Class T^grSS/ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm F. OTIS PETTS HELPFUL THOUGHTS BY F. OTIS PETTS *r SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE CO. PUBLISHERS Lake Pleasant, Mass. Copyright, 1915, by F. OTIS PETTS AUG 26 1915 ©CI.A410240 TO MRS. L. A. HALL MY FOSTER-MOTHER THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED INTRODUCTION Perhaps a word in regard to how this book came to be published, may be of interest to the reader. Writing of verse being out of my line until three years ago, one day in writing to a friend of mine I found in reading it over that I had written it in rhyme, and from that time I have continued writing under inspiration, and as they have been very helpful to me (spiritually) I felt it my duty to put them before the people, hoping they might bring consola- tion, and be an aid to the upliftment of humanity. The Author. CONTENTS PAGE The Prayer 1 The Keystone of Life • • ^ A Query: What is Prayer 3 The Beacon ^ The Angels are Near 4 An Appeal by Silver Star 5 A Reverie • ^ God's Mercy '^ Twilight Thoughts 8 Do They Miss Me? 9 Christmas Time 10 A Prayer 10 They Gather Them in 11 The Pansy 1^ Where 1^ The Spirit's Message 14 Sweet Thought 16 A Thought of Love 16 Seeking the Light • 16 A Pipe Dream IS A Lesson from the Violets 20 A Tribute to Onset 22 Are You Ready? 23 My Answer 23 When the RoU is Called up Yonder 25 Angel Voices 26 Nobleness ' • • 27 Then and Now 28 Ivu] Contents PAGE Angel Loved Ones 29 Songs of the Night 29 An Appeal 30 A Loving Message 30 Someone's Boy 31 A Sweet Thought 32 An Old Proverb 32 The Call of the Master 33 Look Within 33 A Soliloquy 34 Not one Star 34 Memory 35 Another Day 35 To My Brother 36 Angel Voices 37 In Memory of Mother 38 Just Believe 40 I Wonder 40 In Memory 42 Our Loved Ones 43 Sunday Morn 44 Why 45 A Reverie 45 The Flower 46 Lines to a Lady 46 God is Love 47 A Christmas Greeting 48 The Tired Heart 49 Good Cheer 51 A Christmas Greeting 53 [ viii] Contents PAGE Memories of the Past 53 The Longing Heart 55 A Little Child 56 The Holy Spirit 57 Some Day Somewhere 58 Out of the Past. 60 Which was it? 61 At the Fork of the Roads 62 Thankfulness , 63 Mother Darling 64 Consolation 65 Sweet Rest 66 In Memory of a Friend 67 Christmas Eve 68 Which is Right? 69 The Ripened Grain 71 The Appeal 72 Courage 73 Don't 74 Clouds 75 The Mystic Sound 76 Beckoning to me 77 Hope 78 Be Ready 79 In Answer 80 To My Friend 81 Gone to Sleep 82 In Memory of a little Child 82 A Friend's Advice 84 Beautiful Rest 84 fixl Contents PAGE Beyond 85 Meditation 86 The Prayer 87 There are no Dead 87 The Spirit of Love 88 Silence 89 The Waif 89 New Life 90 Who 90 In Memory of a Friend 91 Memory of a Friend 92 Face to Face 93 Close to Thee 94 Some Day 94 The Beautiful Land 95 The Reaper 96 The Message 96 Mother Darling 97 Our Departed 99 Give Thanks 99 The Angels are Calling 100 Faith 101 A Lone Traveller 102 On the Passing to Spirit-life 103 A Memory 105 The Real Judge 106 Across the Border Land ^ ...... 107 A Dream of Heaven 108 A Thought 109 After Awhile 109 [xl Contents PAGE Sunshine 110 Lead Me On 110 Ask and Ye Shall Receive Ill The Twilight Hour 112 Prophecy 112 Days of Sunshine 113 Don't 114 Friendship 114 The Angel in the House 115 [xi] THE PRAYER Oh! thou great and holy One, Enter thou into our hearts tonight, And bring us from the world beyond. Thoughts that will make our life more bright. We more than need thy gentle care To guide our feet aright, And thus we bow in silent prayer. And ask for strength tonight. For well we know that thou can'st give. The healing balm to wounded hearts. And give us strength that we may live. To shun life's cruel darts. The blessings of the Angel World, Will fall in tenderest care. On us the children of the earth. Who lift our thoughts in prayer. Not prayer alone can waft the soul, To realms of peace and bliss, But we must act as well, there by. Help others to accomplish this. Our Spirit friends extend a hand. To help us in our striving, To help our brother man we'll find. That life is worth the living. And now may thy blessing rest on us all. The sick and the needy, the large and the small, The rich and the poor, may they go hand in hand. That all may be blended in one spiritual band. And then will our lives be one living song. And be heard round the world near and far. And when we pass on, for it will not be long. We'll enter our rest through the gate just ajar. * [11 The Keystone of Life THE KEYSTONE OF LIFE Over the gate of heaven, There is an arch of light, Set with jewels three in number, Representing, God is might. Truth, wisdom, love, are The jewels that I see, And as I gaze upon them. This message comes to me. Truth is the foundation. Which we should treasure for its sake, Wisdom, is the keystone of life. Of which we should all partake. Love, is the Godly Principal, With which we should fill the heart. And no one here has got so low. But still he is a part. Why seek the bad when there is so much Of good within the soul. Are we more capable to judge? Than the Divine.'* Judge of us all? Do we think our house more cleanly? Than our neighbors o'er the way? That we should judge so harshly. Come tell me: do I pray. There's none of us without our faults. No hearts so pure I wean. But if we searched them closely. We would find them far from clean. Then let us speak in kindness, Of our brother man my friend, For with all their faults there is some good, Which will count for them in the end. [2] A Query: What is Prayer? Our mission here upon the earth. Is to uplift, and guide Our weaker brother who lacks the strength. His weaknesses to subside. When we have reached the portal. When we have crossed the bar. When the soul has left the mortal, iVnd has gone from earth afar. If we have fulfilled our mission. In kindness and in love, Our loved will give us welcome, When we reach our home above. There's a crown of glory waits you. Set with jewels rich and rare, Made by hands you love so dearly. For you'll know each other there. Then let us strive to wui the prize That awaits us there on high. Where we'll meet our Angel loved ones. In that grand sweet by and by. A QUERY: WHAT IS PRAYEK? Prayer? Why prayer is the thought that ascendeth From the innermost depths of the soul. That our spirits with God may be blended. For we all are a part of the whole. A thought that goes forth in anger. May bring us discomfort and pain, For thoughts are but prayers, though unspoken, And to us will return once again. [31 The Angels are Near Then let us beware of the thought we send forth. For we'll reap the same that we sow, Let our thoughts be the seeds of kindness and love. That the harvest an abundance may show. THE BEACON Keep the Beacon light a-burning. Let it shine out near and far. It may pilot some wrecked sailor. Into port inside the bar. Don't neglect your trust, my brother, Temptation's rocks are in the way. Of the ships tossed on life's ocean, Let your light shine out today. THE ANGELS ARE NEAR The Angels are hovering o'er us today. The air is filled with love. They come that we may be inspired. With thoughts of home above. Resist temptation while you may, Is the thought that comes to me. For if you don't, some other day May bring you misery. When our hearts are filled with gladness. Then our thoughts ascend on high, Then our souls are freed from sadness. And echoes from the loved ones nigh. Let us give a smile of welcome, As each earthly friend we meet. Extend the hand of friendly greeting. That shall cause the heart with love to beat. [4] An Appeal by Silver Star Sow the seed of human kindness, As we wend our way each day. It will sooth our own heart's sorrow. Make us feel more blithe and gay. Never mind the things of earth, dear. Have your thoughts for things on high, And they'll rebound again to your credit. In that long sweet bye and bye. AN APPEAL BY SILVER STAR Oh, Angel of dawn, descend today. To gladden the hearts of the sad and the gay, And drop in their hearts a seed of love. That may grow and blossom in the garden above. For there is not one, on the earth so bad. But in their heart there's a grain of good. And if approached in a gentle way. It will spring into life at a kindly word. Oh, Brothers and Sisters, it behoves us now. As through life's pathway we wend our way. To send a thought as in prayer we bow. That will bring some loved one to God today. Oh, may the time come on apace. To do the work marked out for me. That I may see thy loving face. And lift the veil that they may see. It makes me sad as I look around, And see the gloom around me placed, But then I know in the great beyond. That the spirit of love will that gloom efface. [51 A Reverie Take courage then, Oh sad of heart, And give your thoughts to those above. For in that haven all things lie. For God is love, and love can never die. Oh, Angel of Love, send forth that power, That shall brighten our pathway here, And the essence of love to us be brought, And make our vision clear. My thoughts are ever going forth. To the loved ones gone away. To that beautiful home beyond the blue. Where they will greet me too, some day. A REVERIE Did you ever stop to think dear friend, Of the home just over there? Where we in the evening twilight. Waft our thoughts in quiet prayer? Did you ever feel the softness Of the touch of a loving friend? As they lay their gentle fingers On our head, that in grief we bend? Just think, that your friends are near you. Just think, they have not gone far. That there is only a thin veil between you, That they've only just crossed the bar. That they're waiting there to meet you, When your Earth life's work is o'er, With a smile they'll wait to greet you, And throw open wide the door. [6] God's Mercy They are doing all they can, dear one. To make our sad hearts light, To tell us of the life beyond, Of the home so fair and bright. Then let us help them all we can, Their loving message to us bring, To so uplift our brother man. That we may their praises sing. Then let us seek the good of others, And think not of the bad. For know ye not, they are our brothers? That we must try and make them glad? For the spirit must soon lay aside, This earth form to arise. To dwell with those beyond the tide In that home beyond the skies? There we will meet the loved ones. That we thought had gone afar, But we'll find when we awaken, That they've only crossed the bar. GOD'S MERCY God in his mercy will make things right. And smooth out our sorrows and cares. And all things in the future will look more bright, For uplifting our thoughts in prayers. What today we think is wrong. Tomorrow will seem more clear. And our hearts now sad, will burst forth in song. That will wipe away the tear. [7] Twilight Thoughts For he hath said, come unto me. When the heart is sore oppressed, And I will give love that you may see. That all things are for the best. For good deeds are the records Of love born in the heart. Derived from acts of kindness. Of which God is a part. TWILIGHT THOUGHTS To-night as I sit thinking, Thinking of the days to come. Wondering what there was before me. And if I'd have to roam? When I heard a voice beside me. Whisper softly in my ear, " Do not worry for the future, All is well, thy friends are near." It gave me renewed courage. To know our friends are near. So I think I'll still keep forging on Without a doubt or fear. It puts new life into our hearts. To know a helping hand Is ever ready to lend aid. Another start may be more grand. Then do not give up hope, my friend. For life is what we make it; And if you've had a doubtful thought, I pray you now forsake it; For seed that's sown on mellow soil. Takes root and brings forth bloom. And will repay you for your toil. And give you courage to resume. [8] Do They Miss Me? The harvest will be greater, and Fill the store house full of grain, That will repay you for the toil, Relieve the heart from grief and pain. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. I think I hear you sing, O, Grave where is thy Victory? O, Death, where is thy Sting? DO THEY MISS ME? Do they miss me at the fireside. As the twilight hour draws near? Would they miss my humble presence. If it did not bring them cheer? Would my voice be missed in singing, Of the hymns we sang that night. When we gathered in the circle. And the future seemed so bright? Many times my thoughts turn backward. To the days that have been spent, From cheery conversation, That the powers above had lent. If the angels have our destiny. In their hands as people say, I wonder they don't tell us. So that we may know the way. If they would so impress the brain That we could know for sure. Which step to take for betterment, And avoid the evil door. But the step we take and think is right, Oft proves to be the wrong. And the only thing that I can see. Is to do our best and struggle on. [9] A Prayer For we can never change or mar, Old Mother Nature's plan, So I am content to leave my fate, To the loved in Spirit land. CHRISTMAS TIME Another year has rolled around. And brought Christmas to our door. To delight the hearts of children. With gifts from Santa's store; We can hear their shouts of laughter. Ringing through the frosty morn. And hear the bells proclaiming Unto us a child is born. Children singing Christmas Carols, Of the birth at Bethlehem, Telling us the joyous tidings, Peace on earth, good will to men, Let us shout our glad hosannas. That shall ring through heaven's dome. Echo, and re-echo ever. Till we reach our heavenly home. A PRAYER God of love, give us thy blessing. As we meet here to sing thy praise. Help the sick, the poor, the needy, As in song their voice they raise. Fill their hearts with love and kindness, That shall spread through all the land, And will give to others gladness. Coming from thy loving hand. flOl They Gather Them In Teach us all to do our duty. Help the pilgrims on their way. Then the soul in all its beauty. Will reflect another day. Though the night be dark and dreary, The sun will shine again at dawn, And our hearts, though sad and weary. Will be lightened with the morn. Bless thy children here, now gathered To commune with loved ones gone, It will give them peace and comfort, Cheer the heart, now sad forlorn. And we ask of thee, O Father, To give them the strength of will. That they may not ever falter. To go forth and do thy will. Oft times life seems hard to battle. As we journey o'er the road. But we know that with thy kindness We can bear the heaviest load. Now we ask thee in conclusion. As we wend our weary way. To cleanse our hearts from all confusion, And make us happy all the day. Amen. THEY GATHER THEM IN They gather them in to the Shepherd's fold. One by one, one by one. The glories of heaven to behold. After the earth life's toil is done. [11] They Gather Them In Though the road of life has been hard and rough, With thorns and tares o'er grown. They have done their best and that is enough To give then a place in the heavenly home. Oh, do not weep for the cherished one, Whose life on earth is ended. For she awakes where all is peace, For her life with God is blended. Her place at the fireside can never be filled. No matter how hard you may try; The kind word, the smiles, she gave while here, Is reflected by them, from on high. Then let us smile as we wend our way To the place where the form shall rest, Well knowing her spirit this bright spring day, Has its birth in the realms of the blessed. The loving companion of years in the home. Has left you in sorrow and grief, But remember her sufferings now are o'er. For the Reaper has brought her relief. She stands by your chair, her hand on your head. Her fingers are smoothing your hair, Just think of your loved one as living, not dead. And waiting for you over there. So they gather them in one by one, one by one. Your time will soon come, then you'll meet The loving companion who left you to mourn, But waiting your coming to greet. The love that she bore you here below. Is still retained above. And through the spirit makes you know. They still live on above. [12] Where? They gather them in to the shepherd's fold, Where the fields are fresh and green, And waters flow from founts of gold. And they're with us here, though by us unseen. THE PANSY This morning I picked a pansy, And as I gazed into its face, I thought, or at least I fancied I saw within a modest grace. A lesson of contentment. Is what it would teach to thee. As it raised its sweet face heaven-ward. In humble simplicity. What diflFerence, if the other flowers Are dressed in brighter hue, I am just as God intended me. And I can't change whate'er I do. So I'm content with nature's plan. And my mission I here fulfill. By making man's pathway brighter. And thereby do my Father's will. Now brother, try and teach thyself. Contentment, peace, and love. By being patient with thy lot. And all things will be righted when You reach the home above. WHERE.? Where, oh where is Shadowland, We hear so much about. Is it away off in some distant land In some far place remote? fl3l A Spirit's Message Is it up among the mountains. Or in the oceans blue. Or in the dark deep caverns. Set aside for the chosen few? Ah! no, dear heart, not so, not so. The Shadowland I mean. Is here within our midst, although We cannot see beyond the screen. Our vision is not keen enough To penetrate the cloud-drift, Until we've learned the lesson here. To forgive, and others to uplift. And when we've reached that height of love. Toward all creatures grand. Then we shall get a glimpse of heaven Within the Shadowland. Then we shall know the meaning Of the mystery of God's hand. Then we shall see beyond the vale. Into that Shadowland. A SPIRIT'S MESSAGE Let not the clouds of sorrow Obscure the rays of light, That radiates from heaven. The home where all is bright. Our friend has just passed over The threshold into realms of love, Free from the pangs of grief and pain. That are of earth, but not above. [14] A Spirit's Message Her mission here has been fulfilled, Upon this mundane earth. She has gone to Him to dwell in peace. The God, who gave us birth. Don't think she has left you here alone. For that's not God's decree. But to inspire us with the love. That emenates from them to thee. It throws a pall of sadness o'er. The Spirit that has gone. To look back from the other shore. And see our hearts forlorn. I hear this message wafted. Back from the home above, That mother still is with you. And still sheds a mother's love. And remember, I am with you, Though the veil obscures your sight, To guard, to bless, and keep you. In the pathway of the right. I was with you as you gazed upon The form I left behind. And tried to tell you then, dear. That God is ever kind. So put aside the sorrow. That fills your heart today. And on the coming morrow. Try and be more light and gay. For I will be more happy. Here in my home above. In the home I'll come and cheer you, For you'll feel my touch of love. [15] Seeking the Light It won't be many years, my child, Before we'll meet again. In the summer land of promise, And the heart is free from pain. Look up and onward ever. Let your thoughts ascend on high. And I'll greet you in the morning. In that grand sweet by and bye. SWEET THOUGHTS Praise the Angels now here gathered From the heavenly home above. With greetings from our loved ones. And messages of love. They tell us of the beauties That await us there on high. And the songs of love awaiting Our coming bye and bye. A THOUGHT OF LOVE Dear friend, let thy light so shine, that its rays may reach to some poor wayfarer who is struggling along the dark road of dispair; that he may find it a beacon light of truth which may guide him into the harbor of faith and love, and thereby fill his heart with that divine love that passeth all understanding. SEEKING THE LIGHT Draw near unto thy child tonight. From thy abode above, That we may feel the love light That comes from thy great love. [161 Seeking the Light I am sitting alone in the silence. Searching with all my might The innermost part of my being, Trying to find the light. And I question myself in this way. Who are you? that you should judge. Your fellowman's shortcomings. When your own you wont divulge. How easy it is to see the faults. Of our neighbor across the way. Whose life may be burdened with grief and care, Without a kind word from day to day. Put yourself in their place. With environments the same. And see if you could better do Before you others blame. There is many a one that goes to church. With a sanctimonious face, That, when at behind closed doors, Make a Hades of the place. Ye who are without sin, saith the Lord, The first stone, cast with all thy might. But none was cast, but with hanging head. They disappeared from sight. They who are free from taint themselves. No poison darts will fling. For they see no evil in the world, But of its beauties sing. Our duty to that weary one, Is plain, we all can see. Then speak a word in kindly tone, Smooth out their troubled sea. [171 A Pipe Dream Let us pledge ourselves this duty. And to that pledge be true. Do unto others that ye would. That they should do to you. If these thoughts are sent out daily. They will spread out far and near, And the world will be far better. To live in while we are here. And when our time shall come To close our weary eyes, May the Angels bid us welcome, To that home beyond the skies. And as we pass within the gate. To the land of peaceful rest. May we say to those we leave behind, "I am glad, I've done my best." A PIPE DREAM One eve as I sat blowing. The smoke from my old clay pipe, These thoughts from my heart went flowing. Out into the bright moonlight. I thought I saw an Angel bright. Descend from heaven's blue dome. Dressed in garments pure as light. To tell me of the heavenly home. And as she stood beside my chair, I saw within the wreaths of smoke, A vision of beauty, oh, so rare, And as it formed the Angel spoke. [18] A Pipe Dream I thought she laid her hand in mine, And said, just come with me, To where the fields are fresh and green. And view the home prepared for thee. She led me to a shady nook Its banks bedecked with flowers rare, Beside a little babling brook. And every bloom a prayer. And hidden in among the trees, A cottage stood and it was made of pearl. And in the doorway, hands out stretched, Stood waiting, my little girl. Oh, papa, welcome to our home. Come in and take a seat. And as I clasped her in my arms, My heart with rapture beat. The air was filled with music sweet, I asked from whence it come. She said it was the Angel choir. Singing to welcome me to their home. I drank in the perfume of the flowers, I sipped the waters cool, I basked in the bright warm sunshine, I bathed in the crystal pool. And soon there came a host of friends. To greet me with a smile, My heart was full of gladness. Without a thought of guile. I felt so light and airy. No ache or pain had I, It seemed like the home of a fairy. With all my loved ones nigh. 119] A Lesson from the Violets Then suddenly the vision passed. My pipe dream then was o'er. But then I know some future time, I shall see my child once more. The pain that your going has caused me, poor child. Can never be healed this side of the grave, But knowing your presence is here, it helps soothe. And to ease us of pain and help us be brave. So Father in Heaven, draw near to us now. Impress us with that, which may gladden our hearts, And lay thy soft hand on our aching brow. And say we shall meet again, never to part. A LESSON FROM THE VIOLETS While roaming through the wild-wood. One bright warm day in June, And thinking of God's wondrous ways, And the flowers that fade so soon, I came upon a patch of blue Whose violet faces sweet. Were nodding to the warm bright sun. In their bed of green so neat. And as I sat me down to rest Beneath a shady tree. The perfume of these bright blue flowers, Brought these sweet thoughts to me. Why so much happier are the flowers. That dwell in yonder dell, Than we who dwell in houses .^^ Violet, to me the secret tell. Then a wee little face looked up and said, "You first must contentment learn. Before you find the happiness For which your poor heart yearns. [201 A Lesson from the Violets For it was God's hand that placed you here, To carry out the plan, Of progress, which will fit you For your home, in that brighter land. *' We care not what the world may think. Or what the world may do. As long as we do our duty. And it should be the same with you. We are often crushed by man's dull tread. Left in pain and sorrow here. And forgive, as we raise our bruised head. For we know God's hand is near. " To sustain us in our sorrows And this lesson we give to you. And we say in our pain, 'Father forgive. For they know not what they do.' No matter if our forms are bent. By the cruel tread of man. If our souls are only pure and clean, And we do the best we can. " So let it be the same with you, Forgive, harsh word, or blow. For God in his mercy, will care for us all, And that is enough to know. To feel that we are doing right. No matter what others may say. As long as the sun in our heart is bright, And we feel we have done some good today. *' Look upward and onward. And keep pressing on. And you will find in contentment, Life, is one long sweet song." And as I turned homeward. My heart was more gay. For the violets had taught me, A grand lesson that day. [21] A Tribute to Onset The birds singing anthems, The trees breathing prayers, Had relieved my tired heart Of its sorrow and cares. And now, reader, take warning. And try contented to be. Like the violets whose secrets. Were revealed unto me. A TRIBUTE TO ONSET There is a cottage at old Onset, That they call the Lodge of Rest, Where I spent a week this summer, It's a cozy little nest. Young maples, oaks, and pine trees. Grow round the cottage door, With a pleasant chatty hostess. Need one ask for any morcf^ At the wigwam in the valley, One can get good spiritual food. And if you have an illness, Healers there will do you good. At the Temple, one can get his fill. Of wholesome food for thought. That the inspired speakers give him Right from God, that can't be bought. If one seeks the spirit's guidance, And will live the golden rule. He will find his life more happy. And sweet peace unto the soul. [22] My Answer ARE YOU READY? Are you ready, brother, ready, For the call of the reaper Death? Are you ready for the summons, That shall end your earthly breath? It is not reaper Death that takes. Us from this earthly plane, It is reaper Life, that gathers in The ripened wheat and grain. Don't wait until you hear the call Before your cry for help is made. But seek your angel loved ones. Who are anxious for to aid Your tired soul to so expand. Your heart to lighter grow, That you may feel the gentle touch Press softly on your fevered brow. God gave to us the mandate. To love our brother man, Which will bring us peace and comfort, And bring us nearer Shadowland. It is only just beyond the vale. Where fields are fresh and green. And the air is filled with voices Of loved ones, yet by us unseen. MY ANSWER You ask me why I'm lonely? Why I'm blue and sad of heart? My friend I'd tell you, only It makes the old wound smart. [231 My Answer My life has been so dreary. One long and darksome road, That I hate to talk about it, Dread to lift the heavy load. Once my hopes and aspirations Were as bright as burnished gold, Till a cloud shut out the sunlight, And my heart grew hard and cold. And it seemed as if I'd perish From the blow that pierced the heart, But this thought I deeply cherish, God is good, He soothed the smart. Do not censure for not imparting That which was buried long ago. To tell it would cause me many a heartache. The like, I hope you'll never know. "The darkest clouds are lined with silver," Sang the Poet in his song. But for me there is no brightness Breaking through the clouds at morn. For my loved ones all are dwelling In the home beyond the blue. In songs their voices now are swelling. Songs of old, though ever new. Patiently I wait the summons Of the boatman on the shore. To bear me to that land supernal, In peace to dwell for evermore. Me-thinks I feel their angel presence As in silence I sit alone. For o'er me steals that soothing essence That radiates from our heavenly home. [24] When the Roll is Called up Yonder Let me live my own life, my way. Doing good where e're I can. For it makes my heart the lighter Helping my brother man. Oh, come with me, my sister, brother, Along the road that leads to bliss Where spirit can commune with spirit And the angel world sheds light on this. We need no creeds or dogmas, No sermons preached by man To tell us of the beauties Of that glorious Shadowland. Our inner self will teach us If we harken to the voice That prompts us to our duty. And bids us take our choice. Of going forth to battle With inharmony for our sword. Or, sending forth a love thought Followed by a kindly word. Bear ye one another's burdens As you go through life, my friend. And you'll find your own the lighter As you near your journey's end. When you pass beyond the border Of the cloud-drift, then you'll find. That by being kind to others You have gained God's love divine. WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER When I hear the angel voices call me to the other shore. And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair, [25 1 Angel Voices When the loved of earth shall meet to dwell in peace for evermore, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. On that bright and cloudless morning, where the fields are fresh and green, And our hearts are free from sorrow and from care. We shall meet our loved in glory and shall know as we are known. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Oh, the joy of greeting loved ones as we cross the border-land And the burdens of the sad, then we may share. We shall sing the song of peace and love, in that happy angel band. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Chorus When the roll is called up yonder. When the roll is called up yonder. When the roll is called up yonder. When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there. ANGEL VOICES Listen, don't you hear the singing Of that angel choir grand, Messages of love they are bringing To us from that summer land. Sweetest music, how angelic. Played upon their harps of gold And in song their voices blending Tells the story, new yet old. [26] Nobleness Rising, falling, like a cloud-drift Floating round us to and fro. Filling hearts with joy and gladness While they are singing soft and low. Always happy, always joyous, Hearts brim full of love and peace, Some day we will join their number. Some day earthly cares will cease. Then we'll see the holy city, Many mansions there we'll see. Then they'll ask in tones of pity If there's one that's built for me. Mansions there are, built while living On the earth plane here below. With kind deeds, kind words, and giving Charity to those in need, you know. NOBLENESS What is more noble in mankind Than one with a will of his own, Who dares to say no, and means it When temptations around him are thrown; Who follows the teachings of Mother That she taught when a child, at her knee, Who to self dares be upright and honest. That is the Man for me. Don't mind the laughter of comrades When you tell them you don't smoke and drink, For they in the end will respect you, Ah yes, my boy, more than you think. And your friends, and the angels, will guard you Into paths that are narrow and straight. That leads to the portals of heaven With a welcome of joy at the gate. [27] Then and Now THEN AND NOW Years ago when in my childhood Thoughts of heaven came to me, When I roamed throughout the wildwood Or knelt at night at mother's knee. Hosts of faces came before me, Faces framed in mist it seemed, And they smiled on me so kindly. Kindly, like a warm sunbeam. But in years, as I grew older. Again they came all wreathed in light. And they'd tap me on the shoulder, Till I'd hide my face in fright. Now, I know it was the loved ones. From the unseen world above. Come to teach me life eternal. And all there is to life is love. Now I see with clearer vision Than I did when in my youth. And I know it is our mission To spread forth the spiritual truth. And I hope to do my duty Unto those to truth are blind. That their hearts may see the beauty In the act of being kind. That their hearts may be the lighter. And their soul may so expand. And their lives may be the brighter. When they reach the summer land. [28 1 Songs of the Night ANGEL LOVED ONES Angel loved ones, gather here, Bring us messages of love, Let us feel your presence near. Radiant from your home above. For we need thy guiding hand, E're our feet should go astray. Lead us to the summer land, Into the relams of perfect day. Fill our hearts with sweet content, While on earth we struggle on, When our earthly life is spent We may greet the gladsome morn. Loving friends we then shall see. Waiting on the tideless shore. With our own we'll surely be. And we'll part with them no more. SONGS OF THE NIGHT Oh, sing me a song of the eventide. As nature is sinking to rest. The birdlings all nestled beneath the Wing, and close to their mother's breast. I love to hear the night bird's coo, As they sing their love songs to their mate, And the wise old owl sings to-whoo, to-whoo, As he sits on the garden gate. The oriole, calling its mate to rest. To its home in the maple tree. And to hear the cry of the whip-poor-will, Is oh ! such sweet music to me. 129] A Loving Message And as my head on my pillow I lay. And list to the songs of the night. It fills my heart with love, and I say God is good and all things are right. And I drift away to the land of nod, To the songs of the eventide, And I know if I die, I'll go to God, O'er the waves of the crystal tide. AN APPEAL Loving friends draw near to me. Let me of thy beauties see. Open up the gate- way wide, That I may get a glimpse inside. The portal of the heavenly spheres, From whence the light of life appears, And teach us wisdom, love, and peace, And make our hearts as white as fleece. A LOVING MESSAGE Mother, I come to greet you. To fill your heart with cheer. To tell you that your spirit friends Are with you now and here. The longing of your lonely heart Sometime will be fulfilled, Within that land of promise By God, for He so willed. Be patient, calm and cheerful And smile instead of frown, To fret and mourn is fenrful And will never win the crown. [30] Someone's Boy When the ripened grain is ready For the reaper's sickle keen, With a stroke that's strong and steady He will lay it low I wean. But though laid low, 'twill rise again In living fields of green, To wave in golden glory Forever on the scene. SOMEONE'S BOY I have a little offering, It isn't very great. But it may ease the suffering Of someone near the gate. One day a weary pilgrim Drew near my outer door. And asked if I would help him, For he was very poor. I gladly gave him food to eat, A warm coat for his back, God grant that I may never A deed of kindness lack. He thanked me o'er and o'er again, It filled my heart with joy. To know I eased another's pain — For he was some mother's boy. So let us ever help the sad. That o'er our pathway stray, T'will ever make our own hearts glad, By doing kind deeds day, by day. [311 An Old Proverb It's darkest just before the dawn. Is a proverb old and true, And shadows flee at approaching morn For me as well as you. Then don't despair, for joy will come, And life will seem more bright, Reflections from our heavenly home Will make all things come right. A SWEET THOUGHT Sweet the hour when I shall greet you. Child of love, so pure and sweet. For I know that I shall meet you. When life's journey here's complete. For I know that you'll be waiting By that ever tideless sea. For the coming of the boatman That shall bear me home to thee. AN OLD PROVERB Laugh and the world laughs with you. Is a proverb we've heard for years, And a true one, for which I can vouch for. For it banishes trouble and fears; For when we are joyous and happy. In our life no trouble finds place. So then each day let us always Be seen with a smile on our face. It's one of the best of cure-alls. Of the ills we imagine we have. And by laughing we avoid many pitfalls. That we meet on land and on wave. [321 Look Within If you meet a grouch on your travels, Looking for trouble or fight. Just laugh and tell him it's folly. And most always he'll say you are right. So it pays to speak in kindness. To the pilgrims we meet on the way, It may help to free them from blindness Of anger, which they might display, A laugh and a kindly word spoken. Will cause wrath to turn into love. And by so doing, the angels of heaven. Will shower blessings on you from above. THE CALL OF THE MASTER Did you ever sit by the bedside Of a friend just passing away? And notice the expression of sweetness. That over their features would play? The expression of peace, joy and gladness. That in life you had ne'er seen before, T'was the joy that they feel at the greeting Of loved ones they meet on the shore. Should we feel the sadness of parting? With those we have loved long and well. When we know their going from earth life. Means progress of life ! Who can tell? My faith stronger grows as I witness. The peaceful expression of death. And I long for the call of the master. And will welcome the reaper called Death. LOOK WITHIN I look within my inner self to see if All is well. And if a fault I find therein, unto My God I tell, [33] Not One Star In humble prayer and faith I ask To free my heart from guile, In meek and lowly humbleness, As if I was a child, Before the bar of God I stand, with Meek and contrite heart, And pray to him, the oversoul To remove the poisoned dart. And when I knock upon the door. Wide open it will swing, and I hear The angels voices say, dear child, come, enter in. A SOLILOQUY Why is it my lot to be lonely. With no companion to bless? The last years of life, if I only Had some one to love and caress. I cannot see why I should suffer, I've done the best that I could, I've wasted my life for another And have tried to do as I should. My wife, children all, have been taken, And left me alone to my fate, And I'm lonely, so lonely and shaken. That the end now I patiently wait. God grant that the strength may be given To me till the summons shall come. That calls weary pilgrims to heaven. To dwell in that beautiful home. NOT ONE STAR There's not one star a shining. To guide me on my way. To ease the heart's repining Of the sorrow of today, [34] Another Day Perhaps when dawn awakens, There will be a hand stretch forth. To guide me to that haven, Where the spirit has new birth. Oh, that the gate might open, That I might enter in. For I am tired of traveling Through this weary world of sin; Not that I would shun my duty Or not another's burden share. But I'm weary, weak, and footsore, And to go is now my prayer. MEMORY Memory is the master, and it wields a scepter bold. And fills our hearts with sadness, as to us the past unfolds, But a smiling face hides many a pain, in the heart of vain regret. And the more we try, the harder we strive, the less we can forget. ANOTHER DAY Another day is ended, the time for rest has come. Our souls, will soon be blended in our celestial home; We'll know no care or sorrow there, But peace and joy and love. With loving friends, we then will share. The heavenly home above. And as we lay us down to rest upon our downy bed, We'll wake perhaps among the blessed, For we know there are no dead. For Christ, who died and rose again, [35 1 To My Brother Into that brighter realm. Is captain of our destiny. And is ever at the helm. He'll guide our bark with safety, Into that harbor fair, Where we will meet our loved ones, For we'll know each other there. Then come, thou fount of every blessing. Let thy love spread near and far May its light the way illumine. The loving souls, who cross the bar. May the boat that bears them over. Have for pilot, God's right hand, That they may safely reach the harbor Of that bright, that promised land, Free our hearts of words, of hatred — Plant within the seed of love, Nourish them with thoughts of kindness To be garnered in the home above. TO MY BROTHER There's a light in the window my brother, for thee, in the window of the soul, And if you follow that light, I see you reach someday the goal. Temptations will spring up along your path, and hard to resist they will be, But if steadfast and honest to self, you will find, that others will help you to be. Strength will be given you day by day If you ask the All Father for aid. And the angels of love will put in the way A light that will illumine the shade; [36 1 Angel Voices So be steadfast in purpose and steer your barque straight For the harbor that now is in sight, And your success is sure, though to you it seems late. And your future will ever be bright. God in his mercy will lighten the way That now seems dark and drear. For His loving kindness endures always. And His guardian angels are near To help and strengthen us here below As we wend our weary way, Though our path is rough, and our progress slow, We will reach the goal someday. We must not think of our own heartache For there are others who need our care. And to help to lighten their burdens today Will help to lighten our share. In meeting a poor weary one on the road Just give them a nod and a smile. It will give them new courage, and ease Up their load, and we'll know in our hearts it's worth while; For the seeds that we sow in this life you'll find, Will grow, be they evil or good, And we'll reap the same, which ever the kind So be watchful, and sow as we should. ANGEL VOICES Listen to the angel voices Whispering in thy ear, Telling of that life supernal. Relieving us of fear. [37] In Memory of Mother Telling us that all is brightness, Be not afraid to cross the strand. For as you enter the vale of shadows God will take you by the hand. And lead you out into the sunlight, Into fields and pastures green, By the waters pure as crystal, Glistening like a silver sheen. Why those tears,'* because I am leaving, This old earth for pastures new, You should not, my friend, be grieving, Just because I leave your view. You should know that I'll be near you, Ever near you in the home, Help to guard you and to guide you. Through life's pathway, let what may come. And as your spirit nears the gateway. Of that land of sweet delight, I will lighten up the pathway That leads to where there is no night. So dry those tears and be more cheerful, Let thy heart be light and free, For e'er long I'll come and take you. Just beyond that tideless sea. There you'll sing and shout with gladness. There with friends you'll be once more. There you'll find no sign of sadness. There you'll dwell for evermore. IN MEMORY OF MOTHER Another flower has withered, The petals now have dropped. The fragrance now is scattered. For earthly life is stopped. [38] In Memory of Mother It is gathered by the chemist, In the laboratory of his love, And perfume of their presence Will descend from the home above. You will miss the earthly presence Of the mother in the home, But you will feel the love of spirit. For she'll linger in the home. In the twilight of the evening, In the sunshine, just the same, You may feel her loving presence As you sweetly speak her name. She'll be ever near to guard you. Help to ease your earthly pain, So don't mourn the loved ones going. For your loss is her great gain; Loved ones waited at the border Of that bright and glorious shore. Loving hands stretched forth to help her Into peace for ever more. There's another in the home life, A companion old and gray. Who will soon receive the summons To that land of perfect day. Just think of the happy meeting In that realm of spiritual life, Of brothers, sister, loved ones, Best of all, husband and wife. Soon the veil for us will render. And we'll see beyond the bar Our heavenly home in all its splendor Just within the gates ajar. They'll be waiting, watching calmly. Ever on that tideless shore, Till the boatman bears them upward. Where they'll meet to part no more. [39] I Wonder JUST BELIEVE May the love of the great Jehovah Linger in my heart for aye, And when the earth life's journey's over, Take me to that perfect day. There no evil can assail me, There no sorrow, grief or care. That's where peace and joy await me, There with friends his love I'll share. God is good, why should we doubt him.'* Every burden he'll relieve, Just have faith and trust within thee. Cast out doubt and just believe. Then you'll see with clearer vision All the workings of his love. Then you'll know, what is your mission. To gain a home with him above. Tarry not, oh weary pilgrim. Be the roadway smooth or rough; God is good, and He'll sustain thee. Tell me, isn't that enough? I WONDER I wonder if it's sinful If we want to pass along. Into the world celestial, among the angel throng, To be tired of the struggle, that is always with us here. To be always longing, longing, for the summer land so near. I wonder if the tired heart will ever find its rest. Or are the stories told us nothing but a jest.'* [40] I Wonder Why is it that our spirit friends one day tell us things are fair? And before us see no sorrow, no pain, no grief, no care. Next day they see no brightness, but darkness all around. And not a ray of sunshine, in our aura can be found; It seems so very strange to me, but then I cannot doubt, For oftimes through the cloud drift, I can see our loved about. It's then that I take courage, to go on as before, Then I hear a wee voice whisper, Look up, and grieve no more. There are others round about you, worse off, but don't complain. Seek out the weaker brother and try to ease his pain. It will make your own heart lighter By helping others on. And your life will be the brighter. And give thanks that you are born; No matter if you have not wealth In wordly things of earth. The mansion that you build in heaven Is what will prove your worth. So lay aside the thought of self And do the best you can To lift your brother's thoughts on high And try and be a man. The Christ cared not for earthly praise. Nor what the world might say, He only did his duty in his quiet pleasant way. Take pattern by the Master and his principles emulate. It will uplift and give you joy [41] In Memory And guide you to the gate. Then forge along and think not of the cares that gather round thee, For as ye do it unto them, ye do it unto me. The angel world looks from afar And smiles on all good deeds. You do not have to go to church Or follow out their creeds. To be a christian is to help Your fellow men arise To get a glimpse of God's bright home Beyond the deep blue skies. Then do not give up hope, my friend, For life is what we make it. And if you've had one doubtful thought I pray you now forsake it. For seed that's sown on mellow soil, Takes root and brings forth bloom. And will repay you for your toil And give you courage to resume. The harvest will be greater and Fill the store-house full of grain. That will tepay you for the toil, Reheve the heart from grief and pain; Praise God from whom all blessings flow, I think I'll hear you sing, O grave where is your victory, O death, where is your sting? IN MEMORY As I gaze upon the features Of the friend whose mortal clay, Who has gone the way of all God's creatures, And joined the throng, just o'er the way. [42] Our Loved Ones Many years he mingled with us. By the tie of kinship dear. But he's gone to meet the loved ones Who are waiting over there. Awaking just across the river. Amidst the fields of emerald green. Where all is peace and joy forever. And not a cloud to mar the scene. On the banks there stood to welcome The companion of early days. Among the host of loving angels. Pure and white, now meet his gaze. The shouts of welcome overwhelmed him As his bark touched on the shore, In his arms he clasped the loved one Who had crossed the border just before. Oh, the pleasure of reunion Of loving hearts that beat as one. Where we'll meet no more to sever Just beyond the setting sun. OUR LOVED ONES Our loved have left the mortal, To dwell in fairer lands. They have stepped within the portal, A home not made with hands. They are waiting there to greet you As you cross the sands of time. And will be the first to meet you In that home of peace sublime. [43] Sunday Morn Be happy mother darling, Don't mourn for me today, For some day I'll be calling. And will meet you on the way. I am not dead but living, In a land so bright and fair, And with angels sweetly singing, And someday I'll meet you there. SUNDAY MORN The bells are ringing their gladsome songs, to call the people out To church to pray and worship, and anthems there to shout, But I prefer to worship, in silence in my room, And commune with loving angels, alone within the home. There I can get in rapport with the divine spirit of us all. And feel the heavenly presence as his blessings o'er me falls. My heart is filled with kindness, and peace, from the home above. And from out that room of silence I bring sweet thoughts of love. No shrine to me so sacred as the one we built at home. And consecrate to the oversoul, in the silence of our room. Then let our thoughts be thoughts of love, let us live them day by day, And then perchance the time may come we'll have no need to pray. [44 1 A Reverie WHY Why do you doubt the spirits message Flowing from the fount of gold, When they tell you of the blessings In a story new, yet old? Time is nothing there in heaven, For the year is but a day, So accept of what is given. It may help you on your way. For your guardian spirits gather Round your pathway every day, And if you'll trust to them your welfare. They will guide you, come what may. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, All your friends are working there. To relieve you of all bother, So, dear one, why need you fear. A REVERIE The country air is laden With the perfume of God's flowers. And it fills my heart with gladness. To sit in Sylvan bowers. It brings us nearer to the gate Of our bright home above, Where we may rest our weary souls In realms of peace and love. We've only a little time to wait Before the veil will rend, And our tired heart away will float With our loved ones, there to blend. [45] Lines to a Lady THE FLOWER Flowers of the summer are fading away Like the physical bodies from day to day, To bloom again, in the garden above Nourished and watered by God's divine love. No seed time or harvest will there us assail, For life is eternal and fair. And God in his mercy and love will prevail In that beautiful home over there. Then fondly cherish each flower of earth, No matter how small it may be. For we'll see them again at the spirit's new birth As we cross o'er the bar, you and me. LINES TO A LADY May your path be strewn with flowers Of the brightest, glorious hue. Gleaned from heaven's choicest gardens, Filled with blessings dear for you. May they fill your heart with gladness Freshed by the heavenly dew. And your happiness be unbounded. Is my greatest wish to you. May the step you think of taking Never cause you grief or pain. And the mate who stands beside you Help to fill your life with gain. [46 1 God is Love May no sorrows cross your threshold As through life you wend your way. And that love may guard and keep you Through life and all eternity. Help each other with affection Though you may be near or far. And the angel band will bless you Till you cross the harbor bar. GOD IS LOVE God is love, oh man of earth, Why will you ! can you doubt God is love and love is God, And love we cannot do without; With love to guide us on our way For He hath said believe in Me, We surely cannot go astray. And He'll lead us to eternal day. Extend a helping hand to those Who deeply need thy care, For that ye doeth unto them Is in accord with God and prayer. Don't preach my friend and idle be. But practice, that's what counts. And your heart will fill with joy That gushes from the heavenly founts. Let thy best thoughts go out to them Who in distress are calling thee. And God will bless you with his love And say, well done, come unto Me. So climb the ladder rung by rung That leads to heaven above. And on life's journey you will find That love is God and God is love. [47] A Christmas Greeting And as you near the golden shore Your loved ones there to greet, And from them never more to part, And they'll guide your weary feet. Then let your watchword ever be, That God is love and love is God, And in this motto you will find That love is everything to thee. Then to the loved ones up above Our praises should be given, For through the God of light and love Their messages are given. A message from a dear kind friend, A word from those above. It proves to us there is no end To God's eternal love. A CHRISTMAS GREETING This is the time our hearts grow light When Christmas tide draws near. For friends and kindred then unite Around the fireside's cheer. This greeting is from a friend whose hand Is writing this to you, Inspired by a spirit friend At one time whom you knew. He sends you greetings from above. And hopes you'll understand That he'll be waiting there for you To help you o'er the strand. It won't be long you'll have to wait Before you'll clasp the hand Of Him who watches at the gate To greet you in the summer land. [48] The Tired Heart THE TIRED HEART Although surrounded by our friends There is a tie that binds Us to the loved ones gone before, Beyond the balmy winds. A tie that never can be broke, For its welded here by love Of years of toil, of grief and joy. And it still survives above. And as I'm sitting here alone Upon this Christmas night My thoughts go back to years gone by When all ahead seemed bright. For it is hope that keeps us up. And keeps us forging on. But hope ofttimes turns to despair, And leaves our hearts forlorn. There is many a slip twix cup and lip In this sad life of ours, And when we think we are most blest. Oft proves the saddest hours. I ofttimes think my heart is free Of the love that's of the past, But in a moment there comes a flash That tells me it will ever last. The love I gave was pure and true. But it struck no answering cord, Upon the heart I gave it too. But that is now with God. [49] The Tired Heart And so, dear friend, I think it best To lay aside this mortal coil, For life gives me no happiness. It matters not how hard I toil. It matters not how hard I strive The old love to forget, It's like to me a grand old oak Whose roots are firmly set. Why do we give our heart's best love To those whose hearts are cold, It seems unjust wisdom from above To give us lead for purest gold. And now my mind is firmly set On going far away. Where friend or foe shall never know Where this old form doth lay. To die alone is my desire Beside the babbling brook, That my tired heart may pass up higher From nature's quiet nook. Forgive, dear friend, if this you see And lisp a silent prayer. For one who from this world departs To dwell with loved ones there. And now, dear friend, as I depart I send you this farewell, I know I'll wake in heaven. For to me there is no hell. God in his love, created us all. He knew what our life would be, And so instead of condemning He will say, dear child come unto me. [501 Good Cheer For well He knoweth our sorrows, Our heartaches are all of his plan, Do you think after all we have suffered He'll deny us his love, which is grand. Ah ! no dear, his love is far reaching. His mercy spreads out near and far, He'll stand at the heavenly portal And help us across the bar. Then why should I waver and falter To enter the heavenly fold. To lay my heart on God's altar, Which to him is more precious then gold. I'll watch for your coming, my dear one, I'll wander along by the shore. And I'll be the first one to greet you When we'll meet to part never more. Then bid me God speed on my journey, I don't wish to tarry you see, For my loved ones are urging me onward To dwell in eternity. GOOD CHEER Give me the house that is full of laughter, Give me the home that is full of mirth, One that rings from pit to rafter. That's the home where love has birth; Where the heart is glad and joyous. That's where sadness cannot dwell But where little things annoy us, O! gee whiz! that's worse than H--1. [51] Good Cheer In the morning let us greet them With a bright and sunny smile. Then our burdens will seem lighter And our hearts be free from guile. Nothing like a kind word spoken To the dear ones here below, For kind thoughts ascend to heaven And rebound to us you know. Never let a chance go by thee That a kindness can be shown, And my friend beyond the portal We shall know as we are known. Do to others as you would then Have them do unto your own, For you know that God's command, friend, That descends down from the throne. Don't you know they are our brothers, Yours, dear friend, as well as mine, For all things around above us Are the works of love divine. Let us always wear a smile here, It may gladden some poor heart. That is weary and oppressed dear. Give their life a freshened start. Nothing like a bright good morning With a kind and sunny smile, For each word in kindness spoken Will be answered with a smile. For the seed you sow in kindness You will reap again on high. And a wrong you do in blindness Will be forgiven bye and bye. [521 Memories of the Past A CHRISTMAS GREETING Please accept this Christmas greeting From the spirit friends above, Sent you through the hand of friendship, Written by the hand of love. Heavenly bells are chiming sweetly In your home this Christmas tide. Angel voices sing hosannas As they stand there by your side. They are singing Christmas carols For the birth at Bethlehem, Glory be to God the Father, Peace on earth, good will to men. Let our thoughts ascend up higher As the old year fades away. That our hearts may be the lighter On that gladsome New Year's day. MEMORIES OF THE PAST Oh ! for the days of my childhood Just to return to them once more. When we together roamed the wildwood And o'er the rock bound shore. Drove the rabbits from the thicket And the plover from the glen. And watched father from the wicket Feed the chicks and mother hen. As we strolled out in the spring time, Through the meadows wet with dew. Plucking flowers of rarest beauty. And I gave them all to you. [53] Memories of the Past I can see your bright eyes sparkle As they did long years ago, When I took your hand in mine, dear, As we wandered to and fro. I remember well the spring, dear. Where we drank the nectar sweet, And the violets and daisies Scattered there beneath our feet. I can hear the rippling brook dear As it glides along its way And the humming of the bees, dear. See the butterflies at play. There our life was but a song, dear, One sweet song from morn till night, As we tripped the light fantastic Through the flower-decked meadows bright. And oh for those days of my childhood When I stood at my mother's knee, And could hear her once more singing Of that lullaby to me. Hush my babe, lay still and slumber, Holy angels guard thy bed, And to feel her soft hand pressing. Pressing lightly on my head. But those days have gone forever. Life is but a passing dream. And we soon will be furgotten Like a leaf tossed on the stream. But she's gone beyond the portal To that heavenly home above. And she's waiting there to greet me, Greet me with a mother's love. [54] The Longing Heart And I'm longing for the time, dear, When I too shall cross the strand, Where my loved ones now are waiting, Waiting with extended hands. I can hear them softfy whisper As they hover o'er my bed, Come with me, fear not, my darling. All is life, there are no dead. Then the veil was rent asunder And I saw with vision clear My heavenly home in all its brightness And loved ones whom I once knew here. Then I woke to life again, dear, On my cheek a tear drop gleamed, And I thought I'd been to heaven, But it only proved a dream. THE LONGING HEART Sitting in my chamber lonely. Oh! how lonely no one cares. Wondering what the future '11 bring me, Rain or sunshine, smiles or tears. Far away from all my kindred. And the friends of long ago. Will I hear again their laughter? On the earth plane here below? Do they think when twilight deepens Of the one so far away. Pray to God to guide his footsteps That he may not go astray? [55 1 A Little Child As they gather round the fireside Do they see the vacant chair? Do they miss the voice that mingled With their own at evening prayer? But I hear no answering echo To the thoughts I send afar, Perhaps they all have crossed the river, Just beyond the harbor bar. Soon I'll join with you, my dear one. In the rest for which I long, And you'll greet me with your laughter. And I'll join with you in song. There I'll have you with me always. There my aching heart will cease. In my arms my love I'll fold thee. And my soul will be at peace. A LITTLE CHILD The sweetest thing on earth to me Is the kiss of a little child. With their little arms twined round my neck, And their face all wreathed in smiles. I love to feel their little hands Pressed gently to my breast. As I sing to them a lullaby That lulls them off to rest. I wonder when they sleeping lay. And off to dream land go. If they're talking with the angels, I'd really like to know. [561 The Holy Spirit Their little face lights up with smiles, As if touched by angel hands, I've often wished that I might know If a guardian angel by them stands. Oh ! angel of glory, angel of light. Shed o'er thy children thy blessing tonight. Open their eyes that they may see The home over yonder prepared by thee. Oh! give them strength and vision clear. That they may see thee when thou art near. That they may feel thy gentle touch On their brow for which they've longed so much. To hear the whisper in their ear Of loved ones who dwell in the other sphere, To feel the breeze of their fluttering wing And catch the strain of the songs they sing. And still the dearest thing on earth To me is a little child, And I bless the God who gave them birth, And their sweet and winning smile. When Christ gave out the mandate Little children come to me. He chose the fairest flowers Ever scattered o'er the lea. Transplanted them to heaven In his gardens up above. Where they're watered by God's blessings And nourished by God's love. THE HOLY SPIRIT Come holy spirit, heavenly dove. And fill our hearts with kindness. Many souls are taught God's love By relieving them of blindness. [57] Some Day, Somewhere If they could see the open door Through which the light doth shine Wouldn't they naturally wend their way Towards that home divine? Come and give us that which we seek. Give us strength to meet the fray. For the spirit is willing but the flesh too weak To fight our battle day by day. Oh loving angels from afar, Take away all doubt and fear. Come across the harbor bar. That I may feel thy presence near. We cannot teach our brother man If we have not partaken Of the manna that flows from God's right hand And our worldly deeds forsaken. Preaching can never cleanse the heart Of earthly habits fraught. But practice daily and each act Will be a living thought. Oh! then thou great spirit divine. Help us to do thy will, For my thoughts are wholly thine Until this earthly form is still. Oh ! help me to forgive the thought Of ill and hate to those That I may know just what to do Before in death my eyelids close. SOME DAY, SOMEWHERE Some day you will understand, my child. When years have come and gone, What it means to be alone, No love, no friends, no home. [58] Some Day, Somewhere Many times an aching heart is masqued By smiles and words of cheer. When all the time we are longing For just one word of love so dear. Your life is just beginning When all looks bright ahead. No clouds obscure your sunlight. No pain, no sorrow dread. May you never wake from dreamland To the storms and ills of life. May your pathway be a path of cheer Without one thorn or care or strife. And when you are sitting all alone, Your head bowed with grief and care, Remember in this wide, wide world You have one friend somewhere. Some one in whom you can confide, Someone who thinks of you. Someone who takes an interest In everything you do. Somewhere in this great universe It may be far away, But the distant call of friendship Will bring them back some day. We will leave you with the angels. They will guide and lead you right Till you reach the land of sunshine And the home where all is bright. [59] Out of the Past OUT OF THE PAST Through the pathway of life as I wander along And gaze on the beauties of earth, There comes to my mind thoughts of sorrow and strife I have had to contend with since birth. And I question myself if the struggle's worth while. Will it pay to keep forging along, With your heart filled with grief though masqued by a smile And the lips are giving forth song. Have you ever had a loving friend? One whom you held most dear, In whom you placed implicit faith. Was happy with them near. Well, once I had a little maid. The fairest in the land, I thought she loved me dearly When she gave to me her hand. I cherished her beyond all else, I thought that I was blessed In having won a heart so true To honor, love, caress. And as the years rolled on apace. Two little birdlings came To bless our home and fireside. That nothing could defame. And after years of toil and strife Into our happy home Where peace and joy all that was life, The tempter one day came. [60] Which Was It He stole the loved ones from my hearth, All that was life to me, He crushed my heart, he killed my faith In all humanity. Years have passed with their sunshine and rain, A break in the clouds I can see, And God in his mercy has healed the pain. And that is enough for me. O friend ! lay aside your own sorrow and grief. Give to others kind words and a smile, For as much as ye give you shall doubtly receive And relieve your sad heart from its guile. For God with love will heal our wounds All sorrow and pain take away. So be ready, dear friend, when the trumpet shall sound. To dwell in his presence always. And the songs of the angels will lull you to rest As you float on the elysian sea. And there with your loved ones you'll dwell with the blessed Throughout all eternity. WHICH WAS IT While sitting by the window listening To the sparrow's cheery song, The sunlight through the pane was glistening In beams so wide and long, I thought I saw the angels Descend that shaft of gold And gather up the little ones Into the Master's fold. 161] At the Fork of the Roads Ascending and descending Upon that ladder bright, That leads from earth to heaven, The land that has no night. Within their eyes a light of love. Upon their lips a smile, All robed in garments snowy white Without a spot of guile. I thought they lead me to the gate And bade me enter in To the land of love and happiness. Where all are free from sin. I thought my loved ones gathered Round me as in the long ago. With all their loving kindness And eager to me show The beauties of the kingdom Of God's bright home above Where I would live in peace and love When the Master bade me come. I roused myself and found my eyes With tears of joy were streaming, I wonder had I been to heaven Or had I just been dreaming. AT THE FORK OF THE ROADS At the fork of the roads I stood thinking Of which I should travel today. The one that leads down to the valley Or that leads to the hills far away. One leads to sin and destruction Where pleasing temptations ensnare, The other to fame on the hilltop Which is reached by sorrow and care. [621 Thankfulness Now which would you take, friend, come tell me. If you stood at the forked roads today? The road that leads to the valley. Or the one to the hills far away? I chose the one to the hilltop - Whose brow was sun kissed warm and bright, Where I could look down in the valley Where day was as dark as the night. There no ray of light ever entered. For there was no sunrise at morn, And all who enter that valley Are forever sad and forlorn. If a pilgrim you meet where the roads fork. Just start him aright on his way, For the road that leads to the hilltop Will end in eternal day. Don't let him go down to the valley, To grovel in darkness and sin. But show him the way to the hilltop Where eternal life he will win. Let us put a sign there for the brother Who knows not which road he should go, That he may not descend to the valley To find there destruction and woe. It will point out the way to the hilltop. Though through sorrow he reaches the crest, He'll find at the end of his journey The beautiful city of rest. THANKFULNESS Oh what a lot to be thankful for. The sunshine, the rain and the flowers. The fruit and the grain and the harvest Garnered in from this green earth of ours. [63 1 Mother Darling The health we enjoy and the pleasure We derive from the meeting of friends, The Master he gives us full measure x\nd continues the same to the end. Then let us give thanks on the morrow For the blessings received up to now. Let us sing and laugh away sorrow As we work with the sweat on the brow. For nature has so planned the future That we'll have enough and to spare. So let us make this our prime feature To offer thanksgiving and prayer. MOTHER DARLING Your loved one has left the mortal To dwell in fairer lands. She has stepped within the portal, A home not made with hands. She is waiting there to greet you As you cross the sands of time. And I'll be the first to greet you In that home of peace sublime. Be happy, mother darling, Don't mourn for me today, For some day I'll be calling, And I'll meet you on the way. I am not dead but living, In a land so bright and fair. And with angels sweetly singing. And some day I'll meet you there. 64] Consolation I am with you, mother darling, In the home beside your chair, And you'll feel my fingers resting, Resting lightly on your hair; You will hear my gentle whisper, So don't think I've gone afar, And for you I will be watching When you start to cross the bar. CONSOLATION When life's mirror we gaze within. All things will be revealed, For then there'll be no mystery. For nothing is concealed. And when we feel forsaken By earthly friends and kin. We are watched by spirit friends. And by doing right we'll win. What profiteth us if all the world, Should worship at our feet. If our spirit friends forsake us. And deny their love so sweet? Let us lift our thoughts to those on high For help we so much need To guide our footsteps in the right. Regardless of church or creed. For all are stepping-stones to light. Made bright by God's own hand. And do His bidding with all our might. That our lives may so expand, That we may see no evil In our fellow-man while here. That our lives may so reflect the love Of the spirit world so near. [65] Sweet Rest SWEET REST Rest, sweet rest, their weary toil is o'er, They've gone to live in peace and love Upon the other shore. No veil obscures their vision now, Their eyes are opened wide. No gray hair crowns their placid brow Upon the other side. They're free from pain and sorrow. And all the ills of life. And perhaps upon the morrow We'll be free from earthly strife. They've joined the heavenly chorus. Where harmony holds sway, And voices blend in one grand strain Of melody each day. Oh speed the time, when I may add My voice in tuneful song. That may blend in loving kindness Among that angel throng. I'll wait patiently thy favor. That shall call me up above. To dwell in peace forever With those I so much love. I assure you I'll be ready, When the boatman calls for me, With my sails set firm and steady To cross the crystal sea. My record book all open, The pages clean and neat. That all may read it o'er and o'er. And not ask me to repeat. [661 In Memory of a Friend For those who seek the light on earth The same to them is given, And they will find the other birth Is just a step toward heaven. IN MEMORY OF A FRIEND Sweet be thy rest, oh loving spirit. Thy work on earth is o'er. Thou hast left thy earthly casket, To dwell in peace forever more. Long you toiled in earth's condition, Suffering pain with patience here. Until the change we call transition. Thou art gone, but still you're near. Yes, we miss you from the fireside, And the parting gives us pain, But we know in realms immortal We shall all meet you once again. We shall wait a message, dear one. Wafted to us from afar. That shall ease our hearts now saddened, From your home across the bar. No more parting, no more sorrow. Free from earthly joy and pain, And perhaps that on the morrow We may greet you once again. Know we not when we shall sever. From this mortal house of clay. But we know 'twill be forever. We shall dwell in perfect day. [67 1 Christmas Eve It was God, who willed that all things, Should evolve from low to high, Therefore we shall join in singing, With our loved ones by and by. Should we weep when friends are going, To that happy home above? Isn't it enough in knowing God so willed it with his love ? When a flower fades and withers, With the blast of winter's breath, We watch it rise again in spring time, From conditions we call death. Proof enough of life immortal. Life continues on and on. Thus it is beyond the portal With our loved ones that are gone. Then our tears will change to laughter, Then we'll know as we are known, Together in that grand hereafter We will gather round the throne. CHRISTMAS EVE Another Christmas Eve is here, With thoughts of joy and sadness. And memories of loved ones dear, Which fills my heart with gladness. The gifts of love and kindness wrought By hands long since grown cold. We cherish now the loving thoughts. Of those now in the fold. [68] Which is Right Oh time, turn back, just one short while. Make me a child again. That I may lay on mother's breast. To free my heart from pain. That I may once more hear her voice. While in her fond embrace; To feel her breath upon my cheek. Her kiss upon my face. The saddest time of all the year, To me is Christmas Eve, For memories of the long ago, Cause my poor heart to grieve. Oh time, turn backward in thy flight. Oh stay thy flowing tide. Make me a child just for tonight. With mother by my side. My cup of happiness would o'erflow. Could I but once more see Her face and hear her loving voice. Whispering unto me. But well I know it cannot be. This side the great divide. But when the veil shall lift, I'll see Her waiting on the other side. WHICH IS RIGHT There are so many ways to heaven, I wonder which is right. One says this, another that. Against each other they all fight. [69] Which is Right The Baptist claim that you must be Baptized in waters deep, Or you will go to a place so warm That ice will never keep. The Methodist do not baptize, But sprinkle, so they say. And go to church three times a day, And sing, and shout, and pray. The Orthodox are red hot too. They have made some awful bulls. For once they claimed that hell was paved. With innocent infant's skulls. How cruel is the Father That would banish such as these, To a life of endless torment, Where sorrow ne'er would cease. It's easy to consign a man to hell If he is not of kin, But otherwise, they'll manage Into heaven to get him in. These narrow minded people. Close communion, and all such, Will find when they reach heaven That creeds don't count for much. The man who enters heaven On Christ's merits is a sneak, And the one that tells him that he can Has a brain that's mighty weak. The religion that they teach you They don't believe themselves, It's only for the dollars. That helps fill their pantry shelves. 170 1 The Ripened Grain The ministers tell us that we die, And go to heaven or hell. But no, dear friend, we're just transfered. To the land where loved ones dwell. What proof have they of the life beyond The misty veil of blue. Have they ever had a message? And if so, would they tell you? I thank the heavenly Father I'm not bound by church or creed, But try to live the golden rule In thought as well as deed. If we would use our reason, And investigate the truth, We would find our earthly teachings Were a myth we were taught in youth. We ipust stand on our own foundation, And build the best we can. And work out our own salvation. And thereby deserve the name of man. And when the Master calls the roll In that heavenly home above, You can answer "here," with thankfulness That you are worthy of His love. THE RIPENED GRAIN The reaper has garnered the ripened grain Into His home on high. Relieved them from their earthly pain. Where we'll meet them by and by. [71] An Appeal Mourn not the dear one's going, For they are free from care. They are through with this life sowing, And they'll harvest over there. Though they could not voice their heart's best thoughts Like others here below. They will sing the anthems with the throng Of angels there we know. Some day the mists will clear away. Then we'll see beyond the veil, And there we'll see her watching. For our tiny bark to sail. She'll reach across the river, And clasp you by the hand, And lead you into paradise, The land that's far more grand. Then weep not for the loved one. Who has left the fireside cheer, For its only the body you laid away. Her spirit is ever near. She has only left the mortal. For the spiritual more fair. And she'll wait beyond the portal. For your coming over there. AN APPEAL Inspire us, oh Lord, with thy bounteous Love, to do good to our fellow men. That we may go forth with thy spiritual Truth, and enlighten the world with our pen. [721 Courage My heart is aggrieved as I gaze here and yon At the follies of earth here below, And oh I long to lighten life's burden with song, And by my example to show If we have the Christ principle enshrined in our heart, And give smiles not frowns every day. Then we will rejoice in doing our part. To gladden some life on the way. COURAGE Cheer up, oh weary traveler. Your journey is nearly o'er, I see the dawn a-breaking, For you on the other shore. The clouds are tinged with crimson, By the sun's approaching light. And by that light dispelling The darkness of the night. It is a new life adawning. For you as well as me. So prepare thyself for sailing Across the crystal sea. You ask me if I'm ready, If I am not afraid to die? My answer is No, No, my friend. For my spirit friends are nigh. They reach across the river. And take me by the hand. They'll lead me home in safety. Through that gulf of sinking sand. [73 1 Don't And when the reaper life draws nigh The field of ripened grain, May the harvest yield be worthy The Master's toil and pain. Start your building now, my brother, Don't wait until it is too late. Don't depend upon another To get you through the pearly gate. Each one has got to earn his passport. By living upright, just and true. Let it be that at the roll call The first to greet us will be you. DON'T Don't censure till you know, my friend. The reason of the Why. For every road- way has an end. And we'll know by and by. Don't think it hard and cruel, Just because we're far away. For of times the choicest jewels. Are embedded in the clay. Don't think because we wander. That we do not think of you, For absence makes the heart grow fonder. And we trust it's so with you. Circumstances change our plans, Oftimes against your will. And things we do sometimes seem strange, But yet we do them still. [74 1 Clouds Sometimes we'll understand, my friend, Why pleasures are denied. But conscious of our duties lend Us strength our time here to abide. Everything comes to those who wait, With patience and with faith. For ere the year rolls round we'll see, That our troubles were a wraith. Sometime the clouds will clear away. Some day with keener eyes We'll see the way as bright as day That leads to paradise. So keep up courage till the end. It won't be very long I wean, Before the sun will shine again, And make the fields look green. CLOUDS The sun has set behind the hills. Another day is done. A few hours' rest and then we'll see Again the rising sun. And so we keep a struggling on. Through this short life of ours. And we must expect to find a thorn Along our path of flowers. What matter if the clouds are dark. They all are silver lined. We know that after rain the sun Will shine out warm and fine. [751 The Mystic Sound The clouds roll on forever, And though dark at times they be, Sometime the silver cord will sever, Then we shall clearly see The beauties of that other land. Now hidden from our view. Created by God's loving hand, And be with friends we knew Long years ago, who once have trod, This earth plane here below, Who now we feel are with us, Some day we too shall know. Some day the veil will lifted be. Some day the clouds will break. Then the sunshine we will see Across the mystic lake. For just beyond the darkness, Those clouds are tinged with gold. And we shall all be gathered Within the Shepard's fold. THE MYSTIC SOUND Hark, hark, what sound is that I hear. That is floating through the air.^* It's like a message in my ear, And it tells of a land more fair. It*s like the sweetest music, Or like some tinkling bell ! Like an angel's whisper, saying Fear not, all things are well. f76l Beckoning To Me Ah! now I catch their meaning! We are drawing near the shore, Of that promised land of peace and love. Where parting is no more. The going through the shadows, Of the valley dark called death. Is nothing but the quenching Of this earth life's fleeting breath. Our guardian angel leads the way. On through the shadowy vale, Until we reach the point from which Our tiny bark sets sail. And as we near that shining shore. The gate swings open wide, We float along in peace and rest, There ever to abide. Our friends will bid us welcome, With outstretched hands of love. And clasp us to their bosom In that heavenly home above. They'll lead us to our mansion! Surrounded by bright flowers. The seed we planted here on earth. To bloom in heaven's bowers. As we draw near our passing. Into the realms above, We'll then receive the blessing. Of God's redeeming love. BECKONING TO ME How sweet is the thought that our loved ones out there. Are waiting our coming, their blessings to share! It will not be long before I shall see, That beautiful shore, for they are beckoning to me. [77] Hope Chorus: Beckoning to me, beckoning to me. The loved ones out yonder are beckoning to me. When life's journey's o'er and our spirit takes flight. We'll enter that harbor, where there is no night, The friends that have left us we once more will see. With loved ones we'll dwell, for they are beckoning to me. Be ready, dear friend, for the summons may come. To take you away e'er the rise of the sun, The reaper of death always comes silently, It may be that now they are beckoning to me. HOPE It is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die. If it were so we would not give life up without a sigh. But out there in that world of space, beyond the ether blue, We'll meet our loved ones face to face, and find their hearts as true As when they left us for that land of promise just out there. Within that heavenly garden, filled with flowers, rich and rare. Then we shall know the reason why earth's pathway seemed so rough. Then we'll find life's what we made it, be it honest or a bluff. We must always do our duty, what we feel is just and right, And if so we'll share the beauty of that promised land of light. [781 Be Ready When the veil is rent asunder, and our loved ones we behold. Who are waiting just out yonder, within the Shep- herd's fold. We'll thank God for lessons taught us, and we'll not regret the past, For through trials and temptations we shall reach the goal at last. So it is not all of life to live, neither all of death to die. For we're always with our loved ones, for they are forever nigh. So let us blend our thoughts with theirs, and seek for truth and light. That we may see the way that leads to that land that has no night. BE READY Lead me to that life eternal. Out of darkness into light. Fill my heart with love supernal. That shall make my life more bright. I'll keep my lamps all trimmed and burning. That they may reflect my life's true aim. That they who from their sin returning May find the path that leads to fame. Though your light to you seems small. Its rays reach farther than you think. It may rescue some weak brother. Who is drifting o'er the brink. And your praises he will echo. To the oversoul of all. And your heart will fill with gladness. Be your efforts great or small. [79] In Answer When the reaper life shall call you. To lay down your earthly cares. If you've been faithful to your duty You'll reap life's blessings over there. The seed we sow in spring time, In the fall we will reap again, But oh ! what of the harvest, Will it bring us joy or pain? Let the seed be thoughts of kindness. Sown in soil of love and peace, Watered by the tears of gladness. Till our life on earth shall cease. IN ANSWER In answer to the question in the letter I received I'll tell to you with candor, and I know that you'll agree. Harmony is the secret of the soul's emancipation. And 'twas meant that we should live, from the time of God's creation. Our duty lies along these lines, though ridicule assail us. If conscience tells us we are right, let nothing else prevail us. If we more closely listened to the voice of God within us. Our lives would be far happier by the contentment it would win us. We should not let the gossip of the world our foot- steps guide, For it leaves us lost and weary among brambles by the wayside. [80] To My Friend If a little pleasure we do deny ourselves from time to time. Instead of marring it will bring to us content of mind. When we think of other's welfare, our troubles we forget, And in this way learn our lessons, through expe- rience we have met. It is grand to do for others more unfortunate than we. For by doing so we're building our home beyond the mystic sea. Now you see, my friend, my reason, and my mission is of love. That my spirit may be ready for that brighter home above. TO MY FRIEND Speed away, speed away, on thine errand of truth. Let thy wings bear thee on to perpetual youth. The work is before you, thy mission is broad. Then go forth with a will, and give out the word That will lift up the pilgrim, now tottering along. And it may lighten their burdens, fill their hearts full of song. Have courage, my brother, don't falter nor fall, For success lies before you, though your efforts be small. If truth be thy beacon, thy guide, and thy light. No fear but thy council will always be right. For truth is a warrior that cannot be downed. So have it your motto, thereby wear a crown. [81] In Memory of a Little Child GONE TO SLEEP Gone to sleep, a peaceful rest be unto thy tired heart, We know our loss is thy great gain. Although 'twas hard to part. Thy birth into the summer land. We know was bright and fair. And the loved ones took you by the hand. And led you up the golden stair. They lead you through the forest isle. Out into meadows green. Where flowers kissed by breezes mild. And watered by the mountain stream. Then through the open gates of pearl. They lead you to the door Of your home, and you meet the loved ones Whom you'll part with nevermore. IN MEMORY OF A LITTLE CHILD (who has passed to the higher life) The life of a rare sweet flower That grows on the parent vine Has gone to God who gave it To earth for a little time. In the garden of heaven she'll blossom Into the perfect flower, Nourished in God's warm bosom, A light of love and power. [821 In Memory of a Little Child You will miss her at the fireside, In the circle of the home, And you'll listen for the footstep That on earth will never come. You will miss her earthly presence, Now she's free from pain and care. But her spirit will be present, As you bow in evening prayer. The form you so much cherished Was of earth, now cold and grim. But her soul can never perish. And to mourn is earthly sin. God, He gave, and now He taketh, To His home more bright and fair. On the shore for you she waiteth. For your coming over there. Listen for her angel whisper. For the message she will bring. It will lift your thoughts toward heaven, And your hearts with joy will ring. She's not dead, the God who gaveth, Never meant that life should die, For the spirit ever liveth In the realms of peace on high. What seems death is but transition To a higher life than this; And she's left the earth condition For a life of perfect bliss. She'll be waiting at the portal, Though your going may be late. But when life has left the mortal, She will meet you at the gate. She will ever linger near you, For her spirit's just out there. And her voice at eve will mingle As you bow your heads in prayer. [831 Beautiful Rest A FRIEND'S ADVICE When your heart is heavy laden. And bowed down with grief and woe, Look to Him to lift the burden, He who all thy sorrows know. Faith in Him will make you happy. Drive all sorrow from thy heart, And prepare your soul for glory, Nevermore from friends to part. If on earth no more I greet thee. Dearest friend, oh don't forget. That in heaven once more I'll meet thee. Where the sun will never set. If you should pass away before me. To that bright celestial shore. Friend, I hope you'll wait my coming. In that bright far evermore. When I see you struggling onward. By the river I will wait. There I'll wait to guide you homeward. Lead you through the golden gate. Now farewell, for I must leave thee. Leave thee here, my new found friend. All I ask is not forget me. But be faithful to the end. BEAUTIFUL REST (dedicated to my friend Alice) Beautiful rest! She now has gone To dwell in love and peace. Free from earthly strife, and storm. For her all pain has ceased. [84] Beyond Beautiful rest! no censure gave In thought, in word, in deed. But simple faith in God was hers. And kindness was her creed. We'll miss her kindly smiling face, Her words of love and cheer. Be proud, that we could call her friend, As we gather round her bier. Beautiful rest! earth's journey's end, Her loneliness is o'er. She now has joined her loving friends. On God's eternal shore. BEYOND Out beyond the cloud-drift. Where we all must go some day; Where the oversoul has gathered. Those who now have found the way. Where the sun in all its brightness Sheds its light on you and I, And our loved ones now are waiting To greet us by and by. Where the flowers are ever blooming On the hill and in the dale. And peace and joy are radiant. Just beyond the shadow vale. From which love flows on forever. To the earth plane here below. That fills our hearts with kindness. Which on others we bestow. The fount to which our thoughts ascend. When bowed with grief and care. To that great source, the oversoul. Who answers humble prayer. [85] Meditation Then let us now on bended knee Give thanks to Him on high. For things that seem like hardships, Are but blessings in disguise. And with thoughts and deeds of kindness. Towards our brothers, then The world will be a heaven, Peace on earth — Good will to men. MEDITATION While sitting by the window. And looking into space, I wondered when the veil would rend And show me mother's face. For oh! I get so lonely, Since mother went away. It seems as if I never could Live through another day. And then a calm comes o'er my heart. And I hear a wee small voice, Saying, — Cheer up, and don't complain, It is thy Master's choice. It is not long you'll have to wait. Before the veil will lift; When you can see within the gate. Beyond the white cloud-drift. There mother will be waiting. And watching on the shore. With outstretched arms, to greet you Where parting is no more. Then you will be with mother. And other friends so dear, Who are waiting for the rending, Of the veil which now is near. There are no Dead THE PRAYER Our Father, Who are in heaven, To Thee we daily pray. That health to us is given. And strength, from day to day. That we may do our duty, According to Thy will. That we may see the beauty Of spiritual truth fulfilled. Give us this day, our daily need. And our trespasses foryive. As we forgive our brothers. And help them here to live. From temptations free our pathway. Our hearts from hate and sin. And to Thee, be all glory. Forever more. Amen. THERE ARE NO DEAD Another soul has entered Into the Shepard's fold. Wherein all life is centered. For the half was never told Of the truth, for which we're seeking. In faith and steadfast mein. That shall teach us of the beauties Of that land by us unseen. There they'll get a bright good morning, From the angels at the gate. Who will greet them at the dawning Of the day for which we wait. [87] The Spirit of Love There with open arms the loved ones, Will enfold them to their breast. And to their mansion they will lead them, Where their souls may find sweet rest. And at evening they may wander, Back to the earthly sphere, To try and ease the heartaches, And dry the falling tears. Try to make us see the folly In the useless tears we shed. And try to make us understand. They live — there are no dead. THE SPIRIT OF LOVE Do not despair, if the way seems dark. The clouds will pass away, And the sun will shine as bright again. At the dawn of another day. For no cloud is so dense but a bright sunbeam Can pierce it, and break the gloom Of the saddest heart, and make it seem As bright as the sun at noon. So open the door of the soul, my child, And let the sunlight in. Invite the spirit of love and truth To come and abide within. And by so doing dispel the gloom, That in thy heart now dwells. For the spirit of truth, with its power of love. Can maketh all things well. [88] The Waif SILENCE Go into thy chamber of silence. And commune with the loved ones gone. Whom once we knew in the earth life. And will know in the life to come. For they can help us, and guide us In the pathway of the right, That shall lead us into oneness, With the fatherhood of light. They know your cares and sorrows. When in prayer our heads we bow. And ask their help in earnestness. They will cool our fevered brow. Then let us sit in silence, A little while each day. That we may gain the strength of will, To help us on our way. THE WAIF Pity the poor little waif tonight. With no place to lay his head. Whose heart is filled with grief and pain For the parents, who are dead. No one to care if they live or die. Or a kindness to them show. Or mind their little pitiful cry. Or shelter them from the snow. Can you give thanks to the God above As you sit round the festive board, When you know of a poor little waif in your midst And not give from your bounteous hoard .^^ Who There is many a one if you look around, Who is hungry, sick, and cold. Just open the door of your heart today And gather them into its fold. NEW LIFE New life is born within my heart. The sun shines bright today, The clouds that gathered yesterday Have all been swept away. A loving spirit whispered Unto my weary soul, And I'll wait the call up yonder, To answer to the roll. WHO I wonder who the next will be To cross the river wide, I wonder if it will be me, To drift in with the tide. I'm ready if the call should come. My barge is on the shore. To take me to my heavenly home, To dwell in peace for evermore. The reaper gives no warning To the grain at harvest time. But cuts it down, with sickle keen. And lays it low in line. He separates the good and bad, And keeps the two apart. Just as the oversoul of all, Intended from the start. [90] In Memory of a Dear Friend Its just the same with us, dear friend, We know not how soon t'will be That reaper life will cut us down. To dwell in eternity. He gathers in the flowers. Into His mansion fair. And blesses them with showers That flow from fountains rare. So cultivate the good in life. Uproot the weeds of sin; Replace the evil in the heart With love, and you will win. IN MEMORY OF A DEAR FRIEND She has gone at last to heaven, To the rest she so long craved; And the veil for her is lifted. Though her form lies in the grave. Many years on earth she suffered, Longing, waiting, for the call Of the loved ones gone before her, It's the destiny of all. Loved ones helped her o'er the border That so many feet have trod. Now her earthly pain is ended. And her spirit is with God. Do not mourn the one departed. Gladly welcome her demise. Long she suffered, all is ended Now with her beyond the skies. [911 In Memory of a Friend Loving ties that once were broken. Now are blended into one, For she's joined the loved ones waiting; Just beyond the setting sun. Oh! what joy, for those awaiting One whose barge has just set sail For the shore, in realms celestial, And the home beyond the veil. I can hear their song of welcome. As her spirit took its flight, And she'll waken in the morning. In the land that has no night. IN MEMORY OF A FRIEND THIS POEM IS DEDICATED A father has left the fireside, To dwell in realms of light; Just crossed the river of mystery. To the land that has no night. No more will we feel the hand clasp. Or the loving warm caress. As we listen for his footstep. That no more comes home to rest. You may not hear his gentle tread. Or greet his gentle smile. But rest assured he's with you. Watches o'er you all the while. His love is as strong as ever. Though you may not see his form. But his spirit hovers near you, Ever near you in the home. [92] Face to Face Don't mourn your loved one's going, For your sorrow causes pain To the spirit whose outflowing, Was for betterment and gain. He has only crossed the river. Through with this life's toil and care, And he'll wait beyond the portal For your coming, just out there. Seek the light of spiritual essence. That will fill your soul with peace, And the sorrow of his going. Will for you forever cease. Some day you will get a message From the loved one gone before. Saying, wife, I'm waiting, watching. For your coming, on the shore. FACE TO FACE Some day the silver cord will break. And from this world I'll take my flight To dwell with loved ones gone before. In that dear home where all is bright. Some day my aching heart will cease. Then I'll be free from earthly care. The boatman waits to bear me o'er The river, to that land more fair. The veil will rend and I shall see Within the pearly gates of light. Where I shall be in one with thee. And see thy face with clearer sight. [93] Some Day And I shall see them face to face, And be with them forever more. Yes, I shall see them face to face, Upon that bright celestial shore. CLOSE TO THEE God of love, in mercy grant, This prayer to me tonight. That I may make the songs to chant In Thy home so fair and bright. I see no lining to the clouds. They look so dark, and drear. So take me home to dwell with Thee, I'm tired of staying here. My friends are all beyond the veil. My eyesight is too dim To penetrate the clouddrift That veils the sights within. Thus I pray, oh loving Father, Waft me o'er the golden sea, That my soul in peace and gladness. May ever more be close to thee. SOME DAY Some day, the angels will call us. For the glad tidings we wait, Joy it will be when we meet them. Loved ones who wait at the gate. Mother will wait for my coming. On the banks of the chrystal sea. And through the thin veil I can see them, Waiting and watching for me. [94 1 The Beautiful Land Long I have waited a message From you, dear mother, so fair. That I may know you are near me. And happy in the home over there. Some day we'll meet o'er the river, Where parting we'll know never more. And hear the sweet songs of my childhood, When we meet on that beautiful shore. Chorus: Some day — Some day — Some day we'll go to our rest. Some day the angels will call us. To dwell in the home of the blest. THE BEAUTIFUL LAND Oh ! let me go to that land of light. To that beautiful land where there is no night. Where all is brightness, free from sin. And we can be in oneness with Him. My heart is tired with the worldly strife. Where the clouds hang low, and sin is rife. But a kindly voice speaks in our ear. Forget thyself, and help those near. For in so doing, you build your home In after life, when all things come. To those who do their duty here, They can enter that life without a fear. For God imparts to every one. The love that which if we have done Our best toward our brother man. Will give us our place with the angel band. [95 1 The Message THE REAPER The reaper of life's harvest, with his sickle tipped with love. Has gathered from earth's garden, for his garden up above, There to bloom in all its beauty, with others of its kin. That were taken from our fireside, to that land that's free from sin; Then let us wait in patience, for the time when we shall be, Transplanted to the garden, where from earth's toil we'll be free. Where we'll bloom in greater fragrance then we ever hoped for here. When we'll dwell in sweet contentment, w^ith our loved ones ever near. There to roam through fields elysian, not a cloud to mar the sky, And join in the mighty chorus, singing anthems by and by. Oh! the joy we'll feel at meeting with the friends who have gone before. And to hear the shouts of greeting as we near the other shore. So have courage, brother, sister, for the time is drawing near When you'll hear the Master calling. Come to me, and have no fear. THE MESSAGE My heart is sad while writing these lines to a friend so dear. But my thoughts will keep uniting with the spirit that is near. 196 1 Mother Darling So I feel it is my duty to obey this one command, By giving you the message from one in summer land. A mother, sister, friend has gone, One whom we all held dear, She has crossed the chrystal river, Though her spirit still is near. Don't mourn for her departure, For she has not gone so far But what her love can reach you. From her home across the bar. She'll be happy with the loved ones Who will meet her on the shore. Of that land of Ife eternal. Free from pain forever more. I can see her looking earthward. With a smile of sweetest love. With a hand stretched forth to guide you O'er life's pathway, from above. Oh ! what a grand reunion It will be for us some day. When we meet with all our loved ones On that grand thanksgiving day. MOTHER DARLING Listen, mother dear, to the music in the air. Can it be the angels singing. In their heavenly home so fair? Oh, yes they are calling, calling. For me to join the throng. So farewell, sweet mother darling, Our parting won't be long. [97 1 Mother Darling Don't weep for me, dear mother, If you miss me from your side ! For I will be with brother. Just on the other side. Where we will wait your coming. In that glorious morning land. And when we see you coming, We will take you by the hand. So farewell, my mother darling; Farewell, your child must go. Don't you hear their voices calling.? And I must obey, you know! Don't be sad now, little mother, For my spirit won't be far. And some day you'll hear me calling You, from just across the bar. Oh, look, mother, there stands brother, Just within the open door. And he's smiling, oh! so sweetly. And he whispers, evermore. We'll be together, sister. In that home where all is bright. And some day we'll come for mother. When her spirit takes its flight. Grandma stands just back of brother And she beckons me to come. So I must not linger, mother, I must hasten to that home. Take me in your arms, dear mother. Lay my head upon your breast. That's right, mother, kiss your darling, I'm content, now I can rest. [98] Give Thanks OUR DEPARTED Tread softly, the angels have called them, No more shall we see their dear form. But yet in the evening twilight. They will mingle with those in the home. Speak softly, disturb not their slumber, They are resting so peacefully there; They'll awake to be greeted by numbers Of friends, on the bright golden stair. They were watching as God gave the summons. That called them from enrth life away, A hand reached forth from a clouddrift. And lead them to eternal day. Don't mourn for the loved one just drifted Away from your side for a while, For e're long the veil will be lifted, And they'll greet you again with a smile. Look upward, be steadfast and kindly. To those you meet every day, And your burdens will rest on you lightly. And help to make brighter your way. A thought, a word of kindness. Sent into the azure blue. Will be felt by the sad, and the weary, And return again unto you. GIVE THANKS Give thanks unto our spirit friends. For the health that we enjoy For by their aid the light extends To other hearts, my boy. [99] The Angels are Calling Patience brings its own reward. To those who struggle on Toward the spiritual light of truth, With a heart filled full of song. THE ANGELS ARE CALLING The angels are calling me, mother. To dwell in that beautiful land, Where flowers, and green fields elysian Are tended by God's loving hand. Don't weep when I start with the boatman To cross the deep river so wide, For the Captain will pilot me safely, Yes, safely over the tide. The angels are calling me, mother, I'm sorry for you, I can't stay. But then, mother dear, I'll be near you. Though to you I seem far away. Don't think of me, mother, as there in the tomb. For I shall be free from its shadows and gloom. The angels will bear me through clouddrifts of light, To wake in the morning, where there is no night. I would like to kiss my papa before I go away. But tell him how we missed him On this our parting day. And tell him I'll be watching For the boatman, on the shore That will bear him to that harbor. Where we will part no more. Good bye, my mother darling, Kiss your child good night once more. For I hear the angels calling, To me from the other shore, f 100 1 Faith Just listen to the singing, Of that angel choir so grand. They have come to take your darling To her home in morning land. The angels are calling me, mother. Just listen to their voices so sweet. They come with garlands of flowers. And drop them right here at my feet. Hark! can't you hear the strains of the anthem, That floats on the air of the room.? Good bye, mother dear, I must leave you. To dwell in that beautiful home. FAITH Beautiful birds are singing to me. From the trees in yonder wood, I know they are there, though I cannot see Them, but oh! I wish I could. Like the birds, the spirit friends are near. With their songs, and words of love. Though we cannot see them, our hearts they cheer, With messages from their home above. Why should we doubt their coming then. Though they are hidden from our sight. We cannot see the power that feeds The grand electric light. The same force that rules the sun. Gives them the power to come. That we may know that they still live And linger in the home. [101] A Lone Traveler A LONE TRAVELER A poor old traveler, was wending his way. O'er a bleak, cold country road. His coat was tattered, his hair was gray. And he carried a heavy load. His thoughts they wandered to the past. When he was but a boy, Then he was full of life and jest. With a heart brim full of joy. His life was all before him, Aspirations grand had he. The castles which he built with vim, Were real to him you see. He thought of the dear old swimming pool. In the meadow neath the oak tree's shade. Of the comrades he met at the old red school, Of the games he once had played. But that was in the long ago. Long years have past since then. His friends long since have passed away. He knows not where or when. He has no home, this poor old man. No place to lay his head; But he wanders along with his heavy load. And thinking of the dead. The dead? Oh no! they are not dead. But just commenced to live. They will lighten his load, and fill his heart With love, that only God can give. So forge along, thou martyred soul. For you are nearing your journey's end, Your loved ones await on the other shore, A helping hand to lend. [1021 On the Passing to Spirit-Life The boatman waits while the angels sing Songs of welcome and cheer. And shout hello, from the summer land. As they see you drawing near. ON THE PASSING TO SPIRIT-LIFE OF THOSE BY THEIR OWN HAND Dear friend, we know the sorrowful heart That is yours this beautiful summer day. Of the burden of grief which has been your part, To carry along life's way. But strength hath been given day by day. By loved ones from the other side, Although your cup to the brim was full, And they still with you abide. Look upward, not earthward, I hear them say. For comfort in time of need And your prayer will be answered by loved ones here, And your heart from sorrow be freed. Don't think because he stepped aside From the timeworn beaten path, That the God whose love forever abides Will chasten him with His wrath! For no one knows the pain he endured, But the God who gave him birth. And He will forgive the erring one. Who has left this suffering earth. Forgive, as ye wish to be forgiven. Is the text of the golden rule. And rest assured that the life in heaven. Will be peace unto the soul. [ 103 1 On the Passing to Spirit -Life Then let our lives so shine below That when our time shall come That we may meet the friends we know. Who have gone to that heavenly home. I think I hear the mother say, As she now draws close to thee, Be glad, not sad, for the one just gone. For his soul from pain is freed. No more on earth will you see the form. As you gaze on the vacant chair. That used to sit in the twilight gloom. With the rest of the family there. But from his home beyond the blue. He will aid you as of yore. And you will feel his presence. More plainly than before To cheer your saddened heart at eve. Smooth out your furrowed brow. And free your heart from all the grief That shadows o'er you now. Rejoice! and be glad, for the one that has passed To the home of heavenly love. Where his feet now roam, through the fresh green grass, With the loved ones who dwell above. Mourn not for the brother who now has gone. For his sufferings now are o'er. He entered the valley of death alone. Well knowing the welcome on the other shore. For mother was there with open arms, And father, and sister, and brother too, To greet the weary heart who came From the tired form to the dome of blue. [104 1 A Memory We know it's hard to part with friends, When they leave us here on earth; But think of the joy that comes to them By the means of the other birth. Let us be ready to join the throng In the land that has no night. And mingle our voices with them in song In the heavenly home where all is bright. For the banks are lined from shore to shore With hosts of loved ones dressed in white, Who are waiting our coming, to part no more. In that heavenly home where there is no night. A MEMORY Seated one day at the organ, O'er the keys my fingers strayed. The melody was of a dreamy tone, I knew not what I played, I thought the angel choir broke forth. In heavenly strains so sweet. They filled my heart with gladness. And my soul with them repeat. The words of God be with you. Until we meet again. And I heard the gladsome tidings. Of peace on earth, good will to men. And then I heard the voices Of the loved one from on high, They told me of the life beyond. That was mine in the by and by. There is not a sparrow falleth. But is guarded by His love. He careth for their welfare, And they'll live with Him above: 1105] The Real Judge How can you doubt the kindness To His children here below. Who are likened to His image. On whom He his love bestows. But that strain will ever linger. In my heart, as long as life Shall give me power to run the keys. Or battle with the strife. And when life's blood has ceased to flow, And I am known no more. Among the earth's great throng below I'll mingle as I did before. THE REAL JUDGE God, the giver of all good. Is just alike to all. He chasteneth those who sing and pray. As well as they who fall. His principle we should uphold, And live the golden rule. And by so doing we will find We all will reach the goal. He placed us here to live the life He preordained before, And therefore we must do his will. Just that, and nothing more. It's not for us to judge a man By what we see and hear. He'll judge us all by what we've done. And judge right, never fear. [1061 Across the Border Land ACROSS THE BORDER LAND Just across the border land. Beyond the mystic sea. The loved ones now are waiting. Waiting there, for you and me. Their hands outstretched in welcome. As our little bark sets sail, And they'll sing their glad hosannas At the rending of the veil. What a gathering of the loved ones. As they come from near and far. To give us hearty welcome. To their home across the bar; O the glory of the dawning Of that bright and happy day. As they smile and say good morning. When we meet them on the way. Don't regret the hour of parting, When the earth friend leaves your side. For in spirit they will meet you. When you reach the other side. Then accept the Father's promise, Of a life beyond the grave, If we build our heavenly mansion Here on earth by being brave. Let us be like Christ our brother. Living pure lives kind and true. Doing unto one another What you'd have them do to you. Then this world would be a heaven. Without need of Sunday School, And we'll rise up and sing praises For the Master's golden rule. [107] A Dream of Heaven A DREAM OF HEAVEN Last night, as I lay sleeping, I had a dream so fair, I thought I saw a ladder, Reaching upward in the air. The uprights were of jasper, And the rungs were made of gold. And the voice from up above me said Come into thy Father's fold. As I climbed that golden ladder. Care and sorrow passed away; And I felt my heart grow lighter, As the night turned into day; And I heard the sweetest music. Made by angel voices sweet, And I joined the heavenly chorus, Which lent lightness to my feet. And I met the loved and dear ones, Whom I'd known before on earth; All had come to greet and welcome me Into that other birth; And I plucked the rarest flowers. Such I'd never seen before, And the perfume overwhelmed me As I stood upon the shore Of that sea of brightest chrystal, With its rippling waves of light. And thanked God I'd crossed the border land. In which there was no night. But the awakening in the morning Was the saddest of my life, For I found myself once more among. Earth's turmoils, sin and strife. [108] After Awhile The experience of that glorious dream Will ever fill my heart With love toward my brother man. Till from earth I do depart. I know my loved ones liveth, As in the vision shown to me. And the God of love, who giveth, Life beyond the tideless sea. A THOUGHT Seeds of kindness, sown in gladness, Bring forth flowers of sweetest love, Watered by the tears of sadness, And nourished by the God above. Though we suffer pain and sorrow, On the earth plane here below, They are but lessons for tomorrow. That our lives may better grow. AFTER AWHILE After awhile, all will be o'er. All sorrow, heartaches, pain and care, Then we will live on that fair shore, Free from the evil tempter's snare. After awhile, we'll greet our friends In the land of sunshine's golden light. In the summer land of which we dream. The land in which there is no night. After awhile we'll awake to find The friends who left us long ago. Who will greet us with a love more kind. In robes as white as purest snow. [ 109 ] Lead Me On After awhile our faults we'll see. The good, the bad, as they pass by. Upon the panoramic sea, And we'll exclaim! can that be I? Oh! let us do what we think right. No matter what the world may say. And after awhile with the spiritual sight, We will view our home, as bright as day. SUNSHINE Look inward, not outward. Upward, not down. And send out the sunshine. Thereby win the crown. By so doing the love light Will shed light o'er your path. For a word spoken kindly Will turn away wrath. LEAD ME ON Lead me on, oh loving spirit. To that burnished gate of gold. That I may so do the duty, Of my God the oversoul. Lead me on, my child, to heaven. In my heart create that love. That shall blossom into beauty, In that glorious home above. [110] Ask, and Ye Shall Receive Lead me on, oh guiding loved one, To do good to those of earth. That may cheer the sad and weary, Fill their hearts with joy and mirth. Give me power to lead them onward. Into light of spiritual truth. That they may so see the beauties. Of that bright eternal youth. ASK, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE Guide me, oh ! thou great Jehovah In the path that leads to God. That I may sail the sea celestial. Where none but Jesus' feet have trod. Long I've wandered, lone and weary. Through this life of vice and sin. Till my heart is oh ! so dreary, Striving hard the goal to win. Will there ever be a rending Of the veil that I may see Where peace and love are ever blending, And a resting place for me? Yes, my child, the clouds are breaking. Dawn is peeping o'er the hill. And the sun will soon be shining. And the birds their songs will trill. Then your heart will fill with gladness, And your lips will give forth song. And your soul be free from sadness; Courage, child, it won't be long. [Ill] Prophecy Angel friends are now preparing, A mansion in that home above. And e're long your soul will enter Through the gate, where all is love. THE TWILIGHT HOUR I love to wander through the woods, At twilight's gentle hour, And listen to the night birds' song, Neath nature's quiet bower. I sit me down beneath the trees. And worship God alone. It brings me nearer to the love Of Him whose light so shone That we might follow in the path. That leads to peace and love. For He who lives for others finds His treasures up above. Obey the laws of nature, For transgression is a sin And when you reach the pearly gate, They'll welcome you within. PROPHECY I see in the future a path of light, And it reaches from sea to sea. It's the spirit of truth in its armour bright, Bringing freedom to you and me. [1121 Rays of Sunshine Freedom from bondage of dogma and creed, Whose chains have held us so long. For the links in that chain I see grow weak As our faith in the spirit grows strong. For the truth of spirit has proven itself The religion the world must accept. And the angel world has opened the door For us to enter step by step. Not many years will roll around Before we all will meet In one grand church where love abounds. And we'll worship at the feet Of Him whose power of love went forth. And healed the sick and lame. And by His mediumistic power He raised The dead to life again. I also see, in that great day. By angels to me shown, That friend and foe will go hand in hand. And we shall know as we are known. RAYS OF SUNSHINE Let us scatter rays of sunshine. Instead of clouds of night. That we may reap the harvest In our heavenly home so bright. Sow the seeds of human kindness In the hearts of those you meet. That they may enjoy the flowers That spring up around their feet. [113] Friendship The flowers are the kind thoughts, That we sow from day to day. And the harvest will be twofold, That we'll reap along the way. DON'T Don't be weary in well doing, Don't speak ill of friend or foe. Cheer the weak, the sad, the erring, By sowing roses as you go. Don't repeat the idle gossip. That you hear from passers by. For if you say they said it, The story they'll deny. Don't frown upon your neighbor, Just because they frown at you : Wear a smile of friendly greeting. And perhaps that they'll smile too. Don't you know if you sow flowers. Flowers you'll reap, as sure as fate. And the harvest will surprise you. When you enter through the gate. FRIENDSHIP It is sweet to be remembered By those we love most dear. To know that you are numbered As a friend with heartful cheer. [114] The Angel in the House To know that we are counted As a friend, the same today, Although our paths are severed. And we are far away. The time may come, it can't be long, When we shall meet again. I wonder will it be with joy, Or will it give us pain? God grant thy loving kindness. May fill our hearts with love. And mold our friendship stronger, In that heavenly home above. THE ANGEL IN THE HOUSE There's an angel in our house. And I hope she's come to stay. And I know I'm not mistaken. For I found her there today. She's the sweetest little angel Ever sent to earth below. And if you could only see her. You would say so too, I know ! Her eye's are blue, and her hair is brown. And her cheeks just like the rose, And her chin is like a snowdrop. And the pinkest little toes; Her ears are like a sea shell, And the cutest little nose, If you think we do not love her Well, just ask someone that knows. [115 1 The Angel in the House This tale of love a little child. Was telling to her mate. One day as I was passing by Two children at the gate. Someone had left this little babe. On the door step of this home. And they took it in, to take the place Of one which now had gone. The people they were happy. And the child was too, we know. And she knew it was an angel, For her mamma told her so. And now I tell this tale to you As I heard it on that day. And may God bless that little home Forever and for aye. [116