5^»* Pass -- "/C Cr^ j; ' . Book^ MINUTES OF THE Council of Safety OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY JERSEY CITY: Printed by John H. Lyon 1872. JUN 8 1903 D. of D, Volume I. () JOHN CLEYES SYMMES. WILLIAxM PATERSON. NATHANIEL SCUDDER. THEOPHILUS ELMER. SILAS CONDKT. JOHN HART. JOHN MEHELM. SAMUEL DICK. JOHN COMBS. CALEB CAMP. EDMUND WETHERBY. BENJAMIN MANNING. Haddonfield March 18'^ 1.777. Pursuant to the Power and Authority given, in and by an Act of the Council and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, intitled "An Act for investing the Governor and a Council consisting of twelve, with certain powers therein men- tioned for a limited Time," The Governor and Council of Safety met; Present. His Excellency the Governor, M' Symmes M'' Dick M' Paterson M' Combs M'" Scudder M' Camp M"^ Hart M' Manning M-^ Mehelm. The Board was informed that Captain AValton was atteudi*jg in Town, with a number of Prisoners, which he had brought from Monmouth; and by some papers laid before the Board, it appeared that some of the said Prisoners were taken in a Boat gohig from Philadelphia to New York. The said Prisoners taken in a Boat, being six in number, were called in and examined, and it appearing that they belong to the State of Pennsylvania, the Councill advised His Excellency to order Captain Walton to conduct them to Philadelphia and deliver them to the Order of the Councill of Safety of Penn- sylvania, together with a State of the Evidence obtained in the course of the Examination. The Board adjourned till 3 o'clock P. M. The Govr' & Council of Safety met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The Intervention of the Legislative Council prevented the entering on business. The Board adjourned till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. March March 19. 1.777. The Governor & Council of Safety met. Present His Excellency the Governor, M' Syrames M' Dick M"^ Scudder M"" Camp. M"^ Hart. The Board entered upon the Examination of the Prisoners sent to Haddonfield, some Time since, by General Putnam. Abraham Briton, Jonathan Forman, & Robert Barns having been examiiieil, took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance, as by Law appointed, and were discharged. Jacob Roter, and Joseph Hornor, having been exam'' took the said Oaths, and were discharged in like Manner. Anthony Woodward, son of William, having been examined, being one of the People called Quakers, took Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths above mentioned, and entered into Re- cognizance with David Hurley his Surety in £300 Each, before M' Justice Symmes, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer, to be held in the County of Monmouth, & in the meaviTime to be of good Behaviour ; and was there- upon dismissed. INIoses Ivins, being examined, acknowledged that he had given Bond to the late Convention in £500 conditioned for his good Behaviour towards the State, and having entered into Recx)gnizance with Abraham Briton his surety, in £300 each to appear &c as in the Case of Anthony Woodward, was dis- missed. The Board adjouned till 3 o'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adjournment. Isaac Rogers, Abner Rogers, John Coperthwaite, William Emley Jun' Samuel Emley, Bickley Steward, and Richard Huntley of Upper Freehold, and George Brewer of Shrews- bury were brought in and examined ; they generally declared that they were of the People called Quakers, and averse to bearing Arms on that account, but that they were willing to take the Affirmations to the State; they severally took and subscribed Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to the State and were discharged. Ordered, That the Prisoners lately ordered to be brought from Fred- erick erick Town in Maryland and lodged in the CKaol of the County of Salem, be conducted under Guard to Bordentown, so as to be there by Wednesday next, or as soon after as may be con- venient ; and that Coll. Dick be desired to detach so many of the Militia of his Battalion as may be necessary to carry this Order into Execution. An account of Captain Elisha Walton for subsisting a Guard and six Prisoners belonging to Pennsylvania, at & from llad- donfield to Philadelphia on the 18^'' & 19"' Instant, amount- ing to £4 Ts. 6d. was laid before the Board. Ordered that the same be paid. The Board adjourned till Wednesday next, the 26^' Inst, then to meet at Bordentown. Bordentown March 26. 1.777 The Governor & Members of the Council of Safety met, pur- suant to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor. M' Symmes M- Hart M' Manning. There not being a Quorum to proceed to Business, Adjourned till tomorrow. Thursday, March 27 1.777 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M"" Symmes M"^ Hart M'' Scudder M"" Manning There not being yet a Quorum, adjourned till Tomorrow. Friday, March 28"', 1.777 Met pursuant to Adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor M^ Symmes, M"- Dick, M"" Scudder, M'' Manning, M-^ Hart His A 10 His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from Israel Shreeve Esq'' Colonel of the Second Battalion of Continental Troops raised in this State, by which it appears that Charles Axford, who was appointed Quarter-Master to the said Battalion, on the 4'*^ February last hath not joined the Regiment and that the Colonel hath not seen nor heard from him since his Appointment, and supposes he hath declined ; that on his Arrival at Princeton the necessity of having so useful an Officer obliged him to apply to the General to appoint one in Orders, when Benajah Osmnn, a very suitable person was ap- pointed ; and that the Colonel with the Begiment pray he may be continued : And it appearing to the Board, from the said letter and from other information, that the said Charles Axford hath not accepted the said office, Benajah Osmun was appointed Quarter Master to the said Second Battalion. The Board adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Saturday, March 29 1.777. The Board met, Present as before. The Board proceeded to the Examination of Thomas Groom, Morgan John, Joseph Groom & John Ashton, four Prisoners sent by General Putnam, having been apprehended & brought to him, as Persons suspected and disaffected to the State ; & the whole Forenoon being taken up with that & some incidental Business, the Board adjourned till 3 o'clock this afternoon. Saturday, P. M. 29"' March 1.777 The Board met, pursuant to adjournment. Present — as before. Morgan John & John Ashton, two of the four prisoners above mentioned were discharged, by the Board, on their taking the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to this state. The Board then proceeded to examine Major Seabrook re- specting three Prisoners who were sent in March last to Frederic in ]Maryland, & now returned to this Stat, viz' Ben- jamin Wilson, VVilliam Valentine & John Jones ; & tho' it appeared that they went on Board a Vessel of the Enemy in Distress, & without orders, yet that it was not with Intent to assist the Enemy nor of injuring the State, they were dis- charged upon taking the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance. M' Paterson attended and took his Seat at the Board. Resolved. 11 Resolved. That his Tl]xcellency the Governor draw on the Treasurer for the sum of Three Hundred Pounds in ])art of the sum of One Thousanattalion liaving recommended Josejih Plaight as Lieut Col, Thomas Fenimore as P*^ ]Major and Joseith Budd as 2"^' Major thereof, their respective Com- missions were accordingly made out & delivered to Col Ilaight. David M''Donald & Thomas Parent, Persons apprehended & sent to Pliilad'' were ordered liefore the Jjoard, and being examined, took the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as estaldished by the Legislature of this State, and were there- upon discharged. Adjourned till ToMorrow morning, 9 O'clock. Thursday, April 10"' 1.777 The Council met. Present as before — Robert Ellison, John Mildrum, Jacob Cummins & Jacob Goodwin, Inhabitants of the County of Sussex, apprehended by order of Gen' Heard, w^ere sent to this Place under Guard, on suspicion of aiding & abetting the Enemy, and conspiring against the Government. Ordered That Jacob Goodwin, be brought before the Board for Examination. Gen' Heard's letter respecting the above Persons was read & filed. Jacob Goodwin appeared, was exanuncd & ordered back to Prison. M"" Muckleroy of Burlington cited to appear before the Board as a Witness against Sam' Burling. M^ Helm of Burlington cited to appear before the Board without delay. Ordered, That John Carty of Burlington, be cited to appear before the Board. William North and John North, two Prisoners Avho had been confined in the Gaol at Philad'' appeared before the Board, and were examined ; 1'he Decision of their case de- ferred. Adj'd till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. Met according to Adj"^ jraham Hendricks ag"*^ Jesse \^ ward The Examination of Abraham Hendricks ag"*^ Jesse Wood 19 ward taken and reduced to Writing : Agreed, Tliat M"" Justice Symnies take the Recognizance of the said Hendricks for his Appearance as a Witness at the next Court of General Gaol Delivery for the County of Monmouth. Ordered, That Warr*-" of Conitnitnient be made out against Francis Jones and Moses Mount, directed to the Keeper of the Gaol for the County of Burlington, charged with being guilty of misdemeanors — His Excellency laid before the Board a Message from Sam' Burling informing, That M' Helm vv^as confined to his Chamber being much indisi)osed, but should wait upon the Council as soon as his Health should permit. John Jones' examination taken ags* Benjamin Helm. Ordered, That Isaac Imlay and W™ Imlay be cited as Wit- nesses ag*-^ Jesse Woodward, now in confinement in this Place. Adj'd till ToMorrow Morn^ 9 O'clock. Friday, April 11*'' 1.T77 The Council met, Present — as before — Ordered, That Thomas Fowler be brought before the Board for Examination ; The said Fowler appeared, was examined, and Notes taken thereof. Cap' Webb, who holds an office under the King of Great Britain, appeared pursuant to Citation, and being heard, the Board agreed. That M"^ Webb be allowed fourteen Days to settle his Affairs, and then to remove to the Enemy with a Flag— M' Muckleroy appeared and was examined touching the Conduct of Samuel Burling. William North & John North were again called before the Board, & took tlie Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as Established by the Legislature of this State ; and were there- upon discharged. John Carty of Burlington appeared before the Board, agree- able to summons, and refusing to take the Oaths to Government, but being willing to enter into Recognizance, with Surety, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Burlington ; the said John Carty did accordingly enter into Recognizance with Archibald Muckleroy, his Surety, in £100 Each, before the Governor & Council, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter 20 Qiiai'ter Sessions of the Peace for tlie County of Burlington, and in the mean time to be of Good Behaviour, and was there- upon dismissed. Alexander Montgomery appeared before the Board, and his examination, under Oath, respecting Jesse Woodward taken in Writing, M'" Montgomery Entered into VJecognizance before M'' Justice Symmes, for his Appearance as a Witness against the said Woodward at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery to be held for the C^ounty of Mon- mouth, Samuel Burling entered into Recognizance with William Smith his surety in £300 Each, before the Governor and Council, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Ck')unty of Burlington, and in the meanTime to be of Good Behaviour & was there- iipon dismissed, — Thomas P. llewlings entered into Ivtcognizance with Abra- ham Hewlings his Surety in £300 Each, before the Governor and Council, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Burlington, and in the meantime to be of good Behaviour, and was there- upon dismised. Daniel Ellis entered into Recognizance with W'" Smith, his Surety, in £300 Each, &c as above. Colin Campbell entered into Recognizance with Abraham Hewlings his Surety, in £300 Each, &c, as above. Adj'd till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. Met according to Adj*^ Ordered, That Michael Mount be cited to be and appear before the Board as a Witness ag' Jesse Woodward. John Cleayton, Green Cooke, and Samuel Odell, Persons apprehended & sent to Philad'\ were ordered before the Board, and, being examined, took the Oaths of AVjjuration and Allegiance as Established by the Legislature of this state and were thereupon dismissed. Nathan Allen, who was apprehended & sent to Philad^, was ordered before the Board, and examined, and being one of the People called Quakers, took x\ffirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of the State, and was accordingly discharged. Robert Ellison, of Sussex, was brought liefore the Board, & Examined touching the Plot & Combination in Sussex, and Notes taken of his Examination. Adj'd till ToM^^ Morn- 9 O'clock. Saturday, 21 Saturday, April 12'" 1.777. The Council met, Present, as before. M' Carap api)eared in Council & took his seat at the Board — William Imlay was examined as a Witness against Richard Robbins & Jesse Woodward. M' Savage laid before the Board a Resolution of C^ongress in the Words following viz* Tn Congress April S. 1.777 " Resolved that it be recommended to the Governor & " Council of Safety of New Jersey not to call into the held " such part of their Militia not exceeding Forty as are neces- " sai'ily Employed in the Salt Works now erecting in their " State by the (Tovernor of Pennsylvania, provided it be not " inconsistent with the laws of that State — Extract from the Minutes. Charles Thomson, Secy." . To which the Board returned the following answer at the Bottom of the said Extract — " The Exemption above recommended is inconsistent with " the Militia Law of this State, but if the Government of Penn- " sylvania will carry on the said Works with Inhabitants of " their own Commonwealth, care shall be taken to have them " exempted as above, (tho' they will also be liable to be called " into the field by the said Act as it now stands, as becoming " by their residence here, subjects of this State to that purpose " Wil. Livingston." Isaac Imlay appeared before the Board & was examined. The said Imlay entered into Recognizance before M'' Justice Symmes for his Appearance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery of the County of Mon- mouth, as a Witness ags' Jessee Woodward. Samuel Lippencut was discharged after taking the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, Agreed, That his Excellency remit M' Ephraim Philips §herif of Burlington, the sum of Fourteen pounds five shil- lings on account. The Board appointed Elisha Boudinot Esq'' their Secretary & desired his Excellency the Governor to acquaint him of the appointment. Adjourned to 9 O'clock next Monday. Monday, 22 jNfonday, 14"' April 1.7V7 The Board met according to adjouninu'ut, Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Symmes M' Camp M'' Paterson M'" JManning M^ Dick M'- C^onibes His Excellency laid before the Board a letter from Joseph Leonard of the 10"' Instant excusing his appearance before the Board agreeable to his Summons, on Account of his being confined by the; Rash & Fever. Ordered, That Richard R. Crow be examined. It appearing to the Board that the said Crow has been an officer in the Service of his Britannic Majesty, & is desirous of returning to Ireland his native country, Agreed That said Crow have leave to return to his family near Cheesquakes in the County of Middlesex & have from the date hereof fourteen days allowed him to settle his affairs & apply to the nearest General Officer of the United States for a Flag to go into the Enemy's Lines. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a petition from John Duyckinck, which was read ; Setting forth. That the Petitioner has been confined in the State Prison at Pliilad* since the 10"' of Feb'y last, and praying that he may have a Hearing as early as may be convenient. Agreed, That his Excellency the Governor be advised to write to his Excellency Gen' Washington on the subject matter of the said Petition ; as the Board are given to understand, That the said Petitioner was apprehended by order of Gen' Washington, or some of the General Officers in the Continental Army; and are at a loss to determine, until some Charge be exhibited, whether the Offence be cognizable before this Board. Adj'd till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. Met according to adj'. George Mount was brought before the Board for Examin- ation, cfe on hearing Cap' Stillwell to whose Company he belongs, as a private, on the occasion of his being committed, Terminer and General Gaol Delivery to be held in the said County of Monmouth, then and there to answer for mali- ciously and advisedly reviling & speaking contemptuously of the honourable Congress of the United States of North America, and of the Measures adopted by the said Congress, and for maliciously and advisedly Saying and doing Things encourag- ing Disaffection, & manifestly tending to raise Tumults and Disorders in the State of New Jersey aforesaid and to Such other Charge as shall, on Behalf of the said State, be objected against the said Thomas Kerney, and in the mean Time to be of the Peace & of the good Behaviour; and was thereupon dis- missed, — Steplien Hedges ayjpeared before the Board pursuant to Cita- tion, on the Score of being dangerous and disaffected to the present Government, and being one of the Peo})le called Quakers, took Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to the State, and was thereupon dismissed. Henry Wetherby was called before the Board, the Charge exhibited against him under Oath was read in his Hearing, and he examined relative to the Same, and then ordered to with draw. M"^ Camp had leave of absence. Adj'd till ToMorrow morn» 8 O'clock. Saturday Met according to Jidj'*. 37 Saturday April 2G^'' IVVV Present, His Excellency the Governor M^ Elmer M' Hart M"' Scudder M'' Combes M"" Paterson Ordered, That William Tice and William Smith appear before the Board, William Tice and William Smith were again examined and heard and were dismissed on taking and Subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State. Richard Wilson appeared before the Board and entered into Recognizance, with Edward Taylor Esq'' his Surety, in £300 Each, before the Governor and Council, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Monmouth, and in the meanTime to be of the Peace and of the Good lichaviour and was thereupon dis- missed. William M°Murray of the County of Monmouth, appeared l)efore the Board, and took and Subscribed the Oaths of Abju- ration and Allegiance to the State, Daniel Hendrickson, who was summoned to appear as a Per- son suspected of being disaffected and dangerous to the present (irovernment, did accordingly attend, and on Examination acknowledged that he had rec'' a Protection from the Enemy, which he refused to give up when demanded by the Board. Whereupon the Oaths to the State were tendered to the said Hendrickson, who refused to take the same, but was ready, with his Surety, to enter into Recognizance, &c. And the said Daniel Hendrickson did accordingly enter into Recognizance with Edward Taylor Esq' his Surety in £300 Each, before the Governor and Council, for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Mon- mouth and in the meanTime to be of the Peace, and of the Good Behaviour, and was thereupon dismissed. John Cotterell appeared before the Board, was examined and took and subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Alleg- iance to the State & was thereupon dismissed. Abraham Smith of Monmouth appeai-ed before the Board, was examined, delivered up his Protection, and was dismissed on taking and subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration and Alleg- iance to the State. Isaac 38 Isaac Shar]) of Monmoiitli appeared hefove the Board, Avas examined, delivered up his Protection, and was dismissed on taking and subs('i'il)ing tlie Oatlis of Ahjnration and Allegiance to the State. Joseph Burdge was called before the Board, and being ex- amined, took the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State and was thereupon dismissed. Henry Wetlierby appeared before the Board, and entered into Recognizance with Aln-ahara Smith, W"' Smith and Isaac Sharp his Sureties in £300 Eacli before the Governor and Council, for liis Appearance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol delivery to be held in the County of Monmouth, then and there to answer for advisedly & wit- tingly, by Sj)eech Writing, open Deed and Act, maintaining and defending tlie Authority, Jurisdiction and Power of the King of Great Britain in and over the State of New Jersey, and for maliciously and advisedly saying and doing Things en- couraging Disaffection, and manifestly tending to raise Tumults and Disordei's in tlie said State, and to such other Charge as shall, on Behalf of the said State, be objected against the said Henry Wetherby, and in the meauTime to be of the Peace and of the good Behaviour, and was thereupon dismissed, Adj^i till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to Adj* Daniel Williams was called before the Board, examined & ordered to withdraw. Daniel Williams again appeared before the Board, & was dismissed on taking and subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State. Adj'd till Monday, 3 O'clock P. M. Monday, April 28*'' l.VV? Met pursuant to Adj' Present His Excellency the Governor. M' Elmer M"^ Combes M'" Paterson There not being a Qnorum to proceed to Business, adjourned till To-Morrow morns 9 O'clock. Tuesday 39 Tuesday April 29"^ 1.111 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M'' Elmer M"" Combes M"^ Paterson M'' Camp There not being yet a Quorum, adjourned till 1 1 O'clock A. M. Met pursuant to adj*^ Present — as before. There not beino; Members sufficient to make a Board adjourned till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adjournment Present His Excellency the Governor M-" Elmer M"" Combes M"^ Scudder M'" Camp M'" Paterson Col Bowes Peed, agreeable to his Warr^ sent to this Place, John BlaclvAvell under guard. Ordered, That Subpoenas be issued to cite, Joseph Campion, Isaac Merit, and William Norton to appear before the Board at 10 O'clock ToMorrow to bear Testimony against John Black- well. His Excellency was pleased to lay before tlie Board, a Letter from Elisha Boudiuot Esq'' of Date the 18th Instant, informing that he was obliged to decline the office of Secretary which this Board had conferred upon him. A Petition from sundry officers and others, Inhabitants of the Town of New Ark, in the County of Essex, was read, setting forth, That a number of the Officers belonging to the Militia of the said Town were Either dead, or by submitting to the Enemy, were disqualified from acting, and praying that certain Persons recommended in the said Petition might be commissioned, as there was the most pressing Call for having the Militia Officered without Delay. Agreed, That this Board has not Competency and Jurisdic- tion respecting the Subject Matter of the said Petition, and that the same be referred to the Legislature. William 40 William Halfpenny, who was sent to this Place hy General Putnam, was ordered before the Board, examined and dismissed on delivering up the Protection he received from the Enemy, and taking the Oatlis to the State. William iiutler Linch, who was apprehended and sent to this Place by Order of General l^utnani, was brought before the Board & Examined, and dismissed on taking and subscribing the Oaths to the State. Lary Johnston, Thomas Gohem, and Daniel Dancer, who were apprehended by Major Scudder and sent to Princeton & from thence to this Place under guard by General Putnam, were ordered into Custody in the Guard-Room, until the Board can hear the Charge against them, and examine Witnesses respecting the same. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the E5oard, a Letter from Gen' Putnam, inclosing a Letter from Major Scudder, respecting the said Lary Johnston, Thomas Gohem and Daniel Dancer. Jacob Dancer Avas called befoi-e the Board, the Charge ex- hibited against him under Oath was read, and he examined relative to the same ; and then remanded to Prison. Ordered That Subpoenas be issued to cite John Andei-son and Thomas Smith to appear before the Board, and bear Testimony against Stephen Flood. Adjourned till ToMorrow Morn« 9 O'clock. Wednesday, April 30^", 1.777 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present, as before, David Burton appeared before the Board, & was examined touching the Conduct of Alexander Willson, and such his Examination reduced to Writing, and subscribed and sworn to by the said Burton. Isaac Meait, who was cited as a Witness, sent his sou who appeared & informed the Board, that Ids Father was indisposed and could not attend. Joseph Campion appeai-ed before the Board, pursuant- to Citation, and was examined touching the behaviour of John Blackwell, and such his Examination reduced to Writing, and subscribed and affirmed to by the said Joseph Campioji. William Norton appeared before the Board and was ex- amined respecting the Cliarge against John Blackwell; but his Testimony not being material, it was not reduced to Writing. Ordered That Subpoenas be made out & served u[)on John Wright, 41 Wright, James Wells, and a certain Man commonly called English Thomas, to appear before the Board at 10 O'clock A.M. ToMorrow, and bear Testimony against John Blackwell. Ordered, That a Warrant be issued to bring l)efore this Board, Alexander Willson, of Upper Freehold in the County of Monmouth. Adj'^ till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adjournment. Daniel Dancer was ordered before the Board and examined and then remanded to Prison. Ordered, That a Warr^ of Commitra*^ be issued ag' Jacob Dancer charged with High Treason, and directed to the Keeper of the Gaol at Burlington. Thomas Goheen & Lawrence Johnston were ordered before the Boai'd, and it appearing that they belong to the State of Pennsylvania, the Board advised his Excellency to write to M' President Wharton, inclosing the Charge against them, and that they be sent to Philad-' as soon as possible. Adj'd'till 9 O'clock ToMorrow morn^'. Thursday, May ^^.777 Met pursuant to Adj'. Present, as before. John Jolley of the County of Burlington and one of the Prisoners sent to this Place by the Council of Safety of Penn- sylvania, was ordered before the Board, examined and dismissed on taking and subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration and Alleg- iance to the State. John Wright appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cita- tion, and was examined respecting the Charge exhibited against John Blackwell, and such his Examination reduced to Writing and subscribed and Affirmed to by the said John Wright. James Wills appeared according to Citation, and was ex- amined respecting the Charge against John Blackwell ; but as his Testimony Avas immaterial it was not reduced to Writing. Alexander Willson was brought before the Board, the Charge exhibited against him under Oath was read and he ex- amined relative to the same, and then ordered to with draw. John Blackwell was ordered before the Board, the Charge against him read, and he heard relative to the same, and then remanded to Prison. Ordered, That a Warr' of Commitment be awarded against John Blackwell, chargefl with High Treason, and directed to the keeper of the Gaol at Burlington. Thomas E 42 Thomas Maddock, commonly called English Tom, appeared hefore the l^oard, pursuant to Citation, and was examined re- specting the cliarge against John Blackwell ; but as his Testi- mony was immaterial, it was not reduced to Writing. Elias Ilollman of the County of Monmouth, appeared before the Board and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State. Adjourned till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adjournment. M"^ Boudinot attended as Secretary and took his seat accordingly The Governor laid before the Board a letter from Elias Boudinot Esq' Commissary of Prisoners, recjuesting an account of the disbursraents & expences of this state in favor of the several Prisoners taken from the king of Great Britain, and also a return of such Prisoners as are now confined in this State. Agreed, That as this Board has not jurisdiction in the mat- ter, it be referred to the Legislature. Ordered, That a Warr*^ of Commitment be awarded against Alexander Willson, charged with advisedly & maliciously saying and doing Things encouraging Disaffection, & mani- festly tending to raise Tumults and Disorders in the State, the said Warr' was dii-ected to the keeper of the Gaol at Bur- lington, , Ordered, That the sum of Thirteen Pounds, seventeen shil- lings & sixPence be paid to Thomas Powel for his Services as Doorkeeper to this Board from the 26"' March to the 1'* May . inclusive. His Excellency was pleased to sign the following Certifi- cates — To John Combs Esq"" for the sum of Sixteen Pounds ten shillings proclamation Money for twenty seven Days at- tendance at this Board. To Nathaniel Scudder Esq'' for the sum of Twenty four Pounds like Money for P'orty Days attendance at this Board. To Theophilus Elmore Esq'', for the sum of Thirteen Pounds sixteen shillings like Money for tAventy three Days like attend- ance. To Benjamin Manning Esq'' for the sura of Eighteen Pounds like Money for Thirty Days like attendance. To Caleb Camp Esq'' for the sum of Fifteen Pounds twelve shillings like Money for Twenty six Days like attendance. To John Hart Esq"" for the sum of Nine Pounds twelve shil- lings like Money for Sixteen days like attendance. Haddontield, 43 Hadclonfield, May 10'" 1.7V7 The Governor and Members of the Council of Safety met. Present. His Excellency the Governor M'' Symmes M^ Combs M-- Elmer M^ Camp M^ Scudder M"" Weatherby M"" Hart M"" Manning Peter Obart, Francis Letts & William Lake Prisoners appre- hended by Major John Taylor in Consequence of Orders from General Putnam, and conducted under Guard to this Place, were brought before the Board & examined, and there appear- ing no Evrdence against them sufficient to continue their Con- finement, they severally took the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State & were discharged. The Council adjourned till Monday next. Monday, May 12*'' 1.777 The Council met according to adj^ Present. His Excellency the Governor. M"" Symmes M' Paterson M"" Elmer M'^ Scudder M^ Condict MT Dick A memorial was presented by Cap't John Dennis, of the Township of Shrewsbury in the County of Monmouth, request- ing the Council to take C'Ognizance of the Cases of two Negroes the property of Peter Parker & John Slocum of the Township Af^*^ who were sometime in February last taken Prisoners by the Memorialist on Suspicion of their having been in Arms, & aiding to the Enemy &c, & afterwards sent to Philadelphia where they have been confined ever since, & further setiiig foi-th that the Masters of the said Negroes are desirous of having the Matter heard & decided upon by this Board. The Council taking the Matter into Consideration, called Cap' Dennis before them, & having obtained what Information he was able to communicate, appointed Wednesday the 'il'*^ Inst for s'^ Parker & Slocum to attend before this Board, of which Cap*" Dennis was desired to inform them. A 44 A Sergeant's Guard, detatched by Major Jolin Taylor at Cranl)erry in the County of Middlesex, arrived with a Prisoner taken by a Party of Horsemen near the Enemy's lines at Bruns wic, and by Order delivered him to the standing guard in this Place. A Letter was at the same Time delivered to his Excellency giving Information that although s"^ Prisoner has assumed the name of John Brown, yet his real name is John Lee; that he formerly lived in Philadelphia and had lately in- troduced a number of Recruits into Brunswic, for the Purpose of joining the British Army, Avhich he had confessed to Major Taylor. Two Persons vizt Thompson & Hall were called in & examined respecting the s'' Prisoner, but as their Evidence amounted to Nothing very interesting, it was not committed to writing, Adjourned till 6 O'clock P. M. Met according to Adjournment John Brown alias John Lee was ordered before the Board, and after an Examination remanded to Prison. Cap'" Timothy Shaler delivered to the Council two prisoners namely John Martin & William Cowen taken in a Prize, who were ordered into Confinement. The Council adjourned till tomorrow Morning 1 1 o'clock. Tuesday, May 13"' The Council met according to Adj'. Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Elmer, JM' Camp M-" Condict, M'' Manning M"^ Scudder, A Letter was laid l)y his Excellency before this Board from the Secretary of the Board of War, inclosing'some Resolutions of Congress respecting Cap' Gamble & Docf Stapleton at Princeton who are suspected of being concerned in unwarrant- able Practices against the United States of America, & re- questing that His Excellency would enquire into the Conduct of those persons, & transmit the Result of such enquiries to Congi'ess. His Excellency consented to make immediate Application to some- Persons in or near Princeton to procure every necessary Proof 45 Proof and Information. Subpoenas were ordered to be issued for Marshall Isaac Kay, Major William Ellis & Cap' James Tallman citing them to appear before this Board, to give Testimony against sundry Persons suspected of Disaffection & MalPractices against this State. The Council adjoui*ned till tomorrow morning 10 O'clock. May 14'''. The Council met according to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M'' Condict M' Mehelm M"" Elmer M'' Wetherby M"^ Scudder M"" Manning M"^ Camp M' Isaac Kay appeared before the Board and was examined, touching the conduct & suspicious Behaviour of John Hench- man Esq' but as his Information was not founded upon his own personal Knowledge, his Testimony was not reduced to writing. A subpoena was ordered to be issued for John Sparks Esq'' to appear before this Board to give Evidence against s'^ John Henchman Esq''. John Martin and William Cowen the two Prisoners delivered to the Council by Cap' Shaler, were brought before the Board and as they did not choose to enter on board an American armed vessel, they were remanded to the Guard House uutill Appli- cation can be made to the Board of War concerning the Dis- position of them. The Council adjourned till tomorrow 11 O'clock A. M. Thursday May IS'" 1.777 Met according to adjournment Present. His Excellency the Governor M"" Elmer M'' Camp M"" Scudder M'' Manning M'' Condict M'^ Combes Major William Ellis, appeared before the Council, and was interrogated 4G interrogated as to tlic suspicious Conduct of John Henchman Esq'', but as his Testimony was founded upon Information chiefly, it was not reduced to writing. Peter Young & Henry Mourisson two of the Prisoners sent down from General Heard wei'e called before the Board, and very particuhirly examined touchiiig their own Designs and that of tlieir Accomplices. It clearly appeared from their own Confessions tliat they were, when apprehended, on their way towards the British Army in Company which Richard Stagg (who was the Person that persuaded them to go oil') Francis Mourisson tfe Ezekiel Wood, who all three made their Escape ; they were remanded to Confinement. Peter Young declared that Jacob Hilar and his son Nicholas, Abraham Tiers, John AVelcher, Thomas Welcher, Silas Roberts, one Losan & one Tuthill were gone off to the enemy. The Council adjourned to 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adjournment Present, as before, Jacob Gardner another Prisoner sent down by General Heard was called before the Board, examined & remanded to Confinement ; John Sparks Esq"^ appeai'ed before the Board & altho he gave no Testimony against John Henchman Esq"" founded on his own Knowledge, yet he furnished the Council with the names of a Number of Persons whose Evidence he conceived would operate against him. Subpoenas were ordered to be issued for Joseph Hewlings, William Norton, Zachary Rozel & his wife, William Harrison, Israel Morris, James Sloan, Josepli Hugg, Thomas Denny, Samuel Harrison Esq"^ & Joseph Ellis Esq"^ to appear before the Council to give Testimony against s'' John Henchman Esq"" The Council adjourned till toMorrow Morning 10 O'clock. May 16*'' The Council met, pursuant to Adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M"' Elmer M' Combes M-^ Condict M"^ Manning M^ Scudder M-" Camp The Council was informed that Cap' Thomas Webb, who, on the 47 the 11*'' day of April last, obtained the Permission of this Board for fourteen Days to settle his affairs, and then to remove to the Enemy with a Flag, had, instead of availing himself of that indulgence, spent a considerable Time beyond those Lim- its, in passing through this State and that of Pennsylvania & so to Baltimore in Maryland ; in his return from whence he was apprehended by Gen' Schuyler, and further that Gen' Schuyler has put said Webb on his Parole, until the sense of the Governor and Council of Safety of this State would be ob- tained respecting him. In Consequence of the above Capt" Webb, was called before the Board and being heard as to the reasons which induced him to take so extraordinary a Step, he was desired to with draw. The Council taking the Affair into Consideration were unan- imously of Opinion that Cap'" Webb has justly forfeited all the Advantages that might have arisen from the Indulgence aforesaid, so far as relates to this state, and therefore. Resolved, That s'^ Cap'" Tho'' Webb be ordered forthwith to return to Gen' Schuyler at Philadelphia and that it be left to the Gen' to determine whether he ought now to be permitted to pass over to the Enemy with a Flag, or be detained as a Pris- oner of War. And his Excellency was requested to transmit Gen' Schuyler a full and circumstantial Account of the whole Process, re- specting him, the s'' Webb. The Council adjourned to 4 O'clock P. M. Met, pursuant to adjournment. Present, as before, M"^ Zachary Rossell, happening in Town, was called upon & attended before the Council, but as upon Examination it did not appear, that he Knew anyThing material, respecting the conduct of John Henchman P^sq' his testimony was not com- mitted to Writing. And as M' Rossell declared that he really believed it was not in the Power of his Wife to communicate anyThing material, the Council concluded to dispense with her Attendance at Iladdonfield. M"" Rossell informed the Council that Joseph Hewlings is missing from the Neighborhood of Mount Holly, & that he supposes he went off with the Enemy ; the subp. for him was therefore suppressed. Thomas Denny Esq"^ ai)peared before the Council as an Evi- dence against John Henchman Esq' and after his Examination, his Testimony was committed to Writing & sworn to. Subpoenas 48 Subpoenas were ordered to be issued for M"^ Jacob Roberts & Captn Samuel Hugg, to appear before the Council toMorrow at ten O'clock in the Forenoon as Evidences &c. M"" Israel Morris ap])eared in Consequence of a Subpoena, but as nothing material appeared in his Testimony it was not reduced to Writing. The Council adjourned till tomorrow 1 1 O'clock A. M. May IV"' 1.777 The Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M-^ Condict M-^ Camp M"^ Elmer M"^ Manning M"" Scudder Joseph Hugg Esq"^ appeared before the Council pursuant to Subpoena, and gave Testimony against John Henchman Es({ which was committed to Writing and M'' Hugg affirmed there- to. A Memorial was presented to the Board in behalf of Francis Hingston, praying Permission for him the said Hingston to re- turn to his Friends in England, which was unanimously granted. The Council adjourned to 3 O'clock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Condict M'^ Scudder M^ Elmer M"" Camp M"" Paterson, M"^ Manning James Sloan appeared pursuant to Subpoena, and was ex- amined, but his Testimony was not judged sufficiently material to be committed to Writing. Capt" Samuel Hugg, appeared & was examined relative to the suspicious Conduct of John Henchman Esq'' and his Tes- timony being committed to writing, he was affirmed thereto. Said Cap*" Hugg can give some account of the said Hench- man's producing his former Commission under the Crown to some british Officers at the black Horse as a pass, & of his in- viting some british Officers to his Sisters at Mount Holly. Samuel 49 Samuel Harrison Esq"" appeared before the Board, and was examined, but as his Testimony consisted of nothing more than what is contained in former Evidence it was not committed to writing. Co' Joseph Ellis, being called upon, declared, that he some- Time since heard John Henchman acknowledge, that he the said Henchman had said he had wished the regular Troops would come among us. Jacob Roberts, lieing called upon, gave in his Testimony, against John Henchman Esq'' & was duly affirmed thereto, after its being reduced to Writing. The Council adjourned till Monday 4 o'clock P. M. May 19"' The Council met pursuant to adjournment William Norton appeared before the Board & was examined respecting the Conduct of John Henchman Esq' among the Hessians at the Black Horse & Mount Holly, but his Testimony was not reduced to Writing. Capt" William Harrison was also called upon & examined as aP'', but as his Testimony was similar to that of several other Evidences, it was judged unnecessary to commit it to Writ- ing. A subpoena was ordered to issue for John Estaugh Hopkins, to appear tomorrow to give Evidence against John Hench- man. The Council adjourned till toMorrow 4 o'clock P. M. May 20*'' The Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M'" Paterson M"^ Scudder M'' Symmes M'' Combs. M"^ Elmer Garret Rapalje & his son George Rapalje appeared before the Board & had the oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance ten- dered to them, which they declined taking, and desired Time till toMorrow Morning to consider of them, which was granted. James Nevill a Prisoner sent by General Heard to the Council was called upon and examined, and it appearing to the F 50 the Board tliat he had l)een detained a \oug time Prisoner in New York, where he had suftered great Hardship & Abuse, and also giving" the Board full Satisfaction as to the way he became possessed of a considerable Sum of Money which was tlie Occa- sion of his being detained by General Heard ; The Oaths of 7\bjuration & Allegiance to the State were administered to him, & subscribed by him, upon which he had his Money restored to him & was discharged. The Council adjourned till toMorrow Morning 8 O'clock. May 2P'. The Council met, pursuant to adjournment. Present as before, except M' Combs, with the addition of M'" Camp & M"" Dick. Garret Kapalje appeared before the Board, & entered into Recognizance with Jacob Drake, his Surety, in £300 Each, before the Governor & Council for his Appearance at the next Court of general Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Sussex ; & in the meanTime to be of the Peace & of the good Behaviour & was thereupon dismissed. George Rai)alje appeared before the Board, and it being proposed to him, either to take the Oaths yesterday tendered to him, or l)e considered as a Prisoner of War, he begged further Time to consider of the matter, & was ordered to with- draw. A memorial was presented from Lieu' Gilbert Imlay, pray- ing, that a Number of Persons, formerly Inhabitants of this State, who have lor a long while past been confined in the City of Philadelphia, and who some Time since Enlisted in the Company to which he belongs, may l)e released from their Confinement, & permitted to join said C()m})any. The Council taking the same into Consideration, determined to send for them, together with all such as were taken prisoners in Monmouth County, by Maj' Mifflin, and his Excellency was requested to issue the necessary Orders for that purpose. Thomas Williams was ordered to be brought before the Board, & after a critical Examination was remanded to Con- finement & the Determination of his Case referred to further Consideration. The testimony of Thomas Woodward was taken against the said Thomas Williams and committed to Writing, & said Woodward was duly, according to Law, affirmed thereto. Thomas Woodward, son of Anthony, was called upon, who appeared before the Board, and was particularly interrogated as 51 as to his Disaffection & suspicious Conduct in General, & the Cause of his late Elopement from the Guard in Haddonfield in particular, after which he was ordered to with draw, & the further Consideration of his Case deferred for the present. The Council adjourned till 4 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M"" Syrames M'' Scudder M'' Elmer M-" Manning M"" Condict A Subpoena haveing been ordered for John Estaugh Hopkins to appear before the Council on the 19"" Instant, and he being- out of town at that time, Ordered, That a Subpoena be issued for his Appearing before the Council tomorrow morning at ten o'clock in the forenoon to give evidence in behalf of the State against John Hincksman Esq*" The Council took up the Consideration of the Case of George Kapalje and finding, by his own Confession, that he had some- time in January last, voluntarily gone over to the Enemy at New Brunswic, where he had taken an Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain, whence he went to Staten Island, New York, and Long Island, and has continued with the Enemy ever since, till within a few days, & is now come back into this State, without Flag or Passport, of any kind what- ever ; The Board after mature Deliberation, Ordered, That a Warrant of Commitment directed to the Sheriff of the County of Gloucester, do issue against the s"* George Rapalje for ad- visedly & wittingly by speech. Writing, open Deed and Act, maintaining & defending the Authority, Jurisdiction & Power of the King of Great Britain as heretofore claimed within this State. The Council adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock. May 22"" 1.777 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Elmer M"" Manning M^ Condict M^ Camp Co' Scudder 52 A Memorial was presented by Co' John Cox in behalf of his Sister M" ]VIary Allen, setting forth, that her son now in New York is dangerously ill of a Consumption, arl)er four of the Eleven Prisoners who had consented to Enlist into the continental Service, being called upon to enroll themselves, declared they had altered their minds, and did refuse to comply with their former Engagements; wherefore they were remanded to the Guard House ; the other seven took and subscribed the Oaths to the State, enrolled themselves, and were delivered to Lieut Gilbert Tmlay — Adjourned till Monday next May 26"^ The Council met pursuant to Adjournment. Gershom Ayres was discharged on taking the Oaths. Adjourned till Wednesday next. The Council met. James Cornelius sworn &c, Walter Curtis & Peter Brewer examined and remanded to Confinement. Adjourned till toMorrow. May 29"' The Council Met. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Elmer, M"- Camp M' Condict M'' Manning M' Combs Jacob Cooper being considered as a Prisoner of War, was put on his Parole, & Thomas Curtis of Shrewsbury became Se- curity in £100 for his keeping it. Ordered, That Walter Curtis be discharged upon taking the Oaths, and entering into llecognizance with Thomas Curtis, in £100 for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for Monmouth County, & giv- ing 56 ing his note for £'1G. 16. 10. payable the P*^ J^ily next (witli the said Tliomas Curtis for security) l)eiug his proportion of the Expense occasioned by bringing him & Williams to Had- donfield. Ordered that 1^'ter IJrewer be discharged on his taking the Oaths. The Council Adjourned till tomorrow morning nine O'clock. Friday, May 30*'' 1.7V V Met pursuant to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M'' Condict M"- Combe M"^ Elmer M"^ Camp M"" Manning. Walter Curtis having complied with the above order of yes- terday, and this morning discharged his note given for said expence, is at liberty to return home ; Richard Stanton late of Essex County on takeing the Oaths to Government and entering into Recognizance with Thomas Dey Esq of Bergen County Each in the sum of One Hundred Pounds for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held in and for the County of Essex, then and there to answer the said Court to sucli things as shall be objected against him in behalf of the State, and in the ineantime to keep the peace and be of the Good behaviour towards the liege subjects of this State, was dis- charged. The Council adjourned till three O'clock in the afternoon. The Council met pursuant to adjournment, Present His Excellency the governor M' Condict M"^ Camp M'' Elmer M"^ Manning M' Combs John Ederson called in and examined, and on taking the Oaths to the Government of the State, and entering into Re- cognizance with Richard Stanton for Security each in the Sura of one hundred pounds to Appear at the next Court of General Quarter 57 Quarter Sessions of the peace to be holclen in & for the County of Essex then and there to answer the said Court to such tilings as shall be objected against him in behalfe of the State, and in the meantime to keep the peace and be of Good be- haviour towards all the Liege subjects of this State, was Dis- charged, Adjourned till toMorrow 12 O'clock. May 3Pt 1.111 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M" Condict M"^ Manning M^ Elmer M-" Combs M"' Scudder Richard Snowdon attended before the Board, in consequence of a Citation from the President, but refused Either to take the Oaths or Affirmations to the State, or to be bound with sufficient Sureties, for his Appearance at the next Court of general Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Gloucester; Ordered, therefore. That a Warrant of Commitment do issue against the s*^ Richard Snowdon, directed to the Sheriff of the s'' County or to his Deputy, for his refusal as aforesaid. Adjourned till Wednesday next, June 4"^. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor, M'' Elmer M'' Cramp M"" Condict M^ Mehelm M"^ Scudder M"" Manning M-" Combs Stout Havens, one of the Prisoners taken by Mj'' Mifflin, having petitioned for another Hearing before the Board, was called in, and after hearing the Proposals of some of his Friends in his Favor, and a further Examination, he was ordered to return to the Guard-House, John G 58 John Barber, Joseph Pearce, John Sears, Richard Margison, & William Newman five other Prisoners taken by Mf Mifflin, having also petitioned for another Hearing, were called before the Board, and after further Examination were remanded to the Guard house. The Council having taken the case of the above named Prisoners into Consideration, and finding by their Confession, which was taken in writing & subscribed by them, that they were taken in Arms in the Service of the King of Great ]^ritain on the second day of January last, in which they had none of them been engaged more than a Fortnight, they were of Opinion that the Prisoners can neither be considered as Prisoners of War, nor be admitted to Bail, and therefore ought to be continued in Confinement. Adjourned till tomorrow morning 7 O'clock. June 5^' The Council met, pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor, M^ Condict M" Hart M' Symmes M"^ Camp M-- Scudder M'' Mehelm M'^ Elmer M"^ Manning M'' Combs John Henchman Esq"^ appeared before the Board pursuant to Citation, & the charges ag'*^ him, being read he was per- mitted to offer anyThing in his PoAver by way of Palliation, and after being heard, was ordered to withdraw. The Council taking M' Henchman's Case into their con- sideration and being of Opinion that the charges ag'' him did not fully indicate a malicious Intention but that the s^ Charges did fix him, under a strong Suspicion of Disaffection to the United States, Agreed, therefore. That M"" Henchman be again called into Council, & that the Oaths of Abjuration and of Allegiance be tendered to him according to Law. M' Henchman appeared accordingly, and the s'' Oaths were tendered to him in Council, which he refused to take and subscribe, but was willing to be bound with surety for his Appearance 59 Appearance at the next Conrt of gen^ Quarter Sessions, of the Peace &c, and the s'* John Henchman did accordingly enter into Recognizance with Jacob Clement in the sum of £300 Each, before the Governor and Council of Safety, for his Appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions, of the Peace for the County of Gloucester, there to answer to such Charges as shall be exhibited against him on Behalf of the State, and in the mean Time be of the Peace & of the good Behaviour & was thereupon dismissed. The Council adjourned to meet again at 11 O'clock. A. M. At 11 O'clock A'M Met pursuant to adjournment. Jacob Bogart of the County of Bergen, one of the Prisoners sent down by Gen' Heard, was called before the Board & ex- amined, and it appearing that he had been enlisted & had joined the Enemy and been actually in Arms with them, since the Publication of the Act, for punishing Traitors & disaffected Persons, the Council were of Opinion — [7%e determination of Goimcil is not given.'\ Giles Williams a Prisoner sent down by Colonel Bi-iarley was called before the Board and examined; but as it appeared that he had been persuaded away by Elisha Laurence and others, and that he had not either enlisted or taken up Arms with the Enemy, but had returned, the first opportunity, to his own Neighbourhood, tho he had imprudently neglected to give himself up, it was agreed to tender him the Oaths to the State, which he took & subscribed according to Law, and was there- upon discliarged. Thomas Woodward having petitioned for another Hearing, was called before the Board, and after a further Examination was ordered to withdraw. Adjourned till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to Adjournment. Peter Young & Henry Mourison having petitioned for another hearing were called in and again examined and as they appeared very penitent, and some Circumstances considerably in their Favour were discovered, the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance to the State were tendered to them, which they cheerfull took and subscribed & Avere dismissed. Jacob Gardner having also requested a Rehearing, was ad- mitted examined & heard in his own Behalf, but as it clearly appeared to the Council from Gen' Heard's letter, his own Confession, and a Variety of Circumstances, that he was a person 60 person too dangerous to the Liberties of the State to be dis- charged, they were unanimously of Opinion that he ought to continue in Confinement, and was remanded accordingly. Ordered that the sum of fifteen shillings be paid to John Hendry for the Service of himself and horse, bringing a Letter Express from Burlington toHaddonfield. The Council adj'' till toMorrow afternoon. June 6*'' The Council met pursuant to adjournment Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Symmes M"" Manning M'" Condict M-" Combs M'' Scudder M"" Camp Ordered, That a Warrant of Commitment directed to the Sheriff" of the County of Gloucester do issue against Thomas Woodward, Son of Anthony, charged before the Governor and Council of Safety for the State of New Jersey, with maliciously and advisedly saying and doing Things encouraging Disaffec- tion and manifestly tending towards Tunmlts & Disorders in the State aforesaid, and with maliciously cfe advisedly spreading such false Rumours concerning the American Forces, and the Forces of the Enemy as tend to alienate the Affections of the peo- ple from the Government, and to terrify & discourage the good subjects of this State, and to dispose them to favour the Pre- tensions of the Enemies of the State. The Council adjourned till Monday next. June ninth 1.777 The Council met. Present, his Excellency the Governor M"" Symmes M"" Wetherbee M^ Combs M-- Elmer M"^ Camp. M' Scudder. Ordered that the sum of One Pound ten Shillings be paid to 61 to M"" Isaac Kay for the Use of his Waggon and Horses m hauling Provisions from Plula(lel])hia for the Guards. Also the sum of ten Shillings for a Load of Wood for the Guard House. And Also the sum of seven Shilling and Six pence to M''^ Phebe Wallington for House Room and Trouble with a wounded Prisoner, His Excellency laid before the Board the draft of an Ap- pointment of Officers to grant Passports & Permissions to pass, which was approved of, & is in the words following, to wit : State of New Jersey, In Council of Safety, Whereas in and by a certain Act, of the Legislature of this State, passed at Haddonfield the fourth day of this present month of June, entitled " An act for ren- dering more EiFectual two certain Acts therein mentioned," it is among other things enacted, that the Governors or Com- manders-in-Chief for the time being, and Council of Safety, be Authorised and Im powered, to grant passports and Per- missions to pass through any parts of the State ; and also to Authorise such and so many Persons, in every County Avithin the same to grant such Passports and permissions, and under such Regulations as they shall think necessary, and to detain under guard all Persons Suspected of dangerous Designs, against this State, travilling without such Passports or per- missions, untill they shall satisfy the Governor and Council aforesaid or the Persons so by them Authorized, of their being well Effected to the State, or of their travelling without any designs Injurious to it ; and that every Person who shall be convicted of counterfeiting such passports, or Permissions shall suffer Six Months Imprisonment, as by the said Act, refei-ence being thereunto had, may appear. We do therefoi'e, by these Presents, Authorize and appoint to Grant such passports and permissions as aforesaid, the Officei's folloAving, to wit: All the Members of the Council and of the General Assembly of this State, the Justices of the Supreme Court, the Judges of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, the Justices of the Peace and field Officers of the Militia of this State, that-is-to-say Such of the Justices of the Piece and field Officers as have been duly qualifyed, and taken the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance, prescribed by Law; which passports or permissions are hereby directed to be to the following Effect, to wit : County 62 County of Ls. The Bearer hereof, aged about years complexion rather of stature with eyes, a Traveller from to has permission to pass to s^ behaving himself civilly Dated at the day of 1.111 Which passport or |)ermission the said Officer is to subscril)e with his Name and Title of Office ; — And all ferrymen ajul Inn-keepers within this State are hereby prohibited to convey over any creek or JUver, or to entertain any Traveller, (except- ing the said Officers hereby Authorised to grant such Passports or Permissions and all Persons belonging to the Army of the United States) who shall refuse to produce such passport or permission upon being thereunto requested, which every Ferryman and Innkee})er is hereby Eiijoined to do. Dated at Iladdonfield the ninth day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven. WiL LivixGSTON President Morristown 17 June 1777 P. M The Governor & the Members of the Council of Safety, met pursuant to Adjournment. [No entry of such adjournment appears.] Present His Excellency the Governor M' Symmes M"" Camp M"" Condict M"" Manning There not being a Quorum to proceed to Business, adjourned till tomorrow morning. June 18"' 1777 The Council met pursuant to adj'. Present as yesterday There not being a Quorum to proceed to Business, the ('oun- cil sent for Benjamin Halsey Esq"" one of the Judges of the In- ferior Court of Common Pleass, for the county of Morris, who accordingly attended and took his seat, Ordered, 63 Ordered, That Isaac Arnot be appointed a Commissioner in the Connty of Essex, to inventory & dispose of all the Estate & personal Effects of certain offenders described in the act of free & general Pardon, in the room of Robert Clark who re- fuses to act. Agreed that a Court of Oyer & Terminer be held, in the County of Essex on the first Tuesday of August next. The Council adjourned till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. P. M. The Council met, pursuant to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M'" Condict, M'' Manning M-" Symmes M'' Halsey M"^ Camp John Drummond a Prisoner committed by Cap* O'Harra was discharged upon taking the Oath of Abjuration & Allegiance, there being no Evidence against him. Benjamin Foster of Wendhara took the Oath of Abjuration & Allegiance, The Council adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning The Council met, pursuant to adjournment June 19"^ 1.777 Present His Excellency the Governor Members as before, Major Gordon appeared before the Council from General Heard with a Complaint against Sundry persons for Plunder- ing a Quantity of tea ; Referred him to the possessors of the tea where the same was plundered to bring process for the same M"^ Hampton one of the Continental Quarter Masters Com- plained to Council of the Militia of Essex plundering in Middle- sex ; the Council answered him that the owners bring action against the trespassers. Council adjourned till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. igth 64 19"' of June afternoon. Council met according to adjournment Levi Lewis, Adam Ilebler & Conrad Silpan appeared before Council and being examined Mere referred to a further hearing when witness may api»ear. William Newman, Joseph Pierce, John Sears, liichard Margison, John Barber, Stout Havens, and Jacob Bogart were committed to the prison in Morris County for high treason &c The Council adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. June the 20*'' 1.777 The Council met according to adjournment. Present as before, His Excellency the Governor M"' Condict M'' Manning M"" Symmes M"^ Halsey M"^ Camp Nicolas Smith, Jacob Smith, Levi Lewis, Adam Hebler and Coonrad Silback, prisoners from Sussex County were called be- fore the Council, and no Witnesses appearing against them, Nor any Crimes laid to their charge, in any Commitment, the Council thought proper to take Recognizance for their appear- ance at the next General Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held in and for the County of Sussex, and Dis- charge them from Confinement, they taking the Oaths of Allegiance to the State. Henry Smith of Sussex being very sick in the prison. The Governor and Council, thought proper to admit him to the Oathes of Abjuration and Allegiance to the State, and Release him from Confinement, No charge being laid against him in any Commitment. The Council adjourned till 3 of clock afternoon. 20"' June 3 O'clock afternoon. • The Council Met, Present, as before. Captain Marsh appeared before the Council on the Subject of the pay due to his Company, of Light Horse, praying direc- tions in the premises; and desiring to have his Company put on a Respectable footing for the future. 65 Co' Cortlandt waited upon the Council complaining of the township of Aquacknunk Neglecting to Chuse Essessors, whereby those of the Militia who neglect their duty in that town go Unpunished; and then The Council adjourned to 8 O'clock tomorrow morning. Saturday 21 June 1.177 ' The Council met, according to Adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor, M' Condict M'^ Manning M-" Symmes M'' Halsey M^ Camp Isaac Ogden one of the Prisoners in Morris Gaol appeared before the governor & Council and professed himself to be a subject to the King of Great Britain &c. Whereupon the Board ordered the s*' Isaac Ogden, to be committed to the Gaol of Morris County. Thomas Philips and Ilendrick Bross, two Prisoners in Morris Gaol, appeared before Governor & Council, & nothing appear- ing against them, ordered that they enter into Recognizance £300 Each to appear at the next Court at Essex, and that at ]>resent they be discharged from confinement, they taking the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance. Ordered That M' Camp do advance Twenty Dollars to Iliram Howard a Wounded Soldier of Morris County. Benjamin Morgan Escf a Prisoner in Moi-ris County (com- mitted by order of his Excellency General Washington) Pe- titioned to be removed from Prison to some private house. Oixlered that the said Benjamin Morgan be removed to the house of the Widdow Jemima Lum, in Morristown, and there to Remain or within One hundred yards thereof untill further order of the Governor & Council of Safety or otherways dis- charged by due course of Law ; on his giving bond of two thousand pounds to remain there till discharged as above, which Bond was executed accordingly. Peter Fell one of the Commissioners appointed in an Act en- titled an " Act of free and General pardon and other purposes therein Mentioned," for the County of Bergen appeared before the Council and declined accepting of the said appointment &c, Adjourned to Monday 23 June, 3 o'clock afternoon. Monday, H 6Q Monday, June 23" 1.777 The Council met according to Adjournment Present His Excellency the Governor. M'' Condict M"^ Camp ]VP Symmes M-^ Halsey There not being a Quorum to proceed upon Business ; — Tuesday, June 24 1.777 The Council Met, according to adjournment Present His Excellency the Governor M' Symmes M' Halsey M"^ Condict M"^ Manning M"^ Camp Agreed, That Major Hayes or the Commanding Officer of the Militia stationed at Newark be ordered to remove from the County of Essex to the South side of Hackensack River in Ber- gen County in order to go into the Enemy's lines : — The following Women, (with their children) being the Wives & children of persons, lately residing within this State who have gone over to the Enemy, to wit : Mary Longworth, Catharine Longworth, Elizabeth Wheeler, Phcebe Banks, Mary Wood, Hannah Ward, Elizabeth Betty, & Anne Clarke, and make return thei'eof to the Governor and Council of Safety. Agreed, that Joseph Hodden Jun' Esq be appointed a Com- missioner for the County of Essex for signing & inventorying the Estates & Effects of persons gone over to the Enemy, tfec, in the room of Isaac Dodd who refuses to act. Isaac & Cornelius Van Saen two Prisoners in Morris Jail appeared before the Council and nothing a])pearing against them, they were discharged upon taking the Oaths & entering into Recognizance to appear at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Bergen County. Cornelius Van Saen declared that he sold to one Cap' Camp- bell, four Bags of Elour & five Bushels of Rye which he threatened him into the sale of, & for which he never paid him any, Isaac Van Saen says that the said Campbell compelled him to sell to him ten Bushels of wheat for which he paid him nothing, and also took from him two horses which have never been returned. M'' 67 M'' Chief Justice Morris happening to come into the Council of Safety gave them such Information, concerning the above Isaac & Cornelius Van Saen as induced the Council to remand them to Prison. The Council adjourned to 3 O'clock in the afternoon. 3 O'clock P. M. The Council met, according to adjournment. Present — as befoi-e. M"" Peter Mackie being Summoned before the Governor and Council as suspected of being disaffected to the State, & was offered the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance & refusing the same, & appearing to be too dangerous to be suffered to go at large, was ordered to be committed to Gaol. Ordered that Isaac Ogden now in the Gaol of Morris County be removed for trial to the County of Essex in which he resides. Peter Mackie offering to take the Oaths after the warrant of commitment was made out, was sworn accordingly & dis- charged. Agreed that William Manning be appointed a Commissioner for the County of Middlesex for seizing and disposing of the Goods & Effects of persons gone over to the Enemy, in the room of Thompson Stelle disabled by being taken a prisoner by the Enemy. Ordered that His Excellency the Governor draw on the Treasurer for the use of the Council of Safety for the sura of five hundred Pounds by Frederick King. The Council adjourned to Fry day Morning at 9 O'clock. Friday 27**^ June 1.777 The Council met, according to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor Co' Symmes M"^ Mehelra Co' Scudder M"^ Manning M'' Paterson M"^ Condict M' Camp M' King brought the £'500 drawn for on the Treasurer by the Governor which was put into the hands of M"^ Camp for the Disposition of the Council of Safety. A Petition from sundry Persons, Inhabitants of Bergen, was read. Setting forth, That Isaac Van Saen & Cornelius Van Saan 68 Saaii, inliabitants of the County of Bergen, and now under C'ontinenient in Morris Town, have not acted in Opposition to the ITnited States, or been aiding to the Enemy, otherwise than l)y Coni])ulsion, and praying Tliat they may be released, on certain Terms therein specified ; Orderescribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegi- ance agreeably to Law. Samuel Wells appeared before the board, pursuant to Cita- tion and took and subscribed Attirmations to the Eifect of the Oaths to the State. Hartshorne FitzRandolph appeared before the Board pursu- ant to Citation, & took & subscribed Affirmations to the Eifect of the Oaths to the State. Pursuant to order. Major Hayes made Peturn of the Re- moval of the following Persons, into the Enemy's lines; to wit: Catharine Longworth, Marj Longworth, Elizabeth Batey, Hannah Ward & Mary AVood; that Phoebe lianks had gone to New York by the Way of Plackensack, before the Order of Removal reached his Hands; and that Elizabeth \Yheeler was in such Circumstances that it was judged her Removal would Endauger her Life, Adj'^ to 9 O'clock To M^^' Morn^. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. Volume II. Haddonfield, Sopf 12. 1.777 The Council met Present His Excellency the Governor M'' Paterson M"^ Combs M"^ Symmes M' Condit M"' Camp Whereas John Ogden, Smith Hetfield & John Willis of Essex County have gone over to the Enemy & left their families behind them, Agreed that Co' F. Frelinghuysen cause the wives of the s^ John Ogden, Smith Hetfield & Johh Willis and such of their children as are under age to be removed within the Enemies lines, or some place within their possession. Morristown July P' 1.7 77 The Council met, pursuant to adj" Present His Excellency the Governor. M"- Scudder M'' Mehelm M'^ Condict M^ Camp M"" Paterson Samuel Ogden appeared before the Board, pursuant to cita- tion, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance, agreeably to Law. Letter from Joseph Hedden Esq^ respecting the removal of the prisoners, Confined in the Gaol at New Ark, read & answered. Letter from M'' Symmes, setting forth the propriety & Necessity of the Board's sitting for some short time in Sussex, was read and answered. Adj'' to 3 o'clock P. M. The I u The Council met, pursuant to adj' Present. His Excellency the Governor, M' Scudder M-" Mehelra M' Camp There not heing a sufficient niimber of memljers to proceed to business, adjourned till tomorrow Morning S O'Clock. July 2'"' l.VVV The Council met pursuant to adj* Present. Ilis Excellency the Governor. M'' Condict M' Camp M-" Scudder W JVIehelm M"" Paterson Whereas Peter Dubois, John Robinson, Eli])helet Johnson, Thomas Codnius J'' & James Nuttman, Stand Committed in the Common Gaol at New Ark, in the County of Essex, for the space of Six Months, by the order & Judgment of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said county, for refusing to take the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance agreeably to Law, and whereas John M'Ginness and John Haveris were by order of the Same Court imprisoned for nine Months on being duly convicted of a Misdemesnor for attempting to go over to the Enemy ; & whereas Isaac Ogden, George Watts, & John Edison, are committed to the Gaol afore**'' charged with High Treason ; and Also, whereas, Aaron Kingsland, Morris Hettield, & Baker Hendricks are con- fined the first in the Gaol aP'', and the two latter in the Gaol at Elizabeth Town, being charged with Felony for uttering & passing Bills of Credit, Knowing them to be counterfeited, and altered; And it being represented to this Board, that the vicinity of New Ark & Elizabeth Town to Staten Island, and other places in possession of the Enemy, and the exposure to Incursions, render it necessary that the persons abovenamed, should be removed to some more distant & secure place in the State, — The Board having taken the premises under consider- ation, do resolve & agree, that the Persons af*** be confined in the Common Gaol at Morristown, and that orders of removal be immediately made out & executed. Adj** till 3 O'clock P. M. Met 75 Met pursuant to Adj' Present. His Excellency the Governor. ]\r Scudder M'- Mehelm M"' Paterson M'" Camp. M"" Condict being obliged to attend the Court of Common Pleas as Prothonotary, the Board adj'^, far want of a sufficient number to proceed on business, till 8 O'clock tomorrow morn^. July 3'^ 1.777 Thursday. The Council met. Present His Excellency the governor. jVP Scudder M^ Mehelm M-" Condict M^ Camp M"^ Paterson. The Memorial of John Clawson was read, setting forth That the Memorialist was a Sergeant & then appointed an Ensign in a Comp5' of Militia in the County of Sussex; That on the 9^^ of Jany last he was on his w^ay under Co' Martin with a de- tachment of Militia to join Co' Winds at Quibble Town; That by firing off Ins musket it unfortunately burst, by which means the left hand of the Memorialist was so injured and shattered that it w^as immediately cut off a little above his wrist, that he is in low circumstances & now unable to procure his livelihood, & prays the attention of the Board to his unhappy case, & that they would grant him some relief ; A testimonial of Abia Brown Esq"" in favor of the above Memo'"' was likewise read :— Agreed, that this Board is not competent to decide upon the subject-matter of the said Memorial, and therefore that it be referred to the Legislatui-e. The petition of Benjamin Morgan, now in confinement at Morristown, was read, setting forth. That he is desirous to take the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance agreeably to Law, and is willing to be circumscriljed in his Boundaries, & laid under such Penalties as the Board may think necessary; and jiraying that he may be permitted to return liome. Agreed, That as the Petitioner was apprehended by order of His Exc'^ Gen' Washington, he is to be considered as a Mili- tary prisoner, and therefore that the said petition be referred to the Gen' Asrreed, 76 Agreed, That his Excellency the Governor direct Gen' Winds to detach two hundred men of the INlilitia of this State, to wit 100 from Morris, and the remaining 100 from Sussex & Essex, to be employed in apprehending certain disaftccted per- sons in this State. The Board adj^' to meet at Newtown in Sussex, on Saturday the 5"' of this Instant July, at 9 O'clock in the forenoon. The Board met pursuant to adj'. Saturday July 5. 1.777 Present His Excellency the Governor M'' Elmer M"- Paterson M' Camp jVP Scudder M^ Condict. A Memorial from Elijah Clark, Richard Wescott, & John Cox was read. Setting forth that the Enemy's ships of War entered little Egg harbor. Inlet, and seized two brigs lying at the Fox-barrows, just within the Inlet, & carried them off, with a considerable quantity of Stock &c, and praying that little Egg-harbour may be fortified P Carap M'' Elmer M"" Symmes M"" Condict Ordered, That Lieut Aaron Ross Westbrooke take by Warr* William Briton, Ephraim Drake, Richard Schackelton, William Honeywell, John Honeywell, Joseph Reed & Nathan Manning all of Knowlton, to have them before the Council of Safety, without delay, as suspected persons, & then the Council adj"^ to 9 O'clock on Tuesday Morning. Met pursuant to adj'* Tuesday, July 8'*' l.VYT Present His Excellency the Governor. M-" Elmer M^ Scudder M"" Condict M^ Paterson M'' Symes M'' Camp The Governor was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from Brig'^'' Gen' Winds informing him that agreeable to his Excellency's orders, he had collected 200 of the jNIilitia at Morristown, excepting the detachment from Sussex, Avhich he expected soon to join him, at MorristOAvn, & further inform- ing him, that had only provisions for three days, which by his orders, they had brought with them, and requesting Directions for their further suy)ply. Whereupon Ordered, That M'' Camp do furnish Gen' Winds with £100, to be applied to })rocure ])rovisions for the said parties of Militia at the direction of the Gen' or Commander of the said party, who is to accoimt to this Board for the expenditure of the same. And that the Governor be desired to apply to Gen' Washington to have the said party supplied with ammunition out of the Continental Magazine; & in case they can procure liberty to draw for pro- visions from the Continental Stores that they be supplied in that manner and the above money returned &c. Agreed That Tennis Dey Esq"" be appointed a Commissioner for the County of Bergen for the jjurpose mentioned in an Act Entitled 78 Entitled "An Act of free and general Pardon &c" in the room of Peter Fell Esq'' who refused to act; Whereupon the said Tennis Dey was commissioned accordingly. Agreed That a letter be written to Mj"" Hayes, who is ap- pointed to the command of the detachment of Militia ordered into the County of Bergen, directing him to assist the Com- missioners of tlie said County in the discharge of their duty, &c, and that letters be written to the Commissioners informing them ot the directions given to Major Hayes. Adj" to 3 O'clock P. M. Met according to Adj* Present Flis Excellency the Gov^ M'^ Scudder M"^ Paterson M'- Elmer M-" Camp M'' Condict M"- Symmes Epliraim Drake appeared before the Board, pursuant to cita- tion, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance, agreably to Law. W" Britton appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cita- tion, and on the Oaths being tendered to him, requested time to consider of them ; whereupon tlie Board agreed to indulge him in his request, on entering into recognizance, with surety, for his appearance before the Board, tomorrow, at 10 O'clock in the Forenoon; which lie did accordingly himself & Ephraim Drake, his Surety, in £100 each; W'" Honeywell appeared before the Board pursuant to Cita- tion, and on the Oaths being tendered to him, requested time to consider of them ; whereupon the Board agreed to indulge him in his request, on entering into recognizance, M'ith surety, for his appearance before the Board tomorrow at 10 O'clock in the Forenoon, Avliich he did accordingly, himself & Epliraim Drake his surety in £100 Each. Joseph Reed appeared before the Board pursuant to Cita- tion, & on the Oaths being tendered to him, recpiested time to consider of them; whereupon the Board agreed to indulge him in his rely to Law. Joseph Reed appeared before the Board, agreeably to his Recognizance of yesterday & took & subscril)ed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed, and was there- upon dismissed. W'" Britton appeared before the Board agreeably to his re- cognizance of yesterday, & refusing to take the Oaths pre- scribed by Law; The Governor & Council deeming him too dangerous a Person to be suffered to go at Large, upon giving surety for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in & for the County of Sussex, Agreed, That the said W™ Britton should be committed to close Custody in the Common Gaol at New Town in the County af^*^, whereupon a Warr'^ of Commitment was made out accordingly. Isaac Carey Esq'' appeared before the Board, and was exam- ined touching certain seditious words, & expressions made use of by William Britton af"'' and such his examination reduced to writing, and subscribed & sworn to by the said Isaac Carey. Ordered, That a Warr* of Commitment be made out against William Britton, charged with maliciously & advisedly saying & doing things encouraging disaffection, and manifestly tend- ing to raise tumults & disorders in the State, & with spreading false rumours &c; The said warrant was directed to the Sheriff of Sussex. M' Meeker, M^ Kirkendall, M"" Martin, M"" M'=Collom, M"" Allen, and others appeared before the Board & gave in the names of the following persons as disaffected & dangerous to the present Gov*, Gabriel Wilson Sen'' Simeon Boiles, Samixel Lundy, Nathaniel Hart, Thomas Lundy, John Green, Jacob Liindy, Charles Pettit, John Collins, Adam Green, Edmund Thatcher, 80 Thatcher, Simpson Howell, James Hannah, Ralph Hunt & Cap' John Shaw in the township of Hardvvick ; Frederick Lim- bock, Fred"" Bloom, John Mushpan, Charles Crissnian, Henry Weighman, James Clandening, M'' Dilts & Alexander Adams of the township of Knowlton; Solomon Cartwright in Wan- tage ; Henry Slack, Joh Slack, & Ahijah Chambers in New Town, Jacob De Con'^ in Oxford. Ordered, That a subpoena be made out & served upon Mar- garet jNIartin, widow, to appear .before the Board, & bear tes- timony against James Hughstus in Hardeston. A Memorial from Peter DuBois, Eliphelet Johnson, ,Tho** Cadmus J'', James Nuttman, and John Robinson, certain crim- inals removed from the Gaol of Essex to the Gaol of Morris, was read ; setting forth. That their distance from their families renders it difficult for them to procure them the comforts of life; Tliat the Gaol of Morris has been occupied by Prisoners of War, &c, That the filth & Stench of the Rooms were great & offensive; That they apprehend fatal conseqiTences may attend their confinement in the Gaol al^" & praying that this Board would reniand them to tlieir former place of Imprison- ment in the Gaol of Essex. The Board having considered the said Memorial, agreed unanimously — That directions be immediately given to the Sheriff of Morris for cleaning his Gaol without delay ; and that the Prayer of the Memorial cannot at preseiit be granted. It is further agreed. That the Sheriff of Morris be directed to make return to this Board of the expense, which may arise in cleaning his Gaol, and the account on being inspected & ap- proved, will be ordered by this Board to be paid. It being represented to this Board, that James Nuttman, one of the above Memorialists, is far advanced in life & has never had the Sinallpox, & that the said Disorder now prevails in the Gaol of Morris, in which the said Nuttman is Confined ; Therefore, Agreed, That the said James Nuttman be permitted to remove to & be confined in the Gaol of Sussex, he defraying the Expense of Removal. Adj^' to 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj'^ Present His Excellency the Governor M"- Scudder M"^ Elmer M"" Symmes M"^ Paterson M^ Condict M^ Camp John 81 John Honeywell appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation, & took & Subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance as by Law appointed. Richard Schackleton appeared before the lioard, pursuant to citation, & took and subscribed the Oaths of Alijuration tfc Allegiance as by Law appointed. The petition of Nath' Pettit, Tho'* Wool vei ton, Francis McGee, Timothy Skinner, Robert Rosbrook, William Green, Jonas Johnson, Sebastian Chesnutwood, and Felix Hassen, Persons duly convicted and fined & Imprisoned by the Court of Oyer & Terminer, at the late Session, at Newtown, in the County of Sussex, was read, praying. That some part of the Fines & Time of Imprisonment may be remitted. Agreed, That this Board is not competent to decide upon the subject-matter of the said Petition ; & therefore that it be referred to His Excellency the Governor & his Privy Council. The petition of Wendle Lance, Jacob Lance, George Lance, Christopher Lance, Peter Lance, Casper Snooke, & Frederick Tatticker was read; praying That Henry Shizzler, who was committed by the Court of Oyer & Terminei', at tlie late Session at New Town in the County of Sussex, for the negli- gent escape of John Eddy, who was charged & indicted for High Treason, might have some part of his punishment re- mitted. Agreed, That this Board is not competent to decide upon the subject-matter of the said petition ; and therefore that it be referred to His Excellency the Governor & His privy CounciL The petition of Richard Robins, Jesse Woodward, & Tho^ Fowler, persons confined in the Gaol of Sussex for crimes, committed in other Counties, praying that they may take the Oaths to Gov', & be thereupon released from confinement, was read & ordered to lie on the Table. John Shaw appeared before the Board pursuant to Citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Ralph Hunt appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cilation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Charles Pettit appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cita- tion, & took *fe subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegi- ance as by Law appointed. Adam Green appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cita- tion, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegi- ance as by Law appointed. John J 82 John Green appeared before the Board, ]»nrsuant to Citation, & took and subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance agreeably to Law. Sampson Howell appeared before the Board, pursuant to Citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of abjuration & Allegiance, agreeably to Law. Ad I'" till tomorrow MornS 9 O'clock. Thursday July 10»" 1.777 Met pursuant to adj^ Present as before. George Augustus Seagrave, a person apprehended l)y some of the Military Officers & confined in the Gaol of Sussex, was called before the Board, and being Examined, took & sub- scribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Agreed That the afore"' George Augustus Seagrave be per- mitted to return to his place of abode, and be indulged until Tuesday next to procure surety for his appearance before the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Sussex, to answer unto such charges & things as shall then and there be objected against him on behalf of the State, and to be in the meanwhile of Good behaviour, and not to depart the Court without Leave. Also agreed That M'" Justice Barber be desired to take the recogni- zance. Adj^^ to 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj^ Edmund Thatcher appeared before the Board pursuant to Citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Joseph Alw ard of Middlesex appeared before the Council, Charged with High Treason, upon his own Confession, was committed to Sussex Gaol. Silas Alward being brought before the Council, it appeared that he was a prisoner of War. James Morris was called before the Board and being ex- amined, was upon his own Confession charged with High Treason, whereupon a Mittimus was ordered to issue against him, directed to the Sheriff of the County of Sussex. Adj'' till tomorrow Morng 9 O'clock. Friday, 83 Friday, the 11*" July 1.777 Present as before, Agreed That Major Hayes be directed to apprehend with the party under his Command, and send them to the Gaol in Morristown, the following disaffected persons, vizt D-- William B. Peterson, Nicholas Governeur, Peter Duboise, Aaron P. Schuyler, Henry Kingsland John Demerest Esq"" Laurance E Ackerman John Earle Andrew Van Buskirk D"^ James Van Buren John Zabriskie Esqr Gabriel Van Orden Cornelius Banta John Van Buskirk Esq Daniel Van Buskirk Cap'" John Banta Caspavus Westervelt Cap' Garret Demerist Capt" Cornelius Harring Cornelius Harring Esq John Debauc, Peter J Harring Esq John Durzee (Miller) Samuel Peck Jacobus Peck (Prisoner at Daniel J Durzee Derick Banta, Peter Bogert, Cornelius Banta Simon Sinionson Seba Brinkerhoof John Paulison Cornelius Bogert James Campbell Samuel Lugdecker, Jacob Degrot(^ Jacob Demott Laurance Vanhorne Elizabeth Town, Newark, Second River New Barbadozneck — do— New Barbados, do do do do Newbridge Steen Rapie Stuckup Kinderkamack do Pashack do do up Hackensack River, do do do Old Toppan Schralenberg Morris) do do Winkleman do do Old Hackensack do Point do do do do Teneck, Eng'^ Neigh'""hood do do do Derick 84 Derick Vreelandt Eng'' Neigh^Hiood Abraham Dey do Jacob Dey (his son) do Michael Smith do Capt" Joliii Brinkerhoof do Peter Degrote do John Degrote do Garret Van Gieson Secaucus Daniel Smith Esq'^ do Job Smith do The Board having rec*^ information that the Women here- after mentioned being the Wives of Disaffected persons who have gone over to the Enemy obstruct the Commissioners for seizing & disposing of the personal Estate & Effects of their husbands in the execution of their Commission, by secreting & concealing the same and that it will be an advantage to the State to send them after their Husbands. Agreed that Co' Van Courtlandt be directed " by a detach- ment of the JMilitia under his command " to remove to the South side of Hackensack River in order that they may go into the enemies lines, the said women together with their children, to wit, ^Nlary Kingsland, Mary Shagor, P]lizaboth Howell, Martha Hicks, Mahitabel Handinot, Labbitee Van- ri])er, Joanna Wieks, Altia Van Riper, iNIary Ganalvant, Jane Drummond, Lydia Sayer, Margaret Nichols, Elisabeth Brown, Sarah Crawford, and Abigail Wood, and that the Said Co' make return of his proceedings to this Board with all convenient speed. Ordered, That the following persons be sent for from Knowl- ton, vizt, William Little, John Mills, Asher Reed, John Bugner, William Wilgurst, John Wilgurst, John Misner, Peter Misner, (George Pitcher, John Wars, Andrew McClan, Jonathan Collins, Malon Collins, Liga Collins, John Laun, Reuben Lundy, John Stephenson, Peter Smock, Robert Wilson Sen', Abuson Wilson, Jonathan Wilson, Thomas Parker, John Wooley, John Willis, John Hoole, and Titus Doane Avho are suspected of Disaffec- tion, to the State, and that the Oaths of Abjuration tfc Allegi- ance be tendered to them. Frederick Leinback appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation and refusing to take the Oaths according to Law, entered into recognizance with Frederick Bloom, his surety in the sum of £300 each, for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Sussex, and for his continuance in the meantime of the Peace and the Good behaviour. Frederick 85 Frederick Bloom and John Mushbach also appeared before the Board and refusing to take the Oaths to the State, entered into recognizance Each with Frederick Leinbach liis surety in the same sums & manner, & for the purposes as abovesaid. A Memorial was presented by William Hebler of the County of Sussex in behalf of his son John Hebler, who is now a prisoner in the State of Pennsylvania which was read & refer- red for farther consideration. Adj'i till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adj* Present as before, except M'' Camp who being indisposed had leave of absence. Thomas Lundy appearing before the Board pursuant to Citation, and the Oaths &g being tendered to him, he asked the favour of time till tomorrow morning to consider of the aftair, which he was indulged in. Alexander Adams appeared pursuant to citation, and took the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance prescribed by Law. Simeon Boyles appeared pursuant to citation & took the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance according to Law. Nathaniel Hart appeared in like Manner, and took the same Oaths as required by Law. Agreed that Cap'" Cyrus Beckwith be instructed to convey Mary the wife of Silas Hopkins, Rachel the wife of Richard Crowel, and the wife of Allen Wager, with their children to the South East side of Hackinsack River, that they may go to their husbands, who are gone within the Enemy's lines. Adj'^ till 9 O'clock tomorrow morng. Saturday, 12"^ July 1.777 Met pursuant to adj' Present His Excellency the Govei-nor M"^ Elmer, M-^ Scudder M-" Condict M"" Paterson M"" Symmes. Thomas Lundy appeared before the Board agreeably to order, and Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to Govern- ment being again tendered to him, he refused to take them, but was willing to be bound, with surety, for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in & for 86 for the County of Sussex, &c, And the said Thomas Lundy did accordingly enter into recognizance, with Samuel Lundy, his surety, in £300 each before tlie Gov' and Council of Safety, for his ■appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q. Sessions of the Peace for the County af^*^, and in the meantime to be of the Peace & of the Good behaviour, and was thereu))on dismissed. Jacob Lundy appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, and Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to Gov*^ being tendered to him, he refused to take them, but was willing to be bound with Surety, for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q"' Sessions, tfec, whereupon the said Jacob Lundy entered into Recognizance Avith Thomas Lundy, his surety, in £300 each, before the Gov'' & Councnl of Safety, for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions, of the Peace for the County of Sussex, and in the meantime to be of the Peace and of the Good behaviour & was thereupon dismissed. Samuel Lundy appeared before the Board pursuant to cita- tion, and Affirmations to the Effects of the Oaths to Gov' being tendered to him, he refused to take them, but was willing to be bound, with surety, for his appearance at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, &c. Whereupon the said Samuel Lundy entered into recognizance with Jon" Collins, his surety, in £300 each, before the Gov'' & Council of Safety, for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace for the C° of Sussex, and in the meantime to be of the Peace & of the Good behaviour & was thereupon dismissed. Jonathan Collins appeared before the Board, pursuant to Citation, and Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to Gov* being tendered to him, he refused to take them but was willing to be bound with surety, for his appearance at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, tfcc. Whereupon the said Jonathan Col- lins ent'^ into Recognizance with Jacob Lundy, his surety, in £300 each, before the Gov'' & Council of Safety, for his ap- pearance at the next Court of Gen' Q"' Sessions, of the Peace for the County of Sussex, and in the meantime to be of the Peace & good behaviour & was thereupon disinissed. John Stevenson appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation, and affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to Gov' being tendered to him, he refused to take them, but was will- ing to be bound with surety, for his appearance at the next Court of Quarter Sessions etent to decide upon the subject-matter of the said Memorial, and therefore that it be referred to the Legislature. Titus Doan appeared before the Board pursuant to citation & Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to Gov' being ten- dered to him, he refused to take them, but was willing to be bound with Surety for his appearance at the next Court of General Quarter Sessions, &c whereupon the said Titus Doan entd into recognizance, with Reuben Lundy, his surety, in £'300 each, before the Gov"' and Council of Safety, for his ap- pearance at the next Court of Genl Q"" Sessions of the Peace for the county of Sussex, and in the meantime to be of the peace & of the Good behaviour, and not to depart the Court without Leave ; and was thereupon dismissed. Reuben Lundy enf' into recognizance as above with Mahlon Collins, his surety. Mahlon Collins Enf' into Recognizance as above with Jon° Willson, his surety. Jon" Willson enf* into Recognizance as above, with John Wear his surety. John Wear enf' into recognizance as above, with Ebenezer Wilson his surety. Ebenezer Wilson enf* into recognizance as above, with John Willets his surety. John Willets entered into recognizance as above, with Elijah Collins his surety. Elijah Collins enf' into recognizance as above, with Tho* Parker his surety. Thomas Parker enf' into recognizance as above, with John Hole his surety. John Hole enf' into recognizance as above with Tho^ Parker his surety. Peter Misner appeared before the Board, pursuant to Cita- tion, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration eared before the Board pursuant to Citation, and severally took & subscril)ed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law ap])ointed. Joseph Shea voluntarily a[)peared before the Board, and took and subscribed the Oaths of Alijuration & Allegiance agreeably to Law. John Sharp of the County of JMori-is voluntarily apjjeared l)efore the Board, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjura- tion & Allegiance as by LaAV appointed. Ordered, that a AVarr' l)e issued to the Constable of Lebanon, to apprehend George llorthrun, Nicholas Linnerberry, Fred'^ Fritz, George Bangheart, Henry Connolly, and John (Jroley, & bring theni Itefore the Governor & Council of Safety, to take the Oaths &c, on Thursday next. John Innian, Jacob Hann, John Fouger, David Sovereign, W'" M'^^Crakan, & Matthias Thomas, appeared before the Board, on Citation, and severally took & subscri])ed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law apjiointcd. Ordered, That a Warrant be issued to appi'ehend and bring before the Board, Jolin Wliite said t(^ I>e a deserter from Caj)'^' Stout's Com])any, and now at work for & in the employ of M' Justice Cole of Hunteidon. William Hann of the County of Morris, appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, and took & subscriljcd the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. ^\dj'' to tomorrow nun'ning 9 O'clock. Wednesday July 2;{ 1.777 Met pursuant to adj^ Present. His Ex(tellency the Governor M^ Camp M' Mehelm M'' Flmer M'^ Condict There not being a sufficient number of meml>ers to make a Board, Oliver Barnet Esq"" One of the Justices of the Peace in the C> of Hunterdon, was called in & took his seat accord- ingly. Henry Smith, (^eorge Conck, Jacob Wise, Jac^ob Dufhud, Adam 98 Adam Segor, David Tiiramer, Morris Cretor, Stephen Dufford, Christopher Babel, Michael Levet, Philip Dercherah, Peter Hen, Christopher Kann, Philip Weis, William Nitzer, and Sam' Sego, of the C" of Morris appeared before the Board pur- suant to citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjura- tion & Allegiance as by Law ap})ointed. Robert Culver of ^Morris C" being excited to take the Oaths, refused, and entered into recognizance to appear at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for said County. Adj'' to 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adj* Christopher Kimball of the C" of Morris, appeared before the Board pursuant to Citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law ajjpointed. Walter Rutherford & Ja* Parker of Hunterdon C" being Cited to take the Oaths, appeared, & upon their refusal, ac- cording to the order of the council, enf' into recognizance to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q"^ Sessions of the Peace to be held for said County. Adjd to tomorrow morng 9 O'clock. Thursday July 24*'> 1.777 Met, pursuant to Adj* • Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Condict M"^ Elmer M^ Camp M'" Mehelm M^ Paterson After Adj' last Evening, Sam' Ketcham of Morris County appeared before his Excellency the Governor & took the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance to the State as by Law di- rected. Abijah Merrit, Rob' Nisbett, Fred'' Ferriberry, Frederick Fraze, & Peter Hind appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, and severally took & subscril»ed the Oaths of Abjur- ation & Allegiance as by Law ap})ointe(L Richard Mann appeared l)t fore the ]]oard, pursuant to cita- tion, and being One of the people called Quakers, took & sub- scribed the Affirmations to the Ett'ect of the Oaths. Tho^ Colver, Lambert Van Sicklen, Simon Colver, John Winckler, 99 Winckler, Ephraim Tuthill Jun"", & David Hagar appeared be- fore the Board pursuant to citation, and seA'^erally took & sub- scribed the Oatlis of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law ap- pointed. William Hedden & Levi Mann, of the C'^' of Morris appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, and severally took & subscribed tlie Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. John Fisher appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Giles Lee 1^' Lieu^ in a Comp^ of Militia, belonging to the C of Morris, voluntarily appeared & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. W'" Giston app'' before the Board, pursuant to citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. Isaac Lockman app'^ before the Board, pursuant to citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. John Kelly, Frederick Fritz, and W"' Anderson of the C" of Morris, appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation, and severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alleg- iance as by Law appointed. George Hover app*" before the Board, pursuant to citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Objuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed, John Dusenberry app'' before the Board, pursuant to cita- tion, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alleg- iance as by Law appointed. Martin Gates, Tho^ Betson, & Peter Lewis app'' before the Board pursuant to citation, and severally took & suljscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Adj'' to 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adj^ Present, as before. Daniel McDonald Escf^ 2"^* Major of the 2"'^ Regiment of Foot Militia, in the C" of Hunterdon, under the command of Co' Beavers, having removed into the C" of Sussex, the Board Elected Garrat Albertson Esq"" to be 2"" Major of the said Regiment. George Banghart of Hunterdon, appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjura- tion & Allegiance agreeably to Law. John 100 .l<»liii Wliito a (Ic'srrtor from C"n])'" Stout's €'"•', AV.as appiT- li('ii(l<'oard and took & sul»- scrlbcd the < )atlis of Abjuration & vMlcgiaiiec as by T.aw a])- ]»ointey ha\ ing Sent certificates of their having taken the Oatlis before M' Justice Sebring; Agreed that the said ( 'ertificate be sutHcicnt & that their at- tendance be dispensed with. IMiili]) M(>elick appeared before the Board pursuant to cita- tion, and produced a certificate of his having taken the Oaths agreably to Law, on the 12"' of this Instant, July, whereupon he was dismissed. Jacob 101 Jacob Castner & John Castner Jun'' of Somerset, appeared before tlie Board pursuant to citation, and severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alleoiance as by Law a}»poiiited. Joseph Kelly appeared before the Board, pursuant to cita- tion, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjui-ation and Alle- <;ian(;e as by Law appointed. A(]j'' till ;?. O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to Adj' Present as before. The Memorial & Petition of Maria Elizabeth Lesten was read ; Setting forth. That she is a Native of Holland, from whence she removed with her husband, Michael Ileniy Lesten, to Rio Demarari, a Dutch settlement in the West Indies, where they had lived 10 years ; That upwards of 3 years ago, having lost her health in Demarari, She undertook a voyage to North America, and landed at New Hampshire with 3 young children ; That her husband intended, after he had settled and adjusted his business, to follow her to America, in order to re- side the remainder of their days ; That the difficulty of settling his business in the West Lidies, prevented his intended voyage, until the present unhappy disputes in America, obliged him to lay aside all thoughts of carrying those his intentions into Execution at present ; That she has lived a great part of the time she has been in America at Amboy, which place she was obliged to quit last P'all, and now resides at M'* Crooks at Raritou with her 3 children ; That she has been at a very great expense in the maintenance & several removals of herself cfe family, and from the disappointment in remittances intended for her by her husband, is reduced very low in her finances, and seeing no end to the present disputs, thinks it prudent for her to endeavour to recover such of her EiFects as may have been taken by the British Ships of War, or to procure Leave of the Commander of the British Troops to Return to Deme- rari, and upon obtaining such leave to procure a passage thither for herself & family ; and praying that the Board would be pleased to grant her a passport, to New York, where she expects she may be advised of and assisted in such steps as may be proper & necessary for her to take for the attainment of the ends proposed ; And if she cannot attain them, that she may return and provide for herself in the best manner she can. Agreed, that M'* Maria Elizabeth Lesten have leave to go to the 102 the City of New York with her children, agreeably to the Prayer of her Memorial, and if she thinks proper to return to this State, on taking an oath that she will not carry nor bring with her any despatches respecting the present War between Great Britain and the Ignited States of America, nor on any political subject relative to the said War, nor say nor do any- thing prejudicial to this State, or the United States afors^. Adam Leake & Tho* Kellyham appeared before the Board, pursuant to citation & severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by law appointed. Nathaniel Bedson, and Tho* Kendry, appeared before the Board pursuant to citation, & severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. John Taylor ap])cared before the Board, jtursuant to citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. W"' Thornhill appeared before the Board, pursuant to cita- tion, & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegi- ance as by Law appointed. Tho'* Willet & Jacob Vandevender, appeared before the Board pursuant to Citation, and severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, as by Law appointed. John Hagar app'' before the Board pursuant to Citation, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. His Excellency was pleased to lay the Board a letter from John Emley of Hunterdon, who was cited to appear before the Board in order that the Oaths might be tendered him, excusing his non-attendance, as he has been for some days past confined to his Room by Sickness. Jacob Schuyler, John Schuyler W™ Weir & Philip Cramer of Morris app'' before the Board, pursuant to citation, and sev- erally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. D' Aaron Furman of Hunterdon, being brought before the Board, pursuant to warr', refused to take the Oaths as by Law directed, and the Gov' & Council, deeming him to be too dangerous a person to be suffered to go at Large, upon giving security for his appearance at the next Court of General Q' Sessions of the ]*eace, in & for the C" of Hunterdon, agreed that the said Aaron Furman should be committed to close cus- tody in the Common Gaol at Trenton, in the C^ afore^'', Whereupon a Warr' of Commitment was made out accord- ingly. Joseph 103 Joseph S* Clair, John Allen, & Nathaniel M'^Pherson of Hunterdon, being brought before the Board, pursuant to Warrant, refused to take the Oaths as prescribed by Law, and the Gov"" & Council, deeming them to be too dangerous persons to be suffered to go at Large, upon giving security for their appearance, at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions, of the Peace in & for the C" of Hunterdon, Agreed, That the said Josej>h S* Clair, John Allen, & Nathaniel M'^Pherson be com- mitted to close custody in the common Gaol of Ti'enton, in tlie C" af*''. Whereupon Warr*^ of Commitm* were made out accordingly. Aaron Large, being brought before the Board pursuant to Warrant, and being one of the people called Quakers, refused to take Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths to the State; and the Gov'' & Council judging him to be too dangerous a Person to go at Large upon giving security for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions of the Peace in & for the C" of Hunterdon, Agreed that the said Aaron Large be committed to close custody in the common Gaol at Trenton, in the C"^' af""^; whereupon a Warr' of Commitment was made out accordingly. Daniel Cahill appeared before the Board pursuant to Warrant, and the Oaths to Gov* being tendered to him he re- fused to take them, but was willing to be bound, with surety, for his appearance at the next Court of Q'' Sessions &c. Where- upon the said Daniel Cahill, entei'ed into Recognizance with M"^ Campbell, his surety, in £300 Each, before the Gov"" & Council of Safety, for his appearance the next Court of G' Q' Sessions, of the Peace for the C'^ of FLinterdon, and in the meantime to be of the Peace & of the good behavioi;r, and not depart the Court without Leave ; and was thereui)on dis- missed. The petition of Mathias Sharp, Peter Dumont, John Berry, and John Bookman, was read: Setting forth, That some time in Dec' & Jany last, when the Continental Army was march- ing throiigh this State; Se\eral horses were taken from them by order of the Command" Officers for the use of said Army; for which they have rec'' certificates; That they have applied to the Q. M. Gen' for payment, but it was refused, & praying, that this Board would be pleased to take the Matter under consideration & grant relief in the premises. Ordered, That the said Petition lie on the Table for the perusal & Consideration of the Members. Adj*^* to 8 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Met 104 jNlc't ituiMiaiit to Ady Saturday, July 26**^ 1.777 I'lvsfut as l)ofor('. Jdliii Todd of Soinerst't voluntarily appeared before the Board and took & suliscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Alleefore the Board, and charged upon his own Confession of High Treason. Ordered That the said Mesheck Walker be committed to the Gaol at New Ark, Whereupon a Warrant of Commitment was made out accordingly. Whereas The Board has rec'' information that John Troop, Peter Saunders, & James Moody, are recruiting for the Enemy within this State. Ordered That C'^' John Munson & do forthwith apprehend & bring before the Governor & Council of Safety, the said John Troop, Peter Saunders & James Moody. Adj'^ to 8 O'clock tomorrow Morning, The N 114 Tlu' (^)unc'il met pursuiint to Adj'. Present. Ilis Excellency the Governor. M"' Elmer M-" Manninof M"- Condict M^ Mehelm" M"- Ilalsey. The Offices of Lieut C"' & first & Second Majors of the first regiment of P'oot jVIilitia in the C" of Essex, commanded by Co' Potter, being vacant, the following Gentlemen were ap- pointed to said Offices, vizt JMoses Jaques for Lieut Go', Jacob Crane first Major, & Ezekiel Woodrufi:' J'' 2'"' Major. Ordered that G(jmmissions be made out Accordinglv. Adj^ till 3 O'clock P. i\r. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present as before. Henry Shight from Sussex, having produced a certificate of liis having taken the Oaths & entered into Recognizance with Rich'' Johnson for his security to appear at the "next Gen' Q'' Sessions, of the Peace for the C" aforesaid, and in the mean- time to be of Good behaviour. Also John Zabriska & Arent Schuyler, prisoners from Ber- gen, took the Oaths to the State, and Entered into Recogni- zance for their api)earance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Ses- sions, of the Peace for the C" of Bergen. John Demarest appeared before the Board & entered into recognizance with Peter Zabriska, his surety in the sum of £300, to appear at the next Court of General Q' Sessions of the Peace to be held for the C" of Essex, at New Ark, and in the meantime to keep the peace & be of Good behavioui-. Adjourned till tomorrow Morng 8 O'clock, The Council met pursuant to adj" Present His Excellency the Gov'" M"^ Elmer M'^ Manning M"- Mehelm M"" Halsey The meml)ers met, were informed by a letter froni M' Con- dict, that he is thro indisposition prevented attending, & there not being a Sufficient number to proceed on business, the members adjourned till Monday at 3 O'clock P. M. Monday, 115 Monday, Aug' 11"' Met pursuant to adj' Present. His Excellency the Governor M"^ Elmer M"" Manning M^ Halsey M"- Mehelm There not being a sufficient Number to proceed on business & a member being wrote for, who is not expected before Wed- nesday, Adj'' until Wednesday Morng 9 O'clock. Wednesday Morng, the Council Met pursuant to adj'. Present His Excellency the Governor. M'' Elmer M'^ Mehelm M^ Hart. M"" Manning M-^ Halsey M"^ Reuben Randle, being apj^rehended & sent to the Coun- cil, by Major Sealy, on suspicion of Carrying on a Correspond- ence with the Enemy, & no Evidence of such appearing he was discharged on taking y'' Oaths. Adjd tills O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj*^ Present as before, Lieut John Troop of the 3'''' Battalion of New Jersey Vol- unteers, in the Enemy's service, having been apprehended by order of the Governor & Council as a Spy or recruiting for the Enemy was brought before the Council & Examined, Ordered that the said Lieut John Troop, With his examina- tion, be sent to Gen' Washington. Ordered That Henry Shoope & Peter Saunders, suspected as Spies from the Enemy, taken with Lieut Troop, be remanded to prison in order to determine whether they will take their trial or go on l>oard the Navy of the United States. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock, The Council met pursuant to adj' w Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Condict M'- Mehelm M"" Elmer M^ Halsey M^ iNLinning M^ Hart Silas 116 Silas Drake appeared before the Board purf^iiant to citation, and took & subscribed tlie Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed, Benj'" Tuttle & John Abel prisoners taken near Elizabeth- town, belonging to Co' Buskirk's Regiment was brought before the Board and Examined. Ordered, That the said Benj" Tuttle & John Abel be re- manded back to prison to determine Avhether they will take their trial or go on board the Navy of the United States. Adj^ till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj' Present as before, Cornelius Herring, John Debarre, John Duryea, Samuel Leydecker, & James Campbell, prisoners from Bergen, were brought before the Board & upon examination declared their innocence & oftered to take the Oaths to the State, & no Evi- dence of Guilt ap]icaring Against them they were discharged upon taking & subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance as by Law appointed. Casj)arus Westervelt, one of the Bergen prisoners was dis- charged upon taking the Oaths & entering into recognizance with security to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q'" Sessions of Peace for the C° of Bergen, and to be in the Meantime of Good behaviour. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. Friday August y*^ 15*'' The Council met. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M-- Condict M' Hart M^ Elmer M"^ Mehelm M"^ Manning M-- Halsey. Cornelius Banta a prisoner from Bergen, was brought before the Council & examined & upon his entering into recogiiizance with Simon Simonson security to apiicar at the next Court of Gen' Q^ Sessions of the Peace & taking & subscribing the Oaths, was discharged. David J. Duryea, Simon Simonson, Jacob Demot & Peter Perry, prisoners from Bergen, were discharged upon taking & subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Adjourned to 3 O'clock P. M. Met 117 Met pursuant to adj^ Present as before. The board being informed that Walter Rutherford & Ja^ Parker, of Hunterdon, who refused to take the Oaths when cited before the Gov'' & Council of Safety for that purpose, and were bound in Recognizance to Appear at the last Court of Gen' QT Sessions of the peace to be held at Trenton, have also refused to take y*^ s"' Oaths before the s'' Court. Ordered that the said Walter Rutherford & James Parker, be brought forthwith before y'' Governor & Council as persons disafected to this State. Garret Demarest, Cornelius Bogert, John Powlison, Peter J. Herring, John Vanbuskirk, Gabriel Van Norden, Abraham Vanguson, Garret Vanguson, prisoners from Bergen were brought before the Board & examined ; Ordered That the said Garret Demarest, Cornelius Bogert, John Powlison, Peter J. Herring, John Vanbuskirk, Gabriel Van Norden, Abraham Vangieson, & Garret Vangieson, be confined as disaflTected persons to the State, until an Equal number of our subjects, captivated by the Enemy, in that County be released, or until further order be taken therein. Adj'' till 8 O'clock tomorrow Morning. August 16"' 1.777. Met pursuant to adj*^ Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Manning M-^ Elmer M'^ Hart M"^ Halsey M'" Condict M"^ Camp appeared & took his seat. John Bray appeared before the Board & being duly sworn his deposition was taken in writing & filed. Ordered that Benjamin Pound, Cornelius Boice, Daniel Ran- gan, Leonard Boice, & George Boice, be cited to appear before the Council on Tuesday next ; — All of Middlesex ; — Agreed That Ebenezer Bishop, Jacob Rowland, David Jer- yard, also be cited to appear before the Council on Tuesday next, & that Ichabod Bunn, Thomas Bloomfield, S"", & Samuel Freeman, be cited as Evidence &c. Also Samuel Heard, Michael Long, John Kinsey, & Samuel Insley, be cited as Evi- dence ; all of Middlesex County. James Smith app'' before the Board & took & subscribed the Oaths 118 Oaths of Aljjuration & Allegiance, & gave in Evidence against James Stevens Avhich was committed to writing & filed. Ordered that M' Camp pay Col Morgon tlie sum of £26 - IS - 3 for apprehending & securing John Troop & others. Agreed, That John Munson be appointed Co', Robert Gaston Lieut Co', Sam' Sayers l'^' Major & John Start 2'"' Major of the Western Battalion in Morris County. Ab'" Vanguson a prisoner Confined in the Common Gaol of Morris, was brought before the Board, & confessed he had been 3 times into the P]nemies Lines in New York. Ordered, That the said Ab"^ Vangusen be confined in Morris- town, in order to exchange for some one of the Good people of this State now confined in New York. Edward Barnfield appeared before the Board and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance. Adj'i till 3 o'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj'*. Present The Governor. M' Halsey M^ Hart M^ Camp, M-" Elmer M' Condict Ab'" Campfield app'' before the Board, and took & sub- scribed the C)aths of Al)juration & Allegiance. Agreed That Lieut, Jedadiah Mills, take John Stewart & bring him before the Board on suspicion of being disaftected to the present Gov* & that Noadiah Crammer be cited to api)ear next Monday to give Evidence against s'^ Stewart. Adj'' to Monday Morning 9 O'clock, Aug* 18. LV77 Met jtursuant to adj*. Present His Excellency the Governor. M"- Hart " M"- Condict M' Elmer jNP Llalsey Pursuant to an order of Saturday hist, Gabriel Vanorden, Cornelius Bogert, Garret Demarest, John Vanbuskirk, Garret Vangieson, John Pawlison & Peter J. Harring appeared before the 119 the Board & executed their Bond, to his Excellency the Gov- ernor in the sum of £5.000 dated 18 Aug' l.VVV conditioned lor them tfe each of them to be & remain at the late dwelling liouse of Nicholas Houghman, in JMorristown or within one Mile thereof, and not to depart the limits above, without the Leave of the Council of Safety. & the Bond delivered to M"" Condict to keep. Adj'd till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. Met pursuant to adj^ Present as before. Agreable to citation, Noadiah Ci-ammer appeared before Council & gave Evidence against John Stewart, the same was taken in writing. . Sundry prisoners desiring to come before the Council, were admitted and heard, Also several of their parents were heard in behalf of & relative to the peculiar circumstances of their unhappy oftspring. The number of members being insufficient to make a board no determination could be had. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 o'clock. Tuesday 19 Aug' 1.777 Met pursuant to adj' Present His Excellency the Governor M-" Elmer M"^ Hart M'- Halsey M"" Condict There not being a sufficient number to make a board, Adj'' till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Met pursuant to adj'. Present His Excellency the Governor. M' Elmer M' Hart M"^ Condict, M^ Mehelm. M"- Halsey. Tho^ Bloomfield, Ebenezer Bishop, & Sam' P'reeraan, cited to give Evidence {^gainst Benjamin Pound & others, was Ex- amined but their Evidence not being material, it was not com- mitted to writing. Egbert Saunderson a prisoner from Essex, appeared before the ' 120 the Board & no particular charge nor any Evidence appearing ao-ainst him, lie was discharged upon taking & subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Adj"^ till tomorrow Morng 9 O'clock. Wednesday August 20'*' The Council met pursuant to adj' Present as before. Ab"' Vanguson app'' before the Board, and gave bond with two securities for the sum of £500 penalty for his continuing within one mile oC the Court House in Morristown, until dis- charged by the Gov' from his confinement. N B y'' Bond is committed to y*" care of M'' Condict Cornelius Vanguson & Isaac Vanguson persons from Essex, taken by Co' Morgan, was brought before the Board, and upon taking & subscribing the Oaths by Law Appointed were discharged. David Brown, John Abell, Benjamin Tuttle, Henry Sharpe & Peter Saunders, prisoners to whose consideration it was re- ferred, whether they would Enlist on board the Navy of the United States, or take a trial at Law for their offences, were brought before the Board & declared their Willingness to Enlist & did accordingly Enlist on board the Navy af*'', upon which the Board ordered them to be sent to Philadelphia under a Guard, to be put on board any of the vessels of war belong- ing to the United States which they may chuse. John Stager & Aaron Clawson prisoners from Essex, were brought before the board & discharged upon their taking & subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. Adj'* till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adj' Present, His Excellency the Gov'' M-^ Condict M"' Mehelm M^ Hart M^ Elmer M"^ Halsey. The above mentioned prisoners who were permitted to go on board some of the vessels of war, belonging to the United States, signed an Enlistment in the Words following, viz. Morristown 121 Morristown Aug' 20 1.777 We the subscribers do hereby severally promise & agree to and with His Excellency Governor Livingston, to enter our- selves as Mariners on board of some vessel of War belono-ino: to the United States of Ameru^a, on our arrival at Phil-', to serve dui'ing the present War, reserving to ourselves the privi- lege of Election as to the particular vessel, and considering ourselves as Enlisted in the service of the United States from the day of the date hereof, with the reservation af*"''; Witness our hands the day & year above written David Brown Hexry Shupe Witness Peter Saundersox John Mehelm. Benjamin Tuttle John Abell. A true copy of the Enlistment. Leonard Boice, & Daniel Runyan, pursuant to a citation, appeared before the Board and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law Ap))ointed. Walter Rutherford & James Parker Esq'*' appeared before the Council, pursuant to citation, & after being examined it was resolved, that the said Walter Rutherford & Ja^ Parker Esq''* be confined as persons disaffected to this State, until an Equal number of our subjects captivated by the Enemy be re- leased, or other order be taken therein. Adj'^ till S O'clock tomorrow Morning. Thursday, August y'= 2V\ The Council Met, pursuant to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M' Elmer M' Hart M'- Halsey M^ Mehelm M' Condict M'^ Camp appeared & took his seat. Resolved, This His Excellency do draw upon the Treasurer of this State, in favour of M'' John Hart, for the sum of £200 being the remainder due of the sum of £1.000 made subject of draught of the Governor, by advice of the Council of Safety, by an Act of the Council & Assembly of this State, Entitled an Act for investing The Governor & A Council consisting of twelve, with certain powers therein mentioned. Adj"^ to 3 O'clock P. M. Met O 122 Met pursuant to Adj' Present as before. Agreed That Caj)'" Ab'" Harriiig be directed & authorized to enlist a Company of 36 men, and to choose one other com- missioned Officer, to serve as Volunteers of the Militia of the C" of Bergen, to be employed for 3 mo% unless sooner dis- charged, as a Gard for the North & East frontier parts of said Co. & that the said Cap'" be authorized to purchase provisions for the said ]>arty when on actual service, or to appoint some proper pei'soii to purcliase the same, & transmit proper accounts thereof to the Legislature, or in their Recess to the Council of Safety, & that M"" Camp do furnish Co' Tennis Dey with £3.'). Cash to purchase Ammunition for said party & that the s*' Cap'" do account for the expenditure of sucii ammunition when the said service is over. Whereas the C"^ of Militia commanded by Sara' Pinson, has for sometime past done duty in the Xorth Battalion of the Regiment whereof Philip Van Courtlandt Esq'' is Colonel, which considering that a chief part of them reside in the Southern District has proved greatly inconvenient to the men. Resolved That the said C"^' be for the future Joined to & do duty in the South Battalion of the said Regiment. Walter Rutherford & Ja^ Parker Esq' appeared Ijefore the Board & executed a Bond £2.000, conditioned to remain at the Court house in Morris County, or within one mile thereof, until further order be taken therein ; & the Bond committed to M' Condict. The deposition of W"' Burnet .Tun' was presented to the Board, setting forth That the Hon''''^' Peter Kemble Esq'' had granted protection under Gen' Howe's })roclamation. Ordered that the said Peter Kemble Esq"" be cited to ajipear before the Board tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. Adj'' till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock. The Council met, pursuant to Adj'. Present. His Excellency the Governor M' Elmer M'^ Hart M'' Condict M'' Mehelm M"^ Halsey Agreed, That the Governor direct !Major Benoni Hathaway, to deliver the Field pieces & appurtenances, and also the powder you 123 you are to receive for the public use, to the Commanding Officer of the Militia Stationed along the frontiers near Staten Island, or to his order, taking his receipt or the receipt of the person by him authorized to receive it. His Excellency was pleased to sign the foll^ Certificates. To Benjamin Halsey Esq% for the sum of £12, with £3. 12| paid him in June last, 26 days attendance in Council. To John Mehelm for the sum of £23. 8| for thirty nine days attendance in the Council of Safety. The Council of Safety rec'' a fine of Justice Halsey, of £6. for which they are accountable to the Treas"", the same being a fine s'' Justice received of Sam' Wells of Morris County. M'' Kimble having been cited to appear before the Board, in- formed the Gov'" by a letter, that he was, thro' indisposition, of Body, unable to attend. Ordered, that Justice Halsey calling to his assistance another of the Magistrates of the C" of Morris, do wait upon the s'* Peter Kimble and take his recognizance to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q'^ Sessions of the Peace, to be held for s'^ County & in the meantime to be of good behaviour. Ordered, That the Speaker pay John Martin $9.00 for 18 days attendance on the Council as DoorKeeper. Benjamin Hatfield being brought before the Board, on a charge of trading with the Enemy, Confessed the fact, & made his Election to go on board the Navy of the United States. Ordered, That M"' Hart pay Alex''"" Carmichael £9. 11[. for sundry services performed by order of the Council. Ordered, That M'' Elmer pay Fred'' King £3 15| forfivedays riding Express for the Governor & Council. Adj'' to Tuesday next to meet at Princetown. Princetown, Aug' 26^'' 1.777 The Council met, pursuant to adj' Present. His Exdellency the Gov'" M^ Elmer M' Hart M"^ Manning. There not being a sufficient number of members to proceed to business, adj'' till tomorrow Morng 9. O'clock. Wednesday, 124 Wednesday, Augt 27"' 1. jMt't pursiuuit to adj' Present, His Excellency the Governor jVI'' Elmer jM' Combs jVf Hart IVP Scudder M'' Manning Ordered tlic wives & children (under age) of John Hearn, Ellis Barron, W'" Smith, Isaac Freeman, and Sam' ]\Ioores, late inhabitants of the Township of Woodbridge, hut now with the Enemy, be immediately apprehended, & sent over to Staten Island; & that Co' Fred'' Frelinghuysen be directed to carry this order into execution. A number of letters reC^ from Co' Fred'' Frelinghuysen, were by his Excellency laid before the Board, and read, & his Excellency was requested to answer. It appearing that the C" of Hunterdon is entirely delinquent in furnishing their Quota of the detachment of Militia ordered out under C"' Frelinghuysen, His Excellency was desired to issue immediate orders, to the several Colonels belonging to s** County, forthwith to furnish & send off their respective Quotas of s*^' detachment. Adj" till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adj* Present, as before. His Excellency having occasion to call a privy Council, the business of which will probably take up a priiu-ipal part of the afternoon, Adj'd till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock. Thursday, Aug' 28"> 1.777 Met pursuant to x\dj' Present. His Excellency the Governor M'' Hart ' * W Combs M'' Manning M' Elmer There not being a sufficient number of menil)ers to make a l)oard, Enos Kelsey Esq' one of the Justices of the Peace for the C" of Somerset, was called in & took liis seat in Council. Thomas Flemming Employed as Doorkeeper at 5j" p day. Gen' 125 Gen^ Sullivan carae in & laid before the Board sundry papers, found with the prisoners lately taken on Staten Island, James Hetfield of Elizabethtown, who had been taken up as a suspicious person, was brought before the Board & being ex- amined. Ordered, that he be continued under guard, until further orders from the Governor & Council of Safety, Ordered, That JVP Hart pay Lieu^ George Allen, the sum of £4. 17. 6, it being the expenses of bringing nine prisoners from Elizabeth Town to princetown, by order of Co' Freilinghousn, Jacob Hetfield was brought before the Board as a person disaffected to the present Gov', & being examined, ordered that he be discharged on his taking the Oaths of Abjui-ation & Allegiance as by Law directed, with which he complied. Ben]'" Barlon, son of Co' Joseph Barlon, taken up & sent under Guard by Gen' Sullivan, was brought before Council; It is said that the said Barlon is appointed a Capt" in the British Army; Ordered, That he be continued under Guard, until further P^nquiry can be had therein; Adj'' to 3 O'clock in the afternoon; Council met pursuant to adjournment; Present as before. James Wells and Richard Churchward, late of Raritan landing, having been apprehended as Disaffected & Dangerous persons, were brought before the Board & upon Examination, acknowledged that they had been in New York with the Enemy, but said that they obliged them so to do, at the time when the British troops left Brunswick. No proof appearing against them contradictory to their own confession. Ordered that the said Jas Wells & Richard ChurchAvard be discharged upon their taking the Oaths of Abjuration tfc Allegiance as by Law directed, which they 4id accordingly. Jonathan Clawson late of Piscataway, was brought before the ]]oard as a disaffected person, who, being examined, said that some time last winter, being threatened & frightened by the provincials to such a degree to be in fear of liis life, he fled into Brunswick for safety, and being there taken sick, he con- tinued till about 3 weeks after the British troops left Jersey, and then ret'' home & was soon taken up, by Col Dunn, and Sent under guard to Elizabeth town. Cornelius Clowson brought before the Board in like manner, and upon examination, appeared to be in nearly the same cir- cumstances, having being voluntarily within the enemies lines, for a considerable time, & his general character being dis- affected to the present Government; Ordered 121) < )i-(lc'iV(l 'I'lmt tilt' said .lonatliaii it (\)nu'rms Clawson liavc il in their Kk'ctiou to enlist on hoard some of tlie \cssels of war hi'loiMjjing to the I'nited States of America, or he eoniined it taUi'tlieir trial a<;real»le to the liaw oi' tliis Stale. Adjourned till tomorrow Morii*^ 8 O'clock. Friday, Aui;' •_'<.»"' 1.7V 7 ]Met pursuant to Adj' .lohn liynile, Jacob l^ong & James ISIedder, late of the ('" of Noi'thamptoii, in l*eimsylvania, liaxing heen a|)]trehended upon Schooley's IMount.ain, in New Jersey, and many stis|iicious Circumstances attending their Conduct, were brought bel'ori' the Board & being examined, declared their willingiu'ss to enter into the Service of tlic United States, and ]»roinising to enlist with an Officer present, were discliarged. Michael Breiu who was taken up, at tlie same time and place, with tlie above last named, being brought before tlie (%»uneil & examined, also agreed to Kniist in the ('ontinental Army, was tlu'reupon dischargcMl. .lames Compton of Haskingridge having been apprehended as a disaffected person, was bi-ought before the iioard, upon his examination confessed that he bi'ing frightened from home went over to Stateii Island, In May hist, & after continuing there about two months, returned home; He also a(d Each of the three lib(!rty of Entering on board the vessels of War of the Tiiited States of America, or take a trial for their lives agreably to Law, Which being made known to the prisoners they desire time until tomorrow, to make their choice, which is granttul by Couu(;il, and the prisoners remanded back to the (iuanl lioom. B(!njaiiMii Barton of Sussex County, (said to be apj)ointed a Cap'" in the British Service) again brought before the lioard & 127 X ii|Miii cx.'iiiiiii.'it ion, utterly (Iciiics liis dwii kiiuwlrdtijc ol ;iiiy Hilcli Mppoiiit iiiciil, or lli.'il lie Ikis •xcr .-ichd iiiiiiiical lo Amcricnii lihrit y. A.IJ' till :t r.'M. Mi'l |mrsii;viit !<• :iiij:uiiiii r>;irluii (dok 1 he ( ):it.li of Ahjiu :it ion A Allci^i.'iiifc A-. filtered into Uoiid willi Kicluii-d MdsjiJ of ( )r;iiioard A. ICxaniiiied ; when il appeared (hat lie had lately taken A' siil»serilie<| the OatJiH t,o the Sl-at"' Ive^' was (U'dered to Ix- sent to tJie hoard o( \\'ar. Adj'' (ill tonntrrow Morng H O'clock. Saturday Aug(, .to' l\Iet pursuant, to adj' rr<'sent,. Mis Mxcelleney the (Jovernor | M' Hart, M' Kelsey I\l' IManniiiM- M' Seudd'er l\l' ( loinltes ('onieliiis (!lavvson, dames ('uinpt.on, l>en):iniiii W'lulh, A', .loiiathan (Hawsoii, aj^aiii ap|)eariii>4 heldre the Hoard A, choosiiifj; to take ii trial by their ('ountry, were ordered into (■inen(, for thjii purpose and Mittimus wer(; made onl, Ji^ainst, them, directed to tlu' Sherill' o(" Morris County, M' Ilenry VVaddel app<'ared helore the i'loard, pursuant, to i'itation, and havin^^ taken the Oaths of Ahjiira(,ion A'. Alle- ;j;iance as' direct. ed l»y Law were thereupon disehaiL^eil. M' .Joseph |jeihs(uil»inii,' the s'' ()atlis was also S. Volume III 12 Deer. WMm OF IH rriTP \ .J Silas Condict W"' Paters(Mi Nath' Hcudder, Tho** Elmer John Hart Benj'" Manning Peter Tallman, John Mehelm Caleb Camp, Jacob Drake, Jon" Bowen, John Combs, John Buck, W" P. Smith Frederick Frelinghuysen, Edward Fleming. Haddonfield, 22 Sepf 1.V77 Pursuant to the power & Authority given in & by an Act of the Council & General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, entitled " An Act for Constituting a Council of Safety " the Council of Safety met. Present. His Excellency W'" Livingston Esq"" M"" Condict M"" Manning M'' Paterson M' Drake M^ Hart M-^ Buck M"" Camp, M"" Combs. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from M" Catherine Rutherford, setting forth her situation & that of her son & daughter, who are indisposed; and requesting that M' Rutherford her husband may be released from confinement, or that he may be confined on his own farm. Agreed That M"" Rutherford be permitted to go home, and remain there for ten days, at the expiration of which he must return to his present place of confinement in Morris- town. Thomas Hooton of the Coxanty of Gloucester, was ordered before the Board, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Ab- juration & Allegiance as by Law appointed. Ordered that Subpoenas be issued to cite Robert Matox, Henry Thom, George Marpoll, Zechai'iah Royell & John Bis- ben, to appear before the Board to bear testimony against Northrop Marpoll. The Board adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 o'clock. Tuesday, Met pursuant to adj*. 134 Tuesday, 23 Sept' 1.777 Present. His Excellency the Governor M'' Condict M'' Manning M-" Paterson M' Buck M"^ Camp His Excellency was pleased to inform the Board that the In- surgents & disaffected persons in Hunterdon, Sussex &c, are confined in tlie Common Gaol at Burlington, and that there are six men only to perform Guard-duty over the said Insurgents. The Board having taken the same under consideration, ad- vised his Excellency to issue orders to the Officer of the Guard at this place, commanding him to detach a party of 15 Men, (inclusive of a Sergeant to command them) fi-om the said Guard and that the said party repair immediately to Burling- ton, to do Guard-duty over the pi-isoners af'"^. Ordered That the same party take under Guard to Burling- ton, Ezekiel Beech and Northrup Marpoll, & that they be com- mitted to close custody in the Gaol of that place. The Board being informed that Charles Suydam, was at the door & desired to appear before the Council ; ordered that he be admitted. M"" Suydam laid before the Board a Copy of a Parole, signed by Daniel Bray, Cha' Suydam, William Horn & W" Flatt, Citizens of this State, who were taken off by the Enemy at the time they left this State, purporting, that the above-named persons were permitted to pass into Jersey, and to solicit an exchange for Silas Alward, Arch'' Alward, Jo^ Alward, & Jacob Goodwin, now in confinement in Sussex. The Board having taken the same under consideration, Agreed That Daniel Bray, Cha'' Suydam, W" Horn & W™ Flatt, being in the Civil line, & Silas Alward, Arch'' Alward & Jo'^ Alward being in the Military line, cannot be considered as objects of mutual Exchange ; The l^oard are willing to oliserve & act conformably to the established rule of Exchange, viz Citizen for Citizen & Soldier for Soldier. They will therefore give an equal number of Citizens (of whom they count Jacob Goodwin one) for the j>ersons first above named ; & they will exchange the 3 Alwards for any 3 persons belonging to Jersey, who have been taken in Arms ; 'The Board consent to Exchange Jacob Goodwin for Charles Suydam. Burlington Thursday The Council iBet 135 Burlington 25 Septr 1.111 Present, His Excellency the Governor M"^ Paterson M' Mehelm M-" Hart M' Tallman M' Camp, M^ Drake, James Craig of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton was ordered before the Board, and being examined & his examination reduced into writing, he was ordered to withdraw. Joseph Cox of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, & being examined, and his examination reduced to writing, he was ordered back to prison. Elisha Bird of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and being examined, and his examination reduced to writing, he was remanded. Ziba Osmun of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and being examined & his examination reduced to writing was remanded to Gaol. George Myers of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Bur- lington was ordered before the Board, and being examined & his examination reduced to writing, was ordered back to prison. Imlay Drake of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton was ordered before the Board, and being examined & his examination reduced to writing, was remanded. W'" Craig of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burlington, was ordered before the Board, & his examination reduced to writing, was remanded, Lewis Kinney of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Bur- lington, was ordered before the Board, and being examined & his examination reduced to writing, was remanded to prison. John Little of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and being examined, and his Examination reduced to writing, was remanded to Prison. Peter Hiller of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and, being examined, and his examination reduced to writing, was remanded to prison. John Alias of Hunterdon, confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and being examined, was remanded to Prison. 13G W'" Brady of Sussex, confined in the Gaol of Burlington, was ordered before the Board, and being examined was re- manded to Prison. Joseph Smitli of Hunterdon confined in the Gaol of Burling- ton, was ordered before the Board, and being examined was remanded to Piison. Adj*^ till tomorrow 8 O'clock A. M. Friday 26''' Septr 1111 Present as before, James Craig was again ordered before the Board, & took & subscribed the Oaths prescribed by Law, & was thereupon discharged. Joseph Cox & Elisha Bird were again brought before the Board, and having severally took & subscribed the Oaths as by Law appointed, were dismissed. Ziba Osmun, George Myers, Imlay Drake, W"^ Craig Lewis Kinney, John Little, and John Hiller, being again called before the Board, severally took & subscribed the Oaths as by Law appointed, and were thereupon dismissed. The abovenamed persons entered into obligation for the pay- ment of £50., which the Board deemed to be the amount of the Costs & Charges, in taking them up, & conducting them to this place, and keeping them under Guard. Ordered, That warrants be issued to bring William Smith, Daniel Ellis, Samuel Bullus, John Carty, Thompson Neal, John Neal, Royland Ellis, and Sam' Ellis, all of the City of Burling- ton and persons suspected to be dangerous &c to the present Gov', before the Board in order, that the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance may be tendered & administered to them. Daniel Ellis, being brought before the Board, by virtue of a warrant, and the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance being tendered to him pursuant to Law, he refused to take them; and the Council deeming him too dangerous to the State to be suffered to go at Large, upon giving security for his appearance at the next Session of the Peace, &c. Ordered, That he be com- mitted to close custody, in the Gaol of Sussex, until the next General session of the Peace for the County of Burlington. Samuel Bullus being brought before the Board, by virtue of a warrant, and the Oaths of Abjuration and Allegiance being tendered to him pursuant to Law, he refused to take them; and the Council deeming him too dangerous to the State to be suffered to go at Large upon giving security for his appearance at ^ 137 at the next Session of the Peace, &c, Ordered, That he be committed to close custody in the Gaol of Sussex, until the next Gen' Sessions of the Peace for the County of Burlington. John Carty being brought before the Board by virtue of a warrant, and the Oaths of Abjuration ^ Allegiance being tendered to him pursuant to Law, he refused to take them ; but being willing & desirous of going with his family into the Enemy's lines, the Council agreed. That the said John Carty have leave to go, into the Enemy's lines, on Staten Island, and that he sett off Tomorrow Morning with his family. Adj" till 3 O'clock P.M. Met according to Adj^ Sam' Ellis appeared before the Board, and being examined, was dismissed for the present. Rowland Ellis appeared before the Board in the forenoon, & requested time to consider of the Oaths which had been tendered to him; whereupon the Board gave him time till 3 O'clock in the afternoon, on plighting his word of honour that he would appear at the hour appointed. W"" Smith, Thompson Neal, & John Neal, persons ordered to be apprehended, could not be found. Whereupon ordered, That a warrant be issued to bring W"' Smith Thompson Neal, John Neal & Rowland Ellis before the Board, in order that the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance may be tendered & administered to them. Adjourned to meet at Princeton. Princeton, 30 Septr 1.777 Tuesday The Council met Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Condict M"" Combs M' Elmer , M"" Camp M'' Paterson M"" Manning M'^ Hart M'^ Drake Agreed, That .D"' Jon" I. Dayton, Ephraim Mash, and James Morris be ordered before the Board for Examination. Agreed, That John DeHart Esq"", and John Ross Esq'' of Elizabeth Town, be summoned to be before the Board on Friday Q 138 '^ Friday next at 10 O'clock A. M. in order that the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance May be tendered & administered to them. Daniel Ellis & Sanuiel Bnllus having made application to the Board, that they may be admitted to take the Oaths, and it appearing to the Board, on their being called before them & examined, that they can take them freely & sincerely, and with design religiously to act up to them, their Prayer Avas granted ; and having taken the Oaths prescribed by Law, were dismissed. Cap*" Arnold laid before the Board, An Ace* in the follow- ing Words ; The Council of Safety to Jacob Arnold T>^ June I For riding Express from Morris Town to Gen' New- 1777 [ comb, six days c $3.00 p day - - 18 00 dollars. Ordered that the above acct be paid to Cap*" Arnold. John Harry of Salem C", was ordered before the lioard & examined ; The decision of his case was deferred until the arrival of the Salem members, wdth whom (he says) he is acquainted. A letter from Gen' Dickinson was rec'' read & answered. Adj^' till 4 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj'* Present as before. Agreed That Anna Rapelyie, the wife of Richard Rapelyie, who is now on Long Island, be permitted to pass to Staten Island in order to go to her said husband; and that she have 10 days for that purpose from the date hereof. James Freeman was ordered before the Board, & being ex- amined, was remanded to prison. Thomas Shoemaker, one of the Insurgents taken on his way to join the Enemy, was ordered before the Board, and ex- amined, and then remanded to prison. Mathew Camp one of the insurgents, taken on his way to join the enemy, was ordered before the Board, examined and re-committed. Isaac Ammerman, one of the Insurgents af''', being examined was ordered back to prison. John Smith one of the Insurgents af"', taken in like manner, being examined was ordered back to prison. William 139 William Paulson & John Kitchen, two of the Insurgents aforesaid, being taken on their way to Join the enemy on Staten Island, were ordered before the Board & examined, and then remanded to prison. Joseph Smith, one of the Insurgents aforesaid, having been taken in like circumstances, with the above mentioned persons, being ordered before the Board, was examined & then remanded to prison. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8. O'clock. October, P* 1.111 The Council met pursuant to Adjournment. Present as before and JSP Mehelm. Jonathan Palmer appeared before the Board, and gave Evi- dence against Elisha Bird, George Myers, William Cragg, Lewis Kinney, Peter Hillier & Emily Drake, which was com- mitted to writing ; Ordered That a Warrant be issued to Co' Joseph Beavers, to apprehend and bring before the Board, the said Elisha Bird, George Myers, William Cragg, Lewis Kinney, Peter Hillier & Emily Drake, — Adjourned to 8 O'clock tomorrow Morning. October 2°"^ 1.777 The Council met pursuant to Adjournment Present His Excellency the Governor. M"" Mehelm M"^ Camp M'' Elmer M' Manning M^ Drake M^ Combs M^ Condict. Hugh Brown one of the Insurgents taken on his Way to Staten Island, was called before the Board & examined & con- fessed he had taken a gun from M'^ Parks without leave & carried it along with him till he was taken ; who was remand- ed to Gaol. Peter Snider one of the said Insurgents was also examined and confessed that he fired at the Militia before he was taken & he was then remanded back to the Guardroom. W"' Shoemaker & Thomas Anderson, two of the said Insur- gents, were examined & confessed that they had deserted from Cap*" Henry Lewis' Company in Co' Shrewer's Battalion. Ordered, That the said W" Shoemaker & Tho* Anderson be delivered 140 delivered to Lieu* George Reynolds, who was present, to be returned to their Battalion ; the said deserters to be Kept un- der Guard until Lieut Reynolds' return from Morristown when was on Command, after other deserters then to be delivered to him or his order, James Norris, pursuant to citation appeared before the Board, to Give Evidence against Jonathan J. Dayton & others which was committed to writing. M"" Scudder & M' Paterson attended. Jon° J. Dayton, and Ephraim Marsh, ent'' into recognizance separately in the sum of £300 Each, for their appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer & General Gaol Deliv- ery, for the C" of Essex, to answer such things as shall be then & there objected ag'^ them, and in the meantime to be of the Good behaviour. Jon" J. Dayton took and subscribed the Oaths of Aljjuration and Allegiance as by Law appointed. Ja** Norris enf' into Recognizance in the sum of £300, to be and appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer & General Gaol delivery, for the C° of Essex, to bear testimony against Jon" J. Dayton & Ephraim Marsh. Agreed That Maria Elizabeth Leston, have leave to go to the City of New York, with her children, and EiFects, She be- ing a subject of the States of Holland. Adj^' till Saturday the 4"' List. 10 o'clock A. M, Met, pursuant to Adj' Saturday, 4*'" October \.111 Present His Excellency, W'" Livingston, M'' Condict M"' Paterson M' Scudder M"- Camp M^ Elmer. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board, a letter from M"" Parker, inclosing a letter to M'' Cor* Skinner, soliciting an exchange, which was permitted to be sent, M"^ Parker also requested permission to return home for 10 days, which was unanimously denied. Petition of Mary Williams the wife of Nathaniel Williams, who has gone over to the Enemy's Lines, praying that she & her children may not be sent into the Enemy's lines, but that she 141 slif! may be sufTercHl to continue among lior {'riends, upon such surety as may be deemed pi-oper, was read & ordered to lie on the table for consideration. Agreed That the President draw upon The Treasurer for the sum of £500 in part of the sum of £2.000 which he is by Law empowered to call for by the Advice of the Council of Safety. It being represented to the President & Council of Safety, That the late Gov"^ Penn of Pennsylvania &, Benj"' Chew Esq"^ late C. Justice of the same State, have been permitted by the j^Qjjbie ]3oard of War, to reside at or near the Union in the C" of Hunterdon ; Agreed, That a letter be written to the Ilonb''' Congress, informing them of the impro])riety of suffer- ing disaffected persons to remain on parole in this State, as it is nearly encircled by the Enemy, or if it be suffered. That the above persons be removed from their present situation to some more secure & V)etter affected part of the State ; and that the Executive Depart"'' of this State, have the disposal of them 80 far as respects the place of their residence. Adjd till 3 o'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj*^ Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Condict M"^ Paterson M"^ Scudder M' Mehelm M-^ Elmer M" Leonard, wife of Tho^ Leonard, who acted as a Major in the British Service, & is now a prisoner of war to the United States, Was sent over to New York Sometime ago by order of Brig'''^ Gen' Forman and, hath lately returned to this State. She complains of indisposition, & requests that she may be permitted to tarry in Monmouth C" until she be reinstated in her health, and that she be suffered to pass to Easton, to see her Husband, and from thence to return to the said C" there to abide. Agreed, That M'^ Leonard be permitted to pass to Easton, or to any other place in which her Husband may be fixed; and to remain with him ; and that she go thither without delay. Agreed That a letter be written to the officers of the Guard at Morris, directing him, in case of Necessity, to remove the Prisoners under his care to New Town in Sussex. Adj'" till tomorrow 10 O'clock A.M. Sunday, 142 Sunday, 5 Oct^ 1.111 Met puvsuant to adj" Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Contlict, ' M'' Camp M'' Paterson M' Combs M" Mehelm, M' Drake. Agreed That Aaron Furman, James Ilif, John Mee, John Ink, Hugh Brown, Isaac Lambert, Imlay Drake, George Archer, Thomas Kees, John Alias, & Isaac Ammerinan, certain insur- gents taken in Arras on their way to join the enemy at Staten Island, be sent from this place to Morristown, and there be committed to close custody. Adj*^ till tomorrow 10 O'clock A.M. Monday, 6"^ Oct^ 1.111 Met pursuant to adj* Present. His Excellency the Governor. M-^ Condict M^ Mehelm M"^ Paterson M'" Manning M"" Elmer M"" Drake. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from M'' Hooper D. Q. M. G. at Easton, infonning, that there are several disaffected persons belonging to Jersey confined in the Gaol at Easton, and requesting, that as the prison is crowded, they may be removed into some part of this State; — Whereupon agreed. That a letter be written to M'' Hooper in- forming him, that the Council of Safety will sit at Pitts town some time in the coming week, when his request will be com- plied with. At a Council of Safety at Princeton, 7*'' Ocf 1.111. Present. His Excellency the Governor M^ Elmer M'' Buck M^ Condict M"" Manning M^ Scudder M"^ Combs M"^ Drake Ordered 143 Ordered that a warrant do issue to apprehend Isaac Thorn & Jacob Thorn, upon the affidavit of Jesse Brooks & Abraham Van Camp. Adj** till tomorrow 2 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant at adj" Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Elmer, M"" Combs M"" Scudder, M^ Camp M'^ Paterson, M"^ Drake. Richard Wain (one of the people called Quakers) being convened before the Board, and Affirmations, to the Effijct of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, being tendered to him pursuant to Law, he refused to take them ; but being willing to go with his family into the Enemy's lines, and he appearing to the Board too dangerous, to remain in the State, The Coun- cil agreed. That the said Richard Wain have leave to Co, with his family, into the Enemy's lines, on Staten-Island, in five days from the date hereof. Adjourned till Saturday Morning 8 O'clock. Saturday, October 11"' 1.777 Met pursuant to adj*. Present His Excellency the Governor. M'' Paterson M"" Mehelm M^ Elmer, M"" Drake M"" Scudder, M-" Combs M-- Condict Capt John Blanchard made application to the Board, & in- formed them that nine pipes of Wine the property of M' Ham- ilton Young, & four Hogsheads of Rum, the property of M'^ John Livingston, which by the said persons were committed to his custody, have been, some time since by sundry other persons, removed from the place where he had Stored them, and Either sold or used ; and that he the s** Blanchard, has not received any consideration whatever for the said liquors ; and therefore prays, That the Board will issue orders to the per- sons who have removed & sold or used the s'' liquors, to ac- count for the whole with him the s^ Blanchard, he at the same time 144 time proffering ample security that the whole proceeds of the s'' liquors shall at any time hereafter be forthcoming to the State, if called for. The Council maturely considering the above application ; Ordered That all persons who have removed, vended or used any of the above mentioned Liquors be required to account for the same with the said John I^lanchard, and that the said Blan- chard do give bond with security, if required. That the whole proceeds of the s'' Liquors Avhich shall come into his hands, shall be forthcoming to this State whenever called for. Adj'i to 3 O'clock P. M. . Met pursuant to adj* Present. His Excellency the Governor. M'' Paterson M^ Scudder M-" Elmer M"" Camp M^ Condict M"^ Drake. Application having been made to the Board, on the part of Richard Wain, who liad leave to go into the Enemy's lines in five days from the date of his permission, that he could not possibly transact the necessary business relative to his family & private affairs in the time limited for his depaiture ; the Council agreed, that he should be indulged with further time, and that he should have seven days for the purposes aforesaid, to be computed froni the date hereof. William Sutton was ordered before the Board, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law appointed, and was therefore dismissed. Adjourned till tomorrow 8 O'clock A.M. Sunday, 12"' October 1.V77 Met pursuant to Adj^ Present His Excellency the Governor M' Elmer M^ Hart M' Paterson M'' Bowen M-^ :Mehelm M-" Buck Whereas, Joseph Barton, Patrick Hagerthy, and Thomas Russell, who were lately residents in this State, have gone over to the Enemy, & notwithstanding have left their families behind 145 beliiiid tlicra: It is therefore agreed & resolved, That Anna Barton wife of the said Jose]»]i Barton, and her cliihlren under age, (except Henry & Joliii) & Sarah Ilagertliy wife of the said Patrick Ilagerthy, & her chihlren, and Kussel wife of the said Tlionias Russel, be removed to Staten Island, on the South East sid(^ of Hackinsack River, in order that they may go into the Enemies lines, — Agreed that the officer who shall remove the above })ersona, be directed to make return to this Board, of his proceedings, and the Expense thereon arising. John Harry was again called before the Board, and took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, was there- u])on dismissed. The above John Harry gave bill for the payment of £5. on demand, which the Board deemed to be the amount of the Costs & charges in taking him up, conducting him to this place, & keeping him under Guard. Whereas Benjamin Barton did enter into Bond, with Richard Edsall of Orange County, and Richard Edsall the 3'' of Sussex, his sureties, to remain at his house, or within two miles of it, vmtil leave be obtained to the contrary; and did also enter into recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer tfc Terminer for the C" of Sussex; And whereas application hath been made, in behalf of the said Benjamin Barton, that he may be released from so much of his obligation, as relates to his remaining at his own house, or within 2 miles thereof. The Board having taken the same under consideration agreed and resolved. That the said Benjamin Barton be released from his obligation. So far only as relates to his remaining at his own house, or within two miles of it. Agreed, That Col Sidney Berry, be paid the sura of £55. 18. 5, being the amount of the Charges & Expenses of himself and party of 21 Men, in apprehending and securing disaffected per- sons in sundry parts of the States. Agreed That his Excellency the Governor be advised to write Meeker of Sussex, directing him to raise a party of 20 men, & 2 Sergeants & 2 Corp(»rals, to do Guard- duty over the prisoners, disaffected persons «&c, at New Town, in Sussex. Adj" till 8 O'clock A. M. tomorrow. Monday, Octr 13*'', 1.777 The Council met pursuant to adj*^ Present R 14(5 Present W ITis Excelleiiey the Governor, jV[' Elmer " M' Hart M'Bowen M" Kuck M'' Melielni. Isaac Thorn was called before the Board and Examined. Ordered That he enter into recognizance with Security to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer, to he held at Morristown. Jacob Thorn Av^^,s brought before the Board and examined. Ordered that the said Jacob Thorn be committed to the Mor- ris Jail for High Treason, and his commitment was made out accordingly. Upon the recommendation of Col Sam' Forman, & J^ Co' Elisha Lawrence of Monmouth, W'" IMontgomery Esq' was by the Board appointed first Major & John Cook Esq' second Major of the 2'"' Reg' of Monmouth Militia, Upon the affidavit of Aaron Dean, against Marmaduke Ab- bot, charging him with asking a greater price in Continental money than Hard money for Salt ; Ordered that the said Marmaduke Abbot be immediately apprehended and brought before the President & Council of Safety, and a warrant was accordingly made out and directed to Cha* Saxton who is to make return the next Thursday at Pittstown. Ordered that £1. 2. 6. be paid to John Hart Esq'^ for hiring Express to send to Judge Smith. Agreed that the President Apj)ly to M'' Condict to procure & send to Princeton, to Major Kelsy, by the return of the wagon who take the prisoners in the care of Cap*" Stout, about 150 weight of powder, in order that M'' Kelsy may have the same with the lead now here made up into Cartridges. Ordered That M'' Elmer pay to Jacob Berger £115. 4. 7. in full of his Account for supplying the Prisoners taken on their Way to Staten Island, and the Guards while at Princeton — Ordered That Co' Hyer be given a receipt for 250 weight of Continental Bread & flour & two Barrels of Fish for supply- ing the above mentioned prisoners & Guards. Upon the recommendation of Co' Jacob Hyer & L* Co' W" Scuddcr of the -S""'' Battalion of Middlesex Militia, Robert Dixon was appointed 1^' Major, & Tho'* Egberts 2"^ Major of the s** Battalion; And then the Council Adj'' to Pittstown to meet on the 15"' Instant, where they met in the Evening & adjourned to next Morning. Pittstown, 147 Pittstown, 16 October 1.777 William P. Smith Esq"^ app'' in Council & having taken the Oaths prescribed by Law, took his seat at the Board as one of the Members of the Council, Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Hart M'" Bowen M^ Elmer M'' Smith M-- Buck Agreed That the President write to Maj"" Gen' Dickinson, to propose to Gen' Skinner That the president, & Council of Safety will release from their confinement, Ja"* Parker & Walter Rutherford Esq'', whenever the Commanding Officer of British Troops in New York, Shall set at Liberty, John Fell Esq"" & Wynant Van Zandt, and that they will also release Gabriel Van Norden, John Van Buskirk, Garret Vangieson, Garret De- marest, Peter J. Herring, John Paulinson, Cornelius Bogert, & Abraham Vangieson, Now confined in Morristown, for Tho** Banta, Barnardus Verbryske, Isaac Blank, Jacob Wortendyck, John Vanbusson, Jacobus Blauvelt, William Hyer, & Abraham Golden now confined in New York ; and that Gen' Dickinson be desired to acquaint the President & Council of Safety with whatever answer he may receive from Gen' Skinner on the sub- ject of such application. Also agreed. That Gen' Dickinson be requested to inform the President & Council of Safety, of the most proper places for erecting Beacons, the material requisite for that purpose, with the best conjecture he can make respecting the expense that may attend the procuring the materials, the erecting & attend- ing the Beacons. And then the Council adjourned till 3 O'clock in the afternoon. 3, O'clock P.M. The Council met, pursuant to Adj*^. Present as before. M"" Marmaduke Abbot appeared before the Council, in pur- suance of their Warrant, and not denying the charge of asking for Salt more in Continental money than in Gold or Silver, or old money, the Council fined him £6. with the costs of sending for him. The Council then tendered him the Oaths to the State, which he 148 he ivt'usinf; to take, tliey gavo liim till tomorrow at 10 O'clock to find security to appear at the next Court of Q' Sessions to be held I'or the County of Burlington. MT iAIehelm attended. IM"" Elmer rcc'' the above fine of M' Abbot. Ordered That M'' Elmer pay to John Thomson £4. for 2 days service with his wagon, & Horses & expenses bringing the Council of Safety, ])apers etc, from Fi-inceton to Pittston. Ordered That' M"^ Elmer Jon^ Palmer, £7 10|. on acct for riding express; and to John Harris £1. loj. on acct for attend- ing as a light Horse. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. 17. October 1.777 The Council met, pursuant to adj*^ Present His Excellency the Govei'nor M"" Elmer JM' Smith M^ Hart M^ Buck M"^ :\[ehelm M"^ Bowen Reeder Stout was brought before the Board as a person dis- affected to the State, & refusing to take the Oaths was ordered to withdraw. Ordered That Warrants issue to Lieu' Jacob Vanderbelt for apprehending as disaffected persons, William Thatcher, Ja* Thatcher, Tin/ Harris, Luther Colvin, William Allen Esq"^, William King, Joseph King, John Taylor. Ordered That M' Elmer pay Lieu' Cornelius Johnson, £3. 2. 6 in full for himself & five men for apprehending Reeder Stout Sam' Slater & Henry More. Reeder Stout ajjpeared before the Council & took the Oaths to Gover*^ as did also Henry More. Samuel Slater *fe John Taylor refusing to take the Oaths, were ordered into custody to be exchanged. Marmaduke Abbot entered into recognizance with Jacob Gerhart to appear at the next Court of Q'' Sessions for Bur- lington. Ordered that M-" Elmer pay W Hillar £3. 0. 0. a Witness under recognizance to appear at the Court of Oyer & Ter- miner now sitting at Morristown for the trial of the prisoners taken on their way to Staten Island, towards his expenses while attending there. The ]49 The Electors for the County of Jk-rgen, not liaviii;^; Ih-mi able to hold the Election for representatives, by reason of the vicinity of the f^nemv, at the place & time appointed by I>aw, the Council directed the Monday the 27''' Octr at the dwellinj^ house of Stephen Bof^ert, near the Pond-church in the said C", for the day & place of the Said Election, & send the Receipt by Co' Dey. Tho"^ Harris took the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance & was discharged — and also Jonas Thatcher, Luther Colvin .Tun'' was V^rought before the Board, & on his refusing to take the Oaths was bound in recognizance, with Tho" Harris Security, in £300. to appear at the next Court of (4en' Q"" Sessions of the peace to be held at Trenton. .M' Colvin paid 20j expenses. Ordered That W Elmer pay M' Johnson £4. 10'. for taking sundry Tories, being in full for his Acct for himself, his Ensign and six men, viz 15! p day for himself & Ensign & lOj p day Each for the privates. Adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Oct^ 18'*' Present The President M^ Elmer :\r Hart M"" Smith M^ liowen M' Buck M^ Mehelm Joseph King being c-alled, before the Council, and the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance being tendered, which lie refused to take : And the Said King appearing to the Council to be disaffected, to the present Ciovernment, & too dangerous a person to be suffered to be at Large, It is ordered that the said Joseph King be taken & kejjt in Safe Custody in order to be Exchanged. In consequence of a resolulion of Congress of the .'Hst July last, recommending it to the P^xecutive Autliorities of Each state to appoint proper )>ersons in Each district, to recruit men, & api»rehend deserters. They agreed that the several Counties in this State, be deemed Districts for the purposes aforesaid, and the persons hereinafter named are appointed in the several Districts for that purpose to wit Jforris County. Alexander Carmichael / To Rendezvous at William Youngs. f Morristown. Burlington 150 Burlington C John Leak Cap' Joseph Weaver Cap'" Quigley John Hand, James Willets, Azel Pierson, James Ewing, Georare M^Glocklin, David Marrinus Cornelius Erwin Kenell Anderson Gilbert Lontjstreet John Baird Joseph Casterlin Jacob Flai^ij, Isaac Martin, Benj'" Cuykindal, Cap'" Emmanuel Hover, W"' Carr, Cape May. Cumberland. Berfjen. Monmouth. Somerset. To Rendezvous at Mount Holly. — do — at Cap' James Willets — do— at Bridsretown — do — at Pumpton — do — at Court house at Monmouth Sussex. To IJendevous at Court House in Somerset. — do — in Court House at Sussex. Gloucester, Joseph Estell, W"' Price, Co' Josiah Hilmer James Tallman — do— at Woodbury. Salem 151 Salem. Ja' Stirling, Cap'" John Kelly, Maj'" Anthony Sharp, David Ross, James Heddon, Abraham Spier, Robert Nixon, John Wel)ster Jesse Hart Ricljard Curwine Jacob Anderson of Lebanon, Samuel Gronendyke Adjourned to 6 o'clock this afternoon. ) — do — at s town of Salem, Essex. I — do— at Newark. Middlesex. } — do— \ New BrunsAvick Hunterdon. 1 — do— .l«n„n ■ at ioanon. Flemiiicpton. 6 O'clock P. M. The Council met pursuant to adj* Present as before, except M"" Mehelm Ordered, That L*^ Co' Matthias Shipmari be directed to re- move from Easton to Sussex Gaol, the foll^ persons, or as many of them as are there confined ; John Smith, Isaac Ammerman, Cornelius Bogert, Edward Butler, Philip Force, John M*^ Cowen W" M^Cord Philip Shults Aaron Smith Joseph Pegg John Klyne Jacob Shults, And then the Council adjourned to 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. 152 19''' October 1.117 The Council met ijursuant to a(lj Rice James Kelly W" Shepherd Peter Snider Elias Snider Cornelius Bogart Lawrence Flemming Elias Teelte David Young John Ryely Peter George Henry Hart Edward Butler W" Moore Christian Ruth Herbert Hendry Jonathan Robins George Augustus Northup MarpoU John M^Cowen W" M^Cord Joseph Pegg Jacob Shultz John Sears Stout Havens Richard Mai'geson James Worth Jonathan Clawson The Council adjourned to Monday next at 9 O'clock A. M. Monday 20"' October 1.111 9 O'clock A. M. The Council of Safety met pursuant to adj^ Present, His Excellency the President, M^ Hart M"^ Elmer M-- Buck M^ Smith M^ Bowen M^ Mehelm His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Council a letter from s 154 i'y.nn M'^ (u'ltriidc I'.irkcr |n;iviii!4, for siuidrv reasons tlu'iciii iiU'iitioiR'd, that lu'f liiisbaiiond to the (Jov' of this State, in the penalty of €2. ()()() — with the condition that they proceed with all convenient speed after their beiiij:; disehartj;e(l, to this State, & there personally appear befoi'(! the President & Council of Safety, and abide such older & direction as the said Council shall take concerning tlu^m. Ordered That a Warrant issue for apprehendinj^ Bar- tholomew That(du'r. OrdcM'cd 'I'hat thi- wives of the persons hereaft<'r named ap- pear before tin; I'resident & CJouncil tomorrow at '.i o'clock in tlu! afternoon ; to shew (tause why they should neared viz. The wives of Christopher Vooght, George Casner, Peter Young, Conradt Eikler, Michael Dennis, Philip Cyphers, John Mills, Joseph Lee, & Jacob Foust ; And the Council having enquired into their respective Circumstances & Situation, were unanimously of opinion, That it would not be expedient to remove them for the present. Ordered That Co' Bonnel be paid the sum of 30|. in full for his trouble & Expense in Citing the above women to appear be- fore this Board. The Rev'' David Sutton, having been requested to appear before the Council, Attended this day & took the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as prescribed by Law. Philip Schultz & Jacob Schultz, were discharged from their confinement, at Easton, upon the Bond ©f Peter Schultz, their father, to appear before the Council of Safety if called upon, within two Months. Joseph Pegg discharged from the Same confinement on En- tering into recognizance with Peter Schultz to appear at Morris Court the 4"' October next. John Taylor took the Oaths & Was discharged, & Then the Board adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. Tuesday, 158 Tuesday, 24"' October 1.111 The Council met pursuant to adj' Present His Excellency the jovernor, M-" Hart M-^ Smith, M"" Elmer M"^ Bovven, M"' Buck, M'' Manning John Hill was discharged on taking the Oaths. Henry Waterhouse entered into recognizance with John Hill, to appear at the next Court of Q'' Sessions at Trenton. Ordered That the sum of £3 be allowed to W"' I^avison, Innholder at Pittstown for the use of a room in his house, as a (xuard-room, & providing fire & Candle in the Same, during the Sitting of the Council of Safety. John Rockhill Esq' appeared voluntarily & took the Affirma- tions to the Eftect of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance. Luther Colvin took the Oaths to Government. And then the Council adjourned to meet at Trenton on Wed- nesday next the 29"' day of Oct'' Instant, on 10 o'clock in fore- noon. Trenton 29"^ Octr 1.111 Met pursuant to adj" There not being a sufficient Number of members to proceed to business, adj''' to Friday next. Friday Morning 9 O'clock, Met pursuant to adj'*^ Tuesday, the 7*'' Nov 1.777 The Council met at Princeton. Present. His Excellency the Governor M^ Condict M-" Camp M-^ Elmer M-^ Drake M"" Manning Agreed That there be paid to Sergeant M'^Cue for rations of Rum for 9 men of the Continental Troops, for assisting a detachment 159 detachment of Militia in Gnarding a nnmber of prisoners to Morristown from this place, the Sum of £4. 10|. Agreed That Gabriel Van Nordeii, John Van Buskirk, Gar- ret Vangieson, Garret Demarest, Peter I Herring, John Paulin- son, Cornelius Bogert, & Abraham Vangieson have leave to re- turn from Morristown to their respective places of abode, for the term of 14 days including their Going & returning in order to facilitate their procuring the discharge of Tho^ Banta, Bar- nardus Van Bryck, Isaac Blank, Jacob Wortendyck, John Van Busson, Jacobus Blauvelt, William Hyer & Abraham Golden now confined at New York, Monday the 10^'' Nov 1777 At a Council of Safety held at Princeton, Present, His Excellency the Governor M"^ Condict M"" Manning M' Camp M'' Speaker M^ Drake, M"- Scudder Agreed, That if John Lawrence, now confitied in the (4aol of Burlington C^ounty, is committed for any of the crimes or offences specified in the 1'^, 2""* or 3""^ Sections of a Certain Act, entitled An Act to punish traitors & disaffected persons, or is or shall be charged with Misprision of Treason, or for any crime or offence specified in the 8^'' or 9"' sections of an act entitled an act for constituting a Council of Safety, or shall be cliarged with, or is committed for any of the Crimes or offences specified in the 2'"^ section of An Act entitled An Act to render Certain Bills of Credit> a Legal Tender in this State, be the said John Laurence hS tried for the Same in the County of Burlington, altho' the offence he is charged with, or was com- mitted for was done & perpetrated in any other County. P'riday, 14"' Nov 1.777 The Council met at Princeton. Present. His Excellency the Gov'^ M"' Manning, M"- Drake, M^ Elmer, M^ Hart, M^ Talman. The 1(50 The Board appointed W'" Livingston J"" Secy, who agreed to serve gratis, while the Assembly sits. Agreed, there be paid to Abraham Voorhies, for tending tlie Council of Safety and riding Express as light Horseman for six days the sum of . . . . . . £7. 17. 6 To Philip Harder for do 4. 0. 2 & To Conrad Ten Eyck 1. 10. Agreed That the President draw on the Treas"^ for the sum of £500. 0. in favour of M"" Elmer. Saturday, 15«" Nov 1777 The Board met at Princeton. Present. His Excellency the Governor. M^ Condict, M' Buck M"^ Elmer M'' Manning M^ Camp M^ Tallman Agreed That there be paid to .Jon" Palmer, for his attending on the Council of Safety, as a light Horseman, and for his expenses in attending 30 days at Morristown as a Witness against a number of State prisoners appi'ehended on their way to join the enemy, on Staten Island, the sum of £60. 0. Agreed That the above Palmer be employed in apprehend- ing & bringing V)efore the board, a Certain Nicholas Bickle & Andrew Pickins, who secrete themselves in Hunterdon C", and that there be paid to the said Palmer the sum of £30. for apprehending & securing the first, and £50. for the latter. Co" Nicola having referred to the Board the cases of M"^ Daniel Cornock, as a person suspected of being a spy, & the Council having found no cause for such suspicion, ag' him, on tendering him the Affirmation to the Effect of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, which he took & subscribed dis- charged him. John Emly appeared before the Board and having taken & subscribed Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of Abujura- tion and Allegiance was theieupon dismissed. Monday, 161 Monday, U"^ Nov 1.777 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Elmer M^ Hart M-^ Condict M' Camp M'' Fleming M'' Paterson The following persons are offered to be exchanged agreable to the Applications of W"' Bayard Esq'' to Sir Henry Clinton New York, Octr P' 1.777 PRISONERS IN MORRISTOWN. DO IN NEW YORK. John Van Buskirk Peter T. Herring, Cap' Garret Demarest, Gabriel Van Norden John Ponlieson, ' ] Bernardus Van Brj'ck Garret Van Gieson Cornelius Bogert Jacobus Peck ' Isaac Blanch Harinanns Tallman Jacob Warthandicke Tho» Bantha Samuel Ver Bryck John Hays John Morris The foregoing Exchange is agreed to on condition that Abraham Van Gieson, be substituted in the room of Jacobus Peck, under the Head of prisoners in Morristown, & David Van Boi/on, James Hammerson, and Abraham Spear in the room of Harmanns Talman, John Hays & John Morris under the Head of Prisoners in New York. Agreed that Gabriel Van Norden, John Van Buskirk, Gerrit Vanguson, Gerrit Demarest, Peter T. Herring, John Paulison, Cornelius Bogert, and Abraham Van Gieson, have leave to be absent from the district in which they are confined in Morris County till the first day of December next. Co' Scudder appeared & took his seat at the Board. Whereas James Parker and Walter Kutherford Esq" were by an order of the Council of Safety taken up and admitted to their Parole at Morristown, in order to induce the enemy to release or Exchange the Honble John Fell Esq' & Winant Van Zant now in confinement in New York, and treated with the greatest severity, and whereas that step has been found in- suflicient to produce the Good Effect thereby intended, & such releasement or Exchange has not as yet been Effectuated agreeable to the intentions of this Board. Ordered T 162 Onlered That tho afores'' James Parker & Walter Ruther- (onl Esq"^ be fortliwith coniiiiitted to the Coniniou Gaol in Mor- ristown until the Ilonlj''' John Fell Esq"^ and Winant Van Zant are exchangetl foi- them or released from their confinement in New York. His Excellency produced to the Board a letter from the Rev'' M'' Caldwell to Maj'^ Gen' Dickinson, dated the 22 October last, containing his report to Gen' Dickinson who had been re- quested by the Board to inform them of the most proper place to fix beacons and appoint alarm posts, by which it appears to this Board most expedient to remove the piece of Cannon now lying at Princeton, to the mountain that nearly divides the space between E]izal)eth and Morristown, to be put under Guard of the Man wlio lives where the said Cannon is to be lived and a few of his neighbours who ought to be exempted from Military Duty ; That it would farther be proper to erect a pile on the Hill near where M"^ M' Gee formerly lived, whence the Guard from the said Mountain may see the tire or smoke and by that means know that the Guns fired at Elizabeth Town, are intended for an alarm & upon that signal fire the Cannon on the IMountain ; The Council hereupon agreed That M' Caldwell be desired to carry the above Plan into execution and to transmit to the Board an account of the expenses attend- ing tlie same. Agreed That the following persons be summoned to attend this Board, to have the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, ap- pointed by Law, tendered to them; vizt : James Clark, Isaac Clark, Tho'* Clark, Samuel Clark, Benj"> Clark, W" Clark, John Clark, Matth" Clark, Jo* Skelton, Alex''" McDonald, Ezekiel Smitli Sam' Worth, Rob^ White, W" M'^^Dermott, Jos'' Horner, John Stockton, (son of Joseph) John Hedges John Heath, Andrew Morgan W"' Bryant, Tho^ Wilson. Thursday the 20"' November The Council met at Princeton Present, His Excellency the Governor M"- Camp M^ Manning M^ Talman M^ Drake Co' Fleming His 1G3 His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board, a letter from Major Meeker, respecting the Prisoners in Sussex Gaol and the provisions necessary for their support. The Board being of opinion that there is no necessity of keeping a Guard for securing the prisoners above mentioned. Agreed that Co' Symmes be desired to direct Major Meeker, to discharge the Guard now kept for that purpose, and to settle with Major Meeker as to the Cattle & Flour he has pur- chased for their support; — That as to the British prisoners confined in the said Gaol, Co' Symmes will acquaint the Commissary of Prisoners with their confinement & procure his directions concerning them ; As to the Deserters from the Continental Array, he will inform the Magistrates & endeavour to have them carried to their re- spective Corps. P. M. The Council met. Present. His Excellency the Governor, M' Manning, M' Camp, M-^ Hart, M' Talman, Co' Fleming, Co' Drake, Co' Scudder, M"^ Condict, Agreed That instead of exchanging Mess'^ Rutherford & Parker for Messr'* Vanzandt & Fell, agreable to a late resolu- tion of the Board, M' Rutherford be exchanged for M"^ Van- zandt, and M"^ Parker for M' Fell', and that whenever M"^ Van- zant is released from actual imprisonment, and enlarged on his parole to the City of New York or Long Island, M'^ Rutherford is to be released from actual confinement, and hold himself bound by the obligation he has entered into to remain within a mile of the Court house in Morristown. The like in both cases with respect to M"" Parker as to M' Fell's, release from actual custody, and having the privilege of the City of New York, or Long Island. Agreed That His Kxcellency the Governor be desired to write to the person in Winchester in Virginia, who has the cus- tody of Robert James, lately of Monmouth County, and a sub- ject of this State, desiring him to deliver the said Robert James to Richard James & Thomas Parker, or Either of them, they having promised to bring him into this State, at their or his 164 his own expense, and to enter into Bond for his appearing before the Conncil of Safety of this State in a reasonable time after his arrival in it. Agreed Tliat warrants be issued for apprehending Joseph Morse J"", John Hendricks, Baker Hendricks, & John Meeker for trading with and carrying provisions to the enemy on Staten Island. Friday, 21"' November. Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Condict Col Drake M"^ Manning M'' Elmer M'' Speaker Agreed That there be paid to the following persons for attending the Council of Safety as Light Horsemen, and riding express four days, the following sums, vizt: To John Voorhiea the sum of . To Sany, Moores " «' « . and To John Smock » " u _ and To Gerret Terhune, for like services " " Monday, 26"' November 1777 The Council met at Princeton Present, His ExcellenQy the Governor, MT Elmer Co' Fleming M7 Hart M^ Condict M^ Manning Co' Drake Agreed that the Sherift* of Morris County be directed to confined Walter Rutherford & James Parker Esq" to a private room nearest the Court house, for a space of 3 weeks from the date hereof; and then to Execute the precept lately delivered to him for their imprisonment, uidess he shall receive orders to the contrary. Agreed That Edward Taylor & Jeremiah Taylor of Middi- ton and George Taylor & Josiah Parker of Shrewsbury, be summoned to appear before the Council of Safety as persons disaffected to the present Government. Agreed £i. 5. 9 1. 0. 3. 12. 8. 5. 9 £1. 10, 8. 10. 8. 10. 165 Agreed that there be paid to John Van Nest for attending as a witness at the Court of Oyer & Terminer in Morristown 8 days the sum of ...... • £6. 8. To Benj'" Harris for his expenses in attending as a Witness 4 days . . . . . . . 3. 4. To Joseph Blackford for do. do 8, 4. To the Constables attending the Court the number of days affixed to their i-espeetive names over & above the usual term of Duty, vizt : Joseph Stoutan 15 days at 10|. pday. Robert Gould J-" 17 " — "— Levi Baldwin do " — do — John Lyon 18 " —do— 9. 0. EphrainiLindley 18 " —do— 9. 0. and by recommendation of the Court for travelling Expenses . . . 1. 0. 0. 10. 0. Matthias Burnet J*^ 17 days 8. 10. 0. and for travelling charges in serving subpoenas . . . . 3. 0. 0. 11. 10. John Riggs. 10 days at 10]. 5. 0. To the Cryer 18 D" 9. 0. That there be paid to Philip Young a wounded soldier in the Militia 5. 15. and to M"" Condict for the use of John Cooper another wounded Soldier, 15. 2. 6 Agreed That the officer who is to conduct John Penry & Ben- jamin Chew Esff to Wooster be directed to purchase in some of the New England States for the use of this State 20.000 Flints. Wednesday, 26"' Nov"^ The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor. M-" Elmer M' Manning M'" Hart, Co' Drake M"^ Condict His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from 166 from Anne Kip petitioning for leave to remove with her family & furniture into New York to her husband, from whence she is a refugee to Tappan, where she is unable any longer to sup- port herself & her children. Agreed that the said Anne Kip be permitted to pass to New York, with her three children & furniture, & three days Provisions and that she pass thro' the Guard kept by Cap'" Plerring who is to inspect the waggons to see that nothing be carried contrary to the interest & meaning hereof ; tt that if the said Anne Kip takes the benefit of this permission, she is not to return from New York into this State during the pres- ent War. Agreed That there be advanced to Co' Chamberlain for pur- chasing 20.000 Flints in New England, and for defraying his expenses to Wooster in the Massachusetts Bay, whither he is to conduct Mesr Penn & Chew, the sum of £200. Agreed That there be paid to Co' Ellis Cook, for the ac- count of D"^ Jacob Green for attending orl(Ood is finished. & then adjourn to Kingoes & from 172 from tlionce to Sni-iiigticlv paid to Jonathan Palmer in part of Avhat is due to W'" XiUer for attending as a AVitness in Morris County (Palmer having Niller's order) December 12t'> 1.777 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Speaker M"" Ehuer M'' Camp Co' Fleming M^ Manning M'' Smith M-- Mehelm Application was made to the Board for the payment of the Money due to the Militia in the County of Gloucester under the Command of Co' Ellis — Agreed That Co' Ellis be informed by Letter that the Legis- lature have directed tlie Delegates to obtain from Congress the sum of 120.000 dollars for discharging the debt due to the Militia of this State, and that the proporfion of 16.000 dollars when obtained will be paid into the Hands of Tho** Carpenter for the payment of the Militia of Gloucester & Salem. A Letter from Aslier Holmes Esq'" was read, setting forth, That a flag of Truce from Xevv^ York had just arrived in Shrewsbury River, for the families, servants & Effects of M" Antil, M'^ Moore, M" Johnston, M'' Miller and M'' Kippen. A permission also under the hand of Major Gen' Rol>inson for the wife of Elisha Laurence to pass to Shrewsbury Was laid before the Board — Agreed that M" Antil, M''^ 3Ioore, M''^ Johnston, M" Miller and M" Ki])pen be permitted to pass to New York, with their Families, Servants ct Effects excepting the property of those whose husbands have joined the Enemy since October 1.776 P. 173 P. M. Present His Excellency the Governor ^r Smith M'- Manning M^ Speaker M"^ Mehelm M^ Inilay Ordered that there be paid to Cornelius Vanderveer for his services in attending to Council of Safety as a light Horse- man the sum of £5. 15. 6. Agreed that John" Dey, for leaving the State & going over to the Enemy, since the Treason Act, & returning into the same without the permission required by Law, have his choice whether to enlist into one of the four Battalions of this State raised for the Continental Service or be committed to Trenton Gaol- Agreed that there be paid to John Bennet for attending the Council of Safety as a light Horseman, the sum of £7. 0. 0. Agreed that ^Fatthew Wrench for the same crime as above, be in like maiinor committed to Trenton Jail — Agreed that John Richmond enter into recognizance with surety in £300 each for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held in Hunterdon C" Adj'' till tomorrow Morng 9 O'clock. Saturday 13 December 1.777 Princeton The Council met pursuant to adj' Present. His Excellency the Governor MT Speaker M^ Imlay M' Manning M^ Smith M'' Mehelm In consideration of M'' Rutherford's & M'^ Parker's indisposi- tion, Agreed, That they be Enlarged from their present Confine- ment until the \^^ day of February next, upon the terras of their ol)ligation of having the District of one Mile from the Court House in Morris town, & that they be then committed to Jail, unless the Council of Safety shall order to the con- trary — Agreed 174 Agreed That the wife of John Havens have leave to go into the Enemy's lines — In addition to the order Given to Co' Seely, by a former res- olution of the Board, relative to his removing such cattle as from their nearness to the Enemy are in danger of being car- ried off l)y them. Agreed that he be directed to remove Sheep, Hogs & Cows that give no milk out of the Reach of the Enemy, and that he must be guided by his own Judgment, to the Places where he would have them removed. Adj'^ till next Tuesday Morning 8 O'clock- Tuesday, 16"' Deer, The Council met at Princeton — Present. The Governor. M'' Smith M' Tmlay M' jMehelm M' Speaker There not being a sufficient number of members to proceed to business, the Board adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Wednesday, 17"' Deer, The Council met at Princton. Present, as before. The Board adjourned till tomorrow for want of another member — Thursday, IS"' Deer 1.777 Met pursuant to adj*^ Present, as l)efore. There .not being yet a sufficient number of members to make a Quorum adj'' till tomorrow Morning 9. O'clock. Friday, 19^"^ Decern 1.777 Met pursuant to adj' Present His Excellen(!y the Governor M-- Smith M'- Imlay M' Mehelm M-^ Speaker There 175 Tlicre iioL being a sufficient nuinber of members to enter upon business that required a vote of the Board, those present, pro- ceeded as Magistrates to the examination of certain ])ersons, who were by an order of tlie 17 Nov' Sumincmed to attend the Council to have the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance ten- dered to them — Alexander jNIcDonald, by virtue of a Warrant was brought before the Board, & having taken & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, was thereupon dismissed — M' Manning appeared & took his Seat at tlie Board. Ezekiel Smith was brought before the Board & on the Affirmations to the Effi-ct of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance being tendered to him, desired leave to consider the matter till tomorrow Morning, which request was granted him — Adj'' till 3, 0\-lock P. M. Met pursuant to adj'. Present, as before — Agreed that there be paid to Frederick Ten Eyck, the sum of £4. 18. 9 for attending the Council of Safety as a Light Horseman, and to William Van Dyne the sum of £3. 12 3 for the like services. Mathew Clark being by virtue of a Warrant brought before the Board & having taken & subscribed Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance prescribed by Law, was dismissed. Tunis Hoogland presented his account to the Boai'd, Agreed That he be paid the sum of £3. 12. 6 for his attend- ance on the Council of Safety, as a Light Horseman and riding Express. The following persons of the people called Quakers, were brought before the Board, viz — Joseph Horner, Isaac Clark, Benj'" Clark, W" Clark, John Clark, Tho« Clark & Robert White, who having Each of them refused to take and sub- scribe the Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of Abjura- tion & Allegiance & having also refused to become bound, in sufficient Securities to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q"^ Sessions of the peace to be held in & for the County of Middle- sex, Agreed that Wan-ants of Commitment do issue for their imprisonment. Tho' Wilson appeared before the Board & having taken & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, as Ijy Law prescribed, was thereupon dismissed. Saturday 170 The Board met pursuant to adj' Saturday 20 December Present His Excellency the Governor M-^ Manning M'" Smith M'' Speaker M"' Mehelni M^ Imlay. John Honoyman having entered into recognizance with Jacob Hyer his Surety in £300 Each to appear at the next Court ot" Gen' Q"" Sessions of the peace, to be lield in and for the County of Hunterdon, was discharged from the Guard. Mathew Wrench & Charles Friend were called before the Board, & on failure of security required by Law were ordered to be sent to Flemington. Agreed that John Willis Apprehended on his way to the Enemy be in like manner as above sent to Flemington. Isaac Clarke, Benj'" Clarke, William Clarke, John Clarke, Tho^ Clarke, & Robert White, appeared before the board & on passing their Words to be forthcoming on Wednesday next, were dismissed for the present. John Hedger having entered into recognizance with John Scot his surety in £.300 each, to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the peace to be held in the County of Somerset, & in the meantime to be of Good behaviour, & was thereupon dismissed — Adjd till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adj* Present as before. Ezekiel Smith entered into Recognizance with Jonathan Dear his surety in £300 Each to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions of the peace to be held in & for the County of Middlesex, & was thereupon dismissed. Sarah Barrow w^as brought before the Board for going into the enemies lines & returning into this State ; without the Li- cense required by Law. Agreed That slie be immediately sent back to her husband in New York and remain there during the present War. Priscilla Stewart was brought before the Board for the like Offence, & entered into recognizance with Peter Teple, her surety, to appear next Friday at the Court of Oyer & Terminer for Hunterdon County. Lewis Freeman entered into recognizance with David Frazey, his 177 his surety, ia £300 each, to appear at the next Court of Oyer tSu Terruiner for Hunterdon County. Joseph Skelton, was hrouglit before the Board, and on the Afiirmations to tlie Ett'ect of the Oatlis o{ Abjuration ifc Allegi- ance being tendered to him, refused to tak(> or subscribe the same, but having entered into recognizance Avith Jacob llyer, liis surety, in £';300 Eacli,to appear at the next Court of Gen' (i"" Ses- sions of the Peace for tlie County of Middlesex, was discharged. Ordered That Maj'' Potter be directed to remove to Staten Island, Sarah Barron & the wife of William Smith, the wife of John Heard & the wife of Samuel Moore, as well as the wives of such other persons as have returned from the Enemies' lines, without leave, after having been reinoved into the same by order of the Council of Safety; & make a return of what he shall have done in the premises with all convenient speed. Agreed that there l)e paid to Matthew Freeman for himself & Guard & three prisoners from Woodbridge, with a Waggon & 2 horses, and a spare Horse, the sum of £11. 0. 0. Ordered that in case the persons whose names are hereunto annexed, are or shall be charged with, or committed for any of the crimes or offences, specified in the 1**^ 2'"' or 3"' sections of a certain Act Entitled ''An Act to punish Treason & disaffected persons" Or are or shall be charged with, or committed for Mis- prision of Treason, or for any crime or offence specified in the gtii Qj. f)th geetions of an act for constituting a Council of Safety, or shall be charged witli or committed for, any of the Crimes or Offences specified in the 2'"' Section, of An Act entitled an "Act to render certain Bills of Credit a legal tender, within this State, & to prevent the counterfeiting of the Same, & other frills of Credit," or so many of them as liave been So charged or com- mitted, shall be tried for the same in the County of Hunterdon, Altho' the offences they be charged with, or were or shall be committed for, were done or perpetrated in any other County. The persons in the above order referred to are; viz: Lewis Freeman, John Honeyman, William Cook, Charles Friend, Pricilla Stewart, Patrick Navins, John Richmond Sam' Demarest John Brown Hendrick Zabriski Matthew Wrench Cornelius Ackerman John Dey Isaac Stagg Jacob Bogei't John Ackerman John Willis. Adjourned to Monday Morning 9 O'clock. y Monday, 178 Monday, 22 Deer 1.777 The Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present. His Excellency the Governor M'' Mehelni M'' Imlay M' Smith M' Manning M"^ Speaker. Kichard Stockton Esq'", was called before the Board, and the Oaths of Abjuration & xVllegiance being tendered to him, he took & subscribed tlie Same, & was thereupon dismissed. Agreed That there be paid to Cap'" Moore, for himself & the use of 24 men of his C", for their services in attending the Council of Safety, as a Guard, from the 26"' Aug*- to the 3'''' day of September last, the sum of £18. 5. 4. That the said Moore be paid tlie sum of £G. 7. 6 lor removing the wife of Tho'' liussel to Staten Island ; And also that thei-e be allowed him for his expenses in going to Morristown A: Philadelphia with prisoners the sum of £8. 15|. Agreed that there be paid to Lieut Bergen for himself & 13 men, Employed by him as a Guard for the Council of Safety, and the security of the prisoners, the sum of £39. 16. 4. That he also be paid the sum of £28. 0. Bounty money foy the said Guard, and that for furnishing them with Wood, Candles & Sundry other Articles the sum of £14. 11. 0. Agreed That Andrew M'Mackin be paid the sura of £12. 7. 6 for making Cartridges for the Council of Safety. Ordered that Jonathan Baldwin take charge of the Balls & Cartridges now in the hands of Andrew M'Mackin. Agreed That Co' Ellis be authorized to remove any Cattle, Sheep & Hogs (excepting Milch Cows) from any places where he thinks them in danger, of falling into the Enemy's hands, to places of greater security; upon the Owners refusing to do it, first giving notice to the Owners, who may take care of them at their Expense. Agreed That the prisoners taken with Richard Stockton & now confined at Carlile be treated as prisoners of War. . John Holton, William Drake, Jeremiah Turner, and Ja^ Pyatt having severally taken & subscribed the Oaths of Ab- juration & Allegiance as prescribed by Law, were severally discharged. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. 23 December 179 23 Decembei" 1.777 The Council met pursuant to Adj*^ Present, His Excellency the Governor M' INIanning, M"" Imlay M' Speaker, M' Mehelm M-" Smith. Agreed That His Excellency the president draw on the Treasurer in favor of M"^ Imlay for the sum of One Thousand Pounds for the use of the C-ouncil of Safety. Agreed that M" Lott be paid 40p for firewood & Candles provided for the Council of Safety — Adj*^ to meet at Ringoes next Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday, 24*'' The Council met at Ringoes, pursuant to adj'* Present, His Excellency the Governor M-- Smith, Co' Drake, There not being a sufficient number of members to proceed on business, Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9. O'clock. Thursday, 25 December Met pursuant to adj*^ Present. His Excellency the Goveimor M^ Smith, M-^ Mehelm M^ Speaker, M' Drake, There yet wanting one Member to make a Quorum, Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Ringoes, 26''' December 1.777 The Council Met, pursuant to adjt Present as before. A sufficient numl)er of moml»ers not Yet attending, adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 o'clock. Ringoes, 180 Kingoes, 27 Deer 1.777 Met iiursiianl to Adj' Present as before, A proi)er number of members to make a board not Yet at- tending, adj'^ again till tomorrow IMoriiing. 2S^'' Deer 1.777 The Council met at ] Jingoes pursuant to Adj^ Present, as before. From the same reasons as above, The Council Adj'' till to- morrow Morning 8 O'eloek. 29"^ Deer 1.777 The Counril met pursuant to adj' Present, as before — Adjourned till tomorrow, for want of another Memlter. 30"> Deer 1.777 The Council met at Ringoes 2:)ursuant to Adj' A. M. M'' Condit & M' Linn appeared & Severally took their Seats at the Board — Present. His Excellency the Governor, M'' Coiidict M' Smith M'- Linn Col Drake M' ]\lelielm ]\P Speaker Agreed That there l>e paid to Abraham Brokau, for attend- ing & riding expivss for the Council of Safi'ty, the sum of £9. 16. -.i. Atljoui-ned till lomoi-j-ow Morning 9 O'clock. 3P' Deer 1.777 The Council met pursuant to adj'. Present as before. The petition of W" Bowen setting forth that he was desir- ous 1. 16. 3 7. 1. 9 7. 10. 181 ous of making Carnp Kettles & other necessaries, wanted in the Continental Army & praying an exemption of ^Military Duty, while he shall l»e thus Engaged — , ' having taken the same into Consideration, Agreed, That as it does not appear that the said Bowen is at present under any Engagement, The prayer of his Petition cannot at present be Granted, but if he shall appear l)efore the Council of Safety next Thursday at Springfield, & produce to them any Contract he is under for entering into such service, his petition Avill be again considered of— M"" Speaker having at this place (before a Quorum of the Council of Safety had met) paid the following respective sums, to wit : To John Bennet the sum of .... To John Voorhise the sum of . . To Jarod Saxton the sum of . for riding express for the Council of Safety ; The Board at their present meeting agreed to the several payments made as aforesaid, & ordered that an Elntry be made thereof ; Agreed That there be paid to Silas Condit Esq' for the use of a wounded Soldier in Co' Munster's Battalion the sum of £10. 0. 0. The petition of a number of inhabitants of the tOAvnsliip of Hopewel, praying an exemption for Jacob Osborn, from two Tours of Military Duty, he being a Weaver by trade, & much wanted in the neighborhood, which being laid before the Board and taken into consideration; Agreed that the above Petition cannot be complied in: — Agreed that tliere be paid to John Hart Esq'' for the use of Mary Morshan the widow of Aaron Morshan, lately belonging to the Company of JMilitia comnumded by Cap' Benjamin Van Cleve, who was killed on Long Island, the month of August 1.77() in an Engagement with the British Troops, & which said widow is left with ;3 small chiklren in low circumstances, the sum of £15. 0. Agreed That a Avarrant do issue for apprehending & bring- ing before the Board John Schenk late of Poghkeepsie in the State of New York, that the Oaths of Gov* may be tendered to him. Adj*' to 3 o'clock 1*. M, • Met 182 Met piirsiiant to arljournment. Joseph Lewis having made Application to the Board to have an exemption for himself & a certain number of men Employed by him, in the Commissary Dep*, from Military Duty in the Militia- Agreed that the said Lewis being a C'ommissary of Issues in the pul)lic. ser\ice, l)e exempted agreable to his request, and that Nathan Turner em]»loyed by him as a Butcher, Nathan Howell employed in his Store, & Alphus Hughs em]»l()yed ]>y him as a Clerk, be in like maimer Exempted while tliey con- tinue in those respective Employments. Agreed That there be paid to Co' Chambers for the use of Valentine Eut the sum of £2 10| for drawing 14 hundred- weight of Lead from Amwell to Princeton. Agreed that Pricilla Harrison have permission to go to her husband in Philadelphia, on condition of not returning into this State during the War. Agreed That Walter Rutherford & Ja" Parker Escf' be dis- charged from their present confinement in Morristown & suf- fered to return to their respective places of abode, there to con- tinue & within one mile of tlie same respectively until the first day of February next, & then to be committed to & confined in prison until the Honl)'*^^ John Fell Esq"" shall be released from his confinement in New York, on condition of liberating the said Ja'' Parker, & Wynant Van Zant on condition of liberat- ing the said Walter Rutherford — Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock, January I'** 1.778 Present His Excellency the Governor, M"^ Speaker M"^ Linn M-- Smith Co' Drake M' Condict. Agreed that His Excellency the ])resident draw on the Trea- surer for the suni of £';^00— for the use of the Council of Safety. Ordered that the sev' sums agreed to be paid the Con- stables & Cryer of Morris agreeable to the order of the 24"' Nov 1.777 be jiaid Silas Condit Esq'' for the use of the said Constal)les & Crycr amounting in the whcde to £69. 0. 0. < It 183 Tt appearing to the Board that the sick in the Hospital at Trincetoii are greatly suttering for want of Firewood, and that when the Commissary is able to procure Wood Cutters (which is Effected with Great difficulty) he has no assurance of their remaining in his service by reason of their being liable to be called out in the Militia, by Means whereof he is frequently un- sup|)lied; Jiesolved that l^urgoon Updicke, Peter Updicke. Robert Yates, llendrick Lane, Lawrence Updicke, David Molisson, William Downey, & Peter Archer be exempted from Military duty for the above purpose for the term of 30 days from the date hereof, & that on their producing Certificates from the Commissary of the Hospitals, of their having been employed in such service, they be excused in their next Tour of duty, for so many days as they shall appear to have been so Employed. Agreed that there be paid to the Constables for their Extra- ordinary service in Attending the Court of Oyer & Terminer held at FlemingTown for the County of Hunterdon, the num- ber of days affixed to their names, over & above the usual term of Duty, the following Sums viz: To Rubon Runyon 8 days c lOj p day Andrew McClearly 9 _ " _ " — Joseph Ross 9 W"' Shoudon 6 Tho« Reider 6 Sam' Hulick G W" Coolback 10 John Campbell 10 £4. 0. 4. 10. 4. 10. 3. 0. 3. 0. 3. 0. 5. 0. 5. 0. £32. 0. John Schenck by Virtue of a Warrant was brought before the Board & having entered into Recognizance with John P. Schenck, his surety, in £300 Each to ajtpear at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions of the peace to be held in & for the County of Somerset, Was thereupon dis- missed — Agreed that there be paid to Jonas Stryker, the sum of £5. 4. 9 for His services as a light Horseman for the Council of Safety. Adjourned to meet at Springfield, next Tuesday morning 9 O'clock. Wednesday 184 WcMlnesday 7"' Jany l.V/S The Council incl, at Springiield. Present His Excellency the (4overnor CW Fleming, M' Smith M'- Crane, Col Drake M' Condit. Agreed tliat there l>e paid to Samuel Meeker, for sundry Ex- penses attending his furnishing provisions and other necessaries for the su]ti)ort of a Guard, Ke})t over tlie ])risoners in Sussex Gaol, the sum of i'104. 1. 1(1. Adj" till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj' Present as before, with ^['' Manning — Major Dally Made Application to the Board to liave a cer- tain number of men, to be employed by him as teamsters and Woodcutters in the Continental Service Exem])ted from serving in the Militia, during the time they shall be so employed ; which being taken into consideration. Agreed that such exemptions tending to drain this State of the Militia, by employing them in the Continental service, does not fall within the meaning of the Act vesting Authority in the Gov' & Council of Safety to exempt men from doing duty in the Militia, & camiot therefore be complyed witli. Rune & John Kunyon, applied for leave to go into the Enemy's lines, to procure the will of their father, who went over to & died among the Enemy. Agreed That they have permission to enquire by letter con- cerning the said Will, and if there is any probability of pro- curing it, the matter will then be further considered of. Adj** till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. Thursday, 8 Jany l.^YS Met pursuant to adj' Present, His Excellency the Governor Col Drake M'" Condit Col Fleming, M'' Manning, M' Smith Aareed 185 Agreed that there be paid to Col Seely for the use of Philip Harder, for riding Ex|)ress for him the sum of £G. 2. 6 Agreed that there be paid to John Hunt for his expenses in riding Express from Annwell to Springfield the sum of ;37|G — His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board a letter from Gen' Washington urging the expediency of removing the cattle & forage that lay near the Enemy, out of their reach — Agreed that his Excellency direct Co' Ellis to remove all the horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and all Cows which do not give JVIilk, from the vicinity of the Jersey Shore in the Counties of Burlington, Gloucester & Salem, that may be within the reach of the enemy's foraging parties, except such as may be really essential for the inhabitants (the owners refusing to do it on notice given to them for that purpose) and that the Gen' be in- formed that the powers lodged in the Council of Safety are inadequate to the requisition of having the Forage removed, & that it be recommended to him to exercise his own authority in having it Eifected — Agreed that there be paid to Brig'''' Gen' Winds, for ex- penses accrued to him by order of the Council of Safety, the sum of £63. 5. 2. Ordered, That in addition to the orders already given to M"^ Caldwell, with respect to the erection of Beacons for the pur- pose of alarming the County in case of Invasion, he be further desired to direct that one be set up at Morristown and another at Longhill, and one or two to the Northward of New Ark, and tliat he be requested to a})point proper persons to take the care of & attend them & that the pei-son so provided, Shall be exempted, when known, from IMilitary duty — Adjourned to meet at Morristown, tomorrow — Friday, 9"' January 1.V77 The Council met at Morristown, Present. His Excellency the Governor M"- Smith, M' Condit Co' Drake, Co' Fleming M'' Manning- Agreed that Alex'' Edwards & John Yalter, Millers, & Joseph Smith, & W"' Reynolds, Coopers, employed in the Mill in Nottingham Township, and Daniel Edwards & Patrick Puecell, W 186 l*iR'CC'll, IMillcrs & Charles Crosslcy, Patorson Doyle & Samuel Crossley Coopers employed at the Mill iiear.Bordentowu, & John M'^Cartney & Kichard Glue Millers at Mount Holly (which INIills are employed in furnishing the Army of the United States with Flour) be exempted from Military duty for the space of 30 days from the date hereof, provided they con- tinue in such employment — Agreed that His Kxcelleney write to jVI'' Emely for the sum of .€500. 0. 0. in part of the order which he has on the Trea- sury for £'1000. 0. 0. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. Saturday, 10"' Jany 1.7*78 Met pursuant to Adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M"' Condict, M'' Smith M' Manning Col Fleming Co' Drake. Agreed that a Warrant do issue for apprehending and bring- ing before tlie Board Archil;)ald Kennedy Esq'', that an Enquiry be made into his past conduct, and that the Oaths of Govern- ment may be tendered to him. Agreed That the following persons, vizt: Joseph Morse, Joseph Morse J"^, lllsther Morse, Joshua Wynants, Johiah .... Morse, and Anthony jMorse, for being, aiding & assisting in atteiDpting to carry beef to the Enemy on Staten Island, be brought before the Board to answer for the said Offence. On the application of Joseph Lewis, Agreed That \V"' Jones employed by him as a Clerk in the Commissary depar*- be exempted from serving in the Militia for the space of 80 days from the date hereof. Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 O'clock. INIonday Mor"- 9 O'clock The Council met ]nirsuant to Adj" Present, His Excellency the president, M'' Condit M'- Smith M"^ Manning Co' Fleming Co' Drake. 187 A petition was presented from sundry of the inhabitants of the townsliip oj Woodbridge, which liaving been considered it is ordered, That pursuant to the prayer of said ])etition, Major Potter do permit the Wives of W'" Smitli & Pliilij) Goss, who are Avitli tlie Enemy, to stay among xxs, u|)on M"" Smith's Giving Security to remove to her Father's family, & there to continue till the further order of this Board, (the (.)rder of the 20"' December l.'ZVT to the contrary Notwithstanding) and that in all other respects the said order of the 20 December be carried into immediate execution. Ordered That the following persons (i)risoners here) to wit, Enoch Allen, James Wells, Abraham Man, John Edeson & W'" Reed, be l)rought before the Council to liear & consider their respective Circumstances agreable to their petition; The Said prisoners being brought before the Council, & their Several cases Considered, It is ordered, Tliat Enoch Allen be discharged on his Enlistment in one of the New Jersey Regiments. That James Wells do P]ither Enlist, or give Security for his appearance at the Court of (Quarter Sessions f(^r the County of Middlesex. Tliat Abraham Man do Either Enlist, or give security for his appearance at the next Court in Essex, And That John Edeson & W"' Reed remain in custody until the further order of this Hoard. Adjourned to 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Tuesday, 9 O'clock A.M. Met according to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the President M' Condit Co' Fleming M'" Manning M' Smith Co' Drake M' Liini, Cap'" Archibald Kennedy ])ursuant to Warrant was brought before the Board, & he being heard & sundry Affidavits transmitted to the Council, respecting his conduct being read and considered, Resolved, That Cap'" Kennedy be permitted to return to his own house and do attend this Board in 14 days from this time; — And that in the meantime a letter he written to Gen' Washington res])ecting 188 respcctino; tlie nature of Cap*" Kennedy's Parole & that copies of the AHidavits relative to his conduct be also transmitted with the S;inie. Jehiel ]\Ii)eared befoi-e the Boar;?."" whieli lie paid to an ex}»ress while at llingoes, for hringing pajters from Trenton. Agreed, That Eiioeh Allen he exempted from paying for tlie Rations whieli lie drew while a State prisoner in Morristown GaoL U])0n application, Agreed That John Yatter and Alexander Edwards JMillers, and Joseph Smith & William Ileynolds Coo|)ers employed at the Mill in Nottingham Township; Daniel Edwards ^t Patrick Puessel Millers, & CUii" Ci'ossley, Paterson Doyle & Samuel Crossley, Coo{)ers, em])loyed at the Mill near 1-Jorden Town, & John IVPCartney & Pvichard (41ue, Millers, at Mount Holly, wiio were by a former resolution of the Board exem[)ted from serv- ing in the Militia, for the spaee of ;^() days from the 9 Jany last, are further exem[>ted to the 9"' i\rareh next. A letter from Jonathan Elmer Esq'' was read & answered — Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'Cloek. Friday, 16 Jany 1.778 Met pursuant to Adj'. Present, as before. Ordered, That a Warrant do issue for apprehending it bring- ing before the Board P]zekiel Beech. Agreed That Edward Taylor's Bond to the State of New Jersey, & also the Bond of Rich'' Jones & Tho^ Parker be de- livered into the hands of Silas ('ondiet Es(('. Agreed That tlie Honble Silas C-ondit Es((' repay to Co' Drake the sum of t'147. 17. 11. advanced l)y him to the Boai-ecting the New Modelling the Militia, was laid before the Board, Whereujton Agreed, That the ])lan contained in the above letter lie laid before and recommended by this Board, to the Legislature at their next sitting — In 191 In addition to tlie Excliange Agvecd to on the P' December l.VVV, it is fnrther agreed, That Gabriel Van Norden, and Cornelius Bogert now pi'ison- ers in Morris-town be added to the list & be set at liberty u|)on the release of David Van Borson and John Hays, now ]»risoners in New York, and that the said Gabriel Van Norden liave leave to be absent a reasonal)le time for negotiating the proposed Exchange. Tn consequence of the infirmity of Peter T. Herring. It is agreed that he be discharged from his parole, until the further orders of the Board concerning him, & that Gabriel Van Norden & Gerrit Demarest have permission to attend liim home, the bitter of whom to return to this jjlace with all convenient speed — Agreed that His Excellency be desired by advertisement to recommend to the Magistrates to execute with all diligence An Act of the Legislature passed on the 11 Deer last, entitled "An Act for regulating & limiting the price of Sundry Articles " of Produce, Manufacture & Trade" on pain of their being- prosecuted for Neglect of duty in the premises, with the utmost rigour of Law. Ordered That M" Plannah Iliggins for coming from the enemy's lines into this State without the License re(|uired by Law give security for her api)earance at the next Court of Q'' Sessions of the peace to be held for the C'' of Morris. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Met pursuant to Adjournment. Saturday, 17"' 1.778 Present, as before. Agreed That M' Kinney be allowed the sum of 40| — for providing the Council of Safety, with Firewood, Candles, &c, while they sat at his house?. Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 O'clock. Monday 1^'' January 1.778 Met pui'suant to adj*. Present His Excellency the Governor Col Fleming M' Smith M-- Condict Co' Drake M' Linn Joseph » 192 Joseph Morse J' by virtue of Warrant was brought before the Board, & it appearing tliat he had been into the Enemies lines & returned into this State, without the permission by hiw required — Agreed that he be committed for trial to jNIorristown Gaol — Agreed That John Crane be allowed the sum of '^■i'H for his time ifc expense in bringing before tlie Council of Safety, Joseph Morse J'' above mentioned. Agreed That W'" Van Cleaf have an order upon M' Bald- win in Princeton for 5.000 Cartridges, for the use of the MiHtia in ]\Ionmouth County. Adj'' till tomorrow Morning. Tuesday, 20 Jany 1.778 j\[et, pursuant to adj* Agreed That Deborah Ogden, wife of John Ogdcn, (who is witli the enemy) have leave to go to her husl»aud, together with her Child &> wearing Apparel. Andrew Mills appeared before the Board, & on the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance being tendered to him, lie took & subscribed the same & was discharged. Frederick Cole being brouglit before the Board, & examined respecting sundry matters laid to his charge Ordered That he be committed to close Custody, until he give security for the appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the peace to be held in &, for the County of Mor- ris. Agreed That Harman Rosin, for going into the Enemy's lines since the Treason laAV, & returning into this State as a spy, have live days to consider whether he will enlist in our service, or be committed for his trial. Agreed That a Warrant do issue for apprehending & bring- mg before the Board, Enoch & peter Vreelandt, to answer to what shall be objected to them on behalf of the State. John Francisco being brought before the Board, & denying the facts alleged ugainst him, was remanded to the custody of the Guard, till the Witnesses arrive who are to support the charge. Richard Lewis for travelling thro' the Country without a passport, was sent before the Board, and on liis taking the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as by Law prescril)cd, was thereupon dismissed. Ezekiel Beech being cited before the Boai-d to take the Oaths to Gov*, & refusing to take the same & requesting to go into 193 into tlie Enemy's Linos; — Agreed Tliat lie liave leave to go according to his reijuest, tliat he depart this State iOr that ])nr- pose in three days from the date hereof, by the way of Eliza- beth Town to Staten Island, & that the commanding oiheer at Elizabeth Town, be directed to send him over to the Island. Agreed that M' Condit pay to Major Crane for the use of Co' Seely the sum of £5. 0. for ten quires of paper purchased by Co' for the Council of Safety, Elisha Parker & Josc^ph Moore, having been examined, Sd their Examination reduced to writing & sworn to, (iavc^ bond for their appeai'ance in behalf of the State against .K)seph Morse J', at the next (%)urt of Oyer & Terminer, to \)i'. held in & for the C'" of Morris. Agreed that the sum of 20J*' be paid to Elisha Parker for at- tending the Council of Safety, as a witness against Joseph Morse J'' & that Joseph Moore be paid the like sum for the like service. Agreed that there be paid to Jo** Catalin the sura of eiglit dollars for his time & trouble in serving a warrant issued from this Board, for the caj)tion of Joseph Morse Jan', and that he be paid, for the use of David Snialey & Clarksou Manning the sum of two dollars for Each of them for assisting in the same service, and also that he be paid for the two men employed in carrying the said Morse to Major Crane the sum of 2()|'' apiece. His Excellency was pleased to lay before the Board for their opinion therein, a letter from Co' Seely, setting forth that some Tea & Sugar was sent to M''* Boudinot from her friends at New York, and begging his direction in the premises. Agreed That the said Tea & Sugar be deli\ered to M'* Boudinot. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Met pursuant to adj" 21^' Jany LYVS Present His Excellency the Governor Col Fleming, M-" Smith M'' Linn M-^ Camp M'' Condit Leonard Davenport being sent before the Board, & denying the facts charged against him. Agreed that he be remanded to Custody, until the Evidences appear against him, who are to support the charge. Abraham X 194 Abraham Cole for tlic like reason as above was in like man- ner remanded. Austin Wright appeared before the Board, and having en- tered into recognizance with Abraham Cole his surety in the sum of £300 P^ach, for his a]»peai'ance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the peace to be held in & for the County of Mori'is, was thereupon discharged. William Weaver, lieing 1)r()Ught before the Board, and deny- ing the facts alleged against him, was remanded foi- further Evidence — David & Henry Van Orden for joijiing the Enemy since the Treason Act & returning into this State, were ordered, into Custody, & five davs allowed them to consider whether they will Enlist into our service during the War, or be tried for High Treason. Ordered That Abraham Smyth remain under Guard for furtlier Evidence. Frederick Cole appeared before the Board & Entered into recognizance with John Davenport his surety in £300 Each for his appearance at the next Court of Q'' Sessions of the peace in Morris County, he took also & subscril»ed the Oaths of Abju- ration &. Allegiance and was thereupon dismissed; Abraham Man in like manner entered into Bond Avith David Man his surety, in £300 Each, for his a])peai'ance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer in Essex County, & took & sub- scribed the Oaths as aforesaid, & was discharged from the Guard — Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Thursday, 22 Jany 1.778 Met pursuant to adj'* Present, as before. Ordered, That the Hon'''*" Silas Condit pay to George King the sum of five dollars for serving a warrant, (issued from this Board,) upon C-ap* Kennedy, & bringing him before the Coun- cil of Safety — Agreed That M-^ (Jondict pay to Abraham Canfield the sum of 40|' for going on a Message to M'' Hart for the Council of Safety. John P'olkenier being Sent before the Board, by Major Groetchius, as having been forced out of the Enemy's lines, into this State, Ordered, That he be delivered into the Custody of the Guard, until further proof can be had conceriiing liim*. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Friday, 195 Friday, 23 Jany 1.778 The Council met, pursuant to adj'*^ Upon the request of tlie Attorney Gen' Agreed that the Mon- moutli [prisoners] now confined in Sussex Gaol, be removed to Freehold for their trial, & that the Sheriff of Sussex be di- rected to Send them thither, under a Sufficient Guard — Agreed, Tliat a Warr* do issue for apprehending & bringing before the Board, Daniel Layton, for refusing to com})ly with an Act of the Legislature lately passed for regulating the Prices of Produce, Mamifaeture S Trade. Agreed That a Warr*^ do in like Manner issue, for bringing before the Board, Jose])h Smith, to answer for the same Offence as above. Moses Kilburne appeared before the I^oard, & Entered into Bond for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace in & for the County of Morris, as a Witness in behalf of the State against Fred*^ Cole & others. Agreed That a subpoena do issue to W'" Loocey to appear before this Board, to give Evidence in behalf of the State against Joseph Smith. Agreed that a Subpoena do issue to Kessiah Bayles to appear before the Board at 10 O'clock, on tomorrow Morning, on the behalf of Daniel Layton, at the suit of Peter Morris; — Agreed that there be paid to Ja^ Serring for his expenses in going, for tlie Council of Safety, to Head Quaiters, the sum of £9. 0. 2. Abraham Cole, Abraham Smyth, Leonard Davenport & W'" Weaver, Severally appeared before the Board, & having entered into recognizance with John Davenport, &, John Cole, their sureties, in the sum of £300 Each, were severally discharged. 24 January 1.778 Saturday. The Council met agreeable to adjournment. Present as before, David & Henry Van Order having enlisted into the first Bat- talion of this State, during the War, were severally discharged from the Guard. Ordered That Benjamin Pitney be summoned to attend this Board, on Tuesday Morning next at 10 O'clock. Agreed That his Excellency draw upon M'' Jonathan Bald- win,"for 500 pounds weight of Bullets of different sizes, if so many 196 many can he spared, if not, to make up the Deficiency in Lead to be run into bullets at this place. David Layton, |)ursnant to Warrant, Was brought before the Board, and it appearing that he had taken for Grain a higher ]triee than the law allows; Agreed that he be fined for the said Oftenee as the Law prescribes, and that the proportion belonging to the Overseer of the Poor, Amounting to £3. 0. 0. be [jaid into the hands of Silas Condit Escj'' to be by him paid to the said Overseer. Adjourned till Monday Morning next 9 O'clock, Monday, 26'^^ Jany 1777 Met pursuant to Adjournment. Present as before. It being represented to the Board that M" IToffVnan had propogated thro' the Country an intended invasion of the Enemy into this State; Agreed that she be sent for before the Board, to answer for her Conduct in the premises. Joseph Smyth pursuant to a Warrant was brought before the Board, & it lieing proved to them, that he had spoken con- temptuously of a Law lately passed, for regulating the prices of Produce &c; Agreed that he give Bond for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace for the County of Morris; which he accordingly did with John Smyth his surety in £'300 Each & was thereupon dismissed. Agreed that there be prid to Cyrus Beckwith the sum of £43. 17. 11 for his expenses in transporting into the Enemy's lines M"^* Barton, M"* Ilaggarthe & their families. Agreed that John Smyth refund to the Widow Peai-son the overplus of the money over & above what the Law allows for Wheat, lately purchased by the said M''"* Pearson, from him. And that he i)roduce her receii)t for such disbursement within two days from this time, Enoch & Isaac Vreeland ap])eared before the Board & took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as pre- scril)ed by Law. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock, Volume IV. 1 rr 1 mmi OF mi Silas Condict, W" Paterson, Theo Elmer, John Hart, Ben]"' Manning, AP Cooper, M"" Tmlay, Peter Tallman, M"^ Linn, John Mehelm, Caleb Camp, .Tacob Drake, Jonathan Bowen, John Buck, W" P. Smith, Ed^ Fleming, M' Crane, M"" Fennemore, M^ Cook, M-- Keasby. Morristown, 27 Jany 1.778. Met pursuant to adj'. Present, His Excellency the Governor M-- Smith, M-- Linn M^ Condit, M^ Camp Co' Fleming. Benjamin Pitney being called before the Board, & it being proved upon Oath, that he had spoken disrespectfully of an Act of the Legislature lately passed for regulating the prices of Produce &c ; Agreed that he be bound for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q"" Sessions of the Peace for the County of Morris, which he accordingly was, with Ja^ Puff Locey, his surety, in £'300 Each — Agreed further that the Said Pitney be fined £'6. 0. for the breach of the said Law in selling Shoes for more than the stipulated price, and also that he forfeit the sum of four dollars & a half the price the said shoes were sold at. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 28 January 1.778 Met pursuant to adj* Present, as before. Agreed that M" Spencer (wife of Co' Oliver Spencer) be summoned to attend this Boarrj, Agreed That M" Hannah Ward, for going into the Enemy's Lines, and returning into this State without the permission for so doing required by LaAv, Give bond for her appearance at the next Coui't of Gen' Quarter sessions of the peace to be held in & for the County of Morris, and that in the meantime she stay within one mile of Sussex Court House. Hannah Y 202 Hannah Ward above named appeared before the Board, & having entered into recognizance agreeable to the above order, with James Crane his surety in £';^()() Each, was thereupon dis- charged. Ja' Wells appeared before the Board & having entered into Recognizance with IMchard Churclnvards, his surety, in £'300 Each, Was dismissed. Tho" Van Camp was brought V>efore the Board & it appeai-- ing that he had asked more for Flour than the Regulated price & that he had also made a distinction between Continental & Hard money, undervaluing the former; Agreed That for the first Oftence, he forfeit the Flour, & be fined the sum of £Q. 0. & for the latter he be fined the like Sum of £.6 0. 0. W"* Pace being in like Manner brought before the Board, & its being proved that he had asked more for beef than the law allows; Agreed that he be fined for the Said Offence the sum of £6. 0. and forfeit the said beef. Joseph Morse Jun*^ being brought before the Board, & having entered into recognizance with NV'illiam Pearson his Surety in £300 Each, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer in Essex County, was discharged from his imprison- ment. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 29"' January 1.718, Thursday, The Council met at Morristown. Present as before. John Folkiner was ordered before the Board, and gave his parole in writing to the President & Council of Safety to re- main within three miles of the Court House in Morristown, & was thereupon discharged. Agreed That Jane P^'oster have leave to remove into the Enemy's lines. Agreed That Elias Marsh, John Thomson, jNIorris Thorpe, and Robert Izalton, be committed to close confinement, in the Gaol at New Ark, & that Mittimusses do issue to Col Seely for that purpose. Caleb Avins being charged befoi-e the Council of Safety, with having Gone into the Enemy's lines & returning without the Licence prescri^d by J^aw, declared his Willingness to enlist, & did acco^plingly enlist in one of the New Jersey Divisions, whereupon he was discharged. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Friday, 203 Friday, 30*'' Jany 1.111 Met pursuant to adjournment. M" Hottman (wife of Nicholas Hoffman) appeared before the Board & entered into recognizance with Abraham Ogden her surety, in £'1.000 Each for her appearance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer in Essex County ; Agreed that she re- main within One Mile of the Court House in Morris Town un- til the sitting of the Court above mentioned & that in default thereof, she be committed to prison as a person disaffected to & having dangerous designs against the present Government. It being represented to the Boai-d that Isaac Blank, Jacob Wortendyck, & John Morris, late prisoners in New York, Are set at Liberty, Agreed That Peter T. Herring, Gabriel Van Norden & Cornelius Bogert, prisoners in Morristown be ^Iso set at liberty ; And that Gerrit Demarest, Gerrit Vangieson, John Paulese, & John Van Buskirk the remaining prisoners at Morristown, who were confined to procure the exchange of a like number of prisoners in New York, have liberty to return to their respective homes for one month from the date hereof; in order to procure the release of Tho' Bantha, Bernardus Ver- bryck, Samuel Verbryck, & John Hays, & to return to Morris- town if such exchange is not procured within that time ; but if it is, that they are discharged from their Bond & may remain at home ; And that Abraham Van Gieson be liberated on the like parole with David Van Bursen whenever the Nature of Van Bursen's parole shall be made known to this Board ; & that the said Abraham Van Gieson, have also leave to go home for a month. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 3P* Jany 1.118 Met pursuant to adj* Present, as before, Agreed That M"" William Livingston J"^ be allowed at the rate of SO]' p day for his past services in attending the Council of Safety as their Secretary. Ordered that M"^ Condit advance to W™ Livingston J% for attending the Council of Safety 50 days the sum of £'75 — Agreed, that there be paid to the Rev'' M' Jones for firewood & Candles provided for the Council of Safety, during their sitting at his house the sum of £'4. 0. 0. Ordered That there be paid to Benoni Hathaway, for repair- ing Carriages & Moving Field pieces by the order of the Council of Safety the sum of £4. 18. 3. Jacob 204 Jacob FitzRandolph appeai'ed before the Board, and it ap- pearing that he had been providing tlie Enemy with pro- visions, & that he was disaffected to & had dangerous designs against the present Gov\ Whereupon agreed, That he be com- mitted for high Treason, to Morristown Gaol, and That a War- rant of Commitment do issue for that purpose. Agreed tliat M' Condit pay to Isaac Clark for bringing the above Fitz Randolph before the Board the sum of £1. 17. tJ Agreed That for the like offence as above, Tho"" Vancamp & W'" Pace be in like manner Committed to Morristown Gaol, for their trial. The Board l)eing informed by his Excellency Gen' Washing- ton, by letter of the 20"' Instant, that he considers Cap'" Archibald Kennedy as a State prisoner, & that therefore he does not think that he has any right to interfere in the matter; & the Board conceiving the said Cap'" Kennedy disaffected to the present Gov\ and his residence at his present place of abode dangerous to the State; Ordered, That he remove with- in 8 days from the date liereof, into the County of Sussex, & there remain within one mile of the Court House at Newtown till the further order of the Board respecting him. Ordered that M' Condit pay to ( -aleb Howell for his expenses in transacting business for the Council of Safety the sum of £'3. 15. 5. Agreed That there be paid to David Ogden for expenses in attending the C^ouncil of Safety, as a light Horseman, the sum of £2. 9". 9. Agreed that his Excellency the Governor have two light Horsemen to attend him, till the meeting of the Assembly, as well as a (iuard to his person, as for the purpose of being em- ployed as expresses. Upon the application of Joseph Lewis, Agreed That W"' Jones employed by him in the Commissary Dep' be exempted from Military Duty in the Militia during his continuance in that Employment. Adjourned till the Meeting of the Legislature. 15"' Feby 1.778 The Council of Safety met at Trenton. Present, His Excellency the Governor M'' Speaker M"^ Camp M-^ Condit M"" Manning M'^ Imlay. Ajj^reed 205 Agreed that Capt Tacker be directed to order a detachment of the Militia of Hunterdon of 16 men, with a ti'usty Officer to attend the President & Council of Safety & Guard the prisoners in the Gaol of Trenton. Agreed That Jacob Fitz Randolph discharged from the Custody of the Sherift' of Morris, upon his Entering into a Bond with Surety to his Excellency the Governor for the use of the State in the Penalty of X'2000 — to remain at the House of Hartshorn FitzRandolph at Mondham or within one mile thereof until the further order of the Council of Safety. Agreed that Sarah Man have leave to go into the Lines to her husband, with her three children, to wit, David, Thomas & Mathias, & tliat Elizabeth Cadington have the like permission with her five children, to wit, Margaret, Violet, Moses, Isaia, & Elizabeth. 17*'' Feby 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"" Crane i\I' Imlay M"" Cooper M' Manning M"^ Condit M' Tallman M-- Hart. Agreed that Major Hoagland be directed immediately to impress Waggons horses, Teams, Carriages & drivers & cause to be transported to this place the pork at Isaac Reckless', & at M'' Talman's, and at John Tomlinson's in the possession of Co' Knot, belonging to the publick, and to be delivered to Ja'^ Paton at Trenton, [In the original, the proceedings of the 18tli Feb'y follows the 27th, with a statement that they were omitted in their proper place.] 18 Feby 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present. His Excellency the Governor M"^ Manning M' Imlay M^ Condit M' Tallman Co' Fleming M"^ Drake M"^ Elmer, M' (-amp. Agreed That M' Peter Gordon be authorized to impress Waggons, & Teams, with suitable drivers to transport pro- visions 20t) visions from this place to the Continental Army, & in case of need to apply to any Militia Officer to afford him the necessary aid for that purpose. Ao-reed That a Warrant lie issued for John Dixon of Bottle Hill to appear before the Council of Safety. Feby 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor W Condit M' Crane M' Linn W Elmer M' Cooper John Dixon was brought before the Board, & it appearing that he had spoken contemptuously of the Law of this State regulating the prices of Pi'oduce Manufacture & Trade. Agreed that he give Bond for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions, of the peace for Morris County, which he accordingly did with Daniel Bedford his surety in i;'30(t Each, & was thereupon dismissed. Ordered That Warrants for apprehending & bringing befoi'e the Board John Thomson & Elias Marsh Mathias Isilton and Norris Thorpe appeared before the Board, and it appearing they had attempted to go into the Enemies' Lines without any Lawful permission obtained there- for; It was agreed That they should be committed to Gaol for their trial. The following persons to wit : Jacob Londy, Elijah Londy, Henry Widdontield, & Henry Parker of the people called Quakers, were taken up, upon suspicion of their going into the Enemies lines & upon examination it being found the s'' sus- picion was ill-founded, they were discharged from the Guard, & had permission to return to their respective homes. 26*'' Feby L778 The Council met. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Cooper M' Condit M^ Imlay M"^ Elmer M' Imlay. Agreed 207 Agreed that there be advanced to M' Pettit the sum of £1. 2. (3 paid by him to an Express at Princeton. Agreed that Co' Keed be desired to send the following prisoners to the Council of Safety, to wit : William Lippincott, Stacy Atkinson, W"' Corstron, John Osborne, Nathaniel Smith, Thomas & Nicholas Rice, who were taken up for trading with the Enemy. P. M. The Council met. Present His Excellency the Governor M'- Crane Co' Drake M' Manning M' Linn ]VP Elmer Ebert Mount was brought before the Board, and it appear- ing that he had Enlisted into the Service of the Enemy Since the Treason Law, passed in this State ; time was thereupon allowed him to consider whether he will Enlist into our Service or be committed to Gaol for his trial. Four deserters from the British Army were in like manner brought before the Board, Whereupon Agreed That they be delivei'ed over to the disposal of Gen' Pulaski, and that they be allowed Sixty dollars for fotir Stand of Arms brought with them from the Enemy. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 27"' Feby 1.778 The Coimcil met pursuant to adj' Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Elmer M^ Crane Co' Drake, M^ Buck M"^ Manning M'' Condit Agreed That M"^ Condit pay to M' Liddle the sum of £25. 2. 1 for sundry expenses while in service and on express by order of Gen' Dickinson. Agreed That M' Condict pay to John Goldsmith the sum of Three pounds l)y order of the Council. Agreed That Mary Kerder, a Woman from Sussex County, whose husband is with the Enemy, have permission, together with her daughter to Go to Staten Island. Agreed £3. 1 . 6 2. 5. 1. 10. — 208 Agreed th.at there be paid to W™ Vandyke the sum of £7. 11. 3 for his trouble & expenses in bringing 4 deserters from Staten Island to this place from Elizabeth Town. M"^ Buck left his seat at the Board & AP Camp took his place. Evert Mount appeared again before the Board, & enlisting into our Service & taking the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance prescribed by Law, was dismissed. Agreed That there be p'^ to Ja* Paxton, the following sums expended by him in hiring expresses, viz'' To William Rosin the sum of . . . To William Roscow — do — & to Richard Bordon — do — An application was made to the Board, by Ja^ Paxton, to have the following persons, employed in the Commissary Dcp*^ in this Town, excused from Military Duty, in the Militia, which being taken into consideration. Agreed That one Cooper be exempted, from his next Tour of Duty, in the Militia, Agreeable to the above Application. The persons above alluded to, are 1 Cooper 1 Commissary, 1 Clerk, 1 Clerk of the Scales, & Superintendent of the Bake- houses & 1 Commissary. 28"' Feby 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor M-^ Condict ' M^ Crane Co' Fleming M"^ Elmer M^ Cooper " M"" Buck The following persons viz Nathaniel Smith, Tho* Watts and Nicholas Rice, subjects of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being brought before the Board upon suspicion of their having been trading with the Enemy & examined relative thereto ; The Council were of opinion that the charge was not supported & they were accordingly dismissed. William Lippincott an inhabitant of l*hiladel}>hia appre- hended on his way to the Enemy without a passport is ordered to be committed to Burlington (iaol for trial. Stacy Atkinson being taken uj) on his way to Philadelphia with beef destined for that place was ordered to be committed in like manner. The 209 The like determination with regard to Jolm Osgood for car- rying flour to the Enemy in Philadelphia. Agreed that Co' Bowes Heed be directed to send to this place under a proper Guard, all the prisoners in Burlington Gaol Committed for or charged with trading with the Enemy, or going into their Lines without proper passports, together with their names. . Agreed that the Governor issue his order for impressing a competent number of Waggons for transporting the provisions purchased by the Board of War, of the State of Pennsylvania, to the Gallies who are in Great want of provisions and unable on that account to proceed on their intended cruize from this place towards Philadelphia to prevent the designs of the Enemy up the Delaware. Sunday, P' March 1. 118 The Council 'Met. Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Condit M"" Manning M'' Elmer M"^ Cooper M" Camp Tho' Hand, Patrick M'Nelly, & John Baylis deserting from the Enemy were brought before the Board, whose examination being taken, they were sent on to Head Quarters. 2""^ March 1.778 The Council met at Trenton Present. His Excellency the Governor M-^ Cooper M"^ Elmer M^ Condit M' Buck M'' Crane Agreed That His Excellency the Governor be desired to write to the person in Fredericktown in Virginia who has the Custody of W" Wooley lately of Monmouth C" and a subject of this State, desiring him to deliver the said W"* Wooley to Richard Bell, he having promised to bring him into this State, and to Enter into Bond for his appearing before the Council of Safety of this State, in a reasonable time after his arrival in it. The z 210 Tlie following persons viz', Tlio^ Eldridge, John Pearson, Moses pippit, W'" Mattock, Samuel Skill, Tho" Bishop, Peter Becket, Stei)hen Becket, W"' Lippincott, Sam' Hackney, Joab Eldridge, Ezekiel Cox, Benj'" Nailor, John George, Simeon Collins, Rich'' M'Gennis, George French, John Brock, John Home, John Becket, John Lodge, Andrew Sweeton, and Richard Wright, were sent prisoners from Burlington to the Council of Safety upon suspicion of their having l)een trading with the Enemy. The former ten, confessing that they had been into the Enemy's lines & had taken provisions with them, & the latter that they had in like manner been into Philadelphia & returned into this State, without the license required by Law. Ordered That they all be Committed to Burlington Gaol for their trial. Agreed That the Delinquents abovenaraed be tried in the C of Burlington. 3" March 1.778 The Council of Safety met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor. M' Elmer M"^ Cooper M"- Buck M-- Tallman M"" Crane. Agreeable to a recommendation of the Court of Oyer & Terminer, & General Gaol Delivery hoi den at Freehold in & for the County of Monmouth Jany P' 1.778. Agreed that the foll^ Constables have compensation made them for their extraordinary attendance at said Court at the follg rates vizt. Ja^ Wilson 12 days c 20|. p day Joseph Coward 12 " 20 1. — do — Ja' Tapscott 10 — "— 20|. — do — Zep'' Morris 12 — "— 20|. —do- George Harrison Cryer 12 days c 10|. £52. 0. Nathaniel Middleton being called before the Board had the Affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance tendered to him, which he took & subscribed & was thereupon dismissed. Affreed £12. 0. 12. 0. 0. 10. 0. 0. 12. 0. G. 0. 211 Agreed that the Council purchase of Co' Sullivan one ton of Continental powder for the use of the State. Agreed That 160 Weight of the Said Powder & 100"' of Musket Bullets in the hands of M"" Baldwin, in Princeton be delivered to M*^ Ilendrick Van Brunt for the use of the Mon- mouth Militia. Saturday, 7*^ March 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor. M'' Crane M"" Imlay M-" Ehuer M"^ Manning Co' Fleming. Elias Marsh, John Thompson, Norris Thorpe, & Matthias Iselstin, were brought before the Board, & having Severally took & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as prescribed by Law, were discharged ; the latter two, at the same time Entered into recognizance in £300 Each, for their re- spective appearances at the Supreme Court to be held in the C of Middlesex. Conrad Fredericks being brought before the Board for Going into the Enemy's lines, entered into Bond with Ab"^ W. Depuyster in £300 Each, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer, to be held in & for the C" of Essex. Gerrit Demarest, Gerrit Van Gieson, John Paulese & John Van Boskirk, who were confined at Morristown, to procure an Exchange of a like number of prisoners in New York, having had permission from this Board, on the 30"^ Ja"^' last, to return to their respective homes, for one month, to negotiate the Ex- change aforesaid, & were to reti;rn to Morristown within that time, if sucli Exchange was not Effected ; And the Board having received advice that they had respectively returned according to their respective Engagements (except Boskirk who is taken ill) & was desirous of having a further time allowed them for the ])urpose aforesaid. — Whereupon Agreed, That they have the same indulgence ex- tended to one month longer, from the date, at the expiration of which, they are to return to Morristown, provided the pro- posed Exchange does not take place. Agreed That Ab'" Van Gieson have leave in like manner to go home for a month. 9"' March 212 9^^ March l.VYS The Council met at Trenton. Present. His Excellency the Governor M' Crane M-^ Elmer M"^ Elmer C'o' Fleming ]\P Buck Co' Drake Agreed That there l)e purchased from M'' Collins half a ream of his printing paper for the use of the Council of Safety tfc that C'o' Drake pay for the Same. Agreed that the powder purchased from Co' Sullivan for the use of the State, except the 160"' delivered to II end rick Van Brunt, and the 180'''' thereof to be sent to the C" of Cum- berland, be deposited in Morris County, under the Care of Gen' Winds, who is to make return thereof to his Excellency the Governor, & the said powder after the same shall be so de- posited is to he delivered by Gen' Winds to the order of His Excellency for the use of the Militia. Agreed that the C° of 60 men, one lieu' & an Ensign (that Major Goetchius, by an order of the 5"' December last, was authorized to raise for the defence of Bergen C ■', & which wei-e to continue in Service during 3 months from the date thereof) be continued for 3 months longer from the date hereof unless sooner discharged, or that the like number be raised & con- tinued for that time, & that Major Goetchius be authorized to raise four light Horsemen, out of his said Company of Infantry who are to be allowed the same pay & rations as the other light horsemen of this State. March 10"^ 1.778 The Council met at Trenton Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Buck M^ Camp M'' Manning Co' Drake Co' Fleming. Samuel Titus was called before the Board & it being proved that he had asked for 5"''' of Butter more than the Law allows, Agreed 213 Agreed that he be tined the sum of £6. 0. 0. for the breach of the law in so doing & forfeit the sum of 13|9 the price asked for the butter aforesaid. Samuel Tucker appeared before the Board & having taken & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance as pre- scribed by Law, was thereupon dismissed. Ordered that M'' Condit pay to Tho*^ Philipse for the use of Henry Post the sum of £10. 14. 3 for his time & trouble in attending the Council of Safety as a light Horseman from the 22 Feby to the 4 March. Agreed that a subpoena do issue for the appearance of Joseph Higby before this Board at 7 O'clock, this Evening to give Evidence in behalf of the State against Woolingstou Redman, & that a Warrant issue for the appearance of the said Redman at the same time. A. M. Present as before. Woolingston Redman appearing before the Board pursuant to warrant & confessing that he had Sold 200w'^ of Flour at a higher price than the law directs. Agreed that he be fined the Sum of £6. 0. for the said Ottence & also the sum of £3. 6|. being the price demanded for the said 200"'^ Agreed that his Excellency publish an advertisement direct- ing the Farmers in the Neighbourhood of this place to bring their provisions into the town, without the fear of having their Waggons, Horses & Cattle taken from them for the Service of the Army. March 13"^ 1.778. The Council met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Manning M-^ Tallman M^ Condit M^ Elmer Co> Drake, Ordered That M"" Condit pay to Ja' Serrings & others the sum of £40. 11. 7 for attending the Council of Safety as Light Horsemen. Agreed That 200 weight of lead made into Ball & 500 flints be delivered to Newcomb Thomson for the use of the Cumber- land C Militia. March 214 March 17"^ 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present, His Excellency the Governor ]\r C'ondit Co' Fleming M"^ INIanning M"^ Camp M"" Buck ]SP Speaker Agreed That there be paid to Jonathan Dear for the use of Andrew McMackin, the sum of £6. 16. 6 for casting musket balls for the use of the State & for his expenses attending the Same. Edward Steward being l)rought before the Board, upon Sus- picion of coming into this State as a Spy from the Enemy, & there not being Sufficient Evidence to convict him of the Fact, Agreed that he be remanded, until further testimony be liad on the subject. John Paradise was brought before the Board, for going into the Enemy's lines, & returning into this State, without a pass- port. Whereupon, Agreed, that he have five days to consider whether he Avill enlist into one of the Battalions of this State in the Continental Service, & that in the meantime he be com- mitted to the Guard in this place. Agreed that Co' Hath way receive from JNP Ogden, at ]>oon- town, the 20.000 flints sent or to be sent into this State, by M'' Archibald Mercer, from Boston, (lirst paying to Ogden at Boon- town for the cartage) & to be accountable for them when pro- perly called upon. Agreed that there be paid to Major Asher Holmes, the sum of £'120— for the use of the Wives, Widows & Children, of such of the Militia inhabitants of Monmouth C"^', who have been Either taken prisoners by the Enemy or Killed in Battle & who are proper objects of public charity, to be distributed among them at discretion. The prisoners & killed Are; James Hiljlnts, Peter Yatcman, Sam' Hanzey, John Bowes, Abraham Merlat, Nathan Maxin, Joseph Davis, W"^ Norris, W'" Cole, Alex'' Clark, Lambert Johnston, & Obadiah Stilhvel. Agreed that there be paid to Major Alfred Holmes for monies expended by him in paying Sundry expresses on the l^ublic Service the sum of £' t. 9. 9 Agreed That there be paid to M"^ Manning for the use of Reuben 215 Reuben Potter, for his expenses in removing the wife of Ellis Barron, the wife of S:vmnel Moores, tSo the wife of Moses Write from Woodbridge to Eliz. Town, to be sent over with a Flag from tlience to Staten Island, by order of the Council of Safety the sum of £11. lOj— Agreed that there be paid to John Buck for the use of New- comb Thompson the Sum of £7. 10|- for Conveying Military Stores from Princeton to Cumberland C"^' Agreed that there be paid to Johu Hart for the use of the Constables, for their extraordinary Services in attending the Court of Oyer & Terminer, held at Flemiugtown for the County of Hunterdon, the sum of £32. 0. 0. Agreed That there be paid to John Hart Esq"" for the use of Elijah Stout, for his Services in attending the Court of Flem- iugtown the sum of £2. 16. 10. Agreed that there be paid to John Hart Esq"^ for the use of John Paral, for the expenses attending the Cure of a Wound which he received on the 26 Jany while Engaged in the Militia in Co' Chambers' Battalion, in an action with the Enemy, the sum of £10. 0. 0. Agreed that there be paid to John Hart Esq"" for the use of James Blooks the amount of monies paid to the Doctor for the Cure of a Wound received from the Enemy while on Military Duty, the sum of £5. 15. 6. March 18. 1.778 The Council met at Trenton. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Tallraan M' Manning Co' Fleming M"" Buck M' Speaker M'' Imlay Agreed that Stephen Burrows, & William Heburn his jour- neyman, (or any journeyman he at present Employs) be ex- empted from Military Duty in the Militia, during the time they shall be Engaged in repairing the Saddles & accoutrements of the First Ilegiment of Virginia Cavalry, Commanded by Co' Bland, & that this exemption continue in force no longer than they are wanted for the business aforesaid. Agreed that Alexander Edwards Miller, employed at W™ Lewis' Mill & that Joseph Smith & Jacob Davenport, Cooj^ers, engaged at the same place, be excused from serving in the Militia for one month from the date hereof. Agreed 216 Agreed Tliat Tlioiuas Hunt, Jolui Bellerjan, & Samuel Tucker Jun'', employed in making & mending Boots for the Cavalry by W"' Tucker, be excused from doing duty in the Militia, during tlie time they shall be engaged in that work; — Agreed that there be paid to Joseph Holingshead for provid- ing 76 prisoners in Burlington, & the Guard kept over them, with Victuals, Wood & other Necessaries in the Month of September last, & for his time & expenses in attending the same, the sum of £82. 2|. March 2u"' 1.778 The Council met at Trenton Present, as before. A Memorial presented to the Treasury board by Tho* Leaming, respecting a quantity of Salt taken from him by Commissary Hugg, & by them to the Governor & Executive Council of this State, being read & M' Leaming having opened the case, The Council thought proper to defer the hearing till depositions were taken on the part of the public, respecting the Matters complained of. 2r' March 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor M^ Buck, M^ Tallman M"^ Manning Co' Fleming Co' Drake, Agreed that his Excellency the Governor be desired to write to the person in Reading in Pennsylvania, who has the Custody of Jacob Bogert lately of Bergen County and a sub- ject of this State desiring him to deliver the said Jacob Bogert to Hendrick Bogert & Samuel Campbell they having promised to bring him into this State, and to enter into Bond in £300— lawful money, of the State aforesaid, for his appearing before the President & Council of Safety thereof, in a reasonable time after his arrival in it. 22"" March 1.778 The Council met, Present. His Excellency the Governor. Co' Fleming M"" Camp M' Manning M"^ Buck Co' Drake. Ordered 217 Ordered, That in Virtue of a resolution of the Council & Assembly, Wati'es Smith be appointed to impress Six Strong Waggons on timber wheels, with six horses Each & 18 waggons •with 4 horses Each, & a sufficient number of Drivers for remov- ing Cannon to the neighborliood of Trenton, & removing Stores & Ammunition, to Pittston, tfe Common Stores, Rigging & Sails to convenient places out of the enemy's reach which common Stores, ammunition, rigging & Sails, belong to the Navy Board, of Pennsylvania, to be continued in Service for any term not exceeding six days, provided that the said Navy Board, Engage to pay the owners ©f the said Carriages, Wagons & Teams so impressed & the said Drivers, the like Wages, as they are allowed when in the service of the Continent, & also make the said Watres Smith a reasonable Compensation for his trouble as Waggon-Master. John Paradise was discharged from Custody upon Entering into recognizance with George Anthony in £300 to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for the County of Hunterdon. March 24"' 1.778 The Council met at Trenton Present His Excellency the Governor ]\P Buck, Co^ Fleming M"" Camp, M'' Condict M-^ Crane, M^ Imlay Agreed that Brig''"" Gen' Winds, succeed Co' Seely in the post at Elizabeth Town, & that he be informed thereof by letter from His Excellency. Upon the Application of Benjamin Smith, Agreed that Benj'" Smith and David Van Corden, his apprentices, and Lott Dunborr & W"' Yard his journeymen, employed in working for the Continental light horse, stationed in this town, be ex- empted from Serving their respective Tours of Duty, in the Militia for the space of two weeks from the date hereof. Agreed that the Powder purchased by the Council of Safety, for the use of the State, and lodged in this town, be removed into Burlington Co'', & put under the care of M"^ John Tomkin & that the person who Carries the said powder call at M'^ Im- lay's, for the lead at his house, to be deposited with the powder at ]Nr Tomkin's, & that M"^ Tomkin be desired to make up into Cartridges the said powder as far as the lead will permit ; & to deliAerthem out as occasion may require, to the Commanding Officer for the time being, in the Western parts of the State. March, Aa 218 March, 25"' 1778 The Council met at Trenton. Present, M-" Buck, M' Condict M"^ Imlay, M"^ Crane M-^ Cooper, M' Talhuan, M'' Linn, Co' Drake Co' Fleming, M"- Camp His Excellency the Governor being absent, el Freeman for his expenses 3 days in the like service from Gen' Dickenson to Gen' Heard & Co'- Fre- linghuysen & Dunn . . . .1. 10. () Novr 17. For Nathaniel Crane for his Expenses 2 days from Gen' Dickenson to Hi- bernia 1. 1ft. 23. For Elihu Pearson for his Expenses in tlie same service 2^ days from Gen' Dickenson to Flemingtown . . 1. 17. 6 25. For W'" Ratiisden's ex])resses 2 days in riding Express from Gen' Dickenson to Co' Frelinghuysen . . . . 1. 10. i;i7. 12. 6 Agreed that there be paid to Nehemiali Dunham Esi]'" for the use of Peter l^arker, <4eorge Lupick, & Joseph McCatierty Carrying prisoners trum Pittstown to Morristown 6 days at 15|* p day; also 31"* over to the said Barker as Sergeant . £13. 13. |. Agreed that the following Persons be sent to Head Quarters under (Tuard & delivered to Gen' Washington, vizt: p *^ ( prisoners of War of British Infantry taken T ^ I,*" ■ 1 ( at Brandy wine Ja^ Brinly ) •' Robert Caimon, ] (Teorge Parkei-, I r» w i c i i • * *i 4 < T , T> ' British Sciimen nelon^ino; to the transiiort J ohn Bane, > ,, i i i r i') r^ ^ tJ^ ■ T ^ i> ', I " Lord Howe Cap'^ 1^ rancis. J a'' 1 eacock, '■ Ja^ Cook, J Jo^ Jo® Hissock, Fr"* Warrington, Samuel Weekly W" Wilson Timothy Hay, Edward Stewart, Cap*= Geo. 225 belonging to the brig " Lord Howe Sloan, of the "Baltic Merchant" Cap'" Masters. ) belonging to the Merchantman brig \ " Nancy " Cap' Dexter. Marriner on board the " Carolina " packet, Cap'" M^'Collam. belonging to York, suspected for being a Spy, travelled from Philadelphia to Jersey with Merchandize. Abraham Williams, belonging to Philadelphia, who came into Jersey to purchase provisions with in- tent to carry them into the Enemy's lines, taken up by Cap'" Parker for deserting from the light Horse, taken up for travelling without a Pass, suspected of having deserted from Gen' Burgoyne's Army of Prisoners, to make his way into Philadelphia. Agreed that William Heuling, Tho^ Jones, W"' Rawson, Sam' Cousens, Jacob Shoulder, & Isaac Zane, for carrying pro- visions into Philadelphia & returning into this State, be com- mitted to Morristown Gaol for their trial, & that Warrants of Commitment do thereupon issue. Agreed that John King enter into recognizance with Wil- liam Nutt his surety for his appearance at the next Supreme Court in Burlington. John Martin, John Williamson, April 8"> 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"" Camp M^ Crane M^ Cooper M'- Condict M"" Elmer Agreed that there he paid on account to Josiah Burnet an Ensign in the 8"' Company of the 1^' Regiment of Morris C Militia, who was wounded on the 15"^ day of Sep'"^ last at 2"'' River, for his present relief the sum of |60"", and that D"^ Peter Smith deliver an account of the particulars of his bill for administering Medicines to the Said Burnet. Agreed Bb 226 Agreed that Benjamin Spinning, John Spinning, & Nathaniel Bond, three prisoners in New Ark Gaol charged with going into tlie Enemy's lines, without passports, be brought before the Council of Safety. Agreed that Gerrit Demarest, Gerrit Van Gieson, John Paulis, John Van Boskirk, & Ab"' Van Gieson, have leave to go to their respective homes for the Space of Six weeks from this time. 9*'^ April 1.778 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor M' Tallman M' Elmer M^ Speaker M' Buck M^ Crane Agreed that W™ Alger, Sent before the Board by Justice Loyd for going into & returning from the Enemy's lines, be committed to Essex Gaol & that a Warrant of Commitment be made out for that purpose. Upon the Petition of Duncan INFCall setting forth that he was a deserter from the British Army and had been called upon to Serve in the Militia of this State & had been fined for non-attendance, craving an exemption from service. The Council advised his Excellency to direct the Officers to excuse him from Military Duty. Agreed That there be paid to M"^ Buck for tne use of Benoni Dare, for riding express for Gen' Newcomb, with orders to several Co''^ 4 days at |3^" p day Agreed that Samuel Minor be Summoned to attend the Council of Safety. 10*'' April 1.778 The Council met at Princeton, Present. His Excellency the Governor, M' Buck M"^ Elmer M^ Camp M-^ Tallman Co' Drake M"' Hoopes M"" Crane Co' Cook Samuel 227 Samuel Minor was brought before the Board & it appearing that he had Endeavoured, by conversation, to discourage per- sons Engaged in the American Cause ; — Agreed that he find Security for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q"" Ses- sions, of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, which, having accordingly given with John Davis his Surety in £300 Each, & was thereupon dismissed. Ruelof Jacobus, Nicholas Jones, John Schamerhorn, Samuel Berry & David Brown, being brought before the Board, and the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance being tendered to them, they Severally took and subscribed the same & was thereupon discharged. Tho"* Jones appeared before the Board & having entered into recognizance with Nicholas Jones his Surety in £300 Each for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q' Sessions of the peace, for the C'^ of Bergen, was thereupon dismissed. Agreed that Cap'" John Mead be allowed the sum of £5. 0. for bringing the above-named persons from Bergen C° before the Council of Safety. Agreed that John Dennis Esq"^ be summoned to appear before the Council of Safety at this State, ll'*^ April 1.778 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor M-^ Crane M-" Manning M^ Camp M^ Buck Co' Drake, Agreed that Jacob Weiser be summoned to attend this Board forthwith. Agreed that John Richmond suspected of being a dangerous person, enter into bond with security, to remain within one mile of New Germantown in Hunterdon County, until the further order of the Council of Safety respecting him, which having done, with Jacob Hyer, his surety, in £300 Each, was there- upon discharged. 13"' April 1.778 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor M-" Camp M^ Elmer Co' Cook M- Buck M"' Manning M"^ Fenemore Agreed 228 • Agreed that Heniy Bogert & Jacob Lessheir who were taken with provisions intended for the Enemy be committed to Essex Gaol, for their tryal, & that Elias Komyn enter into re- cognizance to appear against them at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer in Essex County. Agreed that Elias Romyn for his time & expenses in bring- ing the above persons from Bergen County & as an allowance for returning home be paid the sum of £S. 18. 0. & that Codenis Hoaglandt for assisting in the same service, be allowed the sum of £3. 0. 0. Agreed that John Barnhill, John Barcalow, & Okey Voor- hise, Employed at the Ferry of John Sherard on the Delaware, together with the said Sherard himself be exempted from doing- duty, in the Militia, until the further orders of the Council of Safety — 14th ^pj.ii 1 7Y8 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor — jVP Manning M^^ Tallman M-^ Camp M^ Buck Co' Cook Co' Drake Benjamin Spinning, John Spinning & Nathaniel Bond, agreeable to their petition were brought before the Board; The Council having heard their Several examinations read, Agreed that they be returned to Essex Gaol, for Tryal, & that they defray the expenses of the Guard in bringing them here, & also their chai'ges in returning them back — Settled at £10. 0. 6. 15 April 1.778 The Council met, Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Buck Co' Drake M"^ Fenemore Co' Cook M^ Camp, M^ Tallman Agreed that there be paid to Tho'' Fenemore Esq"^ for the use of Sam' Fenemore the sum of £7. 15|. for riding Express by order of Co' Ellis, to the following places from the 2'"' March 1.778 vizt — To Bordentown — To Burlington. To Salem, Trenton, Burlington, Long a coming, & Linneminein; — 18 April 229 18 April 1.778 The Council mot at Princeton, Present — His Excellency the Governor. Co' Drake ' iM' Con diet M"^ Fenemore M' Tallman M' Speaker Col. Cook. Agreed that there be paid to Hannah Gaffin (or to her order) the widow of John Gaffin a soldier in Capt Polliemus's Company, of the the P' New Jersey lieg\ who died at Crown Point the 3^'' July 1.777 the sum of |30"". Agreed that W'" Hewling Jacob Fitzrandolph £6. 0. ) £30. 0. For selling — do — at higher price than limited ) by Law, the same forfeiture & the same fine \ 30. 0. For selling 3"^ of Red wool c 2|(i p "^' Avithout Certificate — Forfeiture of same 7|6. Fine ) £6. 0. j" G. 7. 6 Selling — do — above the legal price, the same forfeiture & the same fine .... 6. 7. 6 £72. 15. Costs allowed to the Complainant to be deducted from the above ...... 3. 7. 6 £69. 7. 6 Agreed that M'' Condict pay to Stephen Crane Esq'' for the use of Michael Magee, a private in Capt" Marsh's troop of lischt 232 light horse, who was wounded in an Engagement at Eliz: Town, on the 12^'' September 1.777, the folloiwing Sums ex- pended by him toAvnrds the Cure of his wound, viz': To the amount of D' Wynant's ajc after deduc- tion • i'26. 6. 4 To Doctor Dayton's a{ct 3. 0. To John Magee's attendance as nurse . . 10. 0. £39. 6. 4 2"^ May 1.77S The Council met at Morristown Present, as before. Agreed that Cap'" Smith be summoned to attend the Council of Safety at Morristown, for charging more for provisions, Lodgings &c than the rates affixed by law; — Upon the petition of Abraham Ogden Esq"^ for a passport for M'^ Hoifman to go into the City of New York, Agreed that the Prayer of the said petition cannot be granted until M" lloft'man has answered certain interrogations on be- half of the State, concerning a £1.000 said to have been carried by her into the Enemy's lines; which sum had been forfeited to the State, for which purpose M""^ Hoifman is to attend the Board. Agreed that there be advanced to Cap*^ Tho' Combs, on account, the sum of $60'^ in part payment of money advanced by him to several Doctors towards the Cure of a wound he re- ceived in the serA'ice. Adjourned till 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. 4''" May 1.778 Met pursuant to Adj*. Present as before, A letter from Cap'" Stryker desiring that the light horse may be exempted from being drafted with the foot, was read & answered — • Petition from Ilendrick Bennett read & answered, Agreed That Samuel Smith for selling provisions &c at a higher price than regulated by Law, be fined in the follow- ing sums, & incur the following forfeitures. Viz For 233 For one supper charged at 5|. fine £6. 0. Forfeiture 5|. . For one night's lodging 2j0. fine 6. 0. Forfeiture 2 1 6. '[2 Gill Bitters . Forfeiture 2|6. Horse hay one night Forfeiture 5]. 4 qts Oats Forfeiture 2|6. 1 Breakfast Forfeiture 5|. 2|6. fine 6, 0. , 51. fine 6. 0. 2|6. fine (i. 0. fine 6. 0. h- 5. h- 2. 6 [«■ 2. 6 i^- 5. h- 2. 6 !»• 5. £37. 2. 6 Agreed that the £1.000 received this day from the Treasury for the use of the Council of Safety be delivered into the hands of M-" Condict. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 5"' May 1.778 Met pursuant to adjournment Present as before Agreed that the horses purchased by Cap'" Townshend pur- suant to a resolution of both houses of the Legislature lor the continental service & rejected by Major Clough & Cap'" Har- rison, be submitted to the judgment of Mess" Wilson & Daniel Hunt, to determine whether tliey are fit for the said Service or not. That if they think they come within the description of the Committee of Congress, & the directions given to Cap'" Townshend for purchasing thera, they be detained until the opinion of the Legislature shall be known concerning them, except the Stallions which are to be disposed of at the risk of the purchaser. Agreed tliat the following persons be subpoena'd, to attend the Council of Safet}^ this afternoon, to give evidence in behalf of the United States, relative to the conduct of Gittbrd Dally in the Dep' of Q"^ Master in this place, viz — Malcolm M'^Curry, Joseph Lewis, Robert Tont, John Pumeroy, Jerod Dey, Elias Van Court, & Benj Lindley. Adjourned till 3 O'clock P.M. Met pursuant to adj" John Pumeroy, pursuant to subpoena, appeared before the Board & having been sworn relative to M' Dalley's conduct, and Co 234 and his deposition reduced to writing, was thereupon dis- missed. John Dey was in like manner examined, qualilied and dis- charged — Elias Van Court, having given his testimony relating to the above matter, was in like manner dismissed. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock. 6"^ May \/!l8 Met pursuant to Adj'. Present as before. M' Dally being called in respecting the Matters sworn against him yesterday, made his defence thereupon & was dismissed for the present — Frederick King appeared before the Board & having given his Evidence, relating to the conduct of M' Dally & was dis- missed. David Burnet was in like manner sworn, his deposition re- duced to writing & dismissed. David Quigg having delivered himself up to his Excellency the Governor and the Council of Safety, pursuant to a parole given for that purpose, to Tho^ Wharton Esq' President of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, & soliciting a pass to go into the City of New York, had the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance tendered to him, on his refusing to take the Same Agreed that he give security for his appearance at Court or be comraited to Gaol. Isaac Lyon was called in respecting M"" Dally, his examination reduced to writing & was dismissed — Solomon Browne was sworn relative to M' Daily's conduct, his deposition taken down & was thereupon dismissed. Adjourned till 3 O'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adj'. Agreed that there be paid to Stephen Ogden the sum of £8. 7. 6 being the amount of D"^ Jones' account as taxed by the Council, & paid by the said Ogden towards the cure of a wound, he received in the service. That there be paid to Cap* John Lindley the sum of £7. 10. 6 for the amount of what he paid to D"^. Jones for the Cure of a wound his son John received in the service. Agreed That Mathias Williamson Esq"^ be summoned to attend the Council of Safety at this place on Friday next, in order that the Oaths to Government may be tendered to him. Agreed 235 Agreed that Peter Brunner be appointed Commissioner for disyjosing of Tory property in the C" of Hunterdon in the room of Azariah Dunham Esq'", who has resigned, and that a Com- mission be made out for that purpose — That W'" Bond be appointed for the same purpose as above in the room of John Barber, deceased, for the C° of Essex. And that Nathaniel Hunt be commissioned in the place of resigned — Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 O'clock. 1^^ May 1.778 Met pursuant to adj'. Present as before Agreed that Cap* Kennedy on giving Parole to the Governor & Council for his Good behaviour be released from his confine- ment at this place, & suffered to return to his farm on New Barbadoes Neck — Cap*" Kennedy was called in, subscribed his parole, & discharged. Agreed that John Sweeny Accused of harbouring Tories, & assisting them in going to the Enemy, give security for his ap- pearance at Coui't. The same agreement with respect to John Lafferty, for the same offence; — Cap'" Stoddard pursuant to a Citation appeared before the Board, on a complaint exhibited against him, by John Hunt respecting a quantity of Hay purchased by him from the said Hunt. Cap' Stoddard having produced the proofs respecting the above transaction; The Board were of opinion that the said Complaint was not supported & that Cap'" Stoddard had acted in the said affair agreeable to the rules of honour & with great attention to the Public Interest. Agreed that Col Christ" Banker be summoned to attend this Board on Saturday next. Caleb Ball was called in, & sworn to Sundry Matters with respect to the Quarter Master & Commissary Department at Succasunny, his deposition reduced to writing & he thereupon dismissed. Agreed that Gerrit Van Geison & Abraham Van Geison have permission to go to New York to procure an Exchange for themselves & Gerrit Demarest, John Paulis & John Van Bos- kirk by negotiating the releasement of Tho^ Bantha, Bernardus Verbyrck, Samuel Verbryck, John Hays & David Van Burson, who are now confined in New York, — That if they fail in this, they return to Morristown on the first of June next, agreable to an order of the Board of the 8"^ April last. The 236 The Council were of opinion on considering the several proofs exhibited against M' Dally, that he should be removed from the office of Deputy Quarter Master & that his place be filled by a new appointment. Tho' O'Riley, Ebenezer Adams, Barny Cain & John Williaiiis, were sent foi', before the Board, their several examinations being taken, they were remanded to Prison. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 O'clock. 8"' May 1.778 Met pursuant to Adjournment. Present as before. Agreed that William Ridley, Cap' of a Transport, George Strawbridge, Henry Ozenburg, & John Williams, Mariners, be detained in this place until the Commissary of Prisoners be notified Concerning them. Ordered, That in case Henry O'Harry, Simon Sareh, Geo Bright, Tho"" O'Riley, Ebenezer Adams & Barny Cain, are or shall be charged with, or committed for any of the crimes or offences specified in the P', 2'"' or 3"' Sections of a Certain Act, Entitled "An Act to punish Traitors & disaifected persons," or are or shall be charged with or committed for Misprision of Treason, or for any crime or oftence specified in the 8*'^ or 9"' sections of "An Act for constituting a Council of Safety," or shall be charged with, or is committed for any of the Crimes or offences specified in the 2'"' section of An Act entitled "An Act to render Certain Bills of Credit a lawful Tender in this State & to prevent the counterfeiting of the same & other Bills of Credit" — or so many of them as have been so charged or com- mitted, shall be tried for the Same in the County of Burlington, altho' the ottence they be charged with, or were or shall be com- mitted for, were done or perpetrated in any other County. Ordered that William Turner an Inhabitant of Pennsylvania, who was a}>pointed a lieutenant in a Company of Greens by Gen' Howe, be sent to Head Quarters to be at the disposal of Gen' Washington. Agreed That on John Francisco's finding security for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held in and for the County of Bergen, he be discharged from his confinement. That Daniel Bragly, for Selling 20"' of Veal to Samuel Kirk- patrick, for 22|6 be fined in the sum of £6. 0. & forfeit the price, he sold the veal at. Agreed That W"' Smith who has made his escape from the Enemy & delivered himself up to the Council of Safety, be discharged 237 discharged from his imprisonment on his finding security for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for the County of Bergen — (Ten' ^yilliatnson pursuant to summons appeared before the Board & on tlie Oatlis of Abjuration & Allegiance, being tendered to him, took & subscribed the same, & was thereupon dismissed — Agreed that the following persons, viz Ja*" Appleby Sen'', James Appleby J'', Ja^ Corby & John Burns, upon their re- spective Petitions for a hearing be sent for before tlie Jioard, to hear & determine Concerning their several crimes. James Appleby Sen'^ & Ja^ Appleby Jun' appeared before the Board, Agreed that if they find security for their appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for the County of Bergen, they be discharged from their imprisonment — Ja^ Carby appeared before the Board, and it appearing that he had been taken up as a suspicious person, & there being no suspicious proof to detain him, Agreed That he be discharged from his imprisonment. John Burns was bi-ought before the Board & it appearing that his case would not admit of bail, i^greed that he be re- manded to Prison. Agreed that in the Commissary Department in this place, Natlian Ilowel be dismissed as a supernumerary officer. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 9''' May l.'Z'ZS Met pursuant to adj* Present as before with Co' Fleming. John Sweeny apjjeared before the Board, & having entered into recognizance with James Buggs, his surety, in £300 Each, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for the C" of Bergen, was thereupon discharged. Agreed that Benjamin Lindsly Esq'' be appointed Deputy Quarter Master, in this place, in the room of Gifford Dally re- moved from the said office. Agreed that M'' Condict pay to W'" Livingston Jun' for his attendance on the Council of Safety as their Secretary at Princeton, Trenton & Morristown 48 days at .30j. per day the sum of £72. 0. Agreed that Wood supposed to be a deserter & appre- hended on his way to the Enemy be sent to Head Quarters to General Washington. Adjourned till 3 O'clock P. M. Met 238 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present as 1)efore. Agreed that there be paid to Samuel Vanee for his expenses in attending the Council of .Safety as a light horseman, at Morristown the sum of £1. 19. 11. That there be paid to W" Wick for attending the Council in the Same capacity at the Same place the sum of £5. 2. 4. That there be paid to Benj' Freeman for attending the Council of Safety as a light horseman, at the above place, the sum of £3. 6. 1 " That there be paid to Cap' Simmons for the like services at Morristown the sura of £12. 0. 9 And that there be paid to Moses Wick for his expenses at Morristown, in serving the Council of Safety as a light horse- man the sum of £'2. U. 11. Agreed That Daniel Bragly be Committed to Gaol until he pays the fine & forfeiture adjudged against him on yesterday. William Templeton appeared before the Board & having entered into recognizance with Walter Anderson his security in £\300 Each for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer & in ^Morristown & was thereupon discharged. Ordered that Catherine Shepard whose husband is within the Enemy's lines be sent to him & that Major Hays, or the JMagistrates in Newark put that order into execution. Christopher Banker appeared before the Board &, having been examined with respect to the Forage Master's de})arttnent, at Succassuny, was thereupon dismissed ; — Agreed that Co' Drake be paid the sum of 30|. for the paper furnished liy him for the Council of Safety. That Cap'" Arnold be allowed 40|. for the use of his room for the Council of Safety. Adj(jurned to meet at Princeton on the 20"' May. 20"' May 1.778 The Council of Safety met at Princeton. There not being a sufficient number of members to proceed to business, adjourned till tomorrow morning. 2P' May 1.778 Met pursuant to Adj* Present His Excellency the (Tovernor M' Houston M' Imlay M^ Camp M'^ Hart, M"^ Cooper Agreed 239 Agreefl that Cap*" Williamson Conduct the quota of Co' Neilson's Battalion, who have chosen to enter into Cap'" Voor- his' Company, in Co' Ogden's Battalion, to the said Battalion now in the neighborhood of Iladdontield, & get the command- ing officer of the Battalion to Certify the receipt of them upon the descriptive list of their entering into the Service, which list & certificate is with all convenient speed to be transmitted to the Governor. Agreed that William Mariner have permission to call upon M'' Mercereau or Cap* Morgan, for a number of Volunteers & to proceed to Flatbush to bring ofl:' MT Bache, M" Matthews, Major Moncriefi:' & as many others as he may think proper. Gerret Van Geison & Abi'aham Van Geison appeared before the Board & produced a certificate from JMajor Gen' Jones, that they had applied for themselves & Gerrit Demarest, John Paulis & John Van Buskirk, to be exchanged for themselves & Tho'' Bantha, Bernardus Ver Bryck, Samuel Ver Bryck, John Hays & David Burson, but that the same could not be Eflx;cted. Whereupon Agreed that the said Gerrit Van Geison, Abraham Van Geison, Gerrit Demarest, John Paulis, & John Van Bus- kirk be permitted to stay at their respective places of abode until the Council of Safety shall order otherwise concerning them. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 22"^* May 1.778 Met pursuant to adjournment. Present as before with M"" Mehelm Pursuant to an Act of Assembly Entitled " An Act to pro- vide for the Cloathing of the New Jersey Regiments in the Service of the United States " directing the Commissioners for purchasing of Cloathing to observe the directions of the Council of Safety during the recess of the Legislature, as to the species ifc quantity of the Articles to be purchased, & the manner in which the cloathing is to be disposed of, & distributed. Agreed that the foll^ Directions be given to Major Kelsey, the Commissioner for that purpose — viz. 1°. That as it appears from accounts from the Camp that our regiments are more destitute of Shirts than of any other article of Cloathing, he be directed to be particularly attentive to the purchasing of Linen suitable for that purpose, and in case a sufticient quantity cannot be procured, to buy Flax to be manufactui'ed into Linen, in this State, but as the precise quantity cannot be ascertained, Major Kelsey be informed that it is conjectured that our Brigade will Consist of 1.800 men 2. That 240 2. That be be directed so to proportion tlie Linen & Woollen to be purcliased, (The latter to be of the coarser sort) as to procure a suitable quantity of Each. 3. That he be directed to buy a sufficient Quantity of home spun Thread, to make up that part of the Cloathing which he cannot purchase ready made. 4. The two houses of the Legislature having entered into a i-esolve that the Commissioner for [turchasing Cloatliing, shall also purchase a quantity of lead, for ammunition, tho' the same was omitted to be inserted in the Bill, Agreed that M'' Kelsey be further directed to purchase one Ton of Lead — Christopher Curtis, who went over to the Enemy before the treason Law, was passed, appeared before the Board and hav- ing taken & subscribed the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance, was thereupon dismissed — Upon the representation of Several of the Lihabitants of the C^ of Sussex relative to an expected invasion by the Indians, Agreed that Gen' Winds be directed not to call any men from Co' Kosecrans Regiment in that County during the next six Weeks. Adj'' till 3 o'clock P. M. Met pursuant to Adj*^ Present as before. Agreed that M'" Condict pay to the three light horsemen fol- lowing, ior attending the Governor from the 9*^'' & 22'"^ of May as p. their Accounts, to wit : To Ebenezer Gregory the sum of £'10. 18|. To Joseph Breton " 9. 8, 9 To Jon" Stiles Jun' " 9. 13. 9 Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. Met pursuant to adj'. Princeton, 23 May 1.778 Present. His Excellency the Governor M^ Mehelm M' Hart M"^ Houston M' Cooper There not being a sufficient niimber of members to proceed with business, adjourned till Monday Morning next. 24''^ May .241 24'»> May 1.778 There not being yet a sufficient number to proceed upoa business, adjourned till tomorrow morning. Met pursuant to adj'. Present His Excellency the Governor Co' Fleming M'' Houston M-" Mehelm M'' Cooper There yet being one member wanted to make a Quorum, adjourned till tomorrow Morning 26*'^ May 1.778 Met at Princeton pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Speaker M^ Houston M-^ Cooper M^^ Mehelm Co' Fleming Abel Thomas & James Thomas, Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, being sent under Guard to this Board, by two Magistrates of New Ark for having been into the enemy's lines, in the City of New York, & Long Island without Passports, & suspected of designs injurious to the liberties of America, The Board upon hearing their defence were satisfied of their innocence & have reason to believe that their Journey to the several places which they have visited, was undertaken on a religious account, & agreable to their declared intention to the meeting held at Maiden Creek the 25"' day of March 1.778 of performing a religious visit to the meetings of Friends in part of the Jerseys & part of the New York Governments ; The Board therefore discharged the said Abel & James Thomas from their confinement, & they being further desirous to visit the meetings of their Friends at Plainfield, Raway, Shrewsbury, Squan, Squan-Kung, Barnagat, Great & little Egg Harbour, and at the Capes; and this Government being unwilling to obstruct any Society in the exercise of their religion, the said Abel & James Thomas were permitted to pass to the nine places last mentioned, & then to the State of Pennsylvania. Agreed that Joseph Roberds & David Lyon be paid the sum of £9. for their expenses in bringing the persons above named before the Council of Safety from 2"'' River. Adj*ourned till tomorrow Morning. 27*'' May Dd 242 • 21^^ May 1.V78 Met at Princeton pursuant to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor M"^ Speaker * M"^ Cooper M'^ Houston M"^ Mehelm Col Fleming Aoreed that Edward Taylor be discharged from the Bond he g-ave to the Council of Safety, sometime in the beginning of December last, & have leave to return home for 3 weeks upon entering into another Bond, to return within that time to this town & remain here until the further order of the Council of Safety, unless he shall in the meantime procure the releasement of John Willett now a prisoner in New York. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. 28*'^ May 1.7T8 Met at Princeton pursuant to adj^ Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Cooper M"^ Imlay M' Buck M-^ Keasby Co' Fleming Agreed that Major Perkins be directed to send all tlie pris- oners now in the Gaol at Burlington, for any crimes or offences to the Governor & Council of Safety at this place. Agreed that M"^ Condict pay to Co' Bowes Reed, for the money expended by him for the guarding a number of prisoners at Burlington Jail, and also for the expenses in having them conducted to the Council of Safety, at Trenton, on the 27 March 1.778, the sura of £49. 5|. as per account. Agreed that there be p'' to Edward Keasby Esq"^ for the use of Ab™ Richmond for riding express, from the 1 ** March from Piles Grove to Trenton, & returning back, three days at 30|. p. day the sum of £4. 10|. That for the use of Joseph Dickenson for riding express 4 days by order of Co' Hand, from the 26 February 1.778 the sum of '£'6. 0. The further sum of £6. 0. for the use of David Moorea, for the like services the same number of days. ADd 243 And for the use of Daniel Holts, for 4 days riding express by- order of Co' Hand, the like sura of £'6. 0. Agreed that there be paid to M'' Buck, for the use of Web- ster Newcomb for his riding express from the 22 Ocf to the 11 November by order of Gen* Newcomb, the sum of £'22. 10| Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 29 May 1.778 Met at Princeton, pursuant to adj*' Present, His Excellency the Governor, Co' Fleming Co' Cook M' Buck M^ Condict M-- Cooper M^ Elmer M"^ Manning M"^ Imlay. Agreed that John Longstreet one of the Justices of the Peace in Monmouth County, be instructed to tender the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance to this State to the following persons, viz: John Taylor Esq"", Joseph Vanmeter, George Taylor Jun', Tho* Thompson, William Lawrence, Josiah Parker, Robert Hartshorne & Ezeck Hartshorne, and that if they refuse to take the same to send them forthwith to the Council of Safety at this place without tendering the same to them a second time. Agreed that Co' Holmes send the following women to their husbands, in the enemy's lines, viz M" M'^Clease the wife of Cornelius M-^Clease, M" Tilton the wife of John Tilton, Mrs Tilton the wife of Ezekiel Tilton, & Rhody Pew the wife of James Pew. Agreed that there be paid to Theophilus Elmer Esq"" for the use of Lawrence Johnston, for the use of his horse & his extraordi- nary expenses in riding express for Co' Ellis the sum of £6. 11.3. And that there be paid to Peter Parcel for attending the Governour as a light horseman, the sum of £5. 6. 3. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. 30 May 1.778 Met at Princeton, pursuant to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor M"" Cooper M'' Camp M^ Keasby M-^ Buck Co' Fleming M' Manning M' Houston. The 244 The Council considered the cases of the several prisoners of War & State prisoners, sent from Fostertown, & not being able to deteiTnine where to confine them, they adj"* till tomor- row morning. 31»* May 1.778 Met at Princeton pursuant to adj' Present. His Excellency the Governor M"" Keasby M'^ Manning M' Buck M-^ Condit Co' Fleming M"^ Camp M^ Houston. Agreed that John Morgan, Robert Compton, Robert Hair, Tho^ Egleson, Tho" House, Hugh Queen, Jo' Mansfield, John Gilbert, Cornelius Barn, George Mattox, Head Quarters and Gillis M^ Gillis, James Hamilton, Tho^ York, Tho** Ewel, Tho« Brooks, John Sproul, John Gevils, Tho" Johnston, W" Kaign, Jacob Yago George Watson Ja** Downey, John Peel, John M'^Gahon Ja' M^'Clanagan, John Serterthand, Rich^' Clark, John Binley, & John Bougee, be sent under Guard to then the Council adjourned till the afternoon. P. M. Met pursuant to adj^ Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"^ Houston M' Camp M"" Cooper M"^ Manning M"^ Buck M"" Keasby M-- Condit, Agreed that John Kerable be discharged & give security for his appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace to be held in Burlington C" Agreed that John Clowden & James Livingston be discharged on entering on board aletter of Marque belonging to M'' Hodge. Agreed that Thomas Canby fined & imprisoned at Burling- ton be committed to Morris Jail. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. l*' June 245 V^ June 1.77S Met at Princeton pursuant to adj^ Present His Excellency the Governor. M-" Schenck M-- Buck M"^ Crane M"" Condict Co' Fleming Agreed that there be paid to M' Buck for the use of Jon" Beesly the sum of £18. 0. for riding express by order of Co' Ellis 12 days. 2"" June l.llS The Council met. Present His Excellency the Governor Co' Fleming Co' Cook M'' Elmer Col Drake M"' Imlay. Upon the petition of a number of inhabitants of the C° of Monmouth, setting forth that a number of Persons who had been into the enemy's lines, and aiding & assisting to them, and Avho had plundered a number of the inhabitants when the enemy were last at Trenton, had returned to their respective homes & being bailed by the Justices & suffered to go at Large, praying that an enquiry might be made in the premises. Agreed that M'' Holmes be directed to furnish the Board, as well with the names of those delinquents who have returned, as of the Magistrates who bailed them. Adj'' till tomorrow Morning. 3^ June 1.778 Met pursuant to adj^ Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Condit M-- Schenk M-" Keasby Co' Cook M^ Imlay Co' Fleming. Agreed 246 Agreed that there be paid to Peter Schenk Esq"" for the use of John Yancourt for boarding, attending & taking care of Gershom Vanderhule a Militia Soldier belonging to the first Regiment of Monmouth Militia, wounded at the battle of Germantown, the 4"' October 1.777, from the 16"' October to the 18^^ Nov"" 1.777, being 4 weeks & 5 days, at =£'3. per week, the sum of £'14. 2. 10, That for the use of Joel Beadle for boarding and attend- ing the above Soldier from the 4 Deer 1.777 to the 6 Jany 1.778 being 4 weeks & 4 days c 20| pr week, the sum of £4. 11. 6. And for the use of Henry Vanderlink for boarding, nursing & attending the same person from the 7*^ Jany 1.778 being 11 Weeks & 3 days, at 20| p^ Week, at which time he died, the sura of £11. 8. 7. That there be paid for the use of Ann Taylor, for boaixling & taking care of Josejdi Taylor belonging to the Regiment above named, and wounded at the same time, from the 19"^ October to the 9"" Dccem. being 9 weeks c 2 dollars p week the sum of £6 15|. And for the use of Elizal)eth Mains for boarding, attending & taking care of Andrew ]Main, a militia Soldier belonging to the Regiment before named, wounded at the same time, from the 9"' Oct. to the 9'" April, at £'4. 0. 0. p'' month the sum of £'24. 0. 0. Agreed that Colonel Oakey Hoagland,be directed to remove all the craft, except Ferry Boats, between Crosswicks and Bur- lington on the Jersey shore, to such places where they cannot be used to transport necessaries, to the enemy, & that such of them as cannot be conveniently removed, as aforesaid be sunk without loss of time. Upon the Petition of several inhabitants of Sussex County setting forth that Joseph Hancock, Robert Johnston & Eze- kiel Younglove, have sometime since left their families & joined the enemies of the United States, on Staten Island, & praying that their wives & Children may be removed to them ; to prevent the correspondence which is kept up between them ; Agreed that Rachel Hancock, Abigail Johnston, & Sarah Younglove, be sent to their husbands in the Enemy's lines, & that their children who are under the age of 12 years, have leave to accompany them, & that Major Meeker be directed to see to the execution of the said order. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 4"' June 247 4"' June 1.778 Met pursuant to Adj^ Present. His Excellency the Governor. M"^ Speaker. M'' Manning M'- Buck. M^ Condit M-^ Keasby. M"^ Tmlay. Agreed that there be paid to M' Houston, for the use of Co' Henry Vandike, for sundry Expenses, in erecting Beacons at or near his farm the sum of £'5. 10. 8. That there be paid to John Hart Esq' for the use of Nicholas Hoff", a private in Cap*" Jacobus Quick's Company, of the 2"*^ Regiment of Somerset Militia, who had his thigh broke in the battle of Germantown, for the boarding, nursing, attendance and other necessary expenses, in consequence of his wound, during the space of 5 months & also for the amount of the D''^ Bill, the sum of £'45. 12. 6. Agreed that there be paid to Cap*" Simmons for the use of \ym Wilson, for riding express by order of the Governor, from the 30*1' May to the 3"'''* June, the mm of £'3 11. 6. Ordered that Ebenezer Foord be appointed Commissioner for disposing of Tory property in the room of Cap'" Baker re- signed in the C'^ of Middlesex. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 5"^ June 1,778 Met at Princeton pursuant to adj'. Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Cooper M"" Imlay M^ Keasby M^ Buck M' Condict The following prisoners to wit, John Kirby, Benj"' Allen, Urich West & Jesse Sirran, sent before the Board from Gloucester C° for joining the enemy, & their several cases having been taken into consideration ; — The Council came to the subsequent determination concerning them, viz : That they be 248 be committed to Freehold Jail for their trial, & that warrant do accordingly issue thereupon. Ordered, That in ease the above-named John Kirby, Benj. Allen, Urich West & Jesse Sirran are or shall be charged with or committed for any of the Crimes or oflences specified in the I St 2°'' or 3"^ sections of a certain Act entitled " An Act to punish Traitors & disaffected persons ;" or are or shall be charged with or committed for, misprision of Treason, or for any crime or offence, specified in the 8*^'' or 9^'' sections of " An Act for constituting a Council of Safety," or shall be charged with or committed for any of the crimes or offences specified in the 2"'' section of an Act entitled " An Act to render Certain Bills of Credit a legal Tender within this State & to prevent the counterfeiting of the same & other Bills of Credit." Or so many ot them as have been so charged or committed shall be tried for the same in the County of Monmouth, altho' the offences they be charged with, or shall be committed for, were done or perpetrated in any other county. Pursuant to a recommendation of the Court of Oyer & Ter- miner held at New Ark, in & for the County of Essex, in the month of April in the year of our Lord 1.V78, Agreed that Constables hereafter named, be allowed the several Sums annexed to their names, as a Compensation for their Extraordinary services at said Court & that the same, for their use, be paid to Stephen Crane, Esq' viz' To Carey Headly for attending 7 days c 10|. £3. lu. " Elias Campbell D° D" D° 3. 10. " Anthony Price D° D*^ D° 3. 10. " Manning Force D" D- D" 3. 10. " Nath' Andros, D<^ D^ D° 3. 10. " John Tichenor, D° D° D° 3. 10. " Tho** Van Riper, D'^ D° D° 3. 10. " John Morris D° D° D° 3. 10. " W™ King D° B" D° 3. 10. " Jo' Meeker D° 8 D*^ 4. 0. " Jo" Crane, D^' 9 D" 4. 10. " W"" Baldwin D" 9 D" 4. 10. " Silvenus Baldwin D"* 9 D" 4. 10. " Ebenezer Price D° 6 D° 3. 0. " Hendrick Van Bloricum D° 6 D" 3. 0. £55. 0. 6 June 249 6 June 1.778 Met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor, M"^ Condict M"^ Fenimore Co' Drake, ]VP Buck Co' Cook, M^ Imlay, Andrew Lott who went into the Enemy's lines, since the Treason law, appeared before & gave himself up to the Coun- cil, & his case having been considered of, Agreed that he enter into recognizance in the sum of £300 to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q"" Sessions of the Peace to be held in & for the County of Morris, which having done, with Abraham Lott, his surety, he was thereupon dismissed. Andrew Donaldson, who had gone over to the Enemy, in the month of December, last, appeared before the Board, in order to throw himself upon the mercy of his country; — Whereupon agreed that he be detained under Guard for the present. John Church who had come from the Enemy's lines to see his brother was in like manner brought before the Board ; The Council thought proper to detain him also under Guard until further ordei's. Adjourned till tomorrow. 7^'' June 1.778 Met at Princeton piirsuant to adj* Present? His Excellency the Governor, M"- Condict Co' Drake M-- Buck M^ Elmer M"" Fenemore Joseph Fitzrandolph, accused of having been trading with the enemy on Staten Island, was brought before the Board, he having been examined & his case taken into consideration. Agreed That he be sent under Guard to the Court now sitting at Freehold and that John Conner attend him to give Evidence to the said Court respecting the above charge. Ordered that in Case the above named Joseph Fitzrandolph is or shall be charged with or committed for any of the Crimes or offences Ee 250 offences specified in the P\ 2"*^ or S""*^ Sections of a certain act, entitled "An Act to punish Traitors & disaffected Persons," or is or shall be charged with or committed for Misprision of Treason, or for any Crime or offence specified in the 8"' or 9*'^ sections of "An act for constituting a Council of Safety," or shall be charged with, or committed for any of the Crimes or offences, specified in the 2"*' section of an Act entitled "An Act to render certain Bills of Credit a legal Tender within this State, & to prevent the counterfeiting of the same & other Bills of Credit," he shall be tried for the same in the C" of Mon- mouth altho' the offences he be charged with, were done or perpetrated in any other C*^ Adjourned till tomorrow morning, 8'^^ June, l.Y'Zft The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Fenemore M' Elmer M^ Imlay M^ Condict Col Drake, Agreed that John Church be dismissed from his confinement at this place. Agreed that the Governor be desired to write to Gen^ Washington on the subject of the exchange of Prisoners taken on Staten Island by Cap* Fitz Randolph. 9^^ June 1.11S The Council met. Present M"^ Houston M"^ Fenemore M"" Elmer M^ Buck M"^ Keasby John Larking appeared before the Board & it appearing that he had made his escape from Staten Island, & was knowing to the trade carried on at that place by Joseph Fitzrandolph; Agreed that he be sent to the Court now sitting at Freehold to give evidence to the said Court, respecting the above fact, & that $2."° be advanced to him to pay his expenses thither. Upon 251 Upon the Petition of Elizabeth Boon, setting forth that her husband Joseph Boon, was a soldier in Cap*" William Shoot's Company of foot belonging to the 2"'' Jersey Reg*^ commanded by W" Maxwell, & had served 9 months in Canada, & there died of the Small pox, leaving a family of small children, & praying relief in the premises ; Agreed that as the said Petition is not properly certified ; it cannot be complied with at present. Agreed that M"" Condit pay to John Imlay Esq"^ the sum of £'20. 5 1 for 162'^' of lead, which he purchased for the use of the State, by order of Maj'' Gen' Dickenson, . lO"' June 1.778 The Council met. Present His Excellency the Governor M'^ Camp Co' Drake jVP Condict Co' Cook M"^ Speaker M"^ Manning Agreed that the Governor be desired to write to the person who has the custody of James Patterson and David Jeffery, late of the C*^ of Monmouth, subjects of this State, desiring him to deliver them to Peter Patterson & Thomas Jeffery upon their promising to bring them into this State, at their expense & entering into Bonds of £500 to produce them to the Council of Safety in this State in a reasonable time after their arrival in it. 11^'' June 1778 The Council met. Present. His Excellency the Governor M'' Fenemore M"" Schenk M-^ Buck, .Co' Drake M^ Houston, M"" Camp Agreed that there be p^ to Ab'" Hyer for money laid by him in supporting a guard of 5 men on duty at Crosswicks, the sum of £'3. 3. 9. Agreed that there be paid to Lieut Palmer Roberts, the sum of 252 of £24. 19. 4 being his pay & the pay of a party of 12 men, under his command for guarding a number of Provision Wag- gons the 24"' Feby 1.778 from Annwell to Head Quarters in consequence of orders from Co' Chambers as per orders & pay Roll;— And that there be paid to Caleb Camp, for the use of Jonas Crane the sum of £3. 0. for riding express for the Court of Oyer & Terminer for the C° of Essex, the distance of 70 miles for Judge Smith, P. M. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Houston M"" Condict M' Manning M' Elmer M"^ Crane, Agreed that the Govei-nor be desired to write to M"^ Yard desiring him to deliver to M"" Denton, the 52 pair of shoes which were put into his possession some time last Spring by order of the Council of Safety. 12"^ June 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor, M^ Buck M' Schenk M"" Manning Co' Drake, M-^ Imlay, M"^ Camp. Agreed that there be advanced to the Treas"^ for the pay- ment of Cap*^" Quigley for the amount of a Bounty Roll of a detachment of the V^ Battalion of Burlington C° Mili- tia, The said detachment having served the United States in Trenton, under the command of the said Cap'" 54 days, the sum of £120. 6. 8. And that there be advanced to the Paymaster for the pay- ment of the said Detachment the sum of £150. 18| 2. Agreed that M'' Houston, now appointed Treasurer of this Board, settle with M"" Condict the late Treasurer, & receive the balance now in M"" Condict's hand. 13^'' June 253 The Council met at Princeton. 13"' June 1.778 Present, His Excellency the Governor, M-^ Speaker " M' Tallraan M^ Elmer M^ Buck M"^ Fenemore M" Edward Taylor having procured the release of John Wil- let upon Parole that whenever required so to do, he shall re- pair to whatever place any of King of Great Britain's Comman- ders-in-Chief shall judge expedient, to order him ; Agreed that the said M' Taylor be discharged from his bond ife have liberty to return to his place of abode until the said John Willet shall be recalled into the Enemy's lines ; when the said Edward Taylor is to return to Princeton there to continue within a mile of the College until he shall be discharged by the Council of Safety, or the Executive authority of this State, he pledging his Faith & Honour, not to do, or say anything contrary to the interest of this State, or the United States, & to be subject to all the laws of this State, already in being or that may hereafter be made, in like manner as if this Parole had never been taken. 14"' June 1.778 The Council met, Present His Excellency the Governor, AF Tallman M'' Keasby j\P Buck ]VP Fenemore M-- Elmer, Agreed that upon Andrew Donaldson's entering into recog- nizance in the sum of £600 — for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held in & for the County of Cumberland, he be discharged from his present confine- ment. Andrew Donaldson being called in, entered into Bond agree- able to the above order, & was thereupon dismissed. 15 June 254 15 June 1778. The Council met at Princeton, Present, His Excellency the Governor, M' Crane M' Buck M^ Tallman M' Sehenk M"^ Speaker M^ Elmer, Agreed that Jacob Fitz Randolph be removed from Mon- mouth to Morris County Gaol, there to be confined until the next meeting of the Court of Oyer & Terminer in Middlesex County. Agreed that there be paid to M'" Hart the sum of £'47. 5. 4 being money advanced by him to Lieut Henry Young for the Pay & Expenses of a Guard at Pittstown the 16th Septr 1778 P. M. Present, M-- Buck, M'^ Elmer M' Keasby, M"" Manning M' Cooper M"^ Imlay M"- Crane Israel Morris having been sent for before the Board, on sus- picion of being disaffected to the Cause of American Inde- pendence, & on the affirmations to the Effect of the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance being tendered to him, refused to take the same & refused also to become bound for his appear- ance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace for the C*^ of Hunterdon, Whereupon, Agreed, That he be committed to Hunterdon Gaol for his tryal. Adj*^ till tomorrow. 16 June 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Buck, Co' Drake M^ Elmer, M^ Tallman, M' Camp, M'^ Crane Agreed 255 Agreed that the Governor be desired to Avrite to the person who" has the custody of Dan' Brown & George Johnston, lately of the C" of Monmouth subjects of this State, desiring him to deliver them to Solomon Wardel & Moses Havens upon their promising to bring them into this State at their expense, & entering into Bond of £500 to ])roduce them to the Council of Safety or the Executive Authority of this State, in a reason- able time after their arrival in it. Agreed that there be paid to Jacob Bergen, the sum of £4, 8. 9 for monies paid by him to sundry persons for making Cartridges for the use of the State. Samuel Car was called in & examined respecting a certain sum of money in Continental Currency, offered by him in pay- ment of a debt to Henry Desbrow, & which he refused to re- ceive, & his examination committed to writing & he dis- missed. Charles Barclay was in like manner examined with respect to the transaction aforesaid & dismissed. Agreed that Henry Desbrow & his wife be summoned to appear before this Board on suspicion of disaffection. 17 June 1.778. The Council met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M' Manning M-^ Tallraan M"" Schenk Co' Drake M' Fenemore M"^ Buck, M'^^ Richmond who had been into the Enemy's lines appeared before the Board ; Agreed that in consideration of her age & infirmities, she be permitted to return to her place of abode. Josiah Grey having been called before the Board, & ex- amined respecting a trade Carried on by our siabjects with the enemy, & refusing to give satisfaction to the Council in the premises ; Agreed, that he be confined for the present. Agreed, that there be paid to Cap'" Derby for his expenses, in bringing the above-named Josiah Grey from New Ark before the Council of Safety in this place, the sum of of £6. 15|. Agreed That his Excellency be desired to write to Gen' Winds directing him to remove the Cattle from Woodbridge Neck 256 Neck & such other places between Eliz. Town & Amboy, where they may be in danger of falling into the hands of the Enemy, to such place, where they may be out of such danger ; (the owners of such Cattle refusing to do it on notice to them for that purpose) the expenses to be paid by the Owners of such Cattle so removed ; — And that in P^xecuting this order he pay a proper attention to the public service & do no more dam- age to the owners of the Cattle than the Service really requires. Agreed that there be paid to Co' Neilson the sum of £31. 9. 9 for money expended by him in purchasing Lead & Car- tridge paper for the use of the State as per account & vouchers, 18 June 1778. The Council met at Princeton, Present. His Excellency the Governor M' Houston M"" Schenk M^ Camp Co' Drake M' Fenemore M' Tallman Agreed That John Larkin & John Conner who were sent to Freehold to give Evidence in behalf of the State against Joseph Fitzrandolph be dismissed. Agreed that his Excellency draw upon the Treasurer for the sum of £400. 0. for the use of the Council of Safety. Tho** Armstrong taken up on yesterday as a suspected per- son, appeared before the Board & being examined relative to the Cause of suspicion & it appearing that he was innocent, he was thereupon dismissed. William Sloan pursuant to citation, on a complaint that he had disposed of merchandize at a higher price than regulated by Law, appeared before the Board & the s'' Complaint liaving been examined into. Agreed that a consideration into the premises be had on tomorrow morning. IQ*"^ June 1.778 The Council met at Princeton, Present, His Excellency the Governor, M^ Tallman M^ Buck M' Fenemore M*^ Keasby M"^ Speaker Co' Drake, M' Imlay, A 257 A representation having been made to the Board by the Vice President of the State of Pennsylvania, that a Robbery had been committed on the property of Gerrit Vansant of Middletown Township in the C" of Bucks in the State afore- said, by persons belonging to this State, & the several deposi- tions relating thereto having been read, & considered Agreed, That his Excellency be desired to Avrite to the Vice President of Pennsylvania, informing him that due attention will be paid to the subject-matter of the said Complaint as soon as this Board can examine into the Grounds of it more fully than the exigency of public affairs on account of the Alarm of the Enemy's March through this State will at present admit of. Agreed that there be paid to Cap'" Samuel Stout, for the amount of a Bounty Roll, of a detachment of Co' Hyer's Bat- talion of Middlesex Militia, who were sent as a Guard with prisoners from Princeton to Head Quarters the sum of £12. 9. 8. That there be paid to Cap*" Stout for the amount of a Pay Roll, for the same detachment and for the same Duty, the sum of £11. 15. 2 Agreed That Jonathan Baldwin Esq"" for selling 2. 1, 24''' of sugar, without certificate, be fined the sum of £'6. 0. 0, & forfeit the sum of £88. 13. 6 the price he sold the Sugar at being more than the regulated price, amounting in the whole to £94. 13. 6, which fine & forfeiture to be paid into the hands of M' Houston Agreed that William Sloan be fined the sum of £6. 0. for paying moi-e for the Sugar than the law allows, which is in like manner to be paid to M'' Houston. THE END OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. Ff Volume V. 20"^ June 1.7V8 The Council met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor ]\P Elmer ISV Manning Co" Drake M'' Keasby Stephen Crane. Clement Bishop who had been captured by the enemy, & re- taken by one of our Privateers was brought before the Board, and it appearing that he had obtained the office of Prize Mas- ter, on board one of their Pi'izes, in order to throw himself into our power, which he accordingly did on the first opportunity; Agreed that he be discharged & permitted to return to his place of abode. Ordered that Capt" Moore send the fol*^ Persons, viz Josiah Grey, John Jones & George Robinson prisoners to Morris- town, if he shall think there is any danger of their being res- cued by the enemy in their March thro' this State. Agreed that there be paid to Co' Clark, for the use of Cap*" Leek for his time & expenses in carrying Cap'" Harris & three Sailors with their Baggage from Egg Harbour, to the new Mills being 40 miles & also for procuring Waggons, horses &c, the sum of £12 0. 0. And that there be paid him for Cap*" Leek, for bringing Cap*" Bishop & two Sailors, with their baggage from Egg Harbour to Princeton being 70 miles, the sum of £'18. 0. 0. Agreed that there be paid to M"" Simmons for the use of Ab™ Schenk, for his expenses in attending the Gov'' as a Guard, & riding Express from the 6*'" to the 12*'' April the the sum of £5. 5. 6. That there be paid for the use of Jacob Van Dike, for the same services from the P* to the 12*'' April the sum of £7 7|. That 262 That for the use of John Voorhise for the like services there be paid the sum of £8. 2|. as per account. That there be paid for the use of John Bennet, for his ex- penses as a light horseman, the sum of £Y. 17. 3. And that there be p'^ for the use of Conred Tincke for his expenses as an express & light Horseman, from the 29"" March to the 5"' April, the sum of"i;7. I. 3. 21 June 1.778 The Council met Present, His Excellency the Governor M"" Camp M"" Imlay M^ Buck M^ Elmer Co' Drake, M' Bach who has his parole given him till it should be known whether John Burroughs, a subject of this State, and lately captured by the enemj^ was confined by them or in- dulged with the same liberty, & it appearing to the Board by letters, that the said Burroughs was in close confinement in New York, Agreed that M' Bach be discharged from his parole, & sent under guard to Morristown Gaol, together with Josiah Grey, John Jones, & George Robinson, & that Cap Moore see this order carried into Effect. Andrew Hodge for speaking Contemptuously of the regu- lating law, passed this session of the Legislature, was brought before the Board, Whereupon, agreed, that he enter into Re- cognizance, in the Sum of £300. to appear at the next Court of Gen' Q"^ Sessions, of the Peace in and for the County of Somerset, which having done, he was thereupon dismissed. Adjourned to meet at Garritson's Tavern, in the Township of Hillsborough, in the County of Somerset, on Wednesday the 24th. 24 June 1.778 Met at Garritson's Tavern pursuant to adjournment. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M^ Camp M^ Buck M^ Mehelm M^ Elmer J\r Houston His 263 His Excellency produced to the Board, a letter from Wil- liam P. Smith Esq"^ setting forth that Ichabod B. Barnet, who left us sometime ago, & went over to the Enemy, had returned to throw himself upon the mercy of his country, that from several favourable circumstances in his case, the magistrates had indulged him with taking his recognizance in £1.500 with two surticient Sureties, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer in Essex County, submitting nevertheless to this Board, the steps that have been taken in the premises. Whereupon agreed, that in addition to the said Recog- nizance, the same Magistrates take a parole, from the said Barnet, for his remaining at Springfield, or within one mile of the meeting house thereof, until the further orders of this Board, with leave notwithstanding to attend the said Court, pursuant to his recognizance. Agreed that Charles Avary & Ezekiel Foster Jun' his apprentice employed in preparing hides for the Continent be exempted, from Militia duty until the first day of September next, provided they be so long engaged in that business. Adjourned till tomorrow Morning. 25"^ June 1.778 Met pursuant to adjournment Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"^ Camp M' Houston M' Mehelm M' Buck M' Elmer Abel & Tho^ Rinear, who were sent to this place, by the Sheriff of Hunterdon, thro' fear of their being rescued by the enemy, appeared before the Board, their several cases having been examined into, Agreed that the two former be sent under Guai'd to Somerset Gaol, & that the latter be discharged. Agreed that there be paid to Joseph Roberts for his use & the use of the three men, who came as a Guard from Trenton, to this place, with the persons above named, for their expenses & the expences of the Prisoners in coming & returning the the sum of £5. 13|. Agreed that there be paid to David Nevius for his expenses in attending the Governor as a light Horseman from the 22 May to the 24 June 1.778 the sum of £16. 7. as per account. 26 June 264 26 June 1.778 The C'ouncil met at Hillsborough. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Camp M' Houston M' Mehelm M' Buck M' Elmer. Henry Desbrow & his wife appeared before the Board, pur- suant to citation, & their several Examinations having been taken with respect to their uttering words tending to depreciate the Continental money, Agreed that the Said Desbrow be pei-mitted to carry his wife home on condition of his entering into recognizance in £300 to appear before the Board, tomorrow morning at ten O'clock, which being done he was accordingly dismissed. Anthony Woodward, who went over to the enemy two years ago, & lately taken by a party of Militia, was brought before the Board ; his case having been considered of. Agreed that he be committed for the present to Morristown Gaol. Agreed that there be advanced to John Totten towards de- fraying the expenses of carrying the above Anthony Wood- ward from this place to Morris town the sum of $8°° 27^'' June, Hillsborough, pursuant to adjournment. Present The Governor, M^ Camp M^ Elmer M-^ Houston M-^ Buck M"^ Mehelm, Henry Desbrow pursuant to recognizance entered into on yesterday appeared before the Board, & having been examined it [appeared] he Avas too dangerous to go at Large, Agreed that he be committed to Trenton Gaol as a disaffected pei'son, but having signified his desire of being confined in the Gaol of Somerset, the Council indulged him in that request. 28 June 1.778 The Council met at Hillsborough. Present as before. Adjourned to meet at Kingston on Monday the 29"' Inst. 29 June 265 29 June l.^S The Council met at Kingston, pursuant to adj*. Present His Excellency the Governor M"^ Houston M-^ Elmer M"^ Hart M'^ Buck There not being a sufficient number of members to proceed to business, adjourned till tomorrow morning. 30 June 1.778 Met at Kingston, pursuant to adjournment. Present His Excellency the Governor I\P Mehelra M^ Elmer M'' Houston M^ Buck M"^ Speaker, It appearing to the Board that John Burro wes, was liberated on his Parole on Staten Island, Agreed that on IVP Bache's signing a Parole to the same Eifect he have leave to proceed to" Elizabeth Town, from Avhence he is to pass to Staten Island, as soon as M"" Burrowes arrives within our Lines, on signing a Parole similar to that signed by said Burrowes, before he leaves the enemy. Agreed that there be paid to Geradus Skilman, for attend- ing His Excellency & the Council of Safety as an express, from the 22 May to the 30 June 1.778, the sum of £19. 5. 9. And that there be p'' him for the use of Abraham Colder, for the same services, from the 22"'^ May to the 2P' June 1.778 the sum of £13. 19. 9. Adjourned to meet at Princeton tomorrow morning. l^t July 1.778 Met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor. M^ Mehelm M"" Elmer M^ Imlay M' Houston M'- Buck M-- Speaker On Gg 266 On tlie petition of Ileiivy Desl>row lately committed to the Jail of Somerset, as a disatlected Person. Agreed that on his paying a fine of £(5. 0. 0. to Justice Van Nest, for refusing to take Continental Currency in payment, & on his taking & suhscrihing the Oaths of Abjuration & Alle- giance l)ef<)re Justice Van Nest, and entering into recognizance witli two Sureties in £300 Each, for his good behaviour oard & being examined, gave information against the following persons who were enlisted at the same time & had in like manner deserted from their i'es)>ective Corps, & who were now at their several homes, viz: Joseph Britain, John Shannon, James Neigh, Lawrence Fletning, Martin Snt'ider, Christian Sneider, & Nath' Parker, & was renianded to the Gaol. Agreed that Cap'" Morrisson for enlisting as substitutes cer- tain convicts whom he knew to have been before enlisted in their own right, be summoned to attend this Board. A petition from the Officer of the New Jersey Brigade set- ting forth their want of cloathing &c, was read; Agreed that it be referred to the Legislature. It being represented to the Board that the Continental Stores in Sussex, are exposed to the weather ifc in danger of being embezzled & destroyed ; Agreed that his Excel lencvy be desired to write to John Smyth & Jacob M'CoUum, to inspect into the neglect complained of, procure affidavits thereon & transmit them to the Board, with all possible dispatch. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. 4"' August 1.118 The Council met at Morristown. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M^ Camp Co' Drake M'' Smitli Co' Fleming Co' Cook, Agreed 269 Agreed that there be paid to Joseph Halsey for his expenses & that of 5 men, in guarding 6 ])risouers, from jV[orfistown to Princeton, on the ll*** May hist, the sum of 19 dolhirs & that M'' Condict be desired to advance the money. Ordered that Major Hays be directed to apprehend & deliver to the Magistrates of Essex, for Examination, the following- persons, VIZ, Edmund Leslie, Peter Cadmus, Francis King, Adrian Van Riper, Arent Kingsland, Cliarles Orsburn, Corse Joralemon son of Cornelius, John Kingsland son of Nathaniel, Isaac Kingsland son of Isaac; — Ab"' Law who had been among the enemy, & came over to deliver himself up, appeared before the Board ; his case having been taken into consideration, Agreed that recognizance be taken for his appearance at the next Court of General Q' Ses- sions of the Peace for the C'' of Essex. Agreed that the foll^ persons taken up & sent to this place, on the March of the enemy thro' this State be sent to Gloucester Jail with a letter to the Justices to take their several examinations, (viz) Isaac Lloyd, Samuel Lloyd, Samuel Lippencott, Joseph Myers, Lawrence Cox, David Carter, Jacob Justine, William Kennack and Jessie Serren. Agreed that ITriah West & Anthony Woodward, alias little Anthony, l)e committed to the Gaol in this place for high Treason. Agreed that John O'Harra a deserter from the enemy be dis- charged on his taking & subscribing the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance. Agreed that when Josiah Grey & Peter Hondershute find security for their appearance at the next Court of Gen' Q'' Sessions of the Peace for the C'' of Essex they be dis- charged. Aacreed that John Allwood, Lucas King, Vincent Swim and Joseph Groom now in prison at this place, be committed to Monmouth Gaol for their trial, & that their commitment be given to the Sheriff of Morris, until such time as they shall be delivered to the Sherift' of Monmouth. Agreed that Tho' Canby sent here from Burlington on the march of the enemy thro' this State, be remanded to Burlington where he was, in and by virtue of an execution. Agreed that the Sherifi of Essex be desired to take charge of Maurice Morisson, now in the Gaol in this place. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. 5tii August 270 The (council met pursuant to adj'^ 5"' August 1.7V8 Present, His Excellency the Governor, jNI'" Cam]i, Co' Drake, M' Smith Co' Fleming M"" Condict Agreed that there be paid George King for serving- process for the Council of Safety on several delinquents, — the sum of |5'^'^ & that M' Condict be desired to advance the money. Agreed that William Clark be dismissed on finding security for his a]»[)earance at Court, on failure whereof to be sent to Monmouth in Company with those prisoners, who were ordered to that place yesterday. The petition of William Smith (confined by the Council of Safety for High Treason) praying to be admitted to Bail on account of his ill state of health, The Council having consid- ered the same, Agreed, that on j)rocuring a certificate from a physician to tlie truth of the above fact, he be permitted to take private lodgings, within a mile of the Court house in Moi-ristown Agreed That Col Hathaway be desired to furnish a Sergeant & five men to guard a number of prisoners from this place to Gloucester, & that he direct them to draw rations where they can & keej) a regular account of their expenses, to be laid before the Council of Safety on their return. Agreed that there be paid to Cap^" Simmons, for the use of Joseph Doty, for riding in pursuit of Pilots (in behalf of the States) to conduct the French Fleet into the Harbor of New York, the sum of £4. 10|. W'" Smith producing to the Board a certificate from D"" Van Buren, that he had a dysentery & fever in consequence of which his situation was not proper for the recovery of his health, & entering into bond in the sum of £5.000= with John Blanchard, his surety, he was thereupon ]»ermitted to take private Lodgings in the town. Isaac Bady Esq'' appeared before the Board & on giving re- cognizance for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gen' Gaol Delivery for the C° of Morris, Avas thereupon dismissed. 6^^ August 271 6"' August 1.778 Tlie Council met, at Morris Town. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M'' Condict 0°' Fleming M-^ Smith C"' Drake, M'' Camp, Agreed that a Warrant do forthwith issue to apprehend Gerrit Rappelje, as a person suspected by this Board, to be disaftected & dangerous to this State. Agreed that subpoena's issue to summon John DeGroff & Jaquish Dennis living between Squan & Tom's River at llaiielje's Salt Works, to appear forthwith at Princeton Ijcfore Silas Condict Esq'' to give evidence against Garret Kappelje, in behalf of the State; And also, that subpoena's issue to summon Major .John Vliet, Jacob Force, Eve Force his wife, John Marlett, David Davidson & wife, John Mitchel and wife, & William Stevens D> Q"" Master Gen' for the same purpose. The Council met at Morristown Tuesday P. M. Augt 18. 1.778 Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"^ Condict Co' Cooke M-- Smith Co' Drake But there not being a Quorum, adjourned till 8 O'clock, to- morrow morning Wednesday, Aug^ 19^'' 1.778 The Council met at MorristoAvn. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M' Condict, ' Co' Drake M^ Smith M-- Muhelm Co' Cooke, Co' Hoops. Agreed that His Excellency draw on the Treasurer for £300 for the Use of the Council of Safety. Agreed that M' Condict pay to Abraham Voorhis & Coen- radt^Ten Eyck for Going to the Salt Works near Squan to sub- poena Witnesses against Gerrit Kapalje, the sum of £8. 9. 9 Ordered 272 Ordered that Noah Hammond & John Whiteacre be sub- poena'd as witnesses against D' Bullion, Agreed that Harbet Henry (one of the party formerly com- mitted for attemi)ting to join the enemy on Staten Island, & escaping by breaking Gaol & now again apprehended with a party who liad agreed to take a number of loyal inhabitants & to deliver them to Co' Butler in the enemy's lines) be commit- ted for Pligh Treason, Isaac Thompson was examined as a AVitness against a num- ber of Tories who had agreed to Avaylay & Captivate a l>arty of men & carry them to Co' Butler & the Indians. Agreed that John Woortnian be committed for High Trea- son for heading the said Tories in the said enterprize. Agreed that Abel and Tho^ Rynear two prisoners lately re- moved from Trenton to Millstone be carried back & committed to Trenton Gaol. Adjourned till 3 O'clock this afternoon. The Board met according to adj*^ Ordered that 15.000 of tJie Flints, now in the possession of Major Kelsey in Princeton, be sent for & lodged in the care of Co' Hathaway at this place. Agreed that M^^ Condict pay to Major M'^Donald £36. 2. 9 for money Expended by him for a Guard consisting at differ- ent times of 15. 11 & 9 Men, who escorted 7 Tory prisoners from Sussex to Morristown & £11, 5|. to 9 of the said Guard for the expenses of their return. It aijpearing to the Council of Safety that M-^ Rich'' Wain, \vho had l)een sent out of the State, by the said Council, re- turned into the same, without permission; Therefore ordered, That the said M' Wain do, within G day's time leave the State, or within the same space of time appear before the Council of Safety, or tlie President thereof at Morristown ; & enter into recognizance with surety in the sum of £1.000 to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Ter- miner to be held in & for the C° of Monmouth. M"^ James Findlass, who had lately come from the City of New York, into this State, without permission, appeared before the Board, Whereupon the Board ordered, that he enter into recognizance with surety, to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer in & for the Co. of JMorris, Noel Hammond appeared agreeable to Citation before the Board & was examined as a witness against D' O'Bullion. Adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow morning, Thursday, 273 Thursday, Aug' 20*'' I.IIS The Council met, nt Morvistown, according to adj* Present. His Excellency the Governor M"" Condict M' Mehelm M'- Smith Co' Cook Co' Drake, Co' Hoops Jonathan Whiteacre, who had l)een subpoena'd as a witness against D'' O'Bullion, appeared before the Board, but knowing nothing of consequence against the said O'Bullion, of his own knowledge, referred the Council for information thereon to W"' Hill & Nathaniel Woodward. Whereupon ordered. That subpoenas do immediately issue for the Said W'" Hill & Nat''' Woodward to appear before the Council. John Demott and Deieh Vreland, (who were Confined in Morristown Gaol for going to & returning from the enemy at New York) appeared before the Board, & were dismissed from their confinement upon entering into Recognizances with John Mead, their surety, to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in '& for the C'^' of Morris. M'' Andrew Gautier who lately came from New York, ajD- peared before the Council, & was permitted to enter into re- cognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the C" of Morris. Brigadier Gen' Winds having purchased Lead, pursuant to a resolve of the Council & the Gen' Assembly to a larger amount than the money provided for that purpose, & the late proprietors thereof being very urgent for their money. Agreed that M"^ Condict advance him the sum of iJSOO to enable him to discharge the debt accrued by the said purchase. M"^ Gerrit Rapelje (who was confined in Morristown Gaol, on suspicion of being disaffected to this State) Appeared before the Board, Whereupon agreed, That M'" Rapalje be discharged from his confinement upon entering into recognizance with surety to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the County of Sussex. Adjourned till 3 O'clock this afternoon. The Council met, according to adjournment. Present as before. Israel Rickey came l)efore the Board & was examined as a Witness against D"" O'Bullion. Peter Appleman came before the Council & was permitted to go Hh 274 o-o home upon entering into recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the County of Sussex. Agreed that the Sherifl' deliver Hugh jM'Clean, a prisoner in the Gaol of this town, to Sergeant Ilopson sent l)y Co' Shreve to guard him to Eliz ; Town, Said M'Clean being a deserter from his Kegiment. Agreed that the £300 — drawn hy his Excellency the Gover- nor, by order of the Council from the Treasury, be lodged in the hands of M"" Condict, the treasurer which was accordingly done. Adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Thursday, Augt 21"' Met according to Adj* at Morristown, Present His Excellency the Governor, M' Smith Co' Hoo])S, M' Condict Co' Drake, Co' Mehelm Co' Cook, W"^ Hill & W'" Boyd agreeable to summons, appeared before the Board & were examined concerning Doct J* O'Bullion's political conduct, but not knowing any thing mate- rial against said O'Bullion, their affidavits were not taken. AVhereas their is great reason to think that the Slitting-Mill at Boontown, carried on by Samuel Ogden Esq' is the pro|)erty of the said Samuel Ogden & of several other persons, which other persons are disaffected to tlie present Government, and now with the enemy, and whose personal estate is now forfeited by the law of this State ; And whereas all the Shares of the profits that have been made by the said Slitting-Mill, belong- to such disaffected persons are in consequence of the said law forfeited to this State, & there is reason to believe that the said disaffected proprietors have by fraudulent & collusive con- veyances transferred their shares in the said Slitting IVlill in secret trust for their own uses, in order to evade the law & secure their interest therein, & in the profits thereby made, notwithstanding such forfeitures, l)y means whereof the State is like to be defrauded out of a very consideral)le sum of money — Therefore, Ordered, That the Attorney-General be directed to file a Bill in Equity against the said Samuel Ogden, for the discovery of all the owners of the said Slitting-Mill, and of the neat profits thereby made since the fourth day of June 1.777 Ordered 275 Ordered tliat a Warrant do f(^rthwith issue to apprehend D"" James O'Bnllion as a person disaffected to tlie United States of America & dangerous to the welfare of this State. Agreed that John Cole be dischai'ged from his confinement, on entering into recognizance, with surety, to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the C" of Morris. Agreed that Isaac Goodwin be committed for High Treason, for being taken in arras against the United States of America. Agreed that Matthias Swartfeller be discharged from hia confinement, on entering into recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the C" of Sussex. Adjourned till 3 O'clock this afternoon. Met according to Adj'. Present, as before. Ordered That Hendrick Banta be committed for High Trea- son, in aiding & assisting the enemy of the United States of America, by taking up Arms against the said States. M''^ Ludlow applied to the Board in person, for permission to go into New York to recover some debts due to her there, but was refused. Adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow Morning. Saturday Augt 22"'^ 1.778 The Council met, according to adj' at Morristown, Present His Excellency the Governor M'' Condict Co' Drake M^ Smith Co' Mahelm Co' Hoops Agreed that there be paid by M"" Condict to Nehemiah Mills, for going with a guard of seven men & 10 prisoners to Glou- cester, & returning with the Guard to this place as p"^ his ac- count £10. 13. 6, And to Isaac Hayward for attending the Governor as a light horseman as p^ his account £4. 11. 9 D'' James O'Bnllion came before the Board & u]ton entering into a recognizance with Jo^ Annin, his surety, to ai>})ear at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer, held in & for the C° of Morris, was discharged. Agreed that John Moore, Tice Konkle, Hanadam Konkle, George Moote, Matthias Swartfeller, Kinsberry & Tho^ Lay ton be discharged upon entering into recognizance with £0. 15. 1, 13. 6 2 8. 4. 3. 4 3. 15. 6 .16. 5 IS. 9 5. 10. £20. 0. 6 276 with surety to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer, to be held in & for the County of Sussex. Agreed tliat there he paid to Cap^'^ Symnions for his attend- ance on the Gov'' as a light horseman, from June 22'"' to 5'" Augt inclusive as per his a|ct £23. 13 1. Agreed that there be i)aid to his Excellency the Governor for money advanced by him to the several light-FIorsemen for attending as his guard & as expresses, the sum of £20. 0. 6. as per their several accounts to wit: To Peter Stryker, To Sam' Parsons, To Benj'" Conchlin To Ichabod Grunnnond To Caleb Woodruff, To do do, To Nathan Beedle To Timothy Miller Agreed that the Gaol Guard at Morristown be increased with 12 additional men & that C"' Hathaway be ordered to detach so many men from his Reg' for that purpose, The Council adj'' till 2 O'clock next Tuesday afternoon the 25'"^ Ins' Tuesday, Aug' 25. 1.778 The Council met at Morristown. Present His Excellency the Governor. M'' Camp Co' Cooke, M'- Smith Co' Drake, M"^ Mehelm M' Condict, Banta, who had been a prisoner in New York, being discharged from his confinement, and returned to New Jersey in exchange for Jacobus Quick, now a Stateprisoner in the Gaol of this town ; Therefore Ordered, that the said Quick be released & have permission to go to New York. Richard Wain appearing before the Board pursuant to citation & entering into recognizance with M' Lawrence, his surety 277 surety, to appear at the next C.^ourt of Oyer & Terminer held hi & for the County of Monmouth, was permitted to return to stay with his family agreeable to the prayer of his petition. Ichabod Barnet who was bound in a recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the County of Essex, petitioned the Board to " issue an order for his Trial at the Court of Oyer & Terminer now holding for the County of Middlesex." Whereupon Agreed that there being no necessity for such an order in the present case, the prayer of the said Petition be not granted. Anthony Ludlow, confined in Gaol in this town, for detain- ing Henry Brinkerhoff's cattle, appeared before the Board & upon promising to enter into recognizance, with surety, to ap- pear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer held in & for the C" of Morris, Agreed that the said Ludlow be discharged from his con- finement on so doing. Ordered that Jacobus Cutwater be committed to the Gaol of this town for High Treason, The Council adjourned till 9 O'clock tomorrow morning. Wednesday, Morristown 26 Augt 1.778 The Council met according to adjournment. Present, tlis Excellency the Governor, M'' Camp Co' Drake M'' Condict, Co' Cooke M^ Smith M^ Mahelm George Hyler who had lately returned from Staten Island, surrendered himself up to the Council Whereupon agreed That he be dismissed upon entering into recognizance, with surety, to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held in & for the C° of Somerset. Co' John Starke having preferred an account of the expense of a Party of Militia of the West Regiment of Morris County, under his command, on a scout after a number of disaffected persons, by order of His Excellency Gov' Livingston, amount- ing to £49. 16. 6, to the Council of Safety ; Agreed that the said Account be allowed & that the paymaster be requested to pay the Same. John M'^Clean, who lately came from Long-Island, & was confined on suspicion of deserting to the Enemy, appeared be- fore 278 fore tlie Board & it appearing that tlie said M'C'leaii was a lieutenant in the Navy-service of Pennsylvania, & had been taken prisoner by the enemy while in Philadelphia, & had now made his escape from them ; Whereupon, agreed, that he be released from his confinement & ])ennitted to go to Philadel- phia. Agi-eed that Co' Hathaway be authorized to deliver to Gen' Winds or his order, any number of the 15.000 Flints belonging to this State & lately lodged in his hands by order of this Board. Agreed that there be paid to John Smyth Escf for his ex- penses in victualling & otherwise providing for a Guard of 15 men, who were employed in taking & guarding a number of Tories in Sussex, £11. 17. 6 Agreed that M'' Condict pay to Zopliar Lyon £1. 1. 6 for his expenses in riding express on public business, to the Gov- ernor — Agreed that William Corrent, now confined in the Gaol of this town, on suspicion of assisting the enemies of the United States, be discharged on entering into recognizance, with surety, to appear at the next Court of (Jyer & l^erminer held in & for the County of Sussex. Ordered that the following persons, viz: Ja^ Findlass, Isaac Goodwin, John Cole, Andrew Gautiere, John Demott, Dirck Vreland, Hendrick Bantha, Anthony Ludlow & .Jacobus Out- water be tried in the County of Morris, altho' the oftences they are charged with, or were committed for were done & perpetrated in any other County, Agreed that JVP Condict pay to Cap'" Henry Luse £66. 0. for his expenses in apprehending a number of Tories in Sussex with a party of Militia under his Command. Agreed that there be paid to Daniel Kinney for his wages & expenses in fetching 15.000 P'lints from Princeton to this place £5. 16. 3. The Council of Safety met at Princeton 11*'^ Sept'" 1.778 Present, His Excellency the Governor M"^ Cooper, M"^ Fenimore Co' Drake, M' Condict M"- Imlay, M"^ Elmer Agreed that Anthony Woodward be offered in Exchange for M-^ Peter Imlay. Agreed 279 Agreed that ]\P Howard late Surgeon to the British light In- fantry in New York, be permitted to come & settle in this State, upon his applying to a magistrate & taking the Oaths of Abjuration & Allegiance with all convenient speed after his arrival in the State. 12''' Sept^ 1778. Met at Princeton Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Cooper, M-^ Buck M^ Tmlay, ]\p Condict M^ Manning, M^ Houston. ^Agreed that Alexander M'^Donald be permitted to go to New York, upon some business of importance, of his own, upon Parole not to carry any letters or give any intelligence to the enemy. That Mary, the wife of Tho^ Hunlock, be permitted to go to NeAv York, with Penelope Van Klyne her maid, & her two children, upon condition not to return into this State, Agreed that there be paid to Co' Henry Vandycke, for 1841"^^ lead by him furnished to be run into bullets for the Militia, at the rate of 2|6 p lb the sum of £'23. 1, -3 & for cash paid by him to Oakey Voorhise for 25 days labour in running 220| "'^ of lead into bullets, at the rate of 5| p^ day the sum of £6. 5|. i r j 13 Septr 1.778 Met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M' Tallman M^ Houston M^ Inday M^ Condict M-- Manning M"" Buck. Agreed that Able & Tho" Rineer now in confinement in Trenton Gaol, be removed to the Gaol in Burlington County, Avhich is the County in which they reside, & that for that pur- pose the Sherifl" of the County of Hunterdon deliver them to Isaac & Joseph English to be carried to Burhngton & delivered to the Sherif of that C". 15 Septr 280 15 Septr 1.11S The Council met at Princeton, Present, His Excellency the Governor, M"" Manning ]\P Fenemore M"^ Hart M"" Imlay Agreed That ]NP Condict advance, upon account, the sum of i;iO to Peter Clinton a private soldier in Cap'" Imlay's Com- pany of the third New Jersey Regiment discharged from the same by Co' Dayton by reason of a Wound received in the service of the United States which rendered him unfit for ser- vice on the 30 Sept"^ 1.778 as pr discharge. 17"^ Septr 1.7 78 The Council met at Princeton, Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Speaker " M'^ Schenk M"^ Elmer, M'' Camp M"" Imlay, M'' Fenemore The petition of Nath' Little setting forth that he had been rendered unfit for service from the loss of a leg, & for which reason he had a discharge from the Army on the 21*' Aug' 1.776 ; praying that this Board would allow him his Pay & rations from that time, and such other recompense as may be thought reasonable, the same having been read, the Council postponed the further consideration of, until some of the mem- V)ers from Morris County be consulted respecting this circum- stance. A petition from Mary M'Myers setting forth that she had lost a husl)and in the battle of German-Town, and was left in low circumstances, praying this Board to grant her some relief in the premises ; Whereupon, agreed, That there be paid into the hands of M' Manning for her use the sum of 160""^ John Fenemore, John Seal, Jacob Heumel, Tho'* Miller & John Ansley who had joined the British Army, and deserted from them, appeared before the Board & having severally entered into recognizance for their appearance at Court were dismissed. 18 Septr 281 18 Septr l.ns The Council met at Princeton, Present His Excellency the Governoi% M' Buck M-^ Manning M'' Imlay M"" Fenemore M'' Camp Agreed that there be paid to M' Archibald Mercer, the sum of £145. 10|- proc : for 21.000 Flints purchased by him at the request of the Council of Safety for the use of the Militia of this State, & for expenses in transporting the same from Bos- ton into this State — as per account — Upon the petition of Sarah Royal, setting forth that she had lost her husband in the service & left in distressing circum- stances, Agreed that there be paid to Co' Crips for her use as a temporary relief the sum of $60!" Agreeable to the recommendation of the Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gen' Gaol Delivery held at New Brunswick the nth ^,^g^ ly^g^ Agreed that there be paid to M"" Manning for the use of the following Constables for their extraordinary attendance at the same Court, at the following rates (vizt) To John Witlock for his attendance 15 days c 10 Anthony Denton, John Seabnrne, Benj'" Ford, Stephen Voorhise Joseph Applegate, George Kelley, Clarke Smith, Ben]"' Lucker, Abel Still, Pursuant to the Recommendation of the Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Freehold for the C" of Monmouth June 1.YV8 Agreed that there be paid to M'' Schenk for the use of the following Constables for their extraordinary services in the said Court the following sums vizt. To li ) days c 10| p d ay £1. 10. do do 7. 10. do do 7. 10. do do 7. 10. 14 101. 1. 0. do do 7. 0. do do 7. 0. 11 10. 5. 10. 9 10. 4. 10. do do 4. 10. £65. 10|. To George Harris, Benj"' Van Cleaf, Peter Johnston, W"^ Lloyd, .Joseph Coward, Edward Wilburne, Zephaniah Morris, 282 15 days e 20| p day do do do do do do do do 12 do 11 do £15. 0. . 15. 0. . 15. 0. .- 15. (). . 15. 0. . 12. 0. . 11. 0. £98. 0. 19"' Sep^-" 1.778 The Coi;ncil met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M-" Imlay M-^ Elmer M'' Schenk M"^ Speaker M"" Camp, The petition of David Pinkerton praying permission to go to New York, to obtain payment for several articles taken from him by the enemy in their march thro' this State, in Deer 1.776 was read and considered. Whereupon, agreed, that M"^ Pinkerton be directed to attend this Board, before such permission can be granted. The memorial of Elizabeth Boon representing that she had lost a husband in the service & thereby (with three small children) rendered destitute & helpless, being considered ; Agreed that there be paid to M'' Keasby for her use, as a temporary relief the sum of |40!! Agreed that there be advanced to Cap'" Voorhise the sum of £11. 2|. for the pay & Bounty of a detachment of 10 men from Co' Neilson's Regiment ordered out by the Court of Oyer and Terminer, lately held for the County of Middlesex, as a Guard for the said Court, & who were on this duty for 4 days. 22"'^ Sepf" 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M' Crane, M' Elmer M-- Schenk, M^ Buck M"" Keasby, M' Hart, Agreed 283 Agreed that a warrant be issued for John Kartwick, for car- rying Flour on board of an Enemy's Flag, of Truce & that Captn Briningon, George Neffis, & John Halfpenny be sub- poena'd as witnesses Agreed that David Pickerson have leave to go to New York. Agreed that Solomon Wardel & Moses Havens be dis- charged from their Bond, they having produced to the Board the bodies of Dan' Brown & George Johnston agreeable to the condition thereof. Agreed that Daniel Brown & George Johnston, enter into recognizance with Solomon Wardel as their Surety for their appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held for the County of Monmouth Each in the sum of £300 — 24 Septr 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Condict ' M-- Manning M' Inilay M'' Elmer M^ Drake M' Camp M^ Schenk M' Buck M^ Hart. Agreed that there be paid to Lieu* Joseph Schenk the sum of £5. 7|. for guarding, with an officer & six privates, a number of prisoners from Princeton, to Morristown in the month of April last. Agreed that there be paid to Silas Condict Esq for Nathaniel Little a soldier in one of the Jersey Battalions who was taken sick in the Northern Campaign, for his expenses in Boarding & Surgeons, as by the several certificates by him produced, the sum of £18. 14. 10 Agreed that there be paid to Joseph Holmes for the use of Patience Sayre, (the widow of Nathaniel Sayre who died in the service of the United States, a soldier in the y^ New Jersey Battalion) the sum of £11. 5|. to be applied to the relief of her necessities according to his discretion. M"" Speaker paid into the hands of M"" Condict, the Treasurer, the sum of £158. 17. 6 being the remaining balance of the sum of £200 which M"' Elmer had" received from L' Co' Chamberlain, being the sum lately advanced to L* Co' Chamberlain by the Council 284 Council of Safety, to defray his expenses, to the INFassachusetts Bay, whither he was ordered to convoy the Honorable John Penn, & Joseph Chois Esq' & which order was afterwards countermanded, in consequence of leave obtained by those Gentlemen, from Congress, to remain in New, Jersey. Of the £41. 2. 6., the money paid out of the said £200-, the sum of £4. 12. 6 was agreed to be paid to Co' Chamberlain for his expenses in attending the Council of Safety, on the above business, as per his receipt, cfe the sum of £36. 10| to M' W"' Livingston J"" for his attendance as Secretary as per his receipt. 25 Septr 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M'' Keasby M' Elmer M-^ Buck M' Hart M' Imlay M' Condict Agreed that there be paid to M'' Sinnickson the sum of £4, 11. 6. for money advanced by him to Cap*^ Beasley for Cap'" Beasley's expenses in taking with a Guard of Militia, Northrop Marpole, & the sum of £8. 14|. for the expenses of a detachment of the Militia of a Cap'" & 10 privates in bringing a number of prisoners before the Council of Safety in August 1.777 as per the accounts & receipts thereof. The Council adjourned till 8 o'clock. The Council met, pursuant to adj' Present His Excellency the Governor M^ Buck ■ M' Imlay, M-" Condict M-^ Manning, M' Schenk, M'' Keasby, Agreed that Susanna Morris wife of Asa Morris enter into Recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for the C of Middlesex. Agreed that Joseph D. Camp enter into recognizance in the sum of £500, for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer for Middlesex, and. That Joseph Shatwell the fouith be committed for high Treason to the Jail in Morristown. The 285 Tlie same day, P. M. Present, , Tlis Exeelleiicy tlie Governor, ' M'' Tallmau ' M' Condict jNP Manning M' Feneniore. M"' Imlay, Agreed that Abraliam Thorne enter into recognizance for his appearance at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to he held for the C" of Essex, and That Eva Morris, enter into recognizance to appear at the next Court of Q' Sessions to be held in the County of Middle- sex, for refusing to take the Oaths of Abjuration &, Allegiance. Agreed that Finlass have leave to return into this State. Agreed that Abijah Cheesman be committed to Middlesex Gaol for High Treason & passing counterfeit money. 26 Septr 1.778 The Council met at Princeton, Present His Excellency the Governor M' Manning M' Buck M^ Tallman M'' Schenk M"^ Imlay Agreed that Robert Waller, Jacob Wilson, J a' Davis and Jo' Wilson be committed to Morris Gaol, for High Treason, for having joined the Enemy, & now returning to the State with- out leave. Agreed that Sarah Alboy, with her daughter Anne, and one large trunk & two small ones, with their wearing apparel & bed & bedding, have leave to go to New York. That Rachel Wells, the wife of James Wells, have also leave to go to New York, having both engaged not to return into this State. Septr 28. 1.VV8 The Council met at Princeton. Present His Excellency the Governor M"" Condict M' Schenk, M^ Elmer M-^ Hart M"^ Keasby M-^ Buck Agreed 28G Agreed that M" Reziah Lott be permitted to g;o to New York. Agreed that tliere be paid to W'" Wick, a light horseman, for attending the Governor the sum of £17. 7. 8 And to Joseph Briton for the like service the sum of £17. 4." 2 as per their respective accounts. Agreed that there be paid to M' Sclienk for the use of Nicholas Van Brunt, Sheriff of Monmouth, for his expenses in removing tlie prisoners from the (Taol of Monmouth, C'^, to that of Mori'is, at the time of the enemy's march thro' Mon- mouth & in fetcliing back to Monmouth those who were there to be executed, as per his account the sum of £48. 6|. 30 Septr 1.778 The Council met at Princeton, Present, His Excellency the Governor, M'' Fennemore M"" Imlay M^ Buck M-^ Crane, M"^ Manning Agreed that M'' Bo wen & M"" Helmo have leave to go to New York being laid under an Injunction not to give any informa- tion relative to our Public Affairs. 2"'^ Oct 1778 The Council met, at Princeton, Present His Excellency the Governor M-" Schenk M"" Condict M-^ Camp M"- Imlay M-^ Manning M"^ Buck Agreed that D'' Moses Bloomfield be requested to attend the Board tomorrow morning at 8 O'clock with a list of the Physicians, Surgeons & Surgeon's mates attending at Prince- ton, cfe the number of the sick in the hospital there. Agreed that there be paid to M"" Condict for the use of Jon" Stiles Jun' for attending the Governor as a light Horseman as per his a|c £8. 19. 2 Agreed that a Warrant be issued for W"' Curtis of Shrews^ bury, for supplying the enemy with provisions. 2"^ October 287 3'"'^ October 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. [The Proceedings of the 3d are omitted ; what follows belongs to the /til. J Present, His Excellency the Governor, M-- Crane, M-" Tallman M-- Condict, M"- Camp Co' Drake, Agreed that there be paid to JNI"" Condict for the use of the Constables hereinafter named, for their extraordinary services at the Court of Oyer & Terminer held in Morris County in Sepf last, to wit, for James Young, Joseph Stouten, John Horton, Levi Baldwin, John Riggs, Christopher Mulford, and Ebenezer Ilayward, 8 days Eac'h, and Samuel Oliver & Isaac Pierson 7 days Each, Joseph Conger and Abraham Mansfield, 5 days c 15|. p day, amounting to, in the whole, £60, 15|. Agreed that there be paid to M' Camp, the sum of IH"" by him advanced to Isaac Coxe, Sergeant of the Guard at Iladdoii- field, in part pay for the said Guard as per M"" Coxe's receipt — Agreed that there be paid to ]\P Houston for monies ad- vanced by him to Henry Kennedy a light horse man, in the recess of the Council of Safety, as per the said Kennedy's a|ct, 6 receipt the sum of £19. 15|. 9. Agreed that the Governor draw on the Treasurer for the Council of Safety for £450. 8"^ October 1.778 The Council met at Princeton. Present, His Excellency the Governor, M-- Hart M^ Schenk M^ Camp M-- Tallman Co' Drake. Agreed that there be paid to John Hart Escf for the use of 1.776, the sum of 160'^ to be by him distributed for the relief of her necessities according to his discretion; And also that there be paid to M"^ Hart for Cash advanced by him to M"^" Lott for the use of her room for the Council of Safety the SO*'' Aug' 1.777 the sum of 15|.