1 ™F 129 .rH68 S65 1897 Copy 1 ^ouuenir OF alone, fi. Y, From recent PF^otographs PHESS OF TM£ F. CUTEKUNST CO., PMILA. PUBLISHED BY THOS. T. BIJTTRICK, MALONE, N. Y., 1.S97. \tfil %-/Si32>07 1UAL0NE, N. v., possesses many attractions which appeal strongly to the visitor and the resident. Its location, at a point where the sotithern slope of the St Lawrence valley touches the foot- hills of the Adirondacks, is almost ideal. The picturesque n.ountahi lakes in one direction, and the magnificent St. Lawrence River in a.iother, are within easy reach. The town is a beautiful, progressive little city, whose inhabitants live in the enjoyment of urban comforts and Adirondack healthfulness. The excellent schools, beautiful churches, magnificent system of water - works, model fire depart- ment and efficient police organization, attest to the enterprise of its citizens; while fine business struct- ures and tasteful residences indicate their prosperity. The object of this little book, however, is not to describe the attractions of Malone. This collec- tion of Photographs is intended to be simply a souvenir for those who know Malone and love it, or for the visitor who has been charmed by the beauty of the town. The limits of the volume make it impossible to present more than a few glimpses of Malone's scenery or architectural work and the aim of the publisher has been to make a representative selection. TO THE KODAK is due credit for the photographs from which the illustrations in this book were made* Kodak catalogue free. EASTMAN KODAK CO. KODAKS Rochester, N. Y. $5.00 to $100.00. JAIL, COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. RESIDENCE OF F- P- WILSON. RESIDENCE OF N- M- MARSHALL. RESIDENCE OF MRS. S. GREENO. RESIDENCE OF DR. D. R. BELDING- LAKE '■TITUS." MAIN STREET- WINTER. RESIDENCE OF HON. F. D- KILBURN. ARMORY 27TH SEP. CO. RESIDENCE OF E. W. LAWRENCE. RESIDENCE OF O. S. LAWRENCE. C. V. R. R. STATION. HOWARD BLOCK. RESIDENCE OF C. W. BREED. ■RESIDENCE OF THOMAS CANTWELL. FRANKLIN ACADEMY. MAIN STREET. F. G. PADDOCK'S RESIDENCE. G. W. HALE'S RESIDENCE. ill -.^ Jaj.-*.* NEAR THE "PINNACLE/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS