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Book_.S_g ^4
Allaben Genealogical Series
12 mo., Cloth
AUBE GENEALOGY. liy Cleveland Abbe and Josephine Genung
Nichols. In preparation. Price to be announced.
HEATTY-ASFORDBY. By Mrs. Rudolph Samuel Turk. Illu.s-
trated with 18 Coats of Arms. Price. $4.00; postage, 15 cent.s.
COLVER-CULVER GENEALOGY. By Frederic Lathrop Colver.
Price, $5.00 ; postage, 15 cents. Three-quarters Morocco,
$6.50; postage, 15 cents. Full Morocco, $7.00; postage, 15
LISH THEM. By Frank Allaben. Price, $1.00 ; carriage, 10
HARRIS GENEALOGY. By Emma Polk Harris Braiuerd. Price,
$4.00 ; postage, 10 cents.
L. Bcrlraud Smith. With frontispiece — an engraving of Coat
of Arms. Price, $4.00 ; postage, 15 cents. (Large paper
edition, octavo, on Alexandra Japan, with Smyth Arms stamped
on cover, $G.00 ; postage, 20 cents.)
MARY JANE'S QUARTERINGS. By One of Her Victims. Il-
lustrated. Price, $2.00 ; postage, 15 cents.
lustrated. Price, 5.00 ; postage, 15 cents. Three-quarters
Morocco, $6.50 ; postage, 15 cents. Full Morocco, $7.00 ;
postage, 15 cents.
TOWNSEND GENEALOGY. By Cleveland Abbe and Josephine
Genung Nichols. Price, $2.00; postage, 10 cents.
WHITEHEAD GENEALOGY. By Lsaac Snedeker Waters. Price,
$5.00 ; postage, 15 cents.
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Copyright, 1909, by
CI. A 24 4 791
AUa 18 1909
On the 29th day of March, 1859, I wrote a brief
Genealogy of my near relatives, from my great-grand-
father, Ebenezer Stevens, one time an inhabitant of
Canaan, Conn., also of Sheffield and New Marlboro,
Berkshire County, Mass.
Forty years later, with this manuscript as a guide, I
began a systematic study of the publications of the New
England historical and genealogical societies, town,
county, and church records and histories, Colonial and
State papers, secured from town and church clerks spe-
cial reports from places in Connecticut and Massachu-
setts, where any of the family had lived, and made per-
sonal search in some of the towns and cities.
I have been very fortunate in securing notebooks and
other papers from the family of the late Mrs. Antoinette
Stevens of East Canaan, Conn., and the old letters and
papers of Mrs. Susan M. Stevens, widow of Ichabod P.
Stevens, of Bridgeport and East Canaan, Conn. In the
latter those of her grandfather, Benjamin Stevens, a
Revolutionary soldier, are included. I also secured the
results of the researches made by Rev. Edgar A. Enos
of Troy, N. Y., Leonard E. Opdycke of New York, — in-
cluding a copy of the manuscript of Mrs. Adelia Burt, —
and Frank R. Stevens of Minneapolis, Minn., and re-
ceived very active help from Dr. M. E. Stephens of
Gardner, N. Y., Mrs. Belle R. Walker of Avoca, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart of Canisteo, N. Y., in get-
ting family records. The manuscript of the late Joshua
C. Stephens of Canisteo was furnished by Mrs. J. H.
The research and preparation of this Genealogy has
taken most of my vacation times, holidf^ys, and evenings
for the past ten years.
Plowdon Stevens.
New York, May 2, 1909.
Titile-page, Designed by Georgia Cooper Washburn
Site of House of Henry Stevens, Stonington .
Fac-Simile of Deed of Uriah Stevens
Portrait of Richard Stevens
Portraits of the Widow and Ten Children of Joseph Stevens
Portrait of Benjamin Stevens
Portrait of Ebenezer Stevens
Portrait of Mrs. Mary (Worthington) Stevens
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Benjamin (Stevens) Fuller
Portrait of Plowdon Stevens
Portrait of Mrs. Susan Maria Stevens
Portrait of Joshua Chapman Stevens
Portraits of Myron E. Stevens and Family
20 }y
Index .
First Generation .
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation .
Sixth Generation
Seventh Generation
Eighth Generation
Ninth Generation
There are no written family records, letters, or docu-
ments of an early date, to settle beyond doubt the ever-
pressing query, who was the father of Henry Stephens
or Stevens of Stonington, Conn. A very common tradi-
tion is that three brothers, Thomas, Richard, and Henry
Stephens, came to New England about the year 1660 and
that Henry settled in Stonington, Conn. No mention is
made of father or mother, or the place whence they
In a history of a county in New York State, the fol-
lowing is given: "The subject of this sketch is of Eng-
lish origin. It is related that as early as 1660 three
brothers, Thomas, Richard and E[enry Stevens, settled
in this country ; that they distinguished themselves as
soldiers in King Philip's war, and served as colonels."
In another appears: "The subject of this is of English
origin. It is related that three brothers — Thomas, Rich-
ard and Henry Stephens — came to America from Ire-
land sometime during King Philip's war, served during
said war as colonels."
There is no doubt that Henry was a private in King
Philip's War, but I can find no record of the service of
either Thomas or Richard in any capacity.
Another story is given after this fashion : "Nicholas
Stevens or Stephens, who had been a Brigadier General
in Oliver Cromwell's army, came to Taunton in Mass.,
in the year 1669. He had three sons, Nicholas, Thomas,
and Henry. Nicholas settled in Taunton or Dighton,
and his son, Nicholas, resided there with his family.
Oneof his sons, according to the best information to be
obtained, settled near Boston. His name was supposed
to be either Thomas or Ebenezer."
12 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Both of these traditions agree that one of the brothers
was named Thomas, and there was a Thomas Stephens,
whose name appears on the list of free inhabitants of
Westerly, R. I., who married Mary, daughter of Henry
Hall., Sr., of Westerly, R. I., and removed to Stoning-
ton, Conn., where he died May 14, 1736. His will was
probated June 4, 1736.
No children are mentioned in the will, nor are any
found recorded at Westerly, R. I., or Stonington, Conn.
He is believed to be one of the brothers of the traditions,
and this view is confirmed by the late Hon. Richard A.
Wheeler, historian of the town and church of Stoning-
ton, Conn., who has repeatedly stated that Henry Ste-
phens of Stonington and Thomas Stephens of Westerly
were brothers.
Richard Stephens of Taunton, Mass., a contemporary
of Henry Stephens of Stonington, Conn., married about
1666 Mary Linkon, the widow of William Hacke, and
daughter of Thomas Linkon of Taunton.
Their children were : .
Richard, b. Mar. 26, 1667 ; accidentally killed in 1/85.
Nicholas, b. Feb. 23, 1669; m. Remember Tisaale ;
m., 2nd, Annie Spier.
Mary, b. June 8, 1672 ; m. i\Iay 24, 1694, Ephraim
Miner of Stonington, Conn.
Thomas, b. Feb. 3, 1674; m. Sept. 28, 1699, Mary Cas-
well ; lived in Norton, Mass.
Tamasin, b. July 3, 1677; "i- ^^^Y 5- 1698, Edward
Wilcox of Westerly, R. I.
Nathaniel, b. July 4, 1680; m. Hannah; removed to
Roxbury, Mass.
Dighton, Mass., formerly a part of Taunton, was in-
corporated in 1712. Nicholas, the son of Richard, lived
there. He married, first. Remember Tisdale, born July
8, 1675, daughter of John Tisdale.
Children of Nicholas and Remember (Tisdale) Ste-
phens :
Richard, b. Apr. 21, 1698; m. May 14, 1725, Priscilla
Aforetime 13
Nicholas, b. Feb. 24, 1702; m. Aug. 21, 1724, Rachel
Joseph, b. Apr. 23, 1704; m. Lydia.
Isaac, b. Oct. ii, 1706.
Josiah, b. Nov. 23, 1707; m. Mar. 20, 1734-5. Sarah
Pool; m. Sept. 27, 1739, Mary Tuels, daughter of Ben-
jamin Tuels of Dighton, Mass.
Hannah, b. Oct. 6, 1710.
Nicholas Stephens married, second, Anna Spier Mar.
12, 1712-13. Their children were:
Annie, b. May 8, 1715; m. Joseph Jones of Taunton.
Robert, m. Jan. 3, 1745, Mary Hathaway.
Mrs. Mary L. Paige of Taunton, Mass., a descendant
of Richard Stephens of Taunton, and his son Nicholas,
writes : "As is well known, our Richard was son of
Thomas, who came later, but it is not thpught stayed or
died here." Mrs. Paige furnished the following affi-
davit :
"Jonathan Lincoln of Norton, in ye County of Bristol,
in ye province of ye Mass Bay, in New England, being
in ye eighty second year of my age, testifies and says,
that he well remembers one Richard Stephens of Taun-
ton, in said County, and he appeared to be an old man
when I was young, and that it was always said that he
came from Plymouth, in old England, and that he was
a Cloather and worsted comber by trade, and that some
time after ye said Richard came, his father, whose name
was Thomas, and mother, and sister Catharine, and some
time, others of ye family came over to Taunton, ye said
Richard married a person whose maiden name was Mary
Linkon, and had by her four sons, to wit, Richard, Nich-
olas, Thomas, and Nathaniel, and two daughters, to wit,
Mary and Tamsin, all these I knew except Richard, I
then understood, died young and unmarried, the other
three, Nicholas. Thomas and Nathaniel are deceased and
left children ; the said Nicholas had six sons, to wit,
Richard and Nicholas (who are both now deceased) and
Joseph, Isaac and Josiah, who are now living, and Rob-
14 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
ert who I know nothing of but by heresay, the said _
seph being ye eldest son of ye said Nicholas who"
now living. The Dcponant further says, he lived in
Taunton in s'd County until he was 26 years of age, tl:
he moved to Norton, which is joining to Taunton a
further saith not.
Jonathan Lincoln.
Norton, Nov. 9, 1768." [Bristol Co. Records, V
53. P- 514-]
Katharine Stephens, the "sister Catharine," mention
in the above document, married, Jan. 5, 1669-70, Thon
Children :
Thomas, b. Feb. i, 1670; d. Feb. 26, 1670.
Hannah, b. 14 Feb., 1671 ; d. Jan. 2, 1749.
Thomas, b. 1673; d. Sept. 10, 1747; m. Jan. 7, 1696
Mary Kinsly of Milton.
Deborah, m. John Tinsdale.
Katharine, m. Apr. 17, 1701.
Lydia, m. George Hull of Easton.
Mercy, m. Daniel William Feb. i, 1719.
Elizabeth, b. 1688; d. in Norton Mar. 18, 1758;
Dec. 4, 1707, Dea. Benjamin Williams.
The first tradition, the Taunton and Dighton recor(
the affidavit of Jonathan Lincoln, and the account
Thomas Stephens of Westerly, R. L, are consistent, a
would afford a reasonable solution of the immigra
ancestor and kin, were it not for the second traditi
about the father named Nicholas, of whose existence
written record has been found among any of the fai
ilies descended from Henry Stephens of Stonington, ai
no tradition respecting him among the descendants
Richard Stephens of Taunton.
It is well known that many of the settlers of N(
England, who came over after the accession of Char!
the Second as King of England in 1660, had taken p£
under Cromwell and Parliament against the forces
King Charles the First, and it is very probable tb
some of our family were of that number. It is very eae
Aforetime 15
111 the absence of written records, to misplace names, and
to give that of a son to the father, or brother. MiUtary
titles are frequently magnified in our day and there is
no reason to believe that it is confined to our era.
So far, circumstantial evidence favors the first tradi-
tion and would name Richard of Taunton as the brother
of Henry Stephens of Stonington, and would make
Thomas the Ancestor. But the fact that Thomas re-
turned to England and died there prevents us from
calling him the Immigrant Ancestor, so we begin our
American Ancestry with a most worthy sire, that sturdy
New England pioneer, Henry Stephens or Stevens of
Stonington, Conn.
If Henry Stephens came to New England about 1660
the Fones record which is here given is a probable clue
to his place of abode before he settled in Stonington,
"Naraganset 3. July 1663.
"We, whose names are under written, being the in-
habitants and proprietors of the lands lying in the Nara-
ganset, have and doe desire (according to his Majesties
grant) to be under the Government of Conecticot Col-
lony, and Request there protection according to a letter
sent in June last. Mr. Bradstrect and others have de-
sired the same in ye Letter formerly mentioned.
"Richard Smith Edward Hutchinson and for his son
Henry (1 T) Tibit Joshua Hawes Will Hudson
Sam (W) Waite Waite Winthrop George Dennison
Jno Crabtree
his ye mark of
Sam (M) Eldred Alexander Al ffinck Thomas (S)
i6 Stephens-Stevens Gene.\ix)gy
Tho Stanton Sen Time Mather Saml (S) EI-
dred Jr Jno Cole
Richard Smith Jun Ambras (A) Leach Ruben (R)
Wilhs his mark his mark
Richard Lord Ames Richisen Enoch Plais Walter
(H) House
his mark
Tho Stanton Jun Increase Atherton George (B)
his mark
Hen Steavens John Green James Brown Richard
Smith Jun
Richard Smith in behalf of 8 children
"This was subscribed by those persons upon notis
given to all the Inhabitants to meet this day. All scribed
that met." [Fones Record, Page 25.]
The Narraganset Country was anciently bounded
westerly by Paucatuck River, southerly by the Atlantic
Ocean, easterly on the Narraganset Bay embracing the
Island, and on the See Konk River, and northerly and
westerly as far as the present bounds of Rhode Island
extend, but how much farther in that direction cannot
now be ascertained.
From the 13th Mass. Report on Public Records, 1901,
Pages 33-34, is taken the following.
"Until 1752, when Parliament fixed January i as the
commencement of the legal year, it commenced with
March 25 (the Feast of the Annunciation), and the cus-
tom was quite general of calling a month by its num-
ber rather than its name. The months were numbered
as follows: March i, April 2, May 3, June 4, July 5,
August 6, September 7, October 8, November 9, Decem-
ber 10, January 11, February 12. Under this plan the
following forms of entry were common: 10. 7mo. 1641 ;
10-7-1641 ; io-7ber 1641 ; meaning September 10, 1641.
Aforetime 17
The legal 3ear, until and including 175 1, commenced
with March 25, the year 1752 with January i. Prior to
1752, as the legal year did not terminate until March
24, it was often the custom to continue the figures be-
longing to the months of the chronological year from
March 25 to December 31 inclusive, through January.
February and March to the 25th of the next legal year.
To illustrate: following the date December 31, 1641,
will be found entries in regular succession dated Janu-
ary, 1641, February, 1641, and March, to the 26th, 1641.
Consequently, to determine the correct historical or
chronological date in January, February or March, prior
to 1752, it is necessary to look back to the preceding
December or forward to the following April. A more
general custom, however, was to double dates in Janu-
ary, February, and March to the 25th, and the follow-
ing forms of dating will be found: 1641-1642;
I 641 41 I
1642; 1641-42; 1642; 1641/42; 1641-2; 1642; 164 Yz.
In these cases the last date is the correct historical one."
"The title Mr. was applied to captains and sometimes
to mates of vessels ; to military captains ; to eminent
merchants ; to schoolmasters, doctors, magistrates, and
clergymen: to persons who had received a second de-
gree at college, and who had been made freemen. The
wives and daughters of such individuals were called
Mrs. To be deprived of this address was deemed a
serious degradation. The usual appellations of adults,
who were not Mr. and Mrs., were goodman and good-
wife before their respective surnames. Taking "these
terms in their radical meaning, it is not strange that
they were sometimes, if not often, misapplied.
"Distinctions of this sort generally continued, till the
Colony was merged in an extensive province, under Jo-
seph Dudley, 1686, when the custom of making and re-
cording freemen seems to have ceased, hence these dis-
i8 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
tinctions gradually fell into disuse." [From the history
of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton, Mass.]
Some of the unmarried granddaughters of Henry Ste-
phens of Stonington used the prefix of Mrs. as late as
The Spelling.
Henry Stephens and Henry Stevens are both used in
the Stonington, Conn., records, but on the land-books,
where the deeds and agreements are copied, the name is
more frequently written Stephens.
Thomas, the eldest son, who settled in Plainfield,
Conn., used the Stevens mode and so did all of the sons,
there and at Canaan, Conn., and all of the family, ex-
cept the descendants of Uriah of Canisteo, have con-
tinued to use that form, so far as reported. At Canis-
teo all use the Stephens form.
Richard, the second son, used the Stephens form, but
his son, Ebenezer, changed to Stevens and all of his de-
scendants continue to spell that way.
Henry, the youngest son, generally spelled his name
Stephens, but sometimes Stevens. Most of his descend-
ants, except the Abel Stevens branch of Canaan, use the
Stephens form.
Canaan, Conn.
In 1739 Uriah and Samuel Stevens, sons of our
Thomas of Plainfield, Conn., settled in Canaan, and
nearly all of this family within a few years were located
there. Uriah, Andrew, and Benjamin were very prom-
inent in the town affairs, holding the positions of Se-
lectman. Town Clerk. Representative to the Colonial
Legislature, Incorporator of the town, and Captain of
In 1748 Ebenezer, the son of Richard, was an in-
habitant. Between 1750 and 1752 Henry and Jedediah
Stephens, sons of Henry, settled there, and were fol-
lowed by many others from Stonington.
There are still members of the Stevens family resid-
ing in Canaan who are descended from the early settlers.
Aforetime 19
The Stillwater, N. Y., Colony,
From the old record-book of the Church of Christ of
Canaan, Conn., is taken the following:
"April in ye year 1762 — At a fast appointed to know
our duty in respect of this Church moving to Still-
water, it was fully agreed this church should remove
from Canaan to Stillwater and pursuant to sd agree-
ment ye greater part of sd church members have re-
moved to sd Stillwater."
The old record-book was taken along and used by the
church after it located at Stillwater. The house of wor-
I ship is located some distance from the Village of Still-
water, and is called the old Yellow Meeting House. It
is now united with the Presbyterian body.
Most of the Stevens family who went to Stillwater
were children of the brothers, Thomas, Uriah, and Sam-
The Wyoming Valley.
The General Assembly of Connecticut passed an Act
early in January, 1774, erecting all the territory within
her charter limits from the river Delaware to a line fif-
teen miles west of the Susquehanna into a town, to be
called Westmoreland, with all the corporate powers of
other towns in the Colony, attaching it to the County of
Litchfield. It extended from the Lehigh north to Tioga
Point, now Athens. The section above mentioned was
the Wyoming Valley country, which was claimed by Con-
necticut and settled by people from Connecticut. It was
the scene of the Indian massacre in 1778.
Henry Stephens, also written Stevens, was an early
settler in Stonington, Conn., though not one of the very
earliest. His name is on the first census list, taken Feb.
2, 1668, as given by Hon. Richard A. Wheeler, in his
history of the town of Stonington, from which I quote:
"In 1667 the planters convened in town meeting, and
decided to set apart and lay out five hundred acres of
land, to be styled the ministry land, the avails of which
were to be applied to the support of the gospel ministry.
"In July of the same year the town established what
they called a town plot, and appointed a committee to
lay out as many lots as there were inhabitants then liv-
ing in the town. Their home lots contained twelve acres
each and were so arranged that each lot had a street
"Two hundred acres of this ministry land was laid out
around the place where the road meeting house now
stands, the eastern line of which extended along a few
feet east of said meeting house running nearly north
and south. The western boundary was Mistuxet brook.
The northern and southern lines cannot now be traced,
but the form of the plot can nearly be seen when we look
at the distance between the east and west line and the
number of acres that were laid out.
"The home lots were laid out around and upon each
side of the ministry land ; they extended as far east as
Smith mill, one tier was located north and the remainder
west and south of said land.
"In 1668 a census of the inhabitants of the town was
ordered to be taken, embracing those only who were in-
habitants, or heads of families ; Feb. 2 there were found
to be forty-three inhabitants, viz. Thomas Stanton, Sam-
uel Cheesbrough, Thomas Stanton, Jr., George Denni-
son, Thomas Miner, John Gallup, Ames Richardson,
James Noyes, Elisha Cheesborough, Ephraim Miner,
Site of House of Henry Stevens, Stonin^^ton.
First Generation 21
Moses Palmer, James York, John Stanton, Thomas
l! Wheeler, Samuel JMason, Joseph Miner, John Bennett,
Isaac Wheeler, John Dennison, Josiah Witter, Benjamin
I Palmer, Gershom Palmer, Thomas Bell, Joseph Stan-
j ton, John Fish, Thomas Shaw, John Gallup, Jr., John
Frink, Edmund Fanning", James York, Jr., Nathaniel
Beebe, John Reynolds, Robert Sterry, John Shaw, John
Searls, Robert Fleming, Robert Holmes, Nathaniel
Cheesbrough, for Mrs. Anna Cheesbrough, his mother,
Gershom Palmer for Mrs. Rebecca Palmer, his mother,
Henry Stevens, and Ezekiel Maine.
"A home lot was laid out for each inhabitant and
title was obtained by lottery on the following condi-
tions, namely, if built upon within six months and in-
habited, the title would be complete, except that proprie-
tor must reside on his lot two years before he could sell
it, and then he must first offer it to the town and be re-
fused before he could sell the same to any person and
give good title."
The New England Gen. Register, Vol. 47, pages 459-
460, gives the second census, contributed by Geo. A.
Gordon, A. M., from which I quote:
"The town record reads as follows : The record or
register of the Inhabitants names Taken this 29th of
December 1670: by the select men of Stoneington ac-
cording to a town order ft'ormerly made the 15th of No-
vember 1670, Mr Tho. Stanton, senior 21. Captaine
george Denison 41 Tho. minor 16 John Gallop, senior
18 Mr Samuel Cheesbrough 30 Mr , Ames Richardson
32 nehemiah palmer 28 nathaniel Cheesbrough 34 Mr
James noyes 23 Elisha Cheesbrough 33 Tho. Stanton,
junior 38 Ephraim minor 43 moses palmer 14 James
York senior 24 John Stanton 7 Tho. Wheeler 27 leeften-
, ant Samuel Mason 15 Joseph minor 2 John Benit 29
Isack Wheeler 10 William Johnson 12 John Denison 12
Josia Witer 8 Benjamin palmer 20 gershom palmer 40
I Tho. Bell I Joseph Stanton 39 John ffish 25 Tho. Sha
I senior 35 Edmund ffaning 26 John Gallop junior 5 John
' ffink James York Junior 19 Nathaniel Beebe 31 John
22 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Renols senior 4 Roger Steere 37 John Sha 6 John Searles
9 Robert ffleming 22 Robert Hohnes 42 Mrs Anna
Cheesbrough 36 Mrs Rebecca pahner 17 Henriic Steuens
3 Ezekiel maine 13."
The number after each name refers to the number of
the lot drawn. Henry Stephens was admitted an in-
habitant July I, 1672.
At the outbreak of King Philip's War, Henry Ste-
phens was near Swansea, Mass., and hastily wrote to his
friend and neighbor, Thomas Stanton, Sr., of Stoning-
ton, Conn., the letter which is here given, as printed in
the 3d series, Mass. Historical Collections, Vol. 10, Page
"Mr Stanton—
"Thes are to give you notis of ye News I
say you with ye rest of my Nebors and f rinds that 12
housis of Swanse are borened and on of them was a
garison hous and sivera men killed Saiconke also is
boroned or a good part of it and men killed by Nep
muck indean hear on hous robed as we sopos and the last
night another hous brooken up and another boroned on
Neare Mr Smeths and intend to have two heads from
Suamacott the pepel heare ar gon and going towords
Island I wish and desier you to take car of your silvs
I have hired this barer i hear filip is bound for Mohigin
I am in hast for fear of ye messenger
"Yours Yet
"Henrey Stephens
"Jun 29 '75
"My man is gon toward Island.
"[Labelled "Hen Stevens" rec'd July i, 1675. in a letter
from Mr. Stanton. The hand writing of the original is
as good as the spelling. J. B. (This is, perhaps the first
report of the breaking out of hostilities in Philip's War
sent to Connecticut. J. S.)]"
Henry Stephens served in the war, and was one of the
volunteers who received a grant of land in the town
of \^oluntown, Conn., for such services.
First Generation 23
For a complete list of those who were recognized as
having served, see The History of King Philip's War,
by Henry M. Bodge, pages 441 to 446; Narraganset
Hist. Reg., Vol. i, Pages 144 to 147; and the Volun-
town, Conn., Records.
Henry Stephens was Selectman in Stonington, Conn.,
for the years 1696-7-8-9, 1702-3-4-7, and represented the
town in the General Court or Colonial Legislature for
the years 1699, 1700- 1-2-6-7. He was one of the in-
corporators of the town of Stonington, Oct. 24, 1716.
He married Elizabeth, one of the daughters of Capt. John
and Hannah (Lake) Gallup. She was born at Stoning-
ton, but the dates of her birth, death, and marriage have
not been found. She and her husband were admitted to
the Congregational Church, Feb. 6, 1726. He was an ex-
tensive land owner, having property in Stonington,
North Stonington, Plainfield, and Voluntown. Part of
his land he settled on his children during his lifetime,
and the remainder he becjueathed to his widow and sons,
Richard and Henry, in equal parts. The date of his
death is not given, but his will was probated in New
London, Aug. 9, 1726. Elizabeth, widow and relict to
Henry Stephens, late of Stonington, gave a deed of land
to her son, Henry, Oct. 8, 1736.
Children, born at Stonington, Conn. :
2 i Thomas, b. Dec. 14, 1678; bap. Feb. 18, 1693;
m., 1st, May 26, 1702, Mary Hall; m., 2nd,
Mar. 14, 1719-20, Abigail Wine or Wynne.
3 ii Richard, b. Jan. 25, 1679 ; bap. Feb. 18, 1693 ;
m. June 9, 1704, Sarah Harker.
4 iii Henry, b. Nov. 20, 1681 ; bap. Feb. 18, 1693 ;
m. Mar. 2, 1708-9, Elizabeth Fellows.
5 iv Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 18, 1693; m. Henry Elliot.
V Lucia or Lucy, bap. Apr. 22, 1694.
On Mar. 8, 1753. Lucia Stevens was recommended to
the Canaan. Conn., Cong. Church by Oliver Prentis and
Walter Hewit, two elders of the Stonington, Conn.,
Church, and Feb. 20, 1760, the Stonington Church rec-
24 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
ommended Lucia, Henry, and Sarah Stevens, and they
were received by the Canaan Church.
The following deed from the Voluntown Records
proves the identity of the wife of Henry Stevens :
"These Presents witnesseth to an agreement made
and concluded upon by and between John Gallup, of
Stonington, and Elizabeth Stevens, relict to Mr Henry
Stevens of said Stonington, deceased, and Margaret
Culver relict to Mr Joseph Culver, of Groton, deceased,
and John Cole and Mary, his wife, of Voluntown : which
John, Elizabeth, Mary, and Margaret, are four of ye
children of Mr John Gallup and Hannah, his wife, of
Stonington, deceased, and Benadam Gallup of said
Groton, in behalf of the heirs of Mr Benadam Gallup of
Stonington, deceased, and John and William of Volun-
town, for and in ye right of Mr William Gallup of
said Stonington, deceased, and John Gifford of Nor-
wich, for and in behalf of the rest of the heirs of Mrs
Hannah Gifford of said Norwich, deceased ; and Peter
Crary of Groton, for and in behalf ye rest ye heirs of
Christobel Crary of said Groton. deceased, which de-
ceased, Benadam, William, Hannah and Christobel are
for four more of ye children of ye said John and Han-
nah Gallup, deceased : the said Elizabeth Stevens, Mar-
garet Culver, John and Mary Cole, John Gifford and
Peter Crary, do agree that ye third and middle hundred
acres of land in Voluntown laid out by John Prentiss,
surveyor, to ye heirs of said deceased, John and Hannah
Gallup, shall be the hundred acres to satisfie the grant to
John Gallup, deceased, Oct. 12th 1671 and we, the said
John Gallup of Stonington, and Benadam Gallup of
Groton, and John Gallup and William Gallup of Volun-
town do agree to accept of said third hundred for satis-
faction for said grant, and also we, the said John Gal-
lup of Stonington and Benadam Gallup of Groton, and
Elizabeth Stevens and Margaret Culver and Jolm and
Mary Cole and John and William Gallup of said Volun-
town, and John Gifford and Peter Crary, do agree that
ve two hundred acres of land laid out by said survevor
First Generation 25
to said Gallups by virtue of a grant to Mrs Hannah Gal-
lup and her heirs, dated October ye 10 th 1678, shall be
and remain to be divided equally to and amongst the said
children, or ye heirs of said John and Hannah Gallup,
deceased and so much of said two hundred acres of land
that may be divideable shall be divided at or before the
last day of March next after ye date hereof, and when
divided then for each heir, according to their right and
degree to give and pass such suitable instrument in writ-
ing of equit claims to quiet and settle each other in their
"And in testimony that this is our mutual agreement,
we, the subscribers have hereunto set our hands and seals
, this ninth day of July A. D. 1731. Signed Sealed and
delivered in presence of
Joseph Hewit John Gallup
Uriah Stevens Benadam Gallup
Cornelius White """^ Peter Crary
George Denison Margaret x Culver her mark
Nathaniel Gallup Elizabeth x Stevens her mark
John Cole
Mary x Cole her mark
"Sept the first day 1747, then received this instru-
ment to Record and Recorded by me
Ebenezer Dow Recorder.
"The above and within is a true copy of Record certi-
fied by me
"Ebenezer Dow
1 The Family of Elizabeth Gallup, Wife of Henry
Stevens of Stonington.
John Gallup came to this country from the Parish of
i Mosturn, County Dorset, England. He sailed March 30,
! 1630, in the ship Mary and John, and arrived at Nan-
tasket, now Hull, May 30, 1630. He was the son of
John Gallup, who married Crabbe, and the
grandson of Thomas and Agnes (Watkins) Gallup of
26 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
North Bowood and Strode, whose descendants still own
and occupy the Manor of Strode.
John Gallup, the immigrant, married Christobei,
whose surname is not given. He settled in Dorchester,
then Boston, and became a landholder, owning land in
the town and an island of sixteen acres in Boston Bay,
which still bears his name. He also owned Mixes Mate,
or Monument Island, as it is sometimes called, where he
pastured sheep. He was a skillful mariner, well ac-
quainted with the harbor around Boston. He piloted the
Ship Griffin in Sept. 1633, through a new-found passage,
among her two hundred passengers being Rev. John
Cotton, Rev. Thomas Hooker, Rev. Mr. Stone, and other
fathers of New England.
The most notable adventure in the sturdy Captain's
life was his encounter with a boat load of Indians, whom
he captured and destroyed ofif Block Island with the aid
of his two sons and a hired man. The Indians had mur-
dered John Oldham, a man of ability, and they were
having a hilarious time in his boat when they were over-
taken by Capt. Gallup. This has been called the first
naval battle on the Atlantic coast, and it gave the Cap-
tain a Colonial and later a national reputation. It was
one of the first skirmishes of the great Pequod War.
John Gallup died in Boston in 1649. An inventory of
his estate was made Dec. 26, 1649. ^is widow died
July 27, 1655.
Children of John and Christobei Gallup :
i John, b. in England about 1615; m. Hannah Lake in
ii Samuel, b. in England ; m. Mary Philips,
iii Nathaniel, b. in England ; m. Margaret Everly.
iv Joan, b. in England; m. Thomas Joy.
John Gallup, son of the Immigrant, came to this coun-
try with his mother, two brothers, and sister, Joan, in
the ship Griffin, arriving in Boston Sept. 4, 1633. He
married Hannah Lake, daughter of John and Margaret
(Read) Lake, and niece of Elizabeth Read, wife of John
Winthrop, Jr., Governor of Connecticut. Hannah Lake
First Generation 27
came to this country with her mother in the ship Abi-
gail, arriving Oct. 6, 1635, after a passage of ten weeks
John Galkip left Boston in 1640 and went to Taunton,
then part of Plymouth Colony, where he remained until
1651. He then removed to New London, where he
lived until 1654, when he went to what is now Stoning-
ton, then a part of New London, and settled upon a
grant of land given to him by that town in 1650, in rec-
ognition of distinguished services of himself and his
father in the Pequod War. He represented the town in
the General Court in 1665 and 1667, and was an Indian
When King Philip's War broke out New London
County raised a company of seventy men under Capt.
John Mason of Norwich and Capt. George Dennison of
Stonington. Capt. John Gallup joined them at the head
of the Mohegans, a band of friendly Indians. These
troops formed a union with those of the other colonies
and were engaged in the fearful Swamp Fight, Dec. 19,
1675, at Narraganset, within the limits of South Kings-
ton, R. I. In storming the fort Capt. Gallup led his men
bravely forward and was one of the six captains who
fell in the memorable fight. He was buried with his
fallen comrades in one grave near the battle ground. A
complete victory was gained over the savage foe, but
with great loss of life on both sides.
The General Court afterward made several grants of
j land to his widow and children, in consideration of the
j great services he had rendered and the loss his family
had sustained by his death.
Children of Capt. John and Hannah (Lake) Gallup:
i Hannah, b. at Boston, Sept. 14, 1644; m. Stephen
Gififord June 18, i6y2.
ii John, b. at Boston, Sept. 1646; m. Elizabeth Harris,
iii Ben-Adam, b. at Stonington in 1655 ; m. Hester
iv William, b. at Stonington in 1658; m. Sarah Chees-
V Samuel, b. at Stonington.
28 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
vi Christobel, b. at Stonington ; m. Peter Crary Dec.
31. 1677.
vii Elizabeth, b. at Stonington ; 111. Henry Stevens of
viii Mary, b. at Stonington ; m. John Cole of Boston.
ix Margaret, b. at Stonington; m. Joseph Culver of
Groton, Conn.
See the history of Stonington, by Hon. Richarjd A.
The Family of Hannah Lake, Wife of Capt. John
John Lake married Margaret Reade, daughter of Ed-
mund Reade of Wickford, County Essex, Esq., born in
1563, died in 1623. Their daughter, Hannah Lake,
came to this country with her mother in the ship Abi-
gail Oct. 6, 1635, and married John Gallup in 1652.
From the Essex Co. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 1-2,
P. 102, is taken the following:
Mrs. Margaret Lake w^as the widow of John Lake and
died in Ipswich, 1672. Her sister, Martha, married
(i) David Eppes; and (2) the Hon. Samuel Symonds.
Her sister, Elizabeth, was the wife of John Winthrop,
Jr. These ladies were the daughters of Edmund and
Elizabeth Reade. Their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Reade,
married for her second husband the Rev. Hugh Peters.
"The will of Margaret Lake, of Ipswich, Widow.
"In the name of God amen. I Margaret Lake of Ips-
wich in America in the shire of Essex, being of weak
body yet of good and perfect memory and understanding
praysed be God, doe dispose of that little estate God hath
lent me as follows.
"In primas I give and bequeath unto my Daughter,
Hannah Gallop and her children, all my land at New
london, also my best gowne and my red cloth petty coate
and my enameled ring, and after her decease my will
is that my grand daughter Hannah Gallop shall have
the said ring, also I Give unto my grand daughter Han-
First Generation 29
nah Gallop, a pare of sheets, and one of my best pewter
platters and one of the next.
"Item I give unto my daughter Martha Harris, my
Tapistry coverlit and all my other apparell which are
not disposed of to others particulary, and I give unto
her my mantle, and after her decease to all her children
as their need is. also the coverlitt of Tapistry after my
daughter Martha's decease I give it to my grand son
Thomas Harris, and he dyeing without issue to his
brother John and so to the rest of the children.
"Also I give to my daughter Martha, my gold ring
and my will is that after her decease my grand daughter
Martha Harris shall have it.
"Item I give unto my grand daughter Martha Harris
my bed and bedstead and one boulster, two pillows and
one coverlett.
"Item I give to my grand daughter Elizabeth Harris,
one heifer at cousin Eppeses.
"Item I give to my grand daughter Margaret Harris
my carved box, and one damaske table cloth, and six
damaske napkins.
"Item my will is that all my bras and pewter with the
rest of my household stuff undisposed of, be equally di-
vided amongst my daughter Harrises children.
"Item I give and bequeathe unto my son Thomas Har-
ris all the rest of my estate viz : my part of the vessel
and all my debts &c only my Bible excepted, which I
give to my grandson John Harris, and a pare of fringed
"I apoynt my son Thomas Harris and my daughter
Martha Harris Executor and executrix of this my last
will and testament this thirtieth day of August in the
year of grace sixteen hundred and seventy tyo
"Margaret Lake
"These being witnesses Thomas Knowlton sen r James
"Att the court held at Ipswich the 24 September 1672
Thomas Knowlton testified upon oath that this is the last
Stephens-Stevens Gene^\logy
will and testament of Mrs Margaret Lake to the best of
his knowledge.
"Robert Lord, Clerk.
"James Chute testified ditto 31 March 1674."
In the inventory of Mrs. Lake's effects, apprised by
Thomas Knowlton, John Dane, and John Leighton, are
the following items :
"One Tapcstre coverlet 4 lbs 10 shillings o pence
One bedsted a feather bed
and three down pillows
A sarge sute and a crimson
petti coat
Three carved boxes
One scarlet mantle
Four payer holon sheets
and three payer and one
sheet of others
A damask table cloth and
five napkins
Four holon pilo bers and
two others
Four shifts
Her wedding shift
A great Bible
Part of the bark
Debts due from
Mathew Perry
William Quarles
Mr Ipse
loseph Lee
Debts to be paid
Marchant Wainrite
To Deacon Goodhue
"Beside these things there were broydered works,
laces, several samples, a piece of silk, hand baskets, can-
dle sticks, wrought joyned stools, and the domestic uten-
4 lbs
2 Thomas Stevens' (Henry') was born at Ston-
, ington, Conn., Dec. 14, 1678 (Town Records), and bap-
i tized in the Congregational Chnrch Feb. 18, 1693. He
settled in Plainfield, Conn., where he married May 26,
I 1702, Mary Hall, the third daughter of Stephen and
Ruth Hall. She was born at Concord, Mass., June i,
I 1677, and died at Plainfield, Conn., May 30, 1719.
I Thomas Stevens married, second, Abigail Wine
(Wynne) Mar. 14, 1719/20. She died at Canaan, Conn.,
Jan. 10, 1770, aged 94.
Thomas Stevens was living in Plainfield June 28, 1741,
and at Canaan. Conn., June 21, 1743 (deeds on record
at Canaan), where he was made an inhabitant Dec. 11,
1744. He died Sept. 7, 1750, and was buried in the old
cemetery, south of Canaan. The inscription on his
gravestone is as follows (authority S. P. Stevens) :
"Here lies the body of Thomas Stevens who died
Sept 7 1750 in the 72nd year of his age,
"All ye who dwell below the sun,
Prepare to die to judgment come,
Though here my body lies in dust.
Seven sons I had L went the first,
j And they all soon must follow me."
'' Children of Thomas and Mary (Hall) Stevens:
6 i Thomas, b. Jan. 12, 1703/4; m. Elizabeth Wine
(Wynne) June 5, 1728.
ii Phineas, b. Dec. 30, 1705.
I 7 iii Uriah, b. June 2, 1708; m. May 28, 1730, Sarah
(12), dau. of Richard Stephens.
8 iv Andrew, b. Nov. 6, 1709; m. Ester Safl^ord in
9 V Benjamin, b. Apr. 17, 1713; m. Elizabeth.
32 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
10 vi Samuel, b. Mar. 6, 1714/15; m. Aug., 1740,
Anna Segar.
11 vii Zebulon, b. Feb. 25, 1717; m., ist, Nov. 25,
1743, Marion Fellows; m., 2nd, Oct. 13, 1773,
Thankful (Stevens) (19), widow of James
Child of Thomas and Abigail (Wine) Stevens:
viii Jesse, b. Aug. 31, 1721 ; d. Oct. 12, 1726.
The Plainfield records at first gave the title "Junior,"
and, later, "Secundus," to this Thomas Stevens, to dis-
tinguish him from his brother-in-law, Thomas Stevens,
who married Ruth, the eldest daughter of Stephen and
Ruth Hall, and who formerly resided in Stow, Mass.
The following deed from the Voluntown, Conn., Rec-
ords shows the connection of Thomas, "Junior," with
Henry Stevens of Stonington, Conn.
"To all people to whom these presents shall come
Greeting : Know ye that Thomas Stevens ye 2nd of
Plainfield in ye County of Windham and Colony of Con-
necticut in New England husbandman for and in con-
sidering of ye sum of twelve pounds money to me in
hand already paid by Joshua Whitney Jun. of Plainfield
afore said the receipt thereof I do acknowledge and my-
self therewith satisfied. Therefore have given, granted,
bargained and sold and do by these presents, convey and
confirm unto ye sd Joshua Whitney his heirs and assigns
for ever one right shear or alotment in ye Township of
Voluntown in ye common or undivided land which is
yet to be laid out which right originally was my Hon-
ored Father Henry Stevens of Stonington Deceast; The
first division being already disposed of by my Honored
Father aforesaid, and is excluded all the remainders to
have and to hold unto the said Joshua Whitney his heirs
and assigns with all the apurtenances previlege and com-
modities belonging to the same for ever, to have, hold,
use occupy posess and enjoy peaceably and quietly with-
out any let or hindrance from me. my heirs or assigns,
avouching the same to be free from all incumbrances
whatsoever and that in my own right I have full power
Second Generation 33
;o sell and dispose of ye same in manner as above, ex-
press furthermore I the said Thomas Stevens do bind
laiyself and heirs to warrant, secure, and defend the
ibove bargained and demised premises unto ye above
|d. Joshua Whitney his heirs and assigns against the
awful claims or demands of any person or persons lay-
ing claim thereunto; in witness thereof I have hereunto
i;et my hand and seal this tenth day of September in the
'."ourtecnth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord
jcorge ye Second by the grace of God of Great Britain,
iFrance and Ireland King &. etc. A.D. 1740.
'Signed sealed and delivered
n presents of — " Thomas Stevens 2nd
■Andrew Stevens Windham s.s. Thomas Stevens
^ebulon Stevens the 2nd. personally appeared in
February ye i8th. Plainfield, this tenth day of
lay A.D. 1740/41. September 1740, before me the
J^eceived this deed subscriber and freely acknowl-
o record and recorded edge this to be his act and deed
)y me Ebenezer Dow, before me,
ecorder. "Timo. Pierce
["Voluntown, Conn, 12-4-06. A copy of the original.
Book 2, page 190. Elim A. Kinne, Town Clerk."]
The first deed to him recorded at Canaan was made
:o "Thomas Stevens S. C," in the Index, "Thomas Ste-
/ens 2nd,"
The Family of Mary Hall, Wife of Thomas Ste-
The widow, Mary Hall, was in Cambridge, Mass.,
Children :
John, b. 1627, lived in Medford, Mass.
tii Stephen.
Stephen Hall, son of Widow Mary Hall, was born
in 1637. He lived at Concord. Stow, Medford, Mass.,
where he went in 1685, and Plainfield, Conn., in which
34 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
place he settled in 1699, and where he died Oct. i, 1724. !'
He married, Dec. 3, 1663, Ruth, the daughter of Dolor 1
and Margary (Willard) Davis. She was baptized at
Barnstable, Mass., Mar. 24, 1644, and died June 6, 1715,
at Plainfield, Conn.
Margary Willard was a daughter of Richard and Mar-.
gary Willard of Horsmonden, County Kent, England,
and was baptized Nov. 6, 1602. She was a sister of
Major Simon Willard of Lancaster, Mass., whose daugh-
ter Mary married Jan. 22, 1671, Cyprian Stevens, a
brother of Thomas Stevens of Sudbury, Mass. Dolor
Davis, the father of Ruth, came to America in 1634.
Children of Stephen and Ruth (Davis) Hall:
i Samuel, b. at Concord, Mass., Dec. 8, 1665 ; m.
Hannah Sawtell ; lived in Stow, Mass.
ii Stephen, b. 1667; lived in Medford and Charles-
town, Mass.; m., ist, Grace WilHs ; 2nd, Martha
Hill ; 3rd, Anna, widow of Joseph Newell ; d. in
iii Ruth, b. at Concord, Mass., Jan. 12, 1670; m.
Thomas Stevens of Sudbury and Stow, Mass., and
Plainfield, Conn.
iv Susannah, m. — Smith.
V John, a lieutenant at Plainfield, Conn,
vi Mary, b. at Concord, Mass., June i, 1677; m. May
26, 1702, Thomas Stevens of Stonington, Conn.;
d. at Plainfield, Conn., May 30, 1719.
vii Elizabeth, b. at Stow Apr. 7, 1685; m.
viii Sarah, b. at Stow June 19, 1688; m. Blod-
3 Richard Stephens" (Henry') was born at
Stonington, Conn., Jan. 25, 1679/80 (Town Records),
and was baptized in the Congregational Church Feb. 18,
1693. He married June 9, 1704, Sarah Harker, born
Sept. 21, 1681, the daughter of John and Patience (Fow-
ler) Harker of Boston. She was baptized in the First
Church, but married by Rev. Samuel Willard of the Old
Second Generation 35
jouth Church, of which her mother had hecome a mem-
)er. She died in Canaan, Conn., June 13, 1754.
Richard Stephens settled in Stonington, Conn., and
feceived one-half of the homestead from his father.
jSee deed, Aug. 13, 1710, Land Book 3, Pages 171-
J72.] Here he lived until June, 1732. Mrs. Stephens
Inited with the Stonington Congregational Church Dec.
, 1712.
I Children :
i John, b. Mar. 21, 1705.
ii Sarah, b. May 4, 1708; m. May 28, 1730, Uriah
Stevens (7), son of Thomas. [North Stoning-
ton Church Records.]
iii Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1710; bap. Cong. Ch. Sept. 3,
iv Hepzibah, b. July 25, 1712.
V Hannah, b. Aug. 9, 1714; bap. Aug. 21, 1715.
vi Patience, b. Aug. 30, 1716; bap. Nov. 12, 1716.
vii Richard, b. Feb. 27, 1718/19; bap. June 21,
j viii Prudence, bap. May 13, 1722.
:3 ix Ebenezer, bap. June 20, 1725; d. Feb. 27, 1801,
in the 77th year of his age, at New Marllx)ro,
"Hannah daughter of Richard Stephens Dyed
May 10, 1710"
jriiE Faimily of Sarah Harker, Wife of RiCH.MiD
Anthony, Harkcr probably came to Boston on the
hip GrifiFiU in 1633. His name is number 189 on the
^irst Church records, and he was made frecnian May
55, 1636. On the 8th of the nth month, called January,
if 637. he received his allotment of eight acres on tlie
harles river. He was appointed one of the corders of
ivood in Boston in 1654 and 1655.
The Church records give the baptism of the following
hildren of Anthony and Mary Harker :
i John, 14 day, 2 Month, 1639, aged about 10 days.
36 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
ii Mary, 17 day, 8 Month, 1641, aged about 5 days,
iii John, 30 day, 2 Month, 1643, aged about 10 days,
iv Sarah, 11 day, 8 Month, 1646, aged about 20 days.
V Mercy, 12 day, 6 Month, 1649, ^S^^^ about 10 days,
vi Ehzabeth, 7 day, i Month, 1652.
John Marker and Patience Fowler were married Dec.
14, 1680, by John Richards, Assistant Minister. The
Boston records give the birth of the following children
of John and Patience Harker :
i Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1681 ; m. Richard Stephens of
Stonington, Conn,
ii John, b. July 21, 1684.
iii Ebenezer, b. February 26, 1689.
iv Hepshiba, b. June 27, 169 1.
Richard Stephens and Sarah Harker were married
June 9, 1704, by Samuel Willard, Minister of the Third
Church of Boston, now known as the Old South Church.
Patience Harker, the mother of Sarah, had united with
this Church Feb. 15, 1684.
4 Henry Stephens" (Henry') was born at Ston-
ington, Conn., Nov. 20, 1681 (Town Records), and was
baptized in the Congregational Church Feb. 18, 1693.
He settled in Plainfield, Conn. He married Mar. 2,
1708/9, Elizabeth Fellows, born at Ipswich, Mass., Sept.
14, 1685, the daughter of Ephraim and Anna Fellows.
Mr. Stephens returned to Stonington and was living
there in 171 5. He, with other inhabitants of the North
Society of Stonington, obtained Feb. 5, 172 1/2, permis-
sion from the Governor and Council of Connecticut to
build their Meeting House at the Gravel Nole. He was
living Tan. 16, 1749/50, when he gave a deed of land to
his daughter, Elizabeth Stewart. His wife, Elizabeth,
was admitted to the North Stonington Church June 16,
Children :
14 i Henry, b. at Plainfield, Conn., Dec. 18, 1709;
m. Nov. 10, 17.31, Sarah Babcock.
Second Generation 37
Simeon, m. Nov. 3, 1737, Mercy Cotts
iii Mary, m. Aug. 25, 1736, John Meeks.
iv Jedediah, bap. Aug. 12, 17 16, Cong. Ch., Ston-
ington ; m. Apr. 4, 1743, Mary Rathbone.
V Lucy, b. in 1717; m. Ephraim Smith Jan. 3,
I vi Elizabeth, m., ist, Dec. 4, 1740, WilHam Stew-
art, Jr. ; 2nd, Joseph Pahiier.
} vii Thankful, b. Jan. 15, 1725; bap. July 11, 1725;
adm. Ch. North Society, June 16, 1741 ; m., ist,
Dec. 24, 1744. James Partridge; 2nd, Oct. 13,
1773, Zebulon Stevens.
HE Family of Elizabeth Fellows, Wife of Henry
1 Stephens of Stonington, Conn.
I William Fellows, born at London, England, married
i sister of John Ayres. He was a planter, and dwelt in
)swich, Mass., where he purchased land Mar. 26, 1639,
M where he died Nov. 29. 1676. His will was probated
[[ar. 27, 1677, and mentions wife and children in the
illowing order.
Children :
i Isaac, b. 1635; d. Apr. 6 or 12, 1721 ; m. Joanna
i Ephraim.
li Samuel.
V Joseph.
V Elizabeth,
i Abigail.
ii Sarah,
ii Mary.
Ephraim Fellows, the son of William, the Immigrant,
jas born at Ipswich, Mass., in 1639. lie married, first,
lary, who died 23 Feb., 1671, and, second, Anna (prob-
)ly Anna Cross, daughter of Robert Cross of Ipswich).
'e lived in Ipswich.
Children :
38 Stephens-Stevens Geneialogy
i John, b. about 1668; lived in Plainfierd, Conn., and
d. there in 1749.
ii Ephraim.
iii Mary, m. Israel Lothrop of Norwich; d. about 1744.
iv Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1685 (Ipswich records name
her dau. of Ephraim and Anna, the second wife) ;
m. Henry Stephens Mar. 2, 1708/9.
V Amye, m. Thomas Stevens, Jr., of Plainfield, Conn.,
Nov. 8, 1716. This Thomas Stevens was fromj
Stow, Mass., and became the famous Capt. Ste-I
phens, who was expelled from the Colonial Legis-'
latnre because he was a "Separatist" in Church ^if-'
fairs. His son, Thomas, was the Separatist;
preacher. «
vi William, lived and d. in Piscataqua or Portsmouth,^
New Hampshire. :
Ephraim Fellows, the son of Ephraim, of the preced-
ing generation, was born at Ipswich, Mass. He married
at Plainfield, Conn., Dec. 3, 171 1, Mary, who died Dec.
16, 1774, aged 82. He was of Canaan, Conn., in 1740.
Children, born at Plainfield, Conn. :
_i Ephraim, b. June 12, 1715; d. 1803.
ii Joanna, b. Nov. 12, 171 7.
iii William, b. Nov. 20, 1720.
iv Thomas, b. Mar. 13, 1723; d. 1816.
V Miriam, b. Apr. 2, 1726; m. Zebulon Stevens Nov
25, 1743, and d. May 25, 1773.
5 Elizabeth Stephens' (Henry') was born ate
Stonington, Conn., and baptized in the CongregationaU
Church Feb. 18, 1693. She married Henry Eliott. On
July 6, 1725, Plenry Stephens, Sr., of Stonington. con-
veyed to his son-in-law, Henry Eliott, and to "my loving
daughter Elizabeth Eliott his wife both of Stonington,"
a certain tract of land near Jessupsuk's Pond, and July 2,
1 741, a confirmatory grant was made to Henry 'Eliott,
late of Ceribussitt, and to the heirs of Elizabeth Eliott,
deceased, of the tract above menlioned, by Henry Ste-
phens and Henry Stephens, Jr.
Second Generation 39
Children of Elizabeth Stephens and Henry Eliott
take! from deeds conveying their rights to the premises
fornerly laid out to our Grandfather Henry Ste-
phen") :
L-Iopestile, wife of Joseph Williams of Groton, Conn.
6 Thomas Stevens' (Thomas", Henry') was >orn
at Plainfield, Conn., Jan. 12, 1703/4. He married une
5, 1728, Elizabeth Wine (Wynne) at Plainfield. ilay
15, 1746, he was admitted an inhabitant of Canaui,
Conn., and he was still living there Feb. 21, 1760, whn
he gave a deed to a parcel of land to his son, Jesse, i
Canaan. Later he remioved to Stillwater, N. Y. Thei'
was a Thomas Stevens who resided in Sheffield, Mas^.i
May 8, 1770, and who deeded a seventh part of a farnT
in Canaan, Conn., formerly belonging to his father,
Thomas Stevens.
Children (from letter of Uriah Stevens) :
20 i Noah, m. Sarah Stevens (24), dau. of Uria
and Sarah.
21 ii Jesse, m. Sarah (Richards), widow of William
iii Elizabeth, m. Mr. Belknap.
"Deax Sir :—
"I would inform you that I am under Needsessety o|
some assistance from you. I Received a Line in Febru*
ary last from your Brother Thomas Stevens at Hun-
tington stating that there were three lots of land lying
in the Town where he lives Belonging to the heirs of
Thomas Stevens of Stillwater Deceased on hearing this
Mr. Robert Patrick who married Elizabeth Stevens
Daughter to Jesse Stevens went to Huntington in order
to get some information concerning the business, he
found that to be the case and that the land was in the
possession of Abiel Fellows Jun who purchased the
rights of the heirs of Zebulon Stevens, it is nesasary in
order to get hold of it that we prove our heirship I
therefore want you to get the affidavit of your Father
and Mr. Rufus Marsh stating that my Father Noah Ste-
Third Generation 4^
vens and Jesse Stevens and Elizabeth Stevens who mar-
ried to Belknapp were actually the Heirs of the said
Thomas Stevens Deceased I suppose it will be proper to
have the affidavit taken before some one of your Judges
of the court I therefore wish you to take the trouble of
I doing it and send it by the Barer of this letter to me and
he will satisfy you for your trouble and expense that you
are at. in so^doing you will much Oblige your unknown
friend Uriah Stevens
"Mr. Benjamin Stevens
"Sangerfield 3d October 1.814."
[Copy of a letter now in possession of Mrs. Elizabeth
Stevens White, a granddaughter of Mrs. Susan M. Ste-
vens of East Canaan, Conn.]
7 Capt. Uriah Stevens' (Thomas% Henry') was
born at Plainfield, Conn., June 2, 1708. He married
May 28, 1730, Sarah Stephens (12), of Stonington (N.
S. Ch. Rec), where he was living in April, 1739. He
removed to Canaan, Conn., before Oct. 16, 1739. He
was one of the Usters Dec. 2, 1740; Constable and tax
scollector in 1741 ; a selectman in 1744; May 28, 1745,
jone of the incorporators of the town of Canaan; Qerk
of the Church in 1753. In the French and Indian War
|he served as Captain under Col. Ebenezer Marsh, at the
Irelief of Fort William Henry, New York, Aug., 1757.
He departed this life Oct. 20, 1764, and was buried in
jthe Lower or South Cemetery.
Children :
22 i Uriah, m. Martha Rathbone, a native of Ston-
ington, Conn.
23 ii Mary, m. Thomas Williams, Nov. 15, 1753, at
Canaan, Conn.
24 iii Sarah, m. Noah Stevens (20), son of Thomas,
Ilk iv Lucy, m. Abel Palmer; removed to Stillwater,
N. Y.
5 V Phineas, lived at Canaan. Conn., Stillwater, N.
Y., and Almond, Allegany Co., N. Y.
42 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
8 Andrew Stevens'' (Thomas", Henry^) was born
at Plaiiifield, Conn., Nov. 6, 1709. He married in 1735
Esther Saft'ord. He was living in Plainfield Apr. 9, 1741,
and in Canaan, Conn., Sept. 18, 1741. He was elected
town clerk of Canaan Oct. 29, 1741, and re-elected sev-
eral times. He was also Selectman and Constable, and
represented the town in the Colonial Legislature 1759,
1760, and 1 761. He served in the French and Indian
War, under Lieut. -Col. Tarbal Whitney, at the relief of
Fort William Henry, New York, in Aug., 1757.
Andrew Stevens and his wife were members of the
Congregational Church. He died Sept. 27, 1770, and
his widow Mar. 3, 1773.
Children :
26 i Capt. John, b. at Plainfield Oct. 19, 1737; m.
Jan. 2, 1759, Phebe Howe.
2.'] ii Mary, b. at Plainfield Aug. 20, 1740; m. June \
25, 1760, Thomas Dickinson. \
28 iii Safiford, b. at Canaan Apr. 26, 1742; m. Han-
nah Wells.
29 iv Esther, b. at Canaan Apr. 26, 1745; m. Peter j
Hatch. I
V Dorothy, b. 1746; d. in infancy.
30 vi Amy, b. at Canaan May 17, 1747; m. Feb. 23,
1777, Oliver Jewell.
31 vii Andrew, b. at Canaan July 20, 1749; m. Nov. 5,
1775, Cynthia Brownell.
viii Stephen, b. "Tuesday, 19, 1751" (no month
given) ; d. young.
32 ix Nathaniel, b. at Canaan May 11, 1753; m., ist, i
Phebe Montanje; 2nd, Amy Whitney.
33 X Olive, b. at Canaan in 1755; m. Samuel Mc-
34 xi Desire, b. at Canaan in 1757; m., ist, Eleaser
Waterhouse ; 2nd, Joseph Stevens.
35 xii Oliver, b. at Canaan ; m. Nancy Chittenden
Aug., 1780.
9 Capt. Benjamin Stevens" (Thomas'"', Henry")
Third Generation 43
: was born at Plainfield, Conn., Apr. 17, 171^ ^^^^
' riecl in North Carolina Elizabeth ;-• He was livin
, [fcanaan Nov. 17, I743, and was -^-"ed an .t^ab.tan^^
Dec 12 1743. He was surveyor of highways in 1745^
?ele"tman 'an'd tithing-man in 1749; -f -rved m h
French and Indian War as Ensign m Lie.^.Col.Ja^^^^^^^
Whitney's Company at the reliet 01 f ^^^ ,
Henry /New York, in Aug., i757- He was a ^epresenta
tive from Canaan in the Colonial Legislature 1764, 1765,
^'c'apJ.'ft'eJJn'^died in Canaan in 1787, and his widow
i died May 17. 1809, aged 88.
Children (Canaan Records) :
36 i Elizabeth, b. Nov. 4, 1746; n^- Gershom Hewett.
Ty ii Mary, b. Oct. n, 1750 ; m. Wilham Newell.
iii Abigail, b. Apr. II, 1756. ^, ,. , ^^
iy Drulilla. b. June 24, I759; m. Obediah Brown.
V Sarah, b. Jan. 27, 1763.
Apr 28 1789, a deed, on record at Canaan, Conn., was
made by Elizabeth Stevens, widow of Benjamin Stevens
Sershom Hewett and Betty Hewitt Wilham NeweU and
Mary Newell, Obediah Brown and Drusilla Brown, all
of Canaam a; the only surviving children and heirs of
Benjamin Stevens.
10 Samuel Stevens^ (Thomas% Henry^) was born
I at Plainfield, Conn., Mar. 6, 1714/15-. He married Aug
7740 Anna Segar. The entry recording this marriage is
in the Sheffield, Mass., records, but he was ^^^rried be-
fore he settled there, probably in Symsbury, Conn., to a
lau-hter of Joseph Segar. He was livmg in Canaan
Con^ Apr. 11, 1741. and he and wife were members o
tlie Congregational Church there in 1742. He was of
SheffieUrNSv. 17, 1743- The -^-d of his death^ in
which he is called Samuel, son of Thomas and Mary
I tev ns is dated Sept. i, 1754- The fan^ly tradition is
that he was killed by the Indians m the French and In-
- dian War, either at Stockbridge or Lenox, Mass.
i Children (Sheffield Records) :
44 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
i Anna, b. Oct. i, 1741 ; m. Levi Rowley; lived at
Sharon, Conn.
38 ii Samuel, b. Dec. 29, 1743; m. Joannah Fellows.
iii Ruth, b. Jan. 17, 1745/6.
iv Silence, b. Feb. 9, 1748/9; m. Othniel Palmer;
removed to Stillwater, N. Y.
39 v Joseph, b. June 14, 1752; m., ist, Naomi
; 2nd, Desire't( Stevens) (34), widow of
Eleazer Waterhouse. v' ''' > ; •" J )
11-19 Zebulon Stevens' (Thomas^ Henry') was
born at Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 25, 1717. He was of
Canaan June 21, 1743. Nov. 25, 1743. he married Mir-
iam, daughter of Ephraim and Mary Fellows, who was
born at Plainfield, Conn., Apr. 2, 1726, and died at
Canaan May 25. 1773. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were
members of the Congregational Church.
Zebulon Stevens married, second, Oct. 13, 1773,
Thankful (Stevens) (19), widow of James Partridge.
She died Feb. 29, 181 2, and Zebulon died July 4, 18 14.
He was a farmer.
Children of Zebulon and Miriam (Fellows) Stevens:
40 i Joanna, b. Feb. 10, 1746; m. John Bacon.
41 ii Rachel, b. Jan. i, 1749; m. Oct. 11, 1770, Paul
42 iii Zebulon, b. July 31, 1751 ; m. Mar. 28, 1779,
Sarah Harrick.
43 iv Benjamin, b. June 25, 1754; m. Nov. 4, 1781,
Esther Rowlson.
V Ephraim, b. Oct. 12, 1757; d. Aug. 26, 1760.
44 vi Thomas, b. May 5, 1760; m. Dec. 2, 1784, Lucy
45 vii Jonathan, b. Mar. 7, 1767; m., ist, in 1785,
Susan Wells ; 2nd, Hannah .
Thankful Stevens'" (Henry^ Henry'), the second
wife of Zebulon Stevens, was first married to James
Partridge Dec. 24, 1744. at North Stonington, Conn. He
removed to Canaan, Conn., and had a farm adjoining that
of Zebulon Stevens. Mr. Partridge died June 4, 1771.
Third Generation 45
13 Ebenezer Stevens' (Richard', Henry') was
born at Stonington, Conn., and baptized in the Congrega-
tional Church June 20, 1725. He married Sophia. Oct.
16, 1749, he was admitted an inhabitant of Canaan,
Conn., to take part in town affairs. Mar. 20, 175 1, he
bought a farm in Canaan from Uriah Stevens, his
brother-in-law, and May 5, 1752, sold this farm to Henry
Stephens, Jr., late of Stonington. Apr. 14, 1753, Seth
Tabor deeds to Ebenezer Stevens of Canaan 68 acres of
land in Canaan.
Ebenezer Stevens served two weeks in Lieut.-Col.
Whitney's Company of Canaan men at the relief of Fort
William^ Henry, New York, August, 1757. [Conn. Hist.
Col., French and Indian War Rolls, 1755-1757, Vol. i,
pages 208-209.]
Aug. 31, 1762, Ebenezer Stevens of Sheffield, Mass.,
purchased land in Canaan from Noah Stevens of Canaan,
Conn. Sept. 29, 1762, Ebenezer Stevens of Sheffield,
Mass., conveys his Canaan land to Joshua Preston. Aug.
2, 1764, Oliver Cleaveland conveys to Ebenezer Stevens
of Sheffield three parcels of land in Sheffield, and July 13,
1772, Jabes Cornish conveyed to Ebenezer Stevens of
Sheffield a parcel of land in Sheffield.
In 1777. 1778 and 1780 he served in Col. Ashley's
Berkshire Regiment at Fort Edward. N. Y., Manchester,
Vt., Stillwater, N. Y., West Point, N. Y., to sustain the
forts, and at Bennington, Vt., to guard the frontier.
David Noble June 5, 1780, conveys two parcels of land
in New Marlboro, Mass., to Ebenezer Stevens of New
Marlboro, Mass. Feb. 19, 1783, he sold to Richard Ste-
vens of New Marlboro 60 acres of land in New Marl-
boro. Mar. 7, 1785, Ebenezer Stevens of Philipstown,
Albany Co. (now Nassau, Reus. Co.), N. Y., conveys
land in Sheffield, Mass., to Samuel Johnson.
From the family Bible of Richard Stevens, son of
Ebenezer, is taken the following: "My honored father
died Feb 27 1801 in the 77th year of his age. My hon-
ored mother died Feb 1814. They were buried at New
Marlboro Mass."
46 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Children of Ebenezer and Sophia Stevens :
46 i Richard, b. Mar. i, 1750; m. Mar. 5, 1772, Es-
ther Ward.
47 ii Ebenezer, Jr., m. Rhoda Johnson.
48 iii John, b. Dec. 8, 1765 ; m. Ehzabeth Gillet.
iv Mary, m. Artimas Brookins, and had children,
Stephen, Edward, Sophia, Polly or Mary, and
14 Henry Stephens" (Henry", Henry'), the eldest
son of Henry and Elizabeth (Fellows) Stephens, was
born in Plainfield, Conn., Dec. 18, 1709, and died in
Canaan, Conn., Jan. 5, 1789. He married Nov. 10, 1731,
Sarah Babcock who died May 26, 1774. They were mem-
bers of the North Stonington Church, Feb. 18, 1732/3,
were of Tolland, Conn., in 1740, Stonington in 1741, and
Canaan in 1752, where they united with the old Canaan
Church. Henry Stephens married for his second wife
Elizabeth Jones, who survived him and died Jan. 22,
1805. Fie and both of his wives were buried in the old
part of Canaan Cemetery.
Children, born in Stonington :
49 i James, b. Oct. 5, 1732; m. Jan. 19, 1768, Phebe
50 ii Reuben, b. Aug. 17, 1734; m. Jan. 14, 1760,
Hannah Brookins.
iii Sarah, b. Nov. 25, 1736; d. Dec. 18, 1736.
iv Eunice, b. Mar. 12, 1738; d. May 25, 1753.
51 V Lois, b. July 2, 1740; m. Dec. 22, 1763, David
vi EHzabeth, b. Mar. 10, 1743; m. Mr. Partridge,
vii Grace, b. Sept. 20, 1745; m. Mr. Harris.
52 viii Henry, b. Jan. 2, 1747/8; m. Anne Babcoclc
June 17, 1773.
ix Sarah, b. Apr. 27, 1750; m. Nov. 25, 1773,
Phineas Derby.
Children, bom in Canaan :
X Lucy, b. Sept. 10, 1752; m. Oct. 15, 1781, Eben-
ezer Smith.
Third Generation 47
xi Elias, b. June 6, 1755 ; removed to Chenango
Co., N. Y.
15 Simeon Stevens'" (Henry", Henry') was prob-
ably born at Plainfield, Conn., though no record of his
|i birth has been found. The Stonington records give the
marriage of Simeon Stephens and Mercy Cotts (Coates),
jboth of Stonington, Nov. 3, 1737, by Theophilus Bald-
!win, Justice.
Dec. 15, 1738, Henry Stephens of Stonington conveys
(consideration, love and goodwill), to his son Simeon
Stephens, land lying in said Stonington by estimate
thirty acres, "which is ye northernmost part of ye farm
I now live upon." The deed is recorded in the Stoning-
ton, Conn., Records, on page 92, Land Book V, and is,
in abstract as follows :
i Deed from Henry Stephens of Stonington, (considera-
jtion Love & Goodwill) to his son Simeon Stephens, of
iland lying in sd Stonington by estimate 30 Acres, wh
;is ye northern most part of ye farm that I now live upon
l&c begining at a small white ash tree standing by Samll
'Uttle, his land thence running northerly 58 Rods to a
; small white oak tree marked 4 S wh is Capt Hewits
sS E corner of land he bought of sd Llenry Stephens
I thence near west by a fence 86 rods to ye Sd Llewits
: stone wall thence running southing to ye east of ye
I south point 58 rods to a long large Rock thence run-
ning near East to ye first mentioned ash tree &c wh
land is valued at £300.
Dated Dec. 15, 1738
Henry Stephens Seal
: Witness
' Theophilus BakhvHIn
John Baldwin
Previous to the death of Henry Stephens in 1726 his
son appears on the records as Henry Stephens, Junior,
but afterward he ceased to use the Junior and wrote his
name Henry Stephens. The above deed was signed by
48 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Henry Stephens of the Second Generation, and was to
his son, Simeon, who is thus of the Third Generation.
Simeon remained in Stonington.
Children, born at Stonington :
53 i Hannah, b. May i6, 1738; m. Theophikis Fitch
Nov. 9, 1757.
54 ii Jared, b. Sept. 28, 1739; m. Lucy Stewart.
55 iii Simeon, b. Oct. 4, 1741.
iv Anna, b. Mar. 16, 1746; m. Jan. 17, 1768, John
56 V Abel, b. June 23, 1748; m. in 1772 Bridget
vi Elizabeth, b. July 17, 1752; m. Jan. 29, 1771,
Nathan Stilson.
57 viii Rozzih (Roswell), b. x\pr, 20, 1755; m. Lydia
16 Jedediah Stephens'' (Henry^ Henry') was
baptized in the Congregational Church at Stonington,
Conn., Aug. 12, 1716. He married Apr. 4, 1743, Mary
Rathbone. They lived at Stonington until 1751 or 1752,
when they removed to Canaan, Conn., where he was liv-
ing June 19, 1773. He joined the Connecticut Colony
and removed to the Wyoming Valley, Penn.
Children (births from the Stonington Records) :
58 i Joshua, b. Jan. 13, 1745; m. Christian Dutcher
Oct. 27, 1767.
ii Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1746.
iii Thankful, b. Nov. i, 1748.
59 iv Martha, b. Sept. 22, 1750; m. Nov. 22, 1770,
Elijah Rood.
Children (births from Canaan Records) :
60 V Anne, b. Mar. 17, 1753; m. Mar. 4, 1773, Jere-
miah Baker,
vi Eunice, b. June 12. 1755.
61 vii Jedediah, b. May 11, 1757; m. Jan. i, 1778,
Abigail Corey.
62 viii Ira, b. July 18, 1759; m. Sybil Ransom.
Third Generation 49
ix Riifus, b. May 2, 1762; d. July 3, 1778, killed
and scalped by the Indians in the Wyoming Val-
ley Battle.
X Sylvia, b. June 14, 1764.
xi Nathan, b. Aug. 24, 1766.
xii Cynthia, b. Sept. 26, 1768; m. Francis Saturlee.
17 Lucy Stephens' (Henry'', Henry'), daughter
of Henry and Elizabeth (Fellows) Stephens, was born in
1717. She married Ephraim Smith, a widower, Jan. 3,
1744, and died in May, 1805. Mr. Smith died Mar. 24,
1774. They resided in Stonington, Conn.
Children of Lucy Stephens and Ephraim Smith :
i Anne, b. Oct. 20, 1744.
ii Lucy, b. Aug. 4, 1746.
iii Thankful, b. Sept. 20, 1748.
iv Eliphal, b. Apr. 7, 1752; d. 1791 ; m. Nathaniel Mor-
gan, who d. in 1796.
V Gilbert, b. Jan. 7, 1756.
vi Sanford, b. Feb. 27, 1760,
18 Elizabeth Stephens' (Flenry^ Henry') was a
daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Fellows) Stephens.
She married, first, William Stewart, Jr., Dec. 4, 1740.
They resided in North Stonington.
A deed from Henry Stephens of Stonington, convey-
ing property "for love and good will to my loving daugh-
ter Elizabeth Stewart and William Stewart her husband,"
is dated Jan. 16, 1749/50, and recorded in Book 6, Pages
161-162. Mr. Stewart died aged forty-six, leaving his
widow with nine children. She afterwards married Jo-
seph Palmer, a widower with nine children.
Children of Elizabeth Stephens and William Stewart :
i Lucretia, b. July 30, 1741 ; m. Dr. John Bartlett
of Lebanon.
63 ii Lucy, b. July 30, 1743; m. Jared Stephens.
iii Nathan, b. June 22, 1745
iv Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1747; m. John Coates.
V Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1749.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
vi William, b. Mar. i6, 1752,
vii Content, b. June 6, 1754.
viii Elisha, b, June 29, 1757; m. Sarah Witter in
1777; of Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.
ix Eliphalet, b. Aug. 14, 1759; went west (prob-
ably to Stephentown).
Child of Elizabeth Stephens and Joseph Palmer :
20-24 Noah Ste\'ens* (Thomas', Thomas', Henrv')
married Sarah Stevens' (Uriah', Thomas', Henry'), and
hved m Canaan, Conn., and Stillwater, N. Y. He served
from Alay 5 to Oct. 27, 1755, in the French and Indian
War m Capt. Hinman's Company, was Second Lieuten-
ant in Tarbal Whitney's Company of Canaan, and in 1760
was Ensign, nth Company, Canaan, Conn., Militia.
Noah Stevens and Thomas Stevens, Jr., bought land
in Canaan Apr. 21, 1761, and Noah Stevens sold land to
Ebenezer Stevens Aug. 31, 1762, but he was living in
Stillwater, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1768, and on May 17, 1789,
he united with the Church there.
Children :
i- Uriah, was living in Sangerfield, Onedia Co., N. Y.,
Oct. 3, 1814.
21 Jesse Stevens* (Thomas', Thomas', Henry')
married Sarah Fellows (Richards), widow of William
Fellows. He lived in Canaan, Conn., and Feb. 21, 1760,
his father, Thomas Stevens, conveyed a parcel of land in
Canaan, Conn., to him. Jesse Stevens served in the
French and Indian War. He was at the relief of Fort
William Henry, N. Y., Aug., 1757, and was Second Lieu-
tenant loth Co., 2nd Regt., under Capt. Samuel Elmore
,of Sharon, Conn. He died Jan. 27, 1772 (Canaan Rec-
ords). His widow was living July 5, 1790.
Children (from Canaan, Conn., Records):
I Abigail, b. Nov. 27, 1757.
ii Sarah, b. July, 1760.
iii Elizabeth.' b. Sept. 27, 1763; m. Robert Patrick;
I lived in Stillwater, N. Y.
William Fellows married Sarah Richards, of Norfolk
(Conn., Feb. 26, 1746/7.
52 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Children (from Canaan, Conn., Records) :
i Joannah, b. Mar. 20, 1748; m. Samuel Stevens, Jr.
ii John, b. May 15, 1749; lived in Stillwater, N. Y.
iii Stephen, b. Feb. 21, 1751 ; lived in Stillwater, N. Y.
Aug. 13, 1759, Sarah Stevens, late Fellows, conveyed
some land as an Administratrix of William Fellows.
22 Uriah Stevens* (Uriah', Thomas', Henry') mar-
ried Martha Rathbone, born 1731, a native of Stoning-
ton, Conn., and settled in Canaan, Conn. He served in
the French and Indian War, and was at the relief of Fort
William Henry under command of his father, Capt.
Uriah Stevens, Aug., 1757. He removed to Stillwater,
N. Y., between 1762 and 1766, and later to the Wyoming
Valley, Fenn., where he was key-keeper Mar. 2, 1774.
He gave a deed of land in Canaan, Conn., to Zebulon
Stevens, Feb. 17, 1778, when his residence was given as
Brook Haven, Westmoreland County, and State of Con-
necticut. After the Wyoming Massacre, he lived at Ti-
oga Point, now called Athens, then at Newtown, now
Elmira, N. Y. ; Dec. 25, 1789, he settled at Canisteo, N.
Y., where he joined others in the purchase of Upper and
Lower Canisteo, out of which Canisteo and several
towns have been formed. He died Aug. 4, 1800. His
widow lived to the age of 94, dying June 14, 1825. The
will of Uriah "Stephens" made Jan. 15, 1800, was signed
by his mark, and recorded Oct. 4, 1800. The spelling of
their name by this family is taken from the deed of
Uriah Stevens to Zebulon Stevens Feb. 7, 1778, the
original of which, signed by him, is before the author.
Children :
i Benjamin, d. in the Revolutionary War.
64 ii Sarah, m., ist, Asa Upson; 2nd, Solomon Ben-
iii Mary, b. Dec. 12, 1758; m. Daniel McHenry;
d. near Northumberland, Pa. ; dau., Martha Mc-
Henry, b. Dec. 16, 1789.
65 iv Uriah, b. in 1761 ; m. in 1785 Elizabeth Jones.
^i^CiD -s-y/'./ .». t- ^■^''■^i^^ J^^^':'y^■^!^,l,.4,i^l2<,^l^'■''/',^dS.-
f^/Z'' // -^^ ^"^ -'^'^-^ ^^-^j-o ^^^^^ /iZ^^
t/''AA\j-C. vlmeda
Collar in 1821.
118 ix Palmer, b. Feb. 14, 1793; m. Dec. i, 1816,
Mary Williams.
119 X Gilbert, b. May 22, 1795; m. Sarah Benedict
Aug. 31, 1815.
57 RosvvELL Stevens* (Simeon^ Henry", Henry')
was born in Stonington, Conn., April 20, 1755, and set-
tled in Canaan, Conn. He married Lydia Rowlson. He
enlisted in the regiment under command of Col. Roger
Enos in April, 1778, as a Minute-Man. He removed to
or near Cooperstown, Otsego Co., N. Y., after Dec. 25,
Children :
i Orrin.
ii Ethan.
iii Orman.
iv Laura.
v Elmira.
58 Joshua Stephens* (Jedediah^ Henry", Hen-
ry*) was born at Stonington, Conn., Jan. 13, 1745. He
married Oct. 27, 1767, Christiana Dutcher in Canaan,
Conn. They moved to Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 15, 1780,
but does not appear on the Census of 1790 as living
•JO Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
there. Later they removed to Canisteo, N. Y., where
he died m 1813. Jedediah Stephens and the widow,
Christina Stephens, were appointed May 27, 1813, to
administer the estate.
Children :
120 i Clarissa, b. at Canaan, Aug. 7, 1768; m.
William Baker May 10, 1804.
ii Leander, b. at Canaan May 2, 1771.
122 iii Rufus, b. at Canaan Oct. 18, 1773; m. Thank-
ful Baker (128), dau. of Jeremiah.
123 iv Ezra, m. Cynthia, dau. of Col. John Stephens.
124 V William R., m. Laura Roude.
125 vi Jedediah H., m. Ester Palmer,
vii Ira, d. young.
126 viii Christina, b. 1795; m. James Harding.
59 Martha Stephens* (Jedediah", Henry", Hen-
ry") was born at Stonington, Conn., Sept. 22, 1750. She
married Nov. 22, 1770, Elijah Rood. (Canaan Records.)
Children (from Canaan Records) of Martha Stephens
and Elijah Rood :
i Ehjah, b. June 20, 1775.
ii Thankful, b. June 22, 1778.
iii Ira, b. Apr. 18, 1781.
60 Anne Stephens* (Jedediah', Henry°, Henry')
was born at Canaan, Conn., Mar. 17, 1753. She mar-
ried Jeremiah Baker Mar. 4, 1773 (Canaan Records),
removed to the Wyoming Valley. He was in the Revo-
lutionary War, and in the massacre of July 3, 1778, his
buildings were burned and his family taken prisoners.
They were soon rescued by him and found safety at
Tioga Point, now Athens, Pa. In the fall of 1790 he
settled in Canisteo, N. Y. Mr. Baker died about 1824
and Mrs. Baker in 1825. He represented his district in
the N. Y. Legislature in 1835. He served under Gen.
McClure in the War of 1812.
Children of Anne Stephens and Jeremiah Baker:
Fourth Generation 7^
i Mary, b. at Canaan, Conn., Jan. 14, 1774; m.
Isaac Tracy.
127 ii Hannah, m. Richard Crosby.
128 iii Thankful, m. Rufus Stephens (122).
iv Cynthia.
129 V William, m. Clarissa Stephens (120), dau. of
130 vi Simeon, m. Lodemia Benham.
vii John, m. Susan Meacle.
131 viii Bazy, b. July 16, 1789; m., ist, Anna (Ste-
phens) (150), Abbott, a widow; 2nd, Polly
132 ix Jeremiah, b. Apr. 18, 1791 ; m., ist, Eunice
Power; 2nd, Hila Stephens (139).
133 X Noah, m. Polly Fulton.
xi James, m. Anna McEntyre.
61 Jedediah Stevens* (Jedediah^ Henry", Hen-
ry^) was born at Canaan, Conn., May 11, 1757, and died
at Canisteo, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1830. He married Jan. i,
1778, at Goshen, Abigail Corey. He was in the Revolu-
tion at the Battle of Wyoming, Penn., July 3, 1778,
where his brother, Rufus, was killed. The Pennsylvania
court decided against the title of the Connecticut settlers
and he, with many others, left Pennsylvania and settled
on a large farm in what is now Canisteo, N. Y. His
wife died Aug. 28, 1825. About 1800 he united with
the Methodist Church and became a local preacher. A
license, was given him, dated May 27, 181 5, and re-
newed June 6, 1818.
The following is taken from the original :
"To all whom it may concern — greeting: Receive the
bearer thereof, Jedediah Stephens, as a local elder in the
M. E. Church — and in good standing. His piety. Chris-
tian deportment and his services in the Church of Christ,
entitle him to the confidence and affection of his breth-
ren. July 9, 1828. A. Abell, P. E. Genesee Dis."
Children :
134 i Abigail, m. EHjah Stephens (70).
72 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
135 ii Silas, m. Elizabeth Cleaveland.
136 iii Nathan, b. Dec. 8, 1783 ; m. Rachel Gilbert,
iv Sylvia, m. David Haskins.
137 V Cynthia, m., ist, Thomas A. Dolson; 2nd,
James Osburn.
vi Olive, b. Nov. 10, 1790; m. Jeremiah Col-
grove ; moved to Greenup Co., Ky.
138 vii Joshua, b. Dec. 21, 1793; m. Rhoda Stevens
(152) Dec. 29, 1811.
139 viii Hila, b. Apr. 13, 1796; m., ist, Phineas Ste-
phens, Jr. (156) ; 2nd, Jeremiah Baker, Jr.
140 ix Pamelia. b. July 4, 1802; m. Samuel H.
62 Capt. Ira Stephens* (Jedediah', Henry^ Hen-
ry^) was born in Canaan, Conn., July 18, 1759. He mar-
ried Sybil Ransom Apr. 8, 1784. Mr. Stephens lived at
Angelica, N. Y., where he was killed by James Rogers
Sept. 20, 1803.
Children :
141 i Chester, b. Mar. 12, 1785; m. Oct. 10, 1811,
Lucinda Hewitt Grant,
ii Mary Ann, b. Nov. 3, 1786; d. Apr. 22, 1881 ;
m. Oct. 4, 1801, Reuben Swift,
iii Esther, b. Sept. 23, 1789; d. July 24, 1834; m.
1809 Daniel Abbott,
iv Lydia, b. Oct. i, 1791 ; d. Sept. 26, 1871 ; m.
Oct. 4, 181 5, David Briggs.
V Samuel, b. June 27, 1793; d. Apr. 17, 1849,
vi Laura, b. July 29, 1795; d. June 19, 1857; m.,
1st, D. Talmage 1813; 2nd, John Rate; 3rd,
Isaac Horton Dec. i, 1842.
142 vii George P., b. Aug. 8, 1797; m., ist, Jan. i,
1823, Lydia Terry; 2nd, Julia M. Saterlee Jan.
29, 1848.
viii Harriet, b. Sept. 10, 1799; m. Nov. 9, 1820,
Elias Saterlee.
Fourth Generation 73
143 ix Ira Henry, b. Nov. 2, 1802 ; m. Anna E.
Kingsbury Jan. i, 1827.
X Cynthia, b. Jan. 15, 1804; d. Oct. 13, 1863; m.
Apr. 10, 1823, Nathaniel Clapp.
64 Sarah Stephens'" (Uriah\ Uriah', Thomas',
Henry') was the eldest dausi^hter of Uriah and Martha
(Rathbone) Stephens. She married, first, Asa Upson.
They hved in the Wyoming Valley, where Mr. Upson
was killed by the Indians in his sugar bush 27 March,
1780. Mrs. Sarah (Stephens) Upson, next, about 1781,
married Solomon Bennett, and with him removed to
Canisteo, N. Y., with the first settlers, in 1790. He pur-
chased there a large tract of land upon which they re-
Solomon Bennett was the son of Thomas and Martha
(Jackson) Bennett. He was born near Providence, R.
I., in 1750. He, v/ith his father and brother, Andrew,
had fought in the Pennamite wars and the Revolution,
and he also served as a private in the company of Cap-
tain Bidlack in the Battle of Wyoming, July 3, 1778.
Solomon Bennett was a famous hunter and Indian
fighter, a man of great energy and perseverance, and
the life of the settlement. He was a man of wealth for
the times, and took an active part in the development of
the new country. He built in 1793 the first saw and
grist mill of the Canisteo Valley. This mill was burned
by the Tories. He was Captain of the first military
company organized in Steuben County. He died in Oct.,
1823, at Canisteo.
Children of Sarah Stephens and Asa Upson:
i Daniel, m. Rachel Crosby, theirs being the first
marriage in the Canisteo Valley.
144 ii Uriah, m. Meriby Dyke Bishop, a widow.
145 iii Elizabeth, m. John Stearns.
Children of Solomon and Sarah (Stephens) Bennett:
146 iv William, b. Feb. 17, 1782; m. Mary Van
Fifth Generation 75
147 V Thomas, b. Sept. 22, 1784; m. Sylvia (or Syl-
vina) Rood Jan. 4, i8c)6.
vi Martha, b. Oct. 26, 1786; m. Uriah Vander-
vii Sarah, b. Sept. 18, 1793; m. Mr. Millett.
65 Uriah Stephens^ (Uriah*, Uriah'', Thomas',
Henry') was born probably at Canaan, Conn., in 1761.
He married at Lackawaxen, Pa., in 1785 Elizabeth
Jones, born in 1766. He was one of the early settlers in
Canisteo, N. Y., and was a large land owner. He was
Justice of the Peace for many years, Supervisor, County
Judge for six years, and served in the Revolutionary
War in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Stephens died Mar. 30, 1849, ^"^ Mr. Stephens
Aug. 2, 1849.
Children :
148 i John R., b. Mar. 4, 1786, at Athens, Pa.; m.
Rebecca Jones.
149 ii Sally, b. Nov. 15, 1787; m. in 1807 John
Anna, m., ist, James Abbott; 2nd, Bazy Baker.
Mary, b. Feb. 27, 1792; m. Silas Corey.
Rhoda, b. Nov. 29, 1795; m. Dec. 29, 1811,
Joshua Stephens (138).
153 vi Mathew, b. Feb. 13, 1801 ; m. Marinda Lewis
June 8, 1821.
154 vii George H., b. in 1803 ; m. Harriet Baker Sept.
5, 1825.
viii Henrietta, b. May 11, 1806; d. in 1835; m.
Jerothamel Powers, and had issue, Rhoda, Es-
ther, and Cecilia.
66 CoL. John Stephens^ (Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born Apr. 10, 1766, at Stillwater,
N. Y. He removed to the Wyoming Valley, with his
parents, where he married Nov. 24, 1785, Olive Frank-
lin, daughter of Lieut. Roswell and Jerusha (Hicock)
Franklin. She was born at Woodbury, Conn., May 7,
76 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
1766. Her mother and brother were killed by the In-
dians, but she and the other members of the family were
Mr. Stephens bought land in Chemung, Ontario Co.
He lived at what is now Elmira, but in 1790 was one of
the twelve proprietors of "old Canisteo Castle," and he
had lot No. 6 of Canisteo and No. 7 of Hornellsville as-
signed to him. In 1822 he built the mill known as Ste-
phens Mills on Bennetts Creek. He was Town Clerk of
Canisteo from 1809 to 1812. He was Captain of a MiU-
tia Company in 1796, First Major in 1803, and Lieuten-
ant Colonel in command of the Regiment in 1806. He
died Mar. 19, 1837, and his widow Nov. 6, 1848. Col.
Stephens and his wife were both of the old school Pres-
byterian Church.
Children :
155 i Cynthia, b. 1787; d. Aug. 31, 1844; m. Ezra
Stephens (123).
ii Franklin, was drowned ; unm.
156 iii Uriah F., b. Jan. 3, 1792; m. Hannah Moore.
157 iv Phineas, b. Apr. 8, 1794; m. Hila Stephens
158 V Elias, b. Sept. 26, 1796; m. Dec. 25, 1816,
Amy Hopper.
159 vi John H., b. Feb. 16, 1799; m. Mar. 30, 1819,
Sarah Yaple.
160 vii Alexander H., b. Sept. 8, 1801 ; m. Jan. 20,
1829, Mary M. Davis,
viii Frederick, unm.
161 ix Daniel McHenry, b. Oct. 13, 1806; m. June
21, 1830, Ada Chapman.
162 X Pamelia, b. Apr. 19, 1810; m. Samuel Olin,
M. D.
67 Martha Stephens" (Uriah*, Uriah*, Thomas',
Henry") was born probably in Stillwater, N. Y. She
married George Hornell and was one of the early set-
tlers at Canisteo, N. Y. Mr. Hornell became a large
land-owner, the town of Hornellsville being named after
Fifth Generation "jy
him. He was also a Judge. Only one date regarding
this family has been found.
Children of George and Martha (Stephens) Hornell:
i William, drowned while attending college at Utica,
N. Y.
ii George, was a Presbyterian Clergyman ; had several
daus., but no sons,
iii Vincent, d. unm.
iv Martha, m. in 1814 Samuel Olney Thacher and had
a son, George Hornell, of Albany.
68 Major Phineas Stephens'' (Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas^ Henry^) was probably born in Stillwater, N.
Y. He married Mary Clark, and settled at Aurora, N.
Y., in 1806. He bought the mill site in the Lower Vil-
lage, and built a saw and grist mill. He was Captain of
the Silver Grays, and in the War of 1812 was Major of
the Silver Grays, and died at Black Rock. He was taken
to Willink and buried with military honors Dec, 1812.
Children :
i James M., was Capt. in 48th Regt. in 1814;
m. and had 4 children,
ii Jefferson, went west.
163 iii Alia H., m. Mary Ann Stephens (170).
iv Elias, m. Juliette Osburn and removed to Ore-
There were also daughters.
69 Elias Stephens^ (Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas*,
Henry') was one of the first settlers in Horncllsville,
N. Y. He married Polly, daughter of Richard Crosby.
They lived in a log house near the railroad crossing, be-
low the Hornellsville Station. He was a strong, athletic
man, and a skillful wrestler. At one time the Indians
proposed a wrestling match between him and a young
chief, to which Mr. Stephens consented, and at the first
round hurled the young savage to the ground with a
broken thigh. He owned much land, served several
78 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
terms as Supervisor of the town, and ranked as Major of
Children :
164 i Erastus, b. June 17, 1800; m. Mary Mclntyre.
ii Maria, b. in Hornellsville ; m., ist, Dr. Burn-
ham; 2nd, Mr. Holmes; lived in Hornellsville;
member M. E. Church; d. 1886; no children.
iii William, b. in Hornellsville ; d. vmm.
164a iv Elizabeth (Betsey), b. March 25, 1793, in
Canisteo, N. Y. ; m. March 12, 1812, Ezekial
164b V Minerva, m. John Fairbanks.
70-134 Elijah Stephens' (Uriah*, Uriah^ Thom-
as^ Henry') came to Canisteo, N. Y., in 1789 from New-
town (now Elmira), where he lived for a short time
after the Wyoming- Massacre in Pennsylvania. He be-
came a- large land owner. When the town of Hornells-
ville was formed in 1820 he was one of the first officers.
He was a Mason. He married Abigail Stephens" (Jede-
diah*, Jededialf, Henry', Henry') (134). He died in
Children :
165 i Nathan, b. Aug. 20, 1798; m. Alba Lucinda
166 ii Benjamin, b. in 1800; m. Arthusa Hamilton.
167 iii Alanson C, m., ist, Brink; 2nd, Clara
168 iv Rebecca, m. Charles Lefiferts.
169 V Eliza, m., ist, Bert Bostwick; 2nd, Oliver
vi Narcissa, m. John Nicholson.
170 vii Mary Ann, m. Alia H. Stephens (163).
viii Cynthia.
171 ix Abbeyette, b. Aug., 1819; m. Henry Wallace
in 1837.
71 CoL. William Stephens" (Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas°, Henry') was born at the mouth of the Juniata
Fifth Generation 79
River, Penn., Apr. 26, 1777. He married Aug. 14, 1797,
Anne Ayres, a native of New Jersey, born Sept. 18,
1777, and died May 6, 1847. They lived first in Hor-
nellsville, N. Y., and then settled on the old homestead
in Canisteo. Mr. Stephens was a farmer most of his life.
He represented his town as Supervisor for many years,
and ranked as Colonel of Militia. He married, second,
Jemima (Ayres) Otto, sister of Anne, and dau. of Obe-
diah Ayres. He died Nov. 4, 1855.
Children of William and Anne (Ayres) Stephens:
172 i Mary, b. July 16, 1799; m. Feb. 26, 1826,
Charles Moore.
173 ii Benjamin, b. Oct. 28, 1801 ; m., ist, Jan. 4,
1827, Sarah M. Russell; 2nd, Mar. 26, 1837,
Lydia Root.
174 iii Obadiah, b. Dec. 9, 1804; m., ist, Sarah Chap-
man, b. Apr. II, 1806; 2nd, Mar. 25, 1838,
Amelia M. Stephens (311).
175 iv Martha Ann, b. June 30, 1807; m., ist, Nov.,
1825, Philip Lee; 2nd, William Bennett.
176 v Mordecai H., b. Jan. 13, 1810; m. Feb. 26,
1834, Phebe Upson (290).
177 vi Rebecca, b. Sept. 30, 1812; m. Seth S. Beck-
178 vii William B., b. Apr. 8, 1815; m. Lydia Abbe
Sept. 4, 1851.
viii John, b. Feb. 9, 1818; d. Feb. 25, 1818.
179 ix Uriah, b. Apr. 26, 1819; m., ist, Lydia Beck-
with; 2nd, Martha J. Carman.
72 Andrew Stevens'' (Safiford*, Andrew', Thom-
as*, Henry^) was probably born at Canaan, Conn. He
was a farmer. He married Phoebe Lawrence, and set-
tled in Williston, Vt., where she died about 1859. He
died in Williston.
Children :
180 i Wealthy, b. Apr. 22, 1795; m. Dr. Simon
8o Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
i8i ii Harold, b. July 22, 1797; m. Clarissa Bliss.
182 iii Florilla, b. Oct. 17, 1799; m. Nov. 22, 1821,
Freeman Marrs.
iv John, b. Aug. 29, 1801 ; d. young.
183 V Ariel, b. Aug. 16, 1803; m., ist, Julia Martin;
2nd, June, 1847, Eliza Ame Ellis.
184 vi Caroline, b. May 14, 1806; m. Charles Kim-
vii John, b. July 2, 1808; m, 1832 Mary Anne
Joiner, who d. 1853 ; m., 2nd, 1856 Clara Tay-
lor; he d. Apr. 9, 1894; no children.
185 viii Ira B., b. Aug. 17, 1810; m. Samantha Martin
in 1836.
ix Elon, b. June 17, 1812; d. young.
186 X Hannah, b. Apr., 1816; d. Oct. 14, 1897; m.
Apr. 19, 1838, Benjamin F. Marrs.
73 Andrew Stevens^ (Andrew*, Andrew', Thom-
as', Henry') was born in Canaan, Conn., July 20, 1784.
He married Jan. 20, 1814, Sarah Brown, born in Canaan
Sept. 25, 1788. He died Oct. 20, 1834, shortly after
moving with his family to Whitestone, L. I.
Children :
i Frances Desire, b. Dec. 4, 1814.
ii Emily A., b. Aug. i, 1817.
iii Sarah Ann, b. July 8, 1819.
iv Cynthia E., b. Mar. 22, 1823.
V John Andrew, b. May 6, 1827.
74 Henry W. Stevens" (Andrew*, Andrew*,
Thomas', Henry') was born at Canaan, Conn., May 6,
1788. He settled in Alabama, and was a lawyer. He
married a Virginia lady. They lived at Wilson Hill,
Cahaba, Dallas Co., Ala., where he died Sept. 2, 1823.
His widow married Rev. Mr. Wood, a Baptist minister.
i Andrew, b. Nov. 27, 1818; lived at Kingston; was
County Judge,
ii Cynthia, b. Jan. 12, 1822; m. Dr. Mosley; lived in
Independence, Ala.
Fifth GENERiVxioN 8i
iii Margaret Desire, b. Apr., 1824; m. William Brown
in 1846 or 1847; lived in Mobile, Ala.
75 Amy Stevens^ (Nathaniel*, Andrew*, Thomas',
Ilenry^), was born at Canaan, Conn., Feb. 3, 1790. She
married Sept. 12, 181 2, George C. E. Thompson. They
settled in Owasco, N. Y., in 1827, and there she died
Oct. 18, 1869. Mr. Thompson died Apr. 9, 1879.
Children of George E. C. and Amy (Stevens) Thomp-
i Elizabeth, b. at Canaan ; m. William Morgan ; d.
Feb., 1853 ' had three sons, George T., who lived in
Chicago, Henry, and William, who both lived in
New York,
ii Catharine, b. at Canaan; d. Oct. 20, 1869.
iii Augusta, b. in Owasco, N. Y. ; d. June 24, 1895 ; m.
John L. Wilson, b. in New York City Mar. 25,
1820, d. in Baltimore,
iv George, b. in Owasco.
V Lydia Norton, b. in Owasco.
The mother of William Morgan — who married Eliza-
beth, the daughter of Amy Stevens and George C. E.
Thompson — was Ann, daughter of Peter and Esther
(Stevens) Hatch.
76 Nathaniel Stevens^ (Nathaniel*, Andrew*,
Thomas', Henry^) was born at Canaan, Conn., Dec. 10,
1792. He died Feb. 26, 1853. Jan. 22, 1837, he mar-
ried Betsey Ann Lawrence, born Nov. 9, 1813, died
July 20, 1865. She was a daughter of Joseph and Anna
Lawrence. Mr. Stevens was a farmer, and represented
the town of Canaan in the Connecticut Legislature in
Child :
187 i Antoinette Maria, b. Nov. 11, 1837; m. Mar.
2, 1857, Henry C. Stevens, who was not of
the same lineage.
Tj Seth Stevens^ (Nathaniel*, Andrew*, Thomas*,
82 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Henry*) was born at Canaan, Conn., Dec. 20, 1795, and
died Aug. 24, 1870. He married Apr. 22, 1824, Eunice
Munson, who was born in 1800, and died Apr. 7, i868.
Mr. Stevens was a farmer, and lived in Canaan.
Children :
i Esther, b. Mar. 25, 1827; m., ist, Apr. i, 1850, M. G.
Rood, b. Feb. 4, 1828, and d. Oct. 5, 1854, by whom
she had issue, Fanny Munson, b. Mar. 23, 1853 ; m.,
2nd, Mar., 1857, Wilber C. Rood, d. Jan. 6, i860, by
whom she had issue, Marriner, b. July, 1859, d. in
i860; and m., 3rd, Dec. 23, 1868, Lyman Dunning,
b. Jan., 1830. I
ii George, b. Feb. 22, 1830; d. Sept. 10, 1849. '
iii Ellen Irene, b. Apr. 25, 1843; ^- Sept., 1866, Levi i
F. Bronson, b. Feb. 7, 1840; had issue, Ellen Ste-
vens, b. Aug. 30, 1869, m. June, 1889, Seth Morris,
and Augusta Wilson, b. Oct. 4, 1871.
78 Sally Hewett" (Elizabeth Stevens*, Benja-
min', Thomas^ Henry*), the daughter of Gershom and
Elizabeth (Stevens) Hewett, was born in Canaan, Conn.,
Jan. 22, 1784. She married Anthony Horsford Nov. 16,
Children of Anthony and Sally (Hewett) Horsford
(Canaan Records) :
i Anthony Stevens, b. June 12, 1806.
ii Harriet, b. Mar. 31, 1809.
iii Benjamin, b. Dec. 22, 1811.
iv Mehitable, b. June 21, 1813.
v Walter, b. Oct. 23, 1816.
vi Sally Ann, b. July 27, 1818.
vii Betsey Ann, b. Mar. 25, 1821.
viii Hannah, b. Oct. 11, 1823.
79 Joseph Stevens' (Joseph*, Samuel*, Thomas*,'
Henry') was born at Stillwater, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1771, and
died at Campbell, N. Y., Dec. i, 1843. He married Feb.
10, 1795, Abigail Knowlton, born at Stillwater June 22,
1777, and died in Michigan Dec. 19, 1864. Mr. Stevens
o Pi
Fifth Generation 83
was a farmer. He served in the War of 1812. In re-
ligious faith he was a Presbyterian.
Children :
188 i Jared, b. at Sangerfiekl, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1795;
m., 1st, Sept. 28, 1819, Hannah Huit; 2nd,
Charlotte A. Bush,
ii Permelia, b. at Sangerfield, N. Y., Mar. 10,
1797; d. Aug. 29, 1844; m. Jan. 4, 1816, Aden
J. Pratt, b. Oct. 5, 1794, d. June 23, 1865.
189 iii Hadassah, b. at Sangerfield, N. Y., June ist,
1799; m. Nov. 23, 1820, Daniel Horton.
190 iv Amos, b. at Sangerfield, N. Y., May 31, 1801 ;
m. Oct. 14, 1825, Mary Bolderman.
191 V Jonas, b. at Sangerfield, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1803;
m. Sept. 28, 1826, Elizabeth Miller.
192 vi Benjamin, b. Campbell, N. Y., June 12, 1805;
m. Feb. 9, 1826, Eliza White.
193 vii Joseph, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1809;
m. 1834 Frances E. Bush.
194 viii Ralph M., b. at Campbell, N. Y., Dec. 24,
1811 ; m. Jan. 19, 1834, Jane Enzla Miller.
195 ix Marcus, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1814;
m., 1st, Kate Burnham ; 2nd, May J. Erwin.
196 X Almond, b. at Campbell, N. Y., June 12, 1816;
m. Dec, 1839, Martha Gates.
197 xi John, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1819;
m. Oct. 8, 1845, Mary B. Covert.
80 NoL\H Stevens'^ (Joseph*, Samuel', Thomas',
Henry') was born at Stillwater, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1782.
He vv^as a farmer and lived in Wheeler, N. Y. He mar-
ried Sarah Thomas.
Children :
i Desire, b. July 2, 1810.
ii Andrew, b. Aug. 22, 1812.
iii Thomas, b. Apr. i, 1816.
iv Henry, b. Aug. 9, 1818.
V Erastus, b. Oct. 21, 1821.
84 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
vi Jane, b. Nov. 7, 1824.
vii Noah, b, Aug. 25, 1828.
viii Sarah, b. June 28, 1834; m. Mr. Mauger.
81 Thomas Stevens^ (Zcbulon*, Zebulon', Thom-
as", Henry') was a son of Zebulon and Sarah (Harrick)
Stevens of Canaan, Conn., and Panton, Vt. He resided
in Vergennes, Vt., where he was proprietor of the Ste-
vens House. He married Sarah Tappan.
Children :
i Carlton, b. 1817.
ii Charles, b. 1819.
iii Herrick, b. Oct. 18, 1820.
iv A dau., m. Strong. 1
82 Arthur Stevens^ (Benjamin*, Zebulon', Thom-i
as*, Henry') was born at Canaan, Conn., Nov. 26, 1791.
He married June 3, 1816, Polly Burt, and settled in War-
saw, N. Y. After the death of his wife he returned to
Canaan, where he died June 19, 1865, and was buried in
the Stevens burial grounds at East Canaan.
Children :
i Urany, m. John Post,
ii Charles, m. and settled in Wisconsin.
83 Richard Price Stevens' (Benjamin*, Zebulon*
Thomas", Henry') was born at Canaan, Conn., Sept. 12,
1793, and died Aug. 29, 1846. He married Mar. 29
1818, Sarah Foster of New Marlboro, Mass., born Sept
II, 1797, died Dec. 19, 1822. She was a daughter ol
Ezekiel and Sarah (Smith) Foster.
Children :
198 i Sarah Esther, b. July 10, 1819; m. Sept. 25;
1846, Nelson Haight.
199 ii Susan Maria, b. Jan. 2, 1821 ; m. Nov. in
1838, Ichabod P. Stevens (247).
iii Adelia Dulana, b. Oct. 18, 1822; d. Apr. 20
1884; m., 1st, Chauncy Dean and had Saral
Ellen and Albert Henry; by a 2nd m. had i
Fifth Generation 85
dau., Kate Whitney ; m., 3rd, Mr. Ford.
84 Adelia Stevens' (Benjamin', Zebulon*, Thom-
as', Henry') was born at Canaan, Conn., May 27, 1795,
and died Sept. 15, 1863. She married May 14, 1817,
WilHam Burt. They settled at Kalamazoo, Mich.
Children of William and Adelia (Stevens) Burt:
i William Munroe, b. 1820; m. Martha Thorn,
ii Mary, b. 1822; d. unm.
iii Spencer Fayett, b. 1824.
iv Jane Maria, b. 1827 ; d. unm.
V Helen Maranda, b. in 1830; m. Fordyce Laflin.
85 Benjamin Miller Stevens^ (Thomas*, Zebu-
Ion', Thomas', Henry'), was born Apr. 26, 1786. He
married in 1806 Helen Shepard, and lived at Hunting-
ton, Pa.
Children :
i Matilda, m. Hiram Baker,
ii Thomas, settled in Kansas, and m. there,
iii Turo.
iv William, settled in Kansas, and m. there.
200 V Hariet, m. John Robbins.
vi Edwin, d. unm.
vii Adelia, d. unm.
viii Malinda, m., ist, Thomas Harvey; 2nd, Will-
iam Seward ; had one child.
86 Thomas Almond Stevens^ (Thomas', Zebu-
Ion', Thomas', Henry') was born Nov. 6, 1787. He mar-
ried Nancy Kingsley in 1807, and they lived at Hunting-
ton, Pa.
Children :
i Lucy, m. William Zelman; had one son, who m.
Eliza Snyder.
ii Susanna, m. Nathan Dodson ; had children, Thomas,
who m. a Frank, Mary m. a Gilbert, Nancy m. a
Williams, Charles, and Pamelia.
iii Nancy, d., aged 24 ; unm.
86 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iv Pamelia, m. James H. Davidson, had children,
Charles, who m. Harriet Fitzgerald, and Dr. Alfred,
who m. Elizabeth Gearhard.
V Lizzie, m. William F. Piatt; had three children.
vi John Wesley, m. Julia Viele ; had two sons.
87 Zebulon Hull Stevens' (Thomas*, Zebulon*,
Thomas', Henry') was born Jan. 12, 1791. He married
in 1813 Pamelia Bowman. They lived at Huntington,
Children :
Benjamin Miller, m. Mary Fellows.
Mary, m. George Rhone.
Charlotte, m. Ezekiel Shultz.
John B., m. Minerva Dibbs.
Thomas Quincy Adams, m. Adeline Stine.
Zebulon Stratton, m. Harriet Seward; had
children, Lydia and Almira.
vii Pamelia B., m. James V. Keeler; had children,
Ella and Anna.
88 Charlotte Stevens" (Thomas*, Zebulon',
Thomas^ Henry") was born Apr. 25, 1793. She mar-
ried in 1813 Epaphorus Wadsworth. They lived in
Huntington, Pa.
Children of Epaphorus and Charlotte (Stevens) Wads-
worth :
i Desdemonia, m. Wesley Dodson.
ii Mary Tyler, d. unm.
iii Pamelia, m. Charles R. Buckalew, U. S. Senator
about 1862.
iv Putnam C, m. Lizzie Thompson of Berwick, Pa.,
had one dau. Jennie ; lived at Townhill, Pa.
v Lucy, m. Osburn Dodson of California; had two
children. Rose and Dana.
89 Sally Stevens" (Thomas*, Zebulon*, Thomas',
Henry') was born May 26, 1795. She married Joseph
Robbins in 1813. They lived in Greenwood, Pa.
Fifth Generation 87
Children of Joseph and Sally (Stevens) Robbins :
i Harriet, m. John Legget, an Englishman,
ii Lydia.
iii Zebulon S., m. Miss Morrison.
iv Susanna, m. Israel Bogert.
V Lucy.
vi Joseph J., m. Ruth Kester.
vii Clinton, m. Ella Stark,
viii William, m. Jane Robbins (no relation).
ix Desdemonia, m. William Schuyler.
X Cassandana, m. Henry Battin ; lived in Scranton,
90 JoN'ATHAN Stevens* (Thomas*, Zebulon*,
Thomas*, Henry*) was born Dec. 31, 1798. He married
in 1824 Elmira Bowman. They lived in Huntingdon,
Pa., until 1837 o^ 1838, when they removed to White-
side Co., 111.
Children :
i Thomas, m., ist, Coe; 2nd, her sister.
ii Nancy, m. Disions O. Coe from N. Y.
iii Marshall, d. unm.
iv John Nelson, m. Ann Patterson.
91 Susannah Stevens' (Thomas*, Zebulon*, Thom-
as', Henry*) was born Jan. 20, 1800. She married in
1823 Charles Edson of Vermont. He died in Dixon, 111.,
in 1873. His widow removed to Siskiyou Co., Cal.
Children :
i Harriett, m. Mr. Eddy of Dixon, 111.
ii Josiah, d. unm.
iii Lucy.
iv Eliphalet, m. in Cal.
V Elizabeth, m. in Cal.
vi Epaphorus, m. Louisa Farewell ; lived in Sterling, 111.
92 Harriet Stevens^ (Thomas*, Zebulon', Thom-
as', Henry*) was born Mar. 7, 1805. She married in
88 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
183 1 Merritt Harrison, a Baptist clergyman. They lived
near Fairmount Springs, Pa.
Children of Merritt and Harriet (Stevens) Harrison:
i Mary, unm., lived in Sterling, 111.
ii De Witt Clinton, d. in hospital in the Civil War.
iii Jonathan, served in 7th Reserve Corps (Penn.) in
Civil War.
iv Isaiah, m. Lottie Lutz.
v Lucy, m. Frederick Lauback.
vi Matilda, m. John Lutz.
vii Lizzie, m. Charles Parkes.
93 Harriet Stevens^ (Jonathan*, Zebulon", Thom-
as\ Henry') was born in 1787, probably at Canaan,
Conn. She lived in Panton, Vt., Warren, Ohio, and
Morris, Grundy Co., 111., where she died. She married
Henry Harris.
Children of Henry and Harriet (Stevens) Harris:
i Augustus, m., Hved and d. (after 1884) in Panton,
Vt. ; no children,
ii Corydon, d. near Vergennes, Vt. ; m. ; no chil.
iii William.
iv Sidney, m. Mary Bronson of Newton Falls, O. ;
was a lawyer at Cincinnati, O. ; moved to 111. and d.
there, leaving one son, Tracy, and two daus.
94 Benjamin Stevens^ (Jonathan*, Zebulon',
Thomas°, Henry') was born in Canaan, Conn., July 20,
1788. He lived in Vergennes, Vt., and Warren, Ohio,
where he died July 31, 1884. He was a cloth-maker and
finisher and a wool carder. He married March 30, 1825,
in Warren, O., Mary Case, daughter of Meshack and
Magdalen (Eckstein) Case. She died April 18, 1874.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
i Benjamin, b. Dec, 1830; d. Feb., 1832.
ii Mary, b. April, 1826; living unm. at Warren,
Benjamin Stevens.
Fifth Generation 89
iii Harriet, b. June 6, 1827; living unm, at War-
ren, O.
206 iv Lucy Wells, b. Sept. 10, 1832; m. March 3,
1857, Gen. Emerson Opdycke.
V Leonard Eckstein, b. May 9, 1834; d. unm.
Oct. 19, 1856.
95 Charles Stevens' (Jonathan*, Zebulon*, Thom-
as^ Henry'), son of Jonathan and Susan (Wells) Ste-
vens, was born Jan. 13, 1793, and died Dec. 2, 1861, at
Warren, O. He married Catharine Sterling of South-
ern Ohio. They resided in Vergennes, Vt., and Warren,
Children :
207 i Thomas, b. Sept. 14, 1819; d. June 13, 1868;
m. Apr. II, 1841, Sarah Nichols.
208 ii Susan, b. Nov. 28, 1820; m. John Madden.
209 iii Charles, b. Apr. 16, 1822; m. Harriet Bene-
dict of Braceville, O.
210 iv Horace, b. Oct. 31, 1829; m. June 9, 1853,
Ann Smith,
v Esther, b. Sept. 15, 1831 ; d. Oct. 20, 1863, at
Des Moines, Iowa; m. Uriah White.
96 Horace Stephens^ (Jonathan*, Zebulon',
Thomas', Henry'), son of Jonathan and Susan (Wells)
Stevens, was born Feb. 2, 1794. He died at Warren,
Ohio, June 12, 1884, and was buried at Newton Falls.
He married Aug. 31, 1819, Aurelia Pier, born in New
York in 1799, died Feb, 14, 1851. Mr. Stevens was a
hatter and a miller. He resided in Panton, Vt., War-
ren, and Newton Falls, Ohio. He and his wife were
Children :
211 i Aurelia Pier, b. Oct. 14, 1820; m., ist, George
Shannon Gilliland May 11, 1842; 2nd, Albert
G. Hall in 1858.
212 ii Mary Benjamin, b. Oct. 25, 1822; m. Ira Lu-
cius Fuller Dec. 10, 1840.
90 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Julia Ann, b. Jan. 7, 1825 ; d. Apr. 19, 1833.
213 iv Laura Amanda, b. May 5, 1827; m. Nov. 9,
1853, Charles Merwin.
V Horace Wells, b. Jan. 31, 1831 ; d. Sept., 1836.
vi Sylvester Pier, b. Sept. 22, 1833; d, Oct. 4,
vii Edward Wells, b. Mar. 18, 1836; d. May 5,
214 viii Frances Augusta, b. June 23, 1838; m. Sept.
I, i860, Lewis Smith.
215 ix Julia Ann, b, Aug. 6, 1840; m. June, 1869,
Adam Snoke; resided in Southern Ind.
97 Richard Stevens' (Richard*, Ebenezer^ Rich-
ard^ Henry") was born at New Marlboro, Mass., Dec.
25, 1772, and died Apr. 8, 1852. He lived in New Marl-
boro. He married, first, Jan. 28, 1796, Betsey Powell of
Great Harrington, born in 1775; second, Roxanna
Coller of New Hartford, born in 1782 ; and, third. Thank-
ful Brigham, Oct. 28, 1827. She died Oct. i, 1845.
Children of Richard and Betsey (Powell) Stevens:
i George, d. Aug. 6, 1866, aged 65 ; unm.
ii Esther, m. Josiah, son of Eben Shelden.
Children of Richard and Roxanna (Coller) Stevens:
iii Betsey, b. July 26, 1807; m. Albert Eggles-
ton ; lived in North East, N. Y. ; had issue,
Richard, Laura, and Albert.
216 iv Albert, b. Nov. 13, 1809; m. Elizabeth Mar-
V Laura, m. May 19, 1847, John L. Dodge.
217 vi Ward, b. Mar. 19, 1823; m. May 19, 1847,
Mary Buck Brigham.
The third wife had no children.
98 Clarissa Stevens' (Richard*, Ebenezer', Rich-
ard', Henry") was born at New Marlboro, Mass., May
5, 1775, and died Dec. 30, 1806. She married Apr. 12,
1794, William Pitt Stevens, son of Samuel of Norfolk,
a descendant of William Stevens of Killingworth, Conn.
Fifth Generation 91
Children of William P. and Clarissa (Stevens) Ste-
vens :
i Clarissa, b. Nov. 2"], 1795; d. Nov. i, 1837.
ii Nancy, b. Sept. i, 1797; d. Aug. 22, 1834.
iii Cortez, b. Aug. 24, 1799; d. Mar. 5, 1835.
iv Campbell, b. Aug. 11, 1801 ; d. Sept. 4, 1818.
V Albert, b. Dec. 19, 1803 ; d. Aug. 4, 1808.
vi Roxanna, b. Mar. 8, 1806; d. Sept. 14, 1856.
William Pitt Stevens married, second, May 22, 1809,
Lydia Demming of Sadisfield, Mass., and removed to
Brunswick, O.
99 Edward Stevens" (Richard*, Ebenezer', Rich-
ard\ Henry') was born at New Marlboro, Mass., Apr.
18, 1778. He married Eunice Robbins of Sadisfield,
Mass., born Feb. 4, 1784. Mr. Stevens died Sept. 15,
Children :
i Camilla, b. June 22, 1802; d. Apr. 19, 1870.
218 ii Edward Robbins, b. Jan. 16, 1804; m. Catha-
rine S. Yale Aug. 21, 1844.
219 iii Robbins E., m. Dec. 21, 1831, Betsey Wheeler.
220 iv Henry Ward, b. Nov. 6, 1809; m. Jane Wo-
V William Henry, b. Apr. 22, 1812; d. May,
1837, in New Orleans, La.
221 vi John Coke, b. May 2, 1815; m. Oct. 2, 1839,
Caroline Brewer,
vii Mary, b. Apr. 22, 1818; unm.
viii George Harmon, b. Aug. 19, 1824; d. Feb. 18,
ix Eunice Robbins, b. Jan. 16, 1826; m. Dr. J.
Converse Rising; d. Apr. 19, 1892.
222 X Charles J., b. Dec. 5, 1828; m. Nov. 25, 1857,
Miranda Shelden.
100 Calvin Stevens'" (Richard*, Ebenezer^ Rich-
ard°, Henry'), son of Richard and Esther Stevens, was
born in New Marlborough, Mass., Feb. 14, 1788, and
92 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
died in Newark, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1853. He married Apr.
27, 181 5, Betsey Spaulding of Sheffield, born Apr. 6,
1792. They resided in New Marlborough until a short
time before his death, when they removed to Newark,
N. Y.
Child :
i Calvin Ward, b. Feb. 3, 1816; d. Mar. 15, 1819.
loi Rev. Dillon Stevens" (Rev. Ebenezer*, Eben-
ezer\ Richard\ Henry') was born in Hancock, Berk-
shire County, Mass., April 6, 1794. In his twenty-fifth
year he united with the M. E. Church, and began preach-
ing in 1822 in the N. Y. Conference. He served the
following charges : Brandon, Vt., Highgate, Vt., Peru,
Mass, Halfmoon, Johnstown, Saratoga Circuit, Green-
bush, Sand Lake, and Williamstown, Mass., and Glov-
ersville, N. Y. He took a supernumerary relation in
1846, and made Gloversville his home until his death,
Jan. 10, 1861. He left a wife and daughter. See Min-
utes of Troy Conference M. E. Church for 1861, Page
102 Elizabeth Stevens'^ (John*, Ebenezer*, Rich-
a^d^ Henry') was born in Sandlake (then a part of
Greenbush, N. Y.), Jan. 3, 1786. She married John
Upham and always lived in Sandlake.
Children of John and Elizabeth (Stevens) Upham:
i Sarah Ette, b. Jan. 5, 1804; m. Ira Whitaker; had
children, Mary, who m. Joseph Forney of Ala.,
Lydia Ann, who m. I. Shelden Read, John Walter,
who m. Julia Allen, and Matilda, d. unm.
ii Dorsey, b. Apr. 2, 1806; m. Teresa Town, and had
children, Louisa, who m. Asa Wheeler of Stephen-
town, and Sarah, who m. Albert Stickles of Glen-
iii Mary, b. Mar. 24, 1808; d. unm.
iv John Stevens, b. June 19, 1812; m. Eunice Culver;
settled in 111. ; had daus. Elizabeth, Alice, and Fran-
Fifth Generation 93
V James P., b. Sept. 24, 1814; d. unm,
vi Nathan Gillett, b. Feb. 16, 1817; m. Mary A. Mbc-
ter; had dau., Matilda, who m. Newton Reynolds.
vii James Harris, b. Mar. 26, 1820; m., ist, Catharine
Mount; 2nd, Millicent Rugg; lives in Delevan, 111.
viii Hannah Maria, b. Apr. 10, 1825; m. Philotes Clark;
residence, 111. ; daus., Mary Elizabeth and Lydia.
ix Morgan S., b. Mar. 14, 1829; m. Mary Weed.
103 Nathan Stevens' (John*, Ebenezer', Rich-
ard', Henry") was born May 31, 1788, at Sandlake, N. Y.
He married Eliza Robbins, born Dec. 25, 1793, the
daughter of Rev. Robert Robbins of Westchester, Conn.
They lived in Litchfield, Mich., and later removed to
Children :
i Nathan.
ii Harris,
iii Henry,
iv Harmon.
v Eliza,
vi Camilla,
vii Mary.
viii Sarah.
104 Mary Stevens^ (John*, Ebenezer*, Richard',
Henry') was born at Sandlake, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1790.
She married Jesse Barber.
Children of Jesse and Mary (Stevens) Barber:
i John S., m. Jane Knickerbocker; had children, Rob-
ert, Edward, Imogene, and Frederick,
ii Hamilton, unm.
iii Benjamin Franklin, m. Mary A. Meeker; had chil-
dren, Benjamin F., Jr., Hamilton, Lorenzo, Mary
Elizabeth, and Ella F. ; lived in New York,
iv Eliza, d. young.
V Charles Mason, m. Catharine Arnoux; had son,
94 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
vi Moses, m. Louisa Stokes ; had children, Charles H.
and John H. ; lived in Buffalo, N. Y,
vii Mary Elizabeth, m. Asa D. Philips ; lived in New
York ; had one son, John, who d. unm.
105 John Stevens^ (John*, Ebenezer', Richard',
Henry") was born at Sandlake, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1795.
He married three times : first, Polly Delemater ; second,
Esther Wing; third, Sally. He lived in Western N. Y.
and later removed to Trenton, Clinton Co., 111., where
he was living in 1858.
Child of John and Polly (Delemater) Stevens:
i Eliza, m. Mr. Simpson.
Child of John and Esther (Wing) Stevens:
ii Frederick.
106 Charles Mason Stevens' (John*, Ebenezer',
Richard", Henry') was born Oct. 5, 1797, at Sandlake
(formerly a part of Greenbush), Rensselaer Co., N. Y.
He was a merchant in Troy. N. Y., and afterward in :
Grafton, N. Y. He married June i, 1822, Mary Smith i
of Grafton, born Mar. 18, 1803, the daughter of Col. ;
William Smith. They removed in 1856 to Round Grove, !
Iowa, where he died Oct. 21, 1869. His widow died '
Feb. 26, 1877. k
Children : |
223 i Elizabeth, b. Mar. 13, 1823; m. James Max- i
son Lamb July 30, 1840.
224 ii Harriet, b. Apr. 8, 1827; m. Aug. 31, 1844, ■.
Henry Morrison Enos. I
225 iii Morgan, b. Mar. 16, 1829; m. May 11, 1859, I
Lydia J. Burt. i
107 Pamelia Stevens' (John*, Ebenezer', Rich- ;
ard^ Henry") was born at Sandlake, N. Y., Apr, 18,
1800. She married Oliver Rogers. She died in July,
Children of Oliver and Pamelia (Stevens) Rogers:
i Edward.
Fifth Generation 95
ii Samantha.
iii Eliza.
iv Harriet, m. George Blake ; had one son, Jasper.
V Halsey.
108 Ebenezer Stevens' (John*, Ebenezer', Rich-
ard", Henry") was born at Sandlake, N. Y., June 10,
1802. He lived for some years with his uncle, Richard
Stevens, in New Marlboro, Mass. Later he settled in
Grafton, N. Y., where he married July 5, 1827, Mary
Worthington, born at Grafton, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1803, the
daughter of John and Lovisa (Robinson) Worthington.
Ebenezer Stevens was a farmer and lumberman. He
represented his town in the Board of Supervisors for
several terms. He died Dec. 21, 1883. She died May
26, 1888.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were active members of the
Christian Church at Petersburgh, N. Y., to which place
they removed from Grafton, and they were buried in the
New Cemetery at South Petersburgh.
Children :
226 i John Worthington, b. Aug. 4, 1828; m. June
26, 1850, Maria S. Waite.
ii Calvin, b. Jan. 12, 1830; was a merchant in
New York; d. at New York June 30, 1891 ;
m. Oct. 28, 1850, Mary Frances Clark, b. Mar.
I, 1830; had one dau., Florence Adelah, b. at
Grafton Oct. 25, 1852, d. at New York Aug.
3, 1891.
227 iii Henry Ebenezer, b. July 15, 1834; m. Dec. 24,
1856, Mary Jane Davison,
iv Mary Antoinette, b. Apr. 14, 1838; d. Mar. 21,
1852; buried at Petersburgh.
228 V Plowdon, b. May 2, 1840; m. Nov. 20, 1865,
Laura McEwen.
vi Helen Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1844; d. Aug. 7,
1896; m. Oct. 3, 1867, Isaac Bevier; had one
son, John Stevens, who d. Nov. 11, 1890.
109 Truman Stephens" (James*, Henry', Henry',
96 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Henry*) was born at Canaan, Conn., July 21, 1770. He
married Lydia Johnson. They removed from Canaan
to Warsaw, N. Y.
Children :
i Almon, m. Tammy Blockner.
ii Henry, m. Rebecca Lewis,
iii Arva.
iv Lydia, m. Peter Young.
no Sarah Stephens^ (James*, Henry*, Henry',
Henry') was born in Canaan, Conn., Nov. 15, 1774. She
married Feb. 11, 1796, Nathaniel Lawrence, Jr., and died
at Canaan Apr. 15, 1841. .
Children (Canaan Records) :
i Albert, b. Dec. 23, 1797.
ii Lyman, b. Sept. 25, 1801. i
iii Phebe, b. Sept. 20, 1810. I
111 Ezra Stephens" (Henry*, Henry', Henry',
Henry') was born at Canaan, Conn., May 20, 1782. He
married Aug. 5, 181 1, Wealthy Williams, born May 10,
1791, daughter of James Williams. They lived in Canaan,
where Mr. Stephens died June 4, 1850, and Mrs. Ste-
phens Jan. 15, 1864, aged 72 years, 8 months.
Children :
229 i George Williams, b. Aug. 16, 1816; m. Sept.
17, 1839, Mary Spaulding.
ii Wealthy Ann, b. May 19, 1821 ; d. Sept. 8,
1888; m. June 8, 1849, Martin Luther Gleason,
who d. at Alfred, Mass., Apr. 13, 1891, aged
74 years. |
112 Jedediah Stephens' (Jared*, Simeon', Hen-
ry*, Henry') was born at Stonington, Conn., Apr. 18,
1770. (Town Records). He was a farmer and lived at
Knox, N. Y. He married Mercy Burlingame, who died
about 1841. Mr. Stephens died July 7, 1857, and was
buried in the Tripp family burial grounds at Duanes-
burgh, N. Y.
1859, Char-
lotte S. Rutty.
V Charles M., b. Nov. 12, 1842; m. Feb. 9, 1862, Ara-
bella M. Mace.
vi Anna E., b. Mar. 3, 1846; d. young.
144 Uriah Upson* (Sarah Stephens^ Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry^) was probably born in the Wyo-
ming Valley. He settled in Canisteo, N. Y., and mar-
ried Mrs. Meribah (Dyke) Bishop, a widow.
Children of Uriah and Meribah (Dyke) Upson:
i Cynthia, m. Thomas Comfort,
ii Willis, m. Eliza Jamison ; had son, John,
iii Erastus, m. and removed to Chautauqua Co.,
N. Y.
iv William, m. Lucinda Willson.
287 V Silva, m. Jedediah H. M. Stephens (280).
288 vi Rosiana, b. Apr. 24, 1808; m. Feb. 24, 1835,
Carlton H. Stephens (308).
289 vii Calvin, b. July 10, 181 1; m. Jan. 23, 1834,
Elizabeth Stephens (309).
290 viii Phoebe, m. Mordacai H. Stephens Feb. 26,
1834 (176).
291 ix Daniel, m. Fanny Stephens, dau. of Elias.
292 X Helen, m. Phineas O. Stephens (310).
145 Elizabeth Upson' (Sarah Stephens', Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas*, Henry^) was born in the Wyoming
Valley. She married John Stearns, and settled in Can-
isteo, N. Y. Mr. Stearns was in the Revolutionary War.
He was an extensive cattle dealer and drover. Mr. and
Mrs. Stearns were buried in the old settlers' burial
ground at Canisteo.
Child of John and Elizabeth (Upson) Stearns:
293 i Elizabeth, b. Apr. 26, 1797; m. John D.
j Jamison July 9, 1826.
146 William Bennett' (Sarah Stephens', Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry^) was bom Feb. 17, 1782. He
no Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
settled in Howard, N. Y., and married Mary Van
Scooter, bom in Aug., 1787.
Children of William and Mary (Van Scooter) Ben-
294 i Sarah, b. Apr. 30, 1807; m. May 21, 1829,
Elisha G. Stephens (279).
295 ii Pamelia, m. William Jamison.
iii Martha, m. Hiram C. Whitwood.
296 iv Thomas, m. Angelina Jamison.
V James, d. imm.
297 vi Alonzo, b. Oct. 25, 1818; m. Jan. 21, 1838,
Christina M. Stephens (319).
vii William Wallace, m. Minerva Harding,
viii Nelson, m. Sarah Guyon.
ix Mary Jane, m. Benjamin Richey.
X Adaline, m. John Newman.
147 Major Thomas Bennett' (Sarah Stephens',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was the second son of
Solomon and Sarah (Stephens) Bennett, and he was
born Sept. 22, 1784, at Springfield, Luzern Co., Pa. He
lived at Canisteo, Howard, and Hornellsville, N. Y. He
was a farmer and was a member of the Methodist
Church. Major Bennett died at Hornell June 3, 1856,
and was buried in the Hope Cemetery. He married Syl-
via or Sylvina Rood, who was probably a daughter of
Elijah Rood, formerly of Canaan, Conn. She was born
at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Mar. 26, 1790.
Children of Thomas and Sylvia or Sylvina (Rood)
Bennett :
297a i Marinda. b. Dec. 19, 1806; d. Sept. 29, 1878;
m. Mar. 29, 1827, Amos Caldwell.
298 ii William, b. Aug. 8, 1808: d. Apr. 23, 1870;
m. Mar. 18, 1832, Martha Ann Stephens
(175), the widow of Philip Lee.
iii Christopher, b. Dec. -23, 1810; d. Jan. 2^, 1811.
iv David, b. June 17, 1812; d. Apr., 1826.
V Thankful S., b. June. 1814; d. June, 1814.
Sixth Generation hi
Hiram, b. Sept. i, 1815; d. Dec. 8, 1883; m.
May I, 1850, Eliza Doty.
Elias, b. Mar. 12, 1818; d. Dec. 21, 1895; m.
Mar. 3, 1851, Sarah M. Johnston.
Nelson, b. June 30, 1820; d. May, 1821.
Andrew, b. Feb., 1822 ; d. Feb., 1824.
Maria, b. Oct. 23, 1824; d. July i, 1906; m.
June 16, 1847, William S. Ayres.
298d xii Thomas, b. July 28, 1826; d. Aug. 19, 1893;
m.. 1st, Mary McKurg; 2nd, Frances C. W.
298e xiii Ira R., b. Sept., 1828; d. Sept. 25, 1898; m.
June 20, 1868, Mary Ann Vandermark.
298f xiv Sylvia, b. June 12, 1830; d. Apr. 7, 1900; m.
Sept. 5, 1850, Samuel Alley.
298g XV George D., b. Apr. i, 1833; d. Aug. 16, 1864;
m. May, 1854, Zoa Black.
148 Col. John R. Stephens* (Uriah*, Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry") was born at Athens, Pa., Mar.
4, 1786. He lived in Hornellsville, N. Y., and was a
farmer and large land owner. He was the first Clerk of
the town, and was. also, Supervisor, Collector, Justice of
the Peace, and Colonel of Militia. He was a prominent
Mason. He died July 26, 1861. He married Rebecca
Jones, who died in Jan., 1869.
Children :
i Vincent.
299 ii Delevan, b. Mar. 16, 1812; m. July 4, 1854,
Amy Robinson.
j iii Marietta, m. Alfred Horton ; had issue, Eliza-
beth and Ceny.
300 iv Louisianna, m. Morrison Harding (268).
v Cyrena, b. Aug. 27, 1820; d. July 5, 1887; m.
June 25. 1850, Silas Ferry, a merchant, b. at
Almond, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1820; d. Dec. 9, 1886,
son of John and Angeline (Osgood) Ferry;
one son, Adelbert, a lawyer of Hornell, N. Y.
112 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
149 Sally Stephens' (Uriah^ Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas^ Henry') was born at Canisteo, N, Y., Nov. 15,
1787, and died at Belfast, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1858. She
married in 1807 John Ayers, born in Sussex Co., N. J.,
Sept. 18, 1781. He died at Belfast, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1864.
They lived in Angelica, N. Y. Mr. Ayers w^as a son of
Obediah and Anna Ayers.
Children of John and Sally (Stephens) Ayers:
i Victor,
ii Ezekiel.
iii Uriah, b. Jan. 24, 1815; d. Nov. 5, 1865; m. Jan. i,
1852, Maryette Frace.
iv Willson, b. Apr. i, 1817; d. Feb. 12, 1892; m. Jan.
26, 1839, Electa Frace.
V Carlton, b. Feb. 20, 1821 ; m. Latetia Arault.
vi Sally Ann, b. Dec. 10, 1826; d. Aug. 12, 1908; m.
James Whelan.
150 Anna Stephens' (Uriah', Uriah', Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y. She
married, first, James Abbott, and, second, Bazy Baker.
She lived in Canisteo and Hornell, N. Y.
Children of James and Anna (Stephens) Abbott:
i James, b. at Canisteo, N. Y. ; m. Rachel Van
Horn ; lived in Mauch Chunk, Pa. ; was a Civil
Engineer; had issue, Harriet, James, Hewet,
Butlar, and Emma.
301 ii Harriet, b. Jan. 23, 1808; m. in 1839 John
For children of the second marriage see No. 131.
151 Mary Stephens' (Uriah', Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born Feb. 2'], 1792, at Canisteo,
N. Y., and died in Oct., 1858. She married Silas Corey,
who was accidentally killed in Illinois in Jan., 1841. He
was a son of John and Phebe Corey.
Children of Silas and Mary (Stephens) Corey:
i John.
302 ii Howard, b. May 6, 1817; m. Feb. 6, 1841,
Sixth Generation 113
Martha Jane Knowlton ; removed to Salt Lake
City, Utah.
iii WilHam, d. in Mexican War.
iv Anzilla, m. Mr. Denzenburg.
V Uriah, d. in California in 1853.
vi Sarah Ann, m. Mr. Griffin, removed from
Nauvoo, 111., to Salt Lake City ; arrived there
in 1849 ^"d d. from exposure on the journey,
vii Phoebe, m. in 1835 Mr. Knapp.
viii Maryetta, b. Jan. 31, 1829; m., ist, Wallace
Henderson (a Mormon) ; 2nd, Reuben P.
Smith (a Gentile) ; wrote a history of her life
among the Mormons.
ix Elizabeth, m. in 1854 Richard Cordon (a Mor-
X George.
153 Mathew Stephens' (Uriah', Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Feb. 13,
1801, and died Oct. 20, 1876. He was a farmer, and
lived in Canisteo and Hornell, N. Y. He was a Metho-
dist. June 8, 1821. he married Marinda, daughter of
Adam Lewis. She died Sept. 12, 1888.
Children :
303 i Pamelia, b. Mar. 21, 1822; m. John H. Con-
salus June 21, 1840.
304 ii Maryette, b. May 20, 1829; m. Dec. 3, 1846,
John Baker (271).
iii A son, d. in infancy,
iv A son, d. in infancy.
154 George H. Stephens' (Uriah', Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas*, Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., June 19,
1803, and died there Jan. 10, 1888. He married Sept. 5,
1825, Hariet Baker, born Sept. 6, 1802, and died June 20,
1888. She was a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth
(Allen) Baker. Mr. Stephens was a farmer, and lived
on the farm settled upon by his father, Uriah Stephens,
on the Canisteo River. He was Town Assessor for fif-
114 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
teen years. Both he and his wife were Methodists. They
were buried in the Stephens Cemetery, Canisteo, N. Y.
Children :
305 i Georg-e, b. July 23, 1826; m., ist, July 19,
1849, Julia Wright; 2nd, July 28, 1858, Nancy
306 ii Caleb, b. Aug. 25, 1828; m. May 12, 1850,
Lydia Hare,
iii Pauline, b. May i, 1830; d. Aug. 13, 1857.
iv Shirene, b. May 26, 1832 ; unm.
V EHzabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1834; d. Apr. 6, 1875.
vi Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1836; d. Feb. 28, 1904.
vii Rhoda, b. Sept. 21, 1838; d. May 4, 1863.
viii Henrietta, b. July 28, 1840; m. Dec. 30, 1868,
Edwin Foster.
307 ix Mathew, b. June 13, 1844; m. July 4, 1879,
Susan E. Fuller.
156 Uriah F. Stephens' (Col. John", Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born Jan. 3, 1792, and
died June 26, 1848. He married Hannah, a daughter of
Charles Moore. They lived in Greenwood, N. Y. Mr.
Stephens was Assessor at the first election held in Green-
wood Mar. 6, 1827.
Children :
308 i Carlton H., b. Nov. 27, 181 1; m. Feb. 24,
1835, Rosiana Upson (288),
309 ii Elizabeth, b. Jan. 19, 1814; m. Jan. 23, 1834,
Calvin Upson (289).
310 iii Phineas O., b. July 17, 1817; m., ist, Helen
Upson (292 ; 2nd, Oct. 26, 1842, Cynthia Eliza
Trainor (415a).
311 iv Amelia M., b. June 24, 1820; m. Mar. 25,
1838. Obediah Stephens (174).
312 V Sarah Rebecca, b. Sept. 8. 1826; m. Dec. 28,-
1848, William M. Hendershott.
vi Olive Arrilla. b. Mar. 10, 1829; m. June 17,
1850. David Woolover, b. June 5, 1822, at
Moorland, Pa. ; no ch. i
Sixth Generation 115
vii Marion F., unm.
313 viii John Q., b. 1832; m. Shirene Jones Dec. 10,
1858 (441).
157-139 Phineas Stephens' (Col. John', Uriah',
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Apr. 8, 1794. He was a farmer, Hved in Canisteo and
Greenwood, N. Y., and was a member of the Univer-
saHst Church. He married in 1818 Hila Stephens"
(Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry'), born at Canis-
teo, N. Y., in 1796. She died Nov. 22, 1871, and was
buried at Baker's Farm, Canisteo. Mr. Stephens died in
1825, and his widow married, second, Jeremiah Baker*
(Anna Stephens*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry'). For the
;. issue of this marriage see Baker family.
Children of Phineas and Hila Stephens:
314 i Edwin R., b. Apr. 8, 1819; m. July 4, 1850,
Nancy Putnam.
315 ii Julia' Melissa, b. 182 1 ; m. Hector C. Baker
316 ni Rachel, b. 1823; m. Oct. i, 1840, John Santee.
,. ; 317 iv James Harvey, b. Dec. 8, 1825; m., ist, in
1848 Rebecca Stephens (344) ; 2nd, Apr. 14,
1852, Ambrosia Davis.
158 Elias Stephens' (Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah'.
Thomas'. Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Sept.
26, 1796. He died there Apr. 12, 1878, and was buried
in Hallets Cemetery. He married Dec. 25, 18 16, Amy
Hopper, born at Angelica, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1794, the
daughter of Cornelius and Hannah (Rockwell) Hopper.
She was a member of the Christian Church. She died
Oct. 9, 1859. Mr. Stephens was Town Supervisor and
Justice of the Peace for several years. He was com-
monly known as "Esquire Elias." He was a farmer and
, tavern-keeper, and was prominent in Masonry, being:
■ "Sir Knight" in 1854.
Children :
318 i Abram Minier, b. Sept. 17, 1817; m., ist, Feb.
Ii6 Stephpns-Stevens Genealogy
29, 1840, Margaret Geer; 2nd, Mar. 17, 1882,
Mrs. Jane Geer.
ii Fanny T., b. Nov. 10, 1819; d. Dec. 10, 1900;
m., 1st, Apr. 20, 1837, Daniel Upson; 2nd, Lo-
renzo Crosby of Jasper, N. Y. ; no children.
319 iii Christina M., b. July 16, 1822; m. Jan. 21,
1838, Alonzo Bennett (297).
320 iv Hannah H., b. Sept. 16, 1827; m. Nov. 13,
1845, Charles C. Rose.
321 V Archibold A., b. i\lar. 21, 1830; m. Sept. 21,
1854, Justina Otto.
322 vi Ada, b. July 29, 1832 ; m. June 20, 1848, Jo-
seph Brown.
vii Samuel Olin, b. Oct. 6, 1839; ^- ^^^y i, 1862,
while attending school at Rogersville, N. Y.
159 John H. Stephens' (Col. John^ Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Feb. 16, 1799, and died May 2, 1882. He married Mar.
30, 1819, Sarah Yaple, born in Candor, N. Y., Oct. 6,
1801, and died Oct. 22. 1881. She was the daughter of
Jacob and Elizabeth (Hindpaugh) Yaple. Mr. Stephens
was a pioneer farmer of Greenwood, N. Y. He was a
member of the Universalist Church.
Children :
i Cordelia, b. Jan. 7, 1820; m. Charles Coston.
323 ii Harriet, b. May 20, 1822 ; m. William Young,
iii Martha Ann, b. Oct. 16, 1824; d. 1901 ; m.
William Richmond ; no issue,
iv Catherine, b. May 4, 1827; m. William King;
d. Apr. 2, 1892.
v Cynthia, b. Mar. 20, 1829; m. Eber Warfield.
324 vi Susan, b. July 4, 1831 ; m. Adam Foster,
vii Steward, b. Feb. 7, 1833 ; d. Sept. 8, 1834.
viii Franklin, b. Mar. 25, 1835 ; d. May 22, 1836.
ix Melissa, b. Nov. 12, 1837; m. Albert King.
325 X John Jerome, b. Mar. 28, 1839; ^- Jwliett
Streeter July 4, i860.
Sixth Generation 117
326 xi Martin Van Buren, b. Feb. 28, 1841 ; m. Oct.
5, 1863, Elizabeth Bell,
xii Isadora B., b. July 10, 1844; m. James E.
160 Alexander H. Stephens' (Col. John^, Uriah*,
Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Sept. 8, 1801. He married Jan. 20, 1829, Mary M.
Davis, born at Charlestown, Mass., in 1810, the daughter
of Levi Davis and Mary Spurr, who was of Canton,
Mass. Mr. Stephens was a farmer, and owner of a
saw and grist mill. He represented the town of Green-
wood in the Board of Supervisors for several years, and
in 1848 his Assembly in the State Legislature. Mr. and
Mrs. Stephens helped to organize the Universalist
Church of Greenwood. Mrs. Stephens died Sept. 9,
1866, and Mr. Stephens Apr. 4, 1879. Both were buried
in Greenwood.
Children :
327 i Redmond D., b. Nov. 2, 1829; m. Oct. 7, 1857,
Louisa Brier.
328 ii Mary May, b. Dec. 24, 1832; m. Nov. 11,
185 1, Joseph B. Woodbury, b. Oct. 21, 1826.
iii Charlotte, b. Nov. 5, 1837; m. Oct. 22, 1862,
Amos W. Crandall.
iv Merritt A., b. Jan. 19, 1844; d. Mar. 29, 1847.
V Sabra, b. Mar. 14, 1852; m, Apr. 11, 1871,
William G. Porter.
161 Daniel McHenry Stephens' (Col. John^
Uriah', Urialf, Thomas^ Henrv^) was born at Canisteo,
N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1806, and died' Oct. 18, 1886. He mar-
ried June 21, 1830, Ada Chapman, born Nov. 24, 1811,
died I\Iay 29, 1899. He was a farmer, and resided at
Greenwood, N. Y.
Children :
329 i Elias, b. July 29, 1831 ; m. May 6, 1858,
Amelia Crevy. dau. of John.
330 ii Daniel, b. May 31, 1833; m. Sarah Childs.
ii8 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Cornelia, b. Apr. ii, 1836.
iv Newell, b. Jan. 26, 1839; d. Jan. 28, 1845.
V Lee, b. Aug. 19, 1841 ; was in 189th Regt., N.
Y. v., in Civil War.
331 vi Cassius M. Clay, b. July 10, 1844; m. July 4,
1868, Helen M. Wilber.
vii Permelia, b. Jan. 22, 1847.
viii Eudora, b. Nov. 14, 1849; d. Sept. 21, 1851.
162 Pamelia Stephens' (Col. John^, Uriah*,
Uriah\ Thomas^ Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Apr. 19, 1810, and died Apr. 25, 1892. She married
Samuel Olin, born at Banbridge, N. Y., July i, 1799,
and died at Hornell Mar. 30, 1869. They were buried at
Greenwood. Mr. Olin was a physician.
Children of Samuel and Pamelia (Stephens) Olin:
i Marcello, b. June 3, 1834; d. Dec. 28, 1894;
m. Oct. 31, 1855, Eunice Webb; children: (i)
May, b. Feb., 1870; m. Mr. Snyder; (2)
Clarry, b. Feb., 1864; m. Mr. Miller; (3 and
4) two little boys drowned while living South,
ii Vrunetta, b. Nov. 24, 1831 ; m. May 25, 1853,
Jedediah M. Baker, son of Jeremiah and Hila
(Stephens) Baker.
332 iii Marshall, b. Oct. 26, 1839; m. July 3, 1862,
Mary Stephens (496).
iv Sabrina, an adopted dau. ; m. Rev. Mr. Cor-
nell, a Baptist clergyman.
163 Alla H. Stephens' (Phineas' Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas*, Henry^), son of Phineas and Mary (Clark)
Stephens of Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., married Mary Ann
Stevens* (Elijah^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas*, Henry^).
Children :
i Phineas, m. Sloat.
ii Henry, killed in Civil War.
iii Alla H., m. Hariet Japhet.
iv Enos, drowned at Canisteo, N. Y.
Sixth Generation 119
164 Erastus Stephens' (Elias', Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornellsville, N. Y., June
17, 1800, and died Apr. 9, 1877. He married Mary Mc-
Intyre, born at Geneseo, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1803, died Apr.
16, 1846. Mr. Stephens was a farmer. He lived in Hor-
Children :
333 i James B., b. June i, 1824; m. Nov. 15, 1846,
Celina Copeland.
334 ii Catharine, b. May 22, 1826; m. Oct. 13, 1844,
John Carter,
iii Anna, b. Aug. 30, 1828; d. Mar. 14, 1843.
335 iv Orris, b. Jan. 23, 1831 ; m. Oct. i, 1854, Mor-
ris Tuller.
V Erwin, b. Oct. 15, 1833; d. Apr. 8, 1852.
vi Elias, b. May 12, 1836; d. Apr. 16, 1837.
vii Vienna, b. Dec. 15, 1838; d. Apr. 18, 1841.
viii Emerette, b. June 15, 1841 ; d. Aug. 8, 1903;
m. John A. Smith.
336 ix Alzina, b. Apr. 6, 1844; m. Apr. 10, 1864,
William T. Cross.
164a Elizabeth Stephens' (Elias^ Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas*, Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 25,
1793. She married Mar. 12, 1812, Ezekiel Ayres. He
kept a hotel and was a farmer. He served in the War of
1812, and died in Arkport, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres
lived in Angelica and Hornellsville, N. Y.
Children of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Stephens) Ayres:
i Elias, b. June 8, 1813; d. Feb. 14, 1873; m. June 8,
1837, Loretta Jones; had issue: (i) Omer H., b.
at Arkport, N. Y., July 30, 1857; m. Oct. 28, 1879,
Minnie J. Ostrom, and had Charles Omer, b. Dec.
28, 1884; (2) Carrie B., b. Apr. i, 1862, at Ark-
port, m. Oct. 18, 1882, Fred Shaut, who d. May 24,
1906, and had issue, Mabel, b. Nov. 8, 1885, and
Edwin Joseph, b. May 10, 1888, who m. Dec. 25,
1908, Mae L. Davis,
ii Mary Ann, b. Jan. 11, 1815; m. Treat.
120 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Erastus S., b. Nov. 3, 1817; m, Martha Allen.
iv Jemima, b. Apr. 30, 1821, at Angelica, N. Y. ; d.
Aug. 31, 1907; m. May i, 1849, Samuel D. Pitts;
lived in Hornellsville, N. Y. ; she and her husband
V William S., b. May 21, 1823; m. Mariah Bennett,
vi John J., b. May 19, 1826.
vii Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1829; unm.
viii Ezekiel B., b. Oct. 21, 1832; unm.
164b Minerva Stephens' (Elias°, Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas', Henry^) married John Fairbanks.
Children of John and Minerva (Stephens) Fairbanks:
i Carlton, m. Hait.
ii Mariah.
iii Edwin,
iv Prescilla, m. Frace.
165 Nathan Stephens' (EHjah', Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas", Henry^) was born at Hornellsville, N. Y., Aug.
20, 1798, and died in Brighton, Cal., Jan. 25, 1875. He
married Alba Lucinda Bostwick. born in New Fairfield,
Conn., Apr. 7, 1798, and died in Peoria, 111., Oct. 4, 1841.
Mr. Stephens removed with his family to Canton, 111., in
1836, where he lived a short time, going thence to Pe- j
oria, 111. In 1849 ^^ removed overland to California, Ad
in 1850 settled in Brighton, Cal. He was a member of
the California Pioneers and a prominent Mason. He |
was a horticulturist.
Children :
i Jane Eliza, b. June 15, 1819; d. Nov. 8, 1908.
ii Rebecca, b. Feb. i, 1821 ; d. Feb. 14, 1892.
336a iii Jerome, b. Sept. 29, 1823; d. Nov. 28, 1889. j
iv Truman, b. Feb. 16, 1830; d. Sept. 25, 1841.
336b V Abigail Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1832 ; d. Aug. 18,
1907. ■ I
337 vi Russell Day, b. Apr. 14, 1837; m. Dec. 21,
1881, Adelaide M. Duggan.
vii Electa Ann, b. Feb. 7, 1841 ; d. Aug. 7, 1867.
Sixth Generation 121
166 Benjamin Stephens" (Elijah', Uriah*, Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornellsville, N. Y., in
1800, and died in 1835. He married Arthusa Hamilton,
born in 1800, and died in 1840. She was a daughter of
Alexander Hamilton of Howard, a Revolutionary sol-
dier and pensioner.
Children :
338 i Alanson, b. Dec. 8, 1820; m. in 1841 Catharine
ii Elijah.
iii Daniel.
339 iv Albert Spencer, b. June 10, 1835; m. May 26,
1855, Sarah E. Haag.
340 V Sydney Sylvester, b. May 29, 1836; m. May
26, 1857, Mary J. Sturtevant.
vi Cordelia, b. 1830; d. 1902; m. 1858 Stephen
vii Helen, m. John Haak.
167 Alanson C. Stephens' (Elijah', Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.
He married twice. The surname of his first wife was
Brink. His second wife was Clara Clawson.
Child of Alanson C. Stephens by first marriage :
i A daughter.
Child of Alanson C. and Clara (Clawson) Stephens:
ii Philander.
168 Rebecca Stephens' (Elijah", Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y. She mar-
ried Charles Lefiferts.
Children of Charles and Rebecca (Stephens) LefTerts :
i David, d. young.
341 ii Abigail S., b. Mar. 21, 1827; m. David Ryno.
iii Sarah, b. Mar. 28, 1834; d. Aug., 1908; m.
Llewellyn D. Farnum, M.D. ; had issue, Char-
iv Christina, d. young.
122 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
169 Eliza Stephens' (Elijah*, Uriah', Uriah*,
Thomas*, Henry') was born at Hornell, N. Y. She was
married twice; first, to Bert Bostwick, and, second, to
OHver Dean.
Children of Bert and Eliza (Stephens) Bostwick:
i Harriet, m. Caleb Cornell ; had issue, Ann and
ii Seely, m. and had sons, Oliver and Henry,
iii Bert.
Children of Oliver and Eliza (Stephens) Dean:
iv Miranda, m. Stevens ; no children.
V Julia A., m. David Baker,
vi Abby E., m. Edwin Baker.
341a vii Georgiana, b. Aug. 7, 1838; m. Mar. 16, 1859,
Levi Hosley.
341b viii Mary J., b. May 4, 1841 ; m. Elisha Stillman
May 6, i860,
ix Amelia, m. William Hurd.
171 Abyette Stevens' (Elijah*, Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornellsville, N. Y., in
Aug., 1819, and died June 2, 1889. She married in 1837
Henry Wallace, born at Schenectady, N. Y., Mar. 31,
1818, and died July i, 1900, at Hornell. They were mem-
bers of the Methodist Church and lived at Hornell.
Children of Henry and Abyette (Stephens) Wallace:
i Elanson, d. young.
ii Marcello, d. young.
iii Maranda, b. July. 1851 ; d. Mar. 21, 1909; m. May,
1871, William Johnson.
iv Frederick E., b. Nov. 25, 1857, at Hornell; a con-
ductor on Erie R. R. : a member of the Methodist
Church; m. May 5, 1879, Roena Reed, b. Feb. 6,
i860, at Sparta, dau. of George M. and Catharine
Reed; has issue, Grace M., b. Apr. 21, 1883.
v Newell, b. Feb., i860.
172 Mary Stephens' (William', Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas*, Henry') was bom at Canisteo, N. Y., July 16,
Sixth Generation 123
1799, and died there May 7, 1876. She married Feb. 26,
1826, Charles Moore, who died Oct. 4, 1838.
Children of Charles and Mary (Stephens) Moore:
i Anne, b. Aug. 9, 1830; m, Alfred Mills, b. Nov. 11,
ii Charles, b. June 19, 1836; m. July 16, 1865, at Gales-
burg, 111., Sara Ginerva Gordon, b. at Columbus, O.,
in 1843, dau. of Rev. James and Sara (Cellars) Gor-
don; had issue: (i) Sara G., b. Oct. 2, 1871, who
m. in 1898 Joseph Wilson; (2) Mary, b. Apr. 4,
1875; (3) Charles S., b. Apr. 9, 1877, who m. in
1890 Minnie Coons.
173 Benjamin Stephens' (William*, Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas', Henry^) was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Oct. 28, 1801. He married, first, Jan. 4, 1827, Sarah M.
Russell, born Sept. 16, 1801, and died Aug. 5, 1836. His
second wife, whom he married Mar. 26, 1837, was Lydia
Root, born Aug. 11, 1814, and died Mar. 4, 1904. Mr.
Stephens was a farmer, and resided in Canisteo, N. Y.,
where he died Feb. 7, 1877. He and both of his wives
were buried in Hillside Cemetery, Canisteo.
Children of Benjamin and Sarah M. (Russell) Ste-
phens :
i Timothy R., b. July 7, 1832; unm.
ii James, b. Mar. 29, 1836; unm.
Children of Benjamin and Lydia (Root) Stephens:
iii Arthur B., b. Apr. 17, 1838; d. June 29, 1865.
iv William Eugene, b. Feb. 3, 1840; d. Mar. 21,
342 v Samuel A., b. Dec. 8, 1842; m. Oct. 13, 1886,
Ella B. Dickinson,
vi Sarah A., b. Dec. 8, 1842; m, Oct. 6, 1880,
William S. Rawson, who d. in 1885.
vii Mary G., b. June 10, 1845; m. Nov. 28, 1872,
J. M. Hitchcock; one son, Benjamin S., b.
Aug. I, 1876.
viii Henry W., b. June 8, 1856; d. Apr. 28, 1862.
124 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
1 74-3 1 1 Obediah Stephens* (William", Uriah',
Uriah', Thomas^, Henry^) was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Dec. 9, 1804, and died Jan. 16, 1875. He married, first,
Aug. 24, 1826, Sarah Chapman, born Apr. 11, 1806, and
died Apr. 5, 1837. He married, second. Mar. 25, 1838,
Amelia M. Stephens' (Uriah F.', Col. John^ Uriah',
Uriah', Thomas", Henry^), born Jan. 24, 1820, and died
Nov. 15, 1875. Mr. Stephens was a hotel-keeper. He
served as Justice of the Peace and Supervisor for sev-
eral terms, and represented his district in the State
Legislature in 1854. He was a Universalist, and a prom-
inent Mason. He lived in Canisteo.
Children of Obediah and Sarah (Chapman) Stephens:
343 i Ann, b. Feb. 13, 1827; m. June 4, 1848, Ben-
jamin Sammons.
344 ii Rebecca, b. Mar. 14, 1829; m. June 3, 1847,
James Harvey Stephens (317).
iii Hardy H., b. Sept. 30, 1834; died Dec. 29,
1875; served three years in 141st Regt., N. Y.
Vols., and was with Gen. Sherman in the
March to the Sea.
345 iv Obediah, b. Aug. 14, 1836; m. Oct. 20, i860,
Charlotte Baker.
Children of Obediah and Amelia M. (Stephens) Ste-
phens :
V James C, b. Mar. 29, 1839; d. Mar. 28, 1844.
vi Merrill, b. Nov. 14, 1845; d. Nov. 25, 1845.
vii William Uriah, b. May 29, 1848; d. Sept. 25,
viii Irene E., b. Aug. 14, 1851 ; d. Sept. 28, 1851.
Mr. Stephens and his second wife adopted a daughter,
Ellen E. Bracow, b. Mar. 18, 1864, adopted Oct. 21,
1871, and her name changed to Nellie E. Stephens; m.
William H. Greenhow, editor of the Hornell Evening
175-298 Martha Ann STEPHENs'(William'', Uri-
ah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henr/) was born at Canisteo, N.
Y., June 30, 1807. She married, first, in Nov., 1825, Philip ,
Sixth Generation 125
Lee, and, second. William Bennetf (Thomas', Sarah
Stephens', Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry'), born Aug.
8, 1806, at Hornellsville, N. Y., and died there in 1869.
^Mrs. Bennett was a member of the UniversaHst Church.
She lived in Hornellsville, and died there Apr. 10, 1881.
Children of Philip and Martha A. (Stephens) Lee:
i Wilham, b. Feb. 26, 1827; d. Feb. 18, 1908;
m. Maria Moore.
Children of William and Martha A. (Stephens) Ben-
ii Harmon, b. 1836; d. Dec, 1889.
iii Marshall, b. 1838.
iv Anna, b. June 23, 1840; m. Oct. 20. 1857,
William S. Ayres ; m. Oct. 4, 1875, G. J. Grif-
V Mary, b. June 22. 1843 : m. 1885 John Ferry,
vi Miles, b. 1848; m. 1869 Amelia Bunse.
176-290 MoRDECAi H. Stephens' (Col. William*,
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas'. Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Jan. 13, 1810, and died July 21, 1887. He was a
farmer, and lived on a part of the old homestead in
Canisteo. N. Y. He was a member of the UniversaHst
Church, and was Town Clerk for several years. Feb. 26,
1834, he married Phebe Upson' (Uriah', Sarah Stephens',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry), born Sept. 30, 1814,
and died Oct. 30, 1875.
Children :
i Meribah. b. Mar. 20, 1835; d. Sept. 26, 1896.
ii Janett P., b. Sept. 24, 1839; d. June 17, 1873;
m. Charles Hinkley; had one dau., Myrtie.
346 iii Hiram B., b. July 22, 1841 ; m., ist, Apr. 8,
1863, Angeline A. Hinkley; 2nd, Nov., 1885,
Mary A. Barnes; 3rd, Apr. 8, 1891, Nebraska
Ann Aaron.
! 177 Rebecca Stephens' (William', Uriah*, Uriah*,
Thomas 2', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Sept.
126 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
30, 1812, and died Dec. 20, 1899. She married Seth S. r
Beckwith, and removed to Kansas.
Children of Seth S. and Rebecca (Stephens) Beck-
with :
i Parsadie, m. D. Sprague.
ii Mary, m. Thomas Carrol.
iii Henry, m. Augustine Bennett,
iv Anne.
V Stewart.
vi Anson.
178 William B. Stephens' (William'. Uriah*, : 1
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Apr. 8, 1815; died Dec. 25, 1893, and was buried in :■ li
Hillside Cemetery. He was a farmer. Sept. 4, 1851, BW,
he married Lydia M. Abbe, born at Howard, N. Y., Oct. m,i';
15, 1830, the daughter of Harris and Thankful Abbe, 'mttii
Children : Huil
347 i S. Alice, b. June 2y, 1854; m. Mar. 2, 1880, 1
John Nicholson.
348 ii Adsit B.. b. Sept. i, 1857; •""• May 29, 1880,
Clara B. Knapp. «)
iii Libbie M., b. June 24, i860; d. Aug. 26, 1886;
buried in Hillside Cemetery, Canisteo ; was a
school teacher; a member of the Methodist
Church. i
179 Uriah Stephens' (Col. William", Uriah*/
Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y'.,.|ir
Apr. 26, 1819. He is a farmer. He married, first, Lydia
Beckwith, and, second. Mar. 8, i860, Martha J. Carman.
Children of Uriah and Lydia (Beckwith) Stephens:
i Marshall, b. about 1840; d. about i860,
ii Clayton, b. about 1842.
180 Wealthy Stevens' ( Andre w^ Safford*, An-
drew', Thomas', Henry*) was born at Williston, Vt., Apr.
22, 1795, and died about 1888. She married Dr. Simon
Tubbs, and lived in Essex. Dr. Tubbs died about i860.
They both were members of the Methodist Church.
Sixth Generation 127
Children of Simon and Wealthy (Stevens) Tubbs :
i Hannah, b. Sept.. 1831 ; d. Sept. 23, 1846.
ii Mary, d. about i860 or 1863.
181 H-AROLD Stevens' (Andrew^ Safford*, An-
drew', Thomas', Henry') was born at Williston, Vt.,
July 22, 1797, and died there June 20, 1862. He was a
farmer. He married Clarissa Bliss, who died about 1906.
Children :
i Cornelius, b. 1847; ^- about 1900; m. Doug-
ii Ira B., b. July 13, 1849; ^- 1895; m. Ellen Metcalf.
182 Florilla Stevens* (Andrew\ Safiford', An-
drew', Thomas', Henry') was born at WiUiston, Vt., Oct.
17, 1799. She married Nov. 22, 1821, Freeman Marrs,
born Aug. 4, 1801, the son of Daniel and Martha (Free-
man) Marrs. They settled in Farnham, Quebec, Canada,
where Mr. Marrs died July 28, 1831. His widow lived
in Milton, Vt.. where she died Sept. 13, 1839.
Children of Freeman and Florilla (Stevens) Marrs:
. i W. F., b. July 3, 1822; d. Jan. 12, 1890; m. Mary J.
I ii Elon O., b. Aug. 6, 1827; m. Nov., 1906, Ellen
I Greeley.
183 Ariel Stevens' (Andrew^ SafTord*, Andrew*,
Thomas', Henry') was born at Williston, Vt., Aug. 16,
1803. He was a farmer and a tanner, and was a mem-
ber of the Methodist Church. He married, first, Julia
Martin, born Dec. 12, 1810, who died at Jerico, Vt., July
9, 1844. In June, 1847, ^^ married, second, Eliza Ame
Ellis. He lived in Jerico, Vt., and Stonbridge, Canada.
Children of Ariel and Julia (Martin) Stevens:
i Cyrus Martin, b. Mar. 21, 1832; d. May 29,
1859, at Portsmouth, Ohio,
ii Julia Amelia, b. Apr. 12, 1837; d. Oct. 6, 1902;
m. Nov., 1862, Clark W. Bates.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
349 iii Andrew James, b. June 17, 1842; m. June 3,
1868, Mary Elizabe"th Carter,
iv Phoebe Florilla, b. July 4, 1844.
Child of Ariel and Eliza Ame (Ellis) Stevens:
V Fanny Adelaide, b. Jan. 12, 1854.
184 Caroline Stevens' (Andrew^ Safford*, An-
d^ew^ Thomas", Henry^) was born at Williston, \"t., May
14, 1806. She married Charles Kimball, and lived in
Westford, Vt. She was a member of the Congregational
Children of Charles and Caroline (Stevens) Kimball:
i Wyman, m. Cornelia Stanton,
ii Almira, m. Samuel Hunt.
iii Charles, m. Louvisa Wales,
iv Sarah, m. George Joslin.
v Andrew, m. Martha Brigham.
vi Jane, m. Hiram Jackson,
vii Orville H.
185 Ira Stevens' (Andrew^ Safford*, Andrew',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Williston, Vt., Aug. 17,
1810. and married in 1836 Samantha, daughter of James
and Hannah (Campbell) Martin. He was a tanner and
farmer. He lived in Jerico, removed to Westford in
1855, and represented the town of Westbury in the Legis-
lature in t88o and 1881.
Children :
i George, m. Jennie Nash. ;,
ii Herald, m. Ellen Brigham. ;!
iii Julia.
iv Will, m. Fannie Stevens.
V Carrie A., m. Frank B. Smith; d. Aug. 17, 1883.
186 Hannah Stevens' (Andrew^ Safford*, An-
drew'. Thomas^ Henry') was born at Williston, Vt.. Apr.;
22, 1816. She married Apr. ig, 1838, Benjamin F. '
Marrs, born at Milton, Vt., Mar. 9, 181 1, and died at
Westford, Vt., Apr. 8, 1882. His widow died at Water-
Sixth Geisteration 129
bury Oct. 14, 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Marrs were Metho-
dists. Mr. Marrs was a farmer. He was the son of
Daniel and Martha (Freeman) Marrs.
Children of Benjamin F. and Hannah (Stevens)
Marrs :
350 i Florilla P., b. Sept. 3, 1839; m. June 11, 1863,
James R. Page.
351 ii Julia Ann, b. Nov. 23, 1842; m. Mar. 6, 1861,
Norman A. Bellows.
352 iii Philander F., b. Mar. 19, 1848; m., ist, Apr.
21, 1869, Lucretia Morgan; 2nd, Jan. 3, 1881,
Clara J. Austin.
187 Antoinette Maria Stevens' (Nathaniel*,
Nathaniel*, Andrew', Thomas', Henry'), daughter of
Nathaniel and Betsey Ann (Lawrence) Stevens of East
Canaan, Conn., was 'born Nov. 11, 1837, and died Aug.
25, 1897. She married Mar. 2, 1857, Henry Clark Ste-
vens, son of Jonathan C. and Roxana (Dunham) Ste-
vens of Sheffield. They lived in East Canaan, Conn., on
the old Nathaniel Stevens place. Mrs. Stevens was an
authority on family history and was frequently consulted
by those who were looking up their pedigree. Mr. Ste-
vens was of Scotch descent.
Child :
i Nathaniel S.. b. Mar. 9, 1859.
i 188 Jared Stevens* (Joseph', Joseph*, Samuef,
Thomas*, Henrv") was born at Sangerfield, N. Y., Sept.
10, 1795, and died Feb. 4, 1867. He married, first, Sept.
28, 181 9, Hannah Huit, born July 25, 1797, and died
j June 25, 1830. His second wife was Charlotte A. Bysh,
Ibom Aug. 14, 1807, and died June 16, 1884. He lived
, ' in Campbell, N. Y., and Canton, Mich.
Children of Jared and Hannah (Huit) Stevens:
i Amos, m. "Margaret Brennan ; had issue, Charles L.,
Thai Tarent, John, and George.
^^\ ii Perry, m. Kate Horner; had issue, Oscar, Frank,
^''"'i i and Carrie.
130 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Daw. | jj
iv Augustus, m. Maria Scripture ; was killed in Civil
War ; had one child.
Children of Jared and Charlotte A. (Bush) Stevens:
i Hannah, m. Harrison.
ii Harriet, m. Adams.
iii Jared.
iv Newell.
189 Hadassah Stevens' (Joseph^ Joseph*, Sam-
uer, Thomas", Henry') was born at Sangerfield, N. Y.,
June I, 1799. She was married Nov. 23, 1820, to Daniel
Horton, son of Thomas and Hepsabeth Horton, born at
Fishkill, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1788, and died Apr. 24, 1868.
Mrs. Horton died Aug. 15, 1872, and both she and her
husband were buried in Hillside Cemetery at Campbell,
N. Y. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church at
Campbell. Mr. Horton was a Sergeant in the War of
1812, stationed at Buffalo, N. Y. In 1820 he was Cap-
tain of Militia, and was afterward Major.
Children of Daniel and Hadassah (Stevens) Horton:
i Charles Taylor, b. at Pulteney, N. Y., Nov. 21,
1821 ; d. Jan. 5, 1899; m. May 27, 1857, Margaret
Ann Burrows.
ii James, b. at Pulteney Apr. 20, 1823 ; d. Sept. 5,
iii Maria Faulkner, b. at Pulteney Jan. 17, 1825; d.
Oct. I, 1889; m. Oct. 2, 1844, Jerome Peterson.
iv Henrietta Abigail, b. at Pulteney Oct. 27, 1826; m.
Jan. 25, 1846, Thomas Wilson.
V 'PermeHa Pratt, b. at Campbelltown, N. Y., Dec. 9,
1828; m. Feb. 5, 1848, William Tuttle.
vi Eliza Stevens, b. at Campbelltown Feb. 15, 183 1 ;
d. Feb. 7, 1851.
vii Annah Burritt, b. at Campbelltown Jan. 11, 1833; d.
Apr. 17, 1854.
viii Mary Jane, b. at Campbelltown Sept. 5, 1834; d.
Nov. 30, 1863 ; m. Jan. 26, i860, Ralph M. Dawley.
Sixth Generation 131
ix Marcus Stevens, b. at Campbelltown Aug. 27, 1836;
d. Nov. 12, 1850.
X Ellen E., b. at Campbelltown Nov. 30, 1838; m.
"^^t Apr., 1863, W. H. Brooks.
xi Edward Sbaw, b. at Campbelltown May 4, 1841 ; d.
Dec. 6, 1850.
190^ Amos Stevens* (Joseph', Joseph', Samuel',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Sangerfield, N. Y., May
31, 1801, and died Jan. 30. 1872. He was a farmer, and
was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He married
'^^jOct. 14, 1825, Mary Balderman, born Aug. 16, 1800, the
daughter of David Balderman, and died in Feb., 1^89.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens lived at Canton, Mich.
Children :
i Philander, m. Caroline K. Sines ; had issue, Ella Car-
rie, m. Matthew Griffin May 26, 1870.
ii Susan, m. Henry Davis,
iii Walton.
iv Julia,
v Benjamin.
■ 191 Jonas Stevens^ (Joseph^ Joseph*, Samuer,
Thomas', Henry") was born at Sangerfield, N. Y., Mar.
13, 1803, and died Sept. 25, 1887, in Campbell, N. Y.
He married Sept. 28, 1826, Elizabeth Miller, born Aug.
18, 1807, and died Sept. 20, 1893. She was a daughter
3f Jedediah Miller of Ulysses, N. Y. Mr. Stevens was
1 farmer. He was one of the seven who organized the
Presbyterian Church at Campbell, N. Y., where he re-
sided, except for a few years at Monterey, N. Y.
Children :
i George, b. Feb. 28, 1828; m. Jan. 18, 1909.
553 " Hannah, b. Oct. 16. 1830; m. Oct. 25, 1848,
Chauncy Rising.
iii Harmon, b. Nov. 28, 1833; in Civil War, 107th
Regt., N. Y. Vols.
^554 iv Ralph, b. Oct. 5, 1838; m., ist, Jan. i, 1862,
Margaret Gillmore; 2nd, Jan. 10, 1878, Mrs.
132 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Jane Jacobus; 3rd, Dec. 30, 1899, Charlotte A. .
Oakley. ^^
V Jennie, b. Sept. 6, 1841, at Campbell, N. Y. ; "
m. Oct. 21, 1868. George G. Westfall, b. at
Fort Plain, N. Y., son of Abram and Anni
(Eaton) Westfall; resides at Rochester, N.
Y. ; no children.
192 Benjamin Stevens^ (Joseph^ Joseph*, Sam-
uel", Thomas', Henry') was born June 12, 1805, at Camp-
bell, N. Y., and died in Sept., 1883. He married Feb.
9, 1826, Eliza White, born Sept. 26, 1809.
Child :
i Levi W.
193 Joseph Stevens* (Joseph', Joseph', Samuel',
Thomas^ Henry") was born at Campbell, N. Y., Aug,
20, 1809, and died at Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 4, 1877. He
was a grocer by occupation, and was a member of thf
Presbyterian Church. He married, 1834, Frances E
Bush, born July 28, 1812, at Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., anc
died at Ypsilanti, Mich., July 29, 1876. She was .'
daughter of Eli and Esther Bush.
Children : \
i Abigail, b. Dec. 21, 1835; d. Nov. 9, 1865.
ii Corneha, b. Apr. 17, 1837; ^n. Oct. 23, 1876, Myroi
E. Knapp.
iii Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1839; d. Jan. 26, 1865; m. Dec
31, i86if John D. Parkhurst.
iv Melissa, b. Mar. 28, 1842; d. July 22, 1906; m. Jul
2y, 1869, Leonard E. Knapp.
194 Ralph M. Stevens* (Joseph^ Joseph*, San'
uef, Thomas^ Henry") was born at Campbell. N. Y
Dec. 24, 181 1, and lived at Campbell, and at Plymoutl;
Holton, and Evart, Mich. He married Jan. 19, 183.:
Jane Enzla Miller, born Dec. 22, 1812. Mrs. Stever
died Aug. 2, 1891, and Mr. Stevens May 27, 1901. The
ii Lovica, b. Mar. 31, 1855; d. May i, 1859.
Sixth Generation 151
iii Henry J., b. Nov. 18, 1857; "^- Caroline Sco-
ville of Saginaw, Mich.
iv John S., b. Dec. 25, 1858; d. Jan. 25, 1859.
V Myron, b. July 6, 1861 ; unm.
vi Byron, b. July 6, 1861 ; d. May 10, 1876.
vii William T., b. March 5, 1864; d. Aug. 5, 1866.
399 viii Sarah M., b. May 31, 1866; m. Nov. 24, 1885,
Will Walker.
|oo ix Isaac, b. Oct. 17, 1868; m. Nov. 18, 1894,
Julia Farnsworth.
i^oi X Mary L., b. Nov. 14, 1870; m. July 3, 1895,
I Chester S. Bellknap.
I xi Joseph E., b. Dec. 11, 1874; d. Aug, i, 1899.
|: 237 Stewart Stephens* (Rosweir, Jared*, Si-
jneon*, Henry", Henry^) was born in Frankfort, N. Y.,
jVug. 31, 1822. Feb. 7, 1854, he married Margaret A.
Cahler, born July 4, 1828, in Ireland, the daughter of
ohn Kahler and Catharine Downey, both of the town
i Mallow, County Cork, Ireland. She came to this coun-
ry in 1849. ^^- Stephens was a farmer and Hved in
"rankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He and his wife were
lembers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Ste-
hens died Mar. 28, 1900, and was buried in Cedarville,
lerkimer Co., N. Y.
Children :
Myron E., b. Aug. 17, 1855; m- Jan- 18, 1893,
Mary Le Fever.
Roswell, b. Jan. 22, 1857; "i- Feb. 13, 1903,
Iva Florence Alford.
John H., b. Oct. 28, 1859; m. Sept. 19, 1885,
Mary Wheelock.
iv Frank E., b. Apr. 5, 1862; m. Mamie Myers
Nov. 19, 1884.
v Mary D., b. June 6, 1864; unm.
238 Stewart Stephens' (Elaphalet', Jared\ Si-
jeon', Henry^ Henry^) was born in Albany Co., N. Y.,
i^ec. 23, 1809. In Mar., 1833, he married Malinda
P4 "
152 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Gaige Griffeth of Duanesburgh, N. Y., the daughter of
Stephen and Eunice (Soule) Griffeth. She was born
Sept. 28, 1807, and died Oct. 22, 1898. Mr. Stephens
was a farmer and was for fifty years deacon in the
Christian Church. He Hved in Quaker Street and Du-
anesburgh, N. Y., and died Jan. 3, 1893.
Children :
i Phebe Jane, b. Jan. 20, 1834; m. in 1853 Milo
406 ii Mercy Ann, b. Mar. 13, 1837; ^n- May 6, 1855,
Milo Auchampaugh.
iii Eunice, b. Mar. i, 1841 ; m. WilHam A. Jen-
kins Dec. 9, 1859.
iv Stewart, Jr., b. Jan. 7, 1848; m. May, 1868,
Juliet Zimmer.
V Mary Malinda, b. July 4, 1858; m. Apr., 1866,
Theodore Ostrander.
239 Johnson Stephens' (Eliphalet", Jared*, Si-
meon^ Henry^ Henry') was born at Knox, N. Y., Mar.
18, 1812. He married at Oswego, N. Y., Sylvia Mosher,
daughter of Timothy and Rachel (Curtis) Mosher.
Children (born at Oswego, N. Y.) :
407 i Albert, m. Frances B. Howell.
408 ii Steward D., b. Sept. 4. 1849; "i-- ist, Cora A.
Harvey; 2nd, Sept. 16, 1896, Anna Stephens
240 Ira Stephens' (Eliphalet^ Jared*, Simeon',
Henry°, Henry') was born in Albany Co., N. Y., Nov.
13, 1827. He married Sept. 4, 1852, Alida Helen Shel-
den. Mr. Stephens died Feb. 26, 1907. He was a mason
by trade.
Children :
408a i Anna, b. June 21. 1853; m., ist, Lewis Sweet;
2nd, Stewart D. Stephens (408).
409 ii Ira Emmett. b. Dec. 19, 1855; m. Dec. 19,
1888. Lilian Nichols.
Sixth Generation i53
410 iii Herbert, b. June 8, 1859; m. Dec. 28, 1891,
Alice Adams.
411 iv Flora, b. Oct. 4, 1864; m. Oct. 4, 1883, Adam
V Orville, b. May 3. 1868.
412 vi Eugene, b. May 10, 1871 ; m. Hattie Wagoner
Feb. 12, 1896.
241 Ezra Stephens" (Simeon", Jared", Simeon",
Henry^ Henry^) was born in Knox, Albany Co., N. Y.,
' Sept. 26, 1826. He married Feb. 13, 1861, Mary Leavy
Duane, daughter of Philip and Amy Duane. He is living
at West Township, Albany Co., N. Y. Mr. Stephens is
a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Children :
i Simeon, b. April 5, 1862 ; m. Mar., 1896.
ii PhiHp, b. July 13, 1863.
i iii Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1865.
' iv Jesse, b. Nov. 24, 1866.
: V Libbie, b. Oct. 18, 1867.
■ vi Laura, b. July 16, 1869.
; vii Ellen, b. Apr. 4, 1875.
242 Manning W. Stevens" (Sandford P.°, Abel*,
I Simeon^ Henry', Henry^) was born in East Canaan,
I Conn., in 1824. He married in 1854 Julia Wadsworth,
I born in New Marlborough, Mass., the daughter of John
, Wadsworth. Mr. Stevens is a farmer. He is a member
t of the Baptist Church, and is living in Lee Co., Iowa,
inear Keokuk. Mrs. Stevens is dead, and was buried in
Children :
i Charles.
I ii Arthur.
!iii Irene.
jiv Nellie.
v Rose.
j 243 NoYES Miner Stevens' (Sandford P.', Abel*,
154 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Simeon', Henry", Henry^) was born in East Canaan,
Conn., in 1826. He was a farmer and was a member of
the Baptist Church. He removed to Keokuk, Iowa. He
married Catharine Kelly, and both are buried at Sand
Prairie, Lee Co., Iowa,
Children :
i Isabelle.
ii Emily,
iii John,
iv Amelia.
244 Elvira C. Stevens' (Sandford P.°, Abel*, Si-
meon', Henry^ Henry") was born in East Canaan, Conn.,
in 1828. She removed to Davenport, Iowa. In 1866 she
married W. W. Hathaway, born in Lockport, N. Y. She
is a member of the Baptist Church.
Children :
i Annetta A. , ^
ii Pearl,
iii Grace, d. in infancy.
245 Horace Bishop Stevens' (Sandford", Abel*,
Simeon^ Henry^ Henry") was born in Canaan, Conn.,
Mar. 13, 1832. He married Nov. 25, 1858, Emily Irene,
born May 2, 1836, daughter of Smith and Densie (Clark)
Foster. She died Dec. 2, 1899. She united with the
North Congregational Church by letter from Norfolk
July 8, 1866, and Mr. Stevens May 3, 1857. ^^ was
Deacon Nov. 24, 1865.
Child :
i Frank Foster, b. Sept. i, 1868; m. May 25, 1898, Cora
N., dau. of Selden and Ellen Downs; had one son, b.
Mar. 4, 1899, and d. March 5, 1899.
246 Abel Gaylord Stevens' (Standford P.', Abel*,
Simeon', Henry', Henry") was born at East Canaan,
Conn., Oct. 30, 1836. He married Sept. 19, i860, Flor-
ine Miller, born Jan. 17, 1842, daughter of Leverett and
Hulda Holbrook Ives. She united with the North
Mrs. Susan Alaria Stevens.
Sixth Generation 155
,. Canaan Church Nov. 6, 1863, by letter from Goshen,
*' Conn. Mr. Stevens is a farmer at East Canaan, Conn.
He united with the Church July 4, 1858.
Children :
i Flora, b. July 4, 1861 ; m. April 10, 1888,
Harry, son of Jeremiah and Mariette Bullard
Atv^ood; has dau., Elsie, b. Sept. 20, 1889.
ii Elsie, b. Jan. 13, 1867.
iii Mary, b. Sept. 28, 1869.
413 iv Jarvis Collar, b. Oct. 19, 1872; m. Oct. 19,
1904, to Edith E. Lav^rence.
247-199 IcHABOD Palmer Stevens' (Palmer^,
Abel*, Simeon', Henry', Henry'), son of Palmer and
Mary Williams Stevens, was born at East Canaan, Conn.,
Dec. 12, 1817. He was a hotel keeper and a cement pipe
manufacturer at Bridgeport, Conn. Nov. 11, 1838, he
married Susan Maria Stevens (Richard P.', Benjamin*,
: Zebulon", Thomas', Henry'), who was born Jan. 2,
1821, at East Canaan, daughter of Richard Price and
Sarah Foster Stevens. They were members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Stevens died at
Bridgeport Feb. 26, 1892, and was buried at East Canaan.
Children :
i Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 20, 1840; d. June 18,
1902; unm.
ii Ella, b. March 16, 1846; d. Dec. 9, 1847.
1414 iii Frederic Macy Roselle, b. Mar. 8, 1848; m.
Nov. I, 1870, Celestia May Seeley.
248 Smith Nehemiah Stevens' (Palmer", Abel',
Simeon', Henry', Henry') was born in Canaan, Conn.,
Sept. 20, 1820, the son of Palmer and Mary Williams
Stevens, and died March 3, 1901, He married Jan. i,
1846, Eliza Faxton Day, born in Canaan Feb. 22, 1824,
!and died June 20, 1904. They were both buried at Oak-
idale Cemetery, Davenport, Iowa. They were members of
.the Methodist Church. Mr. Stevens was a farmer. Mrs.
156 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Stevens was a daughter of Roswell Day and Cornelia M.
Children :
415 i Frank Sellen, b. May 17, 1847; ^- Mary A.
Soutter Nov. 16, 1873.
Eleanor Beatta, b. Dec. 12, 1851; m, Israel M.
Painter in 1868.
ni Isabella Lovenia, b. Nov. 8, 1853; m. Michael
Spelletich June 5, 1870.
249 Sarah P. Stevens" (Gilbert", Abel*, Simeon',
Henry^ Henry^) was born in Canaan, Conn., May 31,
1824, and died May 26, 1870. She married Apr. 12,
1842, Rodolphus J. Cutler.
Children of Rodolphus J. and Sarah P. (Stevens)
Cutler :
i Emma M., b. at Mt. Vision, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1845 ; ^■
Oliver M. Denton June 10, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y.
ii Cecil S., b. at Sheffield, Mass., June 12, 185 1 ; m.
Isadore Holcomb of Granby, Conn., Feb. 9, 1876;
had issue : ( i ) Emma A., b. in Granby, Conn., July
15, 1878; m. Sept. 25, 1905, Newman Whitney of
Newport, R. I.; (2) Edna M., b. at Florence, Mass.,
Mar. 31, 1881.
iii Florence A., b. at Mt. Vision, N. Y., June 8, 1864; 1
iv O. Dean, b. at Laurens, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1868: m. Lena
W. Howard of Buffalo. N. Y.. Apr. 6, 1898; had
issue: (i) Cecil D., b. Mar. 28, 1899; (2) Otis L.,
b. Mar. 19, 1900; (3) Emerson O., b. Sept. 6, 1902.
250 Phebe B. Stevens" (Gilbert', Abel*. Simeon',
Henry'', Henry") was born at Mt. Vision, N. Y., Sept.
22, 1830. She married Richard M. Olin Sept. 23, 1847.
Children of Richard M. and Phebe B. (Stevens) Olin:
i Gilbert, b. Feb. 14, 1849; ^- Mar. 10, 1850.
ii Emerson S., b. May, 1859; m. Jessie Gordon of
Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1871 ; d. Aug. 17, 1902, at
Sixth Generation 157
251 Angenette Stevens' (Gilberf. Abel*, Si-
meon\ Henry", Henry') was born in Mt. Vision, N. Y.,
Oct. 12, 1832. She married Aug. 18, 1850, James M.
Children of James M. and Angenette (Stevens) Olin:
i Imogene, b. May 8, 1851 ; m. A. A. Whitney; had
one son, William D., who d. in 1899.
ii Gilbert S., b. Jan. 22, 1855 ; m. Clara Knowles.
iii R. Cutler, b. July i, 1859; ^- Aug. 22, 1878.
252 F. ZiDANA Stevens' (Gilbert", Abel*, Simeon^
Henry^ Henry^) was born at Mt. Vision, N. Y., Nov. i,
1840. She married Dec. 7, 1865, George C. A. Baker,
[who died Feb. 4, 1867. She married, second, Ira A.
Love joy Nov. 21, 1876.
Child of Ira A. and F. Zidana (Stevens) Lovejoy :
i Leon A. S. Lovejoy, b. Aug. 30, 1880; m. Augusta
Raveret Oct. 20, 1903.
253 Clarissa Stephens' (Rufus", Joshua*, Jede-
diah', Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Feb.
'9, 1806, and died July 7, 1852. She lived in Canisteo,
N. Y., and was a member of the Christian Church. She
married, first, John Trainor, and, second, Newman Pres-
ton, born Jan. 8, 1795, in Connecticut, who died Aug.
^4. 1871.
I Child of John and Clarissa (Stephens) Trainor:
,^i5a i Cynthia Eliza, m. Oct. 26, 1842, Phineas O.
Stephens (310).
Children of Newman and Clarissa (Stephens) Preston:
115b ii Lucy Caroline, b. Mar. 18, 1827; m. Dec. 31,
1846, Daniel Ordway.
J.15C iii Roba S., b. June 16, 1828; m. Benjamin Cros-
iv Erastus L., b. Sept. 6, 1830; d. Feb. 28, 1863;
m. July, 185 1, Harriet White.
^16 V Wiilard T., b. May 7, 1834 ; m. Dec. 24, 1852,
Fanny Stewart.
158 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
417 vi Elisha W., b. May 21, 1836; m. July 4, 1859,
Martha J. Crane,
vii Elijah William, b. May 21, 1836; d. 1838.
viii Anna Thankful, b. Apr. 16, 1838; d. Mar. 24,
1871 ; m. Alonzo Jeffers.
ix Richard N., b. July 16, 1840; d. Nov., 1896;
m. Jan., 1868, Mary Pierce.
254 Cynthia Stephens' (Ezra^ Joshua*, Jede-
diah', Henry', Henry") was born at Canisteo, N. Y., in
1805, and died Apr. i, 1889. She married Dec. 25,
1828, Hiram Putnam, born in 1804 in New Hampshire,
and died May 11, 1880.
Children of Hiram and Cynthia (Stephens) Putnam:
i Alexander H., b. Sept. 24, ; m. Sept. 17, 1857,
Hannah Freeland.
ii William, b. Nov. 5, ; m. Apr. 10, i860, Lydia
iii Cynthia, b. Dec. 22, ; m. June, 1859, Henry Fos-
iv Maryette, b. Aug. 6. ; m. Mar. 7, 1863, An-
drew Scott.
V Franklin, b. Apr. 19, ; d. Oct. 17, .
255 Andrew R. Stephens' (Ezra', Joshua*. Jede-
diah', Henry^ Henry^) was born at Greenwood, N. Y.,
in 1809. He married Nancy, daughter of Randall and
Nancy Pease. They lived in Greenwood.
Children :
i Lerantia, m. George Goldsmith.
ii Dora, m. Cheesman.
iii Sabrina, m., ist, Levi Foster; 2nd, Frank .
256 George W. Stephens' (Ezra", Joshua*, Jede-
diah', Henry^ Henry' ) was born at Greenwood, N. Y.,
Nov. 30, 1813, died Sept. 12, 1861, and was buried in
Greenwood Cemetery. He was a farmer. He married
in 1833 Clara Luce, born Mar. 10, 1818, died Jan. 25,
Sixth Generation 159
1899, and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery. She was
the daughter of Burgess and Roxey Luce.
Children :
418 i Catharine M., b. Apr. 22, 1836; m. July 3,
1856, Homer S. Brundage.
J419 ii Alonzo D., b. Nov. 27, 1837; m., ist, in Mar.,
i860, EHzabeth Bachelder ; 2nd, Apr. 15, 1884,
Geraldine WilHams.
420 iii Helen, b. Jan. 21, 1840; m. May 4, 1858,
Oliver Trowbridge,
iv Merrill M., b. Nov. 14, 1843 ; "i- Flora Shaut.
V O. Dezell, b. Nov. 27, 1845; ^- July 30, 1906;
m. Venette Shelden.
vi Emeline (twin), b. May 17, 1849; "^- Oct. 22,
1865, Charles York.
|.2oa vii Adaline (twin), b. May 17, 1849; ^- D^c. 12,
I 1877, Horace Weaver.
1121 viii Ezra B., b. Oct. 8, 1852; m. Apr. 4, 1894,
Lida Clark.
ix Marion, m. Henry Raimann.
X Cynthia E., b. Jan. 19, 1857; d. Apr. 17, 1899;
m. July 5, 1894, Charles Milligan.
22 xi George M., b. Nov. 13, 1861 ; m. Apr. 17,
1885, Olive U. Stephens (514).
257 Christiana Stephens' (Ezra', Joshua*, Jede-
iah*, Henry", Henry^) was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
|:ept. 9, 18 16, and lived in Greenwood. N. Y. She was
[member of the Universalist Church. She married Jan.
\ 1835, Joshua L. Chapman, born in New Hampshire,
.pr. 23, 1813, son of Joshua and Sally Chapman. He
;.ed in Greenwood Sept. 25, 1877, and Mrs. Chapman
ied there Aug. 4, 1884.
Children of Joshua L. and Christiana (Stephens)
'hapman :
.23 i Andrew J., b. Oct. 5, 1839; m. Nov. 18, i860,
Alm.ira Maddson.
j!4 ii Ambrosia, b. Apr. 17, 1843; "i- Nov. 18, i860,
Dewitt C. Amey.
i6o Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Delphina, b. Nov. lo, 1850; m. May 9, 1876,
Merritt A. Woodbury.
258 Electa Stephens' (Ezra", Joshua*. Jedediah',
Henry^ Henry') was born at Greenwood in 181 7. She
married John King, a carpenter, and lived in Green-
wood, N. Y.
Children of John and Electa (Stephens) King:
i Leonard.
ii Rachel, m. Ezra Conrad,
iii Catharine, m. Seneca Thompson,
iv Jerry, m. Mattie Putnam.
V Mary, m. Luther Workman,
vi Evelett, m. John King.
259 Asa Hovey Stephens' (Ezra^ Joshua*, Jede-
diah", Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Mar.
14, 1820, and died Nov. 2, 1866, at Greenwood, N. Y.
He married July 31, 1844, Charlotte, daughter of Ran-
dall and Nancy Pease. She was born at Greenwood, N.
Y., Aug. 13, 1824, and died there June 27, 1895. Mr. ■
Stephens was a thrifty farmer, and lived on the old
homestead at Greenwood. He and his wife were mem-
bers of the Universalist Church.
Children : (|
i Denzel, b. Jan. 14, 1845; d. Apr.. 1848.
425 ii Randell P., b. Dec. 8, 1847; m. Aug. 18, ,
Flavilla Porter,
iii Roseltha, b. Apr. 30, 1850; d. Apr. 15, 1871 ;
m. David Pershall.
iv Viola v., b. Apr. 8, 1853 : m- Sept., 1876,
Marcus Todd.
V Charlotte, b. Sept. 4, 1855 ; m. Jan. 27, 1878,
George M. Woodward, b. at Jasper. N. Y.,
Apr. 12, 1854, son of George D. and Mary
(Prentice) Woodward; had issue, Marv V., b.
May 7, 1881 ; m. Oct. 14. 1906, G. S. filroe.
vi Albert, b. Apr. 13, 1858; m. Dec. 25, 1905,
Florence Wells.
Sixth Generation i6i
vii Olive, b. May 2, 1861 ; m. May 2t„ 1880,
F. D. Watkins.
26 viii Mary. b. Apr. 4, 1864; m. Sept. 6, 1885,
James D. Cheesman.
260 Charles C. Stephens' (Ezra", Joshua*, Jede-
jiah', Henry", Henry^) was born at Greenwood, N. Y.,
1 182 1. He was a miller, and lived in Greenwood. He
larried, first, Martha Ann Chapman, born Aug. 3, 1827,
aughter of Joshua and Sallie (Englesbury) Chapman,
ied Mar. 18, 1846. Mr. Stephens married, second, Al-
ina Harding.
Child of Charles C. and Martha Ann (Chapman)
tephens :
i Wilber A., b. Feb. 12, 1846; m. Anna Quick.
Children of Charles C. and Alzina (Harding) Ste-
hens :
ii Scott.
iii Welch.
iv Drelo.
V Ernest,
vi Minnie.
27 vii Frank, b. 1859; m., ist, Florence Adelaide
Bennett ; 2nd, Mar. 20, 1907, Mrs. Delle Rob-
261-276 Emeline Stephens' (Ezra^ Joshua*,
bdediah", Henry", Henry') was born at Greenwood, N.
r., May 27, 1824. She is now (Feb., 1909) residing in
lonticello, Minn. She married Nov. 13, 1842, Caleb
Baker" ( Jeremiah'', Anna Stephens*, Jedediah^ Henry^
lenry'), v/ho was born at Howard, N. Y., Dec. 18,
320, and died at Monticello, Minn., Jan. 10, 1905. Mrs.
aker is a member of the Methodist Church.
Children of Caleb F. and Emehne (Stephens) Baker:
28 i Hovey William, b. Feb. 20, 1845 ! ^- i" 1864
Ida Hallett.
29 ii Newell, b. Aug. 13, 1850; m. in 1873 Eva
i62 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
430 iii Nettie A., b. Feb. 3, 1855 ; m. in 1873 Frank
E. Heath.
431 iv Nathan E., b. Oct. 17, 1861 ; m. Oct. 15, 1885,
OHve Dunning.
V Delphine C, b. Aug. 20, 1866; m. 1884 Will-
iam D. Hamlet ; no children.
262 Pamelia M. Stephens' (Ezra^ Joshua*, Jede-
diah', Henry', Henry^) was born at Greenwood, N. Y.,
Mar. 13, 1825. She married May 14, 1842, Alonzo Por-
ter, born at Dryden, N. Y., a merchant of Greenwood
and Andover, N. Y. He was a son of Nathaniel and
Liddie Porter. Mr. Porter died Jan. 21, 1899, at And-
Children of Alonzo and Pamelia M. (Stephens) Por-
432 i Annett L., b. at Greenwood Aug. 21, 1843; m.
Feb. 16, 1864, Granville M. Barney.
ii Charlotte, b. at Andover Apr. 27, 1845 5 ^•
Sept. 22, 1846.
433 iii Delancy K., b. at Andover May 24, 1850; m.
Dec. 15, 1870, Viola F. Bess,
iv Arthur A., b. May 22, i860; m. Oct. 30, 1884,
Delia E. Frisbey.
263 John Stephens' (Ezra^ Joshua*, Jedediah',
Henry", Henry') was born at Greenwood, N. Y., in 1827.
He lived in Greenwood, N. Y., and Vasar, Mich. He
married Jane Richey.
Children :
434 i Melden, b. 1849; m. Nov. 28, 1869, Eva Sam-
ii Ella, m. Campbell.
iii Oliver,
iv Ida.
264 Martha Stephens' (William R.\ Joshua',
Jedediah^ Henry", Henry') was born at Howard, N. Y.
She died Sept., i860, at Hornellsville, N. Y. She mar-
Sixth Generation 163
|d Jonathan Nicholson, son of Jonathan L. Mr. Nich-
|on was a farmer, and lived at Howard and Hornells-
|le, N. Y., and Beaver Dams, Wis. Mrs. Nicholson
|is a member of the Methodist Church.
Children of Jonathan and Martha (Stephens) Nichol-
i George, d. young,
ii Elizabeth, m. Joshua Fitch,
iii J. William, b. Sept. 13, 1842; m. Feb. 2, 1869,
Elizabeth Walbridge.
iv Samantha, m. C. Emery.
' V Maryette, m. Thomas Newman,
vi Leander E., m. Rose Birch.
i |) vii Calvin P., b. July 6, 185 1; m. Jan. 25, 1879,
Frances Nicholson.
viii Wilson B., m. Minnie Stape.
f 264a-270 Leander Stevens' (William R.', Josh-
u{ Jedediah\ Henry^ Henry') was born at Howard,
NY., Nov. 26, 1806, and died at Fremont, N. Y., May
Ii 1874. He was a carpenter, and lived in Howard and
Hrnellsville, N. Y. In Nov., 1831, he married Minerva
B;:er, born at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1814, and died
N/. 4, 1884, at Fremont, N. Y. They were Metho-
I'hildren :
i Betsy Amanda, b. 1832; d. 1832.
ii Anna Maranda, b. 1832; d. 1832.
4|a iii Harriett L., b. July 25, 1833; m. July 8, 1861,
Anson Davis,
iv Joanna W., b. May 26, 1835; m., ist, Oct. 25,
1852, Alonzo Gray; 2nd, May 22, 1893, Fran-
cis Kunsman.
V Bazy, b. 1837; d. 1837.
vi Delevan, b. 1839; d- 1840.
vii William, b. 1841 ; d. 1841.
viii Mary E., b. 1843; d. 1844.
43;; ix Dighton U., b. Mar. 28, 1847; m., ist, Jan.
164 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
28, 1868, Maryette Baker (444) ; 2nd, Mar. 2S
1869, Phebe Osborn.
265 Samuel Palmer Stephens* (Jedediah H.*
Joshua*, Jededialf, Henry^ Henry^) was born at Canis-
teo, N. Y., in 1806, and died in 1863. He married Jan.t
1830, Mariah Randall, born in Herkimer Co., May 22,
1814, daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Baker) RandallJ
She died Oct., 1889. Both were buried in Stephens!
Mills, N. Y., where they lived. He was a farmer and
shoemaker. ..;
Children : f
i Samuel R., b. Sept. 29, 183 1 ; m. in i860 Har-i'
riet McKee.
ii Mariette, b. Aug. 8, 1833; m. Nov. 10, 1854^
Daniel Wainwright.
438 iii James R., b. Mar. 7, 1836; m. Jan. i, 1863,
Sarah A. Travis. '
iv John R., b. Mar. 5, 1838; m. in 1862 Annai
439 V Betsey Ann, b. July 13, 1840; m. Sept. 4,
1861, Horace Wetmore.
vi Merritt, b. Apr. 5, 1843; d. Apr. 5, 1848.
vii George W.. b. May, 1845; d. Jan. 16, iSSS'll
m. Aug., 1863, Maryett Cole.
viii Percilla, b. Feb. 14, 1847; d. Nov. 28. 1907;'
m. Dec, 1868, William M. George. 1
ix Elisha Leroy, b. 1849; ^- Aug., 1862. I
X Phebe Jane, b. Apr. 3, 185 1 ; d. May 3, 1852. '
266 Priscilla Ann Stephens' (Jedediah H.°, ,
Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry^ Henry") was born at How- ;
ard, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1810, and died Nov. 20, 1896. She'
was a member of the IMethodist Church. Mar. 17, 1833,
she married William B. Jones, born July 24, 1810, at
Canisteo,, N. Y., and died there Jan. i, 1892.
Children of William B. and Priscilla (Stephens)
Jones :
i Elisha S., b. Jan. 10, 1834; d. May 4, 1864, in
Sixth Generation 165
the Battle of the Wilderness ; was Lieut. Co.
G, 86th Regt.. N. Y. Vols.
440 ii John A., b. Oct. 31, 1835; "^- i" 1861 Mary
Jane Shutt.
;44i ill Shirine, b. Feb. 28, 1841 ; ni. Dec. 10, 1858,
John Q. Stephens (313).
267 Jedediah Stephens' (Jedediah H.', Joshua*,
jFedediah', Henry', Henry') was born at Howard, N. Y.,
Apr. 10, 1815, and died at Canisteo, N. Y., Sept. 15,
[893. He was a farmer, and lived in Jasper and Canis-
eo, N. Y. He married in 1836 Betsey E. Sharp, born
n Jasper Nov. 24, 1816, and died Dec. i, 1894.
Children :
\ i Harriet, b. 1837; m. Austin Hutchinson.
: ii Juliet, b. 1839; m. Hustin Peak.
I iii Priscilla, b. 1 841.
142 iv John R., b. Nov. 6, 1843 ; rn- Nov. 6, 1866,
j Maria Chapman.
t43 V Fannie, b. Dec. 20, 1848 ; m. May 9, 1868,
Benjamin Hultz.
vi Edwin, b. 1845 > ^''i- Sarah Rowley,
vii Lisena. b. 1852; m. John James,
viii Amanda, b. 1850 ; m. Frank Church.
I 269 Uriah S. Baker* (Bazy^ Anna Stephens*,
ededialf, Henry", Henry") was born at Canisteo, N.
{., Oct. 6, 1812, and died in Arkport May 24, 1882. He
narried, first, in 1835 Matilda Chapman, and, second,
i/Iar. 25, 1843, Mary Stebbins, born June 21, 1824, the
laughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Savage) Stebbins.
phe died at Arkport Apr. 25, 1903. Mr. Baker was a
jarmer. He was a member of the Methodist Church.
I Child of Uriah S. and Matilda (Chapman) Baker:
i Oscar, b. May 29, 1836; d. Apr. i, 1871 ; m.
in 1867 Clara Osborn ; had one child, Belle,
wdio married Emmett Stone.
Children of Uriah S. and Mary (Stebbins) Baker:
ii Olin, b. Feb. 8, 1844; m. in 1869 Minnie Bush.
1 66 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
I in«
444 iii Marietta (twin), b. Apr. 7, 1849; ^- ^^P^- 4'
1868; m. 1868 Dighton Stephens (437).
445 iv Marinda (twin), b. Apr. 7, 1849; ™- ]^^- ^\
1870, RaciloLis A'lorris.
V Uriah, b. Mar. 21, 1852; d. May 17, 1900; mi|
Jan. 30, 1872, Ehzabeth Vickery.
vi Pamelia, b. Feb. 27, 1854; m. Apr. 20, i87i»1^2(
Darius Ormsby.
vii Lewis, b. Aug. 16, 1857; d. Nov. 9, 1907; m
July 18, 1881, Mary Emerson. ?: r
viii Hattie, b. July 30, 1863 ; d. June 8, 1883 ; unm, :;^ };
272 Joshua Baker' (Bazy^ Anna Stephens*, Jede-
diah*, Henr}'^ Henry^) was born at Hornellsville, N. Y., :
Feb. 16, 1829. He married Jan. 26. 1855, Mary Sher-
man, who died May 28, 1904. They were members of
the Methodist Church, and lived in Hornell and Olean,
N. Y., and Bradford, Pa. Mr. Baker was a farmer.
Children of Joshua and Mary (Sherman) Baker: jq
i John R., b. Feb. 6, 1857; m. June 22, 1880, Eva
Larkin ; has issue: (i) Harry, b. Dec. 14, 1881, d.
July 21, 1901 ; (2) Ada, b. Sept. 9, 1883; d. Nov. 2,
1900; (3) James O., b. Apr. 12, 1885; d. Aug. 21,
1907; (4) Maud E., b. Mar. 4, 1887; m. Sept. 18, -^^
1907, Ellis Winter, and has dau., Catharine Grace, b. ---
Sept. 16, 1908.
ii Newcomb, b. Oct. 15, 1859; ^- Sept. 28, 1878. lau
273 Marinda Baker' (Bazy", Anna Stephens',
Jedediah'. Henry^, Henry^) was born at Hornellsville, 2-
N. Y., Apr. 8, 1833. She married June 6, 1869, Philan- :.,/
der Reddy, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., Apr. 7, 1811. :y'
and died at Arkport, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1883. He was a ■ ."I
son of Timothy and Isabel (Scott) Reddy. They were :.-.
members of the Methodist Church. 1 ifc; ,
Children of Philander and Marinda (Baker) Reddy: in-Q,
i Philander, b. Nov. 4, 1870; d. Oct. 17, 1904; m. Oct. vt.
31, 1894, Dora Ellis; has dau., Margaret, b. May 11,
1896. , i Ci
Sixth Generation 167
ii Minnabell, b. Feb. 2, 1875; m. Apr. 13, 1898, Olin
Fenner ; has sons: (i) Kenneth R., b. July 10, 1901 ;
and (2) Donald O., b. Nov. 23, 1906.
■ 275 Mary A. Baker* (Jeremiah^ Anna Stephens*,
Jedediah\ Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
-June 26, 1818. She married Dec. 25, 1837, Nelson Hal-
lett, born at Canisteo, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1816, son of Eli-
ijah and Elizabeth (Moore) Hallett. He was a farmer.
They resided in Canisteo, where he died Jan. 20, 1883.
'Mrs. Hallett died Sept. 24, 1888. She was a member
of the Methodist Church.
j Children of Nelson and Mary A. (Baker) Hallett:
i Elijah, b. May 31, 1839; m. Apr. 27, 1865, Nancy
Stanton; has son. Nelson, b. Dec. 31, 1865, m. Aug.
16, 1892, Annis Sweet, and has (i) Helen, b. Mar.
I 10, 1893, and (2) Cora, b. Mar. 12, 1895.
iii Eunice, b. Mar. 10, 1844 ; m. Mar. 22, 1865, George
Crosby; has issue: (i) Helena, b. Jan. 5, 1866; m.
Nov. II, 1894, Edgar Northup, no children; and (2)
Nathan, b. July 17, 1871 ; m. Feb. 5, 1896, Stella
Millard, and has Jeannette, b. Dec. 14, 1897.
ii Flora, b. Nov. 18, 1858; m. Nov. 10, 1885. Will
Hallett; has sons, Raymond, b. Sept. 12, 1886, and
Francis, b. Nov. 4, 1893.
v Elizabeth, b. Mar. 24, 1853 ' i'"- June 10, 1877, Will-
iam Kinner; has dau.. Flora, b. Aug. 4, 1881, m.
Dec. 10, 1898, Birt Whitford, b. Oct. 12, 1882.
I 277 Asa M. Baker' (Jeremiah Baker', Anna Ste-
bhens*, Jedediah^ Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo,
:M. Y., Nov. 7, 1824. He was a farmer, resided at Canis-
eo, and was a member of the Methodist Church. He
pt |?narried May 29, 1850, Mary Ann Otto, born Nov. 6,
:825, died Jan. 16, 1893, and was buried in the ceme-
ery on Baker Farm. She was a daughter of George
ind Jemima (Ayres) Otto.
Children of Asa M. and Mary Ann (Otto) Baker:
i Chloe J., b. Mar. 9, 1851 ; d. 1907; m. J. W. Crosby.
i68 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
ii Linnette, b. Sept. 25, 1853; d. 1858.
iii A son, b. Feb. 23, 1862; d. 1862.
iv Charles O., b. Nov. 2, 1857; m., ist, Melissa Ste
phens ; 2nd, Millicent Havens.
V Lura C, b. Apr. 23, 1863 ; m. J. C. Tenney.
278 Nathan S. Baker' (Jeremiah Baker^ Annj
Stephens*, Jedediah'', Henry", Henry') was born at Canis
teo, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1828. He has been a farmer, mer
chant, and manufacturer. He is a member of the Methoi
dist Church. He married May 23, 1855, Roxie Ord<
way, born at Canisteo Nov. 2, 1838, and died Dec. 18
1903, daughter of Enoch and EHzabeth (Moore) Ord^
way. Mr. Baker served in the War of the Rebellion ir
the 86th N. Y. Vols., was promoted to the rank of Cap-
tain, and now receives a pension.
Children of Nathan S. and Rexie (Ordway) Baker:
i Elizabeth Strong, b. Oct. 29, 1857; d. Oct. 12, |
1863. I
ii A son, b. Mar. 18, 1859 ; d. Apr. 8, 1859. '
iii Carrie Vernette, b. June 19, i860 ; d. June 14^.
1897; m., 1st, John Voorhies ; 2nd, Charlajf
iv Charlotte Rebecca, b. Dec. 21, 1862; m. Dr.
Eli J. Sweet.
V Ella M., b. July 16, 1865; m. Dr. Thad B.
vi Nathan J., b. June 10, 1868; m. Myrtle Dill,
vii Mildred Hila, b. Sept. 27, 1870; m. Sept. 25,
1895, Alfred W. Richardson,
viii M. Linnette, b. Feb. 16, 1873; d. Dec. 4, 1888,
ix Orlando M., b. Mar. 4, 1875; m. Mae Gor-
445a X Vina H., b. Nov. 2, 1879: m. Leo Stephens.
xi Harris W., b. Mar. 27, 1882. m
279-294 Elisha G. Stephens" (Nathan^ Rev.
Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry", Henry') was born in Ad-
dison, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1805. He married May 21, 1829,
Sixth Generation 169
Sarah Bennett' (William Bennett", Sarah Stephens\
Uriah\ Uriah", Thomas', Henry"). Sarah Bennett was
born at Hornellsville Apr. 30, 1807, and died in i860.
Mr. Stephens lived in Canisteo and in Fremont since
1834. He was a farmer, carpenter, and merchant. He
built the Stephens house, has been Supervisor and a
magistrate for more than twenty years, and has been a
Democrat in politics.
Children :
446 i Wilham B., b. Dec. 30, 1832; m. Samantha
Van Scoter in 1859.
ii Emeline, b. in Canisteo, now deceased ; m.
William Travis ; had one dau., now deceased,
iii Benton W., b. in Fremont,
iv Le Roy, b. in Fremont; d. young.
280-287 Jedediah H. M. Stephens" (Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah", Henry^ Henry") was born at Ad-
dison, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1806, and died at Centre Canis-
teo, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1883. He was a farmer and me-
chanic. He married Sylvia, daughter of Uriah Upson.
She died Mar. 28, 1833, and he married Nov. 24, 1835,
Ermina, daughter of Benjamin Bennett of Howard, born
Aug. 23, 181 1, and died May 25, 1883. They were Meth-
odists. Mr. Stephens lived in Canisteo, N. Y.
Children of Jedediah H. M. and Sylvia (Upson) Ste-
phens :
i Jerome, b. Mar. i, 1833; d. Aug., 1833.
Children of Jedediah H. M. and Ermina (Bennett)
Stephens :
447 ii Susanna, b. Oct. 6, 1836; m. Jan. 5, 1856, J.
G. Ferncrook.
448 iii Frazier, b. Jan. 6, 1838; m. May 5, 1867,
Elizabeth A. Taylor.
iv Hiram A., b. Nov. 28, 1839; m. July 17, 1881,
Mrs. Mary E. O'Hara, b. in Italy, N. Y. ; no
children ; retired farmer, business man and
teacher ; lives in Wallace, N. Y.
V Henry M., b. Dec. 25, 1841 ; m. Oct. 2, 1898,
170 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Mrs. Lucina M. Punches, b. in Oxford, N. Y.,
dau. of Charles and A. A. (Hawley) Hackett;
no children ; lives in Canisteo ; a farmer and
teacher ; member of the Christian Church,
vi Emeline, b. Dec. 30, 1843; d. July 17, 1858.
449 vii Ellen, b. Feb. 2, 1846; m. Feb. 8, 1872, James
450 viii Mandane, b. June 25, 1848; m., ist, July 13,
1873, John Beaty ; 2nd, Apr. 19, 1885, L. Mas-
ix Bruce, b. Sept. 10, 1850; d. in infancy.
451 v Dr. Carius B., b. Feb. 5, 1852; m. Dec. 22,
1880, Florence L. Brown.
281 Ebenezer C. Stephens' (Nathan", Jedediah*,
Jedediah', Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
June 28, 1808. He married Mary Sweet Oct. 28, 1827,
and removed to Shongo, N. Y.
Children :
452 i Pamelia H., b. Oct. 28, 1828; m. July 4, 1850,
Joseph Leonard.
453 ii Franklin G., b. June 16, 1830; m. Sept. 15,
1849, Sarah A. Hoard.
454 iii Nathan W., b. Jan. 13, 1832; m. Jane Griel-
455 iv Charles Wesley, b. Nov. 20, 1833; m. Feb. 11,
1855, Maryette Burritt.
456 V Andrew W., b. Aug. 19, 1839; ^n. Oct. 21,
1861, Elnora D. Wheaton.
457 vi Hila, b. Dec. 10, 1842; m. Aug. 3, 1863, Henry
458 vii Mary, b. May 24, 1844; m. Nov. 10, 1868,
Elson S. Jenison.
282 Franklin D. Stephens' (Nathan", Jedediah*,
Jedediah', Henry\ Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Apr. 30, 1813, and died at Fremont, N. Y., May 20,
1886. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and
was a farmer and mechanic. He married June 8, 1834,
Joshua Chapman Stevens.
Sixth Generation 171
Saphrona Lord, born Jan. 18, 1837, at Howard, N. Y.,
daughter of William and Polly Lord. She died Apr. 8,
1897. Both were buried in Fremont Cemetery.
Children :
459 i Cornelius H., b. May 29, 1835 ; m. Aug. 24,
1862, Louisa Brown.
: 460 ii Fidelia, b. Apr. 15, 1837; "i- Jan. i, 1858, Al-
fred Prentis.
iii Celestia, b. Feb. 13, 1839; d. Apr. 16, 1849.
461 iv Elisha G., b. Feb. 13, 1841 ; m. June 25, 1865,
Lydia R. Rumsey.
V Harvey W., b. Feb. 28, 1843; served during
the Civil War.
462 vi Emma M., b. July 16, 1853; m. May, 1881,
Alonzo T. Ritenburg.
283 Joshua Chapman Stephens' (Nathan', Jede-
diah*, Jedediah\ Henry', Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., May 30. 1816, died Mar. 18, 1901, and was buried
in the Stephens burying ground at Canisteo. He resided
on the farm his grandfather, Jedediah, settled on in 1789.
Mr. Stephens was a farmer and lumberman, and was a
member of the Methodist Church. He was educated at
the Howard Academy and Alfred Seminary, and served
as Town Clerk and Supervisor. Aug. 3, 1845, ^^ ^^s
married to Hannah Abbe, born at Enfield, Conn., Sept.
30, 1824, daughter of Harris and Clarissa (Wiggins)
Children :
I 463 i Ira Gilbert, b. Dec. 20, 1845; "i- Sarah A.
Billings Feb. 18, 1867.
464 ii James Albert, b. Feb. 13, 1847; m. Amy Had-
465 iii Harris May, b. May 23, 1849; ^- J""^ 30»
1872, Adelia Dickinson.
466 iv Nathan Jay, b. May 2, 1852; m. Aug. 4, 1872,
Alice Rosa.
467 V Rachel Jane, b. Mar. 25, 1855; m. Dec. 14,
1875, James H. Stewart.
172 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
vi Emma Hila, b. Feb. 6, i860; m. May 18, 1901,
Elisha Granger, son of Levert and Lydia
(Rose) Granger; graduated from the Wom-
an's Medical College of the New York In-
firmary in June, 1893, and is a practising
physician ; is a Methodist.
468 vii Mary Melissa, b. July 13, 1863; m. Nov. 30,
1887, Stearns Jamison.
284 Abigail Stephens' (Joshua^ Jedediah*, Jede-
diah', Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
Jan. 22, 1815, and died Mar. 15, 1897. She married
June I, 1840, Henry Hamilton, born Oct. 17, 1816, and
died Feb. 28, 1888, at Chicago. He was a son of Luman
and Lydia (Classen) Hamilton. Mrs. Hamilton was a
member of the Christian Church.
Children of Henry and Abigail (Stephens) Hamilton:
i De Witt Clinton, b. Mar. 18, 1841 ; d. May 15,
ii William, b. Jan. 6, 1854; m. June 10, 1876,
Ella Cook.
469 iii George D., b. July 30, 1847; "^- Jan. 6, 1878,
Adelia Travis.
285 De Witt Clinton Stephens" (Joshua", Jede-
diah*, Jedediah", Henry", Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Apr. 17, 1817, where he lived until his death Apr.
I, 1898. He was a farmer, and was a member of the
Presbyterian Church. He married Amanda M. Hamil-
ton, born at Howard, N. Y., the daughter of John and
Elizabeth (Goff) Hamilton. She died Nov. 13, 1901.
Children :
470 i John Duaine. b. Nov. 9, 1844; m. Sarah Allis;
m. 1884 Rose White.
471 ii Joshua B., b. Apr. 29, 1846; m. Amanda Red-
ner Dec. 22, 1872.
iii Emmitt Lester, b. Jan. 10, 1850; m. Apr. 24,
1884, Rose Ettie Stephens.
Sixth Generation i73
iv Rhoda Anna, b. Jan. 15, 1853; d. May 17,
472 V Henry Lewis, b. Apr. 27, 1855; m. Nov, 15,
1882, Eva Lena Stephens (474).
286 Benjamin F. Smiley' (Pamelia Stephens',
Jedediah*, Jedediah\ Henry°, Henry") was born at Lan-
; caster, Erie Co., N. Y., May 8, 1832. He was a farmer,
! and Hved in Lancaster. He died Mar. 20, 1896, and was
[ buried at Harris Hill. Nov. 7, 1867, he married Alice
M. Bedell, born at Albion, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1844. They
were Methodists.
Children of Benjamin F. and Alice M. (Bedell)
Smiley :
i Benjamin F., b. Oct. 5, 1871 ; d. May 4, 1874.
i ii Norman B., b. July 13, 1877.
293 Elizabeth Steiarns' (Elizabeth Upson", Sa-
rah Stephens', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
born at Canisteo, N, Y., Apr. 26, 1797, and died Dec.
21, i860. She married July 9, 1821, John D. Jamison,
born at Canisteo, Aug. 10, 1797, and died Dec. 14, 1886.
He was a son of Capt. John and Nancy (McDuffy)
Jamison. Mr. Jamison was a farmer. They lived in
Canisteo, and both were buried in the old settlers' bury-
ing ground there.
Children of John D. and Elizabeth (Stearns) Jami-
i John S., b. July 25, 1822; m. May 26, 1843,
Lavina Newman ; was a Surgeon in the Civil
War; had one son, Newman, who m. Anna
Ackley of Hornell.
ii Thomas B., b. Aug. 5, 1826; d. Aug. 18, 1897;
m. July 21, 185 1, Mary Houghton; had issue:
Mordecai S., Ray C, Thomas Eugene, John
D., of Almeda, Cal., and William H., all of
Canisteo, except John D.
473 iii Daniel, b. Jan. 6, 1829; d. Dec. 15, 1908; m.
Jan. 20, 1859, Rosine Towner,
iv Ann Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1824; d. Nov. 28,
1899; m. Oct. 5, 1843, John H. Brown; had
issue: Mariana, John D., Minnie, William H.,
Jennie, and Laura.
V Mordecai S., b. Feb. 16, 1833; d. 1877; m.
Apr. 15, 1859, Flora Lee.
295 Pamelia Bennett^ (William Bennett*. Sarah
Stevens', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry'), the daughter
of William Bennett, married William Jamison.
Seventh Generation 175
Children of William and Pamelia (Bennett) Jamison:
i Hugh,
ii Mary.
!iii William.
|iv Martha,
; 296 Thomas Bennett' (William Bennett', Sarah
Stevens^ Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry') married An-
gelina Jamison.
Children of Thomas and Angelina (Jamison) Ben-
^liett :
Mary A., m. Eliot L. Gray ; has issue : Flora, who m.
John Smith ; and Albert E., who m. Mary Green, a
descendant of Gen. Nathaniel Green,
[iii William, m. Frances Benaway.
I'ii Nancy, m. David Powell.
\v Prunella, m. Richard Comfort.
Adaline, m, Leander Vorhes.
297a Marinda Bennett' (Thomas', Sarah Ste-
ens^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born Dec,
'v. 23, 1887, Leona '
Ferry. j
iv Adelaide W., b. July 25, 1858; d. Jan. 4, 1888. I
v Mary, b. 1863.
Children of Thomas and Frances C. W. (Whiting)
Bennett :
vi Clarence,
vii Elisha.
2986 Ira R. Bennett^ (Thomas', Sarah Stephens',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas*, Henry") was born in Sept.,
1828. He served in Co. D, 86th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, in
the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Bennett married June 20,
1868, Mary Ann Vandermark. He died Sept. 25, 1898.
Child of Ira R. and Mary Ann (Vandermark) Ben-
i Sylvia, m. White ; lives at Withee, Clark Co.,
298f Sylvia Bennett' (Thomas', Sarah Ste-
phens', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry") was born June
12, 1830, at Hornellsville, N. Y. She was a Presbyterian, j
She lived at Hornellsville, and died Apr. 7, 1900. Sept. ■'
5, 1850, she married Samuel Alley, who was born at Al-
mond, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1825, and died Aug. 13, 1892. j
Both were buried in Hope Cemetery at Hornell, N. Y.
Mr. Alley was a son of Peter and Lucy (Hemingway)
Children of Samuel and Sylvia (Bennett) Alley:
i Flora, b. Oct. 27, 1853; m. Oct. 23, 1884, Charles
Edgar Glazier,
ii Frank Bennett, b. Apr. 3, i860; m. June 5, 1881,
Isabelle Johnson.
298g George D. Bennett' (Thomas', Sarah Ste-
phens', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry") was born Apr. I
Seventh Generation 179
I, 1833, and died in 1864. He married in May, 1854,
Zoa Black,
Child of George D. and Zoa (Black) Bennett:
i Flora.
299 Delevan Stephens'' (Col. John R.*, Uriah",
Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornells-
ville, N. Y., Alar. 16, 1812, where he lived and was a
farmer, lum-berman, and stock raiser. He married July
4, 1854, Amy Robison, born at Ossian, N. Y., Mar. 24,
1834, and died Mar. 28, 1907, at Arkport, N. Y., where
Mr. Stephens died Apr. 11, 1884.
Children :
i John Robison, b. Apr. 3, 1855; m. Nov. 15,
1882, Addie Stewart.
ii Lectia, b. in 1857; d. in 1861.
iii Marshall Bennett, b. Jan. 24, 1859; d. June 8,
;474 iv Eva Lena, b. Dec. 4, i860; m. Nov. 15, 1882,
Henry L. Stephens (472).
v Carrie, b. in 1863; d. in 1863.
vi Rose Ettie, b. Dec. 9, 1865 ; m. Apr. 24, 1884,
Emmitt L. Stephens.
vii Mary B., b. Nov. 30, 1869; d. July 28, 1895;
m. Nov., 1890, Lewis Clark.
300-268 Louisianna Stephens'' (Col. John R.*,
fjriah", Uriah*, Urialf, Thomas', Henry^) was born at
iornellsville, N. Y., and died Aug. 18, 1871. She was
I member of the Methodist Church. She married Mor-
lison Harding* (Christina Stephens', Joshua*, Jedediah*,
^.ienry^ Henry'), born at Hornellsville Dec. 29, 1816,
nd died Mar, 31. 1889. He was a farmer and a promi-
ent Mason. They lived at Hornellsville and Fremont,
Children of Morrison and Louisianna (Stephens)
larding :
riii5 76 i Melden J., b. Nov. 25, 1842; m, June 11, 1873,
■fi^ Hi Sabrina Bennett,
i8o Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
477 ii John Mott, b. Dec. 14, 1850; m. Feb. 17, 1875,
Elnorah Willis.
301 Harriet Abbott' (Anna Stephens', Uriah",
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^ Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Jan. 23, 1808, and died Mar. 24, 1887, at Sparta,
Mich. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist
Church. She lived in Harrisburg, Pa., New Orleans,
La., Shelby Co., Ohio, Therald, Ga., and Sparta, Mich.
In 1839 she married John Symes, born in Devonshire,
England, in 1817, the son of Henry and Elizabeth Symes.
Mr. Symes died Aug. 4, 1901, at Sparta.
Child of John and Harriet (Abbott) Symes:
i James Abbott, b. July 16, 1840; m. Mar. 25, 1863,
Eleanor M. Ballard, b. Sept. 25, 1843, at Port Byron,
N. Y., dau. of Edward and Eleanor (Dubois) Bal-
lard ; is a farmer ; had issue : ( i ) Hattie May, b.
Dec. 15, 1865; d. Aug. 15, 1868; (2) Lula Harriet,
b. Mar. 25, 1869; (3) Laura Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12,
1872; d. Mar. 8, 1904; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Jay A.
Haring; (4) J. Ballard, b. June 9, 1876; m. Aug. 4,
1897, Mary Angeline Williams; and (5) Emma Ab-
bott, b. Mar. 9, 1880; m. Feb. 14, 1906, LesHe Wat-
302 Howard Corey'' (Mary Stephens', Uriah',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born May 6, 181 7.
He married Feb. 6, 1841, at Nauvo, 111, Martha Jane
Knowlton. He removed to Salt Lake City about 1849,
and lived in Provo City, Utah. He was a Mormon Elder.
He died in 1907 and his wife died Dec. 14, 1881, at Salt fj
Lake City.
Children of Howard Corey :
i Howard K., b. Apr. 10, 1842.
ii Martha J. ^;.
iii Harriette.
iv Mary. -f
v Sareppa.
vi Halena.
Seventh Generation i8i
vii William H.
viii Sidney A.
ix George.
X Frank,
xi Louis Lavill.
xii Don R,
303 Pamelia Stephens' (Matthew*, Uriah",
Uriah', Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornell,
N. Y., Mar. 21, 1822. She was a member of the Metho-
dist Church, and resided at Hornell and Canisteo, N. Y.
June 21, 1840, she married John H. Consalus, bom at
Ossian, N. Y., June 21, 1818, and died at Canisteo Nov.
15, 1903. He was a son of Isaac and Sally (Bisbee)
Children of John H. and Pamelia (Stephens) Con-
] II salus :
i Marinda, b. Mar. 20, 1842; d. Feb. 9, 1846.
ii Ervilla, b. Dec. 28, 1846; d. June 15, 1900; m.
July 20, 1875, Orpheus B. Goflf.
478 iii SaraH, b. June 25, 1854; m. Dec. 24, 1874,
Marshall M. Burrell.
304-271 Maryette Stephens' (Matthew', Uriah',
Uriah*, Uriah'. Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornell,
N. Y., May 20, 1829. She was a member of the Metho-
dist Church, and lived in Hornell and Canisteo, N. Y.
Dec. 3, 1846, she married John Baker' (Bazy', Anna Ste-
phens*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry"), who was born at
Hornell Jan. 3, 1820, and died Jan. 21, 1882, at Canisteo.
Children of John and Maryette (Stephens) Baker:
i Helen, b. Jan. 11, 1848; unm.
ii Jane, b. May 16, 1850; m. Orpheus GoflF Aug.
28, 1870; d. Mar. 27, 1874.
479 iii Amelia, b. May 26, i860; m. July 18. 1883,
Carlton Smith.
305 George Stephens' (George H.', Uriah',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo,
i82 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
N. Y., July 23, 1826. He married July 19, 1849, Julia
Wright, born Apr. 29, 1827, and died May 21, 1858, the
daughter of Levi and Emily (Cornell) Wright. Mr.
Stephens married, second, July 28, 1858, Nancy Dewey,
born May 26, 1840, daughter of James O. and Rhoda
(Cornell) Dewey. He was a farmer, and a member of
the Methodist Church.
Children of George and Julia (Wright) Stephens:
480 i Marcello A., b. Apr., 1850; m. June 16, 1872,
Harriet E. Woodmansee.
481 ii Mortimer William, b. Nov. 21, 1853; m. Oct.
17, 1875, Mary J. Smith.
Children of George and Nancy (Dewey) Stephens:
482 iii Caleb, b. June 25, 1859; m. May 14, 1882,
Rachel Estella King.
483 iv Andrew, b. Apr. 17, 1862; m. Apr. 30, 1884,
Eliza Jane Porter.
V Lee, b. June 25, 1873; d. Apr. 14, 1875.
vi Harriet B.. b. Aug. 30, 1876; m. George Ed-
w^ard Totton.
vii George Bert, b. Aug. 23, 1879; ^- Nov. 29,
1905, Edith A. Moore; has dau., Ella Louise,
b. Jan. 22, 1909.
306 Caleb Stephens^ (George H.', Uriah", Uriah*,
Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry^) was born at Caniseo, N. Y.,
Aug. 25, 1828. He married May 12, 1850, Lydia Hare,
born May 16, 1828, at Clarkson, N. Y., daughter of
Henry and Nancy (Steary) Hare. She died Feb. 14,
1896, and was buried in Stephens Cemetery at Canisteo.
Mr. Stephens is a farmer and resides at Canisteo. He
is a Methodist.
484 i Daniel H., b. Dec. 14, 1855; m. May 5, 1878,
Electa Fuller,
ii Catharine, b. Aug. 12, i860; d. July 23, 1863.
iii Hannah M., b. Dec. 6, 1865; ^- May 14, 1890,
Frank L. Jordan ; has issue : ( i ) Avis, b. Jan.
7, 1892; (2) James Lawrence, b. June, 1894.
Seventh Generation 183
307 Matthew Stephens' (George H.*, Uriah*,
Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., June 13, 1844. He is a farmer, residing at Canis-
teo, and is a member of the Methodist Church. He mar-
ried July 4, 1879, Susan E. Fuller, born at Brookfield,
Penn., July i, 1863, daughter of Aaron and Catharine
(Hollis) Fuller.
Children :
i Pauline, b. May 17, 1880; m. Feb. 27, 1904,
Guy Sherman.
485 ii Catharine, b. Nov. 18, 1882; m. Nov. 26, 1902,
Will V. Stewart,
iii Rhoda, b. Sept. 30, 1884.
iv Elnora, b. Mar. 4, 1886.
V Martha, b. Nov. 4, 1887.
vi George H., b. Nov. 2, 1889.
308-288 Carlton PI. Stephens'^ (Uriah F.", Col.
John^ Uriah*, Uriah"*, Thomas^ Henry') was born at
Greenwood, N. Y., Nov. 27, 181 1. He was a farmer,
and lived in Canisteo, N. Y. He died there Feb. 24,
1863. Feb. 24, 1835, he married Rosinna Upson'
(Uriah^ Sarah Stephens^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas',
Henry'), born Apr. 24, 1808, and died Aug. 23, 1890.
Child :
^86 i Madelia H., b. Nov. 26, 1841 ; m. Mar. 19,
1863, John I. Bennet.
ul ^
'+B 309-289 Elizabeth Stephens' (Uriah F.', Col.
;Iff■John^ Uriah*. Urialf, Thomas", Henry') was born at
Et |iCanisteo, N. Y., Jan. 19. 1814, and died Nov. 9, 1862.
She lived in Canisteo, and was a member of the Uni-
;versalist Church. She married Jan. 23, 1834. Calvin
Upson, bom at Canisteo July 10, 181 1, and died Sept.
29, 1874. '
Children of Calvin and Elizabeth (Stephens) Upson:
i Sylvia, b. Sept. 2, 1834; d. May, 1870; m. July
4, 1853, Jerome Harding,
ii Charles M., b. Oct. 2, 1839; d. Apr. 22, 1842.
184 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
487 iii Amelia, b. Oct. 27, 1842; m. Apr. 8, 1863,
Jerome Hinckley.
iv Hannah, b. Oct. 14, 1846; d. Feb. 19, 1905;
m. July 4, 1870, James Beatie.
V Rebecca, b. July 6, 1848; m. P. A. Keefover.
vi Orsamus, b. Nov. 21, 1850; m. June 14, 1876,
Rhoda Shults; had issue: (i) William, b.
May 25, 1877 ; m. June 14, 1899, Mabel Den-
nison ; and (2) Charles, b. Aug. 19, 1879.
292-310-4153 Phineas O. Stephens'' (Uriah F.',
Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry") was born
at Greenwood, N. Y., July 17, 181 7. He married, first,
in 1839, Helen Upson" ( Uriah", Sarah Stephens\ Uriah*,.
Uriah", Thomas^ Henry"), who died within a year there-
after. He married, second, Oct. 26, 1842, Cynthia Eliza
Trainor^ (Clara Stephens*, Rufus^ Joshua*, Jedediah',
Henry", Henry'), who died June 18, 1886. Mr. Stephens
died July 22, 1893. Both were buried in Hillside Ceme-
tery at Canisteo, N. Y. Mr. Stephens was a lawyer, and
lived at Canisteo Centre, now called Carson. He was
Justice of the Peace for 44 years, and Postmaster for 23
years. He was Royal Arch Mason of Canisteo Centre
Children of Phineas O. and Cynthia Eliza (Trainor)
Stephens :
488 i Viola, b. June 26, 1844; m- Sept. 9, 1869, Lu-
cius Kellison.
489 ii Aberdeen, b. Apr. 24, 1846; m. July 4, 1871,
Adelia Roosa.
iii Carlton, b. Nov. 8, 1848 ; d. Nov., 1885 ; unm.
490 iv Aurilla, b. Mar. 13, 1854; m. Apr. 16, 1870,
Wilson Loghry.
V Uriah, b. May 28, 1855; d. June 13, 1886; m.
Jan. 3, 1880. Anna Fulton; was killed on his
first run as brakeman on Erie R. R., and his
widow d. soon after, leaving one dau., who was
given to Mrs. Stephens' brother and removed
West. I
Seventh Generation 185
; 312 Sarah Rebecca Stephens^ (Uriah F,*, Col.
'John^ Uriah', Uriah^ Thomas', Henry') was born at
Greenwood, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1826. She was a member of
the Presbyterian Church. She married Dec. 28, 1848,
WiUiam M. Hendershott, born at Hornellsville, N. Y.,
Jan. I, 1826, died Aug. 18, 1878, and was buried at Can-
isteo, N. Y. Mr. Hendershott was a farmer, and Hved
in Hornellsville. He was the son of Samuel and Mariah
(Kile) Hendershott.
Children of William M. and Sarah Rebecca (Ste-
phens) Hendershott:
i Mariah E., b. Apr. 2, 1850; d. Apr. 5, 1891 ; m.
i 1877 Henry Langley.
!ii C. Marion, b. June 29, 1851 ; m. Dec. 31, 1874, Susan
I Canfield.
iii Georg-e W., b. Sept. 16, 1853 ; m. Jane Spencer.
Iv Hannah C, b. Jan. 25, 1861 ; d. Feb. 29, 1864.
313-441 John O. Stephens^ (Uriah F.*, Col.
fohn^ Uriah", Uriah\ Thomas", Henry') was born at
Tanisteo, N. Y., in 1832, and died in Jan., 1897. He
A^as a hotel keeper, and lived in Canisteo and Hornell,
M. Y. He was a member of the Episcopal Church. Dec.
[O, 1858, he married Shirene Jones' (Priscilla Stephens*,
edediah H.^ Joshua^ Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry'), born
'eb. 28, 1841, and died Apr. 17, 1899.
Children :
Emma Arbelle, b. Nov. 10, 1861 ; d. May 21, 1881 ;
m. Dec. 20, 1878, Samuel C. Berry; had issue: (i)
Leah Ann, b. Oct. i, 1879; m. May 3, 1899, John
Kelliher, and has daus., Olive Stevens, b. Jan. 20,
1903, and Catharine Arbelle, b. Sept. 5, 1905; (2)
John S., b. Apr. 18, 1881 ; m. Nov. 24, 1905, Emma
Cole ; has son, Paul Samuel, b. Mar. 9, 1908.
314 Edwin R. Stephens'' (Phineas*, Col. John^
Driah*, Uriah^ Thomas", Henry') was born at Canisteo,
H. Y., Apr. 8, 1819. He was a farmer and lived at Ben-
hetts Creek, Greenwood, N. Y. He was a member of
i86 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
' m
the Universalist Church. July 4, 1850, he married
Nancy, daughter of Stephen and Hannah (Barker) Put-
nam, born at Greenwood Mar. 19, 1831, and died Mar.
I, 1898. Mr. Stephens died Jan. 17, 1901. Both were
buried in Bennetts Creek Cemetery, Greenwood, N. Y.
Children :
491 i Mary Ervilla, b. Oct. 19, 1852; m. Jan. 2y,
1875', Willard M. Peck,
ii Sadie Angelia, b. July 9, 1854; m. June 6,
1883, Samuel P. Clark, a druggist of Attle-
boro, Mass.; has one child, Rosabel Lillian, b. 1
Sept. I, 1884.
Hi MeHssa Rachael, b. Feb. 9, 1856; d. Oct. 19, 1897;
m. Aug. 13, 1890, Charles O. Baker.
315-274 Julia Melissa Stephens' (Phineas*, Col. '
John^ Uriah', Uriah", Thomas', Henry') was born at I
Greenwood, N. Y., in 182 1. She was a member of the ;
Methodist Church. She married Hector C. Baker* ,
(Jeremiah^ Anna Stephens', Jedediah^ Henry", Henry'), fj
born at Canisteo, N. Y., June 6, 181 5, and died there
Apr. 25, 1859. Mr. Baker was a farmer. They lived at
Greenwood, Canisteo, Hornell, and Alfred, N. Y.
Children of Hector C. and Julia M. (Stephens) Baker:
i Phineas S.. b. Nov. 20, 1836; d. Jan. 28, 1907;
m. Mary Williamson.
492 ii Eunice, b. Aug. 6, 1838; m. Apr. 8, i860, J
E. Collier,
iii Emaline, b. Mar. 26, 1842; d. Mar. 9, 1859.
iv Edwin E., b. Jan. 25, 1844; rn- Line Baker.
V Melden, b. Aug. 17, 1847; ^- Lucy Van Sires.
vi Nathan, b. Mar. 17, 1851 ; m. Millie Tomas.
316 Rachel Stephens^ (Phineas', Col. John^
Uriah*. Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born at Green-
wood, N. Y., in 1823. She was a member of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church. Oct. i, 1840, she married John
Santee, born at West Cameron, N. Y,, Feb. 6, 1817, the
son of Isaac Santee. They lived in Greenwood, Canisteo,
Seventh Generation 187
md Hornell, N. Y., where Mr. Santee died Oct. 8, 1890.
-le was a miller, farmer, and active business man, and
,vas one of the founders of the Citizens' National Bank
')f Hornell.
Children of John and Rachel (Stephens) Santee:
i Addison, m. Jeannette Hallett.
ii Isaac, b. Feb. 21, 1845; "i-- ist, Aug. 4, 1864, Emily
Hallett; 2nd, May i, 1892, Ada M. King; had 3 sons
and I dau. by ist wife, and a dau., Rachel M., by
2nd wife.
ii Jerry E. B., b. Feb. 28, 1850; m. Mary E. Bently
of Westerly, R. I.
317-344 James Harvey Stephens'' (Phineas', Col.
ohtf, Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas*, Henry") was born at
Greenwood, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1825. He was a lumberman,
nd lived in Greenwood and Canisteo, N. Y. He was a
lember of the Universalist Church. In 1847 ^i^ married
Jebecca Stephens' (Obediah', William^ Uriah\ Uriah*,
liomas', Henry'), born at Canisteo, who died in Apr.,
849. Mr. Stephens married Apr. 14, 1852, Ambrosia
•)avis, born in Greenwood Apr. 14, 1832, and died there
uly 16, 1888, daughter of Redman S. and Jane (Porter)
>avis. Mr. Stephens died Sept. 21, 1895, and was bur-
d at Greenwood, N. Y. He served in the Legislature
1 the session of 1864.
■ Child of James H. and Rebecca (Stephens) Stephens:
93 i Sarah, b. Apr. 22, 1849; "i- Mar., 1867,
George Richey.
Children of James H. and Ambrosia (Davis) Ste-
lens :
n ii Estella, b. Nov. 6, 1854; m., ist., Jan. 9, 1872,
Charles Goodno ; 2nd, Sept. 25, 1875, Chester
)5 iii Mary Davis, b. Jan. 22, 1868; m. Dec. 4, 1895,
Frank D. Young.
I iv Nell. b. Nov. 18, i860; d. Mar. 11, 1861.
V Josephine, b. Apr. 5, 1862; d. Mar. 23, 1872.
i88 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy "
318 Abram Minier Stephens^ (Elias*, Col. John',!'
Uriah*, Uriah\ Thomas", Henry') was born at Canisteo,o
N. Y., Sept. 17, 1817. He was a farmer and resided ini
Hornell and Canisteo, N. Y. He was a member of thei'
Christian Church. Feb. 29, 1840, he married Margaret
Geer, born at Auburn, N, Y., July 17, 1817, and died
Apr. 3, 1881. Mr. Stephens married, second, Mrs. Janei
Geer Mar, 17, 1882. He died Sept. 20, 1902, and wasr
buried at Canisteo.
Children of Abram M. and Margaret (Geer) Ste-
phens :
496 i Mary C, b. Dec. 25, 1840; m. July 3, 1862, F.
Marshall Olin (332).
497 ii Elias, b. Mar. 20, 1843; m. Dec. 16, 1865,
498 iii Christiana B., b. Feb. 5, 1845; n""- Sept, 22,
1868, William Olin.
iv Sarah DelpHna, b. Apr. 15, 1847; d. May i,
499 V Fannie A., b. Nov. 25, 1850; m. Apr. 26, 1877,
A. A. Monroe,
vi Archibold A., b. June 5, 1853; unm.
500 vii Pamelia O., b. Aug. 11, 1859; "i- July 17,
1880, Rev. Alpheous Iden,
319-297 Christiana M. Stephens' (Elias', Col. .
John", Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born at i
Greenwood, N. Y., July 16, 1822, and died Sept. 28, i
1896, at Canisteo, N. Y. She married Jan. 21, 1838, i
Alonzo Bennett' (William*, Sarah Stephens', Uriah', ^
Uriah\ Thomas', Henry'), who was born Oct. 25, 1818, i
and died Oct. 8, 1896. He was a farmer and an insur- '1
ance agent. They resided at Canisteo.
Children of Alonzo and Christiana M. (Stephens)
Bennett :
i Amy.
501 ii AmeHa, b. Oct. 23. 1841 ; m. Jan. 30, 1863,
George S. Braistead.
iii Adaline, d. in infancy.
m II
I Seventh Generation 189
502 iv Annette, m., ist, Everall V. Chadwick Feb.
22, 1863; 2nd, Seymour C. Williamson, M. D.
i V Ann, m. Amory C. Johnson, a farmer; lives at
Canisteo, N. Y,
vi Augustine, m. Henry C. Beckwith, son of Seth
S. and Rebecca (Stephens) Beckwith, who
served in the Civil War ; had issue : (i)
■ Alonzo B., m. Mary V. ColHer ; (2) Mary C. ;
and (3) Christiana B.
vii Alonzo, d. in infancy.
i viii Eva, d. in infancy.
' ix Mary, d. in infancy.
320 Hannah H. Stephens' (Elias*. Col. John",
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Green-
wood, N. Y., Sept. 16. 1827. She resides at Canisteo.
N. Y. She married Nov. 13, 1845, Charles C. Rose,
•born near Trenton, N. J., Feb. 27, 1819, and died Jan.
8, 1894. He was son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Car-
hart) Rose. Mrs. Rose is a member of the Methodist
Children of Charles C. and Hannah H. (Stephens)
iRose :
i A son, b. Apr. 21, 1847; ^- ^P^- 22, 1847.
ii A son, b. Apr. 20, 1848; d. Apr. 20, 1848.
'503 iii Elias Gerard, b. May 8, 1849; rn. Feb. 14,
; T872, Ellen E. Kellogg.
1504 iv Virginia, b. May 18, 185 1 ; m. June 30, 1876,
\ Dell R. Flint.
S505 V Belle, b. Oct. 10, 1853; rn. Jan. 9, 1872, Mar-
' cus B. Walker.
I506 vi May, b. Jan. 16, 1856; m. June 24, 1874, Rob-
ert K. Bergen.
507 vii Abram Minier, b. June 27, 1858; m. May 18,
1886, Carrie A. Stephens (531).
321 Archibold a. Stephens' (Ellas', Col. John',
Uriah*. Uriah^ Thomas*, Henry') was born at Green-
wood, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1830. He was a farmer, and re-
190 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy ^01
sided in Canisteo, N. Y., and Smithport, Pa. He mar-'
ried Sept. 21, 1854, at Farmers Valley, Pa., Justina Otto,
b. Jan. 27, 1 83 1, the daughter of George and Jemima ^
(Ayres) Otto. '■
Children :
508 i Flora Ardell, b. Dec. 25, 1856; m. June 23,
1886, Charles Wilder Freeman.
ii Luella, b. Apr. 23, 1859 ; d. May, i860. |
509 iii Maud, b. June 22, 1861 ; m. Nov. 7, 1891, Els-
worth Stephens (517), son of Daniel; lives at
Nowata, Okla.
322 Adah Stephens' (Ellas', Col. John", Uriah*,
Uriah', Thomas^ Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y.,
July 29, 1832. She married June 20, 1848, Joseph
Hughey Brown, born Aug. 12, 1826, at Tyrone, N. Y.
He was a farmer, and was an Exhorter in the Methodist
Protestant Church. Mr. Brown was the son of James
W. Brown, born in Ireland, and of Jane Hughey, who
was born June 11, 1791, in Scotland. Mrs. Brown died
Feb. 12, 1885, and was buried in Halletts Cemetery,
Children of Joseph H. and Adah (Stephens) Brown:
510 i Alonzo, b. June 16, 1849; ^n. Isabelle J.
Frazier Feb. 28, 1869.
ii Franc, b. Sept. 29, 185 1; m. Adelbert Allen
Sept. 30, 1890.
iii Justin, b. Aug. 30, 1853; i'^- Nett Strait,
iv John, b. July 13, 1856; m. Sept. 5. 1896, Rose"
Farrel ; had one child, who d. in infancy.
323 Harriet Stephens' (John H.\ Col. John',
Uriah*. Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Green-
wood. N. Y., May 20, 1822, the first white girl born in
the town. She died May 27. 1887. She married Wilham
Young, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y.. son of Henry and
Lucretia Young. Mr. Young was a farmer. He and his
wife were Methodists. They lived in Greenwood. Mr.
Seventh Generation 191
i^oung died Feb. 27, 1883, and was buried in Union
jl Children of William and Harriet (Stephens) Young:
Ijii i John S., b. Nov. 8, 1840; m. Nov. 22, 1863,
I Mary Dwight.
12 ii Lucretia, b. Feb. i, 1843; "i. Aug. 11, 1864,
L. D. Scribner.
13 iii Henry W., b. Apr. 2, 1845 ! rn- Mar. 23, 1878,
Avia Daly.
iv Delphine, b. July i, 1849; ^'^- May 8, 1869,
Gordon Pease,
;, 324 Susan Stephens'' (John H.', Col. John',
Iriah*. Uriah^ Thomas". Henry'), was born at Green-
wood, N. Y., July 4, 183 1. She married Apr. 18, 1853,
Idam D. Foster, a farmer, born at Greenwood Apr. 18,
^832. He died Oct. 19, 1906, and was buried at Ben-
netts Creek. They were members of the Presbvterian
|hurch. Mr. Foster was the son of Stephen and Sally
tButts) Foster,
j Children of Adam D. and Susan (Stephens) Foster:
Ferris, b. Sept. 7, 1861 ; m. Sept. 30, 1882, Ada Wil-
Earl, b. Dec. 2, 1866; m. Sept. 26, 1888, Lena Cross,
325 John Jerome Stephens' John H.', Col.
bhn^, Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas", Henry') was born at
reenwood, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1839. He was a farmer
id lumberman, and lived in Greenwood and Hartsville,
'. Y. Mr. Stephens was a member of the Universalist
hurch. He died May 11, 1868, and was buried at Ben-
2tts Creek Cemetery, He married July 4, i860, Juliette
jtreeter, born at Canisteo, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1841, and died
|ept. 24, 1907. She was buried at Bennetts Creek. Mrs,
jtephens was a daughter of Thomas and Betsey Streeter,
Children :
i4 i Perry E.. b. Mav 4. 1862; m. Oct. 29, 1890,
■Mabel Mead.
192 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
515 ii Olive U., b. Nov. 22, 1863; m. Apr. 17, 1885,
George M. Stephens (422), son of George W.
iii Cordelia, b. Oct. 13, 1865; d. Jan. 11, 1908;
m. Mar. 17, 1898, Arthur P. Woodward, a
merchant and Bank President of Greenwood;
no children.
iv John Jerome, b. Oct. 8, 1866; unm. ; a carpen-
ter and joiner; lives in Canisteo, N. Y.
326 Martin Van Buren Stephens^ (John H.',
Col. John^ Uriah'. Uriah", Thomas", Henry') was born
Feb. 28, 1841, at Greenwood, N. Y. He is a carpenter.
He married Oct. 5, 1863, Elizabeth Bell, born at Virgil,
and died at Hornell, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1906.
Child :
i A foster son, b. in 1893, Leon Langdon D wight.
327 Redmond D. Stephens' (Alexander H.', Col.
John", Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas^ Henry^) was born at
Greenwood, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1829. He was educated at
Alfred College and the Albany, N. Y., Law School, and
was admitted to the Bar. He removed to Marion, la.,
where he was a teacher, lawyer, and banker. Mr. Ste-
phens was a member of the Congregationalist Church.
He married Oct. 7, 1857, Louisa Brier.
Children :
i Mary, b. Apr. 7, 1868.
ii Louisa, b. Mar. 31, 1871.
iii Redmond D., b. May 30, 1874.
328 Mary M. Stephens' (Alexander H.', Col.
John', Uriah*. LTriah^ Thomas\ Henry*) was born at
Greenwood, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1832, and died May 28,
1882. She was a member of the Universalist Church.
Nov. II, 185 1, she married Joseph B. Woodbury, born at
Exeter, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1826, son of Foster and Lena
Woodbury. Mr. Woodbury has been an extensive
farmer and land owner in Jasper and Greenwood, N. Y.,
and in other places.
Seventh Generation 193
Children of Joseph B. and Mary M. (Stephens)
Woodbury :
516 i Merritt A., b. Mar. i, 1852; m. May 9, 1876,
I; Delphina Chapman.
I ii Martin F., b. Aug. 27, 1856; m. Feb. 2, 1885,
Sarah Smith.
! 329 Elias Stephens' (Daniel McHenry*, Col.
l[ohn\ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas", Henry') was born July
■29, 1 83 1. He married May 6, 1858, Amelia Grevy,
daughter of John.
: Children :
i Jennie, m. William N. Merritt.
ii Arthur.
iii Gertrude.
330 Daniel Stephens' (Daniel McHenry', Col.
)|'ohn^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas", Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., May 31, 1833. He married Sarah
philds, who died in Bradford, Pa., Apr. 2^, 1891. Mr.
Stephens was a farmer and lumberman. He lived on
Bennetts Creek, N. Y., and Bradford, Pa., and died Nov.
J, 1906. He was buried in Bennetts Creek Cemetery,
i^. Y. In 1862 he enlisted in the 141st Regt., Co. H,
k. Y. V.
: Children :
i Emma, d. June 22, 1891 ; m. Otis Fuller.
17 ii Elsworth, b. May 26, 1866; m. Nov. 7, 1891,
Maud Stephens (509).
iii Elmer, b. Aug. 21, 1868 ; unm.
iv Erwin, b. Sept. 24, 1872; unm.
V Evalena, b. Oct. 4, 1877; m. Jan. 13, 1898,
. Burt Childs ; has issue : Harold Ellsworth,
Sarah Elnora, Claude A., and Erma Areola.
331 Cassius M. Clay Stephens' (Daniel McHen-
ry', Col. John', Uriah*. Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
!orn at Greenwood. N. Y.. July 10, 1844. He married
uly 4, 1868, Helen M. Wilber, born at Dansville, N.
194 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Y., May 21, 1848, the daughter of William and Jane
(Popple) Wilber. Mr. Stephens is a farmer, and has
lived at Hartsville and Canisteo, N. Y. He enlisted in
the Army in 1861 in the 189th Regt., Co. I, N. Y. V.
Children :
i Newell F., b. June 15, 1869; m. Mar. 22, 1899,
Anna Crawford,
ii Wilber D., b. July 6, 1871 ; m. Apr. 5, 1899, Alice
iii Lindon, b. Feb. 28, 1873; m. Dec. 5, 1897, Emma
iv Charlotte J., b. Dec. 6, 1875 ; m. Apr. 3, 1901, Will-
iam Mullen.
V John D., b. May 6, 1878.
vi Mary W., b. Apr. 23, 188 1 ; m. Aug. 28, 1901, Her-
man Mullen.
vii Daniel M., b. Apr. 22, 1883.
viii Olive, b. July 14, 1885 ; d. Aug. 3, 1885.
ix Harry L., b. Nov. 25, 1890.
333 James B. Stephens'' (Erastus^ Elias^ Uriah',
Uriah*, Thomas', Henry") was born June i, 1824, at Can- j„,
isteo, N. Y., and died there Mar. 18, 1902. He married ^jjer
Nov. 15, 1846, Celina Copeland. He was a farmer and ! !,Vf,
lived on the farm taken up by his grandfather, Elias
Children :
518 i Hiram C, b. Nov. 21, 1847; ^n- Aug. 19, 1869,
Catharine E. Loucks.
519 ii Mary B., b. May 24, 1852; m. Sept. 12, 1869,
Albert Granger.
520 iii Eugene E., b. Dec. 13, 1854; m. May 25, 1877,
Ella McNett.
521 iv Anna, b. Apr. 5, 1866; m. Jan. 13, 1890, Ed-
ward Newell.
334 Catharine Stephens' (Erastus', Elias',
Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas", Henry") was born at Hornells-
ville* N. Y., May 22, 1826. She married Oct. 13, 1844,
Seventh Generation 195
John Carter, born at Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1821, and
died Aug. 21, 1888, at Canisteo. He was son of An-
' thony and Rachel (Teeter) Carter. Mrs. Carter lives in
Canisteo. She is an attendant of the Presbyterian
; Church.
Children of John and Catharine (Stephens) Carter:
i William T., b. Oct. 8, 1846; m. June 17, 1871,
Martha Davis.
522 ii Erastus A., b. Apr. 23, 1849 5 ^- July 4- 1868,
Katie A. Bailey.
iii Mary Ann, b. June 29, 1852; d. July 5, 1856.
iv Elisha H., b. Sept. 25, 1854; d. Apr. 7, 1862.
523 V Addie A., b. Aug. 18, 1861 ; m. June 19, 1884,
Myron R. Lake.
vi Eva L., b. Dec. 19, 1866; m. Oct. 24, 1888,
Walter E. Ostrander.
vii Mary L., b. Feb. 14, 1871 ; m. Sept. 21, 1892,
Bert M. Coller.
335 Orris Stephens^ (Erastus^ Elias", Uriah*,
i Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornell, N. Y.,
Tan. 2T„ 1831, and died June 3, 1881. She was a mem-
Iber of the Methodist Church. She married Oct. i, 1854,
Morris Tuller, born at Hartsville, N. Y., in 1829, the
son of Isaac and Louina (Wickam) Tuller. Mr. Tuller
is a farmer, and has lived in Hornell and Hartsville, N. Y.
Children of Morris and Orris (Stephens) Tuller:
524 Alice, b. Sept. 2, 1855; m. Mar. 25, 1875,
Simon Smith.
525 Cora, b. Apr. 4, 1864; m- Mar. 26, 1884,
Thomas K. Bennett.
526 Erastus S., b. July 6, 1873; m., ist, Oct. 24,
1894, Card B. Davison; 2nd, Sept. 25, 1907,
Hattie B. Plass.
527 Anna, b. Aug. 9, 1869; m. Aug. 2, 1891,
George O. Coller.
336 Alzina Stephens' (Erastus*, Ellas', Uriah*,
jUriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornell, N. Y.,
196 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Apr. 6, 1844. She is a member of the Christian Church,
and lives in Canisteo, N. Y. Apr. 10, 1864, she married
WilHam T. Cross, born at Cinconia, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1841,
Children :
i Lena M., b. Sept. 9, 1866; m. Sept. 26, 1888, Earl E.
Foster; has dau., Winifred A., b. July 2, 1889; m.
Aug. 23, 1908, Ray Spencer.
ii Grace C., b. June 11, 1875; d. May 28, 1876.
336a Jerome Stephens' (Nathan*, Elijah^ Uriah*,
Uriah*, Thomas^ Henry^) was born at Hornellsville, N.
Y., Sept. 29, 1823, and died at Fresno, Cal., Nov. 28,
1889. He was an agriculturist, and was a member of
the Episcopal Church. In 1854 he married Savia Scales,
who was born in Ohio Jan. 9, 1832, and died July 18,
1907. She was the daughter of Izeral and Phoebe
Children :
i Alba Cyndia, b. Jan. 16, 1857.
ii Louis Jerome, b. Sept. 21, i860; d. May 9,
527a iii Mary Jane, b. Sept. 7, 1863; m. Dec. 15, 1885,
James E. Harlan.
527b iv Anna Florence, b. June 29, 1866; m. Apr. 7,
1886, Elmer Eugene Humphrey.
336b Abigail Mary Stephens'' (Nathan', Elijah',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^, Henry') was born at Hornells-
ville, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1832, and died in Sacramento, Cal.,
Aug. 19, 1907. She married in Aug., 1854, Robert C.
Hood, born at Mineral Point, Wis., in Sept., 1830. He
died July 10, 1864. at Mayhews. Sac. Co. They lived in
Peoria and Sacramento.
Children of Robert C. and Abigail Mary (Stephens)
Hood :
i Benjamin Frank, b. May 9, 1855; ^l- Feb. 22, 1879.
ii George L., b. Nov. 25, 1857; d. June 10, 1899.
iii Robert C, b. Feb. 19, i860; d. Jan. 11, 1876.
Seventh Generation 197
337 Russell Day Stephens' (Nathan', Elijah",
Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas", Henry") was born in Peoria,
111., Apr. 14, 1837. He married Dec. 21, 1881, Adelaide
M. Duggan, born at Boston, Mar. 16, i860. Mr. Ste-
phens was a member of the Legislature in 1869. In 1885
' he was appointed Postmaster of Sacramento, where he
lives. He is a horticulturist, having a farm at Mayhews.
Children :
i Estill, b. Sept. 29, 1882.
ii Russell, b. Jan. 27, 1884; d. Mar. 10, 1884.
iii Russell Day, b. Dec. 22, 1885.
338 Alanson Stephens'' (Benjamin*, Elijah',
Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry") was born at Hornells-
ville, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1820. He married in 1841 Cath-
arine, daughter of Christopher Doty of Hornellsville.
' Mr. Stephens was a carpenter and joiner, and an exten-
i sive dealer in lumber. In later life he engaged in farm-
ing. He was Supervisor for two years and President of
the Board of Education for twelve years. Mrs. Stephens
died Mar. 7, 1863, and he married, second, Philena Pick-
ard in July, 1881. Mr. Stephens died Feb. 28, 1908.
Children of Alanson and Catharine (Doty) Stephens:
i Christopher B., b. Apr. 19, 1844; d. 1879.
ii Thaddeus A., b. Sept. i, 1845; d- 1908, unm.
iii Walter A., b. Mar. 6, 1852; d. Jan. 21, 1901 ;
m. Sept., 1877, Dora Rider.
528 iv WilHam D., b. Oct. 10, 1855; m- ^^^77 Mattie
M. Hopps.
'529 v Catharine E., b. Sept. 25, 1856; m., ist, Sept.
8, 1876, Paul Lord; 2nd, June 9, 1890, Henry
M. Bennett.
339 Albert Spencer Stephens' (Benjamin', Eli-
jah', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Hor-
nellsville, N. Y., June 10, 1835. He married May 26,
1855, Sarah E. Haag, born at Hornellsville Dec. 10, 1835,
ithe daughter of P. T. and Clara (Robinson) Haag. Mr.
Stephens is a farmer. He moved to Lake City, Minn.,
198 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
in 1856, to Illinois in 1858, and to Linden, Iowa, in 1868,
where he now lives.
Children :
529a i Laura A., b. May 4, 1857; m. Dec. 24, 1874,
Jarvis Potter.
529aa ii Frank D., b. Apr. 18, 1859; "i- J^^^Y 4' ^^^2,
Louise Stroud.
iii Myra Bell, b. Feb. i, 1861 ; m. July 24, 1887,
Emerson Green.
529b iv Fred E., b. Jan. 18, 1863; m. 1889 Lizzie
529c V Lilly A., b. May 15, 1865; m. June 11. 1884,
A. Dewitt Dover,
vi Burtie B., b. Nov. 20, 1870; d. Feb. 25, 1872.
529d vii Lottie O., b. Nov. 12, 1875; m. 1894 Mahlon
340 Sydney Sylvester Stephens' (Benjamin*,
Elijah^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born near
Hornellsville, N. Y., May 29, 1836, and died in Noti
Valley, Lane Co., Oregon, June 14, 1902. He married
May 26, 1857, ^" Osceola, 111., Mary J. Sturtevant. They
moved in 1865 to Oregon, and settled fifteen miles
westerly from Eugene.
Children (taken from Eugene, Oregon, Weekly
Guard) :
"He was the father of nine children, six boys and
three girls. Three boys and one girl died nearly together
of a severe type of Typhoid fever. The surviving chil-
dren are Joseph M. and Church E. lives on the old home
place, Clark M. lives in Eugene, Mrs. Lorretta Mc-
Cutcheon of Elmira and Mrs. Lucy Withrow, Reuben,
341 Abigail S. Lefferts'' (Rebecca Stephens*, Eli-
jah", LTriah*. Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born at Hor-
nell, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1827, and died Feb. 12, 1909. She
married David Stewart Ryno, born at Elizabeth, N. J.,
Seventh Generation i99
and died at Salamanca, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1897. They
lived at Hornell and Salamanca.
Children of David S. and Abigail S. (Lefferts) Ryno :
i Charles Lefferts, b. Oct. 2, 1852 ; d. Dec. 18, 1897.
ii Florence R., b. Sept. 26, 1854; m. Dec. 21, 1881.
William H. Agnew.
iii Ella, b. Nov. 29, 1856.
iv Frank L., b. Jan. 15, 1865; m. Feb. 8, 1906, Marion
j 341a Georgian A Dean' (Eliza Stephens', Elijah",
lUriah', Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornells-
Iville, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1838. She is a member of the Pres-
'byterian Church. She married Mar. 16, 1859, L. W.
iHosley, born at Lowell, Mass., Nov. 7, 1833, and died
July 7, 1903. Mr. Hosley was a farmer, and lived in
jAlmond, N. Y. He was a son of Abel and Hannah Hos-
Children of L. W. and Georgiana (Dean) Hosley:
i Wakeman, b. Apr. 29, i860; d. Sept. 26, 1863.
ii Mary E., b. May 29, 1862; m. Mar. 16, 1882,
Franklin J. Scholes.
iii Nina L., b. Mar. 18, 1864; m. May 30, 1884, Fred
P. Albro.
iv Oliver, b. Nov. 16, 1866.
V Berdance, b. Jan. 24, 1869; m. Nov. 9, 1889, Fred
vi Charles E., b. Mar. 20, 1871 ; m. Feb. i, 1899,
Emma Wetmore.
vii Cora A., b. Mar. 27, 1873; m. Nov. 2, 1892, Na-
than J. Ferry.
viii Ralph D., b. Oct. 17, 1883; m. June 26, 1907, Eliza-
beth Bartlett.
341b Mary J. Dean' (Eliza Stephens', Elijah",
Uriah*, Urialf , Thomas^ Henry') was born at West Al-
mond, N. Y., May 4, 1841. She is a Seventh Day Bap-
tist. She married May 6, i860, Elisha P. Stillman, born
at Almond Oct. 11, 1837, the son of Daniel P. and Fanny
200 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
M. Stillman. Mr. Stillman is a farmer, and lives at West
Children of Elisha P. and Mary J. (Dean) Stillman:
i Fanny M., b. Jan. 26, 1861 ; d. Mar. 30, 1905; m.
Dec. 19, 1878, George Burdick.
ii Daniel E., b. May 16, 1864; d. May 31, 1864.
iii Selah B., b. Oct. 20, 1867; m. Dec. 21, 1893, Ger-
trude Green.
iv Lavem P., b. Dec. 9, 1875; m. July 16, 1896, Alice
342 Samuel A. Stephens'' (Benjamin', William',
Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry") was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Dec. 8, 1842. He married Oct. 13, 1886, Ella B.
Dickinson, born Aug. 15, 1862.
Children :
i Timothy R., b. June 28, 1887.
ii Lydia Adelia, b. Dec. 26, 1888.
iii Isaac W., b. Dec. 4, 1892.
343 Ann Stephens^ (Obediah", William^ Uriah*,
Uriah\ Thomas', Henry") was born at Canisteo Centre,
N. Y., Feb. 13, 1827. She was a member of the Metho-
dist Church, and lived at Canisteo. June 4, 1848, she
married Benjamin Sammons, born at Canisteo in 1827,
and died Dec. 13, 1903. He was a son of John and Jane
Child of Benjamin and Ann (Stephens) Sammons:
530 i Eva, b. Dec. 13, 1850; m. Nov. 28, 1869, Mel-
den Stephens (434).
345 Obediah Stephens'' (Obediah*, William^
Uriah*, Urialf, Thomas", Henry") was born Aug. 14,
1836, at Canisteo, N. Y., and died there July 8. 1906.
He was a miller. Oct. 24, i860, he married Charlotte
Baker, born at Southport, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1842, the
daughter of Isaac and Mary A. (Giles) Baker. She died
Apr. II, 1900, at Canisteo, N. Y. Mr. Stephens was an
attendant of the Methodist Church.
r Seventh Generation 20I
I Children :
I i Fred, b. Aug. 12, 1861 ; d. May 2, 1862.
1531 ii Carrie, b. June 9, 1863; m. May 18, 1896,
Abram Minier Rose.
iii Hardy H., b. Jan. 10, 1866; m. Sept. 30, 1896,
Florence Bennett, b. Sept. 14, 1868, dau. of
Harvey M. and Mary (Richey) Bennett.
iv Lena, b. Mar. i, 1868; m. Sept. 24, 1902, Will-
iam Garrison, b. Nov. 3, 1859, son of Nathaniel
! and Julia (Colgrove) Garrison.
1532 V James O., b. July 22, 1873; m. June 3, 1893,
i Clara I. Gundlunch.
f533 vi Lottie, b. June 22, 1878; m. 1897 Lewis F.
vii Cora, b. Nov. 8, 1884; m. Fred Williams.
346 Hiram B. Stephens' (Mordecai H.*, Col.
;Villiam^ Uriah*, Uriah*, Thomas\ Henry') was born at
>nisteo, N. Y., July 22. 1841. He is a member of the
:Mmitive Baptist Church. He removed to Ruffin, N. C,
yhere he is a farmer. Mr. Stephens married thrice :
rst, Apr. 8, 1863, Angeline A. Hinkley, born at Harts-
ale, N. Y.. Jan. 9, 1843, daughter of Barney and Sallie
:J[. Hinkley, and died Nov. 26, 1881 ; second, Nov., 1885,
dary A. Barnes, born in Rockingham Co., N. C, Sept.
I 1842, and died Dec. 17, 1890, daughter of Henry and
;iarian Barnes; third, Apr. 8, 1891, Nebraska Ann
laron, born in Pittsylvania Co., Va., Oct. 12, 1854,
laughter of W. C. and Mary M. Aaron.
' Children of Hiram B. and Angeline A. (Hinkley)
tephens :
• i Cora E., b. Nov. 30, 1864; ""•• Jan. 6, 1885, J- B.
\n Ida B., b. Dec. 8, 1865; m- Jan. 6, 1885, J- R- Bur-
Hi Mordecai H., b. Aug. 27, 1869; ^- Gertrude Harri-
' son.
h Phoebe J., b. Aug. 17, 1871 ; m. Jefferson Turner.
y Edna M., b. June 13, 1874; d. Feb. 4. 1876.
202 Stephejs's-Stevens Genealogy
vi William W., b. Aug. 19, 1878; m. Nama Neal.
vii Earl B., b. May 3, 1880.
viii Lester O., b. Nov. 14, 1881 ; d. Nov. 14, 1905.
347 S. Alice Stephens' (William B.', William',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas", Henry') was born June 27,
1854, at Canisteo, N. Y. She is a member of the Sev-
enth Day Baptist Church. She married Mar. 2, 1880,
John Nicholson' (Narcissa Stephens*, Elijah', Uriah',.
Uriah", Thomas', Henry'), born Apr. 25, 1839, at Hor-
nellsville, N. Y., and died Dec. 28, 1908, at Soldiers'
Home, Bath, N. Y. He was a farmer.
Children of John and S. Alice (Stephens) Nicholson:
i Joan S. A., b. Jan. i, 1886.
ii John S. A., b. Oct. 19, 1888.
348 Adsit B. Stephens' (William B.', William', T-^
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Sept. I, 1857. He is a farmer, residing at Canis- -
teo, and is a member of the Methodist Church. May 29, jj; :
1880, he married Clara B. Knapp, born at South Can- § •
isteo May 4, 1862, the daughter of Jonathan and Agnes
Children :
i Ross W., b. Feb. 17, 1883.
ii Agnes M., b. May 5, 1886; m. Sept. 14, 1904, Harry
iii Vina Belle, b. May 31, 1891.
iv Sarah G., b. Mar. 16, 1896.
V Miles A., b. Oct. 28, 1902.
349 Andrew James Stevens' (Ariel', Andrew',
Safiford*, Andrew^ Thomas^ Henry') was born June 17,
1842. He married June 3, 1868. Mary Elizabeth Carter.
They live in Bedford, Quebec, Canada,
i John Martin, b. Mar. 23, 1869; m. Nov. 13, 1895, fj,
Mary Lapoint ; no children.
Seventh Generation 203
jii Minnie Angelia, b. Oct. 17, 1870; m. Nov. 8, 1893,
Benoni A. Thompson,
iii Julia Amelia, b. Feb. 5, 1873; d. Jan. 6, 1879.
V Benjamin Robinson, b. Nov. 25, 1874.
V Nellie Maud, b. Feb. 23, 1877.
l/i Caroline Louisa, b. Dec. 29, 1879.
ii Mary Anne, b. Oct. 24, 1881 ; d. Mar. 21, 1882.
;ii Joseph Andrew, b. Dec. 31, 1882.
X Andrew James, b. Sept. 3, 1885.
350 Florilla p. Marrs' (Hannah Stevens*, An-
•ew^ Safford*, Andrew", Thomas^ Henry^) was born at
.ilton, Vt., Sept. 3, 1839. She married at Colchester,
t., June II, 1863, James R. Page, born at Keesville, N.
L, where they settled. He was a farmer, son of Harris
[age. They were members of the Congregational
;Children of James R. and Florilla P. (Marrs) Page:
Ellen H., m. William Tinney.
Julia, m. Ellsworth Pickle.
1^ Flora, m. A. Hargraves.
351 Julia A. Marrs' (Hannah Stevens*, Andrew",
iif^ord*, Andre w^ Thomas", Henry") was born at Earn-
\m, P. Q., Nov. 23, 1842. She married at Colchester,
\., Mar. 6, 1861, Norman A. Bellows, son of Amos.
k was a farmer, and lived in Essex, Vt. They were
(Children of Norman A. and Julia A. (Marrs) Bel-
Edna S., m. W. S. Beach.
i Lila, d. Dec. 22, 1872.
b Frank, m. Annie Church.
I 352 Philander E. Marrs'' (Hannah Stevens*, An-
(3^w^ Safford*, Andrew*, Thomas^ Henry') was born at
Clchester, Vt., Mar. 19, 1848. He lived at Westford,
Jilton, and Waterbury, Vt., and is a farmer. He mar-
rd Apr. 21, 1869, Lucretia E. Morgan, born Jan. 14,
204 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
1849. She died Mar. 29, 1878. Mr. Marrs married,
second, Jan. 3, 1881, Clara J. Austin, daughter of Den-
nis and Harriet Austin.
Children of Philander and Lucretia E. (Morgan)
Marrs :
i Frank E., b. Nov. 13, 1871 ; m. Oct. 12, 1897, Sarah
ii Lida H., b. Sept. 23, 1874.
iii Clara, b. Aug. 30, 1876; d. July 15, 1877. .
Children of Philander and Clara J. (Austin) Marrs: i
iv Mark E., b. Nov. 29, 1881. ,
V Alice E., b. Mar. 24, 1886. H
353 Hannah Stevens' (Jonas*. Joseph', Joseph',
Samuel", Thomas', Henry') was born at Campbell, N. Y.,
Oct. 16, 1830. She is a member of the Presbyterian
Church. She married Oct. 25, 1848, Chauncy Rising,
bom near Winfield, N. Y., in 1827, and died at Camp-
bell Mar. 27, 1883. He was a son of Henry Rising, and ,j
was a farmer.
Children of Chauncy and Hannah (Stevens) Rising:
i Marvin H., b. Oct. 15, 1844; unm.
ii Delphine E., b. Aug. 30, 1852; m. Mar. 12, 1890,
George Morton of Benton Harbor, Mich. ; no chil-
iii Charles J., b. Aug. 17, 1855; unm. il
iv Frank C, b. Sept. 18, 1858; d. Aug. 30, 1898.
V WilHs E., b. Nov. 15, 1861 ; d. Jan. 21, 1862.
vi Wilbert S.. b. Nov. 15, 1861 ; m. June 9, 1888. Lo-
vina M. Harrington; lives at Elmira Heights, N.
Y.; has three children: (i) Mattie H., aged 18;
(2) Mildred E., aged 15; (3) Wilbert H., aged 7.
vii Mattie R., b. Nov. 24, 1864; m. Oct., 1883, Walter
O. Hall of Avon, N. Y. ; no children,
viii Jennie W., b. Feb. 5, 1868; d. July 4, 1900.
354 Ralph Stevens^ (Jonas', Joseph". Joseph*,
Samuer, Thomas', Henry') was born at Campbell, N. Y.,
Oct. 5, 1838. He was a farmer, and lived at Campbell
Seventh Generation 205
id Savona, N. Y. He enlisted in the 107th N. Y. Vol.
fit. Aug. 2, 1862. He lost his right leg at Dallas, Ga.,
lay 25, 1864, and was discharged Mar. 2, 1865. Mr.
Sevens was in six of the hardest battles of the war. He
r'lrried, first, Jan. i, 1862, Margaret Gillmore, born at
Hney, N. S.. June i, 1840, and died at Arnot, Pa., Mar.
2, 1876. He married, second, Jan. 10, 1878, Jane
J::obus, born Jan. 24, 1839, ^^ Urbana, N. Y.,.and died
(:t. 20, 1898, at Campbell, N. Y. Mr. Stevens mar-
rd, third, Dec. 30, 1899, Charlotte A. Oakley, born at
ladford, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1843.
Children of Ralph and Margaret (Gillmore) Stevens
;ll born at Campbell, N. Y.) :
Jane M.. b. Mar. 22, 1863; m. Apr. 25, 1883, Will-
iam D. Reynolds, b. May 16, 1861, at Danville, Pa.;
I' has issue: (i) Gertrude May, b. Mar. 24, 1884, at
[ Landrus, Pa.; (2) George Westfall, b. Apr. 10, 1887,
I at Dyersville, la.; (3) William D., Jr., b. Aug. 17,
1894, at Minneapolis, Minn.
William B., b. Dec. 31, 1864; d. at Hartford, Conn.,
Dec. II, 1902; m. Sept. 28, 1887, Anna Gray; had
' issue: (i) Fannie Louise, b. Oct. 11, 1888, at Har-
, rison Valley, Pa.; (2) Margaret Gray, b. July 14,
: 1890, at Campbell, N. Y.
! Sherman M., b. Sept. 24, 1866; d. July 8, 1894, at
: Campbell, N. Y. ; m. July 20, 1892, Sarah E. Ad-
i ams, b. May 3, 1869, at Prompt, Pa.
iV; Benjamin J., b. Feb. 14, 1868; d. Apr. 2, 1893, at
, Campbell, N. Y.
V Adaline Rhoda, b. Oct. 15. 1869; m. Aug. 19, 1897,
: Max Harvey Farwell, b. Skowhegan, Me.. Sept. 12,
'1868; had issue, b. at Minneapolis: (i) Lawrence
y Stevens, b. Feb. 24, 1899; (2) Edwin Waite, b. Feb.
'21, 1903; (3) Margaret Gilmore, b. Aug. 20, 1905.
VI Edwin Ralph, b. Mar. i, 1876; m. Mar. 15, 1899,
Ahce E. Sturtevant, b. Oct. 26, 1871, at Springwa-
ter, N. Y.
355 Joseph Stevens' (Ralph M.*, Joseph^ Joseph*,
2o6 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Samuef, Thomas', Henry^) was born July 4, 1836. He
married Mar. 24, 1858, Jane Bartlett.
Children :
534 i Edward C, b. Jan. 28, 1859; "^- Estella J.
Hammond Sept. 16, 1885.
535 ii Brainard W., b. July 26, 1864; m. July ^2,
1882, Pauline Miller,
iii John B., b. Aug. 12, 1874. :
iv Estella P., b. Feb. 20. 1877. j;:
356 Mary E. B. Stevens' (Ralph M.', Joseph', Jo
seph*, Samuel', Thomas", Henry') was born at Campbell, ::
N. Y., June 5, 1838. She married July 4, 1861, John l
William Anderson, born May 26, 1833, and died Dec. 11, '
1906, the son of Ezekiel and Jane (Rose) Anderson. ':
They lived in Nankin, Mich.
Children of John William and Mary E. B. (Stevens) :: •
Anderson : •''
536 i Delphene, b. at Nankin, Mich., June 30, 1862; ':
m. June 2, 1880, Thomas Cyrus Starret. iv
357 Martin Luther Stevens' (Ralph M.', Jo- b _:
seph", Joseph*, Samuel^ Thomas^ Henry^) was born at . ■ ■'
Campbell, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1849. He is a rancher at Bur- ' •
bank, Cal. and is a Presbyterian. He married May 18, f|le\, r
1872, Emma Loretta Sischo, born in Michigan July 9, ^
1854, the daughter of Charles E. and Rachel E. (Wright)
Sischo. I i;o
Children : Spf ^
i George Knowlton, b. Aug. 31, 1873; m., ist, Feb. lid
18, 1904, Olive J. Wilson ; 2nd, Jan. 20. 1907, Annie k
M. Kennedy ; has one child, by 2nd m., Dorothy An- :; , .
nie, b. Oct. 28, 1907.
ii Joseph, b. July 30, 1875; m. Apr. 29, 1899, Edith
Aider; has issue: (i) Edith De Lee, b. Apr. 6, P,-
1901 ; (2) Molly lola, b. June 21, 1903. ' R.
iii Ralph Brainard, b. June 8, 1879; m. Nov. 2"/, 1901,
Emily A. Fessenden ; has issue: (i) Muriel Emily. ^
b. July 26, 1903; (2) Helen Lucile, b. Feb. 11, 1907. |sep;' (;,
Seventh Generation 207
iv Martin Luther, b. Nov. 6, 1881 ; d. Feb. 20, 1883.
V Elmer Leonidas, b. Sept. 27, 1884; m. May 10,
1908, Marie J. Mullaney ; has a son, Edmond Leoni-
i das, b. Mar. 28, 1909.
n Emma EHzabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1886; m. July 21,
1 1906, D. J. Brown; has dau., Thelma, b. Mar. 28,
ii Norman William, b. Jan. 22, 1894; d. Apr. 2, 1895.
jiii Raymond Harold, b. Jan. 8, 1896.
358 Arthur D. Stevens^ (Almond', Joseph^ Jo-
iph*, Samuef, Thomas", Henry^) was born at Canton,
!;ich., Feb. 16, 1841. He married Aug. i, 1861, Agnes
jL Sawyer, born near Ann Arbor, Mich., June 15, 1841,
|e daughter of Leander and Harriet Sawyer. Mr. Ste-
ins is a farmer, and lives at Plymouth Village, Mich.
]e served in the Civil War from Aug. 20, 1861, to Aug.
i, 1864. He was with the 5th Mich. Inft., under Gen.
IcClellan on the Peninsula, Gen. Burnside at Peters-
Irg, Gen. Hooker at Chancellorsville, Gen. Meade at
('ttysburg, and Gen. Grant through the Wilderness.
It is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and has been
jerk of the Sessions since 1882.
1 Clarence E., b. Nov. 23, 1864; m. in 1902 Grace Haw-
filey, who lived two years; 2nd, Feb. 22, 1905, Jean
. Naly; has one dau., Agnes Dorothy, b. May i, 1907.
I' 359 Orrin F. Stevens'' (Almond', Joseph^ Jo-
sSh*, Samuef, Thomas", Henry^) was born at Canton,
^ich., Jan. 8, 1847. ^e married Oct. 20, 1869, Minerva
Qsok, born at Plymouth, Mich., Nov. 24, 1847, the
dtighter of Alfred and Eliza Cook. They now reside in
Itroit, Mich.
Children :
i Harry C, b. Dec. 18, 1870; m. Feb. 22, 1896, Jennie
. Dickinson.
360 Fredrick John Stevens* (John*, Joseph',
Jfjcph*, Samuel', Thomas*, Henry*) was born at Detroit,
2o8 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Mich.. July 17, 1846, and died Jan. 23, 1899. He mar-
ried Sept. 10, 1868, Clara Belle Sackett, a descendant of
Capt. Richard Sackett, a British naval officer, who set- -:
tied in Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1697; also from Capt.
Silas Husted of the Revolutionary War. Mr. Stevens
was an Elder and Deacon of the First Presbyterian
Church of Detroit. He was in the insurance business ,:
there. ||dr
Children :
537 i Frank Russell, b. Feb. 15, 1870; m. Mary E.
Mullins. ;r
ii George Baker, b. Jan. 27, 1873. it E-
iii Allan Hall. b. Nov. 6, 1876. '
538 iv Clara May, b. Dec. 19, 1878; m. S. Edward
Sanderson Apr. 28, 1903. ::
539 V Frederick John, b. Oct. 4, 1880; m. Adele M. ' (
Holderness Jan. 18, 1904. ,1 .
361 Edwin Holland Stevens^ (John*, Joseph',
Joseph*, Samuef, Thomas^ Henry^) was born at Detroit,
Mich.. Dec. 12, 1847. and died June 3, 1880. He was m. }-.
buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit. At the age of ti -;•:-..;
16 he ran away from school and served the last 9 months x[ ■]
of the Civil War in Co. A, ist Mich. Light Artillery. |[iev
Mr. Stevens was a lawyer. He was a member of the
Presbyterian Church. May 8, 1878, he married Sarah
Baughman Watkins, born at Detroit Feb. 7, 1848, the
daughter of Washington and Mary Ann (Hendricks)
Child :
i Mark Watkins, b. Nov. 4, 1879, at Detroit, Mich.; a |i jj
member of the Episcopal Church ; keeper of records
at laboratory of the "Solvay Process Co., Detroit
362 Mark Burnham Stevens^ (John*, Joseph',
Joseph*, Samuel', Thomas', Henry") was born at Detroit,
Mich., Oct. 23, 1849. H^ is a merchant, and a member
of Christ Episcopal Church, residing in Detroit, with a
Seventh Generation 209
immer home at Grosse He, Mich. He married, first,
ept. 9, 1874, Anna D. Adams, born at Detroit Apr. 2,
B50, the daughter of Alexander Hamilton and Kath-
nne (Bell) Adams. She died July 13, 1901, at Detroit.
;Tr. Stevens married, second, Nov. 23, 1904, Emily Mary
lilmore, born at Maidstone, Kent, England, May 23,
S65, the daughter of Henry George and Frances (Chan-
llor) Gilmore.
Children of Mark Burnham and Emily Mary (Gil-
fiore) Stevens :
Mark Chancellor, b. Dec. 17, 1906.
I Emily Gilmore, b. July 29, 1908.
363 Mary Emma Stevens^ (John*, Joseph", Jo-
ph', Samuel", Thomas', Henry^) was born at Detroit,
lich., Oct. 28, 1853. She married May 10, 1875, James
». Macy, born June 2y, 1845, at New York City, the son
<■ Frederick Bunker and Sarah (Dunn) Macy. Mr.
-.acy was in the Civil War nearly three years, his ser-
^ce ending in the March to the Sea with Gen. Sher-
lan. He is a well-known musical composer. They have
isided at Detroit, Mich., Cleveland, O., Norfolk, Va.,
« d at Revere, Maiden, Medford, and Somerville, Mass.
':iey are members of the Broadway Congregational
('lurch at Somerville.
^Children of James C. and Mary Emma (Stevens)
1 acy :
[o i Frederick Stevens, b. at Detroit, Mich., Mar.
; 17, 1876; m. Sept. I, 1897, Ethel May Tib-
\ betts.
51 ii John Edward, b. at Cleveland, O., Dec. 15,
1877; m. Aug. 5, 1902. Sara Lamont.
iii Henry James, b. at Cleveland June 26, 1879;
I d. Oct. 12, 1879.
iv Burt Houghton, b. at Norfolk, Va., Dec. 14,
1880; m. Oct. 16, 190.S, Perle Leonora Angell.
V Myrtle Alice, b. at Cleveland Feb. 10, 1884;
.' d. June 15, 1889.
vi Ella Hazel, b. at Maiden, Mass., Feb. 21, 1891.
2IO Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
364 Ella Augusta Stevens' (John*, Joseph*, Jo-
seph*, Samuer, Thomas^ Henr/) was born Mar. 28,
1857. She married May 10, 1875, Dr. Edward A. Park-
inson of Detroit, who died in 1898.
Children of Edward A. and Ella A. (Stevens) Park-
inson :
i Norman,
ii Edward A.
365 William Snow Stevens' (John', Joseph^ Jo-
seph*, Samuel', Thomas', Henry') was born at Detroit,
Mich., May 20, i860. He married Apr. 7, 1896, Lillian
Johnson, born at Maiden, Ont., Canada, Sept. 6, 1873,
the daughter of Thomas N. and Sarah Ann (Jessop)
Johnson. Mr. Stevens is a druggist, and resides at
Mancelena, Mich. He is a Presbyterian. "J^st a good,
plain, healthy, everyday Stevens."
Children :
i Mary Covert, b. Apr. 23, 1897.
ii Helen Johnson, b. Dec. 25, 1898.
iii William Thaddeus, b. Sept. 29, 1901.
iv Frances Sarah, b. Mar. 25, 1904.
y Emma June, b. June 15, 1905; d. Jan. 19, 1906.
vi Lillian Johnson, b. Nov. 20, 1907,
366 George Hutchings Stevens' (John', Joseph',
Joseph*, Samuer, Thomas", Henry') was born at Detroit,
Mich., July 19, 1864. He is a stockholder and salesman
of Paige & Chope Co. at Detroit, Mich. He is a mem-
ber of St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. He married Oct.
II, 1899, Elizabeth Fisk Lock, born at Detroit Jan. ii, |
1866, and died Jan. 7. 1909. She was a daughter of
Charles M. and Avis C. (Fisk) Lock.
Child :
i Charles Lock. b. Feb. 6, 1901 ; d. Dec. 6, 1901.
367 Arthur Erwin Stevens' (John', Joseph*. Jo-
seph*, Samuef, Thomas'. Henry') was born at Detroit,
Mich.. Dec. 19, 1866. He married in Sept., 1890, Susan
I -'be
Seventh Generation 211
ij. Brodie, born at Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 24,
[868. Mr. Stevens is a wholesale paper dealer, and re-
fides in Detroit. He is a member of the First Presby-
|erian Church.
:' Children:
;i Dorothy Brodie, b. Feb. 29, 1892.
i.i Margery Locke, b. June 29, 1895.
i Suzanne Erwin, b. Jan. i, 1900.
I 368 Mary Cornelia Fuller^ (Mary Benjamin
itevens*, Horace^ Jonathan*, Zebulon"", Thomas', Hen-
Y) was born in Warren, O., Feb. 7, 1842. She mar-
lied June 19, 1866, Heman Rising Harmon, Jr., son of
'leman Rising and Maria (Parsons) Harmon, born in
barren Jan. 31, 1842, and died there Mar. 29, 1899.
!lr. and Mrs. Harmon resided in Warren and in Fre-
iiont, Neb. They were members of the Baptist Church.
Children of Heman R., Jr., and Mary Cornelia (Ful-
r) Harmon :
Lucius Percival, b. Apr. 30, 1867, at Warren, O. ; d.
Aug. 16, 1868, at Fremont, Neb.
Aurelia Pier, b. June 9, 1871, at Fremont, Neb.
Heman Fuller, b. July 2, 1873, at Fremont, Neb.; d.
Feb. 2, 1876, at Warren, O.
John Berry, b. July 30, 1876, at Warren, O. ; m.
June 28, 1904, Mary Catharine Shelly of Harrisburg,
369 Horace Ste\'ens Fuller' (Mary B. Stevens*,
]orace°, Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas', Henry') was born
lay 14, 1844, at Warren, O. He married May 24, 1870,
iDuisa Amelia Brown, daughter of Nelson A. and Emma
Imnett Brown, born June 9, 1843. Mr. and Mrs. Ful-
1- have lived at Ashland and Crete, Neb. They are mem-
Irs of the Congregational Church. Mr. Fuller enlisted
i the Army during the War of the Rebellion, serving in
te famous Black Horse Cavalry.
Children of Horace S. and Louisa A. (Brown) Ful-
212 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
i Emma Quinby, b. Jan. 8, 1872; m. Sept. 18, 1901, .^^
Arthur Randall Dean ; has one son, Fuller Dean, b. ■
Aug. 15, 1908. 'l^
ii Horace Stevens, b. June 8, 1874; m. Jan. 25, 1899, ;.i.
Ida May Harrison ; has one son, Horace Stevens
Fuller, b. July 19, 1906.
iii Jesse Pier, b. Dec. 6, 1879. I
iv Robert Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1881 ; m. June 12, 1907,
Lilian Westling. ' ; '■.
V George Bennett, b. Mar. 3, 1884; m. Dec. 23, 1904, I''
Mary Frame ; has dau., Emma Louise Fuller, b. Apr. ;•
20, 1906. ''"I
370 Emily Spaulding Fuller^ (Mary B. Ste-
vens", Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas', Henry') . t.
was born in Warren, O., Aug. 27, 1846. She married l.^
Oct. 10, 1871, John Leonidas Tidball, born in New
Castle, Pa., Oct. 6, 1844, the son of James and Cynthia
Tidball. They resided in Warren, O., and Crete, Neb., .■■'j
and were members of the Congregational Church. ^ ,-'
Children of John Leonidas and Emily S. (Fuller) Tid-
ball :
542 i Clayton Fuller, b. Jan. 22, 1873; m. June 30, '°
1896, Bessie S. Murphy.
543 ii Mary Stevens, b. Sept. 21, 1874; m. Aug. 19,
1903, Lucius F. Reid.
544 iii Katharine Lockwood, b. May 8, 1877; m. June .'*
28, 1899, Albert Drummond Johnstone. ^
545 iv John Leonidas, b. Nov. 9, 1882; m. Violet
Sweeney July 19, 1905. |(jj^.;;j
v Harriet Pier, b. Aug, 20, 1886. -'
371 Harriet Parmelia Fuller'' (Mary B. Ste-
vens', Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas', Henry")
was born at Warren, O., Feb. 7, 1863. She married
Mar. 3, 1885, Charles WilHams Burdick, born at Toledo,
O., Aug. 15, i860, the son of Leander and Celia (Will-
iams) Burdick. Mrs. Burdick is a Baptist. They have
Seventh Generation 213
■esided at Warren, O., and at Saratoga and Cheyenne,
Child of Charles W. and Harriet P. (Fuller) Bur-
Margaret Fuller, b. June 24, 1888.
372 Robert Pier Fuller' (Mary B. Stevens*,
florace", Jonathan*, Zebulon^ Thomas", Henry^) was
(icrn in Warren, O., Mar. 9, 1867. He married Dec. 9,
I903, Mabel Reid. They have resided at Warren, O.,
Crete, Neb., and Cheyenne, Wyo. He is Land Commis-
{ioner of Wyoming.
I Children of Robert Pier and Mabel (Reid) Fuller:
|i Mary Stevens, b. Sept. i, 1904.
:i Thomas Reid, b. Oct. 14, 1905.
ii Elizabeth, b. Aug. 3, 1908.
373 Charles E. Merwin' (Laura Amanda Ste-
'ens*, Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon^ Thomas^ Henry'),
;5n of Charles and Laura Amanda (Stevens) Merwin
f Fox Lake, Wis., was born July 8, 1855. He mar-
ed Nov. 23, 1886, Nettie E. Smith.
Children of Charles E. and Nettie E. (Smith) Mer-
I Benton Smith, b. Jan. 25, 1888.
[ Evelyn Stevens, b. Oct. 30, 1889.
I Marjory Stevens, b. Sept. 30, 1893.
' 374 Horace Stevens Merwin'' (Laura Amanda
tevens', Horace^ Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas*, Hen-
r*), son of Charles and Laura Amanda (Stevens) Mer-
'in of Fox Lake, Wis., was born Aug. 3, 1857. He mar-
red Mary Sadler Townsend Sept. 4, 1901.
Child of Horace S. and Mary S. (Townsend) Mer-
i James Townsend, b. May 27, 1903.
375 William Grant Smith'' (Frances Augusta
evens*, Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon^ Thomas', Hen-
214 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
ry^) was a son of Lewis and Frances Augusta (Stevens)
Smith of Fox Lake, Wis. He was born Aug. 24, 1861,
and married June 25, 1902, Martha Chapin Wilcox.
Child of William G. and Martha C. (Wilcox) Smith:
i Josephine Wilcox, b. Mar. 4, 1908.
376 Grace Pier Smith' (Frances Augusta Ste-
vens', Horace\ Jonathan*, Zebulon'', Thomas^ Henry')
was a daughter of Lewis and Frances Augusta (Ste-
vens) Smith of Fox Lake, Wis. She was born Mar. 12,
1867, and married June 10, 1896, Theodore Coleman.
Children of Theodore and Grace Pier (Smith) Cole-
i Ruth Stevens, b. July 27, 1897.
ii Philip Le Fevre, b. Aug. 29, 1899.
iii Margaret Pier, b. Sept. 27, 1907.
377 Lilian Snoke'' (Julia A. Stevens', Horace',
Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas^ Henry') was the elder
daughter of Adam J. and Julia A. (Stevens) Snoke of
southern Indiana. She was born in Nov., 1870, and mar-
ried Wilman Tucker.
Child of William and Lilian (Snoke) Tucker:
i Wilmon Stevens, b. Aug. 25, 1902.
378 Florence Rupert Snoke'' (Julia A. Stevens',
Horace^, Jonathan*, Zebulon^ Thomas', Henry'), younger
child of Adam J. and Julia A. (Stevens) Snoke of south-
ern Indiana, was born Apr. 23, 1873. She married Aug.
19, 1895, Henry Clark Ewing.
Children of Henry C. and Florence R. (Snoke) Ew-
i Dorothy, b. May 26, 1896.
ii Henry Clark, b, Jan. 10, 1901.
379 Henry Richard Stevens' (Ward', Richard',
Richard*, Ebenezer', Richard^ Henry') was born at New
Marlboro, Mass., Mar. 28, 1853. He is a farmer, and
has lived in New Marlboro and Baldwin Hill, Egre-
Seventh Generation 215
nont, Mass. He married Apr. 13, 1881, Lizzie B. Ad-
ms, born at New Marlboro Feb. 5, 1859, the daughter
f Harvy Dean and EHzabeth (Dawson) Adams. Mr.
■nd Mrs. Stevens are members of the Congregational
I Children :
li Richard Samuel, b. Mar. 20, 1882.
;i Grace Adams, b. Apr. 17, 1886.
i Howard Dawson, b. July 25, 1895.
\r Helen Brigham, b. June 4, 1901.
; 380 George Albert Stevens' (Ward', Richard',
'.ichard*, Ebenezer^ Richard", Henry^) was born at New
larlboro, Mass., Feb. 8, 1861. He is a manufacturer,
jsiding at Great Barrington, Mass. Dec. 8, 1886, he
larried Elizabeth Holcomb Hull, born at Sadisfield,
jlass., Nov. 4, 1862, the daughter of Albert and Susan
tills (Holcomb) Hull. Mrs. Hull was of Granville,
; Child :
■ Marion Hull, b. Dec. i, 1888, at Winsted, Conn.
381 William Henry Stevens' (Edward Rob-
ns', Edward^ Richard*, Ebenezer^ Richard^ Henry')
as born at New Orleans, La., May 28, 1845. He is a
lerchant, and resides in New York. Mr. Stevens is a
'ember of the Episcopal Church. He married Dec. 30,
^f74, Jessie Monteath, born at Albany, N. Y., daughter
(, Peter and Sarah A. (Woolverton) Monteath.
f Children :
'; Harriette Monteath.
i Jessie Monteath.
382 Charles Josiah Stevens' (Edward Robbins*,
liward°, Richard*, Ebenezer*, Richard', Henry*) is a
lajor in the Regular Army. He married Sarah Moffett
c Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Children :
• Yale,
i Adelia.
2i6 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
383 Emma C. Stevens^ (John C, Edward*, Rich-
ard*, Ebenezer', Richard", Henry') was born at New
Marlboro, Mass., Dec. 6, 1843. She married Aug. 18,
1873, Arthur Plass Hollenbeck, who was born at Van
Deusenville, Mass., Jan. 16, 1845, fiied Mar. 7, 1889,
and was buried at Lee, Mass. He was a son of Mark
and Mary A. (Plass) Hollenbeck. Mrs. Hollenbeck is a
member of the Congregational Church. She resides at
Children of Arthur P. and Emma C. (Stevens) Hol-
lenbeck :
i Edward M., b. Aug. 21, 1874; unm,
ii Josephine E., b. June 13, 1876; m., 1st, Sept. 13,
1897, Edward S. Etchells ; 2nd, Dec. 7, 1903, Donald
C. Potts ; had three children by first husband.
iii Philip Arthur, b. Apr. 21, 1878; m. Oct. 16, 1901,
Grace Le Roy ; has two children, Mildred Anieta and
Hazel Priscilla.
iv Carl Caspar, b. Jan. 30, 1881 ; m. Oct. 26, 1907, Ida
Anna Nuss.
V Kate, b. Feb. 20, 1882; d. Feb. 8, 1883.
vi Amy E., b. Feb. 20, 1884; d. Aug. 11, 1894.
384 Caroline E. Stevens'' (John Coke', Edward',
Richard*, Ebenezer', Richard", Henry') was born at Lee,
Mass., Mar. 27, 1847. She was a teacher until her mar-
riage, July 16, 1879, to Charles Buel Fenn, son of Daniel
B. and Georgiana (Metcalf) Fenn. Mr. Fenn was born
July 25, 1844, at Stockbridge, Mass., where he died
in Mar., 1906. Mrs. Fenn has lived at Lee, Stockbridge,
and Pittsfield, Mass., Orlando. Fla., Yreka, Cal., and
Medford and Portland, Ore. She is a member of the
Congregational Church.
Children of Charles B. and Caroline E. (Stevens)
Fenn :
i Louis Charles, b. Apr. 7, 1882.
ii Edith, b. Aug. 12, 1884; m- Dec. 19, 1906, Clarence
John Buck; has issue: (i) John Milton, b. Nov. 11,
Seventh Generation 217
1907, at Yreka, Cal. ; and (2) Gilbert Fenn, b. Oct.
30, 1908, at Medford, Ore.
385 Henry W. Stevens' (John C, Edward',
ijRichard*, Ebenezer', Richard\ Henry^) was born at Lee,
[Mass., Sept. 3, 1857. He married July 16, 1884, Martha
[R. Dickinson, born at Carrolton, Mo., Jan. 8, 1861, the
[daughter of Richard Whitlow and Laura Ann (Kinche-
;low) Dickinson. Mr. Stevens is a merchant of Lee, and
is a member of the First Congregational Church.
•I Children :
i Edith Lillian, b. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 30, 1885.
;ii Laura Wilma, b. Kansas City, Mo., July 8, 1888.
liii John Dickinson, b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 30, 1893.
iv Hilda Brewer, b. Lee, Mass., Apr. 13, 1896.
; 386 IOlte Brewer Stevens' (John Coke', Ed-
ward", Richard*, Ebenezer', Richard", Henry') was born
kt Lee, Mass., July 21, 1859. She married July 20, 1881,
Rev. Charles K. Hoyt, a Presbyterian clergyman, born at
Sennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 20, 1846, the son of
iDaniel and Polly Ann (Kimball) Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs.
JHoyt have resided at Auburn and Aurora, N. Y., Des
.Moines, la., and now live at Bellevue, Neb., where Mr.
Hoyt is a Professor in Bellevue College.
!_ Children of Rev. C. K. and Kate B. (Stevens) Hoyt:
'i Ray Stevens, b. July 24, 1882.
'ii Stella Rising, b. Sept. 28, 1884.
fii Ruth Kimball, b. Aug. 20, 1896.
387 Rev. Edgar A. Ends' (Harriet Stevens',
Charles Mason', John*, Ebenezer', Richard', Henry') was
lorn at Grafton, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1846. He married July
^, 1877, Jean A. Hopkins, born at Rutland, Vt., July 31,
11847, the daughter of Gen. Frederick William and Anna
iiliza (Lawrence) Hopkins. Edgar A. Enos was pre-
pared for college at Whitestown Seminary, Whitesboro,
^. Y., and was graduated from Hamilton College in the
^lass of 1874. During the following year, he was in-
2i8 Stephens-Stevens Geneialogy
structor in Latin and mathematics in the Brooklyn Col-
legiate and Polytechnic Institute. In the fall of 1875, he
entered Union Theological Seminary, New York, from
which he was graduated three years later. He was then
for several years instructor in history, rhetoric, and elo-
cution in the Hasbrouck Institute, Jersey City. On Trin-
ity Sunday, 1881, he was ordained deacon by Bishop Ho-
ratio Potter, in St. Paul's Chapel, Trinity parish, New
York; and on Jan. 12, 1882, was advanced to the priest-
hood by Bishop Potter, in the Church of the Transfigura-
tion, his first services in orders being under the direc-
tion of the late Rev. Dr. Robert S. Howland, in the
Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York. He was
thereafter, successively, priest in charge of All Saints'
Church, Larchmont Manor ; rector of Christ Church, To-
wanda, Pa. ; and rector of St. John's Church, Bridge-
port, Conn. In April, 1887, he was called to the rector-
ship of St. Paul's Church, Troy, N. Y., of which Chuch
he is still in charge (1908). In 1892, St. Stephen's Col-
lege, Annandale, conferred upon him the degree of Doc-
tor of Divinity. Continuously since 1897, Dr. Enos has
represented the diocese of Albany as deputy to the Gen-
eral Convention. Address, 52 Third Street, Troy, N. Y.
Children of Rev. Edgar A. and Jean A. (Hopkins)
i Ethel Hopkins, b. Aug. 8, 1879; d. Apr. 12, 1887.
ii Elise Marguerite, b. Jan. 19, 1882.
iii Beatrix, b. Aug. 9, 1884.
388 Henry Ebenezer Stevens'' (Henry Eben-
ezer', Ebenezer^, John\ Ebenezer", Richard\ Henry"),
born at New York City, June 14, 1866, is a graduate of
Yale University, Class of 1888. Mr. Stevens is a mer-
chant, and resides in New York. He married Apr. 6.
1892, Ida Amelia Strauch, daughter of Peter D. and
Margaret (Henderson) Strauch of New York City.
Children :
i Ida Margaret, b. Apr. 13, 1893; d. Mar. 18, 1900.
ii Dorothy Antoinette, b. Nov. 2,'], 1896.
Seventh Generation 219
389 Plowdon Stevens' ( Plowdon", Ebenezer^,
fohn*, Ebenezer^ Richard^ Henry') was born at New
York City Dec. 25, 1868. He is a graduate of the Col-
lege of the City of New York, Class of 1888, and is a
■eacher and principal of a public school. He married
July 6, 1898, Lucy Manuela Bedell, a graduate of the
formal College, New York City. She was born in New
York City June 26, 1870, and is the daughter of John S.
;ind Emma Virginia (Benton) Bedell.
• Children :
i Ruth, b. May 14, 1900; d. May 14, 1900.
i Constance Eliot, b. May 24, 1908.
390 Mary Ann Stephens' (George Williams',
^2zra^ Henry*, Henry', Henry", Henry') was born at
Canaan, Conn., Sept. 27, 1841. She married Nov. 17,
860, Edward Douglas Lawrence. They have resided in
Canaan, Conn., and Belfast, N. Y.
Children of Edward D. and Mary A. (Stephens) Law-
ence :
i Delia M., b. Aug. 17, 1861.
i Wealthy, b. Mar. 4, 1863 ; d. Oct. 9, 1875.
i George, b. Dec. 18, 1867; d. Mar. 29, 1877.
■ He married May 5, 1867, Elizabeth A. Taylor, born
a Howard, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1847, the daughter of Rob-
e and Mercy (Norton) Taylor.
Children :
242 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Cora Belle, b. Dec. 4, 1868; m. June 18, 1891, Will-
iam Porter Patchen.
Harry F., b. Nov. 17, 1871 ; m. June 7, 1893, Gene-
vieve Patchen.
ni Otis J., b. Feb. 20, 1874; m. Nov. 10, 1895, Ga- 1!
briella T. George.
iv Nina E., b. July 28, 1879; m. Sept. 23, 1897, Will-
iam L. Jolly.
449 Ellen Stephens' (Jedediah H. M.', Nathan^
Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was born at Can-
isteo, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1846. She is a member of the Pres-
byterian Church, and has resided in Bath and Canisteo,
N. Y. She married Feb. 8, 1872, James L. White, born
at South Howard, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1843, who died July 19,
1906, at South Howard. He was the son of James and
Mary A. W^hite.
Children of James L. and Ellen (Stephens) White:
i Lillian, b. June 3, 1874; m. Jan. 17, 1900, C. M.
ii Lindsay, b. Oct. 14, 1875; m. Oct. 21, 1903, Grace
iii Raymond J., b. Feb. 16, 1878.
iv Frank, b. Jan. 5, 1880; d. May 10, 1880.
V Hiram S., b. Mar. 15, 1883; d. Nov. 5, 1884.
vi Mary Ella, b. Dec, 1885.
450 Mandane Stephens' (Jedediah H. M.', Na-
than', Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., June 25, 1848. She married, first, July
13, 1873, John Beattie of Hornell, and, second, Apr. 19,
1885, Lucius Masters of Howard, N. Y., the son of John
and Almira J. Masters.
Child of John and Mandane (Stephens) Beattie:
i Leo Stephens, b. July 29, 1877; m. Nov. 25, 1906,
Inez Milliser.
Child of Lucius and Mandane (Stephens) Masters:
ii Florence, b. May 20, 1889.
Seventh Generation 243
451 Dr. Carius B. Stephens' (Jedediah H. M.',
|jathan', Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry", Henry') was born
Canisteo, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1852. He is a graduate of
[|ew York University Medical College, and is now a
yactising physician and surgeon, residing at Wallace, N.
\ He married Dec. 22, 1880, Florence L. Brown, born
£ Cohocton, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1858, the daughter of Man-
vile J. and Mary E. (Martin) Brown. Mr. Stephens is
smember of the N. Y. State Medical Society.
Child :
ij Viola Belle, an adopted child ; m. Charles Nicholson
Feb., 1893; resides in Bath, N. Y. ; has issue: (i)
Gertrude, b. June 11, 1895; (2) Milton, b. Dec. 8,
'1896; (3) Loretta Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1908.
I 452 Pamelia H. Stephens' (Ebenezer C, Na-
tlin^ Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry\ Henry') was born at
Cnisteo, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1828. She was a member of
tl IMethodist Church. She married July 4, 1850, Joseph
Lonard, who died in 1902, and was buried at Ulysses,
P. Mrs. Leonard died Dec. 15, 1881, and was buried at
Ptter Brook, Pa. They lived at Shongo, N. Y., and
V^stfield and Sunderlinville, Pa.
IChildren of Joseph and Pamelia H. (Stephens) Leon-
ai :
ij: Mary, b. in Aug., 1854; m. Albert Parker of Ulysses,
ii;'A dau., d.
453 Franklin G. Stephens' (Ebenezer C.*, Na-
tHa^ Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was bom at
jiisteo, N. Y., June 16, 1830. He was a minister of the
te Baptist Church, and resided at Shongo, N. Y.,
Rj'ilette and Ayres Hill, Pa., and Denver, Col., where he
dM July 12, 1880. He married Sept. 15, 1849, Sarah A.
Hird, born at Shongo, N. Y., June 10, 1831, the daugh-
tei of Philander and Hannah Hoard. Mrs. Stephens
dill July 20, 1872, at Coudersport, Pa.
244 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Children :
i Hannah, b. Apr. lo, 1853; d. Dec. 20, 1871.
ii Alvana, b. June 12, 1855; m. Aug. 16, 1873. I
iii Annette, b. Nov. 16, 1859; ^- Dec. 5, 1877, Benjav ;r
min Watson ; d. Nov. 10, 1906. /
iv Adda, b. June 20, 1863 ; m. Aug. 24, 1884, JoWn Eng- , j
Hsh. /
v Myrtle, b. Mar. 25, 1866; m. May 19, 1866, Peter „ ^
Farley. 'jpill' I
454 Nathan W. Stephens'' (Ebenezer C.\ Na-. "
than", Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was born ati;: ^
Canisteo, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1832. He was a farmer, and (;
resided at Shongo and Canisteo, N. Y., and Almira, : ]■
Mich. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist '/
Church. He married Jane Grielchrist, born Jan. 14, 1832.
Mr. Stephens died Apr. 12, 1892, at Almira, Mich. ; j Fl
Children :
i Minnie, b. 1857; d. 1885; m. James Sweet;
had two daus., Leone and Janie. -^
564 ii Morton G., b. Mar. 7, 1859; ^- ^ov. 5, 1883. j,
Rosetta Remington. i-ir^^
455 Charles Wesley .Stephens' (Ebenezer C. ;
Nathan", Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry') was born ~ ^
at Shongo, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1833. He has lived in .^
Shongo, Wallace, and Alma, N. Y., and Oil City and '
East Branch, Pa. He was in the Civil War nearly three :
years with the 136th Regt., N. Y. Vols., and was at the ,.
battles of Chancelorville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Mission
Ridge, Tenn., and with Sherman at Atlanta and the . .
March to the Sea. He was Justice of the Peace 12 yean
and is now a minister of the Church of God (First Day
Adventists). Mr. Stephens married Feb. 11, 1855, Mary-
ette Burritt, born at Friendship, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1840
and died Feb. 9, 1901, at East Branch, Pa. She was s
daughter of Truman and Martha Burritt.
Children :
i Carlton W. T., b. Mar. 30, 1857; <^- Nov. 9, 1904.
Seventh Generation 245
ii Reginald M. T., b. Dec. 12, 1858; d. July 30, 1862.
ii May A., b. July 13, 1861 ; m. Mar. 30, 1890, Joseph
V Ada A., b. Oct. 18, 1866; m. May 2, 1883, Levi O.
V Ernest T., b. Aug. 30, 1869; m. July 23, 1892, Effie
M. Tracy.
ji Victor B., b. Sept. 2, 187 1 ; m. July 7, 1892, Mary
ii Clifford G., b. Dec. 5, 1873; m. July 4, 1904, Inez
' Tracy.
Si Edna V., b. Mar. 9, 1876; m. Sept. 29, 1895, Albert
C. Adams ; d. Jan. 8, 1903.
be James Rex, b. Oct. 27, 1878; m. Oct. 20, 1906,
Maud M. Stephens, a dau. of Andrew W. Stephens
ic Florence P., b. May 16, 1883 ; m. Feb. 24, 1907, A.
I Mose Graves.
456 Andrew W. Stephens'' (Ebenezer C, Na-
'an", Jedediah*, Jedediah", Henry^ Henry') was born at
iiongo, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1839. He is a farmer, and re-
sles at Shongo. He is a member of the Methodist
('lurch. Oct. 21, 1861, he married Elenora D. Wheaton,
trn in Vermont Apr. 29, 1844, and died Apr. 2, 1880.
^ e was a daughter of Lewis and Anna Wheaton. Mr.
Sephens married, second, May 12, 1897, Lillian Johnson
c Belmont, N. Y., daughter of James and Phylinda
Children of Andrew W. and Elenora D. (Wheaton)
2phens :
i Archie L., b. Sept. 26, 186^; m. Emma WilHams.
,i Charles B., b. Sept. 28, 1865; d. Feb. 28. 1872.
S Emma A., b. June 4, 1867; m. Mar. 16, 1889, John
Ella J., b. Jan. 8, 1868.
Cora G., b. Oct. 30, 1870; m. Charles M. Stout.
Frank W., b. Apr. 29, 1872.
I Fred A., b. Feb. 15, 1874.
246 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
viii Clark E., b. Oct. 15, 1876; m. Etta Leonard,
ix Maud M., b. Mar. 23, 1878; m. Oct. 5, 1896, J. Rex
Stephens, son of Charles W. Stephens (455). , 1
Child of Andrew W. and Lilian Johnson (Marsh) Ste- '
phens : ; \
X Carry J., b. Sept. 5, 1899. 1',
i tills'
457 HiLA Stephens' (Ebenezer C, Nathan', ,| ui^
Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry*) was born at Canis- i fe
teo, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1842, and died June 30, 1908. She i la
married Aug. 3, 1863, Henry Ziegler, son of William > Qij
and Margrette Ziegler. They resided in Canisteo and Pr
Shongo, N. Y., and Warren, Pa. They were members ;
of the Methodist Church. I
Children of Henry and Hila (Stephens) Ziegler: ak
564a i William C, b. Aug. 5, 1854; m. Oct., 1886,
Rose Harper. if
ii Edna, b. Sept. 20, 1882; d. Dec. 26, 1887. i^,
iii Ethel, b. Mar. 20, 1884. \^'^
iv Cora B., b. Mar. 13, 1872. j Jijtic
458 Mary Stephens' (Ebenezer C, Nathan, iji^j
Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry*, Henry') was born at ^ jjl^
Shongo, N. Y., May 24, 1844. She is a member of the ^jiip, j
Church of God. She lives at Shongo. Nov. 10, 1868, .,
she married Elson S. Jenison, born in Vermont July 28,
1833, the son of John and Johanna Jenison.
Children of Elson S. and Mary (Stephens) Jenison:
565 i Flora, b. Jan. 10, 1870; m. Jan. 10, 1885, John
L. Brundage.
ii Samuel E., b. Dec. 11, 1871 ; m. July 30,
1896, Mae Farnham.
iii Carrie, b. Dec. 17, 1873; d. June 5, 1877.
iv Jane E., b. Mar. 17, 1875; m. June 8, 1895.
Charles C. Neal.
V Mildred S., b. Apr. 10, 1877; m. Apr. 13, 1897,
Guv A. Beach. | ti|.
vi Joseph S., b. May 5, 1879; m. July 6, 1895, ' ||^
Bessie Goulston.
Seventh Generation 247
vii Hattie M., b. Oct. 4, 1883; m. Dec. 30, 1997,
' Clayton L. Kelligan.
viii Bertha T., b. June 28, 1885.
459 Cornelius H. Stephens'" (Franklin D.', Na-
:.^an^ Jedediah*, Jedediah^, Henry^ Henry^) was born at
!anisteo, N. Y., May 29, 1835. He is a retired salesman,
hd resides at Fremont, N. Y. He married Aug. 24,
862, Louisa Brown, bom Sept. 13, 1844, the daughter of
William and Annie Brown.
Children :
Frank B., b. Jan. 29, 1864.
Cora L., b. June 18, 1867; m. Rev. W. L. Reid of the
M. E. Church South ; has two children, Leroy, aged
about 19, and Bessie, aged about 12 (Jan., 1909).
460 Fidelia Stephens' (Franklin D.", Nathan",
edediah*, Jedediah", Henry^ Henry") was born at Canis-
jb, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1837. She was a member of the
aptist Church of Howard, N. Y. She married Jan. i,
;?58, Alfred Prentis, born at Tyrone, N. Y., Nov. 16,
?28, the son of Samuel and Filena Prentis. They lived
il Stephens Mills, Howard, Canisteo, and Hornell, N. Y.
[rs. Prentis died Mar. 30, 1905. Both she and her hus-
Ind were buried at Stephens Mills.
Children of Alfred and Fidelia (Stephens) Prentis:
Gardner, b. Feb. 25, 1861.
Bernice, b. Apr. 2, 1868; m. Sept. 23, 1908, George
H. Walch, b. at Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1872, son
of Elam and Mary (Ferguson) Welch; lives at Hor-
nell, N. Y.
461 Elisha G. Stephens' (Franklin D.', Nathan',
jdediah', Jedediah', Henry°, Henry'), son of Franklin
and Saphrona (Lord) Stephens, was born at Fre-
bnt, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1841. He resides at Fremont, and
ta farmer and hotel proprietor. He married June 25,
J65, Lydia R. Rumsey, born at Fremont Feb. 9, 1844,
248 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
daughter of Jobe and Phoeba Rumsey. Mr. and Mrs.
Stephens are Methodists.
Children :
i Loran A., b. Nov. 13, 1868; d. July i, 1887.
ii Eva, b. Feb. 10, 1872; m. Feb. 11, 1904, Frank Tut-
iii Dott, b. Dec. i, 1874; m. Mar. i, 1905, Burt Conder-
462 Emma M. Stephens' (Franklin D.", Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry", Henry") was born at Fre-
mont, N. Y., July 16, 1853, and lives in Fremont. She
is a member of the Methodist Church. She married in
May, 1881, Alonzo T. Ritenburg, born at Grimsby, On-
tario, Canada, Sept. 21, 1858, who died Sept. 28, 1899.
He was the son of D. D. and Elizabeth (Smith) Riten-
Child of Alonzo and Emma M. (Stephens) Ritenburg:
i Bertha E., b. Aug. 20, 1887; m. Aug. i, 1906, Charles
E. McCleary.
463 Ira Gilbert Stephens'' (Joshua C.°, Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah", Henry", Henry') was born at Canis-
teo Centre, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1845. He was a millwright.
He served in the Civil War about two years. Mr. Ste-
phens lived in Canisteo, N. Y., Portland, Ore., and Dyea,
Alaska, where he died in Dec, 1898. He was buried by
his brother Masons. He married Feb. 18, 1867, Sarah A.
Billings, born at Genesee Forks, Feb. 4, 1845, the daugh-
ter of John and Katharine (Walker) Billings.
Children :
i Charles J., b. Dec. 20, 1867.
566 ii Alva Lee, b. Sept. 15, 1869; m. Oct. 14, 1902,
Elizabeth E. Kane,
iii Kitty Ray, b. June 26, 1872; d. Nov. 28, 1904.
iv Robert Guy, b. Nov. 4, 1880 ; d. Nov., 1895.
464 James A. Stephens' (Joshua C, Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry") was born Feb. 13,
Seventh Generation 249
1847, at Canisteo, N. Y., where he now lives on part of
the farm bought in 1795 by his great-grandfather, Jede-
diah*. He is a farmer. He served in the Civil War, and
is now drawing a pension. Mr. Stephens married Amy
Hadley, daughter of George and Clarissa (Hallett) Had-
ley. She was born in Canisteo in 1850.
Children :
i Olive, b. May 12, 1871 ; d. July, 1871.
567 ii Flora, b. Aug. 2, 1872 ; m. Nov. 24, 1897,
Louis F. Linderman.
568 iii Hattie M., b. Jan. 31, 1873; m. May 16, 1901,
Lee C. Hallett.
569 iv Ernest V., b. July 4, 1875 ; m. Nov., 1904, Ger-
trude Fehr.
V Scott T., b. Dec. 27, 1876; m. Apr. 16, 1902,
Mary Baker.
570 vi Jay, b. July 11, 1878; m. Aug. 29, 1900, Lil-
lian Richardson.
vii Hugh J., b. Apr. 28, 1881 ; m. Dec. 27, 1907,
Jennie Hadley.
viii D. Leon, b. Nov. 5, 1882; d. Oct. 18, 1887.
ix Donald, b. Jan. 9, 1883 ; d. Dec, 1893.
X Alice K., b. Sept. 30, 1885 ; d. Nov. 3, 1908.
xi Josephus R., b. May 24, 1887.
xii Ada M., b. June 21, 1891.
465 Harris M. Stephens' (Joshua C, Nathan^
[edediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry^) was born at Canis-
eo, N. Y., May 23, 1849. He is a mechanic, and has re-
:ided in Canisteo, N. Y., Bradford, Pa., Tipton and Terre
flaute, Ind., and Memphis, Tenn. He lives now at Jack-
ion, Tenn. Mr. Stephens married June 30, 1872, Adelia
Dickinson, daughter of Isaac Whitcom and Josephine
•Phillips) Dickinson, born at Wellsville, N. Y., May 4,
852. He is an attendant of the Christian Church.
Children :
i Perry J., b. Aug. 22, 1873; m. Aug. 15, 1899, Rose
Hughes of Terre Haute, Ind. ; is a physical director,
I living at Galesburg, 111.
250 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
ii Wallace W., b. May 2, 1874.
Hi Isaac D., b. Mar. 3, 1882 ; is in Railway Mail Service.
iv Maud A., b. Jan. 2, 1886.
V Pearl J,, b. Oct. 23, 1893.
466 Nathan J. Stephens' (Joshua C.\ Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry°, Henry^) was born at Canis-
teo, N. Y., May 2, 1852. He married Aug. 4, 1872, Alice
Rosa, daughter of Minna F. and Fanny (Hallett) Rosa.
She was born at Cameron, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1853. He has
been a teacher, farmer, manufacturer, and timber buyer,
and has lived in Ind., 111., Tenn., Ark., Alaska, and Miss.
He is a Methodist and in politics a Democrat. He is now
living at West Point, Miss.
Children :
571 i Ray, b. Dec. 15, 1873 ; m. Dec. 20, 1894, Nettie
Street of Bloomfield, Ind.
ii Walter Fay, b. May 6, 1880; is a dentist at
Hornell, N. Y. ; m. May 9, 1901, Eva Nelson,
b. at Hornell, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1881, dau. of
Charles and Joanna Nelson.
467 Rachel J. Stephens' (Joshua C, Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry", Henry^) was born at Canis-
teo, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1855. She is a milliner, residing in
Canisteo, and is a member of the Methodist Church. She
married Dec. 14, 1875, James H. Stewart, born Mar. 4,
1853, the son of William and Susan L. (Ford) Stewart.
Children of James H. and Rachel J. (Stephens) Stew-
art :
572 i Harry J., b. Sept. 14, 1876; m. Sept. 25, 1900,
Villa Lozier.
ii Otto K., b. Feb. 20, 1878, a graduate of the
Buffalo Medical College ; located at Canisteo.
N. Y. ; a member of the Hornell Medical and
Surgical Association; m. Aug. 16, 1904, Allace
iii Pauline Adelaide, b. Jan. 12, 1881.
iv Mabel Emma, b. Oct. 24, 1886.
Seventh Generation 251
468-472 Mary M. Stephens'' (Joshua C.*, Na-
than', Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry", Henry'), daughter of
Joshua C. and Hannah (Abbe) Stephens, was born at the
old Stephens homestead at Canisteo, N. Y., July 13, 1863.
She married Nov. 30, 1887, Stearns Jamison (472), son
of Daniel and Rosina (Towner) Jamison. He was born
at the old Jamison homestead May 9, i860, is a farmer, a
highly respected citizen, and has been a collector of taxes
for Steuben Co. Mrs. Jamison is a member of the Pres-
byterian Church.
Children of Stearns and Mary M. (Stephens) Jami-
son :
i Carrie Lucile, b. Oct. 11, 1888.
ii Marion, b. July 8, 1890.
iii D. Stearns, b. Mar. 8, 1897.
iv Alva Harris, b. Nov., 1900.
469 George D. Hamilton^ (Abigail Stephens',
(Joshua^ Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry') was born
I at Canisteo, N. Y., July 30, 1847. He is a farmer, resid-
jing in Hornell, N. Y. He is a member of the Methodist
Church. Jan. 6, 1878, he married Adelia Travis, born
at Howard, N. Y., the daughter of Richard and Laura
i Children of George D. and AdeHa (Travis) Hamilton:
!i Rhoda L., b. Sept. 29, 1879; m. Apr. 8, 1897, Otto
! Ordway.
fii Dewitt C, b. July 20, 1882.
I 470 John Duaine Stephens" (De Witt Clinton',
IJoshua^ Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry') was born
iNov. 9, 1843, s"d died Apr. 2, 1908. He was a farmer,
jand lived at Stephens Mills. He was a member of the
•Methodist Church. Mr. Stephens married, first, Sarah
[Allis; and, second, in 1884, Rose C. White, born at How-
ard, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1854, the daughter of Wilham and
Mary Ann White.
Children of John D. and Rose C. (White) Stephens:
i Anna M., b. Mar. 19, 1887.
252 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
ii Lois, b. Mar. 13, 1888.
471 Joshua B. Stephens^ (Dewitt Clinton', Josh-
ua", Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry", Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1846. He is a farmer, and lives
in Hector, Pa. He is a member of the Methodist Church.
Dec. 22, 1872, he married Amanda M. Redner, born at
Hector, Pa., June 14, 1851, the daughter of Orvis and
Elizabeth Redner.
Child :
i Maud E., b. Aug. 20, 1875.
472-474 Henry Lewis Stephens' (De Witt Clin-
ton", Joshua". Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry", Henry') was iair
born at Canisteo, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1855. He is a farmer (i;ei
and breeder of pure-bred Holstein cattle. He has lived C
in Hornell and Canisteo, N. Y., and is a member of the
Christian Church. Mr. Stephens married Nov. 15, 1882,
Eva Lena Stephens' (Delevan', Col. John R.*, Uriah',
Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^ Henry'), born Dec. 4, i860, at
Hornell, N. Y. ;;2
Child :
i Grace Belle, b. Dec. 27, 1883; ^- June 30, 1908, Ed-
ward B. Holl of Attica, N. Y.
473 Daniel Jamison* (Elizabeth Stearns\ Eliza-
beth Upson*, Sarah Stephens', Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas*,
Henry^) was born at the old homestead in Canisteo, N.
Y., Jan. 6, 1829, and always lived on the same farm until
his death, Dec. 15, igo8. He was a member of the Chris-
tian Church. He married Jan. 20, 1859, Rosine Towner,
who was born at Rome, Pa., Mar. 15, 1834. She was a
member of the Presbyterian Church, and was the daugh-
ter of Rev. Benjamin and Deborah (Rose) Towner. Ben-
jamin Towner was a Baptist clergyman, whose singing
drew large crowds.
Children of Daniel and Rosine (Towner) Jamison:
i Hugh, b. Nov. 22, 1857; m. Dec. 24, 1889,
Jamimma Adamson ; lives at Robinson, Utah ;
has children : Mitchel, Carrie R., Mildred,
Anna M., and Daniel Kenneth.
572 ii D. Stearns, b. May 9, i860; m. Nov. 30, 1887,
Mary M., dau. of Joshua C. Stephens.
iii Carrie A., b. June 15, 1862; d. Jan. 15, 1896;
m. Mar. 9, 1888, George L. Preston, M. D. ;
had one son. Jamison Louis, born Feb. 6, 1889.
iv Benjamin T., b. Apr. 19, 1866; m. Dec. 20,
1890, Nellie Sutherland ; had one son, Forrest
S., b. Sept. 23, 1893.
V Mitchel, b. Dec. 17, 1867; m. Jan. 26, 1898,
Grace May Paddock; has issue: (i) James
P., b. Jan. 4, 1899; and (2) Anna M., b. Dec,
vi Anna Elizabeth, b. May 2, 1870; m. July 24,
f 1895, Leon Look Hough.
473a Anna Bennett* (William^ Thomas', Sarah
Stephens^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas", Henry^) was born at
256 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Canisteo, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1850. He is a member of t^
Methodist Church, and lives in Hornell, N. Y. He mar-
ried June 16, 1872, Harriet E. Woodmansee, born at Jas- !J
per, N. Y,, May 30, 1855, the daughter of Ransom and
Susanna (Foster) Woodmansee.
Children :
i Edith M., b. Apr. 28, 1873 ; d. Apr. 5, 1899 ; m. L. F.
ii David Levi, b. Apr. 30, 1875; d. Sept. 10, 1880.
iii Julia A., b. July 12, 1877; d. Sept. 11, 1880.
iv George R., b. Jan. .20, 1880; m. Aug. 26, 1908, Char- !
lotte Koopman.
v Elizabeth T., b. Nov. 22, 1881 ; m. Apr, 17, 1907, A
N. Pryor.
vi Bertha A., b. Feb. 21, 1887.
vii Robert L., b. Apr. 13, 1896.
:3 I
481 Mortimer William Stephens' (George',
George H.", Uriah^ Uriah^ Uriah\ Thomas; Henr/)
was born at Canisteo Centre, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1853. He
married Oct. 17, 1875, Mary J. Smith, born at Canisteo,
N. Y., Apr. 27, 1861, the daughter of Benjamin and
Arilla Smith. She died Jan. i, 1896, at Canisteo Centre,
N. Y. Mr. Stephens lives at Mingo Jet., O.
Children :
i Frederick, b. July 10, 1878; d., Feb. 25, 1880.
ii William H., b. Oct. 24, 1881 ; m. Sept. 14, 1903, Mary ,ij;;
K. Schmedly; has issue: (i) Anna Alvira, b. Feb. ~:;
27, 1905 ; (2) Henry W., b. Jan. 13, 1906. |.. -,
482 Caleb Stephens^ (George\ George H.',
Uriah^. Uriah*, Uriah". Thomas^ Henry') was born June
25, 1859. at Canisteo, N. Y., where he now lives. He is ... ,,
a miller, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. '^
He married May 14. 1882, R. E. Kins:, bom Oct. 3, 1862, .
the daughter of Abram B. and Sarah (Morgan) King. '*
Children :
i Lulu D., b. Apr. 12, 1884; m. Apr. 28, 1904, Leonard |^;;3
A- Crosby. 1 1^
Eighth Generation 257
!ii Earl D., b. Mar. 31, 1888; d. Apr. 10, 1897.
lii Guy Harry, b. Dec. 28, 1890.
Iv Lee P., b. Oct. i, 1893.
':v Reuben C., b. June 13, 1896; d. Mar. 17, 1897.
\vi Harold P., b. Mar. 29, 1898.
ii Jessie C., b. Oct. 6, 1900.
483 Andrew Stephens^ (George', George H.",
[Jriah^ Uriah*, Urialf , Thomas', Henry^) was born at
ii!anisteo Centre, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1862. He is a miller,
d lives in Canisteo. He married Apr. 30, 1884, Eliza
ane Porter, born in County Meath, Ireland, Oct. 10,
860, the daughter of John and Sarah Porter.
Children :
John Andrew, b. Mar. 13, 1885 ; m. Sept. 26, 1906,
Mary Murray.
Pearl Jane, b. July 7, 1889.
Athel Evelynn, b. Sept. 12, 1891.
Walter Porter, b. Sept. 16, 1899.
484 Daniel H. Stephens' (Calebs George H.",
friah^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas", Henry') was born at
anisteo, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1855. He is a farmer, and lives
1 Elk Spring Farm, Canisteo. He is a member of the
jresbyterian Church. May 5, 1878, he married Electa
.uller, born at Brookfield, Pa., Oct. 4, 1858, the daughter
V Aaron and Catharine (Cross) Fuller.
■ Children :
;3 i Allen B., b. Feb. 11, 1879; m. June 17, 1903,
, Edith Punches.
4 ii Aaron F., b. Mar. 7, 1882; m. May 7, 1905,
Lina Baker.
5 iii Fanny L., b. Oct. 10, 1884; m. Nov. 16, 1905,
Ross W. Dennis.
iv Gertrude L., b. Oct. 12, 1895.
485 Catharine Stephens* (Matthew'', George H.',
iTriah*, Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry") was born at
jdnisteo, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1882. She is a member of the
258 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Methodist Church. Nov. 26, 1902, she married Will V.
Stewart, born at Canisteo Jan. 26, 1881. He is a farmer,
the son of Hiram and Adele (Goff) Stewart. Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart live in Canisteo.
Children of Will V. and Catharine (Stephens) Stew-
art :
i Howard K., b. Jan. 26, 1906.
ii Esther Adell, b. Nov. 14, 1907.
486 Madelia H. Stephens' (Carlton H.', Uriah
F.*, Col. John^ Uriah\ Uriah^ Thomas^ Henr/) was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1841. She lived in
Canisteo, and married Mar. 19, 1863, John I. Bennett,
born at Port Jervis, N. Y., in 1845, the son of Soveryne
and Caroline (Snider) Bennett.
Children of John I. and Madelia (Stephens) Bennett:
i Carlton S., b. Dec. 11, 1863; d. Dec. 30, 1903; m.
Feb., 1890, Anna Snyder,
ii Lura R., b. Nov. 20, 1865; m. Apr., 1894, William
iii Elizabeth C, b. Mar. 15, 1868.
iv Vera M., b. Nov. 10, 1882.
487 Amelia Upson' (Elizabeth Stephens'. Uriah
F.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1842. She lived in
Friendship, N. Y., and was a member of the Baptist
Church. She married Apr. 8, 1863, M. J. Hinckley, born
at Hartsville, N. Y., June 13, 1841, the son of Barney
and Sally Hinckley.
Children of M. J. and Amelia (Upson) Hinckley:
i Sarah Bettina, b. June 3, 1864; m. Sept. 18, 1889,
John W. Ames; has dau., Olive Leona, b. Sept. 22,
ii Clemintina U., b. Feb. 28, 1866; m., ist, Apr. 23,
1890, Frank W. Parker; 2nd, Levi P. Rice; had
child by ist m., Wilton Thomas Parker, b. June 14,
iii Olive Moore, b. Nov. 30, 1867; d. Aug. 4, 1897; m.
'? 1
Eighth Generation 259
Feb. 22, 1888, William E. Chase ; no children.
Edith B., b. June 5, 1876; m. Sept. i, 1898, William
E. Chase ; had issue : ( i ) Eldon Hinckley, b. Nov.
13, 1903; and (2) Olive Amelia, b. Apr. 30, 1907.
Louis Orsamus, b. Jan. 25, 1879; m. Apr. 25, 1900,
Lillian De Laney; had issue: (i) Gladys Adelia, b.
Apr. 27, 1901 ; (2) Clyde Louis, b. Feb. 25, 1904;
and (3) Herold Jerome, b. Dec. 11, 1907.
Ethelena Belle, b. May 27; d. Feb. 20, 1905 ; m. Mar.
14, 1901, Andrew B. Lamoreaux ; had issue: (i)
Raymond B., b. Sept. 4, 1901 ; (2) Leon C, b. Oct.
23, 1903-
488 Viola Stephens' (Phineas OJ, Uriah F.',
d\. John^, Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry^) was born
' Canisteo, N. Y., June 26, 1844. She married Sept. 9,
569, Lucius Kellison, born at Howard, N. Y., May 29,
146, the son of James and Elizabeth (Meeks) Kellison.
ney were members of the Presbyterian Church, and
led in Canisteo, Branchport, Hartsville, and Hornell,
P Y.
Children of Lucius and Viola (Stephens) Kellison:
William, b. June 13, 1870; d. May 25, 1901.
} Charles, b. Jan. 14, 1872.
i: Frank, b. June 19, 1880; m. Dec. 27, 1904, Dessa
Dixon; has issue: (i) Athalind, b. July 20, 1905;
(2) Mary, b. July 10, 1908.
i-"! Archie, b. Apr. 13, 1883.
489 Aberdeen Stephens* (Phineas 0.^ Uriah F.*,
CI. John\ Uriah*, Uriah^ Henry\ Henry^) was born at
Cnisteo, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1846. He has lived at Canisteo,
Gsenwood, and Cameron, N. Y. Mr. Stephens is a
rrler, and is a member of the Baptist Church. He mar-
rii July 4, 1871, Adelia Roosa, born at Canisteo June
3< 1849, the daughter of Daniel and Lydia Roosa.
Children :
i Leslie D., b. July i, 1874.
26o Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
576 ii Lela A., b. Sept. 3, 1876; m. Stanly K. Owens
July 31, 1892.
490 AuRiLLA Stephens' (Phineas 0.\ Uriah F.*,
Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1854. She is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. She married Apr. 16, 1870, Wil-
son Loghry, born Sept. 9, 1849, the son of Isaac and
Christina (Snyder) Loghry.
Children of Wilson and Aurilla (Stephens) Loghry:
577 i Mary Ar Belle, b. Nov. 22, 1872; m. Jan. 3,
1890, Harry Alden.
ii Phineas, b. July 13, 1875; d. Sept. 2, 1875.
491 Mary Ervilla Stephens* (Edwin R.', Phin-
eas', Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
born at Greenwood, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1852. She married
Jan. 2^, 1875, Willard M. Peck, who served in the Union
Army during the War of the Rebellion. He is a clergy-
Children of Willard H. and Mary E. (Stephens) Peck:
i Alice Bell, b. Sept. 2. 1876, at Sparta, N. Y., m.
Sept. 2, 1894, Arthur N. Aldrich ; has issue : Frances
M., Ruby Ervilla, George H., Mabel, and Simon Peck
ii Edwin James, b. Oct. 14, 1882, at Tuscarora, N. Y. ;
m. Aug. 21, 1906, Grace B. Land; has one child, Ed-
win W.
iii Julia Angelia, b. July 27, 1886; m. Sept. 20, 1906,
Archie W. Land ; has one child, Elwood W.
492 Eunice Baker' (Julia M. Stephens', Phineas',
Col. Tohn\ Uriah*, Uriah'. Thomas', Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1838. She married Apr. 8, i860,
J. E. Collier, born at Mount Morris, N. Y., the son of
James M. and Rachel Collier. They Hve at HorneIl._
Children of John Estes and Eunice (Baker) Collier:
i Hector, b. Tune 19, 1861 ; d. Mar. 9, 1862.
ii Edwin E., b. Dec. 8, 1863 ; m. Sarah Barnet.
Eighth Generation 261
iii 'Jennie A., b. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. June 30, 1903,
E. M. Miller,
iv James B., Mar. 4, 1867; d. June 25, 1867.
78 V Willard Elias, b. May 19, 1869; m. Lulu Hol-
man May 28, 1891.
79 vi Walter Asa, b. July 3, 1871 ; m. July 4, 1890,
Ollie Downs.
■80 vii Jesse A., b. Aug. 29, 1873 ; m. Lizzie Kinistan
Aug-. 20, 1896.
492a Addison Santee^ (Rachel Stephens', Phin-
as*. Col. John', Uriah*. Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
Drn at Cameron, N. Y., in 1842. He was a merchant
nd farmer of Cameron and Hornell, N. Y., and a mem-
pr of the Methodist Church. He married Jeannette Hal-
tt, daughter of Henry and Mariah Hallet't. Mr. Santee
fed in Sept., 1907, and was buried in Hornell.
[Children of Addison and Jeannette (Hallett) Santee:
Florence, m. Dayton.
i. Frank.
Rachel, m. Scott.
Bert, m. Hardenberg.
492b Isaac Santee* (Rachel Stephens', Phineas',
3l. John', Uriah*, Urialf, Thomas', Henry') was born
' Cameron, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1845. He is a farmer and
erchant of Cameron and Hornell, N. Y., and is a mem-
sr of the Methodist Church. He married Aug. 7, 1864,
'uily J. Hallett, daughter of Henry and Mariah Hallett.
he died Dec. i, 1889. He married, second, May i, 1892,
da. M. King, daughter of Philip and Mary (Hadley)
|Children of Isaac and Emily J. (Hallett) Santee:
John H., b. June 12, 1865; m. Caferty.
Clarence E., b. Sept. 26, 1866; d. May i, 1901.
Belle, b. Jan. 11, 1874.
Fred C, b. Oct. 3, 1889; d. 1897.
Child of Isaac and Ada M. (King) Santee:
Rachel, b. May 30, 1893.
262 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
492c Jerry E. B. Santee' (Rachel Stephens\
Phineas*, Col. John^ Uriah^ Uriah\ Thomas\ Henr/)
was born at Cameron, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1850, and married
Oct. I, 1873, Mary Elizabeth Bentley, who was born at
Westerly, R. I., Mar. 31, 1850. She is a daughter of
Benjamin W. and Mary (Potter) Bentley. Mr. Santee
is a graduate of Williams College, and is Cashier of the
Citizens' Nat. Bank of Hornell. He was admitted to the
Bar in 1873, and has been a member of the N. Y. State
Legislature for several terms.
Children of Jerry E. B. and Mary Elizabeth (Bentley)
Santee :
i Vernie, b. July 19, 1874; m. Dec. 29, 1903, Edwin
ii Eloise, b. Aug. 26, 1876.
iii Winifred, b. Apr. 25, 1880.
iv Harold, b. Jan. 17, 1883; graduated from Cornell
Medical College in June, 1908.
493 Sarah Stephens* (James Harvey'', Phineas',
Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Thomas') was born
Apr. 22, 1849. She married in March, 1867, George
Children of George and Sarah (Stephens) Richey:
i Lizzie, b. Mar., 1868, at Greenwood; has two chil-
dren, Charles and Francis, who live in Denver, Col.
ii Gertrude, b. in 1870; m. Mr. Monroe; has two chil-
dren, J. K. and Julia, who live at St. Louis, Mo.
494 Estella Stephens' (James Harvey\ Phineas',
Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born
Nov. 6, 1854. She married, first, Jan. 9, 1872, Charles
Goodno, and, second, Sept. 25, 1875, Chester Griswold
of Woodhull.
Child of Charles and Estelle (Stephens) Goodno:
i James Harvey, b. Mar. 23, 1873, at Greenwood; m.
Aug. 29, 1905, Gertrude L. Case ; has dau., Catharine
Jane, b. at Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1907.
Children of Chester and Estella (Stephens) Griswold:
Eighth Generation 263
ii George Davis, b. Aug. 4, 1877, at Greenwood.
;iii Burt Stephens, b. Nov. 25, 1879, at Greenwood; d.
j Dec. 12, 1890.
495"585a Mary Davis Stephens* (James Harvey^
Phineas*, Col. John^ Uriah*. Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry*)
was born Jan. 22, 1868. She married Dec. 4, 1895,
Frank D. Young (585a). They Hve in Greenwood.
: Children of Frank D. and Mary (Stephens) Young:
i Paul Redman, b. Feb. 5, 1903 ; d. Jan. 27, 1904.
jii Hope Ambrosia, b. Feb. 13, 1905.
lii Grace Estelle, b. Feb. 8, 1907.
fv Frank Dwight, b. Feb. 7, 1909.
496-332 Mary Stephens^ (Abram M.'', Elias', Col.
fohn^ Uriah*, Uriah^, Thomas^, Henry*) was born at Can-
steo, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1840. She married July 3, 1862,
Marshall Olin'' (Pamelia Stephens^ Col. John'^, Uriah*,
iJriah^, Thomas^ Henry*), who was born Oct. 26, 1839,
it Hornell, N. Y. Mr. Olin was a farmer. They lived
i)n Crosby Creek, Homell.
Child of Marshall and Mary (Stephens) Olin:
Frederic Marshall, b. June 19, 1873; m. Oct. 4, 1906,
Goldie Smith; has issue: (i) Alice Mary, b. July 9,
1907; (2) WilHam Simon, b. Oct. 11, 1908.
497 Elias Stephens* (Abram M.\ Elias", Col.
I'ohn^, Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas^ Henry*) was born at Can-
steo, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1843. He was a carpenter and an
fmploye of the Erie R. R. He resided in Canisteo. Dec.
6, 1868, he married Emily Batchelder, born at Jasper,
i^. Y., Nov. 10, 1848, daughter of Rev. E. J. Batchelder
f)f the M. E. Church. Mr. Stephens died at Salamanca
!^ov. I, 1902, and was buried at Canisteo.
Children :
i Abram Minier, b. Dec. 4, 1869; m. Aug. 15,
1903, Alice Wycoff Simpson,
ii Lowell, b. Sept. 27, 1876; d. May 30, 1880.
264 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
581 iii Delia Rose, b. June 29, 1879; m. May 12, 1897,
Robert Pfitzmaier.
582 iv Mary Olin, b. July 21, 1881 ; m. Aug. 2, 1903,
Emory Andrew Jones.
498 Christiana Stephens' (Abram Minier",
Elias*, Col. John", Uriah', Uriah", Thomas", Henry') was
bom at Canisteo, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1845. She was a mem-
ber of the Christian Church. She resided in Canisteo
and Woodhull. Sept. 22, 1868, she married William
Olin of Woodhull, the son of Franklin Olin. Mrs. Olin
died Sept. 14, 1874, and was buried in Canisteo.
Child of William and Christiana (Stephens) Olin: iiii
i Ernest, b. Sept. 4, 1874; m. Sept. 9, 1902, Lena May riv
Mead; has one son, Clifford La Mont, b. July 18,
1903- I
499 Fanny A. Stephens' (Abram M.', Elias°, Col. jEli
John", Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry') was born at Ifc
Canisteo, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1850. She is a member of the lb
Christian Church. She has lived in Canisteo, N. Y., and ■>
Rochester, Mich. Apr. 26, 1877, she married A. A. Mon- ;■
roe, a wagon-maker, who died at Rochester, Mich., Feb.
14, 1900. Mr. Monroe served in the Civil War.
Children of A. A. and Fanny (Stephens) Monroe:
i Nellie, b. Jan., 1878; m. May 8, 1905, Merrill F.
Schulte ; has one son, Francis, b. May 7, 1906.
ii Eva, b. 1879; d. Dec. 23, 1904; m. July 6, 1902,
Lloyd W. Hallett ; had one son, Darrell, b. Oct. 2,
iii Ross, b. June, 1881 ; d. Oct. i, 1900.
500 Pamelia Stephens* (Abram M.'', Elias', Col.
John", Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1859, and died at Metz, Ind.,
Mar., 9, 1892. She married July 17, 1880, Rev. Alpheus
Iden, born July 20, 1856, pastor of the Christian Church.
Children of Alpheus and Pamelia (Stephens) Iden:
i Grace May, b. May 2.'], 1881 ; lives in Montgomery,
Eighth Generation 265
I Mich.; m. Dec. 24, 1902, Floyd Cope; has issue:
; (i_) Edgar Floyd, b. May 14, 1880, at Camden,
I Mich.; (2) Helen May, b. Apr. 8, 1905, at York,
' Ind.
|ii Jessie Rose, b. Mar. 5, 1883; m. May 5, 1901, Thom-
as A. Gorsuch; has issue: (i) Oreo Dale Hamilton,
b. Dec. 6, 1901 ; (2) Clarence Earl Leroy, b. Dec.
II, 1902; (3) Lester Merrul, b. Dec. 31, 1903; d.
Jan. II, 1904; (4) Kenneth, b. Jan. 3, 1905; (5) A
son, b. Jan. 11, 1906; d. Jan. 16, 1906; (6) Anna
Ruth, b. Feb. 21, 1907; (7) Thomas A., b. Aug. 19,
i Linnie Celestia, b. Dec. 13, 1884.
V Cecil Minier, b. Oct. 7, 1886.
i ^ Otto Lyman, b. Nov. 29, 1889.
1501 Amelia Bennett" (Christiana Stephens'',
^lias". Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
iorn at Canisteo, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1841. She is a mem-
er of the Methodist Church. She married Jan. 30, 1863,
'ieorge Stanley Braistead. born at Howard. N. Y., Nov.
3, 1839, the son of Edmund and Rebecca (Allen) Brais-
sad. They have lived in Canisteo, Hornell, and Mt. Ver-
|0n, N. Y., and Danbury, Conn.
Children of George S. and Amelia (Bennett) Brais-
Myron H., b. Apr. 23, 1864; m. Sept. 5, 1894, Ameha
M. Hagg; has children: (i) Raymond W., b. Dec.
10, 1898; and (2) Clarence E., b. Sept. 4, 1903.
Olin, b. Jan. 29, 1867; d. May, 1880.
502 Annette Bennett^ (Christiana Stephens^,
fLlias', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') mar-
ied Feb. 22, 1863, Everall V. Chadwick, who died Jan.
i|5, 1889. She married, second, Seymour C. Williamson,
[ Children of Everall V. and Annette (Bennett) Chad-
/ick :
ji Burg, m. Aug. 14, 1889, Elvira Bokland; has issue:
266 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
(i) Everell V., b. Oct. 28, 1892; (2) Annette Cath-
arine, b. Mar. 8, 1898; d. Mar. 12, 1898; (3) Helen
Olin, b. Oct. 20, 1901.
ii Annette, m. Sept. 27, 1896, Albert L. Jeffers.
iii Mart, m. Mar. 6, 1899, Frederick E. Dudley, D. D. S.
503 Elias Girard Rose* (Hannah Stephens',
Elias^ Col. John", Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., May 8, 1849. He is a carpenter,
and resides at Canisteo. He is a member of the Metho-
dist Church. Feb. 14, 1872, he married Ellen E. Kel-
logg, born at Canisteo Mar. 13, 1853, daughter of Hiram
and Emerancy T. (Preston) Kellogg.
Children of Elias G. and Ellen E. (Kellogg) Rose:
i Claud Kellogg, b. Apr. 16, 1873; m., ist, Jan. 10,
1899, Edna Wiggins ; 2nd, Aug. 17, 1907, Minnie
Halsey Smith, who died June 30. 1908; has one child,
Minnie Halsey, b. June 28, 1908.
ii Harry Charles, b. Jan. 19, 1878; m. Jan. i, 1898, Jen- ,..
nie Rachel Corbett ; has son, Francis, b. Dec. 5, 1899. y
504 Virginia Rose* (Hannah H. Stephens', Elias',
Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born
at Canisteo, N. Y., May 18, 1851. She is a member of ;. .;
the Methodist Church, and resides in Canisteo. She mar- q.
ried June 30, 1876, Dell R. Flint, born at Gainsville, N. C-
Y., Aug. 8, 1850, the son of Jacob Nelson and Susan ;^, ■
Flint. Z
Children : ;....
i Georgia, b. Mar. 3, 1877; m. Sept. 6, 1905, Delos :,.-,
McGrady, b. May 31, 1861. ;^.
ii Bert E., b. June 9, 1879; "^- June i, 1905, Ola Wil- .|',.;
son, b. Sept. 23, 1882; has issue: (i) Virginia Rose, \.^'[
b. June 25, 1905; and (2) George Wilson, b. Apr.
26, 1908.
505 Belle Rose* (Hannah H. Stephens', Elias*,
Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born
Oct. 10, 1853, ^t Canisteo, N. Y. She is a member of
Eighth Generation 267
;he Methodist Church. She married Jan. 9, 1872, Mar-
:us B. Walker, born at Avoca, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1843, the
5on of James and Catharine (McClary) Walker. Mr.
iValker was a member of Co. E, 141st Regt., N. Y. Vols.,
n the Civil War. He served three years, and was with
jen. Sherman on his March to the Sea. He was dis-
:harged Sept. 10, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have
ived at Canisteo, New York City, and Avoca, N. Y.
Children of Marcus B. and Belle (Rose) Walker:
i James Elroy, b. Nov. 3, 1872; is a merchant of
Avoca, N. Y. ; m. Apr. 2, 1902, Larene Peck ; has
one son, Elroy Percy, b. June 25, 1904.
ii Rose, b. Feb. 10, 1875; m. Jan. 4, 1898, Will S.
Hall; has sons: (i) Jerry Russell, b. Dec. 4, 1898;
and (2) W^alker Gerard, b. Apr. 17, 1901.
ii Jennie, b. Oct. 16, 1876; m. Apr. 20, 1905, James D.
Reynolds; has issue: (i) Charles Henry, b. in 1906;
and (2) Belle Rose, b. Nov. i, 1908.
V Mabel, b. Dec. 6, 1878.
V Adelia, b. Jan. 7, 1882.
'i Charles Marcus, b. Apr. 16, 1884; d. Nov. 20, 1905.
506 May Rose' (Hannah H. Stephens', Elias', Col.
'ohn^ Uriah*, Uriah*, Thomas^ Henry') was bom at
'ranisteo, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1856, and died at Nunda, N. Y.,
.kpt. 26, 1900. She married June 24, 1874, Robert Kel-
|[.ey Bergen, born at Mt. Morris, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1843,
he son of Jacob and Ann Eliza (Dancer) Bergen. Mr.
Bergen is a farmer, residing at Nunda. He was a mem-
■jcr of Co. F, 136th N. Y. Vols., and served three years
n the War of the Rebellion. He was brevetted Lieu-
enant for gallant and meritorious action on the field of
jjattle. Mr. and Mrs. Bergen were members of the
Viethodist Church :
Child of Robert Kelsey and May (Rose) Bergen:
, Loretta Irene, b. Mar. 3, 1879; resides in Washing-
ton, D. C. ; m. July 25, 1903, Thomas A. Caine, b. at
Portageville, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1873, son of James and
Alice (Burrett) Caine; has children: (i) Alfred
268 Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Bergen, b. July i6, 1904; and (2) Bernard Thomas,
b. July 30, 1907.
508 Flora Ardell Stephens' (Archibald A.',
Ellas', Col. John°, Uriah*, Uriah*, Thomas', Henry") was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1856. She married
June 23, 1886, Charles Wilder Freeman, born Feb. 12,
1863, the son of Wilder Mack and Hannah Janet (Ma-
comber) Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman are members
of the Methodist Church. They have lived at Canisteo,
N. Y., Bradford, Kushequa, and Smithport, Pa.
Children of Charles W. and Flora A. (Stephens) Free-
man :
i Georgia Janet, b. June 26, 1887; d. 1906.
ii Vera Justina, b. Sept. 16, 1888.
iii Edna Cynthia, b. Mar. 18, 1890.
iv Theo Emily, b. Feb. 15, 1892.
V Flora Elizabeth, b. Aug. 31, 1893.
vi Archibald Minier, b. Apr. 19, 1895 ; d. Jan., 1896.
vii Helen Florence, b. Mar. 31, 1897.
viii Alice Etoile, b. Jan. 7, 1899.
510 Alonzo Brow^n' (Ada Stephens', EHas', Col.
John^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas'", Henry") was born at Can-
isteo, N. Y., June 16, 1849. He married Feb. 28, 1869,
Isabelle J. Frazier, born in Ohio Aug. 22, 1851, who
died at Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 5, 1902. She was a
daughter of William H. and Elizabeth Mary (Jimme-
son) Frazier. Mr. Brown married, second, in 1903, Mrs.
Charlotte Swisehelm of Los Angeles, Cal. In Oct., 1868,
he settled in Iowa. He has been a teacher, farmer, Jus-
tice of the Peace, and a clergyman. He united with the
Northwest Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in 1887, and has filled important pulpits in Sioux
City and other places in Iowa. He removed to Cali-
fornia in 1902, and is now stationed at Clay Street
Church, Stockton, Cal.
Children of Alonzo and Isabelle J. (Frazier) Brown:
Eighth Generation 269
183 i Joseph William, b. Jan. 30, 1870; m. Feb. 17,
!' 1 89 1, Fanny M. Allen.
'184 ii Ora Franc, b. Dec. 12, 1871 ; m. July 18, 1894,
; John R. Mill.
:i85 iii Fred A., b. Feb. 8, 1878; m. Dec. 6, 1899,
f Nellie G. Babcock.
I iv Guy K., b. Jan. 11, 1887; ^ ^^^ student at San
; Jose, Cal.
I 511 John Stephens Young' (Harriet Stephens^
"ohn H.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^ Henry')
vas born at Greenwood, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1840. He is a
etired farmer, living- in Greenwood. He is a member of
he Methodist Church. Nov. 22, 1863, he married Mary
Dwight, born at Spring Mills, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1841, the
laughter of George and Nancy (Gettman) Dwight.
Children of John S. and Mary (Dwight) Young:
;85a i Frank Dwight, b. Nov. 7, 1866; m. Dec. 5,
1 1895, Mary Davis Stephens (495).
ii William George, b. Sept. 2, 1869; m. June 28,
1897, Mary Elizabeth Stephens,
iii Ellen M., b. Oct. 31, 1876.
512 Lucretia Young* (Harriet Stephens^, John
i.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry') was
porn at Greenwood, N. Y., Feb. i, 1843. She is a mem-
kr of the Methodist Church. She married Aug. 11,
'864, Lorenzo D. Scribner, born at Andover, N. Y., Apr.
!0, 1840, the son of Albert and Augusta (Ellis) Scrib-
Children of Lorenzo D. and Lucretia (Young) Scrib-
i Freddie M., b. Jan. 26, 1866; d. Mar. 27, 1874.
iii Willie S., b. Jan. 16, 1869; m. Apr., 1897, Almira
iiii Hattie F., b. Sept. i, 1870; m. Jan. i, 1891, Ames
L. Rogers.
iv Sidney A., Jan. 7, 1873; d. Dec. 20, 1901 ; m. June,
1896, Minnie Walker.
270 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
V Dow L., b. Apr. 23, 1874; m. Nov., 1899, Julia
vi Clayton, b. Sept. 21, 1879; m. July 28, 1903, Lena
vii Ray, b. Nov. 17, 1881.
513 Henry W. Young' (Harriet Stephens'', John
H.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
born at Greenwood, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1845. He is a farmer,
residing in Greenwood, and is a member of the Methodist
Church. He married Mar. 23, 1878, Avia Daly, born at
West Union Aug. 4, 1855, the daughter of Edward and
Charlotte (Rogers) Daly.
Children of Henry W. and Avia (Daly) Young:
i Lottie, b. Apr. 12, 1879; d. Feb. 18, 1880.
ii Mabel, b. Mar. 27, 1882 ; m. Sept. 3, 1903, Rev. W.
P. Trowbridge,
iii Clair, b. Nov. 4, 1886; d. Mar. 16, 1888. I
514 Perry Ersley Stephens' (John Jerome',
John H.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry')
was born at Bennetts Creek in Greenwood, N. Y., May
4, 1862. He is a successful farmer and business man,
President of the Farmers' Alliance Co-operative Fire In-
surance Co. of Steuben County. He is a member of the
Methodist Church. Oct. 29, 1890. he married Mabel fe-
Mead, born at West Greenwood, N. Y., Aug. 2. 1866, Ih'
daughter of Sanford and Elvira E. (Pingrey) Mead. 'Cr.
Mrs. Stephens was a teacher, and was educated at Alfred n i
Children :
i JuHa Elvira, b. Aug. 9, 1892.
ii Anna Laura, b. Apr. 12, 1896.
iii Sanford Mead, b. Aug. 21, 1903.
516 Merritt a. Woodbury' (Mary M. Stephens',
Alex H.', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah'. Thomas', Henry')
was born at, Jasper, N. Y., Mar. i, 1852. He was a mer-
chant, and lived in Jasper and Greenwood, N. Y., and
Eighth Generation 271
rd, Neb. He died at Greenwood Dec. 6, 1897. May
1876, he married Delphina Chapman' (Christiana Ste-
iiens*, Ezra", Joshua*, Jedediah^ Henry*, Henry^), bom
Greenwood Nov. 10, 1850. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wood-
;iry were UniversaHsts.
Child of Merritt A. and Delphina (Chapman) Wood-
iry :
I Ray Van Buren, b. July 4, 1879; m. June 14, 1906,
Marion Tillman ; has son, Donald Merritt.
' 517-509 Els WORTH Stephens* (Danief, Daniel
icHenry', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henr/)
lis born May 26, 1868. He married Nov. 7, 1891, Maud
iephens' (Archibold', Elias", Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah*,
liomas^, Henry^). She was born June 22, 1861.
IfChildren :
. Floyd Archibold, b. at Southport, Pa., May 17, 1894.
i Glen Ellsworth, b. at Bradford, Pa., Nov., 1897; d.
June, 1898.
518 Hiram C. Stephens' (James BJ, Erastus*,
ias^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at
brnell, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1847. -He is a farmer, and is
amember of the Methodist Church. He has resided at
nisteo and Hornell. He married Aug. 19, 1869, Cath-
ne E. Loucks, born at York, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1847, the
Lighter of Horatio and Anna Loucks.
Children :
Lester Horatio, b. 1872; m. in 1900 Annie Smith.
Anna Celina, b. 1874; m. in 1900 Mark L. Swain.
Ida Belle, b. 1876; m. in 1895 Burton Foster; d.
Frank James, b. 1878 ; m. in 1906 Mabel Ennis.
William, b. 1880; d. 1882.
Carrie Lulu. b. 1884.
Clara Lura, b. 1884.
519 Mary Stephens' (James B.^ Erastus', Elias*,
fi3.h\ Uriah", Thomas^ Henry') was bom at Hornell,
272 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
N. Y., May 24, 1852. She lives in Hornell. She mar-
ried Sept. 12, 1869, Albert Granger, an engineer of the
Erie R. R. He was born at Canisteo, N. Y., in 1850, the
son of William and Margaret (Campbell) Granger,
Children of Albert and Mary (Stephens) Granger:
i Frederick, b. Mar. 23, 1873; m. Dec. 11, 1905, Anna
ii Pearl, b. Jan. 27, 1879; m. June 26, 1902, Noble Rob-
520 Eugene Stephens* (James B.^ Erastus', Elias',
Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was born at Hornell,
N. Y., Dec. 13, 1854. He is an engineer of the Erie R.
R., and is a member of the Methodist Church. He mar-
ried May 25, 1877, Ella McNett, born at Burns, N. Y.,
May 9, 1856.
Children :
i Laura A., b. May 5, 1884; m. June 21, 1905, George
ii Bertha T., b. Apr. 21, 1889. 4
iii Lynn E., h. Oct. 23, 1895. 4
521 Anna Stephens* (James B.\ Erastus', Elias',
Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry') was born at Hornell,
N. Y., April 5, 1866. She is a member of the Baptist
Church, and lives in Hornell. She married Jan. 13, 1890,
Edward Newell, born in Pa., the son of Lyman and Ada-
line (Fairbanks) Newell.
Children of Edward and Anna (Stephens) Newell:
i Floyd, b. Apr. 25, 1892.
ii Olive, b. Oct. 27, 1894.
iii Ruth, b. July, 1899.
522 Erastus A. Carter* (Catharine Stephens',
Erastus', Elias', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^, Henry') was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1849. He is a mer-
chant of Canisteo. He married July 4, 1868, Katie A.
Baily, born July 29, 1848, at Ithaca, N. Y., who died
Eighth Generation 273
Jily 9, 1903, the daughter of James and Ann (Crozier)
Children of Erastus A. and Katie A. (Baily) Carter:
|;6 i William L., b. Mar. 10, 1865; m. Sept. 13,
1893, Verna Sumner,
ii Willis F., b. Mar. 10, 1865 ; d- Apr. 22, 1875.
iii John M., b. May 10, 1871 ; m. Dec. 31, 1900,
JMary E. Conway.
;_ 523 Addie a. Carter' (Catharine', Erastus', EHas*,
iah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at Canisteo,
^ Y., Aug. 18, 1861. She married June 19, 1884, My-
m R. Lake, born at Fremont, N. Y.. Sept. 9, 1855, the
sn of Israel and Claracy (White) Lake. They lived in
Arian and Canisteo, N. Y.
jphildren of Myron R. and Addie A. (Carter) Lake:
I Catharine L., b. July 13, 1885; m- Apr. 17, 1907,
i Fred E. Hall, b. Oct. 19, 1883, son of Lester E. and
; Melissa (Upson) Hall; has son, Theron W., b. June
30, 1908.
ii Arthur Lee, b. Jan. 10, 1889; d. Feb. 24, 1889.
iii A son, b. Jan. 5, 1892; d. Jan. 11, 1892.
iV: Lorena L, b. July 31, 1897.
J 524 Alice Tuller' (Orris Stephens', Erastus',
as^ LTriah', Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at
Hrtsville, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1855. She married Mar. 25,
I? 5, Simon Smith, born at Bufifalo, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1849,
th son of William and Hannah (Gordon) Smith. Mr.
Si'ith is a veterinarian. They live in Hornell, N. Y.
Ms. Smith is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
'hildren of Simon and Alice (Tuller) Smith:
i William Henry, b. Apr. 26, 1879; m. Feb. 21, 1900,
Nellie Phillipson.
ii Golden Belle, b. June 14, 1884 ; m. Oct. 4, 1906, Fred
M. Olin.
'\ 525 Cora Tuller' (Orris Stephens', Erastus',
Elis', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henrv') was born at
274 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Lafayette, Pa., Apr. 4, 1864. She lives in Hornell, and 1 ,
is a member of the Presbyterian Church. She married L:^
Mar. 26, 1884, Thomas K. Bennett, born in Fredericks- '
burg, Iowa, Apr. 5, 1857, the son of David and Esther
(Gitchell) Bennett.
Children of Thomas K. and Cora (Tuller) Bennett:
i Orris A., b. Mar. 25, 1887; d. Oct. 22, 1896.
ii Daisy E., b. Nov. 18, 1888.
iii ArHe A., b. July 7, 1899.
526 Erastus Stephens Tuller' (Orris Stephens',
Erastus', Elias^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas\ Henr/) was ,: ;
born at Hartsville, N. Y., July 6, 1873. He is a Presby- ' ^'
terian, and has lived in Hornell, Hartsville, Howard, and
Buffalo, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1894, he married Cord B. Davi-
son, who died July 8, 1904. Mr. Tuller married, second,
Sept. 25, 1907, Hattie B. Plass, daughter of David H.
and Myra (Batchelder) Plass.
Children of Erastus Stephens and Cord B. (Davison) Jf'_
Tuller :
i Helen, b. Jan. 9, 1896.
ii Clarence, b. May 7, 1898.
Child of Erastus Stephens and Hattie B. (Plass) Tul-
iii Laura, b. July 4, 1908.
527 Anna Tuller' (Orris Stephens\ Erastus',
Elias', Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas', Henry') was born at
Hartsville, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1869. She is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. She married Aug. 2, 1891, George ^'
O. Coller, born at Greenwood, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1871, the J^'^
son of William and Mary (Lake) Coller. They reside in
Hornellsville. Mr. Coller is a farmer.
Children of George O. and Anna (Tuller) Coller:
i Gertrude Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1893.
ii Wanda Hazel, b. Dec. 2, 1896; d. Feb. 20, 1897.
iii Evelyn Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1901.
iv George Norman, b. June 13, 1907.
Eighth Generation 275
527a Mary Jane Stephens* (JerolTle^ Nathan',
Jijah^ Uriah*, Uriah\ Thomas", Henry*) was born at
[Ormon Island, Sacramento Co., Cal., Sept. 7, 1863.
:ie is a member of the Episcopal Church, and lives in
j:lma, Fresno Co., Cal. She married Dec. 15, 1885,
limes E. Harlan, who was born at Lexington, Ky., Sept.
1 1839. He was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth Harlan.
Children of James E. and Mary Jane (Stephens) Har-
Mary Jane, b. 1888; m. 1905 Charles McCullah.
George M., b. 1890.
Savia Ellen, b. 1893.
527b Anna Florence Stephens^ (Jerome'', Na-
.n", Elijah", Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas", Henry*) was born
^ir Sacramento, Cal., June 29, 1866. She is a member
the Episcopal Church, and lives at Fresno, Cal. She
mrried Apr. 7, 1886, Elmer Eugene Humphrey, who
\AS born at Phelps, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1854. He was a son
J Charles and Minerva (Burnett) Humphrey.
I]hild of Elmer E. and Anna Florence (Stephens)
Fimphrey :
i_ Marguerite, b. 1887.
528 William D. Stephens^ (Alanson', Benjamin',
jah^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry*) was born at
>rnellsville, N. Y,, Oct. 10, 1855. He married at Se-
ia. Mo., in 1877, Mattie M. Hopps, daughter of Rev.
eph B. and Mary Hopps, born in Oakland, Cal. They
\e lived at Meadville and Pittsburg, Pa., Sedalia, Mo.,
rsons, Kans., Dennison, Tex., and Hornell, N. Y. Mr.
;phens is the McCormick agent for the International
rvester Co.
Children :
Bradford E., b. Denison, Tex., 1878, an editor in
; Boston, Mass.
iS Frank W., b. 1883; Civil Engineer at Panama.
iii Alanson T., b. 1885 ! ^^ at Tufts College, Boston,
276 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iv Harold, b. 1889; farmer at Hornell, N. Y.
529 Catharine E. Stephens' (Alanson', Benjamin',
Elijah', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was born at |aii,tx
Hornell, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1856. She is a Christian Sci-
entist. She married Sept. 8, 1876, Paul Lord, born in
Lordville, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1854, son of Alva T. and Au-
gusta Lord. She was divorced from him and married
June 9, 1890, Henry M. Bennett, born June 21, 1855, at \
Orange, N. Y., son of Charles and Anna Bennett.
Child of Paul and Catharine (Stephens) Lord:
i Helen, b. Dec. 12, 1879; m. June 22, 1904, Raymond i|ri,
Child of H. M. and Catharine (Stephens) Bennett:
ii John Stephens, b. at Binghamton May 21, 1900.
I le m.
529a Laura A. Stephens' (Albert Spencer', Ben- ijflii,]
jamin', Elijah', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was 1, '
born at Lake City, Minn., May 4, 1857, and died at Lin- t
den, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1882. She married Dec. 24, 1874,
Jarvis Potter, son of Nathan Potter, who died Apr. 19, 1
1909, at Dallas Centre.
Children of Jarvis and Laura A. (Stephens) Potter
i Albert S., b. Sept. 17, 1875; d. 1882. ijj
ii Jessie A., b. Nov. 21, 1878; m. Ross Logsdon. . n^ji^;
iii Freddie O., b. June 30, 1882. \^(
529aa Frank D. Stephens' (Albert "Spencer, \
Benjamin', Elijah^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry') was »
born Apr. 18, 1859, in Stark Co., 111. He now lives in
Perry, Dallas Co., Iowa. He is a buyer of stock, and is
a member of the Christian Church. He married July 4.
1882, Louisa Stroud.
Children :
i Bert J., b. Dec. 23, 1884; m. Jan. 30, 1908, Ivyle
Hawley. |',V
ii Bessie O., b. May 22, 1890: d. May 22, 1890.
529b Fred E. Stephens' (Albert Spencer', Ben-
a JJ'-
Eighth Generation 277
fnin', Elijah', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
brn in Osceola, 111., Jan. 18, 1863. He is a carpenter of
Flk, Neb. He married in Nov., 1889, Lizzie Moor-
n.n, born Dec. 24, 1867, in Dallas Co., Iowa, the daugh-
t( of Enoch and Martha (Wright) Moorman,
rhildren :
i Ruby, b. Oct. 12, i8go.
ii Alma, b. Jan. 5, 1893.
529c Lilly A. Stephens^ (Albert Spencer", Ben-
in', Elijah', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
b'-n in Stark Co., 111., May 15, 1865. She is a member
o:the Methodist Church, and lives at Stromburg, Neb.
82 married June 11, 1884, A. Dewitt Dover, an agri-
citurist, born at Rock Island, III, Nov. 22, 1863, son of
Dwitt and Mary C. (Elexer) Dover.
Children of A. Dewitt and Lilly A. (Stephens) Dover:
Arnon Dewitt, b. Oct. 2, 1886.
Albert Ray, b. Feb. i, 1889; d. Jan. 21, 1908.
iii Hazel, b. Oct. 16, 1890.
529d Lottie O. Stephens^ (Albert Spencer, Ben-
jliin*, Elijah", Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas", Henry') was
ben in Iowa Nov. 12, 1875. She married in 1894 Mah-
lo: Bales, born in Iowa, Nov. 19, 1869, son of Lewis and
R::hel Bales.
hildren of Mahlon and Lottie O. (Stephens) Bales:
i Esther, b. Dec. 5, 1894.
ii Arta, b. July 27, 1897.
iii Mae, b. Oct. 16, 1899.
iv'Mark, b. Oct. 4, 1901.
V Phil, b. Sept. 7, 1903.
vi Albert Lewis, b. Mar. 3, 1909.
1 531-507 Carrie A. Stephens' (Obediah\ Obe-
diji", William', Uriah*, Urialf, Thomas', Henry') was
boi at Canisteo, N. Y., June 9, 1863. She resides at
Caisteo, and is a member of the Methodist Church. She
mzried May 19, 1886, A. Minier Rose, born June 2y,
278 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
1858, at Canisteo, the son of Charles C. and Hannah j
(Stephens) Rose.
Children of A. Minier and Carrie A. (Stephens) Rose: ]jI^
i Lyell S., b. Dec. 6, 1887.
ii Shirley M., b. Feb. 21, 1893.
iii Helen P., b. Mar. 14, 1895.
iv Mary, b. Mar. i, 1901,
V Charlotte M., b. Nov. 26, 1904.
532 James O. Stephens' (Obediah^ Obediah',
William", Uriah*, Uriah", Thomas^ Henry^) was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., July 22, 1873. He is an upholsterer and
picture-framer of Sunbury, Pa. He is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. Mr. Stephens married June 3,
1893, Clara Isabel Gundlach, born Jan. 2, 1874, at
Springfield, Mass., the daughter of Louis and AdeHne
Child : ,
i Clara Adaline, b. Apr. 6, 1894. ^:
533 Lottie Stephens' (Obediah'', Obediah', Will-
iam^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas^ Henry^) was born at Can-
isteo, N. Y., June 22, 1878. She resides at Hornell, and
is a member of the Methodist Church. She married in
1897 Lewis F. Laine, born Aug. 18, 1877, the son of
Allison B. and Margaret (White) Laine.
Child of Lewis F. and Lottie (Stephens) Laine:
i Paul Mondon, b. Feb. 20, 1898.
534 Edward C. Stevens' (Joseph\ Ralph M.', Jo-
seph', Joseph*, Samuel', Thomas^ Henry') was born Jan.
28, 1859. He married Sept. 16, 1885, Estella J. Ham-
mond. They lived in Washburn, Wis.
Children :
i Bessie M., b. Jan. 28, 1887.
ii Julia E., b. Apr. 16, 1891.
iii Claribel, b. Aug. 14, 1896
iv Lois, b. Oct. 28, 1902.
Eighth Generation 279
I 535 Brainard W. Stevens' (Joseph', Ralph M.',
seph^ Joseph*, Samuef, Thomas^ Henry^) was born
Jly 26, 1864. He married July 12, 1882, Pauline Miller.
liey lived in Santa Cruz, Cal.
Children :
i Jessie, b. May 30, 1883; m. Nov. 26, 1902, Frank L.
ii Jennie, b. Oct. 21, 1884.
' 536 Delphene Anderson' (Mary E. B. Stevens^
Bdph M.', Joseph^, Joseph*, Samuel', Thomas', Henry')
vis born at Nankin, Mich., June 30, 1862. She mar-
rid June 2, 1880, Thomas Cyrus Starret, born at Bramp-
tc, Canada, Feb. 9, 1855, the son of Andrew and Fanny
(larigold) Starret. They reside in Detroit, Mich.
Children of Thomas C. and Delphene (Anderson)
S„rret :
I Alza, b. Nov. 22, 1881 ; m. Dec. 15, 1908, Dr. Charles
Sen/is Chambers.
J Hubert Edgar, b. Feb. 19, 1886; d. Mar. 25, 1887.
ill Howard Andrew, b. Oct. 12, 1888.
iv' John William, b. Oct. 26, 1890.
V' Muriel, b. June 30, 1896.
I 537 Frank Russell Stevens' (Frederick J.",
Jen*, Joseph^ Joseph*, Samuel', Thomas', Henry') was
ben at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 15, 1870. He is a manufac-
tu^rs' agent, residing at Minneapolis, Minn. He is a
mnber of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit.
M. Stevens married Mary E. Mullins, born at Woods-
lei Ont., Canada, Mar. 31, 1877, the daughter of Pat-
ric and Katharine Mullins.
i ii^enry Gallup, b. May 5, 1906.
j 538 Clara May Stevens' (Frederick John', John*,
Josph^ Joseph*, Samuef, Henry^ Henry') was bom at
D.roit, Mich., Dec. 19, 1878. She married Apr. 28,
193, S. Edward Sanderson, M. D., born at Brooklin,
28o Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Ont., Canada, May 4, 1872, the son of Robert and Caro-
line (Leavens) Sanderson. They reside at Detroit, and
are members of the First Presbyterian Church.
Child of S. Edward and Clara May (Stevens) Sander-
i Stevens Sackett, b. May 7, 1905.
539 Frederick John Stevens' (Frederick John',
John", Joseph", Joseph*, Samuer, Thomas", Henry') was
born at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 4, 1880. He lives in Cleve-
land, O., and is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
He married Jan. 18, 1904, Adele M. Holderness, bom at
Detroit Oct. 4, 1880, the daughter of O. L. and Maria
C. Holderness.
Child :
i Ethan Knowlton, b. May 19, 1907.
540 Frederick Stevens Macey' (Mary Emma
Stevens', John', Joseph", Joseph*, Samuel", Thomas',
Henry') was born at Detroit, Mich., Mar. 17, 1876. He
is a surgeon in the U. S. Army, now of the rank of ist
Lieutenant. He has been in the Phihppine Islands,
Pittsburg, Pa., and Washington, D. C. He is a member
of the Episcopal Church. Sept. i, 1897, he married
Ethel May Tibbetts, born at Charlestown, Mass., May 24,
1877, the daughter of George Washington and Mary A.
(Anderson) Tibbetts.
Children of Frederick S. and Ethel M. (Tibbetts)
Macey :
i Dorothy Marion, b. in Maiden, Mass., Sept. 22, 1898.
ii Frederick Wallace, b. at Washington, D. C, Dec.
20, 1906.
iii PhiHp James, b. at Benguet, P. L, Jan. 8, 1908.
541 John Edward Macey* (Mary Emma Stevens',
John^ Joseph", Joseph*, Samuef, Thomas^ Henry") was
born at Cleveland, O., Dec. 15, 1877. He is an Attorney-
at-Law, and is a member of the Broadway Congrega-
tional Church at Somerville, Mass. He married Aug. 5»
Eighth Generation 281
ji 1902, Sara J. Lament, born at Salem, Mass., Aug. 8,
\ 1877, the daughter of Andrew J. and Helen (Powell)
; Lamont. He has lived in Revere, Maiden, Medford,
\ Somerville, and Newton, Mass.
Children of John Edward and Sarah J. (Lamont)
Macey :
i John Melville, b. Sept. 12, 1903.
ii Norman Lamont, b. June 16, 1906.
I iii Harold Stevens, b. Apr. 14, 1908.
542 Clayton Fuller Tide all" (Emily S. Fuller',
Mary B. Stevens^ Horace^ Jonathan*, Zebulon*, Thomas',
Henry^) was born Jan. 22, 1873. He married June 30,
1896, Bessie S. Murphy.
Children of Clayton F. Tidball :
i Kenneth Armour, b. Greenwood, Neb., Aug. 3, 1897.
ii Katharine, b. Greenwood, Neb., Feb. 11, 1899.
t iii Ralph Murphy, b. Sutton, Neb., Nov. 28, 1900.
iv Dorothy Murphy, b. Sutton, Neb., July 13, 1903.
543 Mary Stevens Tidball^ (Emily S. Fuller',
Mary B. Stevens', Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas*,
i Henry^) was born Sept. 21, 1874. She married Aug. 19,
1 1903, Lucius F. Reid.
Children of Lucius F. and Mary Stevens (Tidball)
i Helen Tidball, b. June 4, 1905.
\n Harriet Reid, b. May 8, 1907.
I 544 Katharine Lockwood Tidball' (Emily S.
: Fuller', Mary B. Stevens', Horace", Jonathan*, Zebulon*,
Thomas^ Henry^) was born May 8, 1877. She married
! June 28, 1899, Albert Drummond Johnston.
Children of Albert D. and Katharine L. (Tidball)
i! Johnston :
i Emily, b. Pawnee City, Neb., Aug. 5, 1901.
ii Elizabeth Drummond, b. Nov. 21, 1906.
545 John Leonidas Tidball' (Emily S. Fuller',
282 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Mary B, Stevens', Horace^ Jonathan*, Zebulon', Thomas',
Henry') was born Nov. 9, 1882. He married Violet
Sweeney July 19, 1905.
Children of John L. and Violet (Sweeney) Tidball :
i Mary Stevens, b. Apr. 21, 1906.
ii Ruth Emily, b. Mar. 27, 1908.
546 Susan Phiat Gibson* (Lucy M. Stephens',
Perry Gleet', Jedediah', Jared*, Simeon', Henry°, Henry')
was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1864. She married
Sept. 3, 1888, Elmer Sunimey of Buffalo, N. Y.
Children of Elmer and Susan P. (Gibson) Summey:
i Marion L., b. July 12, 1891.
ii Edna, b. Feb., 1893.
iii Bernetta, b. July 28, 1894.
iv Dorothy, b. Sept. 4, 1895.
547 James Robert Gibson* (Lydia M. Stephens',
Perry Cleet', Jedediah", Jared*, Simeon", Henry', Henry')
was born at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1868. He married
Apr. 4, 1894, Marg-arette O'Keefe, born in the South of
Ireland. She died Mar. 20, 1903, at Buffalo. He is a
lake captain, and is a Presbyterian.
Children of James R. and Margarette (O'Keefe) Gib-
i James B., b. Dec. 28, 1894. jv
ii Lydia Margaret, b. Sept. 10, 1896, ''
iii Kathaleen Mary, b. Jan. 10, 1899. :^
iv Robert Stephens, b. Aug. 26, 1901. si
548 Isabella Anne Gibson* (Lydia M. Stephens',
Perry Cleet', Jedediah', Jared*, Simeon', Henry', Henry')
was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1873, and died Apr.
20, 1906. She married Nov. i, 1894, Lawrence Gardner
of Buffalo.
Children of Lawrence and Isabella Anne (Gibson)
Gardner :
i Lydia Alice, b. Sept. 14, 1895.
ii Gibson, b. Mar. 14, 1897.
Eighth Generation 283
549 Frances E. Stevens* (Charles B/, Samuel
B.', Jedediah^ Jared*, Simeon", Henry", Henry') was born
Mar. 29, 1867. She married Dec. 15, 1896, Addison
West, who is a carpenter and builder. They reside at
Solvay, N. Y.
Children of Addison and Frances E. (Stevens) West:
i Byron S., b. June 21, 1902.
|ii Edwin, b. June 6, 1905; d. Oct. 28, 1905.
550 Louise V. Stevens* (Charles B.^ Samuel B.',
Jedediah^ Jared\ Simeon", Henry°, Henry") was born
Mar. 16, 1870. She married Nov. 16, 1892, Daniel Vroo-
man. He is a farmer.
Child of Daniel and Louise V. (Stevens) Vrooman :
ii Charles S., b. July 27, 1901.
551 Nelson C. Ordway* (Lucy Caroline Preston',
iClarisa Stephens', Rufus", Joshua*, Jedediah'', Henry",
jEienry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1847. He
Was a farmer and a member of the Methodist Church.
He lived in Canisteo. Oct. 5, 1871, Mr. Ordway mar-
ried Anna Vangorder, born Mar. 7, 1852, at Oswego, N.
Y, the daughter of William H. and Sibyl Vangorder.
Children of Nelson C. and Anna (Vangorder) Ord-
vay :
Daniel, b. Oct. 10, 1872; m. Mar. 16, 1901, Nettie
Calhoun; had son, Lewis N., b. Aug. i, 1903.
W. De Mott, b. Oct. 22, 1874.
552 Roxana Ordway* (Lucy Caroline Preston^
larisa Stephens", Rufus", Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry*,
rlenry") was born at Canisteo, N. Y., May 10, 1853. She
is a member of the Methodist Church. May 21, 1884. she
parried Ralph E. Dunham, born May 10, 1854, at How-
|ird, the son of Thomas and Delila J. Dunham. They live
t Canisteo.
i Children of Ralph E. and Roxa (Ordway) Dunham:
Mildred V., b. Sept. 24, 1886.
Ordway, b. Sept. 20, 1896; d. Aug. 31, 1902.
284 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
553 Emma Ordway* (Lucy Caroline Preston",
Clarisa Stephens", Rufus', Joshua', Jedediah', Henry',
Henry') was born Sept. 11, 1857. She is a member of
the Methodist Church. She married July 11, 1877, Mar-
cello E. Burrell, born at Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1853,
the son of Alfonso H. and Sarah C. Burrell. They live
in Canisteo.
Children of Marcello E. and Emma (Ordway) Bur-
i Fred O., b. Apr. 19. 1878.
ii Lennius O., b. Nov. 30, 1882; m. Oct. 9, 1907, Edna
L'Estrange; has son, Lennius O., b. Apr, 20, 1909.
553a Libbie Ordway' (Caroline Lucy Preston",
Clarisa Stephens", Rufus", Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry',
Henry') was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Nov. 16, i860.
She married Dec. i, 1887, John Stanton, born Apr. 5,
1859, at Adrian, N. Y., son of Amos Byron and Eunice
M. (Crosby) Stanton. They live in Adrian, N. Y.
Children of John and Libbie (Ordway) Stanton:
i Lewis, b. Nov. 17, 1892.
ii Marion Eloise, b. Apr. 14, 1894.
iii Adrian B., b. June 26, 1896.
iv Nelson C, b. Sept. 4, 1899.
V Kenneth M., b. May 17, 1903.
554 John Crosby' (Roba S. Preston', Clarisa Ste-
phens", Rufus", Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was
born at Canisteo, N. Y., May 13, 1850. He is a fruit
farmer and a gardener, and is a member of the Metho-
dist Church. July 4, 1 871, he married Maria Roosa, born
Dec. 20, 1852, who died Feb. 27, 1878, the daughter of
Charles and Sarah Roosa. Mr. Crosby married, sec-
ond, June II, 1879, Chloe Baker, born Mar. 9, 185 1, and
died Sept. 29, 1907, the daughter of Asa M. and Mary
Ann (Otto) Baker.
Child of John and Maria (Roosa) Crosby:
i Edith, h. July 30, 1873; m. Sept. 10, 1901, Leroy
Merrill; has issue. Hazel, b. Oct. i, 1903.
. K
Eighth Generation 285
Children of John and Chloe (Baker) Crosby:
ii Leonard A., b. Aug. 2, 1880; m. Apr. 28, 1904, Lola
D. Stephens ; has issue : ( i ) Ivan Baker, b. Oct. 20,
1905; (2) Earl Stephens, b. July 21, 1908.
iii Floyd B., b. Apr. 13, 1883; d. June i, 1900.
555 Eugene Brundage' (Catharine Stephens',
George W.', Ezra', Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry')
was born in Greenwood, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1857. He is a
farmer, and has lived in Shongo, Greenwood, Hornell,
N. Y., and Genesee, Pa. Mr. Brundage is a member of
the Methodist Church. He married Oct. 16, 1879, Mary
J. Knight, born at Greenwood, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1862, the
daughter of Warren S. and Phoebe Knight.
Children of Eugene and Mary J. (Knight) Brundage:
588 i Ray L., b. Oct. 8, 1880; m. Dec. 31, 1902, Abi-
gail Nelson,
ii Chloe May, b. June 17, 1883; m. Feb. 15,
1900, Joseph Atkins.
iii Clarence L., b. Oct. 7, 1886; m. Feb. 15, 1906,
Zola Call,
iv Warner M., b. May 13, 1888.
V Jessie U., b. Sept. 26, 1890.
vi Farnum G., b. Mar. 10, 1893.
vii Howard S., b. Dec. 25, 1897.
556-565 John L. Brundage* (Catharine M. Ste-
iphens", George W.°, Ezra^ Joshua', Jedediah', Henry',
Henry') was born at Greenwood, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1864.
iHe is a farmer, and has lived in Greenwood and Shongo,
N. Y., and Knoxville and Genesee, Pa. He is a member
of the Methodist Church. Jan. 15, 1885, he married
iFlora Jenison* (Mary Stephens'', Ebenezer C.\ Nathan',
Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry", Henry'). She was born
Jan. 10, 1870.
Children of John L. and Flora (Jenison) Brundage:
i Homer S., b. Aug. 23, 1886.
■ii Cleo G., b. Jan. 12, 1891.
iii Herbert E., b. May 5, 1893.
286 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
557 Idia G. Brundage* (Catharine Stephens',
George W.', Ezra", Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry')
was born at Harrison Valley, Pa., Feb. 5, 1872. She
married Sept. 17, 1889, Samuel S. Pease, born at Green-
wood, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1868, the son of Matthias and Lu-
cinda (Saxton) Pease. Mr. Pease is a farmer and they
live in Greenwood, N. Y.
Children of Samuel S. and Ida G. (Brundage) Pease:
i Mabel A., b. Jan. 9, 1893.
ii K. Randall, b. Apr. 2, 1904.
558 Albert L. Trowbridge' (Helen Stephens',
George W.', Ezra', Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry')
was born at Greenwood, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1859. He is a
member of the Methodist Church, and lives at Green-
wood. He married Dec. 6, 1879, OHve E. Fenton, born
at Greenwood Sept. 21, 1862, the daughter of David S.
and Sarah J. Fenton.
Child of Albert L. and Olive E. (Fenton) Trow-
bridge :
i Florence L., b. Oct. 13, 1890; m. Aug. 12, 1905, Her-
bert C. McCafTery.
559 Lee Trowbridge' (Helen Stephens', George
W.', Ezra', Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was born
at Greenwood, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1863. He lived in And-
over, N. Y., and is an oil-driller. He married Jan. 2,
1886, Myrt Davis, born at Andover, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1866,
the daughter of Charles F. and Abertein A. Davis.
Children of Lee and Myrt (Davis) Trowbridge:
i Mabel, b. Aug. 20, 1886; m. Oct., 1902, Frank Hal-
ii Burt O., b. Aug. 31, 1889.
iii Clarence, b. May 28, 1892.
iv Lynn, b. Oct. 20, 1896.
560 Ernest Trowbridge' (Helen Stephens',
George W.*, Ezra^ Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henry')
was born at Greenwood, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1870. He is a
Eighth Generation 287
conductor on the Wabash R. R., and lives at Montpelier,
O. He married June 7, 1899, Ag'nes Clancy, born at
Greenwood Aug. 4, 1870, the daughter of Timothy and
Celia Clancy.
Child of Ernest and Agnes (Clancy) Trowbridge:
i Francis, b. Mar. 31, 1901 ; d. July 12, 1907.
560a Charles A. Weaver' (Adaline Stephens^
George W.*, Ezra^ Joshua*, Jedediah', Henry', Henr/)
was born at Knoxville. Pa., Feb. 7, 1879. He is a me-
• chanic, and is a member of the Methodist Church. He
lives in Knoxville. Jan. 10, 1900, he married Eva M.
Reese, daughter of Dr. C. A. and Alice M. Reese, born
July 24, 1880.
Children of Charles A. and Eva M. (Reese) Weaver:
i Charles A., b. Mar. 31, 1901.
ii Stanley T., b. Nov. 11, 1902.
iii Edrica A., b. Oct. 13, 1905.
iv Evan H., b. July 26, 1907.
56i-445a Leo Stephens* (Frank^ Charles C,
Ezra^ Joshua', Jedediah', Henry^ Henry^) was bom at
Hornell, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1883; lives in Andover, N. Y.,
and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. He married
June 10, 1900, Vina Baker' (Nathan S.', Jeremiah*,
Anna Stephens\ Jedediah', Henry^ Henry^), who was
born Nov. 2, 1879, at Canisteo, N. Y.
; Child :
|ii Leo Roland, b. June 20, 1903.
562 JoNATHiAN Arthur Nicholson' (J. William^
Martha Stephens', William R.\ Joshua*, Jedediah*,
I Henry', Henry^) was born at Hornell, N. Y., Feb. i,
■ 1873. He is a bank clerk, and is a member of the Epis-
copal Church. He lives at Hornell. June 30, 1897, he
'married Helena A. Haskin, born at Avoca, N. Y., daugh-
ter of O. Marcello and Jessie A. (Nellis) Haskin.
Children of J. Arthur and Helena A. (Haskin) Nich-
olson :
288 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Robert William, b. Dec. 30, 1899; d. in infancy.
J. Wilton, b. Jan. 10, 1902.
Jessie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1905.
563 Vesta Jane Stephens' (James R.', Samuel
Palmer', Jedediah H.^ Joshua*, Jedediah'. Henry', Hen- "
ry^) was born Feb. 3, 1864. She is a member of the :"^
Methodist Church, and hves at Stephens Mills, N. Y. :"
She married May 5, 1887, D. H. White, born at Stephens :
Mills Feb. 3, 1864, the son of William and Mary Ann
Children of D. H. and Vesta Jane (Stephens) White: ;
i Floyd, b. Nov. 4. 1889. i •
ii Bessie, b. Jan. 10, 1891. ' '
iii Ernest C, b. Mar. 6, 1896. ' ^
iv Arthur D., b. Aug. 5, 1898.
563a Floyd L. Stephens' (William B.\ EHsha
G.*, Nathan', Jedediah*, Jedediah', Henry*, Henry') was '--^
born at Fremont, Steuben Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, i860. He ■ '
is a farmer. He married May 5, 1901, Ella Jones, born ;'
at Fremont Nov. 15. 1875, the daughter of John H. and ;
Roby Jones. They reside at Fremont and are members f
of the Methodist Church. : ''^'-
Children :
i William Bennett, b. Dec. 3, 1902. ;
ii Gladys B., b. Jan. 2, 1904. '•
iii Agnes V.. b. June 7, 1906. X^j U
564 Morton G. Stephens^ (Nathan W.\ Eben- v(
ezer C, Nathan", Jedediah*, Jedediah". Henry', Henry')
was born at Shongo, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1859. He is a
farmer and lumberman, and lives at Traverse City, Mich.
He is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. ^■
He married Nov. 5, 1883, Rosetta Remington, born at *"oi
Detroit, Mich.. Dec. 12, 1866, the daughter of John U. l^-'v!
and Rachel Remington. .'lil
Children : : "a:::
i Clara Belle, b. Aug. 14, 1886. I i I
- : « Fi
Eighth Generation 289
ii Carlton U., b. July 31, 1888.
iii Clifford M., b. Apr. 25, 1898.
564a William C. Zeigler* (Hila Stephens'', Eben-
(czer C", Nathan", Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry'', Henry' )
iwas born at Shongo, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1854. He is a
ifarmer, and resides at Warren, Pa. He is a member of
jthe Methodist Church. He married in Oct., 1886, Rose
Children of William C. and Rose (Harper) Zeigler :
i Henry, b. Mar. 20, 1890; d. May 10, 1892.
ii Hazel A., b. Nov. 19, 189 1.
iii Ralph D., b. June 12, 1896.
iiv Edwin R., b. Aug. 19, 1900.
566 Alva Lee Stephens* (Ira G.\ Joshua C,
|Nathan^ Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry°, Henry') was born
lat Canisteo, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1869. He is a merchant of
liPortland, Ore., and has been a successful miner at Daw-
pon, Y. T. He married in Oakland, Cal., Oct. 14, 1902,
Elizabeth E. Kane, born at Dubuque, la., Nov. 21, 1874,
(the daughter of Patrick Henry and Ann (Dowling)
Children :
i Robert Lee, b. July 28, 1903, at Eureka, Cal.
^i Elizabeth Marjory, b. Mar. 20, 1907, at Portland,
Ore. ; d. Nov. 29, 1907.
567 Flora Stephens^ (James A.^ Joshua C.*, Na-
ithan^ Jedediah*, Jedediah^ Henry^ Henry') was born at
Canisteo, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1872. She is a member of the
Methodist Church. She married Nov. 24, 1897, Louis F.
iLinderman, born at Newfield, N. Y., in Apr.. 1873, the
teon of Frank and Mary Elizabeth (Payne) Linderman.
fPhey live in Elmira, N. Y.
i Children of Louis F. and Flora (Stephens) Linder-
man :
i Randolph, b. Aug. 4, 1898.
ii Frank, b. Feb. 8, 1900.
290 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
iii Stephens, b. May 17, 1904.
iv Cameron, b. Jan. 16, 1908.
568 Hattie M. Stephens^ (James A.', Joshua
C, Nathan', Jedediah', Jedediah', Henry', Henry') was
born Jan. 31, 1873, at Canisteo, N. Y. She is a member
of the Methodist Church. She married May 16, 1901,
Lee C. Hallett, son of Henry and Adelaide (Crawford)
Children of Lee C. and Hattie M. (Stephens) Hallett:
i Mary Louise, b. Jan. 25, 1903. iij
ii Amy Adelaide, b. July 18, 1905. i ug:
iii Henry Crawford, b. Jan. 24, 1907. .| |[ar,
iv Chester T., b. Feb. 24, 1909. ' 1 r
569 Ernest Victor Stephens^ (James A.', Josh-
ua C, Nathan', Jedediah', Jedediah', Henry", Henry') |i R.
was born at Canisteo, N. Y., July 4, 1875. He is a rub-
ber worker, and lives at Akron, O. He is a member of i
the Methodist Church. Dec. 15, 1904, he married Ger-
trude Fehr, born at Akron, O., May 6, 1876, the daughter •
of John Fehr.
Children :
i Margaret, b. Jan. 22, 1906.
ii Amy, b. Nov. 5, 1907.
570 Jay Stephens' (James A.\ Joshua C, Na
than^ Jedediah*. Jededialf, Thomas^ Henry*) was born i
at Canisteo, N. Y., July 11. 1878. He is a glass-cutter, ]
and is a member of the Methodist Church. He married
Aug. 29, 1900, Lillian Richardson, born at Howard, N.
Y., Mar. 8, 1879, the daughter of William and Lydia
(Hadley) Richardson. She died May 11, 1907.
Child :
i Wendell Richardson, b. May 5, 1907.
571 Ray Stephens' (Nathan P.', Joshua C, Na-
than", Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry^ Henry') was born at
Eighth Generation 291
:anisteo, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1873. He married Dec. 20,
894,_ Nettie Street of Bloomfield, Ind.
Children :
\i Tell, b. Feb. 19, 1896.
ii Alva, b. Dec. 24, 1898.
fi Alice, b. Dec. 24, 1898.
iv Nathan J., b. Oct. 6, 1906.
I 572 Harry J. Stewart (Rachel J. Stephens',
loshua C.\ Nathan', Jedediah*, Jededialf, Henry', Hen-
f) was born at Canisteo, N. Y', Sept. 14, 1876. He is
!^ graduate of the Buffalo Dental Colleq-e. He lives at
l^anisteo, and married Sept. 25, 1900, Villa Lozier.
Children of Harry J. and Villa (Lozier) Stewart:
Winifred, b. Oct. 24, 1902.
[i Harold Otto, b. June 12, 1905.
i Rachel Jeannette, b. Nov. 4, 1906.
573 Allen B. Stephens" (Daniel H/, Caleb',
George H.", Uriah^ Uriah\ Urial/, Thomas^, Henr/)
was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Feb. ii, 1879. He is a
farmer and lives in Canisteo. He is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. June 17, 1903, he married Edith
Punches, born at Cameron, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1887, the
daughter of Samuel and Lucina M. (Hacket) Punches.
Children :
i Agnes L., b. Nov. 7, 1904.
ii Mildred L., b. Aug. 6, 1908.
574 Aaron F. Stephens" (Daniel H.', Caleb',
George H.', Urialf, Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henr/)
was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1882. He is a
farmer, and lives in Canisteo. He is a member of the
Presbyterian Church. May 7, 1905, he married Lina
Baker, born at Canisteo May 10, 1883, the daughter of
Edwin E. and Angeline J. Baker.
Child :
i Donald B., b. Apr. 5, 1907.
575 Fanny L. Stephens' (Daniel H.', Caleb',
George H.', Uriah^ Uriah\ Uriah', Thomas^ Henr/)
was born at Canisteo, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1884. She is a
member of the Presbyterian Church. She married Nov.
16, 1905, Ross W. Dennis, born Dec. 17, 1881, at Jasper,
N. Y., the son of George and Laura A. (Woodbury)
Dennis. Mr. Dennis is a farmer. They live on the
Woodbury farm at Jasper.
Child of Ross W. and Fanny L. (Stephens) Dennis:
i Kenneth G., b. Jan. 25, 1907.
576 Lela Stephens" (Aberdeen', Phineas 0.',
Ninth Generation. 293
|Wah F.', Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry')
S'as born at Canisteo, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1876. She is a
'resbyterian. She Hved in Canisteo and Cameron, N.
■'. July 31, 1892, she niaried Stanly K. Owens, born at
lameron June 24, 1870, the son of Bradner and Mina J.
iKnapp) Owens.
; Children of Stanly K. and Lela (Stephens) Owens:
i Mildred, b. Mar. 19, 1893.
ii Vernon, b. Sept. 6, 1894.
ii Victor, b. July 2.'], 1895; d. Aug. 2, 1895:
V Gladys, b. Nov. i, 1898.
IV Grace, b. June 2j, 1901.
n Helen, b. Feb. 17, 1903.
ii Pauline, b. Mar. 20, 1906.
ii Virginia, b. Oct. 5, 1908.
577 Mary Ar Belle Lgghry° (Aurilla Stephens',
hineas 0.\ Uriah F.\ Col. John"", Uriah*, Uriah", Thom-
^ Henry") was born at Hornell, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1872.
he lives at Canisteo, N. Y., and is a member of the
1-esbyterian Church. She married Jan. 3, 1890, Harry
ilden, born at Canisteo Apr. 13, 1868, the son of Gilbert
£.d Effie (Higgins) Alden.
Children of Harry and Mary Ar Belle (Loghry) Al-
Flossie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1891.
Clarence Franklin, b. Feb. 8, 1893 ; d. Dec. 8, 1893.
Harry Frederick, b. Mar. 26, 1894; d. July 9, 1894.
578 WiLLARD Elias Collier^ (Eunicc Baker*,
ilia M. Stephens', Phineas', Col. John", Uriah*, Uriah",
liomas^ Henry") was born at Canisteo, N. Y., May 19,
169. He is a conductor on the Erie R. R., and lives in
Jeadville, Pa. He is a Baptist. May 28, 1891, he mar-
rid Lula Holman, born at Conneaut Ville, Pa., Apr. 25,
171, the daughter of Charles T. and Rebecca Holman.
iChildren of Willard Elias and Lula (Holman) Collier:
i Bessie G., b. May 18, 1892.
i Charles Estes, b. Apr. 19, 1894.
294 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy v
iii Paul Frederick, b. Dec. 4, 1896; d. May 23, 1899.
iv Helen Irene, b. Nov. 10, 1898.
V Harry Bryan, b. Apr. 6, 1900.
vi Frederick Filmore, b. July 11, 1903.
vii Eunice Marion, b. July 2, 1905.
viii Albert Baker, b. Apr. 30, 1907.
579 "Walter Asa Collier" (Eunice Baker", Julia
M. Stephens', Phineas', Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah^ Thom-
as', Henry') was born at Hornell, N. Y., July 3, 187L
He is a railway conductor. July 4, 1890, he married 01-
lie Eliza Downs, born at Hornell Aug. 30, 1871, the
daughter of Sanford and Ruth R. (Bradley) Downs.
They have lived in Canisteo, N. Y., Raton, N. Mex., and
Somerset, Ky. They are Methodists.
Children of Walter A. and OUie E. (Downs) Collier:
i Mildred Elizabeth, b. Mar. 29, 1891.
ii Ruth Rowena, b. July 17, 1893.
iii Walter Downs, b. Feb. 12, 1896.
iv Jesse Lewellen, b. Dec. 7, 1897.
V Jennie Leona, b. Apr. 23, 1900.
vi MadeUa, b. Apr. 17, 1902; d. Apr. 17, 1902.
vii Orlie Stevens, b. Dec. 25, 1904.
580 Jesse Adelbert Collier' (Eunice Baker',
Julia M. Stephens', Phineas", Col. John', Uriah', Uriah',
Thomas', Henry') was born at Adrian, N. Y., Aug. 29,
1873. He is a conductor on the Erie R. R., and has lived
in Canisteo and Hornell, N. Y., and Meadville, Pa. He
is a member of the Congregational Church. Aug. 20,
1896, he married Lizzie M. Kineston, daughter of Thur-
man Robert and Mary Kineston, who died Dec. 31, 1908.
Children of Jesse A. and Lizzie M. (Kineston) Col-
lier :
i Clyde Edward, b. May 20, 1898.
ii Clarence Jesse, b. Apr. 14, 1900.
581 Della Rose Stephens' (Ellas', Abram M.',
Ellas', Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah^ Thomas', Henry') was
Ninth Generation. 295
orn at Canisteo, N. Y,, June 29, 1879. She is a mem-
er of the Presbyterian Church. She Hves in Canisteo.
'.lay 12, 1897, she married Robert E. Pfitzenmaier, born
t Corning, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1870, the son of Ernest and
/lary Pfitzenmaier.
Children of Robert E. and Delia Rose (Stephens)
Pfitzenmaier :
ii Ernest Robert, b. Nov. 23, 1898.
i Mary Marie, b. Mar. 17, 1900.
i Helen Maud, b. Jan. 27, 1902.
J Emily Ruth, b. Oct. 4, 1903.
r Albert Elias, b. Mar. 19, 1908.
582 Mary Olin Stephens" (Elias', Abram M.',
;iias", Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas', Henry') was
prn at Canisteo, N. Y., July 21, 1881. She married
vUg. 2, 1903, Emory Andrew Jones. They reside in
[ornell, N. Y.
Children of Emory A. and Mary O. (Stephens) Jones:
Lelia Lutitia, b. Mar. 23, 1905.
Andrew J., b. May 12, 1905.
583 Joseph William Brown* (Alonzo", Ada Ste-
hens^ Elias^ Col. John^ Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^ Hen-
/') was born at Webster City, Iowa, Jan. 30, 1870. He
as lived also in Canisteo, N. Y., and Sac City and Ayre-
lire, Iowa. He married Feb. 17, 1891, Fanny M. Allen,
5rn at Huntly, 111., Feb. 17, 1872, the daughter of Hor-
:e Bethuel and Ann Vanlue (Bartholomew) Allen. Mr.
rown has been a farmer, keeper of a general store and
blacksmith. He is a member of the Methodist Church.
Children of Joseph W. and Fanny M. (Allen) Brown:
Lettie Ora, b. at Schaller, Iowa, July 5, 1893.
Hildred May, b. at Ayreshire, Iowa, Jan. 23, 1906.
584 Ora Franc Brown" (Alonzo', Ada Stephens',
lias', Col. John', Uriah*, Uriah', Thomas^ Henry') was
)rn at Stanhope, Iowa, Dec. 12, 1871. She was a teacher
|id a member of the Methodist Church. She married
296 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
July 18, 1894, John R. Mill, born at South Mauntain,'
Canada, July 28, 1867, the son of Alexander and Rosanna
(Barkley) Mill. Mr. Mill is a manufacturer at Enid,
Children of John R. and Ora Franc (Brown) Mill:
i Ora Belle, b. at Galva, Iowa, Apr. 3, 1895.
ii Glenn Brown, b. at Rainey, Minn., Dec. 30, 1898.
iii Wayne Alexander, b. at Rainey, Minn., Jan. 2, 1901.
585 Fred Alonzo Brown" (Alonzo^ Ada Ste-
phens', Elias^ Col. John^, Uriah*, Uriah\ Thomas', Hen-
ry^) was born at Stanhope, Iowa, Feb. 8, 1878. He mar-
ried Dec. 6, 1899, Nellie G. Babcock, born at Odebalt,
Iowa, July 24. 1878, the daughter of Charles Henry and
Florence Virginia Babcock. Mr. Brown is a carpenter
and a farmer, and is a member of the Methodist Church.
He lives at Odebalt, Iowa.
Children of Fred A. and Nellie G. (Babcock) Brown:
i Charles Alonzo, b. at Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 23,
ii Bernice Isabelle, b. near Ayreshire, Iowa, Oct. 21,
iii Lola Irene, b. near Ayreshire, Iowa, Apr. 30, 1906.
586 William L. Carter' (Erastus^ Catharine Ste-
phens', Erastus', Elias", Uriah*, Urialf, Thomas^ Henry')
was born Mar. 10, 1869, at Canisteo, N. Y. He is an un-
dertaker, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
He has lived in Canisteo and Wellsville, N. Y. Sept. 13,
1893, he married Verna Sumner, born at Canisteo Aug.
8, 1868, the daughter of Albert and x^manda M. (Wells)
Children of William L. and Verna (Sumner) Carter:
i Donald H., b. Sept. 27, 1899.
ii Milton S., b. Mar. 7, 1906.
587 John M. Carter" (Erastus^ Catharine Ste-
phens', Erastus^ Elias^ Uriah", Uriah^, Thomas^ Henry')
was born at Canisteo, N. Y., May 10, 1871. He is a
Ninth Generation. 297
jnerchant of Canisteo, and is a member of the Presby-
erian Church. He married Dec. 31, 1900, Mary E. Con-
way, born at Rexville, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1880, the daugh-
!er of PhiHp and Catherine (Lee) Conway.
Child of John M. and Mary E. (Conway) Carter:
Agnes K., b. Apr. 8, 1905.
588 Ray Brundage" (Eugene^ Catharine M. Ste-
phens', George W.*, Ezra", Joshua^ Jedediah", Henry',
ienry') was born at Greenwood, N. Y., Oct. 8. 1880.
tte is a farmer and Hves at Genesee, Potter Co., Pa. He
narried Dec. 31, 1902, Abigail Nelson, born at Genesee,
^a., Jan. 26, 1885, the daughter of Ralph Leet and Mary
nez (Bishop) Nelson.
Children of Ray and Abigail (Nelson) Brundage :
i Ralph Eugene, b. Apr. 20, 1904.
i Katharine Nelson, b. Dec. 5, 1905.
The following items were found in the Town Records
of Stonington, Conn. :
(Book I, Page 64.) Thomas, son of Henry Stevens,
born Dec. 14, 1678.
Richard, son of Henry Stevens, born Jan. 25, 1679.
(Book I, Page 'j'].') Henry, son to Henry Stevens,
was born Nov. 20, 1681.
(Book 2, Page 38.) Richard Stephens and Sarah
Harker were married.
John, son of Richard Stephens, was born Mar. 21, 1705-
Sarah, dau. of Richard Stephens, was born May 4, 1708.
Mary, dau. of Richard Stephens, was born Feb. 2, 1710,
Hepzibah, dau. of Richard Stephens, was born July 25,
Hannah, dau. of Richard Stephens, was born Aug. 9,
Patience, dau. of Richard Stephens, was born Aug. 30,
Hannah, dau. of Richard Stephens, Dyed May 10, 1710.
Richard, son of Richard Stephens, was born Feb. 27,
(Book 3, Page 32.) Henry Stephens, Jr., married Sa-
rah Babcock Nov. 10, 1731, by Daniel Palmer Esq. in
James, son of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Oct. 5, 1732.
Reuben, son of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Aug. 17, 1734.
Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Mar. 10,
Grace, dau. of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Sept. 20, 1745-
Henry, son of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Jan. 2, 1747/8.
Sarah, dau. of Henry Stephens, Jr., born Apr. 2"], 1750.
(Book 3, Page 75.) Thomas Stephens died May 14,
Appendix 299
(Book 3, Page 79.) Simeon Stephens and Mercy
potts married Nov. 3, 1737, by Theophilus Baldwin, Jus-
tice ; both of Stonington.
Hannah, dau. of Simeon Stephens, born May 16, 1738.
Jared, son of Simeon Stephens, born Sept. 28, 1739.
Simeon, son of Simeon Stephens, born C)ct. 4, 1741.
lAnna, dau. of Simeon Stephens, born Mar. 16, 1746.
Abel, son of Simeon and Mercy Stephens, born June 23,
Elizabeth, dau. of Simeon Stephens, born July 17, 1752.
Rozzih, son of Simeon Stephens, born Apr. 20, 1755.
I (Book 3, Page 128.) William Stewart, Jr., and Eliza-
beth Stephens married by Joseph Fish, Pastor, Dec. 4,
Lucretia, dau. of William Stewart, Jr., was born July 30,
■ 1741.*
I *Lucretia Stewart married Dr. John Bartlett, of Lebanon,
March 8, 1761, and had a son, Amherst, b. 1762, and a daughter,
Charlotte, b. 1764.
Lucy, dau. of William Stewart, Jr., and Elizabeth, was
born July 30, 1743.
[Nathan, son of. William Stewart, Jr., was born June 22,
Elizabeth, dau. of William Stewart, Jr., was born Oct. 7,
jMary, dau. of William Stewart, Jr., was born Nov. 28,
William, son of William Stewart, Jr., was born Mar. 16,
Content, dau. of William Stewart, Jr., was born June 6,
Elisha, son of William Stewart, Jr., was born June 29,
Eliphalet, son of William Stewart, Jr., was born Aug. 14,
(Book 3, Page 137.) Benjamin Stevens from England
jimarried Sarah Stanton of Stonington Feb. 11, 1759, by
me Nathaniel Ells minister of ye Gospel. John Stanton,
300 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
son of Benjamin and Sarah Stevens, was born Aug. 9,
(Book 3, Page 138). Jedediah Stevens and Mrs. Mary
Rathbone married Apr. 4, 1743, by me Joseph Fish, Pas-
Joshua, son of Jedediah and Mary Stevens, born Jan. 13,
Mary, dau. of Jedediah and Mary Stevens, born Sept. 25,
Thankful, dau. of Jedediah and Mary Stevens, born Nov.
I, 1748.
Martha, dau. of Jedediah and Mary Stevens, born Sept.
22, 1750.
(Book 3, Page 144.) Mr. Ephraim Smith and Mrs.
Lucy Stevens married Jan. 3, 1743/4, by me Joseph Fish
Pastor of a Church at Stonington.
Anne, dau. of Ephraim Smith, was born Oct. 20, 1744.
Lucy, dau. of Ephraim and Lucy Smith, born Aug. 4,
Thankful, dau. of Ephraim and Lucy Smith, born Sept.
20, 1748.
Eliphaell, dau. of Ephraim and Lucy Smith, born Apr. 7,
Gilbert, son of Ephraim and Lucy Smith, born Jan. 7,
Sandford, son of Ephraim and Lucy Smith, born Feb. 2^,
Mr. Ephraim Smith departed this life Mar. 24, 1774.
(Book 3, Page 160.) Stanton, son of John and Sarah
Stephens, born June 22, 1783.
(Book 3, Page 199.) Theophilus Fitch and Mrs. Han-
nah Stephens, both of Stonington, were married Nov. 9,
I757> by me Joseph Fish.
Sarah, dau. of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was born
Nov. 7, 1758.
Prentice, son of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was born
Nov. 18, 1760.
James, son of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was born
Dec. 25, 1762.
Catharine, dau. of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was
born Sept. 22, 1767.
Theophilas, son of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was
born Jan. 10, 1770.
Freelove, dau. of Theophilas and Hannah Fitch, was
born May 20, 1773.
(Book 3, Page 231.) Children of Jared and Lucy Ste-
phens :
William, born May 14, 1761.
Jared, born June 6, 1763.
Mary, born May 13, 1767,
Jedediah, born Apr. 18, 1770.
The foregoing comprises all the names that appear on
the list sent me by the Town Clerk of Stonington, Conn.,
Elias B. Hinckley, and in the notebook of Rev. Edgar A.
Enos, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Troy, N. Y., which
contained the Vital Records of the town and copies of
more than fifty deeds and other important papers of the
Stephens-Stevens family, found in the Stonington land
books. Plowdon Stevens.
Stonington Church Records, of the Old First Congre-
gational Church.
(Baptisms by the Rev. James Noyes.) Feb. 18, 1693,
Thomas, Richard, Henry, and EHzabeth, children of
Henry Stevens.
April 22, 1694, Lucia, daughter of Henry Stevens.
Sept. 3, 1710. Mary, daughter of Richard Stevens.
Aug. 21, 1715, Hannah, daughter of Richard Stevens.
Aug. 12, 1716, Jedediah, son of Henry Stevens, Jun.
Nov. 12, 1716. Patience, daughter of Richard Stevens.
June 21, 1719, Richard, son of Richard Stevens.
(Admissions by the Rev. James Noyes.) Dec. 7, 1712,
Sarah, wife of Richard Stevens, making a publick
declaration, and admitted.
(Baptism by Nehemiah Hobart.) May 13, 1722, Pru-
dence, daughter of Richard Stevens.
(Baptisms by the Rev. Ebenezer Rossiter.) June 20.
302 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
1725, Ebenezer, son of Richard Stevens.
July II, 1725, Thankfull, daughter of Henry Stevens.
(Admissions by Rev. Ebenezer Rossiter.) Feb. 6,
1726, Henry Stevens, senior, and his wife, EHzabeth.
In connection with the foregoing^ items, see the history
of the Congregational Church of Stonington, by Hon.
Richard A. Wheeler, who was its clerk.
North Stonington, Conn.. Records.
North Stonington, Ct., Mar. 19, 1901.
Plowdon Stevens, N. Y.
I submit the following:
Thomas M. Stevens of Stonington, Ct., married to
Frances A. Thompson of North Stonington July 26,
Lemuel D. Stevens married to Martha E. Shirley, both
of North Stonington, Ct., Dec. 22, 1855.
This is all by Stevens name that my records show,
none by said name living here.
Very truly,
C. A. Snyder, Register.
North Stonington Church Records.
Uriah and Sarah Stevens married by Rev. Ebenezer
Russell, May 28, 1730.
Feb. 18, 1732/3, Henry Stevens, Junior, and his wife
Sarah were admitted to the church (Rev. Joseph Fish,
Pastor) .
(Henry Stephens' name occurs on an assessment list
dated 1733.)
Reuben, son of Henry Stevens, Junior, and Sarah, his
wife, baptized Aug. 25, 1734, an infant. (Rev. Joseph
Appendix 303
Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Stevens, Junior, and Sarah, his
wife, baptized Apr. 12, 1743.
Thankful! Stevens admitted to full communion June 16,
1741, also, Elizabeth Stevens, wife of Henry Stevens.
(Joseph Fish, Pastor.)
Aug. 25, 1736, John Meeks and Mary Stevens married.
(Joseph Fish, Pastor.)
Dec. 4, 1740. William Stewart, Jr., and Elizabeth Ste-
vens married by Rev. Joseph Fish.
Apr. 4, 1743, Jedediah Stevens and Mary Rathbone mar-
ried by Rev. Joseph Fish.
Jan. 3d, 1743/4, Ephraim Smith and Lucy Stevens mar-
ried by Rev. Joseph Fish.
Dec. 24, 1744, James Partridge and Thankfull Stevens
married by Rev. Joseph Fish.
Nov. 9, 1757, Theophilus Fitch and Hannah Stevens
married by Rev. Joseph Fish.
Jan. 17, 1768, John Udall and Anna Stephens married by
Rev. Joseph Fish.
June 17, 1773, Henry Stevens, 3d, of Canaan and Anna
Babcock of Stonington (This was before North Ston-
ington was set off from Stonington) married by Rev,
Joseph Fish.
Miss Anna E. Stevens joined the church on profession
of faith July 4, 1875 ; dismissed to 2nd Congregational
clnirch of Stonington Jan. 31, 1879.
Lemuel D. Stevens and Martha E. Shirley, both of North
Stonington, were married by Rev. Stephen Hubbell
Dec. 22, 1855.
A true copy of records found in the record books of
the Congregational church of North Stonington, Conn.
f; Attest: Herbert S. Young,
• Clerk of the Church.
Dated at North Stonington, Mar. 26, 1901.
The following is a copy of the manuscript mentioned
in the Introduction, under "Personal."
304 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
The Genealogy and connexion on the Stevens side of ||^
Plowdon Stevens, the son of Ebenezer Stevens, the son
of John, the son of Ebenezer Stevens. Ebenezer Stevens
is as far back as I can find any record, from the memory
of Aunt Betsey and Polly. He married Sophia Cleavelin.
Their children were, ist, Richard, 2nd, Ebenezer, 3rd,
John, 4th, Mary.
Richard, the son of Ebenezer, married Ester .
Their children were, ist, Richard, Jr.; 2nd, Edward; 3rd,
William; 4th, Nancy; 5th, Calvin; 6th, Plowdon.
Richard, Jr., had 3 wives ; the last one's name was
Thankful Brigham. He had by ist wife George and
Ester; by 2nd wife Ward, Laura, and . George
was unmarried. Ward married. One girl is probably
dead ; do not know where the other is.
Edward, the son of Richard (Sen.), married Eunice
Robins. They had, ist, Edward; 2nd, Robins; 3rd,
Mary ; 4th, John ; 5th, Camilla ; 6th, Eunice ; 7th, Charles.
His son Edward married a Yale. Robins died at sea.
Mary was sickly. John married. Eunice married Dr.
Rising of New York. Charles was probably unmarried.
Nancy, the daughter of Richard (Sen.), died young.
William had one son.
Calvin married Betsey Spalding ; no children ; now
Plowdon, now dead ; unmarried.
Ebenezer, Jr., the son of Ebenezer (Sen.), married
Rhoda Johnson. They had, ist, Dillon; 2nd, Rhoda;'
3rd, John. Dillon is a Methodist preacher; has two \
children. Rhoda is unmarried. John is probably dead.
Ebenezer, Jr., was also a Preacher.
John, the son of Ebenezer (Sen.), being more nearly
allied, will be treated separately.
Mary, the daughter of Ebenezer (Sen.), married a
Brookins. Their children were: ist, Stephen; 2nd, Ed-
ward; 3rd, Sophia; 4th, Polly; 5th, Artimas.
We will now turn to John Stevens, the son of Eben-
ezer (Sen.). John Stevens was born Dec. 8, 1765 (prob-
ably). He married Elizabeth Gillet, probably born Mar.
Appendix 305
24, 1768. We will now trace her family and connexions
back as far as we can. Her forefathers came from Eng-
land, but the farthest we can go is her father, whose
name was Nathan Gillet, who married Hannah Stone.
Their children were: ist, Mercy; 2nd, Elizabeth; 3rd,
Hannah; 4th, Temperance; 5th, Elijah; 6th, Ruth; 7th,
Alice ; 8th, Lydia ; oth, Sarah.
Mercy married Richard Bishop. Their children were :
ri| Elijah, Hannah, Temperance.
Elizabeth will be treated under the line of John Ste-
vens, her husband.
Hannah married John Harris ; had no children.
Temperance married James Sims. Their children
were: ist, Alexander; 2nd, Lydia; 3rd, Robert; 4th,
Eunice; 5th, Betsey; 6th, Stephen; 7th, Hannah.
Elijah married AlDigail Tift, and had Nathan and John.
Ruth married Henry Wilsey. Their children were :
1st, Nathan; 2nd, Rittie; 3rd, Harry; 4th, Betsey; 5th,
Alice married a Pitts ; had 4 children : 3 sons, i daugh-
Lydia married a Wilber.
Sarah married David S. Reynolds. Their children
were: Harris, Isaiah, Norman, Adolphus, Claudius,
Orpha, Charlotte.
We now turn to our direct forefathers. John Stevens
was born Dec. 8, 1765, and died Sept., 1831. His wife,
i Elizabeth Gillet. was born Mar. 24, 1768, and died June
4, 1809. Their children were: ist, Betsey, born Jan. 3,
1786; 2nd, Nathan, born May 31, 1788; 3rd, Mary, born
Aug. 24, 1790; 4th, Sally, born July 24, 1793, died July
II. 1794; 5th, John, born Mar. 22, 1795; 6th, Charles
[Mason, born Oct. 5, 1797: 7th, Pamelia, born Apr. 18,
1800, died July, 1841 ; 8th ; Ebenezer. born June 10,
r{|B|i8o2; 9th, Harris, born Oct., 1804. died Nov., 1807; loth,
Morgan, born Nov. 25, 1806, died Apr. 5, 1826.
We shall now treat each child and their descendants
jseparately. First comes Betsey. She married John Up-
ham. He is now dead and she lives in Sandlake. Their
306 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
children were: ist, Sarah Ette; 2nd, Dorsey; 3rd,
Mary ; 4th, John S. ; 5th, James P. ; 6th, Nathan G. ; 7th,
James Harris; 8th, Hannah Maria; 9th, Morgan S.
Sarah Ette married Ira Whitiker. They now live in
Troy. Their children were: ist, Mary; 2nd, Lydia
Ann; 3rd, John Walter; 4th, Matilda. Mary married
Joseph Forney of Alabama. Their children are : ist,
; 2nd, Sally.
Next comes Lydia A. She married I. Shelden Reed;
of Troy. They now live in Illinois. They have 3 chil--l
dren: ist, Mary; 2nd, Joseph F. ; 3rd, Fanny.
Next, John Walter married Julia Allen. They are
now separated.
Matilda died young.
Dorsey married Theresa Town. He is now dead.
They had: ist, Louisa; 2nd, Sarah. Louisa married
Asa Wheeler of Stephentown. They had, ist, Sarah;
2nd, Albert ; 3rd, ; 4th, .
Sarah married Andrew Sickles of Glennville. They
had, 1st, . I
Mary died young. I
John S. married Eunice Culver of Berlin. They now
live in 111. They had: ist, Elizabeth; 2nd, Alice; 3rd,
James P. died young. "
Nathan married Mary A. Mixter. They now live in
Sandlake. They have only Matilda.
James Harris married Catharine of 111. They
now live in 111. They have Mary Ellen. j- ^
Hannah married Philotes Clark. They have lately Ip/'
moved to 111. They have: ist, Mary Elizabeth; 2nd, ^"'''
Lydia. a -
Morgan S. married Mary Weed. They now reside tly^
in Troy. Ijj^'^;.
Nathan, the son of John Stevens, married Eliza Rob- ^ -^
bins. They formerly lived in Michigan, but have now -y ^
moved to 111. Their children are: ist. Nathan; 2nd, lij. "
Harris ; 3rd, Henry ; 4th, Harmon ; 5th, Eliza ; 6th, Ca-
milla ; 7th, Mary ; 8th, Sarah. |^
Appendix 307
Mary, the daughter of John Stevens, married Jesse
Barber. He is now dead. Their children were: ist,
John S. ; 2nd, Hamilton ; 3rd, Franklin B. ; 4th, Eliza ;
5th, Charles Mason ; 6th, Moses ; 7th, Mary.
John S. married Jane Knickerbocker. They live in
Mich. They have: ist, Robert; 2nd, Edward; 3rd,
Imogene ; 4th, Hamilton ; 5th, Frederick.
Hamilton is a bachelor in Cal.
Franklin married Mary A. Meeker. They live in
N. Y. They have: ist, Franklin, Jr.; 2nd, Hamilton;
3rd, Mary Elizabeth; 4th, Ella Frances.
Eliza is dead.
Charles M. married Catharine Arnoux. He is now
dead. They had one child, Charles.
Moses married' Louisa Stokes. They live in Buffalo,
and have: ist, Charles H. ; 2nd, John H.
Mary is not married.
John, the son of John Stevens, married Polly Dilla-
marter for first wife, and had Eliza ; Ester Wing for
second wife, and had Frederick; and Sally , for
third wife. They now live in 111.
Eliza married a Simpson and had 3 sons.
Frederick is married, but I don't know who to.
Charles M., the son of John Stevens, married Mary
Smith. They have moved to Iowa. Their children are :
1st, Eliza; 2nd, Harriet; 3rd, Morgan.
Eliza married James M. Lamb. She is now dead.
Harriet married Henry Enos. They live in western
N. Y. They have: ist, Ai; 2nd, Sandy; 3rd, Mary or
Morgan lives with parents in Iowa.
Pamelia married Oliver Rogers. They are dead. They
had: ist, Edward; 2nd, Samantha ; 3rd, Eliza; 4th,
Harriet; 5th, Halsey.
Edward married and had a family. He is now dead.
Harriet married George Blake. They have Jasper,
I living. Blake is now dead.
Ebenezer, the son of John Stevens and Elizabeth Gil-
'let, married Mary Worthington, the daughter of John
3o8 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Worthington and Lovisa Robinson. Ebenezer was born
in the town of Sandlake, Renss. Co., N. Y., June lo,
1802. Mary was born in Grafton, Renss. Co., N. Y.,
Nov. 7, 1803. Ebenezer and Mar}' were married by El-
der Howard, July 5, 1827. They had: ist, John Worth-
ington S., born Aug. 4, 1828; 2nd, Calvin, born Jan. 12,
1830; 3rd, Henry Ebenezer, born July 15, 1834; 4th,
Mary Antoinette, born Apr. 14, 1838; 5th, Plowdon,
born May 2, 1840; 6th, Helen Elizabeth, iDorn May 22,
John W. Stevens married June 26, 1850, Maria S.
Waite, the daughter of Dr. R. S. and Lois Waite. They
have no children. They live in N. Y. City.
Calvin Stevens was married to Mary F. Clark Oct. 2S,
1850. They live in N. Y. City, and have one child, Flor-
ence Adelah, born 25th Nov., 1853.
The above were married at Grafton.
Henry E. Stevens married Mary Jane Davison, the
daughter of Paul K. Davison, at Troy, N. Y., Dec. 24,
1856. They live in N. Y. City.
The above were all married by Geo. C. Baldwin, D. D.,
of Troy, N. Y.
Mary Antoinette, the smartest one of the family, died
March 21, 1852, in Grafton, N. Y.
Plowdon and Helen E. are yet youngsters.
The foregoing record written by Plowdon Stevens
from the memory of Aunt Betsey Upham and Polly Bar-
ber, excepting our own family, March 29, 1859.
Plowdon Stevens.
The following data was received too late for insertion
in its proper place in the genealogy. It is in regard to
the family of Permelia Stevens, the second child of
Joseph Stevens (Number 79).
Permelia Stevens" (Joseph^ Joseph*, Samuel'',
Thomas', Henry^) was born at Sangerfield, N. Y., Mar.
10, 1797, and died Aug. 29, 1844. Jan. 4, 1816, she
Appendix 309
married Aden J. Pratt, born Oct. 5, 1794, and died June
23, 1865.
Children of Aden J. and Permelia (Stevens) Pratt:
i Marv Ann, d. June 22, 1896; m. Amasa Clark; 4
ii William C, b. May 22, 1823; d. Apr. 30, 1896; m.
Theresa Matison ; 3 chil.
iii Joseph,
iv Jared, b. May 22, 1839; i^^- ist, Oct. 20, 1858, Amy
Amelia Brooks, who d. Oct. 31, 1883; 2nd, Oct. 21,
1885, Mary Rodgers, b. Apr. 20, 1850; dau., by 2nd
m., Louise B., b. May 24, 1894.
V James.
The following data was received too late for insertion
in its proper place in the genealogy. It is in regard to
Hadassah Stevens (Number 189).
189 Hadassah Stevens* (Joseph", Joseph*, Sam-
uef, Thomas', Henry') married Major Daniel Horton
Nov. 23, 1820.
Among the children of Major Daniel and Hadassah
(Stevens) Horton were the following:
i Charles Taylor Horton, b. at Pulteney, N. Y., Nov.
21, 1821 ; d. Jan. 5, 1899; m- May 27, 1857, Margaret
Ann Burrows, b. Jan. 12, 1835; issue: (i) Anna
Eliza Horton, b. at Toronto, Canada, Apr. 14, 1858;
m. July 20, 1881. William Oswin Cox; issue: (a)
Marguerite Ellen Cox, b. at Cleveland, O., Apr. 29,
1882; (b) Edward Samuel Cox, b. July 6, 1883; "'••
May Rose Cundall Sept. i, 1907; issue: Margaret
Annah, b. at Cleveland July 30, 1908; (c) William
Horton Cox, b. May 12, 1887: (2) Nettie Gertrude
Horton, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1859: m.
George H. Hanscom ; issue: (a) George Horton
Hanscom, b. at Cleveland, O., Apr. 6, 1895; (b)
Edwin Beeman Hanscom, b. at Cleveland May 31,
1897: (3) Esther Silver Horton, b. at Campbell, N.
Y., Oct. 26, i860; m. Apr. 29, 1882, John R. Saun-
310 Stephens-Stevens Genealogy !
ders ; issue: (a) Fanella Horton Saunders, b. at
Campbell, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1886; (b) Kathryn An- 1
nulla Saunders, b. at Hornell, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1889:
(4) Fanella M. Horton, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Apr. '
15, 1862; m. Feb. 2^, 1900, George A. Manning: (5) ;
Charles Edward Horton, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Aug.
16, 1863; m. Aug. 16, 1893, Lavonia E. Daynes;
issue : Mark Daynes Horton, b. at Elmira, N. Y., I
Dec. 26, 1896. Mk
iii Maria Faulkner Horton, b. at Pulteney, N. Y., Jan. W
17, 1825 ; m. Oct. 2, 1844, Jerome Bonaparte Peter-
son, b. Feb. 24, 1820; issue: (i) Charles Horton
Peterson, b. July 14, 1847; "^- May 24, 1876, Elma
Saunders ; issue : Jessie Peterson, b. at Savona, N.
Y., Oct., 1880: (2) Clara M. Peterson, b. Feb. 14,
1851; m. Jan. 25, 1871, James M. Finch; issue:
Mabel, b. Mar. 6, 1873; m. Mar. 5, 1894, Marion
iv Henrietta Abigail Horton, b. at Pulteney, N. Y.,
Oct. 27, 1826; m. Jan. 25, 1846, Thomas Wilson, b.
in Scotland in 1821 ; issue; (i) Eliza Horton Wilson,
b. at Campbell, N. Y., Feb. i, 1847; "i- Oct. 23, 1866,
Albert Ransom, b. Mar. 22, 1843; issue: (a) Mae
Henrietta Ransom, b. Aug. 24, 1867; m. Oct. i,
1892, at Farley, la., Joseph F. Leigh; (b) Ada
Grace Ransom, b. Nov. 21, 1871, at Farley, la.; (c)
Ernest Wayne Ransom, b. Jan. 21, 1878, at Farley,
la.: (2) Adam Wilson, b. July i, 1853; d. Sept.
12, 1861 : (3) William Abbott Wilson, b. Mar. i,
1862, at Chenango, N.'Y. ; m. Aug, 9, 1892, Mary
A. Peck, b. at Mexico, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1865; issue:
Thomas Adam Wilson, b. at Middletown, N. Y.,
Feb. 2, 1897: (4) Addie Grace Wilson, b. Oct. 14,
1864, at Chenango, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 17, 1882, William
H. Lockwood, b. at Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1859;
issue: (a) Florence Etta Lockwood, b. Dec. 29,
1884, at Binghamton ; m. Jan. 6, 1903, Deforest C.
Race of Binghamton ; (b) Julia Catharine Lockwood,
b. Jan. 9, 1890.
Appendix 311
X Ellen Elizabeth Horton, b. at Campbell, N. Y., Nov.
30, 1838; m. Feb. 18, 1863, William H. Brooks, b.
Jan. I, 1839; issue: Marcus Stevens Brooks, b. at
Campbell, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1864; m. Mar. 2, 1892,
Katherine Neff Copeland.
Aaron, Mary M., 201.
Nebraska Ann, 125, 201.
W. C, 201.
Abbe. Clarissa (Wiggins), 171.
Hannah, 106, 171.
Harris, 126, 171.
Lydia, 79.
Lydia-M., 126.
Thankful, 126.
Abbott, Anna (Stephens)^, 71,
Butlars, 112.
Daniel, 72.
Bmmas, 112.
Harriet", 112, 180 ; Harriet*,
Hewets, 112.
James, 75, 112; James'', 112;
Jamess, 112.
Joseph B., 143.
Mr., 104.
Abell, A.. 71.
Aber, John, 103.
Lena, 239.
Ackerly, Anna, 236.
Susia (Baldwin), 236.
William, 236.
Aekley, Anna, 174.
Adams, . 130.
Albert C, 245.
Alexander Hamilton, 209.
Alice, 153, 226.
Anna D., 134, 209.
Katharine (Bell), 209.
Sarah E., 205.
Adamson, Jamimma. 253.
Agen, Patrick H.. 58.
Agnew, Burton E.^ 146.
George W., 145.
Russell S.s, 146.
William H., 199.
Aider, Edith. 200.
Albro, Fred P., 199.
Alden, Clarence Franklin^", 293.
Effie (Higgins), 293.
Flossie Elizabeth", 293.
Gilbert, 293.
Harry, 260, 293.
Harry Fredericki", 293.
Mary Ar Belle (Loghry)",
Aldrich, Arthur N.. 260.
Frances M.i», 260.
George H.i", 260.
Mabeli", 260.
Ruby Ervillai", 260.
Simon Peck", 260.
Alford, Iva Florence, 151.
Allen, Adelbert, 190.
Ann Vanhu (Bartholomew),
Fanny M., 269, 295.
Horace Bethuel, 295.
Julia, 92, 306.
Martha, 120.
Medad, 56.
Alley, Floras, 178.
Frank Bennett*, 178.
Lucy (Hemingway), 178.
Peter, 178.
Samuel, 111, 178.
Sylvia (Bennett)'', 178.
Allls, Sarah, 172.
Almy, Marion, 310.
Alvord, Anna (Ketchel), 224.
Iva Florence, 224.
Millard, 224.
Ames, John W., 258.
Olive Leona", 258.
Amey, Ambrosia (Chapman)^.
Dewitt C, 159, 232, 233.
Ellens, 233.
Flora, 233. <
L. C.8, 233.
Anderson, Delphene^, 206 279
Ezekiel, 206.
Jane (Rose), 206.
John William, 133, 206.
Mary E. B. (Stevens), 206.
Walter, 225.
Andrews, Rose, 105.
William, 136.
Andros, Rachel, 13.
Angell, Perle Leonora, 209.
Appleman, Grace, 136.
Arault, Latetia, 112.
Arnold, Benedict (Gen.), 57, 61.
Arnoux, Catharine, 93, 307.
Ashley, Col., 45.
John (Col.), 63.
Atherton, Increase, 16.
Atkin.'?, Joseph, 285.
Atwood, Elsie*, 155.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Atwood, Harry, 155.
Jeremiah, 155.
Mariette Bullard, 155.
Auchampaugh, Elsie", 225.
Elsworths. 225.
Melinda G.^, 225.
Mercy Ann (Stephens)^, 225.
Milo, 152. 225.
Rolland», 225.
Rosannah M.s, 225.
Rose^ 225
Austin, Clara J., 129, 204.
Dennis, 204.
Harriet, 204.
Moses, 56, 57.
Ayers, Anna, 112 ; Anna (Ben-
nett)**, 254.
Carlton^, 112.
John, 112.
Obediah, 112.
Sally (Stephens)*, 112.
Sally Ann'', 112.
Uriah'', 112.
Victor', 112.
Ayres, Alleyo, 254.
Altha M.s, 177.
Anne, 53, 79.
Archibald, 254.
Carrie B.s, 119.
Charles Omer», 119.
Cora Elizabeth^, 254.
Elias', 119.
Elizabeth, 254 ; Elizabeth
(Stephens), 177; Elizabeth
(Stephens)*, 119; Eliza
beth'', 120.
Erastus S.'', 120.
Ezekiel, 78, 119, 177.
Bzekiel B.'', 120.
Harry3, 254.
IraS, 177.
Jemima', 120. »
John, 75.
John D.', 120.
Leronas, 177.
Maria (Bennett)'', 177.
Mary Ann'', 119.
Mays, i77_
Nolans, 177.
Omer H.^, 119.
William Eugene", 254.
William S., Ill, 125, 176,
254 ; William S.', 120.
William Sylvester, 177.
Willson'', 112.
Babcock, Anna, 303.
Anne, 46, 67.
Charles Henry, 296.
Florence Virginia, 296.
Nellie G., 269, 296.
Babcock, Sarah, 36, 46, 298.
Bacheldcr, Elizabeth, 159.
Bacon, Delia^ 60.
Bacon, John, 44, 60 ; John",
Zebulon", 60.
Bagley, Fred, 234.
Bailey, Charles, 234.
Katie A., 195, 272.
Baily, Ann (Crozier), 273.
James, 273.
Baker, Ada*, 166.
Amanda (Crouch), 58.
Amelia^, 181, 255.
Angeline J., 292.
Anna«, 103; Anna (Ste-
phens)*, 104.
Annie, 234.
Arthurs, 234.
Asa* 234.
Asa'M., 284; Asa M.«, 105,
Bazy, 75, 112 ; Bazy=, 71,
104; Bazy8, 103.
Belles, 165.
Caleb*, 102.
Caleb F.*, 104, 161.
Carrie Vernette', 168.
Charles O., 186 ; Charles O.'',
Charlotte, 124, 200.
Charlotte Rebecca', 168.
Chloe, 229, 284.
Chloe J.', 167.
Clarissa (Stephens) ^ 101.
Cynthia, 103 ; Cynthia^ 71 ;
Cynthia*, 104, 105.
Daniel, 113 ; Daniel*, 103.
David, 122.
Delphine C.'', 162.
EdnaS, 234.
Edwin, 122.
Edwin E., 292 ; Edwin E.s, I
Ellas, 103 ; Elias*, 103.
Ellas S.", 105.
Elizabeth (Allen)", 113.
Elizabeth Strong', 168.
Ella M.', 168.
Emalines, 186.
Emeline (Stephens)*, 161,
Ernests, 235.
Eunice (Powers), 104; Eun-
ices, 186, 260.
Eva (Holler), 234.
George', 105.
George C. A., 101, 157.
George M., 58.
Franklin*, 103.
Hannah^, 71, 103.
Harriet, 75, 113.
Harris'', 105.
Harris W.'', 168.
Baker, HarryS, 166.
Hattie", 166.
Hector C.o, 104, 115, 186.
Helens, 181.
Hila (Stephens), 118; Hila
(Stephens)^, 105.
Hiram, 85.
Hovey William', 161, 234.
Ida (Hallet), 234.
Isaac, 200.
James=, 71 ; James'', 105.
James O.^ 166.
Jane, 58 ; Jane^, 181.
Jedediah M., 118 ; Jedediah
M.o, 105.
Jeremiah, 48, 70, 118; Jere- ,,^,
miah^ 71, 72, 104, 105; ' "'
Jeremiah", 115.
John^ 71 ; John«, 104, 113,
John R.^, 166.
Joshua 8, 104, 166.
Julia M. (Stephens)T, 186.
Katherines, 235.
Leos, 235.
Lester^, 235.
Lewis^. 166.
Llna, 257, 292.
Line, 186.
Linnette^, 168.
Lodemia (Benheim), 103.
Lura C.'', 168.
M. Linnette", 168.
Maria, 136.
Mariette", 166.
Marinda", 104, 166; Marinda'',
166, 240.
Mary, 249; Mary (Sherman),
166; Mary (Stebbins), 165;
Mary5, 71.
Mary A. (Giles), 200; Mary
A.«, 167.
Mary Ann (Otto), 167, 284;
Mary Ann", 104.
Maryette, 164 ; Maryette^,
Matilda (Chapman), 165.
Maud E.8, 166.
Meldens, 186.
Mildred Hila", 168.
Millie^, 234.
Minerva, 163 ; Minerva", 102,
Nancy", 105.
Nathans, isO.
Nathan E.", 162, 235.
Nathan JJ. 168.
Nathan S.", 105, 168.
Nettie '', 234.
Nettie A.". 162.
Newcomb'^, 166.
Neweir, 161, 234.
Noah", 71, 105.
Olin'^, 165.
Baker, Olive (Dunning), 235.
Orlando M.", 105 ; Orlando
M.', 168.
Oscar'^, 165.
Pamelia", 166.
Phineas S.^, 186.
Polly (Fulton), 105; Polly
(Griggs), 104.
Rhodas, 234.
Roxie (Ordway), 168.
Safrona, 66.
SamS, 234.
Scotf*, 234.
Simeon^, 71, 103.
Sylvina Lovina", 105.
Thankful, 101 ; Thankful^,
70, 71.
Uriah^, 166.
Uriah S.", 104, 165.
Vina, 234 ; Vina^ 287.
Vina H.^ 168.
William, 101 ; William^ 70,
71 ; William", 105 ; Wlll-
iams, 234.
Balderman, David, 131.
Mary, 131.
Baldwin, George C., 308.
John, 47.
Theophilus, 47, 297.
Bales, Albert Lewis*, 277.
Artas, 277.
Esthers, 277.
Lewis, 277.
Lottie O. (Stephens)*, 277.
Mae", 277.
Mahlon, 198, 277.
Mark", 277.
Phil», 277.
Rachel, 277.
Ballard, Edward, 180.
Eleanor (Dubois), 180.
Eleanor M., 180.
Ballou, Eliza. 237.
Barber, Benjamin Franklin", 93
Charles, 307 ; Charles", 93.
Charles H., 307 ; Charles H.'',
Charles Mason, 307 ; Charles
Mason", 93.
Edward. 307 ; Edward^ 93.
Eliza, 307 ; Eliza", 93.
Ella F.'', 93.
Ella Frances, 307.
Franklin, 307.
Franklin B., 307.
Frederick, 307 ; Frederick'',
Hamilton, 307 ; Hamilton", 93.
Imogene, 307.
Imogen', 93.
Jesse, 65, 93, 307.
John H., 307 ; John H.', 94
John S., 307 ; John S.«, 93.
Lorenzo', 93.
Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Barber, Mary, 307 ; Mary (Ste-
vens)^, 93.
Mary Elizabeth, 307 ; Mary
Elizabeth^, 94 ; Mary Eliza-
beth^, 93.
Moses, 307 ; Moses®, 94.
Polly, 308.
Robert, 307 ; Robert^, 93.
Barcley, Catharine, 97.
Barnes, Henry, 201.
Marian, 201.
Mary A., 125, 201.
Barney, Annett (Porter)', 235.
Bessie Annette 235.
Granville M., 162.
Granville Mason, 235.
Maybelles, 235.
Pamelia H.^, 235.
William A.8, 235.
Bartlett, Amherst, 299.
Charlotte, 299.
Elizabeth, 199.
Ephraim, 59.
Hiram, 100.
Jane, 206.
Jane E., 133.
John (Dr.), 49, 299.
Batchelder, E. J. (Rev.), 263.
Elizabeth, 230.
Emily, 188, 263.
Franklin, 230.
Bates, Clark W., 127.
Battin, Henry, 87.
Beach, Guy A., 246.
John, 101.
W. S., 203.
Beatie, James, 184.
Beattie, John, 242.
Leo Stephens^, 242.
Mandane ( Stephens) '', 242.
Beaty, John, 170.
Beaver, Eliza, 108.
Beckwith, Alonzo B.», 189.
Anne'', 126.
Anson'', 126.
Christiana B.», 189.
Henry", 126.
Henry C, 189.
Lydia, 79, 126.
Mary', 126.
Mary C, 189.
Parsadie", 126.
Rebecca (Stephens), 189; Re-
becca (Stephens)6, 126.
Seth S., 79, 126, 189.
Stewart', 126.
Bedell, Alice M., 173, 107, 173.
Emma Virginia (Benton),
John S., 219.
Lucy Manuela, 146, 219.
Beebe, Nathaniel, 21.
Belknap, Chester S., 151, 223.
Earl Stanleys, 223.
Belknap, George Clinton^, 223.
Mary L. (Eckel)''. 223.
Mr., 40, 41.
Nancy L. (Ecker). 223.
Bell, Caroline (Farnum), 137.
Edith, 137.
Edward Rogers, 137.
Elizabeth, 117, 192.
Thomas, 21.
Bellows, Amos, 203.
Edna S.^ 203.
Frank*. 203.
Julia A. (Marrs)'', 203.
Lila*. 203.
Norman A.. 129, 203.
Benaway, Frances. 175.
Benedict, Francis, 100.
Sarah, 69, 100.
Benham, Lodemia, 71, 103.
Benjamin, Fred, 199.
Bennedict, Harriet, 89, 138.
Bennett, Adaline'', 110 ; Ada-
lines, 175, 188.
Adelaide W.*, 178.
Albert E.», 175.
Alida A.s, 177.
Alkali, 254
Alonzo'. 110, 116, 188; Alon-
zos, 189.
Amelia*, 188, 265.
Amys, 188.
Andrew, 74 ; Andrew''. 111.
Angelina (Jamison), 175.
Ann*, 189.
Anna, 276 ; Anna'', 125 ;
Anna*, 175, 253.
Annettes, 189, 265.
Arlie A.", 274.
Augustine, 126; Augustine*,
Benjamin, 169.
Carlton S.^, 258.
Caroline (Snider), 258.
Catharine (Stephens)S, 276.
Charles, 276.
Charles H.*, 177.
Christiana M. (Stephens)',
Christopher', 110.
Clarence*, 178.
Cora (TuUer), 274.
Daisy E.», 274.
David, 274; David', 110.
Ellas', 111, 176.
Elisha*, 178.
Eliza (Doty), 176.
Elizabeth C.», 258.
Ella M.s, 177.
Ermlna, 169.
Ervina, 106.
Esther (Gitchell), 274.
Eva*. 189.
Floras, 179.
Florence, 201.
Bennett, Florence Adelaide, 161 ;
Frances C. W. (Whiting), 178.
Frank H.s, 176, 254.
George D.'^, Ill, 17S.
Harmon'', 125 ; Harmon', 175.
Harriet M. (Goff), 254.
Harvey M., 201.
Henry M., 197, 276.
Hiram", 111, 176.
Ira R.", Ill, 178.
James'', 110. y
John, 21.
John I., 183, 258.
John Stephenso, 276.
Lloyd F.», 254.
Lura R.», 258.
M. Estelle, 176.
Madelia (Stephens), 258.
Maria", 111, 177.
Mariah^, 120.
Marinda', 110, 175.
Marshall^, 125 ; Marshall^,
Martha (Jackson), 74; Mar-
tha^, 110.
Martha A. (Stephens)8, 125.
Martha Ann (Stephens), 175.
Mary (McKurg). 177; Mary
(Richey). 201; Mary", 125;
Marys, 176, 189.
Mary A.^, 175.
Mary Ann CVandermark) ,
Mary Jane'', 110.
Miles", 125 ; MilesS, lyg.
Nancj'8. 175.
Nellie F. (Shaut), 254.
Nelson'', 110, 111.
Orris A.», 274.
Pamelia'', 110, 174.
Prunella^, 175.
Sabrina, 179, 254.
Sarah (Stephens), 110; Sarah
(Stephens)", 74; Sarah'',
110, 169.
Sarah C.*, 177.
Sarah M. (Johnston), 176.
Solomon, 52, 74 ; Solomon',
Sophia M.8, 178.
Soveryne. 258.
Sylvia, 233; Sylvia (Rood),
110 ; Sylvia", 111, 178 ;
Sylvia^ 178.
Sylvina (Rood), 110.
Thankful S.', 110.
Thomas, 74, 178. 233 ; Thomas
(Major)*!, 110; Thomas'',
110, 111, 175, 177;
Thomas*, 178.
Thomas K., 195, 274.
Udolphias, 178.
Vera M.», 258,
Bennett, William, 79, 125; Will-
iam«, 74, 109, 174; Will-
iam'', 110, 175 ; Williams,
William Wallace'', 110.
Zoa (Black), 179.
Bentley, Benjamin W., 262.
Mary (Potter), 262.
Mary Elizabeth, 187, 262.
Benton, Alice, 200.
James E., 117.
Bergen, Ann Eliza (Dancer), 267.
Jacob, 267.
Loretta Irene", 267.
May (Rose)s, 267.
Robert K.. 189.
Robert Kelsey, 267.
Berry, John S.», 185.
Leah Ann", 185.
Paul SamueP", 185.
Samuel C, 185.
Bess, Daniel, 235.
Elizabeth, 235.
Viola F., 162, 235.
Besse, Clara, 108.
Bevler, Isaac. 95.
John Stevens", 95.
Bidlack, Captain, 74.
Billings, John, 245, 248.
Katharine (Walker), 248.
Sarah A., 171, 248.
Birch, Rose, 163.
Bishop, Meribah (Dyke), 109.
Meriby Dyke, 74.
Richard, 305.
Black, Zoa, 111. 179.
Blake, George, 95, 307.
Jasper, 307 ; Jasper'', 95.
Bliss, Clarissa, 80, 127.
Blockner, Tammy, 96.
Blodgett, , 34.
Boardman, Joanna, 37.
Bogert, Israel, 87.
Bokland, Elvira, 265.
Bolderman, Mary. 83.
Bonner. Almira, 269.
Bostwick, Alba Lucinda, 78, 120.
Bert, 78, 122.
Eliza (Stephens)*, 122.
Harriet^ 122.
Seely', 122.
Bowman, Elmira, 62, 87.
Pamelia. 62, 86.
Bracow, Ellen E., 124.
Bradstreet, Mr., 15.
Braistead, Amelia (Bennett)',
Clarence E."", 265.
Edmund, 265.
George S., 188.
George Stanley. 265.
Myron H.", 265.
Olin", 265.
Raymond W.'", 265.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Braistead, Rebecca (Allen), 265.
Breads, Mr., 138.
Brennan, Margaret, 129.
Brewer, Caroline, 91.
Caroline Cornelia, 143.
Bridge, Samuel, 101.
Brier. Louisa, 117, 192.
Briggs, David. 72.
Brigham, Ellen, 128.
Martha, 128.
Mary Buck, 90.
May Buck, 141.
Thankful, 64, 90, 304.
Brink, , 78, 121.
Brodie, Susan G., 135, 211.
Bromly, Cloz, 68.
Bronson, Augusta Wilson'', 82.
Ellen Stevens^, 82.
Levi F., 82.
Mary, 88.
Brookins, — , 304.
Artimas, 46, 304 ; Artlmas",
Edward, 304 ; Edward=, 46.
Hannah, 46, 66.
MaryS, 46.
Polly, 304 ; Pollys 46.
Sophia, 304 ; Sophia^, 46.
Stephen, 304 ; Stephen*, 46.
Brooks, Amy Amelia, 309.
Marcus Stevens^, 311.
W. H., 131.
William H., 311.
William Howard. 254.
Brown, Adah (Stephens)'', 190.
Alonzos, 190, 268.
Annie, 247.
Bernice Isabelle^", 296.
Charles Alonzoi", 296.
D. J., 207.
Drusilla*, 43.
Emma Bennett, 211.
Fanny M. (Allen), 295.
Florence L., 170, 243.
FrancS, 190.
Fred A.s. 269.
Fred Alonzo», 296.
Guy K.», 269.
Hildred O.", 295.
Isabelle J. (Frazier), 268.
James, 16.
James W., 190.
Jennie^, 174.
Johns, 190.
John D.», 174.
John H., 174.
Joseph, 116.
Joseph Hughey, 190.
Joseph William^, 269, 295.
Justing 190.
Laura", 174.
Lettie Ora''", 295.
Lola Ireneio, 296.
Louisa, 171, 247.
Brown, Louisa Amelia, 140, 211.
Manville J., 243.
Mariana", 174.
Mary E. (Martin), 243.
Minnie", 174.
Nellie G. (Babcock), 296.
Nelson A., 211.
Obediah, 43.
Ora Franc", 269, 295.
Sarah, 56, 80.
Thelma", 207.
William H., 247.
William H.», 174.
Brownell, Cynthia, 42, 56.
Brundage, Abigail (Nelson), 297.
Addies, 230.
Catharine M. (Stephens)^,
Chloe May", 285.
Clarence L.", 285.
Cleo G.", 285.
Eugene^, 230, 285.
Farnum G.", 285.
Flora (Jenison)8, 285.
George W.s, 230.
Grace', 230.
Herbert E.", 285.
Homer S., 159, 230 ; Homer
S." 285.
IdaG.*, 230, 286.
Jessie U.», 285.
John, 230.
John L., 246; John L.^ 230,
Katharine Nelson'", 297.
Mary E.^, 230.
Mary J. (Knight), 285.
May, 230.
Mina, 230.
Ralph Eugene", 297.
Ray", 297.
Ray L.», 285.
Warner M.", 285.
Buck, Clarence John, 216.
Gilbert Fenn", 217.
John Milton", 216.
Buckalew, Charles R., 86.
Bunse, Amelia, 125.
Burdick, Celia (Williams), 212.
Charles W., 140.
Charles Williams, 212, 213.
Clarence E., 177.
George, 200.
Harriet P. (Fuller)'', 213.
Leander, 212.
Margaret Fuller^ 213.
Burlingame, Mercy, 96.
Burlinghame, Mercy, 68.
Burnham. Abigail (Buell), 133.
Catharine, 133.
Dr., 78.
George, 133.
Kate, 83.
Burns, Nettie, 237.
Burnside, Gen.. 207.
Burr, C. E., 2.39.
Burrall, Charles (Col.), 54.
Burrell, Alfonso H., 284. H., 265.
Catharine (Allen),
Emma (Ordway)'^,
Fred 0.^ 284.
Inez", 255.
Lennius O.", 284.
Marcello B., 228.
Marshall M.. ISl.
Sarah (Consalus)*',
Sarah C. 284.
Burritt. Martha, 244.
Maryette. 170, 244.
Truman. 244.
Burrows. Margaret. l.TO.
Margaret Ann, 309.
Burt, Adelia, 10; Adelia (Ste-
vens)^, 85.
Helen Maranda", 85.
Jane Maria^, 85.
Lydia J.. 94, 145.
Mary", 85.
Polly, 62. 84.
Spencer Fayett", 85.
William, 62, 85.
William Munroe^,
Burtis, Blanch, 226.
Burton, J. R., 201.
Bush, Charlotte A.
Eli, 132.
Esther, 132.
Frances E., 83, i;
Minnie, 165.
Buskirk, Aileen May, 139.
83, 129.
Cahern. Bertha. 239.
Cady, Dora^ 222.
.John H., 148, 221.
Martha A. (Stephens) 7. 221.
Samuel S.s, 222.
Caterty. , 261,
Caine, Alfred Bergen'", 267.
Alice (Burrett), 267.
Bernard Thomas'", 268.
Jame.s, 267.
Thomas A., 267.
Cairnes, Frank J., 239.
Caldwell, Amos, 110, 175.
Hirams, 175.
Marinda (Bennett)', 175.
Sylvia^, 175.
Calhoun, Nettie, 283.
Call, Zola. 285.
Cameron. Frederick C, 255.
Campbell, — — , 162.
Canfield, Susan, 185.
Carins, B. (Dr.)'^, 243.
Carman, Martha J., 79, 126.
Carrol, Faye, 225.
Carrol, Thoma.s, 126.
Carter, Addie A.s, 195, 278.
Agnes K.i". 297.
Anthony, 195.
Catharine (Stephens)', 195.
Donald H.'", 296.
Elisha H.«. 195.
Erastus A.», 195, 272.
Eva L.8, 195.
John, 119, 195.
John M.^ 273, 296.
Katie A. (Baily), 273.
Mary Ann^, 195.
Mary E. (Conway), 297.
Mary Elizabeth, 128, 202.
Mary L,.», 195.
Milton S.w, 296.
Rachel (Teeter), 195.
Verna (Sumner), 296.
William L.», 273, 296.
William T.s, 195.
Willis F.», 273.
Cary, William, 98.
Case. Gertrude L., 262.
Magdalen (Eckstein), 88.
Mary, 63, 88.
Meshack, 88.
Caswell, Mary, 12.
Caulkins. Mary, 55.
Chadwick, Annette (Bennett),
265 : Annette*, 266.
Annette Catharineio, 266.
Burg", 265.
Everall V., 189, 265 ; Everall
V.i», 266.
Helen Olini", 266.
Mart", 266.
Chambers, Charles Servis (Dr.),
Chapman, Ada. 76, 117.
Ambrosia", 159, 232 ; Am-
brosias, 232.
Andrew J.'', 159, 232.
Betsey (Fairman). 239.
Christiana (Stephens)", 159.
Delis, 232.
Delpbina, 193, 271 ; Delphina'^,
Elizabeth, 56.
Henry, 239.
Joshua, 159, 161.
Joshua L., 102, 159.
Maria, 165.
Mariah, 239.
Martha A., 102.
Martha Ann, 161.
Matilda, 104, 165.
Sallie (Bnglesbury), 161.
Sally, 159.
Sarah, 79, 124.
Charle.s the First (King of
England), 14; Charles the
Second (King of England),
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Chase, Eldon Hinckley'", 259.
Marcia, 68, 98.
Olive Amelia!", 259.
William E., 259.
Cheesbrough. Anna, 21, 22.
Elisha, 20, 21.
Nathaniel, 21.
Samuel, 20, 21.
Sarah. 27.
Cheesman, , 158.
Charles, 233.
Glenn Stephens*, 233.
Grace LucileS, 233.
Harriet, 233.
James D., 161, 233.
Mary (Stephens), 233.
Childs. Burt, 193.
Claude A.", 193.
Erma Arcola», 193.
Sarah, 193.
Sarah Elnora". 193.
Harold Ellsworth", 193.
Chilson, Emery W., 230.
Chittenden, Nancy, 42.
Church, Annie, 203.
Frank, 165.
Chute, James, 29, 30.
Clancy, Agnes, 231, 287.
Celia, 287.
Timothy, 287.
Clapp. Cynthia S., 108.
Nathaniel, 73.
Clark, Amasa. 309.
Jefferson, 231.
Lewis, 179.
Lida, 159, 231.
Lydia, 306 : Lydia'^, 93.
Mary, 53. 77, 231.
Mary Elizabeth, 306; Mary
Elizabeth^, 93.
Mary F., 308.
Mary Frances, 95.
Philotes, 93, 306.
Rosabel Lillian", 186.
Samuel P., 186.
Clawson, Clara, 78, 121.
David, 102.
Cleaveland, Elizabeth, 105.
Oliver, 45.
Cleavelin, Sophia, 304.
Clinton, Governor, 58.
Coates, John, 49.
Mercy, 37, 47.
Coe. , 87.
Disions O., 87.
Cogan, Morris, 225.
Coggin, Eliza, 62.
Cole, Emma, 185.
John, 15, 24, 25.
Mary, 24. 25.
Maryett, 164.
Coleman, Grace Pier (Smith)',
Isadore, 142.
Coleman, Margaret Pier*, 214.
Philip Le FevreS, 214.
Ruth Stevenss, 214.
Theodore, 141, 214.
Colgrove, Jeremiah, 72.
Collar, Almeda, 69, 99.
Asa. 99.
Elvira^, 99.
Roxanna, 64.
Sybil (Bishop). 99.
Coller, Anna (Tuller)^, 274.
Bert M., 195.
Evylyn Elizabeth", 274.
George O., 195, 274.
George Norman", 274.
Gertrude Mary", 274.
Mary (Lake), 274.
Roxanna. 90.
Wanda Hazel", 274.
William, 274.
Collier. Albert Baker'", 294.
Bessie G.'", 293.
Charles Estes'", 293.
Clarence Jesse'", 294.
Clyde Edward'", 294.
Edwin E.", 260.
Eunice (Baker)*, 260.
Eunice Marion'", 294.
Frederick Filmore'", 294.
Harry Bryan'", 294.
Hector", 260.
Helen Irene'", 294.
J. E., 186.
James B.», 261.
James M., 260.
Jennie A.", 261.
Jennie Leona'", 294.
Jesse A.", 261.
Jesse Adelbert", 294.
Jesse Lewellen'", 294.
John Estes, 260.
Lizzie M. (Kineston), 294.
Lulu (Holraan), 293.
Madelia'", 294.
Mary V.. 189.
Mildred Elizabeth'", 294.
Ollie E. (Downs). 294.
Orlie Stevens.'". 294.
Paul Frederick'", 294.
Rachel, 260.
Ruth Rowena'", 294.
Walter Asa", 261, 294.
Walter Downs'". 294.
Willard Elia.s". 261, 293.
Comfort, Bert. 240.
Richard, 175.
Thomas. 109.
Conable, John, 97.
Lydia (Stebbins), 97.
Sophia, 68, 97.
Conderman, Burt, 248.
Conrad, Ezra. 160.
Conrade, Fred. 234.
Consaulus, Ervilla*, 181.
Consaulus, Isaac, 181.
John H.. 113, 181.
Marinda^ 181.
Pamelia (Stephens)', 181.
Sally (Bisbee). 181.
Sarahs, 181, 255.
Conway, Catherine (Lee), 297.
Mary B., 273, 297.
Philip, 297.
Cook, Alfred, 207.
Eliza, 207.
Ella, 172.
Mary J., 127.
Minerva, 134. 207.
Cooms, Mrs.", 54.
Coons, Minnie, 123.
Cope, Edgar Floyd'o, 265.
Floyd, 265.
Helen May^o, 265.
Copeland, Cellna, 119, 194.
Katherine Neff, 311.
Corbett, Jennie Rachel, 266.
Cordon, Richard, 113.
Corey, Abigail, 48, 71.
Anzilla^ 113.
Don R.s, 181.
Elizabeth^, 113.
Frank^. 181.
George^ 113 : George^, 181.
Harrlette^, 180.
Howards 112, 180.
Howard K.^, ISO.
John, 112 : John', 112.
Louis Lavllis, 181.
Martha J.s, 180.
Mary (Stephens)«, 112
Maryetta', 113.
Phebe, 112 ; Phoebe', 113.
Sarah Ann', 113.
Sidney A.^, 181.
Silas, 75, 112.
Uriah', 113.
William'. 113.
Cornell, Ann^, 122.
Caleb, 122 ; Calebs 122.
Mr. (Rev.), 118.
Cornish, Jabes, 45.
Corre, Ada, 234.
Cory. Halenas, 180.
MaryS, 180.
Sareppa*, 180.
William H.s, 181.
Coston, Charles. 116.
Cotton, John (Rev.), 26.
Cotts, Mercy, 37, 47, 299.
Covert, Mary B., 83, 134.
Tennis Jans, 134.
Cox, Albert E., 177.
Edward SampeP, 309.
Margaret Annah^", 309.
Marguerite Ellen^, 309.
William Horton", 309.
William Oswln, 309.
Crabbe, — — , 25.
Crabtree, John, 15.
Crandall, Amos W., 117.
Crane, M. E., 229.
Martha J., 158, 229.
Mary J. (Swartwood), 229.
Cranmer, Mr., 60.
Crary, Christobel, 24.
Peter, 24, 25, 28.
Crawford, Anna, 194.
Emma, 194.
Crevy, Amelia, 117.
John, 117.
Crewling, Alfred, 136.
Ancelia, 136.
Crittenden, Nancy, 57.
Cromwell, Oliver, 11, 14.
Crosby, Benjamin, 157, 229 ;
Benjamin', 103.
Chloe (Baker), 285.
Cynthia", 103.
Earl Stephensi", 285.
Edith", 284.
Floyd B.», 285.
George, 167.
Hannah ( Baker) ^ 103.
Hector*, 103.
Helena^, 167.
Ivan Baker^o, 285.
J. W., 167.
Jeannette", 167.
John, 104 : John', 103 ; John',
229, 284.
Leonard A., 256 ; Leonard
A. 9, 285.
Lorenzo, 116.
Maria (Roosa), 284.
Nathans, 167.
Polly, 53, 77.
Rachel, 74.
Richard, 71, 77, 103.
Richard', 103.
Roba S. (Preston)', 229.
Samuel', 103.
Sylvia'. 103.
Troylius', 103.
Cross. Anna, 37.
Grace C*. 196.
Lena, 191.
Lena M.*, 196.
Robert. 37.
William T., 119, 196.
Crouswaite, Jennie, 136.
Culver. Eunice. 92, 306.
.Joseph, 24, 28.
Margaret, 24, 25.
Cundall. May Rose, 309.
Currv, Cassius, 238.
Cutler, Cecil D.', 156.
Cecil S.', 156.
Emerson 0.«, 156.
Emma M.', 156.
Florence', 156.
O. Dean', 156.
Otis L.s, 156.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Cutler, Rodolphus J., 156.
Rudolphus, 100.
Sarah P. (Stevens)*, 156.
Daley, Mary, 245.
Daly, Avia, 191, 270.
Charlotte (Rogers), 270.
Edward, 270.
Dane. John, 30.
Darling, Stephen, 121.
Davidson, Alfred (Dr.)", 86.
Charles^, 86.
James H., 86.
Davis, Abertein A., 286.
Ambrosia, 115, 187.
Anson, 163, 237.
Charles'', 1-49.
Charles P., 286.
David, 97, 149.
Dolor, 34.
Eugene, 149.
Harriet", 149.
Harriet L. (Stephens)'^, 237.
Henry, 131.
HieF, 149.
James, 237.
Jane (Porter), 187.
Levi, 117.
Lydia ( Stephens) », 149.
Mae L., 119.
Margery (Willard), 34.
Martha, 195.
Mary M.. 76, 117.
Myrt. 231, 286.
Netties, 237.
Newel B., 241.
Phebe (Osborn), 237.
Redman S., 187.
Ruth, 34.
Susan'', 149.
Willis, 178.
Davison, Cord B., 195, 274.
Mary Jane, 95, 146, 308.
Paul K., 146, 308.
Day, Eliza Faxton, 100, 155.
Elvira H., 239.
Roswell, 156.
Daynes, Lavonia E., 310.
Dayton, , 261.
Dawley, Ralph M., 130.
Dean, Abby E.'', 122.
Albert HenryS, 84.
Amelia'', 122.
Arthur Randall, 212.
Chauncy, 84.
Eliza (Stephens)o, 122.
Fuller", 212.
Georgiana'', 122, 199.
Julia A.'', 122.
Mary J.\ 122, 199.
Miranda", 122.
Dean, Oliver, 78, 122.
Sarah Ellen^, 84.
Deane, Deborah, 14.
Elizabeth, 14.
Hannah, 14.
Katharine, 14.
Lydia, 14.
Mercy, 14.
Thomas, 14.
De Golia, James, 60.
De Laney, Lillian, 259.
Delemater, Polly, 94.
Demming, Lydia, 91.
Dennis, Fanny L. (Stephens)',
George, 292.
Kenneth G.i", 292.
Laura A. (Woodbury), 292.
Ross W., 257, 292.
Dennison, George, 15, 20, 25 ;
George (Capt.), 21, 27.
.John, 21.
Mabel, 184.
Denton, Oliver M., 156.
Denzenburg, Mr., 113.
Derby, Phineas, 46.
Dewel, Hannah, 149.
Dewey, James 0., 182.
Nancy, 114, 182.
Rhoda (Cornell), 182.
Dewy, Zol, 221.
Dibbs, Minerva, 86, 137.
Dick, Robert G., 143.
Dickinson, Adelia, 171, 249.
Ann", 55.
Charles Frederick"*, 55.
Daniel Thomas^, 55.
Ella B., 123, 200.
Isaac Whitcom, 249.
Jennie, 207.
John=>, 55.
Josephine (Phillips), 249.
Laura Ann (Kinchelow), 217.
Lois", 55.
Martha R.. 144, 217.
Nathaniel Oliver^, 55.
Richard Whitlow, 217.
Thomas, 42, 54.
Thomas Andrew", 55.
William Samuep, 55.
Diffln, William, 148.
Dilemater. Polly, 65.
Dill, Myrtle, 168.
Dillamarter, Polly, 307.
Dillenback, Adam. 153, 227.
Anna Bells, 227.
Flora (Stevens)', 227.
Ira Meades. 227.
Mildred H.s, 227.
Dixon, Dessa, 259.
Dodge, John L., 90.
Dodson, Charles', 85.
Dana^, 86.
Mary'', 85.
Dodson, Nancy", S5.
Nathan, S5.
Osburn, 86.
Pamelia', 85
Rope.T, 86.
Thomas'^, 85.
Wesley, 86.
Dolson. Cynthia (Stephens)'',
John W. F.^ IOC.
Thomas A., 72, 106.
Dominick, John, 147.
Dority, Charles', 150.
Ebenezer. 150.
Frederick", 150.
Lorenzo^, 150.
Lucy", 150.
Lucy Ann rstephens)", 150.
Porter A.'', 150.
Dorrity, Ebenezer, 98.
Doty, Catharine, 121, 197.
Christopher, 176. 197.
Edward, 176.
Eliza, 111, 176.
Lucinda (Hyde), 176.
Douglass, , 127.
Dover, A. Dewitt, 198, 277.
Albert Ray^ 277.
Arnon Dewitt', 277.
Dewitt, 277.
Hazel", 277.
Lilly A. (Stephens)^, 277.
Mary C. (Flexer), 277.
Dow, Ebenezer, 25, 33.
Downey, Catharine, 151.
Down.s, Cora H., 154.
Ellen, 154.
Ollie, 261.
Ollie Eliza, 294.
Ruth R. (Bradley). 294.
Sanford, 294.
Selden. 154.
Drake, Tracy R., 232.
Duane. Amy, 153.
Mary Leavy, 99, 153.
Philip, 153.
Dudley, Frederick E. (D.D.S )
Duggan, Adelaide M., 120, 197.
Dunham, Mildred V.«, 283.
Ordway", 283.
Ralph E., 228, 283.
Roxa (Ordway)8, 283.
Dunning, Lyman, 82
Olive, 162, 235.
Dutcher, Christian, 48.
Christiana, 69.
Dwight, George, 269.
Leon Langdon, 192.
Mary, 191, 269.
Nancy (Gettman), 269.
Earley, C. L., 219.
Eckel, Byron'', 151.
Charle.s", 222.
Charles B.^ 223.
Elizabeth. 150.
Helen N,^ 223.
Henry'. 151.
Lsaac, 98. 150, 222 : Isaac"
151, 223.
Iva L.8, 223.
Jacob, 150.
Jacob R.', 150, 222.
John S.'. 151.
Joseph E.', 151.
Julia L. (Farnsworth), 223.
Lovica'. 150.
Mae (, 222.
Maolia^, 222
Mary L.', 151, 223.
Mauds. 222.
Myron', 151.
Nancy M. ( Stephens) o 150,
Rosalie^, 222.
Sarah M.', 151, 222.
Susie C.^ 223.
Verne R.s, 223.
William T.', 151
Eddy, Mr., 87.
Edson, Charles, 62, 87.
Eliphalet8, 87.
Elizabeth^, 87.
Epaphorus', 87.
Harrietts, 87.
Josiah", 87.
Lucy", 87.
Eggleston, Albert, 90 ; Albert'
Laura', 90.
Richard'. 90.
Eldred, Samuel. 15, 16.
Elmore, Samuel (Capt.), 51
Eliot. HenryS, 39.
Jabez^. 39.
Eliott, Elizabeth-, 38
Henry, 38, 39.
Hopestile''', 39.
Elliot, Henry, 23.
Joseph, 245.
Ellis, Eliza Anne, 80.
Dora. 166.
Eliza Anne, 127.
Ells, Nathaniel, 299.
Emerson, Mary. 166.
Emery, C, 163.
Enery. George, 231.
English. John, 244.
Ennis, Mabel, 271.
Enos, Ai, 307.
Beatrix", 218
Cora Clare', 144.
Edgar A.', 144.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Enos, Edgar A. (Rev.)^ 10. 217,
218, 301.
Elise Marguerite*, 218.
Eliza, 307.
Ellen'', 144.
Ethel Hopkins^, 218.
Harriet (Stevens), 144.
Henry, 307.
Henry Morrison. 94, 144.
Jean A. (Hopkins), 218.
Mary, 307.
Roger (Col.), 69.
Rusf, 144.
Sanda'', 144.
Sandy, 307.
Eppes, , 29.
David, 28.
Erwin, Arthur H.. 133.
Mary, 133.
May J., 83.
Rebecca (McKean), 133.
Estelle, Charles, 1S8.
Etchells, Ed-ward S., 21t>.
Everly, Margaret, 26.
Everst, Amelia, 56.
Ewlng, Dorothys, 214.
Florence R. (Snoke)', ^14.
Henry Clark, 141, 214; Henry
Clark', 214.
Fairbanks, Carlton'', 120.
Edwin''. 120.
John, 78, 120.
Mariah (Stephens)^ 120,
Mariah', 120.
Prescilla'', 120.
Fairfield, Samuel, 61.
Fanning, Edmund, 21.
Farewell, Louisa, 87,
Farley, Peter, 244.
Farnham, Mae, 246.
Farnsworth, Helen (Covell),
Julia, 151.
Julia L., 223.
T. B., 223.
Farnum, Charlotte^, 121,
Llewellyn D., 121.
Farrel, Rose, 190.
Farrington, Charles, 220.
Farwell, Edwin Waite", 205.
Lawrence Stevens", 205.
Margaret Gilmore", 205.
Max Harvey, 205.
Fehr Gertrude, 249, 290.
John, 290.
Fellows Family, 37.
Abiel. 40.
Abigail, 37.
Altana". 66.
Amye, 38.
Fellows, Anna, 36, 37, 38.
Asa^, 66.
David, 46, 66.
Elizabeth, 23, 36, 37, 38.
Ephraim, 36, 37, 3S, 44,
Henry=, 66,
Isaac, 37.
James^, 66.
Joanna, 38,
Joannah, 44, 52, 59,
John, 38, 52.
Joseph, 37.
Marion, 32.
Mary, 37, 38, 44, 86, 136.
Miriam, 38, 44.
Samuel, 37. . , ^ .
Sarah, 37; Sarah (Richards).
40, 51, 52, 59.
Stephen, 52.
Susannah. 66.
Thomas, 38.
William, 37, 38, 40, 51, 52,
Fenn, Caroline B. (Stevens)'',
Charles Buel, 143, 216.
Daniel B.. 216.
EdithS, 216.
Georgianna (Metcalf), 21b.
Louis Charles*. 216.
Fenner, Donald O.*, 167.
Kenneth R.^ 167.
Clin, 167.
Fenton, David S., 286.
Olive E., 231, 286.
Sarah J., 285.
Ferncrook, J. G., 169.
Ferry, Adelbert*, 111.
Angeline (Osgood), 111.
John, 111, 125, 175, 176.
Leona, 178.
Nathan J, 199.
Silas. 111.
Fessenden, Emily A., 206.
Ffinck, Alexander, 15,
Ffink, John, 21.
Finch, James M., 310.
MabeP, 310.
Pish, John, 21.
Joseph. 299, 300 ; Joseph
(Rev.), 302.
Fitch, Catharine, 301 ; Catha-
rine^". 67.
Frank L., 279.
Freelove, 301 ; Freelove=>. 67.
Hannah. 300, 301.
Jame.s, 300 ; James'"', 67.
Joshua, 163.
Prentice, 300 ; Prentice^, 67.
Sarah, 300 ; Sarah^, 67.
Theophilus, 48, 67, 300, 301,
303 ; Theophilus^^, 67.
Fitzgerald, Harriet. 86.
Fleming, Robert, 21, 22.
Flint, Bert E.", 26G.
Dell R., 189, 266.
George Wilsoni", 266.
Georgia", 266.
Jacob Nelson, 266.
Susan, 266.
Virginia Rose^», 266.
Ford, Edward L. (Dr.), 107.
Mr., 85.
Forncrook, Elizabeth (Hazard),
Ella M.8, 241.
Hiram L.^, 241.
Joseph Gordon, 241.
Montgomery C.*, 241.
Samuel H., 241.
Susanna B. (Stephens)', 241.
Forney, Joseph, 92, 306.
Fosdeck, David L., 238.
Foster, Adam, 116.
Adam D.. 191.
Burton, 271.
Densie (Clark), 154.
EarP, 191.
Earl E., 196.
Edwin, 114.
Emily, 99.
Emily Irene, 154.
Ezekiel, 84.
Ferriss, 191.
Henry, 158.
Levi, 158.
Sally (Butts), 191.
Sarah, 62, 84; Sarah (Smith),
Smith. 154.
Stephen, 191.
Susan (Stephens)', 191.
Winifred", 196.
Fowler, Patience, 36.
Frace, , 120.
Electa, 112.
Maryette, 112.
Frame, Mary, 212.
Frank, , 85.
Franklin, Jerusha (Hicock), 75.
Olive, 53, 75.
Roswell (Lieut.), 75.
Frazier, Elizabeth Mary (Jim-
meson). 268.
Isabelle J., 190, 268.
William H., 268.
Freeiand, Hannah, 158.
Lydia, 158.
Alice Etoiles, 268.
Archibold Minier", 268.
Charles Wilder, 190, 26S.
Edna Cynthia", 268.
Flora A. (Stephens)^, 268.
Flora Elizabeth", 268.
Georgia Jnnet", 268.
Hannah Janet (Macomber),
Helen Florence", 268.
Freeiand, Theo Emily", 268.
Vera Justiua", 268.
Wilder Mack, 268.
Freer, Romeo H., 140.
Frink, John, 21.
Margaret, 68.
Fri.sbey, Delia E., 162.
Fuller, Aaron, 183, 257.
Aurelia Pier", 140.
Catharine (Cross), 257; Cath-
arine (Hollis), 183.
Electa, 182. 257.
Elizabeth^, 213.
Emily Spaulding', 140, 212.
Emma Louise", 212.
Emma Quinby**, 212.
George Bennett**, 212.
Harriet Parmelia', 140, 212.
Horace Stevens', 140, 211 ;
Horace Stevens^, 212 ; Hor-
ace Stevens", 212.
Ira, 139.
Ira Lucius, 89, 139.
Jesse PierS, 212.
Laura Stevens', 140.
Lilian', 140.
Louisa A. (Brown), 211.
Lucius Eckstein', 140.
Mabel (Reid), 213.
Mary Benjamin (Stevens),
Mary Cornelia', 140, 211.
Mary Stevens*, 213.
Otis, 193.
Robert Pier', 140, 213.
Robert Samuel*, 212.
Sally (Barnes), 139.
Susan E., 114, 183.
Thomas Reid*, 213.
Fulton, Anna, 184.
Polly, 71, 105.
Gallup Family, 25.
Agnes (Watkins), 25.
Benadam, 24, 25.
Ben-Adam, 27.
Christobel, 24, 26, 28.
Elizabeth, 23, 24, 25, 28.
Hannah, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.
Hannah (Lake), 23, 27.
Joan, 26.
John, 20, 21. 24, 25, 26, 27;
John (Capt.), 23, 28.
Margaret, 24, 28.
Mary, 24.
Nathaniel, 25, 26.
Samuel, 26, 27.
Thomas, 25.
William. 24, 27.
Gardner, Adelia, 177.
Gibson", 282.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Gardner, Isabella Anne (Gib-
son)*, 282.
Lawrence, 220, 282.
Lydia Alice", 282.
Garrison, Julia (Colgrove), 201.
Nathaniel, 201.
William, 201.
Gates, Jeremiah, 134.
Martha, 83. 134.
Sarah (Southworth) , 134.
Gaulden,Druery L.T. (Judge), 134.
Erwinna^, 134.
Le S.s. 134.
Gearhard, Elizabeth. 86.
Geer, Jane, 116, 188.
Margaret, 116, 187.
George the Second, King of Eng-
land, 33.
George. Gabriella T., 242.
William M., 164.
Ghastin, Harry, 221.
Gibson, Grace Darling^, 220.
Isabella Anne*, 220, 282.
James, 148, 220.
James B.", 282.
James Robert^ 220, 282.
Janet Lucy*, 220.
Kathaleen Mary^ 282.
Lydia M. (Stephens)^, 220.
Lydia Margaret", 282.
Lydia Maria*, 220.
Margarette (O'Keefe), 282.
Mary (Torrance), 220.
Mary E.s, 220.
Peter, 220.
Robert Stephens", 282.
Susan Phiat*. 220, 282.
Gifford, Hannah, 24.
John, 24.
Stephen, 27.
Gilbert, , 85.
Elisha, 105.
Rachel, 72, 105.
Gillet, Alice, 305.
Elijah, 305.
Elizabeth, 46, 304, 305, 307.
Hannah, 305.
John, 305.
Lydia, 305.
Mercy, 305.
Nathan, 305.
Ruth, 305.
Sarah, 305.
Temperance, 305.
Gillett, Elizabeth, 65.
Hannah (Stone), 65.
Nathan, 65.
Gilliam, J. B., 201.
Gillies, Donald, 220.
Gilliland, George Edward', 139.
George Shannon, 89, 139.
Laura S.'^, 139.
Mary L.'^, 139.
Wilson S.', 139.
Gillmore, Margaret, 131, 205.
Gilmore, Emily Mary, 209.
Frances (Chancellor), 209.
Henry George, 209.
Glazier, Charles Edgar, 178.
Gleason. Martin Luther, 9G.
Golf, Orpheus, 181.
Orpheus B., 181.
Goldsmith, George, 158.
Goodhue, Deacon, 30.
Goodno, Catharine Jane"), 262.
Charles, 187, 262.
Estelle (Stephens) 8, 262.
James Harvey", 262.
Gordon, James (Rev.), 123.
Jessie, 156.
Mae, 168.
Sara (Cellars), 123.
Sara Ginerva, 123.
Gorsuch, Anna Ruth"), 265.
Clarence Earl Leroyi", 265.
Kennethio, 265.
Lester MerruU", 265.
Oreo Dale Hamilton", 265.
Thomas A., 265.
Goulston, Bessie, 246.
Granger. Albert, 194, 272.
Elisha, 172.
Frederick". 272.
Levirt, 172.
Lydia (Rose), 172.
Margaret (Campbell), 272.
Mary (Stephens), 272.
Pearl", 272.
William, 272.
Grant, Gen., 207.
Lucinda Hewitt. 72, 107.
Graves, A. Mose. 245.
Gray, Alonzo, 163.
Anna, 205.
Eliot L., 175.
Flora", 175.
Tilla, 238.
Greeley, Ellen, 127.
Green, Emerson, 198.
Gertrude, 200.
John, 16.
Mary, 175.
Nathaniel (Gen.), 175.
Greenhow, William H., 124.
Grevy, Amelia, 193.
John, 193.
Gridley, Alan^, 144.
Dorothys, 144.
John Edward, 144.
Grielchrist, Jane, 170, 244.
Grifteth, Eunice (Soule), 152.
Malinda Gaige, 98, 151, 152.
Stephen. 152.
Griffin, Blatthew, 131.
Mr.. 113.
Griffith, F. J., 125, 176, 254.
Griggs, Mary Ann, 108.
Polly, 71, 104.
Griswold, Bert Stephens", 263.
Chester, 187, 262.
Estella (Stephens)8, 262.
George Davis", 263.
Groves, Kate Marian, 140.
Guito, Anna, 164.
Guitteau, Phebe, 46, 65.
Gully, Emma S., 150.
Emma Slayed, 222.
Smith, 222.
Gundlach, Adeline, 278.
Clara Isabel, 278.
Louis, 278.
Gundlunch, Clara I., 201.
Guyon, Sarah, 110.
Haag, Clara (Robinson), 197.
P. T., 197.
Sarah E., 121, 197.
Haak, John, 121.
Hacke, William, 12.
Hackett, A. A. (Hawley), 170.
Charles. 170.
Hadley, Amy, 171, 249.
Clarissa (Hallett), 249.
George, 249.
Jennie, 249.
Hagg, Amelia M., 265.
Haight, Jacob N., 135.
Mary (Bedell), 135.
Nelson, 84, 135.
Sarah Esther (Stevens), 135.
Hait, , 120.
Hall Family, 33.
Albert G., 89, 139.
Elizabeth, 34.
Fred E., 273.
Henry, 12.
Jerry Russell", 267.
John, 33; John (Lieut.), 34.
Lester E., 273.
Mary, 12, 23, 31, 33, 34.
Mary Frances^, 139.
Melissa (Upson), 273.
Ruth, 31, 34.
Samuel, 34.
Sarah, 34.
Stephen, 31, 33, 34.
Susannah, 34.
Theron W.i", 273.
Walker Gerard^", 267.
Walter O., 204.
Will S., 267.
Hallet, Fanny W., 149, 222.
Ida, 234.
Hallett, Adelaide (Crawford),
236, 290.
Amy Adelaide", 290.
Chester T.", 290.
Cora", 167.
Darreipo, 264.
Hallett, Elijah, 167 ; Elijah^ 167.
Elizabeth (Moore), 167; Eliz-
abeth', 167.
Emily, 187.
Emily J., 261.
Eunice'', 167.
Flora'', 167.
Franciss, 167.
Genevieve, 236.
Hattie M. (Stephens)^ 290.
Helen", 167.
Henry, 236, 261, 290.
Henry Crawford", 290.
Ida, 161.
Jeannette, 187, 261.
Lee C, 249, 290.
Lloyd W., 264.
Mariah, 261.
Mary A. (Baker)^, 167.
Mary Louise", 290.
Nelson, 104, 167 ; Nelson',
Raymond'', 167.
Rhoda, 103.
Will, 167.
Halsey, Frank, 286.
Hamilton, Abigail ( Stephens) «,
Adelia (Travis), 251.
Alexander, 121.
Amanda, 106.
Amanda M., 172.
Arthusa, 78, 121.
Dewitt C.8, 251.
De Witt Clinton'', 172.
Elizabeth (Goff), 172.
George D.'', 172. 251.
Henry, 106. 172.
John, 172.
Luman, 172.
Lydia (Classen), 172.
Rhoda L.8, 251.
William^, 172.
Hamlet, William D., 162.
Hammond, Estella J., 206, 278.
Hand, Georgiana, 142.
Handy, Benjamin M.*, 220.
Ella M.s, 220.
Marvin, 148, 220 ; Marvin',
Mercy M. (Stephens)'', 220.
Permelias, 220.
Hanscom, Edwin Beeman", 309.
George H., 309.
George Horton", 309.
Hardenberg, , 261.
Harding, Alzina, 102, 161.
Bennett", 255.
Christina Mary", 255.
Christina (Stephens)^ 103.
Elnorah (Willis), 255.
James, 70, 103.
Jerome, 183.
John Mott8, 180, 255.
i I
Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Harding, Melden J.s, 179, 254,
Minerva, 110.
Morrison, 179.
Morrisons, 103, 111.
Sabrina (Bennett), 255.
Hare, Henry, 182.
Lydia, 114, 182.
Nancy (Steury), 182.
Hargraves, A., 203.
Haring, Jay A., 180.
Harlier Family, 35.
Anthony, 35.
Ebenezer, 36.
Elizabeth, 36.
Hepshiba, 36.
John, 34, 35, 36.
Mary, 35, 36.
Mercy, 36.
Patience, 36 ; Patience (Fow-
ler), 34.
Sarah, 23, 34. 35, 36, 298.
Harlan, Elizabeth, 275.
George M.», 275.
James E., 196, 275.
Mary Jane (Stephens)^, 275;
Mary Jane^, 275.
Samuel, 275.
Savia Elleus, 275.
Harmon, Aurelia Pier^, 211.
Heman Fuller^ 211.
Heman Rising, 211, 140.
John Berrys, 211.
Lucius Perclval*, 211.
Maria (Parsons). 211.
Mary Cornelia (Fuller)'', 211.
Harper, Rose, 246, 289.
Harrick, Sarah, 44, 61.
Harrington, Lovina M., 204.
Richard, 148.
Harris, Andrew, 60.
Augustus*, 88.
Corydon", 88.
Elizabeth, 27, 29.
Harriet (Stevens)', 88.
Henry, 63, 88.
John, 29, 305.
Martha, 29.
Mr., 46.
Sidney", 88.
Sophia, 60.
Thomas, 29.
Tracy'', 88.
WilliamB, 88.
Harrison, , 130.
De Witt Clintons, 88.
Gertrude. 201.
Harriet (Stevens), 88.
Ida May, 212.
Isaiahs, 88.
Jonathan", 88.
Lizzie", 88.
LucyS, 88.
Mary", 88.
Harrison, Matilda", 88.
Merritt. 62, 88.
Harvev, Cora A., 152, 225.
S. A„ 226.
Thomas, 85.
W. F., 226.
Haskin, Helena, 236.
Helena A., 287.
Jessie A. (Nellis), 287.
O. Marcello, 287.
Haskins, David. 72.
Hatch. Ann, 81 ; Ann^, 55.
Esther (Stevens), 81.
Peter, 42, 55, 81.
William", 55.
Hathaway, Anuetta A.'', 154.
Grace'', 154.
Mary, 13.
PearlT, 154.
W. W., 99, 154.
Havens, Millicent, 168.
Hawes, Joshua, 15.
Hawley, Grace, 207.
Ivyle, 276.
Walter, 234.
Hawn, George, 148.
Hayner, Harrison, 135.
Heacock, John B., 137.
Heath. Bernard*, 235.
Calebs, 235.
Frank B., 162, 234.
Minnie^, 234.
Hendershott, C. Marion*, 185.
George W.*, 185.
Hannah C.», 185.
Mariah E.^ 185.
William M., 114, 185.
Henderson, Wallace, 113.
Hess, Wilber, 135.
Hewett, Abigail, 58.
Anna R.°. 58.
Benjamin^, 58.
Elizabeth (Stevens)*. 82;
Elizabeth^. 58.
Gershom, 43, 58, 82 ; Ger-
shom^, 58.
Hephzebeth^ 58.
Pollys, 58.
SallyS, 58, 82.
Walters, 58.
Hewit, Capt., 47.
Joseph, 25.
Walter, 23.
Hewitt, Betty*, 43.
Hildebrand, Mary, 255.
Hill, Lyman. 98.
Martha, 34.
Hinckley, Amelia (Upson)^, 258.
Angeline A., 125, 201.
Barney, 201, 258.
Charles, 125.
Clementina U.b, 258.
Clyde Louisi", 259.
Edith B.», 259.
Hinckley, Elias B., 301.
Ethelena Belle", 259.
Gladys Adellai", 259.
Harold Jerome", 259.
Jerome. 1S4.
Louis Orsamus^, 259.
M. J., 258.
Myrties, 125.
Olive Moore", 258.
Sally, 258.
Sallie M., 201.
Sarah Bettina", 258.
Hinman, Capt., 51.
Hinsdale, Mr.. 61.
Hirlinger, Andrew, 136.
Hitchcock, Benjamin S.', 123.
J. M., 123.
Hoard, Hannah. 243.
Philander, 243.
Sarah A., 170. 243.
Holcomb, Edna M.s, 156.
Emma A.". 156.
Isadora, 156.
Holderness, Adele M., 208, 280.
Maria C, 280.
O. L., 280.
Holl. Edward B., 252.
Hollenbeck, Amy E.^, 216.
Arthur Plass, 143, 216.
Carl Caspar', 216.
Edward M.". 216.
Emma C. (Stevens)", 216.
Hazel Priscilla", 216.
Josephine E.^ 216.
Kates, 216.
Mark, 216.
Mary A. (Plass), 216.
Mildred Anieta», 216.
Philip Arthur^, 216.
Holler, Eva, 161, 234.
Holman, Charles T., 293.
Lulu, 261, 293.
Rebecca, 293.
Holmes. Mr., 78.
Robert, 21, 22.
Hood, Abigail Mary ( Stephens )'',
Benjamin Frank^, 196.
George L.^, 196.
Robert C, 196 ; Robert C*.
Hooker, Gen., 207.
Thomas (Rev.), 26.
Hopkins, Anna Eliza (Law-
rence), 217.
Frederick William (Gen.), 217.
Jean A., 144, 217.
Hopper, Amy, 76, 115.
Cornelius, 115.
Hannah (Rockwell), 115.
Hopps, Joseph B. (Rev.), 275.
Mary, 275.
Mattie M., 197, 275.
Hornell, George, 53, 76, 77;
Hornell, George (Rev.)«. 77.
Martha (Stephens)=, 77;
Martha^, 77.
Vincent", 77.
William", 77.
Horner, Kate, 129.
Horsford, Anthony, 58, 82.
Anthony Stevens", 82.
Benjamin^, 82.
Betsey Ann", 82.
Hannah", 82.
Harriet", 82.
Mehitable", 82.
Sally (Hewett)5, §2.
Sally Ann", 82.
Walter", 82.
Horton, Alfred, 111.
Anna Eliza*, 309.
Annah Burritt', 130.
Cenys, 111.
Charles Edward^, 310.
Charles Taylor", 130, 309.
Daniel, 83, 130 ; Daniel (Maj.),
Edward Shaw", 131.
Eliza Stevens', 130.
Elizabeths, m.
Ellen E.'^, 131.
Ellen Elizabeth', 311.
Esther Silver**, 309.
Fanella M.», 310.
Hadassah (Stevens)", 130,
Henrietta Abigail", 130, 310.
Hepsabeth, 130.
Isaac, 72.
James", 130.
Marcus Stevens'', 131.
Maria Faulkner', 130, 310.
Mark Daynes". 310.
Mary Jane', 130.
Nettie Gertrude^, 309.
Permelia Pratt', 130.
Thomas, 130.
Hosley, Abel, 199.
Berdance*, 199.
Charles B.s, 199.
Cora A.s, 199.
Georgiana (Dean)', 199.
Hannah, 199.
Levi, 122.
L. W., 199.
Mary E.*, 199.
Nina L.s. 199.
Oliver^, 199.
Ralph D.s, 199.
Wakemans, 199.
Hough, Leon Lock, 253.
Houghton, Mary, 174.
House, Walter, 10.
Hovey, Asa. 102.
Susan, 63,
How, Phebe. 54.
Howard, Elder, 308.
Stephens- Stevens Gene.\logy
Howard, Lena W., 156.
Howe, Phebe, 42.
Howell, Daniel, 225.
Frances B., 152, 255.
Sarah, 225.
Howland, Robert S. (Rev. Dr.),
Hoyt, Charles (Rev.), 144.
Charles K. (Rev.), 217.
Daniel, 217.
Harmon E., 232.
Harold Chapman", 232.
Kate B. (Stevens)", 217.
Polly Ann (Kimball), 217.
Ray Stevenss. 217.
Ruth Kimball". 217.
Stella Rising', 217.
Walton E.», 232.
Hubbell, Raymond, 276.
Stephen (Rev.), 303.
Hudson, Anna, 221.
Will, 15.
Hughes, M. B. (Col.), 142.
Rose, 249.
Hughey, Jane, 190.
Huit, Hannah, 83, 129.
Hull, Albert, 215.
Elizabeth Holcomb, 142, 215.
George, 14.
Susan Mills (Holcomb), 215.
Hultz, Anna (Fenton), 240.
Arbellas, 240.
Benjamin, 165, 240.
Edwin^, 240.
EvaS, 240.
Fannie (Stephens)^, 240.
Georges, 240.
Josies, 240.
Leah*, 240.
Leslie^, 240.
Reed', 240.
Humphrey, Ahama, 55.
Anna Florence (Stephens)^,
Charles, 275.
Elmer Eugene, 196, 275.
Marguerite', 275.
Minerva (Burnett), 275.
Hungerford, Hiel, 97.
Hunt, Samuel, 128.
Hurd, William, 122.
Hursh, Anna, 272.
Husted, Silas (Capt.), 208.
Hutchinson, Austin, 165.
Edward, 15.
Elisha, 15.
Huyck, Charles G., 237.
Iden, Alpheous (Rev.), 188,264.
Cecil Minier", 265.
Grace May", 264.
Iden, Jessie May^, 265.
Linnie Celestia", 265.
Otto Lyman". 265.
Pamelia (Stephens)^, 264.
Ingley, Julia. 270.
Ipse, Mr., 30.
Ives, Florine M., 99.
Florine Miller, 154.
Hulda Holbrook, 154.
Leverett, 154.
Jackson. Hiram, 128.
Jacobus, Jane, 132, 205.
James, Adelade^, 150.
Franks 150.
George', 150.
Henry, 150. w*a>
Ida'', 150.
John, 165.
Lewis', 150.
Livonia (Stephens)", 150.
Mary L.', 150.
Valoros', 150.
Willard, 225.
William'', 150.
Willie', 150.
Jamison, Alice E., 230.
Alva Harris^ 251.
Angelina, 110, 175.
Ann Elizabeth^, 174.
Anna Elizabeth", 253.
Anna M.i", 253.
Benjamin T.», 253.
Carrie A., 229; Carrie A.»,
Carrie Lucile*, 251
Carrie, 253.
Daniel, 251 ; Daniel', 174,
Daniel Kenneth™, 253.
D. Stearns', 251 ; D. Stearns",
Eliza,' 109.
Elizabeth (Stearns)', 174.
Forrest S.^", 253.
Hughs, 175 ; Hugh", 253.
James P.l^ 253.
John (Capt.), 174.
John D., 109, 174 ; John D."
John S.8, 174.
Marion^. 251.
Martha*, 175.
MaryS, 175.
Mary M. (Stephens)', 251.
Mildredi", 253.
Mitchell", 253 ; Mitchell™, 253
Mordecai S.*, 174 ; Mordecai
S", 174.
Nancy (McDuffy), 174.
Newman", 174.
Jamison, Pamelia(Bennett)'^,175.
Ray C.», 174.
Rosina (Towner), 251.
Stearns, 172 ; Stearns^, 251.
Thomas B.*, 174.
Thomas Eugene". 174.
William, 110, 174, 175; Will-
iams, 175.
William H.», 174.
Japhet, Hariet, 118.
Jeffers, Albert L., 266.
Alonzo, 158.
Jenison, Bertha T.s, 247.
Carries, 246.
Elson S., 170, 246.
Floras, 230, 246. 285.
Hattie M.^. 247.
I Jane E.s, 246.
Joseph S.8, 246.
Mary (Stephens)", 246.
Mildred S.^, 246.
Samuel B.s, 246.
Jenkins, William A., 152.
Jennings, Delia, 254.
Jewell. Andrew", 56.
Cyrus^ 56.
Darius", 56.
John", 56.
Oliver, 42, 55, 56.
Jewells, Dr., 68.
Johnson, Amory C, 189.
Isabelle, 178.
Lillian, 210 ; Lillian", 135.
Lydia, 66, 96.
Rhoda, 46, 64, 304.
Samuel, 45.
Sarah Ann (Jessop), 210.
Thomas N., 210.
William, 21. 122.
Johnston, Albert Drummond,
212, 281.
Elizabeth Drummond», 281.
Emily9, 28I.
John H., 176.
Katharine L. (Tidball)*, 281.
Phebe, 176.
Sarah M., Ill, 176.
Joiner. Mary Anne, 80.
Jolly, William L., 242.
Jones, Abigail, 55.
Andrew J.^", 295.
Charles ElmerS, 239.
Elisha S.'f, 164.
Elisha Stephens^. 239.
Elizabeth, 46. 52, 75.
Ella, 241, 288.
Emory Andrew, 264, 295.
Irene Adaline, 239.
John A.'', 165, 239.
John H., 288.
Joseph, 13.
Lelia Lutitia^^ 295.
Lillian Mary^ 239.
Loretta, 119.
Jones, Mary J. (Shutt), 239.
Mary O. (Stephens)", 295.
Priscilla, 12; Priscilla (Ste-
phens)*, 164.
Rebecca, 75, 111.
Roby, 288.
Shirene, 115; Shirene'^, 165,
William B., 103, 164.
Jordan, Avis», 182.
Frank L., 182.
James Lawrence", 182.
Joslin, George, 128.
Joy, Thomas, 26.
Kabler, John, 151.
Margaret A., 151.
Margaret Ann, 98.
Kane, Ann (Dowling). 289.
Elizabeth E., 248, 289.
Patrick Henry, 289.
Keefover, P. A., 184.
Keeler, Anna'^, 86.
Ella^ 86.
James V., 86.
Keith, Carrie, 229.
Kelley, Catharine, 99, 154.
Kelligan, Clayton L., 247.
Kelliher, Catharine Arbelle",
John, 185.
Olive Stevensi", ig5.
Kellison, Archifrio, 259.
Athalindio, 259.
Charles", 259.
Elizabeth (Meeks), 259.
Frank", 259.
James, 259.
Lucius, 184, 259.
Maryi", 259.
Viola (Stephens)s, 259.
William", 259.
Kellogg, Ellen E., 189. 266.
Emerancy T., 266 ; Emerancy
T. (Preston), 266.
Hiram, 266.
Kennedy, Annie M., 206.
Kester, Ruth, 87.
Klmbal, Capt, 62.
Kimball, Almira', 128.
Andrew"?, 128.
Caroline (Stephens)e, 128.
Charles. 80, 128.
Charles", 128.
Jane", 128.
Orville H., 128.
Sarah, 128 ; Sarah", 128.
WymanT, 128.
Kineston, Lizzie M., 261, 294.
Mary, 294.
Thurman Robert, 294.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
102, 256.
Abram B., 256.
Ada M., 187, 261.
Albert, 116.
Catharine", 160.
Electa (Stephens)", 160.
Evelett'', 160.
Jerry^ 160.
John, 102, 160.
Leonard', 160.
Mary, 160; Mary (Hadley),
Philip, 261.
R. E., 256.
Rachel^ 160.
Rachel Estella, 182.
Sarah (Morgan), 256.
William, 116.
Kingsbury, Anna E., 73, 108.
Kingsley, Emma, 136.
Nancy, 62, 85.
Kinne, Louise, 68.
Kinner, Floral 167.
William, 167.
Kinsly, Mary, 14.
Knapp, Agnes, 202.
Clara B., 126, 202.
Ebenezer, 61 ; Ebenezer*, 61.
Jonathan, 202.
Leonard E., 132.
Mr., 113.
Myron E., 132.
Knickerbocker, Jane, 93, 307.
Knight, Jennie, 230.
Mary J., 285.
PhcEbe, 285.
Warren S., 285.
Knowles, Clara, 159.
Knowlton, Abigail, 59, 82.
Martha Jane, 113, 180
Thomas, 29, 30.
Koopman, Charlotte, 256.
Kunsman, Francis, 163.
Laflin, Fordyce. 85.
Laine, Allison B., 278.
Lewis F., 201, 278.
Lottie (Stephens)8, 278.
Margaret (White), 278.
Paul Moudou", 278.
Lake Family, 28.
Addie A. (Carter), 273.
Arthur Lee=*, 273.
Catharine L.s, 273.
Claracy (White), 273
Hannah, 26, 28.
Israel, 273.
John, 26, 28,
Ijorena T.", 273.
Margaret, 28, 29, 30 ; Mar-
garet (Read), 26.
Lake, Myron R., 195, 273.
Lamb, Charles", 144.
James M., 307.
James Maxson, 94, 144.
Lamont, Andrew J., 281.
Helen (Powell), 281.
Sara, 209.
Sara J., 281.
Lamoreaux, Andrew B., 259.
Leon C.'o, 259.
Raymond B.i", 259.
Land, Archie W., 260.
Elwood, 260.
Grace B., 260.
Langley, Henry, 185.
Lapoint, Mary, 202.
Larkin, Eva, 166.
Laten, Harriet, 98.
Lauback, Frederick, 88.
Lawrence, Albert", 96.
Anna, 81.
Betsey Ann, 57, 81.
Daniel, 227.
Delia M.^, 219.
Edith E.. 155, 227.
Edward Douglas, 147, 219.
Elizabeth Pitch 227.
George^, 219.
Joseph, 81 ; Joseph^, 219.
Lyman", 96.
Mary A. (Stephens)'^, 219.
Nathaniel, 66, 96.
Phebe", 96.
Phoebe, 55, 79.
Wealthy^, 219.
Layne, Fay, 240.
Leach, Ambras, 16.
Lee, Flora, 174.
Joseph, 30.
Martha A. (Stephens)", 125.
Philip, 79, 110, 125, 175.
William', 125.
Le Fever, Du Bols, 224.
Margaret (Schoonmaker) , 224.
Mary, 151, 223, 224.
Lefferts, Abigail S.'^, 121, 198.
Charles, 78, 121
Christina', 121.
David', 121.
Rebecca (Stephens)" 121.
Sarah', 121.
Legget, John, 87.
Leigh, Joseph F.. 310.
Leighton, John, 30.
Leonard, Egbert B.", 54.
George C", 54.
Joseph, 170, 243.
MaryS, 243.
Pamelia H. (Stephens)', 243.
Reuben", 54.
Robert. 54.
Le Roy, Grace, 216.
Le Estrange, Edna, 284.
Lewis, Adam, 113.
Lewis, Betsey, 59.
Joel, 69.
Mariuda, 75, 113.
Rebecca, 96.
Liddle, Edward, 225.
Lincoln, Jonatlian, 13, 14.
Linderman, Cameron", 290.
Flora (Stephens)s, 289.
Frank, 289 ; Frank", 289.
Louis F.. 289.
Mary Elizabeth (Payne), 289.
Randolph", 289.
Stephens". 290.
Linkon, Mary, 12, 13.
Thomas, 12.
Lock, Avis C. (Fisk), 210.
Charles M., 210.
Elizabeth Fisk, 210.
Locke, Elizabeth, 135.
Lockwood, Florence Etta", 310.
Henry, 238.
Julia Catharine", 310.
William H., 310.
Loghev, Aurilla (Stephens)*',
260. »
Christina (Snyder), 260.
Isaac, 260.
Mary Ar Belle", 260, 293.
Phineas", 260.
Wilson. 184, 260.
Logsdon, Ross, 276.
Loomis, Adna, 148.
Lord, Alva T., 276.
Augusta, 276.
Catharine (Stephens)', 276.
Helen", 276.
Millie A., 149.
Paul, 197, 276.
Polly, 171.
Richard, 16.
Robert, 30.
Saphrona, 106, 171.
William, 171.
Lothrop, Israel, 38.
Loucks, Anna, 271.
Catharine E., 194, 271.
Horatio, 271.
Lovejoy, F. Zidana (Stevens)",
Ira A., 101, 157.
Leon A. S.'', 157.
William C, 107.
Lowndes, Phineas William, 143.
Lozler, Villa, 250. 291.
Luce, Burgess, 159.
Clara, 102, 158.
Roxey. 159.
Lutz, John, 88.
Lottie, 88.
Macabe, Cora Elizabeth, 228.
Mace, Arabella M., 108.
Macey, Dorothy Marion", 280.
Ethel M. (Tibbetts), 280.
Frederick Stevens^, 280.
Frederick Wallace", 280.
Harold Stevens", 281.
James C, 135.
John Edwa^d^ 280, 281.
John Melville", 281.
Norman Lamont", 281.
Philip James", 280.
Sara J. (Lamont), 281.
Macuamarra, Sarah, 204.
Macy, Burt Houghton^ 209.
Ella Hazels. 209.
Frederick Bunker, 209.
Frederick Stevens^, 209.
Henry James^, 209.
James C, 209.
John Edward*. 209.
Mary Emma (Stevens)'', 209.
Myrtle Alice*, 209.
Sarah (Dunn), 209.
Madden, Ada", 138.
Charles', 138.
Esther'', 138. '
John, 89, 138.
Katharine", 138.
Lucy', 138.
Su.san (Stevens)", 138.
Maddson, Almira, 159, 232.
Maffett, Sarah, 142.
Maine, Bzekiel, 21, 22.
Mann, Ephraim J., 221.
Ida, 148, 221.
Sophia E. (Engle), 221.
Manning, George A., 310.
Marks, Levi, 61.
Marrs, Alice E.*, 204.
Benjamin F., 80, 128, 129.
Clara*, 204.
Clara J. (Austin), 204.
Daniel, 127, 129.
Elon O.'', 127.
Florilla (Stephens)*, 127.
Plorilla P.'', 129, 203.
Frank E.*, 204.
P'reemau, 80, 127.
Hannah (Stephens)', 129.
Julia A.'', 203.
Julia Ann', 129.
Lida H.*, 204.
Lucretia E. (Morgan), 204.
Mark E.*. 204.
Martha (Freeman), 127. 129.
Philander F.', 129 ; Philan-
der F.''. 203.
W. F.'', 127.
Marsh, Ebenezer (Col.), 41, 54
James, 245.
Lillian Johnson, 245.
Phyllnda, 245.
Rufus. 40.
Marshall, Elizabeth, 90, 141.
Miner, 136.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Martin, Hannah (Campbell),
James, 128.
Julia, 80, 127.
Samantha, 80, 128.
Mason, John (Capt.), 27.
Samuel, 21; Samuel (Lieut.),
Masters, Almira J., 242.
Florence*, 242.
John, 242.
L., 170.
Lucius, 242.
Mandane (Stephens)", 242.
Mather, Time, 16.
Mathews, Naomi, 59.
Matison, Theresa, 309.
Mauger, Mr., 84.
McCaffery, Herbert C. 286.
McCalum, Florence, 238.
McCann, Levi O., 245.
McCleary, Charles E., 248.
Elizabeth^, 57.
George Herkmer^, 57.
Marys, 57.
Samuel, 42, 57.
McClellan. Gen., 207.
McClure, Gen., 70.
McCullah, Charles. 275.
McCutcheon. Lorretta, 198.
McDonald, Elizabeth, 68, 99.
McEntyre, Anna, 71.
McEwen, Anabella (Wallace),
John, 146.
Laura, 95, 146.
McGrady, Delos, 266.
McHenry, Daniel, 52
Martha", 52.
Mclntyre, Marv, 78, 119.
McKee, Harriet, 164.
McKurg, Mary, 111, 177.
McNary, Elmer S., 238.
McNett, Ella, 194, 272.
Meacle, Susan, 71.
Mead, Elvira E. (Pingrey), 270.
Lena May, 264.
Mabel, 191, 270.
Sanford, 270.
Meade, Gen., 207.
Meeker, Mary A., 93, 307.
Meeks, John, 37, 303.
Mr., 101.
Merrill, HazeP", 284.
Leroy, 284.
Merritt, William N., 193.
Merwin, Benton Smith^. 213
Charles, 90, 140, 213.
Charles E.'^, 140, 213.
Evelyn Stevens^, 213.
Horace Stevens'', 140, 213.
James Townsend^, 213.
Laura A. (Stevens)*, 140
Merwin, Laura Amanda (Ste-
vens)", 213.
Marjory Steven.sS, 213.
Mary S. (Townsend), 213.
Nettie E. (Smith), 213.
Metcalf, Ellen, 127.
Meyers, Jeremiah, 225.
Mamie E., 224.
Saphrona, 225.
Mill, Alexander, 296.
Glenn Browni", 296
John R., 269, 296.
Ora Belleio, 296.
Ora Franc (Brown)", 296.
Rosanna (Barkley), 296.
Wayne Alexauderi", 296.
Millard, Stella, 167.
Miller, Alvin G., 237.
E. M., 261.
Elizabeth, 83, 131.
Jane Enzla, 83, 132.
Jedediah, 131.
Lucy, 44, 62.
Pauline, 206, 279.
Roscoe, 226.
Sarah, 105.
Millett, Mr., 75.
Milligan, Charles. 159.
Millington, George, 225.
Milliser, Inez, 242
Mills, Alfred, 123.
Miner, Ephraim, 12, 20, 21.
Joseph, 21.
Thomas, 20, 21.
Mixter, Mary A., 93, 306.
Moffett, Sarah, 215.
Monroe, A. A., 188, 264.
Eva», 264.
Fanny (Stephens)*, 264.
J., 262.
Juliai", 262.
Mr., 262.
Nellie", 264.
Ross», 264.
Montanje, Phebe, 42. 56.
Montayne, George, 98.
Monteath, Jessie, 142 215
Peter, 215.
Sarah A.. 215.
Moore, Anne^, 122.
Charles, 79, 123.
Charles S.*, 123.
Cornelia M., 156.
Edith A., 182.
George L.. 236.
Hannah, 76, 114.
Maria, 125.
Mary (Stephens)', 123
Marys, 123.
Sara G.*, 123.
Moorman, Enoch. 277.
Lizzie, 198, 277.
Martha (Wright), 277
Morgan, George T.", 81.
Morgan, Henry", SI.
Lucretla, 129.
Lucretia E., 203.
Mr., 55.
Nathaniel, 49.
William, 81; William''. 81.
Morris, Alma Louise^ 240.
Belle Ilenes, 240.
Claude Leon', 240.
Dorr Tiklens, 240.
Ethel Mae', 240.
Fred Harold^, 240.
Marinda (Baker)", 240.
Racillous, 166, 240.
Seth, 82.
Morrison, Miss, 87.
Morton, George, 204.
Mosher, David, 98.
Rachel (Curtis), 152.
Silva, 98.
Sylvia, 152.
Timothy, 152.
Mosley, Dr., 80.
Mount, Catharine, 93.
Mullaney, Marie J., 207.
Mullen, Herman, 194.
William, 194.
Mullins, Katharine, 279.
Mary E., 208, 279.
Patrick, 279.
Munson, Eunice, 59, 82.
Murphy, Bessie S., 212, 281.
Murray, Mary, 257.
Myers, Mamie, 151.
Nalv, Jean. 207.
Nash, Jennie, 128.
Neal, Charles C, 246.
Nama, 202.
Nelson, Abigail, 285, 297.
Charles, 250.
Eva, 250.
Joanna, 250.
Mary Inez (Bishop), 297.
Ralph Leet, 297.
Newell, Adaline (Fairbanks),
Anna, 34; Anna (Stephens)*,
Drusilla', 59.
Edward, 194, 272.
Floyd", 272.
Joseph, 34.
Lyman, 272.
Mary*, 43.
Olive", 272.
Ruth", 272.
Sarahs, 59.
William, 43, 59.
William S.^, 59.
Newman, John, 110.
Newman, Lavina, 174.
Thomas, 163.
Nichols, Betsey, 97, 147.
John, 147.
Lilian, 152, 226.
Sarah. 89, 138.
Nicholson, Calvin P.'^, 43, 236,
Charles, 243.
Clarence W.*, 237.
Elizabeth (Walbridge), 236;
Elizabeth", 163.
Frances, 163, 237.
Francis", 237.
George^ 163.
Gertrude, 243.
Helena A. (Haskin), 287.
Jane (Leonard), 237.
Jennie", 237.
Jessie Elizabeth", 288.
J. Merlin*, 237.
John, 78, 126; John^, 202.
John S. A.8, 202.
Jonathan, 102, 163.
Jonathan Arthur', 236, 287.
Jonathan L., 163.
J. William'', 163, 236.
J. Wilton", 288.
Leander E.^. 163.
Loretta Mary, 243.
Martha (Stephens)*, 163.
Martha Edith', 236.
Maryette^, 163.
Milton, 243.
Robert", 237.
Robert William", 288.
S. Alice (Stephens)'', 202.
Samantha, 163.
Wesley, 237.
Wilson B.'', 163.
Noble. David, 45.
Northridge, , 100.
Northrup, , 100.
Edgar, 167.
Norton, Alvin, 69.
Edward, 178.
Noyes, James, 20, 21 ; James
(Rev.), 301.
Nuss, Ida Anna, 216.
Nute, Miner, 60.
Rhoda Ann«, 60.
Oakley, Charlotte A., 132, 205.
O'Commer, James, 105.
O'Hara, Mary E., 169.
O'Keefe, Margarette, 220, 282.
Oldham, John, 26.
Olin, Alice Maryio, 263.
Angenette (Stevens)*, 157.
Christiana ( Stephens) «, 264.
Clarry', 118.
Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Olin, Clifford La Mont", 264.
Emerson S.^, 156.
Ernest", 264.
F. Marshall'^, 188.
Franklin, 264.
Frederic Mar.shall", 263.
Fred M., 273.
Gilberf, 156, 157.
Imogene'', 157.
James M., 100, 157.
Marcello'^, 118.
Marshall, 263 ; Mar,?hall", 118.
Mary (Stephens)*, 263.
Mays, 118.
Pamelia (Stephens)", 118.
Phebe B. (Stevens)8, 156.
R. Cutler'', 157.
Richard M., 100, 156.
Sabrina, 118.
Samuel, 118; Samuel (M. D.),
Vrunetta, 105 ; Vrunetta'^,
William, 188, 264.
William Simonio, 263.
Opdycke, Emerson (Gen.), 89,
Leonard^, 137.
Leonard E.. 10.
Leonard Eckstein'', 137.
Lucy Wells (Stevens)", 137.
Mary BllisS, 137.
Ordway, Anna (Vangorder), 283.
Daniel, 157, 228.
Daniel", 283.
Elizabeth (Moore), 168.
EmmaS, 228, 284.
Enoch, 168, 228.
Lennius O.^", 284.
Libbies, 284.
Libble D.«, 228.
Lucy Caroline (Preston)',
Nelson C.^, 228, 283.
Otto, 251.
Rebecca (Moore), 228.
Roxa, 105. 168.
Roxa A. 8, 228, 283.
Sarah Afi, 228.
W. De Mott», 283.
William A.^, 228.
Ormsby, Darius, 166.
Osborn, Abby (Davis), 237.
Clara, 165.
L. F., 256.
Phebe, 164, 237.
William, 237.
O.sburn, Addison''. 106.
Cynthia (Stephens)^ 106.
James, 72. 106.
Juliette, 77 ; Juliette^, 106.
Ostrander, Theodore, 152.
Walter E., 195.
Ostrom, Minnie J., 119.
Otto, George, 167. 190.
Jemima (Ayres), 79, 167, 190.
Justina, 190 ; Justina'', 116.
Mary A., 105.
Mary Ann, 167.
Owens, Bradner, 293.
Gladysio, 293.
Grace", 293.
Helen", 293.
Lela (Stephens)", 293.
Mildredi", 293.
Mina J. (Knapp), 293.
Paulineio, 293.
Stanley K., 260, 293.
Vernon", 293.
Victor", 293.
Virginia", 293.
Paddock, Grace May. 253.
Page, Ellen H.^, 203.
Flora*, 203.
Florilla P. (Marrs)'', 203.
Harris, 203.
James R., 129, 203.
Julia*, 203.
Paige, Mary L., 13.
Painter, Israel M., 156.
Palmer, Abel, 41.
Benjamin, 21.
Bridget, 48, 68.
Christina, 107.
Daniel, 298.
Esther, 70, 102.
George, 16.
Gershom, 21.
Joseph, 37, 49, 50.
Moses, 21.
Nehemiah, 21.
Othniel. 44.
Rebecca, 21, 22.
Sabra*, 50.
Parker, Albert, 243.
Frank W., 258.
R A. 219
Wilton W.", 258.
Parkes, Charles, 88.
Parkhurst, John D., 132.
Parkinson, E. A. (Dr.), 135.
Edward A. (Dr.), 210; Ed-
ward A.», 210.
Ella A. (Stevens)'', 210.
Norman*, 210.
Parsons, Fred A., 240.
Hannah, 65.
Minnie Gertrude", 240.
Ruth Marion". 240.
Partridge, James, 32, 37, 44,
Mr., 46.
Thankful (Stevens)^, 32, 44.
Patchen, Genevieve, 242.
Patchen. Jared, 54.
William Porter, 212.
Patrick, Robert, 40, 51.
Patridge, Jennie, 239.
Patterson, Ann.
Peahr, Russell, 136.
Peak, Hustin, 165.
Pealee, Roswell, 136.
Pease. Charlotte, 102. 160.
Gordon, 191.
Ida G. (Brundage)8, 286.
K. Randall^, 286.
Lena, 270.
Lucinda (Saxton), 286.
Mabel A.», 286.
Matthias, 286.
Nancy, 102, 158, 160.
Randall, 158, 160.
Samuel S., 230, 286.
Peck, Alice Bell''. 260.
Edwin James", 260.
Edwin 260.
Julia Angelia", 260.
Larene. 267.
Mary A., 310.
Mary E. (Stephens)^, 260.
Willard M., 186, 260.
Pension, George H., 177.
Pepper, Louise, 221.
Perry, Matthew, 30.
Pershall. David, 160.
Peters, Hugh (Rev.), 28.
Peterson, Charles Horton^ 310.
Clara M.s. 310.
Jerome, 130.
Jerome Bonaparte, 310.
Jessie". 310.
Pfltzenmaier, Albert Eliasi", 295.
Emily RuthJ", 295.
Ernest, 295.
Ernest Robert">. 295.
Helen Maud"), 295.
Mary, 295.
Mary Marieio, 295.
Robert E., 295.
Pfitzmaier, Robert, 264.
Philips, Asa D., 94.
John', 94.
Mary. 26.
Phillipson, Nellie. 273.
Piatt, William F„ 86.
Pickard, Philena, 197.
Pickle, Ellsworth, 203.
Pier, Aurelia, 63, 89.
Pierce, Mary, 158.
Time, 33.
Pitts, , 305.
Samuel D.'^, 120.
Plais, Enoch, 16.
Plass, David H., 274.
Hattie B., 195. 274.
Myra (Batchelder), 274.
Pool, Mr.. 60.
Sarah, 13.
Porter, Alonzo, 102, 162.
Annett L,.'', 162, 235.
Arthur A.'', 162.
Charlotte", 162.
Delancy K", 162, 235.
Edgar A.s, 235.
Eliza Jane, 182, 257. "
Flavilla, 160.
Florilla, 233.
Freddie D.^, 235.
John, 257.
Liddie, 162.
Lotties, 235.
Nathaniel, 162.
Pamelia M. ( Stephens )«, 162.
Sarah, 257.
Viola F. (Bess), 235.
William G., 117.
Winnifred Vfi, 235.
Post, John, 84.
Page (Mrs.)», 54.
Potter, Albert S.^, 276.
Alice Aumack, 254.
Freddie 0.^ 276.
Horatio (Bi.=hop), 218.
Jarvis, 198, 276.
Jessie A.», 276.
Laura A. (Stephens)", 276.
Nathan, 276.
Potts, Donald C, 216.
Powell, Betsey, 64, 90.
David, 175. 255.
John W., 255.
Mary (Sherman), 255.
Power, Eunice, 71, 104.
Pov>rers, Abby, 103.
Cecilia', 75.
Esther', 75.
Jerothamel, 75.
Rhoda', 75.
Pratt, Aden J., 83, 309.
James', 309.
Jared', 309.
Joseph', 309.
Louise B.8, 309.
Mary Ann', 309.
Permelia (Stevens)*, 309.
William C, 309.
Prentis, Alfred. 171, 247.
Bernices, 247.
Fidelia (Stephens)', 247.
Filena, 247.
Gardners, 247.
Hester, 27.
Oliver, 23.
Samuel, 247.
Prentiss, John. 24.
Preston, Anna Thankful', 158.
Clarissa (Stephens)^, 157.
Elijah', 158.
Elisha W.', 158, 229.
Erastus', 157.
Eugene", 230.
Fannie (Stewart), 229.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Preston, G. L. (M. D.), 229.
George L. (M. D.), 253.
J. Lewis', 229.
Jamison Louisi", 253.
John N.s, 229.
Joshua, 45.
Lucy Caroline^ 157, 228.
Martha J. (Crane), 229.
Newman, 101. 157.
Richard N.'^, 158.
Roba'', 157, 228.
Stewart H.^, 229.
Willard George». 229.
Willard T.', 157, 229.
Prindle, George, 272.
Philemon, 69.
Pryor, A. N., 256.
Punches, Edith, 257, 292.
Lucina M., 170 ; Lucina M.
(Racket), 292.
Samuel, 292.
Purdy, Charles, 238.
Putnam, Alexander H.'^. 158.
Cynthia (Stephens)*, 158;
Cynthia^ 158.
Franklin'', 158.
Hannah (Barker), 186.
Hiram. 101, 158.
MaryetteT, 158.
Mattie, 160.
Nancy, 115, 186.
Stephen, 186.
William", 158.
Quarles, William, 30.
Quick, Anna, 161.
Quimby, Isaac G., 149.
Samuel, 149.
Race, Deforest C, 310.
Raimann, Henry, 159.
Randall, Betsey (Baker),
Dalson, 239.
Mariah, 164.
Marriah, 102.
Samuel, 164.
Ransom, Ada Grace", 310.
Albert, 310.
Ernest Wayne", 310.
Mae Henrietta", 310.
Sybil, 48, 72.
Rate, John. 72.
Rathbone. Martha. 41, 52.
Mary, 37. 48, 300, 303.
Raveret, Augusta, 157.
Rawson, William S., 123.
Raymond, Anson°, 60.
Benjamin^ 60.
Raymond, Lydia*. 60.
Malindas, 60.
Miriam^, 60.
Paul, 44, 60.
Read, Elizabeth, 26.
I. Shelden, 92.
Reade, Edmund, 28.
Elizabeth, 28.
Margaret, 28.
Martha, 28.
Reddy, Isabel (Scott), 166.
Margaret**, 166.
Marinda (Baker)*, 166.
Minnabell', 167.
Philander, 104, 166 ; Philan-
der^ 166.
Timothy, 166.
Redner, Amanda, 172.
Amanda M., 252.
Elizabeth, 252.
Orvis, 252.
Reed, Catherine, 122.
Fanny, .306.
George M., 122.
I. Shelden, 306.
Joseph F., 306.
Mary, 306.
Roena, 122.
Reese, Alice M., 287.
C. A. (Dr.), 287.
Eva M., 231, 287.
Reeve, Grace W., 134.
Reid, Bessie", 247.
Harriet Reid", 281.
Helen Tidball", 281.
Leroy", 247.
Lucius P.. 212, 281.
Mabel. 213.
Mabelle, 140.
Mary Stevens (Tidball)8, 281.
W. L. (Rev.), 247.
Remington, John U., 288.
Rachel, 288.
Rosetta, 244. 288.
Reynolds, Adolphus, 305.
Belle Rose'o, 267.
Charles Henryi", 267.
Charlotte, 305.
Claudius, 305.
David S., 305.
George Westfall", 205.
Gertrude May", 205.
Harris, 305.
Isaiah, 305.
James D., 267.
John, 21, 22.
Newton, 93.
Norman. 305.
Orpha, 305.
William D., 205; William
D", 205.
Rhone, Daniel La Port', 136.
Freace', 136.
George, 86, 136.
Rhone, John Crawford". 136.
Mary (Stevens)*, 136.
Minerva". 136.
PameliaT, 136.
Samuel", 136.
Susanna", 136.
Zebulon, S.'', 136.
Rice, Levi P., 258.
Richards, John, 36.
Sarah, 51.
Richardson. Alfred W., 168.
Ames, 16, 20, 21.
Earl A., 235.
Lillian, 249. 290.
Lvdia (Hadley), 290.
William, 290.
Richey, Benjamin. 110.
George, 187, 262.
Gertrude^, 262.
Jane. 102. 162.
Lizzie", 262.
Sarah (Stephens)^ 262.
Richmond, William, 116.
Rider. Dora, 197.
Riggs, Nathan, 14S.
Rising, Charles J.". 204.
Chauncv, 131, 204.
Delphine E.s, 204.
Dr., 304.
Frank C", 204.
Hannah (Stephens)^, 204.
Henry, 204.
J. Converse (Dr.), 91.
Jennie W.«, 204.
Marvin H.^, 204.
Mattie H.», 204.
Mattie R.^. 204.
Mildred E.», 204.
Wilbert H.", 204.
Wilbert S.s, 204.
Mollis E.8. 204.
Ritenburg, Alonzo T., 171, 248.
Bertha^, 248.
D. D.. 248.
Elizabeth (Smith), 248.
Emma M. (Stephens)'. 248.
Roach, Francis Marion, 228.
Robbins. Cassandana", 87.
Clinton", 87.
Desdemonia". 87.
Eliza, 65, 93, 306.
Eunice, 64, 91.
Harriet (Stevens), 135; Har-
riet*, 87.
Harriett Jane''. 135.
Hester Ann'^, 135.
.Tane, 87.
John. 85. 135.
Joseph, 62, 86. 87.
Joseph J.«, 87.
Lucy". 87.
Lydia*, 87.
Robert (Rev.). 93.
Sally (Stevens)^ 87.
Robbins, Susanna", 87.
William", 87.
Zebulon S.», 87.
Robe, Catharine Burnham', 133.
Charles F. (Maj. Gen.), 133.
Harvey Ord^, 133.
Lucian Stevens^, 133.
Margaret Blunt^, 133.
Robins, Eunice, 304.
Robinson, Amy, 111, 179.
Lovisa, 308.
Noble. 272.
Rockwell, William, 69.
Rodgers, Mary, 309.
Rogers, Ames L., 269,
Edward. 307 ; Edward", 94.
Eliza, 307 ; Eliza", 95.
Halsey, 307; Halsey", 95.
Harriet, 307 ; Harriet", 95.
James, 72.
Oliver, 65, 94, 307.
Pamelia (Stevens), 94.
Samantha, 307 ; Samantha",
Romer, Ida May. 145.
Rood, Abner, 69.
Elijah, 48, 70, 110 ; Elijahs,
Fanny Munson'', 82.
Ira^, 70.
M. G., 82.
Marriner", 82.
Sylvia, 75, 110.
ThankfuP, 70.
Wilber C, 82.
William, 66.
Roosa, Adelia, 184, 259.
Charles, 284.
Daniel, 259.
Lela A.8, 260.
Leslie D.», 259.
Lvdia, 259.
Maria, 229, 284.
Sarah. 284.
Root, Lvdia, 79. 123., Alice. 171, 250.
Fanny (Hallett), 250.
Minna F., 250.
Rose, A. Minler, 277.
Abram Minier. 201 ; Abram
Miniers, igg.
Belles, 189, 266.
Carrie A. (Stephens)^ 278.
Charles C, 116. 189, 278.
Charlotte M.», 278.
Claud Kellogg^ 266.
Elias Gerard*, 187, 266.
Elizabeth (Carhart), 189.
Ellen E. (Kellogg), 266.
Francisi", 266.
Hannah (Stephens), 278.
Hannah H. (Stephens)', 189.
Harry Charles", 266.
Helen P.», 278.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Rose, Jonathan, 189.
Lyell S.9, 278.
Mary", 278.
Mays, ig9_ 267.
Minnie Halsey", 266.
Shirley M.», 278.
Virginia*, 189, 266.
Ross, Marion, 199.
Rossiter, Ebenezer (Rev.), 301,
Roude, Laura, 70, 102.
Leander C, 102.
Rowley, Levi, 44.
Sarah, 165.
Rowlson, Esther, 44, 61 ; Esther
(Ward), 61.
John, 61.
Lydia, 48, 69.
Rugg, Millicent, 93.
Rumsey, Jobe, 248.
Lydia R., 171, 247.
Phceba, 248.
Russell, Ebenezer (Rev.), 302.
Sarah M., 79, 123.
Rutty, Charlotte S., 108.
Ryno, Abigail S. (Lefferts)",
Charles Lefferts", 199.
David, 121.
David Stewart, 198.
Ellas, 199.,
Florence R.s, 199.
Frank L.^, 199.
Sacket, Clara B., 134.
Sackett, Clara Belle, 208.
Richard (Capt.), 208.
Sadelmire, Augusta, 225.
Safford, Esther, 42.
Sammons, Ann (Stephens)'', 200.
Benjamin, 124, 200.
Eva, 162 ; EvaS, 200, 231.
Jane, 200.
John, 200.
Sanderson, Caroline (Leavens),
Clara May ( Stevens) », 280.
Robert, 280.
S. Edward, 208 ; S. Edward
(M. D.), 279.
Stevens Sackett^, 280.
Santee, Ada M. (King), 261.
Addi.<^on^ 187, 261.
Belle", 261.
Bert», 261.
Clarence E.», 261.
EIoise», 262.
Emily J. (Hallett), 261.
Florence", 261.
Frank». 261.
Fred C.9, 261.
Santee, Harold^ 262.
Isaac, 186 ; Isaacs, 187, 261.
Jeannette (Hallett), 261.
Jerry B. B.*, 187, 262.
John, 115, 186, 187.
John H.», 261.
Mary Elizabeth (Bentley),
Rachel ( Stephens) ^ 187;
Rachel", 261.
Rachel M.». 187.
Vernie", 262.
Winifred", 262.
Saterlee, Elias, 72.
Julia M., 72, 107.
Saturlee, Francis, 49.
Saunders, Elma, 310.
Fanella Horton", 310.
John R., 309.
Kathryn Annulla", 310.
Sawtell, Hannah, 34.
Sawyer, Agnes A., 134, 207.
Harriet, 207.
Leander, 207.
Scales, Izeral, 196.
Phoebe, 196.
Savia, 196.
Schmedly, Mary K., 256.
Scholes, Franklin J., 199.
Schonfeldt, Erica, 148, 220.
Erick, 221.
Hedvig, 221.
Schoolcraft, Ira, 148.
Scott, , 261.
Andrew, 158.
Scoville, Caroline, 151.
Schulte, Francisco, 264.
Merrill F., 264.
Schumaker, , 97.
Schuyler, William, 87.
Scribner, Albert, 269.
Augusta (Ellis), 269.
Clayton", 270.
Dow L.», 270.
Freddie M.", 269.
Hattie F.", 269.
L. D., 191.
Lorenzo D., 269.
Ray", 270.
Sidney A.», 269.
Willie S.", 269.
Scripture. Maria, 130.
Searles, John, 21, 22.
Seeley, Celestia May. 155, 227.
Mary Elizabeth, 227.
Samuel, 227.
Segar, Anna. 32, 43.
Joseph, 43.
Seward, Harriet, 86.
William, 85.
Sewell, Thomas. 15.
Sharp. Betsey E., 103, 165.
Shaughnessy, Mary, 175.
Shaut, Clarinda (Hendryx), 254.
Shaut, Edwin Joseph^, 119.
Flora, 159.
Fred, 119.
MabeP, 119.
Nellie F., 176, 254.
Richard O., 254.
Shaw, John. 21, 22.
Mr., 138.
Thomas, 21.
Shelden, Alida Helen, 98, 152.
Eben, 90.
James C, 225.
Josiah, 90.
Miranda, 91, 144.
Orvil B.», 225.
Venette, 159.
Shelly, Mary Catharine, 211.
Shepard, Helen, 62, 85.
Sherman, Gen., 124, 209, 229,
239, 244, 267.
Guy, 183.
Mary, 104, 166.
William, 258.
Sherrill, Esther, 63.
Shirley, Martha E., 302, 303.
Shults, Rhoda, 184.
Shultz, Augustus'', 136.
Charlotte (Stevens)*, 136.
Elizabeth", 136.
Ezekiel, 86, 136.
Lavina^ 136.
Mary'', 136.
Pamelia'', 136.
Peter', 136.
Stratton^ 136.
Shutt. Adaline (Atherton), 239.
Jacob, 239.
Mary Jane, 165, 239.
Sickles, Andrew, 306.
Simpson, , 307.
Alice Wycoff, 263.
Mr., 94.
Sims, Alexander, 305.
Betsey, 305.
Eunice, 305.
Hannah, 305.
James, 305.
Lydia, 305.
Robert, 305.
Stephen, 305.
Sines, Caroline K., 131.
Sischo, Charles E., 206.
Emma Loretta, 206.
Rachel E. (Wright), 206.
Sisco, Anna, 63.
Emma, 133.
Skiff, Mr., 58.
Slawson, John, 101.
Sloat, , 118.
Slocum, Alice, 194.
Sarah, 98.
Sloper, Roy R., 225.
Smiley, Benjamin F.«, 107, 173 ;
Benjamin F.'', 173.
Smiley, Frances M.®, 107.
Francis W.", 107.
. John W.», 107.
Mary A«, 107,
Pamelia (Stephens)^ 107.
Norman B.'', 173.
Philandas, 107.
Samuel H., 72, 107.
Smith, , 34; «, 54.
Alice (Tuller), 273.
Amelia (Baker)s, 255.
Ann, 89, 139.
Anne, 300 ; Anne*, 49.
Annie, 271.
Arilla, 256.
Benjamin, 256.
Berdie, 238.
Carlton, 181, 255.
Carlton G.i", 255.
Ebenezer, 46.
Eliphaell, 300.
Eliphal*, 49.
Ephraim, 37, 49, 300, 303.
Florence, 232.
Frances Augusta (Stevens),
141 ; Frances Augusta
(Stevens)«, 214.
Frank B., 128.
Gilbert, 300 ; Gilbert*, 49.
Golden Belle", 273.
Goldie, 263.
Grace Pier'', 141, 214.
Hannah (Gordon), 273.
Harriet, 102.
John, 175.
John A., 119.
Josephine Wilcox^ 214.
Lewis, 90, 140, 141, 214.
Lucy, 300 ; Lucy*, 49.
Marshall", 255.
Martha C. (Wilcox), 214.
Mary, 65, 94, 307.
Mary J., 182, 256.
Mettler", 255.
Minnie Halsey, 266.
Mr., 22.
Nettie E., 140, 213.
Reuben P., 113.
Richard, 15, 16.
Sandford, 300.
Sanford*, 149.
Sarah, 193.
Simon, 195, 273.
Thad B. (Dr.), 168.
Thankful, 300 ; Thankful*,
Tom, 234.
William, 273; William (Col.),
William Grant^, 141, 213.
William Henry", 273.
Snoke, Adam, 90.
Adam J., 141, 214.
Florence Ruperf, 141, 211.
Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Snoke, Julia A. (Stevens), 214.
Julia Anu (Stevens), 141.
Lilian', 141, 214.
Snyder, Anna, 258.
C. A., 302.
Eliza, 85.
Mr., 118.
William, 221.
Soutter, Ann (Kavanagh), 228.
John, 228.
Mary A., 156, 228.
Spaulding, , 34, 61.
Anna M., 147, 219.
Betsey, 64, 92, 304.
Mary, 96.
Mary Ann, 100.
Spelletich, Michael, 156.
Spencer, Jane, 185.
Mary, 234.
Phoebe, 98.
Ray, 196.
Spier, Annie, 12, 13.
Sprague, D., 126.
Spross, Anna, 135.
Spurr, Mary, 117.
Stanton, Adrian B.", 284.
Amos Byron, 284.
Cornelia, 128.
Eunice M. (Crosby), 284.
John, 21, 228, 284, 299.
Jo.seph, 21.
Kenneth M.», 284.
Lewis", 284.
Libbie (Ordway)*, 284.
Marion Eloise", 284.
Nancy, 167.
Nelson C, 284.
Sarah, 299.
Thomas, 16, 20, 21, 22.
Stape, Minnie, 163.
Stark, Ella, 87.
Starret, Alza", 279.
Andrew, 279.
Delphene (Anderson)^, 279.
Fanny (Marigold). 279.
Howard Andrew, 279.
Hubert Edgar^ 279.
John Williams, 279.
Thomas Cyrus, 206, 279.
MurieP, 279.
Stearns, Elizabeth
109 ; Elizabeth'!
John, 74, 109.
Stebbins. Cyrus, 64.
Elizabeth (Savage), 165.
Henry, 165.
Mary, 104, 165.
Steere, Roger, 22.
Stephens or Stevens, ,
Aaron Brownell'-, 56.
Aaron F.^, 257, 292.
Abbeyette*, 78, 122.
Abel, 299; Abel (Rev.),
Abel*, 18, 48, 68.
( Upson )^,
109, 174.
Stephens, Abel Gaylord^, 99, 154.
Aberdeen^, 184, 259.
Abler, 136.
Abigail (Wine), 32; Abigail*,
43 ; Abieail^, 51, 53, 71,
78; Abigail", 106, 172;
Abigail', 132.
Abigail Mary', 120, 196.
Abram Minier'^, 115, 188 ;
Abram Minier", 263.
Ada^, 116.
Ada A. 8, 245.
Ada F.s, 145.
Ada M.», 249.
Adah'?, 190.
Adaline'?, 159, 231.
Adaline Rhoda^, 205.
Adda^, 244.
AddieT, 143.
Adelia=, 62, 85 ; Adelia«, 85.
Adelias, 215.
Adelia Dulana", 84.
Adna Alvernon'?, 137.
Adsit. B.'', 126, 202.
Agnes Dorothy», 207.
Agnes L.", 292.
Agnes M.», 202.
Agnes V.», 288.
Alanson'', 121, 197.
Alanson C", 78, 121.
Alanson T.", 275.
Alba Cyndias, 196.
Albert", 90, 9], 141; Albert?,
152, 160, 225 ; Albert',
Albert Spencer', 121, 197.
.Alexander H.8, 76, 117.
"'"Alfred Loomis'?, 146.
Alice'?, 134 ; Alice», 291.
Alice K.s, 249.
Alia H.«. 77, 78, 118 ; Alia
n.\ 118.
Allan Halis, 208.
Allen«, 105.
Allen B.o, 257, 292.
Alma», 277.
Almeda Ann«, 99.
Almira"?, 86, 136.
Almond 96.
Almond*, 83, 134.
Alouzo D.?, 159, 230.
Alva*, 291.
Alva Lee', 248, 289.
Alvanas, 244.
Alzina (Harding). 161; Al-
zina?, 119, 195.
Amanda'?, 136, 165.
Ambrosia (Davis), 187.
Amelia'?. 154 ; Amelia^ 184.
Amelia M.', 79, 114, 124.
Amos", 83, 131 ; Amos?, 129.
Amy (Whitney), 57; Amy^,
42, 55, 56; Amy". 57, 81;
Amy», 290.
Stephens, Andrew^, 18, 31, 33,
42, 54, 56 ; Andrew*, 42,
56 ; Andrew^, 55, 56, 79,
SO ; Andrew". 80, 83 ; An-
drew*, 182, 257.
Andrew James", 128 ; Andrew
James*, 202, 203.
Andrew R.", 158.
Andrew Race", 102.
Andrew W.'', 170, 245, 246.
Angeline A. (Hinkley), 201.
Angenette", 100, 157.
AnnS, 60 ; Ann', 200.
Ann Elizabeth", 58.
Anna, 299, 303; Anna (Se-
gar), 59; Anna*, 44, 48;
Anna', 59 ; Anna", 75, 101,
104, 112 ; Anna', 119, 124.
152, 226; Anna*, 194, 236.
Anna Alvirai", 256.
Anna Celina», 271.
Anna E., 303 ; Anna E.«, 108.
Anna Florence*, 196, 275.
Anna Laura*. 270.
Anna M.*, 251.
Anna Maranda', 163.
Anne (Ayres), 79; Anne*, 48,
Annette^, 244.
Annie, 13.
Antoinette. 10.
Antoinette Maria", 81, 129.
Archibold A.', 116. 189; Ar-
chibold A.*, 188.
Archie C.*, 232.
Archie L.s. 245.
Ariel", 80, 127.
Arnold", 102.
Arthurs, 62, 84 ; Arthur', 153 ;
Arthur*, 193.
Arthur B.', 123.
Arthur D.', 134, 207.
Arthur Erwin', 135, 210.
Artimesia°, 58.
Arva", 96.
Asabah^, 66.
Asa Hovey", 160.
Athel Evelynn», 257.
Augustus^, 63 ; Augustus', 130.
Aurelia (Pier), 139.
Aurelia Pier". 89, 139.
Aurilla*, 184, 260.
Baker", 102.
Bazy', 163.
Benjamin, 10, 41, 299, 300;
Benjamin^, 18, 31 ; Benja-
min (Capt.)^ 42, 43, 58,
59 ; Benjamin*, 44, 61 ;
Benjamin^, 52, 53, 63, 88 ;
Benjamin". 78, 79, 83, 88.
121 123, 132 ; Benjamin',
131.' 148.
Benjamin J.*, 205.
Stephens, Benjamin Miller', 62,
85 ; Benjamin Miller", 86.
Benjamin Robinson*, 203.
Benjamin Sammons*, 236.
Benton W.', 169.
Bert J.», 276.
Bertha A.», 256.
Bertha T.^, 272.
Bessie M.", 278.
Bessie O.*', 276.
Betsey, 305; Betsey (Powell),
90 ; Betsey", 78, 90.
Betsey Amanda', 163.
Betsey Ann (Lawrence), 129;
Betsey Ann', 148, 164, 238.
Bradford E.», 275.
Brainard', 133.
Brainard W.*, 206. 279.
Bridget^, 69.
Bruce', 170.
Burtie B.*, 198.
Burton K.", 108.
Byron S.*, 221.
Caleb', 114, 182; Caleb*, 182,
Calvin, 304, 308 ; Calving
64, 91 ; Calvin", 95.
Calvin Ward", 92.
Camilla", 91, 93, 304, 306.
Campbell", 91.
Carius B. (Dr.)'. 170.
Carlton", 84 ; Carlton*, 184
Carlton H.', 109, 114, 183.
Carlton U.», 289.
Carlton W. T.*, 244.
Caroline", 80. 103, 128 ; Car-
oline', 102.
Caroline B.", 107.
Caroline E.', 143, 216.
Caroline*, 203.
Carrie*. 129, 179, 201.
Carrie A.', 128 ; Carrie A.»
189, 277.
Carrie Lulu*, 271.
Carry J.*, 246.
Cassius M. Clay', 118, 193.
Catharine, 13, 14, 138, 139
Catharine (Burnham), 133
Catharine (Doty), 197
Catharine', 116, 119, 194
Catharine*, 182, 183, 257.
Catharine E.*, 197, 276.
Catharine M.', 159, 230.
Catharine Yale', 142
Celestia', 171.
Charles, 138, 139, 304 ;
Charles^, 63, 89 ; Charles",
84, 89, 138; Charles', 138,
153 ; Charles*, 221 ; Charles*.
Charles Augustus', 137.
Charles B.', 148, 221, 245.
Charles C", 102, 161.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Stephens, Charles J.^, 91, 144,
Charles Josiah^. 142, 215.
Charles L.^, 129.
Charles Lock^ 210.
Charles M.« 108; Charles M.^,
Charles Mason, 305 ; Charles
Mason", 65, 94.
Charles S.s, 238.
Charles W.^, 221.
Charles Wesley", 170. 244, 246.
Charlotte^ 62, 86 ; Charlotte^
86, 136 ; Charlotte', 160, 117.
Charlotte A. (Bush), 130.
Charlotte J.^, 194.
Chauncy G.", 100.
Chester^ 72, 107.
Chester L.«, 108.
Chloe"^, 60.
Christiana", 102, 159 ; Chris-
tianas, 264.
Christiana B.s, 188.
Christiana M.'^, 188.
Christina, 70 ; Christina^, 70,
Christina M.', 110, 116.
Christopher B.*, 197.
Church E.s, 198.
Clara (Clawson), 121.
Clara Adaline», 278.
Clara Belles, 288.
Clara E.s, 238.
Clara I.^ 232.
Clara Lura", 271.
Clara May^, 208, 279.
Clarence'', 141 ; Clarence^, 135.
Clarence E.*, 207.
Clarence Herberf, 146.
ClaribeP, 278.
Clarissa (Stevens), 91;
Clarissa^, 64, 70, 71, 90,
101; Clarissa", 91, 98, 101,
Clarissa H.", 107.
Clark M.s, 198.
Clayton', 126 ; Clayton*, 224.
Clifford G.3, 245.
Clifford M.o, 289.
Clinton', 138.
Comfort', 102.
Constance Eliot^ 219.
Cora^, 201, 225.
Cora A. (Harvey), 226.
Cora Belief 242.
Cora E.8, 201.
Cora G.8, 245.
Cora L.8, 247.
Cordelia', 116, 121 ; Cordelia^,
Corey*. 105.
Cornelia', 118, 132.
Cornelius', 127.
Cornelius H.', 171, 247.
Stephens, Cortez^ 91.
Corydou', 13S.
Cynthia^ 49 ; Cynthia^ 56, 72,
73, 106; Cynthia", 70, 76,
78, 80, 101. 158; Cynthia',
Cynthia E.», 80 ; Cynthia E',
Cynthia Eliza (Trainer), 184.
Cyprian, 34.
Cyrena', 111.
Cyruss, 66.
Cyrus Martin', 127.
D. L.8, 241.
D. Leons, 249.
Daniel", 98 ; Daniel'. 121,
190 193.
Daniel H.s.' 182, 257.
Daniel M.^, 194.
Daniel McHenry", 76, 117.
Daphne^, 61.
David Levi", 256.
Daw', 130.
Delbert E.«. 225.
Delevan', 111, 163, 179.
Delia Rose^ 264, 294.
Dennis Henry', 240.
Denzel', 160.
Desire*, 42; Desire (Ste-
vens)*, 60; Desire^, 56;
Desire*, 83.
De Witt Clinton^, 62 ; De
Witt Clinton", 106, 172.
Dighton', 166.
Dighlon U.', 163, 237.
Dillon, 304; Dillon^ 65; Dil-
lon (Rev.)^ 92.
Donald', 249.
Donald B.i", 292.
Dora', 158.
Dorothy*, 42 ; Dorothy", 54.
Dorothy Annie", 206.
Dorothy Antoinette^, 218.
Dorothy Brodie*, 211.
Dotts, 248.
Drelo', 161.
Drusilla*, 43.
Dulana=, 62.
Earis, 226.
Earl B.8, 202.
Earl D.9, 257.
Ebenezer, 10, 11, 51, 302, 304,
305, 307, 308 ; Ebenezer^,
18, 35, 45, 46, 63; Ebe-
nezer*, 46, 64; Ebenezer^,
65, 95.
Ebenezer C", 106, 170.
Edgar', 134.
Edith De Lee", 206.
Edith Lillians. 217.
Edith M.8, 238 ; Edith M.".
Edmond Leonidas^, 207.
EdnaS, 224.
Stephens, Edna M.s, 201.
Edna V.s, 245.
Edward, 304 ; Edward^ 64,
Edward C.*, 206, 278.
Edward Morris^, 143.
Edward Robbius», 91. 142 ;
Edward Robbins", 142.
Edward Wells", 90.
Edward Willetts". 137.
Edward Worthingtoir. 146.
Edwm«, 85 : Edwin', 145, 165.
Edwin Hollands 134, 208.
Edwin R.^, 115, 185.
Edwin Ralphs, 205.
Effle N. A.s, 226.
Elbert W.^, 226.
Eleanor Beatta'', 156.
Electa*, 102, 160.
Electa Ann", 120.
Elenora D. (Wheaton), 245.
Elias, 106, 109 ; Elias*, 47 ;
Elias5, 53, 60, 77, 194;
Ellas', 76, 77, 115 ; Elias",
117, 119, 193; Eliass, 188,
Elijah-, 53, 71, 78 ; Elijah^,
Eliphalets, 68, 98 ; Eliphalet*,
Elisha G., 110 ; Elisha G.«,
106, 168; Elisha G.', 171,
Elisha Leroy^, 164.
Eliza, 306, 307; Eliza", 78,
93, 94, 122 ; Eliza', 138.
Eliza Jane". 120.
Elizabeth, 24, 25, 31, 36, 43,
58, 59, 109, 298, 299, 301,
302, 303 ; Elizabeth (Batch-
elder), 230; Elizabeth (Fel-
lows). 46, 49; Elizabeth^,
23, 38, 39 ; Elizabeth^, 37,
49, 50 ; Elizabeth*, 40. 41,
43, 46, 48, 58; Elizabeth^,
40, 51, 65, 68, 69, 92, 97 ;
Elizabeth^, 78. 94, 105, 106,
119, 144 ; Elizabeth", 109,
114, 145. 183.
Elizabeth Jane". 133.
Elizabeth Marjory", 289.
Elizabeth May*. 227.
Elizabeth T.", 256.
Ellas 155, 162.
Ella Augusta', 135, 210.
Ella Carries, ^^i
Ella J.«, 245.
Ella Louise", 182.
Ellen', 133, 153, 170, 242.
Ellen E.', 147.
Ellen Irene", 82.
Ellen Yale', 142.
Ellsworth*, 190.
Elma E.s, 226.
Stephens, Elmers, 193, 227.
Elmer Leonidas*, 207.
Elmira^, 69.
Eluora", 183.
Elon", 80.
Elsie', 155.
Elsie Vivian^, 226.
Elsworths. 193, 271.
Elvira C.*, 154.
Emaline M.s, 238.
Emeline", 102, 104, 161 ; Em-
eline', 159, 169, 170.
Emerette', 119.
Emerson', 138.
Emily', 154.
Emily A.«, 80.
Emily Gilmore', 209.
Emily Mary (Gilmore), 209.
EmmaS, 193.
Emma A.^, 245.
Emma Abigail', 146.
Emma Arbelle^, 185.
Emma C, 143. 216.
Emma Elizabeth^, 207.
Emma Hila', 172.
Emma June**, 210.
Emma M.', 171, 248.
Emmitt L.^*, 179.
Emmitt Lester', 172.
Enos', 118, 133.
Ephraim*, 44.
Erastus*, 78, 83, 119.
Ermina (Bennett), 169.
Ernest', 161.
Ernest Darell', 137.
Ernest T.s, 245.
Ernest V.**, 249.
Ernest Victor^ 290.
Erwiu', 119 ; Erwin^, 193.
Estellas, 187, 262.
Estella P.8, 206.
Esther, 54, 56, 304 ; Esther
(Wing), 94; Esther^, 42,
55 ; Esther^ 54, 57, 72 ;
Esther", 82, 89, 90, 141.
Estilis, 197.
Ethane 69.
Ethan Knowlton", 280.
Ettas, 221, 225.
Eudora', 116.
Eugene', 147, 153, 227 ; Eu-
gene^, 272.
Eugene E.s, 194.
Eunice, 304 ; Eunice^ 46, 48 ;
Eunice^ 66, 69 ; Eunice',
Eunice Robbin.s", 91 ; Eunice
Robbins', 143.
Eva», 248.
Eva Lenas, 173, 179, 193, 252.
Ezra", 67, 70, 76, 96, 101 ;
Ezra«, 99, 153.
Ezra B.', 159, 231.
Ezra D.« 102.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Stephens, F. Zidana^, 100, 157.
Fannie, 128 ; Fannie^, 144,
165, 240.
Fannie A.^ 188.
Fannie Louise"*, 205.
Fanny, 109 ; Fanny", 147.
Fanny A.^, 264.
Fanny Adelaide^ 128.
Fanny L,.", 257, 292.
Fanny T.'^, 116.
Fidelia^, 171, 247.
Flora", 137, 153, 155, 226;
Floral, 289.
Flora Ardelis, 190, 268.
Flora Estelle", 145.
Florence Adelah, 308 ; Flor-
ence Adelah'', 95.
Florence E.s, 219.
Florence K.s, 224.
Florence P.^ 245.
Florilla*, 80, 127.
Florine*, 227.
Floyd Archibold", 271.
Floyd L.', 241, 288.
Frances Augusta^, 90, 140.
Frances Desire', 80.
Frances E.s, 221, 283.
Frances Sarah*, 210.
Frank^, 136, 137, 161, 233;
Frank*, 129.
Frank Austin', 137.
Frank B.*, 247.
Frank D.*, 198, 276.
Frank E.^ 151.
Frank Foster^ 154.
Frank James", 271.
Frank R., 10.
Frank Russell*, 208, 279.
Frank Sellen^ 156, 228.
Frank W.*, 245; Frank W.»,
Franklin", 76, 101 ; Franklin',
Franklin D.8, 106, 170, 247.
Franklin E.', 224.
Franklin G.', 170, 243.
Frazier", 169, 241.
Fred', 58 ; Fred*, 201.
Fred A.*, 245.
Fred E.*, 198, 276.
Fred S.*, 238.
Fred Wilmot*, 228.
Frederic Macy Roselle', 155,
Frederick, 307 ; Frederick",
76, 94 ; Frederick", 256.
Frederick John', 134, 207 ;
Frederick John*, 208, 280.
George, 304 ; George^, 53, 57,
61 ; George*, 82, 90 ;
George', 114, 128. 131. 141,
181, 182 ; George*, 129.
George A.s, 256.
George Albert', 142, 215.
Stephens, George Baker*, 208.
George Bert*, 182.
George E.*, 145.
George H.", 75, 108, 113 ;
George H.*, 183.
George Harmon^, 91.
George Hutchings', 135, 210.
George J.", 106, 108.
George Knowlton', 133 ;
George Knowlton*, 206.
George M.', 159, 192. 232.
George P.=, 72, 107 ; George
P.*, 238.
George T.", 58.
George W.", 102, 158, 192;
George W.', 164.
George Williams*, 96 ; George
Williams', 147.
Gertrude*, 193, 234.
Gertrude L.", 257.
Gilberts 69, 100, 101.
Giles', 148, 220, 221; Giles*,
Gladys B.», 288.
Glen Elli3worth», 271.
Grace, 298 ; Grace*, 46 ;
Grace*, 233.
Grace Adams*, 215.
Grace Belle*, 252.
Grace W.*, 238.
Guy», 62, 63.
Guy HarryS, 257.
Hadassah", S3, 130, 309.
Hannah, 12, 35, 44, 63, 298.
299, 300. 301, 303; Han-
nah (Abbe), 251; Han-
nah (Huit), 129; Hannah^
35 ; Hannah*, 48, 66, 67
Hannah", 58, 80, 128
Hannah', 130, 131, 204
Hannah*, 184, 244.
Hannah H.', 116. 189.
Hannah M.*, 182.
Hardy H.', 124; Hardy H.*,
Harmon. 306 ; Harmon', 93 ;
Harmon', 131.
Harold', 80, 127 ; Harold'.
128; Harold^ 270.
Harriet, 107, 307 ; Harriet^
62, 63, 72, 87, 88 ; Harriet',
85, 89, 94. 107, 135, 144;
Harriet', 116, 130, 139,
145, 165, 190.
Harriet B.*, 182.
Harriett L.', 163, 237; Har-
riett L# * 238
Harriette Monteath*, 215.
Harris, 305, 306; Harris^, 65;
Harris', 93.
Harris M.', 249.
Harris May', 171.
Harrison E.*, 238.
Harry3, gx.
Stephens, Harry C*. 207.
Harry F.^, 242.
Harry J.^ 232.
Harry L.s, 194.
Harry N.^, 135.
Harvey W.'^, 171.
Hattie M.s, 249, 290.
Helen", 121, 141, 159, 230.
Helen Brigham*, 215.
Helen Elizabeth, 308 ; Helen
Elizabeths, 95,
Helen Erwin', 134.
Helen Johnson', 210.
Helen Lucile^ 206.
Henrietta*, 75 ; Henrietta'',
Henry, 38, 298, 301, 302, 303,
306 ; Henryi, 11, 12, 14, 15,
16 17. 18, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 28, 32. 39, 47 ;
Henry=, 18, 24, 36, 37, 38,
46, 47, 48, 49 ; Henry^, 18,
36, 45, 46; Henry*, 46, 66;
Henry*, 83, 93, 96, 99 ;
Henry", 118, 147, 219.
Henry C, 81.
Henry Clark, 129.
Henry Ebenezer, 308 ; Henry
Ebenezer", 95, 145 ; Henry
Ebenezer^ 146, 218.
Henry Gallup", 279.
Henry L., 179.
Henry Lewis'^, 173, 252.
Henry M.", 169.
Henry Richard'', 142, 214.
Henry W.=, 56, 80 ; Henry
W.'', 123, 217; Henry W.i",
Henry Ward«, 91, 143.
Henry William", 142, 144.
Hepzibah, 298 ; Hepzibah^,
' 35.
Herbert, 153, 226.
Herbert A.', 238.
Herrick^, 84.
Hilas. 71, 72, 76, 104, 115 ;
Hila^, 170, 246.
Hilda Brewer^, 217.
Hiram", 64, 98.
Hiram A.'^, 169.
Hiram B.^, 125, 201.
Hiram C.s, 194, 271.
HomerS, 230.
Homer L.^, 224.
Horace, 139 ; Horace^, 63, 89 ;
Horacs', 138.
Horace Bishop*, 99, 154.
Horace Wells«, 90.
Horatio^, 58.
Hoveys. 233.
Howard Dawson', 215.
Hugh J.*. 249.
Hulda=. 57, 66.
Huldahs, 68.
Stephens, Ichabod P., 10 ; Icha-
bod P.8, 84.
Ichabod Palmer", 100, 155.
Ida'', 138, 162.
Ida B.s, 201.
Ida Belief 271.
Ida Margaret^, 218.
Ira*, 48; Ira (Capt.)', 72;
IraS, 70 ; Ira*, 98, 128, 152,
Ira B.8, 80 ; Ira B.'', 127 ;
Ira B.8, 241.
Ira E.9, 108.
Ira Emmett^ 152, 226.
Ira Gilberf, 171, 248.
Ira Henry", 73, 108.
Ira J.^ 226.
Irene'', 153.
Irene E.'', 124.
Irving'', 145.
Isaac^, 13, 60.
Isaac D.8, 250.
Lsaac W.^, 200.
Isabella Beatrice', 228.
Isabella Lovenia'', 156.
Isabelle^, 138, 154.
Isadora B.'', 117.
- Jacob N.'', 135.
James, 298 ; James*, 46, 65 ;
James", 99, 101 ; James'',
James A.^ 248, 249.
James Alberf, 171.
James B.', 119, 194.
James C, 124.
James H.s, 237.
James Harvey', 115, 124, 187.
James Henry, 98.
James M.®, 77.
James 0.«, 201, 278.
James R.'', 164, 238.
James Rex', 245, 246.
Jane^ 61 ; Jane*, 84.
Jane M.', 205.
Janett P.'', 125.
Jared, 299, 301 ; Jared*, 48.
49, 67 ; Jared^ 67 ; Jared*,
83, 129 ; Jared', 130.
Jarvis Collar', 155, 227.
Jarvis Newton*, 9f>.
Jay' 249, 290
Jede'diah, ' 70, 300, 301. 303
Jedediah^, 18, 37, 48
Jededlah*, 48, 53, 71, 171
Jedediah", 68, 96 ; Jededlah*
103, 165.
Jedediah H.^, 70, 102.
Jededlah H. M.*, 106, 109,
Jefferson*, 77.
Jennie'', 132 : Jennie', 193 ;
Jennie", 279.
Jeremiah*. 101.
Jerome'', 120, 169, 196.
Stephens- Stevens Geneialogy
Stephens, Jesse, 32 ; Jesse*, 40,
41, 51 ; Jessed 60 ; Jesse'.
Jessie", 279.
Jessie C", 257.
Jessie Monteath*, 215.
Joanna*, 44, 60.
Joanna O.^, 238.
Joanna W.'', 163.
John, 298, 300, 304, 305,
306, 307; John (Capt.),42,
53, 54, 57, 61 ; John^, 35 ;
John*, 46, 65 ; John^, 53, 56,
59, 65, 94; John (Col.)^,
70. 75, 76 ; John^, 79, 80,
83, 99, 102, 103, 134, 162;
John'', 154; John^. 129.
John Andrew" 80 ; John An-
drew*, 257.
John B.«, 86. 137 ; John B.^
John Clark^ 137.
John Cokeo, 91, 143.
John D.8, 194.
John Dickinsons, 217.
John Duaine'', 172, 251.
John Edward", 228.
John Elmer', 145.
John F.», 108.
John Franklin*, 236.
John H.«. 76, 110; John H.',
151, 224.
John Hyde', 143.
John Jedediah', 148.
John Jerome', 116, 191 ; John
Jerome*, 192.
John Lansing^, 58.
John Martin^ 202.
John Nelson*, 87.
John 0.9, 100.
John Q'. 115, 165, 185.
John R.8, 75; John R. (Col.)",
Ill ; John R.', 164, 165, 239.
John Robisons, 179.
John Stanton, 299.
John W.8, 145.
John Wesley", 86.
John Worthington, 308 ; John
Worthington". 95, 145.
Johnson", 98, 152.
Jonas", 83, 131.
Jonathan*, 44, 62, 63, 89 ;
Jonathan^, 62, 87.
Jonathan C, 129.
Joseph, 13, 14 ; Joseph*, 42,
44, 59, 60 : Joseph", 59, 82,
308 ; Joseph", 83, 132 ; Jo-
seph', 133, 205 ; Joseph*,
Joseph Andrew*, 203.
Joseph Crawford', 137.
Joseph M.*, 198.
Josephine*, 187.
Josephine A.', 143.
Stephens, Josephus R.*, 249.
Joshua, 300 ; Joshua*, 48, 69,
71; Joshua^, 72, 75, 106;
Joshua", 98, 103.
Joshua B.', 172, 252.
Joshua C, 10, 253 ; Joshua
C.«, 106, 251.
Joshua Chapman", 171.
Josiah, 13.
Julia (Wright), 182; Julia',
128, 131.
Julia A.9, 256.
Julia Amelia', 127 ; Julia
Amelia*, 203.
Julia Ann", 90, 141.
Julia E.», 278.
Julia Elvira*, 270.
Julia Melis.'^a', 104, 115, 186.
Juliet', 165.
Kate Brewer', 144, 217.
Kate Eloise', 133.
Katharine, 14 ; Katharine',
Kitty Ray*, 248.
Laura, 304 ; Laura=, 69, 72 ;
Laura", 90 ; Laura', 153.
Laura A.*. 198, 276 ; Laura
A.», 272.
Laura Amanda", 90, 140.
Laura Elizabeth', 142.
Laura Wilma*, 217.
Lavina*, 225.
Leander^, 70 ; Leander", 102,
104, 163.
Lebeus', 136.
Leetia*, 179.
Lee', 118; Lee*, 182.
Lee F.*, 257.
Lela", 292.
Lemuel D., 302, 303.
Lena*, 201.
Leo, 168 ; Leo*, 234, 287.
Leo Roland", 287.
Leonard Eckstein", 89.
Lerantia', 158.
Le Roy', 169.
Lester Horatio", 271.
Lester O.*, 202.
Levi^, 53.
Levi W.', 132.
Lewis", 101.
Libbie', 153.
Libbie M.', 126.
Lilian Johnson (Marsh), 246.
Lillian Johnson*. 210.
Lillie Belle', 146.
Lilly A.*, 198, 277.
Lindon*, 194.
Lionel', 148.
Lisena'. 165.
Livonia", 98, 150.
Lizzie", 86.
Lorena G.*, 232.
Loretta*, 198.
Stephens, Lois*, 46, 66 ; Lois',
f 66 ; Loiss, 252 ; Lois", 278.
Lola D., 285.
Loran A.s, 248.
Lotties, 201, 278.
Lottie 0.8, 198, 277.
Louis Jerome', 196.
Louisas, 192.
Loui.=a Antoinette', 148.
Louisa V.s, 221.
Louise Anna=5, 68.
Louise V.8, 28.3.
Louisianna'^, 103, 111, 179.
Lovisa^, 61.
Lowell", 263.
Lucia, 301 ; Lucia", 23, 21.
Luciles, 224.
Lucy, 300. 301. 303 ; Lucy=.
23 ; Lucys, 37, 49 : Lucy*,
41, 46 : LucyS, 54, 68 ;
Lucy8, 85. 98 ; Lucy', 198.
Lucy Ann«, 98, 149.
Lucy Wellss, 89, 137.
Luellas, 190.
Lulu D.8, 256.
Lura M.8, 232.
Lydia, 13; Lydia (Beckwith),
126; Lydia (Root), 123;
Lydia (Terry), 107; Lydia^,
60, 69, 72, 86; Lvdia^, 96,
97, 99, 149.
Lydia AdeliaS, 200.
Lydia Maria', 148, 219.
Lyles, 226.
Lynn E.", 273.
M. Cynthia", 98.
M. E. (Dr.), 10.
Madelia H.s, 183, 258.
Mae'. 219.
Malinda'', 85.
Mandane'. 170. 242.
Manning W.", 99. 153.
Marcello A.', 182, 255.
Marcus", 83, 133. 134.
Margaret", 290 ; Margaret
(Geer), 188; Margaret
(Gillmore), 205.
Margaret Desire". 81.
Margaret Gray", 205.
Margaretta', 227.
Margarite', 225.
Margery Locke', 211.
Maria", 78, 99.
Mariah, 97.
Marian". 61.
Marietta", 111, 164.
Marion", 159.
MarioTi F.'^. 115.
Marion Hull', 215.
Mark Buell". 133.
Mark Burnham^. 134, 208.
Mark Chancellor'. 209.
Mark Watkins', 208.
Marshall", 87 ; Marshall, 126.
Stephens, Marshall Bennett8,179.
Martha, 300 ; Martha (Rath-
bone), 74; Martha*. 48, 70:
Martha^, 53, 54, 76 ; Martha",
102, 162; Martha'. 183.
Martha A.', 148, 221.
Martha Amelia", 148.
Martha Ann, 175 ; Martha Ann
(Chapman), 161; Martha
Ann", 79, 97. 110, 124, 149;
Martha Ann", 116.
Martin Luther', 206, 133.
Martin Luther', 207.
Martin Van Buren"^, 117, 192.
Mary, 12, 13, 43. 298, 300,
301, 303, 304, 305, 306.
307; Mary (Clark), 118;
Mary (Erwin), 134; Mary
(Hall), 31; Mary^, 35, 37;
Mary*, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48.
53, 54, 58, 59 ; Mary^ 52,
65, 68, 93, 155 ; Mary", 75,
79, 86. 88, 91, 93, 100, 103,
112, 122, 136 ; Mary'', 114,
132, 137, 138, 153, 161. 170,
233, 246; Mary'. 118, 192,
221, 233. 263, 271.
Mary Ann=, 72 ; Mary Ann",
77, 78. 98, 118 ; Mary Ann',
147, 219.
Mary Anne'. 203.
Mary Antoinette, 308 ; Mary
Antoinette", 95 ; Mary An-
toinette^ 146.
Mary B.', 179, 194.
Mary Benjamin", 89, 139.
Mary C, 188.
Mary Cornelia", 143.
Mary Covert', 210.
Mary D.'', 151.
Mary Davis', 187, 263, 269.
Mary E.', 163.
Mary E. B.^ 133, 206.
Mary Elizabeth, 269.
Mary Emma'. 135, 209.
Mary Ervilla', 186, 260.
Mary Ette". 102.
Maryette", 104, 113, 181.
Mary G.'. 123.
Mary Jane', 196, 275.
Mary Lelia'^, 137.
Marv M., 253 ; Mary M.'', 192,
Mary Malinda.''. 152.
Mary I\Iay", 117.
Mary Melissa'', 172.
Marv Olin". 264, 295.
Mary W.'. 194.
Mary Williams, 155.
Matilda", 85, 101.
Mathew", 75 ; Mathew", 114.
Matthew", 113 ; Matthew", 183.
Maud', 190. 193, 271.
Maud A.', 250.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Stephens, Maud E», 252.
Maud M.S. 245, 246.
Mays, 225.
Mav A.s, 245.
Meiden^ 162. 200, 236.
Melissa, 168; ]Meli''sa", IIG,
Melissa Rarhael^ 186.
Mercy, 299.
Mercy Ann', 152, 225.
Mercy M.'^, 148. 220.
Mercv Susanna', 14S.
Meribah'', 125.
Merrill'', 124.
Merrill M.'^, 159.
Merritt', 164.
Merritt A.'. 117.
Micheio, 98.
Mildred^, 226.
Mildred L.i", 292.
Miles A.8, 202.
Millard M.s. 224.
Minerva^, 78, 120 ; Minerva',
137, 148.
Minerva P.^ 237.
Minnie', 145, 161 ; Minnie**,
Minnie Angelia^. 203.
Minnie Brigham', 142.
Minnie D.^. 240.
Miriam (Fellows), 44. 62;
Miriam', 136.
Molly lola", 206.
Mordecai", 79.
Mordecai H.^, 109, 125 ; Mor-
decai H.". 201.
Morgan, 305, 307 ; Morgan^
65 : MorfjanB, 94, 145.
Mortimer William^, 182, 256.
Morton G.^, 244, 288.
Muriel Emily". 206.
Myra Bell', 198.
Myron', 58 ; Myron', 151.
Myron E.'', 223.
Myrtles, 244.
Myrtle M.s, 238.
Nancy, 304; Nancy (Dewey),
182 ; Nancys 57, 61, 63,
64 ; Nancy«, 85, 87, 91, 98.
Nancy M.", 150.
Naomi, 44, 59 ; Naomi^, 60.
Narcissa^ 78.
Nathan, 305, 306 ; Nathan',
49 ; Nathan^ 65 ; 72, 93,
105; Nathans, 78, 93, 98,
Nathan .1.', 171, 250 ; Nathan
j» 291.
Nathan W.', 170, 244.
Nathaniel, 12. 13. 129 ;
Nathaniel*, 42, 56, 57 ; Na-
thaniel^, 57, 81.
Nathaniel S.'', 129.
Nelis, 187.
Stephens, Nellie', 145, 153.
Nellie E.. 124.
Nellie Maud*, 203.
Newell', 118, 130.
Newell F.s, 194.
Nicholas, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Nina B.s, 226.
Nina E.s, 242.
Noah, 45; Noah*, 40, 41, 51;
Noah% 60, 83 ; Noah^, 84.
Norman Williams, 207.
Noyes Miners 99, 153.
O. Dezell', 159.
Obadiah«, 79, 114, 124.
Obediah'. 124, 200.
Olein C.s, 231.
Olida E.s, 240.
Olive*, 42, 57 ; Olive^, 72 ;
Olives, 102 ; Olive', 161 ;
Olives, 194, 249.
Olive Arrilla', 114.
Olive U.', 159 ; Olive U.s, 192,
Oliver*, 42. 57 ; Oliver^ 58 ;
Oliver'. 162.
Ollie', 138.
Ormani^, 69.
Orrin", 69.
Orrin F.', 134, 207.
Orris', 119, 195.
OrsamusS, 184.
Orville', 153.
OscarS, 129.
Oscar A.8. 108.
Otis J.s, 242.
Palmer^, 69, 100. 155.
Pamelia, 305 ; Pamelia'', 65,
72, 94, 106 ; Pamelia*, 76,
86, 118 ; Pamelia^, 113,
181 : Pamelias, 264.
Pamelia B.», 86.
Pamelia C. 137.
Pamelia H.', 170, 243.
Pamelia M.«. 102. 162.
Pamelia O.s, 188.
Patience, 298, 301 ; Patience^,
Pattv Ann'', 148.
Pauline", 114 ; Paulines, 183.
Pearl J.s, 250.
Pearl .lane". 257.
Percilla', 164.
Permelia*, 83, 308 ; Permelia',
Perry', 129.
Perry Gleet", 97, 147.
Perry E.s, 191.
Perry Ersley*. 270.
Perry J.s, 249.
Phebe (Montanje), 56 ; Phebe",
Phebe B.b, 100, 156.
Phebe Jane'', 152, 164.
Philander', 121, 131,
Philip', 153.
Stephens, Phineas (Col.), 106;
Phineas^, 31 ; Phineas^. 41.
53; Phineass, 53, 118, Phin-
eas (Major)^, 77; Phineas'',
72, 76, 115 ; Phineas", 118.
Phineas 0.", 109, 114, 157,
Phcebe", 148.
PhcBbe Plorilla', 128.
PhcEbe J.8, 201.
Plowdon, 10, 301, 302, 304,
308 ; Plowdon^, 64 ; Plow-
don«, 95, 146 ; Plowdon',
146, 219.
Plowdon J.', 143.
Pollv (Delemater). 94; Pol-
ly=, 69 ; Pollyo, 97.
Priscilla'', 165.
Priscilla Ann*, 103, 164.
Prissylla^ 69.
Prudence, 301 ; Prudence', 35.
Rachel*, 44, 60 ; Rachel*, 99 ;
Rachel, 115, 1S6.
Rachel J.', 250.
Rachel Jane", 171.
Ralph'', 131, 204.
Ralph Brainard^ 206.
Ralph Herbert', 147.
Ralph M.«, 83, 132.
Randell P.', 160, 233.
Ransom E.«, 107.
RayS, 250, 290.
Raymond Harold', 207.
Rebecca*, 78, 79, 121, 125 ;
Rebecca', 115, 120, 124,
187; Rebecca (Stephen.?)',
187 ; Rebeccas, 184.
Redmond D.', 117, 192 ; Red-
mond D.8, 192.
Reginald M. T.s, 245.
Remember (Tisdale), 12.
Rensselaer*, 99.
Reuben, 298, 302 ; Reuben*,
46 ; Reuben^, 66 ; Reuben«,
Reuben C.», 257.
Rhoda, 304 ; Rhoda', 60, 65 ;
Rhoda*, 72. 75, 106 ; Rhoda',
114 ; Rhodas, 183.
Rhoda Anna', 173.
Richard, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15
35, 45, 298, 301, 302, 304
Richard-, 18, 23, 31. 35, 36
Richard^, 34, 35 ; Richard*,
45. 46. 63. 91, 95; Rich-
ards 64, 90.
Richard Priced 62, 84, 155.
Richard Samuel*. 215.
Richard Tracy', 142.
Robbins*, 142.
Robbins E.«, 91.
Robert, 13 ; Robert^, 63.
Robert Guy*, 248.
Robert L.», 256.
Stephens, Robert Lee», 289.
Robins, 304.
Romer*, 145.
Roscoe Conkling', 147.
Rose', 153.
Rose C. (White), 251.
Rose Etties, 172, 179.
Roseltha', 160 ; Roseltha^
Ross W.s, 202.
Roswell*, 48, 69 ; Roswell^
68, 97 ; Ro.<=well', 151, 224.
Roxana (Dunham), 129.
Roxanna (Coller), 90; Rox-
anna*, 91.
Rozzih, 299 ; Rozzih*, 48.
Rubys, 277.
Rufus*, 49, 71 ; Rufus=, 70. 71,
Russell 68.
Russelis, 197.
Russell Day', 120, 197 ; Rus-
sell Days, 197
Ruth*, 44 ; Ruth*, 219.
S. Alice', 126, 202.
S. P., 31.
Sabra', 117.
Sabrays, 233.
Sabrina', 158.
Sadie Augelia*, 186.
Safford*, 42, 55 ; Safford', 55.
Sally, 65, 94. 305. 307 ;
Sally=, 62, 65, 86; Sally*,
75, 112.
Samuel, 90 ; SamueP, 18, 19,
32, 43, 59 ; Samuel*, 44,
52, 59 ; Samuel^, 72 ; Sam-
uel*. 97.
Samuel A.', 123. 200.
Samuel B.*, 148.
Samuel Olin', 116.
Samuel Palmer*, 102, 164.
Samuel R.', 164.
Sandford Palmer^, 69, 99.
Sanford Mead». 270.
Saphrona (Lord), 247.
Sarah, 24, 52, 298, 300, 301,
302, 303, 306 ; Sarah
(Chapman), 124; Sarah^,
31, 35, 40, 41 ; Sarah*, 40.
41, 43, 46, 51 ; Sarah (Har-
rick)*. 84; Sarah^, 51, 52,
60, 66, 74. 96; Sarah*, 84,
93; Sarah', 136, 138; Sar-
ahs, 187, 238, 262.
Sarah A.'. 123.
Sarah Ann*, 80.
Sarah Bennett', 106.
Sarah Delphina^, 188.
Sarah E.s. 240.
Sarah Elizabeth', 135.
Sarah Esther*. 84, 135.
Sarah Foster, 155.
Sarah G.*, 202.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Stephens, Sarah Jane'', 155.
Sarah P.», 100, 156.
Sarah Rebecca'', 114, 185.
Scott^ 161.
Scott T.s, 249.
Seth^ 57, 81, 82.
Sherman M.®, 205.
Shirene^ 114.
Sidney'', 138.
Silas", 72, 105.
Silas Tripp^ 148.
Silence*, 44 ; Silence^, 60.
Simeon, 299 ; Simeon^, 37, 47,
48 ; Simeon*, 48, 68 ; Sim-
eon^ 68, 98 ; Simeon'', 153.
Smith Nehemiah", 100, 155.
Sophia, 45, 46, 63 ; SophiaMOS.
Square', 68.
Stanton, 300.
Stephen*. 42.
Steward'', 116.
Steward D.', 152, 225, 226;
Steward D.^, 225..
Stev/arto, 97, 98, 151 ; Stew-
art^ 152.
Susan' (Wells). 63, 89; Su-
.san«, 89, 138 ; Susan'', 1L6,
131, 191.
Susan Adelia'', 135.
Susan M., 10, 41.
Susan Maria*, 84, 100, 155.
Susanna^, 85 ; Susanna'', 169.
Susanna B.'', 241.
Susannah^. 62. 87.
Suzanne Erwin^, 211.
Sydney Sylvester^ 121, 198.
Sylvester Pier*, 90.
Sylvia (Upson), 169; Sylvia*,
49 ; Svlvias, 72 ; SylviaB,
98 ; Sylvias, 183, 225.
Tamazin, 12, 13.
Tell», 291.
Thaddeus'', 137.
Thaddeus A.s, 197.
Thai Tarents, 129.
Thankful, 300, 302, 303;
Thankful, 37, 44 ; Thank-
ful*, 48.
Theodorus J.«. 101.
Thomas, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
32, 34, 40, 51. 53, 298.
301; Thomas (Capt.), 38;
Thomas=, 18, 23, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 43 ; Thomas^, 19,
31, 40, 41, 51 ; Thomas*,
44, 62 ; Thomas^ 61, 68,
84 ; Thomas8, 83, 85, 87,
89, 102, 138.
Thomas Almoiid», 62, 85.
Thomas M., 302.
Thomas Quincy Adams', 86,
Timothy R.^ 123 ; Timothy
R.8 200.
Stephens, Trueman'', 120.
Truman^ 66, 95.
Tryphenia', 69.
Turo", 85.
Urany", 84.
Uriah, 302 ; Uriahs 18, 19,
25, 31, 35. 45, 53; Uriah
(Capt.)3, 40, 41, 52, 54,
66; Uhiah*, 41. 52, 74;
Uriahs, 41, 51, 52, 53, 75,
113; Uriah*, 79, 126;
Uriahs, 184.
Uriah F.«, 76, 114.
Uzziel^ 68.
Vesta JaneS, 238, 288.
Victor B.8, 245.
Vienna'. 119.
Vina Belled 202.
Vincent', 111.
Violas, 184, 259.
Viola Belle, 243.
Viola V.'', 160.
Wadsworth Steck'', 137.
Wallace W.s, 250.
Walter A.s, 197.
Walter FayS, 250.
Walter Pcrter», 257.
Walton'', 131.
Ward. 304; Ward", 90, 141.
Wealthy^, 61 ; W'ealthy«, 79,
Wealthy Ann*, 96.
Welch'', 161.
Wendell Richardson", 290.
Wilber', 137, 141, 161.
Wilber D.s, 194.
Will''. 128.
William, 90, 301, 304; Wil-
liams, 53, 63, 64, 67 ; Wil-
liam (Col.)°, 78, 79; Wil-
liam*, 78, 85, 98, 99, 101 ;
William'', 138. 163 ; Wil-
liams, 184, 271.
William B.*, 79, 126, 169, 205,
William Bennett*, 288.
William C.''. 144.
William D.s, 197, 275.
William Eugene'. 123.
William Fellows", 59.
William Grant*. 107.
William H.", 256.
William Henry*, 91 ; William
Henry', 142, 215.
William Pitt. 64, 90, 91.
William R.^ 70, 102.
William Snow'. 135, 210.
William T.s, 135.
William Thaddeus^, 210.
William Uriah', 124.
William W.s, 202.
Willie L.s, 237.
Willis', 233.
Yale*. 215.
Stephens, Zebiilon, 40, 52 ; Ze-
bulon'', 32, 33, 37, 38, 44,
62 ; Zebulon', 44, 60, S4 ;
Zebulon\ 136, 137.
Zebulon HulF, 62. 86.
Zebulon StrattonS, 86.
Sterling, Catharine, 63, 89.
Sterry, Robert. 21.
Steward, Mr., 60.
Stewart, Addie, 179.
Adele (Goff). 258.
Catharine (Stephens). 258.
Content, 299 ; Content*, 50.
Eliphalet, 299 ; Eliphalet*, 50.
Elisha, 299 ; Elisha^ 50.
Elizabeth, 299 : Elizabeth^,
36, 49; Elizabeth (Ste-
phens)", 67 ; Elizabeth*, 49.
Esther Adell", 25S.
Fannie, 229.
Fanny. 157.
Harold Otto", 291.
Harry J.s, 250, 291.
Hiram, 258.
Howard K.», 258.
J. H., 10.
James H., 171, 250.
John. 229.
Lavina (Mitchel), 229.
Lucretia, 299 ; Lucretia*. 49.
Lucy, 48, 299 ; Lucy*, 49, 07.
Mabel Enlma■^ 250.
Mary, 299 ; Mary*, 49.
Nathan, 299 ; Nathan*, 49.
Otto K.«, 250.
Pauline AdeIaide^ 250.
Rachel J. (Stephen,'^)'', 250.
Rachel Jeannette«, 291.
Susan L. (Ford). 250.
Villa (Lozier), 291.
Will v., 183, 258.
AVilliam, 37, 49, 67, 299, 250.
303 ; William*, 50.
Winifred", 291.
Stickles, Albert, 92.
Stillman, Daniel E.^ 200.
Daniel P., 199.
Elisha, 122.
Elisha P., 199.
Fanny M., 199 ; Fanny M.*,
Lavem P.s, 200.
Mary J. (Dean)^ 200.
Selah B.s. 200.
Stilsou. Nathan, 48.
Stine, Adeline. 86, 137.
Stokes, Louisa, 94, 307.
Stone, Emmett, 165.
Hannah, 305.
Mr. (Rev.), 26.
Stout, Catherine H., 107.
Charles M.. 245.
Strait, Nett, 190.
Strauch, Ida Amelia, 218 ; Ida
Strauch, Amelia'', 146.
Margaret (Henderson), 218.
Peter D.. 218.
Street, Nettie, 250, 291.
Streeter, Betsey, 191.
Ella A., 108.
Juliett, 116.
Juliette, 191.
Thomas, 191.
Strong, , 84.
Stroud, Louisa, 276.
Louise, 198.
Sturtevant, Alice E., 205.
Mary J., 121, 198.
Summey, Bernetta", 282.
Dorothy", 282.
Edna", 282.
Elmer. 220, 282.
Marion L.». 282.
Su.san P. (Gibson)s, 282.
Sumner, Albert, 296.
Amanda M. (Wells), 296.
Vcrna, 273, 296.
Sutfin, Addison J., 176.
Sutherland, Nellie. 253.
Swain, Mark L., 271.
Sweeney, Violet, 212, 282.
Sweet, Anna ( Stephens) ^ 226.
Annis, 167.
Eli J. (Dr.), 168.
James, 244.
Janie", 244.
Leone", 56, 244.
Lewis, 152, 226.
Mary, 106, 170.
Swift. Reuben. 72.
Swisehelm, Charlotte, 268.
Symes, Elizabeth, 180.
Emma Abbott^ 180.
Harriet (Abbott)^ 180.
Ilattie May", 180.
Henry. 180.
J. Ballard", 180.
James Abbott^, 180.
John, 112, 180.
Laura Elizabeth", 180.
Lula Harriet", 180.
Symonds, Samuel (Hon.), 28.
Tabor, Seth. 45.
Taggart, Earl Stevens^, 145.
Harry Richmond*, 145.
Henry R., 145.
Kenneth Richmond*', 145.
Roy«, 145.
Talmage, D., 72.
Tappan, Sarah, 61, 84.
Taylor. Clara, 80.
Elizabeth A., 169, 241.
Mercy (Norton), 241.
Robert, 241.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Teller, Elvira, 98.
Teuney, J. C, 168.
Terry, Lydia, 72. 107.
Thacher, George Hornell", 77.
Samuel Olney, 77.
Thomas. Orville. 228.
Sarah, 60, 83.
Thompson, Amy (Stevens)^, 55,
Augusta*, 81.
Benoni A., 203.
Catharine*, 81.
Edward C, 133.
Elizabeth, 55; Elizabeth", 81.
Frances A., 302.
George", 81.
George C. B., 55, 57, 81.
Lena. 225.
Lizzie, 86.
Lydia Norton", 81.
Seneca, 160.
Thorn. Martha, 85.
Tibbetti=, Ethel May, 209. 280.
George Washinf;ton, 280.
Mary A. (Anderson), 280.
Tibit, Henry, 15.
Tidball, Clayton Fuller', 212,
Cynthia. 212.
Dorothy Murphy^, 281.
Emily S. (Fuller)', 212.
Harriet Pier^, 212.
James, 212.
John Leonidas, 140, 212 ; John
Leonidass. 212, 281.
Katharine^, 281.
Katharine Lockwood^, 212,
Kenneth Armour^, 281.
Mary Stevens^. 212, 281 ; Mary
Stevens^, 282.
Ralph Murphya, 281.
Ruth Emily", 282.
Violet (Sweeney), 282.
Tift, Abigail, 305.
Tillman, Marion. 271.
Tilroe, G. S., 160.
Timmerman, Melissa. 148.
Tinney, William, 203.
Tinsdale, John, 14.
Tisdale, John, 12.
Remember, 12.
Tobey, Josiah, 69.
Todd, Marcus, 160.
Tomas, Millie, 186.
Totton, George Edward, 182.
Town, Theresa, 92, 306.
Towner, Benjamin (Rev.), 253.
Deborah (Rose), 253.
Rosine, 174, 253.
Townsend, Mary Sadler, 140,
Tracy, Effle M., 245.
Inez, 245.
Tracv, Isaac, 71.
Mr., 138.
Trainor, Clarissa (Stephens)*,
Cynthia Eliza, 184 ; Cynthia
Eliza', 114, 157.
John, 101, 157.
Travis, Absalom, 103.
Adaline (Dart), 238.
Adelia, 172, 251.
Charles B., 103.
•John B., 238.
Laura, 251.
Richard, 251.
Sarah A., 164, 238.
William, 169.
Treat, . 119.
Trescott, Boston, 136.
Tripp. Benjamin, 148, 149.
Darius', 149.
Emily', 149.
Ezekiel D.\ 149.
Hannah (Dewel), 148.
Jedediah S.', 149.
Jedediah Stephens', 222.
Mariette', 149.
Martha Ann (Stephens)*, 149.
Mercy Ann', 149.
Pamelia, 148.
Permelia, 97.
Samuel B.'. 149.
Seneca'. 149.
Silas, 97, 149.
Ursula', 149.
Trowbridge, Albert L.^ 231, 286.
Alerick, 231.
Burt 0.». 286.
Clara^ 231.
Clarence^ 286.
Elizabeth. 231.
Ernests, 231, 286.
Florence L.", 286.
Franciso. 287.
Helen (Stephens)', 231.
Lee8, 231, 286.
Lynn», 286.
Mabel". 286.
Myrt (Davis), 286.
Olive E. (Fenton), 286.
Oliver, 159.
Oliver O., 231.
W. (Rev.), 270.
W. P. (Rev.), 270.
Tubbs, Hannah', 127.
Mary', 127.
Simon (Dr.). 79, 126, 127.
Wealthy (Stephens!", 127.
Tucker, Lilian (Snoke)', 214.
Wilmon, 141, 214.
Wilmon Stevens*, 214.
Tuels, Benjamin, 13.
Mary, 13.
Tuller, Alices, 195^ 273.
Annas, 195^ 274.
TuUer, Clarence^, 274.
CoraS, 195, 273.
Cord B. (Davison), 274.
Erastus S.«, 195.
Erastus Stepbens**, 274.
Hattie P. (Plass), 274.
Helena, 274.
I.saac, 195.
L,aura», 274.
Louina (Wickam), 195.
Morris, 119, 195.
Orris (Stephens)", 195.
Turner, Clyde, 233.
.(efferson, 201.
Sarah, 55.
Tuttle, Frank. 248.
William, 130.
Udall, John. 48, 303.
Upham, Alice, 306 ; Alice'^, 92.
Betsey, 308.
Catharine, 306.
Dorsey, 306 ; Dorsey", 92.
Elizabeth, 306 ; Elizabeth
(Stevens)5, 92; Elizabeth',
Prances", 92.
Francis, 306.
Hannah Maria, 306 ; Hannah
Maria«, 93.
James Harris, 306 ; James
Harris", 93.
James P., 306 ; James P.», 93.
John, 65, 92, 305.
John S., 306.
John Steven.s8, 92.
Louisa, 306 ; Louisa'', 92.
Mary, 306 ; Mary", 92.
Mary Ellen, 306.
Matilda, 306 ; Matilda', 93.
Morgan S., 306; Morgan S.".
Nathan G.. 306.
Nathan Gllletts, 93.
Sarah, 306 ; Sarah', 92.
Sarah Ette, 306 ; Sarah Ette^,
Upson, Amelia^, 258.
Asa. 52, 74.
Calvin. 183 ; Calvin', 109, 114.
Cynthia', 109.
Daniel, 116; Daniel", 74;
Daniel', 109.
Elizabeth*, 74, 109.
Erastus', 109.
Helen', 109, 114, 184.
John**, 109.
Martha", 75.
Meribah (Dyke), 109.
Phebe. 79, 125 ; Phoebe', 109.
Rosiana, 114; Roslana', 109.
Upson, Rosinna', 183.
Sarah ( Stephens) ^ 74 ; Sarah",
Silvu', 109.
Sylvia', 169.
Thomas*, 75.
Uriah, 169 : Uriah", 74, 109.
William', 109.
Willis', 109.
Uttle, Samuel, 47.
Valentine, Allace, 250.
Van de Geest, Augusta, 228.
Vandermark, Mary Ann, 111,
Uriah, 75.
Vangorder, Anna, 228, 283.
Van Horn, Rachel, 112.
Van Rensselaer, Killian (Col.),
Van Scooter, Mary, 74, 110.
Van Scoter, Nancy, 241.
Samantha, 169, 241.
Sela.s, 241.
Van Sires, Lucy, 186.
Vickery, Elizabeth, 166.
Viele, Julia, 86.
Voorhles, John, 168.
Vorhes, Leander, 175.
Vrooman. Charle.s S.", 283.
Daniel, 283.
Daniel J., 221.
Louise V. ( Stevens) s, 283.
Wadsworth, Charlotte (Stevens),
Desdemonia", 86.
Epaphorus, 62, 86.
Jennie'. 86.
John, 153.
Julia, 99, 153.
Lucy", 86.
Mary Tyler", 86.
Pamelia", 86.
Putnam C.«, 86.
Wagoner, Hattie, 153. 227.
Magdaline, 108.
Wainrite, — . 30.
Wainvv'right, Daniel, 164.
Waite, Irving S., 145.
Lol.'5, 145, 308.
Maria S., 95, 308.
Maria Saturnia, 145.
Pamelia. 145.
R. S. (Dr.), 308.
Rufus S. (Dr.), 145.
Sam, 15.
Walbridge, Elizabeth, 163, 236.
James, 236.
Stephens-Stevens Genealogy
Walbrldge, Martha (Ball), 236.
Walch, Elam, 247.
George U., 247.
Mary (Ferguson), 217.
Waldorf. Nora, 238.
Walp.s. Louvisa, 128.
Walker, Adelia", 267.
Uelle (, 207.
Belle R., 10.
Catharine (McClary), 207.
Charles Marcus", 267.
Ka^l^ 223.
Elroy Percy'", 267.
Frank, 223.
Isma\ 223.
James, 267.
.Tames Elroy", 267.
.Jennie", 267.
Leon**, 223.
Mabel*, 267.
Marcus B., 189, 267.
Minnie, 269.
Rose", 267.
Sarah (Bolton). 223.
Sarah M. (Eckel)', 223.
Will. 151. 222.
Wallace, Abyette (Stephens)",
Allen, 230.
Elanson', 122.
Frederick E.'. 122.
Grace M.^, 122.
Henry, 78, 122.
Maranda^ 122.
Marcello", 122.
Newell", 122.
Walton, Abbie, 105.
Kate, 105.
Wano. Samuel, 102.
Ward. Esther, 46. 63.
Warfleld. Eber. 116.
Washburn, Cynthia. 175.
Washington, George, 59.
Waterbury. Nellie M., 149. 222.
Waterhouse, Desire (Stevens)*,
44, 59.
Eleazer. 42, 44, 59.
Watkins, F. D., 161.
Mary Ann (Hendricks), 208.
Sarah B.. l.'M.
Sarah Baughman, 208.
Washington, 208.
Watson, Benjamin, 244.
Leslie, 180.
Way. Cornelius", 97.
Eliza8, 97.
Elizabeth (Stephens)^. 97.
Howland*. 97.
Jeremiah", 97.
Joshua, 68. 97.
Lucy8, 97.
Sarah«. 97.
William^. 97.
Weaver, Adaline(Stephens)'',231.
Weaver. Charles A^ 231, 287 ;
Charles A». 287.
Edrica A.". 287.
Eva M. (Reese), 287.
Evan H.». 2S7.
Horace, 159, 231.
Leon E.^ 231.
Stanley T.", 287.
Thomas, 231.
Webb, Eunice, 118.
Weber, George E., 220.
Weed. Mary. 93. .300.
Wells. Delia Douglass, 03.
Florence, 100.
Hannah. 55, 72.
Harry T., 177.
Noah, 63.
Susan, 44, 03. Addison, 221, 283.
Byron S.", 283.
Edwin", 283.
Frances E. (Stevens) 8,
Westfall'. Abram, 132.
Ann (Eaton). 132.
George G.. 132.
Westling, Lilian. 212.
Wetniore. Betsey Ann (Steph-
ens)<. 239.
Clurasa (Beard), 239.
Emma, 199.
Etta Lewella*. 239.
Horace, 164, 239.
James Millard^ 239.
Merrit S.". 239.
Walter Elisha*. 239.
Wheaton, Anna, 245.
Elcnora. 245.
Elnora D., 170.
Lewis, 245.
Wheeler. Albert, 306.
Asa. 92, 306.
Betsey, 91, 143.
Isaac. 21.
Richard A. (Hon.), 12, 20,
Sarah, 306.
Thomas, 21.
Whcelock. Clayton, 224.
Mary, 151.
May L.. 224.
Sara (Kershaw), 224.
Whelan, James, 112.
Whitaker. Ira. 92.
John Walter', 92.
Lydia Ann'^, 92.
Marv", 92.
Matilda", 92.
Whitford, Birt, 167.
Edwin, 262.
White. , 178.
Arthur D.», 288.
Bessie", 288.
Cornelius, 25.
White, D. H., 28S.
Dan. 238.
Eliza, 83, 132.
Elizabeth Stevens, 41.
Ellen (Stephens)', 242.
Ernest C.», 288.
Floyd", 288.
Franks, 242.
Harriet, 157.
Harvey T., 227.
Hiram S.«, 242.
.Tames, 170, 242.
James L., 242.
Lillians, 242.
Lindsays, 242.
Mary A., 242.
Mary Ann., 251, 288.
Mary Ella*. 242.
Mr., 138.
Raymond J.s, 242.
Rose C, 251.
Uriah, 89.
Vesta Jane ( Stephens )s, 288.
William, 251, 288.
Whitiker, Ira, 30r>.
John Walter, 306.
Lydia Ann, 306.
Mary, 306.
Matilda, 306.
Whiting, Frances C. W., Ill,
Whitmore, Conrad, 97.
Whitney, A. A., 157.
Amy, 42, 56, 57.
Joshua, 32, 33, 56.
Kate8, 85.
Newman, 156.
Tarbal (Lieut.-Col.),
45, 51.
William D.^, 157.
Whltwood, Hiram C, 110.
Wiggins, Edna. 266.
42, 4c
Ada, 191.
Helen M., 118, 193.
Jane (Popple), 194.
William, 194.
Wilcox, Edward. 12.
Gershom, C;>.
Martha Chapiii. 141, 214.
Willard, Mar£;ery. 34.
Mary, 34.
Richard, 34.
Samuel, 3C ; Samuel (Rev.),
^ j-
Simon (Major). 34.
William, Daniel, 14.
Williams, , 85.
A. D., 177.
Abram, 230.
Benjamin (Dea.). 14.
C. M., 242.
Ebenezer^, 53.
Emma, 245.
Williams, Fred, 201.
Geraldine, 159, 230.
James, 96.
Joseph, 39 ; Joseph"', 53.
Mary, 69, 100.
Mary Augeline. 180.
Thomas, 41, 53
Wealthy, 67, 96.
V/illiamson, Mary. ISG.
Seymour C, 189, 265.
Willis, Elnorah, 180, 255.
Grace, 34.
Jane (Sharp), 255.
Leander, 255.
Ruben, 16.
Willson, Lucinda. 109.
Wilsey, Betsey, 305.
Hannah, 305.
Harry, 305.
Henry, 305.
Nathan, 305.
Rittie, 305.
Wilson, Adams, 310.
Addle Graced 310.
Eliza Hortons, 310.
John L., 81.
Joseph, 123.
Ola, 266.
Olive J., 206.
Thomas, 130, 310.
Thomas Adam», 310.
Tryphenia, 55.
William Abbott^, 310.
Wiltse, Hamill, 222.
Helen (Baily), 222.
Mae, 150, 222.
Wine, Abigail, 23, 31.
Elizabeth, 31, 40.
Wing, Esther, 65, 94, 307.
Winter, Catharine Grace", 166.
Ellis, 166.
John L., 81.
Winthrop. John, 28 ; John
(Gov.), 26.
Waite, 15.
Withrow, LucyS, 198.
Witter, Josiah, 21.
Park, 68.
Sarah, 50.
Wodams, Jane. 91, 143.
Wood, Mr. (Rev.), 80.
Woodbury, Delphina (Chapman),
Donald Merrilt'o, 271.
Foster, 192.
Grace, 242.
Jo.<;eph B., 117, 192.
Lena, 192.
Martin F.^. 193.
Mary M. (Stephens) ^ 193.
Merritt A., 160; Merritt A.«,
193, 270, 271.
Ray Van Buren^. 271.
Woodman, John, 55.
Stephens- Stevens Genealogy
Woodmansee, Harriet E., 182,
Ransom, 256.
Susanna (Poster), 256.
Woodruff, Mazala. 255.
Woodward, Arthur P., 192.
George D., 160.
George M., 160.
Mary (Prentice), 160.
Mary V.*, 160.
Woodworth, Harry. 202.
Woolover, David, 114.
Worthiugton, .John, 05, 307, 308.
Lovisa (Robinson), 95.
Mary, 65. 95, 307, 308.
Wright, Emily (Cornell), 182.
Julia, 114, 182.
Levi, 182.
Wynne, Abigail. 23, 31.
Elizabeth, 31. 40.
Yale, , 304.
Catharine S., 91, 142.
Josiah, 142.
Lucy (Ingersol), 142.
Yaple, Elizabeth (Hindpaugh).
Jacob, 116.
Sarah, 76, 116.
York, Charles, 159.
James, 21.
Young, Avia (Daly), 270.
Clair", 270.
Delphine*. 191.
Ellen M.», 269.
Frank D.. 187. 263.
Frank Dwight", 263, 269.
Young, Grace Estelle», 263.
Harriet (Stephens)", 191.
Henry, 190.
Henry W.^, 191, 270.
Herbert S., 303.
Hope Ambrosia». 263.
John S.«, 191.
.John Stephens^ 269.
Lottie", 270.
Lucretia, 190 ; Lucretia**, 191,
Mabel", 270.
Maiy (Stephens)^. 263.
Nancy (Uwight), 269.
Paul Redman", 263.
Peter, 96.
William, 116, 190.
William George", 269.
Zeh, Jennie, 220.
Zeigler, Edwin R.». 289.
Hazel A.", 289.
Henry". 289.
Ralph D.", 289. (Hai-per), 289.
William C.**, 289.
Zelman, William, 85.
Ziegler, Cora B.«, 246.
Edna^ 246.
Ethels 246.
Henry, 170. 246.
Hila (Stephens)^, 246.
William, 246.
William C.s, 246.
Zimmer, Juliet, 152.
Charlesi", 262.
Francisi", 262.
Frank. 158.
. L/ i" e