SHO\V C/%RD LETTERIIMG DESIGIMS ETC WITH ^ 2000 , /%DVERTISI IMG PHRASES DISPLAY SIGNS SHOW CARDS AND POSTERS PRIGESl.OO PUBLISHED BY THE THOMPSON SCHOOL Of LETTERING PONTIAC.MICH. 'W PREFACE V^ V^ A system for learning- Show Card Lettering- must combine a definite and a methodical arrang-ement of practical copies with instructions in detail as to practice, materials used, etc. Among- the hundreds of technical books on the market today there are few if any on the subject of general show card lettering- that taeet the exacting requirements for success among- beginners and those of some experience. A special and distinctive feature in this book is the careful arrangement of graded copies and instruction designed for practical business purposes. Many have grown discouraged trying to learn the art alone. To those this book comes as a most welcome aid by giving reliable and trustworthy instructions with copies for practice. We believe our friends will find it an invaluable aid to all who want to acquire a beautiful and rapid method of practical lettering. Pontiac, Mich. W. A. THOMPSON 1903. Two Copies Received MAY § 1903 Copylignt fci.ii, CUSS a- xxc, N- ) ^- b i £^ r I COPY 'b. t COPYRIGHT, 1903 BY W. A. THOMPSON SHOW CARD AND TICKET LETTERING How to Begin and Necessary Material The first lesson we begin with No. 1 Marking Pen, which throws a solid line or stroke 1-8 of an inch wide. The Mark- ing Pen is a strong and perfect device for rapid and clean- cut lettering for small cards, tickets, etc. The use of these pens— different sizes— 1-16 to 1-2 inch wide, enables the learner to acquire a substantial and easy method of under- standing the proper form and slant of all styles of lettering without the perple.'cing and laborious task of learning the art with a sable lettering pencil. Our method, if carried out by careful practice and strict attention to the instruction that accompanies each lesson, will bring the student in a very short time to a full mastery of general show card and off-hand lettering with either pen or brush. INKS A good ink s very important for neat work. Com- mon wri. ng fluid is too thin to produce a deep color or bril- liant letter. You need ink strong in color with enough Gum Arabic in it to be about the thickness of common syrup or varnish. This will keep it from flowing too freely. Should the ink become too thick and make broken work in your letterng, add a few drops of water and mix. Marking and b.-ading Inks on the market, made of good material and of the proper con.=istency, will flow free, cut clean in lettering and dry hard with gloss. In practical work it is a decided advantage for the card writer to be enabled to make marking or shading inks as needed. So we give a simple and neat method as to how the student may make inks from the start by preparing the Figure 1. same at first cost. First take a package of "Thompson's Ink Powder" of the desired color from your outfit and pour contents into an ink bottle. Fill the same nearly full with warm water. This will dissolve the ink powder instantly and make an exceedingly strong solution. Now, all that is neces- sary is to get good Gum Arabic mucilage and color same by adding a few drops of the ink powder solution. Very little of the solution will produce a brilliant and deep color. If the ink should be too thin add a few pieces of Gum Arabic about the size of a pea: this will make it of the proper con- sistency. Should the ink become too thick and make broken work in your lettering, add a few drops of water. Vei-y little practice will overcome any difiiculty in making and UFing this ink. For a neat and clean method it would be ad- visable to get six or eight wid^mouth ounce bottles at a drug store, or any small and low set bottles that may be at 3 hand. In this way one could have a full line of inks and color mucilage a^ needed. In regard to mucilage wo may say there are many brands of commercial mucilage now on the market which contain a combination of glue, acids, etc. This very often does not give the best results for clean cut lettering. The best to use is pure Gum Arabic of an ordinary grade (not pulver- ized.) This, when dissolved with water so that it will bring it to about the consistency of syrup or varnislh, may be colored by adding a few- drops of the ink powder solution of the desired color. If you make the mucilage in this way always strain through coarse muslin. For individual work an ounce bottle or an ordinary ink bottle of mucilage is plejity to color at a time and will be easily kept in good working order. Marking and Shading Inks, generally re- tailed at from 15 to 25 cents per bottle — the contents of same can be prepared in this way at a cost of one to three cents per bottle. PRACTICE PAPER Any paper of a smooth and firm sur- face will answer: wrapping paper of this quality will give good results. Don't use paper of a glazed surface. "Butch- ers' Manilla." geneialiy used in meat markets, is about the best thing that can be had for pen and brush practice. Mark- ing ink and water color paints set up nicely on this paper and will give justice to every stroke you make. It is a splendid paper for practice and costs about 2 1-4 to 3 cents a pound. Cross ruled paper is recommended if you are a be- ginner. By this you have a guide in keeping the pen at the proper angle. CARE OF PENS Before you commence place a glass upon your table containing about a half inch of water, then place pens in this as in glass on table in Figure 1. This will keep them in good order for doing nice work. When a method of this kind is not used the pens are liable to get clogged, which is very vexing, as rough and broken letters is the result. Figure 2. USING INK Never dip marking pen in ink. Figure 2 shows a neat and quick method of inserting the ink in pen. TaKe a tooth pick, lead pencil, or small splinter of wood, dip same in bottle, then drop ink by this means between blades of pen, one or two drops at a time. Don't overload your pen. HOW TO HOLD THE Observe Figure 3 closely. lt_l_. take the pen in your hand and hold in an easy and natural way, as suggested in this illustration, see that the nib of the pen is at an angle of about 45 degrees from the base line and preserve this position in all marking and shading pen lettering. When you have caught the idea you have already learned one of the first essentials for rapid and ornamental lettering with an easy movement. HOW TO LETTER Practice a few minutes with a dry pen, following the strokes or principles given in this lesson, then write copies of same on your practice paper. Before commencing to letter see that your pen throws a full and clear stroke. Have a small slip of paper at hand to make test strokes before beginning on any particular work. If you are careful a base line will be all that is necessary to preserve the proper position. Go slow, study the position and movement of the different characters. In lettering al- ways use downward pressure and only suflficient to make the ink flow. The pen should never be moved upward unless running edgeways. Fine lines are made by sliding the pen in this way, either up or down. To be successful in this line of work it is very important to pay particular attention to every detail connected with each lesson, studying as well as practicing the outlines and construction of each letter. Number 2. Study and practice on the construction of letters given in the first line of illustration, and review work on No. 1 before commencing on alphabet. For a quick mastery of any style of lettering it is necessary to get familiar with the component parts and the order in which they make up a complete letter. Practice carefully on "1" stroke and oval of "O". Always hold pen so that the blades will retain the same slant. Study proportion, spacing and freedom of movement. When lettering lift the pen after stopping — not while in motion. If, at any time you find your Marking Pens do not work satisfactory and have a tendency to scratch, get a sheet of emery cloth, number 00, and cut a narrow strip of this and and tack the same on a small piece of board about 2x6 inches. Di-aw the blades of pen firmly over the emery cloth length- wise. This will make the pen smmoth and quickly put it in good order for neat work. See that the nitches or teeth of pen are clear, a thin knife blade will remedy any trouble in this line. Always place pens in glass on table or desk as shown in illustration (Lesson One) before beginning your practice. If anything should occur with your Shading Pens use a smooth oil stone in place of emery cloth. This is im- portant for a smooth surface in order to produce the flat tint or shade of letter. It is not all study, nor all practice that wins in show card lettering, but a combination of both. Be sure you understand the proper method for best re- sults. That the pen, arms and paper or cardboard are in proper position. That the pen contains enough ink — not too much. That the entire point of pen rests full width on practice paper. That the pressure of pen is just enough to secure a full and even stroke. Be careful to use very little of the Ink Powder solution when making Blue or Green Ink. If you get either of these colors too strong they will show almost a dense black. For a bright blue or green color, simply add a few drops of the Ink Powder solution of the desired shade to a small bottle of mucilage. — See Inks, First Number. ABeiD^TGsW\OVN.V>KV'XV Number 3. Before beginning on tliis alpliabet it would be well to re- view tlie instruction and outlines given in Number 1 and 2 in regard to position of body, pens, inks, etc., also practice faith- fully on the outlines and alphabet of same. In this number you will notice the letters are vertical in- stead of slanting style, as in former lessons in pen lettering. This alphabet may be made very rapidly and also have the appearance of being somewhat tasty without extra effort, as the letters are formed by natural and rapid strokes of t'ae pen. The size of the letters may be varied by the use of nar- row or wide marking pens. The proportion may be va'ied by making the letters tall and slender or by making them low and extended. Study and praciice especially tlu; form and make-up of each le*ter, then you will be in good position to vary the proportion of lettering or wordiii.^ on either small or large show cardc, tickofs etc. Pay attention to a few general rules, as follows: For A make the bottom a little wider than B at its widest part. The first strokes of E and L are practically the same. Make the top stem of F as long as top stem of E. Always have the middle stem exactly like E; first stroke of G fame as first stroke of C, but a little wider, so as to allow for short horizontal stroke and curve as finish. Make H almost tlif same width as T>. Wbcn making letter S always lic'Sni Willi stroke at ImUnni and Ijuild up, Ihe top stroke being the last made, and should be shorter than stroke at bottom. The rest are all easy when you have mastered this alphabet so far. The lower case letters given in the illus- tration will be found very interesting, as a few simple strokes make up the set. The perpendicular stroke, full and half length, is used in b, d, f, h, i, j, k, 1, m, n, p, q, r, t, u,. If the outlines and in- structions in each of these lessons are followed faithfully, the learner, in a short time, will be able to form letters free hand without a ruler, compass or any other guide, except the eye. Spacing should be determined by the form of the letters. Between full letters the space should be wider than between letters where a curve exists, or between those that are open. For example, FG, the space should then be narrower. There is no definite rule for spacing. Practice alone will teach you. As a general rule make tie spacing between open letters nar- rower than between full letters. It the letters are full at the bottom, let the space at the bottom govern. Practice faithfully and study spacing, make an effort to letter cards and tickets without tracing or guide lines. You will find in a very short time this will be an advantage in the work, and also the lettering, when finished, will present a more handsome appearance than drawn strictly to measured lines. Our next number in pen lettering will be Shading Pen Work — two colors or shades at ono stroke of the pen from one color lit ink. -AABGDDEFGHIJ KUnNH^OPQRSTUV KaplA. Sl7iMD GdJrk St-yU. Number 4. Automatic Shading Pen Lettering The Automatic Shading Pen is so constructed as to produce two colors or shades at one stroke from one color of ink. It is a strong and perfect device for rapid and ornamental letter- ing of various styles, and is daily becoming better known and its field of usefulness is unbounded. The work being above the ordinary style of printing or writing, attracts attention to the goods advertised. Notwithstanding the many merits of these pens many have found it difficult to get good results, simply by not undrestanding or having a proper method of lettering to do the pen and themselves justice. If you have carefully followed the instructions and outlines in former numbers you will now be in good position to make a very creditable beginning in Automatic Lettering, and in a short time you will excite the curiosity of your friends by rapidly executing new and novel designs in general lettering, also in forming combinations of colors and shades in a few minutes that can not be duplicated in as many hours by the most successful sign painters. Outside of the practical and unique effects in this class of work by these pens, they enable the learner to acquire the proper forms and slant of many styles of lettering with a greater degree of ease and accuracy than can be done in any other way. This work and practice will be found valuable when begining on Brush work, as it will aid the learner to make rapid progress in off-hand lettering, and also be an ad- vantage to the more advanced student. In this number we present a rapid marking alphabet. You will notice the Shading Pens used are considerable wider than the Marking Pens you have Jseen using in former num- uers. Hold the Shading Pen exactly the same as Marking Pen (see Fig. 3, lesson 1), and be careful to keep the pen at one ang.e — see lettering. Study carefully the combination of the letters, so as to have your shading uniform. This is important. See letter H in the large letters. (First line in illustration No. 4.) Make first stroke, then cross- bar and finish with last stroke. When making letter S always begin with bottom stroke and build up, the top stroke being the last made. Pay particular attention to the make- up of these two letters as you proceed, and you will readily catch the idea for neat joining of the different parts, so as to bring them clear and distinct. This will help you in forming the other letters of this alpnabet. In the small letters note carefully the curves, length and width of each. See how the stroke "I" and the curve of "o" are combined. In making d, first make small "o." then add stroke "I" close to the right; finish b like o; h like n. Once more in regard to your inks. Shading ink should be a little thicker than the ink for marking pens, but in your practice work, if you vise ordinary manilla wrapping paper of a fairly smooth surface, the ink you have been using in former lessons will throw two shades and will work very nicely. In using paper or cardboard of a better quality, that is a hard, smooth surface, your rhading ink will have to be of the proper consistency to produce two distinct shades. If your ink does not make two distinct shades (with the Shad- ing Pen) it is too thin. In this case add a few pieces of Gum Arabic; this, when dissolved, will thicken the ink. If the ink makes broken work and does not work smooth it is too thick; to remedy this add a few drops of water and mix. When practicing always keep a glass with about halt an inch of water in same on table or desk as in lesson 1, so as to keep your pens in good working order. Number 5. In this number we have the alphabet as given in Number 3. but done with the Automatic Shading Pen. To combine the shade or flat tint in this style of lettering, careful study in the construction or make-up of each letter is very important, as success in shading pen lettering depends almost entirely upon a definite knowledge of how and when each part or stroke of the letter is made and connected. Persistent practice on the alphabet of lesson 3 will help you wonderfully in freedom of movement in the style of letter- ing we present in this lesson. Practice carefully on vertical strokes and always try to keep your work compact — not too large in beginning, but keep close to the size of copy. Get a definite idea of the strokes of the letter you intend to make before beginning. Put the pen on the paper or cardboai'd before starting the movement and stop the movement be- fore or as you raise the pen. In beginning the first stroke of second A. (large letters) draw the pen downward the length of letter, next add cross- bar Just below the center, then place pen at top or beginning of first stioke and draw horizontal stroke about half length of cross-bar and run slanting stroke to the base line — see al- phabet number 5. Note the construction of letters in first line of this illustration. When you have mastered the work of this and former num- bers you will be able to do very creditable work in either styles of lettering, such as German Text, Old English, etc. #,c< 4^^ V Ornamental Designs, Etc. For Automatic Shading and flarkiag Pen Work Corner pieces, notice the construction of the first corner piece given in illustration Number G. It is simply made up of one simple oval stroke. In Ijegin- Jiing make first stioke of small o for beginning of corner, then huish with strokes as shown in illustration. A very neat border can be made up by a continuation of this one stroke. The size of the border or center piece may be varied according to the size of pen used. Shading pens are of differ- ent sizes, from 1-16 to 7-8 inch wide. The second coiner piece is similar in construction and make up tC! that of No. 1, only the strokes are more precise in movement and require considerable practice to make parts unifoim. This second corner piece is one of the best move- ment drills that can be had to strengthen, ease, accuracy and firmnes of stroke in all styles of Automatic Shading Pen lettering. The third corner piece and following border outlines can be followed very easily. We present these illustrations simply to give an outline of this class of work. An endless variety of neat and pretty designs can be added by any one after carefully practicing the copies herewith presented. WHEAT HEAD DESIGNS. Notice the make-up of small scroll, after you have made this, take another shading pen and inseit a suitable color of shading ink in pen, (generally a light brown or pea green) for the wheat heads. In prepar- ing to make the wheat heads first reverse your pen so that it will make a mark opposite to that of general lettering — that is the heavy line or color of stroke being upward, then plate pen at small circle of scroll — see illustration — and run pen doward and finish with slight curve to the right, make four strokes of this kind, then begin above the scroll and run pen edgeways and ui)wards. and complete the finelines in the direction given in first outline, then finish as shown in second illustration. In finishing the wheat heads always begin at extreme point and work backward, enlarging a trfie at each stroke. In the last wheat design the broad flat tint stroke or background is made with a Non Shading Pen. Quiie a variety of neat scrolls, tinted backgrounds, etc., of various sizes can be rapidly made in this way and can be used in many ways for special work, such as book marks and Christ- mas cards, by inserting name in place as shown in last out- line in plate No. 6. GOLD LETTERING, for fancy initials, can be quickly and accuiately done with either Shading or Marking Pens, but with Shading Pens the ink must be in good working order to produce clean cut work. Very handsome lettering can be done by using purple shading ink, in fact any suitable color can be used if it is the proper consistency. In this class of work — first do your lettering as in the ordinary way. then in a few moments add Gold Bronze upon your paper or card- board and draw or dust the bronze over the lettering with a soft cloth or wad of cotton batting, or a clipping of plush, then when thoroughly dry dust or wipe off superfluous bronze upon another sheet of clean paper so that you may use t again. Flitters. Diamond Dust, etc., may be applied in the same way with brush or lettering pencil. Mucilage alone is a good ad- hesive and quick in drying, and holds bronze or flitters se- curely with a high gloss. You will notice that the bronze does not adhere to the tint or shade of letter, as the ink of the shading dries almost instantly after leaving the Shading Pen. In this way you have a Gold Letter with a purple or pink thickness or shade which is governer by the color of the ink used. Flocks, Bronze and Metallics can be used with Marking or Shading Pen Lettering with neat and striking results. Very pretty work can oe done with Marking Pens on curtain stuff or opaque cloth, in Bronze Lettering of various shades. When using flocks or bronzes always have your inks covered so as to keep them in good working order. For Gold and Flitter work a few drops of glvcerine added to Shading or Marking ink will be found an advantage for clean cut lettering', and have great adhesive qualities for Bronzes. Flitters, etc. Mo a. PEN LETTERING Demand for adveuising cards made with Marking and Automatic Shading Pens is on' the increase. The student who has acquired a fair degree of proficiency in this flass of ietteiing, and becomes acquainted with how great a variety of work the pen is capable of and also how much such work is admired by all will find a steady and increasing demand or various styles of Display Signs and Cards in any locality. The cards presented here for a review and suggestions embrace the alphabets that have been given in former lessons on pen lettering. CARDBOARD Common white lurdlioard, 4 ply. is the best to use for gen- eral card and ticket pen lettering. Don't use cardboard of a glazed surface or in colors for pen work unless you use white ink. Considerable time may be saved if you get the idea of the many sizes that may be cut from a full sheet, and also avoid wasie. Cardboard in large sheets measures 22x28 inches, and can be cut in small cards, any desired size, at a job printing office, or you may have it done at a tinsmith's shop by using the foot power shears, the cost will he but a trifle, if any, and you will have everything cut uniform. I will give a little outline here that may be used as a suggestion for cutting different sizes. Note the size of full card and parts. 1 ixi;-' Hnlt Size 11x11 IJvmrtiT size Kiglitll »lze 7.K11 S'/aXll Use scissors for cutting out pi ice tickets that are not of a square cut. Odd or peculiar shapes, such as triangles, circles, crescents, stats, ovals, diamonds, etc., make very tasty cards and tickets, if not made too large. A very neat and dainty calling card can be made with either shading or marking pen, and a variety of styles of finish may be made by adding bronze, me^allics, etc. Use No. 00 marking pen when a very small style of letter is desired. The specimens of show card work given in illustration Number 7 embraces a practical, every-day style of work that can be done very rapidly. Any one having mastered the two alphabets (marking and shad- ing pen) used in the make-up of these cards will have little trouble with more elaborate styles. Study carefully the nature of the shaaing pen. See that you understand what is neces- sary to produce a full stroke in lettering with clean cut shad- ing. Keep your shading ink of the right thickness. Don't get all the colors of ink you have on one card. Better use two colors with taste than half a dozen at random. Always aim for harmony and neat contrast in color when using ornamen- tation of any kind. St-ylc. r^'^ ^7% ird- (^uil-c prices. * nr 0)0 DoubU fh ^B<^2^u(-, ^ BRUSH LETTERING How to Hold the Brush The l)iush or lettering pencil should be held similar to the manner of holding an ordinary pen or lead pencil, except that the brush must be held more upright. Freedom in brush lettering is essential. For card work the arm should rest in a natural way upon the table or desk. This will allow it to roll on the fleshy part of the arm, just below the elbow. If you are not certain just where to res^t lay the hand flatly on the table so that the elbow will be about even with the edge of the table, then raise the hand slightly, opening and closing tne same will cause the muscle to raise the arm. The muscle that raises the arm is used as a pivot for the aiin to move or roll upon. By closely studying this you will have no trouble to secure a correct position. For small lettering, about one or two inches high, this position will be found very easy for rapid and even work. In larger lettering it is very often found an advantage to vary slightly from the above, but in most cases this position will answer nicely for good worn. See illu ;tration for holding the lettering pencil. Pay particular attention to the airections given and follow closely as possible. , The position at table or desk is the same as that in lettering with an ordinary pen. marking or shading pen. See illustra- tion. Hold the brush firmly bul in a natural way. I'ractice on perpendicular and horizontal strokes, then try curved out- lines and letters as presented herewith. In practicing on these be careful to maintain an even width of stroke in straight lines, ovals or entire circle. This is good practice and the foundation for success in all styles of brush lettering. In making ovals and circles of the same thickness through- out considerable practice is required to revolve the brush ta trifle at will) in the fingers, as in making "O", or to be more explicit, it is chiefly controled by the aid of the thumb. Ovals as in letter "O", etc., may be made in two downward curves (rignt and left) or in one continuous stroke. When jou can do the latter neatly without removing the brush, you have accomplished a very important movement in the make up of all styles of work. This when needed enables one lo do full and accurate work withot retouching. You will notice in tlie exercises that tlie lettering is of a tip finish. The tip or small oval cross at top and bottom should be very light line, this will add strength and finish to your lettering. The advantage in this style of alphabet is that the letters are formed by natural and rapid strokes of the brush. It is a good one to cultivate the hand to steadiness, also to get familiar wuh the working of the brush in compact form. The size of the letters may be varied by the use of large or small brushes. BRUSHES The card writer should have a variety of brushes of differ- ent sizes — not costly, but of a fair quality that will give good saL.sfaction. Many beginners make a mistake by using camel hair brushes, which do not have the required elasticity for good, rapid, clean-cut lettering. Red sable brushes, hair three-fourths inch long, are good, but expensive. Ox hair lettering pencils and brushes will fill the bill to a nicety for fine work and at a much smaller cost. An outfit for gen- eral lettering should be of different sizes, brushes that will throw a line one-sixteenth to one-half inch wide. They can be had In quills, red silk or gold thread binding, or in tin fer- rules, also In metal silver plated ferrules. For lasting qual- ities tin or plated ferrules are recommended. For the best re- sults pay particular attention to the care of your brushes. After using them in water colors clean with cold water oc- casionally before allowing them to dry. Always keep oil and water color brushes in separate places. Don't use them in a harsh way or get the idea that they are made for purpose of mixing paints. Treat them right and they will easily give justice to every stroke you make. The points of brushes should be kept straight and protected when not in use. PAINTS For general card or ticket work use either water or Japan colors. Do not use colors ground in oil for lettering on paper or cardboard. Water colors are the best to use. They are put up in small cans or jars and easily prepared for immediate use. All colors can be had in this form. "EUREKA SHOW CARD PAINT"— for plain and fancy let- tering, or "EVER READY PAINT INK" is recommended. Either of these can be had in white, black, green, blue, yellow and red. A very good and serviceable show card paint may be made by yourself. The colors usually employed are termed "Dry Water Colors.,, They can be had at any drug- gist or paint supply store. The following will make up a good assortment of colors: Vermillion, ultramarine blue, chrome yellow, lamp-black and flake white or whiting, also some good gum arable mucilage to use as a binder. Pure gum arable in is natural state is excellent when dissolved with water and will flow easier for clean and even lettering. How. ever, good mucilage will answer and is genrally used for in- dividual work. MIXING — Mix any color desired by adding enough mucilage to make it about the consistency of thick dough, add whiting or flake white to any color you wish to be of a lighter shade, then grind the same by using a pallette knife with a flexible blade, or other similar means which may be had at hand. Number 8. In place of a marble slab to rub or grind the paint on, a square piece of glass or large dinner plate makes a good substitute on which to grind colors. After mixing thoroughly to about the consistency of a thick paste, it will be ready for use. Mix eaich color as needed in the same way, and place separately in small saucers, tin cups or round tin boxes about an inch deep and two or three inches in diameter. If you use the latter don't fill them more than two-thirds full so as to keep every- thing clean and in good order. Mix up small lots at a time and see tnat your paint is thick enough for a firm and even stroke. These colors in mucilage will get hard whea set aside or not in use, but that does not matter, as water will bring it to the proper consistency in a short time. When the paint is of the right thickness and brush kept in good working order it has a tendency to grip the card or paper that you are working on, thus ii will be seen the advantage and easy con- trol of the brush in making full and even lettering. A little study here will soon show results to justify thoughtful, sys- tematic practice. To be successful in this line of work it is very essential to pay particular attention to every detail connected with each number, studying as well as practicing the outlines and construction of each letter. PRACTICE PAPER — Any paper of a smooth and firm sur- face will answer. Manilla wrapping paper of this quality will give good results. Don't use paper of a glazed surface. ^B^CDEFGtllJ KLMN0PQR5TUV WXYZ. 5cc. abccle^KijkliT\r\opqr5tuvwxy2. l£34-567890'^ BRUSH LETTERING No. 9 In this number we present a full alphabet which will be found very interesting ajid of practical value lo the card writer. In beginning, a plain letter well made is far superior to a fancy letter poorly done. If you have practiced faith- fully on the e.icercises given in Number 8 you will now be able to master this alphabet very readily. Be careful to maintain an even width of stroke in curves, straight lines, etc. This will be found good practice and the foundation for success in all styles of brush lettering. Use one color till you can do fairly good lettering. Simple forms are not only more easily and rapidly executed, but they are more easily read by the general public than ornate styles; in fact lettering that takes the most time is worth the least from a business point of view — especially for temporary sign work, show cards, etc. When lettering dip paint often and sparingly. The practice paper is placed straignt with the edge of the table or desk; line of lettering may be varied from six to eighteen inches from edge of table. Be content to letter slowly at first and then to increase speed, which will follow very rapidly. Practice free-hand light line circles and ovals. By con- tinuing to do this with a brush charged with color you will find very little difficulty in making a circle or oval true enough for all practical purposes. In fact you will very soon be able to run a full circle or oval so correct that it would be difficult to tell where you finished. Hold the brush in a natural way, yet firmly, aiming to be sure of the form of the letter you are about to make, but not overly anxious. It is possible to grip the brush or lettering pencil too firmly, which is often the result of over-anxiety or nervousness. Be sure you have the correct idea of the position or manner of holding the brush. The student who is trying to attain perfection in brush let- tering will find it of great importance to thoroughly master this alphabet. After proficiency in this has been gained the foundation is laid and all styles of lettering will come easily, for in these are found nearly all the lines of strokes from which other alphabets are- formed, and by a thorough knowl- edge of their forms we can more easily distinguish whatever variations may occur in the make up of other styles of letter- ing. Be careful to have your brushes and paints in good working order and make up your mind you are going" to be a leader in this kind of work and you will win. Look backward, ex- amine your work critically and if you find it defective, it would be time saved in the end if you return and practice faithfully on the particular stroke or letter that seems to be difficult. Use enough speed to insure smooth lines and graceful forms, but don't hurry. Now is the time to learn, not after you have other things to think about. Be sure to practice on one size until you have it thoroughly mastered, then increase or decrease their size uniformerly Number 10. r23/|><5O7»90 '^ 1^ /■ m in order that you may develop confidence in your al)ility to make each stroke in harmony, be the letters of any desired size. Take B or D as the gauge by which to determine the gen- eral width of most letters. Pay attention to a few general rules, as follows: The first strokes of E and F are precisely the same. MaKe the top stem of F as long as E. AJways have the middle stem of E and F a little above the center. Make the first stroke of G e.xactly like C, but a little wider, so as to allow for short perpendicular stroke and horizontal curve finish. Make H almost the same width as D. The bottom of K .should be wider than top; lei the second stroke strike the perpendicular stroke a little below the center and have the bottom slant stroke strike the upper slant, as shown in illustration. The lest are all easy when you have mastered thi^ alphabet so far. Note the small figures; these show the Older of how the different parts go together to make up a complete letter. The lower case or small letters given in the illustration will be found interesting, as a tew simple strokes make up the set. If these are followed faithfully the learner, in a short time, will be able to foi m letters free hand without a ruler, compass or any other guide, except the eye. Spacing should be determined by the form of the letters. As a general rule make the spacing between open or curved letters narrower than between full letters. If the letters are full at the bot- tom, let the space at the bottom govern. BRUSH WORK. Number 10. Making good figures is no more a gift than is good reading, grammar or any other attainment, and in the same way it is and can be acquired, viz.: by patient and studious effort. Rapid lettering, figures, etc., is just as much a subject for study and thought as any other branch of education. Study must, however, be united with practice. The correct form and construction of general lettering and figures must be learned by study, while practice must give the manual dexterity for its easy and graceful e.'ieeution. Many persons fail in this line of work from not properly uniting study and practice. Careful study with too little practice will give work com- paiatively accurate in its foim and manner of constructiorj but labored, stiff and awkward in its execution, while upon the other hand much practice with little study imparts a more easy and flowing movement, but with less accuracy as re- gards to form and general proportion, which will commonly have a lose and sprawly appearance. To make these figures easy the fiist requisite is a knowledge of form. The next and most important essential is skill with the lettering pencil, which only comes by proper effort, re- peated. In beginning first take up the component parts of pach as numbered in small figures in illustration. Practice on these until you can make each one any time of the day without preliminary practice. Review instruction given in Number 11. G-oods Thai Navcr \r - ^ /TashiQr\abIe r tSMm \/ ^ Special Sale 23i ®^S ' quality Is tKe [sgssward Iylilli^f7 former numbers. Pay close attention to a few general rules while at work; that the brush and lettering pencil, arms and practice paper are in proper position, also freedom of stroke and steadiness or control of motion by the grip of brush upon the surface when lettering. (This is quite evident when paint is in good working order.) Show Card Paints of the right consistency will always work free and make a solid and even stroke. Be careful not to go any faster than the work can be done well. Practice patiently and earnestly until a poor figure is an exception, not the rule. The slanting figures given in illustration can be used to good advantage in all styles of card and ticket work, and when mastered becomes a general favorite. BRU5H LETTERING. Number 11. In this number we present a variety of show cards and price ticlvets. made up of the alphabet and figures given in former numbers. This style of alphabet can be made very rapid in any size desired. The size of show cards depend more on the surroundings than on the amount of lettering they contain. Cards, something on the order of "Goods That Never Vary," in illustration, should not De larger than 14x22 inches. In this size and about the same wording use a brush that will throw a line one-half inch wide. The same composition on a card 11x14 inches, or even less, may be made strong and prominent with a smaller brush or lettering pencil. The tip finish — Small horizontal curve at top and bottom ol letters will add strength to lettering of this style. This can be neatly done when you have the lettering pencil worked down to a chisel point, as when finishing a word, or when paint is about all used in the pencil. Care should be taken so as not to have too much paint on brush when adding this light curve Stroke. Price cards may be made any style or shape with good results, 'lo cut out novel designs, first outline a pattern the desired shape and cut it true with scissors or sharp knife for a pauern in future use. Square cards may be made very neat with either a plain border line or simple scroll. In the illustration we give a few scroll outlines which may be used to good advantage. An endless variety of neat and novel designs can ne used in the make up of display sigrns, window cards, etc. 26 KLMN#PQRSTU V W \\Z. &a abcdel^KiJklnvrvopqrs BRUSH WORK. Number 12. If you have practiced faithfully on the alphabet given in i\ umbers 8 and 9 you will now be able to master this number very readily. In this style of alphabet outline a letter complete with No. 1 lettering pencil before filling in. Be careful not to gee the light lines or joinings too heavy as this will have a tendency to make your work appear heavy and clumsy. Note the form and make up of open letters in illustration Number 12. The small figures show the order in which each letter is made. Make the upper part of B smaller than the bottom. The bottom stem of E a little larger than the .top stem. G Is the same as C, but a little wider, so as to allow for G finish. Make the bottom part of K as wide as bottom of A. Let the slant line of K that forms the lap, strike the perpendicular stroke, a little below the center. First stroke of X and figure & should slant more to the left than the first stroke of either V or W. For general proportion of letters read Number 9 and study the width and form of principal letters. Always have your letering pencils or brushes in good working order before charging with color. Aim at all times to practice thought- fully and with a view of improving each and every form. The small or lower case letters should be about two-thirds the height of large letters, and the extended letters as in b, d, f, h, k, 1, to run as high as the capitals. The size of letters iti this alphabet may be varied for any kind of work, and look well when in proportion. 28 AB»EFGHIJ abedef^hij kl mnopq vsinxwx^z. BRUSH LETTERING. Number 13. The alphabet presented in this number will be found very useful and practical in many styles of work. To make these letters easily the first requisite is a knowledge of form. The next and most important essential is skill, which only comes by proper effort, repeated. Letters made up of light, curved lines are generally con- sidered the most difficult. For the beginner it is advisible to sketch or outline ihe different characters with a pencil, until you are thoroughly familiar with the construction of each letter. Use head and base pencil lines and outline treely, depend more upon the eye for seeing and the hand for doing. Then, for further practice, fill in and finish with brush. The size of brush will depend upon the size of your lettering. .\lways keep on the lookout for improvement; close observa- tion will assist you wonderfully. There are a few stereotyped rules that one must bear in mind while at work; of course being careful always not to allow the rules to interfere with his own originality. These rules are so commonly known thai we simply call attention to a few of them, ruch as position of paper or cardboard. noldiug the brush, freedom of stroke, proper working of the muscles of the arm when resting on table, the steadiness o» control of motion by the grip of brush upon the surface when lettering. (This is quite evident when paint is in good work- nig order.) Brushes in good working order always befora charging with color. Paint well prepared and in thick liquid form. The rough or broken parts of lettering, or brush getting a "twist" and seem dead, as in turning up on the ends, show that some of these rules are neglected. Right at this point find out wiiere you are deficient before going any further; it will be to your advantage to get familiar with every detail. It doesn't pay for a person to study who does not think. Aim at all times to practice thoughtfully and with a view of im- proving each and every form. This will mean effort, but it is only through repeated attempts that good work is possible. The curved lines in forming letters as given in C and D, in Plate 13, are easily made and showy, especially in larger copies. Very showy work can be done by outlining the letters as given with a small brush, with black paint and filling in the body witn a light pea green or orange color. Your work may be considerable larger than the copies presented. For outlining the figures given in illustration see Number 10. The same bases is used in forming all figures. Variety of ourvcHl lines may be added to suit individual taste. :iO Number 14. alKdcfa^bijkln)popqr5tiivtt^x^z. BRUSH LETTERING. Number 14. The alphabet presented in Plate 14 is plain in reading qual- ities, unique in appearance and has a decided advantage over many different fancy letters. For advertising signs and special Uniform and free movement is the foundation for success in this style of lettering. Practice on broad strokes as in the latter part of capital A. This, you will notice, is one of the principal sti'okes in ths alphabet. Notice the many letters that this stroke is used in. The strokes should be made with a slow and uniform speed to enable one to use taste and good judgment. Learn to raise the brush and replace it skillfully when outlining letters with Number 1 lettering pencil — see V and M in last line of illustration. At first no attempt should be made at speed. The oval letters, C. G, O, Q, will be easily mastered, as they are something of the style of those in Number 12. The lower case letters will be foimd interesting, when the different parts are understood and the simplicity of putting them together. This style is more rapid in execution than generally belived by those not familiar with the foundation of the component pails. You will notice this latter stroke is used in the second stroke of small letters, b, h, m, n, o, p, v and w, also notice the first stroke of o, is used in c, d, e, g, o, q and v. Very speedy and accurate work in this style may be done if you keep your brush in good shape. Always try to keep the point of brush something of a wedge shape, or like that of a screw driver, The flat sides of the brush should be drawn over the edge of the scaucer, tin cup, or any paint receptacle used, so as to free it from superfluous paint. Reverse brush often, this keeps it from twisting. If you fi.nd difficulty in getting a neat curve or stroke for small letters, as in o, e, top and bottom strokes of S, take a marking pen of a good size and practice on these strokes merely to get the correct idea of form and movement. Notice first stroke of small o, this can be made very quickly with a pen also the second by beginning at the point of the first, the pen resting full width above same in an oblique direction, then draw the same down to meet the upper right hand point of stroke at base. In this style of lettering success depends largely on a close study of form and the working of tne paint and brush. Keep your brush in good working order so that it will be sensative in touch and throw a smooth line. Study and careful manage- ment of same will enable you to do very accurate work — ■ almost as true in outline of curves and strokes as that made with a broad marking pen. 32 'Z uee (iM-Jnij^ BRUSH LETTERING. Number 15. Script lettering will always be admired by the public, and in many cases prefered by business men for neat window signs and special advertising worli. The alphabet herewith presented is given more tor the practical than the artistic, but at the same time the instruction in regard to the general make up will be found valuable to all who wish a substantial basis or system to work from for the ornamental. As can be plainly seen the forms are much unlike those in ordinary writ- ing, being made heavy in many respects, so as to be used for rapid brush work. The stem stroke used in first part of cap- ital A is one of the most important characters, note the heavy base curve. This is considered to be easier in execu- tion for the beginner and more prominent for practical show card work than the oval finish or graceful line. The letters given do not look so well as they will in sign work. Here, they are rather crowded. A script sign should never be cramped, or lack for space in the least, in order to give the capitals a free and bold swing. Quite graceful and artistic work may be made by modifying tnis style. As it is, they are given more to illustrate a method of easy construction and a style of practical, everyday work. In beginning use a smaller brush than that used in ordinary lettering, with hair somewhat longer, one that will throw a line one-eight inch or less. Make your work larger tnan the copy presented — ■ twice or thre times the size. Outlining, something of the order given in lower line of Number 15, will be good practice and a substantial way to get familiar with this style of lettering. Some of the ovals will be difficult in the begining to execute without showing nervous kinks, but this can be overcome by earnest, systematic piactire. Ease in execution will do more toward making your letters smooth and full than anything else. When you can make either in good foim and the stem character as in A and B you have this alphabet well under control. Lowar Case Letters.. The quick mastei-y of the small letters depend entirely upon the degree of skill reached in making an oval as outlined in lower line of illustration, as in o. the same principal is used in making c, by adding slight turn of stroke as shown, also notice p in dotted outline. In making letter ■; liisc i: al.o ■, th' u stand outline i c'ose t i M-e right. For d use the same form and extend the i stroke up- ward to the height of letter t, as indicated by dotted lines. Letter h, loop letters are simple when you begin right; note the initial stroke for h loop (beginning at base) the same as when making loop for 1, b, k. By studying the dotted out- lines for main body of h and 1 the forms of each can be made quite accurately. In the alphabet you will notice these letters in both styles — loop and solid stroke, either way may be used, that depends on one's fancy. Finsh h like n. b like v. Note the construction of u and w, in lower line, for u begin at base line and run curve stroke to the top as shown, then short hori- zontal stroke, then a straight oblique line to base with curve at bottom and ascend to top again and finish same as first part. Study the different parts in the order in which they are made and you will have little trouble in making rapid progress and at the same time often be surprised with the accuracy and simplicity of doing this work off hand, which to many is laborious and discouraging when not acquainted with a proper method. Also notice the stem strokes of capitals in lower line, the first for heavy base curve, tne second for oval finish, either style can be made very neat in large lettering, such as window work or advertising signs. From this on keep the mind on speed and increase it as form and movement control will permit. BRUSH LETTERING Number lU. There is no other advertising as cheap, and at the same time as effective as Show Cards. Large business firms recog- nize the efficiency of display signs and tickets in advertising and drawing attention to goods displayed throughout the store. Show cards are of several kinds. There is the show card of a permanent character and the temporary show card — that which is generally used for special sales, openings, etc. For permanent cards, considerable care should be taken in the preparation and wording, while the temporary card merely calls for "something neat and quick." A few specimens are given in the illustration that will be of interest to the beginner in brush lettering. These are made up of the alphabets given in former numbers and will give you an opportunity to review your work in a practical way. Common paper will answer for practice on these outlines. For card work use the same quality of card board as ad- visea for pen lettering, only that it be 6 or 8 ply. The thick- ness or cardboard is generally governed by the size of the sign you wish to have. For a full size card, 22x28, 8 ply would be required so that it would stand up in good shape. Smaller cards may be of lighter grade. For lettering use black or one color until you can do a fairly good joh. Be careful in using colors. Don't make a red letter and shade it with blue, or vice versa. Don't use a variety of colors or a different color for each letter of a word you waul to liiiuK out iiromiuenl. Don't make the upper half of a letter red and the bottom blue; if you do you are going to produce a card that is hard to read and lacks taste. If you are fixing up a display and want to use "red, white and blue," take white cardboard and run parallel stripes of red and biue (equal space between these tor white), either veitical or horizontal. Do this with a flat brush that will throw broad stripes the width you desire at one stroke, and paint the wording' in black. A number of these cards neately arranged in design will make a very effective showing. In show card writing remember that colors show their orig- inal and true strength when used on a white surface. Red painted on blue will have a pronounced purple shade, while blue on yeilow will show up green, and so on, the background color modifying the other in every case, except, of course, l)la( k. Black looks well on almost any color. ■Very pretty and effective show card embellishments can be made by the use of pictures taken frorb your trade journal, daily papers and other publications. See card "High-Class Clothing," in Illustration No. 16. When these are cut out. true in outline, and pasted on a card with suitable wording, they make very attractive show cards. Pictures relating to almost every line of merchandise can be used with good effect, and if properly done will give every evidence of being a part of the entire card, made ex- pressly for the occasion. Large pictures can be used in the same way. and when finished will make an up-to-date poster. There is no end to the variety of work that can be done in this way. and at the same time at a trilling cost. When you select a picture for this worlc cut it out neatly — that is, fol- low tne outline of entire illustration, then you give the back of same a thin and even coat of mucilage, and place it exactly where you want it on the card. Now, place a sheet of blotting paper over it, so that you may press it firmly to the card. Any muci age that may appear around the edges of picture use blotting paper to absorb it. At this point always use white blotting paper or a clean rag so as to make a clean finish. By a liitle practice you will be able to produce some very novel designs in this way. The fewer the words on a show card the better it will be as a rule. Show cards are sometimes more effective with edge lines or borders, and sometimes are better without them. A card with lettering of uniform size and considerable space outside of lettering will present a neat and tidy appearance without margin lines. When the lettering varies in size and the spaces between lines are not uniform, a line run about an inch from the edge of card will make it appear more com- pact, and generally add to its appearance. Run narrow border lines with ordinary lettering brush or striper. When a very broad border is desired flat brushes can be used to good advantage. Have your paint in good working order, so that it will throw a stroke same thickness throughout the length anu width of card. In making wheat heads, as shown on card "Advanced Styles, A ^uperb Selection." this may be done with either brush or Shading hen. For outline in pen work see Plate No. G. Turn the card so that each stem or wheat head will be in proper position as you finish each. To get a natural appearance for wheat use brown ink, light shade, or if a light, delicate green is desired, add about two drops of green ink to a half ounce bottle of light brown. This will make a very pretty shade. Always aim for harmony and neat contrast in color when using ornamentation of any kind. For an easy method of forming letters see the above illustration. PAINTS It is not necessary that the card writer should carry in stock many different kinds of colors, tints, etc. If he is ac- quainted with how to mix them so as to produce different tints, all that he needs besides black and white, are the three primaries — red. yellow and blue. A knowledge of harmony in colors consists in knowing how to unite extremes of light and shadow by the use of intermediate tones that wMU subdue the harsh effect of the use of opposites. If colors are used properly they may be bright and clear, but still be in harmony. To do this the learner should be thoroughly acquainted, both with all the different mixtures and contrasts, and above all, the complement of each. A contrast is effected by placing two colors that are opposite to each other in effect, and to harmonize them is knowing what color to use to tone them down. It would be a difficult matter to give you a table of tints that could be altogether relied upon, on account of the different degrees of strength of the various colors, but the following will give a practical basis from which to work, and extensive enough for the general use of the practical card and sign writer who is in constant demand for various styles of work: Lemon — White and yellow. Buff — WJiite, black and yellow. Orange-^Red, blue and white. Purple — Blue, white and red. Olive — Green, yellow, black and white. Chocolate — Black, red and white. Rose — Yellow, white and red. W.Pr.d'T Several styles of ornaments may be used in connection with alphabets No. 12 and 13, they will admit of many modifications, both in construction and finish. In fact, there is no limit to invention and improvement to display lettering. Notice the above illustration. Taking any of these letters as a basis, the student can easily make a complete alphabet. In doing so be careful to preserve, as nearly as possible, the same features in every letter. Some very neat initials can be made in this manner by simply changing a line, shadow or part of the letter. This is a splendid method of practice, as it gives facility of hand in drawing and shows in what a variety of styles of finish any alphabet may be used. Care must be taken in any kind of finish in order that it may be uniform and harmonious. Don't use two styles of ornament or finish on one card, unless It be for initials only. Follow the rule, "What is done to one part of a letter should be done to the corresponding parts of all the letters in the line." 2000 Advertising Phrases for Show Cards, Posters, etc. Alike in Quality, Different in Detail. A Beautiful assortment at prices away below tlie Regular. A Glorious money-saving Opportunity. After these are gone, no more; Its just changing money. Always make excellent Holiday Gifts. Always acceptable and always the Best. A select ime and new Styles. A Style to Fit Every Fancy. A Great Truth Quickly Told. A Business Proposition Pure and Simple, Attractions Abundant. An Appeal to Your Taste. An August Opportunity, A Corner on Good Things. A Gold Mine of Goodness. An Easy Shoe at an Easy Price. An Old Favorite at a New FYice. A Tempting Price on Tempting Goods, A Small Allowance Goes a Great Way. A Sale Today and a Friend Tomorrow. A Limited Number. But an TTnlimited Value, A Breezy Bargain. A Great Clearance. A Furniture Furor. A Satisfactory Article. At Rock-bottom Prices. A Summer Satisfaction. All Merchants Trust Some, We Trust You. A Good Stock is an Education of the Customer. A Business Maker. Appeal to Your Taste. A Top Notch Creation. An Argument for Early Buying. A Combination of Good Points. A New Season With New Goods. A Thought for You and a Thought for Ourselves. A Business Developer. A Forcast for Christmas. A Last Chance at a Good Thing. A square Deal for a Round Dollar. A i-rice that Gladdens the Careful Buyer. A Margin of Profit and a Portion of Pleasure. As to Values, None Do or Can Give Better. A Big Winner. A Perfect Finish. A Quick Seller. A Shoe "That Fits the Foot and Feasts the Eye." A Leader for Spring. A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned. A Lady Wants Elegance, Symmetry and Comfort in Her Summer Shoes. At Last! Perfection and Comfort for the Feet. A Thoroughly High Grade Shoe of Unusual Merit at a Sensible Price. All New Shapes. A Shoe of Quality. , A B C of Economy. A Pleasure and Comfort to the Wearer. A Fur Snap for a Cold Snap. An Assured Success. "Always at Your Call." An Opportunity to Supply Everyday Wants at a Tidy Saving in the Prices. Alive to Ever Cha.nging Demands of the Moment. A BIG oLAIM, and a Big Fact A Bounteous Feast of Thanksgiving Bargains. Another Wonder Sale. A High Tribute. Absolutely Pure. An Advantage Over Any Other Ladies' Shoe Now Made. An Inspection is All We Ask. Abreast the Times. An unquestioned Value. Artistic and Complete. Advantages Given to a Customer Always Repays Us. All Otir Time is at Your Service. A Full Stock Makes the Store Attractive. All That You Want We Pi-ovide as You Want It. A Much Talked of Store. A Greater Variety of Other Styles. Attractive Neckwear, New Effects. A New Proposition. Artistic Tailoring. Ask for Them, Get Them, Wear Them. A Style Very Becoming. A Dainty Christmas Gift. All Wool, Luxurious, Snug, Pretty and Comfortable. A Great Offer for the Month. A Choice Gift. A Sensible Gift for Your Family or Friend. A Trade Treaty. All Records Broken. A Chance for Comfort and Economy. A Strong Statement, But a Straight Fact. Anybody Would Think They Cost You Double. Attention Inviters. A Day For You to Buy, A Touch of Fall Fashion. A Warm Thing for a Frosty Day. A Small Profit on a Large Scale A Forced Value. A Double Value. A Thanks Offering. ALL Vv^e Want is Business. 41 A Bit of Holiday Splendor. A Thought for the Thankful. A Store Feature. A Poor Article is No Bargain at Any Price. Any Time is a Good Time — Now is the Accepted Time. All Thai's Latest, All That's Good. A Style to Fit Every Fancy. A Royal Time for Those 'Wlio Need Clothing. A Mid-Week Bargain Trip for Wide-Awake Shoppers. Attend the Big Convention at Our Bargain Notion Counter Tomorrow. An Ounce of Underwear is Worth a Pound of Medicine. As the Days Lengthen, the Bargains Strengthen. A Treat for Winter — A Feast of Overcoats and Suits. A WHIRLWIND of Bargains in Dress Goods this Week. ALWAYS WINNING Trade by Deserving It. As Usual, We Are Right in Front with New Goods. As to Prices — Well, These Few Will Give a Fair Idea. A Good One — None Better — Few as Good. An Occasion of Importance to All. A Series of Sensational Bargain Events. All Our Energies — All Our Facilities, Turn to Your Profit. A Store with New Methods. A Big Stock with Little Prices. A Word Lo the Y's Sufficient — Your Trade is Desired. At This Sale He Buys Best Who Buys First. After the Drought Follows a Flood of Low Prices on Dry Goods. NOTE THESE. Anything That Makes Buying Easy for You Makes Selling Easy for Us. An Indespensable Autumn Possession — An Umbrella. All That's Good in Groceries is Found in Abundance Here. An Opportunity. Although We Take Off All Our Profit and Give It to You We Do Not Take Off a Pin Point of Our Responsibility for Perfect Satisfaction. "A Look In," Then a "Try On." and the Result Will Be You'll Walk Out Well Pleased with One of These Crown Brand L>erbies. An Ounce of Perfection Taken in Time .Will Stave Off Many Annoyances. As the Weather Gets Warmer Your Wants Multiply and Ou. Stock Keeps Pace. A New Shoe That Look Like a Walking Shoe, Does the Work of a Bicycle Shoe, Gives the Comfort of an Old Shoe. Only $3.00. A Budget of Prices. A Sale to Stimulate Trade. A Blaze of bargains. All Our Clothing is as Good as It Looks. An Underselling Sale of Summer Underwear. All the Pretty Portieres that Find Favor with the People of Taste. A Collection of Portieres that Rival All Efforts for Quality, Beauty and Piice. As It Comes to Us, So It Goes to You — At a Bargain. A Few Weeks in Colorado Next Summer Will Do You More Good Than a Barrel of Medicine. Absolute Accuracy is an Absolute Certainty if You Have Your Piescriptions Compounded Here. A Life Insurance Policy Taltes Care of You iu Case You Live anu Provides for Your Policy in Case You Die. Another Dip in Prices. A Leaner in Headgear. A Soft Toucti on the Contents of lOur Purse. An Avalanche of Beauty. A Prescription for a Languishing Counter. A China Chance. As Rare as the Prices We Give Them. A Store Where Conudence Dwells Eternal. A Mere Suggestion Often Aids a Purchaser. A Mint of Hints. A Harvest of Furniture Fancies. And the Greatest of All is Ours. A LitUe Nonsense is Like Our Product — Relished by the Best of Men. A J.' ew v\''ords. but They Mean Everything. A Profitable Loss — Turning These to Money. A Dull Thud in Prices Makes a Lively Week in Our Trade. An Overworked Dollar. A Practical Demonstration of Our Ability to Distance Com- petition. "As Y'ou Like It" — Almost anything We Sell You. A Cut to the Heart — A Tragedy in Prices. A Great Feature of a Great Sale. An Epoch in the History of a Great Store. A Forwai'd Step. A Conquest of Art in Hats. A Flower of Fashion. A Plea for Good Clothing. A Cut from a Friend or a Knife Will Hurt, but Our Cut Glass Will Please You. An Actual Visible Advancement. A Right Quality and a Right Price. A Bargain That's a Credit to the World. A Mighty Movement in Kxcellent Goods. A Timely Tip. A Story Worth Telling. All We Ask is Comparison. An Important Consideration. A Busy Corner in a Busy Store. A Bristling Armament of Bargains. A Great Shock to the Folks Who Claim to Undersell Every- body Else. A Friendly Tip. All Our Goods Are Choice. A Small Saving on Each Article. An Honest Word of Honest Goods. All People Who Buy Want the Best A Vesting Investment. A Trial Proves the Worth. A Medley of Merit. A Trumpet Call for Bargain Seekers. A Policy Whose Alphabet Spells Success. A Revelation in Delightful Cookery. A Deposit Required on all Orders. All Kinds of Repairing Neatly Done. All Kinds of Hair Work to Order. A Collection That Leaves No Wish iu the Line Unsatisfied. Alluring ^^dvantages. 43 A Winuing PiopositioiL Any Time is a Good — Now is the Accepted Time. All That s Latest. All That's Good, Accept No Apology — Allow No Excuses. A.. Flow. No Ebb. An Era of Economy. All Yours at Your Price. A Mere fromise Gets These. .antique Finish, but Modern Prices. A Full Value for an Empty Pocke.„ook. Advanced Styles Without Advanced Prices. A Single Fact Outweighs a Thousand Claims. .\iway.-> Think Before You Act. but Don't Think Too Long. \ Halo of Satisfaction. A Willing Mind Makes a Light Foot. A Banquet Feast of Bargain Splendors. A Little Higher in Price, but Cheaper in the End. An in Cutting. Skill in Making. A Stock to Delight i-.e Home-Maker. A Happy Combination of Style. Grace and Foot-Ease. .■\rl Tailoring Our Specialty. \ Wonder at the Price. .\ Marvel in Quality. A Rare Bargain at Our Special Price. Ain't They Fine. Another Opportunity. Always After You- — Here We Are. .\ Lot of Beauty for a Low Price. A Purchase Made Now Will Save Worry Xmas Eve. B Bicycle Suits — Perfection in Fit and Finish. Baby's Vvants Have Our Special care. Bargains That Will Bring You Back Again and Again. Blow-on-Your-Fingers Weather is Coming. So Be Overcoat Wise. Brimful of Bargains from Far and Near. Benefit oi! Bigness. Better Save While You Can. Better Than Ever Before. Bargains — Not Remnants. Balance the Goods with the Price. Buy by Comparison. We Do; Every Expert Does. Bought in Enormous Quantities for Spot Cash, Offered to You at Half P*rice. Best Goods — Least to Pay — Cash or Credit — Either Way. Business is Under Bargain Pressure Here. Best in Stock. Best in Style. Below Cosi, Sometimes; Below Value Always. Buy Right Here and Right. BEST THERE IS. That's the Certainty to Customers in Our Store. BREAK THE NEWS TO MOTHER. Tell Her That She Takes No Risk Here. Bargains to Make the Eyes Sparkle. BARGAINS BECKON YOU. The Best Possible for the Least Possible. Brilliancy, Elasticity and Durability. Be Sure of Your Fooling. Thou Go Ahead. Best iu the Market. Bright Things for Dull Days. Buying will Be Lively — Get Here Early. Bargains That Cannot Be Repeated. Business Revival. Better Times Means Better Goods. Business Builders. Briefly Told — Quickly Sold. Book-Lovers Find Our Place a Perfect Paradise. Better Credit Bargains Than Others Ask Cash For. Buyers -usily Buying Big Bargains. Better Goods. Same Money — Same Goods, Less Money. Be Fair to Yourself. liusijiess Suits at Business Prices. Best Leaves No Boom for Improvement. Books for the Holidays. Barely Aole to Hang On is the Deaier Who Persist in Cling- ing to Old Methods. Business is Balky, hut Under the Spur of Necessity it Wil? Move at Its Accustomed Pace. Big Results from Small Beginnings is the Only Name for the Kind of Investment We Offer. Beacon Lights for Buyers. Beautiful Thoughts in Beautiful Books. Buy if You Like — Looking Means No Obligation to Buy Be in the Swim. "Bring Your Small Change." Big Bargains in Bristle Goods. Balance the Goods with the Price. Big Values Hitched to Small Prices. Be in the Lead — Don't Follow the Style. Better and Better. -est Goods Are Easiest Sold. "Bargains" Are Uncertainties, -beautiful Effects from Beautiful Goods. Best Made for Best Trade. "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them." Boarding By Day or Week. Beauty, Ease and Service. Bright bus Stirred Up. Big Store Filled with Little Prices. Broken Sets at Broken Prices. Bigger, Brighter. Better Bargains. Buy Here and Save Money. Best Butter in the Market. Because They Fit Well, They Wear Well. Buying Right Saves Loss. Big Prices Are on Vacation. Bottom Prices on Top. Busy? We're Always Busy. Bought at a Bargain and the Prices Made by Us. Be Wise in Time; It's Ever So Much Belter. Best Investment You Ever Made, argains ^.lat Stir Up Business. Better Buy Early. Bright and Right. Buy and Own a. Good One. Beautiful and Different. Choosing is at Its Best Now. Come and Profit, Buy and Rejoice. Come and Get Posted as to What's Going to Be Worn am: What Looks Well on You. Credit for Those Who Ask It. <.^ool Things for Hot Days. Choose Wisely by Choosing Here. Comfort for You and Your Pocket Book. Good Profits for Warm Customers on Hot Days. Correct Things tor Just Now. Closing Values at Eye-Opening Prices. Chi istmas Prices Encourage Christmas Giving. Count on Getting Satisfaction at Our Counters. "Clean Up" Sale of Crockery. Cleanlines is Our Strong Point. Cash or Easy Payments — To Suit Your Convenience. Correct Shapes and Colors. Credit at Cash Prices to All Who Are Correct. Come Again and Gain Again. Come and Let Us Suit and Overcoat You. Clearance Sale That Clears Quickly. Cannot Be Duplicated Anywhere Else. Cheaper to Buy Shoes at This Sale xuan to - cty Doctor bills. Cheering News to Close Buyers. Comfort, Economy, Attractiveness. Chances Are Golden in the Rebuilding Sale. Common Prices, but Uncommon Valuer. Convince Yourself. Cash Buying is a Benefit. Come for Them, They'll Please You. Calf Lined, Double Sole to the Heel. Come Back Tomorrow for What You Have Forgotten To- day. Cannot et Out of Order. Cash is King. Cash is Economy. Crowd-Drawing Prices. Compar.son Price Sale. Contiued Underselling. Coats Come and Coats Go, but (he Swallowtail Never Takes Wing. Come in and Look Around, That's What This Store is for. ^ome for any Good Sort. Character and Exclusiveness of Design. Clothing Prices That Defy Competition. Clothing is Cheeper for a Healthy Boy Than Doctor's Bills for a Sick One. Cost is Trifling Ccmpareu to Its Real Worth. Christmas Dolls, They're Here — A ^ig Family of Them. v-ut. Made, Trimmed and Finished equal to Most "Made to Oi Jer Suits" and superior to many. Contrary to WTiat Anyone May Say a Man is judged by His Clothes. Clean, Brignt, Fresh Goods. Comfort Cloths for Hot Weather — Prices Just as Light as the Goods. Combination That Unlocks the Pocket Book. 46 Ohips Are Still Flying From the Original Prices. Cross the Street First, Then Come Here. Cash Prices on Cash-Bought Goods. Correcc Effects Are Not Accidental. Cheapest Place in Town. Cleaning. Dying and Repairing. Commoji Sense Heels. Extension Soles and Goodyear Welt. Cash is the Axle Grease of Business. Clutch the Mighty Dollar. Certain Elegance Yoked to Sensible Economy. Cotton Goods at Cotton Goods Prices. Come-Back-Again Trade-Makers. Consistency is the Gem of Business Philosophy. Can You Resist These? Convincing Facts of Convincing Goods. Consistency is the Gem of AJl Business Propositions. Credit Business at Cash Prices. Complete Conceptions of Styles. Commence the New Year Right. Trim Over a New Leaf. If You Are Not Already One of Our Customers Commence Now. Y'ou Never Had a Better Chance to Save Money. "Cold Wave" Coal. Cut Glass- — Rich and Rare. Comfort at Any Price. Chilly Winter Winds Cannot Keep the People Away from Our Tremendous Sale, Cigars to Burn. You Jiihjoy the Burning. Cooking Comfort at Small Cost. Calculated to Take Your Breath Away, credit Denied to None — Offered to All. Confidence Begits Credit. Credit Creates Prosperity. Comparison and Calculations Concerning Cash- and Credit. Count It Good If Sells It. Come and See Them Anyway. Curtains Very Heavily Apliqued in Beautiful Scroll and Flowered Effects. Compare Our Prices ana Be Convinced. Cause for Pleasure. Costs Less Than It Should. Certainty of Suiting You. Costs You Nothing to Come In. Come in and Say What You Think. CorrectfuUy Cut and Skillfully Tailored. D Diamonds and Precious Stones. Dress and Elegance. Distinctive, Uncommon, jjoor of Real Economy. Don't Decide Until Y'ou Are Ready. Doing Right is Our Best Capital. Don't Wait Too Long. Don't i ass Us By; Give Us a Try. Dull Times Have Something to Do with the Keenness of These Bargains. During _ estival Week Come to Our Feast of Fat Bargains. Direct Appeal to Common Sense. Durability Guaranteed. Distinctive in Design. 47 Don t Hesitate; Now is the Time. Don't Wait, This is Your Best Chance. Don't Buy What You Don't Need. Don't Wait Until the Best is Gone. Don't Be Deaf or Blind. Dull Months Turned to Busy Ones. Dainty Shoes tor Little Girls and Misses. Don't Allow the Nicest Things to Slip Away from You Without Seeing Them. Come in. Do You want the Best for the Least Money. Do You Like Blunt Truth or Fairy btories. Don't Drink in .\11 the "Bargain" Nonsense You Hear Now- adays. Digging for Dollars is What Everybody is Doing. Dollars in Merchandise for Dimes in Cash. Don't You Wish to See the Nicest Line of Dress Goods Ever Brought to This Market? Don't Worry About the Fit, We Attend to That. Double-Quick or Quicker, if You Get Any of These. Doing Beats Promising. Don t Let Cigars Get the Best of You; Get the Best of cgars. Dollars of Value for Dimes in Cash. Don't Look Wise and Make a Fool of Yourself. Double Duty of Dolars. Deliciousness for Those Who Love Good Things. Does Money Saving Mean Anything? Dollar's Worth for Dollar Spent. Dress MaKing and Plain Sewing. Don't Forget the Little Folks at Home. Drive Slow, Whip Lightly, Cash Up or No Go. Daydawn for Careful Buyers. Dollars Will Do Much. Every Dependable and Desirable Kind of MerchanJise, Elegantly Lined, Fashionably Cut. Exquisitely Tailored Suits. Every Fancy Can Be Pleased. Everything ihat Necessity, Comfort and Style Demands. liye-Openers in Necessities. Eager Buyers' Opportunity. Exciting and Startling Sale. Eclipsing Every Earlier EJffort. Events of Money-Saving Importance. Every Item Will Interest. Every Expenditure a Saving. Eye Satisfaction — Foot Comfort. Every Cent Spent Gets Full Value. Enough for All. Endless Bargains, jiimphatic Bargains. Extraordinary Values. Elegant, and Yet Economical. Every Taste and Evevy Purse Finds Satisfaction Here. Economy Isn't Always Wealth When it Comes to Appear- ance. Extra Quality, Leather Lined. Easy Walking is as Necessary as Sleep. Everything Marked Away Down. Exquisite Styles. Every Day the Same, and Evei-y Day Worthy of Your Con- fidence. Economical Because It's Double Strength. Every Line Here is a "Guide Line". Evidence is Better Than Talk. Ease and Comfort Combined — Ease for the Feet, Comfort for the Purse. $2.00. Economy Day for Men Folks. ^very Dollar Left with Us Proves a Wonder Worker. Extraordinary Values in Seasonable Clothing. Every Clothing Concern in Existence has Fifteen Dollar Suits, but They Are Not This Kind. EJvery Counter a Tidal Wave of Bargains. Every Desirable Feature Is Embodied. Every Article Offered is Strictly High Grade. Everything That's New. Everything for the Convenience of Everybody. Entering Upon P>i'osperity is Easy if You Only Have th' Key. Here It Is. Enormous Values in Style, Beauty, Wear and Satisfaction Easy to Buy. ETvery Day ^las Its Need. Examine Today, Buy Tomorrow, Economy Shop for the Gift Buyer, E'xamine the Beautiful Designs, Exclusive Patterns and Quality. Every Lme Perfec— Elvery Style Right. Every Day Here is "Bargain Day." Every Point a Good Point. Ever Been in Our Basement? Its the Busy Place of the City. Everything that's Used in Furnishing the House — from a Parlor Suit to a Tin Basin. Everything in Cut Glass for the Table. Extravagance is Paying More at One Store Than You Have to Pay at Another. Ek;onomy is tJetting Best Quality Possible at the Least Pos- sible Cost. Evening Jackets That You'll Be Tempted to Wear All Day. They're so Smart Looking. Every Article Here is a Bargain. Exclusive Styles ana the Best Quality. Eixact Meiaods, Living Prices, Latest Styles. Eiitire Satisfaction to Each and Every Customer. Every Fashionable Effect, Every Style, Every Color of This Season, Every Shelf Teems with Bargains. Extra Events for the Boys. Summer Specialties, Specially Priced. Every Day Sees New Features Added to Our Long List of Money-Saving Opportunities. Every Line Fallen Under the Pi'ice of Prunning Knife. We - . You to a Feast of Bargains. Will You Come? Every Saving Counts. Every Drop a Drop of Comfort. Early Buying is Easy Buying. Elegant Designs in Carpets. 49 Electrical Supplies and Repairs. Eyes HBcamined Free.. Easy Slioes for Tender Feet. Every Time You Take a Drink Things l>ook Different. Estimates Given and Contracts Taken. Everything That is New. E>very Busy Salesman Busier Than Ever. Every Inch a Bicycle. Every Stitcn a Bargain. Economy That is Economy. Economy is — e Easy Chair of O . Age. Encouraging That Well-Dressed Feeling. Eighty Per Cent of the Profit is Yours. Everybody is Interested. Excellence the Chief Merit. Excellence is the Pleasing Point. ' Elxtra Pains Means Extra Satisfaction. Every Word Means Money. Every Leading Specialty in the World. tuvery Department Greets You with Right Goods. Every woman Lx)ves Flowers and '1 neir Giver. Everybody Expects a Little More for the Money These Times — And They Arn't Disappointed. "Every .aint. If it Pays to Advertise Part of the Time, Why Not All the Time? If Nine Tailors Mal_ Light Goods for Heavy Wear. Leave It All to Us. Low-Priced Goodness. Loss Fans with a Heavy Thud. Life is Wnat We Make It. Ladies Wash Suits. Less Cost, Less Labor, Greater Ease Than in t Way. Look Soon — Look Well. Little Needs at Little Cost. n Medium and Heavy Weights — Soft, Fleecy Garments. Made of All Wool Materials. Many Astonishing Specials for This Week. Makes Merchandise Move. Merit the Trade Mark of Success. More Business or Smaller Margin. Meant to Save and Sure to Please. Make Us an Offer on These Odd Pieces. Men Who Dress Carefully, Both as to Taste and Expenditure, They Are Our Customers. Midsummer Clearance. Mercury Up, Prices Down. Made in Light and Heavy Weights. Made in All Styles. Made in Most Correct Styles. Merit is the Trade Mark of Success; Quality the True Test of Value. Modern Mercantile Methods. Made to Wear. Many Steps Turn Our Way. Misrepresentation Inflicts iis Proper Punishment. Meets All Requirements. Made on Honor — Sold on Merit. More for Your Money Than Your Money Can Buy Else- where. Money Talks; and Right Here a Little of Your Money Can Persuade Us to Part with the Prettiest Shirts You EJver Saw. Many Exclusive Novelties. Merit is the Bases of Success. Many Chances to Save Money. "Money Talks." but Now Prices Shriek. Men Buy Our "Columbia" Shirts as an Investment — Not a Speculation. Make Us Prove It. Matchless Goods at Unmatched Prices. Money Hack for Faulty Fit or Broken Promises. Most Men Have a Hobby. You Know Ours. 58 Mouthfiils of Deliciousness. Magnetic Qualities and Prices. Men Earn — Women Save Money. Money Tallis and Usually Talks Cents. Modern Eloquence Cannot Do Justice to These Dress Pat- terns We Just Received. Millinery and Dress Making. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Money Saving Time's All the Time. Money Back Insures Satisfaction. Money is only Worth What It Will Buy. Masses of Meritorious Merchandise. Money-in-the-Pocket Sale. Master Bargains of the Town. Misses' Jackets and Shirt Waists. Material and Workmanship Are Perfect and Satisfaction is Warranted. Millinery of Every Description. Marry the Girl! We'll Furnish the House. Made to Wear. More Beauty at Less Cost. Many Points in Its Favor. ^ Make Yourself at Home Here. N Not What is Cheapest But What is Best. Not Bargain Clothes — Bargain Prices. Not What We Say, But What We Do Advertises Us. Nothing Nicer, Nothing Newer at Next to Nothing Prices, Nothing but the Best of Everything and You Can Depend on It. Nothing Trashy or Inferior. Nowhere Else Can Such a Profusion of Exclusive Gifts Be Secured. No Wild Clatter of Irresponsable Bargain Shouters Here. Now is the Best Time to Buy. New Improvements. Nothing More Apppropriate or More Pleasing for a Present. No Such Offer Ever Made Before. Nothing Worth Having is Not Here. Nothing Gets Customers so Certainly as Fair Dealing. Neat in Style, Elegant in Workmanship. Nothing Shoddy in Heel, Sole, Leather or Lining. Not One Bargain, but Many. New Ideas at New Prices. No Reason to Slight Them. Never too Busy to Save. No Doubt About Those. Now You Get the Pick — Later You Get the Remnants. Newness. Beauty and Fascination in Every Price. Newest and Best Helps for Simplifying Housework and Doing It Better. Not Once, but Always. Not Much of a Price, but a Great Deal of a Bargain. Not Too Cheap to Be Good, but Cheap Enough to Make a Good Advertisement. Now is the Time and This is the Place. Not Too Heavy for Comfort and Not Too Light for Service. No Credit House Wants to Compete with Us. 59 Now is Another Grand and Busy Week. Nothing is Cheap That You Haven't Use for — but Every- body Must Use Handkerchiefs. We Have Them from 5c Up. Not Made Simply to Sell but Made to Surely Satisfy. "None Better" is a Strong Statement, and Here it is a Solid Fact. No Headaches in These Hats. No Trouole for Us to Point Out Superiority in These Pat- terns. No Foolishness About These Foulards at $1.08 per Yard. Not the "Everywhere" Kind. Not Too Early to Select the Goods for Your Spring Garments. Notice the Low Prices in This Window. Not a Few Articles Priced Low as "Bait," but the Entire Stock Comes to You at Sharp Cut-Rate Pi-ices. Now is the Time. Never a Better One. No Comfort Without Comfortable Things. Never Wait Until Too Late. No Mistake Possible. No Use to Talk. Our Prices Talk for Us. Never Too Late to Get Your Money's Worth. None Better — How Could There Be? No Doubt About the Goods. Never i ass Us by Whether You Want to Buy or Not. No Magic — Just Plain Business. Notions That Pull Trade. ' Not a Common Chance. Now or I.ater? Not Somethings, but Everything. Nothing Too Good for Mother's Boy. isot the Price You Pay, but What You Get for the Price. No One Else Sells Them. No Stock so Beautiful. None Are More Excellent. Not How Cheap, but How Good. Not Responsible for Work Left Over 30 Days. New Styles of Neckties. No Goods Misrepresented. No Shoddy Goods at Any Price. Noteworthy Novelties. No Investment Pays Better Than Good Clothes. See Our Suits at $— Noise is Not Business. New, Crisp, Reliable Goods at Clean, Honest, Desirable Prices. No Baits, but Quality. Nothing Useless Put in — Nothing Useful Left Out. No Admittance Except on Business. Not What We Say. What You Know, Counts. Not Once, but Always. Not What You Pay— What You Get. Not Only Good Shoes for Perfect Feet, but Perfect Shoes for All Feet. Not Too Cheap to Be Good, but Cheap Enough to Make a Good Advertisement. Newer Shapes at Newer Prices. Now, Then, Clear the Way. No Lady's Wardrobe Complete Without These Dainty Rust- ling Garments. 60 Neat. Dressy and Handsomely Designed. Noisy Silks at Quite Prices. Nothing Over 10c on This Counter. No Matter What You Want. We Have It. Never a Bad One Here. No One Regrets Buying. Nice to Own and Easy to Buy. No Article but What We Can Save You Money on — Investi- gate. o Our Success Comes from Selling Good Clothes and Saving You Money. Our School Supply Stock is Complete. Object Lessons in Symmetry. Our Best is the Best. One Way and One Price. One Bargain You'll Appreciate. Others Are Good but Not at This Price. Our Hobby is Having the Best. Our Goods Prove Our Assertions. Out of the Best We Chose These. Over Stocked and Under Priced. Our Buyers Have Your Good at Heart. Our Business is to Get Your Business. Others May Be Cheaper — None Can Be Better. ODDMENTS. By This Term We Mean Odd Sizes and Broken Lots from Our January Sale. Our Thought and Our Action is for You. Our Promise Protects You. Our Promise Makes Us a Strong Platform. Our Penny Savers. Our Autumn Leader. Our Question Department. One Reason for Our Business. Others Like Them, So Will You. Our Best Salesman is Mr. Sure Bargain. Our Latest Thing for the Spring Trade. Our -.ew Shoe for Women. Once Tested, Always Worn. Only One Quality. Only One Price. Only One Dealer in a Town Can Have It. Only Shoe Made That Conforms with the Foot. Our Prices Are Purse Openers. We Need Room for One More Lucky Buy from New York. Our I.xces Make it Expensive for You to Buy Elsewhere. Only Registered Pharmacists fill Prescriptions Here. Our Aim is to Please Our Customers. Our Word for It, They Are Worth More Than the Price Asked. Order Now the Needed New Things for the New Home. Our Prices Cut Across Lots 'Tween Manufacturer and Consumer. Our Cigars Are Not Smoke Preventives. Our Purpose is to Place This Store "First in the Hearts" of the People. Our Bread is the Baker's Triumph and the Eater's Delight. Our Spring Awaking is a True Fashion Display of Elegance —Yet We Combine Elegance with Economy. Oi Course There Must Be Some Inducement to Bring so Many to Our Store. Our Suits Are Stanuard in Quality; Honorable in Make; Right in Price. Opportunity Never was so Ripe. Opportunities Out of the Ordinary. Out of the Ordinary Offerings. Our Experience — Your Gain. Our Fair Price Banner Waves Over All. Out of the Ordinary. Out-of-Date Methods Do Not Satisfy Up-to-Date People. Our Famously Ix)w Prices. On Your Judgment as to Quality and Price We Rest Our Cas On Your Judgment as to Quality and r-rice Vve Rest Our Case. Our Mixologist Can Make an Ice Cream Soda That Will Satisfy the Thirstiest Person in fhe City. Opportunities Like 'xhese Don't Often Occur. Our Best Today. One for You. One Source of Supply. Our Campaign for Popular Favor. Our Solution of the Buying Question. Our Saying so Means a Great Deal. One You Won't Regret. Others May Be Pretty, See These Anyway. Our Advantage Comes from Care in Buying. Our Help for You. One for You, and You'll Like It. One Quality, One Price, All Styles. Our Stock — Only One Grade — The Best — At Popular Prices. One Incident That Explains the Policy in Our Shoe Depart- ment. Our Goods Go Before the Dust Collects. Our ClerKS Will Serve Y'ou Without Soliciting a Purchase. Our Store Does Not Pear the Most Stringent Comparisons. Old or Out-of-Date Goods go at Your Price. Our Patrons Wear Smiles. Our Goods Are This Year's Vintage. Our Low Prices Bring Y'ou Back. Overcoats ISasy to Slip on Though Hard to Give the Slip to. On Rock Bottom — Have Been on That Desirable Ground for Ten Years. Our Clothing Secures the Fashionable Effect Sought for by the Careful Dresser. Our Saving is Our Patrons. Our Prices Are Never High— Our Goods Are New and Up- to-Date. Our Goods Tell Good Tales Of Us. Our Clerks Are Instructed to Assist Careful and Economical Buying. Our Suits Are Offered at Suitable Figures. Our Method of Selling Invites You Back. Our Clerks Are Here to Assist — Not to Insist. Our Clerks Serve Us Well by Serving Y'ou Well. Our Customers Are Our Talking Advertisements. Our Customers Come in Hopefully, and Leave Satisfied. "Old Reliable" in Quality, but "Up-to-the-Minute" in Style. Our Clerks say; "It's the Weather." We Believe We Bought too Many. Hence the Reduced Prices. G2 Our Minor of Present Fashions. One Might as Well Try to Lift Himself in a Basket as to Undersell Us. Old Tale of New Stock. Out of the Ordinary Offerings. Our Cost-Selling Successes. Our Aim is Constantly Toward the Mark of Public Patron- age. Our Story is Straight. Our Prices Talk All Languages. Our Foretiiought Gives You Bargains. Our Desire is to Move Goods, Not to Get Cash. One of the Strongest Lines to Be Found. Our Best Advertisement is Never Printed. Our Popular Policy. Our Shakespearean Department — "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream" — Our Shirt Waists. Our Ambition is to Sell Mon? Than Others, and We Know That Means to Sell Cheaper Than Others. Our Motto — Purity and Accuracy. Orders Taken for Coal anu Wood. Our Low Prices Are Loud Talkers. Our 5c Cigars Can't Be ijeat. Oysters in Every Style. One Long i^ingering Look. Ours Are Sure Thing Investments. Odd Sale of Odd Ends at Odd Prices. Our Semi-Annual Clearing Sale. Only the Best is Good Enough. On Sale Saturday, Only c Yard. Our Guarantee, Nothing Better. Our Best Pleases Best. Our Greatest Advantage. Our Best Customers Like These. One Pair Makes You a Friend. Plenty oi Style, Service and Fit. Perfect Service Promptly Rendered. Painting the Lilly and Improving the Waterman Seed Seem Equally Absurd. Price Making on a Rare Scale of Lowness. Pace-Makers in Style. Prices That Help You. Plumpest Values Are Here. Prices That Surprise — Values That Tell. Perpendicular Truths — Horizontal Prices. Pi-ofits Pared from All Prices. Prices Shaved Doesn't Always Mean Money Saved. Particular Purchasers Find Profitable Picking in Our Stocks. Perfect in Construction, Superior in Finish. Patterns That Please. Perfect in All Points. Perfect- in Detail. Perfect in Comfort, Style and Pit. Pronounced the Very Best. Promptness in Buying Will Secure This Bargain for Yon. Pennies Saved Soon Make Pounds. Pure Groceries at Half Price. Prices Cut in Two. Pleases the Mind, Warms the Body. Peace on Earth — Light Prices to All. Popular Prices Win Popular Favor. Profit Forgotten. Kttance Prices. Prices That Tell — Goods That Sell. Pure, Sure, Sells, Satisfies. Put on Your Thinking Cap. Pre-Eminence in Bargain Giving. Price Counts Wherever Money is Counted. Profit, Cost and Loss All Join Hands Now. Practical Gift Suggestions. Prices Lowest. Quality Best. Prices Are Pleasing in Their Smallness. Prices That Argue Stronger Than Words. Prepare for the Worst by Getting the Best. Patterns That Please at Prices That Please. Pride Pi'omoters. Prices That Sparkle on Bright Bargains. People Pleasing Presents, Per Pulverized Prices. Purse Profits. Poor Goods Cost Most. Purse-Fitting Pleasures. Put Money in Thy Purse. Popular Pi'iees Mean Right Prices. Peppered Bargains and Salted Prices. Plain Sewing Neatly Done. Photographs Must Be Paid for in Advance. Plain and Fancy Cakes to Order. Positively No Credit. Plea~e Don't Ask for Credit. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Paper Hanging and Calsomining. Power in Proper Apparel. Plainly Practical and Pratically Pleasing. Pay Big Dividends in Satisfaction. Prices as Hard to Match as the Goods. Paltry Prices Paid for Ponderous Purchase. Pi ices go to Pieces, but Quality Remains Firm. Painful Pauses in Prosperity Have Compelled Us to Make Special Prices on All Stock. Prices Will Never Satisfy Until Quality Has Set the Mind at Ease. Prices Speak Louder Than Promises. Powerful, Peerless, Defiance, Demonstration. Pretty as a Picture. Positive Proof of Excellence. Pay for What You Get and Get What You Pay for. Prices That Please. People Appreciate Our Push. Prices I'hat Make It an Object. Pretty Pictures Create Pretty Thoughts. Prices Out of Joint. Poor'Goods Spoil the Temper. Prices and Promptness Are Features of Which We Boast. Perfect Plumbing Means Health in the Summer, Peace of Mind in the Winter and Satisfaction All the Time. Positively No Admittance. Please Don't Spit on the Floor. Price is the Tliermometer of Values. Price Pleasantries. Prosperity Follows Thrift. Passing Goods to the Public. Pays in Money — Pays in Satisfaction. Pure Price Reasons. Price and Quality Yoked. People of Any Color Treated White. Patches of Prettiness. Prices in Themselves Are Not Conclusive. Profusion of Goodsness. Price Isn't the Only Lever. Particular Proofs in 'these Prices. Positively the best Value Ever Offered for the Money. Proven Itself to Be the Best. "Quality" is the Password. Quicif Action. Quality is Everything. Quality the Highest: Prices the Lowest. Quality first. Price Second. Quick Sellers, and Why Not? Qeerest of Queer Trade Doings. Quality, Style, Finish — These Are the Four Cardinal Points of Excellence Which bistinguish "Our" oiothing from All Others. Quality Equal to the Best Made. Qualities That Convince. Quality Furniture — The Only Kind it Pays to Buy. Q Quality is a Consideration Demanded by the Careful Buyer. Quality the True Test of Cheapness. Quaint and Cute. Quality Pleases — I^rices Sell. Quality Considered. Qua.ity and Price Surpassed by None. Quality Tells the Story of a True Bargain. Quality Costs, but It's the Surest Guaranty. Quality is Remembered Long After Price is Forgotten. Quick Losses to Make Quick Sales. Quick or They'll Be Gone. Quality and Style I*rove the Bargain. Royal Examples of Expert Shirt Malving. Rare Paris Organdies. Rare Patterns. Rare Prices. Ready-to-Put-on Suits That You d Not Be Ready-to-Put-Oi1 Till the Last Stitch Gives. Removes the Cause and Cures the Headache in Five Minutes. Rare an Beautiful. Reduced Prices. Ready for Christmas. Recommends Itself. Real Merit and Real Economy. Prices Inat Help You. Real Dollar Values. Returns at This Store Mean That Customers Return. Recognize the Real Service and Positive Economies of Tliis Store. Remnants; Fine Quality, Exquisite Patterns — See the Bar- gain Prices. Rainy Days Ahead! Dry Weather Price on These Um- Rugs Are Growing in Favor Year by Year, brellas, Jl. Right Prices and Up-to-Date Goods. Recognized as the Standard. Red Hot Reductions. Ripe Bargains. Rapid Selling Keeps the Stock Clean. Rare Values, if You Want Them. Really Remarkable Remnant Sales. Reasonable and Seasonable. Radical Reductions. Ransom! Who Will Pay the Ransom on These Articles? Repairing While You Wait. Reliability Our Success. Refreshments of All Kinds. Recollections of Long Life Do Not Recall Anything Similar to Our Great Sale of Rush of Business from a Whirlwind of Bargains. Run Regularly, Fit Finely, Wear i.ell. Ready — Command Us. Retail Selling at Wholesale Piices. Rightness First, Profit Afterward. Rare Because of Style — Exceptional Because of Price. Radical Revolution in Retailing — Revolutionizing the Regu- lar Rates. Ready-Made. but Custom Goodness. Remnants at Less Than Remnants Prices. Rooms, with or Without Board. Real Worm for Hard Cash. Rich Goods at Poor Prices. Real Worth for the Tired Pocketbook. Read Our Ads For the Latest Fads. Ready for Inspection. Real Economy Dwells in Real Quality. Surprise You — Only 60c Yard. Selection Never larger or More Attractive. Stop a Moment and Consider the Money Advantage We Offer. Special Day of Waist Remnants. Some New Propositions for You This Week. Several Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Neckwear Here. Sharp Talks on Cutting Subjects. We Carry a Splendid Line of Cutlery. Some at a Fourth, Some at a Third, Some at a Half. Strong Shoes for Sturdy Boys. Seasonable Suggestions for Correct Dressers. Style, Quality, Price — Right. Saves and Satisfies. Success and the Cause of It. Such Sales Are Seldom Seen. Summer Things it Will Be Economy to Buy. Selected from the Most Beautiful. Solving the Problem of Daily Need. Shoe Prices with Quality That Compel Your Attention. Settle All Doubt by Examining the Goods. They Speak Stronger Than We Can. Some Live Wire Prices for This Week. Seeing is Believing. See Ours First or Last, but See Them. Selling Carnival, Purchasing Jubilee. Signs of the Times. Superior in Beauty. Strictly Hand Made. Storm Slippers I Where'er It Rains It Reigns Suprme. Simply a Perfect Shoe. Strong Talk, but We-ve Got the Garments to Back It Up. Same Snap and Style as Seme High Priced Shoes. School Outfitting Claims Attention Now. SCHOOL SHOES— High School in Quality, Down to Kinder- garten in Price. Selling for 1-3 the Price Asked for Similar Goods. Straightforward Statements. Seldom Seen Specials. Summer Fancies in the Latest and Prettiest Styles. Springy Shoes for Spring and Summer. Sooner Have Our Low Price or High Quality? Get Both in These Garments. Silks of Summer Brilliance and Autumn Brightness. Sensible Summer Suitings Superbly Tailored. Storm Rubbers — Cheapest Cough Medicine You Can Buy. Spring Goods "Blossom" This Week. Styles Were Never More Charming, Nor Prices So Tempting. STOP THAT COUGH! It Means a Coffin. Try Our 20th Century Cough Syrup, Only 25c. Sold by the Sheriff! Bought by Us. You're Next. Save a Few Dollars at Our Expense. Shake Hands with Opportunity While It is Here. Shoes That We Keep is the Kind to Wear. Star Attractions to Guide You to the Great Removal Sale. Saves Money, Saves Time, Saves Worry. Shoe Sense for Sensible Men. Style Makes Trade — Quality Holds It. Shoes for Sunshine or Rain. "Solid Comfort" Written All Over Them. Spring Specialties. Some Garments Are Guesses^ — These Are Results. Spring Styles Now Ready for Inspection. Suitable for 'Round the House Wear. Shoes— This Style— The Road to Health. Speakes for Itself. Strength. Purity and Fragrance. Special New Designs. Simple in Construction — Always Ready. Satisfy Yourself of Its Superior Merits. Summer Time Bargains. Sensible Garments. SOMETHING— "A Little Different." Spring Suits Made Right. Material Right, Style Right — These 3 Rights Cannot Disappoint. Something Novel in Design. Beautiful in Coloring. Special Values in Strictly High Grade Garments. Siire-to-Please Selections. "Spoils from E\'eiy Clime" Are Congregated Here. Sightly! Worn Nightdy. Made Rightl;)'. Priced Slightly (Men's N'ight Shirts.) Suits Fit for a Prince at Prices Almost Within Reach of a Pauper. Sizes Broiien in Some Lots, but Ehiough Left to Malve Your Choice Easy and Profitable. Start Right and the E^nd is in Sight. Style That is Best Becoming. Satisfaction is a Silent Salesman. Sound Sense and Sane Judgment. Sharp Eyes F'ind Big Savings. Small Cost for Much Pleasure. Small Economies Build the Bank Account. Shapes That Satisfy. Somersaults in Prices. Strong in Bargain Richness. Stoves Stored and Repaired. Sumptuous Satisfaction. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold. Snap for Snai)-Hunters. Snappy Staple Sellers. Sti iking Money-Savers. Satisfaction the Prime Factor. Statement of Facts — Not Ghost Stories. Spring Means That Nature is Renewing Herself. Why Not Renew Your Apparel. Spot-Touching Excellejice. Styles That Are Becoming and Snappy. Stern Necessity Makes Rare Opertunity. Sleepy Beds. Snap Them Quick. Strong Trade Leaders. Satisfaction Brings Business. Small Savings Make Large Fortunes. Success of the Season. Same Old Loaf at the Same Old Price. Sizzlings Offerings at Cooling Prices. Showers of Gold Would Be Worthless if it Was Not for the Things Gold Will Buy. Suit You? Will Suit Anybody. Selling You We Sell All Your Friends. Seasonable Clothing Means Continued Health. Selling Poor Goods is a Lie — Goods Should Be Good — Ours Are. Short Prices for People a Little Shorter. Some of Our Jewelry Will Do More to Make a Happy Year for You and Your Friends Than Anything You Can Buy. Small Profits and Quick Sales. Stopl Look at Our Bargains. Summer Goods at a Sacrifice. Sweet Milk 5c Per Glass. Slight the Littles and Spoil the Whole. Some Spicy Talk. Seething Sea of Selling. Stick a Pin Into the Fact. Something Others Haven't. Slot Machines Outdone — Our Plan Did It. Store Attractions Multiply. Stiictly High Grade. Service Long After the Price is Forgotten. Spot Cash Will Get Greater Bargains Than Twenty Promises to Pay. Styles to Suit All Occasions. Strong Keinforcements of Style. Grace and Foot-Ease. Say What You Want. Say It to Our Face. Sold at a Sacrifice. Superb Selection of Easter Dry Goods. Sleet- Proof — Snow-Proof — Rain-Proof Coats. The Store That Never Disappoints. Taste, Quality and Price Recommend These. Telephone Us for What You Forget. There Are Other Stores Besides, but Not Beyond Us. The Foundation of a Comfortable Home Are Carpets and Rugs. The Re uced Prices on These Challies Will Enable You to Retuce Your Temperature. The Tip Top of Style for Half a Dollar. Take Your Pick While the Picking is Good. The Home of New Ideas and Honest Values. Tne Prices Are Shockingly Low, Quality Considered. This is Not a Dumping Place for the Mistakes of the Whole- sale Trade. They're Wonders of the 'lailor's Art — So Shaped and Built Up That They Almost Stand Alone. The Apparel Off Proclaims the Man. Talk with Us on Any Doubtful Point. Trouser Protection. We Protect You Against Bad Fit, Bad Fabric, Bad Style, Bad Wear. Time to Think of Hammocks— It's More Than That— It's Time to Buy Them. Tailored Correctly and Fit Perfectly. This Isn't a "Job-I^t" of Neckwear, but an Overplus of Fine Scarfs, Which Must Vacate the Shelves to Make Way for Early Spring Arrivals. Tailor-Made Suits from Abroad. There Are Two Kinds of Roasted Coffee. The Kind You Do Want — We Buy It— We Roast It— We Sell It at -jOc a Pound. The Most Efficient. The King of Its Kind. This Fabric is New. This Class of Clothing We Handle i-xcluslvely. The Latest Parisian Fad. The Commercial Coma. The Only Scientific Footwear. To Sell Well is to Suit the Customer. To Be Ahead and to Keep Ahead is Our Aim. This Store is the Customers' i^iberty Hall. The Buyer Ought Not to Give Us His Money Until We Suit Him. There is Pleasure in Catering to Your Most Exacting Wants. To Suit You Suits Us. The Clerks Here Are Your Servants. To Please You is to Profit by You. To Lead in Every Line First is Our Ambition. To Have You Leave Dissatisfierl is to Leave Us More Dis- satisfied. These Are Wares That Wear. They're Genuine. Talve Them While They Last. Take Your Choice from This Choice I>ot. The Price is Higher, but They Are Nicer Than Ever. The Early Buyer Gets the Choice. The Best Materials Put Together by People Who Know How. The Best and Most Popular. The Fine Points of Profit Broken Off. The Theme of the Hour — The Fad of the Day. That Indefinable and Indispensible Thing Called Style. Taking Advantage of the Best is Your Duty. There Isn't a Good Kitchen Utensil Missing from the Stock; There Isn u a Poor One Here. This Coat Doesn't "Hike" Up at the Collar — It's Made Right. The Severest Critics Can Find No Fault with Our Work. The Vanity is Here for You to Choose From. The Key to Wealth is Right Buying; the Key to Health is Good Shoes. This Business Didn't Grow by Chance. The Goods and Prices Have Done Most. Truly Remarkable Values. There Are Reasons Why You Should Become Acquainted with Our Clothes. The "Father of His Country" Would Have Been Glad to Buy Children's Clothing at These Prices. This WiiKsome Ware Reflects Refined Taste. There Are Spring Openings Here Every Day. Talking About Strikes. How Do These Prices Strike You? There's No Best in Town if It's Not Found Here. Timely, Clever and Correct Cravats — 50c. The Tailoring in This Clothing is What Talks. The New Customers We Surprise — The Old Ones We Delight. The Worm May Turn, but the Color in These Silks Will Not. Tailored to Always Look Like Newly Made Garments. The Excellence of These Goods is Their Best Advertise- ments. They Look Well Here, but How Much Better You Would Look in Them. The Store That's Making a Record. These for Money and Others Too Numerous to Mention. All Right or They Wouldn't Be Here. The Only Skimping is in the Price. The Kick of a Boy or the Skip of a Girl is Provided for in Our School Shoes. The Latest Creation. The Standard of Perfection. The Best in Texture and Finish. The September Sale Brings Economy. The Proof of Time. The Finishing Touch. Take Advantage While the Advantage is Here to Take. ihe Maximum of Value for the Minimum of Cost. The Cool Calculating Man Provides Himself with a Fall Overcoat. 'Tis Better to Have These Goods Tuan Money. The Dresses of the Night— Night Gowns — 50c Each. Thajiksgiving is Every Day in the Year with Us. 70 These Bargains Give Profit to Botli Buyer The Facts in the Case. The Best is Always the Most Economical. They Are Original and Have Never Been Equaled. The Best in the World. The Periect Shoe for Women. This is What You Want. The Greatest Real Bargain in the Shoe Line This Season. They Fit the Feet as Nature Intended. They Are Superior to All Others. Throw Off the Terrible Tyrany of Aching, Burning Feet. They Will Speak for Themselves. The Christmas Goods Makes You teel Like Giving. Truth is Powerful. The People Vote for Us. Thoughts for the Thrifty. Those Who ivnow Say These Are Right. The Best That's Made, or the Cheapest That's Good. The Best Yet; See Them. Try One; We Know the Verdict. The Keynote of Our "Busy"ness. The First Choice is the Best Choice. This Store is Yours, to the Extent of Your Desires. The Last Days of the Year and What We Have to Offer. The Loss is Little, but the Bargains Are Big. The Margin is so Small That it Doesn't Touch the Value at All. The Key of Wealth is Right Buying. Tne Luxury of the Best at the Cost of the Cheapest. The Key to the Situation. Those Who Read and Act Will Profit. Today's Thoughts for Busy People. The Most v'alue for the Least Money. Truth-Telling Advertising. The Best and How to Get It. The Best Goods at Any Price. Trade Incidents to Save Your Cash. The Common-Sense Idea. The Clean-Up Price. They Are Exclusive, but the Prices Are Very Reasonable. The Wise Man Wants to Look Well. Our Suits Will Help Him. The Best and Purest Toilet Articles and Perfumes. This Store Has No Baits, No Trash — But Quality and Variety That Boy Will Find His Match in Our School S'aoes. There is a Superior Grace and Character to Our Tailor-Made Suits. These Are All "Made to Order" Garments — New, Excellent Values. Toilet Articles, Mounted and Unmounted in Sterling. The First of the Season — Nice, Big Fat Oysters. Top Coats at Bottom Prices. The Economy of Luxury. The Skyrocket of Bargains. The ivind That Fit. The Little Things Count Most. The Safest Kind of an Investment. Try Us Once and U Will Call Again. The Best Suspender in the City. This is the Store to Get the Full Value of Your Money. Ties Which Please Correct Dressers. Try Our Home-Made Bread. The Clock Ticks: We IX)n't. The Highway of Great Bargains. The Poor Boy's Progress is Largely a Question of Appear- ance. "The Tempest" — In ihe Other Stores, Due to Our Prices. The Summit of Success. Timely Tips for Bargain inunters. The American Idea — Get the Best for the Least Money. Easily Heasily Realized Here. The Power of Money Deniostrated. The Art Student Enjoys a Treat in Examining Our Pattern Hats. Thoughts in Clothing. The Temple of Fashion— The House of Elegance. These "JustSo" Shirt Waists. The Pleasures of the Table. The Best Goods That Money and Skill Can Produce Made in Properly Fed. The World's "Work" Can Best Be Accomplished by the America and Personally Guaranteed by the Maker. The Home of Ix>w Prices. To Have and to Hold Your Business is Our Greatest Desire. The March of Progress Finds Us Keeping Time as TJsual. There's no money in Politics Save for the Few, but in Our Great Bargains There's Money for You. The Fourth is Away Off, but We'll Fire a Gun. There is a Point Where Cheapness Ceases to Be Economy. Turning Shoes Into Cash. The Perfect Picture of You — Our Photographs. That's the Word — Perfection. The Sun of Commerce Casts a Shadow Which Has a Bad Enect on Inferior Goods. The Best Advertiser, the Most Patronized, the Least Criti- cised, and loe Most Eulogized. Talk, Straight from the Shoulder. -ake a Single Squint at These Hints. The A B C of Successful Merchandising. • The "Whip Hand." We Are Driving Our Stock. The Uieatest Luxury a Gentleman Can Enjoy is Comfort. The Sun of a New Prosperity is Rising Over the Hilltops of Discontent. The Whirl of the Town. The Milk in the Cocoanut. Their Economy is Their Wearing Quality. Taste and Ability Make Our Work the Best. The Hope of the Rich, the Joy of the Middle Classes, a Blessing to the Poor. [ The Goous Create the Demand. Tenderfoot Footwear. The Final Test is Wear. Truth Needs No Trumpets. Taste for the Beautiful Ma'Kes You Appreciate These. The Winds of Competition Only Makes Our Trade Soar the Higher. Teeth Are What You Make Them. The Gospel of Truth and Low Prices. The Purchaser — His Privileges and Prerogatives. The Test of Goods is Their Worth — Not Their Selling Price. To Have Been First Proves Antiquity — To Have Become First Proves Merit. • The Price Leans Your Way. Talking Chances is Bad Policy. The Key-i\ote of the Season's Styles. To Be Sure Its Warm, but Here's a Remedy. These Goods Make the Prices Look Small. The Power of Price is the Daylight of Truth. The Best Friend You Have is Waiting For You. Trouble is Brewing for Merchants Who Do Not Read Aright the Signs of the Times. Think Before You Buy, and Then You'll Buy. The Fire is Not Yet Out in Our Great Reduction Sale. The Goods and the Prices Don't Balance. The Prices Are on the Low Side of the Scale. The Comiortable, Fitable, Wearable Kind. The Best Staples and the Prettiest of Fancies. Taking Things on Faith. They Cost More — They're Worth More, Tremendous Triumphs in Trade. There Are Imitations, but Not Rivals. ,- The Days of Days— The Time of Times. The Fittest of Fits. The Rain of Dollars. There is More in the Suits Than Material and Stitches. The Almighty Dollar Rules the World T'nese Hard Times. The Man of Taste Never Allows His Taste to Fall Short of His Shoes. Thoroughly Washed of Profit — Put Through the Bargain Wringer. Time is f /ecious — So is Truth. The Human Race is but a Contest for Dollars. They Look Delicate, but Have Weartng Qualities. Trade Temptations. There's Bestness Here. The Destiny of Dollars. These Prices Are Peerless. The Portal of Opportunity, Thin Things for Torrid Times. Touched with Temptingness. There Are Others — These Are the Best. To Give Gracefully, Select Thoughtfully, The More You Spend the More You Save. The Cream of the Season. The Wealth of Artisticness. These Prices Keep Us Busy. The Slickest Wheel That Whirls. Trimmed Hats at Trimmed Prices. There's Plenty Here. The Season for Buying. Things You Want to See. The Things for Christmas. Take Them and Try Them. The One Good Thing for You. The Quality Makes the Value. These Goods Are Made by the Best Manufacturer. The Difference Should be Worth a "Whole Lot." The Busier We Get the Brighter Our Ideas Grow. True Economy, Because They Last, The More Pairs You Buy the More Money Saved. 73 Time to Turn Over a New Leaf — Plenty of Them in Tliese Memorandum Books. u Volume of Business, Not Large Margins. Makes These Pos- s^ihle. Values That Thrill the Bargain-Hunter. Volcanic —ruption of Bargains. Under-Priced Because Over-Sto-Please Customer in Prices, but Never in the Quality of Our Goods. We Guarantee Satisfaction. Because the Goods Are Right. We Ought to Charge More for These for They Are Good Efnough to Stand It. What is Home Without a Good Bed. e're Elected to Serve the People — Been in Office 10 Years. Why Don't You Have a Talk With Us About Clothes. Where Intelligent Buying Brings About Success. We're Out-Talked Often— Outdone Never. We Can Make It Warm for You If ^ ou Need Blankets. We Cater to No Particular Class, but Welcome and Provide for All. Walking Advertisements Are the Weil-Dressed Men Who Wear Our Perfect Fitting Clothing. We Fit Lue Hard to Fit. What You Waste at Some Stores Would Go a Long Way Here. We Plan Largely. We Select Carefully. We Buy at Low Prices — And You Shall Do Likewise. We Always Sell You More Value for Cash Than Others Do for Credit. We Get Bargains for Cash That Credit Never Sees. We'll TaKe Care of Your Prescription. We Appeal to Your Judgment. We Get Trade by Keeping the Best woods. We Do What ' We Promise and Promise wnly What We Can Do. We Believe That HoiK^aty is the Best Policy" Because We Have Succeeded and It Has Been Our only Policy. We Originate— Others Imitate. We Slice the Price — Not the Quality. What We Say is True, What We Deis Legitimate; What We Promise is Fulfilled. Winter Wraps Not at January Prices. WOMEN FIND OUT THINGS— Any Married Man Will Tell You That — And They've Found Out Where ■ Money Brings Most Linen Quality. We Want to Make Every Day a Busy One. We Make Money— "Vou Save Money — at This Price. We Want You to See Them— We're Sure You'll Like Them. Worthy Clear Through. We BecKon Your Dollars. We Know They're Pretty. We Are After Your Fall Wants. Will Always Keep Soft and Pliable. We Trust Your Judgment. Where Can You Do Better? What We Give You tor Your Dollar. We Have What's Worth Having. We'll Suggest if You Like. When We Say Excellent. You Know We Mean It. We Know the Best and Sell the Best. We Want Your Opinion — Come and Give It. We Want to Pove Our Leadership. Will Outwear Any Shoe Made. Winter Weight Shoes. What We Claim to Do We Guarantee. We Only Pro-Offer Advice When It is Asked. We Covet for Our Goods a Searching E,xamination. We Strive to Have No Vacancies in Our Assortments. We Seek Profit When We Buy More Than When We Sell. When in Dcubt Don't Buy — Wait. We Seek Any Customer's Suggestions. We Can't Afford to Sell at High Prices. We Shall Be Here a Good Many Tomorrows. We Cannot Make Money Here if You Don't. We Trade so That You Can Tell of Your Bargains. We Have Several Prices to Fit Several Values. We Are Pleased When You Go to Other Stores First. We Don't Know Everything and We Ask Your Criticism. We Like to Have Our Store the Customer's Club-House. What the Most Careful Customer Demands We Try to Supply. We Buy so That We Can Sell, and Sell so That We Caif Sell Again. When Buying Buy for Prosperity. We Carry the Finest Line of Goods to Be Obtained. Without a Rival. We Invite inspection. We Look for Patronage to Those Who Appreciate Honest Value in Clothing. We Make a Specialty of Ordered Work. When You Buy Me You Save Money. Will Last a Life Time and Cannot Get Out of Order. What Can We Offer You? Why Wait Till the Weather "Must"? There's a Heap 'O Comfort in Knowing Your Ready. We Give All That the Tailor Gives and Take One-Half of What He Takes. White Waistcoats are Like Collars — You Can't Have Too Many of Them. We Complain Because .-'ome of Our Customers and FViends Don't Complain When They Have Reason or Only Think They Have. Wonderful Opportunities Among the Remnants. We Stand on the Foundation Stone of Style, Quality and Price. M'^e Have Knocked Prices Topsy-Turvy. ^\e Have Trunks That Will Laugh at Any Baggage Man. We Expend Values and Condense Prices. We Don't Promise the Earth for a Nickle. We Are Here to Think of Your Interests. What \ou Buy Thoughtlessly We Buy Back. We Couldn't Afford to Give You a Bad Bargain. Women's Summer Wants in Neckwear. Will Suit You Precisely on Summer Underwear. Will Suit You Precisely on Summer Silks. We Shelter You From the Sun and Storm at Prices That Touch You Easy — Parasols. We Need Not Quote tJie Actual Value. They Speak for Themselves at 25 Cents. When lOU Put Your Foot in This o..oe Your Shoe Troubles Are Ended. We Have Built tip a Great Reputation for Giving a Dollar's Worth for a Dollar. \, e Sell Only Goods That Are Wortn Buying. We Wish to Sell You Only What You Wish to Buy. We Have All the Novelties — Without the Fancy Prices. \\e Indorse the Goods When We Sell Them in Our Store. We Aim to Make Our Store First in the Hearts of Our Countrywomen. We Try to Avoid Making Mistakes, but Never to Avoid Righting Them. We Do Everything to Sell Our Goods Except to Misrepre- sent Them. We Are Always Anxious to Make Amends for Any Mistakes That You or We May Make. We Want Pleased Patrons— The Kind That Stay. We Caie for the Quality; You Care for the Price. Wisdom Leads the Way. Where Empty Pocketbooks Hold Carnival. We Are Tooting Our Horn — Each Toot is New. Weath May Be Sordid, but Most of Us Would Be Happy to Get a Little of It. We Do This for You. Wo'll Help You Buy Yourself Rich. We Know Our Stock and Are Proud of It. We Appeal to Your Fondness and Satisfy Your Pride. We Give Facts and Name the Prices — No Time for Foolish- ness. We're Surprised at 1 nese Prices Ourselves. We Don't Make to Order, but We Make to Fit. We Court Comparison. Worth Works Wonder. We're Proud of Our EJfforts. What Say We Do. We Do Do. Why Are We Like Charuy? The Answer is Easy. Charity Never Faileth, Neither Do We. We Make Bad Teeth Good. » i Maintain The Right Standard. We Are Fishing for Your Patronage and the Bait We Are Using is iiigh Values. Watch rtepairing a Specialty. Work Warranted. What Benefits You Benefits Us. War in China. \> ell-Ma^e Goods for Critical Buyers. Whole Values at Broken Prices. We Sell from the Earners' Standpoint. We Fill the Gap Quick and Right. We Keep the Prices Down and Beauty Up. Will oe Back Soon. What Can We Offer You. We Guarantee Eveything We Make. Wa Don't Give the Most, We Give the Best. Watch Them* Wear, Wide Awake as Usual. T What a ..ealth of Worth. We Multiply Your Pleasures. Warm Wollens for Winter Weather. Wet Weather Winter Women's Wear. v.nen You Think of You Think of Us. We Sooth the Rough Edges of Collars and Cuffs. We Put You on the Top by Selling You at the Bottom. We Great Ideas — Never Follow Others. When the Fox Said the Grapes 'Vvere Sour He Fooled No One. We Bow Low to the Degree of Necessity. Wisdom Applied to Practice is Ca- Prudence. We Keep All Grades, but the Lowest Quality Starts at Good and Goes on Up. We're Hummng with Business. We Keep the Best of Everything. We Se.i cueap for Cash. Walk in and Examine Our Goods. We Warrant Our Goods. Wholesale and Retail. Winter (joods at a Sacrifice. \ve Keep Fine Stationary. WTiat Do You Think of These? We Sell for Cash Only. We Defy Competition. We Study to Please. Wheels Bought. Sold and Exchanged. Warm Meals at All Hours. We Furnish Plans and Specifications. We Fit Hats to the Style of the Person. We Can Beat Noise in Drawing Custom by the Simple and Quiet Attractiveness of Honest Goods at Honest Prices. Well Worth Your While. We'll Tell You What We'll Do. We Are Not the Only Breaker on the Beach. We Don't Propose to Work on Your Immagination by Glow- ing adjectives and Gush. When Your Ship Comes in May Be Years. Right Now, Though, is Your Chance. What You Uke Best is What We Sell You. Women Can Scent Bargains Miles Away. We Don't Folhjw the Leaders; We Lead the Followers. We Mean Business and We Intend to Have Lots of It. When We Hear a Cry for Help We Extend a Helping Hand. We Waste no Time in Useless Blows, but Strike the Nail and in it Goes. We Have Reached the Empire of Success. We Give Lessons in Right Buying by Examples in Low Sell- ing. We Sell Clocks and Watches That Are Right at the Prices That Are Right. We Guarantee to Satisfy You. We'll Welcome You. Where the Goods Come In. Worthy Things That Look Well. We've Prepared for the Holidays. We Cannot Do More — You Should Not Do Less Than Try It. We Offer You Something Better Ihan Anyone Else for the Same Money. We Excel! as Well as Undersell. Wonderlully Economical. We Are Building Business — That Is to Gi-ow with Your Approval. Words Aj-e Words — But We Offer More. Wet Weaiaer Specialties. What to Wear; What to Use for Dress Trimmings. What is Most Desirable in Shoes? — Easy Feet — You'll Find Them Here. vvie Stand Behind Everyone Sold. We Make Them Right — We Price Them Right. Wny Do You Pay Two Profits When One Will Do? Your Judgment Will Tell You at a Glance — Extraordinary Values. Your Fall Suit is Here. You Can Thank the Weather for These Bargain Chances. Your Income is of Less Importance Than What You Save. Yours if You Want It. You'll Applaud Our Efforts. Your Fancy and How We Satisfy It. You'll Take Our Good Ones. Your Opinion of Thees, Please. You Can Go Farther, but Can't Do Any Better. You'll Enjoy Giving at These Prices. You Can Buy More When We Sell for Less. You Know How Much We Want to Please. You'll Never Be Displeased with the Chances Offered Here. 79 You Never Run a Risk Here. You Don't Get the Best if You Don't Purchase Here. You Might Get Cheaper Ones, but They Couldn't Be as Good. Your Ideas Suited Here. You Save Time and Labor by Its Use. You Can't Go Wrong Buying Here Because We Buy Right. Vou'U Find What Vou Want Here at Saving Prices. Your U)ss; If You Don't Buy It Now. Our Profit; We Will Get a Higher Price tor It Tomorrow. You'll Never Lose Your Job if You Depend on This Alarm Clock— $l.oO. You'll See Two Good Points When Examining These Laces — The Material and the Price. You Will Get "the Proper Light on the Subject," if You Use This Lamp. You Needn't Inquire Concerning Our Bargains. They Speak for Themselves. You May Find as Good Shoes Elsewhere, but You Will Pay More. You Are Welcome Here. You Are tne Judge. Also the Jury. You May Pay More — You Can't Get Better Value. You Can't Make a Mistake. You'll Elect Us for Bargains. Your Chance to Get the Best. You'll Be Sure of the Quality. You'll Never Forget How Nice They Are. You'll Be Well Dressed if Furnish the Things. You'll Not Find a Better. Your Dollar Expands Here. You Can Have Our Best Advise When You Ask for It. You May Be Sure They Are the Best Made. Your Advantage. Your Attendance is Respectfully Requested — You Will Be More Than Paid. You Will Be Money Ahead by Doing It. You Never Faced Such Out-and-Out Sacrificing as This. You Get the Values, We Get the Business. Your looming Merely to Look Pleases Us. You Don't Wait Here — You're Waited Upon. Your "Good-By" Means a Return of Buy and Buy. You Can Do Sharp Trading in Cutlery Here. Your Best Move. You'll MaKe No Mistake in Following the Crowd. You Don't Want Wheels Within Wheels; Get a Strong You Have the Confidence. We Have the Goods — Let's Trade. You Have the Confidence, We Have the Goods — Let's Trade. You Have Horse Sense, Then Don't Be a Donkey. You Can Have More Riches by Practicing L«ss Fals* Economy. Yours for Half. You Can't Afford to Pay E\'en a Few Odd Cents if the Ex- penditure is Useless. You Recognize Its Rightness. Your Approval is Our Ambition. Your Position and Ours is a Mutual One. Yours for a Nickle. 80 ESTABLISHED 1895 \^ V^ The Thompson School of Lettering HEADQUARTERS FOR SHOW CARD WRITERS' SUPPLIES, INSTRUCTIONS, ETC. Up-to-daie scientific instruction by mail. Twenty illustrated lessons on Display Sign. Show Card and Ticket Lettering with special practice copies and corrections on students' work during the entire course, for $10.00. No time limit. We are personally interested in the success of all our. students. We have the most complete equipment in America for successful teaching of the art by correspondence. Our system is endorsed by the most expert show card writers in the world. \^ v^ New and Improved Lessons by Mail. A Complete and Perfect System of Instruction by Mail on Rapid and Ornamental Lettering for Display Signs, Show Cards, Etc. Our I'ourse of instruction is based on practical experience, and has been REVISED AND ENLARGED. Tlie work of entire set of lessons with copies, etc., is acltnowledged by all to be not only preeminently practical, but extensive, artistic and largely original. The lessons are devoted to the beginner and full of up-to- date methods for those of some experience, who wish to do better worii and more rapidly than usual. A speciaj and distinctive feature in this course of instruction is the careful and methodical arrangement of the different alphabets, copies and e-xercises placed before students. Each lesson is cor- rected when neces;ary with special outlines in detail and re- turned with following lesson. By our methods we can teach you just as quiclily by mail as we can personally, and do it just as thoroughly. The work is designed especially for practical business purposes, giving full diiecticms respectirg many styles of lettering, position, movement, spacing, designs and arrangement; t full diagram of large and small letters, directions in regard to materials, etc. Everything is so arranged that anyone pos- sessing energy and ordinary intelligence can easily master the art in spare time. We are thoroughly convinced that we have the best and most complete course of instiuction ever placed before the public. It was honestly designed to teach. Every lesson brings new inspiration — just the instruction and outlines you require for rapid advancement. We have evidence of this from students in every state of the Union and foreign countries. Genuine satisfaction to students in this line of work does not come by accident. It's careful, individual study, back up by long experience — it's the knowing exactly what to do to make the study interesting and valuable to each studc