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"^ .•^J^!^. ^-e ■or ^o -^^^^^^ .0*^ «K %^*<«%* ^ <3 *^ ip-»j 1 1_ CINCINNATI BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1 844- CINCINNATI : R. P. BROOKS, Publisher 1844. /> INDEX. Agricultural Tools, 1 Alcahol Dealers 1 Attorneys at Law, 1 Auction Stores, 4 Awning Makers — Bakers, 5 Banks — Bank Note Engravers — Bath-Houses, — Bell and Brass Founders — Bellows Factories — Bird Dealers, 6 Blacksmiths, 7 Boarding Houses, 8 Boat Stores — Book-Binders, 11 Book-Sellers, &c 12 Boot & Shoe Stores, 13 Boot & Shoe Finding Stores — Bo- tanic Medicine Dealers, — Box- Makers — Brewers 16 Brick Masons and Plasterers, 17 Brick- Yards, 18 Britannia Ware Manufacturers 19 Brokers, 19 Brush-Makers — Butchers, 20 Cabinet Ware-Rooms, 22 Camphine Oil Manufacturers — Carpenters & Builders, 23 Carpet Dealers, 27 Chair-Makers — China, Glass, &C..28 City Officers, 83 Coffee Houses, 29 Clothing Stores 32 Commission Merchants, 32 Confectioners .34 Coopers, 35 County Officers, • • 82 Dry Goods, 36-37 Druggists, i 40 Dye-Houses, 41 Fancy Stores,, 41 Foundries and Engine Shops, 42 Fruit Stores, v • • • r ^^ Gas Company, i .. . . • . .'• • •'• . 80 Grocers, 43-44 Gun Powder Dealers, 50 Hard Ware Dealers, 51 Hat Stores, 51 Hotels and Taverns, 52 House and Sign Painters, 55 Ice Dealers, 56 Insurance Offices, 78 Iron and Nail Merchants 56 Lace and Trimming Stores,. ...... 56 Lamp and Chandalier Stores Lard Oil Manufacturers Linen Stores, .,.,., Livery and Sale Stables, Liquor Dealers, Lock Manufacturers, Lumber Merchants, Mattrass Makers and Upholsterers Milliners and Dress Maikers, Mills, Music Stores, Paper Hangings, Periodical Depots, Physicians, Physicians, (Botanic) Places of Amusement, Plumbers and Hydrant-Makers. ... i T a Pork Dealers, ('F Portrait Painters, ( PP Post Office, m ]\h Printing Offices ( Produce Dealers, ( Publications, (Eng. and Ger.")..81-f Restaurats, ( Real Estate Agency Offices, ' Saddlers,. ' Salt Dealers, ' Sash and Blind Manufacturers, ■■, Soap and Candle Manufacturers,. . ,' Steam-Boat Agents, ' Stereotype Founders, ' Stone Masons, 'i™ Stone Yards, '.'in Stove Dealers, .....' Surgeon Dentists, '» Tailors and Drapers, V Tanners and Curriers, ( Tinners and Coppersmiths, ( Tobacconists, V Tool Stores, t Township Officers, f, Turners, V Umbrella Stores, V Undertakers, ' Varnish Manufacturers, 7 Wagon and Carriage Manufact'rs. .■; Watch-makers and Silver-smiths,. .7 Water Works £ Whiskey Rectifiers, "i Wood and Copper Engravers, 7 Wood & Metal Type Manufact'rs.'i THE ART OF MONEY-GETTING. ,6i This, and the two following articles, were contributed by ^Ir. W. Smead, of the Citizens' Bank : Fortune they say, is a fickle dame — full of her freaks and .raprices ; who blindly distributes her favors without the slightest iscrimination. So inconstant, so wavering is she represented, lat her most faithful votaries can place no reliance on her promi- es. Disappointment, they tell us, is the lot of those who make fFerings at her shrine. Now, all this we think, is a vile slander ejipon the dear, blind lady. We are firmly persuaded, however ,8ieemingly capricious she may be, that all who court her favors in he proper manner are almost sure of being rewarded with her miles. Although wealth often appears the result of mere accident, or '7 1 fortunate concurrence of favorable circumstances, without any ixertion of skill or foresight, yet we think that every man of ound health and unimpaired mind, may become the architect of lis own fortune. Wealth may be considered as an effect flowing rom natural causes. Now, that in which contemplative philoso- 3hy corresponds with the cause, in practical science becomes the :ule, and, as ignorance of the cause defeats the effect, we must, n order to produce a given result ascertain its causes. What hen, are the conditions upon which a fortune can be acquired? 1 correct answer to this question, will constitute the artoif mo- ley-getting, which we now proceed to unfold. Foremost in the list of requisites, are horie^ty and strict integ* ity in every transaction of life. Let a man have the reputation 3f being fair and upright in his dealings, and he will possess the confidence of all who know him. Without these qualities every Dther merit will prove unavailing. Ask concerning a man, " is he active and capable " ? Yes. Industrious, temperate and reg- {ular in his habits? O, yes. Is he honest? is he trust-worthy? iWliy, as to that, I am sorry to say he is not to be trusted ; he Vants Avatching; he is a little tricky, and will take an undue ad- jVantage, if he can. " Then, I will have nothing to do with him ; " will be the invariable reply. Why, then, is honesty the best po- licy ? Because, without it, you will get a bad name and every body will shun you. '^tfriiT IV ART OP MONEY-GETTINO. A character for knavery will prove an insurmountable obstacle to success in almost every undertaking. It will be found that the stright line is in business, as in geometry, the shortest. In a word, it is almost impossible for a dishonest man to acquire wealth by a regular process of business ; because, he is shunned aa a depredator upon society. Needy men are apt to deviate from the rule of integrity, under the plea that necessity knows no law : they might as well add, that it knows no shame. The course is suicidal, and by destroy- ing all confidence, ever keeps them immured in poverty, although they may possess every other quality for success in the world. Punctuality, which is said to be the soul of business, is anoth- er important element in the art of money-getting. The man known to be scrupulously exact in the fulfilment of his engage- ments, gains the confidence of all, and may command all the means he can use to advantage ; whereas, a man careless and regardless of his promises in money matters, will have every purse closed against him. Therefore be prompt in your payments. We will next consider the advantages of a cautious circum- spection in our intercourse with the world. Slowness of belief, and a proper distrust are essential to success. The credulous and confiding, are ever the dupes of knaves and impostors. Ask those who have lost their property, how it happened, and you will find in most cases, it has been owing to misplaced confidence. One has lost by endorsing ; another by crediting ; another by false representations ; all of which, a little more forsight, and a little more distrust would have prevented. In the affairs ot this world men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it. Judge of men by what they do, not by what they say. Be- lieve in looks, rather than in words. Observe all their move- ments. Ascertain their motives and their ends. Notice what they say and do in their unguarded moments, when under the in- fluence of excitement; The passions have been compared to tor- tures, which force men to reveal their secrets. Before trusting a man ; before putting it in his power to cause you a loss, possess yourself of every available information relative to him. Learn his history, his habits, inclinations and propensities ; his reputa- tion for honesty, industry, frugality and punctuality ; his pros- pects, resources, supports, advantages and disadvantages; his in- tentions and motives of action ; who are his friends and enemies, and what are his good or bad qualities. You may learn a man's good qualities and advantages from his friends — his bad qualities and disadvantages from his enemies. Make due allow- ART OF MONEY-GETTING. V ance for exaggeration in both. Finally, examine carefully before engaging in anything, and act with energy afterwards. Have the hundred eyes of Argus before-hand, and the hundred hands of Briarius afterwards. Order and System in the management of business- must not be neglected. Nothing contributes more to despatch. Have a place for every thing, and every thing in its place ; a time for every thing, and every thing in its time. Do first what presses most, and having determined what is to be done, and how it is to be done, lose no time in doing it. Without this method, all is hur- ry and confusion, little or nothing is accomplished, and business is attended to with neither pleasure nor profit. A polite, affable deportment is recommended. Agreeable man- ners contribute powerfully to a man's success. Take two men, possessing equal advantages in every other respect, but let one be gentlemanly, kind, obliging and conciliating in his manners ; the other harsh, rude and disobliging, and the one will become rich, where the other will starve. We are now to consider a very important principle in the busi- of money-getting, namely, — Industry — Persevering, indefatiga- ble attention to business. Persevering Diligence is the Philoso- pher's stone, which turns every thing to gold. Constant, regular, habitual and systematic application to business must, in time, if, properly directed, produce great results. It must lead to wealth with the same certainty that poverty follows in the train of idle- ness and inattention. It has been truly remarked, that he who follows his amusements instead of his business, will in a short time have no business to follow. The art of money-saving is an important part of the art of mo- ney-getting. Without frugality no one can become rich ; with it few would be poor. Those who consume as fast as they pro- duce, are on the road to ruin. As most of the poverty we meet with, grows out of idleness and extravagance, so most large for- tunes have been the result of habitual industry and frugality. The practice of economy is as necessary in the expenditure of time, as of money. They say that, if " we take care of the pence, the pounds will take care of themselves. " So, if we take care of the minutes, the days will take care of themselves. The acquisition of wealth, demands as much self-denial, and as many sacrifices of present gratification, as the practice of vir- tue itself. Vice and poverty proceed, in some degree, from the same sources, namely — the disposition to sacrifice the future to the pre- sent ; the inability to forego a smpll present pleasure for great fu- VI BOUNDARIES OF WARDS. ture advantages. Men fail of fortune in this world, as they fail of happiness in the world to come ; simply, because they are un- willing to deny themselves momentary enjoyments for the sake of permanent future happiness. Every large city is filled with persons, who, in order to sup- port the appearance of wealth, constantly live beyond their in- come, and make up the deficiency by contracting debts which are never paid. Others there are, the mere drones of society, who pass their days in idleness, and subsist by pirating on the hives of the industrious. Many who run a short-lived career of splendid beggary, could they but be persuaded to adopt a system of figid economy for a few years, might pass the remainder of their days in affluence. But no! They must keep up appearances, they must live like other folks. Their debts accumulate ; their credit fails ; thsy are harrassed by duns, and beseigedby constables and sheriffs. In this extremity, as a last resort, they often submit to a shameful dependance, or engage in criminal practices, which entail hopeless wretchedness and infamy on themselves and fami- lies. Classification of tlie Citizens of Cincinnati. [According to the value of the Real Estate they possess in the City.] 1 holds over $500,000 6 from 200,000 to 400,000 26 from 100,000 to 200,000 43 from 50,000 to 100,000 56 from 30,000 to 50,000 73 from 20,000 to 30,000 82 from 15,000 to 20,000 118 from 10,000 to 15,000 423 from 5,000 to 10,000 645 from 2,500 to 5,000 826 from 1,500 to 2,500 1313 under 1,500 Wealth of Cincinnati. It is estimated that the sale of eight squares of ground, in the business part of Cincinnati, would produce more than sufficient to pay her whole Bank Debt. BOUNDARIES OF WARDS. Cincinnati is divided into nine wards, whose boundary lines are follows : First Ward comprehends all north of Third, Symmes and High streets, east of Main and south of Sixth st. Second Ward lies between Third aud Sixth and Main and Western Row. STREETS AND ALLEYS VU 77iird Ward extends from Main st. east, along the river to the corporation line, and embraces all south of the First ward. Fourth Ward is bounded east by Main, west by John, north by Third, and south by the river. Fifth Ward comprehends from Main st. to Eace, and from Sixth St. to the corporation line. Sixth Ward reaches from the Second and Fourth Wards to the western line of the city, and from Sixth st. to the river. Seventh Ward iis bounded east by Race, west by John, south by Sixth, and north by the corporation line. Eighth Ward extends from John st, to the Western line, and from Sixth st. to the northern boundary of the city. Ninth Ward embraces all between Main st. and the corpora- tion and First ward line. STREETS, iliLEYsTND COURTS. Abbott's alley, from Western Row to Smith, bet 4th and 5th Abigail st. from Main to Broadway, bet Hunt and Woodward Allison st, from Main to Vine, north of Mercer Augusta St. from Western Row to Smith, bet 2d and 3d Baily's court, from Abbott's alley, bet John and Smith Baker st. from Walnut to Vine, bet 3d and 4th Barnes' alley, from Front to 3d, bet Main and Sycamore Bauman's alley, from Mill to Stone, bet 4th and 5th Bayrailler st. from London north, bet Linn and Freeman Benham's alley, from Race to Elm, bet 3d and 4th Betts St. from Plum to Freeman, bet Laurel and Cutter Borden's alley, from Race to Elm, bet 6th and George Bremen st. from 14th to Northern Row, bet Vine and Eace Broad st. from Park street east, bet 2d and 3d Broadway st. from River to Northern Row, b Syc. and Ludlow Brown's court, from east side of Elm, bet 4th and 5th Burnet st. from Vine to Race, bet 3d and 4th Burroughs' alley, from Race to Elm, bet 2d and Green Butler St. from river to 5th, bet Pike and Canal Canal st. from Sycamore to Plum, bet Court and 12th Carr st. from Front to London, bet Harriet and Pearson Cassatt's alley, from Main to Bdwy. bet Abigail and Woodward Catharine st. from W. Row to Baymiller, b Richmond & Eliz'h. Centre st. from Vine to Elm, bet 5th and 6th Charles st. from Elm to Plum, bet Canal and 12th Cherry alley, from Race to Western Row, bet Front and 2d VIU STREETS AND ALLEYS. Chesnut st. from W. Row to Fulton, north of Elizabeth Church alley, from Main to Walnut, bet 4th and 5th Clark St. from W. Row to Linn, bet Hopkins and Catharine Clay St. from Canal to 14th, bet Main and Walnut Clinton st. from Western Row to Freeman, bet Betts and Everett College St. from 6th to 7th, bet Vine and Race Collord St. from Front to High, bet Lytle and Washington Congress st. from Broadway east, bet 2d and Symmes Court St. from Western Row to Deer creek, bet 9th and Canal Cutter st. from London to Everett, bet Fulton and Linn Dudley st. from Everett to Northern Row, bet Linn and Locust Dudley's alley, from the Pike west, bet 4th and 5th Dunseth's alley, from Main to Walnut, bet 2d and Pearl Eighth St. from Deer creek to Plum, bet 7th and 9th Elizabeth st. from W, Row to Fulton, bet Catharine and Chesnut Elm St. from river to Northern Row to Race and Plum Everett st. from Western Row to Freeman, north of Clinton Fifth St. from Deer Creek to Ohio river, bet 4th and 6th Ferguson's alley, from Main to Sycamore, bet 8th and 9th Fourth st. from Pike to Wood, bet 3d and 5th Franklin st. from Main to Broadway, bet Woodward & Webster Frazee's alley, from Fulton west, bet Richmond and Catharine Freeman st. from London north, bet Baymiller a7id Carr Friendship alley, from Lawrence to Butler, bet Front ^ Congress Front St. from Wood to Fulton, bet Water and 2d Fulton St. from London north, bet John and Cutter George st. from Race to Mound, bet 6th and 7th Gilmore's alley, from Front to 2d, bet Vine and Race Grandin's alley, from Vine to Plum, bet Court and Canal Grant st. from Elm to Plum, bet 12th and 14lh Green st. fom Race to Elm, bet 2d and Union Hanover st. from Woodward to Franklin, bet Main and Sycamore Harrison st. from Broadway and Pike, bet 5th and 6th Hickory st. from Linn to Locust, north of Everett High St. from Butler to Fulton, north of Front Home St. from 4th to 5th, bet Elm and Plum Hopkins st. from Western Row t.o Linn, bet Clark and Laurel Home St. from Front north, near Mill creek Hotchkiss St. from W. Row to John, north of corporation line Hunt St. from Main to Broadway, bet Canal and Abigail Husted's alley, from 5th to 6th bet Elm and Plum Jackson st. from Canal to 13th, bet Walnut and Vine Jail alley, from Main to Sycamore, bet Hunt and Abigail Plum St. from river to Northern Row, bet Elm and Western Row STREETS AND ALLEYS. IX Jelleffs alley, from Vine to Race bet Canal and 12th John St. from river to corporation line, bet W. Row and Smith Johnston's alley, from 7th to 8th, bet Vine and Race Kemble st. from W. Row to Cutter, bet London and Richmond Langdon's alley, from 6th to 8th, bet Main Sycamore Laurel st. from W. Row to Freeman, bet Hopkins and Betts Lawrence st. from river to 4lh, bet Ludlow and Pike Lawson's alley, from 7th to Canal, bet Race and Elm L'Hommedieii's alley, from W. Row to Smith, bet George & 7th Linn st. from Clark to corporation line, bet Locust and Cutter Locust St. from Clark to corporation line, bet Linn &; Freeman Lodge alley, from 5th to 7th, bet Walnut and Vine London st. from Western Row to Home, bet 7th and Kemble Longworth st. from Elm to Mill bet 5th and 6th Lower Market st. from Main to Broadway, bet 2d and 3d Ludlow St. from river to 4th, bet Broadway and Lawrence Lytle St. from river to High, bet Parsons and Collord Macalester st. from 4th to 5th bet Broadway and Pike Main st. from river to corporation line, bet Walnut and Sycamore Mason st. from Plum to Western Row, bet Ann and Betts Masonic alley, from 3d to 4th, bet Main and Walnut ' Mayor's alley, from 3d to 4th bet Main and Sycamore McFarland st. from Elm to Western Row, bet 3d and 4th Mercer st. from Walnut to Vine, bet 13th and Allison Mill St. from river to 5th bet Park and Stone Miller st. from 6th to 7th, bet Main and Walnut Mound St. from 5th to London, west of Smith Mulberry st. from 2d to 3d, bet Elm and Plum New St. from Sycamore to Canal, bet 6th and 7th Ninth St. from Broadway to Plum, bet'Sth and Court North St. from 6th to 7th, bet Sycamore and Broadway Northern Row or coporation line, from the Ohio river at Fulton to Mill Creek Orchard st. from Main to Sycamore, bet Webster and Northern R. Park St. from 2d to 5th, bet Smith and Mill Parsons st. from river to High, west of Lytle Patterson's alley, from Main to Walnut bet 5th and 6th Pearl st. from Main to Race, bet 2d and 3d Pendleton st. from Woodward to Northern Row, east of Spring St. Perry st. from Plum to Western Row, bet 4th and 5th Piatt's alley, from Vine to Elm, bet 7th and 8th Pike St. from river to 5th, bet Lawrence and Butler Pleasant St. from 15th to Northern Row, bet Race and Elm X STREETS AND ALLEYS. Produce alley, from 2d to Lower Market, bet Main and Sycamore Providence alley, from Everett to N. Row, bet Plum and Wes- tern Row Race St. from river to Northern Row, bet Vine and Elm Ramsey's alley, from Front to 2d, bet Main and Walnut Reynolds st. from Front to Pearl, bet Main and Walnut Richmond st. from W. Row to Cutter, betKemble & Catharine Rittenhouse st. from Catharine to Clark, bet Cutter and Linn Rose St. from 2d to 3d, bet Smith and Park Seventh st. from Deer Creek to Freeman, bet 6th and 8th Sixth St. from Deer creek, to Mill creek, bet 5th and 7th Smith St. from river to 7th, bet John and Park Smith's Court, from Smith west, bet 4th and 5th Spring St. from Woodwaad to Northern Row east of Broadway St. Clair's alley, from 7th to Canal, bet Main and Walnut Stone St. from 3d to 5th, bet Mill and Wood Stone's Alley, from 4th to 5th, bet Walnut and Vine Sycamore st. from river to Northern Row, bet Main and Bdwy. Tanner st. from Webster to N. Row, bet Sycmore and Broadway Third st. from Ludlow to West Front st. bet 2d and 4th Thirteenth st. from Main to Race, north of 12th st. Thorp's alley, from Elm to Western Row, bet 5th and 6th Twelfth St. from Main to Western Row, bet Canal and 13th Union st. from Race and Elm, bet Green and 3d Vine St. from river to Northern Row, bet Walnut and Race Walnut St. from River to Northern Row, bet Main and Vine Washington st. from river to High, east of CoUord Water st. from Main to Smith, bet river and Front Watson's alley, from 7th to 8th, east of Main Webster st. from Main to Broadway, north of Franklin Western Row, from river to Northern Row, bet Plum and John Whitney's alley, from Mill to Wood, bet 3d and 4th William st. from Elm to Western Row, bet 9th and Court Wood St. from river to 5th west of Stone Woodward st. from Main to Spring, bet Abigail and Franklin Yeatman st. from Sycamore to Broadway, bet Front and 2d CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Roman Catholic. — St. Peters Cathedral, west side of Syca- more, between 6th and 7th ; Right Rev. J. B. Purcell is Bishop of the diocese of Cincinnati ; Very E. T. Collins and Very Rev. Edward Purcell officiate in the services of the church. Church of the Holy Trinity, south side of 5th, between Smith and Park CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. XI Streets ; Rev. John Henry Luhr and Rev. Francis L. Huber pas- tors. St. Mary's church, south-east corner Clay and 13th sts. ; Rev. Clemens Hammer, Rev. Joseph Ferneding and Andrew Tusch pastors. Protestant Episcopal. — Christ Church, north side of 4th, be- tween Sycamore and Broadway ; Rev. J. T. Brooke, rector. St. Paul's Church, south side of 4th, between Main and Walnut sts. Rev. E. Winthrop rector. Grace Church, north side 7th be- tween Plum and Western Row ; Rev. Chauncey Colton, D, D. rector. Presbyterian Old School. — First, west side Main, bet 4th and 5lh sts. Rev. J. L. Wilson, D. D. and Rev. Samuel Wilson, pas- tors. Fourth, north side of High, near the corporation line, va- cant. Fifth, north east corner Elm and 9lh sts., Rev. D. K. Mc- Donald, pastor. Presbyterian, New School. — Second, south side 4th, between Vine and Race sts.. Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D. pastor. Third, north side 2d, between Walnut and Vine sts.. Rev. Thornton A. Mills, pastor. Sixth, south side 6th, between Main and Walnut streets. Rev. Jonathan Blanchard, pastor. Tabernacle, north side Betts between John and Cutter sts. Rev. J. C. White, pastor. African, west side Lawrence, between Symmes and 4th sts. Rev. Benjamin Templeton, pastor. Beformed Presbyterian, south side George, bet Race and Elm streets ; pastorship vacant. Associate Reformed Presbyterian, south side 6th, bet Race and Elm sts.. Rev. James Prestley pastor. Baptist. — Ninth Street Church, south side 9th between Vine and Race streets ; Elder S. W. Lynd pastor. First Baptist, south east corner of Elm and 7th streets ; Elder T. R. Cressy pastor. Baptist Church, Pearson between 5th and 6th streets ; Elder Lewis French, pastor. Sixth Baptist, north side 3d be- tween Walnut and Vine streets ; Elder W. H. Brisbane pastor. African Baptist, south side Baker street; Elder David Nickens pastor. Disciples^ Churches. — West side Sycamore between 5th and 6th streets ; Elder David S. Burnet preacher. North side 6th be- tween Smith and Park streets ; Elders B. H. Lawson and W. P. Stratton, preachers. Engine House, east side of Vine between Front and 2d ; Elder James Challen, preacher. Engine House, east side Vine bet Court and Canal ; J. J. Moss preacher. Methodist Episcopal Churches. — Wesley Chapel, north side 5th bet Sycamore and Broadway streets ; Rev. G. W. Walker, preacher in charge. Asbury Chapel, Webster bet Main and Syca* XU CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. more streets ; Rev. David Reed, preacher in charge. Ninth Street Chapel, north side 9th between Race and Elm streets ; Rev. R. S. Foster, preacher in charge. Morris' Chapel, west side of Wes- tern Row, bet 4th and 5th ; Rev. Wm. Young preacher in charge ; German Mission Church, east side Race bet 13th and and 14th streets ; Rev. Wm. Ahrens preacher in charge. New Street Af- rican Church, south side New street east of Broadway ; Rev. Geo. Walker preacher in charge. Bethel African Church, south side Sixth east of Broadway ; Rev. C. Yancey preacher in charge. Methodist Protestant Church. — South side 6th between Vine and Race streets ; Rev. James Wilson and Rev. Joseph White preachers in charge. Friends' Meeting Houses. — South side 5th between Western Row and John streets. New Jerusalem Church First Society Temple, north side Centre bet Race and Elm streets ; Rev. Mr. Howarth and Rev. T. O, Prescott, pastors. First Congregational Society of Unitarians. — South-west corner of Race and 4th streets ; Rev. James H. Perkins minister. Christian Church, 4th bet Stone and Wood ; Rev. M. Gardner minister. Universalist Church. — South-west corner Walnut and Baker streets ; Rev. John A. Gurley minister. First Restorationist Church. — West side Race between 5th and Centre; Rev, Daniel Parker minister. German Lutheran Churches. — Northern German Lutheran Church, Walnut bet 8th and 9th streets; Rev. William Sieb pastor. St. John, north side 6th bet Walnut and Vine streets ; Rev. Augustus Kroell pastor. United Reformed Lutheran Church.— George between Race and Elm streets ; Rev. F. M. Raschig pastor. English Lutheran Church.— Vine bet 4th and 5th ; Rev. Abraham Reck pastor. German Reformed Churches.— 'Noxih-west corner of Walnut and 13th streets ; Rev. J. C. Niemann pastor. Elm, opposite the the Orphan Assylum ; Rev. Philip Hauser pastor. United Brethren in Christ.— West side Fulton between Kem- ble and Catharine streets; Rev. Francis Whitcomb and Rev. Thomas Jones Minister. Welsh Calvanistic Methodist.— 'R^nison street ; Rev. Edward Jones minister. Welsh Congregational Church.— Cornev Lawrence & bymraes streets ; Rev. John Jones pastor. Jewish Synagogue.— Corner of Broadway and 6th streets ; Elias Mayer, parnas. i r>-u Bethel Chapel.—Souih side Front between Lawrence and Pike. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY. A^icultnral iStores and Implements. Jarrett, C. & Co., 7th bet Main and Walnut, luxley, H. 5th bet Main and Sycamore onte &; Co., cor Broadway and Court. /lelendy, J & J., Main bet Allison and Northern Row. *arkhurst, S. C, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. 'eacock, A., cor Main and Webster. laymond & Hubbell, Main near Northern Row. 51oop, Hiram, Main bet 12th and 13th. Alcohol ]>ealei*s. Jlen & Co., cor Main and 5th sts. lomergue D. & Co., cor Water and Race ^ebb John G., No. 35, Water st. Voolley, C. Roll, Main bet 6th and 7th. Riley, James, Main bet 8th and 9th. Roedter, Henry, south side Court Square. Russell, R. W., Corry's office, cor 6ih and Main. Ryland, James W., cor 3(1 and Sycamore. Scott, John L., 3d bet Main and Walnut. Smith, Thomas C. H., cor Main and Hopple's Alley. Snow ^ Cox, Court bet Main and Sycamore. 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Southgate, James, 3d bet Main and "Walaut. Spencer ^ Corwine, cor Main and 3d. Starr, Henry, cor Main and 4th. . ■ . ' Stewart, John, boards W. Borland. Stille, John, Court bet Main and Walnut. Stone, R. H., cor Court and Main. Storer & Gwynne, 3d st., over Post Office. Strait & Collins, Walnut bet 5th and 6th. Stuart, John M., 3d bet Main and Walnut. . ' Taft & Key, 3d bet Main and Walnut. Taylor, James W., Gazette Buildings. Thorp, Wm. C, cor 3d and Sycamore. Vanmatre, Daniel, Main bet 5lh and 6th. Van Ham, W. & A., Court bet Main and Walnut. Walker Timothy, cor 4th and Macalester. Warren, John B., cor Main and 5th. Williams, Wm. H., cor Main and 8th. Wilson & Mitchell, cor Main and 2d. Woodruff & Cornell, 5th bet Mnin and Sycamore. ' ] Woodruff, Truman, 7th bet John and Mound. Worthington, Vachel, 3d bet Main and Walnut. i Worthington, John G., Main bet 3d and 4th. j Wright, Coffin & Miner, Main bet 3d and 4th. Wright, Crafts J., Main bet 3d and 4th. i Wright, Nathaniel, Elm bet 3d and 4th. j Auction Stores. ] Brashears & Hewson, 2nd bet Main and Sycamore \ J Cooper, James, Main bet 3rd and 4th 1 Hayden, Elliott & Co. Main bet 5th and 6th j Hayden, S. F, & Co., Main bet 4th and 5th. Hopper, Wood & Co. 12 Pearl street Johnson, Thomas, Main bet 4th and 5th Kellogg Albert, 5th bet Main aud Walnut Levy & Brothers, Front bet Sycamore and Broadw^ay. McChail, R., Sycamore bet 3d and Lower Market. Reed, James H., Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway. Sayre, L,, 5th bet Main and Walnut. Vansicklen, Main bet 6th and 7th Weil & Mann, Pearl bet Main and Walnut Withers, O'Shaughnessy &, Co., cor Main and 3rd Woodruff & Philley, Main bet 5th and 6th BUSINESS DIRECTORY. S Awning Makers. AUcorn J. R., 5th bet Main and Walnut Ball, William, cor 5th and Walnut Gordon George, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th Faulkner , Main bet 12lh and 13th Morris Nicholas, Walnut, near the Canal Oldham, George, cor Sycamore and 3d Bakers. Akens & Wendel, Water bet Walnut and Vine. Bailey, John, Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Bebinger, Michael, Gano bet Walnut and Vine. Bennett, Charles, Court bet Walnut and Vine. Burnett, Jos. A., 5th bet Walnut and Vine. Burnett, Thomas N. 5th bet Race and Elm. Bolser, Joseph, 8th bet Sycamore and Broadway. Bolser, John, 8ih East of Broadway. Burner & Lewis, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway. Busenbach, Adolph, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway. Cavanie, B., 5th bet Main and Walnut. Cloon, Samuel, Sycamore bet Front and 2d. Craighead, Samuel, cor Elm and Longworth. Cunningham & Worthington, 6th bet Elm and Plum. Doll, Mathias, Walnut bet Front and 2d. Field, R. B., 5th bet Vine and Race. Friedborn, Jacob, Court bet Walnut and Vine. Golden, Isaac, Elm bet 4th and 5th. Hengold, & Luers, cor Sycamore and 5th. Kaiser, Xavier, Vine bet Canal and 12th. Kolb, John, 7th bet John and Smith. Kramer, Simon, Main bet 6th and 7th. Kurfiss, Frederick, Lower Market bet Broadway and Sycamore. Merrill, Robert, jr.. Front bet Main and Walnut. Muir, Thomas, cor John and Catharine.. Muth, Augustus, 5th bet Main and Walnut. Reese, William, Vine bet Front and 2d. Renck, Michael, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Rentz, Peter, Vine bet Canal and 12th. Teiter, George, 2d bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Tiemann, August, 9ih bet Race and Elm. Vorwald, Francis, Main bet Hunt and Jail Alley. 1* 6 BUSINESS DIRECtORY. Weingartner, Lawrence, Front bet Home and Harriet. Worman, William, cor George and Western Row. Worraan, John, 5lh bet Vine and Race. Wolf, Jacob, Walnut bet 4th and 5th. Banks. Citizen's Bank,* No. 25 East 4th Commercial,* east side Main bet 3d and 4th Franklin,* 3d bet Main and Walnut Lafayette, 3d bet Main and Walnut Mechanic's & Trader's,* Main bet 3d and 4th Ohio Life & Trust Co.* south west corner 3d and Main Williams &; Wheeler,* north west cor Main and 3d * Private Banks. Bank IVote Engravers. Doolittle & Munson, cor Main and 3d. Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, cor Main and 4th. Bath Houses. Watson Wm. (colored) 3rd bet Main and Walnut Woodruff Archibald, Sycamore bet 3rd and 4th Bell & Brass Founders. Coffin, G. W., 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow. Cummings &, Alexander, Front bet Pike and Butler. Garratt, J., Front, near Deer Creek. Hanks & McGraw, 2d bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Stanley, C, Walnut bet Front and 2d, Bellows Factories. Hamilton, Samuel R., 2d bet Sycamore and Broadway. Morris, George T., cor Main and Patterson's Alley. Bird Bealers and Bird Cage ITIanutactureri. Bromwell, William, Walnut bet Pearl and 3d Chidsey, William, 3d bet Walnut and Vine Huxley, H. 5th bet Main and Sycamore Jones, William, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway Martin, George, 5th bet Race and Elm Parkhurst, S. C, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. Beens, John, Patterson's Alley. Boggs & Bateman, 2d bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Burland, John H., Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Carbut, William S., Friendship Alley bet Pike and Butler. Carver, John H., Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Clements &, Lyon, Front bet Pike and Butler. Deppe, Frederick, Walnut bet Allison and Northern Row. Doberrer, Michael, Vine bet Allison and Northern Row. Grassell, George, Front bet Carr and Pearson. Griffey, David, 2d bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Hauer, Michael, Northern Row bet Plum and Western Row. Hausman, Frederick, Sycamore bet Hunt and Abigail. Heidman, Francis, Race near Northern Row. Hollen, Herman H., Vine bet Court and Canal. Hoon, William, cor Ludlow and River. Hornmeyer, Charles, Allison, bet Main and Walnut. Husmann, Bernard, Hunt bet Sycamore and Broadway. Hutton, John, Walnut bet Front and 2d. Jones, William, Race bet Canal and 12th. Kempf, Francis, 3d bet Plum and Western Row. Kirk, James, Congress bet Butler and Canal. f Klausing, Henry, Friendship Alley bet Pike and Butler, Logan, Thomas, 6th bet Main and Sycamore Luckeng, Joseph, 5th bet Western Row and John. Magness, John, cor Plum and Mason. McDonald, Oswald, Front bet Walnut and Vine. Meyer, Frederick, Clay bet 13th and Allison. Morning John H., 6th bet Main and Walnut. Norris, John C, 6th bet Sycamore and Broadway. Osting, Wm., Main bet Canal and 12th. Otterman, Henry, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Quarmby, John, Court bet Plum and Western Row. Rilt, Michael, cor Plum and George. Rogers, John, Water bet Walnut and Vine. Stickle, Samuel B., Canal bet Vine and Race. Sweet, Benoni, 5th bet Mound and Park. Trowbridge, W. B., High bet Collard and Parsons. Vorderwestin, John H., boards G. H. Otte's. Vonseggern, Frederick, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway. Winall, John, Canal bet Walnut and Vine. O BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Boarding Houses. Ackerman, Eliza, Sycamore bet 6th and 7th. Armstrong, F., 5th bet Main and Sycamore. Bailey, Mrs. Martha, Race bet 9th and Court. Bates, Mrs. E., cor Front and Parsons. Bell, James B., Centre bet Vine and Race. Bell, Wm., cor Western Row and Wade. Bernheim, Esaias, Vine bet 4th and 5th. Berniger, John, 5th bet Race and Elm. Bicknell, Mrs. M. A. M. C, 6th bet Vine and Race Bodilly, R., Broadway bet 6th and 7th. Bodine, Elijah, cor Court and Elm. Borland, William, 3d bet Walnut and Vine. Brown, James P., Walnut bet I2th and 13th Brown, Mrs., Sycamore bet 5th and 6th. Brown, Wra., Lower Market, bet Main and Sycamore. Byington, Mrs. Sarah, Court bet Walnut and Vine. Cady, Mrs. M., Broadway bet Front and 2d. Cake, Jacob, Elm bet Longworth and 6th. Chambers, J. M., George bet Plum and Western Row Chester, Mrs. Broadway bet 5th and 6th. Clancy, C, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th. Clark, Mrs., Walnut bet 3d and 4th. Clark, Mrs. Charlotte A., Pike bet Symraes and 4th. Clingham, John, Main bet 2d and Pearl Craig, George, 5th bet Vine and Race. Crane, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6th bet Main and Walnut. Daum, Valentine, 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow. Dickerson, Mrs. O., Elm bet 8th and 9th. Douglass, S., Court bet Walnut and Vine. Douglass, W. N., 2d bet Walnut and Vine. Dryer, Mrs. Salome, cor Miller and Gano. Dyer, Mrs., 7th bet Main and Sycamore. Dyer, Patrick, Sycamore bet Lower Market and 3d. Dyer, David, Walnut bet 3d and 4th. Eaton, Mrs. Mary, Broadway bet 3d and 4th. Eshelby, J., Main bet 5th and 6th. Farquhar, J. A., George bet Race and Elm. Ferguson, Hugh, 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow. Fisher, F. C, Walnut bet 3d and"4lh. Fitzpatrick, John, Water bet Main and Walnut Floyd, Mrs. Lydia, Broadway bet Lower Market and 3d, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Foaus, Mrs. Catharine, 3d bet Walnut and Vine. Gallagher, John, cor Vine and Front. Gardiner, R. T., Walnut bet Canal and 12th Gayer, John, 2d bet Sycamore and Broadway. Gibson, Abraham, 8th bet Sycamore and Broadway Gilliland, Mrs. M. A., Gano bet Main and Walnut. Gillyham, , 7th bet Sycamore and Broadway. Goodwin, Mrs. M., George, bet Elm and Plum. Gosney, Mrs. N. P., cor Broadway and Franklin. Gould, Miss Julia A., 2d bet Walnut and Vine. Gray, John, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th. Greenleaf, Mrs., 6th bet Vine and Race. Griffin, Thomas, cor Sycamore and 8th. Hafer, Rudolph, 7th bet Main and Walnut. Hamilton, Mrs. E., cor Plum and Front Hare, J., cor 5th and Broadway. Hargill, Miss Sarah, Sycamore bet 5th and 6th. Hart, Mrs. B., Main bet 3d and 4th Haskill, Joseph, Main bet 6th and 7th. Haslett, James, Baker street. Hayden, Mrs. E., 4th, bet Sycamore and Broadway. Hemphill, U., 5th bet Main and Walnut. Henderson, James, Front near Fulton. Henderson, Mrs. Mary, Butler bet Front and Congress. Hoagland, Mrs. R., 7th bet Main and Sycamore. Hook, Arthur, East side Court Square Hopkins, Mrs. Mary, Mount Auburn. Hutchins, J., 6th bet Walnut and Vine. Hyland, M., 2d bet Sycamore and Broadway. Ingersoll, Wm. S., 5th bet Vine and Race. James & Coffin, cor 9th and Walnut Jones, Joseph, Sycamore bet 8lh and 9th. Jones, J , 2d bet Sycamore and Broadway. Kain, Thomas, 5th bet Main and Sycamore. Kelly, Mrs, R., Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Kelly, Matthew, 5th bet Smith and Park. Kent, Patrick, Sycamore bet 8ih and 9th. Kerr, Thomas, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway. King, Justin, cor Vine and 2d. Klotter, George, Main bet Hunt and Jail Alley. Kramer, Bernard, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Kuhn, Mrs. Sarah, 4th bet Main and Walnut. Landrum, Mrs. Mahala, Sycamore bet 5th and 6th, 10 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Leech, J., Main bet 2d and Pearl. Lehman, Mrs. S,, Broadway bet 5th and Harrison. Letford, James, Water bet Walnut and Vine. Lodge, Mrs. Ann M., 4th bet Walnut and Vine. Long, John, Plum bet 2d and 3d. Lovejoy, Mrs. Mary, Pike bet Congress and Symmes. Mahan, W., Broadway bet 7th and 8th Mansell, Henry, Walnut bet 3d and 4th. Martin, John, Walnut bet 5th and 6th. Mason, John W., Fourth Street House, cor Sycamore and 4th. Mather, Miss Sarah Ann, Walnut bet Canal and 12th. M'Cann, James, 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow. M'Coy, D., cor New and North. M'Groarty, Mrs. C, cor Broadway and 3d. McHugh, Patrick. Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market. Meek, James, Main bet Allison and Northern Row. Meredith, Joseph, 5th bet Vine and Race. Merrill, Miss Roby, cor Western Row and George. Meyler, Mrs. M., 2d bet Main and Walnut. Miles, Miss Ann, cor Vine and Baker Miller, Mrs. Jane, cor Elm and Front Montgomery, Wm. Walnut bet Baker and 4th Moore, Mrs. Ann, Walnut bet Pearl and 3rd Moore, Wm. Water bet Main and Walnut Morgan, Mrs. Mary Ann, 2nd bet Broadway and Ludlow Murrin, Edward, 3rd bet Sycamore and Broadway Noble, Miss, 6th bet Lodge and Vine O'Hara, Mrs. Mary, Walnut bet 5th and 6th Oliver, Mrs. Rebecca, Walnut bet 2nd and Pearl Osborn, Benjamin, cor Elm and 6th Passel, S. L. cor 5th and Vine Pennel, Johnathan. Western Row bet Everett and Mason Pennington, Eliza, 4th bet Main and Sycamore Pye, Joseph, 3rd bet Walnut and Vine Quinn, Hugh, 3rd bet Sycamore and Broadway Richards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Walnut bet 7th and 8th Richards, Samuel, Home street Richards, S. 5th bet Race and Elm Richey, Mrs. Eliza, 6th bet Walnut and Vine Ritter, Charles G. Broadway bet 3rd and 4th Robertson, John, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Robinson, John, Sycamore bet Front and 2nd Roudabush, J. Court bet Walnut and Vine BTTSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 Ryan, Patrick, Walnut bet Water and Front Sayre, Mrs. Julia, 4th bet Sycamore and Broadway Scherburg, Frederick, cor Ludlow and Landing Shield, Mrs Maria, Harrison street Shiner, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2nd bet Broadway and Ludlow Souders, John, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Steir, Mrs. Harriet, cor John and 7th Stevens, Elijah, 5ih bet Vine and Race Stone, Mrs. Ann, Front bet Walnut and Vine Tirmin, Richard, cor Pearl and Race Towne, Thomas, Broadway bet 7th and 8th Tucker, Mrs. Ann S. Walnut bet 4th and 5th Uwryler, John, Elm bet 8th and 9th Vail, Randolph, Court bet Walnut and Vine Wales, Mrs. J. W. cor Vine and bth Warden, W. Broadway bet 7th and 8th Way, Robert, 6th east of Canal Willis, Mrs. Mary, 4th bet Elm and Plum Wilson, E., 7th bet Race and Elm. Wilson, Mrs. R. T. 7th bet Main and Sycamore White, J. cor 5th and Broadway Whitlock, Mrs. 6th bet Main and Walnut Wood, Mrs. Ann, cor Broadway and 3d Woodington, Mrs. Martha, Ludlow bet 2nd and Congress Woodworth, H. C. 6th bet Main and Sycamore Wright, Mrs. Ellma, Green street Wright, Mrs. W. Walnut bet Pearl and Third Young, Mrs. Mary D. B. Baker street Young, Mrs. Jane, Front bet Collord and Lytle Young, Joseph B. 4th bet Sycamore and Broadway Boat Stores and Sbip Chandlery. Avery, Wayne & Co., Front bet Sycamore and Broadway. Broadwell & Co., cor Sycamore and Front. Boat Stores. Burrows, William, cor Main and Landing Isham, Augustus, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Book Binders. Conclin, George, Main bet Front and 2d. 1!5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cox, George & Co., Main bet 2d and Pearl Cropper, C, Main bet 4th and 5th. Dickinson, Geo., cor Walnut and 5th. Ely, Jacob W., Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Ernst ^ Thorp, Main bet 5th and 6th. Hawkins & Ryan, Main bet 8th and 9th. Meinberg, Charles, Main bet Hunt and Jail Alley. Morgan, Ephraim, & Co., Main bet 3d and 4th. Methodist Book Concern, cor 8th and Main. Phillips & Reynolds, cor Main and 4th. Rohn, Henry, Clay bet 12th and 13th. Smith, W. B., Main bet 2d and Lower Market. Thompson & Evers, cor 3d and Walnut. Tuxworth, G. W., 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Wilstach, C. F., cor Main and 4th. Booksellers and Stationers. Cloud, C. & F. Main bet 4th and 5th Conahan, Daniel, (Catholic) Sycamore bet 6th and 7th Conclin, George, Main bet Front and 2nd Cox, George &; Co. Main bet Pearl and 2nd Desilver & Burr, Main bet 3rd and 4th Ely, Jacob W. No. 12 Lower Market, bet Main and Sycamore Ernst & Thorp, Main bet 5th and 6th Faulkner, John, Masonic alley Gihon, John, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Gurley, J. A., (Universalist) cor 5th and Main. Hallowell, J. cor Main and Gano James, J. A., Baker st. James , U. P. 26 Pearl street Jarrells, Jonathan, Main bet 8th and 9th Methodist Book Concern, cor Main and 8th Meyer, Louis, (German and French) 5th bet John and Smith Moore, Wm. H. ^ Co. 110 Main street Morgan, E. & Co. 131 Main street Peabody, A. [New Jerusalem] 5th bet Vine and Race Phillips & Reynolds, cor Main and 4th Samyn, Lewis, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Schwartz, Nicholas, cor Clay and 13th Shults, G. W. No. 19 Main st. Smith, Winthrop B. 56 Main street Truman, Wm. T. cor Main and Pearl Weed, George L. 30 west 4th street BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I. Boot and Sboe Stores. (Wholesale and Retail.) Birdsall, S. B. 3d st. opposite Henrie House Chapin, L. & Co., 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow. Cheever, A. G., Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Dakes & Davis, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway. Dewitt & Hicks, No. 54 Lower Market Dimmock & Stubert, Main bet 2d & Lower Market Earl & Hicks, No. 70 Lower Market Easton, S. Main bet 5th and 6th Evans, James G., 5th bet Walnut and Vine, Finkbine & Kirman, Main bet 5th and 6th. Gates, John, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Goldsmith, W. No. 68 Lower Market Goldsmith, N. No. 46 Lower Market Goldthwait & Co., 27 Pearl street. Grosvenor, M., 5th bet Walnut and Vine. Hardy, J. W. 5th bet Walnut and Vine JIart, Wm. & Co., Main bet 5th & 6th, and 5th bet Main & Wal Hicks, A. W., Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Holden R. A. Main, bet Front and 2d. Hopper, Aaron, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Knostmann, W. & Co., Front bet Sycamore and Broadway. Simpkinson, John, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore, Smith &; Tucker, 24, West 5th street. Tiffany, Chamberlin & Co. No. 32 Fifth st. Whetstone, R. A., 5th bet Walnut and Vine. Boot and Shoe Stores. {Retail.) Amtaur, H. Front bet Broadway and Ludlow Armstrong, Francis, 5th bet Maiiji and Sycamore. Barnwell, George, George st. bet Plum and Western Row. Beitman, C, Main bet 9th and Court. Bengee, Philip W., Main bet 8th and 9th. Boehler, Jacob, Walnut bet Allison and Northern Row. Bohl, Peter, Sycamore bet Front and 2d. Boylan, M. Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market Bryant, Brown, Elm one door above 6th ■ Burger, Philip H. Main bet 9th and Court Carey, Daniel, Western Row, bet Elizabeth and Catharine. Chard, Alanson C, Walnut bet 4th and 5th. 2 14 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Clark, William, Sycamore bet 7th and 8th. " Collins, Henry, Main bet 5th and 6th Crooks, J. Main bet 6th and 7th CuUum, James, Main bet Court and Canal. Cubberly, Enoch G., 5th bet Sycamore and Broadway. Dennis, John, Main bet Court and Canal. Deters, J. H., 3d bet Main and Walnut Dewein, Valentine, Broadway bet 2d and Lower Market Dick, Jacob, Front bet Race and Elm. Dunlap, Thomas, Main bet 4th and 5th. Eckelmann, Herman F., 5lh bet Main and Sycamore. Edward, D. B,, Walnut bet 3d and Baker. Eppinger, H. Broadway bet Front and 2d Eshelby, James, Main bet 5th and 6th. Feldmann, Herman, Main bet 13lh and and Allison. Feldmann, Benjamin, cor Stone and 3d. Force, Manson, Catharine bet Northern Row and John. Fries, S., Walnut bet Water and Front. Gerrus, Francis, Linn, bet Catharine and Clark. Goetz, Frederick, cor Ludlow and Symmes. Greenleaf, William, 5th bet Vine and Race. Groh, George, Plum bet Longworth and 6th. Gunkel, Henry, 6th bet Elm and Plum. Guy, C. C. Main bet 8th and 9th Hadden, William, W^alnut bet Water and Front. Harnes, Frederick, 8th bet Elm and Plum. Haubold, N. Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market Hauck, Nicholas, Sycamore bet Abigail and Woodward. Herrell, Wm. F. 4th bet Main and Walnut Hess, Abraham. 6th bet Plum and Western Row. ' Hopkins, Samuel, Plum bet 4th and 5th. Horning, F., Vine bet Allison and Northern Row. Hueneman, Stephen, Walnut bet 12th and 13th. Ihmholz, Henry W., Jackson bet 12th and 13th. Icsler, David, Main bet 9th and Court. Jelleff, Benjamin, Race bet Canal and 12th. James, Robert, 5th bet Race and Elm. Johnson, Thomas H., Broadway bet Front and 2d. Kaufhold, Ernest, Grafton street. Kaufhold, John, Grafton street. Kinsey, Pearson, 4th bet Main and Sycamore. Kirsch, Peter, Linn bet Catharine and Clark. Kuhn, George M., 8th bet Sycamore and Broadway. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 15 Lange, Charles, Main bet 7th and 8ih Lawler, C. Broadway bet 7th and 8th Leininger, J. G., Vine bet 8lh and 9lh. Lunisden, Samuel, Main bet 3d and 4th. Martin, John, 5th bet Main and Sycamore. Martin, Samuel, Lower Market bet Broadway and Sycamore. McCullough, Hugh, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Melle, Bernard H., Walnut bet 13th and Allison. Meyer, Nicholas H., Vine bet 15th and Northern Row. Muhlenkamp, William, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Monnig, G. H., 6lh bet Main and Walnut. Mortimer, George, Main bet 6th and 7th. Murphy, John, Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Murphy & Keim, cor 3d and Sycamore. Neinsber, John H., 2d bet Vine and Race. Nepper, A. 3d bet Main and Sycamore Owens, Wm. J., cor 5th and Race Pfister, Frederick, Main bet 8th and 9th. Ploeger, Henry, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Pomeath, Henry, Western Row bet Clark and Hopkins. Preston, Francis, London bet John and Fulton. Quant, H. Main bet 7th and 8th Reiring, H. Walnut bet 3d and 4th Remme, H. W., Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Ridder, Frederick, Main bet Woodward and Franklin. Ruhrwien, Frederick, 13th bet Vine and Race. Ruthop, J. H., Main bet Abigail and Jail Alley. Ryall & Co. 6th bet Race and Elm Sanderson, Joseph, Broadway bet Front and 2d Scheetle, Arnold, Western Row bet Wade and Northern Row. Schwenker, Charles, Walnut bet Allison and Northern Row. Staufer, Henry, Main bet 2d and Lower Market. Thiesing, Christian F., cor Clay and 12th. Timmermann, Gerard H., Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway. "^ Todd, S, 5th bet Walnut and Vine Todd, J. (at Thomas Towne's) Towne, Thomas, Broadway bet 7th and 8th Trainer, James H., Front bet Parsons and Congress. Utley, D. M. Broadway bet Front and 2d Utley, Hastings, cor Walnut and Front. Vos, Joseph, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore. Voss, John B., Sycamore bet Woodward and Franklin. Weir, James, 5th bet Vir^e and Race. 16 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Webster, Julia, Mrs., 5th bet Vine and Race. Wellmann, H. H., Clay bet 12th and 13th. Westing, Frederick, Woodward bet Sycamore and Broadway. Whiting, Timothy, jr. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore. Whitaker. James, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway. Wood Charles, Sycamore bet Lower Market and 3d. Wormser, D. 6th bet Race and Elm Wulkotten; Henry, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway. Boot and Shoe Finding Stores. Easton, S. & E. Main bet 5th and 6th Leist, John, Main bet 6th and 7th Roney, W. S. & J. Main bet 5th and 6th Botanic Medicine Dealers. Carter, Dr. R. C, No. 219, Main street. Curtis, Dr. A., 3d st., at the Botanic Medical College, formerly Bazaar. Ramsdale, John, cor Western Row and George. White, Dr. J., cor Broadway and 5th. Wilson, Dr. Israel, Main bet 8th and 9th. Bos; Makers, {Packing, &c.) Berry, Edward, cor Vine and Pearl Brooks, Moses, Elm opposite Green Brooks, Thomas, (Box and Ice chest) 2d bet Walnut and Vine Dunlap, James, 5th bet Elm and Plum Johnson, J, & J. M. (Box and Ice chest) Walnut bet Front & 2a Kahe, William, (Band) Canal bet Vine and Race Rusk, D. L. 2d bet Main and Walnut Vornholt, John F. (Band) Main bet 7th and 8th Wilson, David, Water bet Walnut and Vine Brewers. Billiods, F., head of Vine street. Coffman, J., Reading Road. Jonte, P., cor Abigail and Sycamore. Lofthouse, Wm., 4th bet John and Smith. Metcalf, Wm., Sycamore bet 3d and 4th, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 Middlewood, George, cor 4th and Western Row. Schultz & Bros, Front street, above the Water Works. Walker, J., Sycamore, near the Jail. Brick. Masons and Plasterers. Atkinson, Joseph, 6th bet John and Smith Atkinson, Benj. cor 8th and Linn Blair, Ananias, Plum bet Front and 2d. Blair, John, 8th bet Main and Walnut. Brackstennann, Henry, Rittenhouse street. Bywaters, Thomas, at W. R. Bywater's, Elm bet 5th and Long- worth. Coleman, Joseph, Betts bet John and Cutter Concling, Daniel, 4th bet Plum and Western Row. Cope, Jason, Kemble bet Western Row and John. Cordinan, John, Western Row bet Elizabeth and Chestnut. Cottum, Richard, Canal bet Race and Elm. Daily, Benjamin, cor Plum and William. Davis, Samuel W., Kemble bet Western Row and John. Decamp, David, Elizabeth bet Western Row and John. Decamp, Hiram, 7th bet Walnut and Vine. Decamp, James, 4th bet Smith and Park. Dressell, Peter, Jackson bet 12th and 13th. Dressell, John, Walnut bet 13th and Mercer. Earhart, John, Clinton bet Linn and Cutter. Evans, John, 9th bet Race and Elm. Fowler, Thomas, Congress bet Lawrence and Pike. Fry, John, Allison bet Main and Walnut. Hall, James, Northern Row, east of Pendleton. Harris, Thomas, 9th bet Race and Elm. Harrison, George, at Mrs. S. Harrison's. Harrison, Edwin, Betts bet John and Cutter. Hawkins Irick, Lawrence bet Linn and Locust. Ridgway, Samuel, boards J. P. Brown's. Rockinfield, Isaac A., Western Row bet Hopkins and Clark. Rockinfield, Jacob, London bet John and Fulton. Romeril, Charles E., Clark bet Western Row and John. Schoonover, Joseph, Richmond bet Western Row and John. Shaw, Achilles B., Centre bet Vine and Race. Smith, Frederick, Western Row bet Wade and Everett Spen, Henry, Front near Mill Creek. Spinning, Jacob T., 5th bet John and Smith. Spinning, John, 5th bet Elm and Plum. Spinning, Jonathan, Centre, bet Vine and Race. Tappan, Benjamin, Western Row bet 6th and George. Townley, John J., Vanhorne bet Linn and Cutter. Brick Yards. Ackley, Jacoby, London bet Baymiller and Clark. Arndt, David, cor Loudon and Carr. Arndt, Jacob, London bet Carr and Freeman. Arndt, Christopher, London bet Baymiller and Freeman. Rrinkbine, William, near the cor Linn and Clark. Brown, John C, Front bet Pearson and Carr Budd, J., near Mill Creek bet 8th and 9th. Collins, J., near Mill Creek bet 8th and 9th. Collins, G., below Mill Creek. Castner, J., 6th below Carr. Duchlarin, Daniel, London bet Baymiller and Freeman. Gardiner, Lewis, Baymiller, bet London and Catharine. George, George, London bet Carr and Freeman. Hand, William, Linn bet Clark and Hopkins. Harcote, T., Front below Carr. Hayes, Simeon, cor 6th and Mill Creek BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 19 Hood, Newman, Front bet Home and Harriet. Irick, William, near cor of Linn and Clark. Kelly, Dennis, jr., Baymiller bet Clark and Catharine. Kelly, Morris, Baymiller bet Clark and Catharine. Kesler, Mark H., Front bet Home and Harriet. Kestner, Joseph, 6th bet Harriet and Carr. Leffler, J., near Mill Creek bet 6th and 8th. Mangalt, Henry, Linn bet Catharine and Clark. Mullally, J., Mill Creek bet 6th and 8th. Pierson, William, Mill Creek bet 5th and 8th. Price, E., below Mill Creek. Punch, T., near Mill Creek bet 6th and 8th. Rail, George, cor Baymiller and Richmond. Sargent, William, Front bet Home and Harriet. Sarhent, George, Front bet Carr and Pearson. Sommers, D., Baymiller bet Catharine and Clarke. Speer, Nelson, cor 5'reeman and Front. Speer, William, cor Front and Home. Britannia Ware Iflanufactureris. Sellew & Co. east side Main bet 5th and 6th Brokers. Burt, A G., 3d, bet Main Walnut Coffin, D. T. 3d bet Main and Sycamore Crawford, J. N., Main bet 3d aud 4th Ellis ^ Vallette, cor Main and 3d Gilmore, James, Main bet Front and 2d Goodman T. S., & Co., Main bet 3d and 4th Greene, R. C. 3d bet Main and Walnut Groesback, G. & Co., 3d, bet Main and Walnut Johnston, F. A., cor 3d and Walnut Justice Jesse, & Co., cor Sycamore and Front Kimball, J. F. & Co. (Real Estate,) 3d bet Walnut and Vine Milne George fy Co., cor Main and Pearl Moses M. L., 3d bet Main and Walnut Outcalt P. & Co., 3d bet Main and Walnut Row S. S., Main bet 3d and 4th Smead Wesley, No. 25 East 4th st. McMurphy T. W., 3d bet Main and Sycamore Strader S,' Co., Main bet 3d and 4th Williams and Wheeler, cor Main and 3d 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Brusb Makers. Butcher & McLaughlin, Main bet 3d and 4lh. Holbrook, J., 5th bet Plum and Elm. Miller, Francis, &, Brother, 5th bet Elm and Plum. Norton, Charles, cor Ludlow and Congress. Tipton, J., Main bet 8th and 9th. Wolf, Jacob, jr., & Co., Walnut bet 4th and 5th. Butchers. Butchers occupying Stalls in the Market Houses. | 5th St. | L. M. \ 6th St. Auger, C. W. Bagott, Thomas, Bagott, William, Beresford, Samuel, •••• Beresford, Richard, ••• Beresford, Francis, ••• Beresford, Wm. & Co. Blackburn, John B. Bogen, George & P. • Bowman, Henry P. •• Burnes, A. & R. Butcher, John, Cook, C. Darick, Andrew, De Winton, Perry, ••• Dolmetsch, Gottlieb, ••■ Dunnohew, Thomas, Easley, M. W. Engel, Adam, Eukirs, John, Farr, John, Fieber, John, Fisher, John, Gall, John A. Gaibel, John, Glaser, Christian, Hare, Anthony, Hare, John, Helstrip & Creaser, ••• 41 29 12 11 37 13 52 35 30 36 4 7 53 10 53 38 37 36 46 30 22 47 .42 33 54 28 24 22 34 4 28 11 3 6 36 21 33 32 57 16 6 23 29 31 25 9 51 8 20 9 17 3 16 17 26 6 21 i Canal. 26 20 17 21 14 30 35 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 21 Butchers occupying Stalls in the Market Houses. Hook, Frederick, Hopperton, John, Irland, Isaac, Kahii, Solomon, Kahn, Samuel, • Kay, Richard, • Kerdolff, J. A. Kinch, Charles, King, Jonathan B. Kirby, John, Kirby, Tliomas, Kirby, William, Kirby, Robert, ••• ••• • Kline, Valentine, • Krepp, John, ^ • Lawrence, John,---" Marshall, R. Metz, Adam, Nicolai, Lewis, Pfister, Adam, Finger, Christian, Raubart & Moritz, Renner, Jacob, Rice, Jacob, Riddle, Alfred, Robinson, Daniel, Ryan, Mathew, Schwitzer, John, Shirike, Edward, Sliirike, Frederick, Shafer, Henry, Slimmer, George, Stewart, T. A. Stewart, Alexander, Stockman & Metz, Tesh, Henry, Walkerly, William, Wartman, George, Wartman, William, oih St. 1 L. M. I Gih St. I Canal. 34 20 20 12 2 14 12 32 35 14 10 18 55 41 50 28 19 18 32 17 44 24 25 7 24 11 19 28 13 58 60 56 19 33 7 8 22 40 6 15 5 47 27 45 5 45 1 51 39 4 46 29 21 15 35 23 44 2 5 45 40 18 18 5 42 27 1 43 4 3 2 16 22 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. olh St. L. M. Cih St. 1 Can 40 59 11 1 9 15 26 49 15 49 14 34 52 22 17 17 31 48 15 38 7 Buichers occuping Sialls in the Market Houses. Wartman, Charles, Weightman, H. Weightman, J. Weightman, T. F. Winton, Harrison, Wirthwine, Frederick, Wirthwine, Charles, Wright, John T. Witte, Hermanj Wunder, Vanaken, • Wunder, Samuel, Wunder, Daniel, Cabinet Warerooms. Allers, Gerard H., Main bet 12th and 13th. Baldwin, W. S., Phim bet 5lh and 6th. Bannister, W, B., cor Hopkins and Cutter. Bergman Sr Kranner, Main bet 12th and Canal. Bowen, G. G., Sycamore bet 3d and 4th.- Carver, Henry, Green street. Churchill & Atkins, 4th bet Main and Walnut. Cornwell, John D. & Co., Broadway bet Front and 2d. Curry, Henry R , Sycamore bet 3d and 4th. Diehl, Jacob, cor Walnut and 13th. Dolph, Moses, Cutter bet Catharine and Frazer's alley. Everson, Jacob, cor Plum and Longworth. Fries, Amand, Sycamore bet 3d and Lower Market. Geist, Henry C, Tanner street. Goos, John M., Main bet Jail Alley and Abigail. Held, Leonard, 6th bet Plum and Western Row. Heinzelman, George, 5th bet Main and Sycamore. Hill, G. S., 5th bet Walnut and Vine. Hildreth, Lewis A., George bet Race and Elm, Jones <^ Rammelsburgh, 4th bet Main and Sycamore. Knoblaugh, Frederick H., 3d bet Race and Elm. Langtry, Wm. 5lh bet Walnut and Vine Lightfoot, James S., Cutter bet Hopkins and Clark. Longley, Abner, Richmond bet John and Fulton. Lukens, Edward, at Disciple's Church. McAlpin, Andrew, 4th bet Main and Sycamore. McAliion, , 8th east of Canal. • Meyer, Gottlieb, Front bet Vine and Race. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 23 Mitchell R. & Co. 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Porter, George, sofa maker, 3d bet Vine and Race. Postell, George I., 6th bet Lodge and Vine. Rittinger, Philip G., Western Row bet George and 7th. Rodofer, Joseph, 7th bet Sycamore and Broadway. Rust, Paul, & Son, cor Plum and Longworth. Schell, Jonas, 5th bet Plum and Western Row. Smith, Christopher, Sycamore bet 4th and 5th. Soards, John, 6th bet Elm and Plum. Vosbrink, Herman, Western Row bet Wade and Northern Row. Walter. Joseph. 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Wessel, Gesard H., Clay bet 13ih and Sycamore. White, Barton, Sycamore bet 4th and 5th. CamphiMie Oil Manufacturers. Greenough, Benjamin F. Main bet 3d and 4th AVebb, G. M. Main bet 5th and 6th Carpenters and Builders. Hlexander, B. W. Monroe bet Elm and Plum Allen David, cor Elm and 6th Ashbaw Joseph, Pike bet Congress and Symmes Baldwin A. W. Court bet Vine and Race Ball fy Auberry, 8th bet Plum and Elm Barger Henry, Clay bet Allison and 13th Bateman Thomas, Broadway bet 8th and 9th Bebb Wm. Ludlow bet 3rd and 4th Berry Edward, Sycamore bet Franklin and Webster Blakely John S, George bet Western Row and John Bodilly Prichard P. SUi bet John and Mound. Bodilly Thomas S. 8th bet John and Mound Boerum & Whiteside, south west corner Race and Centre Bradstreet Samuel, cor Laurel and Cutter Brady Joseph C. Yeatman street Brewer Tunis, cor Western Row and 4th Brisbane & Bakheimer, cor Chart and Plum Broaddus Robert, Elm bet Water and River Broaddus Reuben, 5th bet Wood and Stone Brown Warren, cor Walnut and 8lh Brown Origen, Western Row bet Everett and Wade Brown, James P. Walnut bet 12th and 13th Cameron W. R. cor Western Row and Clark '4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jameron Wm. M. & E. D. cor Western Row and Clark Jarapbell Wm. P. at G. W. Churchill's Vine bet Centre and Oastren Casper, Symmes bet Ludlow and Lawrence Canfield Robert, Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence Center Ira, Western Row bet London and Kemble Chisholden George, London bet Linn and Cutter Clark James, Longworth bet Western Row and John Cook M. H. Si Co. 9th bet Main and Sycamore Cooledge Wm. 4th bet Western Row and John Cooledge John K. Carter's Alley rear of Mayor's office CuUum Allen, G. Elm bet 9th and William Grossman Peter Jr. Race bet Canal and 12th Crow Benjamin, Clinton bet Linn and Cutter Cutter Albij ah, B. cor London and Fulton Daraai Cornelius, Vine bet 3rd and Baker Davis Samuel, 5lh bet Plum and Home Davis Wm. Pleasant street Decamp Harvey, 5th bet Western Row and John Decamp J. B. &■ Co. Kemble bet Western Row and John Doma John, Harrison street Donnan Wm. cor 12th and Jackson Dorrey Mark, Clinton bet Truman and Locust Driehaus Herman H. Vine bet 5th and Centre Dunlap John, 5th bet Elm and Plum Droctman Chistian, Yeatman street Ehler Martin, Front bet Elm and Plum Ellis Jesse, Longworth bet Elm and Plum Evans John H. Broadway bet 6th and New Fedder Henry, Walnut bet Mercer and I3th Fildkaupf H. Hickory bet Linn and Locust Fierke Conrad, Bremen bet 14th and 15th Fifield Osgood, Western Row bet 8th and 9th Finch Berni P. cor Race and 14th Finley Robert, cor Elm and Court Gaither Eran, Vine bet 2nd and Pearl Genken Wm. Abbot's alley bet John and Smith Gottgen Bernard, H. cor Plum and William Haigh John, cor Woodward and Spring Hamline John, Catherine bet John and Fulton Harrison Henry, 7th bet Plum and Western Row Harrison John, cor 7th and Plum Harrison Richard, 3rd bet Park and Mill Hartburn George, Northern Row bet Spring and Pendleton BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 25 Hartmann, Wm. Everett bet Linn and Locust Harwood, Christopher, 5th bet Smith and Park Harwood, C. H. cor Mill and 4th Harwood, Wm, Park bet 4th and 5th Hathorn, George W. cor Linn and Betts Heirsch, Harrison W. Mill bet 4th and 5th Hinkle, Philip, Vine bet 2nd and Pearl Holley, Samuel, Home street Hopkins, J. E. & F. Western Row bet Richmond and Canal Howard, Charles Catharine bet John and Fulton Hughes, Israel, cor Plum and Cherry alley Huling, Isaac, 7th bet Plum and Western Row Hunter, George, 9th bet Elm and Plum Husmann, Gerard J. cor Western Row and Plum Inland, Anthony, cor Sycamore and Orchard Jackson, John W. Vine bet Canal and 12th James, W. R. Longworth bet Park and Mill Jenks, Jesse L. Front bet Parsons and Congress Jocelyn, &, Co. cor Walnut and Allison Johnson, Henry, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway Johnson, J. & J. M. Walnut bet Front and 2nd Keeler, Benjamin, 8th east of Broadway King, Samuel J. 5th bet Park and Mill Kirby, Josiah, cor Race and Court Kleim, Peter Race bet 14th and 15th Kleirmann, Henry, Vine bet 15th and Northern Row Klostermann, Charles, Yeatman street Kretker, Rudolph, Woodward bet Main and Sycamore LangstafF, Benjamin P. Park bet 3rd and 4th Langstaff, John W. Smith bet 4th and 5th Lathrop, Gardner, Orchard bet Main and Sycamore Lawrence, George W. Western Row bet 12th and Court Leavitt, Daniel K. Main north of Northern Row Leiber, John, 3rd bet Park and Rose Lemmon, David, Lodge bet 6th and 7th Lewis, Richard Jr. Catherine bet Linn and Baymiller Limmerman, Wm. Bremen bet 14lh and 15th Linn, Jonathan W. Home street Livezey, Isaac W. Pearl bet Walnut and Vine Lufbnrrow, Wm. cor Western Row and Richmond McDougal, Joseph, Water bet Vine and Race Medary, Joseph, Plum bet 9th and Court Medearis, Prior, Elm bet 7th and 8th 3 26 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Menkhaus, Daniel, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway Menkhaus, Henry, Abigail bet and Sycamore Broadway Meyer, Frederick, Mercer bet Walnut and Vine Miller, Peter W. Court bet Race and Elm Miller, Edward R. 9th bet Elm and Plum Miller, John H. Sycamore bet Pike and Butler Moore, Wm. cor Race and Pearl Moreland, Augustine, Congress bet Butler and Canal Murray, James, cor Miller and Gano Murray, Wm. Longworth bet Elm and Plum Neill, S. B. Broadway bet 4th and 5lh Neiman, Philips, Northern Row bet Main and Sycamore Nordmeyer, Henry, Clay bet 13 th and Allison Nordmeyer, Andrew, Clay bet 13th and Allison Oberlander, Peter, Clinton bet Linn and Locust Osgood, T. M. 4th bet Wood and Stone Paddock, John, McFarland bet Elm and Plum Patton, John, cor Western Row and Court Pearce & LangstafF, eor 7th and Plum Peirson & Newton, cor Longworth and Smith Peters, Frederick, Allison bet Walnut and Vine Powers, Cyrus, Elm bet Court and Canal Preur, Gustavus, W. Franklin bet Main and Sycamore Ratterman, Fras. cor Pleasant and Northern Row Reed, John, 6th bet Western Row and John Reese, David, 6th bet Pearson and Freeman Reif, Philip, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore Reynolds &; Hodgman, cor 5th and Elm. Ross, Brooks, 6th bet Western Row and John Rowsey, Charles A. Western Row bet Ann and Mason Smith, Alpheus, cor John and Hopkins Snyder John, 8th bet Main and Walnut Stagg, Richard, cor John and Kemble Stewart, William H. cor Race and 8th Stilley, James, 9th bet Race and Elm StraefFer, Michael, Sycamore bet Hunt and Abigail Summer, Jacob, Canal bet Vine and Race Suydam, Charles, 8th bet Elm and Plum Swain, Solomon, cor Pike and Congress Taft, Connelly, & Co. Western Row bet Ann and Mason Talbott & Lowry, 5th bet Plum and Western Row Taylor, John, George bet John and Smith Townley, G. W. & M. J. 8th bet Main and Walnut BUSINESS DIRBCT0R7. 27 Townsend, James, 4th bet Wood and Stone Townsend, Wm. 3rd bet Race and Elm Townsend, J. Western Row bet London and Kemble Veatch. Charles, 7th bet Race and Elm Wallace, Joshua W. 5th bet Broadway and Pike Warfield, Joshua, Western Row bet 5th and Longworth Warrington, George, 3rd bet Walnut and Vine Webb, John S. Front bet Canal and Congress Wehmen, Lewis, Clay bet 13th and Allison Wessel, Bernan, Linn bet Everett and Hickory Westcott, Thomas, Race bet Canal and Charles Williams, Theodore S. George bet Western Row and John Williamson, Alexander W. cor Fulton and 8th Williamson, James, cor 7th and Mound Wollam, Retchford D. 9th bet John and Taylor C arpet Weavers. Burnside, John, Carr bet 6th and 7th Colle, Anthony, Court bet Elm and Plum Eyre, John, 5th bet Sycamore and Broadway Findley, Robert, 6th bet Plum and Western Row Gilmore, James, Laurel bet Linn and Cutter "~M'Laughlin James, 6th bet Plum and Western Row. Smith, John, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway Thomas, James, 5th bet Race and Vine White, James, Walnut bet 6th and 7th Wulfing, Daniel, 8th bet Sycamore and Broadway Young, , cor Elm and Canal Carpet Wareliouses. Crane, Thurston, Main, bet Front and 2d Foot, A. R., 5th, bet Walnut and Vine Gross John, Main, opposite 5th Maxwell, George, 5th bet Main and Walnut Ringwalt, J. C, Main, bet 4th and 5th Shillito, J. &, Co., 4th, bet Main and Sycamore -Williams, Clark, cor 5th and Main Young, Wm C.J 5th bet Main and Walnut 88 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cbair Makers. Ayres, James, Plum bet Longworth and 6th Harrison Francis, George bet Plum and Western Row Harrison Thomas S. Broadway bet Franklin and Webster Hoorkamp Joseph, Main bet Jail Alley and Abigail Mitchell, R. & Co. 2nd bet Main and Sycamore Mullen Jonathan, cor Sycamore and 4th Perkins Isaac N. cor Park and 4th Perkins Joel, Plum bet I^ongworth and 6th PfaiF John, Sycamore bet 3rd and 4th Roll Jacob, Sycamore bet Abigail and Woodward Ross & Geyer, East 4th bet Main and Sycamore China, Glass and Queensware. Aldrich, Otis, (agent,) Main bet 4th and 5th. Chamberlin, J. & J., Main bet 4th and 5th. Chamberlin, M., Main bet 5th and 6th. Honeywell fy Hill, Main bet Pearl and 3d. Huntington & Brooks, Main bet 5th and 6th. Kerr, William R., Main bet 5th and 6th. Lilley, William, 5th bet Vine and Race. NefF & Brothers, cor Main and 2d. Rose, John, 6th bet Plum and Western Row. Sampson, William S., Main bet Lower Market and 2d. Sampson, Nathan, 227 Main st. White, William E., Main bet 3d and Lower Market. Whitehead, Thomas T., 107 Main st. Wolff, Daniel, Main bet 8th and 9th. Coal Dealers. Air, Robert, Front bet Pike and Butler. Ashcraft, Richard, Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Cincinnati Fuel Company, cor 3d and Ludlow. Cochenower, John, Plum near Front. Dodds, William B., cor Ludlow and Front. Dodsworth, Marmaduke, cor Front and Lawrence. Gillaspie, Brown, & Co., Front bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Goodhue, Perry; cor. Plum and 2d Goodhue, G. W. & D. F., cor. Plum and Water BVSINESS DIRECTORV. 29 Harrah, William, Canal Basin, bet Sycamore and Broadway. Hobson, James, cor Pike and Front. McCloskey, P. & Son, Plum bet 2d and 3d. Mortimer, John, 4th bet John and Smith. Newton, James, Western Row bet 7th and 8th. Pomeroy, S. W., 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Steelman & Higby, Water bet Vine and Race. Stoddard, David, Front bet Pike and Butler. CofTee Houses. Adams, David, cor Lawrence and Landing. Abler, Frederick, Walnut bet Allison and 14th. Allen & White, Landing bet Main and Walnut. Arendt, Daniel, cor 3d and Ludlow. Beggs, John, cor Front and Ludlow. Beninger, Martin, No 7 Cassilly's Row. Beerhast, F. W., cor Northern Row and Pleasant Black, Joseph, cor Western Row and 5th. Bloom, Frederick, Front above Washington Brewery Bran, Jacob, cor Jackson and 12th Brinkman, H., Front bet Water Works & Washington Brewery Bruggeman, F., 13th bet Main and Walnut Buckell, George M,, cor Clay and Allison Byron, John, cor Sycamore and Lower Market Byrurn & Poore, 2d bet Race and Elm. Canfield, P. P., (Kilgore, Taylor's, &c,) building fronting River Carney, Hugh, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Cavanie, B., 5th bet Main and Walnut Clark, Francis B., No. 8 Cassilly's Row Coffman, Isaiah, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Crolly, Michael, cor Western Row and Water Dayle, John, 6th bet Plum and Western Row Dietrich, Jacob, cor Front and Lawrence Diserns, Frederick, (Wm. Tell) 5th bet Main and Walnut Dorney, Christian, Front east of Washington Brewery Douglass, Samuel, (Military Hall) south side of Court Square Douglass, William, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Duffey, Thomas W., Landing bet Main and Walnut Ebert, Peter, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Eckert, Daniel, Vine bet 14th and 15th Erd, F. J., Court bet Walnut and Vine Erg, John, cor Main and 12th Feck, Jacob, cor Pike and Congress 3* 30 BirsiNESS DIRECTORY. Felix, Frantz, Vine bet 12th and Canal Felix, Matgias, cor Vine and 12th Finch, H. H., No. 4 Cassilly's Row Fitzpatrick, Daniel, No. 8 Water street Floyd, E. H. Main bet 5th and 6th Geise, H. A. Main bet 6th and 7th Glaser & Vischer, cor Main and Canal Gochnatt, C. H. Main bet Orchard and Northern Row Gold, Peter, cor Ludlow and Congress Greieve, Eberhardt, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway Hans, Jacob, cor Main and 12th Hauk, John, cor Sycamore and Abigail Hay, Frederick, 9th bet Main and Sycamore Hollrah, Wilhelm, cor Canal and Vine Huckery, Frederick, Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway Hughs, W. P. cor 3d and Walnut Hullman, H. Court bet Walnut and Vine Johnson, Harding, Vine fronting River Kahn, Samuel, 5th bet Main and Walnut Kappel & Heinz, Walnut bet 15th and 16th Kattenhorn, M. F. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Keehne, Valentine, Front east of Water Works Keppner, George, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Kew, Charles, cor Main and Pearl Kiefer, Andrew, Sycamore bet Abigail and Woodward King, Henry W. cor 3d and Western Row Klosterman, H. T. Sycamore bet Lower Market and 3d Kurfiss, Ernst F. Lower Market bet Sycamore and Broadway Leopold, William, Main bet r2th and 13th Mardian, M. Main bet 13th and Allison Markhoff, C. F. cor Main and Orchard Martin & Williams, Canal bet Main and Walnut Marty, L. Sycamore bet Lower Market and 2d McCormick, William, cor Front and Butler McKay, Patrick, cor 3d and Western Row McKinley, John, cor Broadway and 2d Mier, Adam, cor 12th and Walnut Miller, Francis, Carr bet 7th and 8th Mohr, J. A. cor Main and Abigail Moor, John, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Murphy, Patrick, Cassilly's Row bet Broadway and Ludlow Murrin, James, cor 3d and Sycamore Nerney, John, cor Broadway and Court BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 31 Newman, J. B. Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Nugent, W. cor 8th and Broadway Patterson, James, cor 3d and John Patton, Thomas, cor Lower Market and Sycamore Phillips, Silas, Front bet Broadway and Sycamore. Pontius, Peter, Main bet Canal and 12th Rath, Francis, Sycamore bet Lower Market and 2d Reeder, Ambrose, Front east of Broadway Remeline, Henry, Vine bet Canal and 12th Rentz, Joseph, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow Schaefer, John C. Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Schaefer, Carl, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow Schatzman, Christian, Front near Planing mill Schatzman, Isaac, 6th bet Plum and Western Row Schierberg, Frederick, cor Ludlow and Landing Schnider, A. H. cor Clay and 13th Schuler, Martin, Vine bet Allison and Northern Row Siebern, P. H. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Siman, N. J. cor Canal and Sycamore Sims, Robert, Sycamore bet Front and 2d Smith, Mathew, Main bet Front and Water Spaeth, Alais, Court bet Vine and Walnut Spaeth, Philip, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Stedman, J. cor Broadway and Ludlow Story, Henry. Walnut bet 15th and Allison Strief, Joseph F. 6th bet Plum and Western Row Strubbe, H. Vine bet 14th and 15th Tangerman, Frederick, Water bet Broadway and Ludlow Theiss, Charles, Sycamore bet Front and 2d Thomson, Peter, cor 3d and Walnut Thomson, William, cor Court and Main Van Hamdorp, Bernard, cor 2d and Elm Veneman, Anton, Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Vossimier & Kruise, cor Main and Franklin Wagner, W. Vine bet 14th and 15th Weil, Jonathan, 5th bet Main and Walnut Weitzel, L, Main bet 12th and 13th Wessling, J. G. cor New and North Wesjohann, A. 5th bet Main and Walnut Wesjohann, H. H. Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Wever, H. L. Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Winger, Michael, Court bet Walnut and Vine Wise, Joseph, cor Macalaster and 5th 32 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wolf, Henry, Canal bet Vine and Walnut Yost, Peter, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Zapf, John, Walnut bet 13th and 14th Zeigler, Philip, 5th bet Smith and Mound Zerhuson, Herman, cor Everett and Linn Zwicker, August, cor Main and 13th Clothings Stores. Abrams Joseph, Main bet 3rd and 4th Cohen Solomon, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Cohen Wolf, Front bet Main and Sycamore Cornbluth, Mack, Sycamore bet Yeatman and Front Davey Isaac C. Front bet Main and Sycamore DeYoung Moses J. Main bet 2nd and Lower Market Hassan Moses, Main bet 9th and Court Heidelbach, Seasongood & Co. Main bet 2nd and L. Market Heidelbach & Schrseder, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Hills Jacob, Main bet 9th and Court Hilp Philip, Main bet 9th and Court Jones Miss Sarah, Water bet Main and Walnut Kleinschmidt Ernst F. Front bet Broadway and Ludlow Kline Joseph, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Kline Frederick, Landing bet Broadway and Ludlow Kombluth Jacob, Sycamore bet Front and 2nd Krauss W. & L. Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Meayer & Cohen, cor Main and Front Millus & Co., Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Moehring Morris E., Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Moehring Moses E., Main bet Front and 2nd Schroder, Hidelbach & Co. Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Schwegman Henry, Sycamore bet Yeatman and Front Commission Merchants. Adams, T. J. No. 8 West Front Aldrich & Bolles, No. 27 Sycamore Andrew, Peter, Front bet Canal and Kilgour. Athearn, J. Front bet Main and Sycamore Avery, Wayne, & Co., Pront bet Sycamore and Broadway. Baldridge fy McLaughlin, cor Water and Walnut Bakewell, T. W. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Beattie & Frazier, No. 5 Commercial Row Bicknell, D. W. cor Main and Canal BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 33 Boggs, jr. & Irwin, jr., Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Bowen & Hibberd, No. 3 Cassilly's Row Brachmann, H., Sycamore bet Front and 2d. Brasher, R. C. cor Sycamore and 2d Brashears & Hewson, 2d bet Main and Sycamore Breese, William G., Nos. 8 and 10 West Front st. Broadwell & Co., cor Sycamore and Front. Buchanan, Robert, 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Calhoun & Staples, 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Carpenter, Calvin, White Water Canal Basin and Western Row Charaplin & Co., 2d bet Main and Sycamore. Chapman, John B., Canal bet Main and Walnut. Childs, J, R. & Co. Sycamore bet 9th and Court Cody, P. No. 9 ^10 west Water Coffin & Johnson, White Water Canal Basin Corey, Joseph, No. 7 Commercial Row Cox, R. M. No. 7 Cassilly's Row Davis, Samuel jr. cor Broadway and Court Davis & Brothers, Sycamore bet Front and 2d, and Sycamore bet 8th and 9th Day, T. C. & Co, No. 11 West AVater Dubois, John, No. 2 Canal bet Main and Walnut Duffield, Charles, cor Canal and Sycamore Dugan, T. S. &, Co. cor Main and Water Ellis, T. H. cor Water and Walnut Evans, Eulass & Pence, cor Sycamore and 9th, Fletcher, C. <^ L., No. 20 West Front st. Florer ^ Nichols, No. 29 Sycamore Florer, William ^ Co. No. 15 Sycamore Florer, N. M. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Garrett, Alexander, Sycamore bet Front and 2d. Fosdick, S. & Co. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Gilpin, Thomas, cor Main and Canal Gove, Amos, No. 23 Sycamore Hall, James C. ^ Co. No. 14 West Front Hatch, J. ^ Beck, cor Water and Walnut Hayden, Elliott &; Co., Main bet 5th and 6th. Hazzard, & Co., White Water Canal Basin and Western Row Heming & Layton, Court bet Sycamore and Broadway Hozea & Frazer, No. 6 West Front Hunt, S. B. Canal bet Main and Sycamore Iglehart, N. P., Canal bet Main and Sycamore. Irwin, Archibald, Broadway bet Front and 2d. 34 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jones & Armstrong, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Jones & Taylor, Canal bet Main and Walnut. Kellogg & Kennett, No. 12 Front Kellogg, Albert, No, 17 Fifth street. Lawrence, Josiah, 2d bet Main and Sycamore Lee, R. W. &, Co. Canal and Court bet Main and Walnut Leigh, William J. R., Canal bet Main and Sycamore. McCormick, Dennis, No. 8 West Water McFarland, James, No. 1 Commercial Row Miller &, Brown, cor 9th and Sycamore Moller, N. D. 2d bet Main and Sycamore O'Connor, Patrick, Water bet Main and Walnut Overaker, George, No. 7 Commercial Row Owen, Allison, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Phipps, Gardner, cor Broadway and 9th Place, Traber & Co. No. 9 Front Powers, S. Canal bet Main and Sycamore Pugh & Alvord, cor Walnut and Canal. PuUan & Brothers, Sycamore bet 8 th and 9th Reynolds, Irwin & Co. cor Court and Sycamore Richardson, A. G. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Rockey, Henry, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow. Rogers & Brothers, No. 42 Main Ross, J. W. Main bet Front and 2d Schleisinger & Mann, cor Pearl and Walnut Smith, Joseph, Sycamore bet 8th and 9th Spining, I. M. & P. A. White Water Canal Basin Sprigman, P. A. cor 9th and Sycamore Springer <^ Whiteman, Front bet Main and Sycamore. Stagg & Shays, Broadway bet Court and Hunt. Stannus, T. J. & Co. No. 1 Canal bet Main and Walnut Stone, Benjamin T., 2d bet Main and Sycamore Swasey, John & Co. No. 19 and 21 Sycamore Taylor, J. N. cor Sycamore and Canal Taylor, E. G. S/- Co. Broadway bet Front and 2d Thomas, William, Walnut bet 9th and Court Thomas, N. W. & Co. cor Walnut and Canal Tilley, F. No. 26 Sycamore bet Front and 2d Torrence, James F. No. 8 Canal bet Main and Walnut Urner, Benjamin, 2d bet Main and Sycamore Walbridge, John D., Canal bet Main and Sycamore. Weatherbee, Albert, Sycamore bet Front and 2d Wheelwright, J. & Co. Front bet Main and Sycamore BUSINESS DIRICTORY. 85 Williamson, William R,, Canal bet Main and Walnut. Wilshire, G. Co. 5th bet Main and Sycamore Clark, Stephen, Sycamore bet 9th and Court Coddington, W. J. Allison bet Walnut and Vine Cox, R. R. 9th bet Main and Sycamore Creain, G. &, R. Court bet Walnut and Vine Duihagan & Johnston, Walnut bet 8th and 9th Emerson & Cutter, 6th near Vine Fitch & Fordney, 6th bet Main and Sycamore Gibbins, John, 5th bet Walnut and Vine Gilraore G. Ramsey's Alley bet Front and 2d Hales, A. C. &; Co. cor Vine and 6th Jenifer, Benjamin, Walnut bet Canal 12th Kilpatrick, James, Mayor's Alley Marsh, John, Western Row bet Longworth and 6th McCall, William, 7th bet Sycamore and Broadway Oswald, Mathew, 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow Pursell, J. Vine bet 9th and Court Rider ^ Crouse, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Riley &; Dare, 6th bet Main and Sycamore Rocap, J. & E. Patterson's Alley Smith, James, cor Plum and Court Stevens &; Cole, 2d bet Sycamore and Broadway Vanausdal & Co. in rear of Eclipe Stable 6th bet Main and Syc. Ware, Andrew, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th Wones & Martin, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Wood, George, Race bet 5th and Centre ) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 59 liUinber Merchants. Albro fy Lewis, cor Canal and High Baker, Nathan. Plum bet Court and Canal Banks, H. cor Race and Court Brooks, Vanborger & Co. (Lumber Yard and Planing Machine,) Elm bet 2d and 3d Budlong «fc Person, cor 12th and Canal Carson S,' Stolley, (Planing Machine) Front bet Butler and Canal Concling, Merrick, Abbott's Alley bet Western Row and John Dunlap & Mitchell, Vine bet Allison and Northern Row Fay, Anthony, Broadway bet 9th and Court Green, John K. Western Row bet Hopkins and Laurel Gregory, Burnet & Co. cor Plum and 8th Higbee, Amassa, cor Elm and Water Hughes & Foster, (Planing Machine) Longworth bet Plum and Western Row Irwin, B. J. cor Race and Canal Jeffries, Constantine ^' Son, Jjock bet High and 6th; cor Vine and 13 th Johnson, J. & J. M. Walnut bet Front and 2d Kimball, Cyrus, junction Front and 3d LangstafF & Co. Front bet Smith and Park Mansfield, Roswell, Elm bet Front and 2d Martin, S. F. Broadway bet 4th and 5th Peel, Samuel, cor Elm and Court Pierson, Daniel B. Plum bet Court ank 12th Renner & Rose, Western Row bet Laurel and Betts Robertz, Britton, cor John and Water Vandergrift, B. B. Water bet Race and Elm Webb A. & Co. cor Smith and 3d Wolf, Geo. & Co. Plum bet Court and 12th Wood, Henry, cor 4th and John Wright, Cyrus, Elm bet Front and 2d Mattress Makers and Upholsterers. Adams, David, Sycamore, bet 3d and 4th Coates, John F., Sycamore, bet 4th and 5th Fitzgerald, Peter, 5th bet Walnut and Vine Gehle, Henry C. H., Main, bet 8th and 9th Hall &; Spring, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Hurdus, James, 7th, bet Main and Walnut 60 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jackson, W. R,, 3(1, bet Main and Walnut Knight, Benjamin, Front, bet Broadway and Ludlow Morehouse, William, Sycamore bet 4th, and 5th Orange, Benjamin, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th Milliners and Dress Makers. Allen, Mrs. West 4th st Allcorn, Miss 4th, bet Main and Walnut Anderson, Mrs. Ruth, cor John and 4th Baird, Miss H. & A.. No. 13 East 4th Barnes, Mrs. Jane, 6th, bet Elm and Plum Brese, Misses, John, bet 3d and 4th Burr, Mrs. O. H., (fancy) 4th, bet Main and Sycamore Carter, Mrs. Mary, 5th bet Broadway and Pike Clark, Mrs. Mary, 5th, bet Vine and Race Collins, Mrs. Margaret, 5th, bet Vine and Race Corbin, Mrs. E., 3d, bet Walnut and Vine Cordell, Mrs. C. M. East 4th Cox, Mrs. E., Front, bet Race and Elm Donough, Miss, No. 14 East 4th Feakins, Mis. East 4th st Ford, Mrs. Rebecca, 5th, bet Elm and Plum Guian, Mrs. Sarah, 5th, Plum and Western Row Henry, Mrs. Sophronia, Vine, bet 5th and 6th Howard, Mrs. M., cor Vine and Water Hudson, Miss Eliza, 4th, bet Main and Walnut Iddings, Mrs. Eliza A., 5th, bet Vine and Race Johnson, Mrs. F. G., boards Misses Baird Jones, Mrs, E., cor Main and Court Jones, Mrs. Martha, 4th, bet Main and Walnut McCracken, Mrs. B.. 4th, bet Main and Walnut McKee, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Main, bet 8th and 9th Mills, Miss Martha, cor Walnut and 4th Moore, Miss Elizabeth A.. Walnut, bet 5th and 6th Mayer, Mrs. S. A., 4th, bet Race and Elm Mosey, Miss Emily, (dress-maker) Broadway bet 7th and 8th Peachney, Mrs. Favella, McFarland, bet Elm and Plum Pollock, Mrs. Jane, 5th, bet Main and Walnut Richardson, Mrs. Jane, 3d, bet Sycamore and Broadway Ross, Mrs. No. 7 East 4th Simpson, Mrs. Emily, Walnut, bet 5th and 6th Skene, Miss Margaret, 4th, bet Main and Walnut BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 61 Kinkead, Mrs. Vine bet 5th and 6th Simpson, Mrs. Emily, 5th bet Race and Elm Smith, Mrs. L. R., 6th, bet Elm and Plum Smith, Mrs. M., Front bet Race and Elm Smith, Miss Martha, 7th, bet Plum and Western Row Snell, Mrs. M. A., Western Rovv, bet Richmond and Kemble Snyder, Mrs. Mary, cor Elm and 9th Vornholt, Mrs. Mary, Main, bet 7th and 8th Wade, Mrs. Elizabeth, cor Vine and 7th Waldrow, Mrs. Jane, 5th, bet Plum and Western Row West, F. A. No. 16 East 4th st Wheeler, Mrs. Mary Jane, Walnut, bet 5th and 6th Williamson, Mrs. A. C, Main, bet 6th and 7th Young, Mrs. Emily, Vine, bet 5th and Centre MiUs. Albro & Lewis, (Saw Mill) cor Canal and High Atkins & Blair (Flour and Oil) 8th, bet Broadway and Canal Brooks, Vanbergen & Co. (Saw & Planing Mill) Elm bet 2d & 3d Elliott, Colville & Co. (Flour Mill) junction 3d and Front Elstner, John, (Flour and Oil) 9th, East of Broadway Fagin, L. & H., (Flour) Lock, bet High and 6th Febinger, C. & Co. (Flour Mill) Canal bet 8th and 9th Hartshorne, Saunders W., (Saw Millj Front, bet Parsons and Lytic Hughes, James, (Mill Sawyer) Water, bet Elm and Plum Jones, John, (Miller) Harrison street LangstaflF^ Co., (Saw Mill) Front, bet Smith and Park Pace, James, (Saw Mill) Congress, bet Lawrence and Ludlow Thompson, D. & Co., (Saw Mill) Congress, bet Butler and Canal West C. W. (Flour Mill) cor 9th and Broadway Music Stores Ballauf, William, Main, bet 6th and 7th Bay ley, Willam R., Main, bet 4th and 5th Dieudonne, J. J. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Douglass, J. D. north east cor 5th and Main Olry, M. V. No. 140 Main bet 4th and 5th Smith, Peter, (Fancy and Variety) 5th bet Main and Walnut Uquor Dealers. {Foreign and Domestic.) Beggs, John, cor Ludlow and Front Bofinger, John N. Broadway bet Front and 2d Brachmann, Henry, Sycamore bet Front and 2d 6 i 62 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Corr, David, Front bet Broadway and Ludlow Dexter, Edmund, Lower Market bet Main and Syc. Donaldson & Brown, cor Main and 9th Ezekiel, M. cor Sycamore and 3d Ezekiel, E. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Healey, Patrick, Jackson bet Canal and 12th Heising & Preetorius, Court bet Walnut and Vine Moller, M. D. C. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Owen, Allison, 2d bet Main and Sycamore Place, Traber ^ Co. Front bet Main and Sycamore Roberts, J. T. & H. Water bet Main and Walnut Schatzmann, Isaac, 6th bet Plum and Western Row Thomas, William, Walnut bet 9th and Court Weatherbee A. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Webb, John G. No. 35 West Water I^ock Manufacturers. McGregor, George, Western Row bet George and 7th Horton & Baker, 5th bet Elm and Plum Shawk A. & Co. 5th bet Vine and Race Stokes, Frederic U. (Greenwood & Co) Canal bet Main^ Walnut Schroder, J. B. 3d bet Main and Walnut Paper Hangings. Andress, F. <5' C. Main bet 4th and 5th Badger, Samuel L. 5th bet Vine and Race Gooch, Horace, Walnut bet 3d and 4th Holmes, S. 181 Main bet 4th and 5th Williams J. Main bet Pearl and 3d Portrait Painters. Vaughan, C. cor Vine and 3d Brannon, W. B. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Frankenstein, G. N. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Dawson, Thomas, 3d bet Walnut and Vine Faris, Thomas, (Daguerreotype) Main bet 4th and 5th Hawkins, E. C, (Daguerreotype) 5th bet Vine and Race BtTSINESS DIRECTORY. 63 Physicians. Alray, Stephen 0. Walnut bet 4th and 5th Armstrong, Nathaniel S. Walnut bet 6th and 7th Atwater, John P. Vine bet 4th and 5th Badger, William, Walnut bet Water and Front Banks, Tomlin M. at J. Banks', cor Broadway and 5th Barnham, S. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Barnes, Charles, cor Broadway and 2d Bassett, J. Q. A. Longworth bet Western Row and John Bauer,-Adolphus, Walnut bet 6th and 7th Bedinger B. F. cor Congress and Butler Bonner, Stephen, Sycamore bet 4th and 5th Brues, Thomas, (piss) Walnut bet Canal and 12th Burland, William, Sycamore bet 6th and 7th 'Carroll, Thomas, 5th bet Elm and Plum Chamberlain, James L. 6th bet John and Smith Chamberlain, E. K. 6th bet Vine and Race Cox,'H. 8th bet Vine and Race Dart, Job, 3d bet Walnut and Vine Diver, William Beck, Longworth bet Smith and John Davis, J. cor 8th and Vine Dennis, Benjamin, Vine bet 9th and Court Dodge, J. S. 4th bet Race and Elm Donogh, Ormsby H. cor Vine and 3d Drake, Daniel, boards A, H. McGufFey Drinker, F. cor 6th and College Eaton, G. & C. 3d bet Broadway and Ludlow Edday, Charles C. boards Miss D. Arms Emmerth, Frederick L. cor Vine and Court Evans. Joseph, Front bet Main and Sycamore Flagg, Melzer, Walnut bet 6th and 7th Fore, P. G. cor Vine and 7th Foster, Nathaniel, cor Broadway and 3d Gano, John A. cor Main and 8th Gasser, Joseph, Mercer bet Walnut and Vine Harrison, A. R. Race bet 4th and 5th Harris, W. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Holraan, J. N. boards W. L. Barwise Hungerford, Allen, 6th bet Main and Walnut Jordan, D. 8th bet Vine and Race Judkins, William, 6th bet Vine and Race 64 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Judkiiis, Jesse, 5th bet Vine and Race Judkins, David, Richmond bet Western Row and John Killaugh, James, Race bet 4th and 5th Lakey, James, cor Vine and 3d Langdon, cor 3d and Elm Latta, Samuel, 8th bet Main and Walnut Lawrence, William C. cor Broadway and 3d Lawson, L. M. 6th bet Main and Walnut Lawson, B. H. 6th bet Western Row and John Locke, John, Plum bet William and Court Ludlum, James M. Broadway bet Front and 2d Magini, John C. F. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Mann, Horace C. Plum bet Ann and Mason Marshall, V. C. Broadway bet 3d and 4th Mason, Truman E. 6th bet Main and Walnut Mcllvaine, R. R. 6th bet Main and Walnut Mendenhall, , Race bet 4th and 5th Moorhead, Robert, 3d bet Broadway and Ludlow Moorhead, John, boards Mrs. A. Wood Morley, John, boards Mrs. E. Wright j. Mesher, Stephen, cor Sycamore and 3d Mudd, J. Elm bet 8th and 9th Mulford, William, cor Race and Front Muscroft, Charles S. boards J. Land Musekamp, George, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore Mussey &, Worcester, 4th bet Main and Walnut Oberdorf, Francis J. C. Longworth bet Plum and Western Row Olney, William H. Walnut bet 5th and 6th Orr, Thomas J, 6th bet Elm and Plum Paul, William, 9th bet Vine and Race Peck, William, 8th bet Race and Elm Pennington, J. J. boards Broadway Hotel Picket, John W. cor Elm and Charles Pinnes, J. boards Howard House Price, William, 6th bet Walnut and Vine Pulte, J. H, cor Walnut and 7th Raum, William R. 4th bet Main and Sycamore Reynolds, Albert, cor Western Row and 5th Richards, J. S. cor 3d and Vine Ridgeley, William T. 4th bet Walnut and Vine Rives, Landon C. 4th bet Vine and Race Roelker, Frederick, Court bet Walnut and Vine Schmidt, Charles, boards Pearl St. House BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 Schoenbein, J. Vine bet 15lh and Northern Row Sellers, Adam, 9th bet Race and Elm. Shaw, Robert, 6th bet Race and Elm Shaw, John M. 7th bet Race and Elm Shotwell, John P. cor 4th and Vine Smith William, Vine bet 6th and Gano Smith, H. Vine bet 6th and Gano Sneider, C. cor Vine and 9th Strader, Daniel P. cor Broadway and 3d -Stuart, George, 6th bet Race and Elm Sweet, Sanford H. Vine bet 13th and Allison Swift, J. Front bet Race and Elm Talliaferro & Marshall, 6th bet Vine and Race Tate, John H. cor Broadway and 3d Tellkempf, Theodore A. Main bet 7th and 8th Threlkeld, Wm. cor 7th and Race Tilley, Joseph, Vine bet 15th and Northern Row Unzicker, Joseph, 9th bet Main and Walnut Vattier, J. L. Vine bet 5th and 6th Warder, John A. cor Broadway and Harrison. Wells, James T. London bet Western Row and John Wester, Henry, boards H. Alber jr Williams, Ithan S. 6th bet Plum and Western Row Wilson, Joseph T. Vine near Hamilton Road Wilson, John H. 6th bet Elm and Plum Wood, William, Race bet 4th and 5th Woodward, Charles, 6th bet Vine and Race Wright, M. B. 6th bet Vine and Race Botanic Pbysiclans. Baldridge, A. H. Elm bet Longworth and 6th Carter, R. C, 219 Ixlain street. Curtiss, Alva, 3d bet Broadway and Ludlow. Hill, H. W., 3d bet Broadway and Ludlow Jones, Dr., corner Western Row and Catharine, May, Andrew, Symmes bet Ludlow and Lawrence. Morrow, T. V., 6th bet Walnut and Vine. Seegar, Jabez, (Indian Root) Vine bet 13th and Mercer Wilson, Israel, Main bet 8th and 9th. White, J., cor Broadway and 5th street. 6* 66 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Pork Dealers. Ames, Daniel, Main bet Canal and 12th Carpenter & Knight, cor Sycamore and 6th Carpenter, Calvin, Whitewater Canal Basin Child, J. R. ^' Co., Sycamore, bet 9th and Court Davis &; Brother, Sycamore bet Front and 2d, and Sycamore bet 8th and 9th Davis, Samuel, jr., cor Broadw^ay and Court Duffield, Charles, Sycamore bet Court and Canal Evans, Eulass, &, Pence, cor 9th and Sycamore Findlay, Samuel B., cor Sycamore and Canal Fisher, Charles, Canal, bet Main and Sycamore Goodin, J. & S. Court bet Main and Walnut Hemings & Lay ton.. Court, bet Sycamore and Broadway Hunt, S. B. Canal bet Main and Sycamore Iglehart, I. N., Canal, bet Main and Sycamore Lee, R. W. & Co. Canal bet Main and Walnut Lewis, Henry, Sycamore, bet 6th and 7th Miller, & Brown, cor. Sycamore and Court Mitchell, R. G. Canal bet 5th and 6th NefF, William, cor Vine and Canal Phipps, Gardner, cor Broadway and 9th Powers, S. Canal, bet Main and Sycamore Pugh and Alvord, cor Walnut and Canal Reynolds Irwin, ^ Co., cor Sycamore and Court Reynolds, Joseph, Reynolds bet 2d and Pearl Rowan & Co., Sycamore bet 9th and Court Schooley & Son, Court bet Vine and Race Thomas, N. W. & Co., cor Canal and Walnut Todd, M. M. R., cor Court and Vine Printing Offices. Brooks, R. P. Walnut bet 3d and 4th Brough, Robinson & Martin, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Cincinnati Type Foundry, cor Vine and Centre Clark, Caleb, 4th bet Main and Walnut Clarke, Lovejoy & Co. 3d bet Main and Sycamore Conahan, & Brother, New bet Sycamore and Broadway Curtis & Hastings, 3d bet Main and Sycamore Donogh, R. P. Main bet 3d and 4th BTTSINESS DIRECTORY. 67 Derrough, Amos, cor Sycamore and 3d Ely, Jacob W. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Ernst & Thorpe, Main bet 5th and 6th Guilford &c Russell, 3d bet Main and Sycamore James, J. A. Baker bet Walnut and Vine Johns, Samuel W. cor Main and 3d Kendall & Bernard, cor 4th and Sycamore L'Hommedieu & Co. Main bet 3d and 4th Mendenhall, William L. cor 5th and Main Methodist Book Concern, cor 8th and Main Morgan, E. <^ Co. Canal bet 8th and 9th Northrop & Williamson, cor 4th and Main Pugh &; Co. cor 5th and Main Shepard & Co, 2d bet Main and Sycamore Smith Walter & Co. 3d bet Main and Walnut Sparhawk, A. G. cor 6th and Main Starbuck, Calvin W. 3d bet Main and Walnut GERMAN OFFICES. Methodist Book Concern, cor 8th and Main Molitor, Stephen, Canal bet Main and Walnut Schmidt, Charles, 3d bet Main and Sycamore Scho, C. B. F., north side Court bet Walnut and Vine Lehmann, Hermann, 6th bet Smith and John Produce Dealers. Aldrich & Bolles, Sycamore bet Front and 2d Anderson, John, Front, bet Broadway and Ludlow Andrews, Robert, cor Main and Front Beatie, ^ Frazin, Main, bet Water and Front Beatty, McKenzie & Co. No. 26 Main Brasher, R. C. cor Sycamore and 2d Cassilly, C. fy W. cor Broadway and Front Cheever & Co. No. 29 West Water Cody, Patrick, Water, bet Main and Front Corr, David, Front bet Broadway and Ludlovr Delorac, M. T. & J. R. Main bet 6th and 7th Dresbach, Jacob, Longworth, bet Plum and Western Row Elliott & Co. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Ellis T. & A., Water, bet Main and Walnut Fitzpaterick, H., Water, bet Main and Walnut Gould, G. W. Walnut bet Front and 2d 68 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fletcher, C. & L., No. 20 West Front Florer, William, and Co., Sycamore, bet Front and 3d Florer, Nathan, M., Sycamore bet Front and 2d Florer & Cox, Front, bet Broadway and Ludlow Fosdick, S. ^ Co., cor Sycamore and Yeatman Hall, James & Co. Front bet Main and Walnut Hampson, Jefferson, Water, bet Walnut and Vine Hassan & Mathers, Water, bet Main and Walnut Hatch, John, cor Walnut and Water Hicks, James, jr., cor Race and 4th Jones & Taylor, No. 10. Canal, bet Main and Walnut Jones & Armstrong, Front, bet Broadway and Ludlow Johnson, James, Main bet Front and 2d Laycock, William H., 4th, bet Pike and McAllister Leathern & Moffitt, No. 197 Main Maxwell, T. J. No. 12 Front McFarland, James, Nos. 1 and 2 Commercial Row McGrath, L. No. 36 Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market Miller & McCullough, Main bet Front and 2d Mulford, R. L. & Co.; (Commission) White Water Canal Basin Nevill, Joseph, 23 West Front Street Phillips, Geo. W. Main bet Front and 2d Richardson, A. R. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Ross, J. W. Main bet Front and 2d Swasey, John & Co. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Swasey, M. Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market Townsend, O. cor 2d and Broadway Whitney & Hoffman, Main bet 9th and Court Worthington, Shillito & Co. No. 28 Main bet Front and 2d Restaurats. Diserns, Frederick, (Wm. Tell) 5th bet Main and Walnut Easton's Temperance House, Main bet Front and 2d Ganter, John B., Broadway bet 2d and Congress Nichols, C. (Alhambra) 3d st. under Post Office Ringgold, F. G. 3d bet Main and Sycamore Selves, George, (Bank Exchange) 3d bet Main and Walnut Tanners and Curriers. Baldwin, Thomas F. Main bet 3d and 4th Ballance, John H. Canal bet Vine and Race BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 69 Ballaiice, Charles, Race bet Canal and 13th Cassatt, D. C. cor Main and Woodward Clark, S. & S. S. Main bet 4th and 5th Cooper, J. W. &; W W. Main bet Front and 2d Culbertson, Robert, head of Elm Diekmann & Eckert, Main bet 8th and 9th Easton, S. & E. Main bet 5th and 6th Ferguson, John, Elm bet 9th and Court Forbus, John F. Main bet 6th and 7th Frank, Lewis, (skin dresser,) up Deer Creek Fuller, Henry, Main bet 9th and Court Grossman & Spiegel, Main bet 6th and 7th Hartley, John, Court bet Walnut and Vine Hansfield, Joseph, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway Hepworth, William, Main bet 7th and 8th Jones, Jesse C. 7th bet Smith and Mound Kinsey, William G. Main bet 9th and Court Lawler, John, Main bet 8th and 9th McCabe, Alexander, Main bet 8th and 9th Moore, Amos, Elm bet Grant and 12th Newell, James, Congress bet Pike and Butler Newell, Samuel, sr. Water bet Walnut and Vine Roney, W. & S. J. Main bet 5th and 6th Severns, William, Vine bet Canal and 12th Swift, Alexander, Canal bet 5th and High Taylor, A. M. & Co. Main bet 2d and Pearl Tinners and Coppersmiths. Boggs, William, Front bet Race and Elm De Forest Delazan, 5th bet Race and Elm Foreman, C. Main bet 12th and 13th Griffin, Andrew, Vine bet 14th and 15th Hollo well, Amos C. 5th bet Race and Elm Hoofner, J. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Horrox, James R. (copper-smith) Main bet Water and Front Huddart William, Main bet Water and Front Knight, H. W. south side 5th near Vine Lawson, F. ^ Brother, Main bet 4th and 5th Lewis & Stewart, Walnut bet 5th and 6th Lohn, John, Main bet 6th and 7th Lotze, Adolphus, Main bet 6th and 7th Maish, Andrew C. Broadway bet 2d and Lower Market Moorhead, Robert, 2d bet Main and Walnut 70 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Philips, B. C. 5th bet Main and Walnut Robson, W. &; G. W. 2d bet Broadway and Ludlow Stephenson, William & Son, Main bet 4th and 5th Stevens, J. cor Plum and Court Stewart, Alexander, 5th bet Vine and Race Stewart, John, 6th bet Plum and Western Row Sykes, John, cor Sycamore and 2d Wade, W. B. 6th bet Plum and Western Row Wazencraft, John J. Court bet Elm and Plum Zeumer, Charles, Vine bet 2d and Pearl Tailors and ]>rapers. Baker, Nathan, Main bet Front and 2d Best, Henry A. Main bet 13th and Allison Bishop, James, Main bet 3d and 4th Black, Frederick, Woodward bet Main and Sycamore Borgman, H. H. Walnut bet 4th and 5th Burrett, Daniel, 3d bet Main and Sycamore Clark, George, No. 6 Pearl st Colby, J. ^ H. 5th bet Main and Sycamore Draper, Volney V. at Mrs. C. Foaus Dupler, Lewis, cor Main and Court Earnest, James J. Walnut bet Court and Canal Ehrenmann, John, 13th bet Walnut and Vine Enrecking, Henry, Grant st Evens, Piatt, Main bet 3d and 4th Falix, Francis, Vine bet Canal and 12th Frank, Jacob, Walnut bet 13th and Allison Frost, Robert, Main bet 9th and Court Fuhr, George W. Woodward bet Main and Sycamore Froome, Samuel, Walnut bet 5th and 6th Harper ^ Morton, Walnut bet 3d and Baker Hartmann, Henry, Race bet 14th and 15th Hewett, T. B. Walnut bet 3d and 4th Hillerman, William J. Broadway bet 7th and 8th Hobbey, Josephus, 5th bet Vine and Race Jennings & Sanders, Main bet 3d and 4th Ives & Roth, 3d bet Main and Walnut Johnscn & Williamson, 5th bet Race and Elm Justis, John, Main bet 2d and Lower Market Kanning, Joseph, Main bet Abigail and Jail Alley Kampe, Frederick C. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Kendall, Michael, Kemble bet John and Fulton BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 71 Kennedy, Robert, Main bet Front and 2d Kline, Joseph, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Klonne, Henry, Walnut bet 5th and 6th Knoblaugh, Frederick sr. Home st Koch, H. 4' J. Walnut bet 3d and 4th Kohlraann, Bernard, Canal bet Vine and Race Krahmer, John F. cor Main and Canal Kramer, Moses, Main bet 6th and 7th Kuntz, Peter, Clay bet 12th and 13th Lamont Si Anderson, Main bet 8th and 9th Lamont, Hugh, Main bet 8th and 9th Lukens, Joseph, 5th bet John and Smith Luken, John B. Main bet 6th and 7th Luken, John G. Main bet 8th and 9th Mayer, E. & D. cor Main and Church Alley McCormick, D. & Co. Main bet Front and 2d McEllery, Ezekiel, Broadway bet Front and 2d Neeb, George, Linn bet Clarke and Catharine Newbold, James W. Main bet 5th and 6th Niemann, Herman H. Main bet Franklin and Northern Row Nienabar, Bernard, 6th bet Elm and Plum Ogden, T. & J. Main bet Front and 2d Phares, Joseph, Elm bet Front and 2d Prendergast, Thomas, Main bet Front and 2d Puthof; John B. 2d bet Vine and Race Puthof, Henry, 5lh bet Race and Elm Puthof, Gerard H. Ann street Pyne, William, cor Sycamore and New Richter, Bernard, Clay bet 13th and Allison Riecke, Francis H. Main bet 12th and 13th Rieckelmann, H. H. cor Western Row and Kemble Rowles, William, Walnut bet 3d and Pearl Ruhrwein, William, cor Vine and 13th Sanders &, Smith, Main bet 5th and 6th Sarle, Wm. R. Commerce bet Walnut and Vine See, William, Main bet Front and 2d Shurragar, Geo. W. 3d bet Main and Walnut Smith, Elijah, Main bet 3d and 4th Stewart, Samuel M. Walnut bet 3d and 4th Steins, Francis, Main bet 12th and 13th StoU, William, Main bet 8th and 9th Tranor, John, 6th bet Main and Walnut Tranor, Thomas, Gano bet Lodge and Vine 72 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ulmer, Andrew, Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market Vos, Henry, boards H. A. Best Voss, Henry, Woodward bet Main and Sycamore Wallan, Edward, 5th bet Elm and Plum Weghorst, Christian, Woodward bet Main and Sycamore Wilson, James, Walnut bet Water and Front Winter, Robert, sr. Walnut bet 5th and 6th Rahn, Herman, Everett bet Linn and Locust Zerhusen, Herman H. cor Linn and Everett Tobacconists. Baker, Caspar, Western Row bet George and 7th Bargett, John, cor Broadway and 5th Bodman, Ferdinand, cor Main and Gano Cutair, Joseph, Main bet 5th and 6th Diek <^ Fahlbush, Front bet Sycamore and Broadway Disque, Henry, Main bet 13th and Allison Faehr, Henry, Main bet Canal and Hunt Fritz, Nicholas, Main bet Canal and Hunt Getz, John, Main bet 2d and Lower Market Heinzelmann, John, George bet Race and Elm Hoffrogge, A. Main bet 8th and 9th Hopple, J. & J. Lower Market bet Main and Sycamore Kirchner, Peter, Walnut bet Allison and Northern Row Lang Lewis, Court bet Walnut and Vine Logan ^ Hill, Main bet Front and 2d Louis, Adolphus, Broadway bet Front and 2d Meyer, A. H. Main bet Front and 2d Nuilsen & Ficke, Main bet 5th and 6th Nulsen & Mersmann, Main bet 6th and 7th Parsell, George, cor John and 7th Weighell, John, cor Elm and Centre Withers & Carpenter, Main bet 2d and Lower Market Turners. Anderson, Alonzo W. 2d bet Walnut and Vine Brandt, H. & C. Orchard bet Main and Sycamore Clark, Benjamin, 6th bet Race and Elm Cunning & Ricker, 4th bet Main and Sycamore Hoyt, Edward, Sycamoie bet 3d and 4th Kratz, Conrad, Walnut bet 4th and 5th Licht, Jacob H. Vine bet Canal and 12th Sterling, Samuel G. 5th bet Pike and Broadway BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 73 Saddlers. Black, R. No. 107 Main bet 3d and 4th Brownrig, Samuel, Main bet 6th and 7th Cobb, John B, Main bet Pearl and 3d Donough, John P. Main bet 6th and 7th Fountain, Jacob S. Main bet 3d and 4th Goldson, George, Walnut bet 2d and Pearl Hahn, Augustus, Sycamore bet Abigail and Jail Alley Layman, John, Main bet 4th and 5th Layman. John H. Front bet Main and Sycamore Rayens, Joseph, 6th bet Elm and Plum Tucker, Geo. W. 5th bet Main and Walnut Weatherby, James S. Main bet 4th and 5th Young, Isaac, Main bet 3d and 4th Salt Dealers. Barry, William B. Walnut bet Front and 2d Cullum, , cor 8th and Main Davison 4' Hunter, cor 7th and Main Donaldson & Brown, cor 9th and Main Kellogg & Kennett, Front bet Main and Sycamore Place, Traber ^ Co. Front bet Main and Sycamore Rogers & Brothers, Main bet Front and 2d Smith, John W. 9th bet Main and Sycamore Stewart, William C. & Co. Walnut bet 2d and Pearl Sash and Blind Manufacturers. Chrovis, D. S. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Churchill, G. W. Vine bet Centre and 6th Dull, Charles, 5th bet Sycamore and Broadway Glasgow, H. 6th near Elm, Lempert, Joseph, Vine bet Canal and 12th Lingo & Hill, Court bet Elm and Plum McCord, James, cor Vine and 6th Reed, Henry, Sycamore bet 4th and 5th Ricords, T. J. 5th bet Sycamore and Broadway Smith, James S. Plum bet Ann and Mason Walker, Chatfield, 7th bet Walnut and Vine Warwick, Samuel H. Race bet 3d and 4th 7 74 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Soap and Candle manufacturers. Christopher, J. Northern Row bet Plum and Western Row Dyer, Charles B. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Gross & Dietrich, West. Row bet North. Row and Hamilton Road Hildreth, Jerman, Catharine bet Cutter and Home Hill, Joseph S. Canal near Northern Row Knolton, Hiram K. Water bet Main and Walnut Lecke & Kleinert, West. Row bet North. Row & Ham'n. Road McCabe, Patrick, Western Row near Hamilton Road McKinley, , Water near Western Row Meyer, Anthony, Western Row near Hamilton Road Mitchell, R. G. Canal bet 5th and 6th Norris, Alexander, sr. (tallow chandler) boards W. Proctor Norris, Alexander, jr. (tallow chandler) boards "W. Proctor O'Connor, Michael, Western Row near Northern Row Proctor & Gamble, Main bet 6th and 7th Smith, Peter, cor Water and Western Row Taylor, John, Water near Gas Works Verdin & Werk, Main bet 5th and 6th Wiedmer, Francis, Front bet Main and Walnut Whitaker, John, Deer Creek near Northern Row Stearine Candle Manufacturers. Gregory, N. & Co. No. 16 West Front st. Reeder, Henry L. Sycamore bet 4th and 5th Stone masons. Albers, Henry, Jr, Webster bet Sycamore and Broadway Borchelt, Henry W. Webster bet Sycamore and Broadway Darbling, Fredrick, Breman bet 14th and 15th street Eno-lebert, Linsemann, Clinton bet Western Row and John Fre'sche, Francis, Abigal bet Main and Sycamore Gruengemeyer, J. G. cor Plumb and 8th Hammann, Lewis, Jackson bet Canal and 12th Harness, Bernard, 8th bet Elm and Plum Hartman, Conrad, Walnut bet Allison and Northern Row Hoffman, Charles, Richmond bet Fulton and Cutter Hoffman Francis, Allison bet Main and Walnut Hughes, William, George bet Elm and Plum Kammann, Henry, Franklin bet Main and Sycamore Komming, Henry, Tanner st BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 75 Lamersig, John M. Rittenhouse st Leist, George, Vine bet 5th and Centre Lippert, Philip, John bet Linn and Cutter Nolte, Francis F. Franklin bet Main and Sycamore Noltekamper, Henry, Franklin bet Main and Sycamore Prener, Frederick, Tanner st Schwab, Frederick, Clay bet 13th and Allison Siefert, Joseph, Jackson bet Canal and 12th Uhlenbrock, Bernard, Abigail bet Main and Sycamore Stone Yards. Coleman, John H. cor Elm and Canal Humble, John &; Son, cor Syc. and 9th, and Canal bet Main and Walnut Ingersoll, & Son, cor 5th and Broadway Robinson, Daniel, cor 3d and Vine Roberts, Joseph, cor 8th and Vine StOTe Dealers. Andrews, Haven &; Co. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Burton «fe Lockwood, No, 7 West 2d Campbell, Ellison & Co. 2d bet Main and Sycamore French, & Winslow, 2d bet Main and Walnut Going, Jonathan, 4th bet Main and Sycamore Goodhue <^ Co. Main bet Front and 2d Greenwood & Buck, No. 6 West 2d Reser, W. 8f R. P. Main bet Front and 2d Root, D. «fe Co. Front bet Main and Sycamore Wilson, J. B. Main bet 9th and Court Wolf, John, agent, Main bet 9th and Court Wolff, C. & Co., Main bet 9th and Court Surgeon Dentists. Allen, L. S. 4th bet Main and Walnut Allen, John, 4th bet Main and Walnut Bioren, G. W. No. 143 West 5th st Browning, M. C. 4th bet Walnut and Vine Bonsell, Charles, 6th bet Vine and Race Crane, H. 8th bet Walnut and Vine Duncan. W. C. at Dr. Rogers, West 4th st. Knowlton, P. West 4th st. Madeira, W. J. cor 7th and Vine 76 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rogers, M. 4th bet Main and Walnut Tayler, J. West 4th st Weston, S., 6th bet Main and Walnut Williams, , 8th bet Main and Walnut Woodward, William, 3d bet Walnut and Vine Stereotype Founders. James, J. A. Baker bet Walnut and Vine Shepard & Co. 2d bet Main and Sycamore Steamboat Agents. Athern, Ira, Front bet Main and Sycamore Boggs, jr. & Irwin, jr. Front east of Broadway Rogers & Sherlock, Broadway bet Front and 2d Wheelwright J. & Co. Front bet Main and Sycamore Places of Amusement. National Theatre, Sycamore bet 3d and 4th Western Museum, cor Main and Pearl Shires' Garden and Theatre, 3d from Vine to Race Assembly Rooms, cor Walnut and Pearl Concert Hall, 3d st. over Post Office College Hall, Walnut bet 4th and 5th Schnez' Garden, cor Canal and 6th Military Hall, head of Vine st Periodical Depots. Irwin, , Sycamore bet 3d and Lower Market Robinson & Jones, cor 4th and Main Thomas, G. F. & Co., Main bet 3d and 4th Real Estate Agency Offices. Hull & Shepard, Main bet 3d and 4th Herring, Andrew C. 3d bet Walnut and Vine Hickman &; Bedient, 3d bet Main and Sycamore Hunter & Co. 3d bet Main and Walnut Willis & Burt, 3d bet Main and Sycamore Boffinger's, (Emigrant Office) Court bet Main and Sycamore BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 77 Fnibrella Stores. Cole, Nelson L. 5th bet Main and Sycamore Kratz, Conrad, Walnut bet 4th and 5th Undertakers. Smith, Christian, Sycamore bet 4th and 5th Cobb, Samuel, 4th bet Sycamore and Broadway Soards, J, 9th bet Vine and Race Varnish Jflanufacturersi. Degolyer D. S. cor 7th and Plum Price, Henry, cor John and Richmond Iff agon and Carriage Makers, and If^heel^rrig bts. Abbott, Farnham, Webster bet Sycamore and Broadway Angerine & Skaatz, Front bet Carr and Parson Barnes, Samuel, 5th bet Main and Sycamore Bramsche, George H. Walnut bet 13th and Allison Bruce, J. &, B. Walnut bet 2d and Pearl Buse, John H. Walnut bet 13th and Allison Droste, Rudolph, Abigail bet Sycamore and Broadway Estell, Samuel, Front bet Elm and Plum Harmeyer, John R. Canal bet Vine and Race Humble, John, Pike bet Front and Congress Hust, Jacob, cor Western Row and George Hutton, Robert, Water bet Vine and Race Jonte & Co. Broadway bet Court and Hunt Kuntz, Christian, Main bet Allison and Northern Row Kuntz, John, 8lh bet Sycamore and Broadway Miller, George C. 7th bet Main and Walnut Roberts, John, 6th bet Vine and Race Roberts, Edward, Broadway bet 2d and Lower Market Seidenberg, John, Canal bet Jackson and Vine Sparks, Jesse M. junction of 5th and Front Springer, Ernest, North bet 6th and New Wainwright, J. &- B. cor Front and Washington. ff^atclimakers and Silversniitlis. Brockmann, F. C. Main bet 6th and 7th Clayton, Richard, cor 2d and Sycamore Conway, Thomas A. Main bet 6th and 7th Draper, J. Main bet 3d and 4th Hazen & Collins, Main bet 4th and 5th Hill, E. Main bet 4th and 5th Kenney, Edward, (silver- ware) cor Walnut and 6th 7* 78 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kent, Luke, Main bet 5th and 6th Kent, Thomas, Sycamore bet 2d and Lower Market McGrew & Beggs, Main bet 3d and 4th Owen &; Reed, Main bet 3d and 4th Palmer and Smith, Main bet 3d and 4th Trotter, Jeremiah, Sycamore bet Lower Market and 3d ^f'liiskey Rectifiers. Beattie & Frazier, Commercial Row Carter, T. &; E. A. No. 12 West Water C'Connor P. Water bet Main and Walnut Cody P. No. 9 and 10 West Water Day T. C. & Co. No. 11 West Water Davis, N. H. Sycamore bet Front and 2d Dugan J. T. & Co. cor. Main and Water Ellis T. & H. Water bet Main and Walnut Fitzpaterick, P. Water, bet Main and Walnut Florer & Nichols, Sycamore bet Front and 2d Hatch & Co. cor Water and Walnut Hampson J. Water bet Walnut and Vine Huston & Co. No. 5 and 6 West Water Manning John, Water bet Main and Walnut M'Cormick, D. Water bet Main and Walnut McFarland James, cor Main and Water Overaker Geo. & Co. Commercial Row Patterson A. &, J. Water bet Walnut and Vine Smith S. W. & Co. Water bet Main and Walnut Webb, J. G. West Water Wilshire, George & Co. Sycamore bet Front and 2d l¥ood and Copper Engravers. Clark, Peter, (copper) 3d bet Main and Walnut. Doolittle & Munson, (copper) cor 3d and Main Grosvenor. H. (wood) Baker bet Vine and Walnut Lovejoy, John H. (copper & wood) cor 6th and Main Rawdon, Wright «fe Hatch, (copper) cor 4th and Main INSURANCE OFFICES. CINCINNATI MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. JOHN YOUNG, President. Office — Front Street. B. B. WHITEMAN, Secretary. Directors — John Young, Josiah Lawrence, Lewis Whiteman, John Kilgour, George Carlisle, Jacob Strader. Joseph Smith, James Reynolds, John L. Avery, J. Y. Armstrong, Thomas H. Minor, R. R. Springer, Henry Lewis, N. M. Florer, John Taylor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 79 FIREMEN'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Corner of Main and Front Streets. ^- GEO. W. NEFF, President. THOMAS NEWELL, Secretary. Directors — George H. Bates, R. B. Bowler, J. A. "D. Bur- rows, Edward Dodson, Samuel Davis, jr, A. Irwin, John Creagh, E. Poor, John Elstner, P. Rogers, James C. Hall, N. W. Tho- mas, W. M. Woolsey, John Whetstone, Stephen Schooley. CANAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — No. 11, Front Street. R. BUCHANAN, President. J. H. CARTER, Secretary. Directors — R. Buchanan, J. H. Groesbeck, James Hicks, Jr., Samuel Trevor, J. W. Blachly, J. P. Tweed, Edmond Dexter, S. J. Kellogg, George H. Hill, C. G. Springer, W. F. Johnson, S. B, Findlay, Charles Duffield, Stephen Powers, J. D. Wal- bridge, James Goodin, William Thoms, Lot Pugh, L. Broad- well, Jason Evans. FIRE DEPARTMENT'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP. Office — No. 7 Fast Front Street D. C. WALLACE, President. E. HINMAN, Secretary. Directors — D. C. Wallace, S. Cloon, J. Swasey, G. P. Tor- rence, A. Higbee, J. Hampson, W. Murray, C. Rittweger, F. liawson, R. P. Resor, J. D. Lovell, E. Bailey. W. Humble, S. H. Taft, C. R. Folger, T. Spooner, C. H. Paddock, J. Clancey, F. G. Miller, S. King, H. DeCamp, M. P. Taylor, G. W. Bou- tell, R. A. Madison, B. Jelleff. EQUITABLE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Third Street. GRIFFIN TAYLOR, President. JAMES FOSTER, Secretary. Directors — Benjamin Mason, S. S. Smith, John B. Clark, J. E. Williams, Christopher Smith, Joseph Jones, James K. Og- den, Chatfield Walker, John Baker, Matthew Brown, Elam P. Langdon. WASHINGTON MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — No. 73 Maiii Street. WILLIAM GOODMAN, President. E. HENRY CARTER, Secretary. i)irec/or«— William Goodman, Th. J. Adams, Calvin Fletcher, 80 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. John Bailey, Calvin Carpenter, Samuel Fosdick, S. S. Smith, S. C. Parkhurst, Jonathan Bates. MANUFACDITRERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office — Front Street. R. G. MITCHELL, President. A. M. SEARLES, Secretary. Directors — R. G. Mitchell, S. O. Butler, Wm. Manser, R. W. Keys, Peter Andrew, John F. Dair, John Rogers, jr., Geo. H. Hartwell, Wm. Laycock, W. G. Breese, L. Worthington, James Pullan, T. H. Yeatnian. LEXINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Front Street. JOHN W. HARTWELL, Agent. COLUMBUS, OHIO INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Third Street, opposite Trust Co. Bank. P. OUTCALT, .^gent. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY (Hartford Ct.) Office — Front Street. E. ROBINS, General Agent for the Western States. H. HAYES, Agent for Cincinnati. ^TNA INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Front Street. W. B. ROBINS, Agent for the AStna Insurance Company, " " Hartford Conn. CINCINNATI FUEL COMPANY. Office — Corner of Third and Ludlow Streets. GEORGE C. MILLER, President. N. S. HUBBELL, Secretary. CINCINNATI POST OFFICE, Third street, bet Main and Sycamore. WILLIAM H. H. TAYLOR, - - - Post-Master. ELAM P. LANGDON, .... Assistant. PENNY POSTMEN. The city is divided into two sections, Fourth street be being the dividing line. Hiram Frazer, South side of 4th. /| Jos. Haskell, North of 4th. Mr. Frazer has an office at Mr. Irwin's, on Sycamore, between Lower Market and 3d, for the accommodation of his friends. CINCINNATI GAS COMPANY. Office, south side of 4th bet. Sycamore and Broadway. JAMES T. CONOVER, - - - President. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 82 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OERMAIV PUBIilCATIO^S I^ CIBfCIWHrATI. Volksblatt,§*f edited and published by S. Molitor, Canal bet Main & Walnut* Der Deutsche Repulicaner,§*| is edited and published by 0. Schmidt, 3d bet Main and Sycamore. Freisinger,§*f is edited and published by C. B. F. Scho, Canal bet Vine and Walnut. Warheits Freund,* is edited by Mr. Oertel, 5th bet Smith and Mound. Christian Apologist,|| is edited by Rev. Wm. Nast, and published by Metho- dist Book Concern, cor 8th and Main. COUNTY OFFICERS. Treasurer — George W. Holmes, — Office Court Square. Auditor — Hugh McDougal, " " " Recorder — Thomas Heckewelder, *' " " Sheriff— io\ii\ H. Gerard, " Court House. Coroner — Charles Hales, " 5th bet Main & Syc. Deputy Sheriffs — John L. Stalee, West side of Race, North of grave-yard, bet 13th and 14th — James Cooper, Thomas Weaver, and C. J. W. Smith. COMMISSIONERS.— Otfice on Court Square. Presley Kemper, Ephraim D. Williams. Jonathan Larrison, County Surveyor — John L. Hosbrook, Madison township. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. WILLIAM B. CALDWELL, - - - President. Hon. Henry Morse, Associate. Hon. Israel Brown, -----. " Hon. Robert Moore, " Charles H. Brough, Pros. Att'y James McMasters, Cl'k. pro. tem. Bernard Bradley, Serg't-at-Arms TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. R. A. Madison, North East cor Main and 5th, (up stairs.) Richard Mulford, Plum bet George and 7th Ebenezer Hamson, 3d bet Main and Walnut John A. Wiseman, 3d bet Sycamore and Broadway E. v. Brooks, Court bet Main and Walnut Samuel Perry, 3d bet Main and Sycamore E. Singer, 2d bet Main and Sycamore GEORGE WARREN, Measurer of Stone work, Brick and Plastering 6th bet Race and Elm — Office hours 7 to 8 in the morning and 1 to 2 P. M: BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 83 CONSTABLES. Black, Robert B., cor Longworth and Mound. Davison, P., 5th bet Main and Sycamore Delzell, A., 13th bet Vine and Race. Ewan, Even, Plum bet Front and 2d Frazer, Thomas, Ludlow bet Front and 2d Hurst, Thomas, 7th bet Fulton and Cutter. O'Neill, Jesse, cor Elm and 8th. Ruffin, James L., Longworth bet Elm and Plum. Rodecamp, , TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES. Ovfice— Walnut bet 4th and 5th. William Crossman, | John Wood, | John Hudson. Township Clerk — David Churchill. CITY OFFICERS. Mn/or— HENRY E. SPENCER.-Office, 3d bet Main & Syc. J Office, Mayors office iiiii } Office at' Council Chamber. Clerk— WARNER SPENCER. Marshal— JAMES SAFFIN. Bep. Marshal— WILLIAM VANCE. City Crier — T. Ryland, cor George and Elm City Teasurer — William Disney. " Clerk — Charles Satterly " Surveyor — Erasmus Gest. " Solicitor — Samuel M. Hart, Main bet 3d and 4th. " Engineer — JejSrey Seymour, Pleasant Court. MARKET MASTERS. Stephen Jones, ( G L. Murdock. | William Moody, COUNCILMEN FOR 1844. (Office 4th bet Main ^ Walnut.) President — S. Hazen. Recorder — L. E. Brewster. Sergeant-at-Jlrms — John S. Woodrough. 1st Ward, Joseph Smith, «« " Morris Moses, «« " Thomas McLean. 2d Ward, Moses Brooks, " " Joseph G. Rust, «« " William S. Merrill. 3d Ward, Ira A. Butterfield, ♦* ** Stephen Hazen, " '• Jonah Martin. 4th Ward, Amasa Higbee, (( (( Wm, Bromwell, " " Sylvester Fries, 5th Ward, George W. Runyan, " " D. T Snellbaker. J. N. Ridgeway. 6th Ward, Harvey De-Camp " " Nelson Speer " " Alexander Webb, 7th Ward, William Billings, " «' L. E, Brewster, " " Ezekiel Ross. 8th Ward, John Young, " J. S. Rockenfield, " " Almon Sawyer. 9th Ward, Edward Inskip, " " Benjamin Loder, •* " A. Moore. 84 BUSINESS DIRECTORy. NIGHT WATCHMEN. Office at Mayor's office. Captain — Jacob Jacobs. | Lieutenant — William Vance. ^ " G. W. LiUey. 1st Ward, John H. Evans, " " John Jenkins. 2d Ward, Benjamin Estep, " " J. Z. Suter. 3d Ward, Peter Early, ♦' »' Thomas Doran. 4th Ward, Seth M. Folger, " " Jacob Starr. 5th Ward, John Shields, 6th Ward, Solomon Crandall, " " Thomas J. Legg. 7th Ward, Samuel J. Thomas, " " Benjamin Ramsey. 8th Ward, Thomas Helstrip, " " John Timberman. 9th Ward, Morton M, Tagart, " " Clement Rabe. DAY WATCHMEN.— Daniel Smith, | Jesse B. Bowlin. STREET COMMISSIONER, 1st District, John Carr, | 3d District, Ebenez. Hulse. 2d " Benj. Higdon, | CITY COLLECTORS. Henry Handy, Woodward bet Sycamore and Broadway. Joseph Alexander, Race bet Canal and 12t. INSPECTORS, Of Auctions — Thomas B. Anderson. Of Salt— William B. Barry, Walnut bet Front and 2d. Of Flour — Arthur E. Armstrong, Canal bet Main and Walnut. Of Miami Canal — Benjamin Ayres, Canal bet Main and Walnut Of White Water Canal — White Water Canal Of Liquor — H. M. Ernst, Canal bet Main and Sycamore COLLECTORS. Of White Water Canal Tolls— Orson Britten— Office, White Water Canal Basin. Of Miami Canal — E. Converse, Canal bet Main and Walnut CINCINNATI WATER WORKS. Office, Sc? between Main and Walnut sts. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY, FOR THE YEAR 1844. President — S. Hazen. Ungineer— Henry L. Tatem 1st Ward, Joseph Smith, 2d " J. Rust, 3d " S. Hazen, 4th " A; Higbee, 5th " D. Snelbaker, Collector — Robert L. Wright, Secretary — J. F. Keyes. BOARD. 6th Ward, A. Webb, 7th " L. E. Brewster, 8th " Almon Sawyer, 9th " A. Moore. \ ■> \>x ^^^^^ :^- ^ Ji: 5^&S;*^%i40 ^^(DiUDW^*^ mr(£)^^ii9 S. E. CORNER OF BROADWAY AND COLUMBIA STS,, Joseph H. Croxnivell; Proprietor. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OFFICE ON THE EAST SIDE OF MAIN, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS, CINCINNATI. NO. 1 WEST FOURTH STREET, CO* Every gannent warranted a perfect fit, and of the best workmanship^ 1 J. A. JAMES, STEREOTYPE FOUNDER J¥0. 1 BAKER 8TREET, PRiMfillL Having completed the machinery, all of which is new and of a superior kind, I am now prepared to furnish Printing Ink; equal in every res- pect, to any Ink manufactured in the United States. By continued use in many of the best Printing Offices in this an other cities and villages in the West, it has proved to be a superior article. Retail prices of News, 30 cts Book, 40, 50, 75 cenis, $1,00 and $2,00 per lb. A liberal discount made tc wholesale purchasers. Stereotyping of Books, Pamphlets, Music in Patent and Round Notes, Cards, Checks, Blanks, Notes, Cuts, Xylographic work, Druggists' Labels, Patent Medicine Directions, and Jobs of all kinds, in superior style. CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY CORNER VINE AND CENTRE STS., CINCINNATI, H. WELLS; Agent. This establishment is prepared to furnish to order, all ol the new fancy type and borders, now in use at the East. They have every thing that is necessary in a printing establishment — consisting of every variety and style of Plain, Fancy and Orna- mental Type, English and German. Wood and Metal Job type of all sorts and sizes. Also— Ramage, Card, Job and Proof pres- ses, and superior Rust, Smith and Power presses, manufactured and sold at the Cincinnati Type Foundry, at Eastern prices. HORACE WELLS, Agent. J. F. KIMBALL & CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS| Third street, between Walnut and Vine, CINCINNATI. City Property bought, sold, and exchanged. Farms and Country Seats bought and sold. Houses, Stores, and Offices, procured and rented. Collections made, and Taxes paid for non-residents. Will negotiate for the sale, purchase, or exchange of Real Estate, in any parts of the southern or western country ; loan money on mortgage ; keep property under rent, repair, and insurance. ■ Will also procure situations for Clerks and Book-keepers. JACOB FLINN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office West side of Main Street, between U and 4tlii ■ ^ AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MERCHANTS-ROW, Second, betireen Main and Sycamore Streets,' ©Q[M©Qff^lMlATl], ©IHIQ©. G. BRASHEARS. W. M. F. HEWSON. Reteh to Messrs. Strader &, Gorman, Springer & Whiteman, R. B. Bow- ler & Co., Burrows & Co., Wm. M. Walker & Co., Rogers & Sherlock, Neff &, Brothers, Josiah Lawrence, Esq., R. Buchanan, Esq., A. Irwin, Esq. JOHN COCHRAN. JAMES 6ASS. JOHN POLLOCK. JOHN COCHRAN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN '3 la ■ALSO- HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, &C., No. 9, West Fourth street, (Rogers' Row,) Florence Braid Bonnets and all kinds of Straw Goods kept constantly on hand WILLIAM CHIDSEY, 1KirX)Gk,]El lAl O JCK, Jbk li]! JCR, y AND BIRD CAGE MANUFACTURER, THIRD STREET, BELOW WALNUT, All kinds of Wire Work for Cellar Windows, Steamboat Guards, «&c. Al- so, Rat and Mouse Traps, Sand Screens, Sieves, Nursery Fenders, &c. whole- sale and retail. HUNTINGTON & BROOKSj Importers of, and dealers in, AND EARTHEN WARE, LAMPS, CASTORS, &c. 245 Main Street, BETWEKN FIFTH AND SIXTH STREETS, CINCINNATI. ffj" Country Merchants will always find a full supply of Common Earthen Ware, which we will le-pack or sell in the original packages, at the lowest market prices. Also, a full assortment of Pittsburgh Glass Ware, at factory prices, by the package. MANLET" CHAPIN. J. V. LOOMIS. CHAPIN & LOOMIS, North side of 3d st, bet Main and Sycamore. CINCINNATI. No. 2b, 4th St. South side, between Main and Sycamore, CINCINNATI. W. Smead makes Temporary Loans, and gives Hberal interest for MONEY DEPOSITED. Persons having money to lend may obtain from 10 to 12 per cent, per annum, on large amounts, and higher rates on small sums, with First Rate Se- curity. He collects moneys in the United States, Canada and Europe; invests in Real Estate, and procures money on commis- sion. I* MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 127 Main Street, Two doors south of E. Morgan & Co. Book store. CINCINNATI. H. H. BORGMANN, DRAPER AND TAILOR, Corner of Walnut Street and Church Alley, Warranted of the best fit and workmanship. WM. B. DIVER, M. D. Office and Residence Longworth, North side, bet. John and Smith, CINCINNATI, OHIO. S. & H. EUSTIS, PLUMBERS, PUMP AND HYDRANT MAKERS, East side Main, between Fifth and Sixth Street, CINCINNATI. Manufacture, and keep constantly for sale, lead pipe of all sizes, baths, hatters' kettles, chemical apparatus, and various other articles ia their line of business. m DUHME&CO. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN MAIN Sr WALNUT, CINC INNATI. Dealers in ¥atch Tools and Materials, Jewelry, Fine Cutlery, and Fancy Ooods. ECLIPSE LIVERY AHD SALE STABLES, BY FITCH & FORDNEY, ISixth Street, between IfEain and Sycamore, (Cj* We have attached to our Stables a Shop for the Shoeing of Horses, and the best Horse Shoer in the Western Country. W. J. MADEIRA, M. D. CORNER OF VINE AND SEVENTH STREETS, Performs all operations in the profession of Dentistry, upon moderate terms. References. Professor J. T. Shotwell, M. D., Medical College, Cincinnati, 0. « J. P. Harrison, M. D., « « " " Daniel Drake, M. D., « « Louisville, Kv. J. L. Vattier, M. D. S. Bonner, M. D. P. G. Fore, M. D. JONATHAN EMERSON. ALPHEUS CUTTER. EMERSON & CUTTER'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, SIXTH STREET, North side, between Walnut and Vine Streets, Horses Stabled on the most reasonable terms. T. FEAKINS' NEW-YORK Tuscan and Straw Hat and Bonnet NO. 24 EAST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI. All kinds of Hats and Bonnets Bleached and Pressed for the Trade on the most reasonable terms. MRS. FEAKINS' NEW-YORK And Dress making Establishment, No. 24 EAST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI. Fancy and Straw G-oods constantly on hand. ¥M. C. LAWEENCE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ONE DOOR ^VEST OF BROADWAY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. FARIS Colosed Photographic Miniatures, No. 150 MAIN STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, EAST SIDE, CINCINNATI. The subscriber most respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Cin- cinnati, that he has removed to No. 150 Main Street, where specimens of his Miniatures can be seen and examined. For three years past he has been exclusively engaged in prosecuting this branch of the Arts ; and from improve- ments made and adopted, from time to time, he flatters himself that he has the Art at as high a state of perfection as in any other city in the Union. Miniatures taken every day without regard to the weather, at a very mode- rate charge. ^ Apparatus for taking miniatures always on hand of the most approved kind, with instruction ; also. Plates, Cases, Chemical, and every thing apper- taining to the art, warranted genuine. Terms favorable. THOMAS PARIS. MANSION HOUSE, MM IT^EET^ MEm UMhlg BY FULLERTON & IiUTZ, JOHN I. FULLERTON. HENRY LUTZ. PORTRAIT PAINTING. M. -vr. HOPKINS, Respectfully invites Ladies and Gentlemen to call at his Gallery on THE ISOUTH 8IDE OF ELdTI STREET, Three doors below Ninth, */2nd examine specimens of Portraiture, in Oil Colors^ Columbia, bet^veen Broad^ray and liudlo^r Streets, These Bells are executed upon true scientific and harmonical principles as followed in the first Bell Foundries of Germany, France, Holland and England. N. B, Bells are now ofiered to the public cheaper than they ever were before in the United States. Persons wishing any article in his line will find it to their interest to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. CHARLES BARNES, OFFICE CORNER OF SECOND ST. AND BROADWAY, CINCINNATI, O. TALBOTT JONES. WM. RANKIN, JR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office West side of Main, between Tliird and Fourth, Will attend to collections in Cincinnati, Dayton, Louisville, \ and vicinities. References. — Stewart Mollen «& Co., West, Oliver «fe Co., A. Mitchell & Co., R. & H. Haight & Co., Wilson, Butler & Baldwin, JVew York. Talbott, Jones & Co., Hall & Co., Norris «& Beatty, Barry & Hurst, Balti- more Siter, Price & Co., A. & W. G. Mitchell & Co., Herman Cope, Esq., Henry M. Watts, Esq., Philadelphia. H. H. Goodman & Co., E. Lawrence & Co., Hon, D. K. Este, G. R. Cheseldine, J. D. «fe C. Jones, Cincinnati. Gov. Pennington, Rankin, Duryee & Co., JVe-wark, JV. J, DRAPER AND TAILOR, Basement of Universalist Church, CINCINNATI. YOUGHIOGENY GOAL YARDi. BROWN GILLASPIE, & CO. Front, between I^awrence and Ludlow 8ts. B. GILLASPIE. C. HARKNESS. 1 BOOK BIN DRY, No. 142 Main Street, East side, above 4th; entrance on 4th, rear of Drug store, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Fancy and plain Binding, Gilt and Marble Edges, done on advantageous termi for Publishers, Libraries, Societies, «&c. gcj>01d Books carefiilly Re-bound. SIGN AND PICTORIAL PAINTER, CORNER OF COURT ^ND MAIN STS., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Jy* Banners, Pictures, and Ornamental Designs Painted ta"brder. „/J FASHIONABLE CABINET WABEROOMS. G. G. BOITT'EN, SYCAMORE ST., BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH, Constantly on hand a large assortment of Cabinet Furniture. (j;3* Chairs and Sofas of the most fashionable style. DK. R. C. CARTER'S wo. 219 MAIIV STREET, CKVCIWIVATI, OHIO. Dr. R. C. Carter may be found as above, ready, day or night, for the prac> tice of medicine, if not professionally engaged. Having had a thorough knowledge of both the old and new school practices, and from long experience and careful observation, be can conscientiously do no other than give the new practice decidedly the preference in every disease, as being eminently more safe, powerful, and rapid in the curative process. His Infirmary is ever open for the reception of Invalids. d^ He invites those who purchase botanic medicines or books, to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. "^ B. SCOTT, PROPRIETOR OF THE JYORTHERJY ICE HOITSE, Is now in the market with a fine quality of Ice, and is prepared to furnish Steamboats, Hotels and Families, at short notice. Orders left at his Office, corner of Twelfth and the Canal, or at W. S. Peebles' Grocery, corner of Fifth and Race, or at De- silver & Burr's Bookstore, under the Gazette Office, will be promptly attended to. Ice can be had at all hours at his Office. H. F. MILLER. JAS. S. BONE. H. F. MILLER & CO. GROCERY AND PRODUCE STORE, NO. 247 MAIN STREET, Three doors below Sixth Street, West side, CINCINNATI, 0. Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cotton Yarns, Madder, Indigo, &c., will be exchang- ed for CASH OK COUNTRr FROOUCIi. r OFFICE EAST SIDE OF WAINUT, Between Fifth and Sixth streets* T. J, STRAIT. J. J. COLLINS. ^■WWVX'WvV (successors to GOVE AND SWASEY,) DEALERS IN FRUIT, BUTTER, GROCERIES, FRODUCE, &c. CINCINNATI. JOHN SWASEV. E. A. SWASEV. ALLEN COLLIER. WRIGHT, COFFIN & MINEE, Office— east side of Main, CINCINNATI, JOHN 0. WRIGHT. CHARLES ». COFFIN. JOHN L. MINER, n r H. C. GROSYENOK, OOD, AT J. A. JAMES' STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, NO. 1 BAKIBR STREEST, Is prepared to execute, in a style that cannot be surpassed in the western country, Wood Cuts for books, newspapers, handbills, &c. ; letters, ornaments, borders, and in short any kind of Wood Engraving, done with neatness and punctuality, at reasonable prices. t OFFICE, MAIN ST., BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH, CARDS, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, BLANKS, AND EVERY VARIETY OF Book and Job Printiiifir; Done at the shortest notice and in the neatest manner. WILLIAM BROMWELL. WOVE AND WORKED WIRE MANUFACTURER, Walnut street, 3 doors abore Pearl St. House, CINCINNATI, O. Every description of Riddles and Screens, for all kinds of Grain and Seeds. Safes, Sieves, Bird Cages, Rat and Mouse Traps, &c., con- stantly on hand. All orders promptly attended to. HAT^, CAPS, FUMS, AND HATTERS' TRIMMINGS, NO. 93 SaAISr, AND 3 THATLJ, STREET, PAPER WAREHOUSE. AT HIS WAREHOUSE, iflain, between Fifth and iSixth streets, Keeps constantly for sale a general assortment of Paper, such as printing paper of all sizes, plain and fancy colors; foolscap and post paper, various qualities, ruled and plain; lithographic, copperplate, map, and drawing paper; wrapping, hardware, and cotton wrapping paper; bonnet and straw book boards. Also, bank note and tissue paper made to order at short notice. (r^ A liberal discount from regular prices for cash. 4 vy' PURE CIDER Vir^EGAR, AND RZilTNOIiDS' ST., FIRST DOOR, (In the rear of No. 16 West Front street, between Main and Walnut,) CINCINNATI, O. Refer to Dr. Wm. Wood, Dr. James Lakey, Dr. L. C. Rives, Dr. J P. Harrison, Prof. J. A. Warder, Burrows &, Co., Springer & Whiteman, Bailey «& Hartwell, Coram, Tweed & Co., G. H. Bates & Co., Thos. H. Miner, Richard Bates. STEAM LARD OIL MANUFACTURER & REFINER, CANAL STREET, SOUTH SIDE, BETWEEN VINE AND RACE, cirrcnrxvATi, o. ► WESTERN CHAIR MANUFACTORY. AND CABINET WAREROOM. ross^Tgeyer, Manufacture and have for sale, CURLED MAPLE, MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, AND CHERRY AND CABINET FURNITURE, Of the best workmanship and materials, Fourth Streetf four doors east of HMCain* WM. H. ROSS. JOHN GETER. THE DAILY TIMES, I'Mirdl ite©©^^ lb©tw©©m Miinm ®.mi. WsiMmtl;^ CINCINNATI. CALVIN W. STARBUCK, Proprietor. JAMES D. TAYLOR, Editor. The extensive circulation of this paper in the city and river towns from Maysville to Louisville, offers a valuable medium to advertisers. It has now entered its ninth volume. MILITARY AND FRINGE STORE. No. 30 Elast Third Street, Manufactures and has constantly for sale Venetian Blind Trimmings, such as Bindings, Tassels and Cords, of various colors and patterns. Volunteer companies supplied with Military Equipments and Trimmings of every de- scription. Fringe, Cords and Tassels made to order on the shortest notice. Also—Batters' Furs and Trimmings. 3 i WASHINGTON MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, TAKES FIRE AND MARINE RISKS ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. DIRECTORS. CALVIN CARPENTER, SAMUEL FOSDICK, JOHN BAILEY, S. S. SMITH, CALVIN FLETCHER, S. C. PARKHURST, JONA. BATES, TH. J. ADAMS. WM. GOODMAN, president. E. HENRY CARTER, secretary. Lt WVX( V>/%/X««/\/W V^/W WX/\. \ (Successor to Raymond,) HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER, Pour doors above Court, CINCINNATI, 0. Fur, Silk, Military, and Fire Hats, made to order at short notice, and at very reduced prices. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER OF MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, CINCINNATL Attorneys and Counsellors at Law H^ _ Office, N. W. corner of Main and Tliird Streets, CINCINNATI. OtIVER M. SPENCER. R. M. CORWINE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC, COURT STRSET, WEST OF BZAII^ CINCINNATI, O, %f%/vv v>/vv v-x/VVi v%^ V vv-vv v'X'vx* vv\^'vx/vv vvvv vxrvv VX/'V** WW%/V*/VV^ V/^^ SlIJIL]Ln¥"A]KF & ©(DOTTTP^ DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods East side, second door South of Sixth Street, CINCINNATL Country Linen, Carpets, Stockings, Feathers, Woollen Yarns, &c taken in exchange for goods. W. SULLIVAN.. F. SCOTJ JOHN H. RONNEBATJM, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, No. 3 Lower Market Street , near Mairif CINCINNATI. DRAPER AND TAILOR, NO. 115 FIFTH STREET, Betiveen Vine and Race Streets, Clothes made to order in the most fashionable style. ROBERT PORTER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN »• FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NO. 156 MAIN STREET, Between Fourth and Fifth, Fast side, Constantly on hand a general assortment of Foreign and Do- estic Dry Goods, which will be sold low for cash. SCOTT & NICHOLSON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, CORNER OF SIXTH AND ELM STREETS, CINCINNATI. Coffee, Sugar, Sugar House and Orleans Molasses, Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, and Black Teas, Spices, Saleratus, Starch, To- bacco, &c. constantly on hand and for sale at tlie lowest cash prices. Mils i. a^lSllKBlo: NO. 8 CANAL STREET, Between Main and Walnut, Old Stand of S. B. FJudlay, and William R. Williamson, CE^CINIVATI. BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, BETWEEN MAIN AND SYCAMORE, CINCINNATI. BLANK BOOKS made to order. Steamboat Account Books on hand, and made to order on short notice, and in the best style. All kinds of Plain and Fancy Binding executed in the best manner, 3* I. WOLF, JR. J. BRETTELL. J. WOLF, Jr. & CO. BRUSH MANUFACTURERS. Walnut Street, between Fourth and Fifth, CINCINNATI. Brushes of every description made to order. ft/VV%/VV^VVX/VVVVVVVX/VVX'VVV%/VVV%/VVVVVVV%/V\->o.iV '^O^ •"°o I . ^ >^