FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE to lift State Hi} "WITH ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS. TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE JANUARY 15, 1885. ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, LEGISLATIVE PRINTERS. 1885. Total. Number of inspections 9,685 Number of specimens examined 25,270 Number of creameries inspected \ 52 Number of dairy farms inspected 36 Number of condensaries inspected 6 Number of producers' milk inspected 3,527 Number of complaints 25 30 [Senate The work performed by me as chemist has been as follows, from June 1, 1884, to December 31, 1884, inclusive : Number of analyses of milk - 107 Number of analyses of condensed milk ... 11 Number of analyses for impure water 10 Number of analyses of milk for arsenic 1 Number of analyses for soda and borax 5 Number of analyses for arsenic 1 Total 135 Number of days at courts, twenty, and some 10,000 miles have been traveled. Some 200 samples were brought by the inspectors for analysis besides the samples analyzed, but upon examination were found to be so near the standard that conviction would not liave been possible, or the proper kind of evidence was lacking. The following tables show the amount of milk which should be examined daily, besides that received at creameries, etc. : No. 27.] 31 ?3 • iniHrtlW . •© e? .•^05 05tH • -tH M •raBaJO .(Mt-I ; • ■^IIH pasaapnoQ 0£> • , o CO _ €# 10-*OOIOC3050 ta iOC-CC£>00Q0iOO la ^ ■^un O 00 O 03 CO W Oi^«0 C« CO (M T-i T-i tH T-( • CO E^ |> O • • lO iO •rcTBaiQ • O «0 ?0 '-I • •T-I •CO-I-H • • iff 33 !Zi — Qoi Ob- •3[nH pssaapuoo 1—1 SS CO_^CO CQ_W O CQ CO T-H ■>-l T-H T-I to T-I ■ lO »0 CQ »C • • CQ OJ •TUBaio • QO^COt-i • •T-t lO c5 M C35 Tl 'miK paenapnoo T-I m- Q0»C»0t^O(M®O «o P4 ■>5Ht-i>-aD005t-0 w ^ •^IIK i-ICD05COCOi-i(?}0 iO Ci" CO T-I T-I THt-I T-I "eS ', a '.'6 'S -a a 02 a •1 '.-§1 : a < - = ! 83 ^ l^^ii ii^ d o < o M • •n ® T-I fe» 2 ® ® *t» : m O ' on ' 1: ! '^ tH " O >-i O O e ■£ aH.2^^;H!>H;= 5 ^ S B TT^iS & & fe & S & d O 9 .3 ;ji < No. 27.] 33 ^ ^ g s ^ '^ 5x 5- 'A . ^ a W Ml fa 3 ■THBajQ "m\M pssuapuoQ ■^IIW CO TO OOOOOJCOi-Ht-IO 1-1 CO tH -r-l t-H tH ? ^ ^ C5 S<1 IZi R CO H "tn'BaiQ "miW pasaapnoQ CO CO T-l lO •^IM 05C010!»»CCO-*C~ c-os(NcoTHT-iic l-H CO I— I tH t-i t-I 'niBajQ ■^ITH pasaapnoQ CO CO ■^IIH •mBgiQ ■^IIK pssnapnoQ •^IIK iocooi-iioiooio i>J>05COCOTHi-(»0 T-l CO -i-H 1-1 1-1 T-H • T-l cooo O t- lO T-l T-IO T*l CO -^T-ie^ooiocoiO t--0005COCOTHTHiO T-l CO 1-1 .-< tH I-H [Sen. Doc No. 27.] o (U c3 i>H EQ aj & ^ in ^ 'S ^ Tl cS X) e3 03 a S ■^ o (U ® tH ^ Wh5 o „ . c o cs • >'^ m oj > >^ . >» .^ O ^^^'^^ ^ & ^ ^ g a 03 a> ® "^ No. 27.] 35 •5^ 6 ?3 5v .>5 •■rHSOOOO • 1 •000 CO . .,-1 1 01 ^ •ra-BajQ .1—1 . . CO So m ■^nW pasnapnoQ irr 10 • ■ • T-i T-I CO 1-1 1 r '^OCiOOCSQOO c»t~i> OiOfxc-o 00 •^UK !>■ CS i-H CO T-IJO 00 T-rco"T-r,-r T-H"T-r ^ • IS CQ 00 • • LO a •niBajQ • i> 02 • r-l CT 1 ^1 ■^ITK pasnapnoQ osi> • • -0. • 1-1 ... : § ^ KvJ 1 ■1— ( ^ V 1 so QOJOOOiaWrttC D 00 ^ oocoi>c:l-;io«oc 5 •^ITK 00 1-1 10 -rH lO 1 00 T-rio"«r^" i-Tt-t 1-1 T-l •iocsojoo . -c 5 -# •niBajj ■01 . . H CO • ' ^ >- c*c- CS H^ ■^ITK pasaapnoQ n a T-< «5 a HO T^ ^ ff'J l.~ 00 C5 L' ? ^ 00 Ci CJ C5 00 £> C ? ti ■^ITK OOSQO-r-IKI-r-lT-ILr 2 -<* — JrO T-Trt" T-Ti-T - •c OMoo • -c 5 I> . •tUBQJQ • iC i-i ■ . f 1 00 CO !z:>a t. ^ wow z^oiriu: i-ICOWr-T 1-.".--* - a" \ 'H 6 CO a s P. 9 02 !? -o W a a Q a a 5 _d « ^ s 5- a c "E. h3 1— 1 c » s S 5^ a «3.!S t- Kh4 a ^ ^ ;s S a No. 27.] 37 OOIOO • oc ec •t-lOT-ll-l • • iff •tn'Baao : : : 1-H 1— I T— 1 O »0 ..50. ^ o 00 ■^IIH pasuapuoQ t-co • • ■ o • ■t-H • • tH • CO 7] a T-l ^9. H OJ COOiOOOOt-lit ffC ^« to O t- iO lO lO O 05 (N •^[IH C5CO o_o cocsou: X tH CO 1— 1 tH 1-1 o •tH OlOOO • o l> C5 • 11112913 • t- <» 1-1 • • -l-H «5 tH S'* t- • • • • c? • S5 «o ■^UW pasuapuoQ 1-1 • ■ • • CO CO ■ _ ^ |« oooe^csocaoo ■^ i0-^00C0iOO-*O o •^IIH OS Ol «o O CO O 0_i0 lO 1-1 (N T-H 1-1 -1-1 1-1 o T-l •O(??ii>Q0 • -C? cs Cs •raugjQ •005DT-I • -iH ' tH 5^' w OS W-2 CS • • (N • iH '^UH pasuapaoy O . . . . lO • ■ tH • • • • OS CO t! s 1-1 ^^ H o OOOOOOOIC 1—1 ^^ COOSO(MiO-*OCQ OS •^UH 0S50C-OC0OO-* T-l CJ tH 1-1 1-1 T-< o 1—1 •OCOQOO 'QC (M CS •m'BajQ • 05 ,.'-' C Id CO 1 1 c 'O Sf5.2t2^tSt2;^ 02 a *„, f-i a E- i:^^ fe & & fe ^ a, oj^dojojaia)-!^ a CQ H h^ C ^^J2;;2 ^ No 27.] 39 SUMMAET. Total number of cans of milk 4,136,111 Total nnmber of cans of condensed milk 75,670 Total number of cans of cream 99,260 or calculating to milk, viz. : 1 can of condensed milk equals 4 cans of milk, and 1 can of cream equals 4 cans of milk, we have as the total amount of milk which should be inspected every jear in this section alone, 4,835,831 cans, equals 193,425,240 quarts. 2^0 w although the work performed by the chemist and inspectors is large still much remains to be done. The force employed is inadequate to cope with the evil, for as can be seen, only a small proportion can be ins]jected daily, even to de- termine wtiether the rnilk is adulterated ; but this is the least that should be done. Cleanliness in handling the milk should be insisted upon as well as a most rigid inspection of the cows producing it, the manner in which they are housed, treated, and fed, as well as the condition of the water supplied them, and also that used to clean the various ves- sels and utensils used on the farms or at the creameries and conden- saries. These matters are of the highest importance in the coming year, for it is conceded by all sanitarj^ authorities that the cholera will be with us with the first warm weather, and a producer or creamery man might, by the use of impure water, spread this disease to an alarming extent. It must be remembered that only producers' milk, with one or two exceptions, has been examined. Inspection has been asked for in many small towns and villages, but this it was impossible to do in every instance on account of the small force employed. Twenty inspectors would be barely enough for this district alone. The quality of the milk has been greatly improved even with the small force at work ; but it must be acknowledged that the cold weather during the past summer had considerable to do with the ex- cellence of the milk. For the reason that the supply being greater than the demand, no incentive was offered to adulterate. Again the creameries, from which large quantities of skimmed and skimmed and watered milk have heretofore been shipped, have with a few exceptions stopped this fraudulent practice. The quality of the milk shipped from creameries from June 1 of the past year was excellent. The condensaries have also shipped preserved milk of good quality, and the practice of condensing skimmed milk has ceased. The following tables show the results of the analyses of the various brands of condensed milk made and sold in this section : No. 27.] 41 There is still considerable to be done in order to bring the standard up to where it should be. More h9,s been done to improve the condition of stables in this vicinity during the last year than during any two previous years within my knowledge. The feeding of " swill" on Long Island during the last six months has been practiced less than at any time during the last ten years, and but few milkmen have dared to feed it. Yery respectfully yours, E. H. BAKTLEY, M. D. 941 Madison Ave., New York, Jan^y 5, 1885. ' Mr. Edward W. Martin, Chief Inspeotor, State Dairy Commis- sioner : Dear Sir — In reply to your favor of this date relative to what in- fluence the supervision of the milk supply of New York State, under the auspices of the State Dairy Commission, may have had upon the quality of the milk shipped to this city, I would state, that in my opinion, such supervision has very materially aided in excluding un- lawful milk from this market. It has afforded me much gratification to note in my official rounds how much improved in quality the gen- eral average of the milk supply has been since we have had the ben- fit of such intelligent inspection out of the city as was afforded within the past six months by the department you represent. The inspection of dairies, as well as the cattle, and the milk supplied by them before shipment, is, in my estimation, a matter of too much importance to be overlooked, and when attended to, as I am confident it will be under your direction, the results cannot but prove advantageous to the public. Believe me, very truly yours, J. BLAKE WHITE, M. D. Paterson, N. J., Jan^y 5, 1885. Edward W. Maetin, Esq., Chemist, New York Dairy Com.mis- sioner : Mt Dear Sir — After making my final inspection for 1884 of the milk shipped to New York city, I am in the position to express an opinion respecting its quality. It gives me great pleasure to say that the work of the past five years has been crowned with success, and that the quality of the milk sent to New York and the adjacent cities is uniformly excellent, adulterated or skimmed milk being al- most unknown. Allow me to congratulate you upon the results obtained by you in your endeavors to check the shipment of impure milk from stations in your State. Yours very truly, WM. K. NEWTON, M. D., New Jersey State Inspector of Milk. [Sen. Dec. No. 27. J 6 REPORT ON MILK AND ITS ADULTERATIONS. By Edward W. Martin, assisted by Walter Moeller, Ph. B. Historical Part. As far back as history goes we find milk spoken of as a most im- portant and palatable article of food, and in ancient times it was considered to contain many hidden virtues. Hippocrates, in his account of the Scythians, describes with great minuteness their process of making butter and commends milk as the most healthy and nourishing kind of food for human consumption. Aristotle, who may be considered the father of natural history, describes many curious particulars relating to milk and from the high esteem in which he held it, it may be inferred that its impor- tance, as an article of human sustenance, was in his age duly appre- ciated. According to Pliny many eastern nations of his time subsisted almost entirely upon milk and the spontaneous productions of the earth. The early Germans and other European nations lived largely on milk as indeed also did the early Britons, as related by Csesar in his Commentaries. It is curious to note that the Indian legends state that a cow was among the first of created animals, and the tra- ditions of eveiy Celtic nation, it is said, place the cow among the earliest productions and represent it as a kind of divinity. In ancient Rome baths of warm milk were recommended as most bene- ficial in many diseases and, in fact, at all times milk has been consid- ered a most important and necessary article of diet. Up to the seventeenth century only three of the constituents of milk had been dibcovered, viz. : Butter, Cheese, and Whey. Bartoletus, an Italian physician, and who was a professor at Bologna (wrote a work entitled " Encyclopiedia Hermetico Dog- matica sive orbis Doctrinarum, Physiologicae Semiotics et Therapeuti- cas, 1619 " ) seems to have been the first one to have discovered a fourth principle or constituent, viz. : Sugar. Ludovico Testi seems to have been the first to have written about milk sugar in his Eelazione concemente il Zucchero di Latte, 1698. Leeuwenhoek was the first to notice the microscopical characteris- tics of milk, A. Donn^ published in his book Comus Microscopic, Paris, 1844, drawings from the microscope, showing the fat globules in fresh and sour human and animal milk. ^ Boerhave appears to have been the first to have made a qualita- tive examination of milk, and speaks at some length on the danger of using milk from diseased or improperly fed animals. Geoffrey, in his Commercium Liberarium ad Re Medicae et Plate r. FIG. I. CREAM. X420. FIG. 2. COW'S MILK. X 420. TOTvPE. E. BIER9TADT [Senate, No. 2Y.] 43 Seientise Naturalis Iiicumentum Institutium, 1737, describes a quan- titative analysis of milk, twelve pounds of milk were coagulated, heated gently and filtered. The coagulated mass and the filtered portion or serum were each weighed. The serum eight poundsj the coagulated mass two pounds, seven ounces. The serum was dried and the residue weighed seven ounces, twenty-four grains. This is one of the earliest quantitative analyses of milk known. Scheele, in 1780, discovered lactic acid, and proved that phosphate of lime was always present in human casein, and considered that a true combination was formed between them in the proportion of one to one and a half parts of phosphate of lime to one hundred parts of dry casein. It is only at a comparatively recent date, however, that the ques- tion of regulating the milk supply by stringent laws began to be taken up and such laws made. Now, however, the great importance of a pure milk supply is universally recognized in all civilized coun- tries. Nearly all civilized people have some law in relation to this subject, and as the great centers of population increase and become more and. more crowded, the importance of pure milk becomes more and more necessary. It has been my unpleasant duty to see poverty and misery in every form in the city of New York, and the necessity of a nourish- ing article of food for infants reared under the most disadvanta- geous circumstances, as far as their sanitary surroundings go, is ex- ceedingly necessary, and this may be said of all large cities. It is universally conceded that the adulterator of milk may be just as much a murderer as if he deliberately poisoned the consumer. It is of interest to note, under the head of unhealthy milks, how epi- demics of typhoid fever, etc., etc., are produced by carelessness in handling milk. Too rigid laws cannot be made in order to first, protect the health of the consumer, and secondly, to assist those producers of milk who really desire to produce an article tit for human consumption. The second reason,, because if adulteration is allowed to go on, the hon- Qit producer is driven to commit the crime in order to compete with the dishonest one. Composition of Milk. Milk is a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of animals for the support and nourishment of their young, and consists of an emulsion of fats in a solution of casein and sugar, together with certain inor- ganic salts. The color of milk is due to the fat globules, which can be readily seen with the aid of a microscope. These fat globules have a yellowish blue color and a pearly gloss and vary in size. (See Photomicrograph of milk, plate 1, figure 2.) Thus M. E. Bouchut found that in different samples of cows' milk there are from 1,102, 500 to 3,700,000 globules to the cubic milli- metre (6-1000 of an inch). 44 [Senate By some it is thought that each globule is surrounded by an en- velope or thin membrane. An attempt to prove this has been made by attempting- to show that scarcely any of the fat is dissolved upon shaking the milk with ether unless a little acetic acid is first added, which is supposed to dissolve this membrane. There is great diver- sity of opinion on this subject ; one aathoritj', Moleschott, claims to have pressed out the fat and filled up the membrane with colored liquids ; Hoppe-Seyler endeavors to prove the existence of a mem- brane by estimating the proportion existing between the water and casein in cream, I have examined milk with the microscope, magnifying up to 4,000 diameters, but could not, by any of the numerous methods sug- gested, see this supposititious membrane. The milk of diiferent ani- mals varies greatly in the amounts of water, fat, etc., as will be seen on reference to the followine: table : Water. Fat. Sugar. Albu- min & Casein. Salts. Specific gravity. Human 86.78 86.80 84.49 89.00 88.80 79.30 76.60 81.62 82.27 89.55 84.04 90 98 86.94 3.38 3.80 5.68 1.85 2.50 9.10 9.57 3.33 5.30 3.15 4.55 4.51 2.90 7.50 4.50 3.69 5.05 6.50 8.59 3.19 4.91 4.20 5.60 3.13 4.40 5.66 1.72 4.20 3.51 3.56 2.70 2.51 9.91 9.55 7.23 0.9 7.23 3.84 0.56 0.70 0.61 0.54 0.50 0.50 0.73 0.58 1.00 0.8 1.05 0.11 0.66 1.032 Cow 1.031 Goat 1 . 03353 Ass 1 03457 Mare 1 . 03374 Elephant Bitch 1.03132 1.035 Cat Sheep 1.040 Llama 1.034 Sow 1.038 Hippopotamus Camel i!042 .» Even birds and plants secrete a fluid similar in composition to milk. Pigeons secrete a fatty albuminous fluid in the crop with which they are supposed to feed their young. An analysis by Le- Compte shows the secretion to contain : Water , 66.30 Fat 10.47 Casein and salts 66.30 Jonge, in the Zeitschrift for Physiol. Chemie. Strasburg, 1879, gives the following analysis of a substance analogous to milk, which he found in the glands at the tail of the goose : No. 27.] 45 1 2 Water 60.807 58.466 Albumen and nuclein 17.966 12.763 Compounds insol. in abso- lute ether 18.677 24.708 Alcoholic extract 1.090 1.831 Water extract 0.753 1.131 ) Sol. 0.371 I Sol. 7.71 Ash 0.707 \ Insol. 0.336 1.101 ( Insol. 3.36 The ether extract contained : Cetyl aloohol 7.423 10.402 Oleic acid . . 0.648 Lower acids 0.373 1.484 Leuthin *..... 0.233 Many plants, such as the well-known milk weed, yield a white liquid called milk, but which is decidedly different in its composition from milk. In Central America the famous cow tree or milk tree (Brosnium Utile Palo deYaca). When the trunk of this tree is pierced there flows a stream of sweet and nourishing milk, flowing most freely at sunrise. It has a pleasant odor, becomes yellow after a short time, and a cream rises on the surface, which gradually thickens, becoming of a cheesy con- sistency. It has a viscidity differing from the milk of animals. It consists of Water , 45 per cent Wax, fat and albumen. . 54 " " Sugar 0.5 " " Salts 0.5 " " During the siege of Paris in 1870, a substitute for milk was pre- pared as follows : . Water 87 parts Olive oil or horse fat 4 " Sugar 4 " Egg albumen or gelatine 4 " Salt ^ " Carbonate of soda | " These were mixed by violent shaking, and the resulting compound had the appearance of milk, a,nd having all of its constituents, could be used as a food for the young. In civilized countries, cows' milk is principally consumed ; in Africa, that cf the camel; in Tartary and Siberia, that of the mare; in India, the buffalo's; in Lapland, the reindeer's; in China, until a comparatively recent date, sows' milk was generally consumed. Milk is especially adapted for the support of the young of animals 46 [Senate because it contains all the components of a mixed food ; for it has been found by experiment that a mixed diet is the best. An exam- ination of the needs of the body, shows that definite amounts of car- bon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are required daily, depending on the amount lost by the body and the organs used. An excess beyond this is needed by the young animal to furnish material for growth. In milk, casein suppHes the nitrogen, sugar and fat in a great measure the carbon, the salts the mineral constituents, and the water the water needed by the body. It is for this reason that cows' milk must be diluted before being given to infants, as the percentage of casein is too large. Should it not be diluted then the infant has to digest the excess of casein, and so giving its digestive organs more work to do thus perma- nently injure them. In this, as in many other countries cows' milk is the one used al- most entirely, and when we consider that two-thirds of our infant population are brought up on other than human milk, viz. : cows,' and that nearly all children partake more or less largely of cows' milk, to say nothing of its general use, we can at once see the neces- sity of a pure milk supply. This is particularly necessary when milk is used as a substitute for mothers' milk ; for cows' milk, although the best substitute we can get, is still different in its chemical properties and amount of its con- stituents, and any adulteration only tends to make this difference, and consequently its indigestability, greater. As for instance, in skimmed milk the per cent of fat is too small while the per cent of casein is too large, or by adulteration with water, the per cent of the solid constituents is lowered, and more of such milk must be digested in order that the body may obtain suf- ficient nourishment. Chemistry points out the following differences between human and cows' milk. Human milk generally has a strong alkaline reac- tion, sometimes neutral, but never acid when fresh ; the milk of cows has a much weaker alkaline reaction, and, in fact, is sometimes acid. The more careful analyses have shown that cows' milk contains larger quantities of salt and a smaller quantity of milk sugar. The differ- ence considered to be of greatest importance by phj^sicians lies in the larger quantities of casein in cows' milk ; human milk contains 1.5 to 2 per cent, while cows' milk contains 4 to 5 per cent. Kuhne (Lehrb. der physiol. Chem. 1868, 565) believes casein to be a potassium albuminate, and though as yet elementary analyses have shown no difference in the composition of the casein of human milk and that of cows, still it is highly probable that such is the case. If to one-half c. c. of human milk, two drops of artificial gastric "juice be added, an immediate precipitation takes place, consisting of numerous, very fine, pliable, flat coagula mingled with some of medium size. The same quantity of gastric juice added to cows' milk ]^o. 27.] 47 produces a large, lumpy, coarse coagulum which adheres to the sides of the vessel and leaves but little clear serum. These difEerencea between human and cows' milk are those which cause serious difficulties in the digestive organs and are of great im- portance when cows' milk is used as a substitute for human milk. The physical differences existing between the coagula formed on the addition of gastric juice to human and to cows' milk may be due to one of the following causes : 1st. The difference in the amounts of casein in human and in cows' milk. 2nd. The larger quantity of free alkali in human milk. 3d. Differences in the chemical composition of the casein of the two varieties of milk. To test the first hypothesis, cows' milk was diluted so as to reduce the amount of casein to that of human milk ; on adding the gastric juice to this diluted milk the same heavy coagulum was formed. The excess of alkali in human milk was neutralized with hydro- chloric acid in very slight excess. Gastric juice, added to this acid milk produced the same fine coagula as the natural alkaline milk. Chloride of sodium and chloride of potassium were then added to cows' milk but of no avail, the same heavy coagulum was precipitated. It, therefore, seems that the difference existing between the coagula produced in human and in cows' milk by the addition of gastric juice is due to a difference in the chemical composition of the casein. This theory is well supported by the fact that different reactions take place on the addition of the same reagent to these varieties of milk. The reactions produced by various reagents are here tabulated : TABLE of Reactions produced hy various Reagents. Human Milk. Cows' Milk. REAGENT. In the cold. In the warm. In the cold. In the warm. Artificial gas- tric juice Coagula. Insoluble. Coagula. Insoluble. In excess Exceed ingly fine granules. Heavy Cg. Cg. remains. Boiled gastric juice None. None. A few large Cg. Coagulation is in- complete. Cg. forms lump. Boiled gastric ]uice in ex- cess do do Complete Cg. Cg. lumps or sepa- rates into several smaller lumps. Ko. 27.] 49 ToiMe of Reactions, etc. — (Continued). REAGENT. Human Milk. Cows' Milk. In the cold. In the warm. In the cold. In the warm. 9 Glacial acetic acid None. None. Large Cg. Cg. remains. In excess do do Cg. dissolves. None. Nitric acid .... do Numerous fine yellow Cg. Larger Cg. Large Cg. Cg. firmer and yel- low. In escess .... do Insoluble. Soluble to yellow liquid. Cg. remains. Phospli'c acid. do None. Large white Cg. Sulphuric acid do Fine Cg. milk turns brown. Large Cg. Cg. separates into very fine hard parti- cles. In excess . ... do Heavi er Cg. The s am pie turns brown. Cg. dissolves. So- lution red-brown. Greasy black liquid. Cone, tartaric acid do None. Large V,g. Cg. dissolves and separates out again on cooling. In excess d do Cg. dissolves. None. Alcohol in ex- cess Very fine grains. Dissolve on Large soft Cg, Cg. dissolve, separate on cooling first as cooling medium fine grains then as a size and soft Cg. small Cg. are formed. Corrosive sub- limate . . . . None. None. Numerous fine grains. Coarse Cg, In excess Numerous Numerous None. Coarse Cg., adhering fine grains. thicker Cg. partially to the sides. Clil or i d e of lime None. None. do Large coarse Cg. In excess do do do Large Cg. Sulphate of do do Large soft Cg. Coarse Cg. aluminium . . In excess do do A few flocks ad- hering to the sides. Insoluble in X. s. Dissolve, but on cooling smaller and larger Cg., separate out. Tanin Medium Very fine Numerous and Soluble. and fine Cg. Numerous grains. very fine Cg. In excess Very fine Numerous fine Cg. Form Cg., and clear fine Cg. grains. yellow liquid. Sugar of lead . None. Very fine Cg. Large soft Cg. Coarse Cg. In excess do None. Large soft Cg. Numerous isolated hard Cg. Sulphate of magnesia . . . do do None. Large Cg. In excess do do do None. [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] Ko. 27.] 51 of the fattj acids, stearic, palmitic, oleic, aracliadic aud myristic, called insoluble fatty acids, they not being soluble in water, and of the glycerides of butyric, caproic, caprilic and capric or rutic, these are called the soluble fatty acids, they being soluble in water. Tristearin or Stearin (Cg H5 (Cig H35 O2 )3 is a white solid fat. Its melting point is about 66° c. (150.8° F.) By saponifying and then decomposing the soap with a suitable acid, as sulphuric or hydrochloric, we obtain 95.73 per cent of stearic acid. Stearin enters in the composition of all f at& which have a high melting point. Stearic acid (Cig Hgg O2) is always found in animal fats, with but few exceptions. It is also found in some of the vegetable fats. Of late years this acid has been largely used, particularly in the manu- facture of stearine candles, so well known and so universally used at the present day. To make the stearic acid for this purpose, slaked lime Ca (O H)2 and any of the animal fats are boiled in suitable vessels until saponification takes place. The resulting lime-soap is then decomposed by means of sulphuric acid. The resulting acids consisting of oleic, palmitic and stearic acids are . put In bags, these are placed in powerful presses and the oleic acid is pressed out. What remains in the bag is commercially known as stearin; it consists of a mixture of stearic and palmitic acids. Pure stearic acid may be obtained from this compound, by dissolving commercial stearin in alcohol and precipitating the stearic acid by means of acetate of lead. This is then to be decomposed by means of sulphuric acid. The stearic acid is then dissolved in alcohol (boiling) ; on cooling the solution, the stearic acid crystallizes out in needles. Under the microscope they have the form of elongated lozenge- shaped plates. Stearic acid melts at 69.4° C. (157° Fahr.), is odorless and tasteless, has no greasy feeling. It is soluble in all proportions, in boiling alcohol and ether. Tripalmitin or palmitin (C 3H5(Ci6 Il3iO)3 This is a white solid fat. Soluble in hot alcohol and ether, but nearly insoluble in cold. Margarin, once considered a definite compound, was found to be a mixture of palmitin and stearin. This crystallizes in needle-like tufts. Palmitin upon being saponified, and subsequently decom- posed by a suitable acid, gives 95.28 per cent of palmitic acid. Palmitic acid {G^^ H32 O2) melts at 62° 0. (143.6° Fahr.) and is obtained largely from palm oil, and can be produced by saponifying spermacetti. It may be purified by repeatedly crystallizing it from alcohol. It is white, tasteless and crystallizes in needle-like tufts. Triolein or olein (C3H5(Ci8H3302)3 It is solid at 5° 0. (41° Fahr.) and when pure is colorless, becoming yellow by absorbing oxygen. It dissolves stearin and palmitin readily. It is soluble in absolute alcohol or ether. It is the principal constituent of almost 52 [Sknate all the veo-etable oils. Pure olein contains 95. 70 per cent of oleic acid. Oleic acid (Cis H_^, O,), when pure, js a fluid odorless, tasteless and colorless at 4° C. (39.2° Fahr.) It crystallizes in needles. Upon oxi dation it becomes yellow, and then has a strong odor. It forms two classes of salts, normal and acid. Normal salts of the alkalies are soluble in water. All the acid salts are insoluble in water. Oleate of copper and lead are soluble in ether or absolute alcohol and may be separated from the stearates and palnn'tates by taking advantage of this prop- erty. Upon destructive distillation a great variety of compounds are formed, among which is sebacic acid (Cjo H,g O4). Butyrin C3 H^ (0, H^ O. O),, Caproin (G, H„ 60)3 C2 R,), caprilin (Cs II15 Oo)3CoH5, and rutin (Cjo H,9 0^)302115, yield on saponiii cation and subsequent decomposition, butyric, caproic, caprilic, and rutic acids, respectively. They have not, as yet, been separated in a pure state. Butyric acid (C4 Hg O2). Two butvric acids exist : Normal Cg, H^, C O O H, boiling point 163. 4° C. (326° Fahr.), specific gravity 0.9817 at 0° 0. (32^ (Fahr.), and isobutvric acid (C H3) 2H. (5 O O" H, boiling point 154° C. (309.2° Fahr.) specific gravity 0.8598 at C (32° Fahr.); the latter has a less offensive odor than the first named. Butyric acid is found in the fruits of the following plants : Botanical name. Common name. Sapindus saponaria. Locust bean. Tanorandus indica. Anthemis nobilis. Feverfew. Tancentuni vulgare. Tansy. Arnica m on tan a. Arnica. Gingko viloba. Gingko. Butyric acid is found in a very much larger quantity in butter 'than in any otlier fat, and is indeed the distingnishing characteristic of it, amounting to nearly seven per cent. Butyric acid is volatile and may be distilled unaltered in its com- position. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, or in water, in all propor- tions. Nearly all of its salts are soluble. Butyric acid, when treated with alcohol and sulphuric acid, forms butyric ether. This reaction is very characteristic. Butyric ether has a strong odor resembling that of pine-apples. Rancid butter when heated wdth alcohol produces butyric ether. It has a specific gravity of .902 at 0° C. (32° Fahr.), boiling point 119° C. (246.2° Fahr.) Caproic acid Cg H12 O2 forms two acids, normal C5 II„ C O O H, boiling point 205° C. (401 Fahr,), and Isocaproic C3 (C H3) glls C O O H, boiling point 199.5° C. (390.2° Fahr.) Caproic acid is found in avast number of plants in human perspi- ration and in cheese. Nearly insoluble in water. Is distilled un- changed. No. 270 . 53 Caprilic acid Cg H^ ^2 melting point, boiling point 236° C,. the amount of caprilic acid in milk fat is very small. It is nearly insol- uble in boiling water. Rutic acid O^o H20 Og. Less soluble than caprilic acid in boiling water, occurs in very minute quantities in milk fat. It is a solid, ^ white and crystalline. Arachadine and mynstine are present in butter fat but in too small quantities to be estimated. Milk sugar or lactose, C12 H22 O^i Hg O. As far as is known milk sugar is found only in human milk, that of the bitch and in all her- bivora or plant-eating animals, Specific gravity 1.53. It turns a ray of polarized light to the right, according to the fol- lowing authorities : Blythe,_58.2°. Fownes, 58.3° [a]. Biot, 60.28°. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol or in ether ; one part is soluble in six parts of cold and two and one-half parts of boiling water, and it is of course slightly soluble in ether or alcohol, which contain water, and is soluble in acetic acid. At 150° C. it loses one molecule of water without being decom- posed. The watery solution is neutral and has a sweet taste, but far less than cane sugar. It easily undergoes lactic acid fermentation as in the ordinary souring of milk, but undergoes alcoholic fermentation with diM- culty. It is precipitated by acetate of lead but not by the neutral acetate of lead. Potash, soda, ammonia and oxide of lead form with it compounds. Strong acids decompose it as do also oxydizing agents. It reduces the oxides of bismuth and silver, from their solutions and copper from an alkaline solution of that metal. Distilled with sulphuric acid it yields formic acid and with nitric acid, mucic, saccharic, tartaric, racimic and oxalic acids. By boiling milk sugar for three to four hours with four parts of water and two per cent of sulphuric acid, neutralizing with carbonate of lime and evaporating the liquid to a syrup, a different sugar is formed. This altered milk sugar is called galactose. It is dextro-rotatory 83.22 at 15° G. (60° Fahr.) and is fermentable, and with nitric acid twice as much mucic acid as milk sugar. Galactose has the formula, C12 Hg Og. The Albumenoids of Milk. These are usually classed under the head of casein and include casein, albumen, nuclein and galactine. Casein, when pure, is a white, brittle, transparent substance and exists in milk in combination with phosphate of soda, from which combination it may be precipitated by the addition of an acid, as when milk sours, the lactic acid formed causes the casein to sepa- rate. Casein may be considered to be an alkali albuminate. 54 [Senate It is precipitated by a ffreat variety of substances, as acetate of lead, sulphate of copper, cliloride and nitrate of mercury, the various acids, mineral and vegetable, except carbonic acid, which re-dissolves it in excess. None of these, however, precipitate it in a pure state, but together with fat, nuclein and phosphate of lime. A solution of casein free from fat and in combination with sulphate of mag- nesia in strong alkaline solution turns the ray — 91°, in a dilute — 87°. Rennet causes a precipitation of casein even in an alkaline solu- tion. Haramersten considers that the precipitation of casein by rennet is caused by the splitting up of the casein into two bodies, one of which is precipitated together with the fat, etc., and the other an a:l- bumenoid remaining in solution. This latter is not precipitated by boiling nor by acetic or nitric acid. Albumen, as it occurs in milk, is in no respect different from that found in blood. In the milk the amount of casein is usually five times that of the albumen. It is not precipitated by acetic, carbonic, phosphoric or tartaric acids. Mineral acids precipitate it. Nuclein. Nuclein (C29 H^g Ng P5 Ogo ) is found not only in milk but in blood, pus, yolk of eggs, yeast cells and in the liver cells. It is a white, amorphous substance, soluble in ammonia, soda and phosphate of soda. Nuclein is distinguished from other alburaenoids from the fact that it contains phosphorus. Milk, besides these, contains, or is supposed to contain, a variety of substances, which each discoverer calls by a new name, leading to endless confusion. Galactine is obtained by decomposing the lead salt by hydrogen sulphide. It is soluble in water and is a brittle, white, tasteless, no cr3'stalline mass. Laetochrorae (the coloring matter of butter) was discovered by Blythe. Kreatinine and urea are always present in minute quantities. The peculiar odor of milk may be separated out by shaking it with petroleum ether. (Blythe.) Blythe found that, when the gas existing in milk was pumped out by means of a suitable apparatus this gas consisted of Carbon dioxide 3.27 per cent. Nitrogen 77.60 per cent. Oxygen 19.13 per cent. Miik, when tested fresh from the cow, has a peculiar reaction, which is called the '' amphoroteric reaction," as it turns tumeric paper brown and litmus paper blue. Mineral Constituents. The investigation of these constituents has been fully made and I copy from Blythe the following, which may be considered as accurate: No. 27.] 55 Potassium oxide (Kg O) Sodium oxide (ISTag O) Calcium oxide (CAO) Ferric oxide (F2 O3) Magnesium oxide (Mg O) Phosphoric pent-oxide (P2 O5) also a minute quantity of sulphuric acid. The following table from Blythe gives the composition of milk (average). Olein 1.477 Stearin ) ^ ^^ Palmitin f ^"^^^ Milk fat Butjrin 0.270 V 3.50 Caproin ^ Caprvlin j^ 0.003 Rutin J Casein 3.98 Albumen < 0,77 Milk sugar ; 4.00 Galactine > 0.17 Lactochrome traces Bitter principle precipitated by tannin 0.01 Odorous principle traces Urea 0.0001 Kreatinine traces K2 O 0.1228 Na2 O 0.0868 CaO 0.1608 Ash ^ Peg O3 0.0005 \- 0.7 P2 O5 0.1922 CI 0.1146 Mg O 0.0243 Flurine. Traces. Sulphuric acid in combination 0,005 Water 86.87 Sulphocynates (?) Cream is that part which rises when milk is allowed to remain at rest for sometime. And in its composition is about the same as milk, except of course the per cent of fat is greater, and that it contains relatively a larger proportion of casein and albumen than milk. 66 [Senate The following table shows the result of analyses of cream : No. 1. No. 3. Water 50.02 65.75 Fat 41 . 81 26. 60 Sugar ; 2.80 2.00 Casein 5.06 4.21 Salts 0.31 0.44 No. 1 was cream carefully separated from the milk by letting the cream rise and drawing off the skimmed milk from underneath. No. 2 is the average of twenty analyses of commercial cream. An analysis of the cream and skimmed milk from the milk sepa- rator described below showed the following results : Cream. Skimmed milk. Water 52.21 90.34 Fat 41.16 0.15 Sugar 3.11 3.98 Casein 3.40 4.80 Salts 0.12 0.T8 Sp. gray 60° F. 0.9900 1.0338 The appearance of cream under the microscope is shown in Plate 1, Fig. 1. This is the cream l!To. 1. Analysis given above. A very ingenious method of separating the cream from the milk . is by means of the " milk separator," which consists of a rapidly re- volving vessel. The cream, having a less specific gravitj^ than that of the milk, approaches nearer the center of^ the revolving vessel, while the skimmed milk, having a greater specific gravity, tends to- ward the outside. Tubes or outlets are arranged for drawing off the cream, and skimmed milk, while whole milk is being run in, so that the action of the machine is continuous. BuTTEE-MlLK. The average composition of butter-milk is as follows : Water 90.50 Fat 1.30 Sugar 3.20 Casein 4.00 Lactic acid 35 Ash 65 As will be seen, it contains all of the constituents of milk, except a part of the sugar has been changed into lactic acid. Koumiss is fermented milk, and was first prepared by the Tartars from mares' milk. No. 27.] 57 Its preparation consists in adding fresh ■warm milk to sour milk to which a little sugar has been added. This is stirred from time to time, and at the end of a few hours the operation is completed. Dur- ing this time the following chemical changes take place. The sugar is partly changed into lactic acid, alcohol and carbonic acid, while peptones are produced from the albumenoids. The following analyses show the changes : Fleiscliman Fleischmau Wanklyn. Cows' milk. Mares' milk. Water 87.32 88.93 91.53 Fat 68 .85 1.27 Sugar 6.60 3.11 1.25 Lactic acid .79 1.01 Alcohol 1.00 2.65 1.85 Carbonic acid 90 1.03 .88 Casein 2.84 2.03 1.91 Ash 6Q .44 .29 It is claimed that koumiss is easily digested by persons with weak stomachs. If made from cows' milk, the milk should be previously skimmed. Ten parts of skimmed milk as fresh as possible are added to one part of sour milk and one-tenth part of sugar is then mixed with this and the mixture stirred from time to time, care being taken to keep it at a temperature of about 75° Fahr. for about four and a half hours. At the end of this time it may be bottled, and is ready for use. Percentage op Constituents in Average Milk. In order to detect the adulteration of milk by the addition of water or by the removal of cream, it becomes of great importance to de- termine whether the constituents of average milk vary between cer- tain limits, and what these limits are. The constituents vary, and more especially the fatty matter ac- cording to age, breed, time before or after calving, the quality of the food, condition of the animal, etc. But even taking into considera- tion these facts, we find that nature, in its endeavor to produce a healthy food for the young, will in a great measure overcome sur- roundings which are most antagonistic to the production of healthy normal milk. So much has been done to determine what the standard is, bdow which pure, healthy milk never falls, that we know now with absolute certainty that the variation in the constituents of average milk is between certain well-defined limits. The following tables, prepared from analyses of many investiga- tions, and, as will be seen, from a very large number of cows, and from all parts of the world, show most conclusively what the limit or standard of purity is : [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] 8 No. 27.] 59 The following table will show the result of the analyses of milk from herds in various sections of this State. All of the samples wei'e milked in the presence of an inspector and delivered to me in the same condition as when taken from the cow : No. of cows. Water. Fat. Casein and sugar. Salts. Solids not fat. Total solids. No. of in- spection and analysis. 40 87.47 3.39 8.57 0.67 9.34 13.53 D 1504 38 87.84 3.33 8.56 0.67 9.33 13.66 D 1513 10 86.98 3.63 8.73 0.68 9.40 13.03 B 3561 1 87.05 3 40 8.93 0.63 9.55 13.95 B 3536 37 87.03 3.80 8.48 0.69 9.17 13.97 D 1585 1 84.71 3.79 10.81 0.69 11.50 15.39 B 3690 10 86.85 3.58 8.89 0.68 9.57 13.15 B 3694 11 87.34 3.44 8.53 0.70 9.33 13.66 D 1595 37 86.97 3.33 8.90 0.80 9.70 13.03 D 1666 1 84.47 6.34 8.48 0.71. 9.39 15.53 B 3763 34 85.83 , , 4.80 8.66 0.73 9.38 14.18 B 3773 14 86.67 3.49 9.13 0.73 9.84 13.33 B 3788 30 86.38 4.45 8.56 0.71 9.37 13.63 E 5 30 83.10 8.31 8.80 0.79 9.59 17.90 D 1703 *31 86.19 4.64 8.40 0.77 9.17 13.81 C 1854 fSl 86.88 3.90 8.45 0.77 9.33 13.13 C 1855 * Morning's milk. t Evening's milk. If then we assume that in healthy normal cows' milk, there should be not more than 87.5 per cent of water, 3.2 per cent of fat, 9.3 per cent of solids, not fat, and 12.5 per cent of total solids, we are certainly well within the limits. Average Specific Gravity of Milk. This subject is of the greatest importance in connection with the inspection of milk, for having once determined this point, the detec- tion of the adulteration of milk with water can readily be made. The many tests made to determine this point show conclusively that the specific gravity of milk from healthy cows varies between certain well-defined limits. The following tables show the variations in the specific gravity of milk from single cows : No. 27.] 61 d o o o i _M "S a o o o a . to C3 (U O c «4H o i n3 0) o 6 " as CM O O |> 3 5^ a ^ ^ P < iz; H ;zi t-:i O yrs. 1884. per cent. A 975 Dutch. c. 4 2 April 4 114 13 976 H. Horn. c. 4 3 April 4 108 30 977 Largest. c. 7 5 April 6 103 18 978 Woman. c. 4 3 May 6 109 18 979 Coney. Half Aid. 8 6 April 5 105 30 980 Old Speck. Half Aid. 10 8 May 6 103 33 981 Boney. C. 6 4 May 7 113 16 983 Black. C. 6 4 May 6 113 16 . 983 Morley. Half Ayr. 5 3 May 4 111 16 984 Alderney. Alderney. 6 4 May 4 111 30 985 Heifer. C. a 1 May 3 113 SO 986 0. White: C. 4 3 April 5 113 16 987 F. White. C. 6 4 Feb. 4 111 SO 988 Ham den. c. 5 3 Jan. i 110 8 989 Holstein. Half Hoi. 4 3 April 3 113 35 990 Shoem. C. 7 5 March 6 110 35 991 Sp. Horn. c. 7 5 May 4 113 16 Average . . 110 19 Morning of August 12,1884; Liberty, Sullivan Co.; farm of Abel Gregory ; cows in herd, twenty-two ; treatment, kind ; hous- ing, good ; food, pasture. c o o CO o ^ to C3 o o a . es . 2 0) CM o d CM o a C3 13 ip o 6 " §1 a Iz; 'i^ m < iz; H ^ ^ O yrs. 1884. per cent A 993 Dutch. C. 4 3 April 4 114 9 993 H. Horn. c. 4 3 April 4 110 13 994 Largest. c. 7 5 April 6 105 30 995 Woman. c. 4 3 May 6 106 31 996 , Coney. Half Aid. 8 6 April 5 105 30 997 Old Speck. Half Aid. 10 8 May 6 104 30 998 Boney. c. 6 4 May 7 113 16 999 Black, c. 6 4 May 6 106 16 1000 Morley. Half Ayr. 5 3 May 4 108 13 1001 Alderney. Alderney. 6 4 May 4 114 36 1003 Heifer. c. 3 1 May 3 107 16 1003 O.White. C. 4 3 April 5 113 17 1004 . F. White. c. 6 4 Feb. 4 Wo 19 1005 Ham den. c. 5 3 Jan. i 10 1006 Holstein. Half Hoi. 4 3 April 3 no 18 1007 Shoem. C. 7 5 March 6 108 18 1008 Sp. Horn. C. 7 5 May 4 no 13 Average . . 109 17 62 [Senate Morning of December 3 ; Montgomery, Orange Co. ; farm of Moses R. Shafer, 250 acres ; cows in nerd, forty milkers and twenty- four strippers ; treatment, stabled and fed on feed named ; housing, cows kept in stable, nights; well out of yard and on elevation from the yard ; cow stables well ventilated, not crowded ; large yard well protected from north and west winds, attached to stables ; cattle look well ; food, ground corn middlings and hay. c o .2 o ^ en ^ to = & c ^ 0^ C3 a o o C . S, bfl 3 n o o 'T3 51-1 o ° '> '^6 O > s d s C3 0) a) d " C O d'So -.J 03 S5 P5 « <1 fe5 H Iz; -3 U yrs. 1884. B 2490 1 c. 11 8 13 days. 5 110 2491 2 c. 8 5 11 " 7 108 2492 3 c. 4 2 2 months. 6 112 2493 4 c. 9 7 2 G 110 2494 5 c. 7 4 5 4 116 2495 6 c. 7 5 3 5 108 2496 7 c. 7 5 2 8 102 2497 8 c. 8 6 3 4 . 104 2498 9 c. 5 2 3 6 112 2499 10 c. 5 3 5 4 110 2500 11 c. 8 6 3 6 114 2501 ■12 0. 7 6 3 4 108 2503 13 0. 3 1 4 3 104 2503 14 c. 5 2 2 5 110 Average. . . . 110 No. 2Y.] 63 Evening of December 3 ; Montgomery, Orange Co ; farm of Moses R. Shafer, 250 acres; cows in herd, forty milkers and twenty-four strippers ; treatment, stabled and fed on feed named ; housing, cows kept in stables, nights ; food, ground corn middlings and hay. c o o to o o i a .■■ "to o -S bb a CM o o B 13 o o 60 d " =1-1 a o > i •^ ^ m ■< ^ H |2i h^ o JTS. 1884. per cent. B 2504 1 C. 11 8 13 days. 5 110 13 2505 2 c. 8 5 11 " 5 108 14 2506 3 c. 4 2 2 months. 4 110 16 2507 4 c. 9 7 2 4 110 16 2508 5 c. 7 4 5 4 114 20 2509 6 c. 7 5 3 4 110 16 2510 7 c. 7 5 2 4 102 10 2511 8 c. 8 6 3 3 104 12 2512 9 c. 5 2 3 3 112 14 2513 10 c. 5 3 5 3 108 12 2514 11 c. ' 8 6 3 5 112 16 2515 12 c. 7 5 3 3 108 10 2516 13 c. 3 1 4 2 104 24 2517 14 c. 5 2 2 5 110 16 Average .... •• •• 109 15 Morning of December 3, 1884 ; Montgomery, Orange Co. ; farm of John B. Mould, 102 acres ; cows in herd, twenty-one milkers and twelve strippers ; treatment, fed twice a day on feed named ; hous- ing, cows kept in stables, nights ; well on elevation on the upper side of barn-yard ; cows get water from this well ; stables large and well ventilated ; barn-yard fronting east and south, well protected from north and west winds ; cattle in fine order ; mostly bred on the farm ; food, sprouts eight quarts and middlings three quarts and hay. O o CO m "c3 o fe 01 C3 o S . ■2 bb a CM O d O a o o •■CO -SI d " «iH a as o > 1^ 3 0) S2i IZi m a a 0) •r. o a . 3 n 4-1 o ■-S "C «4H G <^ r^ o a a) o o J- O " 6S O s- s ^ a "^ IZh M < ^ H ^ ^ Q yrs. 1884. per cent. B 2524 Li 11. c. 9 7 6 weeks. 8 106 14 2525 Nell. c. 4 2 1 month. 4 110 14 2526 Susie. c. 7 5 2 months. 10 104 8 2527 Mary. c. 7 5 2 7 102 6 2528 Dollie. c. 6 4 5 6 114 16 2529 Mollie. c. 6 4 2 6 114 16 Average .... 108 13 December 4 ; Hamptonburgh, Orange Co. ; farm of Samuel W. Eager, 200 acres ; cows in herd, forty-five milkers and thirty strip- pers ; treatment, cows are fed twice a day of the feed stated ; hous- ing, stabled nights and fed on hay ; underground stables, large and well ventilated ; well in stables, not been used in five years ; cows get water from running brook five hundred yards from stables; large yard adjoining stables fronting south and east; cattle look well ; food, corn cobs, meal and grains. 5 o CO o o o o O o s . 3 o a a c o o -« o ^^ °| c > 1-5 a a C3 a o be c " as 6 ^ C3 ^ 9 25 /^ pa <3 ^ H S5 -5 6 yrs. 1884. per cent B 2530 1 C. 8 5 8 months. 10 118 16 2531 2 C. 6 4 6 weeks. 8 ,108 14 2582 3 c. 7 4 3 months. 5 110 18 2533 4 c. 10 7 4 6 110 16 2534 5 c. 7 5 3 7 108 14 2535 6 Hoi. 7 5 5 4 120 22 2536 7 C. 8 5 3 9 112 31 2537 8 C. 3 1 4 4 116 14 2538 9 C. 7 6 3 5 110 14 2539 10 C. 8 6 3 6 112 14 2540 11 C. 7 5 3 5 112 16 Average .... 113 17 No. 27.] 65 December 5 ; Montgomeiy, Orange Co. ; farm of Robert A. Fisher, seventy-six acres; cows in herd, twelve milkers and seven strippers ; treatment, fed twice a day on feed named ; housing, stabled nights and bad weather; Lucy of Lee, cost $250; Hatty French, cost $275 ; Young Rosett, cost $400 ; large, roomy stalls, well ventilated ; cattle in very fine order, look healthy ; food, corn on cobs, oats ground, cotton seed meal. d o o CO % ^ rn -J2 "cS eu o o o D ■ a . a . cS aj o d o i =4-1 ■13 •« d " =4-1 a ag =4-1 OJ O t- -*^ TO O rv. a i^; ^ pq < ^ H !z; J . o yrs 1884. per cent. B 2541 Lucy of Lee. Aid. 6 4 6 months. 8 118 20 2542 Hatty French. Aid. 3 2 4 4 no 22 2543 Young Rosett. Aid. 8 2 7 6 113 28 2544 Alphenia Aid. 6 4 8 4 106 42 Average 113 28 December 6 ; Montgomery, Orange Co. ; farm of Thomas "Wait, 245 acres ; cows in herd, fifty-six strippers and forty-one milkers ; treatment, fed twice a day on feed stated ; housing, stabled nights and cold and wet days ; has cows that have been fed grains for fif- teen years and are healthy now ; stables partly underground, well ventilated ; cattle get water from spring outside of barn-yard; cattle look well and appear healthy ; food, middlings and grains. o O CO a ^' 42 * "e3 P4 o o a . lU =4-4 O d =4-4 O a> 1 "d 2 =4-1 o 5P d " =4-1 P a S =4H

a a) a; o t> o II s ai 01 *5 !^ 03 < >?; H t^; ^ O vrs. 1884. per cent. B 2560 Dasie. Aid. 4 3 7 mouths. 5 114 33 December 9, 1884:; Hamptonburgh, Orange Co. ; farm of R. J. McYoy, 219 acres ; cows in herd, forty -three milkers and thirty-nine etrippers ; treatment, fed on hay and feed named ; housing, stabled nights and rainy days ; large, airy stables underground ; no well in stables or yard; cows yonng, large, iine condition ; food, grains and corn ground, four quarts grain and three quarts meal. d _o o Br a <4-l o d o o CM o a a o o «M o n < D s . d " 03 a S ■J} CM a^ o > o'Sb Lactometer at 60° Fahr. a yrs. 1884. per cent. B 2563 1 c. 5 3 2 months. s 114 14 2563 3 c. 6 4 20 days. 10 113 33 3564 3 c. 11 9 1 month. 8 118 18 2565 4 c. 5 3 3 6 110 18 • 2566 5 c. 5 3 1 10 104 33 3567 6 c. 6 4 2 8 110 30 2568 7 c. 5 3 3 6 110 14 3569 8 c. 5 3 3 9 108 16 2570 9 c. 6 4 1 9 113 14 2571 10 c. 6 4 2 6 110 33 2572 11 c. 6 3 1 10 113 13 2573 13 Aysh. 3 2 3 " 8 108 14 2574 13 C. 3 3 3 5 114 14 2575 14 c. 6 4 3 7 116 18 2576 15 Dutch. 8 5 5 7 106 30 2577 16 C. 3 1 3 5 108 14 2578 17 C. 8 5 3 7 110 10 2579 18 C. 8 6 1 6 114 16 2580 19 C. 10 7 1 5 118 14 2581 20 C. 6 4 3 7 110 10 2582 21 C. 9 7 3 6 108 24 2583 32 C. 8 3 4 110 20 Average . . 110 15 No. 27.] 67 December 10, 1884 ; Crawford, Orange Co. ; farm of John Mc- Kornachan, llO^cres ; cows in herd, seventeen milkers and twelve strippers; treatment, fed on hay and corn fodder; housing, stabled nights and rainy days ; good buildings on gentle slope ; well under barn not affected by drainage from yard ; cows in good condition and look healthy; stable above ground; food, wheat, bran and mid- dlings, ten quarts per day. ^ 3 o CO ft o o a . c3 O d en O XI o o be 11 d'So a ^ ^ W <; ^ H ^ tJ O yrs. 1884. per cent. B 2585 1 c. 10 7 1 montli. 6 110 20 2586 2 c. 7 5 3 3 108 18 2587 3 c. 12 9 2 6 102 14 2588 4 c. 6 4 4 3 104 22 2589 5 c. 5 3 2 5 106 20 2590 6 c. 4 2 2 4 110 18 2591 7 c. 12 4 3 4 104 20 2592 8 c. 9 6 U " 6 102 16 2593 9 c. 6 6 U " 5 104 14 Average . . 106 18 December 13, 1884 ; Montgomery, Orange Co. ; farm of S. J. Morris, ninety acres ; cows in herd, twenty milkers and eight strip- pers; treatment, fed on hay and feed named; housing, stabled nights and rainy days ; good stables, well ventilated ; stables above ground ; yard adjoining stables well protected from north and west winds ; well out of cow-yard ; cattle look well and healthy ; food, wheat, cotton seed meal. b o o o i m - 03 a, m o o a . m •-' bo 0) .9 o •d o o =w a o > i d a o3 05 . o3 O « a § c ^ ^^ iz; ^ m <1 ^ ^ ^ a O yrs. 1884. per cent. B 2688 1 c. 8 6 1 montli. 8 114 12 2689 2 c. 8 5 3 4 118 14 2690 3 c. 6 4 3 5 128 20 2691 4 c. 7 5 3 6 110 22 2692 5 c. 5 3 3 5 116 24 2693 6 c. 7 4 2 5 114 22 Av. 2694 114 20 68 [Senate December 16, 1884 ; Montgomery, Orange county ; farm of Abner Bookstaver, 180 acres ; cows in herd, twenty milkers, fifteen strip- pers ; treatment, fed on hay and feed named ; housing, stabled nights and rainy days ; stables above ground, well ventilated ; water brought to yard by M'ind-mill ; cattle look well ; food, grains and corn meal ground. d .2 > '3 it 8 o 02 a . U ■ ^ 03 ♦J O «t-i o d o i t3 1 o be o « "0 a. a 6 'So a si 2i ^ Iz; w -< ^ E^ ^ e-5 --J yrs. 185 4. per cent. B 2695 Sleepy Beet. c. 12 2 mo nths. 7 108 12 2696 Bodine. c. 11 7 ' 5 114 16 2697 Wooley. c. 11 5 ' 5 112 14 2698 Cherry. c. 5 4 ' 6 114 • 22 2699 0. Brindle. c. 8 2 ' 6 116 12 2700 Spud. c. 6 '4 4 • '5 120 20 2701 0. Black. c. 8 1 • 8 110 10 2702 N. Brindle. c. 5 1 ' 6 110 14 2703 Spot. c. 9 4 ' 4 112 10 2704 G. Black. c. 5 2 ' 5 116 14 2705 Wide Horn, c. 7 3 ' 5 118 16 2706 Browne. c. 5 5 ' 6 110 22 2707 ?Red Heifer. c. 5 5 • 4 108 18 2708 "White. c. 6 2 ' 4 114 18 2709 Spotted. c. 4 3 ' 5 116 14 2710 Sue. c. 7 3 ' 4 112 16 2711 Blue. c. 10 4 ' 4 112 16 Av. 2712 113 18 No. 27.] 69 December 17,1884 ; Montgomery, Orange county ; farm of W. E. Hasbrouck, 300 acres ; cows in herd, forty milkers, twenty-one strip- pers; treatment, fed on corn stalks, on feed named ; housing, stabled nights and rainy days ; stables above ground ; no well in yard ; cattle look fair ; food, corn, ground, bran and grain. d .2 0^ ^ 03 -s m ^ o i g . f5 a • rH o s a 3 =^d "S O 1 -o o -si > a u B 6 bo c-S a g o'S) ^ ^ m <1 yrs. ^ e3 ^2; iJ 1884. per cent. B 2713 Yellow. c. 4 2 3 months. 4 112 16 2714 White Face. H. 4 2 4 " 4 110 14 2715 Olley. C. 12 5 " 3 110 16 2716 'P^ggJ- c. 9 6 1 " 7 112 26 2717 Blind. c. 12 4 " 3 104 10 2718 Reed. c. 6 '4 4 " 4 112 8 2719 Bates. c. 8 5 5 " 4 120 26 2720 Topsy. c. 5 3 2 " 5 110 12 2721 Boss. c. 6 3 1 " 5 104 12 2732 Baby. c. 5 3 2 " 6 106 14 2723 Betsy. c. 12 1 " - 6 108 12 2724 Brindle. c. 9 6 2 " 6 110 8 2725 Sarali B, c. 4 2 2 '• 5 112 12 2726 Dine. c. 11 8 3 " 5 106 10 2727 Dolly. c. 7 5 2 " 5 114 14 2728 White. c. 8 6 2 " 6 104 8 2729 Lucy. c. 4 2 2 " 3 106 8 2730 Sally. c. 7 5 3 " 4 114 12 2731 Rosie. c. 9 6 3 " 4 110 16 2732 Susie. c. 5 3 2 " 3 108 14 Av. 2733 108 16 Ko. 27. n December 19, 1884; Montgomery, Orange Co.; farm, John I. Yan Kensen, 107 acres ; cows in lierd, twentj'-four milkers, nine- teen strippers ; treatment, fed on liaj and feed named ; liousing, stabled nights and cold weather ; stables above ground, large and well ventilated ; no well in yard, cattle get water from spring in adjoining lot ; cattle look well ; food, cotton seed, meal and wheat bran. o • r-l o O i tn ^ ft o o o ® a m a O d b CO O 03 o • ^ ■ o a . m u 3 •S o d o a 03 03 o o O « o a.s 1^ i ^ » m <1 ^ Eh iz; 1^ Q yrs. 1884. per cent. C 1866 Lucy. N. 5 3 Oct. 8 110 13 1867 Betsey. N. 11 8 Oct. 7 112 14 1868 Nancy. N. .6 4 Oct. 5 109 11 1869 Alderney. A. 8 6 May. 3 120 23 1870 Loombs. N. 9 7 Oct. 6 119 21 1871 Mate. N. 11 9 - June. 4 120 22 1872 Hurlbert, N. 7 5 Nov. 7 120 28 1873 Meg. N. 10 8 June. 4 114 17 1874 Pease. N. 5 3 Nov. 7 113 13 1875 Fau. N. 5 3 Oct. 7 116 18 1876 Star. N. 5 3 Oct. 7 113 14 1877 Spot. N. 10 7 Oct. 9 119 22 1878 Maud. N. 7 5 Oct. 6 110 12 1879 Spec. N. 8 6 Oct. 5 108 11 1880 Lily. N. 8 6 Oct. C 114 12 1881 Nell. N. 6 4 Oct. 7 116 17 1882 White. N. 8 6 Oct. 5 112 10 1883 Average Mo Average Ev rning's Milk . 117 21 1884 ening's Milk. 113 17 A. Shaw has kept an average of thirty-five cows for twenty years, and has had only two abort in that time. [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] 10 74 [Senate Afternoon of December 2, 1884 ; New Windsor; farm of James W. Morrison, Glensmcre; cows in lierd, forty ; treatment, curried once and fed three times per day ; liousing, stabled ; food, wheat, bran, meal and hay. a o o o o ^ OQ * m "S o u o a . an eS . a t-l (O O d O 0) i 0) O be O " ^ a g 6 So a ^ !5 « !l "4-1 a> O > ® . II a d 1 05 bD . c3 o u a g 6 tu CI S-l ^ ^ m <, ^ H f5 v^ O yrs. 1884. per cent. D 1505 Jennie. C. 10 8 March 8 104 13 1506 Stierre. G. D. 6 4 June 8 100 13 1507 Cherry. C. 6 4 Aug. 5 112 14 1508 Deer. C. 7 5 Sept. 1883. 3 112 1509 Reck. c. 10 8 Feb. 4 113 12 1510 Brindle. C. 9 7 July 8 108 1511 White. G. H. G. 6 4 Sept. 10 106 14 1512 Pet. C. 7 5 April 6 101 14 1513 Av 106 14 No. 27.] 75 Evening of December 11, 1884; WaJkill: farm of S. M. Slaugh- ter ; cows in herd, twenty-seven ; treatment, ordinarj^ ; housing, stabled : food, cotton seed meal and hay. o o 8 &■ . -4J TO a ^ ^ m < ^ tH |Z5 iJ o yrs. 1884. per cent. D 1576 No. 1. Aysli. 5 3 April 8 112 18 1577 Lidy. Aysh. 4 2 Oct. 7 102 20 1578 No. 2. Aysh. 4 2 Marcli 8 104 22 1579 Mat. Aysb. 6 4 May 8 100 12 1580 Sally. Aysli. 5 3 July 9 104 32 1581 Strawb'y. Aysli. 6 4 Aug. 8 106 18 , 1582 Sliort. 0. G. 8 6 Oct. 12 102 20 1583 Sue. 0. G. 8 5 Sept. 8 110 1584 Jane. C. 10 8 Sept. 10 111 14 1585 Av. 104 13 Evening of December 13, 1884 ; Hamptonburgh ; farm of Frank Slaughter ; cows in herd, eleven ; treatment, ordinary ; housing, stabled ; food, bran and corn meal. a o o o o ^ to += m ^ P^ 8 ^ 03 a . m c3 . g 03 o ■-* &D S .1-1 o ^3 o «H 03 ® . a d y 03 03 03 bD dS a g 6 bD 1^ ^ ^ eq (^ P - LQ go 30 « _ SO eo 70 80 90 foa lit} laro Fig.a Gravity. 1.00000 1 1.00029 2 1.00058 3 1.00087 4 1.00116 5 1. 00145 6 1.00174 '^ 1.00203 8 1.00232 9 1.00261 10 1.00290 11 1.00319 12 1 00348 13 1.00377 14 1.00406 15 . 1.00435 16... 1.00464 17 1.00493 18 1.00522 19 1.00551 20 1.005'80 21 1.00609 22 1.00638 23 1.00667 24 1.00696 25 _... 1.00725 26 1.00754 27 1.00783 28 1.00812 29 1.00841 30 1.00870 31 1.00899 32 1.00928 33 1.00957 34 1.00986 35 1.01015 36; 1.01044 37 1.01073 38 1.01102 1.0113J 1.01160 '. 1.01189 1.01218 1.01247 1.01276 1.01305 46 1.01334 100 [Senate 47 1.01363 48 1.01392 49 1.01421 50 1.01450 51 1.01479 52 1.01508 53 * 1.01537 54 1.01566 55 1.01595 56 1.01624 57 1.01653 58 1.01682 59 1.01711 60 1.01740 61 1.01769 62 1.01798 63 1.01827 64 1.01856 65....... 1.01885 66 1.01914 67 1.01943 68 1.01972 69 1.02001 70 1.02030 71 1.02059 72 1.02088 73 1.02117 74 1.02146 75 1.02175 76 1 . 02204 77 1.02233 78 - 1.02262 79 1.02291 80 1.02320 81 1.02349 82 1.02378 83 1.02407 84 1.02436 85 1.02465 86 1.02494 87 1.02523 88 1.02552 89 1.02581 90 1.02619 91 1.02630 92 1.02668 93 1.02697 94 1.02726 95 1.02755 96 1.02784 97... 1.02813 98 1.02842 99 1.02871 100 1.02900 101 1.02929 102 ■. .. 1.02958 103 1.02987 104.. 1.03016 105 1.03045 106..: 1.03071: 107 1.03103 108 1.03132 109 ' 1.03161 110 1.03190 111 1.03219 112 1.03248 113 1.03277 114 1.03306 115 1.03335 116 1.03364 117 1.03393 118 1.03422 119 1.03451 120 1.03480 A modification of the lactometer by combining with it a ther- mometer has been used. But Mr. W. G. Spence, one of the ex- perts of this Commission, devised a more durable one, the whole instrument being made stronger. This style of Tactometer, called a Lacto-thermometer, is shown in the diagram below, fig. 9, and is more convenient than the ordinary lactometer. Its 100 mark indicates a specific gravity of 1.029. The Hallymetee, Relchelt (Bayr. Kunst. Gewerbe bl., 1859, p. 602) employs. Fuchs' Hallymeter, fig. 10, arranged for four determinations, to ascer- No. 27.] 101 JO m tain the quantity of water in the milk. The hall jmeter consists of a glass tube closed at one end. In the middle this tube is suddenly nar- rowed so that it consists of an iij^per enlarged portion and a lower nar- rowed portion. The lower portion is intended as a receptacle for salt, and is so graduated that the weight of che finely pulverized salt it contains can readily be read off. A weighed quan- tity of milk is then added to a known quantity of salt, repeatedly shaken at a temperature of 32°-36° C. The milk and salt are then poured into the hallymeter. An excess of salt hav- ing been used, the quantity which re- mains undissolved can be read oif, and thus the quantity dissolved is de- Ua| termined. It being known that 100 pints of water will dissolve 36 pints of common fine salt, the percentage of water in the milk is calculated. Zenneck's Hy drol actometer Fi^^ ID. consists of two graduated bottles, and a funnel fitted with a filter paper. A definite quantity of milk is put into the first bottle, coagulated while warm with a little hydrochloric acid and filtered into the second bottle. It" being known how much serum (should be contained in the quantity of milk taken, it an easy matter to deter- mine whether the sample has been adulterated by the addition of water. 3. The Deteemination of Total Solids. B runner (MitthL der Naturf. Gesells, in" Bern, 18o7, No. 401, p. 129) suggests that a weighed quan- tity of milk be put into a tube filled with i3umice and evaporated in a current of dry air over a water bath. He thus obtains the quantity of total solids Fid 9 trom which the fat may be extracted by means of ether. F . S c h u 1 z e recommends for the determination ot total solids to take 0.4 to 0.5 grams milk weighed in a platinum dish. The dish with the milk is moved back and forth over an open flame until the water ^^^^^b^e.n driven off and the residue colored yellow. This is cooled E. Monier estimates casein and albumen in milk by titrating witha standardized solution of permanganate of potash. If casein 102 [Senate is to be determined separately, a second quantity of milk is coagu- lated at 40° C witli acetic acid, and the albumen is determined in tlie liltrate, and deducted from the sum previously found. (Comp. rend., 1858, XLYI, p. 236.) Determination of Milk Sugar. The determination of milk sugar by optical methods. The prin- ci[)le of these methods consists in obtaining the clear serum which shall contain the sugar of a weighed quantity of milk. The sugar is then determined in an aliquot part of the serum, and from this, the quantity present in the original milk. Yarious kinds of apparatus are in use ; the polariscope of Biot or of Soleil, Dubosque-Soleil, Soleil-Ventzke, and the polaristrobome- ter of Wilde. If a sugar solution be placed in the tube between the two prisms, it deviates the plane of the polarized ray of light, and by measur- ing the extent of this deviation the amount of sugar in the solution can be calculated, taking 59.3° as the specific rotation of milk sugar. The determination of milk sugar by titration with Fehling's solu- tion. The clear serum containing all the milk sugar is obtained by boiling, coagulating with acetic acid and filtering. This is then added from a burette to a known quantity of boiling Fehling's solu- tion, until the cupric oxide of the latter has been reduced to cuprous oxide. From the quantity of serum required to effect this reduc- tion, the percentage of milk sugar in the original milk is estimated. The copper reducing power of milk sugar is 70.5, that of dextrose being 100 ; hence the results obtained as dextrose must be multi]3lied by ^ to be converted into per cent of milk sugar. Von Baumhauer has constructed an apparatus to determine the percentage of total solids, fat and milk sugar, in twenty or more samples at once. An experienced chemist can use it successfully. The following is a description of bis apparatus and his method : A filter paper 10-12 c. m. in diameter is fitted into a ring of earthenware R, and filled with sand, filter paper and sand having been thoroughly cleansed with hydro-chloric acid and dried ; 10 c. c. of milk are then added and weighed by placing the filter on a small liffht beaker, the bottom of which has been cut o& as shown in the diagram. When the desirable number of such filters has been prepared and the milk added, they arc hung on a copper perforated plate. No. 27.] 103 Fig. II. denses and is collecte'd wMIp fL f •' ^ ^^/''^ *^® ^^^^^ con- aspirator. AnothS tube ^alf I .^^' '' ^.^^^"^"^ *° ^ P«™^f^^l throngh the Zaffine an/r .^f ™^ ^^e walls of the bath of tht operaloTthe'othi.Tnd'of?h-^^ at the close apparatus containing sulnhnX. •/ f ^'^^ is connected with an ah- entering the S ^ '"'"^ '"^'^'"^ ^'^^^^^^^ *« ^^j the ti. "sr K!::^ir^^^ ^jd^!^:j^r ^^r ^^^-^^^^ water is condensed in the bottle T^ f^ •^^•'^^''' ^^^^ ^« ^"J the bath, the tempera nrellLd^o 10^^^^^^^ point for four to five hours Thl%t A^"^ maintained at that The loss in weight renX^f « /i '' T *>^° ^^^^^^ ''^"^ weighed, milk. , To dltefmineThf fn l^f 'S?"'^ ^^ ^"^^^' contained in the shown in & 12 ?he stpf. of 1 -^^'I' ''^' P^"^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^1. a« _;" ^ ■^''' *^^ '*^^^ ^f wi"ch has a rubber joint, so that it Fit- 'S, rarnea to the bath to he thoroughly dried. The loss in weight of 104 [Senate the filter, or the increase in weight of the flask, after the ether has been expelled, represents the amount of fat extracted. The filter is then washed with hot water, which dissolves out the milk sugar, and which can be determined in the solution bj means of Folding's re-agent. S o X h 1 e t ■ s extraction apparatus for d er t e r m i n- i n g the amount o f m i 1 k fat. This process is based on the fact that if a measured quantity of milk made slightly alkaline by caustic potash be shaken up with ether the ether extracts the milk fat, and on standing collects in a clear layer. The small, quite con- stant ]>roportion of ether remains in solution in the milk, and witli- out affecting the result. The amount of fat dissolved in the ether may be determined by the specific gravity of the ether. The higher the specific gravity the greater tlie proportion of milk fat. The details of Soxhlet's method can be found in the Zeitschr. der Landro. Yer., Bayern, 1880. Blyth recommends the following method, which he says is suffi- ciently accurate for all technical purposes. He shakes up the milk, made very alkaline by soda, in a graduated tube. lie then takes an aliquot part of tlie ether, evaporates to dryness and thus estimates : J. West Knight's extractor. Fig. 13, consists of an ordinary flask A, connected by means of a cork w-ith the tube of an upright con- denser. B is a percolator made by cutting off the bottom of a convenient sized test tube, and blowing a hole in the side 1-^ m. m. from the top, and is attached to the condenser tube inside the flask. The bot- tom of the percolator is tied over with a p)iece of fine cambric. The substance from which the fat is to be extracted is put in and covered with a piece of filter paper and lastly with a perforated metal disc about 2 m. m. thick. Ether is then put in- to the flask and boiled, its vapor escapes by the aperture b of the contlenser tube, and after condensation it falls into the percolator b, percolates through the sub- stance back into the flask to be again evap- oiated. The process is thus a continuous one. The fat remains in the flask and can be weighed after expelling the ether. Michael son determines the water by weighing out 5 grms. in a platinum dish, adding 30 grms. of pearl sand and evapo- rating it, with occasional stirring, over a pjg 13 brine bath. The last traces of moisture are driven off in an air bath. The loss in weight represents water, the residue the total solid. Ko. 27.] 105 The sand is then transferred to a glass tnbeb, Fig. 14, closed below , by means of a plug of cotton. The dish is wiped out with cotton soaked with ether and laid on top of the sand. The tube is then corked and the neck of the retort inserted. The retort is filled half with ether, set in warm water, and the ether, distilling over, percolates through the sand partly as vapor, partly liquid, and dissolves out the fat, which solution collects in the flask below. The ethe- real solution is then put into the retort, the ether distilled off and is again caught in the flask. This is repeated as long as the ether dissolves any fat out of the sand. The fat is then transferred from the retort into a weighed beaker, the ether expelled, the- fat dried in an air bath and weighed. i . • -n All of the best methods and instruments employed mtestmg millf have been given, and the question now arises, which one placed m unscientific hands will give the most reliable results. The dairyman who desu-es to increase Ms trade, to improve it and to conduct it on rational principles must study the quality of milk produced by his cows. He must, therefore, have means of ascertaining without a knowledge of chemical analysis whether the milk of each separate cow is watery or whether it contains a large amount of solids, and whether it v^ill yield him a large or small amount of cream. He is, therefore, more particularly interested in the relative quality of the milk produced by his cows than in a knowledge of the chemical composition of each sample. These requirements can easily be ful- filled, and though the means are far from being perfect, still they are, in their preseiit condition, capable of rendering excellent ser- vices. For ordinary testing on the farm the following method may be recommended : j j • First use the lactometer in the manner previously stated, and m using the cream gauge, either fill it with milk warm from the cow and place it into water at a temperature of 40° Fahr., or in testing cold milk, fill the cream gauge half with water at a temperature of 80 Fahr., then fill with milk to the zero mark, and place in water at a temperature of 40° Fahr. All the cream will usually rise in three- quarters of an hour. In the latter case the amount of cream indicated must be multiplied by two. Or a drop or two of caustic potash can be added to the milk which is heated to a temperature of 80 Fahr. poured into the cream gauge, which is then placed into water at a temperature of 40° Fahr. Cream usually rises in this case m about three-quarters of an hour. [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] 14 106 [Senate The aniouiit of cream may also be obtained by the apparatus shown in the following- diagram. Fig. 15. This consists merely of a wheel about two feet in diameter, connected with a smaller one two in- ches in diameter. These two wheels are fastened to the frame as shown in the diagram ; from the lower part of the small wheel, four or more hooks project. Fi'om these hooks are sus- pended little sheaths of metal in which the cream gauges are placed. Aronnd this small wheel or hub is placed a stout iron band of such a diameter as to allow the. iron sheaths containing the gauges to revolve horizontally without touching it. This is merely to prevent accidents in case the hoops should break. A little water is placed into each of the sheaths and the cream gauges filled with milk are set into them. The water acts as a cushion and prevents breaking of the gauges. The sheaths are now hung on the hooks and the large wheel is rapidly turned. This causes the sheaths containing the gauges to revolve with great rapidity in the position indicated 1)y the dotted lines on the diagram. They are kept revolvino; for about ten minutes, when the machine is allowed to come to rest of its own accord. The sheaths gradually assume their original up- right position. The cream gauges are then taken out, and the amount of cream is read off. lA F« D Methods of Analysis. The use of sand, finely powdered A. marble, plaster of Paris, etc., seems to be characteristic of the methods employed by European analysts. This is done to hasten the evapo- ration of the water and to facilitate the extraction of the fat by means of ether. For the latter purpose, an extraction apparatus of one form or another is employed. Soxhlet's extraction apparatus and some of its numerous modifications are very popular. Twenty grms. of milk are weighed out in a platinum dish, eight grms. pulverized marble added, and set on a water bath and evapo- rated to dryness. Thus the larger part of the water is driven off at a temperature below that at which the albumen will coagulate. In order to prevent the milk adhering to the sides of the dish, a small No. 27.] 107 glass rod is used to remove it as it gathers there. As the mass be- comes pasty, it must be continuallj stirred with the rod until per- fectly dry, and all the lumps are reduced to hue powder. The dish is then placed in an air bath for a short time to drive off the last traces of moisture. It is then cooled and weighed. The loss repre- sents the amount of water. The powder is now transferred to a glass tube about 80 c. m. long, and 1.5 c. m. in width, drawn out to a point below and pluo-ged with a little cotton. Fig. 16. Ether is poured ^ into the tube, which is tlien capped with a glass ves- sel as shown in the diagram at b. To the lower end a flask is attached, which serves to catch the ether as it runs through the tube. The upper vessel b is then filled two-thirds with ether, corked, and the ap- paratus put in a warm place. In the cork d an open- ing is made, through which air and vapor of ether can escape. When all the ether has run through, the vessel is refilled one-fourth with ether, and this is repeated four .times, or until the ether, which runs through, leaves no residue on evaporation. The flask containing the fat in solution is now detached, the ether distilled off and the flask placed in an air bath to remove the last traces of water and ether. The fat remaining is then cooled in a dessicator and weighed. Casein is determined in 25 grms. of milk, diluted to eleven times its volume, and coagulated with acetic acid. The coaigulum is transferred to a weighed filter, washed twice with water, and then with ether. In this manner the coagulum is made more firm, and can easily be transferred to a flask to be treated with ether until all the fat has been extracted. The casein free from fat, is now re- turned to the weighed filter, dried, placed between two watch glasses held together with a stout clamp and weighed. Alhimen — The filtrate from the 25 grms. of coagulated milk is heated to boiling, the albumen separates out and is brought on a filter of known weight, dried, cooled and weighed. Milk Sugar — This is determined in the filtrate from the albumen obtained in the previous operation. This is diluted to 500 e. c. Ten c. c. of Fehling's solution are mixed with 40 c. c. of water in a porce- am dish, boiled, and the solution of milk sugar added from a burette until all the copper has been reduced. I'his determination should be made in duplicate. The quantity of solution required to ettect this reduction is noted, and from it the amount of su^ar can be calculated. Fig.IB. It is then 108 [Senate Fi^J7. Total Solids are determined by means of a Liebig's drying tube. Fig. 17. This tube is iialf lilled witli clean dry sand and weiglied, 5 grms. of milk are then added, and the tube placed in a distilled water bath as shown in the diagram. The narrow tube A is connected by means of a piece of rubber tubing with an ap])ar- atus for generating hydrogen. After two houi's, when most of the water of the milk will be evaporated, the larger end B is connected with a safety tube to prevent any steam, coming from the bath, from condensing in the di-ying apparatus. This is continued for two hours longer, when the drying tube is detached and weighed. It is .then replaced in the bath for another liour, when it is again M'eighed. When the decrease in weight does not exceed one m. g. the operation is considered complete. Ash., 25 grms., with the addition of a few drops of acetic acid, are evaporated to dryness in a platinum dish over a water bath. A flame is then put under the dish, the contents thoroughly charred, and then repeatedly boiled with water, which is decanted and saved. The residue is then burned white. The water solution is now gradually added little by little and evaporated. The final total resi- due IS then gently heated to redness, cooled and weighed. Nitrogen detepinination — This determination is only made tc) check against the casein and albumen determinations. For this purpose 25 grms. of milk and a little oxalic acid are put into an evaporating thin glass dish and evaporated to dryness on a water bath. When dry, the dish with its contents are put into a mortar and thoroughly ground. The powder is then thoroughly mixed with soda lime and transferred to a combustion tube. The tube is then placed into a combustion furnace and connected with a bulbed tube containing hydrochloric acid. The tube is heated until no more bubbles enter the bulbs. The end of the tube is then broken off and air is drawn through to gain the last traces of ammonia. The bulbed tube is then disconnected and the ammonium chloride which it now contains determined by means of platinic chloride. Rittuausen's Method. Weigh out 10 or 20 c. c. of milk, dilute to twenty times its origi- nal volume, and add to it 4.5 or 9 c. c. of acetate or of sulphate of copper. The acetate should contain 50 grms. of the salt per pound, the sulphate 63.5 gnns. per pound. Immediately after the addition of copper just enough caustic alkali is added to decompose the copper No. 2r.J 109 salt, but must not be added in excess, for this woiald dissolve the precipitated casein-copper. The clear fluid is now decanted, the precipitate of copper, protein substances aud fat thoroughly washed with water and brought upon a filter. The filtrate and washings contain all the milk sugar, which may be determined with Fehling's solution. The precipitate is brqken np with a platinum spatula and washed with absolute alcohol and then with ether, nntil all the fat has been removed. The last traces of ether are then removed with alcohol and the residue dried over sulphuric acid. The ethereal solution is distilled, the fat residue dried and weighed. The copper, etc., residue is weighed, heated to 125° for one to two hours and then to redness, whereby the albumen is buraed off and the amount determined on weighing the residue. Water and total solids are determined in the usual manner with sand. Waller's Method. Of all the methods of analysis, I have found the following, recom- mended by Dr. Waller, to be the most rapid and practical. Weigh out about five grams of milk in a platinum dish, evaporate to dry- ness on the water bath, dry to constant weight in the air bath, which should never be allowed to attain a higlier temperature than 105 degrees C, or lower than 100 degrees 0. ; cool and weigh. Loss equals amount of water. Extract the fat with ether, dry to constant weight, cool and weigh. Loss equals amount of fat. The ether ex- tract containing the fat is evaporated in a tarred beaker until all ether is driven off, dried and weighed ; increase in weight equals the amount of fat. The residue in the dish are the solids not fat ; place the dish over a Bunsen burner and heat at a red heat until the ash is white, cool and weigh the ash. The solids, not fat, consisting of sugar, casein and salts or ash, may be separated as follows : Place the dish containing the solids, not fat, on the water bath ; fill the dish with a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and water and evaporate to dryness. This will generally make the albumen and casein per- fectly insoluble. Water containing ten per cent of alcohol is now added, and after heating on the water bath, for about fifteen minutes, the water now holding the sugar and soluble salts in solu- tion is to be decanted into a tarred platinum dish ; repeat this three or four times, evaporate both to dryness, ca^'efully observe if any albumen has run over with the sugar. If so, this must be filtered out and added to the casein. If none has come over, dry both residues to constant weight, cool and weigh ; now burn off the carbon at a low red heat, until the remaining ash is white, cool and weigh. Sub- tract the ash from the sugar, and the ash from the casein, and we have the amounts of the sugar and casein. Add the weight of the insoluble ash and soluble ash together and we have the amounts of ash contained. 110 [Senatk Analysis of Condensed Milk, Weigh the dish, then add about ten grams of sand, thoroughly purified ; heat to redness, cool and weigh. Next weigh a small glass rod, place the dish containing the sand on the balance and weigh out from one to two grams of the milk ; place on water bath and after the milk becomes liquid carefully mix it with the sand ; stir with the rod from time to time, so that th6 milk will not adhere to the dish ; dry to constant weight ; loss = water ; transfer the sand to a tarred funnel, in the neck of which, a plug of cotton, previously washed with ether, has been placed. Weigh the funnel and sand and note the loss of sand ; the loss must be taken into consideration when calculating the final results. Now pour boiling ether through the funnel into a tarred beaker, drive off the ether and weigh the beaker and fat ; gain in weight equals the amount of fi^it. Slightly moisten the contents of the funnel with alcohol and water, and dry in air-bath at 105 degrees C. Now pour boiling water through contents of funnel into a tarred platinum dish, evaporate to dryness and weigh. Weight — sugar and soluble ash ; incinerate and weigh. Weight equals soluble ash, which must then be subtracted from the sugar. The total ash can be determined by incinerating about one gram of the milk. The casein is to be determined by difference or by determining the amount of nitrogen, as recommended by Wank- lyn, and from that calculating the amount of casein. It has been found in practice, that the use of sand, plaster of Paris, pulverized glass or some substance of this character is neces- sary in making an analysis of condensed or preserved milk in order that all of the fat may be extracted. I have found by experiment that condensed or preserved milk, to which the water taken from it was returned and then evaporated to dryness according to the method recommended by Waller, will not part with more than two- thirds of its fat when the extraction with ether is attempted in the usual way. The following method occurred to me. Weigh out about one gram of the condensed or preserved milk in platinum dish which should be two inches across at bottom and capable of holding about 25 c. c. Weigh also a small glass rod ; add to the milk in the dish 8 c. c. of absolute alcohol and stir with the weighed rod until the coagulum formed by the addition of the alcohol is finely di- vided. Place the dish (the rod being left in it) upon a water-bath, and drive off the alcohol and water, stirring the contents of the dish from time to time witli,the rod. When apparently dry, place it in the air-bath at 105 degrees F. for about twenty minutes, which is usually long enough. The loss equals the water. The dish of course must be weighed until it ceases to lose weight. Fat, casein, sugar and salts are then determined in the usual manner. 1 have compared the sand method and this method, and find the latter fully as accurate as the former. No. 27.] Ill The advantages whicli can be claimed are, that it takes less time and there is no transferring of sand from one vessel to another, dnr- ing which operation some sand is sure to be lost. It seems well to state here that, of the methods of analysis, the most accurate will be that which involves the smallest amount of manipulation. Dr. ISTewton Says, that " if we are to judge the standard or to com- pare samples of milk with it, a method of analysis equal to, and not more rigorous than that by which it was adopted, should be em^ l^loyed. To use a process that will destroy some one of the ingre- dients, or that will falsify the results, would be unjust. What is required of the method is, that when a sample is submitted to two or more chemists for analysis, the results obtained by each shall be accurate and concordant. If this result can be obtained by each chemist, working by a different method, the problem is easy of so- lution ; but if it is necessary that all shall use the same process, it seems to me very important that some one method should be fixed upon and used to the exclusion of all others." Without going into detail I will state that I am fully persuaded that Wanklyn's method of milk analysis is all that can be desired. It is accurate, and two or more analysts working at the same speci- men can arrive at concordant results. Any method that requires prolonged evaporation or drying is very apt to get false figures, for the reason that such processes destroy or dehydrate the milk sugar, and thus make the total solids appear lower than they really are. The use of sand or any substance added to increase the bulk of the milk has been abandoned by nearly all chemists for the reason that not only is it impossible to get concordant results, but, as sand is a hydroscopic substance, accurate weighing is impossible or diflicult. As to the fat extraction it may be said that where an extraction apparatus is used, such as Liebig's, Soxhlet's or Gerber's, higher fat determinations result than by Wanklyn's or Waller's method, for if the ether be not dry, or if the solids contain much moisture, there is a source of error in the possibility of extracting some of the milk sugar, whicli result will cause the fat to appear greater than it really is. Detection of the Adulterants. By the adulteration of milk is meant the addition of water or other substances, or the removal of cream. Many substances have been used to adulterate milk, and almost all text-books give a long list, copied and recopied, including calf's bi'ains, rape-seed and other substances, the use of which are ex- tremely problematical. Whatever may have been used, we find at the present day that the addition of water and the removal of cream, or both, constitute ninety-nine per cent of the fraud. Carbonate and bicarbonate of soda, borax, and nitrate of soda are sometimes used as preservatives ; 112 [Senate annatto, butter color and burnt sugar, to color tlie milk, and salt and sugar to impart a taste, and to increase the specilic gravity are prob- ably the only adulterants used at present. Salacylic acid or the salacylates are said to be used. A compound known as rex magnus, and consisting of salt, carbo- nate of soda and borax, was at one time sold to some extent, for the purpose of preserving the milk, but the health authorities in Brook- lyn discovered and stopped its use. But as has been before stated, water is the principal adulterant, and should this be sewage water or even slightly contaminated, the most fatal results may ensue. In determining the adulteration it must be remembered that an article used as an adulterant must of a necessity be cheap and easily obtained. 1st. Addition of water. This may be detected by means of the lactometer in the manner - described. Also by analysis, provided we have some definite standard for milk in regard to the amount of its constituents. It has been conclusively shown that average healthy, normal milk, will never have more than 87.5 per cent of water or less than 12.5 per cent of total solids, and of these total solids, 3.2 per cent should be fat and 9.3 solids not fat, and not less than 0.65 per cent of salts. ISTow, if we have a sample of milk which contains less than 12.5 per cent of total solids, we may estimate the amount of added water by the following proportion. Let us suppose, for example, that the sample in question had 10 per cent of total solids ; then we can make the proportion, 12.5 : 100 : : 10 : X in which 12.5 = per cent of solids in pure milk ; 100= 100 parts of pure milk; 10= the amount of total solids found : and X the parts of pure milk in the mixture reduced by the addition of water so as to reduce the total solids to 10 per cent. Solving we have X==80. That is, in the mixture of milk and water, eighty per cent was pure milk, and twenty per cent was water. In a similar way anj'^ of the constituents might be taken to deter- mine this fact. But it has been found that the solids not fat, are the least vari- able of all of the constituents, so that these are usually taken to calcu- late the amount of added water. Of course the addition of water reduces the per cent of salts found, and these latter thus become a check or guide upon the final results. The detection of the addition of impure water is undoubtedly a very important point, and fortunately for the consumer this kind of water can be detected. Iso. 2Y.] 113 I say fortunately for the consumer, for water contaminated with sewage, if used to adulterate milk, may spread diseases, like typhoid fever, etc., with fatal results. In speaking of potable waters, Waller says, that the presence of nitrites usually indicates contamination with sewage, and further that such water should be considered as unfit for human consumption, and dangerous. In order to detect impure water in milk, we can apply a modifica- tion of the ordinary sanitary analysis of water, as follows : 300 c. c. of the milk are to be coagulated with acetic acid and fil- tered ; to 100 c. c. of this filtrate are added about 10 c. c. of a mixture of a solution of equal parts of sulphanilic acid and sulphate of nap- thylamine ; the solution of sulphanilic acid must be freshly prepared each time ; now should the milk contain nitrites, or in other words water contaminated with sewage, a rose red color will commence to form, deepening in intensity on standing, and the deeper the color, the more nitrites present, and this is an undoubted indication that impure water was used to adulterate the milk. I have tried this test on milk which I knew to be pure, with nega- tive results, and have detected the presence of nitrites in milk to which one part in a million of nitrites had been added. This test is said to detect one part of nitrites in forty million parts of water. A portion of the filtered serum may also be tested for the nitrogen in nitrates by the well-known copper zinc couple method of Glad- stone and Tribe, care being taken to test for nitrites by the method given before nesslerizing, in order to be sure that all of the nitrogen has been converted into ammonia. The removal of the cream may be detected by the methods of analysis given. Waller's being preferable. I do not recommend the cream gauge, because all of the cream will not rise as the per cent of cream indicated dej^ending upon the temperature, age of the milk, etc. Still, by using half water and half milk as before recommended, or by heating the milk to 80° Fahr., and adding five drops of a sat- urated solution of caustic, soda or potash, to every 100 c. c. of the milk used, and then placing in a cream gauge in a cold place, more constant results may be obtained. Any non-volatile substance, as soda, borax, etc., except nitrates of the alkalies, added to milk will increase the weight of the ash or salts, unless the adulterator has added sufficient water to reduce them to their normal amount. Of course in this case we would have a normal ash, while the other indications would point toward the addition of water, and in such cases the ash should be tested for adulterants. Soda, or carbonates of the alkalies may be detected in the ash, if the solids are decarbonized at a very low red heat. Effervescence ensues on the addition of an acid, and the ash is strongly alkaline, or evaporate 100 c. c. of the milk ; in a capacious platinum dish car- bonize and boil this carbonaceous residue with water. [Sen. Doc. IvTo. 27.] 15 114 [Senate Evaporate this to small bulk and titrate with -^ sulphuric acid solution, using cochineal as an indicator. Salt may be detected by a similar treatment, using ^ solution of nitrate of silver and neutral chromate of potash as an indicator, and subtracting the amount of salt, naturally in the milk, about 5.7 per cent of the ash from the result. For borax, the milk should be treated in a similar way, except using 200 to 500 c. c. The solution, resulting from boiling the car- bonaceous residue with water, is to be made alkaline with caustic soda. Evaporated to dryness and examined with the spectroscope, Avhen the characteristic bands shown on plate 5, figure 3, will be seen. A quantitative analysis for borax may be made as follows: To the solution, evaporated to about 100 c. c, 5 c. c. of chloride of ammonia are added and 10 c. c. of a saturated solution of chloride of calcium. Evaporate to dryness, transfer to a small platinum crucible and fuse at the lowest possible heat with an excess of a mixture of equal parts of chloride of soda and chloride of potash. Keeping the bottom of the crucible red hot and the sides only mod- erately hot. As the fusion continues, borate of calcium separates out, and after cooling, the fused chlorides may be washed away and the calcic borate, thus separated, dried and weighed, and from this the amount of borax calculated. Addition of Sugar. This may be detected by the increased amount of sugar in the milk. Normal milk containing about 4^ per cent of sugar. Cane sugar would probably be the one added. Staech. This is not probably longer used as an adulterant, but may be de- tected by putting the milk in a long glass and examining the sedi- ment with iodine, which produces the characteristic blue color, or by means of the microscope when the starch granules are easily recognized. Chalk. As in starch, examine the sediment for carbonate of lime by any of the ordinary tests, such as efiervescence with acid, etc. Gltcerine. This may be looked for, more particularly in cream, as it is often added in the form of a boroglyceride to preserve it in warm weather. 500 c. c. of the milk or cream are diluted to four times its bulk with water and acidified with acetic acid, until the casein coagulates in floculent masses. Now pass through it a current of carbon dioxide, and the precipitate is allowed to settle out. Plate ii l^',Si%Ji^S^^^ FIG. I. HEALTHY WOMAN'S MILK. X 490, FIG. 2. UNHEALTHY WO M A N 'S M I LK . X 420. No. 27.] 115 Syphon off the clear serum ; neutralize and evaporate to dryness ; extract the fat with pure ether ; dissolve out the glycerine with a mixture of alcohol and ether. Evaporate off the ether and alcohol, and test for glycerine. 1st. By the acrolein fumes when heated with sulphuric acid. 2d. By adding a little borax, and observing if the flame produced on heating and igniting is colored green. Annatto oe Buttek Coloe. Evaporate 200 to 500 c. c. of the milk nearly to dryness and ex- tract the residue with alcohol. This alcoholic solution evaporated to a small bulk turns brown with acids and yellow with alkalies, or concentrated sulphuric acid may be added drop by drop, when, if an- natto be present, a blue color is formed, deepening into dark-brownish purple on standing. Salicylic Acid or Salicylates. Shake up the serum acidified with hydrochloric acid with ether. Evaporate the ether and add a small quantity of neutral ferric chloride, when, if salicylic acid be present, a violet color is formed. Nitrates. Carbonization of the residue is, in this case, neither safe nor satis- factory. The best method is to acidify 200 grams of the milk, pre- viously warmed to 80° Fahr., with acetic acid, allow to stand and cool,_ filter, and then proceed as in the determination of the "nitro- gen in nitrates," taking 1 e. c. or more of the solution, acted on by the zinc copper couple according to the amount of nitrates present, dilute this to 50 c. c, and nesslerize in the usual way, calculating the ammonia found to nitrate of soda or potash. Example. Two hundred grams of the milk were acidified, filtered, and the filtrate acted on by the zinc copper couple; 1 c. c. of the filtrate was diluted to 50. Upon nesslerizing this, it was found to be equal to 0.04 m. grams of N H3 ; then 200 c. c. would contain 200 times that amount, or 0.4 x 200 == 8 m. grams of N" H3 = 6.59 m. grams of N" = 29.65 m. grams of nitric acid =40 m. grams of nitrate of soda, or 0.02 per cent of nitrate of soda. Microscopical Examination. The examination of milk by the ' microscope is of great impor- tance to detect blood, pus, colostrum cells, etc., and should never be omitted. Pure, healthy cow's milk when examined under the mi- croscope has the appearance shown in the photomicrograph (plate 1, ng. 2). The fat globules are in constant motion, and, as will be seen, vary in size, and this according to the kind of food. It having 116 [Senate been found that normal food produces milk in which the globules are more uniform in size. Cream has the appearance shown in the photomicrograph (fig, 1, plate 2), and consists, as will be seen, of an infinite number of fat globules massed together. The average size of the fat globules is about 1-5000 of an inch in diameter; they vary, however, from 1-1500 to 1-12000 of an inch. Skimmed milk (fig. 1, plate 2) shows that the ci'eani has been re- moved by the smaller number of fat globules present. Fig. 2, plate 2, shows the colostrum cells in milk. They are the large, round bodies, and some contain cells within, having a yellow color. These are always present in milk when the calf is born, and con- tinue to be secreted by the cow in diminishing quantities for about two weeks. The colostrum cells shown were taken from the milk of a cow about one week after calving. Such milk should be, of course, and is, prohibited by law. A microscopic form sometimes seen in milk, taken from cows suffering with foot and mouth dis- ease, and called after their discoverer " Blyth's bodies," may be detected with the microscope. They consist of elongated, flattened, highly refractive bodies, ranging in length from 1-800 to 1-1000 of an inch. In some there are divisions at intervals which appear to be rather the contractions of a sarcode substance than an indication of a cell. (Blyth.) TJjey are not altered by acetic acid or iodine — not stained by magenta. They appear on the third day of this disease. By the fourth day they are fewer in number and larger. In the later stages they are absent. In plate 3, fig. 2, is shown the appearance of milk taken from an unhealthy woman. The small number and size of the fat globules can readily be seen, as well as the pus, which was found in considerable amount, also particles of epithelium. The following history of the case has been kindly furnished me by Dr. White, from whom I obtained the specimen : M — H — , thirty-nine years old, eighth child ; always nurses children, was nursing when milk was taken. One year befoi'e this, had enlargement of the heart, and periodic attacks of vapid heart action and dyspusea with cough, and expecto- ration of mucus and blood ; much anxiety manifested as to confine- ment, labor natural and short, lasting only four hours, convalescence rapid upon ninth day. Temperament lymphatic, not cheerful ; but good natured ; short and stout ; pale complexion ; appetite at time milk was taken good. Not much milk, yet thought sufficient to nurse child ; infant pale, feeble and not well nourished ; age at time of taking milk, one month. Fat globules scanty and small, and particles of epithelium present Or Plate iV. &) Oa FIG. I. MEASUREMENT OF FIG 2. COW'S BLOOD. X420. ^^i 7 .. '•«>» FIG. a. PRESERVED MILK. X 200. Ho. 27.] iir Anah/sis. Water „ 88. T2 Fat 1.45 Sugar Y.21 Casein 1.85 Salts 0.72 Blood. Blood gives a pinkish tinge to the milk, if present in small quan- tities. If a large amount is present, it sinks to the bottom in ilocu- lent masses. When present in small quantities, its appearance under the micros- cope must be relied on. The blood corpuscles of the cow are like those of the human being, except the average diameter of the cow's is about 1-5000 of an inch, while in the human being, the average diameter is about 1-7000 of an inch. The appearance of blood is shown in fig. 3, plate 3. When present in larger quantities, blood may be detected by means of the microspectroscope, when the absorption bands of haemo- globin can be seen. Oxidized blood showing the two bands between D and E, fig. 1, plate 5. While deoxidized blood shows only one band and that very faintly, fig. 2, plate 5. The size of the fat globules can readily be seen by reference to fig. 1, plate 3. The spaces between the lines were originally, 1-2500 of an inch apart. In examining milk with the microscope, it is better to liave as thin a layer as possible. To do this, the surfaces of the cover and slide must be perfectly flat. After mounting the specimen to be exam- ined, press gently on the cover glass, and by means of blotting paper, soak out all the milk possible and examine at once. Condensed and Preserved Milk. The art of economizing the two most important constituents of milk, butter fat and casein, has been practiced for ages, but it is only recently that the problem of condensing milk has been solved in a satisfactory manner. In the beginning of this century, a Frenchman, named Appert, conceived the idea of subjecting cow's milk to a certain treatment by which its natural properties could be preserved for a long time, and which would render the milk capable of being transported over long distances. ISTumerous attempts were then made by all natiobs to carry out this idea. The principles of the process employed to-day, viz. : The evaporation of the milk at a temperature below lOO'* C ; the evaporation in a vacuum, and the addition of 30 to 40 per cent of cane sugar to the milk to be condensed, were applied separately 118 [Senate and collectively, until finally an American succeeded in making his experiments of practical value, and condensed milk was soon placed upon the market. In the middle of this century, E. N. Horsford made numerous experiments showing that milk could be successfully condensed by evaporating it at a low temperature with the addition of cane sugar. He did not employ a vacuum pan, but nevertheless he pointed out the means by which his assistant Dalson, together with Blatchford and Harris, succeeded in placing the first condensed milk upon the market. This milk contained a little bicarbonate of soda and was sold in cakes packed in tinfoil. As such it formed part of the store of pro- visions which Dr. Kane took with him on his Polar expedition. In 1856, Blatchford improved the process by introducing the vacuum-pan. In the same year, Gail Borden obtained a patent for applying the vacuum-pan in a particular way to the preparation of condensed milk without the addition of sugar or other foreign ma- terials. This milk, however, would not keep any length of time. Borden then added sugar, and his preserved milk appeared on the market in tin boxes, hermetically sealed. Horsford and Borden share the honor of having invented con- densed milk. The first variety, which appeared in the form of cakes, was prepared by Horsford's directions. Gail Borden, how- ever, is the founder of the manufacture of condensed milk on a large scale, by the process employed to-day. Condensed milk is prepared by evaporating ordinary milk at a temperature below 100° C Preserved milk is condensed milk to which sugar has been added during the process of evaporation. Condensed and preserved milk, if prepared from partly skimmed milk at a high temperature, has a yellow color and great viscosity and the fraud is hard to detect. The following analyses show the poorest and richest samples, which I have examined, of condensed milk. No. 1. No. 2. Water 59.07 51.43 Fat 5.04 15.37 Solids not fat 35 . 89 33 . 20 ISTo. 1 was a thick yellow milk of great apparent richness and was made from skimmed milk. ISTo. 2 was a thin white milk, and was made from whole milk. It appears then that the yellow, thick condensed milk is generally of the poorest quality. The appearance of preserved milk, preserved with cane sugar, is shown on plate 4, fig. 1. The fat globules have been destroyed by heating and only the crystals of cane sugar can be seen. PLATE V 1 — I o g - (D t! cd K CmCQ »^ as V -.-I w o ^ 1—4 to f: Xi (1) cd u 1 — 1 Kpq O T! (1) TJ N (-; CIJ -.-1 f^ QJ • 1-1 Q Oh f-t w rQ <; fd PQ <^ u Oh CO < 00 -rH No. 27.] 119 The following will serve as a descrip- tion of the method of condensing milk and the apparatus employed. See fig. 18. The milk is received in the tank A and is drawn from it into cylindrical tin vessels about two feet in depth. These vessels, when filled, are placed in the water-bath B, and the milk is warmed to about 90° C. The bath is heated with steam, introduced through the pipe F, which is connected with a coil placed in the bottom of the bath. The tank H is employed in scouring the tin vessels with steam. As soon as the milk has become warm, it is transferred to the tubs and D both of which have false bottoms. To keep the milk warm, steam is kept passing through the space between the true and the false bottom. The tub E con- tains the necessary amount of cane su- gar. The milk having dissolved . the sugar is ready for evaporation. It is then slowly siphoned over into the vacuum-pan through the pipe G, which terminates in a sieve near the bottom of the tub. The vacuum-pan, fig. 19, is made of iron and contains a false bottom. Into the space beeween the false and the true bottom, and also through the ^J3. coil placed i n the lower part of the vacuum- pan, cold water or steam can be introduced. The milk enters through the pipe A. B is an opening, closed air-tight by means of a plate of glass ; E is the condenser b which is sup- Q plied- with cold Ib water from the § pipe F and the condensed water passes 120 [Senate from tlie condenser throngh the pipe I ; K is a pipe to wliich a hose can be attached, when the pan is to be' cleaned with cold water in- troduced throngh the opening B ; cold water can also be introduced through the pipe 1 ; it carries off the water which condenses be- tween the two bottoms, while N is connected with the coil. While the evaporation is in progress, samples can be drawn from the pipe O, while F is the regular outlet for the condensed milk. Steam is conveyed to the space between the two bottoms by the pipe Q j R conveys the steam to the coil. Directly opposite the opening B, a similar opening is made, behind which a flame is jDlaced, so that a man, who must carefully watch the entire operation, can see what is going on inside the pan. It requires much experience to conduct this operation properly. Steam must not be introduced into the coil until the milk is boiling violently, otherwise the milk adheres to the warm surfaces and a crust is formed which absorbs the heat and must, therefore, be removed. If the operation is carried on too long, the quality of the product will be seriously injured. The operation being completed, cold water is passed through the coil and through the space between the two bottoms. The milk is then drawn off and cooled in the water bath to 15° C. The milk remaining in the pan is washed out with water and generally fed to the pigs. Milk m the Arts and Manufactures. ' Casein possesses certain well-known properties which might render it very useful in the arts. Its solutions, when evaporated, have a residue which is hard and hornlike, but still elastic and almost in- soluble in water. Furthermore casein unites with the oxides and the salts of the alkali earth metals, calcium, magnesium, etc., form- ing an adhesive mass, insoluble in water. It is well known that if a solution of casein, such as full milk, skimmed milk, or butter-milk, be added to milk of lime, a white-wash of excellent quality will be produced. Also that if the same solutions be used as substitutes for water in the preparation of cements, the quality of the latter for certain purposes is greatly improved. It has been recommended to mix cement with milk until a thick pasty mass is formed and to employ this in painting wood-work which is exposed to all kinds of weather. The wood must have a rough surface and two or three coats must be applied. Wood, which has been thus prepared, will withstand the destructive influence of weather for an indefinite j)eriod of time. In 1848, Fattison patented a process for manufacturing a substance which he called "lactarin," and which he prepared as a substitute for albumen in animalizing cotton. Lactarin is prepared from casein which has been precipitated with an acid, thoroughly freed from fat, dried and ground to a powder. For use it is dissolved in ammonia, using 50 pints of the solvent to 100 pints of the powder. Glue and cements are also very useful preparations. The casein must be prepared from skimmed milk containing as little fat as possible, thoroughly dried and ground to a powder. ISO. 27.] 121 This is then mixed with 20 per cent of quick lime and 1 per cent of camphor (the latter acting as a preservative) and the mixture kept away from contact with the atmosphere. For use, this material is mixed with a larger or smaller amount of water according as glue or cement is to be made. When applied, the pieces of wood must be held firmly together for at least twenty-four hours, when the glue will be thoroughly dry, very hard and insoluble in water. The cement also possesses excellent binding qualities and can be applied with eqiiaf success to wood as well as to stone. Casein is also employed in the preparation of plastic materials such as pipes, cigar-holders, jewelry, etc., and is also employed in the manufacture of emerv wheels. It is claimed that emery wheels pre- pared with casein will saw through a plate of iron an inch thick at the rate of an inch a minute. Milk sugar is another important constituent of milk. ^ Whole milk contains on an average about 4| per cent of sugar, and in the manu- facture of cheese about 85 per cent of this passes into the whey. This whey is either given to the pigs or is entirely wasted. In certain lo- calities in Switzerland, where fuel is very cheap, attempts are made to economize this valuable ingredient. Large quantities of whey are evaporated to a syrupy state,%vhen it is suddenly cooled, upon which the lactose crystallizes out in large quantities. The crude sugar is washed with cold water and purified with animal charcoal. Milk sugar is extensively employed in medicine and commands a price of twenty cents per pound. [Sen. Doc. m. 27.] 16 EEPORT ON COW'S MILK IN REFERENCE TO ITS MEDICAL BEARINGS. By R. D. CLARK, M. D. To the Hon. J. K. Bkown, State Dairy Commissioner : Sir — In response to your request to make a report on cow's milk, in reference to its medical bearings, I have the honor to submit the following : The most important consideration of milk, in a medical point of view, is as a food for infants. It constitutes their entire nutriment during a period of the most rapid development. It is a lamentable fact that modern civilization or refinement, to- gether with poverty, and other causes, are constantly increasing the proportion of mothers who are unable or unwilling to nurse their offspring ; and the difficulty of obtaining good wet-nurses, coupled with the fear of their contaminating the child and the pecuniary ina- bilitv of the poor to employ them, render it necessary to provide a substitute for human milk. ISTow it is conceded, by nearly all medi- cal men, that cow's milk is the best substitute. It is stated in the "Third Annual Report " of the New York State Board of Health, that " it is believed two-thirds of all the infants and children in the State depend upon milk as it is daily purchased at the door or in the market places." In the " Fourth Annual Re- port " Edward W. Martin and Charles E. Munsell, State Inspectors of Milk, say that " three-quarters of our infant population in cities are brought up on cow's milk." Milk is the perfect tj^pe of natural food. It contains all of the three classes of alimentary pi-inciples which are essential to maintain the living animal organism. These are — First. The hydro-carbon, or heat-producing principles, which supply the process of respiration and the formation of heat and fat in the body ; these, in milk, are the butter and sugar. Second. The nitrogenous or albumenoid pnnciples, which go to supply the fleshy portions of the body, and are found in milk in the form of casein, albumen and, according to Blyth, nucleiu. Third. The saline, which " supply the bones and hold in chem- ical union, combination and action, the solids and liquids of the body; " which in milk are represented by the phosphates, chlorides of lime, soda, potash, etc. The purity of milk is affected in various ways, viz., by adultera- tion, by the sanitary conditions, feed of the cow, etc., etc. No. 27.] 123 In reference to adulteration, many foreign substances have been added to milk, but by far the most common forms of adulteration are the taking off of fat and the addition of water. The taking off of fat from milk that is to be given to an infant as its only supply of nutriment is of greater moment than is generally known. The total amount of fat in a healthy adult human body is, ac- cording to Witthous, " from 2.5 to 5 per cent of the body weight." It is still greater in infants. And milk (nature's food) furnishes an indication of the amount of fat required by the human being in the large proportion of butter-fat to its other solid ingredients, it bemg from 25 to 35 per cent of them. It is fat that fills up the vacant places, and gives rotundity to the body. It aids in resisting and distributing external pressure. It facilitates the movements of the parts and renders the tissues flexi- ble, and by its accumulation in a thick layer underneath the skin, materially aids in retaining the bodily heat. Besides performing these purely mechanical ofiBces, fat is essen- tially concerned in all the chemical and most vital processes of the body. It is believed to render important, if not necessary assistance, to the digestive fluids in the digestion of the other principles. It is known that no animal cell or fibre is formed without the presence of fat; andLehmann declares that "no animal cell or fibre can be formed without it ; and that it is the active agent in exciting the changes that take place in the nitrogenous principles."^ It forms the nucleus of all cellular growth. It is indispensable, if not the most important agent, in the formation of blood ; and Letheby says "there is good reason for believing that it is largely concerned in the for- mation of bile, and that the biliary acids, the essential ingredients of bile, are fatty compounds. Fatty matter forms a great part of the brain, spinal' cord, sympathetic nervous system and cerebro-spinal nerves. ' As a heat producer, fat stands pre-eminent among the ali- mentary principles, having been found by actual experiment to possess' two and one-half times the heat-producing power of sugar Its intimate association, in such large quantities, with the nervous tissues throughout the body has long caused the suspicion that it had some important connection with the generation of nervous action, and recent experiments have demonstrated that it is the chief source ^ of muscular force, and probably of nerve force. _ It is mainly from the fat stored up in our bodies that we derive our sustenance when the supply of food is temporarily cut off by sickness, etc., and though some fat is produced in the body, it is done with a great loss of material and the expenditure of considerable labor, the great bulk is taken in as fat. Furthermore, it is believed that nature has especially adapted butter-fat to the digestion of the infant ; for fats are mostly digested by the fluid secreted by the pancreas, an organ supposed to be poorly developed in the infant, but owing to a large amount of free fatty acids in butter fat it can be assimilated without this fluid.* Thus we * Rauth on Infant Feeding (3d ed.), p. 131. 124 [Senate see that milk fat is one of the most, if not the most, important in- gredient of an infant's food; indeed it is essential, in large quanti- ties, to its proper nourishment, and consequently a deficienc}'' of it cannot but produce serious eifects. We have all noticed the sleek plumpness of a healthy child, and also beheld the dingy leanness of an unhealthy one. How many of the latter are due to the rapacity of the " milkman," may be inferred from the following few facts : In the " Second Annual Report " of the State Board of Health, 1881 and 1882, it is stated : (The facts were taken from the report of C. F. Chandler, Ph. D., and C. E. Munsell, Ph. B.,to whom it was given to investi- gate the adulteration of milk.) That " while a large proportion of milk sold has been but moderately watered and skimmed, and is still above the standard of the poorest milk (for which they allowed only 2.5 per cent of fat), much of the milk has been extended and skimmed far below this standard. So openly are these frauds prac- ticed that " creameries " have been established in many localities, the names and locations of seventy-three such establishments being known to the writers, of which sixty-three are known to send skimmed milk to New York city, all of which is sold as whole (pure) milk on its arrival." And later reports by C. E. Munsell, Ph. B., have shown from analyses that this skimming amounted to from about 29 to 78 per cent of the fat. The writer has analyzed milk sold in this city and found that over 50 per cent of the fat had been taken off, and has strong rea- sons for believing that over 90 per cent of the milk sold in Albany, before the dairy department was created, was skimmed and watered. The addition of water to milk also has an important bearing upon this aspect of the subject. As the solid constituents of cow's milk, except sugar, are in greater proportion to the water than in human milk, it is found necessary to dilute it more or less with water for young infants. The amount of dilution required is determined by actual expe- rience with each individual case ; and, generally, there is a strength found on which that particular infant will thrive, and when deviated from, trouble will soon arise. Now, when water is added in unknown and fluctuating quantities it is impossible for lay people to find or keep that strength. The greatest danger, however, from the adulteration of milk with water lies in its capability of carrying the germs of disease into the system, and this has an especial importance in the case of children, as they are peculiarly susceptible to such poisons owing to their weak digestive powers. The latter fact has received special importance during the present epidemic of cholera in the east, in the fact that Dr. Koch, of Berlin, found that those possessing weak digestive powers were the surest to be attacked by this dread disease The frequency of the development of miliary consumption in the bowels of children has long been noticed by the profession. iS"o. 27.] 125 That milk does sometimes carry disease germs into the human system is beyond question. The events told by Routh, in his work entitled "On Infant Feeding," are alone sufficient to demonstrate this sad truth. The following is an abstract of them : * * * " The danger of admixture of water to milk has been lately sadly displayed, and fully justifies the most severe measures of repression which any government could well enact. It is in the wliolesale poisoning of infants through milk diseased with typhoid poison." '•' In 1870, Dr. Ballar.d, while officer of health for Islington, was able to show that an outbreak of enteric (typhoid) fever, which had attacked in ten weeks seventy-six families and one hundred and. seventy-five persons in^ part of his district, coincided with the use of milk from a particular dairy, where shortly before there had been cases of enteric (typhoid) fever, and where apparently the infected house drainage must have had easy access to an underground water- tank in the premises." The same physician, in 1872, found that out of sixty -"feight houses invaded, by the same disease, fifty-one, including that of the milk seller himself, were supplied by the same dairyman. He found in another instance, where fifty families wei-e invaded, forty- seven obtained their milk supply from, two milk sellers whose dairies were situated close together, and water from the same well was used by them. In an epidemic of typhoid fever which broke out in Marylebone, in the summer of 1873, out of 214 cases investigated, 218 were in households which consumed milk from a particular dairy, and it was clearl}^ shown that the water used for the dairy purposes contained the excrementitial matters from a person suffering from typhoid fever immediately before and at the time of the outbreak. Another still more striking case occurred in 1875 at Crossbells, where the water used in milk was contaminated with excreta from typhoid fever patients, and of forty-two families using this milk, eighteen cases occurred ; whereas in forty families in the same neigh- borhood, which used condensed milk, or none at all, not a single case of fever occurred. As conclusive evidence is found nearer home, in the report of Dr. F. G. Curtis, of Albany, on his investigation of an epidemic of typhoid fever in Port Jervis, this State, where he traced directly 126 out of 148 cases (which last number constituted the epidemic) to the milk supplied by one " milkman," who ob tamed it from a farm house wherein had occurred three cases of the fever just pre- vious to and at the time of the outbreak. The milk was probably infected through the water and cloths used to wash out the cans. The London Zancet, of April 29, 1876, says in regard to this matter : " Public attention has again been directed to the danger of 'the system of milk supply still current in large towns. Milk brought from the country in cans by the night trains is carried by the retailers to their own premises, where it often remains for five or six hours. These premises are often little dirty shops or 126 [Senate kitchens, close to the rooms in which tlie families live. There is no security whatever that epidemic disease may not be raging in the place, that vessels contaminated in the worst possible way may not be used to contain the milk, or, except in places where the adultera- tion act is rigidly enforced, that the milk may not be adulterated with foul water. * •» * * " But the last few years have brought a flood of new light to bear on the peculiarities of milk. We now know, at the cost of many serious epidemics, how peculiarly sensitive to noxious influences is the fluid which forms so important a part of the national food supply. If clothing will spread the infection of fever, so, when once infected, will milk, and that in a far more insidious and exten- sive manner, for with milk it is impossible to say how widely or how far the disease may be carried. " If water will carry the germs of cholera and enteric (typhoid) fever, so will milk, and with milk there is an added danger, not in- deed demonstrated, but suspected by many, that the highly complex organic constituents, so closely analogous to those of the body, which are present in it, may serve as a pabulum for the develoj^ment and in- definite multiplication of disease germs. Recent experience seems to show that milk-spread epidemics are particularly virulent, and the observation tallies, though, of course, it cannot be said to establish the last-named theory." The spread of other zymotic diseases, as scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc., have been traced to foul water in milk. That \h.Qfoo(i given to milch cows may be such as to modify their milk deleteriously seems to be irrefutable. That it may be made to increase or diminish the quantity secreted is well known to all dairy- men, and has been demonstrated by experiments many times ; and, also, the different ingredients of milk have been made to change their proportionate relations by food, rich or poor, in the principles producing such ingredients. But the modifications by food which render milk injurious to the consumer have not been so obviously proven. The writer is unable to find much standard literature upon this point. But the following known facts are convincing : The natural food of a cow is grass, either green or dried, and when she is fed exclu- sively upon it, her fresh milk is generally alkaline in reaction; and, on the contrary, the milk of. cows fed either wholly or in great part upon food other than the natural is almost invariably acid. The latter point is made manifest by the experiments of Dr. Mayer of Berlin, quoted by Eouth : '• (fi.) Of cows fed with brewer's lees, red potatoes, rye bran, and wild hay, in five instances the milk was slightly sour, in one very much so. " (5.) Of forty cows fed with potato mash, barley husk, and clover and barley straw, in ten examined the milk was sour, in three very sour. " (c.) From among fifty cows, fed on potato husks, barley husks, and wild hay, five were examined, and in all the fresh milk was sour. 'No. 27.] 127 " {d.) From fifty-two cows fed on potato mash, husks, wild hay, and rye straw, out of twelve selected for examination, the fresh milk of all was sour. " (e.) From six cows, fed by a chief gardener on coarse beet-root, red potato, bran mash, and hay, the fresh milk was slightly sour. " (/.) From five cows, fed by a cow-feeder on lukewarm bran mash and hay, in four the fresh milk was quite neutral, in one it was decidedly alkaline. "^ * * * " Dr. Mayer does not believe that this acidity is due to want of exercise so much as to the unscientific manner in which the cows are fed. -3^ * * * " He considers the potato mash the cause of the acidity. The milk of the cows of gardeners and cow feeders is usually praised by the Berlin women as being particularly good. But Dr. Mayer has observed that it often gives rise to diarrhoea and cutaneous (skin) eruptions in children ; which, he supposes, is due to the cows being fed with the cabbage, turnip and potato refuse. The very worst milk is that supplied by cows fed on potato refuse from brandy dis- tillers ; the best among the stall-fed being that obtained from the cows of cow fatteners, which feed on hay and grass in stalls. By substituting the milk of the latter for the former, he was often en- abled to arrest at once the intestinal derangements previously re- ferred to." All physicians know how intolerant infants are of acid milk, and nursing mothers generally have a strong prejudice against eating acid food. Dr. Lewis Smith, of 'New York, in his work on the " Diseases of Infancy and Childhood," says : " Milk used for infants should always be alkaline. If it is acid, as shown by the proper test, it should be rejected." A striking illustration of the evil effects of the milk of slop-fed cows on children was afforded Dr. C. S. Merrill, of this city, in the caseof his own two-year old child. The facts are briefly these : While traveling in Germany with his family in the summer of 1884, they stopped at a hotel in JSTeuhausen. The day after their arrival at this hotel, his child, who was previously well, was taken with a diarrhoea. _ The doctor, after having been assured by the landlord that the milk supply was from his own cows, kept at grass upon the premises, restricted the child's diet to milk alone ; but finding him growing rapidly worse made a private investigation of the source of the milk supply, and found the cattle confined in a barn ; and learned from the cow-feeder that they got nothing save the refuse matter from the table of the hotel — mostly stale fruit. He im- mediately left that hotel and his child speedily recovered, notwith- standing he continued with a milk diet. That the sickness was due to the milk of these slop-fed cows there can be but little doubt, as the other sanitary conditions were good. The hotel stood on high ground, and some distance from any other building. Dr. Hassall, in his work on " Food, Its Adulterations," etc., says: " As is well known, a very considerable number of the cows which 128 [Senate supply London with milk are kept in various confined and unhealthy places in the metropolis ; such cows are seldom turned out to grass ; the system of feeding adopted being altogether artificial and unnat- ural, brewer's grains and distiller's wash forming much of their food ; these stimulate the animals unnaturally, and under the stimulus large cpiantities of milk of inferioi' quality are secreted, the cow quickly becoming worn out and diseased in consequence." He also quotes Mr. Harley as saying : " Brewer's and distiller's grains and distiller's wash make the cattle grain-sick, as it is termed, and prove injurious to the stomach of the animal. It has been ascer- tained that if cows are fed upon these grains, etc., their constitutions become quickly destroyed." Another danger which may occur from feeding brewer's grains is seen in the following circumstances : A few years ago in " The Brown Institution," England, it was found by experiment that brew- er's grains afforded a most favorable soil for the development of the anthrax germ {Bacillus Aoithracis). The disease {Ant/wax) was produced in cattle by feeding them the grains in which the germs had been cultivated. Also an epidemic of this disease broke out in about 1879, in a district in England, which had been previously free from it, and it was found upon investigation that all of the cattle in- fected had been fed upon grains fi'om one particular brewery. It does not appear how the grains became infected. The well-known efi'ect of drugs given to the mother, upon the child ; the peculiar odor of milk from cows fed upon turnips, cab- bage, onions, etc. ; the change of taste of the milk by feeding the cow wormwood, decayed leaves and other bitter substances ; the change of color produced by feedhig saffron, rhubarb, madder, etc. ; the poisoning produced by milk from cows having eaten poisonous plants, though harmless to themselves, all go to show that the milk of a cow is quickly influenced by what she eats, and that it is dele- teriously affected (as a food for infants at least) when the natural food is wholly or in great part substituted by artificial, especially if the " artificial" be in an advanced state of fermentation or putrefaction. But how much artificial, in a good healthy condition, may be given with the natural is a question yet to be ascertained by experiment. The effects of the sanitary condition of the cow upon her milk, and the probability of milk being the agent in transmitting disease from the cow to the human being have received special attention from scientists of late, and they have shown that this branch of the subject overtops them all. If unnatural food will impart pernicious properties to milk, it would seem that unnatural surroundings would produce still more injurious effects. And observation strongly supports this suppo- sition. It is frequently seen that the milk of mothers suffering from emotional disturbances, as hysteria, anger, fright, etc., will pro- duce convulsions and other violent symptoms in the child. It is also known that fatigue of the mother has vitiated her milk. Though a cow greatly differs, mentally, from a human being, no one who has No. 27.] 129 ever seen her appearance and actions when her calf has been ruth- lessly taken from her will doubt that she is susceptible of deep emo- tion. Cases are on record showing that the milk of cows driven too great a distance has produced severe sickness in children. In the light of analogy we see that cows are affected pretty much the same way by the same influences as mankind, and with this view their treatment is an important factor. Depression of spirits in man is known to be a fruitful source of indigestion, and one of the marked phenomena of digestive derangement is a change in the character of the secretions (or excretions). Many cow owners are aware of this fact and treat their cattle with great kindness, some as a matter of conscience and others as a matter of economy. The shameful and repulsive manner in which cows have been kept and doubtless are still so kept in many localities is related by Routh: " I have, in the course of a large dispensary practice, visited some of the wretched inhabitants living either in the immediate neighborhood or over these sheds (cow- sheds). On one occasion I remember hav- ing to cross through the shed to get to the small upper room above it, where lay a child infected with fever. The puddles of liquid and foecal matters through which I was forced to pass, and the abomin- able odor pervading the apartment, I have not forgotten ; and yet from this cow-shed a large proportion of the neighborhood was sup- jjlied. The character of disease which attacks the wretched inmates of the small, close cottages just around it is always low, if not tyjDlioid." He also quotes from the Lanoeb of 1855, volume 2, page 561, the experience of Dr. JSTormandy : " Dr. ISTormandy states he was lately in the neighborhood of Clerkinwell, for the purpose of examining a well in that locality, when he met with a sight which prevented him from tasting milk for six months afterward. He there saw from thirty to forty cows in a most disgusting condition, full of ulcers, their teats diseased, and their legs full of tumors and abscesses ; in fact quite horrible to look at ; and a fellow was milking them despite of all these abominations. This was by no means an excep- tional case, a g]*eat many dairies being in the same condition. The milk in consequence provided was really diseased milk. This state of the poor animals must have been -produced by the manner in which they were ke]3t." To show that these conditions are not all confined to the lower class, we quote from the same author : " The filthy state in which some cow-houses were found in 1857 by Dr. Lankester in the aristo- cratic district of St. James is also evidence of a most disgraceful state of things, formerly very generally prevalent." Dr. Hassell, in his work on " Food ; Its Adulteration, etc.," cites instances of the same shocking conditions in which cattle are kept. A similar state of things was found in New York and Brooklyn in 1859. A report on the investigation was made by S. E. Percy, M. D., and published in the " transactions " of the" " New York Academy of Medicine," Vol. II, part 4. [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] 17 130 [Senate The writer well remembers w]icn a boy in the country, of seeing herds of cows huddled togetlier in a small yard with nothing to sleep upon but their own excrement, and also seeing their udders so be- fouled as to make the not too fastidious owner partially cleanse them before milking, and a perceptible taste of fseces has been imparted to milk in this way. The effect of these conditions upon the cow herself is shown by the great mortality of cows so kept. Routh says in reference to this : " One cow-keeper, out of a large number, lost one year 90 ; another, who keeps a good stock, lost 300 in six years ; another with from 400 to 500 cows, considered it not bad luck to lose two cows weekly from disease. Insurance prices tell a tale. * * * They consider the risk on town cows three times as great as on country cows." Besides the direct effects of these filthy conditions their indirect effects may he productive of still greater evils in fostering the germs of disease. The accumulative evidence is constantly strengthening the "germ theory" of disease, which is, briefly, that the morbific material is a living germ. It is known that filth favors the development of germs. In this way the filth may serve to propagate infection among cattle. The danger attending the use of milk from diseased com's will be seen from the following demonstrated facts: Apthous fever, or foot and mouth disease, is a highly infectious febrile disease of cattle characterized by a vesicular eruption upon the feet, mouth and udder, and their milk has been shown by experiment to convey the disease to man. D?\ Billings, in his book entitled " Relation of Animal Diseases to the Public Health," says upon this subject: " Dr. Hertwig (of the Veterinary Institute, Berlin, Prussia) first j^roved the same by direct experiment. He drank daily, for four consecutive days, a quart of milk taken from cows having the disease. On the second day he observed a mild fever, pains in the limbs, headache, a dry and hot throat, and a peculiar sensation in the hands and fingers. These mild phenomena continued about five days ; then the lining of the mouth became swollen, especially the covering of the tongue. In a short time small vesicles began to develop. At the same time that these symptoms appeared in the mouth and on the lips, there appeared an eruption of similar character upon the hands and fingers. Two medical practitioners also subjected themselves to the same experiment, and at the same time similar results followed." * * * " The danger from the consumption of the milk of cows afflicted with this eruption is most emphatically demonstrated by the fact that young animals fed upon the same frequently perish in conse- quence of gastritis, i. e., inflammation of the stomach and bowels. For man, milk from such cows, to which 90 per cent normal milk has been added, is still dangerous when consumed." He also cites many cases showing how readily this disease is com- munnicated from the cow to man. No. 27.] 131 Inflammatory diseases of the udder, even in a mild form, pro- duce perceptible changes in the milk ; one of which is a condition resembling the milk shortly after calving, known as colostrum or "beastings," and which acts as a laxative, when taken in small quantities, upon children; and doubtless when taken in large quanti- ties or continued small quantities would produce severe intestinal irritation. Blyth says of milk taken from a heifer suffering from inflamma- tion of a portion of her udder, " The milk was pink in color, and contained about a twentieth of its bulk in blood ; it was perfectly fresh when examined, but- rapidly putrefied." The same author also says of a sample of milk drawn from an ud- der diseased with consumption (after giving its chemical analysis) '' the whole quantity of the fluid did not exceed 70 c. c. (about two and one-fourth fluid ounces). It was of dirty amber color, with the casein partially separating. " A microscopical examination showed very few fat globules, and the following abnormal elements: " 1. Clusters of oval or round granular cells, for the most part ,0005 inch, in diameter, with a well-marked oval nucleus. "2. Granular masses, irregular in shape, varying in size from about 0.0006 inch to ten or twelve times that size. " 3. Granular rounded bodies, stained brilliantly by . magenta or carmine. " This, then, is phthisical (consumptive) milk in its most intense form, and one never likely to be found in commerce, but admixture of such a fluid with genuine milk is possible." * * * The milk of a cow suffering from typhus also shows marked changes ; a deficiency of all the solid ingredients, except the salts, an increase of the watery element and salts, and sometimes the presence of blood and matter. We had an occasion within a few weeks of observing the appear- ances of milk from a woman suffering from a mammary abscess. The gross appearances were marked. The milk was thick' and viscid, of a bluish yellow color, very much resembling the pus from the ab- scess, though the microscope did not reveal any pus corpuscles or other abnormal elements. Dr. Percy, of JSTew York, gave some drawings (in the " Eeport of the New York State Medical Society," for 1860) showing the microscopical appearances of a sample of' milk taken from a cow iu a state of high fever from infiammation of the bowels. It contained broken-down fat globules and a low form of vegetable growth called conferva. It also contained blood corpuscles and was scanty and blue. The recent experiments upon milk in regard to its being the me- dium through which disease is communicated from animals to man- kind have shown some startling results. . They have conclusively shown that the milk of a cow affected with apthous fever (foot and mouth disease) will, when taken, produce a similar disease in the hiiman being. Enough of the experiments to demonstrate this were given above. 132 [Senate They have shown that it is more than probable that the disease, "anthrax," may be so transmitted. This is a higlily infectious febrile disease, which is verj^ fatal to .cattle, as well as to some other domestic animals. It is known to be due to a vegetable parasite, one of the specific forms of bacteria. The blood of the animal affected is known to contain the specific germ of the disease and has produced the disease in other animals when inoculated with it. The milk of sheep affected with anthrax is known to have produced it in other animals. This disease in man is known as malignant pustule, and has in many instances proven fatal. Men have taken it when inoculated with the products of the cow and from handling such diseased cattle, and from the consumption of the meat, George Fleming, F. R. G. S., etc., in his " Manual of Yeterinary Sanitary Science and Police," says, in reference to the milk of cattle affected with anthrax, " Tiie examples of its pernicious effects are not numerous. Gohier mentions that he has known a case in which a man was attacked with severe diarrhoea, from consuming the milk of a cow affected with anthrax. He has also witnessed the same oc- currence in a family of five persons. Morris reports a siniilar occur- rence. Chisholm gives the case of a girl, three years old, who pre- sented all the symptoms of anthrax from drinking the milk of a dis- eased cow. • Desplas has given some instances, noted during an epizooty of anthrax at Quercy, in which the malady was transmitted to other creatures by the milk." Blyth (Ed. 1882) relates the following : '^A new form of febrile disease associated loith milk — The milk from a dairy near Aberdeen appears to have been the propagating agent of a peculiar and entirely new malady. This remarkable outbreak has been investigated and described with great ability by Dr. Ewart. Twenty persons were attacked, and there were three deaths. The symptoms consisted es- sentially of fever, with one or more relapses, and swelling of the cer- vical glands, frequently ending in suppuration. The connection of the epidemic with the milk supply was established by the fact of the illness being confined to those who drank the milk, as well as by the microscopical appearance of the milk, and some well-devised experi- ments on animals." " The microscopic appearances of the milk showed : " " 1. Numerous micrococci (bacteria), some free, others in groups or chains." " 2. Numerous spores and cells of the yeast plant." "3. Spores similar to bacteria anthracis." " Some pus from the neck of one of the patients was found to con- tain bacilli and spores (germs) apparently identical with those found in the milk, and such pus caused fatal illness when injected into small animals subcutaneously (under the skin). These elements were submitted to cultivation, and a variety of experiments on rats were instituted with the suspected milk, side by side with control experiments with healthy milk, the main result being to^ prove satisfactorily a direct connection between the bacilli and the disease." Ko. 27.] 133 " Tlie evidence pointed to a contamination of the water supplying the dairy, and the author concludes that the organism producing this new fever was morphologically not unlike the anthrax organism in its mode of development and life history ; and, further, tliat it was introduced into the milk after it had left the udder." If Blyth's opinion is correct as to the source of the contamina- tion 'being the water, though he does not state the evidence that led him to this conclusion, then this would bear more strongly upon the danger of adulterating milk with water. The experiments relating to milk as a conveyor of tuberculosis (consumption) from the cow to the human being have shown facts of the deepest importance to all. It has long been suspected that consumption was infectious, and the possibility of the patient transmitting the disease to others through his breath and expectorations has been guarded against by the physician, but experimental knowledge of this subject is one of the striking evolutions of modern scientific advancement. Most of the leading pathologists of Europe, and many of other parts of the world, have demonstrated experimentally the infectious- ness of tuberculosis (consumption). In Europe, Yillemin, Chauveau, Klebs, Gerlach, Yirchow, Harms and Gunther, Bollinger and many others, but those of a few of them will answer our purpose. Yillemin, who was one of the first to experiment in this direction, inoculate.d rabbits, sheep, dogs and cats with matter taken from the tuberculous tissues of the human being, and in many instances suc- ceeded in producing the disease in them. He also produced the disease in some of these animals by feeding them the diseased parts. The following is an abstract of cases cited by Fleming: Chau- veau, of the Lyons Yeterinary School, has fed cats and young cat- tle on tubercular' matter, and produced tuberculosis in them after a certain period. Harms and Gunther, of the Hanover. Yeterinary School, have induced the disease in rabbits by feeding them with the flesh and lungs of a tuberculous pig and phthisical (consump- tive) cow. Liesering, of the Dresden Yeterinary School, fed a sheep for three days on the tuberculous lymphatic glands of a cow. After the fifteenth day the thermometer indicated an increase of the temper- ature of 1° to 1.5'^. On the sixth week there were cough and emacia- tion ; and toward the tenth week the breathing was hurried ; and a physical examination sliowed that the right lung was diseased. The sheep was killed on the eighty-fifth day, and an examination of its body showed that the various internal organs were tuberculous. He got the same results from sheep and rabbits fed upon a very small amount of tubercular matter. He also says that successful inocula- tions have been made with tubercular matter from a patient who had been dead for thirty-six hours ; and with spnta (expectorations) which had been in a dried condition for twenty days. Also the disease has 134 [Senate often been produced by experimenters through inoculation with the sputa (expectorations) from tuberculous subjects. Flemming relates an instance where a Grecian physician of Syra, by the name of Zallouis, inoculated a man who was suffering from gangrene of the foot, with the expectorated matter of a person affected with consumption, and in three months the inoculated man died with unequivocal signs of consummation, which a ^ost-mortem examination veriiied. The following, from Billings, will show the influence of tlie breath of a tuberculous subject in communicating the disease: " Too many sad cases of death from tubercular consumption have been un- questionably traced to the influence of expired air from persons having the disease, upon nurses and others around them, even in cases where any inherited disposition to the disease could be excluded beyond all question." " Most strikingly, yes, shockingly, illustrating this point, viz., the infectiousness of the hreaih of persons affected loith tuber- culosis, are the cases given by Dr. Reich in the " Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift," No. 3Y, 1878. ^ -)^ * * * * Iii these cases the disease w^as transmitted to ten children by a nurse who had the habit of sucking at and blowing into the mouths of such little ones as were born asphyctic (asphyxiated)." " Dr. Reich sums up his observations as follows : " 1. In the time which elapsed from the summer of 18T5 to the fall of 18Y6 (July 11 to September 29), there died at Neuenburg, of meningitis tuberculosa, ten children that were born between April 4, 1875, and May 10, 1876. " 2. There was no ascertainable disposition to tuberculosis in any of the ten children. " 3. All these ten children were brought into the world by the nurse Sanger. " 4. In the practice of the nurse E-egisser (in the same town) not one single child died or sickened of tubercular meningitis during the same time. " 5. The nurse Sanger suffered from tubercular consumption at the time. In July, 1875, an examination of her lungs revealed cavities in the same, and she raised purulent ichorous sputa. She died from the disease July 23, 1876. " 6. Nurse Sanger had the habit of removing the mucous from the babies' mouths by means of suction with her own ; and of blow- ing her own breath into the mouths of asphyctic children ; and, in general, treated children in a manner which rendered it possible for the expired air from her lungs to get into theirs, kissing them much, etc. " 7. In three of the cases of tubercular meningitis which came to my personal observation, the sickness began with bronchitis. " 8. Meningitis tuberculosa is not an endemic disease among chil- dren at Neuenburg." " In the nine years, from 1 866-74, only two deaths are reported from this disease among children under one year old. Of twelve No. 27.] 135 children, under one year old, that died in 1877, only one died from this disease ; the parents of this child were both subjects of tuber- cular consumption." The production of tuberculosis with milk by inoculation and in- gestion, it is asserted, was first accomplished by Gerlach of Berlin. He asserts that the infectious properties of this fluid can be no longer denied. (The details of his experiments maybe found in the " London Yeterinary. Journal," Yols, 8, 9 and 10.) We will give a few quoted by Billings. ' ' Having a cow afliicted with tuberculosis that still gave milk, it was resolved to use the same to test the question ' whether the milhfrom such coio is capable of producing a similar disease in young animals when fed upon it.'' " '' The cow was seven or eight years old, much emaciated, respiration difficult, and had a rough, weak cough ; vesicular respiration perceptible over all parts of the thorax (chest), which inclose the lungs, but numerous un- natural, especially dry 'rdles' were perceptible. In no place was the perciLssion deadened. No fever ; appetite good ; daily milk quantum 1,600 grammes (about 3 1-2 pints). After the lapse of three months the cow was killed. The emaciated condition had gradually increased ; the milk-secretion likewise decreasing ; in the first month the yield of milk decreased 600 grammes (about 1 1-5 pints) ; in the second 500 grammes, and during the last eight days the secretion ceased entirely, although the animal received all the nourishment she could consume." The result of \h& post-mortem examination shows (with- out giving Billings' details) that the lungs and their appendages were extensively tubercular. '• With the .milk from this cow were fed two calves, two pigs, one sheep and two rabbits. The first calf died from an accidentally acquired disease." Calf No. 2. — A healthy, well-nourished calf, eight days old, was fed with milk from the above-mentioned cow, for a period extend- ing over 1 2-3 months; at first it received 1,000 grms. (about two pints and three-tenths pints), and later 300 grms. of milk daily, an aver- age of about 650 grms. per day ; in fifty days the whole quantity of milk consumed amounted to from thirty to thirty-two kilogrammes (about from thirty-four to thirty-six quarts). Aside from this^ the calf received other milk ; later, dilated milk and oatmeal. Neither phe- nomena indicating the presence of disease, nor disturbance of the nutritive functions, were observable. The calf was killed 100 days from the time that the experimental feeding began, and fifty days after the feeding with milk from the tuberculous cow had ceased.'' I give the following synopsis of the post-mortem examination : The lungs, their appendages, the lymph glands of the neck and abdomen, were found to contain tubercles. The microscopical ex- amination of the tubercles gave the same characteristics as those in man. Some of the experiments with the other animals mentioned previously gave negative, while others were followed with positive results. _" These and other more recent experiments prove that the milk from cows loith taherculosis is not only harmful., hut that 136 [Senate it also contains elements of a specifically dangeroiLs cJiaracter ; it is capahle of generating elements of a similar character / it, there- fore, hears the cliaracter termed infectious ^ Bollinger fed three pigs, three calves, one sheep, two dogs, two cats, eight rabbits, on the nnboiled milk from a tuberculous cow ; of the three pigs he produced the disease in one — failed in the other two ; of the three calves he produced the disease in two ; he produced the disease in the one sheep, and failed in the cases of both cats and dogs ; of the eight rabbits he produced the disease in two, and failed in six. He failed to produce the disease in fourteen rab- bits fed with milk boiled. Gerlach produced the disease, by feeding the unboiled milk of a tuberculous cow, in two calves, two rabbits, two pigs and one sheep. Klebs has produced the disease in the same way in nine guinea pigs. Blyth states that " the accidental infection of a large St. Bernard doe:, which, having come across the milk designed for one of the ex- periments, drank it, and became tuberculous, is perhaps more strik- ing than a formal experiment." M. Peuch fed two pigs and some rabbits upon the milk of a tuber- culous cow, and found M-^on. post-mortem examination they all had the disease. In the Medical Record of October 16, 1881, we read : " Prof. Demme, physician to a children's hospital at Berne, had brought to his care an infant about six months old. The child was born of vig- orous and healthy parents, and it weighed at birth 6 1-2 pounds. It had been nursed by its mother for live months, and had during that time doubled its weight, continuing healthy in every way. In the sixth month it was weaned, and received regularly, besides other food, the milk from a single cow. Yery soon the infant began to sicken ; the abdomen became enlarged ; from time to time it had diarrhoea ; an examination of the thoracic organs (lungs, etc.), revealed no signs of disease. Prof. Demme prescribed the most careful and nutritious diet, adding to the regular amount of milk, beef juice, brandy, etc. The patient continued to lose flesh, however, and died in about four months. The autopsy revealed tubercular lesions (changes in tissues from disease) in the intestines." * * -^ " The lungs and min- inges were normal. Two months later the cow from which the milk for the infant had been obtained died. On opening the body, the lesions of the pearl disease (consumption) were found to be strik- ingly developed. As the family of the child was perfectly healthy, including two older brothers, the case looks somewhat like one of tuberculous infection." * * * "And this case is sufficient to be a warning to physicians that they learn something about the health of the cow when its milk alone is used by an infant patient." In tiie " British Medical Journal,''^ of August 26, 1882, under the heading, " the flesh of tuberculous animals," we find the fol- lowing : No. 27.] 137 " The city physician of Yienna, Dr. Kammerer, has addressed a report to the magistrates of that city on the dangers which threaten the health and life of the population through animals affected with tuberculosis. The victims are insidiously struck down, says Dr. Kammerer, through two of the most important articles of daily diet, milk and meat. " The milk of cows with tuberculosis acts as an unconscious vacci- nation upon adults and children who partake of it ; and, in the case of the latter, the seed of tuberculosis is being imperceptibly sown amongst thousands in the great towns. "Dr. Kammerer regards infection by this channel as being quite as fruitful a source of the disease amongst the young as hereditary, to which it is usually traced." * * * In the Veterinarian (an English journal) for February, 1884, will be found the following : " we are glad to direct attention to some experiments of Dr. Ferd. May, published in the first part of the ' l!^ew Archiv f iir Hygiene.' Pieces of lung, infiltrated with tubercle, were finely divided and rubbed up in a mortar with milk. The milk thus prepared was injected subcutaneously (under the skin) into guinea-pigs. Tubercle in the majority of the cases fol- lowed, but there were many failures. In a second series of experi- ments the milk, contaminated as before, was boiled from a. quarter of an hour up to three hours ; but, though sixteen animals were op- erated^ upon, no effect followed. It also seems estabHshed that if the milk-producing gland is itself infiltrated with tuberculous de- posit the secretion is far more dangerous than if derived from a cow much advanced in phthisis (consumption), but with the mammary gland unaffected. It would be interesting to know, from the ex- perience of our veterinary surgeons, whether they ever met with local tubercle in the udder of milch cows, the rest of the system be- ing, comparatively speaking, unaffected. In the light of recent research, we can but admit that such an occurrence would infect a milk supply, and produce what might be called an ^epidemic of con- sumption.'' If there is a difficulty in referring outbreaks of scarla- tinal and enteric (typhoid) fevers to infected milk in which the period of incubation is approximately known, how much more diffi- cult to prove the connection between milk corrupted with tubercle, and a number of cases of consumption, which, from the slow, in- sidious nature of the malady, would probably develop at various dates and be ascribed to various causes. We recommend medical officers of health to study closely the incidence of tuberculosis in young children, especially those brought up by hand, and repeat the advice given in a former article, namely, in the present unsatisfac- tory state of the milk supply, to drink no milk which has not been boiled. — Medical Times and Gazette.'''' ^ It seems to be pretty well established that a variety of consump- tion in the cow, called " perlsucht " by the Germans, is identical with a form of tuberculosis in man. The following is an abstract [Sen. Doc. No. 27.] 18 138 [Senate of what Cliarles Creigliton, M. D., of the University of Cambridge, says in the London Lancet of June 19, 1880, in reference to this: He found in the post-mortem examination of seven cases of death from consumption conditions identical with those of perlsucht. And in reference to the history of one of the cases, wlio vras alleged to liave had typhoid fever six months before her death, he says : " A doul)t is suggested whether the disease six months before was really typhoid fever; and tliat doubt would extend to certain other cases, or groups of cases, supposed to be typhoid, and more particularly to the remarkable group of four cases recorded by Dr. W. H. Spencer. I do not doubt, after reading Dr. Spencer' s cases, to which my at- tention was directed by Dr. Bradbury, that the outbreak in the In- dustrial school, of which they formed the fatal contingent, was not an outbreak of typhoid, but one of bovine tuberculosis." He quotes Prof. Yirchow as saying in 187Y: "It has, in the first place, been determined, by the inoculation upon animals of sub- stances from other animals that have died of perlsucht, that the disease may be communicated exactly in the same way as in the inoculation of tuberculosis. On that point, there is in Germany no longer any doubt. A further question is whether, by the partaking of substances coming from a tuberculous animal, similar, and, in fact, tuberculous diseases may be induced in man ? This question divides itself into two points : In how far such an infection may arise from the partaking of flesh ; in how far through milk." Dr. Creighton believes his cases w^ere infected through the cow, and says that " the bovine disease in man shows the same features as in the cow." He also says that " it is in the juices and particles of the tainted animal that we must suppose the contagion to reside," 2'he British Medical Journal of December 2, 1882, in giving a review of a German work edited in Berlin, relates the following : " Prof. Johne, of Dresden, contributes the article on pearl disease and tuberculosis of cattle, which he maintains to be identical with human tuberculosis, and to be communicable by means of the milk." Dr. Johne considers this well proved, that the milk of tuberculous cows is as capable of conveying the disease to man as it is to their own offspring (and as, presumably, that of human tuberculous mothers is to theirs), and should, therefore, not be used." " Dr. Esser, treating of milk, is equally decided as to the com- municability of tubercule by its means, as well as of foot and mouth disease. * * * Though boiling destroys the activity of the poison. In acute febrile states, the milk is altered, and Wiedman asserts that he has seen a pneumonia anatomically identical with the bovine form, produced in children by the use of milk from cows suffering therefrom." There have been numerous failures in endeavoring to communi- cate this disease, by all experimenters, but they would not militate against the successes unless they were in very largeproportion, as we all know that of many who are exposed to contagious and infec- tious diseases but comparatively few contract the disease. 1^0. 27.] 139 Many more circumstances of the same character might be adduced in reference to the subject of tuberculosis as well as to all the sub- jects pertaining to the sanitary condition of the cow. We have dwelt somewhat upon this branch of the subject, as it is comparatively new, and we deem it by far the greatest source of danger to the public, and from which they are the least protected. Doubtless many injurious effects are imparted to milk from the careless manner in which it is often kept and handled after being taken from the cow. Fleming says, under the head of " Anomalies in coagulation," " the alterations in this group are characterized by the fact that milk, perfectly normal at the time when it is drawn, acquires abnormal qualities during the time of coagulation, which are, according to Hanbner, due to the existence of special ferments, which are produced in the milk at the expense of the blood or modi- fied mucous which may be mixed with it, or they are derived from without. These ferments are not volatile' in some instances — cannot be conveyed by the air, but are frequently transmitted to healthy milk by means of the dairy pans and also during the evaporation of the milk. Damp, hot weather and an atmosphere charged with vapors, and dirty, ill-ventilated dairies are favorable to their propa- gation." It is also thought by some that the so-called blue milk, that is, milk characterized by a low form of vegetable growth which has the property of imparting a blue color to the milk, is due to the want of cleanliness in the dairy. This milk has produced fatal effects in children. There is a form of milk which is covered with yellow transparent patches, and has in it bubbles containing gas. But little butter can be made from this milk and that quickly decomposes and the milk has a bad taste. Fleming says " this alteration appears to be due to the ferment, and may be artificially excited by vegetable acids ; bad dairies and uncleanliness are the favoring circumstances." Another important consideration of cow's milk is in relation to its forming the basis of diet in the treatment of exhaustive diseases, and also as the curative agent in the treatment of many diseases. In order to give a correct appreciation of the importance of this phase of the subject, it will be necessary to make some statements regarding the treatment of disease. Within the past half century a reversion has taken place in the method of treating disease. The present plan is based upon the principle of conservatism, that is, as well as any thing pertaining to a rational science can be formulated, there is a large class of diseases, including all of the inflammations and fevers, except the "malarial," which cannot be arrested by any known means, but which are self limited. The idea in the present plan of treatment is to " preserve the powers of life," till the dis- ease runs its course. In view of these facts the importance of diet will be readily seen. Prof. Austin Flint of New York, the cele- brated author of a work on " The Theory and Practice of Medicine," says: "It may, perhaps, safely be said that the greater success 140 [Senate attending the management of disease now, than heretofore, is due as much to jniproveinoiits as regards diet, ventilation, etc., as to the more judicious use of remedial agencies," Milk has latterly attained first place among the articles of diet for the sick. Prof. JBartholow, now of Philadelphia, the author of a standard work on " Therapeutics," says " milk is one of the most important articles of food for the sick, and enters largely into the composition of various diets." * * '^' * •5«- « Whenever fresh and pure milk can be procured, this only should be prescribed for the sick, but in large cities it is not always practicable to obtain it. Under these circumstances ' condensed milk ' must be used." * * -St -X- a rjij^g numerous and important applications of milk diet in the treatment of certain forms of disease render it necessary to devote considerable space to the consideration of this subject. Milk is a food already prepared and, therefore, needs no interven- tfon of unskillful cooks ; it can be obtained everywhere ; few par tients are disinclined to take it, etc., etc." The preference for milk is not founded wholly upon empiricism either ; for scientific investigation shows that milk possesses the re- quisites for the nourishment of the sick, which are variety of alimentary principles, concentration and digestibility. As to the variety of the principles we have stated, while dealing with milk as a " food for infants," that it contained all of the three classes of alimentary principles which are essential to the proper nourishment of the body, and it is important to bear in mind that it has been shown by actual experiment that we cannot be deprived of either one of these three classes, for a great length of time, without fatal results ; and, furthermore, that they should be in proper pro- portion to each other, as an excess or deficiency of either, is in- jurious. Unadulterated commercial milk probably fulfills these conditions more perfectly than any other article of food. It would be interesting to you, no doubt, to read the experiments relating to the effects of feeding animals upon a diet including only one or two of the three classes of alimentary principles, but as the scope of this report is too limited, and as they can be obtained in all works of Physiology, I refer you to them. Concentration within certain limits in the nourishment to be given to the sick is essential. In a state of health nature furnishes the guide as to the time for, and the amount of, food to be taken in the instinctive senses of hunger and satiety ; but in diseased conditions these senses are perverted, and there is generally a repugnance to food ; and, in the case of fevers, in which there is probably living germs in the blood, multiplying themselves at the exjDense of the nourishing elements, there is rapid destructive chemical changes going on throughout the body. The follomng is the graphic form in which it is put in the Encyclopedia Britannica, volume YII: " Now, fever closely resembles muscular effort in its arrest of the digestive functions, at the same moment that it makes an urgent de- IS^o. 27.] 141 maiid for nutriment, with ultra Egyptian vigor, while straw is with- held " The tale of bricks is doubled," and we know by the quantity of urea and phosphates in the ui'ine, and by the foecal excretion that the muscles and nerves of the bed-ridden sufferer are melting away as fast as if he were scaling the Alps with nothing to eat." To give any thing like an accurate idea of the concentration of nourishment in milk, it would be necessary to show the comparative nutritive value of the many different articles of food, and that is at- tended with more difficulty than might be supposed, as it involves a thorough knowledge of the functions of the different classes of ele- ments ; and to a great extent, the process of digestion, and at the present time, this subject .is undergoing great changes, and conse- quently there is diversity of opinion. The space and time allotted me forbids going into any. such field. However, something of an estimate can be formed by comparing milk with beef. Taking the chemical analysis of each, from a table showing the nutritive values of food given in Letheby's work "On Food," we find that beef (a food very rich in nutrients) contains : Per cent. Per cent. [■ Water n r Water 86 Lean Albumenoids 19.3 Albumenoids 4.1 Beef Starch • • • • New Starch without " Sugar • • • • Milki Sugar 5.2 bone Fat 3.6 Fat 3.9 ^ Salts 6.1 100 ^ Salts .8 100 According to the above figures lean beef contains 28 per cent of solids and milk 14 ; that is, one-half ; so if a pint of milk weighed a pound, one quart would contain as much nutrient solids as one pound of lean beef (of course fat beef would contain a much larger proportion of splids). Another method of determining the nutritive value of foods is based upon the amount of carbon and nitrogen they contain ; and comparing that with the amount of the same required to sustain the body. Dr. Edward Smith found by examining the amount of food upon which a class of factory people in Lancashire, England, were able to live during a cotton famine to contain for an average adult, per day : Carbon (grains). Nitrogen (grains). 4,100 190 And from a table constructed upon this basis in Letheby's book we find beef and milk contain the following comparative amounts : Grains, carbon. Grains, nitrogen. lib. beef 1,854 184 1 lb. new milk (about 1 p't) 599 44 _We see by this method of comparison that a little over three pints of milk are equivalent to a pound of beef. But there 142 [Senate is a great disparity in the 2)roportion of tlie ingredients in beef. A large excess of albumenoids, and a diminution of carbohy- drates ; then, there is considerable loss in cooking beef. Further- more, beef is nmcli more difficult of digestion than milk, and as the diet of the sick (especially in fevers) is fluid, beef enters into it only in the form of teas, soups and the so-called essences or ex- tracts, and its value then as compared with milk may be estimated from the following facts: " Liebig's extract of meat," one of the best liquid forms of meat and which enjoyed a great reputation a few years ago as a food for the sick, and is yet used, contains, ac- cording to Letheby, only from three to four parts of the 26 to 30 per cent of solid nutrients of beef, and one-quarter of these are salts ; the other three-quarters consist of unknown extractive matters, and there is no albumen or fat. Perhaps it is needless to say that milk has pretty nearl3'' supplanted all these as the basis of food in exhaustive diseases, especially fevers. James E. Wilson, M. D., the author of the recent work on " con- tinued fevers," says, that " milk occupies the first place among fever foods." The egg presents a greater concentration of nourishment than milk, and when raw is as easily digested, but few can tolerate raw eggs, besides without the shell it is deficient in the variety of prin- ciples, and, according to our experience, it is too concentrated for fever patients ; and if diluted with any thing palatable besides milk it is inferior to it. In reference to the digestibility of milk Prof. Austin Flint, Jr., of JSTew York, in his great work on " Physiology," says: "Milk is one of the articles digested in the stomach with greatest ease. Its highly nutritive properties and the variety of principles which it contains make it extremely valuable as an article of diet, particularly when the digestive powers are impaired, and when it is important to supply the system with considerable nutriment." The following, showing the time required by the stomach to digest different articles of food, is taken from a table in " Flint's Physiology." Enough only are taken to show a fair comparison for milk : Articles of diet. Mode of preparation. Milk Boiled " Kaw Beef, fresh, lean, rare Boasted Beefsteak Broiled Beef, fresh, lean, dry Boasted " with mustard Boiled " with salt only " " Fried Soup, barley Boiled " chicken " " mutton " " oyster " s. Minutes. 2 2 15 3 3 3 30 3 10 3 36 4 t 30 3 3 30 3 30 No. 27.] 143 Articles of diet. Mode of preparation. Soup, beef, vegetables and bread. Eoiled Lamb, fresh Broiled Mutton, fresh " Yeal, fresh " -. . , Pork, steak " " fat and lean Eoasted , Turkey, wild " " domesticated Boiled , " " Boasted. Chickens, full-grown Fricassied Fowls, domestic Boiled Ducks, domesticated Roasted . . , ." Oysters, fresh Raw « Stewed Eggs, fresh Raw " Whipped . . . '. " Soft-boiled " Hard-boiled . . . . , « Fried Custard Baked Codfish, cured-dry Boiled Trout, Salmon, fresh " Bass, striped, fresh Broiled Hours. ; Minutes. 4 2 30 3 4 3 15 5 15 2 18 2 25 2 30 2 45 4 4 2 26 3 30 2 1 30 3 3 30 3 30 2 45 2 1 30 3 It is seen by the table that milk is one of the quickest of articles to undergo stomach digestion. The addition of lime-water to milk is known to favor its digestion. Within the past three or four years a new impulse has been given to milk, and its value as a food for the sick much enhanced. It is the casein of milk which seems to be the part most difficult to digest, and the new development is to partially digest ^this outside of the body by an animal ferment known as pancreatine. The milk so digested is called "peptonized." The writer has had consider- able experience with this, and is convinced that milk is rendered much easier of digestion by this process. From the little knowledge attainable it seems that milk (except the ash in adults) is as completely assimilated after digestion as meat or eggs. It may be added in reference to the nutritive value and the di- gestibility of different foods, that the scientific knowledge of them is very imperfect at present, and the results only approximate. There has been but comparatively little researcli ; and the subject is attended with much difiiculty ; for instance, a man is . able to confine him- self to one kind of food for so short a time that experiments on him cannot be continued long enough for conclusive results. And the investigation of the nutritive value of foods have been made mostly with reference to economy. But much interest has been manifested of late in regard to these matters and definite knowledge is increas- 144 [Senate ing, and is found to harmonize with observation which shows that milk is the most valuable single article of diet for the sick. Milk is also found to be the best article in which to administer stimulants. ^ By thoroughly incorporating spirituous liquors with milk, their irritating effects upon the stomach are nearly obviated, and the unpleasant taste liquors has to many is overcome ; also, it enables us to administer the nourishment and stimulants together, all of which are valuable items in the treatment of certain diseases. The date of the " milk-cure " extends away back into the child- hood of medicine, and has experienced the vicissitudes attending the passage from youth to old age. We cannot go into its history and will content ourselves with stating the classes of disease to which it is applied with more or less success. Perhaps its greatest efficacy is in chronic stomach and bowel troubles ; as, stomachal and intestinal dyspepsia, catarrh, neuralgia, ulcer and cancer of the stom- ach, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. In these diseases it furnishes the requisite nourishment for the body at the least expenditure of labor by these organs, thereby affording them time for rest and re- cuperation. It has had a high reputation as a cure for diabetes, and many cures have been reported. The various " dropsies " have been suc- cessfully treated by it. It is used in " Bright's disease " and gout with much benefit, and the hereditary tendency of the latter has been removed by its persistent use. Diseases of the heart and blood-ves- sels have been much improved by a milk diet. Certain forms of skin diseases have been cured by it, and we all know its value as a diet for consumptives, etc. Finally, milk is rapidly taking the place of blood in the operation known as transfusion. This seems a natural result from the close re- semblance it bears to that fluid. It has been said that " milk is blood without the coloring material." Dr. Hodder of Canada saved two out of three cases of cholera, after they had reached the stage of collapse, by transfusing milk into their blood ; and cases of hemorrhage, after child-birth, have been successfully treated by this means. It is need- less to state that milk must be absolutely pure for this purpose. SUMMAHT. First. We have endeavored to show the importance of cow's milk as a food for infants, in that it is believed two-thirds of the infant population of the State, and three-fourths of the infants of cities, are wholly dependent upon it for their sustenance — and the number is constantly increasing, owing to the increase of mothers who are un- able or unwilling to nurse their own offspring — and in the belief that commercial cow's milk is the only practical substitute for human milk. Second. We have stated that milk is the perfect type of natural food, as it possesses all the three classes of alimentary principles, in proper proportions, to maintain the living animal organism. Third. We have pointed out some of the various ways in which the purity of milk is affected, the chief of which are by adulteration, No. 27.] 145 sanitary conditions, feed of the cows, etc. We have stated that the common forms of adulteration are the taking off of fat and the addi- tion of water. We have stated that taking off of fat was formerly carried on to a great extent, and shown its evil effects by pointing out the importance of fat in the economy. We have shown the danger of adding water by citing a few instances where epidemic disease has been propagated through milk contaminated with foul water. We have also shown that there is strong suspicion that milk affords a rich soil for rapid development of disease germs. Also, gave Blyth's account of a new form of febrile disease associated with milk, which was probably infected throngh water. Fourth. In treating of the feed for cows,* we have stated that she is quickly influenced by what she eats, and that certain kinds of food affect her milk deleteriously for infants, at least ; citing a case in point of a child of a well-known physician of ArDany,^-who was made sick by taking milk from slop-fed cows. Also giving the results of examination of milk from cows fed upon different kinds of food. Referred to experiments where brewer's grains have been used to cultivate certain disease germs and where the disease was produced in cattle from eating these infected grains. Fifth. Under the head of sanitary conditions, we have shown how ill-treatment and unclean surroundings have injured the health of cows and thereby injuring their milk. Also cited appalling instances of filthy conditions in which cows were kept and disease produced thereby. We *have cited experiments which prove that certain diseases are transmitted from the cow to man through her milk. We have also given the results of some of the chemical and micros- copical examinations of diseased milk. We have alluded to dangers which may arise from milk which has been polluted by unclean sur- roundings after it came from the cow. Sixth. We have given proof which establish the fact that there is a variety of consumption (and one speedily fatal, too) in the cow which is identical with a variety in the human being, and have given experiments which go to show that there is more than a strong prob- ability that it is communicable through milk. Seventh. We have endeavored to show the importance of milk in the treatment of disease by pointing out the importance given to diet in the modern practice of medicine. And, that, as it contains the variety of alimentary principles necessary to the body nourishment in a form easy of digestion, it is the most valuable single article of food for the sick. Eighth. We have mentioned a new process for partially digest- ing milk outside of the body, and the curative agency of milk in some diseases, also its utility as a vehicle for administering stimulants to the sick. We have stated that milk is rapidly taking the place of blood for the purpose of " transfusion." In conclusion we would add that much could be said upon milk in relation to its cheapness as a food in general,, and to its many culi- nary uses ; but it is to be understood that this report is not an ex- [Sen. Doc. Ko. 27..] 19 146 [Senate, No. 27.] hnustive disquisition upon tho subject. Our aim lias been to show in a concise and suggestive manner the vitally important position this article occupies ; and to point out some of the various ways in which, if left unpi'otected, it may become, instead of a boon, a most destructive element. While the State has intervened and removed many of these sources of evil there is nuich yet to be done, and noth- ing but constant and vigilant surveillance will keep this important article of food free from impurities. It is desirable that a matter so important, and involving such great money interests, and in reference to which there is so much contro- versy and uncertainty, as the question whether brewers' grains are a healthy food for milch cows, or not, should be settied by an exhaust- ive and unprejudiced series of experiments. Another matter we wish to emphasize is, the great danger to which the community is exposed in the consumption of milk from diseased cows. There is an a]'»parent indifference to this matter, but we have stated above sufficient tangible evidence to show that there is real danger. If Wiedman is correct in his assertion that '' he has seen a pneumonia anatomically identical with the bovine form, produced in children by the use of milk from cows suffering therefrom," it is fair to infer that there is great danger from contagions pleuro-pneu- monia prevalent among cattle in this country. The local authorities' of Brooklyn, but a few months ago, had occasion to revoke the hcense of a milk-seller for selling milk from a consumptive cow or cows. Though a cow suffering from a most fatal malady may give milk in which there cannot be found by chemical analysis or microscopic examination any deviation in quality (there is always a decrease in quantity) from the normal, it seems impossible for an observer of disease in the human being, if to judge only by analogy, to believe but that it must be injurious. In short, how an unhealthy cow can produce healthy milk is incomprehensible to the writer. There should be means provided so that rigid inspection, by com- petent men, could be frequently made of the health and surround- ings of all cows whose milk is to be sold for consumption. In addition to the above, I wish to report the following work done by me : Whole number of samples of milk examined T^ " '' " milk analyses 2^ " " " prosecutions 6 " " convicted and fined $25 each 4 " , " of butter analyses 16 " " " samples of butter procured . - 5 Respectfully submitted, R. D. CLARK, M. D. INDEX Acids ^^ Agents ° Analyses • • ^" Arrests * • Assistant eommissioners: appointment of • ^ report of ~'^ Beef, composition of , 141 Blood, in milk • • • ll|^ Boardiug-liouse keepers |^ Butter, price of *^ Buttermilk • o* composition . , ■ •■ "" Cheese ....... 8 Chemist, report of *° Coagula 46 Convictions ^ Counsel ^ Cream •. 55 Danger from adulteration of milk 134 Detection of adulterants HI Diet if Disease of the udder, effects upon milk l.ol Distillery swill . '''8 Employees ^ Expenses 1" Experimental station ~. 15 Ex perts - ^ Fats , 50 Finances • • 1^ Food, its adulteration 127 for cattle 136 epidemic. 86 Hallymeter 100 Human milk 47 Inspection work 28 Koumiss (fermented milk) 56 Lactobutyrometer ■«• 94 Lactometer 99 Lactoscope, Donne's 90 Feser's 95 prismatic 93 Vogel's 91 Lactothermometer, Spence's 101 Law 31 Letters . 18 14:8 Milk : PAOE. abnornal 70 analyses of 118 as a type of human food 122 adiilteral ion of 128 as a basis of diet in sickness 129 albunienoids 53 blue 81 buttermilk 82 condensed 117 condensed, analyses of 40, 110 condensed, method of 119 composition of -.43, P»0 constituents of 42 examination of 44 history of 42 improvement of 40 in its medical bearings. 122 in tlie arts and manufacturing 120 kind of, for infants 127 methods of analyises 100 methods of analyses, Ritthausen's. . . „ . . . . 106 methods of analyses. Waller's 107 method of determining amount of cream 89 method of determining amount of water. 9(5 method of testing 88 mineral constituents of . o4 plants that impart color to 77 purity of 12 red y-» sandy 82 shipment of 8, 31 sour 80 speci fie gravity of 11, ^O standard of 11. 58 sugar ■. 106 substitute for , 44 sunimar_y ... 39 to be examined • 9 watery 80 Necessity of fats in the economy 123 New form of febrile disetrse 132 New York State Dairy Commissioner, report of. o Oath of office 3 Oleomargarine, demand for 2G manufacture of 20 reduction of 37 shipment of. 7 trade ^' Organization '^ Prosecutions 7 Reactions, table of 47 Relation of animal diseases to public health 130 Restaurants - • • • "< Salaries ? 4 Sessions, courts of. . Swill, feeding of 41 Treatment of cows, effects of 129 Trials, adjournments of •» Tuberculosis ^'j4 Witnesses 5 FEB y.b ]90i