iiiiiii iiii u kt PS 5505 02A5Tl5|| mm Mi liiiiiiiiiii! ii Book o^ ,<'.v t ^ ( I ' 5" PRESENTi:n BY 110?^ WILLIAM T. MARSHALL €f)DU0f)t^ of J^eaben C|)ougi)ts oi Heaben BY S. MABEL COHEN JJrinteti for tl)t ^utl^or BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA 1902 \ \ Content^ .J PAGE ^ Aspiration „ " Dawn _ The Upward Current ,o The Chime jj Heavenward ■ j2^ A Postlude J . My Prayer i - Satan's Lament i5 The Flowers' Way jg The Balance jq A Guest 2j Anchored ^. A Little While '....*.'. 24 At the Foot of the Cross 26 A Voice 27 28 Truth . A Picture 29 Thou Hast Died for Me 3a My Lord , Thou Hast Die( Christmas Bells -, The Valley ' ^^ 5 Contents PAGE God's Voice 36 Seek Not the Living Among the Dead 37 HeU 39 A Red Rose 40 Harmony 42 The Rainbow 43 A Child's Dream of the Cross 44 The Street Which is Called Straight 46 In My Father's House 47 The Dead March 48 Dark and Light are Both Alike to Thee 49 Father, Forgive Them 50 Home 51 The King 52 The Bird's Call 53 The Banner 55 A Garden 56 Jesus Reigns 58 Thou Art Peter 60 A Stranger Will They Not Follow 6 1 Face to Face 63 ^spiratioa In the wailing of the wind and the sobbing of the sea Is the cry of all the ages movdng on eternally. In the weeping of a heart and the sighing of a soul Breathes the life that struggles upward, upward unto God, its goal. Comes the storm that sweeps the land, comes the blow that ends the life. Comes the death of aspiration, and the end of heavenly strife. When the wailing of the wind, and the sobbing of the sea. Reach the good God far above us, and He looks down lovingly ; 7 Thoughts of Heaven When the storm cloud passes heavenward, and the sighing ends in love ; When God speaks in sweetest accents heavenly comfort from above. Comes divine and noble striving, comes the life that ends the death ; Comes all sweetness and all beauty, comes the fragrance of God's breath. Thoughts of Heaven ^aton The sea's low level just before the dawn, — A solitary bird in search of rest, — A wounded life kneeling in adoration To Him who doeth all things best. Each wave seeking to reach its highest hmit. As light beams forth in glorious day, — The bird at peace beside its long-sought Master, The life complete in yearning to obey. Thoughts of Heaven ^be ^aptoarU Current Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. Tossed in the current of time we go ; Swept resistlessly on and on. As each morning comes and the night is gone. Past the pleasures of earth and sense. Under the heavens' blue expanse. On and on through infinite space. Swept in the current of heavenly grace. Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. Beautiful souls sent here below. To speak of our Master's love divine And render to Him our lives again. Ebb and flow, ebb and flow. Our souls must rise as they onward go. Till in the depths of God's infinite love We sweep through earth to His throne above. lO Thoughts of Heaven Bells are ringing Soft and low. Earth to heaven, heaven to earth. Where the two extremes do meet. Here before my Saviour's feet. Bells are ringing Loud and sweet. Oh, the touch that makes them peal. Singing ever in my soul, ** Jesus Christ, my life, my all." Bells are ringing High in heaven. Lily bells, sweet thoughts of God, — Where the two extremes do meet. There before His mercy-seat. II Thoughts of Heaven |)eat)entDarti There's a time to laugh, and a time to weep. And a time that has no end ; There's a summer day, and a winter day. And a heaven where all things blend. There's a word that saves, and a word that kills. And a word that is no word at all ; But the soul looks up at the sound of love. And responds to every call. There's a song that is sweet, and a song that is sad. And a song that no one hears ; For the sweetest song that goes up to God Is sung from a heart in tears. There's a life that is false, and a life that is true ; There's a Master who reads the soul ; The perfect life is the star that guides. And the spirit alone makes whole. Thoughts of Heaven The time and the word, the song and the life. Thou holdest, my God, in Thy heart. The touch of Thy hand on sea and land Leads heavenward where Thou art. (^ 13 Thoughts of Heaven ^ PostlttUe God. is smiling o'er the earth. And the days grow strangely sweet. Oh, my soul, lift up thy voice. Blessing Him while at His feet. Trees are budding, birds are singing. And thv cup of joy o'rfloweth ; God is waiting, God is calling. Speak thy prayer to Him who knoweth. 14 Thoughts of Heaven Mv Praper My Saviour, at Thy feet I kneel. In perfect adoration ; Forgiveness I implore. Oh, let me in the future sin no more. My Master, by Thy side I stand. Waiting to hear Thy voice ; To w^ork for Thee, I pray. Oh, draw^ me closer, closer each day. My God, upon Thy heart I rest In ecstasy divine. Up to my home above, Oh, call us quickly to enjoy Thy love. 15 Thoughts of Heaven ^atan'fi lament I revel in pestilence, war, and death ; My sceptre sways from sea to sea ; I glory in crime — for the souls that are mine — The tender and 'true dragged down by my wiles ; The sordid and vile, with triumph and glee. Leading on in the march to hell. And I shout and I sing at the world's discord. For do I not lead the rebel horde ? But I'm sad, in spite of my glory. Ah, me ! For a heart that I broke that believed in me At the turning time, when she should have beei mine. Grew sweeter and truer, repulsed by my wiles ; And the Hfe that I crushed in my mirth and gle Gives out sweetness instead of death. So I shout and I rave in my mad desire To conquer that heart in my burning fire. i6 Thoughts of Heaven Consumed in my wrath, I hear her song : <* Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own !" And my heart is heavy, my work undone. For her very sweetness proves her God's own, And my life a He. * 17 Thoughts of Heaven The sunflower turns as the hours pass To take from her God a good-night kiss. The daisy and buttercup, there by the wall. Happily nod and merrily call As they sway to and fro in the breeze. While ofF in a shady nook, guarded by trees. The lily in silence sighs and breathes Out her fragrant hfe, lifting her cup Sweetly, praying, adoring, waiting To drink of His life while her God from above Gives her heaven and love. Listen, and hear them together say, <* Oh, gather our fragrance day by day. Knowing it is the flowers' own way Of expressing God." Thoughts of Heaven Cl)e -^Balance The rich man left his mansion fine To walk to the club and wine and dine. By his side there chanced to walk for a space A laboring man with a grimy face ; And the Devil walked between. Superbly dressed, with haughty mien He hurried past that he might not be seen Near the patched clothes and the shuffling gait Of the man who labored early and late ; But the Devil followed unseen. A man of leisure and wealth and fame. You would weep in sorrow and blush for shame Could you look down deep in the workingman's heart At his anguish and struggles to play his part ; But the Devil is always between. 19 Thoughts of Heaven The grimy face and the shuffling gait Screen a soul that must labor early and late. For what ? O God, that it must be so ! For a paltry living here below ; And the Devil arranging his fate. Oh, man, the soul is a spark of God's life ; Reach out your hand through the battle and strife Help him up, — the man with the grimy face, — Speak kindly, and find in the Devil's place That Christ will walk between. Thoupfhts of Heaven ^ (3ut6t There's an unbidden guest at every feast. Have you seen his face ? Can you guess his name ? Sometimes, when the day is clear and bright. He decides to walk abroad in the light. So he dons a frockcoat and a high silk hat. And goes for a while to have a chat With the sweet young girls, who trustingly hear His words of poison and hold them dear. When he leaves the room there is a change in the light ; An evil thing threatens like darkest night. Open windows and doors to the pure air of heaven. That even the thought of his words may be driven To their home in his heart, which is hell. 21 Thoughts of Heaven There's an unseen Guest at every feast. Have you heard His voice r Do you know His name r In the darkest day, in a blaze of light. His Spirit comes to guide aright ; And we see, if we look on His patient face. And our voices are hushed by the Master's grace. As he silently moves in the crowded room His words ring out, and His life is shown As the air of heaven breathes softly through. All evil flees, and we gain a new Of the blue above and the angels there ; In silence we pause to murmur a prayer, Which ascends to God and to heaven. IS Thoughts of Heaven A leaden sky and a shrieking wind, Swe sping the land and sea ; A ship struggling on through the blinding storm To reach the far country. Oh, lonely ship, veer not from your course. For the Lord of earth and heaven. He rules alike the wind and the wave. And to Him all power is given. Darkness and light are to Him alike. For beyond the raging sea Are the waters still, and the beautiful light ; Sail on, then, and be free. ^ ^ :)ii ^ ^ -^ The glorious sun, and the breath of heaven. The ship anchored, safe at last. In its haven of love, on the Saviour's breast — A soul up to God has passed. 23 Thoughts of Heaven ^ little WUlt In the new year that has come. Have you thought that unto you God may give the heavenly summons That shall call you to your home ? As a soldier, good and true. You may hear the trumpet-call To the last immortal conflict. With the gate of heaven in view. And the armor you have worn — All your Master's — here on earth You may give to Him so gladly When the barriers are down. You may hear His words, ** Well done. As the clouds shall roll away. And, with victory in your soul, God's own spirit leads you home. 24 Thoughts of Heaven Evermore in His embrace. In the garden of the King, You may grow to be like Him, Resting in His heavenly peace. 25 Thoughts of Heaven 9lt tbe foot of tl)c Cro66 See ! Judith, the death of the King, Him they call King of the Jews ? Dost mark the patient meekness of that brow ? Would' St thou believe that in the turning of that noble head, showing a broken heart. Life and heaven are given to sinful man ? Some there be who say that He will rise again. Well do I know His head will yet be lifted up, that all may see the glory of the Lord, And walk erect with God. Come, let us go ; the morning dawns ; The strange, sweet fragrance of those pure white lilies fills the air — The very beauty of His life ! 26 Thoughts of Heaven A voice from the vast unknown, A lightning flash from the sky. Back of the sun, and moon, and stars. Heaven's great throne of blue. Warmest throb of human heart. Love v\^orking through and through — Very God ! 27 Thoughts of Heaven The sea, O God, lashing itself in fury at its impo- tence. Falls back upon itself, and hides within its bosom The treasures Thou hast placed there. But we, the pledges of Thy highest love, look up to see Thy glorious face. And, straining every nerve, we lift our souls to touch Thine own. Opening thus the gate that leads to the beyond we roam at will Until we reach Thy very throne, and at Thy feet Kneel to adore. Knowing as we are known, seeing as we are seen, we echo back Thy love. And, lo ! upon our foreheads gleams the precious gem of truth. 28 Thoughts of Heaven a picture A summer day, a dusty road, and by its side a river calm and deep. Both leading to the sea, with but a tangled mass of trees and grass between. Two lives, side by side, one bearing the burden and the heat of day, The other running smoothly on the surface, with an undercurrent of heartbreak ; Only a mass of human complications for the boun- dary line. Over all the same blue sky, and at the end the sea. Some call it Fate. Shall we say God and heaven the journey's end ? Ah ! God and heaven are the journey's end. But not in the fickle sea ; Swept on by the tide we come at last 29 Thoughts of Heaven To the Rock of Ages cleft for us. Where our souls unite in the Infinite, And the love which touched us into life Is awaiting the Perfect Day. i^ 30 Thoughts of Heaven Jesus, ever meek and lowly. Stoop to hear my cry. In Thine arms do Thou enfold me. From the world Oh, guard. Oh, hide me Grant me love, and peace, and mercy. As Thou passest by. Higher, higher up the billows. Sweeping o'er my soul. Things of earth I grasp to hold me. But they break and fail to save me. Walk upon the waves, my Saviour ; Come and make me whole. Teach me patience, give me wisdom, Jesus Christ, my Lord. King of heaven and earth, I praise Thee ; Speak to me that I may know Thee, For my soul is hushed in rapture. Speak to me Thy word. 31 Thoughts of Heaven CNtt t)afi!t DieU for ^He Through all the ages moves the heavenly chou- ; Voice after voice mounts higher yet and higher. Till all the music of the world is sung In one grand melody before Thy throne. Kneeling before Thee, Saviour, hear my cry ! ** Worthy the Lamb," the heavens give reply ; And earth with all its wondrous melodies Joins in the glorious hymn of love and praise. Through all the ages come the little ones. Seeking the truth, the truth in Jesus' name. Until the Christ-child, pure and free from sin. Hushes all earth in giving the Amen. 32 Thoughts of Heaven The Christmas bells are ringing — Hear them peal ! Joy of heaven to earth come down To bear the Cross and win the Crown. Love through anguish will reveal Love's perfect song. The Babe who came so meek and lowly. Long ago. Is with us now, is with us now. No crown of gold adorns his brow. But thorns the Master's sufferings show ; Before him bow. The churches' bells are ringing. Hear them peal ! 33 Thoughts of Heaven Kill not the Christ, their sweet tones plead ; With precious gifts for every need. His love stands waiting to reveal The path to tread. The bells of heaven are ringing — Hear them ring ! Away with falsehood, sin, and shame ; Around the world their song proclaim. Jesus has come ! Oh, sing. Oh, sing. His blessed name. Forever loud and louder Let them ring. Let all their notes be merged in one. It is love, it is love, the keynote alone. And Christ the Babe is Christ the King, God's royal Son. 34 Thouefhts of Heaven Some call it Death, — the Valley of the Shadow, — Not knowing that it is God's own perfect way Of hushing our souls to rest for a time. So that with His coming, on that glorious day. Made pure and perfect by the waiting. Heaven to us may be a flood of light and love divine. 35 Thoughts of Heaven My little one, while pressed against my heart. Looked out upon the storm that raged without. And seeing all the trees bent low with ice, swaying in the wind. Looked up into my face, and whispered : *« Mother, see ! Angel hands are beckoning, and God is saying, 'Be not afraid.' " Pressed closer yet, my little child had hushed the tumult That raged within my breast. The precious gem, the pearl of truth, God's love was beckoning ; God spoke and gave me rest. 36 Thoughts of Heaven Christ is risen ; ye seek in vain. Heaven and earth His life proclaim. Evil is banished w^ith winter's gloom. And error lies dead within the tomb. Seek not the living among the dead, — Your Lord has risen as He has said. Onw^ard and upvi^ard He walks with you. Though you know Him not in your life below. Sorrow and anguish have passed away ; Christ has risen to reign for aye. In the tide of His passion your souls arise On the wings of love to your home in the skies. From the heart of God, the beginning of thought. The seed of the Word has been struggling for light. The sun looks down this glorious day On the perfect flower of purity. 37 Thoughts of Heaven Forever at God's right hand on high. Emblem of love that can never die, Christ sits enthroned in the City of Light, To love forever and guide aright. 38 Thoughts of Heaven Blackness so great that even the knowledge of light is not ; Despair so deep that even the soul is drowned ; Agony where all the world is weeping ; The very depths in which all good lies sleeping, — And God is found. 39 Thoughts of Heaven 91 EeU Kofiic Oh, the rich perfume of the red, red rose ! As its leaves unfold, at its heart there shows The home of the bee, where it gathers its store Of honey so sweet to increase its power. But the devil is fond of the red, red rose. He enticed one day a young girl to disclose Her inmost heart by its perfume sweet. Till her life lay bare at his merciless feet. He robbed her of innocence, faith, and hope ; He stole her virtue, and then he spoke Of a life of freedom, of freedom ! Oh, man ! Think of this devil's work, if you can ! On her head he placed of the red, red rose A wreath, that he who sees it now knows In the devil's garden — this girl is walled. His hand has led her, his voice has called. 40 Thoughts of Heaven She is known by the sign of the red, red rose. Men know her impure ; they laugh as she goes. And the master-hand that enticed her on Will steal her thoughts and throw her down. The hand that planted the red, red rose. To scatter its leaves, he knows, he knows Of the double life he would have her .lead. Where lust is rampant, the soul is dead. He knows of the others whose perfume he drank. Of the lives he has blasted, the garden rank Where he plants the rose when, her mission past, A garland of roses adorns his breast. ^ 41 Thoughts of Heaven |)armoni) A mist from life's great sea, A fire from eternity's soul, A new world as years go by, To join with the planets that roll. A thought from great Nature's heart, A breath from a perfect soul — Created a beautiful part In the system that makes the whole. A soul singing low a sad dirge, A bird singing sweetly on high. When in one, note for note, the songs merge, A symphony reaching the sky. In harmony earth joined to heaven. Thought and song lifted ever above — Veil of mist from our earthly eyes driven, A new life in the arch of God's love. 42 Thoughts of Heaven C^e EaintjotD Oh, beautiful rainbow, arched in high heaven ! Could we but follow thy circle complete, Down in the depths below. We should know God, We should see love Throbbing within Thee ; Know all life's mystery. And in the blending Of colors complete Read all life's history. Each color a mile-stone that must be passed On the road that leads to heaven at last, — Our home in the beautiful blue above. Resting with God in perfect love. After the storms of life are passed. After the border-line is crossed. We pass to the beautiful Beyond, And our souls as perfect stars are found. 43 Thoughts of Heaven ^ CI)tlti*fi5 ^ream of tl)e Cross A child who loved her father passionately, and longed ever to help him, grieved to see him carry- ing a burden upon his heart which seemed to grow heavier from day to day. Her last thought of night was of him and of the load she could not lift from his hfe. As time passed, because the child was not strong, her grieving made her ill. One beautiful night she fell asleep and dreamed that she was a star, and that she could speak heav- enly words of comfort to her father. ''Father," she cried, ** I have come from God to lift the cross from your life. It is not the upright beam that weighs you down ; it is the bar of sin. In your soul's purity Satan has placed a dark spot. God has told me that by anguish alone can the mirror of your life reflect a perfect image. Ever I have longed to help you, grieving in my passionate love. ' ' 44 Thoughts of Heaven At dawn they found the child still asleep — asleep in Jesus. And the cross was lifted from the father's heart by the star. The child had crossed the bar. 45 Thoughts of Heaven Street W\)it\) i& CalleU ^traig:l)t Out of the darkness to the light it leads. And all who look for a Beyond, Like Paul of Tarsus, weakened by their strife with sin. Must make it their abode ; Forgetting all the blank wall that has been Of sin, despair, and doubt. Yielding body, mind, and soul to Him Whose voice, speaking to them of greater glory. Bids them leave all to follow Him. Led by His hand along the straight and narrow path which leads to heaven, Through anguish, doubt, and woe unspeakable they come at last Into the blessed freedom God has given. Leaving the dead self in the past. 46 Thoughts of Heaven STn Piv fatfjer's pome O Jesus, Thou hast promised That, if I follow Thee, Within the Father's courts above My dwelling-place shall be. Among the many mansions. At God's right hand on high, A heavenly place Thou hast prepared In answer to my cry. O Saviour, there my refuge, A house not made with hands. Forever founded on a rock. Not built upon the sands. The sands of time are passing. But my Hfe is hid with Thee, And Thou, O blessed Jesus, Wilt come and call for me. 47 Thoughts of Heaven [Written at the death of President McKinley] ** Not death, but life — life that shall endless be." This the refrain that heaven's high arches give. Not to keep pace \vith death, through strife and tumult-murmurings of hell. But with unfaltering faith, moved by the Power that makes for Righteousness, Let Love rule everywhere. So shall it be that as the Dead March sounds in honor of the nation's loss The clear call from heaven shall come to you and me. 48 Thoughts of Heaven ^arfe anU ki^ht are ^ot\) 9lUfee to Cl)ee Straight the line dividing good from bad. Across the path thou may'st not step and live. When truth within thy heart forever dw^ells. And conscience rules as guide to God above. Then inward Hfe and outward both shall prove That God is Heaven, Life, and Love. Knowing that thou forevermore art free. Then shalt thou sing in perfect harmony, ** The dark and light are both alike to thee." 49 Thoughts of Heaven ** Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," Comes from the cross through all the ages long. *' Forgive them for the Christ that they have killed. Even as is this thief here crucified with Me, peni- tent in death. Do Thou look down with pitying eye And bid them live. Thus shall they know the right divine Of this. Thine only Son, To reign supreme in life, in death. By Love alone." 50 Thoughts of Heaven Jo me All the world is ours, God's gift. As is our aim, or high, or low. Therein for us salvation is, or death. The mystery of evil everywhere, Satan's forces lined in fierce array. Shouting their hideous discord in our ears. Are but the framework of our inner lives. With holy purpose let us seek the centre of all being. And, as did beloved John, See heaven by close communion with our Lord, Resting in perfect peace, relying on His word. Into our souls, oh, let us turn the searchlight of His love. Exposing there each motive and intent. Choosing for the sole purpose of our lives God and goodness and the home above. 51 Thoughts of Heaven King of Goodness, reign forever ; Thine an everlasting sw^ay. May our lives reflect Thy brightness. In our hearts abide alw^ay. King of Love, we crown Thee, crown Thee. Hearts and lives are Thine alone. Gold and jewels rare we bring Thee, Kneeling here before Thy throne. Hearts so pure and lives so lowly Are the jewels for Thy crown ; Gold without alloy we bring Thee — Truth and righteousness Thine own. King of Love, we crown Thee, crown Thee. Heaven and earth before Thee sing ; Lord of Life, we praise Thee, praise Thee, Christ our Master, Lord and King. 52 Thoughts of Heaven QLht ^ixr& Call There's a dear little bird perched high in the tree. She is singing to you, she is singing to me. Though she feels the branch sway, yet she knows that her nest Is fastened securely, and from her sweet breast Comes this song : Oh, be glad ! Oh, rejoice ! Life is sweet, life is good. Do not linger a day, for love points the way. Spread your wings, soar on high In the beautiful sky. Let the pure air of heaven thrill your heart, tune your voice. Oh, be glad ! Oh, rejoice ! Have no fear, God is nigh. He will guard you, and guide you. And watch o'er your home. 53 Thoughts of Heaven Lift your heart and your voice. Oh, be glad ! Oh, rejoice ! Life's morning is sweet. Come, oh, come ! 91^ 54 Thoughts of Heaven Cl)e banner Free, yet bound by chains of sweetest love, — A slave, yet evermore enthroned ; Bound forever to the King of Kings, Domain extending all the world around. Oh, union blest ! Oh, fellowship divine ! Lift high the standard royal, let it wave. That in its folds all nature may be mine. The Lord of Life leads on, leads on to save. The stars, the jewels in His crown of gold ; The stripes. His agony for me endured ; Joy and sorrow in His precious life displayed. The royal password — ^Jesus Christ, my Lord. 55 Thoughts of Heaven 9t (!5artiea In a garden far away — a fairy garden — grew a beautiful rose, the queen of the flowers. Many were the loving glances bestowed upon it by its sister companions as it opened its leaves to the sunlight. AU the rich perfiime that it exhaled came from its heart in joyous thankfulness to God for its life. So it grew more and more beautiful, accepting the homage of the humbler flowers in its own sweet way. But one day a great sigh came from a corner of the garden. One of the flowers had grown discontented with its lot, and this is what it said : *' Oh, if I could only be as beautiful as the queen !" Now, when the queen heard this, because she was a perfect, true-hearted queen, she wanted to make even this humble little flower happy ; so she bent her noble head to the ground and became a daisy, white, with a heart -ji gold, courageous and 56 Thoughts of Heaven true. In the very early morning, when all the flowers were taking their bath of dew, the gardener walked in his garden and found the passion-flower weeping because the queen had passed away. With a touch of wondrous love he lifted the daisy to his heart, and, behold ! it became a golden (^ 57 Thoughts of Heaven Jesus reigns ; Oh, Earth, receive Him ; Reigns forever. King of Love. Hear His voice, believe, beheve Him, For He speaks from heaven above. Love and joy and peace all blending. Spirit fruits are His alone. Garlands sweet the children bring Him, Little ones around His throne. Jesus reigns ; He rules the nations. King of Purity and Love. Whosoe'er attempts to harm Him God wall punish from above. Jesus reigns ; all nature proves Him King of Nature's realm below ; Winds and waves obey His bidding In their ceaseless ebb and flow. 58 Thoughts of Heaven Lift your hearts and tune your voices. For you must obey His will. On He leads through grief and sorrow. Jesus reigns triumphant still. }$m 59 Thoughts of Heaven Cl)Ott art peter Upon Thy word, O God, revealed to man. Thy holy church is built. Not the church as men have made it. Not the truth as they receive it. But the truth as 'tis in Jesus Reigning here on earth among us, — Jesus Christ, the perfect Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Upon Thy world, O God, as given to man. Soon may Thy kingdom come. All the falsehood, error, crime Wrought by man throughout all time Prove the truth as 'tis in Jesus. Light doth triumph over darkness. Love and Truth the consummation, Jesus Christ, the Word. 60 Thoughts of Heaven a i>traiipr Will d)ep Bot f olloto On a sunny summer day. In a quiet village church. Years ago. Passed a flock of sheep that way ; And the leader stopped and spied (For the doors were opened wide) Graveyard on the other side. Grass so green this leader spied. And, with longing for his flock. Straightway through the church he hied. On that sunny summer day In the graveyard grazed the sheep. Years ago. (This I heard my mother say.) Comes to me to-day the thought How in mercy God has brought 6i Thoughts of Heaven Wandering sheep, by shepherd sought. Through the church by Christ's blood bought. Into hving pastures green. Out of tumuk, strife, and doubt. On that sunny summer day ('Twas my father's village church). Years ago. As the flock passed slowly by. Came the words, as mother said, ** A table for me Thou'st prepared." Heavenly Father, Thou hast led Into life from out the dead. Through the church Thy wandering sheep. On the Shepherd's shoulder laid. ^ 62 Thoughts of Heaven jFace t0 Jace Father all merciful. Ruler of nations. Thou to whom all things forever are known. Lift Thou the cross from the lives of Thy people That through truth and justice Thy way may be known. Tread down the oppressor, give victory to goodness. Let purity triumph where lust has held sway. Bruise the head of the serpent that leads on to ruin. Turn the base to pure metal, the darkness to day. Turn the tide of the nations. Thou Mighty De- liverer ; Oh, give blessed freedom, the freedom from sin ; Prove the truth that Thy righteousness rules over all things. That thy way may be known where corruption has been. 63 Thoughts of Heaven May the law, law of God, law of life everlasting. Lead the world, crush the wrong, lift on high noble hves ; May the sordid and mean, wrapped in robes of the darkness. Be exposed now to man, as to Thee they have been. Rule the laws of the nations, most merciful Father, That riot and bloodshed forever may cease ; Tread down the oppressor, release us, we pray Thee, That God and His glory may bring heaven* s peace. •* 64