Title Imprint I Standard of Perfection -FOR" Rabbits, Cavies, Mice, Rats, Skin and Fur Bearing Anunals THE NATIONAL BREEDERS AND FANCIERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Standard of Perfection --FOR-- RABBITS, CAVIES, MICE, RATS, SKIN AND FUR BEARING ANIMALS Committee 1919-1920 W. H. Ashton James E. Young C. S. Gibson H. H. Plegge Louis Griffin George W. Abbott John C. Fehr J. H. Shannon Henry M. Adolph Reed Storms George C. Eckert Wm. I. Lyons (Copyright 1920) Copies of this Standard can be secured from Henry M. Adolph, 423 1 Mapledale Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, President National Breeders' &: Fanciers' Association. THE NATIONAL BREEDERS AND FANCIERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA STANDARD OF PERFECTION American Blue American Checkered Giants Angoras Belgian Hares Belgian Hares (Heavy Weight) Black and Tan Blue and Tan Champagne de Argent Dutch— Black Dutch— Blue Dutch— A. O. C. English — Black English — Blue English A. O. C. Flemish — Black Flemish — Blue CLASSIFICATIONS Rabbits Flemish — Gray Flemish — Steel Gray Flemish — Silver Black Flemish — White Havanas Himalayans Imperial Blues Japanese Lops — English Lops — French New Zealand Polish Silver Gray Silver Brown Silver Fawn % i and side carried ear or ears, torn ear or ears, ^ of inch or more, portion f'- missing showing noticeably. '^'" Off colored eyes, wall eyes, moon eyes, spots in pupil and unmatched i^ eyes. Crooked feet or legs, bowed legs, cow hocked, knocked knees, or any deformed bone in body. (Note tail disquahfications.) Oflf colored spots in solid varieties, dying or plucking. Wry, screw and bob tail. Wry tail : One permanently set to either side. Screw tail : One that when pulled back and upon letting go flies back askew, upon repeated trials. Broken tail: When broken more than one-half inch from end and permanently set out of line. Bob tail : When cut off or missing, showing same to be conspicuously out of proportion. Dewlaps should disqualify in competition in the following varieties: Belgians (not heavy weight Belgians), Dutch, English, Silver, Hima- layans, Polish, Imperials, Havana, Black, Blue and Tans. GENERAL CUTS Sore eyes. Specimen in moult or otherwise out of condition (but not diseased). Stray hairs, broken teeth or toe nails. White toe nails in any colored animal except where white feet are specified. Double dewlaps. Poor tail carriage, one that is not permanently set on either side but favors either side. Kinky boned tails and those with knot on end to be severely cut. Dead tail: When hard and apparently lifeless for more than one inch from end. STANDARD OF PERFECTION AMERICAN BLUE COLOR c;. ^'f^u ""^r"' f'^ 'H^ ^'"^' ^'^^' ^' g''^at a depth of color as possible Should be free from all white hairs, sandy or rusty color, and Uniform blue color over entire body, feet, legs, chest, head, ears, belly and tail. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 SHAPE AND SIZE Mandoline meaning sligthly arched, not humped. Compact broad meaty back, slightly arched, not flat. Medium sized bone werdeveloped Krd'"h. m"'^ ^'""^ uT'', ^'^'' ^°^y ^^P^""8 ^'^^ hips slightly towards shoulders, as small dewlap as possible. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 HEAD to be'^Iue^anS'bolT' ''° ^°"^' "'"" ^''"' "'^^ ''^'^'^^' ^^^" ^°'-- ^yes Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EARS About 5 to 514 inches in length, narrow, well set on, tapering slightly to a point. Even color. * ^ ^ Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 LEGS AND FEET Straight, medium size, dark toe nails. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION AND FUR Coat to be free from moult and good deep color. Free from any soHd. ' • '^'"''' '°^'' ^""' ^''^y ^^^t""-^- Ple'h firm and Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 WEIGHT Bucks nine pounds. Does ten pounds. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS nn„n^f ''n""''^'" '''' PO"nds. Does under seven pounds. Bucks over ten cXeLy^rbutZJe.^''^'" '°""'" White patches of hair. Any other rni^SyT^' ^^''^^ ^^'*^ ^^'';^' ^^"^^^ °'* '■"Sty color, or any other foreign colored hair uneven color on body, legs or loins, such as showing a silver gray tint. Rough or uneven coat. STANDARD OF PERFECTION AMERICAN CHECKERED GIANT HEAD Large, but not so full as Flemish. Avoid "Bull Dog" type of head. Points 5 EARS Large, heavy, firm, solid color. Points 10 BODY Long, well arched, broad hind quarters, straight, tapering to the front, not wedge shape. Body carried well of? the ground. Upright position. Points - 20 LEGS Front legs long, straight, medium size bones, hind legs larger, carried parallel with body. Points 10 SIZE AND WEIGHT Large as possible. Bucks eleven pounds or more. Does thirteen pounds or more. Points 20 COLOR MARKINGS Without chain markings. Side markings to consist of two or more heavy patches on both sides. Points 25 CONDITION Perfectly healthy, not fat, flesh firm and solid. Fur medium length, good quality, free from moult. Points 10 DISQUALIFICATION All defects under general disqualifications, also split butterfly, one-half butterfly, absence of any important markings, as eye circles, butterfly, ear markings, more than three-fourths of saddle or side marking. Any three colors disqualify. Side patches and saddle markings all in solid patch, disqualifies. A distinct disqualification will be an animal that has black, blue, tortoise or gray butterfly on ears, and has other colored patches or saddle markings or any three distinct colors on any part of the body. Three colors does not mean a patch with a bluish cast in the groin or on the stomach. Black, blue, gray and tortoise to be judged alike. No preference shown to either color. Separate classes may be made for blacks, blues, grays and tortoise. CUTS: An animal with Flemish type. NOTE This variety is bred and recognized in the following colors : Black, Blue, Tortoise and Gray. STANDARD OF PERFECTION ANGORA COLOR White, Black, Blue and Fawn. The color to be clear, deep and uni- form all over the animal. Blyes to be pink in whites and a color to match, as nearly as possible, the body color in the other colors Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 SHAPE AND SIZE To be cobby and compact, and have the general appearance of a large fluffy ball. Should not v^^eigh less than six pounds. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 BODY To be well covered with a good quality of wool, to be full in the chest and with a well rounded body. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 HEAD AND EARS To be well covered with wool, with ears short, stubby and well cov- ered with wool of good quality, and with ear tufts on ends of the ears. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS, FEET AND TAIL To be well covered with good quality wool, extending well out to the extreme ends. Feet to have a fringe of wool hanging from them. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION OF WOOL Wool free from mats, to show the effect of thorough and frequent grooming and entirely free from moult. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION OF FLESH Should be firm and solid. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 DISQUALIFICATIONS General. NOTE Cut severely for lack of ear tufts, matted fur and hutch stains. Long, narrow heads, long non-tufted ears. QUALITY OF WOOL The texture shall be very fine and as silky as possible. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 LENGTH OF WOOL The fur shall be of good length from three and one-half to five inches long. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 STANDARD OF PERFECTION BELGIAN HARE COLOR Rich Rufous red. (Not dark smudgy color.) Carried well down sides and hind quarters, and as little white under jaws as possible. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 SHAPE Body long and thin, well tucked up at flank and well ribbed up. Back slightly arched. Loins well rounded, not choppy. Head rather lengthy, muscular chest, tail straight and altogether of a racy appearance. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 TICKING Wavy appearance and plentiful. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EARS About five inches or over in length, thin, well laced on tips, as far down the outside edge as possible. Good color outside and inside and well set on. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Hazel color, large, round, bright and bold. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Fore feet and legs long, straight and slender, well colored and free from white bars and ticking. Hind feet well colored. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION Perfectly healthy, not fat, but firm in flesh and good quality of fur, without dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Seven to eight pounds. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 7 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DESCRIPTION COLOR: The true color is almost a cherry red, but has a golden shade of rust in the effect that is very pleasing to the eye. Red should predominate largely, even where decorated with ticking. The ticking should be entirely absent on lower sides, shoulders and front legs, with a clean red neck and chest and should be entirely absent on front legs. The jaws and ears to be as free from ticking as possible. Particular attention should be given in producing red feet and legs. A beautiful jet black lacing confined closely to the edge of a pure golden red ear is the real feature of a thoroughbred. The ticking, which consists of the black points on the red hairs, should be found on the following sections : Rump, back and upper sides. Special color sections are: Rich cream color under jaw, cream col- ored belly and favoring cream blending into a red. but should not run to a brown, which is often found where the top color is of a dark mahog- any and pure white on under side of tail. Top of tail to blend with body color as free from ticking as possible. Haunches to be as free from gray as possible. NOTE Under color (not belly color) should run as red and deep as possible. DISQUALIFICATION Senior buck under Sj^ and over 8. Senior doe under 6 and over 8. STANDARD OF PERFECTION HEAVY WEIGHT BELGIAN HARE COLOR Rich rufous red, carried well down sides, as little gray on haunches as possible. Belly and under jaw to be as free from white as possible. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE Body to be long, back arched, head long, chest muscular, tail long and straight. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 TICKING Of a wavy appearance and plentiful, to be confined to the back and loins. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, large and well set on, not less than 5 inches, well colored, well laced on tips far down on outside of ears as possible. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EYES Hazel color, large, bright and round. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 LEGS AND FEET Fore feet and legs long, straight with good heavy bone and rich color, as free from ticking as possible. Hind feet rich, solid color. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 With small dewlap well carried. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION Perfectly healthy and large, firm not fat, good quality of fur. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Buck, nine pounds. Doe, ten pounds. Points 20) Cuts 1 to 10 DISQUALIFICATION Buck under eight pounds. Doe under eight pounds. 9 STANDARD OF PERFECTION TANS, BLACK AND BLUE COLOR Black or blue, dense and sound even color. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 Tan, deep, rich golden color. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Large and bright, hazel in black ; blue in blue. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Short, color to match back. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE AND SIZE To weigh from four to five pounds, cobby in shape and compact in form and limb. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISTRIBUTION OF TAN Triangle (just back of the ears). " . Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Fore feet. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Hind feet. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 Chest, flank and belly. Points - 10 Cuts 1 to 5 Nostrils, eyes and jowls. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 5 Ears, outer and inner margins. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION Flesh firm and solid. Fur very close and shining, to be even, in good condition and free from moult. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Specimen over 514 pounds. Putty noses or white toes. 10 STANDARD OF PERFECTION NOTE The head and face must be black, with a ring of tan around each eye, the saddle, back, rump, sides of body and upper part of tail black, the lower part of the sides and rump is brindled. The nostrils, jowl, chest, belly, flanks, and under part of tail should be rich golden tan, the deeper and brighter the better, but bright it must be. The neck behind the ears should have a rich tan mark extending from the base of the ears to the center and shoulders in the form of a triangle, which is the definition given to this neck marking. The base of the triangle behind the ears should form a junction with the tan of the chest, which should run to meet it. In front of the ears and at the base should be two small tan spots. These should be clear and distinct. The outside of the ears should be black, laced with tan, whilst the insides should be tan. In the case of Blue-and-Tan, the word blue must be substituted for black in the above description. STANDARD OF PERFECTION CHAMPAGNE D'ARGENT The under color is clear with hlue intermixed with black and white hairs. The silvering must be even all over the body, presenting a sharp, bright, silvery appearance, full of life and sparkle. The coat must be soft, dense, silky and smooth. The ears must be neat, straight and well set on the head, rather high in position. The body shape should be neat and compact, not bulgy or baggy. Condition must be such that the rabbit is clean, healthy and lively, free from dirt, eyes bright and coat sleek and smooth. Size, about eight pounds. 12 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DUTCH COLOR Any sovind color, as free from white ticking as possible. The body color over the ears, cheeks and body in the rear of the saddle line down the hind legs to the feet stops should, in the blacks, blues and steels be clear, deep and uniform throughout. In the tortoise to be a bright orange shading to a darker color on ears and loins. The body color should be free from white hairs mixed in, or running into the body color. The saddle, blaze and feet stops to be white. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 SADDLE The white portion of the rabbit, which embraces chest, throat, front legs and body, starting clear of the front legs in the rear of them and running to the ears. The line where the saddle joins the body color should be a perfect circle around the body. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 BLAZE The white portion of the head. It should be wedge shaped covering the nose, whisker beds and tapering up to the ears, running between same in a very narrow line, and entirely dividing each cheek and ear and join- ing the white portion known as the saddle. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 HEAD Ears and cheeks of the body color, ears erect, of solid color with no white about the base except the blaze and not to be over four inches in length. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 STOPS Hind feet to have white markings from the toes to a point one and one-half inches from them up the leg. They should be clean cut and even on both feet. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 13 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DUTCH EYES Should be hazel in blacks. In the other colors they should match the body color as nearly as possible. They should be free from spots on the iris, or from discoloration known as "wall eyed." They should . be clear and bold. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 SIZE AND SHAPE To weigh under five pounds, cobby in shape and compact :n form and limb. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION AND FUR Flesh firm and solid. Fur very close and shining, to be even, in good condition and free from moult. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 DISQUALIFICATIONS If over six pounds in weight. Large and unsightly patch of body color in the white and where extending below knee, or white in the body color. If body color is attached to limb at all, to be severely cut. If patch is inconspicuous, cut heavily. NOTE Avoid getting belt too far to the front. This will avoid having belt connect with front legs underneath. 14 STANDARD OF PERFECTION ENGLISH COLOR Blue, black, tortoise or gray. The marking color to be clean, deep and as near uniform throughout as possible. The fur outside the mark- ings to be white, and the spots and markings as clean cut as possible and free of white hairs mixed or running into the marking color. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 NOSE To have a spot on nose of the marking color in the shape of a butter- fly which is to be. even and uniform, with no white spots within the out- line of the butterfly. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EYES To be bright and bold, surrounded with circles, about the size of a quarter, of the marking color, as near a perfect circle as possible. Points 8 Cuts 1 to 3 CHEEK SPOTS To be placed below each eye, about one-half inch in diameter, of the marking color, and placed clear of the butterfly and eye circles. Points 6 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS To be not over four inches long, with good carriage, of the mark- ing color clear out to the base, free from white hairs. Points 6 Cuts 1 to 3 HEAD Remainder of head to be free from spots of the marking color and to be round and shapely. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 CHAIN MARKINGS To start on top of neck near base of ears and run in a downward and backward direction towards the loins, starting with one spot and running in two rows, from one-quarter to one-half inch in diameter, uniform as possible on both sides. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 15 STANDARD OF PERFECTION LOIN MARKINGS Group of spots on loins placed as evenly and uniform as possible on both sides alike. Spots to be clear and distinct, not running in to- gether, and from one-half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with no plain large patches of white between loin markings and chain mark- ings or the saddle. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SADDLE MARKINGS A line of the marking color beginning near the base of the ears and running in an unbroken line along top of back to tip of tail. It should be narrow at the start, widening over the rump and narrowing again at the tail. The hairs of the marking color should extend out from the edges, giving line the ajipearance of a herring bone. Points 14 Cuts 1 to 5 LEG MARKINGS A small spot of markng color on elbow of each leg. Points 6 Cuts 1 to 3 BELLY MARKINGS Six small teat spots of the marking color, remainder of belly free from marking color, and to be as free of the marking color as possible in crotch of hind legs. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 SIZE AND CONDITION Weight six pounds, firm and solid in flesh, with fur soft and free from moult. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS White spot within the butterfly. If weight is over eight pounds. If totally without any one of the classes of markings called for, as no chain markings, no loin markings, no eye spots or no leg markings. When saddle marking, commonly called herring line, lays off center of back. CUTS: For stray spots. Markings other than teat marks, such as patches on belly and in crotch to be cut severely, and if extremely large, to be disqualified. When break in saddle marking, commonly called herring bone, is three inches in length, to be disqualified. 16 STANDARD OF PERFECTION BLACK FLEMISH GIANT HEAD To be large, broad and shapely, with uniform solid black color, same as body. Eyes to be dark and uniform color, with reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, strong, thick and erect, well set on with a heavy stocky base, uniform solid black to match body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY As large and powerful as possible, not flat, with full broad fore and hind quarters. A full plump chest. The body should gracefully arch back from shoulders over hind quarters. Hind quarters to be as thick and massive as possible. Does to have large, full, even-carried dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as large as possible and of powerful, massive build, but in proportion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Bucks shall weigh 11 pounds or more; does 13 pounds or over, and as much more as possible. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Strong, straight, large and powerful. Color solid black to match body. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 COLOR Shall be a uniform, solid black throughout, without ticking, stray hairs or brownish casts. Brownish casts and white hairs will cut, but not disqualify. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION, FLESH AND FUR A full, even coat, glossy, full of life and brightness, not dead or dull, firm solid flesh, fur to be close and soft, free from moult. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under 9 pounds. Does under 10 pounds. Ears under 5j^ inches long. NOTE The entire animal to be solid black, even to the toe nails. 17 STANDARD OF PERFECTION BLUE FLEMISH GIANTS HEAD To be large, broad and shapely, with uniform solid blue color, same as body. Eyes to be blue with reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, strong, thick and erect, well set on with a heavy stocky base, uniform solid blue to match body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY As large and powerful as possible, not flat, with full broad fore and hind quarters. A full plump chest. The body should gracefully arch back from shoulders over hind quarters. Hind quarters to be as thick and massive as possible. Does to have large, full, even carried dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as large as possible and of powerful, massive build, but in proportion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Bucks shall weigh 11 pounds or more; does 13 pounds or over, and as much more as possible. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Strong, straight, large and powerful. Color solid blue to match body. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 COLOR Shall be a uniform solid blue throughout, without ticking, stray hairs or brownish casts. Brownish casts and white hairs will cut, but not disqualify. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION, FLESH AND FUR A full, even coat, glossy, full of life and brightness, not dead or dull. Firm, solid flesh, fur to be close and soft, free from moult. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under 9 pounds. Does under 10 pounds. Ears under 5J/ inches long. NOTE The entire animal to be solid blue, even to the toe nails. 18 STANDARD OF PERFECTION GRAY FLEMISH GIANTS HEAD Large, broad and shapely. Eyes dark, uniform and of reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, thick, strong and erect, and of color to match body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY Large, long, good shaped, with broad front and hind quarters and chest. Does to have evenly carried dewlap, well developed. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as great as possible, large and of powerful, massive built, but in proportion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Bucks shall weigh 13 pounds and over; does 15 pounds and over. Points 15 Cuts 5 Pts. for each pound under weight. LEGS AND FEET Straight, strong and powerful. Color to match body, uniform as possible, free from white bars. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 COLOR To be an even light gray, as free from sand or reddish brown as possible. (Steel gray to be disqualified in this variety.) Color to be even over entire body, except under tail and belly, which should be white. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION AND FUR Fur to be close and soft. Flesh firm and solid, free from moult. Stomach shapely and not potty. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 10 DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under ten pounds. Does under eleven pounds. Ears under si.x inches long. 19 STANDARD OF PERFECTION STEEL GRAY FLEMISH GIANTS HEAD To be large, broad and shapely with uniform color same as body. Eyes to be dark brown and uniform color with reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, strong, thick and erect. Well set on with a heavy, stocky base. Color uniform same as body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY As long and powerful as possible. Not flat. With full, broad fore and hind quarters. A full plump chest. The body should gracefully arch back from shoulders over hind quarters. Hind quarters to be as thick, broad and massive as possible in order to obtain weight. Does to have a large, full, uniform, even-carried dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as large as possible, and of powerful, massive build, but in pro- portion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Buck shall weigh 12 pounds or more ; doe 14 pounds or over and as much more as possible. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Strong, straight, large and powerful. Color to be as near that of body as possible and free from sandiness or bars Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 COLOR Shall be uniform dark steel gray throughout, with even uniform wavy ticking over whole body. Head, ears, chest, feet and legs, except under belly and under tail shall be as light a color as possible. All steels to be as free from brassiness as possible. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION A full, even coat, glossy, full of life and brightness. Not dead or life- less. Firm, solid flesh, fur to be close and soft, free from moult. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 20 STANDARD OF PERFECTION STEEL GRAY FLEMISH GIANTS DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under 9 pounds. Does under 10 pounds. Ears under 5^ inches long. Where brassiness covers entire body. NOTE Many breeders confuse the white toe, which is a disquahfication, with the white pad or light colored hair or fur on bottom of feet. This pad often extends up through and between the toes, causing a white appearance. The white from the pad should not extend upon top of toes but may be shown between toes. A white toe or foot, consists of a distinct spot of pure white hairs which is usually much whiter than the pad under the foot. The term, "belly color as light colored as possible" does not mean that the belly must be pure snow white, but of a light gray or light slate gray color, which will show a distinct contrast, at breaking off line, at each side of stomach. Under color, meaning the color of the hair or fur beneath the outer surface. This under color on steels should be of a bluish steel or bluish slate color clear to the flesh. 21 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SILVER BLACK FLEMISH GIANT HEAD To be large, broad and shapely, with uniform solid black color same as body. Eyes to be dark and uniform color with reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, strong, thick and erect, well set on with a heavy stocky base, uniform solid black to match body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY As large and powerful as possible, not flat, with full broad fore and hind quarters. A full plump chest. The body should gracefully arch back from shoulders over hind quarters. Hind quarters to be as thick and massive as possible. Does to have full, large even carried dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as large as possible and powerful, massive build, but in pro- portion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Bucks shall weigh 11 pounds or more; does 13 pounds or over, and as much more as possible. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Strong, straight, large and powerful. Color black to match body. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 COLOR White hairs must be evenly distributed over entire body, chest, head, feet, ears and tail. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION, FLESH AND FUR A full, even coat, glossy, full of life and brightness, not dead or dull, firm solid flesh, fur to be close and soft, free from moult. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under nine pounds. Does under ten pounds. Ears under 5j/2 inches long. 22 STANDARD OF PERFECTION WHITE FLEMISH GIANTS HEAD To be large, broad and shapely, with uniform solid white color same as body. Eyes to be pink color with reposeful expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Long, strong, thick and erect, well set on with a heavy stocky base, uniform solid white to match body. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY As large and powerful as possible, not flat, with full broad fore and hind quarters. A full plump chest. The body should gracefully arch back from shoulders over hind quarters. Hind quarters to be as thick and massive as possible. Does to have large, full, even carried dewlap. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE To be as large as possible and of powerful, massive build, but in proportion throughout. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 WEIGHT Bucks shall weigh 11 pounds or more; does 12 pounds or over, and as much more as possible. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 LEGS AND FEET Strong, straight, large and powerful. Color pure white to match body. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 COLOR Shall be a uniform pure white throughout, without ticking, stray hairs or yellowish cast, and of fine texture. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 CONDITION A full, even coat, glossy, full of life and brightness, not dead or dull, firm, solid flesh, fur to be close and soft, free from moult. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under 8 pounds. Does under 9 pounds. Ears under 5^ inches long. The entire animal to be a pure white, even to the toe nails. 23 STANDARD OF PERFECTION HAVANA COLOR A rich, bright brown all over, with undercoat of pale gray. Points 30 Cuts 1 to 10 SHAPE AND SIZE Exceedingly fine and elegant, somewhat like the Black and Tan, head and neck medium ; weight, when full grown, not to exceed 5i/2 pounds. Points 30 Cuts 1 to 10 EARS Four inches long, fine in substance, small, straight and carried upright. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 FEET Very slender and straight, with brown toe nails. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 EYES Large, the color of the fur, showing a red light in the pupil, yet having a soft and gentle expression. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 2 COAT Short, fine and silky. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION Healthy, clean, firm in flesh. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 2 DISQUALIFICATIONS Over 51/2 pounds. NOTE The perfect specimen has a lovely, silky coat of the darkest, most even brown, with a sheen upon it, shinning both green and dark pink as the light crosses the back. Expressive, large, dark eyes, with a fiery light showing in the pupil. 24 STANDARD OF PERFECTION HIMALAYAN White, with the marking colors a rich, velvety black. Ears, short, tapering, and well set on. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 7 Nose, even and well up between eyes. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 7 Front feet, long, slender and markings well on. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 7 Hind feet, to correspond, markings well up hocks. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 Eyes, bold, bright, pink. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Tail, neat black. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Shape, snaky. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Coat, short, fine, and pure white. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Weight, about five pounds Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 Condition. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 NOTE The color of the markings should be a rich, velvety black. The more dense the color the better. The markings should be on the nose, ears, feet and tail. The nose marking should be large and well rounded. It should come well up the face, between the eyes, and be clean cut and distinct all around. It should be dense all over. Many fail on the sides of the nose marking, the color being weak on the edges. The ears should be entirely black and well covered with fur. They should be short and neat, tapering to the tips. They should be set fairly close together, and not carried apart. The fore feet should be black right to the top of the legs and they should be cut clean there. The higher the marking comes up the leg the better. The same remarks apply to the hind feet. The tail should also be black. The eye required is a pink one, as bright and bold as possible. In shape the Himalayan should be snaky. A short, cobby rabbit is: not desirable. At the same time, a big specimen is not the thing to aim for. Whilst it must be snaky, it should also be small and neat. The long, snaky bodied rabbit shows its markings of? to much greater advantage than does a short, cobby one. The coat is white except on the markings,, and it must be pure in color and free from stains of any description. 25 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 26 STANDARD OF PERFECTION 27 STANDARD OF PERFECTION IMPERIAL BLUES COLOR ^ Dark blue uniform color throughout the body. Body color Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 Head, chest and ear color. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 SHAPE In appearance it slightly resembles the Belgian, having shorter and heavier bones. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 SIZE Seven pounds. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 FEET AND LEGS Medium length, straight and long. Points 2 Cuts Yz to 1 FEET COLOR Color solid and matching body color. Points 3 Cuts y^ to XVi HEAD, EYES AND EARS Head, medium length and narrow, color to match body color. Eyes, large and bold and match body color. Ears about four and one-half inches long, rounded tips and set close at base. Points 28 Cuts 1 to IS CONDITION OF FLESH AND FUR Flesh to be firm and solid, fur long and soft. Points 17 Cuts 1 to 10 DISQUALIFICATION Over seven pounds. 28 STANDARD OF PERFECTION NOTE The color of the Blue Imperial should be an even shade of dark blue throughout, fur soft and bright, and a trifle longer than the other short haired rabbits. The eyes should be large and deep blue in color. The ears should be four and one-half inches long, and rounded at the tips. They should be carried erect and well together. Size about seven pounds. They should be shorter in limbs than the Belgian hare, but should slightly resemble the Belgian in type. 29 STANDARD OF PERFECTION JAPANESE IRREGULAR MARKINGS Or an unequal distribution of the color bands. Points -_ 30 Cuts 1 to 10 UNDERCOLOR Distinct and shiny, from cream and egg gold to a brick red. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE Rather short and thick set with strong limbs, weight about 8 pounds. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 5 EARS AND HEAD Undercolor to match body and spotted over with black patches. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 FUR To be thick and even. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 The Japanese Rabbit's color is intended to represent the rising sun and has circles running around the body at irergular intervals ; the bands forming the circles are not regular in size or width ; the circles represent the sun's rays and the undercolor the sun. Defects are unclear color of bands showing a mottled appearance. Undercolor fading out till it shows pure white spots. 30 STANDARD OF PERFECTION LOPS (ENGLISH) EARS Should be 18 inches or over from tip to tip. The length and width to strive for is 26 inches long by 6J4 inches wide. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 Width at widest point should be at least one-fourth of the length of the ears tip to tip. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 Should be strong, stout and free from any blemishes. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Large and bold. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 LEGS Medium heavy and straight. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 TAIL Straight and of good length. Points 1 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY Heavy fore and full hind quarters with back well arched. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 SIZE Bucks ten pounds and over. Does eleven pounds and over. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 COLOR AND MARKING Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION Flesh firm and altogether of a healthy appearance. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS Earage less than sixteen inches, tip to tip, or a width less than four inches at the widest part. Ears not suspended evenly from the head, such as one ear down and one or a part of an ear in other position except hanging down. If the specimen has control of one or both ears, so that he or she is able to raise them. 31 STANDARD OF PERFECTION NOTE Measurement: The measurement of the ears on lops to be taken from the extreme of one ear straight across the head to the extreme end of the other ear, stretching slightly along the rule and the width of the ear is to be measured at the widest part and should measure at least one- fourth the length, tip to tip. Color: Lops are bred in selfs and broken colors, the broken colors being any of the colors in conjunction with white. In the broken colors the markings are very important, the saddle and ears being of the darker color, also the specimen should have a good even butterfly on the nose with a dark colored circle around each eye. The saddle should be of a solid color free from spots and the saddle color connecting the head by two lines of color or large dots. The feet and legs to be pure white, although an even spot on each elbow is not objectionable, but adds to the beauty. 32 STANDARD OF PERFECTION LOPS (FRENCH) EARS Shall be sixteen to eighteen inches from tip to tip. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 Width at widest part should be at least five inches. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 Should be stout, strong, heavy, well rounded and free from any blemish. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Large and bold. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 LEGS Heavy and straight. Points 10 Cuts 1 .to 5 TAIL Straight and of medium length. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 BODY Heavy fore and full hind quarters. Back well arched. Bucks ten pounds and over. Does eleven pounds and over. Points 35 Cuts 1 to 10 COLOR AND MARKINGS Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 CONDITION Flesh firm and solid and altogether of a healthy appearance. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 3 DISQUALIFICATIONS Earage less than fourteen inches, tip to tip, and less than four inches wide. Ears not suspended evenly from the head, such as one ear down and one or part of an ear in any other position except hanging down. If the specimen has control of one or both ears, so that he or she is able to raise them. 33 STANDARD OF PERFECTION NOTE Measurement: The measurement of the ears on lops to be taken from the extreme end of one ear straight across the head to the extreme end of the other ear, stretching sHghtly along the rule and the width of the ear is to be measured at the widest part and should measure at least one-fourth the length, tip to tip. Color: Lops are bred in selfs and broken colors, the broken colors being any of the colors in conjunction with white. In the broken colors the markings are very important, the saddle and ears being of a darker color, also the specimen should have a good even butterfly on the nose and a dark colored circle around each eye. The saddle should be of a solid color free from spots and the saddle color connecting the head by two lines of color or large dots. The feet and legs to be pure white, although an even spot on each elbow is not objectionable but jfdds to the beauty. ;54 STANDARD OF PERFECTION NEW ZEALAND RED COLOR Reddish buff, carried evenly and down over sides and hind quarters, well down to the skin. Free from black hairs, not dark or smudgy, or of a light buff reddish cream belly color. Points 30 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE Body medium length, with medium fore and full hind quarters. Does to have even dewlap. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 HEAD Full and shapely. Color to match body color, with as little white under jaws as possible. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Carried erect. Medium thickness and five to five and one-half inches long. Color to match body color and free from black lacing. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Hazel color, large and bright, with as small a white eye circle as possible. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 LEGS AND FEET Strong and straight, medium heavy boned. Color same as body, both front and hind feet. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION Full in coat. Flesh solid and firm. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 WEIGHT Bucks nine pounds. Does ten pounds. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 35 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DISQUALIFICATIONS Bucks under six pounds and does under seven pounds. White belly and hind legs when combined. A distinct white bar on front limbs or white hind feet, heavy ticking on haunches. CUTS; Shadow bars will be cut severely. Ear lacing to be cut in proportion to its distinctness. NOTE Color: "Reddish buff." Not red or fawn. It may help to mention "Bright Orange" and use that color as a guide in selecting the proper shade. The color should be solid over head, ears, chest, body and tail and well down over sides and loins. Color should be as deep in tone as pos- sible, free from white or black hairs. Shape: This type is entirely different from any other rabbit, shape ranging between that of a Belgian hare and the Flemish Giant Should be of a racy appearance like that of a Belgian hare and should not be long and broad shaped like a Flemish Giant, hut a happy medium, compact shape with full hind quarters and broad saddle coupled up rather short 36 STANDARD OF PERFECTION POLISH COLOR A rich, pure glossy white, entirely free from hairs of any other color. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE AND SIZE To be small, neat, compact and alert. To weigh three to four pounds. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 FUR Short, very fine, close and silky. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 10 EARS Short, fine, well rounded and covered with fine fur. To set close to- gether, touching each other all the way, without showing the flanges. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Large, bold and blood red. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION OF FLESH AND FUR Flesh firm, in healthy condition, with fur of good quality, free from moult or stains. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 DISQUALIFICATIONS If weight is over four pounds. If eyes are any color but red. If hairs of any color but white are in the fur. If ears are over three inches in length. n STANDARD OF PERFECTION SILVER, GRAY, FAWN AND BROWN COLOR Under color in grays, a rich deep blue black ; in Fawns, a bright ■arange; in Browns, a deep chestnut. Points 25 Cuts 1 to 10 Silvering, evenness throughout the entire body. Points 20 Cuts 1 to 7^ Ticking distinct, sharp, bright and evenly distributed. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 EYES Bold and bright. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 EARS Small, near and erect. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 COAT Thick, short and even length. Points 10 Cuts 1 to 5 SHAPE AND SIZE Neat, plump, with a good loin and weighing about six pounds. Points 15 Cuts 1 to 5 CONDITION Neat and compact, healthy appearance. Points 5 Cuts 1 to 3 DISQUALIFICATION When weighing over seven pounds. NOTE The ideal color in a Gray. (White and Black.) The white is always referred to as the silvering. The black being termed the color. At the tip of the fur the color should be a rich blue black, with plenty of life and lustre in it. The undercolor (when the fur is blown aside), should be of a blue shade and extend as far towards the roots of the fur as possible. Be sure not to get or encourage an undercolor of a pale, smoky shade, or a fur which is almost white next to the skin. There should be no brown or rusty tinge on the feet or body. FAWNS: Should be of a deep, bright orange shade, extending as far down towards the skin as possible. This color should extend over the body, head, ears, feet and tail. There should be no suspicion of brick- iness about the color of a Silver Fawn, neither should it have a gray tinge^ 38 STANDARD OF PERFECTION BROWNS: There are really four colors instead of two. The essen- tial color is the deep, bright CHESTNUT and should extend as far down towards the skin as possible. The bottom color should be a SLATY BLUE, deep and bright, and should not show anywhere except in the bot- tom half of the fur. Next comes the SILVERING or white hairs, which should be evenly distributed among the colored ones. Then comes the TICKING which should be even all over the rabbit. On the surface of the fur, brown, white and black must be in evidence and should be in equal proportion. 39 STANDARD OF PERFECTION BROKEN COLORED ABYSSINIAN ROSETTES Each to rise and radiate evenly all round with a clearly defined cen- ter without any break or gap, and to be distributed regularly all over the body, the greater the number the better, providing that each is clear and distinct without guttering or running into each other. Points 25 COAT Short, harsh and wiry in texture, with erect mane running right down the back from shoulders to rump, and without flatness or softness of any kind ; the scrufif or collar to stand erect and pass right round the shoulder without a break. Points 20 COLOR Clear and bright, with plenty of lustre. Points 10 SHAPE Short and cobby not flat sided, limbs well formed and closely set, without any narrowness or snippiness, with plenty of depth in shoulders and hindquarters. Points 15 HEAD Wide, and fair length, nose very prominent, with well developed mous- tache, covered with harsh, erect coat on cheeks. Points 15 EYES Large, full and bright. Points 5 CONDITION Coat close and thick, flesh firm and hard. Points 10 SOLID COLORED ABYSSINIANS ROSETTES Each to rise and radiate evenly all round from a clearly defined center, without any break or gap, and to be distributed regularly all over the body, the greater the number the better, providing that each is clear and distinct without guttering or running into each other. Points ___25 COAT Short, harsh and wiry in texture, with erect mane running right down the back from shoulders to rump, and without flatness or softness of any kind ; the scrufif or collar to stand erect and pass right down the shoulder without a break. ^ Points 20 COLOR Clear and bright, with plenty of luster. Points 15 40 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID COLORED ABYSINNIAN (Continued) SHAPE Short and cobby, not flat sided, limbs well formed and closely set, without any narrowness or snippiness, with plenty of depth in shoulders and hind quarters. Points 10 HEAD Wide and of fair length, nose very prominent, with well developed moustache, covered with harsh, erect coat on cheeks. Points 15 EYES Large, full and bright. Points 5 CONDITION Coat close and thick, flesh firm and hard. Points 10 41 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID RED ENGLISH Points Color — Deep orange red 25 Shape — As in ideal, page 20 Ears — Shapely to match body - 15 Eyes — Large and bold 10 Feet — Solid color to match body : 10 Coat— Short and silky 10 Condition 10 REMARKS: Reds should be a deep, rich, red color with feet and ears to match. SOLID BLACK ENGLISH Points Color — Deep raven — rich 30 Shape — Broad shoulders, roman nose, body not too short 25 Coat — Short and silky, free from corrugations 15 Ears — Slightly drooping, not fallen, with good width between them 10 Eyes — Big, bold and clear 10 Condition 10 SOLID CREAM ENGLISH Color — Pure and even 30 Shape — As in ideal, page 25 Coat — Short and silky 15 Ears — Slightly drooped 5 Feet — Color to match body 5 Eyes — Large, bold and clear 10 Condition — Flesh firm 10 REMARKS: A delicate cream is desired, free from a lemon or brass tinge. 42 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID WHITE ENGLISH Points Color — Pure and even 20 Shape — As in ideal, page 20 Ears — Shapely, color to match body 15 Coat — Short and silky 10 Eyes — Large, bold and pink 10 Feet — To match body color 10 REMARKS: White ears and feet are essential. Smudge and black spots will disqualify. SOLID CHOCOLATE ENGLISH Points Color — Deep, rich and even 30 Shape — As in ideal, page 20 Coat — Short and silky 10 Ears — To match body, shapely 15 Eyes — Bold and large 5 Feet — To match body color 10 Condition 10 REMARKS: Chocolates should be a rich, dark chocolate color. A bar of chocolate will give you the proper shade. SOLID BLUE ENGLISH Points Color — Deep, rich and even 30 Shape — As in ideal, page 20 Coat — Short and silky 10 Ears — To match body color, shapely 15 Eyes — Bold and large 5 Feet — To match body color 10 Condition 10 REMARTCS: Blues should be a dark, rich blue as in the blue rabbit. SOLID CINNAMON ENGLISH Points Color 20 Evenness of ticking on body, chest and feet 30 Shape „ 20 Eyes 10 Ears . 5 Coat and Condition 15 REMARKS: Cinnamons should be of a cinnamon shade, even and free as possible from eye circles, having even dark ticking all through, with chest and feet to match. 43 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID GOLDEN OR SILVER AGOUTIS GOLDENS The golden agouti should be of a rich, deep golden hue, with even dark ticking all through, with chest and feet to match. The belly should have a bright, rich, red appearance as narrow as possible. SILVERS These should be of a bright silvery hue, having even dark ticking all through, with chest and feet to match, the belly color to be narrow and as near white as possible. Points Color 20 Evenness of ticking on body, chest and feet 30 Shape 20 Eyes 10 Ears 5 Coat and Condition 15 TORTOISE AND WHITE ENGLISH Points Patches — Clean, clear cut and distinct 25 Equal distribution with uniform placing 25 Color — Red, black and white as in standard of these varieties 20 Shape — As in ideal page 10 Size — Large, well proportioned 5 Eyes and Ears 5 Coat — Short and smooth 5 Condition 5 REMARKS: Colors should not be intermix or brindle. Patches to be cut clean and evenly distributed. TORTOISE SHELLS Points Color — Red and black 15 Patches — Clear and distinct 45 Eyes — Large, bold and clear 10 Coat — Short, silky 10 Shape — As in ideal, page 10 Size — Large and well proportioned 5 Condition — Firm of flesh 5 REMARKS: The colors should be deep red and black, equally distributed in small patches. The smaller and more uniform the better. 44 STANDARD OF PERFECTION DUTCH MARKED ENGLISH Points Blaze and cheeks 15 Clean neck 10 Saddle 10 Undercut 10 Feet Stops 15 Ears 10 Eyes 5 Size 5 Shape — as in indeal page 5 Color 10 Condition ' 5 REMARKS: Marking to be placed same as the Dutch marked rabbit. HIMALAYAN Points Nose — Markings well carried up to eyes 15 Feet — Marking well carried up .^ 10 Ears — Black to base 10 Density of Markings 20 Purity of white free from brass coloring 15 Eyes — Large, bright and reddish color 10 Shape — As in ideal page 10 Condition 10 REMARKS: Markings to be placed same as the Himalayan rabbit. BRINDLES Points Color — Intermixture of red and black 15 Even mixture of colors 45 Eyes — Large and bold 5 Feet and ears match body color 5 Shape 10 Size 5 Coat 5 Condition 10 45 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SOLID COLORED PERUVIANS Points Sweep (rear coat) — Of as uniform length as possible 15 Density of Coat 15 Texture or silkiness o£ coat 15 Side sweep — Hair to be as long as possible 15 Color — To be of a solid color, free from stray off-colored hairs 15 Head Furnishing — Fringe should fall well over the shoulders and fur- nished so that it falls in a thick mane 15 Condition 10 BROKEN COLORED PERUVIANS Sweep (rear coat) — As of uniform length as possible 15 Density of coat 15 Texture or silkiness of coat 15 Side sweep— Hair to be as long as possible 15 Color — To be of a solid color, free from stray off colored hairs 10 Head furnishing — Fringe should -fall well over shoulders and fur- nished so that it falls in a thick mane 15 Condition 15 DISQUALIFICATIONS White toe nails, except when called for. Any foreign color in a solid color. Any diseased specimen. Cavies showing signs of carrying young. CUTS Slit or torn ears. Ears punched for marking or showing signs of having an ear tag will not be disqualified, but we wish to dscourage this habit. Junior four months or under. Senior over four months. All cavies entered at shows under National rules not specified in stand- ard will not be passed on by the judges. These standards adopted by the United Cavy Breeders' Association. 46 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SKUNKS Standard Points for Exhibition Points Color — Darkness— rich jet black throughout the entire head, body and tail as near as possible (very few absolute black exist) ' 35 Luster — Good, bright, shiny gloss on the long or guard hair 20 Fur — Length— as long as possible especially on the back 10 Texture — The long hairs to be soft and flexible and not wiry bristles 10 Density of the fur 10 Size — Largest size possible 10 Condition — Showing good health and care 5 100 STRIPED SKUNKS The standard to be same as above except first paragraph which should be as follows : Star on head as round as possible covering top of head. Stripes run- ning from star to end of body, even one inch wide throughout. Tail, about three inches of white on tip. Markings to be pure white, without yellow tints, rest solid black. 47 STANDARD OF PERFECTION CHEEK BLAZE & COLOR MARKINGS SADDLE SHAPE AND CARRL^GE 20- - 50 - 50- - 15- 10- 10 - 10- 10- 10- TAIL LONG NO KINKS & TAPERING CONDITION NOT FAT, SHORT THICK GLOSSY COAT TOTAL ^- - 0- - 30 -10 - 10 15- 15 - 15- 15- 15- One hundred -15 - 15 48 STANDARD OF PERFECTION STANDARD FOR RATS x\. P. S. A. COLOR TOP COLOR nCKIXG FEET, SOLWD IN COLOR UNDER BELLY COLOR RUDDY BROWxN SHAPE AND CARRL\GE SIZE EYES, LARGE, BOLD AND PROMINENT EARS; SHAPE SIZE, POSITION HEAD, LONG & NOT TOO POINTED TAIL, LONG & UNIFORM, NO KINKS TRIANGLE HOOD AND SADDLE HEAD MARK- INGS CLEAR- NESS NO SPOTS CONDITION NOT FAT short sleek glossy coat CO CO 170 40—45- 30—35—25—25—25—2; 15— 5— 10— 5— — 5- 5 15 0—10— 10-10—10—10-10—10—10 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5 5- 5- 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5— 5 10—10— 25 25—25 15—15— 15-15-15-15—15-15—15 One hundred 49 STANDARD OF PERFECTION SHOW RULES section .. Vn,.r „on.a> ^'^:^--jZr^ :^,Znr.:^; such cases remittance must follow by first mad. Sec 2 All entries must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. ^'^^; ^- ,r.,^ „„ entry fees, all prize money and all other pre- Otherw>se he fo f ^s ^^y ;.^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^,i, i„ ,he show room. hibitor's right of appeal. 9 . ^ In cases where it shall come to the knowledge of the manage- part; shall forfeit his entry fee, prize money and other premiums. The Show Management reserves the right to refuse entries from ex- hibitors whose conduct in their opinion makes it des.able for the welfare of the show that the:r rabbits be debarred from compet^on. Sec 4 Exhibitors attempting to interfere with or influence the 3udge or judges shall be dealt with as provided in Section -. c;.r S Tudges shall be required to sign the judge's book or card provM d ty sUv Association. An official record of these awards Tall be preserved by the Secretary for three years for reference. Sec 6 No speciment shall be removed from the show until after its close except ^,;n' the written consent of the Show Secretary, or Super- intendent. sec. . AH enuies a.e en-cd a„d *o„„ a. .,. ns. o, „«,,e. a,,d t^!i:--:iz.:z::!t'.2^:p ...oc... »» . . ca. be liable except as provided in Rule 8. 50 STANDARD OF PERFECTION Sec. 8. Rabbits must be returned promptly at the close of the show, and any lost in the re-shipping through proven carelessness or negligence on the part of the Show Association, are to be paid for by such Association at a value not to exceed $10.00 per rabbit, as agreed liquidated damages, it being understood that in subscribing to this rule the e.xhibitor does not waive any rights he may have at law. Sec. 9. Notice of a disqualification with a detailed statement shall be mailed, by the Show Association, within ten days, to the Secretary of the National Breeders' and Fanciers' Association and by registered mail to the disqualified party. Sec. 10. No judge shall exhibit in any class which he is judging, and no e.xhibitor or any one interested in any exhibit that may be in the class shall act as assistant to the judge. Sec. 11. The placing of names or marks of any sort, not provided by the show, on rabbits or in the hutches shall be left to the rules of the Show Associations. Sec. 12. Show managements shall have the right to refuse entry to the show room, or to remove from the same all diseased or unsightly rabbits, and are expected to avail themselves of this right. Entry fees on such rabbits shall be forfeited. Sec. 13. All specimens must be exhibited in their natural condition. Any violation of this rule shall exclude such specimen from competition and cause the withholding of all premiums awarded. Sec. 14. Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the National Breeders' and Fanciers' Association and to abide by these rules whether he is a member of the .\ssociation or not. Sec. 15. Special awards on sweepstakes shall be made on points, first prize to count 6; second, 4; third, 3; fourth, 1, and fifth, 1. The total number of points won by an exhibitor to be multiplied by the number of rabbits exhibited in his variety; this grand total to be the number of points counted in the competition. 51 To Members of The National Breeders' & Fanciers' Association of America : The color of the cover of this book or a shade lighter was selected as the official color of the N. B. & F. A., so that all members could paint their shipping coops the same color and they would be recognized at once as pet stock carriers which would be a help to Superintendents of shows when separating them from poultry, etc., and would give our stock better attention. A number of our members are engaged in the railway service and they would readily recognize the coops and see that they get the best of attention. It is also recommended that members paint on their coops "Return to (name and address), member of N. B. & F. A." It is also recommended that you paint hutches and houses the same color so your place may be easily recognized from the road, street cars or train. This is an economical color, as it can be produced with white lead and oil, adding a very little lamp black until you get the right shade. Henry M. Adolph, President, Cleveland, Ohio. 52 p