*''■ L / - ■ c :Ji§ 'ittv'';-( Qass Book Ej^s ^^55 THE RESOURCES OF THE <^ OF AMERICA; OR, A VIEW OF THE AGRICULTURAL, COMMERCIAL, MANUFACTURING, FINANCIAL, POLITICAL, LITERARY, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS CAPACITY AND CHARACTER OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. BY JOHN BRISTEB COUNSKI,T.OK AT LAW AUTBOR OF TEE RESOURCES OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE — -O^I^O- — Ev S'e (pxst Kcii o>.£o-fM\ PUBLISHED BY JAMES EASTBURN & CO. AT THE LITERARY ROOMS, BROADWAY, CORNER. OF PINK-STREET. AbiaharD Paul, printer. 1818 fiouthem District of J^''ew-York, ss. BE IT REMKMBERED, that on the seventh day of February, in tlic foitv-secoiid ypnr of the Iiidc],endpnce of the United States of America, John Bris/rd, of the said district, liath d.posittd in this ollice tlie title of a book, the right whereof lie claims R8 Author and Proprietor, in the words following, to wit : "The Resources of the United States of America; or, a View of the Agricultural, "Commercial, Manufactnring, Financial, Political, Literary, Moral and Religious "Capacity and Character of the American People. By John Bristed, Counsellor at " Law. Author of tlie Resources of tlie British Kmpire. " Ev Jt ^itu u.At txto-crov !" In conformity to tlie act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " an Act for the encouiaijemtnt of Ltarning, by securing the copies of iMaps, Charts, and Books to the authoi^ and proprietors of such copies, during the times iherrin m( ntion.d" And aUo to an .Act, entitled "un Act supplementary to an Act, entitled an Art for the incoiirao-e- ment of Learning, by .securing the copies of Majjs, Charts, and Books to the authors and |iropnetors ot such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benc- Dts tliereof to tlic arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. JAMKS DILL, Clerk qf the Southern District ojW'ew-York. DEDICATION, TO THE CHANCELLOR OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. SIR, Will you permit me to place under your protection the following pages, in which it is attempted to present a brief outline of the Re- sources and Character of a Country, whose public weal you have so powerfully upheld by your judi- cial talents and learning ; whose private interests have been promoted, and whose private relations have been uniformly gladdened, by your social and domestic virtues ? I have the honour to be. Sir, Your much obliged And n^ost obedient servant. JOHjy butstej). JVew-York, 1818. ADVERTISEMENT. » ® « Towards the close of the year 1809, when the result of the battle of Wagramhad convinced the Ame- rican public that the continent of Europe was finally subdued, and that England alone remained " an easy prey to the all-conquering arms of the Great Napoleon,' I ventured to oppose the headlong current of popular opinion ; and in the " Hints on the JVational Bankruptcy of Britain, and on her resources to maintain the present contest with France,''"' (afterward republished under the title of " Resources of the British Empire,'''') under- took to demonstrate that the final destruction of the overgrown power of France was to be expected : First, from the nature of the French political and mili- tary institutions ; Secondly, from the resistance of the people of Continental Europe ; and. Thirdly, from the resources of the British empire. This work was no sooner published than many pro- found politicians pronounced the author to be " a vi- sionary fanatic, a mere closet recluse, unacquainted with men and things, deficient in judgment, and wanting common sense;" and persisted, with increased vehe- mence, as they inhaled fresh inspirations from the " scevi spiracula Ditis,'''' to prophesy that France " would soon stretch her sceptre over the whole of Europe, plant her tri-coloured flag on the Tower of London, VI ADVERTISEMENT. and establish a Gallic viceroy in the palace of St. James." That controversy, I presume, is now closed, by the events of the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815; and by the present residence of the Imperial and Royal Exile, whom those sagacious statesmen so long wor- shipped as the god of their idolatry. In the Advertisement to the " Hints on the JVational Bankruptcy of Britain^'''' it was said, " the consideration of the domestic policy, the foreign relations, the man- ners and habits, the laws, religion, morals, literature, and science of this very interesting and unparalleled country, whose institutions are almost entirely unknown to the people of Europe, and not sufficiently understood, at least in their remoter consequences, by the general body of our own citizens, I shall take up, as soon as I have leisure and opportunity to arrange the great mass of materials, facts, documents, and state-papers, re- specting these United States, with which I am furnished by the careful and diligent collection of more than three years, aided by the abundant and liberal communica- tions of some American gentlemen, who have distin- guished themselves as statesmen of the highest order, by the zeal, fidelity, industry, and talent, with which they have discharged the most arduous political duties, both in their own country and in the courts of the most powerful European kingdoms." More than eight years have now elapsed, since it was then proposed to publish a " View of the Resources of the United Slates^ Those eight years have added very considerably to the bulk and interest of the collection then formed ; and the following pages, selected and di- gested from the voluminous masses of materials relating to our federative Republic, are offered to the reader as ADVERTISEMExXT. VU an effort to redeem the pledge, given so long since as October, 180 J. It is not intended, in the present work, to give a sta- tistical view of the United States. This has been done already, with so much ability and accuracy, by the Honourable Mr. Pitkin, a member of Congress from Connecticut, that the political economist has only to re- sort to his book for ample instruction on the commerce, agriculture, manufactures, public debt, revenues, and expenditures of the United States. To Mr. Pitkin's *' Statistical View^'''' the following pages are much in- debted ; and I beg leave to embrace this opportunity of presenting to that gentleman my grateful acknow- ledgments for his very kind and liberal offer to furnish me with his own collection of documents respecting the United States; a collection unrivalled in extent and value, and containing, in more than a hundred printed volumes, besides innumerable manuscripts, all the ne- cessary information respecting North America, from her earliest settlement ; and, more especially, resn*^cting these United States, from their first establishment to the present hour. The object proposed in the following work, is merely to give a brief outline of the physical, intellectual, and moral character, capacity, and resources of the United States ; with an entire determination to steer clear of all undue bias for or against either of the great con- tending political parties, which divide, agitate, and go- vern this ever-widening Republic. As I have never received, nor sought any favour or benefit from any one of the numerous parties which have had their day of triumph and defeat, in the quick succession, and rapid alternations which so peculiarly characterize all the VIU ADVERTISEMENT. movements of men and things, under our popular insti- tutions, I may, perhaps, be permitted to say, in relation to those parties, whether dominant or defeated, " Tros, Tyriusque mihi nuUo discrimine agetur." After a few introductory remarks on the importance of a right acquaintance with the resources and cha- racter of the United States, and the grievous misrepre- sentation of them by European writers, the ^n/ chapter exhibits the territorial aspect, population, agriculture, and navigable capacities of the United States; the se- cond, their commerce, home and foreign ; the third, their manufactures; the fourth, their finances; the /i/th^ their government, policy, and laws; the sixth, their literature, arts, and science ; the seventh, their religion, morals, habits, manners, and character. The work is concluded by an eye-glance at the present condition of Europe, particularly of Spain, France, England, and Russia, and the probable consequences of the present European coalition to these United States. JOHJSr BRISTED. JVeW'York, January lith, 1818. TABLE OF CONTENTS. "Vi^WW- — DEDICATION. — Advertisement — general conviction of the United States, in 1809, that France would conquer England, v. — that conviction opposed by the author then, ibid. — intention, at that time, to give a view of the United States, vi. — Mr. Pitkin's Statistics, vii. — plan of the present work, ibid. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Capacity and character of the United States not understood in Eu- rope, 1 — their importance, 2 — Atlantic and Western, 3 — misrepre- sented by travellers, 4 — as Imlay, Parkinson, Ashe, Jansen, &c. S — Brissot's theory of the United States, 6 — Gilbert's theory, 8 — books on the United States recommended, 9 — why the present work was written, 10. CHAPTER I. TERRITORY, AGRICULTURE, POPULATION, AJVD JVAVIGABLE CAPACITY OF THE UNITED STATES. Territorial aspect of the United States, 11 — population of the United States, and other countries, 15 — rapid growth of the United States, 17 — of New-York, Baltimore, Kentucky, New-Orleans, 18 — foreign emigrants, 20 — salubrity of the United States, 21 — popu- lation of the United States ; how raised and distributed, 22 — Vir- ginia population, 23— agriculture of the United States, 24 — naviga- ble capacities of the United States, 25 — canals may connect the whole union, ibid. — their importance, 26 — power of Congress to make them, 27 — the Alleghany mountains and their rivers^ 28 — communications between the Atlantic rivers, the St. Lawrence, and the Lakes, 32 — the New-York canal, 33 — its importance, 34 — ter- ritorial capacities of the United States, 35 — works thereon, 36. * CHAPTER II. COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Anti-commercial theory, 37 — its folly and mischief, 38 — aggregate colnmerce of the world ; of the United States ; of Britain, 39 — X TABLE OF CONTENTS. their commprcial distress, 40 — peculiar advantages of the United States, 40 — their exports 41— imports, 42 — home and foreign trade, 43 — tonnage, 44 — tonnage of Britain, France, and other nations, 45 — United States coasting trade, and 7iavy, ibid. — emancipation of Spanisk America, 4G — its importance to Britain ; to the United States, 47 — junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, 48 — nego- tiations with Britain and President Adams for emancipating Spanish America, 49 — necessity of exertion on the part of Britain, 50. CHAPTER III. J\IAmJFACTURES OF THE UKITED STATES. Connexion between agriculture and manufactures, 52 — folly of forcing manufactures, 53 — their condition in the United States, 55 — efforts to establish their monopoly, 56 — its evil, 57 — mechanical skill of the United States, 58— their chief manufictures ; amount, quality, and value, 59 — in the different States, 61 — and in peculiar places, as Patterson, Philadelphia, 62 — Wilmington, Pittsburg, 63 — steamboats, 65— Fulton, ihid. CHAPTER IV. FIJfAMVES OF THE UJ^ITED STATES. Necessity of internal taxation, 67 — United States taxes establish- ed, destroyed, 68 — mistaken economy of the United States, 69 — standing army of the United States ; of Britain, 70 — importance of taxation, and moneyed institutions, 71 — national debt of the United States, 72 — loans of last war, 73 — sinking fund, 74 — revenue of the United States, 75 — customs, duties, &c. 76 — internal taxes, 81 ■ — their apportionment, 82 — United States property in land, slaves, &c. 83 — its rapid increase. Bo— public lands, 86 — finances of the United Slates for 1317, 88 — aggregate of the United States capi- tal, income, and expenditure, 89 — do. of Britain ; her deficit, 90 — do. of France, and other powers, 94 — purchase of /Vor/t/a, 95 — contrast between the energy of the United States and supineness of Britain, 96 — importance of Cuba to Britain, 97— feverish state of Europe, ibid. — preponderance of Russia, ibid. — Holy League, 98— combination of Europe and the United States against Britain, 98. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER V. GOVER^rj^IEJ^'T, POLICY, AXD LAWS OF THE UmTED STATES. United States governments all elective, 99 — importance of po- litical economy, ibid. — characteristic differences between ancient and modern governments, 100 — best works on political philosophy, 106 — mischief of monopo/ies, whether mercantile, or manufacturing, or agricultural, 108 — the essentials of a good government, 109 — na- tional sovereignty of the United States, 111 — advantages of a zorit- ten Constitution, 112 — importance of studying ^mencan polity, 113 — relation of General and State governments, 114 — their probable duration, 114— Barbe de Marbois, 115 — G. Morris, ibid. — Fede- ral Constitution of the United States ; its powers and representa- tives, 116 — evils of frequent elections, 117 — of voting by ballot, 120 — of universal suffrage, 121 — of qualifications in the elected, ibid. — of disfranchising the clergy, 122 — Senators of the United States; how appointed, 123 — importance of a durable Senate, 124 —evils of excluding cabinet officers from the Legislature, 130 — of under paying the public servants, 132 — executive negative, 134 — money bills, 137 — general powers of congress, 138 — evils of the present location of the seat of the Federal Government, 139 — slave system in the United States, 148 — in the world, 149 — aboli- tion of the slave trade by the United States, 150 — evils of slavery, 151 — slaves burned alive in the United States, 152 — attempt in the United States to colonize free blacks, 153 — best writers on the Uni- ted States government and policy, 156 — papers of General Hamilton, 158 — powers of the United States Executive, 159— President ; Vice-President; 160— how chosen, 161 — Qv'ih of caucus, ibid. — joint powers of Executive and Senate, 165 — evils of multitudinous exe- cutive in the States generally, and particularly in New- York, 1G7 — executive power of pardoning ; its importance, 172 — abused in the United States, 174 — Judicial powers of the United States, 175 — evils of cashiering Judges at sixty, 177 — requisites of independence in judiciary, 178 — their dependence in many of the States, 100 — pow- er of American judiciary over legislative Acts, 183 — which not known in any other country, 184 — usurpation of Georgia Legisla- ture over the judiciary, 187 — importance of such power in the judiciary, 107 — diversity of laws in the United States ; its evil ; 190 — crime committed in one State not punishable in another, 193 — XII TABLE OF CONTENTS. duelling; General Hamilton and his son, 194 — importance of uni- form laws in the United States, 195 — miscellaneous powers of Con- gress, 196 — amendments of the Federal Constitution, 197 — hovr made, 199 — unsuccessful attempts to make, 201 — by Senator Hill- house, ibid. — the Hartford Convention, 202 — General Hamilton'! plan of the United States Constitution, 203— paper constitutions, 206 — necessity of a vigorous administration of the Federal Government, 207 — Presidents AVashington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, 208 — effects of the Washington administration on the United States, 209 — duty of a wise government to exclude foreigners from all political privileges, 210 — necessity of preserving and strengthening the federal Union, 211 — evils of its disruption, 213 — all nea; go- vernments weak ; instanced in Britain and the United Stixtes, 215 — general government of the Unitgd States too weak in itself, 217 — its probable career, 210 — chief characteristics of American institu- tions, 220 — population of the United States better, their govern- ment weaker, than those of Europe, 221 — chief defects in all governments, ancient and modern, 222 — peculiar adaptation of tlie United States government to its people, 225 — Mr. Jay's parallel between European and American governments, 226 — general course of all free governments, 228 — superior physical, intellectual, and moral qualities of the American people, 229 — increased power of the people, all over the world, 230 — Emperor Alexander, 231 — M. Talleyrand, 232— relative importance of the United States, east- ern and western sections, 233 — probable consequences of western predominance, 234 — general conviction, in the United States, of superiority of American to the British people, 235 — the great ques- tion at issue between American and European governments, 236 — Resources of the United States relatively greater than those of Bri- tain, 237 — the revolutionary question supported by the United States and Continental Europe, against England, 241 — its probable result, 242— danger of British Colonies, particularly Canada ; its maladministration, 243 — Cuba once offered to Mr. Jefferson, 245 — .•Spanish American Colonies must fall to the United States, whom Britain cannot conciliate, 246 — Vienna Treaty, 247 — Holy League, ibid. — United States more formidable to Britain than Russia, 240 — Mr. Jackson's (the British Ambassador to the United States,) opi- nion of the American people, 249 — their capacity and character, ifi peace and war, 250— po//t/ca/ parties in the United States, 251— TABLE OP CONTENTS. xlii their views and objects, ibid. — home policy of the United States, 252 —their skilful diplomacy, 2 52— its importance, 253— skilful diploma- cy of France and Russia contrasted with the diplomatic blunders of England, 254— origin and progress of the anned neutrality, from 1754 to 1815, 259 — causes of England's unskilful diplomacy, 2G5 — her intrinsic home power, 267— Mr. Jefferson's prophecy concern- ing her, in 1782, 269— LAWS of the United States and the world generally, 270— their study most important, 271— necessity of Lectures on, in the United States, 273— effect of the study of law on the human understanding, 275— Mr. Burke, 276— Mr. Canning, 277— author of Pursuits of Literature, 278— Lord Thurlow, Lord Kenyon, Lord Bacon, 279— superiority of the common to the civil law, 283— its prevalence in the United States, 284— outline of legal study, 285— some defects in the juridical system of America, 286— no remedy against the United States or a separate State, 286— bad iiisolvent laws, 287— lower law-officers badly appointed, ibid. usury, 26trf.— poor-laws, 288— New-York Sunday School Union, ihid. — defects oi New-York Constitution, 292 — necessity of amend- ing New-York Constitution, ibid. — its Court of Errors, &c. 293 no Bar, in a free country, can be overstocked, 294— lawyers govern the United States, ibid.-^-ihe American Bar averages a greater amount of talent than the British, 295— characteristics of American and British eloquence ; of ancient and modern speakin"-, 297— of American and British law-reporters, 302 — English crown lawyers and New- York lawyers, 303. CHAPTER VI. OX THE LITERATURE OF THE UjYITED STATES. " The United States and England," 304— Mr. Southey ; Editors of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, 305— United States tinder- rated in Europe, 306— Franklin's refutation of the French theory, 307— cawses of the United States literature being defective, 308 no want of American genius, 309— general course of readers and writers in the United States, 310— 0,000 Maryland 85,000 Virginia 85,000 North-Carolina 45,000 Georgia 6,000 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 17 POPULATIOJV. States. Square Miles. 1790. 1800. 1817. Vermont 10,000 9,800 31,750 8.600 1,700 4,500 54,000 6,500 48,700 1,800 14,000 75,000 62,000 49,000 32,700 64,000 85,539 141,885 96,640 378,787 68,825 237,946 340,120 184,139 434,373 59,094 319,728 747,610 73,677 393,751 240,073 82,548 35,691 154,466 183,858 151,719 422,845 69,122 251,092 686,050 211,149 602,545 64,273 349,692 886,149 220,959 478,105 345,591 162,685 45,365 14,093 105,602 296,450 New-Hampshire , . Maine ) Massachusetts ^ Rhode-Island 302,733 318,647 564,392 98,721 Connecticut New- York 349,568 1,486,739 New-Jersey Pennsylvania 345,822 986,494 Delaware 108,334 602,710 1,347,496 683,753 701,224 664,785 408,567 Maryland Virginia } Kentucky* ^ North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Western Territories.. District of Columbia.. Tenoesse 100 63,000 45,000 49,000 38,000 65,000 66,000 47,500 1,987,000 37,892 489,624 394,762 108,923 86,734 104,560 39,000 9,743 68,794 Ohio Indiana Mississippi Illinois Territory Michigan do 5,641 Total 2,814,550 3,929,326 5,303,666 10,405,547 What the national capacities of the State of New- York are, may be inferred, not only from her territo- rial extent, which is ten thousand square miles larger than all England and Wales taken together, but also from the fact, that she has already, in 18] 7, outstripped every other State in the Union, in the number oi" her population ; although, at the close of the revolutionary war, in 1783, she did not contain half the number of souls which the States of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia respectively possessed. The 3 1 8 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES following facts will show how rapid has been the growth of some particular places in the United States. in the year 1783, the population of the city of New- York was only 26,000; m the year 1790, 33,000; in 1800, 60,439; in 1810, 93,914; in 1817, 122,000— thus multiplying four times in thirty-four years. Its harbour, formed by the union of the Hudson with the strait of the Sound, called East river, makes a road- stead capable of containing all the navies of the world. Its commerce far surpasses that of any other city in the Union, and in the course of a few years will be second only to that of London. It imports most of the goods consumed between the Raritan and the Connecticut, a coast of 130 miles, and between the Atlantic ocean and the lakes, a range of 400 miles. In the year 1^816, the foreign imports into the city exceeded fifty-six millions of dollars. Fifty years since, no such place as Baltimore existed ; and now it is a city, abounding in commerce, wealth, and splendour, and contains a population of nearly sixty thousand souls. In the year 1770, there was not a sinjjle white inha- bitant in all Kentucky; in 1790, there were 73,677 souls, in 1800, 220,960; and now, in 1817, nearly 700,000. In 1783, the city of New-Orleans was in- habited by a few miserable Spaniards, who carried on a small smuggling trade. Now, m 1817, it numbers nearly 40,000 inhabitants ; and its exports, during the last year, exceeded those of all the New-England States taken together ; the steam-boats have been found able to stem the current of the Mississippi; and, hence- forth, the struggle to engross the foreign trade of the whole western country will be between New-Orleans, New-York, Montreal, and Philadelphia. The diffi- culty of ascending the Mississippi, had, until the experi- ment of the steam-boats, prevented New-Orleans from supplying the western States with foreign merchandise, which was purchased cheaper in New-York or Phila- delphia, and carried by land to Pittsburgh, at the con- fluence of the Monongahela and Alleghany rivers, and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. |9 thence doAvn the Ohio, to the various settlements on its banks, than it could be transported up the Missis- sippi and the Ohio. The chief part of this immense and rapidly augmenting commerce will fall, of course, to that place which can supply foreign goods at the lowest rate ; the difference of price depending chiefly on the expense of internal transportation.? At present, Montreal seems to have the advantage over her rivals. The single portage, at the falls of Niagara excepted, there is a free navigation for vessels from Montreal to Lake Erie, and the vast extent of waters beyond. Un- less, indeed, the canal, to be opened between Lake Erie and the Hudson, may succeed in diverting the trade of the western country from Montreal to New-York. The population of New-Orleans is rapidly increasing by emigrations from all the other States in the Union, and from almost every country in Europe. The exports of Louisiana already exceed those of all the New- England States. Nearly four hundred sea vessels ar- rive and depart annually. And about one thousand vessels, of all denominations, departisd during the year 1816, from the Bayou St. John, a port of delivery in the Mississippi district, and w^ere employed in carrying the produce of the Floridas, belonging to the United States. Six hundred flat-bottomed boats and three hundred barges brought down, last year, to New-Or- leans, produce from the Western States and Territo- ries. Ten millions of pounds of sugar are made on the Mississippi alone. And twenty thousand bales of cot- ton are exported annually. If the population of the United States shall increase for the next twenty-five years, in the same ratio that it has increased during the last twenty-five years, what European country, singk-handcd, will be able to com- pete with them, on the land or on the ocean ; or what European power will be able to preserve its American colonies, whether in the West-Indies or on the conti- nent, from their grasp .-^ And why the population should not increase as rapidly, in time to come, as in the past periods, it is difficult to prove ; for the extent 20 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of fertile territory, yet uncleared, is immer)se ; and any one, in any vocation, manual or mechanical, may, by honest industry and ordinary prudence, acquire an in- dependent provision for himself and family; so high are the wages of labour, averaging, at least, double the rate in England, and quadruple that in France ; so comparatively scanty the population ; so great the de- mand for all kinds of work ; so vast the quantity, and so low the price of land; so light the taxes; so little burdensome the public expenditure and debt. The recent convulsions and distresses of Europe have, during the last two or three years, thrown a more than usual quantity of foreign emigrants into the United States. For the rapid increase of population, however, this country is much less indebted to foreign emigration, than is generally believed. The number of emigrants from other countries, into the union, has not averaged more than Jive ^Aof/5aw(/ annually, during the twenty-five years preceding the peace of Europe in 1815; and full half that number have, during the same period, migrated from the United States, partly into Upper Canada, and partly as seafaring adventurers, all over the world. The proof that this country owes the rapid increase of its population chiefly to its own exertions in that univer- sal domestic manufactory, the production of children, lies in the fact, that the average births are to the deaths, throughout the whole United States, as 100 to 48; in the healthiest parts, as New-England and the Middle States, as 100 to 44; — in the least healthy, namely, the two Carolinas and Georgia, as 100 to 52. — The an- nual deaths average, throughout the United States, one in forty ; in the healthiest districts, one in fifty-six ; in the most unhealthy, one in thirty-five. There die, annually, in all Europe, in great cities, one in twenty- three ; in moderately- sized towns, one in twenty- eight ; in the country, one in thirty-five ; and in the most healthy parts, one in fifty-five. The aggregate salubrity of the United States sur- passes that of Europe ; the males are, generally, active. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 21 robust, muscular, and powerful, capable of great exer- tion and endurance ; the females display a fine symme- try of person, lively and interesting countenances, frank and engaging manners. Neither the men nor the wo- men exhibit such ruddy complexions as the British, Dutch, Swedes, Danes, Russians, Norwegians, and the northern Europeans generally. The Americans ave- rage a longer life than the people in Europe ; where only three^ out of every thousand births, reach the ages of eighty to ninety years ; whereas, in the United States, the proportion is Jive to every thousand. The population of the whole United States has, hitherto, doubled itself in rather less than twenty-Jive years. The New-England States, of course, do not retain their proportion of this increase, because large bodies of their people migrate annually to the western country; which, in consequence, has increased much faster than do the States on the seaboard. Kentucky, for example, has increased eighty per cent, in ten years ; Tennessee, ninety-five ; Ohio, one hundred and eighty; Louisiana, one hundred and fifty; Indiana, eight hundred ; Mississippi Territory, one hundred and sixty ; Illinois Territory, seven hundred ; Missouri Ter- ritory, six hundred ; and Michigan Territory, six hundred ; — while, of all the Atlantic States, the great- est increase is only forty-four per cent, the population growth of New-York ; and the least is twenty per cent, that of Virginia. So that, in the course of a few years, the States will range, if the future be hke the past, as to their aggregate population, in the following order; New- York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, North-Carolina, Massachusetts, South-Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Georgia, New-Jersey, Connecti- cut, Vermont, Louisiana, New-Hampshire, Indiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, Delaware, and Rhode- Island. Although the Western Country draws off large mi- grations from the Atlantic States, particularly from New-England, yet the annually-increasing surplus of population in those States has become so great, that 22 RESOURSES OF THE UNITED STATES. they will not very sensibly feel the drain ; because the whole of the annual increase will never migrate in any given year, until the older States shall be overstocked. Massachusetts proper, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island appear to be approximating to that point ; for their po- pulation averages a very slow increase ; and they furnish, yearly, great numbers of recruits to the West- ern Country. As long as the Federal Union lasts, every succeeding year will diminish the relative import- ance of New-England in the American commonwealth, by rendering her population and resources less and less proportionate to those of the Western States, whose preponderance in the national councils is already begun to be felt. Supposing, however, that the national councils shall be directed for the benefit of the whole United States, and not, exclusively, or too abundantly, for the local interests of somfe particular districts ; then no injury can accrue to the older States, on account of their annual migrations to the west : because, by aug- menting the population and resources of the Union at large, they do, in fact, augment their own strength, as an integral part of that Union. If otherwise, indeed, but it IS not pleasant to indulge in ill-omened anticipa- tions ; sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. The migrations to the west, at present, are supposed to average one-third of the annual increase of the older States ; to this, add the importation of foreigners from Europe, and the growth of their own native stock of population, in an extensive country, a fertile soil, and a favourable climate ; and it requires no great skill in political arithmetic to calculate how soon the Western States will outweigh all the rest of the Union in the general government, by the mere force of a more nume- rous people. An overstock of inhabitants must always be measured by the habits and manners prevalent in any given country. In the earlier stages of barbarous life, for instance, such as our aboriginal Indians pursue, one hunter for every square mile is considered by them a full stock ; and when there is more than this propor- tion, they say, " it is time for our young men to go to RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES 23 war, or we shall starve.''^ Hence arises their merciless mode of fighting and extermination after conquest, so common to all savage hostilities. In the next, or pasto- ral state of human society, an increase, at the rAte of three or four to each square mile, takes place ; as is seen in Arabia, and other parts of Africa, and in Asia. In the more advanced stages of social life, in countries where agriculture and commerce prevail, the rate of population varies from three to three hundred for each square mile of territory, according to the different de- grees of advancement in the arts of civilization, and commercial, horticultural, agricultural, mechanical, and scientific pursuits. In the most populous parts of China, there are upwards of three hundred persons to each square mile ; in England, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Italy, the average is two hundred ; in France, one hun- dred and fifty ; in Scotland, seventy ; in Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Connecticut, fifty-two ; New-York, twenty; Virginia, fifteen; the whole United States, four. It is a fact worthy of observation, that in the State of Virginia there appear to be three distinct races of people ; those on the seaboard, up to the head of the tidewater, are a sickly, indolent, feeble tribe; from the head of the tidewater to the base of the Blue-ridge, the soil is inhabited by as fine, robust, athletic, power- ful a body of men as may be found in the world ; on the ridge of the Blue-mountains, the population is less in stature, but extremely active, hardy, strong, and enterprising. The rapid increase of a healthy and vigorous popu- lation implies a flourishing state of agriculture ; and, ac- cordingly, the United States, during the last twenty years, except 1808, (the embargo year,) and 1814, in addition to maintaining their own fast-growing popula- tion, have, on an average, exported one-fourth of their agricultural produce. For the tables, showing these exports, from the year 1791 to 1816, both inclusive, the reader is referred to Mr. Pitkin's Statistical View of the United States. Agriculture, as a science, is im- 24 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATFX. proving rapidly; and agricultural societies are establish- ed in Massachusetts, New-York, Pennsylvania, and some other States, for the purpose of ascertaining the modes of tillage, pasture, and grazing, best adapted to the different districts of the union. The chief articles of agricultural export are wheat, flour, rice, Indian corn, rye, beans, peas, potatoes, beef, tallow, hides, butter, cheese, pork, &c. horses, mules, sheep, tobacco, cotton, indigo, flax-seed, wax, (fee. &c. — The following state- ment shows the value of agricultural exports, consti- tuting vegetable food, in particular years, namely : In 1802, $12,790,000; 1803, gl4,080,000; 1807, g 14,432,000; 1808, g2,550,000; 1811, g20,39l,000; 1814, g2,179,000; 1815, $11,234,000; 181G, g 13, 150,000. The United States far surpass Europe in navigable capacities ; their rivers are more numerous, more ca- pacious, and navigable a greater distance. The Hud- son, or North river, that ministers to the convenience and wealth of the city of New-York, and is, by no means, to be reckoned among the largest of the Ame- rican rivers, is navigable for sizeable craft nearly two hundred miles from the Atlantic. Some notion may be formed of the facilities for internal navigation in this country, by casting the eye over a map of the United States, and tracing the course of some of the principal rivers; for instance, the Missouri, the Arkansas, the Red River, the La Plate, the Ohio, the Tennessee, and, above all, the Mississippi, the eastern extremity of whose stream is the head water of the Alleghany, in Pennsylvania, about two hundred miles nortliwest of Philadelphia. Its western extremity is the headwater of Jefferson river, about 550 miles from the Pacific ocean ; making a distance between these two extreme points, of 1700 miles, in a straight line, its northern extremity is a branch of the Missouri, about 570 miles west by north of the Lake of the Woods. Its southern extremity is the south pass into the gulf of Mexico, about a hundred miles below New-Orleans; making a distance, between its extreme north and .south, in a RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 25- dtraigbt line, of 1680 miles. So that this river, and its branches, spread over a surface of about fifteen hundred thousand square miles, traversing, in whole, or in part, the following States and Territories ; namely, tiie Ter- ritories of Mississippi, Missouri, Northwest, and Illi- nois ; and the States of Indiana, Ohio, New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, the two Carolinas, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Louisiana. Several successful efforts have been made, and more are now in progress and in contemplation, to render the vast internal navio-ation of the United States still o more complete by the help of canals. On this subject, much valuable information may be derived from the able and luminous Report of Mr. Gallatin, when Se- cretary of the Treasury, on public roads and canals, sent to the Senate on the 2d of March, 1807. This Report, the substance of which will be given presently, recommends to the general government to form canals, from north to south, along the Atlantic seacoast; to open communications between the Atlantic and western waters, and between the Atlantic waters and those of the great lakes, and river St. Lawrence ; and, finally, to make interior canals, wherever they may be wanted, throughout the Union. The United States possess a tidewater inland navigation, secure from storms and enemies, reaching from Massachusetts to the southern extremity of Georgia, and interrupted only by four necks of land ; namely, the isthmus of Barnstable, in Massachusetts ; that part of New-Jersey which extends from the Raritan to the Delaware ; the peninsula be- tween the Delaware and the Chesapeake ; and the low marshy tract which divides the Chesapeake from Albe- marle Sound. It is needless to expatiate on the utility of such a range of internal navigation, whether in peace or war, to quicken the pace, and multiply the products of com- merce; to augment the means, and magnify the re- sources both of offensive and defensive warfare. The inconveniences, complaints, nay dangers, result- ing from a vast extent of territory, caniioi be radically 4 26 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. removed or prevented, except by opening speedy and easy communications through all its parts. Canals would shorten distances, facilitate commercial and per- sonal intercourse, and unite by a still more intimate community of interests the most remote quarters of the United States. No other single operation has so direct a tendency to strengthen and perpetuate that Federal Union, which secures external independence, domestic peace, and internal liberty to the many millions of free- men that are spread over an area of territory larger than the surface of all Europe. Impressed with the weight of these truths, the House of Representatives and Senate, in Congress assembled, in February, 1817, passed a bill, appropriating a fund for internal improvement ; the principal features of which were to perfect the communication from Maine to Louisiana; to connect the Lakes with the Hudson river; to connect all the great commercial points on the Atlantic, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Charleston, and Savannah, with the Western States, and complete the intercourse between the west and New-Orleans. On the 3d of March, Mr. Madison withheld his signature, on account of his scruples, that the Federal Constitution had not given to Congress any power to make internal improvements in the United States; and Mr. Monroe, in his message to Congress on the 2d of December, 1817, after expatiating on the benefit of canals and roads, declares it to be his settled opinion that Congress has no power to make any such internal improvement; and advises an amendment to the Federal Constitution, that shall give such a power. But the committee of the House of Representatives, on this part of the President's Message, reported, on the 15th of December, 1817, that Congress has power, \st. To lay out, construct, and improve post roads through the several States, with the assent of the respective States. 2dly. To open, construct, and improve rnilitanj roads, through the several States, with the assent of the respective States, 'ddly. To cut canals through the several States, with their assent, for promoting and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 27 giving security to internal commerce, and for the more safe and economical transportation of military stores in time of war; leaving, in all these cases, the jurisdic- tional right over the soil, in the respective States. If the general government cannot aid the internal navigation of the Union, it is in the power of the State governments to accomplish that important object at a comparatively small expense. For less than one hun- dred thousand dollars, a sloop navigation might be opened between Buffaloe and the Fond du Lac, a dis- tance of 1800 miles; the only interruption being the Rapids of St. Mary, between lakes Huron and Supe- rior. The Ohio, by one of its branches, French Creek, approaches, with a navigation for boats to within seven miles of Lake Erie; by the Connewango, to within nine ; by the Muskingum to the source of the Cayahoga. The Wabash mingles its waters with those of the Miami of the Lakes ; and the waters of the Illinois interweave their streams with those of Lake Michigan, whence to St. Louis boats pass without meeting with a single portage. The Apalachian Mountains extend west of south from the 42d to the 34th degree of north latitude, ap- proaching the sea, and washed by the tide, in the State of New- York; and thence, in their southerly course, gradually receding from the seashore. In breadth about 150 miles, they present a succession of parallel ridges following nearly the direction of the seacoast, irregularly intersected by rivers, and divided by narrow valleys. The ridge, called Alleghany, which divides the Atlantic rivers from the western waters, preserves throughout a nearly equal distance of 250 miles from the Atlantic ocean, and a nearly uniform elevation of 3000 feet above the level of the sea. These mountains consist of two principal chains, between which lies the fertile limestone valley, that, although occasionally in- terrupted by transversal ridges, and, in one place, by the dividing or Alleghany ridge, reaches from New- burgh and Esopus, on the Hudson river, to Knoxville, on the Tennessee. The eastern and narrowest chain is 28 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. the Blue Ridge of Virginia which, in its northeast course, traverses under various names, the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New-Jersey, forms the Highlands, hroken at Wcstpoint by the tide of the Hud- son, and tiicn uniting with the Green Mountains, as- sumes a northerly direction, and divides the waters of the Hudson and Lake Champlain, from those of Con- necticut river. On the borders of Virginia and North Carohna, the Blue Ridge is united by an inferior mountain, with the great western chain, and thence to its southern extre- mity, becomes the principal or dividing mountain, dis- charging eastward the rivers Roanoke, Pedee, Santee, and Savannah, into the Atlantic Ocean ; southward, the Chatahouchee, and the Alabama, into the Gulf of Mexi- co ; and westward, the New River, and the Tennessee. The New River, taking a course northward, breaks through all the ridgei of the great western chain ; and, a little beyond it unites, under the name of Kanhawa, with the Ohio. The Tennessee at first runs south- Avest, between the two chains ; until having, in a course "westward, turned the southern extremity of the great western chain, it takes a direction northward, and joins its waters w^ith those of the Ohio, a few miles above its confluence with the Mississippi. The western chain, much broader and more elevated, bears the names of Cumberland and Gauly mountains, from its southern extremity, near the great bend of the Tennessee river, until it becomes, in Virginia, the principal or dividing mountain. Thence, in its northerly course, towards the State of New-York, it discharges westward the Green Brier river, which, by its junction with the New River, ibrms the Kanhawa, and the rivers Monongahela and Alleghany, which, from their confluence at Pittsburgh, assume vhe name of Ohio. Eastward, it pours into the Atlantic Ocean, James River, the Potomac, and the Susquehannah. From the northernmost and less eleva- ted spurs of tiie chain, tiie Gennessee flows into the lake Ontario; and in that quarter the northern branches of the Susquehannah appear to take their source, from RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 29 among inferior ridges ; and, in their course to the Chesapeake, to break through all the mountains. From the Susquehannah, the principal chain runs more east- ward, and washed on the north by the lateral valley of the river Mohawk, terminates, under the name of Cats- kill Mountain, in view of the tidewater of the Hudson. It is evident that a canal navigation cannot be carried across these mountains ; the most elevated lock canal in the world is that of Languedoc ; and the highest ground over which it is carried is only 600 feet above the sea. England, with all her means and appliances, has never yet completed a canal of an elevation exceed- ing 500 feet above the waters united by it. The Alle- ghany Mountain, generally, is 3000 feet above the level of the sea. The impracticability arises from the principle of lock navigation, which, in order to effect the ascent, requires a greater supply of water in pro- portion to the height to be ascended, whilst the supply of water becomes less in the same proportion. Nor does the chain of mountains, through the whole" extent where it divides the Atlantic from the western rivers, afford a single pond, lake, or natural reservoir. Indeed, except in the swamps along the southern seacoast, no lake is to be found in the United States south of 41 degrees of north latitude ; and almost every river, north ot 42 degrees, issues from a lake or pond The works necessary, therefore, to facilitate the communications from the seaports across the mountains to the western waters, must consist either of artificial roads, extending the whole way from tidewater to the nearest and most convenient navigable western waters, or of improve- ments in the navigation of the leading Atlantic rivers to the highest practicable points, connected by artificial roads across the mountains, with the nearest points from which a permanent navigation can be relied on, down the western rivers. The undertaking may be accomplished, by making four artificial roads from the four great western rivers, the Alleghany, Monongahela, Kanhawa, and Tennes- see, to the nearest corresponding Atlantic rivers, the 0Q RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Susquehannah, or Juniata, the Potomac, James river, and either the San tee or Savannah, and continuing the roads eastward to the nearest seaports. To which add the improvement of the navigation of the four Atlantic rivers, from the tidewater to the highest practicable point effected, principally by canals round the falls, and by locks, when necessary; and particularly a canal at the Falls of Ohio. And although a canal navigation, uniting the Atlantic and western waters in a direct course across the mountains, is not practicable, yet the mountains may be turned, either on the north, by means of the Mohawk valley and Lake Ontario, or on the south, through Georgia and the Mississippi Territory. The country lying between the sources of the rivers Chatahouchee and Mobile and the Gulf of Mexico, is an inclined plane, regularly descending towards the sea ; and, by following the proper levels, it presents no natural obstacles to opening a canal, fed by the waters of the Mobile and Chatahouchee, and extending from the tidewater on the coast of Georgia to the Missis- sippi. The distance in a direct line is about 550 miles; and the design, if accomplished, would discharge the Mississippi into the Atlantic ocean. An inland naviga- tion, even for open boats, already exists from New- Orleans by the Canal Carondelet to Lake Pontchar- train, thence, between the coast and the adjacent islands, to the Bay of Mobile, and up its two principal rivers, the Alabama and the Tombigbee, to the head of the tide within the acknowledged boundaries of the United States. The current of these two rivers being much less rapid than that of the Mississippi, they were for a long time contemplated, particularly the Tombigbee, as af- fording a better communication to the ascending or re- turning trade from New-Orleans to the waters of the Tennessee, from which they are separated by short portages. The navigation of the Kanhawa and the eastern branches of the Tennessee, Monongahela, and Alleghany, in their course through the mountains, may be easily improved. From the foot of the mountain* RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 31 all those rivers, especially the Ohio, flow with a much gentler current than the Atlantic rivers. All those rivers, at the annual melting of the snows, rise to the height of more than forty feet, affording from the upper points, to which they are navigable, a safe navigation to the sea for any ship that can pass over the bar at the mouth of the Mississippi. And numerous vessels, from one to four hundred tons burden, are now annually built at several ship-yards on the Ohio, as high up as Pitts- burgh, and bringing down to New-Orleans the produce of the upper country consumed there, carry to Europe and the Atlantic ports of the United States the sugar, the cotton, and the tobacco of the States of Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Indiana, and of the Missouri and Alabama Territories. Until lately the exports far exceeded the imports of New-Orleans; such were the labour, time, and expense necessary to ascend the rapid stream of the Mississippi, the nature of whose banks, annually overflowed on a breadth of several miles, precludes the possibility of towing paths. So that whilst the greater part of the produce of the immense country watered by the Mis- sissippi and its tributary streams, was, of necessity, exported through the channel of New-Orleans, the im- portations of a considerable portion of that country were supphed from the Atlantic seaports by water and land communications. But now steam-boats carry mer- chandise and men from New-Orleans up to the Falls of Louisville, on the Ohio, a distance of 1700 miles. Here a canal might be made for half a million of dollars. At present, however, there is a portage of less than two miles at the Ohio falls, whence steam-boats ply regu- larly to Pittsburgh, a distance of 700 miles ; thus en- suring to the Western Country and its great outlet, New-Orleans, a rapidity of growth in wealth, poAver, and population, unexampled in the history of the world. ft is to be noted, however, that steam-boat navigation is much more expensive than that by sloops, nearly as ten to one. 32 ' RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. As to the communications between the Atlantic rivers and the river St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, ves- sels ascend the St. Lawrence from the sea to Montreal. The river Sorrel discharges at some distance below that town, the waters of Lake George and Lake Champlain, which penetrate southward within the United States. From Montreal to Lake Ontario the ascent of the St. Lawrence is 200 feet. From the eastern extremity of Lake Ontario, an inland navigation for vessels of more than a hundred tons burden is continued above a thou- sand miles, through lakes Erie, St. Clair, and Huron, to the western and southern extremities of Lake Mi- chigan, with no other interruption than the falls and rapids of Niagara, between Lake Erie and Lake On- tario. Lake Superior, the largest of those inland seas, communicates with the northern extremity of Lake Huron, by the river and rapids of St. Mary's. Five Atlantic rivers approach the waters of the St. Law- rence ; namely, the Penobscot, Kennebeck, Connecti- cut, the North, or Hudson river, and the Tioga branch of the Susquehannah ; which last river might alTord a useful communication with the rivers Seneca and Ge- nessee, that empty themselves into Lake Ontario. The Susquehannah is the only Atlantic river whose sources approach both the western waters and those of the St. Lawrence The three eastern rivers afford convenient commu- nications with the Province of Lower Canada, but not ^vith the extensive inland navigation which penetrates through the United States, within 200 miles of the Mississippi. The North river is a narrow and long bay, which, in its course from the harbour of New- York, breaks through or turns all the mountains, af- fording a tide navigation for vessels of eighty tons, to Albany and Troy, nearly 200 miles above New-York. In this particular the North river differs from all other bays and rivers in the United States ; the tide in no other ascends higher than the granite ridge, or comes ■within thirty miles of the Blue Ridge, or eastern chain RESOUKCES OF THE UNITED STATES. '^3 ot mountains. In the North river it breaks through the Blue Ridge at West-Point, and ascends above the eastern termination of the CatskiU, or great western chain. A few miles above Troy, and the head of the tide^ the Hudson from the north, and the Mohawk from the west, unite their waters, and form the North river. The Hudson, in its course, approaches the waters of Lake Champlain, and the Mohawk those of Lake 0«- tario. An inland navigation, opened by canals, between Lake Champlain and the North river, would divert to the city of New- York the trade of one-half of the State of Vermont, and of part of the State of New-York, which is now principally carried through the St. Law- rence and Province of Canada* The works necessary to effect water communications between the tide-water of the North river, the St. Lawrence, and all the lakes, except Lake Superior, would not cost more than five millions of dollars. The principal interior canals, which have been al~ ready completed in the United States, are the Middle- sex canal, uniting the waters of the Merrimack river with the harbour of Boston, and the Canal Carondelet, extending from Bayou St. John to the fortifications oi ditch of New-Orleans, and opening an inland communi- cation with Lake Pontchartrain. The uniting this canal by locks with the Mississippi, would, independ- ently of other advantages, enable the general govern- ment to transport with facility and effect the same naval force for the defence of both the Mississippi and Lake Pontchartrain, the two great avenues by which New-Orleans may be approached from the sea. On the 17th April, 1816, and 15th April, 1817, the State Legislature of New-York passed acts, appropriat- ing funds for opening navigable communications be- tween the Lakes Erie and Champlain and the Atlantic ocean, by means of canals connected with the Hudson river. This magnificent undertaking is already begun, and promises to make effectual progress under the auspices of Governor Clinton, who has always been its zealous promoter and patron. If ever this magnificent 34 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STAtE? project shall be accomplished, and a communication ac- tually opened by canals and locks, between Lake Eiie and the navigable waters of Hudson's river, and also between Lake Chainplain and those waters, the State of New-York will soon become, in itself, a powerful empire. i'lie completion of the projected canals would secure to the people of the United States the entire profits ot this branch of home commerce, and give to the general government the security and influence connected with a thickly settled frontier, and a decided suj^eriority ol shipping on the lakes. The State of New-York ought never to rest until it has accomplished this great object, seeing that its ac- complishment will speedily multiply all her resources of territory and population. This State contains inex- haustible supplies of salt, gypsum, iron ore, and a vast variety of other valuable materials for manufacturing establishments. Its territory, containing upwards of thirty millions of acres, offers to agricultural mdustry a rich reward. A river navigation, scarcely paralleled in the world, for nearly 200 miles, without interrup- tion, and terminating on the seaboard at a port, capa- cious, healthy, and easy of access, at all seasons of the year ; its interior boundary line passing, more than hall its length, through the Avaters of Erie, Ontario, and Champlain ; and the numerous navigable lakes included within its limits, afford the highest commercial capa- bilities and benefits. But the remote sections of the eastern and western districts lie neighbouring to the British provinces, and are washed by navigable waters, which flow into the Atlantic ocean through those pro- vinces. Facilitated by the course of their streams, and the declivity of their country, the Americans already contribute largely to their commerce. And, if not prevented, it will become permanent, and number among its agents all tliose who live beyond the high- lands, in which our rivers, running to the north, ori- ginate, including what is now the most fertile, and what will soon be the most populous, part of the State. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES 3.r; In addition to recalling to the market of New-York the productions of its own soil, now ahenated to Cana- da, the construction of these canals would draw to this State the trade of the western parts of Vermont, of a great portion of Upper Canada, and of the northern half of all that vast region of the United States which lies west of the Alleghany mountains. The country south of the great lakes, alone, includes as many square miles as constitute the whole home territory of some of the first-rate European powers; and is, perhaps, the most fertile part of the globe. That country already contains more than a million of souls, and is increasing in its population with a rapidity utterly inconceivable by the inhabitants of the old and fully peopled districts of Europe. The increase of New-England population, during the last twenty years, has averaged six per cent, annually ; and the surplus thousands of this increase are continually migrating to the west. There they are joined by a numerous emigration from the Middle and Southern States, who, together with them, multiply and thrive, in proportion to the means of subsistence pro- duced by their common industry. The projected canals will open to this immense and rapidly augmenting popu- lation a cheaper, safer, and more expeditious road to a profitable market, than they can possibly find in any other country; and, eventually, render the city of New- York the greatest commercial emporium in the world. The United States then exhibit a mighty empire, covering a greater extent of territory than all Europe, and held together by twenty separate State sovereign- ties, watching over and regulating, in their executive, legislative, and judicial departments, all its municipal and local interests; with a Federal head, a oreneral government, preserving and directing all its national concerns and foreign relations; with a soil, rich in all the productions of prime necessity, of convenience, and luxury, and capable of sustaining jive hundred millions o( people ; a line of seacoast more than two thousand miles in extent, and a natural internal na- vigation, in itself excellent, and capable of still further 36 RESOURCES or THE UNITED STATES improvement, by the construction of canals, at a com- paratively trifling expense ; affording within its capa- cious bosom an asylum sufficient to receive all the dis- tressed of Europe, and holding out the sure means of ample subsistence and perfect independence to every one who unites in his own character and conduct the qualities of industry, sobriety, perseverance, and in- tegrity. For the best mode of location in the boundless regions of the Western States and Territories, and for the disposition of the public lands, held by the govern- ment in trust for the people of the United States, the reader may, profitably, consult Mr. Mellish's " Geo- graphical Description of the United States ;" Mr. Brown's " Western Gazetteer, or Emigrant's Directo- ry," and Mr. Darby's " Geographical DcscriiJtion of the State of Louisiana, the Southern part of the State of Mississippi, and Territory of Alabama:" and for the inland navigation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, see " Resources of the British Empire," pp. 216 — 223, both inclusive. CHAPTER II. Commerce, SCc. of the United States. JaOME few years since, a theory prevailed in this country that the United States would become a more prosperous and happy nation, if they would forego, altogether and for ever, a\[ foreign commerce ; and, as a practical commentary upon this text, the general go- vernment, at that time wielded by Mr. Jefferson, and at his special recommendation, laid an embargo on all the American trade with other countries, in the month of December, 1807 ; and continued it with various re- gulations and enforcements, affecting internal commerce also, until the spring of 1 809, a period of eighteen months. These " restrictive energies,'''^ (as they were vauntingly called by Mr. Jefferson) not only annihila- ted the foreign commerce, but also very materially crippled the coasting trade of the United States. The distress, misery, and ruin, produced by this great agri- cultural scheme, not merely to the merchants, but to the farmers also, (whose interests it professed to sub- serve, but whose property it destroyed by taking away the markets for their produce.) was so general, so deep, so intolerable, as to prove the entire fallacy 6f the theory ; and the American people now appear uri- versally to concur in the sentiment publicly pronoun- ced by one of the ablest and most efficient practical statesmen, who now serve as ornaments and bulwarks to the commonwealth ; namely, that " commerce pro- tected by a navy, and a navy nourished by commerce," is the policy best calculated to render the United States a prosperous and powerful empire. 3g RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. The aggregate coramerce of the world, doubtless, is increased in consequence of the universal peace esta- bhshed in the year 1815; but, as certainly, tne respect- ive trade of the United States and Britain has been di- minished by that event. Britain has lost her war monopoly, and America has ceased to be carrier for the world. They are each reduced to the level of peace competition ; and must now contend in foreign markets with the skill and ingenuity of France and Italy, the patient industry and perseverance of the United Nether- lands, the rival labours of Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and the commercial parts of Germany, to which add the efforts of Spain and Portugal. Hence have arisen, during the last three years, both in the United States and in the British Isles, very general and very grievous distress, bankruptcy, and ruin among their merchants, manufacturers, and farmers. In Britain the pressure has been more severe, on account of the enormous pub- lic expenditure, the confined territory, and crowded population of her home dominions, which allow no out- let for her people, who must, therefore, if not directed by their government, and aided to settle in the North American colonics or the Cape of Good Hope, or New Holland, swarm out hither, to swell the rapid tide of our western emigration. Nevertheless, so immense is her capital, so excellent her manufactures, so persevering the industry of her people, so vigorous and all-pervading her government, that her foreign trade is rapidly improving, more parti- cularly with the Brazils, the Baltic, Italy, and the East- Indies. In the most prosperous days her foreign com- merce did 7iot make an eleventh part of her home and colonial trade ; for the gradual progress and amount of the British trade, alike in the Isles, the colonies, and all the quarters of the world, for the last hundred years ; See the " Resources of the British Empire," pp. 122 — 140, both inclusive; and pp. 399 — 4.50. In the United "States the pressure has been less se- vere than in Britain, although the bankruptcies among our merchants and manufacturers have been sufficiently RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 39 numerous and distressing ; and the farmers also have suffered greatly for want of a market for their pro- duce; nevertheless, the moderate public expenditure, the comparatively scanty population, and the immense outlet for enterprising mdustry, in the new lands and virgin soil of the Western Country, prevent the neces- sity of any one, who possesses health and industry, suf- fering from absolute want of food, clothing, and lodg- ing. The foreign trade of this country is, indeed, at present much less than it was previous to the embargo system ; but such is the activity, skill, and enterprise of the American people, so well built, well navigated, and speedy are their ships, and so abundant the soil in valuable staples, that she must always averag*e her full share of external commerce; and her home trade is con- tinually increasing, by the improvement of her internal navigation, the variety of her products, and the rapid growth of her population, wealth, and intercourse. 1 he wages of labour here, average more than double their rate in England, and quadruple that in France; and land is plentiful, cheap, and fertile ; so that those who are straitened and embarrassed in the large cities, have only to fall back into the country, and become industri- ous yeomen, and they readily provide ample sustenance for themselves, and lay a broad and permanent founda- tion of independence for their families. The reader is referred to the second edition of Mr, Pitkin's Statistics for an account of the exports and imports, the home and foreign' trade of the United States, and the proportions of their external commerce with different nations, during a period of nearly one hundred and twenty years, mcluding their colonial as well as their national existence and commerce. The following tables show the amount of American foreign trade, in exports and imports, at different periods, in order to exhibit the rise and progress, and alternations of the commercial career, which this country has run, from the year 1700 down to the present time. 40 ilEJjOLKCLS OF 1 HE UNITED STATTIfe Years. Kxports of the United States. Imports of the Ujuted States. Average from 1700 to 1710, 1710 to 1720, 1720 to 1730, 1730 to 1740, 1740 to 1750, 1750 to 1760, 1760 to 1770, 1770 to 1780, $1,000,000 1,700,000 2,600,000 2,940,000 3,120,000 3,710,000 4,670,000 3,100,000 11,100,000 1,550,000 1,980,000 2,900,000 3,630,000 6,160,000 7,000,000 5,200,000 (n 1784. 1790. 4,000,0001 18,000,000 6,000,000! 17.260,000 Years. Total Exports. Exports of domestic origin. Exports of foreign origin. 17Q1 $19,012,041 47,989,472 70,971,780 55,800,033 108,343,150 22,430,960 66,757,970 6,927,441 52,557,753 81,920,452 1795 1800 1803 $42,205,961 48,699,592 9,433,546 42,366,675 6,782,272 45,974,403 64,781,896 $13,594,072 59,643,558 12,997,414 24,391,295 145,169 6,583,350 1807 . .. I808,i. e.e7n-} bar go year,^ 1810, cmbar-> go off, S 1814, war} with England,) 1815 1816 17,138,555 Of the domestic exports of the United States the pro- portions are; — the produce of agriculture, three- fourths in value ; tlie produce of the forest, one-ninth ; of the one-fiftf^nth ; and mannfactnres, one-twfntieth. sea RESOURCES OF THE UxXITED STATES. 4J Of the foreign exports, the proportions, in 1 807, (the greatest commercial year ever experienced bj the United States,) being the year immediately preceding the embargo, were ^43,525,320, imported from the British Isles ; $3,812,065, from France and her de- pendencies; and $11,318,532, from the rest of the world. During the years 1802, 1803, and 1804, the annual value of the imports into the United States was $75,316,937 ; and of the exports, $68,460,000. Of the imports the proportions were, From Britain $35,970,000 the northern powers, Prussia, and Germany 7,094,000 Dominions of Holland, France, Spain and Italy 25,475,000 Dominions of Portugal 1 ,083,000 China, and other native powers of Asia 4,856,000 All other countries 838,000 Whence it appears that the trade between the Uni- ted States and Britain is greater in amount than be- tween the United States and all the rest of the world : which is a strong reason why the two countries, for their mutual benefit, should preserve friendly relations towards each other, in the spirit as well as in the letter of peace. During the same three years, 1802, 1803, and 1804, the annual value o{ domestic exports was $39,928,000 Of which was exported to the British do- minions 20,653,000 To northern powers, Prussia, and Germany 2,918,000 Dominions of Holland, France, Spain, and Italy 12,183,000 Dominions of Portugal 1 ,925,000 All other countries 2,249.000 6 42 RESOURCES OF THE UiNITED STATES. The annual value of foreign produce, re-exported to all parts of the world, during those three years was, 828,533,000 Of which was exported to the British do- minions 3,054,000 To northern powers, Prussia and Germany 5,051,000 Dominions of Holland, France, Spain, and Italy 18,495,000 Dominions of Portugal 396,000 All other countries 1,537,000 Annual value of importations being $75,316,000 exports — domestic produce $39,928,000 foreign produce . . 28,533,000 $68,461,000 Apparent balance against the United States, % 6,855,000 The imports for the year 1807 were, in value $138,574,876 exports — domestic produce $48,699,592 foreign produce .. 59,643,558 $108,343,150 Total $246,918,026 From this great commerce with foreign nations, Simounting to nearly two hundred and fifty millions of dollars, in one year, together with all the wealth it poured into the country, and all the productive industry it put in motion, Mr. Jeflerson's embargo cut off the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 United States ; which, in consequence of our own re- strictive energies, the late war with England, and the peace diminution, have never yet nearly reached that floodtide of trade which was fertilizing and en- riching every corner of the Union. For a view of the trade of the United States with each country, from the commencement of the government, distinguishing the trade of the parent country from that of her colonies and dependencies, together with a general account of the trade of America with each quarter of the world, the reader may most profitably consult Mr. Pitkin's Statistics of the United States, second edition, begin- ning at page 1 83, and continuing to page 290. The United States, since the establishment of the Federal government, in 1789, up to the commence- ment of commercial restrictions, m December, 1807, and the war with England, in 1812, increased in wealth and population with unexampled rapidity, as appears by the great increase of their exports and imports ; of the duties on imports and tonnage, and of their com- mercial tonnage ; by the accumulation of wealth in all their cities, towns, and villages ; by the establishment of numerous moneyed institutions; by the great rise ia the value of lands; and by various internal improve- ments, in the shape of roads, bridges, ferries, and ca- nals ; and by their annual consumption of goods in- creasing rapidly. For instance, the average yearly amount of merchandise, paying duties ad valorem,, con- sumed, was, in Three years, from 1790 to 1792 ;8! 19,310,801 Six years, — 1793 to 1798 27,051,440 Three years, — 1 805 to 1 807 38,549,966 At least seventy millions of pounds weight of sugar are consumed in the United States. In 1810, ten mil- hons of pounds were made in the Territory of Orleans, now State of Louisiana; and about the same quantity made from the maple-tree throughout the United States. 44 RESOURCE*; OF THE UNITED STATES. Sugar-cane plantations are increasing in Louisiana, and tweutj millions of pounds weight of sugar are supposed to have been made in 1817. In the State of Georgia also, the sugar-cane is cultivated with success. The culture of the cane is not more laborious than that of cotton, and less liable to accidents; a moderate crop is 1000 pounds per acre ; and in a (ew years a sufficient quantity will, probably, be made within the limits of the United States to supply their cousumption. The increase of American tonnage is unexampled in the history of the commercial world, owing to the increased quantity of bulky domestic produce exported, the in- crease of population, and extent of the carrying trade. The increase of the registered tonnage, or tonnage em- ployed in foreign trade, from 1793 to 1801, was 358,815 tons, having nearly doubled in eight years. From 1793 to 18 JO, the increase was 616,535 tons. In 1793, the tonnage employed in the coastimr trade, was 122,070 tons; in 1801, 274,551 tons. From 1793 to 1810, the increase was 283,276 tons. The tonnage employed in the fisheries, increased from 1793 to 1807, about 40,000 tons. The whole tonnage of the United States, in 1810, was 1,424,780 tons; of which the diilerent States owned the following proportions : New-Hampshire, Tons 28.017 Massachusetts 495,203 Rhode-Island 36,155 Connecticut 45,108 New- York 27(5,557 New-Jersey 43,803 Pennsylvania 125,430 Delaware 8,190 Maryland Tons 143,785 Virginia 84,923 North Carolina 39,594 South Carolina 53,926 Georgia 15,G19 Ohio \one. New-Orleans , 13,240 The State of Massachusetts has many hundred miles of seacoast, with numerous inlets and harbours; and her amount of toiuiage has always been greater than that of any other State in the Union. The tonnage of the principal seaports, in 1810, was, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^g Of Boston Tons 149,121 New- York 268,548 Second only to thai of London. Philadelphia 125,258 Baltimore 103,444 Charleston 52,888 Now, in 1817, the whole tonnage employed in fo- reign trade is much less than it was in 1810. So much has peace all over the world lessened the external com- merce of the United States. The tonnage of Britain has not grown with a rapidity equal to that of America; for, in 1700, it was only, tons 273,693; in 1750, tons 690,798; in 1800, tons 1,269,329; in 1813, tons 1,579,715. In 1787, France owned only 300,000 tons, in her foreign trade; in 1800, only 98,304 tons. In 1804, the nations round the Baltic, including Norway and Holstein, owned only 493,417 tons, not half the tonnage of the United States. The extensive and rapidly increasing coasting trade, as well as the fisheries of the United States, will not only augment the wealth and comfort of the American people, but will always ensure a large body of excel- lent seamen for the supply of the navy, when wanted. The American navy, formerly proscribed as a burden and curse to the country, seems at length to have fought itself into favour with all parties. Its heroic achievements and splendid success, during the late war with England, and its present commanding attitude in the Mediterranean, have elevated the character of the country, and conferred an imperishable glory upon its own name ; and justly claims the support and honour of the government and people, both in peace and in war, now and for ever. The American navy consists of nearly one hundred ships, brigs, and schooners, be- sides small sloops, and gun-boats — of which nine are rated at seventy-four, but carry ninety guns; ten, forty- four guns ; one, thirty-eight guns ; two thirty-six guns ; two, thirty-two guns, and thirty, from twenty-eight to sixteen guns. The actual number far exceeds the rate of guns in all the classes of vessels. Congress has ^g RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. made ample appropriations for the annual increase of the navy ; so that the United States, in all probability, will soon be able to send out fleets sufficiently nume- rous to cope with any European power, for the mastery of that element, whose dominion invariably confers a paramount influence among all the sovereignties of the earth. The number of naval officers, at the com- mencement of the last war, were 13 captains, 9 mas- ters commanding, and 70 lieutenants. The promo- tions during the war were 1 b captains, 28 masters com- manding, and 120 lieutenants. The promotions since the peace have been 10 captains, 19 masters command- ing, and 68 lieutenants. An almost universal notion prevails in this country, that the commerce of the United States will be pro- digiously benefited by the emancipation of the Spanish American colonies, and throwing open their trade to the world. But this is at least problematical, because those immense regions produce all the staples of the United States, and many more also, and would find, in the event of their emancipation and free trade, a more profitable market in Britain than in the United States ; and in return, England could supply them with manu- factured goods, better in quality, more abundant in quantity, and at a lower rate, than any other country can possibly do. A proof of this is to be found in the fact, that the influx of British goods into the United States, since the peace of 1815, has destroyed or sus- pended a great portion of our American manufacturing establishments ; a fortiori, then, American cannot con- fend with British manufactures in foreign markets, see- ing that they are beat in the unequal competition at home, upon their own ground, although aided by pro- tecting duties. It a[)poars somewhat doubtful, whether the Spanish colonies, unassisted by any other power, will be able, eventually, to shake off* the yoke of Old Spain; for, during nearly ten years of revolutionary movements, they do not seem to have shown the intelligence, skill, reflection, forecast, combination, and perseverance, re- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^fj, qufsite to establish a free government. The hands of England, probably, are tied up by the Treaty of Vi- enna; and the United States government do not seem dis- posed to interfere, as they passed an Act of Congress, a lew months since, forbidding the transportation of men, and arms, and ammunition, from our American ports to aid the revolted colonies. The President, in his Message of the 2d of December, 18 (7, states, that our citizens sympathize with the Spanish Americans, but the United States government have maintained, and will continue to maintain, a strict neutrality between the contending parties, keeping their ports open to both, and seeking no exclusive commercial advantage from the colonies, if they shall become independent. Nevertheless, the United States government have ordered the settlements on Amelia Island, at the mouth of St. Mary's river, near the boundary of Georgia, and at Galvestown, in the Gulf of Mexico, made by the Spanish Americans, to be broken up by our troops ; and have sent commis- sioners along the southern coast of Spanish America, to communicate with the existing authorities, and claim redress for past and prevention of future injuries. France and Spain both materially assisted the American colonies in their revolt from the mother country ; and, doubtless, a«y government, whether military, or mo- narchical, or republican, provided the Hispano- Ameri- cans could estabhsh their own national sovereignty and independence, would be infinitely preferable to the co- lonial system of old Spain. A system which enslaves both body and mind, and debases the human animal below the condition of the brutes that perish. In all probability, if their national independence were once fixed, in whatever form, and under how many sove- reignties soever, the felicitous contagion of liberty would spread from the United States, and gradually improve the spirit, and Hberalize the character and conduct of the new-born dynasties. The reader may find considerable information on this subject, by consuhing the " Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America, &;c." by a South American, first 43 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. published in London, and republished in New-York, in November, 1817. This work gives a full and fair account of the origin, progress, and actual state of the war between Spain and Spanish America, down to the close of the year 1816. Tlie "Letter to Mr. Monroe," on the Spanish American revolution, supposed to be written by Mr. H. Brackenridge, is an able and spirited performance; it advises our government to acknowledge the independence of the Hispano-American provinces, as soon as they become independent de facto ; but not to go to war with Spain on their account ; nor to aid them with men, money, arms, or ammunition. See also a very able article in the Quarterly Review, for No- vember, 1817, respecting Spain and her colonies; in which the writer maintains it to be the duty of Britain, either to observe a strict neutrality or to mediate ami- cably between the contending parties. This article contains much valuable information respecting Spanish America, and some profound and accurate observations on the ditferent characteristics of its population and of that of the United States. The advantages of the emancipation of Spanish Ame- rica will pervade the whole w^orld; but, in the first instance, will be more particularly directed towards Enofland. The liberation of this immense region from colonial bondage has engaged the attention of some of the most distinguished statesmen, in this country and in Europe. Early in the first revolutionary war, a Jesuit, born in Arequipa, in the province of Peru, addressed the Spanish colonists, and called upon them to establish a free and independent government, which might at once secure their own prosperity and happiness, and open a liberal intercourse of reciprocal benefits with the rest of the world. This enlightened ecclesia.-tic, who ex- hibits an intimate acquaintance with the most approved principles of political philosophy, died in London, in 1798, and left his manuscript papers in the hands of the Honourable Rufus King, at that time minister in Britain, from the United States. Some part of these papers was afterward printed, through the intervention of RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 49 General Miranda, for the purpose of being distributed among his countrymen, previous to his unsuccessful ex- pedition, in 1806. Perhaps the greatest commercial benefit, resulting from the emancipation of Spanish America, would be the formation of a navigable passage across the isthmus of Panama, the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The expense of such an undertaking would not exceed three or four millions sterling ; and Britain could not more profitably employ twenty or thirty thousand of her distressed labourers than in executing such a task, under the superintendance of competent engineers. The completion of this navigation would give England the command of the commerce of the whole world, and soon compensate her for all the toil, and wealth, and blood, which she has expended during twenty-five years of unexampled warfare, waged for the redemption of Europe from revolutionary bondage. In the year 1790, the scheme of Spanish American emancipation was first proposed to Mr. Pitt by General Miranda, and met with a cordial reception; but was soon afterward laid aside, on account of Britain and Spain resuming their pacific relations with each other. In the year 1797, Miranda was met at Paris by depu- ties and commissioners from Mexico and the other prin- cipal provinces of Spanish America, for the purpose of concerting with him the means of emancipating their country. It was decided that Miranda should, in their name, repair to England, and communicate their pro- positions to the British government ; one of which w^as to join the Atlantic and Pacific at the expense of the colonies, and another to cede the Floridas to the United States, the Mississippi being proposed as the boundary between the two nations; and the stipulation of a small military force, from the anglo-Araericans, to aid the es- tablishment of the proposed independence. It was also proposed to resign all the islands which belong to the Spaniards, excepting Cuba; the possession of Avhicli is rendered necessary by the situation of the Havanna, commanding the passage from the Gulf of Mexico. This 7 yO RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. document is dated at Paris, 22d of December, 1797. The proposal ibr the return of Miranda to England was acceded to by Mr. Pitt, with whom a conference was lield in January following. It was proposed that the United States should furnish ten thousand troops; and the British government agreed to find money and ships. But Mr. Adams, then the American President, declined to transmit an immediate answer; and the measure was, in consequence, postponed. In the year 1806, Mr. Jeiferson, at that time President of the Uni- ted States, disavowed the expedition of Miranda to emancipate Spanish America, and actually caused Messrs. Smith and Ogden, two merchants of the city of New-York, to be indicted in the Circuit Court for tlus District for aiding and abetting Miranda's enterprise ; but the Jury found a verdict of acquittal. For a most ample and splendid account of the practicability and eifects of liberating Spanish America, and joining the two oceans, see the thirteenth volume of the Edinburgh RevicAV, pp. 277 — 311, both inclusive. It appears necessary for England, now, to make some extraordinary effort to recruit her exhausted strength, and to relieve her present pressure. She has, indeed, during the lapse of five and twenty years, di- rected, with a daring and a steady hand, the vast re- sources of her mighty empire, against the common ene- my of the human race ; with the guardianship of pre- siding genius, she has aided the weak and restrained the encroachments of the strong : she has assisted the jDCop/c of continental Europe in tneir patriotic efTorts to trample beneath their feet the foreign domination of an invading foe ; she has caused the star of Napoleon to fade into a dim tinct ; she has put together the glitter- ing fragments of disjointed Europe, and given again to that fair portion of the world the beamings of religion, the light of morals, and the beauty of social order. But her recent glories have led her to a painful pre-emi- nence; henceforth she is doomed to the proud but me- lancholy necessity of being Jirst, or nothing. The mo- ment she recedes — the moment she bows her lofty head RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 51 beneath the ascendancy of any other nation — that mo- ment she is dashed from oif her wide ambitious base, and falls, hke Lucifer, never to rise again. In her late protracted conflict, her frame has been shattered ; her finances are dilapidated ; her agriculture languishes ; her manufactures droop; her commerce is diminished; her population is impoverished ; and, if she hopes to sustain that high eminence which her achievements have reached, in the times of Elizabeth, of William, and of her present sovereign — achievements which have ren- dered her the arbl tress of Europe, the bulwark of civil and religious liberty, and the tutelary angel of man ; she must hasten to emancipate the Spanish Ame- rican colonists, and unite the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Unless some measures be adopted by Britain to employ and relieve her superabundant and indigent population, a much greater proj ortlon than has ever yet left her native isles will find their way hither, to augment the number of our Ameri a.i citizens. CHAPTER III. On the Manufactures of the United States.. 3. HERE can be no doubt that agriculture has a tenden- cy to [)roduce a more abundant and more healthy popu- lation than that which springs from mamifactures ; but agriculture and manufactures act and react upon each other for their mutual benefit. For the greatest and most important branch of the commerce of every nation is that which is carried on by the inhabitants of the towns and cities with those of the country. The townsmen draw from the people of the country the rude produce, the fruits of the soil, for which they pay by sending back into the country a part of this rude produce manufactured and prepared for immediate use. Or, in other words, this trade between town and coun- try consists in a given quantity of rude produce being exchanged for a given quantity of manufactured pro- duce. Whatever, therefore, has a tendency, in any country, to diminish the progress of manufactures, has also a tendency to diminish tlie home market, (the most important of all markets for the rude produce of land) and consequently to cripple the efforts of agriculture. In young and lately established countries, however, where the population is wo^ as yet, sufficiently nume- rous to answer fully the demand for labour, it is perhaps more adviseable to confme their attention chiefly to the raising of rude produce, to the clearing new lands, and cultivating those already reclaimed; because they can import manufactured goods from an old and thickly peopled country, at a cheaper rate than they can fabri- cate them in their own; and they will more rapidly in- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 53 crease the number, strength, and wealth of their people by so doing, than by consuming a larger quantity' of capital in forming manufactured goods of a worse quality, and at a higher price than that for which they can bring them from abroad. Besides, as the wages of labour are so high, and land so cheap, in the I nited States, (and in all new countries,) there is a continual bounty offered to labourers to leave their manufacturing masters, and go and buy land, and till it for themselves; since every man, who has any proper feeling of independence beating: at his heart, would rather toil for himself and his family, as an uncontrolled yeoman, than labour as a confined servant to a stranoer. Whence the manu- facturers would be (as indeed they are daily and hourly in the United States,) liable to frequent interruptions in their proceedings, and suffer much prejudice in their trade, enhancing the price and deteriorating the quality of their wares ; all which evil must ultimately fall upon the consumers, and necessarily entail a burdensome im- pediment upon the productive exertions of the com- munity. The United States, therefore, it should seem, would do well not anxiously to endeavour to force the produc- tion of manufactures by government bounties, by pro- tecting or prohibitory duties, by monopoly prices, be- fore an effectual demand shall be made for them by an increased density of population along the seaboard, and in the interior ; by the more minute division of labour, and by the more complete filling up of the other channels of trade and agriculture. Nay, perhaps it would be wiser, for some years yet to come, (until the Avilderness be reclaimed, and the population be more compact,) for the Americans to confine themselves chiefly to the rais- ing of raw materials, and let Europe continue to be the "Workshop where those raw materials might be manu- factured ; because experience has uniformly shown that no nation has ever yet pushed its manufactures to any great extent, without introducing and continuing a very alarming quantity of misery and disease, decrepitude, rice, and profligacy among the lower orders of the peo- 54 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. pie ; and this, to the statesman who measures the strength and greatness of a nation by the heahh and virtue, the prosperity and happiness of its citizens, seems too great a price to pay for the privilege of manu- facturing a few yards of broadcloth, or a few pieces of muslin. England herself is a portentous illustration of this truth ; now, at this moment, and for the last five and twenty years, her manufacturing districts have sent forth, and are issuing out full bands of Luddites, and Spenseans, and jacobins, and anarchists, and rebels, and assassins; that continually put to the test the strength, and strain the nerves of her government. See the " Resources of the British Empire," pp. 140 — 154, for the state of British manufactures. But as the introduction of manufactures into, and their extended increase in a country, generally promise large profits to speculators and capitalists, it is not to be expected that the mere circumstance of manufac- tures being destructive of the virtue, health, and happi- ness of the labourers employed in them, will ever be of sufficient weight to deter any nation from introducing and establishing these nurseries of individual wealth, and wide-spread poverty, among themselves, whenever an opportunity shall occur. The wages of labour in the United States are at least one hundred per cent, higher than in England, and quadruple those of France ; and yet the agricultural products of this country find a profitable market in Europe. While the expense of erecting and continuing manufacturing establishments is such as, in many instances, to disable them from com- peting with those of Europe, unless protected by boun- ties, prohibitory duties, and a monopoly. The cause of these apparently contradictory effects is to be found in the vast quantity and low price of our new and fertile lands. One man is able to spread his agricultural labour over a much wider surface of soil in the immense regions of America, than can be done in the compara- tively small and circumscribed districts into which the European farms are necessarily divided, on account oi the narrow limits of territory, coupled with a crowded RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 55 population. Hence, although the system of agriculture m the United States is less perfect, and less productive on a given quantity of ground than in some parts of Europe ; yet the far wider range of land under cultiva- tion (about three times as many acres as make up the whole superficies of the British isles,) produces annually a more abundant crop, in mass, to the industry of a given number of proprietors. Formerly some of our leading politicians professed to think it more adviseable for the United States to prose- cute the labours of agriculture, than to attempt to force manufactures into a premature and pernicious existence. Mr. Jefferson, in his " Notes on Virginia," strenuously labours this point, and pathetically deprecates the hour when the American people shall be converted from ro- bust and virtuous farmers into sickly and profligate manufacturers. But he has lately altered his opinion, as appears from his recent letter to the Secretary of the Society for encouraging American Manufactures, in which he seems to have forgotten all his former excla- mations in favour of agriculture, and ail his " J eremiades^'' against manufactures. In order to accomplish their purpose, this Society, consisting of manufacturers all over the Union, is continually beseeching and besieging Congress to exclude all foreign goods from the United States, and give them a monopoly of the American mar- ket; that is, in other words, to lay a heavy tax upon all the other classes of the community, the farmers, clergy, lawyers, merchants, physicians, and all the labouring orders, that a few manufacturers, about a hundredth part of the whole population, may enrich themselves by sell- ing to their fellow-citizens bad goods, at a much greater price than they could import far better commodities from Europe. This is, in fact, checking the growth of the wealth and population of the United States, by at least all the difference betwen the monopoly price of. American manufactures and. the fair competition price of imported European goods ; to do which might, indeed, be very good patriotism, but it is certainly very bad policy. The 56 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. United States having but recently commenced their na- tional career, and looking forward to many ages of im- provement and growth, should be, above all other countries, particularly careful to avoid the errors of the European mercantile system; errors which sprang up amidst the darkness and ignorance of feudal despotism; and which all the most distinguished political philoso- phers of the present age unite to condemn. The United States, therefore, should resolutely cast from olf their shoulders all the shackles of bounties, protections, pro- hibitions, and monopolies; and permit agriculture, com- merce, and manufactures to find the legitimate level of unimpeded competition, and to employ just so much of the productive industry and capital of the country as individual inclination and interest might require ; with- out any interference on the part of the government, which ever acts the wisest part, when it suffers all the various classes of the community to manage their own affairs in their own way. Laissez nous fairc was the re- ply of the French merchants to M. Colbert, when he attempted to build up the dilapidated commerce of France, by ministerial intermeddling with what no minister can possibly either direct or understand, so •well as the merchants themselves. Besides, every free country manufactures as fast as its wants and interests demand; because every coun- try, as well as every individual, prefers a home to a fo- reign market, for the purposes of barter, sale, and purchase. Nevertheless, the interests of agriculture are quite inadequate to contend with the spirit of en- croachment and monopoly so inherent in the very na- ture of manufactures. Manufacturers enjoy a great advantage over the farmers, who are scattered thinly throughout the country, in the facility of combining to- gether, and acting in large bodies, so as to compel the government to listen to their complaints. Their stand- ing connniUees, and eternal clamour about the dignity of patriotism, and the necessity of not depending on foreign nations for articles of use and convenience, are always an overmatch fur the yeomen, who, widely RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 07 ^separated from each other, cannot act in such close concert, nor with such efficient activity and perse- verance. Add to which, many of the Members of Con- gress, themselves farmers, and therefore peculiarly re- presenting the agricultural interests, are deeply en- gaged in manufactures and banks; whence they are not so clear-sighted to the evils of a monopoly, on the part of the manufacturers, as they otherwise might be. During the late war with England, manufactures thrived in the United States, precisely because they had a monopoly of the home market, and compelled the consumer to pay above a hundred per cent, more for goods of an inferior quality to those which might have been imported from Europe, at half the price, if our ports had been open for the admission of foreign commodities. At that period there was a capital of about ;S 1 ,000,000,000 employed in carrying on American manufactures ; but on the return of peace, the influx of European goods reduced the price to at least one half, and stopped perhaps more than half of the manufactur- ing establishments in the Union ; so that the capital now employed in American manufactories scarcely reaches the sum of five hundred millions of dollars. Nevertheless, our manufacturers are convinced, that continuing this war monopoly, and compelling the Ame- rican people to pay a double price for all their articles of consumption, would materially promote the national welfare of the United States. Whether or not the general government is to be borne down by this inces- sant clamour, and sacrifice the interests of all the rest of the community to those of a very small portion of that community, remains yet to be seen. The President, in his Message of the 2d of December, says, " Our manu- factures will require the continued attention of Con- gress ; the capital employed in them is considerable, and the knowledge acquired in the machinery and fabric of all the most useful manufactures is of great value ; their preservation, which depends on due encoiiragement, is connected with the high interests of the nation." 8 58 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Few nations, however, can boast of skill and inge- nuity in manufactures, and especially, improvements in labour-saving machinery, equal to those which have been exhibited and discovered in the progress of the mechanical arts in the United States. The causes of this superior ingenuity and skill are various. The high price of labour, and the comparative scarcity of labour- ers, offer a continual bounty of certain and immediate remuneration to all those who shall succeed in the con- struction of any machinery that may be substituted in the place of human labour. Add to this, the entire freedfom of vocation enjoyed by every individual in this country. Here there are no compulsory apprenticeships ; no town and corporation restraints, tying each man down to his own peculiar trade and calling, as in Eu- rope — the whole, or nearly the whole of which still la- bours under this remnant of feudal servitude. In the United States every man follows whatevei- pursuit, and in whatever place, his inchnation, or opportunity, or in- terest, prompts or permits ; and consequently a much greater amount of active talent and enterprise is em- ployed in individual undertakings here than in any other country. Many men in the United States follow various callings, either in succession or simultaneously. One and the same person sometimes commences his career as a farmer, and, before he dies, passes through the several stages of a lawyer, clergyman, merchant, con- gressman, soldier, and diplomatist. There is also a constant migration hither of needy and desperate talent from Europe, which helps to swell the aggregate ol American ingenuity and invention — and the European discoveries in art and science generally reach the United States within a few months alter they first see the light in their own country, and soon become amal- gamated with those made by Americans themselves. For information respecting the manufactures of the United States, the reader is referred to General Hamil- ton's " Report on the subject of Manufactures," made in the year 1791, when he was Secretary of the Trea- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^9 sury, in consequence of an order of the House of Re- presentatives. It is not too much to say, that this is one of the ablest State-Papers which ever came from the pen of man. See also the list of American patent^, published by order of Congress; Mr. Tench Coxe's '^ View of the United States;" Mr. Fessenden's "Re- gister of the Arts;" Dr. Redman Coxe's " Emporium of the Arts and Sciences," and Mr. Pitkin's " Statistics of the United States." The following very slight summary of American ma- nufactures is all that the limits of the present work will allow. What the present annual value of manufactures in the United States is, has not been ascertained; but, before the peace of 1815, had reduced their monopoly price, and diminished the number of manufacturing establishments, their yearly value was estimated thus : Manufactures of Wood ;S 25,000,000 Leather 24,000,000 Soap and Tallow Candles 10,000,000 Spermaceti Candles & Oil 500,000 Refined Sugar 1 ,600,000 Cards 300,000 Hats 1 3,000,000 Spirituous and malt liquors 14,000,000 Iron 18,000,000 Cotton, Wool, and Flax . . 45,000,000 Making a total of. $151,400,000 Of this amount nearly the whole is consumed at home, as appears from the following table of exports : 60 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. EXPORTS OF MAJVUFACTURES. Year.. From doinpstic mate- rial«i. From forpig;n mate- rials. Total of both. 1803 S 790.000 g 565,000 g 1.350.000 1804 1,650,000 450,000 2,100,000 1805 1,579,000 721,000 2,300,000 1806 1,889,000 818.000 2,707,000 1807 1,652,000 468,000 2,120,000 1808 309,000 35,000 344,000 1809 1,266,000 240,000 1,506,000 1810 1,359,000 558,000 1,917,000 1811 2,062,000 314,000 2,376,000 1812 1,135,000 220,000 1,353,000 1813 372,000 18,000 390,000 1814 233,200 13,100 246,000 1815 1,321,000 232,000 1,553,000 1816 1,415,000 340,000 1,755,000 The manufactures from foreign materials are, spirits from molasses; refined sugar; chocolate; gunpowder; brass and copper, and medicines. The manufacture of wool is extending rapidly- in the United States. The Merino breed thrives well in this climate, and their number is augmenting fast throughout the Union. The whole number of sheep already reaches nearly twenty millions, and is contiimally increasing. The British Isles maintain about thirty millions of sneep ; only one- third more than the American sheep, of all kinds, taken together — and the United States can easily support twenty times their present number. In the articles of n'on and hemp, and more especially hemp, the United States, probably, will soon be independent of Russia and the rest of the world. The culture of hemp succeeds in many parts of the Union, especially in Kentucky, which, in one year, produced upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand hundred-weight, valued at S>'700,000, RESOURCES OF THE UJ^^ITED STATES. Qf and made also, in the same year, fortj thousand hundred- weight of cordage, valued at $400,000, making a mil- lion and one hundred thousand dollars for these two articles. The manufacture of cotton increases rapidly here ; and the quantity consumed in the country, on the average of the years 1811, 1812, and 1813, exceeds twenty millions of pounds weight. The manufactures of wood are household furniture, carriages of every kind, and ship-building, and pot and pearl ashes. The manufactures of leather are boots, shoes, harness, and saddles. Soap and tallow candles are manufactured both in establishments and in fami- lies. Cotton, wool, and flax are manufactured both in establishments and in families. Iron abounds in the United States; fifty thousand tons of bar iron are consumed annually, of which forty thousand are ma- nufactured at home, and ten thousand imported. Sheet, slit, and hoop iron are almost wholly of home manufacture; as are cut nails, three hundred tons of which are annually exported. Cutlery, and the finer specimens of hardware and steel work, are still im- ported from Britain. Of the copper and brass manu- factured, the zinc is chiefly, and the copper wholly, im- ported. Of the tin ware, the sheets are all imported. Lead is made into shot ; and colours of lead, red and white lead, are imported to a large amount. Plated ware is made in large quantities in Philadelphia, New- York, Boston, Baltimore, and Charleston. The manu- facture of gunpowder nearly supplies the home market, as do coarse earthenware, window glass, glass bottles, and decanters. About a million bushels of salt are manufactured annually, and three times that quantity imported. White crockery ware is said to be made in Philadelphia of as good quality as any in England. Saltpetre is manufactured largely in Virginia, Ken- tucky, Massachusetts, East and West Tennesse. Su- far from the maple-tree is produced in Ohio, Kentucky, ermont, and East Tennessee, to the amount of nearly ten millions of pounds weight annually. West Tennes- see and Vermont afford abundance of good copperas. Q2 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Twenty-five millions of gallons of ardent spirits are annually distilled, and annually consumed in the United States. Four hundred water and horse-mills, working one hundred and twenty thousand spindles, are em- ployed in spinning cotton. The fulling-mills amount to two thousand; and the number of looms exceeds four hundred thousand, and the number of yards of cloth, manufactured from wool, cotton, and flax, is about one hundred millions. There are three hundred gunpow- der-mills ; six hundred furnaces, forges, and bloomeries, and two hundred paper-mills. In the State of Vermont the chief manufactures are of iron, lead, pipe-clay, marble, distilleries, maple-sugar, flour, and wool. In Massachusetts, the principal ma- nufactures are duck, cotton, woollen, cut-nails, (by a machine invented in Newburyport, and capable of cut- ting two hundred thousand in a day.) paper, cotton and wool cards, playing cards, shoes, silk and thread lace, wire, snuff", oil, chocolate and powder-mills, iron- works, and slitting-mills, and mills for sawing lumber, grinding grain, and fulling cloth, distilleries, and glass. In Rhode-Island are manufactured cotton, linen, and tow cloth, iron, rum, spirits, paper, wool and cotton cards, spermaceti, sugar, machines for cutting screws, and furnaces for casting hollow-ware. In Connecticut are manufactured silk, wool, card-teeth, (bent and cut by a machine to the number of eighty-six thousand in an hour,) buttons, linen, cotton, glass, snuff", powder, iron, paper, oil, and very superior fire-arms. In New- York are manufactured wheel carriages of all kinds, the common manufactories, refined sugar, potter's ware, umbrellas, musical instruments, glass, iron, and steam- boats. In New-Jersey are numerous tanneries, leather manufactories, iron-works, powder-mills, cotton, paper, copper mines, lead mines, stone and slate quarries. In Pennsylvania there are valuable collieries on the Lehigh river, distilleries, rope-walks, sugar-houses, hairpowder manufactories, iron founderies, shot manufactories, steam-efigines, mill machinery, the pneumatic cock for tapping air-tight casks, hydrostatic blow-pipe, type- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. gg founderies, improvements in printing, and a carpet manufactory. In Delaware there are cotton and bolt- ing-cloth and powder manufactories, fulling, snuff, slit- ting^ paper, grain, and saw-mills. In Maryland are iron-works, collieries, grist-mills, glass-works, stills, pa- per-mills, and cotton. In Virginia there are lead-mines, which yield abundantly, iron mines, copper mines, vast collieries, and marble quarries. In Kentucky are ma- nufactured cotton, wire, paper, and oil. In Ohio ship- building is carried to a great extent ; indeed, in this branch of manufactures the Americans generally surpass the mechanics of all other countries. In North Caro- lina the pitch-pine affords excellent pitch, tar, turpen- tine, and lumber ; there are also iron-works, and a gold mine, which has furnished the Mint of the United States with a considerable quantity of virgin gold. In South Carolina there are gold, silver, lead, blacklead. copper and iron mines, as also pellucid stones of differ- ent hues, coarse cornelian, variegated marble, nitrous stone and sand, red and yellow ochres, potter's clay, fuller's earth, and a number of die-stuffs, chalk, crude alum, sulphur, nitre, and vitriol. In Georgia the ma- nufactures are indigo, silk, and sago. In Louisiana are manufactured cotton, wool, cordage, shot, and hair- powder. Of the many places in the Union well adapted for manufacturing establishments, it is sufficient, at present, to notice the few following : — The town of Patterson, in the State of New-Jersey, is, perhaps, as excellently situated for this purpose as any spot in the world. The falls of the Passaic river afford every convenience that water can give to put in motion machinery to any ex- tent. In 1791, a Manufacturing Company was incorpo- rated by the New-Jersey Legislature, with great privi- leges. A subscription for the encouragement of every kind of manufacture was opened, under the patronage of the Secretary of State ; five hundred thousand dol- lars were subscribed, and works erected at the falls of the Passaic. During the late war, the Patterson manu- factures flourished, and were rendered profitable to the g4 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. proprietors by their monopoly price. Since the peac6 they have declined considerably ; but there still remain some valuable coHon and paper manufactories ; and so admirable is the situation of the place, that manufac- tures cannot fail to flourish there as fast and as abundantly as the wants, and inclination, and interest of the United States demand. The manufacture of sugar, from the cane, thrives well ; and is increasing rapidly in Louisi- ana and Georgia. There is no part of the world, probably, where, in proportion to its population, a greater number of inge- nious mechanics may be found than in the city of Phila- delphia, and its immediate neighbourhood ; or where, in proportion to the capital employed, manufactures thrive better; and certainly, more manufacturing capi- tal is put in motion in that than in any other city of the Union. The town of Wilmington, and its vicinity, in the State of Delaware, are, for their size, the greatest seats of manufactures in the United States ; and are capable of much improvement, the country being hilly and abounding with running w^ater. The Brandywine river might, at a comparatively small expense, be car- ried to the top of the nill on which Wilmington is situa- ted, and make a fall sufficient to supply fifty mills, in addition to those already built. The town of Pitts- burgh, in the State of Pennsylvania, situated beyond the Alleghany hills, on the confluence of the Mononga- hela and Alleghany rivers, where their junction forms the Ohio, promises, in the course of a few years, to be- come the Birmingham of America. It has coal in all abundance, and of a very superior quality ; its price is not quite three pence sterling a bushel. It is supposed that the whole tract of country between the Lain'cl Mountain, Mississippi, and Ohio, yields coal. Pitts- burgh, in addition to various other manufactures, is said to make glass bottles, tumblers, and decanters, of equal (juallty to any that are imported from Europe. It has an inland navigation, interrupted only by the falls at Louisville, of two thousand lour hundred miles down the Ohio and Mississippi to New-Orleans, and an inex- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. gg haustible market for its manufactures in all the States and settlements on the borders of those mighty rivers. But the most extraordinary, and most important manufacture in the United States, and perhaps in the world, is that of steamboats ; for an interesting and in- structive account of which the reader is referred to Mr. Coiden's valuable Life of Mr. Fulton. A very few facts and observations are all that can find a place here. Without entering into the dispute, respecting the mechanicians who first applied the force of steam to the purposes of navigation, it is certain that no one applied \i successfully^ prior to Mr. Fulton ; the proof of which is to be found in the fact, that since the accom- plishment of his scheme in the United States, the use of steamboats has become common in Europe; whereas, before that period, the attempts to propel boats by steam, in that quarter of the world, were eminently vain and fruitless. Great numbers of steamboats have been launched in Britain within a iew years past; yet the principles on which they are navigated, do not ap- pear to be fully understood in that country, if we may judge from the accounts given by those who have seen and travelled in them, and by some recent publications on this subject. In the year 1807, the first steamboat plied between the cities of New-York and Albany; and since that time, this mode of navigation has been used with great success in many other rivers of the Union besides the Hudson: nay, steamboats now ascend the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, hitherto nearly unnavigable, except in the direction of their currents. The facihty, economy, and despatch of travelling, are all wonderfully augmented by steam navigation, the same distance being now covered in less than half the time formerly required ; Albany is brought within twenty-fours of New-York, instead of averaging three days by water, and two days By land. The following table shows the great benefit derived to the traveller from this invention ; and the cheapness of travelling, since food as well as convey- ance is included. 9 66 REbOURCEh OF THE UNITED STATES. From Philadelphia to New-York, by steamboats and stages New- York to Albany, by steamboat Albany to Whitehall, by stages.. Whitehall to St. John's, by steam- boat St. John's to Montreal Montreal to Quebec, by steamboat Expense. Hours. $10 13 7 24 8 12 9 26 3 4 10 24 $47 103 Mile! 96 160 70 150 37 186 699 In the spring of 1817, a steamboat reached Louisville, in Kentucky, froui Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, dropping down the Ohio. She displayed her power by different tacks in the strongest current on the falls, and returned over the falls, stemming the current with ease. About the same time a large steamboat reached Louisville from New-Orleans, laden with sugar, coffee, wines, queensware, raisins, fur, sheet lead, &c. Her freight exceeded twenty-five thousand dollars. So that now the western waters can be ascended to any navigable point; and the commerce of the west is falling fast into its natural channel. The use of steam, applied to na- vigation, has so effectually removed those obstacles which the length and rapidity of the Mississippi pre- sented to boats propelled by personal labour alone, that a voyage from Louisville to New-Orleans and back again, a distance of three thousand four hundred miles, can be performed in thirty-five or forty days ; and the property freighted is infinitely less liable to damage, and is transported at less than one-half the cost of the route across the mountains. Hence it does not seem extrava- gant to expect, that, in due time, steamboats will find their way from the Atlantic Ocean into our great inland seas, by the junction of the waters of the Hudson river and Lake Erie; and, from the lakes, will carry their treasures to the Gulf of Mexico. CHAPTER lY. Finances., SCc. of the United States. AT Is the duty of every free government to train its people gradually to bear a due weight of internal taxa- tion, in order to raise an ample revenue for the purposes of national defence, of internal improvement, of reward- ing long-tried, faithful public services, and the encou- ragement and patronage of literature, arts, and science. On extraordinary emergencies, as the sudden breaking out of war, or the necessity of sustaining a protracted conflict against a powerful enemy, a liberal use should be made of the funding system ; because a national debt, provided it be not so great as to impede the productive labour of the community, is the best possible mode of combining immediate active and vigorous efforts on the part of a country with the means of future developement and growth ; it is, in fact, the only scheme by which a nation can make great present exertions without de- stroying its future resources. It is worse than childish, it is insane policy to trust, for the public revenue, a//o- gether to the customs, or duties upon imported foreign goods, (I say imported only, because the Federal Con- stitution prohibits the laying any duty on exports from the United States,) — which a single year of maritime warfare may destroy. This is too contingent, too pre- carious a source of revenue on which to stake the ope- rations of government, and to balance the movements of the public weal. The customs of England, although consisting of duties both on imports and exports, do not make one-tenth of her public revenue ; she wisely leans upon internal taxation as the main prop and sup- port of her government expenditure. gg RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. In these United States, the Washington administra- tion, under the auspices of Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, as the great founder of the system of Ameri- can finance, as the wise parent of pubhc credit in this country, laid the foundation of an internal revenue by moderate and judiciously-imposed taxes. The first act of Mr. Jefferson's practical ministry was to abolish the whole of this system, and leave the public revenue to rest altogether upon the customs. Mr. Madison sedu- lously clung to this same feeble and dastardly policy, long after the failure of revenue, the bankruptcy of the government, and the necessities of the country, had proved its entire fallacy and folly. Towards the close of the last war, his party, reluctantly and fearfully, laid some internal taxes on land, houses, and manufactures, not amounting, in the whole, to ten millions of dollars ; a considerable portion of which they have actually re- pealed since the peace. Mr. Munroe has a noble op- portunity of being, in fact, a President of the United States, and not merely the leader of a dominant faction ; and if he be wise to consult the real interests of the Union, he will at once labour resolutely to establish a permanent system of internal taxation, sufficiently ample for all present purposes, and containing in itself the germs of a gradual increase, keeping equal pace with the growing resources, wealth, and population of the United States. The revenue of a state, so far as re- gards national power, prosperity, strength, and great- ness, is emphatically the State ; and a government, whose income is scanty and precarious, cannot fail to become nerveless and despicable. Since this hope was ex- pressed, Mr. Munroe has, actually, in his Message of 2d December, 1817, recommended to Congress the repeal of all internal taxes ! There is, indeed, an awful tendency in all parties of the American people towards what, by a miserable mis- nomer, is called economy ; as if a system, which pre- vents the government from calling out the resources of the country, from rewarding its public servants, from preserving a commanding attitude in respect to foreign RESOURCES OF THE UNITES) STATES. 6$ potentates, were not the most pernicious prodigality ! The proceedings in Congress, during the two last winters, were, in this point of view, portentous. The reduction of the direct tax, from six to three millions of dollars, and the limitation of those three millions to only one year, are fearful omens of the entire extinction of that tax. Nay, in the month of February last, a propo- sition was made to abolish all the internal taxes; a scheme, say its advocates, that failed only because it was introduced too late in the session ; and which may be carried into a law, by a triumphant majority, at the next meeting of the national legislature. The reduction of the regular army probably would follow, as a matter of course, on the repeal of the in- ternal taxes. Indeed, it was proposed in the Senate last spring, on the ground that ten thousand soldiers are dangerous to the liberties of the American people ; and, therefore, should be diminished to five thousand. Bri- tain has an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men, stationed at home, in France, and in colonial gar- risons ; besides her militia, amounting to two hundred thousand, and her Sepoy troops in the East-Indies, rated at a hundred and fifty thousand. And yet, no man in his sober senses believes that the liberties of the Bri- tish people are endangered by this standing army. The liberties of England are not about to expire under the pressure of her military, or the encroachments of her government; if they are to perish, they will perish under the daggers of her democracy : if she is to be blotted out from the list of independent and powerful nations, she will be erased from that high scroll by the paricidal hand of her own rabble, led on to their own and their country's perdition by anarchial reformers, who are alike bankrupt in fortune, reputation, charac- ter, and principle. But we have no occasion to enter- tain such fears at present; for, while the sovereign governs under the benignant influence of the laws: while the people are free ; while religion, morals, in- telligence, learning, science, industry, enterprise, and valour continue to make England their favoured abode. 70 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. the sun of her national ^lory can never set, but will burn with brighter and still brighter light, until all the ages of time shall be lost in the profound of eternity. The standing army of Britain may be too numerous, and too expensive for the present dilapidated state of her finances ; but, in regard to the liberties of her peo- ple, it is utterly harmless and innocent. How much more a fortiori then must the liberties of the American people be secure, under the presence of ten thousand men, mostly native citizens, and com- manded by officers, whose courage, loyalty, and talents have been displayed on the battle-field, and have re- ceived the reward of their country's gratitude ? This little army is divided and stationed in garrison along the Atlantic coast, from the District of Maine to St. Mary's, in Georgia, a distance of nearly two thousand miles, and on the west, from the lakey to New-Orleans, a dis- tance still greater. The American citizens are intelli- gent, well educated, and awake to the preservation of their liberties ; every where armed, and trained to the use of arms, and comprising a militia of nearly a million of free men. Are such a country, and such a people, in jeopardy, as to their freedom, from the existence of a standing army of ten thousand men ? Upon what ground of political forecast and wisdom is it, that so many Members of Congress, and so large a portion of the people out of the national legislature, seem bent upon lessening the defences of the country ; and that too, precisely at the moment when the United States, by their rapid augmentation in greatness, and by the peculiar condition of the world, which has thrown all Europe into the hands of three or four powerful sovereigns, and which forbids the very existence of any weak or nerveless government, are more than ever exposed to disturbance in their foreign relations ."* Against all saving of mere money, at the expense of national dignity and strength, it behooves the American government to contend with all its influence, power, and vigilance. And, unless the government gradually train its people to bear the weight of due taxation, how RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 71 can it expect their adequate support in a fierce and protracted struggle for national superiority, or sove- reignty, or existence ? Are the people of the United States prepared, noz^, for such a conflict, as the British people have, with so much courage, and wisdom, and perseverance, endured for five and twenty years, and finally conducted to so triumphant an issue ? A con- flict which, at the expense of seven hundred millions of Eounds sterling, and of three hundred thousand lives, as broken down the power of revolutionary France, and rescued Europe, America herself, and the whole world, from impending bondage ? If not, how are they to acquire such habits of endur- ing patriotism and loyalty ? When the danger comes, it will be too late ; it will then be in vain to appeal to the fears and hopes of the people, to talk of forced loans, and of conscriptions, of requisitions of men and money. The government alone can inspire such high and heroic habits into the people, by a wisely adjusted system of internal taxation, which, increasing with the augmenting wealth and population of the Union, will enable government to call out, either on a sudden, or for a continuance, all the resources of the country, whether for the purposes of defence or oflence, when- ever the interests of the nation may require. Not a moment ought to be lost in laying the foundation of such a system ; to frame which may well employ the deepest reflection of our ablest legislators and finan- ciers ; that the taxes shall be so laid as not to obstruct the progress of productive labour, nor divert capital from its legitimate objects, but leave all individual ef- fort free to find the advantages of unrestrained compe- tition in every allowable pursuit. The banking capital of the United States exceeds a hundred millions of dollars. In most of the States there are several chartered Banks for the purposes of dis- count and deposit. The United States Bank has a capital of thirty-five millions of dollars — of which the general government is a stockholder to the amount of seven millions, and appoints five out of twenty-five 72 MSOURCES OF THE UmTED STATU. Directors, twenty being chosen annually by the stock- holders at large. The influence which government has over this Bank will greatly facilitate all its mone>'ed operations in future, both m war and in peace. The intrinsic benefits which banking institutions afford to every commercial community, are too well known to require any minute elucidation. The youthful student will find those benefits fully displayed in Sir James Stuart's work on political economy ; Dr. Smith's "Wealth of Nations," and in Mr. Thornton's admirable Treatise on Paper Credit. The national debt of the United States at present does not amount to one hundred and twenty millions of dollars. The expense of the revolutionary war, which gave independence and sovereignty to America, was upwards of one hundred and thirty-five millions of dollars. About one-half of this expense was paid by taxes, levied and collected during the war, and the residue remained a debt due from the United and the separate States on the return of peace, in 1783. The advances made from the American Treasury were prin- cipally in paper, called Continental Money, which, ul- timately, depreciated so much that one thousand dollars would not buy more than 07ie dollar in silver; but the specie value of the debt, independently of the paper depreciation, amounted in April, J 783, to $42,000,375, and the annual interest to $2,4 J 5,956. The interest, however, was not paid under the old confederation, and in 1790, the debt amounted to $54,124,464, and the State debts, including interest, were estimated at $25,000,000. Mr. Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, after the establishment of the Federal Con- stitution, advised the general government to assume the whole of this debt, both state and continental, amounting to $79,000,000, and bearing an annual in- terest of $4,587,444, but Congress assumed only $21,500,000 of the debts of the several States, which were appropriated to each State. On the 31st day of December, 1794, the sum total of the unredeemed debt was $76,096,468. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 73 Provision was made by law, first for paying the in- terest, and then for the redemption of the capital of the debt. For the payment of the interest, the permanent duties on imported articles, the tonnage duties, and duties on spirits distilled within the United States, and on stills, after reserving $600,000 for the support of the general government and the national defence, were appropriated and pledged. The Sinking Fund, for the redemption of the debt, was placed under the manage- ment of the President of the Senate, the Chief Justice of the United States, the Secretary of State, the Secre- tary of the Treasury, and the Attorney General, for the time being, as Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, which consisted of the surplus of the duties on imports and tonnage to the end of the year 1770; the proceeds of loans, not exceeding $2,000,000; the interest on the public debt, purchased, redeemed, or paid into the Treasury, together with the surplusses of moneys ap- propriated for interest; and, lastly, the avails of the public lands. The amount of debt purchased by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, up to the 31st of December, 1794, was $2,265,022. In March, 1795, Congress made considerable additions to the income of the Sinking Fund, and appropriated and vested them in the Commissioners, in trust, till the whole debt should be redeemed. On the 1 st of January, 1 800, the total debt, funded and temporary, of the United States, amounted to $79,433,820; the debts contracted by the general government from the year 1790 to 1800, being $10,786,100, and the debts discharged during that time being $8,164,232. The causes of the augment- ation of the debt were the extraordinary expenses in- curred in the wars with the Indians; $1,250,000 ex- pended in suppressing two insurrections in Pennsylva- nia, on account of the tax on whiskey ; more than $1,500,000 spent in the transactions of the United States with Algiers and the other Barbary powers, and the still greater expenses occasioned by the disputes with revolutionary France, in 1798 and 1799. On a 10 74 RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. change of administration, in 1801, the Sinking Fund was modified anew, and on the 28th of April, 1802, Con- gress enacted, that $7,300,000 should be appropriated annually to th€ Sinking Fund ; which was to be ap- plied first to paying the interest and principal of the public debt, in 1803, the amount of debt was a little more than $70,000,000, of which $32,119,211 were owned by foreigners — by the English, $15,882,797; the Dutch, $13,693,918; other foreigners, $2,542,495. Of the residue, particular States owned $5,603,564 ; incorporated bodies in the United States, $10,096,398; individuals, $22,330,606. In the purchase of Louisiana the United States paid the French government $15,000,000; of which $3,750,000 were to be paid to the American mer- chants, for their claims on that government, and $11,250,000 to be paid in stock, at six per cent. — the interest payable in Europe, and the principal payable in four equal annual instalments, the first becommg due in 1818. By the act of Congress, 10th Nov. 1803, creating this stock, $700,000 annually was added to the Sinking Fund, making its income $8,000,000. After the United States had concluded peace with France, in .1800, the vast increase of their revenues, arising from duties on imports and tonnage, owing to a rapidly increasing population, and an unparalleled ex- tension of commerce, enabled them to pay off a large proportion of the debt, which on the 1st January, 1812, was $45,154,489; the payments in redemption, from the 1st of April, 1801, to Jan. 1, 1812, being $46,022,810. During this period no additional tax was laid, except a duty of two and a half per cent, on goods imported, paying ad valorem duties. The sums received from 1801 to 1811, inclusive, and applicable to the pay- ment of the interest and principal of the debt was about $90,000,000. In the month of June, 1812, Mr. Madison and the Senate of the United States declared war against Eng- land, about the same time that Bonaparte left France with an army of five hundred thousand men, for the I RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 175 purpose of subjugating Russia, and completing his con- tinental system for the destruction of the British Em- ire. In anticipation of their war on England, Congress, y an act of the 14th March, 1812, authorized a loan of ;§; 11,000,000, of which were obtained $10,184,700; certain Banks loaning ;^2, 150,000, and the residue, being $8,034,700, was funded. About half of this resi- due was obtained from Banks, the rest from individuals. In 1813, the Sinking Fund redeemed $324,200 of this stock. On the 8th of Jan. 1813, a loan of $ 1 6,000,000 was authorized, which sum was obtained, principally from individuals, at the rate of 88 for 100 dollars; that is, for every 88 dollars paid in money a Certificate of stock for 100 dollars was issued, bearing an interest of six per cent. The stock issued for this loan amounted to $18,109,377, giving a bonus to the lenders of $2,109,377. By an act of August 2, 1813, a further loan of $7,500,000 was authorized, which was raised, by giving for every 100 dollars received stock to the amount of $ 1 1 3tVo, at six per cent. The stock issued on this loan was $8,498,583, allowing a bonus of $998,583. On the 24th of March, 1814, a loan of Jg25,000,000 was authorized, of which only $11,400,000 was raised, and for which $14,262,351 of stock was issued, making a bonus of $2,852,000. The terms of these loans were so disastrous to the government, so clearly indicating its want of credit, and the price of stocks so depressed, as to be sold at 69 and 70, for cash, a depreciation of 30 per cent, that no more was raised of the $25,000,000 loan, and Trea- sury Notes were issued to make up the deficiency. On all these loans, the money received by government was only $42,934,700, for which $48,905,012 of stock was issued, making a difference of $5,970,312 against the United States Treasury. In addition to this, New-York and Philadelphia lent government money, for which $1,100,009 of stock was issued, making the whole stock funded on these loans to be $50,105,022. Treasury Notes were issued to the amount of $18,452,800. The ascertained debt incurred by the late war, on the 20th 7(5 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of February, 1815, was $68,783,622, to which add the old debt of $39,90.3,183, and the total is $108,688,805, to which must be added outstanding debts to the amount of $13,000,000, and the whole debt of the United States is only $121,688,805. On the 24th of February, 1815, the issue of $25,000,000 of Treasury Notes was authorized; on the 3d of March, 1815, a loan of $18,152,800 was authorized to be made in the Trea- sury Notes previously issued. The Sinking Fund consists of an annual appropri- ation of $8,000,000, arising from the interest oi' the debt redeemed, amounting in 1813, to $1,932,107; from the sales oi^ public lands, equal in that year to $830,671, and from the duties on imports and tonnage. For the na- ture of the British Sinking Fund, and wherein it differs from that of the United States, see " The Resources of the British Empire," p. 236, et seq. The American Sinking Fund had redeemed of the national debt, on the 1st of January, 1814, $33,873,463. In March, 1817, the Sinking Fund income was raised to ten mil- lions of dollars. The revenues of the United States, previous to the late war against England, were derived from duties and taxes on imports, tonnage of ships and vessels, spirits distilled within the United States, and stills, postage of letters, taxes on patents, dividends on Bank stock, snuff manufactured in the United States, sugar refined here, sales at auction, licenses to retail wines and dis- tilled spirits, carriages for the conveyance of persons, stamped paper, direct taxes, and sales of public lands. The revenues have been chiefly derived liom duties on imports and tonnage. Internal taxes were laid at dif- ferent periods, by the Washington administration, but were all discontinued by an act passed in i\pril, 1802, under the auspices of Mr. Jefferson. On the 14th of July, 1798, a direct tax of $2,000,000 was laid upon the United States, and was the only direct tax imposed previous to the late war. The customs consist of du- ties on imports and tonnage, and of moneys for pass- ports, clearances, light-money, Sic, The gross amount RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. "yj of the customs is what accrues on the importation of merchandise ; the net amount is what remains after de- ducting the drawbacks on the exportation of the same merchandise ; and drawbacks on domestic spirits ex- ported, on which a duty has been paid, and bounties and allowances for the fisheries, and on the exportation of salted provisions, and, after deducting the expenses of prosecution and collection. The amount is secured to government by bonds payable at different periods, ac- cording to the term of credit given to the importer. The amount of the actual receipts from the Customs, from the 4th of March, 1789, the commencement of the government, to the 30th of June, 1816, was, In 1791 $ 4,399,472 In 1804 1792 3,443,070 1805 1793 4,253,306 1806 1794 4,801,065 1807 1795 6,688,461 1808 1796 6,567,987 1809 , 1797..... 7,549,649 1810 , 1798 7,106,061 1811 1799 6,610,449 1812 1800....: 9,080,932 1813 1801 10,750,778 1814 1802 12,438,235 1815 1803 10,479,417 From the 1st of January to the 30th of June, 1816, 511,098,565 12,936,487 14,667,698 15,846,521 16,363,550 7,296,020 8,683,309 13,313,222 8,958,777 13,224,623 6,998,772 7,282,942 $15,426,951 The double duties made the amount for 1815 so large ; the Custom-house bonds became due, on an average, the year after the importation of the goods ; which explains the low amount of customs for the years 1809 — I8J0; they being the fruits of the embargo, which was suspended in 1809 ; and, in consequence, af- forded a rich harvest to the Treasury in 1811. In 1810 the restrictive system was again enforced, and produced the famine of 1812 to the exchequer. The small amount of the year 1814 was owing to the war, commenced in June, 1812, and terminated in February, 1815. The Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, (the late Mr. Dallas,) for the year 1816, states, that on 73 RESOURCES or THE UNITED STATES. the 12th of February, 1816, the whole of the public debt, funded and lloating, was )^ 123,630,692; but, on the 1st of January, 1817, did not exceed 1^109,748,272 ; reducing the debt, from the 12th of February, 1816, to the 1st of January, 1817, Si 3,882,420. The appropriations and payments lor 1816 were Demands on the Treasury for that year by appropriations §32,475,303 ^iz. — For civil department, foreign intercourse, and miscellaneous expenses 3,540,770 Military department, current expenditure $7,794,250 Arrearages 8,935,373 16,729,023 Naval estabhshment 4,204,911 Public debt 8,000,000 Payments at the Treasury, to the 1st of August, 18 16... ^26,332, 174 For civil department, &:c 1,829,015 Mihtary do. current ex- penditure ^4,285,236 Arrearages 8,935.372 13,220,608' Naval department 1,977,788 Public debt, (adding to the appropriation of 1816 part of the balance of appropria- tion of 1815,) 9,354,752 Leaving an unexpended balance of the annual appro- priation, on the 1st of August, 1810, of. $ 6,143,129 To which add the part surplus of the appropriation of 1815, used for the sinking fund 1,354,762 And the whole balance is $ 7,497,891 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 79 The actual receipts of the Treasury, for 1816, were, The Cash Balance in the Treasury, (excluding Trea- sur3^ Notes,) 1st January, 1816 g 6,298,652 Customs, for seven months, from the 1st of Jan. to the last of August, 1816, without allowing for de- bentures on drawback, estimated at ^1,829,564, 21,354,743 Direct Tax, including the assumed quotas of New- York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Georgia, for the direct tax of 1816 3,713,963 Internal duties 3,864,000 Postage, and incidental receipts 127,025 Sales of pubhc lands, (excluding o STP »'&' • 3 Q.? C P_ 3 §-2: S5 #- >— 1 k^ 03 © ■a tg S:^ 5^0= g i-i ^ OT3 » 3 '-t w C^ ^ -a I-* o f-3 CO o » 05 i^i ^^ I-" 05 to CO 35 -a CO CO to I-' Oi 'i^ «^ 03 CO O 05 CO w c^ fB Ct lO O ^ tS O C2 Ot • 3 k9 ^ CO O tn CO »0 »0 r* H-' 03 ^ wT CO ts i-> O -J j'^ i*J^ i^i" J^ re 'T3 g-? "O) -3 "o3 'bi'bi "oln "I-i ov to >-' » s o -O o K^ -J ^^ *^ ^ a.2 >c^ 1— » 03 C5 tji Q O O *. 05 to C CO - 3 s ^ r*" >u OD *» 03 00 » ♦^ iO "3 "oi iO ec"k3 "to 05 to )i 3 ►! O < s oo CD N-j CO n; OJ ^ i°_03 a^ 03 "co 1 J5 "^"Vi "OO 03 "to tfi" re 05 < » CO Ol 03 ife. 05 • 3 ^ c ^ 03 05 C~J — ' CO r* t,^ cn 03 C /3 ~l ^^ *» i C^ ^^S or •0 "bo ' -J "o'tO "It^ ^ tn 3 re 03 ' cr- *^ —1 CO ^ Oi C »3 CO CO 03 *» CO •■S 1- ti ^^ ta en —' ~i • re Hi 03 O Q i-" tn 3 y> r^ 03 ^-a to to ■4 03 ttk tn CO E ta ^s to 05 n _JD t ^ ^*^ jri^'' ^ O " "t-'">!i. "03l>S "}o 03 i s 4i ~J 03 'JD 05 ^ c » ta 03 ^^ *. o-. . 1 Ol l_> "0 7 ■ ^ ^ *k 03 k- re o c O CO CO *^ tr> ^ 2 05 n ife --0 to 03 CO "to "i "co"^ "©"o "w re 4-. ► 3 to c CT3 *a. CTj 4- to r*" 1 1-," M ^ i^ ^ 3 -d "en n *J i-J Ol V3 *"* Cn to to O O »tO 1" o ■I K) ^ J" J^i" J^i^' i^ 5" 2 "bs "c o "co "o"eo "tji"tD "ot I—- 2 03 J ^^ *. -■ 02 a: -J to t r» Ki t;i CO ' Kj I-' CO r* •>4 k ..A to 1-' CO ~i 05 —'CO to -- C3 to c Ol C5 -4 CO Ol _p p to t S "to "bt'to "oi'b-j "co !?■ B •s » -a to to -J ^ to o p.a- O i 7i J-" icy< i-j-' J^ C5 C T "to ">ii."o-i "bilo ">u CO c .b. to tn O ^ 03 o < s O -J ^ Oi ^ o J-" _ r 03 >■ CO to ?i 2 05 -« -J -J l-" E 3 ■^ i o Ot CO C5 03 _Cn ^dq 1i ■1 "iCi"t;i "ce o "eo 2 > 03 >l ^ to to ^ C5 to CT t ^ 1 >-. ♦o ,_i 11 0-1 cn o * 1\ JJl Ot E.re "Jo "t o to "to "eo Ot ^. 3 O " -t it. 03 O to 1*- re w o c o '-.' Oi 03 Oi 03 a> — g^ ^ C5 Q CIS ^ ?^ ^ S. <^ S«i '^^ ?S"^ O** &« S; «> «» Q^ 2". "s J^ S 52 PS 2 J^ ^ a g- 2 s S 55- 2 Co >- ~ „ Cb S2 a-a ., ^ -^ «> t*3. *^ O Ci s cn W5 s ~ ~ ^ Co ^^ » :?• f5 J2 ?^ ^ ^ i I. ^- s- >- 5- ~ O J5 94 RESOURCES OF THE IMTED STATISS. In the year 1813, the expose gave the population ol' old France at 28,700,000 ; and of the whole empire at 42,705,000. Capital, real and personal, at $18,900,000,000 Income at 945,000,000 Capital of France in 1817 12,000,000,000 Income 600,000,000 Public revenue 140,000,000 Expenditure 250,000,000 A deficit this of $110,000,000, is so alarming in the present exhausted condition of France, as to portend either national bankruptcy, or the still greater evil of national convulsion. The dilapidated state of all the European exchequers, probably, renders it a matter of necessity for the allied sovereigns to maintain their armies of occupation at the expense of the French peo- ple. But such an annual expenditure is so far beyond the power of France, in the present depressed state of her agriculture, manufactures, and commerce to sup- port, as to threaten the total destruction of her ways and means ; and to create an innumerable multitude of paupers, ripened by hunger and nakedness into a state of desperation, ready for any revolution. Russia can hardly be said to have organized any system of finance, as yet ; and has never been able to move her armies out of her own territories without a subsidy from England. She has, indeed, recently esta- blished a bank at Petersburgh, for the purpose of faci- litating the moneyed operations of her immense empire. The finances of Austria, Prussia, Spain, and the United Netherlands, are in a condition truly deplorable, and re- quire many years of peace and economy to reduce them to order, and render them productive. It is supposed that the United States have, very re- cently, purchased Florida for five millions of dollars. P^ESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 95 If SO, they have done wisely to add a valuable terri- tory to their southern frontier at a small expense, in the way of barter, which is a much easier, safer, and better mode of acquiring dominion than that of war and conquest. The whole purchase money does not amount to quite sevenpencc sterling an acre, for the fee simple of upwards of thirty-seven millions of acres, to say no- thing of the territorial sovereignty. The public lands, as yet ungranted, will pay the price of the whole coun- try ten times over. Its surface covers 58,000 square miles, and contains not quite 10,000 people, or about one person to every six square miles. Its seacoast is extensive, and pre- sents many fine harbours, and many good situations for commercial towns. Indeed, the whole country, when cleared, drained, and cultivated, will maintain an abun- dant population. If Florida be incorporated with the dominion of the United States, it Avill very soon number a greater popu- lation than ten thousand souls. Such is the contrast between the quickening power of popular hberty and the benumbing influence of single despotism. Spanish America, and the Brazils, are far superior to theUnited States, in all the physical advantages of soil, climate, the products of the earth, and navigable waters ; and yet, under the weak, improvident, tyrannical adminis- tration of the Spanish and Portuguese governments, those vast regions languish in ignorance, superstition, poverty, weakness, and vice ; while the United States present to the eyes of an astonished world the extreme reverse of all these bad qualities and conditions. New- Orleans, while under the dominion of Spain, was lost in imbecility, idleness, and folly ; but now, after expe- riencing only fourteen years of American freedom, it is advancing rapidly towards the rank of a first-rate com- mercial city — by its enterprise and spirit — its growth in wealth and population. And so will it fare with Cuba, with Mexico, and Peru, when they become integral parts of the United States, and exchange their present penury and bondage for the freedom and abundance 95 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. that invariably follow the foot-tracks of a popular go- vernment. How strange and portentous is the contrast between the steady and progressive policy of the United States, and the supine indifference of the British government ! Britain has lavished the life's blood of a hundred thou- sand of her bravest warriors, and expended uncounted millions in rescuing Spain from the yoke of France; and yet she cannot, or will not acquire a single inch of territory, in any quarter of the globe, from the Spanish government ; — while the United States, without sacri- ficing the life of a single citizen, and at the expense of only twenty millions of dollars, have, within the course of a few years, obtained from France and Spain the ex- clusive sovereignty over a fair and fertile dominion, at least twenty times the extent of all the British Isles taken together. Why does not England, as part of the indemnity due to her from Spain, transfer to her own sceptre the sovereignty of Cuba ; seeing that the Havanna com- mands the passage from the Gulf of Mexico ? Why does she not take possession of Panama on the south, and Darien on the north, and join the waters of the Atlan- tic with those of the Pacific Ocean, in order to resusci- tate her drooping commerce ^ Or is it her intention still to slumber on, until she is awakened from the stu- pefaction of her dreams by the final fall of Spanish America, and of her own North American provinces, beneath the ever-widening power of the United States; — and by the floating of the Russian flag, in token of Russian sovereignty, over the Grecian Archipelago, and on the towers of Constantinople ? Are all her na- tional glories to be blotted out in one hemisphere, by a power but recently emerged from the snows and bar- barism of the North ; and in the other hemisphere, to be trampled into the dust by the gigantic footsteps of her own child ? Is the heathen mythology of Jupiter and Saturn to be verified in the nineteenth century ? The island of Cuba would soon exhibit another, and a better aspect, under the vigorous dominion of Britain, HESOURCES or THE UNITED STATES, Q-y than she now presents, under the forlorn and beggarly o-overnment of Spain. By her free and equal laws, by the weight of her capital, by the skill, industry, spirit, and enterprise of her people, Britain would soon render that island a powerful nation in itself, and a most valu- able outwork of her own maritime empire. By the possession of Panama and Darien, and the junction of the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean, England might command the commerce of the east and west, and pour such a floodtide of wealth over all her home territory as would relieve her people from the pressure of their national burdens, and give to their productive labour an unimpeded course, and an abundant recompense. Doubtless, the proposals made to the British govern- ment, in the years 1792 and 1798, by the Spanish Ame- rican delegates, for the emancipation of their country, and the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and which have been already adverted to in a preceding chapter, on the Commerce of the United States, are to be found in the office of the Secretary for Foreign Af- fairs, in London. Notwithstanding the shattered state of the Euro- pean systems of finance, and the consequent weakness of the governments of Europe, it is more than ever in- cumbent upon the United States to lay the foundation of an ample, permanent, and growing internal revenue, arising from home taxation ; because, whenever Europe becomes generally embroiled again, America will find that she now fills too large a space in the eye of the world to preserve her neutrality, and to keep aloof from the conflict. In spite of the apparent calm, the elements of an approaching tempest are every where visible in the European horizon. There are no symp- toms of continuous health and long life in the coalition of the allied sovereigns. Russia already exhibits signs of jealousy at the naval preponderance and commercial influence of Britain : while Encrland is alarmed at the enormous strides of the Russian government towards ab- solute ascendancy on the continent of Europe ; she re- fuses to join, and looks with apprehension on the^ Holy 13 98 RESOURCES OF THE UiNTTED STATES. League, whose avowed principles are so extremely sim- ple, not to say childish, that they cannot fail to rouse the suspicion of every one that is acquainted with the steady, strait-foi ward progress by which Russia has en- larged her territory, swollen her population, and aug- mented her power, during the last hundred years. Austria and Prussia both tremble at the overgrown greatness of their imperial neighbour; and see, in the mcrease of that greatness, the forerunner of their own doom. Meanwhile France, whose habitual intrigue and di- plomatic cunning never sleep, whatever be the form of her government, will labour mcessantly to sow the seed and ripen the harvest of dissention among the coalesced sovereigns ; and will strain every nerve to embroil Bri- tain with Russia and America, that she herself maj profit amidst the general confusion. The United States will be called upon to take sides in the European con- test; and they will, both government and people, range themselves against England, whom they hate with all their heart, and soul, and strength, as their naval and commercial rival, who must, at all events, be ex- terminated. They must, therefore, build up their finan- cial system on a broad basis, in order to mamtain a long and desperate struggle — since the British lion will not yield in subjection, while a drop of blood plays around and warms his heart ; he will not lie down in bondage until the whole life tide shall have been drained from out his veins. CHAPTER V. On the Government^ Policy^ Laws, S^c. of the United States. As all the governments of this country are purely elective, and founded upon the full sovereignty of the people, the study of political economy ought to make an essential part of American education ; whereas, except- ing in the State of Virginia, our schools and colleges generally neglect this important branch of Philosophical inquiry altogether. Indeed, it is far too fashionable a doctrine in the United States, that a man may be a very profound political economist, although his ignorance on all other subjects is quite conspicuous, and his general dulness no less manifest. But, in fact, there is no roy- al road to this science ; and although, in an hereditary aristocracy, men are bom legislators, yet no privileges of birth can confer a knowledge of political philosophy. And I would advise those sapient personages, who insist upon the extreme facilities of this science, and that its whole compass lies within the range of the every-day exertions of ordinary understandings, to learn the indi- vidual application of the argumentum ad modestiam to themselves, by a perusal of the political effusions of the greatest philosophers and statesmen of ancient Greece ; for instance, the Treatise of Plato on the best constitu- tion of a Republic ; the elaborate work of Aristotle on Politics, and the schemes of Isocrates for obviating or preventing the external quarrels of the Greeks among themselves, by directing a constant hostility against fo- reign nations ; more especially against the monarchy of Persia. jQQ RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Indeed, notwithstanding their progress in civilization, and their frequent practice in war, had led the Greeks, though not to the generosity of the warfare of modern Christendom, yet to occasional uages adopted to hu- manize hostihty, in some degree, and to diminish the aggregate amount of its bloody horrors ; still the radi- cal imperfections of their political system, and the tur- bulent habits which it superinduced, led their greatest statesmen and profoundest sages to conclude that war- fare was the natural state of man ; a state which might, possibly, be regulated, but could not be prevented, or suspended, by any efforts of human policy. Is it possi- ble that certain popular modern writers have ever seen the works of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon ? or, at least, learned trom their perusal to extol Greece as the favourite land of freedom ; in which that greatest of social blessings peculiarly flourished, from the age of Pisistratus to the usurpation of Philip of Macedon ? Bold and frequent struggles, indeed, A^ere made, and much private assassination, and many public butcheries were perpetrated in the name of liberty, whose spirit seemed to be continually boiling up into fire, and smoke, and vapour ; but whose substance was seldom, if ever, to be found in any of the Grecian commonwealths, •whether following the fortunes, and obeying the com- mands of the Lacedemonian aristocracy, or those of the imperial democracy of Athens. Could the battle of Cheronea itself, which made Philip master of Greece, be more fatal to Grecian free- dom than the fields of Aigospotami and Leuctra ? Xeno- phon, certainly, felt that his contemporaries were not free; as all his narrative writings sufliciently testify. And, if we turn from the recorded history of what ac- tually did take place, to the observations and schemes of the ablest men who speculated upon those transac- tions ; about the same time we find Plato, and Isocrates, and Aristotle, profound and eloquent as they were, ut- terly uiiai)lc to propose any plan, or devise any means by which Greece might be free. The great difficulty of mastering so complicated a science, as that of politi- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. jqj cal economy, must be accepted as an apology for the system of policy recommended in that work, so much admired by the ancients, both Greek and Roman — I mean Xenophon's Cyropaideia. Fortunately for us, experience has taught some few of the nations of modern Christendom forms of government, beyond all compari- son more favourable to private and public liberty and peace. Although successive demagogues had most wretchedly degraded the ancient Athenian constitution ; yet, if there ever existed in Greece any foundation for a good government, it seems to have been in the laws, customs, and habits of Athens, as derived from the in- stitutions of Theseus and Solon. That excellent princi- ple — the only one on which a free government can be tirmly grounded — namely, that the aggregate o{ private should make public good ; and its practical corollary, that the rights of individuals, once established by law, should always be held sacred, seem to have been original principles, established in the kingdom of Theseus, and the Republic of Solon. But a quite different principle obtained a very gene- ral prevalence among the other Grecian common- wealths; namely, an ideal public good, always distinct from, and for the most part destructive of, private good ; pretty much resembling the modern jacobin doctrine, that the true business of government is so effectually to provide for the general good, as most unerringly to de- stroy all individual happiness and virtue. Whereas, by the very constitution of human nature, self-love^ or the desire of personal happiness, is implanted in the heart by God, as the primary, the perpetual spring of all hu- man action. Man cannot love his kind, unless he first love himself. The ever-active principle of self-love is strongest in the heart of every individual ; and is gra- dually weakened as it extends its affections throughout all the kindred charities of life — parental, conjugal, filial — throughout all the social ties of friends, neighbours, acquaintance, magistrates, country. The predominant power of the principle of self-love is implied in the very terms of that divine command, " Thou shalt love thy 102 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. neighbour as thyself^ Meaning, that under the select- est influences of Christian charity man is required to give the ivhole affections of his nature to his neit^hbour, that is, to every one who stands in need of his kindness. But turbulent, discontented, profligate men in all coun- tries, trample upon the individual affections of humanity; and, in proportion as they prove themselves faithless husbands, unnatural fathers, disobedient sons, cruel masters, false friends, quarrelsome neighbours, rebel- lious citizens, unprincipled in all their conduct, do they arrogate to themselves the claim of being the exclvsive champions of the public good. As if it were possible for a wretch, steeped in all the atrocity and degrada- tion of private vice, to be a real patriot, actuated by a sincere desire to promote the welfare of his country ! O ya,^ fj^KToTiZva? (says iEschines, most indignantly, in bis oration against Ctesias) k«i 7rj^ ttovj^^o?, ovk ccv -Tron yivono ^yjfMX.yu'yog X^*^^°^y '^^^^ ° """^ (PiK/xxroc KCii oiKHorxroc cwuxTX JM.JJ (TTipyoov, ov^^7^ori vfxxg m^i 7rAej^o?, cvK CM TTon yivono ^yjjMia-icc X^^^'^o'^' " It is impossible, that the unnatural father, the hater of his own blood, should be an able and faithful leader of his country ; that the heart, which is insensi- ble to the intimate and toucliing influences of domestic aftection, should be alive to the remoter impulses of pa- triotic feeling ; that private depravity should consist with public virtue." One of the very first symptoms that discovers the selfish and mischievous ambition of a demagogue, is the profligate disregard of individual feeling and domestic affection. To be tenderly attached to the little, pre- cious circle of kindred, to feel a yearning of the heart towards the particular subdivision of society to which wc belong, is the first principle, the radical germ oi pub- lic affection. It is the first link in the series of that golden chain of love, by which we are bound, first to our families and friends, then to our country and man- kind at large. Of all the legislators of ancient Greece, who under- took to promote the public welfare, by destroying all RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 103 private good, Lycurgus the Spartan was most success- ful. His first step was to make the Lacedemonians a nation of paupers ; to destroy almost the very vestiges of private property, under pretence of providing for the interest of the community. Every individual was required to sacrifice all his own pursuits, comfort, and happiness, to whatever was called the good of the state ; by which patriotic and fashionable phrase, nothing more was in reality meant, than that all private interest should yield, and be rendered subservient to the schemes and views of the few ambitious men who governed the state, and made the bodies, minds, and wills of all their felloAV-citizens the pedestal of their own exalted power. And, as the public or national education (for no private instruction was allowed) was chiefly directed to render- dering the frame hardy and robust, to instil the neces- sity of personal courage, to teach dexterity in thieving, and skill in lying, to inculcate habits of remorseless cruelty, the Lacedemonians, under their existing leaders, were always prepared for the perpetration of any crimes, however dark and atrocious ; and, in con- sequence, were perpetually employed, either in assas- sinating the Heloies, a nation of brother Greeks, whom they had reduced to slavery; or in carrying on war against, and domineering over and oppressing their sister republican states. Whence, all over Greece, the peaceable and the quiet, who did not aim at politi- cal influence or military power, but only desired peace, and security, and civil order, were exposed to constant alarms, and the severest sufferings. But even the constitutions of Theseus and Solon, as well as those of every other Grecian commonwealth, were in want of another great political principle, spread over many portions of modern Europe, namely, repre- sentation^ which is, in fact, the beginning, middle, and end of all the governments, both State and Federal, of these United States. The essential advantage of the principle of representation is, not merely that a great nation can transact all its public business conveniently by its representatives, which even a very small country 104 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. cannot do, by its assembled numbers, in wild democracy ; but also, that some responsibility may be attached to every department of constituted power; by which pro- vision alone, whatever be the name or ibrm of govern- ment, real despotism can be obviated or prevented. For the want of this grand improvement in modern political science, the Grecian Legislators were quite at a loss how to secure liberty to the great body of the people without giving them despotic power; and thus, m etTect, the multitude became absolute and unresponsi- ble tyrants, instead of being, what they ought to be in every country, orderly freemen, living in obedience to the municipal laws of the existing governments. Those persons are either not wise, or not honest, or neither, who pretend that political and legislative science is easy and obvious, level to the meanest capa- city, and most unlettered education ; to the apprehen- sion of the peasant who directs the plough, the artisan who plies the loom, the carman who guides his horse, and of all the labourmg classes, whose daily toil is de- voted to providing for the necessities of each passing day. The writings of the ablest Greek philosophers and statesmen, showing how very deficient that en- lightened and illustrious nation was in many of the most important principles of political economy, abundantly prove how difficult and complicated that science is. In- deed, the history of all nations demonstrates by what slow fand painful steps, by what apparently accidental circumstances, by what jarring of discordant interests, by what violence of faction from within, by what pres- sure of hostility from without, by what dear-bought ex- perience of long-continued and accumulated evils, any advance towards perfection in the constitution and ad- ministration of government has been made. The works of Plato and Xenophon should, in particular, be stu- died, in order to form an accurate notion of the imper- fection of political science in their time, and of the en- tire inability, even of their great genius and extensive learning, to remedy the defects, or enlarge the bound- aries of that important science. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES- 105 To arrive at any certain and comprehensive results in political philosophy, requires a previous patient, and accurate analysis of by far the most complicated class of phenomena that can engage our attention ; namely, those effects which result trora the intricate, and often imperceptible mechanism of political society. In ancient times, it was impossible to make this analysis; because, before the invention of printing, and consequent diffijsion of knowledge among a large proportion of every civilized community, the human mind was compelled to waste it- self in such researches, unaided and solitary 5 and the difficulties attending these complicated inquiries, must for ever have baffled the efforts of individual genius; since even now, they yield slowly and reluctantly to the united exertions of so many successive ages, and such numerous hosts of philosophers and politicians, all com- bined to prosecute the same inquiries. In proportion as the experience and reasonings of different individu- als, of different ages and countries, are brought to bear directly upon the same objects, and are so skilfully combined, as to illustrate, modify, and limit each other ; the science of political economy assumes more and more, that systematic arrangement and form, which give both encouragement and assistance to the efforts of future investiofators. In prosecutmg the science of political philosophy, little is to be learned from perusing the speculations of an- cient sages ; because they confine their attention to a comparison of the different forms of government, whe- ther simple, as monarchlal, aristocratic, or democratic; or mixed, as in a combination, variously proportioned of these elemental institutions; and to examining the pro- visions made by each State, for perpetuating its own national existence, and extending its own military glory. It was reserved for the purer religion, and brighter phi- losophy of modern times, to investigate those universal principles of moral justice, which ought, under every Form of government, to regulate the whole system of social order, and make as equitable a distribution as possible, among all the different members of a commu- 14 IQ5 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. nity, of the advantages and burdens of political uiiioii In all the departments of literature, science, and art, in which genius discovers within itself the materials of its own labour, as oratory, poetry, painting, architecture, sculpture, pure geometry, and some branches of moral philosophy, the ancients have left great and finished specimens of excellence. But in physics, or natural philosophy, where the progress of improvement depends upon an immense collection of accumulated facts, and their skilful combination; and above all, in politics, where the materials of information are scattered over the whole surface of human society, and are still more difficult to collect and arrange, the means of communi- cation afforded by the press, have in the lapse of the two last centuries, done infinitely more to accelerate the progress of the human mind, by the increase of sub- stantial information, than had been accomplished in all preceding ages.* One chief design of the legislators of antiquity, was to counteract the love of money, and prevent luxury, by positive institutions, and sumptuary laws; and to perpetuate habits of frugality, and a stern severity of manners, throughout the great mass of the population. The Grecian and Roman historians and philosophers uniformly attribute the decline and fall of every nation, to the destructive influence of general wealth upon the national character; rendering the men idle, efleuiinate, * During the last fifty years, the most enlightened political econo- mists in Europe, have laboured to improve the condition of human society, by endeavouring to inform the minds, and amend the actual policy of existing statesmen and legislators. Some of the best works on this subject are, Sir James Stuart's Treatise on Political Economy, Dr. Smith's Wealth of Nations, Mr. Malthus's Essay ou Population, Mr. Brougham's Inquiry into Colonial Policy, the Earl of Selkirk's Essay on Emigration, the Chevalier Filangieris's Trea- tise on Legislation, Mr. Bentham's work on the same subject, the works of M. Turgot, and M. Quesnay, of M. Say, of the Marquis Beccaria, and of Camponanes, the Spanish philosopher, whose work on the importance of Agriculture and Commerce, led him to the dungeons of the Inquisition in 1796, from which he was libe- rated, after an incarceration of twelve years, by the revolution oi 1808. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. JQy* ■>yhat ought a Christian philosopher to think ? During the session of Congress, in the winter of 1816-7, a So- ciety was established at Washington, for the purpose of colonizing the free people of colour. The citizens of the Southern States have long experienced the evils re- sulting from the slave system. They are kept in con- tinual alarm and fear of an insurrection of the slaves themselves ; and the free blacks are so numerous and profligate, as to be a curse and pestilence to all our large cities. Nay, even in the Northern and Middle States, where they are better educated than in the South, their habits are so vitious, as to render them a burden on the poor-rates, and continual candidates for the State-Prison. It is said, that some of the Southern 150 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. planters begin to be convinced that their lands may be tilled to greater advantage by free white labourers than by negro slaves. If this conviction should spread, it may eventually lead to the abolition of slavery all over the United States. The intention, at present, on the part of the Colonization Company, is to settle as many free blacks as they can induce to go, on the banks of the river Sherborough, some distance south of Sierra Leone, under the protection of England, and supply them with suitable agricultural implements, school- masters, and religious teachers, n this benevolent scheme should succeed, it may become a powerful means of christianizing and civilizing the immense Con- tinent of Africa, contaming a hundred and fifty millions of Mahomedans and Pagans, steeped in ignorance, su- perstition, brutality, vice, and crime. Sir James Lucas Yeo^s late letter to the British Admiralty throws much light on the slave trade as it now exists, and on the state of Africa. The nations of antiquity most celebrated for counte- nancing the system of domestic slavery were the Jews, Greeks, Romans, and ancient Germans ; but it has been of almost universal prevalence. Its beginning may be dated from the remotest periods in which there are any traces of the history of mankind. It commenced in the barbarous stages of human society ; and was retained even among nations far advanced in civilization. By the ancient Germans it was continued in the countries which they overran, and was thus transmitted to the various kingdoms and states that arose in Europe, out of the ruins of Western Rome. In process of time, however, this species of servitude gradually fell into decay in most parts of Europe ; and, amongst the various causes which contributed to this essential alteration in the whole sys- tem of European society, none, probably, were more effectual than tlie uniform experience of the disadvan- tages of slavery itself; the difficulty of continuing it, amidst the growing civilization of commercial enterprise and Industry, and a progressive persuasion that the op- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. J5j pression and cruelty, necessarily incident to its existence, were incompatible with the religious doctrines and the pure morality of the Christian dispensation. Such was the expiring state of domestic slavery in Europe, at the commencement of the sixteenth century, when the discovery of America, and of the western and eastern coasts of Africa, gave occasion to the introduc- tion of a new species of slavery, which took its rise from the Portuguese, who, in order to supply the Spaniards with persons able to sustain the fatigue of cultivating their new possessions in America, particularly in the West-India Islands, opened a trade between Africa and America, for the sale of negro slaves. This execrable commerce in the blood and sinews — the bones and mar- row of the human species — was begun in the year 1508, when the first importation of negro slaves was made into Hispaniola, (now St. Domingo,) from the Portuguese settlements on the western coasts of Africa. The em- ployment of slaves in colonial labour was not long con- fined to the Spaniards, but was soon adopted by the other European nations, as they acquired possessions in America. In consequence of this general practice negroes became a very considerable article of merchan- dise in the commerce between Africa and America ; and domestic slavery struck so deep a root, that the nine- teenth century had actually commenced before the pow- ers of Christendom interfered to restrain the progress of the slave trade. In the year 1803 the general government of the Uni- ted States passed an act of Congress, prohibiting the importation of negro slaves into any part of the Union, after the commencement of the year 1 808 ; in the year 1 806 the British parliament abolished the importation of negro slaves into any part of the territories, home or colonial, of the empire. In 1815 Napoleon, on his re- turn from Elba, abolished the slave-trade in France ; which abolition was confirmed by a subsequent decree of the present King. The Spaniards and Portuguese still continue this detestable traffic in human flesh ; and the domestic slavery of the negroes is maintained in 1^2 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. nearly all the American colonies of Europe, whether continental or insular, and in these United States, parti- cularly those of the south and west. Slavery is an absolute evil, unqualified by any alloy of good ; it implies an obligation of perpetual service, which nothing but the consent of the master can dissolve. It also generally gives the master an arbitrary power of administering every sort of bodily correction, however severe and inhuman, not immediately affecting the life or limb of the slave. Nay, sometimes even these arc left exposed to the unrestrained will of a capricious master; or they are protected by paltry fines, and other slight punishments, too inconsiderable to prevent ex- cessive cruelty ; as was exemplified in that South Caro- lina master, who, in the year 1811, after lashing his negro slave most unmercifully, compelled another of his negroes (the intimate companion and friend of the per- son punished,) to sever his head from his body with an axe, while he was held down on a block by his fellow- slaves. For this attrocious and deliberate murder the master was punished by the imposition of a small fine, prescribed by statute. If he had stolen a horse in South Carolina, and had been found guilty of the offence, the laws of that State would have hanged him; but the de- liberate murder of his fellow-creature was commuted for a few dollars. God made of one blood all the nations of the earth ; but the Bible is not often the manual of a slave-holder. Slavery creates a legal incapacity of acquiring pro- perty, except for the master's benefit. It allows the master to transfer over, and alienate the person of the iilave, in the same manner as he alienates and transfers any other species of goods and chattels. Servitude de- scends from parent to child, with all its severe append- ages. This catalogue of misery is nothing more than a faithful description of every kind of personal slavery, whether existing under the municipal laws of ancient Greece and Rome, or the institution o(villenage in feudal Europe, during the dark ages, or the present condition of negro bondmen ; excepting that the remnant of vilkyH RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 253 slavery, which is altogether aboHshed in England and France, but still lingers, under various denominations, in some of the countries of continental Europe, particularly in Italy, Austria, and Russia, is considerably qualified in favour of the slave, by the humane provisions, and grov^^- ing civilization of modern times. The bare vieAv of the condition of slavery is sufficient to point out its perni- cious consequences to those communities where it is suffered to exist. It corrupts the morals of the master, by freeing him from those legal restraints, with respect to his slave, so necessary for the control of the human passions, so beneficial in promoting the practice, and confirming the habit of virtue. It is also dangerous to the master; because his systematic oppression excites all the worst emotions of implacable resentment and liatred in the bosom of the slave; the extreme misery of whose condition continually prompts him to hazard every peril for the gratification of revenge ; and his situ- ation furnishes him with frequent opportunities of slaking his thirst of vengeance in the blood of his oppressor. Accordingly, the planters of our southern States, and of the West-Indies generally, are kept in perpetual alarm and horror, lest an insurrection of their slaves should consign them to the doom which the French masters experienced in the massacres of St. Domingo. To the slave himself, personal bondage communicates all the afflictions of life, without affording him the re- compense of a single delight, physical, intellectual, or moral. It stifles all the growth of native excellence, by denying the ordinary means and motives of human improvement. It is likewise full of peril to the com- monwealth, by the radical, the heart corruption of those citizens on whose exertions of virtuous patriotism its prosperity so essentially depends ; and by admit- ting within its bosom a vast multitude of persons, who, being excluded from the common benefits of its po- litical Constitution, are necessarily interested in de- vising the means of its destruction. In whatever light we view it, domestic slavery is a most pernicious insti- tution — more immediately to the victim, who writhes in 20 154 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. convulsive agony under its scorpion lash; indirectly to the master, who riots in uncontrolled dominion ; and eventually to the State itself, which suffers such a lep- rous instilment to be poured into all the veins and arte- ries of the body politic. It must, however, be remembered that the fatal ten- dencies of personal bondage to corrupt and destroy individuals, domestic society, and the communhy at large, are slackened in our southern States, by some favourable circumstances, which do not exist in the West-Indian colonies of the European powers. The most important of these are the much less disproportion between the number of slaves and free men, there being in many of the West-India islands ten blacks to one white; whereas, in none of our States does tlie black more than equal the white population; — the superior order of the permanent free inhabitants, more especially of the great planters, w^hose native talents are deve- loped by liberal education, and whose manners are polished by all the refinements of well-bred society ; whereas, the greater portion of West-Indian planters are needy and desperate adventurers from Europe, who pass their temporary residence in the colonies m igno- rance, luxurious rioting, brutal sensuality, gaming, cru- elty, and every kind of vitious indulgence, until they either perish there, or amass enough treasure from the tears and blood of their negroes to return home, and corrupt the morals of the neighbourhood where they settle ; — the very superior condition and accomplish- ments of the female portion of our southern community, compared with that of the West-Indies, and the vicinity of sister States, bound up in the same girdle of political confederacy, but steadily and systematically discour- aging the existence of domestic slavery within the limits of their own territorial jurisdiction. Nevertheless, on the score of humanity to negroes, our slave-holding States have nothing to boast ; at least so far as relates to the provision of the municipal law. Our southern planters exercise the lash at their own discretion ; they pay a small money-fine for the murder JRESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. |^g of their slaves, and they occasionally subject them to very severe bodily torture. The United States afford no instance of a master being capitally punished for killing his slave ; yet, in the British West-Indies, some few years since, Mr. Hodge, a planter of large fortune, a magistrate and a member of the executive council, was publicly hanged, at noon-day, after a jury of his countrymen had found him guilty of excessive cruelty to the negroes on his plantation. In South Carolina the negro slaves are, by law, burned alive for the crimes of arson, burglary, and murder. So lately as the year 1808, two negroes were actually burned alive, over a slow fire, in the midst of the market- place, in the city of Charleston. What must be the code of municipal law; what must be the state of pub- lic feeling, in respect to the v/retched African race, that could suffer two human beings to be gradually consum- ed by fire, as a public spectacle, in the nineteenth cen- tury, in the midst of a city containing nearly twenty thousand nominal Christians; and the best of all possi- ble republicans, who profess to look with scorn upon the tyrants, and with compassion upon the slaves of Europe ! By the provisions of the Federal Constitution the privi- lege of the writ of habeas corpus cannot be suspended, un- less required by the public safety, in cases of rebellion or invasion. No bill of attainder, or ex post facto law can be passed. No capitation, or other direct tax can be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration directed to be taken by a preceding provision of the Constitution. No tax or duties can be laid on articles exported from any State. No preference can be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue, to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor can vessels, bound to or from one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money can be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money must be published, from time to time. No title of nobility 156 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. can be granted by the United States, and no person, holding any office of profit or trust under thera, can. without consent of Congress, accept any present, emo- lument, office, or title, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. No State can enter into treaty, alliance, or con- federation, grant letters of marque and reprisal, coin money, emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bilt of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obli- gation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No State can, without consent of Congress, lay any imposts, or duties on imports or exports ; except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, must be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws be subject to the revision and control of Congress. fVo State can, without consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with ano- ther State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. The reader may receive much valuable information upon American affairs, relating to the government, laws, institutions, and policy of the United States, by a peru- sal of the following works, to the first of which, in parti- cular, the preceding pages have been greatly indebted ; namely, Mr. Smith's " Comparative \ iew of the Con- stitutions of the several States with each other, and with that of the United States, exhibiting, in tables, the prominent features of each Constitution, and classing together their most important provisions, under the several heads of administration, with notes and obsei-va- tions." The Federalist was written conjointly by General Hamilton, Mr. Jay, and Mr. Madison. Mr. Jay wrote only a few of the earlier papers; Mr. Madi- son wrote some of the historical essays ; and the chief portion of the work was executed by General Hamilton. In depth and extent of political wisdom, in the philoso- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. I5.7 phy of jurisprudence, in comprehension and elevation of national views, in high and blameless honour, in pro- found and luminous ratiocination, in nervous and manly eloquence, in lofty and incorruptible patriotism, the American FederaHst has no superior, and very few equals, in all the volumes of political economy, contain- ing the lucubrations of the greatest sages and statesmen of modern Europe, whether of England, France, Ger- many, Italy, Spain, or Holland. Pacificus was written to defend and encourage the impartial, persevering neutrality of the United States, during the whole conflict between revolutionary France and England ; a conflict that grew out of the Jacobini- cal insolence, intolerance, and aggression of the French revolutionary government ; and for a season, swept along all the continent of Europe down its tide of ruin and degradation. No higher commendation can be given of this work, than to say that it is altogether the compo- sition of General Hamilton. Camillus was written to defend and explain Mr. Jay's Treaty with England, concluded in November, 1794; that treaty, to which the United States were indebted for a continual stream of prosperity and wealth, unexampled in the history of na- tions. The commercial part was written by Mr. Rufus King, formerly American minister near the Court of St. James's ; and the political portion by General Ha- milton. The whole performance displays the highest evidence of the sound judgment, extensive information, and powerful and pointed reasoning of the two distin- guished statesmen who composed it. The American Remembrancer contains a large mass of essays, resolu- tions, and speeches for and against Mr. Jay's Treaty. The chief opponent of Camillus was the late Chancel- lor of the State of New-York, Mr. Livingston. This collection exhibits much talent and violence, both per- sonal and legislative; and presents an ample and in- structive picture of the public mind, during one of the most trying and turbulent periods in the national career of the United States. J 58 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The American Museum is in thirteen octavo volumes, and amidst much idle trash, and multifarious nonsense, contains a large portion of valuable information, relating to the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, politics, morals, manners, national character, natural and civil history, biography, law, and state documents of Ame- rica, from the beginning of the year 1787, to the end of the year 1792, a most interesting period, during which the federal Constitution was framed, and carried into practical effect. The collection of American State pa- pers, of which ten octavo volumes have been recently published at Boston, is a most valuable addition to our stock of information, respecting the government and policy of the United States. If the papers of the late General Hamilton were pub- lished, either in a connected narrative form; or a judi- cious selection of them were made, and given to the public, an immeasurable volume of light would be shed upon the internal structure, the home administration, and the foreign relations of the American government; upon the laws and polity, the commerce and manufac- tures of the United States ; upon all that tends, directly or indirectly, to subserve the best interests, and promote the national strength, prosperity, and honour of our federative republic. In the ancient republics of Greece and Rome, one man used to excel in many various departments of in- tellectual greatness; the same man was an illustrious warrior, statesman, lawyer, and orator. But the more minute division of labour in modern times, is satisfied with excellence in a single vocation, and we are ready to pronounce a man great, if he be a skilful general, or a profound lawyer, or a wise statesman, or an able wri- ter, or an eloquent speaker. General Hamilton, how- ever, united all these high characters in himself; for he was unquestionably the greatest lawyer, statesman, financier, orator, and writer of his own country, and perhaps of the age in which he lived. Hamilton was one of the nevraSAo*, but with this distinction in hjs fa- vour, that he won the prize in every contest. RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. 159 On the subject of representation generally, the ex- ckision of cabinet ministers from the legislature, the al- lowing scanty stipends to public servants, and some other topics intimately connected with the wise and effi- cient administration of government, much very valu- able instruction might be obtained by a careful perusal of the papers on Parliamentary reform, scattered throughout the Edinburgh Review; and more espe- cially, the article on Cobbett's Register, in the tenth volume ; a political discussion, which for depth, clear- ness, comprehension, and liberality, has probably never been surpassed. The Federal Constitution vests the executive power in a President of the United States, who holds his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President^ chosen for the same period, was original- ly elected thus : Each State appoints, at the discretion of its legislature, as many Electors as itself has Senators and Representatives in Congress. But no Senator or Representative, or person holding any office of trust or profit under the IJnited States, can be appointed an Elector. The Electors meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, one of whom, at least, must not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. They make a list of all the persons voted for, and the number of votes for each, which they sign, certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate, who, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, opens all the certificates, and the votes are counted. He who has the greatest number of votes is President, if that number make a majority of all the Electors appointed. In choosing the President, the votes are taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this purpose consists of a Member or Members from two-thirds ol" the States; and a majority of all the States is necessary to a choice. After the choice of a President, the per- son having the greatest number of votes of the Electors is Vice-President. Congress may determine the time of I (»Q RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. choosing Electors, and the day on which thej shall give their votes — the day being the same throughout the United States. The President must be a natural born citizen, or a citizen oi the United States at the time of adopting the Federal Constitution, and be thirty-five years old, and have been fourteen years a resident within the United States. I« case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability, the same devolves on the Vice-President, and Congress may, by law, provide for the case of removal, death, or inability, both of the President and Vice-Pre- sident, declaring what officer shall act as President until the disability be removed, or a President elected. By the I2th article of the amendments to the Federal Constitution, it is provided that the Electors shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-Presi- dent; but no one, constitutionally ineligible as Presi- dent, shall be eligible as Vice-President of the United States. This amendment is no improvement. The design of the original Constitution was to put two efficient persons;, at least, in nomination for the presidency ; one of whom being chosen, the other would be competent to fill the office in the event of any accident befalling the Presi- dent. But, because in the year 1801, Mr. Burr had nearly jostled Mr. Jefferson out of the presidency, this amendment was introduced, in order to pre\ent any future collision between the presidential and vice-presi- dential candidates. The consequence has been, that not a single efficient person has been elected to the vice-presidency since this amendment became part of the Constitution. The office, ever since that time, ap- pears to have been designated either for superannuated and decrepit men, or for persons peculiarly marked by their mental imbecility, and individual unimportance. The Constitution provides, that the President shall be elected by Electors appointed by the State legisla- ture, and prohibits Congressmen from having either vote f)r influence in the matter. This provision of the Con- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 261 stitution also Mr, Jefferson has annulled, by a practical amendment called a caucus. This felicitous invention is carried into full effect, bj convening a meetirig of all the democratic Members of Congress, as well Senators as Representatives, to settle among themseices, in the City of Washington, who shall be the next President and Vice President. Which being done, they send cir- culars to every State, setting forth the candidates tliey recommend, who, as a thing of course, are voted for by all the Electors in the democratic States. In this man- ner Mr. Madison was made President ; and thus, also, Mr. Munroe was chosen, although with some difficulty, as the democratic Congressmen were, at first, in a ma- jority for Mr. Crawford, of the State of Georgia. But, as Virginia could not permit a President of the United States to be produced without the pale of her own do- minion, she having filled the presidential chair with her own citizens twenty-four out of the twenty-eight years which have elapsed since the establishment of the Fe- deral Constitution, Mr. Crawford himself and his friends were induced, after two or three meetings of the cau- cus, to yield to the Virginian claims of Mr. Monroe, who was accordingly nominated ; whereupon the usual circular was sent to the several States, whose legisla- tures accordingly appointed Electors who voted for Mr. Monroe, who was elected President. This is, in effect, taking the election of President of the United States out of the hands of the people, and transferring it to those of an ohgarchy of Congressmen. In March, 1816, the Senate of the United States dis- cussed the propriety of amending the Federal Consti- tution, by establishing an uniform mode of election, by districts, of Electors of President and Vice President. The proposition was negatived; but the remarks of Mr. llufus King, a Senator from the State of New-York, and one of the Members of the General Convention that framed the Constitution, on that question, deserve the full consideration of every sober statesman. Mr. King said, " The States may now severally direct the manner 21 J 52 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATOS. of choosing their own Electors ; it is proposed that the manner shall be prescribed by the Constitution. This would be an important change, and an improvement. If there was any part of the Constitution, deemed by its framers and advocates to be better secured than any other against the enterprises which have since occurred, it was the very provision on the subject of election to the presidency. The idea was, that the action of that particular agency, which has since controlled it, was as much displaced by the constitutional plan of electing the President and Vice President, as could possibly be devised. The opinion had been, that all undue agency or influence was entirely guarded against; that the men, selected by the people from their own body, would give their votes in such a manner as to afford no opportunity for a combination to change the freedom and popular character which naturally belong to the electoral bodies. " We all know the course which this thing has taken. The election of a President of the United States is no longer that process which the Constitution contem- plated. In conformity with the original view of the authors of that instrument, I would restore, as tho- roughly as possible, the freedom of election to the peo- ple ; 1 would make the mode of election uniform throughout the country, by throwing the whole nation into as many districts as there are Electors, and let the people of each district choose one Elector. Then all the people in the country would stand precisely on the same footing; and no particular addresses could be made to the special interests and particular views of particular men, or particular sections of the country, riie course now pursued, in this respect, is not entitled to that high distinction. On the contrary, our progress in government is not for the better ; it is not liKcly, hereafter, to be in favour of popular rights. It was with the people the Constitution meant to place the election of the chief magistrate; that being the source the least liable to be corrupt. But if, under the name RESOURCES or THE UNITED STATES. J03 of the liberty of the people, we put this power into other hands, with different interests, we place it in a situation in which the rights of the people are violated. " With regard to the rights of the people, and the freedom of tiie country, no man can name a matter so important as the choice of the President of the nation. It is an infirmity in our natures, that we look for chiefs and rulers, either for their superior virtue, or their supposed subserviency to the views of those in subordinate situa- tions. It is against the evil of the latter principle we must guard. The liberties of the people are more af- fected by the choice of President, than by any other or- dinary political act. In this point, they are vulnerable ; here ought the rights of the people and of the States to be guarded. Our existence, and the passions of the present day, are ephemeral ; public liberty should be immortal. Considering the Senate should be to the people, and the States, not only the safe guardians of their rights, but the protectors of their liberty, I hope they will adopt a provision, so nearly connected with the perpetuation of both. All experience has shown, that the people of any country are most competent to a cor- rect designation of their first mag-istrate. So far as his- tory affords us light, it leads us to this point; that m times of difficulty and peril to a nation, when it is in the utmost need of superior talent for its high stations, no tribunal is more competent to discern, and select it, than the people. Intrigue, turbulence, and corruption, may have some sway in quiet times, when all is tran- quillity, in regard to the general situation of the country ; but when the ship of state is in danger, turbulence ceases, and the best men are, by an instinctive power, fixed on by the people for their governors. This has been wonderfully illustrated by history ; and the best designations of magistrates have been produced in this way. " My sober view is, that as to the election of chief ma- gistrate of this nation, nobody is so competent as the great body of the freemen to make a proper selection. Whether, on this question, their/r5^ impression should ha J 5^ RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. taken, is a question of great importance : there would be difHcultj in making the returns of tlic votes ; tliosc who colJected and compared the votes, might defeat the clioice of the people. Not that these objections are insuperable ; and the course of things, under the present mode of clioos- ing a president, is in its nature pernicious ; and has a ten- dency to prevent the object intended by the Constitu- tion, of a pure elective magistracy. Men now live, who will probably see the end of our government, as we now go on ; terminate when it will, the termination will not be in favour of public liberty. For five years past, I have seen a character developing Itself, the predomi- nance of which I fear. Not a people on earth are more capable of high excitement than this people. During the excitement of the passion, to which 1 refer, if a contested election occurs, the gownsmen must stand aside ; another character supersedes them ; and there can be little difficulty in judging what will be the result. The march from military rule to despotism, is certain, invariable. Those who think they see the pro- bable tendency of our present system, should interpose something remedial. The people in this particular, are the best keepers of their own rights; and any device to remove that power from them, weakens its security. I know that this proposition, if agreed to, will break down the power of the great States ; I have no objection, if in curtailing their power, the same measure regulates the rights of the whole nation equally. 1 am willing to let the election for the presidency rest wholly on the people." And in the same debate. General Harper, a Senator from Maryland, said, that " as to the main proposition, he was decidedly in its favour, for this general reason; that its adoption would tend to make the election of Presi- dent less a matter of juggle and intrigue than they now are. He would not say that it would have the eflect of wholly excluding intrigue; of placing this great elec- tion on the footing, on which the jjreat men who framed the Constitution, vainly imagined they were placing it, of a free, unbiassed expression of the public will; but RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. j Q rj it would bring it nearer than at present. Party ar- rangements and bargains would not be so easy. Bar- gains could not be so readily struck with one State for this great office, with another for that ; as according to the present mode of election. Districting the States for electors, would have a tendency to render the pre- sidential election more free and independent ; to remove it more from the grasp of party arrangements ; to pre- vent bargains betAveen profligate agents, and the selling of the nation for offices to the highest bidder." The President, at stated times, receives for his servi- ces a compensation, that can neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he is elected ; nor can he receive within that period any other emolu- ment from the United States, or any single State. Be- fore he enters on the execution of his office, he takes the following oath or affirmation. " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) that I will faithfully execute the olEce of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu- tion of the United States !" The President is com- mander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States. He may require the opinion in writing of the principal offi- cers, in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices ; and he has power to grant reprieves, and pardons, for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He has power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he no- minates, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoints ambassadors, and other public minis- ters, and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not otherwise provided for in the Constitution, and which are established by law. But Congress may by jaw vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as |5g RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. As to the propriety of vesting the constitutional pow- ers, allotted to the President, in that officer, the Feder- alist enters into a most elaborate and able discussion, more particularly upon the /rea/y-making power, which he shares with the Senate. Durino- the session of 1815—16, Congress discussed, with great ability, the propriety of confining the power of making treaties with foreign States to the President and Senate, and exclud- ing the House of Representatives from all interference on that subject. In that debate Mr. Pinckney, late American minister in London, and now ambassador from the United States to Russia, particularly distin- guished himself; and the able speeches of Messrs. Ran- dolph, Gaston, Calhoun, Forsythe, and Hopkinson, threw great light on some of the fundamental principles of the Constitution. The right, asserted by the House of Representatives, to interpret and sanction Treaties, was negatived; and properly, because the Senate is a f)opular body of representatives, and the addition of the ower house could furnish no new principle of safety or control. The practice of the British House of Com- mons, in sanctioning Treaties, is no precedent for the lower branch of the American Congress ; because in England the Executive is without any check, in the conclusion of Treaties, except the subsequent discussion and appropriation of the inferior house of Parliament. The Lords have no share in the treaty-making power, although they, like the crown, are hereditary ; whereas our Senate, as well as our executive, is popular and elective. The British government also, in its collective branch- es of Kins^, Lords, and Commons, is all-powerful; and the distribution of its respective authorities very much blended together. But, under the Federal Constitu- tion, the powers arc precisely measured out to each branch of the general government, and the power of making Treaties with foreign potentates is specifically RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 2 g-^ o-iven to the President and Senate, as other powers are given separately to the House of Representatives ; and others, to all- the departments of government con- jointly. The President is empowered to fill up all vacancies that happen during the recess of the Senate, by grant- ing commissions, which expire at the end of their next session. He must, from time to time, give Congress in- formation of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may judge necessary and expedient. He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene either, or both houses ; and if they disagree as to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to what time he thinks proper. He receives am- bassadors, and other public ministers ; takes care that the laws are faithfully executed, and commissions all the officers of the United States. The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States, are removeable from office on impeachment for and convic- tion of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and mis- demeanors. In many of the States the electors of the President are chosen by the people ; in some, by the state legis- lature. The Constitution has left this point undeter- mined ; it has only given Congress the power to deter- mine the time of choosing the electors, and to fix a uniform day, throughout the United States, on which they shall give their votes. From the executive power to pardon, cases of impeachment, as in Britain, are ex- cepted in all the American Constitutions ; and in some of the States, murder and forgery are also excepted. If there be any one principle of municipal government more imperatively important than the rest, it is that the executive should be one and indivisible. This position is most ably enforced and illustrated by General Hamil- ton, in the Federalist, The framers of the Federal Constitution were too wise to encumber the President of the United States with a constitutional council, which he is compelled to consult. He is only authorized to re- quire of the principal executive officers their opinions in ] gy RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. writing, on any subject relating to their official duties. The several States differ on this part ; some having a council, established by the Constitution, which the executive must consult, and without whose assent he cannot act ; while others have no council. The general effects resultinjr from the institution of a constitutional council are, that they serve as a cloak to tlie executive, to cover him from punishment when he does wrong ; and act as obstacles to impede his motions, when he •wishes to do right. It is always best that the chief magistrate of every republic should act upon his own responsibility ; in dillicult questions of the law he can consult the attorney-general; and on complicated politi- cal cases he can have recourse to the State secretaries, and high officers. In a multitudinous executive the subdivision of responsibility weakens the hold of public opinion and power upon the executive councils and measures; in a single executive the responsibility is concentred and operative. Wherever a constitutional council exists, every act of the executive, whether re- lating to appointments to office, or to qualified negatives upon the legislature, or to the pardoning of criminals, or any other matter, is done by the executive, with the advice and consent of such council. A notion has long prevailed among a numerous body of American politicians, that a vigorous executive is in- consistent with the genius of republican government ; and, accordingly, not a. single Constitution, State or fede- ral, gives sufficient power to the executive. If the posi- tion so prevalent with us were true, republican govern- ment would be just good for nothing; because the ex- perience of all time has shown, that energy in the exe- cutive is a leading feature in all good government, whatever be its form or substance. It is essential to the protection of the commonwealth against the assaults ot foreign power; it is equally necessary to the steady administration of municipal laws to the protection of pri- vate propcity, (the sheet-anchor of human society,) from all arbitrary encroachment ; to secure liberty, both personal and political, against the intrigues, enterprises, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. j gQ and assaults of ambition, faction, and anarchy. A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government; weakness in high places is never harmless, because it involves the ruin of untold millions in its career of folly. It is better for a nation that its government should be occasionly, decidedly, and vigorously wrong, than always feebly and waveringly right. A government weakly executed, whatever it may be in theory, and how beautiful soever it may appear in manuscript, or in print, on paper, or on parchment, is, for all the practical purposes of the community, as far as respects the pros- perity and happiness of the nation, a bad government. Unity, duration, adequate income, and competent powers, are all requisite to constitute energy in the executive. The observations, at present, must be con- fined to the importance of executive unity. A single executive, and a numerous legislature, are best adapted to unite vigour in the government, with deliberation and wisdom in the national councils, and the means of conciliating the confidence of the people, and of securing their privileges and interests. Now, unity is conducive to energy, because decision, activity, secrecy, and de- spatch, other things being equal, always characterize the proceedings of one man more than those of many men acting together ; and in proportion as the number of agents is increased, will be the indecision, inactivity, want of secrecy, and positive delay in all their move- ments. In practice, it is of no moment whether the executive unity is destroyed by vesting the power in two or more magistrates of equal dignity and authority : or by vesting it ostensibly in one man, but subject, in whole or in part, to the control and co-operation of executive counsellors. The last mode of dividing and weakening the executive government is incorporated in- to many of our State Constitutions. That of New- York provides a Council of Appointment^ consisting of a Senator from each of the four great districts of the btate, nommated annually by the house of assembly; ol this Council the Governor, or administering Lieutenant Governor, or president of the Senate, is president, and 22 J 70 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. has a casting, but no other vote. This council appoints to all the odices of the State, except those provided for by the Constitution itself. In New-Jersey tlie Govern- or must consult his Council; but it is doubtful if their resolutions bind his judgment. In many other States the executive council has much more power over the Governor than in New-York or New-Jersey. A little reflection will show the mischief of dividing the executive in any way. Wherever, and whenever two or more men are engaged in any common pursuit, they are liable to differ in opinion. If it be a high pub- lic office, in which they claim equal dignity and powers their difference of opinion lessens the respectability, weakens the authority, distracts the plans, and slackens the operations of government. It also tends to split the coumiunity into violent and irreconcileable factions, whose mutual animosities continually disturb the public peace. It embarrasses the execution of every measure from the commencement to its conclusion. It counter- acts, without any counterbalancing benefit, the qualities most essential to a good executive government; namely, vigour and expedition. Above all, in conducting war with a powerful enemy, executive energy is the great bulwark of national security. In addition to this, an executive Council tends directly to conceal the faults, and destroy the responsibility of government. Owing to the multiplication of the execu- tive, it is almost impossible, amidst the mutual accusa- tions of the Governor and his Council, to determine on whom the blame or punishment of any pernicious mea- sure ought to fall. It is shifted from one to another with so much political dexterity and legerdemain, that the public is bewildered in suspense as to the real author of its calamities. In the siugle instance in which the (iovernor of New-York is coupled witli an executive Council, the appointment to offices, every day's experi- ence brings to liglit additional miscliiel'. Without stoop- ing to any personal crimination, it cannot be illiberal to remark that sometimes scandalous appointments to im- portant offices have been made. Indeed, some cases RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. jiyj have been so flagrant that all parties have concurred in censuring them ; but when inquiry has been made, the blame has been laid by the Governor on the members of the Council, who, in return, have charged it upon the nomination oi his excellency ; while the people are at a loss to determine by whose flagitious influence their in- terests have been committed to hands so incompetent. An executive Council deprives the people of their two greatest securities for the faithful exercise of all delegated power ; namely, jir$t^ the restraints of public opinion, which lose their efficacy alike on account of the division of censure, attached to evil measures among a number of persons, and the uncertainty on whom the blame ought to be fixed ; and, secondly^ the opportunity of discovering the actual misconduct of those whom they trust, in order to remove them from office, or sub- ject them to merited punishment. This part of the scheme of government seems to be borrowed from England, without any analogy to warrant such a loan from a monarchy to a republic. In England the King is an hereditary, perpetual chief magistrate ; and, for the sake of public peace, can do no wrong; nor is he himself accountable for the acts of his administration, and his person is sacred. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to annex to the monarch a constitutional Council, responsible to the people for their advice, and for the measures of the executive government. Other- wise, there would be no responsibility in the executive ; and, in the place of a free government would be substitu- ted an unqualified despotism. Yet, in England, the King is 7iot bound by the resolutions of his Council; although they are answerable for their advice to him. He is absolute master of his own conduct, in the exer- cise of his office, and may, at his sole discretion, observe or disregard the counsel offered to him. But in a representative republic, as are these United States, where the people themselves are the only unre- sponsible sovereigns who can do no wrong, whose ma- jesty is inviolable, and whose persons are sacred ; every magistrate is, and ought to be, a servant of the public, 172 liESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. and personally answerable to the nation tor his conduuf, while in office; and. consequently, the reason which in the British Constitution argues the necessity of an ex- ecutive council is strong against the propriety of such an institution in this country. Jn the monarchy of Eng- land it furnishes a substitute for the prohibited respon- sibility of the chief magistrate; but in the American republic an executive council only serves to diminish the personal responsibility of the chief magistrate himself. The general prevalence of an executive council in our State Constitutions is also derived, in part, from that mistaken maxim of republican jealousy, which considers power as safer in the hands of many than of one ; whereas the executive authority is more easily confined, when single than when multitudinous. It is safer to have a single object for popular vigilance and jealousy to observe, than to distract attention by a number of such objects. All multiplication of the executive is dangerous, not friendly to social liberty. For the united credit and influence of several individuals must be more formidable than the credit and influence of either of them separately. The tJtirty tyrants of Athens, the de- cemvirs of Rome, and the executive directory of revolu- tionary France, were more terrible in their respective usurpations, than any o«cof them singly could have been, and deluged Athens, Rome, and France with more na- tive blood. From either of such combinations America would have more to iear and more to suffer, than from the criminal ambition of any single President of the United States or State Governor. An executive coun- cil to a magistrate, who is himself responsible for his official acts, is only a drag-chain upon his good inten- tions ; the instrument and accomplice of his pernicious measures, and an effectual covering and defence of his evil deeds. The power of pardoning lodged in the hands of the executive, and the power of punishing crimes vested in the law, must always be taken together as parts of the same municipal system. The law is fixed, as to the punishment of crime, but a discretionary power is left RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. j-y^ in the chief magistrate to moderate the punishment ac- cording to the circumstances of commission. The de- cree and species of punishment being fixed, best en- tsures the personal and pohtical freedom of the people ; there being no slavery so miserable, as where the law is uncertain in its exposition and application. " Misera servitus^ ubi jus, aut vagum, mit incogmtiim.'''' The pu- nishment being capital for certain crimes, best answers the purposes of terror, by its warning example to others ; whence, by punishing the crime severely in one instance, its perpetration is, in many instances, pre\^nt- ed. And the executive power of moderating, by oc- casionally relaxing the severity of capital punishment, tempers justice with mercy; and while it secures the authority of the laws, does away the imputation of making crimes of different degrees of malignity equal, by inflicting death alike upon all. In most civihzed nations, the power of pardoning cer- tain crimes has been given to the executive. It is pe- culiarly so in England, whence the United States have borrowed nearly all their common and much of their statute law. The King's power of pardoning is said by the old Saxon jurists to be derived " a lege suce digni- tatis.'''' As laws, in order to be just, must be general and fixed ; and as it is impossible precisely to graduate the scale of punishment to the exact proportion of crimes, on account of the incessant variation of circum- stances, which renders the same generic crime more or less atrocious in degree, it is always prudent to allow a resort for pardon to the discretion of the executive, lest cases should sometimes occur to justify Cicero's ob- servation, that " quandoquidem, summum just est summa injuria,'''' And, although laws ought not to be framed on principles of compassion to guilt, yet, according to the constitution of every free government, justice should always be administered in mercy ; and, therefore, it is the great duty required from the British executive, by his coronation oath, and the act of his government, most entirely his own and personal. In some countries the power of pardoning in the executive is not sufliiciently 174 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. secured. In HollantI, for instance, under their old go- vernment, before the Dutch were conquered by revolu- tionary France, (uhat it is now, I cannot tell, having had' no opportunity of examining the Constitution of the United INetherlands) there was no power to pardon, unless there happened to be a Stadtholder, a magis- trate, who was only an accidental part of their muni- cipal system. Thus the Dutch republic omitted to establish in its Constitution a provision essential to all sound policy, as necessary to the welfare of the com- munity as justice itself; nay, in the opinion of some of the most celebrated jurists, giving to justice a perfection of benignity, which did not originally belong to her stern and unaccommodating nature. In England, during all the varieties and revolutions of government, the alternations of tyranny and anarchy and well-tempered freedom, the greatest weight has always been laid upon the prerogative of pardoning lodged in the hands of the executive. Indeed this power is a considerable abatement of the severity of what is deemed by some able jurists the harshest part of the criminal law of England, the law of forfeiture. Ever since the union of the two roses, in Henry the Seventh and his Queen Elizabeth, the pardoning power has generally been employed to the peace and preserv- ation of families. In the records of parliament, even in the worst times of the most tyrannical dynasties, from the reign of the Norman Conqueror to the dominion of the arbitrary Tudors and execrable Stuarts, examples of the benignant exercise of this prerogative are not wanting: and since the revolution, in 1688, in the better times of well-balanced liberty, it has been peculiarly beneficial. It is not, however, to be dissembled that this par- doning power has been sometimes abused in England and elsewhere. Towards the close of the seventeenth century (hirty-fvc thousand criminals were pardoned at once, by a general act of grace from the republic ot Venice, in order to raise a large sum of money. Francis the First of France gave Cardinal Wolsey, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATfiS- I'jQ then on an embassy from Henry the Eighth of England, the power of pardoning all criminals in every French town through which he should pass. The House of Commons petitioned Edward the Third to be less libe- ral in pardoning malefactors, on condition of their serv* ing him in his continental wars. With what unreflect- ing facility the most atrocious criminals are frequently pardoned in several of our American states, in order to make room for fresh candidates for imprisonment, is too notorious to need a comment, and too injurious to the community to be passed over in silence. By the Federal Constitution, the judicial power of the United States is vested in one Supreme Court, and such other inferior courts as Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, hold their offices during good behaviour; and, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, not to be diminished during their continuance in office. The judicial power extends to all cases in law and equity arising under the Consti- tution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassa- dors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies .to which the United States are a party; to controversies between two or more States, between a State and citi- zens of another State, between citizens of different States, between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or its citizens and foreign States, citizens, or sub- jects. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a State is a party. But, by the eleventh article of the amendments to the Consti- tution, it is declared, that the judicial power of the United States shall not extend to any suit in law, or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. 275 RE.SOl"RCES OF THE UXTTED STATES. In all the other cases beforcmentioned (together with the exceptions enumerated above) the Supreme Court of the United States has appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such re- gulations as Cono-ress shall see fit to make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, must be by jury, and the trial held in the State where such crimes have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the trial to be at such place as Con- gress may, by law, have directed. Treason against the United States consists only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person can be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. Congress has power to declare the punishment of treason ; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. The American law, both State and federal, differs from that of England, in the crime of treason not work- ing forfeiture of property, and corruption of blood. There are some very able arguments in favour of the English doctrine of attainder, in Lord Hardwicke's "Treatise on the Law of Forfeiture," and in Bishop Warburton's " Divine Legation of Moses." Both these great men lay much stress on this punishment operating as a strong preventive against the crime, by holding up to the culprit the certainty of the extreme infamy, and absolute penury of his own immediate descendants and kindred, if he persist in perpetrating the forbidden act. Mr. Smith m his "Comparative View," and the pre- sent Chancellor of the State of New-York, in an intro- ductory lecture to a Course of l^aw Lectures, delivered by him in November, 1794, when Professor of Law in Cfolumbia College, have given some very valuable ob- sen'ations on the American Judiciarif. The substance of these observations, with such additional remarks as may occur during the discussion, will be noAV presented ; RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ] ly'jr toi-emising, however, that the State Constitution of New- I ork declares, that no judge, either of law or equity, shad hold his office after he reaches the age of sixty jears. This seems to be a strange constitutional pro- vision, that a man must cease to be a judge, as soon as he is sixty years; because in the common course of events, provided he habitually exercises his mind by observation, reading, and reflection, he is wiser^ and consequently better fitted to discharge the important functions of the judicial office, after ^ than before he reaches the age of sixty. The Spartans were so well aware of this general truth, at least practically, that they did not suffer a man to become an Ephor, or Judge of their highest legal tribunal, until he had actually entered his sixty-first year. The State Constitution of New-Hampshire prohibits any judge from continuing in office after he attains the age of seventy years. This limitation as to age, is un- doubtedly wiser by ten years, than the New-York con- stitutional provision, which cashiers a judge as soon as he is sixty. All limitations of this kind are foolish and cruel ; because they pretend to point out the precise time when human intelligence fails ; and then consign a man to absolute want, that his life may not falsify their prediction of the appointed decay of his intellect. Lord Mansfield sate on the King's Bench until he was eighty^ and does any sound lawyer find in his decisions, during the last twenty years of his judicial career, that incapa- city which our New- York Constitution fixes upon a judge, the moment he becomes sixty years old } At all events, if a limitation be allowable, sixty years of age is too early a period. It requires the habitual diligence of the greatest part of a man's life, together with good sound strong natural talents, to acquire the extent and depth of information, and the practical experience, which are the essential requisites of an able judge; and to dis* qualify him by law, at a period of life when his know- ledge and experience could render him most competent to the due administration of public justice, does not exhibit 3 very profoimd degree of political sagacity or wisdom 23 J78 RESOURCEtJ OF THE UNITED STATES, This limitation is no less cruel than absurd ; for it makes no provision for the maintenance of the discarded judge. The New-York Constitution, in this respect, imitates the conduct of fVederic the Second, of Prussia, who boasted, " that he used men as he used oranges, he squeezed out the juice, and threw away the rind." For it casts a man destitute upon the world, precisely at a time when he is not able to provide for himself, by adopting any other calling; after it has availed itself of the youth and manhood, the time and talents, the learn- ing and industry of him, whom it consigns to hopeless penury and barren sorrow. The least which ought in common justice to be done, is, that if our legislators will persist in cashiering a judge for no other crime than being sixty years of age, they allow an adequate pen- sion for life to those whom they dismiss. Perhaps no one component part of the American Constitutions involves more momentous effects than our judiciary system. Some of the ablest papers in the Fe- deralist are devoted to the consideration of this subject. The two chief essentials in the organization of this branch of the government, are, a proper appointment in the first instance ; and an adequate independence, du- ring their judicial existence; which last implies a per- manent tenure of office, and a fixed competent salary. To secure the first object, the appointment of judges should be vested in that branch of government, which presents the greatest probability of making a good, and the most certain responsibility, in the event of making a bad choice. The executive, if single, is completely responsible; a single chief magistrate will, in general, be sufficiently interested in his own reputation, to search for able men; a multitudinous executive is under no such pressing responsibility ; and a legislative body are al- most entirely irresponsible. For voting by ballot, as is the fashion in tliis country, their choice is that of no par- ticular member, but every one is sheltered from ac- countability by the vote of every other person present. Besides, most of tiie members are changed either annu- ally, or biennially ; and the same body of men, which RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. J79 elected an unworthy magistrate, existing no longer, when his incapacity is discovered, no public shame is attached to them as a legislature. The responsibility of the executive, although lessened, is not however an- nihilated by assigning to a Senate, or Council, a nega- tive on his nomination; and it is possible that such a negative may sometimes act as a salutary check upon executive partiality ; but undoubtedly, as a general rule, a divided executive is pernicious ; and there is also, at least an equal chance, that a senatorial, or council nega- tive, may defeat as many proper nominations, as it may prevent improper appointments. The independence of the judiciary can be established only by an official tenure, during good behaviour, and by an adequate compensation for their services, not lia- ble to diminution. A limited commission infallibly cre- ates a dependence on the authority invested with the power of reappointment ; and a precarious compensa- tion entails a miserable dependence upon that branch of the legislature which holds the pubhc purse. The Con- stitution of the United States effectually secures these advantages ; for although the Senate possesses a check upon the nomination of the President, yet this qualified negative is less injurious when applied to the Union at large, than in relation to a particular State ; because the Senators in Congress, representing their respective States, are more likely to be acquainted with the merits and character of the person nominated, than the execu- tive, who being himself chosen from one particular State, cannot ibe expected to be so well informed, as to the wants and wishes of the other States. The federal judges, when once appointed, hold their offices during good behaviour, Avithout any limitation as to age ; and receive a fixed annual salary, not subject to diminution during their term of service. The sala- ries of these judges, like those of all other officers in the Union, whether attached to the general, or State governments, are not sufficient. Mr, Burke, in his " Re- flections on the French Revolution," offers some pro- J go RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. found and eloquent observations on the pernicicious pro- digality of underpaying the public servants of a country. The Constitutions of Pennsylvania and Delaware, vest the appointment of the judges absolutely in the executive ; and contain every paper requisite to secure a good judiciary, except an adequate salary; the Con- stitution of New-York, vests the choice of judges in the Council of Appointment; those of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, and IVlaryland, in the Governor and Council ; those of Kentucky and Louisiana, in the Go- vernor with the advice and consent of the Senate ; those of Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New-Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ten- nessee, Ohio, and Mississippi, in the legislature. In North Carolina, however, the Governor possesses Uie power of nomination. In most of the States, the official tenure of the judges is during good behaviour, with the exception of the li- mitation as to age, in New-Hampshire, and New-York; for instance, in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia, North and South Caro- linas, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi. In Con- necticut and Rhode-Island, the judges are appointed annnally ; which is a most lamentable provision, because • it renders the judges altogether dependent upon the power which creates them ; and what self-confidence can men possess, who know that in the course of a few months, their term of office expires, and their reappoint- ment depends upon the mere pleasure of another body, over whom they have neither control nor influence ? In Rhode-Island, the people have experienced the full benefit of this absurd regulation ; but the patriarchal customs, and steady habits of Connecticut, long pre- vented her from suffering any very material injury from this deformity in her political code ; because it was a matter of course, annually to reappoint the same man as long as he lived, unless guilty of some flagrant mis- conduct. JVow^ however, Connecticut is beginning to reap the fruit of this vUra democratic provision ; and TKESOURCJES OF THE UNITED STATES, j g j bids fair to have all her institutions completely revo- lutionized. In Vermont, there is still greater danger of an undue dependence of the judges on the legislature ; for they are not only elected annually, but the Constitution adds, " and oftener^ if need be." An annual election of the judiciary ought to satisfy democracy herself. In New- Jersey, the judges of the superior court are chosen for seven, and of the inferior court, for five years. By the former Constitution of Pennsylvania, the judges were appointed for six years, but the present Constitution has had the wisdom to give them an official tenure during good behaviour. In Georgia, the judges hold their offices only three, in Ohio, seven years. It is, however, matter of gratulation, that the judges of this country are independent, as to official tenure, except in the States of Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New- Jersey, Georgia, and Ohio. The immutability of compensation, except as to in- crease, is essential to judicial independence. This is secured to the judges in the Constitutions of the United States, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Kentucky, South Caro- lina, Georgia, Ohio, Louisiana, and Mississippi; and indeed in every Constitution made since the establish- ment of the Federal government, in 1789, except that of Tennessee, which only provides " that the judges of the superior court shall, at stated times^ receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law;" a provision, which places the judges at the mercy of the legislature, who, by giving or withholding an adequate compensation, exercise a power httle short of life and death, according to the doctrine of old Shylock, when he says, " You do take my life, if you do take the means by which I live." The Tennessee Constitution has also another singular provision, namely, " that the judges shall not charge juries with respect to matters of fact, but may state the testimony, and declare the law." This seems to be as much an extreme, one way, as Lord Mansfield's doctrine of compelling the jury not to intermeddle with the law at all, even when rendering a 1 82 RESOURCES OF TIlE UMTED STATES. general verdict, was an extreme the other way. At all events, the jury can never be injured by an able and dispassionate charge of an enlightened judge upon the tacts of the case, more especially if they shoulcl be nu- merous and complicated. In New-Hampshire and Massachusetts the judges are empowered by the Constitution to give their opinion to the Governor and Council, on solemn occasions, and to the legislature, on points of law. This provision is of doubtful policy; for it seems best, that judges should never give their opinions in matters of law except from the bench. In England, indeed, they are occasionally called upon to deliver their opinions in the House of Lords ; and some of the judges are themselves legisla- tors, as temporal peers in Parliament. But the separa- tion of the great departments of government, the execu- tive, legislative, and judicial, is not so accurately and extensively established in Britain as it ought to be. And, moreover, the occasional blending of these branches to- gether is not so dangerous in the powerful and stable government of a constitutional and limited monarchy and an hereditary aristocracy, as amidst the perpetual fluctu- ations of an elective democracy, where the only sure bulwark of individual liberty is to be found in the pure, unstained administration of justice to all parties in every question of property, person, and character. In all the State Constitutions, and in that of the United States, the judges are removable from their ofRce by impeachment. In New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Louisi- ana, and Mississippi, they are also removable by the Governor, on an address of the legislature, for miscon- duct not sufficient to require impeachment. In New- Hampshire and Massachusetts the Governor and Coun- cil may remove, on the address of a majority of both houses; in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Kentuc- ky, and Mississippi, on the address of two-thirds of both houses ; in Louisiana, on the address of three-fourths of both houses. During the session of Congress, in 1816-17, Mr. Sandford, a Senator from the State of New-York, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. j g3 proposed to amend the Constitution of the United States, by making the Federal judges removable from office, on the vote of two-thirds of both houses of Congress, with the consent of the President. This alarming innova- tion was not carried into effect ; Mr. King, Senator from New- York, and Mr. Fromentin, Senator from Louisiana, resisted the motion with great ability and force, and the Senate negatived it by an overwhelming majority. Such a provision endangers the independence of the judges ; because, when party spirit runs high, it would not be difficult to obtain an address of a majority, or of two-thirds, or even of three-fourths of both houses of the legislature to the executive, to remove from office a judge, whose chief crime might be the belonging to a different political sect from that embraced by the dominant faction. In general, the impeachment of the judges is framed by the Representatives, and tried be- fore the Senate or Council ; but, in Maryland they may be removed for misbehaviour, on conviction in a court of law. In Virginia, the impeachment of the judges of the General Court is preferred by the House of Dele- gates, and tried by the Court of Appeals ; and that of the judges of the Court of Appeals is tried by the judges of the Supreme Court. In North Carolina an impeach- ment of the judges may be framed by the assembly or grand jury, and tried by a Special Court, appointed for thepurpose. The American judiciary, both State and Federal, possesses an efficacy unknown to the courts of justice in other countries ; I mean, the power of bringing the va- lidity of a law, a statute^ passed by the legislature, whether of a single State or of the United States, to the test of the letter and spirit of a written Constitution. In Europe it has scarcely ever been contemplated to place any constitutional limits to the exercise of legislative au- thority. In England, where the Constitution has sepa- rated and designated the executive, legislative, and ju- dicial departments of government, with greater pre- cision than any other nation except the IJnited States, the Parliament is still considered paramount and abso- IQ4 RESOURCES OF THE tWITED STATES. lute, and, says De Lolme, " can do every thing except make a man a woman, or a woman a man." And, although some of the judges have declared that a statute, made against natural equity, was void, yet it is generally laid down as a fundamental principle of English law, that no act of parliament can be questioned or disputed j that, in no case whatever can a judge oppose his own opinion and authority to the clear will and declaration of the legislature; his province is to interpret and obey the mandates of the supreme power of the State. Let the inconveniences of a statute be what they may, no judge, or bench of judges, can constitutionally dispense Avith them; their office is to expound, not make law; and, during the last hundred and fifty years, no instance has occurred of any English judge declaring an act of Parliament void, on account of its being unconstitutional, or repugnant to the principles of reason or equity, or on any other ground. But in the United States the people have established certain rights paramount to the power of the ordinary legislature ; a precaution essential to security, and neces- sary to guard against the occasional triumph and vio- lence of party, in a government altogether popular, elec- tive, and representative. Without some such express provision settled in the original compact, as set forth in the written Constitution, and constantly protected by the firmness and moderation of the judicial department; the equal rights of the minor party w ould probably be often disregarded in the conflicts lor political power, and be sacrificed to the fury of a vindictive majority. No ques- tion can be made in these United States but that all legislative acts, contrary to the provisions of the Consti- hition, ought to be null and void. The only inquiry is, if the legislature itself be a competent judge of its own constitutional limits; or the busmess of determining the constitutionality of a statute be the fit and exclusive pro- vince of the courts of justice ? If the legislature be left tlie unresponsible judge of its own constitutional barriers, tlie efficacy of this check Is lost ; for the legislature would incline to narrow down- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. |85 or explain away the provisions of the Constitution, from the force of the same popular passion, or some consider- ations of expediency, which would lead it to overturn private rights, and invade the security of private pro- perty, rhe legislative will would then be tne supreme, uncontrollable law, as much with as without these con- stitutional hmits and safeguards. Nor would the force of public opinion (the only restraint then left,) be much felt or regarded ; for, if public opinion were sufficient to check the tendency to mischief in governments, there would be no need of ori2;inal limitations and constitu- tional restraints. But all experience teaches, that when powerful political rivalries prevail in the commonwealth, and parties are thoroughly disciplined and highly hostile, every measure of the legislative majority, however tyrannical and flagitious, is sure to receive the sanction of their constituents ; and every step of the minor party will be equally approved of by their adherents, as well as indiscriminately rejected, misrepresented, and con- demned by the voice and vote of the prevailing faction. The courts of justice, therefore, which are organized with peculiar advantages, well calculated to exempt them, and their judicial proceedings, from the influence of faction, and to secure a steady and impartial interpre- tation of municipal law, are the most proper power among all the departments of government, to keep the legislature within the limits of prescribed duty, and maintain inviolate the authority of the Constitution. It is also an indisputable maxim in American politics, that the executive, legislative, and judicial branches should be, as far as possible, kept distinct and separate. The legislature ought not to exercise the powers of the exe- cutive or judiciary, except in clearly specified cases. An innovation upon this distribution of power tends directly to overturn the due balance of government, and intro- duce an unqualified despotism. But the exposition of the Constitution is as much a judicial act, and requires the exercise of the same legal discretion, as the interpre- tation of a law, whether statute or common. The courts of justice are, indeed, bound to regard the Con- 24 iQg RESOURCES 6f THE UNITED STATES. stitution, as a law of the highest nature — the supreme law of the land, to which every Inferior or derivative legal regulation must conform, and be obedient. The Constitution comes from the people in their character of plenary sovereignty, when defining the permanent conditions of the social alliance between the different States of the Union; and, therefore, to contend that the courts of justice must adhere implicitly to legis- lative acts, without regarding the provisions of the Con- stitution, is to contend that the power of the agent exceeds that of the principal ; and that the will of only one concurrent and co-ordinate department of subordi- nate authority ought to control the fundamental laws of the sovereign people. This judicial power of deter- mining the constitutionality of statutes is necessary to preserve the equIllDrium of the American government, and to prevent the usurpations of any one department upon the powers and privileges of the others. And of all the branches of government, in every free country, the legislative is most impetuous arid powerful; whence the necessity of arming the executive with a negative, either absolute or qualified, upon the proceedings of the legislature. See some very ingenious reasoning in INfentesquieu's Esprit des Loix, and a still abler disquisi- tion in the Federalist, on the necessary /}rftf/eca/ separa- tion of the executive, legislative, and judicial powers, from which it appears that the judicial power is the weakest of the three ; and, as it is equally essential to the well-being of the commonwealth, to preserve entire the power of the judiciary, it ought not to be left ex- posed to the attacks of a popular legislature, without adequate means of constitutional defence. This is one reason why the judges in the State of New-York are constitutionally associated with the Governor to torm the Council of Revision^ to revise all bills about to be passed into laws by the legislature ; and this singular association, giving a kind of legislative power to the judiciary, renders some of the preceding observations less applicable to the Constitution of New- York than to that of any other free government. No- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. j gy vertheless, as a general principle of political economy, and its kindred science, municipal jurisprudence, it will be found that the right of expounding the Constitution, as well as the statute law, is the most fit and effectual weapon by which the courts of justice can repel all hos- tile assaults, and guard against all unconstitutional encroachments upon their chartered claims and rights. Nor is there any danger that the establishment of this principle should exalt the judicial above the legislative power ; for they are co-ordinate branches of govern- ment, and equally bound by the Constitution ; and if the judges should substitute caprice and arbitrary will for the exercise of sober discretion and rational judgment, they are not left, like the legislature, to the ineffectual control of public opinion ; but are liable, by an express provision of the Constitution, to be impeach- ed for misconduct, and tried by the legislature ; and, if convicted, removed from office. , The United States, and the separate States generally, acknowledge this power to reside in the judiciary ; but, on the 29th of November, 1815, the Georgia House of Representatives passed a resolution censuring their State judges for deciding the alleviating law; that is, a statute, passed by the Georgia legislature, prohibiting the use of any legal means for the recovery of debts, to be unconstitutional ; and also denying to the judiciary the right of giving any opinion upon the constitution- ality of legislative acts. This resolution is sufficiently flagrant and illegal ; because it denies to a separate and co-ordinate branch of government a constitutional right, which has been acquiesced in, and acted upon^ by the United States, by the other separate States, and by Georgia herself, heretofore; a right which, from the very nature of our republican institutions, ap- pertains to the judiciary. But this outrageous resolu- tion scarcely equals the usurping conduct of the Georgia Senate, upon whose table, in November, 1815, was lying a bill to compel the judges to exhibit to the legislature all the Rules of their Courts; and to take 1 8g RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. away from the bar and judiciary the right of estabhshing any rules for their own government, unless they have first received the legislative sanction. This is, at one stroke, cutting up by the roots the constitutional independence of the judiciary, and ren- dering the judges mere passive instruments of an arbi- trary and overbearing legislature ; which is, in fact, establishing the most dangerous, because the most un- responsible of all tyrannies. A single despot may be resisted, called to account, and punished; out a multi- tudinous despotism, composed of a numerous body of popular representatives, elected only for a short season, may, at any time, crush the liberties, and trample on all the political rights of the community, without con- trol, and without punishment. Several of the leading members of the Georgia legislature pledged themselves never to cease their exertions until the omnipotence of the legislature was acknowledged ; and they also con- tended that the Constitution, whether State or Federal, is not law, but merely the will of the people ; which can only be known by the voice, resolution, and vote of its constitutional organ — the legislative assembly — which is, therefore, paramount in power and authority to every other department of government. The judiciary of Georgia are sufficiently dependent by the tenure of their office, without any legislative encroachments upon their rights and privileges ; for they are elected only for three years, and are remov- able by the Governor, on the address of two-thirds of both houses. Now, judges, w^ho know that their re- election to office liinges upon the will and pleasure of their electors, at so short a distance, cannot feel them- selves independent, and at liberty to act without regard to the opinions of those who may, or not, at their own discretion, reappoint them to office ; and the judges are equally at the mercy of the legislature, when two- thirds of the members can, by their mere address to the executive, remove them from office. It is vain, under such circumstances, to expect an impartial administra- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 189 tion of justice. It is to be hoped that this encroach- ment upon the constitutional rights of the judiciary will not be imitated by any other State in the Union. The question, as to the power of trying the validity of statutes, by the provisions of the Constitution, and of treaties with foreign powers, being lodged in the hands of the judiciary, could not well arise prior to the revolution ; because the American colonies were partly governed by British statutes, the constitutionality of which the English judges themselves were not suffered to examine ; and consequently, a fortiori^ no such au- thority would have been tolerated in the American ju- diciary. Nor were the colonial legislatures likely to permit their judges to determine the validity of statutes enacted by them. After the revolution, this power, al- though not given in express words to the judiciary, was claimed as necessarily arising out of the existence of a written Constitution, the exposition of which, like that of any other law, can be safely entrusted only to the courts of justice. It would be destructive of all popu- lar hberty, to permit the executive, both to explain and execute the law ; nor would it be less perilous to allow the legislature to expound, as well as make laws. The federal judiciary decide upon the validity of acts of Congress, State Constitutions, and State statutes, by the provisions of the Constitution, and foreign treaties ; but have no power to determine the validity of State statutes, by the provisions of State Constitu- tions ; that power belonging exclusively to the State ju- diciary ; who likewise possess the right of trying the validity of State statutes, and State Constitutions, and acts of Congress, by the provisions of foreign treaties, and of the federal Constitution. It is fair to infer, that now^ the French and Dutch judiciary have power to try the legality of the acts of their respective legislatures, because France and the United Netherlands have each a written Constitution ; whereas in England, the judges have no such power, precisely because in that country there is no written Constitution, by the letter and spirit 190 KESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of whose provisions, the validity of acts of Parliament maj be examined and detei mined. It is important, that such a power should be lodged in the judiciary of every country; because, although the cammon law possesses the peculiar faculty of adapting itself to the growth of the community, and of amending itself, in consequence of erroneous decisions being over- ruled by subsequent judges, or by the same judges, when better advised; yet, a statuk^ if unrepealed, and if the statute book be never revised, makes an integral and permanent part of the municipal law ; and the ex- perience of all nistory shows, that statutes are some- times passed amidst the heat and fury, the fire and smoke of party violence and wrong; whence, the necessity of that two-fold ^uard, which so happily exists in our State of New-York; namely, the power of the judi- ciary to try the legality of each statute, by the provi- sions of the Constitution ; and the occasional revision of the statute book, in order to expunge those legisla- tive acts, which the progress of time, (the greatest of all innovators, as Lord Bacon calls him,) the change of circumstances, and the growth of the community, might have rendered either obsolete, or impracticable, or per- nicious. The federal Constitution provides, that full faith and credit shall be given in each State, to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State ; and Congress may, by penal laws, prescribe the man- ner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof This provision of the Constitution has been seconded by an act of Congress, declaring that the records, and judicial proceedings of each State, shall have such faith and credit given to them in every court within the United States, as they have by law, or usage in the courts of the State whence these records arc taken. This provision of the federal Constitution, probably was intended, gradually to reduce to one wholesome level of agreement, the laws; and judicial decisions of RESOURCES OF THE UNITJID STATES j 0| the several States of the Union ; in Hke manner as the law decisions of the different courts in England have been brought to agree, in all great legal and equitable principles, by the long-continued, and well-directed ef- forts of able, enlightened, and upright judges. " La diversite des loix civiles (say the distinguished jurists, who compiled the Napoleon Code,) est, comme la di- versity de religion, ou de langage, une barriere, qui rend etrangers, I'un a I'autre, les peuples les plus voisins, et qui les empeche de multiplier entr'eux des transac- tions de tout genre, et de concourir ainsi mutuellement a I'accroissement de leur prosperite." Indeed, nothing tends so directly to establish the whole community in social order, prosperity, and strength, as the prevalence of harmony and uniformity, in the judicial decisions of the different courts of justice throughout the country. Such a uniformity in the decisions of our courts, both State and federal, would prove the surest and firmest cement of a durable political union, in the American confederacy. The law decisions of the different English courts used to clash with each other, until the publication of the various modern reporters gradually brought the legal judgments of the King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, to a salutary uniformity; which greatly augments the peace and security both of person and property; and consequently, greatly increases the na- tional prosperity and strength of the whole British peo- ple. Those persons who have diligently studied the law of England, as the foundation of American law, throughout all the States, know that for more than a century past, indeed ever since the complete establish- ment of the revolution, towards the close of the seven- teenth century, a constant, deliberate, and upright ad- ministration of justice, founded upon the most rational principles, has prevailed in the different courts of the British empire. If this provision of the Constitution was intended to promote a uniformity of laws and judicial decisions throughout the United States, it has not succeeded ; for 192 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. there are actually no less than three different legal doc* trines afloat in the different States, upon this single con- stitutional clause; in some States a m/cr judgment, that is, a Judgment rendered in one of the sister States of the Union, IS held to be of no more validity than a foreign judgment, that is, a judgment rendered in any State, or country, unconnected with our American confederacy, for example, France or England ; in other States, a sis- ter judgment is held equal to a domestic judgment, that is, a judgment rendered in the State, taking cognizance of the sister judgment; in other States again, a sister judgment is considered as a kind of tertium qttidj as not quite so high as a domestic, nor quite so low as a foreign judgment. Indeed, the discrepancy between the laws of our dif- ferent States produces serious evil, by retarding and perverting the course of justice. For example, in some of the States an attachment law prevails, under which a person, absent from the State, may have a judgment rendered against him, that shall bind all his property all over the world, without any personal notice being given to him, or any opportunity afforded for him to de- fend the suit ; which is a mode of proceeding contrary to the first principles of justice. This attachment law is in full force throughout all the New-England and many of the southern and western States, while the middle States hold it in abhorrence, as contrary to the principles of the common law, and endeavour to defeat its efficacy in their own tribunals. The laws in the southern and western districts of the Union are gene- rally very lax, and favour the debtor at the expense of the creditor. Nor are they very scrupulous in enfor- cing contracts. During the last winter, a gentleman of the City of New-York, intending to remove into the State of Kentucky, bargained with a servant, to pay his expenses of travelling thither, and a certain rate of wages for one year, the servant, on his part, contract- ing to remain with and serve his master faithfully during that period. On their arrival in Kentucky, the sen'ant refused to live any longer with his master, be* RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IQ^ cause he could do better for himself. The master ap- plies to the law for redress, and a Kentucky jury, (which is, in truth, the judge, both of law and fact,) dissolves the contract, on the ground that the sei'vant was not acquainted with the nature of the western country when he made the bargain. The master was without redress, and, in addition to losing all the mo- ney expended in conveying his servant a journey of nearly one thousand miles, he was saddled with the costs of the suit instituted for the purpose of obtaining justice. By parity of reasoning, a contract made in London or Paris ought not to be enforced in New-York, because the contracting party did not know the nature of New- York, when he made the contract. Such a loose and vitious administration of municipal law argues and in- creases a very lax state of public morals and of public feeling in regard to the eternal distinctions between right and wrong. A crime committed in one State is not punishable in another; for example, if a man steals a horse or kills his neighbour here, in the city of New-York, and crosses the ferry into the State of New-Jersey, he may escape punishment altogether, for the New-Jersey law takes no cognizance of a crime committed in the State of New- York, and the New- York law has no jurisdiction in the State of New-Jersey. Under such circumstances, the only chance of punishing the culprit lies in a pro- vision of the Federal Constitution, which gives the citi- zens of each State all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States ; and declares that a per- son charged in any State with treason, felony, or other crime, who flies from justice, and is found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State whence he fled, be delivered up to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the crime. But so little efficacy has this constitutional provision in preventing the commission of crime, that it is the common practice of our citizens to pass from one State into another for the purpose of fighting a duel ; which 2B 19^ RESOUKCES OF THE UNITED STATES. done, the surviving parties return to the State which thej had expressly left in order to commit a breach of the laws, and deride all notion of punishment. In the lapse of little more than one year, the late General Ha- milton and his eldest son both crossed over the Hudson, to be killed on the New-Jersey shore, and their surviving antagonists have never been called to any legal account for destroying two of the brightest ornaments and surest bulwarks of the nation. " Thus Abner died as a fool dieth;" and the peerless Hamilton has added his name to swell the long and bloody muster-roll of those who have fallen victims at the shrine of the worst rem- nant of Gothic barbarity and feudal homicide. The Chrislian requires no arguments to be urged against the prevailing practice of fashionable murder; for the Christian knows that man has no right, either to seek his fellow's life, or to throw away his own, (except at his country's call) but that he is accountable alike for his own and his brother's blood to the God of the spirits of all flesh. But to that portion of the community, which is not sufficiently under the control of relioious feeling, this is a subject of deepest import. In the United States, in pro- portion to their population, more duels are annually fought than in any other nominally Christian country: and of these duels a greater number is fatal, owing to the su- perior practice and skill, and the more deliberate deadly coolness with which the Americans aim at each other's hfe. How many families are, at this moment, sorrowing, in hopeless misery, over the loss of a father, or a hus- band, or a brother, or a son, who either has been, or who might have become, not only the prop and support of his kindred house, but the defence and glory of his ad- mirinii: country ; who might have led her armies to vic- tory, or shaken her Senate with the thunders of his elo- quence, or have built her up into a high and palmy state of national honour and strength, by the wisdom of his counsel ! If the laws are ineffectual, and the guar- dians of those laws slumber on their post of duty, it is high time for the irwral force of the country to be put RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. . jQg ui requisition ; for tlie men of talents, character, pro- pertj, and influence in the community to unite tneir efforts, to stand in the gap between the dead and the living, to stay the plague, and bid the destroying angel depart from our reformed land for ever. It is all-important for the permanent security, repose, and prosperous condition of the United States, that the administration of justice, both civil and criminal, should be uniform and certain throughout the whole Union. Doubtless, the multiplication of our State Reporters will, in process of time, exercise a very salutary influence in producing this desirable uniformity in the law decisions of the different State courts. But a scrupulous con- formity to that clause of the Constitution, which de- clares, " that full faith and credit shall be given to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of each State in any other State," would more certainly and more speedily produce this great effect; since the habit of receiving the judicial proceedings of each State in every other State, as equally binding with those of its own, would soon induce the different State courts to assimilate their law opinions, principles, and decisions with each other, as the legitimate effect of such constant and friendly intercourse. Whereas, by treating the judg-ments of sister States merely as fo- reign judgments, they necessarily tend to recede as far from any amicable assimilation with them as with the decisions of foreifjn courts. But nothino: would so directly conduce to consolidate the strength, and prolong the duration of the American Union, as a uniformity in the legal provisions of the constirutions, statutes, and common law judgments of the several States composing that Union. Such a course of pro- ceeding would, in the lapse of time, enable America to exhibit a more complete di^^est of municipal jurispru- dence than the world has yet seen ; because she has an opportunity of borrowing from the two great systems of legal civilization, the civil and the common law, what- ever is best calculated to promote and protect the spirit of her own popular institutions, and to combine with 196 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. what she thus borrows, the lights of her own various and progressive experience in the different departments of human society, poHtical, commercial, and scientific. This is the more important to strive after, because the science of leirislation is yet, of necessity, crude and im- perfect in this young and growing repubhc, owing to the want of long-continued political experience, and the extreme facility and latitude of empirical experiments upon the body politic, which the supreme sovereignty of so many separate independent republican States af- fords and encourages. And it is full time that the people of this country should learn the necessity of ballasting the speculative projects of the sanguine, the credulous, the precipitate political innovator with the cautious deliberation, the practical wisdom of the experienced, forecasting states- man, of the profound and enlightened judge. Then, indeed, might the whole Federal Union be melted down into one living body of national peace, security, permanent prosperity, and power, by the gradual diffu- sion of a uniform system of municipal law over all the different confederated State sovereignties. It would not then be easy, even for the hydra-headed monster faction herself, to disentangle the warp and the woof which might be interwoven, thread upon thread, throughout all the texture of society. The Federal Constitution provides, that no person held to labour or service in one State, under its laws, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation of that other State, be discharged from such service or labour, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. This provision enables the master of a run- away slave to claim him, even in a State, the municipal law of which has abolished or prohibited slavery, be- cause tiie Constitution of the United States is the su- preme law of the land, to which all State laws must yield. Otherwise such fugitive slaves would be pro- tected, because in all penal or criminal matters, munici- pal law permits no interference on the part of local law, EESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. jg-y *nd the lex loci not operating, even in civil cases, as on personal contracts, whenever its operation would clash with or contradict the provisions of municipal law. Ohio, who has prohibited the existence of slavery by her Constitution, borders on all sides upon slave-holding States, from which runaway slaves often escape into her dominion, and her reluctance, not to say absolute refusal, to give up such fugitives to their owners, has recently occasioned considerable heat and animosity be- tween her and her neighbour Kentucky, who possesses a large body of slaves within her territory, and shows no inclination to diminish their number. The Constitution also provides, that new States may be admitted by Congress into the Union; but no new State formed within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State formed by the junction of two or more States, without the consent of the legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of Congress. Congress has power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regu- lations respecting the territory, or other property belong- ing to the United States ; and nothing in the Constitu- tion shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State. The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a republican form of government, and protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive, when the legisla- ture cannot be convened, against domestic violence. Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to the Con- stitution; or on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments ; which in either case shall be valid, as part of the Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fourths of the States as one, or other mode of ratification may be proposed by Con- gress ; provided, that no amendment made prior to the year 1808, shall affect the piovisions respecting the mi- gration, or importation of persons into, or from the se- 298 RESOTOCES Of THE UMTED STATES. Veral States, and the imposition of capitation, or other direct taxes ; and provided, that no otate, without itw consent, sliali be deprived of its equal suflrage in the Senate. All debts contracted, and engaj^ements entered into before the adoption of the Constitution, shall be valid against the United States, under the Constitution, as under the confederation. The Constitution, and the laws of the United States, made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every State bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary not- withstanding. The Senators and Representatives in Congress, and the members of the several State legis- latures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United and the several States, shall be bound by oath, or affirmation, to support the Constitution ; but 7io relifrious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any otHce, or public trust under the United States. The amendments already made to the Constitution are, that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of rdiaion ; or prohibiting the free exer- cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to as- semble and petition government for a redress of griev- ances. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be iniringed. No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a man- ner to be prescribed by law. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall i?sue, but upon proba- ble cause, supported by oath, or affirmation, and parti- cularly describing the place to be searched, and the per- sons or things to be seized. No one shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment, or indictment of a grand jury; ex- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 299 cept in cases arising in the land, or naval forces, or mi- litia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger; nor shall any one be subject for the same of- fence, to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case, to be witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or pro- perty, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compen- sation. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have a right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and disrict wherein the crime was com- mitted ; (which district shall have been previously as- certained by law ;) and be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, be confronted with the witnesses against him, have compulsory process for obtaining wit- nesses in his favour, and have the assistance of counsel for his defence. In suits at common law, where the value in Controversy exceeds twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and no fact tried by jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the com- mon law. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor ex- cessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. The enumeration in the Constitution of cer- tain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The powers not delega- ted to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohi- bited by it to the States, are reserved to the States re- spectively, or to the people. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States, by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. The electors shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots, the person voted for as Vice President; but no person, constitutionally Ineli- gible to the office of President, shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States. 200 RESOURCES OF THE ITNITED STATES. It is a very important provision, which prescribes the mode of proposing and carrying into effect future amendments to the Constitution, without hazarding a dis- solution of the confederacy, or suspending the opera- tion of the existing government. Accordingly, twelve additional Articles were appended, as amendments to the Constitution, within a (ew years after it first went into operation; and, in the year 1804, the amendment respecting the election of President and Vice President was added. The amendment may be effected cither on a recommendation from Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses concur in the expediency of such a mea- sure ; or, by a mode which secures to the separate States an influence, in case Congress should neglect to recommend such amendments. Both these modes ap- pear to be good ; of the efficacy of the first the nation has had full experience, in the amendments already made. The second seems a fit mode, whenever the general government shall betray such symptoms of cor- ruption as to render it expedient for the several States to exert themselves, in order to apply some radical and effectual remedy. It is not easy to bestow too much praise upon this Article of the Constitution, which thus provides a safe and peaceable remedy for its own defects, as they may, from time to time, be discovered. A change of govern- ment, in other countries, is generally attended with con- vulsions that menace its entire dissolution, and portend scenes of horror and bloodshed that deter mankind from attempting to correct abuses, or remove oppressions, until they have become altogether intolerable — when a national explosion ensues that buries all the orders of the State beneath its ruins. Nor need it be apprehend- ed that this salutary provision in the Federal Constitu- tion will, of itself, produce instability in the general government. For tne mode, both of originating and ratifying amendments, directed by the Constitution, must necessarily be attended with such obstacles and delays, as must prove a sufficient bar against light or frequent innovations. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 20t Several amendments have been proposed by the States of Virginia, New-York, North CaroHna, Massa- chusetts, New-Hampshire, Rhode-Island, and South Carolina, at different times, in convention ; they are all collected in the 3d, 4th, 7th, and 8th volumes of the American Museum. Some of them appear to have been offered only ex ahundanti cautela^ as security against misconstruction, or an undue extension of the powers vested in the federal government ; while others seem to have been calculated to remedy some radical defects in the national system. Two other unsuccessful efforts to amend the Constitution have been made since the pub- lication of the American Museum ; namely, one on the 12th of April, 1808, submitted by Mr. Hillhouse, a respectable Senator in Congress from the State of Con- necticut, to the Senate of the United States. His pro- positions were many, and the speech enforcing them ingenious and acute. The chief amendment proposed was, in fact, a virtual abolition of the executive, as a separate branch of the American government, by re- ducing the President's term of service from four years to one, by lowering his salary, by transferring from him to the Senate the power of appointing to, and re- moving from office ; and by annually choosing by ballot the executive from a given number of Senators. Mr. Hillhouse contended that many advantages would flow to the United States from this proposed alteration in the form and substance of their government. But, without minutely considering the various fallacies of this scheme, it is sufficient to observe, that the mere circum- stance of blendino- tojrether the executive and leo;isla- live departments, would entail innumerable evils upon America, and speedily erect an unmitigated despotism upon the ruins of the Republic. The practical, as well as theoretic division of powers in a government into the three distinct departments of executive, legislative, and judicial, being the corner-stone of social liberty, and an orderly, upright administration of the commonwealth. Mr. Hillhouse's plan of amendment was rejected in the Senate of the United States by a large majority. 20 202 RESOURCES OF lliE L.MTED STATEi;. On the 15th of Dccemher, 1814, a convention of de- legates from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode-island, the counties of Cheshire and Grafton, in the State of New-Hampshire, and the county of Windham, in the State of Vermont, met at Hartford, in Connecticut, to propose amendments to the Consiitution. In order to accomplisli which, they pubhshed a general view of the measures that they deemed essential to secure the Union against the recurrence of those diffi- culties and dai]gers which they thought arose from the radical delisct of the Constitution itself, aided by an un- wise and impolitic administration of the general govern- ment. The amendments proposed were — First. That representatives and direct taxes should be apportioned among tiie several States included within the Union, according to their respective numbers o[ free persons, including those bound to serve for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed and all other persons. Secondly. No new State shall be admitted into the Union by Congress, without the concurrence of two-thirds of both houses. Thirdly. Congress shall not have power to lay any embargo on the ships or vessels of the citi- zens of the United States, in the ports and harbours thereof, for more than sixty days. Fourthly. Congress shall not have power, without the concurrence of two- thirds of both houses, to interdict the commercial inter- course between the United States and any foreign nation, or its dependencies. Fifthly. Congress shall not make or declare war, or authorize acts of hostility against any foreign nation, without the concurrence of two-thirds of both houses, except such acts of hostility be in defence of the territory of the United States when actually invaded. Sixthly. No person, who shall here- after be naturalized, shall be eligible as a member of the Senate or House of Representatives of the United States, nor capable of holding any civil office under the authority of the United States. Seventhly. The same person shall not be elected President of the United States a second time ; nor shall the President be elected two terms in succession from the same State. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 203 These resolutions were forwarded, by the Hartford Convention, to the legislatures of the several States in the Union, by a majority of which they were rejected; and, by those of New-York and Virginia, assailed with all the bitterness of reproach. The Federalist^ doubtless, is equal to any work, an- cient or modern, in political philosophy, judicial wisdom, and profound, perspicuous, comprehensive reasoning; but it plays the part of an advocate for the Constitution of the United States, whose excellences it blazons forth with matchless ability, but whose radical defects it cau- tiously conceals from public view. The proof of this lies in the fact, that General Hamilton, the principal writer in this work, has left, in his own handwriting, the draught of a Constitution far more efficient than that which he praises so elaborately and ably, under the sig- nature of Publius. The truth is, all the tendencies to weakness and disunion, in the frame and texture of the American governments were, from the beginning, ma- nifest to his sagacity and genius. He had long observ- ed that, in the revolutionary war, the independence of his country was perpetually endangered by the imbe- cility of its government ; and that, tor some years after the establishment of peace, in 1783, the loss of reputa- tion, and the sacrifice of its best interests, flowed from the same source. He laboured, therefore, to erect a government of sufficient force and energy to protect and guide its own people at home, and secure reverence and honour in the eyes of foreign nations. And, in the general convention of 1787, he pressed, Avith all the weight of his stupendous talents, the necessity of adopt- ing a more efficient form of government, as will fully appear, if ever his most able and eloquent speech on that occasion shall be published. He drew the follow- ing outline of a plan of government for the United States, as better calculated than tlie present Constitu- tion to combine national strength with popular liberty. First. The supreme legislative power of the United States of America to be vested in two different bodies of men; one to be called the Assembly, the other the 201 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Senate: who, together, sliall form the legislature of the United States, Avith power to pass all laws whatsoever, subject to the negative hereafter mentioned. Secondly. The Assembly to consist of persons elected by the peo- ple to serve for three years. Thirdly. The Senate to consist of persons elected to serve during irood behaviour; their election to bo made by electors chosen for that purpose by the people ; the States to be divided into election districts. On the death, removal, or resigna- tion of any Senator, his place to be fdled out of the dis- trict whence he came. Fourthly. The supreme executive authority of the United States to be vested in a Governor, elected during good behaviour^ by electors chosen by the people in the election districts ; the Governor to have a negative upon all laws about to be passed, and the execution of all laws passed ; to have the direction of war, when au- thorized or begun ; to have, with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, the power of making all treaties; to have the sole appointment of the heads or chief officers of finance and loreign affairs ; to have the nomination of all other officers, including ambassadors to foreign nations, but subject to the approbation or rejection of the Senate ; to have the power of pardoning all offences, except treason, which lie shall not pardon without the approbation of the Senate. Fifthly. On the death, re- signation, or removal of the Governor, his authorities and functions to be exercised by the president of tlic Senate, until a successor be appointed. Sixthly. The Senate to have the sole power to declare war; the power to advise and approve all treaties ; to approve or reject all appointments of officers, except the heads or chiefs of the departments of finance, war, and foreign afialrs. Seventhly. The supreme judicial authority of the United States, to be vested in judges, to hold their office during good behaviour, with adequate and permanent sa- laries; the court to have on^?«a/ jurisdiction in all cases of capture ; and an appellate jurisdiction in all causes, in which the rcAcriucs of the general government, or the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES^ 205 citizens of foreign nations are concerned. Eighthly. The legislature of the United States to have power to institute courts in each State for the determination of all matters of general concern. JYinthly. The Governor, Senators, and all officers of the United States, to be liable to impeachment for mal and corrupt conduct; and on conviction, to be removed from office, and dis- qualified from holding any place of trust or profit. All impeachments to be tried by a court, consisting of tlie Chief Justice, or Judge of the superior court of law, of each State; provided^ such judge hold his place during good behaviour, and have a permanent salary. Tenihly. All laws of the particular States, contrary to the Con- stitution, or laws of the United States, to be void ; and the better to prevent such laws from being passed, the Governor, or President of each State, shall be ap- pointed by the general government ; and shall have a negative upon the laws about to be passed in his State. Eleventhly. No State to have any force, land or naval ; and the militia to be under the sole and exclusive direc- tion of the United States ; who shall appoint and com- mission the militia officers. The chief points in which General Hamilton's scheme differs from the present federal Constitution are, the superior permanency of the Senate, the longer duration, and greater power of the executive, and the more ex- tensive control of the general government over the se- parate States. But although General Washington ap- proved of these provisions, as calculated to protect the country from disorder and anarchy within, and from im- potence and contempt abroad, yet he would not ven- ture to recommend so efficient a measure to the dele- gates assembled together in the national convention ; and quoted the well-known saying of Solon, who, on being asked if he had framed the best possible laws for the Athenians.'^ answered, "JVb, but the best laws, which the people of Athens, in their present temper and situation, will bear." The distinguishing features of all the American Constitutions, as they now stand, are, that they make OQ^J KE'iOL'RCES OF HIE LHSITED STATE?. every office eUciivCj as contradlsiiiiiijuislied from the hf' reiiitari^ tenures prevailiiioj in inoiiairhial and aristo- cratic Torins of governnuMit: and also, that nhile tiiey provide amply Tor the protection of personal libert>, and the property of individuals. Avhich is, indeed, the only sure foundation of all o;ood fjovernnient, they do not suthciently attend to promotina; the two otiier great re- quisites of good government ; namely, putting a strong and permanent disposeable force into the hands of the executive ; and developing the national mind on a great scale, by instituting and encourao;ing large and libei-al systems of general instruction, ^n most other coun- tries, the government is all, and the people nothing ; in the United States, tlie people are all, and the govern- ment nothing. The same general principle applies to a\\ jjapcr constitutions, which applies to all statute law; namely, that so perpetual is the iluctuation of human affairs, so various the moditications of which property is susceptible, so boundless the diversity of relations, which may arise in civil life, so infmite the possible com- binations of events and circumstances, that thev elude the power of enumeration, and mock all the etVorts of human foresight. Whence, it is the duty of every wise and good government to abstain from too great a rage for multiplying statutes, and from too much minuteness in specifying the particular powers of the municipal de- partments. It is best, under the responsibility of im- peachment for mal-conducf, to leave to the powers of government, more especially the executive^ a sutlicientlj undefined latitude of authority, to enable them to adapt the necessary national measures to those exigencies which are continually arising; but which no paper con- stitution can possibly provide for, or foresee. Havinof orone throuixh a summary of the provisions of the United States Constitution, it is proposed now, to olTer some general observations on the radical, the in- trinsic weakness of the Federal government ; the neces- sity of gradually strengthening it, more especially in its executive branch ; and, above all, the necessity of a vigorous admiuislralion of the general government upon RESOimCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 207 federal principles, that is to say, the principles on which the Constitution itself was founded and constructed. This was done by General Washington, throughout the whole course of his administration ; and Mr. Adams appeared to begin his presidential career in the same track; but, towards its close, his policy assumed an as- pect peculiarly strange and wayward, visionary and fantastic, turbulent and unsettled. Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison avowedly administered the general govern- ment altogether upon the democratic scheme, and set themselves stoutly to the task of undoing all that Wash- ington had done ; namely, disbanding the regular army, destroying the national navy, anniliilating the internal revenue, ruining the commerce of the country, breaking up the Bank of the United States, and many other phi- losophical improvements in the art of misgoveming the commonwealth. Those who profess to be the intimate friends of Mr. Monroe, and to be acquainted with his sentiments, are labouring strenuously to cause the Ame- rican people to believe that our new President intends to follow the good old Federal plan of General Wash- ington, and watch over the finances, encourage the couimerce, nourish the navy, protect the army, cherish the liberty, prosperity, strength, and happiness of the nation at home, and secure its respect and influence abroad ; that the miserable party distinctions of Federalist and Democrat are to be for ever abolished, and a po- litical millennium to be established throughout the Union. It is the more to be lamented, that the Federal go- yemment should have been ever administered on demo- cratic principles, because it is, in its essential conform- ation, too weak at once to balance the weight of the separate State sovereignties, to maintain its own steady dominion over all the portions of its immense Union, and to build up the nation at large, by certain steps, into a paramount power, influencing and controlling the greater potentates of the elder quarters of the globe. The great statesmen (led by Washington himself^ and illumined by the transcendent genius of Hamilton) who framed the Federal Constitution, earnestly deprecated 208 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. tlie notion of its being considered or conducted as a de- iiiocracy. And many very elaborate and able argu- ments, founded on a careful induction from facts record- , ed in history, and resting on tiie basis of the most ap- proved principles of political philosophy, were adduced to prove that the general government of the United States is not a democracy, but that care had been taken by the General Convention^ which met at Philadelphia, in tlie year 1787, to infuse, as much as existing circum- stances would allow, of the wisdom and energy of aris- tocracy, to temper and restrain the turbulence, the fluctuation, and the weakness of unbalanced democracy, which they emphatically declared to be the greatest misfortune that could be inflicted on any country. These illustrious sages and practical politicians knew full well, that an uncontrolled democracy iiad destroyed Athens, and Carthage, and Rome, and the Italian re- publics of the middle ages, and the United Provinces of Holland. To which melancholy muster-roll of perdi- tion may now be added the dominion of revolutionary France. They, therefore, feared that the prevalence of an unchecked democracy throughout the United States would consign to destruction the liberties, the wealth, the honour, the character, the happiness, the religion, the moials, the whole august fabric of public prosperity and private worth, Avhich have, at some auspicious pe- riods of their history, so peculiarly distinguished the national career of the confederated States of America. It is the bounden duty of the people of every free country, to watch over and preserve their own liberties, by keeping the declarations and measures of their rulers within the bounds of delegated dominion, prescribed by the letter and the spirit of the national Constitution. And it is equally the duty of the government of every free country to guard against all encroachments upon the liberties of the people ; to encourage the equal and impartial administration of justice : to promote the best interests of learning; to foster the arts and sciences ; to quicken the activity of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, and every species of productive industry and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 209 skill; to reverence and aid the progress of pure religion and sound morals, in all the various denominations of religious belief, and throughout all the classes of the community; in a word, to labour unremittingly to ren- der the people prosperous and happy at home, respect- ed, feared, and courted abroad. In order to accomplish these great purposes, it is one, among many, of the indispensable duties of the government to exclude all foreigners from any political interference or influence in the affairs of the nation. They should be protected equally with the natives in all the pursuits of private industry and enterprise, but should never be permitted to lay their unhallowed liands upon the ark of the national government ; to invade the recesses of the executive cabinet ; to violate the sanctity of the temple of legislation, or to pollute the ermine of justice in the tribunals of the country. All men, unless they are unsound at the heart's core, cling with fond attachment to the land that gave them birth, to its hills, and dales, and woods ; to its people, government, and laws; to all the associations, physical and moral, that exercise the strongest dominion over the human mind. All such associations, prejudices, and predilections every honest foreigner necessarily carries with him into ./^me- rican oflice ; into the service of a country, whose social institutions, taken altogether, have no parallel in the history of the world. If a foreigner does not love his own native country, does not desire her well-being and prosperity, what kind of heart has he ? Can a traitor at home be faithful abroad ? Can one, who aims the assassin's knife at the vitals of his own parent country, be fitted to uphold the great national interests of a stranger land ? Are unnatural hatred, dastardly re- venge, and cannibal malignity to be mistaken for lofty patriotism, comprehensive wisdom, and unblenched in- tegrity ? It is indeed mere madness and political suicide, in any and in every country to suffer foreigners to have a poli- tical vote ; to permit them to elect or be elected to any office in the State, from that of tlie chief executive of 27 210 IlESOtRCES 01- THL UMTED STATES. the wliolc nation down to the lowest ministerial ofTicer in the obscurest hamlet of an obscure district. It is quite enough that a foreigner be protected in his person, his property, his reputation, his individual efforts in his calling, by the equal administration of justice dealt out to hiin in common with all the other inhabitants of the community. But every country ought to be exclusively governed by its own native talent and property. In every nation that arrogates to itself the proud preroga- tive of being an independent substantive power, its own native warriors should lead their armies ; its own native, heroes should bear their naval tliundcrs over every sea; its own native statesmen should guide the councils, re- gulate the finances, administer the government of their country; its own native judges should dispense the streams of law, justice, and equity throughout all the land ; that the people, growing up under the shelter of the talent, property, and character of their natural guar- dians, may, through a long series of years, advance in prosperity, Intelligence, wealth, and power, until they become the bulwark and ornament of a surrounding world. Let America, in the day of her exaltation, re- member the advice of Rome's best poet : •' Tu regcrc impcrio populos, Romane, memento ; IfjE tibi erunt artes ; paciscjue imponere Morem, Parcere subjectis, et debellure superbos." General Washington administered the government of the United States with a practical efficiency and wis- dom, peculiarly calculated to render the country pros- perous at home, and respected abroad. Owing to va- rious untoward causes, the chief of which, however, was the entire inefficacy of the old Confederation of the States, tliis country was in the most deplorable condi- tion when President Washington first took upon him- self the administration of the Federal government, in the year 1789. The whole nation stood upon the verge of dissolution ; all the national movements at home were full of disorder and confusion, and abroad full of RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 211 weakness and folly ; the finances were dilapidated ; the commerce annihilated ; the manufactures sinking ; the agriculture depressed ; an internal faction availed itself of and increased every domestic tumult and distress, in order to lay prostrate all the wholesome restraints of legitimate government and effective laws; the great body of the people themselves were rushing headlong into revolt and insurrection against all the lawful authorities, both State and Continental. Are not the knowledge and remembrance of all these evils so many additional incitements to cling to and pro- tect the Federal Union? — that mighty remedy which was found for the healing of all these national disorders — that Federal Union which gave form and pressure, a body and a soul, life, health, and spirit, strength, beauty, and power, to the disjointed, perishing members of these United States — that Federal Union which, if preserved, cherished, and progressively stretigthened^ cannot fail to build up the whole extent of this vast continent into im- perial magnificence, wealth, and power ; — protecting, exalting all its own citizens and subjects; and com- manding the respect of all other nations ; — that Federal Union which, if once dissolved, ensures the breaking up of the foundations of civil order, peace, and safety, over all the range of this extensive territory ; ensures a per- petuity of the anarchy, civil war, carnage, and desola- tion that in the elder ages of the world deformed the fair face of the Grecian commonwealths; and which, in a more recent period, fastened upon all tlie Germanic Empire, and on nearly the whole circumference of Con- tinental Europe, an entire century of uninterrupted hos- tilities, with all their train of attendant horrors and una- voidable anguish. From the innumerable evils of its condition, this country was at that time preserved by the Federal Con- stitution, administered by the integrity and discretion of Washington ; borne onward, and guided by the para- mount dominion of the genius of Hamilton. These great practical statesmen combined the personal liberty and security of the individual citizen with an 212 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES effective administration of the national government; with an apt disposition of the public force ; Avith the levying, discipline, and obedience of a regular army ; the creation and support of an heroic navy ; the collec- tion of a productive and well-distributed internal reve- nue ; the protection and encouragement of religious or- dinances and moral duties; the multiplication of the means of acquiring, preserving, and enjoying property; the general diffusion of peace and order, of civil and social habits, manners, and proprieties, throughout the United States. These heroes and sages saw that no man has any legitimate qualification for office, except the possession ol integrity, talents, and knowledge, both speculative and practical ; that wherever these qualifications are found, in whatever age, or calling, or condition of life, they ought to be the unquestionable passports to all the offices of public honour, trust, and profit ; — that every nation must be perilously situated, which, either through ignorance, or through the madness of party rage, shuts the gates of public service against its citizens who arc most illustrious in wisdom, venerable in virtue, and re- spectable in wealth ; which condemns for ever to the shades of retirement and privacy, that weight and energy of character, so peculiarly fitted to establish, and diffuse over all the earth, their country's strength and glory; which industriously places the helm of go- vernment in the hands of men of low education, of illi- beral habits, of narrow views, of sordid occupations, of visionary brains, of cold, unfeeling, selfish hearts and dispositions. These lights and beacons of their age knew that by the fatal facility of changing the form and aspect, the body and substance of the national policy, as often, as much, and in as many ways as might seem expedient to the floating fancies of moon-struck, miserable politicians, the whole chain and continuity of the State must be for ever broken ; — all the golden links of civilized existence, which bind together the succeeding generations of the human race, must be torn asunder for ever, and the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 2 1 3 ages of men be no more than the swarms of flies on a summer's day ; — no more than the fleeting family of leaves that is scattered along the sky by the violence of the autumnal blast. These great architects of their country's honour showed, by the whole series of their public conduct, how vastly preferable is that practical administration of government which builds up to that theoretic policy which destroys a country; that which adorns to that which deforms a nation; that which enriches to that which impoverishes a people ; that which whitens every sea with the commercial canvass to that which drains the streams, and dries up the sources of trade ; that which sends forth a navy, full freighted with Columbia's glory, to that which dismantles all the ships of war, and consigns their keels to the dry docks of destruction ; that which establishes a permanent system of finance, by a well-arranged internal taxation, to that which rests all the revenue of a nation upon the precarious basis of duties on foreign commerce. " Fortunati Amho* si quid mea pagina possi't, Nulla dies unquatn memori vos eximet sevo." And let it be remembered, as an additional incitement for all honest men to rampire the Union round about with their bodies, as with a living wall, and guard it from danger, that calamitous as was the state of things in this country, under the crazy auspices of the old con- federation, the condition of the American people would be infinitely more calamitous, if the federal Union were now to be dissevered ; and this vast continent, with its recently added dominion in the west, were to be split up, and shattered into numerous unconnected puny sove- reignties, which could not fail to become the foul and fruitful sources of innumerable intestine broils. Better, far better would it be for these United States to endure an entire century oi foreign war ; or to labour fifty year« * Washington and Hamilton. OJ4 RESOURCES OF THE irviTED STATES. under the burden of domestic maladministration^ than hy severing the federal Union into a niiiitilude of petty principahlies, to entail upon all the extent of the north- ern continent of America, the prevalence of foreign factions, French, Russian, and British, perpetually inter- fering with, and confounding all their home movements and measures; and above all, to ensure a perpetuity of feudal anarchy and brigandage; of castellated feuds; of partisan warfare; of hereditary hostility; of arbitrary incarceration; of inquisitorial torment; of military exe- cution; of private assassination; of pubhc pillage ; of universal oppression, and all the calamities incident to afflicted humanity, when ybrcc and fraud are the arbiters of right and wrong. It is a fact which should never be forgotten, that the United States, during the period of eight years, under the guidance of Washington'' s administration, were raised from the lowest point of national depression, penury, and disgrace, to an exalted eminence of national eleva- tion, riches, and honour. 'The public credit, which had been annihilated, was revived ; private confidence, which had been extinguished, was renewed; commerce, which had long languished in indolence and despair, spread its active enterprise over the whole globe; the national debt, which had been considered as for ever sponged, and the public creditors, in consequence, defrauded, was funded, and in the full course of hquidation ; a well-ad- justed, and a growing internal revenue was collected, without pressing upon, and impeding the progress of, productive labour; industry, sobriety, good order, mo- ral decency, and wealth, were substituted in the room of idleness, intemperance, tumult, profligacy, and po- verty ; peace was established, and maintained effectually and sincerely, with all the world ; native talents and vir- tue were sought for, brought forward, and raised into high official authority and trust; the national honour and influence were sustained at home by a strict admi- nistration of justice, dealt out impartially to every indi- vidual in the community; and tlie national dignity was 'RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES- 215 Upheld abroad, by the capacity, wisdom, and courage of its diplomatic representatives in foreign courts. America presented to the eyes of all other nations, a spectacle unparalleled in the history of the human spe- cies ; an infant republic, the growth of yesterday, out- stripping countries white with the hoar of unnutpbered ages, in population, wealth, and power; in arts, and arms, in reputation, authority, and influence ; and the elder sovereigns of Europe, the great, rival, primary, contending powers, vied with each other in professions of esteem, in proffers of friendship, in the wooings of alliance, to the new-born dynasty of this western world. All these wonderful achievements of national good, were the results of only eight years of a wise and prac' tical administration of the federal government. It is the more necessary to lay the foundations of go- vernment broad and deep, since every iieiv government is of necessity weak, precisely because it is new. Ge- neral Hamilton was so well aware of this important truth, that he laid before the general conveniion, (as stated in the preceding pages) in the year 1787, a much stronger scheme of government than the federal consti- tution, which was ultimately adopted. But Washing- ton's prudence, or timidity, prevailed over the intrepid sagacity of Hamilton ; and the present federal Consti- tution was established. The rejection of Hamilton's plan, and the adoption of a feebler frame of national government, is the more to be regretted, because every new government, founded on principles of personal and social liberty, must be feeble ; and stand in need of a very firm and vigorous administration ; until time has rendered its authority venerable, and fortified its power by giving it an opportunity of growing up, and ming- ling^ with the feelings and habits of the people. This simple, but momentous truth, may be illustrated by reference to the history of Britain, and of the United States. For a long period after the revolution of 1688, which placed William of Orange on the British throne, so slender was the confidence of the people of England in the stabilltv and credit of their ofovernment. that the 2 1 5 RESOURCES OF TllE UNITED STATES. Chancellor of the exchequer of that day, Montagu, the father of public credit in England, could not raise a very small sum, by way of loan, without taking the Lord Mayor of London by his side, as the guarantee for go- vernment ; and going, cap in hand, from house to house, and from shop to shop, requesting to borrow a hundred pounds, or even a less sum. And for the money, thus laboriously raised in small parcels, their best pubHc se- curities bore an interest of twelve per cent. ; and the paper of the bank of England was at a discount of twenty per cent. Whereas, for a period of twenty-five years, at the close of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, the British government was enabled to raise loans amountinof in the a^Gfreo-ate to three thousand mil- lions of dollars, at an average of less than five per cent, interest ; and during almost all those years she main- ed a state of unexampled warfare with nearly the whole of continental Europe, arrayed under the banners of revolutionary France. The American government, about forty years after the establishment of the Federal Constitution, during the war with England, commenced in 1812, and closed in 1815, could not raise so insignificant a sum as sixty mil- lions of dollars, by way of loan, although they gave in bonus and Interest, above twenty per cent, for what they borrowed. The paper of the southern banks was de- preciated atl east twenty-five per cent. ; and the bank?; generally, throughout the Union, excejUing those at Boston, stopped paying specie for their own notes. Be- fore tivo years of the war were expired, the administra- tion of die United States were literally bankrupted, both in men and money ; no one, in the whole community, would lend them a single dollar ; nor would a single in- dividual vohmtarily enrol himself in their armies, so that they had actually prepared statutes, for Congress to pass, enabling them to raise money by requisitions and forced loans, and to levy men by the French system ot conscription ; when the return of peace arrested these deathblows to all the popular Institutions and republi- can liberties of the United States of America. A me- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 217 morable practical comment this upon the inherent imbe- cility of the Federal Constitution ; and affording a na- tional tribute of honour to the prophetic sagacity of Hamilton. The power of a government must always depend upon the quantity of men and money which it has at its own disposal and command ; the mass or surplus capital floating in the community, and the confidence of the people in the wisdom, and their ready obedience to the directions, of their rulers ; and not on the extent of ter- ritory, or the huge size of an immense population. The empire of China is spread over a vast surface, and sup- posed to contain two hundred millions of people ; and yet so little disposable force, in men and money, has the Chinese government at command, that it exercises little or no influence over foreign nations ; less, indeed, than IS exercised by Holland, or Sweden, or Portugal, or any other of the smaller third and fourth-rate sovereigties of Europe. Now, influence over other potentates is the gauge of a nation's respectability and power; in like man- ner as the influence of an individual over the interests, passions, and prejudices of his fellow-citizens, is the measure of that individual's power. The general government of the United States has too little disposable force at command ; it has neither an army nor a navy sufficiently numerous and extensive; its public revenue is too scanty, and too precarious; and it never can depend upon the long-continued support of the popular favour for enabling it to prosecute any per- manent measures of enlarged and liberal policy. Being altogether a representative republic^ it is obliged to exist too much by exciting and following the passions and prejudices of the multitude ; to control and regulate which is the bounden duty of every wise and upright government, since the ignorance and violence of the multitude have an invariable tendency to defeat the execution of every intelligent and long-sighted national scheme. If the American government oppose the hasty clamours of a misguided populace, the officers of thai government will soon be converted, by dint of universal 28 2] 8 RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. suffrage, into private citizens ; and the Union is of course condemned to a perpetual oscillation of political move- ments. It is 7iot in the ordinary course of human affairs for such a state of things to be permanent ; and it is to be apprehended, that the present general government of the United States will either assume a new forvu or (what is much more desirable,) will retain its namey but gradually become more stable and efficient, by fix- ing its rule upon the broad and firm foundations ol pro- perty and talent ; and, by progressively augmenting the power of the executive, enable it to mould the feelings, habits, and manners of the people to its own growth in strength and influence ; and thus render the national government secure at home and respectable abroad. Indeed, in all popular and free governments, it is safer and better silently and gradually to devolve upon the executive those powers which experience proves it ex- pedient to lodge tliere, than to confer upon it large and extensive authorities by written law; because that go- vernment is always best fitted to promote the prosperity and happiness of a nation, which has gradually grown up with and fashioned itself according to the feelings and interests of the people. The experience of the past, in the history of nations, is the only safe guide to our reasonings upon future events; and that experience seems to teach us, that in process of time, the United States will run the same ca- reer as other sovereignties have run; that in the course of necessity and experiment they will gradually disco- ver and adopt that system of government, (m practice as well as in theory,) which is best suited to the genius of their people, and best calculated to wield to advan- tage their great and growing resources. Their Consti- tution may, eventually, be shaped in accordance with tlie developement of all those great and shining quali- ties and faculties which go to the formation of daring and elevated characters ; and which call into existence the exertions of legislative wisdom, and the achieve- ments of heroic valour; — all emanating from a system RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 219 that places and permanently fixes the helm of govern- ment in the hands of the men of talent and property, as the only safe and legitimate sources and guardians of all political power. The materials for making a great and powerful na- tion are all-abundant in the United States. They only wait the gradual growth of an energetic government, and its administration by sagacious and active statesmen. The vast extent of territory, the general salubrity ot the climate, the natural fertility of the soil, and variety of its productions ; the unparalleled capabilities of the country for commerce, owing to its long hne of sea- coast, its numerous harbours, and its internal navigation j the intelligence, spirit, intrepidity, and enterprise of the people generally, are all admirably adapted to establish a system of political order and regulation, which, by un- folding and directing to the pursuit of their {proper ob- jects the energies of the people, in all the various class- es of the community, shall render America a high and a mighty nation, protecting and rendering prosperous her citizens at home, and claiming and enforcing the respect and reverence due to her exalted moral and po- litical rank from the other powers of the world. The tendency of the general government to acquire strength at the expense of the State sovereignties, was evident during all its different administrations, until the course of policy that eventuated in the late war began to alarm and alienate the more commercial States. When first established, the general government was looked upon as a bond of union, for certain specified purposes, between so many sovereign independent States; but the sovereignty and independence of the separate States was, by degrees, almost lost sight of, and the government which had been collateral came to be viewed as the principal. Men of talents, from all parts of the Union, turned their eyes to the seat of the national government as the field of their ambition, until the measures of that government reminded the separate States of their individuality, and that there were rights and powers v^hich they had not surrendered. The 220 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES consequence was, that the State governments immedi- ately rose in iaiportance, and the State legislatures, which had gradually sunk into objects of derision, re- ceived important accessions of strength in men of ta- lents, who withdrew from the national legislature, to rally round their native States. And it more than once happened, during the late war, that the govern- ment of a single State placed itself across the path of the general government, and arrested its movements in tliat quarter. The leading characteristics of the political and legal institutions of the United States at present, are — First. Tlie extreme elevation of the democracy or popular sovereignty of the country, and the corresponding de- pression of its talent and property in the scale of national mfluence. Secondly. The want of permanency in official station, arising from the elective nature of the executive and legislative, and, in some instances, of the judicial departments, and the rapid changes of the public ser- vants. Thirdly. The very general diffiision of elemen- tary intelligence, but the too scanty portion of very high or profound acquisitions throughout the communi- ty ; whence the American people, individually^ are more adroit, more skilful, more enterprising, than the corres- ponding classes of society in Europe, but the aggregate nation, as put in motion and directed by the govern- ment, is not so prompt and efficacious, because the too frequent mutations of office prevent the possibility of acquiring sufficient knowledge and power to enable the government to put in requisition and call forth into ac- tive and long-continued exertion all the resources of the commonwealth : whereas in Europe, although the mass of the people are, individually.! less intelligent and less enterprising than the corresponding population of the United States, yet, in consequence of the greater per- manency of office, the larger accumulation of family wealth, the more comprehensive education of the libe- rally instructed, and the stricter obedience and subor- dination of all ranks of society, the government is enabled to make a wider display and a more protracted RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 221 exhibition of national power and strength, than it is pos- sible for the American government to accomplish under the same or similar circumstances. Nevertheless, it will be much easier for the Ame- rican government to become as powerful and efficacious as those of Europe, and for American statesmen to ac- quire as much learning and political information as those of Europe, than for the European population to become as intelligent and enterprismg as that of the United States ; and all the world knows, that a power- ful and active population is the great and effective en- ginery by which a statesman is enabled to aggrandize his country — is that lever of Archimedes, by which the universe itself is moved. It is peculiarly incumbent on the people of this con- tinually widening country to examine the political his- tory of the world, with a view to ascertain how far any nation, arjcient or modern, has approximated in its so- cial institutions towards the union of the three gi'eat requisites of a good government ; that is to say — First. The personal liberty of individuals. Secondly. A strong and permanent power always at the disposal of the ex- ecutive. Thirdly. An ample developement of the na- tional mind, by a system of large and liberal education. Such an inquiry belongs, emphatically, to the pro- vince of political philosophy., which is not sufficiently studied in these United States. In the most splendid era of the Athenian government the people were suf- fered to run riot into turbulence and anarchy, but they enjoyed no real liberty; the executive, an effective ephemeral magistrate, possessed no permanent, no ef- fectual power ; the national mind, indeed, was exhibited in most dazzhng magnificence, and has left imperishable monuments of strength, elegance, taste, and splendour, in poetry, the fine arts, eloquence, history, and philoso- phy, for the admiration and imitation of all future ages. Republican Rome, while she continued aristocratic, pre- served for several centuries a strong disposable power in the hands of her executive government, which mainly enabled her to achieve the conquest of the world ; but 222 RESOURCES OF THE Lt^ITED STATES. she did not allow much individual liberty to the people, nor suflicienljy develope the national mind, except for the purposes of war and politics. General literature and science were neNxr pushed to any very great perfection under tiie Roman government, whether consular or im- perial. As soon as she widened into a democracy, the whole commonwealth was torn to pieces by the lury of contending factions, whose party violence speedily paved the way for the establishment of a military des- f)otism, that hushed into dread repose alike the voice of iberty and every effusion of exalted manly intellect. In these United States the personal liberty of indivi- duals is amply secured, both by the several constitu- tions and by the laws of the country, in its federal capa- city, and in its State sovereignties; but the power of the executive government is not sufficiently stable or strong, either in its federal head or in its State supre- macies; nor is the national mind sufficiently unfolded, either by liberal systems of public education, or by the discerning patronage of a munificent government. The British government is prevented from uniting in itself all the three requisites of excellence, by the remains of an hereditary feudal aristocracy, giving to a few over- grown families too much habitual influence and authori- ty, and retarding the full expansion of intellect and power in the middle and lower orders of the people. It wants, as Lord Chatham said, a greater infusion of life's blood from the vigour of those men to whom Providence has given the intrinsic qualities of genius and courage, but from whom he has withheld the factitious advan- tages of birth, rank, and fortune. Lord Ilardwicke undertakes to prove, that, although governments ought to be calculated with a view to the infirmities of those who govern, yet it is to be remem- bered, that resistance on the part of the governed should not be easy, and that no form of government can possi- bly be long continued, unless a high degree of confi- dence and power be reposed in it. Every form of go- vernrhent, whether monarchial, or aristocratic, or demo- cratic, is, indeed, liable to abuse, but ought not, there- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 223 fore,- to be exposed to ruin. Let the form of govern- ment be ever so unrestrained, let it be a complete demo- cracy, yet resistance to its operations ought to be diffi- cult. For, if not, men might be inflamed by slight faults, by personal affronts, by private sufferings, to disturb the peace of their country, and involve the whole commu- nity in all the horrors of confusion, violence, and blood. A man's fears always bear proportion to his hopes ; and one kind of passion, or weight of considerations, is ba- lanced by another. In times of social order, and an upright administration of government, the laws ought to be sufficiently strong to deter men, moved by ambition or resentment, by private and partial affections, from erecting the standard of resistance and revolt. Nor is it to be apprehended, that in 2ifree country, if the Con- stitution be affected, if tyrannical designs be openly avowed, and supported by injustice, good men will be deterred from eventually resisting. The laws, by in- spiring caution, however, will retard resistance, until it be fully ripened into action; so as to facilitate and se- cure its consequences; but in such a juncture of affairs, when men are roused by a love of liberty, order, and the common good, arguments addressed to private fears, will 7iot be able to weigh down the force of public af- fections. A government should never be founded upon the no- tion, that those who are entrusted with power, are of necessity more likely to abuse their authority than some of the particular persons, who owe it allegiance, are prone to endeavour to change or subvert that govern- ment. Such a notion is destructive of all systems of human law ; because it supposes an expediency of weak- ening those strong sanctions which have been employed in every civilized country, to give them their due force and operation. The checks upon government should be altogether of a^io/^c?' kind; they should consist in keeping the balance of the separate departments as even as possible ; by forming every estate in the Con- stitution, the executive, legislative, and judicial, a com- plete control upon each other. But it is the extreme of 224 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. absurdity and danger to think of leaving the 'least strength or temptation to individuals, to resist or control the orovernment itself. Such a notion is also inconsistent with the nature of law, in two other points of view ; Jirst, as implying an error in theory ; namely, that a lawgiver, when framing a scheme of government, should pay as much attention to its possible dissolution as to its necessary support; and instead of securing obedience and perpetuity to it, by the strongest sanctions which wisdom can devise or justice will admit, ought to weaken those sanctions, in order to provide for cases which are out of his reach, and which must be left to themselves; because their very happening implies a dissolution of both law and government. Secondly. As such a notion implies an er- ror in fact ; namely, that a law for punishment, or a law for indemnity, can operate in times of civil disorder and revolution, as in times of peace and obedience ; either to create terror or aflford protection. It implies, that the legislature must provide for cases of extreme neces- sity and dissolution ; and thus, in effect, enlarge the right of private judgment respecting those cases, by takmg off the strongest checks to private resistance. The laws of a free country should be so poised, and balanced, that a justifiable and national resistance, such as that of England, at the revolution in 1688, and that of the United States in the revolution of 1776, should nol be attended with too much difficulty and terror. Indeed, generally speaking, when those who are en- trusted witn the executive power have abused the de- sign, or exceeded the limits of their tnist, a weakness in the hands of government follows, which disables it from exacting the legal forfeitures that were originally esta- blished for the security of its power. The experience of all history proves, that very little protection is deri- ved from the operation of law amidst the tumults of civil commotion ; leges inter arma silent. When "the trou- bles of Greece ceased by the surrender of Athens to the Lacedemonian arms, at the conclusion of the Pe- lopponnesian war. the thirty tyrants exercised cruelties RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 225 against those who opposed their administration of go- vernment, unknown, not only to the municipal laws of Athens, but to those laws, which cemented the general union of the Grecian States. In Rome, the proscrip- tions of Sylla, and of the second triumvirate, Augustus, Anthony, and Lepidus, were contrary to the genius, the ancient policy, and all the legal institutions of the com- monwealth ; although well accommodated to the situa- tion and interests of those usurping demagogues, who had risen into absolute power upon the ruins of the re- public. In Florence, also, the banishment and entire extirpation of numerous families, were the frequent modes of proceeding, during the troubles which so per- petually sliook the Italian republics in the middle ages. And in revolutionary France, the assassin's knife, and the guillotme, superseded altogether the use of the French municipal code and of the law of nations ; nay, even of the law of nature itself. All these violent measures were resorted to in parti- cular instances of civil commotion or usurpation, accord- ing as one or another faction prevailed ; but were not derived from any permanent law of policy established in the respective countries, nor grounded upon the ac- customed legal punishment of stated crimes. In fact, no correct inference can be drawn from the accidental sev^erities of civil violence, against the equal, regular, and peaceable administration of justice. Nevertheless, after all that can be said or written upon this subject, it should be remembered, that the form of government, like every other created thing, must always be relative ; must always bear a close rela- tion to the existing circumstances of the country go- verned. In e\ery free country, the form of government must always be the result of, and adapted to, the feel- ings, affections, and habits of the people; who would soon break up any political establishment opposed to such habits, affections, and feelings; and therefore, if an hereditary monarchy, an hereditary aristocracy, and an hereditary transmission of property, have been found well suited tn the feelings and habits of the people of .29 226 RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES.] England ; experience has fully shown, that an elective executive, an elective Senate, and a general distribution of property, are equally well suited to the affections and habits of the people of the United States. And as long as those habits and affections shall continue to be repub- lican and democratic, will the government continue to be a representative republic ; nor would it be other than folly, and madness, and crime, in any politician to wish it different. Where are the materials m the republican equality of the United States to be found, out of which may be composed an hereditary sovereign, an hereditary house of peers, the vast accumulation of entailed pro- perty, throughout a series of ages ; and the establish- ment of a national church, throughout all the ranks and gradations of a well-compacted hierarchy ? Mr. Jay, late Chief Justice of the United States, in examining the question, whether or not an American State can be sued in the federal courts, draws with great precision the broad line of demarcation between the nature and jurisdiction of the American and European governments. This venerable statesman and incorrup- tible patriot says, that " prior to the revolution, all the country now possessed by the United States, was a part of the dominions belonging to the British Crown. All the land in this country was then held, mediately or immediately, by grants from that crown ; of which all the American people were subjects, and owed allegiance to the King; from whom flowed all the civil autliority exercised here. They were fellow-subjects and one people; who at the revolution in 1771, appointed their general or national delegates in Congress. The decla- ration of Independence, in 1776, found the American people, throughout all the colonies or provinces, already united for general purposes ; and at the same time, pro- viding for their more domestic concerns, by State con- ventions and other temporary arrangements. " From the crown of Great Britain, the sovereignty of the United States passed to the American people ; and the unappropriated lands belonging to that crown, passed not to the people of the colony, or State within whose RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 227 limits they were situated, but to the whole people of the United States. Thirteen State sovereignties emerged from the principles of the revolution, combined with local convenience and considerations ; but the people still considered themselves, in a national point of view, as one people; and managed their national concerns accord- ingly. Afterward, in the hurry of war, and in the warmth of mutual confidence, they made a confederation of the States the basis of a general government ; and more recently, in their national and collective capacity, the people established the present Federal Constitution ; in establishing which, they acted as sovereigns of the whole country, and declared that the State governments and Constitutions should be bound by, and conform to, the Consiitution of the United States. Every State Constitution is a compact, made by and between the citizens of a State, to govern themselves in a certain manner ; and the Constitution of the United States is a compact, made by the people of the United States, to govern themselves, as to general objects, in a certain manner. By this great compact, however, many pre- rogatives were transferred to the national government ; such as making war and peace; contracting alliances j coining money, &c. The sovereignty of the nation be- ing in the people of the nation, and the residuary sove- reignty of each State being in the people of each State j a comparison of these sovereignties with those of Eu- rope may show whether or not all the prerogatives of European sovereignty are essential to American sove- reignty. " The sovereignties in Europe, and particularly in England^ exist on feudal principles, which consider the prince as the sovereign, and the people as his subjects, and regard his person as the object of allegiance, and exclude the notion of his being on an equal footing with a subject, either in a court of justice or elsewhere. The feudal system contemplates the prince as the foun- tain of honour and authority, from whose grace and grant flow all franchises, immunities, and privileges ; whence such a sovereign cannot be amenable to a court 228 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of justice, nor subjected to judicial control and actual constraint. It -was of necessity, therefore, that suability became incompatible ^vith sovereignty. Besides, the prince, having all the executive powers, the judgment of the court would, in fact, be only monitory, not manda- tory to him ; and a capacity to be advised is quite a distinct thing from a capacity to be sued. The same feudal notions run through all their jurisprudence, and constantly keep in view the broad line of distinction be- tween the prince and the subject. But no such ideas prevail in the United States. At the revolution the sovereignty (}iG\o\\Q(\ upon the American />eop/c, who are truly tlie sovereigns of the country, but they are sove- reigns without subjects, (unless the negro slaves are such) and have none to govern but themselves ; the citizens of America are all equal as fellow-citizens, and as joint tenants in the national sovereignty. The dif- ferences between feudal sovereignties and governments founded on compacts, create a dilTerence in their re- spective prerogatives. Sovereignty is the right to go- vern ; and a nation or State sovereign is the person or persons in whom that right resides. " In Europe the sovereignty is in the prince ; in the United States it rests with the people ; there, the sove- reign actually administers the government, here, never, in a single instance ; our State governors are only the agents of the people, and, at most, stand in the same relation to their sovereign in which regents in Europe stand to their sovereigns. European princes have per- sonal powers, dignities, and pre-eaiinences, but Ameri- can rulers have only ojicial privileges and rank, nor do they partake in the sovereignty (whether State or na- tional) otherwise, or in any other capacity, than as pri- vate citizens." To these observations of Mr. Jay, it might be added, that in every free country the government runs a course similar to that of the common law ; it has its origin in the wants, and is adapted to the conveniences and views of the community ; grows with its growth, and embraces all the exigences of the nation, as it passes through its RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 229 successive stages of infancy, youth, manhood, and age. As the government of a country is formed 6y, so it ma- terially helps to, form the character of the people, by constant action and reaction upon each other. It is a notorious fact, that the republican polity of the United States, in combination with some other circumstances, has rendered the American population superior to that of any other country, ancient or modern. A vast ex- tent of territory, averaging a fertile soil, and a favoura- ble climate; a comparatively thin population; high wages of labour ; an abundance of provisions ; a variety of employments, in the labours of agriculture, the pur- suits of commerce, the sports of the field and of the forest, all conspire to give physical activity and strength to the inhabitants of the United States. The general diffusion of elementary and popular in telligence among all classes of society, more particularly in New-England, gives to the inhabitants of the United States a larger average of mental activity and power than falls to the lot of the mass of the people in most other countries. Indeed, with the exception of Scot- land, Holland, Sweden, and the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, no country, save America, gives to its people at large the means of acquiring the rudiments of education ; and Consequently the improvement and expansion of the general intellect of the nation are pre- vented. The sovereignty residing in the people ; their political equality ; their stake in the commonwealth, by the right of suffrage, gives to the citizens of the United States a greater moral elevation, a higher consciousness of self-importance, respect, and dignity, than are to be found in the people of any other country under the ca- nopy of Heaven. Whence, in the prosecution of the arts of peace, whether at home or abroad ; in agricultural toil ; in mechanical skill ; in mercantile enterprise, the Ameri- cans exhibit an aggregate of physical strength, activity, and perservance ; of mental quickness, acuteness, and comprehension ; of moral energy, loftiness, and power, surpassing that of any other entire nation. And in the 230 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. perils of warfare, amidst the noise and fire, and smoke, and carnage of the battle, whether on the ocean or on the land, the American squadrons do by no means yield the palm of deliberate valour, jiccomplished skill, and heroic patriotism, to the embodied legions of ancient Greece and Rome, nor to the well-appointed hosts of the great- est nations of modern Europe. There must be much of intrinsic, radical excellence in the political institutions of a country, which have lent their elHcient aid to form the physical, intellectual, and moral character of suck a peo- ple as are now spreading themselves over the vast and various territory of the United States, and daily and hourly reclaiming the waste and wilderness from the dominion of nature to the cultivation of man. And while these general causes continue to operate, the people of the United States will continue to average a physical, intellectual, and moral superiority over those of every other nation; and so long may they well con- tinue to cherish their present form of government as ad- mirably adapted to their feelings, their affections, their habits, and their interests. It is, however, quite another and a distinct considera- tion, how far a government, based altogether in demo- cracy, where the people, either immediately or mediate- ly ; that is to say, immediately in thk-ir own persons, or mediately through the medium of electors chosen by themselves, elect all their rulers, executive, senatorial, and representative ; hoio far such a government would be able to sustain the pressure of an overgrown popu- lation, elbowing each other for a morsel of bread, and greatly deteriorated in their physical, intellectual, and moral qualities, as in the old and fully peopled coun- tries of Europe. At this hour, the United States do not average five persons to a square mile ; the State of New-Yoili gives only twenty to every square mile, and the most po|»ulous State, Connecticut, not more than fiftij ; whereas, in England, Ireland, France, and the United Netherlands, the average is two hundred souls to each square mile. And it becomes a serious question for the American statesman to ponder whether or not RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 23| the present form and system of government will be able to restrain and keep in order such a populace as now presses upon the respective rulers in Paris, London, and Dublin ; and whether or not the many myriads, who must then be scantily fed, clothed, lodged, and taught, will be apt, by dint of universal suffrage, to pass an Agrarian law ; or, by the more summary mode of sud- den violence, scatter the property of the comparatively few who might then be in easy circumstances ? At all events, such a state of things opens a wide field of active enterprise to ambitious and unprincipled demagogues, inviting them to put into riotous motion the great mass of the people ; and what such a mass, so put in motion, can do, has been fully shown by revolutionary France ; the effects of whose anarchial movements are seen all over Europe at this moment, and will never cease to be felt, in every nerve and artery of man's so- cial state, as long as the world itself endures. What- ever other political lessons the French revolution might have taught, it has rendered perfectly intelligible this truth ; namely, that whenever the people of any country choose to move in mass, they can tear up from its foun- dations their existing government, and scatter its frag- ments to the winds of heaven ; and there never are wanting, perhaps, in any country, (certainly not in any country whose political institutions are cast in a popular mould,) a sufficient number of daring and turbulent spi- rits, who eagerly desire so to stir up and incite the popu^ lace to violence, that they themselves may ride aloft in the whirlwind, and direct the storm. The Emperor Alexander seems to be so much alive to this sign of the times, that he actually appears to labour to play the part of a good democrat himself At the present hour, indeed, no such danger presses imminently upon the United States ; nor will it, proba bly, so long as the western country opens such an im- mense extent of fertile soil, and favourable location, that those needy and desperate adventurers, whose pernicious habits of idleness and vice render them alike 232 RESOURCES OF THE UXITED STATES. unable and unfit to live in a state of orderly and well- regulated society, can flock thither, and evaporate, iti reclaiming the wilderness, that factious violence, and dis- contented disposition, which would be much more de- structively employed in plundering the property and cutting the throats of their more sober-minded lellow- citizens. M. Talleyrand was greatly surprised to find that in the United States, some few years after the close of the revolutionary war, the ordinary effects of a revo- lution Avere not visible in the condition of the communi- ty ; and he philosophizes on it thus : every change lays the foundation for another, says Machiavelli; and, in fact, without speaking of the hatreds which they perpe- tuate, and of the motives for vengeance which they leave in the minds of men, revolutions that have shaken every thing, and in which the whole community has taken part, create a general restlessness of mind, a craving after change, an indefinite eagerness for hazardous en- terprises, a vague and turbulent ambition, whose ten dencies are unceasingly to alter and destroy every thing that is. This is more emphatically true, when the revolution has been made in the name of liberty ; — a free govern- ment, says Montesquieu ; that is, one always agitated; and it being impossible to stop the agitation, it must be regulated so as to exercise itself, fiof at the expense, but for the promotion of the public happiness. After the crisis of revolutions, there are always many men worn out and made old under the impression of misfortune ; such men are not apt to love their country, in which they have experienced nothing but misery ; and their hatred must be guarded against, and, if possible, render- ed impotent. Time and good laws, indeed, will do much ; but establishments and outlets for such danger- ous beings are necessary. In Jimerica^ after a revolu- tion, very dissimilar doubtless to that of France, there remained only slight traces of ancient animosities ; but little agitation ana inquietude ; few, or none, of those symptoms which, in general, threaten every moment the K£SOURCES OF THE UNITED STATE3. 233 tranqulllltj of States newly bursting into freedom. One great cause of this strange appearance deserves consi- deration. No doubt the American^ hke other revolutions, had left in the minds of men dispositions to excite or receive new troubles ; but this tieed of agitation had been able to find a diiferent satisfaction in a vast and new country, where adventurous projects allure the mind ; where immense tracts of uncultivated lands give men a facility of employing a fresh activity, far from the scene of their first dissentlons ; of placing their hopes and fears in fresh speculations ; of plunging themselves at once into the midst of a crowd of new schemes ; of amusing them- selves by frequent change of place; and eventually ex- tinguishing, within their bosoms, the flame of the revo- lutionary passions. This very facility, however, of emigration into the western country, raises another very important question for the contemplation of the American statesman. The direct tendency of such emigration is to enable the western territory, in the course of a few years, to out- number, both in the Senate and in the House of Repre- sentatives, the Atlantic States. Which being done, the Western States, as great m/a«c? nations, and erroneously considering that the commercial policy of the Atlantic seaboard is opposed to their ^igricultural interests, will be apt to sacrifice that commercial policy to their own mistaken views of territorial ag^o-randizement. Such an alteration in the system of government would be most pernicious to New-England, the cradle of the revolution, and the efficient founder of American independence. The soil of New-England does not raise a sufficient quantity of provisions to maintain a crowded population, but its long line of sea and river coast, its numerous harbours, and the habitual enterprise of its people, give it a commercial capability, certainly never surpassed, if ever equalled by any other nation. Hence Mr. Picker- ing, one of the most enlightened and intrepid of her statesmen, said, in reference to his New-England fellow- citizens, that their farms were on the ocean. 30 234 RESOURCES OF THE UNITH) STATES. Great as was once the welgrht of New-England in the American councils, her influence of late has been borne down by the preponderance of the west. New-Eng- land, including Massachusetts and Maine, New-Hamp- shire, Vermont, Rhode-Island, and Connecticut, covers only a surface of little more than sixty thousand square miles, and contains a population of about one million and a half; whereas, the western country already counts a greater number of States — as Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Indiana, and Louisiana, which give it a preponderance in the Senate of the United States; — in addition to which there is an immense ex- tent of surplus territory, out of which new States with- out number may be carved in the lapse of a few years. Its population already reaches between two and three millions, which enables it to vote down New-England in the House of Representatives ; and it covers a surface of more than one million Jive hundred thousand square miles; that is to say, more th^n fifteen times as large as the British Isles, England, Ireland, and Scotland, put together ; and average a fertile soil, admirably adapted to sustain a very full and numerous population ; a popu- lation abundantly sufficient to outvote not only the New- England, but all the other A dan tic States; all the States that composed the old Ufiion which converted America from a British colony into an independent empire. The commercial policy is necessary to the very exist- ence of New-England, whose depopulation must follow as an inevitable result from its destruction or restriction ; and its tide of emitfrationauscments the numbers and re- sources of that western country, which is inclined to strike a deathblow to the prosperity of the Atlantic sea- board. There cannot well be a more erroneous politi- cal theory, than that the interests of agriculture are op- posed to those of commerce, and conversely; for the facts and proofs that merely agricultural nations can never become either prosperous or powerful, and diat commerce most materially forwards the improvement of agriculture itself, and of national wealth and civiliza- RfeSOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 235 tion, see " the Resources of the British Empire," pp. 383, 398, 487, 490. If the western and agricultural pohcj should prevail, the Atlantic States will suffor, in the following order; New-England most, then New- York, New-Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, then Pennsylvania, which being a great manufacturing State, depends less upon foreign commerce; then Virginia, the two Carolinas, and Georgia, Avhich are great plant- ing States, their staples being tobacco, rice, and cotton. The tendency of all this, beyond a peradventure is, either to break up the Federal Union, and entail a per- petuity of anarchy and civil broils throughout the whole continent ; or to crush the Atlantic States beneath the enormous hoofs of the western mammoth. If however, from these, or from any other causes, the British government should suppose, that the United States are destitute of resources, and the peeple reluc- tant to engage in a new war, on account of the events of the recent conflict, it is egregiously mistaken. The resources, territorial, intellectual, and moral, of this country, are immense and various, and widening on all sides with inconceivable rapidity; and the settled con- viction of the American people, arising out of the cir- cumstances of the last war is, that they are decidedly superior to the British ; and can always beat them man to man, ship to ship, gun to gun, bayonet to bayonet, both on the flood, and in the field. And uncounted myriads of American hearts now beat high and quick, in eager aspirations for another contest with Britain ; a spirit which the government carefully cherishes, by newspaper effusions, by pubhc toasts and orations, by congressional and State legislative speeches and resolu- tions ; the great objects of American ambition being to annex to their already too gigantic dominion, the British North- American colonies on the continent, and the West-India Islands ; and also the Spanish colonies bor- dering on the Southern States. The general government^ indeed, was itself broken down during the last war ; it fled at Bladensburgh ; 236 RESOURCES OF THE U^^TED STATE?. gave up Washington to the flames of a victorious ene- mj, and were unable to send a single recruit to their skeleton armies, or to pour a single stiver into their ex- hausted treasury. But the people never despaired of the republic; they always showed what feats of heroism they were capable of performing, when directed by competent leaders; at Plattsburgh, at Baltimore, at Ncw- Orieans, they rolled back the tide of invasion, and de- monstrated the fatal folly of attempting to fix a hostile army on the soil of America. On the lakes, and on the ocean, the American stars were flying above the red cross flag of England ; the American ships were better built, better manned, and better fought than those of Britain; as is natural to suppose, when of two kindred nations, equally brave, the one has an overgrown navy too large for its population and resources; while the other has only a few select ships, the crews of which are all picked men and skilful seamen. The fashionable po- pular logic in this country is, " the British beat the French, both by sea and land, the Americans beat the British ; and therefore, the United States have nothing to fear from European prowess; certainly not from Enghind^ if she conducts her future wars so clumsily as she did the last." The American government will probably never again exhibit such a spectacle of nerveless impotence, as was displayed during the last war. It is daily and hourly acquiring fresh strength ; Its Influence over the United States bank will give it the command of the national purse, and facilitate the raising of loans. Its military academies throughout the Union are rendering abun- dant the materials of a skilful, well-disciplined, well-ap- pointed regular army; its dock-yards and arsenals are well supplied, and no effort or expense spared, to create a powerful navy, consisting of first-rate ships of the line, large frigates, sloops, steam batteries, &c. besides the fleets on the lakes: all which, manned by Jimerican sailors, will give to the general government a formida- ble influence, both in peace and war, with the greatest European sovereignties. The American rulers have RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 237 become wiser by their own experience, have profited by their own blunders, have extracted strength from a sense of their own weakness. They are not likely again to plunge into a war, without funds, and without men ; they are now preparing, in the bosom of peace, the means of future conflict; by building up the finan- ces of the country ; by planting every where the germs of an army : by sowing those teeth, which will soon start up into bands of armed warriors ; by a rapid aug- mentation of their navy ; and above all, by attempting to allay the animosities of party spirit, and endeavouring to direct the whole national mind and inclination of the United States, towards their aggrandizement by con- quest, alike on the land and on the ocean; by adding to their present immense empire, the continental posses- sions of Spain and England, and the British insular do- mains in the West Indies. The federal government, to be sure, is radically weak in its frame and composition ; but hke all other govern- ments, it will continually increase in strength the longer it lasts, by the natural tendency of power, in the hands of all men, whether good or bad, wise or foolish, to augment itself; by the constant growth of executive patronage, and of public expenditure ; by the latitude of construction^ which ambitious ingenuity may fasten upon the words and letters of the Constitution of the United States. Whence in the course of a few years, the American government will be quite strong enough to act a very offensive part to those European powers, who vainly flatter themselves with the hope, that the United States are in themselves impotent, and destitute of those resources, which are requisite to give a country a commanding attitude in its intercourse, pacific or bel- ligerent, with other nations. The great question now at issue between America and Europe, is, which of the two shall change its form and system of government ? whether Europe shall become more democratic, or the United States more aristocratic ? It is scarcely credible with what eagerness the presi- dential messages are read in every European court and 238 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. cabinet, and among every European people. Not un' derstanding the nature, if they know the existence, of our separate State sovereignties, they are exceedingly surprised to find, that the general government of ten millions of people is carried on at an expenditure of less than six millions sterling a year, while the expenses of their own governments range from fifty to one hundred millions sterling per annum. And, as every very expen- sive government must be oppressive, because it impedes the progress of productive industry, and perpetuates the hopeless poverty of the great mass of the people, the Europeans are naturally led to desire that their own governments might approximate to that of the United States, in popular liberty and in moderation of expen- diture, while the American rulers, observing that the European sovereigns have more command over the po- pulation and resources of their respective countries than they can exercise over those of the Union, as naturally desire to build up into more extensive and permanent power the system and administration of the Federal government. The probable result is, that the governments of Ame- rica and Europe will approximate toAvards each other, in/act^ although in name they may still remain different; the generality of mankind being governed by names, and very apt to be shocked and roused into tumult by their sudden change. The European governments ge- nerally, although still retaining the name of monarchies, will, perhaps, become more representative, more demo- cratic ; while the government of America, still retaining the name of a republic, will, peradventure, become more aristocratic, more powerful in its executive, and more permanent in its Senate. The great difficulty, how- ever, will be, to temper the strength of the government with the personal liberty of the people; for it is a ge- neral rule, with as few exceptions as most general rules, that the freer the people the weaker the government, and conversely; the danger therefore is, lest the Ame- rican government, in strengthening itself, should so far restrain the liberties of the people, as to render them in RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 239 the aggregate less excellent than they now are in phy- sical, intellectual, and moral qualities. At present there can be no difficulty in showing that the resources of the United States are relatively greater than those of Britain. The Bri'^ish government spends one-third of the whole national income of that country. Before the close of the war with France, the national income of Britain amounted to four hundred millions sterling per annum; the peace reduced the value of lands, houses, and all other productive property in that country, at least one half, besides throwing several thousand families out of all employment. The govern- ment did not reduce its expenditure in the same pro- portion ; it spends now about seventy millions sterling a year, while the national income, the product of all its houses, lands, ships, manufactures, money, and every species of property, is not more than two hundred milions sterling ; that is, giving, at five per cent, a British capi- tal, real and personal, of four thousand millions sterling. Add to this, the British national debt is above four thousand five hundred millions of dollars, of which, in- deed, the Sinking Fund has redeemed about one-third, or one thousand five hundred millions of dollars ; but that does not lessen the annual expenditure, because the government continues to receive the dividends of all the stock redeemed, which dividends are provided for by taxes taken from the people, the government having no other income than what is raised by taxation. The outstanding or unfunded debt also amounts to seventy millions sterling, and the deficit of revenue now, in the season of universal peace, amounts to fifteen millions sterling, or sixty-seven millions of dollars ; the income this year being fifty-two millions sterling, and the ex- penditure upwards of sixty-seven millions. So that, unless the British government can either diminish their expenses or augment their revenue, they must soon be- come bankrupt ; for the nation never can support a much longer continuance of loans in time of peace ; or, what is tantamount to loans, the issue of Exchequer bills, which swells the aggregate of the unfunded debt. 240 RESOUJtCES OF THE UNITED STATES. And there is the less prospect of Britain's hghtening her load of debt, on account of Mr. Vansitlart having, since the year 1813, broken the progressive force of the Sinking Fund, by diverting the dividends of the stock redeemed to the current expenses of the empire, instead of permitting them to constitute a part ot the income of the ^Sinking Fund, which was the essence of Mr. Pitt's scheme for the liquidation of the debt. The income of the Sinking Fund this year is under fourteen miUions sterhng ; if Mr. Vansittart had not stopped its progress, it would have been upwards of twenty-four millions. A deficit of only three milUons sterling was the proximate cause of those revolutionary movements whicn put the French monarchy in abeyance during twenty-five years. Besides, the British Isles have no elbow-room for the spreading of an increased population ; they contain only one hundred tliousand square miles, or six hundred thousand acres of land, on which twenty millions of people are crowded; whereas the United States cover a surface of more than two million five hundred tliou- sand square miles, or one thousand six hundred millions of acres, over which are thinly scattered a population of ten millions. The whole annual expenditure of the United States is not more than one-eighth of the national income ; say, the general government spends about six millions sterling, and the twenty State sovereignties about four millions per annum, altogether, making a sum total oiten millions; the national income, arising from the lands, houses, ships, manufacturers, money, and every species of property, may be estimated at eighty millions sterling, or three hundred and sixty mil- lions of dollars ; that is, giving, at five per cent, a pro- ductive real and personal capital of sixteen hundred millions sterling, or seven thousand two hundred mil- lions of dollars. The national debt of America is scarcely o«e hundred and twenty millions of dollars ; to set oft' against which there are, at least, five hundred millions of acres of public lands ; that is to say, lands held in trust by the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 24 I general government for the people of the United States, and applicable to the liquidation of the debt, and to the current demands of the public expenditure. It is rating these lands much below their real value, to say they are Avorth a thousand milhons of dollars. These lands con- sist of about two hundred millions of acres, ceded by the different States to the United States, and of the territo- ry of Louisiana, purchased by the American govern- ment; of which, all the land not previously granted out by the Crowns of France and Spain belongs to the American government, as trustee for the American peo- ple. For it is a first principle in the law oi' tenures^ that the State, or sovereign, whether a single person, as in a monarchy, or the whole people, as in a republic, is the only original source of titles, and possesses a sovereign right to grant lands to whom it pleases. The prodi- gious extent of territory yet unoccupied, but fertile, gives to the United States immense resources for future growth in population and wealth ; for all the prosperity of pacific enterprise ; for all the comprehensive energy and perseverance of protracted warfare. So that thero can be no comparison between the capabilities and re- sources of any other country and those of the United States, provided the federal Union lasts, and increases in strength as it advances in age. The probable approximation of the American and European governments, towards each other, in effect, if not in form, is intimately connected with what may be called the revohitionary question; that is to say, the question first practically started by the United States, in their revolt from the mother country, and pushed to a much wider extreme by France, towards the close of the eighteenth century. The United States, indeed, only made a radical change in the form of their govern- ment, by converting an iiereditary monarchy into a re- presentative republic. They still retained, substantially, the laws, the religion, and the morals of the parent state ; and, from time to time, frame and modify their municipal system according to the exigency of existing circumstances. But revolutionary France suddenly and .31 ' 21^ RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. violontly chani{cd every tiling; changed its government, religion, habit.s, manners, the whole frame of civil poli- ty and social order; nay, the very language itself, giv- ing it an inflated, bombastic, fraudulent character, that unhappily is spreading itself all over Christendom, and in no countries more rapidly and widely than in these United States and England. Every demagogue, who breathes mischief and ruin, talks loudly, in newspapers, and pamphlets, and club speeches, about " the high destinies of liberty,*' " the liberal spirit of the age," "the annihilation of all prejudices in favour of religion, morality, learning, and all the obsolete usages of igno- rant antiquity ;" the whole of which means, in his moutl), that all above him, whether in wealth, talent, learning, wisdom, virtue, or character, should be pulled down, and he himself exalted, according to his own no- tions of his ow^n transcendental merit. The revolutionary question, as understood and en- forced by its present advocates in France, Britain, and America, is not a question respecting the prevalence of any particular religious denomination, whether Papist or Protestant, Episcopalian or Presbyterian, Independent or Methodist; but it is a question between religion and no religion ; a flagitious attempt to carry on government, and social and domestic life, without any religion of any kind whatsoever, and consequently without any morals ; revelation being the basis of all moral obligation, and every system of morals, not so based, being easily redu- cible to the mere calculations of political expediency and personal convenience, from the /caAsv jwh aya&cv of Aris- totle, and the utile et honestum of Cicero, down to Hume's scheme of utility^ or Godwin's plan of general good; good so very general as to destroy all individual virtue and happiness. Nor is the revolutionary question a question as to the relative excellence of any particular form of government, whether a republic, or a monarchy, or an aristocracv, or a democracy, or an imperial auto- cracy be, in itself preferable ; but it is an assumption oj fcut. that at any time, ambitious and unprincipled men may labour to overset die existing order of things, un- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 243 tier which they live, whether as citizens or aliens, in the eager hope of raising themselves to turbulent and bloody distinction, amidst the general wreck of human s.ociety. In a word, It is a desperate experiment, to be made by desperate, needy, profligate adventurers, of every gradation of talent, knowledge, dulness, and ignorance, in every country, particularly in every free country, that religion, government, social order, private pursuits, all that relates to man, individually or as connected with his fellows, may be always kept afloat, always fluctuate in a revolutionary state, and the people be perpetually fermented by appeals to their vanity, and folly, and viler passions ; that ambitious demagogues may lift themselves up to power, and be enabled to govern by fraud or force, by the bayonet and sword, or by a muz- zled and pei^erted press. The United States, although at present blessed with free constitutions, and good codes of law, are yet revolutionary, and contain withm them the seeds of those sudden changes which scatter upon the wings of ruin all the labours and products of past experience, and mock the hopes of all human ex- pectation. France is still eminently revolutionary ; her present throne is placed upon the crater of an unextm- guished volcano, whose eructations of smouldering smoke, and molten stones, and burning lava, every in- stant threaten it with destruction. Every step, that re- ligion and government make, is made upon the reeking ashes, the still glowing embers of revolutionary fires; those fires which are seen in fitful and portentous blaze over all the extent of continental Europe. And, unhap- pily, neither France nor the rest of the European con- tinent, can find a sufficient counterpoise to the revolu- tionary spirit, in their own governments, which do not breathe a sufficient air of freedom ; nor in their legal codes, nor in the diffijsion of pure religion, and sound morality, throughout their dominions. The struggle, in that quarter of the globe, appears to be fast ripenmg into a conflict between indignant despotism and lawless democracy; _^the collision of wliich two opposite ex- 244 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. trcmes cannot fail to ^hakc to its foundations the social fabric; and, wliichever side ultimately prevails, to steep the victor's wreath of triumph in tears and' blood. The British government, indeed, has hitherto stood forth as the great bulwark of social order, against the ever-beating tide of revolutionary fury ; but, labouring as she now is under the exhaustion of so long and ter- rible a conflict; so enormous a pressure of expenditure and debt; so alarming a diminution of her agriculture, manufactures, and commerce ; so awful an increase of Eauperism, in all the classes of her community; will she e able long to maintain the proud, but melancholy dis- tinction of being the solitary rock of social safety, amidst the storms and tempests of the agitated ocean ; the sole remaining monument of stable rule amidst the ruins of thrones, and principalities, and powers ? Even in the midst of her own home dominions, democracy is fast gaining ground, and insisting upon its sclieme of revolu- tionary change ; in spite of her hereditary executive, her hereditary peers, her recent orders of knighthood, her nationally established hierarchy, her close alhancc between Church and State. Meanwhile her child and rival, America, is rapidly emerging into unparalleled national greatness ; is flam- ing upwards, like a pyramid of fire; so that all the western horizon is in a blaze with the brightness of its ascending glory. Nor is the ambition of America less aspiring, than the progress of her power is alarming. The United States, not contented with their present ter- ritory, although more than double the extent of the whole Chinese empire, lay claim to both the Floridas, and avowedly stretch their pretensions westward to the Pacific Ocean ; and give very intelligible hints, through all the numberless organ-pipes of their followers, and flatterers, and servants, that they will never rest from their labours, till they have accomplished their aim, by treaty, or encroachment, or conquest; their unvarying motto being, dolus^ an virtus^ quis in hostc reqilirat? Popular governments are always sufliciently ambi- tious, warlike, ?ind unresponsible; too apt to encroach RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. '045 upon their neighbours ; and not very prudish as to the means of aggrandizement. The United States look wistfully towards the British provinces on our North- American continent; and the unwise act of Lord Gren- ville, passed through Parliament in the year 1784, per- mitting the people of lower Canada, to conduct their pleadings, and promulgate their laws in the French lan- guage, has prevented them from ever becoming British ; and so far weakened the colony as an outwork of the mother country. It has always been the policy of able conquerors, as soon as possible, to incorporate their van- quished subjects with their own citizens, by giving them their own language and laws, and not suffering them to retain those of their pristine dominion. These were among the most efficient means, by which ancient Rome built up, and established her empire over the whole world ; and these were the most efficient aids, by which modern France spread her dominion so rapidly over the continent of Europe. While lower Canada continues to be French in language, religion, law, habits, and man- ners, it is obvious that her people will not make good British subjects ; and Britain may most assuredly look io the speedy loss of her North-American colonies, un- less she immediately sets about the establishment of an able statesmanlike government there, and the direction thitherward, of that tide of emigration from her own loins, which now swells the strength and resources of the United States. Her North-American colonies gone, her West-India Islands will soon follow. Indeed, it is now well understood, that if the Ameri- can government had been long-sighted and wise, the United States might have been a great West India pow- er at this moment. For Britain, during her late conflict with revolutionary France, offered either Cuba, or St. Domingo to this country; but Mr. Jefferson sufTered his own little personal feehngs to^vards France, and against England, to prompt him to decline the offer; and thus let slip an opportunity of aggrandizing the United States, which may never again occur, under such favour- able circumstances. The dominion of either of those 246 RESOURCES OF THE UmXED STATES. great Islands would have considerably augmented the commerce, and increased the naval armaments of Ame- rica ; and also have given her a much higher importance in the scale of nations, than she now holds. But, diis aliter visum est ; the fears and hatreds of her executive chief, have materially delayed the career of America towards the summit ol iiational ascendency and great- ness. As for the Spanish colonies, they will fall, as a matter of course, to the superior energy and enterprise of the United States. For it is as natural for indolence, and ignorance, and procrastination, to yield to industry, to intelligence, and activity, as it is for the tides of the ocean to follow the phases of the moon. It is superla- tively idle to suppose, that the forlorn and beggarly go- vernment of Spain, headed by a patron of the inquisi- tion, and an embroiderer of petticoats for the Virgin Mary, will be able to resist the constant encroachments, or the direct attacks of a neighbour so enterprising, in- telligent, alert, dauntless, and persevering, as the United States. Nor let England ever lay the flattering unction to her soul, that it is possible ever to make America /icr friend. These two countries will never cease to be commercial rivals, and political enemies, until one or the other falls. As the world could not bear two suns, nor Persia two kings, so tile day is fast approaching when the globe will not be able to endure the existence of these two mighty maritime empires. The maxim of dcleyula est Carthago never found more cordial advocates in the Ro- man Senate than it now finds as applicable to Britain in the inmost recesses of every American bosom. But it behooves the United States to pause, at least for the present, in their strides towards territorial aggrandize- ment ; for it is understood that the Treaty of Viama, which is now the basis of national convention law in Eu- rope, as the Treaty of Westphalia was, prior to the French revolution, stipulates, that if one European na- tion has any domestic quarrels, either with its colonies or within its home dominions, the high contracting par- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 24*7 ties do not interfere ; but, if any power attacks the in- tegral empire of any European sovereignty, the parties to the Vienna treaty protect it. Hence, Spain and her colonies are left to fight out their mutual battles, as they best can ; but Portugal is forbidden to encroach upon the Spanish domains on the American continent. Un- less, indeed, the Holy League, which, under the veil of evangelical union between the contracting powers, seems to look towards planting the Russian flag upon the seven towers of Constantinople, should break in upon and derange the provisions of the Congress of Vienna. If such be the stipulations of the Vienna pact, the United States should be wary in their attempts on the Floridas, the British Northern Provinces, and West India islands, lest they bring all Europe upon them with her numerous and well-disciplined veteran armies. It is the business of the American government to wait, and nourish the growing resources of the Union, till time and circumstance shall dissolve the present unparalleled co- alition of European sovereigns, and then gradually bear down all possible opposition from any single foe. As the disposable force of every country must be always mainly proportioned to the compactness of its population, it is self-evident, that, at present, the United States, with only ten millions of inhabitants, spread over a territory of two millions and five hundred thousand square miles, cannot be very powerful for the purposes of offensive warfare ; a circumstance, probably, which the states- men, who framed the Federal Constitution, took into their consideration, since they so seem to have moulded that national compact as not to give the general govern- ment the power of carrying on an offensive warfare. These great men, doubtless, desired that their native country might possess all the means of defence, when assailed by an invading foe ; and, accordingly, they have made the most admirable provisions in the Federal Constitution for the accomplishment of this all-important object. Their apparent design being, as much as pos- sible, to preserve the United States free from the cala- mities of foreign warfare, and incite them to avail them- 248 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATLS. selves of their vast p/iy^/Vr// capacities, and to accelerate the growth of their population and wealth, in order that America, at no distant day, raigiit be able to rank with the first-rate sovereignties of the earth, in the extent, permanency, and disposable eificiency of her national resources. By premature efforts to aggrandize them- selves by conquest, the United States will put all their present advantages in jeopardy, and endanger the dis- solution of the Union, by the preservation of which they can alone hope to become lastingly prosperous and great. Let them remember Franklin's position, that by patience and perseverance they will be able to outgrow all grievances, all difficulties, and all resistance. Is Russia now, and for the time to come, deemed formidable to Eiu'ope ? Behold another and a greater Russia here. With a better territory, a better govern- ment, and a better people, jlmerica is ripening fast into a substance, an attitude of power, which will prove far more terrible to the world than it is ever possible for the warriors of the Don or the defenders of Moscow to become. Let it not, for a moment, be imagined, that I seek to lean upon the exalted character, or to detract I'rom the w'ell-tried prowess of Britain! Under the blessing of Divine Providence, the world owes to her unrivalled exertions, to her vehement and sustained for- titude, a liberation from the most galling, base, profli- gate, and cruel bondage that ever stained the annals of the human race. Braver than Britons men cannot be. It is not in human nature to do more than affront death with cool, .collected, steady, unyielding valour. Is it possible for them that are born of women to display more unbending, more triumphant heroism, than was exhibited by the British on the field of Waterloo and in the harbour of Algiers ? But it is meant to assert, because it can be proved, that the United States, from th?ir territorial extent, their local situation, their political institutions, their pe- culiar circumstances, do produce a greater amount ot physical, intellectual, and moral enterprise, and force in the great mass of their {,>coplc, than is or can be pro- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 249 duced in the aggregate population o{ any other country. Indeed, an inquiry into the condition and character of the English people, would serve as the best basis on which to build the investigation of the characteristic qualities of the American population, seeing that both nations are sprung from the same native stock; speak the same language, and exercise the same religion ; are governed by similar laws ; exhibit in their hves and de- portments similar habits, manners, and customs. And if, under the physical and moral circumstances of Eng- land, her comparatively narrow territory; her actually crowded population; her continual wars; her frequent internal convulsions ; her prodigious national expendi- ture ; her enormous public debt, the great body of her people have been progressively improving^ physically, in- tellectually, and morally, during the last entire century, and are now, as they have long been, decidedly superior to the population of every other European country ; a fortiori^ must the people of the United States, during the same period, have been bettered in all their qualities and conditions, by the progress of civilization diffused among a comparatively thin population, spread over a vast and various soil ; by unfrequent foreign wars ; by internal peace; by a small national expenditure; by a trifling public debt; by institutions, political, moral, and religious, which give the freest scope to personal acti- vity and individual enterprise. A late minister from the Court of St. James, near the American government, Mr. Jackson, who had sur- veyed with a statesman's eye, every court and every country, every cabinet and every people in Europe, both insular and continental, told me, " That he had passed through and diligently studied the States of New- York and New-England ; that he had never seen such decided materials of national greatness, as their population exhibited; that the American people were right-minded, strong-minded, sound-minded, and high- minded." And in all the soberness of solemn truth, the people of this country /iare verified the prophetic words of the depa^-ted statesman; thev have, indeed, fully 32 ' 250 RESOURCES OF TIIE UNITED STATE!?. shown, that Englibhmcn do not deorcnerate In tlie soil of America; for they liave compelled the nictcor-liag of England, which had waved in triumph on the ocean fot a thousand years, to lower its ancient ensign beneath the new-born standard of her child ; they have driven back irom before their hardy yeomanry the conquerors of France, the deliverers of Portugal, the liberators of Spain, tlie emancipators of Europe ; they have twined round their victorious brows wreaths of naval and of miiitary glory, which will flourish in eternal verdure, long as the everlasting hills shall rest upon their foundations and the stars of Heaven continue to shed their light. In the turmoil of battle, and in the pursuits of peace, the Americans effect more by a given number of people than the population of any other country caw effect. At present, indeed, the European land tactics are impracti- cable in the United States; huge masses of cavalry, nu- merous parks of artillery, and solid columns of infantry cannot act in a country overgrown with trees, and bushes, and underwood, which afford means and shelter for the deadly musketry and riflemen of America to destroy their enemy at their own leisure — themselves unseen and inaccessible. The United States must wait till their country is more cleared of its forests, particu- larly on their borders, before they can exhibit any milita- ry conflicts on a large and comprehensive scale. JNlean- while the ocean is open, and will, ere louir, have its wa- ters deeply died with American and British blood, con- tending for the exclusive dominion of that element, which is, emphatically, the cradle and the home of the mari- ners of both nations. From the commencement of the French revolution, in the year 1789, to the close of the late war between America and England, in 1815, the political jjartics m the United States were opposed to each other with ex- ceeding bitterness. Party spirit used to prevent social intercourse and poison domestic peace. The tyranny of faction was much greater in this country than it ever has been in Britain, where it neither disturbs the har- mony of families nor trenches upon the decorum ol J^SOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 251 society, either among the leaders or followers of the two o-reat contending parties which divide, agitate, and govern that kingdom. — See the " Resources of the Bri- tish Empire," pp. 351 — 376, for the facts and reasons to prove, that no free government can be carried on but by the agency of contending parties ; and that no dan- ger is to be apprehended cither to the ministry or the people from the prevalence of party spirit. Since the peace of 1815, Mr. Monroe's tour, aided by the cir- cumstances of the country and the times, has consider- ably abated the acrimony of faction in the United States, and democrats and federalists now dine at the same table without any fear of reciprocal offence. Some of the wisest and best men of America, parti- cularly Washington, Hamilton, and Ames, laboured to convince their fellow-citizens of the necessity of extin- guishing parties in our popular and elective government. President Washington's " Farewell Address" to the people of the United States, General Hamilton's Essays in the Federalist, and Mr. Fisher Ames's lucubrations scattered over all his works, contain most forcible and eloquent arguments against the mischiefs of faction. But, after all that can be said or written on the subject, a country must either be governed by the bayonet, and be enslaved, or governed by party, and be free. Par- ties in the United States are, substantially, like those in England. Two great rival sections of the people con- tend with each other for the exclusive administration of the government, not because they think themselves always right, and their opponents always wrong, but because, on the whole^ they think they could manage the government better than their antagonists. They differ more about the means than the end ; tiicy both wish to exalt their country, and render her prosperous at home and respectable abroad, however they may disagree as to the measures by which this common object can be best attained. Indeed noit\ the federalists and democrats do not dif- fer, even as to the means; they both wish to exalt their country by the same means. For more than twenty 252 RESOURCES OF THE U.\ITED STATES. years, truly, they varied most essentially in their notions respecting the best niotlc of administering the govern- ment; the democrats denouncing foreign commerce, fo- reign diplomacy, internal taxation, a national bank, a re- gular army, and a fighting navy, as being all extremely anti-republican. But for the last two or three years, they seem to have outgrown these theories ; and to have begun, like other people, to take experience and fact, as the best foundation, and safest guides of political economy. The United States are so very favourably circum- stanced for a rapid growth in wealth, and population, and national strength, that it requires only the exercise of a little common sense, to administer the /tome govern- ment, and permit the laws and institutions, which are generally most propitious to the establishment and fur- therance of popular liberty, to take their due course. It requires, however, considerable sagacity and prudence, so to conduct our foreign affairs, as to secure the friend- ship and respect of other potentates. But there is no occasion to enter into any detail on this point; seeing that General Washington has left a bright example of all that a wise and upright administration of govern- ment can accomplish, for die welfare of the country; and our future presidents have only to follow faithfully in his foot-tracks, in order to ensure, under Providence, the internal prosperity, and the external respectability of America. In one, and that the most important department of foreign policy, namely, diplomacy, the American govern- ment under all its administrations, has exhibited great talents and skill. In the United States, there is no corps of regularly bred statesmen, as in Europe ; but our politicians generally, and more especially our diploma- tists, are taken from the class of practising lawyers, who being men of business, shrewd observers, and well ac- quainted with mankind, have always been a match, and often an overmatch, for the European ambassadors, and plenipotentiaries, who have been systematically trained in the routine of office, amidst all the forms and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 253 devices of the closet. During the last fifty years, Ame- rican diplomacy has signalized itself in every court and cabinet of Europe ; and the names of Jay, Adams, Mor- ris, King, Jefferson, Marshal, Monroe, Pinkney, and the Commissioners at Ghent, vv^ill deservedly rank as high as those of any diplomatic characters, which have adorn- ed other countries. The peace concluded with Eng- land in 1783, by Mr. Jay, Mr. Adams, and Dr. Frank- lin, and the commercial Treaty made with England in 1794, by Mr. Jay, are evidences of consummate diplo- matic wisdom and skill. A very slight perusal of the American State papers, lately published at Boston, will show that the American diplomatists, invariably, wield a more pointed and powerful pen than their European antagonists ; that they press their arguments with more force, place them in a greater variety of lights, and de- feat, or evade, or parry, the strokes of their opponents with more adroitness, and effect. The Marquis of Wellesley, in April 1815, said in his place on the floor of the House of Lords, when discussing the negotiation between the United States and Britain, respecting peace, '• that the American commissioners had shown the most astonishing superiority over the British during the whole of the correspondence. The noble Earl (Liverpool) opposite, probably felt sore at this observation ; as no doubt the British papers were communicated from the common fund of ministers, in England." The American commissioners at Ghent, were Mr. Gallatin, late Secretary of the United States Treasury, and now Ambassador to France; Mr. John Quincy Adams, a Massachusetts lawyer ; formerly minister to the courts of Berlin, Petersburgh, and London, now Secretary of State ; Mr. Bayard, a Delaware lawyer, and a Senator of the United States ; Mr. Clay, a Ken- tucky lawyer, and Speaker of the House of Represent- atives in Congress ; and Mr. Jonathan Russel, formerly a merchant in this city. Considering that diplomacy is much more effectual to permanently aggrandize a nation than war and conquest, it is astonishing that so few governments, in the history 2M RESOURCES OF THE IMTEU STATES of the "world, have availed themselves of its aid. Lfn- less we admit tiie United States within the circle, there are only three nations, that have successfully seconded their efforts at extension and power, by diplomatic skill; namely, ancient Rome, modern France, and Russia ; the reasons why British diplomacy has been for the last five hundred years, in general, so deplorably defective, are detailed at length in " the Resources of the British Empire," pp. 333, 344. Now, the only sound policy of every nation is to se- cure its independence, to augment its power, to elevate its rank. Neither of these three great objects can be pursued singly, they are Inseparably interwoven with one another. The national independence of a State, can only be secured by an unremitted progression in positive power; of which a greater relative rank is the neces- sary consequence. It is as much the duty of States, as of individuals, constantly to use all honourable means of advancing themselves in wealth, character, influence, authority, and power. All nations begin to decline, from the moment they cease to rise. JVon progedi est rcgrcdi^ is the great political axiom of human affairs. As soon as a man ceases to improve his mind by obser- vation, study, and reflection, his intellect begins to lose ground in acuteness, strength, splendour, and compre- hension. The ambition, avarice, and ignorance oi in- dividuals, allow to nations no intervals of stationary quiet, or drowsy security. In modern times, however, tlic only European govern- ments, that seem to have acted on any digested system of national aggrandizement, are that of France, since the accession of Louis the 14th, in 1G43; and that of Russia, since the commencement of Peter's reign, in 1G96. These two great rtonarchs felt the internal strength, and appreciated the immense natural resources of their respective empires. Although Louis did not in his own person, succeed in the ultimate object of ac- quiring a universal French monarchy, he yet fixed the ascendency of France over the other European powers on a broad and permanent basis. When he ascended RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. O n r. ihe throne, his dominions were hemmed in, on all sides, by powerful neighbours. The house of Austria, in its two fi^reat branches, swayed the sceptres of Germany and Spain, whose territories almost surrounded France; the republic of Holland completed the line of circumva- lation. Nevertheless, although, during the last thirty years of his reign, Louis was almost incessantly beaten by the allied armies of Austria, England, and Holland, he contrived, by the superior skill of French diplomacy, to enlarge his own hereditary possessions, by consider- able acquisitions from Germany ; to place a Bourbon on the throne of Spain, to shatter Austria, to crush Holland, to cripple England, to leave France so intrinsically powerful, as to enable her, under the augmented im- pulses of revolutionary action, to be an overmatch for the other powers of continental Europe, not merely single-handed, but for a combination of them all ; so that, in 1813, 1814, and 1815, about a century after the death of Louis the Fourteenth, it required the united strength, in its full exertion, of Russia, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal, aided by the fleets and armies of England, to rescue tl^j^/whole European con- tinent from the humiliation of French oppression. Contrast the adroit diplomacy of France with the most miserable negotiations of England, at the peace of Amiens. So low, indeed, had England fallen under the degrading conditions of this treaty ; so completely evaporated was that spirit, which, under the auspices of Marlborough, had rendered her the arbitress of Europe; that spirit which, under the presiding mind of Chatham, had smitten both branches of the House of Bourbon, and loosened the joints of the loins of France and Spain; that the Addington administration, actually submitted to the mandate of Buonaparte, and indicted Mr. Peltier for a libel against Napoleon, whom he represented as a ruffian, an upstart, and an assassin. It was high time lor Messrs. Addington and Company to obliterate from the memory of the English people, and to raze from the records of history all mention of the fields of Poictiers, Cressy, and Agincourt, cf the battles of Blenheim, 256 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Ramillies, and Malplaquct ; and to write the name, French department^ upon the veteran front of the British empire. While revolutionary France was making herself com- plete mistress of the south-west half of continental Eu- rope, another power of equal force (as subsequent events proved,) claimed a similar dominion over the northern and estern sections of that district of the globe. After Austria was humbled, Prussia beaten down, the German empire broken up, Flanders, Holland, Switzer- land, and Italy, conquered by the Gallic armies, the political powers and military forces of the European continent were divided between the governments of France and Russia. These two mighty empires touch- ed each other in the beginning of the year 1812; Ber- lin, Vienna, and Constantinople, Avere only three milita- ry posts in the line of their imperial demarcation. A free and secure communication between the southern provinces of Russia, and the Mediterranean Sea, was an essential part of the system of policy established by the first Peter. This scheme of national aggrandize- ment has been pursued by all his successors, and is of such importance to the Russian empire, as never to be abandoned without a severe struggle. Russia covets Candia, Negropont, and the other Greek Islands in the Archipelago, as posts that might com- mand the communication between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Oczakow is the key to the north- ern provinces of Turkey, and is to Constantinople what the Pyrenees ought always to be to Madrid. That post Russia will never relinquish; she took it from the Grand Signior, in 1737, Avhen England was mediating in favour of Turkey, with thirty-six line of battle-ships. Russia has steadily, and successfully, pursued her scheme of national affffrandizement, since the accession of Peter tlie First, to the present hour; in consequence of which she now possesses a territory larger than ail the rest of Europe, with a brave and hardy population of more than fifty millions, four-fifths of which inhabit her European dominions. She has recently added Po- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 257 land, as an outwork to her empire ; and, in a {ew years, probably it will require nearly as powerful a coalition to stop her progress to universal dominion as was found necessary, in 1813, to reduce revolutionary France within reasonable limits. Indeed, France, and Rus- sia, are the only two European powers who sys- tematically act upon the conviction, that skilful ne- gotiation is as necessary as victory in war to augment and consolidate national dominion. The Treaty of Amiens gave more power and influence to France than she could have acquired by ten years of successful fighting. Nay, ever since nations have fought to extend their dominions, their progression in power has depended more upon the ability of negotiators and peacemakers than upon the talents of military heroes. Every one knows that republican Rome augmented and consolida- ted all her military conquests by the consummate skill of her diplomacy; her whole history, during the first seven hundred years of her national existence, was httle else than an alternation of successful wars, improved by dexterous negotiation, and of dexterous negotiation preparing the way for successful wars. Peter the First, the founder of Russian je;reatness, was a profound politi- cian, as well as an able soldier: he knew that to con- quer in war was not enough; that not to be con- quered, in his turn, it was necessary to retain, in peace, such posts as could both guarantee the possession of his own dominions, and facilitate the acquisition of further territories. Charles the Twelfth, of Sweden, conquered Denmark and Poland ; but being no states- man, (only a mere soldier,) he lived long enough, although he died young, to lose all his conquests, and one-half of his hereditary dominions, and the indepen- dence of his whole kingdom, which has been, ever since his death, in 1718, under the control of Russia or France. The acquisition of Noteburo;, now Schusselburgh, of Nyeskantz, now Petersburgh, and of the islands of Re- tusari, now Cronsladt. posts of no consideration to the 258 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. obtuser vision of the Swedish hero, has secured to Rus- gia, for ever, the dominion of the North of Europe, whicii IS still more extended and magnified by her later acquisitions in Finland and Poland. By the more recent accessions of territory in the Crimea, and Georgia, and in the possession of Oczakow, Constantinople, Ispahan, and Delhi, the capitals of Turkey, Persia, and the Great Mogul, are laid open to the arts and arms, the legions and the diplomatists of Russia. The war, carried on by the Grand Alliance, made in 1686, between Germany, Britain, and Holland, against France, was one continued series of victory for twenty- seven years ; and yet, owing to the unskilful diplomacy of England, the peace of Utrecht and Radstadt, in 1713-14, ruined the house of Austria, the principal party in the alliance, subjugated Holland, laid all Ger- many open to the inroads of France, placed a French monarch upon the Spanish throne, and annihilated the influence of Britain upon the continent of Europe. The maritime war, carried on by Britain against France, from 1759 to 1763, was a train of conquests, as was also her land-war in the North-American colonies, during the same period. Yet the British were so far out-ma- noeuvred by the French negotiators, that the peace of 1763 laid the foundation of the treaty of 1783, by which England was shorn of half her physical strength, and all her national honour. Had the British diplomatists at Utrecht secured, as was then easily to be done, an independent monarchy in Spain, and given to the United Provinces of Holland, (what, in fact, they did a century after, by the Treaty of Paris, in 1814,) a territorial basis, made by a perma- nent incorporation of all the Low Countries, then the Spanish Netherlands, with the existing Dutch domi- nions, the independence of continental Europe probably would not have fallen a sacrifice to revolutionary France. And, if Biitain, at the peace of 1763, had re- tained her conquests, made in the preceding war, she might not have been compelled to sign away half her empire, by the treaty of 1783; and, still less to ac- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES 959 knowledge the paramount superiority of regicide France, by the peace of Amiens, in 1802. One of the most triumphant issues of French diplo- macy, which has already given rise to one war between the United States and England, and will probably ere long breed occasion for another conflict between these two kindred nations, was the originating and establish- ing the doctrine of the ^^ armed neutrality i^ a doctrine which gradually grew from sufficiently large beginnings into the three sweeping propositions which Buonaparte, as the French revolutionary chief, and Mr. Madison, as oiir American President, laboured to compel England to receive as an improvement in the system of interna- tional law. These propositions are — First. Free ships make free goods. Second. The flag protects the crew. Third. No blockade is legal unless a place be invested both by sea and land. This interpolation of national law has no other ob- ject in view than the+Hestruction of the British maritime power. If ever acceded to, it will merge all bellige- rent rights in neutral pretensions. France, as a great land power, wants to annihilate England on the ocean; she has never been able to accomplish this purpose by fair fighting, in open and honourable warfare ; she, therefore, seeks to effect her object by a war in dis- guise, which she calls neutrality ; a name that these United States readily adopted under the auspices of Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison, in order to further their own peculiar views against Britain, as well as to second the designs of revolutionary France. A most unwise act on the part of America, because she is ripening fast into a first-rate naval power, and is therefore deeply in- terested in maintaining belligerent maritime rights. Ex- amine for a moment the practical effect of these three neutral propositions. Britain and France are at war "with each other; America remains neutral: the United S^tates carry on all the trade of France, both foreign and coasting, in American vessels, under the eyes of the English cruisers, who have no power to annoy the trade of their enemy, because free ships make free goods. 260 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States carry a body of French troops from the coast of France for the invasion of Ireland, and the Britisli cruisers must not touch these precious transports, because the flag protects all it covers. The United States carry provisions to a French West-India Island, w^hich a Britisli squadron is besieging; and, of course, the impartial neutral cannot be molested, because no place is blockaded, unless it be invested with an ade- quate force, both by sea and land. No doubt this doctrine is in good odour at the courts of America and France, because it gives the united ad- vantages of war and peace to France; and to America, all the benefits of a war against England, without either its expense or danger, Avhile it delivers up the naval poAver, the commerce, and the national existence of the British empire, an unresisting and helpless victim to the combined force and fraud of the United States and France. The origin and nature of the "V^rst northern armed neutrality were forged in the diplomatic arsenals of Paris, partly for the purpose of arming the navies of Sweden, Denmark, and Holland, as a check upon the naval operations of England, and partly to prevent a confederacy between Russia and Britain. The imbe- cility exhibited by England, in the war that ended in the truce of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, encouraged France to form the project of expelling the British from North America and the East Indies; to facilitate the accomplishment of which objects she endeavoured to prevent the co-operation of a Russian fleet with the English navy. Accordingly, in 17.')4, the French go- vernment proposed to Sweden and Denmark an armed naval co7ivention, to protect the trade of the maritime States, and maintain the liberty of the Baltic. Little notice was taken of diis proposal by Denmark and Swe- den, until the events of the war seemed to promise suc- cess to France ; when, in IT.OS, in hope of gaining a share of whatever commerce or naval influence England might lose, they entered into such a convention, under the sanction of France and Prussia. But the exploits RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 261 of the British navy, in 1759, and the succeeding cam- paigns, together with the brilHant success of the arms of old England and New England against the French North American colonies, disconcerted the measures, and suspended the effects of this armed neutrality. The next disquisition on the mercantile rights of neu- tral states was brought forward by Britain herself, on some Silesian linen, which her cruisers had captured. The whole doctrine of neutral claims was fully and ably argued by Lord Mansfield, Sir Dudly Ryder, and Mr. Lee, on the part of the British government, in answer to the Prussian manifesto, delivered in 1759, by order of Frederic the Second. The British High Court of Admiralty condemned this Prussian linen, as contraband of war, because it was captured on its Avay to France, for the supply of her naval canvass. Yet, notwithstand- ing the very elaborate and able report of the English crown lawyers, the British government finally paid Frederic for his cloth, and thus created a precedent, upon which were afterward founded the avowed preten- sions of the armed neutrality in 1780. England having, at the peace of 1763, given up to France nearly all her dearly acquired sources of maritime trade, and those strong holds in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, which would for ever have secured her naval superi- ority; the French government, as might be expected, soon renewed its former project of confining the British empire to the Island of Great-Britain. France at that time possessed but little influence in the Russian Cabinet, and being still apprehensive of an aUiance between Engfland and Russia, in order to raise some misunderstanding between the two powers, she fawned upon the Empress Catharine, intrigued with her favourites, and caressed the ladies of her court. The French also wrote verses and sung ballads upon the heroism and legislation of Frederic of Prussia, and the patriotism and maternal affection of Juliana, Queen of Denmark; they likewise, from 1772 to 1778, gave the King of Sweden large sums of money to build his de- cayed navy ; all which was done, as they said, to secure 252 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. for continental Europe " the liberty of the seas.'^ The unsuccessful campaigns of England in the United States, in 1778 and 1779, the accession of Spain and Holland to the American cause, together with the retreat of the British fleet, even in her own home seas, from before the French squadron, under d'Orviliers, seemed again to crown the intrigue and perfidy of France with cer- tainty of success. All the governments of Europe were then convinced that Britain had lost America, and they concluded, that her expulsion from the East Indies would be the speedy consequence. The entire ruin of the British nation was deemed to be certainly approach- ing, and the parcelling out of the spoils of her empire, became the subject of general discussion among the several powers of continental Europe. The famous convention of arnied neutrality was, there- fore, drawn up and published ; and, in 17K0, acceded to by all the maritime states ; even by Turkey and Russia, together with Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, and Holland ; and in 1781 was acceded to by the United States. The Count de Florida Blanca, then premier of Spain, at the instigation of France, detained all neutral vessels in the Straits, under pretence of the blockade of Gibraltar, and answered to the complaints of the neutral Ministers at Madrid, that if their sove- reijjns would resist the similar claims of England such pretensions would be relinquished by Spain. The doc- trine of blockade, however, was wo/, at that time, pushed to the extent for which the French and American go- vernments afterward contended ; namely, that to con- stitute a legal blockade a place must be invested with an adequate force, both by sea and land, for the only thing required by the armed convention of 1780, to constitute a blockaded port, was, that there should ac- tually be a number of enemy ships stationed near enough to make an entry evidently dangerous; and the definition in the ordinance of our American Congress, in 1781, is to the same cfifect. And, in the convention of the Baltic powers, in 1800, signed by Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, the definition of blockade is RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 263 *• where the disposition and number of ships shall be such as to render it apparently hazardous to enter." This same definition was incorporated into the conven- tion between England and Russia, in 1801 ; and the principle of that treaty has been recognised in a solemn decision of the highest legal tribunal in the State of New- York. The armed neutrality^ although its avowed pretension was the protection of maritime trade and indemnification for illegal captures was, in fact, supported by the pre- cedent which Britain herself had established in the case of the Prussian linen. All states, when once believed to be on the decline, like individual merchants, whose cre- dit is suspected, must look for a general run or attack upon their property. It was so with Sweden, at the death of Charles the Twelfth ; with Austria, at the death of Charles the Sixth ; with England, on the success of the American revolution ; and with France, in the first confusion of her revolutionary struggle. To maintain the political independence of a nation progression in pow- er is necessary. The convention of 1800, between the Emperor Paul of Russia and the subordinate powers of the North, at the instigation of France, was planned and acceded to, upon principles very different from those of the former conventions ; it began to assume the mon- strous aspect of that new code of neutrality which was afterward promulgated by the two Cabinets of St. Cloud and Washington. When Catharine broke off the com- mercial intercourse between Russia and revolutionary France, she signified her motives to Sweden and Den- mark, and invited them to follow her example, but ob- served that, with the exception of France in its then rebellious state, she still adhered to the principles of a free neutral trade. But England never acknowledged the pretensions of the armed neutrality, and persisted, during the first de- cade of the French revolutionary war, in capturing all neutral vessels employed in illicit commerce with her enemies. But the battle of Marengo and treaty of Luneville gave France such a decided military and po- 2Q,j^ RESOURCES CV THE UNITED STATES. litlcal ascendency upon the European continent that she was enabled, partly by intrigue and partly by menace, to induce Paul of Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Prus- sia to unite in getting up a seconr' and an enlarged edi- tion of the armed neutrality, v .ii h Nelson committed to the flames at Copenhagen, in !u01. After the peace of Tilsit, in 1807, Alexander of Russia, in obedience to the commands of Buonaparte, again insisted upon en- forcing the doctrines of the armed neutrality, to which Mr. Canning, on the part of the British government, replied (18th December, 1807,) " that the King of Eng- land neither understands nor will admit the pretension of the Emperor of Russia to dictate the time or mode of his negotiations with other powers. It never will be endured by his Majesty, that any government shall in- demnify itself for the humiliation of serviejicy to France, by the adoption of an insulting and peremptory tone towards Great Britain. England /?/-oc/aeW awez^ those principles of maritime law, against which the armed neutrality, under the auspices of the Empress Catharine, was originally directed, and against which the present hostilities of Russia £ire denounced. Those principles have been recognised, and acted upon, in the best pe- riods of the history of Europe, and acted upon by no power with more strictness and severity than by Rus- sia, in the reign of the Empress Catharine. Those principles it is the right of England to maintain ; and. against every confederacy England is determined, under the blessing of Divine Providence, to maintain them. They have, at all times contributed essentially to the support of the maritime power of Great Britain ; but they are become incalculably more valuable and im- portant, at a period, when the maritime power of Great Bjitain constitutes tlie sole remaining bulwark against the overwhelming usurpations of France, the only refuge to which other nations may yet resort, in happier times, for assistance and protection. Nevertheless, France still continued to clamour for the liberty of the seas ; and in 1812, Buonaparte under- took to establish all neutral claims by the subjugation RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 2G5 of Russia, in which, however, he did not succeed. In the same year, Mr. Madison n'so, as chief of our Ame- rican government, undertook, by a war against England, to compel her to acknowledge by treaty, the whole of the new neutral CoC. ; to wit, that free ships make free goods ; the flag protects all it covers : no blockade is legal, unless the place be strongly invested by sea and land. The war was continued by the United States, for nearly three years, when, on the 24th of December, 1814, a treaty of peace was made with Britain, in which no acknowledgment, nor mention of any one o£ these neutral claims, was inserted ; that is to say, ac- cording to the law of nations, as laid down by Gro- tius, Puffendorff, Vattel, and, indeed, by all the great publicists, the United States have abandoned these pre- tensions : for, whenever a nation goes to war for the avowed purpose of obtaining any given object, and makes peace without obtaining it; that object is for ever waived and relinquished. About sixteen or seventeen years since, a little work was printed in Holland, said to be the production of the late Mr. Windham. It contains some of the most pro- found, and comprehensive views of the nature and im- portance of diplomacy, together with a full develope- ment of the diplomatic policy and career of the diifer- ent nations of Europe, more particularly, of France, England, and Russia, that have ever been exhibited to the world. Every page breathes the energy and wis- dom of an accomplished and high-minded statesman. Whether or not the book has been republished in Bri- tain, or has found its way to these United States I am ig- norant. It well deserves to become the manual of every political student. Many of the preceding facts and observations have been taken from it so far as it reaches; namely down to the peace of Amiens, in 1801-2, includ- ing the preliminary and definitive treaties. The great national importance of estabhshing a sys- tem of skilful diplomacy, will be manifest upon consi- dering to what extreme peril the ivant of such a system i-educed the whole British empire, durins; the second tea 34 266 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATED. years of the French revohitionarj war. In that awful crisis of the world, wlien England alone, single-handed maintained the cause of liberty, social virtue, and civil- ized enjoyment, against the greater part ol" Europe, and its dependencies, moving under the banner of ¥ ranee ; even then, the British goverimient did 7wt sufficiently con- sider, how they should best play for the few foreign stakes yet left in their hands; but most unwittingly threw them also into the grasp of their enemy. It was incumbent upon England then to alter the ge- neral course of her accustomed diplomacy ; and send out to other governments, as ambassadors, men of sound, strong, comprehensive minds, of discreet habits, and con- ciliatory manners; who would always pay a becoming deference to the national feelings and prejudices of the fDcople among whom they reside; and yet, justly and lonourably consult and advance the real, permanent in- terests of their own country, in their various diplomatic transactions. Above all, it was a matter of deep and serious import to England, to keep constantly in these United States, a resident minister, able to comprehend the interests and relations of the two people, and of suf- ficient magnanimity to endeavour to unite them in the closest bonds of amity, by promoting those measures of policy and commerce, which would redound to their mutual advantage ; and thus, by conjoining in the ties of friendship, the only two nations on the globe, Avhich enjoy popular liberty, and an equitable administration of justice, she might, perhaps, have earlier raised an ef- fectual barrier against that unrelenting military despo- tism, which was for so many years rolling together, as a scroll, the republics, kingdoms, and empires of the ci- vilized world ; was so long flooding out a tide of deso- lation, that having swept away all the ancient bounda- ries and land-marks of the fairer and better portions of the eartli, then threatened to deluge the remainder with the waters of bitterness and death. When it is recollected, that ambassadors furnish the intelligence, which directs all the movements of their respective governments, in relation to foreign powers, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 267 perhaps, it will not be thought, that too much stress has been, or well can be laid upon the great importance of establishing a system of adroit, and able diplomacy. In some periods of her history, Britain has seemed sensi- ble of this momentous truth. She has availed herself of the diplomatic talents of Throgmorton, Temple, Marlborough, Walpole, Malmesbury, and Jackson. And, if she would oftener have recourse to such negotia- tors, she could not be so frequently overseen by France in her diplomatic pacifications and treaties ; nor be so constantly exposed to the perilous necessity of standing alone, against the armed combinations of other powers, who are often blinded to their own essential interests, and duped into liostiHty against her by the more dex- terous diplomacy of her Gallic neighbour. It must not, however, be forgotten, that the negotiations of Lord Castlereagh, which in 1814 and 1815, gave the Bour- bons back to France, and restored peace to Europe, may be reckoned among the wisest and most felicitous of all the diplomatic transactions, that have occurred in the history of the world. The character of a nation is to be tried by the same test as that of an individual. Whoever produces the greatest results with tlie least means, vindicates to him- self the most exalted character. Now, Eno^land with less physical resources and powers ; that is to say, with less extent of home territory, and a smaller population, has produced greater national results than France. The British Isles cover only a surface of a hundred thousand, square miles, and contain only twenty millions of souls ; whereas France has a territorial basis of nearly three hundred thousand square miles, and a population of nearly thirty millions; yet, in all that constitutes perma- nent national strength and power; namely, a people hardy, brave, active, intelligent, and moral; productive industry, commerce, wealth, colonial possessions, all the qualities of good domestic government, in peace, in war, in high reputation for probity and honour, she is supe- rior to France. The uniform testimony of a series oi centuries proves, that whenever the British aod French 268 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. engage in mutual conflict, bj land or on tlic ocean, with any thing like a parity of numbers, victory never for a moment flutters in suspense, over England's na- tional banner. Britain therefore, in spite of tlie inces- sant errors of her diplomacy, and her being so often out-raanoeuvred by the more dexterous policy of France, is, as a nation^ greater than France. It is also to be remembered, that, although England has never yet been wise enough to retain in peace, a sufficient portion of her war conquests, yet she generally hokls some portion of them, and very seldom gives up any part of her own dominions. Whence, she is ^052- iively stronger in territory at the end, than at the begin- ning of every war, although relatively to France, she does not make herself so strong as she ought. Almost the only instance of her giving up any part of her own dominions, occurred at the peace of 178.'}, when she signed away all that part of America, which constitutes the whole of the old United States, and Louisiana, and the Floridas. Thus, by continually developing her oAvn internal resources of intelligence, policy, trade, agricul- ture, and manufactures, England has gradually, in the course of ages, grown up into a first rate power, pos- sessing, in addition to her home territory and population, nearly one-fifth of the whole habitable globe, in colo- nial territory, containing more than one hundred millions of subjects, spread over the East and West Indies, Eu- rope, North America, and Austral- Asia. The causes of England's giving up so much of her conquests, at the close of every war, and her always making such miserable peace negotiations, are to be found partly in the nature of her popular government, which compels the ministry to conclude a peace on al- most any terms, whenever the people headed by the opposition in Parliament, become generally clamorous against a longer continuance of Avar; and partly from the ministry themselves being corrupt, or weak ; corrupt^ as at the negotiations of Utrecht, in 1713, when St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, and Ilarley, Lord Oxford, sa- i'rificcd the best interests of England, betravcd Holland RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 269 to her ruin, deserted Austria in her hour of need, gave Spain to a Bourbon, made France the mistress of Eu- rope ; and all for what ? — that a tory French faction might domineer over Marlborough, and Godolphin, and Somers, and all the disciples of William of Nassau Orange, whose wisdom and valour had rescued Europe from the iron dominion of Louis the Fourteenth, by seven and twenty years of uninterrupted victory ; cor- rupt as when, in 1763, Lord Bute and the Duke of Bedford, for a beggarly sum of money, paid into their own private purse, sold all the conquests of Chatham's glorious war, in Asia, Europe, and America, for a peace which laid the foundation of the dismemberment of the British empire, in 1783; an event which the weakness o( Lord North's administration imposed upon Britain; weak as when, in 1802, the Addington ministry conclud- ed the peace of Amiens, which degraded and weaken- ed England, and gave to revolutionary France the domi- nion of Europe, and extended her controlling influence over the other three quarters of the globe. Nevertheless, in spite of these pernicious blunders in her diplomatic policy, England has, on the whole, averaged an increase of national wealth, strength, and power, during the last three centuries, from the reign of Elizabeth to the present hour, by acting on fixed principles of liberty, industry, enterprise, justice, cou- rage, and wisdom. She is in possession now of a very large proportion of the commerce of the world ; her empire in India is immense beyond a parallel ; she belts the globe with her colonial dominion ; she covers Eu- rope, and Africa, and Asia, and America, with her in- fluence. She has recently rallied the millions of Portu- gal, and Spain, and Holland, and Prussia, and Austria, and Russia, and Sweden, and Italy, and Germany, around her protecting banner, and led them to redemp- tion from the most galling military and political bond- age that ever bowed the spirit of man to the dust from which he sprung. In the year 1782, Mr. Jefferson, in his " Notes on Virginia," declared, that the sun of Eugland was for 270 RESOURCES OF THE U.\ITED STATES. ever set in darkness and in sorrow, never again to peer above the horizon; that she was on the eve of being blotted out from the list of nations ; that her liberty and glory had departed from her, and taken their flight across the Atlantic, to fix their everlasting abode in these United States. " Thy heart was father, lliomas, to that wish !" But nearly forty years have rolled their eventful tide of time, since the sage of 'Vlonticello croak- ed, from out his mountain cavern, this ill-omened pro- phecy — and the sun of England is not set. Nay, has it yet culminated from the equator? Have facts accord- ed with the sinister forebodings oftliis inauspicious pro- phet ? Since the utterance of this oracular dirge, has she not broken down the giant strength of revolutionary France ; restored the balance of empire to Europe ; given peace to an exhausted world ; and seated herself upon an eminence of national glory, that casts into shade all the lustre of Greek and Roman fame ? There is no subject of pursuit more worthy the atten- tion of the moral philosopher and statesman than a sci- entific investigation of human laivs, municipal and inter- national ; which are, in fact, the historians of the justice of mankind; while the relations of political and mi- litary events are, for the most part, only the accounts of their ambition and violence. What can be more in- structive than to trace out the first obscure and scanty fountains of that mighty river of jurisprudence, which now waters and enriches the many nations of modern Christendom with so abundant and fertilizing a flood ? to observe the first principles of individual right, and national freedom, springing up, amidst the darkness of su- perstition and the pollutions of crime, to mark their progress, until the lapse of years, and a concurrence of lavourable circumstances brightened them into clearness, and unfolded them into maturity of strength? What more instructive study than to watch the progress of the laws, their courses of deflection, of circuit, of ad- vance ; sometimes trodden down, and apparently lost for ever, amidst the tumult and confusion of domestic anarchy and external war; sometimes quite overruled liESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 271 by the hand of municipal power at home ; then victori- ous over internal tyranny ; growing, eventually, stronger, clearer, and more decisive, by the very violence which they have suffered ; more deeply rooted by the fury of the tempest, which scattered their topmost branches into the air, and covered the ground with their wither- ed fohage ; enriched even by the temporary desolation of those foreign conquests which menaced their entire destruction ; softened by peace, sanctified by religion, improved, enlarged, exalted, by commerce, by social intercourse, by science, and by erudition ? In addition to this course of general inquiry, the American student ought to obtain that information which results from an analytical investigation of the constitutions, statutes, and judicial decisions of the uni- ted and separate States; a branch of legal learning the more necessary, because the people of this country pos- sess the supreme, sovereign power of creating, altering, and annihilating, at their own discretion, their respect- ive governments, whether State or federal. And, therefore, is it peculiarly incumbent on them to acquire that legal and political knowledge, which will best quahfy them for the judicious exercise of so important a privilege, so difficult a duty, so dangerous an experi- ment. By carefully examining our different constitu- tions, statutes, and judicial decisions ; by comparing them together, and, at the same time, referring to the various degrees of order and prosperity, the condition of society, and the standard of religion and morals, in each particular State, an accurate estimate might be formed of the relative excellences and defects of the different constitutions, and legal codes of the Union; and a pathway of light pointed out, by which essential alter- ations, and substantial improvements, might be gradu- ally introduced into the municipal systems, and political fabrics of the respective States, Yet, notwithstanding the manifest utility of such in- formation, and the advantages to be derived from such comparative views, however accurately the constitution and laws of any particular State may be known witliin 272 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. its own limits, tliosc of other States arc very slightly studied beyond the boundaries ol" their respective terri- tories. There are many able and learned New-York, and Massachusetts, and Pennsylvanian, and Virginian lawyers; but there are very few ./^mcnc«« lawyers in the United States ; that is to say, men acquainted with the constitutional, common, and statute laws of the several dilTerent States, and of the Union. It is to be regretted, that an analytical examination of the munici- pal systems of the general and State governments is not made a component part of academical instruction in the Colleges of the Union. Such an inquiry ought to fol- low a regular examination of the institutions of Lycur- gus, Solon, and Numa ; and an analysis of the different systems of American polity and jurisprudence ought to be considered the legitimate sequel of an investiga- tion into the merits of the political and legal fabrics ol Sparta, Athens, and Rome. Some few attempts have been made to establish a system of legal instruction in ditlerent parts of the Union. For full thirty years past, Mr. Justice Reeve, first alone, and latterly in conjunction with Mr. Gould, an eminent lawyer and advocate, has been employed in delivering an annual course of lectures on the common law and on American jurisprudence, in the State o\ Connecticut. These lectures have long been justly distinguished for their legal precision and learning; and have accordingly, for many years past, attracted a great number of students from all the different States. About twenty-five years since the present Chancellor of the State of New-York, as Professor of Law, in Co- lumbia College, delivered lectures — the first session, to forty students ; the next, to two, and the third, to none, when he resigned his chair. It is no little impeachment of the good sense of the legal students of this city, that they neglected to avail themselves of the opportunity of profiting by the instructions of one of the ablest and most learned jurists oi" the age in which we live. In Virginia, prelections on international law are delivered by Mr. Nel.son. one of the district Chancellors of that RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 273 State, who also fills the chair of municipal law, which was once so ably occupied by Mr. Justice Tucker, the American annotator upon Judge Blackstone's Commen- taries. In Baltimore, Mr. Hotlman delivers lectures on law; he has lately published a work, entitled, "A Course of Legal Study," which is not only peculiarly serviceable to the student, but may be perused with ad- vantage by the mature lawyer; with so much talent and skill is its various legal learning arranged and exhibited. If the several States of Connecticut, Virginia, and Maryland afford to their respective students such op- portunities of legal instruction, is it not incumbent upon the great State of JNew-York, situated at the confluence of all the streams of American intelligence and enter- prise, as well legal and moral, as commercial and politi- cal, to begin to lay the foundations of a general school of jurisprudence. A difference of opinion exists between some of our ablest men in this country, respecting the utility of lec- tures ; one party asserting that they convey no Instruc- tion, however composed and arranged, while another insists, that, if well digested and clearly told, they ma- terially aid the progress of the pupil in improvement. Lectures, on whatever subject, must indeed, for the most part, be only a series of compilations, because no one can credXe facts. He can merely collect, by patient diligence, the experience and observations of others, wheresoever scattered in voluminous records, or floating in traditionary forms. To such a collection of mate- rials the lecturer must apply the analytical and synthe- tical processes of judgment, reasoning, selection, and combination, in order to exhibit the soul and spirit of the subjects discussed, condensed into plain and practi- cal results. This is especially the case with those vi'ho undertake to lecture on km ; because no private indi- vidual can make law, which is the result of the prac- tical experience of the community, embodied into au- thority, either by judicial decisions or statutes. The teacher can only state the law to be as he finds It, al- r-eadv determined or enacted, and thence, by induction, 35 274 UKSOLIU.KS OF 11 IE L M TLD STATES. derive genoial principles, applicable to similar facts ami analogous particulars. But it does not therefore follow, that lectures are useless. Nor Avill it sullice to say, the student may consult the books, and compile a system for himself Very few can possess the requisites for such a laborious and extensive undertaking^. A great command of books, abundant hisure, indefatigable industry, expe- rience to know where to search and how to select from amidst the vast masses of unconnected particular facts and points, are all necessary. Now, young men cannot often be cjuaiilied to arrange and mould into shape and symmetry the huge chaos of matter that lies floating, Avitliout Ibrm and void, amidst the shoreless ocean of the law. loung gentlemen, just emancipated from the sa- lutary restraints of academical life, are not very likely to forego the pleasures incident to that vernal season, or exchange the fascinating pursuit of classical studies and the belles lettres for the solitary task of endea- vouring to thread the mazes of the legal labyrinth, with no Ariadne near to furnish a clue by which to guide theii- bewildered steps. But, when the preceptor's di- ligence has cleaied away the underwood, struck out roads, and marked distances through the forest, the student will be able to journey on his way with alacrity and nnprovement. He who does not study at stated times, at)d sys- tematically, studies to little purpose ; and it is one great benefit of lectures, that thev inculcate the necessity and furnish an example of the utility of habitual and sys- tematic study, by pointing out the sources of general instruction, by jj^iving practical lesults, by exhibiting an analysis of what is disorderly and obscure, by dealing out legular and periodical information. Besides new compilations, in the foiin of lectures, are necessary on a subject so complicated, so vohuiiinous, so constantly in- creasing in bulk, at) the law must be, from its duty of habitually watching over, guiding, protecting, and pu- nishing tlie circumstances, words, and actions of human bocictv, ever lluctuatinir and \ arious. Succeeding: ajres RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 275 and multiplied researches produce new varieties of legal points and new modifications of the principles of evi- dence, which should be arranged and added in a sys- tematic form to the existing mass. The evidence, au- thority, and proof of law are all of the cumulaiive kind, increasing with the increasing age, civilization, growth, prosperity, and intelligence of the community. And, by adding to the long-established elementary principles of jurisprudence the discoveries and improvements of each succeeding generation, we improve the proportion and beautify the symmetry of the le^al code. New compilations, also, are serviceable on all sub- jects, admitting improvements and accommodation to the passing times, because all men write most success- fully and intelligibly for the age in which they live. Whatever may be our admiration of the glowing senti- ments and splendid eloquence of the great writers of antiquity, every day and every hour present our own age in aspects and under circumstances, that, for all the purposes of practical utility and instruction, chains down the mind to the contemplation of the present, and causes its existing interests, passions, prejudices, habits, evils, conveniences, hopes, and fears, to predominate over those of the past ages, which are already mingletl with the years beyond the flood. All which applies, with peculiar force, to works on law ; because the legal code of every nation depends upon the general improve- ment of society for its own progression towards perfec- tion. In proportion as the science of metaphysics sheds its light on the principles of evidence; as history unfolds the series of human actions ; as political economy teaches the relations between government and people and the elements of international law; as moral philosophy ^yo'mts out the duties and charities of life, will tlie jurisprudence of a country become clear and upright in all its provi- sions, a shield to protect the innocent, a sword to punish the guilty, the bulwark of individual liberty, of private property, and social reputation. It is the opinion of some very distinguished writers, that the study of the law invariably tends to narrow the 276 REsoimcEs of the umted states. faculties; to diminish, and sharpen into a point of tech- nical precision, and formal acuteness, those intellectual powers, which under more auspicious circumstances, might explore the recondite depths of science, luxuriate in the flowerj paths of hterature; or range tliioughout the universe, in quest of vast and varied information. It is assumed as au unquestionable proposition, that a thorough lawyer, is by the very fact oi understanding liis own profession well, disqualified from looking up- ward and traversing the higher regions of intellect; the fields of metaphysical, political, moral, literary, and sci- entific investigation. Among these impugners of the study of the law, the most conspicuous in modern times, arc Mr. Burke, Mr. Canning, and the autlior of the Pursuits of Literature ; who enforce their strictures up- on its narrowing tendencies, in strains of lofty and im- passioned eloquence. But Mr. Burke gives up the whole question, when he says, " except in persons very happily born.'''' If these words mean men of genius, of great native talent, (and in their context, they do not admit of any other signifi- cation) the charge against the narrowing tendency of the study of the law falls to the ground. For no man presumes, that the study of the law can "open and libe- ralize" minds of merely ordinary capacity ; because no kind of study can produce such an elFect. Such minds are by their very nature incapable of comprehensive enlargement; and therefore, have no business with the study of the law, as a science. They may, indeed, and often do, pick up an acquaintance with its minuter forms, its obscurer details, and its more subordinate technicali- ties. But law, in its higher and more legitimate accept- ation, is to them for ever as a fountain closed, ancl a volume sealed. If the lawc/o open and liberalize minds *' happily born," that is to say, minds of great native ca- pacity ; then the narrowing tendency is not in the study itself, but in the mind of the student, which being by nature small and narrow, cannot be dilated, nor stretch- ed into magnitude by any Intellectual process ; because education can never create any new faculty, nor increase RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 277 the native power of the understanding; it can only de- velope by use and exercise, those talents, whether strong and rapid, or slow and weak, whicli God has given to men, as the measure of their natural ability. Mr. Canning also, yields the force of his objection, when he says, " were the study of the law indeed, con- ducted as it ought, it might well be considered as a pro- per preparation for the duties of a statesman," &c. But no rules of fair reasoning, admit of arguing against the use of a thing from its abuse. And if a proper mode of studying the law will prepare the mind for the enlarged horizon of a statesman's view, it cannot be essential to the nature of law to narrow the understanding; but the charge applies only to an illiberal and unwise method of studying it. And such a mode of studying any other science, or any department of letters, would narrow the mind, and render it bleak and barren. The proper and well-directed study of the classics, belles lettres, meta- physics, physics, politics, theology, enlarges and strengthens the intellect. But the finest capacity would become minute and paltry, were it to study any, or all of these branches of learning, in the mode so justly re- probated by Mr. Canning, namely, " in order to acquire a knowledge of forms of an ill-contrived technical jar- gon, and of a mass of decisions and regulations, with out sufficient attention to the circumstances in which they originated, the principles on which they are found- ed, or their defects, and possible improvements." The law itself, therefore, is free from these objections, which can relate only to the improper mode of conducting its studv. ,> The author of the " Pursuits of Literature'''' under- takes to prove, " that in State affairs all barristers are dull;" and yet admits, that the Lords Thurlow and i^oughborough Avere great statesmen. But Wedder- burne and Thurlow were also eminent lawyers. And if the study of the law did not narrow their minds, it ran have no natural tendency to produce such an ef- fect in any other students. Did the study of law nar- row the mind of Bacon, or Hale, or Hardwicke, or 278 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Mansfield, or Jones, or Hamilton ? The fault then, it' fault there be, lies nol in the nature of tlic study, but in the mode of studying, or in the mind of the student. The tendency of a strong mind is to study law, as well as every other branch of intellectual inquiry, on ihe broad ground of general principles. To generalize, or climb, by an induction from particular facts to general results. Lord Bacon calls the proud prerogative of genius. But slow and feeble minds have no power to make general combinations. Isolated facts lie scattered up and down, singly, in their brain, like dry and wither- ed sticks, without any bond of connexion, without any faculty of reasoning and imagination, to cause them to strike root, and branch forth into great and productive principles. Such men, to be sure, always make formal, minute, narrow-minded ca^c-lawyers. Yet it is 7wt the study of the law which narrows their intellect ; but their intel- lect which narrows the study of the law. Were they to pursue any other study than that of law, they would still be narrow-minded ; they would, in the ])ur- suit of politics, or theology, or medicine, be ca^c-politi- cians, ca^c-divines, or ra^e-physicians, because they are case-men^ and must necessarily carry the groundwork of their nature into whatever calling they follow ; must preserve the dowlass texture of their garment, whatever of embroidery or ornament they may heap upon it. The standard of the Persian monarchs, in their ruder ages, was a leathern apron. In after times, the sovereigns endeavoured to hide its unseemliness from the view, by covering it all over with barbaric pearl and gold ; but it still remained, intrinsically, a leathern apron, notwith- standing its external pomp. The following facts will show that the study of the law has no necessary tendency to narrow a strong mind. When Lord Thurlow was at the bar, and con- sulted on any great question, he used to make himself well acquainted with the facts of the case, and meditate on them patiently until he reached his result, by fair reasoning on the general principles of law, as applied to RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 279 the question before him. He then repaired to Mr. (afterward Lord) Kenyon, the most learned common lawyer in Westminster Hall, since Sir Matthew Hale, stated to him the facts, and his own results, in order to see if his conclusions coincided with the inference of law to be drawn from judicial decisions on the same or a similar subject. And it almost invariably happened that Thurlow's result, derived from general reasoning, was in strict accordance with the inference drawn by Kenyon, from an examination of decided cases. What an eulogium does this fact convey, not only upon the comprehensive sagacity and reasoning powers of Lord Thurlow, but also on the wisdom and justice of the common law ! Lord Bacon was a profound lawyer, as sufficiently appears by his law-tracts, and more particularly his *' Reading on the Statute of Uses." And, whether or not the study of the law narrowed his mind, may be discovered by examining his " JVovum Organum^'''' and his treatise " De Augmentis Scientiarum ;" works in which his stupendous intellect, anticipating the age in which he lived by at least a thousand years, has laid down those universal principles of investigation and reasoning, by which alone the mind can successfully regulate its search after improvement and truth : " Clarum, et venerabile nomen, " Gentibus, et nostro multum quod prodidit orbi." The denunciations acrainst the narrowins: tendencies of the study of the law, pronounced by Mr. Burke, Mr. Canning, and the author of the " Pursuits of Litera- ture," are to be found in Mr. Burke's speech on Ame- rican taxation, delivered in the House of Commons, on the l9th of April, 1774; and in an *•*• Answer to an In- quiry into the State of the Nation," written in 1806, in order to refute the positions of a celebrated pamphlet, written conjointly by Mr. Fox and Mr. Brougham. Mr. Canning's strictures on the study of the law were called forth, by the appointment of i^ord Ellenborough, Chiei' 2(i0 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, Justice of the King's Bench, to a seat in the executive cabinet. " A prefatory Epistle on the Pursuits of Lite- rature," is exceedingly severe on all lawyers, and espe- cially on Lord (then Mr.) Erskine, for their incompe- tency in political affairs. All these performances are emblazoned with splendid eloquence, and two of them are also enlivened with keen and polished wit; but their inferences I hope have been proved to be fallacious. It is objected by Mr. Bentham, in his celebrated Treatise on Legislation, that the common law of England is a'ude and barbarous in its origin, unfit for the present advanced stage of civilization, far inferior to the Roman or civil law, in comprehensive wisdom, and accuracy of detail, and radically defective in not being a written code, but merely customary, and growing out of the usages and habits of the community. The soundness of this assertion, although urged by such high authority, is questionable ; for no individual, no community can provide for, or foresee the exigencie& which are continually arising amidst, the ceaseless fluc- tuation of human affairs; and consequently, if there were no legal code, save what was tvrittoi, in the shape of ordinance, statute, or decree, society would be, at once, too much trammelled in its movements, and with- out remedy in many emergencies. This is emphatically the case in China and Hindostan, whose written codes are prodigiously minute in their provisions, watching over and regulating all the little details of individual pursuit, domestic economy, and social life. Besides, in all countries, even the most despotic, a common or cus- tomary law prevails, owing to the absolute incompe- tence of positive enactments, legislative provisions, and executive decrees, to regulate all the concerns of the community. Hence, it existed among the nations of antiquity, whether free or enslaved, as the Greeks, Per- sians, and Romans ; it exists also in the modern world- among the bond and free ; among the Hindus, Chinese, and Turks, the nations of continental Europe which Iiavc adopted llic civil law as the basis of their own municipal codes, the French, Germans, Italians, Spa- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 281 niards, and Dutch, as well as the English, Irish, and Americans, who profess to be governed almost entirely by the provisions of the common law. This common, or customary law, implies in its very name, as springing from the customs and habits of the country where it exists, that it is in a state of perpetual change ; since the customs and habits of a people, more especially if free to follow their own inclinations, are perpetually changing. A common law prevails in all nations, but most in free communities, because in them the greatest respect is paid to the feelings, habits, man-- ners, and customs of the people. It is impossible, by statute^ to provide for every particular case that may arise amidst the various modifications of which proper- ty is susceptible, the diversity of relations in civil life, the many possible combinations of events and circum- stances which elude the power of enumeration, and mock the reach of all human foresight But whatever is not written is common law , and, ac- cordingly, in every country pretending to any adminis- tration of justice, it has been found expedient to entrust the judges with the power of deducing from the more general propositions of law, and from the habits and customs, sanctioned by usage, such practical corollaries as may most conduce to the furtherance of justice. De- Auctions thus formed and estabhshed, in the adjudica- tion of particular causes, become part of the text or body of the municipal law. Succeeding judges receive them as such, and generally consider themselves as much bound by them as by the provisions of statute law. Thus grows up, gradually, a body of common or cus- tomary law. Cicero, in his " OratoricB Partitiones,^'' ex- pressly asserts, that in every country two sorts of law prevail ; one written, the other not written, but spring- mg up, either from the rights of nations, or the munici- pal customs of their ancestors. Rome and England, under their mixed governments, the one inclining to democracy in its later stages, the other pretty equal- ly poised by the conflicting forces of monarchy, aristo- cracy, ajid democracy, have been the greatest legisla- te 282 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. tors recorded in history. Rome has left the foundation, and great part of the superstructure, of lier civil code, to the whole European continent — to Scotland, to the colonies of France, Spain, Holland, Sweden, and Den- mark. England has, in her own island, carried the au- thority and government of law to a very high eminence of perfection ; and has transmitted her municipal code to Ireland, to her European, African, Asiatic, and Ame* rican colonies, and to these United States. Under both the Roman and English establishments, the common law or known customs, and the practice and decisions of courts, acquired equal authority with positive statutes. Effectual precautions were taken for the impartial application of general rules to particular cases ; and a surprising coincidence exists in the modes of jurisdiction, adopted by these two nations. In both countries the people reserved to themselves the o/llce of judgment, and brought the decision of civil rights and criminal questions to the tribunal of peers, or a jury, who, in judging their fellow-citizens, prescribed a con- dition of life for themselves. Nay, the term common law, as well as the thing itself, is not confined to the law of England. Sir Heneage Finch, afterward Lord Nottingham, one of the ablest of a very long hst of able English Chancellors, says, " that it is not a word new, nor strange, nor barbarous, nor proper only to England, but is common to other countries also.*' Euripides, more than once, makes mention of the common laws of Greece; and Plato, in his Treatise on a republic, de- fines the common law to be " that which is first taken up by the common consent and usage of a country, and afterward sanctioned by judicial decisions; he also calls it ••' the golden and sacred rule of reason ;" a phrase borrowed by Lord Coke, when he said, ••' that common law was nothing else but riiiht reason ;" mean- I'lg, doubtless, that refined reason, the offspring of ex- perience and wisdom, whose authority is generally obeyed by the consent of all. The common law is peculiarly favourable to the growth and maintenance of libcrfi/, both personal and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 28$ political, because it cherishes and establishes those usages and customs of the people, which experience has proved to be practically beneficial ; whereas, written law is unfavourable to freedom, by fettering the move- ments of social action ; and by leaving no room for the growth of popular habits and customs. Hence the common law prevails most in the freest countries, whdse freedom it continually augments ; for example, it bears greater sway in England, and in the United States, than in any other country ; because they are the most essen- tially free, and substantially civilized, of all nations, an- cient or modern. The distingfuishins: characteristic of the common law is its elastic energy, accommodated to all social exigencies ; alike fitted to direct and regulate the tender infancy, the aspiring youth, the matured manhood, and the venerable age of nations. Whence, its limits are in continual progression ; as new exigen- cies arise in the community, and consequently new com- binations and applications of common law principles are necessary. And, as the English and American judges, following the light of Lord Mansfield's great example, embrace the general principles of jurispru- dence, the common law will travel over the dominions of equity ; and that which is merely equity now, will in the lapse of half a century, be established common law decision and practice. Within the last fifty years, the common law has embraced a considerable portion of equity jurisdiction. In England, the common law has grown with tlic growth of the nation, in arts, and arms, in religion, mo- rals, science, Hterature, and civilization. The English common law was rude and scanty in its origin ; contain- ing a few imperfect regulations, respecting person and property, under the Anglo-Saxon and Danish dynasties; at the Norman conquest it embraced the feudal law, in relation to real property ; afterward it incorporated the civil law, with regard to personal property. In the pro- gress of its growth, it received within its capacious bo- som the commercial law ; and lastly, has girded within its immeasurable belt, the whole system of international I 284 RESOimCES OF THE VIVITED STATES. law, which connects together in the bonds of social in> tercourse all the inhabitants of the civilized world. The criminal law of England is in part Saxon, Danish, and Norman, much modified by subsequent statutes. The European codes generally are similar in their ori- in, and in much of their progress. Thus the English, Velsh, Scottish, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Da- nish, and Swedish codes, reflect mutual light upon each other, in all the essential points of their respective iuri- dical systems. This is so much the case between those of France and England, that the best illustrations of the ancient French code are to be found in the earlier law writers of England; and the best commentary upon the old English law, exists in the writings of the elder French jurists. Some of the most distinguished of our American ju- rists, are divided in opinion, respecting the introduction of the common law of England into, and its authority within, the United States. On one side, it is contended that the English common law is the unwritten law of the United States, in their national or federal capacity; and that the common law of the separate States remains the same as before the revolution. While on the other side, it is urged, that no common law exists in the courts of the United States, but their whole range is confined to taking cognizance of, and expounding tlie American Constitutions, the acts of Congress, and treaties between the United States and foreign powers. It is, however, admitted on all sides, that the common law of England, as it existed on the breaking out of the revolution, has been incorporated into all the separate States, as the ba- sis of their municipal law ; subject, of course, to the con- trol and modification of legislative provisions. Some of the principal diff'erences, at present existing between the American and English law, are, that our municipal code tends to scatter real property, at the death of every head of a family, whereas that of Eng- land, by the common law of descent, the statute of en- tails, and the custom of strict marriage settlements, tends to accumulate and perpetuate family property- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 283 In the distribution of personal property, the American follows the English, which is derived from the civil law. Our criminal code is much milder than that of England, which is too severe, and encourages crime, bj the uncer' tainty of punishment ; while we augment crime by the inadequacy of punishment to such a degree, as to keep our state-prisons generally full, besides a continually in- creasing body of pardoned criminals, let loose to prey upon the public. The courts of the United States, al- though they disavow any binding authority in the Eng- lish common law upon them, yet in fact expound their legal questions, whether civil or criminal, upon common law principles. Upon the whole, then, the best groundwork for the earlier studies of the English and American jurists, is to be found in the diligent perusal of Judge Blackstone's commentaries, as containino; an admirable outline of 111"* English law, both civil and criminal ; and then the msti- tutes of Justinian, because the legal provisions respect- ing personal property, both here and in England, are almost entirely derived from the Roman code. The late General Hamilton used to say, that he had learned more of the elements and principles of jurisprudence, as a science, from the study of this, than of any other work. Next in order, should be read the Book of Feuds, because the English law of real property is de- rived from the feudal system, and that of America, (with some statute modifications) from the English law. Then Beawes's Lex Mercatoria will give an acquaintance with commercial law, as an essential part of the com- mon law; and Vattel presents a brief outline of the law of nations, which also constitutes an integral por- tion of the common law. A work on national law, em- bracing the questions decided since the time of Vattel, is much wanted. At present, only a few miscellaneous observations can be made on some of the defects in our juridical system, which have been partly borrowed from England, and are in part weeds of our own growth. In England, individual subjects, to whom the sove- reign is indebted, have a remedy in the King's own 286 RESOURCES or the united states. courts, by a petition of right ; whereas, in the United, and separate States, every part of the Enghsh common law relating to the sovereign, was aboHshed by the re- volution, which fixed the sovereignty in the American people. And our courts only possess so much judicial power, as is given by Constitution and statute, neither of which gives an action at the suit of an individual against a State, or against the United States. Whence a creditor, whether of a separate State, or of the United States, has no other remedy, than to petition the legis- lature to make a money appropriation to the amount of the debt due to him ; which is a very precarious reme- dy, as appears from the fate of so many petitions to Congress, and the State legislatures, by claimants on the score of revolutionary services, during that war which gave national independence and sovereignty to the United States. There is no legal mode of compel- ling any one of our States to pay its just debts, whether due to its own citizens, or the citizens of other States, or the subjects of a foreign sovereign. Nay, if a State violates a treaty or an act oi" Congress, or any of the provisions of the Federal Constitution ; there is no le- gal remedy, because the separate States are not amen- able to the judicial authority of the United States. The laws in this country generally favour the debtor at the expense of the creditor, and so far encourage dishonesty. The number of insolvents, in every State, is prodigious, and continually increasing. They very seldom pay any part of tlieir debts, but get discharged by the State insolvent acts with great facihty, and se- crete what property they please for their own use, without the creditor's being able to touch a single stiver. There is no bankrupt law in tlie United States, and no appeal in these matters from the State to the Federal courts; whence, in every State, the insolvent acts ope- rate as a general jail delivery of all debtors, and a per- manent scneme, by which creditors are defrauded of their property. The British merchants and manufac- turers who have trusted our people, doubtless under- •stand this. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 287 Throughout the separate States, whatever may be the mode of appointing or the official tenure of the superior judges, the justices and judges of the common pleas and other inferior courts are generally appointed during pleasure, and receive their income from the fees of office ; whence litigation is grievously encouraged among the poorer classes of the community, and a hor- rible perversion of justice corrupts the whole body of the commonwealth. The United and separate States have transcribed into their statute book the English laws against usury. All the best pohtical philosophers unite in condemning any legislative interference with the rate of interest for the use of money; see Dr. Adam Smith, Mr. Hume, Sir James Stuart, and particularly Mr. Bentham, who demonstrates the absurdity and mischief of all usury laws most conclusively and forcibly. A single fact is sufficient to prove their inutility and folly ; namely, that the legal always differs from the market rate of interest. In countries abounding with capital, the legal is above, in those deficient in capital it is below the market price. For example, in England, at this moment, the legal rate of interest is five per cent., the market price only three ; in the United States the average legal rate is six per cent., and the market price varies from ten to twenty per cent., according to the rapacity of the lender, and the exigency of the borrower. In Hamburgh, Avhere there is no usury law, the rate of interest is lower, in proportion to its capital, than if such law existed, be- cause no premium is required for breaking it. Some of our States, particularly that of New- York, have borrowed the English system o{ poor laws. Now, Avhether we adopt the theory of population laid down by Mr. Malthus, or that more recently urged by Mr. Wieland, both of whom exhibit great talent, and a most instructive display of facts in support of their respective propositions, we must be compelled to admit, that the poor laws of England are an awful evil to that country; that they increase the indigence which they profess to relieve, and enormously augment the vice, misery, and 288 RESOURCES OF TflE UNITED STATES. degradation of the great mass of the Englisli people. Whoever wishes to see the details upon this subject, may consult the discussions in the House of Commons, and the Reports on Mendicity, lately published in Lon- don; and the causes of the system producing such per- nicious effects are unfolded with great force and clear- ness by Mr. Malthus, in his Essay on Population. As yet, on account of their extensive territory, com- paratively thin population, high wages of labour, abun- dance of employment and sustenance, the United States do not suffer so much from the system of poor laws as England. But, as far as they go, they produce sub- stantial evil unmingled with any good. In this city of New- York, for instance, it appears, from a memorial addressed to our State legislature, in the montli of March, 1817, that, during the last winter, fifteen thou- sand paupers, that is to say, about a seventh of our whole population, received alms. For several years past the numbers of our poor have been increasing, and have been attended with a corresponding augmentation of profligacy and crime. When the Superintendants of the New-York Sunday School Union Society, in the spring of 1816, first engaged in their labours of love, to reclaim the children of poverty, idleness, and vice, from the error of their waj's to the wisdom of the just, they found the streets of the city and the habitations of the poor one living spectacle of intoxication. They were shocked lo see the squalid misery, the loathsome dis- ease, and still more loathsome moral deformity of infan- cy, youth, manhood, and age ; all occasioned by the liabitual use of ardent spirits among the poor, without distinction of sex or years. It is but llic tribute of jus- tice to the merits of those estimable men, to declare, that their remonstrances and efforts in the sacred cause which they have espoused with so much zeal, charity, wisdom, and perseverance, have somewhat diminished this horrible vice, as well as lessened the profanation of the Sabbath. It is surely needless to expatiate on a fact established by the experience of all history ; namely, that whenever RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 289 the lower orders of the community are generally cor- rupted in their morals, the death warrant of their civil and religious liberties is already signed. And, if such an event has uniformly taken place in the governments of the old world, where the people are not suffered to exercise any great share of political power, or enjoy any* great portion of political rights and privileges, how much more certain and speedy must be the desolation in the United States, all of whose governments have their foundations laid broad and deep in the popular sove- reignty, and all of whose institutions rest, ultimately, upon the basis of popular opinion ? It requires no pro- phetic inspiration to foretell the rapid dissolution of a government, planted in the soil of universal suffrage, when once its electors have become deaf to the calls of duty by the long-continued habit of iniquity, and when the mere sale of their votes to the highest bidder may be considered as one of the least dark in the lona: cata- loffue of their accustomed crimes. The chief cause of the degradation and misery of our paupers, doubtless, is to be found in that system of poor laws which we have faithfully transcribed from the English statute book into our own legal code — a sys- tem by which the English poor have been materially injured in their morals, their habits of industry, their sense of character, in all that contributes to give strength and permanency to national prosperity ; a sys- tem first adopted in the reign of Elizabeth, and since that time swollen, by successive statutes and innumera- ble judicial decisions, into a voluminous and frightful code. The same causes invariably produce the same effects, when applied to the same circumstances ; and therefore, although at present owing to our thin po- pulation, abundance of Avages, provisions, and work, and the small public expenditure, the burden of the poor rates does not press with so very alarming a weight, yet it is an evil in perpetual progression, and will continue to eat into and gangrene the life organs of the commonwealth, precisely in proportion as the people shall continue to augment in number, and agri- 37 290 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. culture, trade, and manufactures continue to swell the tide of individual wealth. Such has been the progress of this system in England, and such must be its course in the United States, unless the legislature, in its wis- dom and mercy, see fit to annihilate or alter the whole code of poor laws. Man is by nature an idle animal; and generally speak- ing, shrinks from labour, unless impelled by necessity. But the poor law system takes away this universal im- pulse to industry, by relieving all the needy that apply for help ; thus, in fact, encouraging that very idleness, "which is the original and hereditary sin of our common nature. Nor is idleness ever a solitary vice; it leads almost of necessity its votaries to intemperance, fraud, theft, and those still more atrocious crimes, which shake the foundations of human society. The Spanish pro- verb is, " the devil tempts other people, but idle people tempt the devil." If the Spaniards would profit by the good sense of their own proverb, they would soon ex- hibit a beautiful and splendid contrast to the midnight darkness oi sloth and slavery^ which now enshrouds their religious sentiments, their political opinions, their public liberty, their individual enterprise. The legislature of this country, and more particularly of our own State, is called upon by the voice of duty, as they regard the welfare of the people committed to their charge, to check the growth of an evil, whose unchecked progress, must eventually convert the great mass of our commu- nity into idle, intemperate, profligate beings ; and through their instrumentality^ consign our civil and religious liber- ties, our political and social institutions, the pride and ornament of an enlightened age ; our private consola- tions, and public defences ; the incentives to exertion, the light of hope, and the love of fife, to the silence and fofgetfulness of the sepulchre. I cannot close this very shght summary of a few of the defects of our legal system, without noticing the ra- dically imperfect organization of our New-York court oj errors., which cannot be done better than in the words of Mr. Piatt, now one of the judges of our supreme RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STAxfes. 291 court, but sitting as a Senator of our State, when he made the following observations, respecting our highest judicial tribunal. The New-York State Constitution provides, that a court for the trial of impeachments, and correction of errors, shall consist of the President of the Senate, the Senators, Chancellor, and Judges of the supreme court, or the majority of them. "I cannot admit," says Mr. Justice Piatt, " the doctrine of immutability in the de- cisions of this court, to the unqualified extent claimed by the plaintiff's counsel. The decisions of courts are not the law, but only evidence of law. And this evidence is stronger or weaker, according to the number and uniformity of adjudications, the unanimity or dissension of the judges, the solidity of the reasons on which the decisions are founded, and the perspicuity and precision with which those reasons are expressed. The weight and authority of judicial decisions, depend also on the character and temper of the times in which they are pronounced. An adjudication at a moment, when tur- bulent passions, or revolutionary phrensies prevail, de- serves much less respect, than if it were made at a sea- son propitious to impartial inquiry and calm deliberation. The peculiar organization and practice of this court, render it difficult to establish a system of precedents. In the Supreme Court, the judges confer together, com- pare opinions, weigh each other's reasons, and elicit light from each other. If they agree, one is usually de- legated by the others, not only to pronounce judgment, but to assign reasons for the whole bench. But even in that court, and in the courts of Westminster-Hall, the judges who silently acquiesce in the result, do not consider themselves bound to recognize as law, all the dicta of the judge who delivers the opinion of the court. In this Court of Errors, the members never hold any previous consultation together; we vote for the most part, as in our legislative capacity. Few assign any reasons, and fewer still give written opinions, which may be reported. For these reasons, I think it would be extravagant and dangerous to consider the dicta and 292 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. opinions of a single member, as settling; definitively the law of the land, on all the points on which he chooses to give opinions, or to assign reasons." The House of Lords, in England, in relation to its Deing the highest legal tribunal in the empire, is liable to nearly the same objections which Mr. Justice Piatt urges against the Court of Errors, in this State. But in England, on every question of law, the peers, both clerical and lay, are in the habit of trusting implicitly to the opinions of the twelve judges ; whereas, in New- York, our judges have not always the weight in the de- cisions of the Court of Errors Avhich their acknowledg- ed talents and learning ought, in all places, to command. It would be exceedingly beneficial to this State, if a convention of the people were called, for the purpose of altering the Constitution, at least in three particulars; namely, constituting a Court of Errors entirely of legal characters ; abolishing the limitation as to age, in the official tenure of our judges; and annihilating the Coun- cil of Appointment, that our Governor might be a single, responsible, executive magistrate. It is a common complaint, that the American bar is overstocked. With what ? — with talent and learning ? This, I believe, is not asserted, and would be difficult to demonstrate ; since no community, in whole or in part, can be so overstocked, because native talent '\^ a plant of rare growth, and still rarer cultivation, in every age and country. But our bar is overstocked with numbers. Grant the fact, and ask if talent and learning have any thing to fear from unnumbered combinations of dulness and ignorance. Can mere numbers of persons, who either neglect to exercise their understandings, or who have no minds to exercise, stop the progress of the combined force of talent, industry, and learning, in a profession where success so mainly depends upon the public display of genius and knowledge f Did the shades of Tartarus, the unsubstantial forms that hover- ed round his path, impede for a moment the march of iEneas onward to Elysium ^ RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 293 Whether or not our bar be overstocked with num- bers, I am ignorant, having no data on which to calcu- late with any degree of certainty and precision, if the annual increase of lawyers averages a greater propor- tion than it ought to bear to the yearly augmentation of wealth and population in the United States. But if the bar be, at present, overstocked with numbers, it is of no importance. It is merely a local and temporary incon- venience, which, when left to itself, will soon find its own remedy. For the quantity of every commodity always suits itself, ultimately, to the effectual demand of the existing market. Apply this doctrine to the law, and lawyers, and there need be no alarm as to the con- sequences of an excessive influx of students. If the bar be understocked, the practice of its members will be so abundant and lucrative, as to offer a high bounty for an immediate supply of new recruits. If it be over- stocked, the practice will be so monopolized by its abler ^ons, as to speak to the less efficient barristers in the very intelligible language of nakedness and hunger, that the bar is no place for them ; that it opens no market for the vent of their wares ; that its cardinal pillars are not ignorance and idleness ; that its walls are not to be buttressed up by dulness and impudence ; and that they, therefore, must betake themselves to some employ- ment more congenial to their nature and acquisitions, than a calling which requires the combination of na- tive talent, with patient and persevering industry. At all events, talent and industry need never be terrified from the pursuits of law ; since, by the very na- ture and condition of men and things, there never can be an overstock of diligence and capacity upon the face of the earth ; and since they, when directed by prudence and discretion, cannot fall of commanding success and honour m every walk of life, and in none more certainly and more splendidly than the bar. Whichever political party be uppermost In the United States, the lawyers govern the country: they possess more influence, and exercise more power than any other power; they are emphati- cally the men of business, and as we have no separate 294 RESOURCES OF THE UMlTEl) STATES. corps of professional politicians, they engross nearly all the high oiTices of state, whether at home or abroad. With the exception of General Washington, every Pre- sident of the United States has been a lawyer; and, without any exception, all our ablest diplomatists have been selected from the same profession. The American bar always commands a full share of the great talent of the country; indeed, it ought and it docs exhibit, in proportion to our whole population, as compared with that of the British isles, a larger aggre- gate display of intellect than is manifested by that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. For, in the United States, there is no other general out- let for the first-rate talent than the profession of the law. The nature of their political institutions forbids any hope of their statesmen ever acquiring any perma- nent power or extensive wealth and influence in the community, and, consequently, offers no adequate in- ducement for the primary talents of the country to de- vote themselves exclusively to a life of politics ; whence the state seldom or never commands for her permanent service the first-rate abilities of her children. The pul- pits of America are not sufficiently cherished by the national or State governments, nor sufficiently encou- rao^ed by public opinion, nor remunerated by a suffi- ciently ample compensation, to offer an adequate bounty to the highest order of talent. The navy and army of the United States have not yet grown up to a sufficient size and extent to vindicate to themselves the employ- ment of any very great proportion of the first rank of American genius. These two illustrious professions must experience many years of much more active and comprehensive service than they have ever yet seen, before they can allure to their paths of peril and glory their due proportion of the dominant mind of their country. And in no community has trade or manufacture, the plough or the loom, taken to itself, permanently^ the ex- ertions of very commanding abilities. If time and chance cast primary native genius into either of these "RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATE§i 293 occupations, after a few desperate struggles of agony it either seeks refuge in the tomb, or, bursting asunder the bonds of its condition, springs upward into a region of intellect more fitted to its inclination and capacity. The bar then is the great, the almost only repository of all the highest talents produced and reared in these United States. And the primary native genius of this extensive country, throughout all its separate State sovereignties, rushes onward to the legal standard, as offering the highest inducements of reputation, wealth, influence, authority, and power, that the commonwealth, in its present circumstances, can give. But in Britain, her political institutions, her local si- tuation, the circumstances of Europe, the condition of the whole world during the last fifty years, have all conspired to force her primary talents into the service of her parliament, her executive cabinet, her army, navy, church, colonial governments, and diplomatic squadrons ; while her bar has been left to explore the mazy labyrinths of jurisprudence by the feebler lights of secondary minds. The time has been, indeed, when she availed herself of her first-rate capacities in the la- bours of the law. She has seen Bacon, and Hale, and Hardwicke, and Mansfield, strengthen, illumine, and dignify her seats of justice. But that was a period when these great master-spirits were wanted to build up and cope in, to the fulness of perfection, her juridical system; to reduce the decisions of her various courts of equity and law to one uniform level of wisdom, justice, and certainty throughout all the reach of her extended empire. It was also, at a time, when her political cir- . cumstances permitted her to spare a large portion of her primary talent to rear the infancy and establish the manhood of her legal system. But for the last fifty years, including the two great revolutions of America and France, so severe and un- remitting has been the political pressure of England, that she has been compelled to pour out nearly all her first-rate intellect over the whole of her extensive do- minions, in her naval, military, and civil departments. 296 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. And consequently, as primary taknt is never profusely dispensed in any age or country, she has been scarcely able to spare any of it permanently to the service of the bar; but the moment she has discovered it to have acci- dentally strayed into the precincts of the forum, she has immediately called it thence into the upper regions of the State; as she did her Burke, her Pitt, her Gren- ville, her Canning, and her Brougham. Whence as native genius is equally distributed over all the nations and sections of the earth, and differs only in different countries, in its developement and display, according to the circumstances in which it is placed ; and as the American bar employs the first-rate talent of the United States, and the British bar uses only the secondary ca- pacities of Britain, it follows, that the American bar must average a greater intellectual power, than is exhi- bited in the British forum; which is undoubtedly the fact ^ more especially in extemporaneous public speaking. The author of " inchiquin, a Jesuit's Letters," makes some spirited and eloquent observations on the compa- rative merits of American and British oratory, and gives a decided preference to that of the United States, par- ticularly in forensic speaking. He allows the English to be good reasoners, chaste writers, and classical scho- lars, but by no means equal to the Americans in extem- poraneous elocution. The English pulpit^ he says, 13 learned, didactic, phlegmatic, and never eloquent; the English bai\ addicted to a bad style, and ungraceful elocution ; and in Parliament, sober reasoning prevails over imagination and rhetoric. Chatham and Burke, he allows, and Sheridan he is inclined to admit, as orators; but they are the only orators which Britain has produ- ced. The few others who were eminent, for instance, Pitt and Fox, were nothing more than adroit debaters; and the great body of public speakers in parliament, at the bar, and fiom the pulpit, with great good sense, and extensive acquirements, are deficient in all the pro- perties of eloquence. To Ireland the palm of modern oratory is awarded, and Burke, Sheridan, Curran, and Grattan, held up as bright examples. A doubt is ex- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 297 pressed, if the United States have yet produced a Chat- ham, or a Burke ; and an opinion declared that our best speakers want the finish of oratory ; but it is confidently asserted, that the Americans surpass all other nations in aptitude for pubhc speaking, and in flights of bold, vit>;o- rous, and beautiful eloquence. In their public bodies, in Con-^ress, the State assemblies, the bar of the seve- ral States, and their numerous political and academic associations, there is a much greater number of agree- able speakers, than in the similar assemblies of Great Britain. These observations of Inchiquin have been conden- sed for the sake of brevity, but the whole substance is preserved, and the reader is recommended to peruse the original, which abounds in spirited eloquence, and pow- erful efforts to vindicate the literary and national charac- ter of the United States, from the aspersions so liberally bestowed upon them by Europeans. The preceding observations of Inchiquin, however, require a little mo- dification. It appears somewhat sublimated, to exalt the public speaking in Congress, and the several State legislatures, so far above that of the British Senate ; whose superior eloquence is almost necessarily implied in the fact, that the first-rate talent of England, con- stantly directs and adorns her parliament; whereas, the primary capacity of the United States, too seldom finds its way into Congress and the State legislatures, owing to the causes already mentioned, and also to the consti- tutional exclusion of all office-holders from a legislative seat. And it must always be pretty much a matter of course, for the ablest men of every dominant party to lay their own hands upon, and place under their own immediate guidance and control, the great offices of the executive government. Whence, consequently, in the ordinary current of events, only the eloquence of the secondary men of that prevailing party at least, can be heard on the deliberative floor, whether of Congress, or of the twenty separate State legislatures. It is rather extraordinary that Inchiquin should deny the meed of eloquence to Pitt and Fox; and consider 38 298 llESOURCES OF THE t'NITED STATED. them, in common with other parliamentary speakers^ only as " adroit debaters." Nor is it less surprising to assert, that "there are no orators now in the British Senate." What possible definition of an orator can be fiven that shall exclude the names of Canning, Wellesley, I'Intosh, Grenvillc, Grey, Brougham, Lansdowne, Peel, and many others ? The pulpit of Britain, it must be confessed, is almost entirely destitute of pure eloquence, the poetic part of oratory, ardour of imagination, richness of sentiment, energetic and Splendid expression. In speaking of the sermons of England, reference is chiefly made to writ- ten discourses, because her extemporaneous preachers generally lose as much in elegance and connexion as they gain in vivacity apd vigour; on account of their too little previous preparation for their pulpit exercises. The sermons of England are generally characterized by purity of style, correct and luminous reasoning, simple and temperate elegance. But they seldom, if ever, aim at exciting or controlling the great master-passions of the heart; nor do they often reach the higher flights of that eloquence, which, by producing strong and permanent emotions, triumphs over the judgment, and chains cap- tive the will of the audience. It must also be acknowledged, that the British bar generally pleads guilty to the charge urged against it, so severely and peremptorily by the Jesuit. Yet, with- in the memory of man, that bar has been led by Mans- field, Thurlow, and Wedderburne, three illustrious lawyers, who were equalled by few, and surpassed by none in compass and variety of wisdom and eloquence. And even noii\ in her day of secondary lawyers, the honour of her bar has been conducted to perfection by Lord Erskine''s felicitous combination of profound legal reasoning, with splendid eloquence. Perhaps, it is not going too far to say, that Erskine's Speeches, already published, are the most finished specimens of bar oratory that any a^e or country has produced. This must be understood, in relation to the marked distinction between the forensic and parliamentary orations of Demosthenes KESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 299 and CiceFO ; whose bar speeches are not equal to those of Erskine ; although there is no assignable proportion between his parliamentary effusions and the legislative energy of the Greek, or the senatorial majesty of the Roman orator. He who speaks more than is necessary, on any public occasion, makes his speaking an end; whereas he who only speaks enough, and then ceases, uses his eloquence as the means of obtai«ing some ulterior end, some greater object; and is the more effective practical being. Julius Caesar always said enough; but Cicero, sometimes, said more, and was borne down by the superior weight of Caesar's talent, efficient energy, and practical wisdom. Many other great men besides Cicero, have, in this re- spect erred, and lost sight of their object, of the business they had to perform, in their anxiety to achieve a bril- liant oration. Students of law are more particularly in- terested in observing and acting upon this distinction ; not only because those among them, who happen to pos- sess genius, are prone, in common with all powerful minds, to give the reins to their imagination, and permit their heated enthusiasm to sweep and swing beyond the flaming bounds of time and space, extra jlammantia Mcenia Mundi ; — but also, because the profession of the law itself can, very seldom, tolerate in a forensic speaker, the bursts of deep, intense, and genuine passion; — a rich variety of imagery, the higher flights of poetry, the finer touches of tenderness, the celestial visions of a sub- limated philosophy, the majestic amplitude of a styl^ full, flowing, fervid, and energetic : " Monte decurrens velut amnis, imbres " Qjuein super notas aluere ripas, " Fervet, immensusque ruit profundo " ore." The student should, also, remember the broad line of distinction between ancient and modern eloquence. The statesmen of antiquity made it the main business of their lives to become great proficients in public speaking; and consequently, granting to modern orators native ta- 300 KESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. lents equal to those of Cicero and Demosthenes, yet, as they do not labour so intensely on the study of their art, modern oratory cannot rival that of the elder time. It must be inferior in methodical composition, in the dis- tribution of the subjects, in the style, elaborated to per- fection by the combined efforts of study, taste, and ge- nius ; in the mode of delivery, refined by a long course of exact discipline ; in the exquisite union of refinement with the most perfect air of simplicity, in the combina- tion of art with nature. The proof of this may be found by comparing the deliberative orations of Demosthenes and Cicero, with the parliamentary and congressional effusions of modern debaters. Yet, doubtless, the ex- temporaneous reasoning and declamation of modern times are better fitted for transacting the business of real life, than the more highly finished compositions of anti- quity. Wherefore, as all life consists in action^ it is per- haps wiser for public men, more particularly for lawyers and statesmen, whose whole business it is to be occu- pied in the transactions of real life, to accustom them- selves to speaking extempore, which, although it can never render them such regular and finished orators, as Greece and Rome exhibited in the best days of their high and palmy greatness, will yet better enable them to discharge, with credit to themselves and benefit to the community, those various important and difficult du- ties, which must ever devolve upon genius aud wisdom, amidst the ceaseless activity of commercial enterprise, and the everlasting agitations of popular freedom. It cannot be necessary to expatiate upon the benefit of an habitual study of the best recorded speeches, both ancient and modern ; because they contain a vast fund of important moral, political, financial, commercial, and legal information; delivered by the ablest men of the most civilized countries in their most cultivated ages, as the last result of their happiest efforts, under the inspi- ration of excited genius, giving vent to its effusions, in " thoughts that breathe, and words that burn." They furnish the best models of clear, profound, and compre- hensive reasoning, illumined by all the brilliancy of elo- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q| quence. They afford the finest exercise to the analyti- cal powers of the mind, while tracing the golden links of their argumentative chain ; they enlarge the understand- ing, and elevate the imagination, by opening the richest treasures of lofty sentiment and extensive thought, glis- tening in all the splendour of appropriate and copious language. The result as to the comparative merit of American and English public speaking, may be given in a few words. In the United States there is less learning and science among our clergy; less particular legal re- search among our lawyers, and less political information among our statesmen, than among the corresponding professions in Britain ; yet the eloquence of the Ameri- can pulpit, bar, and senate, is more full of vigour and animation than that of the British church, forum, and parliament. In England the college scholarships and fellowships, and various other munificent institutions, lend continual aid to the learning and science of her clergy ; the liberal and protracted classical education, and the minute division of intellectual labour, giving to one man the single vocation of an attorney ; to a second, that of solicitor; to a third, that of conveyancer ; to a fourth, that of special pleader ; to a fifth, that of proc- tor ; to a sixth, that of a common lawyer ; to a seventh, that of a civilian ; to an eighth, that of a chancery law- yer, enable each lawyer to be more profoundly and extensively versed in the researches of his own parti- cular department ; and there being a separate class of men trained up exclusively to the pursuits of political life, who have, in fact, no other vocation than to acquire jDolitical and general information, and transact the pub- lic business, enable the British statesmen to become at once minutely and comprehensively informed of all that regards the policy of their country, both in its home government and in its foreign relations. But in the United States, our clergy have moderate salaries ; no public and few private libraries ; no fel- lowships nor scholarships ; no learned leisure, constant preaching, and perpetual parochial djity: our lawyers 302 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED S..ATES. combine in one and the same personage all the various vocations of an equity lawyer, a civilian, common law- yer, proctor, special pleader, conveyancer, solicitor, and attorney; and our politicans constitute no separate class, but are taken chiefly from our practising lawyers ; whence these respective bodies have no opportunity of acquiring so much learning and science, Avhether pro- fessional or general, as those of Britain. Yet, being compelled to rely entirely on the resources of their own minds, in their various employments, and to place their ingenuity and vigour in a state of constant requisition, they acquire habits of greater intellectual promptness and energy than their British brethren who labour in similar callings, and, leaning systematically on their numerous artificial props of multifarious information and minute subdivision of employment, exhibit, indeed, more learn- ing and knowledge on the subjects which they discuss, whether verbally or in writing, but, in general, display less acuteness, strength, animation, and resource ol in- tellect than the Americans, who, having fewer crutches, are obliged to trust the more to their own legs ; whence, in the United States, the individuals, and, in Britain, the aggregate nation, is the most powerful. At least this appears to be the fact to one who has had an opportu- nity of observing the people of both countries, by a residence of several years in each. The common law reporters of the United States, and of the separate states of New-York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Virginia are fully equal to those of England ; and the New-York Chancery re- ports are far superior to any that Britain has ever pro- duced. In a recent case the two crown lawyers of England sent to this city a joint and decided opinion on a very important question, involving an immense amount of property, and requiring for its solution an intimate acquaintance with the English common law and with international law in all its branches, natural, conven- tional, and customary. This opinion was submitted to some of the leaders of our New- York bar, who, after due deliberation, gave an opinion directly contrary to RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q3 that delivered by the attorney and sohcitor general of England, and supported it by legal references and gene- ral reasoning. When it reached England, and met the eyes of the crown lawyers, those gentlemen were in- duced to reconsider tne subject, the result of which was, that they finally retracted their former opinion, and acceded to that of our New-York lawyers. In fine, those who are acquainted with both countries cannot hesitate to declare, that, although in particular departments of legal inquiry, the British lawyers may be more learned, more minutely and extensively read, yet, in the exhibition of prompt, various, and vigorous talent, the bars of New-York, rhiladelphia, and Boston, surpass those of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. CHAPTER VI. 0?i the Literature of the United States. XHE writer of a pamphlet, called " The United States and England, being a Reply to the Criticism on Inchi- ?uln's Letters, contained in the Quarterly Review for anuary 1814;" traces with considerable acuteness and ingenuity, the causes Avhich have retarded the progress of literature, art, and science in this country. But the whole performance is miserably disgraced by a rancour of personal hatred, and a venom of vulgar scurrility, that ought never to be admitted into literary controver- sy ; sucn weapons of warfare resembling rather the to- mahawk of a savage, than the sword of a gentleman. Mr, Southey is selected as the victim of the writer's spleen, and loaded with every epithet of abuse, that the language of vindictive vituperation can furnish. And England, together with her institutions, reli- gious and political, moral and social, is assailed with all the bitterness of a foiled French jacobin. It was hoped that this essence of Sans-cullottism had long since descended from all decent society, both here and in Europe, to the dregs of the populace. Besides, Mr. Southey did not write the Review of Inchiquin's Letters ; which is said to have been the production of Dr. Ire- land's pen. Whoever wrote that article, ought to have known better than to indite such execrable trash against America; and it is difficult to determinje whether igno- rance or scurrihty be its predominant characteristic. In a recent publication, called "Letters from the South," the American champion has glanced again at the same subject; and if possible, has plunged into a still lower abyss of personal rincour and scurrility. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES- 3Q/) than in his former production. The respective edi- tors of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Kevievvs are singled out as the objects of attack; the Scottish editor is reprehended for his criticism on the late Dean Swift, and compared to " a little cur dog that yelps at the car- cass of a dead lion ;" but the most envenomed shafts are levelled at the English editor, whose unpardonable crime it is, to have risen from a very humble birth, and obscure condition, into the rank of one of the ablest writers, and most accomplished scholars in Europe ; and to have devoted his talents and learning to the support of the government of his country. Among other nota- ble discoveries, it is found that the Quarterly Review is " a low, obscure, contemptible. Billingsgate production." Indeed, the philosophy of these sans-cullotte writers ap- pears to consist in venting low buffoonery, and the coarsest calumnies, on all that mankind generally deem illustrious and elevated. If a man unfortunately happen, whether by birth or personal services, to be a prince, or a lord, or a gentleman, he is immediately pronounced to be both knave and fool by these profound philoso- phers; according to whose canons of judgment, no one possesses any claim to either virtue or wisdom, unless he be born a peasant or a cobbler. And the whole patriotism of these men consists in calumniating England j certainly without adorning or strengthening America. It is to be lamented that any one should pervert a fine understanding, and a fair proportion of information, by an inveterate habit of hating and calumniating whatever has a tendency to soften national asperity, to refine the taste, enlarge the intellect, and exalt the character of man. The substance of this writer's reasons, for the appa- rently low state of letters in the United States, is, that their learning, like their riches, is more equally distribu- ted than in any other country; and although not to be found in great masses, is diffused, in a certain degree, throughout the whole body of the people. There are many causes assigned, why literature has not been more cultivated on this side the Atlantic; the chief of which are, the facility of acquiring wealth and distinction by ^39 306- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES: other means, less laborious and more certain ; the hard- ships and dangers of the original settlers ; the revolu- tionary war; the unsettled state of things for several years alter its termination ; and the origin and progress of the French revolution; all tending to divert the Ame- rican mind to the love of gain, to military pursuits, to pohtical strife, rather than to the calmer pleasures of the pen and page. These reasons doubtless are correct, and are urged with considerable force, both of thought and expression. It is now, and has been for some years past, a subject of complaint among our most respectable writers, that the British are too apt to underrate the literary claims of the United States; and arrogantly condemn their productions, as being, for the most part, coarse and su- perficial. Mr. Walsh, in the first volume of his " Ame- rican Review," expresses his indignation at this conduct, in terms pointed and eloquent; and Mr. Washington Irving, in his very interesting " Biographical Sketcli of Campbell," the Scottish poet, enters more largely into the subject, in a strain exquisitely touching. The com- plaints urged by these gentlemen have too much foun- dation in truth ; and it would be reciprocally beneficial, if the United States and England were both to abstain from mutual recrimination ; and to enter upon a friendly and honourable rivalry in the career of literary exertion, of scientific pursuit, and liberal praise. It may be use- ful, perhaps, to inquire into some of the principal causes, which have influenced the progress of letters in this country ; premising, however, a theory of the French philosophers respecting the nature of American intel- lect, and its practical refutation by Dr. Franklin. The essence of this theory was, that something in the nature and constitution of the American soil and cli- mate necessarily diminishes the powers, physical and in- tellectual, of all its inhabitants, whether human or brute. This position the Count de Buffon first advan- ced, in his disquisitions on Natural History : and has been followed by a numerous host of philosophers, who •mainiain that all our animals are smaller and weaker RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3Q7 than tliose in Europe ; that our dogs do not bark ; that no hair grows on the bodies of our aboriginal Indians ; that Europeans, who migrate hither, degenerate both in body and mind ; and that their descendants are ex- ceedingly deficient in physical activity and force, and in intellectual quickness and strength. One of these pre- cious theorists received an adequate entertainment from the Arabs, into whose hands he fell a prisoner, during Buonaparte's expedition to Egypt, in 1798. This French sgavant^ in order to escape manual drudgery, when questioned by his captors respecting his usual occupations, replied, that he had led a sedentary life ; the descendants of Ishmael immediately covered him with tar and feathers, and set him to hatch eggs, by preserving a sedentary posture on them in the hot sand. Dr. Franklin, while American ambassador at Paris, undertook lo refute this theory. He invited six of his own countrymen, and six Frenchmen, to dine with him. As was expected, the French gentlemen, who were all profound philosophers, began to inquire into the caitseS of the declension of nature, — vegetable, animal, and mo- ral, — in America ; one said, the reason why man, in par- ticular, became feebler in body and mind, was owing to the climate being too hot ; another insisted, that it arose from the climate's being too cold ; a third assigned, as the efficient cause, the too great quantity of rain; a fourth attributed the deficiency to too much drought; while the two last demonstrated, that both man and beast were dwarfed in America from a want of food in the country. Each Gallic disputant maintained his own side of the question with characteristic volubifity for a length of time: when, at last, they all referred to Franklin, for a philosophical solution of the cause, why all American creatures are so inferior to Europeans in size and strength ? The Doctor very gravely desired his six countrymen to stand up, side by side ; which they did, and exhibited a goodly spectacle ; for they were all stout, well-proportioned, tall, handsome men ; the half-dozen Frenchmen were then requested to stand up, side by side ; they did so, and presented a ludicrous 308 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. contrast to the degenerate Americans ; for they were all little, lank, yellow, shrivelled personages, resembling Java monkeys. They all peeped up at their opposite neighbours, and were silent — though not satisfied. It is, indeed, quite unphilosophical to measure genius by geographical lines, and to suppose that Providence apportions talent according to degrees of latitude. The limits of the present work will not allow the discussion, or it were easy to show, both by reasoning, a priori^ on general principles, and also by a regular induction from facts, that although individuals dilfer from each other in degrees of native talent, yet large masses of human be- ings average an equal aggregate amount of capacity, in all ages and countries. Indeed, when it is said there must be an average equality of talent in the whole, or in any large portions of the human race, in all ages and countries, it is only saying, in other wordsVHhat man is substantially the same being, in body, mind, and spirit, from the beginning to the end of the human creation. Whence, although individuals differ from each other in their respective proportions of talent, so that scarcely any two persons, perhaps, bring into the world precise- ly the same extent of capacity, the gradations of intel- lect being as various as the forms and countenances of men, yet the whole, or any large portion of mankind, averasres an equal ajrcrcirate of talent with that of the same number m any other age or country, v or m- stance, the ten millions of people who now, m 1817, in- habit these United States, average as large an aggre- gate of native genius as ten millions of French, or Bri- tish, or Greeks, or Romans, or any other people, of whatever age or country, ancient or modern. At all events, it is too late now to oppose any mere theory respecting the degeneracy of men in America, to the irresistible argument of contrary tacts, seeing, that the Americans have, for a seiics of years, displayed the utmost intelligence, enterprise, spirit, and perseverance in all the occupations of peace ; and, likewise, exhibited the most consummate skill, intrepidity, and heroism in war, whether conflicting in the field or on the ocean. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 3QC) The truth is, that the great mass of the American peo^ pie surpasses that of all other countries in shrewdness of intellect, in general intelHgence, and in that versatile capacity which enables men to enter upon and prosecute successfully, new situations and untried employments. It would be difficult for any country to show that it has produced men of greater genius, in their respective de- partments, than Rittenhouse, Franklin, and West. The causes^ therefore, why the United States have not yet equalled the most civilized European nations in the refinements of art, the improvements of science, and the splendours of erudition, are to be sought in other sources than those of any natural deficiency in intellec- tual vigour and strength. Some of these causes are now to be examined. _ Compare, for a moment, the relative situation of a student in the United States and in England, and there will be no necessity of recurring to physical causes, in order to account for the comparative inferiority of Ame- rican to British literature. In Britain the candidates for literary fame are in possession of the accumulated learning of several centuries ; they have access to ample libraries, containing books written upon almost every subject of human inquiry ; from the great crowding of population, they enjoy the benefit of a continual compe- tition of talent ; owing to the great opulence of the country, there is a constant demand for literary pro- ductions, which are multiplied alike by the magnificent ^ liberality of the hereditarily wealthy, who collect to- gether innumerable volumes, and by the spirit and in- telligence of the middle orders of the people, including the learned professions, the country gentlemen, the mer- chants, the manufacturers, and the yeomanry, who ex- amine for themselves into the merits of the writers they peruse ; from the liberally endowed seminaries of edu- cation, both schools and colleges, a high bounty of emolument and honour is perpetually offered for the exertions of lettered men; by the extensive circulation and salutary influence of so many literary journals, re- plete with various information and full of the most vi- 310 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. gorous displays of genius, the republic of letters in Great Britain is lopped of its luxuriance, swept of its frivolity and absurdity, cleansed of its dulncss and igno- rance, chastened in its strength, and brightened in its ornament. All these, and many other causes, are con- tinually operating to excite the men of letters in Britain to a display of the most energetic and brilliant exhibi- tions of talent and learning; and do we therefore mar- vel, that in every department of literature and science, the nation has produced, and still continues to produce, works of such transcendent excellence, that her philo- sophers, poets, orators, historians, moralists, and critics, command the applause and homage of their Contempora- ries, and ensure the admiration ol all future ages ? But what is the case with respect to the United States ? The very condition of society in this country forbids its people, as yet, to possess an exalted literary character. A comparatively thin population, spread over an immense surface, opposes many serious obsta- cles to the production and circulation of literary effu- sions ; the infancy of its national independence, and the peculiar structure of its social institutions, do not allow a sufficient accumulation o( individual and family wealth to exist in the community, so as to create an efJ'ectual demand for the costly or frequent publications of ori- ginal works ; the means of subsistence are so abundant and so easy of attainment, and the sources of personal revenue so numerous, that nearly all the active talent in the nation is employed in prosecuting some commercial, or agricultural, or professional pursuit, instead of being devoted to the quieter and less lucrative labours of lite- rature ; the scarcity of public libraries and of private collections of books, renders any great attainments in science and erudition exceedingly toilsome and difficult; the want of literary competition, rewards, and honours, the entire absence of all government patronage, whether State or federal, togethe rwith the very generally defec- tive means of liberal education, necessarily deter men of high talents from dedicating themselves solely to the occupation of letters ; and consequently prevent the RESOUPMIES OF THE UNITED STATER, 3 j j appearance of those finished productions, whether in verse or prose, which can only find an existence when the efforts of genius are aided by undisturbed leisure and extensive learning. Such are some of the causes which contribute to re- tard the progress of literature in the United States ; whence we have no right to expect, while these causes continue to operate, the appearance of many original American publications, bearing the stamp of very pro- found science or very comprehensive erudition. The literary taste of the generality of our readers may be inferred from inspecting the books of the public libraries in New- York, Philadelphia, and Boston, the three most enlightened portions of the union. The JVovels, chiefly English, with a few bad translations from French fic- tions, the sweepings of the Minerva press, in Leaden- hall-street, are most abundantly used, as affording the highest gratification to the lovers of literature ; rlays and Farces are in the next degree of requisition ; Moral Essays and History suffer a little injury in the first, less in the second, and none in the subsequent volumes ; the Classics, elementary books on Metaphysics, Political Economy, and Philosophical subjects, generally sleep securely on their shelves, undusted and undisturbed by any profane hand or prying eye. Of course, this state- ment does not apply to the liberal scholars who visit these libraries — they, however, are comparatively few. As is the generality of readers, so is that of writers, in a country. For the literary, like every other mar- ket, must always be supplied with commodities in qua- lity and quantity proportioned to its demand for mer- chantable wares. If the purchasers insist upon being provided with nonsense, there will always be a sufiicient supply of that article forthcoming for the use of the home consumption trade. Hence, as must ever happen in such an order of things, the press teems with those mushroom productions of folly, which are engendered by the conjunction of ignorance with impertinence. Thus, at the first dawning of the revival of letters in the south of Europe, the Troubadors and Provencal 3] 2 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. writers deluged the land nitli a flood of fantastic fop- pery and childisli conceit. Thus, in later times, even in oiH' own days, the minor men of letters, the literatuli of the age, enter into a small conspiracy against all use- ful and solid information, and commit a feeble outrage upon the efl'orts of genius and learning. And as is the case with all weak animals, these self-styled wise men, instinctively throng together in herds ; and while they wage eternal warfare against all exalted intellect, inces- santly besmear the effusions of each othcr'*s folly, with the ignoble ordure of each other's praise. They per- petually and reciprocally lavish the epithets of "inge- nious," " learned," "acute," "illustrious," "profound," "philosophical," and so forth, upon the dismal lucubra- tions of themselves and their brethren, which atford no light, but rather darkness visible ; while at the same time, they industriously raise the cry of alarm and horror, even at the sound of the distant footsteps of sense and knowledge. The defenceless field animals are always gregarious; always found in flocks and herds; but the lion ranges alone over the extent of his undisputed dominion. True genius scorns the knavish arts of popular adulation: it loves to be solitary ; and when surrounded by the cack- ling of folly, it broods over the inmost recesses of its soul in silence, and " pines, like the melancholy eagle, amidst the meaner domestic birds." It is however to be remembered, that although the condition of society forbids us, at present^ to expect in the United States many original writers on subjects in- volving an intimate acquaintance with the depths of sci- ence, and the heights of learning; yet there is muck more literary excellence in this country, than ever meets the public eye ; because, as from the comparative thin- ness of the population, as avcII as from other reasons, authorship is not a distinct and separate calling, as in some of the more crowded parts of Europe ; the best scholars in America, are those who follow other pur- suits, in addition to that of letters ; namely, our profes- sional gentlemen, the clergy, physicians, and lawyers; RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 313 and some who are not attached to either of these voca- tions, but are immersed in commercial enterprises, or agricultural experiments. Among these different classes are to be found individuals, who, on general subjects of learning and taste, need not turn their backs to any of the literary veterans on the other side of the Atlantic. From the comparatively small demand for original works in the United States, our ablest and best in- formed men seldom appear as writers; and the field of letters is left almost entirely clear, for the exhibitions of those who are not to be numbered among the most learned, and the ablest men in America. Add to this, that the continual influx of British literature, although beneficial in imparting to our people new and extensive information upon a great variety of subjects, is so far prejudicial, as it depresses the spirit of native literature, by creating a fastidious rage for foreign publications, and an affectation of contempt for the productions of our own press. » Yet notwithstanding all these unpropitious circum- stances, the literary spirit has been for some years past rising in the United States ; witness the progressive in- crease in the importation of foreign books, in the repub- lication of British works, and the productions of Ameri- can writers. And probably, on a fair view of the sub- ject, we may conclude the progress of letters in this country to be proportionally equal to that of Britain ; considering the different states of society in the two countries. But, perhaps, it may be useful to notice some of the other causes, which obstruct the course of literature in the Union. Among these, is to be particu- larly noticed, the unfortunate practice of entering upon active life at too early an age. Partly from the condi- tion of society, and partly from the eager appetite for wealth, which especially characterizes all young and thinly settled countries ; divines, lawyers, physicians, and merchants, rush into the occupations of active life, al- most before they reach that period which the wisdom of the common law allots as the termination of infancy.^ Plunging so early into the minuter details of practical 40 314 n£SOL'RCES OF THE UNITED STATEb. employment, prevents the due developement of the in- tellectual faculties ; and after a while renders the mind, from disuse, both unable and unwilling to direct its at- tention to the more abstracted pursuits of literature and science. There is a salutary adage in the old law books, which runs thus, "In juvenetheologoconscientiae detrimentum; in juvene legista bursse detrimentum; in juvene medico caemeterii incrementum ;" the consciences of his parish- ioners suffer by a young clergyman ; the purse of his clients diminishes in the hands of a young lawyer; and the churchyard increases by the labours of a young phy- sician. This adage, however, has not yet found its way into the United States ; where the young people of all classes are precip>itated into business during childhood. Lord Bacon complains, that in his time, the full growth of mind was retarded by the pernicious custom, then prevalent in Europe, of permitting youth to enter into active life at so early an age as thirty. This prince of philosophers was, in common with other great men, his contemporaries, in the habit of indulging Utopian vi- sions concerning the millennial perfection of this his " JVew Atalantis ;" and the most confident predictions were hazarded, that America, rising superior to th« heedlessness of European haste, would patiently unfold her national intellect, by large and liberal study; so as to produce in each particular calling, the most beneficial results, and most luminous discoveries. With such a conviction, how would Verulam be moved, could he behold with what unmeasured precipi- tancy, this New Atalantis, this Athens of the western world, pours forth its swarms of unfledged youth to as- sume tne responsibilities of public life, ere they have passed the little period of one and twenty years. At this unripe age, the preacher takes upon himself to ex- pound the all-important doctrines that characterize the stupendous scheme of redemption ; and to impart spi- ritual consolation to veteran Cnristians. The physician, also, is, at this early age, licensed to break the sixth commandment ; and the lawyer is. at this premature pe- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3J5 riod, allowed to practise, as master of a system, which has grown up to its present complicated perfection un- der the continuous efforts of the ablest men of many generations, in both the hemispheres, European and American ; a system, which has reached its present ma- turity of wisdom as the result of the social experience of twelve hundred years. At this early age, our youth are deemed competent to prosecute the business of ac- tive commerce, and to venture gratuitous opinions upon the most difficult questions of policy, involving great na- tional relations and interests. The consequences of this precocious publicity are, a superficial elementary education, a perpetual pruriency of prattle upon all subjects, without a due fathoming of the depths of any one of them, and an entailed disabili- ty of fully developing the understanding which is nar- rowed in early life, by being prematurely absorbed in the minute, but necessary details, incident to every prac- tical calling. Whence, with their due proportion of genius, in common with all other nations, and with the advantage of a more general diffusion of popular intelli- gence than is to be found in any other community ; too many of our citizens, in all the learned professions, begin, continue, and end their career, on much narrower ground than their native capacity, properly unfolded by previ- ous general information, would enable them to cover. The regular order of events, however, is providing a remedy for the intemperate haste, which has hitherto plunged beardless boys into public life. The mere pressure of a rapidly increasing population, by aug- menting professional competition, must, in due time, compel the adoption of a better course of previous edu- cation. Even now a larger stock of elementary inform- ation is necessary to enable a man to distinguish him- self as a divine, or physician, or lawyer, than was re- quisite twenty years since. And, doubtless, twenty years hence, what is now deemed a sufficiency of liberal instruction, will prove but a slender share of essential acquisitions. 316 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Seeing then, that sufficient time and opportunity are not allowed our professional men to prosecute literary pursuits, from what fountains are the streams of Ameri- can literature to spring? — from the colleges, scaiiered so profusely all over the union ? Alas ! few, if any of these academical institutions, are so munificently endow- ed, as to enable their inmates to devote the combined advantages of talent, leisure, independence, and inclina- tion, to the service and promotion of letters. In this country, there are no fellowships, no scholarships, no exhibitions, none of those situations, which, in the col- leges of Europe, direct so large a portion of talents to the successful prosecution of learning. Our professors and teachers are too scantily paid, and too constantly worked, to be, often, able to execute original and ex- tensive literary undertakings. Another obstacle to the growth of literature in the United States, arises from the great propensity to com- sume the talent of the country in the emision of news- paper essays, and political pamphlets ; instead of con- centrating it in the production of some regular, consecu- tive work. In consequence of these desultory intellec- tual habits, periodical journals, as Reviews and Maga- zines, seldom last long. The author can obtain little or no assistance from others in his literary efforts ; the persons competent to aid him in such an undertaking being comparatively few throughout the union, and those, for the most part, actively employed in some la- borious calling ; and it is not in the power of any one man, however gifted with talent, adorned with know- ledge, and armed with industry, to execute, a/ofie, a lite- rary journal, as it ought to be executed. Add to this, the universal vice of the United States, a perpetual craving after novelty. The charge which Demosthenes brought against his own countrymen, that they were continually running about, and asking, — " is there any thing new .'"' — is equally applicable to the Americans. This eternal restlessness, and desire of change, pervade the whole structure of our society ; the same man will start into life as a clergyman, then turn lawyer, next, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 31-7 convert himself into a farmer and land-jobber, and, taking a seat in congress, or some state legislature, by the way, end his days as a merchant and money-broker. The people are incessantly shifting their habitations, employments, views, and schemes; the residence of a servant does not average two months in each place ; the abode of a whole household is generally changed once a year, and sometimes oftener; numerous families, that have been long settled in the elder states of New-York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, are continually migra- ting into Ohio, or the territories of Alabama, Illinois, and Mississippi ; the executive, the legislators^ the ma- gistrates, and officers of all kinds, are changed biennial- ly, or annually, or half-yearly, according to the greater, or less infusion of the restless spirit of democracy, into our various forms of government. Such being the temper, disposition, and habits of the people, new periodical publications are continually start- ing up, receive a little eager, capricious encouragement, languish a brief space, and die, leaving the same sickly course to be run by a race of successors, equally san- guine and short-lived. It is doubtful, if any one of the best European journals, most distinguished for the mag- nificent display of genius and knowledge, were to issue from the American press, as a native production, it would reach the second year of its unsupported exist- ence. Some years since, a very respectable body of men, in this city, selected from all the three learned professions, started a periodical work, called " The American Review, and Magazine," which was ably conducted, and perished for want of patronage. The " Boston Anthology," supported by the labours of some of the best literary men of all callings, in that town, some time after, shared the same fate. And, at a more recent period, the " American Review," edited by Mf . Walsh, was suffered to expire, notwithstanding the splendid talents and various erudition of its conductor. There never was a time when the United States stood so much in need of an original, native review, as now, in order to erect a standard of independent, impartial eri- 318 RESOraCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ticism, for the benefit both of writers and readers ; to animadvert on American productions, and give some account of European Hterature, particularly of France, Italy, and Germany. The Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews are republished, and widely circulated in this country; they are, unquestionably, the ablest literary journals the world has ever yet produced ; they display a stupendous aggregate of genius, taste, and learning, upon almost every subject of human inquiry ; and are also important to us, as exhibiting the sentiments of the two great contending parties that divide and govern the British empire. But they say little on American literature ; and that little is not always either liberal or just. Besides, they suffer their political feelings and opinions to mingle too much with, and occasionally io pervert, their literary criticisms. An original Untied States Review, therefore, which should steer clear of the extremes of party spirit, and exhibit a fair and ho- nest view of American literature, and such an account of European productions as might be readily obtained by a liberal correspondence with that quarter of the globe, would very materially tend to promote the cause of letters in this country, and draw out into public no- tice, as contributors, our ablest and best informed men, who now are the grave of their own extensive acquisi- tions, by reading all and writing nothing. But, although in the higher walks of literature, the United States do not yet excel, they surpass all other nations in elementary education ; that is to say, in im- f)arting the rudiments of instruction to the people at arge. Most of the States, and especially those of New- England, have established district schools, for the in- struction of the children of all the inhabitants. Whence, scarcely a native American is to be found who cannot read and write, and cast accounts ; and they all read newspapers, of which there are more printed in the Union than in all the British empire, and political pamphlets, if they read nothing else. The great body of the European people are altogether uneducated ; Hol- land, Sweden, the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 3|C| and Scotland, it is believed, are the only portions of* Europe ill which the government makes any provision for the general instruction of its population. The intellec- tual and moral advantages ot such a system are mani- fest in the superior habits and character of the New- England people, when compared with the rest of the Union ; in the greater sobriety and providence of the Scottish, when compared with their English and Irish neighbours ; in the more regular and orderl)^ conduct of the Dutch, Swedes, and Swiss, in comparison with the rest of continental Europe. Yet, notwithstanding the system of parochial schools has proved so exceedingly beneficial in Scotland, the British government has not introduced it into England or Ireland. If the people of those two countries were as well instructed as the Scottish, the moral power of the British empire, and consequently its national strength and greatness, would be quadrupled in fifty years. Nevertheless, Britain has of late considerably increased the education of her English and Irish population, by means of the Bell and Lancaster plans, and Charity and Sunday schools. But these operate only partially ; she must establish a national system, if she wishes to have all her people instructed. The saying of George the Third, " that he hoped soon to know that every poor man, within his realm, possessed and could read the Bible," was dictated by a spirit of exalted benevo- lence and enlarged wisdom, better calculated to im- prove and render prosperous a nation, than the most splendid achievements of naval and military heroism. Both countries would be highly benefitted by bor- rowing from each other; England by adopting the American system of instructing all the people, and the United States by cultivating that higher species of learning, which has rendered the English scholars, for a series of ages, so peculiarly pre-eminent. When will the day arrive, that, in reference to our own classical writers, we may be able to exclaim with Callimachus f 320 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES Oio* 6 TV IToAAatva; trtiirxTt S'et*ie0f upxTo-ti. I am afraid some considerable time will elapse before Apollo will deign to descend, and visit the temple of American inspiration, in the same manner, and to the same extent, that he has visited Greece, Rome, and Eng- land. Upon the first introduction of the Greek lan- guage into the English universities, it met with very de- cided opposition ; the combatants dividing into two companies, the one favourable to the study of the '■^ new tongue," as it was called, being denominated Greeks ; that against it, Trojans^ which last, whenever they saAv any thing they did not understand, cried out "Griecum est, et non potest legi." For a long time, in England, the Trojans triumphed ; at last they united their forces with their opponents, and both have, ever since, contri- buted to augment the strength, and brighten the splen- dour of their country's literature. In the United States, at present, the Trojans are a fearful majority. The power, wealth, and influence of every nation depends more upon the aggregate of disposable intelli- gence afloat in the community than upon its extent of territory and number of inhabitants. The progress of all nations in wealth and strength, in internal security and external influence, has been proportioned to their activity of mind and advancement in knowledge. The art of navigation, the resources of commerce, the ascen- dancy in war, the discoveries of science, the duration of dominion, can never take up their abode permanently, excepting in countries where the paths of knowledge are incessantly explored by the various but combined efforts of numerous minds. And a general activity of intellect can only be called forth in a nation by allowing full freedom of inquiry on all religious, political, and moral subjects. A due proportion of this general ac- tivity will always be directed to the cultivation of those arts and sciences which subserve the purposes of prac- tical life, the increase of individual convenience, and the augmentation of national power. The triumphant RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 321 issue of civilized warfare is indissolubly connected widi the active cultivation of mind, the wide diffusion of knowledge, the free exercise of reason, among the home population of every country. No precarious supply, no importation of talent from abroad, no partial attention to any one branch of improvement to the exclusion of the rest, can compensate for the want of general culti- vation in the minds of the native inhabitants. Of what immense benefit was the general education of their people to the United States, during their revo- lutionary struggle and their recent conflict with Bri- tain, in multiplying their resources, energy, and skill ! And how prodigiously has it forwarded their national career in all the arts and occupations of peace ! But although elementary instruction is generally dif- fused throughout the union, liberal education is not suf- ficiently encouraged ; the causes of which are rooted in the very condition of our social fabric. Some of these it may b=3 useful to enumerate. Owing to the peculiar circumstances of America and her great commercial capacities, a large proportion of her active talent is de- voted to trade. But although trade, when considered in the aggregate, is a great engine of civilization, and very beneficial to mankind, by connecting different na- tions, by opening a wider field for the exertions of productive industry, and by enlarging the sphere of inquiry, yet its effect upon the understanding of the individual employed in it is 7iot so beneficial. For the trader, whether a wholesale merchant or a retail dealer, must employ his mind chiefly in detail, in attending to minute particulars and petty circumstances, which is apt to generate a habit adverse to expansion of the intellect. He, whose head is filled with commercial calculations and speculations from morning to night, will not be often inclined to peruse the pages of the historian, the philosopher, or the moralist. Under such circum- stances, wealth alone will be the object of desire ; and, as literature opens no such shining path to its votaries, it will become rather an object of contempt than of cul- tivation. 322 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. In consequence of the general predominance of the trading spirit, there is a great dearth of liberal educa- tion throughout the United States. For no man can know the value of what he himself has never possessed ; and consequently an illiterate fatlier can never appre- ciate the importance of his son's being liberally edu- cated, nor know what progress his boy makes in learn- ing ; and will be apt to imagine that it is not necessary to consume much time, or expend much money, in giving the child an opportunity of acquiring general inform- ation. Accordingly our grammar schools are, for the most part, deplorably defective. The schoolmasters consist generally of unlettered foreign adventurers and native boys, wiio are themselves studying law, or phy- sic, or divinity, and propose to teach others, that they may be able to defray the expense of their own profes- sional probation, and then quit the trade of teaching altogether. Such schoolmasters swarm in every lane and alley of our towns and cities, and vie with each other in bold assertions, that they can carry a boy through a course of liberal education in a few months, and at a small expense. This delectable ' promise is swallowed by the ignorant and credulous parent, who applauds his own and the preceptor's sagacity for con- triving and executing a system of instruction, which, by the expenditure of a few dollars, shall be able to coun- teract all the accustomed laws of human nature, falsify all human experience, operate impossibilities, and ma- nufacture a scholar by teaching him nothing. The use of the grammar is either exploded alto- gether, or very superficially taught, or translated into English, as some profound scholars have done with More's Greek grammar, in order to lessen the labour of education. But the basis of all valuable instruction must be laid in the necessity of intellectual toil ; no mental acquisition Avorth possessing can be obtained without previous mental exertion. What is not known accurately is not known at all ; and nothing can be known accurately without previous labour of the un- derstandincr. 7'he onlv use of education is to unfold 3 t RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 323 the faculties of the mind, and teach the pupil to think; but the superficial smattering of a few assemblages of words and phrases, badly understood, and worse deli- vered, can never develope any power of the mind, nor render man an animal capable of reasoning. Neverthe- less, some grown-up men, who pass for scholars in the United States, profess to condemn the mode of teaching Latin and Greek by the aid of grammar^ which they say is too abstract for the comprehension of boys; wherefore they recommend those languages to be taught " by reading a great deal, and committing the Dictionary and Lexicon to memory." This, although a fashionable, appears to be a strange method of teacliing any, especially the dead languages. Why strive to encumber a child's memory with the numberless words and phrases of a whole Dictionary, when it would be so much easier to learn and retain the comparatively few and simple rules of grammar } Be- sides, it is not in the nature of things that children shall read a great deal; it is necessary that their tasks be short and simple, and that they be allowed to promote their health and growth by spending a great proportion of their time in bodily exercise and amusement. Nor is it easy to perceive, how the mind can be much improved by committing to memory a vast number of words and phrases to which they attach no definite meaning. Words are merely arbitrary signs to designate certain things; language is made up of words, and grammar is the reduction of language into general and fixed rules. And the universal voice of the wise and learned in all ages has required that well-educated persons should speak and write with grammatical accuracy, in order to distinguish their effusions from those of the untaught multitude. At first, children learn by single words, which is only endurable, while they are so young as to be only capa- ble of receiving a few simple ideas ; it would be endless to endeavour to teach a whole language by single words. The science of grammar therefore, steps in, 324 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. and by teaching the child a few general rules, together with their application, enables it to understand all the particulars of that language, so reduced to general rules and principles, indeed, all sciences rest upon general rules and principles as their basis ; and thus, not only render knowledge more ready at our call, and more easy of application, but also enable us continually to in- crease its limits. Savages teach their children by sin- gle words, and how scanty and imperfect arc their lan- guages ! Infants can only be taught in detail, by single words ; but as soon as the mind begins to open, and is able to rise from details to general rules, grammar is taught them, in order to facilitate, and render sure and permanent the acquisition of language. Teaching language without the help of grammar, was a favourite scheme of Mr. Locke, who in his book on education says, " that languages learned by rote, serve well enough for the common affairs of life, and ordinary commerce." Now allowing this to be the fact, is it such a knowledge of language, as to enable a per- son to speak and write it correctly } If not, why dis- card the use of grammar? The truth is, Mr. Locke's book is a very meagre performance ; not calculated to give the student enlarged and comprehensive views, but mtended merely for the use o{ country gentlemen ; and all the world knows what sort of philosophers the English country squires were a hundred years since. His re- marks upon poetry and language^ are peculiarly frigid and unsatisfactory. The Treatises on Education, by Dr. Knox and Dr. Barrow, contain ample refutations of all Mr. Locke's anti-classical heresies. Nay, but these very men who explode the use of grammar in teaching boys, admit that when these boys grow up, they must study grammar, to obtain a more critical knowledge of the language. The whole of this boasted method then, at last, resolves itself into this, that grammar is of no use in teaching a language, but a boy must learn a diction- ary by heart, and read a great deal, and after several years so spent, he must then learn the grammar, in or- der to understand the language. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 325 But is it likely that boys who have been taught in so desultory and unconnected a manner, will study gram- mar when they become men ? It is better to begin at tlie right end, and teach the grammar in the first in- stance ; for each general rule of grammar, by its appli- cation to a multitude of particulars, is surely a readier and more certain method of teaching a language, than by learning single words, or detached phrases, without any general rules by which light can be thrown upon the different parts of the language, and by which those different parts can be conjoined, so as to constitute a whole, correct in its symmetry, and fair in its propor- tions. And requiring boys to commit the grammar to memory, and to apply its rules to the words and phrases, that occur in the course of reading; which is called parsing-, or analyzing the language, is a better exercise of the mind, and better calculated to unfold the reason- ing powers, than working a proposition in Euclid. " The study of grammar requires more force of atten- tion, and connexion of thought, than that of mathema- tics. Grammar unites ideas, as calculation combines figures ; and its logic is as precise as that of algebra ; with the additional advantage of making at the same time, a direct and powerful application to all that is alive and vififorous in the mind. Words at once denote sounds, and numbers, and images, to excite emotions in the understanding. They are subject to the strict dis- cipline of syntax, and yet full of the native force and signification of the ideas they conventionally represent. In the metaphysics of grammar, the philosophy of lan- guage, energy of thought, and accuracy of reasoning, are mtimately united." England and Ireland have, for some conturies past, produced the most acconn)lished classical scholars in the •world ; and they teach Latin and Greek by the gram- mar. Now, it will require very strong evidence to prove the superiority of any new-fangled theory, to a method whose entire success has been established by a series of national facts, for so great a length of time. 326 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Nevertheless, we shall probably witness the abolition of grammar, as the basis of classical study in the United States ; for some of our college-professors maintain ihe necessity of teaching Latin and Greek without gram- mar ; and triumphantly ask, " if children are not taught to speak, and write English without the use of gram- mar, merely by reading, and committing the dictionary to memory ?" — To which the answer is obvious ; that those, who have never learned grammar of any kind, are 7wt apt to write, if to speak English correctly; besides, there are no opportunities of teaching a dead, as we can a living language, by speaking it. Nor are the facilities of reading it so great. The utmost that this ro/c-method of teaching languages, without the aid of grammar, can accomplish, is to enable people to prattle in a living tongue, upon the ordinary topics of every-day discourse ; but it cannot teach them to write correctly, even in a living tongue ; and, certainly, will give only a very su- perficial knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages. For undeniable witnesses to the truth of this assertion, we refer to those amongst us, who have been taught the classics in this way. In this city, the grammar-schools are as good as in any part of the union, and there are some few excellent teachers, gentlemen, who have made teaching their pro- fession, and are themselves good classical scholars. But New-York has her full share of inefficient preceptors. A deep conviction of the deplorable condition of our elementary schools, induced the President of Columbia College, the Rev. Dr. Harris, in the year 1810, to lay before the Board of Trustees a plan for establishing a seminary of instruction, similar to the high school in Edinburgh, and attaching it to the college, as an insti- tution that might prepare boys for entering with effect on their collegiate course; the senior form of the gram- mar school being, after due examination, to be transfer- red into the college freshman-class. This plan, the out- line and details of which appear to be veryjudicious, has not yet been adopted by the Trustees of Columbia Col- lege. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 327 If the grammar schools are deficient, if the rudiments of the classics are not accurately taught ; if the boy is only crammed with a senseless jargon, conned by rote, and mechanically remembered, of course our colleges and universities cannot be calculated to produce good scholars. Where no foundation is laid, no superstruc- ture can be reared ; what is never begun, can never be finished. If the grammar schools transmit to the col- leges boys ignorant of the first principles of a liberal education, the colleges will, in due season, send out into the world those boys, empty and uninformed, to dis- charge the important functions of legislating and admi- nistering government and justice, for a great and rising empire. Our boys, generally, enter college at fourteen^ and commence their baccalaureate at eighteen years of age, when they begin their studies for the profession of law, or divinity, or physic, or enter the counting-house of a merchant, where, of course, all studies, excepting the leger and the newspaper, are laid aside. Nor do the professional students often prosecute classical stu- dies to any great extent or depth. Nor is it to be ex- pected, seeing, that in the colleges, the pupils are not very comprehensively instructed in the classics, or belles- lettres, rhetoric, or moral philosophy, or history, or poli- tical economy, or natural philosophy, or metaphysics, or any of those great branches of knowledge, peculiarly fitted to invigorate, enlarge, and adorn the intellect. In addition to this, the American colleges, generally, are suffered to languish for want of suflicient funds, either from private contributions or the aid of govern- ment. Whence, they can seldom offer a bounty high enough to procure, as presidents and professors, men of talents and information sufficiently forcible and extensive to lead the minds of their pupils to hterary excellence, or inspire them with an inextinguishable ardour for im- provement. For men of powerful intellect generally know their own value, and cannot often be induced to starve upon a scanty stipend, when a different direction of their time, industry, and talents, might conduct them to honour and independence. The phrensy for multiply- 328 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ing colleges all over the union, and the custom of ap- pointing illiterate men as trustees, also retard the pro- gress of literature, bj diminishing the number of stu- dents at each college, and thus lessening the means of its support, and by ensuring the appointmeut of absurd regulations, and impracticable plans of study. Whence, altogether. Dr. Johnson's sarcasm is much more appli- cable to the United States than to the country at wnich it was originally levelled, namely, " learning here is like bread in a besieged town, every man has a mouthful, and no one a belly full." There are about fifty colleges in the United States ; almost every State having two or three. Of these, Harvard in Massachusetts, Yale in Connecticut, and Princeton in New-Jersey, stand highest in numbers and reputation. Harvard is the most munificently endowed of all the American colleges ; the people of Boston wisely considering that the encouragement of sound literature is one of the main supports of national great- ness and elevation. It has thirteen professorships, and affords a w^ider range of liberal instruction than any other college in the United States. Yale owes its high eminence to the exertions of its late president. Doctor Dwight, who, perhaps more than any man of his age, united in himselfgi eat -talents, extensive learning, steady authority, affectionate regard, and practical wisdom, to discern time and circumstance, and convert every thing to the advantage of the institution which he governed, and the pupils whom he instructed. Columbia College ought to equal, if not surpass, every other college in the Union. Its outline of study, prescribed by the statutes, is excellent; and it is situated in the heart of the most populous and opulent city in the United States at pre- sent, and which possesses the greatest capacities oi fu- ture increase; and, yet, it numbers but one hundred students, while Princeton has two, Yale three, and Har- vard four hundred. Scarcely any systematic lectures on moral philosophy, metaphysics, political economy, history, belles lettres. and rhetoric, are delivered in our collejjes. I know but RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 32^9 of two instances ; those of Doctor Smith, late President of Princeton, on " moral and political philosophy ;" and those of Mr. John Qulncy Adams, now Secretary of State, on " belles lettres and rhetoric," when he was professor at Harvard. Mr. Adams's lectures contain an abundance of useful learning, well collected, and many able observations and inferences; but the style is occasionally too inflated and mysterious. Those of Doctor Smith are excellent so far as relates to the ethi- cal part ; but the lecturer not being either a civilian or political economist, the two great branches of political philosophy, and the law of nations, are very slightly touched. In the European colleges these subjects have employed the ablest talents; and Doctor Ferguson's " Moral Science," Dr. Smith's " Wealth of Nations," Mr. Tytlcr's (Lord Woodhouselee's,) " Elements of History," Professor Millar's " Origin of Ranks," and Mr. Dugald Stuart's " Elements of the Phllosopy of the Human Mind ;" all the substance of lectures deliver- ed by their respective authors, are among the most in- structive and interestlns: works ever delivered to the world. Perhaps no want is more urgent in our colleges than that of a course of lectures on history; of which, whether general, as of the world at large, or of particu- lar countries, the Americans, men, women, and children. are lamentably ignorant. One reason, perhaps, why lectures are so seldom de- livered on great general subjects, in tiie American col- leges, is the incessant tendency of the clergy to monopo- lize the professors' chairs. This is the case with all the clerical denominations, according to their ascendancy in the various colleges, whether Episcopalian, or Presby- terian, or Independent, or Baptist. During the dark ages of feudal Europe, there was some excuse for the ecclesiatical monopoly of education, because tlie very little learning then afloat was confined to the clergy ; but as soon as the European laity had learned to read and write, this monopoly ceased; and laymen pro'duced such lectures on moral philosophv, political economy, metaphysics, and historjs as the combined clergy of 42 mMj^jt0;u w 'tm %mi / vf ^ I/Mr ' \ hereas the moral code revealed in the Scriptures, is applicable to all the condi- tions and circumstances of human lil'e. individual, do- r j^stic. and social. This should constitute the first great division of the subject : the second should consist of an outhne of political phihsoph/, and the attention be p>ar- ticulariy directed towards an investigntion of the means best adapted to render a nation permanently prosperous and powerftil. The third division should compreherKl an inquirv into the late of nations, as founded on the law of nature, on conventional, or treatv law. and on com- mon, orcustomarv law. It would require the labour oi several years, employed in general reading, and patieni thought, to improve and complete two such courses ol lectures : which would find verv imperlect substitutes, in the daily or weekly dole of a few pages o( Blair. Beattie, and A'attel. The few following might be some of the subjects which would admit of profitable discussion; namely. tStSOUtSCES OF TFre VUmO STATU* HI fint^ that the moral \mpu\-f^^ and f'n/e&r/ua/ cap^citifrs of everv human being, are ^>/ nature co-equal, and co-ordi- nate ; that is to saj, the sensibilities of the heart, and powers of the head, in everv beins"- are natnrallj equal m strength; a dull man having by the very constitution of his nature, slow and blunt feelings; andjrenius beings bj nature, endowed with quick and ardent sensibilities; and so, proportinally. through all the gradations o{ in- tellect, from the highest to the lowest order of minds. Fn after life, the moral and mental co-equality is seldom presened, owin^ to some persons cultivating their feel- ings more than tlieir understandings; while others im- prove their minds to the neglect, or at the expense of their moral impulses and emotions ; and, consequently, as all the human powers, whether phvsical. or intellec- tual- or moral, trrow in strencrth. or decav in weakness, as they are exercised or disused; the n-a/wrfl/ coequahtj of feelinsr and mind is deranged by the subsequent cul- tivation of the one. in an undue and disproportioDate preference to the other. Secondly. That the possession and displav of g^reat in- tellect does not necessarily irnplv the exercise or pos- session of moral virtue. For. if it did, individuals and nations would be just and upricrhi. precisely in propor- tion to the quantity of their talent and informatioo : and communities and persons would bevitious and prodi^fate in the direct ratio of their dulness and ignorance ; propo- sitions which are contradicted by the unilbrm experi- ence of fact and history. lliirdly. An inquiry should be made into the compa- rative mind of the ancients and modems. This question has been agitated by the learned in Europe, ever since the revival of letters. One sect of scholars has contend- ed that the ancients excel the modems in all the attri- butes of genius, while another maintains the superiority of the modems. In the last century a third heresy sprung up amidst the European philosophers and scho- lars, who, at that time, as they supposed, discovered the secret of man's perfectibility : which doctrine, if true, decides the question ; for if the human race be growino: 342 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES Wiser anf] wiser, every succeeding generation, in its pro- gress towards perfection, of course the ancients were mere children, as to talents and acquisitions, in compa- rison with modern wise men ; and the pohticians, war- riors, poets, historians, orators, and philosophers of Greece and Rome, are, by several centuries, inferior to the corresponding classes of men who protect, adorn, and guide the present era of illumination. By pushing the two first theories to their legitimate extremes, their inconclusiveness will appear: for, on the supposition that the ancients were superior in capacity to the mo- derns, the world has only to grow to a certain age, when all the human beings in it will be mere drills and changelings, if mind diminishes every succeeding gene- ration ; and on the supposition that the moderns excel the ancients in talent, the converse result will be pro- duced, and the nearer we travel up to the conmience- ment of the creation, the more certainly we approximate to a race of idiots and dunces. It should therefore be shown, both by reasoning, a priori, from certain undisputed elementary principles of metaphysics, and also by a general induction from par- ticular facts, that neither of these three opinions is cor- rect; but, that although individuals differ from each other in amount of native talent, yet large masses of men, as whole communities, average an equality of na- tural capacity, in all ages and countries. How far that natural capacity shall be developed into active power and display, must, of course, depend upon the existing circumstances of the age and country in which it ap- pears ; as the form and spirit of government, systems of education, character of the people, and all those predo- minating influences which stamp the family features and direct the destinies of nations. In examining this ques- tion, an inquiry should be made into the best means of securing for the public service a succession^ regularly continued from age to age, of able men, in all the high departments of the State, political, military, and literary. And, in particular, should be explored the causes which accelerate or retard the growth of mind in these Uni- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES 343 te(5 States, so far as It is employed in the pursuit of poli- tics, literature, art, and science. Fourthly. An analysis of the political history of the world should be made, with a view to ascertain how far anv nation, ancient or modern, has approximated in its social institutions towards the union of the three great requisites of a good government ; namely, the personal liberty of the people, strong and permanent power in the hands of the executive, and an ample developement of the national mind, by a system of comprehensive, liberal education. Fifthly. An inquiry should be made Into the elemen- tary principles and practical exhibition of eloquence, both oral and written ; In the course of which the best writers of Greece, Rome, Italy, France, and England, should be analyzed, and their happiest effusions pointed out, as Illustrations of the general rules laid down. These few subjects, with some others which might be named, if properly discussed and exemplified, would very materially tend to lay the foundation of intellectual excellence, broad and deep, in the student's mind. In our colleges, the mathematics are generally well taught ; but not so, either the classics, or metaphysics, or belles lettres and rhetoric, or moral philosophy, in- cluding the three branches of ethics, pohtical economy, and national law. The study of metaphysics Is eminently useful in sharp- ening, brightening, and strengthening the faculties of the mind, by accustoming It to the process of analysis, the exercise of abstraction, recollection, arrangement, careful inquiry into the springs and sources of human passions, character, and conduct. And, In addition to opening the best roads for the judicious direction and management of the understanding, the science of mind is kindred to, and prepares the way for the investiga- tion of other important sciences. The only certain foundation of philology and criticism rests upon a knowledge of metaphysics, which enable us to examine and classify the ideas that words represent, to give precision and force to language, and to ascertain the 344 RESOLRCES OF THE I'.MTED STATES. sources of tlie emotions raised ulthin our bosoftis, by the contemplation of sublime or beautiful objects, whether belonging to the material world, or the off- spring of moral magnificence and loveliness. Moral philosophy owes its existence to metaphysical investiga- tion, which explores and analyzes those feelings, affec- tions, passions, and sentiments of the heart, which it is the business of morals to regulate and guide. No moral writer can clear even the threshold of nis science, with- out the aid of metaphysics. Even political economy derives light and direction in its pursuits, and endea- vours to promote the well-being of states from the in- sight which metaphysics afford into the nature of indi- vidual man, seeing that the multiplication of these indi- duals constitutes tne living materials of that state which the political economist labours to adorn and aggran- dize. Neither the mathematics nor the physical sciences are well adapted to develope the faculties of youth. In early life the study of mathematics exercises only the mechanism of the understanding ; and children who are early doomed to the drudgery of casting calculations, and eternally working in figures and algebraic signs, bury in everlasting forgetfulness all the fine and fertile seeds of imagination, which in that vernal season of ex- istence, under a more liberal culture, would spring up into a lofty stem, wave its luxuriant branches in the air, display the rich beauty of its blossoms, and ripen into an abundance of fragrant fruit. Nor are the destruc- tion of all fancy and the prevention of all taste counter- balanced by any transcendent accuracy of mind; for arithmetic, algebra, and mathematics only make us acquainted, in many different forms, with a few simple propositions always the same. Demonstrated truths do not show us the way to those that are probable and contingent, and which alone can direct our steps in the active Dusiness of practical life, in the prosecution of the arts, in the intercourse of society. This, doubtless, applies only to the common labours in the mathematical trenches; for invention in this science, as in every othei RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 345 pursuit, is the felicitous result of excited genius. But of the thousands, who pore over the beaten track of mathematics, how many exhibit either sense or reason in the important transactions of life ? To those who are not inventors, this study affords the means of un- folding only one faculty, that of reasoning closely and conclusively upon given premises ; it confers no power of taking ground, and laying down premises on which to build up a system of prompt, various, inductive reason- ing. A dull man may make a good mathematician, but by no possibility a good classical scholar. It is the province of liberal education to develope and improve all the faculties of the mind, and to cultivate and improve the whole moral being ; which desirable purpose is best accomplished by the study of language^ as the chief object of instruction, attended, indeed, and aided by the cultivation of the arts and sciences, but itself the primary pursuit. The study of language is peculiarly fitted to render the faculty of associating similar and simple ideas, or of combining various and dissimilar images more facile and rapid. By attributing definite ideas to arbitrary signs and conventional sounds, and by forming abstract and general, when particular and definite notions cannot be obtained, the powers of association and imagination, like all the other faculties, must, by exercise and use, be greatly strengthened. Add to which, by increasing the rapidity and strength of the associative faculty, the study of language im- proves the capacity of reasoning, increases the bril- liancy of wit, and brightens the blaze of imagination ; whence all the mental powers are enabled to work with greater promptness and effect upon every subject of human inquiry submitted to their cognizance and con- sideration. But, above all the dead languages, the Greek and Latin tongues should be more especially studied, as conducive to the great end of liberal education; not only because they contain some of the highest flights of genius, but also because they have a greater accuracy, a more philosophical precision ihan any livinii:, floating. 14 346 RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. continually shifting language can possess. By paying Ijarticular attention to tiie study of these two mestima- )le languages, from the first dawning of academic iri- struction to the close of life, the mind is quickened, strenghtened, and rendered clear and luminous in all its views. It is from the long experience of their utility that the study of these languages has been made the basisof all the establishments ot liberal education which have trained up so many profound and accomplished scholars in Europe. All tlie qualities and elements united In language arc gradually comprehended by the student, while engaged m translating from one tongue into another. All his faculties are improved by the process of mastering the peculiar idioms of two different languages at the same time. He is compelled, by the very nature of his study, to make himself acquainted with the several ideas pre- sented by the words he reads in regular succession ; to compare and combine different sorts of analogies and probabilities offered to his consideration in the opinions, sentiments, and propositions that he peruses. The number of faculties which this study awakens at the same time, ensures it the pre-eminence over evcry^other species of instruction. It quickens the power of per- ception, by accustoming the mind to discern the nicer peculiarities of Idiomatic language in different tongues ; it gives speed and force to the faculty of association, by presenting various shades of difference in the ideas ex- pressed by words, similar or synonymous, in different languages ; it renders the memory strong and retentive, by exercising it constantly in the recollection of new "words and images; it deepens and strengthens the judgment, by continually soliciting its decisions on the more exquisite models of taste and beauty in composi- tion which the gieat writers of antiquity have left ; it invigorates and enlarges the capacity of reasoning, by perpetually requiring a train of argument upon the va- rious questions in ethics and politics, started by the ancients, under very peculiar aspects of the human mind ; it brightens and renders more intensely splendid RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 347 the imagination, bj introducing it to an intimate ac- quaintance with the finest specimens of poetry and elo- quence, precisely at that period in the history of man when they were most eagerly and successfully cultivated. But further, the appropriate subject of the best por- tion of classical learning, the study of the poets, historians, orators, and philosophers of Greece and Rome, is the investigation and improvement of our moral nature; the feelings, passions, plans of action, hidden springs, and various movements of our being. The most exalted wisdom, the most sound, practical common sense of social life, in its highest refinement, is drawn from the springs of Helicon and the fountains of Parnassus, from the groves of Academus, and from the schools of the Portico and Lyceum. All narrow and single systems of education are bad; but if any one branch of learning deserves pre-eminence, it is that which induces an ha- bitual contemplation of ourselves and of our common nature, in a close acquaintance with which men must always feel a deeper interest and possess a larger stake, than in the lines and diao-rams of tlie mathematician, the retorts and alembics of the chymist, or any combination of material substances, which the natural philosopher may explore. It is far better, however, that the study of the classics should be accompanied with that of all the sciences, in order to impart a course of full and accomplished education. It might, perhaps, be of some utility to sketch a very brief outline of the system of instruction pursued in the schools and colleges of England, that the people of the United States might know how far classical literature is prized in the land of their fathers, and learn, themselves, to set a higher value upon it than they have hitherto done. I^et us instance the three great public schools of Eton^ Westminster^ and Winchester , as leading the van of English liberal education. At these schools a boy stays until he is eighteen; before he reaches which period he is expected to be able to read, ad aperturam libri, Virgil, Horace, Terence, Cicero, and Livy; Homer, Demos- thenes, Longinus, Aristophanes, and the Greek Trage- 348 RESOURCES OF T[IE UNITED STATES. dians, to compose, readily, and abundantly, and con- stantly, in English verse and prose, and in Latin verse and prose ; and, occasionally, in Greek verse and prose ; to make Latin epigrams extempore, to declaim in Latin, to write Latin critiques on a given book of Homer, or play in Aristophanes, oriEschylus, or Sophocles, or Eu- ripides; to have the finest passages of" the Greek and Latin classics always afloat in the memory, and ready for apt citation and allusion. In the English universities these studies are prosecuted on a wider scale, and with the additional pursuits of maliiematics, natural philoso- phy, history, moral philosophy, lo^ic, belles lettres, rhetoric, and municipal law. Cambridge is supposed to be peculiarly partial to mathematical, and Oxford to classical studies ; but at both, the system of instruction is ample and highly liberal. At two and tiventy they graduate, and after this, (except in the church, whose order of deacon is taken at three and twenty ^^ they begin to study for the learned professions of law and physic. This is the general course in England and Ireland, which produce the most finished scholars in Europe. Trinity College, in Dublin, has long been celebrated for its great proficiency in all classical attainments. The English and Irish, generally, continue their acquaintance with the classics in after-life. In Scotland the boys learn no Greek at school, which they leave at twelve, when they enter the university, and graduate at sixteen ; so that classical literature is not much cultivated. A few years since, indeed, the study of prosody, and the composition of Latin verse were in- troduced into the high school of Edinburgh. But the pi'incipal studies among the Scottish are moral philoso- phy, political economy, public law, and metaphysics. It is an old objection of Mr, Locke, but bandied about the United States with as much eager triumph as if it were botii novel and wise, ••' that it is foolish to require boys to compose in verse, if we do not wish to make them poets." The answer is, — that boys are required to make verses, not in order to become poets, but to ob- tain a more complete acquaintance with and dominion RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 349 over the language, in which they compose. Let any one make the experiment, and he will find that he must pass more thought through his brain, and a greater abundance and selection of expression in composing twenty lines of verse, in whatever language, than in writing four times the same quantity of prose. Lord Mansfield was not disqualified for being one of the greatest lawyers, statesmen, and orators, the world ever saw, because all his life, even after he was eighty^ he used to write Latin verses, in the various rythms, nearly equal to the best poetry of the Augustan age. Nor was Sir William Jones a less profound jurist and philosopher, because he Avas an accomplished versifier in the English, Latin, and Greek languages. It is too prevalent a fashion in the United States to consider all classical^ nay, all general education, at an end, as soon as a boy leaves college, at the age of eighteen, when he begins to prepare himself for becoming a mer- chant, who is supposecl not to stand in need of any lite- rature; or a clergyman, or physician, or lawyer, who are deemed to want nothing more than a mere know- ledge of theology, medicine, or law. In addition to which, it is thought prodigious wisdom to rail at all stu- dious habits, and talk loudly about trusting to the ener>- gies of native genius, which must not be stifled by por- ing over books." The consequence is, that the Latin of our college boys soon becomes threadbare, and their Greek quite worn out. When Demosthenes was reproached by a fopling of his day, that his orations smelt of the lamp, he replied, " true, there is some difference between what you and I do by lamp-light." To derive all from native genius, to owe nothing to others, to scorn to look at objects through the spectacles of books, is the praise which many men who think httle, and talk much, dehght to bestow upon themselves and their kindred favourites. But no one in his senses would wish to exclude the student from an acquaintance with the works of others; for if it were possible, and men were forbidden to avail themselves of the labours of their predecessors, each succeeding gene- 3j0 resources of the united states. lation would be obliged to begin anew their researches into the first rudiments of knowledge ; and mankind for ever remain in merely an infantile state, as to all the purposes of improvement : that man being, as Cicero observes, only a child in understanding, who is ignorant of the transactions and events, the opinions and disco- veries, of those who have gone before him. The truth is, the repeated perusal of the heroes of literature, as Longinus calls them, is of absolute necessity in the first years of study, and of immense importance in after life. Nor will it enfeeble the mind and prevent its exhibition of originality. Invention, doubtless, is the great charac- teristic of genius ; but men learn to invent, by being conversant with the inventions of others ; as they learn to think, by reading the thoughts of others. Whoever has so far formed his taste, as to contem- plate with delight, and feel deeply the excellences of great writers, has already studied to considerable eiTcct. Quinctilian says, that to take real pleasure in reading Cicero is one of the most unequivocal marks of genius a student can exhibit. For, merely from a conscious- ness of delighting in what is excellent, the mind is ele- vated, and roused to an eflfort at resembling what it admires. The inventions of preceding writers are not only the best nourishment of infant genius; but also the most substantial supply of energy and animation to ma- ture talents. The most powerful mind is, in itself, but a barren soil, soon exhausted, if left to repeat often the periodical growth of its own native vegetation; a soil Avhich will produce only a few scanty crops, unless con- tinually fertilized with the abundant addition of foreign manure. Nevertheless, it is gravely asserted by many, and practically enforced by the example of more, that clas- sical literature and general information are injurious to professional men;- that those make the best divines who know nothing but the peculiarities of their own secta- rian theology ; that those are the most expert physi- cians who peruse only the prevailing systems of the nosology of the day ; that those are the soundest law- liESOimCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 35] yers whose whole reading Is confined to the points, cases, and practice of law. But error has her gray hairs as well as truth. The real inference is, that he who professes to know nothing but his own scheme of divinity, or the existing system of medicine, or the mere technicalities of law, is not a sound theologian, or able physician, or profound lawyer; because it displays either dulness or idleness, or both, for one to pass through life without acquiring general information. In- deed idleness^ long continued, produces nearly the same effects as dulness, by blunting the powers of genius it- self; since man holds all his natural faculties, physical^ intellectual, and moral, only upon this conditional tenure, that by exercise they are all strengthened and enlarged ; by disuse all weakened and diminished. Were Luther, and Calvin, and Horseley, less pro- foundly skilled in their own peculiar systems of theolo- gy than the most ignorant clergymen of their respect- ive sects, because they were also learned in all the learning of their times.'* Were Friend, and Boerhaave, and Haller, and Heberden, less expert in the healing art than the most ignorant, impudent, and murderous empiric, because they were eminently distinguished as general scholars, in addition to being most accomplished physicians } Were Bacon, and Hale, and Mansfield, and Jones, less able, and less profound, as jurists, than the most illiterate, narrow-minded, pettifogging attor- ney, because they had assiduously strengthened and adorned the stupendous power of their original genius by a vast and varied acquaintance v»'ith the recondite depths of science, the exquisite refinements of art, and the dazzling splendours of erudition? It were indeed a consummation devoutly to be wished, that our Ameri- can students, following the foot-tracks of these illustri- ous examples, would prefer to herding in the dark and dismal abodes of the antagonists of learning, to what- ever profession they may belong, the directing of their devoted, though distant, gaze and admiration towards the regions of the sun, where shine in unborrowed kis- 352 KESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. tre the great poets, liistoiians, orators, statesmen, and philosophers of the world : • dSi t'' Hovi ti^iyeviieti; In every profession various kinds of learning arc emi- nently useful, although to common, slow understandings, they do not appear to bear any very close relation to their particular calling; and various general information always tends to quicken the power of penetration, and strengthen the judgment. A mind, liberally cultivated, has an extensive intellectual grasp, which seizes at once, as by intuition, every argument that bears fairly on the question ; and thus ensures accuracy and stabili- ty to all its serious deliberations, and mature conclusions. But a narrow understanding (and all ignorance in its very nature, and ex vi termini^ implies narrowness of ^he understanding,) being unacquainted with elementa- ry principles, and general truths, is confused and per- plexed by every ordinary occurrence, and is busied only m managing little points, and raising quibbling objec- tions, that cannot stand a moment against the direct ar- tillery of that able, well-applied, comprehensive reason- ing, which is ever the legitimate result, and sure reward, of time diligently employed in laying the broad basis of a liberal education. Ignorance is the greatest of all evils, because it tends to auo-raent and perpetuate every other evil, by pre- cluding the possible entrance of all good. Its fatal in- fluence, not only indisposes the mind to exertions for its own deliverance, but also excites a malignant opposition to every eflfort to enlighten mankind. Men love this darkness rather than light, because it conceals the di- mensions of danger, favours the slumber of indolence, and soothes the dreams of folly. And so completely does long-continued ignorance tend to disqualify the mind for improvement, that it is only in the earlier stages of life, that it is capable of being trained by the patient RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 353 process of education, to habits of intelligence. It is vain to endeavour to operate any great moral change, or intellectual improvement on the full-grown population of any community. Their characters are fixed ; their faculties have ceased to be progressive ; the range of their ideas has already taken the form and pressure, the hue, and colouring, and direction, of their previous edu- cation ; and cannot tolerate any innovation upon their long cherished prejudices, and circumscribed customs. It is with youth, nay, with childhood, the labours of the preceptor must begin ; for to them in a great measure, IS the successful prosecution of intellectual and moral culture conf/ned. " He (observes Dr. Johnson,) who voluntarily continues in ignorance, when he may be in- structed, is guilty of all the crimes and follies which ig- norance produces; as to him who extinguishes the night fires of a beacon, are justlv to be imputed all the cala- mities of the shipwreck occasioned by the darkness." It is by the diffusion of general information alone, that the understanding can be improved in all its faculties ; that the thoughts which now only occasionally appear lo the secluded speculations of a few solitary thinkers, can be communicated from intellect to intellect, concen- trated in strength, and brightened in reflected splendour; so that an uninterrupted chain of progressive improve- ment may unite together all the intelligent minds of an enlightened community. The rythm of the Latin language is entirely disre- garded ; and in this free country, we murder prosody ad libitum. Our gravest divines, most learned physicians, profound lawyers, and celebrated professors, talk fami- liarly of " Aristides^^'' of " Herodotus,''^ of suing " in forma pauperis <,'''' o[ the writ ^''facias habere possessionem,'''' and so forth. The excuse for this systematic rebellion against all metre, was for a long time found in the fact that our Scottish teachers neglected all prosody ; this apology must cease now, because some years since, the proper metrical pronunciation of the classics >^as intro- duced, as part of its system of education, into the high school at Edinburgh : and that celebrnt^d seminary now If) 354 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATE* produces prize poems in Latin Hexameters. Mr. Burke might liavc tliundered his '•'•magimm vecfigul est parsimo- niii^''^ into the ears of" an American adminibtiation, with- out offending their nicer classical organs, or hearing both from tfie treasury and the opposition benches, the portentous sound of " tlgal, tlgal,'''' echoing through all the house, until his premeditated speech was prema- turely brought to a close. It would be considered a sure token of a low and vulgar education, if an American were to mis-pronounce every English word he uttered, and make all the long syllables short, and all the short syllables long ; and it is not less offensive to hear the Latin and Greek lanffua- ges treated in the same barbarous manner; to observe the quantity of every word in Homer and Virgil, in Demosthenes and Cicero, regularly assassinated by men who call themselves scholars. To confess the truth however, our free-born citizens are apt to take as much liberty with the rythm of their mother tongue, as with that of the dead languages ; and we daily hear, from the pulpit, in the Senate, and at the bar, of '■^percmp- ifory," ''''territory^'''' ^'' dormitory*,''^ ''''legislature^^'' ''^ genu- trie,," " sanguine,'^'' kc* The late Mr. Gouverneur Mor- ris, one of the ablest and most eloquent men whom the world has produced, in an inaugural discourse to the New York Historical Society, condescended to use some splendid sophistry, in order to prove that poetry and rythm are unworthy the attention of America, because steamboats are useful to the community. The language of the orator is lofty, but we might ask whether or not his judgment would have been as sound, and his imagination as well disciplined, if he himself had been a classical scholar; and whether or not England * Note, that this page, instancins; the neglect of prosody, was hani'ed to me without a single tuiirk to donole the quantity of the syl- lahles which our American scholars so regularly mis-pronounce. Upon iii'^uiring the caiis^;, I was informed, that they had no such marks, anfl the prcsM cvas stopped till the type-founder could cast theiu. And thir prinling-ofiicc is one of the fust and most respectable in the United Stales. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 355 is inferior to other nations in the inventions of art, and the discoveries of science, because she excels them all in literature? The United States have produced scarcely a single learned writer, in the strict acceptation of that term ; in- deed I do not know one American work on classical literature, or that betrays any intimate acquaintance with the classics. And, excepting Cicero's works, printed accurately and well by VVells and Lilley, at Boston, the only classical productions of the American press are the repubUcation of a few common school books. Nor, I believe, have the United States produced any elementary work on ethics, or political economy, or metaphysics. The great mass of our native publications consists of newspaper essays, and party pamphlets. There are several respectable State and local histories, as those of New- York and New-Jersey, by Smith, Trumbull's History of Connecticut, Ramsay's History of South- Carohna, to which add his Account of the United States, and Holmes's Annals, M'Call's Georgia, Dar- by's Louisiana, and Stoddart's Account of that State, Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, Borman's Maryland, Prud's Pennsylvania, Williams's Vermont, Belknap's New-Hampshire, Hutchinson's Massachusetts, Sulli- van's Maine, Minot's History of Shay's Rebellion, and Drake's History of Cincinnati, in Ohio ; together with divers accounts of the late war, mostly written in that crusading style which revolutionary France has render- ed current throughout the world. Of native novels we have no great stock, and none good; our democratic institutions placing all the people on a dead level of political equality ; and the pretty equal diffusion of property throughout the country af- fords but little room for varieties, and contrasts of cha- racter ; nor is there much scope for fiction, as the coun- try is quite new, and all that has happened from its lirst settlement to the present hour, respecting it, is known to every one. There is, to be sure, some tra- ditionary romance about the Indians ; but a novel de- scribing these miserable barbarians, their squaws, and 35(5 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. papooses, would not be very interesting to the present race of American readers. Our poetry is neither abundant nor excellent ; the state of society is not favourable to its production ; there is not much individual wealth to afford patronage, nor any collegiate endowments bestowing learned leisure ; the trading spirit pervades the whole community, and the merchant's Irgcr and the muses do not make very suitable companions. The aspect of nature, in the Uni- ted States, presents magnificence and beauty in all pro- fusion ; but hill and dale, and wood and stream, are not alone sufficient to breathe the inspirations of poetry, unless seconded by the habits and manners, the feeling, taste, and character of the inhabitants. Besides, the best English poets are as much read here as in Britain ; and Milton, Cowper, Burns, Scott, Southey, Byron, Campbell, and Moore, are formidable rivals to our American bards, who must either follow some other more substantial vocation than poesy, or soon mingle, as spirits, with the inhabitants of the ethereal world ; for beyond all peradventure, the most exalted genius, aided by the most extensive learning, if dependent on literary pursuits alone for subsistence, would be permitted to starve by our good republican Maecanates. The late president Dwight, when quite a young man, wrote two respectable poems, called " The Conquest of Canaan," and "Greenfield Hill." Mr. Barlow's "Columbiad," though full of hard words, and loud-sounding lines, has many magnificent descriptions of natural scenery, and some most fantastic visions of crude philosophy, and and still cruder politics. Mr. Sargeant, of Boston, has written some very spirited national lyrics; and Mr. Pierpoint's " Airs of Palestine" are an elegant and po- pular performance. " The Bridal of Vaumond''^ is in a much higher strain; and the writer, though evidently young and unexperienced, has swept the chords of his lyre with a master's hand, and gives token of an energy of intellect, reach of thought, and variety of information, which, if well directed, and steadily impelled, cannot fail to conduct him eventually to the heights of our com- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 35*7 munity. Possibly this little poem may not be a favour- ite with those profounder critics who read by the finger rather than the ear, on account of its various ry thm ; but those to whom the happier effusions of genius, taste, and feeling are dear, cannot fail to appreciate its high excellence. Woodworth's poems, lately published in this city, are manifestly the production of an uneducated mind ; but they evince a vigour of talent, a depth of feeling, and, in many instances, a purity of taste, that ought to carry their possessor up from the drudgery of a mere mechanical employment into a purer and a more congenial atmosphere. The too scanty biographical sketch of the author, prefixed to these poems, contains an interesting account of the struggles of unassisted ge- nius with early penury, and a protracted period of un- propitious circumstances. A hint is thrown out in this sketch of the publication of a second volume of Mr. Woodworth's poems ; if this be done, it is adviseable for the author to bestow some additional care upon the rythm, the rhymes, and the general structure and finish- ing of his verses. The greatest national work which the United States have produced, is Chief Justice Marshall's " Life of Washington." The character of Mr. Marshal, for great talents and sound information, has been long thoroughly established. When young, his reputation as an advo- cate was great. Some years since, in 1797-8, he dis- played his dexterity, judgment, and decision, as a diplo- matist, in his well-known negotiation with M. Talley- rand ; and now, as Chief Justice of the United States, he maintains, with masterly ability, firmness, and dig- nity, the best interests of liberty and law ; which, in- deed, are always inseparable. The work, however, bears evident marks of haste and negligence, which, indeed, is confessed by the author; but A judge should never be too indolent. Nevertheless, the book is written in a clear, manly, and vigorous style, 358 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, and contains an admirable outline of the history of the British North American colonies from their first settle- ment to the breaking out of the revolutionary war. Full justice is done to the exalted character of W ashing- ton, and to his illustrious compatriots ; an ample and instructive account is given of the origin and progress of political parties in the United States ; and the notes contain disquisitions, replete with profound reasoning and philosophical analysis. Of periodical works we have some few that exhibit considerable talent, and contain much valuable informa- tion. The Port Folio is conducted by its present Edi- tor, Mr. John E. Hall, with great ability, taste, and judgment, and displays many admirable specimens of elegant and finished composition, and of sound, manly criticism. This journal was originally established by the late Mr. Dennie, who is called the American Ad- dison, nearly twenty years since, and is the only pe- riodical work in the United States to which so long a life has been accorded. Mr. Dennie was the first gen- tleman in this country who devoted himself, exclusively, to the pursuit of letters, which he cultivated to the last liour of his earthly pilgrimage ; and received, from his benevolent fellow-citizens, as a recompense for his leli- citous effusions of genius, taste, feeling, tenderness, eloquence, wit, and humour — permission to starve. For general ability, and various information, the " JVorlh .American Review,'''' edited at Boston, is, proba- bly, the most conspicuous of all the periodical publica- tions in the United States. In the Analectic Magazine there are able original essays, Avell written biography, and some judicious cri- ticism. The Portico displays a vigour of thought, a boldness of originality, and a manly eloquence, that deserve much more than the languishing support, ba- lancing between life and death, which it receives from the opulent citizens of Baltimore. The American Ma- gazine and Review, recently floated in New-York, con- tains much valuable Information respecting the proceed- ings of the various learned societies in the United RESOURCES OP THE UiN'ITED- STATES. 359 States ; but its critical department stands altogether on^_>r'^ a false foundation, namely, that criticism consists in finding fault. " He is a very great critic," says SK^nT dan, sarcastically, " for nothing pleases him." It re- quires, however, much more talent and learning, as well as more good temper, to praise judiciously, than to blame indiscriminately. The JVeologist is a periodical paper, of which nearly one hundred numbers have appeared in the New-York Daily Advertiser, which still continues to publish its lucubrations twice a week. It is, evident- ly, the production of young persons, who have, as yet, but little experience in the affairs of the world, or the social habits of our great cities ; but, beyond all doubt, the United States have not, hitherto, produced essays equal to those of the Neogolist, in real genius, learned criticism, ethical disquisition, fine taste, sound thought, chaste composition, various erudition, and touching elo- quence. And we trust, as it is widely circulated, through the medium of the newspapers, in New-York and Boston, that it will serve to correct and restrain, the pruriency of our little master-misses and literary fopplings to prattle incontinently upon the merits of a minute ballad, or small song, or new pas seul; and teach them, either to be silent, or learn to direct their atten- tion to some more profitable employment : perhaps the JVeologist may teach them the meaning of the proverb, ^' ne sutor ultra crepidam.'''' Mr. Trumbull's JlI'Fingal, w^ritten to ridicule the to- nes during the revolution, exhibits much of the wit, and some of the learning, of Butler's Hudibras. Mr. Wash- ington Irving's Salmagundi and History of Knickerbocker, need not shrink from competition with any European performance, in the felicitous combination of good hu- moured wit, delicate irony, dexterous delineation of cha- racter, skilful exposition of the fashionable follies preva- lent in the United States, with the occasional relief of exquisitely finished composition, full of tenderness, me- lancholy, pathos, and eloquence. Mr. Irving's Sketch of the Life of Campbell, the Scottish poet, is an admirable 360 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. union of sound philosophy, dehcate taste, judicious cri- ticism, fine feeUng, and elegant writing. Mr. Wirt has long been known as one of the most eloquent speakers and writers in the union; as an advo- cate he is considered the first at the Virginia bar, a bar fertile in powerful and animated oratory. His Old Bachelor, a collection of essays on various subjects, first stamped his excellence as a writer, and is become de- servedly popular all over the country; its chief objects are to vindicate the American character and intellect from European aspersions, to rouse the martial spirit of his countrymen, and excite a love of letters in the United States. His British Spy exhibits the finer characteris- tics of American eloquence, alike in the author's own composition, and in his delinealions of some of our first- rate oratory. His Sketches of the life of Patrick Henry, gives a most interesting, instructive, and eloquent ac- count of Henry, who is considered as one of the greatest orators and profoundest statesmen, that Virginia has produced. And also, it exhibits the origin and progress of the chief actors, who brought about the independence of the United States. It is quite enough to say of the late Fisher Ames, that he is denominated by his fellow-citizens the Burke of America. Mr. Colden's Life of Fulton is a very instructive and valuable work. It is, however, manifestly the produc- tion of one more accustomed to public speaking than to closet-composition; and it is well known, that some of the most eloquent speakers in the senate, and at the bar, both in Britain and in the United States, for umnt of practice, do not write with so much precision, fluency, and force, as their undoubted talents and information would naturally lead us to expect. Rousseau used to say, " that with whatever faculties a man might be born, that of writing well was not one; for that can only be attained by long and constant exercise, and habitual imitation of the best models." And when Dr. Johnson was once shown a book, written by an eminent British RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ggj statesman, he said, " this book, Sir, is written with great ability, it displays vast reach of thought and vari- ety of erudition, and the style, considering the gentleman has not been used to write, is excellent." It is not, of course, intended to notice all the writers who have, by their talents and information, shed a lus- tre on the United States ; but merely to mark out a few examples of diiferent species of literary excellence. It would, however, be quite unpardonable to omit the name of Mr. Walsh, who is, confessedly, the first man of letters we have on this side of the Atlantic. His in- formation on general literature, politics, and history, is copious and accurate. His style of writing is elaborate, vigorous, splendid, and eloquent; with, perhaps, rather too frequent a use of the sesquipedalia verba, and of French words and phrases, which weaken the strength, and mar the uniformity of the composition. The Eng- lish language is sufficiently comprehensive and ener- getic, to give adequate expression to any sentiment, how- ever sublime, or tender, or indignant, or pathetic ; the whole compass of the human heart and head may be struck upon its chords, and every tone made to dis- course most excellent music. Dr. Johnson, in animad- verting upon the gallicisms of Mr. Hume, said, " that if they were suffered to gain ground, England would soon be reduced to babble a dialect of France." What is now said, is by no means said for the purpose of de- pressing or detracting from the great merits of Mr. Walsh, from whose writings, (to use a strong expression of Lord Bacon,) " he who does not receive instruction and delight, must be more than man, or less than beast." And, might I be permitted to add, that splendid and vigorous as are the writings of Mr. Walsli, his conversa- tion is still more rich, instructive, and interesting.'^ The United States ought to cherish the efforts of a man so gifted and so adorned, who devotes to the pro- secution of letters, talents and learning that, otherwise directed, would command any height of exaltation and influence, which our community can give. Mr. VValsh's Letter on the character and genius of the French govejii- 46 362 HESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. menf, is a peculiarly splendid production, and contain? some very valuable inibrmation, altogether new, when promulgated, on the finances and internal administra- tion of the Imperial revolutionary government. It was profusely praised by both the Edinburgh and Quar- terly Reviews, and cited with great applause by Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough, from his seat in the King's BencJi. Mr. Walsh's American Review^ in four octavo volumes, contain much very interesting Information on the state of society and manners, in France and Eng- land, which ought to be published in a separate form. as a most acceptable boon to every reader. This Re- view also exhibits some sound criticism on American f)roductions, and considerable information on foreign iterature, particularly the French, German, and Italian ; and, above all, a lofty and sustained effort to raise the tone of literature in the United States, and make hisj country sensible, that no nation ever can become really great and permanently prosperous, until it protects and cultivates letters. In his correspondence with general Harper, on the probable result of the conflict between revolutionary France and the rest of Europe, the same characteristics of copious information and splendid elo- quence appear; his remarks on the portentous power of Russia, doubtless the European sovereigns now feel to be true and just. In his American Register, of which two octavo vo- lumes have appeared, he takes a wider range, as may be seen by a reference to his very admirable introduction to the first volume. He gives an able and interesting bird's-eye view of the political state of Europe, the do- mestic occurrences of the United States, the congress- ional and parliamentary debates on the most important topics of nuance, navigation, and general policy ; and exhibits a fine panorama of American and European literature. He particularly presses upon his country- men the necessity and importance of a wider system of education, and a more extended circlfe of literature ; his obseivatious on the benefits of a national university, are replete with wisdom and eloquence. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 353 Sufficient justice has »o/been rendered to Mr. Walsh's literary efforts in the United States ; in Britain, he is better appreciated. There they demanded four edi- tions of his Letter on the French government in a few weeks j whereas here his own countrymen have suffered a second edition to languish uncirculated, through the space of several years. It was a duty to say thus much of one, from whose lucubrations I have received so much pleasure and instruction ; and I have nothing further to add, than to express my warmest wishes for the con- tinuance of his literary career, in the words of his own favourite poet; " I, decus, I, nostrum, et melwribus utere fatis !" Medical science appears to have made by far the greatest improvement of any intellectual pursuit in the United States; and the schools of New-York, Phila- delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, are so well supplied with able professors and lecturers, as to supersede the necessity of our medical students resorting to Edin- burgh, London, or Paris, for instruction in any one branch of the healing art. A medical school has also been recently establislied in Kentucky, under the most favourable auspices of able teachers, and a strong incli- nation on the part of the western States, to support the institution with funds, and supply it with pupils. Seve- ral able medical periodical works are continually issuing from the American press. With regard to me fine arts, our sculpture extends but little beyond chisseling grave-stones for a church-yard ; and our painting, for want of individual wealth, is chiefly confined to miniatures, portraits, and landscapes ; the only splendid exceptions, are Mr. Trumbull's historical paintings of the Battle of Bunker^ s Hill, the Death of JMonigomery, the Sortie from Gibraltar ; together with some Scripture pieces, and the great national pictures, which he is now preparing for the capitol at Washing- ton. But American genius is equal to that of Europe for the fine arts, as is evident from the United States 364 RESOimCEs of the umted states. having produced West, Trumbull, Stuart, Copeley, Al- ston, and Leslie. The Academies of the fine arts, at New- York and Philadelphia, contain some fine paint- ings, and a few good pieces of sculpture, imported from Europe. Boston, New-York, Philadelphia, and Wash- ington, contain some very handsome public buildings ; the city-hall of NeAv-York, a marble edifice, probably surpasses in magnificence and beauty, every European building out of Italy. Mr. Walsh, in the second volume of his Register^ in translating M. de Marbois's prehminary discourse, says, ** Hitherto, the Americans have not made great progress m the elegant arts; their public hbraries, their museums, would not in Europe be thought worthy to decorate the mansion of an opulent amateur. They style the edifi- ces in which their legislators assemble, capitols^ and this appellation, which is now held ambitious, will one day appear quite modest. They have no cirques, am- phitheatres, nor mock sea-fights. It will never perhaps be necessary for them to construct citadels, or environ their towns with ditches and ramparts. There will not be seen among them, either pyramids, or proud mauso- leums, or basihcks, or temples, like those of Ephesus and Rome. Ages must revolve before they will erect those edifices, of which the idle and barren magnificence imposes heavy sacrifices on the present generation, di- verts their industry towards objects of mere parade, and entails wretchedness on posterity. The time of the Americans is wisely divided between permanently use- ful labours and necessary repose. They employ them- selves in preparing their fields for the production of food ; in rendering their dwellings commodious, in open- ing roads, and digging canals. Commerce and naviga- tion already supply them with wealth; the arts of real utility embellish their cities; and Europe, which so long stood single, as the country of the sciences and human wisdom, now shares with America this noble distinction.'* The genius of America is peculiarly distinguished for its invention in the usefiji mechanic arts ; in allusion to this, the late Mr. Gouverneur Morris, a few months be- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3^5 fore his lamented death, said, " there are persons of some eminence in Europe, who look contemptuously at our country, in the persuasion that all creatures, not ex- cepting man, degenerate here. They triumphantly call on us to exhibit a list of our scholars, poets, heroes, and statesmen. Be this the care of posterity. But, admit- ting we had no proud names to snow, is it reasonable to make such heavy demand on so recent a people ? Could the culture of science be expected from those who, in cultivating the earth, were obliged, while they held a plough in one hand, to grasp a sword in the other.'* Let those who depreciate their brethren of the west remember, that our forests, though widely spread, gave no academic ghade. In the century succeeding Hud- son's voyage, the great poets of England flourished ; while we were compelled to earn our daily bread by our daily labour. The ground, therefore, was occupied before we had leisure to make our approach. The va- rious chords of our mother tongue have, long since, been touched to all their tones, by minstrels, beneath whose master hand it has resounded every sound, from the roar of thunder, rolling along the vault of heaven, to ' the lascivious pleasings of a lute.' British genius and taste have already given to all ' the ideal forms, that imagination can body forth, a local habitation and a name.' Nothing then remains for the present age but to repeat their just thoughts in their pure style. Those who, on either side of the Atlantic, are too proud to perform this plagiary task, must convey false thoughts in the old classic diction, or clothe in frippery phrase the correct conceptions of their predecessors. But other paths remain to be trodden, other fields to be cultivated, other regions to be explored. The fertile earth is not yet wholly peopled ; the raging ocean is not yet quite subdued. Be it ours to boast, that the first vessel successfully propelled by steam was launch- ed on the bosom of Hudson's river. It was here that American genius, seizing the arm of European science, bent to the purpose of our favourite parent art the wildest and most dcvourlnor element. This invention is 3 3{}(5 RESOUP.CES OF THE UNITED STATES spreading fast through the civilized world ; and though excluded, as yet, from Russia, will, ere long, be extend- ed to that vast empire. A bird hatched on the Hudson will soon people the floods of the Wolga, and cygnets, descended from an American swan, glide along the sur- face of the Caspian Sea. Then the hoary genius of Asia, high throned on the peaks of Caucasus, liis moist eye glistening, while it glances over the ruins of Baby- lon, rersepolis, Jerusalem, and Palmyra, shall bow with grateful reverence to the inventive spirit of this western world." The remedies to be applied for the removal of those impediments, which obstruct the progress of literature in the United States, are not very difficult of access, since no material causes of defect exist to render the intellect of America incapable of any improvement, within the compass of human genius to attain. The trading spirit, indeed, cannot be extinguished by the anathemas of the priest, or the declamations of the moralist. Massillon may preach, and Boileau may sa- tyrize, yet the merchant will continue to speculate, and count his gains. Nor is it desirable, if it were possible, to exterminate the trading spirit, which is indelibly and beneficially written on the human heart, and renders man, by nature, a trading animal. It can, however, and ought to be modified and restrained, lest it become excessive, and absorb all honour, intellect, virtue, pro- priety, and feeling into its insatiable gulf. So fell Tyre, and Sidon, and Carthage, and Venice, and Hol- land. This spirit requires restraint in the United States. The beginning of the remedy must be found in meliorating our systems o{ elementary education; in ren- dering them seminaries, where the morals of youth may be purified and exalted, and their understandings in- vigorated and expanded. If this be once done, the Colleges, of course, must adopt a larger and more libe- ral plan of instruction ; whence the absorbing tendency of the trading spirit will be restrained and counter- poised; the love of literature flourish; literary compe- tition spring into existence ; literary rewards and honours RESOUKCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 357 create an effectual demand for the exertions of genius and learning; large private collections of books and ample public libraries be gathered together; and the whole nation rise in the scale of power and dignity, by having the life's-blood of intellect and knowledge in- fused into all its veins and arteries, from the source of circulation, the heart. Then, indeed, may we expect the refinements of art, and science, and letters, to follow in the train of opulence, aud purify it from its grossness. The means of hterary competition must be provided and multiplied. Men of genius must be roused to ex- ertion by the collision of kindred genius. " Give me kings to run with, and I will start," said Alexander, when urged to contend at the Olympic games. Men of great talents, if they see no high standard of hterary excellence raised in the country, either pursue some other vocation, or sink into indolence and ease. This desirable purpose may be accomplished by properly constructed Literary Societies, where men meet to- gether, to contribute, each his share, to the 'common stock of intellect, and mutually watch over, collide with, and invigorate each other's understanding. A remark-^ able illustration of their utility is furnished by the French Academy^ founded in 1635, by Cardinal Riclilieu, to improve the French language, grammar, poetry, and eloquence. This Academy published an excellent Dictionary, and exceedingly improved the style of French composition. In its first harangues, the style is cold, barren, feeble, insipid, and uninteresting. As we advance in the perusal of its volumes, the language be- comes richer, more splendid, and, occasionally, elegant and vigorous; and the concluding dissertations are full of the happiest sentiments, conveyed in language bril- liant, energetic, and eloquent. In a literary society, properly constituted^ and well con- ducted, every member is continually incited to diligence in the composition of his writings, because he knows that they will undergo a strict examination from his fellows, whose criticisms will enable him to correct what is erroneous, brighten what is obscure, lop what 3(58 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. is superfluous. Invigorate his sentiments, and chasten his language. Such institutions also diffuse an honour- able spirit of literary ambition over the community, by holding up an object of esteem, towards which men of ge- nius may press, for enrolment among its members; by giv- ing to the public its lucubrations, to form a literary reposi- tory; and by creating models of good writing, to strength- en the understanding, and refine the taste of the nation into which they breathe the spirit of their intcl- hgence. And such an Institution is exceedingly bene- ficial to the members, in enlarging their knowledge and polishing their taste by the collision of intellect in their literary conferences. In such a republic of letters, men bear sway in proportion to their superior mind ; to the opinions of such men on matters of literary investiga- tion, attention is always paid and rewarded by corres- ponding improvement. Men of equal or similar talents and acquisitions contend in this amicable conflict, and from the reciprocal contest results mutual instruction, and the growth of wisdom and information is rapidly increased by the continual application of the most powerful incitements to intellectual exertion: namely, the authority of the already celebrated, the contradic- tion of aspiring candidates for literary renown, the de- sire of praise so generally prevalent, the dread of ridi- cule, whlcli so much more generally prevails, and finally, by the elevated wish to become useful to our country and to the world. There are learned Societies in Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia, which have contributed, and are con- tinually contributing much to the growth of intellect and information in the United States. The Historical^ and the Literary and Philosophical Societies of New- York, have been peculiarly serviceable in promoting the progress of letters and science. Some of their memDers have read able and Instructive papers; the orations of the late Mr. Gouverneur Morris, were compositions peculiarly splendid and finished ; and Mr. Clinton's Introductory discourse to the Literary and Philosophical Society covers a vast and various extent liESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 359 of science and erudition. Indeed, Governor Clinton has always approved himself the warm friend and pa- tron of art, hterature, and science, as the means best calculated to make his country permanently illustrious and powerful ; as well as rendered them essential ser- vice by his own personal contributions. The Corpora- tion of the City of New-York deserve all praise for their magnificent appropriation of an extensive range of buildings, to the exclusive use of hterary and scienti- fic societies. But, perhaps, the most effectual means of promoting the progress of learning in the United States, would be the establishment of a JValional University. Mr. Blodget, in his Economical details at length General Washing- ton's views and wishes respecting this important subject ; Mr. Walsh, in the Introduction to the first volume of his Register^ has lent all the aid of his talents and elo- quence, to set forth the vast advantages of such a mea- sure. And the President, in his Message of the 2d of December, 1817, suggests to Congress " the propriety of recommending to the States an amendment of the Federal Constitution, giving to congress power to insti- tute seminaries of learning, for the all-important pur- pose of diffusing knowledge among our fellow-citizens throughout the United States." So early as the year 1775, at the very commence- ment of the revolutionary struggle, General Washing- ton, while in camp at Cambridge, near Boston, looked forward to the establishment of a National University. Not being able, when living, to effect this object, he left, by his will, stock equal to twenty-five thousand dollars, towards establishing such an institution in the Federal city ; and invited the subscriptions of his fellow-citizens for the same purpose. He directs the annual proceeds of his own legacy to be invested at compound interest, until the fund, together with other subscriptions, should be sufficient to accomplish the whole plan proposed. If ever a National University, liberally endowed and well sustained by the talents and learning of its professors, shall be established, it will do more towards promoting 17 370 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. the progress of letters in the United States, than any single institution which has yet been planted. In such a national seminary, the whole circle of the arts, and sciences, and erudition, should be taught ; the classics^ both Greek and Latin, thorouglily, as the best basis of all liberal education; to which add the mathematics and natural philosophy, and regular courses of lectures on moral philosophy, political economy, belles lettres and rhetoric, elocution, metaphysical science, municipal jurisprudence, and the law of nature and nations. It would be a patriotic duty for all classes of society, the people at large, the men of leisure, the men of business, the physicians, the lawyers, the statesmen, and the di- vines of America, to unite their powerful etforts to create and maintain such a national mstitution ; another Athens in this western orb, which, under their guar- dian auspices, may long flourish, as the general reposi- tory of learning ; and eventually render these United States, at once the bulwark and ornament of literature within their own extensive dominions, and the perma- nent object of esteem and admiration to the whole sur- rounding world. The following observations of Mr. Walsh, in relation to this subject, cannot be too often repeated, nor too widely circulated. *' Sovereigns and governments alone can raise up insti- tutions for education, of the amplitude and mechanism required to give energy and efficacy to all the human faculties. Without such institutions we cannot^ in the United States, expect to display that perfection of indi' vidual and social being which the European nations have nearly attained, and which we are, in other respects,, be- yond the rest of the world, privileged to reach. It is to the national government that we must look for the means of becoming the rivals of Europe in the pursuits which give most honour and happiness to our species. The 5/a/e-governments have not the ability, and are not likely to have the inclination, to create those means. We are a great commercial, and are to be a great mili- tary people, only through the federal system ; we can RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. 3'yj become a literary and philosophical people by the same agency alone. All these qualifications are necessary to constitute national greatness, upon the scale which suits' our unrivalled opportunities. We must be Greece, Rome, and Carthage, at once; or, what is more, modern Italy, France, and England, in the same frame." Generally speaking, our systems of education for girls^ are practically better than those for boys ; and ac- cordingly, our women generally are more intelligent and conversible than the men. In some of our larger cities, it is fashionable for the young ladies to learn the elements of botany and chymistry, in addition to the common rudiments of female instruction. In our own city of New- York, Mr. Griscom, a celebrated teacher, has established a course of lectures on natural philoso- phy for young ladies, who attend him in great numbers, from our most respectable families. Such a course of instruction, combined with suitable reading and reflec- tion at home, would lay the basis of solid and substan- tial information, as the means of utility and delight throughout the whole of life. Miss Hannah More's " Strictures on the Modern SyS" tern of Female Education,'''' are admirably adapted to ren- der women sensible, well-bred, and excellent, in all the various relations and charities of life. They teach, that domestic virtue is woman's chiefest ornament and praise, and more likely to be found in a liberally educa- ted, than in an unintelligent female. Her observations on this point are peculiarly good ; there is, at present, room only for the few following sentences. " Since, then, there is a season, when the youthful must cease to be young, and the beautiful to excite admiration, to learn how to groiv old gracefully, is, perhaps, one of the rarest and most valuable arts which can be tausfht to * 1 • • • woman. And, it must be confessed, it is a most severe trial for those women to be called to lay down beauty, who have nothing else to take up. It is for this sober season of life, that education should lay up its rich re- sources. However disregarded they may hitherto have been, they will be wanted now. When admirers fall 372 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. away, and flatterers become mute, the mind will be dri- ven to retire into itself; and if it find no entertainment at home, it will be driven back again upon the world with increased force. Yet, forgetting; this, do we not seem to educate our daughters exclusively for the tran- sient period of youth, when it is to maturer life we ought to advert.'' Do we not educate them for a crowd, for- getting that they are to live at home ? For the world, and not for themselves ? For show, and not for use } For time, and not for eternity .'"' " The chief end to be proposed in cultivating the un- derstandings of women, is to qualify them for the prac- tical purposes of life. Their knowledge is not often, like the learning of men, to be reproduced in some lite- rary composition, nor even in any learned profession; but it is to come out in conduct, ft is to be exhibited in life and manners. A lady studies, not that she may qualify herself to become an orator or a pleader ; not that she may learn to debate, but to act. She is to read the best books, not so much to enable her to talk of them, as to bring the improvement which they furnish, to the rectification of her principles, and the formation of her habits. The great uses of study to a woman arc, to enable her to regulate her own mind, and to be instru- mental to the good of others. To woman, therefore, whatever be her ratik, 1 would recommend a predomi- nance of those more sober studies, which, not having display for their object, may make her wise without vanity, happy without witnesses, and content without panegyrists; the exercise of which will not bring cele- brity, but improve usefulness." The American ladies have learned, that it is not alto- gether the business of their lives to minister to the mere pleasure of man, as the plaything of his hours of relaxa- tion from the toils of ambition, or the cravings of wealth ; to be entirely absorbed in the pursuits of ephemeral fashion, and " when God has given them one face, to make unto themselves another, to jig, to amble, and lisp, and nickname God's creatures, and make their wantonness their ignorance." They have discovered. RESOURCES OF THE l/NITED STATES. 373 that God has given them such high capacities of ex- cellence, such acute perception, such exquisite feehng, such ardent affection, for the purpose of becoming man's companion and guide ; the soother of his sorrows and heightener of his joys ; the object of his proud submis- sion, his dignified obedience, his chivalrous worship ; the being whose smile forms the joy of liis life, the sun- shine of his existence. "•' Till Hymen brought his love-delighted hour. There dwelt no joy in Eden's roseate bovver. In vain the viewless seraph, lingering there, At starry midnight charra'd the silent air ; In vain the wild-bird caroll'd from the steep, To hail the sun slow wheeling from the deep ; In vain, to soothe the solitary shade, Aerial notes in mingling measure play'd ; The summer wind that shook the spangled tree. The whispering wave, the murmuring of the bee, Still slowly passed the melancholy day, And still the stranger wist not where to stray ; The world was sad, the garden was a wild, And man, the hermit, sigh'd tillwoinan smird." CHAPTER VIL On the Habits, Manners, and Character of the United Stales, 1 HAT for eigyiers who do not speak (he same language as the people of this country, should be extremely igno- rant of the resources and character of the Americans, is not a subject of surprise; the very circumstance of their speaking in a different tongue, added to the gene- ral prevalence of despotism in their respective govern- ments, and want of mformation in their subjects, will sufficiently account for their unacquaintance with the past history, the present situation, the future prospects of the United States. But Britain can find no such ex- cuse for her portentous ignorance of this country ; her blood flows in every vein, and quickens every artery of the giant offspring, sprung from her teeming loins ; her language, laws, religion, habits, manners, and pur- suits, have reproduced another Britain in this western world, on a far more extended scale of capacity, magni- ficence, and power, than its venerable mother can ever hope to attain ; cooped and cabined in as she is, by the narrow dimensions of her own territorial dominions. Indeed, the general, not to say universal ignorance which prevails in Britain, alike in the government and in the people, respecting all the essential qualities, and national characteristics of these United States, is almost incredible to those who have not attentively examined the subject. Perhaps it is chiefly owing to the inter- course between the two countries being almost exclu- sively commercial ; for in general, merchants are not apt to investigate a country, either very comprehensively, or very accurately, beyond the states of its markets. BESOUHCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 375 and the course of its prices current. And, antil It shall become the fashion for the gentlemen and men of edu- cation, both of America and of Britain, to travel over, and explore each other's country, the two nations must, and will remain in profound ignorance of their recipro- cal relation, character, and interest. In addition to all this, the British government has not been sufficiently careful to send out able and intelligent ambassadors and ministers to the United States. The reasons why the British diplomacy is in general defective ; and why, in particular, so few able ambassa- dors have been sent out by her to these United States, are detailed at length in " The Resources of the British Empire,''^ from p. 332 to 351 ; containing also, the causes of Britain's general unacquaintance with the movements and dispositions of foreign nations, and of her neglecting to avail herself of the presses of other countries, in order to tell her own story, and to justify her own measures to the world. This is the more to be regretted, as it regards the United States and Britain, because the interests of both countries are similar ; and their mutual peace, good un- derstanding, and friendship, redound so much to the es- sential benefit of both. J\I. Talleyrand, first a bishop under the old regime, then a citizen sans-culotte, then a revolutionary and imperial prince, and finally, a Bour- bon prime minister, was so well aware of the recipro- cal interests of America and Britain, that in a memoii'' read to the National Institute, he proposed the fixing a powerful French establishment in the United States, as the only means of counteracting the peaceful and ami- cable tendencies of two nations sprung from the same stock, speaking the same language, living under the same, or similar laws, using the same religion, and ex- hibiting the same habits and manners. The clerical citizen prince complains grievously, of the existence of any commercial or friendly intercourse between America and Britain ; when, after the revolu- tionary struggle, in which the French so effectually aided their new allies, and the United States had tbrowrx 37t) RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. off the dominion of the English, every reason seemed to indicate a dissolution of tliose mercantile connexions Avhich had before subsisted between two portions of the same people. The chief of these reasons were — the recollection of the evils produced by a seven years' war ; a defiance and hatred of Britain, and attachment to France, as their companion in arms, and their libe- rator from colonial vassalage ; attachment, most forcibly manifested at the breaking out of the war between France and England, in the year 1793; at which pe- riod the conversation and actions of the American peo- ple, their newspapers and pamphlets, their town-meet- ings and public speeches, their illuminations and cla- mour, almost drove the administration of Washington himself to manifest, by joining the French revolutionary republic, in its war against Britain, the strong inclina- tion towards France, and the equally deadly hatred to- wards England, which then pervaded so large a portion of the United States. These, and other reasons, it was hoped would, for ever, turn the tide of American commerce from its ac- customed channel ; or, if it should happen to incline a little towards the shores of England, it would require a very trifling exertion, on the part o[ France, to divert it entirely to her own dominions. Closer, and more accu- rate observation, however, will soon detect the fallacy of all such conclusions, and point out the helplessness of an artificial and circuitous policy to resist the universal efficiency of nature herself, wnen she appeals to the liuman heart, in the accents of a kindred tongue, and with the all-prevailing voice of manifest advantage. Individuals may sometimes, and under certain circum- stances, feel the impulses of fcratitude, and act under a deep and permanent sense of kindness shown and bene- fits received; a great proportion of individuals, how- ever, like Milton's hero, consider it to bd a debt, " so burdensome, still paying, still to owe," that they are eager to cast it off for ever, by returning the recom- pense of hatred and calumny into the bosom of their benefactor. .JVafinns. large masses of men, being a. RESOTTRrES OF THE UNITED STATES. ' 377 body in continual flux, liable to perpetual chano*e in opinions, sentiments, relations, and actions, nevfn can be capable of gratitude to other nations. It is idle, there- fore, for France to insist upon a grateful return from the United States, on account of her aiding them in fckoJr revolutionary war; and equally idle for Britain to request that thp. American people shall cease to revile and calumniate all her institutions and proceedings, be- cause her capital and credit have enabled the United extensive commerce, in growihg ' nrertloiowerful in an widening agriculture, in a variety of thriving moneyed establishments. Interest and ambition are the pole-star and magnet of nations ; gratitude and affection the in- centives of individual, not of national action. Besides, the gratitude of America was due to Louis XVI. per- sonally, and was fully cancelled by his subsequent re- gret, that he had ever assisted the United States, and by the efforts of his Cabinet, in the year 1783, to pre- vent England from acknowledging their independence, to exclude them from the Newfoundland fisheries, and to confine their territory to the eastward of the Alle- ghany mountains; all showing, that the object of France was not regard to the United States, but a desire to weaken both America and Britain, by protracting the conflict between them. Whoever has well observed America, cannot doubt that she still remains essentially English^ in language, habits, laws, customs, manners, morals, and religion; that her ancient commerce with England increased, many fold, instead of declining in activity and extent, sub- sequent to the independence of the United States ; and that, consequently, so far as relates to commercial in- tercourse, the independence of America has been bene- ficial to Britain. M. Talleyrand^ indeed, labours to prove, that the inconsiderate conduct of the old French government (as contradistinguished from the revolu- tionary system) laid the foundation of the commercial success of Endand with the United States. He thinks, that if, after the peace which secured the independence -18 378 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of America, Frano<^ ?iad been sufficieiitly sensible of the full nJraiiiage of licF existing position, she would have continued and sought to multiply exceedingly, those political, commercial, and social relations, which, during the revolutionary war, had been established between her and her Transatlantic Allies; and which had ht^^ forcibly, and bloodily broken off with T^ilttiui. If this had been done, the ancient habits and relations between America and Engrlaml .Iviir-p^mftfi* irtiVSffiVtf^Vs EgllKs^ ^?«nfy Inmg which had the least tendency to reconcile the Americans with the English ; so as to prevent the possibility of any cordial and permanent friendship ever existing between the two nations. But the French Court was fearful, that the same principles of democracy^ which she had protected and encouraged by her arms in America, should introduce themselves, and be disseminated among her own peo- ple ; and therefore, at the conclusion of the war in 1783, she did not sufficiently continue, and promote her political and commercial connexions with the United States. Whereas England wisely forgot, and subdued the bitterness of her resentments ; she immediately re- opened her channels of communication both social and mercantile with America, and rendered them still more active than at any period prior to the Revolution. By such conduct she directed the attention of the United States towards a profitable market; and thus increased the obstacles to the ascendency of French influence. For the will of man is always powerfully swayed by in- clination and interest; and notwlthstandinjr the occur- rence of a long and sanguinary war, and all the efforts of political faction, the Americans have a natural bias towards England, to whose kindred people all their own habits assimilate them. Identity of language itself, as M. Talleyrand observes, is a fundamental relation between different individuals and different countries; upon which the political moral- ist, and the moral philosopher, cannot too patientiv, and too profoundly meditate. This very identity of tongue RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 379 establishes between the two nations, America and Eng- land, a common character, which will always enable, nay, induce thera to recognize and consort with each other. They mutually feel themselves at home, when- ever they travel into each other's territory, they give and receive reciprocal pleasure in the interchange of sentiment and thought ; in the discussion of their various opinions, views, and interests. But an insurmountable barrier is raised up between two different people, who speak two different languages ; and who, therefore, can- not utter a single word, without being compelled to re- member, that they do not belong to the same country; between whom every solitary transmission of sentiment and thought is irksome labour, and not a social enjoy- ment; who never can be made to understand each other thoroughly; and with whom the result of conversation, after the fatigue of unavailing efforts to be reciprocally intelligible, is to find themselves reciprocally ridiculous. This of course applies to the mass of a people ; there are well educated individuals in most countries, who can converse with each other fully in a tongue not common to both speakers. Accordingly, notwithstanding the government of France, both under the Bourbons during the old regime and under the Revolutionary regicides, whether democratic, directorial, consular, or imperial, always ex- ercised considerable influence over the government of America ; which so far from being influenced by, was always prone to suspect and take offence at every act of the British government, however harmless or well intended ; yet, in every part of the United States, indi- vidual Enghshmen feel themselves to be Americans; and individual Frenchmen find themselves to be as com- pletely strangers, as if they were animals of different species at least; even if they might be considered generically the same. Nor is it any marvel to see this natural, necessary, habitual assimilation towards England, in a country where, in addition to the identity of language in both, the great distinguishing and characteristic features of 380 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. the form of government, and of the system of municipal law, vvliether in the Federal Union, or in the separate State sovereignties, arc impressed vi'ith so strong a family resemblance to the leading lineaments of the British Constitution. The personal liberty of the indivi- dual citizen in the United States, rests upon precisely the same foundations as those which support the per- sonal freedom of the British subject; namely, the habeas corpus act, and trial by jury. Whoever attends the sit- tings of Congress, and the State legislatures, and listens to the discussions respecting the framing of law^s whe- ther for the Union, or for the separate States ; will hear all their quotations, analogies, and examples, taken from the laws, the history, the customs, the parliamentary rules and usages of England. In the American courts of justice, the authorities cited are the statutes, the judgments, the decrees, the reported dicisions of the English courts ; in familiar and friendly accompaniment with those of the American tribunals. In the higher and more cultivated classes of society in both countries, there is also a community of taste and sentiment on subjects of literature, and a common feel- ing of pride in the great poets, philosophers, historians, and general writers of the mother country, that forms a strong bond of union. Now, if a people so trained and so circumstanced, have no natural, no habitual bias and inclination towards England, we must renounce all belief and trust, in the controlling influences of language, laws, habits, manners, customs, and usages, upon the opinions, feelings, passions, actions, and character of men ; we must deny that man receives any effectual impressions, any permanent modi- fications, from surrounding circumstances ; from all that he sees, hears, reads, observes, and is engaged in, from the cradle to the grave. It is, comparatively, of little moment, that the names of a Republic and a Monarchy appear to place between the two governments distinc- tions which cannot be confounded, and obstacles which cannot be surmounted. For, in fact, there are strong republican features in the representative portion of the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 3gj English Constitution i and there are monarchal linea- ments distinctly visible in the executive branches of the American constitutions, both state and federal. This was more peculiarly the case, as long as the presidency of General Washington continued ; for the force of pub- lic opinion and sentiment, attached to his person through- out the whole of the United States, bore a striking re- semblance to that kind of magical power and illusion, which many most distinguished political writers attri- bute to the pervading influences of monarchy, under the name of loyalty to the reigning sovereign. This sentiment, however, did not survive the execu- tive magistracy of Washington; the strange and way- ward conduct of President Adams, together with the schism in the federal party during his administration, for- bade all personal attachment to him. And Mr. Jeffer- son and Mr. Madison avowedly administered the fede- ral government altogether on democratic principles and views, which cut up by the root all possibility of per- sonal attachment, stifle every generous feeling of enthu- siasm and reverence, and degrade the government of a country from the high eminence of a national adminis- tration, into the deep abyss of the dominion of a faction. Mr. Monroe, indeed, has lately been making progress through the United States, and " buying golden opinions from all sorts of men," with the hope of rekindling that flame of loyalty, and national attachment to their execu- tive chief, which glowed in the bosoms of the American people for the illustrious Washington, " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citi- zens." It is surprising, that Mr. Talleyrand, who has made oo many profound remarks, and drawn such wise and comprehensive inferences, in \i\s Memoir \o the National Institute, should so egregiously have mistaken the cha- racter of the Americans. He says, that as a people newly constituted and formed of different elements, their national character is not yet decided. They remain Eng- lish from ancient habit; and because thev have not 382 RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. yet had time to become completely Americans. Their climate is not yet formed : their character still less. l( we consider those populous cities filled with English, Germans, Irish, and Dutch, as well as with their indige- nous inhabitants ; those remote towns so distant from each other; those vast uncultivated tracts of soil, tra- versed rather than inhabited by men who belong to no country ; what common bond can we conceive in the midst of so many incongruities ? It is a novel sight to the traveller, who, setting out from a principal city where society is in perfection, passes in succession through all the degrees of civilization and industry, which he constantly finds growing weaker and weaker, until in a few days he arrives at a misshapen and rude cabin, formed of the trunks of trees lately cut down. Such a journey is a sort of practical and living ana- lysis of the origin of people and states ; we set out from the most compounded mixture, to arrive at the most simple ingredients; at the end of every day we lose sight of some of those inventions which our wants, as they have increased, have rendered necessary ; and it appears as if we travelled backwards in the history of the progress of the human mind. If such a sight lays a strong hold upon the imagination ; if we please our- selves by finding in the succession of space what appears to belong only to the succession of time, we must make up our minds to behold but few social connexions, and no common character amongst men, who appear so lit- tle to belong to the same association. In many districts the sea and the woods have formed fishermen and wood- cutters. Now, such men have no country; and their social morality is reduced within a very small compass. Man is the disciple of that which surrounds him. Hence, he whose bounds are circumscribed by nothing but de- serts, cannot receive lessons with regard to the social comforts of life. The idea of the need which men have of each other, does not exist in him ; and it is merely by decomposing the trade which he exercises, that one can find out the principles of his affections and the sum of his morality. ^ ^ RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 383 The American wood-cutter does not interest himself in any thing ; every sensible idea is remote from him. Those branches so agreeably disposed by nature, beau- tiful foliage, the bright colour which enlivens one part of the wood, the darker green which gives a melancho- ly shade to another; these things are nothing to him; axe'^required to fell a tree, fills aTl^^rs^fiMfigtef.^ni'! never planted; he knows not its pleasures. A tree of his own planting would be good for nothing in his estimation, for it would never during his life be large enough to fell. It is by destruction he lives ; he is a de- stroyer wherever he goes. Thus, every place is equal- ly good in his eyes ; he has no attachment to the spot on which he has spent his labour, for his labour is only fatigue, and unconnected with any idea of pleasure. In the effects of his toil he has not witnessed those gra- dual increases of growth so captivating to the planter; he regards not the destination of his productions; he knows not the charm of new attempts ; and if, in quit- ting the abode of many years, he does not by chance forget his axe, he leaves no regret behind him. The vocation of an American fisherman begets an apathy almost equal to that of the wood-cutter. His affections, his interest, his life, are on the side of that society, to which it is thought he belongs. But it would be a prejudice to suppose him a useful member. For we must not compare these fishermen to those of Eu- rope, and think that the fisheries here are, like them, a nursery for seamen. In America, with the exception of the inhabitants of Nantucket, who fish for whales, fish- ing is an idle employment ! Two leagues from the coast, when they have no dread of foul weather; a sin- gle mile, when the weather is uncertain ; is the sum of the courage which they display ; and the line is the only instrument of which they know the practical use. Thus their knowledge is but a triHing trick ; and their action, which consists in constantly hanging one arm over the- side of the boat, is little short of idleness. They are attached to no place; their only connexion with thf^ 384 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. land, is by means of a wretched house which they in- habit. The sea affords them nourishment; and a few cod-fish, more or less determine their country. If their nnmber seems to diminish in any particular quarter, they emigrate in search of another country, where they are more abundant. The remark, that fishing is a sort of agriculture, is not spyt^ v?i'Ht]nglriii-im-Tv-no' lives by fishing. Agriculture produces a patriot, in the truest acceptation of the word ; fishing can only form a cos- mopolite. So that it is not only by reason of their origin, lan- guage, and interest, the Americans so constantly find themselves to be Englishmen ; an observation which applies more especially to the cities. When one looks upon the people wandering among the woods, upon the snores of the sea, and by the banks of the rivers, the general observation is strengthened with regard to tnem, by that indolence^ and want of native character, which renders this class of Americans more ready to receive and preserve a foreign impression. Doubtless, this will grow weaker, and altogether disappear, when the constantly increasing population shall, by the culture of so many desert lands, have brought the inhabitantiy nearer together. As for the other causes, they have taken such deep root, that it would require a French establishment in the United States, to successfully coun- teract their ascendency. Undoubtedly, such a political project should not be overlooked by the government of France. No confutation of such positions can be neces- sary. M. Talleyrand, however, has discovered his usual sa- gacity in tracing the settlement of colonies, and the sour- ces of their population, when he says, the differeni causes which gave rise to colonial establishments, have been seldom pure. Thus, ambition and the ardour oi conquests carried the first colonies of the Phoenicians and Egyptians into Greece; violence, that of the Tyri- ans to Carthage ; the njisfortunes of war, that of the fugitive Trojans to Italy; commerce, and the love ot RESOURCES OF THE UiXITED STATES. 355 riches, those of the Carthaginians to the isles of the Mediterranean, and the coasts of Spain and Africa ; ne- cessity, those of the Athenians into Asia Minor, the peo- ple becoming too numerous for their limited and barren territory; prudence, that of the Lacedemonians to Ta- rentum, to deliver themselves from some turbulent citi- zens ; and urgent policy, the numerous small and unim- portant colonies of the Romans, who shovt'^ed their wis- dom in giving up to their colonists a portion of the con- quered countries ; because they appeased the people, who incessantly demanded a new division of the land, and because they thus formed of the disconted them- selves, a sure guard in the countries which they had subdued. The ardour for plunder, and the fury of war, much more than the excess of population, sent the co- lonies, or rather irruptions of the people of the north, into the Roman empire ; and a romantic piety, greedy of conquest, those of the European croisaders into Asia. After the discovery of America, the folly, injustice, and avarice of individuals thirsting after gold, threw them upon the first countries to which their barks con- veyed them. The more rapacious they were, the more they separated ; they wished not to cultivate, but to lay waste. Those, indeed, were not true colonists. Some time afterward, religious dissentions gave birth to more regular establishments; thus the puritans took refuge in the north of America; the English catholics in Ma- ryland; the quakers in Pennsylvania; whence Dr. Smith concludes, that the vices, not the wisdom of European governments, peopled the new world. Other great emigrations likewise, were owing to a gloomy policy, falsely called religious. Thus Spain rejected the Moors from her bosom; France the Protestants; almost all governments, the Jews: and every where the error, which had dictated such deplorable counsels, was recog- nized too late. They had discontented subjects, and they made them enemies who might have served, but were forced to injure, their country. The inhabitants of the United States consist of Eu- ropeans and their descendants, African negroes an4 49 38t) KtSOLRCES OF THE UNITED STATES. their descendants, and tlje Aboriginal Indians. — Of which last it is not intended to treat, as they are verging rapidly to extinction, under the pressure of American encroachment; whicii Mr. Monroe, in his Message oi' the 2d of December, 1817, maintains to be quite pro- per, and says, " The hunter state can exist only in the vast, uncultivated desert. It yields to the more dense and compact form, and greater force of civihzed popu- lation; and, of right, it ought to yield, for the earth was given to mankind, to support the greatest number of which it is capable, and no tribe or people have a right to withhold from the wants of others more than is ne- cessary for their own support and comfort." The great mass of our people is of English origin, and not made up, originally, of convicts, mendicants, and vagabonds, according to the vulgar, but erroneous opinion. The first settlers in this country were, for the most part, of respectable families and good charac- ter, who came hither under the guidance of intelligent and distinguished leaders, and laid the basis of an in- numerable people in the best principles and habits of religious toleration, political independence, and social virtue. These early colonists fled from civil and reli- gious persecution in their native country, to find an asylum in this western w orld ; and have given birth to a people, who still retain the puritanical precision, the stem republicanism, and the daring intrepidity of their ancestors. New-England was settled altogether by Englishmen, except an Irish colony in the hilly part of one county of Massachusetts, and a few Scottish and Irish settlements in New-Hampshire. With these ex- ceptions, the New-England population is, at this hour, entirely of English origin. The same source also sup- plies a great majority of the people in the middle, and a still larger proportion in the southern States. The Germans make about a fourth of the population of Pennsylvania and a part of the inhabitants of New-York and New-Jersey. They arc, however, fast yielding their language, habits, and customs to the predominance of the English. The same may be said of the Dutch RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 387 settled In New- York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvania. A few French Protestants settled at New Rochelle and Staten-Island, in the State of New-York, and in Charles- ton, South-Carolina. The Irish emigrants are found chiefly in Pennsylvania and Maryland ; and many are scattered over New- York, New-Jersey, Kentucky, and some other States. Those who are Papists, from the middle and south of Ireland, compose the bulk of the day labourers in our large cities ; the Protestants from the north of Ireland, generally become agriculturists in the interior of the country. The Scottish, who are generally intelligent, indus- trious, good citizens, have settlements in New-Hamp- shire, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, and North-Carolina. Some Swedes are found in New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland; and some Swiss are settled in the State of Indiana. Some small Welsh settlements have been made in Pennsylvania and New- York. The new States, which are continually rising, like exhalations from the earth, in the western country^ and denoting a growth of population, rapid and gigan- tic, beyond all parallel in the history of nations, are supplied with settlers chiefly from the annual surplus of New-England, which indeed has been, for many years, the afficina gentium to the States of New-York, Ohio, Kentucky, and all the interminable regions of the west. The accessions from foreign countries make but a small proportion of the aggregate of American popu- lation. From 1785 to 1815, the annual importation of foreigners into the United States did not exceed five thousand. Since that period the European migrations hither have been more abundant. Of these, the French, in great numbers, direct their steps to the Alabama territory ; and the Irish are endeavouring, under the auspices of Mr. Emmet, of New-York, to get up an Hibernian colony in the Illinois country. Many of our imported foreigners are the lees and dregs, the refuse, the vilest specimens of Irish and English population, who reside chiefly in the large cities on our seaboard, and show forth their patriotism by incessantly vilifying 388 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. all the institutions of their native country, and by vio- lating the laws of their adopted nation. The propor- tion of these imported politicians, however, to the whole community, is not great. The New-England States, throughout, are unpolluted with the mixture of foreign population ; and our yeomanry, generally, all over the Union, are native Americans. Full one million seven hundred thousand negroes are held as slaves in the United States, which also contain upAvards of two hundred thousand /rce people of colour. Both these classes, however, acquire occasionally an ad- mixture of the blood of the white portion of our popula- tion, and tlie mestizos are gaining fast in number upon the blacks. The great body of American negroes are to be found in our Southern States. The experience of all history proves, that the struc- ture of society in slave-holding countries, is unfavourable to internal security and peace at all times ; and still more so to security and strength in the season of foreign warfare. Indeed, all moral evil possesses a dreadful power of perpetuating and augmenting its own atrocity ; whence, the evil of slavery once established, scarcely admits of remedy ; because the emancipation of slaves in large masses, is nearly, if not quite impracticable ; the difference between the habits of a slave and those of a free citizen being wide as the poles asunder. A slave is ignorant of the very elements of industry^ which is the basis of all social prosperity. While in bondage he only obeys the impulse of another's will, he is ac- tuated by no other motive than the dread of the lash; whereas when made free, he must think, will, plan, pro- vide for himself and familj', and perform all the duties of a citizen. It is necessary to make a slave a man, an animal capable of thought and reflection, before he is made a free man. The slave, recently liberated, has experienced only the most laborious and irksome of the occupations of a citizen, and not having learned any forecast, is unwilling to toil when free. The negroes of St. Domingo at tirst knew only the two extremes of slavery and rebellion ; afterward they experienced the I RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 339 blessings of military despotism, under the pressure of which, they at this hour bend and groan ; and it is not easy to determine from which of these three miserable states, the transition to the social and orderly rank of a free citizen is most difficult. Besides, our slaves are in a very uncivilized state ; and, as is peculiarly exemplified in our aboriginal In- dians, the industry of a savage, his habits of voluntary obedience, his perception of pohtical rights, his capacity of becoming the citizen of a regular community, is still lower than that of a mere slave. He is quite ignorant of the necessity of voluntary exertion and peaceable submission, which forms the strongest cement of civil- ized society. Savages know no medium between the extremes of unlimited servility and uncontrolled despot- ism ; among them it is the lot of the slave to obey and toil, the privilege of the master to command and be idle. This is manifested all over the coast of Africa, where the sable chiefs exercise absolute sway over their wretched subjects, or slaves. We are not, there- fore, to expect, that a body of em?ncipated slaves, whether emancipated by manumission or rebellion, can be converted into a community of free citizens, living under a regular government and equitable laws. Much in- struction on this point, may be derived from a careful perusal of Mr. Brougham's very able and learned work on " Colotiial Policy ;" and Sir James Lucas Yeo's re- cent letter to Mr. Croker contains some very interest- ing information respecting the condition and conduct of the free negro colony at Sierra Leone. The experience of St. Domingo, for nearly twenty- five years past, proves that revolted slaves are incapa- ble of receiving and enjoying the blessings of free institutions; for they have only exchanged the horrors of civil bondage for those of military despotism. Ancl the emancipated negroes of Massachusetts prove, that such an order of beings have not the capacity of avail- ing themselves of the benefits of civil liberty. For in that State, where slavery is abolished by law, and which consequently, opens an asylum to fugitive slaves from 390 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. neighbouring States, the negroes do not keep up their stock of population, bj the help both of native breed- ing and runaway importation ; so improvident, so help- less, so wanting in all those habits of steady and useful industry, which are essentially necessary to enable the citizens of a free community to obtain a competent sup- port for themselves and a growing family, have they been rendered by a long continuance of slavery, either in their oAvn persons, or in those of their immediate pro- genitors; and by their almost total destitution, even of the rudest elements of civilization and culture. This incapacity for receiving and profiting by the precious boon of liberty, would be still more visible in the event of emancipating the slaves of our southern States ; because their negroes are much more numerous, and have always been more harshly treated, than those of Massachusetts ! For the peculiar situation of the negroes under such circumstances, would tend very lit- tle to promote their contentment, or peaceable demean- or, or regular industry. They would form the loAvest part of the community, destitute of property, and there- ibre unable to enjoy some of the most essential political privileges, and toiling for a bare subsistence. It is to be feared, therefore, that our southern negroes, while la- bouring under the double curse of slavery and want of civilization, can only be kept in subjection by their white masters, so long as they are kept in chains. The day that breaks the fetters of a slave, destroys the authority, and endangers the security of his lord. Whilst the slave-holding system exists, the division of the negroes, the vigilance of the overseer, the fear of the driver's lash, and the horrible torments inflicted upon servile con- tumacy, may prevent the blacks from uniting and extir- pating their masters. Although Mr. John Randolph, on the floor of Congress, declared, that even now, when- ever tlie midnight bell tolls the alarm of fire in any of the towns or cities of Virginia, every mother clasps her infant to her bosom, in agonizing expectation, that the locsin is sounding the cry of a general negro insurrec- tion ; and warning the devoted victims of the near ap- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 39 1 preach of indiscriminate pillage, rape, murder, and con- flagration. Thus the modern system of negro slavery^ as it pre- vails in the European colonies, and in this free republic, is one entire circle of evil. It not only creates an enor- mous mass of physical suffering and moral guilt, during the continuance of the negroes in the fetters of personal bondage ; but also, by brutahzing their bodies, by dark- ening their understanding, by corrupting their hearts, it jncapacitates them for receiving and using the privileges and blessings of civil and religious liberty ; whence this system, as it now flourishes among nations calling them- selves Christian, provides, by the very atrocity and vast aggregate amount of its own guilt, for its own frightful perpetuity. In our southern States, the slaves are not often allowed to profit hj religious instruction ; their masters having an absolute property in their bodies, are apt to consider their souls as thrown into the bargain, and seldom sufler the mild light of revelation to irradiate the gloom of their desolate condition. T\ie free blacks which swarm in our northern and middle States, are generally idle, vitious, and profligate, with very little sense of moral obligation to deter them from lying, thieving, and still more atrocious crimes. For some winters past, a gang of free blacks used to amuse themselves in the city of New-York, by setting fire to whole rows of houses, for the purpose of pilfering amidst the confusion and horror of the flames. In the winter of 1816-17 a negro was hanged for this crime, and fires have been proportionally scarce in New- York ever since. A hint this, which might be rendered profitable, if our State legislature would strengthen the criminal code, and recommend our house-breakers, highway-robbers^ and forgers^ to the gal- lows, instead of providing them with a comfortable do- micile in the state-prison for a season, and then letting them out to renew their depredations upon the public. Of late, however, some philanthropists, among whom the Friejids or Quakers (as they always do in every work of benevolence aad usefulness,) bear a distinguish- 392 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ed part, have endeavoured to meliorate the moral con- dition of the free blacks in the Northern and Middle States. In consequence of which, African schools and churches have risen up, and black teachers and preach- ers have shown themselves as competent to perform their important functions as their white brethren. Doubt- Jess, the only possible means of rendering these negroes honest, industrious, and provident, are to be found in the general diffusion of religious and moral instruction among them. And it is certainly high time to refute, by practical proof, the assertion of Mr. Jefferson, in his Notes on Virginia, that the negroes are a race of animals inferior to man. A few ages of civil liberty and gene- ral education, would silence this cavil of infidelity against the Scriptural doctrine, that God made of one blood all the nations of the earth. As religion is the great basis of national character, it is necessary to examine its effects in relation to the Uni- ted States. In the " Resources of the British Empire,'' beginning at page 377, are adduced reasons to show the intimate connexion between the piety and prosperi- ty of nations, and conversely ; the necessity and impor- tance of national^ as contradistinguished from personal, religion, that is to say, the acknowledgment of God, as the Governor of the world, by the state or govern- ment, as the representative of the community; and the inestimable benefits resultinjj from a general diffusion of individual or personal religion. Indeed, the voice of all history, which is emphatically the voice of philosophy speaking by example, Avarns us, that every nation which has broken asunder the bonds of religion, whether founded on the light of natural con- science, inherent in the heart of every man, or upon the clearer light of Revelation from Heaven, has invariably given itself up to every species of profligacy ; untying all the ligaments of social virtue, and stifling in lust and bloo(i every dear relation, every domestic charity of pa- rental, conjugal, and filial duty. When ancient Persia departed from the simplicity and purity of the religious institutions of the elder Cyrus, she fell headlong into all RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES, 393 the corruptions of effeminate immorality; and sunk in the dastardly enervation of universal vice, yielded her extended empire to the yoke of a foreign conqueror. When the ancient Republics of Greece exchanged the simple maxims of their pristine religion for the general prevalence of philosophical unbelief, they degenerated into universal sensualism ; and all classes of the com- munity, setting themselves in open sale to the highest bidder, followed their clamorous and ignorant dema- gogues throughout all the gradations of domestic anar- chy, weakness, and corruption, into the sepulchral sleep of external despotism. When Rome, despising the re- ligious reverence of her republican ancestors, ceased to regard the obligations of an oath, and cultivating gene- rally the atheistic materialism of her infidel philosophers, practised with unblushing impudence every crime of violence and fraud, she fell from her high estate of na- tional glory, into the despicable meanness of unrestrain- ed democracy; whence, by an easy, quick, and natural transition, she passed into the kindred bondage of sin- gle military tyranny ; and finally bowed her imperial head beneath the sterner morality and superior prowess of the Barbarians of the North. In later times, Continental Europe has read a memora- ble lesson to all nations and ages, of the inevitable ruin attached to a wilful departure from the doctrines and duties of Heaven's last best gift to man, reyca/ec? religion. During the greater part of the eighteenth century, the kings and princes, the nobles and ambassadors, the po- liticians, writers, and people of almost every nation on the European continent, strove in wretched rivalry for a vile pre-eminence in the guilt of rejecting the Scriptures of God, and calumniating the religion of Christ. As the necessary consequence of this universal speculative un- belief, as universal a deluge of immorality, baseness, and corruption, private and public, national as v/ell as indi- vidual, flooded their foul and feculent streams of pollu- tion over all the surface of Continental Europe. And what has been the great practical commentary which .'^hovah himself has given upon the impious text of this 50 394 IlESOURClii Oh THE UNITED STATES, new philosophy ? For the space of five-and-twenty years- every nominally Christian nation on the European con- tinent, has been Avastcd by fire, and sword, and pesti- lence ; bv famine, and internal broil, and foreign inva- sion; not a single country within the verge oi Conti- nental European Christendom, has escaped the terrible lustration of human blood. And have these United States no cause of similar alarm ? Cannot they read the same handwriting upon the wall, which declared to the kindred nations of Eu- rope, that they had been weighed in the balance and were found wanting ? When the purer light of Chris- tianity is corrupted and darkened in the Eastern sec- tion of our Union, and the Revelation of God too gene- rally rejected in the Southern and Western extremities of the Commonwealth, have we any right to expect that this country will escape those national visitations, which the European Continent has so abundantly reaped in a full harvest of agony and ruin ? The late President Dwight declared, in 1812, that there were three millions of souls in the United States, entirely destitute of all religions ordinances and worship. It is also asserted, by good authority, that in the southern and western States societies exist, built on the model of the Transal- pine clubs in Italy, and the Atheistic assemblies of France and Germany, and, like them, incessantly la- bouring to root out every vestige of Christianity. So that, in the lapse of a few years, we are in danger of being overrun with unbaptized infidels, the most atro- cious and remorseless banditti that infest and desolate human society. Indeed, many serious people doubt the permanence of the Federal Constitution, because in that national compact there is no reference to the Providence of God: " IVc the people j'"' being the constitutional substitute of Je- hovah. Of national religion we have not much to boast ; a few of our State governments, particularly in New- England, and recently in New-York, do acknowledge God as the governor among the nations, and occasion- ally recommend (for they have no power to appoint) RESOURCES OF TffE UNITED STATES. 395 days to be set apart for general fasting, and prayer, and thanksgiving. But the greater number of the States declare it to be unconstitutional to refer to the Provi- dence of God in any of their public acts ; and Virginia carries this doctrine so far, as not to allow any Chaplain to officiate in her State legislature ; giving as a reason, by an overwhelming majority of her representatives, in December, 1817, that the Constitution permits no one religious sect to have preference to any other ; and therefore, as a Chaplain must belong to some sect, it would be unconstitutional for the Virginian legislators to listen to his preaching or prayers. In the winter of 1814-15, the legislature of Louisiana rejected by an immense majority, a bill " For the bet- ter observance of the Sabbath; for punishing the crime of sodomy ; for preventing the defacing of the Church- yards ; for shutting the theatres and stores an Sunday ; and for other purposes." The chief opposer of the bill declaring, on the legislative floor, " that such per- secuting intolerance might well suit the New-England puritans, who were descended from the bigoted fana- tics of old England, who were great readers of the Bi- ble, and, consequently^ ignorant, prejudiced, cold-blooded, false, and cruel ; but could never be fastened on the more enlightened, liberal, and philosophical inhabitants of Louisiana, the descendants of Frenchmen." In this respect the Louisianians have shown their kindred to the regenerated citizens of mot^ern France, who have compelled Louis the eighteenth to repeal his decree for enforcing a decent respect to the Sabbath; and the Sunday now is, as it was during the revolution, a day of business, or pleasure, ivithout any regard or reference to the divine founder of the Christian dispen- sation. It was reserved for th^ illumined sages of the eigh- teenth century of the Christian era to discover, that religion was the cause of all the political evils which deform human soo^ty. The Egyptian, Persian, Gre- cian, and Roman legislators all deemed it necessary to laj the foundation of their municipal codes upon the 396 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. broad basis of religious sanction. Not a single philoso- pher, statesman, or sovereign Is to be found in all the records of heathen antiquity, who ever for a moment doubted that some higher bond of obligation, than can possibly be derived from the exterior ligaments of hu- man law, is indispensable to connect together communi- ties of men in firm and lasting ties. They knew full well, that without a direct appeal to the tribunal ot natural conscience, without the religious obligation of an oath, without the internal safeguard of an habitual watch over the thoughts of the heart, regulating an innumerable multitude of words and deeds, which no human laws can touch, but which, according to their good or evil direction, either adorn or dishonour the aggregate of life, no community of men can long flourish in personal virtue, or national prosperity. What human laws can regulate the intercourse of benevolence and gratitude between the rich and poor, or measure out the affection that ought to be shown to a parent, wife, or child ? Or prescribe the limits of friendship, or gra- duate the scale of punishment to the numberless tres- passes against the duties of affection and charity ? In all these, and countless other instances, religion alone can bind the obligation and measure of duty upon the heart. Where the authority and power of man reach not, the arm of God alone can guide the footsteps of human conduct. Revolutiormry France possesses the execrable honour of having first reduced individual and national atheism to a regular systeni. hi the beginning of the ] 8th cen- tury, Mr. Bayle, wVo had escaped from the fangs of the Doctors of the Sorbonne, at Paris, into the marshes of Holland, undertook to teach Europe that a nation of atheists must, Infallibly, be Wtter governed than a coun- try of Christians ; because, Vieing freed from all the restraints of religious prejudice, they would be at liberty to follow the pure impulses of a vVtuous and unimpeded nature. Bishop W^arburton, in h'.s Divitie Legation^ and President Montesquieu, in his Esprit des Loix, both laboured, la opposition to Bayle's doarine, to prove, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 39^7 that a society of atheists could not be held together, for want of a bond of mutual obligation alike binding upon all. For an atheist, not allowing the authority of any higher tribunal than his own estimate of his own self-in- terest, will break any human law, whenever, according to his own calculations, it would be advantageous to him; and provided also he could elude personal punishment. But the disciples of Bayle, the metaphysical and poli- tical doctors of the French revolution, Helvetius, Ray- nal, D'Alembert, Condorcet, Diderot, and all the rest of those brilliant banditti, who set fire to the four corners of the world ; improving on their master's hint, united all the force of perverted genius, misapplied learning, ill-directed science, dazzhng declamation, glittering wit, and habitual sophistry, in order to persuade men, that all the political evils which disfigure the earth, flowed immediately from the existence and support of the Christian religion ; and that mankind could not fail of enjoying uninterrupted beatitude, if they would only eradicate every vestige of Christianity from the human heart and conduct. Revolutionary France tried the grand experiment; she abolished Christianity, declared death to be an eternal sleep, passed a decree denouncing terrible vengeance against all who believed in the existence of a God, wor- shipped the perfection of human reason in the person of a prostitute, and placed her on that same altar, wliich had been reared by the hand of adoration to the Lord Jesus Christ himself; pronounced marriage an unholy monopoly, and stigmatized all the feefings and affec- tions of parents, brethren, and children, as vulgar and unphilosophical prejudices. From July 1792, to iMarch 1796, it was death by law in France, for any one to pronounce the name of God or Christ, except in exe- cration; and during this period, many thousands of men, women, and children, were actually murdered by law, for the crime of professing themselves to be Chris- tians. Acting upon these enlightened views, and ori- ginal discoveries, the French nation proceeded to mur- der their lawful sovereign, to butcher their ancient no- 293 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. bility and established clergy; to proclaim and enforce an indiscriminate pillage of all public and private pro- perty, to bathe their hands in each other's life, to exalt a midnight assassin to an imperial throne, to cradle the new-born dynasty of an upstart ruffian in tears and blood, to convert all France into one universal brothel, one universal slaughter-house. As the other nations of Continental Europe, follow- ed with too fatal a facility, the footsteps of French illumination, jacobin and atheistic France, finding a bosom friend in the atheism and jacobinism of the rest of the European continent, was soon enabled by the poison of fraud, and the force of arms, to triumph over all the religious, moral, and social establishments of Christendom. Thrones were overturned, and the altars of God trampled down beneath the cloven hoof of impiety ; the rich were despoiled of their posses- sions, and all the people in one undistinguished mass, crushed beneath the great nether millstone of an op- pression unparalleled in the annals of remorseless tyran- ny. Nor was the tide of Gallic invasion ever rolled back, nor its career of victory checked, until the prin- ces and people of continental Europe had been lashed by the scorpion-whip of long continued calamity and insult, into the full conviction that the new philosophy is the unerring road to personal and national ruin. Accordingly, when they had been sufficiently disciplin- ed in the severe, but salutary school of suffering, the European nations, from the north and from the south, from the east and from the west, of their populous continent, returned to the good old way of reverence to God, integrity towards man, and high-hearted loyalty to their native land; and rallying from all quarters under the banners of a legitimate patriotism, routed the hordes of Gallic philosophy, drove them back confound- ed within the borders of their own dominions, and in the heart of France stifled jacobinism in its own life's blood. At the advent of the Messiah, the greater portion of the known world was under the dominion of^ one em- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 399 pire. Knowledge and civilization had reached a higher point of excellence than at any preceding period. This general and excessive intellectual culture was accom- panied with a correspondingly general and excessive immorality. A fact in itself amounting to a demonstra- tion, that the mere improvement of the mind can do nothing towards removing or amending the natural de- pravity of the human heart. At this time the Greek and Latin languages had reached their summit of per- fection. They divided between themselves the intel- lectual dominions of the whole empire. The Latin predominated over the western, the Greek over the eastern section of imperial Rome. The ancient dialects of Italy, the languages of Africa, Spain, Gaul, Britain, and Pannonia, had all retired before the use of the Ro- man tongue. The Greek was the language of science and literature, the Latin that of all public transactions, laws, ordinances, and institutions of government. Well educated men were alike conversant with both. All the knowledge then afloat in the world, was concentra- ted in one focus of brightness by the best writers of Greece and Rome. Art, and nature, and science, were ransacked, explored, exhausted ; to furnish the poet with splendid imagery; to emblazon the eloquence of the orator, to sharpen the weapons of the dialectician ; to point the sting of the satyrist ; to round the period of the philosopher; to swell the pomp of learning. But in the midst of all this blaze of intellectual glory, what was the condition of the human heart ? The heart of man was at this time darker and more hideous than the sepulchre of death. The barriers of moral decency were broken down ; every crime, and every abomi- nation, was either perpetrated, or tolerated ; public profligacy and private vice had converted the whole earth into one vast charnel-house of atrocity and horror. All the profane historians and annalists of that period, bear testimony to the charges against the heathen world, which the holy Spirit of God put? into the mouth of the apostle of the GeYitiles-. 400 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. * Such was the deplorable condition of the mora] world, when the Sun of Kio^hteousness arose with healinjr in his wings, and the darkest recesses of the human heart were illumined with the light of hfe. Wherever Chris- tianity has prevailed in its purity, and precisely in pro- portion to the evangelism of its doctrines ; setting forth the fall of man from his primeval innocence ; the original and natural depravity of the human heart; the justifica- tion of sinners by Jesus Christ ; the sanctlfication of the human spirit by the Holy Ghost; the Godhead of the three Divine Persons in one mysterious Trinity ; have individual purity of morals, and national prosperity and happiness uniformly flourished. Wherever Christianity spread its mild and benignant light, the waste and wil- derness of life began to bloom as the paradise of God ; the nations of the earth became purified and exalted in all their moral and intellectual faculties, they were freed from the fetters of political, social, and domestic slavery ; they were more advanced in skill and knowledge, more deeply versed in science, more accomplished in litera- ture, more alive to industry and enterprise, more refined in all social intercourse, more adorned with every nobler virtue, and every polished grace, more benevolent to man, more devoted to God. But the dawning of this brightest day was soon over- cast with clouds and thick darkness; superstition soon poisoned the waters of life in their springs, and in their sources ; a superstition which lulled to rest all fears of future punishment, while it sanctioned and encouraged the commission of every crime ; which held out incite- ments to the most profligate ambition, and provided for the indulgence of the most sensual sloth; a superstition, Avhose imposing ceremonies were Interwoven with all the institutions of society; and whose spirit of delusion was diflused throughout all the principles of ciyil go- vernment. The corruptions of Christianity soon begart to darken, and gradually to extinguish the lights of the understanding, and the sensibilities of the heart; so that a greater and more stupendous mass of ignorance and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES- 4()1 iniquity, than had ever yet oppressed the earth, was ex- hibited in the moral and intellectual death of ten suc- cessive centuries. The whole circumference of Chris- tendom was veiled in the darkest pall of civil and religious bondage ; the human conscience was benighted amidst the terrors of the dungeon, the rack, the gibbet, and the flame ; and the persons of men were delivered over a prey to the perpetuity of feudal anarchy and horror. In the midst of this noon of night, it pleased Divine Providence again to interpose for the benefit of human kind ; the Spirit of God again moved upon the moral and intellectual chaos, and in the fulness of his own ap- pointed time, he raised up Luther, and Calvin, and Knox, and an innumerable army of saints and martyrs, at the era of the Reformation^ to bring back the children of disobedience from the error of their ways to the wisdom of the just ; to teach men the pure doctrines of revela- tion; to be the means of enlightening the mind, and amending the heart of all the forlorn beings that were slumbering in the confines of darkness, or trembling under the shadow of death. Then, indeed, arose a new order of things ; the human heart swelled with the sub- limest raptures of spiritual devotion; all the charities of father, husband, son, and brother, were mingled in every life-throb of the bosom; substantial integrity and habitual courtesy at once supported and embellished the whole fabric of society; the mind of man sprang up- ward like a pyramid of fire, and by its blaze of intellec- tual light, dissipated the Stygian darkoess of the middle ages ; and an uninterrupted chain of progressive im- provement, united together all the intelligent minds of reillumined Christendom. But man, weak, frail, unsubstantial man, the changling of an hour, ever prone to pass from one into the other extreme, soon vibrated from the grossest superstition into the most obdurate unbelief. And we, who now live upon the earth, are doomed to Avitness this last and most dreadful of all the eras of humgn depravity, that 51 4Q2 RESOURCES Ol' THE UNITED STATES of general profligate infidelity. The light of religion be- ing quenched, that of moral philosophy is speedily swal- lowed up in the sunounding darkness; all the duties of moral obligation having no other basis, than the will of God revealed to man in his inspired word. All political studies are proscribed, lest they should point out the path to civil and religious liberty. No moral culture is encouraged, and no mtellectual improvement permitted, save that which teaches the more speedy accomplish- ment of the works of blood and desolation ; which makes war more frequent, more extensive, more murderous. Whence, a few ages o{ infidelity would roll back the na- tions of the earth into all the barbarism of universal ignorance ; into all the abominations of universal iniqui- ty. To this most deplorable condition was the Euro- pean Continent verging rapidly, under the iffidei do- minion of Revolutionary France. Let us pause a moment, and resurvey the threefold progressive augmentation of heavenly light, accompa- nied with a threefold progressive deterioration of human depravity. When man had only the lesser light of natural con- science to guide his uncertain steps through the mazes of moral duty, the Pagan worla, although partially illumined in intellect, was immersed in the grossness and profligacy of vice. Yet were the heathens superior, both in doctrine and practice, to the grand corrupters of Christianity, whose superstition polluted the greater light of revelation, and approximated the human animal nearer to the brute beast m understanding, and to the fiend in iniquity. But the total rejection ol the greater light of revelation produces a more impenetrable dark- ness of the understanding, and a more entire depravity of the heart than ever arose from the united efforts of the corruption of Christianity and perversion of the na- tural conscience. So that the world now presents the spectacle of the greatest light of mind and most unspot- ted purity of heart, in those countries where the unso- phisticated Gospel is believed, contrasted with the mid- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 4Q3 night of the intellect and the loathsome iniquity of those regions, which have cast oflf all allegiance to God and to his Christ. The influence of injiddity^ like the baneful Upas, lays the hand of death upon all that it touches ; it corrupts the morals, debases the intellect, perverts the resources, tarnishes the character, annihilates the honour, of every people whom it enfolds in the harlotry of its embrace ; it rolls together as a scroll all the rights and liberties of civilized society; it casts that scroll into the fire of hell; feeding upon the misery of man, it cuts oflf every retreat from virtue and happiness into human intercourse ; it lays for ever low in an untimely tomb, all that dignity, tenderness, wisdom, charity, affection, and confidence can add of lustre and of love to the children of mortali- ty; it has never failed, wheresoever it has rolled its wa- ters of bitterness and death, to sweep away all the an- cient boundaries and landmarks of human improvement ; it has rolled its stream of ruin over all the art and pride of Egypt, Greece, and Italy, and every other region, waste or cultivated, wholesome or poisonous, in the earth; it has polluted the shades of learning and science, laid open and desolate the properties of men, levelled the temples, and destroyed the altars of the living God ; scattered to the wild fury of the winds every hope and every production of nature that looks upward to the Heavens ; and after undermining all the props and but- tresses of social order that have been reared and strengthened by the labours of hereditary ages; after washmg down into the mire of desolation kingdoms, and nations, and empires, and people, and languages ; so that before it the earth was as the garden of Eden, and be- hind it a deserted waste ; it plunges itself, together with all that it encircles, into the gulf of remediless perdi- tion. In i\ie present state of the world, infidelity is closely allied with the revohuionary question; and, generally speaking, those who are eager to revolutionize all exist- ing governments, under the ostensible pretence of pro- moting the liberty and prosperity of mankind, are alike 404 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. infidels in precept and in practice. But these patriotic politicians widely mistake the matter, for all past expe- rience shows, that civil liberty and national prosperity always flourish most where pure Christianity prevails ; and that despotism is the most unrestrained and cruel, and public happiness most completely stifled, where un- belief predominates. This was strongly exemplified in the contrasted condition of Britain and France, during the revolutionary conflict. France^ during that awful period, was a prey to the worst species of desolation; her whole people, let loose from the salutary restraints of religious and moral obligation, presented the hideous spectacle of one entire mass of systematic and legalized corruption ; her agriculture Avas neglected, her external commerce annihilated, her internal trade stagnant, her manufactures drooping, her science and literature dark- ened almost to extinction ; her whole community groan- ed under the most sanguinary and remorseless tyranny that ever crushed the heart of man to the earth ; her sons were dra^ired in chains, to whiten with their bones and moisten with their blood, the soil of far-distant lands, while her own deserted widows and fatherless babes lay mouldering in unburied heaps throughout every nook and corner of her swollen and overgrown empire. Du- ring this same period, the British people were protected in their equal rights by the unstained administration oi equal justice ; the full security of hfe, liberty, and pro- perty, was preserved to all ; a continual accumulation of wealth pervaded all the departments of her domi- nions, which exhibited an improved and improving sys- tem of agriculture, an extensive and extending commerce, manufactures thriving and increasing, the arts liberally patronized, science and literature in all their branches promoted ; their lands, canals, houses, rivers, presenting the most unequivocal proofs of progressive industry ana prosperity ; the people advancing in pure religion and sound morals, steady in their habits and manners ; whence resulted the enlargement of their territorial pos- sessions by honourable conquest; their inexhaustible stock of talents, the living genius of freedom and intelli- llESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 405 gence, which explored the powers and recesses of na- ture, to abridge the labours and embellish the produc- tions of art; rendering knowledge tributary to the wants, the comforts, and the enjoyments, not only of their own offspring, but also of the whole human race. M. Talleyrand observes, that he was particularly struck with the calmness, in relation to religion, evidenced in the United States, so contrary to the zeal and enthu- siasm displayed in England ; and he attributes it to a variety of causes, some of which it may be well to men- tion. He supposes that the first and most important consideration in a new country is to increase its riches ; that the proof of such a disposition manifests itself every where in America; and that we find evidence of it in every part of their conduct; and that the customs, with regard to religion itself, are strongly tinctured with this prevailing disposition. In England religion has always exercised a powerful influence over the national mind and character of the people ; in that country the great- est philosophers and profoundest sages have cast the sanctity of religion over their most intense and various intellectual pursuits. Since the age in which Luther first peered above the horizon, as the morning star of the Reformation, numerous sects and denominations of Christianity have either sprung up in England, or found their way thither from other countries. And, although in general the great national establishment of the church, together with nearly a full toleration of other persua- sions, has maintained a general current of tranquillity and peace within the bosom of the British isles ; yet, occasionally, the temporary ascendency and fierce fana- ticism of some of the other denominations have wrought sudden and great political changes in that nation. All these various Christian denominations have been transplanted into America ; and several of the separate States actually owe their political origin to the exclusive emigrations of some of these sects. It was, therefore, to be expected that these religious emigrants would, after their transmigration, continue to maintain their original state and character, and frequently convulse 405 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. and agitate the American body politic. But, although for a time religion appeared to give a cast of national character to the original pilgrims, and their immediate descendants, yet those distinguishing features gradually disappeared, and religion in the United States has gra- dually settled down into the level of a mere personal, portable secret, instead of continuing to be what it yet remains in England — a kindred (ire, flaming with elec- trical diffusion, from heart to heart, and lighting up the glow of general enthusiasm among the people. In the United States all the various religious sects seem to co- exist in a calm, unruffled atmosphere. It is not very uncommon for the father, mother, and children of the same family, each to follow, without opposition, their respective modes of worship ; a spectacle that seldom occurs in Europe, where religion, when It operates at all, actuates not only Individuals, but masses of men, in their joint views and combined exertions. Hence, no leader of any religious persuasion in the United States, however ardent may be his own zeal, and however vigorous and Incessant his own efforts, can induce his followers to labour to aggrandize that sect, with as much effectual exertion as he could, under the same circumstances, induce a similar body in Europe to co-operate with him. On the days of public worship, in this country, the Individuals of the same family set out together ; each goes to hear the minister of his own sect, and they afterward return home to employ them- selves, in common. In their domestic concerns. This diversity of religious opinion does not seem to produce any contradiction or discordance in their sentiments as to other things. Whence, if there happens to arrive here, from Europe, an ambitious sectary, eager to afford a triumph to his own particular tenets, bj^ inflaming the passions of men ; so far from finding, as in other coun- tries, multitudes disposed to enlist under his banners, and ready to second his violence, his very existence is scarcely perceived by his nearest neighbours ; his indi- vidual enthusiasm is neither attractive, nor interesting, nor contagious ; he inspires neither love, nor hatred, nor RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 4()7 curiosity ; but is suffered to die awaj^ into nothing, be- neath the frozen pole of universal indifference. This was peculiarly exemplified in Dr. Priestley. This heresiarch, and veteran trumpeter of sedition, had openly menaced the hierarchy of England and the Bri- tish Constitution with speedy destruction. His parti- sans followed him, eagerly and blindly, throughout all the numberless changes of his ever-shifting religious and political creeds ; they poured out at his feet their time, their property, their obedience, their acclamation ; they enabled him to publish, and circulate widely, his pestilent heresies, and malignant invectives against the Church and government of England. He sate, like a demigod, snuffing up the incense of adulation from the Socinian democrats of Great Britain. But how re- versed the picture, when he exchanged an English for an American home ! A meagre deputation of obscure clergymen in our city of New-York welcomed him to the United States with an absurd speech, full of jacobin bombast ^^ fustian. He afterward repaired to Phi- ladelphia, where he preached a few frigorific sermons to thin and drowsy audiences; he then retired to Northumberland, in Pennsylvania, where he passed the remainder of his life in making small experiments amidst his alembics, crucibles, and retorts, for the result of which no one expressed the least interest; and he also occasionally ushered from the press religious and political pamphlets, which no one ever read. His death excited little, if any more sensation among the Pennsyl- vanian patriots than they are wont to exhibit at the dis- solution of a German farmer, or a German farmer's horse. In the United States every one follows, pretty much accordmg to his own inclination, his religious opinions, and pursues with undivided eagerness his temporal concerns. This apparent apathy perhaps arises partly from the universal equality of all religious denomina- tions. In America no form of worship is prescribed, no religious ordinances are established by law ; whence, 403 RESOUJICES OF TIIE UNITED STATES every individual is left at liberty to follow his own will: to neglect or cultivate religion as he sees fit. Almost all the ardour of the moment that is passing is employed in devising the means of acquiring wealth, and promot- ing the success of the political party, in which the active individuals are enrolled. Hence result a general calm- ness and composure in the American community, with regard to the personal feelings and universal diffusion of religion; and it sometimes happens that Jehovah himself is shouldered from the altar peculiarly dedi- cated to his solemn services, by the devotedness of the whole heart to the shrine of mammon, or to the pur- suits and calculations of political intrigue. In the United States there is no national Church established, no lay-patronage, no system of tithes. The people call and support their minister ; few Churches navmg sufficient funds to dispense with the necessity of contribution by the congregation. The law enforces the contract between the Pastor and his flock, and re- quires the people to pay the stipulated salary, so long as the Clergyman preaches and performs his parochial duty, according to the agreement between him and his parishioners. In Massachusetts, Vermont, New-Hamp- shire, and Connecticut, the law requires each town to provide, by taxation, for the support of religious wor- ship ; but leaves it optional with every individual to choose his own sect. The general government has no power to interfere with or regulate the religion of the Union, and the States, generally, have not legislated farther than to incorporate, with certain restrictions, such religious bodies as have applied for charters. In consequence of this entire indiiferencc on the part of the State governments, full one-third of our whole popu- lation are destitute of all religious ordinances ; and a much greater proportion in our southern and western districts. It is quite just and proper, that no one sect should have any preference, either religious or political, over the others; but the State governments ought, at least, to interfere so far as New-Enjjiand has done, and RE6£)UilCES OF THE UNITED STATE?. ^Q9 enforce by law the maintenance of religious worship in every town, leaving the choice of his denomination to each individual The not interfering at all is a culpable extreme one way, as the English system of an exclusive national Church, shutting out the other sects from equal political privileges, is a mischievous extreme the other. In the United Netherlands, in Prussia, in Russia, and even in France, all the religious denominations stand on equal political ground ; and cannot Britain learn to augment her intellectual and moral power, by repealing her test and corporation acts, and permitting all her people to serve her to the full extent of their capacity, in her civil and military functions ? During the time when Russia broke down the military strength of revolutionary France, the commander in chief of all her armies be- longed to the Greek Church, her minister of finance was a Protestant, and her Premier was a Papist. Her affairs were not the worse conducted, because she dis- franchises none of her sects of their political rights, on account of their religious opinions. The prominent evils of the English Church system are the ministerial and lay patronage^ and the tithes. Suppose, for example, (as was actually the fact when Lord Bohngbroke served Queen Anne,) the British prime minister is an avowed infidel, what kind of clergy will he be apt to place in the crown livings ? Evangelical men, or careless irre- ligious clerks ? The lay patrons also, whether noble or gentle, put into the livings, in their gift, pastors, in whose call the people have no voice, but are, neverthe- less, required to sit under their ministration. Now, if the lay patron be not religious, the probability is, that his Clergyman shall not be too well acquainted with the stupendous scheme of revelation. And, perhaps, few things are better calculated to foster the growth of infidelity in a country, than putting into any Church men who dole out only a little thin, diluted, Sabbatical morality once in seven days, instead of expounding the great statute book of Christianity, and inculcating the characteristic, distinguishing doctrines of the Bible. 52 410 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. " Meanwhile, the hungry sheep look up, and are nol fed," and yet grave personages profess to marvel at the rapid growth of other denominations, whose pastors, on moderate stipends, perform faithfully the duties of the highest, the holiest, the most important, and the most interesting vocation, that can be accorded to man. The system of tilhes^ is perhaps the very worst pos- sible mode of providing for the clergy that could be devised. They impede the progress of agriculture, and create perpetual dissensions between the pastor and his own people ; and keep in a state of incessant exaspera- tion, all those other sects, who dissent from the doctrines and government of episcopacy. The tithes take a tenth part of the gross pioduce of the land, and consequently operate as a tax, oppressive in proportion to the amount expended in cultivating, and not to the net profits of the land produce; whence, they grow more and more into- lerable, as a country expends more and more capital in agriculture ; and are a much greater grievance in Eng- land now, when so vast an aggregate of farming capital is employed, than when agriculture consisted chiefly in pasture, and very little money was expended in culture, or tillage. Unless the British government shall commute the tithe system for some other mode of maintaining the national clergy, it will continue an evil, as pernicious as the poor laws, the public debt, or the game laivs, all of which, are in their nature and amount, singularly op- pressive, and two of them tend directly to produce im- morality and vice. The tithes amount to nearly otic- fourth of the rental of England and Ireland ; to at least ten millions sterling a year ; to which add church lands, and other property, five millions more, and it gives an annual expenditure of fifteen millions sterling, or sixty- seven millions of dollars, for tiie maintenance of the established church; to whicli add ten miUions for poor rates, forty-four millions for the interest of the national debt, and twenty-one millions for government expendi- ture, amounting in all to ninety millions sterling, or four hundred and five millions of dollars a year; an awful burden of expenditure on twenty millions of people; RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 411 averaging nearly five pounds, or at least twenty dollars a head, for each inhabitant of the British Isles ; whereas, in the United Slates, the whole public expenditure of the general government, twenty State governments, the poor laws, corporations, and counties, scarcely amount to fifty millions of dollars, or five dollars a head for each individual of ten millions of people, who are rapidly increasing in number, and v/hose immense land resources are rising in value every hour. In Ireland^ the tithe system is still more oppressive than in England. Four-fifths of the population are papists; in many parishes all the people are papists, having no protestant minister, but the nominal parson resides either in England or France, or elsewhere, as suits him, and the tithe proctor grinds down the Irish farmer and peasant, and perpetuates their abject hope- less poverty. Our different sects dispute here verbally, and by writing pretty much as they do in Europe. But the liberal piety of the age, its philosophical spirit and ge- nius, the circumstances of Christendom, the prevalence of Bible and Missionary Societies, and Sunday Schools, all conspire to approximate the different religious per- suasions towards each other, in the labours of love, and in the beauty of harmony ; to break down the partition wall of sectarianism, and to unite all denominations in their blessed efforts to spread the light of revealed truth over the remotest corners of the globe. It is in vain for any church to attempt to uphold its exclusive preten- sions against the social institutions, feelings, and habits of the country where it is placed ; and still more vain to endeavour to revive now, in these United States, the intolerant bigotry, which disgraced Europe in the seven- teenth century. Lord Clarendon, in his Life of Him- self makes some very sagacious observations on the manner in which Archbishop Laud, by straining his ecclesiastical pretensions too far, and indulging an un- bounded lust of clerical domination, brought his royal master to the block, and ruined that very church, which he so zealously laboured to exalt. 412 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The prevailing religious sects in the United States are, the Presbyterians, the Independents, the Episcopa- lians, Methodists, and Baptists ; of which last persuasion there are 2,600 settled, and 1,000 unsettled congrega- tions. Pure Episcopacy is in fact an ecclesiastical mo- narchy, the Bishop being the executive chief over all the clergy of his diocess. It is, however, in this coun- try more adapted to the genius of our republican insti- tutions than it ever was in England, even before the houses of convocation were abolished; for with us, the annual state convention consists oi lay delegates as well as clergy, the Bishop presiding; and the general con- vention, which meets once in three years, is composed of all the Bishops in the Union, who form the upper house, and of lay delegates and clergy from all the different diocesses, who constitute the lower house. Indeed, every church must, of necessity, conform its government and discipline in some measure to the spirit and sub- stance of the social institutions of the country where it is fixed. Yet, notwithstanding our republican pohty and habits, the Bishops exercise great authority over their diocesan clergy, and possess very considerable power in regulating and governing the church. Presbyterianism, in its government, is a representa- tive republic ; its ecclesiastical tribunals, throughout all their gradations of church sessions, presbyteries, synods, and general assemblies, are composed of an equal num- ber of clergy and lay elders, whose votes have all equal efficacy, and who transact their business on their delibe- rative floor, much in the same manner as do our Con- gress and State legislatures. In the Independent Con- gregational churches all is carried by universal suffrage fn each separate congregation, there being no general ecclesiastical tribunal to which may be referred the gra- ver matters of doctrine and discipline; but all being submitted, finally and without appeal, to the votes, male and female, of each single audience. In such a system it is almost impossible to prevent the departure from old and the introduction of new doctrines; and, accord- ingly, both in Old and New England, many of the Inde- RESOUBOES OF THE UNITED STATES. 413 pendent Churches have passed gradually from Calvin- ism, through the intermediate stages of Arminianism, Arianism, and Semi-Arianism, into Socinianism, or Uni- tarianism, or, as Priestley calls it, Humanitarianism, be- cause it denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, and considers him merely " as a frail, peccable, erring man." The great body of the Congregationalists are to be found in New-England ; and some of their churches are scattered through the middle and southern states; which are, however, chiefly occupied by the Presbyte- rians. Episcopacy prevails most in New- York, Penn- sylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South-Carolina, and is supposed to be gaining ground in some parts of New- England. The Friends, or Quakers, are most nume- rous in the middle States ; they are here, as in Europe, and every where else, peculiarly active in all works of benevolence. For example, in promoting peace, dis- couraging war, aiding the progress of Bible Societies, and Sunday Schools, and the abolition of slavery. The Methodists occupy chiefly the interior of the southern States, although they have churches scattered over the greatest part of the union. The Baptists abound most in the western States. The Papists are most numerous in Maryland, and in the large cities on our sea-board ; their numbers are continually augmented by European importation; but they seldom make proselytes from other sects. The Dutch Reformed Church is princi- pally confined to New- York and New-Jersey. Jews are scattered, in small numbers, all over the union, ex- cepting New-England, where a veritable Israelite is no more able to live than in Scotland. The American clergy of all denominations are, in ge- neral, decorous in their exterior, and faithful in the dis- charge of their pulpit and parochial duties. There is, however, in some of our cities, a custom, which dimi- nishes their usefulness; namely, the collegiate system, which makes three or foyr churches common to as'many, or more clergyman. In New-York, the Presbyterians have wisely abandoned this scheme ; the Episcopalians and Dutch still retain it. Instead of giving one regular 414 RESOURCES OP THE l':srTED STATE? pastor to each separate congregation, the essence of the collegiate system is, not to suflbr the same clergyman to preach twice successively in the same church ; whence, there can be no regular exposition of the Scriptures, without which no congregation can be built up in Chris- tian instruction ; mere single, unconnected sermons, or sabbatical essays, never did, and never will, teach a peo- ple the scheme of Revelation. The collegiate system also, does not admit of pastoral duty and parochial visi- tation, without which the real religion of a church can never be kept up or established. A minister of mode- rate talents and learning, if he be the stated pastor of a single church, will be able to do much more good by regular preaching and exposition of the Scriptures, and parochial visitation, than a man of tlie first-rate capacity can possibly effect, by occasional preaching in a church, in common with talents and learning of every various gradation. No order of ability and information can compensate for a radical deficiency of system. Notwithstanding so large a portion of our population is altogether without religious ordinances, yet, of late, religion has been, unquestionably, gaining ground in the United States ; and that cold-blooded compound of irre- ligion, irony, selfishness, and sarcasm, which the French call persiflage.) is not so rife now as formerly. Religion is becoming fashionable among us, which is a strong proof of the existence of a great mass of real piety in the country. Some of our soi-iJisant philosophers, hoAV- ever, profess to ridicule this fashion, and to deride the cant and htjpocrisy of the present day, which they liken to the fanaticism of the puritans, who converted the Enojlish monarchy into a protectorate. But the extent of hypocrisy must always be regula- ted by that of true religion. If religion be not gene- rally spread over the community, there can be no ef- /uctual demand for extensive hypocrisy ; which, in it- self, is never any thing more than the homage of vice to virtue. If the great body of the people do not highly value religion, it can never be worth the while of lead- ing statesmen to play the hypocrite, and affect to be RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 415 pious, in order to become acceptable in the eyes of the nation. If the pohticians of revolutionary France, and of our southern and western States, do not find it neces- sary to conceal their disregard for all seriousness and religion, but can afford to avow their impious tenets of speculative and practical infideHty, it only proves, that there is too little religion in their respective communi- ties, to compel them to wear the mask of hypocrisy, and assume the semblance of that piety which is generally diffused. It only proves, that the hosts of intidels are 710W become more numerous and more daring in Chris- tendom, than they were in some former ages. In Britain, religion is so prevalent among all sects and denomina- tions, that her leading politicians dare tiot, whatever may be their private opinions, openly avow themselves to be infidels, Avhether Deists or Atheists. The rapid spread of Sunday Schools, and of Mission- ary and Bible Societies, affords a most consolatory proof of the increase of religion in the United States. Two years have not yet elapsed, since their first institution in this country, and they have already considerably diminished the ignorance, poverty, and vice of our larger cities. Many of our most respectable famihes, both ladies and gentlemen, gratuitously engage in the labour of teaching the Sunday scholars, black and white, old and young. Tlieir exertions have caused the Sabbath to be respected by the poor, the idle, and the profli- gate ; and have quickened tlie growth of piety, order, industry, and cleanliness amidst the habitations of filth, indolence, confusion, and iniquity. The reports of the various Sunday School Societies are peculiarly interest- ing, for their mass of important facts, their strain of manly religion and benevolence, the ability and elo- quence of their composition. The Missionary Societies are established for the pur- pose of converting those Indians who are not yet ex- terminated by the sword of American encroachment; and also to supply with rehgious instruction the millions of our own people, who are altogether destitute of reli- gious ordinances. The labours of these societies have 416 RESOURCES OF TiiE UNITED STATES. been singularly beneficial, and are daily and hourly augmenting in usefulness. Both the Sunday Schools and Missions unite their excellent efforts to aid the progress of Bible Societies, which, perhaps, constitute tlie most important and most comprehensively useful institution that has ever blessed the human race, since the day-star of the Reformation first dawned upon a benighted world. The most efiec- tual means probably, that, under the blessing of Divine Providence, can be devised to oppose an effectual obsta- cle to the general progress of unbelief and immorality, are to be found in the extensive and judicious distribu- tion of the sacred Scriptures. The study of the Bible facilitates access to the fountain of life ; prepares the way for the instructions of the living teacher; opens the widest road to all moral and intellectual improvement; exalts the whole nature of man to a higher eminence in the scale of rational and spiritual being. If you wish to know what is in man ; what his nature, and what his conduct, under every form of society, political as well as religious; what his character in every individual condi- tion, savage or civilized, give your days and nights to the study of the Scriptures. They were dictated by the Holy Spirit of that Almighty God who created man, and who, therefore, is most intimately acquainted with the nature of his creature. That nature is most clearly depicted throughout all the pages of the inspired vo- lume ; which, indeed, affords the largest range of con- templation to those enlightened and sagacious minds that are earnestly bent upon directing successfully their inquiries into the inmost recesses of the human heart ; because it is upon his own entire knowledge of the na- ture and character of man, that the Divine Saviour of the world has so strikingly acconimodated his scheme of religion to the wants and relief of that being for whose means of eternal salvation Christianity was pro- mulgated. What has been already cfllected by the efforts of the Bible SocietieSy scattered over so large a portion of Chris- tendom, in removing the darkness of the understanding. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATED, 4jy and purifying the corruptions of the heart, (or, at least, in rendering the exterior morals more decorous, for the heart of man can only be cleansed from its unrighteous- ness by the inspiration of the Spirit of God,) is a suffi- cient pledge to encourage the unremitted exertions of every real (Christian, of whatever name, sect, or persua- sion, to persevere in this labour of love. Fourteen years have not yet elapsed, since the first establishment of the British and Foreign Bible Society ; and in this little pe- riod the sacred Scriptures have been spread over all the home dominions of Great Britain ; have been translated in whole or in part, into more than a hundred different languages, and dispersed over almost all the habitable globe ; over the whole of continental Europe, a part of Africa, a considerable portion of Asia ; nay, have even penetrated the habitations of the aboriginal barbarians of our American wilderness. The Reverend Mr. Owen's History of the British and Foreign Bible Society is one of the most able, eloquent, instructive, and interesting books which has ever pro- ceeded from the pen of man. Since the establishment of this primary institution, Bible Societies have sprung up in unnumbered multi- tudes, partly branching off from the parent trunk, partly self-created and independent, but all in Christian har- mony and accord with each other, Avheresoever scatter- ed over the distant regions of the earth. In Britain the affihated societies are augmented beyond all power of count, and furnish a continual supply of the word of life to those vast masses of the poor and destitute, which are always to be found in old and fully peopled countries. On continental Europe these blessed institutions, in some measure, allayed even the horrors of universal warfare ; and where the ravages of earthly desolation continued to spread themselves, the revealed word of God taught the sufferers to lift their hearts above this perishing scene of things, and direct their views towards those mansions of eternal joy, " where the Avicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest." hi Russia more especially, and to an immense extent ; in Sweden, Den- 53 418 RESOURCES OF THE liNlTJuD STATE:?. mark, Saxony, Bohemia, Hungary, the United Nether- lands, Prussia, Switzerland, and many other parts of the European continent, Bible Societies, aided by the muni- ficent donations of the British and Foreign Institution, are perpetually diffusing the word of God. May Di- vine Providence enable these societies to stem the tor- rent of general infidelity, which has been infecting the nations of continental Europe with the taint of death, during the lapse of an entire century ! Nor have these United States, in proportion to their population and means, fallen short of their Christian brethren in Europe in well-directed efforts to dissemi- nate the sacred Scriptures. In almost every State of the Union, north, east, west, and south, and in many separate districts of some of the States, have Bible So- cieties started up, under the auspices of zeal and wis- dom. The American Bible Society^ a national institu- tion, established so recently as in May, 1816, has alrea- dy about a hundred and fifty auxiliary branches ; be- sides which there are some few independent Bible Associations, and a considerable number of Bible and Common Prayer-book societies. The old and young, the rich and poor, of every Christian denomination, have sprung forward with alacrity and ardour to enrol them- selves under the banners of the Cross ; to do personal suit and service to the great Captain of their salvation, by distributing His glad tidings of present peace, and future hope, and eternal safety, among all those who have hitherto lived without God in the world. Neither can it be said, that America does not stand in need of every individual, every social effort, to distri- bute the sacred oracles among her children. The sa- vage tribes of Indians, who prowl around our frontiers, or who roam over the pathless wilderness, remain still benighted in all the original darkness of pagan ignorance and superstition. Nay, even our own fellow-citizens in the United States, require all the assistance that can be given to facilitate their access to the means of eternal fife. Full three millions of our people are altogether destitute of Christian ordinancesj and as the population RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 4J9 of this country increases with a rapidity hitherto unex- ampled in the history of nations, unless some effectual means be adopted to spread the light of the gospel over those sections of the Union, which now lie prostrate in all the darkness of unregenerated depravity, before half a century shall have elapsed, our federative republic will number within its bosom more than twenty millions o( imbapHzed infidels. The voice of duty, therefore, and of humanity, and Christian charity, calls loudly upon us to strain every sinew, to stretch every nerve, in strenuous and unremit- ted exertion, to circulate the Holy Scriptures among all the orders and classes of our community. This soul- ennobling duty is the more incumbent upon Bible Soci- eties, because it is their peculiar privilege to be a Chris- tian Society, instituted for truly Christian purposes; with them^ engaged as. they are in one common labour of philanthropy, every partition wall of sectarian bigotry is broken down ; every denomination of all Christian persuasions, is met together with one heart, and with one accord. They leave to graceless zealots, the mise- rable consolation of worrying each other, and disgracing themselves by the fiercest contentions about the paltry shibboleths of puny polemics ; their sole object is to give a free course, a wider circulation to the unsophisti- cated word of God ; and I trust, that they will never for one moment, slacken their exertions of time, talent, knowledge, substance, opportunity, body, soul, and spirit, their universal nature, in this great, this interesting ser- vice, while a single section of our country; a single town, village, or hamlet; nay, a single family, or indivi- dual, within the wliole circumference of our vast, and rapidly widening republic, is to be found, to whom the sacred Scriptures are as a fountain closed, and a volume sealed. The morals, maimers, and character, of every country, are based upon its religious and social institutions, which in the United States are framed in the fulness of indivi- dual liberty; leaving every one to think, speak, and act, according to his own inclination and views ; provided, 420 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. howe^er, that he keeps, (as Shakspeare calls it,) on the windy side of the law. The great bodj of the American people are of Eng- hsh origin, and resemble their parent country in morals, manners, and character, modified indeed, by the diversi- ties of government, soil, climate, and condition of society. Being, however, all under the influences of the same lan- guage, religion, laws, and policy, the several States which compose the Union present substantially the same character, with only a few shades of local variety. All our governments are elective and popular, the plenary sovereignty residing in the people, who therefore feel a sense of personal importance and elevation, unknown to the mass of population in any other country. To which add their general intelligence, abundance, enterprise, and spirit, and we see a people superior to those of every other nation, in physical, intellectual, and moral capacity and power. In Mew-England^ property is more equally divided, than in any other civilized country. There are but few overgrown capitalists, and still fewer plunged into the depths of indigence. Those States are alike free from the insolence of wealth, on one hand, and the servility of pauperism on the other. They exhibit a more per- fect equality in means, morals, manners, and character, than has ever elsewhere been found. With the excep- tion of Rhode-Island, they all support religion by law; iheir numerous parish priests, all chosen by the people themselves, moderately paid, and in general, well informed and pious, are continually employed on the sabbaths, and during the week days, in the instruction and amendment of their respective congregations ; their elementary schools are established in every township, and perhaps not a native of New-England is to be found, who cannot read, and write, and cast accounts. They live universally in villages, or moderately sized towns ; and carry on their commercial, manufacturing, and agricultural operations, by the voluntary labour of freemen, and not by the compelled toil of slaves. In sobriety of morals and manners, in intelligence, spirit, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 421 anci enterprise, the New-England men and the Scottish, are very much ahke. Dr. Currle, in his profound and elegant biography of Burns, enters at length into the causes whicn have rendered the great body of the Scot- tish people so very superior to those of any other Euro- pean country ; the result of his reasoning is, that this national superiority is owing to the combined efforts of the system of parish schools, giving to all the means of elementary education, and of a moderately paid, able, and well-informed clergy, coming into constant contact with, and instructing and regulating the people ; to which he adds, as no small auxiliary, the absence of those poor laws which have impoverished, and deteriorated, and corrupted the whole people of England. In this country we have unfortunately adopted the English poor-law system ; which, so far as it yet ope- rates, is a cankerworm, gnawing at the heart's core of our national morals, prosperity, and strength. The American people, however, possess one decided advan- tage over those of Scotland, and every other country ; namely, that of the political sovereignty residing in them ; whence they exhibit, in their own persons, a moral fear- lessness, confidence, and elevation, unknown and unlma- gined elsewhere. A native free-born American knows no superior on earth : from the cradle to the grave he is tausrht to believe that his magistrates are his servants ; and while, in all other countries, the people are continu- ally flattering and praising their governors, our govern- ment is compelled to be eternally playing the sycophant, and acting the parasite, to the majesty of the people. It may, on the whole, be safely asserted that tiie New- England population surpasses that of all the rest of the world in steady habits, dauntless courage, intelligence, enterprise, perseveranee — in all the quah'ties necessary to render a nation first in war and first in peace. Upon inquiry, I was Informed by one of our southern generals, who particularly distinguished himself on our northeni frontiers during the last war, that the New-England re- giment, in his brigade, was peculiarly conspicuous for its exact discipline, its patient endurance of fatigue and 422 RESOURCES OF THE WVITED STATES. privation, its steady, unyielding valour in the field; while his own native Virginians were mora careless, more reck- less, more inflammatory, more fit for a forlorn hope, or some desperate, impracticable enterprise. He added, that he regularly found that all the rum dealt out as ra- tions to his New-England soldiers had glided down the throats of his Virginian regiment; whose pay, in retum, had been regularly transferred to the pockets of the more prudent eastern warriors. In the Middle States the population is not so national and unmixed as in New-England, Avhose inhabitants are altogether of English origin. They do not support re- ligion by law ; and a considerable portion of their peo- ple are destitute of clergymen, even in the State of New- York, and a still greater proportion in some of the other middle States. In some of them elementary schools are not numerous, particularly in Pennsylvania, many of whose people can neither write nor read. Property is not so equally divided, and the distinction of rich and poor is more broadly marked than in New-England. Many of their settlements are more recent, and exhibit the physical, intellectual, and moral disadvantages of new settlements, in the privations, ignorance, and irreli- gion of the settlers, vi^ho were composed of many differ- ent 'nations, having no one common object in view, cither in regard to religious, or moral, or social institutions. The English, Dutch, Germans, French, Irish, Scottish, Swiss, have not yet had time and opportunity to be all melted down into one homo£:eneous national mass of American character. The slaves in this section of the Union are more numerous than in New-England, and in Maryland sufficiently so, to influence and deteriorate the character of the people. The moral habits of the Middle States, generally, are more lax than those of New-England. New-York, indeed, partly from proxi- mity of situation, but chiefly from its continual acquisi- tion of emigrants from the Eastern States, is rapidly assuming a New-England character and aspect. In the Southern States religion receives no support from tlie law ; and a very large proportion of the inha- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 423 bitants are destitute of regular preaching and religious instruction. The elementary schools are few, and in general not well administered ; many of the white in- habitants cannot even read. Labour, on the seaboard, is performed chiefly by slaves ; and slavery here, as every where else, has corrupted the public morals. The mulattoes are increasing very rapidly ; and, perhaps, in the lapse of years, the black, white, and yellow popula- tion will be melted down into one common mass. Duel- ling and gaming are very prevalent; and, together with other vices, require the restraining power of religion and morality to check their progress towards national ruin. When speaking of the gradual relaxation of morals in the United States, as we pass from the north and east to the south and west, it is to be understood that the American ladies are not included in this geographical deterioration. In no country under the canopy of hea- ven do female virtue and purity hold a higher rank than in the Union. We have no instances among us of those domestic infidelities, which dishonour so many families in Europe, and even stain the national character of Britain herself, high as she peers over all the other European nations, in pure religion, and sound morality. Our American ladies make virtuous and affectionate wives, kind and indulgent mothers ; are, in general, easy, affable, intelligent, and well bred ; their manners presenting a happy medium between the too distant re- serve and coldness of the English, and the too obvious, too obtrusive behaviour of the French women. Their manners have a strong resemblance to those of the Irish and Scottish ladies. The public morals, however, of the free male popula- tion of our southern and western States, are materially injured by the existence of the slave system. Even Mr. Morris Birkbeck, whose ultra whiggism has led him, in his old age, to fly with horror from the despotism of Britain, because she overthrew his friend Napoleon, the great patron saint of liberty in Europe ; even he ex- presses grave doubts, if the condition of his enslaved 424 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. countrymen be quite so bad as that of the negroes in Virginia; and he runs a philosophical parallel, very much after the manner of Plutarch, between tlie situ- ation of the English peasantry and that of tlie Virginian slaves, balancing their respective evils under various heads of inquiry; and, upon the whole, seems inclined to think, that the British people are not yet reduced so low in the scale of oppression and suffering as the black inhabitants of our " Ancient Dominion^ Indeed, the sensibilities of this veteran reformer were so much awakened, he says, as actually to cause him to shed tears, "when he saw some slaves sold in Richmond, the capital of Virginia; and he does not hesitate to affirm, that the superior morals of those States, Avhich have abolished slavery, proves servitude to be, in truth, the banc of society. Mr. Birkbeck says, that in May, 1817, he was at Petersburgh, on his way to Indiana, where he is now endeavouring to lay the foundations of a colony, to be peopled by English, who, like himself, are too virtuous and too wise to live under the British government, whose wickedness and tyranny are consummating its speedy perdition. He says he found a Virginian tavern like a French hotel, but more filthy, without its culinary excellence, and dearer than an English inn. The daily number of guests at its ordinary was fifty, consisting of travellers, shopkeepers, lawyers, and doctors. He found the Virginian planter a republican in politics, and full of high-spirited indepcdence, but a slave master, irascible, lax in morals, and wearing a dirk. He never saw in England an assemblage of countrymen, who averaged so well in dress and manners. Their conver- sation gave him a high opinion of their intelligence — the prevailing topic was negro slavery^ an evil which all professed to deplore, many were anxious to fly from, but for which none could devise a remedy. One gentleman, an invalid, was wretched at the thought of his family being left, for a single night, with- out his protection from his own slaves. He was him- self labouring under the eifects of a poisonous potion, RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 425 administered to him by a negro, his own personal ser- vant, to whom he had been particularly kind and gene^- rous, and who thus recompensed his indulgence. It was stated, that severe and rigorous masters seldom suffer from the resentment of their slaves. On the 10th of May, 1817, Mr. Birkbeck saw two female slaves and their children sold by auction, in the street, at Rich- mond ; a spectacle which exceedingly shocked him; he could scarcely endure to see them handled and ex- amined like cattle, and when he heard their sobs, and saw the tears roll down their cheeks, at the thought of being separated, he could not refrain from weeping with them. Such is the consistency of an English patriot, who laments, that his own native country was not enslaved by that virtuous republican, Buonaparte ! In selling slaves, our southern planters and dealers pay no regard to parting nearest relations, to separating parents and children, or tearing asunder husbands and wives. Virginia prides itself on the comparative mild- ness with which its slaves are treated ; and yet, in the first volume of the American Museum there is a heart- rending account of a slave being, for some offence, put into an iron cage, suspended to the branches of a lofty tree, and left to perish by famine and thirst, unless the birds of prey, to admit which the bars of the cage stood at intervals sufficiently wide, could terminate his life sooner, by plunging their beaks and talons into his vi- tals. In the mean time the eagle, the vulture, and the raven feasted upon the quivering flesh of the living vic- tim, whose body they mangled at their own leisure ; and the high-spirited republicans of the ancient do- minion were gratified by knowing, that the air was tainted by the putrefaction, and loaded with the expiring cries and groans of an agonized fellow-man, doomed to die by protracted torture. Virginia supplies, annually, with slaves of her own growth, the States farther south, where the treatment ol the negroes is said to be much more severe and more destructive of life. There are regular dealers, who buy up slaves, and drive them in gangs, chained to- 54 42(5 RESOLRCES OF THE UiJlTED STATES. ffether, antl more than half naked, to a southern market. Pew weeks pass without some of these wretched crea- tures being marched through Richmond, on their south- ward course ; a few months since nearly two hundred were sold by auction in the street, and filled all the region round with their cries, and shrieks, and lamenta- tions. Mr. Birkbeck observes, that he found in Vir- ginia the condition of the negroes more miserable, and the tone of moral feeling in their owners much higher than he had anticipated ; that he is confirmed in his detestation of slavery, both in principle and practice, and that he esteems the general character of the Vir- ginians. The western States participate in the morals, man- ners, and character of those sections of the Union, by which they are peopled, namely, the southern and mid- dle, and above all, the New-England States. Mr. Birkbeck's account of the emigration westward, and of his own progress through the new settlements, is in- teresting and instructive ; from his narrative 1 shall bor- row such facts as may illustrate the present inquiry. Indeed, all America appears to be moving lo the west. The political consequences of this migration will soon be portentous. During the revolutionary war, and for some years after its termination, the influence of New- England predominated in our national councils, and Washington's administration established the prosperity and glory of the country on a solid basis. Afterward Virgmia contrived, by manae;ing the southern and mid- dle States, to render New-England nearly a political cypher in the Union. And now, the rapid growth of the western States, in population, wealth, and strength, threaten, ere long, to give them a preponderance over all the Atlantic sections of the United States; and to entail upon us a system of tramontane policy, but little accordant with our commercial views and interests. Tlie first step of decided western legislation, probably will be the removal of the scat of general government from Washington, across the Alleghany mountains, to some place nearer the Pacific Ocean. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 427 On" the great route towards the Ohio, the traveller has constantly in view groups of emigrants, directing their steps towards the land of promise ; some with a ' little, light wagon, covered with a sheet or blanket, and containing bedding, utensils, provisions, and a co- lony of children, drawn by one or two small horses, and perhaps accompanied by a cow. A few silver dollars also are carried for the purchase of public land, at two dollars an acre, one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid immediately, upon entering the claim at the land- office of the district where the purchase is located. The New-England pilgrims are said to be known by the light step and cheerful air of the women, marching in front of the family caravan ; the New-Jersey wan- derers, by being quietly housed under the tilt of the wagon ; while the Pennsylvanian emigrants creep, loitering behind, with melancholy gait, and slow. A cart with one horse, or a single horse and pack-saddle, transports a family from the eastern to the western sec- tion of the Union, a distance of between two and three thousand miles; and, not unfrequently, the adventurer carries all his fortunes on his staff, while his wife, bare- footed, follows, bearing on her shoulders the treasure of the cradle. The- Americans are, unquestionably the most loco- motive, migrating people in the world. Even, when doing well in the northern, or middle, or southern states, they will break up their establishment, and move west- ward, with an alacrity and vigor, that nothing but the necessity of adverse circumstances could induce in any other population. In the year 1817, nearly twenty thousand wagons, averaging a burden of forty hundred weight each, travelled between Baltimore and Philadel- phia, on one side, and Pittsburgh on the other side of the Alleghany mountains. The freight, or carriage of the goods thus conveyed, exceeded two millions of dollars. To which add numberless well loaded stages and mails, travellers in wagons, on horses, and on foot, and some notion may be formed of the incessant line of march oyer these three hundred miles of the western road. 428 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. Travellers from the eastern districts often leave their horses at Pittsburgh, and go down the Ohio to their place of destination ; while those from the west, pro- ceed eastward in stages. Even elderly women make long journeys on horseback, for instance, from Tennes- see to Pittsburg, a distance of twelve hundred miles; nay, sometimes, the lady will carry an infant on the horse, in addition to herself, a blanket above and be- neath the saddle, a pair of saddle-bags, a greatcoat, and an umbrella. Mr. JBirkbeck, in June, 1817, when at Washington, in Pennsylvania, saw a farmer and his wife, well mounted and equipt; they had ridden from the neighbourhood of Cincinnati, in Ohio, and were pro- ceeding on horseback, to visit their friends at New-York, and Philadelphia, a distance of seven hundred miles. They had left Cincinnati six days before, had travelled two hundred and seventy-two miles, and their horses were quite fresh; a conclusive proof of their excellence. Mr. Birkbeck gives the history of a farmer and ta- vern-keeper about twenty miles from Washington, as an example of the rapid appreciation of property in the western country. The man is thirty, has a wife and three fine children. His father is a farmer in the neigh- bourhood ; and gave him five hundred dollars to begin the world with, which he did by taking a cargo of flour to New-Orleans, distant about two thousand miles. In 1815, he had increased his property to nine hundred dollars, and bought two hundred and fifty acres of land, sixty-five of which are cleared, and laid down to grass, for three thousand five hundred dollars of which three thousand are already paid. His property is now Avorth seven thousand dollars, having grown half that sum in value in two years, with a full prospect of a much greater appreciation in future. In many parts of Ohio, land is now worth from twenty to thirty dollars an acre ; an advance in value of a thousand per cent in the last ten years. Nevertheless, Mr. Birkbeck admits, that emigrants with small capitals, particularly if from Europe, are lia- jble to great inconveniences. For money, although abun- RESOURCES OF THE UMTED STATES. 429 dantly competent to the purchase of land is soon con- sumed in the expenses of travelling, which are great. The settlers in tne new country are generally needy adventurers, and exposed to difficulties, which, in addi- tion to unhealthy situations, shorten life. The public land, intended for sale, is laid out in the government surveys, in quarter sections of 160 acres each, or one fourth of a square mile. The whole is set up at auction, and what remains unsold may be bought at the district land office, at two dollars an acre ; one fourth to be paid down, and the residue in instalments, to be com- pleted in five years. The emigrant having paid his eighty dollars for a quarter section, is often left penni- less, and repairs to his purchase in a wagon, containing his wife and children, a few blankets, a skillet, a rifle, and an axe. After erecting a little log hut, he clears, with intense labour a plot of ground for Indian corn, as his next year's subsistence; depending, in the mean- time, on his gun for food. In pursuit of game, he must often, after his day's work, wade through the evening dews up to the waist, in long grass or bushes, and returning, lie on a bear's skin, spread on the damp ground, exposed to every blast through the open sides, and to every shower through the open roof of his dwell- ing, which is never attempted to be closed until the ap- proach of winter, and often not then. Under such ex- treme toil and exposure, many of the settlers speedily perish. Sometimes he has to carry his grain fifty miles to a mill to be ground, and wait there some days, till his turn comes. These difficulties of course, diminish, as the settlements thicken ; and the number of emigrants increases each successive year, with incredible rapidity. Land cleared, commands from twenty to thirty dollars an acre; and thus, in the course of the last fifteen years, a tract of country four times as large as the British Isles, has been decupled in value. The towns in the western country, as is particularly the case with Zanes- ville, Lancaster, and Chilicothe, in Ohio, are often situa- ted without any regard to the health of the inhabitants, 430 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. provided they be well located for profit ; gain being tlie chief object of pursuit with our American adventurers. Cincinnati itself, stands too low on the banks of the Ohio; its lower parts being within reach of the spring floods. But it has grown, as by enchantment, and pro- mises soon to become one of the first cities of the west. Within the little space of five years, the greatest part of its present dimensions and wealth has been produced. It exhibits now, where, within the memory of man, stood only one rude cabin, several hundreds of commo- dious, handsome brick houses, spacious and busy markets, substantial public buildings, thousands of industrious thriving inhabitants, gay carriages, and elegant females, slioals of craft on the river, incessant enlarging and im- provement of the town, a perpetual influx of strangers and travellers ; all sprung up from the bosom of the woods, as it were but yesterday. Twenty years since, the immense region comprising the States of Ohio and Indiana, numbered only thirty thousand souls, loss tiian are now contained in the little county of Hamilton, in which Cincinnati stands. Probably the time is not far distant, when the chief intercourse with Europe, will no longer be through the Atlantic States, but be carried on through the great rivers, which communicate by the Mississippi, with the ocean, at New-Orleans ; in consequence of the ascend- ing navigation of these streams being subdued by the power of steam. Full two thousand boatmen are regularly employed on the Ohio; and are proverbially ferocious and profli- gate. The settlers along the line of this great naviga- tion, exhibit similar habits ; and profligacy and fierceness appear to characterize the population on the banks of these mighty rivers. Indiana is more recently settled than Ohio, and its settlers superior in rank and charac- ter; the first founders of Ohio being very needy adven- turers. The inhabitants of Indiana have generally brought with them from their parent States, habits of comfort, and the means of procuring the conveniences of life. They are orderly, peaceable citizens, resj)ect RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^3j and obey the laws, are kind and neighbourly to each other, and hospitable to strangers. The mere hunters who rely for subsistence on their rifle, and a scanty cul- tivation of corn, and Hve in a state of poverty and pri- vation nearly equal to that of the Indians, always retire at the approach of the regular settlers, and keep them- selves on the outside of the cultivated farms. Ther- is no striking difference in the general deport- ment and appearance, of the great body of Americans in the towns^ from Norfolk in Virginia, to Madison in In- diana. The same well-looking, well-dressed, tall, stout men, appear every where, pretty much at their ease, shrewd and intelligent, and not too industrious. When asked why they do not employ themselves ? they answer, " we live in freedom, we need not work like the Eng- lish ;" as if idleness itself, were not the worst species of slavery. In the country are to be found several back- woodmen, who are savage and fierce, and view new- comers as intruders. They, however, must quickly yield to the rapid growth of civilization. The great body of the western settlers, are beyond all comparison, superior to the European farmers and peasantry, in manners and habits, in physical capacity, and abundance, and above all, in intelligence, and political independence. The activity and enterprise of the Americans, far ex- ceed those of any other people. Travellers continually are setting out on journeys of two or three thousand . miles, by boats, on horses, or on foot, without any appa- rent anxiety or deliberation. Nearly a thousand persons every summer, pass down the Ohio, as traders or boat- men, and return on foot ; a distance by water, of seven- teen hundred, by land, of a thousand miles. Many go down to New-Orleans from Pittsburgh, an additional five hundred miles, by water, and three hundred by land. The store or shop keepers of the western towns resort to Baltimore, New-York, and Philadelphia, once a year, to lay in their goods. But in a short time, probably, these journeyings eastward will be exchanged for visits down the dhio and Missis- sippi to New-Orleans. The vast and growing produce 43jJ ntsouRCEs of the united states. of the western States, in grain, flour, cotton, sugar, to- bacco, peltry, lumber, &ic. which finds a ready market at New-Orleans, will, by means of steamboat navigation, be returned through the same channel in the manufac- tures and luxuries of Europe and Asia, to supply the constantly-increasing demands of the west, and render New-Orleans one of the greatest commercial cities in the universe. Learning, taste, and science, of course, have not yet made much headway in the west ; their reading is, in general, confined to newspapers and pofitical pamphlets, a little histor}^, and less religion ; but their intellects are keen, vigorous, and active. The following observations of Mr. Walsh, in the first volume of the American Re- gister, are expressed in his usual style of felicitous splen- dour: — "In inspecting the schools of our Western Country we are alarmed lest the population should immeasurably outgrow the means of instruction, and their intellectual fall far short of their numerical weight in our national councils. But the apprehension vanishes, in a great degree, before the activity, the emulation, and the sagacity which characterize our tramontane bre- thren. The force with which the mind vegetates among them can be best illustrated by the growth of their plants in a virgin loam. All the faculties knit, spread, and luxuriate, vigorously and wildly, as the branches of their sycamore. This intense vitality of the intellect, when fed by science, and the knowledge of mankind, must give the most splendid results. We may judge from the specimens of the ore which we have seen in Congress what the metal will be after sublimation. I must confess that I was lost in admiration at the pros- pects which open in that quarter upon the pride of hu- man intelligence and power; it is a perspective of vvhich the magnificence can be credible only to those who have made their examination at leisure upon the spot, and with a recollection of what history relates as to the adolescence of the miirhtiest communities mentioned in its annals. At a distance hardly a suspicion is entertain- ed of the promise — 1 should say, rather, the impending RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 433 maturity of the west. It is a great empire, lying, as it were, in ambush for mankind, and destined to explore all parts of the intellectual world. Liberal education, by which I mean the systematic tuition of the sciences and classics, is there exceedingly backward; but the rudiments of mere Enghsh education are almost uni' versal." Having thus, very summarily, glanced at the morals, habits, and manners, of the four great sections of the Union, a {ew remarks will be hazarded as apphcable to the Americans, generally, in their national capacity and character. The high wages of labour, the abundance of every kind of manual and mechanical employment, the plenty of provisions, the vast quantity and low price of land, all contribute to produce a healthy, strong, and vigorous population. Four-fifths of our people are engaged m agricultural pursuits, and the great majority of these are proprietors of the soil which they cultivate. In the in- tervals of toil their amusements consist chiefly of hunting and shooting, in the woods, oron the mountains; whence they acquire prodigious muscular activity and strength. We have no game laws, such as exist in Europe, to pro- hibit the possession and use of firearms to the great body of the people. Our boys carry a gun almost as soon as they can walk ; and the habitual practice of shooting at a target, with tiie rifle, renders tlie Ameri- cans the most unerring marksmen, and the most deadly musketry in the world ; as was singularly evidenced at Bunker^s Hill^'m the commencement of the revolutionary conflict, and at New-Orleans, at the close of the last war. Every male, from the age of eighteen to forty- five, is liable to be enrolled in the militia ; of which the President's Message of the 2d of December, 1817, in- forms us the United States have now eight hundred thousand. These men make the best materials for a regular army, as they learn the use of arms in platoons, and the elements of mihtary discipline, in their militia exercises and drills. The Americans are excellent en- gineers and artillerists, and serve their guns well, both r>5 434 RESOURCES 01 THE LMTED Sl'ATE.s in the field and on the flood, as their enemies can testily ; — whereas, the people in Europe are not suffered to be familiar with the use of arms; whence neither their seamen nor their soldiers fire with any thing like the precision and execution of the American army and navy. Thus the people of the United States possess, in an eminent degree, the physical elements of national great- ness and strength. Add to these, the general preva- lence of elementary instruction, which enables the great mass of die people to develope their natural faculties and powers, and capacitates them for undertaking any" employment, success in which depends upon shrewd- ness, intelligence, and skill ; whence their singular inge- nuity in mechanical and manual operations, and their sound understanding, enterprise, and perseverance in the practical concerns of life. And to crown all, the political sovereignty of the nation residing in the people, gives them a personal confidence, self-possession, and elevation of character, unknown and unattainable in any other country, and under any other form of government; and which renders them quick to perceive, and prompt 1o resent and punish any insult offered to individual or national lionour. Whence in the occupations of peace, and the achievements of war, the Americans average a greater aggregate of effective force, physical, intellec- tual, and moral, than ever has been exhibited by a given number of any other people, ancient or modern. Indi- viduals, in other countries, may, and do exhibit as much bodily activity and strength, as much intellectual acute- ness and vigour, as much moral force and elevation, as can be shown forth by any American individuals; but no country can display such a population, ?';« 7?iflf55, as are now quickening the United States with their prolific en- oigy, and ripening fast into a substance of power, every movement of which will soon be felt in its vibrations to the remotest corners of the earth. Sagacity and shrewdness are the peculiar character- istics of American intellect, and were in nothing more pre-eminent, than in the advice of President ^^ ashing- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 435 ton's secretary of the navy, that the United States should build their ships nominally of the same rate with those of Europe, but really of greater strength, of more speed, tonnage, and guns, than the corresponding classes oi European vessels, that they might ensure victory over an enemy of equal, or nearly equal force, and escape, by superior saihng, any very unequal conflict. This was good policy ; as it served materially to raise the naval character of the country, to lessen that of Eng- land, and to put out of use and service the European navies, and compel other nations to construct their ships anew, after the American model. This policy is still persisted in, and our seventy-fours are equal in tonnage, bulk, strength, guns, and crew, to any hundred gun ships in the British navy. The American crews also, are far superior to those of Europe ; every seaman is a good gunner, and the ships are manned with picked men, and a full complement of real, able-bodied, skilful sailors; whereas the European ships seldom have more than one-third of their crews able seamen, the other two- thirds generally consisting of landsmen and boys. When we shall have a navy, as large as we ought to have, in proportion to our long line of seacoast, our immense lake and river navigation, and our imaiense and rapidly- augmenting resources, it will not be easy to man our fleets and squadrons as we now do our few single ships; nay, it is doubtful, if they can be manned at all, without the aid of impressment^ which, indeed, was strongly re- commended to Congress by our secretary of the navy, towards the close of the last war, as the only possible mode of filling up the complement wanted for the two and twenty vessels, of all sizes, frigates, sloops, and brigs, which we then had in conwnission. There are, however, drawbacks upon the high ele- ments of national greatness above enumerated, to be found in some of our politic al and social institutions. For example, 5/at?cry demoralizes the southern, and those of the western States, which have adopted this execra- ble system. Lotteries pervade the middle, southern and western States, and spread a honibly-increasiug masF- .j[36 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. of idleness, fraud, theft, falsehood, and profligacy throughout all the classes of our labouring population. The crying iniquity and evil of this system are compel- ling the British parliament to abolish it altogether in that country. Our state legislatures never assemble without augmenting the number of lotteries. Our fa- vourite scheme of substituting a state prison for the gal- lows is a most prolific mother of crime. During the se- verity of the winter season, its lodgings and accommo- dations are better than those of many of our paupers, who are thereby incited to crime in order to mend their condition. And the pernicious custom of pardon- ing the most atrocious criminals, after a short residence in the state prison, is continually augmenting our flying squadrons of murderers, housebreakers, footpads, forgers, highway robbers, and swindlers of all sorts. The effect of Mr. Bentham's plan of a penitentiary, with its panorama, and whispering gallery, is not known, be- cause it has never been tried in this country ; but, be- yond all peradventure, our state prisons, as at present constituted, are grand demoralizers of our people. Our State insolvent laws, likewise, (for we are too patriotic to permit Congress to pass an uniform bankrupt law, that might compel our merchants to pay their foreign creditors,) acts as a perpetual bounty ibr disho- nesty and fraud. A few favoured creditors, by Avhosc false representations the debtor has obtained large cre- dits, are secured, and the rest of the creditors, more especially if they happen to be British, are sure to get nothing. The insolvent is discharged, as a matter of course, from all responsibility, and left at liberty to re- new his depredations upon the property of others ac- cording to his own inclination, experience, and dexterity. The poor-law system, as an awful encouragement to pauperism and profligacy, requires no further comment. With the exception o( forgery^ in the ingenuity and au- dacity of which our native Americans far surpass all other people, and for which our state-prisons do not af- ford even a palliative, much less a remedy, ihe foreigners and free blacks arc the most numerous and atrocious of RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 437 our criminals. The '■'■loio Irish,''^ as they are called, who coQie out to us in shoals from their own country, and are by far the most noxious donation, which the United States receive from Britain, fill up our lowest departments of labour in the manufactories, or the ma- nual operations of our large cities, as hod-men, porters, and so forth, are in general, rude, intemperate, and abandoned. They tenant our bridewells and state pri- sons in great numbers The next in the scale of profli- gacy, as criminals, are the freed negroes ; then come foreigners, other than Irish; and lastly, our own native citizens, of which few find their way into confinement for crime, excepting, as before stated, for forgery ; of adepts in which the United States produce a greater number, in proportion to their population, than any country in Europe ; their numbers, however, might be materially diminished, if our legislators could be per- suaded to try the experiment of the gallows upon them. The prevailing vice throughout the Union, excepting New-England, is immoderate drinking; encouraged doubtless, by the relaxing heats of the climate, in the southern, middle, and western States, by the high wages of labour, and by the absence of all restriction, in the shape of excise, or internal duty. Not only our labour- ers generally, but too many of our farmers, merchants, and other classes of the community, are prone to a per- nicious indulgence in spirituous liquors. The alarming increase of pauperism, drunkenness, and general profligacy, in the city of New-York, has induced our most respectable citizens of all classes, to appoint a committee to examine into the causes, and de- vise the means of checkino; this o-reat national evil, which menaces the very existence ot our social fabric. This committee is now in session ; and every succeeding day presents them with an accumulating mass of facts, all conspiring to show forth the loathsome deformity of our city, with respect to its rapidly augmenting poverty and vice. In the year 1817, our Corporation expended one hundred and ticenty thousand dollars in the poor law sys- 430 RESOURCES OK THE UNITED STATES. tern ; wliich sum is in addition to other public charities, as the hospital, asylum for orphans, widow's society, charity schools, &c. and in addition to the private cha- rities, which in this city are numerous and expensive. Indeed, the Americans, generally, are a charitable bene- volent people, both in private and in public. The city of New-York, has within a few days past, raised five thousand dollars for the sufferers by the late fire at St. John's, in Newfoundland. And Boston, with only one- third of the New-York population, subscribed ten thou- sand dollars for the same object. But Boston has always been peculiarly munificent; witness a few years since, when some of her principal citizens subscribed twelve thousand dollars for the support of the widow and children of the British Consul for that district, who had died in indigent circumstances. In consequence of the extreme suffering of the poor in the city of New- York, during the winter of 1810-17, in January, 1817, a large meeting of the citizens was convened for the purpose of devising some means of im- mediate relief for their brethren in affliction. Commit- tees were appointed, in each ward of the city, to raise money by subscription, and administer to the more pressing wants of tne dependent classes of the communi- ty. Six thousand dollars were instantly raised, and en- tirely consumed in the course of a few days ; so prodi- gious was the number of distressed applicants for food. fuel, and clothinfr- Indeed, the number of indicrent poor, destitute of all the first necessaries of hie, as covering, provisions, fuel, lodging, upon careful exami- nation, was found to far exceed that of any former pe- riod of distress. The several conmiittees faithfully dis- charged their important but painful duties ; they visited the habitation o{ even/ faaiily that applied for relief. It was ?iot possible for any city in Europe — for London, for Paris, for Dublin itself — even at that awful hour of universal distress and visitation, to exhibit a greater y^ro- jr>or//ow^// number of wretched objects, sunk to the lowest pitch of barren sorrow and destitution, than were ex- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^gg posed to the astonished view of the various committees, in their rounds of inquiry through the city of New- York. F\i\\ fifteen thousand men, women and children, during that season, received aid from the hand of pubHc and private charity; that is to say, about one-seventh of the whole population of our city. It raised a cry of alarm and horror throughout all the corners of their extended empire, when, in the year 1816, it was discovered that one-ninth of the population of the British isles was re- duced to a state of pauperage and dependence on the bounty of others. Ought such to be the condition of the mass of the people in any part of the United States ; where a comparatively small population is spread over an immense territory, blessed with a fertile soil and genial clime; where the burden of government expendi- ture is scarcely felt ; where the national debt is trifling, and the taxes nothing ; where there are no tithes ; and where the demand for agricultural labour is constantly outrunning its supply ? It is a lamentable and alarming fact, that the number of destitute poor in the city of New-York has averaged an annual augmentation far exceeding the rate of its actual increase of population for several years past; more especially since the winter Avhen the battery, at the confluence of the North and East rivers, was broken up, and distributed for firewood amongst the indigent, and the Corporation proclaimed that it would give food and fuel, at the Almshouse, to all distressed applicants. This is the very essence of the impracticable folly, and positive evil of the poor-laiu system, which promises work and support to all that want ; as if it were possi- ble for any human scheme to create either food or em- ployment where neither is to be found in existence ! It is not, however, to be dissembled, that a large pro- portion of our New-York paupers vire foreigners, chiefly from Europe, and some from the neighbouring States and towns. Nor can it be concealed, that the leprosy of wickedness and crime has tainted the lower class of our citizens in a most awful degree; as was to be ex- 440 RESOURCES OV lllE IMTED STATES. pected, in consequence of their progressively increasing pauperism. It wiJl scarcely be credited in Europe, that a large proportion of these profligate paupers are free and independent voters at our elections, for charter- officers, for State Representatives, and for Congress- men ! The several committees laboured to investigate the causes which have produced the present wretched and degraded condition of the poor in our city. Some of the distress, undoubtedly, is to be attributed to the vast influx of indigent, and not immaculate, foreigners ; to the present depressed condition of commerce and manufac- tures ; to the prodigious number of benevolent societies which have, with the best and most charitable inten- tions, undesignedly offered a standing bounty for the continual increase of needy applicants ; and to some other causes, not proper, perhaps, now to be enumera- ted, but which our legislators and city magistrates can easily remove if they will ; and, perhaps, to the natural tendency of human society to deteriorate, if not con- stantly watched and guarded by religious and moral culture. A greater portion of the distress, probably, is occasioned by our system of poor-laws^ which we have borrowed from England. The British Review for No- vember, 1817, contains an elaborate, masterly, and tem- perate exposition of the evils which that system has burned, in characters of the nether fire, into the heart and vitals, the body, soul, and spirit of the English po- pulation. Btit beyond all controversy, the most fertile source ot" the present unparalleled distress among the poor of the city of New- York, is the general, not to say universal, use o{ spirituous liquors by the lower orders of the com- munity, of each sex and every age. There are nearly three thousand houses licensed to si^ll poison to the poor, in the shape of alcohol ; in addition to which there are great numocrs of cellars and vaults, where ardent spirits are vended without license. And do we wonder at the rapid augmentation of mendicity and crime in this city, when there are "^o manv charnnl houses of industrv. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 44 J health, reh'gion, and morals opeia day and night, and every hour, for the consignment of their victims to an untimely grave ? By information from the Mayor of Philadelphia, com- municated to a committee of our Humane Society^ in December, 1809, it appears, that there were then in the city of Philadelphia only one hundred and ninety licensed houses; and in ihe whole county of Philadelphia, in- cluding the suburbs of the city, several considerable towns and villages, and a large tract of country, con- taining altogether a population of more than one hun- dred and fifty thousand souls, only two hundred and forty houses licensed to sell spirits. Since that period up to the present hour, the magistracy of Philadelphia have been most laudably employed in diminishing even that comparatively moderate number, which comprehends all the taverns, beer-houses, groceries, and other places^ licensed to sell spirituous liquors by retail. So that our sister city of Philadelphia permits less than one-tenth of inflammable poison, in proportion to her population, to be distributed among her citizens, in comparison of the heedless prodigality with which the official guardians of New- York waste the health and integrity of the poor committed to their charge. Nay, even in London, that mart of all the world, it appears from a recent report on the mendicity of the British empire to the House of Commons, that there are no more than four thousand two hundred and twenty houses licensed to sell spirits ; and that number is com- plained of as being too great for a city and its neighbour- hood, containing about one miHion, three hundred thou- sand inhabitants, and continually receiving into its capa- cious bosom a prodigious influx of profligacy and crime, from ever}^ tongue, and every nation, and every quarter of the globe. The population of New- York is not much more than one hundred thousand ; and therefore it is necessary for her, young as she is in hernational career, and simple as she is in all her forms and habits of social institution, to reduce tho licensed honses io at least 412 KE50URGES OF TIIE UNITED STATE1«. three hmulrcd, In order to reach the level, i?i incentives to illiquid/-, of an overgrown metropolis, hoary witli age, and presenting the most artificial and complicated slate of society ever yet exhibited in the history of the human race. On a very moderate computation, the licensed houses in New-York soil a yearly aggregate of spirits, amount- ing to three millions of dollars. One-tenth of the popu- lation of the whole State resides in this city, and, allow- ing that ihey^ owing to the greater tendencies of a crowded city to idleness and profligacy, consume as much as all the other nine-tenths, the annual expendi- ture of our State in spirituous liquors will amount to six millions of dollars. Now it is an enormous evil, that so large a portion of our annual income should be diverted from the service of productive industry; from adminis- tering to the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, con- veniences, comforts, and embellishment of the State. The sum so expended is about equal to a capitation tax of six dollars upon every man, woman, and child throughout the State. But the mere detraction of so much money annually from the public service, from pri- vate comfort, from social ornament, is, by no means, the greatest evil resulting from such an application of the funds of labour. The habitual use of ardent spirits enervates the bodily frame, renders it irritable, and liable to disease, lays the sure foundation of constitu- tional decay, and premature death ; it dissipates all the powers of the mind in shapeless idleness, quenches the fires of genius, and puts out the lights of learning; it corrupts and debases the whole moral nature of man; sears up his conscience against every obligation of duty, stifles tne voice of afiectjon, extinguishes in his bosom all the charities of parent, child, and brother; eradicates every principle and every sentiment of religion ; and renders him an incarnate fiend, ripe for the perpetra- tion of every enormity that can carry anguish and ruin into the recesses of private life, and convert society itself into a scene of rapine, and violence, of fraud, in- justice, anarchy, and blood. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 443 This evil is too great, too deeply rooted in the habits and passions of our people, for individual charity, how- ever active and persevering, to remove, or even sensibly to diminish. It is to the legislature of the State that we must look for a remedy to an evil, which is eating, like a cankerworm into the heart of the community ; and rendering that structure of human society, which is so fair and o-listenina: in its exterior form, full of dead mens' bones and all uncleanness within. What should forbid our legislature ? — nay, but is it not their imperious duty, instantly, without the delay of a moment, as they regard the welfare, temporal and eternal, of the people com- mitted to their trust, by the Governor among the nations^ to put a stop to this great and growing evil, by the wise and wholesome restraint of efficient laws ? Can it be deemed a sufficient objection to the diminution of these receptacles of vice and misery, that such a mea- sure will lessen the state revenue? Are the guardians of the commonwealth, who are appointed to their high office for the express purpose of promoting the well- being of the people, to put into one scale a little paltry tax, and into the other the health, the industry, the mo- rals, the prosperity, the happiness, of the great mass oi the community, and make their miserable pepper-corn of revenue weigh the heaviest ? But for a moment, put- ting aside all reference to morality and religion, which however ought always to be the most powerful and con- clusive arguments to the magistrates of a Christian coun- try, the state revenue itself may be infinitely augmented by the increase of industry, social order, public and pri- vate wealth, which would instantly spring up from amidst the ruins of the present demoralizing system. Since writing the above, the A'^ew-York Committee have published a Report, in which, Avith great wisdom and judgment they state the evils, and point to the remedies of pauperism. With regard to the manners of tlie United States, M. Volney, in the preface to his view of this coun- try, says, '• that he would dissuade his countrymen from settling here, because, although many facilities and benefits attend the establishment of Ena'lish, Scots, Gev- 444 RESOURCES OF THE UMTLD STATES. mans and Hollanders, from the resemblance that prevails between thoir manners and habits, and those of America, yet there are disadvantages and obstacles from a contra- riety in these respects, attending natives of France. There is nothing in the social forms and habits of the two nations, that can make them coalesce. They tax us with levity, loquacity and folly, while we reproach them with coldness, reserve, and haughty taciturnity; ■with despising those sedulous and engaging civilities, which we so liighly value, and the want of which is con- strued by us into proofs ol unpoliteness in the indivi- dual, or of barbarism in the whole society. This na- tional incivility appears to How from the mutual inde- pendence of each other, and the general equality, as to fortune and condition, in which individuals in America are, for the most part, placed." The truth however is, that the United States exhibit a medium of manners, between the rude vulgarity of the lower orders, and the artificial refinement of the higher classes in Europe. The great body of our people ex- hibit an erect manliness of behaviour, equally remote from the brutal ferocity of a revolutionary ruffian, and the elaborate politeness of a petit maitrc. The only ex- cessively polite people we have are the negroeSy who " Sir and Madam'''' each other everlastingly ; and know no other order among themselves than that of " gentle^ men and ladies.'''' Some of our young men who visit Europe, on their return, exhibit what they call fashion- able European manners, that is to say, a studied indif- ference to all persons and things, as if politeness could consist in the apparent absence of all sense and feeling. These travellers, however, are soon compelled, either to resume their native habits and maimers, or to revisit Europe, or to lounge away their lives in solitary idle- ness. For our people are almost universally employed in some calling; the southern planters are lawyers and politicians, the northern, middle, and western States, are employed in every variety of pursuit. And it gene- rally happens that the sons of our opulent citizens be- come idle, good for nothing, and eventually paupers j RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 445 wKlle needy adventurers, from the country, urged by the twofold stimulus of necessity and ambition, gradual- ly, win the heights of political, legal, and commercial eminence. Our wealthier classes, particularly in the large cities, exhibit as great an average of real politeness and good breeding, as the corresponding orders in Europe : for example, the middle class of Britain, whose intelligence, good manners and virtue, have always been reckoned the bulwark and ornament of the empire ; and which includes within its range the learned professions, the army and navy, the merchants, agriculturists, and men of letters. The incomes of our "decent livers," as they are called, reach from five hundred to ten thousand steeling a year; although very few individuals in the Union possess revenues so large as the latter sum indi- cates. Our American ladies are, in their persons love- ly, in their manners easy and 2;raceful, in conversation lively and sensible, in their various relations of wives, daughters, and mothers, exemplary and excellent. The aspect of society in the United States is somewhat clouded by the marvellous facility with which foreigners^ of every sort, species, and complexion, gain access to our most respectable circles. A pattern-card, a pair of saddle-bags, and a letter of credit, appear to be all the qualifications necessary to enable the agents of Euro- pean traders to mingle intimately with company in Ame- rica, far superior to any that they could ever command in their own country. Although the origin of the American people is not homogenous, yet the primary causes of their migration hither were similar ; and the liberal freedom of their social institutions, their general intelligence, and com- mon interests, have approximated their habits and man- ners so much, that, notwithstanding a comparatively small population is spread over an extensive territory, there are fewer provincial diversities of character and behaviour in the United States than in any other coun- try. Nine-tenths of our people speak the same lan- guage, without any variety of dialect ; which is, in itself, 446 RESOLRCES OF THE UMTED STATES. a bond oi national unity, not to be found in any part of Europe; every different section of which, even in the same nation, speaks its own peculiar provincial palois. The laws, government, policy, interests, religion, and opinions of the inhabitants of all the dilVerent States es- sentially correspond and coincide. They are all bound together by the same mighty bands of political and commercial liberty. Our civil institutions, and religious toleration, tend to produce habits of intelligence and in- dependence ; we have no division into the higher, middle, and lower orders ; we have no grandees, and we have no populace ; we are all people. J\''aiural equality we cannot have, because some men will be taller, or stronger, or richer, or wiser than others, in spite of every eifort of human legislation. But political equality we possess in a degree far superior to what has been known in any other country, ancient or modern. All our civil and religious institutions are framed in the spirit of social equality. By the high wages of labour, the abundance and facility of subsist- ence, the general dilTusion of clementajy education, and the right of universal sulfrage, every man, not black, is a citizen, sensible of his own personal importance. Not more than one million of our people reside in the large cities and towns ; the other nine millions live on farms or in villages; most of them are lords of the soil they cultivate, and some are wealthy. This subdivision of property, operating as a kind of Agrarian law, and aided by the abolition of the rights of primogeniture, the re- peal of the statutes of entails, and the equal distribution of land and money among all the children, gives an in- dividual independence and an equality of manner to our population, unknown in Europe; every country of which is yet deeply scarred by the stabs and gashes of baro- nial dominion and feudal vassalage. The personal independence which every one in the United States may enjoy, in am/ calling, by ordinary in- dustry, and common prudence, is in itself one oi the greatest of political blessings. So long as a man obeys that injuuclion of Scripture, to "owe no one any thing," RESOURCES OP THE UNITED STATES. 447 (and in this country debt must arise from idleness, of vice, or misfortune, or folly,) he is as free as the air he breathes ; he knows no superior, not even the President, whom his vote has either helped or hindered in the career of exaltation. But this personal independence can only be supported by a man's cleaving exclusively to his own calling, and diligently discharging its dutie^^ and demands ; for the moment he wants the aid of his fellow-citizens, in any capacity or character, and has competitors for that aid, he is subjected to a scene of in- trigue, electioneering, influence, and cabal, that would not have disg-raced a conclave of cardinals, when the popedom was worth having. Generally speaking, those are most attached to a country who own a part of its soil, and have therefore a stake in its welfare. But a great majority of the American people have this stake. In other countries low Avages, and unremitted labour stupefy the under- standing, break the spirit, and vitiate the virtue of the great body of the population. In the United States the price of labour is high, and constant toil merely optional ; but the ocean and the land offer continual incitements to industry, by opening inexhaustible regions of enterprise and wealth. In consequence, all is motion ; every one follows some vocation, and the whole country is in per- petual progress ; each industrious individual feels him- self rising in the scale of opulence and importance; and the universal nation, growing with the growth of its aspiring children, hastens onward, with continually-aug- menting velocity, towards the maturity of resistless strength and unrivalled power. A people so lately sprung from, and so closely con- nected with, Europe, must greatly resemble it in man- ners. But the universality of employment, and general equality of fortune, enable, and cause the Americans to steer equally clear of the luxurious refinement and the rude vulgarity of Europe. Hospitality and politeness, are the common virtues of the United States. Mr. Birkbeck was peculiarly struck with the urbanity and civilization that prevail throughout this country, even ia 448 RESOURCES OF THE L'MTEt) STATE*. situations the most remote from our large cities. In hii journey from Norfolk, on the Virginia coast, to the heart of the western country, he did not for a moment lose sight of the manners of civilized life. He found neither the excess of artificial refinement, nor the ex- treme of vulgarity, which exist in his own country. In every department of common life, he here saw employ- ed persons far superior in education, habits, and manners, to the corresponding classes in England. He complains however, that the taverns in the great towns east of the Alleghany mountains, which lay in their route westward, afforded nothing corresponding Avith their habits and notions of convenient accommodation, except the ex^ pense. He says, that every thing in these places is grega- lious ; every thing is public by day and by night ; for even the night affords no privacy in an American inn. Whatever be the number of guests, they must eat in tnnss^ and sleep i?i mass. Three times a day, the great bell rings, and a hundred people rush from all quarters, to eat a hurried meal, composed of tlfty different dishes. The breakfast consists of fish, flesh, and fowl, bread, butter, eggs, coffee, and tea; the dinner resembles breakfast, with the omission of tea and coffee, and the addition of fermented liquors; the supper is a repetition of the breakfast. Alter which, the guests are crammed into rooms crowded with beds, like the wards of an hospital ; where they undress in public, and generally receive a human partner in their bed, in addition to the myriads of gentlemen in brown livery., who occupy every house on a perpetual lease. Into the horrors of the kitchen of an American inn, with its darkness, and ne- groes, and dirt, I have no appetite to follow Mr. Birk- beck, who however, accounts properly, for the independ- ent air of the landlord, so entirely in contrast with the obsequious civility of an English tavern-keeper, by stating, that he is generally a man of property, culti- vating his own farm, and a general, or colonel, or at least, a captain of militia, and, consequently, feels him- self fully as great as the guests whom he entertains, and RJESOURCES OF THE UiMTED StATES. 440 behaves rather as if he confers, than receives a favour, by accommodating them and their attendants, and re- ceiving their money. The pohtical equahty which pervaded the United States, opens all official ranks to all persons ; and ac- cordingly, we have innkeepers, and tailors, and shoe- makers, and retail shop-keepers, as well as merchants, and lawyers, and farmers, among our generals and co- lonels ; whence arises that equal air of demeanor and manner, that so much surprises Europeans who have been accustomed to the insolence of wealth and power on one hand, and to the servihty of pauperism and de- pendence on the other. Besides, the Europeans gene- rally do 7iot receive so much civility from our taverners, because they are very apt to insult us, by exaggerated comparisons of the marvellous superiority of European wisdom, convenience, comfort, elegance, and refinement, to those of the United States; and an American citizen, who is taught from his cradle to despise the nations ot Europe, as paupers and slaves, is not very nice in showing his contempt at these sublimated parallels. In another part of his notes, Mr. Birkbeck proceeds to offer the result of his own observations on the man- ners of that section of the Union which he saw ; namely, part of the southern, and nearly the whole of the west- ern division. He thinks, that as the Americans have no central focus of fashion, or local standard of politeness, no remote situation affords any apology for sordid appa- rel or coarse behaviour; and he found no examples of that rural simplicity, that embarrassed, awkward, sheep- ish air, so frequent among the peasantry, and even the farmers, of England. This self-possession, he attributes xery justly to the political equality of our people ; the consciousness of which, accompanies all their intercourse, and operates most powerfully on the manners of the lowest class. He complains, however, that cleanliness^ in house and person, is neglected to a degree quite dis- gusting to an Englishman; aini tells of court-hous< s in the western countrv, used as places of worship, in which 450 lUCSOURCtS OK THE LMTED STATLb. all kinds of filth have been accumulating ever since tliey were built. The truth is, the people of the southern and western States, generally speaking, are not cleanly either in their persons, or houses, or habits. The inhabitants of the New-England and middle States are, in general, given to cleanliness, particularly the Dutch settlers and their descendants. There is, however, one very fiUhy custom, which pervades the whole Union ; I mean, the habit of eating and smoking tobacco. Our judges and lawyers, politicians and parsons, doctors and merchants, army and navy, farmers and mechanics, in a word, our whole people, from the President of the United States down to the pauper in the alms-house, smoke and chew tobacco, and abundantly eject its concocted juice in all places, at all times, and under all circumstances, without any remorse of conscience, or regard for the white draperies and finer sensibilities of our most delicate ladies ; or for its execrable annoyance to all those who did not happen to be cradled in America. The late Mr. Gou- verneur Morris, during his residence abroad, saw that the use of tobacco, save in the shape of snuff, was con- fined, in Europe, to the lowest orders of soldiers and sailors, boors and mechanics. On his return home, two of his male cousins began to question him on European habits and manners, keeping him all the while under the cross-fire of their segars. At length one of them said, " Mr. Morris, do the gentlemen in Europe smoke much .'^" " Sir,*' replied Mr. Morris, striking his jambi de bois sharply on the ground, " Gentlemen smoke in no country." The amusements of the Americans do not exhibit so ferocious an aspect as those of the English ; they being more addicted to dancing and music, than to bull-bait- ing, cock-fighting, and boxing- Not that the English are, really, more ferocious than the American people ; but the United States either never adopted, or have laid aside, certain savage customs still preserved in England. Theatrical exhibitions, balls, routs, the sports of the RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 451 field and turf, and the pleasures of the table, are the chief amusements of our people, and conducted much in the same way as in Europe ; from which quarter we generally import our players, dancingmasters, singers, and musicians; such commodities, as yet, making no part of the staple of the United States. When Pericles was asked, if he could play on any instrument, he an- swered, " No, I cannot fiddle, but I can make a little empire a great one." Our routs resemble those of Lon- don ; we cram a hundred people into a room not large enough to contain fifty ; making it, as an Irish member said of the House of Commons, after the union, " as full as it can hold, and fuUer.'''' They create human in- tercourse without human sympathy, and cut down all distinctions of talent and information to the dead level of frivolous vacuity. They seem entirely to have super- ceded, in our large cities, the good old family way of visiting friends and acquaintance, without ceremony, and without a tremendous invitation of six weeks ahead. Marriages in the United States are earlier than in Europe ; there being no constraint by statute, and no fear of not being able to maintain a family in so young a country, Avhose extensive territory offers an abundant provision to every species of industry, when regulated by discretion. Any clergyman of any sect, or any jus- tice of the peace, may marry any couple without asking any questions. And, notwithstanding Dr. Johnson's sarcasm, " That marriages are made in haste, and re- pented of at leisure," celibacy is an unnatural, as well as an unsocial state ; " For earthlier happy k the rose distiJl'd, Than that which withering on the virgin thorn, Lives, grows, and dies in single blessedness." And, however the yearnings of ambition, or the pur- suits of learning, or the occupations of business may, for a time, absorb a vigorous spirit, yet every man, in whose heart the charities of life are not extinguished, nor the milk of human kindness dried up, wishes, before he falls 452 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES'. into the sere and yellow leaf of autumn, that his blood may run in the veins of some living thing; and that his age may be surrounded by those whose affection and reverence may double unto him the delight of well- earned reputation and honour. For all the purposes of connubial happiness, early marriages are best titted, be- cause the youthful pair have time, and opportunity, and power, gradually, 1o mould themselves to each other'fs temper, and disposition, and habits, and manners; whereas, later marriages require much good temper, good sense, and, above all, confirmed domestic habits on both sides, to render the union hap])y ; because the character of both parties is already fixed, and not capa- ble of that flexile adaptation to the circumstances of life, so characteristic of ardent and ingenuous youth. Perhaps, within the whole compass of human learning, there is not a more pathetic appeal to the heart, than when Eliza says to Dido, " Nee dulces natos, Veneris nee praBmia noras." Marriages, in the United States, are not only con- tracted at an early age, but, in general, from disinter- ested motives. Indeed, owing to our social institutions and habits, individual fortunes are seldom sufficiently large, compared with the overgrown family opulence of Europe, to induce mere money matches, where the estates, not the parties, are united. There is no fear with us, of the proverb, so commonly levelled in Eng- land against sentimental affection, that love in a cottage generally ends in the cottage without love ; because any man, in any calling, if he be industrious, honest, and careful, may make ample provision lor his wife and children. With us, the sanctity of the marriage bed is seldom profaned; nor is seduction frequent. The fa- miliar, but innocent, intercourse of the sexes renders American society peculiarly interesting and delightful. It is not confined, either before or after marriage, as in some parts of Europe, to a narrow circle of exclusive aristocracy, where the portion, and not the person, is the object of affection. In the United States it is unre- sitrained, chaste, and honourable. Our well-educated RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^^^ find virtuous women are kindly and aflfectionately treated by their husbands, loved and reverenced by their chil- dren, and respected by society — of which they compose the brightest ornament and honour. Hence it is, that without pretending to so high a polish of elaborate and artificial refinement, as some of tlie selector societies in Europe exhibit, the United States display a more gene- ral urbanity and civilization than are to be found in any other country. An extensive territory, a fertile soil, a good climate, are all well calculated to afford abundant means of sub- sistence, to quicken the growth of population, to ensure the health, activity, and strength of the human species. The occupations of agriculture, the ranging in the woods for game, the locomotive and migratory habits of the Americans, have all a direct tendency to impart agility and strength to the sinews and muscle^ of the body. An increasing and efficient population does not depend, however, merely upon the multitude of early marriages, and frequency of births, but chiefly upon the great proportion of children that are born being reared to maturity. In the United States the marriages ave- rage six births, of which four are reared. Mr. Storch, in his " Historico Statistical Picture of the Russian Em- pire^''^ says, the -boors in Russia have generally tivelve children to one marriage ; of which seldom more than one-fourth are reared. This great mortality among the children, occasioned, no doubt, by hardship and want, on the part of the peasantry, caused Catharine the Se- cond to complain, in her celebrated " Instructions^'''' to her different ministers, and ask of them the causes, why " this hope of the government is defeated ?" Now, the political doctors of Russia ought to have informed their mistress, that the only wise institutions by which the evil could be remedied, would be the establishment of such a frame of civil society, as to secure permanent liberty, public and private, by equitable laws,«a regular administration of justice, the general diffusion of senti- ments of personal respectability* moral restraint, roli- 454 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. gious feeling, industry, sobriety, and cleanliness among the people. Wherever these social blessings occur, there never will be, necessarily and of course, that is to say, without the intervention of epidemics and fatal diseases, any very great mortality among the children born in any country; because in old and long-established nations, where the population presses hard upon the means of subsistence, the marriages will be late, the births pro- portionally few, and the children generally reared to man's estate ; and in a young country, as in these United States, where these social blessings do actually exist, where the means of subsistence are abundant, and there is plenty of land to give elbow-room for a rapid increase of population, the marriages will be early, the births frequent, and most of the children reared. M. Volney, in his " VieuP'' of the United States, em- phatically notices the idle, babbling, uneffectual life of a colony of French farmers in the VVestem country, when contrasted with the patient, plodding industry of the Scottish, English, and German asfriculturists in the same neighbourhood ; and more especially when contrasted with the far superior activity and enterprise of the na- tive American settlers in reclaiming the waste and wil- derness from the dominion of the beasts of tlie forest, malcing the valleys wave thick with the teeming grain, and causing the solitary places to blossom as the rose. Indeed these United States possess unrivalled advan- tages for promoting a rapid increase of their inhabitants ; and also for rearing a most cedent population ; so that, if America shall spring forward during tlie next, with the same velocity and force with which she has moved progressively during the last fifty years, she will then whiten every sea with her commercial canvass ; bear her naval thunders in triumph to earth's extremest verge ; peer above the sovereignty of other nations, and cause the elder jvorld to bow its venerable head, white with the hoar of ages, beneath the paramount power and in- fluence of this younger daughter of the civilized globe. RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 455 The habits and manners of the United States are con- siderably influenced by the eager appetite for the ac- quisition of wealth, which is necessarily the great ab» sorbing passion of all new and thinly settled countries ; and also by the perpetual proneness to mingle in the party-politics of the day, which is the natural conse- quence of our popular and democratic institutions. Of course these pursuits prevail most in the large cities on our seaboard ; because they afford the greatest facilities of commercial enterprise, and the busiest scene of poli- tical exertion. Yet the trading spirit is diffused over ali the country ; our farmers, mechanics, soldiers, seamen, lawyers, legislators, physicians, nay, sometimes, even our clergy, indulge in mercantile speculations. Even politics themselves give way to the universal desire of speedily amassing money. The peculiar circumstances of the Union have conspired to foster the growth of this trading spirit. During five and twenty years, while war impoverished and wasted Europe, commerce en- riched the United States, with a rapidity, and to an ex- tent unexampled in the history of nations. Since the peace of 1815, indeed, the diminution of our foreign trade, and the incredible number of insolvencies, oiight to teach us, both to moderate our eager craving after wealth, and that extravagance of expenditure, far sur-s passing the rate of living among the corresponding classes in Europe, which has been almost the necessary effect of our sudden and unexampled opulence. America has profited in more ways than one by Bri- tish capital ; that is to say, she has grown richr not merely by the amount and length of credit which the merchants of Britain have given her, but also by her own numberless insolvents having made it a point of conscience never to pay a single stiver to a British credi- tor. From the peace of 1783 to 1789, the British ma- nufacturers did not receive more than 07i£~fhird of the value of all the goods which t!)ey sold to their American customers; and since the peace' of 1815, up to the pre- sent hour, they have not received one-foiirlli. This lior- riblc piracy upon British propertv is supported, if noi 4i>6 REbOLRCLS OF THE L'MTLD bTATtS. created, by our system of state insolvent laws. No honest man can devise a valid reason, why Congress should not exert its constitutional power oi' passing a uniform bankrupt act, and thus give our foreign creditors some chance of an occasional dividend. At present every State has its own insolvent law, that is to say, there are iyjeniy different legal modes of evading the payment of debts in the Union. According to the present system, the creditor has no security for the recoverv of his mo- ney but the personal honesty of his debtor, which, some- times, is not the best of all j)ossible bonds. If the debtor thinks the money better in his own pocket than in that of his creditor, he has twenty different governments out of which to select the theatre best fitted for the pur- poses of fraud and knavery. And to speak tenderly of our insolvents, they seem to understand their business very well. As a natural consequence of tiie sudden influx ol' wealth into the United States, too many of the Amen- cans have departed from the salutary habits of economy which characterized their English and Dutch ancestors, and have become the most extravagant people on earth. In proportion to its wealth and population, our city of New-York far surpasses all the rest of the civilized world in its rate of expenditure, and amount of insolven- cies, of which last upwards of six thousand occurred in 1811. It costs, at least, one-third more to live he^^ than in London ; which, on the whole, is perhaps th<> dearest place in Europe. To be sure, there is no occa- sion in this countrv to feel that perpetual anxiety aboiu pecuniary matters, which is entailed upon all the people Ml England, exceptin;^ a few overgrown capitalists, by the enormous expenditure of the government, and the pressure of universal taxation. But our people, gene- rally, and particularly in the lar^e cities, have fallen in- to habits of personal and family expense, not only fai- surpassing those of the corresponding classes ;n Europe, but also far exceeding the fair earnings of our merchant's and professional men; many oi" whom become their own executors, and leave their children pnuj)er». and RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 457 the more helpless for having been brought up In idle- ness and extravagance. It is the more surprising that the Americans should hasten to impoverish themselves with such heedless prodigality; because, as there is neither birth nor rank in the United States, vt'ealth is our only mark of distinction; it is, in fact, our great social virtue, as poverty is the unpardonable crime ; and in no part of the world is the learned pate required to duck to the golden fool, with more obsequious serviHty than in our free and independent republic. i^But well-regulated economy^ equally removed from parsimony on one hand, and from extravagance on the other, is alike the basis of all domestic independence and comfort, and of all national wealth and prosperity. Women can seldom earn^ but they may often save, a fortune, by judicious management. The American la- dies, however, are not generally taught the importance and use of economy. And it requires more moral nerve than most men possess to practise frugality amidst the surrounding extravagance of the whole neighbourhood. Whence, a man's own personal and domestic vanity, seconded by the eternal exhortations of his wife and daughters, leads too many of our respectable families into that poverty which, in itself, is one of the greatest of all social evils, which neither prevents nor softens any other evil, but exasperates and darkens all other cala- mities. Of course no one in his senses supposes that the rich and the poor are to live according to the same rate of penurious expenditure ; since the magnificence of the opulent puts in motion a considerable amount of productive industry and ingenuity ; and is a better mode of distributing money, by employing the labouring classes, than by giving it as alms. Nor is it any part of sound philosophy for men of talents to live like ascetics, or self-denying monks, under pretence of being abstracted from the allurements of time and sense. When Descartes was dining with the Stadtholder of Holland, the worthy Dutch magistrate observed the metaphysician demolish the dessert with indefatigable perseverance, and bawled out, ''Whnt! f\oor- laws, or the bondage oi apprenticeships. France has, for several centuries, been a great and formidable power; she has always maintained a military f)redominance in Europe, both by her arms and by her anguage, giving names and terms to every species of military tactics. Shorn of her beams as she now is, and somewhat narrowed in her territory, she still retains the means of reappearing as a primary power, when a few years of peace shall have enabled her to repair her shattered finances, and recruit her exhausted popula- tion. In addition to her valuable colonial possessions she has a compact home territory, covering a surface of more than 250,000 square miles, and containing a popu- lation of nearly thirty millions of souls ; and situated in the very heart and centre of Europe. The climate is excellent, and the soil fertile; the political strength of the country is greatly augmented by the annihilation of the monasteries and convents, and the resumption of their endowments; by the sale and consequent cultiva- tion of the national and ecclesiastical domains ; the great royal and signorial forests, parks, pleasure-grounds, and chases; by the subdivision of the large estates into small farms, and their transfer to persons possessing more capacity and inclination for improvement, than had distinguished the former feudal proprietors. jRESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. ^oviuv noA RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. probably, survive its present, as it has outlived many generations of its past, enemies. The result of ail this is, that it is the duty of every prudent government, while it acknowledges the supre- macy of the Governor among the nations, in whose hands are the issues of life and death, to avail itself of all the means in its power, to confirm and strengthen the prosperity of the people committed to its charge. Wherefore, considering the precarious condition of Europe, its germinant and springing seeds of disor- der, the little probability of readjusting its balance of power, or of preserving its peace for any considerable length of time, the difficulty of preventing the United States from being embroiled in the general conflict, the rapid growth of the wealth, population, and power, the continual enlargement of their territories, and the con- stant multiphcation of new States, our general govern- ment ought, immediately, to lay the foundation, broad and deep, of a solid system of internal finance ; that it might have the command of an ample and a growing revenue, arising out of the territorial resources of the country, for the purposes of admininistering the home department liberally and effectively ; of conducting its foreign policy vigorously and magnificently ; of promot- ing the progress of letters and science, and every spe- cies of internal improvement ; of training up, in regular succession, able men for the public service, and reward- ing their labours splendidly ; of establishing the national credit on an imperishable basis, so as to be able to raise any amount of money by voluntary loans, in the event of any sudden emergency, as the breaking out of war, or of a long-continued demand, in case of a protracted conflict for sovereignty, or aggrandizement, or exist- ence. The President seems to be aware of the necessity of giving to the United States all possible means of offen- sive and defensive strength, when, in his Message to Congress, on the 2d of December, 1817, he states the public credit to be at an extraordinary elevation; the pre- parations for defence, in future wars, to be advancing RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES* ^^J under a well-digested system ; the general government to be daily gaining strength 5 local jealousies to be ra- pidly yielding to more generous, enlarged, and en- lightened views of national policy ; the militia of the several States to amount to eight hundred thousand men, infantry, artillery, and cavalry, great part of which is already armed, and measures are taken to arm the whole, and Congress is recommeYided to improve its organization and discipline. The Message also states, that the regular army amounts nearly to the number required by law, and is stationed along the Atlantic and inland frontiers ; that of the naval force strong squad- rons are maintained in the Mediterranean, and in the Gulf of Mexico; that by lands recently purchased from the Indians, bordering on Lake Erie, and from the Cherokees, the United States will be enabled to extend their settlements from the inhabited parts of the State of Ohio, along Lake Erie, into the Michigan Territory, and to connect their settlements, by degrees, through the State of Indiana and the Illinois Territory, to that of Missouri ; and a similar advantageous efiect will soon be produced to the south, through the whole extent of the States and Territory which border on the waters that empty themselves into the Mississippi and the Mobile ; thus affording security to our inland frontiers ; and a strong barrier, consisting of our own people, planted on the lakes, the Mississippi, and the Mobile, with the pro- tection of a few regular troops, effectually to curb all Indian hostility. A few great fortifications along the coasts, and at some points in the interior connected with it, will ensure the safety of our towns, and the commerce of our great rivers, from the Bay of Fundy to the Mississippi. From all this will spring a rapid augmentation in the value of all public lands, and emi- grations be facilitated to the remotest parts of the Union. Several new States have been created to the west and south, and territorial governments organized over every place where there is vacant land for sale ; whence an immense increase of our population is to be 63 jJ9S resoltxes of the united states. expected, at once augmenting the wealth and strength of the whole country. But all these bright prospects are clouded by Mr. Monroe's saying, at the close of his Message, that the revenue arising from imports and tonnage, and from the sale of public lands, will be adequate to support the civil government, the present military and naval establish- ments, inchiding the annual augmentation of the navy; and provide for the payment of the interest on the na- tional debt, and its gradual extinction, without the aid of internal taxes j wherefore he recommends Congress to repeal them. Now it is sinning against all past expe- rience, and all the most approved principles of political philosophy, to endeavour to carry on a government without any system of internal taxation in time of peace ; and when war breaks out, ihcn^ to begin to tax, when the diminution of revenue and the increasing necessities of the people peculiarly indispose, and disable them from bearing the imposition of new bmdens ; whereas inter- nal taxes, laid during peace, and so adjusted as to in- crease in productiveness with the national growtli in po- pulation and wealth, will easily admit of such a gradual augmentation in time of war, as not to press too heavily on the community, and at the same time most materially to strengthen and establish the public credit; which, ahnc^ can enable a government to call out and effectual- ly wield the resources of the country, so as to secure its permanent prosperity, power, and reputation. As soon as Congress met in December, 1817, they passed a bill through both houses, for the repeal o{ i\\Q internal duties^ which the President immediately signed; and the law now is, that the United States government have no internal revenue. And yet, probably, the recent occupation of Amelia Island by our Americr.n troops, under the provisions of the secret act of Congress, passed in 1811, but not published till December, 1817, will, ere long, call for a large appropriation of the public money. Is Cuba to follow the fate of Amelia; and are our Inrjd limits to be stretched beyond the horizon of Mexico ? RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES- 499 P. S. Since the foregoing sheets were printed, the Treasury documents for 1817 have been received; from them the following summary is extracted : — TREASURY DEPARTMENT, \Q>th January^ 1818. SIR, I have the honour to transmit a statement of the exports of the United States, during the year ending the 30th September, 1817, amounting, in value, on articles Of domestic produce or manufacture, to $68,313,500 Of foreign produce or manufacture, to 19,358,069 ^87,671,569 Which articles appear to have been exported to the fol- lowing countries, viz. Domestic, Foreigtu To the northern countries of Europe, !S3,828,563 2,790,408 To the dominions of the Nether- lands, 3,397,775 2,387,543 Do. of Great Britain, 41,431,168 2,037,074 Do. of France, 9,717,423 2,717,395 Do. of Spain, 4,530,156 3,893,780 Do. of Portugal, .... 1,501,237 333,586 All other, 3,907,178 5,198,283 $68,313,500 19,358,069 I have the honour to be, Very respectfully, Sir, Your most obt. servant, WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD. The Hon. the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 5Q0 ilESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. By this Report It appears that there were exported from the United States, from the Jst day of October, 1816, to the 30th daj of September, 1817, of the growth and manufacture of the United States, 17,751,376 dol- lars worth of flour, and 23,127,614 dollars worth of cot- ton, making in these iwo items alone 40,278,990 dollars. The whole value of exports for the same year, including foreign articles, amounts to 87,671,569 dollars. Of this sum 18,707,433 was exported from the port of New- York. Summary of the value of exports from each State. States. Domestic. Foreign. Total. New-Hampshire, 170,599 26,825 197,424 Vermont, Massachusetts, 913,201 5,908,416 913,201 11,987,997 6,019,571 Rhode-Island, 577,911 3,72,556 950,467 Connecticut, 574,290 28,949 604,139 New-York, 13,660,533 5,046,700 18,70,7433 New-Jersey, 5,849 5,849 Pennsylvania, 5,538,003 3,197,589 8,735,592 Delaware, 38,771 6,083 48,454 Maryland, 5,887,884 3,046,046 8,933,930 Dist. of Columbia, 1,689,102 79,556 1,768,658 Virginia, 5,561,238 60,204 5,611,442 North-Carolina, 9,55,211 1,369 956,580 South-Carolina, 9,944,343 428,270 10,372,613 Georgia, 8,530,831 259,883 8,790,714 Ohio 7,749 8,241,254 7,749 9402,812 Louisiana, 783,558 Territory of U. S . 108,115 108,115 Total 68,343,500 19,358,069 87,671,569 APPENDIX, Containing some few Miscellaneous MatterSr omitted in the preceding pages. OiNCE the Chapter on the Government of the United States has been printed oif, it has been suggested as a desideratum, that a table of the rates of pay, or wages, allowed to our public servants, whether at home or abroad, should be given, in order to show what pecuni- ary incitements to ambition are applied to the Govern- ors, Ambassadors, Judges, and other public functiona- ries of the American Commonwealth. The consequen- ces of this republican frugahtj, in underpaying our government-officers, are, that the Governors and Judges of some of the States, are actually employed in prose- cuting some other calling, in addition to that of discharg- ing the functions of the executive and judicial ; for in- stance, in keeping tavern, selHng tenpenny nails, dealing in flour, and many similar employments, equally well adapted to the sciences of political philosophy and ju- risprudence. The President of the United States receives a salary of $25,000 The Vice-President of the United States 5,000 The Secretary of State 5,000 The Secretary of the Treasury, War, and Navy, each ''. 4,000 The Chief J ustice of the United States 5,000 The jpuisnS Judges, each 4,000 502 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States Ambassadors to the first-rate European Courts S9,000 The Judges of the Supreme Court of New-York, one oi" tlie most liberally paid States in the Union, each 3,500 The Governor of the State of New-York 7,500 The Mayor of New- York. 7,000 The Governor of Rhode-Island 800 The Governor of Vermont 600 The Governor of Connecticut 1,000 The Judges of Connecticut, each 1,000 It is needless to multiply instances ; in many of the States the Governors and Judges are even more scanti- ly paid than in Connecticut, Vermont, and Rhode- Island ; and, of course, this State parsimony produces all the evils pointed out in the Chapter on Government, as resulting from the mistaken i^oXicy oi ujidcrpaying i\\e. public servants. ., The pay of the legislators, whether of the United or separate States, in the Senates, or Houses of Represen- tatives, ranges from two to six dollars a day, during their legislative session. If it be really wise to give the le- gislators any wages at all, their present stipend seems to be fully as disproportionate as that of other public servants ; although, doubtless, in some instances, among our twenty separate, independent republican sovereign- ties, it amounts to a quantum meruit. Mr. Wirt makes some very sensible and judicious ob- servations, in his Life of Patrick Henry, on the evils resulting from the mistaken policy oi underpaying all our public servants. Indeed, this beggarly system literally starved Henry and Hamilton out of the service of their country, and drove them back into their professional practice for a morsel of bread. The following memoranda, taken from the government paper of March Mtii, 1818, will show in what a conti- nual flux of mutation men and things are rolled under our popular institutions; and it should be remembered that tills rtornal rotation is so favourite a feature in our RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. 503 republican polity, that the most stupendous consequen- ces are augured from its operation ; so much so, that one of our profoundest philosophers very gravely in- formed me yesterday, that, " in the course of a few years, there would be only two empires in the world, the United States and Russia .*''* — In the House of Representatives of the United States there are now, out of 184 members, only six who were members of the Tenth Congress, (1807-8-9,) and have continued in the house without intermission. Of those who were members of that Congress, and are members of the present house, but who have had intermissions of service, there are but six or seven. Yet the principle of rotation is even more strongly illustrated in the Senate of the United States, though intended by the Constitution to be the more permanent service. In that body there is but one individual who was a Senator in the Tenth Congress. In the Senate, at present, eight members out of forty were members of the House of Representatives in the Tenth Congress; and of the present House of Representatives two members were in that Congress Senators, both from the State of Ma- ryland. These facts aiford materials for much reflection on the practical operation of our system of government. It may be added, that there is no member of the exe- cutive department of the government who was then con- cerned in the administration of the government. Mr. Monroe was then a minister abroad, and Mr. Adams a member of the Senate. Of the present Governors of the several States there is not one who at that day filled the same office. Of the twenty, two were then representatives in Congress. We are, also, to the full, as fond of variety as of ro- tation; for the rate of interest on money, and the cur- rent value of the dollar, differ in the several States ; for instance, by act of Congress, government receives six per cent, on the bonds due to the United States ; New- York regulates the rate of interest at seven ; Mas- sachusetts ^Csixanda half ^er cent. In New- York 504 RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. the dollar is valued at eight, in Pennsylvania at seven^ in Massachusetts at six shillings. Travellers and foreigners reap the richest harvest of inconvenience from the want of a uniform standard of weights, mea- sures, and values ; and if any rate of interest must be imposed on money, the trouble would certainly be much less, if our neighbouring States would establish it equally throughout their respective dominions. Indeed, it is expressly given to Congress, by the Federal Con- stitution, to coin money, regulate its value, and fix the standard of weights and measures. By the late arrivals from Europe, we learn some facts, which, had they transpired sooner, would have found u place in their appropriate chapters ; as it is, they must be thrown, with other miscellanies, into an Appendix. The papers laid before the two Houses of Parlia- ment, by order of the Prince Regent, on the 27th of January, 1818, manifest a great improvement during the year 1817, in almost every branch of domestic in- dustry, throughout the United Kingdom of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. The estimates for the year 1818, give the annual government expenditure at fifty-^i^ht millions sterling, the revenue dii fifty-two millions, making a deficit of six millions. Out of the expenditures, how- ever, nearly sixteen millions will be paid to the commis- sioners of the sinking fund, for the reduction of the na- tional debt; and the supposition is, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, instead of issuing Exchequer bills, or raising a loan, will take six millions from the existing income of the sinking fund, in order to supply the gap between the expenditure and revenue, and leave the re- maining ten millions to be applied to the liquidation of of the public debt. The expenditure is to be lessened from sixty-five to fifty-eight millions, by a reduction of the army to its peace establishment, and by the saving of interest, on paying off the five and four per cent, stocks. Treaties have also been concluded between Britain, Spain, and Portugal, respecting the abolition of the slave-trade ; the Treaty with Spain, is laid before Par- RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES. QQq liament; that with Portugal, yet remained incomplete, because its ratification on either side had not been ex- changed. By a proclamation, dated Madrid, December, 1817, the King of Spain prohibits from the day of the date of the proclamation, all his subjects, both in the Peninsula and America, from going to buy negroes on the coast of Africa, north of the line; and from the 30th of May, 1 820, a similar prohibition is extended to those parts of the coast of Africa, south of the line. The rumour of the day, (25th March, 1818,) is, that our government have determined to declare v^^ar against Spain. Before they plunge the nation into hostilities, it well becomes the wisdom of the Senate to pause and ponder, whether or not the powers of Europe will be inclined to sit tamely by, and see the United States strip the nerveless and impotent Spaniard of the Floridas, Cuba, and Mexico, and thus endanger, or render useless, all the West-India possessions of every European sove- reignty ; and whether or not America, with only ten millions of people, scattered over two millions of square miles, is at this moment prepared to encounter the coa- lition of crowns in Europe, with their embattled veterans at leisure for any new enterprise, weary of peace, pro- cinct for war, and looking with a jealous and fearful eye upon the rapidly growing strength of our giant repub- lic ? fs the impending rupture with Spain one of the first-fruits of western predominance; and are the Atlan- tic States to purchase a President from Kentucky^ at the price of all the blood and treasure that may be expended in a conflict with universal Europe ? > FfNlS. ERRATUM. In p. 240, for " six hundred and forty thousand,^' read "sixty four millions of acres." lb^^'?0 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 290 148 6 ■ V*. Mill fcSh.^. **■?