well, then," replied the corporal, "I'll leave you in the water all night," and he turned as he spoke. But the sentinel's gun was promptly cocked and levelled. "Halt. I'll put a hole in you ef ye pass without the coun- tersign. Thorn's me orders from the "leftenant." "Confound you," cried the corporal, "everybody will hear it if I bawl it out to you." "Yes, me darlin," rejoined Hugh, "and the leftenant said it must be given in a whisper. In with yes. Me finger's on the trigger and me gun may go off." The corporal yielded to this and waded in to the faithful sentinel, who exclaimed: "Be jabbers, it's well you've come — the bloody tide has most drowned me." RECOLLECTIONS OF MRS. M. C. HINES, OF CAMDEN. When I look back through the lapse of some forty-odd years, back through the dark days that looked then like ruin and disas- ter, back through the days of pilfering and plundering, back through the events of the bloody, unjust strife, when this South- land was filled with guerrillas, jayhawkers, carpetbaggers and bloodsucking vampires, I feel almost appalled at the circumstances and conditions existing in those passing events of that just and nobly fought cause. 1 am seventy-four years old and can't say that I feel my infirmities. My health is fairly good. Mv hearing and eyesight is almost as good as it was thirtv years ago. I enjoy life yet, enjoy church going and visiting my neighbors. My scope in this life has been one of broad meas- ure, and when I view the lost cause in its original latitude and longitude "so to speak," I feel that I won as great a battle as any, or almost any of the sons of our Southland. Being deprived of the care, comfort and support of my husband, whose name was Wm. Lafayette Hines, who died in July, 1863, being left with three little children to care for, to be mother and father too, I kept my vigil as does the good angels on the death watch of an infant child. I lost my home, which in its true sense means a great deal. Lost my kindred relatives and friends, lost every- thing, but clung to my little ones. I was mother, wife and land- lord; had to chop wood, make fires, cook, plow, hoe, card, spin and weave, running the whole gauntlet, filling all the life's offices, dreading nightfall with all its hideous affliction, and I almost feel the chilly sensations yet. Expecting to be disturbed by some prowling marauder or listening for the clatter of some Yankee's horses feet or probably listening to the welcome "^Tioo hoo" of a friendly owl ; singing a cradle lullaby to my children until tired and worn out. When I would lay me down to sleep, knowing not whether I would wake or be murdered or burned alive. It was about this wise that I spent that never-to-be-for- gotten period which is as fresh in my memory today as the living sun. FEDERAL RAIDERS. By Mrs. Laura A. Wooten, of Corsica-rm. My veins are chilled when I think of the privations endured during tlie civil war period. I married R. C. Brazel, 18 miles south of Camden two years before the war began. Our home was a farm. My husband joined Cxeneral Tappan Grinstead's regiment and was made iirst lieutenant in 1861. A little girl had been born to us and six months after my husband's depart- ure a little boy came. My father, Rev. William Winbume of the Little Rock conference died in December, 1862. and my mother came to live with me. Her house and all its contents were destroyed by fire and she had the misfortune of breaking her arm in her efforts to escape. FEDERAL SOLDIERS PLUNDER. Three weeks after the fire, the enemy came and took every horse that mother and I had. They took our meat and plundered the house generally. Mother remonstrated a little, telling them that she was a poor widow with two girls to take care of and they called her a liar ! They then turned their attention to me, asking where my husband was. I replied that he was in the Confederate army where I wanted him to be. DID NOT EVEN SPARE THE BLIND. They spread general devastation. One incident will do to explain all. My father-in-law Brazel was totally blind. They went to his home, took every horse, stripped the beds, stole the dishes from the pantry and then went to the smoke house and after taking the meat emptied three or four barrels of flour on the floor and mixed in a barrel of molasses. They ordered our negro cook to prepare dinner and tried to induce her to run away with them. She refused. Then they plundered her house and took things of no earthly use to them. I hope that there will be no more war in my lifetime. The incidents that I have narrated are only a few of those that Federal Eaiders 53 remain stamped on my memoiy. Why the great army of the North should have made war upon women and children is hard to understand. RELIGIOUS "LOYALTY." This explains itself : Headquarters Norfolk and Portsmouth. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 11, 1864. General Orders No. 3 : All places of public worship in Norfolk and Portsmouth are hereby placed under the control of the provost marshals of Norfolk and Portsmouth, respectively, who shall see the pulpits properly filled by displacing, when necessary, the present in- cimibents and substituting men of known loyalty and the same sectional denomination, either military or civil, subject to the approval of the commanding general. They shall see that the churches are open freely to all offi- cers and soldiers, white or colored, at the usual hour of worship, and at other times, if desired, and they shall see that no insult or indignity be offered to them, either by word, look or gesture, oji the part of the congregation. The necessar}^ expenses will be le^^ed as far as possible in accordance with the previous usage or regulations of each congre- gation respectively. No property shall be removed, either public or private, without permission from these headquarters. By command of Brigadier-General E. A. WILDE, GEORGE H. JOHNSON, Captain and Assistant Adjutant-Greneral. Headquarter^s Provost Marshal's Office, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 13, 1864. Any insult, indignities or abuse offered to officers or sol- diers visiting houses of worship under the above order, should I)e reported at once to this office. CHAELES M. WHELDEN. Lieutenant-Colonel and. Provost Marshal. District of Virginia. WHEN PAPA WAS GONE TO THE WAR. By Mrs. L. A. Eason, of De Queen. My father, Dorton Clark, was a Confederate soldier and served through the war. When papa went to the war. mamma was left to provide for four little girls. The times were so hard that she had no siioes for her feet. By working hard every day she was able to keep a roof over our heads. Eoa&ting ears were a welcome food. Roasted potatoes and boiled vegetables, with only salt to season them, were our food. There was no meat. Sassafras tea and coffee made from potatoes were our drink. We children picked the cotton from the seed with our fingers, and mamma spun and wove the cloth, so that we might have some clothing. FATHER DOWN WITH RHEUMATISM. When papa came home after the war, he was struck down with rheumatism. He lived until January 18, 1904, but was able to do very little work. The cost of his medical attendance and of his funeral ate up mother^s little savings. Mother was 70 years old March 28, 1907. She does not regret or repine over the past. She is a true Southern woman, as my father was a true Southern man. A Confederate soldier who shall be nameless to the readers of this little sldt, brought forth his pocket Bible upon his re- turn from the wars, and handing it to his mother, said: "Take it, mother; it has been with me every day, and I have twice read it from Genesis to Revelation." "Goodness, gracions," exclaimed the lady. "Wliere did you get it? That is my hymn book that has been lost for four years." The soldier changed color slightly and explanations were in order. INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF MRS. C. K. HOLMAN. By Miss Ida C. Holman, of De Queen. Xot having any recollection of the war myself, I send a little circumstance which I have often heard my mother, now dead, relate. I have often heard her say that she never refused a Con- federate soldier food or shelter and never charged one for it, and was never treated with any discourtesy by one. I have also heard her and other women in this county say that they fared worse after the war. during the reconstruction period, alx)ut 1868, when the militia were in this county, than they did during the war. During the absence of her husband in the army, Mrs. C. K. Holman, then living near Paracliffta, Sevier county, Ark., was one night requested by some Confederate soldiers to furnish them food and lodgings for the night, which she cheerfully did. Among them was a young soldier who reminded her of one of her own sons, then far away from home. While sitting around the fire after supper, she observed a hole in the knee of the trousers of the young soldier, and after the men had retired she sent her son to the room to tell the young man that if he would send his trousers to her she would mend them. On hearing this message to the young man, all of the others exclaimed, "Take mine, too! Take mine, too!" which he did. and as there were quite a number of them, Mrs. Holman and her daughter (now Mrs. Sager of Hubbard, Tex.) sat up nearly all the night repairing them. I do not claim that there was either heroism or fortitude displayed in this incident ; merely a small service, willingly ren- dered, to some of the men who wore the gray. WOMEN PLOWING IN THE FIELD. By Mrs. James, of Doddridge. My husband joined the Confederate army the second year of the war and served until his death. We were living in For- sythe, Ga., at that time. He left me with five little boys. Although I had plenty of Confederate money, it would not buy anything, and even with gold I had the greatest diffi- culty in procuring the necessaries of life. To support myself and children I was obliged to plow and hoe all day in the field, and then work a part of the night carding, spinning and weav- ing wool and cotton, to clothe myself and little ones. In the woods we found herbs that would dye our rough cloth, some for ourselves and some to send to my husband. Our coffee was made from corn meal and tea from sassafras roots. Those were hard times on a woman with no man to advise or help her. After the Yankees came, there was new money, greenbacks, and some five and ten-cent shinplasters. As the money would buy something, and as there were occasionally sutler stores in the Federal army where purchases might be made, I sold a few geese and was able to ohtain some very necessary articles. RAIDING PARTIES OF BOTH ARMIES. The advance of the Federal army did not always mean a permanent stay. The Federals came frequently as a raiding party and would retire upon the advance of a Confederate force, which had also no intention of remaining permanently. The Federals were enemies, but the Confederates were often in des- perate need of horses, forage and food. War also dulled the sensibilties of men. They became used to pillage and a weak woman's voice was not heard. A raiding party of one side would come one week, to be followed by a scouting party of the other side. We hid our horses in the forest thickets and they found them saddled and bridled. These raiders robbed our beegums. took all the food in sight. I have stood in my yard and heard Mrs. C. K. Holman of De Queen Women Plowing in the Field 57 the cannons roar and the small arms crackle, as a skirmish or battle began . My husband was in a distant command, and under all the sad circumstances that surrounded my life I sometimes wished that the battle roar that fell upon my ears was the death knell of the war. NOW 73 YEARS OLD. I am now 73 years old and have been for many years a resi- dent of Arkansas. The Confederate Pension Board of the State upon a consideration of the changed circumstances of my life and perhaps the fidelity with which I have tried to uphold the character of a Southern woman, granted me a pension in 1904, of $48. I appreciate the kindness of the Pension Board. It makes an old woman feel good to know that her husband's army life and her owoi sacrifices during the Civil war are not forgotten. GRAND ROUNDS. There happened to be on post one night in Arkansas a Frenchman by the name of Victor Pedron, as gallant a Confed- erate as ever shouldered a musket. He was on the second relief and toward the close of his tour was getting tired and sleepy, when to his great joy, he saw a body of men approaching, which he did not doubt was the third relief. "WHio comes dere?" he called. "Grand rounds," was the reply. "Begar, I thought it was ze tird relief," returned the disappointed sentinel, and then nothing further being said, the group advanced, rousing the weary sentinel again: "Who comes dere?" Again was repeated, "Grand rounds." But this time the irritated man could not con- tain himself and half asleep shouted: "Oh, go vay wid your grand roimds. I have ze grand sommeil." SOUTHERN WOMEN WALKING FIFTY MILES TO MILL AND CARRYING SACKS OF MEAL BACK HOME. By E. E. Collier, near Durdanelle, Before the Federals occupied this country, I had accumu- lated a large amount of com and wheat. To show the condition the country was in, I can truthfully say that for over two years I never saw a man come to the mill except armed squads of scouts, and not customers. Our customers were women alto- gether. I have seen as many as forty-six women at the mill at one time waiting their turns. Some came as far as thirty-five and forty miles. Two women would get two wagon wheels, some- times one would belong to the front and the other to the hind part of the wagon. Then they would yoke up two yearling steers, and put a line on each one. One woman on the right side and the other on the left to hold the cattle in the road, and drive to mill and back again with their load. Often they came without any grain but none ever went away without breadstuff. Again some would bring two or maybe three yards of home made cot- ton cloth to pay for their meal or flour. The price was a dollar a yard. Those who came a long distance and had to stay all night were always taken to our house. Women came in bunches from Dover in Pope county and crossed the Arkansas River; from Lanes Bottom; from Johnson county and from Scott county. A party of thirteen women came once from Scott county, some fifty miles or more on foot and each one got all she could carry on her back. Many women once in good cir- cumstances were reduced to this extremity. BLOODY WORK OF BUSHWHACKERS IN YKLL COUNTY AND NEAR POCAHONTAS. By Mrs. L. C. Hall, of Dardanelle. Situated between two armies and being frequently overrun by the raiding and scouting parties of each, Yell county suffered much from the horrors of war; but worse than either Federal or Confederate troops, were the depredations and atrocities of bands of marauders belonging to neither side, known as bushwhackers or jawhawkers, who preyed impartially on secessionist and unionist alike. From Mrs. Hart, an aged lady now well on between eighty and ninety years of age. and her daughter, Mrs. McCray and Miss Lizzie Hart, I heard many incidents of those perilous times, in which they were active. All men able to bear arms were in the field, only the aged and infirm, and the very young boys being left at home as protectors. Many of these were murdered in cold blood by the bushwhackers and at times it was necessary to pre- serve their lives, or that they hide from these lawless bands, whose M'atehword seemed to be "Kill ! Kill ! Kill !" and whose lust for blood seemed well nigh insatiable. During one of these seasons of special peril, a young man named Underwood, belonging to Capt. Hollswell's command, was fatally wounded by Jake Graves, a bushwhacker. Under cover of night, he was carried on a stretcher several miles to the banks of Harris Creek, at a point near the Hart home, where he was placed in a tent, concealed by the heavy woods and under- growth. Here he was nursed, night and day, by six heroic girls, two at a time, for several days until death relieved him of his sufferings. His grave was made on the spot where he died, and he was buried by three old men, Messrs. Toomer, Harrington, and Pendergrass. They dared not mark his grave, but concealed it as well as they could, being assisted by these six young heroines, his faithful nurses, Mrs. McCray, then Miss Anne Hart, her sis- GO Confederate Women of Arkansas ter, Miss Lally, afterwards Mrs. Leonard Cotton, Miss Pender- grass, now Mrs. Berry, Misses Harrington and Hoovis, and Miss Ferguson of Pope county; whether or not these three last are living, or whether married or single I know not. The Hart home was known as Confederate headquarters, and one dark night, word was received that the Federals were coming. There being no other way to warn the small Confederate command of their approach, Miss Lally Hart, a young girl of seventeen, rode througli the midnight woods, three or four miles, alone, to give the alarm. Mrs. Hart, whose mind is wonderfully clear and alert, told of her many experiences, some humorous, as when she became a sort of peripatetic postoffice, using her hose, already fulfilling their lawful function, as mailbags, many otlierwise, as when she rode horse-back many perilous miles, with the fear of death in her heart, to carry relief, in the shape of a sack of meal, to a starving family. On one occasion, she accompanied the ox wagon, driven by one of her faithful negroes, ten or twelve miles with a load of corn and wheat to be -ground at Wood's mill. Part of the load belonged to neighbors, and she hoped by her presence to protect it from thieves. The wheat had been ground and sacked, and was in the upper story of the mill. While the com was being ground, the Federals rode up to the mill, and imme- diately confiscated the meal. In vain the lady pleaded for at least a portion of it, to take back to her neighbors Avho had con- fided tbe corn to her care. Not one peck would they allow her. So off they went with the entire amount, including the miller's toll, "but," she added, wdth a little chuckle of satisfaction, in telling me of it, a few days ago, "they didn't know a thing about the flour upstairs, and you ma}^ be sure I didn't tell them." In an old scrap book belonging to Mrs. Dora Shinn, nee Lemoyne, I find the following taken from "The Pocahontas Her- ald :" "Miss Williams, a daughter of Isaac Williams, living in Black Eiver swamp, about seven miles from this place, heard the report that troops were approaching this place .on Sunday Bloody \Voi;k of Bushwackers Xeak Pocahontas 61 evening. Her father was not at home, but she immediately caught a horse, and was soon off in search of him. "She found liim at a neighbor's 'and told him to hurry on home and get his gun, and come here to help drive back the enemy. She then returned home, got down her father's rifle, moulded all his lead into bullets, took the gun, powder and bul- lets, and hid them under the house, again mounted the horse, and rode to several houses and spread the alarm, returning home in time to give the old man his gun and ammunition and started him with a crowd of ten men she had collected for the scene of action. All this she did in less than two hours. Such acts of heroism should not be passed by without notice. This same scrap-book has this comment on the weather: "The weather is as cold as a Yankee's heart, and as dis- agreeable as his company; as blustering as he is before a battle, and as dismal as he is after one." There are niany newspaper accounts of l)att]es, with private letters from soldiers, on the same subjects wliich the papers were permitted to print. There was also the speech of Miss Lucy Lorraine Adams, presenting a flag to the Moro Greys, Calhoun county, and of Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham, presenting a flag to the Jackson Minute Men. LONG WAY FROM HEADQUARTERS. A Texas soldier, trudging along one day all alone, met a Methodist circuit rider 'and at once recognized him as such, but affected ignorance of it. "What army do you belong to?" asked the preacher. "I belong to the — th Texas regiment. Van Dorn^s army," replied the soldier. "What army do you belong to ?" "I belong to the army of the Lord," was tlie solemn reply. "Well, then, my friend," said the soldier, "3'ou are a long way from headquarters." HOW WOMEN SUPPORTED THE FAMILY. By .!//>■. /'((///■(• Wriijht Ilcdijcs. of El Dorado. ^lanv soonosi and incidents of my cliildhood seoni written in indelible letters on my brain. Of these, the eivil war period has perhajxs the most eonsjiieuous plaee. In truth 1 set out on life's Toyage nnder rather Si\d though thrilling eireuuistanees. since I sat at the i\vt of my father, and heard his talk to my mother and brothers of war. War I why. what did it mean? V listened breathlessly and in silence to those somewhat excited conversa- tions, nearly every one taking part in them, having some reason to advance or solution to oU'er. until 1 slowly and laboriously gi-aspetl the thought tJiat for some cause all the men in the entire country had fallen out, had quarreled and forthwith had taken guns and swords in their hands with which to slay one another. In l^his aspect the struggle appeared in my childish eyes. But ere the four weary years which intervened between IStH and lSt>o had passed, even the children in that part of Arkansas in which 1 lived, knew but too well the meaning of war, and became familiar, toi>. with its attendant sorrow. sutVeriug. privation and death. .Aly father. ^Major Edward W. Wright, lived in lSt?l, in Union county, Arkansas, not far from the little village of Lis- bon, and almut sixteen miles from El Dorado. The adjacent country was made up of quite a gxK>dly settlement of wealthy planters. WTien the war fairly opened, very nearly all the able- bodieil nu^n in it forthwith entered the Confederate army. AN UNPROTECTILD COMMUNITY. Thus it fell out that all that portion of Arkansas \tos vir- tually left without a man capable of bearing arms, the aged men, women and children, and the negroes, alone making up the remaining population; nor was it long before these noncombat- ants faced conditions which had never before existed For the blockade cut otf supplies of all kinds to a great extent, and the How VVoMKM SmMM)itii;i) rill'; Family (>;5 capture of New Oilcans on'cciually slmi out oven the nocos.sanGS of life. But some time ]>rior to tliis latter event. indeiHl 1 may say quite soon after the greater part of tlie iiicii bml i!,()iie to swc^ll the number of Confederate soldiers, the women of Union eounty had shown themselves entitled to bear the honorable and worthy names of Spartan wives and motliers. The call of duty found them ready, nor were they daunted in the |)rcscncc of danji^er. ^riie entire county ])rescnt('(l 'a scene of remarkable activity, in vvlii{ih woman was the comniandin<,f Iif]^ure. In the household, in the workshoj), on the plantation, the liaiul of woiiuin was dis- played; and woman's mind directed nearly every undertakins^, <;reat or little. Perhaps on tlu^ different phintations was her work nioi'c liiu^hly ajjpreciated and more beneficial, for h(>re with their own hands, aided of course by slaves, the women raised supplies, not only for the subsistence of their immedate house- holds and those dependent upon tlicni, but also for the armies of the Southland. So long as the troops were in the state, little didiculty was experienced in getting provisions and articles of clothing to them, but when tho army wad beyond the Mississippi, many obstacles were encountered, some of which it was found impossible to overcome. It must not be imagined that the production of these sup- plies was accomplished without vast trouble, and many hard- ships. Yet witholl there was no faltering on the part of these heroic women. What tongue or pen can portray or describe the sacrifices they made, the sufferings they endured in the dark days of ]8()3 and 1865? I feel inadequate to the task of attempt- ing at best a feeble recital of their lot at that particular time, yet I shall try to record, or at least give a glimpse of some things they accomplislied under circumstances that must have tried the stoutest heart, the loftiest courage. My infoi-mation was given me some years ago, nearly all of those who supplied it having long since gone to their eternal reward; and I have treasured it both for the memory which it embalms as well as its value to the future historian. From it I learn how the cmintry comprising and surrounding the home of 64 Confederate Women of Arkansas my childhood was 'almost in a day transformed from a land of opnlence and luxury, a land ''flowing with milk and honey,'' into a section where care and toil took up their abode, and where the very trees, shrubs and flowers were prized not so much for their beauty, fragrance and appearance, as for their medicinal quali-. ties, or their power to supply, though in the slightest degree, food or raiment for human kind. wcTman's aid to confederacy. The uniforms for the first company of Confederate soldiers that left Union eoiinty were made by women who met at El Dorado, where nimble and willing fingers, though unused to that sort of work, quickly fashioned the cloth which a tailor had cut into garbs for the soldier boys. And this was only the beginning, since thenceforward this and other kinds of labor was carried forward altogether by women. Looms, tanneries, spinning wheels were kept busily employed, the most of the products thereof being sent to the army, though in various shapes and guises. A common purpose inspired al), wealth, station, rank, being forgotten in the desire to aid the Confederacy. Plants and shrubs heretofore of little value suddenly became of the greatest use. Boneset, Horehound, Mullen, each had its partic- ular sphere at that time. But the Poppy was of the highest bene- fit. The seed was sown generally in the garden; when the plant reached a certain age, an incision was made in the stalk with a sharp knife, and the sap oozed out in the form of a gum, which was dried and used in lieu of opium. It was put in boxes or small packages and sent to the various hospitals. Indigo was likewise largely cultivated, and was employed in dyeing cloth. Beef tallow was held in high esteem, especially by those who, like my mother, were so fortunate as to own a pair of candle moulds, for a supply of candles was extremely desirable. The more general way of supplying light for the household was to take several yards of wicking, which had been spun soft, dou- bled and twisted, wax it and soak it in turpentine, then take a bottle, wind the wicking around it, leaving a little at the top to be lighted, and as it burnt down, pull the wicking up. Scores of women sewed bv this sort of liffht, making clothino- for the How Women Supported the Family 65 soldiers and for members of their household, and thought them- selves lucky. But the contents of the boxes which were sent from time to time to the soldiers in the field, showed more clearh' the result of women's labor, and the various expedients which changed conditions had forced them to adopt. For the box con- tained man}^ suits of jeans, home-made blankets usually made from carpets taken from the floors of parlors and sitting-rooms, shoes of various sizes, home-made handkerchiefs, pin cushions filled with pins and needles, sewing thread, towels, soap both to use in washing face and body, and also to put in the soldiers' socks to prevent the feet from blistering while on a long march, boxes of different kinds of salves, corn cob pipes with bits of cane for stems, sacks of red pepper for seasoning food and also to put in soldier's shoes or boots to keep liis feet warm, scores of black balls made of bees-wax with which to color white thread, rice, home-grown, and husked in a mortar made from a tree whose length had been burnt into a cone-shaped hole, the pestle composed of a piece of wood with nails driven in the end. There was something for every member of the company, no one being overlooked or forgotten. And each box had many rolls of linen for bandages made from bed linen, and lint scraped, oh, how carefully, from table linen and pillow cases. Aside from these things there were socks, underclothing, and scores of smaller articles, all of which were of use and value in the camp. ISTor must I forget a stock of stationery, made of all kinds and col- ors of wrapping paper, dingy and brown perhaps, but neverthe- less very acceptable to the soldier to whom it was sent ; and with it were goose quills for pens, and many bottles of home-made ink. Furthermore, there were boxes specially prepared for the sick and for the hospitals, containing many delicacies, such as coffee, tea, and other things that had been stored aw^ay with all a miser's care for just such purposes, that is to say for the sick and wounded soldiers. These boxes were usually sent by wagons to Camden and thence to Memphis, from whence they were for- warded to their destination. Later when the federal authority gained control of the last named place, other sources were found 66 Confp:derate Women of Arkansas whereby to reach the Southern 'army. For until the last the women never ceased their labors, though hardships and priva- tions encompassed them about. I have only touched on a portion of the part which the women of Union county Arkansas, played in the dark and try- ing days of the Civil war. But I most sincerely trust that this imperfect sketch may give some conception, however feeble, of the heroism, the self-sacrificing spirit which inspired the women of the section of the state of Avhich I have written ; and that com- ing generations may recall their labors, sufferings and sacrifices with just pride and profound reverence. DISPOSAL OF "REBEL" WOMEN. (Extracts from official orders.) Headquarters Seventeenth Army Corps. Provost Marshal's Office. Vicksburg, Dec. 27, 1863, The following named persons. Miss Kate Bamett, Miss El- la Bamett, Miss Laura Latham, Miss Ellie Martin, and Mrs. Mary Moore, having acted disrespectfully towards the piresident and government of the United States, and having insulted the officers, soldiers and loyal citizens of the United States, who had assembled at the Episcopal church in Vicksburg on Christ- mas day for divine service, where the officiating minister prays for the welfare of "the president of the United States and all others in authority," are hereby banished and will leave the Federal lines within forty-eight hours, under penalty of impris- onment. Hereafter all persons, male or female, who by word, deed or implication, do insult or show disrespect to the president, government or flag of the United States or any officer or soldier of the United States, upon matters of a national character, shall be fined, banished or imprisoned, according to the gross- ness of the off!ense. By order of MAJOR-GENERAL ]\[THERSON, JAMES WILSON, Lieutenant-Colonel, Provost Marshal, Seventeenth Army Corps. FAREWELL TO JACKSONPORT GUARDS. By Mrs. V. Y. Cool-, of Elmo. Of all my childhood memories of the war between the North and South, nothing remains so vivid as the words ''Roll him in the river," which were spoken by a tall, angular old woman, as she rushed up to a squad of soldiers who were rolling a large box down the river bank. This incident occurred at Grand Glaize on a beautiful Sun- day afternoon early in May, 1861. when the storm cloud of war was beginning to burst over our Southland. Excitement was high and the hot heads who staid at home were revelling in the notoriety of the occasion. A week previous to this well remembered day, a stranger made his way unobserved into our little town and upon being questioned refused to give any information regarding himself or his intentions. Of course, he was immediately arrested as a spy, but as nothing definite could be proved, it was decided that he should be caged and sent to Abraham Lincoln. "But before being shipped, he must be "marked," some one suggested. So carrying out this suggestion, half of his beard and half of his hair were shaved off, leaving one side of his face and head per- fectly smooth. He was then placed in a large box and put in a prominent place for exhibition until the next boat passed. To the children of the town, he was an object of terror, and all were glad that he had been caught before he had time to do any harm to the Southern Army. Thus on the day mentioned, a great crowd of people, includ- ing our company of soldiers, the Glaize Rifles, in their bright new uniforms lined the bank of the river on each side of the landing to greet and bid farewell to the Jacksonport Guards who were leaving that day for the battlefields of Virginia. On hearing that a Yankee was boxed ready to be shipped to Lincoln, the Jacksonport Guards begged that he might be put on 68 Confederate Women of Arkansas their boat that they might hang him to the jackstaff before sun- down, and without waiting for the consent of the ones in charge, some of them rushed up the street to get the cage, coming back rolling it with the poor old fellow inside as though it were a bale of cotton. Among those who had come to bid the last farewell to the ones leaving home for the sake of their country, was an old lady whose only son and child was leaving her that day and whom she never expected to see again. No wonder she cried out, "Roll him in, roll the Yankee in. if it was not for such as he, my son would not be leaving me today." The caged Yankee was carried to Memphis and there offered his liberty, but enjoying his notoriety, he refused it and was taken as far as Cairo in his box. LEE'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, Appomattox C. H., April 10, 1865. General Order No. 19. After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard-fought battlas, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, but feeling that valor and devo- tion could accomplish nothing that would compensate for the loss that must have attended a continuance of the contest., I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past ser- vices have endeared them to their countrymen. By the terms of agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the conciousness of duty well performed, and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you His bless- ings and protection. With an unceasing admiration of your con- stancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration for myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell. R. E. LEE. HARDSHIPS OF THE WIFE OF A CAPTAIN IN MONROE'S REGIMENT. By Mrs. D. L. Vmice, of Eureka Springs. My husband, D. L. Vance, was captain of Company G, Monroe's regiment, Cabell's brigade. He went to the anny the first of the year 1863, and remained in it till he was killed by Union home guards, July, 1864. I lived in the country, about 20 miles below Little Rock. After the Federals took Little Eock it was not long until they began foraging through the country. Several of them passed my house one day, and when they oame back they had a drove of cattle. The road ran through our field, and they had two large gates to pass through. Some of my cattle had just come up and I went to drive them out of the way and got all away but one, when the Yankees drove it away from me. I was so angry that I threw the club I had in my hand at one of them. I tried to hit him, but struck his horse in the face; I got a cursing for it. The gentleman said he would run his bayonet through me if I did that again. A few negroes were still with me. I had hired them to gather my corn, and they had just started in with a load, when they met the Federals. The negroes had a yoke of oxen to the wagon and the soldiers made them take the oxen out and they drove them off with the other cattle, and the negro man returned to the house. I was sitting on the steps seeing it all. He came up to me and said: "Missus, you ou_ght not to have struck that man's horse ; that's what made them take the oxen." I said I did not care: they had taken nearly all I had, and 1 would as soon die as live. PLEADED IN VAIN. There was a young paroled soldier, a neighbor, and he went to their camp that evening and pleaded with them to give up the oxen, but the lieutenant, a very gallant gentleman, said they 7() Confederate Women of Arkansas would not and sent nie word to go to him and he would tell me what he thought of me. I did not go to find out. At another time I was away from home a day or two, and when I returned, the first thing that I saw was the top of my corn crib torn off. I knew what that meant. The Federal sol- diers had been there in my absence and taken nearly all my corn. STOLE husband's HORSE. One time my husband sent his horse, home with a very sore back. I doctored him and fattened him. He was a fine riding horse. One day I was sitting at a window and saw two soldiers coming through the field. I went out the back hall door where I could see the horse in the horse lot. I was afraid they would take him. I stood there some time and did not see the Federals pass. I stepped back to the hall door and there they stood in the hall. They said : "What did you get up from the window for? Your husband is home and you went out to tell him to hide." I replied: "He is not at home." They said they know better, and that was w^hat I went out for. It made me so angry I said: "I don't tell lies, and if you want to know what I went out for it was to see if you were going to take my horse." They went to the horse lot and looked in his mouth, and when they came in again they said : "You need not hide that horse tonight." I told him I was not going to hide him, but I knew they were going to take him, so when I got up next morning I went to look for him and he was gone. They did not take him out through the gate, but let the fence down at the back of the lot. GOT OXEN AND HOESE BACK. The same paroled soldier that tried to get them to give up the oxen, followed them ten miles next morning and pleaded so hard they gave them up. Well, I sent for this young man and we went to the next house about a mile from my house where the wagon train had staid that night. There was a plan- tation of corn there, that the owner had run off and left as soon as the Federals took Little Eock. The ground was frozen and Hardships of the Wife of a Captain^ 71 I could hear the train going before we got there and, when we got there every one was gone, but the one who had my horse, and he was just starting.' I rode up to him and said: "That is my horse. What are you going to do with him ? I want m} horse.' I was determined to follow him to Little Eock if he did not give him up. He eyed the young man with me for he had his gray uni- form on. Once the fellow put his hand back on his gun, but he did not scare us. We stood there quite a while. I kept telling him to give up my horse, so at last he gave him to me, saying to the young man : "She's got a brudder or brudder-in-law that has put the devilment in her head." That wase my husband's lirother. Captain J. M. Vance, that came with Steele's army. 1 went home with the horse and took a little nephew and went to Little Eock. I rode the horse. We did not overtake the wagon train until we got to the arsenal. I got a pass to go South, went home and got a little boy to go with me. FINDING Monroe's regiment. We started to find Monroe's regiment. I heard it was at Arkadelphia. I rode that horse, for I was determined the Fed- erals should not have him. We went a long way and heard the regiment was at Princeton, so we went there. 1 inquired in the town and they told me the regiment was camped at the edge of town. After Uxo or tliree days the news came that the Federals were coming, and our boys hustled out. I told the boy that came with me we would meet the Federals, but he must not tell them which road our soldiers took. Sure enough, we had not gone far until we met them. An officer asked us how far we had come. I told him. He then asked if any rebel troops were there. I told him "no." Then he wanted to know when they left and what road they took. I told him I did not know. He spoke very crossly, and said : "It is very strange. Madam, you don't know." Then he turifed to the boy and spoke crossly to him. and he got scared and said they went down the Camden road. 1 left the horse with mv liusl)and and 73 Confederate Women of Arkansas rode a sore-back pony that belonged to the negro man that my husband had with him. HUSBAND shot DOWN. A set of vagabonds sprung up as soon as the Federals took Little Eock. They went to General Steele and told a tale of woe about how they had been treated, and he let them form companies. They called themselves Home Guards. My hus- band and two of his men were on a scout and were slipped upon by those men and shot. He was killed and one of his men wounded and a boy who had taken them some papers was shot, while telling them not to shoot him, that he was no soldier, •but they shot him and badly wounded him. CARING FOR SICK SOLDIERS IN GRANVILLE COUNTY, N. C. During the war our women of Granville Co., N. C, being far from the front, pined for the opportunity of doing something for our sons, brothers and loved ones who were bravely defend- ing their homes and firesides. So after consulting together they decided to ask the authorities at Eichmond for one hundred or more sick or convalescent soldiers to nurse back to health. Their request was granted and the sick soon arrived from the hospi- tals, pale, weak and wounded. They were met and warmly wel- comed to homes and hearts. Some families took four, some two, others more as they had room. How kindly and how proudly and tenderly they were min- istered to by the gentle hands of our patriotic women can be imagined, and how the tired, suffering soldiers enjoyed the cool country and fresh milk and butter, the complete rest and quiet, was shown by their rapid restoration to health and strength. All too soon, it seemed to us, they were called back, their furlough ended, and they returned for duty with renewed vigor and pleasant Hiemories of a delightful furlough. MES. M. A. HAEEIS. Henderson. X. C. Mrs. Sallie Wallace Rutherford. MISS BARRINGTON'S BRAVERY. By Mrs. F. L. Sutton, of Fayetteville. There is a heroism that seldom reaches the light of history, but it is nevertheless just as lofty, just as genuine, as that dis- played at Thermopylae, Yorktown, the Alamo — the heroism of women during a great, fierce war. A tithe has never been told of the deeds of daring, the brave defenses, the ministries of mercy, performed by the women of the South during the terrible war between the states. I say South because she is the knd of my cradling, and her lot was mine during the long four years of cruel strife — a time when frequently it was a costly struggle even to exist. In those days women and little children lived indefinitely without visible means of support, sometimes not seeing a dollar for months, or if they had the means, in large portions of the country there was almost nothing to be had. Much of the time they subsisted upon the simple fruits that grew wild, cornbread, sorghum molasses and sassafras tea without sugar or cream. Were there crops to be made, women made them; were fences to be built, women must build them. They raised houses, rolled logs, went to mill, not with two fat sleek horses for a team, but more likely the family cow and a big calf yoked together. It was women that killed hogs and beeves, and in the absence of these brutes, women shouldered guns and went hunting or fishing. In the absence of physicians (and there was a dearth of them for a long period), women practiced without leave or license, sometimes with gxeater success "than some college men with diplomas to recommend them. But more pathetic still, it sometimes fell to woman's part not only to offer the final prayer in behalf of the dying and close the sightless eyes, but with her own hands, aided by other women to dig the grave, make the rude pine coffin, and after reading the burial service to fill the grave, mark the place with a simple board, then leave his body to nature and his soul to God. 74 CONFEDEKATE WoMEN OF ARKANSAS MISS barrington's bravery. But for a swingle deed of unsurpassed heroism, I recall a most thrilling incident in the life of a young lady, Miss Mat Barrington of north Arkansas. She lived with her aged mother a few miles from Fayetteville, which town was at this time occu- pied as a post by the Federal troops. A scouting party from the post had gone out into the country on the pitiless mission of harassing and plundering. At the home of Mrs. Barrington they swept everything in the smokehouse and emptied the larder. The last article was a bag of coffee ("Lincoln coffee," as it was known in those days). A broad-shouldered soldier seized upon this when the daughter raised complaint. She said: " I have stood by and watched you take all the rest without objecting, but the coffee my old mother needs above everything else, and I ask you to leave it." The soldier gave no heed to her request, but snatched up the bag and was making for the door, when she rushed for an iron poker and dealt him such a blow that he fell limp to the floor. As soon as he could recover himself he fled from the house leaving the coffee behind. In a brief time the story of her deed reached the ears of friends in the remoter Dixie. The boys in gray at once voted that such a splendid triumph should not go unrewarded, and in due time there came to her a most magnificent saddle horse, with a tribute to her bravery. The lady still lives, doubtless with her brown curls all sil- vered and wearing another name, but without the power or inclination to get away from the story of the bluecoat, the bag of coffee, the poker and the saddle horse. MISS McSWEENY AS A CONFEDERATE SPY, OF FORT SMITH. Bij J. M. Liicey. When the federal general, Blimt, occupied Fort Smith late in 1863-4 and General W. L. Cabell retired from the city to Devil's Backbone, IS miles distant, the intermediate territor}^ became the raiding ground of both amiies. A family named McSweeney lived near the public road, about lialf way between the two places. It was composed of a widow, her two daughters, Mattie and Mollie, aged about 18 and 12, respectively, and a son, Peter, aged about 20. The last named was in Caljell's brigade. Miss Mattie visited Fort Smith twice a week at irregular inter- vals, according as her escort, a young federal lieutenant, could arrange for an absence. She was under suspicion at Blunt's headquarters , but confidence was placed in the detective powers of the lieutenant. SOMETHING ON HIS MIND One instance of her tact will be narrated out of several. On this occasion there seemed to be something on the lieutenant's mind which he was anxious to get off. There was two things on Miss Mattie's mind, tin cups and frying pans. News had been brought to her from Cabell's camp that tin cups and frying pans were badly needed. The gold that had been concealed for months in soldiers' belts was brought forth, so that there might be no delay on the score of money. On this trip Miss Mattie stopped at the home of the writer';5 father, where his sisters and other ladies quickly arranged to make the purchases, as it would not do for Miss Mattie to buy the articles. In a few hours everything was secured and deftly fastened to her underclothing. Miss Mattie had made a special request that a negro driver would take her home, the lieutenant riding on horseback as an escort until the pickets were passed. What was the horror of all concerned when the buggy was driven up by the lieutenant ! Could it mean that a discovery was made? Captured as a 76 Confederate Women of Arkansas spy would mean death to her and imprisonment to all concerned. THE OFFICER HOODWINKED A hasty council of war was held by the ladies and they came to the conclusion that there was notliing to it. One of the ladies went to hold the horse and the another induced the officer to enter the house for a lemonde, while the others were transfer- ring the tin cups and frying pans to the other side from where he would ride. How the young lady got well fixed in the buggy before the officer came out^ how they passed the time so that there would be no jingling and how her little sister effected a ruse by which Miss Mattie was enabled to make a safe landing are all matters of local history. SEARCHING REFUGEES Another kind of heroism was brought into existence when it became necessary in the eyes of the federal commander to send the wives of Confederate soldiers or sympathizers beyond the lines. An officer would come to the house with an old negro woman. The trunks, traveling bags and even the clothing worn were to be searched for contraband goods. The main point of the lady friends of the refugees was to cajole the officer, molly- coddle him, and get the negfo woman drunk. The residence of the Miller family, one of whom. Miss Adelaide, married Wm. M. Fishback, governor of the state at one time, was a favorite place of departure. The ladies would never give out the secrets of those occasions, and it was not for many years safe to do so, but it is known that midst the sadness and sorrows of farewells there were interestinoj events. John C. Breckenridge tells the following joke at the ex- pense of Humphreys Marshall, of Kentucky, who would have been a promising candidate for president of a fat man^s club : When General Pegram was preparing to march into Ken- tucky, Marshall warned him not to come, and finally sent word thiat any troops that attempted to enter Kentucky would have to pass over his dead body. Pegram replied: "The feat that you suggest would be too mucli to expect of my artillery, but if I find the obstacle in the way, I will be com- pelled to tunnel through." A SKETCH OF MRS. SALLIE WALLACE RUTHERFORD. Bif Mrs. Emilise Dowd, of Fort Smith. Sallie Wallace, daughter of Dr. Wallace and Jane Perry Butler, was born at Greenville, S. C, in 1837, and moved to Ft. Gibson, 1. T., then a frontier post near Fort Smith, Ark., in 1849, when her father was appointed by Pres. Taylor agent for the Cherokee Indians. Upon the death of Dr. Butler, Mrs. Butler moved to Fayetteville, Ark., in order that her children might have the educational advantages for wliich, even at that time, Fayette- ville was justly famous; and there in 1854, Sallie Wallace was married to Eobt. B. Rutherford of Fort Smith, who had just graduated from The University school, together with many others who afterward achieved distinction in the service of their State. Mr. and Mrs. Eutherford moved to Lewisville, Ark., just prior to the Civil war, and when the men were called to the defense of their State and Southland Mrs. Eutherford, like most Southern women, was left to provide and care for her family, and with it all to give abundantly of her little to a himgry or distressed Confederate soldier. Her cheerful self reliance and Monderful strength of character, inherited from her Scotch and English ancestry, through the New England mother and Cavalier father, stood her in good hand now during these dark and perilous times and the yet darker ones of the Eeconstruction period. Mrs. Eutherford has always felt the deepest interest in all that affects her adopted State and* no woman in its borders enjoys to a higher degree the love and respect of all who know her. She is not only the possessor of a happy and optimistic nature, but of a rare and practical intellect, which has made her for years an important factor in church and philanthropic 78 C'ON FEDERATE WoMEN OF ARKANSAS enterprizes in Fort Smith and particularly is siie always inter- ested in matters concerning the Sovitli. In her old age she remains a true daughter of the Old South, and to quote her own words is "Unreconstructed still." She finds much pleasure in recalling the days of 1861-65 at Fort Smith, when the sewing circle and daily visits to the temporary hospitals took up all her time. Mrs. Beard, mother of Willie Beard, a C'onfederate Soldier, was frequently lier companion and is very happily remembered by the old soldiers. Mrs. Sophy Kannady, Mrs. J. K. McKen- sie, the Gookan girls, and many others were among those who bore a distinguished part in passing events. JEFFERSON DAVIS' SUGGESTED INSCRIPTION FOR MONUMENT TO WOMEN OF CONFEDERACY. (This inscription is practically Jefferson Davis' dedication of his "Rise and Fall of the Confederate Grovernnient," but somewhat altered.) TO THE WOMEN OF THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. Whose loving ministrations nursed the wounded to health. And soothed the last hours of the dying; Whose unselfish labors Supplied the wants of their defenders in the field. Whose unwavering faith in our cause Showed ever a guiding star, Through the perils and disasters of war; Whose sublime fortitude Sustained them under every privation and all suffering; Whose floral offerings Are yearly laid upon the graves of those Whom they still honor and love; and A\niose i>atriotism Will teach their children To emulate the deeds of their Confederate sires. But who with a modesty excelled only by their worth Have ever discouraged This tribute to their noble virtues. A SKETCH OF MRS. SOPHIA KANNADY, A HEROINE OF FORT SMITH. By W. J. Weaver, of Fort Sniitli. Mrs Sophy Kanady was born in Fort Gibson, Indian Ter- ritory, in 183G. She was the daughter of Aaron and Rebecca Barling, who came to Fort Smith when this post was established by Col. Long in 1817, but who removed to Fort Gibson when that post was established by the government several years after- ward. When she was two years old her parents returned to Arkansais, and her father purciiased a farm about eight miles east of Fort Smith. This farm is still in possession of the Barling family. Xot far from the home and upon the road leading to Little Eock was, and is yet, a spring of strong sulphur water. The Barling home was a favorite stopping place for trav- elers in the ante-bellum days and in summer time it was often a resort for people who wished to spend a few weeks in the invig- orating air of the country. Young beaux and their sweethearts would often ride from the town to Barling's Spring on Sunday afternoons or at such times as might suit their convenience and pleasure. The doors of the old fashioned country home were always open, and visitors were always sure of a hearty welcome fiom its inmates. It may not be uninteresting to note an incident that occur- red in the early life of Miss Barling, while she was acquiring an education. There were no public schools in Arkansas in those days. The private schools were few and far between, and in them were taught only the elementary branches of instruction. Miss Barling's parents were determined on giving her more of an education than the limited facilities of the country afforded, and after she had acquired about all there was to be obtained in Fori Smith, determined upon sending her to a school taught by Pro- fessor Maro for young ladies, in St. Louis. On lier trip to what is now the great metropolis of the Southwest, but which was then a comparatively small town, she rode from Fort Smith to 80 Confederate Women of Arkansas Neosho^ Mo., on horseback. From there she rode the remainder of the way in a buggy, and upon arriving in St. Louis entered the school and remained there 18 months. This was in 1839. Eetuming home after the finishing touches had been placed upon her scholastic life, she remained under the parental roof until 1847 when she was married to Jerre E,. Kannady, the mar- riage ceremony being conducted by Rev. C. C. Townsend, the first clergyman of the Episcopal church that ever officiated in Fort Smith. Mr. Kannady was a native of Pennsylvania and came to this country in 1835. From the date of their marriage until the blighting hand of Northern aggression fell upon the Southern states, Mr. and Mrs. Kanady lived a life of contentment and happiness. Mr. Kannady opened a blacksmith and wagon shop, to which was afterwards added a grist mill and a sawmill. Business pros- pered and money came rapidly, but it never remained long in the hands of this worthy and lovable couple — it went really faster than it came for their doors were ever open and their table ever free to all who called. They kept "open house" to all from the time they moved into their one-story log house with its' big chimney at one end and its wide hallway from front to rear until after the close of the war. They had no children of their own, but they cared for the children of others, for rel- atives less fortunate than themselves in the accumulation of this world's goods, and for others who were not relatives hundreds of whom were the recipients of their benevolence and charity. Mr. Kannady passed away April 35, 1883, mourned by every- body who knew him, and since that time his widow has lived a quiet life, surrounded by relatives and friends, her declining years sweetened by the kind attentions of those who knew her in the olden times — the times upon wliich her tenderest memories dwell. The most strenuous (to us a popular nowaday's phrase) period of Mrs. Kannady's life was doubtless embraced in the four years of the war for Southern independence. She was busy every moment of that time, discharging not only the duties of her home life but working night and day for the comfort of the Mrs. Sophia Kannady A Sketch of Mrs. Sophia Kannady 81 Confederate soldier. Perhaps a few of the most stirring scenes through which she passed can best be given in her own words, as related to the writer. "The war was a trying time for all, women as well as men. Of course while the men had hardships and dangers of the battlefield and camp-life to confront, the women had no less laborious and trying tasks to perform. They had to care for the sick and aged, the destitute women and children whose husbands and fathers were in the field, and had to do much in taking care of the sick and wounded soldiers, and- 0, how much suffering they witnessed. "Tlie first sign we had of real war" says Mrs Kannady, was when the State troops came up from Little Rock to capture Fort Smith, then under command of Capt. Sturgis. They came on boats. At Van Buren they divided, some of them proceeding upon the boats and the others marching into town over the road leading from Van Buren to Fort Smith. The regular troops were in the garrison. Capt. Sturgis was notified by the telegraph operator at Van Buren of the approach of the State forces, and caused the "long roll" to be sounded. That was the first time I had ever heard it. We had working for us a couple of men who had formerly been in the regular army, and they became very much excited. One of them rushed out of the house and looked up and down Garrison Avenue to see what was coming. "Ah, Mrs. Kannady," said he, "that means danger." But these men were not the only people in the town who were excited. We were all excited, for we did not know but that a battle would take place right at our own doors. But no danger resulted from the approach of the State troops, for Sturgis left the town that night, going out the Texas road and on to Fort Washita. "Another time we had a bad scare, or a stampede, as we called it, was one night when a number of "Pin" or Federal Indians crossed the river. We were greatly alarmed, for there were but few Confederate troops here at the time. Officers gallopped about the streets shouting that the "Pins" were ravaging the country around the town and calling upon the men to arm themselves and turn out. The women and children VI 82 Confederate WoME>r of Arkansas were frantically urged to go into the garrison. All the build- ings in the garrison were at that time filled with sick and wounded soldiers, which added to the distress and confusion, as we did not know but what they would all be murdered. The "Pins" however, did no further harm than to burn George Min- mire's house about three miles north of town. "As soon as the war began the ladies of the town organized sewing societies to make clothing for the soldiers. We met at first in the Methodist Church. We would work all day long, making coats, jackets, pants, tents, wagon sheets, haversacks and such things, and at night we would knit socks. I was a cutter, and cut hundreds and hundreds of suits for soldiers and officers. We would also scrape lint and make bandages for the woimded. Later on we had to give up the church for use as a hospital, and then we met in different houses, or did the sewing in our own homes. Many of the women worked in their homes at making cartridges. Later in the war the work became more trying and the scenes were awful. Sick men from the surrounding armies and wounded men from the battlefields \»ere brought in. The old red mill near the head of Garrison Avenue, lately torn down, was used as a hospital, so was Bright's store, Sutton's store on the corner of Garrison Avenue and Second Street, the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, and in fact all the vacant houses in the town were used to shelter the sick and wounded. All the quarters in the garrison also contained sick and wounded soldiers. Besides this, many families in town took sick and wounded men into their homes and cared for them until they either got well or died. The Episcopal and Catholic Churches were not used as hospitals. Much of our time then was taken up in preparing food for the hospitals and in taking care of the sick and wounded. We would go to the hospitals and sometimes wash and dress the patients and care for their wounds. This was awful work, and sometimes it would keep us in the hospital all day. Eveiy empty house in the town was filled with the wounded after the battle of Oak Hill. Jerre and I kept open house all this time, treat- ing officers, privates and refugees all alike. One day shortly after the battle of Oak Hill we fed forty people. I remember Sketch of Mrs. Sophia Kaxxady 83 that fo^ir Texas soldiers came one day and told me they wanted something to eat. Dinner was over and I told them I did not believe I had anything for them, but I got them up a dinner and they ate heartily. When they got ready to leave they laid five dollars in gold upon the table. I refused to take it. They insisted, and told me that had they known I would tak^e no pay for the meal they would not have come. I did not take it, however, and told them that I never charged anybody for a meal. Those were awful times too, after the battles of Elk Horn and Prairie Grove. Generals McCulloch and Mcintosh were killed at Elk Horn, and General Steen was killed at Prairie Grove. General McCulloch's body was brought to Fort Smith and then sent to Texas. Generals Mcintosh and Steen were buried here in what is now the Xational Cemetary. •*I believe the greatest danger I was in during the war, was when Mr. Kannady and I were captured by Captain Hart and his gang of Federal bushwhackers as we were returning from Texas. This was in January, 1863. We had gone to Texas earlier in the year, and on our way home we were ca2>tured near Big Creek, about twenty miles from Fort Smith. On the day before. Hart and his gang killed Col. DeRosey Carrol and Mr. Sam Richardson. It was raining very hard at the time and was rery cold. Hart lifted me off of my horse. He was a fine looking man, and while he robbed us of our team, provisions and ever^-thing else we had, he did not cause me to be searched, nor did he take my horse. There was a house near the place where we were captured, and as it was raining hard I wanted to go to it. Hart told me I might go, but when I requested that Jerre might go with me, he said no. After that I would not leave Jerre's side, for from the way they acted and from what they said I was satisfied they intended to kill him. Some of Hart's men said they were going to hang Jerre, and I am certain they would have done so, had it not been for a negro who interceded for his life. I believe he would have hung both of us but for this negro. This negro, by the way, had been at the battle of Oak Hill, where he was wounded. I had in mv 84 Confederate Women of Arkansas pocket a revolver in which there were two loads, and I intended, if Jerre had been hung, to kill Hart and then kill myself. Jerre recognized several of the men in Hart's gang. They lived in the Vache Gras country, and before he left for Texas Jerre had supplied their families with meal and bacon to keep them from starving while their husbands were bushwhacking. The man who boasted to the negro that "Jerre Kannady would never see Fort Smith again" was a man to whom Mr. Kannady had, some time before, issued provisions. This shows what kind of people they were. "After Hart had decided not to hang my husband he placed us in a house belonging to a man named Coffey, who lived about five miles from Big Creek, where M'e were kept from Tuesday until the following Friday. Several Confederate soldiers whom Hart had captured were there at the same time. Hart did not harm these men, but when he went away put them upon parole. Some time during the last night we stayed at Coffey's some- body came to the house and told Jerre that he had ])etter get away from there as soon as he could, and the next morning we left. Jerre hired two ponies, and these, with my horse and the horse of the faithful negro, got us back to Fort Smith. There were ten inches of snow on the ground when we started. A few days after this, Hart was captured at Smedley's mill and brought to Fort Smith, where he was tried, convicted and hanged. "Jerre was ver}^ busy with his mills and blacksmith shop for a long time after the war began. Among the things he mad,e were one thousand knives for Standwatie's Cherokee Brigade. These knives were made of large files and had wooden handles. I have one of them now. He also made about two- thousand powder horns, and I don't know how many drinking cups. The cups were made of horns sawed into proper size, with wooden bottoms. He also made a great many pipes, and there is no telling what he did make. There was a good supply of iron in the shop and the mills were stocked with looms, spinning wheels, and other articles which had been made there, when the Federals came in, all of which the Federals seized. Genl. W. L. Cabell Mrs. IV. L. Cabell Mrs. Katie Cabell Muse Sketch of Mrs. Sophia Kannady 85 "When the Federals came, September 1, 1863, we went to Texas, leaving the night before Cloud's regiment arrived. We bought a home in Bonham. I went nearly all over Texas while we lived there. Mr, Kannady was appointed by the government to establish mills and blacksmith shops for the Confederate government, and whenever he went off on one of his trips T we'nt with him. We came back to Fort Smith in 1865." CAPTAIN SALLY TOMPKINS. Southern women have cared little for public honors nor have they courted masculine titles. But a recent number of the Eichmond Times-Dispatch recalls the pleasant bit of history that in the case of Miss Sallie Tompkins a remarkable honor was de- servedly conferred upon a worthy Virginia girl by the Confed- erate authorities. While yet a very young woman Miss Tompkins used her ample means to establish in Richmond a private hospital for Confederate soldiers. She not only provided for its support at her own expense, but devoted her time to tlie work of nurs- ing the patients. The wounded were brought into the city by the hundreds and there was hardly a private house without its quota of sick and wounded. Quite a number of private hospitals were estab- lished but, unlike Miss Tompkins' splendid institution, charges were made by some of them for services rendered. In course of time abuses grew with the system, and General Lee ordered that they all be closed — all except the hospital of Miss Tomp- kins. This was recognized as too helpful to the Confederate cause to be abolished. In order to preserve it, it had to be brought under gov- ernment control, and to do this General Lee ordered a commis- sion as captain in the Confederate army to be issued to Miss Sal- lie Tompkins. Though a government hospital from that time on, Captain Tompkins conducted it as before, paying its ex- penses out of her private purse. The veterans are proud of her record, and a movement is now on foot among them to place Captain To^mpkins in a posi- tion of independence as long as she lives. A SKETCH OF MRS. W. L. CABELL, OF FORT SMITH. By Her Husband, Lieutenant-General W. L. Cabell Eev. J. M. Lucey: — I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your truly kind letter. It makes me feel, in my old age, that my sainted wife and myself still have friends who remember them in their young days, and I will try and comply with your request. Mrs. Harriette Amanda Cabell was Miss Harriette Amanda Rector, daughter of Major Elias and Catherine Eector, of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Col. Rector was IT. S. Indian agent and subsequently U. S. Marshall. She was born the 3rd of June, 1837, and when a babe was given the name of "Shingo" by the Old Head Chief of the Osage Indians, Claremore. She was always called by that name until the day of her death. She was educated early at her old home school and graduated at the Sacred Heart Academy, at St. Louis, Mo. She was a great favorite with her classmates as well as with all who knew her, being noted for her great wit, and sweet, pretty manners. She was reigning belle of Arkansas and had many admirers before her marriage to Lieutenant William L. Cabell, of the 7th Regiment United States Infantry, July 22, 1856, Soon after their marriage, Lieutenant Cabell carried his Ijride to Fort Gibson, in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, and liv- ed at diiferent forts on the frontier until the war between the States, when she went to Virginia, in April 1861, with her hus- band. She blessed her husband with seven children, two dying as infants. Four sons and one daughter grew to womanhood and manhood. Three sons and one daughter now live to bless the memory of their sainted mother. Mrs. Shingo Cabell was one of the sweetest and most intel- lectual women of the South. She was a woman of great common sense and of remarkable firmness of character, with a heart full of love and affection. She was above all things a true Southern woman, in fact one of the queens of the South, and so proud of Sketch of Mrs. W. L. Cabell 87 the Confederacy, and the Confederate soldier, that she never fail- ed to administer to the wounded and comfort the dying. She would not enter in any social gatherings during the war, but devoted her time and that of her servants to preparing lint ban- dages, knitting socks and sending them to the soldiers. At one time when I was a prisoner of war. General McGruder gave a ball in Washington, Hempstead county, Arkansas, and sent a special invitation to Mrs. Cabell to attend. She wrote him a very polite note declining, stating that he had better look after the comfort of nearly two hundred badly wounded soldiers of Cabell's Brigade; and take the money to be expended at the ball and buy condiments and other necessaries for the comforts of the wounded and dying; that she would devote all her time to the sick and wounded soldier until her husband returned, if it was to the day of her death. Those were the sentiments that made her beloved by the Confederate soldier. She was a woman of great firmness, as brave as a lion, and at the same time as gentle as a lamb. No one knew her but to love her. She belonged to a number of char- itable associations and was always doing good in her home in Arkansas and her home in Texas. So much was siie "beloved by the Arkansas soldiers that they would cheer her on all public occasions whenever she made her appearance. She died on the IGth of April, 1887, while on a visit to her friends and relatives in iVrkansas. She was brought back and buried in the cemetery in Dallas, Texas, in the presence of two- thirds of the citizens of Dallas. She was laid gently in her tomb covered with flowers. Her children have erected a monument over the grave and on one side is engraved in beautiful letters the name "Shingo" Cabell." Your friend, W. L. CABELL DID IT HEKSELF. An incident was related to the writer in 1863 at Fort Smiih, where Mrs. Cabell had her home, which illustrates her strength of character and her ready wit. General Cabell was reported to be very sick at Clarksville, Ark. Some ladies went to her one day and said: "Oh, Mrs. Cabell, Ave have heard some awful 88 Confederate Women of Arkansas things and we think we ought to tell you. General Cabell is very sick in the Clarksville hospital and what do you tliink, sev- eral young ladies who were waiting on him fell in love with him. The consequences may be terrible." Mrs. Cabell replied: "Is that all, ladies ? Why I cannot see how those young ladie< could have done otherwise than fall in love with General Cabell, I did it myself." J. M. L. The day after her marriage at Fort Smith, July 22, 1856, Mrs. Cabell yielded to urgent solicitation and had her picture taken. It was a daguerreot\'pe, and this is the only instance when she would consent to have an^- form of picture taken. When General Cabell was captured, 1864, and carried as a pris- oner to Johnson Island, a small photo was made from the old daguerreotype and sent to him. It reached him safely and was the most cherished thing that he had in his prison life. He was reluctant, even now, to part with it for a few days, but con- sented to allow it to be used for the cut that appears in this book, so that the face of his beloved wife might have a place among the loved and loving Arkansas Daughters of the Con- federacy. Mrs. Katie Cabell Muse, only daughter of General and Mrs. Cabell, has been a prominent figure in all the women's move- ments for the preservation of the glories of the Confederacy. In 1877, she was elected ^STational President of the U. D. C. organization at Baltimore, Md., and in 1898, at Hot Springs. Ark., she was re-elected by acclamation. SOCKS THAT NEVER WORE OUT General Gordan tells of a simple-hearted country Confeder- ate woman who gave a striking idea of the straits to which our people were reduced later in the war. She explained that her sion's only pair of socks did not wear out. because, said she: "When the feet of the socks get full of holes, I just knit new feet to the tops, and when the tops wear out I just knit new tops to the feet." SKETCH OF JUDGE ROGERS AND FAMILY, OF FORT SMITH. John Henry Eogers, soldier, lawyer, Congressman, and jurist, was born on a plantation near Roxobel, Bertie County, N. C, October 9, 1845, the third child of Absalom, and Harriet Rogers, and grandson of William Rogers, a farmer and mechanic, who lived and reared a family of twelve children in Pitt County, N. C. His father was a wealthy planter before the war, but, being deprived of his slaves and everytliing but his land, was reduced to poverty by that disaster. In March, 1863, he was mustered into the Ninth Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, at Canton, Miss., as a private. In the battle of Munfordville (Green River,) Ky., he was wounded while charging the enemy's breastworks. He was subsequently in the battles of Murfreesboro (Stone River,) Term., Chick amauga, Ga., Mission Ridge, near Chattanooga, Tenn., and Resaca, Ga. He was in the engagements, before Atlanta, Julv 26 and 28, 1864, and was wounded at Jonesboro, Ga., in Septem- ber, 1864. He fought at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864, and at Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 1864. In April, 1865, although but nineteen years of age, he was promoted by special order of General Johnston to rank of first lieutenant, and he commanded Company F of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment until the capitulation of Johnstons army. His address before the general reunion of United Con- federate Veterans at New Orleans, May, 1903, is considered the best one ever given before that body. Several thousand copies were distributed. Judge Rogers was married October 9, 1873, to Mary Gray, only daughter of Dr. Theodore Dunlap and Ehzabeth Gray, of Danville, Ky. Four sons and one daughter are living, their first child, Theodora, having died at the age of two years. Miss Bessie Rogers was married October 24, 1905, to Mr. Ray Meredith Johnston, of Fort Smith, x^rk. Both mother and daughter have taken great interest in all that relates to the Lost Cause, and are entitled to very much consideration by the old veterans. Modesty has prevented them from giving a sketch of their many good acts. HUSBAND AND FIVE BROTHERS IN THE WAR. By Mrs. Mahaley Pollard, of Gray. My husband and five brothers joined the Confederate army from my old home in Alabama, and I was left with six small children to support. My husband was severely wounded at Shi- loh, where so many Arkansas soldiers lost their lives. My husband, B. M. Pollard, joined Company D., Twenty-second Alabama regiment in 1861, and surrendered at Ealiegh, N. C, in 1865. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chickamau- ga. Stone Mountain, Murfreesboro, and others, almost all tha time under General Joe Johnston. He died five years after the close of the war. I am now 69 years old and a widow for 38 years. In 1881 we moved to Woodruff county, Arkansas. ROUGH TIMES DURING THE WAR I had a hard time in the war period, as the JS'orthern soldiers took everything that I had or destroyed what they could not carry off. They emptied my feather beds and pillows and killed my cows and hogs, leaving me nothing. How little those rough sol- diers thought of the hardships they were infiicting upon women and children. If they imagined such cruel privations as they generally forced upon Southern women would have the effect of discouraging them from working in the aid of the Confederacy, they were sadly mistaken. Our soldiers acted bravely on the field of battle and we women tried to be worthy of them. FEDERAL RAIDERS AND THEIR CRUELTIES. By Mrs. J. B. Crump, of Harrison. The border of north Arkansas was during the war a thea- ter of tragedy. The Union men, as they were called, were in the minority, and left their homes to "go back and forth," and thereby inaugurate a system of warfare against the de- fenseless families whose men folks were enlisted on the other side. Four decades have passed since those times of peril, and criticisms are unnecessary on the conduct of those who, from principle or provocation, refused to espouse the cause of the Confederacy.- But with the purpose unbiased save by love for our native heath, I have gathered from hills and valleys authentic records of those who shared in our common dangers, trials and priva- tions. To preserve these acts of heroism is to cultivate a noble sentiment that idealizes the principle and love of the cause that prompted those acts and to save from oblivion (for the benefit of future generations) unimpeachable facts as yet untouched by history. 'Twas in the fall of '63, directly after the surrender of the Confederate forces in Little Rock, Ark., when Price had gone South, that Crooked Creek was a temporary rendezvous for a band of lawless refugees. DEFENSELESS HOME ATTACKED, Under tlie cover of night a party attacked the defense- less home of John Bailey, who was infirm with age. With bitter curses and angry comjnands they aroused the sleeping family, consisting of Mr. Bailey, his delicate wife and only daughter, and demanded admission. The sons of the family (all brave soldiers in the Confed- erate army) had their clothes packed in saddlebags ready to 92 Confederate Women of Arkansas follow Price at their first opportunity, and the motlier and sister well knew that access to their apartments meant the loss of clothing for the rebels. "Make a light or we'll make one for you," blurted out a gTutf voice from the front piazza. "Ring the bell, mother," whispered the daughter, "as if the boys are in hearing, while I engage the attention of those in front of the house." The fearless mother rang the bell until the very night air seemed full of warning to the startled intruders. "Shut up your infernal ringing there; I'll not be thwarted by an old woman," said the leader of this ruffian band and, seizing the frail little mother, he threw her full length in the yard below, where she lay as if lifeless. BRUTAL ACT REPAID IN KIND. The daughter, who had adroitly been "killing time," by pretending to take from the candle molds a candle with which to furnish a light, heard her mother shriek, saw the atrocious act, saw her mother apparently dead from his cruelty, then un- hesitatingly confronted the would-be assassin with a desperation bom of despair, "You scoundrel ! See, you have killed my mother !" and scarcely were the words spoken when she rushed forward to the edge of the piazza, where the outlaw was standing, and dealt him a blow across the eyes with the unemptied candle molds that sent him staggering backward. Wildly clutcliing at the railing he went down to the ground, to be carried away by his comrades from the scene of action, a "wiser if not a better man." Mrs. Bailey suffered much from her fall, but her life was spared to see her four sons, "bronzed and battle scarred," return home when war and its strife were over. And in offering this simple tribute to womanly courage we feel assured that duty had no more ardent votaries or the "lost cause" more devoted champions than these two brave women. TWO BRAVE WOMEN. By Mrs. J. B. Crump, of Ilamson. There are heroines on our north Arkansas border witliout laurels on their brows, and martyrs "in whose hands are no palms" that went through physical hardships, isolation and disr tress and to whom our late war is as a terrible dream. The smoke from the charred ruins of their only earthly habitations — the terror-stricken faces of the homeless, starving children, are singularly confused now — but the time was when these same privations whetted the edge of their mental natures, until their ingenuity and invention were almost unsurpassed. Hundreds of miles from a railroad or telegraph, and men- aced by a lawlessness that lived by terrorism to women and chil- dren, these heroines were made self-reliant through danger and inbued with a courage rarely equaled. WOMEX AXD CHILDKEX MADE CROPS. The cultivation of land, or a scanty living from the hills and valleys of this border, was made through much difficulty by women and children. It was in the spring and summer of '64 that Mrs. Parker, (now living in Boone county, Ark.,) made with the assistance of her little boy, a good corn crop for that day and time. The yoke of steers Avdth which Mrs. Parker trudged early and late, were taken from her time and again, but through persistent appeals to the federal officers she was allowed to keep them until her corn was "laid by." After days of watching and working the crop was gather- ed and stored away in a pen (Mrs. Parker had made it herself of rails in the woods.) But as the scarcity of food demande