Book V9<^ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DIGEST OF THE Game, Fisli and Forestry Laws This pamphlet is published but once in two years, a single edition being printed and that edition is limited in numbers by the Joint Resolu- tion of the Senate and House directing its publication. EDITED BY DR. JOSEPH KALBFUS Secretary of the Qame Commission 1913 HARRISBURG, PA.: WM. STANLEY RAY, STATE PRINTER 1913 Ll-'^ ! 2 Cv \«\N^ DIVISION 1. Page 11 Contains laws or parts of laws treating of Game, of song and insectivorous birds. DIVISION 2. Page 131. Contains laws or parts of laws treating of fish only. DIVISION 3. Page 239. Contains laws pertaining to Forestry. A collection of Leading Decisions relative to Game and Fish Law is printed , beginning on page 221 . The Game Commission is entrusted with the care of Game and wild birds. The Department of Fisheries is charged with the protection of fishes . The Forestry Department has control of Forestry. The work of each is separate and distinct. A summary of the laws bearing upon these subjects and separate index is attached. Please read the letter beginning on page 5. 4 A JOINT RESOLUTION Directing the publication of the pamphlet containing the game, fish, and forestry laws. Whereas, By reason of the great demand by the people of this Comonwealth for the pamphlet contain- ing the game, the fish, and the forestry laws of this Commonwealth, the many proposed changes of the same and additions thereto, and that the people of the State be given the opportunity to become ac- quainted with these laws as quickly as possible after their enactment; therefore. Be it resolved (if the Senate concur). That the Sec- retary of the Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth be and is hereby directed to prepare the data, and as soon as possible after the close of this session present the same to the Superintendent of Pub- lic Printing, who shall, at the expense of the State, have published in pamphlet form one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) copies of said laws, together with such letter of instruction or explanation by those entrusted with the care of our game, our forests, and our fish as may seem necessary: thirty thousand for the use of the Senate, sixty thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, two thousand for the use of the Executive, four thousand for the use of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, two thousand for the use of the Attorney General, eight thousand for the use of the Department of Forestry, eight thousand for the use of the Department of Fisheries, three thousand for the use of the Auditor General, three thousand for the use of the Treasury Department, three thousand for the use of the Department of In- ternal Affairs, three thousand for the use of the De- partment of Roads, two thousands for the use of the Department of Mines, three thousand for the use of the Department of Agriculture, one thousand for the use of the Railroad Commission, one thousand for the use of the Insurance Department, one thousand for the use of the Department of Health, one thou- sand for the use of the office of the State Fire Mar- shal, and fifteen thousand for the use of the Board of Game Commissioners. APPROVED— The 29th day of March, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER, The foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Act of the General Assembly No. 22. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. (3) Preamble. Game, fish and forestry laws. Distribution. M^ (4) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. In the minds of those who have to do with the forestry, the fish and the game interests of this Commonwealth, those that have given these subjects careful and thoughtful study, each of them in itself seems to occupy such a place in the makeup of the individual life of so many people and are jointly so interwoven with each other and the general prosperity of our State, as to make even their prospective loss appear in the light of a calamity, a condition that if once established will be extremely hard, if not impossible to overcame, and that will bring serious, very serious ^ejults in its train . It has long since been determined that growing timber, forest shade and fruit *.rees were absolutely necessary to the healthful enjoyment of tl is life. That the products of growing timber is absolutely uece^ary to the success of mechanical pursuits. That upon the pieservation or reproduction of our forests depends our continuous water supply, our protection from drought, as well as our defense against excessive floods. It is desiied to call particular attention to two new statutes relating to forests and forestry. The first is the municipal forest law, which permits municipalities to purchase forest land for the purpose of revenue, using the returns for such municipal pur- poses as may be necessary; and the other is the new forest fire wardens act, completely changing the system of fire fighting in this Commonwealth. These acts will be found at pages — and — . How much better it would have been for this Commonwealth had the subject of forestry, with all that word covers, been in- telligently considered and ' acted upon fifty years ago instead of to-day . How much better it would have been, had the people of this Commonwealth and of this Nation, endorsed the idea of game and wild bird preservation and of fish protection and propagation, fifty years ago instead of at this time. It has been said that the benefit derived by a day afield with rod, or gun, by the tired, or worn out, indoor worker, is some- thing that cannot be correctly expressed in words or figures. Physical exercise and forgetfulness of daily worry and business care, bring their reward ii. icturn of health and there is no in- centive in this direction, that begins to take the place of the pursuit of game or fish. Anv one who ever hooked a two pound bass, or used an artificial tly, cay realize what total forgetful- {5) 6 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. ness of business cares means ; how from the moment the strike was made the circulation quickened and all thought of_ the World outside was forgotten, until that fish was landed; how in anticipa- tion of a strike every cast of the fly took his whole attention. No one can forpet the flushing of that wild turkey or of that pheas- ant, or of that covey of quail, or how bunny sprang out most un- expectedly and how in absolute forgetfulness of all beside, he took that needed and continued exercise in their pursuit, that nothing besides would have caused him to take, and how in rest- ful obliviion he passed the night without even a dream of business cares. The Department of Health was created for the purpose of conserving the health of our people. Sanitariums are everywhere being erected and maintained, in the hope of curing those who are ailing. Our idea is to make an open park of all the wild lands of this Commonwealth, a place in which our people of all classes can find pleasure and maintain their strength, where the well and strong can enjoy an outing that will keep them well and make them stronger ; where those who are starting on the road to shattered nerves, and inability to meet the demands they are called upon to face, can strengthen their hold on all those things, that fit men the better to meet the requirements of every- day battle with the World. The presence of game or fish is a lure to strenuous outdoor exercise, that means better health to those who hunt or fish, and therefore better citizenship. To us, hunting or the pur- suit of game, does not appear simply in the light of recreation, or pleasure, nor does it appear as a waste of time; but instead is in every sense of the word a National necessity. The ability acquired by young America in the pursuit of game in the handling of the gun, in taking care of himself in the fields, or in the forests, or on the water, has made it possible for our Volunteers to become with limited discipline and drill the equal of any Regular on the face of the Earth. I cite as illustration the work done by Jackson's men at New Orleans, the efliciency of our own Pennsylvania Bucktails during the late Civil War, the work of the Boer with the gun in South Africa, where 1,000 men, who knew how to shoot and to shift for themselves, appeared to be the equal of many thousands of men who did not possess that ability. Under our system of Government and present conditions, the efficient volunteer, is our bulwark of defense in the time of War, and this State owes it to itself, for this reason, if for no other, to supply its young men with the incentive to this training in the shape of game, without which they cannot and will not be fitted to meet the demands made upon them. We had in Pennsylvania last fall, fully 8,000 men who camped upon State lands. We had that many more men who hunted on State lands, with- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 7 out campim?, and the total of those hunting on State lands, was not more than one-half, of those who hunted with rifles in this State last fall, together making an army of at least 30,000 rifle- men. I believe it conservative to say that 150,000 men hunted last fall in Pennsylvania, with shot guns, making a grand total of at least 180,000 hunters in this State, in one year. More than 800 buck deer were killed legally, about 80 does were killed illegally, more than 100,000 ruffed grouse were taken, more than 1,000 wild turkeys were captured, fully 40,000 quail were killed, while the number of rabbits slain was in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 altogether, making a fair return to the hunter and an incentive to out-door exercise not to be attained in any other way. We believe it conservative to fix ten dollars, as the average ex- penditure to each man that went hunting, this includes time, wear and tare and actual cash expended, 10 times 180,000 means 1,- 800,000 expended in an effort to destroy our game of various kinds. The appropriation made to the use of the Game Commission, to replenish and return game to our covers, was last year, 27,500, and I call attention to the fact that it is just as hard to-day "to make good brick without straw" as it was in the olden time. We who are trying to do the work, realize that without the help of the people, the utmost effort of the Game Commission, or of the Department of Forestry, or of the Department of Fisheries, must be futile. I call the attention of those who do not hunt to the fact, that under the law, they are joint owners in the wild game and birds of this Commonwealth, and beg of them to help conserve these things before it is too late, this for the game phase of this question. There is another side to the work of the Game Commission beside the creation of game, that it might be killed and one that means much more to the Nation, to the State and to You, and that is the work pertaining to the preservation of wild birds other than game birds, the value of vrhose life work, means far more than can possible come through the presence of any quan- tity of game. It is said we have about 600 colleges and universities in this Nation, the value of their buildings is estimated at $260,000,000, the value of their endowments, if fixed at about $217,000,000 mak- ing a total of $477,000,000 invested in these things. It is claimed we have about 20,000,000 school children in the United States, and no one will question the claim, that the cost of the education of these children, is among the heaviest burdens placed upon the reserve fund of our Nation. It is estimated that the excavations necessary to create the Panama Canal would establish a ditch 55 feet wide and 10 feet deep, extending from New York to San Francisco. 8 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. I have seen the statement that the dirt handled in this work would build a wall equal in height and width to the Chinese wall, 2,500 miles in length; the present Chinese wall, is reported to be, about 1,500 miles in extent. It is claimed that the dirt excavated in the making of this canal, would build more than 60 pyramids, equal to the pyramids of Egypt, that if placed side by side would extend more than nine miles . The cost of this wonderful feat of engineering is I believe in the neighborhood of $600,000,000. A battleship cost about $8,000,000, and days and weeks are spent at our National Capitol, in discussing whether or not, one or two ships shall be built. It is estimated by the Secretary of Agriculture at Washington that the loss to agriculture through the ravages of insects annu- ally reaches, if it does not exceed, ten per cent, of the entire return secured. Last year this loss was fixed at more than $800,- 000,000, enough, if saved, to replace every college and university building in the United States, were they from any cause de- stroyed, to re-endow each one, in like amount now possessed, and to have remaining, an amount exceeding §300,000,000, an amount that might well be applied to reducing the cost of edu- cating the more than 20,000,000 children of this Nation. The loss to Agriculture through the ravages of insects, in one year, if saved, would more than pay the entire cost of creating the very greatest of modern improvements, the Panama Canal. It would build a fleet of a hundred battleships each year. I have seen a calculation holding it possible for a single pair of San Jose Scale, there being no losses, to become the ancestors of fully ten sextillion of their own kind in one year, the calcula- tor claiming, that this meant at least 40,000 'of these insects, to every square foot of land above water in the world, and that if these insects were placed in single file, 10 to the inch, it would take light traveling at the rate of 180,000 miles per second, 2,500 years to reach the file leader. The question is asked why it is, if this be correct, that any vegetation at all is found upon the earth to-day, and the answer comes, that because of climatic conditions, diseases, stravation, insect enemies, poisons and birds, this vast army of destroying agents is decimated and held in check, and no one questions the claim that, the birds are a mighty factor in this direction. Zoologists tell us most young birds while in the nest are fed upon insect life, and that each one daily consumes an amount of animal food in the shape of insects equal to its own weight. Say there is but a single nest to the acre in this State, and that each nest contains four young birds weighing one ounce each, or four ounces to the nest, one pound to four acres, one ton GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 9 to eight thousand acres, we have in round numbers in Pennsyl- vania 28,800,000 acres, and it would therefore, at this rate, require 3,600 tons of insects to feed the birds of this State one single day. Surely the life work of birds means something to each one of us. Some one has defined ornithology to be the study of birds from the standpoint of dollars and cents, and it matters not whether the birds be classed as a game bird, a song bird or an insectivorous bird, its value living, far exceeds its value dead. Consider the worth of fish and fishing, the pleasure, experience, recreation, with consequent better health and improved ability to meet the demands made by the family or State and in addition the cash value of the many tons of fish taken. Under the Constitution of Pennsylvania, there can be no special or sectional legislation. Our laws must as nearly as possible be drawn to meet the necessities of the entire State and of every part thereof, and to this end the Legislature has directed its labors. This book contains a compilation of the laws of this Common- wealth upon the subjects of forestry, fish and game; and it is the most earnest desire of those entrusted with the care of these subjects that every resident of this Commonwealth awake now, to the realization of the fact that their individual help is needed to protect these interests. No one, it seems to us, has attained an elevation in this State that places him above having a personal interest in these matters and no one occupies a position so lowly, that his influence cannot be of value. Every community should have an organization for forestry, fish and game protection, and we hope the laws contained in this little book will be read and re- read, not by hunters and fishermen only, but by every individual in the State who has her interests truly at heart, who if they will but one moment think upon these subjects, cannot fail to recognize that every step taken for the protection of our forests, our fish and our game and our wild birds other than game birds, is a step in the right direction and one that cannot fail to be of benefit to the Commonwealth. It is impossible to secure laws that in all respects suit every- body. We believe the acts contained in this book are fair and reasonable and just in most respects, and are worthy of the highest regard and entitled to the full support of all law abiding citizens. They were passed for the purpose of benefiting all the people of this Commonwealth. Neither of the Departments en- trusted with the care of these subjects is powerful enough in itself to enforce the laws as they should be enforced. Neither of these Departments, without the help of the people, can secure results such as are desired. We need your individual support. We want that help. We feel that we are working for your bene- fit and are entitled to that support. We beg of you to help your- self and your community by aiding us in this work. 10 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Individual effort in behalf of these subjects is well enough and much good has already and will hereafter result from such efforts. Organization for the purpose of advancing these interests is still better, and in the hope of aiding you in such organization we publish on page of this book a short form of suggestions that may be of use. We would like to see an organization for one or all of these purposes combined in every community of this Com- monwealth Respectfully yours, JOSEPH KALBFUS, Secretary of the Game Commission. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS DIVISION 1 CONTAINING LAWS OR PARTS OF LAWS TREATING OF GAME, OF SONG, AND IN- SECTIVOROUS BIRDS. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of Game Commis- sioners for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, de- J""e 25, fining their duties and empowering them to appoint ^^3^' ^ • ^• game protectors. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Governor of the Commonwealth is hereby authorized and re- quired to appoint, subject to the approval of the Senate, six competent citizens of this State to be and act as a Board of Game Commissioners, no two of whom shall be from the same Senatorial district, and shall, upon said appointment, designate which two of said persons shall receive and hold office dur- ing the term of one year, which two of said persons shall receive and hold office during the term of two years, and which two of said persons shall receive nnd hold office for the term of three years. Upon the death, resi2,njttion or removal from office of any persons so appointed as aforesaid, the Gover- nor shall appoint a competent person to serve for the unexpired term of the person so dying, resign- ing or removed, subject to the approval of the Sen- ate at its next meeting, if such meeting shall be be- fore the expiration of the term of office of such ap- pointee. Upon the expiration of the term of the officers so appointed and designated under the provisions of this act, their successor shall be appointed in manner Aiipointment of Board of Game Com- missioners, authorized. Terms of first ap- pointees. Vacancy, Liow nlled. (11) 12 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Full term shall be three years. No compen- Bation for gervices. Office of teaid. Meetings. Duties of bMrd In protection of flame. In collertf'^a •f statistics. Keep re- ports, &c. Aannal re- port to GOT- •mer. Contents of roport. QOTemor ■hall present report to legislature. Board snail appoint 30 game pro- tectors. Chief pro- tector. aforesaid for the term of three years so that there shall not be more than two vacancies at any one time in such commission, and the term of two com- missioners shall expire thereafter each year. The commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services . Section 2. The Board of Game Commissioners shall have an office in the Capitol, at Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania, and shall hold meetings at such office on the first Thursday of January and July, and at such other times and places within the State as the com- missioners shall appoint for the transaction of busi- ness. It shall be the duty of said board to protect and preserve the game, song and insectivorous birds and mammals of the State, and to enforce, by proper actions and proceedings, the laws of this Common- wealth relating to the same. It shall be the duty of said board to collect, classify and preserve all such statistics, data and information as, in their judgment, will tend to promote the objects of this act, to take charge of and keep all reports, books, papers and documents which shall, in the discharge of their duties hereunder come into their possession or under their control. It shall be the duty of said board, on or before the first Monday in December of each year, to pre- pare and present to the Governor of this State an annual report, showing what has been done by them during the current year, the amount received by them, and from what sources, and the amount ex- pended by them, and for what purposes, with such recommendations for legislative action, if any, as the said board may deem wise for the better accom- plishment of this act. The Governor shall lay said reports before the legislatures convening next after their receipt. Section 3. As amended by act of June 15th, 1911, P. L. 960. Section 3. The Board of Game Commissioners shall have the power and authority to appoint thirty (30) competent men, whose powers and duties are here- inafter defined, and who shall be known as game protectors. The said board shall, from time to time, designate one of such protectors as chief protector, who shall remain such during the pleasure of the board, and wb • shall have the direction, supervision, and control of the other protectors. The chief game GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 13 protector shall be secretary to the Board of Game Commissioners, and shall occupy as his permanent headquarters the room assigned to the Game Com- missioners at the Capitol at Harrisburg. Said sec- retary shall have authority to have printed, at the expense of the State, the annual report of the Board of Game Commissioners to the Governor, and such bulletin as, in the opinion of said board, may be necessary to its work. Section 4. Game protectors so appointed shall hold oflBce during the pleasure of the Board of Game Com- missioners, which may summarily remove any of their number and appoint another in his place. The game protectors shall enforce all the game laws of the State and the provisions supplementary thereto, and shall have full power to execute all warrants and search warrants issued for the violation of the game law, and to serve subpoenas issued for the ex- amination, investigation or trial of all offenses against said laws ; each protector shall keep a record of his official acts, receipts and • expenditures and at the close of each month make summary of such record, with such statements in detail as shall be necessary for the information of his chief, and report the same to the chief protector under oath. The chief protector shall report to the Board of Com- missioners any negligence or dereliction of duty or incompetency on the part of any of the protectors, with the facts relating thereto, and he shall report monthly to said commissioners the operations of his department during the preceding month, and shall make such further reports as may b^ required by the Board of Commissioners: Provided, That no com- missioner, protector or other officer, authorized by this act shall claim or receive any compensation for his services or for expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties. Approved— The 25th day of June, A. D. 1895. DANIEL H. HASTINGS. Chief pro- tector shall be secretary of the board. Annual re- port and bulletins. Protectors shall hold ofRce at pleasure of board. Shall en- force game laws. Serve sub- poenas. Shall keep record of official acts, Ac, and re- port under oath. Chief protec- tor shall re- port negli- gence on part of pro- tectors. Shall make monthly re- port. No compen- sation to commission- er, protector or other officer. 14 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS March 22, 1899. P. L. 17. Constables to be es-ofi clo fire, game and fish war- dens. Duties of wardens. May arrest without warrant. Arrests may be made on Sunday. Power with- out warrant to search and exam- ine. To seize and take posses- sion of game niKl tish. AN ACT Making constables of townships and boroughs ex- officio fire, game and fish wardens, prescribing their powers and duties, fixing their fees as war- dens, and prescribing their punishment for failure to perform their duties. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act the constables of the various wards, boroughs and townships of the Com- monwealth shall be ex-ofiicio, fire, game and fish wardens. Section 2. It shall be the duty of said fire, game and fish wardens to enforce all statutes of this State now in force, or that hereafter be 'enacted, for the protection of forests and timber lands from fire, and for the protection and propagation of game, game birds, game mammals, song and insectivorous birds, and fish, and said constables or wardens shall have authority to arrest without warrant any person or persons caught by them in the act of violating any of the aforesaid laws for the protection of forests and timber lands, game, and food and game fish, and take such person or persons forthwith before a jus- tice of the peace or other magistrate having juris- diction, who shall proceed without delay to hear, try and determine the matter. Such arrests may be also made on Sunday, in which case the person or persons arrested shall be taken before the proper officer, and proceeded against as soon as may be on a week day following the arrest. Section 3. Said constables or wardens shall have power without warrant to search and examine any boat, conveyance, vehicle, fish box, fish basket, game bag or game coat, or other receptacle for game or fish, when they have good reason to believe that any of the laws for the protection of forests and timber lands, game and fish, have been violated; and the said constables shall at any time seize and take pos- session of any and all birds, animals or fish, which have been caught, taken or killed at any time, in a manner or for a purpose, or had in possession or under control, have been shipped or are about to be shipped, contrary to any of the laws of this State. Any court having jurisdiction of the offense, upon GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 15 receiving proof of probable cause for believing in the concealment of any bird, animal or fish, caught, taken, killed, had in possession, under control or shipped, or about to be shipped, contrary to law, shall issue a search vrarrant and cause a search to be made in any place, and to that end may, after de- mand and refusal, cause any building, enclosure or car to be entered, and any apartment, chest, box, locker, crate, basket or package, to be broken open and the contents thereof examined by said constable. All birds, animals or fish, or net, or fishing appli- ances, or apparatus, seized by any constable or war- den, shall be disposed of in such manner as may be directed by the court before whom the offense is tried, and such constable or warden shall not be liable for damages on account of any such search, exami- nation or seizure, or the destruction of any nets or fishing apparatus of any kind in accordance with the provisions of this act. Section 4. Any constable or warden, upon the ar- rest and prosecution of any offender to conviction under the provisions of this act, shall, in addition to the fees to which he may be entitled under exist- ing laws, be paid for his services the sum of ten dollars on a warrant drawn by the county commis- sioners on the county treasurer one-half of which shall be paid out of the treasury of the respective county, and the remaining half of said reward shall be paid by the State Treasurer into the treasury of said county, out of moneys not otherwise appro- priated, upon warrant from the Auditor General, but no such warrant shall be drawn until the respective county commissioners shall have first furnished, under oath, to the Auditor General, a written itemized statement of such expenses, and until the same is approved by the Auditor General : Provided, That no county shall be liable to pay for this purpose in any one year an amount exceeding five hundred dol- lars . Section 5. Each of said constables or wardens shall, for the purpose of this act, have concurrent jurisdiction throughout his own proper county ; and they shall in the first week in each term of the court of quarter sessions of their respective counties, make special returns to said court, under oath, of all vio- lations occurring in their respective townships, or which may come or be brought to their notice, of Courts may issue search warrants. Property seized to be disposed of as directed by the court. Constables not liable for damages. Constables or wardens to be paid. How paid. Constables or wardens to have concurrent jurisdiction. To make special re- turns to court. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. any of the provisions of any law now in force, or that may hereafter be enacted, for the protection of forests and timber lauds, game and fish; and it shall be the duty of the judge of said court to see that such returns are faithfully made, and any constable or warden wilfully neglecting or refusing to make such returns, or to prosecute any offense under said laws of which he shall have personal knowledge or which he shall have notice in writiing by any citizen, giving the name of the offender together with the names of the witnesses, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars, or to undergo an im- prisonment in the county jail for two months, both or either, at the discretion of the court. Section 6. All sections, provisions, acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act, or any section of it, are hereby repealed. Approved— The 22d day of March, A. D. 1899. WILLIAM A. STONE. A SUPPLEMENT To an act, entitled "An act to provide for the ap- pointment of game commissioners of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, defining their duties, and empowering them to appoint game protectors," ap- proved the twenty-fifth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five ; ex- tending the powers of said protectors, making dis- position of fines received by them, and regulating their pay. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act the game protectors appointed by virtue of the provisions of the act, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment of game commis- sioners for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, de- fining their duties, and empowering them to appoint game protectors," approved the twenty-fifth d.iy of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five shall have, in addition to the powers con- ferred upon them by said act, the authority to arrest without warrant any person or persons found by them in the act of violating any of the laws of this GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 17 Commonwealth now in force, or that may hereafter be enacted for the protection of game, of song and of insectivorous birds, and take such person or persons forthwith before a justice of the peace or other magis- trate having jurisdiction, who shall proceed without delay to hear, try and determine the matter; such arrest may also be made on Sunday, in which case the person or persons, so arrested, for safe keeping may be committed to the jail for that day, but shall be taken before the proper magistrate and proceeded against as soon as may be on a week day following the arrest. Section 2. Said game protectors shall have power, without warrant, to search and examine any boat, conveyance, vehicle, game-bag, game-coat, or other receptacle for game, when they have good cause to believe that any of the laws of this Commonwealth for the protection of game, of song or of insectivorous birds, have been violated; and the said game protec- tors shall, at any and all times, have the right to seize and take possession of any and all birds or ani- mals which have been caught, taken or killed, at any time, in a manner or for a purpose, or had in posses- sion or under control, have been shipped or about to be shipped, contrary to any of the laws of this Com- monwealth. Any court having jurisdiction of the offense, upon receiving proof of the probable cause for believing in the concealment of any bird or animal caught, taken, killed, had in possession, under con- trol, shipped or about to be shipped, contrary to any laws of this Commonwealth, shall issue a search war- rant, and cause a search to be made in any place ; and to that end may, after demand and refusal, cause any building, enclosure or car tc be entered, and any apartment, chest, locker, box, trunk, crate, basket, bag or package, to be broken open and the contents thereof to be examined by said protector. All birds or animals classed as game, found therein in violation of law, shall be seized by the protector making the search, who shall, as soon as may be thereafter, forward said game to the nearest hospital, for the use of the sick or injured therein ; the bodies or parts of bodies of all song or insectivorous birds, so taken, shall, unless needed for evidence, be de- stroyed ; all guns, gunning appliances, shooting ap- paratus, trap or gunning apparel, found in said re- ceptacle or receptacles, where the search warrant is In case of arrest on Sunday. Search and examination without warrant. Seizure of game. Searcti war- rant. Game seized to be for- warded to the nearest liospital. Guns and appliances. 18 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Public auction. Securing of evidence. Game to be forwarded to hospital. Interference with game protectors. Aid in making arrests. Compensa- tion of game protectors. Expenses. All fines and penalties to be turned over to Game Com- mission. Proviso. Repeal. issued against a non-resident, shall be seized by said protector, and held, subject to the payment of the maximum penalty attached by law to the offense charged, and the costs of prosecution; said goods to be sold at public auction, after the lapse of twenty days from the date of seizure, and failure of the reputed owner to appear and defend himself against the charges preferred ; and such game protector or protectors shall not be liable for damages on account of any arrest, search, examination, seizure or sale, made in accordance with the provisions of this act. Section 3. Any of the game protectors of this State shall have the right, for the purpose of securing evi- dence wherewith to convict of violations of the game law, to purchase or sell game, the purchase or sale of which is otherwise forbidden, and shall not be liable to any of the fines or penalties imposed by law for the purchase or sale of game. All game re- maining in the hands of a protector, after the pur- pose for which it was procured shall have been ac- complished, shall be forwarded to the nearest hos- pital for the use of the sick or injured therein. Section 4. Any person or persons interfering with any of the game protectors of this Commonwealth in the discharge of their duties, or resisting arrest, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Any game protector is hereby authorized to call to his aid any citizen or citizens of this Commonwealth, for assist- ance as needed in making an arrest. Section 5. That the game protectors, so appointed, shall receive salary or pay per day, as may be agreed upon by the Game Commission, with ex- penses not to exceed two dollars per day outside of traveling expenses ; said expense account to be itemized and presented under oath. All moneys com- ing to any game protector as his part of any fine or penalty, under existing law, wherein he is the prose- cutor, shall belong to the Game Commission, and shall be surrendered by said protector to the secretary of the said commission for its use: Provided, That the combined expense account of the Game Com- mission shall not exceed the amount set apart by law to their use. Section 6. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 21st day of Mav, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A. STONE. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. AN ACT To prohibit the capture or killing of beaver within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, «&c.. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful to kill or capture, or to attempt to kill or capture, any beaver within this Commonwealth. Section 2. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense ; or, in default of the payment thereof, with the costs of prosecution, to undergo an imprisonment, in the jail of the county where the offense is committed, of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed ; and the possession of any beaver, or of the fresh skin or any portion of the fresh skin or carcass of such animal, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this act by the person or persons in whose possession the same shall have been found. Section 3. For the purposes of this act, the beaver shall be classed as game in this Commonwenlth ; and it is hereby made the duty of all officers of the State, entrusted with the protection of game, to see that the provisions of this act are enforced. All prosecutions for violation of the provisions of this act shall be brought, and the course of proceeding followed, as prescribed by section twelve of an act, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game quadrupeds, game birds, et cetera," approved the fourth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-seven . Approved— The 17th day of March, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. March 17, 1903, P. L. Fine. Impris- onment. Beaver classed as "game." Duty of game war- dens, etc. Prosecu- tions. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of deputy game pro- tectors, for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and defining their duties. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Board of Game Commissioners shall have the power and au- thority to appoint one competent man in each and April 11, 190, P. L. 163. Deputy game pro tectors. 20 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. (Compensa- tion. BoDd. every county of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to be called and designated as a deputy game pro- tector, who shall have the same power and perform the same duties as the present game protectors, au- thorized by law, now have and perform, and re- ceive the same compensation that constables now re- ceive for similar services; and shall, when appointed, give to the Board of Game Commissioners a bond in the sum of three hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties ; such bond to be approved by the said Commissioners. Approved— The 11th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. April 14, 1903, P. L. 178. Non-resident tiunters re- quired to take out license. Fee. Certificate. Not trans- ferable. Disposition of fee. AN ACT Requiring non-resident hunters to procure a license before hunting iu^ this Commonwealth, and pro- viding penalties for violation of its provisions, and repealing an act approved the twenty-fourth day of Api'il, one thousand nine hundred and one. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, every non-resident of this Commonwealth shall be required to take out a license from the treasurer of the county in which he proposes to hunt, before beginning to hunt in any part of this Commonwealth. Each and every person not a resident of this Commonwealth shall pay a li- cense fee of ten dollars to the treasurer of the county in which he proposes to hunt, and the said treasurer shall thereupon issue to him a certificate, on forms supplied by the Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth, bearing the name and place of resi- dence of the applicant, with his description as near as may be, which said certificate shall authorize the owner thereof to hunt and kill game in any part of this Commonwealth, during the period of that year when game may be legally killed, under the restric- tions and for the purposes allowed by law ; said cer- tificate shall not be transferable, and shall be ex- posed for examination, upon demand made by any game protector, constable, or game warden of the State. One-half of the license fee so received by any county treasurer shall be retained by him, for the use of the county wherein the same is paid, and the GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. remaining one-half of said fee shall be forwarded by him to the State Treasurer, in the same manner and for the same purpose as is now provided hf law in the case of fines or penalties recovered for violation of the provisions of any of the sections of an act, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game quadrupeds and game birds, and song and insectivorous birds," approved the fourth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. All fines and penal- ties recovered for violation of the provisions of this act shall be distributed as are fines iiud penalties col- lected for violation of the said act of June fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. Section 2. Possession of a gun, in the fields or in the forests or on the waters of this Commonwealth, by non-residents of this Commonwealth, without hav- ing first secured the license required by this act, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of its pro- visions ; and any person so offending shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense, or in default of the payment thereof, with the cost of prosecution, to sufier an imprisonment in the county jail for a period af one day for each dollar of penalty imposed, unless he or they enter into good and sufficient recognizance to pay said penalty and costs within a period of ten days from the date of conviction, or enter into recognizance to answer said complaint, on a charge of misdemeanor, before the court of quarter sessions of the peace of the county where said offense is charged to have been committed ; which court, on the conviction of the defendant or defendants, and failure to pay the penalty or penal- ties imposed, with the cost of prosecution, shall com- mit the said defendant or defendants to the jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Section 3. All officers of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the game of the Commonwealth, shall have power to seize all guns and shooting para- phernalia, and game in possession or belonging to the suspected parties, within the Commonwealth. The game, upon the conviction of the parties so arrested, shall ^ be forfeited to the State, and forwarded by said officer to the most convenient public hospital, for the use of the sick or injured therein ; and the guns and shooting paraphernalia held, subject to the Fine and penalty. Bail. Commit- ment. Power of officers. Disposition of game seized. Guns, etc. 22 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Advertise- ment. Sale. Disposition of funds. Repeal. payment of the penalty or penalties imposed, with the costs of prosecution ; and in the case of default of the payment thereof for a period of five days from the date of conviction, unless appeal be taken, to ad- vertise the same by public handbill, not less than five in number, conspicuously displayed in the borough or township where the conviction was secured, and after the lapse of ten days from the date of advertisement, to sell said guns and paraphernalia at public auc- tion. The fund thus realized shall be applied first, to the payment of the costs incurred, then to the, payment of the penalty imposed, and the remainder, if any, shall be returned to the owner or owners of the property so seized and sold: Provided, That the fact that imprisonment is suffered by any person con- victed of violating the provisions of this act, shall not prevent the sale of all guns and hunting paraphernalia so seized, and the application of the fund thus real- ized to the purposes before mentioned. Section 4. "An act requiring non-resident gunners to secure a license before hunting in the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, and providing penalties for violations of its provisions," approved the twenty- fourth day of April, Anno Domini nineteen hundred and one, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved— The 14th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. AN ACT April 15, 1903, P. L. 19S. To prohibit the discharge of flobert rifles, air guns, spring guns, in cities and boroughs of this Com- monwealth. Flobert rifles, air guns and spring guns, Unlawful to discharge in streets or alleys. Fine. Section 1. Be it enacted, &.c. , That six months after the passage of this act it shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, on the streets or alleys of any city or borough in this Commonwealth, a flobert rifle, air gun, spring gun, or any implement which impels with force a metal pellet of any kind. Section 2. Any person violating this act shall be arrested, and fined in the sum of five dollars before any committing magistrate ; and for the second offense, shall be fined in the sum of fifteen dollars and may undergo an imprisonment in the county GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 23 jail for a period not less than ten days and not ex- ceeding thirty days, the person so offending to pay all costs of prosecution. Approved— The 15th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. AN ACT Fixing- the liability for record costs, in cases where April 16, officers, whose duty it is to enforce the game laws 1903, P. L. of this Commonwealth, fail, for any legal cause, ^is. to receive the same from the defendant. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, whenever any officer of this Commonwealth, whose duty it is by the laws of this State to protect our game, our song or our insec- tivorous birds, shall in good faith, bring suit for vio- lation of any of the laws relative to these subjects, and for any legal cause shall fail to recover the costs of record, the same shall be a charge upon the proper county, and shall be audited and paid as are costs of like character in said county. Approved— The 16th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. Officers whose duty it is to en- force game laws. Record costs. The county's liability therefor. AN ACT Making it wilful trespass to hunt, trap and take game birds or game animals upon cultivated lands, and providing for the punishment of such tres- pass. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That on and after the passage of this act, any person or persons tres- passing on any cultivated lands in this Common- wealth, for the purpose of hunting and trapping and taking therefrom any game birds or game animals, after public notice by the owner, lessee or occupant thereof, such notice to be posted on, and adjacent to such cultivated lands, shall be guilty of wilful trespass, and in addition to the damages recoverable by law shall be liable to the owner, lessee, or occu- July 9, 1901, P. L. 612. Hunting and trapping of game birds and animals on inclosed or cultivated lands. Trespass. Fine. 24 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Warrant. Hearing. Fine. PMialty. Appeal. Trial. pant in a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each and every such offense. Section 2. Any justice of the peace or alderman, upon information or complaint made before him, by affidavit, of the violation of the provisions of this act by any person or persons, is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable or warden of the county, to cause such person or persons to be ar- rested and brought before said justice or alderman, who shall hear and determine the guilt or innocence of the person or persons so charged ; and if con- victed of such wilful trespass, shall be sentenced, by such justice or alderman to pay a penalty, not exceeding five dollars, together with costs , one-half of such penalty shall be paid to the owner, lessee or occupant of said land and the remaining half to the school district of the city, borough or township wherein such offense was committed ; and if the per- son or persons, so convicted and sentenced, shall neglect or refuse to pay such penalty and costs, or secure the payment thereof within ten days, he or they shall be committed to the common jail of the proper county for a period not exceeding three months . Section 3. If any person or persons, convicted and sentenced under the provisions of this act, shall feel aggrieved thereby, he or they may appeal to the court of quarter sessions of the peace for the county in which the offense was committed, by entering into recognizance, with sureties to be approved by the justice or alderman, to appear before said court; which court shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the person or persons so charged, and on conviction of the defendant or de- fendants charged and a failure to pay such penalty and costs imposed by the act, shall commit said de- fendant or defendants to the common jail of the county, for a period not exceeding three months. Approved— The 9th day of July, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A .STONE. •This is not a game law and is published in this pamphlet only as a matter of information to sportsmen. See trespass Act on page 25. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. AN ACT Making it unlawful to trespass upon land posted as private property, and providing the penalty thereof. * Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to enter upon any land, within the limits of this Commonwealth, where the owner or owners of said land has caused to be promi- nenty posted upon said land printed notices that the said land is private property, and warning all per- sons from trespassing thereon, under the penalty pro- vided in this act. Section 2. Every person violating the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of not exceeding ten dollars, together with the costs of prosecution, to be recovered before any magistrate or justice of the peace as fines and penalties are by law recoverable ; and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, the party convicted shall be committed to the county jail of the proper county^, for one day for each dol- lar of fine imposed. Section 3. All penalties recovered under this act shall be paid to the school fund of the district in which the trespass was committed. Approved— The 14th day of April, A. D. 1905. SAML. AV. PENNYPACKER. April 14, 1905, P. L. Trespass. Pine and penalty. ♦This is not a game or fish law and is printed in this pamphlet only. as a matter of information to sportsmen. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of special deputy APJ^* J^' game protectors, for the Commonwealth of Penn- 201 ' ^^ sylvania, and defining their duties and powers. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after special the passage of this act, the Board of Game Com- deputy game missioners of this Commonwealth shall be empowered protectors, to appoint, at their discretion, competent men throughout the Commonwealth, to be known as special deputy game protectors, who in all ways 26 GAME, FISH AND B^ORESTRY LAWS. Rights and powers. shall possess the rights and powers now given by law to game protectors, and be subject to all re- quirements and regulations, either of the law or of rules of the Board of Game Commissioners, con- trolling the action of such game protectors in this Commonwealth: Provided, Such special deputy game protectors shall in no way be entitled to recompense from either the county or Commonwealth for ser- vices rendered or expenses incurred in the perform- ance of their duties. Approved -The 18th day of April, A. D. 1905. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. Mav 11, IPOi. P. L. 451. Game pre- serves on forest reser- vations. AN ACT Authorizing the Board of Game Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to establish and maintain, within the Forestry Reservations of this Commonwealth, preserves for the protection and propagation of deer, wild-turkey, partridge, quail, woodcock, and wild-pigeons, and making an ap- propriation for the purpose of stocking and propa- gating the same. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be lawful for the Board of Game Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by and with the consent of the Commissioners of Forestry, to establish within the State Reservations public game-preserves, for the protection and propagation of deer, wild- turkey, partridge, quail, woodcock and wild-pigeons, subject to such regulations as may be established by the Board of Game Commissioners. Approved— The 11th day of May, A. D. 1905. SAME. W. PENNYPACKER. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. AN ACT Giving additional protection to the game of the State and wild birds, within the limits of "preserves" created under the provisions of the act of May- eleventh, one thousand nine hundred and five, and under the control of the Board of Game Commis- sioners ; and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions. Section 1. As amended by the act of June 15, 1911, P. L. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, there shall be a per- petual close season for game of all kinds and wild birds found upon such tracts of land, within the Forestry reservations of the Commonwealth as may be set apart by the Board of Game Commis- sioners, with the consent of the Commissioner of Forestry, as preserves or refuges for game and wild birds, according to law; Provided, Said tracts of land shall be surrounded by a well defined fire line, or cleared strip of land, and by at least one wire at the boundary thereof, and with notices reading, "State Game Refuge: Hunting is Unlawful," posted on said boundary at conspicuous places ; And pro- vided further, That the greatest transverse dimen- sion of any of said tracts shall not exceed ten miles: And provided further. That no such tract set aside as a preserve or refuge, shall exceed in area one-half of the total area of the tract of land of the Forestry Reservation upon which it may be located. Section 2. That it shall be unlawful to hunt for or catch or kill or wound or drive, or attempt to catch or kill or wound or drive, any animal or any wild bird within the limits of such preserve, estab- lished in the Commonwealth, or for any person to carry firearms within the limits of such preserve, or to take a dog of any kind upon such preserve, or to go either with or without firearms upon such pre- serve, during what is known as the open season for game in this Commonwealth. Section 3. Each and every person violating any provision of this act shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for going upon said land at a time, for a purpose, or in a manner prohibited by this Anril 15, 1907, P. L. 73. Proviso. Proviso. Hunting, etc., for- bidden. Carry of fire-arms, etc. Violations. Pine and penalty. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS; act, or suffer an imprisonment in the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Each and every person violating any of the pro- visions of this act, by the killing or wounding of game within the limits of such preserve, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each deer killed or wounded, fifty dollars for each bear killed or wounded, and twenty-five dollars for each ruffed-grouse, wild-turkey or quail killed or wounded; or suffer imprisonment in the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollars of pen- alty imposed; Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any citizen of this Common- wealth from going upon said lands, without firearms, at any time during what is known as the close season for game in this Commonwealth ; or to prevent any member of the Department of Forestry, or to prevent any member of the Board of Game Commissioners, or any employe of either of these before-named bodies, from going upon said lands in any manner, at any time, with firearms or otherwise, for the purpose of fighting fire, or for any purpose in compliance with the requirements of their official duty. Section 4. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace of this Commonwealth shall have the power of summary conviction in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of any of the pro- visions of this act ; and all actions for violation of any of said provisions, excepting where the defendent is taken in the act or in a pursuit immediately fol- lowing said act, shall be commenced by affidavit made within one year of the time of the commission of such offense. Each and every magistrate, alder- man, or justice of the peace, on complaint made be- fore him, by the affidavit of any person, of a viola- tion of any of the provisions of this act by any per- son, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game protector, deputy game protector, or any other peace officer of the State whose duty it is to protect the game or wild birds of the State, and to cause such person to be brought before him, the said magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace, who shall hear the evidence and deter- mine the guilt or innocense of the person charged. If GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 29 the accused be convicted of such offense, he shall be sentenced to pay the penalty prescribed by the section violated, together with the costs of suit. All penalties collected in cases where the prosecutor is a game pro- tector shall be immediately surrended by the court re- ceiving the same to such prosecutor, who in turn shall, as sson as may be, either deliver or forward such amount to the secretary of the Game Com- mission, who shall deposit the same in the State Treasury, for the use of the Common- wealth. Whore any other than a game pro- tector is the prosecutor, one-half of any penalty thus collected shall belong to such prosecutor, and shall be paid to him by the court receiving same, and the remaining one-half of such penalty shall be forwarded by such court to the county treasurer of the county in which the offense was committed, together with a statement of the cause for which said money was collected. It shall be the duty of each county treas- urer to keep a record of the cause for which said money was collected, and to forward the same, at least once a month, to the State Treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth. Any defendant refusing to pay the penalty imposed, together with the costs of prosecution, shall be committed to the common jail of the county, for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed, unless he shall enter into good and sufficient recognizance, with one or more sureties, to answer such complaint, on a charge of misdemeanor, before the court of quarter sessions of the peace in and for the county in which the of- fense was committed; which said court, on the con- viction of the defendant of such ofiense, and upon his failure to pay the penalty imposed, together with the costs of prosecution, shall commit such defendant to the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That any person charged with a violation of any provision of this act may, at his discretion, sign an acknowl- edgment of the offense committed, and pay to the duly authorized and sworn game protector, or deputy game protector the penalty in full, as fixed by the section violated, with costs to that date; and the printed receipt which he shall receive there- for, and which in all instances shall bear the im- print of the seal of the Board of Game Commis- Convictions. Disposition of tiues. Duty or county treasurers. Eefusal to pay. Penalty. Commit- ment. Receipt. 30 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS sioners and the signature of its secretary, shall be evidence of a full satisfaction of the offense com- mitted . Hftpeai. Section 5. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. May 31, 1907, P. L. 329. Automatic guns. Killing of game. Violations. Penalty. Summary conviction. AN ACT Prohibiting the use of automatic guns, for the kill- ing of game or wild birds within this Common- wealth, and prescribing a penalty for violation of its provisions. ^ Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after, the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person to use what is commonly known as an automatic gun for the killing of game in this Com- monwealth. Each and every person violating any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense, or shall suffer an imprisonment in the .common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty im- posed . Section 2. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace, within this Commonwealth, shall have the right of summary conviction in all matters pertaining to violation of the provisions of this act ,and all prosecutions for violation of any of its provisions shall be conducted, and the penalties disposed of, in manner and form as is pow pre- scribed by law for violation of the game laws of this Commonwealth. Approved— The 31th day of May, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. This act is constitutional and is the law. See opinion Superior Court case of Commonwealth vs. Thos. W. McComb, No. 148 October term 1908. Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Appealed from Delaware county. 39, Pa. Superior Court 411; 227 Pa. Supreme Court 377; citation pages of this pamphlet. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 31 AN ACT To provide for the protection and preservation of game, game-quadrupeds and game-birds, and song and insectivorous and other wild birds, and prescrib- ing penalties for violation of its several provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That there shall be no hunting or shooting on the first day of the week, called Sunday, and any person offending against the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense . Section 2. That the time during which game of this Commonwealth may be legally taken, killed, caught, or trapped shall be known as the open season, and the time during which game may not be legally taken, killed, caught, or trapped shall be known as the close season, for game in this Commonwealth; and in the designation of seasons and other periods under this act, and under all other laws of this State for the protection of game, such open season or period shall include the first day of date mentioned in the designation, but shall not include the last date men- tioned . Section 3. Whenever in this act the word per- son is used, such word shall be taken to include every person, firm, partnership, institution, asso- ciation, or corporation, or the agent or agents thereof. All words or terms in this act which refer to persons or individuals, and which are in the singular number, shall be taken to include the plural number, and the words of the plural number shall include the singular number. All words of a masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine gender. Section 4. Whenever, because of a violation of any provisions of this act, a person shall be con- victed for a first offense and a penalty be imposed and the defendant shall neglect or refuse to im- mediately pay said amount together with the costs of prosecution, in lawful money of the United States, he shall be at once committed to the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed, unless he shall enter into good and sufficient recognizance to pay said penalty and costs within a period of ten days after the date of his said conviction, or shall certiorari the proceedings. Hunting or shooting on Sunday pro- liibited. Open season. Close sea- sou. "Person" defined. Singular and plural. Gender. First offense and refusal to pay. Penalty. Bail. 32 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Appeal. Subsequent oflfense. Where pro- Tisions of act shall not apply. or shall carry the case to a higher court on appeal, as provided for in this act. For the second or any other offense, the defendant shall, in addition to the penalty prescribed for the first offense, suffer an im- prisonment of one day in jail for each dollar of penalty imposed; Provided, That in every case of a con- viction for violation of any provision of this act, wherein a defendant suffers imprisonment in lieu of a cash payment of the penalty imposed, all traps, guns, shooting paraphernallia, boats, decoys, and other appliances used in violation of the law^, and found or proven to have been either in possession or under control of the defenadnt at the time of such violation, shall be, and they are hereby, declared forfeited to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and shall be sold under the direction of the Board of Game Commissioners ; and the money thus secured be applied by them, first, to the payment of the costs incurred, and the balance be deposited with the State Treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth. The defendant being entitled to a credit of one day off his imprisonment for each dollar so deposited for the first oft'ense only. Section 5. The following shall be considered game- birds in this Commonwealth: The Anatidae, com- monly known as swan, geese, brant, and river and sea-ducks, and the Pygopodes, known as loons and grebes, — the members of these two orders being com- monly known as wild water fowl, — the Rallidae, com- monly known as rails, coots, mud-hens and gallinules ; the Limicolae, commonly known as shore-birds, plovers, surf -birds, snipe, woodcocks, sand-pipers, tattlers, and curlews; the Gallinae commonly known as wild-turkeys, grouse, pheasants, partridges and quail ; and the birds known as reed birds . Section 6. The game laws of this Commonwealth shall not be construed to apply to any public zoo- logical garden of the State, or to any public insti- tution of the State, wherein animals or birds may be maintained alive for educational purposes, or for the purpose of scientific study or experiment; or to the Board of Game Commissioners of this State, or to its duly authorized agent or agents, acting for the State ; and no laws of this State shall be held to prevent the Board of Game Commissioners, through its duly authorized agent, from destroying birds or animals destructive of game, in such manner as GAME. FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 33 they may direct. Nor shall the penalties as at- tached to any game law of this Commonwealth be construed to apply to the agent of any public school or museum, legally acting under the provisions of a certificate issued by the Board of Game Commis- sioners, authorizing the holder thereof to take birds, their nests and eggs, for strictly scientific study, as provided for in this act, in which case the holders of such certificates shall be limited to the rights and privileges therein named. The said Board of Game Commissioners shall be empowered to grant certificates, at their discretion, to the agent of any public museum in this Commonwealth, or to a teacher of ornithology in any school within this Com- monwealth, authorizing the holder thereof to take birds, their nests and eggs, for strictly scientific study or for mounting, or to any other person, or for propagation purposes, within the State, in accord- ance with the following provisions: A certificate to be known as an ordinary certificate, may be granted by the Board of Game Commissioners to any properly ac- credited person and legally authorized to act as the agent of any public museum, or to the teacher of ornithology in any school, within the Common- wealth, residing in this Commonwealth, permitting the holder thereof to collect wild birds other than game birds, their nests and eggs, within this Com- monwealth, for strictly scientific study and mounting, but not for sale or exchange, or shipment from or removal out of this Commonwealth, without the written consent of the president of the Board of Game Commissioners. The number of birds that may be taken under a certificate of this character shall be limited to eight of each species, with nests to the number of two, and the eggs found therein. In order to secure this certificate, the party desiring the same shall file with the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg, a petition asking that such privileges be granted him. Each and every person desiring to practice taxidermy for profit, within this Commonwealth, shall, before beginning such practice, secure from the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners of this State a certificate au- thorizing him to act thus ; and the possession of such certificate shall authorize such person to receive from persons who have legally taken the same, within the When pen- alties shall not attach. Granting of certificates. Ordinary certificates. Limitations. Taildermy for profit. Certificates. 34 CiAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Report. Fee. Special cer- tificate. Condition of issue. Commouwealth, the skin, or any part thereof, of any birds or animal found within the Commonwealth, and to tan or cure or mount the same, either himself or through any legitimate employe ; and to tan or cure or mount the skin, or any part thereof, of any game-bird or game-animal, legally killed by himself or given to him by anyone who has legally killed the same; and to sell such mounted specimen, only after written permission to so do has been procured from the presi- dent of the Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth: ' Provided, The holder of a certi- ficate authorizing the practice of taxidermy shall be required, before a second or any other certificate shall be issued to him, to file with the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg, an itemized statement in wa'iting, under oath, of all skins or parts thereof, either of game-birds or game- animals, killed by himself or presented to him, and sold by him under the provisions of his certi- ficate, with the name and place of residence of the person from whom the same were received ; and shall also answer truthfully and without evasion any question relative to violations of the game-laws of the State, by any person other than himself, that may be asked him by an officer of the said Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth. A failure to so report or to answer the questoins asked under the provisions of this section, shall be con- sidered a just cause for refusal, upon the part of the Board of Game Commissioners, to renew the certificate of any taxidermist in this Commonwealth. The before-mentioned petition shall be accompanied by the written statement of at least two well known citizens of the community in which said applicant may reside, certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with said authority. Said applicant shall pay to the secre- tary of said board the sum of one dollar for such certificate. A certificate, to be known as a special certificate, to take birds for strictly scientific study, may be issued by the Board of Game Commissioners, and shall be controlled by the same conditions and re- quirements as the ordinary certificate, excepting that such certificate may be issued only to a per- son of known scientific attainment in ornithology ; in which case the holder thereof shall be authorized GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 3o to take the wild birds and animals of this State, without limitation, for strictly scientific study or experiment, but not for sale or exchange, or ship- ment from or removal out of the State, without the written permission of the president of the Board of Game Commissioners. Persons having a certi- ficate, and taking a greater number of birds, nests or eggs than is permitted by this act, or the shipping of the same out of the State, or the sale of skins or parts thereof, either mounted or otherwise, excepting as herein provided, or in any mnunf'i' violating any provision of this act, shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by existing law, in the same manner and to the same extent as though no certificate had been issued. Upon the conviction of the principal, therein named, of having violated any of the provisions of this section relative to either of these certificates, the certificate becomes void. Such certificate shall be in force for a period of one year from the date thereof, and shall not be transferable. Section 7. A certificate, to be known as a prop- agating certificate, may be issued by the Board of Game Commissioners to any accredited person of this Commonwealth, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, permitting the holder thereof and his as- sistants to breed or raise game-quadrupeds or game- birds of any kind in this Commonwealth, both or either, and to sell the same alive for propagating pur- poses, or to sell the dead bodies of game-quadrupeds for profit, under the following restrictions and regu- lations: Any person or corporation or association desiring to operate a propagating plant for game, in this Commonwealth, shall file with the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg, a peition asking for this privilege. In all cases where the premises intended to be used for this purpose are under the control of a company or association, the petition shall bear the name of the president of such body, and the certificate shall be issued in his name. This petition shall be accompanied by a written de- scription of the premises to be used for such pur- pose, with its location. Which said premises, for the purpose of this act, in the matter of the raising of small game, may be in such form as to the operator thereof seems best suited to his purposes. But in the matter of the raising of deer or other large game, the preserve shall in all cases be sur violations. Penalty. Forfeit. Term of certificate. Propagating certificate. Petition. 36 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Term of certificate. Fee. Bond. Record shall be kept. Annual statPMfnt. rounded by a wire fence, of approved pattern for game preserves, with a height of not less than eight feet, so constructed and maintained as to absolutely prevent wild deer from jumping into said preserre or in any manner passing into said preserve from the outside. It being also distinctly understood, that before the fence surrounding any preserve of this character shall be completed or closed, all wild deer that may be found upon said territory be, as far as possible, driven therefrom by the owner of such lands, under the direction and supervision of an officer of the Game Commission. The certificate herein provided for shall be .i;ood for one year from the date thereof, and shall be transferable only at the discretion niul under con- ditions that may be prescribed by the Board of Game Commissioners. The bond hereinafter pro- vided for shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth, and the certificate to become void, upon the con- viction of the principal, therein named, of having violated any of the provisions of this section, or having knowingly or negligently permitted any one to violate any of the game laws of this Common- wealth, on said premises. Upon notification of the favorable consideration of this petition, by the Board of Game Commis- sioners, the applicant shall pay to said secretary, for the use of the Commonwealth, the sum of one dollar, and file a duly executed bond, properly se- cured, in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful keeping, upon the part of the principal therein named and his employes upon said premises, of all of the provisions of this section and all other game-laws of this Stote. He shall keep, as nearly as possible, a just arid true account, in a book to be kept for that purpr»se only, of all game raised on said premises ; a just and true account of all game brought to said premises from outside of the pre- serve, the number of birds or animals with the time they were received, the place from whence they were shipped, and the name of the shipper. He shall keep a strict sccount of all game sold, its character, the number of birds or quadrupeds, the time and manner of sliipmont, with the name and address of the purchaser ; and shall file with the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harris- burg, an itemized statement from the before-named GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 37 book account, at the close of every twelve month, be- ginning with the date of the certificate. Data thus collected by the Board of Game Commissioners shall be held strictly confidential, and shall be used by said board only for the purpose of satisfying them- selves that the law relative to this subject is being obeyed within said preserve, or as evidence in cases where they are satisfied the law is not being obeyed. This book, together with the premises described and all game thereon, shall be open to inspection upon demand of any member of the Board of Game Com- missioners of this State, or of its secretary, or to any game protector, upon the presentation by such game protector of written instructions from the sec- retary of the Board of Game Commissioners, direct- ing him to thus inspect such plant ; and the re- fusal of any person holding a propagating certificate to permit such inspection by any of the officers above named, or the neglect or refusal upon the part of said holder of such certificate to comply with the rea- sonable request of the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, in any matter pertaining to said plant in which the said board has a legal right to be heard, shall be sufficient cause for refusal upon the part of said board to renew any propagation certificate in this Commonwaelth. All boxes or crates, or packages of any description, in which small game may be shipped or removed from said premises, shall, before removal therefrom, have attached thereto a card, to be supplied by the Board of Game Com- missioners, upon which shall be plainly written, in the blank spaces left for that purpose, the name and address of the purchaser, with the contents of the box, crate or package: Provided, That where deer, or any animal classed as large game in this Commonwealth, shall be raised in a preserve, under the provisions of this section, they may be sold or given away, and shipped alive from said enclosure for propagating purposes, at any time of the year, of either sev, and in any number, when properly marked ; and may be killed within said enclosure, for sale or gift without regard to sex or numbers, only during the open season for wild deer within the Com- monwealth, and for thirty days thereaftei ; and may be shipped from said preserve, and sold anywhere within the Commonwealth during the open season for deer within the Commonwealth, and for thirty Boxes, crates, etc. shall be tagged. Deer and large game. Killing and shipment. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Restrictions. Tag or marker. Attachment of tag. Forwarding of duplicate. Forwarding of tag. Failure to comply. Penalty. Unlawful removal or mutilation of tag. days thereafter, under the following restrictions: Be- fore any deer, or large animal classed as large game in this Commonwealth, shall be removed or shipped from any propagating plant within this Common- wealth, there shall first be attached to either the crate or box in which the animal is shipped or to the animal itself, a tag or marker, in such form as may be decided upon by the Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth, which said tag or marker shall be supplied by said Board at cost, upon demand made by -my person legally operating a propagating plant w'fhin this Commonwealth. These tags or markers shall be issued in duplicate, and it shall be the duty of any person raising and selling, or ship- ping, such deer or large game animal, to attach to either the crate or box in which a live animal is shipped, or to the body of a dead animal raised in such preserve, one of these tags or markers, and to forward the duplicate thereof at once to the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg. The tag or marker so attached to either crate or box or animal, shall remain thus attached until the living animal is released from the crate or box, or the dead body of the animal is cut up for retail purposes or final consumption ; after which the tag or marker shall be removed from the crate or box, or remainder of the carcass, by the person finally disposing of the animal, and shall be at once forwarded to the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg. Each and every person failing to comply with the requirements of this section, in the matter of attaching tags or markers before shipment of animals, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense. And each and every person failing to comply with the requirements of this section, in the matter of returning to the Board of Game Comissioners the tags so affixed, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person within this Commonwealth to wilfully or wantonly remove or mutilate or destroy any tags or marker so affixed to any crate or box or animal in com- pliance with the requirements of this act, at any time or at any place, within the Commonwealth, except as designated by this act, or by authority of the consignor or consignee of such game, or of GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. some ^officer of somo court of this Commonwealth, or of * some game protector of the Commonwealth. Each and every person violating any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be sen- tenced to pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each tag or marker wantonly removed, mutilated or destroyed. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person within this Commonwealth to wilfully use any such tag or marker, prescribed by this act, from the pur- pose of protecting or carrying game of any kind killed outside of licensed preserves within this Com- monwealth, or for the purpose of protecting, or carry- ing a second shipment of game from any such licensed preserves within this Commonwealth. Each and every person convicted of such offense shall be sentenced to pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for each tag used in violation of the provisions of this section. Section 10. As amended by the act of April 22nd, 1913, P. L. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any person within this Commonwealth, except as provided for in this act, to at any time shoot at, or wound, or take, or kill any wild bird other than a game-bird, or to have such bird or part thereof in possession, ot- to have any part of the plumage or skin thereof in possession or under control, for purposes of sale, or to offer or expose the same for sale, within this Commonwealth ; or to transport or ship or remove, or attempt to transport or ship or remove, from this Commonwealth, for any purpose, such bird or any part of the plumage or shin thereof; or to have such bird in possession or under control, for sale; or to sell or to offer to sell, within this Commonwealth, either living or dead, any wild bird other than a game bird, or any part of the plumage or skin thereof , of a kind found either in a wild state in this Com-^ monwealth or that may have been brought into this Commonwealth from another State or country, and which belong to the same family as those found in a wild state in this Commonwealth. Whoever shall violate any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each tvild tird shot at, wounded, or killed, or taken, or had in possession, transported, shipped or removed, or attempted to be transported, shipped or removed, out of this Comonwealth, or for any part thereof, in any manner taken or held, for a purpose contrary to Penalty. Unlawful use of tag. Wild birds other than same-birds. Plumage or skins. Wounding, killing, sliipment, sale, etc. 40 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Sale or bar- ter. Possession for sale. Shipment for sale. Penalty. Unprotected birds. Proviso. Imported game. Pheasant and Belgian hare. Legal pos- session. any of the provisions of this act, such Mrd })eing of a kind found in a icild state in this Commonwealth j and any person, acting either for himself or as the agent or representative of another, who shall sell or tarter, or who shall attempt to sell or barter, or tvho shall have in possession for sale or tarter, tvithin this Commonwealth; or who shall ship or remove, or cause to be shipped or removed, out of this Common- wealth, for sale or barter, a tvild bird, either living or dead, or the skin or the plumage ,or any part of such bird, or skin, or plumage, of a kind belonging to the same family as those birds found in a wild state in this Commonivealth; shall be liable to at penalty of tioenty dollars for each bird, or bird skin, or bird plumage, or any part thereof, sold, offered for sale, had in possession for sale, or in any manner removed out of this Commomvealth for sale, contrary to the provisions of this section: Provided however. That the blue jay, the English sparrow, the European startling, the kingfisher, the buzzard, sharp-shinned hawk, Coopers hawk, goshawk, duck hawk, pigeon hawk, the great-horned owl, the barred owl, and the crow, shrill not be protected by any law of this Commonwealth, and may be killed at any time: And provided further. That the otvner or operator of a public or private plant, in which fish are artificially raised or retained, shall have the right to kill any great blue heron, night heron, or green heron, when such birds are caught in the act of destroying their fish; and that nothing in this act shall prevent the possession or sale alive, within this Commonwealth, of either game-birds or game-animals that have been imported for propagating purposes ; or to prevent at any time the purchase or sale within this State, or the shipment out of the State, of live English, mon- golian or Chinese pheasants, or Belgian hares, raised in captivity, that are shipped from such place of con- finement without being first released or set at liberty in this Commonwealth ; or to prevent the possession of the tanned skin, or any part thereof, of any wild animal legally taken in this Commonwealth, or brought into this Commonwealth from any other State or country, from which the same was legally imported ; or the possession of any part of a wild bird legally taken in this Commonivealth, or captured elsewhere and legally imported into this Common- wealth from any other State or country, for pur- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 41 poses of study or exhibition, or for any other purpose; hut not for sale; Provided, That no penalty, as provided for hy this act for the sale of feathers taken from wild birds not fou7id in a wild state in this Commonwealth, shall he imposed for either the sale of such feathers within the Commonwealth, or for the shipment of such feathers out of the Com- monwealth, prior to July first, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person to bring, or in any manner to have transported, in- to this Commonwealth, from any other State or country, any living specimen, or any egg thereof, of the bird known as the European startling, or any other bird or any living animal the importation of which is prohibited by the National Secretary of Agriculture, under the provisions of what is known as the Lacey Bill, or of any other law of this Nation, or to release within this Commonwealth any fox, wild-cat, mink, or weasel, brought into this State from another State. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be sentenced to pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each bird or egg or animal so imported or brought into this State. Section 12. Excepting as provided in this act, no person within this Common vv^en 1th shall take, or have in possession or under control, either the nest, or any egg found therein, of any wild bird, either game or otherwise protected by the laws of this Commonwealth, or shall wantonly' interfere with or destroy any such nest or egg. Whoever shall offend against any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be sentenced to pay a penalty of ten dollars for each nest of a wild bird, other than a game-bird, either interfered with or wantonly destroyed ; and shall be sentenced to pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each nest of a game-bird either wantonly interfered with or destroyed . Section 13. It shall be unlawfully for any person in this Commonwealth, excepting as provided for in this act, to take or kill or wound, or have in posses- sion, either living or dead, any game-bird or game- animal, or any part of such bird or animal, protected by this act. The open season for woodcock, English, or Chinese, ringneck, pheasants ruffed-grouse, Hungarian part- ridges. The gray rabbit and hare, gray black and Provided. Sale of feathers. Unlawful Importation. Penalty. Nests and eggs. Penalty. Open sea- son. 42 GAME, FISH AND FORESTiiY LAWS Open sea- son. Grass plover rail, coot, or mud-hen, reed-bird, sandpiper, cuiiew, etc. Snipe Wild water- fowl. Violations. Penalty. Nlfht hunt- ing. "Night" defined. Killing ex- cept with sun. fox squirrels, is fixed by the Act of April 18th, 1913, page The open season for quail or Virginia partridges is fixed by the Act of Section IL The op^n season for upland or grass plover , within this Commonwealth, shall be from the fifteenth day of July to the first day of December of each year. The open season for raU coot, or mud- hen, reed-bird, sf^ndpiper, tattler, curlew, or any other shore bird, shall be from the first day of Sep- tember to the first day of January next following. The open season for Wilson or jack snipe shall be from the first day of September to the first day of May next following. The open season for all kinds of birds known as wild water-fowl shall be from the first d ly of Sep-^ember to the tonth day of April next following. During which tim^^ such wild water-fowl, of all descriptions, and other bi^'ds named in this sfction may be killed without -iLiiir. Whoever shall shoot at, take, kill, or wound any of the birds named in this section, luring the close season for such birds, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of ten dollars for each bird thus shot at, taken, killed, or wounded, contrary to the provisions of this section . Section lo. As amended by the Act of April 6th, 1911, P. L. 49. Section 15. It shall be unlawful to shoot or in- jure, or to hunt for or to kill .my of the game-birds protected by this act, during the night time. And the word "night" shall be construed to mean, that time beginning one hour after sundown and extending to one hour before the next sunrise following. Or to kill game of any kind within this Commonwealth, excepting through or by the use of a gun such as usiially raised at arm's length and fired from the Note: See Sec. 2 of Act' of June ISth, 1»11, page — , for- bidding shooting at wild fowl before sunrise of any day. Note: A National law taking effect Oct. 1st, 1913, provides that no water fowl or other migratory bird shall be killed before sunrise or after sunset of any day. This National pro- vision controls in all cases where migratory birds are con- cerned. The open season for wild water fowl under the provisions of the National law is from Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th, both days inclusive, excepting on the waters of the Ohio river located in this State, where water fowl may be killed only during the months of November aud December. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 43 shoulder. And no person, excepting as provided for in this act, shall at any time set, lay, or prepare, or use, any trap, snare, net, bird-lime, swivel-gun, deer-lick, pitfall, turkey blind, turkey call or pen, or to make use of any artificial light, battery, or other deception or contrivance or device whatever, with intent to catch, take, injure, or kill any of the game-birds or game-animals in any of the sec- tions of this act mentioned. Excepting that decoys and blinds may be used in hunting wild water fowls and that rabbits may be taken through the use of box traps, and that bear may be taken through the use of pens. Whoever shall offend asainst any of the provisions of the section shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dolars for each and every offense so committed. Provided, That every person who shall set a bear-pen shall visit such pen at least once in every forty-eight hours, unless prevented by sickness or storm. Any person violating this provision shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each day he neglects or fails to visit such pen after the lapse of forty-eight hours from the time of his last visit, or, in lieu thereof, shall suffer imprisonment in the county jail for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Section 16. It shall be unlawful to hunt for or pursue, or to follow after, with intent to kill, any wild water-fowl protected by law, within this Com- monwealth, from or with, or through the use of, any craft propelled by any means other than oars, pole, or hand-paddle. Any person using a craft or boat for such purpose, other than one propelled by oars, pole or hand-paddle, or the captain or owner, or other person in charge, of such boat or craft, who . shall allow or knowingly permit the same to be used contrary to the provisions of this section, while he is on board, shall be liable to the penalties herein imposed. Each and every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be sen- tenced to pay a penalty of fifty dollars per day, for each day on which any forbidden craft or boat m.:" be used to hunt or pursue, or to follow after, with intent to kill, wild water fowl; and ten dollars for each other contrivance or device set, placed, or carried contrary to the provisions of law. Section 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, take, or kill in any one day, in this Com- Traps, snares and other de- vices. Exceptions. Violations. Penalty. Proviso. Bearpen. Penalty. Unlaw^ful use of water craft. Penalty. 44 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Pheasant, woodcock, etc. Limit. Hungarian quail. Quail, or Virginia partridge. Wild-turkey. Violations. Penalty. Deer. Open Season. Limit. Prima facie evidence. Violations monwealth, more than five ruffed-grouse, commonly called pheasant, or more than ten woodcock, or more than ten English, Mongolian, or Chinese pheas- ant ; or more than twenty of either of the above kinds in any one week, or more than fifty of any of the aforesaid kind in any one season ; or more than five Hungarian quail in any one day or more than twenty in one week, or more than thirty in any one season; or more than ten quail, commonly called Virginian partridge, in any one day, or more than forty of such birds in any one week, or more than seventy- five thereof in any one season ; wild turkey protected for two years, counting each week as beginning on Monday morning and ending the Saturday night following; or to have in possession at any one time, within this Commonwealth, more than the number above limited for the season, if the same had been caught, taken or killed within this Commonwealth. Each and every person violating any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each bird killed or had in possession contrary to its provisions. Section 18. As amended by the Act of May 1st, 1913. P. L. Section 18. It shall be unlawful for any pers n to shoot at, or take or kill or wound, or attempt to take or kill or wound, any deer in this Commonwealth, ex- cept from the tenth day of Novemher to the twenty- fifth day of November, inclusive, of the same year; or to kill in any one season more than one deer, which in every instance shall be a male deer, with horns two inches above the hair ; or have a deer so killed or taken, or any part thereof, in possession, except during said open season and for thirty days thereafter: Provided, That the possession of the, dead body of a deer, or any part thereof, shall, unless the head, bearing horns, be attached thereto, or un- less said head, bearing horns, shall be immediately produced upon demand made by an ofiicer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the game of the State, in all instances, be prima facie evidence of a violation of the provisions of this act, and shall render the person in whose possession or under whose control the same may be found, or may be proven to own the same, liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense. Each and every person GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 45 violating any provisions of this section shall be sen- tenced to pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offense. Section 19. It shall be unlawful for any person, at any time, to shoot at, or to kill, wound, or cap- ture, any deer in the waters of any of the streams, ponds, or lakes within this Commonwealth; or for any person to make use of a dog in hunting deer within this Commonwealth ; and the fact that a dog ot any description shall be taken into the woods, or shall be had in possession or under control in the woods, or shall be cared for or harbored, or permitted to remain with any individual, or in the camp of any person or persons, who may go to hunt during the open season for deer in this State, shall render each person in whose care or under whose control the dog may be outside of the camp, and each person in said camp, liable to the full penalty prescribed by law for the unlawful taking or killing of deer within this Commonwealth, upon proof duly sworn to, that the dog so taken into the woods, or had in possession or under control ,or harbored, cared for, or permitted to remain with any person or in the camp of any person or persons, did, within a radius of ten miles from said camp, or from the point wherein a dog may be taken by any individual, run after pursue, or follow upon the track of any deer or fawn for a distance of one hundred yards. It shaU be unlawful for any person to make use of what is known as buckshot in huntim? deer within this Com- monwealth ; or to kill or wound, or attempt to kill or wound any deer within this Commonwealth, by or with or through the use of a gun propelling or emitting more than one pellet, bullet, or ball, at such deer, through a single discharge. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided by this act for the unlawful taking or killing of deer during the closed season. Section 20. Any dog pursuing or following upon the track of a deer or fawn within this Common- wealth is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Such dog may be killed by any person, when seen pursuing or following upon the track of a deer or fawn within this Commonwealth ; or by a game- protector, deputy game-protector, game-warden. Penalty. Deer in streams, ponds, etc. Dogs. Penalty. Buckshot. Gnus. Violations. Penalty. Dogs run- ning deer. Killing ©f. 46 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Owners' bllity. lia- Notice to owner. Double pen- alty. Dogs pur- suing game or wild birds. Public nuisance. Killing of. Collar and name-plate Pursuing small game. Killing of dog. forestry-warden, or any other officer of the State, whose duty it is to protect any of the game of the State, upon affidavit being made by one or more persons acquainted with the facts, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, that said dog is in the habit of, or has been seen or heard running upon the track of or pursuing any deer or fawn in this Commonwealth, within a period of one year from the date of such affidavit. The owner of a dog thus kliled in conformity with the law, or proven to have, pursued a deer for the distance of one hundred yards or more within this Commonwealth, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each deer or fawn pursued, and fifty dollars for each deer or fawn killed or caused to be killed, by such dog running at large, without aid or direction of its master. Where the owner of a dog shall neglect or refuse to take care of his dog, after notice in writing from an officer of the State, whose duty it is to protect the game of the State, to the effect that the dog in question is in the habit of pursuing deer, he shall be liable to double the amount, as fixed above, for the first offense, such penalty to be recovered as are other penalties imposed by this act. Section 21. Any dog, off land controlled by the owner of such dog, pursuing or following upon the track of any game-quadruped, such as hare or rabbits, and known as small-game, or following upon the track of any game-bird or other wild bird protected by existing law, during what is known as the closed season for such animal or bird in this Commonwealth, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance ; and may be killed by the owner or lessee of land whereon it is found, or by any employe of such owner or lessee, or by a game-protector, deputy game-protector, game- warden, forestry-warden, or any other officer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the game of this State, when seen upon the track of such game or wild bird, unless such dog shall wear a collar hav- ing attached thereto a metalic tag or plate upon which shall be plainly inscribed, in English, the name and address of the owner of such dog; and any dog thus wearing a collar, inscribed as before men- tioned, pursuing small game off land controlled by the owner of such dog, during what is known as the closed season for such game or wild birds, may be killed by the owner or lessee of any land upon which GAME, FISH AND FOUESTRY LAWS such dog may be found, or by any employe of either the owner or lessee, or by a game-protector, deputy game-protector, game-warden, forestry-warden or any officer of the State whose duty it is to protect the game of the State, when such dog is seen upon the track of such game, after notice in writing from that particular person, or from the Secretary of the Game Commission, has been given to the owner or reputed owner of such dog, to the effect that the dog in ques- tion is in the habit of destroying, or pursuing or following upon the track of, game or wild birds, con- trary to the provisions of this section: Provided, That dogs, when accompanied by and under the con- trol of their masters, may be trained upon any of the living wild-game or birds of this State, excepting deer and fawn, from the fifteenth day of August to the first day of January next following, so long as no injury is inflicted upon said animals or birds. Section 22. As amended by the Act of May 9th, 1913. P. L. Section 22. No person shnll at any time, within this Commonwealth, buy or sell or barter, or expose for sale or barter, or have in possession for sale or barter, any elk or any deer, or any part of either an elk or a deer, that has been killed, taken or captured in a wild state in this Commonwealth, and no person shall at any time, within this Commonwealth, buy or sell or barter, or attempt to sell or barter, or have in possession for sale or barter, any ruffed grouse, commonly called pheasant, or any wild turkey, or any woodcock, or any quail, commonly called Virginia partridge, that shall have been killed or captured, either v/ithin or outside the boundaries of this Commonwealth ; and no person within this Commonwealth shall sell or barter, or offer to sell or barter, or have in possession for sale or barter, any wild duck or any wild goose, or any other bird of the kind commonly known as wild water-fowl, that shall have been killed, taken, or captured in this Commonwealth, or that may have been brought into this Commonwealth for sale, between the first day of January and the first day of September of each year: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the purchase or sale or in- troduction, into this State, at any time, of either elk or deer or birds, alive, for propagating purposes. Each and every person who shall violate any of Training. Ruffed grouse, wild turkey, woodcock, quail. Wild duck and wild goose, etc. Violation. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. the provisions of this section relative to the pur- chase or sale or barter of elk or of deer shall be liable to a penalty of one "hundred dollars for each offense. Each and every person who shall violate any provi- sion of this section relative to the purchase or sale or barter of ruffed grouse or of wild turkey, or of woodcock or of quail, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each bird, or part thereof, in any way had in possession or handled contrary to the provisions of this section. Each and every person in any way violating the pro- visions of this section relating to the sale or barter of wild water-fowl, or the bringing of such wild water-fowl into this Commonwealth, shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each bird in any way handled contrary to the provisions of this section. Section 23. No person shall have in his possession, excepting during the open season therefor, and thirty days thereafter, any ruffed-grouse, commonly called pheasant, any English, Mongolian, or Chinese pheas- ants, any quail, commonly called Virginia partridge, any wild-turkey, any woodcock, any Hungarian quail, or "any other game-bird, protected by this act, or any deer, or the dead body of any deer or hare or rabbit or squirrel, or parts thereof, which shall have been caught, killed, or taken within this Commonwealth. Each and every person violating any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dol- lars for each deer, and twenty-five dollars for each bear, and ten dollars for each game-bird of any kind, protected by this act, and five dollars for each hare or rabbit, or gray or black or fox squirrel, or for any part thereof, which shall have been lawfully taken or killed within this Commonwealth, and unlawfully held contrary to the provisions of this section: Pro- vided, That the owner or owners of game preserves in this State shall have the right to keep living deer and fawn therein at all times, to kill the same subject to the laws of this State, and to sell or give away the same, under the provisions of this act; and that all kinds of game killed in this Commonwealth, ex- cepting deer, wild-turkey, ruffed-grouse, woodcock, quail, commonly called Virginia partridge, and^ Hun- garian quail may be brought and sold within the Commonwealth during the open season for such game, and for thirty days thereafter. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 49 Section 24. No person shall capture or kill in this Commonwealth any deer, wild-turkey, ruffed-grouse, commonly called pheasant; quail, commonly called Virginia partridge, or Hungarian quail, 'or woodcock, for wages or hire, or other valuable consideration. Each and every person who shall offend against any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense. Section 25. The open season for gray, black, or fox squirrels, in this Commonwealth, shall be (See Act of April vlSth, 1913, Page 81) and it shall be unlawful for any person to kill more than six squirrels of the combined kinds in one day. The open season for hare or rabbits shall be (See Act of April 18th, 1913, Page 81) and it shall be unlawful for any one person to kill more than ten hare or rabbits in any one day. Every person who shall offend against any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of ten dollars for each animal killed or taken in violation of law: Provided, That the pine or red squirrel is not protected by this act; and that it shall, at all times be lawful for the owner or lessee of real estate to kill, or have killed by his legitimate employe, on his certain premises, in any legal manner, any squirrel, or hare or rabbit, as a protection to cultivated crops or trees, but for no other reason ; and the fact that a squirrel or hare or rabbit, so ostensibly killed, shall be used for food, or for profit through its sale, by any person, shall be evidence conclusive of a viola- tion of the protective feature of this section, and shall render the person so killing or using or selling said animal liable to the penalty imposed for the un- lawful killing of rabbits. Each and every person vio- lating any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each squirrel, hare, or rabbit thus unlawfully killed or disposed of. Pro- vided, it shall be unlawful to kill, take or capture bear, of any description, save only from the first day of October to the first day of January next fol- lowing. Each and every person who shall kill, wound, take, or capture any bear contrary to the provisions of this act shall be liable, on conviction, to a penalty of fifty dollars for each bear or cub wounded, taken, killed, or captured: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to pre- 4 Hunting, for wages or liire. Penalty. Squirrels. Open season. Limit. Hares or rabbits. Fine. Proviso. Red squir- rel. Lav.-ful kill- in? as a protection. Used for food or sold. Fine. Proviso. Bear. Or':'n sej son. PrOTiso. 50 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Killing out of season. Purchase, sale, etc.. of dead game quad- rupeds or game-birds. Penalty. Ferrets. Hunting with. Possession or control of ferrets. Fine. vent any person from killing a bear, within this Commonwealth, when such animal is inflicting or attempting to inflict injury to either the person or personal property of any individual within the Com- monwealth ; or the killing of such bear in a pursuit commenced within forty-eight hours after the com- mission of such offense ; or at any time after the commission of such offense, upon the affidavit of one or more persons to the effect that they have reasonable cause to believe that the bear in question has com- mitted such offense, or to prevent any person from killing a bear, at any time, when such animnl is found upon his own property and within one mile of his place of residence. Section 26. Excepting as permitted by this act, no person shall purchase, sell, or expose for sale, or have in his possession for any purpose whatsoever, the dead body or any part thereof, of any game-quadruped or game-bird of the kinds enumerated in any sec- tion of this act, if the same have been caught, killed or taken within this Commonwealth, save only dur- ing the open season for such I^inds of game in this State, and for thirty days thereafter. Each and every person who shall offend against any of the pro- visions of this section shall be liable to a penalty equal in amount to the penalty imposed by this act for the killing of such animal or bird during the closed season. Section 27. No person within this Commonwealth shall hunt or catch or kill, or cause or permit the hunting of, hare or rabbits, with or through the use of a ferret, under the penalty of twenty-five dol- lars for each ferret so used, and ten dollars as fixed by Sec. 2 of the Act of April 18th, 1913. Page 81. Fine for killing a rabbit in any way except with a gun. And the fact that any person shall place a ferret in any hole or opening in the ground outside of buildings, in which a rabbit might be found, or shall be caught in the act of using a ferret in the taking of hare or rabbits or shall have a ferret in possession or under control in either the fields or forests or in the highways of this Commonwealth, or shall be proven to have used a ferret while hunting, or shall while going hunting or while returning from such a hunt have a ferret either in possession or under control, shall render such person liable to the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each ferret had in GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. possession or under control at that time. Any ferret found in the possession or under control _ of a person convicted of violating any provision this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth, and shall be immediately killed by the officer into whose hands such animal may come. Section 28. No person, company, or corporation, or the agent or the employe thereof, shall, at any time, transport or ship or remove, or cause to be transported, shipped, or removed, out of this State, any game-animal or game-bird or wild bird protected by this act; or shall catch, take, or kill or have in his possession or under his control, any of the game- birds or game-mammals or wild birds of this State, the killing of which at any or all times is prohibited by the laws of this State, with intent to allow or aid in the shipment or removal thereof out of this State; and, excepting as provided for in this act, it shall be unlawful for any person railroad company, express company, stage driver, or any corporation or person acting in the capacity of a common carrier their officers or employes, to knowingly receive for transportation or transport, or remove, or aid or assist in removing, beyond the limits of the State, any of the wild birds or game-birds or game-mammals mentioned in this act. Whoever shall offend against any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each and every offense: Provided, That nothing contained in the laws of this Commonwealth shall be held to impose any penalty upon the transporation of game in un- broken packages, in transit through this State from another State, or to the shipment out of the State, at any time, of game legally kille or taken in another State, whether the same be in original packages or otherwise; and no penalty shall attach, in any way, when game legally killed in this Commonwealth is delivered, in good faith, to an express company or other common carrier for transportation from one point to another point in this State, and actually delivered at the point of destination within this State, if necessarily carried out of this State to reach its destination: And provided further. That any non- resident licensed hunter may take with him per- sonally, when leaving the State, any of the game mammals or game birds that such licensee has law- fully taken or killed in this Commonwealth, not ex- ceeding the number that any one person may lawfully Forfeiture. Shipment or removal of game from the State. Common carriers. Penalty. Game in transit. Proviso. Non-resi- dent may take one day's shoot, etc. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. take or kill in any one day: Provided, That no game shall be taken out of this State unless accompanied by the owner thereof, and the game so shipped shall have attached thereto a tag showing the name and address of the owner and the number of his license. Section 29. The possession during the close season, by any person within this Commonwealth, of a living or dead bird or animal of any kind protected by this act, or the possession of any part thereof, or of the egg or nest or any part thereof of any such bird, shall be prima facie evidence that the same was taken or held contrary to the provisions of law, and shall render each person, in whose possession or under whose control the same shall have been found, liable to the penalties imposed for violation of that pro- vision of this act fixing a penalty for the killing of such bird or animal out of season, or of that pro- vision filing penalties for interfering with bird's nets, as the case may require. Section 30. It shall be lawful to trap quail, com- monly called Virginia partridge, or Hungarian quail, from the first day of January to the first day of April next following, for the purpose of keeping them alive during the winter, or for the purpose of separat- ing a covey to increase the chances of propagation, but for no other purpose whatever ; and quail thus taken shall not be transported from one locality to another locality in this State, excepting by written permission of the President of the Board of Game Commissioners. All birds thus taken should be lib- erated in the spring, as soon as the weather will permit. Section 31. Each and every magistrate, alder- man, and justice of the peace of this Common- wealth shall have the power of summary convic- tion in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of any of the provisions of this act ; and all actions for violation of any of said provisions, excepting where the defendant is taken in the act or on pur- suit immediately following said act, shall be com- menced by afiidavit, made within one year of the time of the commission of such offense. Each and every magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace, on complaint made before him, by the afiidavit of liny person, of a violation of any of the provisions of this act by any person, is hereby authorized and reqiiired to issue his warrant, under his hand and GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game- protector, deputy game-protector or any other peace officer of the State whose duty it is to protect the game or wild birds of the State ; and to cause such persons to be brought before him, the said magis- trate, alderman, or justice of the peace, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or inno- cence of the person charged. If the accused be convicted of such offense, he shall be sentenced to pay the penalty prescribed by the section violated, together with the costs of suit. All penalties col- lected in cases where the prosecutor is a game- protector shall be immediately surrendered by the court receiving the same to such prosecutor, who in turn shall, as soon as may be, either deliver or forward such amount to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, who shall deposit the same in the State Treasury, for the use of the Commonwealth. Where any other than a game- protector is the prosecutor, one-half of any penalty thus collected shall belong to such prosecutor, and shall be paid to him by the court receiving the same ; and the remaining one-half of such penalty shall be forwarded, within ten days after said con- viction, by such court to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg, to- gether with a statement of the cause for which said money was collected. It shall be the duty of said Secretary to keep a record of the cause for which said money was collected, and deposit the same, at least once a month, with the State Treas- urer, for the use of the Commonwealth. Any de- fendant, being dissatisfied with the finding of the alderman or justice of the peace, in a trial for any violation of the game laws of this Commonwealth, shall be entitled to an appeal. The case to be proceeded with as are charges of misdemeanor regu- larly returned to the court of quarter sessions of the peace ; and it shall be the duty of the district attorney to submit a bill of indictment, charging the offense returned, to the grand jury at its next regular session. Which said court, on the con- viction of the defendant of such offense and his failure to pay the penalty imposed by this act, to- gether with the costs of prosecution, shall com- mit such defendant to the common jail of the county for the time as prescribed by section four of this Hearing, Penalties. Disposition of penal- Appeal. Conviction. Failure to pay fine. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. act: Provided, That any person charged with a violation of any provision of this act, may, at his discretion, sign an acknowledgment of the offense committed, and pay to the duly authorized game- protector or deputy game-protector the penalty in full, as fixed by the section violated, together with costs to that date ; and the printed receipt which he shall receive therefor, and which in all instances shall bear the imprint of the seal of the Board of Game Commissioners and the signature of its sec- retary, shall be evidence of full satisfaction of the offense committed . Section 32. All acts or parts of acts ijiconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 1st day of May, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. AN ACT To give additional protection to wild birds and animals and game within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; prohibiting the hunting for, or cap- ture or killing of, such wDd birds or animals or game by unnaturalized foreign-born residents ; for- bidding the ownership or possession of shotgun or rifle by any unnaturalized foreign-born resident, within the Commonwealth ; and prescribing penal- ties for violation of its provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any unnaturalized foreign-born resident to hunt for or capture or kill, in this Commonwealth, any wild bird or animal, either game or otherwise, of any description, excepting in defense of person or property ; and to that end it shall be unlawful for any unnaturalized foreign-born resident, within this Commonwealth, to either own or be possessed of a shotgun or rifle of any make. Each and every per- son violating a^iv provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a penalty oi twentv-five dollars for each offense, or undergo in:] risonment in the common jail of the county for ihe period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That in addition to the before-named penalty, all guns of the before- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 55 mentioned kinds found in possession or under con- trol of an unnaturalized foreign-born resident shall, upon conviction of such person, or upon his sign- ing a declaration of guilt as prescribed by this act, be declared forfeited to the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, and shall be sold by the Board of Game Commissioners as hereinafter directed. Section 2. For the purposes of this act, any un- naturalized foreign-born person who shall reside or liv3 vrithiu the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Pouusylvania for ten consecutive days shall be con- sidered a resident, and shall be liable to the penal- ties imposed for violation of the provisions of this act. Section 3. That the possession of a shotgun or rifle at any place outside of buildings, within this Commonv\^ealth, by an unnatur;ilized foreign-born resident, sahll be conclusive proof of a violation of the provisions of section one of this act, and shall render any person convicted thereof liable to the penalty as fixed by said section. Section 4. That the presence of a shotgun or rifle at any place outside of buildings, within this camp of any description, within this Commonwealth, occupied or controlled by an unnaturalized foreign- born resident, shall be prima facie evidence that such gun is owned or controlled by the person oc- cupying or controlling the property in which such gun is found, and shall render such person liable to the penalty imposed by section one of this act. Section 5. That notice of the seizure of all guns, made for violation of any provision of section one of this act, shall be sent to the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg, by the officer making such seizure, immediately after the final verdict in any prosecution brought for violation of said pro- visions, or upon the signing of the acknowledgement of guilt, as hereinafter provided ; and the gun so seized shall be sold, at the discretion of the Board of Game Commissioners, who shall apply the money thus realized, first to the payment of costs arising from such prosecution and seizure, and the remainder, if any, shall be paid to the State Treasurer for the use of the Commonwealth. Section 6. That all duly appointed and sworn officers of the Board of Game Commissioners of this Commonwealth, and all constables, police offi- Forfeiture of guns. "Unnatural- ized for- igu-born resident" defined. Possession outside of building. Presence of guns in room, house, etc. Notice of all seizure. Sale. Duty of oflacers. 56 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Arrests. Sunday arrests. Concealm«»t of guns. Search war- rant. Magistrates, aldermen, and justices. Summary conviction. AfDdavit. Warrant. cers, members of the State constabulary, forestry- wardens, and all peace officers of the Common- wealth, shall have the right, and it is hereby made their duty, to arrest, without warrant, any person whom they have good reasons to suspect as belong- ing to the class of unnaturalized foreign-born resi- dents, when they find such person with guns of the before-mentioned kind in possession, within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Such arrests may also be made upon Sunday, in which case the per- son or persons so arrested, for safe-keeping may be committed to the jail or lock-up for that day ; but shall be taken before the proper magistrate and proceeded against ou a week day following the arrest ; and any or either of such officers shall have the right and power, where they suspect the con- cealment by an unnaturalized foreign-born resident of guns of the before-mentioned kind, to apply to any court having jurisdiction of the offense, within the Commonwealth, who, upon receipt of proof made by affidavit of the probable cause for believing in such concealment, shall issue a search warrant and cause a search to be made in any place ; and to that end, the said officer shall have power, after demand and refusal, to cause any building, room, inclosure, or car to be broken open and entered, and any closet, chest, locker, box, trunk, crate, basket, box, or package, or other receptacle, to be open and contents examined by said officer. Section 7. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace of this Commonwealth shall have the power of summary conviction per- taining to the violation of any of the provisions of this act; and all actions for violation of any of the provisions hereinbefore-mentioned, excepting where the defendant is taken in the act or in a pursuit immediately following the act shall be commenced by affidavit made within one year of the time of such violation. Each and every mag- istrate, alderman, and justice of the peace, on com- plaint made before him, on affidavit of any person, of a violation of the provisions of this act by any person, is herewith authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and official seal, di- rected to any constable, police officer, game pro- tector, or any other officer of the State known as a police officer and authorized to serve warrants, and cause such person to be brought before such GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 57 magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the party charged. If the accused be convicted of such offense, he shall be sentenced to pay the full penalty prescribed by the section violated, and to pay all costs of prosecution. All penalties collected in cases where the prosecutor is a paid officer of the Board of Game Commissioners shall be immediately surrendered by the court re- ceiving the same to such prosecutor, who in turn shall, as soon as may be, forward or deliver such amount in full to the , Secretary of the Board, who shall at once deposit tlie same to the use of the Com- monwealth. Where any other than a paid officer of the Board of Game Commissioners is the prose- cutor, one-half of any penalty thus collected shall belong to said prosecutor, and be paid to him ; and the remaining one-half shall be forthwith forwarded to the Secretary of the Game Commission, at Har- risburg, together with a statement of the cause for which said money shall have been collected. The cost of which statement is hereby fixed as fifty cents, and made a part of the costs of prosecution. It shall be the duty of the Board of Game Commis- sioners to keep a record of the cases for which said money was collected, and to deliver the fund thus arising, at least once a month, to the State Treas- urer, for the use of the Commonwealth. Any de- fendant refusing to pay such penalty, with the costs of prosecution, shall be committed to the com- mon jail of the county, for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed, unless he shall enter a good and sufficient recognizance, with one or more sureties, to pay such penalty within ten days, or to answer such complaint, upon the charge of misdemeanor, before the court of quarter sessions of the peace of the county in which the offense was committed; which said court, upon the con- viction of the defendant of such offense, and on his failure to pay the penalty imposed, together with the costs of prosecution, shall commit such defendant to the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That any person charged with violation of the provisions of this act may, at his discretion, sign an acknowledgment of the offense committed, and pay any duly sworn game protector thf nenaity Hearing. Disposition •f fines. Dutv of the Board. Refusal to pay penalty. Poaalty. Commit- B«at. ProTiso. Acknowledg- mf>nt »t offense, and payment. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. in full, as fixed by the section violated, with costs to that date and the printed receipt therefor, which shall in every instance bear the seal of the Board of Game Commissioners and the signature of its Secretary, shall be evidence of full satisfaction for the offense committed: Provided also. That all guns seized, in cases in which the before-mentioned re- ceipt is sriven, shall be sold under the provisions of section five, and the moneys realized therefrom be applied as therein directed. Section 8. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 8th day of May, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. AN ACT To provide for the better protection and preserva- tion of game, game-quadrupeds and game-birds, and prescribing penalties for violation of its sev- eral provisions . Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, the wild animal known as the raccoon shall be classed as a game animal in this Commonwealth, and it shall be unlaw- ful to kill or capture such animal excepting during the months of September, October, November and December of each year. Each and every person killing or capturing, or attempting to kill or take, a raccoon during any other month of the year, ex- cept as above named, shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each animal so illegally taken or killed, or attempted to be taken or killed ; or, in default thereof, shall suffer an imprisonment of one day in jail for each dollar of penalty imposed and unpaid. Section 2. The open season for the quail, com- monly called Virginia partridge ; shall be from the first day of November to December fifteenth, in- clusive, of each year. Each and every person kill- ing or taking, or attempting to kill or take, any of the game birds mentioned in this section, any time excepting as provided for in this act, shall. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of twenty- five dollars for each gnme-bird, either killed, taken, or attempted to be killed or taken, contrary to the provisions of this act ; or, in default thereof, shall suffer an imprisonment, in the common jail of the county, of one day for each dollar of penalty im- posed and unpaid. The open season for grey, black, or fox squirrels ; also the open season for the grey rabbit and hare ; also the open season for the ruffed- grouse ; English, Mongolian, ring-necked and Chinese pheasants ; shall be from the fifteenth day of Octo- ber to the thirtieth day of November next following both days inclusive. See section one of the act of April 18th, 1913. Section 3. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace of the Commonwealth is hereby given "the power of summary conviction in all matters pertaining to violations of any of the provisions of this act ; and also prosecutions for such violations shall be conducted and the penalty applied as provided in section thirty-first of the act of May first. Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled "An act to provide for quadrupeds and game-birds, and song and insec- tivorous and other wild birds, and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions." Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 3d day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. Penalty. Summary conviction. Repeal. AN ACT Giving additional protection to wild waterfowl of all kinds in this Commonwealth limiting the number of decoys that may be used by any one person at one time, or by any number of persons acting together ; forbidding the shooting of wild waterfowl before sunrise ; and imposing penalties for violation of its provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person, or for any number of persons act- ing together, to place in any of the waters of this Commonwealth, for the purpose of attracting wild Game. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. waterfowl of any description, more than twenty specimens of artificially prepared wooden ducks, or ducks of any character, commonly used as decoys, or to shoot over or attempt to control more than twenty such decoys, so placed as to cover not ex- ceeding one-fourth of a mile, upon any stream or lake within this Commonwealth. Section 2. That it shall be unlawful for any per- son, either using decoys or otherwise, to shoot at wih' waterfowl of any kind before sunrise of any day, upon any of the waters located within this Commonwealth . Section 3. Each and every person violating any provision of this act shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for the first offense, or shall suffer an imprisonment of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. For the second or any additional offense after the first offense each person violating any provision of this act shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars and ten* days in jail; and also shall be liable to have all decoys, boats, and guns, used in violation of law, confiscated to the use of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; the same to be sold as confiscated property is sold under the provisions of an act, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preserration of came, etc.," approved the first day of May, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and nine. Section 4. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace of this Commonwealth shall have the power of summary conviction in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of any of the provisions of this act, and all actions for vio- lation of any of said provisions, excepting where the defendant is taken in the act, or in pursuit immediately following said act, shall be commenced by affidavit, made within one year of the time of the commission of such offense. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace, on complaint made before him, on affidavit of any person, of a violation of the provisions of this act by any person, is herewith authorized and required Note: A National law taking effect Oct. Ist, 1913, prOTldes that no wild water-fowl, or other migratory bird, may be legally killed before sunrise or after sunset of any day. This National provision controls in all cases where migratory birds are concerned. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Penalties. to issue Lis warrant, under his hand and official Warrant seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game- protector, or any officer of the State known as a police officer and authorized to serve warrants ; and cause such person to be brought before such magis- trate, alderman, or justice of the peace, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or inno- Hearing cence of the party charged. If the accused be con- victed of such offense, he shall be sentenced to pay the full peralty prescribed by the section violated, and to pay all costs of prosecution All penalties collected in case where the prosecutor is a paid officer of tha Board of Game Commissioneis shall be immediately surrendered by the court receiving the same to such prosecutor, who in turn shall, as soon as may be, forward or deliver such amount in full to the Secretary of the Board, who shall at once deposit the same to the use of the Common- wealth. Where any other than a paid officer of the Board of Game Commissiouors is the prosecutor, one-half of any penalty thus collected shall belong to said prosecutor, and be paid to him; and the remaining one-half shall be forthwith forwarded to the Secretary of the Game Commission at Harris- burg, together with a statement of the cause for which said money ohall have been collected. The cost of which statement is hereby fixed at fifty cents, and made a part of the costs of prosecution. It shall be the duty of the Board of Game Com- missioners to keep a record of the cases for which said money was collected, and to deliver the funds thus arising, at least once a month, to the State Treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth. Any defendant refusing to pay such penalty and the costs of prosecution shall be committed to the com- mon jail of the county, for a period of one day for each doUar of penalty imposed, unless he shall enter a good and sufficient recognizance, with one or more sureties, to pay such penalty within ten days or to answer such complaint, upon the charge of misdemeanor, before the court of quarter ses- sions of the peace of the county in which the offense was committed ; which said court, upon the conviction of the defendant of such offense, and on his failure to pay the penalty imposed, together with the costs of prosecution, shall commit such defendant to the common jail of the county, for a period of one day Disposition of funds. Refusal to pay penalty. Commit- ment. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That when any person shall be charged with the violation of any of the provisions of this act, such person may appear before the court of quarter sessions, or a magistrate having jurisdiction, of the proper county, and there plead guilty to such charge; whereupon the said court shall impose the sentence first mentioned in section three, which, with the costs, shall be paid forthwith by such person. Section 5. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 15th day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. AN ACT Supplementary to "An act for the taxation of dogs and the protection of sheep," approved the twenty- fifth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three ; requiring all dogs to wear a collar to be provided by the owner, together with a tag to be attached thereto show- ing payment of tax, said tag to be provided by the county commissioners ; imposing certain duties upon constables, tax collectors and county com- missioners ; and providing for the killing of dogs whose owners fail to comply with this act and the act to which this is a supplement ; and pro- viding penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of this act. Section 1 as amended by the act of May 20th, 1913, P. L. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That hereafter all dogs of four months old and upwards shall be re- quired to wear, at all times, a substantial collar, to which shall be attached the tag hereinafter men- tioned ; said collar to be furnished by the owner of said dog or dogs, and said tag to be furnished by the county commissioners, and to be paid for by them out of the fund realized from the taxation of dogs. Section 2. The county commissioners of the sev- eral counties shall prepare and furnish, annually, to the several tax collectors of the county metal GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. tags, to be given by said tax collectors to the owners of dogs when said owners shall pay the tax assessed upon said dogs. Upon one side of said tags shall be stamped, in raised letter, the fol- lowing, "Dog tax for (naming the year); paid." Section 3 as amended by the act of May 20th, 1913, P. L. Section 3. At the time of payment of dog tax by the owner of such dog, the tax collector shall give to said owner one of said tags, prepared for the year for which said tax is paid, which said tag shall thereupon be attached to the collar of the dog for which said tax was paid by the owner of said dog ; and in case the assessor has failed, for any reason, at the time of making the general assessment, to assess any dog, it shall be lawful for the owner thereof to pay to the tax collect )r the dog tax for the current year, the same as though such dog had been regularly assessed ; and in such case it shall be the duty of the tax collector to furnish to such owner a tax tag, to be attached to collar of such dog as above provided: Provided, however. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as lessening the responsibility and duty of all assessors to assess all dogs that he is tible to assess at the time of making the general assessment. Section 4. Should the owner of any dog or dogs neglect to pay the tax assessed for : aid dog or dogs, and to comply otherwise with the provisions of this act, it shall immediately there. 'ter be the duty of the proper tax collector to g ve written notice to said owner that if he faih: to pny said tax, and also to comply with the provisions of sections one and three of this act as to th.e collar and tag required to be worn, within ten days, or to kill his dog himself within said time, that s; id dog will thereupon be killed by the constable of the proper district: Provided, That for the notice .vritten and mailed or delivered, under this provisioa, the said tax collector shall be entitled to reooive the sum of twenty-five cents, which amr>,^t shall be paid to him by the county coramis.?i«l..•(>r^s at the time of the next settlement of accounts bet\^'een said officer and the county commissioners For failure of the tax collector to perform his duty under the require- Stamp on tag. Attachment of tag. Assessment. Payment of tax, etc. Neglect to comply with act. Notice to owner. Killing of dog. ProTiso. Fee for bcft- ing notice. Default ®f collector. &i GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Penalty. Default of owner. Notice to constable. Duty of constable. Fee. Default of constable. Penalty. "Owner' defined. Taxation. Dogs not wearing cel- lar and tag. Public nuisance. ments of this section, he shall be liable to a penalty of two dollars in each case, which amount shall be deducted in any settlement occurring between said otiicer and the county commissioners. Section 5. In cases of default by any such owner as to comply with the requirements of this act, and particularly with section four as to payment of tax, wearing collar and tag, and killing his said dog, it shall thereupon be the duty of the tax col- lector of said district, and shall also be the right and privilege of any citizen of the proper district, to notify the proper constable of the said district of such failure and default, and that it thereupon becomes the duty of said constable to kill said dog. And, in either case, it shall thereupon be the duty of such constable to kill all such dogs ; and for such service said constable shall be en- titled to receive for each dog killed and buried, cremated, or otherwise legally disposed of, by him, from the county commissioners, out of the fund realized from the taxation of dogs, the sum of one dollar. For faillre to perform his official duty under the provisions of this section, the constable shall be liable to a penalty of two dollars for each offense, which said amount shall be deducted from any amount due S\ich constable from the county at the next settlement between such officer and the county commissioners. ^ Section 6. Every person keeping a dog or dogs about his house or premises, permitting such dor or dogs to stay about his house or premises, shall be taken and deemed to be the owner of such dos: or dogs, for all the purposes of this act; and shall be liable for the assessed valuation of such dog or dogs, as the case may be; the same to be recovered as are other taxes imposed in this Commonwealth. Section 7. All dogs not wearing the collar and tag required by the provisions of this act are hereby declared to be a public nuisance ; and such dog may be killed at any time by the owner of lands within the Commonwealth, or the bona fide tenant upon lands within the Commonwealth, or by the employe of either owner or tenant upon whose lands such dog may be found, and the owner of such dog so killed shall have no recourse at law what- ever . GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 65 Section 8. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 15th day of June, A. D., 1911. JOHN K. TENER. This is not a game law and is put here only for the purpose of information to owners of dogs. Repeal. AN ACT For the better protection of the wild birds known as the turtle or mourning-dove, the killdeer plover, and the bird commonly called the blackbird in Pennsylvania, and prescribing penalties for viola- tion of its provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, the wild birds known as the turtle or mouriug-dove, the killdeer plover, and the bird commonly called the blackbird, now classed as g;ime-birds in this State, shall be taken from the list of birds at this time accorded but partial protection in this State, and shall be added to that class of birds known as "wild birds other than game-birds," to which class continuous pro- tection is accorded. Section 2. Except as provided by the law of this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to take or kill or wound, or to attempt to take, or kill, or wound, either a turtle or mourn- ing-dove, or a killdeer plover, or one of the birds commonly called blackbirds in this Commonwealth ; or to have such dove, or such plover, or such black- bird, or any part of either bird, in possession; under a penalty of ten dollars for each bird, either dove or plover or blackbird, taken or killed or wounded, or attempted to be taken or killed or wounded, or had in possession in this Common- wealth ; or, in lieu thereof, to suffer an imprison- ment in the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed and unpaid: Provided, That blackbirds may be killed by the owners of land, when caught in the act of destroying either the eggs or young of other birds, or fruit or berries or grain, upon such prop- erty. Wild birds. Turtle-dove, killdeer, S lover and lackbird. Continuous protection. Violations. Penalty. proviso. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Summary conviction. Repeal. Section 3. Each and every magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace of this Commonwealth is herewith given the power of summary conviction in all cases relating to the violation of this act. The course of procedure before such magistrate, alder- man, or justice of the peace to be that prescribed by section thirty-one of the act of May, first, one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game-quadrupeds and game-birds, and song and insectivorous and other wild birds, and pre- scribing penalties for violation of its several pro- visions." Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are herewith re- pealed . Approved— The 21st day of March, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER AN ACT Wapiti or elk. Close sea- eon. Full pro- tection. Open sea- son, after Novemlier 14, 1921. To provide for the protection and preservation of the wapiti or elk in Pennsylvania, and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, the animal known as the wapiti or elk shall be classed as a game animal in this Commonwealth. Section 2. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or wound or capture, or to attempt to kill or wound or capture, any wapiti or elk found in a wild state in this Commonwealth ; or to have such wapiti or elk, or any part thereof, in possession before the fifteenth day of November, one thousand nine hun- dred and twenty-one. That after the fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, unless otherwise provided, there shall be annually an open season for wapiti or elk in this Commonwealth, which open season shall begin at one o'clock ante meridian of the fifteenth day of November and extend to, but not include, the first day of December of each year ; during which open season of each year, Sundays excepted, it GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. shall be lawful for any person in this Commonwealth to kill one wild wapiti or elk, which in all instances shall be a male wapiti or elk with antlers, commonly called horns, with not less than four points to one antler: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the Game Commission, or to any of its dub' sworn and commissioned game pro- tectors, actins: for the State. Section 3. It shall be unlawful at any time, within this Commonwealth, to kill or capture or wound, or to attempt to kill or capture or wound, a wapiti or elk, upon the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, or to pursue any wapiti or elk with a dog or dogs; or to kill or capture or wound, or to attempt to kill or capture or wound, a wapiti or elk, in any of the waters of this Commonwealth; or to kill or capture or wound or take a wapiti or elk, in this Commonwealth, in any manner except through the use of a gun, such as usually raised at arms' length and fired from the shoulder ; or through the use of a gun that propels more than a single pellet, bullet, or ball at such wapiti or elk through a single discharge; or to kill or wound or take, or to attempt to kill or wound or take, any wapiti or elk, in this Commonwealth, through or by any method other than that known as still-hunting. Each and every person violating any provision contained in any of the sections of this act shall, upon con- viction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of two hun- dred dollars for each offense, or, in lieu thereof, shall suffer an imprisonment in the county jail of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed, for the first offense. And for the second, or for any other offense after the first offense, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of two hundred dollars, and, in addition, shall suffer an imprisonment of one day in the county jail for each dollar of penalty imposed. Section 4. Whenever, because of a violation of any provision of this act, a person shall be con- victed for a first offense and a penalty be imposed, and the defendant shall neglect or refuse to imme- diately pay said amount, together with the costs of prosecution, in lawful money of the United States, he shall be at once committed to the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed ; unless he shall enter into good Violations. Hunting on Sunday. With dogs. In the water. Penalty. First ofifense. Neglect or refusal to pay fine. Commit- iiiout. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Proviso. Forfeiture. Shipment or removal of from the State pro- hibited. Common carriers. and sufficient recognizance to pay said penalty and costs within a period of ten days after the date of his said conviction, or shall certiorari the pro- ceedings, or shall carry the case to a higher court on appeal as provided for in this act. For the second or any other offense, the defendant shall, in addition to the penalty prescribed for the first offense, suffer an imprisonment of one day in jail for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That in every case of a conviction for violation of any provision of this act, wherein a defendant suffers imprisonment in lieu of a cash payment of the penalty imposed, all traps, guns, shooting para- phernalia, and other appliances, used in violation of the law, and found or proven to have been either in possession or under control of the defendant at the time of such violation, shall be, and they are hereby declared, forfeited to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and shall be sold under the direction of the Board of Game Commissioners ; and the money thus secured be applied by them, first, to the payment of the costs incurred, and second, the balance be deposited with the State Treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth. The defendant being entitled to a credit of one day off" his im- prisonment for each dollar so deposited, for the first offense only. Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, company, or corporation, or the agent or employee thereof, to at any time transport or ship or re- move, or to cause to be in any manner transported, shipped or removed, out of this State, any wapiti or elk, or any part thereof, killed or taken in a wild state in this Commonwealth; or to kill, catch, take, or have in possession or under control, any wapiti or elk, or any part thereof, killed or taken in a wild state in this Commonwealth, with intent to allow or to aid in the shipment or removal out of this Commonwealth ; and it shall be unlawful for any person, railroad company, express company, stage driver, or any other corporation or person acting in the capacity of a common carrier, their officers or employees, knowingly to receive for trans- portation or to transport, or remove, or to aid or assist in the transportation or removal, beyond the limits of this State, of any wapiti or elk, or any Dart thereof, killed or taken in a wild state in this GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Commonwealth. Whoever shall offend against any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of two hundred dollars for each and every offense: Provided, That nothing contained in this act shall be held to impose any penalty for the transportation of any wapiti or elk, in transit through this State from another State; or to the shipment out of this State, at any time, of wapiti or elk, legally killed or taken in another State, whether the same be in original package or other- wise; and no penalty shall attach, in any way, when any wapiti or elk, or any part thereof, le- gally killed in this Commonwealth, is delivered in good faith to an express company or other common carrier for transportation from one point to another point in this State, and actually delivered at the point of destination within this State, if necessarily carried out of this State to reach its destination. Section 6. The possession of the dead body of a wapiti or elk, or any part thereof, by any person at any time, within this Commonwealth, shall be considered prima facie evidence that the same was taken or is held contrary to the provisions of law, and shall render such person, in whose possession or under whose control the same shall have been found, liable to the penalty imposed for the viola- tion of that provision of this act fixing the penalty for the killing of such wapiti or elk during the close season. Section 7. It is herewith provided that wapiti or elk may be raised in captivity, and be disposed of within this State, under the regulations and re- quirements pertaining to the propagation of deer in captivity, as pi-oviflnl for by section seven of the act of May i'>-:A, i.V'- thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled ■'.An rwl to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game-quadrupeds, and game-birds, and song and insectivorous and other wild birds, and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions." And the person or per- sons so raising these animals shall be permitted to ship, either within or out of this State, such wapiti or elk, raised strictly in captivity within this State, under such rules and regulations as may be decided upon by the Game Commission of this State. _ Section 8. Each and every magistrate, alderman. Game in transit. Possession of wapiti or ellj. Propagation in captivity. Shipment. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. and justice of the peace of this Commonwealth shall have the power of summary conviction in all mat- ters pertaining to the enforcement of any of the provisions of this act ; and all actions for violation defendant is taken in the act or in a pursuit imme- diately following' said act, shall be commenced by affidavit made within one year of the time of the commission of each offense. Each and every magis- trate, alderman and justice of the peace, on com- plaint made before him by the affidavit of any per- son, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game-protector, deputy game-protector, or any other officer of this Com- monwealth whose duty it is to protect the game and wild birds of this State ; and to cause such person or persons to be brought before him, the magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the person or persons charged. If the accused be convicted of such offense, he shall be sentenced to pay the penalty prescribed by the section vio- lated, together with the costs of suit. All penalties collected in cases where the prosecutor is a paid game-protector shall be immediately surrendered by the court receiving the same to such prosecutor, who in turn shall, as soon as may be, either deliver or forward such amount to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, who shall deposit the same in the State Treasurj^ for the use of the Commonv/ealth. Where any other than a paid game-protector is the prosecutor, one-half of any such penalty thus collected shall belong to such prosecutor, and shall be paid to him by the court receiving the same ; the remaining one-half of such penalty shall be forwarded, within ten days after said conviction by such court, to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners, at Harrisburg, together with a statement of the cause for which said money was collected. It shall be the duty of said Secretary to keep a record of the causes for which said money was collected, and deposit the same, at least once a month, with the State Treas- urer, for the use of the Commonwealth. Any de- fendant, being dissatisfied with the finding of the mngistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace, in a trial for the violation of any provision of this act. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS shall be entitled to an appeal, under the provisions Appeals of section fourteen of article five of the Constitution, and the laws of Pennsylvania relating thereto; which said court, on the conviction of the defendant of C^n^i^ti such offense, and his failure to pay the penalty imposed by this act, together with the costs of prosecution, shall commit such defendant to the common jail of the county for the time as prescribed by this act: Provided, That any person caught rroviso. in the act, or charged with a violation of any pro- vision of this act, may, at his discretion, either before or after the bringing of suit, sign an ac- knowledgment of the offense committed, and pay to any duly authorized game-protector or deputy game- offense protector the penalty in full, as fixed by the section violated, together with costs, if any, to date; and the printed receipt which he shall receive therefor, and which in all instances shall bear the imprint of the seal of the Board of Game Commissioners and the signature of its Secretary, shall be evidence of full satisfaction of the offense committed. Section 9. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 2d day of April, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Acknowl- pd;riiient of Receipt. AN ACT For the better protection of wild birds and game within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; re- quiring citizens of the United States residing within this State to procure a license before using guns for the purpose of hunting for any wild birds or animals protected by the laws of this Common- wealth ; and providing penalties for violation of its several provisions, and the manner of pro- ceeding to enforce compliance therewith ; and pro- viding for the disposition of the license fees, fines, and penalties received. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and wud birds after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful ^°° game, for any person residing within this Commonwealth to hunt for wild birds or wild animals protected Hunter's li- by the game laws of this Commonwealth, with fire- cense act. 72 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 'Number." Persons en- titled to be licensed. Application for license. Proof. Fee. Provif Proviso. Form of li- cense. arms, or with a device of any kind propelling with force a leaden or metal pellet or bullet ; or, e:coept in the defense of person or property, to shoot at or kill, or pursue with intent to take, kill or wound, any such wild birds or wild animals found within this Commonwealth ; without first securing a license to so do, in accordance with the provisions of this act. Section 2. Whenever the word "person" is Uc^ed in this act, such word shall be taken to include every person. All words or terms in this act which refer to persons in the singular number shall be taken to include the plural number. All words of the plural number shall include the singular num- ber, and all words of the masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine gender. Section 3. For the purposes of this act any per- son born in the United States of America, or any person fully naturalized under the laws of the United States, or the son of any such naturalized person, under the nge of twenty-one years, who has been a bona fide resident of this Commonwealth for a period of thirty days next preceding his application, shall be entitled to the license herein referred to, upon the further fulfillment of the requirements of this act. Section 4. Each and every resident of this Com- monwealth—such resident being a citizen of the United States — upon application made, verbally or in writing, to any county treasurer within the Commonwealth, and the presentation of proof that he is a citizen of the United States and a bona fide resident of this Commonwealth under the require- ments of this act, and the payment to said county treasurer of one dollar, shall be entitled to what is herein designated as a "Resident Hunter's License," and a tag with the number of the license thereon: Provided, That no person under the age of sixteen years shall be entitled to or receive such license, without presenting a written request therefor, bear- ing the signature of his father or mother, or his legally constituted guardian: Provided further. That no person under fourteen years of age shall be granted a license. Said license shall be issued on a form prepared and supplied by the Board of Game Com- missioners, at the cost of the Commonwealth. Such license shall bear a description of the person apply- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 73 ing for the same, with the date of its issue, and shall authorize the person named therein to use legal firearms for the purpose of hunting and kill- ing any of the wild animals or game-birds pro- tected by the laws of this Commonwealth, under the restrictions and requirements of existing laws, during that year, the date of which is inscribed thereon. Said certificate shall become void upon the thirty-first day of December next following the date of issue. The Game Commission shall also fui'nish free of charge, and the county treasurer shall issue, with each license, a tag bearing the license number, in figures at least one inch in height, which tag said licensee is required to display on the back of the sleeve, between the elbow and the shoulder, in such manner that the figures be visible at all times while hunting: Provided, That it shall be lawful, under the provisions of this act, for any justice of the peace within this Commonwealth, who has quali- fied therefor by having applied to the county treas- urer of the county in which he is located, and hav- ing received and receipted for necessary blanks and tags, to issue a resid^-ut hunter's license and tag on like conditions and in like manner as prescribed for the issuance of lice]:ses by any county treasurer, upon payment of fifteen cents to said justice by the said licensee, in addition to the other dollar pre- scribed as the cost of said license ; said fifteen cents to be retained by said justice of the peace as his fee for the issuance of said license and reporting the same, and remitting payment therefor to the county treasurer of the county in which said justice of the peace is located. Such report and remittance to be made and done by said justice of the peace within twenty-four hours after the issuance of said license , by him. Whereupon said county treasurer shall make a record of, and otherwise treat, said license as though it had been issued from his office, except that he shall also note upon his record the name of the justice issuing the license. Every justice of the peace shall deliver the book or books from which he has issued licenses, together with the stubs therein properly filled out and showing the names of each licensee and the number of the license issued to him, to the treasurer of his county during the month of January of each year. Section 5. Any citizen of the United States, resi- Term. Tag. Display of tag. Justices of the peace may also is- sue licenses. Keport and payment by justices. Record of license. Delivery of stub-books. 74 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Violations. penalty. Proviso. Ownership of and lawful use of gun. Without li- cense. Rights con- veyed by act. Possession of gun in field, etc. Prima facie evidence. Display of tag and showing of license. dent within this Commonwealth, who shall, ex- cepting in defense of person or property, attempt throuiih the use of a gun or mechanical device, be- fore described in this act, to hunt for, or take or wound or kill, any of the wild birds or animals protected by the laws of this Commonwealth, with- out first being possessed of a "Resident Hunter's License," lawfully issued to him in his name, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each offense ; and each day upon which said gun or device is used shall be considered a separate and distinct offense: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any citizen of the United State, residing within this Commonwealth, from having a gun in his home ; or from using such gun in defense of either person or property ; or from shoot- ing at targets; or from hunting for or shooting at, in any place in this Commonwealth, anything not protected by the laws of this Commonwealth ; or to prevent any bona fide owner or any bona fide lessee of lands within this Commonwealth, or any mem- ber of the family of such owner or lessee, such per- son being a citizen of the United States, residing upon and cultivating lands in this Commonwealth, from hunting thereon, or, by and with the consent of the owner thereof, from hunting upon the lands immediately adjacent and connected with his own lands, — without securing the license provided for by this act; it being distinctly understood that no right is conveyed by this act to hunt upon either private or public property in this Commonwealth, contrary to the wishes of those who may own or control such property . Section 6. For the purpose of this act, the fact that any person shall be found in possession of a gun, or of a mechanical device of any description possessing the power to propel with force n leaden or metal bullet or pellet, either in the field, in the forests or on the waters of this Commonwealth, shall be considered prima facie evidence that such person is hunting ; and shall render him liable to display his license tag as aforesaid, and to show his "Resi- dent Hunter's License" to any officer of this Com- monwealth, whose duty it is to protect the game and wild birds of the Commonwealth, or, upon demand by the owner or the lessee, or by the employee or representatives of such owner or lessee, upon whose GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 75 lands such person may be found in this Common- wealth ; and for refusing or neglecting to comply with such request, such person, neglecting or re- fusing to display his license tag, as aforesaid, and exhibit his "Resident Hunter's License," shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars; and the fact that any person may be found upon the highways of the Commonwealth, in possession of a gun and the dead body of any bird or animal protected by the laws o^ this Commonwealth, shall be considered prima facie evidence that such person is hunting; and such person, upon demand made by any officer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the wild birds and game of the State, shall be required to display his license tag, as afore- said, and exhibit his "Resident Hunter's License," and for refusing to so do shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars: Provided, That in all cases of arrest for violation of any of the provisions of this net, except where the dead body of any game bird or animal is found in posses- sion of the accused, the affidavit of any person, charged with such violation, denying the charge made, shall, in every instance, over-balance what is termed "prima facie evidence" in any of the pro- visions of this act ; and that all penalties collected for violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be paid into the State Treasury, to be applied to the pur[)oses otherwise provided for in this act. Section 7. Each and every county treasurer of this Commonwealth shall keep in a book to be supplied by the Board of Game Commissioners at the cost of the Commonwealth, a correct and com- plete record of all "Resident Hunters' Licenses" issued by him. Such book shall be in the form of an alphabetical index ; and it shall be the duty of each county treasurer to have entered therein, at the close of each week, the name and place of residence of each individual to whom a license shall have been issued during that week ; and to forward im- mediately to the Game Commission a complete list of licenses aranted, with names and addresses of licensees and numbers of their respective license, on blanks to be furnished by the Game Commission ; and this index shall be open at any reasonable hour to the inspection of any officer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is by law to protect the wild birds and game of the Commonwealth. Refusal or negli'ct. Penalty. Possession of gun and game. rrlnia facie evidence. Display of tag, etc. Proviso. Penalty. Af^dnvit of denial. EtToct of County tri'.'isurers. lieeord of licenses. Duty of treasurers. Inspection of index. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Treasurer's fee. Returns of treasurer. Powers of ofl3cers. Arrest with- out warrant. Seizures. Disposition of seizures. Forfeiture of game. Forfeiture of guns, t)oats, etc. Section 8. Said county treasurers are herewith authorized to retain for services rendered the sum of ten cents from the amount paid by each licensee, which amount shall be full compensation for ser- vices rendered by him in each case under the pro- visions of this act, and shall remit all balances aris- ing from this source, at least once a month, to the State Treasurer, for the purposes otherwise pro- vided for in this act. Each county treasurer shall make his return to the State Treasurer upon a form to be supplied by the Board of Game Commissioners, at the cost of the Commonwealth, and shall in every instance forward a duplicate of such report to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg. Section 9. Any officer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the wild birds or game of the Commonwealth or to preserve the peace of the Com- monwealth shall have the right to arrest, without warrant, any person caught in the act of violating any provision of this act, or in a pursuit imme- diately following such violation ; and to seize all guns, shooting paraphernalia, dogs, boats, decoys, or other appliances used in violation of any pro- vision of this act; also, all wild birds or animals, game or otherwise, found either in possession or under control of the suspected person within this Commonwealth. All birds and animals, or parts thereof, not classed as game in this Commonwealth, thus seized, shall be held subject to the order of the Board of Game Commissioners. All guns, boats, decoys, dogs, game, and shooting paraphernalia, seized when such arrest is made, shall be held sub- ject to the determination of the proceedings instituted ; and, where the party accused is convicted, all game seized shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and as soon as may be shall be for- warded to the most convenient hospital, for the use of the sick or injured therein. All guns, boats, decoys, dogs, and shooting paraphernalia of every description, thus seized, shall be held subject to the payment of the penalty imposed and the costs of prosecution; and, unless security be given as re- quired by section thirteen of this act, all such seized guns, boats, decoys, dogs, and shooting paraphernalia shall be sold at public auction, after advertising the same for five days, by at least five public hand- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 77 bills conspicuously posted in the city, borough, or township wherein the conviction was secured. Any fund thus arising shall be applied, first, to the pay- ment of the costs of prosecution; then, to the pay- ment of the penalty imposed ; and the remainder, if any, shall be returned to the owner of the prop- erty seized. Where game, dogs, boats, decoys, or shooting paraphernalia of any description shall be seized, and the owners thereof escape arrest, and refuse to present themselves and make claim to said property, all such game, after the lapse of three days after the seizure, shall be declared forfeited to the Commonwealth, and shall be sent to the most convenient hospital, for the purpose before indicated in this section. All guns, dogs, boats, decoys, and other shooting paraphernalia thus seized shall be held for a preiod of ten days; after which time, if the owner thereof fails to appear and defend himself aiiainst the charges made, such property of all description shall be sold, in the manner pre- scribed for the sale of seized property after convic- tion, and the fund arising from such sale be applied as in the case of the sale after conviction: Pro- vided, That the fact that imprisonment is suffered by any person convicted of violating any provisions of this act shall not prevent the sale of guns, dogs, boats, decoys, or other shooting paraphernalia of any description, held as the property of the imprisoned party, and the application of the fund thus realized to the payment of the costs and the penalty imposed. Section 10. Each and every person resisting arrest for violation of any of the provisions of this act, or refiising to go with an officer after an arrest has been made, or interfering with an officer of the Commonwealth in the performance of his duty under the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, which penalty when col- lected shall be applied as are other penalties under the provisions of this act. Section 11. Whenever, because of the violation of any of the requirements of this act, any person shall be convicted for a first offense and a penalty be im- posed, and the defendant shall neglect or refuse to at once pay said amount, together with the costs of prosecution, in lawful money of the United States, he shall at once be committed to the common jail of the county in which the conviction is secured, for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty im- Application funds. Forfeiture when own- ers escape arrest. Disposition of guns, boats, etc. Proviso, Resisting arrest, etc. Penalty. Refusal to pay penalty. First offense. 78 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Second or subsequent offense. Forfeiture of traps, guns, boats, etc. Disposition of fees. posed ; unless he shall enter into good sufficient re- cognizance to either pay the penalty and costs, within a period of ten days after the date of said conviction, or to certiorari the proceedings under the forms of law, or to carry the case to a higher court on appeal, under the provisions of section fourteen of article five of the Constitution and the laws of Pennsylvania re- lating thereto. For the second or any additional offense after the first offense the defendant shall, in addition to the penalty prescribed for the first offense, suffer an imprisonment of one day in jail for each dollar of penalty imposed: Provided, That in every case of a conviction for violation of any of the pro- visions of this act, wherein the defendant suffers im- prisonment in lieu of a cash payment of the penalty imposed, or fjiils to pay the costs of prosecution, all traps, guns, boats, decoys, shooting paraphernalia, or other appliances used in violation of the law, and found in his possession at the time of arrest or proven to have been used in violation of law, shall be and they are hereby declared forfeited to the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania ; and shall be either destroyed or sold, as the Board of Game Commissioners may consider best, and the money secured through such sale shall be applied by said board, first, to the pay- ment of the costs incurred, and the remainder, if any, be deposited with the State Treasurer, to be used for the purposes herein otherwise provided ; the defendant being entitled, for the first offense only, to the credit of one day off his imprisonment for each dollar so de- posited with the State Treasurer. Section 12. All license fees collected under the pro- visions of this act, and all fines and penalties im- posed and collected for violation of any of its pro- visions, shall be paid to the State Treasurer as here- inbefore designated, who shall keep the moneys thus collected as a fund separate and apart, solely for the purpose of wild bird and game protection, and for the purchase and propagation of game under the super- vision of the Board of Game Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the payment of bounties under the provisions of law. The several purposes to which the fund, so received by the State Treasurer, shall be applied, to be clearly designated by an act of the Li^gislature, either in the general appropriation act or by sej>arate appropriation for the payment of bounties. It being specifically provided GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 79 that fify per centum of any fund roturned to the State through or because of the provisions of this act, or so much of said fifty per centum as may be needed, shall be applied by the Legislature at its biennial ses- sions to the payment of bounties, at the rate of one dollar for each mink killed, two dollars for each wea- sel killed, two dollars for each fox killed, and four dollars for each wildcat killed, and such bounty upon other animals or birds as may hereafter have a bounty placed upon them by the T^egislature of the State; such bounties to be paid upon proof of such killing as is now provided by the law of this Commonwealth. Section 13. Each and every magistrate, justice of the peace, and alderman, within this Commonwealth, shall have the power of summary conviction in matters pertaining to violation of any of the provisions of this act. All actions for violation of any of the provisions of this act, excepting where the defendant is taken in the act of violating the law, or in a pursuit immedi- ately following such violation, shall be commenced by affidavit made within one year after the date of such violation ; and any magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman, in this Commonwaelth, on complaint made before him, by affidavit by one or more persons of a violation of any of the provisions of this act by any person, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game protector, or any officer of the Commonwealth Avhose duty it is to pro- tect game and wild birds of the Commonwealth, and cause such person to be brought before him, such magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the person accused ; and if such person be convicted of the offense charged, he shall be sen- teheed to pay the full penalty prescribed by the section violated, together with the costs of prosecution. All penalties thus recovered, in cases where the prosecu- tor is a salaried officer of the Commonwealth, shall be immediately surrendered by the court receiving the same to the prosecutor, who in turn, as soon as may be, shall forward or deliver such amount in full to the secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg. Where any officer of the Common- wealth, other than a salaried officer, is the prosecu- tor, the penalty shall be, as soon as the case is fully determined before him, forwarded by such magistrate. Payment of bounties. Summary conviction. Affidavit. Hearing. Disposition of penalty. 80 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Conviction on appeal. Acknowledg- ment of offense. Receipt. Repeal. justice of the peace, or aldermnn to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg, to- gether with a statement of the cause for which such money shall have been collected, the cost of which statement is hereby fixed at fifty cents and made a part of the costs of prosecution ; and it shall be the duty of said Secretary of the Board of Game Commis- sioners to at least once a month make return of moneys thus collected to the State Treasurer, to be applied to the purposes otherwise provided for in this act. Each and every defendant convicted on appeal before any court of this Commonwealth shall be sen- tenced to pay the penalty imposed by the section vio- lated, or to undergo imprisonment in the common jail of the county for one day for each dollar of penalty imposed and unpaid: Provided, That any person charged with violating any provision of this act may sign an acknowledgment of the offense com- mitted, either before or after the beginning of suit, and pay to any duly appointed and commissioned game protector, deputy or special deputy game protector, the penalty in full, as fixed by the act, together with the costs accruing to the State to that date ; and the printed receipt therefor, which shall in every instance bear the imprint of the Seal of the Board of Game Commissioners of Pennsylvania, and the signature of its Secretary, shall be evidence of full satisfaction of the offense committed: Provided further, That when any person or persons are arrested for any violations of the provisions of any section of this act, the party or parties making said arrests shall immediately there- after take, or cause to be taken, the parties so ar- rested to the nearest justice of the peace, magistrate, or alderman, for a hearing upon the charge upon which said person or persons were arrested. Section 14. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 17th day of April, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. AN ACT To provide for the better protection and preservation of game, game-quadriipeds, and game-birds in Penn- sylvania, and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, the open season for the grey, the black, and fox squirrel; also the open season for the ruffed grouse, and for the Hungarian partridge, and for the woodcock, and for the English or Chinese ringneck pheasant ; shall be from the fifteenth day of October of each year to the thirtieth day of November of the same year, both days inclusive; and the open season for the gray rabbit and the hare shall be from the first day of November to the thirty-first day of December of each year, inclusive: Provided, That either game-quadrupeds or game-birds, raised strictly in capitivity, and killed within such place of confine- ment without being released in the Commonwealth at large, may be killed at any time, and may be sold within the Commonwealth at any time, under the rules and regulations regarding the marking and tag- ging of game as now fixed by law relating to game raised in captivity. Section 2. Except as provided by the laws of this Commonwealth relating to the taking of quadrupeds and birds for scientific purposes, each and every per- son taking or killing or wounding, or attempting to take or kill or wound, any quadruped or bird named in section one of this act, except during the time fixed by such section as the open season for such killing, shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each squirrel or rabbit taken, killed or wounded, or attempted to be killed, taken or wounded, contrary to the provisions of this act: Pro- vided, That the penalty for taking a squirrel or a rabbit in any manner, excepting through the use of a gun, is hereby fixed at ten dollars, instead of fifty dollars, as is now provided by law. Each and every person, either taking or wounding or killing, or attempting to take or wound or kill, any game-bird named in section one of this act, except during that time fixed as the open season for such Violations. Penalty. Violations. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. bird, shall be liable, upon conviction, to pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each bird taken, wounded or killed, or attempted to be taken, wounded or killed ; or, in default thereof, to suffer an imprisonment in the common jail of the county for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed for the first offense, and, for the second offense, or, for any other offense after the first offense, shall, in addition to the penalty imposed for the first offense, undergo an im- prisonment of one day for each dollar of penalty im- posed . Section 3. Provided, That all violations of any pro- vision of this act shall be enforced, and all penalties collected be applied, in the manner as is now pro- vided for by section thirty -one of the act of May first, one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game-quadrupeds and game-birds, and song and insectivorous and other wild birds, and providing penalties for the violation of its several provisions." Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act or any of its provisions are hereby re- pealed. Approved— The 18th day of April, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. AN ACT Elk and deer. Hunting preserves. To provide for the protection and preservation of elk and deer ; providing a method through which certain lands in the Commonwealth may be closed to hunt- ing for a term of years ; and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions . Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, the Board of Game Commis- sioners of this Commonwealth shall have the power and authority to close, for a term of yenrs, to the pur- poses of hunting elk and deer, found in a wild state in any of the territory that maj', to the residents of that territory, appear necessary to the protection of elk and deer placed or found thereon ; such territory in no instance to be less than one county in area, and in no instance to exceed four contiguous counties in any one tract, in this Commonwealth. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 83 Closure of county. Section 2. That wherever at least two hundred citi- Petition, zens of any county in this Commonwealth shall, through written petition, certify to the Board of Game Commissioner that, in their opinion, an absolutely closed season is necessary to insure the better pro- tection and consequent increase elk and deer found in a wild state, in that county in which such citizens may reside, and asking that such county be closed to hunting for a period, the Board of Game Commis- sioners shall forward to said petitioners and others a blank form setting forth such questions as they may consider best suited to determine the quantity of game and game conditions in the county in question, which said forms, with replies to entitle such answers to consideration before said Board of Game Commis- sioners, shall be returned to said board on or before the return day as fixed upon said forms ; such peti- tioners shall also publish for at least three consecu- Publicity, tive weeks, at their own expense, in at least two prominent newspapers in the county to be closed, the statement that such petition has been filed, with its purpose and the return day for information as fixed by the Board of Game Commissioners ; and shall file with said board duly certified copies of such notices as published in each newspaper, on or before said return day. If the written answers as returned shall fail to satisfy said Board of Game Commissioners that such closed season is necessary, or those opposing such action shall demand a hearing before said board, then a hearing shall be had, upon such date, and at such place within the county to be affected, as may be decided upon by the said Board of Game Commis- sioners, the expense of such hearing to be paid by those demanding the same. If after the receipt of the written answers, or the public hearing, or both, the Board of Game Commissioners shall be satisfied such closed season is necessary to insure the better protection of elk and deer, found in a wild state, and its consequent increase, they are herewith em- powered and directed to declare a closed season, not closed to exceed five years, for elk and deer, found in a season, wild state, as the investigation may demonstrate is needy in that county, or in those several counties, not exceeding four in number and adjoining one another, that through the separate action of its citi- zens has been in accord with the requirements of thia act. Hearing. 84 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Publication decisions. Violations. Penalty. Summary conviction. Action. Warrant. Hearing. Penalties. disposition of. The Board of Game Commissioners to make such closed season effective and binding shall be required to publish annually their decision and action regarding this matter in at least five newspapers, if there be that many, in each county affected thereby, and to have notices of such ruling, declaring such county closed to hunting, printed upon cloth, annually dis- tributed in reasonable numbers throughout the af- fected territory. Each and every person violating the requirements of such ruling made by the Board of Game Commis- sioners under the requirements of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of two hundred dollars for each elk, and one hundred dollars for each deer, taken, killed, wounded, or attempted to be taken, killed, or wounded upon said closed territory. Section 3. Each and every magistrate, justice of the peace, and alderman within this Commonwealth shall have the power of summary conviction in mat- ters pertaining to violation of any of the provisions of this act. All actions for violation of any of the provisions of this act, except where the defendant is taken in the act of violating the law or in a pursuit immediately following such violation, shall be com- menced by affidavit made within one year after the date of such violation; and any magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman in this Commonwealth, on complaint made before him, by affidavit, by one or more persons, of a violation of any of the provisions of this act by any person, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable, police officer, game protector, or any officer of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to protect the game and wild birds of the Commonwealth, and cause such person to be brought before him, such magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman, who shall hear the evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the person ac- cused ; and if such person be convicted of the offense charged he shall be sentenced to pay the full penalty prescribed by the section violated, together with the costs of prosecution. All penalties thus recovered, in cases where the prosecutor is a salaried officer of the Commonwealth, shall be immediately surrendered by the court receiving the same to the prosecutor, who in turn, as soon as may be, shall forward or deliver such amount in full to the secretary of the GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg. Where any officer of the Commonwealth, other than a sal- aried officer, is the prosecutor, one-half of any penalty thus collected shall be paid to such prosecutor by the court receiving the same ; and the remaning one- half shall be, as soon as the case is fully determined before him, forwarded by such magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman to the Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners at Harrisburg, together with a statement of the cause for which such money shall have been collected, the cost of which statement is State; ents. hereby fixed at fifty cents and made a part of the costs of prosecution ; and it shall be the duty of said Secretary of the Board of Game Commissioners to, at least once a month, make return of moneys thus collected to the State Treasurer, who shall keep the moneys thus collected as a fund separate and apart, gpnarate solely for the purpose of wild bird and game pro- fund, tection, and for the purchase and propagation of game under the supervision of the Board of Game Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for the payment of bounties under the provisions of law. The several purposes to which the fund so received by the State Treasurer shall be applied to be clearly designated by an act of the Legislature, either in the general appropriation act or by separate appropriation for the payment of bounties. Any de- fendant being dissatisfied with the finding of the magistrate, justice of the peace, or alderman, in a trial for a violation of any provision of this act, shall be entitled to an appeal under the provisions of ■A.ppeal. section fourteen of article five of the Constitution, and the laws of Pennsylvania relating thereto; which said court, on the conviction of the defendant of such offense, and his failure to pay the penalty in full imposed by this act, together with the costs 'of prose- cution, shall commit such defendant to the common jail of the county for the time as prescribed by this act: Provided, That any person caught in the act, or charged with a violation of any provisions of this act, may, at his discretion, either before or after the bringing of suit, sign an acknowledgment of the of- fense committed, and pay to any duly authorized game protector or deputy game protector the penalty in full, as fixed by the section violated, together with costs, if any, to date, and the receipt which h( shall receive therefrom and which in all instances sha^i Proviso. 86 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, bear the imprint of the seal of the Board of Game Commissioners and the signature of its Secretary, shall be evidence of full satisfaction of the offense com- mitted . Repeal. Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hercbv repealed. Approved— The 29th day of April, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. AN ACT Foxes. Killing of by certain methods in Delaware countv pro- hibited. Violations. Penalty. Proviso. Repeal. To prohibit the killing of foxes by certain methods in Delaware County, and fixing a penalty for viola- tion of the act. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That it shall be un- lawful for any person to shoot or trap or snare or poison any fox within the limits of Delaware County. Section 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and upon conviction thereof before any alderman, magistrate, or justice of the peace of the proper county, shall, for the first offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than five dollars, and for each suiasequent offense a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Section 3. Provided, however, nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any person or persons from shooting a fox, or foxes, destroying their prop- erty . Section 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are repealed. Approved— The 1st day of May, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. This is not a game law, and is placed in this book as a matter of information to sportsmen. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 87 AN ACT For the better protection of wild turkeys in this Commonwealth . Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful to shoot at, or wound, or kill, at any time of the year, any wild turkey in this Commonwealth, for a period of two (2) years from the passage of this act. Each and every person who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each wild turkey shot at, or wounded, or killed, in violation of this act, or to sutfer an im- prisonment of one day in the common jail of the proper county, for each dollar of penalty imposed and unpaid. Section 2. Each and every magistrate, alderman, and justice of the peace in this Commonwealth shall have the right and power of summary conviction re- garding any violation of this act, and all violators shall be prosecuted under the forms prescribed by sec- tion thirty-one of the act of May first, one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game, game- quadrupeds, and game-birds, and song and insecti- vorous and other wild birds, and prescribing penalties for violation of its several provisions," and all pen- alties shall be applied as therein provided. Section 3. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are herewith repealed. Approved— The 8th day of May, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Game. Wilk tur- keys, closed season. Penalty. Summary conviction. Repeal. AN ACT To prohibit the use of firearms of any description upon lands set apart to hospital, or sanatorium, or park, or resort uses, whereon human beings congregate in the open, in quest of health, recreation, or pleasure in this Commonwealth, and providing pen- alties for violation of its several provisions. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.,That, from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person within this Commonwealth, at any time GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS of the year, to discharge a shotgun or a rifle, or a firearm of any description, except in defense of per- son or property, or by the written consent of the owner of person controlling the same, upon the grounds belonging to, or connected with and controlled by, those operating a public or private hospital or sanatorium, or park or resort, set apart to the use of the public either free or otherwise, and upon which human beings congregate in the open, in quest of health, recreation, or pleasure, — such lands being surrounded by a marker, either a fence or single wire, or a marker of any description that will clearly designate the boundaries thereof, and a line of notices printed upon cloth, or painted, and posted not to exceed one hundred yards apart along said marker, calling attention to the fact that the land within such enclosure has been set apart for a specific purpose (naming it), and that shooting upon such property it prohibited: Provided, That no privileges may be given by those owning or operating such lands to any person to hunt for or shoot at either animals or birds classed as game, in this Commonwealth, upon such property. Each and every person violating any provision of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and upon conviction shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for the first offense, or, in lieu thereof, shall suffer an imprisonment in the common jail of the county of one day for each dollar of pen- alty imposed for the first oft'ense ; and for the seocnd and each succeeding offense after the first offense, shall, in addition to the penalty imposed for the first offense, undergo an imprisonment of one day in jail for each dollar of penalty imposed, no matter whether the penalty in cash be paid or not. Section 2. Each and every State policeman, local policeman, constable, game protector, or any other peace officer, in this Commonwealth, is herewith given authority to, and it is made his duty to, arrest without warrant any person caught in the act of violating any provision of this act, and to follow the usual course of serving a warrant, arresting, and prosecuting persons charged with misdemeanors in this Commonwealth in all cases where the informa- tion of such violation is by any other person brought to the attention of the officer. All penalties collected for violation of any provision GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 89 of this act shall be delivered to the county treasurer of the county in which the conviction is secured, to be used as other funds belonging to the county are used. Section 3. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 6th day of June, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Repeal. No. 467. AN ACT Creating a reward or bounty for the destruction of certain noxious animals and birds killed within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; providing a method for the payment of the same by the several counties of the Commonwealth, which in turn are to be reimbursed by the Commonwealth; and pro- viding penalties for violation of its several pro- visions. Section 1. Be it enacted, etc.. That from and after the passage of this act, a reward or bounty shall be paid by this Commonwealth for the killing, within the Commonwealth only, of the following noxious animals and birds, as follows. For each wildcat the sum of four dollars; for each gray fox, the sum of two dollars; for each weasel, the sum of two dollars ; for each goshawk or sharp- shinned hawk , the sum of fifty cents ; and for each great horned owl, the sum of fifty cents. Section 2. It shall be the duty of any perspn, who, having killed one of these animals or birds with- in the Commonwealth, and being desirous of securing the reward or bounty named in section one of this act, to produce such slain animal, or the entire pelt of such animal, before any person authorized to ad- minister oaths in the county in which said animal or bird was killed, and to make affidavit that he or some member of his family killed the same, stating clearly the time of such killing, and that the place at which such animal or bird was killed (naming it) was within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Upon the production of such animal or pelt, or of such bird, and the making of such affidavit, the said official shall, in the presence of the party making such affidavit and at least one elector of th6 county Noxious animals and birds. Bounty for the destruc- tion. Wildcat, weasel, gray fox, gos- sharp- shinned hawk, and great horned owl. Procedue to secure bounty. Affidavit. GAME. FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. in which the claim is made, cut off the ears from such animal or pelt, or the head of such bird, and burn the same, and split the skin of the face of the animal from between the eyes through the end of the nose . Section 3. Upon the destruction of such ears or head, and the splitting: of the skin of the face of such animal, the said official shall give to the party mnkins such affidavit a certificate, directed to the commissioners of the county in which he has juris- diction, settin.i^- forth clearly the fact that the pro- visions of this act have been complied with, naming the kind of animal killed, the name of the person killing it, the time it was killed, and the name of i.he place within the Commonwealth where it was thus killed. Upon the presentation of such certificate in proper form, the commissioners of the county shall give an order for the amount named in such certificate to the person presenting the same, drawn upon the county treasurer, directing the payment of the re- ward or bounty as provided for in this act, and the county treasurer shall at once, upon presentation of said order, pay the same from the funds in his hands belonging to said county. Section 4. The county commissioners of the several counties of this Commonwealth shall keep an accurate account of all applications made to them for bounty under the provisions of this act, and shall, on or about the first of January and the first day of June of each year, prepare and forward to the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, an itemized state- ment, to be prepared upon a form supplied by the Auditor General at the cost of the Commonwealth, of all the several amounts directed by them to be paid between the aforesaid dates, and under the provisions of this act, making affidavit thereto, and accompany- ing the same by a sworn statement of the county treasurer, setting forth the fact that the several amounts were actually paid by him in compliance with said orders; and the Auditor General shall, if he finds the before-named return in proper form, draw a warrant in favor of such county, upon the State Treasurer, for the amount so claimed and approved; which said warrant upon presentation to the State Treasurer, shall be paid out of the funds which shall hereafter accumulate in the hands of the State Treas- urer from the fifty per centum of the fees paid for GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 91 hunter's licenses, as provided by section twelve of the act of Assembly, approved the seventeenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, entitled "An Act for the better protection of wild birds, and game within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; requiring citizens of the United States residing within this State to procure a license be- fore using guns for the purpose of hunting for any wild birds or animals protected by the laws of this Commonwealth ; and providing penalties for violation of its several provisions, and the manner of proceed- ing to enforce compliance therewith and providing for the disposition of the license fees and the pen- alties received." Section 5. No person shall at any time be paid a bounty for the killing of any animal named in this act the skin of which has had the ears cut off, or the front of the face split, or of any bird which has had the head cut off, before presentation to the per- son authorized to take affidavits under the provisions of this act; and no person shall at any time collect, or attempt to collect, a second bounty for the killing of any animal or bird under the provisions of this act ; shall attempt to collect such bounty through the presentation of the skin or head, or any part thereof, of an animal or bird not named in this act, or through deception of any character ; and it shall be imlawful for any person in this Commonwealth to present, for the purpose of securing the bounty pro- vided for by this act, the skin or head, or any part thereof, of an animal or bird that has been reared in captivity ; or the skin or head, or any part thereof, of any animal or bird killed or captured outside of this Commonwealth. Each and every person who shall wilfully or fraudently collect or nttempt to collect any reward or bounty provided for by this act, to which he or they are not legally entitled under the provisions of this act, or shall aid or abet or assist in any capacity, official or otherwise, in an attempt to de- fraud the State, through the collection or payment of any reward or bounty provided for by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and upon conviction thereof shall, in addition to the penalty that may be imposed for perjury where a false affidavit is made, be sentenced to pay to the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania a fine of not less than one hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars, or suffer an im- When coun- ty shall not be paid. Deception, etc. Violations. Penalty. 52 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. prisonment in the common jail of the county for a period of one day in jail for each dollar of fine im- posed Kepeal. Section 6. All acts or p'lts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved— The 25th day of July, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 93 BOARD OF GAME COMMISSIONERS. Dr. Charles B. Penrose, President, Philadelphia, C. K. Sober, Lewisburg; John M. Phillips, Pittsburg; Arthur Chapman, Doylestown ; Lanning Harvey, Wilkes-Barre ; W. H. McCaleb„ Harrisburg, Joseph Kalfbus, Harrisburg, Secretary. NOTICE. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of the Board of Game Commissions, Harrisburg, Pa., July 15th, 1911. The Game Commission of Pennsylvania wishes it to be fully and distinctly understood that they are trying to interpret and enforce the game law of this State according to their idea of its spirit and purpose, rather than its exact wording. For in- stance the law says that no person shall have a game bird in possession except during a certain season, nor shall anyone have in possession at any time a bird of a kind, known as "a wild- bird other than a game bird," excepting under the provisions of law. If upon investigation it develops that a bird of either of these kinds was taken into possession through a spirit of kindness and with the intent to benefit, or save the life of a suffering bird, we will construe this action to be in accord with what we under- stand to be the purpose of the law. Namely, a step toward the preservation and protection of our birds, and one that should be commended rather than condemned. Again, while the letter of the law permits the Game Com- mission or its duly authorized officers to do certain things that it forbids the ordinary citizen to do, we construe this to be a provision intended to benefit the Commonwealth and not in- tended to benefit the officer, and will in no instance permit such officer to exercise a privilege of this kind for personal profit.. We will not permit one of our officers to lead an innocent person into tempation for the purpose of collecting a penalty — either for his own use or for the use of this office. For instance, the law gives game protectors, for the purpose of securing evi- dence, the right to buy or sell certain game, but may not be bought or sold for any purpose by any other individual in the State, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars. A country boy may kill a pheasant, and a dollar to him may exceed several times over the value of the bird. We will not permit any of our officers 94 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. to lead such a person into a violation of the law for the purpose of collecting a penalty. Neither will we, for the purpose of mak- ing a case, permit an officer to sell game to an unwary and entirely innocent individual, who may be hunting. But where we are led to believe persons are wilfully and deliberately violating the law, either through the purchase or sale of game of a kind, the purchase or sale of which is forbidden, we feel that it devolves upon us to break up such practice, and will do our best to secure the necessary evidence to attain that end. The game law of this Commonwealth provides that game killed in this Commonwealth may be had in possession at certain times, only, and imposes a penalty for having such game in possession at any other time, we do not understand the intent of this law to arbitrarily mean that, men may have game in possession, only at a certain time, but, instead, was intended to safeguard the lives of game birds or animals, by making the possession of game out of season, an evidence that the game in question, was killed illegally. Therefore, it is evident, that the deer or any other animal, or bird, was not killed, by the man having it in possession, or through his instrumentality, as for instances a deer killed by a railroad train, we can see no good reason why some human being may not be benefited through using the flesh of such animal, rather than to have it rot upon the ground or become the food of dogs or crow. Again, an act passed by the Legislature of 1909 says the unnaturalized foreign born resident, may not hunt, or shoot, in this Commonwalth and to that end, shall not be possessed of either shotgun or rifle, this last provision to our minds means a shot gun or rifle that can be used to shoot with, not some old and useless gun, or a part thereof and we will not permit any officer under our appointment, to use this act for either a purpose of persecution or to secure dollars to his own profit. These illustrations cover the principal we have adopted as our guide. We are striving to preserve the game and wild birds of the State for the benefit of all people of the State. Wild birds, because of the value of their life work ; game birds for the same reason; and in addition, the value to man of an outing in pursuit of such game and its value as a food supply. In conformity with these ideas the Game Commission proposes to prosecute and punish all violators of the game laws that may come to their notice. It will thankfully receive, and hereby earnestly invites any in- formation relative to violations of the game laws of the State. We ask that letters upon this subject be made as comprehensive as may be, giving, as far as possible, the name of the offender, the location, the nature of the offense, and the date upon which it was committed, with the names of witnesses and the postoffice GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 95 addresses of the same, so that we may be able to investigate quickly, intelligently and with as little expense as possible. This request includes misconduct upon the part of our officers as well as violations of the game laws. The name of any person giving us information in this way will be held strictly confidential. We have many officers whom we have never met, and of whom, personally, we known nothing, they have come to us, recommended by the friends of game protection in the several communities in which they may reside, we cannot hope to know of unfair or unjust treatment upon the part of these men, unless those who do know of it, notify us, and we ask you to help us in this mat- ter as well as any other feature of the work. We want the en- for<;ement of the Game Law to be clean and just in all ways. Respectfully yours, JOSEPH KALFBUS, Secretary of the Game Commission. GAISIE, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THE GAME LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Game Commission has nothing whatever to do with the enforcement of either the fish or forestry laws of this Common- wealth. All letters on the subject of game, song, or insectivorous birds, should be addressed to the Secretary of the Game Commission at Harrisburg. Game protectors have the authority to enforce only the game laws of the State. They have no authority to arrest for viola- tion of any other law, and an appointment of this kind carries no special rights or privileges, to the officer as an individual. A game protector is authorized to enter upon any land within the State, in the line of his duty, for the purpose of enforcing the law but he has no right, as an individual, to hunt, or in any manner trespass, upon posted lands, contrary to the wish of the owner thereof. A game protector is authorized to act anywhere in the State. All game protectors, deputy game protectors and special deputy game protectors of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, appointed by the Board of Game Commissioners, also all members of the State police authorized by act of May 2, 1905, are vested with like powers, and have the right to arrest without warrant, or to search the person or property of any one they may catch in the act of violating any game law of the Commonwealth or whom they may catch in pursuit immediately following the act, or whom they have reasonable cause to suspect of having tvithin a lim- ited time, violated any of the game laws of the State. But they are not authorized to arrest or search without warrant, after the of- fender has once reached his place of residence, unless they were actual witnesses to the violation and as rapidly as possible followed the offender to that place. Constables of the several wards, boroughs and toAvnships of this Commonwealth are ex-officio game wardens, and have the same power throughout the county, wherein they are elected as have the protectors appointed by the Game Commission. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 97 Constables are liable to fine and imprisonment where they neglect or refuse to enforce the game laws, after their atten- tion has been called to the matter, in a prescribed form. Section 5, Act of March 22, 1899, page 15. Any person or persons interfering with a game protector of this Commonwealth in the discharge of his duty, or resisting arrest shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Section 4, Act of May 21, 1901, page 18. A constable where he is the prosecutor is entitled to one- half of the penalty recovered, and to ten dollars extra from the county, for each conviction secured for violation of the game, or forestry laws. Deputy game protectors are entitled to the same reward. Game protectors and special deputy game pro- tectors are not so entitled. Any citizen of the Commonwealth has the right to prosecute for violation of the game laws, and is entitled to onehalf of all penalties recovered. Attention is called to the fact, that, the one who prosecutes, for violation of the game law is entitled to part of the penalty re- covered, not the one who is simply the informer. Where a person is caught in the act or is arrested for violat- ing any law of this Commonwealth giving protection to game, song, or insectivorous birds, he is to be tried summarily. Section 31 of the Act of May 1st, 1909, page 52. No unnaturalized, foreign-born resident can legally own or have in possession a rifle or shot gun, or can hunt or shoot, within the Commonwealth. Act May 8, 1909, page 54. The constitutionality of this act has been sustained by both the Superior and the Supreme Courts of the Commonwealth. See citation No. 46, page 232. There shall be no hunting or shooting on Sunday. Penalty, $25. Section 1, May 1, 1909, page 31. When an arrest is made for violation of that provision of the game law prohibiting hunting on Sunday, the evidence and the record, must show that game or wild birds were hunted for or killed, the kind of game or birds hunted, or killed had best be named. It will not do to simply charge the defendant with hunting or shooting on Sunday, the game laws of this State were passed for the protection of game and wild birds 7 98 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, and not to preserve the sancity of the Sabbath, and the courts have held, that before a defendant can be convicted of violat- ing section one, of the act of May 1, 1909, it must be proved that game or a bird of some kind protected by this act was hunted or killed on Sunday. It is therefore not a violation of the game law of this State to shoot on Sunday, at targets or at a mark, or at a crow, or a hawk, or a fox, or at any other thing, not protected by the game laws of this State. All magistrates, justices of the peace, and aldermen should follow the form prescribed in the act violated, and their rec- ord should show that this has been done. This will avoid trouble on certiorari. In receiving or drawing a complaint, for the violation of any of the provisions of the game laws or fish laws of this State, it would be well to follow strictly the wording of the section violated, and the record should show that this has been done. The Record should show: That an offense was committed. That said offense was com- mitted within the jurisdiction of the court hearing the case. That the prosecution was brought within the statutory time. That the complaint was sworn to. That a warrant was issued and the arrest made on said war- rant which was duly returned. Or That the arrest was made on sight without warrant. That the defendant was present at the hearing. That the evidence as offered on both sides was heard under oath. The record must show at least the substance of such evi- dence. That the defendant was because of such evidence either con- victed or acquitted. If conviction that he was sentenced to pay the penalty imposed by law. That upon refusal to pay said penalty he was committed to the jail for a period of one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. And that this was done6e/ore he was permitted to enter hail on appeal. The killing of game except through the use of a gun is illegal, excepting that rabbits may be taken through the use of box traps, and bears may be taken through the use of pens. Section 15, Act May 1st, 1909, page 42. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 99 Squirrel or rabbits known to be injuring trees or growing crops may be killed at any time, but such animals so killed cannot be used for food or be sold. Section 25, Act May 1st, 1909, page 49. The use of what is commonly known as the automatic gun for killing game in Pennsylvania is prohibited. This applies to all kinds of automatic guns, rifle as well as shot guns. But does not apply to pump guns or lever guns, or to any gun, . >>G " a ^ -0) OJ te S-M^ y ^1^;;' 0;;+:.^ o, B P a ®q-l "S 3 - s ^ a ^b 1-1 t> 0^^ ■— "S - y. ^ a : xL • >, lu ci -o M . : dJ '• 2 lg fl -■^ : ; c in c ^ a = - C ' 53 >■. : ■ ?^ • .'1 Bo a So g pi < ■ II. " §sl C 1 ^ P a « a: = a ili ^ C3 » p: (^ H K t £ C p: K(^ a M GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. :-tS fee ^i;'"a!5ag«^tegfl*-agK' ^ g;3flaaA^2'^g^^«'g coccC-^.a^ai'C-i-; o^ og 3 o a — .S " rrj H 5 ,5 S 6c fe a' ^J2 O g ^5 -|a^§g^.g|§Sga| «a^-t-i MO* +J OB +3 ft D£| ^^ (116> INMX TO GAME LAWS A. Page. Acknowledgement of offense, right of 29,54,57,62,71,80 Actions, time limitations, „ 28,52,56,60,70,79 Address, Game Commission 97 Advertisement by Game Commission .....»...^ 18,60,84 Affidavit, 28,46, 52, 56, 60, 70, 79, 84 Aid in making arrests, „ 18 Air guns ,... 22 Alderman, 28,46,52,56,60,70,79,84 All wild birds other than game birds, protected, ►. 39 Amendments , 39,42,44,47 Anatidae, game birds 82 Animals and birds destructive of game 40 Annual statement from propagating plant 36 Annual statement from taxidermists 34 Apparatus, forfeiture of ...- 17,36,55,60,78 Appeal, right of 29,32,53,61,78 Application of fines and penalties 18,53,57,61,78,84 An.olication for certificate to take birds, ..., 33,34 Apilication for certificate to practice taxidermy, 3S Application for certificate to operate a propajfatlnf pl&nt, 35 Appointment of Came Commissioners U Apijointment of Game Protectors 12 Appointment of Deputy Game Protectors 18 Appointment of Special Deputy Game Protectors 25 Arrests, 13,17,18,28,46,52,56,70,76,79,84 Arrests, aid in mfeking 18 Arrest, resisting or interfering with 18,77 Arrest, on Sunday 17,56 Arrest, without warrant 16,17,76,79 Artificial lights, 43 Association, suggestions on forming, 298 Auction, ^ ,.18,55,60,78 Automatic guns, ^.. 80 B. Ball or bullet In hunting deer 41 Barn swallow, wild bird other than game bird. Protected 39 Barn owl, wild bird other than a game bird. Protected, 39 Barred owl, not protected 40 Bear, open season for, 49 Bear, may be killed, as protection to person or property 50 Bear, may be taken in pen, 43 Bear, taking in steel trap not permitted 43 Bear pen, must be visited once in 48 hours ^ 43 Beaver, protected at all times 18 Bee bird, wild birds other than game bird, protected at all times 39 Belgian hare, 40 Birds, other than game, protected at all times 38 ( 117) 118 INDEX Page. Birds, not to be kept In cages 39 Birds nests and eggs, protected, 41 Birds, may be taken under certificate, 33-34 Birds, certain, not protected 40 Bittern, wild bird otlier than game bird, protected 39 Black cap, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Black bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Black squirrel, open season for, 81 Black squirrel, number that may be taken in one day, 49 Black squirrel, may be bought and sold in season 48 Black squirrel, time it may be held in possession as game 50 Blue bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Blue finch, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Blue heron, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Blue Jay, not protected 40 Boat, kind that may not be used in hunting 43 Boat, forfeiture of, to Commonwealth, 32,76,78 Bobolink, or reed bird, game bird, 32 Bobolink, open season for 42 Bond, from game propagating plant 36 Bought or sold, certain game cannot be 47 Boundaries to be marked 88 Bounty 89 Box traps, 43 Boys under 14 not to receive license to hunt 72 Boys between 14 and 16 to receive license by consent of parents, 72 Brant, game bird, 32 Brant, season for, 42 Brant not to be killed after sunset or before sunrise, 60 Brant, time same may be sold 47 Buck deer, with horns two inches above hair, 44 Buck shot, not to be used In killing deer 45 Bullet or ball in hunting deer 45 Bunting, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Buzzard, not protected ,. 40 C. Cages, birds not to be confined in 39 Canaries, right to keep in cages 39 Cardinal, or red bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Cat bird, wild bird other than game bird, 'protected 39 Cedar bird or wax wing, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Certificate for taking birds, ordinary, 33 Certificate for taking birds, special 34 Certificate for resident before hunting for game, 71 Certificate for non-resident before hunting 20 Certificate for propagating purposes 35 Certificate, not transferable 36 Certificate, forfeiture of 36 Chat, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Cherry bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Chewink, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Chicadee, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Chipping sparrow, wild bird other than game bird protected 39 Close season 31 Collars on dogs '* Commitment of offenders 17,28,46,52,70,79,84 INDEX. 119 Page. Common Carriers 51 Coiitiscatecl game 18,76 Constables game wardens .- 14 Constables to kill dogs 62 Convictions beiore Aldermen, Justice of the Peace or Court, 17,28,46,52,59,71,80 Convictions, summary 28,46,52,71,80,84 Coon, game, open season for 58 Coopers hawk, not protected 40 Coots, game birds 32 Coots, open season for 42 Coots, may be bouglit and sold, 47 Costs of suit, 23 County Treasurer to issue Kesident Hunter's License 72 Court decisions 221 Court of Quarter Sessions 29, 47, 53, 61, 80, 221 Cow bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Crane, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Craft certain kinds forbidden in hunting 43 Creeper, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Crow, not protected, 40 Cuckoo, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Curlew, game bird, 32 Curlew, open season for under State law, 42 Curlew not to be killed for live years, under National law, HI Cured or tanned skin may be had in possession 40 D. Decision pertaining to game and fish 221 Decoys, for wild water fowl may be used 43,60 Decoys, may be forfeited, 32 Deer, buck with horns two inches above hair, 44 Deer, open season for, 44 Deer may not be killed in the water 45 Deer, to be killed through use of gun discharging one ball 45 Deer, number that may be legally killed 44 Deer, purchase of 47 Deer, shipment of wild deer out of State prohibited 51 Deer, shipment out of State, exception 52 Deer, use of deceptions forbidden, 43 Deer, killing of at licks prohiliited 43 Deer, use of dogs in hunting prohibited, 45 Deer, use of buckshot in killing, prohibited 45 Deer, not to be killed in water 45 Deer, not to be killed for wages or hire 49 Deer, time same may be held after close of season 52 Deer, killed in preserves 37 Deception, of wild game forbidden 43 Defendants, may acknowledge offense and pay penalty, 29,54,57,61,71 Deputy Game Protectors, appointment of 19 Deputy, Special, appointment and rights of 25 Designation of seasons 31 Destruction of birds nests prohibited 41 Destructive animals may be killed 32,49 Disposition of game when seized 17 Disposition of penalties, 29, 53, 57, 61, 78 Disposition of boats, guns, etc., seized, 17,36,57,78 Dogs may not be used in hunting deer 45 120 INDEX. Page, Dogs, a public nuisance, 46,62 Dogs, found running deer may be Killed by any person, 46 Dogs, may be killed upon afBdarit made within one year, 46 Dogs, owners of, liable to penalty, 46 Dogs, found running small game 46 Dogs, on State lands, 27 Dogs, time for training 47 Dogs, to be assessed 62 Dogs, legal status of 229 Domestic pets, wild birds not to be kept in confinement 39 Double liability 31,46 Doves, wild birds other than game birds, protected 65 Downey woodpecker, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Duck, wood, absolutely protected by National regulation, Ill Ducks, wild, game birds 32 Ducks, open season for. State law 42 Ducks, open season for, National regulations, 112 Ducks may be bought and sold during certain time 47 Ducks, not to be hunted from iiower boats 43 Ducks not to be killed during si)riug time 112 Duck Hawk, not protected 40 Duplicate tags, mutilation or second use of, prohibited 39 Duplicate tags, to be returned to game Commission 38 Duty of Game Commission, 12 Duty of Game Protectors, 13 Duty of Court of Quarter Sessions, 16 Duty of constables 15,64 Duty of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace 28,46,52,56,70,79 E. Eagle, not protected 40 Educational purposes 32 Eggs and nest of wild birds, not to be disturbed 41 Egret, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Elk, not to be killed for six years, 65 Elk, special protection 82 English sparrow, not protected 40 English pheasant, game bird 81 English pheasant, open season for 81 English pheasant, may be bought and sold, 48 English pheasant, number that may be killed 44 Evidence, prima facie 21,44,52 Evidence to be heard by Alderman or Justice of the Peace, 28,46,52,56,60,79 Expenses, of Game Protector, 18 Expenses, of Special Deputy neither State or county, responsible for,.. 26 Express Company, not to carry game out of State, 51 Express Company, exception, 51 P. Ferret, use of, in hunting, prohibited 50 Ferret to be killed, 50 Fees for certificates 36 Fines, deposition of 29.53,57,61,78,84 Finch, wild bird other than game bird, protected 89 Firearms, use of, prohibited in certain places, 27,89 INDEX. 121 Page. First offense, punishment 31 Flicker, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Fly-catcher, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Flobert rifle 22 Foreign born residents, imnaturalized, cannot hunt, 54 Forfeiture of game and shooting paraphernalia, 17,32,76,78 Forfeiture of boats, etc., 32,36,78 Forfeiture of certificate / 36 Fowl, wild water 32 Fowl, wild water, ojien season for 42 Fox, not to be brought into this State and released 41 Fox, bounty on 89 Fox, not to be killed in Delaware County, 86 Fox squirrel game animal 49 Fox squirrel, number That may be taken in one day, 49 Fox squirrel, may be bouglit and sold in season, 48 G. Gallinules, game birds, 32 Game, right of the State to control, 222 Game Commission, appointment of 11 Game Commission, Secretary of 13 Game Commission, meetings of, 12 Game Commission, duties of 12 Game Commission, game laws not to apply to, when acting for State,.. 33 Game Commission, right to destroy vermin, 32 Game preserves, owned by the State, 26 Game preserves, owned by private individuals 35 Game protectors, appointment of, 12 Game protectors, powers of 13,16,17,18 Game protectors, deputy, appointment of, 19 Game protectors, special deputy, appointment of 25 Game protectors, tenure of office, 12 Game, classification of, 32 Game, forfeiture of ! 17,18,32.76,78 Game, open season for 42,44,49,81 Game, not to be taken except through the use of a gun 42 Game, manner of taking, exception 43 Game, limit of numbers to be taken 43,44,49 Game, purchase and sale of certain kinds prohibited, 47 Game, purchase and sale of certain kinds permitted 48 Game, removal out of the State prohibited 51 Game, removal out of the State permitted under certain conditions,... 51,60 Game, time same may be held in possession 52 Game, disposition of, when seized, 17,18,76 Game protectors, must surrender all penalties to Commonwealth 18,29,53,61 Game protectors, rights and powers of, ., 12,13,16,17,18 Game, hunting of, for wages and hire prohibited 49 Game, ownership and control of 221 Game, commerce in, 230 Game preserves, public 26 Game preserves, private, 35 Game, tagging of, killed in private preserves 38 Game, in transit, 51 Game, non-residents with license may carry out of State 51 Game, possession of, during close season, 52 Gender 31 Gnat-catcher, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 122 INDEX. Page. Goose, wild, game bird 32 Goose, wild, open season for 42 Goose, wild, may be bought and sold 47 Goose, wild, decoys and blinds may be used in killing 43 Goose, wild, not to be killed from certain boats 43 Goose, wild, not to be killed in spring time 112 Goshawk, not protected 40 Goshawk, bounty on 89 Grackle or blacTcbird, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39-65 Grackle, may be killed when destroying property 65 Grass snipe or upland plover, game bird, (see plover), 32 Great Blue Heron, wild Itird other than game bird, protected, 31 Great Horned Owl, bounty on 89 Grebe,' game bird (see wild waterfowl) 32,40 Grey squirrel 49 Grey squirrel, open season for 81 Grey squirrel, number that may be killed 49 Grey squirrel, may be bought and sold 48 Great Horned Owl, not protected 40 Great Horned Owl, bounty on 89 Green Heron, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Grossbeak, or red bird, wild bird other than game bird protected ?.9 Grouse, game bird 32 Grouse, open season for SI Grouse not to be killed except through the use of a gun 42 Grouse not to be killed during the night time, 42 Grouse not to bought or sold 47 Grouse, not to be removed out of the State 51 Grouse, not to be removed out of State, exception, 51 Grouse, number that may be killed 44 Grouse not to be killed for wages or hire 49 Gull, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Gun, use of in taking game 42 Gun, automatic, prohibited 30 Gun, propelling more than one bullet, pellet or ball 45 Gun, forfeiture of 17,32,55,76,78 Gun, disposition of, when seized 17,32,55,76,78 H. Hair bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Hare, Belgian 40 Hearings 28, 46, 52, 56, 70, 79 Hens, mud, or coot, game bird 32 Hens, mud, or coot, open season for 42 Hens, mud, or coot, may be bought and sold 47 Hens, mud, or coot, time they may be held in possession, 52 Heron, green, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 High Holder or Flicker, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Hire, no hunting for 52 Horned Owl, not protected 40 Horns, on deer length of 44 Hospital game to be sent to 17,18,76 Hospital, use of firearms on grounds of, prohibited, 87 Humming bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Hungarian quail, game bird 32 Hungarian quail, open season for 81 Hungarian quail, number that may be killed 44 Hunter's, Resident, License 71 Hunting, certain methods only permitted 42,44 INDEX. 123 Page. Hunting, seasons for 41,42,44,81 Hunting deer with dogs prohibited 45 Hunting by residents without license prohibited, 71 Hunting by non-residents without license prohibited 20 Hunting by unnaturalized foreign born residents prohibited, 54 Hunting on Sunday prohibited 31 Hunting for birds during the night time prohibited 42 Hunting with automatic gun prohibited 30 Hunting paraphernalia, forfeited, 17-32 Hunting on certain lands prohibited , 26-87 I. Importation of certain birds and animals forbidden 41 Imprisonment, where penalty is not paid, 28,46,52,70,79 Imprisonment for second offense 32,78 Index to resident hunter's license 75 Indigo bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Insectiverous birds, wild birds other than game birds protected, 39 Inspection of propagating plant, 37 Interfering with birds nests 41 Interfering with officers 18,77 J. Jack snipe, game bird 32 Jack snipe, open season for. State law, 42 Jack snipe, open season for. National regulation 113 Jay bird, not protected 40 Joint resolution directing the publication of this pamphlet 3 Judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions, 29,53,61,80 Junco, wild bird other than a game bird, protected 39 Justice of the Pe.nce and Alderman 28,46,52,56,70,79 Justices of the Peace may issue resident hunter's license 73 Jurisdiction of game protectors 13,17,18 Jurisdiction of constables, 14 K. Killed, dogs to be, found running deer 45 Killed, dogs to be, found running small game 45 Killing deer in the water prohibited 45 Killing deer, except male deer with horns two inches above hair 44 Killing game except with a gun prohibited, 42 Kill-deer, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 42 King bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 King fisher, not protected 40 Kinglet, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 L. Land owners, who reside thereon, may hunt without license, 74 Lark, meadow, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Lark, horned, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Launches, power, prohibited in hunting wild fowl 43 Law, decisions of courts 221 Letter of transmittal 5 124 INDEX. Page. liability of owners of dogs that run deer, 45,46 Liability of men who take dogs into the woods 45 Lick, deer lirk used to kill deer prohibited, 43 Lisence to take birds, 33,34 License to practice texidermy 34 License to propagate game for sale 35 License to residents to hunt 71 License tag 73 License to non-residents to hunt in this State, 20 Limlcolae. Game birds 32 Limitation in which to prosecute 28,52,56,70,79 Limitation of time when game may be had in possession, 50 Linnet, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Loon, game bird 32 Loon, open season for 42 Loon, may be bought and sold, , 48 M. Magistrates, duties of 28,46,52,56.70,79 Martin, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Meadow Lark, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Meeting of Game Commission, 12 Migratory game birds protected by National regulation 110,111,112,113 Misdemeanor * 28, 46, 53, 57, 71 Mocking-bird, wild bird other than game bird, 39 Mongolian pheasant, game bird 32 Mongolian pheasant, open season for 81 Mongolian pheasant may be bought and sold, 48 Mounted or curei skins 40 Mud hens 32,42,47 Mutilation or removal of tags 38 N. Names on dogs collar 46, €2 Nests and eggs of wild birds not to be interfered with 41 Netting «f game prohibited, 43 Night hawk, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Night heron, wild bird other than a game bird, protected, 39 Night time, hunting of game birds prohibited 42, 6J Night time hunting prohibited National regulation L Non-residents must secure a license before hunting :0 Non-residents holding license can carry certain game out of State ol Non-protected wild birds 40 Notice, trespass 23,25 Notice to owner of dogs running small game 46 Notice to owner of dog running deer, 46 Number of game birds and animals that may be legally killed 44,49 Number of deer 44 Number of grouse 44 Number of wild turkeys, protected for two years 87 Number of quail, 44 Number of woodcock 44 Number of squirrel 49 Number of rabbits, 49 Nut hatch, wild bird •ther than game bird, protected 39 INDEX. 123 Page. Oath to overcome efifect of prima facie evidence 75 OfBce of the Game Commission, » 1% Officers, refusing or neglecting to do their duty IC' Officers, interference with 18 Officers, resisting arrest by 18 Offense, first 31-77 Offense, second 32,78< Ohio river, open season on, for wild fowl, National resrulntion 110" Open season for game defined 31 Open season for deer 4* Open season for grouse, Hungarian quail, woodcock, 81 Open season for quail 58i Open season for rabbits and squirrels 82 Open season for bear 49 Open season for ducks, geese and other wild water fowl, 42 Open season for shore birds 42 Open season for reed birds 42 Open season. National provisions, 110,111,112,113 Ordinary certificates 33 Oriole, wild bird other than game bird, protected , 39 Organizations, suggestions for 298 Osprey, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Owl, Great Horned, bounty on, „ 89 Owls, wild birds other than game birds, protected, 39 Owls, protected, exceptions, 40 Owners of dogs, liability for 46 P. Paraphernalia, forfeiture of 17,76,78 Partridge or quail, classification of 32 Partridge or quail, open season for, 58 Partridge or quail not to be killed except with a gun 42 Partridge or quail not tu ' '- killed during the night time, 42 Partridge or quail not to be killed for wages or hire, 52 Partridge or quail not to be bought or sold 4"? Partridge or quail not to be removed from the State 51 Partridge or quail, number that 'nay be legally killed 4\ Partridge or quail may be trapped lor special purpose o2 Partridge or quail, time same may be held in possession, 50 Pellet, bullet or ball, but one at single discharge at deer, 45 Pelts of certain animals 40 Pen for catching bear 43 Penalties, 28, 46, 52, 56, 70, 79 Penalties not to apply to 32 Penalties how distributed, 29,53,57,61,78 Penalties, right of defandant to pay 29,54,57,61,71,80 Person the word defined , 31, 72 Persons entitled to resident hunter's license 72 Pewee, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Pheasant, English, Mongolian or Chinese 81 Pheasant, open seasor for, ,. 81 Pheasant, not to be ' '.led except through the use of a gun, 42 Pheasant, not to be killei during the night time, 42 Pheasant, not to be killed for wages or kire, 52 Pheasant, not t© be bought or sold 47 Phoebe, wild bird other than a game bird, protected ^»,.. 39 Pigeon hawk, not protected -... 46 126 INDEX. Page. Pileated woodpecker, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Pine squirrel not protected, 49 Pit fall forbidden 43 Plover, game birds, 32 Plover, open season for, closed for 5 years, National law Plover, may be bought and sold 47 Possession of game at certain times prima facie evidence 21,44,52 Possession of game at certain times unlawful, 50 Posted lands, trespassing on 23,25 Powers of game protectors 11, 17, 18 Preserves for game owned by the State, 26 President of Game Commission, permission of, at certain times 34 Prima facie evidence 21,44,52,74 Procedure at trials 28,46,52.56,70,79 Property seized, disposition of, 17,32,76,78 Propagation of game certificate for 35 Prosecutors, right of 29, 53, 57, 61, 78 Protection to trees and growing crops, 49 Protectors, game, 11, 16, 17, 18 Provisions of Act not to apply 32 Public institutions in which living birds may be kept, 32 Public nuisance, when dogs become 46-62 Public parks, use of firearms prohibited, 87 Pursuit immediately following act of violating the law 52,56,60 Pursuit of bear out of season, when legal 50 Q. Quail or Virginia Partridge, game bird, 32 Quail or Virginia Partridge, open season for, etc. (see partridge) — 58 Quail Hungarian, open season for, 81 R. Rabbit or Hare, game animal, 49 Rabbit may be taken In bOT traps, 43 Rabbit or Hare, open season for 81 Rabbit or Hare, number that may be taken in one day 49 Rabbit or Hare, may be killed as protection to trees 49 Rabbit or Hare, not to be hunted with ferrets, 50 Rabbit or Hare killed to protect trees cannot be used for food 49 Rabbit or Hare, may be bought and sold 48 Raccoon, game animal, open season for 58 Railroads not to carry game out of the State 51 Railroads not to carry game out of the State, exceptions 51 Rallidae. game birds 32 Rail, game birds, -J^ Rail, opan season for 42 Rail, may be bought and sold 48 Raven, not protected, hokk\7 7itn Receipt from game protector, ^9,54,57, a, 8U R.PCO£rillz3,DCG •...• •••••-• •• ••• • ••-- ^o, o4 Records of Aldermen and Justices 28,46,52,56,70,79 Record costs, liability for, 23 Red bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Red-bellied woodpecker, wild bird other than game bird, protected,.. 39 Red-headed woodpecker, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Red squirrel, not protected, *8 INDEX. 127 Page. lied-start, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Red-winged black bird, wild bird other than game bird protected,... 39 Reed bird, game bird 32 Reed bird, open season for, 42 Reed bird, may he bought and sold 48 Removal of game out of the Satte prohibited, 51 Removal of game out of State prohibited 51 Report of Game Commission to Governor 12 Reservation of game preserves 26 Resident hunters license, 71 Resisting arrest 18,77 Right of State to protect game and wild biids, 222 Right of defendant to pay penalty in settlement of charges, 29,54,57,71,80 River dnclis, game birds, 32 Robin, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Ruffed grouse, game bird 32 Ruffed grouse, open season for, etc. (see grouse) 81 S. Sale of certain game prohibited 47 Sale of all wild birds other than game birds prohibited 39 Sale of guns and paraphernalia, seized, 17,32,55,76,78 Salad l)ird or yellow bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected, .. 39 Sanatorium, use of fire arms on grounds of, prohibited 87 Sand pipers, j^ birds 32 Sand pipers, open season for 42 Sand pipers not to be killed for five years under National law, 113 Sap-Sucker, wild bird other than game 1-ird, protected 39 Scarlet Tanager, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Screech Owl, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 3C Sea ducks, game birds ' 32 Search, without warrant 13,17,18,28,46,52,56,70,79 Search warrant 17 Seasons open, 42 44,49.58,81,110,111,112,113 Second offense, punishment 32,78 Second use of tags 39 Seizure of game, paraphernalia, dogs, etc., right of 17,76,78 Sentence by aldermen or justices of the peace, or court, 28,52,56,70,79 Sharp-shinned hawk, not protected 40 Sharp-shinned hawk, bounty on 89 Shipment of game out of the State prohibited 51 Shipment of game out of State exception 51 Shipment of wild birds other than game birds prohibited 34 Shore birds game birds 32 Shore birds, open season for, State law 42 Shore birds, open season for. National regulation 113 Shooting on Sunday prohibited 31 Shooting during the night time prohibited 42,60 Shooting after sunset or before sunrise prohibited. National law 110 Shooting paraphernalia, forfeited 17, 76, 78 Shrike, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Singular and plural number 31 Skins tanned and cured may be retained 40 Snaring birds or animals prohibited, 43 Snipe, game birds, 32 Snipe, open season for. State law 42 Snipe, open season for. National regulation, 113 Snipe may be bought and sold 48 128 INDEX. Page. Snow-bird Jiinco, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Snow-flake, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Sold or bought, certain game cannot be, 47 Sold or bought, certain game can be 47 Song birds, all wild birds other than game birds, protected 39 Sparrows of nil kinds, excepting English sparrows, protected 39 Sparrow, English, not protected and may be killed at any time 40 Special certificate 33 Special notice, 46, 47 Spring time no shooting 110,111,112,113 Special deputy game protector 25 Squirrel, black, fox or grey, game animals 49 Squirrel, black, f oi and grey, open season for 81 S<|uirrels, may be bought and sold, 48 Sf uirrels, number that may be killed 49 Squirrels, may be killed as a protection to crops, 49 Squirrels killed to protect crops cannot be used for food 49 Starling, not protected 40 Status of game 222 Streams, deer not to be killed in 45 Suggestion for organization 298 Summary convictions, 17,28,52,59,71,80,84 Summary of important provisions 94 Sunday, there shall be no shooting on 31 Sunday, arrests may be made on, 17,56 Sunrise shooting at game birds prohibited, National regulation 110 Sunset, shooting at game birds prohibited, National regulation 110 Swallow, all kinds, wild birds other than game birds protected 39 Swan, game bird 32 Swan not to be killed, National regulation Ill Swan, open season for. State law 42 Swan, open season for. National regulation, HI Swan, may bfe bought and sold at certain time, 48 Swift, chimney swallow, wild bird other than game bird, protected, .. 39 Table of game, time for taking, etc 114 Tag, to game shipped from preserves 38 Tag, not to be multilated or used the second time 38 Tag t« be returned to Game Commission 38 Tag on dogs 46, 62 Tag license 73 Taking of game, in any manner except through the use of gun 42 Taking of game in any manner, exceptions 43 Tanager, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Tanned or cured skins, may be held in possession, 40 Tattlar, game bird 32 TattUr, open Beason for 42 TattUr may be bought and sold 48 Taxation of dogs 62 Taxidermisti, must secure license to practice 33 Tenantu, right to kill dogs 46.64 TenaatB, rigMt t© kill rabbits and squirrels destroying property 49 Thrasher, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Thrusli, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Tilt-up, game bird 32 Tilt-up, open season for 42 INDEX. 129 Page. Time limit for prosecutions 29,53,57,61,78 Time may be had in possession after close of season 50 Titmouse, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Training dogs, ' 47 Transportation of game out of State, prohibited 51 Transportation of game out of State, exceptions, 51 Transportation of wild birds other than game birds, prohibited, 34 Traps, for game, illegal, game not to be talien except by gun 42 Traps, legal under certain conditions 43,52 Trespass on posted lands 23,25 Turlsey, wild, classed as a game bird, 32 Turkey, wild, protected for two years, 87 U. Unnaturalized foreign born residents cannot bunt, or own guns 54 Unprotected birds, list of, 40 Unprotected animals, list of 115 Upland or grass plover, game bird, 32 Upland or grass plover, open season for, 42 Upland or grass plOTer may be bought or sold 48 V. Vacancy on Game Commission 12 Veery, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Vireo, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Virginia partridge (see quail), 32,58 W. Wages or hire, hunting for, prohibited 49 Warblers, wild birds other than game birds, protected 39 Wardens, all constables are 14 Wardens, rights and duties of, 14,15 Warrants of arrest 13, 17, IS, 28, 52, 56, 70, 76, 79 Warrants of search, ■ 17 Water craft, certain kinds not to be used in hunting ducks, 32,78 Water craft, forfeiture of, 32,78 Waters, deer not to be killed in 45 Waxwing, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 V^eazel, bounty on, 89 Whipporwill, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Who may hunt without resident hunter's license 74 Wild birds, other than game birds, all protected 39 Wild birds, protected, exceptions, 40 Wild birds, other than game birds, nests not to be interfered with, .. 41 Wild birds, other than game birds not to be kept in captivity, 39 Wild birds other than game birds not to be shipped out of State 54 Wild cat, bounty on, 89 Wild ducks and other wild waterfowl, 32,60 Wild turkey (see turkey), close season for two years 87 Woodcock, " game bird 32 Woodcock, not to be killed during the night time 42 Woodcock, open season for, State law, 42 Woodcock, open season for. National regulation 113 9 130 INDEX. Page. Woodcock, not to be killed except with a gun, 42 Woodcock, not to be killed for wages or hire 49 Woodcock, not to be bought or sold 47 Woodcock, not to be tran.sjiorted out of State 51 Woodcock, not to be transported out of State, exceptions 51 Woodcock, number that may be legally taken, 44 Woodcock, time they may be held in possession after season 50 Woodcock, absolute protection. National regulation Ill Woodpeckers, wild birds otlier than game birds, protected 39 Wren, wild bird other than game bird, protected , 39 Y. Yellow bird, wild bird other than game bird, protected 39 Yellow hammer, or flicker, wild bird other than game bird, protected, 39 Yellow shanks (snipe), game bird 32 Z. Zooloarical gardens, game laws not to apply to, 32 DIVISION II. LAWS RELATING TO FISH, AN ACT For the protection of shad and game fish in the River Delaware. Whereas, It is deemed advisable by the fish com- missions of New York and Pennsylvania, to protect the stocking of the River Delaware with shad and game fish, and to guard the fishing industries of the said river by the passage of uniform laws for the said river in each State, therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That hereafter no person or persons shall cast, draw, or fasten, or otherwise make use of any seine, drift net, fyke net, or net or nets of any other description, or use any other appliance for the catching of fish, except rod, hook and line in the Delaware river: Provided, That this section shall not extend to shad fishing: Pro- vided also, That the meshes of nets used for catching shad shall not be less than three inches in width, or one and one-half inches from knot to knot, above Trenton Falls: Provided also, That it shall not be lawful to fish for shad with nets, either shore, drift, gilling or dip-nets, or with any appliances whatever from June fifteenth to December thirty-first of any year, in the Delaware river above Trenton Falls. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section, shall forfeit or pay the sum of one hundred dollars, with all costs of suit, together with the forfeiture of boats, nets and all appliances. Section 2. That hereafter no person or persons shall cast, set, draw, fasten or otherwise make use of any fyke net, or nets of any kind, or device made from cotton or flax twine, or wire netting, similar to a fyke net, for the purpose of catching fish in the Delaware river at any time in any year. Every per- son so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine, not exceeding one hundred dolars or imprisonment in the (131) Preamble, Fishing with nets prohib- ited. Not to ex- tend to shad Ashing. Size of mesh above Tren- to Falls. Fishing for Bhad with nets from June 15th to December 31. Prohibited above Tren- ton Falls. Penalty. Use of cer- tain nets prohibited. Violation of this act de- clared a misdemea- nor. 132 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Penalty. Fishing with nets, etc., on Sunday prohibited. Penalty. Erection and use of fish- baskets, etc., prohib- ited. Wing walls, etc., pro- hil)ited. Penalty. Penalty for second of- fence. Rock-bass or wall-eyed pike not to be killed within two years. Black bass, etc.. not to be caught between January 1st and May 30th. county jail for a term not exceeding six months, or both at the discretion of the magistrate or court be- fore Vv'hich such offender or offenders shall be con- victed, and the net or nets, devices or appliances used shall be destroyed by the officer making the arrest. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to cast, draw, drift, anchor, set, stake or otherwise make use of any gilling net, seine, shore- net, drift-net, eel pots, or any kind of net for the purpose of catching fish in the Delaware river from sunset on Saturday until twelve o'clock on Sunday night of each and every week ; and the person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, together with the costs of suit for each and every offense. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to place, build, erect, fasten or use any tish-baskets, gill-nets, or any permanently set means for taking fish in the river Delaware ; nor shall any person at any time affix any nets, fish-baskets, fyke nets, eel racks, or any kind of appliances or set means of taking fish to any wing walls in the river Delaware. Nor shall any person or persons erect, build or place, or cause to be erected, built or placed, any wing wall, or walls of stone or of any other substance or material, in the river Delaware, for the purpose of affixing, adjusting, placing or setting thereto or adjacent thereto, any of the above men- tioned illegal devices, contrivances or appliances for taking fish. Any person violating the provisions of this law shall be fined fifty dollars for the first offense or be liable to imprisonment for one month in the county jail, or both at the discretion of the magis- trate before whom the offender is convicted, and any person or persons so offending a second time shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars and im- prisonment for three months in the county jail. Section 5. It shall not be lawful to catch or kill by any means whatever, any rock bass or any wall- eyed pike, otherwise called Susquehanna salmon (species recently introduced into the river Delaware), within two years from the passage of this act, under a penalty of ten dollars for every fish caught or had in possession. Section 6. No persons shall, by any means or de- vice whatsoever catch, or kill in the Delaware river, any black bass, rock bass or wall-eyed pike, commonly GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 133 known as Susquehanna salmon, between the first day of January and the thirtieth day of May in any year, nor shall catch or kill any of said species of fish at any other time dnrin? the year save with rod, hook and line. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender to a penalty of ten dollars for each fish so cauirht. Section 7. No person shall catch or kill in the Delaware river, nny black bass or wall-eyed pike under six inches in length, or any rock bass under five inches in length, under a penalty of ten dollars for every fish so caught. But should any fish be taken of a less size than the above, or should any wnll-eyed pike or rock bass of any size be taken within two years from the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of anyone taking or capturing the same to return the fish immediately to the water from whence taken. Any violation of the law shall sub- ject the offender to a penalty of ten dollars for each and every fish so caught. Section 8. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the catching of bait fish, other than game fish, by means of hand or cast nets for angling or scientific purposes, or the catching of game fish by order of any member of the State Fish Commis- sion of any State having jurisdiction in the Delaware river for the purpose of stocking other waters. Section 9. Any fish commissioner, fish warden, deputy warden, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, po- liceman, or any special officer of this Commonwealth, is hereby authorized to destroy any fish-basket, eel- weir, fyke net, shore-net, drift-net, dip-net, wing wall or wing walls, or any illegal device named in any section of this act, and they are hereby authorized to arrest forthwith any person placing, erecting, using or fastening them. Any person or persons interfering with any of the above officers in the discharge of their duties or resisting arrest, shall pay a fine of one hundred dollars or be imprisoned three months in the county jail, or shall be subject to both penalties at the discretion of the magistrate or court before which he or they shall be convicted. Section 10. Any fish commissioner, fish warden, deputy fish warden, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, policeman, or special officers of this Commonwealth, is hereby authorized to apprehend arrest and imme- diately take any person who may be guilt of the vio- And at no time save with hook and line. Black bass Tinder 6 inches in length and wall eyed pike under .T inches in leni-'th not to be canght. If canght to be returned to water. Penalty. Catching fish for cer- tain pur- poses allow- able. Duties of fish wardens and other officers. Penalty for interfer- ence with officers. Officers au- thorized to make ar- rests. 184 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Hearing be- fore justices of the peace. Appeal. Costs. Application of fines re- covered. Repeal. lation of any of the provisions or sections of this act before any justice of the peace, magistrate or any other legally constituted authority, aud thereupon make charge of such violation of the law or any of the provisions thereof, and the magistrate shall forth- with hear and determine the charge and render judg- ment accordingly, with the right of certiorari or ap- peal as in all similar cases of arrest and conviction, and in case of any failure of any fish commissioner, warden or any other officer named above to prove his case the county in which it is heard shall pay the costs. Section 11. The fines imposed under any section of this act shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which the prosecution shall be made and the said Treasurer of the several counties of the State shall pay over to the commissioners of fisheries all moneys forfeited and recovered by them by virtue of this act, and the said commissioners shall pay over the same to the Treasurer of the State. Section 12. All sections, provisos or acts incon- sistent with this act are herebv repealed. Approved— The 22nd day of May, A. D. 1889. JAMES A. BEAVER. A SUPPLEMENT May P. L. i, 1876. 104. To an act, entitled "An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to game and game fish," approved May first. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, to require all per- sons engaged in any of the manufacturing interests of this State, accustomed to the washing of iron and other ores, and of coal preparatory to its use for coking, and engaged in the bu.siness of tanning, to prepare a tank or other suitable receptacle into which the sediment, culm or coal dust, the offal, refuse and the tan bark and liquor therefrom used in tanning, so far as is practicable may be pre- vented from passing into or upon any of the rivers, lakes, ponds or streams of this Commonmealth. Section 1. P>e it enacted, «S:c., That section seven- teen of the act aforesaid be and the same is hereby amended so that the same shall read as follows, GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 135 namely: That all persons engaged in any of the manufacturing interests of this State, accustomed to the washing of iron and other ores, and of coal pre- paratory to its use for coking, or .n the tanning of hides by a process in which vitriol is used, shall pre- pare a tank or other suitable receptacle into which the culm or coal dirt, the offal, refuse and the tan bark and the liquor, or the water therefrom, may be collected so that the sediment therefrom so far as is practicable, may be thereby prevented from passing into or upon any of the rivers, lakes, ponds or streams of the Commonwealth, under a penalty of fifty dol- lars for each offense, in addition to liability for all damages he or they may have done to any individual owners or lessees on such waters. Section 2. Whenever any constable or other officer making complaint in good faith of the violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall fail to recover the penalty or penalties mentioned in the seventeenth section of the act to which this is a supplement, in any prosecution or suit commenced by such constable or other officer, pursuant to the foregoing section of this or the act to which this is a supplement, the costs of suit recovered by him or them shall be a charge upon the proper county, aud shall be allowed as other county charges are audited and allowed ; and whenever the plaintiff or prosecutor is a private citizen, the costs shall abide the event of the suit or prosecution, and be paid as in other cases, and that section thirty-three of the act of first of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred aud seventy- three, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved— The 8th day of May, A. D. 1876. J. F. HARTRANFT. Manufactur- ers to pre- pare tank, for recep- tion of coal dirt, etc. Penalty. When con- s tallies costs to be charged upon county. When costs to abide event of suit. Repeal. AN ACT Relative to the appointment of police for corporations June lo, organized under the laws of this Commonwealth, i^^^- ^- ^• for the preservation and propagation of fish. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That any corpora- ^i^^ ^orpo- tion organized under the laws of this Commonwealth have^speclal for the preservation and propagation of fish in this police. Commonwealth, may apply to the Governor to ^om- 136 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Police to take oath. Powers of police. To wear shield. Compensa- tion. mission such person as the snid corporation may desig- nate, to act as policemen for the protection of the property of such corporation. Section 2. The Governor, upon such application, may appoint such persons, or so many of them as he may deem proper, to be such policemen, and shall issue to such person or persons so appointed a com- mission to act as such policemen. Section 3. Every policeman so appointed shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath required by the eighth article of the Constitution, before the recorder of the county in which the property of said corporation may be situ- ated, which oath, after being duly recorded by such recorder, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and a certified copy of such oath, made by the recorder of the county, shall be recorded with the commission in the county iu which the property of such corporation, for which such policeman is appointed, may be situated, and in which it is in- tended said policeman shall act; and such policeman so appointed shall severally possess and exercise all the powers of policemen in the county in which they shall be so authorized to act as aforesaid, and the keepers of jails and lock-ups or station houses in said county are required to receive all persons ar- rested by such policeman for the commission of any offense against the laws of this Commonwealth upon the premises of any such corporation, to be dealt with according to law. Section 4. Such corporation police shall, when on duty, severally wear a metallic shield with the word "police" and the name of the corporation for which appointed inscribed thereon, and said shield shall always be worn in plain view, except when employed as detectives. Section 5. The compensation of such police shall be paid by the corporation for which the policemen are respectively appointed, as may be agreed upon be- tween them. Section 6. Whenever any corporation shall no longer require the services of any policemen as afore- said, they may file a note to that effect under their corporate seal, attested by their secretary, in the office where the commission of such policeman has been recorded, which shall bo noted by the recorder upon the margin of the record where such commis- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 137 sion is recorded, and thereupon the power of such policemen shnll cease and be determined. Approved— The 10th day of June, A. D. 1881. HENRY M. HOYT. AN ACT w eoLiiuiioii a Department of Fisheries, to provide » -i o for its proper administration, and to provide for iq'^s p ^ the protection and propagation of fish by the De- 12s,' To establish partment of Fisheries Section 1. Be it enacted, «S:c., That there be, and is hereby established a Department of Fisheries, to consist of a Commissioner of P^'isheries and four other citizens of the Commonwealth, who together shall constitute the Fisheries Commission, ench of whom shali be appointed and commissioned by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, the Commis- sioner of Fisheries, for a term of four years, tvv^o of the said citizens for a term of two years, and two of said citizens for a term of four years, and thereafter all api)oiutments shall be made by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of four years. The persons so appointed, be- fore entering upon the discharge of their duties shall each take and subscribe to the oath of office pre- scrib-'d by article seven of the Constitution of Penn- sylvania. The Commissioner of Fisheries, and the Fisheries Commission, so appointed, shall be clothed with all the powers heretofore conferred by law, re- spectively, upon the Board of Fish Commissioners, so far as the same are consistent with the provisions of this act. Section 2. The Commissioner of Fisheries shall be the President and executive officer of the Fisheries Commission, and shall also be chief superintendent of all hatching-stations and fish-cultural establish- ments behmging to the State ; and he shall have full control and management of all such establishments, now existing or which may hereafter be established; and he shall have full control, direction and manage- ment of all fish-wardens or water-bailiffs ; and he shall assume full charge of the work of the enforcement Department of Fisheries. Fisheries Commissi' Terms. Oath of oflace. Powers. The Com- missioner to be presi- dent, execu- tive officer and chief superinten- dent. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. of the laws relating to the protection, propagation and distribution of fish and all fish-wardens, constables, police, sheriffs, and guardians of the peace, shall make prompt report to him of all cases of violation of the laws relating to fish. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Fisheries Commission to encourage and promote the develop- ment of the fishery interests of the State, and to obtain and publish information respecting the extent and condition of the fisheries of the Commonwealth, and to make all rules and regulations for the enforce- ment of all laws designed for the protection, extension and propagation of fish; and it is empowered to em- ploy such legal and other service as may be necessary for the protection of fish, and for the apprehension and punishment of persons who may violate any of the laws relating to fish, or any of the rules and regulations which, under the powers herein given, may be adopted by the said Commission. Section 4. The Commissioner of Fisheries shall re- ceive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly, by warrant drawn by the Auditor General on the State Treasurer, and in addition thereto shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses of travel, which may be incurred in the discharge of the duties of his office : and the other members of the Commission shall serve without salary, but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties of their ofiice. Section 5. The Fisheries Commission shall have an office in the State Capitol, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings to provide, from time to time, the necessary rooms, furniture apparatus and supplies for the use of the Department of Fisheries, croated under the provisions of this act. Section 6. The Commissioner of Fisheries shall have the power to employ one clerk, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum ; one stenographer, at a salary of six hundred dollars per anninn ; said salaries to be paid monthly, by warrants drawn by the Auditor General on the State Treasurer. Section 7. This act shall take effect on and after the first Monday of June, one thousand nine hundred and three. Section 8. That all acts or parts of acts inconsist- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 139 ent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 2d dny of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. AN ACT To regulate the catching or taking, within this Com- monwealth, of bullfrogs and terrapin, and providing a penalty therefor. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful to catch, take or kill any bullfrogs, only from the first day of July to the first day of November, and terrapin save only from the first day of November to the fif- teenth day of March, in each year. Section 2. Any person or persons offending against the provisions of this act shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense, which shall be payable to the school district in which such offense is committed, and may be sued for and recovered before any alderman or justice of the peace of the proper countv. Approved— The 6th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. Under an opinion of the Attorney General the snap- ping turtle is not classed as terrapin. April 6, 1903, p. 155. Bullfrogs aud terra- pin. Open season Fine. 140 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. AN ACT To classify the fish in the waters within this Com- monwealth ; declaring which are gnme fish, which are food fish, and which are bait fish, and to regu- late the catching and sale and encourage the pro- pagation of the same, to protect the waters within this Commonwealth from unfair, improper, waste- ful and destructive fishing, and to protect the fish from being destroyed or injured by destructive means; to provide for the appointment of fish-war- P^\ 353^ dens, and to declare their oflicial powers and duties; to encourage and regulate the propagation of fish within this Commonwealth, and to regulate the free distribution of the same by the Department of Fisheries, in the waters within the same; to define powers and duties of the Department of Fisheries ; to regulate the sale and shipment of fish artifically propagated for profit; to forbid the sale of unlawful devices for catching fish ; and to provide penalties and punishments for the violation of the provisions of this act, and providing how and by whom the costs shall be paid. Species of Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the fish with- fish. in this Commonwealth are hereby designated and classified, for the purposes of this act, as follows; Game fish. ^o wit. The following are classified as game fish: Charr, commonly called brook trout, all species of trout and of the salmon family ; blue pike ; pike- perch, otherwise known as Susquehanna salmon, or walleyed pike; pickerel, western pike; muscallonge ; small-mouthed bass, otherwise called black bass; large-mouth bass, otherwise called Oswego, green or yellow bass, crappie, grass, strawberry, or calico bass; white bass; rock bass, otherwise known as red-eye, or goggle-eye; and all other species or varie- ties of fresh water fish, called or commonly known as bass, except striped bass, or rock fish, and fall B-it fish ^^^^" "^ following are classified as bait fish; to wit. All forms of minnows, all forms of killifishes and stone catfish. That all other species or variety of Food fish. fish, whatsoever, in the waters within this Common- wealth, are hereby classified as food fish. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 141 Section 2. That it shall be unlawful to use any device, means, or method whatsoever, for taking fish from the waters within this Commonwealth, except the following; to wit. For game fish, with rods and lines, or with hand-line, and for pickerel and yellow perch, also with tip up, and for suckers, through the ice, with pole and burr hook ; for bait fish in any manner or at any time, except by use of poison or explosives: for food fish, with rods and lines and hand-line, at any time of the year; outline, otherwise called set line; dip-net, eel-pot, or fyke net, each without wings, a seine, or a fish-basket: Provided, That nothing herein shall be held to apply to fishing with rod and line or hand-line, unless the person fishing therewith shall have in possession any fish which may not lawfully be caught: And provided. That no device except a single rod and line shall be used by any person in waters inhabited by charr, or trout, except that in such waters suckers may be taken with pole and burr hook: And provided fur- ther, That in streams, not inhabited by trout, eels, carp, suckers, and mullets may be taken by the use of gig or spear, during the months of July, August, September and October of each year: Provided further. That no person shall use, when fishing for pickerel or yellow perch, more than eight tip-ups. Provided also, That both rods and lines or hand line shall not have attached to it more than three hooks, and that one burr of three hooks shall be considered as one hook: Provided further. That the nets and devices, described hereinbefore as legal, may also be used under the conditions and regulations hereinafter set forth ; but that nothing herein shall be held to for- bid the use of the gaff or the landing-net to assist in landing fish already caught by lawful devices: Pro- vided further, That no fishing of any kind, or with any device, shall be done by any person or persons on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars, except as hereinafter otherwise pro- vided. Section 3. That it shall be unlawful to fish for, or have in possession, the same being killed, charr, commonly called brook trout, or any species of trout except lake trout, from the first day of August to Lawful man- ner of fish- ing. Proviso. Illegal pos- Proviso. Devices in trout waters. Proviso. Eels, carp, suckers and mullets. Proviso. Tip-ups. Hooks. Proviso. Gaff and landing net. Proviso. Sunday fish- ing prohib- ited. Violations. Penalty. Trout. Open season. 142 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Blue pike, pike-perch, pickerel and yellow perch. Length of fish which may be legally caught. Number which may be legally taken. Violations. Penalty. Proviso. Limit of penalty. Proviso. Replaced Fyke nets and eel pots. Close sea- son. the fourteenth day of April next ensuing, both in- clusive, except as provided in section eleven of this act ;or blue pike, pike-perch , otherwise called wall- eyed pike or Susquehanna salmon, and pickerel and yellow perch, from the first day of January to the fourteenth day of June, both dates inclusive; or any other game fish, from the first day of December to the fourteenth day of June next ensuing, both inclusive. It shall be unlawful also to catch aijd kill, or have in possession, the same being killed, any white bass, rock bass, crappie, strawberry, or calico bass, or any yel- low perch; charr, otherwise called brook trout; or any species of trout, except lake trout, less than six inches in length ; any black bass or small-mouthed bass; large-mouth bass, otherwise called Oswego, or yellow bass; striped bass, otherwise called rock fish, lake or salmon trout, less than eight inches in length; or any bkie pike, pike-perch, otherwise called wall- eyed pike, or Susquehanna salmon, or any pickerel, less than twelve inches in length; or any muscallonge or western pike, less than twenty-four inches in length ; or any sturgeon less than five feet in length ; and the measurement of said fish shall be from the tip of nose to the tip of tail; and it shall be unlawful for any one person to catch, kill, or have in posses- sion, the same being killed, more than forty charr, or trout; or more than twelve small or large-mouth bass; or more than twenty-five rock bass, white bass, calico bass, crappie, pickerel, blue pike, or pike- perch ; or more than four muscallonge or western pike, in any one day. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be sub- ject to a penalty of ten dollars for each and every fish so taken, caught, or had in possession: Provided, however. That no penalty in the aggregate shall ex- ceed one hundred dollars: And provided further, That no penalty shall be imposed if any fish, caught in violation of any provision of this act, is returned at once to the water from which it was taken, in the condition in which it was captured. Section 4. It shall be unlawful to use fyke nets, eel pots, and dip nets from the first day of June to the thirtieth day of June, inclusive, except as pro- vided in section five of this act; and it shall be un- lawful to use nets from the first day of July until thirty-first day of May of the year next ensuing, both GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 143 dates inclusive, excepting for tlie capture of eels, cat- fish, suckers, mullets, and carp: Provided, That dip nets shall have meshes not less than two and one-half inches stretched measure, while being fished, or one and one-quarter inches from knot to knot ; and that no fyke net, commonly called set net, or any ell pot, shall have any wings attached to either of them, or be set or fastened to any wing-Avalls, or within ten feet of any wing-walls, or be set within ten feet of each other, and the space between each net shall be free from all obstructions for the free passage of fish ; or for any fyke net or eel pot to have an entrance into the funnel thereof of more than six inches, or with on outside diameter of the mouth of more than thirty inches, horiontal measurement; nor shall such nets be used in any streams inhabited by trout, at any time of the year; nor shall any such nets be set, fastened, or used from Saturday noon until Monday morning at six o'clock of the week next ensuing: Provided fur- ther. That each fyke net or eel pot must have fastened thereon a metallic tag bearing the name and residence of the owner thereof. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction as provided in section twcx^ty-seven of this act, be sub- ject to a penalty of twenty dollars, together with the forfeiture of all boats, nets and other appliances used, to the Department of Fisheries. Section 5 As Amended by Act of June 3rd, 1911. P. L. 560. Section 5. It shall be unlawful to fish for herring, or alewife, or shad, excepting with rod and line, hand- line, or with a haul seine, sometimes called a shore seine; or with a dip net, or with a hold-in-net, some- times called a moon-rake, the meshes of which shall not be less than two and one-half inches stretched measure, or one and one-quarter inches from knot to knot while being fished ; or for sturgeon, with nets, the meshes of which shall not be less than thirteen inches while being fished ; and it shall be unlawful to use said nets for shad, herring, or alewife from the twentieth day of June to the first day of March of the year next ensuing: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed as to forbid the catching of carp and other food fish of legal size or weight, ex- cepting sturgeon, in such nets while being legally used for the catching of shad or herring or alewife. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Proviso. Sizes of mesh. Wing- walls. Diameter of mouth. Proriso. Tag. Violations. Penalty. Forfeiture. Herring, ale-wife and shad. Seines and nets. Sturgeon. Close season. Proviso. Carp and food fish. 144 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Penalty. Outlines. Close season. Open season; carp, suck- ers, mullets, catfish and eels. Proviso. Weighted. Limit of snoods. Legal hours. Tags. Return of fish illegally talien. Trout waters. Violations. Penalty. section shall, on conviction thereof as provided in sec- tion tvv^enty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars, and shall forfeit to the De- partment of Fisheries all nets, boats and appliances used. Section 6. That it shall be unlawful to fish for fish of any kind in the waters of this Commonwealth, with outlines, commonly called set lines, or lines fastened or anchored at both ends, from the first day of December until the first day of June in the year next ensuinA', both dates inclusive. It shall be lawful for any person to use and operate such outlines, as described in this section, from the first day of June to the thirtieth day of November next ensuing, both dates inclusive, fo/ the capture of carp, suckers, mul- lets, catfish and eels only: Provided, That said out- lines be sunk to the bottom, and be so v/eishted that the hooks shall rest UDon the bottom, and that cut or dead bait only shall be used: Provided further. That no one person shall use or attach to said outlines, in the aggregate, more than one hundred snoods, with not more than one hook attached to each: And pro- vided. That during the season or period when it shall be lawful to operate outlines, for the capture of the fishes aforesaid, it may only be done from five o'clock in the evening until Sx'ven o'clock in the morning next ensuing, when said outlines must either be removed entirely from the water or the snoods or bait be de- tached and removed, unless it is shown to the satis- faction of the court that it was a physical impossi- bility to comply with this provision: And provided further, That the owner or operator of such outlines must either be present and exercise supervision over them or have attached to each line thereof a metallic tag bearing the nr.rae and address of the owner: Pro- vided further, That any fish other than those named in this section, when caught on such lines, shall be immediately removed therefrom and set free into the waters from which they were taken: And provided further. That no outline shall be set or operated in any waters inhabited by trout. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shnll, on con- viction thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars, and shall forfeit to the Department of Fisheries all lines, boats, and other appliances used. Section 7. That it shall be unlawful for any per- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 14n son or persons to place anj' device or object in the waters, within this Commonwealth, in such a manner as to obstruct the migration or passage of fish therein, or to obstruct any fishway ; or to fish with nets or devices whatsoever, execpting rods and lines, within four hundred feet of any dam or fishway, or such dis- tance as may be determined by the Commissioner of Fisheries, such determinatoin to be plainly posted upon tlie fishv/ay or adjacent shores; and any ob- struction not permitted by existing laws, when found, shall be removed forthwith by any Fish Commissioner, fish wardon, sheriff or other peace officer; and no rods and lines shall be used for fishing within one hundred feet of the upper or lower end of any fishway. Any person violating any provisions of this section, shall, on conviction thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of fifty dollars. Section 8. Providing for the taking of eels, etc., through the use of fish-baskets, was repealed by the act of May 31st, 1913. P. L. Section 9. That any person, company, or corpora- tion owning or maintaining a dam or dams, or who may hereafter erect or maintain a dam or dams in the waters of this Commonwealth, shall immediately, on a written order from the Commissioner of Fisheries, erect therein such chutes, slopes, fishways, gates, or other df'vice as the Board of Fishery Commissioners may decide necess.-si-y, to enable the fish to ascend and descend the waters at all seasons of the year; and every such chute and other device, as aforesaid, shall be maintained, open and in good order and repair, by the person, company, or corporation owning or main- tainirg such (h.m, until said dam is removed, raised, or rebuilt; and any person, company or corporation refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this section, within three months from the date of such notice, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars for every month he or they so neglect, which sum or sums shall be recovered by civil suit and pro- cess, in the name of the Commonwealth, and when collected shall be paid by the Commissioner of Fish- eries into the Treasury of the Commonwealth. If, after the lipse of three calendar months, the persd, and otherwise properly filled out; which said certificate or license shall permit the owner or owners thereof to use the device or devices named for the next lawful season, in accordance with the provisions of this act, and a duplicate of each license shall be forwerded, with the license fee, to the De- partment of Fisheries. The certificate shall be shown to any fish warden, constable, or any other person or persons authorized to make arrests for any violation of any of the laws relating to fish and fishing in this Commonwealth. Any person or persons w^ho shall use any of the above described devices without first tak- ing out a license, shall, upon conviction as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a fine of twenty dollars. Section 22. That it shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons to remove fish from any licensed de- vice or net without the authority of the owner or owners thereof, except that any person may return to the water any fish not authorized to be taken by such device, or to remove fish from any pond or tank of any fish hatchery without authority as aforesaid. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction thereof as pro- vided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a fine of fifty dollars. Section 2.3. That whenever at least two hundred citizens, in any county, shall, in writing, certify to the Commissioner of Fisheries that any stream or waters in the said county is nearly depleted of fish, and has been restocked, and asking that it or they be closed to fishing for a period, the said commissioner shall forward to said petitioners and others n blank form, setting forth questions regarding the condition of said stream or waters, which forms must be filled out and returned to the Department of Fisheries; and if the answers on said forms are of such n character as to convince the Commissioner of Fisheries that the Certificate. Fine. Removal of fish from device. Violations. Fine. Depleted waters. 154 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Prohibition. Notice. Duty of officers. Destruction of illegal device. Charge and hearing. County to pay costs. Arrests on Sunday or holiday. petition should be granted, he is hereby authorized to prohibit all fishing in such streams or waters for a period of three years from the time of restocking: Provided, That said Commissioner of Fisheries shall first give public notice of such closing by posting such streams or waters with notices of such prohibition, and the period thereof, and publishing the same in two newspapers, published in the county where such stream or waters are located, for a period of three consecutive weeks, one time in each week. Any per- son catching and killing or fishing for any fish from any stream or waters closed under the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars. Section 24. That any fish commissioner, fish war- den, deputy warden, sheriff, constable, or any special ofiicer, or any peace officer in this Commonwealth is hereby authorized and commanded to proceed, with such force of the county as may be necessary, to de- stroy any device for catching fish used contrary to or prohibited by law, in any of the waters within this Commonwealth ; and they are hereby authorized and commanded to arrest forthwith, and without war- rant, any person or persons owning, placing, or using such devices, or violating any of the provisions of this act; and they are further authorized and commanded to apprehend and arrest, and immediately take, any person or persons, who may be guilty of such viola- tion, before any justice of the peace, magistrate, or other legally constituted authority, and thereupon make charge of such violation of the law, or any pro- visions thereof; and the magistrate shall forthwith hear, and determine the charge, as provided in sec- tion twenty-eight of this act ; and in case of any fish commissioner, fish warden, or any other officer named above, fails to prove his case, and the defendant or defendants are discharged, or in case the defendant or defendants are convicted and are sent to jail in lieu of the payment of fine or fines, penalty or penal- ties, the county in which the case is heard shall pay the costs. Such arrest may be also made on Sunday, or on any holiday, in which case the person or persons so arrested shall be taken before the proper officer, and proceeded against on the first lawful day following the arrest. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, special officer, or other peace officer of this Common- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. wealth, who shall refuse or neglect to proceed with sufficient force of the county to forthwith remove nnd destroy any existing devices illegally used for the catching of fish within his jurisd'ctiou, after being no- tified in writing of the existence of such illegally used devices by the Commissioner of Fisheries ; or who shall refuse or neglect to remove and destroy any such ille- gal device for catching fish within this Commonwealth, of which he shall have cognizance, shall, on convic- tion thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a fine of fifty dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not less than three months nor more than six months. Section 25. Any person or persons who shall, by threat, menace, or force, or in any manner, attempt to deter or prevent any fish warden, or other person authorized to make arrests for violation of the fish laws, from enforcing or carrying into efi'ect any pro- vision of this act, or who shall resist arrest or the seizure of ktats or nets illegally used, shall, on con- viction thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of one hundred dol- lars, or, in default of payment of said fine, be com- mitted to the county jail for a period of one hundred days. Section 26. That in all cases of arrest made for the violation of any of the provisions of this act, the possession of the fishes or of the nets, or the possession of or operation of any other device herein prohibited, shall be prima facie evidence of the viola- tion of this act. Section 27. That any justice of the peace, alder- mftn or magistrate, upon information or complaint, made to him by affidavit of one or more person-,, charging any person or persons with having violated any of the provisions of this act, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to any constable, peace officer, or ward'^i, nnd cause such person or persons to be ar- rested and brought before such justice, filderman, or magistrate, who shall hear and determine the guilt or innocence of the person or persons so charged; and, if convicted upon such charge, shall be sentenced by said justice, alderman, or magistrate, severally, to pay the fine or fines, penalty or penalties, provided in this act for such violations, together with the costs of suit ; the whole of said fines shall be paid over forth- Refusal or neglect of officer. Conviction. Penalty. Interference with or resisting officer. Possession prima facie evidence. Authority of justices, aldermen, etc. Warrants. Hearing. Penalty. 156 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Proviso. Imprison- ment. Appeal. Bail. ProTiso. Waters in- habited by trout. Decision. Fish wardens. Chief war- den. Duties. with to the treasurer of the county in which the prose- tion wns brought, and said county treasurer shall pay over the same forthwith to the Commissioner of Fisheries, for the benefit of the Commonwealth: Pro- vided, That in case the defendant or defendants shall neglect to pay, at once, the fine or fines so imposed, said defendant or defendants shall forthwith be sen- tenced to undergo imprisonment, in the county jail of the county where such conviction takes place, for a period of one day for each dollar of fine so imposed and unpaid, unless the defendant or defendants, upon conviction, shall give notice of intention to appeal, when such defendant or defendants shall be permitted to enter into good and sufficient recognizance to ap- pear before such justice, alderman, or magistrate, on or before the expiration of five days, if such appeal is not taken by them, or on the final deter- mination of such appeal if it be not sustained, for execution of sentence: Provided also. That all actions for any violation of any of the provisions of this act must be taken within the one year from the time the offense was committed ; and when necessary to prop- erly conduct any case before any alderman, justice of the peace, magistrate, or any court, the Commissioner of Fisheries is authorized to employ legal counsel. Section 28. That for the purpose of this act, any stream or water, or part thereof, Avithin this Com- monwealth, in which charr, or trout, are commonly fished for and caught, whether through the stocking of the stream, or whether native to such stream or water, or part thereof, shall be deemed water or streams inhabited by trout. In case of a conflict of statement (m this point, as to any stream or water, the matter shall be investigated by the Board of Fishery Commission, and its decision shall be final. Section 29. The Commissioner of Fisheries, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Fishery Commission, shall have power and authority to ap- point thirty competent citizens of this Common- wealth as fish wardens. The said Commissioner of Fisheries shall, from time to time, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Fishery Commis- sion, designate one of such wardens as chief warden, who shall I'emain as such during the iileasure of the Commissioner of Fisheries, and he shall perform such duties as he may bo assigned by the Commissioner of Fisheries. Said chief warden shall have the direction, control, and supcM-vision of other wardens, under the GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 157 direction of the Commissioner of Fisheries. Wardens so appointed shall hold office during the pleasure of the Commissioner of Fisheries, who may summarily remove any of their number, and appoint another com- petent citizen in his place, by and with the advice and consent of the board of Fishery Commission. The wardens shall enforce all of the laws of the Commonwealth, relating- to fish and fishing, and the provisions supplementary thereto ; and shall have power to execute all warrants and search warrants issued for the violation of the fish laws, and to serve subpoenas issued for the examination, investigation, or trial of all offenses against said laws ; and said wardens shall be permitted to carry and use arms in the performance of their duties. They shall have power, without warrants, to search and ex- amine any boat, conveyance, vehicle, fish box, basket, bag, coat, or other receptable for fish, when they have reason to believe that any of the provisions of any law relating to fish have been violated ; and said wardens shall seize and take possession of any and all fish which may have been caught, taken or killed at any time, in any manner or for any pur- pose, or had in posession or under control, or have been shipped or about to be shipped, contrary to any of the laws of this Commonwealth ; and such fish shall be disposed of according to the order of the Commissioner of Fisheries. Each warden shall keep a record of his official acts, receipts and expenditures; and at the close of each month make a summary of such record, with such information in detail as may be necessary for the information of or be required by the Department of Fisheries, and report the same to the chief warden. The chief warden shall report to the Commissioner of Fisheries any negligence or dereliction of duty or incompetency on the" part of any of the wardens, with the facts relating thereto; and he shall report monthly to the Commissioner of Fisheries his operations during the preceding month, and shall make such other reports as may be required of him by the Commissioner of Fisheries : and he shall mnke annually a report in writing, of the opera- tions of himself and subordinates during the year to the Board of Fishery Commission ; and all wardens when in the performance of their duties shall have the power of authority to enter upon any land or water, and they shall have the power to demand and iJemovals. Duties of wardens. Search, ex- amination, and seizure. Record. Report. Reports cliief warden. of Power and authority of wardens. 158 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Compensa- tion. Special wardf^ns. Powers and duties. Bulletins, Sale or marketing of fish. Yearly statement. secure proper assistance in case of emergency. That each fish warden, except the chief warden, appointed in accordance with this section, shall receive as com- pensation for his services seventy-five dollars per mouth, and such allowance for expenses as may be deemed by the Board of Fishery Commission as just and reasonable; and the chief warden shall receive one hundred dollars per month, and such allowance for expenses as may be deemed by the Board of Fish- ery Commission as just and reasonable. Section 30. The Commissioner of Fisheries may on the Avritten application of a properly organized fish protective association, or of any association or in- dividual owning or leasing waters, appoint one or more special fish wardens for the county in which the application is made; and all such appointments shall expire on the thirty-first day of May of each pear: Provided also, That no special fish warden shall be entitled to any salary, or to any expenses or com- pensation from the Commonwealth, for his services, unless such special fish wardens should be detained for duty by the Commissioner of Fisheries, in which case the Commissioner of Fisheries is authorized to make a per diem allowance for compensation, and reasonable expenses, out of any appropriation which may be made for the payment of wardens. The said allowance being in place of any claim for any part or share of any fine or fines, penalty or penalties, im- posed or paid under the provisions of this act. The special fish wardens, so appointed, shall be clothed with the same power as the regular salaried wardens, and shall make report of the performance of their duties in the same manner . Section 31. That the Commissioner of Fisheries, by and with the authority of the Board of Fishery Commission, shall have the right to issue bulletins relating to fish culture and fish protection, as in their judgment may be deemed for the best in- terests for the work of the Department of Fisheries, and he shall make report annually to the Governor of the operation of the Department. Section 32. That persons engaged in catching fish for the market, or who may be engaged in the sale of fish, shall, on demand of the Commissioner of Fisheries, furnish at the close of each year a tabulated statement of their sales of fish and the gross amount of money re>*lized ; the said figures to be used by th« GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 159 Department of Fisheries entirely for statistical pur- poses, and no individual statement received by the Department of Fisheries shall be made public without the vi^ritten consent of the owner. Any person who shall refuse to furnish sucb information, shall on conbiction thereof as provided in section twenty-seven of this act, be subject to a penalty of ten dollars for each and every offense. Section 33. That all boats, and all nets of legal- sized mesh, used unlawfully and forfeited to the Department of Fisheries under any provisions of this act, shall be sold by the Commissioner of Fish- eries, and the moneys received from such sale or sales be paid by him into the State Treasury, for the use of the Commonwealth. All unlawful nets or devices, not preserved for exhibition purposes by the Depart- ment of Fisheries, shall be destroyed by the order of the Commissioner of Fisheries. Record shall be made of all such sales or destruction, on the books of the Department. Section 34. The following acts and parts of acts of Assembly are intended to be supplied by this act, and the same are hereby repealed: — 1. "An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to game and fish," approved the third day of June Anno Domini one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-eight. 2. A supplement to "An act to amend and con- solidate the several acts relating to game and game fish," approved the third day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, chang- ing the time for hunting and killing deer, squirrels, rabbits, wild turkeys, pheasants, prairie chckens, approved the tenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one ; each and all the several sections thereof so far as they relate to fish. 3. "An act for the protection of salmon, black bass, and other food fishes, newly introduced into the rivers Delaware and Susquehanna and their tribu- taries, for the protection of these classes, also, against unlawful fishing, and to prohibit the intro- duction of predatory fishes into trout streams, and for other germane purposes," approved the twenty- fourth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. 4. "An act to provide for the appointment of a Refusal. Penalty. Seized boats and nets. Sale. Unlawful nets and devices. Acts repeal- ed so far as they relate to fish. Act of June 3, 1878. Act of June 10. 1881. Act of May 24, 1871. 160 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Act of April 28. 1873. Act of Mav 14, 18(4. Act of June 11, 1879. Act of June 11. 1S85. Act of May 22, 1889. Act of April 15, 1S91. Act of April 15, 1891. Act of June 25, 1895. Act of June 25, 1895. Board of Fish Commissioners, for construction of fishways, and for the propagation and protection of fish, and appropriating money for the same,'' approved the twenty-eighth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. 5. "An act regulating the appointment and pay of fish wardens, or water bailiffs," approved the fourteenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. 6. "An act to provide for the propagation and pro- tection of fish, and appropriating money therefor," ap- proved the eleventh day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. 7. "An act to prevent the catching, killing, exposing for sale, or having in posession of speckled trout, ex- cept from the fifteenth day of April to the fifteenth day of July," approved the eleventh day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty- five. 8. "An act for the protection of shad and game fish in the State of Pennsylvania," approved the twenty-second day of May, Anno Domini one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-nine; so much thereof as relates to fish and fishing in the waters within the Commonwealth. 9. "An act to provide for the appointment and increase the efficiency of the Commissioner of Fish- eries of this Commonwealth," approved the fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-one. 10. "An act to amend an act, entitled 'An act for the protection of shad and game fish in the State of Pennsylvania, approved the twenty-second day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine,' extending the time in which pike and pickerel may be caught," approved the fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. 11. "An act to permit the use of eel pots in the rivers and waters of the Commonwealth, other than trout streams," approved the twenty-fifth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. 12. "An act to prevent the placing in the waters of Pennsylvania of any torpedo, giant powder, nitro- glycerine, dynamite, electricity, lime, or any poisonous or explosive substances of any kind, for the purpose GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 161 of catchinjc or taking fish ; providing for a penalty for the violation thereof," approved the twenty fifth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. 13. "An act to declare the species of fish which are game fish, and the species of fish which are com- mercially valuable for food, and to regulate the catch- ing and encouraging the pi-opagation of the same ; to define the public waters within the State ; to protect the waters within the State from improper and waste- ful fishing; to provide for the appointment of fish commissioners and fish wardens, and to declare their oflicial powers and duties ; to encourage and regulate the artificial propagation of game and food fish by said State Fish Commissioners; to regulate the dis- tribution of the same in the waters of the Comraon- welath ; to provide penalties and punishments for the violation of the provisions of this act," approved the twenty-ninth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and one. 14. "An act permitting the taking of carp, suckers, anid mullets, by means of seine nets from the waters of this Commonwealth, upon certain conditions," ap- proved the twenty sixth day of April Anno Domini one thovisand nine hundred and five. 15. "An act to amend an act approved iSIay twenty- ninth. Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and one, entitled 'An act to declare the species of fish which are game fish, and the species of fish which are commercially valuable for food, and to regulate the catching and encourage the propagation of the same; to define the public waters within the State; to pro- tect the waters within the State from improper and wasteful fishing; to provide for the appointment of fish commissid immediately to the water: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent the fishery au- thorities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or of the State of New Jersey capturing fish of any size, from said waters, or at any time of the year, or in any manner, for propogatiou purposes and for stock- ing other waters in their respective States, through their representatives. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall , on con- viction thereof, be subject to a fine of ten dollars for each and every fish so caught and had in possession. Section 14. It shall be unlawful for any person, by boat, anchor, dredge, or otherwise, in the Dela- ware River below Trenton P"'alls, to wilfully, and without reasonable cause, interfere with, break, damage, or destroy any drifting gill net or hauling seine, or nets of any description, being lawfully used; and it shall be unlawful for any person to drift a gill net over the waters of a shore fishery whilf> the haul- ing seine is being used. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of twenty dollars. Section 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to put or place in the DelaAvare River bolow Trenton Falls any explosive or poisonous substances what- soever, or any drug, or any poison bait, for the pur- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. pose of catching, taking, killing, or injuring the fish; or to allow any dye-stuff, coal or gus tar, coal oil, sawdust, tan-bark, cocculus indicus (otherwise known as fish berries), lime, vitriol, or any of the com- pounds thereof, refuse from gas-houses, oil-tanks or vessels, or any deletrious destructive, or poisonous substances of any kind or character, to be turned into, or allowed to run, flow, wash, or be emptied into, any of the waters aforesaid, unless it is shown that every practicable means have been used to prevent the pollution of waters in question by the escape of dele- terious substances. In case of the pollution of waters by substances known to be injurious to fishes or to fish food, it shall not be necessary to prove that such substances have actually caused the death of any particular fish. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of two hundred dollars. Section 16. It shall be unlawful to purchase, sell, or offer for sale, or have in possession, any fresh dead game fish or food fish, except during the law- ful period for catching the same, and the space of six days after such period has expired. Any per- son violating any of the provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of ten dollars for each fish. Section 17. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey shall have concurrent juris- diction over all offenses and violations of this act, committed or attempted to be committed by any per- son or persons fishing in the Delaware River below Trenton Falls, within the jurisdiction respectively of the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey. Any fish warden, or any per- son in either State authorized to make arrests for violations of the fish laws shall have power and au- thority to make arrests in any part of the river, or shores thereof, and take such person or persons for trial to the State in which the offense was committed, and proceed against the offender according to the legal procedure for violation of the fish laws of said State. If the arrest be made upon the shores of the said Delaware River, within this Commonwealth, the said person or persons shall be taken before any jus- tice of the peace, alderman, magistrate, or other legally constituted authority in the county in which the arrest was made, and thereupon make charge of Deleterious or destruc- tive sub- stances. Pollution of waters. Fine. Unlawful, sale, offer, or posses- sion. Fine. Concurrent jurisdiction. Charge. 170 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Proviso. Appeal. Bail. ProTiso. Interference with officers. such violation of the law, or any provision thereof; and the justice of the peace, alderman, or other lejrally constituted authority, shall forthwith hear and determine the guilt or innocence of the person or persons so charged, and, if couvicted upon such charge, shall be sentenced by said justice, alderman, or magistrate, severally, to pay the fine or fines, penalty or penalties, provided in this act for such violations, together with the costs of suit; said fines to be paid over forthwith to the treasurer of the county in which the prosecution was brought, and said county treasurer to pay over the sum forthwith to the Commissioner of Fisheries for the benefit of the Commonwealth: Provided, That in case the defen- dant or defendants shall neglect to pay, at once, the fine or fines so imposed, said defendant or defendants shall forthwith be sentenced to undergo imprisonment, in the county jail of the county where such convic- tion takes place, for a period of one day for each dol- lar of fine so imposed and unpaid, unless the de- fendant or defendants, upon conviction, shall give notice of intention to appeal, when such defendant or defendants shall be permitted to enter into good and suiScient recognizance to appear before such justice, alderman, or magistrate, on or before the expiration of five days, if such appeal is not taken by them, or on the final determination of such appeal if it be not sustained, for execution of sentence: Provided also. That all actions for any violation of any of the pro- Visions of this act must be taken within one year from the time the offense was committed. In case any fish warden, or any person authorized to make ar- rests for violation of the fish laws, fails to prove his case, and the defendant or defendants are discharged or in case the defendant or defendants are convicted, and sent to jail, in lieu of the payment of fine or fines, penalty or penalties, the county in which the case is heard shall pay the costs. Such arrests shall also be made on Sunday, in which case the person or persons shall be taken before the proper oflicer and proceeded against on a week day following the arrest. Section 18. Any person or persons who shall by threat, menace, or force, or in any manner, at- tempt to deter or prevent any fish warden, or other person authorized to make arrests for violation of the fish laws, in either State from enforcing or carry- ing into effect any provision of this act, or who shall GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 171 resist arrest, or the seizure of boats or nets illegally used, shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars. Section 19. The following acts and parts of acts are intended to be supplied by this act, and the same are hereby repealed ; also, all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. 1. An act for the protection of shad, sturgeon, and game fish in the river Delaware , approved May twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. 2. An act for the protection of shad and game fish in the State of Pennsylvania, approved May twenty-second, eivhteen hundred and eiphty-nine or S3 much thereof as relates to the Delaware River be- low Trenton Falls. 3. An act for the protection of Penobscot salmon planted in the river Delaware, and providing pen- alties for the enforcement thereof, approved Slay twelfth, nineteen hundred and one. 4. An act for the protection of sturgeon, approved June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five. Section 20. This act shall take effect immediately; but no section, proviso, or part of this act shall be considered as valid and operative until a similar act has been enacted by the State of New Jersey: Pro- vided, That when the said State of New Jersey has enacted a similar act, the provisions of this act re- lating to the size of the meshes of nets shall not be- come operative until June second, nineteen hundred and nine. Approved— The 8th day of May, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART An act similar to the foregoing was passed by the Legislature of New Jersey and signed by the Governor of that State on April 1st, 1909. An act similar to the amended sections 9 and 12 of this act was passed by the Legislature of New Jersey and signed by the Governor upon the 21st day of March. And an act similar to amended section 7 of this act was passed by the Legislature of New Jersey and signed by the Governor upon the 15th day of April, 1911. So that this act is binding in every particular upon the citizens of Pennsylvania. Fine. Repeals. Act of May 22, 1889. Act of May 22, 1889, part of. Act of May 12, 1901. Act of Jun» 25, 1895. When act shall go into effect. 172 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 1909, May 8, P. L. 480. Whereas. Whereas. AN ACT To encourage the propogation of fish, and to regu- late the catching, taking, and destruction of fish, in the Delaware River above Trenton Falls, within the jurisdiction respectively of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the State of New Jersey ; and providing penalties for violation of its provi- sions, and to repeal acts inconsistent therewith. Whereas, By virtue of a joint resolution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the eighth day of ^lay, Anno Domini one thousand nine hun- dred and seven, entitled "A joint resolution providing for the creati( n of a commission to co-operative with the authorities .f the States of New Jersey, New York, and Deijiwa->- in regard to the propagation, protection, and catching of sturgeon, shad, bass, perch, and other fish in ;he Delaware River; the adoption of concurrent laws relevant thereto by such States ; and to co-operate with the authorities of the State of Maryland in regard to fish and fishing in the Susquohnuna River, and the adoption of concurrent laws relevant thereto by such States ; and to inquire in relation to the pollution of the waters of said rivers, and recommend legislation regulating and controlling the same; and making an appropriation for those pur- poses," the following were appointed C(-)mmissioners on the part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: From the Senate, Frederick A. Godcharles, Webster Grim, and Algernon B. Roberts; from the House of Representatives, Hiram J. Sedwick, Alfred Marvin, and Joseph N. Hunter; by Governor Edwin S. Stuart, Henry F. Walton; and by the terms of the joint resolution, the Commissioner of Fisheries, W. E. Meehan, and Frank B. McClain, Speaker of the Hoiise ; and Whereas, By a joint resolution passed by the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, approved March twenty-five. Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and eight, entitled "Joint resolution pro- viding for the creation of a commission to co-(>perate with the authorities of the States of Pennsylvania and New York in regard to the propagation, protection, and catching of fish in the Delaware River ; and to GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 173 inquire into any causes of pollution of the waters of said said river; and to recommend legislation in regard to such propagation, protection, and catching of fish in the Delaware River, and to obviate the pollu- tion thereof," the following were appointed to rep- resent the Stnte of New Jersey: From the Senate, Edmund W. Wakelee and Joseph S. Frelinghuysen ; from the Assembly, Austin Colgate, Oliver C. Hol- combe, and Henry D. Thompson; by the Governor, John Franklin Fort, Doctor Henry Van Dyke; and by the terms of the resolution. President of the Fish and Game Commission, B. C. Kuser, President of the Senate, Thf)mas J. Hillery, and Frank B. Jess, Speaker of the House of Assembly ; and Whereas, The Commissions of the said Common- wealth of Pejinsylvania and the State of New Jersey have been duly organized, as provided and required by law ; and Whereas, The said Commissioners of the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the said State of New Jersey, in joint meeting held for that pur- p('Se, have agreed upon uniform laws to provide an act providing uniform laws to encourage the propa- gation of fish, and to regulate the catching, taking, and destruction of fish, in the Delaware River above Trenton Falls, within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey, and providing penalties for violations of its provisions; therefore, — Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the provisions of this act shall effect and apply only to the pro- pagation, catching, taking, and protection and de- struction, of fish in the waters of the Delaware River above Trenton Falls, lying between the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey . Section 2. The inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Peunsylvnnia and of the State of New Jersey shall have and enjoy a common right of fishery throughout, in, and over the waters of said river, between low- water mark on each side of said river, between said States, above Trenton Falls, except so far as either State may have heretofore granted valid and subsist- ing private right of fishery. Section 3. For the purpose of this act, the follow- ing fish shall be designated as game fish, to wit. Black bass, or small-mouth bass; large-mouth bass. Whereas- Whereas. Delaware River above Trenton Falls. Right of fishery. Game fish. 174 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Bait fish. Food fish. Lawful manner of fiBbing for came fish. Fine. Lawful manner of flshinf for bait fish. Fine. Lawful manner of flshlns for food fish. Otherwise called Oswego, or yellow bass; strawberry, or calico bass; rock bass; otherwise known as red-eye or gogele-eye ; white bass, crappie; pike-perch, other- wise called wall-eyed pike, Susquehanna salmon ; pike, pickerel, white nerch, yellow perch; chnrr, commonly called brook or speckled trout; or any form of trout. The following shall be designated as bait fish: to wit, All species of minnows, killifishes, and stone cat- fish. AH other species or varieties of fish, whatsoever, shall be designated as food fish. Section 4. It shall be unlawful to catch or fish for any game fish, in any part of the Delaware River above Trenton Falls, with any device, or by any means or method whatsoever, excepting with rods and lines; or hand-lines, commonly called dip- sey or throw-lines, each having not more than three hooks; or with trolling-lines, with spoon or artificial bait, having not more than one burr of three single hooks attached. The number of rods and lines, or the number of trolling-lines, not to exceed two of one or thf other device named, and said lines must be under tlie direct and immediate supervision of the person fishing therewith. Any person violating any provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of twenty dollars. Section 5. It shall be unlawful to fish for bait fish, in the Delaware River above Trenton Falls, except with the following devices: to wit, rods and linos nnd hand-lines, with not more than three hooks attached ; a minnow seine, not more than one hun- dred feet in length; a, dip net, not more than five feet square; a minnow trap, the opst8. Sunday arrests. 184 Complaint. Warrant. Arrest. Penalty. Proviso. Appeal. Proviso. Repeal. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. man, or magistrate, upon information or complaint made to him by affidavit of one or more persons, char2;in,2: any person or persons with ha vine; viohited any of the provisions of this act, is hereby authorized and required to issue his warrant, uuder his hand and seal, directed to any constable, peace officer, or warden, and cause such person or persons to be ar- rested and brought before such justice, alderman, or magistrate, who shall hear and determine the guilt or iunocense of the person or persons so charged ; and, if convicted upon such charge, shiill be sentenced by said justice, alderman, or magistrate, severally, to pay the fine or fines, penalty or penalties, provided in this act for such violations, together with the costs of the suit. Said fines shall be paid over forth with to the treasurer of the proper county and the said county treasurer shall pay over the same forthwith to the Commissioner of Fisheries, who shall pay the same into the State Treasury, for the benefit of the Commonwealth: Provided, That in case the defen- dant or defendants shall neglect to pay at once the fine or fines so imposed, said defendant or defendants shall forthwith be sentenced to undergo imprisonment in the county jail of the county where such convic- tion takes place, for a period of one day for each dollar of fine so imposed and unpaid, unless the de- fendant or defendants, upon conviction, shall give notice of intention to appeal ; when such defendant or defendants shall be permitted to enter into good and sufficient recognizance, with condition that the defendant or defendants appear before such justice, alderman, or magistrate, on or before the expiration of five days, if such appeal is not taken by him or them, or on the final determination of such appeal if it be not sustained, for execution of sentence: Pro- vided also, That all actions for any violation of any of the provisions of this act must be commenced within one year from the time when the offense was committed. Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved — The 3rd day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 185 AN ACT To classify the species of fish in such parts of the boundary lakes, of more than five thousand acres, as this Commonwealth has jurisdiction over, and in the waters of any peninsula or in any bay adjacent to or connected with such lakes ; to declare which fish are game-fish, which fish are food -fish, and which are minnows, or bait-fish; to protect and pro- vide for the maintenance and increase of fish in such lakes to regulate and provide for the payment of license fees for the ca telling of fish from such boundary lakes, and prohibit the unauthorized tak- ing of fish from devices used by authority of such license ; to provide penalties and punishments for the violatitui of any of the provisions of this act; and requiring the county wherein an offense is charged to pay costs of prosecution in certain in- stances; and repealing all acts inconsistent herewith. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That in such part or parts of lakes of more than five thousand acres, ly- ing between this and any other State or foreign country, as this Commonwealth has jurisdiction over, and in any water or on any peninsula or on any bay adjacent to or connected with such lake, the follow- ing named species of fish are hereby made specifically within the provisions of this act, to wit: All species or varieties of black or yellow bass, rock bass, calico bass or strawberry bass, crappie, muscallonge, and grass pike, which for the purpose of this act are hereby classified and hereinafter designated as game-fish; and minnows and killifish, Avhich shall hereinafter be dt^signated as minnows or bait-fish; and all other species of fish shall be called food fish. Section 2. That it shall be unlawful to fish for or capture any gamo fish in any waters witliin the juris- diction of this Commonwealth, described in the first section of this act, in any manner or with any device or appliance, or by any means whatsoever, except a rod and line having not more than three hooks, or with a hand line having not more than three hooks, or a spear used for catching carp and suckers only, or with a trollinu-line with spoon-hooks attached; M (».•- L, « 2 oJ^ajo^oDo jaa •S -M 03 03 cs , *- a 2^ a CD - 2 OS ° Eo-^- 3 S 60 a ij 3 ■" ^ aS ag 03 g.axi'w 83 . >»aja ? o iD-o a GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 209 I .2| ■■J ^2 I a ^^ I . 4J-M ^ M 0) a^ £2 S a '-' tJ .M ii:.H "is - «* a 2 fc, 0) a ®«^ ^22 o.^^ ^, i* * « ^vi a ° K-O ° 5 I* O )B^ a ii v ? ^ u, ©-^ • &<» s 14 (210) INDEX TO FISH LAWS A. Page. Actions, time limitation 156,170,179 Alewif e 143 Alderman 155 , 169, 178, 181 Anchored, nets not to be, at both ends 166,175 Apparatus, forfeiture of fishing 141,143,166,167,181,191 Appeal, right of 134,156,170,179 Application of fines and penalties 191 Application to maintain a propagating plant 147 Appointment of Commissioner jf Fisheries 137 Appointment of Fish Wardens 156 Appointmer t of Chief Warden, 156 Appointment of Special Fish Wardens 158 Artificial propagation of fish by individuals, 147 Arrest 133, 154, 181, 184, 192 Arrest, resisting or interfering with 133,155,170,179 Arrest on Sunday, 154, 192 Arrect, Avarrant for 155,183 Arrest without warrant 157 Arrest for offense committed on Delaware liver 169,178 Associations, suggestions for, 398 B. Bail 134, 156, 170, 179 Bait, cut or dead 144 Bait fish 140, 164, 174 Bait fish in Delaware river 164,174 Basket, fish, provision repealed, 145 Bass, black 133, 142, 164, 173, 185 Bass, grass 140, 164, 173. 185 Bass, green, 140, 164, 173, 185 Bass, large-mouth 1^0,164,173,185 Bass, rock or red-eye, 140.164,173,185 Bass, small mouth 140.164.173,185 Bass, white 140, 160, 173, 185 Bass, striped 140. 160, 175, 185 Bass, yellow, or Oswego, or gree 140,160,175,185 Bass, calico, or strawberry 140,160,175,185 Bass in Delaware river, 160,175 Blue pike 132,142.164,173,185 Boat, forfeited to Commissioner of Fisheries 159,181,189 Boundary, waters 162, 173, 185 Boundary, length of fish in 168,176,188 Brook trout 140, 148, 164, 174 Bulletins may be issued by Department of Fisheries ...158 Bull frogs 139 Burr hook 141, 164, 174 (211) 212 INDEX. c. Page. Calico or strawberry bass 140,160,175,185 Carniverous Fish, planting of, in trout streams prohibited 150 Carp 140, 143. 167, 183 Cast net 131 Cat-fish 143, 144, 167, 176, 183 Cat-fish, stone; bait fish 140 Certificate for the transportation of trout 147 Certificate for propogating purposes 147 Certificate of fish sold 152 Charr, or brooli trout 140,148,164,188 Chutes and fishways 145,146 Classification of fish 140, 162. 173. 185 Close season 141, 144, 166. 176, 1S3. 186 Close season In Delaware river, 167,176 Coal oil prohibited 150.169,177,187 Commissioner of Fisheries, appointment of, 137 Commissioner of Fisheries, duties and powers of 138,151 Committment to Jail, see "penalty," Compensation to fish wardens 158 Compost, fish for, 188 Concealment of fish, 157 Confiscation of fish and appliances 159,160,181 Constables, ex-offlcio fish wardens 14 Constables, powers and duties of 14,15 Contrivances forbidden in flebing 141,150,164,174,187 Contamination of waters 150,169,177,187 Convictions before justice, 134,155.170.178,192 Convictions, summary , 134, 155, 170, 178, 192 Costs, county to pay In certain cases, 134,161,192 Court decisions 221 Grapple, grass, strawberry, or calico bass 140,160,175,185 Cut or dead bait 144 Dams 145 Dams, gates or flshways In 145,146 Dead or cut bait 144 Decisions pertaining to fish 221 Defiling waters prohibited 150,169,177,187 Delaware river, general act relating to, 131 Delaware river, above Trenton Falls, 173 Delaware river, below Trenton Falls 162 Department of Fisheries, 137 Destruction of Illegal fishing appliances, 142,154,159,181 Dip nets 131, 140, 143, 164, 174 Dipsey lines In Delaware River 164,174 Distances net can be used 143,188 Distribution of flsh, 151 Domestic fowls, trespassing, may be killed after notice 149 Drift net 166 Duty of Commissioner of Tlsherles 137,146,151 Duty of Fish Warden 154,156 Duty of Fish Wardens on Delaware river 169,178 Duty of Justices 134,155.169,178 Dynamite 150,169.177.187 INDEX. , 213 E. Page. Eels 141, 167, 1 77 Belpots, 142, 167, 1 76 Belpots in Delaware river 161. 17C Eggs 148 Educr.tional purposes, fish may be kept for 151 Electricity, fishing with 150,169,177,187 Evidence to be heard by justices 134, 155. 169,1715 Evidence, prima facie, violation of fish laws, 155,187 Explosives or poisons 141,150,lfii^,177,187 Explosives for engineering purposes may be used 150 Fall-fish 140 Fertilizer, fish for, 188 Fines 132, 135, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 165, 167 168, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189 Fines, disposition of 156,184,192 Fish, open season for cod 141,142,144,165,175 Fish, bait 140, 164, 174 Fish basket not be used, repeakd, 145 Fishways not to be obstructed 146 Fish, classification of, 140,164,173,185 Fish, free distribution of, provided for, 151 Fish fry 151 Fish, food, 140, 164, 174, 185 Fish, game 140, 160, 174, 185 Fish, illegally taken must be returned to water, 133,142,144 Fish, catching for special purposes 133,186 Fish, food and game may be sold during open season and tor six days thereafter 147, 148 Fish, length of 142,168,176 Fish Commissioners, powers of 138,151 Fish wardens, duties and powers of, 154,156 Fish, disposition of, and appliances used, when seized, 159,160,181 Fish, time may be held in possession after close of season, 149,169,178 Fish corporations may have special police 135 Fishing with nets above Trenton Falls 174 Fishing in State at Large 131,132,140,141,153,186 Fishing for scientific purposes permitted, 133,186 Fishing, certain methods prohibited 186 Fisheries Department, 187 Fisheries Commission 138 Fishing on Sunday prohibited, 141,166,176 Fishing regulated in State 141 Fishing regulated in boundary waters 166,176 Fishways 145 Fishways, no fishing within four hundred feet of 145 Fishways, no fishing within one hundred feet of, with rod and lines, 145 Food fish 140, 144, 165, 174 Food fish, license to take 147,152,191 Food fish, sale of, for compost prohibited „, 188 Food fish in Delaware river 165,175 Forfeiture of fish and fishing appliances 131,143,166,176,186,190 Frogs, open season for 139 Fry, trout, preference to State 151 Fyke nets 142 214 INDEX. G. Page. Game fish, general Acts of Assembly 140.162,172,185 Game fish in Delaware river, 162,173 Game fish, open season for 166,176 Game fish in inland waters, 140 Game fish, manner of catching 141,164,174 Game fish, summary of law 196 Game fish, methods specifically mentioned. 141,164,174 Gaff, 141 Gas tar prohibited 150, IGfi, 177,187 Gig or spear, Ill Gill nets 166. ISO, 189 Green bass 140,164,175,185 Guide, employment of, 149 Guide not to fish for employer 14S, 149 H. Hand line 141.189 Haul seine, 143,1^2 Hearings, Ib4, 156, 17C, 179, 183, 192 Herring, 143,183 Hook and line 133, 141. 164.174, 1S9 Hooks 133, 141, 164, 174, ISP I. Ice, fishing through, 42 Illegal rontrivances prohibited 133,141.164,174,189 Illegal devices to be destroyed or sold, or icrfeited, 131,143,166,176,186,190 Imprisonment imposed. See penalties. Interfering with officers, 133,155,170,179 J. Justice of the peace 155,169,178,181 K. Killifishes HO. 164. 174, 185 L. Lake Erie, or green bass 140 Lakes, boundary, protection of fish in 185 Landing net, may be used 141 Law, decision of courts 221 Laws relating to fish in the State at large 132,140 Laws relating to fish in the Delaware river, 162,172 Laws relating to fish in Lake Erie and boundary waters 185 Lawful manner of fishing in Delaware river, 164,165,174 Lencrth of fish taken, Delaware- river 168,176 Length of flsh taken In Internal waters 14- Lengtb of fish taken, boundary lakes 18?^ INDEX . 215 Page. License to fisb for food fish, *•• 1^; License, right of State to impose lo-- 182,191 License for fishing in Lake Erie .^^^11 License foes, disposition of 1^6, 184 License to be shown on demand ,- JoJ Lime, uso of, in fishing, prohibited, 150,16ri,177,lS7 Limitatioi: of time In prosecutions 1^6, 170, 179 M. Magistrate, dntier of, ^^'•^^^•^^?'JZ^Pi Measurement of fish -^^^'I o'Ho'ico Meshes, size of, in seines or nets 143, 1S2, 189 Metallic tag on fyke nets, ■ • - •••••- ^„^ }jl Methods of fishing permitted 112,168,l<6,l;^8 Minnows, bait fish, '^'^^'l^-'llt Migration of fish, obstructing l-io. 146 Misdemeanor, : : , „„ Joi Mullets, H!'^^r.'!?.? Muscallongf .140.142 1S5 N. Names o" nets, 1'^^ Nets, 131,152. 167, 176, 189 Nets' forbidden in Delaware river 131,165,167,176 Nets on Sunday, J^- Nets to b'- destroyed A -iAA ,-7-7 To- Nitro-glycerine, use of prohibited, ' 'vl'V^iy Notice, trespass 'Ho Number of trout in one day 1|^ Number of bass, etc Ij- Number of bass in one day, Lake Erie 1»6 Nursery streams, 152 (). Obstructing fish way ^45, 146 Obstructing migration of fish 14o, 146 Office of the Pish Commission 1-^| Office of the Commissioner of Fisheries 138 Officers refusing or neglecting to do duty A" ;:..-,„ 7,^ Officers interfering with. 133,15.3.170,179 Officers, resisting or refusing to assist, ••••• 155 Open season for fish 141, 144,166, 176.183,186 Organizations, suggestions for, 298 Outlines, 144 Ownership and control of streams, 1"^ P. Paraphernalia, seizure of, 131,143 167 176 186 190 Penalties for violation of fish laws 132, 135, 141. 142. 143. 144, 14o. 146, 148,152 153 154, 155, 156, 159, 165, 167, 168, 171, 176. 177, 17S, 179. 181. 183, 184. 186. 187, 189 Perch 140.164,174 Pickerel 216 INDEX . Page. Pike, blue 140, 142 Pike, grass 140,142,164.178,185 Pike perch 140, 142, 164, 173, 185 Pike, wall-eyed, or Susquehanna salmon, 141, IW, 174 Pike, western, 140,142,185 Planting fish 140, 184, 174 Poison, fish with, forbidden 150,169,177,187 Poison and acids from tanyards, to be kept out of streams 187 Poisonous substances in streams prohibited, 150,169,177,187 Police, special 135 Police, powers and duties of 136 Pollution of waters prohibited 150,160,177,178,187 Possession of fish, prima facie evidence 155,187 Pound net 189 Powers of Commissioner of Fisheries 138,151 Powers of fish wardens 154, 156 Preference of State in distributing fry 151 Prima facie evidence 155, 187 Private streams 148 Proceedings on arrest made 133,154,181,184,192 Property seized, disposition of fish 131,143,166,176.181,190 Propagating streams may oe set aside and closed 152 Propagation of fish, artificial, by individuals 147 Public fishing, waters open to 151 Purchase or sale of certain fish prohibited 148 Q. Quick lime, use of, in fishing, prohibited, 150,169.177 R. Recognizance, 134, 156. 170. 179 Record costs, liability for 134,135,154.170,179,192 Refuse from gas houses, etc., not to enter streams 150.169,177,187 Removal of fish from licensed device by third person prohibited, 153 Report of Commissioner of Fisheries 158 Resisting arrest 133,155.170,179 Rock bass, 140, 164, 173, 185 Rock fish, or striped bass 140.160,175,185 Roi'k fish, open season for 141,144, Rod and line 133.141,164.174,189 S. Sale of seized appliances 159, 160. 181 Sale of certain fish prohibited 148.169 Sale of certain fish permitted 149,158,169 Sale of Susquehanna salmon or wall-eyed pike 140,162,174 Saturday night, fishing with seines unlawful, 132,143.166,176 Sawdust, in streams prohibited 150.169,177,187 Scientific purpose 151. 186 Screens to prevent destruction of fish 146 Search for fish, by officer without warrant 157 Search warrant, 167 Seasons for game fish 140, 164. 173. ISR INDEX. 217 Page. Seasons for game fish, open 141,144,166,167,176,182,183,186 Seasons for game fish, close, .*. 142, 143, 144, 165, 167, 183, 186 Second offense, 132 Seines 143, 166 Seines, In Delaware river not to be broken 168 Seizure, riglit of 131,143,166,176.186,190,192 Sentence by justice 155,169.178,181 Shad 131, 143, 183 Size and number of fish legally talien 141,142 Size and number of fish legally taken in Delaware river 168,176 Snoods, number to be used at one time 144 Spawn 190 Spear, or gig 141 Special wardens not entitled to salary, 158 Speckled trout, open season for 141 Speckled trout, wild, not to be bought or sold, 148 Speckled trout, wild, not to be caught for wages or hire 149 Speckled tiout, wild, size and number to be taken 142 Speckled trout, propagated In captivity, may be sold in certain cases 149 Spoon hook 164, 174 Statistics of fish shall be furnished, 158 Stocked waters to be free 151-152 Stocking of waters with fish 151 Streams for propagation may be set aside and closed, 152 Streams on State lands, preference for, in distributing fry 151 States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey to have concurrent jurisdic- tion over Delaware river 169,178 Striped bass or rock fish 140,160,175,185 Sturgeon 143, 165, 175, 188 Sturgeon, open season for 166,176 Suckers 141,144 Suits, costs of, where chargeable, 134,161,192 Summary conviction 134, 155, 170, 178, 192 Summary of fish laws 196 Sunday, no fishing on, 141 Sunday, arrests may be made on, 154,192 Sunday fiebing on Delaware river 166 Susquehanna salmon 141, 164, 174 Table ot size, seasons, etc., of game fish 208 Tag to fyke nets and outlines 143-144 Terrapin 139 Terms of Fish Commissioners, 138 Threatening officers 133. 155. 170, 179 Three hooks 141, 164, 174, 185 Time limit of actions 156,170,179 Time fish may be held after close of open season 149,169,178 Tip-ups 141 Torpedo, use of prohibited, in fishing 150,169,177,187 Transportation of fish permitted 148 Trenton Falls, fishing above 162 Trenton Falls, below. 172 Trespassins: on waters operated by Fish Commissioners, 149 Trial. 156,170.179 218 INDEX. Page. Trolling line 164, 174, 189 Trout, brook or speckled, ♦ 140.148,164,183 Trout fry, preference 151 Trout, opep season for 141 Trout streams 144 Trout streams, hoAV deflnod 156 Trort, lake 141 U. Unlawful to procure fish for private purposes, 152 Unlawful haking of fish 190 V. Vats, contents of, 150.169.177,187 Vitriol 150. 169, 177, 1S7 W. Wall-eyed pike, or Susquehanna salmon 141,164,174 Walls, wing 132,143 Wardens, fish, duties and powers of 156,157 Wardens, fish, compensation of, 158 Wardens, special 158 Warrants of arrest and search 155,157,183 Warrants for trespass 149 Waters fo public fishing 151 Waters in which fishing may be prohibited 153 Waters on State lands, preference of, in distributing fry 151 Waters, boundary, 162, 172, 185 Wa ter wheels must be screened for protection of fish 146 Wild birds may be killed 150 Wing walls 143 Y. Yellow bass 141 . 164, 174 Yellow perch 141. 164, 174 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 219 >EADING DECISIONS PERTAINING TO GAME AND FISH. OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL. 1. In the classification of property, there nrc smes a net revenue to the State, one-half of said net revenue derived from lands suituated in any town- ship shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the treasurer of such township for application to town- ship purposes and reduction of local tax levies in such township: Provided, That there shall not be paid to any one township, during any year more than twice the amount of taxes thatwould be received by suf!i township from said lands if they were owned by in- dividuals. J Section 2. (Supplied by Act of May 5, 1911, P. L. , which see infra p. 257.) Section 3. That the Commissioner of Forestry shall be the president and executive officer of the Forestry Reservation Commission, and also Superintendent of the State Forestry Reservations, and shall have im- mediate control and management, under the direction of the Forestry Reservation Commission, of all forest I'.nds already acquired or which may hereafter be ac- quired by the Commonwealth, but the power l"GanlBt<»r roclc" is a valuable mineral" within the mean- ing of this section and can only be disposed of after com pliance with the terms of the Act, A. G. O., 12 D. R.. 420. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 247 so conferred upon said Commissioner of For- estry shall not extend to the enforcement of of the laws relating to public health or the protection of fish and game. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Forestry to encourage and pro- mote the development of forestry, and to obtain and publish information respecting the extent and con- dition of forest lands in the State, and to execute all rules and regulations adopted by the Forestry Reser- vation Commission for the enforcement of all laws designated for the protection of forests from fire and depredation ; and he is hereby empowered to employ such detective service and such legal or other ser- vices as may be necessary for the protection of the forestry reservations owned by the Commonwealth and for the apprehension and punishment of persons who may violate any of the foi'estry reservation laws or any of the rules and regulations, which, under the powers herein given, may be adopted by the Forestry Reservation Commission: Provided, That the services so employed and the expenses that may thereby be incurred shall be approved by said Forestry Reserva- tion Commission and the Governor of the Common- wealth . Section 4. The Commissioner of Forestry shall re- ceive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum, and in addition thereto shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses of travel which may be incurred in the discharge of the duties of his office ; and the other members of the Forestry Reservation Commis- sion shall serve without salary, but shall be reim- bursed for all necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties of their office. Section 5. The Commissioner of Forestry shall have an ofiice at the State Capitol, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings to provide, from time to time, the necessary rooms, furniture, apparatus and supplies for the use of the Department of Forestry created under the provisions of this act. Section 6. All moneys appropriated by the General Assembly in the general appropriation act of 1899 for the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Agriculture, as for salaries or contingent fund, which may remain unexpended at the time of the approval of this act, shall be transferred to and be vested in the Department of Forestry, hereby created; and the Duties of Commis- sioner. May employ detectives. Proviso. Salary of the Commis- sioner. Traveling expenses of. Expenses of other mem- bers. OflBce to be provided and fur- nislied. Transfer of imexpended appropria- tion. 248 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Clerk of Commis- sioner. Salary of. Purchase monej for lands; how to be paid. Title of lands ac- quired to be in Common- wealth. Lands not to be subject to warrant, survey and patent, and to be exempt from taxation. May expend money for public roads. Expenses subject to approval. clerk of the Commissioner of Forestry, hitherto ap- pointed under the law creating the Department of Agriculture, shall be transferred from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Forestry, on the same salary that he now receives. Section 7. The purchase money for lauds acquired and all expenses that may be incurred, except the salaries of the Commissioner of Forestry and his clerk, shall be paid by the State Treasury out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropri- ated, on warrant of the Auditor General, upon vou- chers duly approved by resolution of the Forestry Reservation Commission and the Governor of the Com- monwealth . Section 8. The title* of all lands acquired by the Commonwealth for forestry reservations shall be taken in the name of the Commonwealth and shall be held by the Commissioner of Forestry, and such lands shall not be subject to warrant, survey or patent, under the laws of the Commonwealth authorizing the con- veyance of vacant or unappropriated lands, and all such forestry reservation lands shall be exempt from taxation from the time of their acquisition. In all cases where lands have been purchased, or may here- after be purchased by the Forestry Reservation Com- mission for forest reservations, where there are pub- lic roads, regularly established, running into or through said land, the Commissioner of Forestry, under such rules and regulations as the Forestry Reservation Commission is hereby authorized to adopt, may expend a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars per mile in each year for the maintenance, repair or extension of any such roads, and on roads bordering on reservations one-half of this rate per mile may be expended. All expenses that may thus be incurred shall be subject to the approval of the Forestry Reser- vation Commission and the Governor of the Common- wealth, and shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses are provided for in this act. Since the passage of the Act of April 5, 1905, P. L. 111. making a fixed charge of 2 cents per acre for road purposes against State lands held for forest reserves, the above privi- lege under Sec. 8 has not been exercised by this Commission. Tax exemption removed by Act of 1905. •For a discussion of the Commonwealth's title and the doc- trines of estoppel as applied to the State, see Com. v. Bierly, 37 Sup. Ct. Rep. p. 496. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Section 9. The Commissioner of Forestry shall re- ceive the moneys to which the State may be entitled by virtue of the sale of any timber, or by virtue of any leases or contracts relating to the disposition^ of minerals, as hereinbefore provided, and he shall im- mediately pay the same over to the State Treasurer as a part of the revenue of the Commonwealth. The said Commissioner of Forestry shall give his bond to the Commonwealth, with two sureties, to be approved by the Governor, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties imposed by this act and for the proper accounting of any moneys to the Commonwealth that may come into the hands by vir- tue of his position as Commissioner of Forestry. Section 10. That all acts or parts of acts incon- sistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 2.5th day of February, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A. STONE. Disposition of money received. Commis- sioner of Forestry shall give bond of ?10,000. Repeal. AN ACT For the better protection of timber lands against fire, and providing for the expenses of the same, and jgoi, directing what shall be done with the fines collected ii9.' and costs paid. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That when the com- missioners of any county or counties fail to "appoint persons under oath, whose duty it shall be to ferret out and bring to punishment all persons or corpora- tions who either wilfully or otherwise cause the burn- ing of timber lands," within their respective counties, as is provided for by the act of July 15th, 1897, or when they have appointed inefficient persons to do the work aforesaid ; the Commissioner of Forestry may, on the request of residents of a county in which such fires have been created, or on the request of the owner or owners of land which has been injured by the fires so created, appoint a detective or detec- tives, and employ an attorney or attorneys, to ferret out and bring to punishment, as aforesaid, those who cause the burning of timber lands ; and all expenses incurred by the Commissioner of Forestry under the operation of this act shall be paid by the State Treas- Wben the Commis- sioner of Forestry may appoint detectives and employ attorneys. Expenses incurred. 250 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Fines collected. When pay- ment to county com- missioners may be re- fused. urer, on warrant drawn by the Auditor General, if the said bills shall be approved by the Governor and the Commissioner of Forestry ; and all the fines col- lected shall be paid by the magistrate or by order of the court to the Commissioner of Forestry, and be paid by him to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth. Section 2. When conviction is obtained, under the provisions of this act, of persons or corporations caus- ing the burning of timber lands, then the Auditor General, on the request of the Commissioner of Forestry, may refuse to pay the State's share of the money due to the county for the services of the per- son or persons, appointed by the county commis- sioners, to ferret out and bring to punishment those who caused forest fires in the districts where such persons served as fire detectives, to make arrests and secure convictions, and for which conviction was ob- tained by the detectives appointed by the Commis- sioner of Forestry. Approved— The 2d day of May, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A. STONE AN ACT 1901 P. 5()9. Authorizing boroughs of this Commonwealth to re- ^^- quire the planting of shade-trees along the public streets thereof, by the owners of abutting property, in certain cases. Boroughs may require tlie planting of shade trees by abutting owners. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the burgess and council of any borough of this Commonwealth, upon the petition of a majority of the property owners upon any public street thereof, may by ordinance re- quire the planting and replanting of suitable shade- trees along and upon either side of any such street, upon such alignment and at such points as may by such ordinance be designated, by the owner or owners of property abutting the street at the points de.«ig- nated ; and on failure of any such owner or owners after reasonable notice to comply with the terms of any such ordinances, the said authorities mny cause such trees to be planted or replanted at the expense of the borough; and thereupon, in the name of the borough, collect such expense from the owner or GAME. FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 251 owners in default, as debts of like amount are by law collectable: Provided, That the said authorities shall not require the planting or replanting of trees at any point or points which may interfere with the necessary or reasonable use of any street or abutting property, or interfere unreasonably with any business thereon conducted. Approved— The 17th day of June, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A. STONE. 1901, P. L. 610. AN ACT To encourage the planting of trees along the roadsides of this Commonwealth, and providing a penalty for killing, removing or injuring the same; what dis- position is to be made of moneys collected as penal- ties, and for keeping a record by the supervisor of roads or boards of supervisors of roads of the trees so planted and upon which a tax abatement has been granted. - NOTE.— With the possible exception of a portion of section 5, this act is rendered inoperative by the decision in Tubbe T. Tioga, 32 C. C. 504, and subsequent legislation. See page hereafter. Section 5. Any person who shall cut down, kill or Injure any living tree, planted or growing natur- ally as aforesaid, (that is, by the roadside), or who negligently or carelessly suffers a horse or other do- Negli- mestic animal, driven by or for him, to injure any gence, ei trees hereinbefore mentioned, upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dol- lar, nor more than five dollars, with costs of suit, for each and every tree so cut down, killed, removed or injured: Provided, That if the defendant or de- Proviso, fendants neglect or refuse to pay at once the penalty so imposed and costs, or shall not enter sufficient bail for the payment of the same within ten days, he or ' °*'' they shall be committed to the common jail of the Penalty, county in which the offense was committed, for a 252 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, period of not less than one day for each dollar of penalty imposed and costs. Approved— The 2d day of July, A. D. 1901. WILLIAM A. STONE. 1903, P. L. 24. Employes of Commis- sioner of Forestry. Powers vested in. Forest and timber land. State For- estry Reser- vation. AN ACT Conferring upon persons employed, under existing laws, by the Commissioner of Forestry, for the pro- tecting of State Forestry Reservations, after tak- ing the proper oath of oflice, the same powers as are by law conferred upon constables and other peace officers; to arrest, without first procuring a warrant, persons reasonably suspected by them of offending against the laws protecting timber lands; also conferring upon them similar powers for the enforcement of the laws and rules and regulations for the protection of the State Forestry Reserva- tions, and for the protection of the game and fish contained therein; and further, conferring upon them power to convey said offenders into the proper legal custody, for punishment; this act to apply only to offenses committed upon said reservations and lands adjacent thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the persons employed, under existing laws, by the Commissioner of Forestry, for the protection of State Forestry Res- ervations, shall, after taking the proper ofiicial oath before the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of any county of the Commonwealth, be vested with the same powers as are by existing laws conferred upon con- stables and other peace officers; to arrest on view, without first procuring a warrant therefor, persons detected by them in the act of trespassing upon any forest or timber land within this Commonwealth, under such circumstances as to warrant the reason- able suspicion that such person or persons have com- mitted, are committing, or are about to commit, some offense or offenses against any of the laws now enacted or hereafter to be enacted for the protection of forests and timber lands. Such officers shall likewise be vested with similar powers of arrest, in the case of GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 253 offenses against the laws or the rules and regulations enacted or to be enacted for the protection of the State Forestry Reservation,* or for the protection of the fish and game contained therein: Provided, That the above mentioned rules and regulations shall have been previously conspicuously posted upon the reser- vation. Said officers shall further be empowered, and it shall be their duty immediately upon any such ar- rest, to take and convey the offender or offenders be- fore a justice of the peace or other magistrate having jurisdiction, for hearing and trial, or other due pro- cess of law: Provided, further. That this act shall extend only to the case of offenses committed upon said Forestry Reservations and lauds adjacent there- to ; and the powers herein conferred upon said offi- cers shall not be exercised beyond the limits thereof, except where necessary for the purpose of pursuing and arresting such offenders, or of conveying them into the proper legal custody, for punishment, as aforesaid. Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 11th day of March, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPAGKER. Proviso. Limitation.. Eepeal. AN ACT To empower the Commissioner of Forestry and the Forestry Reservation Commission to give street rail- way companies the privilege to construct, maintain and operate their lines of railway over, along and upon public highways within or bordering on forest reservations owned by the Commonwealth. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Commis- sioner of Forestry and the Forestry Reservation Com- mission are hereby authorized and empowered to give to street railway companies, duly incorporated under the laws of this Commonwealth, upon such terms and subject to such restrictions and regulations as said Commissioner and Commission may deem proper, the A forest officer is not liable to inrlirtment and ounishment under the Act of April 24, 1903, P. L. 296, for killin? a dog, when done in the course of duty and upon probable cause. Com, V. Frederick, 27 Pa. Sup. Ct. 228. 1903, P. L. 200. Commis- sioner of Forestry and the Forestry Reservation Commission, em lowered to give cer- tain privi- leges to street rail- way com- panies. 254 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Highways bordering on or within forest reser- vations. privilege to construct, maintain and operate their lines of railway over, along and upon public high- ways, now laid out and in actual use, which lie within or border on any forest reservations now owned or hereafter to be acquired by the Commonwealth, when- ever in the judgment of the said Commissioner and Commission the interests of the Commonwealth in the said reservations shall be benefited thereby. Approved— The 15th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER AN ACT 1903, P. L. To limit the amount of money expended each year 201.' by the State Forestry Reservation Commission in the purchase of lands for the Commonwealth. Section 1 Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, the amount of money ex- pended by the State Forestry Reservation Com- mission for the purchase of lands in any one fiscal year, shall not exceed the sum of three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That contracts here- tofore made for the purchase of land by the State Forestry Reservation Commission shall not be af- fected by this act. All proceeds derived from the lands purchased by the said Commission shall be paid into the State Treasury, and shall be held as a special fund, and shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the said Commission, from time to time, upon warrants drawn by the Commissioner of Forestry and countersigned by the Auditor Gen- eral, for the purpose of assisting in defraying the necessary expenses of protecting and improving the said lands, or for the purchase of additional land. Repeal. Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are herebv repealed. Approved—The 15th day of April, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER Forestry Reservation Commission. Limiting amount of money to h' expended by, an- nually. Special fund. Expenditure of / GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 2i AN ACT Directing the Commissioner of Forestry to erect buildings on the Mont Alto Reservation or to purchase land and buildings adjaceat to the said i-^os, p. l. reservation, wherein to provide instruction in for- sts. estry, to prepare forest wardens for the proper care of the State Forestry Reservation lauds and making an appropriation therefor. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Commis- Appropria- sioner of Forestry is hereby directed, under the *^'°"- advice of the State Forestry Reservation Commis- sion, to purchase suitable buildings and land ad- jacent to the Mont Alto State Forestry Reservation or to erect buildings on said Reservation, at a cost not to exceed six thousand dollars, and to establish and provide therein and on said Reservation practical instruction in forestry, to prepare forest wardens for the proper care of the State Forestry Reservation lands ; the said instruction not to cost a sum exceed- ing ten thousand dollars, for the two fiscal years ending June first, one thousand nine hundred' and five; and the sum of sixteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appro- priated, out of moneys not otherwise appropriated for said purposes ; to be paid by warrant drawn by the Auditor General upon resolution of the State Forestry Reservation Commission. Approved— The 13th day of May, A. D. 1903. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. AN ACT Providing a fixed charge on lands acquired by the State for Forestry Reserves, and the distribution l!^05, p. of revenue, so derived, for school and road pur- i^^- poses . Whereas, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Pivambie. acquiring large tracts of lands, in its several coun- ties, for the purpose of establishing forest reserva- tions ; and 256 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Forest re- serves. Annual charge against. Certificate as to num- ber of acres, etc. Payment to school dis- tricts and townships. Whereas, The purchasing of said lands by the Commonwealth makes said lands exempt from taxa- tion ; and Whereas, Because of said exemption from taxa- tion, districts in the several counties lose the rev- enue secured from said prior taxation, and works a hardship upon the citizens thereof, by compelling them to make up the loss on school and road-taxes thus brought about: Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, all lands acquired by the Commonwealth for forest reserves, and now exempt from taxation, shall be subject to an annual charge of three cents per acre, for the benefit of the schools in the respective districts in which said reserve or reserves are located, and two cents per acre, for the benefit of the roads in the townships where said re- serve or reserves are located. Section 2. The Commissioner of Forestry shall cer- tify to the respective school districts and townships, throughout the Commonwealth, in which forest re- serves are located, the number of acres owned by the Commonwealth in each district or township, upon ap- plication of the treasurer or road supervisors of any of the said districts or townships, and the charge against the same; and shall, furthermore, certify to the State Treasurer the number of acres as aforesaid, and the charge against the same and in favor of the respective districts and townships. The State Treas- urer shall, upon the approval of the proper warrants of the Commissioners of Forestry, pay to the several school-districts and townships the amounts due the same from the Commonwealth, and derived under this act, upon due application therefor made by the treas- urers or road supervisors of the said districts and townships. Approved— The 5th day of April, A. D. 1905. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. *ftee new act relating to charge for schools, page 248 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 257 AN ACT To empower the Commissioner of Forestry and the Forestry Reservation Commission to give to bor- oughs and other municipalities the privilege of impounding water on Forest Reservations owned by the Commonwealth, and of constructing, main- taining and operating lines of pipes over and through the same for the purpose of conveying water there- from. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the Commis- sioner of Forestry and the Forestry Reservation Commission are hereby authorized and empowered to give to boroughs and other municipalities of this Commonwealth, upon such terms and subject to such restrictions and regulations as said Commissioner and Commission deem proper, the privilege of im- pounding water upon any Forest Reservations, now owned or hereafter to be acquired by the Common- wealth, and of constructing, maintaining and operat- ing lines of pipes upon and through said reservations, for the purpose of conveying water therefrom, when- ever in the judgment of the said Commissioner and Commission it shall be to the public interest so to do. Approved— The 14th day of April, A. D. 1905. SAML. W. PENNYPACKER. 1905, P. L. 156. Forestry reseryft- tion. Privileges of boroughs and munici- palities. Pipe-lines. AN ACT To provide for the planting and care of shade-trees, on highways of townships of the first class, bor- 1907, p. l. oughs, and cities of the Commonwealth of Penn- S49. ' sylvania, and providing for the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That in townships Shade of the first class, boroughs, and cities of the Com- t^'^es. monwealth of Pennsylvania there may be appointed, in the manner hereinafter provided, a Commission of three freeholders, to be known and designated as shade-tree the Shade-tree Commission of the said township, bor- commission, ough, or city, who shall serve without compensation, and who shall have exclusive and absolute custody 17 258 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Proviso. Existing park com- missions. Acceptance of this act. Terms of commis- sioners. Appoint- ments. Annual re- port. Proviso. and control of, and power to plant, set out, remove, maintain, protect, and care for shade trees, on any of the public highwaj'S of the said townships, bor- oughs, and cities, the cost thereof to be provided for in the manner hereinafter stated: Provided, That in townships, boroughs, or cities in which a Commis- sion for the care of public parks shall have been created, said Commission shall, upon the acceptance of this act as provided in section two, be chnr.ged with the duties of the Commission as above provided, and shall, for that purpose be possessed of all the powers herein mentioned and granted. Section 2. The commissioners of any township of the iirst class, or the councils of any borouah or city, in the State of Pennsylvania, may, by majority vote in the case of the commissioners, or by joint resolu- tion in the case of the councils, accept the provisions of this act, and when such majority vote or joint reso- lution shall have been duly passed and approved, and such Shade-tree Commissioners appointed, or, in their stead, the duties and powers herein provided have been devolved upon an existing park commission, then, from that time and in that event, this act and all its provisions shall be in full force and application in such township of the first class, boroui^h, or city, so accepting ; and such commissioners shall be ap- pointed, for terms of three, four and five years, re- spectively, and, on the expiration of any term, the new appointment shall be for five years, and any va- cancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only ; and in townships of the first class the said appoint- ment shall be mnde by the commissioners thereof; and in boroughs, by the chief burgess, and in cities by the mayor thereof: Provided, That in cities where a Commission exists for the care of public parks, the term and appointment of such Commission shall not be changed by this act, but shall be and remain as provided by the act of Assembly, and by the or- dinance of councils creating such Commission foi the care and maintenance of public parks. And such Shade-tree Commission shall, twice in every year, report in full its transactions and expenditures for the municipal fiscal year then last ended, to the au- thority under and by which it was appointed: Pro- vided, That an existing park commission, acting under this enactment, may embody its repor* ^'n its regular GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. report to the councils, as by law or ordinance pro- vided . Section 3. That when such shade-tree commis- sioners, or park commissioners so acting, shall pro- pose the setting out or planting or removing of any shade trees, or the material changing of the same in any highway, they shall give public notice of the time and place appointed for the meeting at which such contemplated work is to be considered, specify- ing in detail the highways, or portion thereof, upon which trees are proposed to be planted, removed, or changed, in one or more — not exceeding two in all — of the newspapers published in said township, bor- ough, or city, once each week for at least two weeks, prior to the date of said meeting. Section 4. The cost of planting, transplanting, or removing any trees in any highways, and of suit- able guards, curbing, or grading for the protection thereof, when necessary, and of the proper replacing of any pavement or sidewalk necessarily disturbed in the doing of such work, shall be borne by the owner of the real estate in front of which such trees are planted, set out, or removed; and the cost thereof as to each tract of real estate shall be certified by the commissioner to the township commissioners, or to the presidents of the councils in boroughs and cities, and also to the person having charge of the collection of taxes for the said township, borough, or city; and upon the filing of said certificates, the amount of the cost of such improvement, of which notice shall also be given to each property owner in- volved, accompanied with a copy of the aforesaid cer- tificate, together \\»ith a notice of the time and place for payment, shall be and become a lien upon said real estate, in front of which said trees have been planted, set out, or removed; said lien to be col- lectible, if not paid in accordance with notice as herein provided, in the same manner as other liens for taxes are now collectible against the property involved . Section 5. The cost and expense of caring for said trees after having been planted or set out, and the expense of publishing the notices provided for in section threfe', shall be borne and paid for by a general tax, to be levied annually in the manner that taxes for township, borough, and city purposes are now levied in such townships of the first class. Tree-plant- ing, etc. Cost of planting, transplant- ing, etc. Certificates. Lien. Cost of care and publica- tion. 260 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Tax. Appropria- tion. Superin- tendent, en gineer, wardens, etc. Regulations. Fine and penalties. Lines. Disposition of fines, etc. boroughs, or cities ; such tax not to exceed the sum of one-tenth of one mill on the dollar on the assessed valuation of the property in such townships of the first class, boroughs, or cities; and the needed amount shall each year, in due time, be certified by the shade- tree commissioners to the proper authorities charged with the assessment of taxes in said townships, bor- oughs, or cities, to be assessed and paid, as other taxes are assessed and paid, and to be drawn against as required by said commissioners, in the same man- ner as moneys appropriated for township, borough, or city purposes are now drawn against in said town- ships, boroughs or cities provided that the commissioners of any township of the first class, and the councils of any borough or city, accepting the pro- visions of this act, may provide for the expense of the maintenance of trees on highways, in accordance with the provisions of this section by actual appro- priation, equal to the amount certied to be required by the said Commission, in lieu of the specific as- sessment above authorized. Section 6. The Commission, under which the pro- visions of this act shall be carried out, in any town- ship of the first class, borough, or city, shall have power to employ and pay such superintendents, en- gineers, foresters, tree-wardens, or other assistants, as the proper performance of the duties devolving upon it shall require; and to make, publish and en- force regulations for the care of, and to prevent in- jury to, the trees on the highways of any township, borough, or city accepting the provisions of this act; and to assess suitable fines and penalties for violations of this act, provided such regulations shall have been published at least twice in one or more, not ex- ceeding two, newspapers of the township, borough, or city, involved, after having been submitted to and being approved by the commissioners of the town- ship of the first class, of the councils of the borough or city affected; and such fines and penalties, so assessed for violations of this act, shall become liens upon the real property of the offender, and be col- lectible by the constituted authorities, as liens for taxes upon real property are now collected. Section 7. All the moneys due and collected from fines or penalties or assessments, in consequence of the acts of said Shade-tree Commission in enforcing this act, shall be paid to the treasurers of the town- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. ships, boroughs, and cities accepting its provisions, and shall be placed to the credit of said commission, subject to be drawn upon by the said commission for the purposes of this act. Section 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Section 9. This act shall take effect immediately; but its provisions shall not be and become binding upon any township, borough, or city until it has been dnlv accepted, as provided in section two. Approved— The 31st day of May, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. Repeal. AN ACT Authorizing the transfer of the control and man- agement of the Senatorium on the State Forestry Reservation near Mont Alto, in Franklin county, from the Commissioner of Forestry to the Depart- ment of Health. 1907, P. L. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That in case the Department of Health shall, with the approval of the Governor, in the establishment of sanatoria, or colonies for the reception and treatment of indigent persons affected with incipient tuberculosis, find it desirable to take over, control, and manage the Sanatorium located on the State Forestry Reservation near Mont Alto, in Franklin county, established under the provisions of the act approved May fifteenth. Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and three, the Commissioner of Forestry is hereby authorized and directed to transfer said Sanatorium and the manage- ment and control of the same, to the Department of Health, which is hereby authorized to receive, and henceforth manage and control, th-^ said sana- torium . Approved— The 1st day of June, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. By Act of Assembly the Department of Health is directed to carry out the idea represented by the Camp Sanitorium at Mont Alto, established by the Commissioner of Forestry in 190'1. For blank forms of application for admission to this Camp Sanatorium, address "Camp Physician, White Pine Camp, Mont Alto, Franklin County, Pa." Sanatorium, Mont Alto. Transfer from Com- missioner of Forestry to Department of Health. 262 (MME, FISH AND FORESTRY IvAWS. 1907, 527. P. L. Forest fires, regulations to prevent. Lands upon which are oil and gas wells. When fires may not be started. When fires may be started. Violations. Misde- meanor. Fine. Commit- ment. Proviso. AN ACT Establishing precautionary regulations to prevent for- est fires on lands in which oil-wells and gas-wells are situated, and diminish danger therefrom; mail- ing certain violations thereof misdemeanors, and prescribing punishment for the same, and in other cases affixing penalties and declaring liabilities for damages. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That fallows, stumps, logs, brush, dry grass, fallen timber, or tree-tops shall not be burned in any forest lands of this Commonwealth, in which there are producing oil-wells or gas-wells, or rigs erected for drilling such wells, from the first day of April in each year to the twentieth day of May next ensuing, nor from the tenth day of September in each year to the tenth day of November next ensuing. Excepting during the periods aforesaid, fires may be set in lands upon the following conditions: First, that written permis- sion thereto, of the fire-warden of the proper town- ship, shall first be obtained; second, said fire-warden shall be personally present when such fire is started ; third, such fire shall not be started during a strong wind, nor without sufficient help to control the same at all times; forth, such fire shall be watched and guarded, by the person by whom it is started, until it is extinguished. No fires shall be set, or allowed to burn, in said lands, excepting upon compliance with the conditions aforesaid. Any person violating any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and, upon being convicted thereof be- fore any alderman or magistrate, shall be fined by the said alderman or magistrate, — for the first offense, in the sum not less than ten dollars or more than twenty dollars, and for the second, and every subse- quent, offense, in a sum not less than twenty nor exceeding one hundred dollars, to be paid to the county wherein such offense may be committed ; and if said fine or penalty and the costs of the proceed- ings be not paid, then said alderman or magistrate shall commit said offender to the county jail, there to remain until discharged by due course of law: Provided, That when the fine imposed exceeds the sum of twenty dollars, the party complained against GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 263 may appeal from the decision of said alderman or magistrate to the court of quarter sessions, upon his entering bail, in the nature of a recognizance, in the usual manner, for his appearance at said court, where the offense shall be prosecuted in the same manner as is now directed by law in other cases of misdemeanor. Section 2. Any owner or lessee of any forest lands, or owner of trees growing upon said lauds, or any person in charge of the premises upon which lands there are producing oil-wells or gas-wells, or rigs erected for drilling such wells, shall, at least once in each year, cause to be removed from said lands all brush, tree-tops and branches of trees, which such owner, lessee, or other person in charge of the premises, may have cut or felled thereon, within one hundred feet, respectively, of all such wells or rigs; and shall, at least once in the year, cause to be re- moved from said land all grass, brush, tree-tops, and branches of trees, and other inflammable material, within one hundred feet of the right of way of any railroad company operating thereon ; to the "end that during the spring and autumn season, as defined in the first section of this act, the said area shall be free and clear of such inflammable material. In case any person, partnership, or corporation shall neglect to perform the duty imposed by this section, the same shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for failure, in any instance, to comply with the duty imposed by this section ; to be paid to the county where the offense may be committed, recoverable in an action of assumpsit, in which the county wherein such vio- lation occur shall be the plaintiff. Section 3. Every railroad company shall, on such part of its road as passes through forest land on which there are producing oil-wells or gas-wells, or rigs erected for drilling such wells, cut and remove from its right of way through said lands, at least once a year, all grass, brush and other inflammable materials; employing, in the seasons defined in the first section of this act, sufficient trackmen to promptly put out fires on its right of way ; provide locomotives thereon with steel netting or iron wire on the smoke- stacks or other efficient spark-arresters, to prevent the escape of fire or sparks, and adequate devices to prevent the escape of fire from ash-pans and furnaces, and the same shall be used by every engineer and fireman on such part of its road. No railroad com- Appeal. Bail. Annual clearance of lands of in- flammable material. Neglect. Fine. Duties of railroad companies. Spark ar- resters. 264 GAME, FISH AND FOHESTRY LAWS. Fires. Violations. Penalty. pnny, or employe thereof, shall deposit fire, coals or ashes on its track or right of way near such lands. In case of fire on its own or neighboring lands, within one hundred feet of its tracks, the railroad company shall use all practicable means to put it out. In case of any violation of the provisions of this section, such railroad company shall be answerable to the owner or owners of any property destroyed or injured by fire in consequence of such violation ;and said company shall further be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for such violation, to be paid to the county wherein the violation may occur, recoverable in an action of assumpsit in which the county wherein such violation occurs shall be the plnintitf. Approved— The 12th day of June, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. AN ACT 1909, P. L. To protect trees growing by the roadsides and within S7. the road limits ; and providing a penalty for the unlawful killing, removal of, or injury to the same. Trees witliin highway limits. Forested or uncultivated lands. Beyond fif- teen feet, from center line of road. Consent of abutting owner. Appeal. Section 1, Be it enacted, &c.. That where any public highway in this Commonwealth passes through or along forested lands, wild lands, or uncultivated lands, no trees growing within the limits of the said highway, at a distance beyond fifteen feet on either side of the center-line of said highway, which shall measure four inches or over in diameter at a point two feet from the surface of the ground, shall be cut down or destroyed by the commissioners, super- visors, or road-masters employed by them, or any other person, without first obtaining the consent of the abutting owners. If any board of commissioners or supervisors deem the removal of any such trees, beyond said limit of fifteen feet on each side of the centre-line of said highway, necessary for the improve- ment of the road, and the consent of the abutting property owners cannot be obtained, the board of commissioners or supervisors may appeal the matter to the judge of the court of the proper district ; who is hereby directed to examine and inquire into all such subjects of dispute which may be referred to him, and. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 265 having due regard for the demand for road improve- ment as well as for the preservation of the trees, shall, after hearing all parties in interest, make such order in respect thereof as to bim shall appear rea- sonable, equitable, and just; and from whose de- cision there shall be no appeal: Provided, That the commissioners or supervisors shall at all times have the right to clear out brush and other refuse from along the sides of the road, to the legal width thereof; And provided further. That all such clearing and re- moval of brush and refuse shall be confined to growth that is under the limit hereinabove described, and to the removal of branches that in any way interfere with public travel; and that no other injury, by fire, cut- ting, abrasion, or otherwise, shall be done to the standing timber. Section 2. Whenever any public highway runnnig through improved or cultivated lands, in this Common- wealth, has been opened, and there shall be growing along the roadsides, and within the road limits, shrubs or trees not interfering with public travel, no board of supervisors or road-masters or other persons in their employ, shall remove, cut, injure, or destroy or in any other manner interfere with, such shrubs or trees, unless said reraoval or cutting shall be ab- solutely necessary for tLa purpose of maintaiuinc the highw;iy at its best and highest efficiency; and, then, not until the abutting property owners shall have re- ceived notice thereof, i:nd an agreement shall have been entered into between the local highway authori- ties and the abutting property owners relating to the removal, cutting, or interference with said trees. If the said parties shall be unable to arrive at an agree- ment in respect thereto, the same shall be referred to a judge of the proper court, as aforesaid. Said judge shall examine and inquire into the subject of controversy, and, in like manner, render his decision, as provided for in section one of this act ; and from which decision there shall be no appeal. Section 3. All logs, cord wood, branch wood, or other forms of wood, which shall be derived from the destruction or removal of any trees growing along the public highways of this Commonwealth, as afore- said, shall be surrendered to, and remain the prop- erty of, the respective abutting owners. Section 4. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the local highway authorities, anywhere Hearing. Order. Proviso. Brush, etc. Proviso. Cultivated Jands. Cutting shall be nec- essary. Notice to abutting Appeal. Logs, cord- wood, etc. 266 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Windfalls, etc. Menace to travel. "Higtiway authorities' construed. Violations. Misde- meanor. Fine. Hearing. Commit- ment. in this Commonwealth, from removing such roadside trees which may be thrown down by the wind, or lodged in such position as to be a menace to public travel, or which, by reason of any other cause, be- come a source of danger to the public and ought to be removed ; but every such act of removal on the part of the highway authorities shall always be made with due regard to the circumstances in such case, so as to preserve the true intent and purpose of this act. Section 5. The term "highway authorities" in this act shall be construed to mean any person who, by law shall be vested with the power to deal in any man- ner with the public highways of this Commonwealth, and shall include the officials of the State Highway Department, supervisors, road-masters, and all per- sons employed by them in any capacity, or who exer- cise any authority over said roads or highways. Section 6. If any commissioner, supervisor, road- master, or person in their employ ,or any other per- son, shall cut down, kill, or injure any living tree, growing as aforesaid, and of a size four inches in di- ameter, or greater, at a point two feet from the sur- face of the ground, or shall violate any other pro- vision of this act, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than five dollars for every tree so cut, injured, or destroyed, with costs of suit: to be recovered in an appropriate action to be brought before any magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace of the county wherein the said offense was committed, who, upon affidavit of any person, duly presented, is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant to any person empowered to make arrests, directing him to arrest the person so charged. The said magis- trate, alderman, or justice of the peace shall, there- upon, proceed to hear both the complainant and the defendant and their witnesses, and shall forthwith de- cide as to him shall appear to be just and right. If any defendant upon conviction for any offense shall fail or refuse to pay the fine and costs which may be imposed upon him, or shall not give bond with approved surety to pay the same within ten days, he shall be committed to the jail of the county wherein the offense was committed, there to remain for a period not to exceed thirty days, or until he shall. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 267 in the meantime, have paid the said fine and costs in full. Section 7. All acts or parts of acts in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 1st day of April, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. Repeal. AN ACT* Authorizing the Department of Forestry to grow and 1909, distribute young forest trees to those who will plant n^. and care for the same. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Depart- ment of Forestry is hereby authorized to grow and distribute, to all persons who will plant and care for them, young forest trees, in such quantity and under such conditions and regulations as may be prescribed by the Department. The Department of Forestry shall make a reasonable charge for such trees, not in excess of the actual cost of production. Those who make application for such trees must enter into an agreement with the department to bear the cost of transportation from the various State nurseries to the place where ordered to be sent, and that the young trees will be planted under the direction of the Department of Forestry, and cared for and pro- tected . Section 2. All moneys which may be received by the Department of Forestry, from the sale and dis- tribution of young forest trees, as aforesaid, shall be paid by the said Department into the State Treas- urv, for the use of the Commonwealth. ApprovedThe 22d day of April, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. P. L, Department of Forestry. Young forest trees. Agreement. ♦Application for forest tree seedlings must be made on blank forms furnished by the Department. Shipments will ordinarily be made from the nearest State nursery where a sufficient stock is on hand. 268 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 1909, P. L. 124. Whereas. Municipal forests. Acquire- ment and holding of. Size and location. Proviso. Approval of Commis- sioner. AN ACT To permit the acquisition of forest or other suitable lands by municipalities, for the purpose of estab- lishing municipal forests ; and providing for the administration, maintenance, protection^ and de- velopment of such forests. Whereas, It has been demonstrated by time and ex- perience in the countries of continental Europe that properly managed municipal forests have proved to be important sources of municipal revenue, tending greatly to reduce the burden of municipal taxation ; and Whereas, Many of the townships, boroughs, and cities of this Commonwealth are so located that it would be proper and expedient for them to possess tracts of land to be used for the purposes of municipal forests, in many instances conserving and protecting the water supply and promoting the healthfulness of said municipality, and capable^ as well, of yielding revenue applicable to the purposes of such municipali- ties ; therefore. — Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That all townships of the first class, boroughs, and cities of this Com- monwealth are hereby empowered to acquire, by pur- chase, gift, or lease, and hold as the property of the municipality^ tracts of lands at present covered with ^'orest or tree growth, or suitable for the growth of . '^s, and to administer the same, under the direction ot the Commissioner of Forestry of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the practices and principles of scientic forestry, for the benefit and ad- vantage of the said municipalities. Such tracts may be of any size suitable for the purpose, and may be located either within, adjacent to, or at a distance from the corporate limits of the municipality pur- chasing the same: Provided, That it shall be requisite for the commissioners, burgess, or mayor of any mu- nicipality, availing itself of the provisions of this act, to submit to the Commissioner of Forestry, and se- cure his approval of, the area and location of any lands proposed to be acquired for the purposes of municipal forests, previous to the passage of the ordi- nance provided for in section two. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Section 2. Whenever the township commissioners of any township of the first class, or the councils of any boroimh or city, shall deem it expedient for the municipality to acquire any such lands for the pur- poses of a municipal forest, they shall so declare in an ordinance, wherein shall be set forth all facts and conditions relating to the proposed action ; which said proposed ordinance, prior to its passage, shall be duly advertised once a week for three weeks, and, after its passage and approval, in accordance with exist- ing law. All money necessary for the purchase of such tracts shall be appropriated in like manner as is now done, under existing law, for municipal pur- poses ; and such funds may be provided out of current revenue, or by the proceeds of a sale of bonds, in accordance with existing law. 'Section 3. Upon the acquisition of any municipal forests or of lands suitable for such, under this act, the proper authorities shall notify the Commissioner of Forestry, who shall make such rules for the govern- ment and proper administration of the same as may be necessary. The municipal authorities shall there- upon publish such rules, declare the uses of the forests in accord with the true intent of this act, and make such provision for its administration, maintenance, protection, and development as shall be necessary or expedient. Section 4. All moneys necessary to be expended, from time to time, for the administration, mainte- nance, protection, and development of said forest, shall be appropriated and applied as is now done, under existing law, for municipal purposes; and all revenue and emoluments arising from said forest shall be paid into the municipal treasury, to be used for general municipal purposes. Section 5. The municipal forest may be used Dy the people for general outing or recreation grounds, subject to the rules governing its administration for the purpose of a municipal forest, in which the major idea shall be the sale of forest products for producing a continuing municipal revenue. Section 6. The alienation of a municipal forest, or any part thereof, shall be made only in the manner prescribed herein for the purchase of the same ; to wit, by ordinance duly advertised before and after passage, but such ordinance shall not be effective in legalizing such alienation until after it shall have been Ordinance. Facts and conditions. Adyertise- ment. Appropria- tion. Bonds. Acquisition of forest or land. Rules. Publica- tion of. Mainte- nance, etc. Revenues, ptc. Municipal revenue. Alienation. 270 GAME. FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Popular vote. approved by a majority vote of the people at the next ensuing election. Approved— The 22d day of April, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. 1909, P. L. 413. Lands, va- cant or un- appropri- ated. Duty of Secretary of Internal Affairs. Survey. Report. Proviso. Appeal. Appraisers. AN ACT Relating to the granting of titles by the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania to vacant or unappropriated land, the price to be paid for the same, the con- veyance to the State Forestry Reservation Commis- sion, where desirable for forest culture or forest preservation, preventing the granting of warrants for the beds of navigable rivers, and providing for acceptance of returns of surveys without limitation as to excess or surplus. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That whenever an application shall be made to the Secretary of Internal Affairs for any vacant or unappropriated land, of any kind or description whatsoever, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Internal Affairs to make or cause to be made a careful investigation concerning the land applied for in said application, with a view of determining, so far as practicable, whether any office rights have heretofore been granted for the land de- scribed in said application; and he may also, at his discretion^ cause a survey to be made thereof, to as- certain whether such land is vacant or unappropri- ated and if it shall be found that the land described in said application has heretofore been appropri- ated, or that it is not vacant or unappropriated land, he shall make a report to that effect, which report, together with others relating to the proceedings in the case, shall be filed among the records of the I^nd Office, and shall be conclusive as to the question of vacancy: Provided, however, That the applicant shall be entitled to an appeal to the Board of Prop- erty under such rules as said Board of Property may adopt. If, in the opinion of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, the land applied for shall be vacant or un- appropriated, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the Commonwealth, the Attorney General, the Sec- retary of the Commonwealth, and the Secretary of Internal Aft'airs to appoint three disinterested repu- table persons to estimate and value the land so ap- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. plied for, who shall, before they enter upon the duties of their appointment, take an oath or affirma- tion, before a justice of the peace or other officer hav- ing authority to administer an oath, that they will justly estimate and a true valuation per acre make of ail the land contained in the tract applied for ; and, also, they shall state that they are not directly or indirectly interested in the application for the land applied for. The persons thus appointed and sworn or affirmed shall proceed to value the land by going on the same, and, having regard to the soil, timber, fisheries, minerals, other advantages, and the local situation thereof, and, having agreed upon the valuation per acre of the land so applied for, shall certify the same , under their hands, directed to the Secretary of Internal Affairs ; and in case they refuse or neglect to perform any of their duties as aforesaid, within ninety days from the date of their appointment, then said appointment shall become null and void ; and it shall be the duty of the Governor of the Common- wealth, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and the Secretary of Internal Affairs to appoint three other persons to estimate the lands, as hereinbefore provided. Upon the receipt of the report of the appraisers, the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall notify the applicant of the value given to the land so applied for, and shall request pay- ment of the amount due the State by virtue of such appraisement, and until such payment is made, ac- cording to the price fixed by the said appraisers and within the time hereinafter specified, the Secretary of Internal Afr'airs shall withhold the granting of the warrant. If payment is made in accordance with such ap- praisement, the money so paid shall be immediately turned into the State Treasury, and the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall grant title to the applicant for the land so applied for and appraised, in the manner now provided by law, and the expenses inci- dent to the investigation, survey, and appraisement shall be paid by the Commonwealth: Provided fur- ther. That before appraisers shall be appointed as herein stipulated it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Internal Affairs to submit to the State Forestry Reservation Commission a copy of the application made for said vacant or unappropriated land, together Valuation. Certificate of value. In case of refusal or neglect. Other ap- praisers. Report. Titles. Proviso. 272 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Report. Warrant and patent. Non-pay- ment of val- uation. Proviso. Beds of navigable rivers, etc. with a description thereof as ascertained through said investigation and survey ; whereupon it shall be the duty of the said State Forestry Reservation Commis- sion to determine whether it is desirable or practic- able that such vacant or unappropriated land should be acquired for forest culture or forest reservation ; and said State Forestry Reservation Commission shall, within the period of two months, make report to the Secretary of Internal AflPairs as to the desir- ability or practicability of securing such vacant or unappropriated land for forest culture or forest reser- vation, and if in said report a request shall be made for the conveyance of such vacant or unappropriated land to the State Forestry Reservation Commission, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Internal Affairs to grant a warrant and patent, according to the usual custom of the Land Office Bureau, conveying such vacant or unappropriated land to the State For- estry Commission, without the payment of any pur- chase money, interest, or fees. Section 2. That whenever such vacant or unap- propriated land shall not be conveyed to the State Forestry Reservation Commission, as provided in the first section of this act, it shall be the duty of the person or persons making application, as aforesaid, for such land, to pay the amount of money as fixed by the appraisement into the office of the Department of Internal Affairs, within three months from the date of the filing of the report of the appraisers in the Department of Internal Affairs, due notice of which shall be mailed to the applicant by the Secretary of Internal Affairs; and if such applicant shall not make payment within the time specified, he shall be deemed to have abandoned the purpose of securing a grant from the Commonwealth for the land so applied for and appraised, and such vacant or unappropriated land may then be disposed of to any applicant there- for, on the payment of the price as fixed by the report of the appraisers as hereinbefore provided: Provided however, That in cases where caveats are filed and pending before the Board of Propertv, the time shall be extended to cover their determination by that board. Section 3. That on and after the passage of this act, there shall be no warrants or other office rights granted in any of the counties of the Commonwealth for lands in the beds of navigable rivers, or in beds GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, of streams which are by law declared public high- ways . Section 4. That whenever the State Forestry Reser- vation Commission shall apply for vacant or unappro- priated land for forest culture or forest reservation, the Secretary of Internal Affairs is hereby authorized to grant title to such applied for lands in the manner provided by law, without the payment of purchase money, interest, or fees. Section 5. This act shall not be construed to affect any pre-emption rights which may have been acquired under existing laws, or the right of any person who may have an application for vacant land pending with the Secretary of Internal Affairs, of the date of the approval of this act. Section 6. That the Secretary of Internal Affairs is hereby authorized and empowered to accept any and all surveys, regularly made and returned to the Department of Internal Affairs, in pursuance of any warrant, location, actual settlement, or order of sur- vey, without limitation as to the quantity of excess or surplus over the amount specified in the warrant or application: Provided, That the purchase money and interest o'|i such excess be paid into the State Treasury at the rate stipulated in the warrant, or as otherwise required by law, prior to the acceptance of the return of survey and issuance of a patent thereon: And provided further, That no acceptance of a return of survey shall, in any case, prejudice or affect the right or title of any other person in or to such excess or surplus land by virtue of a prior warrant, location, actual settlement, or order of survey thereon. Section 7. The act of Assembly, entitled "An act relating to the granting of titles by the Commonwealth to vacant or unappropriated land, the price to be paid for the snme, the conveyance to the State For- estry Reservation Commission where desirable for forest culture or forest preservation, and preventing the granting of warrants for the beds of navigable rivers," approved the twenty-eighth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and five, is hereby repealed ; and all other acts, or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are also hereby repealed. Approved— The 3d day of May, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART Surveys. Excess or surplus. Proviso. Proviso. Prior war- rant, etc. Act of March 28, 1905, cited for repeal. Repeal. 18 274 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 1909, 744. Preamble. Preamble. Annual charge. How able. AN ACT Providing a fixed charge on lands acquired by the State for forest reserves, and the distribution of the same for school purposes in the townships and bor- oughs wherein State reserves are located. Whereas, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is acquiring large tracts of land in its several counties for tjie purpose of establishing forest reserves, which lands are exempt from taxation ; and Whereas, Because of such exemption, the several school districts within which said reserves are located lose the revenue secured from prior taxation, thus working a hardship upon the citizens of said districts ; therefore. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That from and after the passage of this act, all lands now acquired or hereafter to be acquired by the Commonwealth for forest reserves, and which by existing law are now exempt from taxation, shall be subject to an annual charge of two cents per acre for the benefit of the schools in the respective districts in which said re- serves are located: Provided, That no school district shall be entitled to receive any sum of money from the State, under this act, unless said school district shall levy and collect a tax, for the support of its schools, of not less than four mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of property in said school dis- trict . Section 2. The Commissioner of Forestry shall cer- tify to the respective school districts throughout the Commonwealth in which forest reserves are located, and to the State Treasurer, the number of acres owned by the Commonwealth therein, for forest re- serve purposes, and the amount of the charge in favor of each district. The Commissioner of Forestry shall draw his warrant in favor of the treasurer of each of said school districts, which said warrants, after the approval and counter signature of the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the respective school districts in whose favor the same may be so drawn ; and the sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby specifically appropriated, for the purposes of this act, for the GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 275 two fiscal years beginning June first, one thousand nine hundred and nine. Section 3. That all acts or parts of acts incon- sistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 13th day of May, A. D. 1909. EDWIN S. STUART. AN ACT To create a system of fire-wardens to preserve the forests of the Commonwealth, by preventing and suppressing forest fires, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof ; providing for the compensation of the fire-wardens and those who assist in ex- tinguishing fire, and making an appropriation there- for. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That there be hereby instituted and created a system of fire-wardens, within this Commonwealth, whose duty it shall be to protect forests, farmers' woodlots, and wild lands by prevent- ing and suppressing fires. Section 2. The Commissioner of Forestry and the Deputy Commissioner of Forestry shall be, respec- tively, the Chief Fire Warden and the Deputy Chief Fire Warden of this Commonwealth, for the enforce- ment of the provisions of this act. They shall have immediate supervision and control of the whole system of fire-wardens hereby created, and, as such, shall have full power and authority to carry the same into effect . Section 3. As soon after the approval of this act as may be convenient, the Commissioner of Forestry shall appoint in each borough and township in this Commonvv^ealth, if in his judgment, necessity exists for such appointment, a suitable and competent per- son, who shall be known as the district fire-warden of the particular borough or township wherein he shall be appointed. The persons appointed district fire-wardens shall be expressly chosen to carry out the provisions of this act, by reason of their physical fit- ness and their good reputation for sobriety, honesty, and ability to perform the duties herein demanded and required. Section 4. Every district fire-warden and every as- 1909, P. L. 781. Fire warden system. Chief Fire- warden. Deputy. Appoint- ments. District Fire- wardens. 276 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Radge. Duty of wardens. Authority. Powers. Compensa- tion. Employes of Department of Forestry. Duties and powers. Duties of owners and sistant fire-warden, appointed or provided for under the provisions of this act, shall procure, at his own expense, and wear and be known by, an appropriate badge of authority, to be approved by the Commis- sioner of Forestry, which shall be produced and shown on all proper occasions, whenever demanded. Section o. Whenever fire is discovered in or ap- proaching woodlots, forests, or wild lands, whether the same be owned by individuals, corporations or by the Commonwealth, it shall be the duty of the fire-warden, immediately, to take such measures as are necessary for the extinguishment of the fire. He shall have authority to employ such other persons as, in his judgment, may be necessary to render assist- ance in extinguishing fire ; and whenever it shall not otherwise be possible for him to secure a sufficient number of persons to assist in extinguishing fire, he is hereby given the power and authority to compel the attendance of, and the rendering of assistance by, persons, in the extinguishing of fire under the penal- ties prescribed in this act. The district fire-warden, while engaged in performing the duties imposed by this act, shall receive -as compensation twenty-five (25c) cents per hour, and his actual, necessary ex- penses incurred; and the persons so employed, or compelled to assist the warden, in the extinguishment of fire, shall receive as compensation for their services fifteen (L5c) cents per hour. Section 6. The employes of the Department of Forestry shall be ex-officio fire-wardens, whose duties and powers shall be the same as, by this act, are vested in the district fire-wardens appointed by the Commissioner of Forestry ; but they shall not receive any compensation other than the regular pay allowed as an employe of the Department of Forestry, and the necessary expenses by them incurred in the per- formance of their duties as fire-wardens. Section 7. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to relieve the owner or lessee of lands, upon which fires may burn or be started, from the duty of ex- tinguishing such fire so far as may lie within his power. No such owner or lessee, nor any person in the employ of such owner or lessee, shall receive any compensation under this act for extinguishing fire upon the lands of such owner or lessee. Section 8. In each township and borough the dis- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 277 trict fire-wardens, appointed by the Commissioner of Forestry, may appoint, by and with the consent of the Commissioner of Forestry, suitable persons, to be known as assistant fire-wardens, who shall possess the same qualifications demanded by this act for the dis- trict fire-wardens, and who are hereby vested with the same power and authority. They shall receive, as compensation for their services so to be performed, the sum of (20c) cents per hour, and the necessary expenses incurred in the actual performance of their duty. They shall make their reports to the district fire-warden, and be under his immediate supervision and control, subject to the su- pervision of the Commissioner of Forestry. Section 9. Whenever a forest, woodlot or wOdland fire shall have been combatted or extinguished, by the means provided for in this act, the district fire- warden shall prepare a correct statement, showing the date of the fire, the number of men employed to extinguish the fire, the number of hours each was employed, and the actual amount of expense incurred, verified by oath or affirmation, and shall forward the same at once to the Commissioner of Forestry. It shall be the further duty of the district fire-warden thoroughly to investigate the cause or origin of the fire, to collect such evidence as may be discovered relating thereto, and make a report thereon to. the Commissioner of Forestry, together with a statement showing the area burned over and damage done by the fire. The assistant fire-wardens shall render their accounts, under oath or affirmation, to the district fire-warden, who shall thoroughly investigate the facts therein stated, and, if he find them correct, shall transmit the same to the Commissioner of Forestry. The above reports and accounts shall be made upon uniform blanks to be furnished by the Commissioner of Forestry. Section 10. Upon receipt of bills for extinguishing forest fires, the Commissioner of Forestry is hereby authorized and directed carefully to audit the same. He shall not approve any bill until he has first satis- fied himself of its correctness, and that the services therein claimed were actually rendered, or the ex- pense actually incurred. If the Commissioner of For- estry approve an account so rendered, he shall trans- mit the same to the Auditor General of the Common- wealth ; who shall first satisfy himself of its correct- Assistant Are wardens. Compensa- tion. Statement. Report. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Auditor General's statement. Jurisdiction of wardens. ness, and shall then draw his warrant, against the fund hereinafter appropriated to pay for the exting- uishment of forest fires, and in favor of the respective disrtict fire-wardens, as directed by the Commissioner of Forestry. Said warrants shall be delivered to the Commissioner of Frosetry, for transmission to the district fire-wardens, who are hereby then required to pay the several sums so transmitted to the per- sons lawfully entitled thereto, taking proper receipts and vouchers for each payment so made, which vouchers shall be filed with the Commissioner of For- estry . Section 11. At the end of each calendar year, after the bill for the extinguishment of forest fires shall have been presented for that year, the Auditor Gen- eral of the Commonwealth shall prepare a statement showing the expenditure made for the extinguishment of fires in each of the counties of the State, and shall transmit to the Commissioners of each county a copy of the statement relating to their respective county. The Auditor General shall, at the same time, state an account with each of the said counties, and collect from each county an amount equal to one-fifth of the amount expended by the Commonwealth for the extinguishment of forest fires in that particular county. The county commissioners of each county shall, immediately upon receipt of the stated ac- count of the Auditor General, forv/ard to him for the use of the Commonwealth, the amount of money so found to be due and owing by the county for the extinguishment of forest fires. In case the said ac- count is not settled within thirty days after its re- ceipt by the county commissioners, the Auditor Gen- eral is hereby authorized, empowered, and required to collect the amount of the then delinquent account stated, in manner provided by existing law for the collection of accounts due the Commonwealth. Section 12. The said fire-wardens shall not be limited in their jurisdiction, as such, to the boroughs, townships, or counties for or within which they m;iy be appointed ; but shall have power and authority to enter adjacent or other boroughs, townships, or coun- ties, and there, exercise the authority and perform the duties conferred upon them by this act: Pro- vided, That when, for the purpose of extinguishing fire, a fire-warden shall enter adjacent or other terri- tory than that for or within which he shall have been GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 279 appointed, the local warden, if present, shall be in command and direct the work of the various fire- fighting crews. Section 13. Whenever any fire-warden, or person employed by him, shall have rendered service in the extinguishment of fire which may have burned within two or more counties, the district fire-warden shall render to the Commissioner of Forestry his report, as hereinbefore required, relating to each of the said counties, in order that the expense of extinguishing fire may be rightly and propertly distributed between or among the counties in which fire may have burned. Section 14. Whenever any fire-warden, by reason of physical disability, or unavoidable absence from home during the fire season, or for any good and suificient cause, shall be unable to perform the duties required by this act he is , hereby empowered, with the consent of the Commissioner of Forestry, to em- ploy a suitable person to act in his stead ; which said person, so appointed, shall have all the qualifications demanded of the fire-warden, and for services so ren- dered, in the absence of the fire-warden, he shall receive the same compensation: Provided, That the reports hereinbefore required to be made to the Com- missioner of Forestry shall be made by the district fire-warden. In case the death of the district fire- warden should occur before making the report herein required, or in case of his total physical disability, the said report may be made by an assistant fire- warden, after first ascertaining the facts; and in making such examination or investigation, such as- sistant fire-warden is hereby empowered to examine persons, under oath or affirmation to be administered by himself. Section 15. Whenever, in the absence of a fire- warden, a forest, or woodlot, or wild land fire shall be extinguished or combatted by persons without first having been employed by said warden, such persons shall receive the compensation allowed by this act: Provided, That after a thorough investigation by the district fire-warden, wherein he shall have power and authority to examine persons under oath or af- firmation, administered by himself, he shall have ascertained, as a result of his investigation, the facts hereinbefore required to be included in his report to the Commissioner of Forestry, the truth of which ne Fire in two or more counties. Substitute wardens. Proviso. Unauthor- ized ser- vices. 280 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Proviso. Personal liability. Complaints as to com- pensation allowed. Daily patrol. shall first have fully demonstrated to his own satis- faction: Provided further, That if his investigation shall disclose that any person, so claiming compensa- tion, set the fire, or in any manner, carelessly, negligently, or maliciously, contributed to its burn- ing, such person not only shall not be allowed com- pensation, but shall be proceeded against criminally, if in the judgment of the Commissioner of Forestry the evidence shall warrant such prosecution. Section 16. No fire-warden, appointed in accord- ance with the provisions of this act, shall be per- sonally liable to any person employed or required to combat or extinguish fire, by reason of such em- ployment or requirement ; and no action for any compensation alleged or claimed to be due any per- son for combatting or extinguishing fire shall lie against such fire-warden. Section 17. If any person shall feel aggrieved by the act of any fire-warden, in allowing or disallow- ing any sum as compensation for extinguishing fires, such person may appeal to the Commissoiner of For- estry, who will examine into the complaint. After hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties, he shall decide as to him shall seem jnst and right, and his decision shall be final and not subject to review. Section 18. During the months of April and May and the period from September fifteenth to Novem- ber fifteenth, in each year, commonly called the fire seasons, in order to prevent fire and provide for its immediate suppression, the fire-wardens may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Forestry, be re- quired to keep daily patrol in the regions under their care known to be especially hazardous or subject to outbreak of fire. For such services, so to be ren- dered, the fire-wardens, in addition to the compensa- tion hereinabove allowed, shall be entitled to receive a stated sum, not in excess of twenty-five dollars per month, to be fixed and allowed by the Commissioner of Forestry. The Commissioner of Forestry shall, likewise, designate the fire-wardens for such continu- ous service, and the places to be patrolled by them, as in his judgment will produce the best results in the prevention or immediate suppression of fire. All sums of money which may thus become due to fire- wardens for continuous patrol service, and all other sums of money which may be earned by them and others in the prevention and suppression of fire, shall GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 281 be paid iu manner hereinbefore provided, from the fund appropriated for the use of the fire-warden sys- tem created by this act. Section 19. Every fire-warden appointed, or so con- stituted and designated, in accordance with the pro- visions of this act, shall have the same powers as by existing law are conferred upon constables and other peace officers, to arrest on view, without first procuring a warrant therefor, any person detected by them in the act of committing an offense against any of the laws now enacted or hereinafter to be enacted for the protection of forests, woodlots, timber or wild lands, or when they shall have a reasonable sus- picion that any person is committing or is about to commit some such offense. The said wardens sh.ill have further power to take and convey the offender be- fore a justice of the peace, or other magistrate having jurisdiction, for hearing, trial, or other due process of law. Section 20. If any fire-warden shall fail, or wilfully or negligently refuse, to perform his duty, or shall render a false or fraudulent statement of services al- leged to have been performed ; or shall fail or refuse to pay promptly the respective amounts due those who have assisted in the extinguishing of said fires, after said amounts have been transmitted to him by the Commissioner of Forestry ; such fire-warden shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or undergo imprisonment not ex- ceeding three months, either or both, at the discretion of the court. Section21. If any fire-warden, being in need of assistance in the suppression of fire, shall call upon any person to render such assistance, and such per- son shall refuse to render assistance, without a just, fair, and legal excuse, and one which is satisfactory to the fire-warden, he is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one month, either or both, at the discretion of the court. Section 22. That the sum of eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby specifically appropriated, for the pay- ment of the expenses which may be incurred in the prevention and extinguishment of forest fires, in ac- Powers of constables. Failure to perform duty. Misde- meanor. Penalty. Refusal to aid wardens. 282 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. cordance with the provisions of this act, for the two fiscal years beginning June first, one thousand nine hundred and nine. Repeal. Section 23. That all acts or parts of acts incon- sistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The thirteenth day of May, Anno Domin one thousand nine hundred and nine, in the sum of $50,000. I withhold my approval from the remainder of said appropriation because of insuf- cient State revenue. EDWIN S. STUART. Forest Reserves. Kindling of fire upon or within. Penalty. Injury, de- struction or removal of trees. Penalty. AN ACT To protect the State Forest Reserves ,and providing punishment for the violation thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That if any person shall wilfully, negligently or maliciously kindle a fire upon or within any of the Forest Reserves of this Commonwealth, cause a fire to burn thereon except in accord with such rules as may be prescribed by the Department of Forestry; or shall wilfully, negligently or maliciously set fire upon adjacent lands, which fire shall be communicated to the State Forest Re- serves ; such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be subject to a fine not ex- ceeding one thousand dollars for each offence, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, either or both, at the discretion of the court, together with costs of suit. Section 2. If any person, without the consent of the Commonwealth or any of her agents, shall wil- fully, negligently or maliciously cut bark from, or cut down, injure, destroy or remove a tree or trees on any forest reserve of this Commonwealth ,or shall wilfully, negligently or maliciously do or cause to be done any other act to the damage of said reserve, or the trees growing therein, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars for each offense, or imprisonment not exceed- ing three months, either or both, at the discretion of the court, with costs of suit. Section 3. If any person shall wilfully, negli- GAME, FIfcH AND FORESTRY LAWS 283 gently or maliciously violate any of the rules made for the government of the State Forest Reserves, or shall cut, tear down, deface, or otherwise muti- late, injure or destroy, any of the copies of the rules or other notices relating to forest administration, which may be posted therein by the Department of Forestry or any of its officers or agents, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, either or both, at the discretion of the court, with costs of suit: Provided, That no conviction shall be had for any act committed in violation of this section unless it shall affirmatively appear that copies of such rules or notices were prominently posted in, upon or about said Forest Reserves . Section 4. All fines collected for the violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be paid to the Commissioner of Forestry, who shall pay the same to the State Treasurer, for the use of the Commonwealth . Section 5. The term "person," as used in this act, shall include not only individuals, or natural persons, but, as well, articial person, existing only in contemplation of law ; and shall be construed to mean partnerships, limited partnerships, joint stock companies, and corporations ,and the officers, agents and employes of the same. Section 6. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved— The 5th day of May, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. Mutilation, destruction, etc., of rules or notices. Penalty. Disposition of fines. "Person' defined. Repeal. AN ACT Empowering the United States of America to ac- quire land in the State of Pennsylvania for Na- tional Forest Reserves, by purchase or by con- demnation proceedings ; and granting to the United States of America all rights necessary for control and regulation of such reserves. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the United States of America is hereby empowered to acquire Forest Re- by purchase, or by making adequate compensation serves. 284 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. The United States em- powered to acquire land. Proviso. Approval. Proviso. Resumption of control by the State. Concurrent jurisdiction. United States laws. under condemnation proceedings, such lands in Penn- sylvania as in the opinion of the Federal Government may be needed for the establishment of National For- est Reserves in this State, in accordance with an act of Congress, entitled "An act to enable any State to cooperate with any othre State or States, or with the United States, for the protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a commission for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of conserving the navigability of navigable rivers," approved the first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eleven: Provided, That the approval of the State Forestry Reservation Commission and the Water Sup- ply Commission shall be first had and obtained: Pro- vided further, That if at any time in the future, after the establishment by the Federal Government of such National Forest Reserves in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth shall desire to re- sume complete ownership and control over said lands, it may do so by appropriate legislative action, pro- viding therein for the repayment to the United States of America of all moneys which may have been spent in acquiring lands the ownership of which is to be re- sumed, and interest thereon at the rate of two per centum per annum: And provided further, That the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall retain a con- current jurisdiction with the United States in and over such lauds, so far that civil process, in all cases, and such criminal process as may issue under the authority of the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania against any person charged with the commission of any crime, without or within said jurisdiction, may be executed thereon in like manner as if this act had not been passed. Section 2. That the said United States of Amer- ica is hereby empowered to pass such laws as it may deem necessary to the acquisition of land In Pennsylvania, as hereinbefore provided, and for in- corporation of such land into said National Forest Reserves, as in the opinion of the Federal Govern- ment may be needed for this purpose. Section 3. That the said United States of Amer- ica is hereby empowered to pass such laws, and to make or provide for the making of such rules, of both a civil and criminal nature, and provide punishment for the violation thereof, as in its judg- ment may be necessary for the management, control, GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 285 and protection of such lands acquired from time to time by the United States of America under the pro- visions of this act: Proyided, however. That the authority hereby given shall be subject to all the con- ditions and stipulations and reservations contained in this act. Section 4. That this act shall not confer powder to condemn land now held or hereafter to be ac- quired by Pennsylvania as and for a State Forest Reserve. Section 5. Nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal or invalidate or in any way affect the pro- visions of an act of Assembly, approved the twenty- second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five, entitled "An act to preserve the purity of the waters of the State, for the protection of the public health," or the provision of an act, approved the twenty-seventh day of April, one thousand nine hun- dred and five, entitled "An act creating a Depart- ment of Health, and defining its powers and duties," or the provisions of an act, approved the fourteenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled "An act to safeguard human life and health throughout the Commonwealth by provid- ing regulations for the control of certain communicable diseases and the prevention of infection therefrom, and prescribing penalties for the violation of said regulations." Approved— The 11th day of May, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. state Forest Reserres. Act con- strued. AN ACT For the protection of shade- and fruit-trees grow- ing on or along any highway, street, or road. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That any person who shall wilfully and maliciously club, stone, cut, break, climb upon, injure, or destroy any shade-tree or any fruit-tree, growing on or along any street, rond, or other highway, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor ; and upon conviction thereof, before any al- derman, magistrate, or justice of the peace, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the Trees. Wilful and malicious in- jury. Penalty. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. proper county not exceeding five days, or both, at the discretion of the alderman, magistrate, or justice. Approved — The 7th day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. Forest re- serves. Kights of way. AN ACT Authorizing and empowering the Department of For- estry to grant rights of way through State lands. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Depart- ment of Forestry of the State of Pennsylvania be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to grant rights of way through forestry reservations ito individuals or corporations, who may apply there- for, when "it shall appear to the said Department of Forestry that the said rights of way will not in- terfere with the use of said reserves, and when it shall further appear that the interests of the Common- wealth, or of its citizens, will be promoted thereby. Approved — The 8th day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. AN ACT Trees and woodlands. To protect trees and woodlands, and providing pun- ishment for the violation thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That if any person shall wilfully, negligently, or maliciously set on fire, or cause to be set on fire, any woodlands within this Commonwealth, or shall directly or indirectly, without the consent of the owner, cause fire to burn therein; or shall wilfully, negligently, or maliciously set fire upon adjacent lands, which fire shall be com- municated to woodlands ; such person shall be guilty of a misdpmeanor, and on conviction thereof be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars for each offense, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, either or both, at the discretion of the court, together with costs of suit. Section 2. If any person shall wilfully, negli- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 287 gently, or maliciously cut bark from, or cut down, in- jure, destroy, or remove a tree or trees growing or standing upon the land of another, without the con- sent of the owner; or shall wilfully, negligently, or maliciously do or cause to be done any other act to the damage of said land or the trees growing thereon ; such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars for each offense, or imprisoned not exceeding three months, either or both, at the dis- cretion of the court, together with costs of suit. Section 3. If any person shall purchase or re- ceive a tree or trees, knowing the same to have been cut or removed without the consent of the owner thereof ; or shall purchase or receive any logs, planks, boards, staves, shingles, or other lum- ber ,made from such trees so cut or removed, and knowing the same to have been so cut and made without such consent ; such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon the conviction thereof shall be subject to the punishment provided in section two of this act. Section 4. If any person shall wilfully, negli- gently or maliciously cut down or fell, or employ any person to cut down or fell, a tree or trees growing upon the land of another, without the consent of the owner, such person shall be liable to pay to the owner double the value of such trees so cut down or felled, and in case of the removal from the land where grown, and the conversion thereof, treble the value, to be recovered in an appropriate action, with costs of suit ; and no prosecution under any other section of this act shall be a bar to the recovery of damages under this section ; and , in addition to the remedy for recovery of damages herein provided, the owner of such trees may follow the same and retake from the possession of any person, and wheresoever they may be identified and found ; as well as, in the same man- ner, retake all material into which said trees may have been converted, v/herever the same may be iden- tified and found ; and without any liability on the part of said owner for the retaking of his own property and restoring the same to his own possession. If the person in Avhose possession such trees or materials may be found shall refuse to surrender or deliver the same to the owner thereof, after due proof of owner- ship shall have been made, such person shall be Injury, de- struction or removal of trees. Penalty Unlawful purchase, etc. Penalty. Double Treble Retaking of property. Refusal. 288 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Penalty. "Person' defined. "Wood- lands" defined. Repeal. equally guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof subject to the punishment provided in section two of this act. Section 5. The term "person" as used in this act, shall include not only individuals or natural per- sons, but as well artificial persons, existing only in contemplation of law, and shall be construed to mean partnerships, limited partnerships, joint stock companies and corporations, and the officers, agents, and employes of the same. Section 6. The term "woodlands," in this act, is intended to include, and shall be construed to mean, woods, farmers' woodlots, marshes, moors, brush, barrens, brush lands, and wild unseated uncultivated land. Section 7. All fines which shall be collected or paid under this act shall be remitted at once to the treasurer of the county wherein the same shall be collected or paid, to become a part of the general fund of the county. Section 8. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are herebv repealed. Approved— The 9th day of June, A. D. 1911. JOHN K. TENER. AN ACT To provide for the assessment and taxation of aux- iliary forest reserves, and the collection, distribu- tion and use of the taxes collected therefrom. Auxiliary- forest reserves. Assessment and taxa- tion. Minerals. Assessment. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That all surface land which may hereafter be classified and set apart as auxiliary forest reserves, in the manner provided by law, shall be rated in value, for the purpose of taxation, not in excess of one dollar ($1.00) per acre and shall continue to be so rated so long as the said land remains within the class designated as auxiliary forest reserves: Provided, however. That if the said surface land be underlaid with coal, iron ore, oil, gas, other valuable minerals, said minerals may be separately assessed. The assessors in the several dis- tricts in which such lands are situate shall assess such lands in the manner now or hereafter provided for the assessment of real estate for purposes of taxation, as if they had not been set apart as auxiliary forest GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. reserves, and shall make their returns to the county commissioners in like manner as is now or hereafter may be provided by law, subject to exception, appeal, and final adjustment. Section 2. Upon receipt of assessment returns from the various assessors, the county commissioners shall reduce, in their records, to a sum not in excess of one dollar ($1.00) per acre, the assessment on all those lands which shall have been placed in the class known as auxiliary forest reserves, in accordance with certificates filed with them by the State Forestry Res- ervation Commission, and the original assessment re- turns made by said assessors shall be preserved. Section 3. Whenever timber, on land which is in- cluded in the class of land known as auxiliary forest reserves, is about to be harvested, the then owner of the timber on said land shall give a bond to the county treasurer in twenty per centum of the amount of the estimated value of the timber to be harvested, and to be approved by the court of the county, conditioned to pay to the county treasurer, within ninety days after harvesting, ten per centum of the value of the trees immediately at and before the time of harvesting- ; which amount shall be ascertained by statement and return, under oath or afiirmation, furnished in tripli- cate, one to the county commissioners, one to the county treasurer, and one to the commission, im- mediately after harvesting, by the then owner of the land, setting forth said value; which sum thus paid shall be divided and distributed by the county treas- urer of each county — to the county, and to the poor district, the road district, and the school district of the township in which the auxiliary reserve is situate, pro rata, based upon the last assessed mileage of taxation for county, poor, road, and school purposes within said taxing district. Such sum of money when ascertained to be due as a tax by the filing of the foregoing statement, and re- turn, under oath, and, as hereinbfeore provided, di- rected to be paid to the county treasurer by the owner of an auxiliary forest reserve, shall, from the time of such filing, be and remain a lien upon the land of such owner until payment shall have been made: And be it further provided. That all moneys received by the boards of supervisors shall be appropriated exclusively to the opening, maintenance, and repair of the. public roads now or hereafter passing through or into said 19 Reduction of" assessment. Timber about to be harvested. Bond. Payment to^ county treasurer. Distribution-, of fund. Lien. Proviso. Supervisors. 290 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, Appropria- tion of fund. If the re- turn is not satisfac- tory. Petition. Appraisers. Return. Oath. Appeals. Expenses and com- pensation. Removal of lands from classification prior to maturity of timber. Notice. Ascertain- ment of tax due. Certificate. auxiliary forest reserves, or upon which ^aid reserves now or hereafter may abut; and, in the event that no public highways pass through or into said reserves, or none of said reserves abut on such highways, then said moneys shall be used for general township road purposes. Section 4. Should the county commissioners be dis- satisfied with the return made, as hereinbefore pro- vided in section three hereof, the court of common pleas of the proper county, on petition of the com- missioners, shall appoint a board of three appraisers, who shall go upon the land in question, estimate the quantity and value of the trees immediately at and before the time of harvesting, and make a return thereof to the court, which said return shall then be made the basis upon which each owner shall malce payment to the respective county treasurers, unless changed upon appeal. The said appraisers shall be duly sworn or affirmed before entering upon their work ,and either party, if dissatisfied with the report of the appraisers, shall have right of appeal to the court of common pleas of the county, within ten davs after such report shall be filed and notice thereof given the owner. The said appraisers shall be al- lowed their expenses and a compensation to be fixed by the court, both to be paid by the county commis- sioners. Section 5. In case of the removal of said lands from the class known as auxiliary forest reserves, prior to the maturity of the timber, and without payment of the tax of ten per centum of the value thereof, as provided in section three of this act, the county com- missioners shall, on notice from the commission, as- certain the amount of the taxes which would have been paid by the said owner on the original assess- ment, before the reduction provided for in section two of this act, adding legal interest from the date when each tax payment would have become delin- quent. The said commissioners shall likewise ascer- tain the amount of taxes which have actually been paid upon the land in question, adding legal interest upon all such payments from the date when paid, and certify the result thereof to the county treasurer, who shall then proceed, in the manner provided for the collection of county taxes under general laws, to re- cover fnom such owner the difference between the two amounts, with costs. Such difference, so ascer- GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 291 tained to be due as tax as aforesaid, shall be and remain a lien upon the land of such owner until payment shall have been made. If such land shall be so removed from said class after the due cutting of a matured crop and the pay- ment of tax thereon, the owner shall, in that case, not be liable for such past assessment ; but the land shall thereafter be liable to assessment and tax as all other land not classed as auxiliary forest reserves. Section 6. This act shall take effect only beginning with assessments made for the purpose of levying taxes for the fiscal year one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Approved— The 5th day of June, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Lien. Removal from class after matur- ity, etc. When act shall take effect. AN ACT Providing a fixed charge on land classified as aux- iliary forest reserves ; and the distribution of the fund thus set aside for school and road purposes. Whereas, By existing law the State forest reserves are subject to an annual charge of two cents per acre for the benefit of schools, and two cents per acre for the benefit of roads, in the respective districts in which said reserves are located ; and Whereas, It would be a hardship to withhold from school and road districts the taxes which would other- wise be collected from land classified as auxiliary for- est reserves; therefore, — Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That all lands which shall hereafter be classified as auxiliary forest reserves shall be subject to an annual charge of two cents per acre for the benefit of the schools, and two cents per acre for the benefit of the roads, in the respective districts in which said reserves are lo- cated. Said charge is hereby made payable by the State. Section 2. The State Forestry Reservation Com- mission shall certify to the respective school districts and road districts, throughout the Commonwealth, in which auxiliary forest reserves are located, the num- ber of acres thus set apart and classified in each dis- trict, and the charge against the same; and shall, fur- thermore, certify to the State Treasurer the num- Preamble. Auxilliary forest reserves. Annual charge on for school and road purposes. Payable by the State. Certificate acreage, etc. 292 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. ber of acres as aforesaid, and the charge against the same, in favor of the respective school and road districts. The State Treasurer shall, upon the ap- Payments. proval of the proper warrants of the commission, pay to the several school districts and road districts the amount due the same from the Commonwealth, as dervied under this act. Approved— The 5th day of June, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Auxiliary forest re- Classifica- tion, etc. Notice of owner. No. 284. AN ACT To classify certain surface lands as auxiliary forest reserves ; to prescribe the terms and conditions for their continuance in said classification ,or their withdrawal therefrom ; and to provide for the ex- penses attendant thereon. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That in order to en- courage the growing of such trees, now existing or hereafter produced, as will at the proper age be suit- able for merchantable forest products, whether such be of natural reproduction or from seed sown, or trees planted out, or all combined, all surface land which may be set apart according to the provisions of this act, and exclusively used for growing such trees, is hereby constituted a separate and distinct class of land, to be known as auxiliary forest reserves. Section 2. When any owner of surface land desires to have such land placed in the class established by section one of this act, such owner shall notify the State Forestry Reservation Commission of his desire in manner and form to be prescribed by said commis- sion. Said notice shall contain a description of the land, its location, boundary, area, and character, and shall state as far as practicable the species, character, and condition of the trees growing thereon, and whether they are of natural reproduction or are from seed sown for the purpose, or have been set out on said land, or all combined, and such other informa- tion as the commission may require. If, upon receipt and consideration of this notice, the commission shall, in its discretion, deem the conditions such as to war- rant action on its part to determine whether such GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. land should rightfully be placed in the class established by section one of this act, it shall cause the same to be examined by some person learned in the practice and principles of forestry, and a report made thereon, and if, upon receipt and consideration of such report, it decides that such land should be placed in the class established by section one of this act, it shall so de- clare and certify to the commissioners of the county in which said land is located. Section 3. Upon receipt by the county commission- ers of such certificate of the commission it shall be their duty at once to place said surface land in the class established by section one of this act, and keep the same therein until the trees growing thereon shall, in the judgment of the commission, become sufficiently large and suitable for merchantable forest products, or the land be devoted to other purposes: Provided, however. That the certificate of the commission shall not become operative to place said surface land in the class established by section one of this act until the owner of said surface land has agreed, in writing, with the commission to care for the trees growing thereon, according to the instructions and directions of the commission, up to such time as such trees become suitable for merchantable forest products ; and if any such owner at any time fails to care for the trees growing on said land as agreed with the commission, and due proof thereof is made, the commission may remove said surface land from the class established by section one of this act. In case of such removal, either through failure of the owner to care for the trees or on his expressed desire for removal before the trees shall have been cut at maturity and tax paid thereon, the county commissioners shall, on notice from the commission, proceed to recover from said owner, for the use of the county and township, by an appropriate action at law if necessary, the differ- ence in the amount of tax which would have been paid by the said owner at the rates established for the years for which recovery is sought and the rate provided for auxiliary forest reserves, with costs of suit, to be recoverable from the time when such land was placed in the class of auxiliary forest reserves. And the com- mission shall remove said surface land from the class established by section one of this act at any time that the then owner shall, in writing notify the commis- sion that he desires such removal. The commission Examina- tion. Report. Duty of county com missioners. Proviso. Agreement. Failure to care for trees. Removal from classi- fication. 294 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Owner to file t)on(l. Cutting of timber. Removal and market- ing. Replanting, etc. Expenses. Right of owner. may, in it3 discre lon, at the time said surface land is placed in the class established by section one of this act, require the owner to file with the commis- sion his or its bond, of such kind and amount as the commission shall deem reasonable and sufiicient to secure the obligations of such owner under this act. Section 4. Whenever trees growing on said surface land have become suitable for merchantable forest products, the commision shall, at the request of the owner or on its own motion, make an examination of said land, and designate for the owner the kind and number of trees most suitable to be cut, if, in the judgment of the commission, there be any, and the cutting and removal of said trees so designated shall be in accordance with the instructions of the commission. Section 5. If the owner of said surface land faith- fully carries out the instructions of the commission wath regard to the removal and marketing of such ma- ture of other trees, as may be designated in the in- structions of the said commissioLi, and shall imme- diately -replant other trees of valuable species, or so protect the young growth that the said land may im- mediately become covered with young forest growth, and does so with the approval of the commission, then such surface land shall remain in the said class, es- tablished by section one of this act; otherwise, the commission shall notify the county commissioners that the said land is not being maintained in accordance with the written agreement of the owner and the in- structions of the commission, in which event the county commissioners shall immediately remove said land from the class established by section one of this act. All expenses attendant upon the examination of the said surface land by the commission shall be paid for out of the moneys appropriated for the mainten- ance of the Department of I'orestry, in like manner as other expenses for maintenance of said department are now paid. Section 6. The owner of the said auxiliary forest reserves shall, at all times, have the right to remove therefrom trees, or portions of trees, which may be killed by fire, thrown or broken by the wind, or in- jured by other natural causes; and shall, under the direction of the commision, be privileged to make nec- cessary thinnings or removal of undesirable species of trees, in order to improve the condition of the rpmain- ing trees; and, under the same direction, may Le GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS 295 privileged to remove therefrom such timber, from time to time, as may be necessary and essential for use upon the neighboring cleared lands of the said owner, for general farm purposes. Section 7. Any tract of land while remaining in the class of auxiliary forest reserves as above provided, may, nevertheless, be sold or incumbered by or through the owner thereof, but no sale or incum- brance, whether voluntary by the owner or involun- tary under any statutory or judicial proceeding what- soever, whether of any State or of the United States, shall effect a discharge of any obligation imposed under this act, and said land shall be removed from said class only in accordance with the provisions hereof. Section 8. That all acts or parts of acts inconsist- ent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved— The 5th day of June, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. Sale or in- cumbrance. Repeal. No. 414. A SUPPLEMENT To an act, entitled "An act to establish a Department of Forestry, to provide for its proper administra- tion, to regulate the acquisition of land for the Commonwealth, and to provide for the control, pro- tection, and maintenance of forest reserves by the Department of Forestry," approved the twenty- fifth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and one (Pamphlet Laws, page eleven), authorizing the Department of Forestry to desig- nate certain of the foresters within its employ to act as District Foresters, in the performance of gen- eral forest work other than within the State For- ests. Whereas, In accordance with section three of an act, entitled "An act to establish a Department of Forestry, to provide for its proper administration, to regulate the acquisition of land for the Common- wealth, and to provide for the control, protection, and maintenance of forest reserves by the Department of Forestry," it is provided that it shall be the duty of Preambla :296 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS Department •of Forestry. District Foresters. Duties of District "Foresters. OflBces and :sup.plies. the Commissioner of Forestry, among other things, "to encourage and promote the development of For- estry, to obtain and publish information respecting the extent and condition of forest lands in the State, and to execute all rules and regulations adopted by the Forestry Reservation Commission for the enforce- mentraent of all laws designated for the protection of forests from fire and depredation" and Whereas, It is desirable and expedient that that phase of forestry known as farmers' woodlot and pri- vate forestry be given greater consideration and as- sistance than it has heretofore received ; therefore, — Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Depart- ment of Forestry be authorized to designate, wher- ever the demands of forestry warrant, certain of the foresters in the State Forest Service to be known as District Foresters, and that the districts to which they may be assigned shall be coterminus with one or more of the counties throughout the Commonwealth. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the District Forester, under the direction of the department, to promote within his district the development of for- estry by conducting such educational efforts as may be necessary to bring to the attention of the people the uses and purposes of practical forestry, to render as- sistance to forest and woodlot owners, to conduct ex- periments in forestry, to collect data concerning for- ests and woodlots within his district, to inspect and report to the department upon the work of the fire- wardens, to advise with land owners upon the plant- ing and protection of shade-trees, to assist in Arbor Day work, and to promote and advance any other ac- tivity in local forestry which may be designated by the Department of Forestry. The District Forester shall be supplied by the Department with suitable of- fice facilities and supplies to enable him to carry on his work. Approved— The 21st day of July, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS, 297 No. 432. A SUPPLEMENT To au act, entitled "An act to create a system of fire- wardens to preserve the forests of the Commonwealth, by preventing- and suppressing forest fires, and pre- scribing penalties for the violation thereof ; providing for the compensation of the fire-wardens and those who asist in extinguishing fire, and making an ap- propriation therefor," approved the thirteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and nine; con- ferring authority upon the Department of Forestry to enter into co-operative relations with local as- sociations established for the purpose of preventing forest fires, and providing for and regulating a local fire patrol and the compensation thereof. Preamble. Whereas, The question of forest fires and their sup- pression has become a serious problem within this Commonwealth, the losses therefrom amounting to large sums of money each year, which losses ought to be prevented by adequate legislative authority and assistance ; and Whereas, Local associations for the prevention and suppression of forest fires have been established in different parts of the Commonwealth, composed of owners of land with timber growing thereon, whose lands are every year subjected to the menace of forest fires ; and Whereas, It is desirable that the Department of Forestry co-operate with such associations, and render assistance to them in accomplishing to the best ad- vantage the work which they are established to do ; therefore — Section 1. Be it enacted, &c.. That the Department of Forestry is hereby authorized to enter into co- operative agreements with local forest fire associa- tions, within this Commonwealth, for the prevention and suppression of forest fires; and is hereby author- ized to expend, from its general forest fire appro- priation, for this purpose, a sum of money equal in amount to the amount which shall be expended by each local association for the employment of proper persons to patrol such lands during those danger sea- Department of Forestry. Cooperative agreement with local forest fire associations. Local fire patrol. Reports of local asso- ciations. Statements. "Fire seasons," construed. Organization of associa- tions. Notice of GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. sons of the year known as the forest fire seasons, and for such period of time each season as, in the judg- ment of the local association and the department, it is necessary or expedient to maintain such regular patrol ; and under such terms and conditions made with such local associations as, in the judgment of sjiid department, will produce the best and most satisfactory results in the prevention and suppression of forest fires: Provided, That such expenditure by the department shall not exceed thirty dollars per month for each patrolman. Section 2. Every such local forest fire protection association shall render to the Department of For- estry, at the end of each calendar year, a report showing the number of acres of land comprised within the activities of the association, and an itemized statement of nil receipts and expenditures during the year for which the report is rendered. And in case no appropriation shall be made by the Legislature for forest fire and protective work at any future time, all such co-operative agreements, subsisting at that time, shall be construed as being suspended during such interval for which no appropriation is made. Said local association shall also report any general results of the work that the Commissioner of Forestry may desire. Section 3. The fire seasons hereinabove mentioned sh.-ill not be construed, by reason of the act to which this act is a supplement, as being limited to the periods of time stated in the eighteenth section thereof. Section 4. When any group of land owners desire to organize themselves into a mutual forest fire pro- tective association they shall promptly notify the Commissoiner of Forestry of their intent, if it be the desire of such land owners to avail themselves of the benefits of this act. Approved— The 22d day of July, A. D. 1913. JOHN K. TENER. 'rh<> foregoing is a true and correct copy of the act of the general Assembly, No. 432. ROBERT McAFEE. Secretary of the Commonwealth. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 299 RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE FOREST RESERVES. 1. The game, fish, and forest laws of the State must not be violated . 2. Birds' nests must not be destroyed or in any other man- ner interfered with. 3. Open camp fires or other fires must not be made, except in a hole or pit one foot deep, encircling the pit so made by the earth taken out. 4. Every camp fire or other open fire must be absolutely ex- tinguished before the last member of the party using it leaves the locality . 5. Lighted matches, cigars, cigaretts, or hot ashes from pipes must not be thrown upon the ground. In every case they must be allowed to burn out or be otherwise extinguished. 6. Living trees must not be cut down or injured in any man- ner. Dead and down timber may be used for camp fires. 7. No person will be permitted to erect a camp who has not promised in writing to obey the camping rules and received a camp- ing permit. When requested, every camping party, before select- ing a camp site or pitching a camp, must report to a forest officer on the Reserve, who will assign a suitable camp site within the region where it is desired to locate. No camping party shall con- sist of more than ten persons at one time. Permits will be granted for a period of three weeks only. 8. Every person receiving a camping permit must report to the Commissioner of Forestry at Harrisburg, any violation of law or of the rules for the government of the State Forest Reserves, coming under his observation. 9. No permanent camp or other permanent structure may be erected within the Reserve. 10. The pre-emption of any ground as a special camp site to the exclusion of others who may desire to camp near, and who have permission to camp within State Forest Reserves, will not be permitted. 11. All persons who desire to picnic within the State Forest Reserves, remaining for a less time than a day, and not over night, are not regarded as campers and will not be required to procure a camping permit, but will be governed in all other re- spects by these rules. 12. During the open deer season in each year, no dog of any description shall be used for hunting purposes within the State 300 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Forest Reserves, nor shall any dog during the period be taken by hunters into camps on said lands. 13. The making of fires by hunters who stand on deer or other "runways" is forbidden. 14. The placing of advertisements within the State Forest Re- serves is prohibited. 15. Forest Officers are required to remove immediately from State Forest Reserves all persons who take deer running dogs thereon, and to kill the dogs when found in pursuit of deer. They are also required to remove therefrom all persons who do not properly guard their camp or other fires so as to prevent de- struction of State property by the starting of general forest fires, and campers who do not have proper camping permits. 16. All persons who desire to camp within the State Forest Reserves must first apply to the Commissioner of Forestry. A blank application containing an abstract of the rules for the gov- ernment of campers will be forwarded to the applicant, who must sign and return the same to the Commissioner. If in proper form, in the absence of other objections, a permit will then be granted. 17. All grazing of horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs within the State Forest Reserves is prohibited, except under direction of the Commissioner of Forestry. 18. The breaking of trees or shrubbery or the pulling up of small trees is prohibited except for botanical purposes, for which a permit may be procured from the Commissioner of Forestry. TAKE NOTICE THAT Persons who violate the laws or any of the above rules will subject themselves to immediate arrest without warrant, to be dealt with according to law ; and may be denied all future privi- leges of camping, hunting, or fishing within the State Forest Reserves . All State Forest Ofiicers, without first procuring a warrant, are vested by Act of Assembly with power to arrest on view all per- sons detected by them in the act of trespassing upon forest or timber lands within the Commonwealth, under such circumstances as to warrant the reasonable suspicion that such persons have committed, are committing, or are about to commit some offense against any of the laws now enacted or hereafter to be enacted for the protection of forest and timber lands. They are likewise vested with similar powers of arrest in the case of offenses against these Rules, or for offenses committed against the laws for the protection of the fish and game found within the State Forest Re- serves . COMMISSIONER OF FORESTRY. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 301 SaGGESTIONS FOR ORGANIZATION OF GAME, FISH, AND FORESTRY ASSOCIATIONS. CONSTITUTION. Article I. The name of this association shall be Article II. Any reputable, law-abiding person shall be eligible to member- ship herein who shall be, etc. Article III. The officers of this association shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who together with five other members of this Association, to be elected by the asso- ciation, shall compose the Executive Committee during the year of their election. Article IV. The Executive Committee shall have full charge of the business of this association, shall receive and investigate all complaints coming to them of violations of the forestry, the game, or the fish laws, and at once prosecute or, through the Secretary, notify the Commissioner of Forestry, the Commissioner of Fisheries, or the Secretary of the Game Commission at Harrisburg, as the case may be. Article V. Five of this Committee shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business and shall meet at least once a month. Article VI. This association shall hold two regular meetings, to be held on the day of and the day of and such other special meetings as may be called bv the President Oi* a majority of the Executive Committee. 302 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Article VII . This organization is formed for the protection and preservation of our forests, the protection of game, of song and insectivorous birds, and of fish; for aiding in the enforcement of the laws of this Commonwealth governing the same, and to unite the efforts and influence of all law-abiding citizens within the State ; and in securing such future legislation upon these subjects, as may be considered best suited to advance the interests of the people of the Commonwealth at large. With this object in view we hereby pledge ourselves not only to obey the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to these subjects, but to use our influence to have others obey them. We agree to report to the Secretary of this organization the name of any in- dividual who may to our knowledge violate these laws, or any of them, and if need be to testify against such person to secure his conviction . GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 303 AN ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF THE ACTS OF ASSEM- BLY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA RELATING TO FORESTS AND FORESTRY. By I .0. Williams, Esq., Deputy Commissioner of Forestry, (Where penalties are herein referred to, the maximum penalty is given, unless otherwise mentioned.) Acts prohibited upon forest or timber lands. See trees, fires, timber, landmarks. Annual fixed charge upon forestry reserves for school and road purposes in lieu of taxes provided for by appropriation. Act of May 13, 1909, page 274 and April 5, 1905, page 255. Act June 5, 1913, page 291. Appalachian forest reserve may be established partly in this State. Act of May 11, 1911, page 283. Arrest of persons reasonably suspected of violating or being about to violate the forest and timber laws, may be made on view and without a warrant. Act of April 29, 1897, page 242. Auditor General may refuse to pay share of State aid for county detectives where arrests and convictions are obtained by de- tectives appointed by the Commissioner of Forestry. Act of May 2, 1901, sec. 2, page 250. Boroughs may require the planting of shade trees along public Act of June 17, 1901, page 250. Boroughs may impound water on reservations for borough pur- poses . Act of April 14, 1905, page 257. Camping permit required, rule 7, page 299. Charge of 2 cents per acre for schools and roads to be made an- nually in favor of townships wherein lie forest reserves. Act of April 5, 1905, page 255. Act of May 13, 1909, page 274. 304 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Commissioner of Forestry is President and executive officer of the Commission and Superintendent of the Reservations,^ he shall have immediate control and management of reservations, and enforce fish and game laws thereon ; he shall encourage for- estry, obtain and publish information relating to forest lands and enforce all laws for forest protection ; he may employ detectives ,upon approval of the Governor and the Commis- sion. (See also, "Department of Forestry.") Act of February 2.5, 1901, sec. 3, page 246. he shall receive a salary of $3,000 per annum, and all neces- sary expenses of travel in discharge of his duties, other mem- bers of the Commission shall receive no salary but shall be reimbursed for the necessary expenses of their office. Ibid., sec. 5, page 247. he shall have an office at the State Capitol and shall be pro- vided with the necessary accommodations and supplies for use of his Department. Ibid., sec. 5, page 220. he shall receive all moneys from the sale of timber or minerals, pay the same over to the State Treasurer, and give his bond with two sureties approved by the Governor in the sum of $10,000. Ibid., sec. 9, page 249. he shall establish and provide instruction for Forest Wardens in a School of Forestry at Mont Alto. Act of May 13, 1903, page 255. Commission, State Forestry Reservation: See "Department of Forestry." Page 244. County Commissioners, who, after being called upon by the Com- missioner of Forestry, shall fail to appoint detectives to fer- ret out and bring to punishment those who fire timber lands, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of $100 or suffer an imprisonment of two vears or both. Act of June 2, 1870, sec. 1, as amended by act of July 15, 1897, page 243. County may forfeit share of State's aid for pay of detectives, if arrests and convictions for kindling fires are obtained by de- tectives appointed by the Commissioner of Forestry. Act of May 2, 1901, sec. 2, page 250. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 305 County treasurers, advertising unseated lands for sale for unpaid taxes, shall publish a notice of sale once a week for six weeks, and notify the Commissioner of Forestry. Act of March 30, 1897, page 240. Damages for injuries to trees along highways and on adjacent lands, may be recovered from telephone, telegraph, and elec- tric light companies. Act of June 2, 1891, page 239. Department of Forestry: A Commissioner of Forestry and four other citizens shall constitute the State Forestry Reservation Commission. They shall be appointed and commissioned by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate, for a term of four years. They have power to purchase suitable lands for forest preservation, limited to a price not in excess of $5 per acre ; to control and manage the lands so purchased as well as those of prior purchase ; to make rules and regulations for the control, management, and protection of reservations ; to sell and dispose of timber on forest lands on terms most advantageous to the State ; to make and execute contracts or leases in the name of the Commonwealth for mining or removal of valuable minerals on reservations, after approval by the Governor and notice for one month by ad- vertising, the contracts and leases to be awarded to the highest bidder, who shall give bond in amount to be designated by the Commission, and to be approved by the court of the county wherein the contracts or leases are made ; one-half the net revenue derived from such contracts and leases to be paid to the respective township treasurers, provided this amount do not exceed twice the amount of taxes which would have been derived from such lands if owned by individuals. Act of February 25, 1901, sec. 1, page 244. may grow and distribute seedling trees at cost. Act of April 22, 1909, page 267. may grant rights of way through reserves. Act June 8, 1911, page 286. Damaging road side trees prohibited. Act of April 1, 1909, page 264. Act July 2, 1901, page 251. Act June 7, 1911, page 285. Detectives to ferret out and bring to punishment persons firing timber lands shall be appointed by the county commissioners. The expense of such employment shall be paid, one-half by the county and one-half by the State; which, for the State, shall not for a single county in any one year exceed $500. 20 306 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Act of June 2, 1870, sec. 1, as amended by act of July 15, 1897, page 243. Electric light companies may be compelled to pay damages for injuries to trees along highways and adjacent lands. Act of June 2, 1891, page 239. Employes of the Department of Forestry are ex-officio fire war- dens. Act of May 13, 1909, page 276. Estrepement may issue to prevent further cutting of timber by a tenant in common. Act of May 4, 1869, sec. 3, page 238. Fines, disposition of: When collected for violation of laws for protection of Forest Reserves, are payable to State Treas- urer . Act of May 5, 1911, page 282. Fires: Setting fire on State Forest Reserves prohibited under penalty of one thousand dollars fine or imprisonment of six months. Act May 5, 1911, page 282. setting fire to private woodlands punishable by same penalty. Act June 9, 1911, page 286. Fires: When county commissioners fail to appoint persons to ferret out and bring to punishment persons who wilfully or otherwise cause the burning of timber lands, the Commis- sioner of Forestry may, on request of the residents of a county where fires have occurred, appoint detectives and employ at- torneys to ferret out and bring to punishment those who kindle such fires ; all expenses thereof to be paid by the State Treas- urer after approval by the Governor and Commissioner of Forestry. Act of May 2, 1901, sec. 1, page 249. Fires: In regions where there are oil or gas-wells, fires shall be kindled only in accordance with directions of act of June 12, 1907, page 262. Fires: Debris must be removed from such lands at least once a year. Ibid., page 263. Fires: Every railroad company must remove debris from right of way through such lands, must provide spark arresters, and sufficient trackmen to extinguish fires. Ibid, page 263. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 307 Fire wardens ,new system of established. Act of May 13, 1909, page 275. Fire wardens, district, may have assistant wardens and compel person to assist in extinguishing fires. Act of May 13, 1909, page 275. Fire wardens are punishable for neglect of duty. Act of May 13, 1909, page 281. Floods, destructive; prevention of. See "Unseated Lands." Page 242. Forestry Department: See "Department of Forestry." Forestry Reservation Commission is limited to $300,000 per year for purchase of lands. All proceeds derived from reservation lands shall become a special fund to be used in defraying expenses of improvement and protection of such lands, or for purchase of additional lands. Act of April 15, 1903, page 284. Forestry school established at Mont Alto for the instruction of Forest Wardens. Act of May 13, 1903, page 255. Forests, municipal, established. Act of April 22, 1909, page 268. Fruit trees along a street, road, or highway are protected under penalty of ten dollars fine or five days imprisonment. Act of June 7, 1911, page 285. Jury of view may be appointed to assess damages suffered from cutting trees by telephone, telegraph and electric light com- panies. Act of June 2, 1891, page 239. Land, vacant or unappropriated. See "Title." Landmarks, boundary trees, etc. See "Trees." Lands purchased by the Commission shall be paid for by the State Treasurer on warrant of the Auditor General upon vouchers approved by the Commission and the Governor. Act of February 25, 1901, sec. 7, page 248. Municipal forests established. Act of April 22, 1909, page 268. National forests are permitted in this State by Act of May 11, 1911, page 283. 308 GAME, FISH ATsu FORESTRY LAWS. Navigable rivers, beds of, no further warrants for. Act of May 3, 1909, page 272. Oil and gas-well lands: Regulations concerning use of fire on. Act of June 12, 1907, page 262. Owner of land may recover no compensation for fighting fire on his own land. Act of May 13, 1909, page 276. Permit camping required, rule 7, page 299. Person in forest law means an individual, partnership, limited partnership, joint stock company, a corporation, and the offi- cers, agents, and employes of the same. Act of May 5, 1911, page 283. Act June 9, 1911, page 283. Persons employed by the Commissioner of Forestry; made ex- officio fire wardens by act of May 13, 1909, page 276. Purchasing timber knowingly, illegally cut from land of another is a misdemeanor. Act June 9, 1911, page 287. Railroads must equip engines with spark arresters and maintain right of way through oil and gas lands free of debris. Act of June 12, 1907, page 263. Reserve, Appalachian or National, may be established in this State. Act May 11, 1911, page 283. Reserve, State Forest. Annual charge of 2 cents per acre for schools and roads, to be paid township and school districts. Act of April 5, 1905, page 255. Act of May 13, 1909, page 274. Fires prohibited. Act of May 5, 1911, page 282. Bights of way through State forest reserves may be granted by the Department of Forestry. Act June 8, 1911, page 286. Rivers, beds of navigable. No further warrants for. Act of May 3, 1909, page 273. Boads in forest reserves, regularly established, running into, through, or along said lands, may be maintained, repaired, GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 309 or extended by the Commission, at an expense of not more than $25 per mile for those wholly on reservations, and at the expense of $12.50 per mile for those bordering reserva- tions . Act of February 25, 1901, sec. 8, page 248. Road tax fund: See "Reserves." Rules for the government of the State Forest Reserves, page 299. Posting of antecendent to conviction for violation of. Act of May 5, 1911, page 283. Fine or imprisonment for violation of. Ibid page 283. School of Forestry established at Mont Alto for the instruction of Forest Wardens, or foresters for State work. Act of May 13, 1903, page 255. Schools: See "Forestry School." Schools, fixing charge on land for two cents per acre. Act of April 5, 1905, page 255. Act of May 13, 1909, page 274. Seedling trees for forest planting may be grown and distributed by the Department. Act of April 22, 1909, page 267. Shade trees may be required to be planted along public streets in boroughs . Act of June 17, 1901, page 250. Shade Tree Commission: May be appointed in cities, boroughs, and first class townships, has absolute control over trees on public highways ; cost of planting is chargeable to the owner of the adjacent real estate ; cost of maintenance paid by gen- eral tax; may employ assistants and laborers. Act of May 31, 1907, page 257. Shade trees along street, road, or highway are protected under penalty of ten dollars fine or five days imprisonment. Act June 7, 191, page 285. Street railway companies may be authorized by the Commission to construct, maintain, and operate lines of railway over, along, and upon public highways laid out and in actual use, lying within or bordering forest reservations, when such reser- vations will be benefitted thereby. Act of April 15, 1903, page 253. 310 GAME. FISH AXD FORESTRY LAWS. Taxes on forest reserves are supplied by annual fixed charges for roads and schools. Act of April 5, 1905, and act of May 13, 1909, pages 256, 274. Telephone, telegraph, and electric light companies may be com- pelled to pay damages for injuries to trees along highways and on adjacent lands . Act of June 2, ISOl, page 239. Tenant in common is prohibited from cutting or removing timber from lands held in common without first obtaining written con- sent of all his co-tenants. The writ of estrepement may issue to prevent further cutting. Act of May 4, 1S69, sees. 1, 3, page 237. Timber cutting is prohibited on land of another. Act of June 9, 1911, page 2?, . Timber lands shall be returned by the assessors at each triennial assessment, specifying the number of acres of timber and the number of acres of cleared land in each tract. Act of June 13, 18S3, page 23S. Timber, sale of, removed by tenant in common without c-onsent of co-tenants shall pass no title: owner may recover same and all articles manufactured therefrom, besides damages, in an appropriate action. Act of May 4, 1869, sec. 2, page 237. Timber, purchase of, or of material made therefrom, knowing that it was illeeally removed from land of another, is a misdemeanor and punishable under act June 9, 1911, page 237, 287. Timber, double value of, may be recovered for felling, and treble value for conversion. Ibid page 2S7. Title to unseated land shall be vested in the Department of For- estrr. if suitable for forestry purposes. Act of May 3, 1909, page 272. Title to all lands purchased by the Commission shall be in the Commonwealth, held by the Commissioner of Forestry, and said lands are not to be subject to warrant, survey or patent. Act of February 25, 1901, sec. 8, page 248. Trees on forest reserves are protected by penalty of one thousand dollars fine or six months imprisonment. Act May 5. 1911, i>age 2S2. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 311 Trees and woodlands are protected by act June 9, 1911, page 286. Trees: Damages for injuries to trees nlong highways or adjoining lands may be recovered from telephone, telegraph and electric light companies. Act of June 2, 1S91, page 239. Trees: Injury done to trees planted by the roadside, by negli- gently allowing domestic animals access thereto is punishable by fine of from $1 to $5 for each tree ; and in default of pay- ment or entry of bail for same, the offender may be com- mitted to prison one day for each dollar of fine and costs. Act of July 2, 1901, sec. 5, page 2.51. Trees growing within road limits shall not be injured or destroyed except in certain cases. Penalties provided. Act of April 1, 1909, page 264. Trees for fruit or shade, along street, road, or highway, shall not be injured or destroyed. Act of June 7, 1911, page 28.5. Trees: Malicious removal or destruction of boundary trees or other landmarks is punishable by a fine of $500 and imprison- ment for one year. Act of March 31, 1860, sec. 153, page 237. Trees: Department may grow and distribute at cost. Act of April 22, 1909, page 267. Trees: Shade Tree Commission in cities, boroughs, and first class townships, have full control of trees upon public highways. Act of May 31, 1907, page 257. United States may acquire land in this State for National Forest Reserves under certain conditions. Act May 11, 1911, page 283. Unseated land: See "Title." Unseated lands may be purchased by the Commonwealth at treas- urer's sale, for the purpose of creating a State Forestry Reser- vation, at a price not to exceed the taxes for which sold and costs . Act of March 30, 1897, page 240. Unseated lands other than those sold for taxes, may be bought by the Commissioner of Forestry at a price not to exceed the assessed value, and in no case to exceed five dollars per acre. 312 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. Act of March 30, 1897, sec. 2, as amended by act of April 28, 1899, P. L. 98, page 241. Unseated lands bought by the Forestry Commissioner at tax sales, may be redeemed. Act of March 30, 1897, sec. 3, page 241. Unseated lands purchased at tax sales and not redeemed within the time allowed by law, shall be fully vested in the Common- wealth, free from further taxation. The treasurers of the respective counties shall certify lists of such lands so purchased and not redeemed. Act of March 30, 1897, sec. 4, page 241. Unseated lands acquired by the Commonwealth shall become a part of the forestry reserve and shall be controlled and man- aged with a view to the preservation of the water supply at the sources of rivers, and for protection from destructive floods. Act of March 30, 1897, sec. 5, page 242. Vacant land, title to. Act of May 3, 1909, page 270. Wardens upon forest reserves, called in the act "persons employed by the Commissioner of Forestry," after taking the proper oath, shall have conferred upon them powers of constables and other peace oflicers ; may arrest on view, without warrant, upon reasonable suspicion of an offense committed or about to be committed against laws for protection of iorests and timber lands, and fish and game therein, and may convey offenders before justices of the peace for hearing and trial, or due process of law. Rules must be conspicuously posted on reserves. This power shall be exercised only upon reserves, or adjacent lands and only beyond the limits of the reserves when necessary for pursuit and arrest, or conveying offenders into custody. Act of March 11, 1903, page 252. are now ex-ofiicio fire wardens. Act of May 13, 1909, page 276. Warrants need not first issue for the arrest of persons trespassing on forest and timber lands, when a reasonable suspicion exists that they have violated or are about to violate the law per- taining to such lands. Act of April 29, 1897, page 243. GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. 313 Water may be impounded on reservations for the use of bor- oughs. Act 14th April, 1905, page 257. Water supply, conservation of. See "Unseated Lands." Page 240. Way, right of, may be granted through State forest reserves. Act June 8, 1911, page 286. Woods, lands, or marshes, wilful setting fires to. See Fires. OFFICIAL LIST OF DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY. State Forestry Reservation Commission. Robert S. Conklin, President, Columbia, Lancaster county. J. T. Rothrock, M. D., Secretary, West Chester, Chester county. Mira L. Dock, Harrisburg, Dauphin county. S. B. Elliott, Reynoldsville, Jefferson county. J. Linn Harris, Belief onte. Centre county. Office of Commissioner of Forestry. Commissioner of Forestry, Robert S. Conklin, Columbia, Lancas- ter county. Deputy Commissioner of Forestry, I. C. Williams, Esq., Royers- ford, Montgomery county. Clerks, A. Elwyn Strode, West Chester, Chester county. George W. Howard, Chester, Delaware county. 314 GAME, FISH AND FORESTRY LAWS. NOTICE. Department of Forestry, Harrisburg, Pa., June 1, 1911. The act approved March 11, 1903, confers the powers of con- stables upon those who are employed by the Commissioner of Forestry under existing laws for the protection of State Forest Reserves. The employes of this Department will be properly in- structed and duly qualified according to law. They will be ex- pected to take prompt and decided measures, and arrest all per- sons who violate any laws intended to protect the timber, game, or fish upon the State Forest Reserves, or the rules of the De- partment. Failure on the part of a State Forest Officer to do this in a proper case will be followed by immediate dismissal from the service of the State. Those employed by this Department will be recognized by the State Forest Reserve badge which they wear. The proper protection for our Forest Reserves should interest every citizen of the State, because he or she is a part owner of the land. It will be a favor to this office if persons who are aware of any neglect of duty on the part of forest officers will promptly notify the Department, giving facts necessary to form an intelligent judgment and to enable the taking of prompt action. ROBERT S. CONKLIN, Commissioner of Forestry. INDEX 10 FORESTRY EAWS A. Page. Acts, certain, prohibited in forest or timber land 237,243,262,264,282,286 Academy, Forest 255 Address of Commissiouer of Forestry 300 Advertisement by county commissioners 240 Analysis of forestry laws, 303 Annual cliarge on land for school purposes 255,274 Annual charge on laud under auxiliary forestry reserve act 288, 291 Appeal 266,267,272 Application for permit to camp, 29D Appalachian Koserve, may be established in Pennsylvania 283 Appointment of Commissioner of Forestry , 243 Appointment of forest wardens, 247 Appointment of fire wardens, 275 Appointment of detectives, 247, 249 Appraisers, 290 Arrest 252,253,262,287 Arrest, warrant for, 260,270 Arrest, without warrant, 243,252,281 Associations, suggestions on, 301 Assessment and taxation under Forestry Reserve Act 288 Assessors, duties of 238 Assistance in extinguishing fire, compelling, 276 Assistant fire wardens 276,277 Attorneys may be employed 247,249 Auditor General, certain duties of 241,244,250,274,277,278 Auxiliary forest reserve, 288,291,293 B. Bond, State Forestry Commissioner, 249 Boundary trees, removal of 237 Borough officers, powers of 250 Boroughs, right to impound water, 257 Boroughs, right to establish forests 268 C. Camp on State lands, rules 299 Cattle, pasturing of, rules 300 City forests may be established, 268 Commission, State Forestry Reservation 244 Commissioners, county, certain duties of 240,244,250,278 Commissioners of Forestry, appointment of 245 Commonwealth authorized to purchase lands for taxes, 240 Compensation of fire wardens, 276 Compensation for daily patrol of fire wardens, 280 (315) 316 INDEX. Page. Compulsory assistance in extinguishing fire 277 Condemnation by United States 283 Constables, powers and duties of 242,243,279,281 Convictions before court 237,238,239,281 Convictions before justice 251,253,262,287 County Commissioners, duties of, 240,244,250,278,290 County treasurer, duties of 240 County may forfeit State aid 250 Cutting or mutilating growing timber, 283,285,287 Cutting timber trees by tenants in common 237 Cutting of timber under Forestry Reserve Act, 291,294 Daily patrol of fire wardens 280 Damages double and treble, 287 Damage to trees by electric light or telephone companies, 239 Damage by cutting or injuring timber without owner's consent,. 239,283,285,286 Debris must be removed from oil or gas-well lands, 262, 263 Defacing signs or posters ou State lands '. 283 Department of Forestry, 244 Detectives may be appointed by Department of Forestry 244,247,249 Detectives shall be appointed by county commissioners, 244,247,249 Disability of fire wardens, 279 Dispute about compensation for fighting fire, how settled, 280 District fire wardens 275 District Foresters, 297 Division of revenue from sale of timber 248 Dogs on State lands, rules 300 Duty of Commissioner of Forestry 247 Duty of fire wardens, 276,277 Duty of constables, 242, 243 Duty of justices, 253,262,285 E. Electric light companies, liability of, for damage to trees, 239 Employes of the Commissioners of Forestry, powers on State lands 252 Ex-oflicio fire wardens 276 Estrepement, Avrit of 238 Examination of lands under auxiliary forestry reserve act, 292,293 Expenses of extinguishing fires, how paid 277 F. Failure to care for trees under Auxiliary Reserve Act 293 Fines 260,262,263,281 Fire seasons defined 262, 280 Fire starting on one's own land, or land of another 286 Fire not to be lighted on woodlands or marshes 286 Fire not to be kindled on forest reserves 282 Fire warden, chief and deputy chief, 275 Fire warden, duties and powers of, ., 275,276 Fire warden, penalties for failing in duty, 2S1 Fire warden,* assistant 277 Fire warden, s.vstem of, 275 Fires 249, 262, 263, 282, 286 Firing the woods, penalties for 282 Floods, 242 INDEX. 317 Page. Foresters, District 29& Forestry Reservation Commissioa, 284 Forests, municipal, may be established, 26& Forest reserve, exempt from taxation, 24& Forest reserve, fixed charges on, 256,274,291 Forest reserve, right of way through 286' Forest reserves, waters on 25T Forest wardens 247, 255- Forest academy 25& Fraudulent claim for compensation for extinguishing fires, 281 Fruit trees along roadside, 285 G. Gas well lands, preventing fire on 262 Governor, duties of, in certain cases, 246,248 H. Harvesting of timber under Auxiliary Forest Reserve Act 289 Highways bordering on or within reserves, 248 Highways, trees along, protection of, 251, 257 I. Injury to or mutilation of trees, 251 Intentional firing of forests 283,285 J. Jurisdiction of constables, 242, 243, 279 Justice of the peace, 251, 252 K. Kindling fires on State reserves, 282 Kindling fires on one's own land, or on lands of another, 286 L. Land, power of Forestry Commission to purchase, 245 Land to be under control of Department of Forestry 242 Land of the State exempt from taxation, 248 Land liable to fixed charge 256,274 Land title to vacant 272 Land in forest reserves under charge of Commissioner of Forestry, 247 Land , not subject to warrant or survey, 248 Landmarks 237 Lease of mineral rights in reserves 246 Letter from Commissioner of Forestry, 300 Liability, personal, of fire warden to pay costs of extinguishing fires, 279 Lien under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act, 289,291 M. Magistrate, duties of 251, 252 Marketing of timber under Forestry Reserve Act, 289,294 Maximum price to be paid for land, 245 Mineral on State land 246 Minerals under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act, 288 318 INDEX. Page. Misdemeanor 244, 259, 263, 281, 283, 285 Municipal forests may be established 268 Municipalities, right to impound water 257 Mutilation of growing timber, 282,283,285,287 Mutilation of posters or signs, 283 N. National forest reserve 283 Navigable rivers, warrants for beds of, 272 Notice, trespass. (See Index to Game Laws.) Notice of the Commissioner of Forestry 299 Notice to State Forestry Reserve Commission 292 Office of the Commissioner of Forestry, 247 Officers refusing or neglecting to do their duty 281 Oil well lands, precautions to prevent fire on 262 Organization, suggestions for game, fish and forestry 301 Owners in common, rights of, 237 Owners, no compensation for, extinguishing fire on own lands 276 Owners, rights of, under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act, 294,296 Pasturing of cattle, 300 Penalty for refusing assistance in extinguishing fire 281 Permit to camp, 299 Persons assisting in extinguishing fire shall be paid 280 Pipe lines. (See Rights of Way). Powers of the Commissioner of Forestry, 247 Powers of forest wardens, or rangers and foresters, 254,277,278 President of Forestry Commission, 246 Protection of the State Forest Reserves 282 Protection of trees and woodlands, 286,287 Public roads in or along forest reserves 285 Purchase of land by the Commonwealth 244,245 Purchase of land, money for, how paid 248 Railroad engines setting fires 2G3 Railroad engines setting fire, penalty for 263 Railroad companies, duties of respecting fire 263 Record to be kept of lands purchased by the Commissioner of Forestry, 242 Redemption of land, 242 Refusing, officers to do their duty, 281 Removing or destroying land marks 237 Replanting 267, 294 Reserve, fixed charges on 256,274 Revenue for school and road purposes 256,274 Rights of way through State lands 288 Rights of owners under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act 292,294 Hivers, navigable, warrant for beds of 273 Roads in township where foresty reserves are located, 256 Roads on forest reserves, 248 Hules of Forestry Commission, power to make 246 aiules, punishment for violating 282,283 INDEX. 319 Page. Sale of lands under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act 295 Sanatorium at Mont Alto transferred 261 Schools, fixed charges for 256,274 Schools, tax for, under Auxiliary Forestry Reserve Act, 291 School of Forestry 255 Seedling trees, growth and distribution of 267 Setting fire to woodlands, 282,286 Shade trees, planting of, by boroughs, cities and townships 257 Shade trees along roadsides 285 Shade Tree Commission 257 Spark Arresters, engines to be provided with, 263 State Forest Academy 255 State forest lands, public roads on, 286 State Forest lands subject to fixed charge 256,274,291 State Forest lands not subject to taxation 248 State Treasurer, duties of 244,248,256 State shall pay four-fifths cost of fighting fire 278 Street railways on forest reserves, 253 Suggestions for organization 301 Summary of foi-est laws, 303 T. Tax under Forestry Reserve Act 288,290 Telegraph or telephone companies, liability of, 239 Tearing or mutilating posters or signs on State lands 283 Tenants in common, rights of 237 Timber cutting without owner's consent 282,286 Timber land to be returned separately for assessment 238 Timber cutting title to, not to pass under certain conditions, 238,287 Timber from State reserves may be sold by Commission 248 Timber, under Auxiliary Reserve Act 294, _j9 Title of land to vest in Commonwealth 242,248 Title to vacant land 272 Township forests may be established 268 Town officials, duties in certain cases 250 Tree seedlings, growth and distribution of, 267 Trees, damage of 282,283,285,287 Trees, boroughs may require planting of, 251 Trees growing along roadside 250,264,285 Trees, malicious removal or destruction of 282,2^3,285,287 Trees planting along roadside, 250,257,264,285 Trees, planting of, by Shade Tree Commission 258 Trees and woodlands, protection of 286 United States may establish reserves in Pennsylvania 283 U. Unseated land 240 V. Vacant land, title to 270,272 Viewers to appraise vacant land 270 Viewers to appraise damage 239 W. Wanton or wilful starting of forest fires 282,286 Wardens, fire, duties and powers of 275,276 320 INDEX. Page. Wardens or forest rangers, duties and powers of, 275,276 Warrants of arrest 266 Warrants for trespass. (See Index to Game Laws). Wilful or careless destruction or mutilation of trees and timber, 282,283,285,287 Writ, of estrepement, how obtained, 238 Woods, woodlands or marshes wilful setting fire to, 282,286 Woodlands, protection of, 286