Class Book > .^ f r^ Copyright )^^_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Verse for Little Folks and Others By Eugene Secor Published by Successful Farming, Des Moines, Iowa Copyright 1911 By Alson Secor DEDICATED TO THE LOVERS OF NATURE Art Work by Egbert Noicnaji Clark ©CI.A300977 \A W r^ Prosy Remarks About the Author It is for the purpose of putting some of my father's nature verse into a form in which they may be better preserved that I assemble them in this little volume. Many have appeared in different publications, and some are recorded here for the first time. For half a century he has lived in the one spot among the trees, the flowers, the bees and squirrels. This home bears the appropriate name of "The Shelter, " for it is indeed a shelter for every harmless living thing, as well as for his many friends who chance that way. Here in the bosom of Nature, the Muse has touched the chords of his poetic soul and many are the rhymes, that have eminated from ' 'The Shelter. ' * ALSON SECOR Des Moines, la., Dec. 1911 CONTENTS The Wood Thrush 5 Mister Redhead 6 Robin Redbreast 8 The Brown Thrasher 10 Nesting Time II DeLi'lOrOwl 12 The First Robin 13 The Bobtail Rooster 14 Hunting Eggs 16 The Pumpkin-Seed Calf 18 The White-Faced Coh 20 The Mooly Cow 22 Baby Sheep 23 When the Cows Come Home 24 The Wabbly Calf 26 Mrs. Kitty Cottontail 28 The Red Squirrel 30 The Hunted 32 The Brindle Cat 33 Blind Kittens 34 Talking to Tabby 36 A Little Brown Toad 38 About a Bee 40 The Big Red Apple 43 When the Bees are Coming Home 44 To a Katydid 46 When Strawberries are Ripe 48 An Anniversary Song 51 A Summer Idyl 52 An Apple Seed 54 The Little Preacher 56 Jack Frost 58 A Thunder Shower 60 Goldenrod 61 Goldenrods and A.