E 178 .2 .H3 Copy 1 REVIEW QUESTIONS IN THE HISTORY & CONSTITUTION OF THE UISriTEI3 STA.TES, By W. T. HARRIS. ST. LOUIS. 1872. NKW 1:D1'J'1<>N, IlKViSKD AND KNi.AROKD PUBLISHED BY E. K. WOOD\YARD, 407 N. Fonrth Street. XO Ooxxtjs. Class ^nf Book Ji^ Copyright}!^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. REVIEW QUESTIONS 4> f ^-^ i> HISTORY i COiNSTITUTION OF THE UISriTED STATES. By W. T. HARRIS. ST. LOUIS. 1872. NKW KOITION, HE:VISED and KNLARaKD. PUBLISHED BY E. K. WOODWARD, 407 N. Fourth Street. Enter.d acQurdlng to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by E. K. Woodward, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, e~ REVIEW QUESTIONS IN THE HISTORY AND COJ(STITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. By W. T. HARRIS. [The pupil should form the habit of associatins; a cluster of events about each date. Tt is a good exercise to write a series of dates on the board, and call upon the pupil to name the events connected with them. It is a higher task to trace out the logical connection between events, and to fix the relative influences of individual plans, national character and local circumstances.] Period I: Discoveries. I. What led Columbus to make his first voyage across the At- lantic? What unsuccessful applications did he make for aid ? Give an account of his fleet, and state the number of his men. Date of his discovery of this continent? At what point? Name, date, and location of the first European town in America? How many voyages to America did Columbus make ? What earlier discovery of Amerit3a is on record? What of Da Gama? When did Spain become one monarchy ? Origin of the name ''West Indies?" II. Origin of the name "America?" Give an account of Balboa's discovery. Magellan's. When did Cortez sail for Mexico ? When did he complete its conquest? Who conquered Peru? When? Who discovered Florida ? In search of what ? What did De Ayllon accomplish ? What of Gomez and Narvaez ? Give account of the Portuguese discoverers. Cabral and Cortereal- What were the men under Cortez armed with? III. Who discovered the Mississippi river ? Relate his adven- tures. Who settled St. Augustine ? Santa Fe ? Name four other Spaniards who explored the interior of North America and the Pacific coast. Give an account of Verazzani's discoveries. Give some par- ticulars of Cartier's voyages. What Huguenot expeditions sent out by Coligny ? Who was Laudonniere ? Relate the exploit of De Gourgues. Origin of the name "Montreal ?" IV. Who selected the site for Quebec ? Date of the settlement of Port Royal? What voyage in 1497 bv Cabot? Had the con- tinent been discovered before? Relate something of Sir Francis Drake. What about Raleigh and the settlement of lioanoke ? Who were Bartholomew Gosnold and Martin Pring? Who was Wey- mouth ? What territory was included under the name Acadia ? Who was Sir Humphrey Gilbert ? Virginia Dare ? Origin of the name "Cape Cod ?" Of "Cape Fear ?" V. Give an account of the charters of North and South Virginia; defining the territories granted, and the councils governing their com- panies. When and where were the American fisheries opened ? What were the Spanish claims in North America ? The French claims ? • The English claims? Did the charters given by King James respect the French claims '( What geographical supposition was disproved by the explorations of Magellan, Drake and Balboa '/ What two conditions are necessary to complete a title by discovery ? VI. Who were the Aborigines of America? Their number? Name the eight principal families. State what you can of their physical characteristics ; moral characteristics. What about their amusements? Literature? Education? Dwellings? Money'/ Gov- ernment '/ Religion'/ Origin? Employments? To what class of society do the Indians belong ? What rank do they hold in the five races ? To what division does their language be- long? To what, their form of government? What notable event in Spain the year of the first voyage of Columbus? Name the five great contemporary rulers of the first part of the 16th century. What is meant by "New Style" and "Uld Style?" Name some great work (of which you have seen a copy or picture) of Raphael ; of Michael Angelo ; of Da Vinci; of Correggio ; of Titian. For what were Machiavelli, Ariosto, Copernicus, Camoens, Tasso, Spenser, and ' Sir Philip Sidney famous? What was the gunpowder plot? The Spanish armada ? Period II: Settleme7its. VII. Give an account of the settlement of Jamestown. Name the prominent men in the Local Council. What adventures had Smith ? Date of the second and third charters of the London Com- pany ? Give an account of the administration of Lord Delaware ; of Sir Thomas Dale; of Sir George Yeardley. Relate the story of Pocahontas. What about the raising of corn and tobacco? VIII. What were some of the provisions of the written Consti- tution of Virginia? What Indian massacre in 1622? Give the results that followed it. When was the London Company dissolved ? What led to it ? The second Indian massacre in Virginia led to what results? Give an account of the navigation acts. State the conduct of Virginia during the civil war in England. What were the exploits of Argall? In what way was slavery in- troduced? What about the scarcity of women in the colony? Criminals as servants ? IX. What was the character of Sir Wm. Berkeley ? What led to Bacon's rebellion ? What was its result ? AYhat settlement attempted under George Popham ? Who made a map of New England and gave it its name ? What was the Council of Plymouth ? Who were the Puritans ? What adventures had they before coming to America ? What was the object of the Puritans in coming to America ? To what place did they intend to came? X. Name the five chief men of the Plymouth colony. What treaty with the Indians did that colony make ? What arrangements about the cultivation of the ground ? What form of government had they ? What settlement did John Endicott found ? What one did John Winthrop found ? How early was a representative gov- ernment established in Massachusetts ? What man and woman were banished, and for what causes? What difficulties did the Puritans encounter the first year ? What productions did they raise and what traffic had they with the Indians ? What did they export to England? Who was Roger Conant ? What was the origin of "Thanksgiving day ?." XI. When was the union of the New Englnnd colonies formed ? What colonies entered it ? Give some account of the settlement of Maine. Give a sketch of the rise of King Philip's war, and state some of the particulars of the fight at Swanzey and South Kingston. What losses did the English sufier ? Who was Sir Edmund Andros ? Who was Sir Ferdinando Gorges ? Who were the " Royal com- missioners " ? Trace out on a map the localities of battles in King Philip's war, in the order of their succession. Results of that war to the whites ? To the Indians ? Grounds for the annulment of the New England charters by Charles I ? XII. Date of the settlement of New Hampshire? When joined to Massachusetts ? When s^^parated ? What early grants of the soil of Connecticut ? What migration to Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfiekl ? Who settled Saybrook ? Give an account of the Pe- quot war. When did the Connecticut colony adopt a constitution? What treaty with the Dutch ? Who was Wheelwright ? Robert Mason? Capt. Holmes? Thomas Hooker ? Capt. John Mason ? Uncas ? XIII. When was New Haven settled ? When united to the Con- necticut colony? What attempt of Andros in 1675? In 1687? Who settled Rhode Island ? What was his principle of action ? Who settled Portsmouth ? When was the charter of Rhode Island ob- tained ? What were its provisions ? What of the j'ight of suffrage? Who was John Davenport ? Theophilus Eaton ? Date and pro- visions of the charter of Connecticut? What two colonies had claims within its boundaries ? Who was William Coddington ? Canonicus and Miantinomoh? William Blackstone? Henry Bull ? XIY. Give an account of the discoveries of Henry Hudson. What claim was founded on them ? What settlement followed soon ? What territory received the name of New Netherland ? Name the four Dutch Governors, and give the dates of their accession. Under whom were the Indian wars carried on ? Who conquered and an- nexed the Swedes on the Delaware? What was the original cost of Manhattan Island ? Who were called "Patroons ?" Who was John Underhill ? XV. What grant was made by Charles II. in 1664? Relate the particulars of the English conquest of New Netherland. What was the character of the administration of Nichols? Of Lovelace? Of Andros? When was the "Charter of Liberties" established? What was the conduct of James II. toward the colonies ? Where was Fort Orange situated ? Where was New Amsterdam ? When did the Dutch retake New York ? Who was Thomas Don- gan ? What treaty did he make with the Five Nations ? Its effects ? Who was Jacob Leisler ? XVI. To whom was the territory of New Jersey conveyed in 1664 ? When and by whom was Elizabethtown settled ? Who was first Governor of New Jersey, and what constitution did the pro- prietors grant ? To whom did Berkeley sell his title in New Jersey ? Who settled Delaware ? When did it come into possession of the Dutch ? Of the Duke of York ? Of Pennsylvania ? What were the "North River" and "South River?" Where was Fort Nassau ? By whom was Newark settled ? Where was Christina ? XVII. Who was Lord Baltimore, and what grant did he obtain ? Give an account of the first settlement of Maryland. What were the provisions of the charter ? What was the cause of Clayborne's re- bellion ? Its result ? When was the Toleration Act passed, and what were its provisions ? W^hen did Maryland become a royal province, and under w^hat king ? Who was George Calvert ? Cecil Calvert ? Leonard Calvert ? How do the Rhode Island and Maryland Acts of Toleration differ? What advantage did the Protestants take of their numbers and pow- ers ? What treatment did the colonists of Maryland receive from the Indians ? XVIII. Give an account of the settlement of Philadelphia, and of Penn's treaty with the Indians. What people settled Pennsylvania? What did the first Legislature adopt ? What patent was granted to Lord Clarendon in 1663 ? What settlement was first made within the limits of North Carolina? Name the three colonies formed in tfie Carolinas. When was Charleston settled ? "Who were Mason and Dixon ? Who was Thomas Lloyd ? William Drummond ? John Yeamans ? William Sayle ? Who was Ashley Cooper ? XIX. What model constitution was drawn up for the Carolinas ? How did it answer? Give an account of the domestic dissensions in the Carolinas ; of the Navigation Acts ; of Seth Sothel ; of the mi- gration of the Dutch from New York ; of the Huguenots and Pu- ritans ; of James Colleton's administration. Who was Shaftesbury ? John Locke 1 When were the Carolinas united ? When separated ? XX. What section of the country were the English settlements confined to ? The French ? What event caused the Five Nations to become friendly to the English ? Give some account of the explora- tions of James Marquette and Louis Joliet ; also of La Salle. How many years between Joliet's and De Soto's voyages on the Mississippi ?" Who named the Mississippi valley "Louisiana ?'* After whom ? XXL What did the English claim in America at the close of the second period (1689) ? What possessions were claimed by France ? What did the Spanish claim include ? What was the population of the colonies in 1689, according to Bancroft? Describe the manners of the inhabitants of Virginia ; of New England ; of New York. Mention some of the peculiar laws of the Massachusetts colony ; of the Connecticut colony. What benevolent enterprise did Las Ca- sas attempt. XXII. In what colonies did the Church of England prevail ? Dutch Reformed ? Roman Catholic ? Calvinism? Baptist doctrines ? Quaker? In what colonies did persecution prevail ? When was the first printing press established in America ? What articles of com- merce did the colonies furnish ? What early acts in regard to edu- cation ? What Indian Missions were attempted in the early history of the colonies? When was Harvard college founded? When was weav- ing introduced ? When was cotton first cultivated in Virginia ? What acts in Massachusetts against the Quakers ? What did Gover- nor Berkeley say about free schools and printing? What the Gov- ernor of Connecticut ? What sovereis^n of England began to reign in 1509? in 1547? 1553? 1558? 1603"? 1625? 1649? 1660? 1685? 1689? 1702? 1714? 1727? 1760? What sovereign began to reign over France in 1515? 1547? 1589? 1610? 1643? 1715? 1774? What European countries were mvolved in the "Thirty years' war?" and what was the main issue of that war ? When was the Habeas Corpus Act passed by Parliament? What was the Edict of Nantes ? Who repealed it and when ? What effect did it have on migration to America? What was the League of Augsburg 'r* Who was Riche- Heu ? Galileo ? Cervantes i' ^ Moliere ? Milton r Shakespeare ? Kepler ? Bacon 7 Hampden ? Period III: Liter- Colojiial Wars. XXIII. What tour wars tended to unite the colonies for common defense ? Which was the last settled of the thirteen colonies ? When did New Hampshire become a separate colony ? Give some account of the Salem witchcraft. How many people were executed during its prevalence ? Give an account of Leisler's career and death ; of William Kidd's adventures, and of the Negro Plot Who was Cotton Mather ? What did Baxter, Blackstone and Sir Matthew Hall think of witchcraft ? XXIV. When were the Jerseys united under the Governor of New York ? When did Lewis Morris become Governor? When did the Carolinas finally separate ? Give an account of Oglethorpe's settlement. Who settled Biloxi, and when ? To what place did most of the settlers remove three years afterward ? What was the early history of Natchez ? When did Delaware obtain a separate legislative assembly ? What oi Tomochichi ? When was New Orleans founded, and by whom ? XXV. How many forts in the chain established by the French between Montreal and New Orleans ? Name the most important. Who erected the fort at Pensacola ? What gave rise to King Wil- liam's war ? How did the Indians side? Relate the circumstance of the burning of Schenectady, and name two other towns that shared the same fate. What about the expedition of Sir William Phipps against Port Royal ? Against Quebec ? What of Mrs. Dustan '/ Major Waldron ? XXVr. Give the date and provisions of the treaty of Ryswick. Causes of Queen Anne's war? Who began hostilities? What was the result of the Spanish attack on Charleston, 1706 ? Give an ac- count of the Tuscarora war in North Carolina ; of the war with the Yamasses in South Carolina. What shielded New York from the horrors of war at this time ? When was Port Royal taken ? Who was The Pretender? What was the "balance of power," and what treaty did it originate ? Who were the two srreat ministers in of Louis XIV ? Who was Col. Rhett? Gov. Craven? XXVII. What was the result of the expedition into Canada in 1711 ? Give the date and provisions of the treaty of Utrecht. Give an account of Oglethorpe's invasion of Florida; of his defense of Savannah. Wliat originated the war of the Austrian Succession '/ Relate the particulars of the capture of Louisburg. Of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. Wh(') was Hovenden Walker ? Govei-nor Dudley ? What was the occasion of the Spanish war in 1739? Who was the "Young Pretender?" Wm. Pepperell? Commodore Warren ? Duke D'An- ville ? XXVIII. What struggle in Europe went on at the same time with the French and Indian war in America ? Give an account of the Ohio Company and its diiRculties; of George Washington's mission to St. Pierre ; of the erection of Fort Necessity ; Fort Du- quesne. Why was the plan of union, adopted at Albany, rejected ? What quarrel about the boundaries of Acadia 'i What three ports were occupied by the French in the spring of 1753? From what colonies were the delegates to the Albany Convention ? Who drew up the plan of union ? XXIX. What four expeditions were planned in 1755 ? What was done with the Acadians ? Give an account of Braddock's defeat ; of Johnson's campaign ; of Shirley's. Who succeeded Dieskau as Frenc4i commander '? What success did he gain in 1756 ? In 1757 ? What did Loudoun attempt in 1757 ? What of Longfellow's poem of Evangeline ? What of John Arm- strong ? C©1. Monro ? XXX. What great British statesman took charge of affairs in 1758 ? What three expeditions were planned as^ainst the French in 1758? What successes did Boscawen and Amherst meet with? What caused the defeat ol Abercrombie ? Give an account of the success of Bradstreet and Forbes. What was the object of the cam- paign of 1759? What city stands on the site of Fort Duquesne ? XXXI. What expeditions in 1759 were committed to Amherst, Wolfe, and Prideaux ? Give the particulars of Wolfe's campaign. When was Montreal surrendered ? Give the provisions of the treaty at Paris. How did the Cherokee war end? What troubles to the English did Pontiac occasion ? What happened to him finally ? Relate the anecdote told of the deaths of Wolfe and Montcalm ? What islands did France retain as a shelter for her fishermen ? What of Col. Grant? XXXII. What three forms of government prevailed in the thir- teen colonies ? Name the colonies having the first form ; the second ; third. What was the population of the thirteen colonies in 1663? What changes had occurred in the manners and character of the col- onists ? What religious changes ? What of Wesley and Whitfield ? Where was Whitfield buried ? XXXIII. What can you say of education in the colonies at the close of the French and Indian war ? Name the five colleges. What was the name of the first American newspaper, and where issued ? What were some of the manufactures in the colonies ? To what ex- tent was agriculture carried on ? What "Acts" did Great Britain pass to prevent manufactures and commerce in America fin 1732, 1733, 1750, &c.)? io What of Jonathan Edwards ? Dr. Franklin ? What were Courts of Admiralty ? When did Peter the Great become Czar of Russia ? What of Charles XII. of Sweden? Who were Marlborough ? Fred- eric the Great ? Maria Theresa ? What of the battle of Culloden ? How did the British Empire in India begin ? Who was Newton ? Pope? Swift? Handel? Bach? Leibnitz? Period IV: The Revolution. XXXIV. What led to the American Revolution ? What was the condition of England after the " Seven years' war ?" What arguments for and against the right to tax the colonies ? Date of the passage of the "Stamp Act?" What were its provisions? What principle did the colonists maintain ? What opposition did Patrick ^enry make to the Stamp Act ? What colony issued a circular let- ter, and for what purpose ? What were the " Writs of Assistance ?" What of James Otis ? Of Charles Townshend ? XXXV. When, where, and for what purpose, did the first Co- lonial Congress meet ? What did this Congress adopt ? How were stamp officers treated ? What change in the British administration led to the repeal of the "Stamp Act ?" What Acts did Townshend secure the passage of, in 1767 ? What events followed? What did Lord North recommend ? Give an account of the Boston massacre. What colonies were represented in the first Colonial Congress ? What persons had before suggested a union of the colonies ? What associations were formed to oppose British taxation ? Which side did British merchants and manufacturers take ? What distinction was first made by the colonists between externnl and internal taxa- tion ? What principle did they finally adopt? What of the sluop "Liberty" ? Of the assemblies in Massachusetts, Virginia and North Carolina ? XXXVI. Give an account of the Boston Tea Party and its doings, and the events that led to it. What was the Boston Port Bill ? Eflect ot its enforcement ? When was the first Continental Congress ? Where did it meet, and who were its officers ? What action did it take? By what names were parties known in the colo- nies ? What was the spirit manifested by King George III ? What of committees of correspondence? Of North's project for cheapening tea ? The fate of the cargoes of tea sent to Charleston, Philadelphia and New York? What of the Gaspee? How many troops were sent to Massachusetts in 1768? In 1774? Name ten of the most distinguished men in the first Continental Congress ? What acts were passed by Parliament of an irritating character, early in 1775 ? XXXVII. Give an account of the battle of Lexington and its attendant circumstances ? What places were seized by Allen and 11 Arnold ? What action did the second Continental Congress take ? Give an account of the battle of Bunker's Hill. In what respect was this a victory to the Americans ? Who was Pitcairn ? John Parker ? Lieut. Col. Smith ? Seth Warner ? Israel Putnam ? John Stark ? Nathaniel Greene ? What three generals reinforced Gen. Gage before the battle of Bunker Hill ? What of Lord Dunmore on April 21st ? Patrick Henry ? Norfolk ? Name the four Major Generals and the eight Brigadiers appointed by Congress. Locate Copp's Hill, Breed's Hill, Bunker Hill, Beacon Hill, Dorchester Heights, and Cambridge on the map. Who was Joseph Warren ? What happened to Charleston ? When did Wash- ington arrive at Cambridge ? XXXYIIL Give an account of the invasion of Canada. What measures did Washington take to dislodge the British from Boston ? Give the particulars of the bombardment of Charleston. How many troops did England send over in 1776 ? For what is July Fourth, 1776, memorable ? What happened to Falmouth or Portland ? What fate met Ethan Allen in his attack on Montreal ? How many Tories went with the British at the evacuation of Boston ? What force had the Ameri- cans at New York under Putnam ? Who made the draft of the Declaration of Independence ? XXXIX. Give an account of the battle of Long Island, including the circumstances preceding. Relate the events that followed, speak- ing of White Plains, Fort Washington, Fort Lee. What was the effect of the victory at Trenton ? In what direction did Washing- ton go after the battle of Princeton ? What can you say of La- fayette ? What can you say of Mathew Hale ? Of Generals Sullivan and Stirling ? To what place did Congress retire from Philadelphia ? What of Generals Lee and Prescott and Col. Burton ? State the losses on both sides in the battle of Trenton ; in the battle ofPrince- ton. XL. When, and for what objects, was the battle of Brandy wine fought? How did the battle of Germantown result? Where did Congress go to ? Give an account of the expedition of Burgoyne, speaking of the battle of Bennington, the expedition of St. Leger, the battle of Bemis's Heights, and the final surrender. Relate the chief provisions of the "Articles of Confederation ?" Where did Washington post his army after the battle of Princeton ? Relate the encounters at Peekskill, Bound Brook, Danbury, Sag Harbor ? Who was Meigs ? Silliman ? Tryon ? Wooster ? Corn- wallis ? Lincoln? Baron De Kalb ? Pulaski? Kosciusko? What can you say of Paoli ? Pottsgrove ? Chad's Ford ? Forts Mifflin and Mercer? What was the object of Burgoyne's campaign? Mention something of St. Clair ; Schuyler ; Skenesborough ; Stark ; Baum ; Joseph Brant ; Herkimer ; Arnold and Morgan. What of 1^ the conduct of Grates toward Schuyler after the surrender of Bur- goyne ? What defects in the Articles of Confederation ? XLI. How did the American army fare at Valley Forge ? What was the Conway Conspiracy ? What depredations were made on British Commerce by American privateers ? When did France ac- knowledge the independence of the United States, and what led to it ? Who represented the United States in the French courts, and what had the French furnished ? What of the American flag? How many prizes were captured by American cruisers before 1778 ? Who was Esek Hopkins ? What were the Conciliatory Bills ? XLII. What movements did the British make after the French alliance with the United States ? Relate the particulars of the battle of Monmouth ; of the massacres of Wyoming and Cherry Valley. What manoeuvres by D'Estaing with the French fleet? What places were ravaged by the British? After the French alliance, to what quarter did the war change ? What of the conduct of Lee at the battle of Monmouth? Who was Baron Steuben? What of Sullivan's siege of Newport ? State the position of affairs in the autumn of the year 1778. XLin. Particulars of the capture of Savannah, unjtler Clinton ? Who attempted its recapture? Particulars of the conquest of Georgia ? Particulars of the capture of Stony Point by Wayne ? Success of John Paul Jones ? What about the continental currency ? Give an account of the capture of Charleston ? What about the proceedings of Cornwallis in South Carolina ? What can you say of Brier Creek ? Sunbury ? Col. Pickens ? General Ashe ? Stono Ferry ? Of the attack of D'Estaing on Sa- vannah ?, Of Pulaski ? Of Tryon and Putnam ? Of Fairfield and Norwalk ? Of Portsmouth and Norfolk ? Of Paulus Hook ? When did Spain join France in the war against England? When and for what reason was Newport evacuated by the British ? What of 'Monk's corner ? Waxhaw creek ? XLIV. Give an account of Gates' defeat at Camden ; of the bat- tle at King's Mountain ; of the efforts of Lafayette with Louis XVI ; of Arnold's treason ; of the revolt of Pennsylvania troops ; of the New Jersey troops. What course did General Greene pursue after the battle of Cowpens, in South Carolina ? Who was Robert Morris ? What battle at Fishing Creek ? How did Cornwallis treat the Whigs of South Carolina ? When did Greene succeed Gates ? What was the condition and occupation of the army under Washington during the winter of 1780 ? Who was De Ternay ? Rochambeau ? John Andre ? Wliat of Wayne and the Pennsylvania troops ? Of Arnold's raid in Vircrinia ? Of General Morgan ? 13 XLV. Give an account of the battle of Guilford Couvt-House; Hobkirk's Hill; Eutaw Springs. What course did Cornwallis take after the battle of Guilford Court House ? What combination was made against him at Yorktown ? VVhat was the effect of the vic- tory there ? How many soldiei?^ were furnished for the regular array by all the colonies? Name the four that furnished the largest num- ber. How were the American prisoners treated during the war ? What about Armstrong ? What remarkable incidents in the retreat of Greene before Corn- wallis in North (Jarolina? Who commanded the British in South Carolina after the departure of Cornwallis? What of Isaac Hayne ? What was the character of Greene's victories ? What raid against New London and Fort Griswold ? W^hat reinfoicements arrived too late to assist Cornwallis? Why did Washington appoint Lincoln to receive the surrender at Yorktown ? Who succeeded Clinton in command of the British ? Give an account of the disbanoling of the army ? XLVI. Name the commissioners who signed the treaty of peace with Great Britain on the part of the Americans. What were the provisions of that treaty ? What were the defects of the "Articles of Confederation ?" When was the present Constitution framed ? What parties did it give rise to ? When was it adopted ? W^hat was the total expense of the war to the colonies ? How much currency was issued? What effect did the war have upon Manners and Morals? Upon Religion ? Upon Education ? Upon Commerce ? Upon Arts and Manufactures ? Upon Agriculture ? Which colony did not send delegates to the convention that formed our Constitution? What of Shay's Insurrection? What w^ as the a?ifi-slave?y proviso of Jefferson? W^hat action w^as taken with re- gard to the importation of slaves? XLVII. What was the population of the United States at the close of the Revolution ? Date of inauguration of Washington ? What executive departments were organized ? Of what did the National Judiciary consist ? What plans were recommended by Hamilton ? What about the National Bank, Mmt, and permanent seat of government ? What invention by Arkwright and Hargreaves ? By Watt ? By Cart Wright ? What changes hfive these inventors effected in manu- facturing ? What can you say of the partition of Poland ? Of the death of Louis XVI ? Of the armed neutrality against the English claims to Right of Search ? XL VIII. Give some account of the whisky insurrection ; of Jay's treaty ; the treaty with Spain. What States were admitted during Washington's administration ? Whom did the Federalists select as their candidate to succeed Washington ? What doctrines did the anti-Federalists contend for ? 14 Who was the first Chief Justice ? What departments have been added to the Cabinet of the President since Washington's adminis- tration? What change in the District of Columbia? What about General Harmar ? St. Clair ? Wayne ? What dangers to America did the French Revolution bring ? What was the conduct of Genet? » How was Jay's treaty received ? What can you say of Washington's Farewell Address ? REVIEW QUESTIONS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. I. How many departments to the government of the United States ? Which one is vested in Congress ? Define Constitution y Preamble ; Legislative, In what respects does our Constitution re- semble that of Great Britain, and in what respects differ from it ? n. Give the Preamble. Of what two houses does Congress con- sist ? What are the qualifications of a Representative ? Define ^^ Represe7itative Population.'''' Why was the legislative power vested in two branches ? How was it under the Articles of Confederation? in. What are the qualifications of a Senator ? What is referred to by ''Each Senator shall have one vote ?" Define Elector, What does each house represent, and why was this difference made? Why is a difference made in the ages required in the qualifications of Repre- resentatives, Senators, and Presidents ? IV. What is the legislative power of the United States called? Of the State of Missouri ? Of the city of St. Louis ? Of England ? Of Germany ? Who has power x,o impeach f Who tries impeach- ments ? V. What is the custom in England with regard to impeachments? How far does ju