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J., September 23rd, I 783 also a copy of the account of Richard Cox, Treasurer with John Pierce, Paymaster-General in connection therewith and a list of members with an exhibit of delinquent members of The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey made by Richard Cox, Treasurer, July 5, 1 788 Revised and Compiled by James Wall Schureman Campbell President of the Society OFFICERS OF The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey 191 PRESIDENT James Wall Schureman Campbell Freehold. N. J. VICE-PRESIDENT William Pennington 800 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. SECRETARY Lewis Dunham Boggs 23 Warren Street, New York City TREASURER William McKnight Reckless Freehold, N. J. ASSISTANT SECRETARY Ulric Dahlgren Princeton, N. J. ASSISTANT TREASURER Paul Augustine Hendry 1713 Montgomery Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. t-^ Cv Copyright, 191 1 By THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI In the State of New Jersey 'CI.A2027S6 Roster of the New Jersey Officers of the Continental Line, Army of the Revolution, Who Were Eligible to Membership in the Society of the Cincinnati BRIGADIER GENERALS. * II Dayton, Elias. (Original member.) Colonel, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Colonel, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Colonel, Third Regiment ; Brigadier General, Continental Army, January 7th, 1783 ; discharged at the close of the war ; took part in all the battles in which the Continental Line of New Jersey was engaged ; commanded the Jersey Brigade after the resignation of Brigadier General Maxwell ; also Colonel of militia. Maxwell, William. Colonel, Second Battalion, First Es- tablishment, November 8th, 1775 ; Brigadier General, Conti- nental Army, October 23d, 1776; resigned July 25th, 1780; commanded the "Jersey Line" during his entire term of ser- vice as a general officer, and took an active part in every bat- tle in which his brigade distinguished itself. COLONELS. Forman, David. (Original member.) Colonel, " For- man's Regiment," Continental Army ; also Brigadier General, militia. s 6 COLONELS, LIEUTENANT COLONELS * Ogden, Matthias. (Original member.) Lieutenant Col- onel, First Battalion, First Establishment, March 7th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Colonel, ditto, January ist, 1777; Colo- nel, First Regiment; taken prisoner November 4th, 1780; granted leave of absence by Congress April 21st, 1783, to visit Europe ; discharged at the close of the war, * Shreve, Israel. (Original member.) Lieutenant Colo- nel, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 8th, 1775; Colonel, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, No- vember 28th, 1776; Colonel, Second Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. * Spencer, Oliver. (Original member.) Colonel, " Spen- cer's Regiment," Continental Army, January 15th, 1777; dis- charged at the close of the war ; also Colonel, militia. White, Anthony Walton. (Original member. State of New York transferred to New Jersey.) Major and Aid-de- Camp to General Washington, October, 1775; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Fourth Regiment, Light Dragoons, Continental Army, February 13th, 1777; Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, First Regiment, ditto, December loth, 1779; Colonel, ditto, February i6th, 1780, and ordered to command all cavalry in Southern Army. Winds, William. Lieutenant Colonel, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 7th, 1775; Colonel, ditto, March 7th, 1776; discharged with battalion; Brigadier Gen- eral, militia, March 4th, 1777. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. Brearley, David. (Original member.) Lieutenant Colo- nel, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, First Regiment, to date January 1st, 1777; resigned March 17th, 1780, to accept office of Chief Justice of the State ; also Colonel, militia. Burr, Aaron. (Original member. State of New York.) LIEUTENANT COLONELS 7 Lieutenant Colonel and Aid-de-Camp, staff of Major General Israel Putnam. Conway, John. (Original member.) Captain, First Bat- talion, First Establishment, November 21st, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Major, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, October 29th, 1777; Major, Third Regiment; Lieutenant Colonel, First Regi- ment, to date March 17th, 1780; wounded at the battle of Ger- mantown ; discharged at the close of the war. * Gumming, John N. (Original member.) First Lieuten- ant, Captain Howell's company, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, November 29th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Lawrie's company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, ditto, to date November 30th, 1776; Captain, Second Regiment; Major, First Regiment, to date April i6th, 1780; Lieutenant Colonel, Second Regiment, December 29th, 1781 ; Lieutenant Colonel Com- mandant, Third Regiment, February nth, 1783; discharged at the close of the war. D'Hart, William. Major, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, November 7th, 1775 ; Major, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, ditto, January ist, 1777; Lieutenant Colonel, Second Regi- ment, September 26th, 1780; resigned. * Forman, Jonathan. (Original member.) Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; November 23d, 1776; Captain, First Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Major, Third Regiment, November 20th, 1781 ; Lieutenant Colonel, Second Regiment, February nth, 1783; discharged at the close of the war; also Captain, militia. Lindsley, Eleazer. Lieutenant Colonel, " Spencer's Regi- ment," Continental Army ; resigned ; also Lieutenant Colonel, militia; Second Major, "Eastern Battalion" Morris, January i3th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, ditto; also Lieutenant Colonel, Continental Army. Rhea, David. Major, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment, November 8th, 1775; Lieutenant Colonel, Second Bat- 8 LIEUTENANT COLONELS, MAJORS talion, Second Establishment; November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Smith, William. Lieutenant Colonel, " Spencer's Regi- ment," Continental Army. MAJORS, Barber, William. Ensign, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment, October 29th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Ross's com- pany, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; resigned; afterwards Lieutenant and Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier General William Maxwell, January ist, 1777; Cap- tain, ditto, April 14th, 1777; Major, ditto, May 7th, 1778; :\[ajor and Aid-de-Camp to Major General Lord Stirling, Oc- tober, 1778; wounded at the siege of Yorktown ; discharged at the close of the war. Bloomfield, Joseph. (Original member.) Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Major, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; November 28th, 1776; resigned October 29th, 1778, to accept civil office; was Judge Advocate Northern Army, November, 1776. * Bowman, xN^athaniel. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Faulkner's company. Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 13th, 1775; First Lieutenant, Cap- tain Dillon's company, ditto. May loth, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Anderson's company. Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Dil- lon's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Captain, Second Bat- talion, ditto. September nth, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Major by brevet; Major, Third Regi- ment, February nth, 1783; discharged at the close of the war. * X Bruen, Jeremiah. (Original member. Dropped from Rolls. 1806.) Captain, " Baldwin's Regiment of Artificers." Continental Army, March 2d, 1777; Major, ditto, November 1 2th, 1779. Burnet, Ichabod. (Original member State of Georgia.) Major and Aid-de-Camp, Continental Army, January 9th. 1778. * Burrowcs, John. (Original member.) Captain, " For- MAJORS 9 man's Regiment," Continental Army; Captain, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, January ist, 1777; Major, ditto, July 22d, 1779; discharged at the close of the war. * Cox, Richard. (Original member.) Second Lieutenant, Captain Ross's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, October 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Ross's company. Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, January ist, 1777; Captain, Third Regiment, September 23d, 1780; Captain, First Regiment; Brigade Major to Briga- dier General William Maxwell ; Major, Second Regiment, Janu- uary 6th, 1783; discharged at the close of the war. Doughty, John. (Original member State of New York, transferred to New Jersey, 1793.) Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Major, Third Battalion, ditto; resigned; Captain Lieutenant, Eastern Artil- lery Company State Troops, May 9Lh, 1776; Captain, Second Continental Regiment Artillery, January ist, 1777; Aid-de- Camp to Major-General Schuyler, 1777; Colonel and Aid-de- Camp to the Commander-in-Chief, etc., etc. Hollinshead, John. (Original member.) First Lieuten- ant, Captain Lawrie's company, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, November 27th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Brearley's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, ditto, Febru- ary 5th, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment; Major, Third Regi- ment, to date July 5th, 1779; resigned November 20th, 1781. Howell, Richard. (Original member.) Captain, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 29th, 1775; Brigade Major, September 4th, 1776; Major, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Major, Second Regi- ment, resigned, to date April 7th, 1779. * Ogden, Aaron. (Original member.) Paymaster, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 8th, 1775 ; Paymas- ter, First Battalion, Second Establishment, February ist, 1777; resigned as Paymaster April ist, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, First Regiment; Captain, ditto, to date February 2d, 1779; 10 MAJORS, ADJUTANTS Brigade Major and Inspector and Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier General William Maxwell, April ist, 1778; discharged at the close of the war. Polhemus, John. (Original member. Dropped from Rolls 1793.) Captain, First Battalion, First Establishment, Novem- ber 22d, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Major, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. * Reading, Samuel. (Original member.) First Lieuten- ant, Captain Stout's company, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December i8th, 1775; taken prisoner at Three Riv- ers, June 8th, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, February 5th, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment, to date January ist, 1777; Major, First Regiment, December 29th, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Ross, John. (Original member.) Captain, Third Bat- talion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Third Regiment; Major, Second Regiment, to date April 7th, 1779; promoted Brigade Major and Inspector, Jersey Brigade ; discharged at the close of the war ; also Lieutenant Colonel, militia. ADJUTANTS. * Halsey, Luther. (Orig'inal member.) Serjeant, Sec- ond Battalion, First Establishment ; Adjutant, Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieuten- ant and Adjutant, Second Regiment, to date November 9th, 1777 ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. King, Joseph. Adjutant, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 28th, 1776; wounded and taken pris- oner, June 26th, 1777, at Short Hills, Essex county. New Jer- sey ; retired September 26th, 1780; afterwards Paymaster, Con- tinental Army; also Adjutant, militia. Shippard, Samuel. Adjutant, Third Battalion, First Es- tablishment, February 9th, 1776; Adjutant, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieutenant and ADJUTANTS, QUARTERMASTERS ii Adjutant, Third Regiment, to date November 12th, 1777; Lieutenant, First Regiment; resigned to date July 7th, 1780. * Whitlock, Ephraim. (Original member.) Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Forman's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto; First Lieutenant, ditto, November 23d, 1777; Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date August ist, 1779; Lieutenant and Adjutant, ditto; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet; also Ensign, militia. QUARTERMASTERS. Clark, Joseph. Quartermaster, staff of Major General Adam Stephens. Darby, Ephraim. (Original member.) Private, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; Quartermaster, ditto, Feb- ruary 17th, 1777; Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Third Regi- ment, to date November 12th, 1777; Lieutenant, First Regi- ment ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet ; also Captain, militia. Douglass, Ephraim. Quartermaster, staff of Major Gen- eral Lord Stirling; taken prisoner at Bushwick, Long Island, August 27th, 1776. Ford, Chilleon. (Original member.) Second Lieuten- ant, " Lamb's Artillery," (Second Regiment Artillery), Conti- nental Army, April loth, 1777; Quartermaster, ditto, August I St, 1779. Lott, Peter. Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establish- ment ; Second Lieutenant, ditto ; Ensign and Quartermaster, First Regiment ; Lieutenant and Quartermaster, ditto, to date February 25th, 1778; resigned, to date March 27th, 1780. McEwen, John. Serjeant, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army, February ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto. May 12th, 1779; Lieutenant and Quartermaster ditto, July loth, 1779; dis- charged at the close of the war. Ogden Nathaniel. Quartermaster, Continental Army. Periam, Joseph. Quartermaster, First Battalion, Second 12 QUARTERMASTERS, PAYMASTERS, SURGEONS Establishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Smith, Israel. Captain and Quartermaster, General Heard's Brigade, Continental Army, March ist, 1779; also As- sistant Quartermaster, Quartermaster's Department. PAYMASTERS. * Shute, William. (Original member.) Captain and Paymaster, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 28th, 1775; Captain and Paymaster, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 177B; resigned April 2d, 1778; appointed Ensign and Paymaster, Second Regiment, to date June 17th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. Spencer, Robert. Paymaster, " Spencer's Regiment,"' Con- tinental Army. SURGEONS. Barnet, William M. Surgeon, First Battalion, First Es- tablishment, December 8th, 1775; Surgeon, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Surgeon, First Regiment ; resigned. Bloomfield, Moses. Surgeon, United States Hospital, Continental Army, May 14th, 1777. Burnet, William. (Original member.) Chief Physician and Surgeon, General Hospital, Continental Army; also Sur- geon, militia. Burnet, William, Jr. Surgeon, General Hospital, Conti- nental Army. Campbell, George [W]. (Original member.) Surgeon, Hospital of Flying Camp, Continental Army, April nth, 1777. * Campfield, Jazeb. (Original member.) Surgeon. "Spencer's Regiment." Continental Army, January ist, 1777; Senior Physician, Continental Army ; discharged at the close of the war. SURGEONS 13 Cochran, John. Surgeon General in General Hospital, April nth, 1777; Chief Physician and Surgeon to the Army, October 19th, 1780. Dunham, Lewis F. (Original member.) Surgeon, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 21st, 1776; Surgeon, Third Battalion, Second EstabHshment, November 28th, 1776; Surgeon, Third Regiment, resigned. * Elmer, Ebenezer. (Original member.) Ensign, Cap- tain Bloomfield's company. Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, February 9th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, ditto, April 9th, 1776; Surgeon's Mate, Third Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 28th, 1776; transferred to Second Battalion, ditto; Surgeon, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, July 5th, 1778; Surgeon, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Ervin, David. Surgeon, First Regiment, September 26th, 1780; also Surgeon's Mate, militia. * Harris, Jacob. (Original member.) Surgeon's Mate, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Surgeon's Mate, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, Feb- ruary 26th, 1777; Surgeon's Mate, First Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Surgeon, Third Regiment, November i6th, 1782; discharged at the close of the war. McCarter, Charles. Surgeon, " Morgan's Rifle Corps," Continental Army, June loth, 1777. Otto, Frederick. Surgeon in General Hospital, May ist, ^777- Reed, Thomas. Surgeon, " Livingston's Regiment," Con- tinental Army, December i8th, 1776. Riker, John B. Surgeon, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Scott, Moses. Surgeon in General Hospital, Continental Army; also Surgeon, militia. Tunison, Garret. Surgeon, " Lamb's Artillery," (Second Regiment Artillery), Continental Army; discharged at the close of the war. 14 SURGEONS, SURGEONS' MATES, CHAPLAINS Vickars, Samuel. Surgeon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army; Surgeon, ditto, April 14th, 1777. Wilson, Lewis. Surgeon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army, January, 1778; Surgeon, ditto, June 30th, 1779. Witherspoon, John. Surgeon in General Hospital, Conti- nental Army. SURGEONS' MATES. * Appleton, Abraham. (Original member.) Surgeon's Mate, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December 21st, 1775 ; discharged with battalion. (See, also, Lieutenants.) Ball, Stephen. Surgeon's Mate, First Regiment, Septem- ber 26th, 1780; resigned. Dorsey, John. Surgeon's Mate, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, January ist, 1777. * % Elmer, Moses G. (Original member.) Surgeon's Mate, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, August 28th, '11778; Surgeon's Mate, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Henry, Robert R. Surgeon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army, March 17th, 1777. Loree (or Loring), Ephraim. Surgeon's Mate, Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Surgeon's Mate, Third Regiment, September 26th, 1780; resigned. Morris, Jonathan F. Surgeon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army, March 6th, 1780; also Lieutenant, " Proc- tor's Regiment of Artillery," Continental Army ; also Surgeon, militia. Read, Thomas C. Surgeon's Mate, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; discharged with battalion. Stockton, Ebenezer. (Original member.) Surgeon's Mate in General Hospital, Continental Army, September 20th, ^'^'^'^' CHAPLAINS. Armstrong, James F. (Original member.) Chaplain, Second Maryland Brigade, Continental Army, July 17th, 1778; also private, militia. CHAPLAINS, COMMISSARY-GENERALS, CAPTAINS 15 Cox, . Chaplain, First Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Hunter, Andrew. (Original member.) Chaplain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, June ist, 1777; Chaplain to General Maxwell's Brigade, June 15th, 1777; Chaplain, Third Regiment and Brigade, September 26th, 1780; taken prisoner; discharged at the close of the war ; also Chaplain, militia. Mason, John. Chaplain, Continental Army ; discharged at the close of the war; also Chaplain, militia. McWhorter, Alexander. Chaplain of Division, Conti- nental Army. Spencer, Elihu. Chaplain in Hospital, Middle District, Continental Army, October 20th, 1777. COMMISSARY-GENERAL OF PRISONERS. Beatty, John. (Original member.) Commissary-General of Prisoners, May 28th, 1778; resigned March 31st, 1780; Cap- tain, Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, Continental Line, October I2th, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 1 6th, 1776. COMMISSARY-GENERAL OF ISSUES. Stewart, Charles. Colonel, Battalion Minute Men, New Jersey Militia, February 15th, 1776; Commissary-General, New Jersey Militia; Commissary-General of Issues, Continental Army, June i8th, 1777, to July, 1782. CAPTAINS. Anderson, John. First Lieutenant, Captain Reading's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; resigned; Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. Anderson, Joseph I. Ensign, Captain Sharp's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment; Second Lieutenant, i6 CAPTAINS ditto, July 19th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Mott's com- pany. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, October 26th, 1777; Captain, Third Regi- ment ; Captain and Paymaster, Third Regiment, to date April Tst, 1779; Captain, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. X Baldwin, Daniel. (Original member.) First Lieuten- ant, Captain Morris' company. First Battalion, First Establish- ment, November 8th, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; severely wounded — lost a leg at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777; dis- charged March ist, 1779. * Ballard, Jeremiah. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Reading's company. Third Battalion, First Es- tablishment, February 17th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Doughty 's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, October 26th, 1777; Cap- tain, Third Regiment, September 23d, 1780; Captain, Second Regiment ; discharged at the close of the war. * Barton, William. (Original member.) Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Lyon's company, ditto, February 17th. 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto; Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date November ist, 1777; Quartermaster, ditto, to date March nth, 1780; Captain, ditto, December 27th, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Bond, William. Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780; also Lieutenant Colonel, militia. Bonnel, James. (Original member.) Lieutenant, " Spen- cer's Regiment," Continental Army, February ist, 1777; Adju- tant, ditto, September ist, 1778; Captain, ditto, April 24th, 1779; discharged at the close of the war; also Captain, militia. Brearley, Joseph. Captain, Second Battalion, First Es- tablishment, November 20th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired Febru- ary 5th, 1777; also Major, militia. CAPTAINS 17 Broderick, James. Captain, " Spencer's Regiment," Con- tinental Army, February i8th, 1777; resigned; also Major, mili- tia; Captain, First Regiment, Sussex; Captain, Third Battalion, ditto ; First Major, Second Regiment, Sussex, February 28th, 1777; resigned; also Captain, Continental Army. Bull, William. Captain, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army. Clark, Thomas. First Lieutenant, Eastern Company of Artillery, State Troops, March ist, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto; Captain, ditto, January 8th, 1778. Officers in this artil- lery served in General Knox's brigade of artillery during the war. Colfax, William. Lieutenant in "Commander-in-Chief's Guard," Continental Army ; Captain, ditto. Craig, John. Captain, " Fourth Regiment, Light Dra- goons," Continental Army. Crane, William. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Con- tinental Army; Captain, ditto, March, 1777. * Dayton, Jonathan. (Original member.) Paymaster, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Paymaster, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; Lieuten- ant and Paymaster, Third Regiment, to date February ist, 1779; Major and Aid-de-Camp to Major-General Sullivan, May ist, 1779; Captain, Third Regiment, to date March 30th, 1780; prisoner of war, November 4th, 1780; Captain, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. * D'Hart, Cyrus. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain Daniel Piatt's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, September i8th, 1776; Lieutenant and Paymaster, First Regi- ment; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto, to date March nth, 1780; Captain, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; Captain, Second Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. Dickerson, Peter. Captain, Third Battalion, First Estab- Hshment, February 7th, 1776; Captain, Third Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. i8 CAPTAINS Dillon, James. First Lieutenant, Captain Faulkner's com- pany, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 13th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, First Establishment, May loth, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Edgar, David. First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 28th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Lyon's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; Captain, ditto; resigned; Lieutenant, " Sheldon's Regiment, Light Dra- goons," Continental Army ; Captain, ditto, November 27th, 1778; discharged at the close of the war; also First Lieutenant, militia. Elmer, Eli. (Original member.) Second Lieutenant and Captain, Western Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops; First Lieutenant, ditto, February ist, 1777. (Offi- cers of this artillery served in General Knox's brigade of artil- lery during the war.) Flahaven, John. Second Lieutenant, Captain Daniel Piatt's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, Decem- ber i6th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Conway's com- pany. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; prisoner of war, April 22d, 1777; Captain, First Regi- ment, September 26th, 1780; resigned. Flanningham (or Flanagan), Samuel. First Lieutenant, Captain Sharp's company, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, February 9th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Dicker- son's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, No- vember 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, retired; also Major, militia. Foreman, Thomas M. Captain, Continental Army. Gifford, William. Second Lieutenant, Captain Bloom- field's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, Febru- ary 7th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto; Captain, Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Third Regiment; prisoner of war, January 30th, 1780; re- signed. * Heard, James. (Original member.) Cornet, " Lee's Le- gion," Continental Army, April ist, 1779; Lieutenant and Pay- CAPTAINS 19 master, ditto, February 1st, 1780; Captain, ditto; discharged at the close of the war. * Heard, John. (Original member.) Lieutenant, " Moy- lan's Regiment," Continental Army, January 20th, 1777; Cap- tain, ditto, February 8th, 1778; also Second Lieutenant, militia. (Eastern Company of Artillery.) * Helms, William. (Original member.) Ensign, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 7th, 1775 ; Lieuten- ant, Captain Shaw's company, ditto, December 25th, 1775 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Captain Brearley's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Luce's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Captain, ditto, December ist, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment, Sep- tember 26th, 1780; Major by brevet; discharged at the close of the war; also Captain, militia. * Hendry, Samuel. (Original member.) Ensign, Cap- tain Lawrie's company. Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 27th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, ditto, September 5th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Stout's company, Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Anderson's company, ditto, Febru- ary 5th, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, Second Regiment; Captain, ditto, to date July 5th, 1779; discharged at the close of the war. Hennion, Cornelius. Ensign, Captain Potter's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Sec- one Lieutenant, ditto, July 19th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Cap- tain Gifford's company. Third Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto; severely wounded at Short Hills, New Jersey, June 26th, 1777, and discharged on account of wounds, April ist, 1778. Herron, James. Captain, " Congress' Own Regiment," Continental Army. Holmes, James. Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. * Holmes, John. (Original member.) Second Lieuten- ant, Captain Longstreet's company, First Battalion. First Es- 1 20 CAPTAINS lablishment, December i6th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Polhemus' company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, First Regiment, to date Febru- ary ist, 1779; discharged at the close of the war. ■"'•' Holmes. Jonathan. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Forman's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto; Lieutenant, Second Regiment; Captain, ditto, to date April i6th, 1780; prisoner of war; discharged at the close of the war; also Sec- ond Lieutenant, militia. * Howell, John. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain Howell's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, No- t^ember 2Qth, 1776; Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date Octo- ber 29th, 1777; Captain, ditto, November 20th, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Howell, Silas. Captain, First Battalion, First Establish- ment, November 14th, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 178c. Imlay, William Eugene. Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; discharged with battalion; also Captain, militia. Kinsey, Jonathan. Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. Kirkpatrick, David. Lieutenant, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; Captain, ditto. * Lane, Derrick. (Original member.) Second Lieuten- ant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Hollinshead's company. Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Second Regiment, to date April 3d, 1779; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto, to date July 5th, 1778; Captain, ditto, February nth, 1783; discharged at close of the war ; also Second Lieutenant, militia. * Leonard, Nathaniel. (Original member. Dropped from CAPTAINS 21 Rolls 1799.) Ensign, Captain Sharp's company, Third Bat- talion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Gordon's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, October ist, 1777; Lieutenant, Third Regiment; Captain-Lieu- tenant, First Regiment, March 30th, 1780; Captain, Third Regiment, September 6th, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war ; also Captain, militia. Lloyd, Bateman. First Lieutenant, Captain Kinsey's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February 17, 1777; Captain, ditto, November 12th, 1777; Captain, Third Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Captain, Second Regiment; taken prisoner, February 27th, 1778; exchanged April ist, 1781 ; resigned; also Captain, militia. § Lloyd, Richard. (Original member.) First Lieutenant, Captain Jmlay's company, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, February 7th, 1776; Captain, "Hazen's Regiment" (Sec- ond Canadian), Continental Army, September 20th, 1777; dis- charged at the close of the war ; Major by brevet. Longstreet, Elias. Captain, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December i6th, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; prisoner of war; re- tired September 26th, 1780. Luce, Henry. First Lieutenant, Captain Shaw's com- pany, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December 25th, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain Stout's company. Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, ditto, February 5th, 1777; resigned April, 1779; also Captain, militia. * Martin, Absalom. (Original member.) Paymaster, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28tli, 1776; Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date February ist, 1779; Lieu- tenant and Paymaster, ditto, to date November ist, 1779; Cap- tain, First Regiment, January 6th, 1783; discharged at the close of the war. Martin, Jacob. Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment. 22 CAPTAINS Maxwell, Anthony. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army ; Captain, ditto. Maxwell, James. First Lieutenant, Captain Scott's com- pany, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December 9th, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain Shute's company. Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Reading's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Captain, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. Mead, Yellis (or Giles). (Original member.) First Lieu- tenant, Captain Meeker's company, First Battalion, First Es- tablishment, December loth, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Conway's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, October 29th, 1777; Cap- tain, First Regiment, September 26th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Meeker, Joseph. Captain, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December 9th, 1775; discharged with battalion. Mercer, John. Ensign, Captain Howell's company. First Battalion, First Establishment ; First Lieutenant, ditto, No- vember 14th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Morris' com- pany, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, February 15th, 1777; prisoner of war; ex- changed November 6th, 1780; retired September 26th, 1780. * I Mitchell, Alexander. (Original member. Dropped from Rolls September, 1783.) First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Holmes' company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; Cap- tain, ditto, November ist, 1777; Captain, First Regiment. Sep- tember 26th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war; also First Lieutenant, militia. Morrison, Isaac. First Lieutenant, Captain M'Mires' company, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 15th, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain Polhemus' company. First Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. Mott, John. First Lieutenant, Captain Patterson's com- pany, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, ^ CAPTAINS 23 1776; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, No- vember 29th, 1776; retired, September 26th, 1780; also Cap- tain, militia. Neeley, Abraham. Captain, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army. Parkhurst, John. Captain, Continental Army. ' Patterson, Thomas. Captain, Third Battalion, First Es- tablishment, February 9th, 1776; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired Septem- ber 26th, 1780. Pemberton, Robert. (Original member.) Lieutenant, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, June 14th, 1777; Adjutant, ditto, October loth, 1777; Captain, ditto, January I St, 1778 ; discharged at the close of the war. * Phillips, Jonathan. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Brearley's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 20th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Cap- tain Shaw's company. Second Battalion, Second Establish- ment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Yard's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Captain, ditto, December ist, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war; also Captain, militia. Piatt, Jacob. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain M'Mires' company, First Battalion, First Establishment, De- cember 15th, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Longstreet's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Adjutant, First Battalion, ditto; Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Regiment; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto, to date February 2d, 1779; Captain by brevet; Captain, ditto; resigned, to date March nth, 1780. * Piatt, William. (Original member.) Private, First Battalion, Second Establishment; Serjeant, ditto; Lieutenant, First Regiment; Captain, ditto, to date March nth, 1780; dis- charged at the close of the war. Pike, Zebulon. Cornet, " Moylan's Regiment," Conti- nental Army, March ist, 1777; Adjutant, ditto, November ist. 24 CAPTAINS 1777; Lieutenant, ditto, March 15th, 1778; Paymaster, ditto, Captain, ditto, December 25th, 1778. Potter, Samuel. Captain, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment, February 9th, 1776; discharged with battalion. Reading, Thomas. Captain, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment, February 9th, 1776; discharged with battalion. Sandford, John. Captain, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army. Sharp, Anthony. Captain, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment, February 9th, 1776; discharged with battalion; also. Major, militia. Shaw, Archibald. Captain, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December 25th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired, February 5th, 1777. Sparks, John. Ensign, Captain Faulkner's company, Sec- ond Battalion, First Establishment, November 13th, 1775 ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Captain Dillon's company, ditto. May loth, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Lawrie's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Cumming's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Captain, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. Van Anglen, John. Ensign, Captain Polhemus' com- pany, First Battalion, First Establishment ; First Lieutenant, ditto, November 22d, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain How- ell's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, Novem- ber 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. Wade, Noadiah. Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Weatherby, Benjamin. Captain, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, February 23d, 1777; discharged at the close of the war. Westcott, John. First Lieutenant, Western Artillery, Western Company, Artillery, State Troops, March ist, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto; Captain, ditto. Officers of this ar- CAPTAINS, LIEUTENANTS 25 tillery served in General Knox's brigade of artillery during the war. * Weyman, Abel. (Original member.) Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Sec- ond Lieutenant, Captain Anderson's company, ditto, Febru- ary 17th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, November ist, 1777; Lieutenant, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Captain- Lieutenant, ditto, April i6th, 1780; Captain, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war; also Ensign, militia. Whittall, Benjamin. Second Lieutenant, Western Com- pany Artillery, State Troops ; First Lieutenant, ditto ; Captain- Lieutenant, ditto. (This artillery assigned to General Knox's brigade of artillery.) Captain, Colonel Newcomb's battalion, State Troops. Wool, Isaiah. Captain, Artillery, Continental Army. Yard, Thomas. First Lieutenant, Captain Brearley's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 20th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. LIEUTENANTS. Anderson, Augustine. Lieutenant, Continental Army. f § Anderson, James. (Original member.) Lieutenant, " Hazen's Regiment," (Second Canadian), Continental Army; discharged at the close of the war. Appleton, Abraham. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Yard's company. Second Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, February 5th, 1777; Ensign, Second Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date December ist, 1777; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. (See, also. Surgeons' Mates.) * Blair, John. (Original member.) Ensign, Fourth Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Kinsey's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto ; First Lieutenant, Captain Holmes' com- 26 LIEUTENANTS pany, ditto; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, to date December 2d, 1777; Lieutenant, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet ; also Ensign, militia. * Bonham, Absalom. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 1st, 1777; transferred to First Battalion; First Lieutenant, ditto, March 27th, 1780; Ensign, First Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date March 27th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. Brown, John. Private, " Forman's Regiment," Conti- nental Army; Serjeant, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, July 1st, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain Edgar's troop, " Sheldon's Regiment, Light Dragoons," Continental Army. * Buck, Joseph. (Original member.) Serjeant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment; Ensign, Second Regiment, to date February ist, 1779; Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. * Burrowes, Eden. (Original member.) Serjeant, First Battalion, Second Establishment ; Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date January 4th, 1778; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. Colyer, Thomas. Lieutenant, Continental Army. * Conn, Samuel. (Original member.) Second Lieuten- ant, Captain Kinsey's company. Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, February 17th, 1777; Lieutenant, Second Regi- ment, to date November 12th, 1777; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet ; also Lieutenant, militia. t Giles, James. (Original member.) Adjutant, Artillery, Continental Army ; Lieutenant, ditto. Gildersleeve, Finch. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army. * Kersey, William. (Original member.) Private, Third Battalion, First Establishment; Private, Captain Ross' com- pany. Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; Second Lieuten- ant, ditto, November ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment; Lieu- tenant, ditto, to date March 30th, 1780; Lieutenant, First Regi- ment ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. LIEUTENANTS 27 Kollock, Shepherd. (Original member.) Lieutenant, Artillery, Continental Army ; Captain by brevet. Lane, Aaron. Ensign, Captain Stout's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December i8th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Yard's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Cap- tain Anderson's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Lieuten- ant, Second Regiment; resigned to date February 3d, 1779. Little, Eleazer. Lieutenant, "Baldwin's Regiment of Arti- ficers," Continental Army, March 2d, 1777. McCollum, John. Lieutenant, Continental Army. Meeker, Uzal. Ensign, " Spencer's Regiment," Contir nental Army, February loth, 1777; Lieutenant, ditto, Febru- ary, loth, 1779; discharged at the close of the war. Munn, John. Lieutenant, Continental Army; prisoner of war, September, 1780. Nash, . Lieutenant, " Patton's Regiment," Conti- nental Army. Neglee, Samuel. Ensign, Captain Howell's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 29th, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Dillon's company. Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Lieuten- ant, Second Regiment; resigned April 8th, 1780. Ogden, Barne. Ensign, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army, February 8th, 1777; Lieutenant, ditto, September i6th, 1777. Oliver, William. Lieutenant, Continental Army. Orr, John. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army, October loth, 1778 ; discharged at the close of the war. * Osmun, Benajah. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant and Quartermaster, Second Battalion, Second Establish- ment, January ist, 1777; resigned; Ensign, Second Regiment, to date September 12th, 1778; prisoner of war, April 25th, 1780; Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. Parkinson, Henry. Lieutenant, Continental Army. 28 LIEUTENANTS Parrit, Silas. Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, January 4th, 1778; Ensign, First Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, November 27th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Patterson, . Lieutenant, " Forman's Regiment," Con- tinental Army. Paul, James. Private, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment; Ensign, ditto, July ist, 1777; prisoner of war, April 3d, 1779; Ensign, Second Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date April i6th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. * Peck, John. (Original member.) Paymaster, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, April 2d, 1778; Paymaster, Second Regiment ; resigned as Paymaster, and commissioned I^ieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet ; also Captain, militia. Reckless, Anthony. (Original member.) Lieutenant, " Regiment Sappers and Miners," Continental Army ; dis- charged at the close of the war. Reed, John. Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establish- ment ; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, to date February ist, 1779; Lieutenant, First Regiment ; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. * Rhea, Jonathan. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain Anderson's company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, January ist, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto, April ist, 1778; Ensign, Second Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; Captain by brevet. * Ruecastle, John. (Original member.) Private, Third Battalion, First Establishment; Private, Captain Patterson's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; Second Lieutenant, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date April 7th, 1779; Lieutenant, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. Rutan, Peter. Lieutenant, " Livingston's Regimei^t," Con- tinental Army. "*' Seeley, Samuel. (Original member.) Second Lieuten- LIEUTENANTS 29 ant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, October 4th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, March nth, 1780; Ensign, First Regi- ment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date March nth, 1780; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. Shreve, John. Ensign, Captain Brearley's company, Sec- ond Battalion, First Establishment, July 25th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Lawrie's company. Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 29th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Hollinshead's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto, November ist, 1777; Ensign, Second Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date February 3d, 1779; resigned. * Shute, Samuel. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain 3-^illon's company. Second Battalion, First Establishment, Au- gust 26th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Shute's company. Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Cumming's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; Sec- ond Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1778; Ensign, Second Regi- ment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date April 8th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet, Sitcher, William. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army. Smith, Hiram. Private, Continental Army; Serjeant, ditto ; Lieutenant, ditto. f Snowden, Jonathan. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, April 26th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, October 26th, 1779; Ensign, First Regiment ; Lieutenant, ditto ; Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier Gen- eral Edward Hand, of Pennsylvania ; Lieutenant, commanding company, " Lee's Legion," Continental Army ; discharged at the close of the war. * Stout, Abraham. (Original member.) Serjeant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Ensign, ditto, October 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Stout's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th. 1776; Ensign, Second Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date December ist, 1777; prisoner of war, April 5th, 1778; ex- 30 LIEUTENANTS, FIRST LIEUTENANTS changed December 3d, 1780; discharged at the close of the war ; Captain by brevet. * Stout, Wessel T. (Original member.) Second Lieu- tenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November ist, 1777; transferred to Third Battalion; Ensign, Third Regi- ment; Lieutenant, ditto, May 12th, 1782; Lieutenant, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. Taulman, Peter. Lieutenant, " Spencer's Regiment," Con- tinental Army. Van Cleaf, William. Serjeant, " Service in Canada," 1775 ; Lieutenant, September, 1777; also Captain, militia. Van Dyke, John. Second Lieutenant, Eastern Company Artillery, State Troops, March ist, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, December 4th, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, ditto. Offi- cers of this artillery served in General Knox's brigade of artil- lery during the war. * Walker, George. (Original member.) Served as Cap- tain in Second Battalion, Second Establishment, as a volun- teer without pay; Ensign, Second Regiment, September 26th, 1780; Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war; Captain by brevet. Wilkison, Nathan. Serjeant, Captain Dickerson's com- pany. Third Battalion, First Establishment; Serjeant, ditto. Third Battalion, Second Establishment; Second Lieutenant and Quartermaster, ditto, November ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment; Lieutenant, ditto, to date March 7th, 1780; Lieuten- ant, First Regiment ; resigned. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Bostwick, William. First Lieutenant, Captain Gordon's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 2Qth, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Bowen, Seth. (Original member.) Second Lieutenant, Captain Howell's company, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment, November 29th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Yard's FIRST LIEUTENANTS 31 company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Lawrie's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; declined; also Captain-Lieutenant, militia (Western Company of Artillery). Carnes, Zophar. First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; First Lieuten- ant, Captain Wade's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. Clark, William. Ensign, Captain Ross' company. Third Battalion, First Establishment; Second Lieutenant, ditto, October 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Ross' com- pany, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1777; wounded at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777; discharged — wounds. Costigin, Lewis J. First Lieutenant, Captain Conway's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, November 2ist, 1775; retired September 17th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Baldwin's company. First Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 30th, 1776; prisoner of war, November 13th, 1776; exchanged December iSth, 1778; retired Septem- ber 26th, 1780. Curtis, Marmaduke. First Lieutenant, Captain Rose- crantz's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780; also Cap- tain, militia. Duclos, Francis. Ensign, Captain Scott's company. Sec- ond Battalion, First Establishment, December 9th, 1775; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, June 8th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Third Battalion, First Establishment; First Lieutenant, Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment; retired September 26th, 1780. Dunham, Stephen. First Lieutenant, Captain Dicker- son's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, Febru- ary 7th, 1776; resigned; Ensign, Captain Baldwin's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. 32 FIRST LIEUTENANTS Edsall, Richard. First Lieutenant, Captain Forman's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. Fisher, Hendrick. First Lieutenant, Captain Daniel Piatt's compan}', First Battalion, First Establishment, Decem- ber i6th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Piatt's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September i6th, 1780. Ford, Mahlon. (Original member.) Second Lieutenant, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780; Captain by brevet. Fries, Henry, First Lieutenant, Captain Shute's com- pany. Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 28th, 1775 ; missing in action at Three Rivers, June 8th, 1776, Harker, . First Lieutenant, Captain Lyon's com- pany. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; resigned September 26th, 1780. Harrison, Isaac. First Lieutenant, Captain Gifford's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment. Kemper, Jacob. Ensign, Captain Howell's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, April ist, 1776; dis- charged with battalion ; First Lieutenant, Captain Winslow's company, " Stevens' Regiment of Artillery, " Continental Army, November 9th, 1776. Little, Theodore. First Lieutenant, Continental Army. Martin, John. First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 28th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Bond's company, ditto, Febrviary 17th, 1777; re- tired September 26th, 1780; also First Lieutenant, militia. Norcross, William. Ensign, Captain Bloomfield's com- pany. Third Battalion, First Establishment ; Quartermaster, ditto, February loth, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Mott's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, No- vember 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780. Parrot, William. Ensign, Captain Shute's company. Sec- FIRST LIEUTENANTS 33 ond Battalion, First Establishment, November 28th, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Shaw's company, Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Stout's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Patterson, Edward. Ensign, Captain Patterson's com- pany. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, ditto, October 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Patterson's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment; First Lieutenant, ditto. Reading, John. Ensign, Captain Reading's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Doughty 's company. Third Battalion, Second Estab- lishment ; First Lieutenant, Captain Cox's company, ditto, January ist, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Schenck, Curtenius. First Lieutenant, Captain Long- street's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, De- cember i6th, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain M'Mires' com- pany. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Smith, Jeremiah. Second Lieutenant, Captain Shute's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 28th, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Captain Dillon's company, Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Hollinshead's company, ditto, Feb- ruary 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. * Thomas. Edmund D. (Original member.) Private, Captain Bloomfield's company. Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment; cadet, ditto; Ensign, Captain Dickerson's company, ditto, July 19th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Dickerson's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto, November nth, 1777; Lieuten- ant, Third Regiment; Captain by brevet; discharged at the close of the war. Tuttle, David. Second Lieutenant, Captain Dickerson's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; First Lieutenant, ditto; discharged with battalion. 34 SECOND LIEUTENANTS SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Axford, Samuel. Second Lieutenant, Captain Polhemus' company, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 22d, 1775. Brackenridge, Samuel. Second Lieutenant, Captain Bond's company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Brewer, Jonathan. Second Lieutenant, Captain Dicker- son's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, No- vember 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Brown, Daniel. Second Lieutenant, Captain Morris' company, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 8th, 1775. Clark, Aaron. Second Lieutenant, Eastern Company of Artillery, State Troops ; Captain, Company of Artillery, Essex. Officers of this artillery served in General Knox's brigade of artillery during the war. Cook, George. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; retired. Costigin, Francis. Ensign, Captain Conway's com- pany, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 21st, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain M'Mires' company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Day, Aaron. Ensign, Captain Cox's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; Second Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Gaulidet, Edgar. Ensign, Captain Imlay's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain GiflFord's company. Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Hackett, Samuel. Ensign, Captain Doughty's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Cox's company, ditto; re- tired September 26th, 1780. SECOND LIEUTENANTS 35 Holmes, Elisha. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Holmes' company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Johnson, Richard. Second Lieutenant, Captain Howell's company, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 14th, 1775. t Kinney, John. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain Potter's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, July 19th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Patterson's company. Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, ditto; retired September 26th, 1780; Captain by brevet. Lane, Abraham. Ensign, Captain Longstreet's com- pany, First Battalion, First Establishment, December i6th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Baldv^in's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Lawrence, Benjamin. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Pearson's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. * Pennington, William S. (Original member.) Ser- jeant, " Lamb's Artillery." (Second Regiment Artillery), Continental Army, March 7th, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto, September 12th, 1778; Captain by brevet. Pierson, Daniel, Second Lieutenant, Captain Imlay's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; discharged with battalion. Pipes, John. First Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Cap- tain Wade's company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; retired Sep- tember 26th, 1780; also First Lieutenant, militia. Quimby, Josiah. Second Lieutenant, Captain Potter's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; discharged with battalion. * Reed, John. (Original member.) Ensign, Captain 36 SECOND LIEUTENANTS Lyon's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February i/th, 1777; Second Lieutenant, ditto, October 3d, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780, Reynolds, George. Ensign, Captain Shaw's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December 25th, 1775 ; Ensign, Captain Brearley's company. Second Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Luce's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780; also Captain, militia. Ross, George. Ensign, Captain Meeker's Company, First Battalion, First Establishment, December loth, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Anderson's company, Second Bat- talion, Second Establishment^ Second Lieutenant, Captain Reading's company, ditto, February 5th, 1777; retired Septem- ber 26th, 1780. Ryerson, Thomas. Ensign, Captain Brearley's company. Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 20th, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Scott's company, ditto, July i8th, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Shute's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; pris- oner of war; retired February 5th, 1777. Shinn, Buddie. Quartermaster, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 27th, 1775; declined; Second Lieu- tenant, Captain Rosecrantz's company. Third Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Sickles, Thomas. Ensign, Captain Polhemus' company. First Battalion, First Establishment, November 22d, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Piatt's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired Septem- ber 26th, 1780. Woodruff, Lewis. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; retired February 17th, 1777. Wright, Nathan. Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, .Second Establishment ; retired. ENSIGNS 37 ENSIGNS. Anderson, William. Ensign, Captain Bond's company. Fourth Battalion, Second PIstablishment, February i7tli, 1777; Ensign, First Regiment, June 21st, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Axtell, Ebenezer. Ensign, Captain Conway's company, P'irst Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Bankson, Andrew. Ensign, Captain Lawrie's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, September 5th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Stout's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired February 5th, 1777. Beatty, . Ensign, Captain Pearson's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. * Bishop. John. (Original member.) Serjeant, First Battalion, Second Establishment; Ensign, ditto, February ist, 1779; Ensign, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. Bowne, Peter. Serjeant, Captain Kinsey's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; Ensign, Captain Holmes' company, ditto, February 17th, 1777; retired Septem- ber 26th, 1780. * Brooks, Almerin, (Original member.) Serjeant, Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, June 9th, 1777; En- sign, ditto, June 17th, 1780; Ensign, Second Regiment; dis- charged at the close of the war. Brown, David. Ensign, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, March nth, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Carter, William. Ensign, Captain Anderson's company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired February 5th, 1777. Catarich, William. Ensign, Captain Gifford's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. ^ 38 ENSIGNS Clunn, Matthew. Ensign, Captain Yard's^ company, Second Battalion. Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Cottnam, George. Ensign, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment, February 29th, 1776; discharged with battalion. Dare, David. Serjeant, Captain Bloomfield's company. Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; Ensign, Captain Gordon's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Dennis, Ezekiel. Ensign, Captain Rosecrantz's company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Ewing, George. Ensign, Continental Army. * Faulkner, Peter. (Original member.) Private, " Lee's Legion," Continental Army; Corporal, ditto, April 6th, 1778; Serjeant, ditto, January ist, 1779; Ensign, Second Regi- ment, to date June 17th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Fithian, Glover. Ensign, Captain Longstreet's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Geary, John. Private, First Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, September ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto, February ist, 1779 ; Ensign, First Regiment ; resigned March 28th, 1783. Harbert, Thomas. Ensign, Captain Piatt's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; re- tired September 26th, 1780. '* Hopper, John. (Original member.) Ensig'n, Second Regiment, June 21st, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Howell, James. Ensign, Captain Yard's company. Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired February 5th, 1777. * Hyer, Jacob, Jr. (Original member.) Ensign, Second Regiment, June 27th, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Kerr, William. Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- ENSIGNS 39 tablishment, November 28th, 1776; retired February 17th, 1777; also Ensign, militia. Kinney, Thomas. Private, Third Battalion, First Estab- lishment ; Ensign, ditto, July 19th, 1776; discharged with bat- talion. Ludlam, Jacob. Ensign, Captain M'Mires' company. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; re- tired September 26th, 1780. * Luce, Francis. (Original member.) Private, Second Battalion, Second Establishment; Ensign, Second Regiment, to date June 17th, 1780; discharged at the close of the war. Morris, Jonathan F. Ensign, Captain Morris' company. First Battalion, First Establishment, September 14th, 1776. Phillips, John. Ensign, Captain Stout's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Reed, John. (Original member.) Serjeant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army, February ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto, May 12th, 1779 ; discharged at the close of the war. Reeves, John. Corporal, Captain Bloomfield's company, Third Battalion, First Establishment; Serjeant, ditto; Ensign, Captain Shaw's company. Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 29th, 1776; retired February 5th, 1777. Rue, Lewis. Serjeant, Captain Lawrie's company. Sec- ond Battalion, First Establishment ; Ensign, Captain Reading's company. Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Salmon, Nathaniel. Ensign, Captain Luce's company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Scobey, James. Private, Third Battalion, Second Estab- lishment ; Ensign, ditto. Smith, Thomas. Ensign, Captain Dillon's company. Sec- ond Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired February 5th, 1777. * Sprowls, Moses. (Original member.) Private, Third Battalion, First Establishment ; private. Captain Patterson's 40 ENSIGNS company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment; private, First Regiment ; Serjeant, Third Regiment ; Quartermaster Serjeant, ditto; Ensign, Second Regiment, June 21st, 1781 ; Ensign, First Regiment; discharged at the close of the war. Stewart, . Ensign, Captain Kinsey's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; retired September 26th, 1780. * Suydam, Cornelius R. (Original member.) Ensign, First Regiment, May 30th, 1782; discharged at the close of the war. Thompson, Andrew. Serjeant, Captain M'Mires' com- pany, First Battalion, Second Establishment ; Ensign, " Spen- cer's Regiment," Continental Army ; also private, militia. * Tuttle, William. (Original member.) Private, Third Battalion, Second Establishment; Serjeant, ditto, February ist, 1779; Serjeant, Captain Anderson's company. Third Regi- ment; Ensign, First Regiment, June 21st, 1781 ; discharged at the close of the war. Van Cleve, William. Ensign, Captain Mott's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Vanderventer, Peter. Ensign, Captain Polhemus' com- pany. First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; retired September 26th, 1780. Wood, Clement. Ensign, Captain Wade's company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, February 17th, 1777; retired September 26th, 1780. Note. — Men were enlisted for a stated period. Officers were nominated hy the Provincial Congress and appointed by the Continental Congress. Some declined, some resigned, some were discharged with the troops, some were retired, but the great ma- jority continued to the end of the war. * Signed order of September 23, 1783, on John Pierce, Esquire, Paymaster-General to the Army of the United States. t No record of the deposit of the month's pay. J Never deposited the month's pay. The one month's pav of Ichabod Burnet deposited by William Burnet, Jr., July, 1793- The one month's pay of Daniel Baldwin lemitted by resolution of the Society on account of his serious wounds and liis financial condition. II Signed the copy of the Institution of the Cincinnati headed by the signature of Washington, written on parchment and now in possession of the General Society. § Signed Counterpart of the Institution mentioned above, and in possession of the General Society. Roster of the New Jersey Officers of the Continental Line, Army of the Revo- lution, Who Died in the Service, or Before the Society Was Organized MAJOR GENERALS. Alexander, William (Lord Stirling). Colonel, First Bat- talion, First Establishment, November 7th, 1775 ; Brigadier General, Continental Army, March nth, 1776; Major General, Continental Army, February 19th, 1777; died of gout, at Albany, New York, January 15th, 1783, while in command of the Northern Department ; taken prisoner at Bushwick, Long Island, August 27th, 1776; commanded a division of the Conti- nental Army at the battle of Brandywine, corps de reserve at Germantown, and left wing of the army at INIonmouth ; twice received the thanks of Congress (January 29th, 1776, and Sep- tember 24th, 1779) for conspicuous services; death announced in Congress, January 28th, 1783. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. Barber, Francis. Major, Third Battalion, First Establish- ment, February 9th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Bat- talion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieuten- ant Colonel, Third Regiment, to date Januar}^ ist, 1777; Lieu- tenant Colonel Commandant, ditto, January 6th, 1783; killed b}' a falling tree, in camp, at New Windsor, New York, Febru- ary nth, 1783; was sub-Inspector General, stafT of General 41 42 MAJORS, ADJUTANTS, SURGEONS Steuben, April ist, 1778; Adjutant General to Major General Lord Stirling; Adjutant General to General Sullivan; Deputy Adjutant to Major General Nathaniel Greene; severely wounded at the battle of Monmouth ; wounded at the battle of Newtown, and again at the siege of Yorktown. MAJORS. D'Hart, Maurice. Major and Aid-de-Camp fo Major General William Irvine ; Major and Aid-de-Camp to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne ; killed at Fort Lee, New Jersey. Morris, Joseph. Captain, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, November 8th, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Major, ditto; se- verely wounded at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777; and died January 7th, 1778. Piatt, Daniel. Captain, First Battalion, First Establish- ment, December i6th, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Major, First Regiment, to date January 4th, 1778; died of disease at camp near Mor- ristown, April i6th, 1780. Witherspoon, James. Brigade Major, with rank of Major, staff of Brigadier General William Maxwell ; killed by can- non shot, in the streets of Germantown, October 4th, 1777. ADJUTANTS. Clough, Alexander. Second Lieutenant, Captain M'Mires' company, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 15th, 1775; Adjutant, First Battalion, First Establishment, to date December 15th, 1775; Adjutant, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; died in service, Decem- ber, 1778. SURGEONS. Horton, Jonathan. Surgeon in General Hospital ; died March, 1780; also Surgeon, militia. Howell, Lewis. Surgeon, Second Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, November 28th, 1776; resigned July 5th, 1778. (New Jersey Cincinnati record. Died June 29th, 1778.) CHAPLAINS, CAPTAINS 43 CHAPLAINS. Caldwell, James. Chaplain, Third Battalion, First Es- tablishment, February 9th, 1776; discharged with battalion; afterwards Deputy Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary General, Continental Army. (See Assistant Quartermaster Generals, militia.) Murdered at Elizabethport, New Jersey, November 24th, 1781. CAPTAINS. Anderson, Ephraim. Second Lieutenant, Captain Stout's company. Second Battalion, First Establishment, December i8th, 1775 ; Adjutant, ditto ; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; died in service; also Major, militia. Dallas, Archibald. Second Lieutenant, Captain Meeker's company. First Battalion, First Establishment, December 9, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Captain Howell's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Cap- tain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; Captain, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army ; killed in action, January 28th, 1779; also Captain, militia. Faulkner, William. Captain, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 13th, 1775 ; died April 25th, 1776. Lawrie, James. Captain, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, November 27th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; taken prisoner; died while prisoner of war. M'Mires, Andrew. Captain, First Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December 15th, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Sec- ond Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777. Neil, Daniel. Captain-Lieutenant, Eastern Company of Artillery, State Troops, March ist, 1776; Captain, ditto; killed at the battle of Princeton, January 3d, 1777. Officers of this Artillery served in General Knox's brigade of artillery during the war. 44 CAPTAINS, LIEUTENANTS Scott, John B. Captain, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December 9th, 1775 ; died in service. Stout, Joseph. Captain, Second Battalion, First Estab- lishment, December i8th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the bat- tle of Brandywine, September nth, 1777. Voorhies, Peter V. Second Lieutenant, Captain Conway's company, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 29th, 1775; First Lieutenant, ditto, September i8th, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Longstreet's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, ditto, November ist, 1777; Captain, First Regiment; taken prisoner and murdered by Tories, near New Brunswick, October 26th, 1779. LIEUTENANTS. Hays, Thomas. Lieutenant, Continental Army ; died in service ; also Lieutenant, militia. Hurley, James. Lieutenant, Continental Army ; died in service. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Jenkins, Nathaniel. Second Lieutenant, Captain Cum- ming's company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5th, 1777; First Lieutenant, ditto, January ist, 1778; Ensign, Second Regiment; died April 5th, 1779. Peck, Constant. First Lieutenant, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 24th, 1776; died April 9th, 1776. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Ashman, James. Second Lieutenant. Captain Lawrie's company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 27th, 1775; died September nth, 1776. Higgins, John. Second Lieutenant, Captain Scott's com- pany, Second Battalion. First Establishment, December 9th, 1775; died July 12th, 1776. ENSIGNS 45 ENSIGNS. Hurley, Martin. Private, Captain M'Mires' company. First Battalion, First Establishment; Serjeant, ditto, Decem- ber 25th, 1775 ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777. McFarland, George. Ensign, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; died December, 1776; also Ensign, militia. Ogden, ]\Ioses. Private, " Spencer's Regiment," Conti- nental Army; Serjeant, ditto, October ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto, May I2th, 1779; killed. Rodgers, James. Serjeant, Fourth Battalion, Second Es- tablishment, March ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment, to date February ist, 1779; killed in action at Springfield, New Jersey, August 24th, 1780. Sprowls, James. Ensign, Captain Bond's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; died June 26th, 1777. Copy of Warrant Signed at Princeton, N. J., September 23rd. 1783 To John Pierce, Esqr., Pay Master Genl, to the Army of the U. States. Sir : — Please to pay Major Rich.d Cox, Treasurer of the N. J. State Asso- ciation of tlie Cincinnati, or his order one months pay of our several grades respectively, and deduct the same from the ballance which shall be found due us at the final liquidation of our accounts, for which this shall be your warrant. Elias Dayton, B, Genl Rich.d Cox Major Alex.r Mitchell Capt. John Holmes Capt, Samuel Hendry Capt Jonathan Dayton Capt Aaron Ogdon Capt Able Weyman Capt Jeremiah Ballard Capt Jonathan Holmes Capt Nath,l Leonard Capt Cyrus D. Hart Capt Ebenr Elmer Surgeon Jacol) Harris Surgeon Moses G. Elmer Surg,n Mate Wm Pennington Lieut 2nd Reg,t Artillery Luther Halsey Lieut Ab,m Appleton Lieut Edmund D. Thomas Lieut Benajah Osman Lieut Joseph Buck Lieut Sam.l M. Shute Lt. Sam.l Seely Lt. Sam.l Conn Lt. John Rucastle Lt. George Walker Lt. Absalom Bonham Lt. Will.m Kersey Lt. Eph,m Whitlock Lt. Eden Burrows Lt Wessel T. Stout Lt John Reed Lt John Blair Lt John Bishop Ens.n Moses Sproul do Wm Tuttle do Wm Shute do Almarine Brooks do Israel Shreeve Col. Jno N. Gumming Lt. Col. Com, dr. Nath.l Bowman Major 2nd Reg.t Jno Burrows Major Col. Spencers Derrick Lane Capt 2nd Reg,t Wm Helms Capt 2nd do Jno Peck Lt do Jabez Campfield Surg.n Dragoons Jeremiah Bruen Major of Artificers Abram Stout Late Lt 2nd, Reg,t John Heard Capt P. L. D. Jon,h Forman Lt Col. Wm Barton Capt M. Ogden Col. Jonathan Phillips Late Capt Jonathan Rhea Lieut Wm Piatt Capt Sam.l Reading Major James Heard Capt P Legion F, Luce Ensign Jacob Hyer Ensign Abraham Kinney Lt 2nd Regt Dragoons Oliver Spencer Colonel Cap D Hart Capt Howell Capt Morton Peter Faulkner Ens.r Jno Hooper do C. R. Suydam do 46 Copy of Richard Cox, Treasurers Account With John Pierce, Esq., Pay-master to the Army of the United States Dr. John Pierce Esq,r Pay Master GenlJ To the Treasurer of the Cincinnati Society of N. Jersey To B Genl Dayton order in favor of society for 120. To Major Rich,d Cox do SO. To Capt Alex Mitchell do 40. To Capt John Holmes do 40. To Capt Samuel Hendry do 40. To Capt Jonathan Dayton do 40. To Capt Aaron Ogden do 40. To Capt Able Weyman do 40. To Capt Jeremiah Ballard do 40. To Capt Jonathan Holmes do 40. To Capt Nath,l Leonard do 40. To Capt Cyrus D Hart do 40. To Lieut Luther Halsey do 26.60 To Lieut Abram Appleton do 26.60 To Edmund D. Thomas do 26.60 To — Benajah Osman do 26.60 To — Joseph Buck do 26.60 To Sam.l Shute do 26.60 To Sam.l Seely do 26.60 To — Sam,l Conn do 26.60 To — John Rucastle do 26.60 To — George Walker do 26.60 To — Absolem Bonham do 26.60 To — Wm Kersey do 26.60 To — Ephraim Whitlock do 26.60 To — Eden Burrows do 26.60 To — Wessel Stout do 26.60 To — Jno Reed do 26.60 To — Jno Blair do 26.60 To Ensign Jno Bishop do 20. To — Moses Sproul do 20. To — William Tuttle do 20. To — Wm Shute do 20 To — Almarine Brooks do 20 To Eben.r Elmer Surgeon do To Jacob Harris do do Reed none To Moses G. Elmer Mate do To Wm. Pennington Lieut Artillery do 33-30 To Col Israel Shreve do 75- To Lt Col Com, dr Jno N Cummings do 75. To Major Nath,l Bowman do SO. To Major Jno Burrows do SO. To Capt Derrick Lane do 40. To — Wm Helmes do 40. To Lieut Jno Peck do 26.60 Reed none To Jabez Campfield Surgeon Dragoons do Reed none To Jeremiah Bruen Major of Artificers do To Lieut Abram Stout do 26.60 To Jno Heard Capt P. Lig ht Dragoons do 50. To Lieut Col Jonathan Forman do 60 To Capt Wm Barton do 40. To Col. Matthias Ogden do 75 To Capt Jonathan Phillips do 40. To Jonathan Rhea Lieut do 26.60 To Capt Wm Piatt do 40. To Major Sam,l Reading do SO. To Capt James Heard P. Legion do SO. To Ensign Francis Luce do 20. To — Jacob Hyer do 20, Reed none To Abram Kinney Lt Lt. Dragoons do To Col Oliver Spencer do 75. To Capt Jno Howell do 40. To Capt Absolem Martin do 40. To Ensign Peter Faulkner do 20. To — Jno Hopper do 20. To — Cornelius R. Sydam do 20. 47 A List of the Members of the Society of the Cincinnati, in the State of New Jersey, Made by Richard Cox, Treasurer, July, 1788 No. Names I Elias Dayton Matthias Ogden David Forman Israel Shreve 5 Oliver Spencer John Noble Gumming David Brearly Jonathan Forman "Richard Howell lo Joseph Bloomtield f John Ross John Burrows John Hollinshead f Samuel Reading 15 Richard Cox Nathaniel Donnall Dead t Nathanial Bowman Jeremiah Bruen Richard Lloyd t 20 John Heard James Heard Jeremiah Ballard Giles Mead t Alexander Mitchell 25 William Helmes John Holmes Aaron Ogden Samuel Hendry William Piatt 30 Jonathan Dayton Jonathan Holmes Cyrus D. Hart Nathaniel Leonard John Howell 35 William Barton Absolom Martin Derick Lane John Polhemus Jonathan Phillips 40 Jacob Piatt f Luther Halsey Edmond D. Thomas Abraham Appleton John Blair 45 Ephraim Whitlock Eden Burrows John Reed John Ruecastle Samuel Seely 50 Absolom Bonham Rank Brig. Genl Colonel Lieut. Colonel Remarks Major Captain Captain Major Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Captain Deposited no pay Deposited no pay Never met the Society Never met the Society Deposited no pay Ditto Never met the Society — not to be paid Never met the Society. Capt. Ditto Capt. Capt. Never met the Society Removed to the State of New York Deposited no pay Removed out of the State * Never met the Society Removed out of the State ♦Removed out of the State * Never met the Society Never met the Society 48 No. Names William Kersey Samuel M. Shute Jonathan Rhea John Peck 55 Banajah Osman Joseph Buck Wessel Tenbrook Stout William Pennington ChilHon Ford 60 Jonathan Snowden James Anderson James Bonnell Robert Pemberton Seth Bowen 65 Eli Elmer John Shreve* Anthony Reckless George Walker Abraham Kinney 70 John Bishop William Shute Peter Faulkner Almarine Brooks Francis Luce 75 Moses Sprowls William Tuttle John Hopper Jacob Hyer Cornelius R. Sydam 80 John Read Ephraim Darby Rev. Andrew Hunter Lewis Dunham Jazeb Campfield 85 George Campble Ebenezar Elmer Jacob Harris John Conway Elias Boudinott, Esq. 90 Thomas Henderson, Esq. Robert Lettis Hooper, Esq John Beaty, Esq. Co Able Weyman Samuel Conn 95 Abraham Stout Frederick Frelinghuysen, Esq Daniel Baldwin Moses Elmer William Burnet 100 James F. Armstrong James Giles Ebenezar Stockton Rank Captain Lieut. Capt. Lieut. Captain Lieut. Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Ensign Lieut. Chaplain Surgeon Lieut. Col. Honoary Remarks Removed out of the State Never met the Society Deposited no pay Ditto Never met the Society Ditto Ditto * Never met the Society or deposited any pay * Ditto Never met the Society Removed out of the State * Ditto Deposited no pay Never met the Society Never met the Society * Never met the Society Never met the Society Never met the Society Never met the Society Ditto Ent. this State Society 5th July i/ mm. of Prisoners Capt Dead Lieut. Honoary Capt Surg. Mate Surgeon Chaplain Capt. Lieut. Surgeon Never met the Society * Pen drawn through this where underlined. t July 6, 1791, the Treasurer in his account charges himself as follows, to wit: To cash received of Major Bloomfield for four years' interest which he received on a certificate deposited for one month's pay, $12. t The one month's pay of John Hollinshead, deposited 1789. ■f Ditto. Richard Lloyd, deposited 1796 by his successor, Wil- liam Lloyd. t Ditto. Jacob Piatt, deposited 1789. 1 Alexander Mitchell dropped from roll September, 1783. t These marks preceding names appear so on list in writing of Richard Cox. 49 // UB , 5 •^o^ .^' 'b V .^*^°- ".^^.'' .^^•"^.. ^^^^^; .^*^°- ^^ 0* t' ^^<^^ -J o_ * V" •iJ^'* c ■• V //i.;^.*°o /\.:^U:.\ /..^;^.*°o ,-*^ o V LMMUIV BINDINQ Id 7 9 . -^^ IT. AUGUSTINE r=»i\W, FLA. 4\ rl<^^