■Kz %^- V ^o ^^ ^. ^: ^ :V ,<^" , ^.'^U^f .^rv^' /% > " \^ '^-^"^^ 't^.o^ .* ^0-' >o* .-.-^ - V %..^^ :WA'^ %/ -^fe'-- "^ ^^^ •i- '^0^ "oK 4 O ■^-^.^^ COLLECTIONS OF CJje iSijotie^fjeilanti l^i^torical ^ocietp. VOL. IV. PROVIDENCE: K N O W L E S, V O S E & COMPANY MDCCCXXXVIII. --^o ^- i1 PREFACE. It has, for several years, been the desire and in tention of the Rhode-Island Historical Society to cause Callender's Historical Discourse, with ap- propriate notes and a selection of documents requi- site for its illustration, to be embodied in their pub- lished Collections. The original edition of the Discourse, which was published in 1739, has long been out of print. Of that edition but few copies remain perfect, and even those are extremely rare. The propriety, and indeed necessity, of its repub- lication has been rendered greater durhig each succeeding year, by the increased attention which has been paid to the early history of New-England, among the memorials of which, this work has ever been held in high and merited estimation. In the accomplishment of this object, it has been fortunate for the Society that the editorship of the present edition, with the task of preparing such notes and additions as it was desirable should ac- company it, has been undertaken by one qualified to discharge it with so nuich ability. The original materials which Professor Elton has contributed, the information contained in the notes, respecting distinguished individuals whose names are con- nected with the history of the Colony during the first century, add much to the value of the work ; and when it is considered how little has been 4 PREFACE. know a in relation to the life of Mr. Callender, we feel confident that every reader of the Discourse will be gratified to find so interesting a ?»Iemoir of its author. The Appendix of historical documents is exten- sive and well selected. All the papers wdiich it contains, not only deserve a place in the Collections of the Society, hut are also particularly valuable as explanatory of the facts narrated in the Dis- course, conveying, as they do, full information on many points to which brief references only could be made in a work written for such an occasion. With regard to the manner in which these docu- ments are here published, the Committee are happy in bearing testimony to the unw-earied care and minute exivmination which have been bestow^ed in their prepa.ration for the press. In every instance they have been carefully compared with the original;^, and no pains have been spared to ensure their correctness. In presenting this volume, the Committee can therefore speak with much confidence respecting the manner in wliich Professor Elton has met the wishes of the Historical Society. He is entitled to the thanks of that Society, for the valuable ad- dition which he has made to their Collections, and ; * deserves the grateful remembrance of the people V of our State, for the satisfactory manner in which he has illustrated this history of their forefathers. For the Committee of Publication ; ALBERT G. GREENE, WILLIAM G. GODDARD, Providence, April, 1838. AN HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, , if THE CTYIL AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS OF THE COLONY OF RHODE-ISLAND. BY JOHN C A L L E N D E R, M. A. WITH A MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR ; BIOCRAPIIICAL NOTICES OF SOME OF HIS DISTINGUISHED CONTEMPORARIES ; AND ANNOTATIONS AND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF RHODE-ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLAN- TATIONS, PROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE END OF THE FIRST CENTURY. BY ROMEO ELTON, M. A., F. S. U. S., Member of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, at Copenhagen ; one of the Vice-Presidents of the Rhode-Island Historical Society; and Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages and Lite- rature in Brown University. Xescirc quid antea f/unm natus sis acciihrit, id rst semper esse jivervm. Cicero. PROVIDENCE: K N O \V L E S, V O S E A- C O M P A N Y. 1838. ^ .'^. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1838, by Romeo Elton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, within and for the District of Rhode-Island. CONTENTS. Page Memoik of the Rev. John Callender, M. A. - - 9 Dr. Cotton Mather. — Letter sent to Dr. Mather's Church, on Mr. Callender's ordination, ----- 27 Thomas Mollis, Esq. - - - - - - 28 Professor Wigglesworth, ----- 29 Biographical sketch of Dean Berkeley, - - - - 30 Letter from the first Baptist Church in Boston to the Congrega- tional Church in Cambridge, - - - - 37 Rev. John Comer, - - - - - - - 38 Biographical notice of Rev. Nathaniel Clap, - - - 39 Mary Callender. — Dr. Waterhouse's sketch of Jier character, 40 Callender's Historical Discourse, - - - 47 No. APPENDIX. 1. Biographical notice of Rev. Thomas Prince, - - 177 2. Ante-Columbian Discoveries, .... 173 Biographical notice of President Stiles, - - - 186 3. Voyage of Verrazzano to America, - - - - 189 4. Roger Williams. — His Address to the Clergy, - - 190 5. Rev. William Blackstone. - . . . . 202 6. Deed of the chief Sachems of Narragansett to Roger Williams, 204 7. Deed of Roger Williams to his twelve original associates, 20G 8. Deposition of Roger Williams, .... 097 9. Biographical notice of John Clarke, - - . . 210 10. Form of Civil Compact agreed to by the first settlers on the Isl- and of Rhode-Island, . . - . . 212 11. Indian Deed of the Island of Aquetneck, - - - 214 12. Deposition of William Coddington, - - - 220 13. Reference to Simplicity's Defence ; — and the Early History of Narragansett, ...... 221 14. The first Patent of Rhode-Island, - - - 221 15. Letter to the Massachusetts Governor and Assistants, from mem- bers of Parliament, in commendation of Roger Williams, 220 '■^: CONTENTS. Page. IG. Laws of Rhode-Island, 1047, . ... 228 17. Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Rhode-Island, - - 230 18. From the General Assembly to the Commissioners of the United Colonies, ...... 231 19. Letter of Commissioners to John Clarke, - - - 234 20. Commission to John Clarke, .... 239 21. The Charter granted by King Charles II. July 8, 1GG3, - 241 22. Decision of Carr, (fcc, relative to Misquamacock, - 262 23. Commission from Carr, &c., 1665, .... 263 24. Establishment of the Episcopal Church in Rhode-Island, 265 25. Philip's War, 1675, 267 26. List of the Presidents and Governors of Rhode-Island, 2G8 MEMOIR OF THE REV. JOHN CALLENDER, AM Biography, as well as history, is too frequently employed in eulogizing men who have distinguished themselves merely as crafty statesmen or as ambi- tious warriors. The historian and the biogra}3her vsay little of those characters who are actuated by christian principle, and who seek not the praise of Tnen, but of God. Moral excellence, however, is the most beneficial to mankind ; and it is but justice to allow it to participate in those honors which are more usually appropriated to men of great depravity of heart, and who employ their fellow men only as tools for advancing their own ambition. The biog- raphy of a person of unostentatious piety and good- ness, may afford more useful instruction to the ma- jority of readers, than the dazzling exploits of an Alexander the Great, a Julius Csesar, or a Buo- naparte. The subject of the following memoir, died nearly a century ago, and it is to be regretted that the materials to fill up his character are not more ample; particularly those parts of his private con- 10 MEMOIR OF duct, which would have made us familiar with thi» excellent man, and imparted a graphic reality to the portrait. The imperfect sketch which follows, will not do justice to the subject, but it may, at least, furnish a few facts respecting a man who possessed a mind of no ordinary vigor, and whose memory is still precious. The Rev. John Callender was born of reputable parents, in the city of Boston, Mass., A. D. 1706- His father, John Callender, Esq., was the son of the Rev. Ellis Callender, the highly honored and es- teemed minister of the first Baptist Church in Boston from 1708 till 1726. Elisha Callender, his son, uncle to the subject of this memoir, became his successor in the pastoral office. This gentle- man was educated at Harvard College, and was one of the fourteen students who were graduated in the year 1710. At his ordination, which took place May 21, 1718, three Congregational ministers gave their assistance, viz. Dr. Increase Mather, Dr. Cotton Mather, and Rev. John Webb. Dr. Cotton Mather preached the ordination sermon, which was entitled. Good 3Ien United* This expression of Christian feeling on the part of the Congregational ministers in Boston, and the catholic spirit which existed at Cambridge, in- duced Thomas Hollis, Esq. of London, a wealthy merchant, of the Baptist denomination, to bestow * See note A . JOHN CALLENDER. 11 very large benefactions upon Harvard College, Besides making large additions to its library and philosophical apparatus, he founded two professor- ships in that Institution, one of Divinity, and one of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and endowed the College to the amount of a hundred pounds a year, to be distributed among ten scholars of good character.* Mr. Callender continued faithful and successful in the pastoral office, till his death, March 31, 1738, A few days before he died, he said, " When I look on one hand, I see nothing but sin, guilt and dis- couragement ; but when I look on the other, I see my glorious Saviour, and the merits of his precious blood which cleanseth from all sin. I cannot say, I have such transports of joy as some have had, but through grace I can say, I have gotten the victory over death and the grave." His obituary in the public newspaper, three days after his death, was in the following words: "On Friday morning last, after a lingering sickness, deceased the Rev. Mr. Elisha Callender, minister of the Baptist Church in this town ; a gentleman universally beloved by people of all persuasions for his charitable and catholic way of thinking. His life was unspotted, and his conversation always affable, religious, and truly manly. During his long illness, he was re- markably patient, and, in his last hours, like the blessed above, pacific and entirely serene; his ' See note B. 12 MEMOIR OF senses were good to the last. ' I shall,' said he, ' sleep ill Jesus,' and that moment expired, very much lamented by all that knew him." He pub- lished a century sermon in the year 1720, com- memorative of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, which has furnished important informa- tion for succeeding historians. Of the early years of John Callender, the sub- ject of the following narrative, Ave have little infor- mation. At the age of thirteen he entered Harvard College, where he received the benefit of Mr. Holliss donation. The Hon. John Leverett, F. R. S. was at that time its President, a man whose mental excellencies were adorned by the noblest moral qualities. Here, his vigorous understanding was cultivated, a proper direction given to his activity, and his mind imbued with the principles of virtue and religion. He graduated from tliat Institution in 1723. In tlie same year, he was baptised on a pro- fession of faith, and united with the first Baptist Church in Boston, of which his uncle was pastor. He was licensed to preach by this church, in June, 1727. In August, 1728, he received and accepted an invitation from the Baptist Churcli in Swansey, the oldest in Massachusetts, to supply their pulpit, and continued laboring among tliis people until February 15, 1730. Soon after, he received a re- quest from the first Baptist Church in Newport, to visit and preach to them. This was the second Baptist Church in America, and was founded in JOHN CALLEKDER. 13 1G44. After long and mature deliberation and earnest prayer, he accepted the invitation of that Church to the pastoral office, and was ordained, October 13, 1731. Rev. Elisha Callender, of Bos- ton, preached on the occasion, from Matthew xxviii; 18, 19. Mr. Callender continued the faithful and beloved pastor of this church and congregation, till he was called to his final rest. Soon after his settlement in Newport, he became a member of a literary and philosophical society es- tablished in that place. The celebrated Dean, afterwards Bishop Berkeley, who resided there at that time, is thought to have suggested its forma- tion.* The society was select, and some of its members were men of great intellectual power — among wdiom were Judge Edward Scott, Hon. Daniel Updike, Governor Josias Lyndon, Dr. John Brett, Hon. Thomas Ward, Hon. William Ellery, Rev. James Honyman, Rev. James Searing, Rev. John Checkley, jun., and Rev. Jeremiah Condy, of Boston. Among the occasional members were Governor Stephen Hopkins and Samuel Johnson, D. D., afterwards President of Columbia College, New- York. As this was probably one of the earliest societies of the kind in this country, we have thought proper to subjoin a copy of its rules and regulations, the original of which, (in the hand writing of Judge Scott,) is in the archives of the Rhode-Island Historical Societv. * See note C. 14 MEMOIR OF "Whereas, A. D. 1730, Messrs. Daniel Updike, Peter Bours, James Searing, Edward Scott, Henry Collins, Nathan Townsend, Jeremiah Condy and James Honeyman, jun. did form a Society for the promotion of Knowledge and Virtue, by a free con- versation according to several regulations by them agreed. " We the present members of the said Society, finding it necessary on many accounts for the more effectual answering the end of our Institution, do agree to enter into a more strict engagement, and establish the following as the laws and orders to be observed in this Society. "1. The members of the Society shall meet every Monday evening, at the house of one of the mem- bers, seriatim, and converse about and debate, some useful question in Divinity, Morality, Philosophy, History, &c. "2. The member who proposed the question, shall be moderator, (pro hac vice) and see that order and decency be maintained in all the debates and conversation. " 3. Every member in order shall freely give his opinion with his reasons, having liberty to explain the sense of the question, or his own expressions, and to retract or alter his opinion as to him shall seem right. JOHN CALLENDER. 15 " 4. The member at whose house we meet shall propose a question for the next evening's conver- sation, the Society to judge of its propriety and usefulness, only nothing shall ever he proposed or debated which is a distinguishing religious tenet of any one member. " 5. No member shall divulge the opinion or ar- guments of any particular member as to any sub- ject debated in the Society, on penalty of a per- petual exclusion. Nevertheless, any member may gratify the curiosity of any that may inquire the names, number, general design, method and laws of the Society, and the opinions or conclusions of the major part, without discovering how any par- ticular member voted. " 6. The moderator for the time being shall keep a book, in which he shall register the questions and the solutions or answers, and another for the fines and forfeits that may become due. "7. The question shall be propounded by the moderator exactly at seven in the evening, or if he be then absent, another shall be chosen in his room, and whoever shall come after that, shall for- feit one shilling ; whoever is absent the whole evening, shall forfeit two shillings and six pence ; only the moderator shall forfeit double. Whoever shall make it an excuse to avoid giving his opinion, that he has not thought of the question, or has for- I 16 MEMOIR OF 2^ot what the question is, shall forfeit one shilliiii^. Whoever is improv ided of a proper question, on his turn to propound it, shall forfeit one shillmg. He that omits to register the question or solution in his turn, shall forfeit two shillings and six pence. A treasurer shall he chosen once in three months, and whoever shall refuse an office when chosen, shall forfeit five shillings. And every treasurer that is deficient in his duty in collecting the fines, shall pay them himself No excuse shall he taken for absence hut sickness in person, or family, or the being out of town. The fines shall be gathered every month, and be laid out in books, (fcc, as the Society shall think best. Whoever shall absent himself a quarter of a year successively, Avithout sufficient excuse, shall have his name struck out of the list. "8. Any member may bring with him any friend or stranger who shall desire it, and whom he may think may not be offensive to any other member. " 9. Any member may propose a. candidate, but none shall be admitted without the full and free consent of CA'ery member, to be manifested in written votes, after a month's probation. However, the same person that has been negatived, may be propounded again by another member. " 10. If the Society incline to choose any gentle- men at a distance to be occasional members, their JOHN CALLENDER. 17 election shall l3e made in the same manner ; they shall be subject to the same rules of secrecy, and have the same liberty to speak and debate any sub- ject with the other members, and shall vote in all occasional matters. "11. The laws shall be publicly read in the So- ciety every three months, on the same evening that the treasurer is chosen. And every member shall then produce his copy, upon the forfeiture of two shillings and six pence. " 12. Every member shall promote the good of the Society, as far as lies in his power. " 13. Each of the present members shall sign these articles in the book, and shall have a copy of them, signed by the moderator for the time being, to be and remain as a proof and token of our fellow- ship and society. And every gentleman that may hereafter be chosen a member, shall enter his name in the same manner, and have a copy of the laws signed as above, together with a list of the Society, and a copy of the additional or explanatory laws tliat may hereafter be made. Newport, February 2, 1735. DANIEL UPDIKE, JOHN BRETT, PETER BOURS, CHARLES BARDIN, EDWARD SCOTT, J. HONYMAN, jun. Feb. 9th. NATHAN TOWNSEND, HEZ. CARPENTER, May 24, 173G SAMUEL WICKHAM, JAMES SEARING, 18 MEMOIR OF THOMAS WARD, JOSEPH JACOB, JOSIAS LYNDON, WILLIAM ELLERY, Oct. 3, 17:^7 JOHN CALLENDER,jun. JOS. SYLVESTER, SUETON GRANT, JOHN CHECKLEY, jun. Occasional Members. JOHN ADAMS, JOHN WALLACE, DANIEL HUBBARD, STEPHEN HOPKINS, JEREMIAH CONDY, SAMUEL JOHNSON. " Oct. 3, 1737. Voted, That every member who shall neglect to bring or send the book of fines, shall forfeit two shillings and six pence. A true copy, compared with the Society's book, by EDWARD SCOTT, Moderator." One of the objects of this Society was the col- lection of valuable books. It was subsequently joined by Abraham Redwood, Esq. who gave the the sum of five hundred pounds sterling to increase its library, on condition the Society would build a suitable edifice. The Society obtained a charter from the Colony in 1747, by the name of The Company of the Redwood Library. In 1748, the present classical building was erected, from a de- sign by Harrison, the assistant architect of Blen- heim House, England. This library contains many choice and rare European editions. Apart from his more ordinary employment and influence as a minister of the gospel, Mr. Callender acted an important part in relation to the more general and public interests of the town and State. JOHN CALLENDER. 19 In civil matters he was inucli consulted, and fre- quent and honorable mention of his name appears on the records of the town. His character com- manded the respect and confidence not only of his on n church and society, but also of the State of which he was an intelligent and useful citizen. In 1739, Mr. Callender published a historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of the Colony of Rhode-Island, from the settlement in 1638 to the end of the first century, usually known by the name of the " Century Sermon." This is the only history of the Colony or State of Rhode Island, which has been written, and though small, it is a noble and enduring monument to the talent and piety of its author. It is written with great fidelity, is disthiguished by solid and profound phi- losophical views, and by an ardent attachment to the ])rinciples of civil and religious freedom. It breathes a spirit of candor, impartiality, and en- lightened piety, in ever page. Mr. Callender evi- dently took great pains in investigating the sources from which he drew his informatioji, and his ob- servations on men and things indicate an acute, observant and reflecting mind. In the same year, he published a sermon preached at tlie ordination of Mr. Jeremiah Condy, A. M., to the pastoral care of the Baptist Church in Bos- ton. In this sermon, the liberal sentiments of Mr. Callender on the subject of free communion, are 20 MEMOIR OF fully exhibited. After earnestly inculcating the duty of all Christians loving one another as brethren, he observes, " But I have trespassed too much upon your patience already, and shall there- fore only beg leave to add, that if that glorious 2yrinciph which was a fundamental article in the constitution of the first Baptist Church, gathered in this Province, could be fully acted upon, we might with the utmost propriety, join the heavenly host, and sing, Glory to God in the highest : Peace on earth, and good will towards and among men. For they declared in their church covenant, " That union to Clirist was the sole gr'oimd of their com- munion witli each other, and that they were ready to accept of, receive to, and hold churcli-comniunioii icith, all such, as in a judgment of charity, v'cre fellow-member's with them in their head Christ Jesus, though differing in such controversial jwints^ as arc not absolutely and essentially necessary to salvation^* The religious sentiments of Mr. Callender were ever thus fearlessly avowed and honestly main- tained. His inflexible integrity did not permit him to conceal the convictions of his mind on any sub- ject which he thought affected the social, political or moral interests of mankind. Mr. Callender was ingenious in devising plans of usefulness, and especially in endeavoring to pro- mote the welfare of the young. In 1741, he pub- * See note D. JOHN CALLENDER. 21 lislied a sermon on the advantages of early religion, preached to a society of young men in Newport. This sermon is replete with somid practical in- struction, flowing from a heart warmed with the love of God. In the year 1745, Mr. Callender published a dis- course occasioned by the death of his friend, the Rev. Mr. Clap, in which he pays a tribute of affec- tionate veneration to his memory. Mr. Callender's sermon was founded on Hebrews xiii. 7, 8. The prominent traits in the character of Mr. Clap, are faithfully delineated in the following extracts from that sermon : " The main stroke in his character was his eminent sanctity and piety, and an ardent desire to promote the knowledge and practice of true godliness in others. As his understanding was above the common level, so was his learning, though he studiously concealed it. He thought his station required more than common instances of innocency, self-denial and caution. " He was zealously attached to what he considered as the true doctrines of grace, and to the forms of worship he thought to be of divine institution. But his charity embraced good men of all denominations. He had little value for mere speculative, local, nominal Christianity, and a form of godliness without the power. He insisted most on those things on which our interest in Jesus Christ and our title to eternal life must depend : that faith 22 MEMOIR OF by which we are justified and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus, and that repeiitance towards God and 77ew obedience^ which are the necessary effect and evidence of our regeneration, and the proper exercise of Christianity. " He abounded in contrivances to do good by scattering books of piety and virtue, not such as minister questions and strife, but godly edifying, and put himself to a very considerable expense, that he might, in this method, awaken the careless and secure, comfort the feeble mind- ed, succor the tempted, instruct the ignorant, and quicken, animate and encourage all. "He abounded in acts of charity to the poor and ne- cessitous — to whom he was a kind father and guardian. " In fine, he was a public blessing, as an able minister of the New Testament, an example of unsuspected piety, and an honor to religion. " There are two things in which he excelled in so re- mark'able a manner, that I must not omit them : his care about the education of children, and his concern for the instruction of servants. " The conclusion of his life and ministry was a peace- ful and happy death, without those raptures which some boast of, but with perfect resignation to the will of God, and good hope and humble confidence in Christ Jesus, who was the sum of his doctrine and the end of his con- versation."* * Sec Note E. JOHN CALLENDER. 23 Mr. Callender collected many papers relating to the history of the Baptist denomination in this country, which were used by the Rev. Isaac Backus in his Church History of New-England. After a long and painful illness, which he bore w ith Christian resignation, he died in full expecta- tion of the blessedness of the righteous, January 26, 1748, in the 42d year of his age. Mr. Callender, on the 15th of February, 1730, was married to Elizabeth Hardin, of Swansey, Mass. By this lady he had six children : Eliza- beth, Mary, John, Elias, Sarah and Josias. The following description of his person is taken princi- pally from an original portrait : He was about the middle size, graceful and well proportioned. His complexion was fair, his features were regular, his forehead was high and prominent, and in his coun- tenance there was an admirable mixture of gravi- ty and sweetness. His eyes were of a dark blue, and said to be remarkable for their intelligence and brilliancy. The character of Mr. Callender, both in public and private life, was truly amiable and excellent. Whether viewed as a citizen, a relative, a friend, a christian, or a minister of the gosj^el, he adorned the sphere in which he moved. 24 MEMOIR or His remains were interred in llie common bury- ing ground at Newport, where a tomb Avas erected to his memory, on which is the foUowing inscription, composed by Dr. Moffatt, a celebrated physician of that town : "Confident of awaking, here repose th JOHN CALLENDER; Of very excellent endowments from nature, And of an accomplished education, Improved by application in the wide circle Of the more polite arts and useful sciences. From motives of conscience and grace He dedicated himself to the immediate service Of God, In which he was distinguished as a shining And very burning light by a true and faithful Ministry of seventeen years in the first Baptist Church of Rhode-Island ; where the purity And evangelical simplicity of his doctrine,confirmed And embellished by the virtuous and devout tenor Of his own life, Endeared him to his flock, and justly conciliated The esteem, love and reverence of all the Wise, w^orthy and good. Much humility, benevolence and charity Breathed in his conversation, discourses and writ- ings, JOHN CALLENDER. 25 Which were all pertinent, reasonable and useful. Regretted by all ; lamented by his friends ; and Deeply deplored by a wife and numerous issue, He died, In the forty-second year of his age, January 26, 1748 ; Having struggled through the vale of life In adversity, much sickness and pain. With fortitude, dignity and elevation of soul. Worthy of the Philosopher, Christian and Divine." NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. Note A — p. 10. Dr. Cotton Mather, in his ordination sermon, after aUuding to the severities which had been used against Christians by the ruling powers, says : "Cursed the anger, for it is fierce, and the wrath, for it is cruel ; good for nothing but only to make divisions in Jacob and dispersions in Israel. Good men, alas ! good men have done such ill things as these ; yea few churches of the reformation have been wholly clear of these iniqui- ties. New-England, also, has in some former times done something of this aspect, which would not now be so well approved of; in which, if the brethren in whose house we are now convened, met with any thing too unbrotherly, they now with satisfaction hear us expres- sing our dislike of every thing which looked like perse- cution in the days that have passed over us." The following is the copy of the letter sent to the Church under the care of Dr. Mather and Rev, Mr. Webb, on Mr. Callender's ordination : '• Honored and beloved in the Lord, " Considering that there ought to be a holy felloAvship maintained among godly Christians, and that it is a duty 28 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. for US to receive one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God, notwithstanding some differing per- suasions in matters of doubtful disputation ; and although we have not so great latitude as to the subject of baptism as the churches of New-England generally have ; not- withstanding, as to the fundamental principles in your doctrine of Christ, both as to the faith and order of the gospel, we concur with them ; being also satisfied that particular churches have power from Christ to choose their own pastors, and that elders ought to be ordained in every Church ; and having chosen our well beloved brother, Elisha Callender, to be our pastor, we entreat you to send your elders and messengers to give the Right Hand of Fellowship in his ordination." Note B — p. IX. Tliomas Ilollis, Esq., was a u;reat patron and friend of learning. He was a Baptist, but not a sectarian. What he required in the character of the professor of divinity was, "tliat he should be a man of solid learning in divinity, of sound and orthodox principles, one who is well gifted to teach, of a sober and pious life, and of a grave conversation."* The following extract is taken from a sermon delivered before the General Court, by Dr. Benja- min Colman, of Boston, occasioned by the death of Mr. HoUis : " He was one of those righteous men who should be had in everlasting remembrance. Like Araiinah^ he gave " Pierce's History of Harvard University, Ap. p. 96. NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 29 as a prince. Of his own mere motion he poured in upon lis, and upon other places also, from time to time, as a hving spring whose waters fail not. That which is sin- gular in the piety and benefits of Mr. HoUis unto these churches was, that he was not strictly of our way, nor in judgment with us in point of infant baptism ; yet his heart and hand was the same to us, as if lue had been one in opinion and practice with him. And in this let him stand a teaching pattern and example to us of a noble, Christian, and catholic spirit of love." " It was some account he received from us of the free and catholic air we breathe at Cambridge, where protes- tants of every denomination may have their children edu- cated, and graduated in our college, if they behave with sobriety and virtue, that took his generous heart and fixed it on us, and enlarged it to us. And this shall be with me among his distinguishing praises, while we rise up and bless hismemory ; that is, bless God in remembrance of all the undeserved favors done us by him." — Colman^s Life. The first professor of divinity in Harvard College, Avas Rev. Edward Wiggleswortli, D. D., chosen in 1721, at the age of thirty, lie was a classmate of Rev. Elisha Callender, and occupied the divini- ty chair more than forty years, with a high repu- tation fi)r piety and learning. 30 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. Note C— p. 13. Biograp/dad Skctc/i of Dean Berkeley^ (iftcrwarcU Bisliop of Cloync, u'ho resided on Rhode-Island^ 1729—1731. Dr. George Berkeley was born at Kilkrin, in Ireland, in 1684. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he distinguished himself by his literary attainments and the superior powers of his mind. He became a Fellow of Trinity College in 1707 ; and was created D. D. in 1717. By the recommendation of Swift, he accompanied, as chaplain and secretary, the celebrated Earl of Peterborough, who was appointed ambassador to Sicily; and afterwards, when disappointed in his expectations of preferment, he spent four years on the Continent, as travelling tutor to the son of Dr. Ashe, Bishop of Clogher. Shortly after his return to London, in 1721, he was appointed chaplain to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, the Duke of Grafton. By a legacy of Miss Vanhomrigh, the Vanessa of Swift, his fortune was considerably increased. In 1724, on being promoted to the Deanry of Derry, he resigned his Fellowship. He now published his proposals for the conversion of the American savages to Christianity, by the establishment of a College in the Bermuda Islands. The plan was very favorably received ; and he obtained a charter for a College, in which he was named the first President. He received, also, from Sir Robert Walpole, a promise of a grant of twenty thousand NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 31 pounds to carry it into effect. Having resigned his living, worth eleven thousand pounds per annum, and all his hopes of preferment, he set sail for the field of his distant labors, with his family, and three Fellows of Trinity College, and several literary and scientfiic gentlemen. He landed at Newport, after a tedious passage of five months, January 23, 1729. His arrival is thus announced in the New- England Weekly Journal : "Newport, January 24, 1729. '' Yesterday arrived here, Dean Berkeley, of London- derry, in a pretty large ship. He is a gentleman of mid- dle stature, of an agreeable, pleasant, and erect aspect. He was ushered into the town with a great nimiber of gentlemen, to whom he behaved after a very complaisant manner. ' Tis said he purposes to tarry here with his family about three months." The following extract of a letter was written by Dean Berkeley to Thomas Prior, Esq., of Dublin, soon after his arrival at Newport : ^ "Newport, in Rhode-Island, April 21, 1729. " I can by this time say sometbing to you, from my own experience, of this place and people. The inhabi- tants are of a mixed kind, consisting of many sects and subdivisions of sects. Here are four sorts of Anabaptists, besides Presbyterians, Quakers, Independents, and many of no profession at all. Notwithstanding so many differences, here are fewer quarrels about religion than elsewhere, the people living peaceably with their neighbors of whatsoever 32 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. persuasion. They all agree in one point, that the church of England is the second best. The climate is like that of Italy, and not at all colder in the winter than I have known it every where north of Rome. The spring is late ; but to make amends, they assure me the autumns are the finest and longest in the world ; and the sum- mers are much pleasanter than those of Italy by all ac- counts, forasmuch as the grass continues green, which it doth not there. This island is pleasantly laid out in hills, and vales and rising grounds, hath plenty of excellent springs and fine rivulets, and many delightful landscapes of rocks and promontories, and adjacent lands. The pro- visions are very good, so are the fruits, which are quite neglected, though vines sprout up of themselves to an ex- traordinary size, and seem as natural to this soil as to any I ever saw. The town of Newport contains about six thousand souls, and is the most thriving place in all America for bigness. It is very pretty, and pleasantly situated, I was never more agreeably surprised than at the first sight of the town and harbor." Soon after his arrival, the Dean purcliased a country seat and farm about three miles from Newport, and there erected a house which lie named Whitehall. He was admitted a freeman of the Colony, at tlie General Assembly, in May, 1729. He resided at Newport about two years and a half, and often preached at Trinity Church. Though he was obliged to return to Europe with- out ellecting his original design, yet his visit was of great utility in imparting an impulse to the lite- ratiure of our country, particularly in Rhode-Island, NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 33 and Connecticut. During his residence on the Island of Rhode-Island, he meditated and com- posed his AlcipIu'OHj or Minute Philosopher, and tradition says, principally at a place about half a mile southerly from Whitehall. There, in the most elevated part of the Hanging Rocks, (so called,) he found a natural alcove, roofed and open to the south, commanding at once a beautiful view of the ocean and the circumjacent islands. This place is said to have been his favorite retreat. His Minute Philosopher was published in London, in 1732, shortly after his return. This acute and ingenious defence of the Christian religion, is written in a series of dialogues after the model of Plato. It contains many allusions to the scenery about his residence on Rhode-Island. In the introduction, he alludes, with the resignation of a Christian phi- losopher, to the miscarriage of his plan in founding a College. He says : '' I flattered myself, Theages, that before this time I might have been able to have sent you an agreeable ac- count of the success of the affair that brought me into this remote corner of the country. But instead of this, 1 should now give the detail of the miscarriage, if I did not choose to entertain you with some incidents which have helped to make me easy under the circumstance which I could neither obviate nor foresee. Events are not al- ways in our power, but it always is to make a good use of the very worst. And I must needs own, the course and event of this affair gave me opportunity for reflections that make me some amends for a great loss of time, pains 5 34 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. and expense. For several months past, I enjoyed much liberty and leisure in this distant retreat." To Bishop Berkeley, the literary institutions of New-England are much indebted. He visited Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1731, and during his residence at Newport, augmented the library of Harvard College by valuable donations of the Latin and Greek classics. To Yale College, he presented eight hundred and eighty volumes, and, on his departure from Newport, he gave the White- hall estate, consisting of his mansion and one hun- dred acres of land, for three scholarships in Latin and Greek. After his return to England, in 1733, he sent a magnificent organ, as a donation to Trinity Church, in Newport, which is still in con- stant use, and bears an inscription, which per- petuates the generosity of the donor. Parliament having failed to afford him that as- sistance for the establishment of a College, which had been promised, his project miscarried. After he had spent more than seven years of the prime of his life, and a large part of his private fortune in endeavors to accomplish it, he returned to England. '&' In 1734, he was raised to the See of Cloyne, and, twelve years after, he refused the offer from lord Chesterfield of a translation to the Bishopric of Clogher. In the discharge of his high office, his gen- NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 35 erosity was conspicuous in the sacrifices he made, as well as in the tokens of his beneficence which he scattered around him. When, in consequence of the infirmities of age, he was unable to at- tend to his episcopal duties, he was unwilling to receive the emoluments of his Bishopric, and gen- erously signed over the demense lands to be renew- ed at a yearly rent of two hundred pounds sterling, which sum, by his orders, was distributed among the poor. In 1752, he retired to Oxford, that he might pass the remainder of his days in learned leisure, and for the purpose of superintending the education of his son. This excellent man died suddenly and calmly at Oxford, January 14, 1753, in the seventy-third year of his age. Berkeley was endued with great powers of mind, and possessed of vast stores ol' erudition. His intellectual and moral qualities conspired to form in him a character of high and attractive excel- lence. The learned Bishop Atterbury said of him : '' So much understanding, so much knowledge, so much innocence, and such humility, I did not think had been the portion of any but angels, until I saw this gentleman." Pope, who, as a friend, knew him well, describes him as possessed of " every virtue under Heaven." 36 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. The following verses were written by Bishop Berkeley, during his residence in Newport. " On the prospect of planting Arts and Learning in America. " The muse, disgusted at an age and clime, Barren of every glorious theme, In distant lands now waits a better time. Producing subjects worthy fame : " In happy climes, where from the genial sun And virgin earth fresh scenes ensue. The force of art by nature seems outdone. And fancied beauties by the true : " In happy climes, the seat of innocence. Where nature guides and virtue rules. Where men shall not impose for truth emd sense The pedantry of courts and schools : " There shall be sung another golden age. The rise of empire and of arts, The good and great inspiring epic rage, The wisest heads and noblest hearts. " Not such as Europe breeds in her decay ; Such as she bred when fresh and young. When heavenly flame did animate the clay By future ages shall be sung." " Westward the course of empire takes its way : The four first acts ah'eady past, A Jiftfi shall close the drama with the day ; Time's noblest offspring is the last." NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 37 Note D— p. 20. The following extract is from the letter sent by the First Baptist Church in Boston, to the Con- gregational Church in Cambridge, when Mr. Condy was to be ordained. " To the Church of Christ in Cambridge, imder the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Appleton. ^^ Honored and beloved in the Lord: " This is to request you to send your Reverend Elders and Messengers to assist in the ordination of our elected Pastor, on the second Wednesday in February next. A request of the like tenor with this we have made to the churches in Boston, under the care of the Rev. Messrs. Webster and Gray, and Mr. Wilham Hooper. " Honored and beloved, we heartily wish you all spir- itual blessings in Christ Jesus, the glorious head of the Church. We are, in behalf and by order of the Church, your affectionate brethren in the Gospel. "SHEM DROWNE, Deacon. "JOHN CALLENDER,* "JAMES BOUND, "BENJ. LANDON, "JOHN PROCTOR." * This gentleman was tlic father of tlie subject of this Memoir. 38 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. The following is an extract from the manuscript journal of Rev. John Comer, A. B., who was the predecessor of Rev. John Callender in the pastoral care of the first Baptist Church in Newport. "January 31, 1725. This day I was baptised by the Rev. Mr. Elisha Callender, and was admitted into full communion with the Baptist Church in Boston, having before waited on the Rev. Mr. Appleton, of Cambridge, and discoursed with him on the point of baptism, together with my resolution — upon which he signified I might, notwithstanding, maintain my communion in his church: by which I disco veered the candor and catholic temper of his spirit." Mr. Comer's manuscript journal, two volumes folio, is now deposited in the cabinet of the Rhode- Island Historical Society. It is a curious produc- tion, giving an account of all the remarkable events with which he became acquainted, interspersed with prayers, religious reflections, &c. Mr. Comer had formed the design of writing the history of the American Baptists, and had collected many useful materials for this purpose, which were of great ad- vantage to Edwards, Backus, and Benedict in their histories. For an account of this excellent man, we refer the reader to Backus, vol. 2, p. 66, 111 ; Benedict, vol. 1, p. 497. NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 39 Note E.— p. 22 Biographical notice of Rev. JVathaniel Clap. The Rev. Nathaniel Clap, minister of the first Congregational Church in Newport, Rhode-Island, was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, January, 1G68. He was a descendant from one of the first planters in Massachusetts. He was graduated at Harvard College, in 1690, and while he was young liis praise was in the churches, for his piety, learn- ing, and pulpit talents. He began to preach in Newport, 1695, and in the midst of many dis- couragements, continued his labors till a church was formed, of which he was ordained pastor, No- vember 3, 1720. He was minister in Newport near fifty years, and continued his pastoral care over the first Congregational Church till his death. When Mr. Whitefield arrived at Newport from Charleston, in the year 1740, he called upon Mr. Clap, and he speaks of him as the most venerable man he ever beheld. " He looked," says Mr. Whitefield, " like a good old puritan, and gave me an idea of what stamp those men were, who first settled New-England. His countenance was very heavenly, and he prayed most aflfectionately for a blessing on my coming to Rhode-Island. I could not but think, that I was sitting by one of the patriarchs." — Mliitcficld^s Journal. Dean Berkeley was intimate with Mr. Clap, and often spoke of his good deeds and exemplary 40 NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. character. He said, "Before I s^w father Clap, I thought the Bisliop of Rome had the most grave aspect of any man I ever saw, but really the min- ister of Newport has the most venerable appear- ance." Mr. Clap died October 30, 1745, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. Note F— p. 23. Mary Callender, daughter of the subject of this Memoir, was born in Newport, Dec. 12, 1731. She was about sixteen years of age when her father died ; and soon after his decease, at the request of his friends, Joseph Jacob and wife, she became an inmate in their family. At the age of twenty, she became a member of the first Baptist Church, of which her flither had been pastor. In the year 1762, she united with the Society of Friends, and in the 37th year of her age she became a preacher in that denomination. November 11th, 1778, she was married in Providence to Joseph Mitchell, a worthy member of the Society of Friends. In 1787, she removed to Nantucket. She quietly de- parted this life June 26, 1810, in the 78th year of her age. A short account of her life has been pub- lished, written by herself, with selections from some of her writings. She sustained, during the whole of her life, a most exemplary Christian char- acter, and w^as held in great esteem by the Society of Friends, and by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. NOTES TO THE MEMOIR. 41 In her account of her life, Mary Mitchell fre- ([uently speaks in the most affectionate terms of her parents. In page 9, she says : " My father was much beloved and respected by people of all ranks that were acquainted with him ; he being a person of an enlarged mind, embraced the virtuous of every denomination, and lived in strict friendship with many worthy persons, from whom he differed in some religious sentiments. Among this number was Joseph Jacob and his truly virtuous wife ; these were sensible of his worth ; and my dear father's removal by death was justly es- teemed by many, a public loss, he possessing qualifica- tions for much usefulness. My dear mother was a vir- tuous woman, a pattern of patience, humility and resig- nation to the dispensations of Providence. She, with my dear father, experienced many seasons of adversity j she survived him many years, and died in sweet com- posure of mind, and no doubt is now at rest with the Lord." The following account of Mary Callender is ex- tracted from a letter which the editor has received from the learned Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, late Professor in Harvard University, slain, and one hundred and lifty men wounded, many of them by their own friends. Towards night, they set lire to the fort, and retreated to their head quarters, through the cold and snow. Some thought, if they had kept possession of the fort, where was the Indian provisions, they might have saved many of their own wounded men, and that the Indians must all have perished, through cold and hunger, or surrendered at discretion, the next morning. Others thought it a merciful provi- dence, they retreated so soon, notwithstanding the fatigue of such a retreat. But however that be, which cannot so well be judged of now,* the * Mr. Hubbard represents the burning the fort as ne- cessary to dislodge the Indians, and after that the retreat must be also necessary. However, he mentions their want of provisions, by means of their vessels being frozen in at Cape Cod. He says there was a great quantity of provisions burned in the four or five hundred wigwams in the fort. And he several times laments the misery of the wounded men, in marching near eighteen miles through the cold and snow that night, before their wounds could be dressed. But Col. Church, who was present and wounded in the action, tells us, he vehemently op- posed the firing the fort ; that the General was surprised into it, and he condemns it as a very imprudent and un- fortunate conduct. He says, " The fort was full of corn 132 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. wounded and starving Indians, on their retreat, re- turned, put out their fires, and sheltered themselves, and found some refreshment among the ashes of the best and strongest fortification the Indians were ever masters of in this country. This was the greatest action ever performed by the New-English Colonies, against the Indians ; if we regard either the numbers of men on each side, or the conse- quences of the action. Beside that, the Indians had now the use of guns, as well as they ; and were as expert in the use of them, as any men in the world. The Indians were soon pursued with famine and sickness, so that after they submitted the next year, they were never formidable again. These Narragansets do now in a manner cease to be a people, the few, if any, remaining in the Colony, and other provisions, sufficient to support the whole army till the spring, and there was no other provisions to be depended on ; there was good warm lodging for the wounded men, not elsewhere to be had." He supposes every one acquainted with the circumstances of that night's march, deeply laments the misery of the whole army, especially of the wounded and dying men. He adds, " That it mercifully came to pass, that Capt. An- drew Belcher arrived that very night at Mr. Smith's, from Boston, loaden with provisions for the army, who must otherwise have perished for want." {Church, p. 16, 17.) Tradition is on the same side, and supposes had the army kept possession of the fort, it must have in a manner finished the war. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 133 being cither scattered about where the English will employ them, or sheltered under the successors of" Ninigret, a sachem that refused to join in the war, and so has preserved his lands to his posterity; and there are a few Indians now livins; round him, on his lands, or belonging to his tribe. As to the part this Colony had in that war, it must be observed that though the Colony was not, as they ought to have been, consulted, yet they not only afforded shelter and protection to the flying English, who deserted from many of the neighboring plantations, in Plymouth Colony, and were received kindly by the inhabitants, and re- lieved, and allowed to plant the next year on their commons, for their support ; but they likewise fur- nished some of the forces with provisions and transports : and some of their principal gentlemen, as Major Sanford, and Capt. Goulding, were in the action at Mount Hope, as volunteers in Captain Church's Company, when King Philip was slain.* * In the Colony's answer to the King's letter, 1679, in- quiring the value of Mount Hope Neck, which was beg- ged of the King, by Johny Crownc, the poet, they say, that '•' a Rhode-Island Indian, under a Rhode-Island Cap- tain, a volunteer, with a Plymouth Captain, killed King PhiHp." His name was Alderman, and Col. Church says he deserted the year before, from Weetamore, squaw sa- chem of Pocasset, and came over to Rhode-Island with his family, and gave good intelligence to the English at that time, which was ill improved or neglected. 134 HISTORICAL DISCOUKSE, The Indians never landed on the Island, in the war time, armed boats being kept plying round, to break their canoes, and prevent their making any attempts. But our settlements on the main suf- fered very much, both at Petaquamscut, and at Warwick, and at Providence ; where the Indians burnt all the ungarrisoned and deserted houses. And the inhabitants made heavy complaints, that when the army of the united Colonies returned home, they did not leave a sufficient number of forces to protect our plantations, which were now, in a very peculiar manner, exposed to an exaspe- rated and desperate enemy.* * I know this was attempted to be excused, by the agents of a neighboring Colony, before the King ; and they had the face to assert, that "the Colony would never yield any joint assistance against the common enemy, no, not so much as in their own towns, on the main, nor garrison their own towns of Providence and Warwick, and so that the blame ought to lie on this government, if they suffered spoil, while the army was pursuing the routed enemy." But the printed histories confute this answer in part ; the Providence Company, under Capt. Andrew Edmonds, was very helpful, and successful too, against the common enemy, and that even out of our own bounds. (See Hubbard's Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians, p. 28. ) (See also Col, Church's History. ) 1 could give several reasons, why the Colony did not act more jointly, and why it ought not to be charged to their fault, that they did not. But perhaps it would be no service to any body now to mention them. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 135 As King Philip had no fortified places, and no magazines, when the foreign succor and assistance, which he depended upon, failed him, when the Narragansets were in his own condition, and the Mohawks refused to assist him, his people lost all hope, and courage, and conduct ; being beaten oif from their planting and fishing, and pursued by famine and sickness, and divers parties of the However, I must say, it was not owing only to the re- ligious principles of the gentlemen then at the head of our administration. It is true, the Governor and the Deputy Governor, that year, were both of the people called Quakers, but there are military commissions still in being under their hands and seals, to Mr. B. Arnold, jun., and others, to go in an armed sloop to visit the gar ^ risons at Providence, &c. It was but reasonable the united Colonies should have left a sufficient guard, at least, at their own head quarters, and some other places, while- the Island, the only part of the Colony able to contribute to the charge of the wars, was at so great an expense in supporting and defending the distressed English, who fled to them from all the adjacent parts. On account of these and some other like aspersions, the forementioned Deputy Governor, in order that things might not be otherwise re- sented against us than they were, gave an affidavit or evi- dence on solemn engagement, that " he never was against giving forth any commissions to any, that might have been for the security of the King's interest in this Colony." This, with some commissions actually signed by him, is among a large number of ancient manuscripts in the pos- session of the Honorable William Coddington, Ksq. 136 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. English, who had their courage raised in proportion as the other side were discouraged, they were forced to surrender ahiiost at discretion, and beg peace on any terms. Philip himself being slain, and most of the chief captains, the war wholly ceased in this part of the country, and with those nations who first began the war. Ever since that peace, this Colony has had little or nothing to do with the other Indian Avars, but only to assist the other Colonies, when properly consulted and applied to. The Colony bore its part cheerfully in the several expeditions against the French, at Port-Royal, and Canada. And di- vine Providence remarkably succeeded and smiled on the defence and protection of our sea-coasts, which were very much exposed all the two long French wars. The necessary defence of the inhabitants, was never neglected in the time of war, and, since the peace, the Colony, though so small as it is, hath rebuilt an handsome Fort on an Island that com- mands the harbor of Newport, and, 1733, furnished it with a number of fine guns, at their own expense. Besides, the Colony always keeps a certain number of smaller carriage guns and small arms, witli all necessaries and appurtenances in good order, ready to put on board one or more vessels, as occasion may require, on the very first notice of any enemy iriSTORICAL DTSCOURSE. 137 on the coasts. And though a Lirge proportion of the inhahitants are not free in tlieir consciences to learn war, yet the military exercises are kept iij) as in other places, and the success which formerly attended the enterprises of our forces, will, while the memory thereof remains, keep up a military spirit in the body of the people. The Narragansets, as I observed, were the most populous nation among the Indians, but all at- tempts to civilize or christianize them were utterly ineffectual. Their sachems would not suffer the gospel to be preached to their subjects, and their subjects obstinately adhered to the traditions and customs of their forefathers. It seems hard that New-England should be complained of and re- proached as particularly negligent of the conver- sion of the Indians, and harder still we should be reproached for neglecting the methods used by the French to make proselytes of their Indians, and most unhappy that such complaints are made by writers that seem otherwise well acquainted with plantation affairs, and are deservedly of great note and character. It is happy, however, these re- proaches are not well grounded. New-England, nay, the Massachusetts and Plymouth Colonies alone, have had more real success in the conver- sion of the Indians, not only than all the larger Engli.sh Colonies to the southward, but than all the other Cliristian nations that have settled 18 138 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. throuc^hout the whole Continent of America. The sectaries of New-England could never be contented with such sort of converts as the Roman Catholic Missionaries boasted of in many places ; they had no satisfaction in the religion of the nominal Christians in Europe, and thought it would be no advantage to make such Christians among the In- dians, as knew no more of the gospel than to make the sign of the cross, or who desired baptism only, for the sake of the new shirt with which their con- version was to be rewarded. And there was very great opposition to the making them real Christians. Their sachems or princes generally, their powaws or priests always, opposed all their power and all their arts to prevent the growth of the gospel, as what they imagined would put an end to their au- thority, especially that of their priests ; and the customs of the people, their way of life, and their national vices, made it a m.ost difficult task to gospelize such people, as must be first civilized or humanized. The New-English wonder to hear themselves reproached, for not intermarrying with such barbarians, of a complexion so different ; they never had the temptations to the unnatural mix- ture, as some foreign plantations had, nor do they know other English plantations used to do so. As to this Colony in particular ; at first, the Narragansets made it a public interest, to oppose the propagation of the Christian religion. And HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 139 though Mr. Williams made some laudable attempts to instruct them, yet he was much discouraged, not only by want of a lawful warrant, or an immediate commission to be an apostle to them, but especially by (as he thought) the insuperable difficulty of preaching Christianity to them, in their own lan- guage with any propriety, without inspiration. After the war, they were soon reduced to the con- dition of the laboring poor, without property, hewers of wood and drawers of water ; and there is no more reason to expect religion should, by hu- man means, thrive among such people, than among the lazy and abandoned poor in London. The few that have lived much together, on Ninigret's lands, have had several offers of the gospel, as the Narragansets had before ; and at present the Congregational minister at Westerly is a mis- sionary to them, and encouraged by an exhibition from the Scotch Society for propagating Christian knowledge, by means of an estate, mortified to them for this end, by the late Dr. Daniel Williams, of London. However, it must be owned we have been too soon discouraged, and too negligent in this affair. Perhaps it is one of tlie worst effects of the variety of religious opinions among the En- glish, that it has been some hindrance to this good work, and even furnished the Indians sometimes with an excuse or pretence to waive any offers to instruct them. If the manners of any have like- Avise prejudiced any Indians, it is most lamentable. 14U HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. The vices of Christians have been an insurmount- able obstacle to the progress of Christianity in all the other parts of the world, as there are too many evidences. May these reflections, however, stir us up to adorn our holy religion, and to be careful that we give none offence to any that are without : And may it dispose all persons to contribute all in their power, to further the conversion of these people to the Christian religion. They demand our compassion, and our prayers to the throne of grace, that God would remove the veil from their eyes, and all prejudices from their hearts ; that he would convert and save them. Mr. R. Williams, at first, gave a promising character of the morals of these people ; but on longer acquaintance and more experience, he seems to have altered his opinion of them ; as appears by some expressions in a manuscript of his, yet re- maining. " The distinction of drunken, and sober, honest sachems, is (says he) both lamentable and ridiculous ; lamentable, that all Pagans are given to drunkenness ; and ridiculous, that those (of whom he was speaking) arc excepted. It is (says he) notoriously known, what consciences all Pagans make of lying, stealing, whoring, murdering," nt there was plenty of fish, and fowl, and venison ; and, soon after, even to this day, all the necessaries of life have been plentiful. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE, 151 present their adversaries, no one will charge mc with any design to reflect on those gentlemen, whose memory is so highly regarded in the other New- English Colonies, if I beg leave to question and suspect the ill character they have fastened on those poor people, some of whom have expressed a deep resentment of the injury and wrong that was done them by the historians of the other party. Whoever considers the character those writers give of all other sects and parties of Christians, and the character some other parties give of them, will be apt to think that both sides are to be read with allowance for their respective prejudices. I say, whoever considers the character the contending parties of Christians almost forever give, not only of each other's tenets or opinions, but of their con- duct, especially in so far as relates to the support or spreading their opinions ; not only the Papists of the Protestants, but the Protestants of one another, particularly the Lutherans of the Cal- vinists : {Hornheck; Sumrn.) Whoever considers how common it is for personal reflections to mix with solemn debates, on the highest and most awful doctrines, as well as tlie least and most inditrerent: I say, whoever considers these things, will readily acknowledge we are not to take the character of any sect or person, barely from the description of known adversaries ; especially when the description doth itself imply many circumstances, which carry the strongest grounds of suspicion with them. 152 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. If there be any tiling in that observation, " that the nature and import of the questions, about which the difference began, and the zeal wherewith they were handled, intimate something of the holy tem- per prevailing among the body of the people;" {3IagnaUa) I desire it may be considered, that those persons were in repute with the a ery best, for holiness and zeal, before this unhappy conten- tion. Moreover, it must be remembered that the points about which they were charged with error, are of such a nature, as that a person's sentiments may be easily mistaken and misrepresented. It was long before the Church at Boston could have any evidence of their holding those opinions, which that Church condemned ; the witnesses at the last were parties, and transported with zeal. It is not doubted there was some difference in their opinions, at least in their expressions ; but there is much ground to doubt, whether any of them held all the opinions condemned in the synod, and that few of them held many of those harsh consequences wdiich their adversaries drew from their tenets. Besides, much the greater number were never cen- sured at all, but (as I observed before) considered as brethren, long after their coming here. We cannot reasonably suppose tliat they directly forgot or neglected the sole end of their removal, but as they followed that church order they judged most agreeable to the will of God, and professed HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 153 those opinions and articles of belief they thouglit God had revealed, so we must charitably judge, the life of religion and the love and fear of God did not go out and vanish away, on their leaving all, for his namesake and the gospel, i. e. the liberty to worship Him according to their consciences. And yet all the other Colonies will be obliged to own, that the trials and temptations of a wilderness had some unhappy effects on many who had shewn great zeal about religion. However, while we are contemplating the oc- casion of our settlement, and the ends and views of our pious ancestors, when we fmd that religion and conscience began the Colony, it is natural, it is necessary to reflect and consider how these ends are answered by their posterity at present. Our fathers bore the heat and burden of the day; and tliough Providence gave them a pleasant and fruitful land,* the garden of New-England, yet *Mr. Neale justly observes, (p. 595,) this Island, which is about fourteen or fifteen miles long, and about four or five miles broad, (though of unequal breadth,) is de- servedly esteemed the Paradise of New-England, for the fruitfulness of the soil, and the tcmperateness of the climate ; that though it he not above sixty-five miles south of Boston, is a coat warmer in winter, and being surrounded by the ocean is not so much affected in sum- mer with the hot land breezes, as the towns on the con- tinent." Let me add, we have, all summer, a south or 20 154 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. the subduing and cultivating a wilderness, was a tedious and a laborious business, and necessarily attended with many hardships, straits and diffi- culties. Their posterity possess the fruit of their labor, and should think themselves obliged to fulfil the pious ends of our plantation. God justly ex- pects that we fear the Lord our God, and love him, and walk in his ways, and serve him with all our heart. It seems that pure religion and true godliness is what we, in a most peculiar manner, owe to God, as the very quit-rents of our lands, and an acknowledgment of the merciful provi- dences in our first settlement ; as well as for the constant favors of God to us ever since. The posterity of a people, who were guided by southwesterly sea breeze, almost every day, which rises about 10 A. M., and wonderfully cools the air. And by reason of southeasterly sea breezes, in the spring, the summer does not come on so quick as at Boston, though the winter usually breaks up sooner. — Here let me be permitted to offer a correction of a vulgar error, about the reason of the cold of New-England winters, which is so very much greater than in the European countries in the same latitudes. The Lakes usually bear the blame of our cold northwest winds, but by a map of the country of the five nations, and of the Lakes, &c., published at New- York by authority, and said to be taken from a map of Louisiana, done by Mr. De Lisle in 1718, it appears that all the Lakes, except the Lake Champlain, are considerably HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. ' 155 the providence of God to this happy Island, as a vsafe retreat from the stormy winds, as a place of freedom to practise every branch of religion in, must be inexcusable, if they degenerate and forget the God of their fathers. The very instrument of our original incorporation, obliges us to "serve God and Jesus Christ, and obey all his holy laws." Ir- religion, then, and profaneness and immorality, must be a peculiar reproach to such a people. Our fathers will rise up in judgment against, and con- demn their degenerate offspring, and the God of our fathers will cast us off" forever, if we do not practise that sobriety, righteousness and godliness, which his gospel requires, and we are under so many peculiar obligations to observe. Nay, it will to the westward of the northwest point, from this town. The chief of these vast Lakes are northwest from Penn- sylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. All the great Lakes are west from Albany, as the Council of New- York seem to assert ; and Albany is, as I suppose, nearer west from Boston than north-west. Besides, it is credibly reported by intelligent persons, most conversant in those regions, that at the most eastern of the Lakes, the winds are usually easterly in those months when we are frozen with north-west winds. Perhaps as our distance from the equator occasions the long draft of winds from north-west, so the vast body of lands, uncultivated, and covered with a perpetual forest, which breaks the rays of the sun, and prevents their reflection from the earth, is what occasions those winds to be so very cold here. 156 HISTORICAL UlSCOUKSE. be more tolerable for the Peqiiots, the Waiiipa- noags, the Narragansets, in the day of judgnieiit, than for such of us as obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is true, the Indian nations did obstinately refuse the gospel, but they knew not what they did ; they did it ignorantly, and in unbelief, while we have known our master's w ill ; and to whom nmch is given, of them much will be required. As we have been, as it were, lifted up to Heaven with privileges, our fall will be so much the greater in the bottomless pit, unless we lay hold on eternal life. If our neighbors observe the manners of tlie in- habitants are reformed in any instances, formerly grievous to them, let us endeavor to reform what- ever is still really amiss among us, and put away the evil of our doings, that the Lord God may dwell among us. May we be noted only, and ever, for the general discharge of all public and private virtues, for the impartial administration of justice, and the steady execution of good and wholesome laws, and for leading quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and honesty. It is an old and common observation, that the stature and complexion* of human creatures, as * In like manner some diseases are peculiar to every country ; perhaps we may this way account for what has HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 157 well as of plants and animals, yea, and tlie genius and dispositions of a people, are very much in- fluenced by the soil and climate ; by the situation, the nature and circumstances of the place they in- habit. Thus, the inhabitants of the several parts of Italy, of Germany, &c., are characterised from their respective countries ; and thus it was observed of the Carthagenians. The peculiar genius and dispositions of a people must arise from hence, or the form of government and laws they live under, or the genius of the present chief commanders. The Narragansets, who inhabited this tract of land before us, were not remarkable among the Indians for many vices peculiar to them,* only that in pro- portion to their greater populousness, they ex- ceeded in the vices common to all the Indian na- tions. Idleness and intemperance are every w here branded as Indian vices ; and they were com- plained of, as shamefully negligent in the education of their children, and that they had in a manner been, in vain, attempted to be accounted for so many other ways, viz. the defective teeth so common in New- England. Mr. R. Williams says, that when he first came here, the Indians were vastly subject to the tooth- ach, and that their very stoutest men complained more of that pain, than their women of the pains of travail. * Mr. Hubbard says, p. 3: " The Narhagansets were always more civil and courteous to the English, than any of the other Indians." 158 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. no family government at all. Though the face of the country is greatly changed by English industry, and an almost immense labor and expense, yet a plentiful country will always afford its inhabitants inducements and temptations to abuse the divine goodness, and to turn the grace of God into wan- tonness. If, instead of having been able to teach the Indians Christian virtues, we should learn and imitate the Indian vices, how unhappy, how re- proachful, how lamentable would it be 1 Surely, we must think God expects more from us, with all our advantages of knowledge, with the gospel, the word of God ; which is able to make us wise to salvation, through faith that is in Christ Jesus. We have not only the light of reason, brightened and improved, but revelation, to be as a guide to us. Let us make the scriptures, then, as alight to our feet, and a lamp to our path. And in fine, let every sect and party of Christians among us, be followers of God as dear children. Let us be careful to build only gold, silver, precious stones, on the rock of ages, the true foundation of our faith and hope. Let us walk worthy of God to all well pleasing, and adorn the Christian re- ligion in general, in the sight of the Heathen ; and recommend our distinguishing opinions to one another, by a more exemplary behavior, and so induce others to glorify God our Heavenly Father. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 159 III. Liberty of conscience was the basis of this Colony. Our fathers thought it just and necessary to allow each other mutually to worship God as their consciences were respectively persuaded. They thought no man had power over the spirit of God, and that the duty of the magistrate was to leave every one to follow the light of hi« conscience. They were willing to exhibit to the world, an in- stance that liberty of conscience was consistent with the public peace, and the flourishing of a civil Commonwealth, as well as that Christianity could subsist without compulsion, and that bearing each other's burdens was the way to fulfil the law of Christ. I do not know there was ever before, since the world came into the Church, such an instance, as the settlement of this Colony and Island. In other States, the civil magistrate had forever a public driving in the particular schemes of faith, and modes of worship ; at least, by negative discourage- ments, by annexing the rewards of honor and profit to his own opinions ; and generally, the subject was bound by penal laws, to believe that set of doctrines, and to worship God in that manner, the magistrate pleased to prescribe. Christian magis- trates would unaccountably assume to themselves the same authority in religious affairs, which any of the Kings of Judah, or Israel, exercised, either by usurpation, or by the immediate will and in- 160 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. spiration of God, and a great deal more too. As if the becoming' Christian gave the magistrate any new right or authority over his subjects, or over the Church of Christ ; and as if that because they submitted personally to the authority and govern- ment of Christ in his word, that therefore they might clothe themselves with his authority ; or rather, take his sceptre out of his hand, and lord it over God's heritage. It is lamentable that pagans and infidels allow more liberty to Christians, than they were wont to allow to one another. It is evident, the civil magistrate, as such, can have no authority to decree articles of faith, and to deter- mine modes of worship, and to interpret the laws of Christ for his subjects, but what must belong to all magistrates ; but no magistrate can have more authority over conscience, than what is necessary to preserve the public peace, and that can be only to prevent one sect from oppressing another, and to keep the peace between them. Nothing can be more evidently proved, than '' the right of private judgment for every man, in the affairs of his own salvation," and that both from the plainest princi- ples of reason, and the plainest declarations of the scripture. This is the foundation of the Reforma- tion, of the Christian religion, of all religion, which necessarily implies choice and judgment. But I need not labor a point, that has been so often demonstrated so many ways. Indeed, as every man believes his own opinions the best, because HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. IGl the truest, and oiic^Iit cliaritably to wish all others of the same ophiion, it must seem reasonable the magistrate should have a public leading in religious affairs, but as he almost forever exceeds the due bounds, and as error prevails ten times more than truth in the world, the interest of truth and the right of private judgment seem better secured, by a universal toleration that shall suppress all pro- faneness and immorality, and preserve every party in the free and undisturbed liberty of their con- sciences, while they continue quiet and dutiful sub- jects to the State. Our fathers established a mutual liberty of con- science, when they first incorporated themselves : this they confirmed under their first Patent, and, at the Restoration, they petitioned King Charles II. ( Charter) " That they might be permitted to hold forth a lively experiment, that a most flourishing civil State may stand, and best be maintained, and that among English subjects, with a full liberty in religious concernments, and that true piety, rightly grounded on gospel principles, will give the best and the greatest security to sovereignty, and will lay in the hearts of men the strongest obligations to true loyalty." And the King was pleased to make them a grant, by which " every person may ever freely and fully have and enjoy his own judg- ment or conscience in matters of religious concern- ment, behaving liimself peaceably and quietly, and 21 162 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. not using this liberty for licentiousness and ])ro- faneness, nor to the civil injury or outward dis- turbance of others." This happy privilege we en- joy to this day, through the divine goodness ; and the experiment has fully answered, and even be- yond what might have been expected from the first attempt. The civil State has flourished, as well as if secured by ever so many penal laws, and an inquisition to put them in execution. Our civil oflicers have been chosen out of every re- ligious society,* and the public peace has been as well preserved, and the public councils as well conducted, as we could have expected, had we been assisted bv ever so many religious tests. All profaneness and immorality are punished by the laws made to suppress them ; and while these laws are well executed, speculative opinions or * It has been no uncommon sight to see gentlemen of almost every religious persuasion among us, sitting on the same bench of magistrates together. And we may al- Avays expect to see it, while that principle prevails, that the surest way to preserve and enjoy our Charter privi- leges, is so to divide the posts of honor, trust and profit among all persuasions indifferently ; and, in general, to prefer those gentlemen, of whatever religious opinions they are, that are otherwise best qualified to serve the public, and adorn their stations, and to suffer no one re- ligious sect to monopolize the places of power and au- thority. HISTORICAL DISCOURSI^. 163 modes of worship can never disturb or injure the peace of a State that allows all its subjects an equal liberty of conscience. Indeed, it is not va- riety of opiniojis, or separation in worship, that makes disorders and confusions in government. It is tlie unjust, unnatural, and absurd attempt to force all to be of one opinion, or to I'eign and dis- semble that they are ; or the cruel and impious punishing- those, who cannot change their opinions without light or reason, and will not dissemble against all reason and conscience. It is the wicked attempt to force men to worship God in a way they believe He hath neither commanded nor v.'ill ac- cept; and the restraining them from worshipping Him in a method they think He has instituted and made necessary for them, and in wliich alone they can be sincere worshippers, and accepted of God ; in which alone, they can find comfort and peace of conscience, and approve themselves before God ; in which alone, they can be honest men and good Christians. Persecution will ever occasion con- fusion and disorder, or if every tongue is forced to confess, and every knee to bow to the power of the sword : this itself is the greatest of all disorders, and the worst of confusions in the Kingdom of Christ Jesus. Liberty of conscience was never more fully en- joyed in any place, tlian here; and this Colony, with some since Ibrmed on the same model, have 164 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. proved that the terrible fears that barbarity would break in, where no particular forms of worship or discipline are established by the civil power, are really vain and groundless ;* and that Christianity can subsist without a national Church, or visible Head, and without being incorporated into the State. It subsisted so for the iirst three hundred years ; yea, in opposition and defiance to all the powers of hell and earth. And it is amazing to hear those who plead for penal laws, and the nuigistrate's right and duty to govern the Church of Christ, to hear such persons call those early times the golden age of Christianity. However, as the best things, tlie wisest institu- tions are subject to some inconveniences, while some good may accidentally follow the very worst things in the world, it may be worth our while to consider, whether some incon\enicnces do not naturally, or have not in fact, followed or attended our constitution. The Popish Inquisition itself, which is such an open tyranny over conscience, and such an absolute destruction of the essentials of Christianity and all true religion, yet keeps up * I am aware some such charges of ignorance and bar- barity have been formerly insinuated, and that the people lived in a state of anarchy ; bnt I hope I have said enough to shew the groundlessness of such reports, which were the effects of prejudice and misinformation. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 165 the face and slievv of the greatest decorum, order and liarmony imaginable. It ought not to be won- dered at, if an unlimited toleration of every doctrine or form of Christian worship, though never so just in itself, and so useful and beneficial in many respects, yet in some other respects may be attended with or productive of some inconveniences. We know some followed on the gospel itself. It cannot be wondered at, if some should make an ill use of this liberty; yea, if this liberty itself should be unhappily a vsnare to some men. Have never any, in no parts of the Colony, appeared lost and bewildered in a variety of opinions round them 7 At least, is it not likely there should be some persons so weak and unstable 7 Have never any pretended to think it needless or endless to search after truth, amonff so many pretenders to it? And have not some, in the heat and hurry of dispute about the circumstan- tials of Christianity, the circumstances of order, time, and place, grown cold or negligent about the vitals and essentials of the gospel covenant ? Hath not too much zeal about outward things, too often occasioned censoriousness and uncharitableness, and starved the life of religion 1 Is there no foun- dation for that character that has been given of too many among us, that '' they have a thorough in- diflerence for all that is sacred, being equally careless of outward worship, and of inward princi- ples, whether of faith or practice." And '' that they have worn off a serious sense of all religion.'' 166 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. It would be no wonder if some or all these evil con- sequences should have followed, in some degree ; they have often done so in other places, even where there was not the like fair occasion. The tempter always suits his temptations to the circumstances of those he assaults. But these things will be no good objection against liberty of conscience, be- cause infinitely greater evils necessarily follow on persecution for conscience sake. Nevertheless, our own experience, or the obser- vations and reproaches of others, will dispose us to be peculiarly careful against all these evils, and some others, that our constitution may be pecu- liarly liable and exposed to. Here in a particular manner, let us be exhorted, 1, To prevent our religious differences from be- ing ever carried into our civil affairs. Let them never make factions in government. 2. liCt us study for peace, and to promote mutual love among Christians of every denomination. We should love all of Christ we see in them, and as far as possible speak the same things. On the one hand, we should take heed that charity and mutual forbearance do not sink into lukewarmness and in- difference to the truth of the divine institutions ; and, on the other hand, we should maintain our own opinions, and manage the defence of them. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 167 when need requires it, with a Christian spirit of candor and moderation. Especially let us be warned by our own history, to take heed of im- puting to others, the consequences we think follow from their opinions ; if, on the account of those con- sequences, we cannot embrace their opinions, yet let us remember every man's opinion must be taken from his own understanding and judgment, and not i'rom tlie understanding and judgment of other men. It is no pleasure to any real Christian to see his brethren, the disciples of Jesus Christ, so divided as they are through the w^orld, in their opinions of various articles of his religion ; and much less, to see them so divided in their affections. Indeed ^ considering the finite capacity, and the corruption of human nature, we ought to expect a variety of opinions in religion, as well as in every thing else. But as the enemies to the cross of Christ make this, though unjustly, a reproach to Christianity, and as many Aveak persons are carried away with the errors of the wicked, every sincere Christian can- not help wishing that every stumbling block and rock of offence was removed out of the way, and that all Christians w^alked in the truth with one consent of heart and voice. It is a grief to a Christian, as it is a scandal to the whole world, to see Christians (so called) full of envy and malice, liating and reviling one another, and smiting with- 1G8 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. the fist of wickedness. This, when all is said and done, is a more full and just argument, that such have no part in Christ, than any supposed ortho- doxy of opinion can he of their interest in Him. For by this (says he) shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. It is a glorious sight to see the disciples of Jesus live in love and peace, and " sweetly bear wdth one another in their lesser differences ;" to see every one keeping the ordinances, as he thinks Christ has commanded him, and at the same time care- fully abstaining from all evil, and the appearances of evil, and practicing wliatsoever things are true, honest, just, and pure ; whatsoever things are lovely and of good report. When we have freedom to search the scripture, and liberty to believe, and profess what we find there revealed, how unhappy would it be, if any should neglect their privilege, and be fools and slow of heart to improve the opportunity they enjoy? How unhappy would it be, if any should neglect the worship of God and the institutions of Christ Jesus, because they are not enforced by human penal laws 1 Let us be all able ever to give an answer to every one that asks us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear ; and let us lay aside all wrath, anger, malice, bigotry and censoriousness, and endeavor to pay a universal and constant regard to the will of God, revealed in HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 109 his word. Let us be united to Christ Jesus by ii true and living fiiith, and let every man take heed how he buildeth : Other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, viz. the Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the great cor- ner stone. Now if any man build on this founda- tion, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest. For the day shall declare it, because it shall be re- vealed by lire, and the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is. If any man's work shall be burnt, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved ; yet so, as by fire. 3. Above all things, let us unite in the practice of piety and holiness. Let us do justly, and love mercy, and walk humbly with God ; let us deny all ungodliness, and every worldly lust, and live soberly, righteously, and godly, and perfect holi- ness in the fear of God. These things we may do without any offence to any party of Christians. If we be followers of that which is good, who are they that will harm us, or be offended at us, on that ac- count. Each party requires all men to be redemed from a vain conversation; every party owns the necessity, if they differ in the nature of the obli- gation, of these duties : Let us then unite in the practice of them, and have our conversation as be- cometh the gospel, which we in common profess. How unha])])Y. how inexcusable, wouUI i( he. il 22 170 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. liberty of conscience should degenerate into li- centiousness, and open a door for a flood of im- moralities 1 If, while we plead a right to think and judge for ourselves, and reject all mere human authority in matters of faith and worship, we should neglect the sacred laws of God, and the unalterable and eternal duties of morality 1 It is certainly a reproach to Christians, that they can be so zeal- ously affected about the things which arc peculiar and distinguishing to each sect respectively, and yet be so cold and negligent of those wherein they all agree. It is reasonable to suppose, those doc- trines and duties which all agree in, are the most important and essential. Let us then be truly concerned to glorify and serve God, by a true and spiritual worship, and the virtues of a good life, and to imitate the example which the great author and finisher of our faith hath set us. Let us hold fast the form of sound words we have received, and not make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience. IV. I hope I shall be excused, if on this occa- sion I exhort the members of this Church in par- ticular, to review the merciful providences of God, which have hitherto preserved this vine, which we trust his own right hand hath planted. We may sing of judgment and of mercy, in many sore losses and bereavements, in some uncomfortable conten- tions, and in a total failure of elders, for many years together. Nevertheless, the burning bush HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 171 has not been consumed ; the Church has still sub- sisted, and been resettled again in peace and ^com- fort. Various are the storms in which this Church has been tossed ; but, through them all, God has preserved us. May we, and our successors, be as a name and a praise to Him, throughout all gene- rations ! Let us pray the Father of lights, and the Lord of the harvest, to revive and prosper his work in the midst of these years. Blay He unite our hearts to love Him more, and serve Him better; and to love one another, and strive together to promote his glory, and our mutual edification and growth in grace. May he that ministereth seed to the sower, both minister bread for your food and multiply the seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. As this was the first Society settled in church order on this Island, as it is the eldest, (though nearly the least,) let us strive to go before all others hi the primitive simplicity, love, integrity, and public spiritedness. Let us consider, whether we make good the ground of those pious and excellent Christians, who lirst formed this Church ; and whether the succes- sors of men so holy and so zealous, are not obliged in a singular manner to imitate them, wherein they followed Christ. We have professed a subjection to the gospel of Christ; let our lights shine before 172 HISTOKICAL DISCOURSE. men, let us adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all tilings; and let us hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, and let us consider one another, to provoke unto love and to good works : In fine, let us contend earnestly for the faith and order of the gospel, once delivered to the saints; and, at the same time, maintain the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace. Him that is weak in the faith receive, but not to doubtful disputations. And the God of patience and consolation grant us to be like minded one towards another, according to Christ Jesus. V. Is it not proper to remark the very great al- teration which the merciful providence of God has made, in the outward circumstances and accommo- dations of the inhabitants of the Island and Colony, ^ince their first settlement here 1 We have reason to think, the very first settlers did not come here empty handed ]* but as their stock, on which they lived, was by degrees con- sumed, the produce of wild lands was able to go but a little way in purchasing a new supply of many comforts of life ; and they were obliged to make an hard shift with such things as the present generation perhaps may too much despise. I do * Vid. Mr. Cotton's way of Congregational Churches rleared, p. f)l. HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 173 not well know how to describe the difference in some articles, in suitable and grave expressions : the mention of some instances would perhaps sur- prise many. Let us then be thankful to God, who has blessed the labors of our hands ; and let us not wax fat and kick against God, now we have eaten, and are full of the mercies of the Lord. Nay, would it be unuseful or improper to think of the outward accommodations which the present English inhabitants enjoy, above the aboriginal natives, and their miserable remainders among us? Doubtless, it would excite our gratitude to God, who has made us to differ, and to say with David, blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel, our father, for ever and ever. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the victory, and the majesty, for all that is in the heaven, or in the earth, is thine. Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou reignest over all ; and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine liand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now, therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name ! VI. Lastly. As the pious people who first planted this Island and Colony, were so concerned about the best way of evidencing a man's good estate, mcthinks there is no more proper remark for us to 174 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. finish with, than the duty, the wisdom, and the ne- cessity of every one, to get into a good estate as to God and the future world, and to seek after suf- ficient and satisfactory evidence thereof. I mean not to revive the old dispute ; I am well satisfied, the difi'erence may be compromised with great ease and justice ; but to persuade each of us to think of this article with seriousness, and suit- able concern. What will it signify, which of those ways is the most satisfactory, if we ourselves have no grounds for satisfaction, in either of them 1 And what can excuse us neglecting to work out our sal- vation, and make our calling and election sure, when God is working in us to will, and to do, of liis good pleasure ? Alas ! how very conmion is it for persons, who live under the gospel, to be very careless and unconcerned in this matter 1 for many who call themselves Christians, to presume they are something, when indeed they are nothing 1 and cry peace, peace to themselves, when they are in the gall of bitterness, and the bonds of iniquity, and have no lot or part in the Christian salvation ? A man's good estate consists in his being recon- ciled to God through Jesus Christ, who was de- livered for our offences, and raised again for our justification. Let us aim to have both the testi- mony of our own consciences and the spirit of God witnessing together with our spirit, that we are the HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. 175 children of God, and heirs, with Christ, to the in- heritance of the saints in light. And may He that is able, keep us from falling, and present us fault- less before his presence with exceeding joy. To conclude, should not this solemnity put us in mind of our mortal, transitory condition, and so stir us up the more to give diligence to make our call- ing and election sure. The generations of men are passing away continually. Not one person, that we know of, is now alive, of all those who began this settlement, and but few remain of the second generation. Death is daily preying upon us. Should we not then be the more quickened in the securing our eternal welfare ? Should we not do Avith our might, what our hands find to do, before the night of death overtakes us 7 Let us remember we are strangers and pilgrims here, as were all our fathers ; and let us seek after a city which is to come, which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. And let us be followers of those who through faitli and patience inherit the promises. Let this occasion, an occasion we can never ex- pect again, excite us to number our days aright, so as to apply our hearts to true wisdom. May we so prepare for death and judgment, and the eternal world, as that an entrance may be at last ad- 176 HISTORICAL DISCOURSE. ministered to us into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : Which God of his infinite mercy grant tlirough Him : To whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honor, glory and power, both now and ever. AMEN. Note. — Tlie Editor has taken the liberty to substitute for the orthog- raphy of the original text, the more familiar and intelligible orthography of the present day, and likewise to correct the punctuation, when ne- cessary to render obvious the meaning of the author. APPENDIX. No. I.— [p. 54.] Rev. Thomas Prince, A. M., the author of the work alluded to, page 54, was Pastor of the Old South Church m Boston. He was born at Sand- wich, Massachusetts, May 15, 1687, and was gradu- ated at Harvard College, m 1707. He visited En- gland, in 1709, and for several years preached at Combs in Suffolk, where he was earnestly solicited to remain ; but his attachment to his native land induced him to return, in 1717. He was ordained as colleague with Dr. Sewall, his classmate, Octo- ber 1, 1718. He died, October 22, 1758, aged seventy-one. He was eminent as a preacher, and distinguished for his intellectual attainments and Christian virtues. In the opinion of Dr. Chauncey, no one in New-England had more learning, except Cotton Mather. Besides many other works, he published a Chronological Hlslory of JVcw-Englnnd ^ ill the form of annals, 12 mo. 1736, and three num- bers of the second volume, in 1755. The value of this book was not sufficiently appreciated at the 23 178 APPENDIX. time of its publication. Mr. Callender, who, in the opinion of the learned Dr. Eliot, was one of the first men of that generation, thus expresses his com- mendation of this book, in a letter, dated Newport, April 4, 1739. " It gives me great concern, that Mr. Prince's Chro- nology has been so ill received. I look on it as an honor to the country as well as to the author, and doubt not but posterity will do him justice. But that, you will say, is too late. Some of the very best books have had the same fate in other places and other ages. I need not tell you of Milton, Raleigh, &c. I wish, for his sake, he had taken less pains to serve an ungrateful and injudicious age, lest it should discourage his going on with his de- sign. I hope it will not, and hope you will encourage him, for, sooner or later, the country will see the ad- vantage of his work and their obligations to him." No. II.— [p. 59.] Ante- Cohmibian Discoveries. An Icelandic historian, Torfa^us, has claimed for his ancestors the glory of having discovered the new world.* A learned work has recently been * Torfaci Ilistoria Vinlandiaj Antiquae, Hafnio;, 1705. See Wheaton's History of the Northmen, p. 22-28. Belknap'ss Am. Biog. 1. 47-58. Examen critique dc 1' Histoire, «fcc., par Alexandre de Humbolt. APPENDIX. 179 published by the Royal Society of Northern An- tiquaries, at Copenhagen, giving an account of the voyages made to America by the Scandinavian Northmen, during the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The ac- counts of these early voyages are published from authentic manuscripts, which date back as far as the tentli century. The work is entitled ^^Antiqui- tates Americance sive Scriptorcs Septentrionales Re- rimi Ante-Columhianarmn in America. Hafnicc^ 1837." It is published in the original Icelandic, and is accompanied by a Danish, and also by a complete Latin translation. It is a work of vast labor and research, and is one of the most inter- esting and valuable publications relative to the history of our country, wdiich has issued from the press. From this work, it appears that the ancient Northmen explored a great extent of the eastern coasts of North America ; repeatedly visited many places in Massachusetts and Rhode-Island ; fought and traded with the natives ; and attempted to establish colonies. The most northerly region was called IfcUuland, (vSlatcland ;) further south 3Iark- kmd, (Woodland ;) and further south still, Finland, (Vineland,) which is supposed to have extended as far as Massachusetts and Rhode-Island. It is the opinion of the learned and indefatigable editor of the Antiquitatcs Americance^ Professor C. C. Rafn, and his erudite associate, Professor Finn Mag- nussen, that the celebrated inscription on the 180 APPENDIX. Digliion Rock was designed as an evidence of the occupancy of the counlry by the Northmen. This learned and interesting work deserves to be tlior- oughly studied by every American scholar who feels interested in liis country's history. Tliat Cokimbus made a voyage to the north of Europe, in 1477, is evident from the following pas- sage, extracted by his son from one of his letters. ''Ill the year 1477, in February, I navigated one hun- dred leagues beyond Thule, the southern part of which is seventy-three degrees distant from the equator, and not sixty-three, as some pretend ; neither is it included with- in the line which includes the west of Ptolemy, but is much more Avesterly. The English, principally those of Bristol, go with their merchandise to this Island, which is as large as England. When I was there, the sea was not frozen, and the tides were so great as to rise and fall twenty-six fathoms," — Hist, del Almirante, C. 4. Vid. living's Columbus, vol. 1, p. 44. The Island above mentioned as Thule, is gene- rally, and, we think with justice, believed to have been Iceland. It appears from the correspondence of Columbus with the learned Paulo Toscanelli, of Florence, which took place in 1474, that he had expressed his intention of seeking a western route to India. We think it highly probable, however, that the knowledge of the previous discoveries of APPExNDIX. 181 the Scandinavian Northmen, obtained on his visit to Icehind, might have imparted to him a power- ful inlluence in his great enterprise. That America was discovered by the Northmen, before the time of Columbus, has long been the opinion of many learned men in our country. The following extract is contained in a letter from Dr. Franklin to Mr. Mather, dated London, July 7, 1773. " You have," says he, " made the most of yonr argu- ment, to prove that America was known to the ancients. There is another discovery of it, claimed by the Nor- wegians, which you have not mentioned, unless it be under the words 'of old viewed and observed,' p. 7. About twenty-five years since. Professor Kahn, a learned Swede, was with us in Pennsylvania. He contended that America was discovered by their northern people, long before the time of Columbus ; which I doubting, he drew up and gave me, some time after, a note of these dis- coveries, which I send you enclosed." — Frank. Woi'ks^ vol. 6, p. 77. See also Forster's Hist, of Discoveries in the North. Robertson's Hist, of America. The learned Dr. Stiles, in his Election Sermon, published in the year 1783, speaks of" the certain colonization" of America " from Norway, A. D. 1001, as well as the certain christianizing of (Treen- land in the ninth century." As President Stiles 182 APPENDIX. was intimate with Dr. Franklin, he had probably seen the Avork of Torfaius, and the above account by Professor Kalm, The curious reader will be pleased to see the whole passage in which Dr. Stiles, expresses his views with regard to the peopling of America. "I rather consider the American Indians as Canaanites of the expulsion of Joshua: some of which in Phoenician ships coasted the Mediterranean to its mouth, as appears from an inscription which they left there. Procopius, who was born in Palestine, a master of the PhoBnician and other oriental languages, and the historiographer of the great Belisarius, tells us, that at Tangier he saw and read an mscription upon two marble pillars there, in the ancient Phoenician (not the then modern Pnnic) letter, " We are they who have fled from the face of Joshua the robber, the son of Nun."* Bochart and Selden conjecture the very Punic itself. Plato, ^lian, and Diodorus Siculus narrate voyages nito the Atlantic Ocean, thirty days west from the pillars of Hercules, to the Island of Atlas. This inscription examined by Procopius, suggests that the Ca- naanites, in coasting along from Tangier, might soon get into the trade winds, and be undesignedly wafted across the Atlantic, land in the tropical regions, and commence the settlements of Mexico and Peru. Another branch of * Ibi ex albis lapidibus constant columNji: du^e prope magnum fontem erectffi, Phoenicios habcntes characteres insculptos, qui Phoenicum lin- gua sic sonant: nos ii sumusqui pugerunt a facie Joshu^e pr^donis FiLii Nun. — Evag. hist. ecc. 1. 4, c. 18. Procop. Vandalic. 1. 2. APPENDIX. 183 the Canaanitish expulsions might take the resolution of the ten tribes, and travel north-eastward to where never man dwelt, become the Tchuschi and Tungusi Tartars about Kamschatka and Tscukotskoinoss in the north-east of Asia: thence, by water, passing over from island to island through the northern Archipelago to America, be- come the scattered Sachemdoms of these northern regions. It is now known that Asia is separated by Avater from America, as certainly appears from the Baron Dulfeldt's voyage round the north of Europe into the Pacific Ocean, A. D. 1769. Amidst all the variety of national dialects, there reigns a similitude in their language, as there is also in complexion and beardless features, from Greenland to Del Fuego, and from the Antilles to Otaheite, which shew them to be one people. " A few scattered accounts, collected and combined to- gether, may lead us to two certain conclusions, 1. That all the American Indians are one kind of people. 2. That they are the same as the people in the north-east of Asia. " An Asiatic territory, three thousand miles long and fifteen hundred wide, above the 40th degree of latitude, to the Hyperborean ocean, contains only one million of souls settled as our Indians ; as appears from the numera- tions and estimates collected by M. Muller, and other Russian Academicians in 1760. The Koreki, Jakuhti and Tungusii living on the eastern part of this territory next to America, are naturally almost beardless, like the Samoieds in Siberia, the Ostiacs and Calmuks, as well as the American Indians: all these having also the same custom of plucking out the few hairs of very thin beards. 184 APPENDIX. They have more similar usages and fewer dissimilar ones, than the Arabians of the Koreish tribe, and Jews who sprang from Abraham : or than those that subsist among the European nations, who s])rang from one ancestor ; or those Asiatic nations, which sprang from Shem. The portrait painter, Mr. Smibert, who accompanied Dr. Berkeley, then Dean of Derry, and afterward Bishop of Cloyne, from Italy to America in 1728, was employed by the grand Duke of Tuscany, while at Florence, to paint two or three Siberian Tartars, presented to the Duke by the Czar of Russia. This Mr. Smibert, upon his landing at Narraganset Bay with Dr. Berkeley, instantly recog- nized the Indians here to be the same people as the Si- berian Tartars whose pictures he had taken. Moravian Indians, from Greenland and South- America, have met those in our latitude at Bethlehem, and have been clearly perceived to be the same people. The Kamschatdale Tartars have been carried over from Asia to America, and compared with our Indians, and found to be the same people. These Asiatic Tartars, from whom the Ameri- can aboriginals derived, are distinct from, and far less nu- merous than, the Mongul and other Tartars which, for ages, under Tamerlane and other chieftains, have deluged and over-ran the southern ancient Asiatic empires. At- tending to the rational and just deductions, from these and other disconnected data combined together, wc may perceive, that all the Americans are one people — that they came hither certainly from the north-east of Asia ; probably also from the Mediterranean; and, if so, that they are Ca- naanites, though arriving hither by different routes. The ocean current from the north of Asia might waft the beardless Samoieds or Tchuschi from the mouth of .Tene- APPENDIX. 185 sea or the Oby, around Nova Zembla to Greenland, and thence to Labrador, many ages after the refugees from Joshua might have colonized the tropical regions. Thus Providence might have ordered three divisions of the same people from different parts of the world, and perhaps in very distant ages, to meet together on this continent, or 'our Island,' as the six nations call it, to settle different parts of it, many ages before the present accession of Japhet, or the former visitation of Madoc, 1001, or the certain colonization from Norway, A. D. 1001, as well as the certain christianizmg of Greenland in the ninth century ; not to mention the visit of still greater antiquity by the Phoenicians, who charged the Dighton rock and other rocks in Narraganset Bay with Punic inscriptions, re- maining to this day. Which last I myself have repeatedly seen and taken off at large, as did Professor Sewall." — President Stiles^ s Election Sei'mon, preached before the General Assembly of the State of Cotmecticut, at Hart- ford, May 8, 1783, p. 10-13. Ill confirmation of Dr. Stiles' views, it may be remarked that the aborigines of our country re- semble the Asiatics, especially the Tartars, more than the inhabitants of any other part of the world. They liave the same prominency of the cheek bones — their faces are broad at the forehead and narrowing to the chin. Both the Indians and the Tartars are accustomed to shave the head, and to leave only one tuft of hair to grow on the back of the skull. Both also worship the sun as a deity. We find that the aborigines were here when the 24 186 APPENDIX. Scandinavian Northmen first landed on our shores ; but the narratives of their voyages give no infor- mation concerning their origin. As President Stiles was for more than twenty years a resident and a distinguished ornament of Rhode-Island, a short biographical notice of him is here subjoined. Ezra Stiles, D. D., LL. D., was the son of the Rev. Isaac Stiles, of North-Haven, Connecticut, and was born December 10, 1727. He graduated at Yale College in 1746, with the reputation of being one of the most accomplished scholars it had ever produced. In 1749, he was chosen one of its tutors, and in that station he remained six years. He was ordained pastor of the second Congrega- tional Church, in Newport, R. I., the 22d of Octo- ber, 1755, and continued the able, dcA^oted, and highly esteemed minister of that Church, till he was elected President of Yale College, in 1777. He presided over that institution, with distinguished ability, till his death, May 12, 1795, in the sixty- eighth year of his age. President Stiles was one of the most learned men that our country has ever produced. As a scholar, he was familiar with every department of learning. He had a profound and critical knowledge of the Latin, Greek, French and APPENDIX. 187 Hebrew languages ; in the Samaritan, Chaldee, Syriac and Arabic he had made considerable pro- gress ; and he had bestowed some attention on the Persic and Coptic. He had a passion for history, and an intimate acquaintance with the rabbinical writings and with those of the fathers of the Christian Church. Dr. Stiles maintained an ex- tensive literary correspondence with many eminent persons in remote quarters of the globe ; and his name was enrolled as a member of several learned societies in his own and in foreign countries. As a preacher, he was impressive and eloquent ; and the excellence of his sermons was enhanced by the energy of his delivery, and by the unction which pervaded them. His catholic spirit embraced good men of every nation, sect, and party. In the cause of civil and religious liberty he was enthusiastic. In his discourse on Christian Union, he says, " There ought to be no restrictions on the con- science of an honest and sober believer of revela- tion. The right of conscience and of private judg- ment is unalienable ; and it is truly the interest of all mankind to vmite themselves into one body, for the liberty, free exercise and unmolested enjoy- ment of this right, especially in religion. Not all the difference of sentiment, not all the erroneous opinions that have yet been started, afford just um- brage for its extinction, abridgement or embarrass- ment." p. 28. 188 APPENDIX. The following appropriate remarks are from the pen of Chancellor Kent, one of Dr. Stiles' pnpils. "President Stiles's zeal for civil and religious liberty, was kindled at the altar of the English and New-England Puritans, and it was animating and vivid, A more con- stant and devoted friend to the Revolution and Indepen- dence of this country, never existed. He had anticipated it as early as the year 1760, and his whole soul was en- listed in favor of every measure which led on gradually to the formation and establishment of the American Union. The frequent appeals he was accustomed to make to the heads and hearts of his pupils, concerning the slippery paths of youth ; the grave duties of life ; the responsi- bilities of man ; and the perils, and hopes, and honors, and destiny of our country, will never be forgotten by those who heard them ; and especially when he came to touch, as he often did, with ' a master's hand and prophet's fire' on the bright vision of the future prosperity and splendor of the United States. Take him for all in all, this extraordinary man was undoubtedly one of the purest and best gifted men of his age. In addition to his other eminent attainments, he was clothed with humility, with tenderness of heart, with disinterested kindness, and with the most artless simplicity. He was distinguished for the dignity of his deportment, the politeness of his address, and the urbanity of his manners. Though he was un- compromising in his belief and vindication of the great fundamental doctrines of the Protestant faith, he was nevertheless of the most catholic and charitable temper, resulting equally from the benevolence of his disposition APPENDIX. 189 and the spirit of tlie gospel." — KenVs Address delivered at New-Haven, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1831. See Holmes's Life of President Stiles. No. Ill— [p. 59.] Voyage of Verrazzano to Ameiica. January 17, 1524, Giovanni Verrazzano, a Florentine, in the service of Francis I., King of France, sailed from a desert rock near the Island of Madeira, in the ship Dolphin, to make discovery of new countries. He steered a westerly course, and, after encountering a violent tempest on the 24th of February, he arrived, about the middle of March, on the American coast, in latitude thirty- four degrees north, probably near that part of North Carolina on which Wilmington now stands. He pursued his voyage northwesterly to the shores of New-Jersey. The harbor of New- York attracted his notice for its convenience and pleasantness. Afterwards, pursuing his course eastward, he passed Block-Island, which struck him by its resemblance to the Island of Rhodes. Fifteen leagues more brought him to the spacious haven of Newport, where he remained for more than fifteen days. The natives " were the most beautiful and well be- haved people he had met with in all his voyage." On the 6th of May, leaving the waters of Rhode- 190 APPENDIX. Island, the intrepid navigator sailed along the coast of New-England to Nova Scotia, till within nearly the fiftieth degree of northern latitude. See an able article in the North American Review, vol. 45, p. 293. " Tlie Life and Voyages of Verrazzano" by George W. Greene, Esq., U. S. Consul at Rome. II Capitano Giovanni da Verrazzano Fiorentino di Normandia alia Serenissima Corona d' Francia. Diepa a di 8 d'Liiglio 1524. Lettera di Ferdinando Carli a suo Padre a Firenze. These letters have been copied by Mr. Greene, and presented to the Rhode-Island Historical Society. Hakluyt's Voy- ages, vol. 2, p. 295-300. No. IV.— [p. 79.] Roger Williams* was the first person in modern Christendom to maintain the doctrine of religious liberty and unlimited toleration. His " Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of conscience, dis- cussed between Truth and Peace," tfcc. (fcc, was * For an able and interesting delineation of the life and character of this extraordinary man, whose name deserves to be enrolled with the legislators of ancient times, or with the statesmen of modern Europe, see a " Memoir of Roger Williams," by the Rev. Professor Knowles, of the Theological Institution at Newton, Massachusetts ; see also " What- cheer, or Roger Williams in Banisliment. " A Poem, by the Hon. Job Durfee, Chief Justice of the State of Rhode-Island. APPENDIX. 191 published in London in 1644. It is a small quarto, of two hundred and forty-seven pages. In this work he maintains the absolute right of every man, to a " full liberty in religious concernments," sup- ported by the most luminous and powerful reason- ing. Here are disclosed principles, which have ex- cited admiration in the writings of Jeremy Taylor, Milton, Locke and Furneau. A reply was written by Mr. Cotton, an eminent clergyman in Boston, and printed in London in 1647. Mr. Williams published a rejoinder, entitled " The Bloody Ten- ent, yet more Bloody by Mr. Cotton's endeavor to wash it white in the Blood of the Lamb. Of whose precious Blood, spilt in the Blood of his servants ; and of the blood of millions spilt in former and later wars for conscience sake, that most Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of conscience, upon a second trial, is found now more apparently and more notoriously guilty. In this rejoinder to Mr. Cotton, are principally, I. The Nature of Persecu- tion. II. The Power of the civil Sword in Spirituals,, examined. III. The Parliament's permission of Dissenting Consciences, justified. Also (as a Tes- timony to Mr. Clark's Narrative) is added a letter to Mr. Endicot, Governor of tlie Massachusetts, in N. E. By R. Williams, of Providence in New- England. London, printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the black-s})read-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls, 1652." It is a quarto volume of three hundred and seventy-four pages. The 192 APPENDIX. same clear, enlarged and consistent views of re- ligious freedom are maintained in this last work, as in his preceding, with additional arguments, evinc- mg an acute, vigorous, and fearless mind, imbued with various erudition and undissembled piety. In an appendix is the following address : " To the Clergy of the four great Parties, professing the name of Christ Jesus, in England, Scotland, and Ireland^ viz. the Popish, Prelatical, Presbyterian, and Inde- pendent. Worthy Sirs — I have pleaded the cause of your several and respective consciences, against the bloody doctrine of persecution, in my former labors, and in this my present rejoinder to Mr. Cotton. And yet I must pray leave without offence to say, I have impartially opposed and charged your consciences also, so far as guilty of that bloody doctrine of persecuting each other for your consciences. You four have torn the seamless coat of the Son of God into four pieces, and, to say nothing of former times and tcarings, you four have torn the three nations into thousands of pieces and distractions. The two former of you, the Popish and Protestant Pre- latical, are brethren : so are the latter, the Presbyterian and Independent, But, oh, how rara est, &c ? What concord, what love, what pity, hath ever yet appeared APPENDIX. lyj amongst you, when the providence of the Most High and only wise hath granted you your patents of mutual and successive dominion and precedency ? Just like two men, whom I have known break out to blows and wrestling, so have the Protestant Bishops fought and wrestled with the Popish, and the Popish with the Protestant ! The Presbyterian with the Independent, and the Independent with the Presbyterian ! And our chronicles and experiences have told this nation, and the world, how he whose turn it is to be brought under, hath ever felt an heavy wrathful hand of an unbrotherly and unchristian persecutor. Meanwhile, what outcries for a sword, a sword at any price, on any terms, wherewith to take final revenges on such their blasphemous and heretical adversaries and cor- rivals ? Hence is it, that the magistrate hath been so courted, his person adored and deified, and his religion magnified and exalted. Amongst the people, some have thought and said, how hath the shining of the magistrate's money and sword out-shined the nobility of his person, or the Christianity of his conscience ? For when the person changes and re- ligion too, how grossly notorious have been the Clergy's changes also ? For instance, how have they pernified, tacked and turned about, (as the wind hath blown,) from Popery to Protestantism, from Protestantism to Popery, and from Popery to Protestantism again, and this within 25 194 APPENDIX. the compass of about a dozen years ; as the purse and sword-bearers were changed, whatever the persons of those Princes (male or female, men or children, or their consciences, Popish or Protestant) were. Yea, how justly in the late King's book (if his) are the Clergy of England charged with horrible breach of vows and oaths of canonical obedience to their fathers the Bishops, against whom, in the turn of the times and the sword-bearers, they turned to the Scotch Presbyters, their fathers' dreadful enemies and persecutors ? Now as to the persecuting each of other, I confess the wolf, (the persecutor,) devours the goat, the swine, yea the very fox, and other creatures, as well as the inoffen- sive sheep and lamb. Yet, as the Lord Jesus made use of that excellent fable or similitude of a wolf getting on a sheep's-skin, so may I not unseasonably make use of that of the wolf and the poor lamb coming down to drink upon the same brook and stream together. The wolf, cruel and strong, drinks above and aloft : the lamb, innocent and weak, drinks upon the stream below. The wolf questions and quarrels the lamb for corrupting and defiling the waters. The lamb, not daring to plead how easily the wolf, drinking higher, might transfer defile- ment downward, but pleads improbability and impossi- bility, that the waters descending could convey defile- ment upwards. This is the controversy, this the plea. But who shall judge ? Be the lamb never so iimocent, his plea never so just, his adversary the wolf will be his judge, and being so cruel and so strong, soon tears the Iamb in pieces. APPENDIX. 195 Thus the cruel beast, armed with the power of the Kings, (Revel. 17) sits judge in his own quarrels against the lamb, about the drinking at the waters. And thus, saith Mr. Cotton, the judgment ought to pass upon the heretic, not for matter of conscience, but for «innii3g against his conscience. Object. Methinks I hear the great charge against the Independent party to be the great pleaders for liberty of conscience, &c. Answer. Oh the horrible deceit of the hearts of the sons of men ! And what excellent physic can we prescribe to others, till our soul, as Job said, come to be in their soul's cases ? What need have we to be more vile (with Job) before God, to walk in holy sense of self-insufficiency, to cry for the blessed leadings of the holy spirit of God, to guide and lead our heads and hearts uprightly ? For, to draw the curtain and let in the light a little, do not all persecutors themselves zealously plead for freedom, for liberty, for mercy to men's consciences, when them- selves are in the grates, and pits, and under hatches ? Doth not Gesner tell us of a gentleman in Germany, who, fitting his pitfall for wild beasts, found in the morn- ing a woman, a wolf, and a fox in three several corners, as full of fear, and as quiet, and desirous of liberty, one as well as another ? Thus bloody Gardiner and Bonner, (prisoners during King Edward's days,) yea, and that bloody Uucen Mary 196 APl'ENDIX. herself, all plead the heedoin of their consciences. What most humble supplications, and indeed unanswerable ar- guments for liberty of conscience, have the Papists, when in restraint, presented, and especially in King James's time ? Yea, what excellent subscriptions to this soul- freedom are interwoven in many passages of the late King's book, if his ? Yea, and one of his chaplains, so called. Doctor Jer. Taylor, what an everlasting monu- mental testimony did he publish to this truth, in that his excellent discourse, of the liberty of prophecying ? Yea, the formerly non-conforming Presbyterian and Indepen- dent, Scotch and English, old and new, what most humble and pious addresses have they made before the whole world, to Princes and Parliaments, for just mercy, in true petitions of right, to their consciences ? But, let this present discourse, and Mr. Cotton's fig-leaf evasions and distinctions ; let the practices of the Massachusetts in New-England, in twenty years persecution ; and this last of Mr. Clarke, Obadiah Holmes, and others, be examined. Yea, let the Independent minister's late proposals be Aveighed with the double weight of God's sanctuary, and it will appear what mercy the poor souls of all men, and Jesus Christ in any of them, may expect from the very In- dependent's Clergy themselves. Object. But doth not their proposals provide a liberty to such as fear God, viz. that they may freely preach without an ordination ! and that such as are not free to the public assemblies, may have liberty to meet in private. Answer. It may so please the father of lights to shew them that their lines and models, and New-England's APPENDIX. 197 copy also, after which they write and pencil, are but more and more refined images, whereby to worship the invisible God : and that still, as before, the wolf (the per- secutor) must judge of the lamb's drinking! For instance, New England's laws, lately published in Mr. Clark's Narrative, tell us how free it shall be for people to gather themselves into church-estate ; how free to choose their own ministers ; how free to enjoy all the ordinances of Christ Jesus, &c. But yet, provided, so and so, upon the point, that the civil state must judge of the spiritual, to wit : whether persons be fit for church- estate, whether the gathering be right, whether the peo- ple's choice be right, doctrines right, and what is this in truth, but to swear that blasphemous oath of supremacy again, to the Kings, and Queens, and Magistrates of this and other nations, instead of the Pope, (fcc. ? Into these prisons and cages, do those otherwise worthy and excellent men, the Independents, put all the children of God, and all the children of men in the whole world, and then bid them fly and walk at liberty, (to wit, within the conjured circle,) so far as they please. To particularize briefly : when they have in their six several circuits, ejected, according to their proposals, it may be hundreds, it may be thousands, if impartial of Episcopal and Presbyterian Ministers, and that without and against their people's consent, to the present distress- ing of thousands, and enraging, through such soul-op- pressions, the whole nation ! Then, say they, it shall be free for all that be able, &c., to be preachers, though not 198 APPENDIX. ordained, &c. But, provided, that two ministers' hands, at least, which upon the point, is instead of an ordination, be to their approbation, &c. Upon this lock, any shall be free to preach Christ Jesus, upon this point of the compass, as I may in humble reverence, and with sorrow speak it, the spirit of God shall be free to breathe and operate in the souls of men ! By this plummet, and line, rule, and square, and, seeming, golden reed, and metewand, the sanctuary must be built and measured, &c. But further, if any shall be of tender consciences, and that the common size will not serve their foot, if they shall think the Independent's foundations too weak, or it may be too strong for their weak belief, if they cannot bow down to their golden image, though of the finest and latest edition and fashion ; why God forbid they should be forced to church as others, they shall enjoy their liberty, and meet apart in private. But, provided they acquaint the civil magistrate, that is, as it may fall out, (who knows how soon?) and too often hath fallen out, the poor sheep and deer of Christ must take license of and betray themselves unto the paws and jaws of their lion- like persecutors. Hear O Heavens, give ear Earth ! What is this but like the treacherous Dutchmen, who capitulate of leagues of peace and amity with their neighbor English, and in the midst of State compliments, some say out of malicious wrath, others say it was out of drunken intoxications at the best, thunder out broadsides of fire and smoke of per- secution ? APPENDIX. 199 Object. Some possibly may say, Your just suffering from the Independents in New-England makes you speak revenges against them in old. Ansioer. What I have suffered in my estate, body, name, spirit, I hope through help from Christ, and for his sake I have desn-ed to bear with a spirit of patience and of re- spect and love, even to my persecutors. As to particulars, I have and must, if God so will, further debate them with my truly honored and beloved adversary, Mr. Cotton. But as to you, worthy Sirs, men of learning and men of personal holiness, many of you, I truly desire to be far from envying your honors, pleasures, and revenues, from whence the two former Popish and Prelatical are ejected, unto which the two later Presbyterian and Independent are advanced. Nor would I move a tongue or pen that any of you now possessed, should be removed or dis- turbed, until your consciences by the holy spirit of God, or the consciences of the people, to whom you serve or minister, shall be otherwise, than as you are yet, per- suaded. Much rather would I make another humble plea, and that I believe with all the reason and justice in the world, that such who are ejected, undone, impoverished, might some way from the State or you receive relief and succor: considering, that the very nation's constitution hath oc- casioned parents to train up, and persons to give them- selves to studies, though in truth but in a way of trade and bargaining before God, yet, it is according to the custom of the nation, who ought therefore to share also 200 APPENDIX. in the fault of such priests and ministers who in all changes are ejected. I end with humble begging to the Father of Spirits, to persuade and possess yours with a true sense of three par- ticulars. First, Of the yokes of soul-oppression, which lie upon the necks of most of the inhabitants of the three nations, and of the whole world ; as if Cham's curse from Noah were upon them, servants of servants as they are, and that in the matters of the soul's affection unto God, which, call for the purest liberty. I confess the world lies in wickedness, and loveth darkness more than light ; but why should you help on those yokes, and force them to receive a doctrine, to pray, to give thanks, (fcc, without an heart ? Yea, and, in the many changes and cases in- cident, against their heart and soul's consent ? Secondly, Of the bloodiness of that most bloody doc- trine of persecution for cause of conscience, with all the winding stairs and back doors of it, ifcc. Some professors, true and false, sheep and goats, are daily found to differ in their apprehensions, persuasions, professions, and that to bonds and death. What now, shall these be wracked, their souls, their bodies, their purses, &c ? Yea, if they refuse, deny, op- pose the doctrine of Christ Jesus, whether Jews or Gentiles, why should you call for fire from Heaven, which suits not with Christ Jesus, his spirit or ends ? Why should you compel them to come in, with any other sword but APPENDIX. 201 that of the spirit of God, who alone persuaded Japhet to come into the tents of Shem, and can in his holy season prevail with Shem to come into the tents of Japhet ? Thirdly, Of that hias of self-love which hails and sways oar minds to hold so fast this hloody Tenent. You know it is the spirit of love from Christ Jesus, that turns our feet from the tradition of fathers, &c. That sets the heart and tongue, and pen and hands too, as Paul's, day and night to work, rather than the progress and purity and simphcity of the crown of Christ Jesus should be de- based or hindered. This spirit will cause you to leave with joy, benefices, and bishopricks, worlds and lives for his sake ; the heights and depths, lengths and breadths, of whose love you know doth infinitely pass your most knowing compre- hensions and imaginations. There is but little of this spirit extant, I fear will not be, until we see Christ Jesus slain in the slaughter of the witnesses. Then Joseph will go boldly unto Pilate for the slaughtered body of most precious Saviour : and Nicodemus will go by day to buy and bestow his sweetest spices on his infinitely sweeter souls beloved. The full breathings of that heavenly spirit, unfeignedly and heartily wisheth you, Your most unworthy countryman, R. WILLIAMS/' 26 202 APPENDIX. No. v.— [p. 73.] Rev. WiUiarn Blackstone. About the time that Roger Williams came to Providence, Rev. William Blackstone settled in Cumberland, near the river which bears his name, about three miles above Pawtucket. He was a man of learning, and had received Episcopal ordi- nation in England. He appears to have left his native country, on account of his nonconformity, and he sought an asylum for the enjoyment of re- ligious freedom in the wilds of New-England. The precise time of his arrival in this country is un- known. It appears from Johnson's History, p. 20, that he was here in 1628 ; but not agreeing with Mr. Endicot and others on ecclesiastical affairs, he devoted himself to agriculture. When the iirst planters of Massachusetts arrived, in the year 1630, they found him already quietly seated on the peninsula of Shawmutj now the city of Boston. His cottage was near a spring, on the south end of the peninsula. Gov. Hopkins, in his " History of Providence,"* says, that Mr. Blackstone had been at Boston " so long" (when Governor Winthrop and his company came) " as to have raised apple trees and planted an orchard." " Having escaped the power of the Lords Bisliops in England, and * His account of Providence was first published in tiic Providence Gazette, in 17G5. APPENDIX. 203 .soon becoming" discontented with the power of the Lords Brethren here," he sokl his lands on the pen- insula, in the year 1635, and made a removal about the year 1636. The place to which he removed, was about six miles north of Mr. Williams. His house was situated near the east hank of the river which perpetuates his name, a few rods eastward of a knoll, which he called " Study HilV It was surrounded by a park, which was his favorite walk. His house he named " Studij HallP Here, also, he planted an orchard, the first that ever bore apples in Rhode-Island. " Blany of the trees which he planted, about one hundred and thirty years ago," says Governor Hopkins, in 1765, " are still pretty thrifty fruit-bearing trees. He had the first of that sort called yellow^ sweetings, that were ever in the world, perhaps the richest and most delicious apple of the whole kind." Mr. Blackstone used fre- quently to preach in Providence and other places adjacent. He was a man of talent, and though somewhat eccentric, sustained the character of an exemplary Christian. He died. May 26, 1675, having lived in New-England, about fifty years. His death occurred at a critical period, a few- weeks before the commencement of Plulip^s War. His estate was desolated, and his house and library laid in ashes, by the ruthless natives. He lies buried about two rods east of his favorite Study Hill, where two rude stones designate the place ol" his interment. His family here is extinct; ])ut his 204 APPENDIX. name will be found on the first list of freemen of Massachusetts, 1630, and it is identified with the beautiful stream which flows through the valley of the Blackstone. No. VI.— [p. 74] Deed of the chief Saclicnis of Nmragansett to Roger Williams. At Nanhiggansick, the 24th of the first month com- monly called March, in the second year of our plantation, or planting at Mooshausick, or Providence : Memorandum, that we Caunannicus and Miantinomu, the two chief sa- chems of Nanhiggansick, having two years since sold unto Roger Williams the lands and meadows upon the two fresh rivers called Mooshausick and Wanaskatucket,* do now by these presents establish and confirm the bounds of those lands, from the rivers and fields of Pautuckett, the great hill of Neoterconkenittf on the north-west, and the town of Mashapauge on the west. As also, in con- sideration of the many kindnesses and services he hath continually done for us, both for our friends of Massachu- setts, as also at Quininkticutt and Apaum, or Plymouth ; * The first, of these rivers falls into the cove above Weybosset bridge from the north, the other from the west. t Neoterconkernitt is three miles from Weybosset bridge, Mashapauge IS about two miles south of Neotcrcorikenitt. APPENDIX. 205 we do freely give unto him all that land from those rivers reaching to Pantuxett river, as also the grass and meadows upon ]\autiixett river. In witness whereof we have here- unto set oiu" hands. The mark of I . (Jaunannicus. The mark of Miantinomu. In presence of The mark X of Seatagh. The mark * of Assotemewett. 1639. Memorandum, 3d month, 9th day this was all again confirmed by Miantinomu. He acknowledged this his act and hand [illegible] up the stream of Pautuckett and Pautuxett without limits we might have for our use of cattle. Witness hereof, ROGER WILLIAMS, BENEDICT ARNOLD. [Providence Records.] This deed is dated two years after the settieinent of Mr. Williams and his associates at Providence, and bears date the same day and year, with tlie deed of Aquetneck or the Island of Rhode-Island. Previous to his hanishment, he had cultivated an acquaintance with the natives, learned their lan- guage, and entered into negotiations for lands 20G APPENDIX. with the sachems Canoniciis and Ousamequin, pro- vided he shoukl be under the necessity of settling among them. He had made large presents to these chiefs, " and therefore," says he, in one of his letters, " when I came, I was welcome to Ousamequin and to the old prince Canonicus, who was most shy of all English to his last breath." No. VII.— [p. 74.] Deed of Roger il'dUams to Ids twelve original as- sociates. Providence, Stii of the Sth month, 1638, (so called,) Memorandum, that I, Roger Williams, having for- merly purchased of Caunannicus and Miantinomu, this our situation, or plantation, of New-Providence, viz. the two fresh rivers, Wanasquatuckctt and Mooshausick, and the ground and meadows thereupon; in consideration of thirty pounds received from the inhabitants of said place, do freely and fully ])ass, grant and make over equal right and power of enjoying and disposing of the same grounds and lands unto my loving friends and neighbors, Stukely Wescott, William Arnold, Thomas James, Robert Cole, John Greene, John Throckmorton, William Harris, William Carpenter, Thomas Ohiey, Francis Weston, Richard Waterman, Ezekiel Holliman, and such others as the major part of us shall admit into the same fellow- APPENDIX. 207 ship of vote with us : — As also I do freely make and pass over equal right and power of enjoying and disposing of the lands and grounds reaching from the aforesaid rivers unto the great river Pautuxett, with the grass and meadows thereupon, which was so lately given and granted by the aforesaid sachems to me. Witness my hand, ROGER WILLIAMS. [Providence Records.] Every inhabitant who was received, signed the following covenant : " We whose names are here under-written, being de- sirous to inhabit in the town of Providence, do promise to submit ourselves, in active or passive obedience, to all such orders or agreements as shall be made for public good of the body, in an orderly way, by the major consent of the present inhabitants, masters of families, incorporated together into a township, and such others whom they shall admit unto the same, only in civil tliings.^^ No. VIII.— [p. 74.] Dqjosition of Roger Williams. Narragansctt, IS June, 16S2, Ut. Vul. I testify as in the presence of the all making and alf seeing God, that about fifty years since, I coming into this Narragansett country, I found a great contest between three sachems, two (to wit, Cononicus and Miantonomy) 208 APPENDIX. were against Ousamaqnin on Plymonth side, I was forced to travel between them three, to pacify, to satisfy all their, and their dependents' spirits of my honest intentions to live peaceably by them. I testify that it was the general and constant declaration that Cononicus his father had three sons, whereof Cononicns was the heir, and his youngest brother's son Miantonomy (because of his youth) was his Marshal and Executioner, and did nothing with- out his uncle Cononicus' consent. And therefore I de- clare to posterity that were it not for the favor that God gave me with Cononicus, none of these parts, no, not Rhode-Island had been purchased or obtained, for I never got any thing out of Cononicus but by gift. I also profess that being inquisitive of what root the title or denomina- tion Nahiganset should come, I heard that Nahiganset was so named from a little Island between Puttisquom- scut and Musquomacuk on the sea and fresh water side. I went on purpose to see it, and about the place called Sugar-loaf Hill, I saw it, and was within a pole of it, but could not learn why it was called Nahiganset. I had learnt that the Massachusetts was called so from the Blue Hills, a little Island thereabout : and Cononicus' father and ancestors living in those southern parts, transferred and brought their authority and name into those northern parts all along by the sea side, as appears by the great destruc- tion of wood all along near the sea side : and I desire pos- terity to see the gracious hand of the Most High, (in whose hands is all hearts, ) that when the hearts of my countrymen and friends and brethren failed me, his in- finite wisdom and merits stirred up the barbarous heart of Cononicus to love me as his son to his last gasp, by which means I had not only Miantonomy and all the APPENDIX. 209 Cowesit sachems my friends, but Ousamaquin also, who because of my great friendship with him at Plymouth and the authority of Cononicus, consented freely (being also well gratified by me) to the Governor Winthrop's and my enjoyment of Prudence, yea of Providence itself, and all the other lands I procured of Cononicus which were upon the point, and in effect whatsoever I desired of him. And I never denied him nor Miantonomy whatever they de- sired of me as to goods or gifts, or use of my boats or pinnace and the travels of my own person day and night, which though men know not nor care to know, yet the all-seeing eye hath seen it and his all-powerful hand hath helped me. Blessed be his holy name to eternity. R. WILLIAMS. September 28, 1704, I then being present at the house of Mr. Nathaniel Coddington, there, being presented with this written paper which I attest upon oath to be my fa- ther's own hand writing. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Assistant. February 11, 1705. True copy of the orignal placed to record and examined by me. WESTON CLARKE, Recorder. [Colony Records,] 27 210 APPENDIX. No. IX.— [p. 83.] Biographical notice of Rev. John Clarke. Dr. John Clarke, the founder and first Pastor of the first Baptist Church m Newport, was born October 8, 1609. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Harges, Esq., of Bedfordshire, England. In a power of attorney he signed, May 12, 1656, to receive a legacy given by his wife's father out of the manor of Wreslingworth in Bedfordshire, he styles himself, John Clarke, Physician, of London. It is not certainly known where Mr. Clarke was born, but tradition makes him a native of Bedford- shire. His writings evince him to have been a learned man. In his will he bequeaths to his dear friend, Richard Bailey, his Hebrew and Greek books ; also a Concordance and Lexicon, written by himself, the fruit of several years study. He published in London, in 1652, a book, entitled, "111 News from New-England, or a narrative of New- England's persecution ; wherein it is declared, that while Old England is becoming New, New-England is becoming Old, tfcc. tfec," in which he introduced the substance of a tract, issued the preceding year, called " A Brief Discourse touching New-England, and particularly Rhode-Island ; as also a faithful and true relation of the prosecution of Obadiah Holmes, John Crandall and John Clarke, merely for conscience towards God, by the principal mem- APPENDIX. 211 bers of the Church or Commonwealtli of the Mas- sachusetts in New-England, which rules over that part of the world." This tract was probably written by the same hand. In 1651, he w^as sent to England with Roger Williams to promote the interests of the Colony of Rhode-Island. Mr. Clarke remained in England, as agent for the Colony, till he procured the Charter of 1663. After his return, he was elected three years, successively, Deputy-Governor. But all his exertions to promote the civil prosperity of Rhode- Island, did not induce him to neglect the affairs of religion. He continued the esteemed pastor of the first Baptist Church in Newport, till his death. Having no children, he gave most of his property to charitable purposes ; the income of which was to be given to the poor, and to be employed for the interests of learning and religion. He died, April 20, 1676, in the sixty-seventh year of his age, resign- ing his soul to his merciful Redeemer, and through faith in him he enjoyed the hope of a resurrection to eternal life. He left behind a wa'iting which evinces his sentiments to liave been those of the Particular Baptists. He was a faithful and useful minister, courteous and amiable in all the relations of life, and an ornament to his profession and to the vseveral offices which he sustained. His memory is deserving of lasting honor for his efforts towards establishing the first government in the world, 212 APPENDIX. which gave to all equal civil and religious liberty. To no man, except Roger Williams, is Rhode- Island more indebted than to him. He was the original projector of the settlement on the Island, and one of its ablest legislators. No character in New-England is of purer fame than John Clarke. " all his study bent To worship God aright, and know his works Not hid, nor those things last which might preserve Freedom and Peace to men." — Milton, P. L. 11. 577. From his three brothers, Thomas, Joseph and Carew, are descended the large family in Rhode- Island bearing the name of Clarke. No. X.— [p. 84.] The following is the form of civil compact agreed to by the first settlers on the Island of Rhode- Island. " We whose names are underwritten do here solemnly, in the presence of Jehovah, incorporate ourselves into a body politic, and as he shall help, will submit our persons, hves, and estates, unto our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, and to all those perfect and APPENDIX. 213 most absolute laws of his, given us in his holy word of truth to be guided and judged thereby." — Exod. 24. 3, 4. //. Chron. 11. 3. //. Kings, 11. 17. The first act passed under this form is dated 3d month loth day, 1638, and is in these words. " It is ordered that none shall be received as inhabitants or freemen, to build or plant upon the Island, but such as shall be received in by the consent of the body, and do submit to the government that is or shall be established according to the word of God." This form continued till ihe 12th of March, 1640. On the 16th of March, 1641, at a General Court of Election, " It was ordered and unanimously agreed upon, that the government which this body politic doth attend unto in this Island and the jurisdiction thereof, in favor of our Prince is a DEMOCRACY or popular government, (that is to say) it is in the power of the body of freemen, or- derly assembled, or major part of them, to make or con- stitute just laws by which they will be regulated, and to depute from among themselves such ministers as shall see them faithfully executed between man and man. " It was further ordered by the authority of this present Court, that no one be accounted a delinquent for DOC- TRINE, provided it be not directly repugnant to the government or laws established." 214 APPENDIX. And on the 17th September following (1641) they passed this act. " It is ordered that that law of the last Court, made con- cerning liberty of conscience in point of doctrine, is per- petuated." No. XL— [p. 86.] Indian Deed of the Island of Aquet7ieck or' Aqued- neck.* The 24th of the 1st month called March in the year (so commonly called) 1637-8. Memorandum, that we Cannonicus and Miantunnomu, the two chief sachems of the Nanhiggansets by virtue of our general command of this Bay ; as also the particular subjecting of the dead sachem of Aquedneck and Kitacka- muckqut themselves and lands unto us, have sold unto Mr. Coddington and his friends united unto him, the great Island of Aquedneck, lying from hence eastward in this Bay, as also the marsh or grass upon Gluinunnugat and the rest of the Islands in the Bay, (excepting Chibachu- weca, formerly sold unto Mr. Winthrope, the now Gov- ernor of Massachusetts, and Mr. Williams of Providence) as also the rivers and coves about Kitackamiickqut and from * This word is also spelled Aquctlinick, Aquidncck, and Aquithneck ; the middle syllable was probably guttural. APPENDIX. 215 thence to Paupasquash for the full payment of forty fathom of white beads to be equally divided between us. In witness whereof we have here subscribed. Item. That by giving by Miantunnomu's hand ten coats and twenty hoes to the present inhabitants, they shall remove themselves from off the Island before next winter. Witness our hands. The mark of j_ ^_ Cannonicus A The mark of Miantunnomu. In the presence of The mark M of Yotursh, ROGER WILLIAMS, RANDAL HOLDEN, The mark M of Assotimuit, The mark ^ of Mishammoh, Cannonicus his son. This witnesseth, that I, Wanamataunemet, the present sachem inhabitant of the Island, have received live fathom of wampum, and do consent to the contents. Witness my hand. The mark of T Wanamataunemet, In the presence of RANDAL HOLDEN. 21G APPENDIX. McmomndLim. That I Oiisamcqiiin, freely consent that Mr. William Coddington and his friends united unto him, shall make use of any grass or trees on the main land on Powakasick side, and do promise loving and just carriage of myself and all my men to the said Mr. Cod- dington, and English his friends united to him, having received of Mr. Coddington five fathom of wampum as gratuity from himself and the rest. The mark >< of Ousamequin. Dated the Gth day of the 5th month 1638. Witness, ROGER WILLIAMS, RANDAL HOLDEN. A true copy pr. me, FRA. BRINLEY, Recorder. A true copy pr. me, WILLIAM LYTHERLAND, Recorder. The 11th day of May, 1639. Received by me Mian- tunnomu (as a gratuity) of Mr. Coddington and his friends united, for my pains and travel in removing of the natives ofT the Island of Aquedneck, ten fathom of wampum peagc and one broad cloth coat. Mian tonnomu. A true copy of the original entered and recorded by JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. APPENDIX. 217 ■ Dated May 14th, 1639. Received of William Cod- dington and his friends united unto him, in full satisfac- tion for ground broken up or any other title or claim whatsoever formerly had of the Island of Aquedneck, the full sum of five fathom of wampum peage and a coat. Weshaganasett M his mark. Witness, Miantonnomu I his mark, HUGH DURDAL, Thomas Sabery M his mark. A true copy of the original entered and recorded by me, JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. June 20th, 1G39. Received of Mr. William Codding- ton and of his friends united to him in full satisfac- tion of ground broken up or any other title or claim what- soever formerly had of the Island of Aquedneck, the full sum of five fathom of wampum peage. Wonimenatony M his mark. Witness, WM. COWLING, RICHARD SAWELL. A true copy of the original entered and recorded by me, JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. The 22d November, 1639. Received by me Mian- tunnomu, of Mr. William Coddington and his friends 28 218 APPENDIX. united, twenty and three coats and thirteen hoes to dis- tribute to the Indians that did inhabit of the Island of Aquedneck, in full of all promises, debts and demands for the said Island, as also two tarkepes. Mian tunnomu. Can ^"^Bso^nonicus. Witness, AMOMPOUCKE, WAMPAMINAaUITT. A true copy of the original entered and recorded by JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. [Colony Records.] The other seventeen joint purchasers of Aquet- neck, whose names are mentioned p. 84, note, ex- pressed their dissatisfaction that the Indian title to the Island of Rhode-Island stood in the name of Wm. Coddington, and to pacify them he executed an instrument of the following tenor, giving them an equal share with himself. Boston in Massachusetts Bay in New-England. — Whereas, there was an agreement of eighteen persons to make purchase of some place to the southward for a plan- APPENDIX. 219 tatioii, whither they resolved to remove, for which end some of them were sent out to view a place for them- selves and such others as they should take into the liberty of freemen and purchasers with them, and, upon their view was purchased Rhode-Island, with some small neighboring Islands and privileges of grass and wood of the Islands in the Bay and main adjoining ; and whereas, the sale of the said purchase from the Indians hath ever since lain in the hands of William Coddington, Esq., which being a great trouble to the aforesaid purchasers and freemen, I, the said William Coddington, Esq., do by this writing promise to deliver the said deeds of the pur- chase, together with what records are in my hands be- longing to the said purchasers and freemen, into the hands of such as the major part of the purchasers and freemen shall appoint to receive them ; and do hereby declare that I, the said William Coddington, Esq., have no more in the purchase of right than any other of the purchasers or free- men received, or shall be received in by them, but only for my own proportion. In witness hereof, I have put to my hand this 14th of April, 1652. WILLIAM CODDINGTON. Signed in the presence of ROBERT KNIGHT, GEORGE MUNING. A true copy of the original entered and recorded the 7th of April, 1673, by me, JOHN SANFORD, Recorder. |(Jolony Records.] 220 APPENDIX. No. XII.— [p. 8G.] Deposition of William Coddingioii. William Coddington, Esq., aged about seventy-six years old, testifyeth upon his engagement that when he was one of the magistrates of the Massachusetts Colony, he was one of the persons that made a peace with Co- nonicus and Miantonomy in the Colony's behalf with all the Narragansett Indians, and by order from the authority of the Massachusetts a little before they made war with the Pequod Indians. Not long after, this deponent went from Boston to find a plantation to settle upon, came to Aquedneck, now called Rhode-Island, where was a sa- chem called Wonnumetonomey, and this deponent went to buy the Island of him ; but his answer was that Co- nonicus and Miantonomy were the chief sachems, and he could not sell the land, whereupon this deponent with some others went from A(piedneck Island into the Narra- gansett to the said sachems, Conomcus and Miantonomy, and bought the Island of them, they having as I under- stood the chief command both of the Narragansett and Aquedneck Island, and farther saith not. Taken upon engagement in Newport on Rhode-Island the 27th day of September 1677 before P. Sanford Assistant. The above is a true copy of the original, placed to record, examined by me February 11, 1705. WESTON CLARKE, Recorder. [Colony Records.] APPENDIX. 221 No. XIII.— [p. 89.] For an able and an impartial account of Gorton and his religious opinions, the reader is referred to vol. 2 of the Collections of the Rhode-Island His- torical Society, by the Hon. William R. Staples. We are gratilied to learn that this gentleman is preparing for publication, a History of Providence. [p. 92.] For an early History of Narragansett, see vol. 3 of the Collections of the Rliode-Island Historical Society, by Elisha R. Potter, Esq. This work will supply valuable materials for the future historian of Rhode-Island. No. XIV.— [p. 98.] The first Patent of Rkodc-Tsland. Whereas, by an ordinance of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, bearing date the 2d day of November, Anno. Dom. 1643, Robert, Earl of Warwick, is constituted and ordained Governor in chief and Lord High Admiral of all those Islands and other Plantations, inhabited and planted by or belonging to any his Majesty the King of England's subjects, or which hereafter may be inhabited and planted by or belonging to them, within the bounds and upon the coast of America. And where- as, the said Lords and Commons have thought fit, and 222 APPENDIX. thereby ordained that Phihp, Earl of Pembroke ; Ed- ward, Earl of Manchester ; WiUiam, Viscount Say and Seal ; Philip, Lord Wharton ; John, Lord Roberts ; Mem- bers of the House of Peers ; Sir Gilbert Gerard, Baronet : Sir Arthur Haselrige, Baronet ; Sir Henry Vane, Jr., Knight ; Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Knight ; John Pym, Oliver Cromwell, Dennis Bond, Miles Corbet, Cornelius Holland, Samuel Vassall, John RoUe and William Spur- stowe, Esq'rs, Members of the House of Commons, should be Commissioners, to join in aid and assistance with the said Earl. And whereas, for the better governing and pre- serving of the said Plantations, it is thereby ordained, that the aforesaid Governor and Commissioners, or the greater number of them, should have power and authority from time to time, to nominate, appoint and constitute, all such subordinate governors, councils, commanders, officers and agents, as they should judge to be best affected, and most fit and serviceable to govern the said Islands and Plantations, and to provide for, order and dispose all things which they should from time to time find most fit and ad- vantageous for the said Plantation, and for the better se- curity of the owners and inhabitants thereof: to assign, ratify and confirm so much of their aforementioned au- thority and power, and in such manner and to such per- sons as they should judge to be fit for the better govern- ing and preserving of the said Plantations and Islands )^^^^)^^^^^^ from open violence, prejudice, dis- ^ ^rtiflri*t ^ turbance and distractions. And ^ ^^2 whereas there is a tract of land in the ^212tiSVUjittt*^ continent of America aforesaid, called ^ r 1 ?^ by the name of the Narragansett Bay, ^ L. S. )J^ - ° ■' ' C^ bordering north and north-east on the APPENDIX. 223 Patent of Massachusetts, east and south-east on Plym- outh Patent, south on the Ocean, and on the west and North-west, inhabited by Indians called Narrogunneucks, alias Narragansetts ; the whole tract extending about twenty and five English miles unto the Pequot river and country. And whereas divers well aifected and indus- trious English inhabitants of the towns of Providence, Portsmouth and Newport, in the tract aforesaid, have ad- ventured to make a nearer neighborhood and society to and with that great body of the Narragansetts, which may in time, by the blessing of God upon their endeavors, lay a surer foundation of happiness to all America ; and have also purchased, and are purchasing of and amongst the said natives, some other places, which may be convenient both for plantation, and also for the building of ships, supply of pipe-staves and other merchandize. And whereas, the said English have represented their desires to the said Earl and Commissioners, to have their hopeful beginning approved and confirmed by granting unto them a free charter of civil incorporation and government, that they may order and govern their Plantations in such manner as to maintain justice and peace, both amongst themselves and towards all men, with whom they shall have to do. In due consideration of the premises, the said Robert, Earl of Warwick, Governor in chief and Lord High Ad- miral of the said Plantations, and the greater number of the said Commissioners, whose names and seals are here under written and subjoined, out of a desire to encourage the good beginnings of the said Plantations, do, by the authority of the aforesaid ordinance of Lords and Com- mons, give, grant and confirm unto the aforesaid inhabi- 224 APPENDIX. tants of tlic towns of Providence, Portsmouth and New- port, a free and absolute Charter of Civil Incorporation to be known by the name of Incorporation of Providence Plantations, in the Narragansctt Bay in New-England ; together with full power and authority to govern and rule themselves and such others as shall hereafter inhabit with- in any part of the said tract of land, by such a form of civil government as by voluntary consent of all or the greatest part of them, shall be found most serviceable in their estates and condition ; and to that end, to make and ordain such civil laws and constitutions, and to inflict such punishments upon transgressors, and for execution thereof so to place and displace officers of justice, as they or the greatest part of them, shall by free consent agree unto. Provided, nevertheless ; that the said laws, constitutions and punishments, for the civil government of the said plantation, be conformable to the laws of England, so far as the nature and constitution of that place will admit ,* and always reserving to the said Earl and Commissioners, and their successors, power and authority so to dispose the General Government of that, as it stands in reference to the rest of the plantations in America, as they shall com- missionate from time to time, most conducing to the general good of the said Plantation, the honor of his Majesty, and the service of this State. And the said Earl and Commissioners do further au- thorize the aforesaid inhabitants, and for the better transact- ing of their public affairs, to make and use a public seal, as the known seal of Providence Plantations, in the Nar- ragansctt Bay in New-England. APPENDIX. 225 In testimony whereof, the said Robert, Earl of Warwick, and Commissioners, have hereunto set their hands and seals, the seventeenth day of March, in the nineteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, King Charles, and in the year of our Lord God, 1643. PEMBROKE, SAY AND SEAL, PHILIP WHARTON, ARTHUR HASELRIGE, COR. HOLLAND, H. VANE, SAM. VASSAL, JOHN ROLLE, MILES CORBET, S.J S.J S.J S.J S.J L. S.J L. S.j L. S.J L. S.J Rhode-Island, ss. The aforegoing Charter or Patent is a true copy of the original entered and compared, April 10th, 1721. Per RICHARD WARD, Recorder. [Colony Records.J All the printed copie.s of the first Charter which the editor has seen, differ in several forms of ex- pression, from the one on the Colony Records, in the office of the Secretary of State, from which the above copy is taken. This is one special reason for its publication here, although it has been introduced into the two preceding volumes of the Collections of the Rhode-Island Historical Society. Tlie editor Would here correct a slight error whicli has dropped 29 226 APPENDIX. from the pen of Mr. Savage, in his admirable edition of Winthrop, vol. 2, p. 193. He says, speak- ing of the first Charter, " Callender erroneously gives the date 17th of March." The reader will perceive, by a reference to the above copy, that Callender is correct. The copies generally have the date 14th of March. No. XV.— [p. 98.] Mr. Williams landed at Boston, September 17, 1644.* He brought with him the following letter from several noblemen and other members of the British Parliament, addressed " To the Right Wor- shipful the Governor and Assistants, and the rest of our w^orthy friends in the plantation of Massachu- setts Bay, in New-England." " Our much honored Friends : Taking notice, some of us of long time, of Mr. Roger Williams his good affections and conscience, and of his sufferings by our common enemies and oppressors of God's people the prelates, as also of his great industry and travail in his printed Indian labors in your parts,! (the like where- * See Savage's Winthrop, vol. 2, p. 193. t His Key to the Indian language here alluded to, was published in London, 1643. The first volume of the Collections of the Rhode-Island Historical Society contains an edition of this work. APPENDIX. 227 of we have not seen extant from any part of America, ) and in which respect it hath pleased both Houses of ParHa- ment to grant unto him, and friends with him, a free and absohite Charter of civil government for those parts of his abode ; and withal sorrowfully resenting, that amongst good men (our friends) driven to the ends of the world, exercised with the trials of a wilderness, and who mu- tually give good testimony, each of the other, (as we ob- serve you do of him, and he abundantly of you,) there should be such a distance ; we thought it fit, upon divers considerations, to profess our great desires of both your utmost endeavors of nearer closing and of ready expressing those good affections, (which we perceive you. bear to each other) in effectual performance of all friendly offices. The rather because of those bad neighbors you are likely to find in Virginia, and the unfriendly visits from the west of England and of Ireland : That howsoever it may please the Most High to shake our foundations, yet the report of your peaceable and prosperous plantations may be some refreshment to Your true and faithful friends, NORTHUMBERLAND, P. WHARTON, ROB. HARLEY, THOS. BARRINGTON, WM. MASHAM, OL. ST. .JOHN, JOHN GURDON, ISAAC PENNINGTON, COR. HOLLAND, GIL. PYKERING, J. BLAKISTON, MILES CORBET." 228 APPENDIX. No. XVI.— [p. 98.] Laics of Rhode- Island J 1647. The first election under the Charter from tiie Earl of Warwick, cfec, was held at Portsmouth, May 19th, 1647. The General Assembly then erected an institution of civil government, and es- tablished a code of laws, which is introduced with the following Avords. " For the Province of Providence, " Forasmuch as we have received from our Noble Lords and Honored Governors, and that by virtue of an Ordinance of the Parhament of England, a free and ab- solute Charter of civil incorporation, &c. We do jointly agree to incorporate ourselves, and so to remain a body politic by the authority thereof. And therefore do de- clare to own ourselves and one another to be members of the same body, and to have right to the freedom and privileges thereof, by subscribing our names to these words following, viz. " We whose names are here underwritten, do engage ourselves, to the utmost of our estates and strength, to maintain the authority, and to enjoy the liberty granted to us by our Charter, in the extent of it according to the letter, and to maintain each other, by the same authority, in his lawful right and liberty. And now sitli our Charter gives us power to govern ourselves, and such other as come among us, and by such APPENDIX. 229 a form of civil government as by the voluntary consent, &c., shall be found most suitable to our estate and con- dition. It is agreeed by this present Assembly, thus in- corporate, and by this present act declared, that the form of government established in Providence Plantations is DEMOCRATICAL,* that is to say, a government held by the free and voluntary consent of all, or the greater part of the free inhabitants. " And now to the end that we may give each to other (notwithstanding our different consciences touching the truth as it is in Jesus, whereof upon the point we all make mention) as good and hopeful assurance as we are able, touching each man's peaceable and quiet enjoyment of his lawful right and liberty, we do agree unto, and by the authority abovesaid enact, establish and confirm these orders following." Among others, " That no person in this Colony shall be taken or im- prisoned, or be disseised of his lands or liberties, or be exiled or any otherwise molested or destroyed, but by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by some known law, and according to the letter of it, ratified and confirmed by the major part of the General Assembly, lawfully met, and orderly managed." This excellent code concludes with these memo- rable words. " These are the laws that concern all men, and these ' This word is recorded in large cajiitals. 230 APPENDIX, are the penalties for the transgressions thereof, which, by common consent, are ratified and estabhshed throughout the whole Colony. And otherwise than thus, what is herein forbidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, every one in the name of his God. And LET THE SAINTS OF THE MoST HiGH WALK IN THIS CoLONY WITHOUT MOLESTATION, IN THE NAME OF JeHOVAH THEIR God, for ever and ever." — Colony Records. All emiiiet American historian* justly observes, " The annals of Rhode-Island, if written in the spirit of philosophy, would exhibit the forms of society under a peculiar aspect. Had the territory of the State corres- ponded to the importance and singularity of the principles of its early existence, the world would have been filled with wonder at the phenomena of its early history." No. XVII.— [p. 99.] Letter from O. Cro7nwell to Rliode-Tsland^ wlicn Dr. John Clai^ke loas agent of tlie Colony, in England. To our trusty and well beloved the President, Assist- ants, and Inhabitants of Rhode-Island, together with the * See Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. 1, p. 380; a work distinguisliedfor research, skilful and luminous arrangement, and graph- ical description. APPENDIX. 231 rest of the Providence Plantations, in the Narragansett bay in New-England. Gentlemen, Your agent here hath represented unto us, some particu- lars concerning your government, which you judge neces- sary to be settled by us here. But by reason of the other great and weighty affairs of this Commonwealth, we have been necessitated to defer the consideration of them to a further opportunity ; for the mean time we were willing to let you know, that you are to proceed in your govern- ment according to the tenor of your Charter, formerly granted on that behalf; taking care of the peace and safety of those plantations, that neither through any in- testine commotions, or foreign invasions, there do arise any detriment, or dishonor to this Commonwealth, or yourselves, as far as you, by your care and diligence, can prevent. And as for the things which are before us, they shall, as soon as the other occasions will permit, receive a just and fitting determination. And so we bid you fare- well, and rest Your very loving friend OLIVER P. 29 March, 1655. [Colony Records.] No. XVIII. From the General Assembly to the Commissioners of the United Colonies. Honored Gentlemen, There hath been presented to our view, by our honored 232 APPENDIX. President, a letter bearing date September 25th last, sub- scribed by the Honored Gentlemen Commissioners of the United Colonies, concerning a company of people (lately arrived in these parts of the world) commonly known by the name of (Quakers ; who are generally conceived per- nicious, either intentionally, or at leastwise in effect, even to the corrupting of good manners, and disturbing the common peace and societies of the places where they arise or resort unto, &c. Now whereas freedom of different consciences, to be protected from inforcements, was the principal ground of our Charter, both with respect to our humble suit for it, as also to the true intent of the honorable and renowned Parliament of England in granting of the same unto us ; which freedom we still prize as the greatest happiness that men can possess in this world ; therefore we shall, for the preservation of our civil peace and order, the more seriously take notice that those people, and any other that are here, or shall come amongst us, be impartially required, and to our utmost constrained, to perform all duties requisite towards the maintaining the right of his Highness, and the government of that most renowed Commonwealth of England, in this Colony; which is most happily included under the same dominions, and we so graciously taken into protection thereof. And in case they the said people called Quakers which are here, or shall arise or come among us, do refuse to submit to the doing all duties aforesaid, as training, watching, and such other engagements as are upon members of civil societies, for the preservation of the same in justice and peace ; then we determine, yea and we resolve (however) to take and APPENDIX. 233 make use of the first opportunity to inform our agent re- siding in England, that he may humbly present the mat- ter (as touching the considerations premised, concerning the aforenamed people called Quakers) unto the supreme authority of England, humbly craving their advice and order, how to carry ourselves in any further respect to- wards those people ( *) that therewithal there may be no damage, or infringement of that chief principle in our Charter, concerning freedom of consciences. And we also are so much the more encouraged to make our ad- dresses unto the Lord Protector his Highness and govern- ment aforesaid, for that we understand there are, or have been, many of the aforesaid people suffered to live in England, yea, even in the heart of the nation. And thus with our truly thankful acknowledgments of the honor- able care of the honored gentlemen Commissioners of the United Colonies, for the peace and welfare of the whole country, as is expressed in their most friendly letter, we shall at present take leave and rest, Yours most affectionately, desirous of your honor and welfare. JOHN SANFORD, Clerk of the Assembly. Portsmouth, March 13th, 1657-58. From the General Assembly of the Colony of Providence Plantations. To the much honored John Endicot, Gov. of the Massa- chusetts. To be also imparted to the Hond. Coms. of the United Colonies at their next meeting, These. [Colony Records.] ' 01)litoratc(l 30 234 APPENDIX. No. XIX.— [p. 99.] Letter of Commissioners to Jolm Clarke. Worthy Sir and trusty friend, Mr. Clarke. We have found not only your ability and diligence, but also your love and care to be such concerning the welfare and prosperity of this Colony, since you have been in- trusted with the more public affairs thereof, surpassing that no small benefit, which formerly we had of your presence here at home, that we in all straits and incum- brances are emboldened to repair to you, for your further and continued counsel, care and help, finding that your solid and Christian demeanor hath gotten no small interest in the hearts of our superiors, those noble and worthy senators with whom you have had to do on our behalf, as it hath constantly appeared in your addresses made unto them, which we have by good and comfortable proof found, having plentiful experience thereof. The last year we have laden you with much employ- ment, which we were then put upon by reason of some too refractory among ourselves, wherein we appealed unto you for your advice, for the more public manifestation of it with respect to our superiors. But our intelhgence it seems fell short in that great loss of the ship, which is conceived here to be cast away. We have now a new occasion, given by an old spirit, with respect to the Col- onies about us, who seem to be oflended with us, because of a sort of people called by the name of Quakers, who are come amongst us, and have raised up divers who seem at present to be of their spirit, whereat the Colonies about us seem to be offended with us, being the said peo- APPENDIX. 235 pie have their hbcrty amongst us, as entertained into our houses, or into any of our assemblies. And for the present, we have found no just cause to charge them with the breach of the civil peace, only they are constantly going forth amongst them about us, and vex and trouble them in point of their religion and spiritual state, though they return with many a foul scar in their bodies for the same. And the offences our neighbors take against us, is be- cause we take not some course against the said people, either to expel them from among us, or take such courses against them as themselves do, who are in fear lest their religion should be corrupted by them. Concerning which displeasure that they seem to take, it was expressed to us in a solemn letter, written by the Commissioners of the United Colonies at their sitting, as though they would bring us in to act according to their scantling, or else take some course to do us greater displeasure. A copy of which letter we have herewith sent unto you, wherein you may perceive how they express themselves. As also we have herewith sent our present answer unto them to give you what light we may in this matter. There is one clause in their letter which plainly implies a threat, though covertly expressed, as their manner is, which we gather to be this, that as themselves (as we conceive) have been much awed, in point of their continued subjec- tion to the State of England, lest, in case they should decline, England might prohibit all trade with them, both in point of exportation and importation of any com- modities, which were an host sufficiently prevalent to subdue New-England, as not being able to subsist ; even so they seem secretly to threaten us, by cutting us off from all commerce and trade with them, and thereby to 236 APPENDIX. disable us of any comfortable subsistence, being that the concourse of shipping, and so of all kind of commodities, is universally conversant amongst themselves ; as also knowing that ourselves are not in a capacity to send out shipping of ourselves, which is in great measure occasioned by their oppressing of us, as yourself well knows ; as in many other respects, so in this for one, that we cannot have any thing from them for the supply of our neces- sities, but in effect they malcc the prices, both of our com- modities and their own also, because we have not En- glish coin, but only that which passeth among these bar- barians, and such commodities as are raised by the labor of our hands, as corn, cattle, tobacco and the like, to make payment in, which they will have at their own rate, or else not deal with us, whereby (though they gain ex- traordinarily by us) yet for the safeguard of their religion may seem to neglect themselves in that respect, for what will not men do for their God. Sir, this is our earnest and present request unto you in this matter, that as you may perceive in our answer to the United Colonies, that we fly, as to our refuge in all civil respects, to his Highness and honorable Council, as not being subject to any others in matters of our civil State, so may it please you to have an eye and ear open in case our adversaries should seek to undermine us in our privileges granted unto us, and to plead our case in such sort as we may not be compelled to exercise any civil power over men's consciences, so long as human or- ders, in point of civility, are not corrupted and violated, which our neighbors about us do frequently practice, whereof many of us have large experience, and do judge it to be no less than a point of absolute cruelty. APPENDIX. 237 Sir, the humble respects and acknowledgments of this Court and Colony, with our continued and unwearied de- sires and wishes after the comfortable, honorable and prosperous proceedings of his highness and honorable Council, in all their so weighty aflairs, departs not out of our hearts, night or day, which we could humbly wish (if it might not be too much boldness) were presented. Sir, we have not been unmindful of your great care and kindness of those our worthy friends and gentlemen ill that supply of powder and shot, and being a barrel of furs was returned in that ship, whereof Mr. Garrat had the command, wherein was betwixt twenty and thirty pounds worth of goods shipped, the Colony hath taken order for the recruiting of that loss, which we cannot possibly get ia readiness to send by this ship, but our in- tent is, God willing, to send by the next opportunity. And so with our hearty love and respects to yourself, we take our leave. Subscribed, JOHN SANFORD, Clerk of the Assembly. From a Court of Commissioners held in Warwick, this present November the 5th, 1658. [Colony Records.] The pci-seciition of the Quakers comniciiccd iii 1656, and continued till September, 16G1, when an order was received from King Charles II. requiring tliat neither capital nor corporal punishment sliouki be inflicted on the Quakers, but that olTenders .should be sent to England. For an account of 238 APPENDIX. these persecutions and of the acts passed against the Quakers, see Neal's History of New-England, vol. 1, 311. Hutchinson, vol. 1, 197. Hazard, vol. 1, 630-632. Bancroft, vol. 1, 451-458. See also the Quaker accounts, by Besse, Gould, and Sewell. The letter of the Commissioners to John Clarke, and the preceding document, reflect great credit upon the early settlers of Rhode-Island, and show how far they were in advance of the other Colonies and of the age in which they lived. The principles of religious freedom, which they clearly and con- sistently maintained, are now the rule of action adopted by all Christian sects. Many of the most respectable persons in the Colony embraced the sentiments of the Society of Friends, among whom was Governor Coddington, who died a member of that denomination. Their Yearly Meeting, until his death, in 1678, was held at his house. The first meeting house of the Friends was erected at Newport, in the year 1700. The Yearly Meeting for New-England was then established at that place where it has ever since been held. APPENDIX. 239 No. XX.— [p. 99.] Commission to John Clarke, when in England as Agent f 07' Rhode-Island. Whereas we the Colony of Providence Plantations, in New-England, having a free Charter of incorporation given and granted unto us, in the name of King and Parliament of England, &c., bearing date An. Dom. one thousand six hundred forty-three, by virtue of which Charter this Colony hath been distinguished from the other Colonies in New-England, and have ever since, and at this time, maintained government and order in the same Colony by administering judgment and justice, ac- cording to the rules in our said Charter prescribed : And further, whereas there have been sundry obstructions emerging, whereby this Colony have been put to trouble and charge for the preservation and keeping inviolate those privileges and immunities, to us granted in the fore- said free Charter, which said obstructions arise from the claims and encroachments of neighbors about us to and upon some parts of the tract of land, mentioned in our Charter to be within the bounds of this Colony. These are therefore to declare and make manifest unto all that may have occasion to peruse and consider of these presents, that this present and principal Court of this Colony, sitting and transacting in the name of his most gracious and royal Majesty Charles the second by the grace of God the most mighty and potent King of En- gland, Scotland, France and Ireland, and all the dominions and territories thereunto belongmg, &c. Do by these presents make, ordain and constitute, desire, authorize 240 APPENDIX. and appoint, our trusty and well beloved friend, Mr. John Clarke, physician, one of the members of this Colony, late inhabitant of Rhode-Island, in the same Colony, and now residing in Westminster, our undoubted agent and at- torney, to all intents and purposes, lawfully tending unto the preservation of all and singular the privileges, liberties, boundaries and immunities of this Colony, as according un- to the true intent and meaning of all contained in our said Charter, against all unlawful usurpations, intrusions and claims, of any person or persons, on any pretences, or by any combination whatsoever, not doubting but the same gracious hand of Providence, which moved the most po- tent and royal power abovesaid to give and grant us the abovesaid free Charter, will also still continue to preserve us, in our just rights and privileges, by the gracious favor of the power and royal Majesty abovesaid, whereunto we acknowledge all humble submission and loyal subjec- tion, &c. Given in the twelfth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, Charles the second. King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c., at the General Court holden for the colony of Providence Plantations, at Warwick^ the ISth day of October An: Dom. IGGO. To our trusty and well beloved friend and agent, Mr. John Clarke of Rhode-Island, Physician, now residing in London or Westminster. Ordered to be subscribed by the General Recorder, with the seal of the Colony annexed. [Colony Records.] APPENDIX. 241 No. XXI.— [p. 100.] The Charter granted by King Charles II., July 8, 1663. Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of En- gland, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas, we have been informed, by the hum- ble petition of our trusty and well beloved subject, John Clarke, on the behalf of Benjamin Arnold, William Bren- ton, William Coddington, Nicholas Easton, William Boul- ston, John Porter, John Smith, Samuel Gorton, John Weeks, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, Gregory Dexter, John Coggeshall, Joseph Clarke, Randall Holden, John Greene, John Roome. Samuel Wildbore, William Field, James Barker, Richard Tew, Thomas Harris, and William Dyre, and the rest of the purchasers and free inhabitants of our Island called Rhode-Island, and the rest of the Colony of Providence Plantations, in the Narragansctt Bay, in New-England, in America, that they, pursuing, with peaceable and loyal minds, their sober, serious and re- ligious intentions, of godly edifying themselves, and one another, in the holy Christian faith and worship, as they were persuaded ; together with the gaining over and con- version of the poor ignorant Indian natives, in those parts of America, to the sincere profession and obedience of the same faith and worship, did, not only by the consent and good encouragement of our royal progenitors, transport themselves out of this kingdom of England into America ; but also, since their arrival there, after their first settle- ment amongst other our subjects in those parts, for the 31 242 APPENDIX. avoiding of discord, and those many evils which were likely to ensue upon some of those our subjects not being able to bear, in these remote parts, their different appre- hensions in religions concernments, and in pursuance of the aforesaid ends, did once again leave their desirable stations and habitations, and with excessive labor and travel, hazard and charge, did transplant themselves into the midst of the Indian natives, who, as we are informed, are the most potent princes and people of all that country; where, by the good Providence of God, from whom the Plantations have taken their name, upon their labor and industry, they have not only been preserved to admiration, but have increased and prospered, and are seized and pos- sessed, by purchase and consent of the said natives, to their full content, of such lands, islands, rivers, harbors and roads, as are very convenient, both for plantations, and also for building of ships, supply of pipe-staves, and other merchandise ; and which lie very commodious, in many respects, for commerce, and to accommodate our southern plantations, and may much advance the trade of this our realm, and greatly enlarge the territories thereof; they having, by near neighborhood to, and friendly society with, the great body of the -Xarragansett Indians, given them encouragement, of their own accord, to subject themselves, their people and lands, unto us; whereby, as is hoped, there may, in time, by the blessing of God upon their endeavors, be laid a sure foundation of happiness to all America: And whereas, in their humble address, they have freely declared, that it is much on their hearts (if they may be permitted) to hold forth a lively experiment, that a most flourishing civil state may stand and best be maintained, and that among our English subjects, with a APPENDIX. 243 full liberty in religious concernments ; and that true piety, rightly grounded upon gospel principles, will give the best and greatest security to sovereignty, and will lay in the hearts of men the strongest obligations to true loyalty: Now know ye, that we, being willing to encourage the hopeful undertaking of our said loyal and loving subjects, and to secure them in the free exercise and enjoyment of all their civil and religions rights, appertaining to them, as our loviug subjects; and to preserve nnto them that liberty, in the true Christian faith and worship of God, which they have sought with so much travel, and Avith peaceable minds, and loyal subjection to our royal pro- genitors and ourselves, to enjoy ; and because some of the people and inhabitants of the same Colony cannot, in their private opinions, conform to the public exercise of religion, according to the liturgy, forms and ceremonies of the Church of England, or take or subscribe the oaths and articles made and established in that behalf; and for that the same, by reason of the remote distances of those places, will (as we hope) be no breach of the unity and uniformity established in this nation : Have therefore thought fit, and do hereby publish, grant, ordain and de- clare, That our royal will and pleasure is, that no person within the said Colony, at any time hereafter, shall be any wise molested, punished, disquieted, or called in question, for any differences in opinion in matters of religion, and do not actually disturb the civil peace of our said Colony ; but that all and every person and persons may, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, freely and fully have and enjoy his and their own judgments and consciences, in matters of religious concernments, throughout the tract of land hereafter mentioned, they behaving themselves 244 APPENDIX. peaceably and quietly, and not using this liberty to li- centiousness and profaneness, nor to the civil injury or outward disturbance of others ; any law, statute, or clause therein contained, or to be contained, usage or custom of this realm, to the contrary hereof, in any wise, notwith- standing. And that they may be in the better capacity to defend themselves, in their just rights and liberties, against all the enemies of the Christian faith, and others, in all respects, wc have further thought fit, and at the humble petition of the persons aforesaid are graciously pleased to declare, That they shall have and enjoy the benefit of our late act of indemnity and free pardon, as the rest of our subjects in other our dominions and terri- tories have ; and to create and make them a body politic or corporate, with the powers and privileges hereinafter mentioned. And accordingly our will and pleasure is, and of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have ordained, constituted and declared, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do or- dain, constitute and declare. That they, the said William Brenton, William Coddington, Nicholas Easton, Benedict Arnold, William Boulston, John Porter, Samuel Gorton, John Smith, John Weeks, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, Gregory Dexter, John Coggeshall, Joseph Clarke, Ran- dall Holden, John Greene, John Roome, William Dyre, Samuel Wildbore, Richard Tew, William Field, Thomas Harris, James Barker, Rainsborrow, Wil- liams, and John Nickson, and all such others as now are, or hereafter shall be, admitted and made free of the com- pany and society of our Colony of Providence Plantations, in the Narragansctt Bay, in New-England, shall be, from time to time, and forever hereafter, a body corporate and APPENDIX. 245 politic, ill fact and name, by the name of Tlie Governor and Company of the English Colony of Rliode-Island and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in Ameri- ca ; and that, by the same name, they and their successors shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall and may be persons able and capable, in the law, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to answer and be answered unto, to defend and to be defended, in all and sin- gular suits, causes, quarrels, matters, actions and things, of what kind or nature soever ,■ and also to have, take, possess, acquire and purchase, lands, tenements or here- ditaments, or any goods or chattels, and the same to lease, grant, demise, aliene, bargain, sell and dispose of, at their own will and pleasure, as other our liege people, of this our realm of England, or any corporation or body politic within the same, may lawfully do. And further, that they the said Governor and Company, and their succes- sors, shall and may, forever hereafter, have a common seal, to serve and use for all matters, causes, things and affairs, whatsoever, of them and their successors ; and the same seal to alter, change, break, and make new, from time to time, at their will and pleasure, as they shall think fit. And further, we will and ordain, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do declare and appoint, that, for the better ordering and managing of the affairs and business of the said Company, and their suc- cessors, there shall be one Governor, one Deputy-Gov- ernor, and ten Assistants, to be, from time to time, con- stituted, elected and chosen, out of the freemen of the said Company, for the time being, in such manner and form as is hereafter in these presents expressed ; which said oflicers shall a})j)ly themselves to take care for the 246 APPENDIX. best disposing and ordering of the general business and affairs of and concerning the lands and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned to be granted, and the plantation thereof, and the government of the people there. And, for the better execution of our royal pleasure herein, Ave do, for us, our heirs and successors, assign, name, con- stitute and appoint the aforesaid Benedict Arnold to be the first and present Governor of the said Company, and the said William Brenton to be the Deputy-Governor, and the said William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogges- hall, James Barker, William Field, and Joseph Clarke, to be the ten present Assistants of the said Company, to continue in the said several offices, respectively, until the first Wednesday which shall be in the month of May now next coming. And further, we will, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do ordain and grant, that the Governor of the said Company, for the time being, or, in his absence, by occasion of sickness, or otherwise, by his leave and permission, the Deputy-Gov- ernor, for the time being, shall and may, from time to time, upon all occasions, give order for the assembling of the said Company, and calling them together, to consult and advise of the business and affairs of the said Company. And that forever hereafter, twice in every year, that is to say, on every first Wednesday in the month of May, and on every last Wednesday in October, or oftcner, in case it shall be requisite, the Assistants, and such of the free- men of the said Company, not exceeding six persons for Newport, four persons for each of the respective towns of Providence, Portsmouth and Warwick, and two persons for each other place, town or city, who shall be, from time APPENDIX. 247 to time, thereunto elected or deputed by the major part of the freemen of the respective towns or places for which they shall be so elected or deputed, shall have a general meeting or assembly, then and there to consult, advise and determine, in and about the affairs and business of the said Company and Plantations. And further, we do, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, give and grant unto the said Governor and Company of the English Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, and their suc- cessors, that the Governor, or, in his absence, or by his permission, the Deputy-Governor of the said Company, for the time being, the Assistants, and such of the free- men of the said Company as shall be so as aforesaid elected or deputed, or so many of them as shall be present at such meeting or assembly, as aforesaid, shall be called the General Assembly ; and that they, or the greatest part of them then present, whereof the Governor or Deputy-Gov- ernor, and six of the Assistants, at least to be seven, shall have, and have hereby given and granted unto them, full power and authority, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to appoint, alter and change, such days, times and places of meeting and General Assembly, as they shall think fit ; and to choose, nominate and appoint, such and so many other persons as they shall think fit, and shall be Avilling to accept the same, to be free of the said Company and body politic, and them into the same to admit ; and to elect and constitute such offices and officers, and to grant such needful commissions, as they shall think fit and requisite, for the ordering, managing and despatch- ing of the affairs of the said Governor and Company, and their successors; and, from time to time, to make, ordain, 248 APPENDIX. constitute or repeal, such laws, statutes, orders and ordi- nances, forms and ceremonies of government and magis- tracy, as to them shall seem meet, for the good and wel- fare of the said Company, and for the government and ordering of the lands and hereditaments, hereinafter men- tioned to be granted, and of the people that do, or at any time hereafter shall, inhabit or be within the same ; so as such laws, ordinances and constitutions, so made, be not contrary and repugnant unto, but, as near as may be, • agreeable to the laws of this our realm of England, con- sidering the nature and constitution of the place and peo- ple there ; and also to appoint, order and direct, erect and settle, such places and courts of jurisdiction, for the hear- ing and determining of all actions, cases, matters and things, happening within the said Colony and Plantation, and which shall be in dispute, and depending there, as they shall think fit ; and also to distinguish and set forth the several names and titles, duties, powers and limits, of each court, office and officer, superior and inferior ; and also to contrive and appoint such forms of oaths and at- testations, not repugnant, but, as near as may be, agreeable, as aforesaid, to the laws and statutes of this our realm, as are convenient and requisite, with respect to the due ad- ministration of justice, and due execution and discharge of all offices and places of trust by the persons that shall be therein concerned ; and also to regulate and order the way and manner of all elections to offices and places of trust, and to prescribe, limit and distinguish the numbers and bounds of all places, towns or cities, within the limits and bounds hereinafter mentioned, and not herein par- ticularly named, who have, or shall have, the power of electing and sending of freemen to the said General As- APPENDIX'. 249 sembly ; and also to order, direct and authorize the im- posing of lawful and reasonable fines, mulcts, imprison- ments, and executing other punishments, pecuniary and corporal, upon offenders and delinquents, according to the course of other corporations within this our kingdom of England ; and again to alter, revoke, annul or pardon, under their common seal, or otherwise, such fines, mulcts, imprisonments, sentences, judgments and condemnations, as shall be thought fit ; and to direct, rule, order and dis- pose of, all other matters and things, and particularly that which relates to the making of purchases of the native Indians, as to them shall seem meet ; whereby our said people and inhabitants, in the said Plantations, may be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed, as that, by their good life and orderly conversation, they may win and invite the native Indians of the country to the knowl- edge and obedience of the only true God, and Saviour of mankind ; willing, commanding and requiring, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, ordaining and appointing, that all such laws, statutes, orders and or- dinances, instructions, impositions and directions, as shall be so made by the Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistants and freemen, or such number of them as aforesaid, and published in writing, under their common seal, shall be carefully and duly observed, kept, performed and put in execution, according to the true intent and meaning of the same. And these our letters patent, or the duplicate or exemplification thereof, shall be to all and every such officers, superior and inferior, from time to time, for the putting of the same orders, laws, statutes, ordinances, in- structions and directions, in due execution, against us, our heirs and successors, a sufficient warrant and dis- 250 APPENDIX. charge. And further, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby, for us, our heirs and successors, establish and ordain, that yearly, once in the year, forever hereafter, namely, the aforesaid Wednesday in May, and at the town of Newport, or elsewhere, if urgent occasion do re- quire, the Governor, Deputy-Governor and Assistants of the said Company, and other officers of the said Company, or such of them as the General Assembly shall think fit, shall be, in the said General Court or Assembly to be held from that day or time, newly chosen for the year en- suing, by such greater part of the said Company, for the time being, as shall be then and there present ; and if it shall happen that the present Governor, Deputy-Governor and Assistants, by these presents appointed, or any such as shall hereafter be newly chosen into their rooms, or any of them, or any other the officers of the said Com- pany, shall die or be removed from his or their several offices or places, before the said general day of election, (whom we do hereby declare, for any misdemeanor or de- fault, to be removable by the Governor, Assistants and Company, or such greater part of them, in any of the said public courts, to be assembled as aforesaid,) that then, and in every such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistants and Com- pany aforesaid, or such greater part of them, so to be as- sembled as is aforesaid, in any their assemblies, to pro- ceed to a new election of one or more of their Company, in the room or place, rooms or places, of such officer or officers, so dying or removed, according to their discretions; and immediately upon and after such election or elections made of such Governor, Deputy-Governor, Assistant or Assistants, or any other officer of the said Company, in APPENDIX. 251 manner and form aforesaid, the authority, oiRce and power, before given to the former Governor, Deputy-Governor, and other officer and officers, so removed, in whose stead and place new shall be chosen, shall, as to him and them, and every of them, respectively, cease and determine : Provided always, and our will and pleasure is, that as well such as are by these presents appointed to be the present Governor, Deputy-Governor and Assistants, of the said Company, as those that shall succeed them, and all other officers to be appointed and chosen as aforesaid, shall, before the undertaking the execution of the said offices and places respectively, give their solemn engage- ment, by oath, or otherwise, for the due and faithful per- formance of their duties in their several offices and places, before such person or persons as are by these presents hereafter appointed to take and receive the same, that is to say : the said Benedict Arnold, who is hereinbefore nominated and appointed the present Governor of the said Company, shall give the aforesaid engagement before William Brenton, or any two of the said Assistants of the said Company ; unto whom we do by these presents give full power and authority to require and receive the same ; and the said William Brenton, who is hereby before nominated and appointed the present Deputy-Governor of the said Company, shall give the aforesaid engagement before the said Benedict Arnold, or any two of the As- sistants of the said Company ; unto whom we do by these presents give full power and authority to require and re- ceive the same ; and the said William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Coggeshall, James Barker, William Field, and Joseph Clarke, who are hereinbefore nominated 252 APPENDIX. and appoinlcd the present Assistants ot" the said Company, shall give the said engagement to their officers and places respectively belonging, before the said Benedict Arnold and William Bronton, or one of them; to whom respec- tively we do hereby give full power and authority to re- quire, administer or receive the same : and further, our will and pleasure is, that all and every other future Gov- ernor or Deputy-Governor, to be elected and chosen by virtue of these presents, shall give the said engagement before two or more of the said Assistants of the said Com- pany for the time being ; unto whom we do by these presents give full power and autliority to require, admin- ister or receive the same ; and the said Assistants, and every of them, and all and every other officer or officers to be hereafter elected and chosen by virtue of these presents, from time to time, shall give the like engage- ments, to their offices and places respectively belonging, before the Governor or Deputy-Governor for the time be- ing ; unto which said Governor, or Deputy-Governor, we do by these presents give full power and authority to re- quire, administer or receive the same accordingly. And we do likewise, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, by these presents, that, for the more peaceable and orderly government of the said Plantations, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, I^eputy-Governor, Assistants, and all other officers and ministers of the said Company, in the administration of justice, and exercise of government, in the said Plantations, to use, exercise, and put in execution, such methods, rules, orders and di- rections, not being contrary or repugnant to the laws and statutes of this our realm, as have been heretofore given, APPENDIX. 253 used and accustomed, in such cases respectively, to be put in practice, until at tlie next, or some other General Assembly, special provision shall be made and ordained in the cases aforesaid. And we do further, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, by these presents, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Gov- ernor, or in his absence, the Deputy-Governor, and major part of the said Assistants, for the time being, at any time when the said General Assembly is not sitting, to nomi- nate, appoint and constitute, such and so many com- manders, governors and military officers, as to them shall seem requisite, for the leading, conducting and training up the irdiabitants of the said Plantations in martial affairs, and for the defence and safeguard of the said Plantations; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for all and every such commander, governor and military officer, that shall be so as aforesaid, or by the Governor, or, in his ab- sence, the Deputy-Governor, and six of the said Assistants, and major part of the freemen of the said Company present at any General Assemblies, nominated, appointed and con- stituted, according to the tenor of his and their respective commissions and directions, to assemble, exercise in arms, martial array, and put in warlike posture, the inhabitants of the said Colony, for their special defence and safety ; and to lead and conduct the said inhabitants, and to en- counter, expulse, expel and resist, by force of arms, as well by sea as by land, and also to kill, slay and destroy, by all fitting ways, enterprises and means whatsoever, all and every such person or persons as shall, at any time hereafter, attempt or enterprise the destruction, invasion, detriment or annoyance of the said inhabitants or Planta- 254 APPENDIX. tions ; and to use and exercise the law martial in such cases only as occasion shall necessarily require ; and to take or surprise, by all ways and means whatsoever, all and every such person and persons, with their ship or ships, armor, ammunition, or other goods of such persons as shall, in hostile manner, invade or attempt the defeat- ing of the said Plantation, or the hurt of the said Com- pany and inhabitants ; and, upon just causes, to invade and destroy the native Indians, or other enemies of the said Colony. Nevertheless, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby declare to the rest of our Colonies in New- England, that it shall not be lawful for this our Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in America, in New-England, to invade the natives nihabiting within the bounds and limits of their said Colonies, without the knowledge and consent of the said other Colonics. And it is hereby declared, that it shall not be lawful to or for the rest of the Colonies to invade or molest the native In- dians, or any other inhabitants, inhabiting within the bounds and limits hereafter mentioned, (they having sub- jected themselves unto us, and being by us taken into our special protection,) without the knowledge and con- sent of the Governor and Company of our Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. Also our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby declare unto all Christian Kings, Princes and States, that if any person, which shall hereafter be of the said Company or Plantation, or any other, by appointment of the said Governor and Company for the time being, shall, at any time or times hereafter, rob or spoil, by sea or land, or do any hurt or unlawful hostility to any of the subjects of us, our heirs or succes- sors, or any of the subjects of any Prince or State, being APPENDIX. 255 then in league with us, our heirs or successors, upon com- plaint of such injury done to any such Prince or State, or their subjects, we, our heirs and successors, will make open proclamation within any parts of our realm of En- gland, fit for that purpose, that the person or persons com- mitting any such robbery or spoil shall, within the time limited by such proclamation, make full restitution or satisfaction of all such injuries, done or committed, so as the said Prince, or others so complaining, may be fully satisfied and contented ; and, if the said person or persons who shall commit any such robbery or spoil, shall not make satisfaction, accordingly, within such time, so to be limited, that then we, our heirs and successors, will put such person or persons out of our allegiance and protection," and that then it shall and may be lawful and free for all Princes or others, to prosecute, with hostility, such of- fenders, and every of them, their and every of their pro- curers, aiders, abettors and counsellors, in that behalf: Provided also, and our express will and pleasure is, and we do, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, ordain and appoint, that these presents shall not, in any manner, hinder any of our loving subjects, whatsoever, from using and exercising the trade of fishing upon the coast of New-England, in America ; but that they, and every or any of them, shall have full and free power and liberty to continue and use the trade of fishing upon the said coast, in any of the seas thereunto adjoining, or any arms of the seas, or salt water, rivers and creeks, where they have been accustomed to fish ; and to build and set upon the waste land, belonging to the said Colony and Plantations, such wharves, stages and work-houses, as shall be necessary for the salting, drying and keeping of 256 APPENDIX. their fish, to be taken or gotten upon that coast. And further, for the encouragement of the inhabitants of our said Colony of Providence Plantations to set upon the business of taking whales, it shall be lawful for them, or any of them, hax^ng struck whale, dubertus, or other great fish, it or them to pursue unto any part of that coast, and into any bay, river, cove, creek or shore, belonging thereto, and it or them, upon the said coast, or in the said bay, river, cove, creek or shore, belonging thereto, to kill and order for the best advantage, without molestation, they making no wilful waste or spoil ; any thing in these presents contained, or any other matter or thing, to the contrary notwithstanding. And further also, we are gra- ciously pleased, and do hereby declare, that if any of the inhabitants of our said Colony do set upon the planting of vineyards (the soil and climate both seeming naturally to concur to the production of wines) or be industrious in the discovery of fishing banks, in or about the said Colony, we will, from time to time, give and allow all due and fitting encouragement therein, as to others in cases of like nature. And further, of our more ample grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, we have given and granted, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do give and grant unto the said Governor and Company of the English Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in the Narragansett Bay, in New-England, in America, and to every inhabitant there, and to every person and persons trading thither, and to every snch person or persons as are or shall be free of the said Colony, full power and authority, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to take, ship, transport and carry away, out of any of our realms and dominions, for and towards APPENDIX. 257 the plantation and defence of the said Colony, such and so many of our loving subjects and strangers as shall or will willingly accompany them in and to their said Colony and Plantation ; except such person or persons as are or shall be therein restrained by us, our heirs and successors, or any law or statute of this realm : and also to ship and transport all and all manner of goods, chattels, merchan- dises, and other things whatsoever, that are or shall be useful or necessary for the said Plantations, and defence thereof, and usually transported, and not prohibited by any law or statute of this our realm ; yielding and paying unto us, our heirs and successors, such the duties, cus- toms and subsidies, as are or ought to be paid or payable for the same. And further, our will and pleasure is, and we do, for us, our heirs and successors, ordain, de- clare and grant, unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, that all and every the subjects of us, our heirs and successors, which are already planted and settled within our said Colony of Providence Plantations, or which shall hereafter go to inhabit within the said Colony, and all and every of their children, which have been born there, or which shall happen hereafter to be born there, or on the sea, going thither, or returning from thence, shall have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects within any the dominions of us, our heirs or successors, to all intents, constructions and purposes, whatsoever, as if they, and every of them, were born within the realm of England, And further, know ye, that we, of our more abundant grace, certain knowl- edge and mere motion, have given, granted and confirmed, and, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do give, grant and confirm, unto the said Governor and 33 258 APPENDIX. Company, and their successors, all that part of our do- minions in New-England, in America, containing the Na- hantick and Nanhyganset, alias Narragansett Bay, and countries and parts adjacent, bounded on the west, or westerly, to the middle or channel of a river there, com- monly called and known by the name of Pawcatuck, alias Pawcawtuck river, and so along the said river, as the greater or middle stream thereof reachcth or lies up into the north country, northward, unto the head thereof, and from thence, by a strait line drawn due north, until it meets with the south line of the Massachusetts Colony ; and on the north, or northerly, by the aforesaid south or southerly line of the Massachusetts Colony or Plantation, and extending towards the east, or eastwardly, three En- glish miles to the east and north-east of the most eastern and north-eastern parts of the aforesaid Narragansett Bay, as the said bay lyeth or cxtendeth itself from the ocean on the south, or southwardly, unto the mouth of the river which runneth towards the town of Providence, and from thence along the eastwardly side or bank of the said river (higher called by the name of Seacunck river) up to the falls called Patuckett falls, being the most westwardly line of Plymouth Colony, and so from the said falls, in a strait line, due north, until it meet with the aforesaid line of the Massachusetts Colony ; and bounded on the south by the ocean : and, in particular, the lands belonging to the towns of Providence, Pawtuxet, Warwick, Misquam- macock, alias Pawcatuck, and the rest upon the main land in the tract aforesaid, together with Rhode-Island, Block- Island, and all the rest of the islands and banks in the Nar- ragansett Bay, and bordering upon the coast of the tract aforesaid, (Fisher's Island only excepted,) together with APPENDIX. 259 all firm lands, soils, grounds, havens, ports, rivers, waters, fishings, mines royal, and all other mines, minerals, precious stones, quarries, woods, wood-grounds, rocks, slates, and all and singular other commodities, jurisdictions, royalties, privileges, franchises, preheminences and here- ditaments, whatsoever, within the said tract, bounds, lands and islands, aforesaid, or to them or any of them belong- ing, or in any wise appertaining : to have and to hold the same, unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, forever, upon trust, for the use and benefit of themselves and their associates, freemen of the said Colony, their heirs and assigns, to be holden of us, our heirs and successors, as of the Manor of East-Greenwich, in our county of Kent, in free and common soccage, and not in capite, nor by knight service ; yielding and paying therefor, to us, our heirs and successors, only the fifth part of all the ore of gold and silver, which, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall be there gotten, had, or obtained, in lieu and satisfaction of all services, duties, fines, forfeitures, made or to be made, claims and demands whatsoever, to be to us, our heirs or successors, therefor or thereout rendered, made, or paid, any grant, or clause in a late grant, to the Governor and Company of Con- necticut Colony, in America, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding ; the aforesaid Pawcatuck river having been yielded, after much debate, for the fixed and certain bounds between these our said Colonies, by the agents thereof; who have also agreed, that the said Paw- catuck river shall be also called alias Norrogansctt or Nar- rogansctt river ; and, to prevent future disputes, that otherwise might arise thereby, forever hereafter shall be construed, deemed and taken to be the Narrogansett river 260 APPENDIX. in our late grant to Connecticut Colony mentioned as the easterly bounds of that Colony. And further, our will and pleasure is, that in all matters of public controversy, which may fall out between our Colony of Providence Plantations, and the rest of our Colonies in New-England, it shall and may be lawful to and for the Governor and Company of the said Colony of Providence Plantations, to make their appeals therein to us, our heirs and successors, for redress in such cases, within this our realm of En- gland : and that it shall be lawful to and for the inhabi- tants of the said Colony of Providence Plantations, with- out let or molestation, to pass and repass, with freedom, into and through the rest of the English Colonies, upon their lawful and civil occasions, and to converse, and hold commerce and trade, with such of the inhabitants of our other English Colonies as shall be willing to admit them thereunto, they behaving themselves peaceably among them ; any act, clause, or sentence, in any of the said Colonies provided, or that shall be provided, to the con- trary in any wise notwithstanding. And lastly, we do, for us, our heirs and successors, ordain and grant unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, by these presents, that these our letters patent shall be firm, good, effectual, and available in all things in the law, to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever, according to our true intent and meaning hereinbefore declared ; and shall be construed, reputed and adjudged in all cases most favorably on the behalf, and for the best benefit and be- hoof, of the said Governor and Company, and their suc- cessors ; although express mention of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises, or any of them, or of any other gifts or grants by us, or by any of our progeni- APPENDIX. 261 tors or predecessors, heretofore made to the said Governor and Company of the Enghsh Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in the Narragansett Bay, New- England, in America, in these presents is not made, or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation or re- striction, heretofore had, made, enacted, ordained or pro- vided, or any other matter, cause or thing whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the eighth day of July, in the fifteenth year of our reign. , By the King : HOWARD. The above Charter has been copied from the Laws of the State of Rhode-Island^ published in 1822, under the supermtendence of the Hon. Henry Bowen, Secretary of the State, and compared with the original. Some of the copies, in other publi- cations, are incorrect. A persuasion that compara- tively few of our citizens possess an accurate copy of this document, which is distinguished for its en- larged and enlightened principles of civil and re- ligious freedom, and which continues still to be the fundamental law of the State, has induced its in- sertion in this volume. The Charter was obtained at an auspicious mo- ment, when Charles II., having recently ascended the throne, was not disposed to deny favors to any of his subjects. By this Charter all the powers of 262 APPENDIX. government were conferred upon the Colony, the King not havmg reserved to himself the right of revising its proceedings. At no other period, probably, could such extensive privileges have been obtained. No. XXII. Decision of Carr, ttc, relative to JJIisrmamacock. We, by the power given us by his Majesty's commis- sion, having heard the complaints of some of his Majesty's subjects, purchasers of certain lands called Misquamacock, lying on the eastern side of Pawcatuck river, and having likewise heard all the pretences of those by whom they have suffered great oppressions, and considering the grounds from whence these differences and injuries have proceeded, and endeavoring to prevent the like for the future, do declare, that no colony hath any just right to dispose of any lands, conquered from the natives, unless both the cause of that conquest be just, and the lands lie within those bounds which the King by his charter hath given it, nor to exercise any authority beyond those bounds ; which we desire all his Majesty's subjects to take notice offer the future, lest they incur his Majesty's displeasure, and sutler a deserved punishment. We like- wise declare, that all those gifts or grants of any lands, lying on the eastern side of Pawcatuck river, and a north line drawn to the Massachusetts, from the midst of the ford near to Thomas Shaw's house, and in the King's APPENDIX. ^bJ Province, made by his Majesty's Colony of the Massachu- setts, to any person whatsoever, or by that usurped au- thority called the United Colonies, to be void. And we hereby command all such as are therein concerned to re- move themselves and their goods from the said lands, be- fore the nine and twentieth day of September next. In the mean time, neither hindering the Pequot Indians from planting there this summer, nor those of the King's Province, who are the purchasers, from improving the same, as they will answer the contrary. Given under our hands and seals, at Warwick, April 4th. 1665. ROBERT CARR, [L. S.] GEORGE CARTWRIGHT, [L. S.] SAMUEL MAVERICK, [L. S.] [Colony Records.] No. XXIII. 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