\y/ \ %«^ -^:) PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VIII The Development of our town Government AND Common Lands and Commonage. WITH THE Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, December 4, 1899. Salem press; The Salem Press Co., Saleav, Mass, Igoo. / 3 7ose. and it may have been built easily of logs, piled zigzag fashion, as pasture fences are still built in wooded regions. As early as 1639, a special Committee was chosen to view this fence, the original " Fence Viewers," who are still elected at the March town meeting. Their fimction was of the highest importance. The principal use of these common lands was for pasturage. Johnson, in his Wonder Working Providence, observes that the cattle had become so numerous in 1646 that many hundred quarters of beef were sent to Boston from Ipswich every autumn. Swine and sheep had also increased rapidly. Every day these great herds were driven out into the commons to find rich and abundant forage in the woods, and along the sedgy banks of ponds and streams. The common fence was necessary to keep them from straying back into the cultivated fields. Any breach in it might in- volve great loss in growing crops, at a time when a scarce harvest was a very serious menace to the health and comfort of the little community. No wonder they chose men of the greatest sobriety and careftilness for the responsible duty of vlewin*'- and having charge of this rude fence. Their duties became even more onerous we may presume after the year 1653 when, in accordance with the order from the General Court, the town ordered '-that all per- sons, concerned and living in Ipswich shall, before April 20^ have their fences in a good state (except farms of one hundred acres) made of pales well nailed or pinned, or of five rails well fitted, or of stone wall three and a half feet high at least, or with THE DEVELOPMENT OF OCR TOWN GOVERNMENT. 7 a ditch three or four feet wide, with a substantial bank, having two rails or a hedge, or some equivalent, on penalty of 5s. a rod and 2s a week for each rod while neglected." These herds of large and small cattle needed to be watched lest they should stray away into the wilderness, or be assailed by wolves. For this service, the cowherd and shepherd and swine-herd were essential, and thus we find the town officials of England in the Middle Ages again in vogue in our midst. Prof. Edward A. Freeman in his In- troduction to American Institutional History ' aptly observes : "Tiie most notable thing of all, yet surely the most natural thing of all, is that the New England settlers of the 17th century, largely reproduced English institutions in an older shape than they bore in the England of the seventeenth century. They gave a new life to many things, which in their older home had well nigh died out. The necessary smallness of scale in the original settlements was the root of the whole matter. It, so to speak, drove them back for several centuries. It caused them to reproduce in not a few points, not the England of their own day, but the England of a far earlier time. It led them to reproduce in mauj' points the state of things in old Greece and in medieval Switzerland." In the earliest contract with the cowherds mentioned in our Town Records, un- der date of Sept. 1639, agreement was made with Wra. Fellows to keep the herd of cows on the south side the river, from the 20th of April to the 20th of November. He was bound "to drive them out to feed before the sunne be half an hour high, and not to bring them home before half an hour before sunset." He was to drive the cattle, "coming over the River, back over the River at night," and to take charge of them "as soon as they are put over the River in the morning." He was liable for all danger coming to the cattle, either by leaving them at night or during the day, and was to re- ceive 12 pence for each cow before he took them, a shilling and sixpence fourteen days after midsummer and the rest at the end of the term in corn or money, a total of £15. The cows on the north side of the river were herded by themselves in 1640, and Wm. Fellows, Mark Quilter and Symon Tompson were the cow-keepers, receiving them at Mr. Norton's gate. In 1643, the cows were gathered, "over against Mr. Robert Payne's house," i. e. at the corner of High and Market streets. The cowherds were instructed in 1647, at "the first opportunity to burn the woods, and to make a Bridge over the River to Wilderness Hill,"- and all herdsmen were ordered "to winde a horn before their going out." Theherds were driven out, partly "over Sanders", i. e. over Sanders's brook on the Topsfleld road, and partly up High street. The oAvners of cows were bound to provide men to relieve the coAvherds every other Sabbath day. The herdsmen warned two on Friday night for each Sabbath day and refusal to do the service required was punishable with a fine of three sliillings for each in- stance of neglect. In 1649, Daniel Riuge was ordered to " attend on the green before Mr. Rogers house " (the South Green) and the cowherd was obliged to keep the herd one Sunday in four. The whole time and attention of the cowherd and his assistants were regulated 1 Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1. - This was the name of a hill near the present line of division between Essex and Ipswich, in the vicinity of Haffield's Bridge. The name is still remembered in connection with the range of hills on the east side of the Candlewood road, near Sagamore Hill. 8 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ODR TOWN GOVERNMENT. by law. By order of the General Court in 1642, the " prudentiall " men of each town were instructed " to take care of such [children] as are sett to keep cattle be set to some other employment withal, as spinning upon the rock,' knitting, weaving tape, etc., and that boys and girls be not suffered to converse together so as may occasion any wanton, dishonest or immodest behaviour." Wm. Synionds needed a special permit in 1653, before he could cut two parcels of meadow in the common, near Capt. Turner's Hill, while he kept the herd. " No great cattle, except cows and working cattle in the night," were allowed on the cow commons and any mares, horses or oxen found in the commons two hours after sunrising, might be driven to the Pound by the finder (1639). The cowherd's recompense varied from year to year, but was always a modest return for his service. Hauiel Hosworth contracted in 1661 to keep the herd on the north side of the river for thirteen shillings a week, " a peck of corn a head at their going out, one pound of butter or half peck of wheat in June, and the rest of his pay at the end of his time, whereof half to be paid in wheat or malt; the pay to be brought to his house within six days after demanded or else to forfeit 6d a head more." " Agreed with Henry Osborn to join Bosworth to keep the cows on the same terms. One of them to take the cows in Scott's lane and to blow a horn at the meet- ing-house green in the morning." In 1670, the town voted that every cow of the herd should wear a bell and the early morning air was full of rural music, with low- ing cows, tinkling bells and the sounding blasts upon the cowherd's horn. Swine caused more trouble than the great cattle. Certain sections of the com- mon lands were set apart for their special use. In 1639 it w^as agreed with Robert Wallis and Thomas Manning to keep four score hogs upon Plum Island from the 10th of April " until harvest be got in ;" " and that one of them shall be constantly there night and day, all the tyme, and they are to carry them and bring them home, pro- vided those that own them send each of them a man to help catch them, and they are to make troughs to water them in, for all which paynes and care they are to have 12 penc a hogg, at the entrance, 2 shillings a hogg at mid summer, for so many as are then living, and 2 shillings a hogg for each hogg they shall deliver at the end of har- vest." A herd of swine is alluded to in 1640 on Castle Neck and on Hogg Island. But many of the inhabitants preferred to keep their hogs nearer home, and as the idea of confining them in pens about the premises had not been conceived, they were driven out into the commons to graze. A good two miles was to separate them from the town, and for any big pigs found within that limit the owners were liable to pay a forfeit of five shillings apiece ; but it was "provided that such small pigs as are pigged after P' of February shall have liberty to be about the Town, not being liable to pay any damage in house lots or gardens, but if any hurt be done in house lots and gardens, the owner of the fence through which they came shall pay the damage. The pigges have liberty until 16 August next." " The pigges" used their liberty injudiciously, and brought upon themselves the severer edict of 1645, that no hogs should run in the streets or commons without 1 Mrs. Alice Morse Earle in " Home Life in Colonial Days," page 178, says that the hand distaff, upon which thread was spun, was called a " rock." THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR TOWN GOVERNMENT. » being yoked and ringed. Finally the town undertook the care of the hogs on the same basis as the cows. Contract was made with Wm. Clark in 1652 to keep a herd of hogs from the 26th of April to the last of October, " to drive them out to their feed in the Commons, being all ringed, between seven or eight of the clock, to have 12 shillings per week, six pence for every head." Hogs were to be brought to Mr. Payne's corner, and the owners were ordered " to find for every six hogs one to help keep them till they be wanted." The next year, Abraham Warr and the son of Goodman Symmes were the swine herds, and they were expected to take them at the Meeting House Green and drive one herd through the street by Mr. P . . . (probably High St.) , the other out at Scott's Lane (the present Washington St.). Robert Whitman also was commissioned to keep a herd of hogs on the north side, " he and his boy to keep out with them until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to drive them out presently after the cows, — his boy has liberty to leave the hogs at one o'clock." This swine-herd, Whitman, is mentioned in the record of 1644 as the keeper of the goat herd on the north side. Sheep were kept on Jeffries Neck, and liberty was given sheep owners in 1656 to "fence in about half an acre of ground there for a year to keep their sheep in nights," and it was also ordered that " one able person out of every family shall work one day in May or June as they shall be ordered, to help clear the commons for the better keeping of sheep, upon a day's warning." Robert Roberts was the shepherd on Jef- fries Neck in 1661 from April 8th till the end of October and his wages were £13. Robert Whitman was paid 10 shillings a week to keep another flock on the north side of the river. In 1662 there were three shepherds and the commons on the south side were so burdened that one hundred sheep were transferred to the north side. By vote of 1702 the shepherds were required to have cottages adjoining the sheep-walks so as to be near their flocks. Felt says that it was the custom for each shepherd to put his flock in the pen every Friday afternoon, that the owners might take what they Tieeded for family use and for market. Another public functionary of no small dignity was the Town Crier, whose task it was to proclaim with loud voice any announcement of public importance. The first allusion to this ofticial occurs in the year 1640, when it was voted that " Ralph Varn- ham, for ringing the bell, keeping clean the meeting house and publishing such things as the toAvn shall appoint sliall have for his paynes, of every man for the year past whose estate is rated under 100£ 6, instructing the I'reasurer to execute a deed of sale or conveyance of their whole right and title in the " wood tliat now is, or that shall hereafter be standing, lying, or growing on any part of Castle Neck so called beyond Wigwam Hill," to Symonds Epes, Esq., for ten pounds sterling. The com- moners relinquished their " right att Rocky Hill unto James Fuller, Ebenezer ITuUer and Jabez Treadwell, they paying the sum of sixty pounds old Tenor, for ye Com° use." Aug., 1745. (This is the hill now occupied by Mr Moritz B. Fhilipp.) Unappropriated thatch banks Avere let each year to the highest bidder, only com- moners having the right to bid. Rights and privileges in the "Gravill Pit and Clay pitts " were reserved by the commoners for their use and profit. The beaches belonged to the Commoners, and in 1757 they voted th.it " Capt. Jonathan Fellows ot Cape Ann, have the liberty of all the sands lying in the Town of Ipswich for tlie space of one year for the sum of 2£ 13s. 4d." Their authority reached also to the flats and the clams that dwelt therein, and in 1763 the vexed question of tlie control of the sht-U fishery led to the first regulation of whicli I am aware. The commoners voted, on July 4th, " That the Committee take care of all ye flats & clams therein, belonging to ye proprietors of ye Common lands in Ipswich & that no person or persons be allowed to digg any more clams than for their own use, & to be expended in ye Town, & that all owners of fishing vessels and Boats shall apply to one of sd. Committee for liberty to dijig clams for their vessels use fare by fare, & no owners of vessel or vessels, boat or boats, shall digg more clams than shall be allowed by one or more of sd Committee on penaltv of prosecution ; said Committee are to allow one Bar' of clams to each man of every vessel going to the Banks every fare, & so also in propr. to boats fishing in the Bay, and a majority of said Com. are impowered to prosecute all oflenders." The income accruing from these sales and leases was expended for various pub- lic uses. In 1771, a hundred pounds was voted -'for the use of building a work house in the Town of Ipswich," provided the town build within eighteen months. In 1772, £20 was voted to Wm. Dodge and others " to erect sutable land marks for the benefit of vessels outward and inward bound," and Gs. to Anthony Loney foi ringing the bell from Feb. 1771 to Feb. 1772. In 1773, £50 was voted for readingand writinji schools, provided the town raise £40. Finally, in 1788, the majority of the commoners voted, though vigorous opposition was made by the minority, to resign all their interests in thp: development of our town government. 15 lands, etc., to the town toward the payment of the heavy town debt incurred during the Revolution. Mr. Felt estimated that this grant was worth about £600. Thus the body of commoners ceased to be, but we still are reminded of tlie old commonage system by the " Common Fields," so called, in the neighborliood of the Poor Farm, and our South Common and the open lands in the centre of our town. BY-LAWS. I. The objects of the Society are the gathering and recording of knowledge of the history of Ipswich and of individuals and families connected with said Ipswich; the collection and preservation of printed and written manuscripts, pamphlets, and other matters of historic interest, and the collection of articles of historical and antiquarian interest, and the preservation of and furnishing in colonial style of one of the an- cient dwelling houses of said Ipswich. II. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held on the first Monday in December of each year, and meetings for literary and social purposes shall be held on the first Monday of February, May and October. All meetings shall be called by the directors by a warrant under their hands, addressed to the clerk of the corpora- tion, directing him to give notice of such meeting by sending a notice to each mem- ber of the corporation by mail four days at least before the time of holding such meeting ; which notice shall contain the substance of the matter named in said war- rant to be acted upon at such meeting. Said warrant shall state all the business to be acted upon at such meeting, and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. Special meetings may be called by the directors in the same manner as other meetings. III. Any member of the corporation may present the name of any person for mem- bership to the clerk, Avho shall announce at the next meeting of the corporation there- after the name of said person so proposed for membership; and said corporation may vote to admit said person to membership of the corporation at the next meeting of said corporation held after the clerk has announced the name for membership. IV. Every member shall pay an annual fee of two dollars which shall be due on the first day of December, and failure to pay this fee for two years shall forfeit mem- bership unless said corporation otherwise direct. V. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, two vice presidents, treas- urer, clerk, corresponding secretary, librarian and three directors. These officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting and their term of office shall be for one year from the date of that meeting and until their successors (16) BT-LAWS. 17 arc chosen. Vacancies in any of tliese offices sliall be filled by the director."? for the unexpired term. VI. The directors shall determine the use to be made of the income and funds of the Society ; sliall endeavor to promote the special objects of the Society in such ways as may seem most appropriate, shall appoint such committees as may seem expedient and shall have charge an-d custody of all property and collections of the Society. VII. These By-Laws m ay be amended at any regular meeting ou recommendation of the directors by vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided that due notice has been given of the proposed change at a previous meeting. ANNUAL MEETING. The second annual meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held on Mon- d*y, December 4, 1899, at the house. The following officers were elected by ballot : President — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents — John B. Brown, John Heard. Clerk — John W. Goodhue. Treasurer — Joseph I. Horton. Directors — Charles A. Sayward, John H. Cogswell, Everard II. Martin. Corresponding Secretary — John H. Cogswell. Librarian — John J. Sullivan. The Reports of the President and the Treasurer were read and accepted. (18) ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 4, 1899, Read by the President, Rev. T. F. Waters, at the Annual Meeting. The annals of the past twelve months are pleasant reading, Ave may presume, for the members of the Society and its friends. When we met in this House at our last annual meeting, the work on the four great rooms had been substantially completed, the furnishings of the lower floor were fairly well in place, and a beginning had been made in fitting up the west chamber as a typical sleeping room of the olden time. The rear portion of the building was as yet untouched. Work was continued vigorously during the month of December, and by the New Year a very commodious tenement had been evolved from the unprepossessing leanto. New wood work and plaster, paint and paper were the rule here, and when the low- studded rooms on the first floor, and the quaint little sleeping chambers under the great slant roof had been completed, the question of a tenant was easily settled. Some doubt had been expressed whether a desirable tenant or family could be found. . But the idea of dwelling in the venerable old house proved alluring to a number of worthy folk, and long before the rooms were ready for occupancy, an ideal occupant was planning to take up her abode. Miss Alice A. Gray, a lineal descendant of the Ips- wich Howards of two centuries ago, after twenty-three years of service at the Fine Art Museum in Boston, felt the charm of our ancient mansion so powerfully that she relinquished in a large measure her work in the Fine Art Museum and became the cus- todian of our house. She brought to her new position not only the devotion of an antiquary, the ski!! in arrangement learned by long experience, and exquisite taste, but a great store of ancient furniture as well, and many decorative adornments. Under her deft hand, tlie two chambers were made AvonderfuUy attractive and the whole house was put in admirable order. In all this, her friend and companion Miss Julia Gutberlett was a zealous co-worker, and an invaluable helper, and she has proved a very gracious host- ess to our visitors during Miss Gray's absence. About the first of .July, the House was opened to the public. Hours were fixed, from two to half-past six every afternoon except Sunday, and it was decided to charge an admission fee of fifteen cents for all visitors except members of the Society and their households. An influx of visitors began at once and continued well through the month of September. 1148 names were recorded in our Visitors' Book, but a consid- erable proportion especially of our towns-people failed to register. In round numbers, it is a fair estimate that 1600 people have been through the rooms. (19; 20 ANNUAL HEPOKT FOR THE YEAR. Tliey represented twenty-four States besides Massachusetts, and foreign lauds. I append a list of States represented, and the number of visitors accredited to each : 3 5 3 9 2 2 6 4 4 14 12 9 216 918 California 4 Colorado Minnesota c, Missouri Iowa .... 1 Wisconsin . Illinois .... 12 Michigan Ohio .... 5 Texas . Florida .... 2 Louisiana Virginia .... 5 Maryland . Georgia .... 1 Dist. Columbia Pennsylvania . . 38 Rhode Island New YorJv 42 New Jersey New Hampshire L'l Maine . Vermont ('. Connecticut Massachusetts . • Sandwich Islands . 2 Cuba . Nova Scotia . 2 New Brunswick Spain .... 1 Scotland England .... o 1 1 14 1148 All have been surprised and delighted. The most expert and critical liave ex- pressed the most enthusiastic appreciation of tlie Honse, and the manner of its resto- ration. Architects have come to photograpli and take exact measurements and studj^ details, and liave pronounced it the most massive and wonderful specimen of seven- teenth century architecture they have seen. Lovers of old houses, familiar with the ijest of the earliest period in many old towns, liave acknowledged without reserve that this was the most unique and satisfy- ing. A number of cultured English gentlemen have told us that they knew of no old dwelling in England that is so striking, and characteristic of tlie olden times. Another very gratifying recognition of its value has recently come to our knowledge. In connec- tion with the observance of the 250th anniversary of the Second church in Boston, an antique exhibition was given in Copley Hall. Its principal feature was an old Boston street, with exact reproductions on a small scale of Benjamin Franklin's house, the old church and other buildings. Two ladies had charge of the construction of the Frank- lin house under the direction of an expert architect. They applied to a gentleman, deemed capable to advise, and he suggested that they sliould see this House. An ap- peal to a second friend for suggestions, elicited the opinion that the old house in Ips- wich was the best guide. Inquiring for helpful literature at the Boston Public Library, they were told that they must go to Ipswich, if they would lind the best illustration of ancient architecture. Nothing was left but to make their pilgrimage. They spent a whole day under our roof, and returned, bearing a few articles loaned for their e.v- ANNUAL KKPOKT FOR THE YKAK. 21 hibit. and feeling better prepared for their responsible task. The borrowed wooden latch and string and candle-mould attracted great attention. By invitation of Miss Gray, Mr. W. H. Downs of the Boston Transcript spent a Satnrday half holiday as her guest. He was greatly interested especially with our Li- brary, which is of far greater value tlian is commonly supposed, and evinced his aj)- l)reciation ))y writing a very admirable summary of the contents, and the history of the House, for the Boston Transcript, which has had wide notice and has brought the House very eftectively to the attention of a large cii'cle of readers. While this steady current of visitors from abroad has been flowing through these rooms, very few of our towns-people have been drawn hither. Occasionally when a guest is being entertained, a visit is made here as a means of diversion, but our citi- zens come rarely, and many members have never availed themselves of their privilege. This is a matter of profound regret. The Society can attain its rightful place and ac- complish its best work only as it has the intelligent and sympathetic support and co- operation of the community. We rely upon our citizens to furnish funds, and addi- tions, by loan or gift, to our collections. Our House is so well furnished already that, many think our needs are all supplied. We need many things, particularly an eight- day clock, chairs of ancient pattern, a court-cupboard, old china and pewter, wearing apparel, books, manuscripts, and Indian implements of every kind. A visit to tiie House may often result in very material help. More than all else, we solicit a large active membership. We exact no conditions of membership, and impose no duties bej'ond the payment of two dollars annually. We give a copy of our regular publications and the free use of the House. Any per- son is eligible, and names may be sent to any member or to the clerk or president. Any name will be acted upon at the first business meeting after the name has been for- mally proposed. We should have a membership of several hundred in our own town. The annual revenue fi'om such a constituency would enable us to pay our mortgage in a few years, and set aside a goodly sum annually for the publication of original material, and valuable old records. During the year, 5(! ncAv members have been elected, bringing the total active membership to 138. A goodly number of additions to our cabinet collections and general furnishings has been made. Mr. I). F. Appleton has contributed a line copy of the old Puritan family Bible of the edition known as the " Breeches Bible," published in London in 1615. Mr. J. B. Brown has deposited Avith us a notable file of ancient deeds of the Argilla farm. Miss H. Augusta Dodge of Hamilton has given the rosewood writing desk, presented to her sister, Gail Hamilton, by her pupils in the Ipswich Female Sem- inary. It still contains her diploma and letters of rare interest. Miss Ellen A. Stone has sent a fine collection of antiques from her marvellous old home in East Lexington. A braided mat of noble proportions is the handiwork of Mrs. Elizabeth M. P.rown. Mr. Ralph W. Burnham has loaned a valuable collection of old china. To these we must add two gifts of notable value from friends not resident in our community. Among the guests at a quiet five o'clo(;k tea in midsummer, M'as a daughter of the late Amos Adams Lawrence. During his business visits to the Mill of the Lawrence Corporation near by, he often came into this House, and frequently expressed a wish 22 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR. that it might be repaired and preserved. She expressed great interest in the work al- ready done. She Avas much impressed with tlie need of more laud than we then owned, and especially with the desirability of securing the corner then occupied by a dilapi- dated house, so Avell remembered, and using the spot for ornamental purposes. Her interest found practical expression in the splendid gift of .$1800 for the purchase of the corner, as a memorial of her honored father. The property was secured at once, and also a small strip, six feet wide, adjoining our land on the west. The work of clearing the corner of buildings, filling and grading, has been carried on steadily. It was incumbent on the Society to improve the spot in accordance with the wish of the donor, as a garden. Accordingly a line of stone posts has been erected on our whole frontage, lawns and walks have been laid out, and our whole property graded and beautified. Incidentally, permanent receptacles for sewage have been constructed, some slight changes in the exterior of the house have been made, and modern improve- ments have been added in the rooms occupied by Miss Gray. This has involved con- siderable expenditure, of which some $300 remains unpaid. It seemed the Avisest way to complete the work on the house and grounds in durable and permanent fashion be- fore winter set in, and thus avoid the necessity of a resumption of the work in the Spring. The town authorities have cooperated with us very generously, by rebuilding the terrace on the front, changing the location of the fire hydrant, and setting a granite curbing on the corner. In response to a suggestion that the life of John Winthrop, Jr. , the Founder of our town, deserved more careful consideration in its relation to Ipswich, than it had re- ceived, Mr. Roberto. Winthrop, Jr., of Boston, very kindly consented to read the manuscript that I had prepared, and supplement it with such new material as he might find. He gave much time to the careful examination of the Winthrop papers, ap- pended much new matter, assumed entire charge of the illustrations and the printing, and bore the whole expense of publication. He has distributed copies very generous- ly to a multitude of historical societies and public libraries, and to the great libraries of the English and German universities including Trinity College, Dublin, where young Winthrop studied, and representative institutions ir) other lands, as far as Australia and Japan. Our society has been brought thus into a very conspicuous place, and already re- quests for our publications have come from foreign lands as Well as from many libra- ries in our own country. The Society is debarred by the express wish of both these generous donors from any formal acknowledgment, but we claim the privilege of grate- ful mention of such noteworthy beuefactions. These large gifts from friends of the Society who are not resident among us, and who are interested only remotely, it might be thought, in its prosperity, should stimulate the generosity of its members and friends, who are directly conversant with its aims and needs. We have accomplished our orig- inal design, in securing and furnishing our House, and providing attractive surround- ings. Our work however is only begun. We have passed from the stage of small things. We need large gifts. We face great enterprises. The floating debt with which we end the yeai should be provided for at once, for we need all the income ac- cruing from membership and admission fees for the work of the Society. The mort- gage of $1,()00, which encumbers our property, should be cleared. Before another ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR. 23 ■winter a proper steam or hot water plant should be installed for heating all the rooms. The unsightly barn that remains our neighbor should be removed. Our grounds must include the whole of the original lot. We need room at once for the erection of a log house, with thatched roof, wooden chimney daubed with clay, and oiled paper windows, as a counterpart of the humble cabins of many of the Puritan settlers. In a few years we shall need more room to house and display our expanding collections and for general use. A modern, fire-proof Memorial Building will be a necessity. In it a large and systematic collection of Indian implements, worthy of old Agawara, of costumes of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, of ancient fabrics, table furnishings and heirlooms of every sort might be exhibited. Our Library would be safe and would have room for growth. A hall for the meetings of the Society would be provided and its walls might be emblazoned with the flags of the several periods of our national history, and adorned with tablets recording the glorious events of our town history, and names of those whose lives have illumined our annals. The land adjoining our own is unimproved at present. The owner is willing to sell. It affords an ideal site for this building that is to be. It should be secured with- out delay. Who is to be the donor? Who will make the first gift, looking towards the realization of these aims? If no immediate gift is available, Avho will provide by will for a generous bequest ? Old Ipswich was renowned for the quality of her first settlers, Wiuthrop, Denison, Saltonstall, Symonds, Ward and Norton. She was at the front in King Philip's war with her Appleton and his brave men. She raised her voice against the Andros tax. She sent her sons to every battlefield in the Revolution, and Hodgkins' memory lingers in these rooms, where he spent his declining years and died. Ann Bradstreet dared to claim new honor for her sex, Zilpah Grant and Mary Lyon toiled and planned here, and ushered in the dawn of a higher education for women. It remains for the Ipswich Historical Society to glorify the history of old Ipswich becomingly. She has a wide and inviting opportunity. The inspiration springing from successful endeavor urges her on. The obligation of progress, of comprehensive and ambitious eflfort in the future, is imperative. She must aim to be the most unique and conspicuous of the great multitude of Societies, that is coming into being. Only money is needed. Surely so trifling a lack will be easily supplied ! THE REPORT OF THE TREASURER OE THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 4, 18i)!». J. I. Horton in account witli tlie Ipswich Historical Society : To Fees and Subscrip. $944 41 " Proceeds of Supper, Dec. 24 . . 25 00 " Proceeds of Social, Jan. 21 . 11 80 " Proceeds Entertain- ment by Daughters of Revolution . 13 00 " Sale of old material 28 00 Admittance fees to House . Sale of Books at House . Amos Adams Law- re n c e memorial sift Balance in Treasury Dec, 1898 . 137 92 16 00 -S1022 21 - $153 92 §1800 00 «297C 13 194 tJ3 §3170 7C Cll. Construction acct. S. F. Canney J. E. Kimball & Bro. J. W. Goodhue, on acct Benj. Fewkes A. H. Plourt' . Wall paper, etc. . )3!1 31 94 75 25 00 11 00 9 56 13 95 Labor acct. Austin L. Lord G5 30 James Thibedeau . 43 50 Leander Goditt 34 13 Sam. J. Goodhue . 15 35 Foster Russell 10 12 J. Howard Lakeuian 4 00 Miscellaneous 35 28 Work on Corner. Tearing down oklHous e 30 (;r, Filling, grading, etc. 102 40 Stone work acct. 25 00 Stone 9 05 #4(35 67 $207 68 Interest . . 43 50 Rent on Rooms in Odd Fellows' building . 20 00 Printing ... 35 35 Insurance ... 23 00 Furnishings, work, etc. 27 95 Stamps, Stationery . 11 81 Recording Deed, Charter 8 9fi $1(37 11 (24) TREASUKEK S REPORT. 25 Bills due : Edward Choate John S. Glover Aug. H. Plonff Austin L. Lord Winfleld S. Johnson J. I. Horton, stove Francis H. Wade . J. W. Goodhue Michael Judge S. F. Canney Cash on hand Fuel Water Bill Teamins Miscellaneous- Miss Gray Stove A. Damon, china Purchase of corner Cash on hand 7 85 tt 00 S 05 20 !t0 50 00 10 00 24 50 ft'^ffi 76 iJP^-t-'O 1950 00 81 64 .1*3170 76 70 r>3 15 00 87 OC 21 42 10 15 9 00 10 00 CA 99 3() 00 r.O 94 385 19 81 64 Deficit NAMES OF MEMBERS. Frederick J. Alley Mrs. Mary G. Alley Dr. Charles E. Ames Daniel Fuller Appleton Francis K. Appleton Mrs. Francis H. Appleton James W. Appleton Randolph M. Appleton Mrs. Helen Appleton Dr. G. Guy Bailey Mrs. Grace F. Bailey Charles W. Bam ford John A. Blake John E. Blakeniore Mrs. Caroline E. Boraer James W. Bond Warren Boynton Charles W. Brown Edward F. Brown Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown Henry Brown John B. Brown Mrs. Lucy T. Brown Daniel S. Burnham Ralph VV. Burnham Rev. Augustine Caldwell Miss Florence F. Caldwell Miss Lydia A. Caldwell Charles A. Campbell Philip E. Clark Miss Lucy C. Coburn John H. Cogswell Theodore F. Cogswell Miss Harriet D. Condon Rev. Edward Constant (26) Charles S. Cummings Arthur C. Damon Mrs. Carrie Damon Mrs. Annie K. Damon Mrs. Cordelia Damon Harry K. Damon George G. Dexter Miss C. Bertha Dobson Harry K. Dodge Rev. John M. Donovan Arthur W. Dow Rev. George F. Durgin George Fall Miss Emeline C. Farley Joseph K. Farley Rev. Milo H. Gates Mrs. Pauline Gates Dr. Guy W. Gilbert Mrs. Florence Gilbert John S. Glover Frank T. Goodhue John W. Goodhue Rev. Arthur H. Gordon James Graffum Mrs. Eliza H. Green Miss Lucy Hamlin Mrs. Lois Hardy George H. W. Hayes Mrs. Alice L. Heard Miss Alice Heard John Heard Miss Mary A. Hodgdon Joseph I. Horton Lewis R. Hovey Miss Ruth A. Hovey Gerald L. Hoyt Miss Lucy S. Jewett John A. Johnson Miss Ellen M. Jordan Edward Kavanagh Charles M. Kelly Fred A. Kimball Rev. John C. Kimball Aaron Kinsman Miss Bethiah D. Kinsman Miss Caroline L. Lakeman Curtis E. Lakeman G. Frank Langdon Austin L. Lord George A. Lord Miss Lucy Slade Lord Thomas H. Lord Dr. George E. MacArthur Mrs. Isabelle G. MacArthur James F. Mann John P. Marston Everard H. Martin Mrs. Marietta K. Martin Miss Heloise Meyer Mrs. Amanda Nichols John W. Nourse Charles H. Noyes Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes Mrs. Anna Osgood Rev. Robert B. Parker Martin V. B. Perley Moritz B. Philipp Augustine H. Plouff Ernest Reynolds James E. Richardson NAMES OF MEMBERS. 27 Miss Anna W. Ross Fred G. Ross Joseph Ross Joseph F. Ross Dr. William H. Russell William S. Russell Angus Savory Charles A. Sayward Mrs. Henrietta W. Sayward George A. Schofield Edward A. Smith Henry P. Smith Mrs. Harriette A. Smith Rev. R. Cotton Smith Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spauldinj Dr. Frank H. Stockwell Mrs. Alice L. Story .John J. Sullivan Arthur L. Sweetser Rev. William 11. Thayer John E. Tenney Mrs. Annie T. Tenney Miss Ellen Trask Bayard Tuckerman Charles S. Tuckerman Francis H. Wade Miss Martha E. Wade Miss Nellie F. Wade William F. Wade Luther Wait Miss Anna L. Warner Mrs. Caroline L. Warner Henry C. Warner Rev. T. Frank Waters Frederic Willcomb Wallace P. Willett Chalmers Wood HONORARY MEMBERS. John Albree, Jr., Swampscott William Sumner Appletou, Boston Laniont G. Burnham, Boston Eben Caldwell, Elizabeth, N. J. Luther Caldwell. Washington, D. C. Stephen Caldwell, Avoca, Iowa Mrs. Edward Cordis, Jamaica Plain Charles W. Darling, Utica, N. Y. Elisha P. Dodge, Newburyport Miss Caroline Farley, Cambridge Mrs. Eunice W. Felton, Cambridge Jesse Fewkes, Newton Reginald Foster, Boston Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton Charles L. Goodhue, Springfield Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gray Arthur W. Hale, Winchester Albert Farley Heard, 2d, Boston Otis Kimball, Boston Mrs. Otis Kimball, Boston Miss Caroline T. Leeds, Boston Mrs. Susan M. Loring, Boston Miss Adeline Manning, Boston Henry S. Manning, New York Mrs. Mary W. Manning, New York George L. von Meyer, Hamilton Mrs. Mary S. C. Peabody Frederic H. Ringe, Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Henry M. Saltonstall, Boston Richard W. Saltonstall, Boston Denison R. Slade, Center Harbor, N. Joseph Spiller, Boston. Miss Ellen A. Stone, East Lexington Harry W. Tyler, Boston George Willcomb, Boston Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., Boston H. ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY OF THE SOCIETY SINCE THE LAST ANNUAL MEETING. Rev. W. P. Alcott. Ancient book. Mr. Daniel Fuller Appieton. Norton's Evangelist, London, 1G57. New England Weekly Jonrnal, April 8, 1728. A Continental bill, dated February 26, 1777. A "Breeches Bible," in the original binding, London, 1G15. Mrs. Bartlett. Small glazed jug. Miss Emeline Bishop, Rowley. Dial of an old clock. Pair of buckram stays. Reed for loom. Mrs. Caroline E. Bomer. A mirror with inlaid frame. Bellows, warming pan, autographs, textiles, books, etc. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown. Set of candle moulds, brass skimmer, leather box, large braided mat. ' • Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul," Philip Doddridge, 1772. "Letters of Fletcher of Madeley." Mr. John B. Brown. Stone pestle. Deeds of Argilla Farm. Mrs. E. Newton Brown. A saddle cloth used by the Ipswich troop, about 1824. Mr. Ralph W. Burnham(loan). A collection of pottery, about sixty pieces, most- ly early English, slip and lustre ware. Miss Joanna Caldwell. Fringe loom. Col. Luther Caldwell. "Life of Ann Bradstreet." Mr. Philip E. Clark. Pair of scales, brass skimmer and ladle, tin kitchen. Colby College, Water ville, Me. " Personal Recollections of Baptist History and Biography." Connecticut Historical Society. Connecticut Records, 1776-1778. Dedham, Mass. "The Dedication of the Norfolk County Court House." Miss H. Augusta Dodge. A writing desk given to Mary Abigail Dodge (Gail Ham- ilton) by her pupils in the Ipswich Seminary in 1854. with her diploma from the Sem- inary and autograph letter. Essex Institute, Salem. Annual Report, 1899. Edward F. Everett, Cambridge. Record of the family of John Fuller of Ipswich, 1634. Miss Anna Giddings. Printed matter, pamphlets, etc. Mr. George Haskell. Old books. Mr. Theodore C. Howe. A cotton coat worn by an officer of the Spanish Navy at the time of the battle of Manila Bay, May, 1898. A brass projectile fired from the " Olyrapia" at that time, and a glass plate Avith log cabin impressed, about 184 L (28) ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM AND LIBKART. 29 Mr. Daniel Kimball. Sampler Avith pedigree of Whipple Family. Knowltoii Family Association. "The KiioAvlton ancestry." Mr. William T. Lambert, Hamilton. A petition from KoAvley men in Col. Pier- son's Regiment, for land grant in compensation of service in Indian war, dated May 26, 1756. Copy of lease of lands of P' Parish Apr. 20. 1784. Mr. Frederick Lamson, Salem. Photograph of a Koyal Commission dated 1765. Mr. Daniel BoUes Lord. Salem. Ancient acconut book. Miss Emeline Mansfield, Lynn. I'ramed sampler Avorked by Abigail Glazier, 1806. Worthington Mansfield. U. S. cent, 1798. Mr. Eben Moulton. Ancient brass scales. Mr. Ernest Perkins. Washington button. Mr. A. 11. Plonfl". An iron pot. New York, University of State of. Report of the State Historian. Colonial Series, 1897 and tAvo pamphlets. Mr. Timothy Ross. Certificate of Kossnth fund. Mrs. A. M. Russell. Braided mat. Dr. W. E. Russell. File IpsAvich Register and other papers. Mr. W. S. Russell. A damask table cloth and plate Avith picture of Whipple House. Miss Eunice K. Smith. Parasol. "Punkin "' hood. Miss Anna M. Smith, Rowley. Two pieces of early English pottery, a glass bot- tle'made before 1799, spectacles, HebreAv Bible, 1838. Miss Sarah E. Smith, Salem. A piece of damask from the Tracy House, NeAV- buryport, bed-curtains, under Avhich Wasliiiigton slept, Oct. ;!1, 1789, and Lafayette, Aug. 31, 1824. Henry Spaulding (loan). Fractional currency issued b}'^ Ipswich Union store. Miss Ellen A. Stone. Furniture, bedding, homespun linen, costumes, textiles, pottery and glass, kitchen utensils, carpenter and farm tools, etc., from the home- stead of Stephen Robbins of East Lexington. Mr. Daniel Stone. Candlesticks. Mr. J. J. Sullivan. Two century plants for the laAvn. Mrs. John F. Todd, Waldo, Florida. An Oxford Bible, 1789. Tavo miniature portraits, oven shovel, pair of Avi'ought iron pipe tongs, caiuile moulds. Snuft' box, etc., from the John F. Todd house, Rowley, Mass. Topsrteld Historical Society. Report of 1S9S. Mrs. Charles S. Tuckerman (loan). Umbrella. Mr. Daniel TreadAvell Wade, Ncav York. The Year Book of the Sons of the Revolution " in the State of Ncav York, 1899." Miss Sarah H. Wade. Old map of Louisiana. Mrs. George W. Wales, Boston. 29 pieces of pottery and porcelain, etc. Mr. Wallace P. Willett, East Orange, N. J. PeAvter and china. ... PUBLICATIONS ... IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. The Oration by Rev. Washington Choate and the Poem by Rev. Edgar F. Davis, on the :iOOth Anniversary of the Resistance to the Andros Tax, 1887. Price 25 cents. II. Tlie President's Addre-s and other Proceedings at the Dedica- tion of their new room, Feb. 3, 189(i. Out of print. ( III. Unveiling of th<' Memorial I'ablets at tlie Sonth Common and I IV. Proceedings at Annual Meeting, Dec. 7, 1896. Price 26 cents. V. The Early Homes of the Puritans and Some Old Ipswich Houses, with Proceedings at Annual Meeting, 1897. Price 50 cents. VI. Order of Exercises at the Dedication of r.he Ancient House with a History of the House, and Proreei lings at Animal Meeting, 1898. Price 25 cents. VII. A Sketch of the Lif;.- of John Winthrop the Younger, with portrait and valuable reproductions of ancient documents and autographs, by T Frank Waters. Price .$2.50. Postage 13 cents. These publications will be sent to any nddress on receipt of price, upon application to T. FRANK WATERS. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. IX A HISTORY OF THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD IN IPSWICH, MASSACHUSETTS. Salem (trees: The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1900 PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HIS TOPICAL SOCIE T) \ IX A HISTORY OF THE OLD ARGILLA BOAD IN IPSWICH, MASSACHUSETTS. BY Thomas Franklin Waters Salem press: The Salem Press Co.. Salem, Mass. 1103 fTA- Gift Tiie Society 1. ani> imu. iiiii;iiai;|) s (m.osk. ( JovKKNou W iiitliiop's Joiiiiml ii-coids l,li:il, in INImicIi Hi.'};!, .lolm W'iiilhroi), liis eldest son, lieiided m litMe eomimiiy of lliiiteeii men in niakini; ;i foiinMl selllenienl :il Al:,:i\\ :ini. \\\i[. llicrc imd hccii S(|ll!((iei" settlers, who wei'e ordeied :i\v:iv l>y llie (;enei:d (Onil on Sept. 7, MIMO,' and t-iiey niay liavc made llieir iuinies in our neiii,ld»oi'liood loi' a nnndiei' of years, and Inive made some s(.i'on;j, impression on (lie raw edi;(' of wilderness lite, ('eilain it is, iJiat wlien tlie lirsl pa};'es of onr 'I'own U'eeord were wiitlen in l(>.'M, idlnsion is made to many loealitii'S !is already well known and heiir- ini!; delinili' names. " 'I'lie liiy the name of Lahour-in- vayne, i\\h\ llie other small liver or creek that tlows np from Fssex Ivivei" is mentioned as ('hciiacco ('I'cek, and "• connnonly Ivnown l>y that. name. Sa^amoic llill .-ind Castle llill also lind place in the Ivi'coids. These names are of romantic int.ei'esl. I leart-lireak is silggOHt- ive of t.h(' loneliness and homesickness wliich may have come to some primitive settler, lookinjj; off over the hhie ocean toward the I'iiiglish home. I know that eei'fain deeds <»f a centnry a<;o allude to il as llard-hrick llill, and so it is named on a 'I'own-map of l.s;5() ; hnt: a centnry of nniform allnsion to if as Ileail-hreak, pre- cedes fhis ma(,fer-of-fact epoch, and llc^arl-bi'euk it, shall still he, an eiidiiriiiii' memorial of the sadness of many of onr I'lirilan anci'S- tors. liaboiir in-vain heai's witness to the fruitless foil of some unknown pioneer, in thrnst.imj, his heavy canoe against its swift ' Mns-. n;i\ IMcordK. 0"') b THK OLD ARCILl.A KOAD. current, and reminds us as well of the severe labor which was char- acteristic of the earliest times. , Cbebacco, or Cheboko, or Jeboke, was the best the English tongue could do toward preserving the name, by which the Indians had called tlie pleasant region, stretching from the creek to the beach ; and Sagamore Hill is a monumental memorial of Mascon- nommet, who made formal sale of the territory occupied by the town, and who once held undisputed sway over a large area. Here, for ages no doubt, the red men dwelt, but the}' have left no trace save their stone weapons, their shell heaps and the blackened stones that reveal the site of their wigwams, and an occasional skeleton. Castle Hill nuiy have been named by some emigrant, who was glad to find on these shores some likeness of the statelj' English castles ; and Wigwam Hill was the summer home of gen- erations of Indians. Emerging from the period of mystery and romance the old road speedily took on historic definiteuess. Planting lots, pastures and great farms were apportioned, and houses began to be built. The names of settlers began to be associated with definite localities. Families sprang into being and struck their roots so deep and flourished so well, that nine generations have continued to till their acres, and spend their quiet lives hard by the ancestral home. The phenomenal interest which attaches to many localities along its whole length is manifest at the beginning. Turning from County Road the land on the left corner, reaching beyond the Til- ton barn, and extending through to Poplar Street was known for nearly two centuries as the "School Orchard." Mr. Robert Payne purchased this lot, estimated as containing two acres with a house, of Richard Coy, attornej^ to Samuel Heifer in 1652. In the succeeding year, 1653, he, " att his own i)roper cost and charge, built an edifice for a grammar school," upon part of the land thus purchased, and in October 1653, he executed a deed of the whole property to feoffees, who were to hold it in perpetual trust for the use and benefit of the Grammar School.^ The famous Ezekiel Cheever was duly installed in the house, and he began his prepa- ration of the Ipswich beys for Harvard College in the new school- house, which, as we infer from certain old deeds, was on the cor- ner diagonally opposite from the meeting-house of the South Church. Other gifts of Little Neck and the great School Farm in 1 Ipfiwich Deedfi, v: •269,270. THE OLD ARGII.LA ROAD. 7 the Chebacco parish gave an umisual eudownient, and the Ipswich School sprang at once into conspicuous notice. The school was kept for many years on the spot first selected. During the 18th century, its location is somewhat uncertain, but at the beginning of the 19th century, it was housed in the square hipped-roof scliool-house, which occupied the corner of the lot, on the County Road and the road to Argilla. Men of the finest character, Cheever and Andrews, Benjamin Crocker, Thomas Nor- ton, Daniel Dana, Josepli McKean, Major Burnliam and a host of others labored faithfully in the discharge of their high duties. Many young men went from its humble rooms to college, and out into high places in the world. Down to the year 1835, the "School orchard " was leased to responsible parties for tillage land, but in that year, the old school- house was moved to its present location, and the land was di- vided into house lots. Payne Street was laid out, and all the land was sold. A number of the substantial farmers of the South Parish, Abner Day, Josiah Brown, Ephraim Brown, Joseph Brown Jr., Joshua Giddings, John B. Brown, Winthrop Boardman, and Aaron Kinsman Jr.,i secured a lot on the southwest corner of Payne Street, and built a i-ow of horse sheds for Sunday shelter,, in place of an older row opposite the Cushing house. The school- house continued to be used until 1874. Thus the interests of edu- cation and of religion were long subserved by this two-acre lot. How the unknown Samuel Heifer came into possession of this land is not recorded ; but in a schedule of his estate, which the Deputy Governor Samuel Symouds filed with the officials of the town, there is indubitable allusion to it in the item : parcel of ground, containing one and a half acres, abuttmg on the East side thereof upon the lower end of Mr. W" Hubbard's close before his town-liouse, and the rest of the said parcel is sur- rounded with highways, which said parcel was part of Mr. .John Wiuthrop's six acre lot there, granted him by the freemen of the Town " — granted by "Winthrop to Symonds by deed date Oct. 24, 1638.2 This deed performs double service. It connects this location with Winthrop and Symonds, and reveals that Mr. William Hubbard owned and occupied as his town residence the adjoining prop- erty, now owned by Mr. Gustavus Kinsman. No other allusion 1 Essex Co. Reconlt?, 2S1 : 213. - Ipswich Deeds, 1 :45. Pub. of Histor. Society, v : 65. 8 THE OLD ARGILLA KOAD. to this estate occurs until 1674, June 3d, v/hen au Indenture was made between Rev. Wm. Hubbard and John Richards, a merchant of Boston, of his dwelling house and homestead, and other lands.' This was followed by a mortgage deed of Mr. Hubbard to Rich- ards, as agent for Major Robert Tompson of London, in 1677,- and by a deed of sale, dated March 5, 1684, to the same parly, of his " Messuage or Tenement . . . with the Orchard, Garden and pasture behind the same, and Cornefield before the same, con- tayneing by P^stimation Seaven acres, with other lands," for £480. A century later, June 16, 1788, Robert Thompson of Elshani. Great Britain, sold Mr. John Heard, " eight acres, adjoining land belonging to the Grammar School, beginning at the East corner by the road leading to Capt. Jabez Treadwell's, then by the road leading to Isaac Burn ham's, thence back in the same to the land first described."^ Mary, the daughter of John Heard, sold to Augustine Heard an undivided half of the land, with a barn, called the " Pinckin close " containing seven acres, ^ and Augustine Heard sold the lot '' commonl}' called the Pynchem lot," to Ebenezer Caldwell on Nov. 1, 1851.^' Captain Caldwell erected the spacious buildings, and at the decease of his widow, the estate was sold to Mr. Gus- tavus Kinsman. This fine property, still substantially of the same size as the original grant, derives intense interest from the Hubbard ownei'- ship. Mr. William Hubbard Avas a citizen of the finest character. His son, William, was a member of the first class which was grad- uated from Harvard College, in 1642. Entering the ministry, he was invited to become colleague with Mr. Cobbet, the Pastor of the Church, in 1656. He married Margaret, the daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, took up his abode in the homestead, and in due time became its owner. He continued in the ministry until 1703, when infirmity compelled his retirement, and he died the following year, aged eighty-three. He attained especial eminence as an historian, and his History of New England, for which the Legis- lature voted him £50, was subsequently published, and is still a work of recognized value. But his financial troubles are best re- membered. He had no thrift in the handling of his affairs, and was contin- ' Ipswich Dcedi<, 1 .10. ■'■ Es.sex Co. Deeds, 149: -.Wi. Ul>.s\vich DeecLs, 4:18-2. "Essex Co. Deeds, ;5-29: 2:53. 6 E.ssex Co. Deeds, 4.52:104. TIIK OLD ARGII.LA ROAD. y ually beset by his creditors. His misfortunes culminated, as we have seen, in the loss of his paternal estate. Felt says that he resided on Turkey Shore. It is known that he married the widow Peirce for a second wife, and her house was probably on the site of the present residence of iNIrs. Henry Lakeman, as an old cellar, which was probably the Peirce cellar, was discovered when this was built. So the old minister may have left his sightly location, wnth its waving cornfield before the house, and the orchard behind, and spent his last years in the humbler abode by the river side. Singularly enough the Hubbard homestead was known many years ago as the " Pinchon close," and his pasture in Old Eng- land is alluded to as the '' Pinchon Pasture." The origin of this title is unknown, but it may have come from John Pynchou of Springfield, who married Margaret, daughter of Mr. Hubbard, and granddaughter of Rev. Nathaniel Rogei's. One grotesque remembrance of Mr. Hubbard, in his better days, is revealed by the Records of the old Ipswich Court. The good man seems to have been the prey of his servants and their friends, but their peculations came at last to naught. On the 25th March, 1673, they were brought to the bar of the Court. Peter Leycross, Jonas Gregory and Symou Wood, "for stealing and use- ing five gallons of wine from Mr. Hubbard's," were judged to pay him £5. Peter Leycross and Symou Wood w^ere also arraigned for stealing one gallon of wine from Mr. Hubbard, and Peter Leycross, again, for stealing three quarts. Peter and Jonas were also convicted of stealing a sheep and selling it, and Jonas alone was called to account for " a fatt weather " stolen from the minis- ter's flock. These were all sentenced to be whipped unless they paid their fines. Nathaniel Emerson and Richard Pasmere were convicted of being at Jonas Gregory's, and having part in the revels over the stolen wine. Poor Mr. Hubbard was little profited by these sentences, for Peter was his own servant, and on the 5th of May, in the follow- ing year, the Court ordered, "Whereas, Mr. William Hubbard hath disbursed £8 for liis servant Peter Laycross, in satisfaction of the sentence of Coui't for his thefts," it is ordered that said Peter shall serve him two years for it after his time is out. The other side of our old road is of less interest. The corner was occupied in 1828 by a hipped-roof store kept by one Wade 10 TlIK 0\A) ARGILLA KOAD. Cogswell, who sold to Mr. David Giddings,' who in his turn en- larged the store and made it serve as store and dwelling. The land was part of the estate of Dr. Nathaniel Cogswell of Rowley, who was grandson of -Jonathan AVade, and inherited much land in this vicinity from him. Samuel Wade was the owner of all the land from the Wade- Cogswell corner to the Burnham estate, as I am informed by an old resident, and he received it by inheritance I presume. The brothers, Jonathan and Thomas AVade, two cen- turies ago, seem to have owned nearly the whole tract from the Argilla road to the other road to Chebacco, known now as Essex road . UO( KY II ILL. The sightly residence of Mr. Moritz B. Phillipp crowns the blutf eminence known in Mr. Hubbard's day and from the earliest times as Rocky Hill. The earliest name perhaps, that is associated with this hill, is that of Hum()hrey Griftin. He was a man of humble birth seemingly, and with small store of worldly goods, when he knocked at the door of the little settlement. He found little favor, as the matter of his coming was debated in the town meeting in 1639, and the result was,'' the Town doth refuse to receive Hum- phrey (rritiln as an Inhabitant, to provide for him as inhabitants formerly received, the Town being full." Nevertheless Griffin made his home here, and built his liist dwelling on the summit of the hill, I surmise, near the house occupied by I\Ir. Albert Jodrey, where sundry remains of an old dwelling have been turned up by the plough. He prospered at his trade as a butcher, and bought Mr. Denison's house near the House of the Historical Society, but he was often the victim of contrary circumstances. In 1647, the- Grand Jury list reveals the infelicity of his married life. " We present Widdow Andrews . . for cursing and reviling her son-in-law Humphrey Griffin." "We present Humphrey Griffin for reviling his wive's mother.'* He was so indiscreet as to work on the Sabbath and he was sen- tenced to pay a fine of ten shillings for unloading barley on the Sabbath day, before sunset, in the year 1657 ; and so unfortunate as to be fined another ten shillings, the next year, for his daugh- ter's violation of the law in Avearing a silk scarf. Our sympathies are roused for the self-made man, and we are glad to learn that ' Essex Co. Deeds, •2:>'^: -219. THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 11 he eventually owned some fifty acres on Heart-break as well as his modest homestead on Rocky Hill. One Simon Tompson, a rope- maker, bought Griffin's house and land, three acres more or less, and sold it to his son-in-law, Abraham Fitt,' whom he had per- suaded to leave his home in Salisbury and settle here, in August 1 (i58. It was inherited.by Abraham Fitts's son, Abraham, and later by William Baker, son-in-law of Abraham, second of the name, who sold it to Francis Crompton, the innkeeper,'- Mar. 20, 171 1. Crompton's heirs sold to John Fitts, leather dresser, and Jabez Treadwell, cooper, in 1741,3 and it continued in the Treadwell family for several generations. The remainder of the rugged hill belonged, for the most part, to generations of Fullers, who owned it for many years. The slopes which are tilled with rocky ledges remained a part of the Common-lands until 1755, when it was sold to Jabez Treadwell, PLbenezei' Fuller and Samuel Lakeman, one of the heirs of James Fuller, who received an acre apiece. ■* The gently sloping field below the ledges, bordering on Wood's Lane, as the way to Old England was called, and the road now Rocky Hill Road, was sold by the administrators of Samuel Lake- man to Ephraim Fellows, in 181 1,^ and it included the acre bought from the Committee of Proprietors of Common-lands and 6/7 part of the house lot formerly James Fuller's adjoining. Mention is made in the deed of this committee to Samuel Lakeman of the clay pits, " reserving liberty to the Inhabitants of the Town of Ipswich always to dig clay at the end of the Hill." Nathaniel Fuller sold James Fuller Junior, his title in a dwelling house and land, which came to Nathaniel by the death of his brother Thomas, on the hill called Rocky Hill, in 1699.« An old cellar was remem- bered by the late Ephraim Fellows near the well in the corner, which probably belonged to the James Fuller house. John Fuller seems to have been living in the vicinity of Mr. J. Howard Burn- ham's residence in 1658". His son James sold his interest in his father's house and land to his brothers Thomas and Joseph, 1679.** Ebenezer Fuller sold five acres with the buildings to Isaac Burn- ham in 1768.9 Later it was owned by Aaron Burnham and Theo- dore Andrews. I Ipswich Deeds. 1. ' Essex Co. Deeds, 206: 96. ■^ Essex Co. Deeds, 25: 82. " Essex Co. Deeds, 17 : 119. 3 Essex Co. Deeds, 8:i: 11. ' Ipswich Deeds, 1: .568. * Essex Co. Deeds, 119: 136. » Ipswich Deeds, 5: 82. 9 Essex Co. Deeds, 151 : 25:3. 12 TllK OlA> AKGILLA UOAD. HEART-BREAK HILL. A little beyond Rocky Hill the majestic slope of Heart Break ■confronts us, smooth and symmetrical, in striking contrast with the rugged sides of its lesser neighbor, and capable of being used as tillage ground to its very summit. This broad domain was ■carefully apportioned by the town into tillage lots of moderate size and granted to the settleis. This was in accordance with the policy of the times, which refused any large grants near the village to individuals, and divided the large areas on Town Hill, Sagamore and Heart Break among a large number of citizens. The reason ot this preference of hillside lands to level and more easily culti- vated llelds, ma}' be found in part in Captain John Smith's re- mark, incidental to his visit to Agawam in 1614. " Here are many rising hills, and on their tops and descents are many corne fields and delightfuU groves."' The settlers may have naturally availed themselves of the hill clearings made by the Indians. But old-time farmers, within this century, had a strong conviction that the best land lay on the hills, and refusing the lower levels, they cultivated the high lands at great outlay of heavy labor. The original tillers of the soil ma}' have had this belief. The record of land grants enables us to trace with reasonable accuracy the various lots on the sunny southern side of the great hill. East of William Fuller. Denison had four acres, and then proceeding down the road, were Allen Perlie's four acre-lot, Rob- ert Kinsman's six acres, Richard Hatfield's four acres, Humphrey Wyeth's six acres and Alexander Knight's four-acre lot, each front- ing on the road and rnnning back np and over the crest. Other parts of the hill were owned by John Proctor, Thomas Wells, who exchanged his six-acre lot with John 8eaborne, Mr. Dudley, who sold to William White and he to Thomas Treadwell as early as 1G38, Mr. John Tuttle, who sold to Reginald Foster in 1G38, anil whose eight acres are described as bounded by a little swamp north and south. The original grantees seem to have disposed of their holdings at an early date. William Fuller removed to Hampton, and sold his grant to his brother John. His lot was bounded by the Simon Tonipson lot on the north and may be identified with the location 1 Hibtorv of Virginia. THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 13 now occupied by Mr. J. Howard Biirnliam. The bulk of the hill came eventually into the hands of Simon Tompson, who at his death bequeathed some fifty acres to bis grandchildren, Abraham Fitts and Sarah Fitts, wife of William Baker, children of his sou Abraham.! Generations of Fittses continued to own this laud. Aaron Fitts sold sixteen acres to Nathaniel Heard in 1794.- A portion of this land fronting on the Argilla Koad was sold by Heard to Jabez Treadwell in 1796,^ and the remainder to -losiah Burnham in 182 1.-^ Treadwell had previously purchased a four-acre lot of Daniel Fitts in 1755, on the west of this lot.'' The heirs of Jabez Tread- well sold to Wm. Jenyss, in 1807,^ and Jenj^ss sold Robert Baker 4 Jr acres called "the old field," and 8 acres called "Fitts Pas- ture" in 1809.'' " The old field" was sold by Baker to Joseph Kinsman in 1818,^ and still remains m the Kinsman family. It is directly opposite the residence of Mr. J. Farley Kinsman. John Baker, the son of Robert, sold twelve acres to George Haskell, in 1850, March 9.^ Mr. Haskell enlarged his domain by five acres, bought of Nathan Brown in May,io and in 1852 he purchased twelve acres of Aaron F. Brown, i' who had just bought of John Baker. '- By this purchase he came to own on all three sides of a six-acre lot whicli Ebenezer Fuller had sold to John Appleton in 1770,^'' the same presumably Daniel Hovey had sold to Joseph Fuller in 1689.1** John Appleton bequeathed it to his son John in 1793, i^"" and in the division of the latter's estate in 1798, this field fell to his daughter Elizabeth Treadwell.'^ She married a Sutton, and Wm. and Ebenezer Siitton sold it to Mr. Haskell in 1855. i'^ On this lot Mr. Haskell built his mansion ; but, for many years before he made his home here, he had devoted himself enthusiastically to fruit culture, especially experimenting with the grape to produce if possible a hardy variety that would be valuable for wine. He never attained this, but originated several valuable table varieties. All his land on this side of the road as we have seen was included in the early Simon Tompson estate. 1 Probate Records, -Jo .luiie, 1675. ^ Eeeex Co. Deeds, 425: 193. 2 Essex Co. Deeds, l.iS : 270. '« Essex Co. Deeds, 429 : 289. -Essex Co. Deeds, 172: 119. >' Essex Co. Deeds, 464:299. •Essex Co. Deeds, 307: IfiS. 12 Essex Co. Deed.s, 458: 125. 6 Essex Co. Deeds, 119 : 119. " Essex Co. Deeds, 127 : 133. 6 Essex Co. Deeds, 180: 266. " Ipswich Deeds, 5: 306. ' Essex Co. Deeds, 187 : 80. 1= Probate Records, 363 : 110. ^ Essex Co. Deeds, 216 : : 03. "^ Probate Records, 366 : 242. 1' Essex Co. Deeds, 52S :87. 14 THE OLD AKGILLA ROAD. The fiiiel\' wooded slope, recently purchased of Mr. John Gal- braith by Mr. Geo. A. Barnard, was owned previously b}' Mr. Frederic Bray, who bought an orchard "so called" about six acres in March, 1850, of James Manning of Rockport.' It came to liim from John Manning, who bought in 1841 of John B. Brown, Joseph Kinsman and others, ... - and these I presume were the heirs of Thomas Bnrnhani, in whose family the title had resided for generations. The fine open fields beyond the old orchard were included in the ancient Simon Tompson property, and when that estate was divided, they fell to William Baker, who had married Sarah Fitts, daughter of Abraham Fitts and granddaugther of Tompson.^ Baker enlarged his holding April 1, 1697, by the pur- chase of a small lot, measuring one and a quarter acres, of Jona- than Wade, and it is stated in the deed that it was on the northeast side of the highway that separated it from other land of ^^'ade.^ Baker sold to Robert Fitts in 1714 "that island of upland and meadow, which I bought of Mr. Thos. Wade . . . about one acre," also " one half acre out of ye ten acres lying on the side of said Island, always reserving a highway sufficient for carting through said Island and half acre."^ On Nov. 22, 1731,^ Robert Fitts sold to Abraham Fitts, his half part of 56 acres, " in which is included all the land which I and my said brother Abraham, bought of our uncle Baker," and the land which came "• partly by inheritance from father Abraham, and partly from Wm. Baker." It is specified in this deed that the sale included " my dwelling house and barn in said premises." Fitts sold this house and barn with three-quarters of an acre to Jacob Boardman in 1734," and in 1747, Boardman sold to Richard Manning, gunsmith.^ No mention is made of the house and it may have disappeared. But the location of this ancient dwelling is undoubtedly preserved by the remembered location of an old cellar, near the road, and a little way from the barred gateway, which used to be known as the " old cellar l)ars." The house was built evidently by Robert Fitts, a little later than 1714. The heirs of Wm. Baker, John Waite, John Baker and others, sold their interest in an adjoining nine-acre field to Joseph Abbe 1 Essex Co. Deeds, 425 : 7. s Essex Co. Deeds, 29 . 9-2. 2 Essex Co. Deeds, :«!: H. « Essex Co. Deeds, 59: 130. " Essex Co. Deeds, 9: 273. I(i9;{. ' Essex Co. Deeds, 67 : 44. ^ Essex Co. Deeds, 12 : 16. ' Essex Co. Deeds, S8 : 282. THE OLD AKGILLA KOAD. 15 ill 1744.1 Abbe sold to John Appletoii in 1748,"- who also ac- quired an adjoining tract of upland and niarsli, bordering on Labor- in-vain Creek, in 1753,^ from Kev. Nathaniel Rogers. This prop- erty had passed from father to son, from the first minister of the name, and had been in the Rogers family for more than a century. At Mr. Appleton's death, he bequeathed to his son William, ''all the land I bought of Nathaniel Rogers and Joseph Ashljy,'"* \79'3.-' When Win. Appleton's estate was divided, the Abbe and Rogers lot fell to his daughter Mary Bowditch, 1809." Wm. A. Bowditch and others, heirs of their mother, Mary Bowditch, sold •'Abbey's lot" to Joseph Kinsman in 1834,'^ and his grandson, Gustavus Kinsman, has reeentl}' sold to Mr. Geo. A. Barnard. These prosaic facts may well be supplemented by Celia Thax- ter's well-known poem, totally unhistoric, but a very pleasing idyll, devised to explain tlie name. In Ipswich town, not far from the sea. Rises a bill Avhicli the people call Heart-break Hill, and its history Is an old, old legend known to all. It was a sailor who won the heart Of an Indian maiden, lithe and yonng: And she saw bim over tlie sea depart, While sweet in her ear his promise rnng; For lie cried, as he Ivissed her wet eyes dry, " I'll come back, sweet-heart ; keep your faith ! " She said, " I will watch while the moons go by." Her love was stronger than life or death. So this poor dusk Ariadne kept Her watch from the bill-top rugged and steep ; Slowly the empty moments crept • While she studied the changing face of the deep, Fastening her eyes on every speck Tliat crossed the ocean within her l\en ; Might not her lover be wallving the deck. Surely and swiftly returning again? 1 Essex Co. Deeds, 89: 129. * Error for Abl)e. ! Essex Co. Deeds, 93: 36. ^ Probate Records, 36:5; 110. ■■'■ Essex Co. Deeds, OS: l.il. ' Probate Records, 376: 101; 378: ISl. ' Essex Co. Deeds, -ISO: 32. 16 THE OLD AKGII.LA KOAO. The Isles of Shoals, loomed lonely and dim, In the north-east distance far and gray, And on the horizon's nttermost rim The low rock heap of Boone Island lay. Oh, liut the weary, merciless days. With the snn above, with the sea afar, No change in her fixed and wistfnl gaze. From the morning red to the evening star ! Like a slender statne carved of stone, She sat, with hardly motion or breath. She wept no tears and she made no moan, But her love was stronger than life or death. He never came back I Yet, faitlifnl still. She watched from the hill-top her life away, .And the townsfolk christened it Heart-break Hill, And it bears the name to this very day. BATH SPRIX(;. Mention is made in the deed of Bowditch to Kinsman in 1834 of the Bath Spring. This is still seen by the roadside, though I have been told by an old resident that in early days it bubbled up near the center of the present highway, and that it was led by a pipe to its present location. The name Bath Spring is interesting as connecting it with other well-known springs or wells. The first thus specified is mentioned iu a deed by Matthias Button to Thomas Wells in 1644, of twelve acres upland and meadow, which alludes to Goodman Ilovey's Island and " the spring well that is in " this Island.' A later deed of the " Startford Farm and Ilovey's Island or Bath Island," from Beamsley Perkins to Thomas Choate, makes exception of "the Bath and house thereon, situate in said Bath Island with liberty to re-edify the house over the bath or build another of same dimensions, wliich is reserved." July, 1719.'-^ A well, now filled to the curb, may still be found there, but as no evidence of any dwelling is found, it perplexes us to know why such value should have attached to the water of this spring or well, that it was housed in, and reserved by the owner, when he sold all the adjoining land. A second spring, highly valued as a bath, is still ' Ipswich Deeds, 1: 485. '^ Essex Co. Deeds, 37: 2S. THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD, 17 covered by the brick building on Spring Street, and is used by the County for a source of water supply for the House of Correction, lu 1772, Dr. Berry petitioned the town in regard to it as follows : "A petition of Doctor Thomas Berry, shewing as it has been found by Experience that a cold bath is of great service to man- kind, and there being a suitable and convenient place to erect one at the upper end of the spring in Hogg Lane so called, nigh the house of John Grow, praying that the town would please to make a grant to him and his heirs of twenty feet of ground, below the bank at the foot of the upper spring, to erect an edifice for the use aforesaid, the Town reserving to themselves the whole benefit of the Lower great Spring which is no ways to be diverted."' This was granted, and the bath house was probably erected, but whetlier for his family alone or for public use is not declared. I incline to believe that the name Bath Spring, still attaching to this spot, indicates that it may have been enclosed in a similar structure for tiiis purpose, and it may have been of special value to Robert Fitts and the other dwellers in the house that once stood near it. GIDDINGS-IiUKNHAM. Retracing our steps to the dwellings and farms on the southern side of our old highway, we consider first of all the ancient dwelling, once picturesque with great chimney stack and project- ing second story, now through remodelling, prosaic and coiumou- place in outward appearance. It used to be said that John Win- throp owned the land and built the house, but records and deeds are stubborn witnesses, and their testimony is invariably against this tradition. The Town Record, under the year 1635, informs us that a grant had been made to George Giddings of " one hun- dred acres of Land at Chebocky " (now the town of Essex), and ''likewise about sixteen acres of meaddow and upland, havinge the highway to Cheboky on the north-east," and a house lot as well on the south side of the river. This very ambiguous location becomes more definite when we find in the deed of sale^ from Giddings to Thoraas Burnam of "my dwelling house wherein said Thomas now dwelleth and twelve acres of land, bounded by the land of Mr. Jonatlian Wade toward tlie North, and land of Mr. Nathaniel Rogers toward the West and South, the Highway leading to Chebacco, East." .Jane 3, 1667. 1 Town Records. ^ Essex Deeds, i: 217. 18 THE OLD ARCilLLA ROAD. The Rogers laud may be identified with the meadow on the turn of the road, between the Ordway property and the land about the old house, which continued in that family for several generations. The Burnham title continued through generations of sons bearing the good old names of Thomas, Isaac, Aaron, Josiah, and one of finer parts, Doctor Joshua, down to the year when Mrs. Sally, widow of the last Josiah, sold it to the present owner. It would appear from the deed that Burnham was living on this spot at the time, and it might be thought possible that the present well-pre- served building is the original house. But the style of the house in its original form and its general appearance, led Dr. Lyon of Hartford, an expert in olden architecture, to locate it about the beginning of the next century. George Giddings, it is believed, came over the ocean in the ship Planter, and an old shipping document' is of interest. 2 April, 1G35. Theis underwritten are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in the Planter, Nicholas Frarice, M."^ bound thither, the parties have brought certificates from the Minister of St. Albans in Hertfordshire, and attestacon from the Justices of peace according to the Lord's order. George Giddins, husbandman, 25 years. Jane Giddins, 20 years. Thomas Carter ' 25 I Michael Willinson 30 ^ Servants of George Giddins. Elizabeth Morrison 12 J People of the poorer sort frequently bound themselves to ser- vice in the families of well-to-do emigrants, and thus secured free transportation to the New World. Michael Williamson, whom we may identify with Michael Willinson, above, accompanied Mr. Giddings to this town, and received a grant of land on Heart] break, and another on Sagamore Hill. We have remarked on the early residence of the Fullers on the other side of the road. On the occasion of a dispute as to the bounds of the highway, old William Fuller was summoned as a Avitness. His testimony is explicit, and suggestive of neighbor- hood bitternesses of the period. " Dec. 13, 1681. William Fuller, seventy-three years of age of Hampton, testified that about forty-one years ago, the highway to 1 From "Our Early Emigrant Ancestors," edited by Jolin C. HoHen quoted in "The Giddings Family." THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 19 Chebbacco was laid out by the lot-layers, and myself beiug pres- ent, four rods wide between my four acre lot at the West end of Heart-break Hill, between my lot and Goodman Giddings house lot which is now Ensign Burnham's or which was when I was last in Ipswich. I was displeased they took so much. I sold to my brother John." John Fuller, son of William, testified to the same effect, and added that tliere was no land inclosed between his father and Goodman Burnham's. He was thirty-eight years old. lee's meadow. Boundary lines were fixed by blaze marks on trees, by stakes and small heaps of stones, and such convenient natural objects as brooks and water-courses. As an inevitable result, boundaries were always in dispute, and committees on encroachment on the public domain found ample ground for their existence. The road to Chebaceo was four rods wide by the location of the lot layers, but practically it was only a narrow winding wheel- rut, with no fence or wall to mark its course. This superfluous width was turned to good advantage by the thrifty town's folk. On Feb. 10, 1640/1, the Town voted that " the hay upon Chebaceo waye to- ward Labour-in-vain Creek be granted to John Lee this year only," "the land itself beino; settled for a liighwaj-, the Town intending that by like grant, he shall enjoy it, he giving no cause to the contrary, it remaining in Town's hand to give or not to give." Having thus affirmed that John Lee shall have no ground for any possible future claim to ownership of this four rod strip be- cause of his privileges therein, the town proceeded most com- placently, and with much of serene satisfaction with this novel scheme for highway repair, to vote that the highway to Chebaceo beneath Heart-break Hill '^ shall forever be repay red by the benefit of the grass yearly growing upon the same." Evidently John Lee paid due heed to keeping the highway in usable condi- tion, presumably finding the arrangement profitable, for the town voted repeatedly that he should enjoy all the profits of the high- way and "all the common ground lyeing at the foot of Heart-break Hill," maintaining the highway from Rocky Hill to William Lamp- son's lot " and if there be any ground that may convenvently be 20 TlIK OLD ARGILI.A ROAD. planted he hath liberty to plant it and secure it for himself he al- ways leaving a sufficient highway for carting and drift." He continued his care of the way ten years at least, as the vote of Oct. 31, 1650, ordering the surveyors to repair the highways leading to Chebacco and to Castle Neck, makes exception of "that part of the iiighway that John Leigh hath undertaken." No one could do this work at greater advantage. His dwelling was on the Turkey Shore road, on the site of the houses lately built by the Atkinson Brothers, > and he owned the broad stretch of meadow on the south side of the old road, still known by the older people as " Lee's meadow," stretching from Low's lane, now Heart Break Road, or thereabout, toward the Galbraith farm, and a small tract of upland on the hillside. In March, 1654, " being about seventy years old," Lee was released from ordinary training, but he lived until 1671. His in- ventory recorded that year mentions a " pasture by the sate by Sergeant Burnain's, £20-0-0." Further allusion to that gate is found in the Ipswich Court Record, which has preserved to his posterity that Joseph Lee, son of John, was summoned before the Court in 1681, " for cumbering the gate at Rocky Hill near Ensign Burnam's." We may dismiss so trilling an offence forthwith, but the allusion to the gate is an item of interest. The natural inference is that he obstructed some gate through which there was a public way and we may venture a step farther and imagine that this was a gate or place of passing through the "common fence " as it was called, which encircled the town. As early as 1637, it was voted that " a general fence shall be made from the end of the Town to Egypt River, also from the east end of the Town, in the way to Jeffries Neck," and liberty was granted to fell any trees that may be needed for this pui-pose. It was provided in 1639 that, " in all common passages, and in such ways as lead to particular men's lands, sufficient gates shall be set up at the charge of those benefitted." A general or common fence of this kind, crossed the Old England road, as appears from a division of land between Leigh's sons, passed over Heart-break ' The autlior of "The Descendants of John Lee of Agawani," p. 80, is in error in locating his residence on the Heart-break Hill land. THE OLD AUGILLA ROAD. 21 Hill and came down over the Chebacco way, thence across the fields, over County Road near the brook and on to the river. Its location was not quite agreeable to Thomas Burnani and Jolin Fuller, and they presumed to move it, whereupon the Towu sternly ordered, in the year 1650, that they should "remove that part of the Common fence at the enterini>; of the field at Heart-break Hill, to the place where it stood before." The Lee or Leigh ownership lends a piquant flavor to this ancient meadow. In his young manhood, he was of a turbulent and unruly temper. In The Mass. Colonial Records, we find " April 1 -*, 1634. It is ordered that John Lee shall be whipt and ffined for calling Mr. Ludlowe false-hearted knave, & hard heart knave, heavy friend &c." His vicious tongue and unseemly behavior involved him in fresh Essex Co. Deeds, 283 : 27. " Probate Record, 3.30 : 4.3,-). THE OLD ARGII.I-A ROAD. 23 estimated as containing sixteen acres, to .John Heard in 1823.* Increase H. Brown, of Marblehead, bouglit it of Thomas Brown and sold it to George Haskell in 1854.- THE FORTY ACHKS. The farm, now owned and occupied by Mr. John Galbraith, was owned by Mr. Frederic Bray, and previously by Dr. John Man- ning, who bought twenty-five acres here of Dr. Joseph Manning of Salem, in 1834,-' and erected the buildings. The deed recites that it -was part of the estate of John Appleton, deceased. John Appleton acquired some tiiirty acres by a succession of small pur- chases from John Boardman. Jacob Boardman, John Kinsman and Nath. Cogswell, and it is specified in several of the transfers that the lots were part of the "forty acres so called," a designation which is still remembered by the old people. Samuel Rogers, son of the Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, received as part of his share of the parental estate, "forty acres, adjoining Mr. Wade, Mr. Saltinstall and Joseph Lee, 1684."'' I think this is the same property, as Mr. Wade owned the land on the east in 1697,' and Mr. Nathaniel Rogers owned land immediately oppo- site. Mr. Rogers was probably the original owner. ARGILLA FARM. The land and marsh on the east side of the Labour-in-vain Creek, extending as far as the road known as the " North gate road," were John Winthrop's three hundred acre farm, granted him in 1634. His title to the farm was beyond dispute and it redounds to his credit that he subsequently made terms with the Indian saga- more, whose dominions had been invaded by the English. The oiiginal document, by which the Indian transferred the land to Winthrop is reproduced in a Sketch of John Winthropthe Younger. ^ " This doth testify that I Maskonomet did give to M'' John Winthrop all that ground that is betweene the creeke comSly called Labour in Value creeke & the creeke called Chybacko Creeke, for w*"'* I doe acknowledge to have received full satisfaction in wam- pampeage & other things : and I doe heerby also for the sume of 1 Essex Co. Deeds, -274 : IW. * Ipswich Deeds, 5: 14(>. ■■' Essex Co. Deeds, 490 : 94. ^ Essex Co. Deeds, 12 : 16. ■■Essex Co. Deeds, 189:14. e Publications of Ipswich Histor. Society, VII. 24 TIIK OLD ARGILLA UOAU. twenty pounds to be paid unto me by the said John Wiuthrop, I doe fully resigne up all my right of the whole towne of Ipsw*^'* as farre as the bounds thereof shall goe, all the woods, meadowes, pastures & broken up grounds, unto the said John Winthrop in the name of the rest of the English there planted, and 1 doe bind my selfe to make it cleere from the claimes of any other Indians whatsoever. Maskonomett — his marke Witnesses to this : Gyles Ffyrmin Adam Wintlirop Hugh Hilliard his marke Deane Wiuthrop A subsequent deed dated 28 June, 1638, states that the money Lad been paid. In 1637, he conveyed it to Samuel Symonds, who became Deputy-Governor of the Colony, and was an eminent Judge and man of affairs. When Mr. Symonds bought it there were no buildings, and his first care was to erect a house for him- self. He gave such minute directions to Mr. Wiuthrop, who as- sumed charge of the building, and the letter is so characteristic of^ the man and the times, that I append a considerable portion of it. To John Winthrop Jr. To the' Right Worshipful! his unich honored brother, John Wenthrop of Ipswich, Esqr. Speed this I pray. Good Sir: I have received your lettre, I thanke you for it, it hath bin my earnest desire to have had an oportunity longe ere this to have bene with you againe, but Avas hindered by the weatlier .... Concerneiuge tlie bargaine that I liave made with you for Argilla, my Avife is Avell content, & it seems that my father Peter' hath imparted it to the Governor, who (he tells me) approves of it very well, alsoe soe I hope I shall now meete with noe rub in that businesse ; but go on comf Ortablely accordeing as I have & daily doe dispose my aflaires for Ipswich. Concerneiuge the frame of the howse, I thanke you kiudely for your love & care to further my busines. I could be Avell content to leave much of the contrivance to your owne liberty vpou what we have talked to- gether about it already. 1 Rev. Hugh Peter of Salem, who married Elizabetli, widow of Edmund Reade, and mother of Martlia, tlie second wife of Symonds. THE OLD AR ARGILLA ROAD. soldier and the gentle Deputy Governor, regarding a boundary between their lands. It culminated in an open quarrel ovier a load of hay, and the common people enjoyed the delectable sight of a suit-at-la\v between the two foremost men, which w^as settled in a kindly grant of the Town to Mr. Symonds to make good what he relinquished to pacify his overbearing neighbor. It continued in the Denison family a hundred years and more. John Denison sold in 1743' (Sept. 21), to Francis Cogswell, Tan- ner, " the full two-thirds part of ye farm called Dennison's farm, whereon I said Francis now live, containing about one hundred and thirty-eight acres — bounded northeast by Jacob Smith's land, south by Stephen Smith's land," etc. Francis Cogswell bequeathed his wife Elizabeth the use and im- provement of one-half his real estate, but gave all his real estate to his son Francis.- His inventory-^ includes " a fustin coat, 4s, pair of velvet britches 16s, silver watch 106s, Sd. blue jacket, 6s, 8d. 2 wiggs, 5s. a negro boy called Cato £36-5s. 4d. the schooner Deborah & boat & all appurtenances, £80-0-0-0. the old schooner Dolphin & boat & all appurtenances, £66-13-4." The stately Francis with wig and watch, blue jacket and velvet britches represents one extreme of the social scale of that day, the black slave boy Cato, the other. The old Denison farm con- tinues to be occupied by people that interest us, but no figure at- tracts us more to-day than the humble chattel, clattering down from Town horseback and up through the lane to the hill top farm. The second Francis'' remembered his wife Elizabeth with "a suit of suitable mourning after my decease," and his sons Francis and Joseph with his real estate. The third Francis^ left a wife Anstice and two sons Francis and Joseph, to whom his estate Avas divided in 1793, and Joseph*' died in 1791, and his half of the es- tate continued to his heirs, Ebenezer and Joseph. The brothers, Ebenezer and Joseph, succeeded, and Ebenezer's sons Ebenezer and Joseph owned and occupied the estate for many j^ears. NATHANIEL WARD's FARM. The Denison farm on the hill-top was bounded by Mr. Ward's Essex Co. Deeds, 88 : 1". * Probate Records, 351 : 645, June 6, 1772. 2 Probate Records, 333 : 440, Feb. '25, 1755. ^ Probate Records, 362 : 533, .June 20, 1793. ' Probate Records, 334 : 424. " Probate Records, 361 : 48S, Dec. G, 1791. THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 33 land ou the northeast. We may regret that the location is so vague, and allusion to it so rare, for Mr. Ward was a grand figure in the early days. Rev. Nathaniel Ward, as he is better known, was the first Pastor of the struggling church, a man who had tasted hardship in common with his Puritan brethren in England, who found poverty and sickness and trouble in the new life here, but who did grand work in foundation laying for the new commonwealth. One very affecting incident in his history is the letter he wrote to John Winthrop, Jr., about the year 1635. In the postscript, he writes, " I heare Mr. Cockling ton hath the sale & disposal! of much provision come in this shipp. I intreate you to do so much as to speake to him in my name to reserve some meale & malt & what victuals els he thinks meete, till our River be open ; our Church will pay him duely for it. I am very destitute, I have not above 6 bushells corne left & other things answerable." I incline to identify the Ward farm with the northern part of the Charles Smith or .John Lowe farm, though it may be included in the farm, known as the Randall Andrews farm. What pathetic interest attaches to the land, which was planted and watched with anxious care, from early springtime to the glad harvest by the poverty-stricken minister, who prayed and toiled that his harvest might be ample to secure him against another experience of such pinching want ! BISHOP-WELLS-riLTON FAKM. The land now included in the Charles Smith and adjoining farms was owned at a very early date by Tliomas Bishop, who sold 80 acres upland and meadow to Thomas Wells in 1644.1 Matthias Button sold Wells 13 acres upland and meadow, bounded by widow Lumpkin's farm at Sagamore Hill, in the same year.2 Dea. Symond Stone of Watertown, who had taken Sarah, Richard Lum- kyn's widow, to wife, sold Mr. Wells forty acres more in 1654.3 Sagamore Hill was originally apportioned in small tillage lots to a considerable number of owners, as we have seen already in the case of Heart-break Hill. No record of sale remains, but it is evident that in a few years they were absorbed into the Lumkyn and adjoining farms. ' Ipswicli Deeds, 1 : 419. 2 ipt^wich Deeds, 1 : 435. 3 Ipswich Deeds, 2. 34 THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. Thomas Wells left two sons, Thomas and Nathaniel. Thomas quitclaimed his portion to his brother, in 1669,' and the deed gives the south and southeast bound on land of Samuel Rogers. This Rogers' land is located by the deed of sale of Daniel Epps to Mr. Samuel Rogers, for £240, of his house, barns, out-houses etc., and fifty acres of land " at a place comonly called Chebacko, the land of Mr. John Rogers & Thomas Wells toward north & north-west, lands of Major Denison and Mr. Saltonstall's farm toward the west, other land of said Samuel and a great creek toward the south and east" (Jan. 24, 1664).- This may be identified with probable accuracy with the fields on the south side of the highway, nearly opposite the dwelling of Mrs. ■Charles Smith, where an old cellar and well, and traces of other buildings are still visible, and indicate the spot where, we may pre- sume, the ancient farm buildings stood. Mrs. Martha Rogers, widow of Mr. John Rogers, sold a property for £246 to Nathaniel Wells in 1695, a house, barn and forty acres, which is bounded substantially as the preceding and may be identified with it.^ Thomas Wells sold Abraham Tilton Jr., his farm, described as "part of ye farme which my brother bought of ye relict of Mr. John Rogers, & part of ye farm of aforesaid father Nathaniel Wells, deceased," sixty acres, in 1706/ and Nathaniel Wells sold Tilton some sixteen acres more in 1709.^ Abraham Tilton gave his sou, Daniel, a three-acre lot, on which Daniel had his residence, in 1729,^ which Daniel sold back to his father in 1737." Part of the Wells farm continued in the Wells line until 1809, •when Nathaniel Wells sold to Oliver Cogswell,^ who built the house, now standing, about 1815. It was purchased and occupied for years by Mr. Manasseh Brown, owned later by the late Alvin Story, and now by Dr. J. L. Goodale. The remainder of the farm passed into other hands. Abraham Tilton conveyed one half his farm to his son Abraham, the northeast part, including the three acres in 1737 ;9 and in 1741, 'o Daniel Tilton and others sold Jacob Smith about one hundred acres, with buildings, " lately owned and possessed by our Hon''. Father, Mr. Ab"\ Tilton Gentleman," including land on both sides the road, "only excepting and reserv- ^ Ipswich Deeds, 3. "Essex Co. Deeds, 3: 85. 3 Essex Co. Deeds, 12 : 10. * Essex Co. Deeds, 20 : 19. Js Essex Co. Deeds, 24: 4. 6 Essex Co. Deeds, 53 : 78. ' Essex Co. Deeds, 73: 61. 8 Essex Co. Deeds, 188: ]01. 9 Essex Co. Deeds, 73 : 41. I" Essex Co. Deeds, 83: 10-'. THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 35 ino" the road leading to Castle Hill, the road or way leading to Em- erson farm^ (so called) now owned by John Choate, Esq., also a way or privilege of passing over the south side of said farm, heretofore reserved by Mr. John Rogers and after by Mr. Thos. Wells, deceased." It is interesting to note that, in the middle of the last century, the highway to Castle Hill was so ill defined that there was need of reserving to the public their right of way, in this deed. Moses Wells sold Smith several lots in 1773.'- Jacob Smith bequeathed his large estate to the three sons of his kinsman, Adam Smith, Josluia, Asa and Bemsley.^ It included "two man- sion houses," with barn, etc.'' Joshua received the farm which he bequeathed in turn to his son Joshua, and he to his son Charles, whose widow and family still retain it. Asa Smith came into possession of the part now owned and occupied by Mr. John Burnham. He sold Hepzibah Day, wife of John Day Jr., twenty acres, " at the corner of a stone wall and road or way leading to Cogswell's farm, near the southerly end of the house lately the property of Adam Smith, deceased."^ This establishes the pedigree of the old house, still standing under its rugged old tree, now owned by Mr. Asa R. Brown. It was built by Stephen Smith, who bought the land in 1742, and was bequeathed to his sons, Adam and Zebulon.^ The house it- self with a small piece of land was sold to John Day Jr. by Asa Smith, by a deed of the same date as above.''' The eastern or northeastern part of the old Tilton farm, which was sold to Daniel, came into the possession of David Tilton, and at his decease, Ab- ner Day bought the interest of several heirs. The deed of Zebulon and Asa Smith to Abner Day of one undivided fourth part of the widow's thirds of the estate of David Tilton describes the westerly end of the dwelling house, with the close or orchard before the barn, the forefield containing three and three-fourths acres, " also the herbage in the lane leading to Fox Point lane, from the road to the house," Nov. 5, 1802.^ iThe Randall Andrews farm, so called, now owned by Mr. Gardiner A. Brown. 2 Essex Co. Deeds, 133:231. 3 Essex Co. Probate Records, 360 : 122. < Essex Co. Probate Records, 360:405. 6 Essex Co. Deeds, 220:74. 6 Essex Co. Probate Records, 342 : 362. ' Essex Co. Deeds, 220 : 7.5. " Essex Co. Deeds, 171 : .59. 36 THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. Back of the Caverly farm house is a lane with stoue wall on each side, which terminates at a level and sightly spot on the hill- side. An immense willow tree stands near an ancient cellar. Here stood, within the remembrance of Mr. Aaron Kinsman, a venera- ble house, known in his boyhood as the Tilton house. It was the old home of the Tiltons, of whom we have been writing. The Caverly property then owned by the heirs of Samuel Wainwright, son of John Wainwright, was conveyed to John Patch by John Winthrop, given by him to Capt. Tristram Brown, who built the present house, bought by Mr. David Story, and then by Mr. Caverly. It is said that Daniel Webster- frequently came to this house for his lodging, while he enjoyed the gunning on beach and marshes. A little way beyond the by-road to the Sagamore cottages on the slope of Sagamore Hill, a bridge crosses the ancient canal. As early as 1652 a move was made toward cutting a passage way for boats through the marshes, from Ipswich River to the River of Chebacco, to avoid the long and sometimes dangerous passage by the mouth of the river. In that year the town voted : — " Granted Thomas Clark and Reginal Foster, that when they shall have cut through a passage from this river into Chebacco river, of ten feet wide and soedeepe as a lighter may pass through laden, and to make a ford and foot-bridge over, that then the town have given unto them £10 towards said passage." Evidently the canal was not completed, as in 1682 it was " Granted to any one of the inhabitants to perfect cutting the cut, that comes up to Mr. Eppes' bridge, if they will submit to the selectmen yearly the selling of the toll for those who pass through and who do not help cut it." But still the work was incomplete, and in 1694 it was " Granted that such persons of Ipswich as will may have liberty to cut the cut through on the hither side of Castle Neck; and if any pass through, who do not help do it, they shall pay for a passage as the selectmen set the price." " Whoever Avill cut the cut through the marsh by Mr. Eppes sufticient for boats to pass through laden, shall have liberty. Such as pay about 5" towards doing it sliall l)ass free. Such as pay nothing shall be charged 3d in money for a cord of wood or load of hay, or ton of other loading." THE OLD AROILLA KOAD. 37 Despite these liberal terms no one seems to have had enterprise or capital to complete the work, and it was not till 1820 that a stock company was formed, which dug a navigable canal from Fox Creek to Chebacco or Essex River. Felt says that SUOO was expended, but the tolls on tratBc were sufficient to pay nearly six per cent f)U the investment. Much ship timber was brought down the Merrimac, through Parker river and the canal for the Essex ship yards. Felt records the tariff rates :' "• Oak timber seventeen cents and pine fourteen cents a ton. Oak sawn stuff of an incli lliick, forty cents INI., and of other thicknesses in proportion. Pine sawn stuff of one inch thick, thirty cents M. ; hard wood thirty cents and pine twenty cents a cord. Hogshead staves seventy-five cents, and Itarrel staves forty cents M. Hogshead hoop-poles one dollar, and barrel hoop-poles seventy-flive cents M. Clapboards, forty cents, and shingles ten cents M. Each light gondola five cents, and every ton of loading fifteen cents." The ancient cooperage industry and the commerce with tiie West Indies, which made business for the old canal, have long since disappeared, and the railroad furnishes more expeditious means of transport for building material. Only an occasional gondola laden with salt hay now floats up the canal with the tide. Crossing the bridge we stand on Castle Neck, a broad expanse of hills, islands and beaches, picturesque with its sand dunes and marshes, in the early times well wooded, a clioice and coveted re- gion from the earliest times. " At a meetinge laoulden the 5 day of January 1G34 ytt was ordered " That the Neck of Land wheareuppon the great Hill standeth, wch is known by the name of the Castle Hill, lyemge on the other side of this River towards the Sea, shall reraayne unto the comon use of the Towne forever.'"" A few years later there were sundry disquieting rumors to the effect that John Winthrop, Jr., was meditating a change of resi- dence, and it may have been intended as a lure to keep him loyal to the town he had founded that, in 1637 (Jan. 13tli), there was " gi-anted to Mr. John "Winthorpe Castle Hill and all the meadow and marsh lying within the creeke, provided y he lives in the Towne, and that the Towne may have what they shall need for the building of a Fort." 1 History of Ipswicli, p. 54. - Town Records. 38 THE OLD ARGILLA KOAD. Nevertheless, he removed his residence about 1639 apparently to Salem, and sold Mr. Samuel Symonds, who had already pur- chased the Argilla farm, one hundred acres of the Castle Hill farm in 1644, and in August, 1645, the remainder.' The town con- tested the validity of the title before the Court, but Mr. Symonds retained possession. He sold in tarn to his son-in-law, Daniel Epps or Eppes, the whole of Castle Neck, with its " ilands " and marshes, some 300 acres, in 1660, Jan. 23d.- Capt. Daniel Kpes left no will, and his estate was divided between his sons, Daniel the elder, who afterwards removed to Salem and was master of the Grammar Scliool and chaplain in the expedition against Port Roj'al in 1707, and Major Symonds P^pes. Daniel received the homestead called Castle Hill and about 230 acres of land " Avith ye dwelling house, out-housing, orchard, ffences, trees, etc. This was a double share, as he was the first born. His brother Symonds, "in consideration of his single share of sd Estate and for ye two hundred and sixteen pounds allowed him and due from ye estate for nine years service thereon," re- ceived " the whole Islands, containing about one hundred acres, more or less,"*^ and part of Castle Neck and Wigwam Hill, Feb. 7, 1693. No house was included in the purchase when Capt. Epps bought the farm, and the old tradition as to Winthrop's residence in the ancient house that is 3'et well remembered must be dismissed as unhistoric. Capt. Eppes untloubtedly built the dwelling and made his home on the slope of the great Hill. The inventory of his estate reveals a well-stocked farm : "Neat cattell w^i' hay to wintei them - £104— 0—0 Horses, mares and colts - - - - 20 — — Sheep 10- 0—0 Swine 12—10—0 Also Two negroes (one a Creeple) - 30 — — " Daniel Epes sold his share of the great farm to his brother, Major Symonds Epes, July 15, 1701, for £600."* Major Epes was a prominent citizen, colonel of a regiment. Justice of the General Sessions Court, and a member of the Governor's Council from 1724 to 1734. In his fifty-fourth year he married Mary Whipple, a maid of only 16 years. He died in 1741, in his seventy-ninth 1 Ipswich Deeds, 1 : 27. =' Probate Rec, 303 : -216. 2 Ipswich Deeds, 2: 260. ■• Essex Co. Deeds, 14:187. THE OLD AKGILLA ROAD. 39 year, at the Hamlet, where he seems to have made his residence leaving two minor children, Samuel and Elizabeth. His widow became the third wife of President Holyoke of Harvard College, and died at Cambridge in her ninety-second year, March, 1790.^ The whole farm at Castle Neck was bequeathed to his sou Samuel. He was a young man of brilliant promise. He had graduated from Harvard College at the age of seventeen, aud was elected a representative when but twenty-five. He had become a major as well in the colonial militia. But he was the victim of consump- tion aud died at Cambridge in July, 1760, after a lingering sick- ness. He bequeathed £20 to the South Church for communion plate, and two of the cups bear his name.- In the year before his death he sold the ancestral estate, which had been in the possession of the Epes family for three genera- tions, and only six years short of a century, to John Patch the thii'd.^ He was a worthy successor of the illustrious owners of the goodly farm, — a man of large wealth, of great public spirit, a devoted patriot and father of a goodly family of thirteen, but one of whom was a son. Felt records that he left at his death twelve children, seventy-eight grandchildren and twenty-four great-grand- children. The patriarchal head of this great family died on Dec. 18, 1799, in his 79th year, and his venerable widow survived until her ninetieth year, dying on Feb. 8, 1812.'* Mr. Patch enlarged the great estate by the purchase of seven acres at Sagamore Hill, of Thomas Burnham in 1784, and in 1785 forty acres on Sagamore Hill from John Winthrop, who held the property owned by Samuel Wainwright, and inherited by him.-'' Several provisions of his will are of especial interest. To his- beloved wife Abigail, he gave the improvement of the dwelling^ he occupied during the time she should remain his widow. ''I also give to my said wife all my household furniture, my horse and chaise and one cow, and all the Provisions which shall be in my house at the time of my decease. I also give my said wife the use of all my silver plate during the term above said, and further, I give my said wife ten cords of wood, ninety pounds of cheese, 1 Felt's Hist, of Ipswich, p. 178. 2 Felt, Hist, of Ipswicli, p. 180. 3 Essex Co. Deeds, 108:272. * Felt, Hist, of Ipswich, p. 185. 6 Essex Co. Deeds, 143:115. « The house now owned and occupied by Mr. George H. Green. 40 THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD fifty pounds of butter, teu bushels of winter apples, four barrels of cyder, two hundred pounds of pork, two hundred pounds of beef, fifteen bushels of Indian corn, six bushels of rye, and sixty dollars in Cash year by & every year during the Time she shall remain my widow (in lieu of her dower in my estate)." It was the fashion of the time thus to condition the inheritance while the widow remained unmarried, but it was a most unjust and unbecoming exercise of authority over a faithful and beloved Avife in any case, and singularly exasperating in this, when the wife of his youth and the mother of his great family had already attained the 76th year of her age when his will was drawn. To his son Nehemiah, Mr. Patch gave that part of the farm called the Island, with the buildings. This estate passed to his son John, and his son John in turn, then into the possession of Mr. Aaron Kinsman, b}' whom it was sold to Dr. E. A. Crockett. To his daughter, Mary Lakemau, he gave " the lower farm, for- merly called Wigwam Hill," and it remains in the hands of her heirs still, and has been for many years a famous abiding place for summer guests. The Castle Hill farm was apportioned to his daughter Itlizabeth, wife of Stephen Choate Jr., to whom he gave Pine Island as well. His grandson, Tristram Brown, received the Wainwright property, and he built the farm buildings now owned and occupied by Mr. J. B. Caverly. Four distinct farms were thus carved out of the "' Governor " Patch estate. During the Patch ownership, the exciting period of the Revolu- tionary War occurred. Realizing the likelihood of an attack by sea, a guard of two men was stationed by the Town on the Hill in May 1775. A flagstaff was erected, and a beacon, and in case of the appearance of the enomy, a flag was to be displayed by day and a fire, built of tar and other inflammable material to be kindled by night. This precaution may have been due to the Great Ipswich Fright of the 21st of April, 1775, which John G. Whittier depicts very graphically in his " Miscellanies." A rumor spread thi'ough the Town that the British were landing on the beach. As the able bodied men had not returned from Lexington, and most alarming reports of the cruelty of the British regulars in that en- gagement had been noised abroad, the people were panic-struck and hurried from their homes in wild disorder. The alarm spread from town to town, and the whole eountrj'-side as far as Haverhill and the New Hampshire border betook itself to flight. Happily THE OLD ARGILLA ROAD. 41 ■there was no fouudation for the rumor. " Governor " Patcli was a piivateersman and captured many rich prizes. His son, Nehe- miah, was at Ticonderoga, and his descendants still cherish an old Queen's arm whicli he picked up on the battlefield, Mr. John Patch, the last of the name, in his sketch of the old farm in the Antiquarian Papers, i wi-ites that he saw the old Brit- ish man-of-war La Hague, which lay outside Ipswich bar for nearly a week during the war of 1812. He preserved a four pound shot which was tired at the house of his grandfather and ■other cannon balls, which have been ploughed up in the vicinity may have been tired from the same ship. His father " drove his cattle to Ring's Island to conceal them, and carried in's silver ware to his brother's in Hamilton, expecting every day tlie British would land and pillage the place. They did land on Plum Island an y"^ saw mill & y^ Land in y^' tenure of Fennell Ross, y' tlien my son Joseph when he comes of Age shall enjoy y« houses, buildings, Malting office, w"^ y'' other Lands, pasture, Arable & meadow where I now live as his right of Inheritance & portion, to him and his heires forever, pi'ovided y* my son John do help him to order & man- age y*^ same till he himselfe conies of Age. And also my will is that then he pay an hundred pound out of his estate to his sister Sarah, and y*^ rest of her and her sister Susan's portion to be paid out of y^ Debts and otlier chattels which are found l)eloiigiiig to my estate. But if my two elder sons be not satisfied with this Distriliution of my Reall estate, my wall is y' my whole estate (Avith w^liat is in my son John's and Matthew's hands already of houses and lands) lioth reall and personal be equally divided by indirterent Apprizall into five parts, and if then my eldest son shall have two fifths thereof, ray sou Mat- thew another tif tli, and if Joseph shall have another fifth and y' y*^ last fifth shall be improved to pa}' debts and other Legacies and y' w' ever land falls to any of my three sons shall be to them and their Heires THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 27 forever. lu Avitness whereof I have set to ray hand & scale this second of August 1683. John Whipple. my will also is y* if my two sons, John & Mat- thew choose to enjoy y« f armes y' then J"o shall also have y" ten acres of marsh by Quilters & JOHN WHIPPLE Matthew as much of my marsh in y*^ Hundreds to them and their Heires forever excepting y^ marsh in y« Island w^'' may be sold to pay debts. signed, sealed & Delivered in presence of us William Hubbard Samuel Phillips Daniel Epps [Probate Records 304 : 10.] An Inventory of the Estate of Captaine John Whipple of Ipswich, taken by us whose names are underwritten the tenth of Septemb"^ 1683 Impr* His wearing Apparell, Woollen & Linnen prized at £27 18s It. A feather Bed & Bolste'^ £5 curt"« vallins, coverl'^ all of searge £12 It. A Diaper tablecloth at £2 5s a shorter Diaper table cloth £1 2s 6d It. An old cupboard cloeth 2s Lesser cupboard cloeth 5s towells 4s It. Three Pillow Beeres 9s 9 Diaper napkins 13s 6d 8 napkins 7s It. Turkey worke for chairs & fringe & cloeth to make them £3 5s It. Linsy woolsey cloeth 12s 3d a Remnant of Broad cloth Gs a yd Kersey 8s It. Fine cloth to bottom chairs £3 13s cushions 9s a chest of drawers £2 15s It. Two cushion stooles at 6s a great chaire 5s Brass cob Irons £1 5s It. A looking glass 10s two wicker baskets 5s gloves 3s four chairs £1 12s It. Two bolsters £1 5s coverlid £1 a blanket & sheet £1 It. A Bedstead & cover 16s 6 fine wrought chairs £2 8s It. Three Leather chairs 9s fring chaire 6s a great chair 6s It. Fine Stool fringe 6s cushions 4s (covered) It. A fine wrought form & stoole 7s brass fire pan tongs & snuffers It. Two pair of iron tongs & a warming pan 12s a case of knives 5s It. PistoUs, holsters & Belt £2 15s one cushen and mat 7s It. Brush & Broomes 2s 3 Pictures 3s a Book of Maps 5s It. Thirteen napkins & towells 10s a course table cloth IDs It. T^'o old table-cloths two tOAvells & two cheese cloth 6s 27 18 17 3 7 6 11 1 9 6 3 5 1 6 3 6 17 1 16 2 10 3 5 3 4 1 1 1 3 17 3 2 10 1 6 28 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. It. Three sheets 18s one sheet 8s one pair of sheets 16s It. One pair of fine sheets £1 5s an old pair 6s old Books 2s It. Two course pillow beers 3s three bolster cases 7s 3 pillow beers 1 sheet It. One sheet 12s 6d old sheet 4s another 4s one sheet 8s It. A sheet & Bolster case 3s 6d a Pillow case & drawers 2s It. A yellow silk scarfe 12s an old yellow scarf 10s It. A yardi fine holand 15s Kemn'^ of hoi"''' 3s yarns, thread tape 7s It. One chest 6s a Rapeyer & Belt £1 13s a cutlas 15s a Rapeyer 10s It. Files and sawes 3s chissells, jjouges, gimblets 3s 8d It. Three pair of sheares 4s 6d two locks 2s one anger Is It. One auger Is a span shackle & pin 2s old Iron & stirrup irons 6s It. Two old Bills Is whissells 3s Basket & Gloves 3s It. A Basket & yarne 3s scales & lead weights 12s It. A compas 2s a file Is A Razor & hone 3s Box & old iron 2s 6d It. A great Bible 16s in Books £5 8s 9d 5 Bottles of syrrup of clove gilly fl It. Tliree bottles of Rosewater 6s two Bottles of mint water 3s It. A Glass Bottle of Port wine 2s Angelica water sir- rup of gilli flw'"'' strawberry water 3 Bottles 4s 3 pint Bottles a great Glass 4s It. Three greate Gaily Pots w"» w' was in them 4s 2 earthen chamber pots, etc It. A Box Drawers, two peicesof twine £1 2s a bag with sugar Is 6d It. Spurs and wyer Is 6d 2 caynes 2s croaper and a girdle Is 3d It. A Bedstead and cover above and below curtains and vallance £2 6d It. A cupboard with small things in it £2 3d A deske and drawer.* 12s It. A small Box Is a brush and a stock to do limmes Is 6d It. Seaven dishes of white earthen ware one Bason and a sully bub pot 16s It. One glass slick stone earthen porrenger and pot 3s 2 flower pots Is It. eight cushens £1 10s table 10s great chair 4s 3 small chaires 6s It. To a great chaire 4s window curtain Is 6d part of a Buriing cloth 8s It. Forty cheeses £5 an apple trough 6s two powder- ing tubs 6s 6d Lether 2s It. Three beer Barrells 8s a great glass Is a powder- ing tub 5s and old tubs 4s It. Two andirons 14s churn 4s firkin w*** 4 lb of butter £1 5s— 2 2 13 5 8 6 5 6 2 5 3 4 6 8 7 6 9 7 15 8 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 1 3 6 4 9 2 6 2 15 2 6 16 4 2 10 13 6 5 14 6 18 2 3 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 29 It. Two earthen pots 2s 4 pound caudles 2s 8d a hand jack Is 2d 2 p'' scales gaily pot 10 5 It. The best pewter 77 lb £7 14s 10 lb more of pewter £1 old pewter 151b £1 candlesticks £1 10 14 It. a Bed pan 9s two basons 8s four old candlesticks 9s 5 salt sellers 5s one more 2s 113 It. Two Basons & 4 Pottingers one beaker 9s 6 new pottingers 7s 6d a pottinger 4s 10 6 It. Two pint pots 6s flagon 14s 2 quart pots 6s 16 It. Two old chamb"" pots 10s 4 lb old pewter & a 3 qt bason 9s cop'' pot 6s tin-ware 6s tin? 1 11 It. PlateonebowleV £3 threespoons £1 10s silver cup 10s pair buttons 2s 6d three pair buttons 3s one buckle Is a pair of shoe buckles 6s 3 dozen of plate buttons £1 6 12 6 It. a still with Instrum'' belonging £1 10s tin lanthorn Is beams for scales & weights 2 10 It. a Box iron 4s a smoothing iron Is a brass copp'"'' £7 a great Brass pan £2 14s 9 19 It. Two small brass pans £1 12s 6d old copper kittle 15s a brass kittle £1 5s 3 12 6 It. Two small brass skillets 6s 2 small brass Ladles & one skimmer 4s 6d 10 6 It. A brass bason 4 s skillet 5s a little brass kettle 7s skillet 4s 10 It. "Wool combs w''' belongs to them 16s a brass chafeing dish 3s 19 It. Two bell mettle pots one £2 5s y*' other £1 5s an iron kettle 8s & lit' iron pot 4 4 It. Two dozen of trenchers Is 6d one tray 6 old dishes w'h other dishes 3s 4d tAVO piggins Is 6d 16 4 It. Three cheeshoopes Is earthen Pitcher 3d one payle, one piggin & strainer 3s 9d 5 It. An iron pot & pot-hooks 9s 6d Two tramelsw"^ irons to hang upon 12s 116 It. a pair of bellows, meat forke, augar & gridiron 4s a trammel with hooks to it 12s 16 It. a fowling piece £1 lOs two carbines £2 a jack, weight & a spit £2 10 6 It. a salt box & salt Is two old bibles Is 4 old chairs & old joynt stoole 4s 6 It. a meale trough 6s sives 3s 6d shreding knife Is frying pan and marking iron 4s 14 6 It. a cushion 3s cap&fardingalls Is a kettle & skillet 9s 13 It. a bed & bedding 15s old spinning wheel 3s an old chest 3s 110 It. The Homestead at towne, dwelling house, kilne & other houses 330 It. a great saddle bridle & breast plate, crouper w"' a cover at £3 10s It. Pistols, holsters, breastplate crooper & simiter £2 5s It. a tramel & slice 6s It. two keelers 4 s It. Lawrence y« Indian at £4 8 yds crape at 6s It. The farme Landes, Arthur Abbots housing & land It. Fennel Rosses housing & land 3 10 2 5 6 4 4 6 190 190 30 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. It. The saw-mill w*" all implements belonging to it 40 It. John's house & barn & kilne at 140 140 It. Matthew's house & barn 140 The total appraisal was £3314. It will be noticed that the homestead was apportioned to Joseph in the will, but in the final division as it is re- corded under date of Oct. 31, 1684, John received "the mansion house his father deceased in wth Barn, outhouses, Kilne, orchards & homestead wth commonage & privileges in and upon Two acres & a half of land be it more or less, called ye Homestead in Ipswich Towne " (Book 305 : folio 135). Captain Whipple's farm lands included the present Gardner estate, I judge, in Hamilton. His wealth was very unusual in his day, and the appraised value of the house with its modest house lot is phenomenal. It was valued at £330. General Denison's property was inventoried the j^ear before, 1682, and his dwelling house was appraised at £160 (Ipswich Records 4 :506) . He was a man of wealth (£2105), and his house had been built but a few years, as his earlier residence had been burned, yet this fine res- idence as we may imagine it to have been, was reckoned worth less than half as much as Captain Whipple's man- sion. Deputy Governor Samuel Syraonds died on Oct. 13, 1678, five years before, leaving an estate of 2534 pounds sterling, but his house and about two acres in town, in the very centre, were estimated worth only one hundred and fifty pounds. These valuations confirm me in the belief that Captain Whipple's mansion was the grandest in the town or in the larger neighborhood. He inherited a comfortable fortune from his father, John Whipple, the elder of the church. His will and inventory made in the year 1669, and indorsed upon the outside " Elder John Whipple " are as follows : WILL OF JOHN WHIPPLE, SENIOR 1669. [Filed, not recorded.] In the name of God, Amen. I, John Whipple Senior of Ipswich in New England, being iu this present time of perfect understanding THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 31 and memory, though weake iu body, committing my soule into the hands of Almighty God, and my body to decent biiryall, in hope of Resurrection unto Eternall life by the Merit and power of Jesus Christ, my most mercyfuU Saviour and Redeemer, doe thus dispose of thetemporall Estate ■w'^^ God hath graciousely given raee. Imprimis. I give unto Susanna Worth of Newhery my eldest daugh- ter thirty pounds and a silver beer bowle and a silver Avine cup. Item. I give unto my daughter Mary Stone twenty pounds and one silver wine cup, and a silver dramme cup. Item. I give unto ray daughter Sarali Goodhue twenty pounds. And all the rest of ray household goods my will is that they be equally divided betwixt my three daughters afore sayd. But for their other Legacyes my will is that they should be payd them wi"^ln two yeares after my decease : and if it should so fall out y' any of my daughters above sayd should be taken away by death before this time of payment be come, my will is that the Respective Leg- acyes be payd to their Heyres when they come of age. Likewise I give unto Antony Potter, my son-iu-law sometime, fourty shil- lings. Moreover I give nnto Jennett my beloved Wife ten pounds which my will is yMt should be payd her besides the fourteen pound, and y" annuity of six pounds a yeare engaged unto her in the Ar- ticles of Agreement before our Marryage. Concerning the four- score pound, which is to be Returned backe to her after my de- cease, my will is y' it should be payed (both for time and manner of Pay) according to y^ sayd Agreement, viz : one third part in wheat, Mault and Indian Corne in equall proportions, the other two thirds in neat Cattle under seaven yea™ old. Further my will is y' no debt should be charged upon my said wife as touching any of her daughters, until it be first proved to arise from the account of Mercy, Sarah or Mary. I do appynt ray loving friends, M'' William Hubbard and Mr. John Rogers of Ipswich, the overseers of this my last will and Testa- ment, and I doe hereb,y give them power to determine any differ- ence y' may arise betwixt my executor, and any of the Legatees, aforesayd, about y" payments aforesayd. Lastly I ordayn and Ap- poynt my son John Whipple the sole executor of this my last will and Testament. To whom I give all the rest of my estate, both houses, lands, cattle, Debts from whomsoever due and to his heyres forever. In confirmation whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 10th day of May, 1669. In the presence of William Hubbard The marke of Robert Day The marke of J | | Edward Lummas John 7^ Whipplr "This will was presented in court held at Ipswich 28 of September, 1669, by the oath of Mr. Wry Hubbard and Robert Day to be the last will and testament of Elder John Whipple deceased to the best of their knowledge. As attest, Robert Lord, cleric." "An inventory of the estate of Mr. John Whipple de- ceased the 30 of June, 1669." 32 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. Impr. The farme contayning about three hundred and sixty aci-es 150 It. The houses and lands in j^e Towne contayning about one hundred acres 250 It. In apparell 9 It. In linnen 6 It. A Heather bed with appurtenances 7 It. In Plate 6 It. In Pewter 4 It. In Brasse 3 10 It. In chayres, cushions, & other small things 1 7 It. A still 16 It. Two flock Beds 1 10 It. Two Tables OHO It. One musquet, one pr of mustard quernes 15 It. Andirons, firepan & tongs U It. Two mortars, two spitts 10 It. In Bookes 2 8 444 1 Ipswich July 15th, '69 EiCHARD Hubbard John Appleton (The originals are endorsed "Elder John Whipple.") " The inventory was delivered in court held at Ipswich the 28 of September, 1669, npon the oath of cornett John Wiiipple to be a full & true inventory of the estate of his fiather, deceased, to the best of his knowledge and if more appears afterward it should be added. As attest, Robert Lord, Cleric." The Elder's estate included the large 360 acre farm which had been divided into several by the prosperous Cornet and Captain, and other property, entered as " houses and lands in ye Towne contayning about one hun- dred acres," valued at £250. The two acre homelot and homestead were contained in this beyond a doubt, bnt we cannot be sure how much else is included. It does not seem possible that Captain Whipple's mansion should have been identical with the Elder's house. The great increase in value within the short period of fourteen years, 1669-1683, indicates at least a substantial enlargement or rel)uilding. This supposition harmonizes perfectly with the fact, apparent to every observer, that the eastern half of the present edifice was added to the western portion, and the elaborate and costly style of the newer work THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 33 presupposes such ample wealth as Captain Whipple pos- sessed . A very interesting parallel to such an enlargement is fouiul in the old Howard or Ringe house, as it is called, near the Stone Bridge on Turkey Shore. In William Howard's will dated July 23, 1709, he says : " Item, I give imto my loving aaid well-beloved wife the use both of the old end of my house mansion and of the new end, so far as she shall have occasion for during her natural life. " Item. I give to my two sons John and Samuel Howard, viz. to my son John, the new end of my house mansion which is not yet fully finished, with half the stack of chimneys built iu said new end, whicti will best serve for the use thereof. "Item. I give to my son Samuel my old mansion house and also one-half of tlae stack of chimneys built in the new end of said house, which will best suit for the accommodation of said mansion house." Evidently a considerable change in the chimney of the old house was involved, and in our house, it is evident that the chimney stack was enlarged when this new por- tion was added. The Western half of our house was probably therefore Elder Whipple's home, and as the fashion of houses was in those days, it was a very good and comfortable house, much larger and better than many which were built in that period. He acquired the property from John Fawne, b}' a deed recorded in the old Ipswich books (1 :89), which reads as follows : Md. that I, John Fawne, gent, do by these presents, allow, certifle & conlirnie, unto Mr. John Whipple his heires and assigns forever, a certaine bargaine &sale of an house «&. house lott in Ipswich coiiteining by estimation two acres & a half e, more or lesse, formerly sould unto the said John Whipple by John Jolly, Samuell Appleton, John Cogswell, Robert Muzzey, & Humphrey Broadstreete &doe hereby release all my right and title thereunto, as witness my hand & seale, this 10th day of October, 1650 John Fawne. The original deed is not to be found, and this quit claim deed only perfects the title to the property, which was purchased by AVhipple from six well-known citizens acting in some collective capacity, not yet discoverable. But it is of great value as proving Fawne's original ownership. But John Whipple was living on this spot in 1642, for in that year the town ordered that John Whipple " should cause the fence to be made between the house late Cap- tain Denison's and the sayd John Whipple, namely on the 3 34 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. side next Capt. Denison's." But Fawne's occupancy of this location had ceased in 1638, inasmuch as in our Town Record, it was recorded in 1638, that eight acres had been " granted to Samuel Appleton above the Mill, the Town Eiver on the South East, the house lot formerly John Fawne's North East, and the highway leading into the Common, North west." Whipple may have been living there at that early period. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that this western end of the old mansion may have been erected by Mr. Fawne prior to this early date. By a singular coincidence, Deputy Governor Symonds, who had lately purchased the Argilla Farm, wrote Mr. Winthrop in 1637 full instructions as to the kind of a house, he wished to be built. "I think to make it a girt howse will make it more charsreable than neede ; however the side bearers for the second story being to be loaden with corne etc. must not be pinned on, but rather eyther sett into the studds or borne up with false studds &soe tenanted in at the ends." The studs of this part of the house extend from the sill to the plate, and the " side-bearers " or supports for the floor joists are oak i)lanks, some six inches wide, and two inches thick, let into the studs and fastened with oak pins, after the fashion of the modern "balloon-frame." This similarity in construction, coupled with the fact that the farm house was to be a substantial two story building with garret, " 30 or 35 foote long, 16 or 18 foote broade," encourages the belief that this part of our House was one of the earliest houses, of the better soit, built by the first settlers. These ancient grants aflbrd us the first links in the chain of collateral evidence which confirms our identification of the property mentioned in these various wills with our mansion and lot. Our Town Record mentions that Mr. Fawne had a houselot adjoining to Mr. Appleton, six acres near the mill. Daniel Denison had a house lot, next Mr. Fawne's " to come to the scirt of the hill next the swamp." Denison's lot is again described as "near the mill, containing al)out THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 35 two acres, which he hath paled in and built an house upon it, having Mr. Fawne's house lot on the South west." Denison's property included the tract bounded by Mar- ket, Winter and Union streets. The Appleton lot was on both sides of the Topsiield road, beyond the present rail- way crossing. Fawne's land lay between them. As he sold only two and a half acres to Whipple the balance of his original grant had been sold apparently to Mr. Apple- ton as he always appears as the abutter on the western side. The grant to Denison originally included a lot that bounded the Whipple hmd on the southeast, i. e. toward the Kiver. This was owned afterwards by John Burnham and Anthony Potter. A portion of this original Denison grant was owned by Jeremiah Belcher. On the occasion of his marriage with Mary Lock wood. Belcher conveyed to Mr. Robert Paine, Richard Brown of Newbury and Robert Lord of Ipswich, "in behalf of the sayd Mary etc." " his now dwelling house with out- houses, orchards, yards, gardens & all other the appurte- nances and priviledges thereunto belonging, which house is scituate, lying & being in Ipswich aforesayd, neare the mill on the north side the river, having the said river to- ward the southeast, and the land of John Whipple toward thenorwest." 30 :7 :1652(Ipswich Deeds, 1 :239). Twelve years later, Jeremiah Belcher mortgaged his farm and town property to Capt. Geo. Corwin. The dwelling and land about it are described as follows : " On the West side of the Mill River, having the River on the East side there- of, the land of Elder Whipple on the west, and on the north, the Towne and mill & bordering southward upon the land of Elder Whipple" (Essex Deeds, 2 :92). On the 8th of April, 1672, Anthony Potter sold Samuel Belcher (son of Jeremiah) a small piece of land, " joyne- ing to the houselott of Jeremiah Belcher and bounded therewith and with the river on the South and Southwest syde, and with the houselott of John AVhipple on the Northwest and with the highway on the North East, all which piece of land I had of John Burnham" (Ipswich Deeds, 3:223). On April 20, 1672, the Rev. Samuel Belcher, Pastor on 36 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. the Isle of Shoals, sold to Edward Lumase, in behalf ot Richard Saltonstall, Esq. "A parcell of ground near unto the mill, for to sett a house upon for the milk'r, that shall keepe the n)ills from tyme to time, to live and dwell in while he or they shall keepe the sa3^d mills," " conteineini:: about six rodds of land bounded by a fence of pales toward the West, the barne of Jeremiah Belcher toward the South, downe to a rocke near the end of the sd. barne toward the East, & comon land or highway, where gravell hath beene digged towards the North" (Ipswich Deeds, 3 :329). This is the only deed which contains the name of Sal- tonstall. Before remarking on it, let me add two others. Mary Belcher, the widow of Jeremiah, set over to her son Samuel, who then resided in Ipswich, "all that houselott given & made over to me by way of Jointure on Marriage, bounded by y*^ grist mill in Ipswich easterly, Mr. John Aiipleton's land Southerl}^ Mr. John Whipple's land Northerly, the other part bounded by the wa}^ to sd Land or lott, and partly by land granted to Major Den- nison, now possessed and built on by Samuel Belcher." Novem. 11 :1672 (Essex Deeds 49:251). In 1713, Sept. 25, Mr. Sanniel Belcher sold this prop- erty to Capt. John Whipple "one halfe acre of Land be ye same more or less with y^ house, barn and orchard standing thereon bounded northeasterly by a highway Leading to y'' mill. Southeasterly by Ipswich Kiver, South- westerly by Land of (\)1. John Appleton, Northwesterly by Land of y'' above sd Capt. John Whipple." (Essex Deeds, 29:61.) Comparing these deeds it Avill be seen at once that the l)it of land sold to Mr. Saltonstall for the miller's house, was only a part of Samuel Belcher's land, and that the whole l^elcher property was bounded then, as it had been for many years l)y the \Yhipple estate. Apart from that a six rod lot is rather small for a mansion like this, though it were then only half its present length. The old Jerenu'ah Belcher lot reappears in the " Brack- enbury lot " which William Brackeubury, of North Caro- lina, planter, then in Ipswich, sold to Nath, Farley about f acre, which is bounded by John Crocker, the River and THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. 37 other land of Farley's. On April 30, 1771 (Essex Deeds 129 :112), when the heirs of Joseph Crocker sold to Col- onel Hotlgkins, the lot was bounded by land of Enoch Pearson and Joseph Farley, the river, etc. Not a link of any importance is lacking. The direct pedigree of the land is through Fawne, the Whipples, and the Crockers to Colonel Hodgkins. The a])utting estates are always bounded by these owners. Mr. Saltonstall never owned an inch of land on this site. The estate always in- cludes two or two and a half acres. 1 dwell on this only in the interest of exact historic truth. We cannot call our house by the name of Saltonstall. If any name is given it, that of Whipple has first claim. To my mind the particular name we give this house is of small moment. The old mansion itself is a constant reminder of all the glorious names which hallow and il- lumine the early years of our town life, Saltonstall and Winthrop, Symonds and Denison, Ward and Norton and Hubbard and all the rest. They were all friends of the Elder. Every one of them may have crossed our thresh- old. As we sit here in the flickering firelight we seem to see them sitting as of old, and conversing on the great themes, matters of public safety, affairs of church and state, and the momentous events that were happening in the dear old England, which were much in their minds. The old pavement in the door yard rings again with the hoof-beats of Capt. Whipple's horse hurrying to lead his troopers on a swift ride to Andover to repel an Indian assault. John Appleton and Thomas French are talking in this very room of their imprisonment and trial for ad- vocating resistance to the royal governor's edict, and de- manding representation before they would submit to taxa- tion. Cohmel Hodgkins and Colonel Wade and Major Burnham smoke and sip their steaming cups and chat of Bunker Hill and Yorktown, of Burgoyne and Cornwallis, Washington and Lafayette. The mmble of Polly Crafts' loom overhead, the whirr of spinning wheels, the beat of the churn, the roar of great winter fires, the hissing of meats on the long spits, the voices of children at their play, or demurely reciting the catechism, the goodwife's chat with neighboring gossips. 38 THE HISTORY OF THE HOUSE. the loud laughter of the slaves, the tale of love, the sol- emn declaration of the last Will and Testament, the weep- ing of mourners blend strangely together in these low vaulted rooms. We see visions as we sit and dream of Thanksgiving feast days, when the long tables groaned under their weight of delicacies, of weddings and funerals, of home-comings and leave-takings. Thus the life of the ancient times revives again, the his- tory of other days becomes a living reality, and the sombre old mansion is made a living, speaking witness to the naturalness, the simplicity, the sturdiness, the refinement, the devotion of the old Puritan home life. It remains for us, catching the inspiration of this hour, to make this house a worthy memorial of the Past. ANNUAL MEETING, DEC. 3, 1900. The Annual Meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held on Monday, December 3, 1900, at eight o'clock p. M., at the House of the Society. Officers were elected for the ensuing year, as follows : President — T. Frank Waters. -r^ ., , ( John B, Brown, Vice-Presidents-^ John Heard. Cleric — John W. Goodhue. Treasurer — T. Frank Waters. ( Charles A. Say ward, Directors — ^ John H. Cogswell, ( Edward Kavanagh. Corresponding Secretary. — John H. Cogswell. Librarian. — John J. Sullivan. The reports of the President and Treasurer were read. It Avas voted that a committee of three be appointed to consider the erection of suitable markers at points of his- toric interest. The President appointed, John B. Brown, Charles A. Sayward and Edward Constant. It was voted that the President be added to this committee. Annual Report of the President. Ten years ago, on the 14th of April, 1900, our Histori- cal Society was organized. Six years of dreamy existence, without an abiding place and with only occasional mani- festations of life, followed. On Feb. 3, 1896, a distinct evidence of more vigorous purpose was given. On that date, the room in the old Probate Building was dedicated, and the collection of antiques was begun. The 19th of October, 1898, witnessed the formal exercises of dedica- tion of this House, and the inauguration of a new and more ambitious method. The completion of our tenth year finds that vigor unimpaired, and gratifying evidence (39) 40 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. that our Society has entered upon a career of established prosperity and usefulness. As our house is our unique and most precious posses- sion, its widely increasino; fame is a matter of great satis- faction. The large numl)er of visitors who tind their way to our doors during the summer months is, in itself, suffi- cient proof that our work of restoration and furnishing has been recognized as a valuable contribution to the historical material of our times. During the winter months, from December to April, one hundred and twenty-seven names were recorded in the Visitors Book. April brought fifty more. In May, there were one hundred and seven. June saw two hundred and six. During the month of July, a textile exhibition was arranged. A valuable collection of foreign textiles was secured by Miss Gray from the Art Museum and from friends. Our members and friends of the Society loaned their own treasures readily. An ancient loom was erected in the attic, and a web of rag carpet was woven by a skilled weaver, whom we dis- covered in our neighborhood. This exhibition was adver- tised extensively, and came into ver}'- favorable notice. Owing in fact, no doubt to this, the Jul}^ list of visitors rose to three hundred and seven, and the August total was five hundred and fifty-two. The admittance fee was raised to twenty-five cents, and there were few who did not feel that it was a very reasonable figure. The Sep- tember visitors were two hundred and seven, and since then there have been one hundred and twenty-five. The goodly total of 1681 visitors for the year is an item of notable significance. As was remarked in the Report of last year, a surprisingly small percentage of this large number is drawn from our own community, and a sur- prisingly large proportion of our visitors are from remote sections of our land and from foreign lands. A consecutive series of twenty names recorded in the first week of October reveals residents of Toledo, Ohio ; Amsterdam, Holland ; Frankfort, Germany; Oakland, California; Honolulu, Hawaii; Kaloa Kauai, Hawaii; Birmingham, Alabama; London, England, and three of our Ipswich folk. We may not presume that these travellers from afar came be- cause they wished to see for themselves, as the Queen of Sheba journeyed to Solomon's court, but we may be sure ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 41 that they were interested to turn aside from the beaten round of holiday travel and spend a little while under our roof. The quality of our visitors, as well, is interesting. Many are people of finest culture, and wide acquaintance with history and the work of Historical Societies. Their appreciation of our house and its contents is always spon- taneous and enthusiastic. One gentleman from London remarked on the particular value of many pieces of fur- niture. Doubleday, Page and Co., of New York, sent recently an expert photographer, Mr. R. F. Turnbull of New York, to photograph a list of articles for a work on colonial furniture by Miss Singleton. Mr. Halliday of Boston, the publisher of a series of photographs of ancient and historic buildings, came to spend an hour and tarried nearly a day, and made some beautiful exterior views. The contributions to our collections have been numer- ous, and some are of notable value. A complete list is appended, but attention may be called here to a few of ex- ceptional interest. Mr. Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., has sent a letter written by Elizabeth Chute, the wife of James Chute, son of the ancient schoolmaster, Lionel Chute, I presume, addressed in the stately form of that period : To har honored and much respected friend M"" John Wintrup at Mr. Adam Wintrup's house at Boston this present and signed Your lo : 'kinswomon In what I can Elizabeth Chute From Ipswich, this 10*'^ of Oct: 1653. The letter is full of anxious solicitude for her little son, then in delicate health, and requests Mr. Winthrop to prescribe for his and her own ailments. Its tone is most tender and delicate. A second contribution to our manuscripts is an ancient 42 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. deed of Nathaniel Kinsman of Gloucester to Jonathan Burley of Norwich, Conn., of "one mollatto Servant named Silas of the age of Sixteen years," for his " Proper Service, Use and Benefit and Behoof for and during the naturall Life of the said Mollatto servant " " in consideration of the sura of three hundred and fifty Pounds in Bills of public Credit of the old Tenor." This pathetic reminder of slavery in our midst bears the date, August 23, 1749. It was contributed by Mr. Frederic J. Kingsbury of Water- bury, Conn., who has also made a generous donation to the treasury. Col. Luther Caldwell very generously contributed nine volumes in cloth and ten in white vellum of his "Life of Anne Bradstreet," the proceeds of the sale to be used for the benefit of the Society. Mr. Francis R. Appleton has given the beautifully framed portrait of Rev. Joseph McKean, D.D., which now adorns our Cabinet Room. Dr. McKean was the son of William and Sarah Cogswell McKean, daughter of Dr. Joseph Manning. He became Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard College. He married Amy, daughter of Major Joseph Swasey, and died at the early age of 42 in Havana, Cuba, on the IT'** March, 1818. May we not hope that in due time the portraits of Daniel Dana, Daniel Treadwell and Joseph Green Cogswell, Ipswich men of the finest intellectual attainments, may be given by generous and appreciative friends ! Col. Nathaniel Shatswell has honored us with the gift of a flag of the United States, which was made in our town for the first company raised here to serve in the Civil War. Mr. Joseph D. Dodge of Lynn surprised us re- cently with the gift of two bronze lustre pitchers, used by the judges of the Ipswich Court for thirty years from 1820 to 1850, in perfect preservation, and the bell used by the Town Crier, Aaron Jewett his grandfather, for years. Mr. Jewett was janitor of the Court House for many years. It is said he used to " cry " the Court, in doggerel fashion : " Run, rogues, run, The Court's begun Stand before the Justice And tell what you've done." ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 43 The pitchers came into his possession. Upon his death in 1850, his widow took them with her to Hamilton where she lived until the death of her son, Mr. Dodge's father, in 1868. She then removed to Rowley, and the pitchers and the bell went with her and found place on the library- mantel of the ancestral farmhouse. There they remained for thirty-two years, until they were taken down and brought to this House. The financial status of our Society is rapidly becoming stable and prosperous. Though no large gifts have come to us this year, our receipts have been more than suffi- cient to meet our current needs. We began this financial year with a loan of three hundred dollars to pay the final construction bills. As the Treasurer's Report shows, more than four hundred dollars were spent in settling these accounts. A hedge of Japan Quince was set in the spring at an expense of $44.50. Our interest account required $70.70, $100 was expended for work of various kinds within and without the house, and other necessary expenditures brought our total expense to $905.88. A balance of $81.64 remained from last year. Gifts and membership fees netted $514.15. Our House itself, from admittance fees, and the sale of our publications and photographs brought us $282.87. A balance very nearly sufficient to pay the loan remains in the Treasury. If the same income can be secured during the year we now be- gin, it may be possible for us to make some approach to a fit remuneration to Miss Alice A. Gray, our devoted and invaluable Curator. Her services have been rendered from the beginning, freely and enthusiastically, and her delicate taste, her rare knowledge of antiques and her own personal collection are the principal factors in the at- tractive interior arrangement and furnishing of the House. Her assistant, Miss Julia Gutberlett, has been a cheery and winsome housekeeper, and chaperone of visitors during Miss Gray's absence. Regard for the comfort of the Curator will require us at an early day to make suitable provision for heating the rear rooms by steam or hot water. Funds are needed also for reprinting several numbers of our annual reports. The sale of our pamphlets has been surprisingly good, and 44 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. while the first expense of reprinting would be considera- ble, the sales during a few years would return a good profit on the investment. The Society is indebted to the generosity of Mr. John B. Brown for the entire expense of publishing the ninth issue in our Historical Series, which is just passing through the press. I would make fresh appeal to friends of the Society, and all interested in its advancement, to provide funds for an immediate extension of our work. We need more land, and means for constructing a log-house, as an illus- tration of the primitive homes in the wilderness. Other large schemes have already been outlined, and await real- ization. One line of work should be begun at once, the marking of spots of historic interest in our town. ^Meeting House Hill, with its successive meeting-houses, its fort, prison, stocks and whipping-post, the site of John Winthrop's and Anne Bradstreet's houses, the Argilla farm, and other loca- tions, need appropriate markers. It would be a happy inauguration of the new century, if provision could be made, not for a simple tablet, but for an appropriate and impressive memorial of the resistance to the Andros tax in 1687, the largest and most enduring historic event in our history. REPORT OF THE TREASURER. 45 Report of the Treasurer. The Ipswich Historical Society in account with T. F. Waters, acting Treasurer. To Balance in Treasur3% December 1899, Loan from Ipswich Savings Bank, Membersliip Fees and Gifts, Eeceipts from house admittance fees, sale of boolvs and pictures. By Construction account i 81.64 300.00 514.15 282.87 .$1178.66 Edward VV. Choate, $70.63 Augustine H. Plouflf, 87.06 Michael J. .ludge. 35.45 John W. Goodhue, 82.41 Austin L. Lord, . 27.47 Winfield L. Johnson, 10.15 William H. Bird, 13.50 S. Franklin Cauney, 60.90 John S. Glover, • 15.00 $402.57 Hedge and setting, 44.50 Interest on debt, 70.70 Printing, . 86.95 Labor, 100.30 Postage and envelopes. 12.16 Water bills. 11.30 Photographs, 25.09 Lawrence Memorial Tablet, 12.00 Miss Gray, 75.00 Incidental house expense. 65.31 «905.88 Balance in Treasury, 272.78 $1178.66 NAMES OF MEMBERS. Frederick J. Alley, Mrs. Mary G. Alley, Dr. Charles E. Ames, Daniel Fuller Appletou, Mrs. Susan A. R. Appleton, Francis R. Appleton, Mrs. Frances L. Appleton, James W. Appleton, Randolph M. Appleton, Mrs. Helen Appleton, Dr. G. Guy Bailey, Mrs. Grace F. Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker, Charles W. Bamford, Miss Mary D. Bates, John A. Blake, John E. Blakemore, Mrs. Caroline E. Bomer, James W Bond, Warren Boynton, Miss Annie Gertrude Brown, Charles W. Brown, Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Carrie R. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown, Henry Brown, Miss Isabel G. Brown, John B. Brown, Mrs. Lucy T. Brown, Rev. Augustine Caldwell, Miss Florence F. Caldwell, Miss Lydia A. Caldwell, Miss Sarah P. Caldwell, Charles A. Campbell, Edward W. Choate, Philip E. Clark, E. Harry Clegi?, Miss Lucy C. Coburn, John H. Cogswell, Theodore F. Cogswell, Miss Harriet D. Condon, Rev. Edward Constant, Charles S. Cummings, Arthur C. Damon, Mrs. Carrie Damon, (46) Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Harry K. Damon, George G. Dexter, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Joseph D. Dodge, Harry K. Dodge, Mrs. "Edith S. Dole, Rev. John M. Donovan, Arthur W. Dow, Mrs Charles G. Dyer, George Fall, Miss Emeline C. Farley, Miss Lucy R. Farley, Joseph K. Farley, John S. Glover, Frank T. Goodhue, John W. Goodhue, Rev. Arthur H. Gordon, John J. Gould, James Graft'um, Mrs. Eliza H. Green, Miss Lucy Hamlin, Mrs. Lois Hardy, Miss Margaret A. Harris, Mrs. Kate L. Haskell, George H. W. Hayes, Mrs. Alice L. Heard, Miss Alice Heard, John Heard, Miss Mary A. Hodgdon, Joseph I. Horton, Lewis R. Hovey, Miss Ruth A. Hovey, Gerald L. Hoyt, Miss Lucy S. Jewett, John A. Johnson. Miss Ellen M. Jordan, Edward Kavanagh, Charles M. Kelly, Fred A. Kimball, Rev. John C. Kimball, Aaron Kinsman, Miss Bethiah D. Kinsman, Miss Caroline L. Lakeman, Curtis E. Lakeman, Mrs. Frances C. Lakeman, NAMES OF MEMBERS. 47 G. Frank Langdon, Austin L. Lord, George A. Lord, Miss Lncy Slade Lord, Thomas H. Lord, Mrs. Lncretia S. Lord, Dr. George E. Mac Arthur, Mrs. Isabelle G. Mac Arthur, Rev. Frank J. Mc Connell, Mrs. Mary B. Main, James F. Mann, John P. Marston, Everard H. Martin, Mrs. Marietta K. Martin, Miss Heloise Meyer, Miss Abby L. NeAvman, Mrs. Amanda Nichols, John W. Nourse, Charles H. Noyes, Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes, Mrs. Anna Osgood, Rev. Robert B. Parker, Rev. Reginald Pearce, Martin V. B. Perley, Moritz B. Philipp, Augustine H. Plouff, James E. Richardson, Miss Anna W. Ross, Fred. G. Ross, Joseph Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Dr. William H. Russell, William S. Russell, Angus Savory, Charles A. Sayward, Mrs. Henrietta W. Sayward, George A. Schofield, Dexter M. Smith, Edward A. Smith, Miss Elizabeth P. Smith, Mrs. Harriette A. Smith, Henry P. Smith, Rev. R. Cotton Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spaulding, Dr. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Alice L. Story, John J. Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sullivan, Arthur L. Sweetser, Rev. William K. Thayer, John E. Teuney, Mrs. Annie T. Tenney, Miss Ellen R. Trask, Bayard Tuckerman, Charles S. Tuckerman, Francis H. Wade, Miss Martha E. Wade, Miss Nellie F. Wade, William F. Wade, Luther Wait, Miss Annie L. Warner, Mrs. 'Caroline L. Warner, Henry C. Warner, Rev. T. Frank Waters, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Mrs. Marianna Whittier, Miss Eva Adams Willcomb, Frederic Willcomb, Wallace P. Willett, Robert D. Winthrop, Chalmers Wood. HONORARY MEMBERS. John Albree, Jr., Swampscott, William Sumner Appleton, Bos- ton, Lamont G. Burnham, Boston, Eben Caldwell, Elizabeth, N. J., Luther Caldwell, Washington, D. C, Mrs. Edward Cordis, Jamaica Plain. Charles W. Darling, Utica, N.Y. Elisha P. Dodge, Newburyport, Miss Caroline Farley, Cam- bridge, Frank C Farley, So. Manches- ter, Conn., Miss Katharine S. Farley, So. Manchester, Conn., Mrs. Eunice W. Felton, Cam- bridge, Jesse Fewkes, Newton, Reginald Foster, Boston, Augustus P. Gardner, Hamilton, Charles L.Goodhue, Springfield, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gray, Miss Emilv R. Gray, Sauquoit, N. Y., Arthur W. Hale, Winchester. Albert Farley Heard, 2d, Bos- ton, Otis Kimball, Boston, Mrs. Otis Kimball, Boston, Miss Sarah S. Kimball, Salem, Frederick J. Kingsbury, Water- bury, Conn., 48 HONORARY MEMBERS. Miss Caroline T. Leeds, Bostou, Miss Katharine P. Loring, Bos- ton, Mrs. Susan M. Loring, Boston, Mrs.Elizabetli R. Lyman, Brook- line, Josiali H. Mann, Memphis, Tenu. Miss Adeline Manning, Boston, Henry S. Manning, New York, Mrs. Mary W. Manning, New York. Geoi'ge L. von Meyer, Rome, Italy, Miss Esther Parmenter, Revere, Mrs. Mary S.,C. Peabody, Fi'ederic H. Ringe, Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Henry M. Sal tonstall, Bos- ton, Richard W. Saltonstall, Boston, Denison R. Slade, Center Har- bor, N. H., Joseph Spiller, Boston, Miss Ellen A. Stone, East Lex- ington, Miss Ann H. Treadwell, Jamaica Plain, Harry W. Tyler, Boston, Mrs. George W. Wales, Boston, George Willcomb, Boston, Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., Bos- ton. DONATIONS TO THE SOCIETY IN 1900. William F. Abbot, Worcester, Mass. A photograph portrait of Nathan Dane, founder of the Harvard Law School, a native of Ipswich, with an autograph. Francis R. Appleton. An oil painting. Enlarged copy of a portrait of the Rev. Joseph McKean, D.D., LL.D., of Harvard College, born in Ipswich in 1776. Mrs. Martha Bird. A quilling wheel; a tin sconce; a pitcher of English pottery ; an early English hand sewing machine ; wooden stretchers used in John Birch's stocking factory, and a bag made of stocki- net. The Misses Brooks, Salem, Mass. Two miniatures painted on ivory, and nine bed quilts. Made by the grandmother and mother of Mrs. Henry M. Brooks. Mrs. George C. Bossox, Reading, Mass. A photo- graph, portrait of Mrs. Fitz, wife of Rev. Daniel Fitz, of Ipswich. Mrs. William G. Brown. Fifteen pieces of pottery and porcelain, English; two pieces of pewter; a leather covered money box ; a sword or knife, brass mounted ; a bureau, chair and table of early date, and a candle- stick. Mrs. D. Bryant. A toy skillet, and a night lamp. Col. Luther Caldwell, Lynn, Mass. An engraved portrait of Commodore John Paul Jones, and eigh- teen copies of " The Life of Anne Bradstreet," sold for the benefit of the Society. J. D. Dodge, Lynn, Mass. Two pitchers of copper lustre ware, English, once owned by Aaron Jewett, jani- tor of the Court House in Ipswich, 1820-1850, and used by the Judges of the Courts during that time, and a town-crier's bell, used by Aaron Jewett while acting as crier in Ipswich previous to 1834. 4 («) 50 DONATIONS. Mrs. Mary 8. Farley. A "fly-flap," Chinese. A. P. Foster, Waterbury, Vt. A spinning-wheel head, of early type. Francis T. Goodhue. A mahogany silk reel, and two leather-bound money boxes from the house of Miss Elizabeth D. Goodhue of Salem. Miss Frances L. Goodrich, Stackhouse, North Carolina. A piece of Coverlid weaving, done by women in North Carolina at the present time. Mrs. Lois Hardy. A rapier, made in Amsterdam Hol- land. Joseph I. Horton. A collection of Natural History specimens from the region about Ipswich ; a mahog- any case with glass doors, once owned by Dr. Thomas Manning, and the working plans for the Ips- wich water works. Mrs. Joseph I. Horton. A spice mill, brass and wrought iron, German, of about 1700. Miss S. E. Lakeman. Four pieces of paper money, issued by Richard Russell of the Union Store, in Ips- wich, Feb. 2, 1863. James F. Mann. A child's chair. Used by the father of Mr. Mark Newman when a child, and a large table with tops of Dutch tiles, reproductions of the old " bible-set " for a border. Thomas S. Nickerson, Newburyport, Mass. A pottery jar, reproduction of an old piece, made at the Ce- ramic works in Newburyport. Miss Esther Parmenter, Revere, iMass. A Dutch chop- ping knife. Miss Hannah M. Peatfield. Bobbins and thread used in the Ipswich lace factory, and a piece of paper cur- rency dated August 18, 177.5. M. V. B. Perley, Portsmouth, N. H. A photograph, portrait of General William Whipple, born in Kit- tery, Maine, in 178.3. Augustine H. Plouff. A leather tire bucket marked " Ipswich Fire Societ3^" Miss Leonora Pope, Boston. A parasol of about 1840. Edward J. Ready. An epaulet, brass, found in the walls of his house, and other small objects. DONATIONS. 51 Miss Mary T. Saunders, Salem, Mass. A piece of early English furniture calico. Angus Savory. A pair of hames. Colonel Nathaniel Shatswell. A United States flag. Made in Ipswich for the first company raised in the town for service in the civil war. Miss Lucy Smith. A curtain of early English furniture calico, called "India Cotton," bought in 1798 for hangings of an Ipswich bed room. Miss Eunice K. Smith. Two pieces of pottery and porcelain ; a piece of glass, and a tea tray. W. S. Spinney. Photograph of the memorial marking the birth pkce of Mary Lyon. Edward H. Stevens, Ossipee, N. H. A loom, complete, with warping bars, etc., etc., and a specimen of a hand-woven coverlid. The Peabody Academy of Science, Salem. A quan- tity of printed labels for use in the rooms of the So- ciety. Rev. T. F. Waters. Three paintings on velvet, from the house of Miss Elizabeth D. Goodhue of Salem. Mrs. Wm. C. West, Salem, Mass. A pair of brocade slippers, worn at the wedding of Miss Wise, in 1764. Frederick Willcomb. A child's " standing-stool." W. P. Willett, East Orange, N. J. Two pieces of pewter, two of Britannia, and a pair of scales for weigh- ing coin. Mrs. Lucretia Whipple. A sampler worked by Me- hitable Mackintire of Reading, Mass., in 1807, and two pieces of English pottery. Maynard Whittier. a Rowley enrollment record, and tools used by wheelwrights early in this century. donations of books and pamphlets. Abbot Public Library, Marblehead, Mass. The 22nd Annual Report. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Pro- ceedings, 1900. 52 DONATIONS. Daniel Fuller Appleton. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Maiy Buckminster, June, 1805, by the Rev. Jesse Appleton ; The " Bradford History of the Plymouth Plantation ; " Chronolooical History of New England," from 1602-1720, by Thomas Prince, Boston, 1736 ; "Norton's Evangelist," by John Nor- ton, teacher of the Church at Ipswich, New England, London edition, 1654; "A Short Catechism, drawn out of the word of God," by Samuel Stone, minister of the word at Hartford in Connecticut, 1684 ; reprint by the Acorn Club. Mrs. Martha Bird. Forty-three volumes of old books. Bridgeport Public Library. Annual Report, 1900. Mr. Brown. A volume : "The Massachusetts Register and Calendar, etc.," 1836. Cambridge Public Library. Annual Report, 1899. William Everett. "Patriotism :" An oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, June, 1900. N. P. Greenlaw, Boston. A volume : " History and De- scription of Ipswich, England." Rev. F. L. Goodspeed. "Pilgrim and Puritan." Grand R. A. Chapter, District of Columbia. Report, 1899. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. An- nual Report, 1899. Rev. Horace C. Hovey, Newburyport, Mass. A vol- ume : "The Old South " (First Presbyterian Church, Newburyport), and a pamphlet: "Daniel Hovey, of Ipswich." " Report of the Town Officers of Ipswich, Mass., the two hundred and sixty-ninth year of the Town's Incorpo- ration, 1900," and vol. 5, " Historical Collections." F. W. Lamb, Manchester, N. H. " Records of the Lamb, Savory and Harriman families." William Little, Newbury, Mass. "A Contribution to the History of Byfield Parish." Nahant Public Library. Noteworthy Descriptions of the Town." Nantucket Historical Society. Sixth Annual Report, 1900. DONATION?t. 53 New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. 32, No. 2, April 1900. John W. Nourse. An Address delivered before the "Nurse family Association at Danvers, July 29, 1892." Miss Hannah M. Peatfield. Five volumes of old books. Mrs. Edward Plouff. Nine volumes of old books. Reynolds Library. Rochester, N. Y. The Reference Catalogue, 1898. SoMERViLLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " The Historic Fes- tival." The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Seven vol- umes of Publications of the State Archives, ''The Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution- ary War." The University of the State of New York, Albany. A Volume : "New York in the Revolution as Colony and State;" "Public Papers of George Clinton," in two volumes, and a pamphlet : "Slavery in New York." TopsFiELD Historical Society. " History of Topsfield Academy." Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Historical Papers, Series iv. Rev. T. F. Waters. A Collection of Old School Books, Songs, Newspapers, etc. Dr. J. L. M. Willis, P^liot, Maine. Vol. iii, No. xi, "Old Eliot." Gifts of Plants and Shrubs for the Garden by James F, Mann, Francis H. Wade, Benjamin Fewkes, Mrs. T. F. Waters, The Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Mass., Miss Katherine P. Loring, Beverly Farms, Prof. Charles L. Jackson, Beverly Farms, George von L. Meyer, Hamilton. loans to the society in 1900. E. A. Smith, Salem, Mass. A piece of embroidery, wrought by Priscilhi Symonds, who was born in 1648, «ind died in 1734. She was a daughter of Sam- uel Symonds, first Deputy Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XI THE MEETING HOUSE GREEN AND A STUDY OF HOUSES AND LANDS IN THAT VICINITY WITH PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, DEC. 2, 1901 Salem press : The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1903. PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XI THE MEETING HOUSE GREEN STUDY OF HOUSES AND LANDS IN THAT VICINITY WITH PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, DEC. 2, 1901 By T. Frank Waters Salem press: The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1902. Gift Tiie £oci6uy Kf '05 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. No spot within our ancient township is enriched with such fragrant memories, and associations of such varied and intense interest. The earliest settlers set it apart for public use, and it has never ceased to be the center of the civic life of our community. Here they built their first meeting house. A vague tradition, as Felt, the annalist of Ipswich informs us,* located it on the rise of ground now occupied by the Heard mansion, near the meeting- house of the South Church, but there is no historic ground for such a surmise. On the 16th day of the 11th mo. 1639, f the ancient keeper of our Town Records made note, " Theophilus Wilson is possessed of one house lott, bought of John Sanders, bounded on the Southwest by the Meeting House Green, and on the Northeast by the Stony Street, on the Southeast by a house lott formerly granted to Robert Mozey." This houselot is easily identified with the lot bounded on three sides by the Green, North Main and Summer Streets, and at the date of entry, the meetino-- house was already built on the Green. Under the date, March 22, 1637, in the Town Record, allusion is made to " the Cross Street called the Meeting House Lane." The identification of this old way is difllcult, but the inference that the meeting-house was already built is be- yond question. No earlier allusion remains to us, but the * History of Ipswich, page 243. t The dates in this article are always as they are found in the Records. It will be remembered, however, that by act of Parliament the year, which had begun on the 25th of March, was ordered to begin January 1, 1752, and to rectify the calendar, eleven days were dropped, so that the 8d of September became the 14th. Under the Old style, as it is called, January and February were the eleventh and twelfth months. Hence the 16th day of the Uth month 1639 really is identical with Janu- ary 27, 1640, New Style. C3) 4 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. later allusion of Edward Johnson is of interest. "Their meeting-house is a very good prospect to a great part of the Town and beautifully built."* This harmonizes with the location on the hill-top, and has no point, when applied to the tradition of the other site. Of the building itself, we know nothing. It was hurriedly built, no doubt, and may have been a structure of logs with a thatched roof, or a cheap frame building. As early as October, 1643, an intimation of insufficient room for worshippers occurs, f "There is liberty granted to such young men and youth as shal [ ] approved of by the Deacons to sett up a gallery at their owne charges, and the gallery to be built or approved for the manner by the Deacons, Goodman Andrews, and Mr. Gardinr." But, humble as the building may have been, it was the meeting place of great souls. Nathaniel Ward and John Norton were ministers of the highest repute. Nathan- iel Rogers also was a preacher of excellent quality. John Winthrop Jr., Thomas Dudley and Simon Bradstreet, be- came famous Governors. Daniel Denison was renowned as the military leader of the Colony and as a magistrate. Samuel Symonds was magistrate and Deputy Governor. Richard Saltonstall, Doctor Giles Firmin, the Appletons, and many others, were men of grand character. Their wives were refined gentlewomen. Such names as these hal- low the lowliest building, and make the hill-top forever venerable. This primitive meeting-house was soon outworn or out- grown, and on the 4th day ofthe 11th month, 1646, it was sold to Thomas Firman for fifty shillings, " and he is to remove it by the 29"' of 7*'' month next, which will be in the year 1647. "| The extreme cheapness of the price confirms our surmise that the building, which was not more than thirteen years' old, was a rude structure. The direction as to removal suggests that the spot it occu- pied was needed for the new edifice. Work on the new meeting-house seems to have been pushed, and hints of its completion and occupancy are found in the Town Record of "the 11"' of (11) 1647." * Wonder Working Proviclence, pub. in 1654. t Town Kecords, 1G43. J.Town Recorde. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. " Voted that the Deacons shall have power to agree with a man, whome they shall thinke fittto keepe the meeting- house clean, and to ring the Bell, and what they shall agree with him shall be paid out of the Town rate." Finishing touches remained to be made, however, as it was voted'in 1653,* "to make a sheete for the turret window and cover for upper scuttle hole," and two years later, some repairs were in order, as a bill of £10, 14s. 4d. was approved for " mending the windows, new banding, soldering and new glass."! This building was probably of the hip-roof order, with a " turret " for the bell at the apex, resembling generally the "Old Ship Church" of Hingham, with diamond paned glass set in lead sashes. It was "surrounded by a fort. The earlier meeting-house was very likely protected in similar fashion, as the Pequot War broke out in 1637 and, for a halt century after, the settlers were never free from fear of Indian attacks. Often the soldiers marched away at the call to arms, and when the horrors of King Philip's war burst upon the Colony, Ipswich men under Major Samuel Appleton bore a valiant part. Men brought their arms with them to public wor- ship and sentinels paced their beat without during the time of service. The meeting-house was a place of deposit for ammunition. Four swords of the common stock were kept there in 1647, and in 1681, there was a "magazine in the meeting-house."* In case of attack, as it was the largest building in the town, and the one best adapted for de- fence, tlie people would naturally have hurried thither. Hence the value and need of the fortification which was erected around it. In 1650, it was voted by the Town, "The wall about the meeting-house shall be made up and kept in repair." The implication of the final clause "kept in repair," is that this work was in the nature of a rebuilding of the wall, that may have fallen into disrepair, and not the original erection. Again, in 1672, a few years before King Philip's War, the Constable was ordered to " pay John Brewer 208. for charge he is out about building the fort,"f and on August 20, 1696, when the Indians were assailing the Maine colonists, the Town Treasurer was instructed "to * Town Records. Town Records, 1655. b MEETING HOUSE GREEN. hire laborers at the Town charge to repair the fort about the meeting-house."* No record of the style or size of this ancient fort has been preserved, but there was a similar one in Topsfield, built in 1673, five or six feet high and "three foote brod at the botom." On the south side of the meeting-house, it was twelve feet, and on the other three sides, ten feet distant, and at the southeast corner, within the wall a watch-house ten feet square was built, which was called " the old Meetinof-House fort " at the beginninor of the eighteenth century. f Happily no occasion for defence ever arose, and a few years after the last Indian outbreak the Town voted in 1702, that the "rocks at the old meet- ing house " should be sold and the proceeds used towards buying a town clock. As to the new meeting-house, the third on the Green, the vote of Jan. 26, 1699, | directed that the foundation should be laid " as near the old meeting-house as the Committee shall appoint," and the Committee was in- structed to " levell the place for the floor of ye said new Meeting-House." The old house was turned over to the Committee, but it was stipulated that they should " suffer the Inhal)itant8 to meet in it until the new Meeting House is finished " and " provided they remove the old meeting- house in six months," " provided also they bank up with stones and gravel against the sides of the new meeting- house, the Town allowing stones to do it out of ye Fort."§ The new house was a stately structure, sixty-six feet long, sixty feet wide, and twenty-six feet stud. It had a "turret" or belfry for the bell, and in 1702 provision was made for a town-clock, with a dial. The sexton, Simon Pinder, was instructed in 1716 to ring the bell daily at five o'clock in the morning. The old meeting-house was ♦Town Records. t History of Boxford, by Sidney Perley. t Felt inclines to believe that the third meeting-house was erected some years before this. In 1667, it was " agreed with Ezeliiel Woodward and Freegrace Nor. ton to gett and how the timbers for the meeting house roof." In 1671 an appro, priation was made for ten days' work for raising the frame. These items refer rather to enlargements or repairs of tlie existing building. It Is worth noting that a Committee to repair the meeting liouse was cliosen in 1663, only about fifteen years after it was built. The use of green timber, and the difficulty of keeping the roof tiglit, often alluded to, may explain the frequency of repair. § Town Records, 1699. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 7 sold back to the town by the building committee in 1701, and in 1703 the town voted to sell it to anybody for £20. No purchaser was forthcominfr, and a dreary suggestion of the ruinous and melancholy condition into which the ven- erable building fell, and the wanton appropriation of it by piecemeal, is contained in the vote of March 16, 1703/4. " Voted that the Selectmen do inquire and make search of all p'sns y* have disorderly taken away out of ye old Meeting-house and converted ye same to y"" own use, shall prosecute them at law, unless they will comply and make satisfaction." The most decisive note as to the location of the new house is afforded by a very curious map, made in the year 1717, of the north side of Main street. It locates " Pot- ter's House," on the corner of Loney's lane, and there is a quaint remark in the margin : " Had there been but a little more room on this side the meeting- house should have been set down." " The meeting-house is but little more than 4 rods from Potter's house." Measuring a radius of seventy-five feet from this corner brings us to the terrace north of the present building, and on this the third meeting house probably w^as built. The fourth building was erected in 1749. It was sixty- three feet long, forty-seven feet wide, and was twenty- six feet stud . It was admirably built and was used for a century. Its location is well remembered, on the precise spot occupied by the present edifice, which was erected in 1846-1847, but the tall steeple was at the northern end, and the building stood with its broad side facing down the hill. The pulpit and sounding board were famous works of handicraft, and are preserved in the steeple-room of the present edifice, in a much abridged form. At the southeast corner of the Green, on the spot now occupied by the chapel of the First Church, the town pound was built, a fenced inclosure into which stray cattle were driven and kept confined. Much annoyance and no small damage were often caused by the straying of cattle, horses or swine into the tilled fields or gardens. Conse- quently stringent regulations were adopted by the town to prevent the breach of the laws, with reference to pastur- 8 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. age. Thus it is recorded under date, 13 January, 1639 :* " agreed that whosoever shall find mares, horses or oxen in the cow common two hours after sunrising and bring same either to the Pound or to the owner of the same, the said owner shall give to such a p'ty double recompense for his pains. The forfeits of 10s. are to goe half to the Towne, and halfe to him that shall impound such tres- passing cattell." Swine were to be impounded by an order of the year 1643, and in the same year, it was voted : " The Common Pounder or any other party shall have ii d a peece for all piggs, or any other Cattell, that they shall impound, out of any Comon-field or fenced ground, except house lotts and gardens." A discolored and dimly- written old document, preserved in the Court Records in Salem, has a very interesting association with this old pound, and the method of enforcing the laws, which gov- erned its use. It appears that John Leigh had driven five cows belonging to his neighbor, Simon Tompson of Rocky Hill, to the pound. To secure their release, Tomp- son was obliged to petition the august magistrate. Gen- eral Denison, who issued the following writ toTheophilus Wilson, the constable, with his autograph in his familiar hand. To the Constable of Ipswich You are required to replevin five Cowes of Simon Tomp- son's now impounded by John Leigh, and to deliver them to the sd Simon, provided he give bond to the value of fifety shillings w"' sufBcient sureties to prosecute his Re- plevin, at the next Court, holden at Ipswich & so from Court to Court till the Cause be ended & to pay such costs and damage as the sd John Leigh shal by law recover ag^' him and so make a true return hereof under your hand Dated 9"^ of August, 1654. Daniel Denison. This bears the endorsement, which is scarcely legible from the scrawling; hand : 9**^ of August, 1654. I replevined 5 cowes of Simon Tompson and took bond of hym accordingly. by me Theophilus Wilson Constable. * Town Records. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. » Every time the pound gate closed upon a stray animal, this formal proceeding was necessary before it could l)e recovered by the owner. This custom contiuued for many years, and " field-drivers," whose theoretical functiou it is to drive stray cattle to pound, are still elected annually. The spot thus used was sold to Mr. George Heard, on be- half of subscribers for a vestry or chapel for the First Parish in 1831, and the present building was erected upon it. Allusion has already been made to a small watch-house, ten feet square, built at Topsfield in 1673, within the meeting-house fort. The Ipswich watch-house was built many years before this, and was near the pound, as will appear from subsequent records. As early as 1636, the General Court ordered that every town should provide a sufficient watch-house " before the last of the 5^^ month next"* (1637). But our town seems to have proceeded very leisurely in the matter. On Dec. 4, 1643, "two loads of wood for the watch-house," perhaps timber foi its con- struction, had been delivered. In 1645 " There was pay'd to Goodman Cartwright, Thomas Burnam, towards the building the watch-house, two and forty shillings by Mr. Bradstreete, and for a dayes work of a team to draw timber by Rich. Kimball for Mr. Bradstreete, 0-8-0. "t Still the building was unfinished, for, in September, 1647, the town was " presented " by the Quarter Sessions Court for want of a watch-house, $ and in response to this summons, the seven men contracted with Philip Fowler, in the February following, to build a chimney at the watch-house and clap- board it.f This building is a vivid reminder of the perils of the time. A constant watch was maintained by the constables from the beginning to guard against any disorder by night, and in timeOf danger from Indian assault, special precau- tions were taken. "Every adult male of each family above the age of eighteen, including "sons, servants and sojourn- ers," was liable to this service. From the last of March to the last of September the streets and all exposed local- * Mass. Bay Colony Records. t Town Records. I Papers in Ct. Records. 10 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. ities were patrolled from half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise. All who were abroad after ten o'clock were likely to be challen2:ed by the watch, and summoned to exi)lain where they were goin^ and what their business was, and if they failed to satisfy the inquis- itive night-guard, they were liable to arrest and detention at the watch-house or "courte of guard " till morning. When there was special fear of Indians, military offi- cers were ordered to keep watch and ward day and night, and it was prescribed that public alarm shoukl be given by distinctly discharging three muskets, or the continued beat of the drum at night, or firing the beacon, or dis- charging a piece of ordnance at night. All sentinels were to go immediately to all houses in their neighborhood, crying. Arm ! Arm ! and all women and children, and old and infirm, were to hurry within the fort, where the am- munition was to be guarded. In 1645, a double mili- tary watch armed with pike and musket was ordered and a daily scout at the outskirt of each town.* In all these dark and perilous times, the watch-house, with its comfortable fire, was a convenient rendezvous for the watch, and a place of detention for any suspicious characters. Many a timid youth, afraid of his own shadow, went with trembling from its safe shelter to keep his vigil in the dark streets or on the outskirts of the town, and right glad was he to return, when his watch was finished, and report to his superior. It was dull work at best, and we are not surprised that watchmen sometimes napped. John Grant was called to account before the Ipswich Court in 1647 "for sleeping in a barn," and Mark Quilter and Thomas Willson, "for going into a barn to sleep" while on their watch, were reprimanded. In 1692, Hezekiah Hodgkins presumed to bring a pack of cards into the watch-house to while away the night hours, and was sen- tenced to pay a fine of £5.f Near the watch-house, another building of frowning aspect was erected in 1652, the county prison, which was ordered by the Court, as the prison in Boston was not sufficient for the colony. The vote of the town was very * Mass. Bay Colony Records, 164 J, 1G45, 1647, 1652, 1667. t Quarter Sessions Court Records. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 11 comprehensive, and we are indebted to its minnteness of specitication for a very valuable description of the "prison- house," as it was called. It was to be twenty feet long and sixteen feet wide and the contract required, "3 floors of Joyce thick set and well boarded, with partitions abore and below, the sides and ends studs and stud space, and to clapboard the house round, and to shingle it, and to daub it whole wall and all but the gable ends, and to underpin the house, and makedores and stayers, and hang the dores, and sett in locks." It was specified also that it should be built "adjoining to the watch-house, to beequallin height and wydness with the watch-house." Forty pounds sterling were appropriated for the expense of erection. Theophilus Wilson, whose residence was near the present Farley house, was appointed to keep the prison until fur- ther notice,* and in 1657 the Court ordered that he should have " £3 for the 3'ear, and for every person committed into the prison 5* and all pris. before they be released shall discharge their charges for food and attendance, and such as are not able to provide for themselves, shall be allowed only bread and water. "f In 1659, Mr. Wilson " is apoynted to gett locks to secure the prison & what is wanting else to make y^ doors & prison strong. "| But locks and bars were not sufficient to make it secure. On the morning of the 30th of March, 1662, the worthy constable and jailer and the community generally were astonished to find that a prisoner had escaped, by jail breaking, " the first offence of this nature committed in the country." The jailer deposed to the Court, that he " put him in prison and lockt the dore fast, and put the hasp on to the staple in the outsyde of the dore, which none within can unhasp, and left no tooles or meanes of light in the prison. "§ Another prisoner escaped, and when rear- rested, he explained that he was very cold in the jail, and took up some of the floor boards and departed. As there is no mention of a chimney in the contract, confinement in cold weather must have been particularly cheerless. * Quarter Sessions Court Records, 27-7-1653. t Quarter Sessions Court Records, March, 1()57. X Quarter Sessions Court Records, 9mo., 1G59. § Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1662. 12 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. Evidently some one came and unhasped the door and helped the prisoner out in the former case. The Court proceeded to enact rigid rules to prevent such offences. "Forasmuch as several escapes have been made out of prison by the prisoners with the ayd and assistance of some ill affected persons, yt is ordered that noe pson shall presume hereafter to come within the prison yard nor within 20 foote of the prison on the west syde thereof, where there is noe fence, upon any pretence whatsoever, without particular leave from the keeper while any pris- oners are in the prison, upon paine & penaltye to be pro- ceeded against as contentious of authority, and abettors of malefactors."* The old Court Records reveal many secrets of the olden time. The Couit held its sessions probably in John Sparks's inn, on or near the spot now occupied by the Baker house, so called, now owned and occupied by Miss Lucy Slade Lord. Frequent items of payment "to the house " occur, and the Court order in 1680, that the officers of the Court were not to be paid until "the debts due to the ordinaries for the entertainment of the Court be discharged," seems to point to this conclusion. It is certain that a court- house was not built before the following century. Mr. Symon Bradstreet, Mr, Samuel Symonds, Major General Denison and Maj. William Hathorne were usually the judges. Many disturbers of the peace and offenders against the dignity of the law were arraigned and sentenced, and many a man and woman went from the court room to the gloomy jail. For the ordinary poor debtors, thieves and lawbreakers of the common sort, we feel slight concern, but we are moved to pity for one Henry Spenser, who ran away from his master, took sundry valuables of his, stole a horse and saddle at Andover, and completed his course by breaking prison, at Ipswich, who was sentenced to be severely whipped and branded in the forehead with a letter B and pay a fine of £5.t And we feel great com- passion for Samuel Shattnck, Nicolas Phelps, and Joshua Buffum, Quakers, who had been absent a Sunday or two * Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1661. t Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1665. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 13 from public worship in Salem, and had been apprehended by the constable at the Quakers' meeting, who were all sentenced to be fined, "and for persisting still in their course, & opinion as Quakers the sentence of the Courtis they shall be committed to the House of Correction, there to be kept untill they give security to renounce their opinion or remove themselves out of the jurisdiction."* They were led across the Green to the prison, or house of correction as it was sometimes styled, as it served for both purposes, and then as the law required they were whipped, fed on bread and water and compelled to work on hemp and flax and no one was allowed to speak to them.j They languished in prison several weeks at least and then came the edict of the General Court (Oct. 19, 1658) 4 "Itt is ordered that the Quakers in prison at Ipswich be forthwith sent for, Samuel Shattocke, Lawrenc South- wick & Cassandra Southwicke his wife, Nicho Phelps, Joshua Buflum & .Tosiah Southwicke, enjoined at their peril to depart out of this jurisdic. before the first day of the Ct. of Election next, which, if they neglect or refuse to do, they shall be banished under payn of death." Whittier's muse has made their names immortal in " The King's Missive," "Cassandra Southwick"and other poems. The whipping post and stocks were the grim accessories of the prison as instruments of punishment. The site of the last whipping post was identified by tradition with a certain hollow in the Green, a few rods from the meeting- house. It was proposed that the spot should be marked by a tree, and when the hole was dug, the stump of the old post was discovered. The elm that was planted by Mr. Aaron Cogswell and his son, Mr. John H. Cogswell, is now well grown. It is the tree nearest the meeting-house on the southeast. The stocks were a wooden frame, in which the feet of evil doers were fixed and held fast. Imprisonment in them involved some discomfort l)ut little pain, probably, and exposed the culprit to public ridicule. This penalty was reserved for minor oflences. Thus, Joseph Fowler, a roystering young fellow, who was always * Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1658. t Mass. Bay Colony Records, 1656. X Mass. Bay Colony Records. 14 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. in mischief, was bound to fjood ])ehaviour, and to sit four liours in the stocks, and Benjamin Muzzy for bartering a gun to Indians was sentenced to sit four hours in the stocks, and pay the Indian his beavers again. John Broadstreet, for his misdemeanor in assaulting the Court, was to sit one hour.* Daniel Black and his wife were both sentenced to the stocks, and were instructed not to miscall each other, while so confined. f The precise location of the stocks is unknown, but it must have been near by. For the whipping, there was an officer appointed annually. Francis Jordan was the first incumbent of that position, of whom we have record, and he was allowed twenty shillings a year.J Jeffrey Skelling was whipped in 1650 " for divers lyes." Henry Salter, for running away twice and stealing, was sentenced to be whipped and " weare a lock on his legg, and pay treble damages. "§ Women guilty of unchastity felt the lash as well as men, and it was generally inflicted together with fines and inprison- ment for the grosser offences. That old " goal " was the scene of many sad experiences. Murderers were imprisoned there until the day of their doom delivered them. On the Lecture-day before they were hanged, they were taken in their chains to the public service of worship. Judge Sewall mentions in his Diary a Newbury woman, Esther Rogers, who was thus dealt with. On January 16, 1700-1, "Mr. Rogers prai'd for the prisoner of death." The sermon on that occasion, he ob- serves, was the last preached in the old meeting-house. Those under suspicion of witchcraft were guarded there, and Giles Corey, who was pressed to death in Salem because he refused to plead to the charge of witchcraft, made his will within its walls. || Whittier's poem, "The Changeling," recounts the fate of Goody Cole of Hampton, confined there under sentence of death for being a witch, and of the hurried coming of Goodman Ezra Dalton, with Justice Sewall's warrant for her release. * Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1651. t Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1664. X Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1650. § Quarter Sessions Court Records, 1673. II SewaU'8 Diary. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 15 " Then throiigh the night the hoof -beats Went sounding lilie a flail And Goody Cole at cock crow Came forth from Ipswich jail." It continued to serve its purpose until 1750 when it was reputed to be in such a ruinous condition, "and utterly insufficient" that the Court ordered it should be used no longer.* But a longer lease of life was in store for the ancient prison. It was decided subsequently to repair it and make it fit for further use. Col. John Choate otfered an order which was adopted by the Court, and prescribed the exact work to be done. " Ordered that the House in Ipswich Heretofore im- proved as a Prison be forthwith Repaired by a suitable Trench filled with stones round the outside thereof & on those Stones a teire of Timber of five or six inches thick Raised near the top of the upper lofts of the house at 12 or 14 inches distance from it well surported by dovetail thereto & the space between the House & Timber fill with suitable stone with windows through the same for light and air to each Room."f It was further ordered "that the Prison Frame adjoin- ing to the house aforesaid (except the inside of the West end) be . . . duly finished as soon as may be with a suit- able Cellar under the same." Andrew Burley, Esq., was appointed a committee to secure these repairs and £40 were appropriated. He reported, Sept. 26, 1752, that the two lower rooms had been sufficiently repaired and strengthened and it was ordered that these rooms might again be used as a "common Goal," and that " the garret floor be lined underneath with two inch oak Plank." Again on July 10, 1753, he informed the Court that he had built a fence around the prison, and the keeper's house adjoining. It was ordered then that " the two lower rooms be plastered overhead" and that " the North chamber be finished so as to Accommodate such Prisoners as may have the benefit of being under bond to Remain within the limits of sd Prison." It was specified that "the * General Sessions Court Records, July 10, 1750. t General Sessions Court Records, July 9, 1751. 16 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. house adjoining .... with the yard inck)sed by the fence aforesaid be the limitts ot said Prison."* Mr. Barley's son, Andrew, informed the Court on Christmas day, 1753, that his father was dead and the repairs were still incomplete. He was instructed to carry the work forward, and in the following July, the final accounts were settled. It is a noteworthy instance in the olden time of the expensiveness of public undertakings. Forty pounds sterling were appropriated originally. The total cost proved to be two hundred and sixty-eight. Singularly enough, after such prolonged and expensive repairs, the sheriff reported in 1769 that the Goal was very defective and out of repair, and on December 25, 1770, plans for a new building with keeper's house were presented and approved, and a building committee was appointed to proceed forthwith. This plan has been pre- served in the Court Files. The committee was instructed to negotiate with the town for a proper site. The town voted that it would provide a suitable place for the new prison on the west end of the county-house, provided that the County would relinquish its right in the land on the east side of the old house, for building a workhouse. Widow Elizabeth Hunt was instructed to remove the house she occupied, and clear the ground where the house stands, and the shoemaker's shop of Joseph Hodgkins was also or- dered away.f These buildings were on the town land. The County and Town agreed to "set the Goal at the west end of the County House and the Committee of the Town of Ipswich have agreed to set off for that purpose at the west end of said County House six square rods of land bounded beginning at Robert Perkins land, so running southwest by the end of said County House three rods, thence northwest two rods, northeast three rods, then southeast two rods to first bounds. Provided the County relinquish their right to the land the old Goal now stands. "f This exchange of land was made, additional land was purchased of Robert Perkins, who owned and lived on the spot now occupied by Mr. John H. Cogswell's residence, and the prison was built at once. On March 31, 1772, * General Sessions Court Records, t Town Records. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 17 the Justices viewed and approved the building, and ordered that "tlie two lower rooms and the two chambers be henceforth made use of as his Majesty's Goal in this County, and that the upper apartment be for a House of Correction." The plan shows that the prison was a two- story building with gambrel roof, and that the rooms under the roof were used for the House of Correction. In October of the same year, the County bought of Robert Perkins, to enlarge the yard of the new Goal and County House, "a certain piece of land containing 31 rods which is bounded southwest on land whereon the said new Goal . . . now stands, and land beh)nging to said Town of Ipswich, six rods, fifteen and a half feet, southeast on land beh)nging to Nathaniel Hovey, four rods, fourteen feet, northeast on land of widow Sarah Pidcifer six rods two and a half feet, northwest on said Robert Perkins land four rods one foot, with one other small piece thereto contiguous at the westerly corner thereof and containing 232 square feet, extemling twenty- four feet westerly from the afore mentioned in length, and ten feet in breadth rearward from said first mentioned line continued on westward twenty-four feet as aforesaid."* The County found the small attic rooms insufficient for the County House and l)ought the Dumraer Jewettf prop- erty on the South side and erected a new building for prison use in 1790 and 1791. Land on Green street was bought and a new jail built of stone, near the present House of Correction, in 1806, and in 1808, the old Goal site, with its yard, was sold to Rev. David Tenney Kim- ball. The deed gives the bounds as follows ; " beginning at the East corner by land of Daniel Hol- land southwest on land of heirs of Nath. Kinsman deed. 80 feet to land of Inhabitants of Ipswich, northwest 78 feet 3 in,, thence on land belonging to said inhabitants running south west to the training field or Common, thence running north west, 63 ft. 4 in. on said Common, thence running north east on said Common and land of David Pulsifer to the corner of the old goal yard by his land, * Essex Co. Deeds, book 130, leaf 247. t The ancient house on the Edward Wildes estate. The prison was on the Bite of the adjoining house. 2 18 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. thence south east on said Pulsifer's land 24 feet, thence north east 51 feet, on said Pulsifer's land to land of said Daniel Holland, thence running south east 101 feet 6 in. on said Holland's land to bounds first mentioned," the goal reserved to be taken away Jan. 1, 1808.* Mr. Kimball enlarged his lot in the following year by purchasing of the town a small piece bounded on two sides by his own land and on the third by the Common and the })ound.| These details enable us to locate the ancient and the more modern prisons with much accuracy. The present dividing line, between the Kimball estate and Mr. John H. Cogswell's, turns at a right angle about sixty-six feet from the front line, and after running twenty feet south- east, resumes its former course and extends fifty-eight feet to the rear corner of the Kimball land. Mrs. J. Q. Peabody remembers that her father, to accommodate Mr. John Howe Boardman, the owner of the Cogswell property, set his fence some four or five feet back from the line specified by his deed. If a line, parallel to the present line, and five feet nearer Mr. Cogswell's residence, be prolonged into the Green, we have the northwest limit of the jail premises of 1770, and a parallel line, two rods to the southeast, indicates the northwest bound of the ancient prison lot, while the lot on the northeast side of the Chapel was undoubtedly part of the old prison yard, which was surrendered to the town by the agreement made in 1771. The watch-house was adjacent to the old prison. The prison of 1770 occupied in part, at least, the site of the Kimball homestead, and the ancient prison of 1652 was very near it. A large flat rock some fifteen feet in front of the Kimball fence covers the well of the prison of 1771, and it may have provided water for the original Goal. With the keeper's house and the enclosing fences, a large portion of the present corner of the Green must have been occupied. We must remember, of course, that the present road in front of the Cogswell and Peabody residences is comparatively modern. There was nothing more than a rutted driveway, which provided an approach to the houses. * Essex Co. Deeds, book 185, le:if 152. t Essex Co. Deeds, book ISO, leaf 71, April 12, 1809. MEETING HOUSE GKEEN. 19 We have uieutioiied that the ancient watch-house was set near the pound. That corner of the old Green was utilized for so many purposes that we are bewildered by any attem|)t at exact location. Thus in 1655, Hum- phrey Gri (fin had liberty to set up a " shamballs " or slaughter house, about twenty feet square, by the pound. This grant was followed by another, in 1664, to Major General Denison, " soe much ground by the pound and his own fence as 30 foot long and 20 foot l)road to sett up a cow-house," and another of twelve feet " at the west end of his barn to the pound," in 1679.* To accommodate Thomas Fossey, the goal-keeper, " Four rods near the Prison, by Mr. Wilson's barn, formerly so called and bounded by stakes," were carved out of the old Green for his residence, in 1692, and, in 1703, Samuel Graves, Jr. was granted liberty to remove his hatter's shop, "and to sett it some place about ye pound, where the selectmen shall appoint, and ye sd Graves to remove sd shop off said Ground of ye Towne, whenever the Town shall see cause." In 1722 John Wainwright Esq. was desired to wait on the Justices of the Qiuirter Sessions Court and make sale, if possible, of the Fossey house, as a residence for the jailer ; and the house, then in possession of Sam. Graves. He conferred with the Court as instructed, and Col. John Appleton, Dan' Rogers and flno. Whipple were desired "to treat with said Fosdike's heirs ab* ye same and know the lowest Term it may ])e had for & whether y Town will give a Grant of y*^ Land where ye Prison is, & such addition of lind as may be necessary & y'' Report thereof may be made to ye next Sessions at Salem. "f No report is recorded, but the County evidently came into posses- sion of the land, as it was deeded back to the Town in 1771. It seems likely that the Fossey and Graves houses were on or near the land now owned by the heirs of Rev. D. T. Kimball. Very early in the eighteenth century, the question of an almshouse, or workhouse, as it was often called, was debated, and on Feb. 3, 1717, the town voted that "an * Denison owned the property now owned by the heirs of John Perkins and W. H. Graves, t General Sessions Ct. Records, March 27, 1722. 20 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. Aims-House or convenient House for ye Poor be built, To be a logg house of about 40 foot long, about 16 foot wide, about 6 foot high w"' a flatt roof as may be sut- able." It was voted in 1719, that it should be set "in ye lane towards Pindars," ?'. e. Loney's Lane, but evidently the attraction of the pound was too great to be overcome, as in 1731* we find mention of the " alms house adjoining to the Pound." But it was not an attractive place of residence for the poor, or there were few poor to be housed, and the spacious log house was available for other uses. So William Stone, who by reason of sickness was no longer able to support himself by fishing, asked leave to use a room there to teach reading and writing to the youth, and this was granted in the year 1722. Shortly before this, the Town voted that a school should not be kept in the Town House, and this oflTer of the debilitated fisherman may have oftered a providential solution of the school-question. For some reason, the old Town seems to have been inclined to resort to many makeshifts in regard to a proper school building. As early as 1714 it was voted that " the watch-house should be improved during the Summer by some person who will undertake the teaching of young children to read;" and, in the next year, the query was, if there were not some woman, who was ready to make this use of the old watch-house. Again in 1731, the almshouse was resorted to, when Henry Spillar was granted the use of a room at the southerly end for "his teaching and instructing youth in reading, writing & cyphering." In 1733 he was granted £12 for his school-keeping. This almshouse seems to have be- come too old for service of any sort in 1770, when the location of a new one was debated at the same time the new prison was projected, and some proposed that it should be at the southeast end of the old county house, " provided the Town will be moving the Pound and take down the Alms House which is now rotten, & settle the bounds between the Town land and Capt. Tread well,"* but in 1784 the Selectmen were requested to sell it. Capt. Treadwell was the owner of the Denison prop- * Town Records. MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 21 erty, which was owned later by Nathaniel Lord, Jr., and then by Mr. »Tohn Perkins, whose heirs still own the corner where his late dwelling stands. The Green origi- nally reached far into this lot, as we have noticed, and as late as about 1850, the present line was established. In the olden time, a stone wall enclosed it, and in 1702, when the new meeting house had been built, a spasm of kindly regard for the horses, during the time of service, possessed the hearts of the fathers, and they voted that sheds might be set up on the Green near the old meeting house, but their second thought was better, and Nicholas Wallis was allowed a place by this stone wall for a shed. The original vote permitted a shed to be built " about 20 foot from ye Watch House, southerly toward the old Meet- ing House." As the watch-house was near the present chapel, any approximation to a southerly direction from it would require the location of the second meeting-house and fort near the present roadway, on the southeast side of the meetmg-house. Our survey cannot be completed without a glimpse at the small grass plot, in front of the Methodist meeting- house. Here the first Town-house was built. The order of the Town, Dec. 28, 1704, specified a building about 32 feet long, about 28 feet wide, about 18 or 19 feet stud, '' with a fiat roof raised about 5 foot." A school-room was finished in the lower part, and the upper was used for a court-room and for town meetings. It was replaced by a new building, erected at the joint expense of Town and County, in 1793-94, a much more pretentious structure with a high belfry or steeple. It stood with its rear end close to the high ledge, which has been blasted to its pres- ent level, but which was originally as high as the eaves of the building itself. Thus, in close proximity to prison, stocks and whipping post, the Courts held their stately sessions from 1704 to 1854, when they ceased their sit- ting's, and the house was sold and removed to the corner near the railroad station. It was utilized by Mr. James Damon for a hall and stores, and was totally destroyed by fire, April 14, 1894. Famous judges sat in the bar ; great lawyers, Webster, Choate and Story, made their pleas ; momentous cases were decided under its roof. 22 MEETING HOUSE GREEN. Near the old Town-house, at its easterly end, by vote of the Town, permission to erect a building, fifty feet long and twenty-five feet Avide, was given to a number of subscribers in November, 1774, "for the encouragement of military dis- cipline," and during the cold days of winter the Minute Men were schooled in the manual of arms, in preparation for the war that was then regarded as inevitable, and, by a singular coincidence, the room in the neighboring brick building, occupied by the Post Office, served as a recruit- ing headquarters during the Civil War. Thus the Green is full of memories, from the earlier to the later times. Hither the hogs were driven in the morn- ing, and the swine-herd, Abraham War with Goodman Symmes drove them to the town-commons;* and, at the sound of the cow-herd Haniel Bosworth's horn, blown on the Green soon after sunrise, the cows of the neighborhood were gathered there, that they might be driven in a herd to the public pasture lands outside the town limits. f Great gatherings have assembled on its ledges and grassy slopes. From the ledge nearest the meeting-house, as the tradition is, Whitefield preached to thousands, hushed to solemn stillness. When Lafayette was welcomed, the meeting-house was filled with the throng of citizens who paid him honor. Here the militia gathered for their peri- odic trainings, and the training days were great days, with the pomp and parade of the military and the tents of fakirs and cheap showmen. Ordination days were grand occa- sions too, with their festal accompaniment of booths for eating and drinking. Happily the noblest associations are the most constant. Hither the people have come to worship since the begin- nings of the town life, and here, the schoolchildren stray- ing a liltle from the old watch-house, the ancientalmshouse, the town-house and the old gambrel-roofed school buildinjr that stood where the present Denison school now stands, have found a pleasant playground for two centuries. • Town Records, 1653. t Town Records, 1661. HOUSES AND LANDS NEAR THE MEETING HOUSE GREEN. It was recorded, in 1639, that Theophilus Wilson's house lot was purchased of John Sanders, and that it was bounded on the southeast by the lot of Robert Mosey. We may presume that Sanders and Mosey, or Muzzey, were the original grantees. The Sanders-Wilson prop- erty included the tract bounded by the Green, North Main and Summer streets, and, nearly enough for our present purpose, by a line extending from the chapel to Summer street. The Mosey or Muzzey property was bounded by this line, on the northwest, by Summer and County streets. Whether it ever included the remainder of the square bounded by Green street and the Green, is a matter of doubt. But we know that Major General Denison owned the lot bounded by Muzzey, County street, Green street and the Meeting House Green in 1648.* Theophilus Wilson, aged about eighty-eight years, as the deed recites, sold his dwelling, orchard and land to John Lovell, July 29, 1689. f John Lovell, shoemaker, sold to his father, Thomas Lovell, a currier by trade, Feb. 8, 16944 The elder Lovell divided the lot, and sold William Donnton, mariner, the northeast portion, Aug. 1, 1695. § This lot was bounded by Main street, Summer street, then known as Annable's Lane, originally Stony street, and the former Muzzey property, then owned by Samuel Dutch. He exchanged the remainder for another estate, with his son, Alexander, Oct. 16, 1697. |1 Alexander Lovell conveyed " my old dwelling house and * Ipswich Deeds, book 1, leaf 149. t Ipswich Deeds, book 5, leaf 299. X Essex Co. Deeds, book 10. § Essex Co. Deeds, book 13, leaf 60. II Essex Co. Deeds, book 20, leaf 91. (23) 24 HOUSES AND LANDS NEAR part of my homestead, which was Mr. Wilson's late of Ipswich " and about forty square rods of land to Samuel Chapman, mariner, Dec, 1715.* The deed to Chapman is the first to give measurements, and it informs us that the frontage on the Green was six rods lacking one foot, and that the southeast bound was a line extending from the Green to theDonnton land, about two and a half feet from the easterly end of the dwelling. This line coincides with the present dividing line between the Farley and Cogswell properties, and it defines the location of the old Theophilus Wilson house very satisfac- torily. Making allowance for gradual encroachment on the Green, the house stood, at least, a rod back from the present front fence, and about two feet from the fence which sejiarates the two estates. This corner lot was sold by Chapman to Joseph Foster, Nov. 2, 1726, 1 and bv him to Joseph and Jeremiah Per- kins, Jan. 26, 1726-27. | It continued many years in the Perkins line. James Perkins owned and occupied the southeast half of the house and land in 1795, and sold the same to Joseph Perkins of Newburyport, in February of that year,§ and a James Perkins bequeathed one undi- vided half of the whole estate to his sister, Susanna Ken- dall, and the other to his nephew, Isaac Perkins, in 1818. || Dr. George Chadwick purchased one half from the admin- istrator of Susanna Kendall, and the other from Francis Butler and wife of Farmington, Jan. 5, 1831.11 Chadwick sold to Robert Farley, April 25, 1839,** who transferred it to Joseph K. Farley, April 29, 1842. ft Mr. Farley sokl the old house, which was removed to Pingree's Plain, and built the present mansion, which was occupied by his widow until her death. Alexander Lovell had built a new dwelling, probably before he sold the old Wilson homestead in 1715. He sold a part of his lot on the southeast side, bounded by the pound on the southwest, to Nathaniel Hovey, Nov. 3, ♦ Essex Co. Deeds, book 30, leaf 187. t Essex Co. Deeds, book 48, leaf 195. I Essex Co. Deeds, book 49, leaf 206. § Essex Co. Deeds, book 158, leaf 262. II Essex Co. Prolmte Records, book 393, leaf 332. TI Essex Co. Deeds, book 260, leaf 161. ** Essex Co. Deeds, book 312, leaf 295. tt Essex Co. Deeds, book 332, leaf 47. THE MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 25 1739,* and he gave a small lot fronting on the Green, eighteen feet front and forty feet deep, "12 foot from the southeast end of my dwelling house," to his daughter Sarah Pulsipher, and her husband Joseph Pulsipher, Oct. 21, 1746. t He bequeathed one-half of his house and land to Jonathan Wells, his son-in-law, and the other to Joseph Pulsipher.! Pulsipher or Pulcifer acquired the other half by purchase Dec. 24, 1747, from William Pulcifer and Mary his wife, daughter of Lovell,§ and Jonathan Wells, j Abraham Tilton sold the southeast half to Robert Per- kins March 7, 1761, || and the deed specified that the line of division began at the middle of the house, ran through the house aud the middle of the well. This well is in the rear of Mr. Cogswell's resideuce. Its location indicates that the house, which Alexander Lovell built, was a little northwest of the preseut dwelling. Perkins sold land to the County for the new jail of which mention has already been made,1[ now owned by the heirs of Rev. David T. Kimball, Oct. 29, 1772,** and conveyed his title in the remainder of the estate to Stephen Lord, March 6, 1793. ft Lord sold to Thomas Kimball, mariner, April 23, 1795, JJ who also purchased from Sarah Safford the small rectan- gular piece, eighteen feet by forty, which she had received from her father, July 16, 1796. §§ One item of peculiar interest attaches to this deed. It defines the land in ques- tion as bounded by the Green on the southwest. The line then extended northeast by the land occupied by the prison, seventeen feet, and so on the same course, twenty three feet to Kimball's land. The conclusion seems nat- ural that the line of the Green at that time touched the present fence between the Cogswell and the Kimball prop- erties, seventeen feet from the northeast corner of the fence. The distance from this corner to the present line of the Green is sixty-one feet seven inches, or forty-four feet farther into the Green. As the line was indefinite, and un- marked by fences or bounds, encroachment was easy, and * Essex Co. Deeds, book 88, leaf 277. t Essex Co. Deeds, book 106, leaf 90. t Essex Co. Probate Records, book .327, leaves 306-309. § Essex Co. Deeds, book 104, leaf 132. || Essex Co. Deeds, book 109, leaf 116. IT Cf. " The Meeting House Green." ** Essex County Deeds, book 130, leaf 247. tt Essex Co. Deeds, Look 155, leaf 201. U Essex Co. Deeds, book 160, leaf 32. §§ Essex Co. Deeds, book 160, leaf 272. 26 HOUSES AND LANDS NEAR record remains of a grant, soon to be noted. Thomas Kimball sold to David Pulcifer, Nov. 6, 1798,* who ac- quired a small tract in the rear of Elizabeth Holland, July 30, 1812. t In the meantime, Sarah Safford, widow of Joseph Pul- cifer, of Campton, Moses Jewett of New Milford, Israel Eliot Pulcifer of Beverly, and Samuel Little of Beverly, executed a deed of the northwest half of the house with land to Aaron Perkins, Jun., cooper, Nov. 7, 1797,:}: who transferred it to Daniel Holland, March 13, 1802. § On the night of June 9, 1811, the house took fire and was burned with most of its contents, and a boy, Abraham Burnham, who died at a good old age a few years since, slee|)ing in the house was forgotten until the last moment. Captain Pulcifer proceeded at once to rebuild and made request that his line might be extended into the Green ten feet. In view of the great loss he had suffered, the town generously granted it,||and the widow Holland was equally favored. Separate houses were now built by the widow Holland and Capt. Pulcifer. He sold his house and land to John How Boardman, April 4, 1826, 1[ and it came by inheri- tance to his son, Mr. Aaron Cogswell, the excellent school teacher for many years, and his grandson, xMr. John How Cogswell, the present owner. Mrs. Holland in due time became Mrs. Gage, wife of Samuel N. Gage, of Rowley, but survived her second husband. The executor of her estate sold it to Aaron Cogswell, May 24, 1841,** and the house was removed by Mr. John H. Cogswell to the cor- ner of County and Green streets a few years since. Rev. David Tenney Kimball, who had recently begun his pastorate with the First Church, bought the land owned by the County and occupied as a prison on Jan. 1, 1808, and erected the spacious and comfortable parsonage Avhich still stands. For many years the most liberal hospitality was dispensed. Miss Zilpah Grant and Miss Mary Lyon were much here, when the Female Academy was just ♦ Essex Co. Deeds, book 163, leaf 223. t Essex Co. Deeds, book 199, leaf 141. t Essex Co. Deeds, book 164, leaf 229. § Essex Co. Deeds, book 171, leaf 50. II Town Records, Feb. 4, 1811. IT Essex Co. Deeds, book 241, leaf 161. ** Essex Co. Deeds, book 326, leaf 165. THE MEETING HOUSE GREEN. 27 beginning its noble work. Famous ministers tarried a little while as they travelled or exchanged with the worthy pastor, Lyman Beecher, Calvin Stowe, Leonard Woods, and many another. Catharine Beecher and Ann Hazel- tine Judson, N. P. Willis, Garrison, Rufus Choate, Caleb Cushing and Daniel Webster, tasted the good cheer. William Donnton, we mentioned, bought the lot on the corner of North Main and Summer streets, in 1695. The deed mentions no building of any sort, only a plain hun- dred rods out of Mr. Wilson's houselot. Donnton built a home for himself, and it stood until a few years since, a low-roofed, big-chimneyed dwelling house, picturesque in its simplicity, a venerable landmark, whose disappearance we may well regret. On Nov. 5, 1721, Robert Perkins and Elizabeth, his wife, one of the daughters of William Donghton, deceased, sold their interest in the estate to Joseph Holland, mariner, their "loveing brother-in-law."* The deed conveyed house, barn and outbuildings with a measurement on Annable's lane, of twelve rods and eight feet, to a stake. Holland was a fisherman, and had a privilege in a certain fishing stage, and flake-room, on the southward side of Jefiry's Neck, next adjoining to the stage of William Wilcomb.f The executors of Mary Holland, widow of Joseph, sold the property to Dr. Francis Holmes, Jan. 1, 1765. | After the death of Dr. Holmes, the estate was divided by order of the Probate Court. The homestead or a two-thirds interest was set off to his son, John. The widow had a right of dower in another house, which had been built where Mr. Sayward's house now stands, also in a house lot, which had been divided from the original lot on Anna- ble's lane, John Holmes sold his interest in the home- stead to tToshua Blanchard of Boston, April 11, 1767, § Avho sold in turn to Ezekiel Dodge, Aug. 20, 1775. || Anna Dodge, widow and administrator of Ezekiel, sold the same two-thirds interest to Ezekiel Dodge, painter, July 5, 1789.11 Ezekiel sold one half his interest to Anna * Essex Co. Deeds, book 41, leaf 24. t Essex Co. Deeds, book 38, leaf 271, 1721-2. J Essex Co. Deeds, l)00k 106, leaf 195. § Essex Co. Deeds, book 121, leaf 246. I| Essex Co. Deeds, book 135, leaf 53. IT Essex Co. Deeds, book 158, leaf 132. 28 lU^IlSI'uM ANI> I.ANKS NKAK Hod^t*. .Imu^ l.>, IVli."^* AiiMji miuI Siinih hodi^o, dmi^li- torn itf Aniin, ,st>M (Iumt iiiUMi>s| lo l'i/.«>lvi«'l, Sept. 1*1, l.SIO.f M/,««kitNl sold llu^ lull two-lliirds and t»u«'-lirth o{' rtMiuiiniii;!;' part 1«) Maiiinii«:^ l>(tdi;»*, (MiarloK*^ and Mary I>(>di2;«>, Marcli 1*1, ISi'.'l.j Tlu' lu'irs ol" Mauirnii»; |)od«>;o Mold (o Mr. 'riuMMJon^ l'\ (\»s;s\v«>ll in h^HS, Apiil •{,§ ami tlM^ luMIMO was loin dt>\Vliat (>IUM>Mlld |Im> pil'Sflll ITsidtMU'O of Mr. HtMir^'o 10. l''arloy was «mo(I»mIom llic Haiuc .sitii. Mai'v ll()lllu^M, widow o\' l>r. Ilnlnu's, sold Imm- t^tpiily in |Im» holls^^ sho ooiMipiod (o Ium' Sim, .loliii, Maroli 11, I77l>.|| lit* (I'aiiMloiTod it to Vima notlt^**, Ap»"iloO. 17'.>1.* Man- nii\i!, I >od;;t> Mold it, willi land, lo .loliii How noai'dmaii, flan. S, 1S'J7.1 llo Mold it to MaiiMitiu; Podiio ayaiu, .\ii h-ansriMTiMJ it to (^ipl. .lolin Loid .'mI, on tlu^ saiuo day.** Il wax plM'^'lla.s(^d I:i1«m- l)y Pr. Isaao l*MirlilMor, wlu» laiilt tlu^ lioiist* now occiipit'd l»y Mi-. S;iy- waiil, in IS,M)-(»0. (i. 1<\ lr honuhl tlio ii\lor»r vn*! »>r tho li>l ttn Annal»U»'s Lan**. This roinainr«l in poss»l on ,)nm> 10, ISO."?, Sarah llolnulnn. v^ v^ Ho Iniill a honso, and soM land and lions(\ SopI . o, 1S(),>, t(t Klisha (ion Id. II || Ho sold loCapl. Haniid LaktMnMn, (>i-|. *io, ISM ini (\iplain liaUonjan soKl llu' notlliwrsi liall'tir iUo lionstN wi(i\ a narr(»w tVonla^i^ lo ,l;nnid at a lattw dato. ll is «)wnod si ill by tho Sl!inil\>id Tho dooil of salt* iVoni Iho wid*»w Mary lloll.-nul lo Hi-. Hohntvs oivt^s lh»< land »>! widow I'Mi/aholh I'lillor as iho * Kiwax Co, Ooodrt, iioKk \>Ns, lo«i' uw. I K.tao\ r». Oooiis. Look I'.m, lo.-ir.Vi. t Kii«tv\ Oo, Uootlti, K>i>k -.W, loiif Wi. § K.^rtOX t\>. 1>00(Im, lnu>k 1JH>, lonfMM. II KHi>t>\ Co. l>ooiU, IvooK I.N7, lonf -JU. 'I Ksoox Co, l>oo»l.s, Itook .MS, lonf JA^J. ♦* KaaoN Co, Ooods, >>ook OW, lonf^'iiC. tt K'««o\ t'o, Ooodtt, ht.ok las.%, loHf CO, II Kiiti«»v «'», Oooits. liook liV>l, loaf l-.M, S§ Ksnon Co, l>ooil.t. l>ooK. IT'.', loaf JS, llll K««to\ l"o, l>ooa«, >>ook 174. loaf 17'J, ^m K!t,io\ Co, Ooodt*. lu>olv U>,\ loaf U. *>■•♦ IC!4i»«ix i\>, Uomlit, liookdW. loaf -JU'. nil IMK.K I IN«) IIOHMK (lUKKN. 29 ,s»iu|Ih>iimI iilMillt'i [ l/.'i.O. 'riuM<' is M sliflil. oiroi ii.i l»» {\\0 DWIMMsllip ill lllill (mU\ MM lIlO widow I'llllcl lioltl IwM" lioiiMt* Miiil li»t «Mi Vo\>. :' I , l<,>l l(» I'lmmiis I'l oiulwt'll. * His willow rcltiiiKMl hoiiio itxniiM iii (h«> Iumino, mikI pint ol* llu> ImihI, l»y \\oy i\;<\\{ «)!' iI(»w«m', wIioii IIm^ <>«ImIo wmn ,s«>l(l (o Imiimt |)otli;o, .Inly M), I ('(•/. | (\>l. .loHcpli I li)(l|>lviiiH Moiil liic cIiuIuImM' tllld /L^liri'tl nl llu^ »lw cllin;', niul ( w o (IiiiiIm ol llir tH>lliir, " IxMii*.', ( lu> w lioli* ol llit> »hv«»llm,", i>l TlumiMM 'rr«>lul\Voll, 0\«'0|l| wlllll W tlH S«^( (ill' IIIkI IIHHi;.>IMMl Io \vitl(>W' K,m|Ii(>i rr«'iulw« Wiilimro »>r (lu^ omIhIo, ^\^^. 'i-'fi, ISOI.j iViiiii |)r. .loliii IM.'iiiniii^'. U'oIxmI I'miIim w.mm im |»(tM;u>Msu>ii lulor lUid sold lo l'//,olvioll)(ul;,>v. .Inn.'. M:l^ II, iS'.'.i.^^ Ili.i dMn<.>lilor iniin'i«Ml NolKMiiitili IIuhKoII, wIiomo linri Mlill t»w n llio |>iop«>rly . '^l»«^ TrtMidwi'll osliilt* Mi»cni) lo li!i\<^ inclndtMl llic iid joiniii;' |iio|i(mU now owned l»y Pr. ^^ illuiin II. I\nMM(^ll. ('ol. .lost'pli llodi'lvinM iind Ids w ir«\ livdiii. widow ol" lOliMliM 'ri'tMidwtdl, d(<«Ml(«d oiKt liidf llio hind iind Iioiin*^ (<» Slt'pluMi Low, Iind llio oIIkm' liiiir l(t liis wir«\ Siiridi. on M.ii.li :".>. I Si.':., II h WMM inli.-rilrd l.y Ids son. W inl In ..p. Iind l>y l>r. ICiiMSrll iVoin linn. 'V\\o liiiNsrll prop«Ml\ is ii. piirl (»l t li(> imcitMil 'rii(tin i«^l (MiirU hons<< iind liind wmm purl ol llm M<>c(tiid (Mi;i;iniil divinitMi. l\ol»«>rl lMn/,,',oy, wo ll;l\(^ s(M>n, iippciiM lo Ii;i\o Ihmmi IIm^ ori^iniil <;rMiilo»' td llii> stMonil Mock ol lliis •.(|iimi(\ Iml Miillliow WiiippltN WHS ill poss^^MHnnl w litwi li<^ di(>d, iihIIio \\v\ . Nidluinitd Iv'i »,'.',« mm, iind lli<< oMuir «>\o('nloi>t id' \\'liip pU^'s will. Hold (o IxoltnrI W liilniiin, lor i'.'t, ii lioiisii iind nil ticrc or<>i'onnd, ltonnd«td Im \\'ilMoniiiid I >(niison, tiinl piih- lit' ways. Miiy .'. ICIS.IJ W liil iniin sold d lo Wdliiini I >oin'liiss, i'oopnl«li. Iisln^^ niiin, WMM ill posMi^ssion in I (!(i(), ms m in(Ml,'.';M|i»(i dood iniikoH cvitliMil . I I No iiKMilitni oI'm lionst^ is lllnd(^ in I his d«>(Ml. niid {\u\ rorinrr (InMip d w (dlin<' Ihid had Im'oii l)i)n<.>;hl willinii iUM'o (d hind lor l.) in IlilS h.'id cnl irrl \ diMapp<^Hr«'d . In I (>7(>, I >nl eh t'onveyiMl lo his son S.Minnrl ahonl a tjiiMi lor oi' * KHHt^v !K.Mni.i;s. Miss (\iri)liiu' K.-irU'y, Caiu- l)ri(lL;i', Kraiik (\ Karlcv, So. Manclios- tor, Comi., Miss Kiitlu'riiu' S. Farley, So. M iiurlu'st.er, Conn., Mrs. lOnnioo W. Felton. (.'ain- l)ri(lu;o, •li'sso Fowkos, No\vtt>n, UciiinaUl FosUm*, Moston, An^n-it.ns I'. Gardrn'r, Hamilton, Cliarlos li. GoodluH', Sprinij- (ioUl. Mrs. I'Mi/.alu'Mi K. Gray, Miss Fiiiilv Iv. lirav, Sauqnolt, N. Y, ■ .\ninir \V. Half, Wincliostor, Albort. Farley Hoard, L'd, Bos- ton, Oils Kimball, Uosttui, Mrs. Otis Kimball. Boston, Miss Sarah S. Kimball, S.alom, FredorirU .1. Kinjisbnry, Wator- bnry. (^)nn., Miss ("arolinc T. Leeds, Bo-' by her care, had time enough and gift enough to write considerable volumes of prose and verse, — the first woman in America to challenge attention to her scholarship and the products of her pen. To her poetic fervor two of her descendants, the poet Dana and the poet Holmes, may owe theiri^fame. I wish it were possible to give a passing word to this pioneer among the unexplored possibilities of American letters. Tributes of alfection for the honored Governor, her husband, are among the finest lines she ever wrote. One of them contains this outburst of womanly pride and ardor, in which no happily-married woman will fail to catch the true ring : " To my dear and loving Husband : " If ever two were one, then surelj' we ; If ever man were loved by wife, then thee ; If ever wife were happy in a man, Compare with me, ye women, if you can ! I prize thy love more than whole Mines of Gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that Rivers cannot quench. Nor aught but love from thee give recompense." From the Bradstreets the great Channing also and Wendell Phillips, the matchless orator, both trace descent. We need not lack acquaintance with Bradstreet's personal appearance and habits. His portraits hang in the State House, and at the Essex Institute, and there is an especially good one in the City Hall at Salem, where Endecott bears him company, — the first and the last of the Colonial Governors, and both at times residents of Salem. His views of personal expenditure were liberal. He iiad built a fine mansion at Andover which was burned, with his books and papers, in 1666. His dress and bearing towards the end of his career are thus described in the language of a Jesuit Father, quoted in Winsor's Memorial History of Boston : " An old man, quiet and grave, dressed in EXERCISES AT THE I XVEILTNft OF THE TABLETS. 29 black silk, but not sumptuously." And Winsor adds his own estimate of the man in these words : "He seemed to concentrate in himself the dignity and wisdom of the first century of Massachusetts." Bradstreet is accredited with much activity in the building up of Andover, almost a frontier settlement in those early decades, where he remained, faithfully discharging, as often as called on, sundry offices of the town, until 1672. There he owned much land and promoted many enterprises. He built the first mill on the Cochickewick, an Andover tributary of the Merrimack, in 1644. In September, 1638, he had been the chief proprietor in the founding of Salisbury; in 1656 he owned salt-works at Nahant; and in 1674 owned the Rowley iron- works in a section of the town now incorporated as Boxford. He also owned estates in Topsfield, some of them, until recently, descending in the name. He had lands and dwelling-houses at Watertown, Cambridge and Boston. As early as 1639 he had a grant of five hundred acres of land near Governor Endecott's farm, now Danvers. Time fails us to rehearse in more detail the value of Governor Bradstreet's life-services to this community. But no lover of the grand old Commonwealth, proud of her history, can be indifferent to them. The length of his term of office is without a parallel. It began with the beginning of the State. He was chosen at the last meeting of the Court of Assistants in Eng- land. It outlasted all those in conspicuous standing who came with Winthrop. Near half a century an Assistant, ten years Chief Magistrate, twenty-four years a Commissioner of the Colonial Confederacy, he was thrown upon times when intense suspicion and jealousy of the home government were the rule, and periods of tranquillity and quiet prosperity were the excep- tion ; when border warfare with the Indians and French and Dutch gave way, from time to time, only to internal commotion and revolutionary turmoil. Bradstreet had need, day by day, for the sixty-two years of his official tenure, of a steadiness of purpose, a power of resistance, a wholesome self-assertion, a clear insight and perception, an unfailing judgment, which may well excuse the lack of those more showy qualities his critics grudge him. His epitaph, placed by the Province on the monument in the old Salem graveyard, tells in stately Latin how he poised in an equal balance the Authority of the King and the Liberty of the People. That he did not lack energy at the age of forty-one appears from Winthrop's naming him with Ward and Symonds and Saltonstall of Ipswich, and with Hathorne of Salem, in the dangerous young Essex Cabal of 1644. That he did not lack energy at the age of eighty-seven appears from the success of his expedition for the capture of 30 EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. Port Royal and the annexation of Nova Scotia, on which he sent a fleet while he was acting as Provisional Governor, with what Bancroft calls his Council of Safety behind him, at a time when every step talven was taken at his peril, and he might pay for it with his head, whether success or failure attended the upheaval. Jacob Leisler, the usurping Governor of New York, was condemned to death and beheaded for his part in a like transaction. Bradstreet crowned his long career with a most extraordinary triumph. When we consider his extreme age, the risks sur- rounding the undertaking, and the readiness with which he might have found an excuse, had he sought an excuse, in his sixty years of unbroken and honorable service, — the picture of the brave old man, riding up King Street to wrest the Colony, its Magistracy and its Archives from the faithless hands of Andros, and to commit him to the stronghold of his own providing, is one well calculated to stir the blood of Ipswich men who proudly claim Bradstreet for a former townsman. Let me attempt to outline this historic picture. William of Orange, later William the Third of England, — the second invader of the name to enter England, — had landed at Torbay, November 5, 1688, in execution of an attempt upon the British crown. News travelled slowly then and, beyond vague rumors by the way of Holland, nothing was known here of this startling fact until it reached us, in the April following, through the West India Islands, then in as close relations as was New England with Great Britain. Attempts like this are far from certain of success, — witness two such made by Napoleon III before he succeeded in climbing to the throne of France, — and there were several periods during this enterprise Avhen it seemed doomed to failure. In fact no measure of success could be predicated of it before February, 1689, and at the time the dispatches which reached Boston announcing the Revolution had left England, the issue of it hung doubtful in the balance. But so thorough was the estrangement of the Colonies from the Mother Country, and so complete the readiness to profit by every possible event, that the slightest spark was enough to fire the magazine of public indignation. The people of Massachusetts Bay did not hesitate to take all chances, and to link their fate irrevocabl}'^, — sink or swim, — with the Revolt in England. Andros had been Governor here for three years, since he deposed Bradstreet and the Charter in 1686, and he was known to be unscrupulous and grasping. He was just returning from an unsuccessful movement against the Indians of Maine. He seems to have known no more than the people of Massachusetts knew about the rising storm in England. On April 18, a fortnight after the first tidings of EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. 31 revolt reached Boston, upon secret preparation, the Town was early abroad. Thursday, weekly lecture day, — this brought many from the suiroundiug towns to Boston, — was the day selected on which to try the issue. It was also Council day. In the morning, a patriot party seized the Captain of the "Rose" Frigate who ventured on shore at Long Wharf to report to the Governor, and held him prisoner. Wild rumors of movements of the Royal Regiments stirred the town. At nine, the drums beat an alarm. A signal was displayed on Beacon Hill. Presently, marching up King Sti'eet, now State Street, straight for the Town House at its head, came the veteran who had never failed them, — Bradstreet, — the last of the Old Charter Governors, — with Danforth, the last deputj^-governor, and the rest, proceeding under military escort to the Council Chamber, where they possessed themselves of the persons of the Royal Officers who had been summoned there, happily including among them the Castle jailer. All these they placed under lock and key. At high noon a proclamation was read to the people from the Eastern balcony looking down the street, declaring the objects and designs of the uprising. Proceed- ings like these sound more like Paris than like sober Boston. The proclamation detailed grievances, — it singled out and named the oppressors of the people, — it referred with jubilation to the hopeful movement of the Prince of Orange, — it professed lo\^alty to the British Crown and Parliament, — and it appealed to Heaven and to the common sense of justice in mankind. By two o'clock, twenty companies of militia were under arms in Boston and several more were waiting at Charlestown to cross the feny. A summons for immediate surrender was presented to Andros, as he was tardily attempting an escape on board the Frigate lying at Long Wharf. Her ports were open, her colors all displayed, her guns trained upon the Town House and her decks cleared for action. The gig sent ashore for Andros was promptly captured by the party bearing the summons. But Andros made good his escape and reached the stronghold he had erected on Fort Hill. Vigorous preparations were then made to storm the palisado-fortress at the end of the Battery March, and to take the Governor in his retreat. Andros demanded a parley and this was refused. He then surrendered and was taken under close guard to the Town House. Nothing remained but to disable the Castle in the harbor and the Frigate at the wharf. It was now four o'clock. The final act in the drama was deferred until the morrow, when all this was promptly effected, bringing the successful issue of the struggle on the since historic 19th day of April, and Bradstreet was able to report to the Revolutionary party in England that it was "effected without bloodshed and without 32 EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. pluuder." It must be remembered that the actors in this high- handed movement had absolutely no authority from anybody. The only warrant they had was derived from the knowledge that the people put confidence in their wisdom and in the integrity of their purposes. For a period of forty days after this, the British officers in Boston claimed to have no trust- worthy confirmation of the success of the Prince of Orange, and it was only on the 29th day of the following month that William III was proclaimed King of England at Boston. In the narrative of this pivotal event I have followed pretty closely the authority of Dr. Palfrey, who is never disposed to over-praise the Nestor Governor at any period of his career. Bancroft paints the picture on the same lines but his colors are more ornate. The records of the British State Paper OflSce, now in print, are accessible in our larger libraries, and the Boston Public Library has a choice, unique and most interesting and valuable collection of proclamations and broadsides issued during this exciting crisis. During his second term in the Chief Magistracy, lasting three years and ending in his ninetieth year, Bi'adstreet filled that honorable place to general acceptance. There may have been more picturesque figures in the life of that day, and there may have been more aggressive forces, — there were many younger and more ambitious aspirants in the political life of the Colony. But it is fair to say that, at each recurring period of popular election, no other man was seriously thought of for that trying post while the Nestor Governor could be retained. He was not inactive. Nova Scotia was conquered and annexed, and Canada was attacked, and his policy seems to have been to be able, if possible, to offer to the home government a confederacy stretching from the St. Lawrence to the Hudson, in considera- tion of the broader Charter rights to which the Province, now- loyal to the new but not too friendly dynasty, believed herself entitled. New England grew in her general resources if not in her financial capacity, she grew in her population, she broadened in her political philosophy, and in her demands on the reigning dynasty in England. At last, in 1692, Bradstreet was able, as he had long been ready, to surrender his high oflSce to a new and younger governor, under a new and in some respects a better Charter, and to retire from a position of stress and peril to the five years of rest which he had earned so well, and which he passed at Salem, having married there, in 1676, a niece of Governor Winthrop. On his death, March 27, 1697, says Palfrey, he was the last survivor of those founders w'ho had been chosen to the Magistracy before they came from England. " When he emigrated he was twenty-eight years old ; he lived to complete his ninety-fifth year. The General Court voted to EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. 83 contribute a hundred pounds towards the expenses of his burial, in consideration of his long and extraordinary service." He was buried at Salem with a good deal of ceremony, and the diary of Chief Justice Sewall, one of his pall-bearers, details the unusual honors paid his memory. '■ He had been Secretary of the Colony," Palfrey adds, " an Assistant forty-six years, a Commissioner of the Confederacy twenty- four times. Agent to England, Deputy Governor and Governor. Not often has a human memory been laden with experiences more diversified. A youth passed amidst the refinements of old civilization, — then the destitution of a wilderness and conflicts with savage men, — the growth of a virtuous and vigorous Commonwealth, — its subversion, resurrection and reorganization under restricted but permanent conditions, — such was the outline of nearly a century's events traced by the recollections of a leading actor in them." New England must be rich indeed in the great characters of history if she can afford to forget so sound, so safe, so broad- minded, so sturdy a magistrate amongst her honored list as Simon Bradstreet ! Following Mr. Rantoul, Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, spoke briefly, as follows : — We are told by scholars that the Greeks and Romans built up their cities and their civilization on the worship of their ancestors and care for the shadowy needs of the dead. That ancient religion has vanished, but the reverence for venerable traditions remains. I feel it to my finger tips, but with just the change from personal and family story to the larger, vaguer, but not less inspiring belief that we tread a sacred soil. I have been too busy trying to account for myself to stop to account for my ancestors. I have the poems of Ann Bradstreet, that pale passion flower of our first spring, but I do not read them often, and I cannot say much more of Governor Dudley than that what I once wrongly thought his portrait, in modest form, hangs in my house. But I love every brick and shingle of the old Massachusetts towns where once they woi'ked and prayed, and I think it a noble and pious thing to do whatever we may by written word and moulded bronze and sculptured stone to keep our memories, our reverence and our love alive and to hand them on to new generations all too ready to forget. It may be that we are to be replaced by other races that come here with other traditions and to whom at first the great 3 34 EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. past of Massachusetts seems, as they sometimes proclaim it, but the doings in a corner of a little band of provincial heretics. But I am bold to hope that the mighty leaven that swelled the hearts of the founders of this Commonwealth still works and will work even under altered forms, — that their successors will keep the state what the founders made it, a hearthstone for sacred fire. We all, the most unbelieving of us, walk by faith. We do our work and live our lives not merely to vent and realize our inner force, but with a blind and trembling hope that somehow the world will be a little better for our striving. Our faith must not be limited to our personal task, to the present, or even to the future. It must include the past and bring all, past, present and future, into the unity of a single continuous life. We consecrate these memorials of what has been with the intent and expectation that centuries from now those who read the simple words will find their lives richer, their purposes stronger, against the background of that different past. From early days there have been built in the ports of Essex County, or drawn to them from neighboring towns, boats that were to seek from them new harbors across the barren sea. So, in altered guise, long may it be with us. Long may it be true, as it still is, that not only we, descendants of the stern old builders, but many others from afar who come here to launch their craft may send to all the havens of the world new thoughts and tlie impulses of great deeds. To the accomplish- ment of that prayer it is no slight help to feel that we have a past, to remember that many generations of men have stored the earth — yes, this very spot — with electric example. Modest as they are, the monuments now unveiled seem to me trumpets which two hundred years from now may blow the great battle calls of life, as two hundred years ago those whom they com- memorate heard them in their hearts. And to many a gallant spirit, two hundred years from now as two hundred years ago, the white sands of Ipswich, terrible as engulfing graves, lovely as the opal flash of fairy walls, will gleam in the horizon, the image of man's mysterious goal. Augustine Jones, A.M., of Providence, Principal of the Friends School, was the next speaker. THOMAS DUDLEY. It is now a year since I visited in England and Holland the homes and haunts of the New England Puritans and Pilgrims. I am sure no places can be more sacred or interesting than the humble dwellings and their neighborhood, where these heroic EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. 35 souls were nurtured : — the homes of Isaac aud Arbella John- son, of Dudley, Bradstreet, Bradford and Brewster. We wander over the same permanent highways, familiar to them. Nothing perhaps affects us so much as the little village churches, some of them five hundred years old, where these memorable fathers and founders were christened, and married, and where they learned to worship the living God. Thither their feet in childhood were turned, here they caught early thoughts of righteousness, which they built into the founda- tions of their work in the new world. Here is St. Botolphs, in Boston, Eng., with its perpendicular tower 300 feet high, the finest church in its day, which Rev. John Cotton left, to minister in a desolate cabin, with a straw thatched roof, in Boston, Mass. , furnishing forever an illustrious example of devotion to duty, and obedience to conviction. We are assembled today upon one of the spots made notable by these same historic personages. My friends, it is good for us to be here. It is a noble work to cherish every spot made bright by the presence of the founders of Massachusetts. Edward Everett said, "I reverence, this side of idolatry, the wisdom and fortitude of the revolutionary and constitutional leaders, but I believe we ought to go back beyond them all, for the real framers of the commonwealth." Governor Thomas Dudley, a Puritan second only to Gov- ernor John Winthrop in founding the Colony of Massachusetts, and in its history from 1630 until 1653, was born at North- ampton, England, in the year 1576. He was without doubt, descended from John Sutton, the first Baron Dudley of Dudley Castle. He was therefore connected by blood with the Duke of Northumberland, Lord Guilford Dudley and Sir Philip Sidney. We are not, however, unmindful that the greatness of Governor Dudley arose not from his distinguished ancestry but from his life work. Far above "The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power," is the imperishable renown, of being one of the foremost among the founders of this great state, dedicated to liberty, to the freedom of human thought, to the worth and excellence of individual character. His youth was spent in the midst of wealth, luxury and splendor. The Comptons were not Puritans, they intensely enjoyed the good things of life. Here, in all the excess of fashion and joviality, Dudley in robust youth and even to vig- orous manhood took his leading share. When, in later years, he was Governor of Massachusetts, a Puritan of Puritans, with grave responsit)ilities, in peril from enemies at home and abroad, and above all with a burning zeal for the welfare of Zion, when "All his serious thoughts had rest in heaven," how often he 36 EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILmG OF THE TABLETS. must have recalled those frivolous days at Compton-Winyates and Ashby Castle ! He survives in the memory of men, because he had served mankind, while the gay throng who joined him in the dance are forgotten. Here is an answer to those persons, who allege that he was not well bred. He resided for nearly fourteen years, from 1616, at, or near, ancient Sempringham, in Lincolnshire. He was very success- ful in the management of the estates of the Earl of Lincoln. He discharged great debts, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and left the estate prosperous. Perhaps one of the most marvelous features in it, after all, was that he acquired such an ascendency over the Earl, that he allowed him to restrain his expenditures. He was entrusted even with the delicate service of procuring a match between the daughter of Lord Say and the Earl. Dudley conferred enduring immortality upon this ladj^ by writing to her a letter from his desolate home in Boston, Mass., which will be thoughtfully and gratefully read by citizens of the United States forever, while the brilliant women, who were her companions in society, will be forgotten. The time had arrived in 1630 when he was to make his pil- grimage to America, never to return. He had no need to make a business adventure over the ocean, he was now retired from business, and was one of the most affluent men in the Colony in America. If the indispensable things of life did not draw him from the comfort and luxury of Old England, what were the motives? Certainly nothing less than the desire for civil and religious liberty, for himself and his posterity. So soon as he was assured that the Massachusetts charter would go to America with them, and that the possibilities of a pure church and noble state lay before them, he consulted not with flesh and blood, but joined in the adventure. Mather says "The times began to look black and cloudy upon the Non-con- formists, of which Mr. Dudley was one to the full." The king was glad to get rid of them ; freedom to worship God was before them. " The Puritans," says Lowell, "were the most perfect incarnation of an idea that the world has seen." Dudley had twenty-three years before him ; they were a glorious remnant of life, full of self saciificing privations, upon which he entered "with firmness in the right, as God gave liim to see the right." The most important emigration to America, which was ever made (it saved the Pilgrims at Plymouth) and it is sometimes said, which has ever been made in the history of the world, was about to be undertaken, and Dudley was to have a leading part in it. They sailed from Southampton March 22, 1630, in the ship Arbella. Dudley had been elected Deputy Governor, an office EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. 37 which he held subsequently thirteen different years. He was Governor four years, and President of the Commissioners of the United Colonies three years. They issued upon their de- parture a letter to the Church of England, full of loyalty to her, which some persons have thought to have been insincere, but they were destined to meet soon with many instructive les- sons, which would rapidly lead them to independency. They took with them the Charter of Massachusetts, which act of transfer has been criticised, but it has recently been ascertained that before their departure, the clause confining the govern- ment to England had been removed from it by agreement, and their action thoroughly justified. They arrived in America in June, 1630. They were not sat- isfied with Salem as a permanent home, because of the loss there of eighty emigrants before their arrival. They dwelt in Charlestown for a short time, but some of them, including Winthrop and Dudley, spent their first winter in Boston. They entered on the 13th day of July into the Covenant of the First Church of Boston, and chose Rev. Mr. Wilson as their teacher. Their mode of church institution was not in accord with the Church of England. It was like the method of the Separatists in the Plymouth Colony. The earlier church at Salem was possessed with the same independency. " Hail to the spirit wMch dared Trust its own thoughts before yet Echoed him back by the crowd !" It has been asserted also, that their government was a Theoc- racy, that is to say a government, or organized system of priests like the Hebrews. This was never true of the govern- ment of Massachusetts. Ministers were not allowed positions in the civil government. They were consulted, as the Supreme Court now is, by the executive, as to the meaning of law. They were a body most learned as to the meaning of Scripture ; and the Bible was their statute book. It might as well be claimed that the judiciary and not the executive rules the state. That none but church members possessed the franchise has been re- garded as important and as establishing a Theocracy, but every government is arbitrary and guided by policy in extending the franchise to citizens. It is declared not to be a constitutional right guaranteed to anybody even at the present time. The Christian religion always has been fundamental in the govern- ment, the whole common law rests upon it, as a foundation, but that is no reason why the government should be denomi- nated a Theocracy. One of the first diflaculties these people had to encounter was 38 EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. Roger Williams, who is generally said to have beeu banished to Rhode Island, but no act of banishment was ever enforced upon him. He was to have been sent to England ; but, to avoid this, he went voluntarily to Rhode Island. The teachings of Williams were then believed, in Massachusetts, to be subversive of law and order. He was at the head of his own government in Rhode Island only a little over two years, and that period was long after Dudley and Winthi'op were gone. A careful exami- nation will lead one to sympathize with the executive of Mas- sachusetts and with its efforts to save its holy experiment of government. The career of Thomas Dudley in England, before he came to America at the age of lifty-four, was highly creditable, and was fully sustained by his life and subsequent character here. He belonged to that immediate age, after the Bible came to the English common people. He delighted in the preaching of the greatest and most learned Puritan divines, both in Eng- land and America. The government of Massachusetts w^as substantially organized, as we at present know it, while Dudley and Winthrop were still living, so that we may well regard it, as the work of these early founders, and their associates. Mr. Dudley was a Puritan of the Cromwell, Pym and Hampden school of men. They were indeed associated personally in several matters ; they were all God-fearing, honest, reliable and trustworthy. No other family had such a hold on the govern- ment and the high places of power before or since, as the Dudleys held in Massachusetts in its first century. It has been said, that these men had no conception of the magnitude of the foundations they were laying, that they were building better than they knew. Jt is not that the greatness of the superstructure was revealed to them. But the generic quality of the government came from their hands completely outlined, and their descendants have only wrought out in detail the con- ception and ideal of the fathers. We may reasonably cherish the thought, that so long as government by the people interests mankind, that so long as men study and search for immemorial freedom in democratic Athens, or in the mountains of Switzerland, or along the dykes of Holland, the Puritans of England and Massachusetts will be regaided as the crowning glory of all whicli went before them. Royalty overwhelmed them in Europe ; it was only in New England that they survived and advanced to ultimate achievement. It is a question whether, if Rev. Thomas Hooker and Gov- ernor Haynes and other Cambridge people had not emigrated to Connecticut in 1635, Governor Dudley and his family and EXERCISES AT THE UNVEILING OF THE TABLETS. 39 friends would have removed to Ipswich. Dudley went soon after his first term as Governor. Hooker and Cotton were antagonistic and so were Wiuthrop and Haynes. Dr. John Eliot says, " had Hooker been called to tlie Church in Boston, and Mr. Haynes had no rival in Winthrop, it is most probable they would have continued with their people in Massachusetts," and the emigration which interests us today would not have taken place. These dispersions were all of the greatest importance in the settlements. Dr. George E. Ellis says that the Antino- mian troubles in Massachusetts were the cause. Cotton Mather says that the country soon found need of Dudley's wisdom and joyously welcomed his return to Rosbury near to Boston, a little before his second election as Governor. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Ip&wich Historical Society was held on Monday evening Dec. 1, 1902, at the House of the Society. The following officers were elected for the year ensuing : Pi^esident. — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents. — John B. Brown, Francis R. Appleton. Clerk. — John W. Goodhue. Directors. — Charles A. Say ward, John H. Cogswell, John W. Nourse. Correspondt7ig Secretary. — John H. Cogswell. Treasurer. — T. Frank Waters. Librarian. — John J. Sullivan. The following Committees were chosen : On Historical Tablets. Charles A. Say ward, John H. Cogswell, John B. Brown, T. Frank Waters. Social Coivimittee. Ralph W. Burnham, Chester P. Woodbury, Edward Constant, Mrs. Charles A. Say ward, Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Miss Bertha Dobson, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Miss Anna W. Ross. (40) ANNUAL REPORT. 41 Ox Membership. John W. Nourse, Ralph W. Burnham, Robert S. Khnball, Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown. The Reports of the Treasurer, Curator and President were read and ordered to be printed. It was voted that a Life Membership be established and that the admittance fee be fifty dollars. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The most interesting event in the history of the past year is the purchase of the remainder of the lot of land, including the old barn, which has been an unsightly and a somewhat dangerous neighbor. The removal of this building will enhance the appearance of our house and grounds very materially, and ample room is provided for the erection at some future date, and an early one, we hope, of a Memorial Building. Such a building is needed already to allow room for the expanding collections, and to provide proper accommodations for meetings and social occasions. The price paid for this land was large, and we regret that the mortgage debt of the Society is increased to $3,500. But the wisdom of the purchase will not be questioned, since the acquisition of this land is of vital importance. Although the sum needed for payment of interest is increased to $140 per year, this is a very reasonable rental for a property that is so finely situated and so admirably adapted to our use. The Treasurer's report assures us as well, that no heavy burden will be entailed by this investment. The revenue from member- ship fees and incidental gifts during the past year has been $48G.53, and the income from the House, from door fees and the sale of pictures, etc., has added $162.11, making the total receipts $648.64. The House receipts were only six dollars smaller than last year, and the number of visitors exceeded by nearly a hundred the recorded list of the previous year. There seems no reason to believe that the number of visitors will not re- main as large at least in the future. The income from yearly dues is larger each year. Notwithstanding some (42) -^ 5 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 43 unusual expense for painting, papering, varnishing of floors and the like, a balance of two hundred and thirteen dollars remains in the treasury. Apart from the financial strength that accrues from a large membership, it is gratifying to our pride that our Society has attained a position in the community that renders membership desirable. It numbers noAv about two hundred and fifteen active members, each of whom pays an annual due, and forty-six honorary members. Many are non-residents w^ho are interested in the Town as the home of their ancestors, and many more are resi- dent for the summer only. One of our number, Dr. E. S. Goodhue, is the Government Ph3^sician in "Wailuku, in the island of Maui, in the Hawaiian group ; another, Mr. Joseph K. Farley, resides in Lihue, Kauai, in the same group, and some are found upon the Pacific coast. Our House is always a source of enthusiastic delight to visitors, who appreciate its architectural value. Cultured people from many towns and cities in our Commonwealth and from twenty-eight other States, have visited the House during the past year, and their verdict is always the same : that the House is the most remarkable specimen of the earliest architecture they have ever seen. So eminent an authority as the Hon. George Sheldon of Deerfield, who has been a life-long student of the antique and has gathered an unrivalled collection of old-time treasures, after a minute inspection, gave the House unstinted praise as the finest of ancient buildings of our colony, and com- plimented the Society on the excellence of its exhibit. To promote acquaintance with the House and its con- tents an occasional free day has been advertised. It was opened in this w^ay on the twenty-second of February, and also on July thirty-first. Notwithstanding the opportunity thus afforded to those who are not members, or who might be deterred by the usual admittance fee, only two hundred and fifty-one residents of Ipswich were recorded during the year. As familiarity always breeds contempt, we presume that this neglect is likely to continue. But any scheme that would tend to popularize it with our townspeople, would be for the advantage of the Society. Those who come always express surprise, and confess to new interest. 44 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. The courtesies of the House were also extended to the Ipswich Woman's Club, the North Bridge Chapter of the Daughters of the Revohition from Salem, the Historical Class of the Crombie Street Church, Salem, and the Con- vention of Epworth Leagues. The Social Committee gave an antique supper which proved an admirable social occasion and may have intro- duced many to the House for the first time. Miss E. Agnes Constant is entitled to the sincere thanks of the Society for the delightful benefit concert given on Thanks- giving evening in the Town Hall, which netted twenty dollars for our treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Burnham, who have done so much for the House, removed to Philadelphia early in September, but we hope for their return for the summer of 1903. Miss Abbie M. Fellows very kindly served as resident curator for a few weeks, and Mrs. Colman Tyler began her work as curator pro tern., in October. Each and all have kept the House with the nice painstaking care which is a theme of constant praise, and a cordial welcome has been given to all visi- tors, though they may have come at inconvenient hours. By the liberality of the Town, funds were provided for the erection of bronze tablets, this year. One is bolted to the ledge on Meeting House Hill, and tells briefly the date of the settlement, and the points of interest that centre there. Another marks the site of Simon and Ann Bradstreet's dwelling, and a third, the site of Governor Dudley's residence. The exercises of dedication were held on July 31st, when Hon. Robert S. Rantoul of Salem, Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Augus- tine Jones, Esq., Principal of the Friends' School, Providence, R. I., delivered appropriate and eloquent addresses. Other localities deserve similar honor, and a continuance of the work should be made. Now that the heavy expense of repairing and restoring the House has been fully met, we may face with courage and high ambition the task, not merely of extinguishing the debt but of securing funds for the erection of the Memorial Building to which allusion has been made. Many people of wealth and refinement have sprung from Ipswich ancestry. It is so much in fashion in these days to give generously for libraries and memorials in the old EEPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 45 family home, that no apology is needed to explain any appeal that may be made for this purpose. The great names of Winthrop and Dudley and Salton- stall, of the famous ministers, of the soldiers Denison and Samuel Appleton, of the patriots of 1687, John Wise and his associates, and the grand deed they accomplished in the Ipswich Town Meeting, the names of soldiers in many wars, and of citizens who won honor for themselves in the quiet affairs of civil life, — all need to be grouped har- moniously and chiselled in stone or bronze, as an eternal memorial of their fair fame, and an illuminating and in- spiring appeal to high living in each succeeding generation. Such a Hall of Fame would be an educational factor of great value, and a constant source of pride in our town and its history. The expansion of our work that would follow easily and naturally from it would raise our Society to unique and broad distinction. Before another twelve months have passed, shall we not witness a substantial beginning of this great and honorable enterprise? REPORT OF THE CURATOR OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 1, 1902. The total number of names of visitors entered in the Visitors' Book was 1097. The total number of residents of Ipswich recorded was 251 and the number of residents in the state of Massa- chusetts, not including residents of Ipswich was 533. The total of Massachusetts visitors was 784. The remainder were residents of nearl}' every state in the Union, as will appear from the following tabulation, covering four years. 1899 1900 1901 1902 Alabama, 2 Arkansas, . . . - - I California, 4 6 2 4 Colorado, 3 116 Connecticut, 9 17 3 5 Dist. of Columbia, - - - - 4 6 13 23 Florida, 2 1 1 2 Georgia, 1 1 2 Illinois, 12 38 32 33 Indiana, 4 2 2 Iowa, 1 1 7 4 Kansas, 3 Kentucky, 3 4 1 Louisiana, ..... 2 3 11 1 Maine, 12 19 13 10 Maryland, 6 4 8 9 Massachusetts, ----- 918 1200 708 784 Michigan, 9 8 4 2 Minnesota, 6 16 12 4 Missouri, 5 9 6 8 Montana, 1 Nebraska, 1 1 3 (46) REPORT OF THE CURATOR. 47 1899 1900 1901 1902 New Hampshire, 21 New Jersey, 14 New York, 42 North Carolina, - . . . o North Dakota, Ohio, 5 Oregon, Pennsylvania, ----- 33 Rhode Island, 4 South Dakota, . - - - Tennessee, Texas, 2 Vermont, 6 Virginia, 5 West Virginia, Wisconsin, 3 Washington, Germany, New Brunswick, 1 Nova Scotia, 2 1,134 1,513 1,008 1052 On February 22, the House was opened to the public and 31 names of visitors were recorded. On February 28, an old-fashioned supper was served and about 175 were present. No names were recorded on this occasion. The Ipswich Woman's Club held a Reception to officers of other Clubs on April 14, and 64 names were recorded. The North Bridge Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution from Salem were entertained on June 5. Thirteen members were present. Twenty members of the Historical Class of the Crombie Street Church, Salem, were entertained on July 23. On July 31, the day of the Dedication of the bronze Tablets, 62 visitors recorded their names, and on Sept. 1, 48 delegates to the Convention of Epworth Leagues visited the House. Ralph W. Burnham, Cumtor. 16 10 17 24 24 24 79 70 59 1 2 1 13 7 15 1 20 38 19 4 3 6 1 2 6 1 3 10 1 1 1 3 REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR ENDING NOV. 29, 1902. T. Frank Waters in account loith Ipswich Hist. Society, Dr. To Balance from 1901, To door fees, sale of books aud pictures, - To annual fees, gifts, etc., To receipt from Concert, Nov. 27th, - Cr. To House account, Care of grounds, 23 05 Care of house, - 26 96 Fuel, ... 24 85 Furniture account, 59 80 Hardware, paint, etc., 2 years, - - - - 16 70 Repairs, 24 10 Water bUl, - 18 89 Interest on mortgage, '■ ()4 00 Fire-extinguisher, 12 00 Photographs, 1818 To Printing account Printing, 115 80 Postage, stationery, etc., 23 57 Miscellaneous, --.-.--- Cash on hand, (48) $37 92 162 11 466 23 20 30 $686 56 288 03 139 37 45 63 213 53 $686 56 DONATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 1, 1902. Daniel Fuller Appleton. Life and Speeches of Rufus Choate in 2 vols. Miss Georgianna Appleton. Boston. Harvard College Plate made by Enocli Wood & Sons. Albert D. Burnham. Indian pestle. Mrs. Walter Chapman. List of names. Benjamin H. Conant. Wenhara Town Report, 1901. Catalogue of Wenham Public Library. DouBLEDAY, Page & Co., New York. Miss Esther Singleton's " Fur- niture of our Forefathers," Nos. 5 to 8. Mrs. Josiah Dudley and Miss S. Louise Holmes. Ancient deeds. Dr. Daniel Dana's sermon on death of Mr. Benjamin Moody, 1802. Old Eliot. 1902. Mrs. Robert Farley. China tea-pot. Rev. J. Edward Flower, London, Eng. Photograph of Stocks on the Village Green, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, England, Drawing of the Stocks and Whipping Post, Portskewett, near Chepston, Monmouthshire, England. Photograph of "Ye Ancient Ducking Stool," Leominster Priory Church, England. Miss Elizabeth W. G.\rdner, Salem. Two hand-woven towels An Oration delivered at Ipswich, April 29, 1783: "On account of the Happy Restoration of Peace," by Rev. Levi Erisbie. Joshua B. Grant. Edward Everett's address at the erection of a monument to John Harvard, Sept. 26, 1828. Mr. Eliot's sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Joseph McKean, and other pamphlets. Dr. Samuel A. Green, Secretary Massachusetts Historical Society. Pamphlet. Two Narratives of the Expedition against Quebec, A.D. 1690, under Sir William Phips : one by Rev. John Wise of Ips- wich, the other by an unknown author. George F. Hovey. Two pamphlets. Miss S. Louise Holmes. F"'ile of The New York Independent, Jan. 12, 1854 to Dec. 27, 1855. Five Commissions of Henry S. Holmes, signed by Gov. Levi Lincoln. Loan, a white silk bridal bonnet. Ipswich Public Library. Duplicates of Ipswich Seminary Cata- logues. (49) 50 DONATIONS TO THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Miss Bethiah Kinsman. Straw hat woru in West Indies, pocket books, etc., owned by her father, William Kinsman. Clarence Newman. Temperance pledge with list of names. Small trunk owned by William Cakes. Lock from old Ipswich Jail. Estate op Benjamin Newman. Collection of minerals. One old circular plane. A foot stove. New York State Library. Calendar of Council Minutes, 1668-1783. Public papers of George Clinton, first Governor of New York. Vol. V. Miss Hannah M. Peatfield. History of New England by Hannah Adams, 1807. Biography of the principal American Military and Naval Heroes, 2 vols. 1821. Miss Margaret Peatfield. Three old books. Records of the Court of Assistants of Massachusetts Bay, Vol. I. Charles H. Bicker. An old-fashioned door lock. A tinder box A sand shaker. A roasting iron. Timothy B. Ross. Piece of metallic fringe, used in decorating a triumphal arch that spanned Choate Bridge, when Lafayette visited Ipswich, June, 1824, preserved by Asa Andrews, Esq. George A. Schofield. Manual General Court, 1902. Col. Nath. Shatswell. Souvenir, First Regiment of Heavy Artil- lery, Mass. Vol., dedication of monument. May 19, 1901. Hon. Geo. Sheldon, Deerfleld. Vol. m. History and Proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Assoc. Pamphlets :" The Little Brown House on the Albany Road " ; "Flint-lock or Match- lock in King Philip's War" ; "The Flint-lock used in Philip's War." Edward A. Smith, Salem. Ancient Tapestry, wrought by Priscilla Baker. E. N. Spinney, Shelburne Falls. Ancient papers, Howe and Proctor families. Robert C. Wenthrop, Jr., Boston. Copies of papers in suit of Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Antipas Newman, of Wenham, daughter of John Winthrop, Jr., to recover Salt House property. Royal side, Beverly, 1677. Proceedings of State Historical Soctoty of Wisconsin, 1902. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Dr. Charles E. Ames, Daniel Fuller Appleton, Mrs. Susan A. R. Appleton, Francis R. Appleton, Mrs. Frances L. Appleton, James W. Appleton, Randolph M Appleton, Mrs. Helen Appleton, Miss S. Isabel Arthur, Dr. G. Guy Bailey, Mrs. Grace F. Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker, Miss Katharine C. Baker, Charles W. Bamtord, Miss Mary 1) Bates, John A. Blake, Mrs. Caroline E. Bomer, James W. Bond. Warren Boynton, Miss Annie Gertrude Brown, Charles W. Brown, Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Carrie U. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown, Miss Isabelle G. Brown, James W. Brown, Mrs. Lavinia A. Brown, Miss Alice G. Burnham, Daniel S. Burnham, Ralph W. Burnham, Mrs. Nellie Mae Burnham, Fred F. Byron, Miss Joanna Caldwell, Miss Lydia A. Caldwell, Miss Sarah P. Caldwell, Charles A. Campbell, Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, Edward W. Choate, Philip E. Clarke, Mrs. Mary E. Clarke, Miss Lucy C. Coburn, John H. Cogswell, Theodore F. Cogswell, Arthur VV. Conant, Miss Harriet D. Condon, Rev. Edward Constant, Miss Roxie C. Cowles, Charles S. Cummings, Rev. Temple Cutler, Arthur C. Damon, Mrs. Carrie Damon, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Everett G. Damon, Harry K. Damon, Mis.Abby Danforth, Mrs. Grace Davis, Mrs. Howard Dawson, George G. Dexter, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Harry K. Dodge, Rev. .lohii M. Donovan, Mrs. Sarah B. Dudley, Mrs. Charles G. Dyer, George Fall, Miss Emeliiie C. Farley, Mrs. Emma Farley, Miss Lucy \i. Farley, Miss Abbie M. Fellows, Benjamin Fewkes, James E. Gallagher, John S. Glover, Frank T. Goodhue, John W. Goodhue, John J. Gould, Miss Harriet F. Gove, James Gi'aflFum, Mrs. Eliza H. Green, Mrs. Lois Hardy, Mrs. Kate L. Haskell, George H. W. Hayes, Mrs Alice L. Heard, Miss Alice Heard, John Heard, Mrs. Louise S. Hodgkins, Miss S. Louise Holmes, Charles G. Hull, Miss Lucy S. Jewett, John A. Johnson, Miss Ellen M. Jordan, Albert Jovce, Charles M. Kelly, (51) 52 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Fred A. Kimball, Robert S. Kimball, Miss Bethiah I). Kinsman, Miss Mary E. Kinsman, Mrs Snsan K. Kinsman, Dr. Frank W. Kyes, Mrs. Georgia C Kyes, Curtis E. Lakemaii, J. Howard Lakeman, G. Frank Langdon, Mrs. G F. Langdon, Austin L. Lord, George A. Lord, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Thomas H. Lord, Mrs. Lucre tia S. Lord, Walter E. Lord, Dr. George E. Mac Arthur. Mrs. Isabelle G. Mac Arthur, James F. Maun, John P. Marston, Everard H. Martin, Mrs. Marietta K. Martin, Miss Abby L. Newman, Mrs. Amanda Nichols, William J. Norwood, Mrs. Elizabeth B Norwood, John W. Nourse, Charles H. Noyes. Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes, Ke\ . Reginald Pearce, L E B. Perkins, Miss Carrie S Pt-rley, Augusiine H. Plouff, James H. Proctor, James S. Robinson, .Jr. Mrs. Anna C. C. Robinson, Rev. WiUiam H. Rogers, Miss .Anna W. Ross, Fred. G. Ross, Mrs. Mary F. Rosa, Jost'ph Ross, Mrs. Joan Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Mrs. Helene Ross, Dr. William H. Russell, William S. Russell, William W. Russell, Daniel Saflbrd, Emma Safford, Angus Savory, Charles A. Sayward, Mrs. Henrietta W. Sayward George A. Scho field, Amos E. Scotton, Dexter M. Smith, Mrs. Olive P. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spaulding, George W. Starkey, Dr. Frank H. Stock well, Mrs. Sadie B. Stockwell, Edward M. Sullivan, John J. Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sullivan, Arthur L. Sweetser, John E. Tenney, Mrs. Annie T. Tenney, Samuel H. Thurston, Miss Ellen R. Trask, Francis H. Wade, Miss Nellie F. Wade, Miss Emma E. Wait, Luther Wait, Rev. T. Frank Waters, Mrs. Adeline M. Waters, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Fred G. Whittier, Mrs Marianna Whittier, Miss Eva Adams Willcomb, Chester P. Woodbury, NON-RKSIDENT MEMBERS. Frederick J. Alley Mrs. .Vlary G. Alley Henry Brown* John B Brown* Mrs. Lucy T. Brown* Frank T. Burnham Rev. Augustine Caldwell El>en Caldwell Miss Florence F. Caldwell Rufns Choate E. Harry Clegg Dr. Richard H. Derby Flarailton, Mass. Melrose, Mass. . Chicago, HI. So. Framinghain, Mass. Eliot, Me. Elizabeth, N. J. . Philadelphia, Pa. Essex, Mass. Gloucester, Mass. . New York, N. Y. ♦Sunnner lionie In Ipswich. HONORAKY MKMHKR8. 53 Joseph 1). Dodge Mrs. Editli S. Dole . Arthur W. Dow* Joseph K. Farley Sylvanus C. Farley . ])r. E. S. Goodhue . Samuel V. Goodhue Miss Mary A. Hodgdou Key. Horace C Hovey Miss Huth A. Hovey Gerald L. Hoyt* Mrs. May Hoyt* Miss Julia Hoyt* Lydig Ho>t* Edward Kavanagh Arthur S Kimball . Rev. John C. Kimball Rev. Frederic J Kiusman Mrs. Caroline E. Le Baron Mrs. Mary B. Main . Miss Heloise Meyer Mis. Anna Osgood* . Rev. Robert B. Parker* Moritz B. Phillpp* . Benjamin W. Pierson Fred. H. Plouff, A. David.son Remick James E. Richardson Mrs. Lucv C. Roberts Mrs. E. M. H. Slade . Edward A. Smith Miss Elizabeth P. Smith Mrs. Harriette A. Smith* Henrv P- Smith Rev. "r. Cotton Smith* Mrs. Alice L. Story Rev. William H. Thayer* Bayard Tuckerman* Charles S. Tuckta-man* Charles H. Tweed Miss Laura B. Uuderhill* Miss Martha E. Wade Miss Annie L. Warner Mrs. Caroline L Warner Henrv C. Warner Wallace P. Willett . Mrs. Elizal)eth Willett Robert D. Winthrop Chalmers Wood* Lynn, Mass. Newbury, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lihue, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Alton, ni. Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Salem, Mass. Forest Grove, Ore. Newburyport, Mass. Lake Mohonk, N. Y. New York. N. Y. Essex, Mass. Oberlin, O. Sharon, Mass. Middiebury, Conn. Chardon, O. Middletown, Conn. Hamilton, Mass. Orange, N. J. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. it (( Salem, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. New York, N. Y. Salem, Mass. New York, N. Y. Salem, Mass. Washington, D. C. Essex, Mass. Southboro, Mass. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, N, Y. Somerville, Mass. Swampscott, Mass. East Orange, N. J. New York, N. Y. HONORARY MEMBERS. John Albree. Jr. William Sumner Appleton Miss Lucy Hammatt Brown Mrs. Edward Cordis Swampscott, Mass. Boston, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. * Summer home in Ipswich. 54 HONORARY MEMBERS. Charles W. Darling Miss Caroline Farley Frank C. Farley Mrs. Katherine S. Farley Mrs. Eunice W. Kelton Jesse Fewkes . Reginald Foster Augustus P. Gardner Charles L. Goodhne Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gray, Miss Emily R. Gray Arthur W.' Hale Albeit Farley Heard, 2d Otis Kimball Mrs. Otis Kimball Miss Sarah S. Kimball Frederick J. Kingsbury Miss Caroline T. Leeds Miss Katherine P. Loring Mrs. Susan M. Loiing Mrs. Elizai)eth R. Lyman Josiah H. Mann Miss Adeline E. Manning Henry S. Manning Mrs. Mary W. Manning George von L. Meyer Miss Esther Parmenter Mrs. Mary S. C. Peahody, Frederic H. Ringe Richard M. Saltoiistall Denison R. Slade Joseph Spiller Miss Ellen A. Stone Miss Ann H Treadwell Harry W. Tyler Albert Wade Edward P. Wade George Willcomb Robert C. Winthrop, Jr. Utica N. Y. Cambridge, So. Manchester, Mass Conn Cambridge, Newton, Mass Mass Boston, Mass Hamilton, Mass SpringHeld, Ipswicli, Mass Mass Sauqiioit Winchester, N. Y Mass Boston, Mass Salem, Mass. Water bury, Conn. Boston, Mass. . Brookline, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Boston, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Home, Italy. Rowley, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. Boston, Mass. Center Harbor, N. H. Boston, Mass. East Lexinaton, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Boston, Mass. Alton, 111. Boston, Mass. LEJL'08 PUBLICATIONS IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. The Oration by Rev. Washington Choate and the Poem by Rev. Edgar F. Davis, on the 200th Anniversary of the Resistance to tbe Andros Tax, 1887. Price 25 cents. II. The President's Address and other Proceedings at the Dedica- tion of their new room, Feb. 3, 1896. Price 10 cents. III. Unveiling of the Memorial Tablets at the South Common and IV. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 7, 1896. Price 25 cents. V. The Early Homes of the Puritans and Some Old Ipswich Houses, v?ith Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1897. Price 60 cents. (Out of print.) VI. Exercises at the Dedication of the Ancient House with a History of the House, and Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1898. Out of print, but the History of the House is reprinted in Num- ber X. VII. A Sketch of the Life of John Winthrop the Younger, with portrait and valuable reproductions of ancient documents and auto c-"'^^ "^ '\v T. Frank Waters. Price .$2.50. Postage 13 cents. VIII. "The Development of our Town Government" and "Com- mon Lands and Commonage," with the Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1899. Price 25 cents. IX. A History of the Old Argilla Road in Ipswich, Massachusetts, by T. Frank Waters. Price 25 cents. X. •■ The Hotel Cluny of a New England Village," by Sylvester Bax- ter, and the History of the Ancient House, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1900. Price 25 cents. he Meeting House Green and a Study of Houses and Lands in that vicinity, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 2, 1901. Price, 26 cents. XII. 'J'hoiiias Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. A Study of House-Lots to Determine the Location of Their Homes, and the Exercises at the Dedication of Tablets, July 31, 1902, -.villi Pi-nrppflii-iirs ^i tlip Aiinnnl Meeting, Dec. 1, 1902. • V7 " ^ ,ir^ r\. '\.^ -^ U^, J ti . > V M^ 1%^'' , iRRARY OF CONGRESS 014 078 902 1 ♦ »Pif,w:«s