n StaMyiXc /(:c OA^i yl U/wiA _ U i It Class Enok . K/ 5- A S • Hi 1 i-ijiiii: Statute Law of New Jersey RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS 0. Compiled under the Authority of the Bureau of Shell Bj^enes of New Jersey, June: 1st, 1909 lii TRENTON, N. J. : The J. L. Muephy Publishing Co., Printers 1909. Statute Law of New Jersey RELATIVE 'JO CLAMS AND OYSTERS Compiled under the Authority of the Bureau of Shell Fisheries of New Jersey, June 1st, 1909 TRENTON, N.^J. : The J. L. Murphy Publishing Co., Printers 1909. Jftytwiniifay FEB 6 1916 t) 7 ^ Statute Law of New Jersey Relative to Clams and Oysters. 1. AIST ACT FOR THE PRESE,E,VATIO'K OE CLAMS ANT} OYSTEES. Approved April 14, 1846, as amended and supplemented by subsequent acts. 1. That from and after the first day of May until the Beds not to first day of September, yearly and every year, no person, certain under pretense of taking clams or shell-fish, or under any p^l.^ists, other pretense whatsoeiver, shall rake on any oysteir bed ^' in this state, or gather any oysters or shells on any banks or beds within the same; ancLin^c^se an,y person shall so do, whether oysters bei taken or not, he shall for every offense forfeit and pay (fifty) -doll a,ts, to be recovered, with cioists, by action of debt, by any person who shall prosecute; for the same in any court of recoird in thisi state having cognizance of that sum, one moiety thereof to the use of the prosecutor, and the other moiety toi the county collector, for the use of the county in which the offensie was commiitted; provided^ that nothing in thisi section shall be so construed as to prohibit any person or persons from taking oysters fro^m beds- plailted out by him or them pursuant to this law. 2. That in case any persou residing in or without this penalty for state, shall at any time hereafter rake for or gather aredfes. oysters in any of the rivers, bays, or waters of thisi state, with a dredge, or instrument so called, or shall be on board of any canoe', boat or vessel employed in raking with such implement, such person so offending shall for- feit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered in the manner and for the use mentioned in the necxt pre^ j^^^ j^ ^j^-ig ceding section ; provided, that this and the sixth section proviso. (3) 4 STATUTE LAW OF Is^EW JERSEY Justices of the peace to issue war- rant, &c.. Penalty for offering oys- ters for sale at certain, seasons. Penalty for gathering oysters for lime. Vessels not to carry dredge. shall not extend, so' far as regards persons residing in this state, to the Delaware bay. . 3. That it shall l>e the duty of every justice of the peace, upon his own view or the information of any per- son on oath or affirin,ation, toi issue his warrant to: one. or more of the constables in his county, commanding him or them to require such and sO' many persons aS' he or they deem necessary tO' aid and assist liim or them in ap- prehending every person offending against either of the preceding sections, in any of the bays, riversi, or waters of this state, and forthwith to bring such offender, when ap- prehended, before the said justice, or any other justice of the peace of said county, tO' bei proceeded against in the manner hereinbefore directed. 4. That if any person, shall hereafter sell, or* offer foi* sale;, oysters, in any pia,rt of this statei, between, the first day of May and the first day of SeptembeT, such person shall, foT every such offense, forfeit and pay five dollars, to be recovered and applied in manner directed in. and by the first section of this act. 5. That if any peirson shall at any timei hereafter rake or gather oysters in any of the rivers, baysi or wa,t€rs of this st,ate, for the purpose of burning or converting them into lime, or for the purpose of conveying them tO' any of the landings to be used in the manuf acture of iron in any of the! furnaces of this state, ot shall land them on any bank or' landing for either of the purposes aforesaid, every person so offending shall forfeit and p'ay fifty dollars for each and every oft'ensei, to be recovered and applied in manner directed by the first section of this act. 6. That noi canoe!, scow, boat or vessel, employed in navigating any of the waters, baysi or rivers of this state, shall have on board of the; same any instrimient called a dredge, for catching or raking oysters, or shell-fish ; and the master or owner or owners of every such canoe', scow, boat or vessel, that shall have on board of the same any such instrument, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered in the manner and for the use mentioned in the first section of this act. RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 5 7. It shall not be lawful for any person who is not at p- ^oi ^^^' (he same time an actual inhabitant and resident of this Non-resi- , , „ . dents not to state, and who has not been for six months next preced-' gather ciams, OVStGl'S &C ing, an aotual inhabitant or resident as aforesaid, to rake or gather clams, oysters or shell-fish, either on his o\^n.i account and benefit or on aiccount or benefit of hisi em- ployer, in any of the rivers, bays or waters of this state, on board of any canoe, flat, scow, boat or other vessel ; and every person who' shall offend herein shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars, to be recovered and applied in the manner directed by the first section of this act; and the said canoe, flat, scow, boat or other velssel nsed and employed in the coanmission of such offense, with all the clams, oysters, clam rakes, tongs, tackle, furniture and apparel, shall be forfeited, and the same seized, secured and disposed of, in the manner described in the ninth and tenth sections of this act. 8. That any action under the first, sixth or seventh Actions un- y " _ der this act, sections of this act may be oonnnenced bv warrant in the ^^"^ com- '^ " _ menced court for the' trial of small causes and be proceeded in as in otlier cases when tlie same are commenced by war- rant, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwith- standing. 9. That if. shall be the duty of all sheriffs and con- Ofleenders, '^ now pro- stables, and may be lawful for any other person or per- ceeded . " -, 1 n 1 . against. sons, to seize and secure any such canoe, flat, scow, boat or other vessel as afoTesaid, and imiinediately thereupon give information thereof, to two^ justices of the jD'eaee of the county where such seizure shall have been made., who are hereby empowered and required to meet at such time . and place as they shall appoint for the trial thereof, and hear and determine the same ; and in case the same shall be condemned, it shall be siold by the order and under the direction of the said justices, who, after deducting all legal costs and charges, shall pay one-half of the proceeds of said sale to the collector of the ooimty in which such offense shall have been committed, and the other half to the person who' shall have seized and pTosecuted the same. 10. That if any person or persons, on board of any such Penalty for , „ resisting canoe, flat, scow, boat or other vessel aforesaid, shall re- officers. 6 STATUTE LAW OF I^EW JERSEY Owners of marsh, &c., may plant clams, oys- ters, &c. Penalty for breaking down fences, &c. Oysters, liow taken in Navesink river. fuse and not suffer to emter the same, or resist before or after entering, any of the said officers or other person or persons seizing the same!;, or otherwise resist thean, or any of them in tlie lawful seizing of the same, then every per- son so offending shall forfeit and pay the some of thirty dollars, to be recovered and applied in manner directed by the first section of this act.. 11. That it shall be lawful for any person or persons owning marsh or meadow in this state, within the bounda- ries of w^hich there shall be CTeeks, ditches or ponds wherein oysters doi or will grow, and where^ such creeks or ditches do not lead to any public landing, tO' lay or plant clams or oysters therein, for the use and benefit of such O'wners, and for the preservation of which to erect a fence, hang or affix gateSi or locks across said creeks or ditches, to prevent any person or persons from entering the same. 12. That if any person be found with any craft, boat or raft, above or within tliei aforesaid fences, gates or locks', without leave from th.8 owner or occupant of any creek, ditch or pond, fenccid, gated or locked as aforesaid, w^herein clams or oysters may be laid or planted, or shall in any way break or destroy such fence, gate or lock, he., she or they so offending shall severally forfeit and pay, for each and every offense, the sum of fifty dollarsi, to be recovered by action of debt, with, costs, in any court having cognizance thereof, by any person who' shall proser cute for the same, one-half to. the use of the owner or occupant of such creek, ditcli or pond, and the Oither half to the person who shall sue for the s'ame ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be soi construed or under- stood as tO' obstruct or prevent the free navigation of any thoroughfare, creek or channel leading from, or out of any of the bays or principal waters toi any other bay or principal water, or toi any accustomed landing place: in this state, anything hereinbeforei contained to the con- trary notwithstanding. 13. That it shall not be lawful for any person or per- sons tO' rake or take with tongs, or otherwise gather or carry away, any oysters, other than by w^ading in and EELx\TIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEKS. Y packing up by hand the same, within thei following bounds in the river, coaninonly calleid or known by the name of the North or JSTavesink river, lying within the county of Monmouth, and dividing the township of Shrewsbury from the township of Middletown,, above; a, direct line from the storehouse of Eiseok White, on the Shrewsbui'y side of the river, tO' the dwelling-housei of Thom-asi Layton, on the Middletown side of thei river aforesiaid ; and in case any person or persons- shall be: found o^ff ending against this pTohibition, he, she' or they so offending shall forfeit and piay for every, such' offense the sum of ten dollars, to- be recovered in an action of debt, with costs, before any justice of the- peace in the- county of Mon- mouth, by any pierson, who shall suei for the same, the O'Ue- half to the use of the prosecutor, and the other half tO' be paid to thei county collector, to; and for the use of the county. 14. That it shall and may be lawful for any person or Owners of persons owning flats or coves along the- shores of the tide- Great and 1 ^Ai-T 1/-^ T-i Little Egg waters m the county o± Atlantic, between the Ureat iLgg Harbor rivers Harbor and Little Egg Harbor rivers, inclusive^ of the oysters. shores of so much of the said rivers aS; lie within the said county of Atlantic, to- miark out by fixing stakes' acroS'S or around the same, at the distance of tw^o rods- from each other, and of such length as tO' be at least twO' feet above the ordinary high water, and plant, or lay clams, oysters or other shell-fish within O'r above the same; provided, said stakes shall not include any natural O'yster bc'ds always covered with water beyond low-water mark ; and provided aho, it shall not be lawful to stake O'ut be'yond the ordinary low-water mark, nor injure any navigation publicly used. 15. That if any person or persons shall gather or' take Penalty for away any O'ysters or clams, above or within the line of ters without stakes aforesaid, without permission first had or O'b- tained from the owner or O'wners, occupant or occupants, of the flats or coves S'O staked in, he, she or thc'y so offend- ing shall forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of twenty dollars, to be reco'vered and apiplied in manner permission. STATUTE LAW OF NE,W JEESEY p. L. 1800, p. 473. Owners of raeaaow lands may plant. Proviso Proviso. Penalty for taking oys- ters within certain limits without per- mission. Setting up stakes may he omitted in certain cases. direcited bj the twelfth section of this act, and shall more- overr be liable tO' an action at the suiti of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, for his, her or their damages. 16. That it shall and may be lawful for the owner or owners, or any person or persons having a license in writ- ing from the owner or owners of meadow or other lands, which are opposite or contiguous tO' flats which are at any time bare, or coves, upion or Avithin which flats or coves there have not been heretofore any natural oyster beds along the shores of the tide^waters of this^ state, to plant and lay clams, oysters or other shell-fish upon, within or above such flats and coveSj, and one chain beyond the same ; provided, the clams and oysters thusi planted shall be inclosed and designated by stakes placed beyond them within the prescribed limits, not less than six rods a,part, and of such length as tO' be at least twoi feet above ordi- nary high water; mid provided also', that this section shall not be sO' construed as to take away or in anywise impair the common right of citizens, to any natural oyster beds which may be embraced by the boundary herein specified. 17. That any person or persons whoi shall gather or take away any oysters or olamsi upon, abovei or within the limits afore:said, without permission first had and obtained from such owner or oiAvners;, person or persons occupying under such owner or owners as aforesaid, shall be liable to the samei forfeitures and the like suits for damages, to be recovered and sued for in manner as is directed and provided in the fifteenth section of this act; provided, that nothing in this act shall prevent the legislature from the repeal or modification of this and the. last foregoing section, at tlieir pleasures 18. That in coves and places where notorious and plain ranges or landmarks can, be erected and established on contiguous shores, whereby thei boundaries of planted beds of oysters may be clearly known and distinguished without, danger of mistake, and where in such coves or places such not(^rious or plain ranges or marks on con- EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEKS. 9 tigrious mea,do'Ws or shoTes shall hayei been eTeotied and establisheid by stakes or other plain monuments, soi that they may be plainly known and distinguished without danger of mistake, and duei notice: thereof being given, that then, and in such cases, the jDrovisions of the two last-foregoing sections in regard tO' the planting and set- ting up of stakes may be^ dispensed with in respect tiO such places as above described. 19, That the time within which the taking and vend- Time for ing of oysters is pTohibited by the first and fourth sec- tersincer- tions of this act, is hereby extended to- the first day of October, yearly and every year, in the counties of Bur- lington, Monmouth and Atlantic only, under the same penalties and regiilations as are therein contained ; pro- vided, that planted oysters may be taken up at any time by the person O'^vning the same. 20. That nO' person or persons, under any pretense of ow shells taking oysters, or under any other piretense whatever, ™*7^*^ff°^ shall take, remove or ciariy off from, any natural oyster banks o^r beds, in this state, any old shells, other than such as cannot be' removed or separated from the oysters without injuring the same; and all such shells shall be culled and separated from the oysters, and thrown baick again upon the said natural banks or beds ; and in case any person or persons shall so take^ remove or carry O'ff from said natural banks or beds, whether oysters be taken or not, without first so separating the old shells froim the oysters, he or they shall for every offense forfeit and pay ten dollars, to be recovered, with costs, by a,otion of debt, by any person who shall prosecute for the same, in any court of record in this stiate having cognizance of that sum, one-half thereof tO' the use of the prosecutor and the other tO' the overseer of the poor for thei use of the poor of the township in which the offense w^as committed, and the canoe;, flat, scow, boat and other vessel, used and em- ployed in the commission of the offense in this section mentioned, shall be liable tO' seizure, and be applied to the payment of such penalty; provided, however, that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to 10 STATUTE LAAV OF NEW JEESEY Penalty for SPlling clams under certain size taken in Atlantic county. P. L. 1851, p. 439. Non-resi- dents of state not to gather oys- ters, &c. Penalty. Additional penalty for violating section 12. prohibit any person or persons from talking, removing or carrying any sliells from beds planted out by him or them pursuant tO' law. 21. That it shall not be lawful for any person or per- sons to sell, or offer for sale, by the bushel or otherwise, any small clams which m.ay have been taken in the waters of the county of Atlantic, unless the said clams shall be of such a size that a bushel will not contain more than four hundred; and if any person or persons shall so sell, or offer for sale, any such clams, four hundred of which will not make a bushel, such person or persons shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay ten dollars, to be recovered, with costs, by action of debt, by any person who shall prosecute for the same, in any court of record in this state having cognizance of that sum, one-half to the over- seer of the poor, for the use of the poor of the township in which the offense shall have been committed and the other half to the person who shall sue for the same. 22. That it shall not be lawful for any person who is not at the time an inhabitant and resident of this state, and who shall not have been for six months next pre- ceding an inhabitant and resident as aforesaid, to^ take, rake or gather oysters, clams, or shell-fish, in any of the rivers, bays or waters of this state ; and every person offending herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, npou conviction, shall be punished by fine or im- prisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court before which the conviction shall be had; provided, such im- prisonment shall not exceed, in any case, the term of six months, nor the fine exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. 23. That every person offending against the provisions of the twelfth section of the act to which this is a supple- ment, shall, in addition to the penalty therein mentioned, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court before which the conviction shall be had; provided, such imprisonment shall not exceed, in any case, the term of six months, nor the fine exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 11 • 24. That the time within which the taking and vend- ^-J^^^^^^' . . p ^ . P- 139. me' oysters is prohibited by the first and fourth sections Time ror iP -, ,.-,-... . taking and of the act to which this is a supplement, is and that the vending oys- -. (, ,-^ ■, -. , ters extended same be extended to the first day of October, yearly and in cape May ■^ ' 'J 'J county. every year, in the county of Cape May, under the same penalties and regulations! a,si are therein contained; -pro"- vided, that nothing contained in this act shall prevent the owners of planted oysters from, at any time, taking up and vending the same. 25. That it shall be lawful for any person or persons p. l. i855, owning marsh or meadow lands in this state, within the o.vnerViof boundaries of which there shall be creeks, ditches or meadow ponds wherein clams and oysters do or will grow, to lay lay In'd^piant or plant clams and oysters therein, for the use and benefit ^■^^ ^^^' of such owners, and for the preservation of which he is to properly stake off such clam and oyster ground as not to interfere with the passing and repassing of vessels, but sufficient to designate where the same is planted. 26. That any person or persons violating the provi- Penalty for sions of this act shall be subject to all the fines and provisions penalties contained in the act to which this is a further supplement. 27. That it shall not be lawful for any 'person or per- p. l. i864, sons to take any oysters out of the natural beds of the oyster's not counties of Burlington, Atlantic and Ocean, between the outof natu- first day of May and sunrise of the first day of October, certain^ conn- yearly, only by daylight, under the penalty of twenty-five dayiiTht'.^* ^' dollars for each and every offense. 28. That it shall and may be lawful for any person or p. l. isti, persons owning flats or coves along the shores of the tide- owner's ot waters in the county of Burlington, between the lines coves along separating Burlington from Ocean and Atlantic counties, in Burlington to mark out, by fixing stakes across or around the same, plant "or lay at the distance of two rods from each other, and of such °^ length as to be at least two feet above the ordinary high- water, and plant or lay oysters or other shell-fish within or above the same ; 'provided, said stakes shall not in- Proviso, elude any natural oyster beds always covered with water beyond low-water mark; and provided also, it shall not Proviso, be lawful to stake out beyond the ordinary low-water mark nor injure any navigation publicly used. 12 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JERSEY Penalty for taking oys- ters or clams so planted without per- mission. P. L. 1S73, p. 44. Construction of tlie words "dredge or instrument so called." Penalty for using rake or other instru- ment in waters of Burlington county. P. L. 1892, p. 360. No boat to be used for gathering clams, &c., unless owner a resident of state. 29. That if any person or persons shall gather or take away any oysters or clamsi, above or within thei line of stakes aforesaid, mthoiit permission first had or ol> tained from thei owner or owners, occupant or occupants of the flats or coves so' staked in, he, she or they so offend- ing shall forfeit and pay for eadi offense the sum of twenty dollars, toi be recovered and apiplied in manner directed by the twelfth section of the act to which this a,ct is a further supplement, and shall moreover be liable to an action at, the suit of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants:, for his, her or their damages. 30. That the words "dredge or instrument soi called," in sections two' and six of the act tO' which this act is a further sup'plement, shall be and is hereby taken, deemed and intended tO' mean and appily to any rake or other instrument designed and intended to bei used or which shall be used and dragged by any canoe, boat or' vessel in any of the rivers, bays or waters of Burlington county, in this state, as a dredge, and for the uses and purposes of a dredge, whether called by that name or otherwise. 31. That all the penalties in sections twO' and six of the a.ct. tOi which this act is a further aupiplement shall and hereby do apply to all such person or persons using such rake or rakes, or other instruments, or canoe, boat or vesn sel having on boai'd such rake or other instrument to be employed and used in raking and dredging or which shall be found employed and using such rake or other instrument in like manner as dredges are used, and for the same piurposes for which dredges are used, in any of the rivers, bays or waters of the county of Burlington, in this state, whetlier such rake or other instrument be called by the name of dredge or otherwise. 32. That it shall not be lawful for a.ny canoe, flat, scow, boat or other vessel to be used or employed in any of the rivers, bays or waters of this state to rake or gather clams, oysters or shell-fish, unless the same shall be O'^vned by citizens and actual residents of this state, and who have been for twelve months next preceding actual citi- zens and residents as aforesaid ; and it shall not be lawful for any non-resident to hold a lien or mortgage on any EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 13 canoe, flat, scow, boat or any otheir vessel engaged in the oystex business of this state as; aforesaid; nor shall any such canoe, flat, scow, boat or any other vessel be com- manded by any person whoi isi not a citizen and actual resident of this state for twelve months next preceding; and any canoe, flat, scow, boat or other vessel not so Penalty, owned and commandeid, used an,d employed as aforesaid, with all the clamsi, oystersi, clam-rakes, tongs, tackle, furniture and apparel shall be forfeited, and the same seized, secured and disposed of in the manner prescribed in the ninth" and tenth sections of the act toi which this is a suppleoment ; provided, that this act shall not apply Proviso, to or affect vessels or boiatsi already having license: in this state under existing laws. 33. That in order tO' better carry out and enforoei the p. l. i893, provisions of the act toi which this act is a supple'ment, special offl- and the acts supplementiary thereto', it shall be lawful for appointed, the directors of any association of oystermen; duly in- corporated under the laws of this state toi appoint special officers, not exceeding three in number, who shall be citizens of this state, and who shall be and hereby are Empowered empowered at all times while holding the office or position lators^of act." of such special officer, upon their own view, to arrest any person or persons whoi may be found violating or infring- ing any of the provisions of the act tO' which this act is a supplement or of any of the acta supplementary thereto, and to bring him or them before! a, magistrate for ex- amination. 34. That such special officers shall be paid for their how special services under this act by the association appointing them paid. and not otherwise:. 35. Frora and after the passage of this act it shall be p. l. i899, unlawful for any person or personsi, coinpiany or corpora- unlawful to tion, at any time whatever, to use, cast, drag or haul any Delaware bay dredge, patent rake, or other similar device which shall tain line. be towed, dragged or hauled by or behind any boat, vessel or craft propelled by sail or steam, or to catch therewith clams, oysters or shells in the watersi of Delaware bay south of a line running direct fro'm the mouth of Dennis creek to Brandywine lighthouse ; and any person offend- penalty. 14 STATUTE LAW OF ^^ew JERSEY • Proviso. Repealer. P. L. 1900, p. 422. Taking of hard mud elams. Exception. Soft-shell clams. ing against the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for any term not ex- ceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court ; and any boat or vessel employed in the commission of any offense against the provisions of this act shall, with all her tackle, apparel and furniture, be forfeited, and the same may be seized, secured, condemned and disposed of in the manner prescribed in the ninth and tenth sections of the act entitled "An act for the preservation of clams and oysters" [Revision], approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six ; 'provided, always, that the provisions of this act shall not be construed to prohibit any person, who now does, or hereafter shall, bona fide, occupy and plant with oysters any grounds not natural oyster or clam grounds, from working his own private oysters at any time and in any manner that he may otherwise lawfully do. 36. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent here- with be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect immediately. 37. Erom and after the piassage of this act' it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take from the natural beds beneath the waters of this state, by means of boats, tongs, dredges, rakes or otherwise, or to have in their possession, or to buy or sell, or to offer to buy or sell, any clams commonly called hard mud clams, the shells of which will measure less than one inch in width or thickness across the back or hinge ; except said clams be taken beneath the waters of Atlantic county, in which case they shall not measure less than one and one-quarter inches in length ; or to buy or sell, or to offer to buy or sell, any clams commonly called hard sand clams, the shells of which will measure less than one inch in width or thickness across the back or hinge, except said clams be taken beneath the waters of Atlantic county, in which case they shall not measure less than one and one-quarter inches in length ; or to buy or sell, or offer to buy or sell, any clams commonly called soft-shell clams, the shells of RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 15 wliich will measure less than two inches in length; and Penalty, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the justice of the peace before whom the case is brought, and in default of payment of the fine, the justice shall commit him to the county jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than thirty days ; one moiety of said fine Division of (after deducting therefrom the^ fees of the justice and of the officer making the arrest, which fees shall be the same as are allowed for issuing and serving warrants and hold- ing examination or hearing in other causes), to be paid by said justice imposing and collecting the^ fine tO' the overseer of the poor, for the use of the poor of the town- ship in which the offense shall have been committed, and the other half or moiety to be paid to the warden, con- stable or person who made the complaint. 38. Upon complaint under oath, made to him, any p.l. i903, justice of the peace of the county wherein the offense warrant for was committed may and shall issue his warrant for the of violators, arrest and apprehension of any person violating the pro- visions of the first section of this act ; and it shall be the duty of the several oyster commissioners or any constable to, and any other person may, make complaint and bring action before any justice of the peace of the county against any person or persons m violating the provisions of this act ; which warrants shall be served by either such oyster commissioner or constable. A Supplement tO' an act entitled "An act for the preser- vation of clamsi and oysters," approved April four- teenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. Approved March 29, 1904. Be it enacted hi/ the Sencute and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. It shall be unlawful for any boat or other vessel J'-^^gg^'^'^^- propelled wholly or in part by steam, naphtha, elec- ^l^lffl^icany trieity, or any other mechanical motive power, to P^°g?^l|gg engage in the catching or taking of oysters from any of *'^'°™ ^l*^^*^^ 16 STATUTE LAW OF IsEW JERSEY Penalty. the natural beds, under the tidal waters of this state, and no license shall be issued by any oyster commis- sion, shell commission, or other authority, to any boat or vessel so propelled, authorizing such boat or vessel to engage in the catching or taking of oysters from any of said natural beds ; any person using a boat so propelled in such business, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any boat or other vessel propelled wholly or in part by any such mechanical motive powder, and so engaged, shall be forfeited together with all the tongs, dredges, tackle, furniture and appurtenances thereto belonging, and shall be seized, secured and disposed of in the manner pre- scribed in the act to which this is a supplement. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. p. L. 1909, p. 476.' Polluting matter not deposited so as to affect oyster beds. Proviso. Penalty. A Further Supplement to an act entitled ''An act for the preservation of clams and oysters," approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. Approved April 21, 1909. Be it E]srACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of Neiv Jersey: 1. iSTo excremental or other polluting matter of any kind or character whatsoever shall be discharged or placed in the waters, or be placed or suffered to remain on the banks of any stream, the bed of which is or shall be used for the planting and cultivation of oysters or clams, if such excremental or other polluting matter so placed or discharged into such stream, or placed or suf- fered to remain on the banks of such stream, will tend to corrupt and impair the quality or wholesomeness of the oysters or clams growing on the bed of said stream; provided, hoivever, that nothing in this section contained shall apply to the discharge of sewage or drainage into any such stream by municipalities of this State. 2. Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt by the board of health of the state of N'ew Jersey. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 17 3. The word "stream" as used in this act shall be taken -stream" to include and mean all bodies of water in this state, or constituting a boundarj^ between this and any other state, irrespective as to whether such waters be fresh or salt; 'provided, the bed of any such stream shall be used Pi'oviso. for the planting and cultivation of oysters or clams. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. A Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the pres- ervation of clams and oysters," approved Api'il four- teenth, one thousand eight hundred and f orty-onc'. Approved May 11, 1905. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Erom and after the passage of this act it shall be p. L.1905, unlawful for any person or persons, company or corpora- Prohibition tion, at any time whatsoever, to use, cast, drag or haul any ciams and dredge, patent rake or other similar device, which shall be ^ towed, dragged or hauled by or behind any bo'at, vessed or craft propelled by sail, steam or other piower, or to catch therewith any clams, oysters oi' shells in the waters of the Delaware bay, southweisterly of a line running northwest from the mouth of Green creek. Cape May county, tO' the interseotion of such line with a, linci direct. fro'm> thei mouth of Dennis creek to Brandy winei lighthouse ; provided. Proviso. however, thati this prohibition shall not apply to any ter- ritory which was; under lease: from the> state oyster com- mission of the state of ISTew Jersey on the, first day of Yeh- ruary, one thousand nine hundred and five ; and any per- Penalty for „. -,. . . . c 1 • 1 Ti 1 violation. son onendmg against the provisionsi 01 this act snail be deemed giiilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for any term not exceeding six months, or both, at the discre- tion of the court ; and any boat or vessel employed in the Boat and J. _cc ' • j_ ii • • j» J.T • tackle eon- commission 01 any oiiense against the provisions ot tins sscated. act shall, with all her tackls, apparel and furniture, be forfeited; and the same may be seized, secured, con- demned and disposed of in the manner prescribed in 2 18 STATUTE LAW OF ITEW JEESEY Repealer. the ninth and tenth sections of the act to which this is a supplement. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the pro- visions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. p. L. 1909. II. MISCELLAiq^EOUS GE^NtEKAL ACTS. p. L. 1886, p. 300. Unlawful fou non-residents of the state to plant seed or grow oyst^ii's. Penalty. Repealer. An Act for the better enforcement in any river or bay of an act entitled "An act for the preservation of clams and oysters/' approved April fourteenth, one tliO'Usand eight hundred and forty-six, and siupiplements thereto. Approved April 27, 1886. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persona not residentsi of this state, and who shall not have been residents for six months next preceding, toi plant seed or grow oysters in the waters of any river or bay ; and any oysters, oyster shells, or other materials for seeding or growing oysters so planted shall become public property^ or may be caught or taken upi by any citizen of this state; and any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction thereof skall be subject tO' a, fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, ot imprisonment not exceeding one year, or fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. 2. That any acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act be repealed, tkat thisi act, shall be a, pmblic act and take effect immediatelv. P. L. 1894, p. 429. Persons oc- cupying cer- tain grounds shall be con- firmed in their holding. An Act to protect the planting and cultivating of oysters in the tide^waters of tbis state. Approved May 17, 1894. 1. That any person or persons, citizens of this state, now or hereafter holding, using or occupying any grounds lying under the tide-waters of thisi state for the planting or cultivating of oysters tbereon, said grounds not now known and recogTiized as natural oyster seed beds, from EELATIVE TO CLAMS A]^D OYSTEKS. 19 whioli tlierei is now ga,thered seed or young oysteirs for planting purposesi, sliall "be and hereiby axe confirmed' in their holding or right to use snch gronnds for the pur- pose of planting and cultivating of oysteirs, and the oysters planted and growing thereon shall bei the peir- sonal property of the person or persons holding, using or occupying the grounds as aforesaid; provided, the Proviso, said gTOunds shall have been maxked by propex stakes^, buoys ox suitable monumients^, and oysters shall havei been actually planted upon the grounds soi maxked off. 2. That upon the grounds now ox hereafter held, used p'leJ;^^^' or occupied as aforesaid tlie pexson or persons holding, on prlratt?'' using ox occupying the same may plant, cultivate and fg^de^med^^^^ gathex oystersi; they may shell said gxounds and gather p^op'^'^ty the oystexs that may gxow thexeon, and all oystexs on said grounds shall be deemed and taken to b© their per- sonal property; and every pexson or persons whoi shall Sierwm^shaii gather, catch or take oystexs, clamsi ox shells fxom any lot misdemeanor of gxound properly planted with oystexsi held, used ox occupied as afoxesaid, ox use thexeon any tongs, xake or dredge without the pexmission of the piexsoui ox pexsons holding, using ox occupying the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanox, and, upon conviction thexeof. Penalty, shall be fine'd in a sum not gxeatex than one hundxed dol- laxs or be confined in the county jail for ai pexioid not exceeding six months^ ox botli, at the discxetion of the court. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person, without p'^^;,)-^®^' the permission of the person or piersonsi holding, using or P^g^^^^g*" occupying the grounds now or hereafter held, used ox Yj!|^ g^'^l^®^ occupied as afoxesaid to woxk fxo'm boats ox otherwise with xakes, dxedges or other appliances upon any of siaid gxounds, and thereby to injure, distuxb ox xemo've the oystexs planted and growing thereon ; and it shall be the constable or duty of any constable ox duly-authoxized special officer, seize bo^ts and lawful fox any other pexson, to seize and secuxe any ances^^ ^ boat, rake, dredge or other appilianoe used in. violation of this law and immediately give information thereof to any justice of the peace of the county wherein such seiiz- justice of iT-ii "tt • ^ j_ i>eace shall uxe IS made, who is hexeby empowexed and xequixeo. to try and de- termine case. 20 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JERSEY heax, try and determine whetJaer such boat, rake, dredge or other appliance so seized was used in violation of this law; the said justice shall appoint a time and place of trial and cause reasonable notice thereof to be given to the person who was in possession of the property seized and the owner thereof, if they can be found; and shall, at the time and ]3lace appointed, determine whether the boat, rake, dredge or other appliance seized was used in And may violation of this law, and if found to have been so used &c., sold and shall Order the same to be sold in such manner as the ap^piied. said justice shall direct; and the avails thereof, after deducting all proper and reasonable costs and charges which said justice may tax and allow, shall be paid one- half to the person or persons making the seizure and one- half to the treasurer of the state for the use of the state. Grounds used 4, That uo grounds now used and set apart for clam- for clamming _ *=•_ , ^, shall not be ming purposes in said state shall be occupied and used used for r- i c i • i • • oysters. ±or the purposc 01 planting or cultivating oysters, stakes shall 5, That all stakcs used for the purpose aforesaid shall be yielding, in. ,.,,. ^ '^ . ,, &c. be elastic and yielding, and shall not impede navigation nor interfere with the drawing of seines in any place now established and customarily used for seine fishing. Persons 6. That any person or persons who shall plant oysters tersupon upou anv of the natural oyster beds lying under the natural beds x t/ t/ t/ o from which ' waters af oresaid, now known and recognized as natural gathered seed oyster beds, and from which there is now gathered seed be deemed or young oysters for planting purposes, shall be deemed and shall trespassers, and such planted oysters shall be forfeited to plants. the public, who shall have the right and privilege of going upon said beds and taking said planted oysters and con- verting the same to their own use at any time when it is now lawful to take oysters from said natural beds. Title shall 7, That nothing; in this act contained shall 2;ive anv not run ~ _ _ . ' against state, persoii or persous the right or title to any of said lands as against the state, and the state may at any time alter or repeal this law, or the riparian commissioners may make grants, the same as if this act had not been passed. Act^shaiinot g_ That 110110 of the provisions of this act shall apply i^eiaware bay to the watcrs or bottoms of Delaware bay and Maurice or Maurice "^ River cove. River cove. RELATIVE TO CLAMS ANB OYSTEES. 21 9. That this act shall and is hereby declared to be a Repealer, public act and shall take effect immediately, and all acts and j)arts of acts inconsistent herewith shall be and hereby are repealed. 10. That any person or persons removing any stakes, p. l. i895, bnoys or monuments placed or erected for the purposes as penafty for set forth in the first section of the act to which this is st^eOuoys a supplement, shall, upon conviction thereof before any mentT" court of competent jurisdiction, pay a fine of twenty dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety days, either or both, at the discre- tion of the court. 11. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with Repealer, this act be and the same are hereby repealed. An Act to protect the natural oyster-seed grounds of this state. Approved March 17, 1899. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey : 1. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, p. l. 1899, under pretense of taking oysters, or under any other pre- unlawful to 1 , , re J- , T remove seed tense whatever, to remove or carry oii from any natural oysters, oyster-seed grouinds in this state any shells other than such as cannot be removed or separated from the oysters without injuring the same ; and all such shells shall be , culled and separated from the oysters and throv^oi back again upon the said natural oyster-seed grounds; and Penalty, any person or persons offending against the provision of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable, after conviction, by a fine of fifty dollars for each and every offense, or imprisonment in any county jail for a period of three months, or both, at the discretion of the court ; ^nd the fine, when so recovered, one-half to go to the complainant and one-half to the treasurer of the state for the use of the state ; provided, that the pro- proviso, vision of this section shall not apply to Delaware bay and Maurice cove and the tributaries thereto. 22 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEESEY Repealer. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act shall be and the same are hereby repealed. 3. This act shall go into effect immediately. p. L. 1900, p. 425. Laws for protection of seed oysters and grounds to be enforced. Who have jurisdiction. Procedure. An Act to provide a uniform procedure for the enforce- ment of all laws relating to the taking of natural seed oysters and clams and the protection of the natural seed oyster grounds of this state and for the recovery of penalties for the violation thereof. Approved March 23, 1900. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. All laws, general and special, for the protection of natural seed oyster grounds, or in any manner prohibit- ing or regulating the taking or possession of natural seed oysters and clams, shall hereafter be enforced, and all penalties for violations thereof shall hereafter be recov- ered in accordance with the provisions of this act. 2. Justices of the peace, district courts and police magistrates shall have jurisdiction to try and punish any person or persons, corporation or corporations, accused of violating any of the laws specified in the first section of this act, or any of the provisions thereof, and every pen- alty prescribed for such violation may be enforced and recovered before any justice of the peace, district court or police magistrate, either in the county where the offense is committed or where the offender is first appre- hended or where he may reside. 3. Such justice of the peace, district court or police magistrate, upon receiving complaint in writing, duly verified, of the violation of any law specified in the first section of this act, or of any of the provisions thereof, is hereby authorized and required to issue a warrant, di- rected to any constable, police officer, oyster commis- sioner or their assistants, commanding him to cause the person or persons so complained of to be arrested and brought before such justice, district court or police magistrate, and shall thereupon, in a summary way, hear and determine the guilt or .innocence of such person or RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 23 persons, and, iipon conviction, shall impose nj)on the per- son or persons so convicted the penalty or penalties j)i'e- scribed, together Avith the costs of prosecntion for such offense; and if any person or persons shall fail to pay the penalty or penalties so imposed, together with the costs of prosecution, the said justice, district court or police magistrate shall commit him or them to the com- mon jail of the county where such conviction is had, for a period not exceeding ninety days, or until said penalty and costs are paid. 4. For the violation of any laws specified in the first ^Vf^^t ^ , , without section of this act, or of any of the provisions thereof, warrant, done within the view of any constable, police officer, oyster commissioners or their assistants^ such officer is hereby authorized, without warrant, to arrest the offender or offenders and to carry him or them before a justice of the peace, district court or police magistrate of the county wherein such arrest is made, and the justice, dis- trict court or police magistrate before whom such offender or offenders shall be taken is hereby authorized and re- quired to hear and determine in a summary way the guilt or innocence of such person or persons, after receiv- ing from the said officer a complaint in writing, duly verified, setting forth the nature of the; offense for which the said person or persons was or were arrested. 5. In any action commenced under the provisions of f^^^^ ^^^ this act the prevailing party shall recover costs against the other, and the same fees and costs shall be allowed therein as in trials before justices of the peace holding court, for the trial of small causes. 6. Any hearing to be held pursuant to this act may, Adjournment for good cause shown, be adjourned for a period not ex- ceeding thirty days from the return of any warrant of the time of appearance mentioned in any summons, or from the date of any arrest without warrant, as the case may be, but in case it shall be the duty of the justice, district court or police magistrate to detain the defendant or defendants in safe custody unless he or they shall enter into bond to the person making the complaint, with at least one surety, in double the amount of the penalty to 24 STATUTE LAW OF ^^EW JERSEY Disposition of moneys recovered. Appeal may be taken. Proviso. Papers, &e., sent to court of common pleas. Power and fees of oys- ter commis- sioners. be recovered, conditioned for his or their appearance on the day to which the hearing shall be adjourned, and thence from day to day until the case is disjjosed of, and then to abide by the judgment of the justice, district court or police magistrate, provided no appeal therefrom be taken, and such bond, if forfeited, may be prosecuted by the person to whom it is given in any court of compe- tent jurisdiction. 7. All moneys recovered pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be paid in each case to the person making the complaint, who shall pay one-third thereof to the treasurer of the state for the use of the state, and one- third thereof in equal proportions to the persons furnish- ing the evidence necessary to secure a conviction. 8. Any party to any proceeding instituted under this act may appeal from the judgment or sentence of the justice, district court or police magistrate, to the court of common pleas of the county in which the said proceed- ings shall take place; provided, that the party appealing shall within ten days after the date of the said judgment serve a written notice of appeal upon the opposite party, pay the costs of such proceedings and deliver to the justice,, district court or police magistrate a bond to the opposite party in double the amount of the judgment appealed from, with at least one sufficient surety, condi- tioned to prosecute the said appeal and to stand to and abide by such further order or judgment as may here- after be made against said party. 9. Whenever an appeal shall be taken as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the justice, district court or police magistrate to send all papers, together with a transcript of the proceedings in the case, to the necxt court of com- mon pleas of the said county, which court shall try and determine all such appeals in the same way and manner that appeals from the courts for the trial of small causes are now tried and determined, except that upon the trial of any such appeal no notice of the production of new evidence on behalf of either party shall be required. 10. The duly appointed oyster commissioners or their assistants shall have the same power and be entitled tad of oysters, after the same shall have been shoveled back fro'm that part of the deck used for emptying the dredges and tongs aforesaid, shall not con- tain more than fifteen percentum of shells and other material ; and if any person ot persons shall neglect or Refusal to refuse to cull as aforesaid all such oysters, oyster shells ^^ and other material, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; when the master, commander, captain or person in charge of any bo'at, vessel or other craft, licenseid under the provisions of which this is a supple- ment, is hailed or signaled by any officer of the state 3 34 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEESEY p. L. 1903, p. 642. Trespassing in dredging. P. L. 1901, p. 307. Oyster season. Taken by day only. Arrest for violating oyster laws. 0}^steT commission and refuses to stop and permit any officer or officers of said state oyster eonunission to board said boat, vessel or other craft and examine the oysters, oyster shells and othei' material on such boat, vessel or other craft as aforesaid, the said oyster commis- sion shall have power to revoke the^ license of the boat, vessel or other craft so< refusing as aforesaid. 18. Any person or persons who' shall hereafter dredge upon or throw, take or cast his oyster dredge, or any other instrument used for the purpose of oatehing oysters, upon any oyster bed or ground duly marked, buoyed or staked upi within the waters of thei Delaware river, Dela- ware bay and Maurice river cove, in this statei, other than an oyster bed or gronnd for which he or they then hold a lease under the terms of the act of which this act. is amendatory, shall be guilty of a, misdemeanor and of a violation of the provisions of this a,ct. 19. It shall be unlawful to have in possession, sell or offer for sale any oysters caught or taken from any nat- ural oyster bed or ground where oysters naturally s]i'awn and grow, under the tidal waters of the Delaware river or Delaware bay, above the said "southwest line," except from and including the first day of April to and including the fifteenth day of June of each year. 20. It shall be unlawful to^ catch or take, or tO' assist in catching or taking, any oysters froim any of the lands under the tidal waters of the Delaware river, Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, or from any of the creeks or rivers tributary thereto, before sunrise or after sunset. 21. The members of the state oyster commission, the oyster superintendent, and the several ca,ptains or mas- ters of guard-boats, are hereby empowered, and it shall be their duty, on view, without special warrant issued for that piurpoee, to arrest any person engaged in the violation of any of the provisions of this act or the pTO- visions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the Dela- ware river, Delaware bay or Maurice river cove, in force and not repealed by this act. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 35 22. It sliall be the duty of the state nyster comimission License •^ revoked for to revokei the license of any bo^at or vessel, the ownenv violation. ca,pt.ain, master or person in charge of which shall violate or ca,iise or permit tO' be^ violated any of the pi'ovisions of this act or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or aiTltivating of oysters in the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Maurice' river cove, in force and not repealed by this act; and said commission shall have power to refuse thereafter to allow any license to be issued to such boat or vessel for such period of time as the commission may fix and determine. 23. jSTothins; in this act shall be in anywise construed Prohibitions . ° "^ not removed to authorize or allow any person or persons, boat or by this act. vessel, to engage or be employed in the business of tak- ing, planting or cultivating oysters in the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Maurice river cove, or in any creek or ri-^^er tributary thereto, in this state, who- or which are prohibited from engaging or being employed in said business by laws of this state in force at the time of the adoption of this act. 24. ISTothing in this act shall be interpreted to Title to land strengthen, confirm or verify the title of any person to armed any lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware ^^^ ^' river or Delaware bay, above the line running direct from the mouth of Straight creek to Cross Ledge lighthouse, and commonly known as the "southwest line." 25. Any person or persons violating any of the pro- Penalty for visions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of ^ ^ " this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Mau- rice river cove, in force and not repealed by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in state prison not exceeding three years, or both, at the discretion of the court. 26. All acts and parts of acts, general or special, in- Repealer, consistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby re- pealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. 36 STATUTE LAW OF ITEW JERSEY p. L. 1905, p. 65. Season for taking oys- ters above southwest line. Unlawful to have or sell. Season be- low south- west line. Protection of oysters. A Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the better regTilation and control of tlie taking, planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under tlie tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the state of l^ew Jersey," approved March twen- ty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine. Approved March 21, 1905. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. ISTo oyster shall be dredged for, caught or taken from any of the lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Maurice river cove, above a line running direct from the mouth of Straight creek to Cross Ledge lighthouse, and commonly known as the "southwest line," except from and including the first day of May to .and including the thirtieth day of June of each year. 2. It shall be unlawful to have in possession, sell or offer for sale any oysters caught or taken from any nat- ural oyster bed or ground where oysters naturally spawn and grow under the tidal waters of the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Maurice river cove above the said "southwest line," except from and including the first day of May to and including the thirtieth day of June of each year. 3. 'No oysters shall be dredged for, caught or taken from any of the lands lying under the tidal waters of^ the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove below a line run- ning direct from the mouth of Straight creek tO' Cross Ledge lighthouse, and commonly known as the "southwest line," at any time except from the first day of September to the thirtieth day of June then next, both inclusive, of each year ; but the oyster superintendent or any member of the state oyster commission may, upon application, give permission, in writing, to any lessee or lessees of oyster grounds to employ such methods for the' protection of his or their oysters on said grounds and for the pro- KELATIVE TO CLAMS A:NJ) OYSTEES. 37 motion of the growth thereof during said closed season as the said superintendent or state oyster commission may deem advisable ; but no oysters shall be permanently re- moved from said grounds during said closed season. 4. Any i^erson or persons who shall hereafter dredge Trespnss- ing a mis- upon or throw, cast or drag an oyster dredge, or any demeanor, other instrument or appliance used for catching oys- ters, upon any of the lands of the state lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay or Maurice river cove, in this state, below the said "southwest line," other than land or ground for which such person or persons then hold a lease from the state oyster commission, under the act to which this is a supplement, or the several acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemaenor. 5. The oyster superintendent, or any member of the Permission . , , " . . T x- • to inspect state oyster commission, may, upon application, give per- unieased mission, in writing, to any prospective lessee or lessees "^ of any unieased oyster ground or grounds, to examine and inspect, with proper appliances, any of the unieased lands of the state, below said "southwest line" for the purpose of determining the suitability or adaptability of such lands for oyster culture or propagation, but no oys- ters shall be permanently removed from any such lands by virtue of any such permit. 6. j^one of the foregoing sections shall apply to any Application creek tributary to said Delaware bay, Delaware river or Maurice river cove, nor shall any of the foregoing pro- visions be construed to prohibit the taking at any time of oysters with rakes or forks on what is commonly known as the Cape Shore, in Cape May county. 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this penalties, act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 8. The members of the state oyster commission, the Right to ■ oyster superintendent and the several captains or masters ^^^^^ ' of giiard-boats, are hereby empow^ered, and it shall be their duty, on view, without special warrant issued for that purpose, to arrest any person engaged in the viola- tion of any of the provisions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the Delaware river. 38 STATUTE LAW OF Is^EW JEESEY Revocation of license. Repealer. Delaware bay, or Maurice river cove, in force and not repealed by this act. 9. It shall be the duty of the state oyster commission to revoke the license of any boat or vessel, the owner, captain, master or person in charge of which shall violate or cause or permit to^ be violated any of the pro- visions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the Delaware river, Delaware bay or Maurice river cove, in force and not repealed by this act ; and said commission shall have power to refuse thereafter to allow any license to be issued to such boat or vessel for such period of time as the commission may fix and determine. 10. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall be deemed a public act and take effect immediately. p. L. 1905, p. 460. Lands ex- empt from lease. Proviso. A Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying in the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the state of l^ew Jersey," approved March twenty- fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. Approved May 11, 1905. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. That hereafter no lease shall be made by the state oyster commission of the state of 'New Jersey for any lands under the waters of the Delaware bay southwesterly of a line northwest from the mouth of Green creek, Cape May county, to the intersection of such line with a line running direct from the mouth of Dennis creek to Brandywine lighthouse; provided, hoiuever, that this prohibition shall not apply to any territory which was under lease from the state oyster commission of the state of IsTew Jersey on the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred and five. 2. This act shall take effect immediatelv. EELATIVE TO CLAMS Al^B OYSTEKS. 39 A Sn23plement tO' an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the state of ISTew Jersey/ approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and foT the better enforcement of the provisions of said act, and to extend the provisions of said act to lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware river," which said amendatory act was approved March twenty-second, one thousand nine hundred and one, providing for the better enforcement of the provi- sions of said amendatory act and the original act entitled "An act for the better regulation and con- trol of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the state of ISTew Jersey," approved March twenty- fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine, and extending the provisions of said amenda- tory act, and extending the provisions of said origi- nal act to certain lands under the tidal waters in Raritan bay, in the state of ISTew Jersey, to wit, lands comprehended by the following lines: Begin- ning at the watch house at Canaskonk Point, on the shore of Raritan bay ; thence in a straight line to the government buoy, known as East Point buoy; thence on a true course west southwest to the point Ayhere said course intersects a line drawn on a course due north from Cliffwood Point; thence on a true . course south to Cliffwood Point; thence along the shore line to the place of beginning. Approved March 25, 1902. Be it enacted hy the Senate- and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. The provisions of the act to which this act is a p. l. i902, supplement, and also the provisions of an act entitled Protection to "An act for the better regulation and control of the tak- extended. 40 STATUTE LAW OF A^EW JEKSEY ing, planting and cnltivating of oysters on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the state of JSTew Jersey," approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine, be and the same hereby are extended to certain lands lying under the tidal waters of Raritan bay, in the state of E"ew Jersey, to wit, lands comprehended by the following lines : Beginning at the watch house at Canas- konk Point, on the shore of Raritan bay; thence in a straight line to the government buoy known as East Point buoy ; thence on a true course west southwest to the point where said course intersects a line drawn on a course due north from Cliffwood Point; thence on a true course south to Cliffwood Point; thence along the shore line to the place of beginning. A Supplement to an act entitled "A supplement to an act entitled ^An act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oyster on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice Eiver cove, in the State of jSTew Jersey,' approved March twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine," which said sup- plemental act was approved March twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and five, and extending the provisions of said supplemental act, and extending, the provisions of said original act to certain lands under the tidal waters in Raritan bay, in the State of ]^ew Jersey, to wit, lands comprehended by the following lines : Beginning at the watch-house at Canaskonk point, on the shore of Raritan bay; thence in a straight line to the government buoy, known as East Point buoy; thence on a true course west southwest to the point where said course inter- sects a line drawn on a course due north from Cliff- wood point ; thence on a true course south to Cliff- wood point ; thence along the shore line to the place of beginning. RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 41 Approved May 25, 1905. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. The provisions of the act tO' which this act is a sup- p. l. 1905, plemeiit, and also the p'rovisions of an act entitled "An provisions act for the betteT regulation and control of the taking, tended!^ planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware hay and Maurice River cove, in the State of I^Tew Jersey," approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine, he and the same hereby are extended to certain lands lying under the tidal water of Raritan bay, in the State of JSTew Jersey, to wit, lands comprehended by the following lines : Beginning at the watch-house at Canas- Raritan konk point, on the shore of Raritan bay; thence in a trict. straight line tO' the government buoy, known as East Point buoy; thence on a true course west southwest to the point where said course intersects a line drawn on a course due north from Cliffwood point ; thence on a true course south to Cliffwood point; thence along the shore line to the place of beginning. 2. It shall be lawful for the lessees of lands described when oys- 1 T • II- 1 1 • 1 1 ^^^^ taken. m the next preceding section and lying under the tidal waters in Raritan bay to catch and take oysters during all or any of the months of the year, and before sunrise and after sunset; provided^, a special permit in writing proviso, is first had and obtained from the oyster superintendent. 3. In recognition of the increased work entailed upon salary of ovstGr su- the oysteir superintendent by reason of the passage of this periuten- act, he shall hereafteir receive additional compensation of salary, determined by the oyster commission, which shall not exceed thirteen hundred dollars per annum, and which shall be paid in equal monthly payments. 4. Hereafter the oyster commission shall consist of fomm^s-^*^^ four members instead of three, whose qualifications for ^^o^^^i's. office, appointment, compensation, salary and duties shall be the same in all respects as is provided in the act to which this act is a supplement. 42 STATUTE LAW OF Is^EW JEESEY Quorum. g^ Three members of said oyster commission shall con- stitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, and any official act shall be valid which has been authorized by a majority of the commissioners at any stated or special meeting Term. thereof. The oyster commissioners shall hereafter each b© appointed for a term of three: years, and the four members now constituting the oyster commission shall continue to hold oflfice during the term and time for which they have been respectively appointed, (a) 6. This act shall be deemed a public act and take effect immediately. A Further Supplement to an act entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under the tidal waters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river cove, in the State of ISTew Jersey,' approved March twenty- fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine," which said supplemental act was approved March twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and five, and which supplement thereto was approved May twenty-fifth, one thousand nine hundred and five, and extending the provisions of said supple- mental act, and extending the provisions of said original act, to certain lands under the tidal waters in Raritan bay, in the State of 'New Jersey, to wit: lands comprehended by the following lines: Beginning at the watch-house at Canaskonk point, on the shore of Raritan bay; thence in a straight line to the government buoy, known as East Point buoy; thence', on a true course west southwest, to the point where said course intersects a line drawn on a course due north from Cliffwood point ; thence, on a true course south, to Cliffwood point; thence along the shore line to the place of beginning. (a) See sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 of act of 1902 (P. L. 1902, p. 62), which are identical with similar numhered sections of this statute. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AIs^D OYSTEES. 43 Approved April 22, 1907. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Tlie provisions of the act to which this act is a sup- p. l.jqot, plement, and also the provisions of an act entitled "An Act for pro- act for the better regulation and control of the taking, oysters ex- planting and cultivating of oysters on lands lying under iiaritanbay the tidal vs^aters of the Delaware bay and Maurice river qaakecl^ek. cove, in the State of ^ew Jersey," approved, March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine, be and the same hereby are extended to certain lands lying under the tidal waters of Raritan bay and Cheesequake creek, in the State of ISTew Jersey, to wit: lands comprehended by the following lines : Beginning at the watch-house at Canaskonk point, on the shore of Raritan bay; thence, in a straight line, to the govern- ment buoy, known as East^Point buoy ; thence, on a true course west southwest, to the south side of the boundary beacon; thence, on a true course west northwest, to the south side of the Great Beds light ; thence to Conover's point on the shore of Raritan bay; thence along the shore line to Cheesequake creek, including all of Cheese- quake creek and its tributaries, Travis creek and Flat creek; thence from the government jetty at Cheesequake creek along the shore line to the place of beginning. 2. This act shall be deemed a public act and take effect Repealer, immediately. IV. OYSTER LAW RELATING TO CREEKS TRIBUTARY TO DELAWARE BAY A^D MAURICE RIVER COVE. An Act for the better protection and preservation of the oyster industry in the creeks and rivers along the shores of Delaware bay and Maurice river cove. 1. All persons holding a tonger's license as hereinafter p. l. 1897, provided to engage in the catching of oysters on the beds "bViaware and in the creeks and rivers of Delaware bay and Maurice t(fngers'''*'asso- river cove, hereinafter named, are hereby authorized to §an^ization,'^' &c. 44 STATUTE LAW OF ^^EW JERSEY Collector board of directors. and Organization of board of directors. P. L. 1899, p. 265. Collector. meet in the town of Port iSTorris, in the county of Cum- berland, on the second Monday in March, in each and every year, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and there to organize by the election of three of their number as judges of election and one of their number as secretary, who shall keep a true record of the proceedings of said meeting, and when the said meeting shall be so organized, the said license holders shall proceed to elect, by ballot, for whijch purjDose the ballot shall remain open three hours, a collector and five of their number who shall act as a board of directors to transact all business of the associa- tion, and who shall serve for one year, or until their suc- cessors are elected, and this organization shall be known as the "Delaware bay oyster tongers' association;" the purpose of which association shall be to aid in the propa- gation and preservation of oysters in the creeks and rivers hereinafter named, and in securing to all citizens of the state free access thereto. 2. That on and after the passage of this act the follow- ing named persons : William Yates and Charles Mc- Daniels, of Port jSTorris ; David Claypoole, of Cedar- ville ; Vincent B. Tubman, of Dividing Creek ; John Eobson, of Leesburg ; Peter Campbell, of I*Tewport ; Bur- ton Howell, of Dias Creek, and Peeves Douglass, of Dias Creek, be appointed, the first named to serve as collector, and the others as board of directors, until their successors are regularly elected, the dutiesi of said collector and board of directors to be as hereinafter named. 3. The said board of directors shall immediately, upon notice of their appointment or election, meet at Port ISTorris, in the county of C'umberland, and there organize by the election of one of their number as chaarman and one as secretary, who- shall keep a correct record of all business transacted by the board of directors in a book provided for the purpose, which book shall, at all reason- able times, be open to thci inspection of any person hold- ins: license from the association. 4. The said board of directors shall require said col- lector of the: association, before, entering upon the duties of his office, to give bond in the sum of twoi thousand EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 45 dollars, with two responsible freeliolders as security, for the faitliful performance of his duties, s'aid bond toi be approved by the board of directors; said collector shall, upon the p'reseoitation of siatisfactory evidence., and upon the payment of a, license fee of three dollars, issue toi any person resident of this state a, licensei to engage in the businsss of tonging in the creeks and rivers tribuatry to Delaware bay, and noi person not holding such license shall at any time engage in thei business^ of tonging oysters except as hereinafter provided in section eleven of this act; upon the expiration of his- term, of office' said col- Ic'CtoT shall deliver all moneys, books, vouchers, receipts, writings' o^r other' property of the association toi his propi- erly qualified succeissor; and said collector shall receive as compensation for performing the duties of his office the sum of twenty-five centsi for eiach and every license so issued by him. 5. The said board of directors shall be and they are p. l. i897, hereby authorized and empowered tO' superintend the' ex- Duties' of penditure of all moneys of the association, tO' audit and ^^^^ °^^" inspect the' books', accounts, bills, receipts and piapersi of every kind of said collector, and the said collector shall, upon the request of said bo'ard of directors or' majority of the mcimbers thereof, produce for the examination of said board of directorsi, his books', accounts, bills,, vouchers and other writings touching the administration of the office of said collector, and shall not, pay out any moneys received by him without the written, order of the chair- man of the board of directors, properly attested by the secretary thereof. 6. The said bo'ard of directors shall have the power and Further 1 11 1 • 1 nn • duties of they are hereby authorized to nil any A^acancy occurring directors. in the office of collector or in said bo^ard of directorsi by reason of death, resig:nation or otherwise; but no person shall be appointed to fill such vacancy in said bo-ard of directors who is not qualified for election under the pro- visions of the first section of this act ; said board of directors shall hold an annual meeting on the first Satur- day in June, at which meeting seventy-five per centum of all moneys in the collector's hands shall be appropriated 46 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEESEY Audit, pre- pare and publish statement. Quorum and compensa- tion. P. L 1899, p. 265. Use of cer- tain tools forbidden. P. L. l.«09, p. 265. Closed season. for the purpose of pureliasing and planting shells in such creeiks! and rivers as may be designated by a majority of the said directors, at which meeting a committee of their number shall be appointed to superintend the purchase and planting of said shells. 7. The said board of directors shall meet not later than the first Saturday in March of each year and audit the books and acoountsi of the ooUecitor, at which meeting an itemized statement shall be pirepared, showing the receipts and expenditures of the association, which statement shall be read at the meeting on which the election provided for in s^ection first is held, and be published in a newspiaper published in Cumberland county, for three days previous to said meeting, said paper to be designated by said board of directors. 8. A majority of the members of said board of direc- tors chosen as hereinbefore provided for, shall oonstitute a quorum for the transaction of all business^ and each member of said directorsi shall receive ais compensation the sum: of five dollars for each meeting provided for in this act, and for' any meeting not specially provided for they shall each receive such sums as may be neces- sary to defray the actual expensesi incurred for trans- portation and maintenance. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use or cause to be used any dredge, drag, scrape or patent tongs for the purpose of catching oysters from any of the following-named beds lying along the shore of Dela- ware bay, in the state of !Rew Jersey, namely. Elder Point beds, Andrews' ditch beds. East Point beds, the High beds, Pepper beds. Dividing creek beds, Oranoken creek beds, ]^antuxet creek beds. Beach creek beds. Back creek beds at the mouth of Back creek, Cohansey beds at the mouth of Cohansey river, and in any of the creeks and rivers of this state tributary to the said Delaware bay. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to gather, scrape, rake or tong any oysters of any section whatever, in or upon the beds, creeks or rivers of the state of ISFew Jersey, upon the shores of the Delaware EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 47 bay now in section nine of this act, excepting upon the beds at the month of and in Maurice river, for and dur- ing the period from the fifteenth day of June until the first day of September in each and every year. 11. Any person, a resident of this state, desiring to p. l._1899, engage in the gathering of oysters with hand tongs from License, the creeks, rivers and beds referred to in section nine of this act, for the purpose of selling or planting, shall first obtain a license from the collector of the Delaware Bay Oyster Tongers' 'Association and shall pay for the same the sum of five dollars for each and every license so granted, and no person not having such license shall take more than two bushels of oysters from any of such beds in any one day ; each license so granted shall be good for one year from the date of its issue ; shall be under the hand and seal of such collector, and each license so granted shall be numbered, and the person receiving such license shall have the number thereof printed on the port side of his boat, outside the bow, in black letters on white ground, and each figure thereof shall measure not less than six inches in length and one inch in width ; each license so granted shall state the name and residence of the person to whom granted, and the collector shall fur- nish to each holder of said license a complete list of all licenses so issued by him. 12. All oysters taken from any of the creeks, rivers or p. l i899, beds affected by the provisions of this act shall be culled oysters in or upon the creeks, rivers or beds whence taken, and taken, all undersized oysters, shells and trash removed from such oysters shall be thrown back upon the beds whence the same have been taken. 13. 'No oysters which measure less than three inches p. l- 1899, D 265. from hinge to mouth shall at any time be taken from sizeofoys- c 1 1 • 1 1 fv 1 1 1 • • ^^^ taken. any oi the creeks, rivers or beds aiiected by the provisions of this act, or be in the possession of any person what- ever after being so taken; yrovided, that this shall not Proviso, apply to spat or blisters adhering so closely as to be im- possible to remove without destruction ; but in no case shall this exception amount to more than ten per centum of the bulk of any catch or cargo. 48 STATUTE LAW OF A^EW JEESEY p. L. 1897, p. 355. Oyster bushel measure. Penalty for using im- proper measure. P. L. 1899, p. 265. Lands below tidal water public. Proviso. Penalty for violation. 14. All oysters measured in this state shall be meas- ured in a circular bushel tub, with straight sides and straight solid bottom, and said tub shall have the follow- ing dimensions, viz., fifteen inches in diameter across the top from inside to inside, and thirteen inches and three-quarters across the bottom from inside to inside, and twenty inches diagonal from inside chime to top; any person or persons engaged in buying or selling oysters in the shell in this state and measuring the same in any measure contrary to the provisions of this section of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the court ; the proceeds of said fine to go, one-half to the Delaware B'ay Oyster Tongers' Associa- tion and one-half to the informer. 15. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or coi^Dorations, to gTow or plant oysters for their own private use, to the exclusion of the inhabitants of this state, upon any land or lands that lie below the tidal Avaters of any of the creeks, rivers or beds of the state of ISlew Jersey, in, upon or tributary to the Dela- ware bay and affected by the provisions of this act; provided, that the provisions of this act shall in no wise affect or impair any rights, privileges or property which previous to the passage of the act to which this act is amendatory shall have been acquired under an act en- titled "A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act for the preservation of clams and oysters,' " passed the fourteenth day of April, one tkousand eight hundred and forty-six, which said supplement was approved March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. 16. Any person, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprison- ment for any term not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court before which such conviction is had; one-half the fine imposed shall be paid to the EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 49 collector of tlie Delaware Bay Oyster Tongers' Associa- tion and one-half to the collector of the county where such conviction is had. 17. If any person, company or corporation shall be seizure and , . . . sale of ves- found violatino' any of the provisions of this act and for seisvioiat- 1 ° . 1 » , T ing law. that purpose using any boat, rait, scow or other vessel, it shall be the duty of all sheriffs and constables, and shall be lawful for any member or officer of the Delaware Bay Oyster Tongers' Association to seize and secure without warrant or process such boat, raft, scow or other vessel, together with all tackle and implements so used, and immediately thereupon give information to any two justices of the peace of the county, convenient to the j)lace where such, seizure shall be made, who are hereby empowered and required at such time and place as they shall appoint, not less than five nor more than ten days thereafter, summarily to hear and determine the same; and in case such boat, raft, scow or other vessel, with such tackle and implements so used shall be condemned, the same shall be sold by the order and under the direc- tion of said justices, who, after deducting all legal costs, charges and expenses of such seizure, condemnation and sale, shall pay one-half the net proceeds thereof to the collector of the Delaware Bay Oyster Tongers' Associa- tion and the balance to the collector of the county where such sale shall have been made. 18. If any person or persons on board any such boat, Resistaace to 'J '- ^ 'J ' officers a mis- raft, scow or other vessel shall refusei and not suffer to demeanor. enter the same or resist before or after entering, any of the said sheriffs, constables or officer or member of the Delaware Bay Oyster Tongers' Association, or otherwise resist them, or any of them, in the lawful seizing of the same, then every person so offending shall be deemed gTiilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to the penalty here- inbefore provided. 19. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the Repealer, provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. 4 50 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEKSEY p. L. 1900, p. 475. License to gather seed oysters. Granting of license. Treasurer ; duties, &c. An Act for the better preservation of the oyster industry in the creeks and rivers along the shores of Delaware bay and Maurice river cove and the tide-waters of the Atlantic seaboard of the state of I^ew Jersey. Approved March 23, 1900. B^ IT ENACTED hy the SenMe and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. All persons residents of this state desiring to engage in the gathering of seed oysters with hand-tongs or patent tongs, shall first obtain a license from the 'New Jersey oyster and shell commission, and shall pay for the same the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for each and every license so granted, provided that no person without a license shall gather more than two bushels in any one day ; each license so granted shall be for one year from the date of issue and shall be under the hand and seal of a member of the above-named commission; each license so granted shall be numbered, and the person receiving such license shall receive with it a number which shall correspond with the number of his license, which number shall be dis- played on the port side of his boat at the bow, and each license so granted shall state the name and residence of the person to whom said license is granted, a record of which shall be kept by the commission. 2. The commissioners are hereby authorized to grant said license to any applicant upon presentation of satis- factory evidence of citizenship of this state, and the pay- ment of two dollars and fifty cents, granting to him the privilege of tonging for oysters upon any natural oyster- seed ground of this state, except such as may be occupied by the state for the purpose of propagation. 3. The commission shall elect one of their number treasurer, who, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall give bond in the sum of three thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be approved by the said commission ; it shall be the duty of the treasurer to supervise the granting of all licenses and receive from the several commissioners at the end of each RELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEKS. 51 month all moneys collected by them, paying the same to the treasurer of the state at the end of each quarter; twenty per centum of which shall be available for the payment of all bills incurred in issuing licenses, to be paid by the state treasurer upon warrant of the comp- troller, the comptroller being hereby authorized to issue such warrant upon presentation of bills duly verified by oath or afiirmation. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to Taking of use, or cause to be used, any dredge, drag, scrape or other dredge^ &c., instruments except hand-tongs or patent tongs for the bedsun-^ purpose of catching oysters from the following-named ^'^^^"^• beds, creeks and rivers of the state of 'New Jersey, along the shore of Delaware bay, viz. : Elder Point beds, An- drews' ditch beds. East Point beds, the High beds, Pep- per beds. Dividing creek beds, Oronoken beds, l^antuxet creek beds. Beach creek beds, Goshen creek, Dennis creek. East creek. West creek. Dividing creek, Oronoken creek. Straight creek. Fishing creek. Oyster creek, Fortesque creek, Beadon's creek, Sow and Pigs creek. Dare's creek, Padget's creek, ISTantuxet creek. Cedar creek. Back creek. Middle Marsh creek. Stow creek, ITantuxet beds at the mouth of l^Tantuxet creek. Back creek beds at the mouth of Back creek, and Cohansey beds at the mouth of Cohan- sey river, and Maurice river and Cohansey river and the tide-waters of the Atlantic seaboard of the state of New Jersey, and that any person or persons violating any of Penalty for the provisions of this section of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court; and shall furthermore forfeit the boat used for such imlawful purposes, together with her appliances and appurtenances thereunto belonging ; said boat, her appli- ances and apj)urtenances, to be advertised for thirty days by a commissioner of the district wherein the arrest and seizure of said boat, her appliances and appurtenances, were made, and sold by him to the highest bidder at pub- lic sale, and the proceeds of said sale to be divided, one- 52 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JERSEY Oysters, where culled. Planting of oysters below tide-waters in certain districts for private use unlawful. Penalty. Penalty of violations of certain sec- tions. Repealer. half thereof to go to the treasurer of the state for the use of the state, and the other one-half in equal proportions to the persons furnishing the evidence necessary to secure a conviction. 5, All oysters taken from the tide-waters of this state mentioned in section four of this act shall be culled in the creeks, rivers or on the beds where caught, and the shells and trash shall be thrown below low-water mark in said creeks, rivers or on the beds where the oysters were caught. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, cor- poration or corporations, to grow or plant oysters for their own private use, to the exclusion of the inhabitants of this state, upon any lands that lie below the tide-waters of any of the creeks, beds or rivers of the state of ISTew Jer- sey, upon the shore of the Delaware bay, named in section four of this act ; that any person or persons, corporation or corporations, violating any of the provisions of this section of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding twoi hundred dollars or imprison- ment in the county jail for a peiriod of six months, or both, at the discretion of the court, and the fine when sO' recovered shall be paid onerhalf to the treasurer of the state for the use of the state, and the^ other one-half in equal proportions' tO' the jDiersons furnishing the necessary evidence! to secure a conviction. Y. Any person or peirsons violating any of the pro- visions of sections one, two, threci and five of this act shall be deemed guilty of a. misdemeanor', and upon conviction thereof shall be- punished by a fine of fifty dollars or im- prisonment' in any coiunty jail for a, period of three months, or both, at the discretion of the court. 8. All acts and parts of a,c1:s inconsistent with this act shall b'e' and the same are in so' far hereby repealed. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 53 Siipipilemieiit to an a,ot emtitled "An act for thei better pireseirvation of the oyster industry in tlie' creeks and rivers along the shores of Delaware bay and Maurices river cove and the tide waters of the Atlantic seaboard of the state of ISTew Jersey," approved Maircli twenty-third, one thonsiand nine hundred. Approved April 9, 1902. Be it EisTACTED hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. It shall be unlawful for any personi or personsi to p. .l. 1902, use, or cause to be used, any dredge, drag, scrape or Taking oys- other instrument except hand tongs for the purpose of dredge, &c., catching oysters from' the following named bedsi, oreeks: bedTun- and rivers, of thei state of JSTew Jersey, along the shore; ^^ ^ ' of Delaware bay, viz., Elder' Point beds, Andrews' ditch beds, East Point beds, thei High beds;. Pepper bedsi. Dividing creek bedsi, Oronoken. beds, ISTantuxet creek beds. Beach creek beds, Go'shen creek, Dennis creek, East creek, Wc'St creek, Dividing creek, Oronoken creek. Straight creek, Eishing creek, Oyster creek, Eortescuei creek, Beadon's creek. Sow and Pigs creek, D'are's creek, Padget's creek, ISTantuxet creek. Cedar creek. Back creek, Middle Marsh creek. Stow cre'ck, jSTantiUxet, bedsi at the mouth of JSFantuxet creek, Back creek beds at thei mouth of Back creek, and Cbhansey beds at the mouth of Cohansey river, and Maurice river and Cdhanseiy river, and the tide waters of the^ Atlantic seaboard of the state of New Jersey; and no licensei shall be issued by any comniiission or state official contrary to the provi- sions of this: act; any person or persons violating any Penalty for » , . . P 1 . , n n 1 1 1 M c violation. 01 the provisions of this act snaii be deemed guilty of a. misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twoi hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six monthsi, or both, at the discretion of the court; and shall furtheirmorei forfeit the boat used for such unlawful piurpoaes, to'gether with her' appliances' and appurtenances thereunto belonging; said boat, her 54 STATUTE. LAW OF I^EW JEESEY appliances and appurtenances, to be advertised for thirty days by a commissioner of the district wherein the arrest and seizure of said boat, her appliances and appurte- nances, were made, and sold by him toi the highest bidder at public sale, and the proceeds' of said sale tO' be divided, onef-half thereof to go to the treasurer of the state for the us© of the state!, and the other one-half in equal propor- tions tO' the persons furnishing the^ evidence necessary tO' secure a conviction. 2, This act shall take effect immediately. OYSTEK ACT APPLICABLE TO SHAEK EIVEK. p. L. 1905, p. 27. Boundaries of Shark rivex clam and oyster district. An Act for the regulation, protection and control of the planting, cultivating and the gathering or taking of oysters and clams on lands covered with water in Shark river, in the county of Monmouth. Approved March 7, 1905. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the Stoite of New Jersey: 1. All the: lands of the state of 'New Jersey covered with water in Shark river, in the county of Monmouth, within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at low-water mark at Pearch Point, in the township of Ne^- tune, in said county; thence running in a straight line to Beckey's (or Buckey's) Point, in the township of Wall, in said county ; thence up' the shores at low-water mark (crossing the mouths of all brooks that empty intO' said river) as high upi the said river as the tide flows, or as may be deemed suitable to the growth of oysters and clams; thence beginning again at low-water mark at Pearch Point, in the township of JSTeptune aforesaid, and running thence in a straight line to Beckey's (or Buckey's) Point, in the townshipi of Wall aforesaid; thence do^vn the shores at low water and on a line with the east end of what was formerly known as James W. White's dwelling-house; thence northerly and on a straight line to a stake standing at low-water mark on the west side of Long Point, opposite Yellow Bank, in EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 55 tlie townskip of ISTeptune; thence up the shore of said river at low-water mark to the beginning; also all that cove knoMTi as Mushquash cove, north of a line from what was formerly known as Doctor Miller's residence to Sedge island bar ( all of which lands were formerly occu- pied by the county of Monmouth under the provisions of an act entitled ''An act to authorize the planting of oys- ters on lands covered Wiith water in Shark river, in the county of Monmouth, and for the protection of the same," approved March fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the supplements and amend- ments thereto ; which occupany has expired by limita- tion) , shall hereafter bei known as the Shark river oyster and clam district, in the county of Monmouth, and shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction, regTilation and con- trol of an oyster and clam commissioner tc be known as the oyster and clam commissioner of the district of Shark river, in the county of Monmouth; said commissioner commis- shall be a citizen of the state of IsTew Jersey and resident within the townshipi of IST'eptune, or the township of Wall, in said county, and shall be appointed and com- missioned by the governor of this; state for the term of three years ; he shall hold office until the appointment Term, oath, and qualification of his successor, and before entering upon his duties he shall file with the secretary of state an oath that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his ofiice (which oath may be taken before any person au- thorized to take oaths and affirmations in this state), to- gether with a bond, with good and sufficient surety, in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faith- ful performance of his duties, which bond shall be first approved by the law judge of the county of Monmouth. 2. The surveys and maps heretofore made of said land Surveys and ■^ ^ maps and the stakes set under the provisions of the act re- adopted, ferred to in the first section of this act shall be and hereby are adopted for the purpose of leasing the same under ■ this act, as hereinafter provided, by the said commis- sioner, and the same shall be leased by him in accordance therewith, that is to say, by the tract or parcel indicated thereon and thereby; but should any of said land not Further '^ ' surveys. 56 STATUTE LAW OF XE,W JEESEY Leases. Proviso. Failure to pay rental to forfeit right. Notice to show cause. have been surveyed, mapped or staked under the provi- sions of said act said commissioner shall proceed to have the same done, the expense thereof to be defrayed out of the rentals by him received as hereinafter provided; the commissioners appointed under the act to which reference is made in the first section hereof shall turn over and de- liver to the commissioner appointed under this act all the maps, surveys, leases and records in their possession relat- ing to said land and their duties under said prior act. 3, The said commissioner shall have power, and he is hereby directed, to lease and rent at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders for a period not exceeding ten years, or by private contract for a like period, the tracts or parcels of land included within the boundaries de- scribed and set forth in the first section of this act as the same appear upon the maps, sur^^eys or by the stakes here- tofore made and set as referred to in the last preceding section ; provided^, however, that if said leasing be by j)rivate contract the annual rental shall not be less than fifty cents nor more than three dollars per acre, or frac- tion thereof ; the lessee or lessees of said tracts or parcels of land shall, in all cases, be citizens of the state of ^ew Jersey resident within the county of Monmouth, and shall pay the rent agreed to be paid for each tract or par- cel of land annually, in advance, during the term for which the same may be or are leased ; failure to pay said rentals, or any of them, at the time or times stipulated shall cause the lease or leases of the person or persons so failing to pay the same to become forfeited, and the right of said person or persons to the land thereby leased to cease; and the said commissioner shall cause the said lease or leases upon which the said rent is due and unpaid as aforesaid to be canceled upon the books to be by him kept as hereinafter provided, and said forfeited land may be thereafter leased to any citizen of this state resident in said county as above provided ; but be- fore said lease or leases shall be canceled and the right of any person or persons to the land held there- under shall be forfeited as above set forth the said EELATIVE TO CLAMS AXD OYSTEES. 5Y commissioner shall cause notice to be personally served upon said lessee or lessees directing him, her or them to appear before said commissioner, at a place tO' be designated within the said townships of JSTeptune or Wall, in said county, within thirty days from the date of serv'ice of said notice, and show cause, if any there be, why said lease or leases should not be canceled, and why the right of said lessee or lessees to longer hold said land thereunder should not be forfeited ; and if commis- / sioner may such lessee or lessees so appear and show sufficient cause accept rental ^^ . , at hearing. why said rental has not been paid, and why said right to said land should not be forfeited, and at the same time tender the money due for said rental and pay the costs of the said notice, the said commissioner shall accept said moneys and the rights of said lessee or lessees shall not be forfeited because of such failure to pav said rental; and in case of the failure of said Cancellation T T T , „ of lease, lessee or lessees to so appear and show cause as afore- said the said lease or leases shall be canceled, as above provided, and the right of said person or persons to longer hold said leased land shall be declared by the said commissioner tO' be forfeited in the manner afore- said; and the said commissioner shall, in such case, fix a sufficient time within which the oysters and clams upon said forfeited land shall be removed by the person or persons owning the same, and shall cause notice of the time so fixed to be personally served upon said person or persons, and the said land shall not be leased to any other person or persons until after the expiration of the time so fixed ; whenever personal ser- Notice, how sGrvGd. vice of any notice is herein required, and the lessee or lessees shall, at the time of said service, be absent from the state, said commissioner shall cause a copy of said notice or notices to be published in at least one news- paper published in the county of Monmouth and cir- culating within the townships of l^eptune and Wall afore- said for a period of at least four weeks ; which publica- tion shall be deemed of the same force and effect as though said notice or notices had been personally served. 58 STATUTE LAW OF l^EW JERSEY Prior jigMs of present lessees. Proviso. Removal of clams and oysters. Exclusive right of oc- cupation. 4. Any person or persons in j)ossession of any of the tracts or parcels of land included within the boundaries set forth in the first section of this act, under a lease or leases heretofore executed under the provisions of the act to which reference is therein made, and the supplements and amendments to said act, shall, at the expiration of such lease or leases (for which time the rights and privi- leges under which lease or leases are hereby preserved to such person or persons), and upon a resale of said tracts or parcels of land by the said commissioner under the next preceding section of this act, have the preference, or prior right, to a new lease or leases therefor at the annual rental or rentals which may be bid therefor, if the same shall be put up at public auction, or at private contract, if that method shall be pursued by said commissioner; provided, that application therefor, in writing, be filed with the said commissioner within thirty days after the expiration of such lease or leases, in default of which said commissioner shall have the power thereafter to lease said tracts or parcels of land in the manner and form hereinabove provided ; and at the expiration of any lease granted under the provisions of this act, the same may be renewed in like manner; and in the event that any of said leases are not renewed the said commissioner shall fix 'the time within which the oysters and clams upon the tract or parcel of land covered by such lease shall be removed by the person or persons ovwaing the same, and he shall cause notice of said time so fixed to be personally served in the manner and form hereinabove provided upon the person or persons aforesaid, and the said tracts or parcels of land shall not be leased to others until after the expiration of the time so fixed. 5. Upon the execution of any lease or leases for any tract or parcel of land under the provisions of this act, and upon the payment of the rental at the time and in the manner stipulated, the lessee or lessees and his, her or their legal representatives shall be entitled to the exclusive use and occupation of the said tract or parcel of land during the term for which the same shall be leased for EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 59 the piiri30se of planting, growing, cultivating and taking or gathering oysters and clams thereon, subject to the said commissioner's right of forfeiture, as hereinabove provided. 6. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons who may whatsoever, other than the lessee or lessees, aforesaid and gather, &c. their legal representatives, to plant, gather, take, injure or destroy any oysters or clams within the boundaries of any tract or parcel of land leased or rented, as herein provided, during the term or terms for which the same may be leased or rented, without the written permission or consent of the said lessee or lessees, or his or their legal representatives first had and obtained; and if any Liability , „ . 1 . -11 1 • fortrespas- person or persons shall enter withm said boundaries sing. without such permission or consent and injure, gather, take, or destroy any oysters or clams therein planted and growing, or commit any trespass thereon, he, she or they so trespassing shall be liable to the party injured for the first offense in treble damages, to be recovered in an action of trespass in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof ; and for the second offense shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison- ment in the county jail not exceeding three months, or both. 7. Said commissioner shall keep an accurate record of ^^^^^^ all leases of any of the tracts or parcels of land by him leased under the provisions of this act, which record shall be known as a book of leases ; he shall also keep a record of his ofiicial acts and proceedings, and shall collect and receive all moneys due and' to become due from time to time for rentals of the tracts and parcels of land under the leases herein provided for, or from any other source by virtue of this act ; he shall annually, on or before the Annual first day of October, report, under oath, to the state comp- troller his receipts and disbursements, and after said report shall be audited and approved by the state comp- troller, he shall pay to the state treasurer the balance of money remaining in his hands as shown by said report; 60 STATUTE LAW OF XEW JEESEY Compensa- tion. Report to bureau of shell fish- eries. Repealer. he shall receive for his services, each year, one-half of the gross receipts from said oyster and clam grounds, which amount shall be ascertained from his annual report, and shall be paid by the state treasurer on the warrant of the state comptroller, after his said report shall be audited and approved as aforesaid; said commissioner shall also annually report to the bureau of shell fisheries of this state, on or before the first day of jSTovember, his receipts and disbursements, a memoranda of all leases entered into by him with lessees of said land ; and shall also file with said bureau a copy of all maps and surveys of the land comprised within said boundaries ; and, when re- quired by the chief of said bureau, shall also file any other records, papers, writings or data or reports per- taining to his office and the land over which he is to have jurisdiction by virtue of this act. 8. All acts or parts of acts, general or special, incon- sistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. p. L. 1901, p. 326. When oysters may be taken from Shark river. Penalty. What can person be guilty of, misdemeanor or high misdemeanor. A Eurther Supplement to an act entitled "An act for the punishment of crimes" [Revision of 1898], ap- proved June fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. Approved March 22, 1901. Be it enacted hy tli& Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. It shall not be lawful hereafter for any person or persons to take or dredge oysters from Shark river, in the county of Monmouth, in this state, between the hours of six o'clock p. M. and six o'clock a. m. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars and not more than one hun- dred dollars. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 61 CHAPTEK 187. An Act to amend an act entitled '^'An act to provide for the scientific investigation of oyster propagation," approved March twenty-first,- one thousand nine hun- dred and one. Approved May 13, 1907. Be If ENACTED hy the 8ermte and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section one of an act entitled "An act to provide section for the scientific investigation of oyster propagation," approved March twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and one, be amended so as to read as follows : 1. The director of the 'New Jersey Agricultural Col- fn^estf^a?"^ lege Experiment Station at ISTew Brunswick is hereby ^°.| °J^ation authorized to establish and to maintain one or more sta- tions for the scientific investigation of oyster propaga- tion and other ostracultural problems, said station or stations to be situated at some point or points in the oyster-growing sections of this state; to procure a boat or boats adapted to the prosecution of the aforemen- tioned research work; to have the same equipped with Equipment, suitable apparatus ; to engage such expert or experts and the services of such other persons as may be needed in the maintenance of the: ostracultural studies so under- taken, and to transmit annually to the governor a full Annual . . . . report. and detailed report of the scientific operations under this act in the reports of the agricultural college experiment stations ; the amount authorized to be expended under Appropria- the provisions of this act shall not exceed the sum of twelve hundred dollars in any one year; provided, that Proviso, no moneys shall be drawn from the state' treasury for the purposes of this act until the same shall have been speci- fically appropriated according to law,, (a) 2. This act shall take effect immediately. (a) The original act consisted of but one section. 62 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JERSEY CHAPTER 303. Navigable waters Indi- cated. Oyster super- intendent to act. Assistants and material. Proviso. Not to inter- fere with federal buoys. Notice of markings. An Act to provide for the marking and designating of the channels of the bays, thoroughfares and sounds flowed by tide water in the counties of Ocean, At- lantic and Cape May. Approved June 12, 1906. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of Neiu Jersey: 1. It shall be the duty of the persons designated by this act annually, on or before the first day of June, to stake, buoy, mark, or otherwise indicate, to the best of such person's ability, such channels in or beds of bays, thoroughfares and sounds as may be navigable, flowed by tide water in the counties of Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May. 2. The duty required by this act shall be performed by the oyster superintendent of the several districts of Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May counties, each superinten- dent to have charge of all waters included in his district. Where there exists no oyster superintendent for any of said counties the oyster superintendent for the adjoining district shall perform the duty. 3. The said superintendent shall have power to provide all stakes, buoys, signs, markers and other materials nec- essary to carry out the provisions of this act, and may secure and pay for the services of persons in the said dis- tricts for the purpose of ascertaining the locations of channels ; provided, however , that said superintendent shall in no case contract for such work or materials to an amount in excess of the moneys appropriated for that pur- pose. 4. In carrying out the purpose of this act no buoy, stake, sign or marker shall be placed near any buoy maintained by the Government of the United States, nor placed so as to interfere with the purpose thereof. 5. The said oyster superintendent shall give public no- tice annually on or before June fifteenth of the fact that channels have been marked as required by this act, and in meanor. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 63 said notice inform the public of the nature of said mark- ings and how they may be read and understood. 6. Each su]3erintendent shall receive annually, as com- salaries of pensation for the duty required by this act, the sum of one intendents. hundred dollars, payable July fifteenth, for each district p^ l.^iIot^*^' in which such channel shall be so designated, and shall be ^" ^^^" allowed for the materials and services necessary to carry this act into effect the additional sums of four hundred dollars for the district embraced by Ocean county, four hundred dollars for the district embraced by Atlantic county and six hundred dollars for the district embraced by Cape May county. 7. Said superintendent shall annually, on or before Annual state- July fifteenth, file with the Comptroller an itemized statement, verified by oath, of the expenses incurred by him by authority of this act. 8. Any person that shall willfully remove, change, mu- Removal of tilate or destroy any stake, buoy, sign or marker, placed misde- by the oyster superintendent under authority of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 9. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER. 113. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act creating a bureau of shell fisheries," approved April four- teenth, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three. Be it enacted hy the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section 1 of the act entitled "An act creating a p. l. iqot, bureau of shell fisheries," approved April fourteenth, in section the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, be amended so as to read as follows : 1. A state bureau of shell fisheries is hereby estab- Bureau of . sliell flsh- lished. The chief of said bureau shall be appointed by eries ; chief, the Governor for the term of four years and thereafter a successor shall be appointed for a like period of four 64 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JERSEY Oyster com- missions to report to bureau. Eeport of director of experiment station. Copies of maps, &c.. filed. Office. Duties of chief. .'innual report. years whenever said office shall become vacant by death, resignation or expiration of the current term ; his salary shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly by the treasurer on the warrant of the comp- troller; the chief of such bureau may employ such clerical assistance as may be necessary from time to time ; the several oyster commissions of the State shall file with such bureau a statement in detail, quarterly and oftener if required, of the receipts and disburse- ments of their several commissions, and such commis- sions shall further report annually to the said bureau on the first day of ^November a summary of the work of the said commissions for the preceding year ; the shell commissioners shall in like manner report in detail all transactions of their several commissions ; the director of the JSTew Jersey college experiment station, at Xew Brunswick, shall annually file with said bureau a report of his experiments in the scientific investigation of oyster and clam propagation; all recommendations and reports of said commissions shall be made to the chief of said bureau ; the said commissions shall forthwith on the granting of any lease or license transmit a memorandum or copy thereof to said bureau; a copy of all maps and surveys of any oyster lands heretofore or hereafter to be leased or surs^eyed by said commissions for any purpose and a copy of all maps and surveys of any grounds set apart for clamming grounds shall be filed forthwith with such bureau ; the several oyster commissions, oyster superintendents and shell commissioners shall also file with said bureau, when required by thQ chief thereof, or any record, papers, writings or data pertaining to their several offices ; an office for said bureau shall permanently be maintained at the state house and there shall be kept at all times on file therein all the reports, surveys, papers and records aforesaid; it shall be the duty of the chief of said bureau to procure and compile certificates and information relative to the progress and development of the oyster and clamming industry in this and in other states and countries, and to secure and keep on file the laws of other states regulating such industries ; the chief EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEKS. 65 of said bureau shall make a report to the Governor an- nually as of ISTovember first, each year, and not later than December first, annually of the general condition of the oyster and clamming industry of the State and the trans- actions of the various commissioners aforesaid during the preceding year, and shall transmit therewith the reports and recommendations of the oyster commissioners and the report of the director of the experiment station, together with such recommendations as said bureau may deem ad- visable to make, (a) V. ACTS KELATING EXCLUSIVELY TO OCEAN COUNTY. An act to protect the planting and cultivating of oysters in the tide waters of the county of Ocean. Approved May 11, 1886. Be it enacted hy the Senate mid General Assembly of the State of Netv^ Jersey: 1. That any person or persons, citizens of this state, p. l. is86, now or hereafter holding, using or occupying any grounds The holding lying under the tide waters of the county of Ocean, for use'^grounds the planting or cultivating of oysters theireon, not now w^toirf*^ known and recognized as natural oyster-seed beds, from Fo'i^cuitiva-'^*^ which there is now gathered seed or young oysters for oyste°/s planting purposes, shall be confirmed in their holding confirmed, or right to use such grounds for the purpose of planting and cultivating of oysters, and the oysters planted and growing thereon shall be the personal property of the person or persons holding, using or occupying the grounds as aforesaid ; provided^ the said grounds shall have been Proviso, marked by proper stakes, buoys or suitable monuments, and oysters shall have been actually planted upon the grounds so marked off. (a) The original act consisted of one section. This act therefore amends the original act in its entirety. 5 66 STATUTE LAW OF i^EW JERSEY Persons au- thorized to plant, &c., oysters on ground now or hereafter used or occupied. Penalty for gathering oysters, &c., without per- mission of persons hold- ing ground. Grounds used for clamming not to be used for oysters. Stakes used not to im- pede naviga- tion, &c. Who deemed trespassers. Oysters planted for- feited to the public. Act not to give right or title to lands as against the state. 2. That upon the grounds now or hereafter held, used or occupied as aforesaid, the person or persons holding, using or occupying the same may plant, cultivate and gather oysters ; they may shell said grounds and gather the oysters that may grow thereon, and all oysters on said grounds shall be deemed and taken to be their per- sonal property; and every person or persons who shall gather, catch or take oysters, clams or shells from any lot of ground held, used or occupied as aforesaid, without the permission of the person or persons holding, using or occupying the same, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not greater than one hundred dollars, or be con- fined in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court. 3. That no grounds now used and set apart for clam- ming purposes in said county shall be occupied and used for the purpose of planting or cultivating oysters. 4. That all stakes used for the purpose aforesaid shall be elastic and yielding, and shall not impede navigation nor interfere with the drawing of seines in any place now established and customarily used for seine fishing. 5. That any person or persons who shall plant oysters uj)on any of the natural oyster beds lying under the waters aforesaid, now known and recognized as natural oyster beds, and from wdiich there is now gathered seed or young oysters for planting purposes, shall be deemed trespassers, and such planted oysters shall be forfeited to the public, who shall have the right and privilege of going upon said beds and taking said planted oysters and con- verting the same to their own use at any time when it is now lawful to take oysters from said natural beds. 6. That nothing in this act contained shall give any person or persons the right or title to any of said lands as against the state, and the state may at any time alter or repeal this law, or the riparian commissioners may make grants the same as if this act had not been passed. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AKD OYSTEES. 67 An Act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters and clams on lands lying under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean, in the state of jSTew Jersey. Approved March 26, 1902. Be it enacted by the Seoiate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. All oyster grounds, lands and beds included within p. L- 1902, " '^ ' . p. 170. lands of the state of ISTew Jersey, under the tidal waters ocean county of the county of Ocean, shall be under the exclusive regu- mission, lation and control of a state oyster commission (known as the oyster commission for the district of Ocean county, and hereafter whenever the words "commission" or "state oyster commission" appear in this act, they shall be held to mean the aforesaid state oyster commission for the dis- trict of Ocean county), which shall consist of three mem- Members; ^ ■ term. bers, who shall be appointed by the governor of this state for a term of three years, and shall continue to hold office until the appointment of their sucoessorsi ; the said com- missioners shall be oitizensi of this state, and shall be directly interested or engaged in the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Ocean; before entering upon the duties of his office, oath, each commissioner shall file with the secretary of state an oath that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office, and that he is directly interested or engaged in the business of taking, planting and cultivating oysters in said tidal waters of said county of Ocean, which oath miay be taken before any person authorized toi take oaths or affirmations in this state ; each coinmisisioner shall receive Salary, an annual salary of two hundred and fifty dollars, pay- able quarterly ; two members of the state oyster commis- sion shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, and any official act shall be valid which has been author- ized by a majority of the commissioners at a regular meeting ; they shall keep a record of all their official acts Annual and proceedings, and shall annually report to the legis- lature, which report shall include a- detailed statement of all expenditures of money made or authorized to be made 68 STATUTE LAW OF IsEW JERSEY Give bond. Oyster super- intendent. Term. As amended. P. L. 1909, p. 29.3. Salary- Bond. Duties prescribed. Powers and duties of commission. by them under the provisions of this act ; before entering npon the duties of their office the said commissioners shall severall}' enter into bond tO' the state in thci sum of two thonsand dollars, with good and sufficient surety, condi- tioned foT the faithful performance of their duties, which bond shall first bei approved as tO' sufficie^ney by the law judge of the said county of Ocean; said bond shall be renewed annually. 2, The Governor of this state shall appoint a person to be knov^m as the oyster superintendent, who shall hold his office for a term of three years and until his suc- cessor is appointed and qualified, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars, and which shall be paid in equal monthly payments ; before entering upon the duties of his office, the oyster superintendent shall give bond to the state in the sum of five thousand dollars with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties, which bond shall be first approved as to sufficiency by the law judge of the said county of Ocean ; said bond shall be renewed anniially. It shall be the duty of the state oyster commission to regulate and define the duties of the oyster superintendent, other than those duties specifically defined in this act. 3. The state oyster commissioni shall have power, and it shall be their duty toi enforce the provisions of this act, and the provisio'ns of all other acts reigulating the taking, ]3lanting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of Ocean county, in this state:, in force and. not repealed by this act, and in furtherance! and not in limitation of the above provisions they shall have^ power to employ such surveyors, guards and other employes: as they may deem necessary; and to provide guard-beats and a. sfufficieait number of men to protect all oyster beds and groiuids in the tidal waters of said county of Oceiaui, in this state; and to incair such expenses a;s they may consider proper to fully carry out the provisions of this and the said other a,ots, and for the preservation and improvement of the said oyster beds or grounds; they shall, however, before leasing any grounds set apart a portion of the lands under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean, to be known and held as public clam grounds. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 69 4. The state oyster coanmissiou shall estahlish and office, maintain an officei within the county of Ocean, at some place convenient to persoms engaged in the^ oyster indus- try, which office shall also be the office of thei oyster super- intendent; stated meetings of the state' oyster oommis- sion shall be held at their office at least once a. month. 5. The state oyster commission shall have power Lease lands, and are hereby directed, as hereinafter' provide|d, to p^h^fioo^ ' lease to applicants therefor any of thei lands of the ^'^ state under the tidal watersi of the county of Ocean not set apart as piiblic clam grounds, save' and excepting that part of Barnegat bay bounded on the north by the Pennsylvania railroad bridge, at Barnegat pier, and on the south by a line drawn from the middle point of a point known as Middlei point, on south side of Cedar creek, east to Cedar creek lifchsaving station, and also all those lands lying under the tidal waters of Great bay and Mullica river, north of a line running from Gravelling point in a soutliAvesterly course, to the At- lantic county line; to be exclusively used and enjoyed Purposes, by such lessees for the purpose of taking, planting and cultivating of oysters and clams, and fo^r tlie planting of shells thereon for propagating purpoisesi; provided^. Proviso. JiO'ivever, that no- lease or leases shall be granted to any person or persons; who shall not be, at the' time' of granting of said lease, and shall not have been for twelve moinths next p'receding, ai citizen and actual resident of this state. 6. Leases may be granted for terms not exceeding ten Terms of 1-1 1 1 nc rental, years, at an annual rental not less than liity cents nor more than three dollars per acre or fraction thereof for the first ten acres leased and not less than one dollar per acre for each additional acre or fraction thereof of the land so leased ; the rental for the first year of any lease shall be paid at the time the lease is granted, and the yearly rental for each succeeding year of said lease shall be paid within thirty days after the beginning of said year ; failure to pay said rentals at the time or times Failure to herein directed shall, as hereinafter provided, cause the FeYse. lease or leases of the person or persons so failing to pay said rentals to become forfeited, and the right of said per- 70 STATUTE LAW OF :NEW JEKSEY Demand to be made. Hearing. Cancellation of lease. Re-leased. Proviso. son or persons to tlie oyster ground or grounds to cease; and the state oyster commission shall cause the said lease or leases upon which said rent is due and unpaid as afore- said to be canceled upon the books of the state oyster com- mission, and said forfeited ground or grounds may be hereafter leased to any resident of this state as above pro- vided; but before said lease or leases shall be canceled and the right of any person or persons to the oyster ground or grounds held thereunder shall be forfeited as above mentioned, the state oyster commission shall cause notice to be personally served upon said lessee or lessees, directing him, her or them to appear before said com- mission, at their office, v^ithin thirty days from the ser- vice of said notice, and shov^ cause, if any there be, why said lease or leases should not be canceled, and why the right of said lessee or lessees to longer hold said oyster ground or grounds thereunder should not be forfeited; and if such lessee or lessees so appear and show sufficient cause why said rental has not been paid, and why said right to said ground or grounds should not be forfeited and at the same time tender the money due for said rental and pay the costs of the said notice, the state oyster com- mission shall direct the oyster superintendent to accept said moneys and the rights of said person or persons shall not be forfeited because of said failure; and in case of the failure of said lessee or' lessees tO' soi appear and show cause as aforesaid, the said lease or leases shall be can- celed as above provided and the right of said j)erson or persons to longer hold said leased ground or grounds shall be declared by the state oyster commission to be for- feited ; and the state oyster commission shall in such case fix a sufficient time within which the oysters upon said forfeited grounds shall be. removed by the person or per- sons owning said oysters, and shall cause notice of the time so fixed to be personally served upon said person or persons, and the said ground or grounds shall not be leased to any person until after the expiration of the time so fixed ; 'provided, however, that wherever personal service is herein required, and the lessee of lessees shall at the time of said service be absent from the state, then the said EELATIVE TO CLAMS ANB OYSTEES. Tl commission shall cause to be published a copy of said notice in at least one newspaper published in said county of Ocean, for a j)eriod of at least four weeks, and said publication shall be considered as personal service. 7. Any person or persons having, on the fifteenth day First right of Siepteniber, annO' doniini one thousand nine hundred and one, ground or grounds staked up in said tide waters of Ocean county under any present law, usage or custom, shall be first entitled to apply for and receive a lease or leases for such ground or grounds ; provided, applica- Proviso, tion therefor, in writing, be filed at the office of the state oyster commission within sixty days after this act shall take eifect, in default of which application the commis- sion shall have power thereafter to lease such ground or grounds to any resident of this state, as above provided ; and at the expiration of the term of any lease the same shall be renewed to the original lessee or lessees ; pro- proviso. vided, such lessee or lessees apply therefor within sixty days from the expiration of the term of such lease ; and if application for any lease or renewal thereof for ground or grounds named in this section is not filed within the time limited, the state oyster commission shall fix the time within which the oysters upon said ground or grounds shall be removed by the person or persons o'svn- ing said oysters, and shall cause notice of said time so fixed to be at once personally served upon said person or persons, and the said ground or grounds shall not be leased to others until after the expiration of the time so fixed. 8. The state oyster commission shall, from time to Boundaries ,.. ifT 111 ^^*l maps. time, as applications are made lor leases, cause the lands leased under said tidal waters of Ocean county tO' be measured, and the metes and bounds thereof ascertained and located by ranges, monuments or other means, so that the limits of the lands embraced within such leases may be accurately fixed and easily located; the state oyster commission shall cause such leased lands to be mapped, and the said miapSi to he. filcid in the office of the state oyster commission, and shall also cause the leiase so made T2 STATUTE LAW OF iN^EW JEESEY No privilege intended. Proviso. As amended, P. L. 1903, p. 638. License for tonging on seed beds. Record of. Proviso. Proviso. Qualifica- tions of lessee and licensee. to be recorded in books kept in the office of the state oyster commission for that purpose. 9. ISTothing in this act shall be interpreted to strengthen, confirm or verify the title of any person to any lands excepted from leaseholds by the provisions of section five of this act; provided, liowever, that any per- son who has held and planted grounds within the limits therein excepted shall be gTanted two years' time from June first; one thousand nine hundred and two, in which to remove said oysters and cultch planted thereon by him. 10. The oyster superintendent shall issue a license, duly certified by himself, to each and every person enti- tled by law to engage in tonging or catching oysters on the state seed beds in the said tidal waters of Ocean county, that shall pay the license fees fixed therefor by this act ; and no person shall catch or tong for oysters on state seed beds in the said tide waters of Ocean county, in this state, without first obtaining a license for that pur- pose from the said oyster superintendent, and paying to him therefor the license fee of two dollars and fifty cents ; no license shall be issued for a longer period than one year; all licenses shall be numbered and recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the state oyster commission ; each person so licensed shall at all times, while engaged in operating under such license, display in plain view, upon the port bow of his boat, the number of said license in black figures at least six inches in length ; and upon the failure or neglect of any person so licensed to so display said number as above required, such person so neglecting or failing shall forfeit said license ; pro- vided, lioivever, that a period of five days shall be given after issuing^ said license for such person to comply with the above requirement; provided further, that no person without a license shall gather more than two bushels of oysters in any one day. 11. The state oyster commission, before issuing any lease to any person as provided for in this act, shall cause the person applying for said lease to make and file with them an oath that he is a citizen and actual resident of this state, and has been for twelve months next preceding RELATIVE TO CLAMS AIv^D OYSTERS. Y3 such application, and that he will properly plant or cause to be planted and cultivate oysters thereon ; and the oyster superintendent, before issuing any license to any person to catch oysters or engage in the oyster business, shall cause the person applying for such license to make and. file with him an oath that he is a citizen and actual resident of this state, and has been for twelve months next preceding said application ; such oaths may be made and taken by and before the several members of the state oyster commission and the said oyster superintendent; and the state oyster commission shall have power to re- voke any lease or license issued by reason of any false oath. 12. All unexpired licenses issued by the state oyster Licenses of shell commission previous to the time when this act shall commission take effect, shall remain in full force and virtue for the in force, unexpired terms thereof, and shall have the same force and ejffect as licenses issued by the oyster superintendent. 13. The secretary of the state :0yster shell co^mmission List of sheii is hereby required, within fifteen days after this act shall nished oyster take effect, to prepare and deliver to the said oyster super- ent.^ intendent, a written or printed statement showing the names of all persons previously licensed by said shell commission within the bounds of Ocean county whose licenses shall not then have expired ; which statement shall also show the numbers of the said licenses issued by them. 14. All money duo for around rentals, license fees or Fees and rents col- O'therwise made collectible under the provisions, of this lectibie. act, shall be received and collected by the oyster supierin- tendent, for the sole use of the state of ISTew Jersey, as public money belonging tO' the state, and shall be a,C!- counted for and paid over as such in manner hereinafter provided. 15. The oyster superintendent shall keep an account As amended, of all fees and moneys received by him pursua.nt to tlie p. 638. ^ ^^^ provisionsi of this act, for the use of the state, and shall, intendent's ir / ^ ' report to . on or before the tetnth day of each month, make a, full comptroller, itemized statement and return, verified by oath, tO' the comptroller, of all money collected or received as afore;- 74 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEESEY Report to oyster com- mission. Proviso. Proviso. As amended. P. L. 1903, p. 638. Tonging in Ocean county. Proviso. Proviso. Culling. said, upon blanls; containing form of the said statement and oath, to be furnished tO' the oyster superintendent by the comptroller, a,nd thei said statements^ shall bei filed in the office of the comptroller, there to remain as public records; said statements shall be audited forthwith by said comptroller, and on or before thei fifteenth day of each month said oyster superintendent shall pay over the amount of such money received to the state treasury ; he shall also make detailed monthly reports, verified by oath, to the state oyster commission of all moneys, collected or received by him ; all bills incurred by the state oyster commission in carrying out the pro'^dsions of this act shall be certified by the state oyster commission tO' the state comptroller monthly, for pia,ymem.t, and he shall draw his warrant on the state treasury therefor; p'O- videdj, Jiow^ever, that any excess of such receipts, over the expenditure for any fiscal year shall, for the purpose of this' act, be accounted as receipts of the next succee:ding fiscal year; 'provided further, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any money appropriated by the legislature for surve)^ purposes. 16. ISTo oysters or clams shall be tonged for, raked, or taken from any of the unleased lands of the state under tidal waters of the county of Ocean ; provided, that this section shall not prevent the taking of see^d oysters from the lands set apart for state secid beds from, and including the first day of October to and including the thirtieth day of April of each year ; provided further, that this section shall not prevent the taking of clams from the grounds set apiart for clamming purposes ; nO' oysters> shall be t.aken from any leased lands or state seed beds except between sunrise and sunset. 11. All oysters, oyster shells and other miaterial tonged, or in any manner raised or taken from any of the natural oyster-sieed beds, shell beds or reefs under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean, in this state, shall be' culled as soon as the same are emptied out. of the tongs on the- cull- ing board or deck of the boat or vessel einployed for the purpose, and before thei same a.re shoveled ba.ck from that portion of the^ boat used for emptying the tongs ; and all EELATIVE TO CLAMS AXD OYSTEES. 75 shells and otlieT m;a,terial, exoepit. oystei's, sliall be immedi- ately thro>wii hack upon tliei beds or gTound from whicth the same' shall have been, taken ; all such oysters, oyster sliells and other material shall bei enlleid as afoTesiaad so cJosely that three bushels theireof taken from any portion of a, declc load of oysters, after the same> shall have been shoveled back from that part of the deck used for empty- ing the tongs aforeisaid, shall noti contain moxe than fifteen p^er centum^ of shellsi and other material; and if Not culling 1 n 1 /• n ^ misde- any person or persons shall neglecti or reius© toi cull as meanor. aforesaid all such oysters, oyster' shells and other material, he 01* they shall bei deemed guilty of a, misdemeanor; "when any peirson or persons licensed uuider the provisions Right to of this act is hailed or' signaled by any officer of the statei and examine oyster commission and refuses toi stop- and permit any ^^^^°' officer or officers of said state oyster commission to board his or their boat, vessel or other craft and examinei the oysters, oyster shells and other material on such boat, ves^ sel or other craft as: aforesaid, the said oyster com^mission shall have power to revoke the license or licenses of said person or persons; so refusing as aforesaid. 18. The members of the state oyster commission, the Power of '^ . ' arrest. oyster superintendent and the several captains or' masters of gTiard-boats are hereby empowered, and it shall be their duty, on view, v^dthout special warrant issued for that purpose, toi arrest any person engaged inrthe viola- tion of any of the provisions, of this act. or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, plant- ing or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Ocean, in force and not repealed by this act. 19. It shall be the duty of the state oyster commission Revoke to revoke the license of any person who shall violate or cause to be violated any of the provisions of this act or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Ocean in force and not repealed by this act ; and said commission shall have power to ■refuse thereafter to allow any license to be issued to such person for such period of time as the commission may fix and determine. 76 STATUTE LAW OF ^E,W JEESEY Act construed. No dredging on unleased grounds. Proviso. Penalty for violating act. Repealer. 20. ISTothiiig in this act shall be in anywise construed to authorize or allow any person or persons, boat or ves- sel, to engage or be employed in the business of taking, planting or cultivating oysters in the tidal waters of Ocean county, or any creek or river tributary thereto, in this state, who or which are prohibited from engaging or being employed in said business, by laws of this state in force at the time of the adoption of this act. 21. 'No person or persons shall cast, throw or use a dredge upon any of the unleased oyster grounds of this state under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean ; pro- vided, that any person holding planted oyster land leased from said state oyster commission may dredge upon his own leased land. 22. Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Ocean, in force and not repealed by this act, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in state prison not exceeding five years, or both, at the discretion of the court. 23. All acts and parts of acts, general or special, incon- sistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. p. L. 1905, p. 337. Penalty for tonging, &c., without permission. Supplement to the act entitled "An act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters and clams on lands lying under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean, in the State of ISTew Jersey," approved March twenty-sixth, one thousand nine hundred and two. Approved April 20, 1905. 1. No person or persons shall hereafter use any dredge, tongs or rake upon any lands leased to any one under the provisions of the act to which this is a supple- ment, except the lessee or lessees thereof, without per- mission of the lessee or lessees thereof, and any one KELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEKS. 7T offending against the provisions of this supplement is hereby liable to the penalty prescribed in section twenty- two of the act to which this is a supplement. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith be Repealer, and the same hereby are repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. OTSTEE ACT APPLICABLE TO ATLAI^TIC COUITTY. An Act for the better regulation and control of the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters and clams on lands lying under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic, in the state of ISTew Jersey. Approved March 30, 1905. Be it enacted ty the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. All oyster grounds, lands and beds included within control of ,,„, f^-r T n 1 •!! oyster lands lands 01 the state oi JN ew J ersey under the tidal waters in Atlantic of the county of Atlantic shall be under the exclusive regulation and control of a state oyster commission (known as the oyster commission for the district of At- lantic county, and hereafter whenever the words "com- mission" or "state . oyster commission" appear in this oyster com- act they shall be held to mean the aforesaid state oyster commission for the district of Atlantic county), which shall consist of three members, who shall be appointed by the governor of this state for a term of three years, and shall continue to hold office until the appointment of their successors ; the said commissioners shall be citizens of this state and Atlantic county ; before entering upon oath. the duties of his office each commissioner shall file with the secretary of state an oath that he will faithfully dis- charge the duties of his office, which oath may be taken before any person authorized to take oaths or affirmations in this state ; each commissioner shall receive an annual Salary. salary of five hundred dollars for the first year and three hundred dollars for each year thereafter, payable quar- terly; two members of the state oyster commission shall 78 STATUTE LAW OF ITEW JERSEY Records. Report. Bond. Oyster super- intendent ; salary, bond, duties. Power and duty of state oyster com- mission. As amended. P. L. 1908, p. 464. Protect oyster beds. constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, and any official act shall be valid which has been authorized bj a majority of the commissioners at a regular meeting; they shall keep a record of all their official acts and pro- ceedings, and shall annually report to the bureau of shell fisheries, which report shall include a detailed statement of all expenditures of money made or authorized to be made by them under the provisions of this act ; before entering upon the duties of their office the said commis- sioners shall severally enter into a bond to the state in the sum of one thousand dollars, with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties, which bond shall first be approved as to sufficiency by the law judge of the said county of Atlantic; said bond shall hold for the term of three years. 2. The governor of this state shall appoint a person to be known as the oyster superintendent, who shall be a citizen of Atlantic county, to hold office for a term of three years, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars, and which shall be paid in equal monthly payments; before entering upon the duties of his office the oyster superintendent shall give bond to the state in the sum of five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties, which bond shall be first approved as to sufficiency by the law judge of the said county of Atlantic ; said bond shall be for the term of three years ; it shall be the duty of the state oyster commission to regulate and define the duties of the oyster superintendent, other than those duties specifically defined in this act. 3. The state oyster commission shall have power, and it shall be their duty to enforce the provisions of this act and the provisions of all other acts regulating the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of Atlantic county, in this state, in force and not repealed by this act, and in furtherance and not in limitation of the above provisions they shall have power to employ such surveyors, guards and other employes as they may deem necessary, and to pirovide: guard-boats and a, sufficient number of men to protect all oyster beds and grounds in EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTERS. 79 tlie tidal waters of said county of Atlantic, in this, states ; and to incur such expenses as they may consider proper to fully carry out the provisions of this and the said other acts, and for the preservation and improvement of the said oyster beds or grounds; they shall, however, before leasing any grounds set apart a portion of the lands under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic, to be known and held as public clam grounds, and all natural seed Public dam beds, and any other lands under the tidal waters of the feedbeds^.^ county of Atlantic, which the commissioners shall con- sider suitable and necessary for the imj)rovement, preser- vation and extension of the seed beds or propagating grounds. J^o oysters shall be taken in any manner what- Taking soever from any natural seed beds, grounds or other lands seed^beds""^ under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic which the commissioners have heretofore or may hereafter set apart as suitable and necessary for the improvement, preservation and extension of the seed beds and propa- gating grounds, except from and including the first day of October of any year to and including the thirtieth day of April of each succeeding year. 4. The state oyster commission shall establish and oiflce. maintain an office within the county of Atlantic, at some place convenient to persons engaged in the oyster in- dustry, which office shall also be the office of the oyster superintendent ; stated meetings of the state oyster com- mission shall be held at their office at least once a month. 5. The state oyster commission shall have power and ^^f^^^^g are hereby directed, as hereinafter provided, to lease to applicants therefor any of the lands of the state under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic not set apart as public clam grounds, save and excepting those lands set apart as natural seed beds and grounds, to be exclu- sively enjoyed by such lessees for the taking, planting and cultivating of oysters; provided, hoivever, that no lease proviso, or leases shall be granted to any jDerson who shall not be at the time of granting said lease or leases, and shall not have been for twelve months next preceding, a citizen and actual resident of this state ; provided, that no lease shall Proviso, be granted for more than ten acres ; and provided further. Proviso, that nothing in this act shall be construed to give said 80 STATUTE LAW OF EEW JEESEY Terms of lease. Unpaid leases can- celed. Upon proper showing lease not forfeited. commissioners any jurisdiction or control over any lands to which the riparian grant has been made by the riparian commissioners of this state. G. Leases may be granted foT terms not ecsceeding ten years at an annual rental of not less than one dol- lar nor moa-e than three dollars peor acrei, or fraction thereof; the rental for the first year of any lease shall be paid at the time the lease is granted, and the yearly rental for each sncceeding yeax of said lease shall be paid within, thirty days after the beginning of said year : failnre to pay said rentals at the time; or times, herein directed shall, as hereinafteir provided, cause the. lease or leases of the person or peirsons. so failing tO' pay said rentals to become forfeited, and the right of said person or persons to the oyster ground or groundsi tO' ceiase; and the state oyster commission shall cause the said leasC' Oir leases upon which said rent is due and unpaid as aforesaid to be canceled upion the' books of the state oyster commission, and said forf eited ground or grounds may be hereafter leased tO' any resident of this statei, as above pro- vided for-; but before said lease or leases^ shall be can- celed and the right of any person or persons to the oyster ground or grounds held thereunder shall be forfeited as above mentioned, the state oyster commission shall cause notice tO' bei served personally upon said lessee or lessees directing him, her or them to appeiar before said commission at their office within thirty days from the service of said notice, and. show cause, if any there be, why said leiase or leiases should not be canceled, a-nd why the right of said lessee or lessees to longer hold said oyster ground or groundsi thereunder should not be forfeited; and if such lessee or lessees s'O' appear and show sufficient cause why said rental has, not been paid, and why said right to said ground or grounds should not be. forfeited, and at the same timei tender the money due' for said rental, and pay the costs, of the said notice, the state oyster commission shall direct the oyster superintendent, toi accept said moneys, and t.he rights of said person, or persons shall not be forfeited be^ cause of said failure ; and in case of the failure of said EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 81 lessees to so' ai>pear and show cause as aforesaid, the said lease' or leasee shall he canceled as ahovei provided, and the right of said person ox persons to longer hold said leased ground or gTonnds shall be declared by the state oyster commission to be forfeited ; and the state oyster commission shall in such oasiei fix a sufficient time within which the oysters upon said forfeited ground shall be re- moved by tlie person or peirsons owning said oysters., and shall cause notice of the time soi fixed to be personally served upon said person or' persons^, and the said ground or gTounds shall not be leased tO' any person until after the expiration of the time so- fixed ; promded, how^ever, proviso that whenever personal service is herein required, and the lessee or lessees' shall at time of said servioei be absent from the state:, then thei said commission shall cause to- be published a copy of said noticei in at least one newsipaipier published in said county of Atlantic for a, period of at least four weeks, and said publication shall be' considered as personal service. 7. Any 2>erson or persons having, on the fifteenth day First enti- of September, anno domini one thousand nine hundred lease, and one, ground or grounds staked upi in said tide waters of Atlantic county under any present law, usage or cus- tom, shall be first entitled to apiply for and receive a lease or leases for such groiui-d or grounds; promded, a,prplica- proviso, tion therefor, in writing, be filed at the- office of the state- oyster commission within sixty days after this act shall take e-ffect, in default of which application the commis- sion shall have power thereafter to- lease such ground or grounds to- any resident of this st-at-ei, as above pirovided, and at the: expiration of the term of any lease the same shall be renewed to- the original lessee' or lessees; ■provided, such lessee or leiseees apiply therefor within Proviso, sixty days from the expiration of the term of such lea-se; and if apiplication for any lease or renewal thereof for Renewal of ground or grounds named in this' section is not filed within the time' limited the state oyster commission: shall fix a time within which the oysters upon said ground or grounds shall be removed by the person or persons' own- ing said oysters, and shall cause- notice of said time so 6 82 STATUTE LAW OF NEW JEESEY Proviso. Lands measured, marked. Maps. Right to occupy. Proviso. License to take oysters. As amended. P. L. 1903, p. 466. Fee. Record of. fixed to be at once pei'vsoiially served upon said person or persons, and tlie said ground or grounds sliall not be leased to^ others until after the expiration of the time so fixed ; 'provided, that this section shall not apply toi any lands set apart as seed beds or propagating grounds, as provided for in section three of this act. 8. The state oyster commission shall, from time to time, as applications are made for leases, cause the lands leased under said tidal waters of Atlantic county to be measured and the metes and bounds thereof ascertained and located by ranges, monuments or other means, so that the limits of the land embraced within such leases may be accurately fixed and easily located; the state oyster commission shall cause such leased land to be mapped, and the said maps to be filed in the office of the state oyster commission and of the bureau of shell fisheries, and shall also cause the lease so made to be recorded in books kept in the office of the state oyster commission for that purpose. 9. ^Nothing in this act shall be interpreted to strengthen, confirm or verify the title of any person to any lands excepted from leasehold by the provisions of section five of this act ; provided, however, that any per- son who has held and planted grounds within the limits therein excepted shall be granted one year's time from June first, one thousand nine hundred and five, in which to remove said oysters and cultch planted thereon by him. 10. The oyster superintendent shall issue a license, duly certified by himself, to each and every person enti- tled by law to engage in tonging or catching oysters on the state seed beds and grounds in the said tidal waters of Atlantic county that shall pay the license fees fixed therefor by this act; and no person shall catch or tong for oysters on state seed beds and grounds in the said tide waters of Atlantic county, in this state, without first ob- taining a license for that purpose from the said oyster superintendent and paying tO' him therefor the license fee of two dollars and fifty cents ; no license shall be issued for a period longer than one year; all licenses shall be numbered and recorded in a book kept for that EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 83 purpose in the office of the state oyster commission ; each ncense^ person so licensed shall at all times, while engaged in ^"•^'^s'^"- operating imder such license, display in plain view upon the port bow of his boat the number of said license in black figTires at least five inches in length ; and upon the failure or neglect of any person so licensed to so display said number as above required, such person so neglecting or failing shall forfeit said license. Any license issued under the provisions of this act shall be valid and ef- fectual for the tonging or catching of oysters on state seed beds and grounds under the tidal waters of the county of Ocean ; provided, said license issued under the provisions of this act shall be first endorsed by the oyster superin- tendent in and for said county of Ocean. 11. The state oyster commission, before issuing any statement lease to any person as provided for in this act, shall cause for Ucense. the person applying for said lease to make and file with them an oath that he is a citizen and actual resident of this state, and has been for twelve months next preceding such application, and that he will properly plant, or cause to be planted, and cultivate oysters thereon ; and the oyster superintendent, before issuing any license to any person to catch oysters or engage in the oyster busi- ness, shall cause the person applying for' such license to make and file with him an oath that he is a citizen and actual resident of this state, and has been for twelve months next preceding said application ; such oaths may be made and taken by and before the several members of the state oyster commission and the said oyster superin- tendent ; and the state oyster commission shall have power to revoke any lease or license issued by reason of any false oath ; provided further, however, that no Proviso, person shall acquire by lease more than ten acres ; and Proviso. provided further, that no lands acquired by lease shall be sub-let under penalty of cancellation of said lease. 12. All unexpired licenses issued by the state oyster unexpired '^ • 1 1 • 1 n licenses of shell commission previous to the time when this act shall sheii com- . mission. take effect shall remain in full force and virtue for the unexpired terms thereof, and shall have the same force and effect as licenses issued by the oyster superintendent. 84 STATUTE LAW OF :^EW JEESET List of un- expired licenses. All moneys paid to state. Statement of fees re- ported monthly to comptroller. Proviso. 13. The secretary of the state oyster shell commission is hereby required, within fifteen days after this act shall take effect, to prepare and deliver to the said oyster super- intendent a written or printed statement showing the names of all persons previously licensed by said shell commission wathin the bounds of xltlantic county whose licenses shall not then have exjoired, which statement shall also show the numbers of the said licenses issued by them. 14. All money due for ground rentals, license fees or otherwise, made collectible under the provisions of this act, shall be received and collected by the oyster superin- tendent, for the sole use of the state of !Xew Jersey, as ]3ublic monej^ belonging to the state, and shall be ac- counted for and paid over as such in manner hereinafter provided. 15. The oyster superintendent shall keep an account of all fees and moneys received by him pursuant to the provisions of this act for the use of the state, and shall, on or before the tenth day of each month, make a full itemized statement and return, verified by oath tO' the comptroller, of all moneys collected or received as afore- said, upon blank containing form of the said statement and oath, to be furnished to the oyster superintendent by the coinptroUer, and the said statements shall be filed in the ofiice of the comptroller, there to remain as public records ; said statements shall be audited forthwith by said comptroller, and on or before the fifteenth day of each month said oyster superintendent shall pay over the amount of such money received tO' the state treasurer ; he shall also make detailed monthly reports, verified by oaths, to the state oyster commission of all moneys col- lected or received by him ; all bills, incurred by the state oyster commission in carrying out the provisions of this act shall be certified by the state oyster commission to the state comptroller monthly for payment, ,and he shall draw his warrant on the: state treasurer therefor; pro- vided, how<€ver, that any excess of such receipts over the expenditure for any fiscal year shall, for the purpose of this act, be accounted as receipts of the next succeeding EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 85 • fiscal year ; pron)ided furtlier, that the^ pirovisions of thisi P'^o'*''so- section shall not apply to any money appropriated by the legislature for survey purposes. 16. ISTo oysters or clams shall be planted upon, tonged Unieased for, raked or taken from any of the unieased lands of be used, the state under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic : p- l- i908, .p. 444. provided, that this section shall not prevent the taking proviso, of seed oysters from the lands set apart for sta,te seed beds and grounds from and including the first day of October of any year to and including the thirtieth day of April of each succeeding year ; provided further, that proviso, this section shall not prevent the taking of clams from the grounds set apart for clamming purposes. 'No oysters shall be taken from any state seed beds and grounds, except between sunrise and sunset. 17. All oysters, oyster shells and other material ^yu*°„ tonged or in any manner raised or taken from any of the natural oyster-seed beds; and grounds, shell beds or reefs under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic, in this state, shall be culled as soon as the same are emptied out of the tongs on the culling board or deck of the boat or vessel employed for the purpose, and before the same are shoveled back from that portion of the boat used for emptying the tongs ; and all shells and other material, except oysters, shall be immediately thrown back upon the beds or ground from which the same shall have been taken; all such oysters, oyster shells and other material shall be culled as aforesaid so closely that three bushels thereof taken from any portion of a deck-^oad of oysters, after the same shall have been shoveled back from that part of the deck used for emptying the tongs aforesaid, shall not contain more than ten per centum of shells and other material ; and if any person or persons shall neglect Rigiitto p . ini stop boat or refuse to cull as aforesaid all oysters, oyster shells and and inspect, other material, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ; when any person or persons licensed under the provisions of this act is hailed or signaled by any offi- cer of the state oyster commission and refuses to stop and permit any officer or officers of said state oyster 86 STATUTE LAW OF 2sTEW JERSEY Power to arrest with- out warrant. Revocation ol license. Proliibited persons and boats. Not dredge on unleased grounds. Proviso. commission to board his or tlieir boat, vessel or other craft and examine the oysters, oyster shells and other material on such boat, vessel or other craft as aforesaid, the said oyster commission shall have power to revoke the license or licenses of said person or persons so refusing as aforesaid. *18. The members of the state oyster commission, the oyster superintendent and the several captains or masters of guard-boats are hereby empowered, and it shall be their duty on view, without special warrant issued for that purpose, to arrest any person engaged in the violation of any of the provisions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Atlantic in force and not repealed by this act. 19. It shall be the duty of the state oyster commis- sion to revoke the license of any person who shall violate, or cause to be violated any of the provisions of this act, or any other law of this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Atlantic in force and not repealed by this act; and said commission shall have power to refuse thereafter to allow any license to be issued to such person for such period of time as the commission may fix and determine. 20. ISTothing in this act shall in anywise be construed to authorize or allow any person or persons, boat or ves- sel to engage or be employed in the business of taking, planting or cultivating oysters in the tidal waters of Atlantic county, or any creek or river tributary thereto, in this state, who or which are prohibited from engaging or being employed in said business by laws of this state in force at the time of the adoption of this act. 21. ISTo person or persons shall pass, throw or use a dredge upon any of the unleased oyster grounds of this state under the tidal waters of the county of Atlantic ; provided, that any person holding planted oyster land leased from said state oyster commission may dredge upon his own leased land. EELATIVE TO CLAMS AND OYSTEES. 87 22. Any person or persons violating any of the pro- yfo'iation of visions of this act, or the provisions of any other law of ^^*^" this state regulating the taking, planting or cultivating of oysters in the tidal waters of said county of Atlantic in force and not repealed by this act, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in state prison not exceeding five years, or both, at the discretion of the court. 23. All acts and parts of acts, general or special, in- Repealer, consistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall take efi^ect immediately. CONTENTS. PAGES I. Act for preservation of clams and oysters 2-18 II. Miscellaneous general acts 18-25 III. Acts applicable to Delaware bay, Delaware river, Maurice River Cove and Raritan bay 26-54 IV. Oyster act applicable to Shark river, Monmouth county 54-60 V. Act for scientific investigation of oysters 61 VI. Act providing for marking and designation of channels in Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May counties 62 VII. Acts creating bureau of shell fisheries 63 VIII. Acts relating exclusively to Ocean county 65-77 IX. Acts relating exclusively to Atlantic county 77-87 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllli 002 911 446 8