Ti,4 / / / LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS m 015 845 496 8 ! What The War Teaches or The Greatest Lessons of 1917 R. A. TORREY Dean of Bible Institute of Los Angeles Price 5c each ; 50c dozen. THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California. 52^ '64 \ 1 Copyright 1918 By R. A. Torrey py THE GREATEST LESSONS OF 1917 "We must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day : the night cometh, when no man can work." John 9:4. Our subject is, "The Greatest Lessons of 1917." You will find the text in John 9 :4, "We must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." You may not see at first the connection between the subject and the text, but you will as we go on, and especially as we close. The year that is just ending is the most momentous that any man now living has ever seen. There is reason to suppose that 1918 will be still more momentous, but that still lies in the future, about which it is not very safe to specu- late. The day in which we are living is the day of the largest opportunity and loudest call to unstinted self-sacrifice and untiring service. I would rather live today than any day of this old world's history. Every year has its lessons, but no other year is so rich in lessons as this. I. THAT THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD. The first great lesson that 1917 teaches is that the Bible is the Word of God. There has always been abundant proof that the Bible is the Word of God, but the occurrences of the present year give fresh, up-to-date illustration and proof that it is so. The year 1917 proves that the Bible is the Word of God in three ways: 1. First of all, the year 1917 proves the Bible to be the Word of God by fulfilling its prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy is conclusive proof that the Bible is the Word of God. Any book that has the power of looking centuries into the future and predicting with minuteness, precision and accuracy of time person, place and circumstance, events to occur cen- turies later, must have for its Author the only Being in the universe that knows the end from the begin- ning, that is, God. Three lines of prophecy have been particularly fulfilled this year : (1) First, prophecies about the Jews. There are two lines of prophecy concerning the Jews that have been fulfilled in a striking way during the past '©•^" FEB i:bl9ia .dci.A498484 ,^^ ( 11» ^^!