}& ./^> - : \A A SYSTEM OF gHY_S]CAL CULTURE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Oa,rl Betz, Director ttnd Supervisor of Physical Culture, Public Schools, Kansas City, ^I< «J> FOURTH EIDITIOHSr, -Arranged especially for- u\(s\\ t ^Wtmct smm^iiii t pj G V £.&Et &\[«is Kansas City, .Mo. KANSAS CITY PRESSE. Cor. i2thandMcGeeSts. a cr r- =t cr E> ru a □ a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A SYSTEM OF Physical Culture FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Afe Oarl Betz, Director and Supervisor of Physical Culture, Public Schools, Kansas City, Mo. dfo-q-^te: EZDITIO^T -Arranged especially for msttm- &mib\& t /i. FIRST BOOK, (abridged.) Kansas City, Mo. 'KANSAS CITY PRESSE.' Cor. i2thandMcGeeSts. 1891. ,"3- COPYRIGHT BY ith Physical Culture we aim to unfold the natural and symmetrical beauty of the human body, making it fit and capable in every phase of moral life to obey and carry out the will of its supreme master, the mind. d§ OlSTTIEILTTS. =^ i# r^ F ^ t^^f ^ ^ ^r^. ^jT"^ 5 * Page Definition 3 Contents 4 Commands 5 Remarks 6, 16, 20, 28, 32, 36, 44 To arrange the class 8 To dismiss the class , 8 Correct sitting position 8 Correct standing position 9 Resting position i4 Positions of the arms 9 — 13 Positions of the feet 17 Foot movements. 18 Arm movements ' 21-24 Hand movements 24-26 Shoulder movements 26 Head movements . 29 Trunk movements 30 Leg movements 33, 34 Knee movements 34 Combination exercises ... • 37-42 Marking time 45 Marching 46 Halting 45, 46 Stepping , 47 Facing 45 Breathing 48 m OZMZ^E-i^TlDS. There are four kinds: Command of Caution, of Explanation, of Execution, and of Discontinuation. i. The Command of Caution is used when the attention of the pupils has been diverted. Commands of Caution: Attention ! Ready! 2. The Command of Explanation gives a short but clear and definite description of the position that is to be taken, or the exercise that is to be executed; it is given distinctly and slowly in the natural tone of voice. 3. The Command of Execution, invariably containing but one word, calls for the execution of the exercise demanded, and is spoken with emphasis. Commands of Execution: Stand! Rest! Place ! Begin! March ! Between the commands of Explanation and Execution there is a slight pause, in order that the pupils may have time to think and get ready. It is represented by a line, thus: 4. The Command of Discontinuation also contains but one short word, and is spoken loudly and sharply. Commands of Discontinuation: Stop! Halt ! Rest! REMARKS. TO THE TEACHER: For the first instructions in gymnastics it is advisable to arrange the pupils in the school-room, drilling them on rising and sitting and on the positions of the arms. In mild weather all windows and doors should be opened wide when the drill is given. During the season of fires, however, every precaution against the chil- dren taking cold should be observed. The room is best ventilated in the following way. Open all the windows at the top and only ojie or two from the bottom but so as not to let a draught strike any of the pupils. The doors remain closed,. Monitors open the windows after the first exercise and close them before the last. Insist on children taking off their wraps and overshoes in the school-room. As soon as you are able to handle the class, give the gymnastic exercise out- of-doors. Do not begin any other exercise until your pupils can take correctly all the positions contained in the first part of the manual. Give the explanatory command in your natural tone of voice, laying stress only on the command of execution. Pupils take the position the instant after the command of execution has been given. Pupils should stand still during the gymnastic exercises. They should learn to control the muscles not used as well as those that are being exercised. Laughing, smiling, whispering, chewing, and all grimaces are considered as faults, "STILLNESS OF PERSON AND STEADINESS OF FEATURES", being Ql^e of the chief objects in view, € PART FIRST. - r __ ;- ; -3^^* f Fundamental Position, Resting Position — AND — Positions of the Arms, FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON I. TO ARRANGE THE CLASS. At the command '"gymnastics" the pupils move to the edge of the seats, sit erect, place their hands clasped on the desks, and their teet, heels closed, toes apart, squarely on the floor under the desks. Next give three counts or taps with a bell or pencil. At each count the pupils move quickly, quietly and in perfect unison. One! — Two! The pupils turn outward, place their feet in the aisles, heels closed, toes open, and their hands clasped in their lap. All rise facing the middle of the aisle, (without moving the feet) and place the hands at the sides of the body letting the arms hang naturally. Three! — •The pupils walk to their places (teach them as soon as possible to keep step and time, see page 46) arranging in straight rows in the middle of the aisles, facing front, boys and girls in separate rows and graded according to size, the shorter ones in front. TO DISMISS THE CLASS. One!— The pupils walk to their seats, and arrange in straight lines, (heels closed, toes apart, arms at the sides) with their backs turned to the seats. Two ! — All sit down, without moving the feet, and place the hands clasped in the lap. Three ! — All turn, face front, place the hands clasped on the desks, the feet in the correct position on the floor and sit erect, in straight rows, near the edge of the seats. FUNDAMENTAL POSITION. LESSON 2. Give signals for rising — Lesson I. FUNDAMENTAL POSITION. i At the third count the pupils are in the fundamental position. Heels closed; feet turned equally outward at an angle of 60 degrees; knees closed and straight; trunk erect on the hips; shoulders square and back; arms hanging naturally at the sides; fingers held loosely; the backs of the hands turned slightly to the front; head erect; chin slightly raised; lips closed; eyes to the front. The body in- clines slightly to the front. The position should be free from restraint. The command for taking the fundamental position is: In position — Stand ! Arms folded backward — Place ! At the command "place," all fold the arms on the back quickly and energetic- ally. The arms are folded close and tight, the hands remaining open, palms turned outward. In position — Stand ! At the command "stand" the arms are lowered quickly and energetically into the fundamental position. Drill on these two positions until your pupils can take them correctly, quickly and simultaneously. Controlling those muscles not used is as important as controlling those being moved. For example, while the arms are being folded or lowered, the head, neck, shoulders and chest are to be held perfectly still. The muscles of the face too, are to. be kept steady. Arms folded forward — Place! In folding the arms on the chest, the hands are closed and placed under the upper arms. Arms down — Place ! This command is a substitute for "In position — Stand!" It means to lower the arms to the fundamental position. When lowering the arms the hands are opened. Drill on arms folded forward and arms down, several times. Repeat arms folded backward and arms down, several times. At the close of the lesson give the signals for sitting — (Lesson I.) FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 3- Give signals for rising — Lesson I. Hereafter no reference will be made to the commands for rising and sitting as they self-evident- ly precede and follow each drill. Review arms folded backward and forward. In position — - Stand! Hands on hips — Place! The hands are placed upon the hips so that the thumbs meet in the back. The fingers are closed straight and turned to the front. Arms down — Place! The arms are lowered to the sides. Hands over shoulders — Place! The hands are placed drooping loosely over the shoulders, nearly touching them. The tipper arms are horizontal and parallel with the floor. The arms are raised forward. Arms down — Place! The arms are lowered forward. Hands under shoulders — Place! This position is the reverse of the foregoing one, with the exception that the elbows are not quite raised to a level with the shoulders. Arms down — Place ! Hands over head -*— Place! The hands are placed drooping over the head, the fingers nearly touching it; the palms of the hands are turned towards the head. The knuckles, the wrists and the elbows should form a graceful curve. The arms are raised for- ward. Arms down — Place ! The arms are lowered forward. CHANGING FROM ONE POSITION TO ANOTHER. Arms folded backward — Place! Arms folded forward — Place ! Arms down — Place! Hanc^s on hips — Place! Hands over shoulders — Place! Hands under shoulders — Place! Hands over shoulders — Place! Arms folded backward — Place ! Arms down — Place ! Insist on "clear cut" work! Changing in the different positior s should be done qvhkly. picirpily aid et erg elicaUy TSoi a nvsclt ii. the class she u!c neve until ihe word place orocv) las been given, livent r.ew orcers ofcraige?. Do not have your pupils cenmit any order to memory. POSITIONS OF THE ARMS. n LESSON 4 Review all previous positions. In position — Stand! Fists over shoulders — Place ! This position is the same as hands over shoulders with the exception that the fists are clenched. The arms are raised forward. Arms down — Place ! The arms are lowered forward and -the hands opened. Fists under shoulders — Place! Same as hands under shoulders with fists clenched. Arms down — Place ! Fists at sides — Place! This is the most important position for thrusting the arms. The fists are clenched and placed at the sides of the body; the backs of the hands are turned downward; the elbows are forced backward as far as possible; the forearms are horizontal and parallel. Arms down — Place ! Fists overhead — Place! Same as hands overhead with fists clenched. Arms down — Place ! Hands grasped backward — Place ! The right hand grasps the four fingers of the left hand behind the body ; the arms are extended downward and touch the body; the palms of the hands are turned backward. Arms down — Place! Hands grasped forward — Place! . This position is the reverse of the foregoingone. The right hand grasps the four fingers of the left hand; the arms are extended downward and touch the body; the backs of the hands are turned forward. Arms down — Place ! CHANGING FROM ONE POSITION TO ANOTHER. Hands over shoulders — Place! Arms folded backward — Place! Fists over shoulders — Place! Hands grasped backward — Place! Hands grasped forward — Place ! Fists under shoulders — Place ! Fists over shoulders -- Place! Fists at sides — Place! Arms folded forward — Place! Hands on hips — Place! Arms down — Place ! INVENT NEW ORDERS OF CHANGING. FKEE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 5. Review all previous positions. In position — Stand ! Hands on head — Place! The hands are clasped (fingers interlocked) and placed on the top of the head. The arms are raised forward. Arms down — Place ! The arms are lowered forward. Hands behind head — Place ! The hands are clasped and placed behind the head near the neck. The arms are raised forward . Arms down — Place ! The arms are lowered forward. Arms in horizontal position forward — Place! The arms are raised forward to a level witn the shou'ders. The arms are par- allel and horizontal. The palms of the hands are turned downward. The thumbs are placed beside the fingers. The arms are held perfectly straight and stiff. Arms down — Place! The arms are lowered quietly. Arms in horizontal position outward — Place! The right arm is raised sideways to the right, the left arm sideways to the left to a level with the shoulders. The arms are horizontal and parallel with the floor. Thumbs beside the fingers. The palms of the hands are turned down- ward. Arms down — Place ! The arms are lowered quickly. Arms in slanting position backward — Place ! The arms are moved backward as far as possible. Arms down — Place! CHANGING. Arms in horizontal position forward — Place! Arms folded backward — Place ! The arms are swung through the downward position. Hands over head — Place! Hands on hips — Place! The arms are lowered forward. Arms in horizontal position outward — Place ! Arms in position forward — Place ! Fists at sides — Place ! Hands over head — Place! Arms folded backward — Place ! The arms are lowered forward. Arms in position outward — Place ! Hands behind head — Place! Arms folded backward — Place ! Arms down — Place! INVENT NEW ORDERS OF CHANGES. POSITIONS OF THE ARMS. 13 LESSON 6. Review all previous positions. In position — Stand! Arras in vertical position downward — Place! The arms are extended downward and held straight and. stiff; the palms of the hands are turned backward. In position — Stand! The arms are held loosely. Arms in vertical position upward, raised forward — Place! The arms are raised through the forward position into the position upward. The arms are parallel ana perpendicular. The palms of the hands are turned forward. Arms down, lowered forward — Place! • The arms are lowered through the forward position into the fundamental po- sition. Arms in vertical position upward, raised outward — Place! The arms are raised through the outward position. Arms down, lowered outward — Place! The arms are lowered through the outward position. CHANGING. Arms in position forward — Place! Arms in position outward — Place! Arms in position upward — Place! Arms folded backward, lowered forward — Place ! The arms in folding pnss through the forward and downward positions. Arms in position outward — Place! Hands on hips — Place! Fists at sides — Place ! Hands behind head — Place ! Arms folded backward — Place ! Arms down — Place! INVENT NEW ORDERS OF CHANGES, USING ALL THE POSITIONS. T:ID and JpS .i^nSTO and pi^GEB fxEKOISES. I REMARKS. TO THE TEACHER: All arm movements should be taken vigorously but not too fast. Begin and stop each exercise in the correct position and insist that each step of the exercise be taken accurately . While the arms, shoulders, hands, or fingers are being exercised, the body should be kept firm and still in the fundamental position. Do not repeat one and the same exercise too many times; from eight to ten times will suffice. ARM MOVEMENTS. LESSON I. STRAIGHTENING ARMS. FROM HANDS ON THE HIPS. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place ! Straighten arms downward, in two counts — Begin! At One: both arms are thrust downward simultaneously into position down- ward (palms turned backward.) At Two: the hands are replaced on the hips (thumbs touching.) Straighten arms forward, in two counts — Begin! Palms turned down in position forward. Straighten arms outward, in two counts — Begin ! Palms turned down in position outward. Straighten arms upward, in two counts — Begin! Palms turned forward in position upward. Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! Each exersise at least eight times. When exercising the arms, the body is to be kept firm and still. STRAIGHTENING ARMS. FROM HANDS OVER SHOULDERS. In position — Stand! Hands over shoulders — Place! Straighten arms forward, in two counts — Begin ! At One: the arms are thrust forward into position forward (palms turned down.) At Two: the hands are replaced over the shoulders. 2 . The same outward — Begin ! 3. The same downward — Begin! 4. The same upward — Begin! Arms down — Place ! The same movements can be taken from "hands under shoulders" and "hands over head.' FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 2. THRUSTING ARMS. FROM FISTS OVER SHOULDERS. In position — Stand! Fists over shoulders -- Place! i. Thrust arms forward, in two counts — Begin! At One: both arms are thrust forward into position forward, with fists closed. Knuckles turned upward. At Two: the fists are replaced over the shoulders. 2. The same outward — Begin! Knuckles turned upward in position outward. 3. The same upward — Begin ! Knuckles turned backward in position upward. 4. The same downward — Begin! Knuckles turned forward in position downward. Arms down — Place! Hands open. In place — Rest! THRUSTING ARMS. FROM FISTS AT SIDES. In position — Stand! Fists at sides — Place! 1 . Thrust arms forward, in two counts — Begin ! At One: the arms are thrust forward into position forward, fists closed, knuckles turned upward. At Two: the fists are replaced at the sides, knuckles turned downward. 2. The same downward — Begin! Knuckles turned forward. 3. The same upward — Begin! Knuckles turned backward. 4. The same outward — Begin! Knuckles turned upward. Arms down — Place ! Hands open. The same movements can be taken from "fists under shoulders" and from "fists over head.'' Thrusting exercises should be taken very vigorously. ARM MOVEMENTS. 23 LESSON 3. RAISING ARMS. FROM POSITION DOWNWARD. In position — Stand ! Arms in position downward — Place ! The arms are held straight and stiff; the palms are turned backward. i . Raise arms forward, in two counts — Begin ! At One: both arms are raised forward into position forward. At Two: the arms are lowered into position downward. 2. Raise arms outward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the arms are raised into position outward, palms turned down. At Two: the arms are lowered into position downward. 3. Raise arms upward, forward, in two counts — Begin! . At One: the arms are raised through the forward position into position up. ward, palms turned forward. At Two: the arms are lowered through the forward position into position downward. 4. Raise arms upward, outward, in two counts — Begin At One: the arms are raised through the outward position into position upward, palms turned forward. At Two: the arms are lowered through the outward position into position downward. In position — Stand! From position forward the arms can be a) raised into position upward; b) moved into position outward; c) lowered into position downward; d) swung into position backward. From position outward the arm can be a) raised into position upward; b) moved into position forward; c) lowered into position downward; d) moved into position backwaid. From position upward the arms can be a) lowered into position forward; b) lowered into position outward; c) lowered forward into position downward; d) lowered outward into position downward; e) swung down forward into position backward. 24 FKEE GYMNASTICS LESSON 4, TURNING ARMS. In Position Forward, Outward, Downward and Upward. In position — Stand ! Arms in position forward — Place ! Turn arms outward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the arms are turned, twisted, outward, i. e. the right arm to the right, the left to the left, until the palms are turned directly upward. At Two: the arms are turned into the first position. Arms down — Place ! Arms in position outward — Place! Turn arms backward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the arms are twi sted backward until the palms are turned upward At Two: the palms are turned down. Arms down — Place! Arms in position upward, raised forward — Place ! Turn arms inward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the arms are twisted inward, i. e. the right arm to the left, the left to the right, until the palms are turned backward. At Two: the palms are turned forward. Arms "down — Place! Arms in position downward — Place! Turn arms outward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the arms are twisted outward, the right to the right, the left to the left, until the palms are turned forward. At Two: the palms are turned backward. Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! BENDING HANDS. In Position Forward, Outward, Downward and Upward. In position — Stand! Arms in position foward — Place! i . Bend hands downward, in two counts — Begin! At One: both hands are bent down until they are at right angles with the arms. At Two: the hands are raised to the horizontal position. 2. Bend hands upward, in two counts — Begin! 3. Bend hands sideways right, in two counts — Begin! 4. Bend hands sideways left, in two counts — Begin! 5 . Bend hands outward, in two counts — Begin! The right hand is bent to the right, the left hand to the left. 1 . Bend hands inward, in two counts — Begin ! The right hand is bent to the left, the left hand to the right. Arms down — Place ! In position outward the hands can be bent a) upward; b) downward; c) forward; d) backward. In position upward the hands can be bent a) forward; b) backward; c) sideways right; d) sideways left; e) inward; f) outward. In position downward the hands can be bent a) forward; b) backward; c) sideways right; d) sideways left; e) inward; f) outward. HAND MOVEMENTS. 25 LESSON 5. Review familiar positions and movements. CLOSING HANDS. In position — Stand ! Arms in horizontal position forward — Place ! 1 . Close hands in two counts — Begin ! At One: bcth hands are closed (fists clenched.) At Two: the hands are opened and the fingers thrust into position forward. Arms in horizontal position outward — Place ! 2 . Close hands in two counts — Begin ! Arms in vertical position upward — Place! 3. Close hands in two counts — Begin! Arms in vertical position downward — Place! 4. Close hands in two counts — Begin! Arms in slanting position backward — Place ! 5 . Close hands in two counts — - Begin ! Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! OPENING HANDS. In position — Stand ! Arms in horizontal position forward, hands closed — Place ! 1 . Open hands in two counts — Begin! At One: the hands are opened. At Two: the fists are clenched. The same exercise in positions outward, upward, downward and backward (hands closed.) Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! CLAPPING HANDS. FROM HANDS ON HIPS. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place! 1 . Clap hands in front, in two counts — Begin ! At One: the hands are clapped (softly) opposite the chest; the arms are bent; the back of the left hand is turned downward, that of the right hand up- ward; the hands clasp loosely. At Two : the hands are replaced onto the hips. 2. Clap hands over head, in two counts — Begin! Arms and hands in same position as when clapping hands in front. Arms down — Place ! 26 FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 6. Review familiar positions and movements. CLAPPING HANDS. FROM "HANDS OVER SHOULDERS." In position — Stand ! Hands over shoulders — Place ! Clasp hands in front, in two counts — Begin ! Same as from "hands on hips." Clap hands over head, in two counts — Begin! Same as from "hands on hips." Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! FROM "ARMS IN POSITION FORWARD." In position — Stand! Arms in horizontal position forward — Place! Clap hands in two counts — Begin! At One: the palms of the hands are turned towards each other, and the hands are clapped; the hands and arms remnin straight. At Two: the hands are replaced into the position forward Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! FROM "ARMS IN POSITION UPWARD." In position — Stand ! Arms in vertical position upward, raised forward — Place ! Clap hands in two counts — Begin! Same as in position forward. Arms down, lowered outward — Place! In place — Rest ! MOVING S BOULDERS. FROM "ARMS IN POSITION DOWNWARD." In position — Stand! Arms in vertical position downward — Piace ! Raise shoulders, in two counts — Begin ! At One: both shoulders are raised as high as possible. At Two: the shoulders are lowered. Move shoulders forward, in two counts — Begin! t At One: the shoulders are moved forward as far as possible. At Two: the shoulders are replaced into their outward position. Move shoulders backward, in two counts — Begin! The reverse of moving shoulders forward. In position — Stand ! I a. S^\fey r)H&Q ] «=PART FOURTH. tJtsM^'€>A^& I Ms ZE^ID -^-^> — o^a^S^-o — ?]KX7ISr^: ^/AVO'v^EnyEEISrTS. ^REMRKS^ TO THE TEACHER: As a rule take head and trunk movements slower than movements of the arms. The first attempts at head and trunk exercises are apt to make some of your pu- pils dizzy. The reason for this is, that the muscles and nerves of the head are un- trained for such movements and therefore unable to control the blood that rushes to the brain. A few weeks' practice generally does away with all dizziness. HEAD MOVEMENTS. 29 LESSON I. Review familiar positions and movements. BENDING HEAD. In position — Stand! Arms folded backward — Place! 1 . Bend head forward, in two counts — Begin! At One: the head is bent forward. At Two: the head is raised into the upright position. 2. Bend head backward in two counts — Begin! At One: the head is bent backward. At Two: the head is raised into the upright position. 3. Bend head sideways right, in two counts — Begin! At One: the head is bent sideways to the right. At Two: the head is raised into the upright position. 4. Bend head sideways left, in two counts — Begin! The same as bending head to the right except in the opposite direction. Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest! ' TURNING HEAD. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place ! 1 . Turn head to the right, in two counts — Begin I At One: the head makes a quarter turn to the right; the shoulders remain fixed in the front position. At Two: the head is turned into the front position. 2 . Turn head to the left, in two counts — Begin ! The same as turning head to the right, except in the opposite direction. Arms down — Place I When the head is exercised the lips should be closed. When exercising the head, some pupils are very apt to close their eyes; this should not be permitted. 30 FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 2. Review familiar positions and movements . BENDING TRUNK. In position — Stand! Hands on hips — Place! i . Bend trunk forward, in two counts — Begin ! At One: the trunk is bent forward until trunk and limbs are at right angles. The knees remain straight and the feet firmly on the floor. Head and neck are on a line with the trunk. At Two: the trunk is raised into the upright position. 2. Bend trunk backward, in two counts — Begin! At One/ the trunk is bent backward as far as is possible without bending the knees. The head is also slightly bent backward. (Lips closed.) At Two: the trunk and head are raised into the upright position. 3. Bend trunk sideways right, in two counts — Begin! At One: the trifnk is bent directly sideways. The feet remain firmly on the floor and the knees straight and together. The head is also slightly bent to the right. At Two: the trunk and head are raised into the upright position. 4. Bend trunk sideways left, in two counts — Begin! The same as to the right, except in the opposite direction. Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest ! TURNING TRUNK. In position — Stand ! Arms folded backward — Place! 1 . Turn trunk sideways right, in two counts — Begin ! At One: the trunk and head make a quarter turn to the right. The feet must not be moved nor the knees opened, or bent, At Two: the trunk arid head are turned into the front position. i . Turn trunk sideways left?, in two counts — Begin! The same as to the right, except in the opposite direction. Arms down — Place ! ®«s p/^T o FIFTH, ^^ *r LEQ — - Knee # Movements. fesMABSS, TO THE TEACHER: The leg movements are difficult, because complex; they require careful attention and much drill. The movement of the longe must be energetic, but the feet should be placed noiselessly on the floor. The knee is bent gradually but at the same time quickly. Take the longes as slow as the trunk movements. FOOT MOVEMENTS. 33 LESSON I. THE LONGE. FORWARD. In position — Stand! Hands on hips — Place! 1 . Longe forward right, in two counts — Begin! At One: the right foot is advanced directly forward a distance of about two normal steps ; the whole foot is planted firmly on the floor, the toe turned out- ward; the knee bends quickly but not suddenly. The left foot is not moved; the left knee is kept straight and rigid. The trunk is moved forward, but is held erect and still on the hips. The head is held straight and still. The weight of the body is over the right knee. At Two: the body is brought back to the starting position The movement is rather slow and no noise should be made. 2. Longe forward left, in two counts — Begin! 3. Longe forward right and left, in four counts — Begin! Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest! BACKWARD. In position — Stand ! Arms folded backward — Place! 1. Longe backward right, in two counts — Begin! The body is moved directly backward; in every other particular same as the longe forward. 2. Longe backward left, in two counts — Begin! 3. Longe backward right and left, in four couats — Begin! Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! SIDEWAYS. In position — Stand ! Hands on hips — Place! 1 . Longe sideways right, in two counts — Begin ! The body is moved directly sideways; the head is not turned; eyes to the front. 2. Longe sideways left, in two counts — Begin! 3. Longe sideways right and left, in four counts — Begin ! Arms down — Place ! 34 FREE GYMNASTICS. LESSON 2. THE LONGE-REVERSE. FORWARD. In position — Stand! Hands on hips — Place ! i. Longe-reverse forward right, in two counts — Begin! At One: the body, held perfectly straight and still, sinks down in the left knee. The right foot is placed in step-position forward; the right knee is straight and rigid. The left foot rests firmly on the floor; the heel of the right foot is raised, the toe only touches the floor. The weight of the body is over the left knee. At Two: the left knee is straightened and the heels closed. The movement is s-low and noiseless. 2. Longe-reverse forward left, in two counts — Begin! 3 . Longe-reverse forward right and left, in four counts — Begin ! Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! BACKWARD. In position — Stand! Hands on hips — Place! i . Longe-reverse backward right, in two counts — Begin ! Left knee bends. 2. Longe-reverse backward left, in two counts — Begin! Right knee bends. 3 . Exercises i and 2 in four counts — Begin ! Arms down — Place ! In place — Rest ! Arms folded backward — Place ! SIDEWAYS. In position — Stand ! 1. Longe-reverse sideways right, in two counts — Begin! Left knee bends. 2. The same to the left — Begin! Right knee bends. 3. Exercises 1 and 2 in four counts — Begin! Arms down — Place! In place — Rest! BENDING KNEES. In position — Stand! Hands on hips — Place! 1 . Bend knees in two counts — Begin ! At One: the body sinks down in both knees; the knees bend outward equally; the feet remain firmly on the floor. The body is held straight and still. At Two: the knees are straightened. Arms down — Place ! ^rr -PART SIXTH. =* -3S® -^e) ^ r ./ - PART SEYENTH. - JpLoirbTG, °* srv® J)(\^.Kcx3:ii