LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. PRESENTED BY UNITED STATES OP AMEEIOA. POEMS TRANSLATED FRO INI THE SPANISH AND GERMAN HENRY PHILLIPS Ju Das Schone blillit nur im Gesang"— Schiller PHILADELPHIA (One l)uulircb (0\nt3 ;l^ntc^, crclusiucU) for |lriiiiUc (ilirculatiiin. 1878. f- s?1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSLATIONS FROM THE SPANISH. Ode on the Ruins of Italica 7 How Gazul Slew the Bridegroom of Zaida 10 Romance by El Comendador Escriva 13 Battle of the French and Arragonese 14 Romance of King Rodrigo 15 Romance of Virgilius , 1(> Romance of Roderick 17 Romance of Reduan lit From my Balcony '21 Prophecy of the Moor 22 No te tardes 23 Romance of Count Martin and Donna Beatrix 24 Romance by Cristoval de Castillejo 25 Rio Verde '. 26 Romance of Lancelot of the Lake 29 Romance of the Battle of Roncesvalles 31 My Bark 32 Romance. Enfrenlcdela Cabana 33 De Hoy a Mafiana 36 Romance of the Deatli of De Lara 37 TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GERMAN. The Robber's Wife 41 Heimkehr 42 Song (from Uhland) 43 «Count Olaf 44 Erl King's Daughter 45 The Ring 1 47 The Magic Tree 4.S The Aged Miller 40 iii iv CONTENTS. A Lament (from Uhland) 50 The Acceptance 51 Steadfast 51 The Dream (Uhland) 52 Farewell (Uhland) 52 Too Late.. 53 The Saddened Eye.... 53 The Heart 54 On the Lake of Gmunden 54 The Dying Sinner *. 55 The Three Songs 56 The Faithful Steed 57 Henry IV and V 58 The Vengeance 59 A Danish Ballad 60 ^^The Duett 61 The Duel 62 •■The Calm White Water Lily 63 Belshazzar 64 ^NightSong (Geibell 66 A Wish GCy Pergolese (Geibel) 67 nVhen Two Hearts Drift Asunder (Geibel) 68 *The Bird of Good Luck (Chamisso) 69 ••■Es steht im Meer ein FeJsen 70 Hor' ich das Liedchen 70 *In April 71 First Meeting 71 The Two Kings 72 A Frank Confession 72 "••■Serenade (Reinicke) 73 *Die Liebe sasz als NHchti