Covyte-C-l C^ M I v&rs t t'l^ Address Book of the Quill and Dagger Society with the War Record Ithaca, New York MCMXXI Address Book of the Ouill and Dagger Society with the War Record Ithaca, New York MCMXXI Introductory Note This Directory is the first issued since that of 19 12, and is the third since the foundation of the Society. All post-offices for which no State is given are in New York State. A star indicates that a notice of the member will be found in Who's Who in America. A dagger means deceased. The number of members listed is 598, of whom 42 have died. In the preparation of this list the editor has been assisted by com- mittees from the Chapters of 1920 and 192 1, to which he expresses his thanks. C.S.N. ^^^ 21 !§2g [2] Class and Chapter List 1874 *Mynderse Van Cleef. Trustee of Cornell. Savings Bank Bldg., Ithaca, 1875 *Edward Leamington Nichols. Professor Emeritus of Physics, Cornell. 5 South Ave., Ithaca. 1877 *tCHARLE8 Spencer Francis. D. i Dec. 191 1 at Troy. 1878 *Albert William Smith. Acting President of Cornell, 1919-21. 15 East Ave., Ithaca. *RoBERT Henry Treman. Trustee. Ithaca. 1880 *Frank Irvine. Dean, College of Law, 1907-16. 210 Stewart Ave., Ithaca, *Dr. Charles Gray Wagner. Medical supt., State Hospital for the In- same, Binghamton. 1884 *tERNEST Wilson Huffcut. Dean, College of Law, 1903-7. D. 4 May 1907; committed suicide on a Hudson River steamer. 1886 *Charles Henry Hull. Prof, of American History, Cornell. 413 E. Buffalo St., Ithaca. 1887 fDoNALDSON BoDiNE. Was Prof. of Geology and Zoology, Wabash Coll. D. 26 Aug. 191 5 at his sunamer home on a small lake in Northern Michigan. 1888 Charles Hazen Blood. Trustee. Ithaca. 1889 *Charles Edward Treman. Trustee. Ithaca. 1890 * Justin Du Pratt White. Trustee. Nyack. 1891 fFRANK Arthur Barton. Commandant, Cornell. [Colonel, U. S. A* Inspector of S. A. T. C, Dept. of the East.] D. 5 Aug. 192 1 at Ithaca. Albert Alexander Bird. Lawyer. Cattaraugus. David Fletcher Hoy. Registrar. Ithaca. 31 ♦Arthur Starr Eakle. Prof, of Mineralogy, Univ. of California, Ber- keley, CaUf. George Harley McKnight. Prof, of English, Ohio State Univ., Colum- bus, Ohio. Leon Nelson Nichols. Pubhc Library, New York. Elmer Ebenezer Studley. 218 Queens Plaza Court, Long Island City. Harry Joseph Walter. Whitney Point. 1893 fGEORGE Henry Clauss, Jr. D. 14 May 1898 at West Lyons. *Elias Judah Durand. Prof, of Botany, Univ. of Minnesota. Lives at 2447 Como Ave., W., St. Paul, Minn. fHERBERT Guernsey Geer. D. 7 March 1900 at Baltimore, Md. Thomas Hall. 3747 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa. Theodore William Hill. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Ross Meacham Lovell. Chemung Canal Bank Bldg., Elmira. *JoHN Brainerd MacHarg, Jr. Prof, of History, Lawrence Coll., Ap- pleton. Wis. fCLiFTON John Melrose. D. 4 Feb. 19 14 at Independence, Kansas. *Clark Sutherland Northup. Prof, of English, Cornell. [Four- Minute Men; Liberty Loan Committee Pubhcity Work.] 407 Elmwood Ave., Ithaca. William Curtis White. 1200 Morgan Bldg., Buffalo. Lives at 46 High- land Ave. 1894 Elmer Ellsworth Bogart. Principal Morris H. S., New York. 227 S. Columbus Ave., Mt. Vernon. RoswELL Curtis Chapman. Norwich. William Porter Chapman, Jr. 39 Claremont Ave., New York. Orrie Pratt Cummings. 220 Broadway, New York. IFloyd Neilson Loveland. D. 10 March 1901 at New York. Irving Emerson Macomber. 12 Lincoln Apts., Toledo, Ohio. *Earl Williams Mayo. 82 Wall St., New York. Addison Berton Reed. 1959 82d St., Brooklyn. Ezra Pierce Reynolds. 29 Court St., White Plains. William Cravath White. Scarsdale. James Buoy Yard. Court House, Erie, Pa. 189s Clinton Leroy Bab cock. 18 Norman Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. Arthur William Barber. 32 Nassau St., New York. Charles Hammond Blatchford. 38 Bramhall St., Portland, Me. fSAMUEL Peaslee Carll. D. II Juue 191 1 at Parkersburg, W. Va. George Williston Collins. With Milwaukee Separator Co. Lives at 217 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Charles Hager. 522 Summit Ave., Syracuse. Edward Ulysses Henry. 803 N. Perry St., Peoria, 111. [4] fLouis Baldwin Howell. D. ii Nov. 1896 at Chicago, III. [Joshua] Roger Lewis. [Designated by Provost Marshal, General Crowder, to take appeals in First Draft assigned to Local Exemption Board No. 189, Queens Co.] With Guthrie, Bangs & Van Sinderen, 44 Wall St., New York. Rev. William Sortore McCoy. 22 College Ave., Rochester. IThomas McNeil. D. 14 March 1906 at Pittsburgh, Pa. Woodford Patterson. Secretary of the Univ. Morrill Hall, Ithaca. Waldo Franklin Tobey. 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. 1896 Oliver Dudley Burden. 509 University Place, Syracuse. William John Curtiss. 31 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Walter Henry Edson. Falconer. *WiLLiAM Henry Glasson. Prof, of Economics, Trinity Coll. Lives at 704 Buchanan Road, Durham, N. C. Glenn Washington Herri ck. Prof, of Entomology, Cornell. 219 Kel- vin Place, Ithaca. ♦Dexter Simpson Kimball (Stanford). Dean, Coll. of Eng. [Fuel Ad- ministrator, Tompkins Co. Director, S. A. T. C. Vocational Sec] 5 Central Ave., Ithaca. John Mason Parker. [Major, Ordnance Dept.] 113 Front St., Owego. *Charles Henry Rammelkamp. Pres. of lUinois Coll. Jacksonville, 111. Mark Woodhull Roe. 1743 Northfield Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. t Alfred Tennyson Sperry. D. in 191 7. Hugh Charles Troy. Prof, of Dairy Industry, Cornell. 305 Oak Ave., Ithaca. Frank Parker Ufford. 400 W. 11 8th St., New York. Herman John Westwood. [Chn. Pomfret Third Liberty Loan Com. Counsel to local Food Administration.] iii Broadway, New York. Zenas Winsor Wheland. With the Wheland Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1897 *tMAURiCE Francis Connolly. [Major, A. S. S. C, Regular Army. Sent to Wilbur Wright Field, Fairfield, Ohio, where he served as executive officer, salvage officer, accident investigation officer. Became military aviator. Received International Pilots' License from Aero Club of America. Trans- ferred to executive office of Bureau of Aeronautics, Washington. Member of Eastern Flying Circus for Victory Loan. Temp, adjutant to commanding officer, Rantoul, 111.] Killed 28 May 192 1 near Indian Head, Md., in an air- plane fall. Herman Diederichs. Director, Sibley School of Mech. Eng. Cayuga Heights Road, Ithaca. Irwin Esmond. Education Bldg., Albany. James Kenneth Eraser. With The Blackman Co. 116 W. 42d St., New York. Faun William Freeborn. Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. [51 fWiLLiAM Thompson Howell. D. 26 April 191 6. William Wiley Hubbakd. 32 Irving St., Montclair, N. J. Monmouth Hazlitt Ingersoll. 1927 Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. William McKeever. 1830 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Mark M. Odell. 915 22d Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. t[jAMEs] Oliver Shiras, 2d. KiUed in an auto accident 2 Oct. 1915 at St. Louis, Mo. Edward Orton Spillman. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Byron Houghton Stebbins. i W. Main St., Green Bay, Wis. James Grant Tracy. 24 Syracuse Savings Bank Bldg., Syracuse. Ernest Allen Van Vleck. 170 N. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Harry Hill Alcock. 96 Wall St., New York. Abram Bassford, Jr. Hartsdale. Henry Myers Bellinger, Jr. 135 Broadway, New York. Wilton Bentley. 295 N. Ashland Ave., River Forest, 111. Philip Henry Bradley. Andrew, Iowa. jLester Norton Cobb. D. 17 Nov. 19 16 at Cleveland, Ohio. Edward Emmett Dougherty. 728 Hohlman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. James Burton Fenton. 503 Erie Co. Bank Bldg., Buffalo. Dr. Lee Masten Francis. [Capt. at Base Hospital 115, A. P. O. 781, A. E. F.] 636 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. Jesse Fuller, Jr. 44 Court St., Brooklyn. t John Francis Murtaugh. [Major, U. S. A. Judge Advocate's office, Governor's Island, New York.] D. i Dec. 191 8 at New York. Jay Cromwell Nellegar. 1367 E. 48th St., Chicago, 111. t Jasper Raymond Rand, Jr. D. 30 March 1909 at Salt Lake City, Utah. *Daniel Alden Reed. [Federal Food Administration, sent to Europe.] Congress Hotel, Washington, D. C. Parton Swift. [Major, N. A. Hdqrs. 151 F. A. Brig., A. E. F. Brigade Adjutant and Chief of Staff, Camp Devens, Mass.] 125 Hodge Ave., Buffalo. Allen Edward Whiting. 320 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1899 William Kent Auchincloss. 569 West End Ave., New York. Theodore Layton Bailey. [Major, U. S. Aviation Section. C. O., Penn Field, Texas.] 74 Broadway, New York. IFrederick Aldrich Cleveland. D. 15 Oct. 1914 at Saranac Lake. Allen Norton Drake. Niagara Life Bldg., Buffalo. Lives at 25 Chapin Parkway. *Norman Judd Gould. Congressman. Seneca Falls. John Allen Haines. [Lieut., U. S. N. Aide to commandant, U. S. Naval Training Station, Gt. Lakes, 111. Overseas duty as administrative and executive aide to commanding officer of U. S. Naval Aviation Base, East- leigh, Eng. On return was executive officer of Aviation Mechanics School, U. S. Naval Tr. Station, Gt. Lakes, 111.] 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Ebenezer Hill, Jr. S. Norwalk, Conn. [6] Eads Johnson. 115 Broadway, New York. Herbert Blanchard Lee. [Lieut. Col., Co. A, 45th Artillery, C. A. C, Camp Eustis, Va.] 15 Whitehall St., New York. John Vincent Miller. 85 N. Wahiut St., E. Orange, N. J. tHowARD Hill Mossman. D. before June 1920. Robert Harris Ripley. 332 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Laurance Irving Scott. Royal Insurance Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Albert Stamford. 22 Rogers St., S. Norfolk, Va. William Boyd Stamford. 201 Abbott Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Clark Teagle. Pres. Standard Oil Co., 26 Broadway, New York. tHENRY Hiram Tuller. D. 19 Dec. 1903 at Richfield Springs. George Olds Wagner. Astor Court Apt., Broadway & 90th St., New York. Charles Crawford Whinery. With R. R, Donnelly & Sons Co., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Lives at 912 S. Sheridan Road, Highland Park, 111. Charles Van Patten Young. Prof, of Physical Education, Cornell. 112 Lake St., Ithaca. 1900 ♦Bristow Adams (Stanford). Prof., Editor of Publ., Coll. of Agr. [Four- Minute Men.] 202 Fall Creek Drive, Ithaca. Herbert Howard Bassett. [Major, Engr. Res. Corps. Constructing Quartermaster, U. S. Hospital 35.] With Groton Bridge Co., Groton. Arthur Samuel Blanchard. 211 Canderburg Road, Rochester. Joseph Kirkpatrick Bole. With Patterson & Sargent Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Lives at 1824 E. 97th St. Arthur Parsons Bryant. Sec, Spring Coal Co., 50 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Wallace Jones Childs. 90 CorneUa St., Utica. William Sears Estabrook. 718 Dillaye Bldg., Syracuse. Jacob Anton Fronheiser. With Title Trust & Guarantee Co., Johns- town, Pa. t James Henry Gould. D. 26 March 1905 at Flushing. Davis Hawley, Jr. 720 Electric Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Frederic Ellis Jackson. [Member R. I. Com., 191 7 Red Cross Mem- berships. Executive Committee for R. I. Member of Military Training Camps Association.] 1216 Turk's Head Bldg., Providence, R. I. Lives at 22 Gushing St. fHiRAM Murray Little. D. 20 May 1900 at Ithaca. William Osgood Morgan. 232 Orange Road, Montclair, N. J. fWiLLiAM Harbaugh Nevin. D. 2o June 1920 at Pasadena, CaUf. John Cleves Short. Dudley Park, Heidelberg, Lee County, Ky. fFRANK Littrell Stratton. D. 9 July 1914 at Louisville, Ky, Frank Sedgwick Tracy. [Member U. S. Food Administration, Wash- ington, D. C. (Distribution Division).] 329 W. Fayette St., Syracuse. Philip Will. 7 Highland Heights, Rochester. Wilfred LaSelles Wright. 50 Church St., New York. George Harper Young. 162 President's Lane, Quincy, Mass. .7] igoi Edwakd Renick Alexander. 1900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Arthur Olin Berry. Municipal Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. James Smith Dougherty. Box 1536, Atlanta, Ga. George Alexander Ferguson. [Capt. Engr. Corps, U. S. A. Super- vising engineer, Construction Div.] 423 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash. Welford John Golden. Steubenville, Ohio. Tally Bascom Little. [Colonel, Ordnance Dept.] 501 Citizens' Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Layton Stearns Lyon. With L. L. Stearns & Sons, Williamsport, Pa. William Metcalf, Jr. [Capt., Ordnance Corps.] ist Nat'l Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. James Cornish Otis. With Otis & Brill, Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Livingston Robertson. [Federal Food Commissioner, Onon- daga Co.] 320 Farmer St., Syracuse. Benjamin Haff Searing. Was a physician at 167 W. 8ist St., New- York. Address imknown. fCHARLEs Baldwin Sedgwick. D. 4 Dec. 1899 at Syracuse. Frederick Willis, [ist Lieut., Q. M. C, N. A.] 156 Fifth Ave., New York. *Manton Marble Wyvell. Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. 1902 Mark Anthony Beltaire, Jr. 29 Lawrence Ave., Detroit, Mich. Walter Oliver Beyer. With Dravo-Doyle Co., 1103 Diamond Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. [Robert] Allen Bole, i Liberty St., New York. Douglas Kinnear Brown. With Charles Brown & Co., 292 Church St., New York. Lives at 32-34 E. 31st St. Murray Fisher Crossette. 337 S. FrankUn St., Chicago, 111. Joseph Cook Culver. Wilson Bldg., Eau Claire, Wis. ToxAWAY Bronte Evermann. 206 Freemason St., Norfolk, Va. George Haines Hooker. [Capt., 4th Division, A. E. F. Red Cross Divisional Repres. In campaigns of Marne-Vesle, Meuse-Argonne, Army of Occupation.] 12 Flower Block, Watertown. John Alpin Kinney. 28 E. 52d St., New York. *Harold Lewis Leupp. Librarian, Univ. of California. [Major, 50th Co., 13th Bn., i66th Depot Brig., Camp Lewis, Wash.] Berkeley, Calif. Guy Edwin Long. 226 Reynolds St., Kingston, Pa. Charles Augustus Lueder. West Va. Univ., Morgantown, W. Va. jHenry Schoellkopf. Committed suicide 4 Dec. 1912 at Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Henry Teagle. 1125 Oregon Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ralph Ware. 481 Jackson Ave., River Forest, 111. 1903 fHENRY Fitch Blount, Jr. D. 24 Sept. 191 3, at Washington, D. C. John Washington Davitt. 124 First St., Aspinwall, Pa. [8] Arad Ward Evans. Evans Bldg., Washington, D. C. Peter Fisher, Jr. With Fisher & Fisher, attorneys, 212 Market St., Kenosha, Wis. John Cornwall Fox. 346 Main St., Penn Yan. Stuart Hazlewood. With Cambria Steel Co., Widener Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Frank Clarence Howland. With Thomas Phillips Co., Akron, Ohio. Lewis Roscoe James. 655 Parker Ave., Braddock, Pa. Porter Raymond Lee. 112 Forest Ave., New Rochelle. John Leland Mothershead, Jr. 721 St. John Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Charles Earle Mott. [Y. M. C. A. work at Bologna, Italy.] 112 Ash- land Ave., Buffalo. Robert Ryon. Hillsdale & Price Sts., Lansing, Mich. Edgar Delos Sebring. Groton. William Alfred Tydeman. Paximus Ave., Easton, Pa. fTnoMAS Jefferson Van Alstyne. D. 8 Oct. 1908 at Hanley, Canada. Henry Tracy Van Wagenen. With General Electric Co., 120 Broad- way, New York. Audenried Whittemore. 1 801 Boatmen's Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. WiNSOR French Woodward. [Executive Officer U. S. S. Pigna.] With Wentz Coal Co., 90 West St., New York. 1904 Wickham Htjrd Aldrich. 2040 Stearns Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Ernest George Atkin. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Charles Macdonald Brown, Jr. 32 East 31st St., New York. Henry Burgweger. 531 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. Christian McKee Dravo. Forbes St. & McKee Place., Pittsburgh, Pa. Morrison Fetzer. Hamilton City, Calif. Walter Stevenson Finlay, Jr. 600 W. 59th St., New York. Arthur Gordon. 587 Florida, Buenos Ayres, Argentina. Henry Edward Green. Petersburg. Haines Gridley. With Placer Co., East Auburn, Calif. Sanford Beebe Hunt. With Sunday Call, Newark, N. J. William Robert Johnston. [In service.] 105 La Salle St., Chicago. Lives at 134 S. Washington St., Hinsdale, 111. Norman Spear Lawrence. 1633 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. Allen Mason. 117 Walnut St., Elmira. George Jean Nathan. 44 W. 44th St., New York. Max Cyrus Overman. 250 W. 54th St., New York. Charles Albert Sleicher. With Troy Foundry & Machine Co., Troy. Ralph Moore Thomson. 253 Broadway, New York. William Augustus Whittlesey, Jr. Pittsfield Elec. Co., Pittsfield, Mass. 1905 George Charles Boldt, Jr. i W. 34 St., New York. Ralph Hinckley Bourne. 1247 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Isaac Victor Buchanan. 7 Franklin St., Auburn. 9] Arthue Dutton Camp. Chief chemist, American Ever Ready Works, Long Island City. Lives on Florence Ave., Bayside. Donald Reed Cotton. Head of Cotton & Co., petroleum products. 206 Wright Laboratory Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Chables Henry Curry. 713 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. George Steele Dewey. 600 Walnut St., E., Goldsboro, N. C. Robert A. Gardner. [Lieut. 305th Inf., Camp Upton.] Dalton, Pa. Walter Henry Gerwig. 131 Thirteenth St., Parkersburg, W. Va. James Lynah. Pres. Domestic Labor Saving Corp., 104 W. 44th St., New York. Lives on Ocean Drive, W., Shippan Pt., Stamford, Conn. Alan McDonald. 905 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Cahf. Garland Hubbard Mourning, Jr. 1332 Third St., Louisville, Ky. Joseph Gleeson Murphy. Mgr. Murphy Chair Co., Owensboro, Ky. IEdmund Taylor Newman. Committed suicide 31 Dec. 1912 at Syra- cuse. tHAROLD Wislizenus Pitzman. D. 21 Nov. 1906 at Wheeling, W. Va. Joseph Henry Ramsey. 1031 Broadway, Albany. Warren Ellis Schutt. Ithaca. fCHARLES Edward Tourison. D. 24 July 1907 at Pelham, Philadelphia, Pa. William Slade Voris. City Hall, Akron, Ohio. Benjamin Oliver Williams. 638 West California St., Pasadena, Calif. 1906 Lesley Ashburner. [Civ. Engr., Navy.] 3400 N. Charles St., Balti- more, Md. Harry H. Bates. With Bates Machine Co., Joliet, 111. James Lloyd Braman. [Capt., Q. M. C, U. S. A.] 192 Lark St., Albany. Edward Cairns. With V. & O. Press Co., Glendale. Lives at 358 N. Fullerton Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Edward Winslow Campion. With Buckeye Steel Casting Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. Leigh Marsh Champaign. 318 N. Plain St., Ithaca. John Dix Coffin. 133 Ridge St., Glens Falls. ICharles Ferguson Cook. [D. in service 11 Jan. 1919. Had been Major, Ordnance, U. S. R., Washington, D. C, in charge of Purchase Section, Gun Division, Army Ordnance Department. Died of influenza at St. Luke's Hospital.] Irvin Williams Day. hi W. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. Harold Asbury Earle. 265 Canal St., New York. Paul Folger. 666 Main St., East Rochester. William Henry Forbes. [Field Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Spent most of his time at 3d Aviation Instruction Center, Issoudun, France.] 13526 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Thomas Croxton Gordon. 1119 Grove Ave., Richmond, Va. Morris Samuel Halliday. [2d Lieut., Aviation Section, S. R. C, sta- tioned at Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Also stationed at St. Paul, Minn.] 2756 Lancashire Rd., Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. fCAKLOS Alfonso Martinez. D. in 1914. [Samuel] Sherman Peer. [Major, U. S. R. 313th Inf., Co. K. Later on special duty in War Plans Division, General Staff.] Savings Bank Bldg., Ithaca. Charles Gilbert Peterson. [Ensign, Industrial Manager's Office, Bldg. 22, Navy Yard, New York.] Mail returned 22 Dec. 19 19. Sylvester Cosgrove Preston. 7144 Meade St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Joseph Hanson Rose. 425 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Paul Arthur Schoellkopf. 730 Main St., Niagara Falls. Arthur Starr. 518 Academy Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. John Stearns. 446 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn. William Clifford Stevens. With Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Wilfred LeRoy Umstad. Care Dr. J. R. Umstad, 807 W. Main St., Norristown, Pa. Roger Sherman Vail. [Captain. Spent a month with 36th Division in Aisne River Campaign, then assigned to 86th Division. Later transferred to 41st Division with which he spent four months at St. Aignon-Noyers, return- ing with that division on the staff of commanding general.] 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Leon Cowles Welch. With Midwest Refining Co., First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo. Leroy Woodland. With George Pick & Co., 72 W. Adams St., Chicago 111. 1907 Oromel Harry Bigelow. Palmyra, Wis. Frank Carey Chapman. 51 Geranium St., Flushing. George Perrigo Conger. Asst. Prof, of Philosophy, Univ. of Minne- sota. Minneapolis, Minn. Laurence Jerome Conger. With Corona Typewriter Co., Groton. Willard John Crawford, Jr. 720 Cuyahoga Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Rowland Ashby Curry. Shanghai, China. Thomas Richard Henderson. 512 S. 42d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frederic John Herr. 284 Fifth Ave., New York. Webster Balkwill Holmes. 17 Crescent Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Franklyn Dana Hooper. 9 Webster Terrace, New Rochelle. Antonio Lazo. [Capt., Ordnance Dept., U. S. Army. Detailed to duty with General Staff.] With Bodell & Co., 115 Broadway, New York. Theodore Julius Lindorff. [2d Lieut., Air Service.] Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla. William Henry Lovejoy. With Louisville Water Co. 115 Hillcrest Ave., Louisville, Ky. Norman Clifford Mason. 60 Wall St., New York. John Harold Murphy. [Capt., 336th Inf. D. S. C. for extraordinary heroism in action near Puilly, France.] Garden Ct. Apts., Detroit, Mich. *tGEORGE William Nasmyth. D. 20 Sept. 1920 at Geneva, Switzerland. William Seymour Newman. Box 806, Billings, Mont. James Quigg Newton. 37 Wall St., New York. [II] Harold Diodate North. [Food Administrator of Cayahoga Co., Ohio.] 2221 Woodmere Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Newton Page. [Ensign, U. S. N., in command of U. S. S. C. No. 91.] Cornell Club, 30 W. 44th St., New York. Ray Rivington Powers. [Major, Machine Gun Bn., Paris.] Panama City, Fla. George Raymond Sailor. North Bend, Oregon. Sidney Wellington Treat. [Capt., Ordnance R. C, U. S. A. Trench Warfare Section, Gun Div.j With Signode Systems, Inc., 564 W. Adams St., Chicago. Lives at 445 Wellington Ave. Herman H. Van Fleet. Perry Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Sterling Wing, i Hollenden Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. Claeence Raplee Andrews. Penn Yan. Thomas Abbott Baldwin. [Lieut., Lafayette Radio, U. S. N. R. F. Croix d'Hins (Gironde).] 192 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Clarence Greenwald Bamberger. [Capt., Procurement Div., Artil- lery Section, Ordnance Dept. State chairman of Utah for ist and 2d Liberty Loan. Attached to War Industries Board, Washington, D. C] 161 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Charles Leininger Bradley. Union Commerce Nat'l Bank, Cleve- land, Ohio. Samuel Adams Cochran. 2122 Broadway, Little Rock, Ark. George Taj^dy Cook. R. D. i, Ghent, Ky. Edwin Earle, Jr. Box 558, Sahsbury, N. C. Samuel Baltz Eckert. [Major. C. O. of 17th Aero Squadron, France.] With Sun Oil Co., R. E. Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Albert Vergil Franklin. 412 W. 148th St., New York. Edwin Thomas Gibson. With American Sugar Refining Co., 117 Wall St., New York. Leroy Rosengren Goodrich. 400 Hutchinson Bldg., Oakland, Calif. Charles Barnett Goodspeed. [Capt., Ordnance Dept., Washington. Overseas service with 32d Div. at second battle of the Marne. C. O., Mobile Advance Repair Shop with 32d, 29th, and 42d Divisions. In Army of Occupa- tion with 42d Div.j 619 R. R. Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. William Edward H aeries. 71 Bay St., Toronto, Canada. Fred Lee Heilman. it Washington St., Greenville, Pa. Ralph Richard Lally. [Capt., Ordnance Dept., O. R. C] 605 N. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Warren McArthur, Jr. [Food Conservation Committee.] 30 W. Lyn- wood St., Phoenix, Ariz. Charles Clayton Oderkirk. 413 S. Eusa St., Tulsa, Okla. Joseph Newton Pew, Jr. Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Kenneth Lewis Roberts. [Capt. With A. E. F. in Siberia.] 4 New- berry St., care St. Botolph Club, Boston, Mass. Henry Stephenson Shope. Address unknown. Harold Joseph Snyder. With Corona TypewTiter Co., Groton. [12] Herbert Lawrence Trube. 647 Roscoe St., Chicago, 111. Robert Patterson Turner. 5528 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Herman Alfred Uihlkin. Whitefish Bay, Wis. Stephen Lott Vanderveer. [ist Lieut., Reg. Army.] i W. 34th St., New York. 1909 Charles Leslie Barnum. [Lieut., U. S. N. R. F. Asst. to Industrial Manager, New York, in charge of Repair Section, Third Naval District.] 415 W. 115th St., New York. August Carl Bohlen. [Capt., Ordnance Dept., attached to chief ord- nance officer, A. E. F.] 1002 Majeetic Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Robert Keene Caldwell. With Ault & Wiborg. 705 S. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Richard Henry Cobb. [Connected with Production Mgr. Ammunition and Gun Section, Ordnance Dept. Appointed to Executive Staff, Cleveland District, Claims Board.] 1905 E. 93d St., Cleveland, Ohio. James Joseph Cosgrove. [Capt., Officers' Training Camp, Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Major with 17th Inf. Served in Army Purchase, Traffic, and Supply.] With Sheffield & Betts, 52 William St., New York. Henry Milo Curry, Jr. 713 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fred Eugene Gardner. [2d Lieut., Aviation Sec, Signal R. C] 330 Eleventh St., North, New Rochelle, N. Y. Werner William Goetz. With W. R. Grace Corp., Hanover Sq., New York. Robert C. Hargreaves. [Sec, Highways Transport Comm., Council of National Defense.] 338 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Lewis Henry. [Chairman Four-Minute Men, Chemung Co. Member all Liberty Loan Committees for Chemung County.] 313 Realty Bldg., Elmira. Alfred Henry Hutchinson. [Capt. Ordnance Dept.] 8944 S. Hayne Ave., Chicago, 111. Harrison Pierce Reed. 711 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Gustav Jaeger Requardt. 616 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Frederick Adolph Rice. 20 Second St., San Francisco, Calif. Alfred Moss Roberts. With Wanakah Mining Co. P. O. Box 391, Ouray, Colo. Theodore Griffin Rockwell. 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. John Hull Scott. [Capt. N. A., U. S. R., 317th F. A., Battery C. Be- came Adjutant 15 Jan. '19.] 408 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert Watson Standart, Jr. 336 Iroquois Ave., Detroit, Mich. Walter Ledyard Todd. [Served 5 months as volunteer in "operations," Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. Lieut., senior grade.] 1475 East Ave., Rochester. Robert Elias Treman. [Capt., Signal Corps, U. S. A.] Cayuga Heights Road, Ithaca. Carl Hawley Watson. With Gregory Coal & Lumber Co., Great Neck. Curtis Miller Yohe. 5314 Westminster St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 13. IQIO Lawrence Robert Bandler. [ist Lieut., Ordnance Dept., A. E. F.] With West India Oil Co. P. O. Box 358, Caracas, Venezuela. RoLLO Kimball Blanchard. 50 E. 42d St., New York. Louis RiTZEMA Bogert. With M. A. Singer, 20 E. 27th St., New York. Gilbert Holmes Crawford, Jr. [Major U. S. R. 302d Engrs., 77th Div. Regimental Adjutant. In command of Co. B during Vesle-Aisne ad- vance and Argonne-Meuse offensive. Cited for building a bridge across Vesle in four hours. In June 19 18 regiment received Croix de Guerre.] 1220 Grand Concourse, New York. Maximilian Elser, Jr. [ist Lieut., with American Forces in Siberia. Major, Infantry.] With Metropolitan News Service, 432 Fifth Ave., New York. Edward Easson Goodwillie. With Bethlehem Steel Co., 1525 Guar- dian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Donald Stuart Gray, [ist Lieut., 350th Reg., F. A., drilling negroes. Overseas service. Promoted to Captain.] With Standard OU Co., 26 Broad- way, New York. Arthur Chapin Hastings, Jr. Room 609, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York. fRoGER Wolcott Hitchcock. [Lieut., A. S., Sig. R. C, 88th Aero Squadron. Killed in action 2 Sept. 1918. D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre.] Sargent Glenn Hoffman. Geyersville, Sonoma Co., CaUf. Malcolm Sleight Jones. 3 Auburn Courts, Brookhne, Mass. Andrew Park Kelly. [2d Lieut., Coast Artillery. Fort Howard.] 1839 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. Clarence Vincent Lally. [Lieut., U. S. N. R. F. Stationed at Sub- marine Base, New London, Conn.] With Nat'l Tube Co., 808 Ford Bldg., Detroit, Mich. William Wade Matchneer. 1414 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. George Franklin Pond. With Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., 168 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Clarence James Pope. [Capt. With Carriage Motor Equipment Sec- tion, Ordnance. In France.] With Geo. A. Fuller Construction Co., New York. Lives at 27 Tremont PI., Orange, N. J. Maximilian Francis Theodore Smith, Jr. 88 N. i6th St., Portland, Ore. Percy James Taylor. With The Crane Co., Chicago, 111. Arthur Frederick Tydeman. 463 Franklin St., Bloomfield, N. J. Rodney Olin Walbridge. [Private in Chemical Warfare Service. Sparks Withington Co., Jackson, Mich.] With Pitts Motor Car Repair & Sales Corp., 532-40 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. Theodore White. [Capt., Cav., O. R. C. 342d F. A. With Army of Occupation, Co. E, 314th Ammunition Train, 89th Division.] 411 N. New- stead Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Paul Williams. [Capt., F. A. In France five months, but not in ac- tion.] With Olney & Comstock, attorneys, 68 WilUam St., New York. Samuel Williams. [2d Lieut., U. S. A.] 177 Thirteenth St., East, Salt Lake City, Utah. [14] igii Adie Kyle Bell. [2d Lieut., Ord. R. C] HoUidaysburg, Pa. Hamilton Biggar Bole. [Vice-pres. of Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co., Cleveland, making Govt, munitions.] 1400 Illuminating Bldg., Cleveland Ohio. Leon R. Brown. Engineer with N. Y. State Railways, 267 State St., Rochester. Lives at 76 Winton Road, South. [Frink] Dana Burnet. With The Evening Sun, New York. Ralph Edgar Chapman. 49 Westminster Road, Brooklyn. Clarence Harvey Cull. With D. L. Seymour & Co., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Charles Harding Divine. [Lieut., Signal Corps, A. E. F. Author of "City Ways and Company Streets," poems of soldier hfe. Studied at the Sorbonne.] 201 Court St., Binghamton. Luther D. Emmert. University Club, Evanston, 111. Henry Webster Ford. 135 Linden Ave., Flatbush. William Emery Hawke. [F. A. C. O. T. C, Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky.] With American Express Co., 65 Broadway, New York. Raymond Pearce Heath. 21 Olyphant Park, Morristown, N. J. Roy L. Leventry. Box 933, Youngstown, Ohio. Howard Addison Lincoln. [Lieut., Artillery.] With Sullivan Machinery Co., Claremont, N. H. Thomas Russell Ludlam. [Corp., 40th Co., loth Bn., i6oth Depot Brig., Camp Custer, Mich.] With Egyptian Portland Cement Co., Fenton, Mich. Edmund Burke Magner. [Lieut., U. S. N. In charge of InteUigence Bureau of 6th Naval District, stationed at Charleston, S. C] 165 Cleveland Ave., Buffalo. Frank Calvin Osborn. [ist Lieut., Aviation, U. S. R.] Box 236, Dobbs Ferry. Lawrence Joseph Peake. [ist Lieut., Ordnance Dept., Inspection Div., Washington.] Long Eddy. Walker Fairfield Peterson. 108 Edgevale Road, Roland Park, Md. IArthur Meredyth Roberts. [Cadet, Aviation. Killed in airplane col- Usion in Toul Sector, France, 18 Oct. 191 8.] Edwin Everitt Sheridan. [Lieut, (j. g.), U. S. N. Went to Arch- angel.] 1 151 Roscoe St., Chicago, 111. Elmer Ellsworth Thompson, Jr. 609!/^ W. Gray St., Elmira. John Edgar Thomson. 253 Broadway, New York. John Gourlay Turnbull. 27 Cedar St., New York. LeRoy Pierpoint Ward. 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York. Edgar Stow Wheelan. 20 E. 35th St., New York. 1912 Clinton Seth Abbott. With Minnesota By-Products Co., St. Paul, Minn. Alan Husted Colcord. 163 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Silas Hilton Crounse, Jr. Cambridge Road, College Hills, Madison, Wis. 151 Walter George Distler. 2905 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. ExjGENE P. DuGAN. 21 15 Grand Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Jacob Sloat Fassett, Jr. [2d Lieut., Cavalry. In Military Intelligence Div., Washington.] Woodmere. Charles Emery Finney, Jr. [Lieut, in 5th F. A. Brig., 5th Division (Regular). Artillery Information Officer at Camp MacArthur. Made Cap- tain. Overseas service in St. Die Sector, St. Mihiel Sector, and Luxemburg. Assigned as aide-de-camp to Major General Flagler, commanding 42d Div.] University Club, Tacoma, Wash. Karl William Gass. [Attended U. S. School of Military Aeronautics at Ithaca. Later Lieut., engaged in aerial observation at Langley Field, Va.] With Fort Pitt Engrg. Co., Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. George Gustav Goetz. 528 Stowell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry William Grant. [Lieut. In France with 169th Art. Later com- missioned Major, C. A., O. R. C] With Pacific Northwest Traction Co., Everett, Wash. William Doolittle Haselton. [Capt., ist Division. A. P. O. 729, A. E. F. Active service in four major operations: Noyon-Montdidier de- fensive, offensive southeast of Soissons, St. Mihiel offensive, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Croix de Guerre (citation de division). With Army of Occupation from Dec. '18 to June '19.] With Picklands, Mather & Co., 600 Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. fRoBERT Txjssy Isett. [Capt., Aviation Sec. Killed at Barron Field, Fort Worth, Texas, in an airplane accident, 12 Sept. 1918.] Ross William Kellogg. 603 N. Tioga St., Ithaca. Harold Wilbur Knowles. With McGraw-Hill Co., Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Jay Harry Letsche, Jr. [Capt., 326th Inf., 82d Division. Wounded twice. D. S. C. for bravery in action in Argonne Region. Adjutant of 326th Inf.] 5614 Walnut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles Frederick Merz. [2d Lieut., A. S., S. R. C. U. S S. C, Arcadia, Fla.] Tacony, Pa. Karl Dravo Pettit. With John Thomson Press Co., 253 Broadway, New York. William Whitman Slaymaker. [Ensign, U. S. N. Officers' Training Class, Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I.] 4600 Chester Ave., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Leopold Tschirky. With General Refractories Co., Real Estate & Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. James Blaine Walker, Jr. 124 Pelhamdale Ave., Pelham. 1913 Donald Pettit Beardsley. [ist Lieut., Ordnance Dept., U. S. R.] 5219 Wissahicken Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. George Boardman Bell, Jr. [F. A. C. O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky.] 98 Aberdeen PI., Hillcrest, St. Louis Co., Mo. Clinton Willi Brown. [Capt., 336th F. A., A. E. F.] Mgr. Plant No. 5, Certainteed Products Corp., Niagara Falls. 16] Edmund William Butler. [Troop C, ist New York Cavalry.] 465 Franklin Ave., Brooklyn. Donald Keith Champaign, [ist Lieut., Ordnance, U. S. R. Design oi tanks.] 556 Maple Ave., Elmira. Leslie Douglass Clute. 309 Euclid Ave., Elmira. Harold Reeber Eyrich. [Major, A. S., S. C, U. S. R. Supt. Signal Corps Operations, Florida.] With Nat'l Potato Machine Co., Cowley, Wyo. Albert Horner, Jr. [Major, National Guard of Hawaii, Regular Army.] Supt. with Hawaiian Canneries Co., Ltd. Kapaa, Kauai, T. H. Edwin Thomas Jackman. [ist Lieut., Ordnance, O. R. C] 710 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. John Paul Jones. [Capt., Ordnance Dept.] 1848 Turner St., Allen- town, Pa. fHENRY GusTAV Kanzler. D. 28 Sept. 1918, of influenza, at Chicago. Ward Kremer. 214 S Ave., Bradley Beach, N. J. Burleigh Adelbert Lum. With Detroit Steel Products Co., 453 Con- way Bldg., Chicago, 111. George Plummer McNear, Jr. [ist Lieut., O. R. C. 305th Engrs., Camp Lee, Va.] 156 E. 55th St., New York. George Macnoe. [With New York District Inspection Office, Bureau of Aircraft Production, production of auplanes and motors.] 42 Sidney Place, Brooklyn. Cedric Aylwin Major. [Capt., Co. B, Field Signal Bn., U. S. A.; sta- tioned at Camp Vail, N. J.] 183 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn. Granbery Miller. 9400 Euchd Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Hobson O'Connell. [Lieut. Instructor in aerial photography and C. O. of Aerial Photo Section No. 39 at Kelly Field No. 2, San Antonio, Texas.] 3306 Hardesty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bernard O'Connor. Mgr., Standard Oil Co., Sacramento, Cahf. Blinn Stevens Page, [ist Lieut., U. S. R. Ordnance Dept., Inspec- tion Division. Inspector of Ordnance at Lackawanna Steel Co., Donncr Steel Co., American Brass Co., Buffalo.] 424 BurUngame Ave., Detroit, Mich. George Helm Rockwell. [Gen. Mgr., Cambridge Rubber Co., work- ing on munitions.] 748 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. Maurice Rothstein. [Ensign. Assistant to Naval Inspector of Ord- nance at Inland Ordnance Co., Bedford, Ohio.] 246 Main St., Johnstown, Pa. Edward Magnus Scheu. 405 W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo. George Munro Schurman. [ist Lieut., Regular Army. 4th Field Artillery.] With The Regal Sock Co., 8 W. 40th St., New York. Joseph Corboy John Strahan. [ist Lieut., Air Service, A. E. F.] With Rice & Duval, 260 Fifth Ave., New York. William Van Kirk, [ist Lieut., S. R. C, 3d Motor Regiment. In France served as executive officer of production and maintenance. Division of Service, Zone of Advance, with headquarters at Colombey les Belles.] With Ives & Myrick, hfe ins., 38 Nassau St., New York. Robert Willard Walker. Pelham. Jessel Stuart Whyte. [Capt., Co. F, 310th Engrs., Adjt., 5th Army Corps. In action, Sept. and Oct. 1918.] With Macomber & Whyte Rope Co., Kenosha, Wis. 17 I9I4 Donald Alexander, [ist Lieut., Ordnance Dept., U. S. R. Engrg. Div., Motor Equipment Sec] With Edward G. Budd Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Alfred Edward Bannister. 3300 London Road, Duluth, Minn. Alexander Tillison Hayes. Box 51, Route i, Weleetka, Okla. Emerson Hinchlifp. [ist Lieut., Military Intelligence Div., U. S. A. Overseas duty. Military attache in Switzerland.] Care Muller Export Co., 469 Broome St., New York. Maurice Rey McMicken. 660 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. MacRea Parker. [Capt., Motor Transport Corps. Served as gen. supt. of Motor Transport Overhaul Park, near Paris.] 2355 Bellefield Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Harry Ernest Schirick. City judge. 178 Down St., Kingston. Norman Stewart Stone, [ist Lieut., U. S. R. 311th Engrs., 86th Div.] With Wausau Sulphate Fibre Co., Mosinee, Wis. 1915 Herbert Johnson Adair. [Capt., Ordnance Dept., O. R. C, Exec, asst, to Chief of Ordnance, Phila. Dist.] With Standard Oil Co., Bombay, India. Walter Kittera Ashmead. With Standard Oil Co., Bombay, India. Edwin Stuart Baker, [ist Lieut., U. S. R. Coast ArtiUery, Cape May, N. J.] 9610 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Leach Beckwith. [Capt., Ordnance Dept.] Engr. with Wm. H. Taylor & Co., Allentown, Pa. Thomas Vincent Bryant. With the John Mansville Co.s 41st St. and Madison Ave., New York. Alvin Garcia Cadiz. Mgr. Universal Plating Materials Corp., Sea Cliff. Lives at 87 Lincoln Park, Newark, N. J. John Campbell Chadwick. With Packard Motor Co., New Haven, Conn. Lives at 204 York St. Joseph Raymond Donovan. [Private, N. A. 304th M. G. Bn., Co. C. Overseas with British, 39th Div. At the front and in all battles in which 77th Div. took part. Sent to hospital with rheumatism. Later attended Univ. of London.] 4590 Ridgewood Ave., Richmond Hill. William Victor Ellms. Deep Springs Ranch, Big Pine, CaUf. IGeorge Bryan Evans, Jr. [Killed at Miami, Fla., whUe serving as Ensign in Aerial Coast Patrol Unit No. 3, i June 191 8.] Edward Judge Gallogly. R. F. D. i, Rensselaer. Walter George Haeberle. 927 South Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Alfred Thomas Hobson. [Capt., Battery A, 6th F. A., ist Div. A. P. O. 729, A. E. F. Eighteen months overseas.] 214 Hicks St., Brooklyn. Sydney Ralph Jandorf. [Ensign, U. S. N. Stationed at American Naval Hdqrs., London.] 235-237 W. 50th St., New York. Thomas Francis Keating, Jr. [ist Lieut., Coast ArtiUery, U. S. R. Tractor School, France.] 11 East 87th St., New York. Robert Brooke Lea. With Sperry Gyroscope Co., Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn. Walter Carl Lunden. [ist Lieut., Co. A, 313th M. G. Bn., A. E. F.] 403 Ave. C, Brooklyn. [ 18] Kenneth Charles McCutcheon. [Capt. In command of Battery C, 48th Regiment, Coast Artillery, an eight-inch howitzer unit, motorized.] 1017 Wool St., Duquesne, Pa. Hilary Herbert Micou. [Motor Transport Corps. Camp J. E. Johns- ton, Fla.] 866 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Frederick Harvey Rayfield. With Kentucky Solvay Coke Co. Box 301, Ashland, Ky. Stephen P. Regan. [2d Lieut., Vet. R. C. Camp Lee, Va.] Fillmore. John Condit Smaltz. 74 Pearl St., Jersey City, N. J. 1916 Joseph Crandell Ashmead. [Manufacture of salvarsan, neo-salvarsan nd novocain for U. S. Army and Navy.] 117 Cedar Ave., Richmond Hill. James Stanley Babbitt. [Capt., Chemical Warfare Service. Overseas duty as gas officer.] Prospect Park, White Plains. Donald Watson Cady. 4 Boulevard, New Rochelle. Harry AuGtrsTtJS Fricka Eaton. [In gas service, London, ist Lieut, on staff of Col. Norris. Overseas service at Chaumont and St. Mihiel with Amer- icans, and at Paris, Plaze, and Queant with British as liaison officer.] Na- tional Press Club, Washington, D. C. Julius Augustus Fay. [Coast Patrol. Stationed at New London, Conn. Later ensign. Naval Aviation, N. R. F.] 1371 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Luther Harris Hiscock. Appledore Farms, Skaneateles. Francis Townsend Hunter. [Lieut., U. S. N. Fourteen months with British Grand Fleet on the New York.] Premium Point, New Rochelle. William Henry Jameson, Jr. [ist Lieut., U. S. R., 12th Inf., Co. A, 23d Machine Gun Bn.] With Corona Riverside Co., Corona, Calif. Mario Lazo. With Bodell & Co., 120 Broadway, New York. LowRY Raeburn Lytle. With Fort Worth Observer. Cor. Hemphill and Daggett Streets, Fort Worth, Texas. Don Andrew McLaren. [N. R. F. Ensign School, Pelham.] 450 Builders Exchange Bldg., Minneapohs, Minn. Benjamin Hall Micou. [Asst. Paymaster, Navy. Later Lieut, (j.g.), U. S. N., Pay Corps. On board U. S. S. Agamemnon.] With Strand Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich. Hugh Ezra Millard. [Lieut, (j.g.), U. S. N. (Royal Naval Air Service). Served for a while in American Field Ambulance Service.] 136 W. 44th St., New York. John Troup Moir, Jr. With Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., Puunene, Maui, Hawaii. Herbert Snyder, [ist Lieut. 9th Inf. Croix de Guerre with palm, G. H. Citation, World War Medal with four clasps.] St. Mark's School, Smithborough, Mass. Frederick Hill Starr. [Ensign, N. R. F. 6th Aviation, Gt. Lakes Training Sta., 111.] With Harris Trust Savings Bank, Chicago, 111. William Henry Sutterby. Avon. Frank Jonas Towar, Jr. [Served in Naval E. F., Base Hosp. Unit 5.] no Ferry St., E., Detroit, Mich. 19. I9I7 Edward Ewen Anderson, [ist Lieut., F .A. 19th Div., France.] Care Major E. D. Anderson, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Ivan Harold Budd. [3d Class Pharmacist's Mate, Navy Hospital Corps.] 20 Brookside Ave., Caldwell, N. J. Chandler Burpee. [2d Lieut., U. S. R., Hdqrs. Co., 150th F. A.] 31 16 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia, Pa. Francis Joseph Clary. 212 Elwanger & Barry Bldg., Rochester. John Lyon Collyer. With Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Sparrow's Point, Md. Charles Stuart Cooper. [Sgt., Co. D, 54th Pioneer Inf., A. E. F. Under shell fire at Verdun as part of ist Army. With Army of Occupation at Coblenz.] 122 Carol Road, Highland Park, Delaware Co., Pa. William Doolittle Crim. [2d Lieut., Av. Sec, Signal Corps, U. S. R. Entered F. A. C. O. T. S., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., as student officer.] 104 W. 44th St., New York. Albert Lewis Culbertson. Research chemist with E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Chester, Pa. 115 Winchester Place, Wilmington, Del. Paul Witherspoon Eckley. [ist Lieut., Hdqrs. Co., 316th Inf.] 704 Stewart Ave., Ithaca. Frank Kj^nt Foss. [In N. R. Flying Corps. Sent to Cornell, Key West, Miami, Pensacola. Commissioned Ensign and Lieut.] 6023 S. Bishop St., Chicago, 111. John Caldwell Corliss Gardiner. [War Trade Board, U. S. Food Ad- ministration.] 601 W. 113th St., New York. Walter Rowe Lalley. [2d Lieut., Av. Sec, Signal Corps.] Highcroft, Youngstown, Ohio. Robert Emerson MacKenzie. [2d Lieut., Tank Corps. Co. C, 303d Bn. Am. Field Service in France.] 803 Cleveland Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Arthur William Mellon, Jr. [Ensign, N. R. F. C. One of six en- signs selected for advanced course at M. I. T. Later with Bureau of Con- struction and Repair, Navy Dept., Washington.] 2676 Morris Ave., New York. Lucien Wilber Mueller, [ist Lieut., Av. Sec] 1051 N. Union St., Decatur, 111. James Carey Othus. [Instructor, U. S. School of Military Aeronautics at Ithaca. Later attended Engr. Officers' Training Camp and was commis- sioned 1st Lieut.] Engr. with American Can Co., Portland, Ore. Lives at 15 E. 1 6th St. Charles Henry Ramsay, [ist Lieut., U. S. A. S., A. E. F.] With American Ever Ready Works, Long Island City. Alma Wilford Richards, [ist Lieut., 8th Inf.] Parowan, Utah. Jacob Gould Schurman, Jr. [Capt. 309th Reg. Inf. In France. Cited for "meritorious service and conspicuous devotion to duty" on 20 Oct. 191 8 during Meuse-Argonne offensive.] 128 Winthrop Hall, Brattle St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Clarence Tilley. 2940 Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. DeGray White. 819 W. Sixth St., Plainfield, N. J. John Randall Whitney. [Ensign, U. S. N. Stationed at Naval Air Station, Chatham, Mass. With H. Griffin Lens Co., 75 Duane St., New York. Stewart Collins Wilson, [ist Lieut., U. S. N. G. Co. A., 113th Engrs., 7th Div. Acting Regimental Personnel Adjutant.] With Whiting Corp., 1224 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Linus Vere Windnagle. [ist Lieut., Air Service. Trained at 8th Avia- tion Training Center. Itahan Service Ribbon.] High School, Baker, Ore. George Austin Worn. With Harlan Plant, Wilmington, Del. Phillips Wyman. [With U. S. Food Administration Organization Man- agement.] Mgr. Save the Surface Campaign, 632 The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Lives at 431 Berkeley Road, Haverford, Pa. Roy John Zander. 2014 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111. 1918 Roland Henry Bacon. [2d Lieut., Military Police. Camp Humphreys, Va.] Y. M. C. A., East Liberty Branch, 122 Whitfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Clifford Sherwood Bailey. [Ensign, U. S. N.] 136 W. 44th St., New York. Oswald Cammann Brewster. [With American Field Service in France. Worked with French Army (8th Div.). Croix de Guerre and Citation for exceptional bravery in action.] 1560 Ogden St., Denver, Colo. Lawrence George Brower. [ist Lieut., Aviation Force.] 91 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mamaroneck. Kenneth Ford Coffin. 522 Fifth Ave., New York. Sidney Clark Doolittle. [Private in Am. Field Service. Served in Berry-an-Boc Sector, Somme offensive, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Gassed several timers. Croix de Guerre and American Field Service Medal.] 18 Shaw St., Utica. Joseph Lees Eastwick. [2d Lieut., N. A. 311th F. A., Battery F, Camp Meade, Md. Allotted to Camp Bowie, Texas, with 49th F. A. and acted as instructor there.] 1109 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa. Frederick Montague Gillies. [Ensign, Aviation. Pilot and instructor in aerial gunnery. Sent overseas.] 5524 Everett Ave., Chicago, 111. Carlos Lazo. [2d Lieut., Class 39, F. A. School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla.] 33 W. 51st St., New York. Creswell MacMurray Micou. [2d Lieut., U. S. M. C. nth Reg. Artillery.] 70 Morningside Drive, New York. Frank Nelms, Jr. Cooperstown. Donald James Nightingale, [ist Lieut., Clasps 41, School of Fire, Fort Sm, Okla.] 817 West End Ave., New York. Howard Burnship Ortner. [Y. M. C. A. Athletic Director, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Later entered Naval Aviation.] 224 Ontario St., Buffalo. Henry Wisdom Roden. [Ensign, U. S. N., Miami, Fla.] With American Colortype Co., 1151 Roscoe St., Chicago, 111. John Davis Sauters, Jr. [Enhsted at Soissons in American Mission, M. T. S., A. E. F. Was in American Field Service and in detached service with French Army.] Box 337, Martins Ferry, Ohio. [21] Stanley Newman Shaw. With Federal Reserve Bank, 120 Broadway, New York. [Organized Cornell Unit of U. S. Army Ambulance Service. Was in training at AUentown, Pa., until taken ill with pneumonia.] Lives at Hotel Grenoble, Seventh Ave. and 56th St. Francis Tobey Shiverick. [ist Lieut., P. M. G. Dept., A. E. F.] 1310 Madison Park, Chicago, 111. Charles Louis Thomas, Jr. [Ensign, N. R. F.] With Amer. Laundry Machine Co., Norwood, Ohio. fEnwiN Hewes Thomas. [Enlisted in Aerial Coast Patrol Unit No. 3. Discharged on account of serious illness.] D. 6 Jan. 1920. William Henry Jackson Woodford. 4 Winthrop Hall, Cambridge, Mass. 1919 Frank Brace Bateman. Cor. E. View and Central Aves., Grenloch. N. J. Keith William Benson. 901 Locust St., Sterling, 111. Charles Wilbur Cahoon, Jr. 1104 145th St., E. Chicago, Ind. Leon Gilbert Clay. Member Gilbert & Clay and Francis, Clay & Co., 822 Gravier St., New Orleans, La. Lives at 4132 St. Charles Ave. William Holbrook Cleminshaw, Jr. 191 8 East 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Morse Grant Dial. 416 Eighth St., S. Fargo, N. D. Charles Wellington Elmer. [Coast Artillery.] 40 E. 40th St., New York. George Frederick Ensworth. 55 W. Silver St., Westfield, Mass. Morris Whitney Herriman. 320 N. Franklin Ave., River Forest, 111. t John Meredith Hogan. [D. 9 Sept. 1918 at Taylorville, 111.] Edwin Laclede Howard. [Naval Reserve. Entered Aviation just be- fore Armistice.] With Van Buren Magonigle, loi Park Ave., New York. Lives at Crestwood. Harry Irving Howard. With Empire Gas & Fuel Co., Eldorado, Kansas. William Morgan Kendall. 407 Norwood Ave., Buffalo. Eugene Alfred Leinroth. 920 S. 48th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Halsted Miller MacCabe. [First Class Yeoman, Paymaster's Dept., U. S. N.] 22 Halsey St., Brooklyn. David George Nethercot. [Ensign, Naval Aviation, Pensacola, Fla.] 518 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. Franklin Parsons O'Brien. 1625 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. Alpheus Waldo Smith. Univ. of Minnesota, MinneapoUs, Minn. Chauncey Judd Stewart. [Three months at Pelham Training Camp. Three months on submarine patrol boat and convoy duty.] Orchard Farm, Ghent. Sherman Trowbridge. [2d Lieut., Light Artillery, U. S. A.] White- stone Ave. & Chestnut St., Flushing. Peter Vischer. 13 S. 27th St., Flushing. 1920 John Cowan Atwood, Jr. [2d Lieut., Coast Art. Res. Fortress Monroe' Va.] 108 Clay Ave., Ferguson, Mo. [22] Roger Bailey. 155 Forest Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. Donald Cutler Blancke. 41 1 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Conn. William Henry Colvin, Jr. [2d Lieut., Instructor in C. O. T. S., Camp Gordon, Ga.; made battalion bayonet instructor and grenade expert. Later instructed in automatic rifles, machine guns, and gas defense.] 1314 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. John Potwin Corrigan. 229 Stratford Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Orville Guy Daily. 5455 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, 111. William Bell Daley, Jr. Chatham. Davis Earl Geiger. Adv. mgr. The Ashland Independent. Lives at 115 E. Bath Ave., Ashland, Ky. Harold Ingersoll Hettinger. 483 Stephenson St., Freeport, 111. Boyd Tinsley Hill. 208 West St., Freeport, 111. Alger Eugene Hunkin. With Hunkin-Conkey Constr. Co., Cumber- land, Md. Geoffrey Knight. [Naval Reserve. Later entered Naval Aviation.] Perm., 43 Lake St., Bridgeton, Conn. Temp., With Roy Barnhill, Inc., 23 E. 26th St., New York. Donald Ethelbert Leith. 601 W. 112th St., New York. William Bell Megear, Jr. ioio W. loth St., Wilmington, Del. Fields Seeley Pendleton, Jr. 253 84th St., Brooklyn. Russell Holt Peters. 124 N. 38th St., Omaha, Nebr. Bernard Oscar Reuther. [ist Lieut., Artillery. Instructor in School of Mihtary Aeronautics at Cornell. Later discharged, and entered Coast Artillery. 2d Lieut, in Sept. 191 8.] Pine Plains. Robert LeRoy Siering. [Chief Signal Q. M., N. R. F. Pelham Bay and U. S. S. Kentucky. Fourteen months.] 993 Park Ave., New York. Joseph Edward Smith. 818 Cleveland St., Durham, N. C. Whitelaw Todd Terry. [Chief Q. M., Naval Aviation.] 5231 West- minster Place, St. Louis, Mo. Alexander Buel Trowbridge, Jr. [ist Lieut., N. Y. Guard. Acted as a State inspector of armories.] Whitestone Ave. & Chestnut St., Flushing. 1921 Charles Chester Bailey. [May 1918, Plattsburg O. T. C. Sept. 1918, 2d Lieut. Georgia Tech., four months.] 1037 Hulton Rd., Oakmont, Pa. George Alden Benton. [2d Lieut., 12th Aero Sqdn. June 1917, In- structor in Ground School, Ithaca, five months; two months, ground school training; two months Ellington Field, Houston, Tex.; one month Langley Field, Va.; one month Taliaferro Field, Fort Worth, Tex. June 19 18 posted overseas. Two months, training, Issoudun, France. Argonne, 1 2th Aero Sqdn. Army of Occupation at Coblenz.] Spencerport. Theodore Talmadge Buckley, Jr. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] Cambridge. Dale Bumstead, Jr. [Aviation Ground School, Princeton Univ., three months; Austin, Tex.] 504 N. East St., Oak Park, 111. Thad Lumpkin Collum. [N. R. F., Norfolk, Va., three months. Cor- nell S. A. T. C. Naval Unit, three months.] 702 S. 15th St., Corsicana, Tex. [23] Albert Stanley Duncan. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] 225 77th St., Brooklyn. Clency Herman Hasbrouck, Jr. [March 191 7, Presidio, San Fran- cisco; Aug. 1917, Camp Lewis, Wash.; July 1918, to April 1919, overseas. Camp de Souge Artillery School. Neuf Chateau. Army of Occupation, Coblenz. 2d Lieut.] 309 Placer St., Idaho Falls, Idaho. John Knight Holbrook, Jr. 121 E. Mill St., Ithaca. Roger William Hooker. 23 Sugar St., Niagara Falls. David William Jewett. Willodale Farm, Skaneateles. John Gordon M cEdward. [Royal Air Force, Canada. Long Branch, Canada. Toronto, Canada, five months.] 140 W. 69th St., New York. Roger Davis McPherson. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Naval Unit, three months.] 136 Main St., Palmyra. William Henry Rometsch, Jr. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] 210 Pelham Rd., Germantown, Pa. Thomas Espy Sauters. [Marines, six months, Paris Island; Quantico, Va.; Utica.] Elm St., Martins Ferry, Ohio. Walter Schoellkopf Schmidt. [O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky., two months.] 553 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. Leslie Mansfield Shepard. [Farm work, April 191 7 to Jan. 1919.] R. F. D. 2, Honeoye Falls. Norman Snyder, [ist Sergeant, M. C. Technician, ist grade, M. C] 214 University Ave., Ithaca. George Harold Stanton. [Ensign, N. R. F. Naval Aviation Detach- ment, Key West, Fla.] 827 Bloomfield Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Allan Hosie Treman. [Cornell S. A. T. C, Infantry Unit, three months:.] 411 University Ave., Ithaca. Elw^'N Brooks White. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] 48 Mer- sereau Ave., Mt. Vernon. Ansley Wilcox, 2d. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Naval Unit, three months.] Castleton. James Bentley Wilson. [May 1917, ist O. T. C, Madison Barracks. Aug. 1917, 2d Lieut., Camp Dix, 311th Inf., 3d Training Battalion. Dec. 1917 ist Lieut. July 1918, 8iith Pioneer Inf. Oct. 1918 posted overseas. Stationed at Nantes and Montour, nine months.] 872 Niagara Ave., Buffalo. Hiram Belding Young. 9215 Pleasant Ave., Chicago, 111. 1922 Edwin Hob art Brown. 12 17 Twelfth Ave., Altoona, Pa. Norman Pierson Brown. 65 Olcutt Ave., Bernardsville, N. J. Robert Edward Brown. [Royal Flying Corps, fifteen months. Toronto, Long Branch, Canada, England training schools.] Pond St., Sharon, Mass. Richard Martin Burk. [2d Lieut., Coast Artillery Corps. Fortress Monroe, Va., four months.] 1102 Seminole St., Okmulgee, Okla. Charles Crawford Carter. 2060 i6th Ave., Rock Island, 111. Robert Otis Davison. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Infantry Unit, three months.] 6 E. Washington St., Bath. William Palmer Goetz. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Infantry Unit, three months.] Care Bruce P. Jones, 64-66 Fifth Ave., New York. 24 James Bailey Harper. [2d Lieut., 103d Trench Mortar Battery, A. E. F., twenty-five months. Troop E, ist Penna. Cavalry, 28th Division. 103d Trench Mortar Battery, 28th Div., 256th Mihtary PoHce Company.] 1922 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lawrence Stephen Hazzard. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Infantry Unit, three months.] 34 Cedar PL, Yonkers. Joel Watres Healy. [Cornell S. A. T. C. Infantry Unit, three months.] Box 334, Rutland, Vt. Hamilton Crenelle Pretat. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] 194 Faber Ave., Waterville, Conn. Herbert Richard Reif. [Field Artillery, Camp Taylor, Ky., seven months.] 6516 Beacon St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Henry William Seney, 2d. 3008 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. George Wing Sisson, 3d. [Cornell S. A. T. C, three months.] Pots- dam. Daniel Bxjrsk Strickler. 329 Chestnut St., Columbia, Pa. George Hilyard Thornton. [N. R. F., eleven months. Destroyer Yarnall, nine months.] 115 Bloomingdale Ave., Wayne, Pa. Alphabetical List Abbott, Clinton S. 191 2 Adair, Herbert J. 19 15 Adams, Bristow 1900 (Stanford) Alcock, Harry H. 1898 Aldrich, Wickham H. 1904 Alexander, Donald 1914 Alexander, Edward R. 1901 Anderson, Edward E. 191 7 Andrews, Clarence R. 1908 Ashburner, Lesley 1906 Ashmead, Joseph C. 191 6 Ashmead, Walter K. 191 5 Atkin, Ernest G. 1904 Atwood, John C, Jr. 1920 Auchincloss, William K. 1899 Babbitt, James S. 191 6 Babcock, Clinton L. 1895 Bacon, Roland H. 1918 Bailey, Charles C. 192 1 Bailey, Clifford S. 191 8 Bailey, Roger 191 9 Bailey, Theodore L. 1899 Baker, Edwin S. 191 5 Baldwin, Thomas A. 1908 Bamberger, Clarence G. 1908 Bandler, Lawrence R. 1910 Bannister, Alfred E. 1914 Barber, Arthur W. 1895 Barnum, Charles L. 1909 Barton, Frank A. 1891 Bassett, Herbert H. 1900 Bassford, Abram, Jr. 1898 Bateman, Frank B. 1919 Bates, Harry H. 1906 Beardsley, Donald P. 191 3 Beckwith, Charles L. 191 5 Bell, Adie K. 191 1 Bell, George B., Jr. 1913 Bellinger, Henry, M., Jr. i8c Beltaire, Mark A., Jr. 1902 Benson, Keith W. 19 19 Bentley, Wilton 1898 Benton, George A. 1921 Berry, Arthur O. 1901 Beyer, Walter O. 1902 Bigelow, Oromel H. 1907 Bird, Albert A. 1891 Blanchard, Arthur S. 1900 Blanchard, Rollo K. 1910 Blancke, Donald C. 1920 Blatchford, Charles H. 1895 Blood, Charles H. 1888 :25; Blount, Henry F., Jr. 1903 Bodine, Donaldson 1887 Bogart, Elmer E. 1894 Bogert, Louis R. 1910 Bohlen, August C. 1909 Boldt, George C, Jr. 1905 Bole, Hamilton B. 191 1 Bole, Joseph K. 1900 Bole, R. Allen 1902 Bourne, Ralph H. 1905 Bradley, Charles L. 1908 Bradley, Phihp H. 1898 Braman, James L. 1906 Brewster, Oswald C. 191 8 Brower, Lawrence G., Jr. 19 18 Brown, Charles M., Jr. 1904 Brown, Chnton W. 1913 Brown, Douglas K. 1902 Brown, Edwin H. 1922 Brown, Leon R. 191 1 Brown, Norman P. 1922 Brown, Robert E. 1922 Bryant, Arthiu- P. 1900 Bryant, Thomas V. 191 5 Buchanan, Isaac V. 1905 Buckley, Theodore T. 1921 Budd, Ivan H. 191 7 Bumstead, Dale, Jr. 192 1 Burden, Oliver D. 1896 Burgweger, Henry 1904 Burk, Richard M. 1922 Burnet, F. Dana 191 1 Burpee, Chandler 191 7 Butler, Edmund W. 191 3 Cadiz, Alvin G. 1915 Cady, Donald W. 1916 Cahoon, Charles W., Jr. 19 19 Cairns, Edward 1906 Caldwell, Robert K. 1909 Camp, Arthur D. 1905 Campion, Edward W. 1906 Carll, Samuel P. 1895 Carter, Charles C. 1922 Chadwick, John C. 191 5 Champaign, Donald K. 1913 Champaign, Leigh M. 1906 Chapman, Frank C. 1907 Chapman, Ralph E. 191 1 Chapman, Roswell C. 1894 Chapman, William P., Jr. 1894 Childs, Wallace J. 1900 Clary, Francis J. 191 7 Clauss, George H., Jr. 1893 Clay, Leon G. 19 19 Cleminshaw, William H., Jr. 1919 Cleveland, Frederick A. 1899 Clute, LesUe D. 1913 Cobb, Lester N. 1898 Cobb, Richard H. 1909 Cochran, Samuel A. 1908 Coffin, John D. 1906 Coffin, Kenneth F. 191 8 Colcord, Alan H. 191 2 Collins, G. Williston 1895 Collum, Thad L. 1921 CoUyer, John L. 191 7 Colvin, William H., Jr. 1920 Conger, George P. 1907 Conger, Laurence J. 1907 Connolly, Maurice F. 1897 Cook, Charles F. 1906 Cook, George T. 1908 Cooper, C. Stuart 191 7 Corrigan, John P. 1920 Cosgrove, James J. 1909 Cotton, Donald A. 1905 Crawford, Gilbert H., Jr. 1910 Crawford, WUlard J., Jr. 1907 Crim, William D. 1917 Crossette, Murray F. 1902 Crounse, Silas H., Jr. 1912 Culbertson, Albert L. 191 7 Cull, Clarence H. 191 1 Culver, Joseph C. 1902 Cummings, Orrie P. 1894 Curry, Charles H. 1905 Curry, Henry M., Jr. 1909 Curry, Rowland A. 1907 Curtiss, WiUiam J. 1896 Daily, Orville G. 1920 Daley, William B., Jr. 1920 Davison, Robert O. 1922 Davitt, John W. 1903 Day, Irvin W. 1906 Dewey, George S. 1905 Dial, Morse G. 1919 Diederichs, Herman 1897 Distler, Walter G. 191 2 [26; Divine, Charles H. 191 1 Donovan, Joseph R. 19 15 Doohttle, Sidney C. 191 8 Dougherty, Edward E. 1898 Dougherty, James S. 1901 Drake, Allen N. 1899 Dravo, Christian McK. 1904 Dugan, Eugene P. 1912 Duncan, Albert S. 1921 Durand, Elias J. 1893 Eakle, Arthm- S. 1892 Earle, Edwin, Jr. 1908 Earle, Harold A. 1906 Eastwick, Joseph L. 19 18 Eaton, Harry A. F. 1916 Eckert, Samuel B. 1908 Eckley, Paul W. 19 17 Edson, Walter H. 1896 EUms, William V. 19 15 Elmer, Charles W. 191 9 Elser, Maximilian, Jr. 19 10 Emmert, Luther D. 191 1 Ensworth, George F. 1919 Esmond, Irwin, 1897 Estabrook, William S. 1900 Evans, A. Ward 1903 Evans, George B., Jr. 191 5 Evermann, Toxaway B. 1902 Eyrich, Harold R. 1913 Fassett, Jacob S., Jr. 191 2 Fay, Julius A. 191 6 Fenton, James B. 1898 Ferguson, George A., 1901 Fetzer, Morrison 1904 Finlay, Walter S., Jr. 1904 Finney, Charles E., Jr. 191 2 Fisher, Peter, Jr. 1903 Folger, Paul 1906 Forbes, William H. 1906 Ford, Henry W. 191 1 F0S.S, Frank K. 191 7 Fox, John C. 1903 Francis, Charles S. 1877 Francis, Lee M. 1898 Frankhn, Albert V. 1908 Eraser, J. Kenneth 1897 Freeborn, Faun W. 1897 Fronheiser, Jacob A. 1900 Fuller, Jesse, Jr. 1898 Gallogly, Edward J. 1915 Gardiner, John C. C. 191 7 Gardner, Fred. E. 1909 Gardner, Robert A. 1905 Gass, Karl W. 19 12 Geer, Herbert G. 1893 Geiger, Davis E. 1920 Gerwig, Walter H. 1905 Gibson, Edwin T. 1908 Gilhes, Frederick M. 191 8 Glasson, William H. 1896 Goetz, George G. 19 12 Goetz, Werner W. 1909 Goetz, William P. 1922 Golden, Welford J. 1901 Goodrich, Leroy R. 1908 Goodspeed, Charles B. 1908 Goodwillie, Edward E. 19 10 Gordon, Arthur, 1904 Gordon, T. Croxton 1906 Gould, James H. 1900 Gould, Norman J. 1899 Grant, Henry W. 191 2 Gray, Donald S. 19 10 Green, Henry E. 1904 Gridley, Haines 1904 Haeberle, Walter G. 191 5 Hager, Edward C. 1895 Haines, John A. 1899 Hall, Thomas 1893 Halliday, Morris S. 1906 Hargreaves, Robert C. 1909 Harper, James B. 1922 Han-ies, William E. 1908 Hasbrouck, Clency H., Jr. 1921 Haselton, William D. 1912 Hastings, Arthur C, Jr. 1910 Hawke, William E. 191 1 Hawley, Davis, Jr. 1900 Hayes, Alexander T. 1914 Hazelwood, Stuart 1903 Hazzard, Lawrence S. 1922 Healy, Joel W. 1922 Heath, Raymond P. 191 1 Heilman, Fred L. 1908 Henderson, Thomas R. 1907 Henry, Edward U. 1895 Henry, Lewis 1909 Herr, Frederic J. 1907 >7] Herri ck, Glenn W. 1896 Herriman, Morris W. 191 9 Hettinger, Harold I. 1920 Hill, Boyd T. 1920 Hill, Ebenezer, Jr. 1899 Hill, Theodore W. 1893 Hinchliff, Emerson 191 4 Hiscock, Luther H. 191 6 Hitchcock, Roger W. 191 o Hobson, Alfred T. 191 5 Hoffman, Sargent G. 1910 Hogan, John M. 191 9 Holmes, Webster B. 1907 Hooker, George H. 1902 Hooker, Roger W. 1921 Hooper, Franklyn D. 1907 Horner, Albert, Jr. 191 3 Howard, Edwin L. 191 9 Howard, Harry I. 1919 Howell, Louis B. 1895 Howell, William T. 1897 Howland, Frank C. 1903 Hoy, David F. 1891 Hubbard, William W. 1897 Huff cut, Ernest W. 1884 Hull, Charles H. 1886 Himkin, Alger E. 1920 Hunt, Sanford B. 1904 Hunter, Francis T. 191 6 Hutchinson, Alfred H. 1909 Ingersoll, Monmouth H. 1897 Irvine, Frank 1880 Isett, Robert T. 191 2 Jackman, Edwin T. 1913 Jackson, Frederic E. 1900 James, Lewis R. 1903 Jameson, William H., Jr. 1916 Jandoff, Sidney R. 191 5 Jewett, David W. 1921 Johnson, Eads 1899 Johnston, W. Robert 1904 Jones, John Paul 1913 Jones, Malcolm S. 1910 Kanzler, Henry G. 191 3 Keating, Thomas F., Jr. 19 15 Kellogg, Ross W. 191 2 Kelly, Andrew P. 19 10 Kendall, W. Morgan 1919 Kimball, Dexter S. 1896 (Stanford) Kinney, John A. 1902 Knight, Geoffrey 1920 Knowles, Harold W. 1912 Kremer, Ward 191 3 Lalley, Walter R. 191 7 Lally, Clarence V. 1910 Lally, Ralph R. 1908 Lawrence, Norman S. 1904 Lazo, Antonio, Jr. 1907 Lazo, Carlos 191 8 Lazo, Mario 1916 Lea, Robert B. 191 5 Lee, Herbert B. 1899 Lee, Porter R. 1903 Leinroth, Eugene A. 1919 Leith, Donald E. 1920 Letsche, J. Harry, Jr. 1912 Leupp, Harold L. 1902 Leventry, Roy L. 191 1 Lewis, Roger 1895 Lincoln, Howard A. 191 1 Lindorff, Theodore J. 1907 Little, Hiram M. 1900 Little, T. Bascom 1901 Long, Guy E. 1902 Lovejoy, William H. 1907 Loveland, Floyd N. 1894 Lovell, Ross M. 1893 Ludlam, Thomas R. 191 1 Lueder, Charles A. 1902 Lum, Burleigh A. 191 3 Lunden, Walter C. 191 5 Lynah, James 1905 Lyon, Layton S. 1901 Lytle, Lowry R. 191 6 MacCabe, Halstead M. 191 9 MacHarg, John B., Jr. 1893 MacKenzie, Robert E. 191 7 Macnoe, George 191 3 Macomber, Irving E. 1 894 Magner, Edmund B. 191 1 Major, Cedric A. 1913 Martinez, Carlos A. 1906 Mason, Allen 1904 Mason, Norman C. 1907 Matchneer, William W. 1910 Mayo, Earl W. 1894 Mc Arthur, Warren, Jr. 1908 McCoy, WilUam S. 1895 McCutcheon, Kenneth C. 191 5 McDonald, Alan 1905 McEdward, John G. 192 1 McKeever, William 1897 McKnight, George H. 1892 McLaren, Don A. 1916 McMicken, Maurice R. 1914 McNear, George P., Jr. 1913 McNeil, Thomas 1895 McPherson, Roger D. 192 1 Megear, William B., Jr. 1920 Mellen, Arthur W., Jr. 191 7 Melrose, Clifton J. 1893 Merz, Charles F. 191 2 Metcalf, Wilham, Jr. 1901 Micou, Benj. H. 1916 Micou, Creswell M. 1918 Micou, Hilary H. 191 5 Millard, Hugh E. 191 6 Miller, Granbery. 191 3 Miller, John V. 1899 Moir, John T., Jr. 19 16 Morgan, William O. 1900 Mossman, Howard H. 1899 Mothershead, John T., Jr. 1903 Mott, Charles E. 1903 Mourning, Garland H., Jr. 1905 Mueller, Lucien W. 191 7 Murphy, John H. 1907 Murphy, Joseph G. 1905 Murtaugh, John F. 1898 Na,=myth, George W. 1907 Nathan, George J. 1904 Nellegar, Jay C. 1898 Nelms, Frank, Jr. 191 8 Nethercot, David G. 1919 Nevin, WiUiam H. 1900 Newman, Edmund T. 1905 Newman, William S. 1907 Newton, James Q. 1907 Nichols, Edward L. 1875 Nichols, L. Nelson 1892 Nightingale, Donald J. 19 18 North, Harold D. 1907 Northup, Clark S. 1893 O'Brien, Frankhn P. 1919 O'Connell, Joseph H. 19 13 O'Connor, Bernard 19 13 Odell, Mark M. 1897 Oderkirk, Charles C. 1908 Olney, Carl W. 1922 Ortner, Howard B. 19 18 Osborn, Frank C. 191 1 Othus, James C. 1917 Otis, James C. 1901 Overman, Max C. 1904 Page, Blinn S. 1913 Page, Thomas N. 1907 Parker, John M. 1896 Parker, MacRea 1914 Patterson, Woodford 1895 Peake, Lawrence J. 191 1 Peer, S. Sherman 1906 Pendleton, Fields S., Jr. 1920 Peters, Russell H. 1920 Peterson, Charles G. 1906 Peterson, Walker F. 191 1 Pettit, Karl D. 1912 Pew, Joseph N. 1908 Pitzman, Harold W. 1905 Pond, George F. 19 10 Pope, Clarence J. 1910 Powers, Ray R. 1907 Preston, Sylvester C. 1906 Pr6tat, Hamilton G. 1922 Rammelkamp, Charles H. 1896 Ramsay, Charles H. 1917 Ramsey, Joseph H. 1905 Rand, Jasper R., Jr. 1898 Rayfield, Frederick H. 191 5 Reed, Addison B. 1894 Reed, Daniel A. 1898 Reed, Harrison P. 1909 Regan, Stephen P. 19 15 Reif, Herbert R. 1922 Requardt, Gustav J. 1909 Reuther, Bernard O. 1920 Reynolds, Ezra P. 1894 Rice, Frederick A. 1909 Richards, Alma W. 191 7 Ripley, Robert H. 1899 Roberts, Alfred M. 1909 Roberts, Arthur M. 191 1 Roberts, Kenneth L. 1908 Robertson, Edward L. 1901 Rockwell, George H. 1913 Rockwell, Theodore G. 1909 Roden, Henry W. 19 18 [29] Roe, Mark W. 1896 Rometsch, William H., Jr. 1921 Rose, J. Hanson 1906 Rothstein, Maurice 1913 Ryon, Robert 1900 Sailor, George R. 1907 Sauters, John D., Jr. 191 8 Sauters, Thomas E. 1921 Scheu, Edward M. 191 3 Schirick, Harry E. 1914 Schmidt, Walter S. 1921 Schoellkopf, Henry 1902 Schoellkopf, Paul A. 1906 Schurman, George M. 191 3 Schurman, Jacob G., Jr. 191 7 Schutt, W. Ellis 1905 Scott, John H. 1909 Scott, Laurance I. 1899 Searing, Benjamin H. 1901 Sebring, Edgar D. 1903 Sedgwick, Charles B. 1901 Seney, Henry W., 2d 1922 Shaw, Stanley N. 191 8 Shepard, Leslie M. 1921 Sheridan, Edwin E. 191 1 Shiras, J. Ohver, 2d 1897 Shiverick, Francis T. 191 8 Shope, Henry S. 1908 Short, J. Cleves 1900 Siering, Robert L. 1920 Sisson, George W., 3d 1922 Slaymaker, WilUam W. 191 2 Sleicher, Charles A. 1904 Smaltz, John C. 1915 Smith, Albert W. 1878 Smith, Alpheus W. 1919 Smith, Joseph E. 1920 Smith, Maximilian F. T. 1910 Snyder, Harold J. 1908 Snyder, Herbert 191 6 Snyder, Norman 1921 Sperry, Alfred T. 1896 Spillman, Edward O. 1897 Stamford, Albert 1899 Stamford, William B. 1899 Standart, Robert W., Jr. 1909 Stanton, George H. 1921 Starr, Arthur 1906 Starr, Frederic H. 19 16 Stearns, John 1906 Stebbins, Byron H. 1897 Stewart, Chauncey J. 191 9 Stevens, William C. 1906 Stone, Norman S. 1914 Strahan, Joseph C. J. 1913 Stratton, Frank L. 1900 Strickler, Daniel B. 1922 Studley, Elmer E. 1892 Sutterby, WilUam H. 191 6 Swift, Parton 1898 Taylor, Percy J. 1910 Teagle, Frank H. 1902 Teagle, Walter C. 1899 Terry, Whitelaw T. 1920 Thomas, Charles L., Jr. 191 8 Thomas, Edwin H. 191 8 Thomas, John C. 191 8 Thompson, Elmer E., Jr. 191 1 Thomson, John E. 191 1 Thomson, Ralph M. 1904 Thornton, George H. 1922 Tilley, Clarence 191 7 Tobey, Waldo F. 1895 Todd, Walter L. 1909 Tourison, Charles E. 1905 Towar, Frank J., Jr. 1916 Tracy, Frank S. 1900 Tracy, James G. 1897 Treat, Sidney W. 1907 Treman, Allan H. 1921 Treman, Charles E. 1889 Treman, Robert E. 1909 Treman, Robert H. 1878 Trowbridge, Alexander B., Jr. 1920 Trowbridge, Sherman 1919 Troy, Hugh C. 1896 Trube, Herbert L. 1908 Tschirkey, Leopold 1912 Tuller, Henry H. 1899 Tm-nbuU, John G. 191 1 Turner, Robert P. 1908 Tydeman, Arthur F. 1910 Tydeman, William A. 1903 Ufford, Frank P. 1896 Uihlein, Herman A. 1908 Umstad, Wilfred L. 1906 Vail, Roger S. 1906 Van Alstyne, Thomas J. 1903 [30] Van Cleef, Mynderse 1874 Vanderveer, Stephen L. 1908 Van Fleet, Herman H. 1907 Van Kirk, William 1913 Van Vleck, Ernest A. 1897 Van Wagenen, Henry T. 1903 Vischer, Peter 19 19 Voris, William S. 1905 Wagner, Charles G. 1880 Wagner, George O. 1899 Walbridge, Rodney O. 1910 Walker, James B., Jr. 1912 Walker, Robert W. 19 13 Walter, Harry J. 1892 Ward, Le Roy P. 1911 Ware, Ralph 1902 Watson, Carl H. 1909 Welch, Leon C. 1906 Westwood, Herman J. 1896 Wheelan, Edgar S. 191 1 Wheland, Zenas W. 1896 Whinery, Charles C. 1899 White, DeGray 191 7 White, Elwyn B. 1921 White, Justin Du Pratt 1 890 White, Theodore 19 10 White, Wilham Cravath 1894 White, William Curtis 1893 Whiting, Allen E. 1898 Whitney, John R. 191 7 Whittemore, Audenried 1903 Whittlesey, Wilham A., Jr. 1904 Whyte, Jessel S. 191 3 Wilcox, Ansley, 2d 1921 Will, Philip 1900 Williams, Benjamin O. 1905 Wilhams, Paul 19 10 WiUiams, Samuel 1910 Willis, Frederick 1901 Wilson, James Bentley 1921 Wilson, Stewart C. 191 7 Windnagle, L. Vere 191 7 Wing, Walter S. 1907 Woodford, Wilham H. J. 191 8 Woodland, Leroy 1906 Woodward, Winsor F. 1903 Worn, G. Austin 191 7 Wright, Wilfred L. 1900 Wyman, Phillips 191 7 Wyvell, Manton M. 1901 Yard, J. B. 1894 Yohe, Curtis M. 1909 Young, Charles V. P. 1 899 Young, George H. 1900 Young, Hiram Belding 1921 Zander, Roy J. 191 7 131 J Quill arid Dagger Address Book Additions and Corrections H. J. Westwood '97. D. in New York 21 Nov. 192 1. G. H. Young 'go. Box 774, Binghamton, N. Y. W. Metcalf, Jr., '01. 309 Wabash Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. R. Ware '02. 4458 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. G. C. BoLDT, Jr., '05. La Manzanita, Monticito, Santa Barbara, Calif. K. L. Roberts '08. Care The Saturdmj Evening Post, Philadelphia, Pa. H. L. Trube '08. 1401 Empire Bldg., 71 Broadway, New York. C. J. Pope '10. 399 Tremont PL, Orange, N. J. M. F. T. Smith '10. D. in Portland, Ore., 8 Oct. 1921. D. P. Beardsley '13. 222 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth, Pa. W. Van Kirk '13. 129 Columbia Hts., Brooklyn. J. S. Whyte '13. With MacWhyte Co.; 424 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. E. E. Anderson '17. With Discount Corp. of New York, 52 Wall St. W. D. Crim '17. With Harris, Forbes & Co., New York; lives at Scar- boro. F. K. Foss '17. Frigorifico Wilson de la Argentina, 314 Calle Recon- quista, Buenos Aires, Argentina; home, 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. J. R. Whitney '17. With Dawson Mfg. Co., Room 339, 30 Church St., New York. L. V. WiNDNAGLE '17. 1068 Taylor St., Portland, Ore. O. C. Brewster 'i8. With Standard Oil Co., Casper, Wyo. C. Lazo '18. With Curtis, Mallet-Prevost & Colt, Havana, Cuba. C. M. Micou '18. Rua General Camara, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. F. Nelms, Jr., 'i8. 552 S. 48th St., Philadelphia, Pa. D. J. Nightingale '18. With Halsey, Stuart & Co., 49 Wall St., New York. J. D. Sauters, Jr., '18. Suite 11, 13206 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. S. N. Shaw '18. 70 Morsemere Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. E. H. Thomas '18. Not dead but very much alive at 1903 Greenhill Ave., Wilmington, Del. D. C. Blanche '20. With Federated Engineers' Dvlpt. Corp., Jersey City, N. J.; hves at 49 Claremont Ave., New York. Frederick Charles Chandler, Jr., '22. 16470 South Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio. Horace Harper Fritz '22. 713 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frederick Foeller Schoepflin '22. in Dorchester Road, Buffalo, N. Y. D. B. Strickler '22. [Enlisted 31 Jan. 1916. Mexican Border service. Capt. Co. B, 109th Machine Gun Battalion, 28th Div., overseas 7 mos. Woimdcd twice, gassed, cited.] Paul Gustave Wellenkamp '22. R. F. D., Hammondsport, N. Y. IIl!Hi«.^,):.„£f CONGRESS^ P29^i23j75 6