V78^ '"1 Hiiiiiiiil im 1 1 ffi m mmm m 111 IjiiJuiili m l«»«^:^ SDCJETY OF THE Riw ■HE CITY OF NEW YORK 1906 Pass V i2,9. Book. L Z^^ PRESENTED BY CHARTER, Constitution, By-Laws, Officers, Committees, Roll of Members, &c. OF THE Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK Instituted March 17TH, 1784 Incorporated February 13TH, 1827 {Chap. 42, Laws TS27) MARCH 17, 1905 PRINTED BY DEMPSEY & CARROLL NEW YORK Gift The Society iOAp'05 OFFICERS— 1905 President JAMES FITZGERALD First Vice-President JOSEPH I. C. CLARKE Second Vice-President MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND Treasurer JOHN D. CRIMMINS Recording Secretary JOHN J. LENEHAN Corresponding Secretary WILLIAM TEMPLE EMMET Almoner FRANCIS HIGGINS Committee on Accounts DAVID McCLURE DANIEL O'DAY JOHN F. CARROLL Committee on Charity EDWARD F. O'DWYER DANIEL F. COHALAN JOHN STEWART Stewards FRANCIS C. TRAVERS JOHN O'SULLIVAN ANDREW A. McCORMICK EDWARD D. FARRELL WILLIAM N. PENNEY EDMOND J. CURRY Committee on Admissions. JAMES A. O'GORMAN JAMES DUNNE Dr. CONST ANTINE J, MacGUIRE WILLIAM McADOO HOWARD CONSTABLE NOTE. The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York was instituted on March 17, 1784. It had its origin in Irish Officers connected with the armies of the American Revohttion. On November 25, 1783, the last British soldier departed from the shores of our city, the British flag which had been nailed to the flagpole of Fort George was hauled down, the American flag was run up in its place, and the Continental Armxy entered the city. It was led by George Washington, then an adopted member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Philadelphia. At his side rode the Governor, General George Clinton, the son of an Irishman; and the advance battalion was com- manded by General Henry Knox, also the son of an Irishman, and a member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Philadelphia. In the environment produced by these con- ditions, in the atmosphere of liberty and Con- stitutional government that followed the advent of the American army into its final possession of New York City, was born the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Daniel McCor- 5 mick was its founder and its president for many years. The objects of the Society were, to assist poor and distressed natives, and descendants of natives, of Ireland, and promote friendly, social feelings among its members. With these laudable purposes, on March 17, 1784, the first St. Patrick's Day following the evacuation of New York by the British, the So- ciety inaugurated its festive functions at "Cape's Tavern." In the New York Packet and Adver- tiser of Thursday, March 18, 1784, the following appears : "Yesterday, being the anniversary of St. Patrick, "his patriotic sons met at Cape's Tavern, where "they gave an elegant entertainment to his Excel- "lency the Governor, Lieut. -Governor, Chancellor "and a number of other respectable gentlemen of "this State. The day and evening were spent in "festivity and mirth, and a number of suitable toasts "were drank upon this joyful occasion. The great- "est unanimity and conviviality pervaded this num- "erous and jovial company, and perhaps this great "Saint was never honoured with a concourse of "more generous and truly patriotic sons than this "assembly afforded." Thus commenced (in the words of Curran), **those happy meetings when the swelling heart conceived and communicated the pure and generous purpose, the innocent enjoyment of social mirth expanded into the nobler warmth of social virtue, and the horizon of the board became enlarged into the horizon of man." Almost uninterruptedly since, quarterly and an- niversary meetings of the Society have been held. Many of the leading men of the City and State are enrolled among its members, and the records of the Society from the beginning contain names prominent in the early history of the Republic. Social and friendly inter- course was promoted and maintained among the natives of Ireland and their kinsmen and descendants. Numbers of deserving, but less fortunate fellow country-men, were relieved by the bounty of the Society, implements and ma- terials for domestic manufacture were furnished to the industrious poor. The needy were as- sisted with money, medicine, clothing and fuel, the destitute were provided with homes and, when necessary, were furnished with sufficient funds to enable them to return to their native land. The design of the badge worn by members of the Society, and which appears on the cover of this book, is a facsimile of the "reverse" of the medal worn by the members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in Philadelphia in 1771. The following in reference to that medal is from Haverty's American Almanac: Each member was required to furnish himself with a gold medal of the value of three guineas, agreeably to the following description: On the right, HIBERNIA; on the left, AMERICA; in the center, LIBERTY joining the hands of HIBER- NIA and AMERICA, representing by the usual figures of a female supported by a harp, for HIBERNIA; an Indian with his quiver on his back and his bow slung, for AMERICA; underneath, UNITE. On the reverse, ST. PATRICK tramping on a snake, a cross in his hand, dressed in pontifi- calibus, the motto, "HIER." These devices, designed some years before the Revolution, were certainly ominous, if not prophetic. The Goddess of LIBERTY joining the hands of HIBERNIA and AMERICA, with the superscription "UNITE," was sufficiently signifi- cant, considering that the effect of that union powerfully promoted the subsequent dismember- ment of the British Empire and the liberty and in- dependence of America. The motto, HIER, or, without the aspirate, lER, in the Celtic language signifies "West," and from it came the name of the country. Ere, Erin, or Ireland, and lerna, aspirated Hibernia. But the word HIER had in it a duplicate and equivocal signification, peculiarly appropriate as the motto of a society whose object was to "Unite" in fellowship the sons of the little isle of the "West" with those of the great continent of the "West." This medal the members were obliged to wear at the meeting of the Society under the penalty of 7s. 6d. for neglect to do so on St. Patrick's day, and 5s. on the days of the quarterly meetings.* * The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Philadelphia was founded in 1771. George Washington, adopted a member De- cember 17, 1 78 1, dined with the Society on St. Patrick's Day, 1782, and characterized it as "a society distinguished for the firm adherence of its mevibers to the glorious cause in which we are embarked." Other members were Generals Moylan, Shee, Wayne, Knox, Butler, Irvine, Hand; Commodore Barry, Jolin Mease, who crossed the Delaware with General Washington on the memorable night of December 25, 1776, and surprised the Hessians: and his brother, Matthew, who commanded the quarter deck guns under Paul Jones in the Bonhomme Richard's fight with the Serapis. On June 17, 1780, twenty-seven of its members subscribed 103,500 pounds sterling to furnish provisions for the army, Rob- ert Morris and Blair McClenachan each subscribing 10,000 The original records of the Society from 1784 to 1835, except the Treasurer's Book from 1804, were lost by fire in August, 1835, being at that time in possession of the Secretary, whose place of business was destroyed. The Society has been true to the principles on which it was founded. It has helped the needy and distressed, and has been the means of cementing life-long friendships among its members and among those who participated in its festivities. From the Society grew the Irish Emigrant Society and the Emigrant Industrial Savmgs Bank. Uniting to the charitable and humane the friendly and social feelings, it seeks to keep ever vigorous the love of Ireland and of the Irish character. It celebrates the festival of St. Patrick as a national and immemorial cus- tom, to commemorate the glory of Ireland, to drop a tear upon her sorrows and to express a hope for her regeneration. It has entertained illustrious and distinguished guests at its ban- quets. Its last notable dinner was given on May 29, 1902, to the French Governmental Mission attending the Rochambeau Monument ceremon- ies, in acknowledgment of which the Republic of pounds. William Constable, another member, an aide of Lafay- ette and partner of Robert Morris, was one of the founders of the New York Society.— Hood's Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 4^- 49 (Phila., 1844); Crimmins' Early Celebrations of St. Patricks Day, 215 (N. Y., 1902). France presented to the Society a magnificent Sevres vase now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Among the Society's members have been many of the great merchants, business and professional men of the city. To pass over the living, on its rolls appear the names of Alex- ander Macomb, Hugh Gaine, William Con- stable, Dominick Lynch, De Witt Clinton, John Caldwell, Thomas Addis Emmet, Robert J. Dillon, Joseph Stuart, Richard Bell, William Kelly, Joseph P. Kernochan, John Haggerty, Ogden Haggerty, William Sampson, David J. Graham, Charles O'Conor, James T. Brady, John R. Brady, Dr. Robert Hogan, Dr. Wil- liam James MacNeven, Very Rev. Dr. John Power, Thomas W. Gierke, Daniel Devlin, Henry L. Hoguet, Eugene Kelly, Joseph J. O'Donohue, Richard O'Gorman, John Savage, Jeremiah Devlin, William Whiteside, Thomas Barbour, Hugh J. Hastings, Thomas Francis Meagher, James R. Cuming, Charles P. Daly, Frederick Smyth, William R. Grace. Of these. Dr. William James MacNeven and Thomas Addis Emmet, whose names are indeli- bly written on the pages not only of Irish his- tory, but on the history of this city and State, became members of the Friendly Sons of St. lO Patrick in 1815. Facing Broadway, in the grave- yard of historic St. Paul's, are reared the columns upon which are noted their services to their na- tive country and to their adopted land, flanking on either side the tablet which perpetuates the memory of that other great Irishman, who fell at the siege of Quebec, General Richard Mont- gomery. Free from all religious and political charac- teristics, it stands at present the representative Irish society in the City of New York. The Recording Secretary gratefully acknowl- edges his indebtedness to Mr. Bartholomew Moynahan, Mr. John D. Crimmins and Mr. David McClure for valuable materials which have been freely used herein. John J. Lenehan, Recording Secretary. New York, March 17, 1905. II CHARTER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK An Act to Incorporate the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, in the City of New York. Passed February 13, 1827. Whereas, the members of a Society instituted for the rehef of indigent natives of Ireland, and their descendants, have petitioned the Legisla- ture for an act of incorporation, the better to enable them to obtain the objects of their associa- tion ; therefore I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That John Chambers, James McBride, James Magee, Alexander Charters, John Montgomery, John Cauldwell and Daniel McCormick, and such other persons as now are or hereafter shall become members of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in the City of New York, are hereby constituted and declared a body poli- tic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of **The Society of the Friendly Sons of 12 Saint Patrick in the City of New York," and by that name they and their successors, during the existence of the said corporation, shall and may have perpetual succession; and shall in law be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places whatsoever: and that they and their successors may have and use a common seal, and may change and alter the same from time to time at their pleasure : and also that, by their corporate name, and in their corporate capacity, they and their successors may purchase, take, hold, use and enjoy, sell, lease and convey any estate, real or personal, for the use and benefit of said cor- poration: Provided, That the annual income of such real and personal estate shall not at any time exceed the sum of five thousand dollars. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have power to make such con- stitution, by-laws and regulations, as they shall judge proper, for the appointment of officers, for the admission of new members, for the govern- ment of the officers and members thereof, for collecting annual contributions from the mem- bers towards the funds thereof, for regulating the times and places of meeting of the said So- 13 CHARTER ciety, for suspending or expelling such members as shall neglect or refuse to comply with the by-laws or regulations, and for the managing and directing the property, affairs and concerns of said Society: Provided, That such constitu- tion, by-laws and regulations be not inconsistent with the Laws or Constitution of this State, or of the United States : Provided further, that the said corporation shall not engage in any banking business, nor dispose of any of its funds for any other purpose than the relief of such members of the said Society, natives of Ireland, and children and grand-children of natives of Ireland, or of a member of said Society, as may become indi- gent and poor. 3. And be it further enacted, That the present officers of said Society shall hold their respective offices until others shall be chosen in their places. 4. And he it further enacted. That this Act be, and hereby is declared to be, a public act, and that the same shall be construed in all courts and places, benignly and favourably for every bene- ficial purpose therein intended, and that no mis- nomer of the said corporation in any deed, gift, grant, devise or other instrument of contract or conveyance, shall vitiate or defeat the same: Provided, The Corporation shall be sufficiently 14 CHARTER described to ascertain the intention of the parties. 5. And be it further enacted. That the Legisla- ture may at any time hereafter amend, alter, modify or repeal this act. [Laws of New York, 1827; chapter 42.] 15 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND SEAL OF THE SOCIETY Sec. I. The name of the Society, fixed by Charter granted by the Legislature of the State of New York, on the 13th February, 1827, is 'The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in the City of New York." Sec. 2. The seal of this Society shall be an Irish Harp, with the motto "Erin go Bragh." ARTICLE II membership Sec. I. There shall be three classes of mem- bers: (i) Active; (2) Life; (3) Honorary. The number of active members is limited to five hun- dred. Sec. 2. Gentlemen of the age of 21 years and over, being natives, or the descendants of na- tives, of Ireland, and of good moral character, shall alone be eligible for active or life member- ship in this Society. Sec. 3. The Society may elect honorary mem- bers, who shall enjoy all the privileges of active members, except those of voting and holding 16 BY-LAWS office. No person shall be elected an honorary member unless his name shall be first referred to the officers, who shall report thereon in writing at a regular meeting held not less than thirty- days after such reference. Sec. 4. Any candidate for active or honorary membership must be proposed by a member at a regular meeting upon written application of the candidate, who must state in writing his name, his profession or occupation, his place of resi- dence and business and such facts as will show him to be eligible for membership. Sec. 5. A member proposing a candidate shall be accountable to the Society for his initia- tion fee and first year's dues. Unless the same are paid by the member proposing or the candi- date elected, within thirty days after notice of such election, the latter shall forfeit his right to membership. Sec. 6. The initiation fee shall be ten dollars ; the annual dues, five dollars. Honorary mem- bers, in lieu of initiation fee and all dues, shall pay one hundred dollars, unless the Board of Officers in their report recommend, and the So- ciety by unanimous vote decide, that such sum shall be remitted. (As amended March 12, 1900.) BY-LAWS Sec. 7. The initiation fee is payable immedi- ately on the admission of a member; the annual dues are payable on St. Patrick's Day and are for the year then ensuing. Any member elected within three months before St. Patrick's Day need not pay dues for the year ending on that day. Sec. 8. Any member refusing to sign the charter of this Society when thereunto required, shall forfeit his membership, and his name shall be erased from the books of the Society. Sec. 9. If any member residing permanently in this city, refuses or neglects for the space of two years, or, if residing out of the city, refuses and neglects for the space of three years, to pay his annual dues, or shall be indebted to the Society for a sum exceeding fifteen dollars ($15), his name shall, by order of the President, be erased from the books of this Society, unless, for some good reason appearing to the Society, he shall, by resolution, be continued a member. Sec. 10. In case of the expulsion of any member, he shall nevertheless be bound to pay the amount of any indebtedness incurred up to the time of his expulsion. Sec. 1 1 . Any member wishing to resign, shall 18 BY-LAWS tender his resignation in writing, and such resig- nation may be accepted, provided the indebted- ness for which the said member may be in arrears shall then be paid up. Sec. 12. Any member may become a life member by vote of the Society and by the pay- ment of $100, which shall commute the payment thereafter of annual dues. Sec. 13. The amounts received for life and honorary membership and the surplus income of the Society shall become a permanent fund, the principal of which shall remain inviolate, and the income only shall be applied to the objects of the Society; except that if the Society shall resolve to purchase a permanent abode, the said principal may be applied to that purpose with the consent of three-fourths of the members. The income of the Society shall consist of initi- ation fees, dues, and the interest accruing from the investment of its permanent fund. Sec. 14. An army and navy list shall be added to the membership list of the Society, admission to said list to be governed by the qualifications of regular membership with the exception that no annual dues or initiation fee shall be charged. (Added November 18, 1901.) 19 BY-LAWS ARTICLE IIL OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY Sec. I. There shall be chosen annually at the Stated meeting of the Society in January, the following officers from among the members, to wit : A President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treas- urer, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and an Almoner. Sec. 2. The mode of choosing said officers shall be by ballot, and the persons receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. Sec 3. At the stated meeting of the Society, to be held on the third Monday of November in each year, there shall be elected by ballot, by a majority of the votes actually cast at such meet- ing, a comm.ittee of five from the body of the Society, which shall be known as the Nomina- ting Committee, whose duty it shall be to nomi- nate officers, to be voted for at the next elec- tion. Such committee shall be elected by bal- lot, and tellers shall be appointed to canvass the votes. It shall be the duty of such com- mittee to send by mail to each member the names of the candidates selected at least fifteen days previous to the election. 20 BY-LAWS Sec. 4. Members may propose candidates for officers other than those selected by the Nominating Committee; but they shall not be voted for unless a notice signed by not less than five members, stating the proposed candi- dates, shall be delivered to the Corresponding Secretary in time for that officer to mail such notice to each member at least five days before the election. Sec. 5. There shall be constituted in the manner hereinafter provided, the following standing committees : ( i ) Committee on Char- ity; (2) Committee on Accounts ; (3) Committee on Finance; (4) Committee on Admissions; (5) Committee on Anniversary Dinner, to be other- wise known as "Stewards." ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF OFFICERS Sec. I. The President shall preside in all meetings of the Society and shall perform all the other duties specifically devolved upon him by these By-laws. Sec. 2. The duties of the President shall, in his absence, devolve on the First Vice-Presi- dent, and, in his absence, on the Second Vice- President. 21 BY-LAWS Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall have the cus- tody of all the money and other property of the Society, and under the direction of the Com- mittee on Finance, he shall invest the same in such securities as it may direct, and when un- invested, shall deposit the same in such bank for savings or for deposit or in such trust com- pany in the City of New York as the Committee on Finance may direct. He shall keep regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements in suitable books provided for that purpose, which shall be open at all reasonable times for the inspection of the offi- cers and members. In the accounts so kept by the Treasurer, the amount and disposition not only of the perma- nent fund but also of the income of the Society shall be separately stated. In the auditing of his accounts by the Com- mittee on Accounts he shall be required to pro- duce vouchers for all disbursements. He shall at each stated meeting present an abstract of his accounts, stating the amounts received and expended since the last meeting, and on account of what fund they were received and expended; and state also, the balance then to the credit of each of the funds in his book. i 22 BY-LAWS Sec. 4. The Recording Secretary shall have the custody of all the records and journals of the Society. It shall be his duty to attend at all the meetings of the Society, and to make regular entries in a book of minutes, to be kept by him for that purpose, of all proceedings of such meetings, and of the names of members who attend. He shall keep a list of the members of the said Society. He shall also keep an account of the fees and dues that accrue. He may ap- point a proper and discreet person to collect the same, and shall allow such person reason- able compensation therefor. He shall pay over to the Treasurer, at least once in each month, all sums by him received, deducting the collector's fees on such part thereof as he may have collected. He shall promptly notify to the new members their election. He shall, at each stated meeting, exhibit an abstract of his books, showing the amount of moneys he has received since the last stated meeting; the names of the members whose dues remain unpaid, and the amount they owe; the names of such members as have ceased to be members of the Society pursuant to these By- laws. 23 BY-LAWS He shall, at the settling and auditing of his accounts, produce written vouchers for all sums he may have paid over to the Treasurer or to any other person. Sec. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall officially address and receive communications in the name of the Society, and notify the members of the stated and special meetings. He shall communicate all resolutions of the Society to such person or persons as they may affect. He shall act as Secretary to the Stewards in all matters pertaining to the anniversary dinner, shall issue the tickets therefor, collect payment for the same, and shall, in conjunction with the Stewards (as provided in Section 2, of Article XL), take charge of the general details of the anniversary celebration. He shall, at the settlement and auditing of his accounts, produce written vouchers for all sums he may have paid over to the Treasurer or to any other person. ARTICLE V THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ITS DUTIES Sec. I. The Committee on Finance shall consist of the President, First and Second Vice- Presidents, Treasurer and Recording Secretary. 24 BY-LAWS The Treasurer shall be chairman of the Com- mittee. Sec. 2. They shall have the management of the Permanent Fund. They shall direct the investment by their chairman of the moneys belonging to said fund, as often as the Society shall pass resolutions to that effect. They shall also direct the chairman in the collection of div- idends on stocks, or income, or other property belonging to the Society. Sec. 3. They shall have power to sell out stocks or other securities belonging to the Society, for the purpose of re-investing the same more advantageously, and of making such re- investment. Sec. 4. They shall report their proceedings at each stated meeting. ARTICLE VI the committee on charity and its duties Sec. I The Committee on Charity shall con- sist of three members, to be appointed by the President, together with the President and Almoner. Sec. 2. This committee shall have the con- trol and management of the Charity Fund; and all recommendations for disbursements from 25 this fund shall be made in writing, directed to the Almoner, and signed by some one of the members of this Committee; said orders must specify the names of the persons in whose favor they are granted. Sec. 3. Said Committee may expend for Charity any sum which, by resolution of the Board of Officers, may be set apart for that purpose out of the income of the Society, or from donations of members. ARTICLE VII THE COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS AND ITS DUTIES Sec. I. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of five members (to be appointed by the President), and the other Officers of the Society. Its duties shall be to receive proposals for membership and to make inquiries as to the fitness of the proposed member for admis- sion to the Society, and they shall elect or reject such candidate. The names of all applicants for membership shall be mailed to the members at least ten days before final action on them by the Committee on Admissions. ARTICLE VIII THE COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS AND ITS DUTIES. Sec. I. The Committee on Accounts shall 26 BY-LAWS consist of three members, to be appointed by the President. It shall be its duty, in the month of December in each year, or at such other time or times as it may deem necessary, to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretaries, and to examine the proceedings of the committees of Finance and Charity, and to report thereon to the Society at the next stated meeting. ARTICLE IX ^J THE STATED MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. Sec. I. The Society shall hold four stated meetings in each year, viz: on the first Monday of January, the first Monday of March, the first Monday of May and the third Monday of No- vember, in addition to the anniversary meeting on St. Patrick's Day. Sec. 2. All the meetings of the Society shall be held at such hour and place as the President, or person acting as President for the time being, shall appoint. Sec. 3. Nine members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the despatch of business, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 4. At each meeting the order of busi- ness shall be as follows: I. Roll call. 27 BY-LAWS 2. Reading minutes of the last meeting. 3. Reports of Officers and Committees. 4. Unfinished business. 5. New business. Sec. 5. All resolutions proposing the altera- tion, amendment or repeal of any by-law, or touching the funds of the Society, shall be sub- mitted in writing and handed to the Recording Secretary to be entered on the minutes. Sec. 6. No Committee or member of a Com- mittee, shall incur any expenditure, chargeable to the Society, unless from funds in the hands of the Treasurer, appropriated for the purposes. (Added November 16, 1903.) ARTICLE X SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. Sec. I. The President shall call special meet- ings of the Society when he shall judge it proper to do so, or when applied to for that purpose by the Committee on Finance, by the Committee on Charity or by nine members of the Society. They shall state to him, in writing, the object of calling such meeting. Sec. 2. Special meetings shall be confined to the transaction of such business as is indicated in the call for holding them, except in cases 28 BY-LAWS where the same are held by order of the Presi- dent or person acting as President without a requisition from any committee or members, in which case he shall, upon the organization of the meeting, state the object for which it was called. Sec. 3. Special meetings cannot act on any question of finance, or relating to the funds of the Society, unless there are at least twenty-one members present, three-fourths of whom must vote in favor of such question, and the yeas and nays on such vote shall be noted by the Record- ing Secretary. ARTICLE XI ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THE SOCIETY Sec. I. As the charitable object of this Society will be greatly promoted by assembling its members in social and friendly intercourse around the festive board on the anniversary of Ireland's tutelary Saint, the Society shall there- fore hold an Anniversary Meeting, and dine together on St. Patrick's Day, except when St. Patrick's Day falls on Sunday, in which case the following Monday shall be observed as the fes- tival. Sec. 2. The President and Vice-Presidents shall, after the election of officers, and before 29 BY-LAWS the Anniversary Festival, appoint five Stewards, whose duties shall be to select the place of meet- ing, provide the Anniversary Dinner, arrange the price thereof and, in conjunction with the President and Vice-Presidents, prepare the toasts, sign the invitation cards and take charge of the general detail of the Anniversary cele- bration. ARTICLE XII DEATH, RESIGNATION OR REMOVAL OF OFFICERS Sec. I. In case of the death, resignation or removal of any of the Officers of this Society, the Society at the next regular meeting there- after shall proceed to choose others in their stead, to serve for the remainder of the term for which such officer was elected. ARTICLE XIII THE MODE OF ALTERING THE BY-LAWS OF THE SOCIETY Sec I. No suspension, repeal or amendment of any of the by-laws of this Society shall be made, unless the proposition for such suspension, repeal or amendment shall be made in writing at a previous regular meeting, and a copy of such proposed amendment shall be given in the notice of each meeting at which action thereon 30 BY-LAWS is proposed; and such proposition cannot pass and take effect unless there are present twent- one members, three-fourths of whom shall vote in the affirmative. The yeas and nays on such votes shall be noted by the Recording Secretary. RULES BADGES. 1. Members are requested to wear their badges at all meetings of the Society. VISITORS. 2. The quarterly meetings are intended for members only. Members desirous of inviting guests are required to obtain cards of invitation from the chairman of the Stewards to entitle such guests to admittance. Members are expected to assist in maintaining this rule and to prevent the intrusion of uninvited guests and persons not in sympathy with the purposes of our Society. 31 ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK March, 1905 HONORARY MEMBERS Grover Cleveland Theodore Roosevelt Chauncey M. Depew Erazm J. Jerzmanovvski Randolph Guggenheimer Hermann Oelrichs MoNS. Bernard OReilly Thomas J. Lipton LIFE MEMBERS Robert J. Hoguet Richard P. Charles James P. Farrell John D. Crimmins Thomas Crimmins Michael J. Drummond W. Bourke Cockran ELECTED March, i860 March, 1876 Feb., 1878 Oct., 1882 Nov., 1902 May, 1890 Nov., 1885 LIFE MEMBER March, 1880 March, 1880 March, 1880 Jan., 1893 March, 1903 March, 1903 Nov., 1903 ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS ELECTED Gen. Michael V. Sheridan - - Nov., 1901 Gen. John F. Weston - April, 1903 33 ACTIVE MEMBERS AsPELL, Dr. John Adams, T. Albeus Adams, Samuel ELECTED June 1898 Jan. 1903 Mar. 1904 Brown, William L. Byrne, John Bruner, H. J. Brady, Daniel M. Brophy, John P. Bannin, Michael E Brady, Thomas J. Barden, Thomas F. Bingham, James M. Barrett, George C. Burke, Dr. Martin Bradley, Daniel I. Barry, John J. - Barbour, William Barrett, Thomas Brennan, p. J. Burr, William P. Byrne, Thomas J. Brennan, Isaac Bell Brann, Henry A. Belmont, Perry Barrett, Nicholas J. Brennan, Michael Burke, Walter A. Britt, Philip J. Brennan, John T. Burke, Wm. E. Mar. 1887 Mar. 1887 Nov. 1888 Sep. 1889 Jan. 1893 Jan. 1893 Jan. 1893 Feb. 1893 Feb. 1893 May 1893 Mar. 1894 Dec. 1894 Jan. 1895 Mar. 1895 May 1895 Mar. 1896 May 1896 Jan. 1897 Jan. 1897 Jan. 1897 Mar. 1897 Mar. 1897 Mar. 1897 Mar. 1897 Mar. 1897 Oct. 1897 Feb. 1898 34 ROLL OF MEMBERS Brenen, Mark W. - - - Mar. 1898 Blake, Michael - - - June 1898 BoNYNGE, Robert - - - June 1898 Beard, Frank S. _ _ _ June 1898 Best, George Emmet - - - June 1898 Byrns, John . - - . Dec. 1898 Brady, Anthony N. - - - Mar. 1899 Byrne, Cornelius E. - - - Dec. 1899 Byrne, Joseph M. - - - Dec. 1899 Bissell, Dr. Joseph B. - - - Mar. 1900 Bannon, Henry G. - - - Mar. 1900 Barrett, Michael T. - - - Dec. 1900 Byrnes, James C. - - - Nov. 1901 Barrett, John M. - - - Feb. 1902 Brady, Owen J. - - - Nov. 1902 Breslin, Frank J. - - - Nov. 1902 Byrnes, Thomas - - - May 1903 Butler, James - _ _ May 1903 Brady, Joseph T. - - - May 1903 C. Coleman, James S. - - - Feb. 1884 Crimmins, Thomas E. - - May 1884 Collier, P. F. - - - - Feb. 1885 CoNNicK, Andrew J. - - - Feb. 1885 Carey, William F. - - - Nov. 1885 CooNEY, Daniel F. - - - Mar. 1887 Croker, Richard _ _ _ Nov. 1888 CoLTON, Thomas J. - - - May 1890 Corcoran, Andrew J. - - - Feb. 1892 Coleman, Michael . _ _ Jan. 1893 Carroll, Howard - - - Jan. 1893 Crane, John . . _ - Jan. 1893 35 ROLL OF MEMBERS CuRLEY, Terence F. - - - Jan. 1893 Cranitch, William LA. - - May 1893 Constable, Howard - . . May 1893 Connelly, John . . _ Dec. 1894 CuRRAN, James _ . - May 1895 Conlan, Lewis J. - - - Nov. 1895 Callanan, L. J. - - - Nov. 1895 CoHALAN, Daniel F. - - - Mar. 1896 Crimmins, John D., Jr. - - Mar. 1896 Campbell, John H. - - - May 1896 Cunningham, Thomas F. - - Jan, 1897 Curry, Francis A. - - - Jan. 1897 Clare, William F. - - - Mar. 1897 Constable, Stevenson - - - Mar. 1897 Carroll, John F. - - - Mar. 1897 Cavanagh, John J. - - - Mar. 1897 Clarke, Joseph L C. - - - Mar, 1897 Conway, James L. - - - Mar. 1897 CuNNioN, Frank P. - - - Mar. 1897 Callanan, John P. - - - Oct. 1897 Connell, Hugh G. - - - Oct. 1897 Clarke, James - _ _ Feb. 1898 CuNNioN, Rev, Malick A. - - June 1898 Connolly, John A. - - - June 1898 Curry, Edmond J. - - - Dec. 1898 Caddagan, John P. - - - Mar. 1899 CoNNOLY, Theodore _ _ _ Mar. 1899 Clingen, John J. - - - June 1899 Coleman, Bernard F. - - - June 1899 Campbell, Charles L - - - Mar. 1900 Carroll, Edward R. - - - Mar. 1900 Cahill, John H. _ _ _ Mar. 1900 36 ROLL OF MEMBERS CoRBETT, Matthew _ _ . Dec. 1900 CoNNiCK, Andrew, Jr. - - - Mar. 1903 CuRRAN, James Ross - - - May 1903 Coleman, George E. - - - May 1904 Conway, Thomas F. - - - May 1904 Clarke, William Joseph - - Nov. 1904 Cockerill, John F. - - - Nov. 1904 DocHARTY, Augustus T. - - Mar. 1879 Daly, Joseph F. _ . _ Mar. 1880 Daly, Matthew _ . _ Nov. 1885 Dunne, James - - - May 1890 Doyle, John F. - - - Feb. 1892 Doyle, John F., Jr. - - - Feb. 1893 Duff, Michael - - - Dec. 1893 Deeves, Richard _ - _ May 1894 Doyle, Alfred L. - - - Jan. 1895 Doyle, James - - - Jan. 1895 Delahunty, John - - - Nov. 1895 Delany, John J. - - - Nov. 1895 Deering, James A. - - - Nov. 1895 Daly, Robert J. _ _ _ Mar. 1896 Donahue, Patrick - - - Jan. 1897 Davidson, John A. - - - Jan. 1897 Danvers, Robert E. - - - Jan. 1897 Driscoll, C. T. - - - Mar. 1897 Draddy, James J. - - - Mar. 1897 Day, Joseph P. _ - _ Ma> 1897 Da VIES, William G. - - - Oct. 1897 Donahue, John V. - - - Feb. 1898 Donahue, Frank M. - - - Feb. 1898 37 ROLL OF MEMBERS Davies, Julien T. - - - Feb. 1898 Dunn, Thomas J. - - - Feb. 1898 Delehanty, Francis B. - - Dec. 1898 Duffy, Col. Edward - - . Dec. 1898 Do WD, Willis B. _ _ _ Mar. 1899 Daly, Edward H. - - - June 1899 Doyle, Louis F. _ . - Mar. 1900 Donovan, Dr. Daniel J. - - Mar. 1900 Dunn, Charles Clark - - - Mar. 1900 Dunn, Bartholomew - - - Mar. 1900 Doherty, John F. - - - Mar. 1900 DowLiNG, Victor J. - - - Mar. 1900 Donohue, Matthew F. - - Mar. 1900 Duffy, William J. - - - Dec. 1900 Dunham, Thomas C. - - Mar. 1901 Despard, C. L. - - - Nov. 1901 Downing, Thomas H. - - - Feb. 1902 Duffy, John H. _ . . Peb. 1902 Duffy, James J. . _ - Jan. 1903 Daly, Patrick H. J. - - - Nov. 1903 Drummond, Walter J. - - - May 1904 Daly, John S. . _ _ Nov. 1904 E. Early, Edward . _ _ Dec. 1894 Early, Daniel J. - - - Mar. 1896 Emmet, Edward Fitzgerald - - Jan. 1897 Emmet, Robert - - - Oct. 1897 Emmet, William Temple - - Mar. 1899 Eyre, Edward - - - - Mar. 1899 Emmet, Dr. John Duncan - - May 1903 Emmet, Dr. Thomas Addis - - May 1904 38 ROLL OF MEMBERS F. Farrell, Edward D. - - - May 1884 FiTZSiMONS, Thomas P. - - Nov. 1885 Fox, John . . - Mar. 18S7 Fanning, William J. - - - Nov. 1888 Foley, John R. - - - Jan. 1893 Furey, John . _ _ - Feb. 1893 Fallon, Joseph P. - - - Dec. 1894 Farrelly, Stephen . - - Mar. 1895 Fitzgerald, James - - - Nov 1895 Finegan, Austin _ _ - Nov. 1895 Fearons, George H. - - - Mar. 1896 Fenlon, John T. _ _ _ Mar. 1896 FiTZPATRiCK, James M. - - Mar. 1897 Feitner, Thomas L. - - - Oct. 1897 Flynn, Joseph A. - - - Feb. 1898 Finn, John B. . - - Mar. 1898 Farrell, Edward J. - - - June 1898 Fitzgerald, Frank T. - - - June 1898 Farley, Charles J- - - - June 1898 Furlong, John . . - June 1898 Fagan, Lawrence . - - Mar. 1899 Farrell, William J. - - - Mar. 1899 Ford, John _ . _ _ Mar. 1899 Fransioli, William J. - - Mar. 1899 Fox, Matthew I. - - - ' Feb. 1902 Farley, Terence - _ _ Jan. 1903 Ferrer, Dr. Jose M. - - - Nov. 1903 G. Grant, Hugh J. . _ . Mar. 1887 Gilroy, Thomas F. - - - Oct. 1887 39 ROLL OF MEMBERS Gannon, Frank S. - - - Feb. 1893 Gibbons, John J. - . - Dec. 1894 Guy, Charles L. _ _ _ Dec. 1894 Godkin, Lawrence - _ _ Jan. 1895 Gallagher, Cornelius - - - Jan. 1897 Griffin, Patrick F. - - - Mar. 1897 Geoghegan, Charles A. - - - Oct. 1897 Goodwin, John - - - Oct. 1897 Gleason, Joseph J. - - - Feb. 1898 Gallagher, Patrick _ . _ Feb. 1898 GouLDSBURY, JoHN F. - - - June 1898 Gavegan, Edward J. - - - Dec. 1898 Gleason, John J. - - - Mar. 1899 Gavin, Joseph E. - - - June 1899 Geoghegan, Joseph G. - - - Mar. 1900 Gillespie, George J. - - - Dec. 1900 GoFF, John W. . - . Nov. 1902 Garvan, Francis P. - - - Nov. 1902 Gannon, Frank S. Jr. - - - Nov. 1902 Garvin, Michael J. - - - Nov. 1903 H. Higgins, Francis . . _ Dec. 1867 Hicks, Michael - - - May 1884 Hurst, William H. - - - Mar. 1887 Haggerty, j. Henry - - - Sep. 1889 Hennessy, Forbes J. - - - Jan. 1893 Harrington, John J. - - - Jan. 1897 Heany, George A. - - - Mar. 1897 Hopper, Issac A. - - - Mar. 1897 Haffen, Louis F. - - - Mar. 1897 Hassett, Edward _ _ _ Mar. 1897 Hanway, Patrick J. - - - May 1897 40 ROLL OF MEMBERS Haggerty, D. C. - - - Feb. 1898 Harvey, George B. M. - - - June 1898 Hayes, Timothy J. - - - June 1898 Halpin, Paul _ _ - June 1899 Hart, Charles F. - - - June 1899 Hart, James A. . . _ Dec. 1899 Hogan, John W. - - - Dec. 1899 Halloran, John _ _ _ Mar. 1900 Horan, Michael J. - - - Feb. 1902 Hoguet, Robert Louis - - Nov. 1903 Hennessy, Charles O'Connor - May 1904 J. Johnson, James G. - - - May 1890 Jones, John M. _ _ . ' Dec. 1894 Johnson, Alfred J. - - - Nov. 1895 Jackson, Charles A. - - - Dec. 1900 K. Kelly, William H. - - - Oct. 1882 Kelly, John P. . - . May 1884 Kiernan, Patrick - . . Oct. 1887 Kennelly, Bryan L. - - - Feb. 1891 Kiernan, Adrian T. - - - Jan. 1893 Kelly, M. J. - - - - Jan. 1893 Kelly, Thomas P. - - - May 1893 Kane, Daniel J. - - - May 1893 Kennedy, John J. - - - Dec. 1893 Kelly, Hugh . _ _ May 1895 Kenny, W. J. K. - - - Nov. 1895 King, Hugh - - - _ Nov. 1895 Keveney, Hugh _ _ _ May 1896 Keveney, Thomas J. - - - May 1896 Kelly, Eugene - - - - May 1896 ROLL OF MEMBERS Kelly, Michael J. - - - Jan. 1897 Kemp, Edward - - - Mar. 1897 Kenedy, P. J. . _ _ Mar. 1897 Keogh, Thomas F. - - - Mar. 1897 Kemp, George William - - Mar. 1898 Kennedy, Roderick J. - - Mar. 1899 Kelly, Thomas H. - - - Mar. 1899 Keane, John P. _ _ . j^ne 1899 Keane, James R. - - - June 1899 Kane, William A. - - - Dec. 1899 Kelley, John E. - - - Mar. 1900 Kenny, Paul T. - - - Mar. 1900 Kavanagh, Edward J. - - - Feb. 1902 Kelly, Edmund J. - - - Jan. 1903 Kenedy, Arthur - - - Nov. 1904 L. Lynch, Dr. John B. - - - May 1890 Lenehan, John J. - - - May 1895 Lynn, John . - . _ May 1895 Lyons, Jeremiah C. - - - May 1896 Lyons, Richard J. - - - Jan. 1897 Little, Andrew - - - Mar. 1897 Lawler, Thomas B. - - - Mar, 1897 LouGHLiN, Peter J. - - - Feb. 1898 Lenane, Thomas - _ _ June 1898 Lawrence, Joseph W. - - - Dec. 1898 Lough man, M. Francis - - Dec. 1899 Leslie, Warren - - - Mar. 1900 Larkin, Adrian H. - - - Feb. 1902 Lynch, John H. - - - Feb. 1902 Lavelle, Rev. M. J. - - - Nov. 1902 Lynch, Daniel E. - - - Nov. 1902 42 ROLL OF MEMBERS Lantry, Francis J. Lynn, Wauhope Jan. 1903 May 1904 M. Martin, James J. MoYNAHAN, Bartholomew Manning, John B. Mulqueen, Joseph F. - Macdona, Harry Moran, Dennis W. Morris SY, Thomas Motley, J. M. Martin, Daniel F. MuLRY, Thomas M. Murphy, Daniel P., Jr. Murray, Timothy J. M. Murray, Charles MoRRissEY, Dr. John J. Mosher, Thomas Mitchell, Richard H. - Mellon, William P. Morgan, Richard J. Mulqueen, Michael J. Murray, Andrew B. Moore, John D. Menahan, Patrick J. - Moore, John J. Mitchell, William P. Moore, John Martin, John F. Monks, John, Jr. Morgan, Rollin M. Mar. 1887 May 1890 Feb. 1893 Feb. 1894 Mar. 1894 Jan. 1895 Mar. 1895 Mar. 1895 May 189s Mar. 1896 Jan. 1897 Jan. 1897 May 1897 Oct. 1897 Oct. 1897 Feb. 1898 Feb. 1898 Feb. 1898 Feb. 1898 Mar. 1898 June 1898 June 1898 Dec. 1898 Mar. 1899 Mar. 1899 June 1899 June 1899 Mar. 1900 43 ROLL OF MEMBERS MoRAN, Daniel A. - - - Mar. 1900 MooNEY, Edmund Luis - Dec. 1900 MooNEY, Luis W. - May 1903 Meade, Richard W.- - Nov. 1903 Murray, Dr. Peter - Nov. 1904 Mc MacGuire, Dr. Constantine J. - - Feb. 1884 McClure, David - May 1884 McAleenan, Henry - Feb. 1889 McAleenan, Henry A. - Feb. 1889 McLean, Arthur A. - Sep. 1889 McClellan, George B. - Jan. 1891 McGuire, Edward J. - - Jan. 1893 McCreery, William J, - Jan. 1893 McAnerney, John - Jan. 1893 McGinness, J. R. - Feb. 1893 McDonald, William - Feb. 1893 McMahon, James - May 1893 McGrath, Dr. John J. - Mar. 1895 McCuLLAGH, John - Nov. 1895 McCarthy, John H. - Nov. 189s McCoRMicK, James W. - Mar. 1896 McGowAN, P. F. - Mar. 1896 McMahon, Daniel F. - - Jan. 1897 McCormick, Andrew A. - Mar. 1897 McCabe, Peter - Mar. 1897 McLouGHLiN, Peter P. - Oct. 1897 McGuire, Joseph Hubert - Feb. 1898 McOwen, Anthony - Mar. 1898 McCabe, Ambrose F. - - June 1898 McBride, Wilder - June 1898 McCall, John A. - - - June 1898 44 ROLL OF MEMBERS McGovERN, James - _ - June 1898 McHuGH, Frank A. - - - June 1898 McAleenan, John . . _ Mar. 1899 McAleenan, Arthur - - Mar. 1899 McAleenan, Joseph A. - - Mar. 1899 McManus, Edward F. - - - June 1899 McNuLTY, George W. - - - June 1899 McCafferty, Robert _ _ . June 1899 McKean, John B. - - - June 1899 McDonnell, Peter . . . June 1899 McCoRMicK, Joseph H. - - Dec. 1899 McCann, Charles E. F. - - Dec. 1899 McAuLiFFE, Dr. George B. - - Mar. 190G McDonnell, Robert E. - - Mar. 1900 McIntyre, Robert B. - - - Mar. 1900 McHuGH, Joseph P. - - - Dec. 1900 McManus, Dr. William T. - - Dec. 1900 McDonald, John B. - - - Dec. 1900 McLaughlin, John . . . Feb. 1902 McQuade, Edward A. - - - Nov. 1902 McManus, Terence J. - - Nov. 1902 McLaughlin, Charles L - - Jan. 1903 McMann, Henry W. - - - Jan. 1903 McCall, Edward E. - - - May 1903 McAdoo, William - - - May 1903 McGuiRE, John C. - - - Nov. 1903 McClure, John . . - Nov. 1903 McDonough, Joseph P. - - Nov. 1904 McAvoY, Thomas F. - - - Nov. 1904 N. Nunan, Denis _ - - Sep. 1889 Nealis, James J. - - _ May 1896 45 ROLL OF MEMBERS Naughton, Bernard - - , Jan. 1897 Nammack, Dr. Charles E. - - Feb. 1898 Norton, Sheridan S. - - - June 1899 Naughton, John H. - . . Peb. 1902 Noonan, John - . . Nqv. 1904 O. O'Brien, Morgan J. - - . Mar. 1879 O'DowD, Farrell F. - - - Mar. 1879 O'DoNOGHUE, Hugh • - - May 1884 O'DoNOHUE, Joseph, J., Jr. - - May 1884 O'SuLLivAN, John - . _ Feb. 1885 O'Brien, Miles M. - - - Feb. 1885 O'Connell, Daniel. - - . Feb. 1885 O'Donoghue, William. - - - Mar. 1887 O'Keeffe, John G. - - - Feb. 1891 O'Connell, John. - - . j^n. 1892 O'DwYER, Edward F. - - . Jan. 1893 O'Keefe, Alfred J. - - . Feb. 1893 Orr, William C. - - . May 1893 O'Brien, John P. - - . Dec. 1894 O'Day, Daniel. - - . jan. 1895 O'SuLLivAN, Sylvester J. - - Jan. 1895 O'Gorman, Richard. - - _ Jan. 1895 O'Gorman, James A. - - - Nov. 1895 O'Byrne, M. a. - . - Mar. 1896 O'Brien, David. - - . Jan. 1897 O'DoNOHUE, Louis V. - - - Jan. 1897 O'Reilly, George - - . Mar. 1897 Osborne, James W. - - - Oct. 1897 O'Connell, Charles D. - - Peb. 1898 O'Shaughnessy, E. J. - - - Feb. 1898 O'Neill, Frank. - - - Feb. 1898 46 ROLL OF MEMBERS O'SuLLivAN, Thomas C. - - Feb. 1898 O'CoNNELL, Daniel J. - - - Feb. 1898 0"D\VYER, Rev. Daniel H. - - Mar. 1898 O'DoNOHUE, Thomas J. - - Mar. 1899 O'DoNNELL, Thomas. - - - Dec. 1899 O'Reilly, Thomas. - - - Mar. 1900 Olcott, Chauncey. - - - Mar. 1900 O'RouRKE, John F. - - - Nov. 1901 O'Brien, James W. - - - Feb. 1902 O'Neil, Wilfrid N. - - - Feb. 1902 O'Brien, John J. . . . Mar. 1903 O'Brien, Edward C. - - - Nov. 1904 P. Phelan, James J. - - - Feb. 1886 Patterson, Edward. - - - May 1893 Philbin, Eugene A. - - - Jan. 1895 Perry, Charles J. - - - Nov. 1895 Penney, William N. - - - May 1896 Plunkett, James. _ _ - June 1898 Patterson, Edward Liddon. - - Mar. 1899 Petty, Robert D. _ _ _ Nov. 1902 Paine, William E. - - - Nov. 1904 Q. Quinlan, Dr. Francis J. - - May 1896 Quigley, J. M. _ . - Mar. 1897 Quinlan, John J. - - - May 1897 Quinlan, James. _ _ . Oct. 1897 Quinlan, Daniel J. - - - Feb. 1898 R. Rolston, Louis B. - - - Nov. 1885 Ryan, Thomas F. - - - Mar. 1887 47 ROLL OF MEMBERS Reid, John. - - Jan. 1893 Ryan, C. J. - - Jan. 1893 RooNEY, John Jerome - - Feb. 1894 RoGAN, John H. - - Jan. 1895 Ryan, C. J., Jr. - - Feb. 1898 Ramsey, Clarence J. - - Feb. 1898 Ryan, John J. - - Mar. 1898 Roe, Gen. Charles F. - - Dec. 1898 Ryan, Patrick. - - Mar. 1900 RiGNEY, Joseph. - - Mar. 1900 Richardson, Stephen J. - Mar. 1900 Rogers, Francis D. - Dec. 1900 Riley, Thomas P. - - Feb. 1902 Ryan, Joseph T. - - Feb. 1902 Ryan, William T. - - Nov. 1902 Rainsford, Rev. William S. - - Nov. 1904 Sloan, Samuel. S. . Mar. 1843 Shaw, Thomas F. - - Feb. 1884 Strong, Dr. Alexander - - Nov. 1885 Sullivan, Arthur T. - - May 1895 Scanlon, Michael J. - - Mar. 1896 Shayne, Christopher c. - Mar. 1897 Smith, Gen. George Moore - Mar. 1897 Silo, James P. - - Mar. 1897 Scully, P. Joseph - - Oct. 1897 Stapleton, Edward J. - - Oct. 1897 Sheehan, John C. - - Oct. 1897 Slattery, John - - Feb. 1898 Smyth, Philip A. - - Feb. 1898 Sweeney, James J. - - Feb. 1898 Sheehan, William F. - - Feb. 1898 48 ROLL OF MEMBERS Shanley, Thomas J. - - - June 1898 Shanley, Michael J. - - - June 1898 Scully, John H. ... Mar. 1899 Sheehy, Edward C - - - Mar. 1899 Slevin, James F. ... June 1899 Scully, John S., Jr. - - - June 1899 Sweeney, Edward J. - - - June 1899 Stewart, John ... June 1899 ScALLEN, William ... Dec. 1899 Smith, Andrew A. - - - Dec. 1899 Sasseen, Robert A. - - - Mar. 1900 Smith, Thomas F. - - - Mar. 1900 Smith, James ... May 1901 Stewart, Dr. William J. - - Feb. 1902 Sloan, Samuel, Jr. - - - Nov. 1902 Sheedy, Dr. Bryan De F. - - Nov. 1902 Sullivan, Cornelius J. - - - May 1904 Spellissy, Denis A. - - - Nov. 1904 Sloan^ Benson B. - - - Nov. 1904 Treacy, Richard S. - - - Feb. 1885 Treacy, Patrick S. - - - Oct. 1887 Tierney, Myles _ - . May 1890 Travers, Vincent P. - - - Feb. 1893 Travers, Francis C. - - - Feb. 1893 Thompson, J. Campbell - . - Jan. 1897 Thompson, Frank . _ _ Jan. 1897 Tierney, John M. - - - Mar. 1897 Taylor, William H. - - - Feb. 1898 Thomas, Hector W. - - - Dec. 1898 Travers, Ambrose F. - - - Dec. 1899 49 ROLL OF MEMBERS Tack, Theodore E. - - - Mar. 1900 TuLLY, James M. _ _ _ Dec. 1900 T ALLEY, Alfred J. - - - Nov. 1902 Treacy, Daniel F. - - - Mar, 1904 Taylor, George - - - Nov. 1904 V Vincent, John - - - . Feb. 1893 Vesey, John - . - . Mar. 1897 Ver Planck, William Gordon - Nov. 1901 W Walters, Charles F. - - - May 1884 Wingate, George W. - - - May 1884 Whalen, John - - - _ May 1890 Walsh, Patrick - - - - Dec. 1893 Walsh, Augustin _ _ _ Dec. 1893 Winters, Lawrence - - - Feb. 1894 Whealen, James - - - Jan. 1897 Williams, Jno. - - - _ Oct. 1897 Wall, Rev. Francis H. - - June 1898 Wemple, Henry Yates - - Mar. 1899 Whalen, P. H. - - - - Mar. 1899 Walsh, Patrick J. - - - June 1899 Watt, Thomas L. - - - June 1899 White, Thomas P. - - - June 1899 Walsh, Richard L. - - - Dec. 1899 Wyatt, William E. - - - Mar. 1900 Walsh, Dr. James J. - - - Mar. 1900 Woodlock, Thomas F. - - - Dec 1900 White, Martin J. - - - Feb. 1902 Y Young, George W. - - - May 1895 50 QtyTXvern, 1794 ...siHlilii ..,- ,;';,.■""•"-'***• - -fill J^ PLACES WHERE THE ANNIVERSARY DINNERS OF THE SO- CIETY HAVE BEEN HELD SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION TO THE PRESENT TIME. 1784 Cape's Tavern. [Now No. 115 Broadway.] 1785 The Coffee House. [Mr. Bradford's, in Water Street, near Wall Street.] 1786 The Coffee House. 1787 The Coffee House. 1788 Merchants' Coffee House. [S. E. Cor. Wall and Water Streets.] 1789 TO The City Tavern. [115 Broadway.] 1794 1795 The Tontine Coffee House. [N. W. Cor. Wall TO and Water Streets.] 1803 1804 The Old Coffee House. [In Water Street, neai Wall Street.] 1805 The Tontine Coffee House. 1806 The Tontine Coffee House. 1807 Phoenix Coffee House. [Wall Street] 1808 Mechanics' Hall. [N. W. Cor. Broadway ana Park Place.] 1809 TO The Tontine Coffee House. 1815 1816 Washington Hall. [Now No. 280 Broadway.] 1817 The Tontine Coffee House. 5» ANNIVERSARY DINNERS 1818 TO The Bank Coffee House. [S. E. Cor. Pine and 1832 William Streets.] 1833 The City Hotel. [115 Broadway.] 1834 The City Hotel. 183s The City Hotel. 1836 Washington Hotel. [No. i Broadway.] 1837 Washington Hotel. 1838 Carlton House. [N. E. Cor. Broadway and Leonard Streets.] 1839 City Hotel. 1840 Niblo's Tavern. [Broadway and Prince Street.] 1841 TO City Hotel. 1846 1847 AND No dinners — Irish famine years. 1848 1849 City Hotel. 1850 Delmonico's Hotel. [William Street.] 1851 TO Astor House. 1856 1857 TO Metropolitan Hotel. 1862 1863 Delmonico's. [Broadway and Chambers Street.] 1864 TO Delmonico's. [14th Street and Fifth Avenue.] 1868 1869 St. James Hotel. 1870 St. James Hotel. 1871 Hoffman House. 52 "ioNTi|vie (J'oFFEE House ,,, ii) ^ ANNIVERSARY DINNERS 1872 Hotel Brunswick. 1873 Delmonico's. [14th Street and Fifth Avenue.] 1874 Delmonico's. " " 1875 Hoffman House. 1876 Delmonico's. [14th Street and Fifth Avenue.] 1877 Delmonico's. " " 1878 Metropolitan Hotel. 1879 Delmonico's. [Fifth Avenue and 14th Street] 1880 Delmonico's. " " 1881 Delmonico's. [Madison Square.] 1882 Delmonico's. " 1883 Delmonico's. " 1884 Hotel Brunswick. 1885 TO Delmonico's. [Madison Square.] 1895 1896 Hotel Savoy. 1897 Waldorf. 1898 Waldorf-Astoria. 1899 TO Delmonico's. [Fifth Avenue and 44th Street.] 190S 53 f -r .|rrr ^ p r m ii 1 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE PRESIDENTS, TREAS- URERS AND SECRETARIES OF THE SOCIETY FROM ITS ORGANIZATION TO DATE. 1 784- 1 788 Daniel McCormick, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1 789- 1 790 William Constable, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1791 Alexander Macomb, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1792 Thomas Roach, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary I 793- I 794 Daniel McCormick, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 55 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1795 William Constable, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1796 George Pollock, President Hugh Gaine, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1797-1804 Daniel McCormick, President William Hill, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1805 Daniel McCormick, President John Caldwell, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1806 Daniel McCormick, President John Caldwell, Treasurer Christopher Prince, Secretary 1 807- 1 808 Daniel McCormick, President John Caldwell, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 56 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1809-181O Daniel McCormick, President William Bryar, Treasurer R. R. Waddell, Secretary 1811 Daniel McCormick, President John Chambers, Treasurer R. R. Waddell^ Secretary 1812-1814 Daniel McCormick, President John Chambers, Treasurer Nathan McVicar, Secretary 1815-1816 Daniel McCormick, President John Woodward, Treasurer Nathan McVicar, Secretary 1817-1820 Daniel McCormick, President James Magee, Treasurer J. Montgomery, Secretary 1821-1824 Daniel McCormick, President Michael Muldon, Treasurer Harris Blood, Secretary 57 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1825 Daniel McCormick, President Michael Muldon^ Treasurer A. Charters, Secretary 1826 Daniel McCormick, President J. B. Montgomery, Treasurer A. Charters, Secretary 1827 Daniel McCormick,* President J. B. Montgomery, Treasurer Joseph Alexander, Secretary •death of DANIEL McCORMICK, 1834- We have the painful task of announcing the death of the venera- ble Daniel McCormick, Esq., at his residence in Wall Street, yester- day afternoon. This amiable old gentleman alvi^ays stood high in the estimation of all who knew him. He was a true friend to the poor, and out of the abundance of his wealth, his gifts were bestowed liberally, and in the most graceful manner. The poor widow and the orphan, were among his earnest cares, and by them, and the commu- nity, his loss will long be deplored. Mr. McCormick was a native of Ireland, and one of Erin's brightest sons. May his example, in all good works, be followed by those of his countrymen in proportion to their means. — New York Gazette, Feb. i, 1834. Died on Friday afternoon, Jan. 31, 1834, Daniel McCormick, in the 91st year of his age. The friends of the deceased are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence. No. 57 Wall Street, this afternoon at half past four o'clock, without further invitation. The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick are requested to attend the funeral of their late respected member, Daniel McCor- mick, Esq., this afternoon at half past three o'clock precisely. — New York Gazette, Feb. 3, 1834. 58 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1828 John Chambers, President J. B. Montgomery, Treasurer J. Alexander, Secretary 1829 John Chambers, President J. B. Montgomery, Treasurer Thomas Cleary, Secretary 1830 John Chambers, President John Wilson, Treasurer R. A. FitzGerald, Secretary 1831 John Chambers, President John Wilson, Treasurer Dudley Persse, Secretary 1832 John Chambers, President John Moorhead, Treasurer Dudley Persse, Secretary 1833 John Chambers, President John Moorhead, Treasurer George S. Corbitt, Secretary 59 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1834 James McBride, President George S. Corbitt, Treasurer Dudley Persse, Secretary 1835-1836 Campbell P. White, President Samuel Osborne, Treasurer Dudley Persse, Secretary 1837 Campbell P. White, President Samuel Osborne, Treasurer Robert J. Dillon, Secretary 1838 Campbell P. White, President Arthur Stewart, Treasurer Dudley Persse, Secretary 1 839- 1 840 Dr. Robert Hogan, President Arthur Stewart, Treasurer William Arnold, Secretary 1841 Dr. Robert Hogan, President Arthur Stewart, Treasurer M. O. Barry, Secretary 60 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1842 Dr. Robert Hogan^ President Charles M. Nanry, Treasurer M. O. Barry, Secretary I 843- I 844 James Reyburn, President Charles jM. Nanry, Treasurer Charles H. Birney, Secretary I 845- I 848 James Reyburn, President Charles M. Nanry, Treasurer William G. Fitzgerald, Secretary I 849- I 850 James Reyburn, President Charles M. Nanry, Treasurer Charles H. Birney, Secretary 1851-1852 Richard Bell, President Charles M. Nanry, Treasurer Charles H. Birney, Secretary 1853 Joseph Stuart, President Charles M. Nanry, Treasurer Charles H. Birney, Secretary 61 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1854-1856 Joseph Stuart, President Charles H. Birney, Treasurer Richard O'Gorman, Secretary 1857-1858 Samuel Sloan, President Charles H. Birney, Treasurer Walter Magee, Secretary 1859 Richard O'Gorman, President C. H. Birney, Treasurer Walter Magee, Secretary 1 860- 1 862 Charles P. Daly, President Charles H. Birney, Treasurer Thomas Barbour, Secretary 1863 James T. Brady, President Charles H. Birney, Treasurer Thomas Barbour, Secretary 1864 James T. Brady, President Charles H. Birney, Treasurer A. O'Donnell, Secretary 62 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1865 Richard Bell, President Henry L. Hoguet, Treasurer William Whiteside, Secretary 1866 Joseph Stuart, President Henry L. Hoguet, Treasurer William Whiteside, Secretary 1867 Henry L. Hoguet, President William Whiteside, Treasurer James Reid, Secretary 1868 John R. Brady, President William Whiteside, Treasurer James Reid, Secretary 1869 Eugene Kelly, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Edward Boyle, Secretary 1870 Charles P. Daly, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Edward Boyle, Secretary 63 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 187I John R. Brady, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Robert J. Hoguet, Secretary I 872- I 874 John R. Brady, President William Whiteside, Treasurer S. O. A. Murphy, Secretary 1875 Thomas Barbour, President William Whiteside, Treasurer S. O. A. Murphy, Secretary 1876 Thomas Barbour, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Eugene B. Murtha, Secretary 1877 Hugh J. Hastings, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Eugene B. Murtha, Secretary 1878-1880 Charles P. Daly, President William Whiteside, Treasurer Eugene B. Murtha^ Secretary 64 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1881-1882 Charles P. Daly, President William Whiteside, Treasurer John McK. McCarthy^ Secretary 1883 Charles P. Daly, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer John McK. McCarthy, Secretary 1884 Charles P. Daly, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer John Savage, Secretary I 885- I 886 Joseph J. O'Donohue, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Francis Higgins, Secretary 1887 James R. Cuming, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Henry McCloskey, Secretary i8««-i; Joseph J. O'Donohue, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Henry McCloskey, Secretary 65 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1 890- 1 89 1 David McClure, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Henry McCloskey, Secretary 1892 John D. Crimmins, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Eugene Durnin, Secretary 1893-1894 John D. Crimmins, President Eugene Kelly, Treasurer Bartholomew Moynahan, Secretary I 895- I 896 James S. Coleman, President John D. Crimmins, Treasurer Bartholomew Moynahan, Rec. Sec. Edward J. McGuire, Cor. Secretary 1 897- 1 899 Morgan J. O'Brien, President John D. Crimmins, Treasurer Bartholomew Moynahan, Rec. Sec. Edward J. McGuire, Cor. Secretary 66 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST 1 900- 1 902 James A. O'Gorman, President John D. Crimmins, Treasurer Bartholomew Moynahan, Rec. Sec. John J. Rooney, Cor. Secretary 1903- 1905 James Fitzgerald, President John D. Crimmins, Treastirer John J. Lenehan, Rec. Secretary William Temple Emmet, Cor. Sec. 67 I^IQTT OF FORMER MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK WHO BY DEATH, RESIGNATION OR OTHERWISE, SINCE THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SOCIETY HAVE CEASED TO BE MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS MEMBER IN McCoRMicK, Daniel 1784 Gaine, Hugh 1784 Waddell, Robert R. 1784 Constable, William 1784 Macomb, Alexander 1784 Roach, Thomas 1784 Pollock, George 1784 Hill, William 1784 Shaw, John 1784 Pollock, Carlisle 1784 BiBBY, Thomas 1784 Flemming, Sampson 1784 Templeton, Oliver 1784 Bradford, M. 1787 Gibson, Dr. 1787 Smith, H. 1787 CoLLEs, Christopher 1788 Thomson, Charles 1788 Maunsell, Gen John 1789 Clinton, De Witt 1790 Edgar, William 1790 McVickar, John 1790 Price, Michael 1790 Saidler, Henry 1790 Charleton, John 1790 Constable, James 1790 Stewart, Alexander 1793 Wade, William 1793 Barnewell, George 1793 Glover, John 1793 Lynch, Dominick 1793 member in Kelly, John 1795 Wallace, William 1804 Caldwell, John 1804 Heeney, Cornelius 1804 Parks, John 1804 Hogan, M. 1805 Searight, J. 1805 Boyle, M. 1805 Carbis, J. 1805 Reid, D. 1805 Blake, Valentine 1805 Rutledge, William 1805 Craig, W. 1805 Sullivan, J. 1805 Bailie, William 1805 Bryar, William 1805 SuFFERN, Thomas 1805 Shaw, W. 1805 McCarty, Charles 1805 Dickey, R. 1805 Cranston, Alex. 1805 Roth, M. 1805 Craig, S. 1805 McCoMB, J. W. 1805 McConnell, James 1805 Murray, J. 1805 Phelan, John 1805 Morris, Andrew 1805 Macomb, John N. 1805 Phister, Alexander 1805 McEvERS, Gulian . 1805 70 FORMER MEMBERS member in Watson, James 1805 Kemp, Dr. 1805 Jephson, William H. 1805 Chambers, James 1805 O'Connor, Capt. 1805 Keith, John 1805 Prince, Christ'er 1806 McVicKER, Nathan 1812 Bailey, William 1812 Carberry, Thomas 1812 Chambers, John 1812 Craig, John 1812 Sterling, Wm. 1812 Macneven, Wm. Jas. 1815 Emmet, Thos. Addis 1815 McCarthy, Dennis 1815 Christian, Charles 1815 Woodward, John 1815 Montgomery, J. 1817 Magee, James 1817 Blood, Harris 1821 Andrews, David 1821 Nicholson, John 1821 Charters, John 1821 Kernochan, Jos. P. 1825 Laverty, Henry 1825 Moorehead, John 1825 Kyle, Wm. 1825 Gray, Andrew 1825 Muldon, Michael 1825 Charters, S. M. 1825 Alexander, Joseph 1825 member in Lynch, General 1825 Montgomery, J. B. 1828 Cleary, Thomas 1828 FitzGerald, R. a. 1828 Buchanan, Jas., Jr. 1828 Ingham, Charles 1828 Wilson, John 1828 James, Wm. 1828 Wright, John W. 1828 Hogan, Dr. Robert 1828 Cuming, Dr. 1828 Cassidy, Christ'r 1828 Trenor, Dr. 1830 Harvey, Jacob 1830 Bradish, Wheaton 1831 Persse, Dudley 1831 Sampson, William 1831 DoLAN, John T. 1832 EccLESTON, Edward 1832 Osborne, Samuel 1832 Boyd, Capt. Wm. 1832 Corbitt, George S. 1833 Fleming, John 1833 Bush, Dr. George 1833 Donaldson, Robert 1833 White, Robert 1833 White, Campbell P. 1833 Rice, Dr. G. C. 1833 Burke, Dr. 1833 McBride, James 1833 Lambert, Charles 1833 Doyle, John 1833 71 FORMER MEMBERS member in Tait, John, Jr. 1833 Emmet, Robert 1833 Brown, James C. 1835 Arnold, Dr. Wm. 1835 Dillon, Robert J. 1835 O'Neill, Capt. Felix 1835 MooRHEAD, John 1835 Usher, Luke 1835 Chambers, J. 1835 Warren, J. 1835 Montgomery. J. B., Jr. 1835 Redmond, Wm. 1835 Brown, Stewart 1835 Miller, James 1835 Foote, John 1835 Charters, Samuel 1835 Cummin, Thomas A. 1835 Wright, Dr. 1835 Charters, Alex. 1835 Millar, Jesse 1835 Maxwell, Matthew 1835 Power, Rev. John 1835 McAllister, Samuel 1835 Harden, Geo. 1835 Kane, Wm. 1835 Alley, Saul 1835 Adams, John 1835 Brown, James 1835 GiLLELAN, E. H. 1835 Gibson, John 1835 Ingoldsby, Felix 1835 Niblo, W. 1835 MEMBER in Nicholson, John 1835 Nichols, Samuel 1835 DoRE, John 1835 Buchanan, James C. 1835 Graham, Bernard 1835 Matthews, James 1835 McGloin, Edward 1835 Buchanan, Robert L. 1835 Bushe, George 1835 Bryar, James 1835 Burke, Michael 1835 Burke, Myles 1835 CuLLEN, Edward F. 1835 Cruise, Patrick R. 1835 Connolly, E. 1835 Cluff, John 1835 Denniston, James 1835 Dunn, Bernard 1835 Daily, Patrick 1835 Doyle, Dennis H. 1835 Fox, John 1835 Graham, David, Jr. 1835 Gray, Andrew 1835 Grattan, E. 1835 Hill, John 1835 Haggerty, John 1835 Haggerty, Ogden 1835 Jackson, Daniel 1835 Jackson, George 1835 Jackson, i homas 1835 Kyle, Jeremiah 1835 Kyle, Joseph 1835 72 FORMER MEMBERS member in Kelly, Robert 1835 Morrison, John 1835 Murray, Ham. 1835 McLaughlin, Peter 1835 Murphy, Thomas 1835 Mullen, John 1835 McKibben, Dr. 1835 McGrath, Daniel 1835 NiBLo, John 1835 O'Brien, William 1835 O'Brien, Francis 1835 Park, David 1835 Patterson, Robert S. 1835 ♦(Owing to the loss of the Society's books by fire in August, 1835, the foregoing list is necessarily incom- plete.) j. J, L. member in Powell, James W. 1835 QuiNN, John 1835 Rutherford, Robert 1835 Stinson, Edey 1835 Shaw, James 1835 Shaw, William 1835 Thompson, Alex. 1835 Thompson, Alex., Jr. 1835 Usher, kobert 1835 Wilson, Joseph 1835 Ennis, Thomas 1835 Kelly, William 1835 7i COMPLETE ROLL OF MEMBERSHIP MARCH 17, 1835 Arnold, Dr. William Alley, Saul Adams, John Brown, James C. Brown, Stewart Bradish, Wheaton Brown, James Buchanan, James C. Buchanan, Robert L. Bus HE, George Bryar, James Burke, Michael Burke, Myles Caldwell, John CoRBiTT, George S. Chambers, J. Charters, ^^lex. Charters, Samuel Cassidy, Christopher Cullen, Edward F. Cruise, Patrick R. Connolly, E. Cluff, John Cummin, Thomas A. Dillon, Robert J. Dore, John Denniston, James Dunn, Bernard Donaldson, Robert Doyle, John Daily, Patrick Doyle, Dennis H. Eccleston, Edward (Second Vice-President) Emmet, Robert Ennis, Ihomas FooTE, John Fox, John Gibson, John Graham, Bernard GiLLELAN, E. H. Graham, David, Jr. Gray, Andrew Grattan, E. Harvey, Jacob HoGAN, Dr. Robert Harden, Geo. Hill, John Heeney, Cornelius Haggerty, John Haggerty. Ogden Ingoldsby, Felix Jackson, Daniel James, William Jackson, George Jackson, Thomas Kernochan, Joseph P. Kane, Wm. Kelly, John Kyle, Jeremiah Kyle, William Kyle, Toseph 74 ROLL OF MEMBERSHIP, MARCH I7, 1835 Kelly, Robert Kelly, William Lambert, Chas. (Almoner) Laverty, Henry Magee, James MooRHEAD, John Montgomery, J. B., Jr. Miller, James Millar, Jesse Maxwell, Matthew Matthews, James Morrison, John Matthews, James, Jr. Murray, Ham. Montgomery, James Murphy, Thomas Mullen, John Macneven, Wm. James McBride, James McGloin, Edward McLaughlin, Peter McAllister, Samuel McKiBBEN, Dr. McGrath. Daniel McBride, George NiBLO, William Nicholson, John Nichols, Samuel NiBLO, John Osborne, Samuel (Treasurer) O'Neill, Capt. Felix O'Brien, >.illiam O'Brien, Francis Persse, Dudley (Secretary) Patterson, Robert S. Power, Rev. John Park, David Powell, James W. QuiNN, John Redmond, William Rutherford, Robert SuFFERN, Thomas Sampson, William Stinson, Edey Shaw, James Shaw, William Trenor, Dr. Tait, John, Jr. Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Alex., Jr. Usher, Luke Usher, Robert Usher, William White, Campbell P. (President) Wilson, John (First Vice-President) Warren, J. White, Robert Wright, Dr. Wilson, Joseph 75 COMPLETE LIST OF FORMER MEMBERS, WITH DATE OF ELECTION, SINCE 1835 ELECTED Ahern, John 1839 Armstrong, John G. 1839 Atkin, Richard 1839 Antisell, Dr. 1854 Armstrong, Edward 1859 Ashman, A. L. 1889 Buchanan, Robert 1836 Beekman, G.Clinton 1838 Bell, James C. 1839 Burrowes, Phillip 1839 Burrovves, Wm. H. 1839 Blondell, Charles 1839 Birney, Charles H. 1839 Barry, M. O. 1840 Boyd, John J. 1841 Burke, Michael 1843 Bell, Richard 1846 Barrett, William C. 1846 Byrne, Edward J. 1855 Barbour, Thomas 1858 Brown, William 1859 Barbour, Samuel 1859 Brady, James T. i860 Brady, John R. i860 Byrne, John 1861 Boyle, Edward 1861 Byrne, Francis 1863 Barbour, Robert 1864 Bradley, John J. 1867 Burns, John 1872 Brady, James B. 1874 ELECTED Brooke, Chas. W. Best, William J. Brown, G. Herbert BouciCAULT, Dion Bond, Thomas A. Bruner, Edward E. Brown, Martin B. BowE, Peter Burke, John Brown, Henry H. Bannan, John I. Brennan, Thomas S. Barry, John D. Berry, John BURCHELL, ThOS. H. Barrett, David L. Brookfield, William Boyle. Patrick C. Breslin, Michael P. Bayne, Samuel G. BuEL, Oliver P. Blakie, William Byrne, Walter A. Cluff, John Carl, William CuRRELL, William Callaghan, C. Crotty, Michael Carrigan, Andrew Connolly, Chas. M Connolly, Rich'd B. 874 879 879 879 890 890 893 893 893 895 896 897 897 897 897 897 898 837 839 840 841 842 843 843 844 76 FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 1 835 ELECTED Clerke, Thomas W. 1852 Carolin, Denis 1855 Carolin, James A. 1855 Clancy, John 1862 Campbell, Ross 1864 Connolly, J. T. 1867 Cody, Michael J. 1871 Cooney, John M. 1871 Courtney, Sam'l G. 1874 Carrick, Henry E. 1877 Carrigan, Joseph F. 1879 Caldwell, Dr. R. C. 1879 Cullen, Henry J. 1879 Cuming, James R, 1880 Connolly, Edmund 1880 Collender, Hugh 1884 Connery, Thomas B. 1884 CooGAN, James J. 1884 Cumin, John T. 1886 CuRTiN, John W. 1886 Coleman, George B. 1889 Cuskley, p. J. 1893 Campbell, James P. 1893 Cremin, Joseph D. 1895 Conway, James J. 1895 CoNviLLE, Thos. F. 1896 CoLLis, C. H. T. 1897 Clark, Wm. H. 1897 Cunningham, R. A. 1897 CoNviLLE, William 1899 Danagher, T. L. 1839 ELECTED Davison, William 1842 Derry, Edmund S. 1843 Dillon, Gregory 1843 Dever.\ux, J. C. 1843 Donnolly. Terence 1843 Donnolly, Nicholas 1843 Doyle, John T. 1845 Devlin, John E. 1845 Daly, Charles P. 1852 Dillon, John B. 1852 DoLAN, Patrick 1855 Donnelly, E. C. 1855 Doyle, John F. 1858 Devlin, Daniel 1859 Doyle, Edward i860 Devlin, John E. 1861 Devlin, Jeremiah 1861 Dillon, Dr. Richard 1862 Douglass, James 1862 Douglass, David 1866 Donnelly, Joseph J. 1867 Daly, Thomas J. 1867 Devlin, William 1871 DoNGAN, Alexander 1876 Donnelly, Wm. J. 1879 Devlin, Francis C. 1884 Devin, John C. 1886 DuRNiN, Eugene 1889 DiwER, Patrick 1889 Davidson, Arthur M. 1895 Duffy, Samuel E. 1897 11 LfcfC. FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 1835 ELECTED Dahlgren, John V. 1898 Dougherty, Thomas 1899 Ennis, Thomas 1837 Eddie, John 1858 Emmet, Richard S. i860 Elliott, John 1861 Ewart, Richard H. 1878 Early, John 1884 Egan, Joseph F. 1898 Foley, John E. 1839 FitzGerald, W. M. 1841 FiNNEGAN, Arthur 1843 Ford, George 1855 Fogerty, John B. 1858 Farrell, Tqhn 1859 Ford, George 1867 Ferrall, John 1868 Fenley, Mark 1875 Fallon, Andrew 1878 Fuery, John 1885 Farley, Phillip 1885 Floyd, James R. 1885 FiTZPATRICK, JaS. G. 1885 FiTZPATRICK, Jer'h 1886 Fox, Patrick 1890 Fox, John, Jr. 1893 Flynn, James 1893 FiTzsiMONS, Michael 1893 Farrelly, Patrick 1895 Farley, John T. 1897 Fitzgerald, Jas. M, 1897 elected Fell, Lawrence T. 1899 Fitzgerald, John E. 1899 Graham, Bernard 1838 Gill, Thomas 1838 Getty, Robert P. 1852 Gaynor, John 1867 Graham, William J. 1879 Grace, Mayor Wm. R. 1880 Gilmore, Patrick S. 1880 Gaffney, T. St.John 1886 Geoghegan. S. J. 1889 Gelshenen, Wm. H. 1890 Gilmore, Edward 1891 Galligan, T. p., Jr. 1893 Gregg, Joshua 1895 Garrison, L. McKim 1899 Haggerty, Ogden 1837 HoGAN, William 1840 Herdman, John 1841 Hunter, James 1841 Hunter, John C. 1852 HoGUET, Henry L. 1853 Hilton, Henry 1861 Hearne, Edmund L. 1862 Hart, E. 1863 Humphreys, A. 1866 HoGUET, Anthony L. 1866 Hastings, Hugh J. 1874 Harper, W. F. 1879 Hilton, Henry 1880 Harris, R. Duncan 1880 78 FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 183S Harden, James Halpin, Z. J. Healy, T. F. Hendrick, Peter A. Hayes, William Healy, John W. Hughes, Eugene Hepburn, Alonzo B Hillis, Thomas J. Haughian, Chas. p. Ingoldsby, Edw. M. Irwin, William Irving, George W. Jackson, George Jackson, Thomas Julian, Henry G. Johnston, Charles Johnston, John Johnston, James J. Jarvis, Judson Jenkins, Wm. T. Johnston, T. J. Johnston, Jocelyn Jameson, Wm. R. Kelly, Robert Kelly, William Keese, John Kiernan, John Keeffe, Geo. L. Kerrigan, Morris Kelly, Henry T. elected elected 884 Kelly, Eugene i86i 886 KiRKER, J. B. 1862 887 Kane, William J. 1862 893 KiRBY, P. 1864 896 Kelly, R. P. 1865 897 Ken nelly, William 1867 899 Kernan, Bernard P. 1872 899 Kelly, Thomas 1879 899 Kelly, W. S. 1884 899 Kelly, Michael J. 1884 867 Kavannagh, H. E. 1885 892 Kaughran, John E. 1886 895 Ken NELLY, William 1889 836 Kane, John P. 1890 837 Kelly, Edward 1894 877 Kemp, Edward 1895 879 Kelly, Thos. P. 1898 879 Kearney, Thomas J. 1898 884 Luke, William 1838 885 LowRY, Robert H. i860 893 Lawrence, Bryan 1867 897 Leavy, Matthew 1872 897 Leavy, Jas. A. 1872 903 Lummis, William 1872 837 LowREY, G. P. 1874 837 Lawson, Robert 1879 839 Lynch, M. A. J. 1879 841 Lynch, James 1879 843 Leavy, Joseph 1884 845 Lyddy, James M. 1885 846 Landers, Maj. John 1886 79 FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 1835 ELECTED Lardner, Wm. J. 1888 Lalor, William 1889 Leonard, P. H. 1890 Le Gendre, \v''illiam 1893 Lenihan, John T. 1893 Livingston, James 1898 Lee, John T. 1898 Maxwell, John 1838 Mulden, Richard, Jr. 1839 Mullen, John 1841 Macneven. Dr. 1843 Manning, John 1843 Magee, Walter 1855 Maxwell, L. W. 1855 Montfort, John 1855 Maguarau,Ed.Thos. i860 Montgomery, A. 1861 Meagher, Thos. F. 1861 MuLviHiLL, Patrick 1862 Murphy, James 1864 Murphy, Thomas 1864 Murphy, John 1868 Murphy, Sam'l O. A. 1869 Murphy, William J. 1871 Manning, John B. 1871 Murtha, Dr. E. B. 1872 Melvin, W. p. S. 1874 Moran, Daniel A. 1874 Murphy, Joseph 1874 Malcomson, a. S. 1877 Morrison, Rich'd. J. 1879 elected Macklin, John J. 1881 Moran, Michael T. 1884 Moerean, Edw'd H. 1886 Murray, Wm. H. 1886 Murray, Henry 1887 MosHER, John F. 1887 Moriarty, Thaddeus 1893 Mettam, J. Charles 1893 Milligan, Phillip 1894 Moran, William J. 1895 Martine, R. B., Jr. 1896 Mitchell, F. W. 1897 MuLLowNEY, M. J. 1897 Murray, M. T. 1898 MiNTURN, James F. 1899 MuLLiNs, Denis 1899 McGrath, Daniel 1836 McGloin, John 1837 McBride, George 1837 McGowEN, James 1841 McLaughlin, Peter 1843 McDonald, John i860 McCoNviLLE, John 1864 McMahon, Dennis 1871 McGowAN, John T. 1872 McClave, John 1872 McDermott, Wm. 1872 McConnell, John 1874 McMahon, M'tin T. 1874 McLouGHLiN, J'n p. 1875 McCutcheon, James 1875 80 FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 183S ELECTED McMahon, Percy H. 1876 McElroy, Daniel S. 1879 McCosKER. Davtd 1879 McLouGHLiN, J'n C. 1879 McKenna, Mich'lJ. 1879 McCarthy, J. JMcK. 1880 McCloskey, Henry 1886 McCarthy, Thos.M. 1886 McNuLTY, John R. 1889 McCoNviLLE, James 1892 McGuiRE, Joseph 1893 McCreery, John A. 1893 McCartney, James 1893 McGowAN, Dr. J. P. 1894 McCoy, Joseph F. 1897 McDermott, M. J. 1897 MacKenna, Geo. E. 1898 Nicholson, John 1837 Nelson, William 1840 Nanry, Charles M. 1841 Nicholson, James B. 1843 Neville, Timothy F. 1876 Nixon, Thomas 1877 Neill, Henry H. 1898 Nelson, Henry W. 1899 O'Brien, Francis 1837 Osbrey, Fred. L. 1840 O'CoNOR, Charles 1843 O'Connor, Bartley 1843 Ogilvie, John D. 1843 O'GoRMAN, Richard 1852 elected O'Brien, John 1855 O'Rourke, Felix 1855 O'Kearney, Thomas 1858 O'Donnell, Arthur 1862 O'Rourke, Felix E. 1862 Olwell, James 1867 O'Donoghue. Dennis 1867 O'Donohue, Joseph J. 1867 O'Donohue, John 1868 Olwell, James A. 1871 Ogilby, Wm. S. p. 1875 O'Connor, Charles 1876 O'CONNELL, ChAS.U. 1879 O'Shea, p. 1879 O'Hara, p. H. 1886 O'Neill, Francis 1887 O'Reilly, Francis C. 1887 O'Brien, Dr. J. A. J. 1888 O'Donoghue, T. 1890 O'Connell, Wm. H. 1893 O'BoYLE, Peter A. 1893 O'Neill, John 1895 O'Neill, James 1896 O'Donnell, Nich'as 1896 O'Beirne, James R. 1896 O'Reilly, Daniel 1897 O'Brien, M. M., Jr. 1897 O'Kennedy, J. J. K. 1897 O'Leary, Arthur J. 1898 O'Flaherty, Edw'd 1899 PowellJas.W.,M.D. 1837 FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 1835 ELECTED Power, Dr. William 1839 Phelan, James A. 1840 PiDGEON, Peter 1852 Philbin, Stephen 1879 Power, Maurice J. 1886 Parsons, Wm.E.,Jr. 1893 Pemberton, F. R. 1897 Prial, John J. 1898 Pollock, Robert W. 1898 Quinlan, Michael 1841 QuiNN, Dennis 1879 Quinlan. James H. 1893 QuiNN, John J. 1893 QuiNN, John 1898 Reyburn, James 1836 Rice, Gilbert C. 1840 Ryan, Thomas D. 1840 Roe, Chas. S. 1852 Reid, Joh:: 1855 Roe, Alfred 1857 Rice, Peter 1858 Rice, J. W. 1859 Reilly, Edward i860 Rice, H. J. 1862 Ryan, G. W. 1862 Reid, James 1864 Reilly, Robert T. 1875 Reid, James J. 1879 Robinson, Henry J. 1882 Roe, Alfred 1882 Reilly, Ben. 1885 elected Reilly, John 1887 Rath, Nicholas 1893 Robinson, Nugent 1896 Rhodes, Geo. B. 1896 Ryan, William M. 1896 Ryan, Matthew P. 1897 Rorke, James 1899 Stewart, Arthur 1836 Stuart, Joseph 1839 Stewart, James 1839 Shortis, Edward 1839 Shea, James 1843 Shortell, Edward 1843 Sheehan, C. H. 1843 Smith, Peter 1843 Smith, Bartlet 1843 Sweeny, Dr. Hugh 1843 Sloan, C. S. 1854 Scott, P. 1855 Scott, W. H. 1855 Smyth, Bernard 1858 Simpson, James R. 1858 Savage, John 1862 Slevin, James 1867 Stewart, John 1870 Smyth, Judge Fred'k 1871 Slevin, James M. 1871 Sewell, Robert 1874 Starr, Thomas 1876 Sullivan, A. S. 1876 Stuart, Robert W. 1876 8a FORMER MEMBERS SINCE 183S ELECTED Shea, Judge George 1878 Scott, Edward W. 1878 Sheridan, James F. 1879 Sigerson, Mich'l H. 1879 SiNNOTT, James F. 1879 Smythe, Henry 1879 Sayers, Henry J. 1880 Smith, Thomas C. 1882 Spellman, John H. 1884 Sweeney, Chas. D. 1885 Scott, Dr. E. Abner 1888 Slavin, H. B. 1892 Shea, George 1880 Sheehan, S. Garrett 1893 Sullivan, John A. 1895 Sweeney, C. D. 1895 Sadlier, Frank 1897 Steers, Edward P. 1897 Shanley, Bernard F. 1899 Thompson, CAPT.W.C.1836 'IHOMPSON, Alex.,Jr. 1837 Thompson, Alex. 1837 Taylor, James A. 1840 Tighe, Richard 1840 Trisdale, Fitzgerald 1840 TowNLEY, Wm. G. 1864 Treacy, John, Jr. 1874 Traynor, James J. 1885 Tinney, B. J. 1891 ELECTED Tone, T. Wolfe 1893 Wilson, John 1838 White. James W. 1839 White, John C. 1839 Watson, William 1839 Wells, Thomas H. 1839 White, John E. 1839 Waters, Martin 1844 Waldron, Nicholas 1852 Wilson, Edward J. i860 Walkington, D. B. i860 Whiteside, William 1861 Woods, David 1862 Whelan, Ignatius A. 1867 Wallace, T. P. 1869 Whiteside, James 1870 WiGGiN, Samuel B. 1879 Walters, Rich'd M. 1884 Walsh, R. B. 1885 Waldron, Hugh 1885 Wallace, James 1886 Wemple, Chris'r Y. 1897 Woodward, R. D. 1897 White, Ihomas F. 1897 White, Andrew J. 1897 Wallace, John F. 1898 Woods, William J. 1900 Whalen, Wm. H. 1900 Young, James C. 1899 83 o o ^ .S - "^ ' OS li o u H ^ q: X O < Plh Qi H CO CO O cc: cr D o < C/) ID > cc J H Q o oooo 1) ID- oi ^ :;oc;oco o J5 est- -:«o-K I'* 5> Oi •o .5 (-> d i> re P- i;5 ^w;3 2 3 u C r^^CU o p Ma ricai nt.) nt) nt) H 5 C/3 ^3 Bank Aniei er ce er ce er cei O t/5 . ao-o. O u •5^eS'a tdii < b xj= o o S y O u> t/1 PQ K pq &; OQO t-t-oo p^ (O iX 74 0, 2 < "£ >. rt .« ^^ CO = < 5 O MEMBERSHIP REPORT OF RECORDING SECRETARY Honorary members 8 Life members 7 Army and Navy Members 2 Active members at date of last preparatory meeting (January 4th, 190^) 499 Less— Deaths since last preparatory meeting 10 Resigned 2 Dropped 5 17 New members elected since last preparatory meeting 18 Active members 500 500 Total membership 517 Vacancies o Candidates on waiting list 81 New York, January 9, 1905. John J. Lenehan. Recording Secretary. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS To THE Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick : The undersigned, Committee on Accounts of your Society, beg to report that on December 20th, 1904. they examined the books of account of the Treasurer herein and found the same correct. The treasurer exhibited to your Committee, as property of the Society in his posses- sion, the following : 60 Shares, $50 each of the Bank of Manhattan Company ; certificate issued to and standing in the name ot the Society bearing date, August 1st, 1«50 $3,000.00 18 Shares, $100 each, American Exchange Bank, two cer- tificates issued to and in the name of the Society, dated January 23rd, 1854, and June 19th, 1858, respect- ively 1,800.00 Bonds, Columbus and Ninth Avenue Railroad Company, 5 per cent. Gold Bonds, $1,000 each, due September 1st, 1993 7,000 00 7 Bonds, Orange and Passaic Vallev Railway Company, 40-year 5 "per cent. Gold Bonds, $1,000 each 7,000.00 28 Bonds, Consolidated Traction Company, 40-year 5 per cent Gold Bonds, $1,000 each 28.000 00 (All of said bonds being transferable by delivery, but capable of being registered.) Cash in City Trust Company, standing in the name of "John D. Crimmins, 'Ireasurer," December 19th, 1904 ■ 3 620 59 Total $50,320.59 On the same day we also examined the accounts of the Recording Secretary of the Society which were also found correct. Dated, New York, December 28th, 1904. Respectfully submitted : David McClure Daniel O'Day John F. Carroll Sevres Vase Presented by the Republic of France to the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick IN the City of New York February i2th, 1903 Loaned by the Society to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. FORM OF BEQUEST I give and bequeath to " The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in the City of New York," incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York in the year 1827, for its corporate purposes, the sum of Dollars. FORM OF DEVISE OF REAL PROPERTY I give and devise to "The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick in the City of New York," incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York in the year 1827, for its corporate purposes, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land (Here describe the property.) INDEX Officers, 1905 3 Officers since 1 78^ 55 Committees, 1905 3 Note 5 Charter I3 By-laws 16 Rules 32 Members, Honorary 33 Life 33 Army and Navy 33 Active 34 Members, Deceased, etc. From 1784 to 1835 69 Roll of 1835 73 Roll since 1835 75 Anniversary Dinners, places of holding 52 Reports Treasurer 83 Recording Secretary 84 Committee on Accounts 85 Bequest, Form of 86 MAiS 27 1905 ■ii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 223 428 2 ■»"