Author ^ ♦ Title Imprint. i«- TASTE: A COMEDY, ^^ TWO ACTS. J^Y SAMUEL lOOTE, ESQ, NEW- YORK : J^UBLISHED BV d. LONGWORTH, At the Dramatic Repository, Skakspeare-GallerT/, M<:w/— 1813, mmmmmmmmmmmmfUBFm m ROLO WRITTEN BV MR. GARRICti, m^rx % ^ ^ ^ PROLOGUE and spoken by him in the character of an auctio7urr. Before this court, I peter puff appear, A. briton born, and bred an auctioneer ! Who ibr tiiyseif, and eke a hundred others, My useful, honest, learned, bawling brothers, With much humility and fear implore ye, To lay our present desp'rate case before ye. Tis said tiiis night a certain wag intends To laugh at us, our calling and our friends : l\^ lords and ladies, and such dainty folks ! Are cured of auction-hunting by his jokes. Should this odd doctrine spread throughout the land Before you buy, be sure to understand; Oh, think on us what various ills will flow, AVhen great ones only purchase — what they know 7 Why laugh at taste / it is a harmless fashion. And quite subdues each detrimental passion ; The fair ones' hearts will ne'er incline to man, While thus they rage for — China and Japan, The virtuoso too, and connoisseur. Are ever decent, delicate, and pure ; The smallest hair their looser thoughts might holt-. Just warm when single, and when married, cold : Their blood at sight of beauty gently flows ," Their Venus must be old, and want a nose ! No am'rous passion with deep knowledge thrives , Tis the complaint, indeed, ol all our wives ! I'is said virtu to such a height is grown. All aitists are encouraged — but our own. Be not deceived I here declare on oath, I never yet sold goods o. foreign growth : Ne'er sent commissions out to Greece ovRomc , My best antiquities are made at home. I've ronians, greeks , itaiians, near at hand, True britons all — and living in the strand, 1 ne'er for trinkets rack my pericranium, They furnish out my room tiom herculaneum* But hush— mmm^^msm^fommim PROLOGUE. Should it be known that engUsh are employed, Our manufacture is at once destroyed ; No matter what our countrymen deserve, They'll thrive as ancients, but as moderns starve — if we should fall to you it will be owing ; Farewell to arts — they're going, going, going; The fatal hammer's in your hand, oh, town ! Then set us up — and knock the poet down. TASTE. In this pleasant comedy, which came from the satirical pen of Samuel Foote, we meet with * much to approve, and little to con- demn.' It was brought before the public in the year 1752 ; as the com- edy throughout is rich in satire of the first description, it is to be vegretted that it has been suffered to lay so long dormant. DRAMATIS PERSONS, Carmine, Puff, Brush, Novice, Lord Dupe, Alderman Pentweazel, Caleb, Boy, Lady Featw^azel, Drury-lanc. Mr, Palmer — Yates — Cross — Blakeo — Shuter — Taswell — Costollo Mast. Cross Mr. fVorsdalc The passages distinguished by inverted commas tl^iis, 4^^ '-) are omitted in the represcntQtiort. ■*i' A S T }:, ACT I. sci:.vE I— a painting room, mter caumine, followed by the Bor. i^'^J^ *''*'''' ''°''"'' '" f'^« ^™do^. by the Diiict Any visitors or mes>ao-<^^' '^ "^ paiiei. ™ay take youronn tiie ''"'**="' ''" ^'^^^■' y«" Cor. Well delicacy of a'Cu t t-^ Jnll. T='x,'%*° ^"PP'-^ «ie design of a RaDhaf.? ^^ ^f°!°""S .^- =^ R«bens. and the With these, not one V^^:;^' "-^-^ -^ e^i^^er BOY, w;fY/^ the slate, ,.ft .ro„s lor tood ; and witli them, too, gulps down g TASTE [Foofe every tl.L"?'s offered her-no m^.^tf" ho«- coarse. Weli! she shall be fed ; I'll make her my uitroductory key to tlie whole bench of aldemieH. enter boy rcith puFF. B"V. Mr. Puff, sir- ^, , Car If-t us be private. What have you there . _ Pvf Tv.0 oi R'iT,brandt's etching, by Scrape m May . buiU- iasE : a paltry afidir, a poor ten-guinea ,obr however a" man game-yon know the proverb-what became ot ^"car!TwJs 'detained by sir Positive Bubble How went the pictures ? the GuiJio, what dia that letch ? PutT. One hundred and thirty. ^^ <., ■ ,< fvr Ham ! four guineas the frame, three the paint- ing ; then we dividi jurt one hundred and twenty- *''%> Hold-not altosetlier so fast-Varnish had two piccef for MHding agaiast Squander, and Brush hve for 'T^Im^m; w^^lT'lo^k ye, mr. Puff, if these people oje " -'nafy quartered iri^on us, I deeJare off, s,r ; they ^atup «i^ rof t. There's that damned Brush-but you'll ^nd h m out. I tavc upon his old plangiven h>m.cop,esof " thP work 1 execute.! upon his recommendation : and wLat wasthe consequence ? he clandestinely so d the cop- ies and I have ail the originals in my hmiber-room. Pt ? Come, come,, you are no great .oser hv tlat ^h! that lun>fc:-r-room! that lumber-room oat 5 r S- is the best con,5il^oned estate in the cor.ntj' ot 4 V le ex Whv, now tU-re's your Susannah, ,t could n^v-' produce;:! you above twenty at most ; and b the ^"dit'on of your l.ui.bcr-room dirt and th^salutar> ap~ n V t'ono the ', it became a, vvortl ^, "Jr^A tf,it-v DOi-n Is. " Besi.les, in all traffic ot . Ssh'':^:: ourjack,... and ^^^^f^^^^J^^^ " of t;>: pr< y. Courage, my bov : n.vrrtear. i laise .. be to follv an i fashion." there are in this town dupes - pno ;"h to grntifv the avarice ot ns all. rTr .Mr. Puff, 'you arc ignorant and scurrilous, and I Act!] TASTE ? and rery impertiiieiit, mv. Puff; and, mr, Piiif,;! have a strange mind to leave yoa to yoni.selves, and thea see what a hand you wonid make of it — sir, ii' I cio nov/ .ind then add some tints of antiquity to my pictures, I do it in condescension to the foible of the ^yorld ; lor, sir, age, -^'^^ sir, is all my pictures want to render 'em as goo.i raoces as the masters from whom they are taken : and let aie tell you, sir, he that took my Susannali for a Gaido, gave no mio;hty proofs of his ignorance, mr. Putf. Puff. Why, thou post-painter, thou dauber, thou exe- crable white-washer, thou — *' sirrah," have you so soon tbrgot the wretched state from whence i uragge i you t the first time I set ey^es on you, *• rascal 1" wh^it wis your occupation then '? scribbling, in scarce legible letters, coffee J tea, and chocolate , on a bawdy-house window in Goodman' s-fields. Car, The meanness of Eiy original demonstrates tlic greatness of my genius. Puff. Genius ! here's a dog. Pray, how high did your genius soar ? to tiie daubing diabolical angels for ale- houses, dogs with chains for tanners yards, rounds of beef and roasted pigs for Porridge island. Car. Hannibal Scratchi did the same, Piiff. From tliat contemptible state did not I raise you to the cat and fiddle in Petticoat-lane ; the goose and grid- iron in Paul's church-yard ; the first live things you ever drew, ** dog ?" Car. Pox take your memory. V/ell, but, mr. Puff— you are so Ptff. Nov did I quit you tlien : who, sirrah, recom- mended you to Prun Stiff, the mercer Tipon Ludgate-hill ; how came you to draw the queen there ? {loud knocks at the door) Car. Mr. Puff, for heaven's sake ! dear sir, you afe so warm, we shall be blown — -- enter bov. Boy. Sir, my lady Pen Car. Seed hqr to the — show her irp stairs, de^r TASTE [Footfc Puff. Oh '. sir, I can be calm ; I only wanted to let you see I had not forgot, though perhaps you may. Car. Sir, you are very obliging. Well, but now as all is over, if you will retreat a small time — lady Pentweazel sits lor her pictare, and she's Piiff I have some business at the next door ; I sup- pose in half an hour's time Car. I shall be at leisure. Dear Puff— — Piiff. Dear Carmine [exit Puff Car. Son of a whore — boy, show the lady up stairs. enter lacf^ pestweazel. L. Pen. Fine pieces ! very likely pieces ! and indeed all ^like. Bum! lady Fusooek — dn t, ha, ha. La! lady €il' ra^tead, by all that's ugly — pray^ nov", mr. Carmine, ho'v do you limners contrive to overlook the ugliness and yet preserve tht^. likeness ? Car. The rat, maclam, may be conveyed in two words ; where nature has been severe, we soften ; where she has been kind, we aggravate. L. Pen. Very ingenus, and very kind, truly. Well, goo i sir, I bring you a subject that will demand the v* hole of the first i^ttrt of your skill ; and if you are at leisure, you may be'xia dhectly. Car. Year laoyship is here a little ungrateful to nature, and cruel to yourself; even lauy Fentweazle's emmies, if such there be, must allow that she is a tine woman. L. Pen. Oh, your servant, gooi sir. Wliy, I have had my flay, mr. Carmine ; 1 have had my day. Car. And iiave still, madam. The only diflTerence I shall make between what you were, an(i wiiat you are, will be no more tlian what Rubens has (.istinguished bo tween Mary de Medicis, a virgin and a regent. L. Pen. Mr. Carmine, I vo^v you are a very judicious person, I was always saia to b»nwA, What ! goats ? G t8 TASTE [Foote Ptijf^ Ayj dat was de name. L. Dupe. I should think, by the cheese and the goats, mynheer, yours was a welsh piece instead of a dutch. Puff, Ah, twas good piece. I wish to my heart Ic^d Dupes was have that piece. enter novice. JVov. Where's mr. Brush ? my dear Erusti, am I too late? Brush. In pretty good time. Nov. May I loose my Otho, or be tumbled from my phaeton the first time I jehup my sorrels, if I have not raade more haste than a young surgeon to his first labor. But the lots, the lots, my dear Brush, what are they ? I'm upon the rack of impatience till I see them, and in a fever of desire till I possess tiiem. Brush. Mr. Canto, the gentleman would be glad to see the busts, medals, and precious relics, of Greece and an- cient Rome. Car. Perhaps, sir, we may show him something of greater antiquity — bring them for^vard — the first lot coq- sists of a hand without an arm, the first joint of the fore- finger gone, supposed to be a limb of the Apollo Delphos — the second, half a foot, with the toes intire, of the Juno Lucina — the third, the Caduceus of the Mercurius Infer* nalis — the fourth, the half of a leg of the infant Hercules —all indisputable antiques, and of the memphian marble* Puff\ Let me see Juno's hall-foot. All the toes intire ? Car. All, Puff. Here is a little swelt by this toe, dat looks bad proportion. All. Hey, hey ! Puff. What's dat? Car. That ! pshaw ! that ! why, that's only a corn. All. Oh! Pitj}\ Com ! dat was extreme natural ; dat is fine ,* de maister is in it. All. Very fine, invaluable ! Puff. AVhere is de Hercules' calf? upon ray word, tis a very large calf; big. big, big, all de wfry up, all d!^ wnv down. A«t 11] TASTfi 19 L. Dupe. I believe this HerciJles was an irishman. Nov. But ^vhere are your busts ? here, here, gentle- men, liere's a curiosity I a medal of Oriuna ; got tor me by doctor Mummy ; the only one in the visible world ; there may be some under ground. L. Dupe. Fine indeed ! will you permit me to taste it ! it has the relish, {all taste) Nov. The relish ! zooks, it cost me a hundred guineas. Pits'. By gar, it is a dear bit, though. Nov. So you may think ; bat three times the money should not purchase it. L. Dupe. Pray, su, whose bust is it that dignifies this coin ? Nov. The empress Oriuna, my lord. L. Dupe. And who, sir, migiit she be ? I dont recollect to have heard of the lady beibre. Nov. Siie, my lord ? oh, slie was a kind of what-d'ye- call-em — a sort of a queen, or wife, or something or other, to somebody that Xiwaa a damned while ago — Mummy told me the wlK)Ie story; but, before gad, l*ve forgot it. But come, the busts. Car. Bring forivarvi iX\e head from Herculaneum. Now, gentlemen, h^re is a jewel. All. Ay, ay, let's see. Car. Tis not intire, thoagh. Nov. So mucii the better. Car. Right, sir— the vf ry inutiUtious of this piece are ^vorth ali tae most perfect p'jribnn inces ofmodera utists. Now, gentlemen, here's a touchstone for your taste ! All. Great ! great indeed ! Nov. Great! amazing! divine ! oh, let me embrace the dear dismembered bust \ a little farth^^r off. I'm rav- ished ! I'm transported ! what an attitude ! but then the locks ! how I adore the simplicity of t)ic ancients ! how unlike the present, piggisli, crop-eared puppets ! how gracefully tiiey fall all adown the cheek ! so decent and so grave, and — who the devil do you think it is, Brush ? is it a man or a woman ? Car. The connoisseurs differ, Some vrill have it to be the Jupiter Tonans of Phidias, and others the Venus of Paphos from Praxiteles : but 1 dont think it herce enough fpv the first, nor handsome enough for the la^. 20 TASTE [Foote Nov. Yes, handsome enough. All. Very handsome ; handsome enough. Car. Not quite — therefore 1 am inchned to jom with signior Julio de Pampediilo, who, in a treatise dedicated to the king ol" the two SiciHes, calls it the Serapis of the eygptians ; and supposes it to have been fabricated about eleven hundred and three years before the mosaic account of the creation. Nov. Prodigious ! and I dare swear true. All. Oh ! true, very true. Pvff. Upon my honor, tis a very fine bust ; but where is de nose ? Nov. The nose ; what care I for the nose ? where is de nose ? why, sir, if it had a nose, I would not give six- pence for it — how the devil should we distinguish the works of the ancients, if they were perfect ? the nose, in- deed ! why, I dont suppose now, but, barring the nose^ Roubiliac could cut as good a head every whit — Brash, who is this man with his nose '? the fellow siiould know something of something too, for he speaks broken en- glish. Bn'ush. It is mynheer Groningen, a great connoisseur in painting. Nov. That m^y be ; but as to sculpture, I am his ve- ry humble servant. A man must know damned little of statuary, that dislikes a bust for want of a nose. Car. Right, sir — the nose itself, without the head, nay> in another's possession, would be an estate — but here are behind, gentlemen and ladies, an equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius without the horse, and a complete statue of the emperor Trajan with only the head and legs missing ; both from Herculaneum. This way, gentle- men and ladies. enter lady pextweazel, alder31an% and caleb. L. Pen. Now, mr. Pentweazel, let us have none of your Blowbiadder breeding. Remember you are at the €Ourt-f^nd of the town. This is a quality-auction. Aid. Where of course nothing is sold that is useful — I am tutored, sweet honey. L. Pen. Cdtlrb, keep behind, and dont bejmeddling* Sir (to BrushJ Act II] TASTE 21 Brush, Your pkasiire, ma'am ? L. Pen, I should be glad you would inform me if there are any lots of very fine old china. I find the quality are grown infinitely fond of it ; and I am willing to show the world that we in the city have taste. Brush, Tis a laudable resolution, ma'am ; and I dare say, mv. Canto can supply — bless me ! what's that ? (Caleb throws down a chna-dish) L. Pen, That boy, I sr.ppose ! well, if the mischiev- ous brat has not broke a— and look how he stands — sir- rah, sirrah, did I not bid you not meddle — leave sucking your thumbs. What, I suppose you learnt that trick of your friend the monkey in the v/aggon ? Caleb. Indeed I did not go to ao it, mother. Aid, Prithee, sweet honey, dont be so passionate.— What's doiie can't be undone. The loss is not great ; comie, come. Brush. Mr. Alderman is in the right. The affair is a trifle ; but a twenty guinea job. L, Pen, Twenty guineas ! you should have twenty of my teeth as • Car, You mean if you had them. Your ladyship does not know the value of that piece of china. It is the right old japan of the pea-green kind. Lady Mandarin of- fered me, if I could match it, tour-score guineas lor the pair. L. Dupe, A fine piece, indeed I Pujf. Tis ver fine ! Caleb, Indeed, father, I did not break it. Twas crack- ed in the middle, and so fell a-two in my hand. L, Pen, What ! was it cracked ? Caleb. Yr-s, indeed, mother. L. Pen. There, gc ntlemen ! L, Dupe. Ma'am, I would willingly set you right in this affair : you dont seem acquainted with these kind of tilings ; therefore, I have the honor to tell you, that the crack m the mid lie is a mark of its antiquity, and enhan- ces it? value ; and these gentlemen are, I dare say, of the same opinion. All, Oh, intirely. L. Pen. You are all of a gang, I think, A bTokeJ& piece of china better than a whole one ! 22 TASTE [Foote L, Dupe. Ma'am, I never dispute with a lady ; but this gentleman has tp.ste ; he is a ibr^ igner, and so can't be thought prejudiced ; refer it to him : the day grows late, and I want the auction to begin. AM. Sweet honav, leave it to the gentleman. L, Pen. Well, sir. Puff. Madam, I lov9 to serve de lady. Tis a ver fine piece of china. I was see such another piece sell at Am- sterdam {'or a hundred ducats. Tis ver well worth twen- ty guinea. Caleb. Mother ! father ! never stir if that gentleman ben't the same that we see'd at the painting-man's, that was so zivil to mother : only he has got a black wig on, and speaks outlandish. I'll be fur-enough if it en't a May-gan>e. L. Pen. Hey ! let me die but the boy's in the ^ighl^ My dear, as Pm alive, mr. Fufi', that we saw at the lim- ner's. I told you he was a more cleverer man than I ever saw. Caleb is rignt ; some matter of merriment, I warrant. Puff. I wish it was. (aside) I no understand. Car. So, mr. Puff, you are caught, (aside) L. Dupe. This is a most unfortunate old lady. Ma'am, you are here under another mistake. This is mynheer baron de L. Pen. Mynheer figs-end ! can't I believe my own eyes ? what, do you think because we live in the city, we can't see ? Nov. Fire me, my lord, there may be more in this than we can guess, it's worth examining into. Come, sir, if you an mynheer, who the devil knows you ? Puff. I was know mr. Canto mightily. IVov. Mr. Canto, do you know this baron ? Car. 1 see the dog will be detected, and now is my time to be even with^him tor his rounds of beef and roast- ing pigs, (aside) I can't say I ever saw the gentleman before. Nov. Oh, oh! Zy. Dupe. The fellow is an impostor ; a palpable cheat. Sir, I think you came from the Rhine ; pray, how should you like walking into the Thames ? Nov. Or, wlKit think you, my lord j the rascal com' Act II] TASTE 23 plained but now that the bust wanted a nose ; suppose we were io supply the deficiency witii his ? L, Dupe, But justice, mr. Novice. Car. Great rascal, indeed, gentlemen ! if rogues of this stamp get once a footing in tiiese assemblies, adieu to ail moral honesty. I think an example should be made of him. But, were I to advise, he is a properer subject for the rabble to hajidlefthan the present company. jilL Away with him. Puff. Hands otf. If I must suffer, it shall not be sing- ly- Here is the obsequious mr. Brush, and the very courtly mr. Canto, shall be the partners of my distress. Know then, we all are rogues, if the taking advantage of the absurdities and follies of mankind can be called roguery. I own I have been a cheat, and I glory in it. But what point will you virtuosi, you connoisseurs, gain by the detection ? will not ttie publishing of our crimes trumpet forth your folly ? L. Dupe. Matchless impudence ! Puff. My noble lord here, the dilletanti, the curieu, the precieu of this nation ! what infinite glory will he acquire from this story, that the Leo, the Maecenas, the Petronius, notwithstanding his exquisite taste, has been drawn in to purchase, at an immense expense a cart-load of— rubbish. L. Dupe. Gentlemen and ladies — I have the honor to take my leave. Puff, Your lordship's mostoliedient — when shall I send you your Corregio, your st. Anthony of Padua, your ram- cat, my good lord ? L. Dupe. Rascal ! [exit Nov. This won't do, sir. Though my lord has not vspirit enough, damn me if I quit you. Puff. What, my sprightly squire ! pray favor me with a sight of your Oriuna. It Ims the relish ; an indis° putable antique ; being a Bristol farthing, coined by a soap-boiler to pay his journeymen in the scarcity of cash, and purchased for two-pence of a travelling tinker by, sir^ your humble servant, Timothy PiifF. Ha, ha, ha ! Nov. My Oriuna a Bristol farthing ! Puff. Most assuredly. N9i\ rn be revenged, (going) mmmmmmnim -'4 TASTE [Foote Puff, Stay, stay, and take your bust, my sweet squire ; your Serapis. Two heads they say are better than one ; lay them together. But the locks ! how gracefuUy they fall all adown ? so decent, and so — ha, ha, ha ! Nov. Confound you ! Puff, Why, sir, if it had a nose, I would not give six- pence for it. — Pray, how many years before the creation i was it fabricated, squire ! Nov. I shall live to see you hanged, you dog. [exit Puff. Nay, but, squire ; ha, ha, ha ! now, madam, to ^ your ladyship I come ; to w hose discernment, aided by^ the sagacity of your son Caleb, I owe my discovery. j4liL Look }ou, dout think to abuse my lady. I am one of the Puff. Quorum T know it, mr. Alderman ; but I mean to serve your worship, by humbling a little tlie vanity of your wife. L. Pen. Come along, chuck. I'll not stay to hear the rascality of the tellow. Puff. Oh, my lady Pentrceasel, correct the severity of ' that frown, lest you should have more of the Medusa thaa the Medicis in your face. L. Pen. Saucy jackanapes ! Pvff. What, then, I have quite lost my city acquaint- ance ; why, Pve promised all my friends tickets for my lord mayor's ball, through your ladyship's interest. L. Pen. ]\Ty interest, indeed, for such a Puff. If Blov^bladder-street has any charms — sir — ma'am — not a step — the finest gentiemau ! ha, ha, ha ! — • and what can you say for yourself, you cowardly ill-look- ing rascal ? (to Carmine) desert your friend at the first pinch — your ally — your partner ! no apology, sir — I have done with you. From poverty and shame I took you, W that I restore you. ** Your crime be your punishment.''' {turning to the audience) Could I be as secure from the censure of this assembly, as I am safe from the resentment of Dupe, Novice, Squander, from the alluring baits of my amorous city lady, and the dangerous combmation of ':3y false friend, I should be happy. Tis from your sentence I expect my fAe ; Your voice alone my triumph can complete. V>«««MMMnMH«« ^>>^:vI'•■■/^r^v. .^ liliiiii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II I ||i|i!ll|l III III "o"oi4 153 208A