r.i :m_ i-U ^Id^ihitcj ^^H^c:>Mimd mdidtdd^ih rrtiHt-Jo^d^ 'M, ■lA S3 ./- 04.€*'^/o^iS-"^ ^^^I^J^i/HnvyT- 3rJe.Hyrr of rk \1 'Jhe.Je>t.-r7^ o^^ov.'Lye.'hy . (/sis lUiu] ip^ahoe of 0/e.c£J'aA.y p-aftve4f\ S^^^-n Ui/-C^-f?^^yC€--f-7't.'&--n~^--^ a£7^ THE EARLY RECORDS TOWN OF LUNENBURG MASSACHUSETTS INCLUDING THAT PART WHICH IS NOW FITCHBURG \7\9-M64: A COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT OF THE TOWN MEETINGS AND SELECT- MEN'S RECORDS CONTAINED IN THE FIRST TWO BOOKS OF THE GENERAL RECORDS OF THE TOWN ALSO A COPY OF ALL THE VITAL STATISTICS OF THE TOWN PREVIOUS TO THE YEAR 1764 COMPILED BY CO Wi^TER A. Davis, City Clerk - p; FITCHBURG PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1896 -n "J,v ■-. 13" r-5 M r M M 03 r-, , H-" M ^' CO CO b i-S'- j • Fitchburg Historical J. F. D. Garfield,] ' Society. In Board of Aldermen, Feb. 5, 1895. Referred to committee on education. Sent down for concurrence. Walter A. Davis, Clerk. In Common Council, Feb. 5, 1895. Concurred. John R. Oldfield, Clerk. CITY OF FITCHBURG. In City Council, Feb. 19, 1895. The joint standing committee on education, to whom was referred the petition of the Fitchburg Historical Society, relative to the preservation of early records of Fitchburg, and so much of Lunenburg as relates to Fitch- burg, have attended to the business committed to them, and present the following report, and would recommend the adoption of the following order: Ordered, That the sum of $500 (five hundred dol- lars) be, and the same hereby is, appropriated for the purpose of copying and printing the early records of the town of Fitchburg prior to its incorporation as a city, and so much of the records of the town of Lunenburg as pertains to Fitchburg prior to its separation from Lunen- burg, the work to be done under the supervision of the city clerk, who shall have authority to employ such assistance as he may need in doing the work, the amount to be charged to account of incidentals. C. A. Cross, Samuel Anderson, James A. Austin, George F. Comley, William V. Lowe, Committee > on Education. In Board of Aldermen, Feb. 19, 1895. Report read, accepted, and order adopted. Sent down for concurrence. Walter A. Davis, Clerk. In Common Council, Feb. 19, 1895. Adopted in concurrence. John R. Oldfield, Clerk. Mayor's Office, Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 21, 1895. Approved. Edgar S. Moulton, Mayor. A copy of record. Attest: Walter A. Davis, City Clerk. City Clerk's Office, FiTCHBURG, Mass., Nov. 1, 1895. In compliance witk the preceding vote, I immediately corresponded with the Selectmen and Tow^n Clerk of Lunenburg, with a view to obtain the books contain- ing the earlier records of the town, viz.: What was embraced between the 3^ears 1728 and 1764, or previous to the incorporation of Fitchburg as a town. The value of these records cannot be estimated in dol- lars and cents, and the wisdom of the city council in taking measures to preserve them will become apparent as time advances. It is intended that the following pages shall be an exact transcript of the original record, and every portion of the original is copied as far as possible. The pagination of the original volumes is inserted in our text in brackets. After considerable search and diligent inquiry, I suc- ceeded in securing the book containing the proprietors' records. As there is so much matter, I have concluded to have them printed in a separate book, and conse- quently it will appear later. These old records contain much information as to the names and possessions of the first settlers, together with an accurate idea of the power exercised by the old town governments, and furnishes much food for the student of social science. This work was undertaken not in the interest of the historian, so much as for the use of the cit3' ; for its more familiar acquaintance with, and its surer preserva- tion of, its own annals, and the bringing together in one place of so much of the Lunenburg records as are con- nected with, and are a part of, this city. The idea of copying and printing the old records originated with the Fitchburg Historical Society and was vi hitroduction. urged b}^ their secretary, James F. D. Garfield, to whom I am indebted for many suggestions and references. Many cities and towns are having the same work done, and while it may take some time to do it and do it well, the value of the copy will be enhanced by having it accu- rately done. The vital statistics in this book have been copied from a volume owned by the town of Lunenburg, which was carefully transcribed by John R. Rollins in or about 1849. Minutes have been noted down of such sugges- tions as he has made. These vital statistics have not been copied beyond 1764, except to complete the record of families, and to add such vital statistics as belonged in Fitchburg and were not recorded here. In the Lunen- burg records these are included in the same volume with the town records. In the Fitchburg records, to be pub- lished later, they may be separated. It is to be hoped that the work of copying the remaining records will continue, and that soon the time will come when all the vital statistics will be printed each 3^ear. I desire to express my appreciation to Selectmen Hil- dreth and Jones and Town Clerk Stillman Stone of Lunenburg, for the many courtesies extended to me. City Clerk. X. cyi^n^t SURVEY AND ALLOTMENT OF THE NEW SOUTH TOWN WEST OF GROTON CALLED TURKEY HILLS, [1] An Acco^ of the Gen£li Courts CommtEf^ Proceed- ings In Granting And Lotting out the Lands in the South Town Ship Westward of And Contiguous To y^ Town of Groton in the County of Midd!? Called Turky Hills By Virtue of y£ Grant or Order of y^ Gen^' Court. At a Great & General Court or Affembly for His Maj- efties Province of y'^ Mafsachusets Bav Held Novr 4. 1719 In y^ Houfe of Reprefentatives The Vote for Granting Two New Towns Was brought Down from the Board with Amendments Which Wear Read & Agreed to, And y*^ Vote is as follows : Viz Voted that Two Towns Each Containing a Quantity of Land not exceeding Six Miles Square to be Laid out in as Regular Forms as y*^ Lines Will Allow, to be Settled in A Defenfible Manner On y^ Wefterly Side of Groton Weft Line, And that William Tailer, Samuel Thaxter, Francis Fullam Cap^ John Shiply & Mr Benjamin Whittemore be a Conim^^*^ fully Impow- ered to Allott and Grant out y^ Land Contained in Each of y^ said Towns (a Lot not to Exceed Two Hundred & Fifty Acres) to Such P^Sons & Only Such as Will Effectu- aly Settle y*" Same Within y'^ Space of three Years Next Enfuing 3^^^ Laying out & Granting Such Lotts by S^ 8 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. Qomm^""^ Who Are Inftructed & Directed to Admitt Eighty FamiHes or perfons at Least Who Shall pay to y'^ Sd Comm*£5 for 3^*^ Ufe of y*^ Province the Sum of Five pounds for Each Allottm^ Which Shall be Granted & Al- lotted as afforef"? And that Each P^Son to Whom Such Lot or Lotts Shall be granted & Laid out Shal be Obliged to build a Good Dwelling Houfe theron & Inhabit it, & alfo to break up & Fence in three Acres of Land at 3^*^ Leaft Within y^ Term of three Years, and y^ there be Laid out & Referved for y*^ firft Settled Minifter a good Convenient Lot alio A Lot for y^ School, And A Minifte- rial Lot & A Lot for Harvard Colledge of Two Hundred & fifty Acres Each & y^ Settlers be Obliged To build A Convenient Houfe for y*^ Worfhip of God in Each of S*^ Towns within The Term of four years, & to pay y^ Charge of Necefary Surveye & y<^ Comm^"^^ for their Ser- vice in & About y^ premifes. And that y^ Comm*^'^ Give Publick Notice of y'^ Time & place When they Will Meet to Grant Allottm^? Confented to, Sam^^ Shute Copy Examined [2] Whereas We John Farnworth Jonathan Boyden Jonas Prefcott Jun'; John Ames And Benjamin Prefcott Ware Chofen & Impowered by the Town of Grotton to Confer with the Honourable the Great Genarall Courts Committee Concerning the West Line of the Town f hip of Grotton, & Settle the Same With them. As by A Vote Or Act of the Inhabitants of f'^ Town At there Meeting on the 4^1^ Day of February I719/20 Doth or May More at Large Appear. Now Let All Men Know, by these Prefents That We (The Committee Before Named) having Conlidered of the Premifes, & Taken Upon us the Charge of the S^^ Buis- nefs. Do Hereby Conclude Concurr & Agree [ ] Honour- able Committee of the Genarall Court affore F', that th[ Corner of the Town Shipp of Grotton be A Small Tree With a heap of Stones About it. Standing & Being on the Easterly side of Niftaqualothe* hill, (So Called) by *Prol):il)ly llK- s.-nno as Nissitissit. [IT. A. D. *^ —a: V ir\ .„'^*fe-. iGm iH^Ut^ -^-j'nM9<^ -ofjijw^ /u.^^ ci'i^i.-. \ ^y% ^ Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 9 Dnnftable Line, and that the Southwest Corner of s*? Townfhip, be a Stake and heap of Stones being Forty Poles South of a Smal Heap of Stones about half a mile Southwad of Cataconamog Pond (So Called) and west- ward of a Brook Called Benith* Brook Made In the Pref- ents of Francis Fullam Efcf Mr Benjamin Whitamore & Mr Jo[ t ] and that A Strait Line be Made from one of the S^ of April 7 Days 3 10 00 To Capt Shiply from y^ ISt^^ to the 23^ 6 Days 3 00 00 To Francis Fullam from y^ 16*^ to y^ 23'^ 7 Days 3 10 00 To M'' Jones Suryeyer from v^ 18"' to y^ 23^ 6 Days ' 2 14 00 To Liu! Jon^?^ Boyden 4 Days & V2 1 2 [ To W« Lauranc, And Nath" Wood 4 Days & half Each 2 5 [ To Tarbul & finehas Parker 5 Days Each 2 10 [ 12 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. To Mr Green One Day 00 5 [ Expences p'^ at Greens in S"? Survey by Capt 1 00 10 Shiply £1-00-10 by M*- Whittemore £1 = 00-10- More Expenc on y'^ Road ^/g 14 4 By Fra : Fullam £1 = 00-10 More at Pages - 00- 6 FuUams At Concord p$ - 01- 3 Expenc for Bifket, Cheese & )0 - 6-7 Jenger to Carry. Totall 1-9-2 192 22 10 10 d Memorand!2] yt of y'^ Sum Total of £22 : 10 : 10 as Above The North Town is Made D^ for One half be- ing £11 5 5 And ye South Town is Dl for y^ Like Sum of £11 5 5 [6] Concord, May the llTl' 1720. The Comm^£? Appointed, & fully Impowered by y^ Great & Gene^l' Court Or Affembly of His Majesties Prov- ince of ye MaffachuSett Bay in New England At Their feffion. On y^ 7^^^ of Deer 1719 To Allott & Grant out y^ Lands Contained, in Each of y^ Two TownShips Laft Granted by y" Court Each Containing The Quantity of Six Miles Sqare Lying Weftward of, & Contiguous to y" Town of Groton &c. Mett at Concord in y^ County of Middlesex On Wednesday the Eleventh Day of May 1720. At y^ Houfe of M'' Jonl? Hoberd, In Order to Grant out Said Town- ships, Agreeable to y^ Order & Direction of y^ General Court (The Whole of SI Comm^ie yiz. W" Tailer & Sam'i Thaxter Efq'f Cap* John Shiply M'^ Benjamin Whittemore & Fra : Fullam P^Sent) And According!}' Proceeded to Grant out said Lands to ye Pi'Sons Whofe Names Are Under Written On yH Other Sides, On y^ following Conditions & provifions And Not Other wife. Survey and Allotment of Tnt'key Hills. 13 lit xhat Each & Every P'-Son to Whom A Lot is or Shall be granted (No Allotting or Share to Exceed y! Quantity of 250 Acres) Shal be Obliged at y*' Entring his Name With y Comm^ee to pay Down y*^ Sum of fifty Shil- lings in part, i\nd at y^ Drawing of his Lott, or When y*^ Same is Laid out, The Sum of fifty Shillings More in full of y£ five pounds for y^ ufe of y*^ Province. And if any P^Son Who Enters his Name, & pays y*^ first fifty Shil- lings Shall Neglect or Refufe to paA^ y*^ Laft fift3^ to Com- pleat y*^ five pounds As Ordered by the General Court, When his Lott is Laid out & Red^' for Dralt, Ever3^ Such P^Son Shal forfit his first pa\'nient And 3^*= Lott be free to be Granted to An Other proper perfon as 3^^ Comm^^^ Shal See Meet. 2- That Every P^^Son to Whom a Lott is, or Shall be Granted Shall be, & is herb3' Obliged To build A good Dwelling Houfe on his S^ Allottm! And also to break up, & Sufi&ciently fence in three Acres of Land at y^ Leaft Within 3^^ Space of three 3^ears After y*^ S!? Lotts are Laid out & Drawn, And Do also pay & Do Each of their full proportions Towards y^ Building & Finifhing of A Con- venient Houfe for 3^^ Publick Worfhip of God, in Such Town Where his Lott Shall fall, S$ Houfe to be Finifhed in four Years According to y*^ Order of y'^ General Court, And Do also pa3^ 3^*^ Necefar3" Charge of 3'S Surve3's And 3^*^ Comm*£5 for their Servic in And & bout 3'*^ Premifes. [7] 3^ That Ever3' Grantee to Whom A Lott is or Shal be Granted Shall be & is hereb3^ Enjoyned Effectuah^ To Settle & Inhabit y^ Same In his Own Proper P''Son, And Not have Libert3^ in An3' Wa3' What So Ever to Sell or Alienate or An3' Wa3^s to Dispofe of His Interest or Allottm* in Either of Said Towns to An3' P''Son What So Ever Untill the Whole Conditions Enjo3'ned b3^ 3^*^ General Court be fully Complied With, & P^formed, Without y^ Leave & Approbation of The Comm^^*^ Or the Majer part of them. Nor to An3^ P''Son, or p^Sons But Such As The3^ Shall Approve And to be Accepted b3' y'^ Comm*4? 14 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. £ s d 1 John Fletcher — of Concord 2 10 00 2 NathL' Harris — of Needham 2 10 00 3 Mofes Smith — of Needham 3 00 00 4 Roberd Harris — of Needham — 2 10 00 5 Abra™ Woodward — of BrookHne 2 10 00 6 Aron Smith of Needham 2 10 00 7 Timothj^ Harris — of Roxbury 2 10 00 8 Ephraim Sautle of Groton 2 10 00 9 M'- Whittemor for his Son Nath" Concord — 2 10 00 10 Jont]^ Hubard of Concord 2 10 00 11 Jofeph Hubbard of Concord 2 10 00 12 Danll Davis of Concord 2 10 00 13 Jont? Hartwell of Concord 2 10 00 14 Mr W™ Keene of Concord 5 00 00 15 Elias Barron of Concord 2 10 00 16 En? John Warrin for his son John of Marl- borough 2 10 00 17 JontJ^ child ofW 2 10 00 18 Jacob Fullam of Weston 2 10 00 19 John Whitny of Watertown 2 10 00 20 William Wood of Concord 2 10 00 21 Liu* Jones for his Son Johah of Weston — 2 10 00 22 Eleazer Green of Groton 2 10 00 23 Ephraim Peirce for His Son Ephraim of Groton 2 10 00 24 NathH Holden of Groton 2 10 00 25 Zachariah Sautle for his Son David of Groton — 2 10 00 26 Wm Whitny for his Son W" of Groton 2 10 00 27 Isaac Stone of Groton 2 10 00 28 Nathll Woods of Groton 2 10 00 29 Nathil Woods Ju^ of Groton 2 10 00 30 Nathan Haward of Concord 2 10 00 31 Edvvf Emerson Efq*" for his Son Edward- Newbery 2 10 00 80 10 00 Stirvey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 15 £ s d [8J Brought Over From y^ Other Side 80 10 00 32 : John Calfe of Boston 2 10 00 33 : Thomas Hale for His Son Jofhua of New- bery 2 10 00 34: Danll Thirfton for His Son Jon*!" of New- bery 35 : Phillip Goodridge of Newbery 36 : Jon^h Poore of Newber^^ 37: WH Blount for his Son David Blount of Andover — 38 : Henry Chandler Jul of Andover 39 : Tho? Pearly for Phillip Amey of Boxford 40: Jer. Perly for John Amey of Boxford 41 : Jon^^ Woodman for his Son Stephen Wood- man Bradford 42 : Tho^ Tailer of Reading 43: Nath" Stow for His Son Nathll Stow of Reading 44 : Walter Bees of Lancafter 45 : W™ Wheeler of Concord 46 : Peter Harwood of Concord for His Son Nathl! 47 : Tho^ Woolly — Concord — 48 : Sam'i Hartwell for His Son Isaac Concord 49: Jofeph Ball for his Son Jofeph Watertown 50 : John Haftings Watertown 51 : Ebenezer Chadwick Weston 52 : Jofeph Allen for his Son Weston 53 : Jon^^ Boyden for his Son Jofiali Groton 54: Benja Prefcot Groton 55 : Phinehas Parker Groton 56 : Tho^ Tarbul Groton 57: Jofeph Gilson for his Son Jonas Groton 58 : Wll? Laurance Groton 59 : Jami Goold Salem 60 : M«- Sami Page of Turky Hills & 61 : S"? Sam'i Page for his Son Jofeph 62 : Cap* Jam!! RichardSon Wooburn & 63 : for his vSon W'" Wooburn 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 3 00 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 ()() 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 16 Survey and Allotvicnt of Turkey Hills. 64: Jontl* Whitny of Concord 65: Isaac Whitny of Concord 66: Shadrik Whitny Concord 67 : Tho«. Kembal ]\V 68: M^ W™ Clark Bofton 69 : Jont'^ Shiply Groton paid page 15 70: John Burrill Efq'" " " " 71: Jont'i Dows Efq^ " '' " 72 : Jer Allen Efq'' 73 : Nathl" Whitny Ju*" of Weston 74: Edw'' Hartwel of Lancafter Paid page 15 75: Amos Brown of Stow " " " [9] Brought Over from y^' Other Side 181 00 00 76 M Eleaze^ Flagg Wooburn Paid page 15 00 00 00 77 Cap^ Rich'^ Kembal for his Son Joseph of Bradford 2 10 00 78 M^' James Burbeen for his Son James paid page 15 00 00 00 79 Finehas Richardson paid page 15 00 00 00 80 Liu* Tho? Perly paid page 15 00 00 00 Totall 183 10 00 £ s d 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 2 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 00 2 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 181 00 00 May \V^ 1720. The Comm^^-^ Attendenc, Travil & Expencs in Granting out y*^ South Town Lotts For w^£? S^' Town is Ur To Coll° Tailer Two Days & half 1 00 00 To Coll2 Thaxter Two Days Attendance & Travil One Day To Cap^ Shiph' Two Days Attend anc & Travil To Liu! Whittemor One Day & half at 8« To Francis ftullam One Day & half Expenc p*^' b3^ Cap! Shiph^ Expenc then p*? at M'' Hubbards Tw^o ])ounds Seven Shillings And Sixpenc p-' by M'- Whittcinore at Concord COO - 00 - ,'l) 1 4 00 00 16 00 00 12 00 00 12 00 00 04 00 2 7 6 00 00 10 6 16 4 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 17 S*? South, & North Towns Contra Creditt Concord By Bills of Credit Then ReC? May IV^ 12^^ of y*^ Grantees of both Towns & 13^^ Three Hundred & Twenty 1720 pounds 320 00 00 Viz of y«^ South town Grantees One Hundred & Seventy One pounds & Ten Shillings 171 10 00 And of y^ North Town One Hundred & forty Eight pounds Ten 148 10 00 320 00 00 of y*^ Which Sum there Was then p4 by y^ Com^ff for past Expences A Necefary Charges of Surveys Sixty Six pounds One Shill & a peny 66 01 01 as is More p^'ticularly Sett Down in y^ North Town Acco^f pag 10*?^ The Remainder Sent To y^ Province Treafi viz By y'^ Hon'lL^ Coll? Tailer Eighty Two pounds 82 00 00 Bv Coll? Thaxter Seventv Two pounds Twlve ^ Shillings 72 12 00 By Era : Eullam Nintv Nine pounds Seven Shil- lings ' 99 07 00 [lO] South Town DE £ s. d Sept 10^^ To M'" Whittemore Who began his Service y*^ 10«i Day of Sep^r 1720 1720 And Ended y^ 17*? of y^ Same Month 7 Days at 8! pi Day 2 16 00 To Capt Shiply 6. Days 2 8 00 To Era: Eullam began Monday y^ 12^.^ Ended Saterday 17^^ 6 Days 2 8 00 Mr Samll Jones Surveyer from y^ lO^^^ to y^ 17 Day 6 Days & half 2 12 00 chain- W'" Lauranc four Days & half at 4s 00 18 00 men Einehas Parker & Nath'J Woods 3 Days & half at 4! 1 08 00 3 18 Survey and AllotDicnt of Turkey Hills. Expenc p^^ at Groton p^ by Cap^ Shiply Eight Shillings & A 8 11 p'l by mr Whittemore 16? & i 00 16 01 p^ By Fra: Fullam Eleven Shillings & one peny 00 11 01 Sep^. 221 M^ Whittemore A Day to Dorches- 1720 ter & Expence 00 9 6 14 15 7 Sepf. 26 At A Meeting of y'^ Comm*5_e Appointed by y*^ 1720 Great & General Court or Affembly of y^ Province of y? Mafsachusetts &c. for y*; Two New Towns Laft Granted Westward of Groton &c. At Cambridge the 26 Day of vSept"" 1720 P^'Sent WE Tailer Efqf Cap^ Shiply Benjamin Whitte- more and Fra: Fullam, 1. Agred That y^ Comm^.^'^ or Majer part of them Do forthwith proceed to Allott out both y^ New Towns if Time Will permit But First the South Town, No Lott to be Lefs then forty & five Acres And that to be y*^ Stand- ard of y"^ belt Land, & if Need Require to Add five or More Acres to Make Each Lott Equal in y«^ Judgm^ of y^ Comm*£5 The Lotts to be Laid in Half mile Ranges Where ye Land Will Allow it So to be And y^ ther be Laid out Convenient Ways Not Lefs then Six Rods Wide, And that y^ School Lott be Laid out as Near 3'*= Center of y*^ houfe lotts as May be. That yE Minifterial Lott be alfo Laid as Near y'= Center of y*^ houfe Lots as May be &c. That y' That the Second Division Now to be Laid out (Each Divifion to Containe Sixty Acres) be Laid out, as Soone as May be With Conveniancy, And that y'= Comni*5? Endeaver as Near as They Can to Ballanc y*^ Lotts & Divisions. Voted by The Comm^£5 That S^^ Divisions be Made Accordingly Any Two of y*^ Comm*'^'^ being P^'Sent. At y^ Request of M'" W!^ Keen the Comm^ee Voted to Admitt David Perlin of Concord to Settle on y'^ Lott of Said Keen in y^ South Town S? Perlin having bought S*.^ Lott of S^ Keen With v'^ Comm^Efs Allowanc Jun 25^'' South Town Dr & 26^'' To : y^ Comm^£_'^ for their Attend- 1723 enc, Travil & Expences To: Collo Thaxter 3 Days To : m^ Whittemore Two Days At Concord To: Fra : Fullam Two Days Expence then Paid by Coll° Thaxter Gen*d' Expenc p"? by mY Whittemor at Concord Expenc p^^ by F'uUam oo— I— 10 And by Whittemore 00-3-7 Totall [23] Jan'-y 5^ South Town DL To y*^ Comm^^!^ for 1723/4 Time & Expenc in La^ang out 2^ Divifion Lands in Said Town from Jan^y 3. 1723/4 Ending y^ 22^ of y«^ Same Month To Fra: Fullam 15 Days & half at lo To mr Whittemore 15 Days fifteen Days To Cap* Shiply 14 Days at I'o To mV Saml' Jones Surveyer 13 Days Expence then p^ at Pages at Turky Hills by y*^ Com^ee More p^ by mV Whittemor More then p^' by fra fullam at Reads ^/r, at Holdens 2/ 1 10 00 1 00 00 1 00 00 00 6 00 1 9 3 00 4 10 00 3 7 5 13 8 7 15 00 7 10 00 7 00 00 5 4 00 2 10 5 3 5 2 3 6 33 8 01 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 29 £ s d Feb'' P^ More to S^^ Com*£5 from FebT y^ first 1723/4 1723/4 & Ending y^ 29 For Lay- ing out 2*^ Divisions in S'^ Town To : Capt Shiply 24 Days 12 00 00 To : mr Whittemore 25 Days 12 10 00 To: Fra Fullam 23 Days 11 10 00 Surveyer Jones 24 Days 9 12 00 To Jacob Fullam 17 Days 3 8 00 chainmen To John Shiply Ju'- 15 Days 3 00 00 M-: Joseph Page 9 Days & half 1 18 To Mark Bignal 4 Days 00 16 00 M-: Saml^ Bennett 3 Days 00 12 00 Jonas Gilfon 8 Days 01 12 00 John Wood 7 Days 1 8 00 Walter Bees 1 Day 41 & 3V for Oats 00 7 00 Totall Expense. 92 01 01 [24] £ s d South Town D^ for Necefary Ex- Feb^ 1^^ penc in y*^ Survey of the 2^ Divi- To y^ 29^^ sion Lands from y^ firft Day of 1723/4 Feb^ 1723/4 To V*" 29*^^ of y£ Same Month. Expence p^ at mT Pages Turk Hills Five pounds Nine ShiUings 5 09 00 1 00 00 00 15 00 00 15 00 March 6 South Town D^ 1723/4 To Cap^ Shiply for One Day & half Attendanc at Concord & half A Day for Travil March 6 &c 1723/4 to Make Some Recknings And Acounts About y^ Surveys of 3'^ 2*? Divifions Lands To mT Whittemore One Day & half To Fra Fullam One Day & half Expence then Paid at Concord by m^ Whitte- more 00 18 4 More from March 9 to y^ 17*? Cap* Shiply & m\ Surveyer Jones 8 Days each 07 4 00 To Jofeph Page 3 Days & half. Jonas Gilson 2 Days Mark Bignal One Day 01 06 00 Expences p^ at pages fourteen Shillings & four penc 00 14 4 30 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. March 30^'' MoYQ from Monday March 30^^ £ s d 1724 1724 to Thursday y" 2^ of April following. To: Capt Shiply 3 Days 1 10 00 To: mr Whittemore 3 Days 1 10 00 To: Fra: Fullam 3 Days 1 10 00 Expenc then p^ by Cap^ Shiply Expenc then p? by mr Whittemore Expenc then p^ by Fra : Fullam Ten Shillings & Eight pence 00 10 8 23 2 4 [25] South Town Dr £ s d April y^ To mT Whittemore for More Ser- 8. 1724 vice Begining y^ 8"^ of April 1724, and Ending y'^ 13^^ Day of y^ Same Month: 5 Days 2 10 00 To : Capt Shiply 4 Days 2 00 00 To : Fra : Fullam 5 Days 2 10 00 Expenc then p^ by Mr Whittemore £1-4=9 to Hubard £1-5-0 2 9 9 April More At Concord Two Days April 20th 21st 20th & 21«^ 1724 1724: To Ballanc Lotts Capt Shiply Two Days & half 1 5 00 To mr Whittemore Two Days 1 00 00 To : Fra Fullam Two Days 1 00 00 Expence then p'} by M'' Whittemore Commt^^s charge £1-6-7 16 7 Jan''y 26 More to Fra Fullam for a Journy 1725/6 to Dorchefter & Bofton to Coll° Tailer About Calling A Meeting for y'^ South Town Man Horfe & Necefary Expence in S'^ Journy 00 16 00 Total 14 17 4 Survey and Allotment of Tnrkey Hills. 31 Concord Feb'*.^ 23? & 24-^." 1725/6 Feb"- 23 & Kt k Meeting of y^ Commtee Appointed by y^ 24 — Gen"^" Court for y^ New Towns West of Groton 1725/6 P'-Sent Coll^ Tailer, Coll£ Thaxter Cap^ Shiply Liu! Whittemore & Fra : Fullam. To Confider y? Affairs of y^ Settlem* of y^ South & North Towns Weftward of And Contiguous to y*^ Town of Groton 1 : Voted by y^. Commt55 That y^ Clark procure Books for y^ Entrys of The proceedings of yl Qo\nm^E5 for Each of y% Towns South, & North 2 : Voted by y'f Commt^F That Notyfication be forth- with Isued 'tf^ Order of y'= Comm*£f for A Meeting of y*^ P*'Sons Admitted to Lotts or Intereft in y"^ South Town, To Meet at Groton at y<= Houfe of Liu! Jon^^ Hobbard On Wednefday y*= 161^^ Day of March 1725/6 firft [26] 1 : To Inform y! Comm^^e How Far they have proceeded in the Settlm^ of y^ Allottments in S^^ Town in Comph-anc With y*^ Order of y*^ Comm^^-^ 2^!-^ To Inform y*^ Comm^^^^ what they Would have them Do Concerning The Lotts in S^^ Town that Are Un- der Some Difficulty & Dispute Travil At- 1 10 00 2 00 00 1 5 00 1 00 00 1 00 00 Concord feb«7 23 & 24. 1725/6 fely 23 & South Town DY to y^ Comm*^*^ for 24, 1725/6 tendanc at S'^ Meeting & Expence To: Coll" Tailer 3 Days To : Coll" Thaxter 4 Days To : Capt Shiply Two Days & half To: MV Whittemore 2: Days To : Fra Fullam 2 : Days To Fra Fullam One Day to Bofton for Adver- tism*** & Difpercing them for S^' March Meeting Agreed on— 00-iVOO 00 10 00 Feb« 24^" 1725/6 Expence p'} by Liu! Whittemore at Balls *t"' Order of the Comm^^e Was £3 = 15=11 3 15 11 More Expenc p*.' by Coll" Thaxter With Coll? Tailer 3 18 6 Total 14 19 5 32 Survey and Allotment of Tnrkey Hills. [27] At A Meeting of y<^ Gen'li Courts Commt'-''^ With y^^ Proprie*''^ of y*^ South Town West of Groton Called Turky Hills. P'-Sent C0II2 Tailer, Col]° Thaxter, Cap^ Shiply, Liu^ Whittemore and Fra : Fullam. At y*^ Houfe of Liu* Jon^i' Hubbard at Groton in y'^ County of Middlefex On Wednesday y'^ 16*^^ Day of March 1725/6 at Ten in The Morning Mett in Order to Informe y*-' Comni*'^'^ How far they Have proceeded in yf Settlem*^ of yf Allottments in Com- plyance With The Order of the Comm*f5 And Also to Inform y*^ Comm*<^e What they Would have them Do Concerning The Lotts in S^^ Town ■y\ are (at Prefent) Under Some Dificulty & Difpute. The Information 3^*: Settlers then Gave y*^ Conim*£.'^ W^as that there was then 26 Houfes Raifed & Ten of them Settled & Inhabited 1 Voted by y'^ Comm**:^ That No p^Son Whatso Ever Shall Have Liberty to Box Any Pine Trees Growing on y^ Comons in y^ South Town. 2 That Fra: Fullam Cap* Shiply & Liu* Whittemore, Or Any Two of them With Sutable Affiftance Do Lay out y*^ Aquivalent Land as Soon as May be. Groton March y? 16: 1725/6 March^^W South Town is D-: To y^ Comm*'"'-' 17. & 18 for their Attendenc Travil & Expc £ s d 1725/6 To: Coll!Z Tailer 4 Days 2 00 00 To: Coll« Thaxter 5 Days 2 10 00 To: Capt Shiply 2 Days & half 1 5 00 To: mV Whittemor 3 Days 1 10 00 To: Fra: Fullam 4 Days' yf IS*'": Vo, I7 & is of March 2 00 00 Expenc p-;' by Mr Whittemore 7 19 11 More Expenc p'.' by ColL' Thaxter 1 3 00 More pd by Coll-i Tailer 00 16 00 Totall 19 03 11 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 33 [38] At A Meeting of y^ Commte^ of y*^ South Town Bofton West of Groton Called Turky Hills In order Decern'' to Settle Some Accounts Relating To S^ Town r* &c. 1726 P^Sent Coll° Tailer ColllI Thaxter Capt Shiply Liu^ Whittemore, & Fra: Fullam DeC^ 7^'' South Town is D-: to y Comt*^^ for 1726 Attendanc Travil & Expenc To Attend S^ Meeting £ s d To: Collo Tailer Day 00 00 00 To: Coll^ Thaxter Day 00 00 00 To: Capt Shiply 3 Days 00 00 00 To: Mr Whittemore 2 Days £l = 00zr00 & Expenc 01 12 00 To: Fra: Fullam 2 Days & Expenc 1 4 00 Totall 2 16 00 [39] The Commt'^'^ for y^ South Town West of Groton Sep^ 28^'' Mett at Cambridge The 28^^ Day of Sept 1724 1724. P'-Sent Collo Tailer, Coll° Thaxter, Cap* Shiply Liut Whittemore And Fra Fullam To Make up Some Acco*^ for past Service & Sur- veys &c. £ s d Then p^ by CollS Thaxter to M^ Sam^l Jones Surveyer In full to that Time for his Ser- vice in South Town Thirteen pounds & One Shilling 13 1 00 More to Fra: Fullam in full to yt Day for S^^ Town 11 13 6 More to Capt Shiply in part 12 00 00 More to mr Whittemore in part 3 14 More then Due to mr Whittemore. to Ballance 11 7 9 More then p'.' M*"^ Anger for Victuals Drink & horfmeat 2 16 Total 53 5 1 34 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. April 25^." 1726 April 25 An Accot of y*^ Charges & Expenc of y^ View- 1726 ing y«= Equivalent Land for Turk hills or South Town Agreeable to y^ Order of y^ Gen'^i' Court To : Cap^ Shiply Who began S? Service April 26«^ 1726, & Ended May yl 2'^ 7 Days 3 10 00 To mT Benj'^ Whittemore beging April 25*^ & Ended May y^ 3^ 9 Days To m*; Sam" Jones Survey er 9 Days To : m'- Edwd Hartwell 6 Days at 5^ chainmen To : Jon*'^ Shiply 7 Days To : Cap^ Willard for his Man 6 Days Expenc in S'^ Service then p^^ by \r\\ Whitte- more [30] Cambridge Sept 28^" 1724. South Town D"? To y*^ Com**^*^ for Attendanc, Travil, & Expenc, viz £ s d To : Collo Tailer One Day Ten Shillings 00 10 00 To : Thaxter Two Days One pound 01 00 00 To: Capt John Shiply Two Days & half 01 05 00 To: m'' Benjamin Whittemore One Day 00 10 00 To: Era: Fullam One Day Ten Shillings 00 10 00 Expenc then p*^ at Cambridge for Victuals Drink & horfmeat by Coll^ Thaxter Two pounds One Shilling & Six pence 02 01 06 4 10 00 4 10 00 1 10 00 1 15 00 1 10 00 4 2 9 21 7 9 05 16 06 [31] Page 31 left blank. [33] TuRKY Hills South Town April 12^" 1727. At A Meeting of y'^ Comm^'^'^ Appointed & Im- April powred by the Great & General Court At 12^'' their at Bofton, DeC" 7^'^ 1719 To Allott & 1727. Grant out the Lands Contained in the South Townfhip Granted Weftward of & Contiguous to v*^ Town of Groton in v'' Countv of Middlefex. Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 35 P'-Sent y*^ Hon^> Coll£ Tailer & Sam" Thaxter Efq'-^ Cap^ John Shiph^ Liu* Benja : Whittemore & Fra : Ful- 1am EfqT S"^ Committee being Mett at y*^ Houfe of Cap^ Jofiah Willard In S"? Turky Hills After Due Warning Given, As Well at y*^ Requeft of y*^ Settlers As to be Informed What progrefs Was Made in Setling Each Lott, as Injo^med by y'' General Court, & S':'' Comm*£?. And finding that Several of y'' Lotts in S^ Town Are Not Settled as injoyned by y«^ General Court. And their Comm^iL^ And Several that to this Day have Never Done Any Labour at all on Them, but y* y^ p^'fons Who Drew them Have hitherto Kept the Lotts from Others Likly to Settle them. And have Only Traded them from One Man to Another for Exceffive Gaine & Prices, Which Practice is Directly Contrary to y^ Written Conditions & Provisos Upon Which Each P'Son had his Lott of y*^ Comm*!*^ Which practice Tends Greatly to Retard y*^ Settling S^ Town, And Oprefiion of thofe Who muft finaly Do it. Voted '# ye Comm^ee -j-hat Lott N^ 19. Lott N^ 45. Lott N^ 25 and Lott N^ 44. In y^ S^^ South Town Are Declared forfitted. And Shall forth with be Granted to Such Sutable P'^Sons as Will forthwith Settle them Effect- ualy No Lott to be Sold for More then fifty pounds Nor for Lefs then forty pounds. The Comm^ees Attendenc, Travil, & Expenc at S'^ Meeting To: Coll° Tailer 5 Days To: Coll2 Thaxter 6 Days To : Capt Shiply 4 Days To : ml Benja Whittemore 5 Days To : Fra : Fullam 5 Days To Turky Hills & Concord 2 10 00 To Expenc then p"? by Coll° Thaxter with Coll£? Tailer 3 14 00 More by m^ Whittemore ^ Order 8 8 00 More To mT Whittemore A Day to bring y'^ Turky hill petition In Order for yl Above Meeting 10 00 25 12 00 £ s d 2 10 00 3 00 00 2 00 00 2 10 00 36 Siirvey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. [38] South Town Turky Hills April 28^" 1727. To Francis Fullam Efqr Clerk of y*= Commtee for Said Town, , — We y^ Subscribers Have proceeded to Sell y*^ four for- fitted Lotts in S^^ Town ; And y^ Conditions And Delivery Wear in y*^ Words Following, (viz) By Order of y^ Reft of y^ Comm^^P of the Hon*"^ Gen- eral Court for South Town So Called. We grant you, A: B = Pofsefsion of Lott N" : — With all y<^ Rights thereto be Longing in this Said Town, On Conditions & Not Otherwife That you Do forth with fullfil y'^ General Courts Act by building a good Dwelling Houfe Breaking up, & fencing in Three Acres of Land theron &c And by Doing And fullfiUing all Other Duties According to y'' Directions of y'^ S*? Courts Comm^^'^ in & A bout y«^ Same, On penaly of forfitting y^ Same into y*^ Hands of y^ Comm^^*^ Again. April We Sold & Gave Pofsefsion of Lot N" 25. To 26^^ Capt Joliah Willard for ye Sum of Fifty on S^ Day pounds. Wittnefs — Sam" Jones & Ephr!?} Sau- tle We Sold and Gave Pofsefsion of Lott N^ 19 to Josiah Baylee for y'^ Sum of fifty pounds. Wittnes m*" Samll Jones, M^ Ephraim Sautle April 27^^ We Sold & gave PoffefTion of Lott N° 44 : To Jofhua Hutchins for The Sum of forty pounds. Wittnefs Sam^ Jones Danll Auftin April 28^^ We Sold And gave Poffefsion of Lott No 45 to Jon^^ Whitny Ju'' for y'= Sum of forty pounds Wittnefs Sam" Jones & Ephraim Sautle Benj^ Whittemore John Sheple The Amounts of y*: S? Sums is One Hundred & Eighty pounds £180. For Which y'^ S^ Benjamin Whitte- more Makes HimSelf Debter to the Comm^^e Rec^^ for Entry May 2^ 1727. BENjii Whittemore. ^ Fra: Fullam Clerk. Survey and Allotment of Tnrkey Hills. 37 The Charge of y^ Sale of S-^ forfitted Lotts To: m': Benja: Whitteraore 3 Days & half 1 15 00 To : Cap! Shiply 2 Days & half 1 5 00 To : ml Jones 3 Day & half 1 8 00 To: mT Sautle 2 Days & half. 00 10 00 Expenc then p^ by ml Whittemor £1 = 11 = 7 & A Day to Make-Return 10s 2 17 6 19 7 [34] Page 34 left blank. [35] Concord Nov5 y5 G^h & 7"\ 1727. At A Meeting of y«^ General Courts Comm^*^*^ for y^ South Town Called r^ Turky Hills West of Groton P*-Sent The HonilL'^ Coil2 Tailer, Cap* John Shiple, Liu! Benj? Whittemore & Fra: Fullam. NovK 6 & Voted by y^ Comm^^^ That y^ Propriet^^ of y*^ 7 Lott Lands in Said Turky Hills be Directed; 1727. This Winter Without further Delay to proceed to The Erecting, building, & finifhing of A Sutable & Convenient Meeting houfe For y^ Publick Wor- ship of God in S'^ Town, Not Lefs than forty and Five feet in Length, And thirty And five feet in Width, Nott Lefs then Eighteen feet. Nor More then Twenty feet be- tween Joynts, And to be Sett on y^ Same Spott of Ground as Ordered by y*^ Comm^^'^e Lying between The Houfe of Benoni Boynton and Horfmeat Medow in S"^ Town. And that Mefurf Sam'i Page, Cap^ Jofiah Willard Ed- ward Heartwell Benoni Boynton & Isaac Farnfworth be Defired to be And Act as A Sub comm^^? to Accomplif h S*^ Work as before Directed Subject NevertheLefs to y*^ Order & Directions of y*' General Courts Comm^l? And that there Shall be A Meeting of y*^ Gen<^" Courts Comm^i? With y<^ proprief^ of Turky Hills (at Turky Hills) Some Time this Winter as Soon as May be In Or- der to Raife A Sutable Sum of Mony to Carry on S? Work 38 S?irvey and Allotvioit of Turkey Hills. Concord South Town D*" £ s d To Attendenc Travil & Expenc at S^^ Meeting Arox^r6"'& To: Coll? Tailer Two Days & Ex- 7 penc 1 3 00 1727 To: Capt Shiple Two Days 1 00 00 To : Liu* Benj^ Whittemore One ■ Day & half 00 15 00 To: Fra: FuUam One Day & half 00 15 00 To Expences then paid by m^ Whittemor t^ order ' 2 12 1 Octol 31 To : Fra : Fullam for A Journy to 1727 Dorchefter to Agree on S*:^ Meet- ing Man, Horfe & Expenc 00 12 6 6 17 7 [36] At A Meeting of the Comm^^^ for y^ South Bofton Town West of Groton Called Turky Hills NovK 30^'' P'-Sent Coll? Tailer, Coll« Thaxter, Cap* & Shiple & Fra : Fullam DecK 1^^ & 2'} The following Requeft of y'^ Selectmen of 1727. Wooburn was Read as followeth WoBURN Nov? Y^ 24'^" 1727 To y^ Hon'lL^ W2Z} Tailer Sam'J Thaxter & Fra: Fullam Esqif M"" Benj^ Whittemore And Cap^ John Shiple Gen^ Thefe Are to Requeft of you, Either by your Selves or Some That you Shall Appoint to Meet us at y'= Houfe of M^ Edward Hartwell of Turky Hills On Wednesday y*^ Sixth Day of Deer Next at Eight of y*^ Clock in y^' fore- noon to perambulate y^ Lines between the Two Thoufand Acres belonging to y*: Town of Woburn And y'^ Lands be -longing to Turky Hills Signed V^ Joseph Wright ] Sam^^ Walker Selectmen of Sam^^ Richardson Wooburn Robert Converse DecL 1% In Anfwer to y'^ Above Requeft The following 2" 1727 Power Went forth Survey and Allotvicnt of Turkey Hills. 39 Boston Dec^ 1'^'^ 1727 To Capt John Shiply Cap* Jofiah Willard, Liu* Ed- ward Hartwell And mr Benoni Boynton Gen^i" The Selectmen of Woobnrn Having Requefted The Gen'^" Courts Comm**^'^ Either by them Selves, or Such P^'Sons as the^^ should Appoint to Aleet at y*-" houfe of mL Edward Hartwell of Turky Hills On Wednesday y*^ Sixth Day of Decern^ ^1727 at Eight of y*^ Clock in y^ Morning to P^ambulate y^ Lines between y*^ Two Thou- fand Acres belonging to y'^ Town of Woburn And y^ Lands belonging to Turky Hills. The Comm^ee Mett at Bofton y*^ Day A bove And agreed To Defire & Impower You the Above Named John Shiph^ Jofiah \Yillard, Edward Hartwell & Benoni Boyn- ton to Meet y*^ S*^ Selectm.en & Run y^ P'ambulation Lines as Above 13^ Ord'' of y*^ Comm^ff Era Fullam Clerk [37] South Town D'- to y^ Comm^ee for Attendanc Travil & Expenc £ s d Bofton To: Coll« Tailer Day 00 00 00 Nov'- 30^^ To : Coll^ Thaxter Day 00 00 00 —&— To: Capt Shiply 3 Days & half. 1 15 00 Dec- 1%2'^To: Era: Eullam 3 Days 1 10 00 1727 Expenc then p^ by Era: Eullam 112 More p$ by Cap* Shiply 1 3 00 To: mL Whittemore One Day 00 10 00 5 19 2 At ye Town Ship Called Turky Hills December 7*^ 1727 We the Subscribers, John Shipley Benoni Boynton With Several of the Inhabitants or Propriafs of Turky Hills, S':^ Shiply And Boynton being Appointed by by y^ Gen^l' Courts Comm^^' to P''ambulate with Woburn Gen- tlemen Such as S^ Woburn Should Send, Which Was Sam" Walker And Sam" Richardson Round Woburn farme Lying in y*^ TownShip Above Said And We Mett On y'= 40 Survey and Allotment of Tjirkey Hills. Sixth Currant & Did P'-ambulate On y^ Eaft Side & North Band And y*^ Bounds On y<^ Eaft Side Are as Fol- loweth We began at An Old Whit Oak Above Cap^ Willards Saw mill, & y^ firft Mark was S^^ Oak, And we Run Northerly y<^ Next Was a Pitch Pine, Chefnut Whit Oak, Piller of Stones, Cheftnutt, Red Oak & Burch Together, Chefnut Piller of Stones at y*^ North Eaft Corner. Alfo many Other Trees Marked on S^ Line though Not Named. Then We Turned & Run y^ North Line, firft A Burch then A Chefnut, A Maple Two Chefnuts Marked facing, Pople, Blak Oak, Piller of Stons, Chefnut Chefnut, Blak Oak, Whit Oak, Bafswood Trees Standing in a Hallow Whit Oak Chefnut, Blak Burch, Chefnut, Blak Oak, Piller of Stones, Whit Oak, chefnut Black Oak, Whit Oak, Wal- nut, Blak Oak, Walnutt, chefnut Walnut a Walnut at y*= Northweft CornV of S*^ Farme, And there be Several More Marks on S^ Line though Not Named. And We p^'ambu- lated On y'' Wefterly Side of y^ Pond Called Unkechewa- lom. We began at A Marked Chefnut by S*^ Pond that is between S*? Farme & Turky Hill Land & Run North weft- erly About Eighty pole to A Chefnut Tree Then We Turned & Run South Weft^'ly to a Piller of Stons yt is a Corn^- between Woburn farm and Dorchefter farm, & A Side bounds to Turky hills. And to Confirm our perambu- lation We have Enterchangably Signed y^ Day Above Said John Sheple Sam^- Walker \ ^ mm^^^ Benoni Boynton SamV' Richardson ] '^ ~ The propriators Wear J Jofeph Burnap Was prefent Ifaac Farnfworth And Affifted in S*^ Perambulation Jofhua Hutchins [38] To ye Comm^*^?^ Attendenc, Travil & Expenc June 12^'^ When Ordered to Attend y? General Court On & 13^'' ye Petetion of Jon^h Whitny June y" 12*^ & 1727 13"! 1727 To: Coll" Tailer Day 00 00 00 To: Coll» Thaxter Day 00 00 00 To : Cap^ John Shiply 3 Days 1 10 00 To: Liu^ Benj^ Whittemore 3 Days 1 10 00 Survey and Allotment of T2irkey Hills. 41 To: Fra: Fullam One Day & half 00 15 00 To: Expenc, & Writings theV Given in by Fra Fullam 00 10 00 Expenc then Paid by ml Whittemore ^ Order & For Writings &c 3 16 7 8 17 BeC 19^^ More to y« Comm^^^ for their Attendenc Travil 1727 & Expenc To Wait On y*^ General Court as by them Ordred Decl 19^1^ 1727 To: Coll£ Tailer 00 00 00 To: Coll" Thaxter 00 00 00 To : Cap* Shiply 4 Days & Expenc 2 12 00 To: Liut Whittemore 3 Dayes 01 10 00 To: Fra: Fullam 3 Days & Expence 1 16 00 To: Expenc then p^^ by mV Whittemor 00 18 00 Jarfy y'" 4^'' More to y'^ Comm*^^"'^ for their Attendanc Travil 1727/8 & Expenc To Wait on y*^ General Court as Ordered Jan^Z 1727/8 To: Coll° Tailer To: Coll? Thaxter To Capt Shiply 11 Days To: m^ Benja: Whittemore 9 Days To : Fra : Fullam 9 Days Expenc then p? by Cap! Shiply Expenc then p^ by ml Whittemor To: Expenc then p^^ by Fra: Fullam for his horfe keeping to niT Edmunds To pocket Expenc & Writings To: A Day to Bofton to fetch y": papers & Expenc FebL total 38 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 10 00 4 10 00 4 10 00 2 7 00 1 18 00 1 01 00 2 17 00 00 11 6 42 Survey and Allot in cut of Turkey Hills. [39] Weston April 2, 1728 South Town D^ April 2'^ To y*^ Comm*'^'^ for their Attendanc 1728 Travil & Expenc to prepare Ac- counts to Lay before y*^ General Court as Ordered To Capt Shiply Two Days £1 = 00-0 & Expenc To ir\L Whittemore One Day To Fra: Fullam One Day & Expence April More To ml Whittemore One Day 1728 to Wefton on f^ Servic 00 10 00 Ditt? To Fra Fullam One Day With ml Whittemor 00 10 00 More to Expenc by S^i fullam 00 03 00 Maj-y'^5'^ Ditto S^ Whittemore One Day at 1728 Wefton on f^i Service 00 10 00 Ditto to faid Fullam One Day & Expenc 00 13 1 00 00 00 10 00 00 14 00 Concord May Yf 16 r^" & 17^" 1728 South Town is D£ To y^ Com^'^'^ for Attendance Travil & Expenc to prepare Accounts to Lay before y'= Gen*^" Court To Coll° Tailer for South Town Acco^^ One Day at 10« Ditto: To Colle Thaxter One Day & half To: m^ Benj-:! Whittemore One Day To: Fra: Fullam One Day Expenc then p^^ by Coll2 Tailer at charged to y'^ South Town Ditto there p^^ by Coll2 Thaxter Ditto : by M*" Whittemor Ditto then p^^ by Fra: Fullam 00 10 00 lialf 00 15 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 Concord 00 5 3 00 5 3 00 5 10 00 5 10 7 17 2 Survey and Allotment of Titfkey Hills. 43 June 5 More to mL Whittemore One Da^^ 1728 at Wefton to prepare Accounts to Lay before y'' Gen'^^^ Court as Ord'-'^ With ffullam One Day at lo five shim to ye South Town 00 05 00 And 51 to ye North Town Ditto to Francis Fullam One Da^^ at -^o Ex- penc 41 for y^ w^I^ ^^^ North Town D-" for 7? & ye South Town for 00 7 00 8 9 02 South Totall 08 09 02 [40] Left blank. [41] 1 [42] I [43] [ Pages 41, 42, 43, 44, cut out. [44] j [45] Left blank. [46] Left blank. [47] Left blank. [48] THE BOUNDS OF Y'^ SOUTH TOWN MEDOW LOTTS *Two Lotts of Medow No: 9 & 10 Two Meadow Lotts Ajoyning to Lott No: 5: In the Second Divifion Near Bennetts Both Makes up: 10: Acres and are Bounded As Followeth. Northerly on the Above S^: 5*^ Lott Westerly on Said Bennitts Lot No: 69: in the First Divifion & Southerly Bounded on Meadow Lot, No : 8 : Near the uper End of Cataconamog meadow & Easterly Bounded by Marks & Upland thefe are the most Northerly- Meadows in Cataconamog Meadows, & Belong to Lotts No: 5: and : 6: in Second Divitions *The lines here printed in italics are in the orig-inal written in the margins. IW.A.D. 44 Sin^vey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. Meadow Nl : 8 :—5 Acres Meadow Lot, N°: 8: In Cataconamog Bounded North- erly on the 10 acre of Meadow above S*? Westerly on Bennitt or the 69^^^ Lot, in P'irst Divifion, Southerly on the three Acres above y^ Bever Dam, Easterly by Marks and Upland Meadow No 7 5 Acres Meadow Lot, No: 7: In Cataconamog Bounded West- erly on Marked Trees, Partly Southerly on Meadow Lot N? : 6 : and Easterly by marks by the Upland Northerly by marked Trees at the Angles Meadow N^ : 6: Meadow Lot N? : 6: Bounded Westerly by Marks on the Upland 19 : Rods - Southerly by the Meadow N^ : 5 : in s":^ Cataconamog Meadows Easterly b3^ Upland, North- erly by Meadow Lot N? : 7 : in Cataconamog meadows Meadow N2 — 5— 5 Acres Meadow Lot N°: 5: in Cataconamog Bounded North- erly on Meadow Lot N? : 6: Easterly on the Marks by the Upland, 16: Rods Southerly by Meadow Lot N° : 4: and Southwesterly by Marks About 20: Rods Meadow No — 4 — 5 Acres Meadow Lot N^ 4: in Cataconamog Meadows Bounded Norwesterly on Meadow Lot N° : 5 : Easterly on the Up- land : 10 : Rods and Partly Southeasterly on Meadow Lot N": 3: & Southerlv on Marks about 33 Rods Meadow N? : 3: 5 Acres Meadow Lot N°. 3. in Cataconamog above M^ Bor- mans Farm Bounded Westerly on the above Mentioned Meadow N? : 4 : Bounded Northerly & Easterly on Up- land, & Southerly on Marks 39 Rods this Contains about Six acres by Realbn of the widnefs of the Brook that Runs through the Same — Suvoey and Alloivient of Turkey Hills. 45 Medow Nl 2 5 Acres Meadow Lot N2 2 : in Cataconamog Meadow, Bounded Norwesterly on Marks Near 19. Rods Easterly on medow Lots No 4. & 5. Southerly on Staks & Westerly on Lot N2 1. on Mafsapog Brook 5 Acres Medow Lot No Is in Cataconamog on Both Sids Mafapog Brook Bounded Northerly 34 Rods by upland & marks & westerly it Bounds : 20 : Rods \iy marks & Southerly about 34 Rods by marks in Meadow Lands and Easterly it Bounds on Meadow Lot No : 2 : [49] N° : 1 : above Mafsapog- Where the Brook Comes into the Meadow 5: Acres An account of the Meadows above Mafsapog Pond Begining at N? 1 : Where Unchawalam Brook Comes into the Meadow by A Small White Oak Marked & from thence it Bounds South & Southwesterly on Marks & on Upland Near Forty two Rods to a Ded Pine Tree thence it Bounds Partly East 23 Rods to a Stake from thence it Bounds North on Meadow Lot N° 2. & Norwesterly 20 Rods on Upland to the Small White Oak Where we Began Meadow N?—2: 5 Acres Meadow Lot N? 2. Bounds South Westerly on mead- ow Lot No 1. — Norwesterly it Bounds on Upland 28 Rods and Noreasterly it Bounds on Meadow Lot N". 3. & Southeasterly it Bounds about 27 Rods Rods on Up- land. Meadow N^ : 3 : 5 Acres & 20 Rods Meadow Lot No. 3. is 4 acres & 20 Rods Bounded South easterlj^ on the : 2*^ : or N° 2. Norwesterly on Marks & upland, Noreasterly on Marks & Common Swamp. & South easterly on Marks & Common Swamp alfo one acre more Lying at a Small Diftance Easterh' from it Be- ing 20 Rods Long & Eight Rods Wide at the North end 46 Survey and AlloUnent of Turkey Hills. is Two Stakes one at Each Corner & at the South End a Ded Popler Stump & a Small Marked Tree at the South- east Corner Meadow N2 : 4 : 5 Acres Meadow Lot N? 4. on the Northerly Side Mafsapog Pond Bounded North & Norwesterly 25 Rods on Marks & Upland Northeasterly it Bounds on M^ Gutrog 34 Rods Southerly Near the S'^ Pond 33 Rods Westerly on Marks 28 Rods. Meadow N? : 1 : 5 Acres Meadows Below M'' Bormans Farm on Cataconamog Brook N2. 1. on the East Side the Brook Begining at M'' Bormans Farm Down to the Pond the Brook Being the South & Southwesterly Bounds, and the Upland the North and Easterly Bounds Meadow N? 2 : 5 Acres. Meadow Lot No 2. Below M*" Bormans F*arm & is Bounded on the Brook Northerly, & Easterly, & Westerly on Marks 28 Rods & Southerly it Bounds on Meadow Lot No: 4: 30 Rods. Meadow No. 3. 5 Acres Meadow Lot No. 3. Bounds Norwesterly 25 Rods on Common Upland to a Stake, & Westerly it Bounds on Marks Southerly on Upland, Easterly on Meadow Lot No 4. Meadow N" 4 — 5 Acres Meadow Lot N? 4 Bounds Westerly on Meadow N? 3. Northerly on Meadow No 2. & Easterly & Southerly it Bounds on Upland [50] Meadow N? 5 5 Acres Meadow Lot N? 5. Lyes Below the Ridge hill on the Southerly Side & adjoyning to Cataconamog Pond Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 47 Bounds Northerly by the Pond North easterly by the Brook. Southeasterly by Meadow Lot No 6 and South- westerly by the Ridge hill or upland. 'Meadow No. 6 5 Acres. Meadow Lot N° 6 Near Cataconamog Pond Bounded Norwesterly by meadow Lot N? 5. North or North east- erly by the Brook & ^Southeasterly by meadow Lot N'^ 7 and Southeasterly by Upland. 18. Rods Meadow No 7^5 Acres. Meadow Lot No 7. Bounds Westerly on Lot N° 6 — & Northerly on the Brook Southeasterly on the Marks by the Upland & Southwesterly by Marks A Pich Pine & A Maple Marked Meadow AT*^. 1. 5 Acres Medow, Turkey hill Medow, Lotts which are. 4. No. 1. Bounded Easterly by the 47^^ Lot in the First Divi- sion and Upland South & Southwesterly by Marks & by the Bever Dam & Marked Trees and the Upland, & North westerly it Bounds on meadow Lot No. 2. Medow N°. 2. 5 Acres Medow Lot N° 2. Bounds Partlj'^ Southeasterly by Meadow Lot N^ 1. & Westerly it Bounds on Marks by the Upland Northerly by Lot of Medow N^. 3. & North- easterly it Bounds on Lot N° 47 in the First Divifion Medow No 3. 5 Acres Medow Lot No 3. Bounds Southeasterly by Meadow Lot No 2. Westerly by Marks by the Upland Norwesterly by a Medow Lot N? 4: Noreasterly by the First Divi- tion Medow No 4, 5 Acres. Medow Lot No. 4. Southeasterly by Medow Lot N° 3. & Westerly by Marks, & Norwesterly by marks, & Noreasterly by Lot No 46. in the First Divifion. 48 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. Medow No 1. 5 Acres. Medow IvOtts in Horsmeet Medow No 1. Bounded Nor easterly on L^ Perleys or N? 7. in the first Divifion & Easterly on S'^ 7^^ Lott South on Medow No 2. West on old mV Hills Medow in the 15^^ Lot Medow No. 2 5 Acres. Medow Lot No. 2. in horfmeet Bounded on the North by medow Lot No 1. on the East by the 7*^^ Lot in First Division, on the South by Medow No 3. on the West by the 15*^ Lot in v^ First Divifion Medow N°. 3. 5 Acres. Medow Lot, No. 3. in Horsmeet Medow Bounded North by Medow Lot No. 2. Easterly by Lot No 7. in the first Divifion Southerly by the Ministeriall Lot. & West by Old m.\ Hills Lot No: 15^*^ in first Divifion Medow N" 1. 5 Acres. Medow Lot the First above the Bever Dam in Bever Pond medows is Bounded Easterly on Groton Line South- westerly on the upland & Norwesterly on a Line Crofs the Medow & North & Noreasterly it Bounds on a Poin Ridge by the Side of 8*^^ Medow [51] Three Acres and 60 Rods. And their is on the Same Stream Below the Line of the above 1? Medow or the 5 acres 3 acres & 60 Rods Before the Stream Crofses Groton Line Medow No : 1 : 5 Acres Medow Lot N" : 1 : in Clay Pitt Medows Bounded as Followeth Southeasterly on Marks & Southwesterh' on Severall Marks by the upland, and Northwesterly on Medow Lot No 2. & Easterly & NorEasterly on Marks by the Upland Survey and Allot 7)ient of Turkey Hills. , 49 Medow No. 2. 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 2, in Clay Pitts Medow, Bounded Partly South East on Medow Lot No : 1 : and Southwest- erly it bounds on Common Upland 18 Rods & Norwest- erly it Bounds on Medow Lot No 3. & Easterly on Com- mon Land Medow No : 3 : 5 Acres Medow Lot No : 3 : Bounded South easterly on Medow Lot No 2 : and South westerly it Bounds on Marks by the Upland ; and Norwesterly it Bounds on Lot N°. 4, and Easterly it Bounds on Common Land. Medow N° : 4 : 5 Acres Medow Lot N°: 4: Bounded Southeasterly on Lot N^ : 3: South westerly on Marks by Common Upland, & Nor- westerly it Bounds on Medow Lot N"^ : 5 : & Easterly it Bounds on Common Land. Medow No: 5: 5 Acres Medow Lot N^ : 5 : Bounded South easterly on Medow Lot No: 4: and Common Land, South westerly on Marks 4 Rods wide at this end and Norwesterly it Bounds on Medow No : 6 : and Easterly it Bounds on Common Up- land 29 Rods. Medow No: 6: 5 Acres Medow Lot No: 6: in Clay Pit Medow Bounded Southeasterly on Medow No: 5: & Southwesterly it Bounds on Marks about 10 Rods & Norwesterly it Bounds on Lot N° : 7: of medow, and Easterly it Bounds on Common Land about 10 Rods Wide Medow No: 7: 5 Acres Medow Lot N°: 7: in Clay Pit Medow Bounded South easterly on Medow No: 6: and South westerly it Bounds on Marks Better then Ten Rods and Norwesterly it Bounds on Medow Land in Lot No: 40: in the First Divifion & Easterly on Upland Medow No : 1 : 5 Acres Medow Lot N° : 1 : in y^ Most Southerly Parts of 7 50 Sin-z'ey a7id Allotment of Turkey Hills. Mulpus Aledows, Bounding Norwesterly on Daniel Thurs- ting, & Easterly on Upland, & Southerly on Beefes 2 Acres an quarter of medow to Make Up his Medow Part and Westerly on Upland Medow No : 2 : 5 Acres Medow Lot No: 2: Bounded Southerly by Lot of Medow No: 1 and Westerly on Daniel Thurstings Medow Land & Northerly on Medow No : 3 : and Easterly by Upland Medow No : 3 : 5 Acres Medow lot No: 3: Bounded Southerly by Lot of Medow No 2: & Common Land and Westerly on Marks by the Upland & Northerly by Medow lot No : 4 — [52] Medow No : 4 5 Acres Medow Lot No 4: Bounded Southerly on Medow N<> 3 : and Southwesterly Marks and Northerly by Medow No. 5: & Southerly by Common Land Medow Lot No : 5 6 Acres Medow Lot No: 5 Bounded 20 Rods on or Near the Brook; South Easterly 14 Rods by Common Land & Southerly on Medow No: 4: and Northerly on Medow No: 6: at the west end it is but about 4 Rods wide this Medow Takes in at the East End A Pine Island of Near an Acre Medow No: 6: 5 Acres. Medow Lot No 6: Bounded Southerly by Medow No: 5: South westerly by Marks & Northerly on Medow N°: 7 : and Easterly it Bounds on the Brook Medow No: 7: 5 Acres Medow Lot No : 7 : Bounded Southerly on Medow N^: 6: Southwesterly on Marks, & Northerly it Bounds on Medow No : 8 : and Easterly on the Brook Medow No: 8 — 5 Acres. Medow Lot No: 8: Bounded Southerly b}^ Medow No: 7: & Westerly by Marks & Upland & Northerly Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 51 Partly on Medow No: 9: and the Brook, and Noreasterly on the Brook. Medow No : 9 : 5 Acres Medow Lot No : 9 : Bounded Southerly on Medow No : 8 : Westerlj^ on Marks, & Northerly on Medow No : 10 : & Easterly on the Brook — Medow No: 10: 5 Acres Medow Lot No : 10 - : on the West Side the Brook Be- low the Falls is Bounded South on Medow No : 9 : West on Marks & Upland and North on Marks and East on the Brook — Medow No : 11 : 4 : Acres Medow Lot No : 11 : on the West Side the Brook, up to the Falls, Bounded South by the Medow Line No : 10 : & West by Upland, & North on the Falls. & East on the Brook, & this Contains 4 Acres. Medow No : 1 : 5 Acres Medow Lot N": 1: on the East Side the Brook, Be- ginning by the Falls and So Counting Down the Brook, Bounding West on the Falls & the Brook, North on the Marks, and the Upland, & East on Marks & Upland, South on Medow No : 2 : Medow No 2 : 5 Acres. Medow Lot N° 2 : Bound North on Medow No : 1 : & Marks Westerly on the Brook & Southerly on S^ Brook, & Easterly on Medow No: 3: & a Pine Ridge & Marks [53] Medow No : 3: 5 Acres. Medow No = 3= Bounded Southerly on the Brook, & West on Medow No= 2 - & Norwest on Upland & Swamp, & East on Medow No : 4 = , and Marks Medow No : 4 5 Acres Medow Lot No: 4: Bounded Southwest on the Brook & South on the Medow No : 5 : & Southeasterly on Up- land, & Northerly on A line & West & Nor west on Marks. 52 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. Medow No: 5:5 Acres Medow Lot No : 5 : Bounds on Upland Down the Brook on Both Sids Till it Comes Near the East line of Lot No : 52 in Second Divifion Medow No : 1 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 1 : above the Falls, in Mulpus Med- ows this was Guest at, and is Bounded Southerly at the F'alls & Upland, and Westerly on Fisk, & Joseph Page. & Northerly on Marks & Easterly on the Upland. Medow No -2-5- Acres. Medow No : 2 : in uper Mulpus on the Easterly Side of the Brook Cheafly & Bounded South on Upland & North East on Upland, North on Marks, & West on Medow No: 3: Medow No : 3 : 5 = Acres Medow Lot No : 3 : Bounded South on the Brook, & Westerly on Medow No: 4: & Northerly on Upland, & Easterly on Medow No : 2 : Medow No = 4=5- Acres Medow Lot No: 4: Bounded Southward on the Brook, & west on medow No: 5: and North on upland, & East on Medow No : 3 : Medow No : 5: 5 = Acres Medow Lot No : 5 = Bounded South westerly Partly on the Brook and Westerly on Medow N? : 8: & North easterly on Upland & : 10 : Rods East on Medow No: 4: this Lott of Medow Lies on Both Sids the Brook Medow No : 6 : 5 = Acres. Medow Lot No 6 : Lies on the East Side Mulpus Brook Bounded Easterly on the Upland, & Northerly on Marks, and Westerly on a Strait Line Near the Brook. Mec/oiv No : 1 : 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 1 : In Perhams Medow or Rock Medow. Begining at the Lower end of the Bever Dam. Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. 53 Bounding Southerly by Marks by said Dam. and Westerly by Marks on the Upland, and Nor[ ] it Bounds on Med- ow, No: 2: and Easterly it Bounds On Marks by the Up- land. [54] Medow No : 2 : 5- Acies. Medow Lot No : 2 : in s":^ Medow Bounds South on Medow No: 6: and West on Marks & North on Medow No: 3: and Easterly on Marks and Upland Medow No : 3 : 5 = Acres. Medow Lot No: 3: in Perham's or Rock Medow, Bounds Southerly on Medow Lot No : 2 : and Nor west- erly it Bounds by Marks by the Upland and Northerly it Bounds cheafly on Marks in the Medow Land & South- easterly it Bounds it Bounds on the Upland and Marks. Medow No : 7: 5: Acres. Medow & Swamp Lot No: 7: on the East Side Mul- pus Brook Against & Bound Northward or Lot No: 10: in Second Divifion Upland and Easterly on Upland, & Southerly on Upland about: 8: Rods, & Westward it Bounds on Lot of Medow & Swamp No : 8 : Medow No : 8 : 5 Acres. Medow & Swamp No : 8 : Bounds Northerly on Lot No: 11: in Second Devifion Upland Easterly it Bounds on Medow : No : 7 : and South on Medow No : 6 : and west on Undivided medow Land Medow No : 8 : 5 acres. Medow Lot No : 8 : on the Westerly Side Mulpus Brook, in Uper Mulpus Medows, a Triangler Lot and is Bounded Northerly on Lot No : 9 : of Medow, and South- easterly on Medow Lot No : 5 : and South westerly on + Mark Trees and upland. Medow No: 9: 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 9 : Bounded Southerly on Medow No: 8: and Westerly it Bounds marks, Northerly, on Medow No: 10: and Easterly on Upland. S 54 Survey and Alio tui cut of Turkey Hills. Medow No: 10: 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 10 : with allowance for a Pine Ridg in it and is Bounded Southerly by Meadow Lot No : 9 : and Westerly by Marks, and Northerly by Meadow Lot No: 11: & Eastward it Bounds on upland. Medow No : 11: 5: Acres. Medow Lot No: 11: Bounded Southward on Medow Lot No: 10: and Westward on Marks, & Nor west on Medow Lot No: 12: & Eastward Partly, on Medow No: 6: and Partly on Upland. Medow No: 12: 5 Acres. Medow Lot No: 12: Bounded Southward on Medow No : 11 : And Westward on Marks & Northward on Medow Lot No: 13: and Eastward on Medow No : 6 : Medow No. 13 : 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 13 : Bounded Southward on Medow Lot No: 12: and Westward on Marks, & Northward on Medow: 14: & Eastward on Medow No: 6: [55] Medow No : 14: 5 - Acres. Medow Lot No: 14: Bounded Southerly on Medow No: 13: and Westward is Bounded on Marks. North- ward it is Bounded on Medow No : 15 : and Eastward it is Bounded on Medow No : 6 : — Medow Lot No: 15: 5 Acres. Medow Lot No : 15 : Bounded Southward on Medow No: 14: and Westward on Marks, & is about 28 Rods Shorter then the 14: Medow Lot, & it is 22 Rods Wide, and Bounds Northerly by a Strait Line by Common Land to a Larg White Pine Tree Taking in Two Points of Up- land, & Bounds Easterly on Medow No : 6 : Thirteen Medow Lotts & one Acre and half is cont] the Bounds of other Lotts. \5i\] Page 5(5 left blank. [57] Page 57 left blank. Survey and AHotment of Turkey Hills. 55 [58] HOLDING THE SOUTH TOWN LOTS. 15 West uper Mulpus 5 Lower end of Mulpus 3 above Borman's farm 11 West of uper Mulpus 3 in horfmeet 11 in Lower Mulpus 12 west ol uper Mulpus Medow in first Divifin 2 in Turkey hill Medow 2 in Perl hill Medow. 5 in Uper Mulpus 7 E: of Uper Mulpus Medow^ in the Lott 8 W : of uper Mulpus Done 2 in perrams medow ■1 E : Side of uper mvilpus Divifion South of Mulpus Medow Joyns thereto 6 in Cattaconamog 1 in Perrams Medow Divifion South of Capt Perle3's Lott 45 Acres 1 in horfmeet 3 in Perhams Medow 2 E: of uper mulpus 1 above Mafapoge Medow in the Lot 1 W : of Uper Mulpus 5 in Cattaconamog 9 w^est of Uper Mulpus 8 in uper mulpus 3 in Turkey hill Medow 9 above Bormans Farm 4 E : lower Mulpus 3 E: lower Mulpus 1 S. of lower Mulpus medow in the Lott Medow in the Lott 7 in Cattaconamog 3 Behind Turkey hills 4 Behind Turkey hills 1 On Mafsapoge Brook 91 4 in Cattaconamog 2 in Cattaconamog. 7 west of Lower Mulpus 3 Cata : above Bormans John Fletcher 81 84 Nath" Harris 71 66 Moses Smith 64 19 Roberd Hai-ris 23 36 Abr^ Woodward 82 51 Aron Smith 46 52 Tini9 Harris 31 37 Ephrp Sautle 33 34 Jonth Hubbart 51 62 Joseph Hubbart 24 30 Daniel Davis 61 13 Wm Keen 56 10 Jonth Hartwell 73 89 Elias Barron 32 35 John Warrin 18 Not yet 74 John Child 10 29 Jacob Fullam 80 2d 87 Nath'l Whittemore 57 6 John Whitne3^ 76 22 W«i Wood 79 3cl Lt Josiah Jones 34 75 Eleazr Green 20 33 Ephm Peirce 65 86 Nath" ; Holdin 42 3 Zacheriah Sautle 28 26 Ephrm Peirce W : W : ; 68 87 Isaac Stone 29 76 Nath" Woods 58 11 Nathll Woods Juni' 53 2^ divifin 37 Nathan Hayward 38 73 Edward Emerfon Efc ir 78 21 John Calf 21 27 Tho — Hall 22 38 Daniel Thurstin 50 46 Phillip Goodridg 70 85 Jonathan Poore 54 79 Willm Blunt 55 81 Henry Chandler 13 50 Capt Tho Perley 84 58 Jeremiah Perley 67 Changed . 80 Jonathan Woodman 17 40 Thomas Tailler 4 28 Thomas Kimball 16 24 56 Survey and Allotment of Turkey Hills. [59] ] 14 ] 26 ] N? 45 ]t N9 63 ] Lot N9 15 ] Lot N9 30 J Lot No 35 ] Lot No 72 ] Lot No 12 ]e Lot No 11 ]fe Lot No 43 ]fe Lot N9 44 ] Lot N? 5 ] No 41 ] No 52 ] No 66 ]t No 36 ] Lot No 25 ] Lot N9 62 ]fe Lot No 6 ] Lot No 48 [60] Houle Lot No 60 Hoiife Lot No 3 Honfe Lot No 27 Houle Lot No 40 Houfe Lot No 77 Hovife Lot No 37 Houle Lot No 2 Houle Lot No 8 Houfe Lot No 75 Houle Lot N9 9 Houfe Lot No 7 ]fe Lot No 14 ] Lot No 69 ]nrv Chandler Capt Thomas Perley Jeremiah Perle^^ Jonathan Woodman Thomas Tailer Thomas Kimlvall Nath" Stow Walter Bees William W^heeler Fetter Heywood Thomas Woolley Samll Hartwell for Isa Joseph Ball John Hastings Ebenezer Chad wick Joseph Allien Lt Jonathan Boyden BenjEi Prefcot Phineas Parker Thomas Tarbell Joseph Gil Ion William Larrance James Gold Jofeph Page Samll Page James Richardson Willm Richardson Jonathan Whitney- Isaac Whitney Shadrach Whitney- Mr Willm Clark ] Poor ] Captn Jofiah Willard Daniel Austing Samll Austing Benjamin Goodridg Jonathan Woodman Samll John Ion Thomas Kimball Jofiah Bailey Walter Bees William Wheeler Fetter Harwood Alnathan Jones ac Jofiah Willard Efq^ Jon^i Whitney Junr John Hastings Thomas Hill John Brewer Feffeis in Trust for Maddam Willard Timothy Gibfon Jun'' Finehas Parker Wni Larrance Jonathan Whitney Jofhua Hutchens Sam'l Jonfon Jofeph Page Samll Page. Sam^l Farnsw'orths hiers David Gold Jofiah Willard William Wallis John Haywood Mr Willi" Clark [ John Burrill Efqf ] Jonathan Dows Efq*" Jeremiah Allien Efq'' Nath'l Whitney Junr Edward Hartwell Amos Brown Majr Elea Flagg Capt Richard Kimball James Burbeen \J- Thomas Pei-ley John Perrani Phineas Richardfon Jona Do[ Jeremiah Allien Efqr Richard Estey Benjamin Cory Hilkiah BoA-nton the heirs of s^l Maj Flag. John Wood James Bm-been James Colbern Sam" Page Sam" Benith Survey and Allotvient of Turkey Hills. 57 ] in Iter jtei'ial ] Lot No ] Lot No ] Lot No ] Lot No ] Lot No [61] 1 Hons Lott 39 Hous Lott 85 Wm Tailer Efqi- 86 Samll Thaxter Efqi 87 Fra: Fnllam 88 Capt John Shiply 89 Benja Whittemor [63] South Town N Hotife Lots Houfe Lot No 81 John Fletcher Houle Lot No 11 Nath" Harris The Names of thofe That first Drew them Ho life Lot No 64 Mofes Smith Houfe Lot No 23 Robert Harris Houfe Lot No 82 Abraham Woodward Houfe Lot No 46 Aron Smith Houfe Lot No 31 Timothy Harris Houfe Lot No 33 Ephraim Sautle Houfe Lot No 51 Jonathan Hubbart Houfe Lot No 24 Jofeph Hubbert Houfe Lot No 61 Daniel Davis ]fe Lot No 56 Willm Keen J Lot No 73 Jonathan Hartwell ] Lot No 32 Elles Barron ] Lot No 18 John Warrin ]ufe Lot No 10 John Child Houfe Lot No 80 Jacob Full am Houfe Lot No 57 Nathll Whitemore Houfe Lot No 76 John Whitney Houfe Lot No 79 William Wood Houfe Lot No 34 L* Jofiah Jones Houfe Lot No 20 Eleazer Green Houfe Lot No 65 Ephraim Pierce Houfe Lot No 42 Nath" Holdin Houfe Lot No 28 Zachariah Sautle Houfe Lot No 68 Ephraim Peirce W : W : Houfe Lot No 29 Isaac Stone Houfe Lot No 58 Nathll Woods Houfe Lot No 53 Nath" Woods Junr Houfe Lot No 38 Nathan Haj-ward Houfe Lot No 78 Edward Emerfon Efqr Houfe Lot No 21 John Calf Houfe Lot No 22 Thomas Hale Houfe Lot No 50 Daniel Thurstin Wm Tailer Efqr Sam'l Thaxter Esqr Edward Heartwell Ephraim Peirce Jonth Willard The Names of those That Now hold them Ebenr Wheeler & Jonth Ball by y«^ Heirs of Sam" Farns- worth John Grout Mr Andrew Gardner Isaac Farnsworth Mofes Goold Nathll Harris Timothy Gibfon Samll Page Robert Paul Benoni Bo3mton Jacob Stiles Edward Hartwell Archa Mackfeddres & John Scot Samll Warren John Child Benoni Boynton Jofiah Willard John Whitney Jonathan Willard Lt Jofiah Jones John Hill David Peirce John Fisk Nathan Towns Ephraim Peirce Jvmr John Goodridg Nathll Woods Jonas Gilfon Nathan Hayward Edward Emerfon Efqr John Calf Thomas Hale Daniel Thiirstin LUNENBURG TOWN RECORDS "-^ TJic Early Records cf tJie Tozvn of Lniiciiburg. A TABLE. Cap! Hartwell chofe to Joyn with y*^ heins of Kiby in a petition to Court. Choice of Jury men p. 10 Regester for y^ County Treafurer for y*^ County ] Jury men Isaac Farnfworth chofe to wait / P. 11 — on y*' Court to get y«^ Land Taxt — — — ) Voted m^ Gardner a Difmiflion \ and y^ Select men power to pay and ) 12 do anything elfe to perform it j a road from Northfield Road to the meeting house thro* ministerial land — Annual Meeting 13 Money granted to by weights and measures and to pay y*^ Towns Debts p 12 & 15 Granted to m*" Gardner a Pew y*^ com"^ for pews to ap- point a minifteral Pew p. 15 a Record of MT Gardner's Receipts and Request for a Dismifsion, & Discharge — p. 16 Com^*^ chofe to jDrovide Preaching money Granted to pay Heyw^ood V ^'^ agreed to hire m^ Stearns 2 months Longer & Granted 50 £ for to Suply y^ Pulpit p 17 Com"*^ to hire a School mafter: ministerial and School Land to be put on Record : y*^ Com**^ for hyring a minifter be DifmiA^ & a book to be provided for y*^ Selectmen 18 Choice of minifter: money Granted for Settlement & Sal- lery &c: P. 19. Granting money : Choice of Town Officers & Excepting of High ways— 20-21-2 M^ Stearns ordination : Galleries in 3^*^ meeting Houfe to be finished forthwith 23. money Raised to pay Col' willard for Entertaining y^ or- dination Councell 23 The Early Records of tJie Tozun of Lniicnburg. (53 A TABLE. 200 £ Mr Stearns Settlement V2 on Poles & y'= other half on Estats 24 Mr Gardner, School for 3 months 24 Preambelating Lins with Lancefter 24 Annual meeting. Granting money 25-6 CoV willard ajant to ^et y^^ Land Taxt 26 Confcerning a School ajants for a new County 40 £ Granted for High ways 27 Laying Rates Granting money. Power to y^ ajants for a new County altered. 28 Annuel meeting Granting money Excepting High wayes Selling Town Rode To pay for others. 29, 30 Granting money Isaac Farnfworth to get y"^ money Due to building y^ meeting House Juftice Hartwell to Take a Leas of y*^ Ground where y*^ meeting Houfe Stands. Two Ty thing men Chofen. 31 Northfield road road by the bury-g place 1 part discontinued. j 33 [1] In Council August 2, 1728. ordered that Capt Josiah Willard a Principle Inhabi- tant of the Town of Lunenburg be and hereby is Impow- ered and Directed to Afsemble the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town to Convene as Soon as may be to Elect and Chuse Town Officers there to Stand until! the Anniversary Meeting in March next. Sent Down for Concurrence. J. Willard Secry. In the House of Reprefentatives August 2, 1728 Read and Concured Wy Dudley. Spek": Confented to, W^ Burnet A True Coppy Examined ^ J. Willard Secry. "■* TJie Early Records of the Toiun of Luueiibiirg. Bj^ virtue of the above written order I have warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town To Assemble at y*^ Hovise of Ensigne Jonathan Willards on y*^ 19 day of August 1728 JOSIAH WiLLARD — Recorded by me Isaac Farnsworth, Town Clerk. [2] At a Legal meeting of y'= freeholders and other Inhabitants of y^ Town of Ltmenburg (by an order from y'^ General Court) Afsembled August 19 : 1728.— voted and Chose Capt Josiah Willard moderator. Lt James Colburn Cap* Josiah Willard Chofen mr Hilkeah Boynton ) Select mT Ephraim Pearce men m*" Sam'' Page Isaac Farnsworth \ Chofen Noah Dodge | Constables Jofhua Hutchens ] Chofen Jonathan Willard ) Survayers Nathan Haywood J of high wayes. Eleazer Houghton \ Chofen Sam" Johnson j Tything men L! — Edward Hart well | Town Treasurer. James Jewell 1 chofen John Fisk j Ho reaves Jeremiah Norcross j °^ Jacob Stiles \ Chofen Jonathan Whittney | fence viewers. Recorded 1^ me Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. [3] At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants and free- holders of y*^ Town of Lunenburg Afembled — September y*^ 24: 1728 Capt Josiah Willard was Chofen moderator. lly voted and Granted y*^ Sum of Eighty Pounds money to be Levied on y*^ whole of y*^ Lands within Said Townfhip for y*^ minifters Sallery for y*^ Term of Six years next Comming. TJie Early Records of the Town of Liinoibnrg. 65 213- voted and Granted y^ Sum of Two Hundred Pounds money to be Levied on Each Right or full Grant Equally to be proportioned for y^ building and finishing of a meeting house in Said Town so far as it will do or anfwer there for. Sly. voted that Capt Josiah Willard and m^ Hilkiah Boynton wait on y^ General Court for a Confirmation of y^ aforefaid articals and also to obtain a Reccord of Said Town — Recorded by me. Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. At a Legal meeting of y^ freeholders and Inhabitants of y*-' Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Janewary y^ 27 : 1728/9 Voted and Chose Cap* Josiah Willard Agant for y^ Town of Lunenburg aforefaid to Joyn with Such other men as y*^ Several neighbouring Towns Shall appoint to Consider what may be best in order to devide y^ County of middlsex into two Counties. A True Record Isaac Farnsworth, Town Clerk. [4] At a meeting of y*^ freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 31 : 1729. Cap* Josiah Willard was Chofen moderator Saml^ Jonson Ephraim Pearce Capt Josiah Willard Noah Dodge, Edward Hartwell Chosen Select men. Hilkiah Boynton > Constable Saml^ Jonson ; Town Treasurer Josiah Willard ] James Colburn \ Chofen Joshua HutchensJ Colectors John Grout \ nathan Heywood j Tything men. 66 The Early Records of the Town of LuJienburg. John Heywood ] Survayers of high Jonathan Willard > — wayes — Nathl^ Harwood j Sam" Jonson \ Noah Dodge j Fence viewers John Grout ) Jeremiah Norcross \ Hoggreaves Benj? Corey J Recorded bv me Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk [5] At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of y*^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y*^ 11. 1729/30. Cap^ Josiah Willard was Chofen Mod- erator. Cap* Josiah Willard Lt Edward Hart well Isaac Farnsworth Ephraim Wetherbe Jonathan Willard Chosen Select Sworn as men afsefsors Isaac Farnsworth ; Chosen Town Clerk & Sworn. Daniel Austen | Chofe Constable & Sworn. Edward Hartwell \ Chofen Josiah Willard } Survayers of high wayes — Sam'^ Jonson ) Jonas Gillson ) David Gould j Tything men Jacob Gould 1 Joseph Page ) Fence viewers. Sworn. William Jones ^ Joshua Goodridge \ Hogg reives. Nathl^ Harwood J Ephraim Wetherbe | Colector Chofen & Sworn. SamV Johnson Town Treasurer. At? Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk PI The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. [6] Lunenburg, Feb": y^ 13: 1729/30. An account of y*^ Town wayes Laid out by y*^ Select men of y^ Town above Said Beginning at y^ meeting House in Said Town and Running through Burbeans house Lott 64 Rods 4 Rods wide as it is now marked out and through Pools house Lott 120 Rods 4 Rods wide adjoyning on Burbeens Land to y"^ way which is Called Northfield Rode, and also 3'^ northfield rode as it is Laid by y^ General Courts Com^^e from or near Pearl hill Brook to where y^ way is turned into Jonathan Whitt- neys Lot, and then Going through Said Whittney Lott 24 Rods, 4 Rods wide where it is now marked out. and Runing through Thurstins Lott 50 rod 4 Rods wide where it is now marked out. and then Running through Eleazer Boyntons meddow^ 31 rods one rod one half wide as it is marked out and Through Becths Land 96 rod 4 rods wide, and through Moses Willards Land 26 rods 4 rods wide with high wa3^ marks to where it Coms into y^ rode or way Left by y" General Courts Com**'^ and then running a Crofs the Corner of y^ Land Laid to Archiball Mackfatrich to Groton Line. : y*^ ways as above mentioned is accepted and confiermed by y*^ Town at y'^ Annuell meeting in March held y^ Eleventh day in y^ 3'ear 1729/30 An account of y'' wayes or Town Rode Laid out by y'^ Select men of Lunenburg beginning at Lancester Line and making high way marks on y*^ westerly Side thereof to Lunenburg meeting house the Said way to be 4 rods wide as it is now Laid out. an account of y*^ said way going through mens Lotts where there is no alowance made by y'^ General Courts Com*!^^ Going through Ebene- zer Richardson Land 100 rods Through Benjamin Coorys Land. 80 rods throng John Heywoods Land 64 rods Through Nathan hcj^woods And John heywoods Land 132 rods. Through Edward Hartwells Land 165 rods Through Goodridges Land 212 rods through harreses Land 50 rods through Gipsons Land 12 through Ephraim Pearces Land 94 rods &c. which rode is accepted alowed and Confiermed by y'^^ Town at y*^ meetmg above Said. Recorded by me Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. 68 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. [7] At a Legal meeting of y*^ freeholders and other Inhabitants of y*^ Town of Lunenburg afsembled May y'^ 18. 1730 Cap^ Josiah Willard was Chofen moderator. then voted that there be granted y*^ Sum of Twenty Shillings to be paid by Each full Grant for y*^ mending of high wayes 21y. Voted and ordered that Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk for y^ time being be Impowered to Record all Such votes and orders that are proper to be Recorded (which hath ben here to fore past) fairly in a Town Book. Sly. Voted that Eighty Pounds be paid to m^ Gard- ner out of y*^ money Granted by y^ General Court upon y'' Lands for y'^ Support of y'^ Gospell for y^ prefent year. Recorded by me Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. At a Legal meeting of y'^ freeholders and other Inhab- itants of y^ Town of Lunenburg afsembled FebT y*^ 8 : 1730/31 Then Cap* Josiah Willard was Chofen moderator lly. voted and agreed to build a body of Sects and a pulpit in y'^ meeting house. 21y. voted and Chofe Isaac Farnsworth Jonathan Willard and Benj'> Goodridge. to be a Com*?'^ to build y*^ Sects and Pulpit afore faid. 31y. voted and Granted y*^ Sum of Thirty Pounds money upon y"^ house Lotts to be Equally Proportioned and paid for the building of a body of Sects and a pulpit in y*^ meeting houfe. 41y. voted and Granted y*^ Sum of five Pounds Twelve Shillings and Six pence money to pay mT SamV Page for building a Pound and for y^ Land y^ pound Stands on and a way to pafs and Repafs to it. Sly. voted to build Pews in y*^ meeting house, so many as there is Conveniant Room for — 61y— [8] 61y. voted that Cap* Josiah Willard L* Ed- ward Ilartwell mV SamV Page mT Ephraim Wetherbe and L* James Colburn be a Com*^**^ to State Places for building of Pews in y*^ meeting house and order who Shall or may have them according to y*^ Direction of y*^ Town and it is further voted y* y'^ Rule y'^ Com***^ Shall go by Shall be according to y*^ Inhabitants Improvements TJie Early Records of tJic Tozvii of Lunenburg. 69 and Stations and having Some Referance to Pay. it is also voted and agreed that y"^ perlbns preferred to have Pews Shall build them on their own Coft and Charge 71y. Voted and Chofe Cap* Josiah Willard L* Ed- ward Hartwell Isaac Farnsworth James Colburn and Ephraim Wetherbe to be a Com"^ to Reckon with AlT Gardner to See what y*^ Town are Indebted unto him Since his ordination and make Return thereof to y*= next Town meeting. Recorded by me Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk [9] At a Leg"al meeting of y'^ freeholders and other Inhabitants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y" 1 : 1730/31 Cap* Josiah Willard was Chofen moder- ator. Cap* Josiah Willard M'" Sam'.i Page Mr Ephraim Wetherbe L^ Edward Hartwell Ds Saml^ Johnson Chofen Selectmen, and afefsors. Isaac Farnsworth Nathan Hey wood Isaac Farnsworth Ephraim Wetherbe Daniel Austen Chofen Town, Clerk, and Sworn. Chofen Conftable. and Sworn. Chofen Colector, and Sworn Chofen Tythingmen. and Sworn. Chofen Survayers of highwayes. Edward Hartwell Ephraim Pearce Josiah Willard SamV Johnson John Grout \ chofen Jonathan Page | fence viewers, and Sworn Benj'? Cory ] Jonas Gillfon ) Chofen Jonathan Page J Hoggreives and Sworn. Sam'.' Johnson Chofen Town Treasurer & Sworn Voted y*^ y"^ Town Jiccept of y*-' accounts brought in by y'^ Com*?^'^ appointed to Reckon with MV Gardner . 70 TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenbtirg. 2 "5 Voted and ordred that Twenty Pounds in bills of JiJ Credit y^ is Raifed upon y*^ unimproved Lands in Said % Town to be paid to y^ Rev".*^ Andrew Gardner for his fet- ^ tie ment here in Said Town Provided Mr Gardner doth ■^ Give a full Discharge of y'^ whole of his Settlement in all ^ Particulars as he shall Claim as a promise from y*^ Town ■" aforef*:' ^ Is Farms WORTH Town Clerk — o cT; [1^^] At a Legual meeting of y*= Inhabitants and free- (J holders of 3^'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled July 5: 1731 •r; U: Edward Hartwell was Chofen moderator — then voted ^ and Chofe Lit Edward Hartwell Agant for y^ Town of »i^^ Lunenburg to Joyn with y*^ Gardean or heirs of James c« Kibby (or who foever shall Claim by from or under him) ^ in a Petition to y*^ General Court for an Equivilent in y<^ -^ Province Land for y^ which is thought by Some to Lye within our Town Provided the}- will Relinquish their Claim in Said Towm. m 3 ^ At! — Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk o At a Legual meeting of y*^ freeholders and other In- ^ habitants of y*^ Town of Lunenburg afsembled July 26 : ^ 1731 'Z Then voted and Chose Mv Edward Hartwell Grand '^ Jury man to Sarve on y*^ Grand Jury for 3^*^ 3ear Enfuing >, At! Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk u ^ At a Leg^^al meeting of y'^ freeholders and other In- .S habitants of y^ Town of Lunenburg afsembled August y*^ I 20th 1731: ^ Then voted and Chofe Mr Jonathan Willard Grand ^ Juryman To Sarve on y*^ Grand Jury at a Superiour Court o of Judicature Court of Afsize and General Goal Delivery, '^ To be holden at Worcester for 3-*^ Countv of Worcester on c the Fourth Wednfda3' of September next 1731 and no o *-■ Longer Voted and Chofe Mr Ephraim Wetherbe Pett3' Jury- ^ man to Sarve on y^ Petty Jury at Court, Time, and Place ^ afore Said, and no Longer. ^ At! Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 71 I [11] At a Legual meeting of y^ Inhabitants and free- holders of y^ Town of Lunenburg afsembled September y^ 2 : 1731. i Then voted and Chofe Isaac Farnsworth modderator ^ Voted and Chofe John Chandler Jun'' Esq'' to be Regefter § of Deeds for y^ County of Worcefter — ^ Then voted and Chofe M^ Jonathan Houghton To be ^ Treasurer for the County of Worcester. J5 At-s I"" Farnsworth Town Clerk c At a Legual meeting of the Inhabitants and freehold- -1 ers of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled October y^ 25: V 1731 Voted and Chofe Mr Ephraim Wetherbe Petty Jurey ^ man To Sarve on y^ Jury of Trials at an Inferiour Court ^ of Common Pleas to be holden at Worcester for y^ County '5 of Worcester on Ttiesday y*^ Seccond Day of November next Ensuing y^ Date hereof &c. At A Legual meeting of the Inhabitants and free hold- ers of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled December y<^ 6 : ^^ 1731 M^ Sam" Page was Chofen Modderator.— lly. Voted and Chofe Isaac Farnsworth To wait on ye General Court in behalf of y^ Town with a Petition that the Land In Said Town may be Taxed for y^ Sup- port of y" Gospel— Both Improved and unimproved farms Grants and Devifions, &c : And for anything Else that Shall be Thought Proper p^^s Is Farnsworth Town Clerk [12] At a Legual meeting of the Inhabitants and freeholders of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Febr y^ 7th 1731/2 Voted and Chofe Josiah Willard Efq^ modder- ator Then voted and Granted y^ Reverand Andrew Gard- ner a Dismifsion from his Paftoral or minifterial office m Said Towm According to his Request 21y. Voted, and ordred that y*^ Select men or their Sucksefsers be vested with Power for and in behalf of the Town to Pav Mr Gardner all and what foever y^ Town are Indebted unto him and also do and Perform any thing 72 TJic Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. or things Else Reffering to his Dismifsion from his Pafto- ral office and obhgation in Said Town as Soon as can be Conveniantly Performed At*: I. Farns WORTH Town Clerk An account of a High way or Town Rode Layed out by y*^ Select men of y^ Town of Lunenburg March y*^ 4t^ 1731/2 Beginning at a Rhode Called northfield Rhode, marked on y'= Eafterly Side of Said Rhode four Rods wide firft Running through Jofiah Bayley Land on y*^ fore Side of his new dwelling Houfe, then Running through Jere- miah Norcrofs,es Land, Running by y*^ fore Side of Said Norcrofs,es Houfe, Then Running Through y^ Land of Sam I' Davis at one Corner of his Lot. Then Running Through 3'*= minifterial Land. Then Running Through Jonathan Pools Land to y^ Corner of a Rhode Laid out to y*^ meeting Houfe Through Ephraim Wetherbes Land. The above Said Rhode Excepted and allowed by y^ Town at their Annual meeting in march held y*^ 6 day : 1731/2 Recorded here in y'= Twelveth Page of y'^ Book being an empty fpace for want of room in y'^ Thirteenth Page. Isaac Earns worth Town Clerk [13] At a Legual meeting of y^ Inhabitants and free- holders of y'= Town of Lunenburg' A fsem bled March y*^ 6 : 1731/2 Dec. SamV Johnson was Chosen modderator Benj'? Goodridge James Colburn John Heywood Hilkiah Boynton Daniel Austen Chofen Select men and Sworn as Afsefsors Isaac Farnsworth Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn Mr Edward Hartwell \ Chofen Town Treasurer, and Sworn Mr Sam'.' Page Chofen Collector, and Sworn Hogg reives, and Sworn. TJie Early Records of the Town of Liinenbiwg. 73 Jeremiah norcrofs 1 Cholen Conftable : and Sworn Jonathan Houghton Chofen County Treasurer. William Jones \ Eleazer Houghton \ Chofen Survayers of high ways NathV Harwood ) and Sworn. Jonathan Willarfl \ Hilkiah Boynton ) Chosen Tything men. and Sworn. Saml^ Davis \ Chofen Fence viewers, and Sworn. Benj> Coorey. | David Pearce NathV Page Benj? Fofter John Hill Voted that y*^ Hoggs in Said Town Shall run at Large. M*: Saml^ Page : Chofen Pound Keeper. At^ Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk [14] At a Legual meeting of y*^ Inhabitants and free- holders of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 13 1731/2 Voted and Chofe M^ Hilkiah Boynton Modderator lly. Voted and Granted y^ Sum of Six Pounds money for the Buying of Weights and Measures for Standards for Said Town 2.1y Voted and Granted y^ Sum of Eight Shillings for building of a pair of Stocks. 31y. Voted and Granted y'^ Sum of four Pounds four Shillings to pay MT Edward Hartwell for Sarvice done for Said Town 41y. Voted and Granted y^ Sum of Six Shillings to pay Mr Jonathan Willard for Sarvice done for Said Town Sly. voted and Granted y'^ Sum of Ten Shillings to pay Mv Ephraim Pearce for Sarvice done for Said Town 61y. voted, and Granted y^ Sum of Twenty Shillings to pay Mr Ephraim Wetherbee for Sarvice done for Said Town 74 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lnncnlnirg. 71y. voted and Granted y'' Sum of thirteen Shillings to pay MT SamV Page for Sarvice done for Said Town 8l3^ voted, and Granted y^ Sum of Three Shillings to pay Mr. Daniel Austin for Sarvice done for Said Town 91y. voted, and Granted y'^ Sum of Six Shillings to pay MT Hilkiah Boynton for Sarvice done for Said Town lOly. voted, and Granted y*^ Sum of nine Shillings to pay M^ nathan Heywood for Sarvice done for Said Town Illy, voted, and Granted y'^ Sum of Six pounds Thir- teen Shillings and one penney to pay Isaac Farnsworth for Sarvice done for Said Town Hilkiah Boynton moderator [15] At a Legual meeting of the Inhabitants and freeholders of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sep**" y*^ 18th: 1732 Voted and Chofe Mv Saml' Page Modderator lly. voted and Granted y'^ Sum of Thirty Two Shil- lings To pay Col' Jofiah Willard for Eight dayes Sarvice Done for Said Town at Laying of Rates and Laying out High wayes for time past 21y. voted and Granted y'= Sum of Sixteen Shillings to pay MV SamV Johnson for Sarvice done for Said Town Time 4 dayes 31y. voted and Granted y^ Sum of Twenty Two Shil- lings to pay Mr Jeremiah Norcrofs for Sarvice Done for Said Town 41y. voted and Granted y^ Sum of five Pounds to pay Isaac Farnsworth for his Collecting or Gathering of Rates for y^ year 1731 Sly. voted and Granted y*^ Sum of Three Pounds to pay M^ Ephraim Wetherbe for his Collecting or Gather- ing Rates for year 1730. 61y. voted and Granted y*^ Sum of Three Pounds Eighteen Shillings for y*' ufe of M^ Nathaniel Page for fencing in the burying Place At^ Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk At a Legual meeting of y^ Inhabitants and freeholders of ye Town of Lunenburg Afsembled October y*^ 30. ^^ 1732 wmmm ueuocr rW rV'^y'^'f jcr^'yf")-^ \.J'^?m^.4D, ? tfyy\iffL(yrL^ cr^'ii-t Mt'ii-^c^ t^ficu^ a '^^»J3^,(Pt Goodridge by order of y*' Select men of Lunenburg. Met y^ Com-tte appointed by Lancefter Select men at y" Houfe of Thomas Houghtons in Lancefter to preambulate y'^ Lines between y*^ Town of Lancefter and ye Towm of Lunenburg as y^ Law Directs, and alfo performed y*^ Bufmefs : as by Return made to me may appear. Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. [25] At a Legall meeting of y*^ Inhabitants and Free- holders of y*^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March 4^^ 1733/4 voted and Chofe Cap^ Jonathan Hubbard Modderator Col' Jofiah Willard ) Mr Benj'? Goodridge Chofen Dec. Saml' Johnfon f Select Capr Jonathan Hubbard men Mr John Grout Isaac Farnfworth ) Chofen Town Clerk & Sworn T T^ r u-\ \ Chofen Sealor of Weights & Meafures Isaac I'arnl worth ) p o ) & Sworn Mr James Colburn ; Chosen Town Treafurer & Sworn William Jones Chofen Collector 84 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. Nathaniel Harwood | Choleii Conftable Dec. Sam'J Johnfon ] & Sworn Dec. Ephraim Peirce } Chofen Stirvayers of Highways and Jonas Gillfon J Hilkiah Boynton \ Ephraim Wetherbe | Chofen Tything men & Sworn Jacob Gould | John Farmer / Chofen Fence viewers Saml' Davis ) Sam" Commings V Hogg Reives Jofeph Dodge J Voted that Hoggs Shall Run at Large in S'' Town M": Saml' Page > Chofen Pound Keeper The other Buifnefs acted and Done on y<^ above faid Day is Recorded on 3-*^ other Side of y*^ Leaf [36] March y*^ 4 : 1733/4 Voted, and Granted y*^ Several Sums to y*^ Several Perfons heafter named, for Sarvices Done for Said Town. lly. Granted. To Co" Jofiah Willard Three Pounds Ten Shillings 21y. Granted. To Edward Hartwell EfqY Two Shil- lings — Sly. Granted. To M'; Saml' Page Ten Shillings — 4l3^ Granted. To Isaac Farnfworth Four Shillings — Sly. Voted. To Give Isaac Farnfworth Twent\^ Five Shillings for Taking Care of the meeting Houfe for y'^ 3'ear Palt and y^" year to Come 61y. voted & Granted y*^ Sum of Twenty Four Shil- lings To Jofiah Willard Jun^' for Sarvice Done for Said Town 71\'. Granted To Benj.fi Goodridge Thirty- Four Shil- lings Sly. Granted. To Hilkiah Bo3mton Twent3^ Two Shil- lings. 91y. Granted. To Jacob Gould Six Shillings and Three pence. lOly. Granted. To John Grout Twent3' Five Shil- lings — At? Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk — The Early Records of the Tczvn of Lunenburg. 85 At a meeting of y'^ Inhabitants and freeholders of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled June 3^ 1734 Cap^ Jona- than Hubbard Chofen Modderator 21y. Voted and Chofe CoV Jofiah Willard Ajant for y^ Town of Lunenburg to wait on y^ General Court in y^ Towns Behalf: To pray y^ y^ unimproved Lands Lying in y*= Town aforef^ may be Taxed at one penny p": acre p': Anum for y^ Space of Three years next Coming after y^ Time is Expired of y'= Laft Tax, At^ Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk [27] At a Legall meeting of y^ Freeholders and other Inhabitants of ye Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber y*^ 2th 1734 Voted and Chofe Edward Hartwell Efq*: modderator lly. voted that CoV Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Esq': and M': John Grout be a Comitte to provide a Law full School to be kept at y^ Houfe of Lieu*. James, Col- burn. Lieut Jonathan Willards and at Juftice Hartwell or as near to Each of y<= Said places as may be and that by Some Sutable perfon at Such price as y^ Said Com^te §^^11 agree for 21y. voted and Chofe CoV Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Esq-: Cap* Jonathan Hubbard Isaac Farnfworth and M": Benj^} Goodridge to be a Com"e for and in behalf of y'^ Town of Lunenburg who is hereby fully Impowered and Directed to Confer and act with y^ other Comittes that Shall be Sent by any of y*^ Tow^ns in ye County of Middle and Worcefter in order for y'^ Errecting and mak- ing a new County. Provided that the Town of Groton be ye County or Shire Town and alfo that y'^ Towm of Lunenburg aforef^ be free from Coft and Charge in y«^ firft Settlement of y'^ Said County — and upon thefe Conditions y^ Com"e j^^e hereby Di- rected to act in all purticulars in order to bring forward ye Said County as they Shall Think moft proper, and they are hereby wholy forbiden to act any Thing to y^ Conterary whatfoever 3ly. Granted y^ Sum of Fourty Pounds for y^ mend- ing of High wavs and voted that any Inhabitant in Said 86 TIic Early Records of the To%vn of Liiiienburg. Town have Liberty to work out his Rate or proportion of ye Sum of Fotirty Pounds aforef"? at Three ShilHngs pT Diem for a man, and Two ShilHngs and Six pence pr Diem for a pair of oxen and Cart. — — — — — — At^ Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. — [28] At a Legall meeting of y"^ freeholders and other Inhabitants of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Decem- ber ye 16 :— 1734 Voted and Chofe Major Jonathan Hubburd Modder- ator Voted That y^ one Hundred Pounds for y'^ Last part of MT David Stearns Settlement be Levied — d and afseffed y^ one half on Poles and y^ other half on Real and Per- fonall Estate. Voted and Granted y^ Sum of Fifteen Pounds nine Shillings and Eight Pence to make up what is wanting in y^ other Rates for y^ Defraying of Town Charges. Voted and Granted y^ Sum of Fourty Pounds for y^ Charge of a School for 3^^ year paft and Prefent. Whereas at a Legall meeting of y^ Inhabitants Town of Lunenburg held at y*^ Publick : meeting Houfe in Said Town on Sep^r 2 y^ 1734 Col' Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Esq'' Capt Jonathan Hubburd Isaac Farnfworth & Mr Benj? Goodridge was Chofen a Com^*^^ for and In Behalf of y'^ Town of Lunenburg aforeP:^ To Confer and act with other Committes that Should be Sent by an3' of y'^ Towns in y*^ Countys of Middlefex and Worcefter in order for y*^ Errecting and making a new County. Pro- vided that y'^ Town of Groton be y*^ County or Shire Town and alfo 3-'= Town of Lunenburg be free from Coft and Charge in y'^ first Settlement of y*-' Count3'. which Power and Restrictions Given to y"^ faid Comtt<^ jg found to be Inefectual and of 111 Consequence. Be it therefore voted That y*^ Said Restrictions and Power Granted y« Said Com*?^'^ be and hereby is fully Repealed and made null and void- and That y*' Said Com*?*^ namely Col' Jo- fiah Wihard Edward Hartwell Esqr Capt Jonathan Hub- burd Isaac Farnfworth & Mr. Benj-? Goodridge or any Three of them be vefted with Power for and in Behalf of The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. 87 ye Town of Lunenburg aforef^ to Do and act any thing or things Respecting y^ making of a New County out of y*^ northerly Parts of y^ Countyes of Middlefex and Wor- cefter as they in their wifdom Shall think moft Proper and Conducing to y*^ welfare thereof. At^^ Isaac Farns worth Town Clerk— [29] At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled at y^ Publick meeting Houfe in Said Town on March 3.^^ 1734/5 Voted and Chofe Co" Jofiah Willard Modderator Co\i fofiah Willard ) Edward Hartwell Esq'' Chofen MT Nathan Heywood } Select And Taken y^ oath Lieu^ James Colburn | men of afsefsors Isaac Farnfworth J Isaac Farnfworth Chofen Town Clerk Sworn John Heywood Chofen Conftable, & Sworn Isaac Farnfworth Chofen Survayer of Hemp & flax & Sworn Lieut Jonathan Willard} Chofen Survayers of High M^ Jofiah Bayle | ways Sworn Decon. SamV Johnfon ) Decon. Ephraim Peirce ) Chosen Tything men M^ Ephraim Wetherbc\ MT Amos Robinson j chofen Fence Viewers Sworn Major Jonathan Hubburd Chofen Town Treasurer Sworn Major Jonathan Hubburd Chofen Collector. M*" Jeremiah Norcrofs\ M*" Benjamin Bellows] Chosen Hoggreives. Sworn. Voted that Hoggs Run at Large, in S^ Town Then voted that y^ Bufinefs and other Articles Con- tained in y^ warrant for y^ above f^ meeting be Adjourned to y*^ Third monday in march Currant at y*^ Pubhck meet- ing Houfe in Lunenburg at Eight of y^ Clock in y^ fore- noon. Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk 88 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lwienburg. [30] Brought over John Fisk Chofen Conftable & Sworn. Isaac Farnfworth Chofen Seeler of Waits & meafures Voted that y^ Rode Called northfield Rode Runing through y^ Town be Sold To pay for Sum other Rode or Rods that is or Shall be Laid out in Said Town not yet paid for Excepting Four Rods wide yet to Lye and Con- tinue for a Town Rode or High way. (and that Col' Jo- fiah Willard Edward Hartwell EsqV and Major Jonathan Hubburd be a Comitte fully Impowered to Sell and Give Title of y*^ Same to Such perfon or perfons as Shall appear to buy y^ Same &c : Voted that y'^ Rode Laid out through Jeremiah Nor- crofs Land Sam'' Davifs Land y*^ menifterial Land and Amos Robinfons Land be accepted which is as folio weth. begining at a heap of Stones at y*= north eaft Corner of Jofiah Bayley Land and So runing as y*^ mark Directs firft to a Chefnut y" to a Beach y" to a Chefnut marked yV to a Chefnut Logg. with an heap of Stones thereon yV to a Black oak before Jeremiah Norcrofses Door & from thence to a Chefnut Tree upon SamV Davifes I^and marked 162 Rods &c : from y^ Chefnut Tree to a white oak marked y? to another white oak 44 Rods on Sam'.' Davifes Land then runing acrofs y*^ minifterial Land untill it Comes to Amos Robinfons Land and Runs forty one Rods and there Comes in to y*^ other Rode or High way by y*^ Corner of Said Robinfons Fence y'^ Rode Lying on y"^ South westerly Side of y'' marks through y*^ Said Lands. Also a Rode begining at y*^ Corner of William Joneses fence & So Run- ing upon John Scotts Lott to a heap of Stones upon a Rock near y'^ Brook So Extending acrofs y*^ Brook to Two Trees marked and then Runing upon y'^ East Side of John Scotts Lott into north field Rode marked on y*^ westerly Side of Said Rode. Laid out Februar3^ 24^'' 1734/5 by Jofiah Willard Benjamin Goodridge and Jona- than Hubbard Select men of Lunenburg. Granted y^ Sum of i-^-O to pay Benj-? Goodridge ibr making Rates & Laying out High ways Granted y^ Sum of 1-2-0 to pay John Grout for mak- ing Rates & Laying out Highwayes The Early Records of the Tozvn of Liiueuburg. 89 Granted to Juftice Hart well 4 Sh. for Renewing Bounds with Groton Selectmen Granted to Ephraim Pierce 4 Sh. for Renewing Bounds as aforef? Granted to Nathan HcA^wood 6 Sh. for y^ aforef^^ Sar- vice Granted to Amos Robinson 1 = 5=0 to take Care of y*^ meeting Houfe Church Balon & Cloth and keep all Clean and in good order — for y^ year — 1735 Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk. [31] At a Legall meeting of y^ freeholders and other Inhabitants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March ye 17th 1734/5 Voted & Chofe Co" Jofiah Willard Modderator Granted y^ Sum of Fourty Pounds for Building of Stairs up into y^ Galleries in y*^ meeting Houfe & for Building or making of Seats in the Galleries Granted y^ Sum of Eight Pounds nine Shillings & Six pence to pay MT Ephraim Wetherbe for what he hath Expended in building y"^ meeting Houfe in Said Town over & above his Proportion. Voted that Isaac Farnfworth be fulh^ Impowered for and in behalf of y*^ Town of Lunenburg to wait on y"^ General Court wath a Petition Praying for Direction and order to make Such grantees or owners of Houfe Lotts in S^ Town who has not paid their part & proportion to build y^ meeting Houfe in Said Town forth with to pay y^ Same: or to use & take Such other method as he Shall think proper. Voted that Edward Hart well Esq^ be Impowered for and in behalf of 3^*^ Town to Take a Leafe of Mr Ephraim Wetherbe of y'^ Ground where y*^ meeting Houfe Stands So Lond as a meeting Houfe for 3'*^ Publick worfhip of God Shall Stand there Voted that y^ Select men be a Comitte fully Impow- ered to make Due Provifion and provide for a School in Said Town according to 3^*= beft manner for y^ Towns Safety & Interft. At^ Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk - 90 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. At a Legall meeting of y*^ freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled at y*^ PubHck meeting Houfe in Said Town Sep.^J: y^ 15. t^^ 1735 — Voted and Chofe Edward Hartwell EfqT Modderator — Voted & Chofe Jofiah Bayle & John Divel Tything men Voted that y*^ Town wayes for y^ Future be mended by a Town Rate Voted & Granted y^ Sum of Forty Pounds for y^ mending of Town wayes for this prefent year. Voted y^ any Inhabitant have Liberty to work out their proportion of y^ Forty pounds before Grantend for y^ mending of Town wa3's at Three Shillings Pr Diem a man : and alfo Three shillings p^ Diem for a pair of oxen & Cart. Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk — [32] At a Legall meeting of y^ Freeholders and other Inhabitants of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled JanT 26,"> 1735/6 Voted and Chofe Col' Jofiah Willard modderator Nothing done at Said meeting Select Sworn as Afsefsors men At a Legall meeting of y^ Freeholders and other In- habitants of y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y« 1th 1735/6 Voted and Chofe Isaac Farnfworth Modderator — Voted and Chofe Co" Jofiah Willard Isaac Farnsworth DS Saml' Johnfon MT John Heywood Ds Ephraim Pierce Isaac Farnfworth Chofen Town Clerk & Sworn Mr Benjamin Goodridge > Chofen Conftable & Sworn Mr lonathan Whitnev \ Chofen Conftable & Sworn , , . -r ^1 TT t 1 J 1 Chofen Town Treafurer & Maior Jonathan Hubburd ^ ^.... '' '' j o\\ oi n The Early Records of the To7vn of Lunenburg. 91 Isaac Farnfworth — Chofen Survayer of Hemp & flax & Sworn Benj?^ Goodridge — Chofen Collector & Sworn James Colbnrn\ Chofen Ty thing men David Pierce j Pierce Sworn Jonathan Willard) Willard Sworn Jofiah Bayle j Survayers of High wayes John Gibfon ) Jofhua Goodridgej Fence Viewers : Sworn Eleazar Houghton | Houghton Sworn Amos Robinson j Hogreaves [331 Hilkiah Bovntonl t>- u t-v • Ty ■ • r^ I t'leld Drivers. Benjamin Lory j Isaac Farnfworth \ Sealer of Waits & meafures Voted, that Joseph Turner be Difcharged of his Rates Two years past Voted, that Ezekel Wyman take Care of y*^ meeting Houfe & keep it Clean, take Care of y«^ Church Bafon & Cloath for Baptifm and Bring water therefor when Defired for 25 Sh. Granted y*^ Sum of J-io o to Isaac Farnfworth for Sar- vice Done for Said Town Granted y'^ Sum of 0-12-0 to James Colburn for Ser- vice Done for y^ Town Granted y«^ Sum of 0-6-3 to Isaac Farnfworth for Laws Bought for y^ Town Granted y'^ Sum of-0-15-0 to Isaac Farnfworth to pay for mending y'^ meeting Houfe glafs. Benj'? Goodridge John Hey wood Jonathan Whitney Hilkiah Boynton Nathaniel Harwood Chofen a Com*^*'= to Seat y'^ meet- ing Houfe in S? Town upon their own Coft and Charge, according to y'^ Inftructions that Shall be Given them from y*^ Town Voted that y*^ Inftructions y*^ Com**'^ appointed to Seat y'^ meeting Houfe in Said Town Shall be according to y^ Inhabitants Pay or Rates accounting or Looking Back Four years — 2ly voted that y'^ afore S*;^ Com"e for Seeting y^ meet- ing Houfe in Said Town Do and perform y«^ Bufmefs there- of on or before y'^ first Day of April next. 92 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. Voted that all that part or Bredth of Northfield Rode So Called Riming through part of y^ Town Except Four RodvS wide of Said Rode yet to Lye and Continue for a Rode &c be Discontinued from being a Rode or part of a Rode as afore A^ and also all that part or Bredth of y^ Rode from Jon- athan Willards Runing to Andrew Flemings Except four Rods wide as aforefaid. and Except that part of S^ Rode that Lj'cs by y*^ Buring place. y\ to Lye and Contain its full Bredth as before : y*^ other part of y'^ Said Rode Ex- cepting as before Excepted be hereby Discontinued from being a Rode or part of a Rode as afore f^^ [34] Brought over. Voted and Chofe Major Jonathan Hubbard M*" Jere- miah Ballard and M^ Ephraim Pierce to be a Comitte fully Impowered for and in behalf of y"^ Town to make Sale of all y* part or Bredth of Northfield Rode So Called as within mentioned & Difcribed & Discontinued and alfo y*^ Rode from Jonathan Willards Runing to Flemings in Said Town that is Difcontinued as within is Difcribed, to Such perfon or Perfons as Shall appear to buy y^ Same, and Give and Pafs Good and abfolute Deeds in y^ Law to y^ Purchafer thereof; and y" aforef^^ Com^*'= is hereby ordered and Directed upon Sale of Such Land, forth with upon Sale thereof to Return y*^ money y*^ Land Shall be Sold for into y^ Town Treafure 12 o Granted y^ Sum of Twelve Pounds to pay Jere- miah Norcrofs for a Town Rode Laid out acrofs his Land in Said Town 3= Granted y*^ Sum of |-0-0 to pay Sam" Davif for a Town Rode Laid out acrofs part of his Land in Said Town — 3=10=0 Granted y'' Sum of Three Pounds Ten Shil- lings to pay Amos Robinfon for Land taken for a Town Rode &c — Voted that Major Jonathan Hubburd be Discharged from his Collection y" year Paft and that he be alowed Five Pounds out of his Collection which he hath in his hands for his Sarvicc therein. The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 93 Voted and Chole Major Jonathan Hubburd Benj^ Goodridge and Isaac Farnfworth to be a Com*?^'^ to Ex- amine and Settle accounts with WilHam Jones Collector for time past and James Colburn a Former Treasurer for Said Town 0-10-0 Granted y*-" Sum of Ten Shillings to pay Benj^ Goodridge for Sarvice Done s A Town or By Law. Whereas of Late years there hath been brought into our Town many Cattle and Horfes not properly belonging to y^ Inhabitants thereof, and Turned out into y'^ woods in y*^ Town whereby y^ feed has ben So Eaten up that y^' Cattle & Horfses be- longing to y*^ Inhabitants of y'^ Town are in Dainger of Suffering, if y^ matter as afore f? be not Speedaly Re- drefsed. For Redrefs whereof. — Voted that whatfoever Perfon or Persons from and after y*^ first day of April next one Thousand Seven Hun- dred and thirty Six Shall bring take or Receive into our Town Directly or Indirectly by any wayes or means w^hat Soever any Cattle or Horfes of Either Sort being not of their own property or Estate Shall for Every ox, Cow, Stear, or Heifer, [35] Hifer-Hors, mare, or Colt, brought in taken or Received as afore faid. forfit and pay to y^ ufes of y"^ Poor of the Town y^ Sum of Ten Shillings to be Recovered in manner as by Law is Directed &c. Ex- cept oxen for Labour or Cows that Give milk — them, to be taken into the Town by any of y^ Inhabitants thereof for their ufe and Benifit. &c Voted and accepted of a Town way or Rode Laid out by order of y*^ Select men of y*^ Town of Lunenburg May y'^ 29th 1735 begining at y'^ South west Corner of Old M*" Whites Houfe Lot on which he now Dwells and So runing Between Said Whites Land and Elifha Smiths Land on Said Smiths Land Two Rods wide Down to y*^ Lower or Easterly End of y*" Said Smiths Land then Riming on Said Smiths Land Two Rods wide as y*^ High way marks Directs Down to Mullipus Entervail marked on y^ South- erly Side of y'^ Rode, and then Runing acrofs a narrow 94 TJie Early Records of the Town of Liniciilmrg. peice of Entervail of Aberaliam Sanderson Two Rods wide marked on y*^ Easterly Side of y'^ Rode, to y^ Corner of John Trulls Land and Said Sanderfons upland, and then Run- ing on Said Trulls Land and Sanderfons Land Two Rods wide a Rod on Each mans Land to Townfhend Line. &c the Bulinefs on y'^ four Laft pages Done at y^ Annual meeting in March 1735/6 Att*: Isaac Farnswokth Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of y'^ freeholders and other Inhab- itants of Said Town Afsembled April y^ 5^'^ 1736 Voted & Chofe Col' Jofiah Willard — Modderator Granted 3^*^ Sum of Twenty Pounds to make up M^ Stearns Sallery for y^ Prefent year with what is Laid in y'^ penny acre Rate. Granted to Justice Hartwell for his Sarvice y*^ Last year & Laying out y^ minefterial Land £3- 15 = 6 Granted to Jona*^ wdllard for Laying out of minifte- rial Land, 6 Sh. Granted y*^ Sum of £3 — 4 — to Nathan Heywood for Survaying y*^ minifterial Land. & Sarvice y^ year past voted that y*^ Com"'^ appointed to Reccon with L* Col- burn & Mr Jones make their Report to y«^ Select men. voted & Chofe y*^ Select men for this prefent year a Com***^ to provide for y*^ keeping of a School in Said Town for y^ Prefent year. & to Hire School Dames as they Shall se meet. — and otherwife as y*-' Law Requires — [36] Brought over — The Report and Return of y^ Comitee Chofen to Seat y*^ meeting Houfe in Said Town is accepted as by y*^ Said Comittes Paper of Seeting, in y*^ Town Clerks office — may appear — voted and Granted all that Room behind 3^*^ Sects in y^ Front Gallery in y^ meeting Houfe in Ivunenburg to Jonathan Wood. Sam" Reed. Phinehas, Osgood. Ezekel Wyman. David, Page. Stephen Bo3'nton. John Fitch. Jon- athan Abbit, for to Build a Long Pew or Sect for them felves and waves for Ever. (To Set in) &c. Provided 3'*^ Perfons aforenamed Build 3'^ Said Seat within Four months from y*^ Date of this Grant. Att? Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk— The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 95 At a Legal meeting of y'^ freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of Y^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled June y'^ 21*'' I 1736 3 Voted and Chofe Edward Hartwell EsqT Modderator > voted yt y'^ Committe Chofen to Sell a Part of north- U) field Rode So Called Runing Through part of y'= Town be ■-5 Difmift from y'' office and Truft in y'' Premifes & alfo from ^^ Selling any part of y"^ Rode from Jonathan Willards Run- ing to Flemings &c. IS Voted that ^ be a Committe fully Impowered for & in behalf of y^ Town of Lunenburg At a Legal meeting of y^ freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Afsembled November y'^ 22^ 1736^ Voted and Chofe Jofiah Willard EsqT modderator Granted, y*-' Sum of Twenty Pounds for y*^ ufe of y^ School in S^ Town voted that Major Hubburds Houfe in Said Town be one of y*^ Places afsigned and appointed for y« Keeping of a School in Said Town. voted that y*^ Houfe of Mr Benj-? Bellows in S"? Town be afsigned and appointed (for a Place) to Keep School in Said Town or on non procurement thereof : then Such other Place as near to y*= meeting Houfe as ma}^ be in S^ Town as Shall be provided b\'^ y*^ Com**'= appointed for Providing for a School in S.^ Town. Isaac Earns worth Town Clerk [37] At a Legal meeting of y'^ freeholders and other Inhabitants of y*^ Town of Lunenburg Regularly Afsem- bled March y^ 7*^ 1736/7 voted & Chofe Jofiah Willard Esq': Modderator Jofiah Willard Esq'" ) Benj'? Goodridge | Ephraim Wetherbe ) Chosen Select men John Grout Major Jonathan Hubburd Benj*? Goodridge \ Chofen Town Clerk 96 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. Edward Hartwell EsqV ] Benj'? Goodridge \ Chofeii Afsefsors John Grout j James Colburn \ Jacob Stiles ) Chofen Conftables Major Jonathan Hubburd ; Chofen Town Treafurer Major Jonathan Hubbard Chofen Collector Ds Sam'j Johnfon Chofen Survayor of hemp & flax DS Sam" Johnfon ) ^^°^"^" ^^^^°^ ^^ ^€x^\v\.^ & meaf- ^ ) ures. Benj'? Fofter | John Divel \ Chofen Survayors of High wayes Jeremiah Ballordj Noah Dodge 1 Jonas Gillfon ) Chofen Fence viewers Jeremiah Ballord \ Daniel Auften \ Chofen Tything men Jacob Gould 1 Moses Willardj Cholen Hogg reives Voted that Hoggs Shall Run at Large in Said Town Nathan Hey wood ) John Scott J Chofen Field drivers Ezekiel Wyman j Ephraim Wetherbe Chofen to Sweep y'= meeting Houfe in S^^ Town to Carry Water for Baptizen for y'" j'ear En- suing for £1-5-0 [38] Brought over. Granted to Isaac Farnfvvorth £4=4-1',) for Sarvice done for S^ Town Granted to John Hey wood - 0-18-0 for Sarvice done for S^ Town Granted to DS Sam'.' Johnfon - 0-10-0 for Sarvice Done for S^' Town Granted to DS Ephraim Pierce - 0-08-0 for Sarvice Done for S^ Town. Voted y^ That part of y"^ Town Rode (Runing from north field Rode, So Called to William Jones,es) that Turns in to y*^ Land of John Scots and Runs acrofs y^ The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 97 north Eaft Corner of his now DwelHng House Lot be Dis- continued and Ceafe to be a Rode or part thereof — y*^ other part of Said Rode Remain a Rode not with standing. Runing on y*^ East Side of Said Scotts Land from north field Rode So Called over to W"? Jones Houfe Voted that ye other affairs and Bufiness of this meet- ing as Contained in y<= warrant for y^ Sam be adjourned to y^ Fourth Monday of May next. Isaac Farnsworth Town Clerk At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg June the 27*^ 1737 Voted and Chofe Major Jonathan Hubburd Modder- ator Voted that y*^ School be Moved to four places in Said town Voted that John Heywood John Grout and Nathniel Harwood be a Committe to hire a School Master and to provide places for y*^ School to be keept in this prefent year Voted that the Committe be paid for their time in spent in hireing a School Master [39] At A meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled July the 11th 1737 Voted and Chofe M'' Nathan Heywood Modderator Voted that the School be keept in four places for the Space of one year Next Enfuing Voted that M'' John Grout M^ Jacob Gould and M'- David Parce be a Committe fully Impowered to hire a lawfull School Mafter for the town of Lunenburg and to provide four Conveniant places for the School to be Keept in where it Alaj^ Beft Conven the Inhabitants the time of keeping in Each place to be proportioned according to y*^ Number of Schoolers for the Space of one year Next En- suing Voted that M'' Samvel Page Edward Hartwell Efq'' M*" James Colburn Benj'^ Goodridge and M'' John Hey- wood be a committe to Examine the Town tearsurers 98 The Early Records of tJic Tozvn of Limenbiirg. accounts and others that has any of y^ town mone3' in their hands and Report thereof to the town and to Con- fer and agree with the Revend M*' David Stearns about y*^ Quallification of y^ money in order for his Discharging the town of his Sallarys by Giveing Receipts in full Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty pounds for y*^ ufe of y^ School Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the frift Monday of August Next at four of y*^ Clock in y^ after- noon at y*^ meeting houfe August y*^ first 1737 Mett by adjornment and upon hearing the report of the Committe Voted and Granted the Sum of fifteen pound to the Rev"'^' M"" David Stearns an equeilent for the moneys not Beeing so Good as when he was fettled for y*^ year 1736 Voted and Granted y*^ Sum of ten pound to pay y^ towns Debts Voted and Granted the Sum of fourty pound to Mend Highways withall At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled November the four- teenth 1737 Voted & Chofe Edward Hartwell Esq'! Modderator Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty five pounds to make up M*: Stearns Sallary for the year A. D 1737 Voted that the High way Rate be worked out at five Shillings t? Day from the first of May to the first of Sep- tember and from the first of September to the first of may at three Shillings 'ij^ day and two Shillings t^ day for a pair of oxen and one Shilling per Day for a Cart at any time of year Recorded ^ Benj> Goodridge Clerk [40] At a meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg Regularl3' Afsembled March y^ Sixth A D 1737/8 Voted & Chofe Edward Hartwell Esqr Modderator TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Linieiiburg. 99 Chofen Selectmen Edward Hartwell Esq'^ Benj'? Goodridge MT Jeremiah Ballard M^ Samvel Johnfon MT James Colburn Benj^ Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk Jeremiah Ballard | John Divol } Chofen Surveyors of highways Benj'? Forftor J ^ Maj Jonathan Hubburd Chofen town Treafurer Eleazer Houghton | Jofiah Bayley \ Chofen Conftables Samvel Johnfon Chofen Surveyor of Hemp & flax William Snow^ Joseph Fuller / Chofen Tydingmen Amos Robinfon \ Benj^^ Bellows ju | Chofen fence viewers Jonathan Smith) John Fitch \ Chofen Hogg reives Samvel Johnfon Chofen Sealer of weights and meafures. John Heywood Chofen Sealer of Leather Jonathan wood | Samvel Cummingsj Chofen feilder drivers [41] Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell Esq -0-12-0 Granted to Benj? Goodridge 1- 6-0 Granted to Major Jonathan Hubburd 0-16-0 Granted to M": Ephraim Wetherbe 0- 8-0 Granted to Mr Hezekiah Wetherbe 4-0 Granted to M': John Grout 1- 4-0 Granted to Mr Benj^ Bellows ju^ for Sweeping the meeting houfe for y*^ year enfuing 1- 5-0 Voted that y^ wa}' from John Divols houfe Lott Be- tween Jofhua Goodridges and John Fitchs Land to y^ way that Comes Lancafter and gos to y'' meeting in Lunen- burg be Excepted and Confrimed a privet way as it was laid out and marked by y*^ General Courts Committe five rod wide Voted that this meeting be adjorned till y'^ Last tus- day in April Next at one of y'^ Clock in \^ afternoon at y^ meeting houfe 100 The Early Records of the Town of LiLuenhurg. Voted that this meeting be further adjorned untill y*^ third munday of May next at two of Clock in y^ after- noon at y*^ meeting houfe this further adjornment was enterd In a rong place by a mistake. At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled the twenty-fifth Day of April A D 1738 Voted and Chofe MT Samvel Johnfon Modderator Voted that Hoggs run at Large in Said town for y*^ prefent year fi@°"Voted that thofe perfons that Give ways through their land to the town Shall not pay any thing to the Buying of other ways in Said town untill Such time as the town has Bought So many as Shall amount to an Equal proportion of w^hat Shall be Given Such ways to be Eftimated by the Select men that lay out the Same and Excepted by the town in the town meeting when the ways are excepted Voted and Granted the Sum of fourty pound to mend town ways withall Recorded 'f* Benj> Goodridge Clerk [42] At a meeting of y*^ freeholders and other Inhab- itants of y'^ Town of Lunenburg held by adjornment on y'^ third Monday of May A I) 1738 from an adjornment on -y" Laft tuesday of April last past then Voted that a town way be Excepted from y<^ way Between the meeting houfe and Col' Jofiah Willards houfe Begining at y'' End of the lane as it is now fenced and runs by the fence on y*^ Southerly Side of Said Lane untill it comes to MT Sec- cartary Willards land two Rod wide. 108 Rod. then Runs acrofs M^ Secar Willards Land one hundred and twenty Rod on Said Willards land and is marked on trees on y*^ Southerly Side of Said way which is two Rod wide then truns into Jonathan Abl)otts land and runs acrofs one Corner of Said Abbotts land fifty one Rod two Rod wide to a two Rod way Between the firft and Second Range of Lotts in woburn farm and is marked upon trees on y*^ Southerl}^ Side and from Said way one hundred and Sev- TJie Early Recoi'ds of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. 101 enty Six rod acrofs M"" Ephraim Wetherbes Land to a two Rod way Between y'^ Second and Third Rang of lots in Woborn farm and from Said way on MT Jofeph Fullers land one hundred and twenty four Rod untill it Comes to Mr Jacob Stileses land then runs Between Said fullers and Stiles land a rod on Each mans land twenty Six Rod till it Comes to y^ pond and is marked on trees on y^ South- erly Side then runs fifty two rod by the Side of y*^ pond on Said Stiles land then makes an Angle at a Certain tree marked and on y*^ Southerly Side of Said Stilese Barn one hundred & twenty two Rod till it Comes to a heep of Stones which is the Corner of Samvel Commins and John Haftings jun land and is marked on trees on the Southerly Side and is two rod wide then runs between Said Commins and Haftings land a rod on Each mans land Alfo voted that a town way Be accepted Begining at a tw^o rod way at or neer the line Between M'; Seacre- tary Willards land and the land of CoV Joiiah Willards runing across a corner of Mf Seer. Willards land and runing acrofs the land of Mr Jeremiah Ballard by the Eafterly Side of Mr Seer Willards Land untill it comes neer the Brook then Crofsing the Brook neer the place where 3*^ path now goes and leaving a corner of said Bal- lards land on the west Side of Said way untill it comes to a t^vo rod way Between y*^ first and second rang of Lotts in woburn farm the Said wa^' is two rod wide and markd on trees on the Eafterly Side At a further adjornment of S*? meeting on Monday the twenty third day of October A. D. 1738 Voted that a town way Be accepted from the End of the way that runs acrofs M*" Ballards Land acrofs the land of M^ Thomas Cartter and then acrofs the Land Belonging to one Woodard untill it Comes to the Land of Benjamin Goodridge and then runs acrofs Said Good- ridge-s Land untill it Comes to his Houfe S^^ way is is two rod wide and marked on trees on y^ Eafterly Side of Said way 102 TJie Early Records of the Tozvii of Lunenburg. [43] At a meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the the town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 22^^^ 1738 Voted and Choofe Major Hubburd Moddrator Voted that the Seats in the Gallary be moved forward so that there may be two Seats more Built Behind round the Gallary Voted that the Seats be raised higher that are to be Built Voted alfo that the alley Between y«= Seats Below in the meeting House be made into Seats. Voted that Mr Samvel Johnfon M*" Jeremiah Ballard M'' Samvel Page Be a Committe to lett out S? work Recorded 't^ Benj Goodridge Clerk At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sept y*^' 12^^' 1738 Voted that y'^ town will provide a School mafter for the firft six months and School Dames for y^ other six months for the year enfuing Voted that y'^ School be Keept in three places the firft six months Voted that y'^ School be Keept in Six places the laft six months Voted that MT Jeremiah Ballard M'' John He3^w^ood M'" John Grout M'' Samvel Page and M'' Jacob Gould be a Committe to Regulate y'^ Same Voted that the Sum of Sixty pound be raifed and granted to Support the School w^ith all for y*^ year en- fuing Voted that Seven pound be Granted to Build y^ Seats Behind In y*^ Gallary At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled October y*^ 23^'^ 1738 Voted and Choofe M^ Samvel Johnson modderator Voted y* the Sum of fifteen pound Be Granted to y^ Rev^^ Mr David Stearns an addition to his Sallary for y'^ year 1737 Voted that y'= Sum of fifteen pound be granted to y'^ TJie Early Records of the Town of Limenburg. 103 Rev"? Mr David Stearns an addition to his Salary for the year 1738 Recorded *t^ Benj^ Goodridge Clerk [•44] At a meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the thirteenth A D 1738/9. Voted and Choofe Major Jonathan Hubburd Modder- ator Edward Hartwell EsqT ] Benj^^ Goodridge Choofen Select men M^ Ephraim Wetherbe \ and M^ Samvel Johnfon Sworn Afsefsors M'' John Hey wood J Benj? Goodridge Chofen town Clerk and Sworn Major Jonathan Hubburd Chofen town Treafurer Jonas Gillfon \ Chofen Constables and Benj. Benj''^ Bellows Jun""/ Bellow^s Sworn. Edward Hartwell Esq^ Samvel Johnson Chofen Surveyers of Benj? Goodridge High ways James Litch Jeremiah Norcrofs Samvel Page Sworn Samvel Johnson Chofen Sealer of waights & Meafures & Eleazer Houghton Chofen Sealer of Leather Ezekeil Wyman( John Hey wood] Chofen tying men Jonathan Willard \ Jeremiah Norcrofs | Chofen fence veiwers Ezekeil Wyman| David Page j Chosen Hogg reives Jofiah Bayley Chofen Surveyer of Shingles Voted that Samvel Johnson Benj-"^ Goodridge and John Heywood be a Committe to fill up all the Vaccant Room in the meeting Houfe with Seats in y*^ Best manner that can be with Convenince Voted that y*^ Sum of fourteen pound be Granted to Sattisfy the Coft occationed thereby Voted Samvel Johnfon be a perfon apointed to buy a burying Cloth 104 TJie Early Records of the Town of Limcnbnrg. [45] Voted that the Sum Seven pound ten ShilHngs be Granted to Buy a burying Cloth withall Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell Esq*" y*^ Sum of -1-4-0 Voted and Granted to Benj" Goodridge y'^ Sum of 1-0-0 Voted and Granted to James Colbourn y^ Sum of 0-8-0 Voted and Granted to Samvel Johnfon y*' Sum of 0-6-0 Voted and Granted to Jeremiah Ballard y'' Sum of -0-8-0 Voted and Granted to Jofiah Bayiay y'^ Sum of -0-3-6 Voted that y'' Town way Be Discontinued where it went neer Thomas Harknefs-s Land on flatt hill and that y^ way Be allowed where it is now Laid out in Lieu thereof Voted that a Town way be Excepted two Rods wide Begining at a heap of Stones and a Stake on the Eafterly Side of the Road in Dea Ephraim Farces Land and runs acrofs a little Strip of Said parces Land two Rod wide to ye land of John Gibson and then runs two Rod wide through Said Gibfons land to y'' Said Ephraim parces Sec- ond Divifion and then runs through Said Parces 2^ Divi- fion two Rods wide to Eleazer Houghton Second Divifion and then runs through Said Houghton Second Divifion to David Parces Land two Rod wide then through Said Da- vid Parces Land two Rod wide to faid Gibfons Second Divifion and to David Carliles Land and all 3^*^ Said way is Defcribed by marked trees which are on y*^ wefterly and Southerly Side of y*^ Said way. And also there is another Short way of two Rod wide Laid out from this S^' way in y*^ Said Houghtons Second Devifion to y*^ farm where Mr James Litch and Robert Ruffell now Dwells upon for their Convenince to Bring them in to this Road as it is Defcribed by marked trees Voted that a bridle way of one rod wide be Excepted from Jethro Wheelers land on y'^ eaft Side of Jofeph Dodges land that was to y*-" way by John Swans houfe The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 105 At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled May the Twenty first A D 1739 Voted and Choofe Mr John Heywood modderator Voted that the Sum of fifty pound Be Granted to mend Highways withall to Be worked out in the way and manner of a former vote of this town At a meeting of y^ freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled auguft the fourtenth A. D 1739 Voted and Choofe Maj Jonathan Hubburd Modderator Voted and Granted the Sum of five pound to bye Meafures withall and if f^ Sum be to much the over plus to go into the treafury and if any be wanting to take it out of the treafury these meetings Recorded ^ Benj^ Goodridge Clerk [46] At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled Novem- ber the nintenth one thousand Seven Hundred and thirty nine Voted and Choofe M*" Samvel Johnfon Modderator Voted and Chofe Mr Nathan Heywood and M*" Jona- than Smith to Enfpect the Killing of Deer at an unfeafon- able time of the year as the Law Directs Voted that the heads pay two third parts of the Afsfsments and the Eftates the other third part thereof Voted and Chofe Mr William Jones to hire a lawfull School mafter for the town of Lunenburg for three months to Begin at Janvary next Voted that the School be Keept at Mr Ephraim Farce's old Houfe six weeks Voted that the School be Keept at the Houfe of Mr. John Jenifones or at Judge Dowses Houfe the other Six weeks Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty pounds In Bills of the old tenor for the poor Recored %^ Benj^ Goodridge Clerk Chofen Select men and Sworn afsefsors 106 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. [47] At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the third 1739/40 Voted and Chofe Edward Hartwell Esq'' modderator Edward Hartwell EsqT Mr Benja Goodridge M^ John Grout M*" Ephraim Wetherbe Cap^ Jonathan Bradftreet Benj? Bellows Jun''! Chofen Town Clark and Sworn T 1 T^- il Chofen Conftable Benr'^ Bellows Tur Sworn John Divol ; • 1 • r> -' j m his Rome Jacob Gould ; Chofen Conftable & Sworn J M'' John Grout Chofen town Treafurer and Sworn David Parce ) Sam'' Comings Chofen Suve3^ers of Ezekil Wyman ' high Ways John Scot Parce Wyman & Comings Sworn Hilkiah Bovnton Samvel Johnfon ; Sealer of Waights and Meafurs hogg Reives & Sworn Benj" Gould Jonathan Abbot Hezikah Wetherbe John Gibfon Daniel Aften | Jeremiah Norcrofs f Ty thing men Elezer Houghton \ Sealer of Leather Jacob Stiles ) Chofen Jofeph fuller \ fence viewers & Sworn Benj-'' Bellows Ju' | to profecute Such Perfons as Shall Jonathan Smith j Kill Deer Contatry to Law and Sworn Edward Hartwell Esq''! be a committe to Examin the Benj^"^ Goodridge \ town Treafurers accompt and Jacob Stiles ] to Give him a discharge for y*^ payments he has advanced and make report thereof to y*^ town The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lnuenhnrg. 107 [48] Voted that the Bridle way be discontinued that runs Acrofs Elezer Houghton Land Voted that this meeting be Ajorned tell the third mon- day of May next at two of the Clock in y^ afternoon at the meeting houfe in Lunenburg Ats. Benj'^ Bellows Jur town Clark at a met ting march^y*^ 3^^^ 1740 Voted and Exepted of a way Laid out two Rod Wide through John Wyman and Ezekil W^^mans Land a rod on Each mans one Hundred thirty four rod then runing Acrofs Ezekiel Wymans feild thirty Seven Rod then runing acrofs Stephen Boynton feild tw^enty rod to y^ two Way between y^ firft and Scond Rang of Lotts in Woborn fairm then Acrofs S*^* two rod way thence between Holts Lotts one hundred and Sixty rod to y'^ miniftreal Land then acrofs y'^ miniftrail Land to y^ Way by Amos Rob- ingfon Attest Benj'^ Bellows Ju'* town Clerk May y^ 19^^' 1740 met by adjornment and upon Hear- ing the Report of the Commettee Chofen to Recken With Maj Jonathan Hubburd Towm Treafurer and thay Report to the town that on the day above S^ that thay Reckned With him and find that he has Re'^'^ of the towns money the Sum of ^797-i7-i- out of Which he has Paid by Order the Sum of ^795-i5-o and thare Remains in his Hands the Sum of 2-2 -1- We find allfo in Conftable HarWoods hands the Sum of 2-6-3 and alfo in Conftable Whetneys hands y"-' Sum of 1 r: 11 - 6 and alfo in the hands of Maj"" Hubburd Col- lecter the Sum of 20=14=10 and in the hands of L^* James Colburn Conftable the Sum of 8 = 9 = 2 and in the hand of Jacob Stiles Conftable y<= Sum of 1=17=8 and in the hands of Benj-? Goodridge Conftable the Sum of 16 = 5 = 9 and in the hands of Conftable Bayley the Sum of 21 = 9 = 3 and in the hands of Benj'"^ Bellows Conftable the Sum of 16=13 = 3 Voted and Granted to Maj Jonathan Hubburd for two years Collection 10-0 -o- 108 The Early Records of the Town of Ltuienburg. Voted to M': Benj'^ Goodridge for one years Collection 5=0=0- Voted to Edward Hartwell EsqV for Sarvices done for the town 1 = 18=0 Voted to M^ Benj'.' Goodridge for Sarvis done the Town 1=18=0 Voted to MT John Heywood for Sarvis done the Town 0=8 = Voted to Benj'*^ Bellows Jun*" for Sarvis done the Town 3=0-0 Voted to MajV Jon*^'* Hubburd for Being Treafurer 5 years 2 = 0=0 Voted that L" Ephraini Wetherbe & M>' John Hey- wood & Mv Mofes Willard be a Commettee to Provide a Lawfull School & School Mafter for the this Prefent year. Attest. Benj'^ Bellows Ju? Town Clerk [49] At a Meeting ] of the freeholders and [ other Inhabitance of ( June y«^ 2"^ 1740 the town of Lunenburg) Voted and Chofe MajT Jonathan Hubburd modderator Voted that thay Abate 1 — 7 — 11 of Benjamin Good- ridge Rates Whoe was Conftable for the 3'ear 1736 • Voted that thay Abate 1—17—8 of Jacob Stiles Rates Whoe was Conftable for y'^ year 1736 Voted that thay Abate 4-16-3 of Joliah Bayley Rates Whoe was Conftable for the year 1738 Voted that thay Rafe thirty Pounds for Defraing the School Voted to the Ren^ Mr David Stearns the Sum of thirty Pounds to make up his Salery for the year 1739 & the year 1740 Granted fourty Pounds to mend Hieways with all Attest Benj'^ Bellows Jun'* town Clerk At A Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabi- tance of the Town of Lunenburg held on the 29^^ of Sep- tember A D 1740. TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Luue?ibiirg. 109 Voted and Chofe M^ Benj-'^ Goodridge Modrator lly Voted that thay Build two School Houfen in Said town one to be by Decon Ephraini Pearce the other to be on the Ealt Side of M^ Jeremiah Norcrofses as Near as may be to the Road — 21\^ Voted that the School Houfen be twenty three feet in Lenth and Eighteen feet in Wedth and Seven feet Stud Sly Voted that Mr William Jones & M'- Jeremiah Norcrofs & Mv Jofiah Bayley be a Committee to Buld the North End School Houfe 41y that Decon Ephraim Pearce & M'' John Divol & Mv John Gipfon be a Committee to Buld the South End School Houfe 51y Voted that the School Houfen be Borded and Shingled and the Loar floor be Laid Down and the Chim- ney be Built and the Houfen under Pend & A partion maid & doors maid and Hung 61y Voted that thaj^ Rafe one Hundred and twenty Pounds to Buld the the School Houfen & to Defray the Charge of the School Attest Benj'^ Bellows Jun« Town Clerk [50] At a Legual Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitance of the Towm of Lunenburg Held on the firft monday of November A D 1740 Voted and Chofe MajT Jonathan Hubbard Moddrator firft Voted to Buld but one School Houfe in Said Town & that to Stand as near the Said meeting Houfe as the town Shall appoint and that all the Inhabitance of the Said town that Lives above tw^o Miles diftance from the Place Whare the Said School Houfe Shall be Built the two miles all ways to be Estimated as the Roads go and that all the Inhabitance that Live above two miles as above Said Shall from time to time & at all times hereafter have the Whole of each of thare Refpect- ive Share Sum or Sums that thay Shall hereafter pay to- wards any School Rate or tax Whatfoever repaid to them again out of the Town Treasurie to Provide Schooling And School houfen for them Selves thay dividing into '5 110 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. Companies and making it to Appear to the Select men that thay have Laid out So much money for the End aforefaid and alfo that all the Schools Within the Said Town at the Same Time Shall be free for any of the In- habitance to Send Whare they Pleafe and alfo that the town meeting Wich Was on y*^ twenty ninth day of Laft September and Every Article and Claufe therein mentioned Shall be repealed and annulled to all Intents and Porposes Whatfoever 21y Voted that the School Houfe Be Set in the Cor- ner of M^ Thomas Prentices Land Whare the Lain turns to y'^ to Cap* Bradftreets Houfe out of the Road Sly Voted that thay Rafe one Hundred Pounds of the old tenner for the Use of Town 41y Voted that the Town meeting be Warned by the Conftables going about and notif3nng the People by Word of mouth for the futer Sly Voted that the Afsefsors Lay two thirds of the tax on the Heads and one third on the Eftates 6 Voted that the Town Treafurer Call in the Town Debts Dirict Attest Benj^ Bellows Jun'* Town Clerk [51] At a legall meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the Second A D 1740/1 Voted and Chofe Maj"" Jonathan Hubbird Modderator Edward Hartwell Esq'^ ,.| Chofen Selectmen Benj"= Goodridge M*" Thomas Prentice M*" Nathaniel Harwooc M*" Samvel Johnfon Benj^ Goodridge town Clerk & Sworn Mr Thomas Prentice.-town Treafurer & Sworn M-- John Gibfon 1 M*" William Jones j Chosen Conftables & Sworn Mr Jofeph Fuller M*- Mofes Mitchael M*" Ephriam Parce M"" Amos Robbingfon M*^ Jacob Gould Chofen Surveyers of Highways The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. Ill M^ John Grout \ Chofen tying men M^ Jeremiah Norcrofsj Mr Benj"^ Bellows junr Chofen Sealer of weights & Meafures & Sworn Mr Jeremiah Norcrofs\ M*" John Jenifon \ Chofen fence Viewers M*" Eleazer Houghton Chofen Sealer of Leather M"" WilHam Snow ] M*" Abraham Sande!-fon ) Chofen Hogreves & Sworn M^ Nathanael Page J M'" Ezekiel Wyman\ M^ Samvel Reed j Deer officers 2ndh^ Voted that the town way be Excepted as it is Laid through Jofhua Goodridges Land In Exchange for y^ town way where it was formerly laid through S^ land the new way to be four rod wide and is Defcribed by markt trees on the Eafterly Side thereof and and the for- mer way is discontinued accordingly also turn over [52] Alfo Excepted a town way from Andrew Mitch- aels Houfe two rod wide being one rod on william wal- lases Land and one rod on Mitchaels Land till it comes to the Highway Laid to Said Wallases Land. Voted and Granted to M*" Samvel Johnfon y'^ Sum of 0-14-0 Voted and Granted to M"" John Grout the Sum of 0-8-0 Voted and Granted to Mr Ephriam Whetherbe y*' Sum of 0-6-0 Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell EsqT y*^ Sum of 1-2-0 Voted and Granted Cap^ Jonathan Bradftreet y*^ Sum of 0-4-0 Voted and Granted to Mr Benj-^ Bellows jun'' j^ Sum of 2-0-0 Voted and Granted to Benj^'^ Goodridge y^ Sum of 1-0-0 Recorded W Benj'^ Goodridge Clerk 112 Tlie Early Records of the Town of Liincnbitrg. At a legall meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the twent}^ fifth 1741 voted and Chofe niaj'' Jonathan Hubbaird Modder- artor. 1^^ Voted that the Select men provide a place to keep the School in 2ndiy Voted and Granted the Sum of Six pound to Build a pound withall 3rdiy Voted that major Hubburd and M'' Benj'-i Bel- lows jr Be a committe to Lett out y*^ pound to be Built 4tiiiy Voted that Hoggs run at Large this prefent year Recorded ^ Benj'^ Goodridge cler [53] Lunenburg March ^^^ 1740 Then Received of M'' Thomas Prentice Town TreafV The Sum of one Hundred Sixty one Pounds Two Shillings and Three Pence which Is In full for my Salary for the years 1739 and 1740 Received p"" me David Stearns Lunenburg March 9*^^ 1740 1 The Subfcriber Hereby acknowl- edge That I Have Received of the Town of Lunenburg The full of my Salary from the time of my Settling with them for 3^*-' work of y'^^ miniftry To the Prefent Da3' Received p'' me David Stearns Received alfo the full of wdiat was granted to me for Settlement Received p^ me David Stearns Jan vary the fourth 1741 then the Selectmen and treaf- urer Reckned with M'' James Colbuorn Constable for the year 1737 and find that he has paid the whole of his Rates for said year At the time Reckned with Benj-^ Goodridge Conftable and Colector for y*^ year 1736 and Conftable and Colector for y' year 1736 and conftable for y^' year A. D 1738 and find that he has i)aid the full of his Collections for both ye years aforefaid Chofen Selectmen and Sworn Alsefsors TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lnneiibiirg. 113 [54] At a Legall meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled the Eleventh Day of January A D 1741/2 1*^?^ Voted and Chofe M^ Samvel Johnfon Moddrator for the Government of S"? meeting 2iiciiy Voted and Granted the Sum of Eighty pound In the old tennor for the ufe of the School Recorded '^- Benj Goodridge to wn Clerk At a Legual meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled March the 15*1^ A D 1741/2 Voted and Chofe M'' John Grout moderator for the Government of the meeting Benjamin Goodridge MV John Grout Cap^ Jonathan Braudftreet yi\ John Heyw^ood Mr William Jones Benj^ Goodridge Chofen town Clerk and Sworn Mr Thomas Prentice Chofen town treafurer and Sworn M*" Joshua Goodridge) Mr Jonathan Page / Chofen Conftables and Sworn M^ WilHam Jones Mr John Gibfon Mr Benj'-i Bellows Jun'- Mr Thomas Brown M^ Benj''^ Bellows junr Chofen Sealer of weights and meafures M*" Eleazer Houghton Chofen Sealer of Leather M'- Jacob Stiles \ Mr Jofeph Fuller) Chofen tying men M'" Jeremiah Norcrofs | M^ Amos Robinfon \ Chofen fence Viewers Mr Jofeph Fuller \ M*" Nathanel Pagej Chofen Deer reves [55] Mr David Goodridge ( M'' Patrick White j Chofen Hogg reves and Sw^orn Voted and Excepted of a town way as Reported of by the Seelect men begining in the former way in Joseph Chofen Surve^-ers of Highwa3's 114 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. Fullers Land and turning into Said Fullers feild by a white pine tree in his fence and runing through said Ful- lers Land in al one hundred and Seven rods two rods wide then through Ephraim Wetherbes Land one hundred and five rod then on Thomas Carters Land fifteen rod then through S"? Wetherbe-s Land ninty rod then through Said Carters Land twenty one rod to the road that Leads from Benjamin Goodridge^s to the meeting houfe in S^ town the said road is Laid out two rod wide and is Defcribed by certain marks and the Several owners of the said Land say they will freely give the Land for the said way whare they are Laid out purfuant to the town vote Concerning thole that shall Give there Land to town ways &c provided the said town shall Discontinue y*-' former Road where this new road is Laid out in Leiu of that. Voted and Excepted alfo of one other town way as Reported of by the Selectmen viz beginning at M*" William Clarks Land and runing through his Land Sixty two rod two rod wide through William Mofifetts Land sixty nine rod two rod wide through Nathanel Harwood Land Sev- enty seven rod two rod wide through M*" Aliens Land ninty rod two rod wide through Thomas Littles Land one hundred and fifty two rods two rod wide then through Mofes Willards Land by Groton line a few rods two rod wide and the said way is Defcribed by niarkt trees on the Right hand as the way Leads to Groton the above named William Clark Esq'' Jeremiah Allen and Mofes Willard we have not seen but the other Gentlemen that owns the Land where the ways are Laid out are free and willing to give the Land for the Same perfuant to the vote of the town Concerning Highways &c Alfo voted and Excepted of another town way as Re- ported of by the Selectmen viz Begining at the Houfe of M*" Hezekiah Wetherbe and runs ten Rod on S*^ Wetherbe,s land as the Lane runs South on Land of Daniel Auftin Eighty two Rod Southerly by markt trees and on Com- mon Land forty eight rod by markt trees on land of Jo- feph Page one hundred and Eighty Rod by markt trees Eafterly and Southerly all which way is two rod wide TJie Early Records of the Totvn of Lunenburg. 115 and is Given by the owner of the land according to the vote Concerning town ways &c Voted that way Be Discontinued from the white pine tree where the new way turns into M^ Jofeph Fullers feild where it runs acorfs fullers Wetherbes Abbotts and Wil- lards Land till it comes into y^ road between Cap^ Broad- ftreets caufeway and y^ corner of Jonathan Hubburd ju land &c Turn over [56] Voted and Granted to M*" Thomas Prentice 1-16-0 Voted and Granted to M^' Samvel Johnfon 1-6-0 Voted and Granted to Benj^ Goodridge 2-18-0 Voted and Granted M^^ Nathanel Harwood 0-16-0 Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell Esq'' 2-16-10 Voted that the Selectmen provid a School Mafter and places to Keep School in for the year enfuing Recorded ^ Benj'^ Goodridge town Cler At a legual meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the ninteenth A. D. 1742 Voted and Chofe M'' John Heywood modderrator Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty pounds to mend High ways withall Voted that men be allowed two Shillings per Day from this Day to the Laft Day of September for this pref- ent year and one shilling and sixpence from then to the first day of March next and that nine pence be allowed for a pair of oxen a day and three pence for a Cart Voted that the Repairing of the meeting houfe be Committed to M*" Samvel Johnfon and that he Bring an account of the Coft thereof to the next town meeting Voted that Swine go at Large this prefent year Recored ^ Benj Goodridge Cler At a legual meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber the 13th A. D. 1742 116 TJie Early Records of the Town of Ljcnenburg. Voted and Chofe Major Jonathan Hubburd Modder- rator Voted and Granted John Jenifon 1 = 15 = old tennour Voted and Granted forty two pound ten shillings for the Rev"^* M'' Stearns es Sallary for y'' year 1742 Voted and Granted y*^ Sum of three pound fifteen Shil- lings to the Rev*^^ Mr Stearns to make good his Sallary for the year 1741 Voted and Granted the Stim of two pound ten Shil- lings to Benj^' Goodridge and John Grout to pay Capt Stevens for Service done. Recorded 'if^ Benj'^ Goodridge Clerk [57] At Legual meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the towm of Lunenburg Afsenabled Janvary the thirty first 1742/3 Voted and Chofe M*" John He^-wood Modderator Voteded and granted to M*" Nathanael Page the Sum of five Shillings for Building the pound in S^ town Voted and Granted to M'' Samvel Johnfon for repair- ing the meeting house the Sum of eight Shillings Voted and Granted to Mr Benjamin Bellows ju^ for a lock and key for the pound one Shilling and eight pence To M*" Thomas Prentice Tow-n Treafurer for the town of Lunenburg or his Succefsor in faid office S^ this may Certif}' to you that we have afsefsed the Sum of Sixty pound seven Shillings and nine pence on the Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg and have Delivered one Lift to Joshua Goodridge Constable of thirty three pounds and three pence and to Jonathan Page Conftable a Lift of twenty Eight pound Seven Shilling and Six pence which Sums you are to Demand and Receive and to pay out as follows (viz) To the Rev^i M"" David Stearns the Sum of 42 = 10-0 for his Sallary for this prefent year and three pound fifteen Shillings to make the money Good for the year paft 3-15-0 To Thomas Prentice for Being an afsefsor for y*^ year seventeen hundred and forty one — 0- 9-0 TJic Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 117 To Nathaniel Harwood for Ditto 0- 4-0 To Samvel Johnson for Ditto 0- 6-0 To Benj'-^ Goodridge for Ditto 0-14-6 To Edward Hartwell Esq'' for Ditto 0-14-2^/2 To John Jenifon for taking care of y"^ meeting house 0- 8-9 To Nathanael Page for building y*^ pound in Lunenburg ^ 0- 5-0 To Samvel Johnfon for repairing the meeting houfe 0- 8-0 To Benjamin Bellows J'' for a lock and key for y«^ pound 0- 1-8 To Samvel Davis for making two Jury Boxes 0- 4^^ To Benj^ Goodridge and John Grout to pay to Capt Stevens 2-10-0 [58] At a legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March ye Seventh A D 1742/3 Voted and Chofe M^ Thomas Prentice Moddr. Edward Hartwell Esq'' \ Were Benj-'* Goodridge Chofen Cap* Jonathan Willard > Select M*" John Grout men Cap* Jonathan Bradftreet Benj'"^ Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk & Sworn M^ Thomas Prentice Chofen Town Treafurer & Sworn M'' Jonathan Page ) M'' Jonathan Hubburd jr| Chofen Conftables and Sworn M'' Ezekeil Wvman Chofen Surveyers of High ways and Sworn M^ David Parce M*" John Martin Edward Hartwell Esq'' M'' Eleazer Tarbal M'' Jonathan Smith M*" William Snow M'' Thomas Brown meafures Sworn M'' Benj^ Bellows junr Chofen Sealer of waits & M*' Solomon Stewart) M*" Samvel Comings / Chofen Tyding men M'' [ohn Grout ) M'' Samvel Davis | Chofen fence veiwers & Sworn i6 118 TJie Early Records of the Totvji of Liinenbiirg. M^ Joshua Goodridge\ M*" Jacob Gould / Chofen Deer rives & Sworn M-" Jofeph Fuller ) M"" Thomas Brown/ Chofen Hogg reves and Sworn M*" Nathan Heywood\ M^ William Jones \ Chofen to take of fire & Sw^orn [59] Voted that M'- Thomas Prentice M'- Wilham Jones and M^ Jeremiah Norcrofs be a Committe to pro- vide a school mafter and to appoint and provide places to Keep the School in for y*^ year Enfuing. Voted and Granted the Sum of twentj^ five pound for the ufe of the school. Voted and Granted the Sum of two pound ten shil- lings for Deacon Johnfon to repair the meeting ho ufe withal! Voted and Granted to Mv Benj''^ Bellows for Service done for the town ten Shillings Voted and Granted to M*" John Grout Six fhillings Granted to Benj" Goodridge Eleven fhillings Granted M*" John Heywood Six Shillings Granted to Capt. Jonathan Bradftreet three Shillings Granted to Mv William Jones three fhillings Granted to Mr Jonathan Page ten pence Granted to MT Thomas Prentice five pence half peny Voted and Excepted of a town way Laid out by y^ Selectmen Begining at Benjamin Goulds northwest corner on the South fide of north field Road and so runs about weft b3^ John Fisks fence Being on y*^ South Side and then on Joseph Page*" fence till it comes to the corner of Bel- lows s meddow to a Black oak Stump then to a heap of Stones near 3'*^ meddow then to a great Stone about five rod South weft from the houfe where William Cannada lives then to a Black oak tree markt d then to another Black oak tree markt then to a white oak tree markt on or about y*^ head of houfe Lott No 6 in S'^ town and then about weft till it comes over y^ Stone Bridge into y" old way y^ faid way to be four rod wide on y" north Side of S-^ Marks Voted and Excepted of a town wa\' Laid out by acommitee appionted Begining about the Eaft Side of TJie Early Recoj^ds of tJie Toivn of Lunenburg. 119 Abraham Sanderfons Land at the Eaft end of y^ Line Eaft of S'^ Sanderfons houfe & So runing by S*^ Sander- fons houfe & then to a heap of Stones then by y^ north fide of y*^ Swamp to a white oak markt and then by other trees markt till it comes to Mulpus and then over Mulpus by markt trees till it comes to y*^ other way at Abel Platts s Corner S'^^ way to be two rod wide the markt trees and other marks are on the north and weft sides Recorded t^ Benj-^ Goodridge town Cler [<>()] Att a Legual meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled auguft the 9*^ 1743 Voted and Chofe maj'' Jonathan Hubbard moderator for f' meeting Voted that a committe be chofen to mark out away to the weft Line of our town from the way already Ex- cepted to the weft end of the wyman Land Voted that Edward Hartwell Efq'' M»' Ephraim Weth- erbe and M*" Jonathan Page be a Committe for the pur- pofe aforefaid Voted that M*" Ephraim Wetherbe with a Eleven Hands with him go on Monday next to Clear faid way and that M"" Wetherbe overfee faid work Voted that the hands abovefaid have two Shillings and Six pence *i^ Day each man Voted and chofe Edward Hartwell Efq'' and M^ John Grout to make Reply to Coll.^ Berry^ Complaint at Wor- cefter Court for our not having away to Dorchester Can- nada or to the weft Line of our town Recorded t^ Benj-^ Goodridge Cler Att a legual meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber y^ 12^^ A D 1743 Voted and Chofe Maj"" Jonathan Hubbard modderar- tor Voted that they will Chufe a Committe 120 The Early Records of tJie Toivn of Liineiibnrg. Voted and Choofe Maj'' Jonathan Hubburd M*" Nathan Heywood and Capt Jonathan Bradftreet a committe to Lay out and mark awa^^ to the Weft Line of our town in order to anfwer the Requeft of the Honorable Thomas Berry Efq'' in Behalf of Ipswich Cannada and to accomo- date Dorchefter Cannada and the new towns above us and make return to the town as foon as may Be where they have Laid it [61] Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty pounds to be workt out at faid way at three Shillings l9 Day & if any man Dos not work when warned he Shall pay his money and if any over plus be to be workt out as other ^\'ays Voted & Granted to the Rev'^ M^ David vStearns fo much as will make his Sallary fifty pounds in Bills of the Last Emifsion for this prefent year Voted and Granted y*^ Sum of ten pound to make Good any Deficiences in the Treafurey Voted and Granted to M'' John Grout the Sum of four fhillings for Service Done for y^ town Recorded t^ Benj-^ Goodridge Chrk At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber y*^ twenty feventh A. D 1743 Voted and Choofe M'' Hilkiah Boynton Modderator Voted that y^ Report of y*^ Committee Be Excepted which is as follows Lunenburg September y*^ 17*^*^ 1743 We the Subscrib- ers being appointed by faid town to Lay out a Highway from Some part or particular place of Some Road already Laid out in Said town to the weft Line thereof &c In purfuance whereof we have made Search and viewed the Land where we thought it moft probable faid Highway could be made and our opinions are that to Begin at the Road Laid out Between Ezekiel and John Wymans Land and fo to M'' David Pages and then in or near the Road where people now pafs to Dorchefter Cannada about a mile and a half then turn out of Said old Road to v*^ TJie Early Records of the Toivu of Lunenburg. 121 Right hand by a Black oak tree marked and going by or near trees marked till it comes to faid old Road again near Uptons Land there corfsing faid old Road and going over faid Uptons Land and turn over [62] And then by trees marked about three Quarters of a mile and coming i^jto faid old Road again and Con- tinuing in faid old Road to the Line of Lunenburg will be much the beft way much the Cheapeft made and much the eafieft to maintain and will beft accomodate the new towns which we are to have particular Regard to all thing Confidered Voted that the faid Jonathan Hubbard ) way be two Rod wide Nathan Hey wood )Com^^^ Jonathan BradftreetJ Recorded ^ Benj'^ Goodridge Clerk At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y*^ fifth A D 1743/4 Voted and Chofe Maj*" Jonathan Hubbard Modderator Voted and Chofe Maj*" Jonathan Hubbard M*" Jonathan Wood M*' Joshua Goodridge \ Selectmen M*" Hilkiah Boynton M*" John Grout Benj^ Goodridge Chofen town Clerk and Sworn M'' Thomas Prentice chosen Treafurer and Sworn M*^ David Farce 1 M^ William Page] Chofen Conftables Voted that M*- Benjamin Bellows jun be Excepted Constable in the rome of faid Parce and Page Mr John Bufs 1 M^ Benj^ Bellows junj Survej'crs of high ways M*" Joseph Fuller J [63] M'' Abraham Sanderfon M*" Jofiah Dodge M'' Jacob Gould \ Chofen Surveyers of M^ Jonathan Page j high ways and Sworn M'' Nathanael Page J 122 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of LiDicnbnrg. M*" Benjamin Bellows jun Sealer of weights and meaf- 11 res M'' Eleazer Houghton Sealer of Leather M*" Benjamin Bellows) M*" Jeremiah Norcrofsf fence viewers M'' Solomon Stwart ) M'" Jonathan Abbott) Deer reves and Sworn M"- Wilham Snow\ M"" John Gibfon j tying men M^ John Fisk \ M*" Jacob Gould/ Hogg reves M*" William Jones \ M'' John Fitch | Chofen to take care of fire Voted that Edward Hartwell Efq*' Cap^ Jonathan Bradftreet and M"" Benjamin Bellows jun be a Com***^ to take care of the School and to provide a School Mafter for y"^ year enfuing Voted that M*" Hilkiah Boynton Cap* Jonathan Brad- ftreet and M*" John Grout Be a Committee to agree with Major Jonathan Hubbard aboute Exchanging apeice of the miniftreal Land with faid Hubbard for apeice of his Land and to Jo\'n with M*" Stearns in Giving a Deed of Exchange if they think proper and as they shall Judge Beft Voted that M"" John Jenifon take care of y'^ meeting houfe y*^ year enfuing and granted to S^' Jeni- fon for fd service 0-10-0 Voted and Granted Maj*" Hubbard 0- 5-0 Voted & Granted to M'' Nathan Heywood 0- 5-0 Voted and Granted to Cap* Bradftreet 5-0 turn over [64] Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell Efq'' 0- 2-6 Voted and Granted to M'" Ephraim Wetherbe 0- 2-6 Voted and Granted to M*" Jonathan Page 0- 2-6 Voted & Granted to Edward Hartwell Efcf 0- 9-0 Voted & Granted to M'- John Grout 0- 4-0 Voted & Granted to Capt Bradftreet 0- 1-6 Voted & Granted to Cap* Willard 0- 1-6 Voted & Granted to Benj^ Goodridge 0-16-6 Voted & Granted to M"" Benj Bellows 0-12-6 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Liuiejiburg. 123 Voted & Granted to M*" Thomas Prentice 0- 0-9 Voted that a town way be Excepted of from M*" Jo- feph Fullers Land to y'^ Great Streem of y*^ north Branch as Laid out by the Committee appointed Begining at faid Fullers Land and Runing through M^ Jacob Stiles Land one hundred and twenty Rod two Rod wide and marked on y^ north Side and then Runing Between M^ Samvel Cumings es & M^ John^ Martins Land twenty Rod and then through Said Cumingses Land half a mild two Rod wide & marked on the north Side and then on Land of Juftice Hartwell fourteen Rod and then on Land of M'' Present Eighty Seven Rod and then on Land of M^' Jacob Stiles forty Rod and then a few Rods on Common Land and then on Land of David Goodridge Eighty Rod all which way is two Rod wide and markt as aforefaid and Laid out by Jofeph Fuller John Martin Jacob Stiles {Com^^^^ Samvel Cumings Voted that y^ way through M^ Jacob Stiles Land where it was formerly Laid out Be Discontinued from Be- ing a way any Longer Voted that a town way be Excepted Between M*" Ephraim Wetherbes and M*" Thomas Carters Land one rod on Each man's Land Voted that y^ town way as it was formerly Laid out on M'' Wetherbes Land Be Discontinued from Being away any Longer [65] Voted that the way be Discontinued from Ben- jamin Bellows Land at y'^ Corner of y^ meddow to John Fisks Corner all But two Rod wide next to fowlers Land to four rod upon faid Fisks Land and that y'^ wa3' be Excepted as it Lyes by Jofeph Pages Barn provided Said Page make the way agood paffable way by Cafaring so that it may be Good pafsing for teams to the Exceptence of y^ Selectmen By the firft of July next Recorded ^ Benj'^ Goodridge Clerk 124 TJie Early Records of the Town of Liuicnburg. At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled September the Sev- enteenth A D 1744 Voted and Granted to the Rev'^ M'" David Stearns the Sum of fifty one pound five Shilling In Bills of the Last Emmiftion for his Sallary this prefent year Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty five pound for the ufe of the School Voted that Maj"" Jonathan Hubbard Edward Hartwell Efq*' and M"" Jonathan Page be a Committe to Reckon with the town treafurer and to Give him a Difcharge for So much as he has paid on the towns account [(>(>] At a meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the fourth A D 1744/5 Voted and Chofe MV Hilkiah Boynton Moddr of vSaid meeting Edward Hartwell Efq' Benj'^ Goodridge M*" John Grout Cap* Jonathan Willard M"" Eleazer Tarbal Benj^ Goodridge Chofen town Clerk & Sworn Thomas Prentice Efcf Chofen town treafurer M*" Samvel Cumings\ M^ Jonathan Wood j Chofen Constables and Sworn M*" Jofiah Dodge Chofen Selectmen and M^ Joseph Fuller M"" Samvel Davis M*" Jacob Gould M*" John Wynian M"" Ezekiel Wyman M*" Nathanael Harwood M*" Thomas Brown M'' Nathanael Harwood M"" John Grout M^ Samvel Davis M*^ Thomas Brown \ Chofen Deer reives M*" Joseph Fuller \ and Sworn M'' Ezekiel Wvman\ M*" John Martin ) Chosen tying men [(>7] M'" lohn Grifin \ chofen Hogg reives M'' Stephen Boynton j and Sworn Chofen Surveyers of Highways and Sworn Chofen fence veiwers and Sworn The Early Records of tJic Town of Lunenburg. 125 M'' John Jenifon Chofen Sealer of Leather and Sworn M'' Benjamin Bellows jr \ Chofen Sealer of waits and \ meafures and Sworn M*" Solomon Stewart ( M"" Benjamin Gary f Chofen to take care of fire Maj^ Jonathan Hubburd Chofen Surveyer of Shingles and Sworn M*" Nathanael Harwood \ M"" Samvel Larrabec" f Chosen to take care of fire Voted that Major Jonathan Hubburd M'' Nathan Hey- wood & M*" William Jones be a Committe to provide the town with a School Miifter for the year enfuing Voted and Granted unto M'' Jacob (lould the Sum of Eleven pound Seventeen Shillings and nine pence for his Extraordinary Coft at the Courts with Andrew^ Flemin provided he Settle accounts with the town Voted and Granted unto M^ John Grout y'^ sum of 1 Voted & Granted unto M'' Hilkiah Boynton Voted & Granted unto M'' Jofhua Goodridge Voted and Granted to M' Benj" Bellow^s ju Voted & Granted to Maj'' Hubburd y^ Sum of Voted & Granted Jonathan Hubburd junr Voted & Granted to M'' Samvel Johnfon [68] An acount of way Excepted at S'^' meeting Namh^ A two Rod wa^- Begining at Dupees Land and Runing upon walkers and Carltons Land 53 Rod and then upon Walkers and Hazeltines Land 22 Rod and then Begining at M*" Stewarts Land and Runs Between Walk- ers and Woods Land to the faid Road 93 Rods & then Runing all on Hazeltines Land 44 rod and then all on Woods Land 66 Rods and Between M"" Stones and M^ Fullers Land 193 Rod unto the two Rod way and about ten Rod a crofs M'' Wetherbes Land and then Between M"" Wetherbes and M*" WilHam Stearns Land 164 Rods and then through M*" Benjamin Forfters Land 55 Rods all markt on the North Side and then acrofs M*" Jenifons Land to the Road 124 Rods markt on y*^ South fide Laid out by us Hilkiah Boynton ) Select Jonathan Wood J men of Jofhua Goodridge J Lunenburg- 17 1 - 0- -0 0- 3- -6 0- 1- -6 0- 7- -0 0- 7- -6 = 11: = 3 0- 1- -6 126 TJic Early Records of tJic Tozvn of Luiiciiburg. Alfo a two Rod way Laid out By us the Subfcribers Begining at the Road that comes from Hezekiah Wether- bes and Runs upon M*" Benj-^ Bellows and Daniel Astins Land and Between the faid Auftin and John Fifks Land and acrofs fome common Land and acrofs the miniftreal Land and acrofs M'' Prefcotts Land and acrofs Dunsmores Land and acrofs M"" Noah Dodges Land to Groton Line meeting with thier Road all markt on the north Side — Laid out by Jofua Goodridge Hilkiah Boynton Voted that this way be Eccepted provided the Land be Givin [(>9] And alfo a two Rod way Being origainally Left for away by M'' Israel Reed and others purchafers of Wo- born farm Begining at or near John Divols Swamp Be- tween M"" Dodges and Benj^ Goodridges Land & So on a ftrait Line Between the firft and fecond Ranges of Lotts in faid farm till it comes John Hills Land alfo another two Rod way Left By faid Reed and others as aforefaid Begining at Jonathan Pages Land Between William Holts and John Wymans Land and So Between the Second and third Ranges of Lotts till it comes to Unchechewalunk pond Between the Land of Thomas Carter and Jofeph Fuller Laid out by us Joseph Fuller) Samvel Reed jCo/n"^ And alfo awaj-- Laid out from the north River Begin- ing at Said River by markes on the weft fide f^ way being two Rod wide and So runing through David Good- ridges Land and then through Eleazer Houghtons Land and then through Sergants Land then though Juftices Harrises Land & So Coming to the old path at the foot of a great hill and So runing in the old Path to Leomin- fter Line and So Continuing in the old path up to James Pools Laid out by Jonathan Hubburd\ p^^tu Hilkiah Boynton ( All which ways are Excepted as above Defcribed and Recorded ^ BENy*^ Goodridge town Clerk The Early Records of tJie Town of Lunenburg. 127 [70] Att a meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sept the ninth A D 1745 Voted and Choofe Maj*" Jonathan Hubburd Moderator of faid meeting Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty two pounds ten ShilHngs to the Rev M'' David Stearns for his Sallary for the present 3^ear Voted and Granted ^the Sum of twenty five pound for the ufe of the School in Said town Voted that the men that Live within the Bounds of Major Hartwells Company Build the Bridge over the North Branch in wa}^ as it goes to David Goodridges and the Bridge over y*^ said north Branch in the way that goes to David Pages And that the men that Live within the Bounds of Cap*^ Willards Company Build the Bridge over Mullepus in the way by or neer Hezekiah Wetherbes and the Bridge over Said Mullepus in the wa}' that goes to Townfhend Below the widdow Whites mill Recorded 'f> Benj Goodridge Chr At A meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the third A D 1745/6 Voted and Chofe Thomas Prentice Efq'' Modderator Voted and Chofe Edward Hartwell Efq'' Cap^ Jonathan Willard Benj Goodridge ^ Selectmen M'' Jacob Gould M'' John Grout [71] Benj^ Goodridge Chofen town Clerk & Sworn Thomas Prentice Chofen Town Treafurer M"" Thomas Brown \ M^ Eleazer Tarbal / Chofen Conftables & Sworn M"" Samvel Johnson M^ Arington Gibfon M^ Joseph Fuller \ Chofen Surveyers of M'' Jofiah Dodge j Highway & Sworn M^ David Page 128 TJie Early Records of the Town of L, ih/irt Chofen Hogg reves I Chofen Deer reves \ \ Chofen to take care of fire M^" Ezekiel Wyman) M*" Thomas Carter) tyding men M^ Jofiah Bayley\ M'' John Jenifon \ Chofen fence viewers & Sworn M*" Thomas Carter Chofen Sealer of Leather M'' Benj Bellows jun Chofen Sealer of weights & meafures M*" Jonathan Abbot M"- Benj Garv M*" Thomas Little M"" Obediah Walker M"" Afael Hart well M*" Philip Goodridgei M"^ Samvel Davis M*" David Goodridgei M^ Jofeph Wood M'- Jacob Gould | M'' Thomas Brown ( M'' Ezekiel Wvman ( Chofen Feild Drivers M^ Joseph Fuller J [72] Voted and Chofe Benj Goodridge ] Edward Hartwell Efq'' ) Afsefsors Cap^ Jonathan Willard j Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty five pound in Bills of the Laft Emilion for the ufe of the School Voted & Granted to Cap^ Willard Voted & Granted to Cap^ Willard Voted & Granted M^ Jofiah Dodge Voted & Granted to M'' John Grout Voted & Granted to Benj Goodridge Voted & Granted to M"" John Hey wood Voted & Granted to M"" Eleazer Tarbal Voted & Granted to Juftice Prentice 0- 1-6 Voted that a town way Be Excepted as Laid out by the Selectmen and Reported to the town Begining at the Bridge over Pearl hill Brook and runs acrofs Collonel Downe Land near Hutchins Celler (so called) to a white oak markt then to a pitch pine markt then to another ])itch pine tree markt then to a white oak tree markt then 1)v two vellow oak trees markt then to a white oak 0- 7- -6 0- 4- -6 0- 10- -0 1- 0- -0 0- 9- -0 0- 1- -6 0- 4- -6 TJie Early Records of the Toivii of Lrineuhnrg. 129 tree markt Near Deacon Bancrofts Land then through faid Bancrofts Land by trees markt till it comes to the Line Between Benjamin Garys and Timothy Bancrofts Land Said way to Be two Rod wide on y'^ Southerly Side of Said marks then runs a rod on each Side of y*^ Line Between [73] Said Gary & Bancroft till it comes to the top of the Hill Between their Houfes and then turns northward to a w^hite,^ oak tree markt then to a Stub with a heap of Stones then to a Gray oak markt then to a Chefnut tree markt then to a yellow oak tree markt on faid Garys Land then to a maple tree markt on John Mansfeilds Land then to a Chefnut tree on the Line Be- tween faid Mansfeilds and John Peirces Land faid way to be two Rod wide on the fouthwefterly fide of faid marks and faid Mansfeild Gary and Bancrofts Gives their Lands for faid w^ay Recorded r^ Benj Goouridge Clerk At ameeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled may y'^ twentieth A D 1746 Voted and Chofe Maj'' Jonathan Hubburd Modderator Voted and Chofe M'' Nathan Heywood M^ Jonathan Wood M^ Jacob Stiles Major Jonathan Hubburd M^ Elea- zer Tarbal a Committe to provide a fchool Mafter for the year Enfuing and to move the fchool as they think Beft Voted that M"" John Grout M"" John He^^wood and Benj Goodridge Be a committe to Reckon with the Treaf- urer or Treafurers of y*" twon and to Report thereon to y*^ next town meeting Voted that Hoggs go at Larege the prefent year Recorded ^^ Benj Goodridge Clerk [74] At a Legual Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled November the tenth A. D 1746 Voted and Chofe M"" John Heywood Modderator Voted and Granted the Sum of three pound for the ufe of School in ^'} tow^n Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty three pound Fif- 130 TJic Early Records of the Tozvn of Luiicnbiirg. teen Shillings for the Rev M"" David Stearn-s- Sallary for the Prefent year Voted that Town Meetings for the future be warned By the Conftables polling up a Notification (under his hand) upon a poft to be fet up for that porpofe within two Rods of the meeting houfe faceing the Road Setting forth the articles of i'^ meeting and to ftand Pofted as aforefaid fourteen Days at Leaft Voted and Granted y*^ Sum of twelve Shillings and fix pence to M^ Benjamin Bellows Voted and Granted y*^ Sum of two Shillings and Six pence to M"" Benjamin Bellows jun Recorded 't^ Benj Goodridge Clerk At a Legaul Meeting of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 2"^^ A D 1746/7 Voted & Choofe Major Jonathan Hubburd Modder- ator Benj Goodridge Maj*" Jonathan Hubbard Cap* Jonathan Willard } Selectmen Thomas Prentice Esq'' | M'' John Gibfon j Benj Goodridge town Clerk Thomas Prentice Efq'' town Trerfurer [75] Mr Solomon Stawart) M^ PhiHp Goodridge j Constables M^ Francies Buttrick] M'' James Leitch \ Tyding men M'- David Chaplin J M'' Jonathan Bradftreet jun M"" Ezekiel Wyman M'' Jonathan Wood Surveyers of M"" Samvel Reed f high ways M*" Joiiah Dodge M*" Samvel Larrabee M'- Joseph Fuller 1 M*" Thomas Brown j fences veiwers M*' David Goodridge M*" Benj Gary Hogg reives M*" John Darlin M'' Jonathan Hartwell TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 131 M*" Benj Bellows jun Sealer of Weights & meafures M*" Eleazer Houghton Sealer of Leather M'' Amos Kimbal \ M'' Samvel Larrabej to take Care of fire M^ Samvel Davis \ Cap^ Jonathan Hubburdj Ciillirs of Shingles Ai^ Nathanel Harwoodj M"" Zechariah Whitney \ to take care of Deer Voted & Granted to Edward Hartwell Efq-" — 0-2-3 Voted & Granted to Benj Goodridge 1-2-6 Voted & Granted to Cap* Jonathan Willard 0-2-3 Voted & Granted to Samvel Davis 0-3-0 Voted that the town Discontinue the wa}' from the way b3' Joseph Pages to Mnlpus Brook and Except of the way Laid out from the way Between the Houfe william Kannady Lives in and Jofeph Pages Houfe to Mulpus two Rods wide as Laid out By M*" Jacob Gould and M^ Hezekiah Wetherbe turn over [7(>] and Reported to the Towon Provided M"" Jofeph Page Give Leave to the widow Mar3^ Lane and her heirs to pafs and Repafs with their Creatvers to faid way by the Bridge through Bars or Gates the which faid Joseph Page Confented Voted that that part of the way which gos to John Mansfeilds Betw^een Timothy Bancrofts and Benj^ Garys Land Be Difcontinued and the way through Benj^ Garys Land Be accepted in the Room therof Begining at a Black oak tree on the North fide of f^ w^ay and Runing through faid Garys Land two Rod wide till it comes to John Mansfeild Land as it is now fenced Recored '^ Benj Goodridge Cler At Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the Ninteenth A. D. 1747 Voted that Major Jonathan Hubburd be Modderator of faid Meeting Voted the prefent Committe for the School be a com- mitte to provide a fchool Mafter for the town and to 132 The Early Records of tJie Tow>i of Limenhnrg. order where the School I'hall be Kept the year Enfning Saving that Nathanel Harvvood be Joyned with faid Com- mittee in the Room of Eleazer Tarball who is moved out of town Voted that the Swine run at Large the prefent year Recored 't> Benj Goodridge. At a Legual meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled March the 3'-^^ 1745/6 Voted and Excepted of a two Rod town way through M'' William Jones Land on the Eaft fide of his houfe and Barn from Justice Harrises Land till it comes to Mr John Scots Land where the wa^' now is — this way by a Mis- take is Recored in a wrong Place 'H Benj Goodridge. [77] At a legual Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber the 21t'j_ 1747 Voted and Choofe Maj"" Jonathan Hubburd Modd'' for v^d meeting Voted & Granted the Sum of two Hundred and Eighty pound old tenour for the Rev. M*' David Stearns Sallary for the prefent year Voted and Granted the Sum of one Hundred and forty pound old tenour for the Suport of the School in Said town Voted and Granted the Sum of ten Shilling to M*" Jo- fiah Dodge for making the Stocks Recorded %^ Benj Goodridge Clerk At a Legual Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the Seventh A D 1747/8 Voted and Choofe Maj*' Jonathan Hubburd Alodder- ator Voted that y'^ Report of y^ Committe to Reckon with y*" town Treasurer be Excepted so far as they have pro- ceeded. The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 133 Voted and chofse M^ John Grout Benj : Goodridge Cap* Jonathan Bradftreet } Selectmen M'' Benj : Forfter | M*" Jonathan Wood J Benj Goodridge Choofen town Clerk & Sworn M*" Jofiah Dodge Cholen town Traefurer and Sworn Samvel Davis V Afhael Hartwellj Chofen Constables & Sworn John Heywood were Chofen M M M M M M M M M M Abraham Sanderfon Solomon Stewart William Page Philip Goodridge Amos Kimbal Nathanael Page John Martin Surve3^ers of High w^ays & Sworn Turn over [78] March meeting march y'^ 7"^ 1747/8 M^" Joseph Fuller 1 M'' Thomas Brown | Chosen fence viewers & sworn Maj*" Jonathan Hubburd Chofen fealer of weights & meafures & Sworn M*" Eleazer Houghton Chofen Sealer of Leather M'' James Leitch \ Francis Buttrickj Chofen Tyingmen Isaac Gibfon ( Ephraim Whitney] Chofen to take care of Deer David Goodridge M^ M^ M^ M^ M'' James Colman M*" Joseph Page M*" Edward Hartwell jun M'' Jacob Gould M M Chofen Hogg reives ^ Chofen Surveyers of Shingles Philip Goodridge j Claborad ftaves &c & Sworn David Page \ Chofon to take care of Timothy Bancroft] fire and Sworn Voted and Choofe Maj*" Jonathan Hubburd ] a committe to provide the town with a School Mafter and to provide places to Keep the School in &c M M^ Mofes Mitchael M"" John Gibfon M"" John Martin M*" William Snow i8 134 The Early Records of the Totvn of Liuienburg. Voted that the town ways for the future be mended by a Rate. Voted that the wages from the firft of may to the Last of September be four Shillings 1^ Day for a man and Two Shillings r^ Day for a yoke of oxen and Six pence ^ Day for a cart and two Shillings *f^ Day for a Great Plow and all other Materials to be found by the owners without pay and that from y^" firft Day of October to the Laft Day of April one half of y^ wages above mentioned for men oxen cart and plow Voted that the Sum of one Hundred pound be Raifed to mend the ways withall [79] March meeting march y'= 7"' 1747/8 Voted that the old Meeting Houfe Be Repaired and that Mr Samvell Johnson Mr John Grout Thomas Kimball Efq'' M*" John Gibfon and Maj'' Hubburd Be acommittee to Repair the old meeting Houfe Voted the Rome in the meeting House Between M*" Clarks Pew and the Stairs be Granted to M*" Samvel Reed Voted and Granted the Sum of twenty pound old ten- nor To Repair the old meeting Houfe with Voted and Excepted of a town way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining at the South end of Ap- pletree Hill at the old way Runing through a peice of Common Land and over the Bridge and through Amos Kimballs Land and Ephraim Kimballs Land faid way was Laid out by David Page \ Amos Kimball \Committee Ephraim Kimball j and faid Kimballs gave the Land for faid way to the town faid way is two Rod wide Voted and Excepted of a town way from James Pooles too the Line of Narraganfsett No 2 Begining at faid Pooles where the way is Laid too and Excepted b3^ The Early Records of tJie Town of Lniunbiirg. 135 the twon at a former meeting and is Defcribed by markt Trees on the Northerly fide of faid way till it comes to faid Narraganfett Line faid way was Laid out by Maj'' Jonathan Hubburd ] Selectmen Cap^ Jonathan Willard \ of and Thomas Prentice Bi'q^] Lunenburg Voted and Excepted of atown way Laid out through M'' Secratary Willards ^ Land Begining at the End of Northfield Road (so called) and is two Rod wide then through M'' Samvel Reeds Land on the Southerly Side of Reeds Houfe and than through more of f'^ Willards Land and through M'' Crockers Land and M*" Samvel Johnfons Land turn over [80] and through M^ Isaac Gibsons Land and through some part of M'' Reuben Gibsons to his Houfe and is Defcribed by markt trees and faid Road is partly throng The firft Land of faid Willard and Through faid Reeds near where the Road now is Traveled in Northerly on faid Willard Land northerly Through faid Crockers Land North-Easterly through faid Johnfons Land and northeasterly Throng Land of laid Isaac Gibsons and partly Eafterly through faid Reuben Gibfons Land under the Pearl Hills So called. the above way was Laid out and Defcribed by M'- John Gibson {Select & Thomas Prentice Efq^j men Recorded 't^ Benj: Goodridge Town Cler At A Legaul Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 23''] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afserabled December the 21 ^^^ A D 1749 Voted and Chofe M'' John Grout Modderator Voted that the town will Shew Caufe why the prayer of the Petition (praying that the mile on the Baft fide of the Town may be Set off to Joyn with thofe on the weft fide of Groton River) Should not be Granted Voted that Benjamin Goodridge M*" Jofiah Dodge M"" John Grout IVp- John Gibfon and M^ Mofes Mitchael be a Committe to Draw up Reafons to Shew why the prayer of the faid petetion Should not be Granted Voted that two men be fent to Bofton to Alake anfwer to faid petetion Voted and Chofe Benjamin Goodridge and M'' Jofiah Dodge to Go to Bofton to make anfwer unto faid pete- tion Voted that the Sum of ten pound in y*^ Laft Emifion Bills be Granted to Enable faid Goodridge and Dodge to go to Bofton and make anfwer to y*^ faid petetion Recorded ~# Benj Goodridge town Clerk [87] At A Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the fifth A D 1749/50 Voted and Chofe M*" Samvel Johnson Modderrator for faid Meeting Benj Goodridge were Chofen Selectmen M*" Samvel Johnson Cap* Jonathan Bradstreet M"" Jofiah Dodge M"" Solomon Steward Benj Goodridge was Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn Were Chofen Surveyers of Highways. The Early Records of the Tozvn of Liuienburg. 141 Thomas Prentice Efq'" was Chofen Town Treafurer M'" Thomas Cartter) M*" William Snow / were Chofen Constables Voted that M'' Ezekiel Wj^man be Excepted to ferve as Constable in the Room of M'' Thomas Carter M"" Joliah Dodge M*" Thomas Brown M*" John Griffin M'" Arington Gibson M^ PhiHp Goodridge M"" Jofiah Bayley M*- Mofes Mitchael M'' George Kimbal M«- David Wood M«- Jofiah Bayley \ M^ Samvel Davis f were chofen fence veiwers [88] M-- Nathanael Page\ M*" Samvel Hunt j were Chofen Tyding men M*" Jofeph Wood\ were Chofen to take Care M'^ Isaac Gibson ) of Deer IVP Jofiah Dodge jun'^) M^ Ephraim Kimbal } were Chofen Hogreves M"" David Carlile j M'' Samvel Davis\ were Chofen Surveyers M"" Jofiah Bayley/ of Shingles M^ Eleazer Houghton was Chofen Sealer of Leather M'- John Martin \ M*" Nicholas Dike/ were Chofen Surveyers of Staves M'- WilHam Jones ] M*" John Scott \ were Chofen to M*" David GoodridgeJ take Care of fire Voted that the School be Kept in four places in the town three mounths at aplace in the year for the future Voted y<^ M*" Benjamin Bellows junr M*" Nathan Hey- wood M"- Eleazer Tarbal M*- Solomon Steward and M'' William Snow be a committe to appoint the faid four places and alfo to appoint places to Build four School Houfes in and make Report of their Doings to the Town at Next May meeting Voted that M^ Benjamin Bellows jun*^ M^ Solomon Steward and M^ Eleazer Tarbal be 19 142 TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Liuieiibiirg. [89] Be a committe to provide a School Marftcr for the Town for the year Infuing Voted and Granted the Sum of Seventy five pound Laft Emifsion Bills for the Support of the School in faid Town Voted that David Goodridge appoint a Day for thofe that have not workt out their Rates at the High \va3'S and that they work out their Rates under his Direction at the Bridge by his Houfe Between now and the Last of april next Voted and Granted to M'- John Martin 2=5 = Voted & Granted Thomas Prentice Efq^ l=:4z=0 Voted & Granted to Benj : Goodridge 1-5-0 Voted & Granted to Cap* Jonathan Bradftreet — 0-17- 6 Voted & Granted to M*- Samvel Johnfon 1-5-0 Voted & Granted to M'' Jonathan Wood 0-12-6 Voted that Nathanael Harwoods Highway Rates be abated Voted that it Be Left with the Selectmen to abate fuch Rates as Shall appear to them to Be Reafonable and then Voted that the meeting be a Jorned to to morrow morning nine o Clock Tuefday March y^ Sixth nine o, clock A. M. A. D 1749/50 then the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Tov^n of Lunenburg Being met by ajornment Voted that the new meeting Houfe that the Town of Lunenburg is about to Build be Built and Set up in the End of the Lane by the School Houfe the place alread}^ voted notwithstanding voted [90] Voted that the Committe to manage the affair of Building a new Meeting Houfe agree with M'' Benja- min Bellows jun and with Juftice prentice for a fuitable Districk of Land for to Set the meeting Houfe upon and for Conveniences about the Same and Report the Same to the Town at Next may meeting for their acceptance Voted that the Town Will Shew Caufe why the prayer of the petetion Should not Be Granted and that the Com- The Early Records of tlie Town of Lnncnbnrg. 143 mitte appointed to anfwer the petetion of those praying to Joyn with thofe of Groton Shew Caufe why the prayer of the petetion of Edward Hartwell Efq*" and Eight others praying to be annexed to the Town of Leominster as part of that Townfhip fhould not Be Granted Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Cler At a Legaul meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 2V^ 1750 Voted and chofe M*" John Heywood Moddera- tor for f'^' meeting. Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty three pounds Six ShilHngs and eight pence to mend the town waj^s with- all Voted that the wages for men be two ShilHngs & eight pence l?^ Day from Ma3^ till the laft of auguft and a pair of oxen tw^o fhillings and a cart eight pence ^ Day from May till the Laft of auguft Voted that the Selectmen Impower A a Surveyer to take a fuitable Number of hands and Cut the trees out of the way to Dorchefter Cannada Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Cler [91] At a Legall Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Novem- ber the Ninteenth A D 1750 Voted and Chofe M^ John Heywood Modderator then Voted and Granted the Sum of Eleven pound Six- teen Shillings and Eight pence Lawfull Money to pay M^ Benjamin Bellows and Thomas Prentice Efq'' for the Land that the New Meeting Houfe Stands upon and for Con- veniences about the Same Voted and Granted the Sum of two pound fifteen Shil- lings to pay for the Rum ufed at the Raifmg of the new- meeting Houfe Voted and Granted to M^ Jofiah Dodge the Sum of Eighteen Shillings and Eight pence for the ufe of his Rope to Raife the new Meeting Houfe withall and then voted that the Meeting be ajournd to too Morrow Morning at ten O Clock 144 The Early Records of the Tozuii of Lunenburg. tuesday November the 20*^ 1750 ten o Clock the free- holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Being met by a Journment Voted and Granted to Thomas Prentice Efq'' the Sum of ten Shillings and five pence for Rum and other articles ufed at the Raifing of the New Meeting Houfe Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty three pound Six Shillings and eight pence to y*^ Rev M^ David Stearns for his Sallary for the prefent year Voted and Granted to M'' John Grout the Sum of two pound Voted and Granted to M"" Robert Speer the Sum of Eight Shilling Voted and Chofe M'' Benjamin Bellows M*" John Grout and M'' Philip Goodridge a committe to Reckon with the Treafurer and to Give him a Discharge for what he has payed by orders for the towns ufe Voted that the Report of the committe for placing the School Houfes be Excepted Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Ckr [93] At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenbug Afsembled Decem- ber the eighteenth A D 1750 Voted and Chofe Mr John Heywood Modderator for Said Meeting Voted that thirty Eight pews be Built on the Lower floor of the new meeting Houfe Voted that twenty one pews be Built on the Gallary floor of the new^ Meeting Houfe Voted that Edward Hartwell Efq"" M'' Jofiah Dodge Benj Goodridge M"" Nathan Heywood and M*" Jonathan Wood be a committe to place the pews in the new meet- ing Houfe Voted that the pew Ground in the New Meeting Houfe be fold Voted that the pew Ground on the Lower floor be Sold to the Highesth Biders Voted that the pew Ground in the Gallerys be fold to the Highest Bidders TJie Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 145 Voted that Edward Hartwell Efq*^ Benj : Goodridge and M*" Samvel Johnfon be acommitte to Sell the pews to the Highest Bidders Voted that the town Referve one pew i'or the ufe of the Town or aminiftreal pew Voted that the Committe Sell but one pew to any one Man Voted that the Committe take Money Down or notes on Demand of the perfons they Sell the the pews to Voted that Major Edward Hartwell take Deeds of M*" Benjamin Bellows and of Thomas Prentice Efq'' of the Land that the New meeting Houfe Stands upon and for Conveniences about the Same In behalf of the town Voted and Granted to M'- Jofiah Dodge 0=16-0 Voted and Granted to M*- Jofiah Dodge 1-4-0 Voted and Granted to M^ Jofiah Dodge 0-18-8 Voted and Granted to Benj Goodridge 2 - 8-9 Voted and Granted to M'- John Gibfon - 7-10 Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Cler [93] At a Legaell Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg afsembled Jan vary the Eighth 1750/51 Voted and Chofe M'' John Heywood Modderator for f*^ meeting Voted that they will come into anew Regulation con- cerning the Pews in the New Meeting Houfe notwith- standing any former vote. Voted that two Hundred pound Lawfull monej'- be Raifed on the pews Ground on Lower floor and the per- fons that have them to take them for their Seats any for- mer vote to the Contrary Notwithstanding Voted that thirteen pound Six Shillings and Eight pence Lawfull money be Raifed on the pew Ground in the Gallarys and the perfons that have them to take them for their Seats any former Vote to the Contrary notwith- standing Voted and Granted that one Hundred and Sixty pounds Lawfull money be Raifed to finish the New Meet- ing Houfe Withall 146 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. Voted that the Highest payers on Real Eftates Look- ing one year Back be perferred to have pews in the New Meeting Houfe Voted that Edward Hartwell Efcf Capt Jonathan Bradftreet Capt Jonathan Willard M'' John Hey wood and M*" Jonathan Wood be a committe to Difpofe of the pews and to take Securety for the money in Behalf of the Town Voted that the Committe Give three months payment to thofe that Do not pa}^ money Down Recorded ?? Benj Goodridge town Cler Whereas Wee the Subscribers on y*^ 8*^ Day of Jan^ A. D. 1750 by a vote of the Town of Lunenburg at a Legal Town Meeting ware appointed a Committe to Dispose of the pew: Ground, On the Lower floor in the New Meeting house in S^ Town and to take Security for the same &c and also at a Legal meeting in S'^ Town on the twenty Seventh of August A D : 1751 then the S*^ Town voted that the Committe afifore f'^ profeed to Sell the Rest of the S^ pew Ground on the New meeting house on the floor of S'^ house to the Next highest payers on Real Ef- tate in purfuance of S'' votes wee have Sold the third pew^ Ground on the Left hand Going in at the front Dore ad- joining to Daniel Austens : to Docter John Dunfmoor his Heirs & Afsigns & have taken Security for the Sum of four pounds fourteen Shillings & nine pence. Jonathan Bradftreet] John Hevwood \Com- Dated Septm*" y« 30^1^1751 Edward "Hartwell \mitte A True Record pr Jonathan Low Town Clerk Rec^ on Record November y« 21 : 1770 [94] Lunenburg Janvary the 8*^^ 1750 At a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg at the publick Meeting Houfe in faid town Whereas it is propofed in Consequence of the firft Ar- ticle of faid Meeting to Raife or Lay a a Certain Sum of The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 147 Money on the pews or on So much of the New Meeting honfe ^floors as they have voted to Build pews upon We hereby Decently Object against any Sum or Sums of Money Whatfoever Being in any w^ays or Manner Laid upon S^ pews or upon the S^ floors for Building S^ pews Benj^ Bellows John Gibfon John Grout Alfo it is propofed in Confequence of the Second Arti- cle to vote who Shall be preffered to have the pews in the New Meeting Houfe we hereby Decently object against any other Rule or Method but only that the Highest payer towards Building the New Meeting houfe Draw the firft pew & the Next Highest payer to Draw the next pew & So on in that Method through out the whole Dif- tribution of pews in S^^ meeting Houfe Moles Mitchael John Grout Samvel Reed Nathaniel Page Eleazer Houghton [95] At A Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the 4tii 1750/1 Voted and Chofe M'' Nathan Heywood Modderator Chofen Selectmen and Since Sworn M^ Nathan Heywood M"" Jonathan Wood M^ John Gibfon M'' Amos Kimbal M'' Jofiah Bay ley Benj Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk and Since Sworn Thomas Prentice Efq'' Chofen Town Treafurer M'' Nathanael Page \ M"- Zechariah Whitney/ Chofen Conftables M*" Jacob Gould ) M'- Mofes Ritterj Chofen Tydingmen 148 The Early Records of the Town of Lmietiburg. were chofen Surveyors of the Highways Chofen Hogg reives M*" James Leitch M*" Mofes Mitchael M*" Jonathan Taylor M*" Obediah Walker M'' John Bufs M*" Jofeph Fuller M*" Samvel Hunt M"" Jacob Gould M*" Jofiah Dodge M*" Noah Dodge M*" Samvel Comings \ M^ Jeremiah Norcrofs \ Chofen fence veiwers M"" Ephraim Whitney ) M*" Timothy Bancroft} Chofen to take Care of Deer M*" Joseph Fuller M*" Gabrial Pouchee M^ Timothy Bancroft M^ Abraham Sanderfon M*^ Philip Goodridge\ M*" Jacob Gould j Surveyors of Boards and Shingles &c [9(>] M"- John Martin \ M^ Nicholas Dike) Chofen Surveyors of Staves M*" Eleazer Houghton Chofen Sealer of Leather M^ Noah Dodge ] M*" Nathanael Calton> Chofen to take care M*" David Goodridge J of fire then Voted that the Meeting be ajorned to the Laft Wensday of this Inftant March at nine of the Clock in the morning At ameeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Lunenburg Held by ajorment on the Laft wensday of March 1751 Voted that they will come in Some other Regulation concerning the pews in the new meeting Houfe Voted that the twelve pews in the Body of Seats be flung up to Build Seats upon the Room Voted that the pews in the Gallary be flung up Voted that all the pews on the walls Except the Min- istreal pew be Dismift for the prefent Voted that the article of making the Highway Rate on the old Valluation be Dismift Voted that Sixty pound be Granted to mend town Wavs withall The Eat-ly Records of tJie Tcivn of Lunenburg. 149 Voted that the wages for aman from the firft of april to the Laft of august for working at the Highways be two Shilling '^ Day and one Shilling for apair of oxen and Sixpence for a cart Voted that the Sum of four pound be Granted M*" Thomas Brown and others for mending the Bridge by David Goodridges to Be Subducted out of the Highway Rate this prefent year Voted that the Laft article in the warrant be be Dis- mist Voted that the meeting be further ajorn -d to to the third Tuesday of May next at three of y*^ clock in the afternoon [97] May the twenty firft A D 1751 the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Being met by ajornment the Question was put whither the Town will proceed upon the article of the way Between the Lands of Thomas Prentice Efq^ M*" Ben- jamin Bellows and M' Daniel Auftin and it pafed in the aflirmative and after a Debate Voted that the article be Dismift Recorded %? Benj = Goodridge town Cler Voted that the Town way be altered which Runs through Eleazer Houghtons from where it now gos Be- gining at the Land of the Heirs of David Parce and Runs upon faid Houghtons Land two Rod w^ide as it is Delcribed bj^ Markt trees on the wefterly fide of f^ way the faid way being three Rods wide against Darius Houghtons Houfe and it Runs part of the way on the Land of Epharium Parce Jun'' as it is Defcribed by markt trees on the wefterly fide of faid way It was alfo voted at the firft ajornment of the above Meeting that a Bridle way be Excepted of by the town provided the perfons that own the Land Give the Land for the faid way which way is Defcribed as follows Be- gining ftanding in or neer the Line Between William Hen- erys and Capt Goulds Land and Run throug f Henerys 150 TJie Early Records of the Toivu of Lituenburg. Land and and through afmal corner of David Farces Land in the old path and through Georges Rufiells Land in the old path to M*" James Leitches Land and through faid Leitches Land in or neer the old path and through the Land of the widdow Mary Ruffell then through the Land of M*" James Gordon and through acorner of the Land of Andrew Mitchael by the Bever Dam then on the fide of Francis Buttricks Land to the corner of Nathan Platts Land neer turkey Hill Brook then on f*^* Buttrick by the fide faid Platts es Land then turning on f*^^ Buttricks Land on the foutherly fide of his Houfe then as the old path Gos to the Land of Nathan Platts and thro acorner of {^ platts Land to the Land of M'' Jofiah Dodge and through f^' Dodges Land to the Land of Capt Willard to the cor- ner of the Buring Place and fo by the weft fide thereof into the Road Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Cler [1)8] At A Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the 27^1^ 1751 Voted and Chofe M*" Nathan Heywood Modderator Voted and Chofe a committe to Hire a School Mafter and to order where the School fhall be Kept Voted and Granted the Sum of Twenty Six pound thirteen Shillings and four pence for the Support of the School £ sh d Voted and Granted to Jofeph Goodridge 0-8-0 Voted and Granted to Philip Goodridge 0-2-0 Voted and Granted to Jonathan Bradftreet Jun 0-2-0 Voted and Granted the Sum of two pound for the ufe of the poor Voted that the former Committe Continue to be acom- mitte to profecute the affair of finifhing the new Meeting Houfe and Lay out the Money that is Afsefsed and Raifed for that porpofe M*" Jofhua Goodridge M'' John Grout M'' William Snow Thomas Prentice Efq'' M'' John Martin The Early Records of the Town of LiDienbiirg. 151 At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 27*'^ 1751 Voted and Chofe M'' John Heywood Modderator Voted and Granted the Sum of four pounds to Build a pound withall in {^ town Voted that Edward Hart well Efq'' and Benj : Good- ridge Be added to the ^ Committe to Reckon with the Town Trefurer Voted and Granted to M'' Nathan Heywood — 0-5-4 [99] At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Auguft the the twenty Seventh A D 1751 Voted and Chofe M*" Samvel Johnfon Modderator Voted and Chofe M*" William Stearns Town Treafurer .Voted and Granted the Sum of fift^^ three pound Six Shillings and Eight pence for the Rev M*" David Stearns Sallary for the prefent year £ Sh d Voted and Granted to M'' Nathan Heywood — 0-4 Voted & Granted to M"" Jonathan Wood 0-4-0 Voted & Granted to M*" Jofiah Bayley 0-4-0 Voted & Granted to Benj : Goodridge 1-7-0 Voted & Granted to Edw-ard Hartwell Efq'- — 0-2-0 Voted & Granted to M^ Philip Goodridge — 0-2-0 Voted that the Committe appointed to fell the pew Ground on the Lower floor in the New Meeting Houfe in faid Town be Directed forthwith to Call in the Money Due for the pew Ground and proceed to Sell the Reft to the Next Highest payers on Real Eftates in cafe thofe that have the first offer Refufe to Give the money afsefst on them by the Committe Voted that the Committe aforefaid be Directed to pay Decon Johnfon for the Nails Bought of M'' Blair forthwith and that the Remainder of the money be paid to the Committe appointed to manage the affair of Building the new meeting Houfe or their order to be by them applyed to finish the faid new meeting Houfe withall exclu five of Building the pews Chofen Selectmen 152 The Early Records of the Town of Linicnbnrg. Voted and Excepted of alil't of Jury men to be put into the Box for the Superiour Court Voted and Excepted of ahft of Jury men to be put in- to the Box for the Inferiour Court Voted that the Selectmen abate the Rates of fuch per- fons as fhall appear Reafonable to them - [100] At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the 2^^^ ^ D 1752 Voted and Chofe M^ John Heywood Modderator M"" John Gibfon M*^ Jofiah Bayley M^ Amos Kimball M^ William Downe M^ William Snow Benj Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk M^ William Stearns Chofen Town Treafurer M'' James Leitch) M^ John Griffin j Chofen Conftables Voted that M'' Philip Goodridge be Excepted Confta- ble in the Room of M*" John Griffin M'' Jofiah Dodge M"" John Heywood M'' Daniel Auftin M^ William Gilchreft M-- Caleb Taylor M"- Samvel Reed M^ Thomas Carter M*" Abraham Ireland M'- Thomas Dutton M*" Hezekiah Wetherbe M^ Ebenezer Going were Chofen M^ Mofes Mitchaei M'' Amos Hazeltine Surveyers of Highways M*" Francis Buttrick\ M"" Samvel Davis j Chofen Tydingmen M^ Nathanael Page \ M*" Jeremiah Norcrofs/ Chofen fence veiwers M*" Thomas Carter Chofen Sealer of Leather M^ Samvel Davis Culer of Shingles & Clabords M*" John Martin Culler of Staves [101] M'- John Fitch M"" Thomas Brown M*" Joseph Fuller M'' Ephraim Whitney Chofen Hogg reives TJic Early Records of the Tozvn of Lnuciiburg. 153 M^ Isaac Gibson \ M^ Samvel Hunt } Chofen to take care M*" Thomas Button J of Deer M'' Jofeph Fuller M'' Ephraim Kimball M*" Abraham Sanderfon M'' Mofes Mitchall M'' Reuben Gibson to take care of fire Voted and Granted to M^ Zechariah Whitne3^ the r £ s d sum or 0-4-0 Voted & Granted to M«- Nathaneal Page 0-1-0 Voted & Granted to M'' Nathan Hey wood 0-8-0 Voted & Granted to M^ John Gibson f-|-o Voted & Granted to M'' Jofiah Bayley 0-4-0 Voted & Granted to M'' Amos Kimball 0-3-6 Voted & Granted to M'' Jonathan Wood 0-4-6 Voted & Granted to M'- Samvel Poole 0-2-8 Voted & Granted to M-" James Poole 0-2-8 Voted that the Third Article in the warrant be Dis- mift Voted that an}' Person Being an Inhabitant that Shall Kill any Woflfe within the Bounds of the Towm Shall have twent}' Shilling Reward out of the Town Treafury [102] Voted and Excepted of A town way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining at Groton Road by Jacob Goulds Houfe on the Welterly end of Thirfton Orig- inal Lot and Runing by Isaac Fofters Houfe till it comes to Land f*^ Fofter Bought of william Moffatt Alfo another Peice of way Begining at the Northweft Corner of the Widow Randals Land at Groton Road and Runing on Benjamin Bellows Land by the widow Randals Land on the Wefterly fide of the f*^ widow Randalls Land till it comes to Daniel Austins Land two Rod wide Being ten Rod and one Quarter on one fide and feven Rod and one Quarter on the other fide the above peice of way is excepted provided the Land be Given the above ways were Laid out by Daniel Austin \ Jacob Gould jCommitte 154 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. Alfo an other town way Begining at the South Weft corner of the Land of Nathanael Harris Efq'' and Run- ning about fort3' Rods on f*^ Harris es I^and and then turning unto Joliah Bayleys Land and Runing Strait to the South weft Corner of Nathanael Carltons Land faid way to be two Rod wide and is Excepted away provided the Land be Given and was Laid o By the Selectmen Voted that the meeting be ajorned to the fecond Mon- day of May Next at two of the Clock in the afternoon Monday May the Eleventh 1752 the Town of Lunen- burg Mett By Ajornment [103] Voted that they will mend the Bridges on the way to Narragansett N° two Voted and Granted the Sum of fifteen pound to mend the Bridges and way to Narragansett N^ two withall Voted that the Money be workt out at two fhilling and Eight pence ^ Day for aman Voted that the wages for a pair of oxen be two fhil- lings and Eight pence lf^ Day and Eight pence for acart Voted that Lt Jofiah Dodge over fee the work Voted that Lt Dodge Notifie the feveral Surveyors to Bring their proportion of men Voted that the meeting Be further Ajornd to Monday' the twenty fifth Day of this Inftant May at four a clock in the afternoon May the the 25*^ 1752 the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Met by a further Ajornment and the Meeting was Difmift Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge town Cler At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 25^11 1752 Voted and Chofe M"" Jofiah Bayley Modderator— Voted that they will Choofe acorn mitte to Seat the New Meeting Houfe Voted that they will Choofe five men for acommitte to Seat the New Meeting Houfe TJic Early Records cf the Tozvn of Lujienburg. 155 Voted and Chofe M^ Nathan Hey wood M^ William Snow M*" Amos Kimbal M'' Jofiah Bayley M*" James Leitch a committe to Seat the New Meeting Houfe [104] Voted that the New Meeting Houfe Be Seated upon the Real Eftates tiiat paid toward the Building of fd Houfe Voted that after the perfons are Seated that Have Real Eftates thofe perfons that have no Real Eftates shall be Seated upon their perfonal Eftates according to their pay and that all polls that have been paid for towards Building the new Meeting Houfe fhall have afeat Voted that they will meet in the New Meeting Houfe Next Sabbath Day come fortnight to attend the publick worfhip there Voted and Chofe M^ William Snow^ ) A Committe to provide M*" Jacob Gould \ the town with a M'- Afahel Hartwell) School Mafter Voted and Granted the Sum of thirty five pound for the ufe of the School Voted that the Selectmen Abate Such Rates as they think proper Voted and Granted the fum of fiftj^ pound to Mend the Highways withal! and that the wages be for a man be = 2-8 for a yoke of oxen 0-1-4 and for a cart 0-0-8 and that the money be workt out by the Laft of Sep- tember Next Voted that Hoggs Run at Large the prefent year Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge Town C lev [105] At a legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Auguft ye lo^b 1752 Voted and Chofe Benjamin Goodridge Modderator 156 The Early Records of the Town of Luneiibiirg. Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty five pound for the Rev M*" David Stearns Sallary for the prefent year Voted and Granted the Sum of two pound to Buy Weights & Meafures with all Voted and Granted the Sum of fifteen pound to Mend the way withall from M*" Hunts to the weft Line of the Town the wages y'^ fame as on Narraganset Road Voted & Granted to M'' William Snow 0-1-4 Voted & Granted to M*" Afahel Hartwell 0-1-4 Voted that they will Build Long pews Behind the Seats in the Gallarys in the New Meeting Houfe Voted that they will Keep the old Meeting Houfe for town meetings &c and y*^ Lt Jofiah Dodge take care of the old Meeting Houfe and Stop up the Windows &c Recorded 'f) Benj Goodridge town Cler [10(>] At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March 5*^: A: D: 1753 Voted and chose M"" John Hey wood Moderator Mefsf^ John Gibson ) Will™ Downe | John Grout J Chosen Selectmen and sworn Jonathan Wood Afsefsors. Samuel Reed William Downe chosen Town Clerk and sworn Deacon William Stearns chosen Town Treafurer MefsT*' Ephraim Peirce\ John Bufs / chosen Constables Voted that Mr Philip Goodridge be accepted Consta- ble in the room of M*" John Bufs. Voted that MV Jonathan Page be accepted Constable in the Room of MV Ephraim Pierce Mefsf Josiah Dodge Samuel Cummings William Stearns Moses Ritter Will'" Jones ) Surveyors of Highways Moses" Mitchell Abraham Saunderfon Ephraim Kimball Isaac Gibson TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 157 Mefsf John Martin Arrington Gibson Patrick White f Tything Men Jonathan Hart well Mefsf David Goodridge] Timothy Parker ( Joseph Wood ( Hog reeves Reuben Gibson J Mefsf Ezekiel Wyman\ Abijah Stearns j Fence Veiwers [107] Mefsf Reuben Gibson \^ Samuel Hunt f Chosen Deer Reeves M^ Thomas Carter chosen Sealer of Leather Mefsf Jacob Gould | chosen Surve3^ors of Boards Philip Goodridgej Shingles Clabboards and Staves. Mefsf Amos Kimball\ Samuel Pool / chosen to take care of Fire A Certificate signed by the Selectmen of the Town of Lunenburg informing F Town, that yy had attended at Deacon W™ Stearns Town Treafur^ & examined his acco*.® find, that the Sum of 4i2-i9-4-T had been ordered into his hands out of Sum he had rec*;^ from y*^ Severall Consta- bles 290-1^-3-0 and by orders from the Selectmen & Meet- ing houfe Comf he had paid the Sum of 289-17-9- and that there still remains y*^ following Sums in the hands of the Severall Conftables Viz? Due from Ezekiel Wyman k-l-%-'^'^'' From W"' Snow £6-5- from Jon^ Willard J""*- iVls-T-'lf- From Zech'^ Whitney 1^5-1^-5-^ from Nath- Page 5-17-11-3 and also from faid Page I7 and 4 from James Leitch £53-7-8-1 from Philip Goodridge 46-19-8-1 the amount in Constf Hands 172-18-1-3 After reading The above certificate Voted y"^ accept- ance of it A way two Rod wide from the Houfe of M*" Reuben Dodge where M*" John Fitch formerly lived, down by the Houfe of M*" W"^ Jones in order to accomodate the said Dodge & others w*?' a convenient Road to come into the Town and w'^!' was laid out at the Defire of the Select- men — — Not accepted 158 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenbitrg. The above Road is laid out from F Houfe of M'" Dodge and is markt on the South Side of the Way and runs in and near the Old Troden path as Attested by Will"? Jones 1 The The above Road not ] Reuben Dodge } Committee accepted by Reafon John Fitch J to lay out S"' Road y* Mr Benoni Wallis objected ag"f* its going as proposed through his Land [108] A Road laid out two Rod wide and 107 Pole in length beginning at Narragansett Road by James Pooles Land and running thro S'^ Pools Land to Tho! Stearns Land, then turning and running between f^^ Stearns & Pooles Land two Rod wide about Thirty Rod to y^ Town Line — Voted not to be accepted. By order — one other Road laid out beginning at the Foot of the hill below Sam^ Pooles Land and running near a Brook (called Monusnut Brook) about fourscore Rod, then crofling the Brook and running about Thirty Rod to the Town Line through land of Esq'' Harris — Voted that the S<^ Road be accepted provided the land be given and that the old Road running thro S*^ Harris Land be difcontinued — The above Roads being laid out by Amos Kimball] Sam' Pool ICom^f'^ James Pool j Voted that there be a Bridle Road as laid out through part of M*" Samuel Hunts Land to W'" Hendersons land, Beginning at a Stake b}^ the Road about ten Rod North east of M'' Hunts Houfe & then runs North west about Twenty Rod to a Stake and Stones by the fence, then runs as the Fence now ftands to y'^ said Hendersons Land and so along in a lane fenced out through said Hender- sons Land between his houfe & Barn Laid out by order of y^ Selectmen p*" Will™ Snow \ Amos Kimball j Com'^f^ The Early Records of tJie Town of Lunenlnirg. 159 Voted that the above road be accepted — and the abovenamed Saml Hunt & W™ Henderfon have consented thereunto & given the land abovementioned — as given under their hands — Voted and accepted of a Road lay'd out by order of the Selectmen : Beginning at the End of the Road that runs up to the Land of the Heirs of David Peirce & run- ning on a ftrait Line with the Old Road at the North : East End of the Houfe till it strikes the Stone Wall and then bounds on the Wall on the South Easterly side of the Road and so runs to a Chestnut Tree into the Old Road, the Road being two Rod wide accepted if y*^ land be given Eleazer Houghton] Josiah Dodge \ being y^ John Gibson ] Comin^^^ Voted that the Article in the Warrant respecting the Road laid out by the Selectmen between Leiut Bellows Land & Land of Thomas Prentice Esq'' at y"^ Request of Jacob Gould & others be dismifed [109] Voted and accepted of a Road laid out by the Selectmen mark'd as follow^s. Beginning at a Stake at Groton line running on M*; Goings Land to a white Oak Stump mark'd near his houfe then to a Rock in the Fence, then to white oak Tree these marks on the North side of said Way, then to a White Oak Tree mark't on the South side of s^ Way on Robert Aloffatts Land, then to a White Oak Tree mark'd, then to a Rock, then to a Stake and Stones between Going & Moses Gould, S*:^ Way to be four Rod wide Then the said meeting was adjourned to the Third monday of Ma}- next at one of the Clock afternoon Recorded p^ William Downe Town Clerk May 21*^ Anno Domini. 1753 The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg being mett by Adjournment Voted and Granted to Tho^ Prentice Esq*" 0- 2-11-^ Voted and Granted to M'- James Leitch - 0- 3- — 160 The Early Records of the Towti of Liuienbitrg. Voted and Granted to M'- Ezekiel Wyman - 0-1-0 Voted and Granted to M^" Ezekiel Wyman - 0-16- 0- Voted and Granted to Deacon W™ Stearns\ for his Service Two Years as Treafurer j 2- 0- 0- Voted that there be a Com*?^*^ chose to treat w*^ & examine the acco*? of Cap! Benj'? Goodridge, Deacon Saml Johnfon & Leiut Josiah Dodge the Meeting Houfe Committee Voted that Major Hartwell Leiu^ Nathan Heywood — Will^ Downe, John Grout, Jonathan Wood, be a Com^^^*' for the purpose afore s^ Voted that Jeremiah Norcrofs be one of the s^' Com- mittee in the Room of Leiu* Heywood who refuses Voted that the Comm*.^'^ be impowered to inquire of Cap! Benj> Goodridge, Deacon Saml Johnson Leiu* Josiah Dodge the Meeting Houfe Com^f what Sums of Money they have received out of the Sevcrall Sums granted and ordered for building and finishing the New Meeting Houfe and how they have disposed of the Same verte. [110] Voted that the s*? Committee make return to the Town Clerk of their Proceedings by the middle of June next. Voted that the Sum of Sixty pounds be raised and that the Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg be afsefsed the s'^ Sum to be workt out at the Highways, the Method as to raising the Money and the price of La- bour to be the same as the last year The Ninth Article in the Warrant being read, respect- ing the releiving & providing for M^ Sam'J Stow and M*" Stow being present and representing his Case & Cir- cumftances before the Town Voted — That the Selectmen deal with Mv Stow in the steps of the Law — Voted & granted the Sum of Four pounds for the ufe of the Poor in s".' Town Recorded p'' William Downe Town Clerk At a Legall meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled July the 9th A. D. 1753 TJic Early Records of the 7'ozvn of Lunenburg. 161 Voted and chose MV John Gibson Moderator The Report of a Comm^'^*^ chosen to treat with and examine the acco*? of Cap* Benj-? Goodridge, Deacon Sam'} Johnfon & Leiu^ Josiah Dodge the Meeting Houfe ComtL^ was Read It being put to vote whether the Town wiU choose a Comm^f^ to settle y*^ acco*? of y^ Pew Committee pafsed in the Negative The Third Article in the Warrant being put to Vote to See whether the Town will choofe Agents & instruct and impower them to bring an action in Common Law ag".^* Capt Goodridge & others y^ Meeting Houfe Com- mittee pafsed in the Negative Voted and granted the Sum of Sixty Pounds lawfull money to the Rev":' Mr David Stearns for his Salary this prefent year [111] Voted and chose Mefs*"? Joshua Goodridge, Mo- ses Mitchell Ephraim Whitney & Deacon W^ Stearns to be a Com^f*^ to provide a School master Voted and granted the Sum of Fiftj^ Three pounds six shill^ and eight pence Lawfull Money for the use of Schooling in said Town Voted that the School be kept in the Quarters of the Town as it has already been till further orders Voted that Notifications for Town Meetings for the future be posted up within Three foot of the South East Corner of Major Hartwells Horfe Stable Recorded "^ : W^ Downe Town Clerk Att a Legall Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled October 22^ 1753. Voted and chose MT Jonathan Wood Moderator Voted that the Grammar School in S"? Town be kept in the four Quarters of the Town as formerly and that the Remainder of Money already voted for the ufe of Schooling be improved by the School Com^f^^ in said ufe in such parts of the Town as S'^' Committee fhall judge most beneficial 162 TJie Early Records of the Tozvii of Lunenburg. The 2^ Article in Warrant respecting granting Money to mend y*= Road beyond MT Saml' Hunts to the West Line of S^ Town, being put to Vote not Voted — Voted that Mr Amos Kimball be joyned to the Com*^?*^ for hiring a School master The 4^*^ Article in y*^ Warrant being put to Vote, to see Whether y^ School Houfes Shall be built in the places already appointed for that purpofe No Vote. and then the s*? meeting was dismifsed Recorded p'' W' Downe Town Clerk [112] At a Legall meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg afsembled March 4«i 1754 Voted and chose Deacon William Stearns Moderator Cap* Benjamin Goodridge] Deacon John Hey wood I Select men Mefs':*' Solomon Steward ' Sworn Afsefsors Moses Ritter John Bufs William Downe Town Clerk Sworn Deacon Tho? Reddington Town Treafurer Mefsf David Chaplin) John Hill j Constables Upon a Motion made and seconded Voted that M^ John Hill be excused serving as Constable and Mr Arring- ton Gibson was chose in his Room & Sworn Cap* John Gibson Mefs*"? Wilham Jones Moses Ritter Charles White Samuel Pool Joseph Spafford Tho'? Carter Moses Mitchell David Wood Abijah Hovey Samuel Larrabee Mefs^ Benjamin Garey jun Eleazer Houghton Josiah Dodge junV Patrick White Samuel Hammond chosen Surveyors of Highways chosen Tything Men TJie Early Records of the Tozvu of Limenburg. 163 Mefs""? Zebu Ion Dodge \ Timothy Bancroft j chosen Hogreves Mefs7 Samuel Hunt\ Isaac Gibson | chosen Deer. Reeves Mefs''? Timothy Parker\ Samuel Hunt j chosen Fence Veiwers [113] Mv Thomas Carter chosen Sealer of Leather Leiu* Jacob Gould ^ \chosen Surveyors of M*" Josiah Dodge junT /Boards shingles and Clabboards Mefs""? Jona Wood jun^) Paul Crocker / chosen Cullers of Staves Mefs*"? Ephraim KimbaH\ Reuben Gibson / chosen to take of Fire Voted and Granted MV Philip Goodridge one Shilling for his warning Mathew Davis out of Town Voted and Granted M^ Joshua Goodridge four shill? for his going to procure a School Master Voted and granted M': Moses Mitchell Two fhill': for the ufe of his Horfe in the s*;' Service — Voted and accepted of M"" Patrick White to be a Con- ftable in the Room of M*" David Chaplin and he was Sworn to y^ faith full Discharge of his office. Voted to choose a Committee to reckon with the Town Treafurer William Downe ] Mefs^!' Amos Kimball ) Committee chosen for John Grovit j the Said Purpose The 4^1^ 6^?^ 8^^ 9^!^ 10^?^ 11*?^ Articles in the Warrant being Read, and the Town Voted not to act upon any of the said Articles. Voted that Swine run at large this Year and then said meeting was dismifsed Recorded pT William Downe Town Clerk [114] At a Legall Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled April 16th A: D. 1754 Voted and chose MT John Heywood Moderator Mefs*^? Josiah Bayley ] a coinmittee to William Stearns } examine the acco*? Chose Afahel Hart well) of the Committee appointed to manage the affairs 164 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lnncnbiirg. of building the New Meeting Houfe and make Report to the Town at their next Town meeting. Voted that the Sum of Thirty pounds be granted and work't out between M*" Hunts and the West hne of the Town Voted that Ten pounds be raised and workt out from the South Side of the River to Narragansett Line Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds to mend the Town Ways withal Voted that the Wages from Mr Hunts to the West Line of the Town be 2-8 p*" Day and the same from the River to Narragansett Line and 0-1-6 p^ Day for a yoke of oxen and 0-0-8 for a Cart and 0-2-0 p"" Day for a man & 0-1-4 for a yoke of oxen & 0-0-8 for a Cart in Town and 0-1-4 p*" Day for a Plow, the whole of the Money to be workt out by the last of September next : . — The above Attested by John Heyv^ood Moderator and Recorded p^ William Downe Town Clerk At a Legall meeting of the Freeholders & other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May 20th A: D. 1754 — Voted and chose Deacon Benjf Foster Moderator Voted and chose MT Abijah Stearns Town Treafurer in the Room of MT Tho^ Reddington who was chosen in March last and has refused to act in that Capacity Report of the Committee appointed to reckon with Deacon William Stearns late Town Treafurer being read, Voted that the same be accej^ted. as sett forth in S*;' Report Dated May 3*^ 1754- reference to y'^ same being had may appear Report of the Committee chosen to reckon with the ComT formerly appointed to manage the Affairs of build- ing the New Meeting Houfe, being Read & put to Vote whether the Said Report be accepted, and y^ y^ s^ Com^f*^ be discharged y*' Sum of 521-19-5-1 & that y*: said Com- mittee be allowed the Sum of 1-19-5-1 as by s^ Report appears to be Due to said Committee to Ballance ■ NO Vote ^ The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. 165 [115] The 4^?^ Article in the Warrant being Read — Voted that Cap* Willard, Mv Auftin & Mr Nath? Page be appointed to rectify the Fence round the burying Yard and clear up the Brush in s":^ burying place and bring in their accounts at the next Town Meeting — Voted that Mr Bufs, Mr George Kimball & Mr Ireland be appointed to look out a place for a burying Yard and agree about the Price & ^report at y*^ next Town Meeting and then the said meeting w^as dismifsed Recorded p'' William Downe Town Clerk — At a Legall meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Lunenljurg Afsembled Sepr 10*^?^ 1754 Voted and chose Will™ Downe Esqr Moderator Voted and granted the Sum of Sixt}^ pounds Lawfull Money for the Rev";' Mr David Stearns's Salary for this present year Voted and granted the Sum of Thirty pounds for the School. Voted and chose Mefs*"? Ezekiel W3'man & David Wood Cap^ John Gibson Leiu! Jacob Gould & Mr Benj'? Garey junr a Com'T^ to provide a School Mafter or M afters or Miftrefses Voted and granted the Sum of Eight pounds to re- pair the Bridge by M"" Paul W^etherbee's Voted and granted the Sum of Six pounds to repair the Bridge between y^ Great Bridge and M'' Amos Kim- balls and also voted that the said Sums for repairing the said Bridges be work't out as usuall and the Work to be done by the middle of October next Voted and granted the Sum of Four pounds for y'' ufe of y*^ Poor. Voted and granted to Leiut Josiah Dodge the Sum of one pound nineteen fhill^ and five pence one farthing being Due to him, for what he has done to y'^ New Meeting Houfe — The St^ Article in the Warrant being put, pafsed in the Negative Verte IGG TJic Early Rtxords of tJic Town of Lunctiburg. [11(5] Voted That MV John Hey wood the Represent- ative of the Town petition the Great & Generall Court in the behalf of the Town, that the unimproved Lands be- longing to Perfons out of Town and who are now refi- dents may be taxed to mend the High waj^s from M"" Sam"p Hunts to Dorchester Canady and from David Goodridges to Narragansett Ni? 2 at one half penny per Acre or such other Sum as y^ shall think proper for the Term of Five Years Voted and granted the Sum of one pound Six shill': & 8 pence to Deacon Will"? Stearns for his Services as Treaf- urer of the Town for the year 1753 Voted and granted the Sum of one pound Six shill': & 8'^' to MV Ezekiel Wyman for his taking care of the New Meeting Houfe one year & one Quarter Voted and granted the Sum of one pound Six fhill'^ & 8^ to y*-' Afsefsors for y'^ Year 1752 for y*" Service in s'J Year Voted and granted the Sum of one pound six fhill*? & 8*^ to the Afsefsors for 3'*^ Year 1753 for their Service in s^ Year The 11*^ Article in y'^ Warrant respecting the provid- ing a Suitable place in the Westerly part of the Town for a burying place, with the report of a Committee thereon being read referred for further Consideration at the next Town Meeting The 12^^^ Article, vizi to hear an Extract of the excife Bill prepared by the Generall Court & now lying for the Governours Consent and to hear the Govern^ Speech thereon & to shew their minds whether the}' would have said Bill pafs into a Law being read & putt to Vote pafsed in the Negative and then said Meeting was Difmifsed Recorded p*" Will''! Downe Town Clerk [117] WorcestV fc : Anno Regni Regis Georgij secundi magno Brittanice Francice & Hibernice vicefsimo Octavo Att a Court of GenV Sefsions of Pease begun and held at Worcester within and for the County of Worcester the first Tuesday of November being the fifth Day of said Month A. D. 1754 — — — The Early Records of tlie Town of Lunenburg. 167 Mefs^f Jonathan White and Thomas Wilder both of Leominster in said County a Committee appointed in august last on the Petition of John Scott of Lunenburg in the County of Worcester Husbandman to lay out a Way or private Road agreable to the Report of the Com- mittee of Ltmenburg for laj'ing out the Same as p^ s"? Committees Report to the Town of Lunenburg at their annual meeting in Marj:h last appears which way de- scribed as follows, beginning at the land of the S*:^ John Scott, and running North Eaft on John Bridges land described by mark'd Trees, then on land of M^ Mead then on land of Joseph Eaton, then on land of Joseph Spafford to the Road that comes from Isaac Gibsons said Road described by mark'd Trees, and the Road to be on the South Side of s;^ mark'd Trees & to be two Rods wide Reported that having veiwed the s*^ Road have laid out the same to y«^ great Satisfaction of M*" John Scott, and the owners of the land the Road goes through, who freely gave their Land for the Road and the Road to be on the South side of the mark'd Trees Which Report was read and accepted by the Court & order that the Said Road for y*^ future be deemed a pri- vate Road, Provided the said John Scott pay all the Charge relating to the affair, and upon his so doing order the same to be recorded Copy examined pT Timot' Paine Clerk A True Copy of a Copy Attest W^f DowNE Town Clerk [118] At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March ye S'' A D 1755 Voted and Chofe M'' John Heywood Moderator Benj : Goodridge ] Cap! Joshua Hutchins j Selectmen and Mr Jonathan Wood \ Sworn Afsefsors , Mr Afahel Hartwell | Mr Samvel Davis J Benj : Goodridge Town Clerk and Sworn M'' Abijah Stearns Town Trealurer & Sworn 168 TJie Early Records of the Town of Litnenbnrg. were Chofen Surveyors of the Highways & Sworn W Mofes Alitchel | W Abraham Sanderfonj were chofen Conftables & Sworn M*" Joseph Fuller W Ezekiel Wvman M'- Obediah Walker Wy Daniel Auftin M*" Amos Kimbal M'- David Taylor M'' Joseph Chaplin M'' Thomas Brown M*" Benj Stearns M*" Jonathan Hart well M*" Samvel Poole Af David \Vood\ M'' John Griffin \ were chofen fences viewers & fworn W^ Thomas Carter Chofen Sealer of Leather AP David Wood ) M*" Samvel CommingsJ were Chofen T^-ding men M"" Ephraim Whitney j M'' James Poole ) IVP Ephraim Whitney-) were Chofen Dear Reives M'' Samvel Johnfon jun M'' Richard Fowler M*" Reuben Dodge were Chofen Hogge Reives M^ Jonathan Wood M*" Benoni Wallis and Sworn were chofen to take Care of hre [119] M'' Thomas Leitchl were chofen Surveyors of M^ Samvel Davis j Staves and Shingles &c and Sworn M*" Ifaac Gibfon M"" Amos Kimbal M'' John Darlin M^ James Poole M^ John Fitch Voted that M^ John Bufs Mr Abraham Ireland and M'' George Kimbal be acommitte to agree with AP John Wyman for a peice of Land for a Burling place and to take a Deed for the Town Voted & Granted the Sum of thirty pound for the ufe of the School Voted and Granted the Sum of Six pound for the ufe of the poor The Early Records of the I'ozvn of Lunenburg. 169 Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pound to mend the High wa3^s withall to be workt out as it was the La ft year Voted that the Town Except of atown way two Rods wide Begining at the wefterl}' Side of John Fitchs Land and Runing in and Near the path as it is now Trood to Ifaac Gibfons and is Described by markt trees on the Northerly Side of faid w^y and was Laid out b\' John Bufs Ifaac Gibfon John Fitch A Committee appointed By the Selectmen Voted and Excepted of a Tow^n way two Rods wide Begining at the way neer the Bottom of the Hill Weft of James Pooles and Runs from thence to the Bridge over Wenoosnoock Brook and from the Brook by trees markt on the South wefterly fide of S'^' way Through Land of James Pooles to the Line Between S'^ Pooles and Thomas Stearns Lands then on Said Stearns Land to the Town Line then Runs Southerly one Rod on S^' Stearns Land and one Rod on william Perkins Land about Sevent}^ five Rod alfo a two Rod wa^^ from f"? Stearns Houfe to the way where it firft came to his Land faid way was Laid out B^^ the Selectmen. turn over — [120] Voted that part of the town way be Discon- tinued Between the Bridge by Paul Wetherbees and the Land of Edward Hart well Efq'' (viz) Begining at a pine tree neer f^^ Wetherbes fence till it comes to faid Hartwells Land and that they Except of away in the Room thereof viz Begining at the abovefaid pine tree and Runs acrofs faid Wetherbes Land till it comes into the way again By Samvel Commings Land and is Defcribed by markt trees on the northerly fide of faid way and was Laid out two rods wide by the Selectmen and faid wetherbe is to Clear faid way and make it fit to Travil in Then voted that this meeting be Ajourned to the fec- ond tuesday of Ma3' next at two of the Clock in the afternoon 170 TJic Early Rcxords of tJic Tozvii of Lunenburg. Lunenburg May the 13t^ 1755 the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of faid Town Being Met again by ajornment Voted and Excepted of a Town way Laid out by acommite appointed by the Selectmen Between the Lands of Capt Jofhua Hutchins and Benjamin Bellows EfqV Be- gining at y*^ corner of faid Hutchins Houfe Lot and faid Bellowses near the new meeting Houfe two Rods wide upon faid Bellowses Land and Runs North cafterly upon faid Bellowses Land 144 Rods upon a Strait Line to Where faid Hutchins Corners upon faid Bellows from thence fet off two Rods wide upon faid Hutchins Land & Rims a ftrait Line 144 Rods to the firft mentioned Bounds near the new meeting Houfe and from the faid Hutchins North Eafterly Corner two Rods wide upon M^ Daniel Auftins Land 28 Rods in Length North Eafterly then upon faid Bellowes' Land two Rods wide by the widow Ran- dalls Eleven Rods in Length till it Comes into the way that Leads to Shirley and Groton the Abovefaid wa^^ was Laid out by Cap! Jofhua Hutchins M*" Daniel Auftin M'- Jacob Gould A Comtte appointed by the Selectmen Voted and Excepted of a Town way Begining at Thomas Potters Land one Rod wide on M'' Secretary wil- lards Land and one Rod ^vide on Caleb Taylors Land and on Land of f*:' Taylors Brothers then one Rod wide on David Taylors Land and one Rod wide on Arrinton Gibsons Land then one Rod [121] Wide on Jofiah Bay- leys Land and one Rod on Land that M*" Jones Reserved out of Benoni Wallises Deed then twenty feet wide on faid Bayleys Land and Twelve feet wide on Benoni Wallis-es Land till it comes to the Brook then Tapering a Little till at the End of ten Rods it Comes to one Rod on faid Bayleys And one Rod on faid Wallis es Lands fo continu- ing till it comes to faid Bayleys Corner then continuing one Rod on faid Wallis es Land and one Rod on Land of Nathanael Harris Ef(['' till it comes into the way that Gos The Early Records of the Town of L/iue/iburg. Ill by M'' Jones Houfe faid way was Laid out and De- fcribed by M^ Solomon Steward M"" John Bufs Selectmen Recorded '# Benj. . Goodrtdge town Cler At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 20«^ A D 1755 Voted and Chofe M'- John Heywood Modderator Voted and Chofe M'' George Kimball M'' William Stearns and M^ Jofiah Bayley a committe to provide a Houfe to Set Idle perfons to work in Voted and Granted the Sum of thirty pound to mend the ways from David Goodridge es to narraganfetts Line and from Samvel Hunts to Narraganfetts Line and from Reuben Gibfons to John Fitches the wages to be Same as Laft year Recorded 1]? Benj. Goodridge town Cler [123] At A Legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled September the ninth 1755 voted and Chofe Cap^ Jofhua Hutchins Modd-" Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pound to the Rev M*- David Stearns for his Sallary for the prefent year £ s d Voted and Granted to Cap^ John Gibfon y*^ Sum of 0- 4-4 Voted and Granted to Afael Hartwell 0- 1-0 Voted & Granted to Edward Hartwell jun 0- 1-0 Voted & Granted to Abijah Stearns the Sum of 0-12-0 Voted & Granted to Abraham Carlton 0- 1-0 Voted & Granted to y*-" Afsefsor for the year 1754 1- 6-8 Voted and Chofe a Committe to provide the Town with School Marfters and mistrefses &c for y*' year Infuing Voted and Granted the Sum of ten pound for the ufe of the School M^' Abraham Sanderfon M^ Edward Hartwell jun M^ Reuben Gibfon M^ (3bediah Walker M*" Jacob Gould 172 The Early Records of the Toiun of Lunenburg. Voted that the Selectmen be a committe to Reckon with with the Town Treafurer and to Give him a Dif- charge for Such Sums as he has paid Voted that the abatments of the Rates mentioned in the Sixth article be Refered to the Selectmen Recorded ^ Benj Goodridge Town Cler [123] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the firft A D 1756 Voted and Chofe Capt Jofhua Hutchins Modderator Voted and Chofe Benj. Goodridge Jofhua Hutchins Jonathan Wood Amos Kimball Afhael Hartwell Chofen Selectmen and Sworn as Afsefsors as the Law Directs Capt M' M> M' Benj. Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk & Sworn as the Directs Cap* Jofhua Hutchins Chofen Town Treafurer & Sworn as the Law Directs. M"" George Kimball) Chofen Conftables & Sworn M^ Abijah Stearns j as the Law Directs Philip Goodridge M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M David Wood John White Joseph Fuller Nathanael Page Jonathan Parce Isaac Gifjson Caleb Taylor James Poole Timothy Parker Thomas Dutton \ John Hereman | Chofen Surveyors of Highways and Sworn as the Law Directs Chosen fence veiwers and Sworn as the Law Directs Ezckiel Goodridge) Chofen Tydingmen Ephraim Whitney ) and Sworn as the Benj Gary Jun J Law Directs M'' Jofeph Page M"' Samvel Hammond Chofen Hogg reives and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ David Wood M'' Tliomas Brown Turn over TJic Early Records of the Tozun of Lunenburg. 173 [134] M^ Isaac Gibson \cholen to take Care of Deer M*" James Poole \ and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Jofiah Dodge Jun) Chofen to take care of fire and M*" Reuben Gibson J Burn the woods and Sworn M^ David Goodridge ) as the Law Directs M'' Mofes Ritter Chofen Sealer of Leather and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Jacob Gould \ chofen Surveyors of Staves and M"" Philip Goodridgej" fhingles and to Meafure Boards &c and Sworn as the Law Direct Voted and Granted the Sum of Seventy pound to mend the High ways in the Town and that the Same be workt out at two Shillings p*" Day for aman and one fhil- ling and four pence for a pair of oxen and eight pence for a cart Between the firft of April and the Laft of Sep- tember Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pound to Mend the ways from Capt Hunts to Narraganfett Line and from David Goodridges to Narragansett Line and from Reuben Gibfons to Dorchefter Cannady to be workt at two Shillings and Eight pence pr Day for aman and one Shilling and four pence for a pair of oxen and Eight pence for a Cart the whole to be workt out Between the firft of April and the Laft of September Voted and Excepted of a Town Way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining on the Eaft of the Road that Leads from Lunenburg Meeting Houfe to Lancafter Below Efq*" Hartwehs Barn through part of Efq*" Hart- wells Land and through Afael Hartwells and Jonathan Hartwells Land to faid Jonathan Hartwells Eaft Line one Rod and half Wide as it is Now fenced out faid way was Laid out and Defcribed by M' Afael Hartwell and Said way was M'' Jonathan Hartwell excepted provided the who were appointed b}' the Land be Given Selectmen [125] Voted and Excepted of a town way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining at the way by Ephraim Kimballs and So Ran through Phineas Stewards and Solomon Stewards jun Land to the Land of M*" Ed- 174 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. ward Robins and through S^^ Robins Land to Naraganset road Discribed by marked trees on the North Side then Running from Naraganset road on P^ Robins and David Goodridges Land to the Land of James Richardfon juner and on S'^ Richardfon Land to Lcmenfter Line Discribed by markt trees on the North Side Said way was Laid out and Defcribed by M^ David Goodridge Said way was Excepted M^ Ephraim Kimbal provided the Land M^ Solomon Steward Jun be Given Voted and Excepted of a Town way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining at a Stake by Amos Kim- bals Land between him & Land of Timothy Parker run- ning one Rod upon S'^ Kimbals Land to a heap of Stones till it comes to M^ Olivers Land then running Two Rod wide upon M'' Olivers Land till it Comes to Land of Heze- kiah Hodgkins & Ephraim Osbourn by mark'd Trees and runs between Ephraim Osbourns Land and Hezekiah Hodgkins Land two Rods wide till it comes to Land of Samuel Hodgkins & Silas Snow by mark-d Trees and then runs through S'^ Samuel Hodgkins & sd Silas Snows Land two Rod wide by markd Trees till ' goes throu the west- ermost part of their Land which way was Laid out and Defcribed by and was Excepted pro- M"" William Snow ] vided the Land be Given M'' Abraham Ireland ) Committe M"" Amos Kimbal J Appointed [12(>] At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the l?^*^ 1756 Voted and Chofe M'' Jonathan Wood Modderator Voted that the firft Article in the Warrant be Dismift Voted that Hoggs Run at Large the prefent year At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled July the firft A D 1756 TJie Early Records of tJie Totvii of Lunenburg. 175 Voted and Chole M'' Jonathan Wood Moddrator Voted that they will chufe a committe to fhew Caufe why the prayer of the petetion fhould not be Granted Voted that Edward Hartwell Esq'^ Benj Goodridge Capt John Gibfon M*" Nathan Heywood William Downe Efq*" ' Bea Com"'^ M*" An^os Kimbal M'' Jonathan Wood M'' Jacob Gould and M'- Jofiah Dodge Fully Impowered to Shew Caufe why the prayer of the petetion of william Little and others Should not be Grant- ed and to Anfwer and Reply thereto in behalf of the Town in all Respects as they think Beft and that any two of them go to Bofton and wait upon the General Court With their Anfwer Recorded '^- Benj Goodridge Town Clerk [127] At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled September the Sixth A D 1756 Voted and Chofe M*" Samvel Johnson Moddrator Voted and Granted to the Rev M'" David Stearns for His Sallary for the prefent year the Sum of Sixty pound to be paid out of the Town Treafury Voted and Chofe Benj. Goodridge M*" Jonathan Wood Capt John Gibfon M'" Samvel Johnfon and M^ Mofes Rit- ter a Committe to provide the Town with a School Maf- ter &c for the year Enfuing Voted that y^ Committe be Inftructed to place the Gramer School as near the places appointed for the four Quarters as they can and that they confider other parts of the town as Equally as may be Voted that the Committe may Expend the Sum of fifty five pound for the Support of the Schools the year Enfuing Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pound to be Afsefsed and paid into the Town Treafury 176 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lwienbnrg. Voted that the Afsefsors for the year 1755 be paid 1-6-8 for their Service Voted and Granted to Benj Goodridge — 0- 6-0 Voted and Granted to Afahel Hartwell 0- 4-0 Voted and Granted to Abijah Stearns 0-12-0 Voted and Granded Abraham Carlton 0-12-0 Recorded 'tr^ Benj Goodridge Town Clerk [138] At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 7*^ A : D : 1757 Voted and Chose M*" Asael Hartwell Modderator Benj Goodridge ] Capt Joshua Hutchens j Chofen Selectmen and M'' Asael Hartwell } Sworn Afsefsors M*" Jonathan Wood | as the Law Directs M*" George Kimball J Benj Goodridge Chofe Town Cleark and Sworn as the Law Directs M"" Abijah Stearns Chofe Town Treafurer and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Stephen Boyntonl Chofen Conftables and M*" Partrick White j Sworn as the Law Directs M'' Samuel Cominings M"" Josiah Dodge jun^ M"" Stephen Stickney Capt Samuel Hunt M*" Isaac Bayle3' M*" Samuel Larrabee M'' Reuben Gibson M-- Jacob Gould M*" Richard Taylor M'- Nathanel Page M*" Ephraim Parce M'' Nathanael Page M'' Benj Reddington M"" Abraham lerland M"" Samuel Johnfon jun M"" Philip Goodridge \Surveyers of Boards and Shingles M'' Timothy Parker / and Claboards and Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen Surve_vers of Highways and Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen fence viewers and Sworn As the Law Directs TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 177 M"" Thomas Leitcli \ Chofen Surveyers of Staves and M"" Paul Crocker \ Sworn as the Law Directs M"" Thomas Carter Chole Sealer of Leather and Sworn as the Law Directs M'' Abijah Stearns ] M*" Richard Taylor | Chofen Tydingmen and M'' Stephen Stickney [ Sworn as the Law M*" Benj Stearns J Directs [129] Capt Samuel Hunt\ Chofen to take Care of M"" Isaac Gibson j Dear and Sworn as the Law Directs M^' William Chadwick] M"- Charles White M'' Jonathan Parce M*" William Alexander M*" David Goodridge M^ Samuel Pool M*" Noah Dodge M*" Amos Kimball M*" Isaac Gibson Chofen Hoge reives and Sw^orn as the Law Directs Chofen to take Care of fire and Sworn as the Law Directs The fourth article was Read and the Requeft of Sam- uel Hunt and others and after a debate Voted That Ed- ward Hartwell Efq"" M*" Nathan Heywood M"" Amos Kim- ball M*" Thomas Stearns and Benj Goodridge be A com- mitte to confider the Petetion of Samuel Hunt and others and Papers accompaning the fame and Report what they Judge proper for the Town to Do thereon on the third Tusday of May Next at one of the clock in the afternoon to which time This meeting is ajornd Voted and Excepted of a Town way Laid out b3" order of the Selectmen Begining at the End of the way by M"" Jofiah Dodges Saw mill at a pitch pine Tree on the hill South of the Saw mill and Runs by markt trees markt on the Northerly fide of faid way to to David Parces and from thence by Trees Markt on the Eafterly Side of faid way To George Mcferlands said way w^as Laid out and Defcribed b}^ and Excepted provided the Jonathan Parce Land be Given George Mc ferlin A Commite appointed David Parce 178 The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. [130] Voted and Excepted of a town Way provided the Land be Given (viz) Begining at Ifaiah Witts and Runing Eafterly about 30 rod upon Jofhua Meads Land then upon Timothy Bancrofts Land about 40 Rod and then Runing upon Land of M'' Hobby and John Demary about 80 Rods then Runing about twenty Rods on f^ Hobbys Land into the County Road upon the Souther Side of markt trees the whole Length of way faid way Being two Rod wide and was Laid out and Defcribed by John Demary Ifaiah Witt Voted that this meeting Be Ajorn d to the third Tues- day of May Next at one of the Clock in the afternoon Recorded '^- Benj Goodridge Cler May y the 17*^ A: D: 1757 The free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg being met on ajournment and after hearing the Report of the Committe on the Requeft of Samuel Hunt and others and a Debate thereon Voted that the Report be Recommitted for amendment and that the Committe Report a gain att the Town Meeting in September next At Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May the 17 A: D: 1757 Voted and Chofe Capt John Gibfon Modderator Voted that Swine Run at Large the prefent ^^ear Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty pound to mend the Highways in Town withall Voted & Granted the Sum of forty pounds to Mend High ways withall above the Town the wages the Same as Last year Recorded 'tr^ Benj Goodridge Cler [131] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sept y'^ 27^'^ 1757 The Early Records of the Town of Lnnenlnirg. 179 Voted and Chofe M*" John Hey wood Modderator Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds for the Rev M*" David Stearns es Sallery for the prefent year Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pound for the ufe of the Schools the year Infueing Voted that the Selectmen Support the poor out of the Town Treafury as prudently as they can the year Infue- ing and what is pa ft Voted that the two Nurfses that attendded the fami- lies of the Simondses when Sick with the Small pox be Alow'd for every twenty four Hours the Sum of two Shil- lings and Eight pence each Voted and Granted to Cap^ Joshua Hutchens Voted and Granted to M*' Daniel Austin Voted and Granted to Nathaniel Page Voted and Granted to the Heirs of Capt Willard Voted and Granted to M*" John Heywood Voted and Granted to M*" Asael Hartwell Voted and Granted to M'' Thomas Heywood Voted and Granted to Benj. Goodridge Voted and Granted to Benj Goodridge and Capt John Gibfon the sum seven pound 7- 0-0 six Shilings and Eight pence for their time and Expences in Going to Bofton on the Towns Bulinefs Voted and chofe M*" Jacob Gould M*" Josiah Bayley M'' Nathaniel Page M"" David Goodridge and M*" Edward Hartwell jun A Committe to provide the Town with Schools the year Infueing Voted that the Committe be Inftructed to place the Grammer School as near the places appointed for the four Quarters as they can and that they Confider the other parts of the Town as Equally as may be Voted that the Committe may Ex]jend the Sum of fifty pounds for the ufe of the Schools Voted and Granted to Abraham Carlton - 0-6-8 Voted and Granted to the Afsefsors for the year 1756 1-6-8 Recorded p^ Benj Goodridge town Cler 0- 12-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 0- 2-0 180 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. [132] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Assembled March y<^ 6^^ 1758 Voted and Chofe M"" John Heywood Modderator for the Government of F Meeting M"" Jonathan Wood M*" Afael Hartwell Chofen Selectmen and M'' William Stearns ) Sworn Assefsors as the M"" Amos Kimball Law Directs Mr Thomas Carter Benj Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Abijah Stearns Chofen Town Treafurer and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" John Wyman ) Chofen Conftables and M'' Ephraim Whitney ( Sworn as the Law Directs Edward Hartwell Esq* M»' William Jones M*" Zecheriah Whitney M*" Abraham Ireland M*" William Gillghreaft M"" Paul Wetherbee M*" Philip Goodridge M"" Samuel Hunt M"" John Darling M*" Benj^ Reddington M*" Thomas Leitch M*" Nathaniel Burnam M^ Jeremiah Norcrofs M"" Samuel Davis M*" Phinehas Whelock M*" Nathaniel Burnam jun M*" Samuel Bradftreet' M*" Mofes Ritter M*- Patrick White M*" Jonathan Parce Chofen Surveyors of Highways and Collectors of Highway Rates and Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen Fence Veiwers and Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen Tyding men and Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen Hog reives and Sworn as the Law Directs [133] M*- Ephraim Kimball M*" Phinehas Whelock M*" William Chadwick M*" Samuel Parker M*" Benjamin Reddington M*" Thomas Carter Chofen Scaler of Leather and Sworn as the Law Directs M'' Thomas Leitch | Chofen Cullers of Staves and M*" Paul Crocker | Sworn as the Law Directs TJic Early Records of tJie Town of Lunenburg. 181 M^ Philip Goodridge) Chofen Surveyors of clabbords M^ Samuel Davis f and Shingles and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Isaac Gibfon) Chofen to take care of Dear M*" James Poole | and Sworn as the Law Directs Capt Samuel Hunt\ Chofen to take care of Fire M*" Perfon Eaton f and burn the Woods and Sworn as the Law Directs Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pounds to Repair and mend the High waj's in Town Withal Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pounds to Repair and mend the High ways in the Woods above the Town withal At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Affembled May y*= 25*'^ A: D 1758 Voted and Chofe M*^ Jonathan Wood Modderator Voted that the affair of Repairing the old Meeting Houfe be left with the Selectmen Voted'^ that the Wages that Shall be Work'd out on the High ways the prefent year be the Same they wxre La ft 3'-ear Voted that they will Seat the Meeting Houfe Voted that Swine Run at Large the prefent 3"ear Recorded '^ Benj Goodridge Town Clerk [135] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Affembled September y^ 18*^ A. D. 1758 Voted and Chofe M^ William Snow Modderrator Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixt}' pounds for the Rev M*" David Stearnfes Sallerry the prefent year Voted and Granted the Sum of Thirt\' pounds for the Support of Schools in the Town of Lunenburg Voted and Chofe M'" Mofes Ritter M"- Jonathan Parce M"" Paul Wetherbee M'' Richard Taylor and M-" George Kimball A Committe to provide Schooling for the Town of Lunenburg the 3'ear Enfuing Voted that the Committe be Inftructed to place the Grammer Schools as Near the places Appointed for the 24 182 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lwienbjirg. four Quarters as they can and that they Confider the other parts of the Town as Equally as may be Voted that the Committe may Expend the Sum of fifty pounds for the ufe of the Schools Voted and Granted to the Afsefsors for the year 1757 the Sum of 1 = 6--: 8= Voted and Granted to M*' Abijah Stearns Town Treafurer == 12 - - Voted and Granted to M^ A fa el Hartwell - 2-8-0 Voted and Granted to Benj Goodridge 0= 1 = 4=0 Voted and Granted to M'- Phinehas Hartwell 0= 1 = 4=0 Voted and Granted to Capt Samuel Hunt - 6-0-0 Recorded '^ Benj Goodridge town Cler [13(>] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Affembled March y" 5^^ A : D : 1759 At the Old Meeting Houfe Voted and Chofe M*" Samuel Johnfon Modderrator and then Ajorn'd to the Houfe of Capt Jofhua Hutchens M*" Jonathan Wood] M*" Afael Hartwell Chofen Selectmen and M*" Thomas Carter 1 Sworn Afsefors as the M*" Amos Kimball Law Directs M*" Daniel Auftins Benjamin Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Abijah Stearns Chofen Town Treafurer and Sworn as the Law Directs Samuel Hunt 1 M*" William Alexander ^ David Chaplin M*" Benjamin Fofter M*" Thomas Peobody M'' Nehemiah Fuller M*" Eleazer Houghton M*" David Chaplin M*- Patrick White M-" William Shad wick M"" David Goodridge M*" Benjamin Steward M*" Nehemiah Lane M'' Daniel Holt / Chofen Conftables and j William Alexander Sworn as the Law Directs Chofen Surveyors of High ways and Collectors of High way Rates and all Sworn as the Law Directs Except David Chaplin M"" Zebulon Dodge M"- John Fuller M^ Ephraiin Kimball M*" Benjamin Fofter The Early Records of the Town of L?i)ienbin-g. 183 M*" Jereremiah Norcrofs] Chofen fence viewers M*" Jofiah Bayley 1 and Sworn as the M'' Ifaac Reddington ( Law Directs M"- John Fuller J [137] M*" Benjamin Reddington) Chofen Tyding men M"" David Wood \ and Sworn M*" Jeremiah Norcrofs J as the Law Directs M*" Thomas Carter Chofen Sealer of Leather and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Paul Crocker Chofen Culler of Staves Jacob Gould ) Chofen Surveyors of Shingles M'' Philip Goodridgej and Sworn as the Law Directs M"" Darius Houghton Chofen Hog reives and all Sworn as the Law Directs Except Ephraim Kimball M'' James Pool \ Chofen to take Care of M*" Isaac Gibfon| Deer and James Pool Sworn as the Law Directs M'' Jonathan Wood jun M*" Phinehas Steward Chofen to take Care M'' Caleb Taylor of fire and Jonathan Wood M'' Nathaniel Carlton ] jun and Nathaniel Carlton Sworn as the Law Directs Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pounds to Mend the Highways in Town withal the wages to be the Same as La ft year viz two Shillings a Day for a Man one Shil- ling and four pence for A pair of Oxen and Eight pence for a Cart Voted and Granted the Sum of forty pounds to mend the ways Above the Town withal the wages the Same as Laft year viz two Shillings and Eight pence per Day for A man one Shilling and four pence for a pair of oxen and Eight pence for A cart [138] Voted and Excepted of A Town way Laid out by order of the Selectmem. Begining at the Road on the Eaft Side of Ifaac Bay- leys Land two Rods wide on Efq*" Harris Land twenty five Rods then Coming into Isaac Bayleys Land and Run- ning through his to Jofiah Ba^deys jun and Through his to M"" Carltons Land and Runs one Rod on M*" Carltons 184 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Liinenbiti'g. and one Rod on M'' Goodhues Land to Townfhend Line on the Welterl^v Side of the Mark't Trees which way was Laid out and Defcribed by David Taylor and Ifaac Bayley At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitans of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May y^ 21^^ A : D : 1759 Voted and Chofe M"" John Hey wood Moderator Voted and Accepted of M'' John Wyman to Serve as Conftable in the Room of Capt Samuel Hunt he being Hired by Said Hunt and Maj^ y*^ 21*** was Sworn as the Law Directs Voted and Chofe Benj Goodridge Collector to gather the Half penny Acre Rate who has Since been Sworn as the Law Directs Voted that the Town will make the Fence on the South Side of the way from the way Near the Meeting houfe between the way and Capt Hutchen's Land till it Comes to M'' Daniel Auftins Land Voted and Granted to M'' Daniel Holt Eight Shillings old tenor pr Rod for building Said fence provided he makes it Good and finifhes it within four Months Voted that the place for building a School Houfe Near M*" Stickneys be moved Near the Norweft Corner of M*" Isaac Reddington's Land Voted that the Town will New build the Bridge over Mulpus Brook Near M"" Bellow's Mill Voted and Granted Six pound to Rebuild Said Bridge withal and that M"" Thomas Peobody Take Care that {^ Bridge be built Turn over [139] Voted That Swine Run at Large the Prefent year At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled at the Old Meeting houfe in Said Town September y^ 10"^ 1759 Voted and Chofe M"" Jonathan Wood Modderrator Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds for the Rev M^ David Stearns-s Sallery the prefent year '•GO - 0-0 The Early Records of the Totvn of Liineiibiirg. 185 Voted and Granted to M'- Daniel Auftin 00 - 6-0 Voted and Granted to M'' Jonathan Page the Sum of 00-6-0 Voted and Granted to M"" Abijah Stearns for his Serving Town Treal'urer for y*^ year 1758 00-12-0 Voted and Granted to y^ Afsefsors for the year 1758 01= 6=8 Voted and Granted to M'' Ephraim Kimball 00= 3=0 Voted and Chofe M^^ Mofes Ritter M'- Jonathan Parce M'' Paul Wetherbee M^ Richard Taylor and M'' George Kimball A Committe to provide Schooling for the Town of Lunenburg the year Enfuing Voted that the Committe be Inftructed to place the Grammar School as Near the places appointed for the four Quarters as they Can. and that they Confider the other parts of the Town as Eaqually as ma}' bee Voted that the Committe may Expend the Sum of fifty pounds for the Ufe of the Schools. And that the Committe Give Orders for the money that was Allowed by the laft 3'ears Committe to Any of y*" Out fkirts of the Town when it Shall be School'd out Voted and Granted to Benjamin Goodridge and M"^ Jofiah Dodge the Sum of Nine pounds in full Difcharge of their Trouble in building the New Meeting houfe [140] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 3^^ 1750 Voted and Chofe M'' William Snow Modderrator for the Goverment of Said Meeting Benj. Goodridge M"" John Hey wood were Chofen Selectmen Capt Jofhua Hutchens \ and Sworn Afsefsors M"" Benj : Fofter as the Law Directs Capt Samuel Hunt Benj : Goodridge Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn as the Law Directs M"" George Kimball Chofen Tow^n Treafurer and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Jonathan Hartwell ( M'' Mofes Ritter / Chofen Chofen Conftables 186 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lunenhurg. Voted and Excepted of M*" John Wyman to Serve as Conftable in the Room of M*" Jonathan Hart well and M"" Mofes Ritter and M^ John Wyman were Took the Oaths of Conftables as the Law Directs M'' Josiah Dodge jun M*" Joseph Chaplin M'^ Richard Peobody M'' Thomas Peobody Leiut Josiah Dodge M'" John Fuller M*" Benj : Biglow M^ Stephen Stickney M*" Benj : Garey M*" Mofes Mitchael M*" Jonathan Mefsor M'' Joseph Spaffard M^ Thomas Carter M*" Zecheriah Whitney M*" WilHam Chadwick were Chofen Survey- ors of High ways and Collectors of High way Rates M'' Phinehas Whelock M«- Paul Wetherbee M*" Amos Hazeltine M'' Jeremiah Norcrofs M"- Nathaniel Carlton were Chofen Fence Viewers and Sworn as the Law Directs were Chofen Tyding men [141] M"" Thomas Carter — Chofen Sealer of Leather and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Josiah Bayley \ chofen Surveyors Capt Jacob Gould j of Shingles M*" Jonathan Wood jun Chofen Cullor of Staves and Sworn as the Law Directs Joseph Wood ] Timothy Bancroft \ Chofen Hog reives Darias Houghton j Ephraim Kimball ) Chofen to take Care of William Chadwick/ Deer and Sworn as the Law Directs Caleb Taylor 1 Chofen to take Nehemiah Fuller/ care of fire and James Poole J burn the Woods Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty pounds to mend the High ways in Town withal Voted and Granted the Sum of fifty pounds to mend the Highways on the Weft Side of the River and the way M^ M^ M^ M' M^ M^ M^ M^ The Early Records of tJie Tozvn of Lunoibiirg. 187 from Capt Hunts to Narraganfett line towards Dorches- ter Canada and from M*" Reuben Gibfons to M'' John Fitches and So on to the Town Hne to Dorchester Canada Voted that the Higway Rate be work'd by the Hour Voted that the wages at the High ways be four pence an Hour for a man when they they are on the Spot at work and for Oxen and A Cart as it was the Laft year Viz one Shilling and four^ pence per day for a pair of Oxen and Eight pence for a cart The Question was put upon the fourth Article in the Warrant and it pafsed in the Negative Voted that Swine Run at Large the prefent 3'ear Voted and Accepted of A town way Laid out by order of the Selectmen Beginning Near M*" Thomas Duttons Houfe and is Laid Through Said Duttons Land by Mark'd trees from thence Acrofs a peice of Common Land b_v mark'd trees from thence Round M*" Isaiah Witts North East corner from thence acrofs M'^ Meeds Land by Mark'd Trees from thence upon the Ends of M^ Eaton's and Chadwick Land till it comes to Scotts Road then on that Road to Spaffords land and from thence Acrofs Spaffords land by mark'd Trees to the Road said way is two Rods wide on the Weft Side of said mark'd Trees said way was laid out and Described by Thomas Dutton and Isaac Gibfon and is Accepted as set forth provided the land be given [142] Voted and Accepted of a Town way laid out by order of the Selectmen from M*" Samuel Pools to M"" Amos Kimballs beginning at the Road by Said Pools Runs by Trees Marked on the Wefterly Side of Said way Through part of Said Pools Land and M*" Olivers Land to said Kimballs and Through part of said Kimballs Land Said Way was Laid out and Defcribed by M*" James Poole and M'' Ephraim Kimball Voted and Accepted of a Town way Beginning at a Stake Near M*^ Samuel Larrabee's Corn Houfe and Runs Straight to the Corner of Jonathan Mefsurs Land then on the line of S*^ Mefsurs Land which Devides his Land from M*" Noah Dodges Land to the Weft Side of the way and So to Run to way Leading from Groton Said way is 188 The Early Records of tJie Town of Lunenburg. one Rod wide and was Laid out and Delcribed by M*" Daniel Auftin M"" Samuel Larrabee and M*" Noah Dodge and M*" Noah Dodge appeared in the Town Meeting and Declared that he had Received full Satisfaction of M*" Sam- uel Larrabee for the land of this way and Said Larrabee Likewife Declared that he Gave the Land to the Town for a way and Defir'd it be So Recorded At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May y*^ 26th 1760 Voted & Chofe M*" John Hey wood Moderrator Then the Town Voted and Accepted of A lift of Jury- men & put them into the Boxes Voted that Capt Jacob Gould M*" Daniel Auftin and M*" Thomas Peobody be A Committe to take a deed of Capt Jofhua Hutchens and Benjamin Bellows Esq"" in Be- half of the Town of the Land that is fenc'd out for A Town Way Between their Lands and to see that the fence be made Good Voted that they will Repair the Old Meeting Houfe Voted and Granted the Sum of thirteen pound six shil- lings & Eight pence to Repair the Old Meeting Houfe withal Turn over [143] Voted that Capt Jofhua Hutchens m* Thomas Carter and m*" Benjamin Foster be a Committe to Repair the old Meeting Houfe Voted that the Committe Chofen to Repair the Old Meeting Houfe take Care and Repair the Glafs and Doors of the New Meeting Houfe At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Septem- ber y*^ 2'i'^ 1760 Voted & Chofe m'' John Heywood Moderrator for the Government of Said Meeting Voted and Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds for the Rev M*" David Stearnss Sailer}' the prefent year TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Limenbiirg. 189 Voted & Granted the Sum of one pound Six Shillings & Eight pence to the Al'sefsors for the year 1759 Voted & Granted to M'- Abijah Stearns the Sum of Twelve Shillings for his Service as Town Treafurer for the year 1759 Voted & Granted for the Ufe of the Schools in Said Town the Sum of fifty pounds Voted & Chofe m" William Stearns M*- Philip Good- ridge m'' William Snow M*' David Wood & m^ Jofeph Hartwell A Committe to provide Schooling for the Town of Lunenburg the year Enfuing Voted that the Committe be Inftructed to place the Grammar School as Near the places Appointed for the four Quarters as they Can. And that they Confider the Other parts of the Town as Equally as may be [144] At A Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March the "^^2 — 1761 Voted and Chofe m"" John Heywood Modderator Voted and Chofe Benj Goodridge Capt Jofhua Hutchens Selectmen and were M"" John Heywood } Sworn Afsefsors as Capt Samuel Hunt the Law Directs M*" Benj Foster M*" Abraham Ireland \ were choofen wardens M*" Jonathan Hartwell J and Sworn as the J Law Directs Benj. Goodridge choofen Town Clerk and Sworn as the Law Directs M*^ George Kimball Choofen Town Treafurer and Sworn as the Law Directs M'- David Wood and ] M'' Samvel Johnfon junj Chofen Constables then voted that M»' Mofes Ritter be Excepted to Serve as conftable in the Room of David Wood and Johnfon and Ritter were Sworn Conftables as the Law Directs 25 190 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. were Chofen Surveyors of High ways and were Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Benjamin Reddington M*" Thomas Button M'" Obediah Walker M^ Zechariah Whitney M*" Samuel Poole M*" Philip Goodridge M*" Thomas Wetherbe M"" Jofiah Dodge M*" Benjamin Stearns M-- David Taylor M'' Mofes Mitchael M»- Patrick White! M^ Caleb Taylor j were Chofen Tydingmen M*" Samuel Davis \ were chofen fence M'' Richard Peabodyj veiwers and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Thomas Carter Chofen Sealer of Leather & Sworn as the Law Directs Turn over [145] were Chofen Hogg reveis M*" Abraham Carlton Chofen Survej^or of Shin- gles and Sworn as the Law Directs M^ Jonathan Wood Chofen Culler of Staves and Sworn as the Law Directs M*" Ifaac Gibfon\ Chofen to take care of fire M*" James Poole/ and Burn the Woods M*" Amos Hazeltine Mr Oliver Gould M"" Phinehas Steward M«- Silas Snow M*" David Parce M*- Elijah Grout M^ Abraham Ireland] were Chofen a Committe M^ Benj Fofter \ to Buy a Buring place M*" Jonathan Wood J in the wefterly part of the Town Cap* Jacob Gould | were Chofen a Committe to Cap* John Gibfon J Enquire into the Bounds of the M*" Afahel Hart well] Buring yard and Report what they Judge Beft to be Done to fence it Voted and Granted the Sum of one Hundred pound to Repair and Mend the High ways withall fift}^ poimd to be workt out in Town and fifty pound on the weft Side The Early Records of the Town of Luuetiburg. 191 of the River and on the way from Capt Hunts to Weft- minter Line and on the way from Reuben Gibfons to Dor- chefter Line to be workt out as it was the Last year viz at four pence an Hour for aman on the Spot and one Shilling and four pence for a pair of Oxen pr Day and Eight for a Cart Voted that Benjamin Goodridge buy a Burjnng Cloth Voted & Accepted of^ A Higway Laid out by order of the Selectmen Begining at the Nor weft Corner of Isaiah Witts Houfe Lott & Runing Eafterly one Rod on Said Witts Land & one on Jofhua Meeds Land to the North eaft Corner of Said Witts Land thence Eafterly one Rod on Said Meeds Land & one Rod on Common Land as is Supposed to a Large Hemloct Tree at the Side of a Brook Mark'd on the South Side from thence About South eaft about Twenty Rods on Common Land as is Suppofed from thence the Same Courfe Acrofs Timothy Bancrofts Land Abot forty Rods from thence Eafterly [146] Acrofs Part of John Demarys Land to Dorchefter farm Line thence Running Southerly one Rod on Said Demary Land and one Rod on M'' Hobbys Land About Fourfcore Rods then Runing Eafterly Acrofs M'' Hobbys Land About Fif- teen Rods to the County Rode Leading from Capt Hunts to the Meeting Houfe the Above way is Mark'd on the North & Eafterly Side wath Spotts Cut in Trees & was Laid out & Defcribed by Benjn Fofter Samuel Hunt John Demary At A Meeting of the Freholders & other Inhabitants of The Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March y^ 10*^ — 1761 Voted & Chofe M^ John Hey wood Modderator for the Government of Said Meeting Voted that the Town will pay the Coft of the Late Rev'd M'' David Stearns Dec'd Funeral Voted that they wall Give the Late Rev'^ M*- Stearns Brothers weed & Gloves & his Sifters Vails Handkerchiefs Gloves & Fans & his Sons in Law weeds & Gloves 192 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. Voted that the Selectmen Provide for the Funeral Ac- cording to their Eeft Difcrefsion & Lay the Account there- of before the Town at the Next Meeting Voted & Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds to pay for Preaching for the Town Voted that the Selectmen Provide preaching for the Town At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled May y*^ 26 ~ 1761 Voted & Chofe M'' John Heywood Modderrator for the Government of Said Meeting Voted & Granted the Sum of Thirtj^ one pound Eight Shillings & three pence to pay the Coft of the late Rev"^ M*" David Stearns's Funeral Withal Voted & Chofe Edward Hartwell Esq'' M'' Jonathan Wood and M*" William Stearns a Committe to provide preaching for the Town Voted & Granted the Sum of Sixty pounds to pay for preaching that has been preached or Shall be preached out Refolved that the Sixty pound Granted the tenth of March laft be not afsefsed Turn over [147] The Fourth Article in the Warrant being Read Containing the Request of Samuel Hunt & Others and the Town taking the Same into Confideration Voted that their Request be So far Granted that one half of the land Within the Townfhip of Lunenburg & the Wefterly part thereof Running a parrelel Line with the Weft Line of said Townfhip be & hereby is Set off a Separate Parifh by it self Provided they Shall Place their Meeting Houfe as near the Centure of faid Parifh as may be so as to accomodate the whole and that as Soon as they are Able and Do Maintain the Gofpel among them- felves that then they Shall be freed from all Cofts & Charges of Maintaining the Gofpel in the firft Parifh in Said Town Upon A Motion made & seconded by Some of the Requefters Notwithftanding the Above Vote the Quef- The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 193 tion was put wheither the Town would not Grant the Requeft in Full and it pal's'd in the Negative Voted & Chofe Edward Hartwell Esq'' M*- Nathan Heywood & Benjamin Goodridge A Committe to Lay out the School Lands in the Beft way & manner they can & See that they are put upon Record Voted that Swine Run at Large the prelent year At A Legal Meeting ^of the Freeholders & Other In- habitans of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Auguft y'^ 4th 1761 Voted & Chofe M'' John Heywood Modderrator for the Government of Said Meeting Voted that the Committe Appointed to Provide preach- ing for the Town forthwith wait upon the Revl M*" Jofiah Bridge to See if he will preach any more for the Town Said Committe Return'd & Reported that he muft be away two Sabbaths after the Next Sabbath & then knew not but that he might preach for the Town again Then the Town Taking into Confideration the Requeft of Amos Kimball & others & after a Debate theron the Queftion was put wheither the Town will Grant their Re- queft and it pafsed in the Negative [148] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled September y^ 2V-'^ 1761 Voted & Chofe M*" John Heywood Modderrator for the Government of Said Aleeting Voted & Granted the Sum of Forty pounds to pay for preaching Voted & Granted to M'' Abraham Ireland - = 18 = Voted & Granted to M'' Patrick White 0-18-0 Voted & Granted to M^ William Gillchreaft 0-18-0 Voted & Granted to Capt Jofhua Hutchens 0= 1-2 Voted & Granted to M'- Jonathan Wood 1^:19 = 4 Voted & Granted to James Defcomb - 3-0 Voted & Granted to Benj Goodridge 0-18-0 Voted & Granted to M'" William Stearns 1 - 8-0 Voted & Granted to Madam Ruth Stearns for Boarding the Minifters 6= 2 = 194 The Early Records of the Toxvii of Lnnoibiirg. Voted & Granted to M*" George Kimball for Serving as Treafurer for the year 1760 0-12-0 Voted & Granted to the Afsefsors for taking a Valuation 6-14-0 Voted & Granted to M'' John Hey wood - 1-6 Voted & Granted to Benj Goodridge - 1-6 Voted & Granted for the Ufe of the Schools the Sum of 50-0-0 Voted that the Committe that Serv'd the Town the Laft year be the Committe to provide the Town with Schooling the year Enluing and that their Inftructions be the Same as Laft year Voted that the Laft Grant made to the Rev*^ M^ David Stearns Dec^ be the whole of it paid to the widdow mad- am Ruth Stearns Voted & Accepted of the Reconing made by the Select- men w^ith the Town Treafurer M^ George Kimball [149] At A Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Decem- ber ye 28th 1761 Voted & Chofe M'' Benjamin Fofter Modderrator Then the Queftion was put wheither it was the minds of the Town to Hear m*" Samuel Payson any More than the Time they had Agred with him for and after a Debate Voted that the Committe forthwith wait upon M*" Payson & Agree with him for four Sabbaths more if they Can & Report The Committe Returnd & Reported that they had waited upon M*" Payson & Agreed with him to Preach for the Town four Sabbaths more Upon Reading the Accompts of M*" Thos Peobody M*" Daniel Auftins & Capt Jacob Gould the Queftion was put wheither they would Grant money to pay the Same & it pafs'd in the Negative Then Voted that the Meeting be Adjourn'd to the Third Monday of January Next at one o Clock in the Af- ternoon January y'^ 18^^ 1762 the Town being Met by Ad- journment & then Voted that the Committe wait upon The Early Records of the Toivn of Ltuienburg. 195 M*" Samuel Payson & Agree with him to preach for the Town four Sabbaths more if they Can Voted & Granted to M«- Thos Peobody the Sum of one pound Seven Shillings & the fencing Stuff which was left in Fencing out the Highway Between Cap*^ Hutchens & Bellows s land Voted & Granted to m*" Daniel Auftin the Sum of Thirteen Shillings & Eight pence for what he Did towards fencing the Above Said way &c. Voted & Granted to Cap^ Jacob Gould the Sum of Nine Shillings & Eight pence Two Farthings for what he Did toward fencing Said way &c. Voted & Granted to Capt Jacob Gould M'- Daniel Auf- tin & M*" Thoi Peobod^' the Sum of Sixteen Shillings to pay M*" Nathaniel Haftings for Setting up the fence of Said way £ s. d Voted & Granted to the afsefsors for the year 1760— 1=6 = 8 [150] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Febru- ary ye 15th — 1762 Voted & Chofe M^" Nathan Heywood Modderrator Voted that the Town Concur \vith the Vote of the Church in the Choife of M'' Samuel Payfon for their Minifter Voted & Granted the Sum of Two Hundred pounds for the Incouragement of M^ Samuel Payfon and for & for his Comfortable Settlement in the work of the Minif- try in the Town of Lunenburg provided he Shall Accept of the Town's Choife One half to be paid within one year after his Settlement and the Other half within Six months after the Time of the firft payment Voted that the Sum of Eighty pounds be Granted & Annually paid to M*" Samuel Payfon provided he Shall Accept of the Town's Choife & Settle in the work of the Miniftry in Said Town So long as he Shall Continue their Minifter Said Sum to be paid as his 3'early Sallery Voted that the Same Committe that waited upon M"" Payfon with the Church Vote wait upon him wdth the 196 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. Votes of the Town & Defire his Anfwer as Soon as may bee The Fourth Article in the warrant was Read & the Queftion was put wheither they would Grant the Requeft & there was No Vote 1762. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March ye 1st 1762 Voted and Chofe Cap^ Jofhua Hutchens Moderator Mefs^f William Snow \ Afael Hartwel/ were chofen Wardens Mefs''? Jonathan Woodl William Stearns David Wood \ were chofen Selectmen & Abijah Stearns Sworn Afsefsors Jonathan Low Thomas Sparhawk was Chofen Town Clerk and Sworn Turn over [151] M'' George Kimball J was Chofe Town Treafurer ^ and Sworn Mefs''? Benjamin Redington) were chofen Constables William Gilchrest j Gilchrest Sworn Mefs*"? Samuel Cummings Abraham Sanderfon Ephraim Whitney Benoni Wallas Amos Hazeltine Stephen Stickney James Pool John Litch Thomas Peabody Mofes Mitchel Samuel Sanderfon Nehemiah Lane Mefs*"? Samuell Davis] Elijah Grout \ were chofen Tything Men David Taylor / Mefs*"? Samuel Davis \ were chofen Fence Viewers Ezekiel Wyman| and sworn as the Law directs M"" Thomas Carter was chofen Sealer of Leather & sworn as the Law Directs M"" Philip Goodridge, was chofen Survej'or of Shingles and sworn as the Law directs were chofen Surveyors of High ways & Collectors of High way Rates were chofen Hogreeves TJie Early Records of the Town of Liineiibiirg. 197 M'' George Martin was chofen Culler of Staves Mefs''? Reuben Gibfon \ were chofen to take David Goodridgej care of Fires Mefs*"? Edward Gary William Chadwick Solomon Steward John Fisk Ephraim Pearce Jun'" Mefs^f Edward Scot ^ ) were chofen to take Samuel Sanderfon| care of Deer [153] Voted and granted the same Sum of Money to repair Highways as was granted Last year; and that it be work'd out in the same manner Voted, that Swine go at Large this Year Voted and Granted Cap^ Saml Hunt ^1 - 2 - Voted and Granted Dea" Benj'i Foster 0-8 Voted and Granted M^ James Dascomb 0-3 Voted and Granted Leiut George Kimball thej Sum of one pound for his service as \ Town Treafurer for the Year 1761 j 1-0 Voted yt M'" David Goodridge's account against the Town for service done at at the Bridge near his Houfe be allowed out of next years High way Rate Viz ^4-0 Voted y\ Mr Paul Weatherbee's acc^ for service done at sf Bridge be alfo allowed out of next Years High- way Rate Viz ^0— 3-0 Voted and accepted of a Highway Laid out by order of the Seelectmen : Beginning at the Southerly Line of William Flaggs Land and runs to William Benjamins Land & through sf Benjamins Land, then through the Secratary's Land (so called) then through a part of Browns Farm (so called) to where the Way was before laid out and accepted by the Town, the said Road to be two Rods wide & mark'd on the North westarly side be- ginning at sf Flaggs South Line, a Red Oak Tree mark'd, and ending with a Hemlock Tree on the Northerly side of the Road already eftablifhed mark'd with two Spots and Three Notches The above Road was discribed and laid out by Mefs*"? Benj^ Fofter and John Fitch Recorded P"^ Me THo^= Sparhawk T. Clerk 26 198 The Early Rixords of the Tinvii of Lunenburg. [153] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled April 26th 1762 Voted & Chofe Cap*: Jonathan Wood Moderator Voted to Concur with the Churches Vote Refpecting the Time appointed for the Ordination of M'' Samuel Pay- son, Viz the Second Wenfday in September next Voted to choofe a Com*55 to agree with some Perfons to make provifion for the Venerable Council & other Gen- tlemen of Note and diftinction who shall attend the Ordi- nation of M^ Sam" Payfon Voted to Choofe three Perfons as a Com^IF for sf pur- pofe Voted that Benj? Goodridge Efq'' j Be a Com^f^ for Leiut George Kimball \ the purpofe and Leiut Jonathan Low] aforeff — Voted that the Woman's Seats in the body of the Meeting Houfe be referved for the Church to Set in, on the Day Appointed for the Ordination Voted that the Men's Seats be referved for the Venera- ble Council and such of the Church as cannot find Room in the Womans Seats Voted and Choofe Mefs^f Richard Taylor \ A Com*^^ to keep the Philip Goodridge seats in the Meeting Samuel Johnfon Jun^ } Houfe referved for the Obediah Walker I Council and Church on William Gilchrest J Ordination Day Voted and choofe M*" Mofes Ritter a Com*£5 man in the Room of M^ Philip Goodridge who refuPd serving Voted & Chofe Mefs'^f Jofiah Dodge \ a Com*!^ to Abraham Carlton / Secure the Meeting Houfe (upon Ordination Day) by Bracing the Galleries and what ever elfe they shall think proper relating thereto The Second Article in the Warrant was Read, and the Question put to Vote whether they would Act upon it, & it pafsed in the Negative Voted to accept of M'' Mofes Ritter to serve as Con- ftable in lieu of M"" Benjamin Redington who was Chofe The Early Records of the Town of Luiiciibnrg. 199 at the anual meeting; He being hired by Mr Redington and was Sworn to the faithful discharge of his office as the Law directs Voted to Erect a Monument over the Grave of the Late Rev^ M*" David Stearns Voted and Chofe Mefs' s'"f Josiah Dodge I a Com^ff for the BenjH Foster Jpurpofe Jonf Low j afore ff [154] The Queftion was put to Vote whether the Town would Act upon the Fifth Article in the Warrant & it pafs'd in the affirmative Voted that a Work Houfe be provided Voted to accept of M'' Auftins offer Viz : of his most northerly old houfe; for a Work Houfe Voted & Chofe Mefs^f Daniel Auftin ] Saml^ Johnfon Jun'" JOverfeersof s"? J Houfe And then the sf Meeting was Difmif'd Recorded P^ Me Tho^ Sparhawk T. Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sepf 21^'^ 1762 Voted and chofe Benj^ Goodridge Efq : Moderator Voted that y*^ Revf Mr SamL^ Pa3^son's Salery begin at y^ time of his ordination The Second Article in the Warrant being read and y\ Question what instructions y^ town would give y^ Afsefs- ors refpecting M'' Pa^'son's Salery? & it was thought con- venient to conform to y*^ vote of y*^ Town in their call to M*" Payson Voted and Granted M*" Thomas Carter for enter- taining the Ordination Council 7-6-8 Voted and granted y^ Afsefsors for y\ Year 1761 - 1-6 8 Granted Joseph Bellows for keep:- M"" Payfons Horfe 161/^ weeks 1-2. Voted and Granted; (to defray 3'^ Charges of Erect- ing a Monument over the Grave of y^ Revf Mr Stearns Deceaff ) the Sum of ^8- Voted and Granted for y*^ ufe of \'': Schools 50. 200 TJie Early Records of the Town of Luueiilnirg. Voted and Chofe Mefs*"? Jol'hua Goodridge] Samll Cummings j Tho'^ Peabody \ School John Bufs Com^ Jofhua Hutchens J Voted y^ y*: School Com'^Hi'*' Instructions be y*: same as they were Last Year : & y^ y^ meeting be difmifsed Recorded P*" Tho^ Sparhawk Town Clerk [155] At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg afsembled January the 21«t 1763 Voted & chofe Dea" William Stearns Moderator Voted to choofe some Perfon to serve the Town as Conftable for the Year 1762 in Lieu of M"" Mofes Ritter deceafd Voted and Choofe M'' Abijah Hovey to serve as Con- ftable for the year 1762 in lieu of M"" Mofes Ritter de- ceafd who was accepted as Conftable at a Meeting in April 1762 inftead of M*" Benj!? Redington who was chofe at the Annual Meeting 1762 M*" Hovey Being chofe Conftable (not being at the Meeting) the town thought proper to inform him of it immediately ; whereupon Mr Wl^ Gilgrest Conftable was sent immediately, (being inftructed by the Town Clerk & Selectmen) to acquaint M^ Hovey with the Towns pro- ceedings towards him, and to report to the Town whether M^ Hovey would serve the Town as Conftable for the 3'ear 1762 or not Then Voted that the meeting be adjournd for one Hour to the Houfe of Capt : Jofhua Hutchens The Town being meet on adjournment Voted y* y^ Settlement of all the Charges & accounts relating to the illnefs of Jonathan Whitney be refer'd to the Selectmen, and to be settled by them: M"- W'" Gil- chrest being returned reported to the Town y^ M*" Hovey would not serve the Town as Constable, would be glad if the Town would excufe him if they would not, he would pay His fine; unlefs they would accept of Jonathan Page to serve in his stead The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 201 Put to Vote whether the Town would accept of Jona- than Page to Serve as Constable instead of Abijah Hovey & it pas'd in the Negative Voted and Chofe M'' Jonathan Pearce to serve the Town as Conftable for the 1762 Voted to Adjourn the Meeting to Wensday the Twenty Sixth of this Inft: to this place (Viz) at one o'clock Capt : Joshua Hutchens Long Chamber Recorded P'' Tho^ Sparhawk Town Clerk [156] January y^ 26^^ 1763 The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg being meet on Adjournment M*" Jonathan Pearce being prefent the Question was propofed to him whether he would serve the Town as a Conftable; he reply'd he did not choofe to serve unlefs he could be Sufficiently authorized to collect the Taxes after a long Disputation and Debate; Mr Pearce was again defired to declare to the Town his acceptance or non-acceptance of the office of a Conftable; He defired Longer time for Confideration ; & finally refufed to Serve as Constable then — Voted and Chofe M^ Jonathan Bradftreet to serve as Constable for the Year 1762 M'' Bradftreet being immediately notified of the Town's Choice by M^ Conftable Gilchreft, prefented himfelf to the Town, & Being ask'd by the Moderator, whether he would accept of the office of a Conftable for the Year 1762 M"" Bradftreet reply'd he scrupled whether the Fine could be recovered of him; the Moderator infisting upon a peremptory anfwer, he reply'd again he Scrupled whether the fine could be recovered & finally refufed utterly to serve the Town as Constable then Voted and chose M^' Richard Taylor Conftable for the year 1762 who being notified thereof by the Confta- ble above-mentioned — made his appearance & declared he would not serve once & again Then by a motion, made and seconded, it was put to Vote whether the Town would excufe M"" Richard Taylor from the service of a Conftable? and it pafs'd in 3-': affirmative 202 TJie Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. Voted and Chofe M*" Paul Weatherbee to serve the Town as Con Constable for the Year 1762 & then the meeting was Dismifsed Recorded Jan>- 26*^ 1763 P'' Tho! Sparhawk Town Clerk [157] At a meeting of the Free holders & other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Feb'' 16**^ 1763 Voted and chofe Capt : Jonathan Wood Moderator Voted to send for The Rev'* IVP Ebenezer Sparhawk to come and pray with the Town Voted to send to the Revf M*" Timothy Harrington the Revf M"^ John Mellen the Revf M*^: Samuel Dana the Revf Mr Jofeph Emerson the Revf M*" Francis Gardner the Revf Mr. Ebenezer Sparhawk the Revf Mr Samuel Dix and the Rev^ M*" Phinehas Whitney to attend the interment of the Revf Mr Samuel Payson deceafd Voted to give the Father & Brethren of the deceafd Weeds, and Gloves, to the Mother of the deceafd & to the V2 Sister Vails Handkerchiefs and Gloves Voted to give Mrs Elizabeth Stearns a Neat handfome Suit of Mourning Voted that the Selectmen make provifion for thofe Gentle? who shall attend the Funeral of the Revf M*" Samuel Payson deceafd and their Horfes Recorded P'' Tho? Sparhawk Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March 7*? 1763 Voteded and chofe Dea5 John HeyWood Moderator Mefsl! John Bufs \ were chofen Wardens and Darius Houghton/ Sworn Benj!? Goodridge Efq"" Capt : Jof hua Hutchens Dea" John Hey wood Capt. James Reed Mr Thomas Carter Thomas Sparhawk was chofen Town Clerk & Sworn Were chofen Selectmen and Sworn TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. 203 Mr George Kimball was chofen Town Treafurer & Sworn Mefs^'f Abijah Hovey \ Richard Taylor/ were chofen Conftables & Sworn Mr Isaac Gibfon was cholen Conftable before Mr Tay- lor, but he defiring a Dismifsion it was Voted [158] Mefslf John Darling Ezekiel Goodridge George" Martin Saml£ Putnam John White Caleb Taylor Jon? Low^ David Goodridge Jonf} Holt Jofhua Goodridge George Henry Sam" Johnfon Jun*" Oliver Gould Elijah Grout Mefsl! Jedediah Baile3'\ were chofen Tything- Ezekiel Wymanj men & Sworn Mefsl? Sam'*^ Davis ) were chofen Fence viewers Jeremiah Norcrofs/ and Sworn Mr Thomas Carter w^as chofen Sealer of Leather & Sworn Mel's""? Philip Goodridge \ were chofen Surveyors Abraham Carlton/ of Shingles &c: and Sworn Mefsl? Thomas Litch &\ were chofen Cullers of Staves George Martin j Hoops &c : & Sworn Mefsr? WE} Chadwickl were chofen Hog reeves & Sworn Were chofen Survey- ors, Darling, E: Good- ridge Putnam, Ta\^- lor, Low, D : Good- ridge, Holt, Henry, Johnfon and Gould were Sworn Martin Since Sworn Jon? Wood Edw^ Gary W!!} Henry"^ Mefsl! Eph!}} Kimball\ were chofen Deer reeves Isaac Gibfon f & Sworn Mefsl? Reuben Gibfon Jon? Pierce Caleb Ta3dor James Pool Voted and accepted of an Highwaj- laid out by order of the Selectmen as follows, beginning at the End of the Road that runs from M"" Sam^'^ Cummingss to Daniel w^ere chofen to take care of Fires Gibfon & Pierce Sworn 204 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. Steward's Land runiiig Southwardly on the Eftwardly Side of said stewards Land to Leominfter Line & lies wholh^ upon said Steward's Land who saith he gives the [159] gives the Land for said purpofe, being mark'd upon the west side of said Road & being a Rod & Half wide March l«t 1753 Laid out by David Wood \ Paul Weatherbee|Co/n/27/fte Daniel Steward J Voted to choole Three Perfons a Committee for to provide Preaching Voted to Choofe yl^ by written Votes Mefsr? Jofhua Hutchens] James Reed \ were chofen a Committee John Hey wood J for the Purpofe aforef? The 4^'^ Article being read, after a long Debate thereon it was tho't proper not to act upon it The 5^1^ Being read it was put to vote whether the Town would act upon it? & it pafs'd in the Negative The 6*1^ alfo being read it was Voted not to have the Grammer School Kept in the Middle of the Town Voted that the Confideration of the 7*? 8!^ & 9^^^ Ar- ticles in the Warrant be adjournd to Wednefday the Twenty Third of this Inft. March to the New Meeting Houfe at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Recorded P* Tho? Sparhawk Town Clerk Upon the Petition of the Selectmen of Lunenburg the following Act pafsed Viz: In the Houfe of Reprefentatives Feb> : 4i? 1763: Re- folved in Anfwer to the within Petition that the Town of Lunenburg be and Hereby is fully Authorized and im- powred at a Meeting Legalh' warned to choofe a Confta- ble for said Town in the Room of Moles Ritter deceafd, who is hereby full}^ Lnpowred to gather and finish the Collection of the Taxes, that were comitted to said Rit- ter in his life time to collect, and remain unfinifhed, any illegall proceedings of the Town of Lunenburg in the TJic Early Records of the Town of Lujienbjirg. 205 choice and acceptance of said Ritter as Constable in the Room of Benj° Reddington notwithftanding Sent up for Concurrence Tim? Rugby Speaker In Council Feby 9^^ 1763 Read and Concurd ANDf Oliver Sec^i Confented to FraNcis Barnard Copy Examined T^l Jn? Cotton D SecY A true Copy of a Copy Attest: Tho^ Sparhawk Town Clerk 27 BOOK B, LUNENBURG TOWN RECORDS. [1] Worcefter fs To William Gilchreft Conftable of the Town of Lunenburg Greeting: In His Majest3's Name you are required to Notify and Warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of sf Town qualifyed by Law to Vote in Town Meetings to afsemble & Meet at the New Meeting Houfe in said Lunenburg on Monday the Seventh Day of March next at Nine o'clock A. M. then and there being meet & duly form'd to act on the following Articles Viz. 11^ To choofe Selectmen & all other Town Officers for the prefents Year as the Law directs 21z To accept of any Roads or Town Ways that have been laid out by the Selectmen or their Order - 3]l To choofe a Committee to provide Preaching & to Give y'" such Instructions as they shall think proper; or to proceed any other way to supply the Pulpit as they shall think best — 41y To see if the Town will appropriate any Sum or Sums of Mone3^ (that is already afsefsed) towards the defraying the charges, y^ have arifen by the late Sicknefs & Funeral of y^ Rev^ Mr Samll Payfon late of Lunen- burg deceafd — 51^ To hear the Request of BenjB Foster & Nine others : Viz : if the Town will Vote off from us the West:lZ part of the Town, into a distinct precinct by themfelves (Viz) all the Inhabitants on the Westwardly side of Pearl - Hill — Brook, & on the Weftwardly side of Dorchester Farm so called ; with their Lands, or to Vote off any part of them & yr Lands, & to releafe yH? from paying any further Taxes towards the Support of the The Early Records of the Town of Limenbiij'g. 207 Minifter or to releafe them of any part of Taxes to the Minifter with us or to make any propofals, or to choofe any Com*£5 or Com*£S^ if they think proper to accomo- date and settle that Affair 61z To See if the Town will Vote to have the Gram- mer - School kept in the middle of the Town at some con- venient place during the Term of One Year 71z To Grant a suitable Sum of Money to mend the highways & to repair or Build Bridges & to say in w^ manner 3^^ same shall be paid or Work'd out 81z To make a Grant of Money suitable to y^ sup- port of y^ Poor 9'y To Choofe a Committee to reckon with the Town Treafurer Hereof fail not and make return of your doings on this Warrant to some one of us the Subfcribers, on or be- fore the time of sf meet? Given under our hands & Seals this Sixteenth Day of Feb? A. D. 1763 and in the third year of his Majestys Reign Jon? Wood W'^'' Stearns Selecti JoNf Low 1 of David Wood Lunenburg Abijah StearnsJ A true Copy Attest: Tho! Sparhawk Town Clerk N. B. a Return was made by sf W"^ Gilchrest y^ he had fulfild obey'* y^ orders of this Warrant Tho^t Sparhawk [2] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg afsembled March 7*^ 1763 Voted and chofe Dea^ John Heywood Moderator Mefs''? John Bufs \ were chofen Wardens & Darius Houghton f Sworn Benj° Goodridge Efq^ ] Capt : Jof hua Hutchins were chofen Selectmen Dea" John Heywood 1 and Sworn Afsefsors by Capt: James Reed ( the 1^^ Day of April M'- Tho^ Carter 208 The Early Records of the Tozvn of Luuejihurg. Thomas Sparhawk was chofen Town Clerk & Sworn M'' George Kimball was chofen Town Treafurer & Sworn Mefsl? Abijah Hovey \ were chofen Conftables and Richard Taylorj Sworn as y^ Law Directs Mefsl? John Darling Ezekiel Good ridge George Martin Sam!] Putnam John White Caleb Taylor Jon? Low David Goodridge Joni^ Holt Joshua Goodridge George Henr3^ Samli Johnfon Jun' Oliver Gould Were chofen Sur- veyors, Darling, Ezekiel Goodridge, Putnam, Taylor, Low, David Goodridge, Holt Henry, Johnfon, & Gould were Sworn Adartin since Sworn; Jofhua Goodridge Sworn May IS^^^ Elijah Grout Mefsl! Jedediah Bailey \ were chofe Ty thing men Ezekiel Wymanj & Sworn Mefsl! SamL' Davis \^ were chofen Fence Jeremiah Norcrofsj Viewers & Sworn M'' Thomas Carter was chofe Sealer of Leather & Sworn Mefsl! Philip Goodridge | were chofe Surveyors of Abraham Carlton j Shingles Clapboards &c : & Sworn Mefs!!! Thomas Litch \ were chofen Cullers of George Martin/ Staves Hoops &c & Sworn MefsP William Chad wick 1 Jon? Wood Edw"? Gary W™ Henry were chofen Hog reeves & Sworn [3] Mefs*? Ephraim Kimball \ were cholen Dear Isaac Gibfon | reeves and Sworn Mefsl! Reuben Gibfon] Jon? Pierce [ Were chole to take Caleb Taylor f care of Fires James Pool ) Gibfon & Pierce Sworn Voted and accepted of an Highway laid out by order of the Selectmen as follows Viz : beginning at the End of the Road, y^ runs from Samll Cummings's to Daniel Stew- The Early Records of the Toivn of Liuienbiirg. 209 ards Land running South wardly on the Eaftwardly side of said Stewards Land to Leominfter line & lies wholly upon said Stewards Land who saith he gives the Land for said purpofe, sf Road being mark'd on the weft side & is one Rod and an half wide Laid out by David Wood | Paul WeatherbeeJ Com^££. Daniel Steward J Voted to choofe by Written Votes a Committee of three Perfons to provide preaching Voted & Chofe Capt : Joshua Hutchens] a Com*-£? for Capt : James Reed \ the purpofe Dea" John He}' wood J afore f^ The Fourth Article in the Warrant being read ; after a long Debate, it was thought proper not to act upon it The 5*^^ Article being read ; the Vote was put whether the Town would Act upon it ? and it pafs'd in the Nega- tive The 6*^^ Article was alfo read ; & y^ Vote was put whether the Grammer School should be kept in the Mid- dle of the Town during the Term of One Year & it pafs'd in the Negative Voted that the Confideration of the 7"^ 8^1^ & 9^1^ Arti- cles in the Warrant be adjourned to Wednefday the Twenty Third Day of this Inftant March to the New Meeting Houfe at two o'clock in the afternoon Recorded P'' Tho? Sparhawk r Clerk [4] March 23 1768 the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of the Towm being meet on Adjournment Voted to give the Com^f.*^ choofe to provide preaching some Inftructions relative thereto Voted to hear Mr Ebenezer Champney 4 Sabbaths & then Mr. Fisk 4 Sabbaths if they may be procured — Voted & Granted ^100. to mend Highways & Bridges for the Year 1763; & that the said Sum shall be work'd out at the same price for Labour and in the same man- ner as it was last Year — — 210 Tlie Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. The 8*i> Article being Read and a Vote propofed, Whether the Town would Grant a Sum of Money for the Support of the Poor? and it pafs'd in the Negative Voted and Chofe a Comf^^ to BenjB Goodridge Efq'' | reckon with Capt : Jofhua Hutchensl- y^ Town Capt : James Reed J Treafurer Voted and chofe the Surveyors Collectors of their own particular Highway Rates Then the following Warrant was Read Viz : Worcefter fs : To one of the Conftables of the Town of Lunenburg Greeting In His Majestys name you are required forthwith to notify' and warn the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s*? Lunenburg to meet at this place (Viz the New Meeting Houfe) at four of the Clock this afternoon to agree and Vote whether the Swine shall go at large this prefent Year & to make return of this Warrant and your Doings therein at or before the Time of said Meeting unto us the Subfcribers Dated at Lunenburg March y-: 23f 1763 Benj^ Goodridge] Selectmen John Heywood ^ of James Reed J Lunenburg A true Copy Atteft Thomas Sparhawk Town Clerk Worcefter fs: March 23<^ 1763 In Obedience to this Warrant I have warned all the Perfons within Named to meet at time & place. Richard Taylor Conftable The Freeholders and Other Inhabitants being Meet & Legally formd March 23f 1763 at 4 o'clock P. M. Voted that Swine go at large this Year — Recorded P"^ Thomas Sparhawk T Clerk [5] A Copy of a Warrant for calling a Town Meeting Worcefter fs to the Conftable or Conftables of the Town of Lunenburg or either of them Greeting: You are in His Majeftys Name required to notify and warn the F'reeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town TJie Early Records of the Toivii of Lunenburg. 211 of Lunenburg Qualifyed to vote in Town - Affairs to afsemble and meet at the New Meeting Houfe in said Town on Wednesday the Twenty Third of this Inftant March at One O, clock P. M. then and there being duly meet and form'd 1^^ And agreeable to an Act of the Great and General Court To choofe a Conftable in the Room of Mofes Ritter Deceafd to finish the Collection of the Rates and Taxes committed to said Ritter, that remain unfinifhed 21^ To hear the Accounts of the Charges of the Fu- neral & Sicknefs of the Revf Mr. Samuel Payfon deceafd, if they can be procured, & to agree on and vote any method shall be thought proper for the peacable and quiet Settlement of the same thereof fail not, & make return of your doings to some one of us the Subfcribers at or before the time of said Meeting Sealed with our Seal Dated at Lunenburg this Seventh Day of March in the Third Year of His Majesty Reign Anno Domini 1763 A True Copy Benj^ Goodridge Attest : Thct Sparhawk Joshua Hutchens \ Selectmen Town Clerk James Reed j of Tho! Carter \ Lunenburg Worcefter fs : Inobedience to this Warrant I have warned all the Perfons within named to meet at time & place Rich? Taylor Conftable A true copy Attest Tho^ Sparhawk T Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled March 23^ 1763 Voted and chofe DeaH John Heywood Moderator Voted and chofe M*" Jonathan Bradftreet Conftable in the Room of M'' Mofes Ritter Deceafed, and he was Sworn to the faithfull discharge of His Office The Second Article in the warrant being read, Voted to hear the Will of the Rev^ M'^ SamH Pavfon 212 The Early Records of the Town of Lwienburg. The Will being Read, after a long Debate the Meeting was difmifsed Recorded P*^ Tho! Sparhawk Town Clerk [0] Worcefter ff To the Conftable or Conftables of the Town of Lunenburg or to any or either of them Greeting In His Majestys Name you are required forthwith to notif3' and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town of Lunenburg Qualifyed by Law to vote in Town Meetings, to Afsemble and Meet at the Old Meet- ing - Houfe in said Town, on Thurfday the Nineteenth Day of this Inst: May, at Three O, clock P. M. then and there being duly meet and form'd to act on y^ Following Articles Viz : If^ To give the Com^l-^ appointed to provide preachf for the Town such further inftructions as they shall think proper 21z To hear any Accounts that shall be bro't by any Perfons to agree & act thereon as they shall think proper 3'7 To see, if the Town will agree with the Church in calling a Fast in said Town 41z To see, if the Town will Vote y\ y^ Lands in sf Lunenburg whsl^ lies West and Westwardly of the Line hereafter discribed, should be set off from sf Town y^ so, y*: same Lands & Inhabitants thereon may be formed by the General Court into a Town or District if they think proper: -wh^^ Line is difcribed as follows, viz, beginning at such place on Leominfter Line as y^ a strait Line therefrom may run between the Lands of M'' Paul Weath- erbee & Mr Jonathan Wood to a Stake and Stones a small distance to the Westward of Mary Holts Houfe, then turning & running North 10 Degrees & a half East to M*' Ephraim Whitney s South-East Corner, then to keep the Eastwardl3' line of said Whitney s Farm, to the North- East Corner thereof, and from thence to continue to run Northwardly on the Eastwardly Lint of John Whites Land, to the Northerly Corner of His Farm, and from y^ Corner to run North 4 Deg^ east to Townfhend Line. TJic Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. 213 Whereas the said Dividing Line will Divide the Lands of sundry Perfons, leaving part on the Eastwardly and part on the westwardly side thereof; to see if y^ Town by a Vote will manifest it to be their defire, y^ whenfo- ever the aforef"? Lands West & Westwardly of said Line shall be formed into separate Town or District, that it may be done in such manner that all thofe Perfons whofe Lands by the said Line shall be Divided, and all Perfons for the future who shall own Improved Lands which Shall lie acrofs said Line, partly on one side & partly on the other side thereof, shall pay Rates & Taxes for the whole thereof, to that Town or District in which such Perfon or Perfons shall dwell, provided they shall dwell on any part of their Lands which may happen to be divided by said Line, that so the said propofed Town or District may be formed under thefe Reftrictions by the General Court if they think proper hereof fail not, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, unto some one of us the Subfcribers at or before the Time of meeting Given under our Hands and Seals at Lunenburg afore ff this Third Day of May in the Third Year of his Majestys Reign A. D. 1763 Benj^ Goodkidge Joshua Hutchins John Heywood Tho? Carter Select! of Lunenburg Worcester fs. Lunenburg May 19*^ 1763 In Obedience to the within written I have notified and Warned all the Perfons within named to meet at time and place for the purpofes within mentioned f Constable of LunenK. Attest, Tho! Sparhawk Town Clark [7] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg afsembled Mav 19*1^ 1763 — Voted and Chofe M*" Nathan Heywood Moderator 28 214 The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. Voted yt y": spplying y^ Pulpit be left to the difcretion of the Committee chofen to provide preaching Voted and Granted ME Ruth Stearns *^/8 for board- ing Minifters Three Sabbaths Voted to concur with the Vote of the Church in call- ing a Fast in this Town on Tuefda}' come Fortnight The 4*^^ Article in the Warrant was Read & the Ques- tion put whether the Town would comply with said Arti- cle as set forth in the Warrant? & it pafsed in the Nega- tive Then the Meeting was dismifsed Recorded P* Thomas Sparhawk Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Lunenburg afsemf Aug^ 22^ 1763 Voted and chofe BenjB Goodridge Efq^ Moderator Voted to hear Mr Nathan Davis preach a longer Time Voted and Chofe Dl' BenjB Fofter, Mr Saml' Putnam & Edwf Hartwell Efq^ a Com^£? to wait upon Mr Davis to see whether he would engage to preach a longer Term then voted that the said Com^55 agree with Mr Davis to preach four Sabbaths more Voted y^ the Meeting be adjournd one hour — being meet on adjournment the aforef^ Com^£5 reported to the Town that M^ Davis would Supply the pulpit four Sab- baths, and y\ is was likely he should preach himfelf ex- cepting One Day then the Meeting was dismifsd. Recorded P'' Tho? Sparhawk Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Sept^ 26tfa 1763. Voted and Choofe Capt : Jofhua Hutchens Moderator Voted and Granted the Sum of Eighty Pounds to pro- vide preaching the enfuing Year Voted to accept the report of the Committee chofen to reckon with the Town Treafurer & y\ V: see it recorded — Verte. The Early Records of the Town of Ltineiiburg. 215 [8] Voted and Granted the Sum of Fifty pounds for the ufe and support of the School the enfuing Year Voted and choofe the same Committee to take Care of the School this year as was last and that their In- ftructions be the Same alfo Viz : to place the Grammar School as Near the Center of each Quarter of the Town as may be; and that they Confider the other parts of the Town as equally as pofsibly they can Voted that the Account exhibited to the Town by Mrs. Elizabeth Stearns Administratrix to the Eftate of the Revf Mr Samuel Payson late of Lunenburg deceaPd (being Forty Nine pounds, Nineteen Shillings & Three pence one Farthing, bearing date this Twent}^ Sixth Day of September 1763) be allow'd, accepted and pay'd out of the One Hundred pounds already Afsefsed for Mr Pay- fons Settlement, and that she be discharg'd, in full, from the Legacy bequeath 'd in sf deceafed's Will to the Town, she giving the Town a difcharge in full as Adminiftratrix to said deceafeds Will — Voted that the Selectmen be impowered to give Mrs Elizabeth Stearns Adminiftratrix to Mr Payfons Will a full discharge from the Legacy by him bequeathed to the Town of Lunenburg, and alfo to receive from s^ adminif- tratrix a full difcharge as Adminiftratrix to s"? deceafeds Will Voted and granted the afsefsors for the year 1762 the Sum of £1. 6. 8. for their Service Voted and Granted M'" George Kimball ^1-0-0-0 for serving as Treafurer for the Year 1762 Voted and granted BenjH Goodridge EfqT and Capt. Jof hua Hutchens ®4/ for their Service and Trouble in reck- oning with the Town Treafurer Voted and Granted M*" George Kimball ®2/Shillings for his Trouble and Service Reckon? with y^ Com^£? Voted and Granted Dea° John Heywood 6 Shillings for going to Hire Mr. Davis to Come and Preach with us Voted and Granted Mr Patrick White Three 3/Shilling for carrying Some of the Towns Money to Bofton to pay- ing a Debt 216 The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. Voted and Granted Thomas Sparhawk the Sum of 11% for providing a Book for the Town Records Voted that the Town concur with the Vote of the Church in the Choice of Mr Nathan Davies for their Min- ifter [9] Voted the Sum of Two Hundred pounds Lawful Money for the Settlement of Mr Nathan Davies provided he shall Settle in the Work of the Miniftry in the Town of Lunenburg Voted and Granted the Sum of Seventy Five pounds to be paid annually to Mr Nathan Davies as his Sallery provided he shall accept the Towns propofals and Settle among us in the Work of the Miniftry and alfo the ufe of the Minifterial Lands in said Town Voted and Choofe DH Foster D!} Heywood D? Kimball De Putnam BenjLi Goodridge Efq*" A Committee to wait upon Mr Nathan Davies with the propofals of the Town refpecting their Choice of him to the work of the Miniftry amongft them Recorded P*" Me Thomas Sparhawk Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled NovT y*: 15^^ 1763 Voted and Chofe Benj!^ Goodridge Escf Moderator Voted that the Com**^*^ Chofen to provide Preaching Apply to Mr Adams first and engage him to preach four Sabbaths if pofsible ; and if he is not at liefure Voted that they apply to Mr Williams and Engage him if at liefure if not that they ufe their Judgment in providing a Minif- ter for the Town Voted to Choofe Agents to Meet and Confer with the Agents of the several Towns about to petition to the Court to be form'd into the County, and to make report of the several propofals that shall be made by said Towns respecting said affair The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. 217 Voted and Chofe Benj£ Goodridge Efcf \ ^g^"^^ & Deacon John Heywoodj ^^^^^^^^ the aforefaid affair Voted the the Article in the Warrant refpecting the old Meeting Houfe be defer'd to some future Meeting and the the Meeting was dismifs'd Recorded PT Thomas Sparhawk T Clerk [10] At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg afsembled Jan^: 25*? 1764 Voted and Choofe Dea!? John Heywood Moderator Voted to adjourn the Meeting forthwith to the New- Meeting Houfe where being meet upon Adjournment Voted that the first article in the Warrant be dis- mifsed Voted to hear Mr Adams preach a Longer Term if he may be obtain'd Voted to choofe a Com^ff to wait upon Mr Adams forthwith to acquaint him with the Mind of the Town and to enquire something whether it would be worth while to proceed upon anything further refpecting him Voted and Choofe Benj!l Goodridge EfqV Leiut: Na- than Heywood & DeaH Benjamin Foster a Com*^^ to wait upon Mr Adams for the purpofes aforesaid Voted that the Request of Deacon BenjH Foster, Dea^ Samuel Putnam and others (Viz: To see whether the Town will Vote that the Lands in said Lunenburg which ly West and westwardly of the Line hereafter difcribed should be set off from said Town that so the same Lands and Inhabitants thereon may be formed by the General Court into a Town or Diftrict if they shall think proper, which Line is discribed as followeth Viz: beginning at such place on Leominfter Line as that a strait Line there- from may run between the Lands of Mefs^ Paul Weath- erbee & Jonathan Wood to a Stake and Stones a Small Diftance to the Westward of Mary Holts Houfe then turning and running North IOI/2 degrees east to the South 218 TJie Early Records of the Town of Liinenbiirg. East Corner of Mr Ephraim Whitne3^'s Land then to keep the Eastwardly Line of said Whitneys Land to the North east Corner thereof, and from that Corner to run Northwardly on the Eastwardly Line of Mr John White's Land to the Northeastwardly Corner thereof and from that Corner to run North four Degrees East to Town- fhend Line) be granted as set forth in the Warrant pro- vided the Inhabitants on said Lands shall pay their Min- ifters Tax as heretofore they have done untill they shall be formed Into a Town or District Voted that the Meeting be adjourned till 5 o'clock to the Houfe of Capt : Joshua Hutchens Being meet on Adjournment voted that the Meeting be adjourned to Monday 30^*^ Inst : 11 o'clock A. M. to the New Meeting Houfe Recorded P"" Thomas Sparhawk Town Clerk [11] The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Lunenburg being met on Adjournment Jan-T 30*^ 1764 Voted that the Confideration of the Article for supply- ing or providing for the pulpit be adjourned to % after Three in the afternoon At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Lunenburg Afsembled Jan^: 30tb 1764 Voted and Choofe Dea^' John Heyw^ood Moderator Voted to Concur with the Church in the Choice of Mr Zabdiel Adams to the Work of the Gofpel Miniftry in this Town Voted the Sum of Two Hundred pounds for the En- couragement of Mr Zabdiel Adams, and for his Comforta- ble Settlement in the Work of the Miniftry in the Town of Lunenburg, provided he shall accept of the Towns Choice one half to be paid in Twelve Months after his Ordination, the other in Eighteen Months after the time of his Ordination The Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunoibtirg. 219 Voted Mr Zabdiel Adams the Sum of Eighty pounds for his Yearly Sallery & Support, provided he shall settle in this Town in the Work of the Gofpel Miniftry, solong as he shall continue our Minifter — Voted to choofe a Com*£5 to prefer the propofals of the Church and Town to Mr Adams Voted & Choofe BenjS Goodridge EfqY Dese Benj? Foster A Com^^^^ Dea£ Samll Putnam for the Leiut Nathan Hey wood \ purpofes Capt : Joshua Hutchens aforeff Dea£ John Heywood Capt James Reed Voted that the Supplying of the Pulpit untill such time as Mr Adams gives his Anfwer be referred to the standing Com*55 (to provide preaching) and Mr Adams Recorded P"" Tho? Sparhawke T. Clerk 13 -^T-e-OLfypi^- INTENTIONS OF MARRIAGE 29 INTENTIONS OF MARRIAGE COPIED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF LUNENBURG, FROM 1732 TO J 764. A. B. S. L. T. rnrpose of marriage between William Alexander, and Elizaliath Bradley enterd August ye 26tb 174-3. Purpose of marriage enterd between William Adam of Dunstable and Mary Speer of Lunenburg, April ye 13tli 174.4-. Intentions of marriage between Daniel Austin Jun and Phebe Lovejoy both of Lunenburg was entered October 9th 175G. Intentions of marriage betwen Amos Ardew^ay of Fitcliburge and Lidya Tliurla of Lunenburg, was entei'ed December 27 1774. B. W. R. G. L. H. F. Porpose of marriage between Jonathan Broadstreet of Lunenburg, and Olive Wheelock of Leominster entered May 16. 1741. Purpose of marriage betw^een Eliphelet Browai of Coventree and Eliza- bath Retter of Lunenburg entered August ye ISth 1744. Pupose of marriage between Franice Buttric and Hannah Gilson entred November ye IQtb 1744. Pupose of marriage entered between Nehemiah Bowers and Sarah Lar- rabee both of Lunenburg.* Purpose of marriage entered between Jerahmeel Bowers of Lancaster, and Meriam Houghton of Lunenburg Sept. ye 27tii 1745. Purpose of marriage betwixt Cap* Jonathan Bradstreet of Lunenlnirg and Mrs. Abigail Flecher of Concord was entered September the 17th 1751. *John R. Rollins, transcriber of Ltiuenburg records, states that the rest is lost, biit that the date, no doubt, is 174.4. [W. A. D. 224 TJie Early Rixords of the Toivn of Lnncnlnirg. B. (cont.) G. L. L. F. I.. B. C. W. G. D. H. G. B. J. A. R. W. Purpose of marriage betwixt Benoni Boynton Juii, and Elizabeth Going both of Lunenburg was entered September the 28tii 1751. Purpose of marriage betwixt Isaac Bavlex' of Lunenburg and Mary Lovejoj' of Andover was entered October ye 26th 1751. Purpose of marriage betwixt William Baron of the Ashulot and Isabella Larrabee of Lunenburg was entered June the 4tli 1752. Purpose of marriage betwixt Joseph Brown of Cambridge and Abigail Foster of Lunenburg was entered December lltb 1752. Purpose of marriage betwixt Stephen Bo3'nton and Elizabeth Lovejo^^ both of Lunenburg was entered February 7th 1753. Purpose of marriage between Nathaniel Burnam Junr of Lunenburg and Elizabeth Brown of Liinenburg was entered this (thirteenth) 13th day of July A. D. 1754. Purpose of marriage between Benjamin Bigelow and Elisalieth Colman both of Lunenburg was entered this 30th day of Septem1)er A. D. 1754. Purpose of marriage between William Bemus of Narragansett No. 2 and Rezoma Wilder living on the courntry land was entered May ye 14.th 1755. Purpose of marriage between Jonathan Bennet of Groton, and Mary Going of Lunenburg -was entered June y^ 12th 1755. Purpose of marriage betwixt William Brabrook of Lancaster, and Thankful Button of Lunenbvirg, was entered Febuar\- ye 16th 1757. Intentions of marriage betwixt Timothy Bancroft & Mary Harriman both of Lunenbm-g were entered August ye 16th A. D. 1757. Intentions of marriage betwixt Elisha Bigelo of Narragansett number two, so called, and Sarah Goodridge of Lvmenburg was entered Au- gust ye 30th 1757. Intentions of marriage betwixt Benoni Boynton Jim. of Limenburg and Mai-y Buttrick of Leominster was entered December ye 24th A. D. 1757. Intentions of marriage betwixt Benjamin Bellows Esq. of Walliiolc and Mrs. Mary Jenison of Lvinenburg was cntred February ye 24th A. D. 1758. Intentions of marriage between Unite Brown of a jilace called Dorches- ter Canada and Rebeckah Arno of Shrcwsl)in-v was entered June ye 30th 1759. Intentions of marriage betwixt Josiah Bayley and Mary Reed I)oth of Lunenburg was entered March \'e 2t)th 1760. Intentions of marriage betwixt Kendall Boutwell of Lunenburg & Mary Wilder of Leominster, was entered November ye 26th Annoci Domini 1761. Intentions of Marriage. 225 B. {cont.) F. C. W. H. W. W. M. Intentions of marnage between James Bennet & Elizabeth Fuller both of Lunenburg was eutred May 6th 1762.* Intentions of marriage between Josiah Bailey Junr and Sarah Carter both of Lunenburg were entred Septr 11th 1762. Intentions of marriage between El^enezer Bridge & Mehitable Wood both of Lunenbtn-g was entred April 16th 1763. Intentions of marriage between Thomas Burns of Monson in the Provce of New Hamjjshire, and Elizaljeth Harkness of Lunenburg were entred July 25th 1763. Intentions of marriage between Joseph Bellows, and Lois Whitney both of Lunenburg was entred April 28th 1764. Intentions of marriage between John Buss Junr of Fitchburgh and Mary Wood of Lunenburgh was entered May 28th 1766. Intentions of marriage between Jonathan Boynton Jr of Fitchburg & Sally Martin of Lunenburg entred May 2cl 1796. c. F. B. A. H. G. F. H. S. F. Por]30se of marriage between Jacob Cory Junf of Tewksbury and Ke- ziah Foster of Lunenburg entered Sept 5th 1741. Purpose of marriage between James Colbourn Jur and Sarah Braod- street, both of Lunenburg June ye 1st .;■ Purpose of marriage between Paul Crocker and Lydia Austin both of Lunenburg was entered April the 12th 1750. Purjiose of marriage between Benjamin Corey Junr of Lunenburg and Beulah H olden of Shirley was entered this nineteenth of October Anno Domini 1753. Intentions of marriage betwixt William Chadwick of Lunenburg and Eunice Goss of Stow was entered September the 16th 1756. Intentions of marriage between Nathanacl Carlton and Olive Farwell both of was entered October ye 9th 1756. Intentions of marriage betwixt William Cowdin of Worcester and Mary Henery of Lunenburg was entered Febuary ye 17th 1757. Intentions of marriage betwixt Moses Childers and Sarah Stiles both of Lunenburg was entered Janavary ye 18th 1758. Intentions of marriage betwixt Jesse Carlton of Lunenburg and Sarah Foster of Andover was entered October ye 27th 1759. *J. R. Rollins, transcriber of the Ltiiienbnrg records, thinks this was a mis- take for 1763. [ir A. D. ijohn R. Rollins, transcriber, says this date is, no doiibt, 174.2. [\V . A. D. 226 TIic Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. C. {cont.) G. B. L. F. H. F. R. G. F. Intentions of marriage betwixt James Carter and Sarah Gillson both of Lunenburg were entered October v^ 30th 1761. Intentions of marriage betwixt Asa Carlton & Ruth Bailey both of Lu- nenburg were entred July 29tli 1762. Intentions of marriage between Robert Crawford of Worcester and Eliz- abeth Litch of Lunenburg was entred Deer nth 1762. Intentions of marriage between William Caml)ell of Malborough & Catharine Fitch of Lunenburg was entred Deer 14th 17G2. Intentions of marriage between Joseph Chaplain and Lois Hastings both of Limenburg was entred Deci" lO^^h 1763. Intentions of marriage between Jonfi Conant of Dorchester Canada and Eunice Farewell of Shirley District was entred Deer 24th 1763. Intentions of marriage between Thos. Carter JunJ" & Priscilla Reed of Lunenburg was entred Deer 29th 1764. Intentions of marriage between Elijah Carter of Fitchburg & Jane (ioodridge of Lunenburg ware enterd September ye 7th 1769. Intentions of marriage between Thomas Cowdin Junr of Fitchburgh and Mary Farringlon of Lunenburg was entered August ye IQth 1774. D. B. W. L. F. S. H. P. B. B. Purpose of marriage between John Darlin Jun and Ruth Boynton both of Lunenburg entered September ye 29th 1744. Purpose of marriage between Arthur Darrah of Nottingham and Mar- garet Wallis of Lunenburg entered September the twenty first 1745. Purpose of marriage entered between Samvel Davis of Lunenburg and Rebekah Lakin of Groton Jan vary yc 13th 1746/7 Purpose of marriage entered between Dr John Dunsmore of Lunenburg and Ruth Fisher of Hatfield, Janvary ye 17th 1746/7. Purpose of man-iage entered between John Divol and Susannah Smith both of Lunenburg, February ye 28th 1746/7. Purpose of marriage between Nicholas Dike and Mary Hastings both of Lunenburg entered June ^^e IQth 1748. Purpose of marriage between Richard Day and Ruth Pouchee bouth of Lunenburg was entered November \'e 18th 174s. Purpose of marriage between Timothy Darlin of Lunenburg and Jo- hanna Blood of Groton was entered June the 17th 1752. Purpose of marriage between Timothy Dorman of Boxford and Eunice Burnam of Lunenliurg was entered A]iril the 6th A. D. 1754. Litcntions of JMarriagc. 227 D. (cont.) S. F. F. S. F. C. W. W. S. S. W. K. W. B. W. Purpose of marriage between William Dodge of Lunenburg and Eliza- beth Salmon of Harvard was entered the Oth day of January A. D. 1755. Intentions of marriage betwixt Thomas Button and Sarah Fitch Ijoth of Lunenburg was entered August ye 12th A. D. 1756. Intentions of marriage betwixt Joseph Davis and Elizabeth Foster both of Lunenburg was entred October ye 22br 4 1730/1. John Gibson and Elizabeth Hartwell both of Lunenburg were married by Edward Hartwell Esqr on ye 9th of November 1737. Joshua Goodridge and Lydia Stearns both of Lunenburg ware married by the Revd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenbiu-g Jvine the 25tii 1739. Benjamin Goidd and Esther Pearce both of Limenburg was married b3' the Rev"fl Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenljurg October the 17th 1739. William Grimes of Winchester and Mary White of Lunenburg w^ere mar- ried by the Rev"cl Mr. David Stearns minister of Limenburg Septem- ber the 9th 1740. Thomas Gearfield of Weston and Rebekah Johnson of Lunenburg were married October y^ 21th 1742 hy the Rev Mr David Stearns minis- ter of Lmienburg. William Gillchrest and Elizabeth White both of Lunenburg w^ere married June ye 21th 1743 by the Rev. Mr David Stearns minister of Lunen- burg. Philip Goodridge and Jane Bo^'uton both of Lunenburg were married November ye 3th 1743 by the Revd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Isaac Gibson and Keziali Johnson both of Lunenburg were married Febry ye 4th 1744/5 by the Rev Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg. Joseph Goodridge and Sarah Forster both of Lunenburg were married Janvary ye 30th 1745/6 by ye Rev Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. John Grout Jim and Phebe Spafford both of Lunenburg were married October ye 22»d 1750 by ye Rev Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg. Jonas Gilson and Sarah Divol both of Lunenburg were married Janvary ye 29th 1756 by the Rev. Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Elijah Grout and Mary Willard both of Lunenburg were married July 17th A. D. 1757 by William Downe, Justice of the peace. Elisha Gibs and Abigail Stevens both of the district of Westminster were married b3' Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace December ye 18th 1759 Thomas Gary of Lunenburg & Elizabeth Farewell of Townshend were married February y^ 21st 1760 by the Rev Mr David Stearns min- ister of Lunenburg:. Marriages. 251 G. {cont.) 15. H. G. s. G. F. Jonathan Going of Lunenburg & Anne Bennet of Shirley District were married April y^ 15tli 1760 by the Rev Mr David Stean minister of Lunenburg. Silas Gates of Stow & Anna Hammond of Lunenljurg were married De- cember ye 1st 1760 by ye Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Mr. Francis Gardner of Stow & Mrs Sarah Gibson of Lunenburg were married by Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace Octo»" 5tli 1762. Eliphelet Goodridge & Rebekah Snow both of Lunenburg were married by Benjn Goodridge Esq'' Dec^ 29tli 1763. Mr. Jacob Gates of Harvard & Miss Elizabeth Gibson of Lunenburg were married by Edd Hartwell Esq"" May l)tli 1764'. Benjn Gould of Rowley Canada in the Provce of New-Hampshire, and Sarah Foster of Lunenburg were married b3' Benjn Goodridge Esq*" May l-ith 1764. H. K. G. \Y. H. H. M. K. T. Edward Hartwell Jun*' and Elizabeth Kneeland both of Limenburg ware married b\' the Rev^ Mr. David Stearns minister of Limenburg August ye 7*^ 1739. Jonathan Hubburd Junr of Lunenburg and Abigail Genison of Water- tovi^n was married by the Rev^^d Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg September ye 24tli 1739. John Hill and Jane Walles both of Lunenburg was married by the Revnd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg March ye IQth 1739/40. Nathaniel Hastings and Lois Houghton both of Lunenburg were mar- ried May the 21th 1741 by Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace. Jonathan Hammond of Lower Ashulott so called, and Abigail Hastings of Lunenburg were marryed July the 29tli 1741 by Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. William Holt and Mar^^ Martin both of Lunenburg were married July 30th 1744 by the Revd Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. George Henry and Elizabeth Kenedj^ both of Lunenburg were married Febry ye 13th 1745/6 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Jonathan Hartwell and Elizabeth Tarbal Ijoth of Lunenburg were mar- ried December ye 3rfl 1745 by ye Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Ltinenliurg. 252 TJic Early Records of the Toivn of Liiiienbnrg. H. {cont.) G. 1). J. S. T. P. G. U. H. P. D. F. K. W. U. F. Amos Hazeltine and Eunice Gilson both of Lnnenburg were married March the 5th 1746/7 by yf Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister ot Lnnenbnrs;. Joseph Hartwell and Tabitha Dodge both of Lunenburg were married September ye 22id 1747 by Edward Hartwell Justice of ye peace. John Hubburd and Hannah Johnson both of Lunenburg were man-ied March ye 20tli 1748/9 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Darius Houghton and Jerusha Stearns both of Lunenburg were married by ye Rev. Mr. David Stearns, minister of Lunenburg, Janvai"y y^ 24tb 1749. John Henderson of Lancaster and Jane Turner of Lunenburg were mar- ried August ye 4tli 1749 by Thomas Prentice Justice of peace. Thomas Henderson late of Lunenburg and Bethsheba I'rist of Stow were married April the third 1751 by Thomas Prentice Justice of the peace. Joseijh Hammond of Lower Ashuelot so called, and Esther Gould of Lunenburg were married Novr 2d 1752 by the Revd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenljurg. Gershom Hubbard of Dunstal)le and Lipha Dodge of Lunenburg were married January ISth 1753 by the Rev^ Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. William Henry Junr and Marv Harper both of Lunenljurg were married December the sixth 1753 ; by Edward Hartwell Esqr Justice of the peace. Phinehas Hartwell and Mary Peirce both of Lunenbm-g were married November 28th 1754 by Edward Hartwell Esqr Just^ Pacis. Henery Hodgskins and Mary Dutton both of Lunenburg were married May the Sth 1755 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunen- burg. Zimri Heywood and Jane Foster both of Dorchester Ciinada so called were married June ye 5th 175G b}' Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace. Samuel Hodgskins and Rcbcckah Rice both of Limenlmrg were married August ye 8th A. D. 1757 by William Downe Justice of peace. Joseph Houghton and Mary Willson both of Leominster were marrieil January ye 31**t 1758 by Edward Hartwell, Justice of the peace. Thaddeus Harrington of Shirley and Thankful Dodge of Lunenljurg were married April 6th 1758 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Samuel Hart and Mary Fuller both of Lunenl)tirg were married April ye 20th 1758 by the Rev. Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. 1 Marriages. 253 H. (cont.) p. c. H. IJ. s. K. ir. Ebenczer Hart and Sarah Poole both of Lnncnljurg were married May yc 4th 1758 by the Kev. Mr. David Stearns, niininster of Lnnenbnrf^. Daniel Harper and Raehel Colnian both of Dorchester Canada so called were married Novemloer ye 23rd 1758 by y^" Kev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenbur/r. George Hewett of Rowlev Canada & Triphena Hodgskins of Lunenburg were married October yc 2ud 1760 by the Revd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Henry Hodgskin of Ipswich Canada & Jemima Ball of Princctown were married by Benjn Goodridge Jus^e Peace Nov*" 17tli 17G2. Samll Hilton and Kebekah Stickne3' both of Lunenburg were married by Bcnj" Goodridge Esqr Nov.r 17tii 1763. Phinchas Hutchcns and Abigail Reed both of Lunenburg were married by Benj" Goodiidge Esq^ Novf 24th 1763. Eleazar Houghton Junr and Susannah Holman both of Lunenburg were married by Edwd Hartwell Esqf March 8tli 1764. J. H. W. B. G. John Jenison and Mary Hubburd were married by the Revd Mr. David Stearns July 21st 1740 James Johnson of Lunenburg and Susanna Willard of Harvard were married June ye 15tli 1747 by Thomas Prentice Justice of the peace. Abner Jackman and Elizabeth Bayley both of Lunenburg were married February ye IQth 1757. Ijy the Rev Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. William Judevine and Patience Grout both of Lunenburg were married June ye 26th 1759 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg. K. M. P. P. John Kelsey of Groton and Martha Mc farlen of Lunenburg was mar- ried by the Rev^d Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg Jene- vary the 10th 1739/40. Ilzziah Kendel of Leominister and Elizabeth Parce of Lunenburg ware married July the 6th 1747. b^- the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Samuel Kennedy and Sarah Page both of Lunenburg, were married July 24th 174.9 by Thomas Prentice Justice of ye peace. 33 254 The Early Records of the Tozun of Lnnenburg. K. {cont.) s. F. II. Kiclianl Kiinbal of Boxlbrd and Elizalicth Scctown [Seatfjii ?] of Luncn- 1)urg were married Janvary yc 'J'S^'*^ 1750/1 Ijy yc Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lnnenbnrg. William Kimball & Jane Farewell, both (jf Lunenburg were married March y^ ISth 17GU l^y y^" Kev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg. Benjamin Kidder of Billrica & Ruth He^'wood of Lunenburg were mar- ried February yt 12tli 17G1 by the Revd Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. L. W. p. K. \Y. S. F. A. P. Samuel Larrabee juni" of Lunenburg and Anne Williams of Grotonlwere married April ye 23rd 1746 by ye Rev^ Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. John Lovejoy and Sarah Parce both of Ltmenburg, were married Jan- vary ye 25tli 1749 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenbiirg. Thomas Lieteh and Jane Kennedy both of Lunenburg, were married September the 19tli 1750 by Fklward Hart well Justice of the ])eace. Benja Larrabee of Lunenburg and Margaret Williams of Groton were married December 7th 1752 by the Rev^ Mr David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Mr. Samuel Larrabee of Luneburg and wid'^v Mary Simonds of Shirley District were married December ye 19th 1758 by the Rev. Mr. David Steams minister of Lunenburg. Nehemiah Lane of Lunenburg, & Sarah Fletcher of Groton were mar- ried April 17th 1760 by the Revd Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- nenburg. John Larraljee of Lunenburg & Abiel Arven of Groton, were married June ye 19th 1760 by the Mr. David Stearns, minister of Lunenbtirg. William Larken of Lunenburg & Hannah Parce of Groton w^ere married May ye 7th 1761 by Edward Hartwell Justice of yc peace. M. S. M. Thomas Morrison of Londonderry and Mary Smith of Lunenburg was married b\' the Revnd Air. David Stearns, minister of Lunenburg, October ye 2th 1739. Hugh Moors and Ruth Mitchael both of Lunenlnn-g, were married De- cember ye 2Sth 1748 by the Kevd Mr. David Stearns of Lunenburg. Marriages. 255 M. (cont.) H. K. W. C. C. Tliomas Matthews and Elizabeth Heborn both of Lunenbiu-g were mar- ried Jaiivar3' ye 4th 1748/9 by Edward Hartwell Justice of ye peace. Will"! Machane Juii'' of Worcester & Maj-y Kennedy of Lunenburg, were married Deer 4th 1753 Ijy the Rev^ Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. John Moors jun of Bolton & Unit}' Willard of Lunenburg were married August ye 30th A. D. 1757 by WilHam Downe Just pac. John Martin and Betty Chaplin both of Lunenburg were manned March ye 3rd A. D. 1761 by Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace. Samll Mc'Craken of Worcester & Lettice Carlisle of Lunenburg were married bj' Edw-d Hartwell Justice of the peace Dec^ Sth 1762. N. B. Page Norcross & Elizalieth Bailey both of Ltmenburg, were married by Edwd Hartwell Esqr Fcb-V IStli 17G3. o. F. Ephraim Osbourn and Sarah Fisk both of Luncnjjurg were married No- vember ye 26tli 1759 by the Rev^ Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. P. L. G. B. W. P. Mr. John Prescott of Concord married to Mrs. Anne Lynde of Limen- burg b\' ye Revnd Mr. Andrew Gardner, minister of Lunenbiirg, No- vember ye 25 1730. Nathaniel Page and Marcy Goidd both of Lunenburg were married by ye Revnd Mr. David Stearns minister of Limenburg on ye 25 day of December A. D. 1733. David Page and Priscilla Boynton 1)oth of Ltmenburg were married by ye Reverand Mr. David Stearns minister of Limenburg on ye 22 day of January A. D. 1734/5. Thomas Prentice of Lancaster and Aliigail Willard of Limenburg were married by ye Revd Mr Stearns, August ye 2^ 1737. Josiah Parker and Elizabeth Page, both of Lunenburg, were married October 31th 1737 by the Rev'id Mr. David Stearns. 256 TJie Early Records of tJic Town of Liuicnburg. P. {cont.) W. D. R. N. P. G. P. W. B. F. P. P. W. N. B. Asael Phelps and Elizalicth Wilder both of Lancaster, were married Feb- ruary ye 15th 1743/4 by Edward Hartwell Justice of ye peace. Jonathan Parce and Sarah Dodge both of Lunenburg, were married Febry yc 4th 1745/6 by ye Rev Mr. David Stearns minister of Lu- ncnbm-g. David Parce Jun and Anne Rettcr lioth of Lunen1)urg were married April ye 20th 1746 by ye Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunen- burg. William Porter and Mary Nichols both of Limenburg, were married May the first 1746 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Li:- nenburg. Mr. Samvel Page of Lunenburg and Sarah Parce of Leominster were married July ye 9th 1747 by the Rev«l Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Timothy Parker and Johannah Groiit both of Lunenljurg were married September the 6th 1748 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg. Joseph Platts of Rowley Canady (so called, and Deborah Page of Lu- nenburg were married Nov"" IGth 1752 by the Rev 1753. Peirson Eaton son of Peirson Eaton and of Anna his wife born at Lu- nenburg June lOtii 1754. Joseph Eaton son of Pearson Eaton and of Anna bis wife was born at Lunenburg March ye 29th 1756. Anne Eaton daughter of Peirson Eaton and of Anna his wife was born at Limenburg Februarv ye 24tli Anno Domini 1758. John Eaton son of Person Eaton and of Anna his wife was born at Lu- nenburg Febrviary y^ 5th 1760. Benjn Eaton son of Pearson & Anna Eaton was born at Lunenbiu-g March 4th 1762. William Eatton son of Person Eatton l)orn at Lunenburg March ye 12 1767. Sarah Eaton daughter of Pearson & Anna Eaton was born at Lunen- burg January ye 3d 1770. Ebeneazer Eaton son of Pearson Eaton and Anna, his wife, was born at Lunenburg October j^e 17th 1772. Calven Eaton son of Pearson Eaton and Anna his wife was born at Lunenburg Nov: 6th I774. F. FARNSWORTH. FARMER. The birth of ye children of Isaac Farnsworth and of Sarah his wife. Isaac born at Groton November 30: 1723. William born at Lunenburg Febr 26. 1725/6. Sarah born at Lunenbin-g Novembr 27: 1727. Lydia born at Lunenburg July 4: 1729 and dyed July 10: 1729 Lydia ye 3^ daughter born at Lunenburg Jul_v 25: 1730. Mary born at Lunenburg June ye 2th 1735. Rebekah ye daughter of John Farmer & of Rebekah his wife, born at Lunenburg June ye 1th 1732. Births. 287 FARMER. FITCH. FOSTER. Rachel y^ davghter o\ John Farmer & of Rebekah his wife born in Lu- nenburg, June ye 27tii 1733. Rebekah Farmer y^ daughter of John Farmer & of Rebekah his wife, born April ye 8th 1735. Catherine Fitch y^ davghter of John Fitch and of Susannah his wife, born April ye 28th 1735. John Fitch Juni" son of John "Fitch and Susannah his wife was born at Lunenburg May ye 16th 1737. Paul Fitch the son of John Fitch and of Susanna his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 4th 1741/2. Jacob Fitch the son of John Fitch and of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 29th 1744. Susanna Fitch the daughter of John Fitch, and of Susanna his wife, was born at Lunenburg Februray the 18th 1746/7. Molly Fitch daughter of John and Elizabeth Fitch, was born at Lunen- burg Novr 23d 1752. Sarah Fitch daughter of John and Elizabeth Fitch was born at Lunen- burg June 11th 1755. Benjamin Forster the son of Benjamin Forster and of Mehetabel his wife, was born on Miniday January the tweneth 1729. Stephen Forster the son of Benjamin Forster and of Mehetable his wife was born Januarj^ ye (21st) twenty-first, on Thursday, 1731. Joseph Forster ye son of Benjamin Forster and of Mehetable his wife was born on Satterday, March the twenty fourth 1732/3. .\bbigal Foster ye daughter of Benjamin Forster and of Mehetable his wife, was born on Sabath day March ye thirtieth 1735. Elizabath Foster the daughter of Benjamin Forster and of Mehetable his wife was born on Frida^^ Febr the twenty first 1736/7. Dorothy Forster the daughter of Benjamin Foster and of Mehetable his wife, born May the fifth 1739. Nathan Foster ye son of Benjamin Foster & of Mehetabel his wife was born June ye 7th 1741. James Foster ye son of Benjamin Foster and of Mehetabel was bom April ye 19th 1743. Enoch Foster the son of Benjamin Foster and of Mehetabel his wife was born August the 16th 1745. Mehetabel Foster ye daughter of Benjamin Foster, and of Mehetabel his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 15th 1747/8. Sarah Foster ye daughter of Benjamin Foster and of Mehetabel his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 7th 1751/2. 288 TJie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. FOSTER. FULLER. Mar\' Foster daughter of Isaac Foster and Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg November ye 8 1746. Benj^ Foster son of Isaac Foster and Mary his wife was born at Lu- nenburg May ye 26. 1748. Isaac Foster son of Isaac Foster and Alary his wife was born at Lu- nenburg August ye 15th 1751. Keziah Foster daughter of Isaac Foster and Alary his wife was born February ye lOtb 1753. was born at Lunenburg. Richard Foster son of Isaac Foster and Alary his wife was born at Lunebnrg July ye 31 1756. Reljeckah Foster ye daughter of Joseph Foster and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 16tli 1760. Enoch Foster son of Joseph & Sarah Foster was born at Lunenburg August 21st 1762. James Foster son of Joseph & Sarah Foster was born at Ltmenburg April 24th 1764. Mary Fuller daughter of Joseph Fuller & .\bigail his wife was born .\u- irust the 15 1736. Abigail Fuller ye daughter of John Fuller and of Prudence his wife, was bom at Lunenburg August ye 30th \. o. 1756. John Fuller ye son of John Fuller and of Prudence, his wife, was boni at Lunenburg April ye 26th 1758. Prudence Fuller, the daughter of John Fuller, and of Priidence his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg October the 21tli 1759. Elizabeth Fuller daughter of John and Prudence Fuller was born at Lmienburg Octor 21st 1764. John & James Fuller sons of John & Prudence Fuller were born at Lu- nenburgh March 28th 1768. Stephen Fuller ye son of Xehemiah Fuller and of Alary his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 19, 1757. Joseph Fuller ye son of Nehemiah Fuller and of Alary his wife, was born at Lunenburg Juh- ye 22^^ 1759. Nehemiah I-'uUer ye son of Nehemiah Fuller and Alary his wife was bom at Lunenburg Jany 23d 1762. Azeriah Fuller son of Nehemiah Fuller & Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg Alay 2Sth 1764. Births. 289 FISK. FOWLER. FLOOD. Jemima Fisk the daughter of Jonathan Fisk and of Jemima his wife, born at Lunenburg, February the 8th 1738/9. Ezekiel Fowler the son of Richard Fowler and of Rxith his wife, born at Lunenburg March ye 18th 1742/3 Susanna Fowler ye daughter of Richard Fowler and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 31th 1746. Ruth Fowler ye daughter of Richard Fowler and of Ruth his wife was born at Lunenburg August ye ISth 1748. Richard Fowler ye son of Richard Fowler and of Ruth his wife was born at Groton September ye 21th 1750. Elizabeth Fowler the daughter of Richard Fowler and of Ruth his wife was born at Lunenburg Novenibr 15th 1752. Joshua Chever Fowler & Sarah Chever Fowler the son and daughter of Richard Fowler & of Ruth his wife, were born at Lunenburg Jan- uary ye 16th 1757. Alice Flood the daughter of Benjamin Flood, and Elizabath his wife was born at Lunenburg, November the 22d ; 1743. G. GOODRIDGE. Sarah Goodridge ye daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and of Sarah his wife, born Janewary ye 1th 1730/31 Eliphalet Goodridge ye son of Benjamin Goodridge and of Sarah his wife born March ye 27th 1733. Olive Goodridge ye davghter of Benjfi Goodridge and of Sarah his wife, born July 3d 1736. Daniel Goodridge ye son of Benjamin Goodridge & of Sarah his wife, born at Lunenburg, August ye eleventh, on Fryday 1738. Benjamin Goodridge Junr the son of Benjamin Goodridge and Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 7th 1740. Sewall Goodridge the son of Benja Goodridge and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 7th 1743 about midnight. Lois Goodridge the daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenbvirg March the 21th 1744/5. Lucy Goodridge the daughter of Benjamin Goodridge, and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg, Janvarj' the 25th 1746/7. Oliver Goodridge the son of Benjamin Goodridge, and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October the 27th 1749. 290 TJie Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg. GOODRIDGE. Lydia Goodridge the daughter of Joshua Goodridge and of Lydia his wife, was born at Lunenburg, August the first, 1740. Mehetabel Goodridge the daughter of Joshua Goodridge and of Lydia his w^ife was born at Lunenburg May y^ 9th 1742. Relief Goodridge the daughter of Joshvia Goodridge and Lydia his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 25th 1744. Joshua Goodridge the son of Joshua Goodridge and of Lydia his wife, born at Lunenburg August ye 10th 1746. Kathrine Goodridge the daughter of Joshua and of L^'dia his wife was born at Lunenburg August the 28th 1749. Ruth Goodridge the daughter of Joshua Goodridge and of Lydia his wife, was born at Lunenburg September the 13th 1751. Abijah Goodridge the son of Joshua Goodridge & of Lydia his wife was (born) at Lunenburg February the 21th 1754. Abigal Goodridge the daughter of Joshua Goodridge and of Lydia his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 24th A. D. 1756. Phinehas Goodridge son of Joshua and Lydia Goodridge was born at Lunenburg Octoi" 17th 1759. Lois Goodridge daughter of Joshua & L3alia Goodridge was born at Lunenburg March 9th 1763. David Goodridge the son of David Goodridge and of Elizabath his wife, born at Lunenburg March ye 19th 1741/2. Elizabeth Goodridge the daughter of David Goodridge & of Elizabeth, born November ye 6th 1743. Mehetabel Goodridge the daughter of David Goodridge, and of Eliza- beth his wife, born at Lunenburg, August the sixth A. D. 1745. David Goodridge the son of David Goodridge and of Elizabath his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 23»'cl 1747. Ebenezer Goodridge the son of David Goodridge, and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg May the 1th 1749. Asaph Goodridge the son of David Goodridge and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenberg June y*^ 28th 1751. Hannah Goodridge the daughter of David Goodridge & Elizabeth his wife, wHiS, born at Lunenburg, April 7th 1753. John Goodridge the son of David Goodridge & of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 17th 1755. Eunice Goodridge the daughter of David Goodridge and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 6th 1757. Births. 291 GOODRIDGE. Abigail Goodridge the daughter of Philip Goodridge and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg July y^ 31tli A. D. 1745. Jane Goodridge 3^^ daughter of Philip Goodridge and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg July the Tth A. D. 1747. Priscila Goodridge ye daughter of Philip Goodridge and of Jane his wife w^as born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 15th 1748/9. Philip Goodridge the son of Philip Goodridge, and of Jane his wife, born at Lunenburg October the 4*11 1750. Sibil Goodridge the daughter of Philip Goodridge & of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg June the lOth 1752. Mary Goodridge the daughter of Philip Goodridge & of Jane his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg February the 16tii 1754. Joseph Goodridge the son of Philip Goodridge and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 14th 1755. Williain Goodridge the son of Philip Goodridge and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 17th 1757. Juet Goodridge the son of PhiHp Goodridge and of Jane Goodridge was born August ye 8th 1759. Abel Goodridridge son of Phillip and Jane Goodridge was born at Lu- nenburgh Septr 19th 1761. Simon Goodridge son of Philip and Jane Goodridge was born at Lunen- burgh Aiigust 9th 1763. Sarah Goodridge daughter of Philip & Jane Goodridge was born at Lu- nenburgh Feby 12th 1766. Elizebath Goodridge daughter of Philip (loodridge and Jane his wife, was born at Limenburg Jidy ye 14th 1768. Ezekiel Goodridge the son of Ezekiel Goodridge and of Rel^acca his wife was born at Lunenbiu'g May ye 5th 1755. Sarah Goodridge, daughter of Eliphalet (Goodridge) & Rebecca his wife, born at Lunenburg Octor 15th 1764. Rebekah Goodridge, daughter of Eliphalet & Rebekah Goodridge was born at Lunenburg March 17th 1766. Samuel Paysou Goodridge son of Eliphelet & Rebekah Goodridge, was born at Lunenburgh Jany 23d 1768. Rebekah Goodridge daughter of Eliphelet Goodridge & Rebekah his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 7th 1769. Elizabeth Goodridge daughter of Eliphalet Goodridge & Rebeckah his w^ife, was born at Lunenburg February- ye 17th 1772. Eliphalet Goodridge son of Eliphalet Goodridge & Rebeckah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ve IQth 1773. 292 TJie Eatiy Records of the Town of Lunenburg. GILLSON. GOULD. The Birth of the children of Jonas Gillson and of Hannah his wife, (1.) Jonas born at Lunenburg August 31 1728 (2.) Evnice born at Lunenburg March 18 1731 (3.) Prudence Gillson ye daughter of Jonas Gillson and of Hannah his wife born May 8th 1734. (4.) Joseph Gillson ye son of Jonas Gilson and of Hannah his wife born at Lunenburg September ye 16th 1738. Sarah Gillson ye daughter of Jonas Gillson and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Febuary ye 11th 1757. Unice Gilson daughter of Jonas and Sarah Gilson was born at Lunen- burg May 11th 1759. Children of David Gould and Abigail his wife. Abigill born at Topsfield February ye 8th 1726/7. Rebekah born at Lunenburg March 25 1728 Solomon born at Lunenburg Decemhr 15 1730 Joseph bom at Lunenburg Janewary ye 18th 1732. Nemiah Gould ye son of Moses Gould and of Mary his wife, born Feb- rvary ye lo'th 1729/30. Moses Gould ye son of Moses Gould, and of Mary his wife born July ye 4th 1732. Benja Gould ye son of Moses Gould & of Mary his wife born August ye 15th 1734. Jonathan Gould ye son of Jonathan Gould, and Lydia, his wife, born July ye 24th 1731. Lydia Gould ye davghter of Jonathan (touUI and of Lydia his wife born December ye 21th 1732. Mary Gould davghter of Jonath Gould & of Lydia his wife born Jan- vary 1th 1734/5. Margarate Gould the daughter of Jonathan Gould & of Lydia his wife, was born April ye 16th 1737. Marcy ye davghter of Jacob Gould, and of Dorotha his wife born in Lunenl)urg March ye 4th 1731/2. Oliver (touM ye son of Jacob Gould and of Dorotha his wife, born in Lunenburg October ye 3th 1733. Sarah Gould ye daughter of Jacob Gould and of Dorrothy his wife, born at Lunenl)urg April the 6th I735 Jacol) Gould the son of Jacob Gould and of Dorothy his wife, born at Lunenl)urg October the IGth 1737. Births. 293 GOULD. GIBSON. Dorrothy Gould j'C daughtei- of Jacob Gould and of Dorroth3' his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 27tti 1740. Elijah Gould ye son of Jacob Gould and Dorrothy his wife, born at Lu- nenburg August ye 8th 1743. Thomas Gould y^ son of Jacob Gould and of Dorrothy, his wife, born at Lunenburg October ye 20th 1745. Benjamin Gould Juni" ye son bf Benjamin Gould and of Esther his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg Janvary the 31th 1740/41. Amos Gould the son of Benjamin Gould and of Eshter his wife, born February ye 7th 1743/4. Oliver Gould ye son of Oliver Gould and of Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg, March ye 31th 1760. Sarah Gould, daughter of Oliver and Mary Gould, was born at Lunen- burg August 16th 1762. Lucy Gould, daughter of Oliver & Mary Gould, was born at Lunenburg Septr 9th 1764. Mary Gould daughter of Oliver & Mary Gould, was born at Lunenburg Octor 16th 1766. Samvel Gibson ye son of Arrington Gibson and of Mary his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg June ye 4th 1741. Silas Gibson y^ son of Arrington Gibson, and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg September the 1th 1747. Sarah Gibson the daughter of John Gibson and of Elizabath his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 8th 1743. Isaac Gibson ye son (of) Isaac Gibson & of Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 28th A. D. 1745. John Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson, and of Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 25th 1747. Abraham Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson and of Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 13th 1749. Jacob Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson and Keziah his wife, born March the 6th 1751 at Lunenburg. Nathaniel Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson & Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Febry 22d A. D. 1753. David Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson & Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 22nd 1757. Jonathan Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson & of Keziah his wife was born at Lunenburg December ye 22"^ 1757 294 The Early Records of the Toivn of Liiiienbiirg. GIBSON. GARY. GARDNER. GROUT. Solomon Gibson the son of Isaac Gibson and of Keziah his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 19th 1758. Abraham Gibson son of Isaac Gibson & of Keziah his wife was born at Lunenburg June 13tii 1760. Keziah Gibson, daughter of Isaac Gibson & Keziah his wife was born at Lunenburg Febuy IQth 1762. Edward Garey the son of Edward Garey & Pliebe his wife was born at Wobourn Septr the 2d 1752. Phebe Gar\' the daughter of Edward Gary and of I'hebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye SOth 1755. Mary Garey the daughter of Edward Garey and of Phebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg, February ye 7*^ 1759. John Gary son of Edward & Phebe Gary was born at Lunenburg Au- gust 25tli 1761. Elizabeth Gar\' daughter of Edward and Phelje Gary was born at Lu- nenburg Feby 26th 1764. Benjamin Gary the son of Thomas Gar^- & of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lunenburg September ye 19th 1760. Andrew Gardner ye son of Mr. Andrew Gardner and of Mrs. Susanna Gardner his wife, born at Lunenburg, Noueraber ye 2th 1729. Susanna Gardner ye daughter of Mr. Andrew Gardner and of Mrs. Su- sanna Gardner his wife, born at Lunenburg September ye 2th 1732. The Birth of ye children of John Grout and of Johannah his wife. Hilkiah born July ye 23th 1728 Johannah born Janewary ye 8th 1729/30. John born June ye 13th 1731 Elijah bom October ye 29th 1732 Joel born March the 6th 1734/5. Jonathan born July the 23, 1737. Sarah born November the 28 1738 Patience born August 23th 1740. Peter born October 9 1744. Abigail born March the 23 1745 Josiah born November 18 1748 Solomon born June 27th 1751 Jehosaphat born August 2^ 1753 Phebe Grout the daughter of lohn (irout Jun and of Phebe liis wife, o was born at Lunenburg March the 21th 1751. Births. 295 GROUT. GOWEN. Elijah Grout 3'^ son of John Groiit jun and of Phebe his wife, was born at Charlestown in the Province of New-Hampshire Janvarv y^ 26tii 1753. Susannah Groiit the daughter of John Grout jun and of Phebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg December v^ 12^^ 1754. Endymia Grout the daughter of John Grout and of Phebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg Decern ye 23d A. D. 1756. Theodore Grout son of John -& Phebe Grout, was born at Lunenburg August 23d 1759. Endymia Grout daughter of John & Phebe Grout, was born at Lunen- burg August 5tli 1761. John Butler Grout son of John & Phebe Grout was, born at Lunenburg April 28th 1763. Jonathan Gowin son of Jon^ and Anne Gowen was born at Ltmenburg Septr 25th 1762 Thos Gowen son of Jon-i and Anne Gowen, was bom at Lunenburg April 19th 1764. Anna Gowen daughter of Jon^^ & Anna Gowen, was born at Lunen- burgh June 14th 1766 Eliab Gowen son of Jonathan & Anna Gowen, was born at Lunenburg Septni ye 6th 1770 Asahel Gowen son of Jonathan & Anna Gowen was born at Lruienburg June ye 30th 1772 Benjamin Gowen son of Jonathan & Anna Gowen, was born at Lunen- burg June ye 14th 1774. John Kendel Gow^en son of Jonathan & Hannah Gowen was born at Lunenburg February y^ 25th 1777 Hannah Going daughter of Jonathan & Hannah Going was born at Lunenburg January 11th 1779. James Going son of Jonathan & Hannah Going was born at Lunenburg December 24th 1780. H. HAMMOND. Susannah Hammond ye daughter of Jonathan Hammond and of Abi- gail his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye first 1746/7. Mary Hammond ye daughter of Jonathan Hammond, and of Abigail his wife, w^as born at Limenburg September ye 26th 1749. Avis Hammon the daughter of Samuel Hammon and of Anna his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 3rd 1753. 296 Tlie Early Records of the Tozvu of Limenbiirg. HAMMON. HOUGHTON. Anna Hammon the daughter of Samuel Hamnion and of Anna his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 28th 1754. Samuel Hamnion the son of Samuel Hammon and of Anna his wife was bora at Lunenburg July y^ 25th 1756. Phinehas Hammon ye son of Samuel Hammon and of Annn his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 11th 1758. Elizabath Houghton ye daughter of Eleazar Houghton & of Elizabath his wife, born at Lunenburg December ye 5th 1728. Ruth, ye daughter of Eleazar Houghton, and of Elizaliath his wife, born at Lunenbin-g June ye 30th 1732. Esther Houghton ye daughter of Eleazer Houghton and of Ehzabeth his wife, born January ye 17th 1734/5. Eleazer Houghton ye son of Eleazer Houghton and of Elizabath his w^ife, born at Lunenburg August ye 26: 1737. Susanna Houghton the daughter of Eleazer Houghton and of Elizabath his wife, born at Lunenburg May ye IQth 1743. Darius Houghton, the son of Darius Houghton, and of Jerusha his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg October the 4th 1751. Darius Houghton son of Darius Houghton, and of Jerusha his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 12. 1754. David Houghton the son of Darius Houghton and of Jerusha his wife, was born at Lunenburg April the 8th 1756. Adonijah Houghton the son of Darius Houghton and of Jerusha his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg May ye 28th 1758. Asael Houghton, the son of Darius Houghton and of Jerusha his wife,- was born at Limenburg January ye 11th 1760. Elizabeth Houghton, daughter of Darius Houghton and Jerusha his wife, was born at Lunenburg November 9th 1761. John Houghton son of Darius & Jerusha Houghton, was born at Lu- nenburg, Novi- 21st 1763. Anna Houghton daughter of Darius & Jerusha Houghs was born at Lunenburg Septr 22^ 1765. Susannah Houghton daughter of Eleazar Houghton Junr and of Susan- nah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Augiist 8th 1764. Manasseh Houghton son of Eleazar Houghton Junf and of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenlnu-gh Scpf 28th 1765. Judith Houghton daughter of Eleazar Houghton Junr and of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenlnugh DcC 1st 1766. Births. 297 HOUGHTON. HARTWELL. Sarah Houghton, daughter of Eleazar Houghton junr and of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenburgh, March IQth 1768. Stephen Houghton, son of Eleazer Hovighton Jvui^ & of Susanna his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 27th 1769. Eleazer Houghton ye 3^ , son of Eleazer Houghton Junr & of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg, March ye 26 1771. Esther Houghton, daughter of Eleazer Houghton juni" & of Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenljurg November ye 6th 1772. Ruth Houghton, daughter of Eleazer Houghton & Susannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg December 13th 1776. Lois Houghton, daughter of Eleazer Houghton & Susannah his wife, born at Lunenburg December 15th 1778. Joseph Hartwell the son of Edward HartwcU, and of Sarah, his wife, born May 14th 1727. Benja Hartwell ye son of Edward Hartwell and of Sarah his wife, born October 17th 1729. Phenihas Hartwell ye son of Edward Hartwell and of Sarah his wife, born Janewary 2th 173I/2. Thomas Hartwell the son of Edward Hartwell junr and Elesibath his wife, was born at Lunenburg, June ye 5th 1740. Solomon Hartwell son of Edward Hartwell jtmr and Elizabeth his wife, born at Lunenburg December ye 2^^ 1741. Elizabath Hartwell the daughter of Edward Hartwell Junr and of Eliz- al3ath his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 5th 1742. Mary Hartwell the daughter of Edward Hartwell and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg October the 22nd 1744. Edward Hartwell the son of Edward Hartwell jun and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lunenburg August ye 22id 1747. Asahel Hartwell the son of Edward Hartwell jun and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lunenburg August the 24th 1749. Solomon Hartwell the son of Edward Hartwell jun, and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 18 1751. Mary Hartwell the daughter of Edward Hartwell jun, and Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg Septr ye 1st 1753. Martha Hartwell the daughter of Edward Hartwell and of Elizabeth his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg August the 14th 1755. John Hartwell the son of Edward Hartwell jun. and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 2^^ 1758. Samuel Hartwell son of Edward Hartwell jun. and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 20th 1760. 298 TJie Early Recoj'ds of the Town of Ltmcnbnrg. HARTWELL. L_vdia Hartwell, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Hartwell, was born at Lunenburg April 11th 1765. Sarah Hartwell ye daughter of Jonathan Hartwell, and of Elizabeth his w^ife was born at Lunenburg November ye 23d 174G. Jonathan Hartwell ye son of Jonathan and of Elizabeth his wife, was boin at Lunenburg October ye 25tli 1748. Elisabeth Hartwell, daughter of Jonathan Hartwell and Elisabeth his wife, was born at Ltiuenburg April the 14-th 1751. Taniar Hartwell daughter of Jona and Elizabeth Hartwell was born at Lunenburg August 5th 1753. Lucy Hartwell daughter of Jona & Elizabeth Hartwell, was bom at Lunenburg August 24th 1758. Eunice Hartwell daughter of Jona & Elizabeth Hartwell was born at Lunenburg May 20th 1761. Susanna Hartwell daughter of Jona & Elizabeth Hartwell was born at Lunenburg Sejiti- 22d 1763. Josiah Hartwell the son of Joseph Hartwell and of Tabatha his wife, was born at l^unenburg August ye 7th 1748. Prudence Hartwell the daughter of Joseph Hartwell and of Tabatha his wife, was born at Lunenburg February ye 19th 1750/I. William Hartwell ye son of Joseph Hartwell and of Tabatha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, February y^ 15th n^2. Ruth Hartwell the daughter of Joseph Hartwell and of Tabatha his wife, was born at Limenburg, April ye 11th 1754. Ephraim Hartwell son of Phinehas Hartwell & of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg Octor ye 7th 1755. Molly Hartwell, daughter of Phinehas Hartwell & Mar}- his wife, was born at Lunenburg Februar3' ye 7th 1757. Esther Hartwell daughter of Phinehas Hartwell & of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg, January ye 15th 1759. .\bijah Hartwell son of Phinehas Hartwell & of Mary his wife, was born at Limenburg July ye 28th 1761. Joseph Hartwell son of Joseph and Phebe Hartwell, was born at Lunen- burg, Deer 28th 1757. Benjamin Hartwell, son of Joseph and Phebe Hartwel was born at Lu- nenburg July 18th 1759. Reuben Hartwel, son of Joseph & Phebe Hartwel was born at Lunen- I)urg July 4th 1762. Births. 299 HARTWELL. HART. HUNT. HAZELTINE. Jacob Hartwell son of Joseph & Phebe Hartwell, was born at Lunen- burg June 1st 1765. Tabitha Hartwell daughter of Josqili and Phebe Hartwell was born at Lunenburgh July 14th 1768, John Heartwell, son of Joseph HartAvell and Phebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 4th 1770. Katharine Hartwell daughter of Joseph Hartwell & of Phebe his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 27: 1772. Samuel Hart jun the son of Samuel Hart and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg January ye 26th 1759. Abigail Hart the daughter of Samuel Hart & of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 27th 1760. Ebenezer Hart son of Sam'l & Mary Hart, was born at Lunenburg Deer 6th 1762. Mary Hart daughter of Samuel Hart and Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg, February ye 25th 1765. Elizabath Hart daughter of Samuel Hart and Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 17th 1766. Nathaniel Hart, son of Samuel Hart and Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 27th 1768. Jonathan Hunt ye son of Samuel Hunt and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg July the 2nd 1750. Hannah Hunt the daughter of Samuel Hunt and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenbm-g July 22^ 1754. Martha Hunt the daughter of Samuel Hunt, and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 2^^ A. D. 1757. Ebenezer Hunt the son of Samuel Hunt, and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 18th 1760. Pearley Hunt son of Samuel & Hannah Hunt was born at Lunenburg Novr 22d 1762. Amos Hazeltine the son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born Lunenburg June the 22nd 1748. Thomas Hazeltine the son of Amos Hazeltine, and of Eunice his wife, w^as bom at Lunenburg December the first 1750. Jonas Hazeltine son of Amos Hazeltine, and Eunice his wife, born at Lunenburg Fcbi-y 7th 1753. William Hazeltine, son of Amos Hazeltine, and of Eunice his wife, born at Lunenburg May ye 8th A. D. 1755. 300 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. HAZELTINE. HUCHINGS. HUTCHENS. HARRINGTON. Richard Hazeltine son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born at Lunenburg Ajiril \'e 28tii 1757. Joseph Hazeltine, son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born at Lunenburg, July y^ 1^* 1759. John Hazeltine son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wafe, was born at Lunenburg, March ye 26tli 1762 Ebenezer Hazeltine, son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye IQth 1764. David Hazeltine, son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born at Lunenburg Februar_v A-e 7th 1767. Eunice Hazeltine daughter of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 11 1769. Ephraini Hazeltine son of Amos Hazeltine and of Eunice his wife, w'as born at Lunenburg March 3'e 29. 1772. Abraham Heseltine son of Amos & Eunice Hcseltine, was born October 15th 1775. Loas Huehings the daughter of Joseph Huchings and Sarah his wife, was born at TuxburA' Jenevary ye 22th 1737. John Huchings the son of Joseph Huchings and Sarah his wife, was born at TuxburA' November ve 27th 1739 Sarah Hutchens daughter of Phinehas Hutchens & Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 6. 1764. Abigail Hutchens, daughter of Phinehas (Hutchens) and Abigail Hutch- ens was born at Lunenburgh March 14th 1766. Joshua Hutchens son of Phinehas and Abigail Hutchens was born at Lunenburgh May 27th 1768. James Reed Hutchens son of Phinehas and Abigail Hutchens, was Ijorn at Lunenburg July the 17th 1770. Ama Hutchens daughter of Phineas and Abigal Hutchens was born at Lunenburg August ye 22^1 1772. Phinehas Hutchens son of Phinehas (Hutchens) and Abigail Hutchens, was born at Lunenburg Juh' ye 6th 1774. John Sullivan Hutchins son of Phinehas & Abigail Hutchins was born at Fitzwilliam August 15th 1776. Prudy Hutchins daughter of Phinehas & Abigail Hutchins was born at Fitzwilliam Januar}' 16th 1779. Ammi Harrington ye daughter of Thaddeus Han-ington & of Thankful his wife, was boi'n at Lunenburg October ye 28th Annq Domini 1758. Births. 301 HENDERSON. HARWOOD. HUBBARD. The births of the children of WilHam Henderson & of Sarah his wife, viz. WilHani born Jan^y 8th 1744. at Lnnenbur^. Henr^r born at Lunenburg October 22^ 1746 John born at Linienburg Janry IQth 174-8 Sarah born at Lunenburg August 3^1 1750. James born at Lunenburg July. 23^ 1753 David born at Lunenburg August 22^ 1757 Jane Henderson the daiighter of John Henderson and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg May the 1th 1753. Thomas Henderson the son of John Henderson, and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg May the 20th 1755. Mary Harwood ye daughter of Nathaniel Harwood, and of Hannah his wife, born December ye IQth 1728. James Harwood ye son of Nathaniel Harwood and of Hannah his wife, born October ye 4th 1730. Hannah y^ daughter of Nathaniel Harwood, and of Hannah his wife, born April ye 1th 1732/3. Sarah Harwood ye daughter of Nathaniel Harwood and of Hannah his wife, born June ye 26th 1735. Nathaniel Harwood ye son of Nathanil Harwood, and of Hannah his wife, born May ye 7th 1737. Eliphelett born December the 12th 1739.* Elizabeth Har-wood the daughter of Nathanel Harwood and of Hannah his wife, born at Lunenburg March the 9th 1742/3. Lucy Harwood the daughter of Nathanael Harwood and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 16th 1745/6. Grace Hubbard the daughter of Jonathan Hubbard Junr and Abigail his wife, was born August ye 22th 1740. Abigail Hubbard the daughter of Jonathan Hubbard Jr. and of Abigail his wife, was boi'u at Lunenburg Sejjt the 17th 1742. Rebekah Hubburd the daughter of Jonathan Hubburd and of Abigail his wife, born at Lunenburg Sept. ye 27th 1744. Dorcas Hovey the daughter of Abijah Hovey and L3'dia Hove_Y his wife, was born at Lunenburg June the 24th 1751. Lydia Hovey ye daughter of Abijah Hove^' and Lydia Hove^- his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 17th 1753. *John R. Rollins thinks this is, no doubt, Harwood. \_\V. A. D. 39 302 Tlie Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. HOVEY, HOLT. Miriam Hovey the daughter of Abijah Hovey & of Lydia his wife was born at Lunenburg October y^ 8th 1758. Abijah Hovey y^ son of Abijah Hovey & of Lydia his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 16th 1760. Joseph Holt the son of Joseph Holt and Mary his w^ife born at Lunen- burg April ye 8th 1744. Mary Holt ye daughter of Joseph Holt and of Mary his wife, bom at Lunenburg August ye 17th A. D. 1745. Abiel Holt the son of Joseph Holt and of Mary his wife, was (born) at Lunenburg July ye 18th 1748. Joseph Holt, son of Joseph Holt and Dorcas his wife was born at Lu- nenburg Deer ye 18th 1752. William Holt ye son of William Holt, and of Mary his wife, born at Lu- nenburg Febriiary the 16th 1744/5. David Holt the son of William Holt and of Mary his wife, born at Lu- nenburg September ye 26th 1746. Jonathan Holt the son of William Holt, and of Mary his wife, born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 22"fl 1748. Humphry Holt, the son of William Holt, and of Mary his wife, born at Lunenburg, Janvary ye 1st 1750. Mary Holt daughter of W™ & Mary Holt, was born at Ipswich Can- ada Novi- 8th 1754. Sarah Holt daughter of William Holt & of Mai\' his wife was born at Lunenburg May ye 30th 1756. Elizabeth Holt the daughter of Daniel Holt and of Mehetabel his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 7th 1749. Mehetable Holt ye daughter of Daniel Holt and of Mehetabel his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg September the 20th 1751. Abigail Holt ye daughter of Daniel Holt and of Mehetabell his wife, was born at Lunenburg March the 9th 1753. Daniel Holt the son of Daniel Holt and of Mehetabel his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 26th 1756. Sibbil Holt daughter of Daniel Holt, and of Mehetabel his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 6th 1758. Rachel Holt the daughter of Jonathan Holt, and of Rachel his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 20 : A. D. 1753. Jonathan Holt the son of Jonathan Holt and of Susana his wife was born at Lunenburg May ye 16th 1756. Births. 303 HOLT. HENERY. HILTON. HASTINGS. Susannah Holt y^ daughter of Jonathan Holt, and of Susannah his wife, was bom at Lunenburg, May y^ 29th a. D. 1758. Elijah Holt son of Jon^ Holt and Susannah his wife was born at Lu- nenburg Octor 23 1759. William Holt son of Jona & Susannah Holt, was born at Lunenburg April 11th 1761. Hannah Holt daughter of Dai^iel & AUice Holt, born at Lunenburg Feb- ruary ye 15th 1763. Thomas Holt, son of Daniel & Allice Holt, born at Lunenburg Novem- ber ye 25th 1765. Lydia Holt daughter of Daniel & Alice Holt, born at Lunenburg August ye 29 1767. Enoch Holt son of Daniel & Allice Holt born at Lunenburg August ye 15th 1770. Louis Holt daughter of Daniel & Allice Holt, born at Lunenburg Sep- tember ye 19 1772. William Henery ye son of George Henery and of Elizabeth his wife, was bom at Lunenburg Janvary the 22nd 1746/7. Mary Henery ye daughter of George Henery and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg September the 1th 174,8. Thomas Hilton the son of Samuel Hilton and of his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 14th 1752. David Hilton the son of Samuel Hilton, and of his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 12th 1752. Mar^' ye daughter of John Hastings and of Sarah his wife born in Lu- nenburg July ye 6 : 1731. John Hastings the son of Nathanael Hastings, and Lois his wife, born at Lunenburg October the 20th 1741. Lois Hastings the daughter of Nathanael Hastings and of Lois his wife, bom at Lunenburg May ye 17th A. D. 1743. Nathaniel Hastings the son of Nathanael Hastings and of Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 28th 1745. Caleb Hastings the son of Nathanel Hastings and of Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg, March the 31th 1749. David Hastings the son of Nathanael Hastings and of Lois his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg, March ye 31th 1751. 304 TJie Early Rcco7'ds of the Toiun of L^inciiburg. HASTINGS. HEYWOOD. Elizabeth Hastings ye daiightei- of Nathaniel Hastings and of Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 14th 1753. Nicholas Hastings the son of Nathanael Hastings and of Lois his wife, was bom at Lunenburg, June ye 30th 1755. Jonathan Hastings the son of Nathaneal Hastings, and of Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 16th 1756. Susannah Hastings the daughter of Nathaniel Hastings and of Loas his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 11th 1759. Samuel Hastings the son of Nathanael Hastings and of Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 19th 176I. Esther Hastings daughter of NathH & Lois Hastings was born at Lu- nenburgh July 21st 1765. Eunice Hastings daughter of Nathaniel Hastings & Lois his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 6th 1769. Relief Heywood daughter to Nathan and Esther Heywood was born July ye 19th 1724 on a Sabbath day morning abovit break of day. Willis Heywood son to Nathan Heywood and to Esther Heywood his wife, was born May ye 21th 1726 on a Satterday morning about break of day. Thomas Heywood son to Nathan and Esther Hej'wood was born Au- gust ye 20th 1728 on a Tuseday morning about one of ye clock. Zimri Heywood son to Nathan and Esther Heywood was born Se])tem- ber ye 5th 1731 on a Sabbath day. sun about half an hour high at night. Esther Heywood davghter to Nathan and Esther Heywood was born April ye 20th 1734 on a Satterda3' morning, sun about two houers high in ye morning. Elizebeth Heywood daughter of Nathan Heywood and Esther Heywood, was born at Lunenburg October ye 6th 1736. Mary Heywood daughter of Nathan Heyw^ood and Esther Heyw^ood, was born at Lunenburg July the 28th 1739. William Heywood the son of Nathan Heywood and of Esther Heywood, was born at Lunenburg on Thursday morning before sunrise Jan- vary ye 17th 1744/5. Silent Heywood ye son of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born August ye 25th 1728. Ruth Heywood ye davghter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born February ye 15th 1729/30. Sarah He3'wood ye davghter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born December ve 13th 1732. I Births. 305 HEYWOOD. HILL. HUTCHINSON. Abigil Heywood ye davghter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born August ye 13th 1733. Prudence Heywood daughter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born at Lmienburg August ye 26th 1734/5 Ivucy Heywood ye daughter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born at Lunenburg February ye 4th 1739. Ruth Heywood the daughter of John Heywood and of Ruth his wife, born at Lunenburg February ye 4th 1741/2. Martha Hill ye daughter of John Hill and of Jane his wife born at Lu- nenburg December ye 24th 1740. John Hill ye son of John Hill and of Jane his wife, born at Lunenburg March ye fourth 1742/3 William Hill ye son of John Hill and of Jane his wife, was born at Lu- nenburg Jime ye 5th 1747. Thomas Hill the son of John Hill and of Jane his wife, was born at Lunenburg August the 14th 1751. Robert Hill the son of John Hill and of Jane his wife, was born at Lu- nenburg, March the 18th 1755. David Hill the son of John Hill and of Jane his wife was born at Lu- nenburg October ye 20th 1760. Samuel Hutchinson son of Samuel Hutchinson and of Elizebath his wife, was born at Lexinton January ye 11th 1761. Elizebath Hutchinson, daughter of Samuel Hutchinson and of Elizebath his wife was born at Limenburg October ye 22^ 1763. Thomas Hutchinson, son of Samuel Hutchinson and of Elizebath his wife, was born at Lunenbiu-g October ye 27th 1765. I. IRELAND. Ann Ireland the daxighter of Abram Ii'eland Junior & Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 13th 1762. Mary Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland Jun^ & Meribah his wife, was born at Limenburg April 11th 1763. Abraham Ireland son of Abraham Ireland Jr. & Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenbiu-g January ye 2. 1765. Abigail Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland Jun & Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Sept ye 16. 1766. 306 TJie Early Records of the Town of Limenhirg. IRELAND. Susannah Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland Junr and Meribah, was born at Lunenburgh Jauy 4-th 1768. Jonathan Ireland son of Abraham Ireland Jun & Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Jidy y^ 25. 1769. Elener Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland & Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 1 1771. Meribah Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland Junr and Meribah his wife was born at Lunenburg Apriel ye 12*11 1773. Betty Ireland daughter of Abraham Ireland Jun and Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg June 22tli 1775. David Ireland son of Abraham Ireland Jun. and Meribah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 27th 1777. J- JOHNSON. Rebakah Johnson the davghter of Samuell Johnson and of Rel^akah his wife, born Nouember ye 2th 1719. Elifebeth Johnson ye daughter of Samuell Johnson and of Rebakah his wife, born Janewary ye 2th 1721. Samvell Johnson ye son of Samuell Johnson and of Rebakah his wife, born Janewary ye 2th 1723. Kezia Johnson ye davghter of Samuell Johnson & of Rebakah his wife, born September ye 7th 1725. Hannah Johnson ye davghter of Samuell Johnson and of Rebakah his wife, born October 8th 1727. Nathan Johnson ye son of Samuell Johnson and of Rebakah his wife, born August ye 18th 173I. Mary Johnson ye daughter of Samvel Johnson Juni", and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Septemlier the eighth 17'i7. Benjamin Johnson the son of Samvel Johnson Jimr and of Hannah his wife, born at Lunenburg July ye 8th 1749. Samuel Johnson son of Samuel Johnson Jr. and of Hannah his wife was born at Lunenburg, the 6th of September Anno Domini 1751. Lucy Johnson, daughter of Samuel Johnson Jr and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August the 5th Anno Domini 1753. Nathan Johnson the son of Samvel Johnson & of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg November the 6th 1755. Silvanus Johnson ye son of James Johnson and of Susanna his wife, was born at Liinenburg Februay ye 25th 1747/8. Births. 307 JEWETT. JONES. Enoch Jewett the son of Thomas Jewett, and of Hannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 25th A. D. 1757. Sarah Jones yc davghter of WiUiani Jones and of Sarah his wife, born March ye 25th 1735. WilUam Jones y^ son of William Jones and of Sarah his wife, was born May 11th 1737 at Lunenburg. Abigail Jones ye davghter of William Jones and of Sarah his wife, was born April ye 18th 1740 at Lunenburg. Hannah Jones and Enos Jones the daughter and son of William Jones and of Sarah Jones, born at Lunenburg the 14th of July 1742. Josiah Jones the son of William Jones and of Sarah Jones was born at Lunenburg October ye 23rall the daughter of Ephraim Kim])all and of Mar\- his wife, was born at Liuienl)urg December ye 1st A. D. 1758. Rachel Kimball the daughter of Ephraim Kimball and of Mary his wife, was bom September 3'e 5th 1754. Births. 309 KIMBALL. KENDALL. KENDEL. Levi Kimball the son of Ephraini Kimball and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg October 23»'d 1756. Betty Kimball the daughter of Ephraim Kimball and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 31tb 1761. Abigail Kimball, daughter of Ephraini & Mary Kimball, was born at Lunenburg April 23d 1763. Thomas Kimball the son of Qeorge Kimball and of Sarah his wife was born at Luenburg March the 7th 174-9/50. Benjamin Kimball the son of George Kimball & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 2^ 1752. George Kimball son of George Kimball and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 6th 1754. George Kimball the son of George Kimball and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 12th 1756. Sarah, daughter of George & Sarah Kimball was born at Lunenburg May 3cl 1763. William Kendall the son of William Kendall and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 8th 1758 Hannah Kendall ye daughter of William Kendall and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenbvu-g May ye 3rd 1759. Samll Kendall & Mary Kendall son & daughter of W"i Kendall & Mary his wife, were born at Lunenburg JanJ' 6th 1762. Eusebia Kendall, daughter of W™ & Mary Kendal, was born at Lunen- biu-g, October 30th 1763. Alovisa Kendal, daughter of William & Mary Kendall was born at Lu- nenburg Septr 28th 1765. Bezaleel Kendel j-e son of Uzziah Kendel, and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 4-th 1749. Abiathar Kendel ye son of Uzziah Kendel & of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 11th 1750. L. LOVEJOY. John Lovejoy the son of John Lovejoy and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg December the 22"^ 1749. Sarah Lovejoy, the davighter of John Lovejoy and Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 3d 1754. Jonathan Lovjoy the son of John Lovejoy and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lxmenburg, January ye 17th 1757. 40 310 TJic Early Records of the Tozvii of Lunenburg. LOVEJOY. LILLY. LARRABEE. LECH. LANE. LOW. LITTLE. Susannah Lovejoy the daughter of John Lovejo^' and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August yc IT^ii 1759. Prudence Lovejoy daughter of John Lovejoy & of Sarah his wife was born at Lunenburg April 22^ 1762. Ebenezer Lilly the son of John Lilly and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 20th 1756. Mary LatTabee the daughter of TiniothA^ Larrabee and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg October 3'^ IQth 174S. Abigail Larrabee the daughter of Timothy Larrabee and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary the 21tli 1755. Manasses Lech ye son of James Lech and of Janat his wife, born July ye 25th 1734. Eleazer Lane the son of Nehemiah Lane and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 8tli 1761. Sarah Lain daughter of Nehemiah Lain & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 15th 1762. Nehemiah Lain, son of Nehemiah Lain & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg November ye 28th 1764. Mary Lain daughter of Nehemiah Lain & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg February 3'^e 1st 1767. Phebe Lain daughter of Nehemiah Lain & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 21 1769. The births of the children of Jonathan Low & Sarh his wife, all w^hich war born at Ipswich in the County of Essex. Benoni Low was born August the 6th 1732. Sarah Low was born October the 6th 1734. Elizabeth Low was born April the l^t 1736 Mary Low was born January the 11th 1740. Hannah Low was born July the l^t 1744. Joanna Low was born June the 17th 1746 Jonathan Low was born August y^ 13th 1748 William Low was born October ye 31st 1750 Abagail Low was born March ye 29th 1753. Abraham Low was born February 11th 1755. Francis Low was born January ye 23^ 1757. ney Little daughter of John Little and Mar [ t ] his wife [ ] Births. 311 M. MESSUR. MERRILL. MOWERS. MOFFET. MARTIN. Jonathan Messiir son of Jonathan & Abigail Messur was born at Lu- nenburg Septr 7th 1760. Abigail Merrill the daughter of Daniel Merrill and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg Sept ye 24th 1756. Hitte Merrill the daughter of Daniel Merrill and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg Sept. ye 15th 1758. Elizabeth Mowers, daughter of William Mowers and Elizabeth his wife, was born at Dorchester Canady 27 Dec 1752. Ruth Moors the daughter of Hugh Moors and of Ruth his wife, born at Lunenburg December the 22iid 174'i. Robert Moffet the son of Joseph Moffet, and of Dorothy his wife, was born at Lunenburg August the 16th 1754. Jou'i Martin son of Jon^ & Mercy Martin, was born at Lunenburg March 18th 1762. Samvel Martin the son of John Martin and of Elizabeth Martin was born at Ipswich April ye 8th 1738. John Martin the son of John Martin and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenbiirg October ye 12th 1740. Jane Martin the daughter of John Martin and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg Sept ye 20th 1742. Elizabeth Martin the daughter of John Martin, and of Elizabeth was born at Lunenburg June ye 12th 1744. Hannah Martin ye daughter of John Martin and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 1th 1746. Martha and Mary Martin the daughters of John Martin and of Eliza- beth his wife, were born at Lunenburg October the 26th 1748, Susana Martin the daughter of John Martin and of Elizabeth his w^ife, was born at Lunenburg April the first 1751 Annoq : Domini. Prudence and Patience Martin the daughters of John Martin and of Elizabeth his wife, were born at Lunenburg May ye 6 A. D. 1753. The Births of the children of George Martin and of Eunice his wife, Jonathan Martin born at Ipswich OctC 26th 1747. John Martin born at Ipswich Jany 26th 1749 Lucy Martin born at Ipswich July 11th 1751 Joseph Martin born at Ipswich July 24th 1753 312 TJie Early Records of the Toivti of Liuienbnrg. MARTIN. MITCHEL. Eunice Martin born at Ipswich Deer 15tli 1758 Mary Martin born at Liinenburgh July 28th 1762. Children of Andrew Mitchel and of Martha his wife. Jane born Febr ye 14th 1723/4 Ruth born July ye 19th 1726. Martha born Janewary ye 19. 1727/8. Elezabath born December ye 12. 1729. Susannah born December ye 27 1731. Hannah born September ye 15 1734 Esther born October ye 15th 1740. Mary born July the 18th 1745. N. NORCROSS. Jabez Norcross ye son Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife liorn in Lunenburg March ye IQth 1731/2. Mary Norcross ye davghter of Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife, born Janewary 24th 1733/4. Sarah Norcross the daughter of Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife, born at Lunenburg February ye 25th 1735/G. Page Norcross the son of Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife, born at Lunenburg April ye 9th 1738. Hanah Norci-oss ye daughter of Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife, w^as born at Lunenbm-g Noveml^er 10th 1741. Jeremiah Norcross ye son of Jeremiah Norcross and of Faith his wife, was born at Lunenburg February ye 15th 1743/4. Elijah Norcross ye son of Jercjniah Norcross, and of Faith his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 7th 1749/50. o. OSBURN. John Osburn the son of Ephraim Ozburn and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 25th 176O. P. PARKER. Johannah Parker the daughter of Timothy Parker and of Johannah his wife, was born at Limenburg September the 14th 1749. Sarah Parker the daughter of Timothy Parker and of Johannah his wife was born at Limenburg March ye 20th 1752. Births. 313 PARKER. PRATT. PEIRCE. Elijah Parker the son of Timothy Parker and Joanna his wife, was Ijorn at Lunenburg Novr 18th 1753. Elijah Parker ye son of Timothy Parker, and of Joanna his wife, was born at Lunenburg February the 1th 1756. Abijah Parker ye son of Timothj^ Parker and of Johannah his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 24th 1758. Joanna Parker ye daughter of Timothy & Joanna Parker was born at Lunenburg May 20th 1762. Sibil Parker, daughter of Timothy & Joanna Parker, was born at Lu- nenburg Sept.r 1st 1764. Abigail Parker daughter of Timo Parker & Joanna his wife was 1)orn at Lunenburgh Deer 29th 1767. The births of ye children of Ebenezer & Charit_v Pratt, Oliver Prat born at Lunenburg 29th June 1761. Anna Pratt, daughter of Ebenezer and 'L,y6\a. Prat AA^as born at Lunen- burg July 19th 1762. Sally daughter of Ebeni' & Lydia Pratt was born at Limenburg August 23d 1763. Anna Prat daughter of Elienr & Lydia Prat, was born at Lunenburg Septr 10th 1765. Esther Peirce ye davghter of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife, born May ye 29th 1722. Jonathan Peirce ye son of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife, born November y^ 27th 1724. Ephraim Peirce ye son of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife, born March ye 13th 1726/7 Amos Peirce \^ son of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife Ijorn Juh' 8th 1729. Sarah Peirce ye davghter of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife, born Nouember ye 27th 1731. Mary Peirce ye davghter of Ephraim Peirce and of Esther his wife, born March ye 5th 1733/4. Benja Pierce ye son of Ephraim Pierce & of Esther his wife, born June ye 3d 1736. Prudence Parce the daughter of Ephriam Parce and of Esther his wife, born at Lunenburg February the sixth, Anno Dom. 1738/9. Oliver Parce the son of Ephriam Parce and Esther his wife, born at Lu- nenburg July the 17th 1741. Keziali Parce the daughter of Ephraim Parce and of Esther his wife, born at Limenbtirg December ye 4th 1743. Elizabeth Parce ye daughter of Ephraim Parce and of Esther his wife, was born at Lunenburg Maixh ye 25th 1748. 314 TJic Early Records of the Tozvn of Lunenburg. PEARCE. PEIRCE. PARCE. Children of David Pearce and Elizabeth his wife, David born at Groton July 19 1726. Lydia born at Linienbnrg July 21 1728. Elizabath born at Lunenburg Apriel 7. 1730. Hannah born at Lunenburg March ye 9 1731/2. Solomon born at Lunenburg Janewary ye 28th 1733/4 Samvel born at Lunenburg November ye 25th 1737 Joshua born at Lunenburg Jauvary the 13th 1745/6 Sibel Peirce the daughter of John Peirce and of Hannah his wife, was born at Limenburg Jan. ye 28th 1746/7 Ephraim Parce the son of Ephraim Parce Jun. and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October the 31th 1760. Sarah Parce daughter of Ephraim Parce Junr & of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg May 26th 1762. Relief Parce daughter of Ephm Parce Junr and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburgh Augt 9th 1767. Elijah Pearce son of Ephraim Pearce Juni" & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 15th 1769. Phinehas Parce son of Ejihraim Parce Junr and of Sarah his wfe, was born at Lunenburg March ye 22^ 1773. Jonathan Parce the sou of Jonathan Parce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 27th 1747. Sarah Parce the daughter of Jonathan Parce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 13th 1750. Esther Parce the daughter of Jonathan Parce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg February ye 5th 1752. Prudence Peirce the daughter of Jonathan Peirce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg November the 14th 1753. Mary Pierce the daughter of Jonathan Pierce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 21st 1756. Tabatha Parce ye daughter of Jonathan Parce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 28th 1758. Benjamin Parce the son of Jonathan Parce and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 8th 1760. Josiah Parce the son of Jonathan Parce, and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 28 : 1761. Susannah Parce daughter of Jona & Sarah Parce, was born at Lunen- burg Deer 30th 1763. Abraham Parce son of Jonathan & Sarah Parce was born at Lunen- burg Deer 20 th 1765. Births. 315 PARCE. PLATTS. PAGE. Lucy Farce daughter of Jona & Sarah Farce was born at Lunenburg August 31st 1767. Nahum Fearce son of Jonathan Fearce & Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg May the 4th 1770 Sarah Farce ye daughter of Samuel Farce & Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg June 7th 1762. Abel Platts the son of Abel Flatts and of Mary Flatts was born at Lu- nenburg March the 28th A. D. 1738. Hannah Flatts the daughter of Abel Flatts and of Mary Flatts, was born at Lunenburg Janvary the 13th A. D. 1741. Sarah Flatts the daughter of Abel Flats and of Mary his wife, born September ye 4th 1744. Edward Flatts the son of Nathan Flatts & of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg Septemlier ye 3''d 1749. Thomas Flatts the son of Nathan Flatts & of Elizabeth his wife, was bom at Lunenburg November ye 27th 1754. Jane Flatts the daughter of Nathan Flatts & of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Linienburg August ye 3rd 1756. Elizabeth Fage ye davghter of Sani'l Fage and of Martha (Fage) his wife, born March 23th 1719. Zachariah Fage ye son of Sam^ Fage and of Martha Fage his wife, born April 10th 172I. Daniel Fage 3'e son of Samll Fage and of Martha Fage his wife, born August 10th 1722. Martha Fage, ye davghter of Samll Fage, and of Martha his wife, bom May 31th 1725. Benja Fage ye son of Sam'l Fage, and of Martha his wife born October 12th 1727 Thomas Fage 3'e son of SamU Fage, and of Martha his wife, born Sep- tember 6th 1730. Children of Jonathan Fage and of Mary his wife, (1.) Sarah born at Lunenburg October ye 15 1728 (2.) Alles born at Lunenburg Decembr 28. 1730. (3.) Mary born at Lunenburg September ye 1 1732 (4.) Jonathan born at Lunenburg March ye 13th 1734/5 (5.) Eunice born at Lunenburg August ye 26th 1737 (6.) Feter Fage born at Lunenburg June ye 2°^ 1739 316 The Early Records of the Tozvii of Lunenburg. PAGE. (7.) Joshua Page son of Jonathan Page & of Mary his wife, l)orn at Lnnenl)nrg July yc l()th 1743. (8.) Prudence Page ye daughter of Jonathan Page & of Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg August ye 25th 1746. (9.) Benjamin Page ye son of Jonathan Page and of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg September the 15tii 1747. Phinehas Page the son of Jonathan Page and of Mar3^ his wife, was bom at Lunenburg April the 28tli 1751. The birth of ye children of Joseph Page & of Deborah his wife, Joseph born at Lunenburg August 10 1731 Deborah Page j-e daughter of Joseph Page & of Deborah his wife, liorn in Lunenbin-g, April ye lltli 1733. Marcy Page ye davghter of Joseph Page & of Deborah his wife, born March 2tli 1734/5. Joseph Page ye son of Joseph Page and of Deborah his wife, 1)orn at Lunenburg Febr ye 21tli 1736/7. Hannah Page ye daughter of Joseph Page, and of Deborah his wife, born March ye 22id 173S/9. Elizabeth Page daughter of Joseph Page and of Deborah his wife, born April 24th 1741. Amos Page the son of Josc])h Page and of Deborah Page ])orn at Lu- nenburg June the 2nd 1743. Joseph Page ye son of Joseph Page and of Deborah his wife born at Lunenburg June the 22nd 1745. Susanna Page ye daughter of Joseph Page and of Deborah his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 24 A. D. 1747. Sarah Page ye davghter of William Page and of Sarah his wife born May 14th 1734 William Page ye son of William Page and of Sarah his wife, born No- vember ye 6th 1735. Samvel Page the son of William Page & of Sarah his wife, born at Lu- nenburg Janvary ye 15th 1737/8. Timothy Page the son of William Page and of Sarah born at Lunen- burg April ye 5th 1739. Hannah Page the daughter of William Page and Sarah his wife, born at Lunenburg Deccmljcr ye 17th 1741. Ruth I'age ye daughter of William Page and of Sarah his wife, born at Lunenburg December 25. 1743. Phebe Page ye davghter of William Page and of Sarah his wife, born at Lunenburg December ye 4th 1745 Phebe Page ye daughter of William Page and of Sarah his wife, born December the 5th 1745. [Also entered in another jilace Deer ye 4th 1745.] Births. 317 PAGE. Priscilla Page davghter of David Page, and of Priscilla his wife, born October ye 22d 1735. Solomon Page ye son of David Page, and of Priscilla his wife, born June ye 6tli 1737. David Page the son of David Page, and of Priscilla his wife, born at Lunenburg August ye 6th 1738. Caleb Page ye son of David Page and of Priscilla his wife, born at Lu- nenburg Febuary ye 29 1734)/40. Matha Page ye daughter of David Page and of Priscilla his wife, born at Lunenburg April the 26th 1741. Sarah Page the daughter of David Page and of Priscilla his wife was born at Lunenburg August ye 8th 1743. Mchetabel Page the daughter of David Page and of Priscila his wife, born at Lunenburg Marcl^ye fifth 1743/4. David Page the son of David Page and of Priscila his wife, born at Lu- nenburg June ye 5th 1745. Ruth Page ye daughter of David Page, and of Priscila his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 26th 1747. Johannah Page y^ daughter of David Page and of Priscila his wife, was born at Nichawogg February the 17th 1748/9 Ruth Page the daughter of Daniel Page and of Ruth his wife, born at Groton August the 25th 1746. Sibil Page daughter of Nathanael Page and of Mercy his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 19th 1749. Rachel Page, the daughter of Nathanael Page and of Marcy, his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary the 21th 1750/1. Prudence Page the davghter of Nathaniel Page and of Mercy his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 29th 1752. Nathaniel Page \'e son of Nathaniel Page and of Marcy his wife, born Febr 7th 1734/5. Marcy Page ye daughter of Nathaniel Page & of Marc3^ his wife, born June 26th 1736. Nathaniel Page ye son of Nathaneel Page and of Merc^- his wife, born Sept. ye 15th 1738. Abner Page ye son of Nathaniel Page and of Mercy his wife, born March ye 31th 1740. John Page ye son of Nathaniel Page, and of Mercy his wife, born Julv ye 16th 1741. Moses Page the son of Nathanael and of Marcy his wife, born at Lu- nenburg April ye (5th) fifth 1743, 4' 318 The Early Records of the Toivn of Lunenburg. PAGE. POOLE. PRIEST. Aaron (Page) born May Janvary y^ ISth 1745. Samvel (Page) born July yt 26th 1747. Reuben Page ye son of Nathanael Page and of Mercy his wife, was born at Lunenburg February the 3rtl 1753. Caleb Page the son of Nathanael Page, and of Mercy his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 11th 175G. Sarah Poole the daughter of Samvel Poole and of Prudence his wife, born at Lunenburg April the fifteenth 1740. Bette Poole the daughter of Samvel Poole and of Prudence his wife, born at Lunenburg March yc twenty- seventh 1742. Samvel Poole the son of Samvel Poole and of Prudence his wife, born at Lunenburg, February the second 1743/4 Jacob Poole the son of Samvel Poole and of Prudence his wife, born at Lunenburg March ye 11 1745/0. Bette Pooole ye daughter of Samvel Poole & of Prudence his wife, was born at Lunenburg, March ye 12th 1747/8. Judith Poole ye daughter of Samvel Poole & of Prudence his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 16th 1749/50. Susanna Poole the daughter of Samvel Poole and Prudence his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary the 30th 1752. James Poole Jun*" ye son of James Poole and of EHzabath his wife, was born at Lunenburg April the 30th 174-1. Joshua Poole the son of James Poole and of Ehzabeth his wife, born at Lunenburg vSept ye 12th 1744. Elizabeth Poole ye daughter of James Poole and of Eliza1)eth his wife, was born at Lunenburg Janvary ye 6th 1746/7. James Poole ye son of James Poole and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 4th 174.9. Ruth Poole ye daughter of James Poole and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg August the 14th 17,51. Ruth Poole the daughter of James Poole and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg May the 27th 1754. Prudence Poole the daughter of James Poole and of Elizabeth his wife was born at Lunenburg August the 19th 1756. Sarah and Susannah Poole, twins, the daughters of James Poole and of Elizabeth his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 30th 1759. Joseph Priest the son of Joshua Priest and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Decnn" ye 4th 1752. Births. 319 PRIEST. PUTNAM. POWERS. PATERSON. Samuel Priest the son of Joshua Priest and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg Dec™ ye 12th 1754 MoUey Priest the daughter of Joshua Priest, and of Sarah his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 22d A. D. 1756. Hephzibah Putnam the daughter of Thomas Putnam and of Rachel his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg February the 2d 1755. Susannah and Seth Putnam, the daughter and son of Thomas Putnam and of Rachel his wife, was born at Lunenburg September y^ 16th A. D. 1756. Thomas Putnam the son of Thomas Putnam and of Rachel his wife was born at Lunenburg February \^ 27 A. D. 1758. Mary, the daughter of Jonas & Lydia Powers, was born at Framing- ham Jan.v Sd 1763. Jonas son of Jonas & Lydia Powers, was born at Lunenbvirg July 30tii 1764.. Lovisa Paterson, daughter of James Paterson & Miriam his wife, was born at Fitchburg July 4th 1779. Lydia Paterson daughter of James Paterson & Miriam his wife, w^as born at Lunenburg February 6th 1781, and died March 19th 1781. James Patterson son of James Paterson & Miriam his wife, was born at Lunenburg March 9th 1782. R. REED. Satnvel Reed Jun^ the son of Samvel Reed and Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg July ye 13th 174O. Mary Reed the daughter of Samvel Reed & of Mar^' his wife, was born at Lunenburg July the 30th 1742 Hannah Reed the davghter of Samvel Reed & of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg April the 12th 1745. Sarah Reed the daughter of Samuel Reed & of Marj- his wife, was born at Lunenburg 23d of July 1747. Priscilla Reed the daughter of Samuel Reed & of Mary his wife, was born at Lunenburg Augst iQth 1749. Jesse Reed the son of Samuel Reed & of Mary his wife was born at Lu- nenburg July 23d 1751. 320 TJie Early Records of the Tozvii of Lunenburg. REED. REDINGTON. Rebecali Reed the daughter of Samuel Reed & of Mary his wife was born at Luiieiil)urg June 5tii 1 753. Joshua Reed the son of Samuel Reed and of Mary his wife was born at Lunenburg February the 18th 1757. James Reed ye son of James Reed and of Aliigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 25tii 1746. Priscilla Reed the daughter of James Reed, and of Abigail his wife, was born December ye \'1t\i. 1748. Fredrick Reed ye son of James Reed and of AIngail his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 16th 1752: Sylvanus Reed son of James Reed and Abigail his wife, born at Lunen- burg January 7th 1755. Barzillai Reed soti of James Reed and of Abigail his wife was born at Ltmenburg Jan vary ye 23d 1756. Hinds Reed the son of James Reed and of Abigail his wife was born at Lunenburg November the 29th 1757. Joseph Reed son of James Reed and of Abigail his wife was liorn at Lu- nenburg Feby 17th 1763. Shefomith Reed daughter of James Reed and of Abigail his wife, was born at Monadnock No. 4 Mav 23 , Josiah, 14; 307. , Mary (Joseph), 307, 308. , Mary, 307. , Kuth, 307. , Samuel, 9, 11, 17, 19, 21, 24- 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37; 307. , Sarah (Foster), 228, 249, 288. 307. , Sarah (W.), 263, 307, 347. , Sarah (W., Jr.), 233, 264, 307. , Sarah, 307. , Silence, 307. , William, 66, 73, 80, 83, 88, 93, 94, 96, 97, 105, 109, 110, 113, 118, 122, 125, 132, 137, 141, 156-158, 162, 170, 171, 180, 263, 307, 347. , Wilham, Jr., 233,264,307; 307. Jonson, see Johnson. Jovner, Elizabeth, 246. Judevine, Patience (W.), 233, 253, 294. , William, 233, 253. Kannady, William, 131; seeKenned3'. Keen or Keene, William, 14, 22, 28, 55, 57. Kelsev, John, 253. , Martha (John), 253. Kembal, Kemljcl, see Kimball. Kendal or Kendall, Alovisa, 309. , Eusebia, 309. , Hannah, 309. , Mary (William) and dan. do., 309. , Rnth (Fowler), 228, 249, 289. , Samuel, 20; 309. , William [2], 309. Kendel, Abiathar, 309. , Bezaleel, 309. , Elizabeth (U.), 233, 253, 309, 314. , Uzziah, 233, 253, 309. Kennedy, Elizabeth (Henrv), 230, 251, 303. , Jane (Leitch), 233, 254. , Mary (Machane), 234, 255. , Marv, 308. , Samuel, 233, 253, 308. Kennedy, Sarah (S.), 233, 253, 308, 315. , Sarah, 308. , William, 308; see Cannada and Kannady. Kibby, James, 62, 70. Kidder, Benjamin, 233, 254. , Ruth (B.), 233, 254, 305. Kilburn, William, Jr., 233. Kimball, Abigail, 309. , Alired, 265. , Amos, 131, 133, 134, 137, 147, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 162, 163, 165, 168, 172, 174, 175, 177, 180, 182, 187, 193, 308; 308. , Anne, 308. , Benjamin, 309. , Bettv, 309. , Dea.'; 216. , Dolley, 308. , Dorothy (Amos), 308. , Ebenezer, 308. , Elisabeth, 308. , Elizabeth (R., Jr.), 233, 254. , Elizabeth (T.), 347. , Ephraim, 134, 141, 153, 156, 163, 173, 174, 180, 183, 185-187, 203, 208, 233, 308, 309; 308. , Lt. George, 141, 165, 168, 171, 172, 176, 181, 185, 189, 194, 196- 198, 203, 208, 215, 233, 282, 309, 347. , George, 309, 347; 309. , Hannah, 308. , Jane (W.), 233, 254. , Joseph, 16, 20, 24. , Levi, 309. , Mary (Dunsmoor), 227. , Mary (Ephraim), 233, 308,309, 334. , Mary, 308. , Phinehas, 308. , Rachel, 308. , Capt. Richard, 16, 20, 24, 56. , Richard, Jr., 233, 254. , Sarah (Geo.), 233, 309, 347. , Sarah, 309. , Thomas, Jr., 16, 23, 55, 56, 134, 347. , Thomas, 308; 309. , WilHani, 233, 254. Kimbel, see Kimball. Knceland, Elizabeth (Hartwell). 251, 297, 298, 345. Knight, Hannah, 246. Lake, Pri.scilla (Robinson), 267, 321. Lakin, Rebekah (Davis), 226. Lain, see Lane. Lane, Eleazer, 310. 370 Index. Lane, Widow Marv, 131. , Marv, 310. , Nehemiah, 182, 196, 234, 254, 265, 310; 310. , Phebe, 310. , Sarah (N.), 234, 265. , Sarah [2d], (N.), 234, 254, 310. , Sarah. 310. Larkhi, Hannah (W.), 234, 254. , William, 234, 254. Larrabee, Abiah or Abiel (J.), 234, 254. , Abigail (Svmonds), 259. , Abigail, 310. , Anne (S.), 233, 254. , Benianiin, 233, 254. , Isabella (Barron), 224, 246. , John, 234, 254. , Margaret (B.), 233, 254. , Marv (S.), 234, 254. , Mary (T.), and dan. do., 310. , Samuel, 125, 130, 131,137,162. 176, 187, 188, 233, 234, 254. , Sarah (Bowers), 223, 245, 274. , Timothy, 310. Laurance or Larranee, WilHam, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 56. Leeh, James, 310. , Janat (Jas.), 310. , Manasses, 310. , see Leitch and Litch. Leitch, Elizabeth (Crawford), 226, 263. , James, 130, 133, 148, 150, 152, 155, 157, 159. , Jane (T.), 233, 254. , Thomas, 168, 177. 180, 233, 254. , see Lech and Litch. Lillv, Ebenezer, 310. ■", Elizabeth (John), 310. , John, 310. Litch, lames, 103, 104. , John, 196. , Thomas, 203, 208. , see Leeh and Leitch. Little, EHzabeth (W.), 233, 261. , Elizabeth, 232. , Jane (Sharer), 237, 257. , Jennet (Steel), 238, 258. , John, 310. , Thomas, 114, 128. , William, 175, 233, 261. Littlefield, Sarah, 241. Locke, Sarah (Jones), 263, 307, 347. Loring, Israel, 265. Lovejov, Elizabeth (Boynton), 224, 246, 341. , John, 233, 254, 309, 310; 309. , Jonathan, 309. Lovejoy, Martha (Abbott), 266, 272. , Mary (Bavlev), 224, 275. , Phebe (Austin), 223, 271, 272. , Prudence, 310. , Sarah (lohn), 233, 254, 309, 310, 313. , Sarah, 309. , Susannah, 310. Low, Abagail, 310. , Abraham, 310. , Benoni, 310. , Elizabeth, 310. , Francis, 310. , Hannah, 310. , Joanna, 310. , Jonathan, 146, 196, 198, 199. 203, 207, 208; 310. , Marv (Steai-ns), 239, 259, 310, 325. , Sarah (Jona.), and dau. do.. 310. , WilHam, 310. Lynde, Mrs. Anne (Prescott), 255. Maccarty, Thad, 261. Mace, Polly, 233. Machane, Marv (W., Jr.), 234, 255. , William, j"r., 234, 255. Mackfeddres, Archa, 57. Mackfatrich, Archibald, 67. Mansfeild, John, 129, 131. Marble, Mary (Spafford), 238, 322. Marsh, John,' 234. Martin, Bettv ( John), 235, 255, 278. , Elizabeth (Goodridge), 264, 290, 345. , Elizabeth (John), and dau. do., 311. , Eunice (Geo.), and dau. do., 312. , George, 197, 203, 208, 311. , Hannah, 311. , lane (Poor), 236, 257, 311. , John, 117, 123, 124, 133, 137, 141, 142, 148, 150, 152, 157, 311. 347; 235. 255, 311; 311. , Jonathan [3], 311. , Joseph, 311. , Lucv, 311. , Martha. 311. , Mary (Holt), 230, 251, 302. , Mary, 239, 311; 312. , Mercy (Jona.), 311. , Patience, 311. , Prxidence, 311. , Sallv (Bovnton), 225. , Samuel, 3'll. , Susana, 311. Matthews, EHzabeth (T.), 234, 255. , Thomas, 234, 255. McClary, Margaret (White), 240, 260. Index. 371 McCrakcn, Lettice (S.), 235, 255, 278. , Sann:el, 235, 255. McFarleii, Martha (Kelsey), 253. McFarling, see McFerlin. Mcferland, George, 177. McFerlin, George, 177, 234, 262. , Margaret (G.), 234, 262. Mead or Meed, Joshua, 167, 178, 187, 191. Mellen, Rev. John, 202. Merrill, Abigail (D.), and dau. sdo., 311. , Daniel, 311. , Hitte, 311. Messer, Messor, see Messur. Messur, Abigail (Jona.), 234, 311. , Jonathan, 186, 187, 234, 311 ; 311. Mitchael, Mitcheal, see Mitchel. Mitchel, 80. , Andrew, 111, 150, 312. , Elizabeth (Richards), 237, 257, 312. , Esther (Richards), 237, 263, 312. , Hannah, 312. , Jane, 237, 312. , Martha (A.), and dau. do., 312. , Marv, 312. , Moses, 110, 133, 137, 140, 141, 147, 148, 152, 153, 156, 161, 162, 163, 168, 186, 190, 196. , Robert, 234. , Ruth (Moors), 254, 312. , Susannah (Russel), 237, 257, 312. Mofifat, Dorrothv (Wyman), 261. , John, 234. " , Joseph, 234, 311. , Robert, 159, 311. , William, 114, 153. Moffett, see Moffat. Moors, Elizabeth (Wm.), and dau. do., 311. , Hugh, 234, 254, 311. . John, Jr., 234, 255. , Ruth (H.), 254, 311. , Ruth, 311. , Unity (I., Jr.), 234, 255, 337. , William, 234, 311. Mon-ison, Mary (T.), 254. , Thomas, 254. Mowers, see Moors. Mullickiu, Sarah (Kimball), 233, 309, 347. Munroc, Hannah (Wetherbee), 241, 335. , Keziah, 240. Newton, Hanauiah, 235. Nichols or Nickalls, Mary, 235, 256. Norcross, Elijah, 312. , Elizabeth (P.), 235, 255. , Faith (Jere.), 312. , Hanah, 312. , Jabez, 312. , Jeremiah, 64, 66, 72-74, 78, 87, 88, 92, 103, 106, 109, 111, 113, 122, 137, 148, 152, 160, 180, 183, 186, 203, 208, 312; 312. , Marv, 312. , Page", 61, 235, 255, 312. , Sarah (Parce), 236, 256, 312, 314. Oliver, 174, 187. , Andrew, 205. Ordway, see Ardeway. Osbourn, Ephraim, 174, 235, 255, 312. , Jacob, 235. , John, 312. , Sarah (E.), 235, 255, 312. Osburn, see Osbourn. Osgood, Phinehas, 94. Page, Aaron, 318, 348. , Abner, 317, 348. , Alice (Wheelock), 240, 260, 315. , Amos, 316. , Beniamin, 315, 348; 316. , Caleb, 317, 348; 318. , Daniel, 235, 266, 315, 317. , David, 94, 103, 120, 127, 133, 255, 317, 348; 317, 348; 317. , Deborah (Jos.), 267, 316, 348. , Deborah (Platts), 236,256,316. , Dorothv, 236, 264. , EHzabeth (Parker), 255, 315. , Elizabeth, 316. , Eunice, 315, 348. , Hannah [2], 316. , Johannah, 317. , John, 347; 317. , "Jonathan, 69, 80, 113,116-119, 121, 122, 124, 126, 156, 185, 200, 201, 315, 316, 348; 315. , Joseph, 15, 26, 29, 52, 56, 66, 114, 118, 123, 131, 133, 172, 267, 316, 348. , Joseph, Jr., 316, 348. , Joshua, 316. , Marcy, 316, 348. , Martha (Samuel), and dati. do., 315, 347. , Marv (Jonathan), 315, 316, 348. , Marv (Spafford), 237, 258, 315. , Matha, 317. , Mehetabel, 317. 372 Index. Page, Mercv (N.), 255, 317, 318,348. , Mercy (Simonds), 238, 258. , Mercy, 317. , Moses, 317. , Nathaniel, 73, 74, 80, 111, 113, 116, 117, 121, 133, 137, 141, 147, 152, 153, 157, 165, 172, 176, 179, 255, 317, 318, 348. , Nathaniel, Jr., 317, 348. , Peter, 315. , Phebe, 316. , Phinehas, 316. , Priscilla (David), 255, 317, 348. , Priscilla, 317. , Prudence, 316, 348; 317. , Rachel, 317. , Reuben, 318. , Ruth (Daniel), 235, 266, 317. , Ruth, 316; [2], 317. , vSamuel, 12, 15, 19, 23, 28, 29, 37, 56, 64, 68, 69, 71-74, 78-80, 84, 97, 102, 103, 235, 256, 315, 347; 316, 348; 318. , Sarah (Kennedy), 233, 253,308, 315. , Sarah (S.), 235, 256. , Sarah (W.), 266, 316, 348. , Sarah, 316; 317. , Sibil, 317. , Solomon, 317, 348. , Submit. 348. , Susanna, 316. , Thomas, 236, 264, 315. , Timothv, 316. , William', 121, 133, 266, 316, 348; 316. , Zachariah, 315, 347. Paine, Timothy, 167. Parce, see Pearce. Parker, Abigail (Messur), 234, 311. , Abigail, 313. , Abijah, 313. , Elijah, 313. , Elizabeth (Josiah), 255, 315. , Elizabeth (vStevens), 238, 265. , Joanna, 313. , Johanna (T.), 236, 256, 294, 312. 313. , Johanah, 312. , Jonathan, 236, 256. , Josiah, 255. , Keziah (Wvman), 261, 331. , Martha (Jona.), 236, 256. , Phinehas, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 56. , Samuel, 180. , Sarah, 312. , Sibil, 313. , Timothy, 157, 163, 172, 174, 176, 236, 256, 312, 313. Paterson, James, 236, 319; 319. , Lovisa, 319. , Lvdia, 319. , Miriam (J.), 236, 302, 319. Paul, Robert, 57. Payson, Rev. Samuel. 194, 195, 198, 199, 202, 206, 211, 215, 247, 349. Peabody, Dorothy (Jacob), 256. , Widow Dorrathv, 349. , Jacob, 256. , Richard, 186, 190. , Ruth (T.), 349. , Samuel, 349. , Thomas, 182, 184, 186, 188, 194-196, 200, 349. Pearce, Abraham, 314. , Amos, 313, 348. , Anne (D., Jr.), 235, 256. , Benjamin, 313, 348; 314. , David, 57, 73, 81, 91, 97, 104, 106, 117, 121, 149, 159, 314, 348. , David, Jr., 150, 177, 190, 235, 256, 314. , Elijah, 314. , Elizabeth (D.), 314, 348. , Elizabeth (Fitch), 228,249,287, 314. -, Elizabeth, 239, 313. , Elizabeth, Jr. (Kendel), 233, 253 314. , bea. Ephraim, 14, 22, 55, 57, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 76, 78, 80, 84, 87, 89, 90, 92, 96, 104, 105, 109, 110, 137, 156, 313, 348. , Ephraim, Jr., 149, 176, 197, 236, 256, 313, 314. , Ephraim, 14; 314. , Esther (Dea. E.), 313, 348. , Esther (Gilson), 230. , Esther (Gould), 250, 293, 313, 345. , Esther, 314. , Hannah (John), 314. , Hannah (Larkin), 234, 254. , Hannah (Wetherbee), 240, 260, 314, 335. , John, 129, 314. , Jonathan, 172. 177, 180, 181, 185, 201, 203, 208, 235, 256, 313, 314, 315; 314. , Joshua, 236, 314. , Josiah, 314. , Keziah, 313, 348. , Lucv, 315. , Lvd'ia, 314, 348. , M'ary (Hartwell) 231, 252, 298, 313. , Mary (Samuel), 236, 257, 315, 322. , Mary, 314. Index. 373 Pearce, Nahiim, 315. , Oliver, 313. , Phinehas, 314. , Prudence (Smith), 239, 259. 313, 328. , Prudence, 314; 328. , Relief, 314. , Samuel, 236, 257, 314, 315. , Sarah (Ephraim, Jr.), 236, 256, 312 314. , Sarah (Jona.), 235, 256, 314, 315. , Sarah (Lovejoy), 233, 254, 309, 310 313. , Sarah (Page), 235, 256. , Sarah [2], 314; 315. , Sibel, 314. , Solomon, 314, 348. , Susannah, 314. , Tabatha, 314. Pearly, Thomas, 15. Pearson, Bartholomew, 236, 265. , Lvdia (B.), 236, 237, 257, 265; as Randal, 153, 170. Peobodv, see Peabody. Perham', John, 24, 52, 53, 55, 56. Perkins, William, 169. Perlin, David, 28. Perlv or Perley, Jeremiah, 15, 22, 55" 56. ,'Lt. Thomas, 16, 22, 24, 48, 56. , Capt. Thomas, 55, 56. Perram, see Perham. Phelps, Asael, 256. , Elizabeth (A.), 256. Phillips, Amos, 235. , Rev. Samuel, 266. Pickering, Theophilus, 264. Plats, 232. Platts, Abel, 119, 315. , Abel, Jr., 236, 256, 315. , Deborah (J.), 236, 256, 316. , Edward, 315. , Elizabeth (Nathan), 315. , Hannah, 315. , Jane, 315. , Joseph, 236, 256. , Marv (A.), 315. , MarV (Wood), 240, 260, 333. , Nathan, 150, 315. , Phebe (A., Jr.), 236, 256, 334. , Sarah (J.), 236, 256. , Sarah, 315. , Thomas, 315. Plympton, Joseph, 20. Ponchee, see Pouchee. Pool or Poole, 67. , Bette [2], 318. , Elizabeth (jas.), and dau. do., 318. 48 Poole, Jacob, 318. , James, 126, 134, 140, 153, 158, 168, 169, 172, 173, 181, 183, 186, 187, 190, 196, 203, 208, 318; 318. , James, Jr., 318. , Jonathan, 72. , Joshua, 318. , Judith, 318, 349. , Prudence (S.), 318, 349. , Prudence, 318. , Ruth [2], 318. , Samuel, 153,157, 158, 162,168, 177, 187, 190, 236, 256, 318, 349. , Samuel, Jr., 318, 349. , Sarah (Hart), 231, 253, 318. , Sarah (S.), 236, 256. , Sarah, 318. , Susanna, 318. , Susannah, 318. Poor, David, 236, 257. , Jane (D.), 236, 257, 311. , Jonathan, 15, 22, 55, 56. Porter, William, 235, 256. Potter, Sarah (Poole), 236, 256. , Thomas, 170. Pouchee, Abigail, 299. , Gabriel, 137, 148. , Elizabeth (N.), 236, 256. , Nathan, 236, 256. , Ruth (Dav), 226, 248. Powers Jonas [2], 319. , Lydia (J.), 319. , Mary, 319. Pratt, Anna, 313. , Charitv (E.), 313. , Ebenezer, 236, 257, 313. , Lvdia (E.), 236, 257, 313. , Oliver, 313. , Sallv, 313. Prentice, Abigail (T.), 255, 336. , Borridel (T.), 236, 267. , Rev. John, 257, 262. , Thomas, 110, 112, 113, 116- 118, 121, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 135-137, 139, 141-145, 147, 149, 150, 159, 236, 247-249, 252, 253, 255, 258, 260. Prescott, 126. , Anne (John), 255. , Lieut. Benjamin, 8, 9, 11, 15, 23, 56. , John, 255. , Capt. Jonas, 24. , Jonas, Jr., 8. Present, 123. Priest, Bethsheba (Henderson), 231, 252. , borothv (Moffett), 234, 311. , Elizabeth (Pouchee), 236, 256. , Joseph, 318. 374 Index. Priest, Toshua, 818, 319. , Mollev, 319. , Samuel, 319. , Sarah (Joshua), 318, 319. Pushee, see Pouchee. Putnam, Amos, 236. , Hephzibah, 319. , James, 261-267. , Martha (Endecott), 227. , Rachel (T.), 236, 256, 319, 334. , Dea. Samuel, 203, 208, 214, 216, 217, 219. , Seth, 319. , Susamiah, 319. , Thomas, 236, 256, 319; 319. Randal, Benjamin, 237, 257. , Lvdia (Pearson), 153, 170, 236, 237, 257, 265. Read, 28. Reddington, Benj., 176, 180, 183, 190, 196, 198, 199, 200, 237, 257, 320, 321; 320. , David, 320. , Elizabeth, 321. , Hannah, 320. , Hepsibeth (Willard), 241, 261, 337. , Isaac, 183, 184, 237, 266, 321 ; 320. , John, 321. , Lticy, 320. , Mary, 320. , Rebecca, 320. , Ruth (B.), 237, 257, 320, 321, 324. , Ruth (I.), 237, 266, 321. , Ruth, 320. , Sophia, 321. , Susannah, 321. , Dea. Thomas, 162, 164, 349. , Thomas, 320. Redington, see Reddington. Reed, Abigail (Hutchens), 232, 253. , Abigail (Capt. Jas.), 320. , Barzillai, 320. , Fredrick, 320. , Hannah, 319. , Hinds, 320. , Israel, 126. , Capt. James, 202, 204, 207, 208, 210, 211, 219, 320. , James, 320. , Jesse, 319. , Joseph, 320. , Joshua, 320. , Marv (Bavlev), 224, 246. , MarV (Clark), 247, 280. , Mary (Saml.), 257, 319, 320, 349. Reed, Mary, 319. , Priscilla (Carter), 226. , Priscilla, 319; 320. I , Rebecca, 320, 349. , Samuel, 94, 111, 126, 130, 134- 137, 147, 152, 156, 257, 319, 320, 349. , Samuel, Jr., 319. , Sarah, 319. , Shcfomith, 320. , Svlvanus, 320. Retter,' Anne (Parce), 235, 256. , Elizabath (Brown), 223, 245. , see Ritter. Rice, Marshall S., 267. , Marv (I. Foster), 228, 249, 288. , Mar'v, 228. , Rebeckah (Hodgskius), 231, 252. Richards, Charles, 321. , Edward, 321. , Elizabeth (J.), 237, 257, 312. , Esther (M.), 237, 263, 312. , Jane (C), 321. , lohn, 237, 257. , Mitehael, 237, 263, 321. Richardson, Ebenezer, 67. , Elizabeth, 231. , James, 27. , Capt. James, 15, 23, 56. , James, Jr., 174. , "Phinehas, 16, 24, 27, 56. , Samuel, 38, 39, 40. , William, 15, 23, 27, 56. Right, see Wright. Ritter, Abner, 321. , Hannah (M.), 321, 349. , Hannah, 321. , Marcv, 321. , Marv, 349. , Molev, 321. , Moses, 137, 147, 156, 162, 173, 175, 180, 181, 185, 186, 189, 198, 200, 204, 205, 211, 321, 349. , see Retter. Robbe, Anne (W.), 321. , Elizebath (W.), 321. , Elizibath, 321. , Margaret, 321. , William, 321. Robins, Edward, 174. Robbinson, Robbingson, see Robin- son. Robinson, Amos, 87-89, 91, 92, 99, 107, 110, 113, 237, 267, 321; 321. , Daniel, 321. , Eliezer, 321. , Tohn, 321. , Lvdia (A.), 237, 267, 321. , Pl-iseiUa (A.), 267, 321. Rogers, Rev. Daniel, 267. Index. 375 Rogers, Rev. John, 204. Ritgbv, Timothv, 205. Rugg!! Daniel, 237. Russel or Russell, Elizabeth ([.), 257. , George, 150, 237. , John, 237, 257. , Marv (Swan), 258. . Widow MarA'. 150. , Matha or Meltha (Warrin), 240, 337. , Nathaniel, 261. , Robert, 104. , Samuel, 237, 257. , Susannah (S.), 237, 257, 312. S.\LMON, Elizabeth (Dodge), 227,248. Sanderson, Abraham, 94, 111, 119, 121, 133, 148, 153, 156, 168, 171, 196, 327; 327. , Margaret (Stewart), 257, 822. , Patience (A.), 327. , Samuel, 196, 197, 259, 327. , Sarah (S.), 259, 292. Sargent, Rev. Christopher, 266. Sattle, Hezekiah, 237. , Lois (Ftiller). 228, 249. Sautle, David, 14. , Ephraim, 14, 22, 27, 36, 37, 55, 57. , Zachariah, 14, 22, 55, 57. Scott, Benjamin, 327. , David, 327. , Edward, 197, 327. , Elizabeth, 327. , John, 57, 88, 96, 97, 106, 132, 141, 167, 327. , Jonathan, 327. , Lvdia (John), 327. , Mar_v, 327. Scripture, Eunice (Gridridge), 204. Seaton, see Sectown. Seaverans, Martha, 234. Sectown, Elizabeth (Kimball), 233, 254. Seecomb, Rev. John, 266. Shaddock or Shattuck, Sarah, 234, 265. Shadock, Su.sannah (Tavlor), 239. 328. Sliadwick, see Chadwick. Sharer, Jane (J.), 237, 257. , John, 237, 257. Shed, Abigal, 324. , Benjamin, 238. 202, 323. , Bettev, 323. , Charles, 266. , Ebenezer. 324. , Elizabeth (B.), 238, 262, 323. , Elizabeth (S.), 239, 263, 323, 324. Shed, Hannah, 323. , James, 323. , John, 323. , Joseph, 324. , Lemuel, 323. , Pattv, 324. , Person, 323. , Solomon, 239, 263, 323, 324; 323. , Zackiah, 324. Sheed, see Shed. Sheple, Capt. John, 7, 9-12, 16-19, 21, 24-20, 28-42, 57. Shiple, Shiplev, see Sheple. Shiplv, John, Jr., 29. , Jonathan, 10, 23, 84. , see Sheple. Shute, Samuel, 8. Simonds, 179. , John, 238, 258. , Wid. Marv (Larrabec), 234, 254. , Mercy (J.), 238, 258. , see Svmonds. Small, Wifliam, 239. Smith, Abigail (Dodge), 227. , Abraham, 239, 207. , Aron, 14, 22, 55, 57. , Elisha, 93. , John, 238, 258. , Jonathan, 99, 105, 100, 117, 327, 328; 328. . Lois (Gibson), 229, 205. , Lucie or Lucv, (Abraham), 239, 267. , Mary (John), 238, 258. , Marv (Morrison), 254. , Marv, 328. , Moses, 14, 21, 55, 57. . Patience (Stiles), 238, 258, 326, 327. , Sarah (Henderson), 268, 301, 340. , Reuben, 239, 259, 328; 328. , Samuel, 201. , Sarah (Dodge), 227, 283. , Sarah, 828; 350. , Simon, 828. , Susannah (Divol), 220, 248. , Susannah (Jonathan), 327, 828. , Susannah, 328. Snow, Abigail, 327. , Anna (S.), 259. , Bette, 327. , Elizabeth (W.), 827. , Esther, 327. , Jemima, 327. , Joseph, 327. , Lucv. 327. , Dr. Peter, 239. 376 Index. Snow, Rebekah (Goodridge), 230, 251, 291, 327. , Silas, 174, 190, 259, 327. , William, 99, 111, 117, 122, 133, 141, 150, 152, 155-158, 174,181, 185, 189, 196, 327; [2], 327. Spafford, 187. , Bradstreet, 237, 258. , Dorcas (Jonah), 238, 258, 322. , Hannah, 322. , John, 322. , Jonah, Jonas or Jonathan, 238, 258, 322, 350. , Joseph, 162, 167, 186, 238, 322. , Judah, 322. , Mary (B.), 237, 258, 315. , Marv (Jos.), 238, 322. , Phebe (Grout), 229, 250. 294. 295, 345. , Sarah, 322. Sparhawk, Abigail (Rev. E.), 239, 259, 324. , Rev. Ebenezer, 202, 239, 259. , Oliver Stearns, 328. , Rebecca (T.), 238, 259, 324, 328. , Rebecca, 328. , Thomas, 196, 197, 199-202, 204, 205, 207-214, 216-219, 238. 259, 328; 328. Spear, see Speer. Speer, Martha (R.), 326. , Mary (Adam), 223, 245. , Robert, 144, 326; 326. Stearns, Abigail (Bellows), 245, 276, 342. , Abigail (Sparhawk). 239, 259, 324. , Abijah, 157, 164, 167, 171, 172, 176, 177, 180, 182, 185, 189, 196, 207, 237, 258. , Anna (B.), 238, 258, 325. , Anna, 325. , Benjamin, 168, 177, 190, 238, 258, 325, 349; 325. , Charles, 325. , Daniel, 325. , Rev. David, 62, 63, 76-78, 81, 82, 86, 94, 98, 102, 103, 108, 112, 116, 120, 122, 124, 127, 130, 132, 136, 139, 144, 151, 156, 161, 165. 171, 175, 179, 181, 184, 188, 191, 192, 194, 199, 245-262, 324, 349. , David, 239, 259,324,325; [2], 325. -" Elizabeth, 202, 215, 324. , Elizabeth (W.), 237. 257, 306, 325, 349, 350. , Hannah, 324. , James, 325. Stearns, Jerusha (Houghton), 231, 252, 296, 346. , John, 324. , Jonas, 238, 259, 325; 325. , Jonathan, 324, 349. , Joseph, 325, 349; 325. , Lucv, 324, 349. , Lydia (Goodridge), 250, 290, 345. , Lvdia (T.), 324, 325, 349. , Lvdia, 325. , Marv (D.), 239, 259, 310, 325. , Marv, 324, 349; [2], 325. , Moses, 238, 258. , Rebecca (Sparhawk), 238, 259, 324, 328. , Rebeckah, 325. , Madam Ruth (Rev. D.), 193, 194, 214, 257, 324, 349. , Ruth (M.), 238, 258, 296. , Ruth (Reddington), 237, 257, 320, 321, 324. , Samuel, 325. , Sarah (A.), 237, 258, 304. , Sarah, 324, 349; 324; 325. , Submit (Jonas), 238, 259, 325. , Thomas, 158, 169, 177, 324, 325, 349; [2J, 324; 325. , Dea. William, 125, 151, 152, 156, 157, 159, 161-164, 166, 171, 180, 189, 192, 193, 190, 200, 207, 237, 257, 325, 349, 350. , William, Jr., 325, 350. Stedman, Jonathan, 238, 259. , Tabitha (J.), 238, 259. Steel, David, 238, 258. , Jennet (D.), 238, 258. Stevens, Abigail (Gibs), 250. , Capt., il6. , Elizabeth (J.), 238, 265. , Jonathan, 238, 265. , Lvdia (Randal, Pearson), 153, 170, 236, 237, 257, 265. , Sarah (Page), 266, 316, 348. Steward, Abigail (W.), 238, 259, 323. , Abigail, 323. , Abraham, 322. , Amasa, 323. , Amherst, 323. , Anne (P.), 238, 258, 322. , Anne, 322. , Benjamin, 182, 237, 258, 322; 323. , Bettv [2], 323. , Chafles, 322. , Daniel, 204, 208, 209, 238, 258, 323; 323. , Elizabeth (Sol.. Jr.), 238, 258, 323. Index. 377 Steward, Elizabeth, 322. , Jacob, 239, 322. , John, 322 ; 323. , Margaret (W.), 257, 322. , Martha (S.), 322. , Martha [2], 322. , Mary (D.), 238, 258, 323. , Mary (Parce), 236, 257, 322. , Mary [2], 323. , Phinehas, 173, 183, 190, 238, 258, 322; 322. , Rebecca (B.), 237, 258, 322. , Rebeckah, 323. , Samuel Bird, 322. , Sarah, 323. v. , Solomon, 117, 122, 125, 130, ' 133, 138, 140, 141, 162, 171, 197, 322. , Solomon, Jr., 173, 174, 238, 258, 323. , Thomas, 322. , William, 257, 322; 238, 259, 322, 323. Stewart, 125; see Steward. Stickney, Mr., 184. , Rebekah (Hilton), 232, 253. , Stephen, 176, 177, 186, 196. Stiles, Caleb, 326. , Charlotte, 232. , Hannah [2], 326. , Jacob, 57, 64, 96, 101, 106, 107, 108, 113, 123, 326, 350; 326. , Jeremiah, 326. , John, 326. , Jonathan, 326. , Levi, 238, 258, 326; 326. , Lusa, 326. , Lucy (Foster), 228, 249, 326. , Nabby (Fullam), 229. , Nahum [2], 326. , Patience (L.), 238, 258, 326. 327. , Patience, 326. , Peleg Stearns, 326. , Prudence, 326. , Sarah (Child), 225, 247. , Sarah (Jacob), and dau. do., 326. , Susanna. 239, 326. Stimson, Rev. Daniel, 265. Stockwell, Abigail (Divol), 227, 248. , Ephraim, 259. , Marv (Gould), 264, 293. , Sarah (E.), 259. Stone, 125. , Edmond, 239. , Isaac, 14, 22, 55, 57. . Lvdia (Pratt). 236, 257, 313. , Sarah (Jones), 233, 307. Stow, Nathaniel, 15, 23. 27, 56. , Rev. Samuel, 25. , Samuel, 160. , Thomas, 27. Stratton, Marv, 241. Swan, Alexander, 238, 258. , Gustavus, 237, 258. , Isabella (G.), 237, 258. , John, 104. , Lucv (A.), 238, 258. , Mary (W.), 258. , William, 258. Swcetland, Thomas, 239. Symmes, Rev. William, 266. Svmonds, Abigail (W.), 259. -^— , Joseph, 239. , Ruth (Wood), 240, 267, 332. , William, 259. , see Simonds. Tailer, Thomas, 15, 23, 55, 56. , Col. William, 7, 10-12, 16-19, 21, 24-27, 30-35, 37-i2, 57. , see Tavlor. Tarball, Eleazer, 117, 124, 127, 129, 132, 137, 141. , Elizabeth (Hartwell), 230, 251, 298. , Elizabeth, 329. , Mary (Z.), 239. 259, 292, 329. , Moley, 329. , MoUv, 329. , Sarah, 329. , Sibel, 329. , Thomas, 9, 11, 15, 19, 21, 23, 56. , Zechariah, 239, 259, 329; 329. Tarbell, Tarbul, see Tarball. Taylor, Aaron. 239, 259, 329; 329. , Anna (Stearns), 238, 258, 325. , Arthur, 328. , Betty (David), 239, 262, 328. , Bettv, 328. , Caleb, 152, 170, 172, 183, 186, 190, 203, 208, 239, 328; 328. , David, 168, 170, 184, 190, 196, 239, 262, 328; 329. , Elizabeth (Steward), 238, 258, 323. , Jonathan, 148 ; 329. , Martha, 328. , Marv, 328. , Matiia, 329. , Mercv (Aaron), 239, 259, 292, 329. , Rebecca (Steward), 237, 258, . Richard, 176, 177, 181, 185, 198, 201, 203, 208, 210, 211, 213. . Sarah, 329. , Susanna (Caleb), 239, 328. 378 Index. Taylor, Susannah, 328. , see Tailer. Tenny, Samuel, 20. Terrance, see Torrance. Thaxter, Col. Samuel, 7, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24-28, 31-35, 38-42, 57. Thirston, 81, 153. , Daniel, 15, 22, 50, 55, 57, 67. , Jonathan, 15. Thurla, Lidya (Ardeway), 223, 235. Thurstin, Thursting, see Thirston. Thurston, Sarah, 241. Torrance, Margaret (McFerlin), 234, 262. Towne, I. P., 267. Towns, Nathan, 57. Trowbridge, Rev. Caleb, 264. Trull, John, 94, 329. , Phebe, 329. , Sarah (J.), 329. , Susannah, 329. Turner, Jane (Henderson), 231, 252. , Joseph, 91. Upton, 121. , Oliver, 239. Walker, 125. , Abigail (0.), 240, 335, 336. , Abigail, 335. , Benjamin, 335. , Bettv, 335. , Mary, 336. , Nathaniel, 336. , Obediah, 128, 138, 148, 168, 171, 190, 198, 240, 335, 336; 336. , Rebeccah, 335. , vSamuel, 38-40. , Sarah, 241, 335. Wallas, Walles, see Wallis. Wallis, Anne, 330. , Benjamin, 330. , Benoni, 158, 168, 170, 196, 240, 260, 330. , Curwin, 330. , David [2], 330. , Ebenezer, 330. , Elizabeth (Little), 233, 261. , Elizabeth (Russel), 257, 329. , Elizabath (W.), 329, 330. , Frederick, 330. , Hannah, 330. , Jane (Hill), 251, 305, 329. , Margaret (Darrah), 226, 248, 330. , Martha, 329. , Marv (White), 260, 329, 331. , MoUV, 330. , Rebecca (Benoni), 240,260,330. Wallis, Samuel, 330. , Sarah, 330. , Susannah, 330. , WilHam, 56, 80, 81, 111, 329, 330; 330. Ward, Capt., 24. Warren, Elizabeth, 337. , Isaac, 337. , Jacob, 240, 337, 350; 337. , John, 14, 55, 57. , Ensign John, 14, 22. , Marv (Jacob), 337, 350. , Matha or Meltha (Jacob), 240, 337. , Samuel, 57. Warrin, see Warren. Weatherbee, see Wetherbee. Webb, N., 265. Wentworth, Lydia (Robinson), 237, 267, 321. Wetherbee, 115, 123, 125. , Abigail, 334. , Abijah, 334; 335. , Abraham, 334. , Benjamin, 240, 334. , Bette, 334. , Bettv, 335. , Daniel [2], 335. , David [2], 335. , Elizabeth (E.), 334, 350. , Capt. Ephraim, 06, 68-74, 84, 87, 89, 95, 96, 99, 101, 103, 106, 108, 111, 114, 119, 122, 123, 260, 334, 350. , Ephraim, 335. , Esther, 335. , Hannah (P.), 240, 260, 314, 335. , Hannah (Thos.), 241, 335. , Hannah [2], 335. , Hephsibah, 335. , Hezekiah, 99, 106, 114, 126, 127, 131, 152, 334. , Huldah (H.), 334. , Isaac, 335. , loab, 335. , johannah (E.), 260, 334. , johannah, 334. , John, 334. , Jonathan, 334. , losiah, 335. , Lucv, 335. , Marv, 233, 308, 309, 334. , Mollev, 335. , Pattv, 335. , Paul^ 165, 169, ISO, 181, 185, 186, 197, 202, 204, 209, 212, 217, 240, 260, 335; 241, 335. , Phebe (Platts), 236, 256, 334. . Phebe, 334. Index. 379 Wetherbee, Rachel (Putnam), 236, 256, 334. , Ruth (Wood), 240, 2GU, 332, 850. , Samuel, 334. , Sarah, 227, 334; 335. , Susannah, 334. , Thomas, 190, 241, 334, 335; 335. Wheeler, Ebenezer, 57. , Georoje, 81. , Jethro, 104. " , Sarah (Holden), 263. Thomas, 241. William, 15, 23, 56. ■sWheelock, Abner, 241, 261. . Alice (J., Jr.), 240, 260, 315. , Joseph, Jr., 240, 260. , Marj' (A-). 241, 261. , Olive (Broadstreet), 223, 245. , Phineas, 180, 186. Whetnev, Constable, 107. White, Archibald, 240, 260. , Bettv, 332. , Charles, 162, 177; 331. , David, 331. , Deborah (Carter), 247. , Elizabeth (Gilchrest), 229, 250. , Elizabeth, 331. , Jane, 240. , John, 172, 203, 208, 212, 218, 240, 260, 331; 331. , John, Jr., 260, 331, 332. , Jonathan, 167. , Lvdia, 331. , Margaret (A.), 240, 260. , Marv (Grimes), 250. , Marv (J.), 260, 329, 331. , Mary (J., Jr.), 240, 260, 331, 332. , Old Mr., 93. , Patrick, 113, 137,157,162,163, 176, 180, 182, 190, 193, 215, 240. , Salmon [2j, 332. , Silence (Hey wood), 232. , Susanah (Farwell), 228. , Widow, 127. , William, 331. Whitnev, Rev. Aaron, 204. , Abigail, 333. , Abner, 240, 260. , Agness (Ezra), 334. , Ephraim, 133, 137, 148, 152, 161, 168, 172, 180, 196, 212, 218, 240, 200, 334; 334, , Ezra [2], 334. , Isaac, 16, 23, 56. , Jane (Ephraim), 240, 260,334. , Jane, 333. , John, 14, 22, 55, 57; 333. Whitney, Jonathan, 16, 23, 40, 56. 64, 67, 80, 81, 90, 91, 200. , Jonathan, Jr., 36, 56. , Lewis, 264. , Lois (Bellows), 225, 247. , Lucv, 227. , Marv (White), 240, 260, 331, 332. , Marv, 333. , MoUev, 334. , Moses, 334. , Nathaniel, Jr., 16, 20, 23, 56. , Rev. Phineas, 202. , Rebekah, 334. , Sarah (A.), 240, 260. , Sarah (Dutton), 227, 248, 333. , Sarah (Foster), 228, 207. , Sarah (Z.), 260, 273, 333. , Shadrik or Shadrach, 16, 23, 56. , Susanna, 239. , Webster, 265. , WilHam, 9, 14, 22. , Zechariah, 131, 147, 153, 157, 180. 186, 190, 260, 333; 333. Whittemore, Benjamin, 7, 9—12, 14, 16-21, 24-43, 57. . Nathaniel, 22, 55, 57. Wilder, Elizabeth (Phelps), 256. , Joseph, Jr., 262, 263. , Josli Tertius, 240. , Mary (Boutwell), 224, 263. , Rezoma, 224. , Thomas, 167. Willard, 115, 127. , Abigail (Prentice), 255, 336. , Abijah, 263. , Amity [2], 337. , Arathusa. 337. , Barzillai, 241, 261, 337. , Daniel, 240, 260. , Hannah (Col. Josiah), 336. , Hannah (Josiah, Jr.), 264,336. , Hepsibeth (B.), 241, 261, 337. , Huldav, 336. , J., 63.' , James Nutting, 336. , Jemima, 336. , Jeremiah, 337. , Ensign, Lieut., Capt. Jonathan, 57, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 82, 85, 87, 91, 92, 94, 95, 103, 117, 122, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 135, 136, 146, 150, 165, 336, 337; heirs of, 179. , Jonathan, 337. , Jonathan, Jr., 136, 157, 240, 260, 337. , Capt., Col. Josiah, 34-37. 39, 56, 57, 62-66, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76-78, 81-90, 94, 95, 100, 101, 127, 336. 380 Index. Willard, Josiah, Jr., 79, 84, 264, 336. , Josiah Tersus, 336. , Katharine, 337. , Kezia (Capt. Jona.), 336, 337. , Keziah. 227, 337. , Lois, 336. , Lucy (D.), 240, 260. , Lucy, 337. , Madam, 56. , Mary (Grout), 229, 250, 336. , Mary [3], 337. , Miriam, 336. , Moses, 67, 96, 108, 114, 336; 336. , Nathan, 336. , Oliver, 336. , Pascal Paoli, 337. , Phebe (Jona., Jr.), 240, 260, 337. , Phebe, 337. , Prudance, 336. , Ruth (Farmer), 228. , Sampson, 336. , Sarah, 337. , Secretary, 100, 101, 135, 170. , Susannah (Johnson), 232, 253, 306. , Susanna (Moses), and dau. do., 336. , Susannah, 230; 336. , Thulah, 337. , Unity (Moors), 234, 255, 337. , Unity, 337. , Wilder, 336. Williams, Rev. Mr., 216. , Anne (Larrabee), 233, 254. , Margaret (Larrabee), 233, 254. , Rev. William, 262. Wilson, Isabella (Swan), 237, 258. , Jacob, 261. , Lois (Wood), 241, 261. , Margaret (J.), 261. , Mary (Houghton), 252. Witt, Isaiah, 178, 187, 191. Wood, 125. , Barnabus, 332. , Bette, 332; 333. , Bezaleel, 330. , Bezelial or Bezaleel, 332, 350. , Chloe, 235. , David, 138, 141, 162, 165, 168, 172, 183, 189, 196, 204, 207, 209, 240, 263, 333; 333; 332. , Elizabeth, 332; 333. , Esther, 333. , George, 333. , Hannah, 333. , Isaac, 333. , James, 241, 333. , Jerusha, 332. Wood, John, 29, 56; 241, 332. , Capt. Jonathan, 94, 99, 121, 124, 125, 130, 133, 136, 137, 142, 144, 146, 147, 151, 153, 156, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 174-176, 180- 182, 184, 190, 192, 193, 196, 198, 202, 203, 207, 208, 212, 217, 241, 260, 332, 350. , Jonathan, 332, 350 ; 332 ; 333. , Jonathan, Jr., 163, 183, 186, 240, 265, 333. , Joseph, 128, 137, 141, 157, 186, 240, 260, 267, 332, 350. , Joseph, Jr., 332, 350. , Lois (M.), 241, 261. , Martha (Downe), 227, 333. , Mary (Buss), 225, 333. , Mary (D.), 240, 263, 333. , Mary (M.), 246, 260, 333. , Mary, 333. , Mehitable (Bridge), 225, 247, 332. , Michael or Michal, 240, 241, 260, 261, 333. , Molly, 332. , Nathaniel, 11, 22. , Rachel (Jona., Jr.), 240, 265, 333. , Ruth (Jos.), 240, 260, 332, 350. , Ruth [2dj, (Jos.), 240, 267, 332. , Sarah (Jona.), and two daus. do., 332, 350. , Sarah [2d], (Jona.), 241, 260, 332, 350. , Sarah, 333. , William, 14, 22, 55, 57. , William H., 263. , Zepheniah, 333. , see Woods. Woodard, 101. Woodman, Jonathan, 15, 23, 55, 56. Woods, EHzebeth (Farmer), 264. , Nathaniel, 14, 17, 55, 57. , Nathaniel, Jr., 14, 22, 55, 57. Woodward, Abraham, 14, 22, 55, 57. , Stephen, 15. WooUey, Thomas, 15, 23, 56. Woolson, Amos, 338. , Asa [2], 338. , Ebenezer, 338. , Elijah, 338. , Elizabeth (Asa), and dau. do., 338. , Joseph, 338. , Lois, 338. /Wright, Joseph, 38. , Sibil (W.), 241, 261. , Wincal, 241, 261. Index. 381 Wvman, 119. —, Abigail (Ezekiel), 330, 331, 3r^0. , Abigail, 330, 350. , David, 330, 350; 331. , Dorrothv (Tesher), 261. , Elizabeth (R.), 241, 261, 331. , Elizabeth, 331. , Ezekiel, 91, 94, 96, 103, 106, 107, 111, 117, 120, 124, 128, 130, 136, 141, 157, 160, 165, 166, 168, 196, 203, 208, 330, 331, 350; 330, 331, 350. , Francis, 331. , Israel, 241, 330. , Jesher, 261. , Tohii, 107. 120, 124. 126, 168, 180', 184, 186, 330, 350; 331. Wvman, John, Jr.- 330, 350. ^, Joseph, 24'l, 261, 331; 331. , Keziah (Jos.), 261, 331. , Liicv, 230, 330. , N., 263. , Oliver, 331. , Rebeckah (John), 330, 350. , Reuben, 241, 261, 330, 331. , Rnth, 331. , Sarah, 331. , Seth, 241, 331. , Silas, 330; 331. , Stephen, 331. , Susanna, 330. , Thomas, 331. , Wilham, 331. , Wymon, see Wvman. 49 GENERAL INDEX. Ancient Names of Towns, 351. Andovcr, 15, 224, 225, 227, 230- 232, 266. Appletrec Hill, 134. Ashburnham, see Dorchester Canada. Ashulot, The, 224. Beaver Dam, 44, 47, 48, 52, 150. , Pond, 48. Benith Brook, 9. Bennet Brook, 9. Billcrica, 233, 249, 254. Births, 271-338. Bolton, 228, 234, 255, 262. Book B, 206. Borman's Farm, 44, 46, 55. Boston, 10, 15, 16. 20, 21, 30, 34, 39, 41, 140, 175, 179, 215, 236, 256, 350. Boxford, 15, 226, 233, 240, 248, 254, 263. Bradford, 15, 16, 20, 223. Bridges, 118, 127, 128, 131, 134, 140, 142, 149, 154, 165, 169, 184, 197, 207, 209. Brookline, 14. Burving Place, 63, 74, 92, 150, 165, 166, 168, 190. By-law in Reference to Pasturage, 93. Cambridge, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 33, 34, 224, 285. Carlile, 240, 241. Cataconamog, 9, 43-47, 55. Charlestown, N. H., 236, 256, 295. Cheshire, 240. Chm-ch, 75, 76, 89, 91, 195, 198, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219. Clay Pit Meadows, 48, 49. Committee of Town of Groton, 10, 11. Committee to Allot and Grant Lands, 7-57, 67, 81, 99. Common Land, 32, 45, 49, 50, 53, 54, 114, 126, 134, 187, 191. Concord, 10-12, 14-17, 20, 21, 24- 31, 42, 223, 228, 240, 248, 255. Conditions of Settlement, 8, 13, 36. Continental Army, 343. Country Land, 224. Countrev Rode, 81. County Road, 178, 191. Coventree, 223, 245. Danveks, 227. Deaths, 341-350. Deer, 105, 106, 111, 113, 118, 128, 131, 133, 137, 141, 148,153,157, 163, 168, 173, 177, 181, 183, 186, 197, 208. Division of Town, 140, 143, 192, 206, 212, 213, 217, 218. Dorchester, 18, 30, 38, 191. Canada, 119, 120, 143, 166, 173, 187, 224, 226, 231, 234, 241, 252, 253, 311. Farm, 40, 206. Dunstable, 9, 223, 231, 235, 241, 245, 249, 252, 261. Excise Bill, 166. Falls, The, 51. Fast, 212, 214. Fitchburg, 223, 225-227, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 239, 241. Fitzwilliam, 300. Flat Hill, 104. Forfeited Lots, 35, 36. Framingham, 319. General Court, 7, 12, 35, 40-42, 62-65, 68, 70, 71. 89, 166, 175, 204, 205, 211-213, 216, 217. Groton, 7-12, 14-16, 18-20, 22, 25, 27, 31-34, 37, 38, 48, 67, 80, 85, 86, 114, 126, 143, 159, 170, 187, 224, 226, 228, 233, 234, 236, 237, 246, 248, 253, 254, 257, 259, 263, 264, 286, 314, 317. River, 140. Road, 153. Hartwell's Company, 127. Harvard, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 248, 251, 253, 266, 278. Index. 383 Harvard College Lot, 8, 18. j Hatfield. 226. Highways, 18, 61-63, 67, 68, 72, 74, 80, 81, 85, 88, 90, 92-96, 98- 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111, 113- 115, 118-121, 123, 125-129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 138, 142, 143, 148- 150, 153-160, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170-172, 174, 177, 178, 181, 184, 186-188, 190, 191, 195, 197, 203, 204, 206-210. Holding the South Town Lots, 56- 57. Horsmeat or Horsmeet Meadow, 37, 48, 55. Intentions of Marriage, 223-241. Ipswich, 227, 264, 310-312. Canada, 120, 228, 232, 234, 236, 239, 253, 250, 257, 265. Ireland, Kingdom of, 321. Jamaica, W. I., 347. Jurymen, 62, 70, 71, 152, 188. Keene, N. H., see Upper Ashuelot. Kingston, 237, 257. Lancaster, 10, 15, 16, 23, 26, 63, 67, 83, 99, 173, 223, 224, 228, 231, 232, 234, 237-240, 245-247, 250, 255-257, 259-262, 274, 323. Leominster, 126, 143, 167, 174, 209, 212, 217, 223, 224, 227, 235, 236, 241 ! 245! 247', 24si 252,' 253, 256, 261, 263, 264, 331. Lexington, 261. Littleton, 24, 228, 239, 240, 267. Londonderry, 238, 254, 258. Lot for First Settled Minister, 8, 18, 57, 75. Lower Ashulott, 230, 231, 251, 252. Lyun, 240, 260. Marlborough, 14, 24, 226, 334. Marriage, Intentions of, 223-241. Marriages, 245-267. Massapog, 45, 46, 55. Meadow Lots, 25, 27, 43-54, 77. Medfield, 20. Meeting House, 8, 13, 18, 37, 61- 63, 65, 67, 68, 72, 75, 76, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 94-96, 98-100, 102, 103, 107, 115-118, 122, 130, 134, 136-138, 146, 156, 173, 181, 184, 188, 191, 212, 217. , New, 138, 139, 142-148. 150, 151, 154-156, 160, 161, 164, 165, 170, 181, 182, 185, 188, 198, 206, 211, 217. , West Parish, 192. Methuen, 237, 266. Middlesex County, 65, 85-87. Mills: Widow White's, 127; Josiah Dodge's, 177; Bellows', 184. Minister's Salary. 61-64, 68, 75. 76, 78, 94, 98, 103, 108, 112, 116, 124. 127, 130, 132, 136, 139, 144, 151, 156, 161, 165, 171, 175, 179, 181, 184, 188, 192, 194, 195, 199, 214, 216, 218, 219. Ministerial Lot, 8. 18, 48, 57, 62, 72. 77. 88. 94. 107, 122, 126. Mohawk Riyer, 350. Monadnock No. 4, 320. Monson, N. H., 225. Monusnut Brook, 158; see Wenoos- nock. Mulpus, MuUepus or Mullipus, 50, 52, 53, 55, 93, 119, 127, 131, 184. Narragansett No. 2, 134, 135, 140, 154, 156, 158, 164, 166, 171, 173, 174, 187, 224, 238, 241, 246, 258. Needham, 14. Newbery, 14, 15. New Cmmty, 63. 65, 85-87, 216. New Ipswich, 240. Newton, 236, 267. Nichawogg or Nichewoag, 317. Nistaqualothe or Nissitissit Hill. 8. Nistiquasit Hill, 10. North Branch, 123, 127. Riyer, 126. Town. 11, 12, 17, 20, 27, 31, 43. Northfield Road, 62, 63, 67, 72, 88, 92, 95-97, 118, 135. Nottingham, 226, 234, 248. Number Four, 228, 237, 249, 258. Oliver's Land, 174, 187. Pearl Hill Brook, 67. 128, 206. Meadow, 55. Pearl Hills, 135. Pepperell, 234, 238, 265. Peterborough, 238, 258. Petersham, 259, 264. Poor, The, 105, 150, 100, 165, 168, 179, 207, 210. Pound, 61, 68, 112, 116, 117, 137, 151. Princeton. 232. 253. Proprietors. 27, 32, 37, 77. Proprietors' Meetings, 31, 37. Proyidence, R. I., 344. Province Land, 70. Reading, 15, 231. River, The, 186. Rock Meadow, 52, 53. Rowley, 20. 384 Index. Rowlcv Canada, 230, 232, 236, 251, 253,' 256, 276, 329. Schools, 62, 63, 77, 79, 83, 85, 86, 89, 94.-96, 98, 102, 105, 108-110, 112, 113, 115, 118, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131-133, 135-137, 139, 141, 142, 144, 150. 155, 161- 163, 165, 168, 171, 175, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 189, 193, 194, 199, 200, 204, 207, 209, 215. vSchool Lot, 8, 18, 62, 77. vScott's Road, 187. Secretary's Land, 197. Servant's Land, 126. Shirley, 170, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232^ 234, 237, 240, 247, 251, 252, 254, 259, 260, 263. Shrewsbury, 224. Small-pox,' 179. South Town, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16-21, 24-39, 42, 43, 55. Spanish Expedition, 347. Stocks, 73, 132. Stone Rrids?e, 118. Stow, 16, "23, 225, 230-232, 234, 236, 238, 251, 252, 256, 261. vStratford, Conn., 228. Sudbury, 229, 265. Taxes, 63-65, 68, 70, 71, 74, 77, 82, 85, 86, 89, 90, 98, 105, 109, 110, 116, 120, 139, 142, 148, 152, 161, 166, 175, 201, 206, 207, 213, 218. Templeton, 239, 259. Tewksburv, 225. Thunder Rolts, 1749, 61. Topstield, 237, 267, 292. Town Meetings, 61-219. , How Warned, 110, 130, 135, 161. Town Records, 61—350. , Book B. 206-219. Townshend, 94, 127, 184, 212, 218, 228, 229, 237, 250, 258, 260, 338. Turkey Hill Brook, 150. Meadow, 55. Tm-kev Hills, 7, 9, 15, 21, 27-29, 32-40, 55. Tuxbury, 300. Unchawalam, Unchechewalunk, or Unkechewalom Pond, 40, 45, 126. Unimproved Lands, 70, 71, 85, 166. Upper Ashuelot, 246. Upton, 228, 249. Uxbridge, 240, 265. Wages, 86, 90, 98, 115, 120, 134, 143, 149, 154, 164, 173, 183, 187. Walpole, 224, 246. Watertown, 14, 15, 251. Weights and Measures, 62, 73, 105, 156. Wenham, 321. Wenoosnock Brook, 169; see Mo- nusnut. Westminster, 238, 241, 250, 259. Weston, 14-16, 20, 42, 229, 239, 250, 262, 267, 338. Willard's Company, 127. Winchendon, 265. Winchester, 250. Woburn, 15, 16, 20, 38, 39, 263, 294. Woburn Farm, 38-40, 100, 101, 107, 126. Wolves, 153. Worcester, 70, 71, 79, 119, 166, 225, 226, 233-235, 247, 255, 261, 263, 350. County, 70, 71, 73, 85-87, 166. Work Hou'se, 171, 199. PLATES. First Page of Records of General Court's Committee, . . frontispiece Second Page of Same, to face 9 Isaac Farnsworth's Cojiv ot Rev. Andrew Gardner's Request for Dismission, to face 75 Signatures of Town Clerks and Rev. David Stearns, . . to face 220 --»-v,orv2;7'v ( 1