31^ ' ° AND ITS SUBURBS % Halifax River fpd Halifax ©untr BY J. M. JOLLEY,^ PUBLISHED BY THE HALIFAX JOURNAL DAYTONA, FLORIDA. rp HE LOVELY VILLAGE NEAR THE SEA •' fit e L 6 e ( •" r. NCOMPAllABLY the most beautiful of towns in the Sunny Southland is Daytona, Florida. Eestling among- moss draped oaks and whispering \ pines on the hanks of the fairest of tidal rivers, i within ear of the ever restless waves of the wide Atlantic, refreshed and invigorated by its cooling, life giving breezes, but protected from its angry moods by the intervening wooded peninsula, Day- tona is not only a dream of quiet beauty hut as near perfection in climate as is to be found in the world, j Florida is among the oldest settled portions of the great republic and yet of the youngest of tbe sister- hood of States to be developed. A halo of romance surrounds its history, and the very name is suggest- ive of a clime of perpetual summer where fruits and flowers unceasingly bud and bloom and winter's storms are unknown, yet in the face of Ol these and its early occupation by the Spaniards i. d English, for over two hundred years it remain. \ compara- tively a terra incognita, a supposed land of swamps, P dLflETTO \ %^ HOTEL r-opricfoF. Daytona, Florida The great popularity it has attained under present and well-known management will he maintained and improved. Its popularity is due to its unequaled situation, its home-like ^ atmosphere and peculiar excellence of its , _, cuisine and service. <^m T--~° Moderate. - marshes aijd wastes of worthless sand, the home of the Indian, the alligator and miasma. It is only since the war lor the Union that ii has become known as the great sanitarium of the western world, the producer of the luscious fruits of the semi- tropics, and its real and permanent development has been begun. About midway of the Atlantic coast of Florida is found one of the loveliest tidal waters in the world, THE HALIFAX RIVER, with its source at Bulow Bay and its outlet at Mos- quito Inlet, thirty miles to the south. At its head, emptying into Bulow Bay, are the fresh water tributaries, Smith and Bulow creeks from the north and the Tomoka river from the west. At the north it is separated from the Matanzas river by a low, narrow peninsula; southward it connects with the Hillsboro, and thence by Mosquito Lagoon, the Indian river, Lake Worth, various small lagoons, and the East Coast Canal with Biscayne Bay. The Tomoka, its principal fresh w r ater tributary, has a narrow, sinuous channel, with deep water and picturesquely wooded banks, and is a miniature Ocklawaha, a favorite resort for picnic and excur- sion parties, being navigable for small craft. The Halifax Biver varies in width from one-half to three-fourths of a mile, is navigable for vessels of MRS. I. M. ANDERSON, J@)ry • (sTooas, • r/ohorjs, • VETer)i s • Kurrjisrjiners, ©rjocs • etrjo. • ^lol^irjq. FECK & FOSTER" ^ .... DEALERS IN ... . 8TA ftVVA„cY GROCERIES Crockery, Glass and Tinware Lamps and Fixtures. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season. COH. BEACH ST. , .On tl^e River Front, , , . Nopth Beach St. Daytona, Florida. COPYRIGHT social life. Added to these features are good chinches, good public and private schools, stores, bank, good physicians, hotels, laundry, meat mar- kets, novelty works, an opera house, ice factory, etc., and everything can be procured that is neces- sary to make life comfortable. Beautiful Homes, ^|p/HE remarkable improvement in the style and »Tjr* value of the buildings being erected at Day- tona for homes is a most gratifying and promising feature. Men of capital, awakened to the advantages offered for winter homes in a genial climate with perfect healthfuluess, beautiful location and con- genial society, are purchasing valuable lots and building costly cottages, beautiful in design and finish, the value of building improvements the past year being $165,000. There are many Shady Walks and Drives That lead through the hammock lands and on the elysian days that form a large part of our winter season it is a delight to wander in the winding shady paths and drives that wind among the tall forest BINGHAM & WRIGHT, Insurance Agents Representing only Best and Strongest Companies. The most liberal policies. ^^^OFFICE IN N1VER BUILDING 4 ^-^- WILLIAM ATWOOD, Resident Pharmacist, invites you to call at Atwood'8 .... Drug Store for . . . iWetiictne*, Drugs, Stationery ttotions, ^Cigars, <£ttv%. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY^*^. Established 13 years. ~ trees where ferns, mosses and air plants in the shady recesses cling to the branches, and vines of the grape and ampelopsis climb and twine among the tree tops and the scarlet flowers of the trumpet vine glow amid the green foliage, while ferns, violets and star- eyed flowers grow profusely by the side of the road or narrow foot-path. No Town in the Scuth Is making such steady and substantial progress. Our desh-e is to become a residence town, combin- ing perfectly healthful location, beautiful situation and surroundings, quiet and pastoral, perfection of comfort and healthfulness, and in these and nearness and accessibility to the benefit and advantages of an unrivalled ocean beach, Daytona has no equal. An electric road and electric lights will soon be provided for the convenience of our people. The Healthfulness Of Daytona and its suburbs is as near perfect, we believe, as can be found in the world. There are no prevailing diseases, the surroundings are free from anything to superinduce disease, the river is of salt FRKNK T. PECK, . . . DEALER IN . . . * bRY QOO&5, NOTION/, ETC * COR. BEACH AND ORANGE, DAYTONA, FLA ,„ THE FOUNTAIN CITY Is a most comfortable and home-like hotel. The interior of the house is not only bright and cheerful to the eye, but designed for the bodily comfort of the guests. :-: :-: :-: *:-: :-: :-: SEASON, NOVEMBER ist TO MAY ist. Rate $2.50 per day. Special Rates to Families. .... IN CHARGE OF ... . MRS. R MONTGOMERY. MRS. E. B. CHAPIN. water, the breezes are from the wide Atlantic, the water supply is pure. With ordinary care you can he as nearly exempt from the ills of life as at any place in the world. The Water Supply Is an important feature in the perfect healthful ness of our town. This is derived from flowing artesian wells, of which there are probably three hundred in town and suburbs. The source of these living fountains is found at a depth of about one hundred and twenty feet after passing through many feet of rock that guarantee an exemption from all surface contamination and the flow is of sufficient force to furnish power for raising the water to the upper stories of residences, when desired, by the use of a ram or wheel. Sulphur and magnesia are held in solution, the sulphurnn a gas that soon disappears. A Wheelman's Paradise. Daytona has many miles of graded and marled streets perfect for cycling and driving, and one mile away is thirty miles of smooth, hard beach without a break. No town in the south rivals it for the wheel- man and hundreds of wheels are in daily use. Sailing Hunting and Pishing. The Halifax river provides unsurpassed facilities for recreation. There is a yacht club that holds regattas, and steam and naphtha launches, yachts, sail and row boats for picnics and excursions or THE HOLLY INN °- howes, — Proprietor. Am a man of few words. My service and surroundings must be my advertising agent. z .ro ° o C5 O r m o > c z o a* m o «» ■i S > m H > -i -o m voyages down the coastwise waters can always be had. The river teems with the choicest varieties of salt water fish that furnish excellent sport for the angler, and in the pine and hammock land the hunter will had bear, deer, wildcats, squirrels, and quail. OUR SUBURBS. DAYTONA BEACH 1E3 but a mile away, and here, where ocean ^A waves, foam-flecked and blue as the cerulean cloud-flecked skies above, unceasing break upon the shore, are endless joys for the lover of the ocean in its many moods. Two wide bridges over the Halifax and smoothly graded shelled avenues give easy access to it. The beach is wide, hard and smooth, and by many considered the flnest on the Atlantic coast, and the surf bathing is safe and excellent, summer and winter. SEABREEZE r s a summer and winter resort and many who rf^ have tried the seaside both north and west declare that they have found none so perfect as Day- tona beach, and it is rapidly becoming as popular a resort for winter as for summer. At Seabreeze SEASIDE INN AND COTTAGES^^ Stewart & Gramlirjg, Prop'rs, Leading hotel and pleasure resort on East Coast for tourists. . . .Opposite Daytona. . . .Hacks meet every train. . . .Everything homelike and comfortable. Rates, $2 per Day. Special by Week. P. O., Seabreeze, Ela. F OR COTTHGES FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEPING at either Daytona or Seabreeze, address . . . Brush &. Stewart. are hotels and many cottages and cottages are dis- tributed along the shore for two miles. During the summer season these hotels and cottages are tilled and many of them are occupied during the winter season. The surf fishing is often excellent and the smooth, hard beach is perfect for cycling and driving, and for tennis and other out door games. The beach is unbroken for thirty miles and is un- rivalled for long distance driving or cycling. EAST DAYTONA AND MEMENTO ItE located on the northern part of the river ■%r-^ front on the peni nsula. Here are comfortable homes and some lovely places scattered along the river for a mile. At Memento the post office is located, and at East Daytona there are two good hotels, a casino, natatorium, electric plant for light- ing streets and houses, etc., and a broad, well graded and shelled avenue lined with palms leading to the ocean front just south of Elborden, a beach lesort adjoining Seabreeze. Much work and money have been expended in laying out and beautifying East Daytona and it promises to become an important summer and winter resort. ' "6^ — ^^^^- E as t Daytona ^ Seabreeze P. O. > ColonndCJCS ^ ost ' complete house of its size ou the Coast, Steam heat. Elec- tric Lights. Water on all floors. Situated on Peninsula between Ocean and River. Open All the Year Round. C. C. POST, PROP. RHCKET STOR6 NEWS STAND. FRUIT. CANDIES. STATIONERY. FISHING TACKLE. BASKETS AND BARGAIN TREE. BICYCLE SUNDRIES AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. O. O. BORISES. Next door to Post Office. SILVER BEACH t'MTfERE where wavelets break on silver sands, prpl sunbeams weave their golden bands, and life , is nearly elysian in its surroundings, is one of the i most beautiful spots in Florida, long- known as the fairest of DaytonVs suburbs. Its name was de- rived from the beautiful river beach at this point, I and it is located on the river front on the peninsula ! opposite Daytona and is not a town but a collection 1 of a half dozen lovely houses w ith large grounds that ! have been made as perfect as the hand of man can ! well make for the abodes of themselves and families. ! Beautiful oak trees were supplied by the hand of , ptature and beneath these are green lawns that are j kept well watered and shorn, forming a carpet of verdure most pleasing to the foot and eye. Roses, | fruits, etc., till the grounds in the rear of the resi- dences, and Silver Beach is a Paradise in miniature. HOW TO GET TO DAYTONA The direct route from the north to Daytona is via ( Jacksonville, St. Augustine, etc., and the East Coast Railway, which provides excellent car service and will land the traveler at the depot at Daytona, and from whence hacks will convey you to the hotels, whether on mainland, peninsula or beach. THE PALMETTO HOUSE, On the Beautiful Bay, Daytona, p ln — L. DESPLAND, Proprietor. ^ The J. M. JOLLEY I1/1LIF/3X Editor and Prop-r. Journal ESTABLISHED IN 1880 The leading paper of the Halifax Coast and only Republican paper in Florida, <^5>^SK