PR 2542 ,G7 1894 b- i ?! ON / '' Chillicothe Ohio GREEN PASTURES. k Vl^i 1£U?at)eif)an Xi^rarg. Green Paftures : Being Choice Extracts from the Works of Robert Greene, M.A., of both Univerfities i56o(?)-i592. Madeby Alexander B. Grofart r CHICAGO A. C. McCLURG & CO. Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, London .Gil Copy____Jf I INTRODUCTION. From an Author fo voluminous that his colleSiive * Life and Works ^ extend to no fewer than fifteen confiderable volumes {in the ' Huth Library ^)y the difficulty has not been to find materials for a volume of our Elizabethan Library ^ but what to feleSl, For example J it was veryfoon dif covered that. fomeofhismofi chara^eriftic writings muji be left abfolutely untouched^ inafmuch as any one ^ e.g., of the Coney-catching Series, or of the Autobiographical Series, would alone over- flow into two or morefuch volumes, fo matter- fulare they, andfo impojjible is it to reprefent their higheft qualities by brief extra^s. In reluctantly but inevitably leaving thefe I afide, I venture to fay that no books contain more vivid word-piSiures of Englijh low- life in the reign of Elizabeth than do thefe, They are bitten in with marvellous Dutch- vi Introdu^ion. like minutenefs of touch. As for his perfonal narratives of penitence and confeffion, I for one do not envy the man who can read them with unwet eyes. There is a burning truth, a pathetic integrity, a weird power about them that neighbour thefe fadly little known books with De Quincefs ' ConfeJJions^ and reduce to commonplace thofe of RouJJeau. The letters and appeals to his wife and evil afociates thrill to-day the moft fijh-blooded reader. Only fuch a ghoul as Gabriel Harvey could doubt their fincerity. I indulge the hope that fome readers of thefe words of mine, and of this booklet, will be fir red to feek accefs to the following {their title-pages fujnmarily given): I. Coney-catching Series. {a) A notable Difcovery of coofnage now daily pra^ifed by fun dry lewd perfons called Connie-catchers and Croffe-biters . . . 1 591. (b) The fecond parte . . . 1591. (r) The thirde parte . . . with the new devifed knavijh art of Foole-taking . . . 1592. J: Introduction. {d) A Difputation between a Hee Conny- Catcher and a Shee Conny-Catcher . . . 1592. {e) The Black Bookes MeJJenger, laying open the Life and Death of Ned Browne, one of the moft notable Cutpurfes, Croff- biters and Conny-catchers that ever lived in England . . . 1592. Then muji be read {Works, vol, xi.ypp. 39-104) the attack on above books. (f) The Defence of Conny-catching, or a Confutation ofthofe two injurious Pamph- lets, publijhed by R. G., againji the prac- tioners of many nimble-witted and myjiical Sciences . . . 1592. 2. Autobiographical Series. (g) Green's Groat^ s-worth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentance . . . 1592. (h) The Repentance of Robert Greene, Majier of Artes ... 1592. (/) Greene's Vifon, written at the infant of his death . . . 1592. To thefe muJi be added his numerous viii Introdu5fion. Epijfles' dedicatory and prefatory. They have all perfonal allufions of the moji in- terefiing fort. I Jhould gladly have brought them together, I have been compelled to limit my f elf to afingle example — the Epiftle- dedicatory to ' Perimides the Blackfmith.'* There is exceptional gracioufness and dainti- nefs ofphrafing in all his Epiftles. After exclufion {fpeaking broadly) of the whole ofthefe, there remain materials for at leaf five feparate volumes equal to the prefent, (a) Apophthegms and Apt Sayings, many of them long paffed into proverbs, albeit certain were probably contemporary proverbs that were worked into the fever al boohs. Our few ^ handfuls of purpofe^ will demonftrate how full a harveft might have been reaped in this field. {f) The Plays. Eheu! eheu! We have the mere '■flotfam and jetfam ' of his prolific pen ^for the theatre.^ But in the two volumes of his Works [xiii. and xiv.) his four furviving Plays abound in * brave Introdu5lton, tranjiunary things.* We have Jiriven to prefent typical fpecimens. It was our good fortune to be the Jirji to reclaim the ex- tremely remarkable play of * Selimus ' for Greene. {c) Manners, customs, fashions, games and fportSj fuperjiitions^ town and country ongoings y odd chara5iers^feajls andfeftivals, etc., etc., fnd all but inexhauftible illujira- tion in thefe pre-eminently manners -painting books. One wonders that fo full a quarry has beenfo little worked. Compilers might have 7nade their meagre pages rich from almoft any one of the volumes enumerated. See vol. XV. of Works — Gloffarial Index — fpecial lifts, etc., etc.; alfo under ' JSiors and Players * in the prefent volume, which, a. la France, are to be read between the lines. Within our narrow limits we have (it is believed) furnijhed enough to make it clear that young Greene was no merely grotefque rival to young William Shakefpeare. It Introdu5fion. lies on the fur face that if only the ^wrecked life ' had found a frie?id and helper in his (later) mighty contemporary, that is if co-operation had been fought — not antagonifm — Englifh literature fhould have been the certain gainer. We arefo ufed to idolatrize Shakefpeare becaufe of his fimply incom- parable geniusy that we fhirk inquiring into his relations with his precurfors and con- temporaries. I for one feel fatisfied that fuller knowledge of thefe would prove that for years, when feeling his way upward, Shakefpeare was a very buccaneer in ^ fpoil- ing the Egyptians,^ or unmet aph or ically in turning to his own account the MS. writ- ings of unfortunate contemporaries who were confirained to write for the theatres. On thefe and cognate matters I jnufl refer the reader to Profeffor Storojenko^s * Life ' of Greene, with our annotations, which form vol. i. of the Works. I would fpe daily commend the V Allegro and Penferofo-like burfls of mufical fong that will be found in this volume. The Introduction, (fo-called) Paftorals have exqutjite touches and Jineji-wrought rhyme and rhythm. The Love-Jongs are tender and pajfwnate. The ' comic vein ' // genuine. His patriotic Jl an ding-up for the * common people ' {e.g.y in ^ The Pinner of Wakefeld^) is hiforically moji noticeable. Altogether I Jhall he dif- appointed if our * Green Fajlures ' — the pun being permijibki as was Spurgeon^s * Stones from Ancient Brooks ' ( = Thomas Brooks J the Puritan) — be not welcomed as a pleafant furprife to be placed befide our ^ Bower of Delight'' f?/' Nicolas Breton. / clofe with a quotation from myfelf — * / muft take this frejh opportunity of re- calling that as the converfe of HerricHs famous (or infamous) pleading, that if his verfe were impure, his life was chafe, Greeners writings are exceptionally clean. Nor mufi he be refufed the benefit of this in any judicial eftimate of him. It is equally harjh and uncritical to fay that this confeffedly dijjo lute-living man wrote purely becaufe it paid him to do fo. It did no fuch Introduction, It would have paid, and did pay, to ^rite impurely, and as miniftering to the unchajie appetite of readers for garbage. To his undying honour, Robert Greene^-^equally with James Thomson, — left fcarce a line that dying he need have wijhed " to blot" I can't under Jiand the nature of anyone who can think hardly of Greene in the light of his ultimate penitence and abfolute confejjion. It is {if the comparifon be not over-bold) as though one had taunted David with his fin after the 5 \ft Pfalm ' {Editor's IntroduBion to Life : Works, i., pp. xix-xx). A. B. G. CONTENTS. PAGE Abatements I Abominable^ Abhominable . 2 AElors and A Sting . 3 ^nglijh Player 7 Good Advices 9 To Young Men lO Vnvenerable Old Age 12 Apophthegms and Apt Sayings 13 , Alliteration 24 A Noble Head— Friar Bacon 25 Friar Bacon 26 Beauty — a Song . . 27 Bohemia — Shakefpeare llluftration 28 Chaftity — an Ode . 28 Comedy . 30 A Contented Mind , 45 xiv Contents, PAGE Content . 46 A Country Beauty . 47 Cradle Song 50 Cupid • 51 The Eagle and the Fly 52 An Epijlle Dedicatory 54 Fancy 56 Old Englijh Flowers . 58 The Englijh Fop and Florentini Contemporaries 60 Idlenefs . 62 Jealoufy . . 62 Kings 63 Soliloquy of Selimus — Ufurper anc Tyrant . 65 JonaWs Appeal to London and Eng lane i 73 Difpraife of Love . • 75 Love ( = Cupid as a Child) . 76 Love's Treachery . 77 Doron^s Defcription of Samela • 79 N'oferez vous^ mon bel Ami ? . 80 Eurymachus^ Fancy in the Prime Oj f his Affection . . 83 Contents. XV PAGE Love 89 PaJJionate Lovers . 90 Eurymachus in Praife of Mirimida 91 Love — IVhat P 94 Gentle Court Jhips RejeSied . 96 George a Greene and Beatrice [BettrL^ ) 97 Love-Supplanter . 98 Love no Mortal Pa(Jlon lOI Siheflro's Lady-love 102 ! Men a leas — The Prodigals Return 103 Miferrimus 109 Palmer's Ode III Another of the Same 112 The Penitent Palmer's Ode 114 Paftoral . 116 Pajloral . 119 Phillis and Coridon 123 Paftoral . 125 Paftoral . 129 Paftoral . 132 Paftoral . 133 IfabeWs Ode 136 Paftoral . 139 Contents, PAGE P aft oral . . . .140 Perfeverance Wins . . .141 Word'Portraits . . .142 Potatoes . . . .148 Time . . . .148 The Tongue . . • ^49 Travels . . . .152 U/ury . . . .153 Vengeance Implored . • '54 Venus and Adonis . . '^55 Adonis Reproved . . '157 Venus ViSlrix . . • ^59 Woman . . . .161 The Teoman and Peafantry of Old England . . . 164 Touth Degenerate . . .170 Woman's Eyes . . .170 J^e Dead Wife foon Forgotten . 172 ^K ykmM ^m '^m ^^^M J ....%..- ABATEMENTS. The ftiffeft metal yieldeth to the ftamp, the ftrongeft oak to the carpenter's axe, the hard fteel to the file, and the ftouteft heart doth bow when Nature bids him bend. . . . There is no adamant fuch which the blood of a goat cannot make foft, no tree fo found which the fcarab fly will not pierce, no iron fo hard which ruft will not fret, no mortal thing fo fure which Time will not confume, nor no man fo valiant which cometh not without excufe when Death doth call. The phoenix hath black pens as well as gliftering feathers, the pureft wine hath ihis lees, the luckieft year hath his cani- I cular days. Venus had a mole in her i face, and Adonis a fear upon his chin. There was fometimes thunder heard in the Temple of Peace, and Fortune is never fo favourable but Ihe is as fickle : Green Pastures, her profperity is ever fauced with the four drops of adverfity, being conftant in nothing but in inconftancy. Scipio efcaped many foreign broils, but, re- turning home in triumph, was flain with a tile. Caefar conquered the whole world, yet was cowardly flain in the Senate. So Bonfadio. . . . (Morando : the 'Tritameron of Love' [15 17], iii., pp. 51, 52.) ABOMINABLE, ABHOMIN- ABLE. The deiire of his fond afFedlon fo blinded his underftanding that he paufed not to pervert both human and Divine laws for the accomplifhment thereof: no rules of reafon, no fear of laws, no pricks of confcience, no refpe6l of honefty, no regard of God or man, could prohibit him from his peftiferous pur- pofe : for if laws had been of force, he knew his deed was contrary to all laws, in violating his facred oath ; of confcience, he knew it terrible ; of honefty, he knew it moft wicked ; of . JliJ Abominable^ Abhominable. God or man, he knew it abominable in the fight of both (' Mamillia' [1583], ii., p. 118). [Nares annotates on this word : * A pedantic afFedlation of more correal fpeaking, founded upon a falfe notion of the etymology ; fuppofing it to be from ab ho7nine inftead of abominor, which is the true derivative. Shake- fpeare has ridiculed thi^ afFeftation in the character of the pedant Holofernes : " They are abhominable, which he [Don Armado] would call abominable " ("Love's Labour's Loft," v., i). But it was not neceflarily pedantic fo to fpell. As fimple matter of faft, the word carried in it for long meanings corre- fpondent with the double derivation. — G.] ACTORS AND ACTING.'' So highly were Comedies efteemed in thofe days [of Terence and Plautus in Rome], that men of great honour and grave account were the aftors, the Senate and the confuls continually pre- fent as auditors at all fuch fports, * See Introduction. Green Pastures. rewarding the author with rich rewards, according to the excellency of the Comedy. Thus continued this faculty famous, till covetoufnefs crept into the quality, and that mean men, greedy of gains, did fall to pradlife the afting of fuch plays, and in the theatre prefented their Comedies, but to fuch only as re- warded them well for their pains. When thus Comedians grew to be mercenaries, then men of accompt left to praftife fuch paftimes, and difdained to have their honours blemilhed with the ftain of fuch bafe and vile gains : infomuch that both Comedies and Tragedies grew to lefs accompt in Rome, in that the free fight of fuch fports was taken away by covetous defires ; yet the people (who are delighted with fuch novelties and paftimes) made great refort, paid largely and highly applauded their doings, in- fomuch that the A6lors, by continual ufe, grew not only excellent but rich and infolent. Amongft whom in the days of Tully one Rofcius grew to be of fuch exquifite perfe6lion in his faculty, that he offered to contend with the orators of that time in gefture, as they did in eloquence ; boafting that he could exprefs a paffion in as many fundry aftions as Tully could difcourfe it in variety of phrafes : yea, fo proud he grew by the daily applaufe of people, that he looked for honour and reverence to be done him in the llreets : w^hich felf-conceit when Tully entered into with a piercing inlight, he quipped at in this manner. It chanced that Rofcius and he met at a dinner, both guefts unto Archias the poet, where the proud Comedian dared to make comparifon with Tully ; which infolency made the learned orator to grow into thefe terms : 'Why, Rofcius, art thou proud with ^fop's crow, being pranked with the glory of other's feathers ? Of thyfelf thou canft fay noth- ing, and if the cobler hath taught thee to say Ave Ccefar, difdain not thy tutor becaufe thou prateft in a king's chamber. What fentence thou uttereft on the ftage, flows from the cenfure of our wits, and what fentence or conceit of the invention the people applaud for excellent, that comes from the fecrets of our knowledge. I grant your action, though it be a kind of mechanical labour, yet well done 'tis worthy of Green Pastures, pralfe ; but you worthlefs, if for fo fmall a toy you wax proud.' At this Rofcius waxed red and be- wrayed his imperfe6lion with filence ; but this check of Tully could not keep others from the blemilh of that fault, for it grew to a general vice amongft the Aftors, to excell in pride as they did exceed in excellence, and to brave it in the ftreets as they brag it on the flage : fo that they revelled it in Rome in fuch coflly robes, that they feemed rather men of great patrimony than fuch as lived by the favour of the people. Which Publius Servilius very well noted ; for he, being the fon of a fenator and a man very valiant, met on a day with a player in the ftreets richly apparelled, who fo far forgat himfelf that he took the wall of the young nobleman ; which Servilius taking in difdain, counterchecked with this frump: * My friend (quoth he), be not fo brag of thy filken robes, for I faw them but yefterday make a great fhow in a broker's ftiop.' At this the one was afhamed and the other fmiled, and they which heard the quip laughed at the folly of the one and the wit of the other. Thus, fir, have you heard my opinion briefly of plays, that Menander devifed them for the fupprefling of vanities : neceffary in a Commonwealth, as long as they are ufed in their right kind ; the play- makers worthy of honour for their art, and players, men deferving both praife and profit as long as they wax neither covetous nor infolent. (' Never too Late ' [1590], viii., pp. 131-133.) ENGLISH PLATER, Roberto [ = Robert Greene] wonder- ing to hear fuch good words, for that this golden age affords few that efteem of virtue ; returned him thankful gratu- lations, and (urged by neceffity) uttered his prefent '"grief, befeeching his advice how he might be employed. Why, ealily, quoth he, and greatly to your benefit ; for men of my profeffion get by fcholars their whole living. What is your profeffion ? faid Roberto. Truly, fir, faid he, I am a Player. A player, quoth Roberto, I took you rather for a gentleman of great living, for if by out- ward habit men ihould be cenfured Green Pastures, [ = judged], I tell you, you would be taken for a fubftantial man. So am I where J dwell (quoth the Player), re- puted able at my proper coft to build a windmill. What though the world once went hard with me, when I was fain to carry my playing fardle [ = bundle] a-footback. Tempora mutantur, I know you know the meaning of it better than I, but I thus conllrue it. It is other- wife now ; for my very Ihare in playing apparell will not be fold for two hundred pounds. Truly, faid Roberto, it is ftrange, that you ihould fo profper in that vain praftice, for that it feems to me your voice is nothing gracious. Nay, then, faid the Player, I miflike your judgment : why, I am as famous for Delphrigus and the king of Fairies as ever was any of my time. The twelve labours of Hercules have I terribly thundered on the ftage and placed three fcenes of the devil on the highway to heaven. Have ye fo ? (faid Roberto), then I pray you pardon me. Nay, more (quoth the Player), I can ferve to make a pretty fpeech, for T was a country Author, paffing at a moral, for it was I that penned the moral of Good Advices. man's wit, the Dialogue of Dives, and for feven years' fpace was abfolute nterpreter of the puppets. But now my almanac is out of date. The people make no estimation Of Morals teaching education. Was not this pretty for a plain rhyme xtempore ? If ye will ye fhall have niore. (* Groat's-worth of Wit' [i 592], di., pp. 130-132.) GOOD JD VICES. The Farewell of a Friend. 1. Let God's worfhip be thy morn- ng's work, and His wifdom the direftion )f thy day's labour. 2. Rife not without thanks, nor fleep lot without repentance. 3. Choofe but a few friends, and try :hofe ; for the flatterer fpeaks faireft. 4. If thy wife be wife, make her thy ecretary, elfe lock thy thoughts in thy leart, for women are feldom filent. 5. If fhe be fair, be not jealous ; for ufpicion cures not women's follies. lo Green Pastures, 6. If fhe be wife wrong her not : for if thou loveft others fhe will loath thee. 7. Let thy children's nurture be their richell portion ; for wifdom is more precious than wealth. 8. Be not proud amongft thy poor neighbours : for a poor man's hate is perilous. 9. Nor too familiar with great men ; for prefumption wins difdain. 10. Neither be too prodigal in thy fare, nor die not indebted to thy belly, but enough is a feaft. 11. Be not envious, left thou fall in thine own thoughts. 12. Ufe patience, mirth and quiet j for care is enemy to health. (* Never too Late' [1590], viii., pp. 168, 169.) TO rOUNG MEN. A young man led on by felf-will (having the reins of liberty in his own hand) forfeeth not the ruth of folly, but aimeth at prefent pleafures : for he gives himfelf up to delight, and thinketh everything good, honeft, lawful, and 'To Young Men. 1 1 virtuous, that iitteth for the content of his lafcivious humour. He forfeeth jnot that fuch as climb haftily fall fud- denly ; that bees have flings as well as honey ; that vices have ill ends as well fweet beginnings. And whereof grows this heedlefs life, but of felf- conceit, thinking the good counfel of age is dotage ; that the advice of friends proceeds of envy, and not of love ; that when their fathers correal them for their faults, they hate them : whereas When the black ox hath trod on their feet and the crow's foot is feen in their eyes, then, touched with the feeling of their own folly, they figh out, * Had I win !' when repentance cometh too late. Or like as wax is ready to receive every new form that is ftamped into it, fo is youth apt to admit of every vice that is objedled unto it, and in young years wanton defires is chiefly predominate, fpecially the two ringleaders of all other mifchiefs, namely, pride and whoredom. Thefe are the Syrens that with their enchanting melodies draw :hem on to utter confufion. . . . [There- ore bethink. . . .] (' Repentance ' 1592], xii., pp. 157, 158.) 12 Green Pastures. UNFENERABLE OLD AGE, Thefe two patterns of unrighteouf- nefs and mirrors of mifchief, had under the pens of a dove covered the heart of a kite, under their fheeps' fkins hidden the bloody nature of a wolf; thinking under the fhadow of their grey hairs to cover the fubftance of their treacherous minds ; in a painted Iheath to hide a rufty blade ; in a filver bell a leaden clapper, and in their aged complexion moft youthful concupifcence, hoping their hoary hairs would keep them without blame and their grey heads without fufpicion. Indeed, age is a crown of glory when it is adorned with righteoufnefs, but the dregs of difhonour when it is mingled with mifchief. For honourable age confifteth not in the term of years, nor is not meafured by the date of a man's days, but godly wifdom is the grey hair and an un- defiled life is old age. The herb Grace, the older it is the ranker fmell it hath, the Sea-liar is moft black being old, the older the eagle is the more crooked is her bill, and the more age Jpophthegms and Apt Sayings. in wicked men the more unrighteous, f Mirror of Modefty' [1584], iii., pp. II, 12.) APOPHTHEGMS AND AP'I SATINGS. It is vain to water the plant when the root is dead. (* Morando,' iii., p. 5+-) I count liking without law no love but lull. {liid., p. 59.) It is hard ... to hide Vulcan's polt foot with pulling on a ftraight Ihoe. {jMJ.y p. 60.) He who yieldeth himfelf as a flave to love bindeth himfelf in fetters of gold, and if his fuit have good fuccefs, yet he leadeth his life in glillering mifery. \{nU, p. 86.) A word millaken is half a challenge. j(/^zV., p. 127.) When the boar layeth down his ibriftles then he meaneth to ftrike. ('Anatomy of Fortune/ iii., p. 183.) The Painter cafteth his faireft colour over the foulefl: board. (Ibid.) Fortune, yea, fortune, in favouring 14 Green Pastures, me hath made me moft infortunate. {Ibid., p. 184.) The lapwing [ = peewit] cries fartheft ofF from her neft. (' Tritameron,' ill., p. 78.) \Cf. * Meafure for Meafure/ I., iv., 32 ; ' Comedy of Errors/ IV., ii., 27.-G.] [Follow] the example of the in- duftrious and painful [ = painftaking] bee, which draweth honey out of flowers and hurteth not the fruit. {Ibid., p. 153.) [So George Herbert finely : * Rain, do not hurt my flowers, but gently spend Your honey-drops ; press not to smell them, bee.'— G.] Rather love by ear than like by the eye. (' Mirror,' ill., p. 10.) A fure truth . . . needs no fubtle glofs. {Ibid., p. 60.) ['Tis] to pull on Hercules' hofe on a child's foot. {Ibid., p. 68.) 'Tis an ill flaw [ = fl:orm-wind] that bringeth up no wreck . . . and a bad wind that breedeth no man's profit. {Ibid., p. 84.) I think of lovers as Diogenes did of dancers, who, being alked how he liked ..1. Apphthegms and Apt Sayings, them, anfwered, The better the worfe. {Ibid., p. 88.) [So Dr. Johnfon of an intricate and difficult mufical compoli- tion, * I wifti it had been fo difficult as to be impoffible.* — G.] Finding, with Scipio, that he was never lefs alone than when he was alone. {Ibid., p. 114.) [Made im- mortal by Childe Harold. — G.] Wilt thou fhrink for an April fhower ? {Ibid., p. 214.) That which is ealily begun is not always lightly ended. (' Debate,' iv., p. 198.) Stars are to be looked at with the eye, not reached at with the hand. ('Doraftus,* iv., p. 285.) My white hairs are blofToms for the grave. {Ibid., p. 271.) [Percy, in his *Reliques' (ii., 177, ed, 1812), quotes the following as part of an old fong on the ftory of the Beggar of Bethnal Green : * The reverend lockes in comelye curies did wave, And on his aged temples grewe the blossoms of the grave.* Qy. the * old faying ' by Greene ? — G.] 1 6 Green Pastures. The four bud will never be the fweet bloffom. {' Card,' iv., p. 15.) She that is won with a word will be loft with a wind. [Ibid., p. 56.) Make a virtue of neceffity. {Ibid., p. 60.) Too much familiarity breeds con- tempt. {Ibid., p. 102.) I dare not infer comparifons becaufe they be odious. {Ibid., p. 149.) Adultery fhall fly in the air, and thy known virtues fliall lie hid in the earth. ('Doraftus,' iv,, p. 250.) [Ennobled by Shakefpeare into : ' The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones.' ('Julius C^sar,' II., x., 2.)— G.] They went like fhadows, not men. {Ibid., p. 262.) Falls come not by fitting low, but by climbing too high. {Ibid., p. 285.) A woman's fault, to fpurn at that with her foot which flie greedily catcheth at with her hand. {Ibid., p. 285.) Neceffity hath no law. {Ibid., p. 294.) Like the porcupine, who, coveting to ftrike others with her pens, leaveth Apophthegms and Apt Sayings, 1 7 herfelf void of any defence. (* Planeto- machia,' v., p. 97.) [Even Shakefpeare believed in the ' pen-propelling porcu- pine/ e.g.., * Henry VI.,' III., i., 363 ; ' Troilus,' II., i., 27.— G.] Is thy fancy fo fickle as every face muft be viewed with aiFeftion ? Fond man, think this, that the poor man maketh as great account of his wife as the greateft monarch in the world doth of an emprefs ; that honefty harbours as foon in a cottage as in the Court. (* Penelope's Web,' v., p. 205.) For all the crack my penny may be good lilver. {Ibid., p. 233.) Fair promifes and fmall performance. (' Planetomachia,' v., p. 43.) More foon come than welcome. [Ibid., p. jj.) Cats' half-waking winks are but trains [ = fnares] to entrap the moufe. {Ibid., p. 84.) Better to truft an open enemy than a reconciled friend. [Ibid.^ p. 90.) The longeft fummer's day hath his evening. {Ibid., p. 129.) Nothing is evil that is neceffary. ('Penelope's Web,' v., p. 178.) [ = all that is is right. — G.] Green Pastures, My profeflion is your trade. (* Mena- phon,' vi., p. 120.) How happy are we that eat to live and live not to eat. (* Perimedes,' vii., p. 21.) The fox had his Ikin pulled over his ears for prying into the lion's den : poor men Ihould look no higher than their feet, left in flaring at ftars they ftumble. {Ibid.f p. 22.) Venus, I grant, hath a wrinkle in her brow, but two dimples in her cheeks. {Ibid.^ p. 69.) Words have wings, and once let flip can never be recalled. (* Royal Ex- change,' vii., p. 232.) Poorly content is better than richly covetous. (* Perimedes,' vii., p. 60.) A woman, and therefore to be won. (Ibid., p. 68.) Love beginneth in gold and endeth in beggary. (* Never too Late,' viii., p. 36.) Such as marry but to a fair face tie themfelves oft to a foul bargain. (Ibid.) Faireft bloflbms are foonefl nipped with froft. {Ibid., p. 71.) A friend to [whom] to reveal is a medicine to relieve. {Ibid., p. 85.) Apophthegms and Apt Sayings. A woman's heart and her tongue are not relatives. [Ibid., p. 90.) She found that all his corn was on the floor. (Ibid.^ p. 102.) To bed with the bee and up with the lark. {Ibid., p. 124.) The crow thinks her fowls the faireft. {Ibid., p. 186.) [A play on ' foul.'] In many words lieth miftruft, and in painted fpeech deceit is often covered. (^ Metamorphofis,' ix., 73.) May not a woman look but fhe mull love? {Ibid., p. 83.) Making a woman's relillance. {Ibid., p. 104.) Truft not him that fmiles. (^ Mourn- ing Garment' [1590], ix., p. 138. [Cf. * Hamlet,' i., 5 : ' Smile, and fmile, and be a villain.' — G.] Hunger needs no fauce and thirft turns water into wine. {Ibid., p. 145.) Ah, father, had I reverenced my God as I honoured my goddefs ! {Ibid., p. 207.)— G. [Cf. * Henry VIII.,' iii., 2.] Parrots fpeak not what they think. (* Farewell,' p. 246.) Bring not contempt to fuch a royal dignity by too much familiarity. {Ibid., p. 258.) 20 Green Pastures. The ploughman hath more eafe than a king. {Ibid., p. 277.) We have as much health with feeding on the brown loaf as a prince hath with all his delicates, and I ileal more fweet naps in the chimney corner in a week than God fave his majefty ! (^Ibid.) You may fmell their pride by their perfumes. {Ibid., p. 285.) Love filleth not the hand with pelf, but the eye with pleafure. {Ibid., p. 300.) It is not riches to have much, but to defire little. {Ibid., p. 309.) Drink me as dry as a iieve. (' Life and Death of Ned Browne,' xi., p. 30.) Envy creepeth not fo low as cottages. (* Philomela,' xi., p. 176.) Acquaint not thyfelf with many, left thou fall into the hands of flatterers. {Ibid.) Courteous to all, but converfe with few. {Ibid.) Truth is the daughter of Time. {Ibid, p. 189.) Time hatch eth truth. {Ibid., p. 197.) The tailor fews with hot needle and burnt thread. {Ibid., p. 238.) Will is above Ikill. (' Orpharion,' xii., p. 5.) Apophthegms and Apt Sayings. Pierced by Achilles' lance muft be healed by his fpear. {Ibid., p. 9.) Buy fmoke with many perils and dangers. {Ibid,, p. 10.) Reap many kiffes and little love, (/^/^p. 17.) Ay, quench fire with flax. {Ibid., p. 39-) He never played in jell. {Ibid,, p. 58.). King's words may not offend. {Ibid., p. 72.) Like the pace of a crab, backward. {ibid^^.TS') We are only overcome, not vanquifhed. {Ibid., p. 88.) Once get into the bone, it will Hep into the flefh. ('Repentance,' xii., p. 1 59-) Blamed, but never afliamed. (* Vifion,' xii., p. 248.) Aflc counfel of your pillow. {Ibid., p. 265.) The biggeft limbs have not the ftouteft hearts (1. 1091). Empty veffels have the loudeft founds, And cowards prattle more than men of worth (11. iioi, 1 102). ('The Pinner of Wakefield' [1599].) 22 Green Pastures, O, Sir, I love the fruit that treafon brings, But thofe that are the traitors, them I hate. (' Selinus,' 11. 1259, 1260.) * White-wing'd victory fits on our fwords * (1. 1585). * Caft to compafs it Without delay, or long procraftination ; It argueth an unmatured wit When all is ready for fo ftrong invafion To draw out time ; an unlook'd-for mutation May foon prevent us if we do delay : Quick fpeed is good, where wifdom leads the way. {Ibid., 11. 307-313.) But friends are men, and love can baffle lords : The earl both woos and courts her for himfelf. (* Friar Bacon,' 11. 639, 640). Pity me, though I be a farmer's fon, And meafure not my riches, but my love. {Uid., 11. 764, 765.) Love's foolifh looks Think footfteps miles and minutes to be hours. {Ibid., 11. 1 155, 1 1 56.) Old folk are twice children. (* Mam- illia,' ii., p. 50.) [Robert Ferguffon, precurfor of Robert Burns, felicitoufly puts it in his ' Farmer's Ingle ' — proto- type of the 'Cottar's Saturday Night': *The mind's aye cradled when the grave is near.'— G.] They feek others where they have been hid themfelves. {Ibid., p. 16.) He that cannot diflemble cannot live. {Ibid., p. 19.) A young faint, an old devil. {Ibia., p. 25.) [A long-lived lie, flander and fneer combined. — G.] One forecaft is worth two after. {Ibid., p. 26.) Killed her with kindnefs. {Ibid.) Two might bell keep counfel where one was away. {Ibid., p. 30.) It is a foul bird that defiles its own neft. {Ibid., p. 31.) [But it is only its own neft that it can well defile. — G.J The beft clerks are not ever the wifeft men. {Ibid., p. 34.) The fox will eat no grapes. {Ibid., p. 52.) Love makes all men orators. {Ibid., P- 57-) 24 Green Pastures, One tale is always good until another is told. {Ibid.f p. 222.) Pull hair from a bald man's head. {Ibid.^ p. 225.) ALLITERATION. Reject not him fo rigoroufly which refpe6leth you fo reverently ; loath him not fo hatefully which loveth you fo heartily, nor repay not his dutiful amity with fuch deadly enmity. ('Card of Fancy' [1587], iv., p. 113.) To hope ftill, I fee is but to heap woe upon wretchedness, and care upon calamity. Yet, madam, thus much I will fay, that Dido, Queen of Carthage, loved ^neas, a banilhed exile and a ftraggling ftranger. Euphinia, daughter to the King of Corinth, and heir- apparent to his crown, who for her feature [ = perfon] was famous through- out all the Ball countries, vouchfafed to apply a fovereign plafter to the furious paffions of Acharifto, her father's bond- man. The Duchefs of Malfy chofe for her hufband her fervant Ulrico ; and 1 Alliteration. Venus, who for furpafling beauty was canonized for a goddefs, difdained not the love of limping Vulcan. They, madam, refpefted the men, and not their money ; their wills, and not their wealth ; their love, not their livings ; their con- flancy, not their coin ; their perfon, not their parentage ; and the inward virtue, not the outward value. But you are fo addifted to the opinion of Danae, that unlefs Jupiter himfelf be fhrouded in your lap, under the Ihape of a fhower of gold, he Ihall have the repulfe for all his deity. (/-^/V., p. 119.) r J NOBLE HEAD— FRIAR BACON. Vandermaji. Lordly thou lookeft, as if that thou wert learn'd ; Thy countenance, as if fcience held her feat Between the circled arches of thy brows. ('Friar Bacon,' vol. xiii.,11. 1297-99.) 26 Green Pastures. FRIJR BACON. Seeing you come as friends unto the friar, Refolve you do6lors, Bacon can by books Make ftorming Boreas thunder from his cave, And dim fair Luna to a dark eclipfe. The great arch-ruler, potentate of Hell, Trembles, when Bacon bids him, or his fiends, Bow to the force of his pentageron. What Art can work, the frolic friar knows ; And therefore will I turn my magic books. And ftrain out necromancy to the deep : I have contriv'd and fram'd a head of brafs (I made Belcephon hammer out the fluff). And that by Art fhall read philofophy. And I will ftrengthen England by my fkill. That if ten Caesars lived and reign'd in Rome, With all the legions Europe doth contain, They fhould not touch a grafs of Englilh ground ; J Beauty — A Song, 27 The work that Ninus rear'd at Babylon, The brazen walls fram'd by Semiramis, Carv'd out like to the portal of the fun ; Shall not be fuch as rings the Englifh ftrand, From Dover to the market-place of Rye. (* Friar Bacon,' xiii., pp. 16, 17.) BEAVTT—A SONG. Beauty, alas ! where waft thou born, Thus to hold thyfelf in fcorn ? When as Beauty kifT'd to woo thee. Thou by Beauty doft undo me, Heigho, defpife me not. I and thou, in footh are one, Faireft thou, ay fairer none ; Wanton thou, and wilt thou wanton. Yield a cruel heart to pant on ? Do me right, and do me reafon, Cruelty is curfed treafon : Heigho, I love ; heigho, I love ! Heigho ; and yet he eyes me not. (* A Looking-glafs for London and Eng- land' [1594], xiv., 74, 75.) 2 8 Green Pastures, BOHEMIA— SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATION. It fb happened that Egiflus, King of Sicily, who in his youth had been brought up with Pandofto, defirous to jQiow that neither traft of time, nor diftance of place, could diminilh their former friend- Ihip, provided a navy of ihips dinA failed into Bohemia to vilit his old friend and companion . . . ('Hiftory of Doraftus and Fawnia' [1588], iv., p. 235). [Every- one knows Shakefpeare's kindred flip in * Winter's Tale' ; but this 19th century could fliow juft as great geographical blunders, e.g., about Africa and India, etc., etc. Cf. alfo note in Works, vol. v., pp. 304, 305, as bearing on Shake- fpeare's alleged 'fmall Latin and lefs Greek.'— G.] CHASTITT—AN ODE, What is love once difgraced ? But a wanton thought ill placed. Which doth blemifh whom it paineth. And diftionours whom it deigneth. 1 Chastity- — An Ode. 29 Seen in higher powers moft. Though fome fools do fondly boaft That whofo is high of kin Sandlifies his lover's iin. Jove could not hide lo's fcape, Nor conceal Califto's rape. Both did fault, and both were famed, Light of loves v^rhom luft had fhamed. Let not w^omen trull to men. They can flatter now and then. And tell them many wanton tales, Which do breed their after bales. Sin in kings is fln we fee, And greater fm, 'caufe great of 'gree. Majus peccatum, this I read, If he be high that doth the deed. Mars for all his deity Could not Venus dignify. But Vulcan trapp'd her, and her blame, ' Was puniflied with an open fhame. All the gods laugh'd them to fcorn. For dubbing Vulcan with the horn. j V/hereon may a woman boaft. If her chaftity be loft ? Shame awaiteth upon her face, Blulhing cheeks and foul difgrace : Report will blab, this is ihe ;That with her lufts wins infamy. If lufting love be fo difgrac'd, 30 Green Pastures, Die before you live unchafte. For better die with honeft fame, Than lead a wanton life with fhame ! (* Philomela ' [1592], xi., pp. 178, 179.) COMEDT* Enter the Clown and his crew of Ruffians ^ to go to drink. Firfi Ruffian. Come on, Smith, thou fhalt be one of the crew, becaufe thou knoweft where the beft ale in the town is. Adam [the blackfmith's man]. Come on, in faith, my colts : I have left my Mailer ftriking of a heat, and Hole away, becaufe I would keep you company. Clozun. Why, what, fhall we have this paltry Smith with us ? Adam. Paltry Smith ? Why, you in- carnative knave, what are you that you fpeak petty treafon againft the fmith's trade ? Clown. Why, flave, I am a gentleman of Niniveh ? * These are examples of Green's remarkable comic vein. — G. Comedy, Adam. A gentleman ? Good Sir, I remember you well, and all your pro- genitors : your father bare office in our town ; an honeft man he was, and in great difcredit in the parilh, for they bellowed two fquire's livings on him ; the one was on working- days, and then he kept the town ftage, and on holidays they made him the Sexton's man, for he whipped dogs out of the church. Alas, Sir, your father, — why, Sir, methinks I fee the gentleman ftill : a proper youth he was, faith, aged forne forty and ten ; his beard rat's colour, half black, half white ; his nofe was in the higheft de- gree of nofes, it was nofe autem glorificafn, fo fet with rubies that after his death it fhould have been nailed up in Copper- fmith's Hall for a monument : well, Sir, T was beholding to your good father, for he was the firft man that ever in- ftrufted me in the myftery of a pot of ale. Secofid Ruffian. Well faid. Smith ; that crofTed him over the thumbs. Clown. Villain, were it not that we go to be merry, my rapier fhould pre- fently quit thy opprobrious terms. Adam. O, Peter, Peter, put up thy 31 32 Green Pastures, fword, I prithee heartily, into thy fcab- bard, hold in your rapier ; for though I have not a long reacher, I have a fhort hitter. — Nay then, gentlemen, ftay me, for my choler begins to rife againft him ; for mark the words, *a paltry fmith/ Oh, horrible fentence : thou haft in thefe words, I will ftand to it, libelled againft all the found horfes, whole horfes, fore horfes, courfers, curtails, jades, cuts, hackneys, and mares ; whereupon, my friend, in their defence, T give thee this curfe, — thou Ihalt not be worth a horfe of thine own this feven year. Clown. Ay, prithee fmith, is your occupation fo excellent ? Adam. 'K paltry fmith'? Why, I'll ftand to it, a fmith is lord of the four elements ; for our iron is made of the earth, our bellows blow out air, our floor holds fire, and our forge water. Nay, Sir, we read in the Chronicles that there was a god of our occupation. Clown. Ay, but he was a cuckold. Adam. That was the reafon. Sir, he called your father coufin. 'Paltry fmith ' ? why, in this one word thou haft defaced their worfliipful occupation. Clown. As how ? Comedy, Adam. Marry, Sir, I will fland to it, that a fmith in his kind is a phyfician, a furgeon, and a barber. For let a horfe take a cold, or be troubled with the botts, and we firaight give him a potion or a purgation, in fuch phyfical manner that he mends ftraight : if he have outward difeafes, as the fpavin, fplent, ring-bone, wind-gall, or farcin^ or, Sir, a galled back, we let him blood and clap a plafter to him with a pefli- lence, that mends him with a very vengeance : now, if his mane grow out of order, and he have any rebellious hairs, we ftraight to our fhears and trim him with what cut it pleafe us, pick his ears, and make him neat. Marry, in- deed, Sir, we are flovens for one thing ; we never ufe any mufk-balls to wafh him with, and the reafon. Sir, becaufe he can woe"^ without kiffing. Clozvn, Well, firrha, leave off thefe praifes of a fmith, and bring us to the beft ale in the town. Adam. Now, Sir, I have a feat above all the fmiths in Niniveh ; for, Sir, I am a philofopher that can difpute of the nature of ale ; for mark you. Sir, a pot * =play on ' woo.' — G. 34 Green Pastures, of ale confifls of four parts, — Imprimis the ale, the toaft, the ginger, and the nutmeg. Clown. Excellent. Adam. The ale is a reftorative, bread is a binder ; mark you, Sir, two excel- lent points in phylic : the ginger, oh, 'ware of that : the philofophers have written of the nature of ginger, 'tis ex- pulfitive in two degrees : you Ihall h^ar the fentence of Galen : ' // will make a man belch^ cough ^ and — , And is a great comfort to the heart ': a proper polie, I promife you : but now to the noble virtue of nutmeg : it is, saith one ballad, (I think an Englifh Roman was the author,) an underlayer to the brains, for when the ale gives a buffet to the head, oh, the nutmeg that keeps him for a while in temper. Thus you fee the defcription of the virtue of a pot of ale. Now, Sir, to put my phylical precepts in praftice, follow me : but afore I ftep any further Clown. What's the matter now ? Adam. Why, feeing I have provided the ale, who is the purveyor for the wenches ? for, mailers, take this of me. Comedy. a cup of ale without a wench, why, alas ! 'tis like an egg without fait, or a red herring without muflard ! Clown, Lead us to the ale : we'll have wenches enough, I warrant thee. \_Exeunt. (* A Looking-glafs for London and Eng- land' [1594], xiv., 15-20.) r An Onward Scene. Enters Adam, the Clown. Adam. This way he is, and here will I fpeak with him. Lord. Fellow, whither preiTeth thou ? Adam. I prefs nobody. Sir ; I am going to fpeak with a friend of mine. Lord. Why, flave, there is none but the king and his viceroys. Adam. The king ? Marry, Sir, he is the man I would fpeak withal. Lord. Why, calleft him a friend of thine ? Adam. Ay, marry do I, Sir ; for if he be not my friend, I'll make him my friend ere he and I pafs. 3^ Green Pastures, Lord. Away, vaffal, begone, thou fpeak unto the king ! Adajn. Ay, marry, will I, Sir ; and if he were a king of velvet, I will talk to him. Rafni (the king). What's the matter there ? what noife is that ? Adam. A boon, my liege ! a boon, my liege ! Rafni. What is it that great Rafni will not grant. This day, unto the meaneft of his land, In honour of his beauteous Alvida ? Come hither, fwain ; what is it that thou cravefl ? Adam. Faith, Sir, nothing but to fpeak a few fentences to your worfhip. Rafni. Say, what is it ? Adam. I am fure. Sir, you have heard of the fpirits that walk in the city here. Rafni. Ay, what of that ? Adam. Truly, Sir, I have an oration to tell you of one of them ; and this it is. Alvida (queen). Why goeft not for- ward with thy tale ? Adam. Faith, miftrefs, I feel an im- perfed:ion in my voice, a difeafe that often troubles me ; but, alas ! ealily mended ; a cup of ale or a cup of wine will ferve the turn. Comedy. Alvida. Fill him a bowl, and let him want no drink. Adam. Oh, what a precious word was that, *And let him want no drink.' \prink given to Adam.'\ Well, Sir, now I'll tell you forth my tale : Sir, as I was coming alongft the port-royal of Niniveh, there appeared to me a great devil, and as hard-favoured a devil as ever I faw ; nay. Sir, he was a cuckoldy devil, for he had horns on his head. This devil, mark you now, prefTeth upon me, and. Sir, indeed, I charged him with my pikeftaif ; but when that would not ferve, I came upon him with Spiritus fan^uSj — why, it had been able to have put Lucifer out of his wits : when I faw my charm would not ferve, I was in fuch a perplexity that six pennyworth of juniper would not have made the place fweet again. Alvida, Why, fellow, wert thou fo afraid ? Adam. Oh, miftrefs, had you been there and feen, his very fight had made \ you fhift a clean fmock, I promife you; though I were a man, and counted a tall fellow, yet my laundrefs called me flovenly knave the next day. 38 Green Pastures. Rafni. A pleafant Have. — ^- Forward, Sir, on with thy tale. Jdam, Faith, Sir, but I remember a word that my millrefs, your bed-fellow, fpoke. Rafni. What was that, fellow ? Adam. Oh, Sir, a word of comfort, a precious word — *And let him want no drink.' Rafni. Her word is law ; and thou fhalt want no drink. \prink given to Adam. Adam. Then, Sir, this devil came upon me, and would not be perfuaded, but he would needs carry me to hell. I proffered him a cup of ale, thinking, becaufe he came out of fo hot a place, that he was thirfty ; but the devil was not dry, and therefore the more forry was I. Well, there was no remedy, but I muft with him to hell : and at lafl I call mine eye afide ; if you knew what I fpied you would laugh. Sir. I looked from top to toe, and he had no cloven feet. Then I ruffled up my hair, and fet my cap on the one fide ; and. Sir, grew to be a Juftice of Peace to the devil. At laft, in a great fume, as I am very choleric, and fometime fo hot in Comedy. my fuftian fumes, that no man can abide within twenty yards of me, I ftart up, and fo bombafted the devil that, Sir, he cried out and ran away. Alvida. This pleafant knave hath made me laugh my fill : Rafni, now Alvida begins her quaff, And drinks a full caroufe unto her king. Rafni. Ay, pledge, my love, as hearty as great Jove Drunk when his Juno heav'd a bowl to him. — Frolic, my lords, let all the ftandards walk ; Ply it till every man hath ta'en his load. — How now, firrha, what cheer? we have no words of you. Adam. Truly, Sir, I was in a brown fludy about my miftrefs. Alvida, About me ? for what ? Adam. Truly, miftrefs, to think what a golden fentence you did fpeak : all the philofophers in the world could not have faid more ;— * What, come, let him Want no drink.* Oh, wife fpeech ! Alvida. Villains, why fkink you not unto this fellow ? He makes me blyth and merry in my thoughts : 40 Green Pastures, Heard you not that the king hath given command. That all be drunk this day within his Court, In quaffing to the health of Alvlda ? [Drink given to Adam. {Ibid., pp. 90-94.) Final Scene. Enters Adam folus, with a bottle of beer in one JIop [ = loofe troufers] and a great piece of beef in another. Adam. Well, goodman Jonah, I would you had never come from Jev/ry to this country ; you have made me look like a lean rib of roaft beef, or like the pidure of Lent painted upon a red herring's cob. Alas, mafters, we are commanded by the proclamation to faft and pray : by my troth, I could prettily fo, fo away , with praying ; but for falling, why 'tis fo contrary to my nature, that I had rather fuffer a fhort hanging than a long falling. Mark me, the words be thefe, I ' Thou fhalt take no manner of food for fo many days.' I had as lieve he Ihould have faid, * Thou Ihalt hang thyfelf for fo many days.' And yet, in faith, I Comedy, need not find fault with the proclama- tion, for I have a buttery and a pantry, and a kitchen about me ; for proof Ecce ijignum! This right flop is my pantry ; behold a manchet \I)raws it out\ ; this place is my kitchen, for lo ! a piece of beef \Draws it out\ — Oh, let me repeat that fweet word again : for lo ! a piece of beef! This is my buttery, for fee, fee, my friends, to my great joy, a bottle of beer {Draws it out\ Thus, alas ! I make fliift to wear out this falling ; I drive away the time. But there go fearchers about to feek if any man breaks the king's commands. Oh, here they be ; in with your viftuals, Adam. \Puts them back into his Jlops. Enter two Searchers. Firfi Searcher. How duly the men of Niniveh keep the proclamation ; how are they armed to repentance ! We have fearched through the whole city, ind have not as yet found one that ore'aks the fall. Second Searcher. The fign of the more race: — but flay, here fits one, methinks, t his prayers ; let us fee who it is. 42 Green Pastures, Firji Searcher. 'Tis Adam, the fmith's man. — How now, Adam ? Adam. Trouble me not ; * Thou fhalt take no manner of food, but fall and pray.' Firjl Searcher. How devoutly he fits at his orifons ; but ftay, methinks, I feel a fmell of fome meat or bread about him. Second Searcher. So thinks me too. — You, firrha, what viftuals have you about you ? Adam. Vidluals ! O horrible blaf- phemy ! Hinder me not of my prayer, nor drive me not into a choler. Victuals ! why heardeft thou not the fentence, * Thou fhalt take no food, but fafl and pray' ? Second Searcher. Truth, fo it fhould be ; but, methinks, I fmell meat about thee. Ada?n. About me, my friends ? Thefe words are aftions in the cafe. About me ? No, no ; hang thofe gluttons that cannot fall and pray. Firjl Searcher. Well, for all your words, we mufl fearch you. Adam. Search me ! Take heed what you do ; my hofe are my caflles ; 'tis burglary if you break. ope a flop: no officer muft lift up an Iron hatch ; take heed, my flops are iron. [They fear ch J dam. Second Searcher. Oh, villain, fee how he hath gotten vidluals, bread, beef, and beer, where the king commanded upon pain of death none Ihould eat for fo many days ; no, not the fucking in- fant. Adam. Alas, fir, this is nothing but a modicum non meet ut medicus daret ; why, Sir, a bit to comfort my flomach. Firji Searcher. Villain, thou fhalt be hanged for it. Adam. Thefe are your words, ' I fhall be hanged for it ;' but firfl anfwer me to this queftion, how many days have we to fafl ftill ? Second Searcher, Five days. Adam. Five days : a long time : then I mufl be hanged ? Firjl Searcher. Ay, marry, Sir, mufl thou. Adam. I am your man, I am for you, Sir ; for I had rather be hanged than bide fo long a fafl. What, five days ? Come, I'll untrufs. . Is your halter and the gallows, the ladder, and all fuch furniture in readinefs ? 44 Green Pastures. Firft Searcher. I warrant thee fhalt want none of thefe. Jdam. But, hear you, muft I be hanged ? Firjl Searcher. Ay, marry. Adam. And for eating of meat. Then, friends, know ye by thefe prefents, I will eat up all my meat, and drink up all my drink ; for it fhall never be faid I was hanged with an empty ftomach. Firji Searcher. Come away, knave j wilt thou ftand feeding now ? Adam. If you be fo hafty, hang your- felf an hour, while I come to you, for furely I will eat up my meat. Second Searcher. Come, let's draw him away perforce. Adam. You fay there is five days yet to faft, thefe are your words. Second Searcher. Ay, Sir. Adam. I am for you : come, let's away, and yet let me be put in the Chronicles. {Ibid., pp. r \Exeunt. 105-109.) 1 A Contented Mind. J CONTENTED MIND. Sweet are the thoughts that favour of content ; The quiet mind is richer than a crown ; Sweet are the nights in carelefs flumber fpent ; The poor eftate fcorns Fortune's angry frown : Such fweet content, fuch minds, fuch fleep, fuch blifs, Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do mifs. The homely houfe that harbours quiet reft; The cottage that aiFords no pride nor care ; The mean that 'grees with country mufic beft ; The fweet comfort of mirth and modeft* fare ; * The original has ' music's fare.' The word had been caught from the preceding verse. My venerable friend, W. J. Linton, in his ' Rare Poems,' reads as above, and it is in- evitably accepted. — G. 46 Green Pastures, Obfcured life fets down a type of blifs, A mind content both crown and king- dom is. (* Farewell to Folly' [1591], ix., pp. 279, 280.) r CONTENT. Barmenijfds Seng, The cottage feated in the hollow dale, That Fortune never fears becaufe fo low; The quiet mind that Want doth fet to fale, Sleeps fafe, when prince's feats do over- throw ; Want fmiles fecure when princely thoughts do feel That Fear and Danger treads upon their heel. Blefs Fortune thou whofe frown hath wrought thy good ; Bid farewell to the crown that ends thy care ; A Country Beauty. The happy fates thy forrows have with- ftood By 'fygning want and poverty thy fhare ; For now content (fond Fortune to defpite) With patience 'lows* thee quiet and delight. (* Penelope's Web* [1587], v., p. 180.) A COUNTRT BEAUTY, Edward [Prince of Wales\ I tell thee, Lacy, that her fparkling eyes Do lighten forth fweet Love's alluring fire : And in her trelTes Ihe doth fold the looks lOf fuch as gaze upon her golden hair : |Her bafhful white, mixed with the morning's red, una doth boaft upon her lovely cheeks: 'er front is Beauty's table, where Ihe paints 'he glories of her gorgeous excellence : "er teeth are Ihelves of precious mar- garites, * allows. 48 Green Pastures, Richly enclofed with ruddy coral cliffs. Tulh, Lacy, fhe is beauty's overmatch If thou furveyeft her curious imagery. Lacy [Ear/ of Lincoln\. I grant, my lord, the damfel is as fair As limple Suffolk's homely towns can yield ; But in the court be quainter dames than Ihe; Whofe faces are enrich'd with honour's taint,* Whofe beauties ftand upon the ftage of Fame, And vaunt their trophies in the courts of Love. Edward. Ah, Ned, but hadll thou watch'd her as myfelf, And feen the fecret beauties of the maid. Their courtly coynefs were but foolery, Ermjbie. Why, how watch'd you her, my lord ? Edward. When as fhe fwept like Venus through the houfe, And in her fhape faff folded up my thoughts ; Into the Milkhoufe went I with the maid, ♦ tint. A Country Beauty, And there amongft the cream-bowls fhe did fhine. As Pallas 'mongft her princely huf- wifery ; She turned her fmock over her lily arms, And div'd them into milk to run her cheefe ; But whiter than the milk her cryftal ikin, Check'd with lines of azure, made her blufh, That Art or Nature durft bring for compare : Ermfbie, if thou hadft feen, as I did note it well, How beauty play'd the hufwife, how this girl Like Lucrece, laid her fingers to the work. Thou wouldft with Tarquin hazard Rome and all To win the lovely maid of Frefingfield. ! (* Friar Bacon ' [1594], xiii., pp. 9-1 1.) r so Green Pastures, CRADLE SONG. Weep not, my wanton, fmile upon my knee ; When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. Mother's wag, pretty boy, Father's forrow, father's joy ; When thy father iirft did fee Such a boy by him and me. He was glad, I was woe ; Fortune changed made him fo ; When he left his pretty boy, Laft his forrow, iirft his joy. Weep not, my wanton, fmile upon my knee ; When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. Streaming tears that nev^er ftint. Like pearl-drops from a flint, Fell by courfe from his eyes. That one another's place fupplies ; Thus he grieved in every part, Tears of blood fell from his heart, When he left his pretty boy. Father's forrow, father's joy. Cradle Song. Weep not, my wanton, fmile upon my knee ; When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. The wanton fmiled, father wept. Mother cried, baby leapt ; More he crowed, more we cried. Nature could not forrow hide : He mull go, he mull kifs Child and mother, baby blifs j"^ For he left his pretty boy. Father's forrow, father's joy. Weep not, my wanton, fmile upon my knee ; When thou art old there's grief enough for thee. ('Menaphon' [1589], vi., pp. 43, 44.) CUPID. Ida. ... I heard a fhepherd fing. That like a bee. Love hath a little fling: He lurks in flowers, he percheth on the trees ; He on king's pillows bends his pretty knees : * bless. 52 Green Pastures, The boy is blind, but when he will not fpy He hath a leaded foot, and wings to fly: Beflirew me yet, for all thefe flrange efFedls If I would like the lad that fo infefts. (* James the Fourth,' xiii., p. 216.) r THE EAGLE AND 7HE FIT, When tender ewes, brought home with evening fun, Wend to their folds. And to their holds The Ihepherds trudge when light of day is done ; Upon a tree The Eagle, — Jove's fair bird, — did perch ; There refteth he : A little Fly his harbour* then- did fearch. And did prefume, though others laughed thereat, To perch whereas t the princely Eagle fat. * arbour or shelter-place, f whereon. 'The Eagle and the Fly. The Eagle frowned, and lliook her royal wings, And charged the Fly From thence to hie : Afraid, in hafte, the little creature flings. Yet feeks again. Fearful, to perch him by the Eagle's fide: With moody vein. The fpeedy poll of Ganymede replied : * Valfal, avaunt, or with my wings you die : Is't fit an Eagle feat him with a Fly ?' The Fly craved pity ; Hill the Eagle frown'd : The filly Fly, Ready to die, Difgraced, difplaced, fell grovelling to the ground : The Eagle faw. And with a royal mind faid to the Fly, * Be not in awe, I fcorn by me the meaneft creature die ; Then feat thee here.' The joyful Fly upflings. And fat fafe-fhadowed with the Eagle's wings. (* Menaphon' [1589], vi., pp. 59, 60.) 54 Green Pastures. AN EPISTLE DEDICATORY."^ {Complete.) To the gentlemen readers, Health. Gentlemen, I dare not ftep awry from my wonted method, firfl to appeal to your favourable courtefies, which ever I have found (however plaufible) yet fmothered with a mild filence. The fmall pamphlets that I have thruft forth how you have regarded them I know not, but that they have been badly re- warded with any ill terms I never found ; which makes me the more bold to trouble you, and the more bound to reft yours every way, as ever I have done. I keep my old courfe, to palter up fome thing in profe, uling mine old pofy ftill, omne tulit punBum ; although lately two gentlemen poets made two mad-men of Rome beat it out of their paper bucklers ; and had it in derifion, for that I could not make my verfes fet upon the ftage in tragical bufkins, every word filling the mouth like the faburden * Greene's 'Epistles Dedicatory,' like Breton's and Spenser's, are all graciously and finely worded. — G. An Epistle Dedicatory, of Bow-Bell ; daring God out of heaven with that atheift Tamburlane, or blaf- pheming with the mad prieft of the fun : but let me rather openly pocket up the afs at Diogenes' hand, than wantonly fet out fuch impious inftances of intolerable poetry. Such mad and fcoffing poets, that have prophetical fpirits, as bred of Merlin's race, if there be any in England, that fet the end of fcholarifm in an Englifh blank verfe, I think either it is the humour of a novice that tickles them with felf-love, or too much frequenting the hot-houfe (to ufe the German proverb) hath fweat out all the greateft part of their wits, which wafte gradatim, as the Italians fay, poco a poco. If I fpeak darkly, gentlemen, and offend with this digreifion, I crave pardon, in that I but anfwer in print what they have offered on the liage. But leaving thefe fantaftical fcholars, as judging him that is not able to make choice of his chaffer but a peddling chapman, at laft to Perymedes the Black- fmithy who, fitting in his holiday fuit to enter parley with his wife, fmugged up in her beft apparel, I prefent to your favours. If he pleafe I have my defire, ^6 Green Pastures. if he but pafs I fhall be glad. If neither, I vow to make amends in my Orpharion, which I promife to make you merry ■ with the next term : And thus refting on your wonted courtefies, I bid you farewell. Yours as ever he hath been, ■ — R, Greene. (' Perimedes the Black- fmith' [1588], vii., pp. 7-9.) r FANCY. Lamilia^s Song. Fie, fie on blind Fancy ! It hinders youth's joy ; Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. When Love learned firft the A B C of delight. And knew no figures nor conceited phrafe ; He fimply gave to due defert her right, He led not lovers in dark winding ways ; He plainly willed to love, or flatly anfwered no : But now who lifts to prove, fhall find it nothing fo. Fancy, Fie, fie, then, on Fancy ! It hinders youth's joy ; Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. For lince he learned to ufe the poet's pen. He learned likewife v^ith fmoothing words to feign ; Witching challe ears with trothlefs tongues of men, And wronged faith with falfehood and difdain ; He gives a promife now, anon he fweareth no : Who lilleth for to prove, ihall find his changing fo. Fie, fie, then, on Fancy ! It hinders youth's joy ; Fair virgins, learn by me To count Love a toy. (* The Groats'-worth of Wit bought with a Million of Repentance '[1592], xii., pp. 113, 114.) 57 r 58 Green Pastures. OLD ENGLISH FLOWERS. Ah, Mullidor, her face is like to a red and white daify growing in a green meadow, and thou like a bee, that comeft and fuckeft honey from it, and carriell it home to the hive with a heave and ho : that is as much as to fay, as with a head full of woes and a heart full of forrows and maladies. Be of good cheer, Mirimida laughs on thee, and thou knoweft a woman's fmile is as good to a lover as a funfhine day to a haymaker. She fliews thee kind looks and cafts many a fheep's eye at thee ; which fignifies that Ihe counts thee a man worthy to jump a match with her ; nay, more, Mullidor, ihe hath given thee a nofegay of flowers, wherein, as a top gallant for all the reft, is fet in rofemary for remembrance. Ah, Mullidor, cheer thyfelf, fear not. Love, and fortune favour lufty lads ; cowards are not friends to affeftion : therefore venture, for thou haft won her ; elfe Ihe had not given thee this nofegay. (' Never too Late ' [1590], viii., pp. 197, 198.) Old English Flowers, Thereby I faw the Batchelors' But- tons, whofe virtue it is to make wanton maidens weep when they have worn it forty weeks under their aprons for a favour. Next them grew the dif- fembling daify, to warn fuch light of love wenches not to truft every fair promife that fuch amorous bachelors make them, but [that] fweet fmells breed bitter repentance. Hard by grew the true lover's primrofe, whofe kind favour wilheth men to be faithful and women courteous. Alongft in a border grew maidenhair, fit for model!: maidens to behold and immodeft to blufh at, becaufe it praifeth the one for their natural treffes and condemneth the other for their beaftly and counterfeit periwigs. There was the gentle gilliflower, that wives fliould wear if they were not too froward ; and loyal lavender : but that was full of cuckoo-fpits, to fhew that women's light thoughts make their hufband's heavy heads. There were fweet lilies, God's plenty, which fhewed fair virgins need not weep for wooers, and ftore of balm which could cure ftrange wounds, only not that wound r/hich women receive. . . . (*A Quip 6o Green Pastures. for an Upftart Courtier' [1592], xi., pp. 218, 219.) [On the daifj cf. Ophelia in ' Hamlet/ IV., vi.— G.] THE ENGLISH FOP JND FLORENTINE CONTEMPOR- ARIES, In truth, quoth Farneze, I have feen an Englifh gentleman fo difFufed in his fuits, his doublet being for the wear of Caftile, his hofe for Venice, his hat for France, his cloak for Germany, that he feemed no way to be an Englilhman but by the face. And, quoth Peratio, to this are we Florentines almoft grown : for we mull have our courtefies fo cringed, our conges delivered with fuch a long accent, our fpeeches fo affefted, as comparing our conditions with the lives of our anceftors, we feem fo far to differ from their former eftate, that did Ovid live, he would make a fecond Metamor- phofis of our eftate. (* Farewell to Folly' [1591], ix., p. 253.) 'The English Fop^ etc. Country Lad Full Drejfed, She met with a wealthy farmer's fon, who, handfomely decked up in his holiday hofe, was going very mannerly to be foreman in a Morice dance, and as near as I can guefs was thus ap- parelled. He was a tall, flender youth, clean made, with a good, indifferent face, having on his head a Itraw hat fteeple-wife, bound about with a band of blue buckram. He had on his father's bell: tawny jacket : for that this day's exploit flood upon his credit. He was in a pair of hofe of red kerfey, clofe truffed with a point afore ; his mother had lent him a new muffler for a napkin, and that was tied to his girdle for loofmg. He had a pair of harveft gloves on his hands, as fhewing good huibandry, and a pen and ink-horn at his back ; for the young man was a little bookijfh. His pumps [ = fhoes] were a -little too heavy, being trimmed ftart-ups made of a pair of boot legs tied before with two white leather thongs. Thus handfomely ar- rayed, for this was his Sunday fuit, he met the lady Maefia, and feeing her fo fair and well-formed, far paffmg their country maids in proportion, and 62 Green Pastures. nothing differing in apparel, he Hood half amazed, as a man that had feen a creature beyond his country conceit. ('Farewell to Folly' [1591], ix., pp. 265, 266.) IDLENESS. The man coveting, although he were poor, to be counted virtuous, firll ef- chewed idlenefs, the moth that foreft and fooneil infecteth the mind with many mifchiefs, and applied himfelf fo \ to his works, being a fmith, that he thought no vi6tuals to have that tafte which were not purchafed by his own fweat. ('Perimedes' [1588], vii., pp. II, 12.) JEALOUSr. When gods had framed the fweet of women's face. And locked men's looks within their golden hair. That Phoebus blufhed to fee their match- lefs grace, And heavenly gods on earth did make repair. Jealousy, To quip fair Venus' overweening pride, Love's happy thoughts to Jealoufy were tied. Then grew a wrinkle on fair Venus' brow ; The amber fweet of love is turned to gall ; Gloomy was heaven ; bright Phoebus did avow He could be coy, and would not love at all ; Swearing no greater mifchief could be wrought Than love united to a jealous thought. ('Ciceronis Amor' [1589], vii., pp. 123, 124.) r KINGS. ' Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. ' Bajazet, Emperor of Turkey. Leave me, my lords, until I call you forth, For I am heavy and difconfolate. \_Exit all but Bajazet. So, Bajazet, now thou remaineft alone, 64 Green Pastures. Unrip the thoughts that harbour in thy breaft And eat thee up ; for arbiter here's none That may defcry the caufe of thy unreft, Unlefs thefe walls thy fecret thoughts declare : And princes' walls they fay unfaithful are. Why, that's the profit of great regiment,* That all of us are fubjedl unto fears. And this vain fhew and glorious intent. Privy fufpicion on each fcruple rears. Ay, though on all the world we make extent. From the South Pole unto the Northern Bears, And llretch our reign from Eaft to Weftern fhore. Yet doubt and care are with us ever- more. Look how the earth clad in her fummer's pride Embroidereth her mantle gorgeoufly With fragrant herbs and flowers gaily dyed. Spreading abroad her fpangled tapeftry : Yet under all a loathfome fnake doth hide. * government. Kings. Such is our life ; under crowns cares do lie. And fear, the fceptre ftill attends upon. Oh, who can take delight in kingly throne ? Public diforders joined with private cark ; Care of our friends, and of our children dear. Do tofs our lives, as waves a filly bark. Though we be fearlefs, 'tis not without fear, For hidden mifchief lurketh in the dark : And ftorms may fall, be the day ne'er fo clear. He knows not what it is to be a king That thinks a fceptre is a pleafant thing. ('Selimus,' xiv., pp. 195, 196.) SOLILOQUr OF SELIMUS— USURPER AND TYRANT. Now, Selimus, confider who thou art ; Long haft thou march'd in difguif'd attire. But now unmafk thyfelf, and play thy part, 66 Green Pastures, And manifeft the heat of thy defire ; Nourifh the coals of thine ambitious fire ; And think that then thy empire is moft fure, "When men for fear thy tyranny endure. Think that to thee there is no worfe reproach Than filial duty in fo high a place. Thou ought'ft to fet barrels of blood abroach, And feek with fword whole kingdoms to difplace : Let Mahound's* laws be locked up in their cafe. And meaner men, and of a bafer fpirit, In virtuous actions feek for glorious merit. I count it facrilege for to be holy. Or reverence this threadbare name of good ; Leave to old men and babes that kind of folly. Count it of equal value with the mud : Make thou a paffage for thy gufhing flood, By {laughter, treafon, or what elfe thou can. And fcorn religion ; it difgraces man. * Mahomet. Soliloquy of Selimus, etc. Nor pafs I what our holy votaries Shall here objeft againft my forward mind ; I reck not of their foolifli ceremonies, But mean to take my fortune as I find : Wifdom commands to follow tide and wind, And catch the front of fwift Occalion, Before Ihe be too quickly overgone : Some men will fay I am too impious Thus to lay fiege againft my father's life, And that I ought to follow virtuous And godly fons ; that virtue is a glafs Wherein I may my errant life behold, And frame myfelf by it in ancient mould. Good Sir, your wifdom's overflowing wit, Digs deep with Learning's wonder- working fpade : Perhaps you think that now forfooth you lit With fome grave wizard in a prattling fhade. Avaunt fuch glafses ; let themviewin me, The perfedl pidure of right tyranny. Is he my father ? why, I am his fon ; I owe no more to him than he to me. 68 Green Pastures, But for I fee the Schoolmen are pre- par'd To plant 'gainft me their bookifh ordi- nance, I mean to ftand on a fententious guard ; And without any far-fetched circum- ftance, Quickly unfold mine own opinion, To arm my heart with Irreligion. When firft this circled round, this building fair, Some god took out of the confufed mafs (What god I do not know, nor greatly care) ; Then every man of his own 'dition was, And everyone his life in peace did pafs. War was not then, and riches were not known. And no man faid this, or this, is mine own. The ploughman with a furrow did not mark How far his great pofTefTions did reach ; The earth knew not the fhare, nor feas the bark. The foldiers enter'd not the batter'd breach. Nor trumpets the tantara loud did teach. Soliloquy of Selimus^ etc. There needed then no judge, nor yet no law, Nor any king of whom to Hand in awe. But after Ninus, warlike Belus' fon, The earth with unknown armour did array. Then firft the facred name of king begun. And things that were as common as the day. Did then to fet poffefTors firft obey. Then they eftablifh'd laws and holy rites, To maintain peace, and govern bloody fights. Then fome fage man, above the vulgar wife. Knowing that laws could not in quiet dwell, Unlefs they were obferv'd ; did firft devife The names of gods, religion, heaven and hell. And 'gan of pains and feign'd rewards to tell : Pains for thofe men which did negleft the law. Rewards for thofe that liv'd in quiet awe. Whereas indeed they were mere fiftions, And if they were not, Selim thinks they were : yo Green Pastures. And thefe religious obfervations, Only bug-bears to keep the world in fear, And make men quietly a yoke to bear. So that Religion of itfelf a bable,* Was only found to make us peaceable. Hence in efpecial come the foolifh names Of father, mother, brother, and fuch like : For whofo well his cogitation frames, Shall find they ferve but only for to ftrike Into our minds a certain kind of love. For thefe names too are but a policy To keep the quiet of fociety. Indeed, I mull confefs they are not bad, Becaufe they keep the bafer fort in fear ; But we, whofe mind in heavenly thoughts is clad ; Whofe body doth a glorious fpirit bear ; That hath no bounds, but flieth every- where ; Why fhould we feek to make that foul a flave,. To which dame Nature fo large freedom gave ? Amongil us men there is fome difference * bauble. Soliloquy of Selimus, etc. Of adlions, termed by us good or ill : As he that doth his father recompence, Differs from him that doth his father kill. And yet I think, think other what they will. That parricides, when death hath given them reft, Shall have as good a part as have the beft; And that's juft nothing : for as I fuppofe In death's void kingdom reigns eternal night : Secure of evil, and fecure of foes. Where nothing doth the wicked man affright. No more than him that dies in doing right. Then fmce in death nothins: ihall to us fall, Here while I live, I'll have a fnatch at all; A-nd that can never, never be attain'd tJnlefs old Bajazet do die the death. (*Selimus,' xiv., pp. 201-206.) 72 Green Pastures. Selimus again alone — defeated. Shall Selim's hope be buried in the dull? And Bajazet triumph over his fall ? Then oh, thou blindful miftrefs of miihap, Chief patronefs of Rhamus'"* golden gates, I will advance my ftrong revenging hand, And pluck thee from thy ever-turning w^heel. Mars, or Minerva, Mahound, Terma- gant, . — . Or whofoe'er you are that fight 'gainft me. Come, and but fhow yourfelves before my face. And I will rend you all like trembling reeds. Well, Bajazet, though Fortune fmile on thee. And deck thy camp with glorious viftory ; Though Selimus now conquered by thee Is fain to put his fafety in fwift flight ; Yet fo he flies, that like an angry ram He'll turn more fiercely than before he came. {Ibid.,^. 218.) * Misprinted so for Rhamnus = Ramnusia> surname of Nemesis. — G. Jonah's Appal to London^ etc. JONAH'S APPEAL TO LONDON AND ENGLAND. You Iflanders, on whom the milder air Doth fweetly breathe the balm of kind increafe ; Whofe lands are fatt'ned with the dew of Heaven, And made more fruitful than Aftean plains ; You, whom delicious pleafures dandle foft; Whofe eyes are blinded with fecurity ; Unmafk yourfelves, call error clean alide. O, London, maiden of the miftrefs Ifle, Wrapt in the folds and fwathing clouts of fhame. In thee more fms than Nineveh con- tains : Contempt of God, defpite of reverend age, Negle6l of law, delire to wrong the poor. Corruption, whoredom, drunkennefs, and pride. Swollen are thy brows with impudence and fhame : 74 Green Pastures. O, proud, adulterous glory of the Weft, Thy neighbours burn, yet doft thou fear no fire ; Thy preachers cry, yet doft thou ftop thine ears ; The 'larum rings, yet fleepeth thou fecure. London, awake, for fear the Lord do frown. I fet a looking-glafs before thine eyes, O turn, O turn, with weeping to the Lord, And think the prayers and virtues of thy Queen* Defers the plague which otherwife would fall. Repent, O London, left for thine offence, Thy fhepherd fail, whom mighty God preferve : That fhe may 'bide the pillar of the Church Againft the ftorms of Romifti anti-Chriftj The hand of mercy overftied her head; And let all faithful fubjeds say Amen. (* A Looking-glafs for London and Eng- land' [1594], xiv., pp. 112, 113.) Elizabeth.— G. Dispraise of Love. 75 DISPRAISE OF LOVE. Some fay Love, Foolifh Love, ' Doth rule and govern all the gods : I fay Love, Inconftant Love, Sets men's fenfes far at odds. Some fwear Love, Smooth-fac'd Love, Is fweeteft fweet that men can have : I fay Love, Sour Love, Makes Virtue yield as Beauty^s flave : A bitter fweet, a folly v^orft of all. That forceth Wifdom to be Folly's thrall. Love is fweet : Wherein fweet ? In fading pleafures that do pain. Beauty fweet : Is that fweet. That yieldeth forrow for a gain ? If Love's fweet. Herein fweet. That minutes' joys are monthly woes : 'Tis not fweet. That is fweet Nowhere but where repentance grows : 76 Green Pastures. Then love who lift, if Beauty be fo four ; Labour for me. Love reft in prince's bower. (* Menaphon ' [1589], vi., pp. 41, 42.) r LOVE { = Cupid as child). Fond, feigning poets make of love a god, And leave the laurel for the jtnyrtle- boughs When Cupid is a child not paft the rod. And fair Diana Daphne moft allows : I'll wear the bays, and call the wag a boy. And think of love but as a foolifh toy. Some give him bow and quiver at his back ; Some make him blind to aim without advice ; When, naked wretch, fuch feathered bolts he lack And fight he hath, but cannot wrong the wife ; For ufe but labour's weapon for defence, And Cupid, like a coward, flieth thence. Love. ""'"Ihild" ^°""' ■"" '°"'2e calls him ^"ifrey"'^^'' "'^^'"^ ^"'^ '''^''' ''°'y ^° 'd'efileV''" *°"^'"' "''" ^"°'y '^^''^ With chafte difdain they fcorn the foolilh god, '^"^r^od"'' ^'° *"" * ''°''"°' P"** "^= CCiceronis Amor' [1589], Wi., p. ,36.) r LOVES TREACHERT.f' Cupid abroad was 'lated in the night. His wings were wet with ranging in the ram -, ^ Harbour he fought, to me he took his z night. To dry his plumes : I heard the boy complain -, ^ I oped the door, and granted his defire: 1 rofe myfelf, and made the wag a fire. 78 Green Pastures, Looking more narrow by the fire's flame, I fpied his quiver hanging by his \ back : Doubting the boy might my misfortune frame, I would have gone for fear of further wrack ; But what I drad, did me, poor wretch, betide ; For forth he drew an arrow from his fide. He pierced the quick, and I began to ftart ; A pleafing wound, but that it was too high ; His fhaft procured a fharp yet fugared fmart : Away he flew, for why* his wings were dry ; But left the arrow flicking in my breaft, That fore I grieved I welcomed fuch a gueft. (' The Orpharion' [1589], xii., pp. 73, 74-) r * because. Doron^s Description of Samel a. BORON'S DESCRIPTION OF SAMELA. Like to Diana in her fummer-weed, Girt with a crimfon robe of brighteft dye. Goes fair Samela ; Whiter than be the flocks that ftraggling feed. When waftied by Arethufa, faint* they lie. Is fair Samela ; As fair Aurora in her morning grey, Decked with the ruddy glifter of her love. Is fair Samela ; Like lovely Thetis on a calmed day, Whenas her brightnefs Neptune's fancy move. Shines fair Samela ; Her trelTes gold, her eyes like glafTy ftreams ; Her teeth are pearl, the breafts are ivory ; Of fair Samela ; * Sidney Walker plausibly proposes 'fount;' but ' faint ' is the undoubted reading, and yields an excellent sense. — G. Green Pastures. Her cheeks, like rofe and lily, yield forth gleams ; ! Her brows bright arches framed of ebony: Thus fair Samela 'Paffeth fair Venus in her braveft hue, And Juno in the fhow of majefty : For fhe's Samela ; Pallas in wit, all three if you will view. For beauty, wit, and matchlefs dignity. Yield to Samela. C Menaphon ' [1589], vi., pp. 65, 66.) N'OSEREZ FOUS, MQN BEL JMIP Sweet Adon, dareft not glance thine eye, — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ? — Upon thy Venus that muft die ? Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ? See how fad thy Venus lies, — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ?— Love in heart, and tears in eyes ; Je vous en prie, pity me ; Jl Woserez Vous, Mo7i Bel Ami? 8i N^oferez vous^ mon bel^ mon be I, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ? Thy face as fair as Paphos' brooks, — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? — Wherein Fancy baits her hooks ; Je V0U5 en prie, pity^me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel,[mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? Thy cheeks, like cherries that do grow, — N'oferez vous, mon bel ami? — Amongft the Weftern mounts^^of fnow ; Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, -mon bel, tl oferez vous, mon bel ami? Thy lips vermilion, full of love, — iSf^oferez vous, mon bel ami? — Thy neck as filver-white as dove ; Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? Thine eyes, like flames of holy fires, — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ? — Burn all my thoughts with fvi^eet defires ; Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami ? — Green Pastures. All thy beauties fling my heart ;— ^ N^oferez vous^ mon bel ami ? — I muft die through Cupid's dart ; Je VGUs en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? Wilt thou let thy Venus die ? — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? — Adon were unkind, fay I, — Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? To let fair Venus die for woe, — N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? — That doth love fweet Adon fo ; Je vous en prie, pity me ; N^oferez vous, mon bel, mon bel, N^oferez vous, mon bel ami? ('Never Too Late' [1590], viii., pp. 75. 7Q r Eurymachus' Fancy ^ etc. EURTMJCHUS' FANCY IN THE PRIME OF HIS JFFECTION. When lordly Saturn, in a fable robe. Sat full of frowns and mourning in the Weft; The evening ftar fcarce peeped from out her lodge, And Phoebus newly galloped to his reft ; Even then Did I Within my boat fit in the filent ftreams. All void of eares as he that lies and dreams. As Phao, fo a ferryman I was ; The country-laffes faid I was too fair : With eafy toil I laboured at mine oar. To pafs from lide to fide who did repair ; And then Did I For pains take pence, and, Charon-like, tranfport As foon the fwain as men of high import. When want of work did give me leave to reft. My fport was catching of the wanton fifti; 84 Green Pastures. So did I wear the tedious time away. And with my labour mended oft my difh; For why* I thought That idle hours were calendars of ruth, And time ill-fpent was prejudice to youth. - I fcorned to love ; for were the nymph as fair ; As fhe that loved the beauteous Latmian fwain ; Her face, her eyes, her trefles, nor her brows Like ivory could my afFedion gain ; For why I fald With high difdain, ' Love is a bafe delire, And Cupid's flames, why, they're but watery fire.' As thus I fat, difdaining of proud love, ' Have over, ferryman !' there cried a boy; * because. Eurymachus' Fancy ^ etc. And with him was a paragon for hue, A lovely damfel, beauteous and coy ; And there With her A maiden, covered with a tawny veil ; Her face unfeen for breeding lover's bale. I fleered my boat, and when I came to Ihore, The boy was winged ; methought it was a wonder ; The dame had eyes like lightning, or the flafh That runs before the hot report of thunder ; Her fmiles Were fweet, Lovely her face ; was ne'er fo fair a creature ; For earthly carcafe had a heavenly feature. * My friend,' quoth fhe, * fweet ferry- man, behold. We three mull pafs, but not a farthing fare ; 86 Green Pastures. But I will give, for I am Queen of love, The brightefl lafs thou lik'fl unto thy fhare ; Choofe where Thou lovell. Be flie as fair as Love's fweet lady is. She fhall be thine, if that will be thy blifs.' With that fhe fmiled with fuch a pleafing face As might have made the marble rock relent ; But I, that triumphed in difdain of love. Bade fie on him that to fond love was bent : And then Said thus, ' So light the ferryman for love doth care, As Venus pafs not if fhe pay no fare.' At this a frown fat on her angry brow ; She winks upon her wanton fon hard by; He from his quiver drew a bolt of fire. Eurymachus' Fancy ^ etc. And aimed fo right as that he pierced mine eye ; And then Didfhe Draw down the veil that hid the virgin's face, Whofe heavenly beauty lightened all the place.* Straight then I leaned mine arm upon mine oar, And looked upon the nymph (if fof) was fair ; Her eyes were ftars, and like Apollo's locks Methought appeared the trammels of her hair : Thus did I gaze, And fucked in beauty, till that fweet defire Call fuel on, and fet my thoughts on fire. When I was lodged within the net of love. And thus they faw my heart was all on flame ; * Spenser probably inspired this exquisite fancy. — G. t Query, if she ? Green Pastures. The nymph away, and with her trips along The winged boy, and with her goes his dame : O, then I cried, ' Stay, ladies, flay, and take not any care. You all fhall pafs, and pay no penny fare.' Away they fling, and looking coyly back. They laugh at me, O, with a loud dif- dain ! I fend out fighs to overtake the nymphs, And tears, as lures, to call them back again ; But they Fly thence ; But I fit in my boat, with hand on oar. And feel a pain, but know not what's the fore. At laft I feel it is the flame of love ; I llrive, but4)00tlefs, to exprefs the pain; It cools, it fires, it hopes, it fears, it frets, And ftirreth paflions throughout every vein ; That down I fat. Love. And fighing did fair Venus' laws ap- prove. And fwore no thing fo fweet and four as love. (* Francefco's Fortunes ; or, the Second Part of Never too Late ' [1590], viii., pp. 175-179-) LOVE. (MulUdor's Madrigal. Dildido, dildido, O love, O love, I feel thy rage rumble below and above! In fummer-time I faw a face, Trop belle pour moi, he las, he las ! Like to a Iloned-horfe was her pace : Was ever young man fo difmayed ? Her eyes, like wax-torches, did make me afraid : Trop belle pour moi, voila mon trepas. Thy beauty, my love, exceedeth fup- Thy hair is a nettle for the niceft rofes. CMon dieUj aide moi! 90 Green Pastures. That I with the primrofe of my frefh wit May tumble her tyranny under my feet : He done je feral un jeune roil T^rop belle four mot, helas^ helas I Trop belle pour moi, voila mon tr'epas. (' Francefco's Fortunes ; or, the Second part of Never too Late,' viii., p. 217.) r PASSIONATE LOVERS. Whofo readeth the Romilh Records and Grecian Hiftories, and turneth over the volumes filled with the reports of paffionate lovers, lliall find fundry fon- nets fauced with forrowful paffions, divers ditties declaring their dumps, careful complaints, woeful wailings, and a thoufand fundry haplefs motions, wherein the poor perplexed lovers do point out how the beauty of their miftrefs hath amazed their minds, how their fancy is fettered with their exquifite perfe6lion, how they are fnared with the form of her feature [ = perfon], how the gifts of Nature fo bountifully bellowed upon her hath entangled their minds Passionate Lovers. and bewitched their fenfes : that her excellent virtue, and lingular bounty- hath fo charmed their afFeftions, and her rare qualities hath fo drowned them in deiire, as they efteem her courtefy more than Caefar's kingdoms, her love more than lordihips, and her good will more than all worldly wealth. Tulh, all treafure is but tralh in refpect of her perfon. (^ Morando ' [1587], iii., pp. 63, 64.) EURTMACHUS IN PRAISE OF MIRIMIDA. When Flora, proud in pomp of all her flowers. Sat bright and gay. And gloried in the dew of Iris fhowers. And did difplay Her mantle chequered all with gaudy green : Then I Alone A mournful man in Erecine was feen. 92 Green Pastures. With folded arms I trampled through the grafs, Tracing, as he That held the Throne of Fortune brittle glafs. And love to be Like fortune fleeting, as the reftlefs wind Mixed With mills, Whofe damp doth make the cleareft eyes grow blind. Thus in a maze I fpied a hideous flame : I cafl: my flght. And faw where blythely bathing in the fame, With great delight, A worm did lie, wrapt in a fmoky fweat: And yet 'Twas ftrange It carelefs lay, and flirunk not at the heat. I flood amazed, and wondering at the flght. While that a dame That flione like to the heaven's rich fparkling light, Difcourfed the fame : Eurymachus in Praise^ etc. And faid, My friend, this worm within the fire Which lies Content, Is Venus' worm, and reprefents Defire. A Salamander is this princely beaft, Deck'd with a crown. Given him by Cupid, as a gorgeous creft 'Gainft Fortune's frown : Content he lies, and bathes him in the flame. And goes Not forth : For why he cannot live without the fame. As he : fo lovers lie within the fire Of fervent love, And flirink not from the flame of hot defire, Nor will not move From any heat that Venus' force im- parts : But lie Content Within a fire, and wafle away their hearts. 94 Green Pastures, Up flew the dame, and vanifli'd in a cloud, But there flood I, And many thoughts within my mind did fliroud Of love : for why I felt within my heart a fcorching fire. And yet As did The Salamander, 'twas my whole defire. ('Never too Late' [1590], viii., pp. 207-209.) LOVE— WHAT? What thing is love ? It is a power divine That reigns in us ; or elfe a wreakful law That dooms our minds to beauty to in- cline : It is a ftar, whofe influence doth draw Our hearts to Love, difl^embling of his might. Till he be mafl:er of our hearts and fight. Love — What? Love is a difcord, and a Urange divorce Betwixt our fenfe and reafon, by whofe power, As mad with reafon, we admit that force. Which wit or labour never may devour. It is a will that brooketh no confent : It would refufe, yet never may repent. Love's a defire, which for to wait a time, Doth lofe an age of years, and fo doth pafs. As doth the fhadow fever'd from his prime. Seeming as though it were, yet never was : Leaving behind nought but repentant thoughts Of days ill fpent, for that which profits noughts. It's now a peace, and then a fudden war ; A hope confum'd before it is conceiv'd ; At hand it fears, and menaceth afar. And he that gains is mofl: of all deceiv'd : It is a fecret hidden and not known. Which one may better feel than write upon. ('Menaphon' [1589], vi., pp. 140, 141.) 96 Green Pastures. GENTLE COURTSHIPS REJECTED. Grime. I fay, Sir Gilbert, looking on my daughter, : I curfe the hour that ever I got the' girl : • For, Sir, fhe may have many wealthy fuitors, And yet fhe difdains them all, To have poor George a Greene unto her hufband. Bonjield. On that, good Grime, I am talking with thy daughter ; But fhe, in quirks and quiddities of love, Sets me to fchool, fhe is fo over-wife. But, gentle girl, if thou wilt forfake the Pinner, And be my love, I will advance thee high : To dignify thofe hairs of amber hue, I'll grace them with a chaplet made of pearl. Set with choice rubies, fparks, and diamonds Planted upon a velvet hood, to hide that head Wherein two fapphires burn like fpark- ling fire : Gentle Courtships Rejected. This will I do, fair Bettris, and far more, If thou wilt love the Lord of Doncaller. Bettris. Heigh ho, my heart is in a higher place, * Perhaps on the earl, if that be he : See where he comes, or angry, or in love ; For why, his colour looketh difcontent. (* George a Greene, the Pinner of Wake- field' [1599], xiv., pp. 131, 132.) GEORGE A GREENE AND BEATRICE (BETTRIS), George. Tell me, fweet love, how is thy mind content ? What, canft thou brook to live with George a Greene ? Bettris. Oh, George, how little pleaf- ing are thefe words ? Came I from Bradford for the love of thee. And left my father for fo fweet a friend? Here will I live until my life do end. George. Happy am I to have fo fweet a love. {UU, p. 168.) 98 Green Pastures. LOVE-SUPPLANTER. Edwardy Prince of Wales, Lacy^ Earl of Lincoln, Enter Prince Edward, with his poniard in his hand : Lacy and Margaret. Edward. Lacy, thou canft not fliroud thy traitrous thoughts. Nor cover, as did Caflius, all his wiles ; For Edward hath an eye that looks as far As Linceus from the fhores of Grecia. Did not I fit in Oxford by the friar. And fee thee court the maid of Frefing- field. Sealing thy flattering fancies with a kifs ? Did not proud Bungay draw his portafl"e forth, And joining hand in hand had married you. If Friar Bacon had not Ilrook him dumb, And mounted him upon a fpirit's back, , That we might chat at Oxford with the \ friar ? Traitor, what anfwereft, is not all this true ? Lacy. Truth all, my lord, and thus I make reply : Love-Supplanter. At Harlftone Fair there courting for your grace, Whenas mine eye furvey'd her curious fhape,* And drew the beauteous glory of her looks. To dive into the centre of my heart ; Love taught me that your honour did but jeft, That princes were in fancy but as men : How that the lovely maid of Frefingfield Was litter to be Lacy's wedded wife, Than concubine unto the Prince of Wales. Edward. Injurious Lacy, did I love thee more Than Alexander his Hepheftion ? Did I unfold the paffion of my love, And lock them in the clofet of thy thoughts ? Wert thou to Edward fecond to himfelf. Sole friend, and partner of his fecret loves ? And could a glance of fading beauty break Th'inchained fetters of fuch private friends ? * curiosity-exciting shape. TOO Green Pastures. Bafe coward, false, and too effeminate. To be co-rival with a prince in thoughts: From Oxford have I pofted fmce I dined. To 'quite a traitor 'fore that Edward fleep.. Margaret. 'Twas I, my lord, not Lacy flepp'd awry, For oft he fued and courted for yourfelf. And ftill woo'd for the courtier all in green ; But I whom fancy made but overfond7 Pleaded myfelf with looks as if I lov'd ; I fed mine eye with gazing on his face. And ftill bewitch'd, lov'd Lacy with my looks : My heart with fighs, mine eyes pleaded with tears. My face held pity and content at once. And more I could not cipher out by figns. But that I lov'd Lord Lacy with my heart. Then, worthy Edward, meafure with thy mind. If women's favours will not force men fall; If beauty, and if darts of piercing love Is not of force to bury thoughts of friends. ... ('Friar Bacon,' xiii., pp. 49-51.) Love no Mortal Passion, LOVE NO MORTAL PASSION. Truly, fir (quoth Panthia), to fpeak my mind freely without afFeftation, in this cafe this is my opinion. That love being no mortal paffion, but a fuper- natural influence allotted unto every man by Deftiny, charmeth and en- chanteth the minds of mortal creatures, not according to their wills, but as the decree of the Fates fhall determine, for fome are in love at the firft look. As was Perfeus with Andromeda. Some never to be reclaimed, as was NarcifTus. Others fcorched at the firft light, as Venus herfelf was of Adonis. Some always proclaim open wars to Cupid, as did Daphne. Thus I conclude, that men or women are no more or lefs fub- je6l unto love, refpe6ling their natural conftitution, but by the fecret influence of a certain fupernatural conftellation. ('Morando' [1587], iii., p. 108.) r I02 Green Pastures. SILVESTRO'S LJDT-LOFE. Her ftature like the tall ftraight cedar- trees, Whofe ftately bulks doth fame th' Arabian groves ; A face like princely Juno when ihe braved The Queen of Love 'fore Paris in the vale : A front befet with love and courtefy ; A face like modeft Pallas v^hen Ihe blulh'd A filly Ihepherd Ihould be Beauty's judge : A lip fweet ruby red, grac'd with delight; A cheek wherein for interchange of hue A wrangling ftrife 'twixt lily and the rofe : Her eyes, two twinkling ftars in Winter nights. When chilling froft doth clear the azur'd fkyi Her hair of golden hue doth dim the beams That proud Apollo giveth from his coach : The Gnydian doves, whofe white and fnowy pens Silvestro's Lady-Love, Doth ftain the filver-ftreaming ivory, May not compare with thofe two moving hills Which, topt with pretty teats, difc overs down a vale Wherein the god of love may deign to fleep ; A foot like Thetis when flie tript the lands To fteal Neptune's favour with her fteps. (' Tritameron,' 2nd pt. [1587], iii., p. I23-) r MENALCJS—THE PRODIGAVS RETURN. The lilent ihade had fhadowed every tree. And Phoebus in the weft was Ihrouded low ; Each hive had home her bufy labouring bee ; Each bird the harbour of the night did know : Even then, When thus 104 Green Pastures. All things did from their weary labour lin, Menalcas fate and thought him of his fm. His head on hand, his elbow" on his knee, And tears, like dew, bedrench'd upon his face ; His face as fad as any fwain's might be ; His thoughts and dumps befitting well the place : Even then. When thus Menalcas fate in paffions all alone, He sighed then, and thus he 'gan to moan. I that fed flocks upon Thefl!alia's plains And bade my lambs to feed on daffodil. That liv'd on milk and curds, poor fliepherd's gains, And merry fate, and pip'd upon a pleafant hill. Even then. When thus I fate fecure and fear'd not Fortune's ire. Mine eyes eclipf'd, fall blinded by defire. Men ale as. Then lofty thoughts began to lift my mind ; I grudg'd and thought my fortune was too low ; A fhepherd's life 'twas bafe and out of kind ; The talleft cedars have the fairefl: grow. Even then, When thus Pride did intend the fequel of my ruth, Began the faults and follies of my youth. I left the fields, and took me to the town ; Fold fheep who lift, the hook was caft away, Menalcas would not be a country clown. Nor fhepherd's weeds, but garments far more gay : Even then, When thus Afpiring thoughts did follow after ruth. Began the faults and follies of my youth. My fuits were filk, my talk was all of State ; I ftretch'd beyond the compafs of my fleeve ; io6 Green Pastures, The braveft courtier was Menalcas' mate ; Spend what I would, I never thought on grief. Even then, When thus T lafh'd out lavifh, then began my ruth, And then I felt the follies of my youth. I call mine eye on every wanton face. And ftraight defire did hale me on to love ; Then, lover-like, I pray'd for Venus' grace. That Ihe my mistrefs' deep affects might move : Even then. When thus Love trapp'd me in the fatal bands of ruth, Began the faults and follies of my youth. No coll I fpar'd to pleafe my millrefs' eye ; No time ill fpent in prefence of her fight ; Yet oft fhe frown'd, and then her love mull die, Menalcas, But when fhe smil'd, oh then a happy wight : Even then, When thus Delire did draw me on to deem of ruth. Began the faults and follies of my youth. The day in poems often did I pafs, The night in fighs and forrows for her grace ; And fhe as fickle as the brittle glafs, Held funlhine fhowers within her flatter- ing face : Even then. When thus I fpied the woes that women's love enfueth, I faw, and loath'd the follies of my youth. I noted oft that beauty was a blaze ; I faw that love was but a heap of cares ; That fuch as flood as deer do at the gaze. And fought their wealth amongft affec- tion's fnares ; Even fuch, I faw. With hot purfuit did follow after ruth. And foftered up the follies of their youth. io8 Green Pastures. Thus clogg'd with love, with paffions and with grief, I faw the country life had leaft moleft ; I felt a wound and pain would have relief, And thus refolv'd, I thought would fall out bell : Even then. When thus I felt my fenfes almoft fold to ruth, I thought to leave the follies of my youth. To flocks again, away the wanton town ; Fond pride, avaunt, give me the Ihep- herd's hook ; A coat of gray, I'll be a country clown : Mine eye fhall fcorn on beauty for to look : No more, A-do : Both pride and love, are ever pain'd* with ruth, And therefore farewell the follies of my youth. (' Mourning Garment ' [1590], ix., pp. 214-218.) * fair'd (?) Miserrimus. 109 miSERRIMUS. Deceiving world, that with alluring toys Haft made my life the fubjedl of thy . fcorn. And fcorneft now to lend thy fading joys T'outlength my life, whom friends have left forlorn ; How well are they that die ere they be born, And never fee thy Heights, which few men ihun Till unawares they helplefs are un- done ! Oft have I fung of Love and of his fire; But now I find that poet was advifed Which made full feafts increafers of defire. And proves weak love was with the poor defpifed ; For when the life with food is not fufficed. What thoughts of Love, what motion of delight. What pleafance can proceed from fuch a wight ? no Green Pastures. Witnefs my want, the murderer of my wit, My ravi{hed fenfe, of wonted fury reft, Wants luch conceit, as fhould in poems fit, Set down the forrow wherein I am left: But therefore have high heavens their gifts bereft, Becaufe fo long they lent them me to ufe. And I fo long their bounty did abufe. O, that a year were granted me to live. And for that year my former wit reftored ! What rules of life, what counfel would I give, How Ihould my lin with forrow be deplored ! But I mull die of every man abhorred : Time loofely fpent will not again be won ; My time is loofely fpent, and I un- done. {' Groat's-worth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentance' [1592], xii., pp. 137, 138.) Palmer s Ode. 1 1 1 PALMER'S ODE. Down the valley 'gan he track. Bag and bottle at his back. In a furcoat all of gray ; Such wear Palmers on the way, V/hen with fcrip and llafF they fee Jefus' grave on Calvary. A hat of ftraw like a fwain Shelter for the fun and rain, With a fcollop fhell before : Sandals on his feet he wore ; Legs were bare, arms unclad ; Such attire this Palmer had. His face fair like Titan's fhine, Gray and buxom were his eyne, Whereout dropt pearls of forrow : Such fweet tears Love doth borrow. When in outward dews fhe plains Heart's dillrefs that lovers pains : Ruby lips, cherry cheeks : Such rare mixture Venus feeks, When to keep her damfels quiet Beauty fets them down their diet : Adon was not thought more fair. Curled locks of amber hair — Locks where Love did fit and twine Nets to fnare the gazer's eyne : 112 Green Pastures. Such a Palmer ne'er was feen, Lefs love himfelf had Palmer been, Yet for all he was fo quaint Sorrow did his vifage taint.* Midft the riches of his face, Grief decipher'd his difgrace, Every ftep Ilrain'd a tear. Sudden fighs fhow'd his fear : And yet his fear by his fight. Ended in a ftrange delight. That his paffions did approve. Weeds and forrow were for love. (Greene's ' Never too Late ' [i 590], viii., PP- 13-150 ANOTHER OF THE SAME. Old Menalcas on a day, As in field this fhepherd lay, Tuning of his oaten pipe, Which he hit with many a ftripe ; Said to Corydon that he Once was young and full of glee : Blythe and wanton was I then, Such defires follow men. Another of the Same. 113 As I lay and kept my llieep, Came the god that hateth fleep, Clad in armour all of fire. Hand in hand with Queen Defire : And with a dart that wounded nigh, Pierc'd my heart as I did lie : That when I woke I 'gan fwear, Phillis' beauty palm did bear. Up I Hart, forth went I With her face to feed mine eye : There I faw Defire lit. That my heart with love had hit, Laying forth bright Beauty's hooks To entrap my gazing looks. Love I did, and 'gan to woo. Pray and figh ; all would not do : Women when they take the toy* Covet to be counted coy. Coy fhe was, and I 'gan court ; She thought love was but a fport. Profound Hell was in my thought : Such a pain Defire had wrought, That I fued with fighs and tears. Still ingrate Ihe ftopt her ears Till my youth I had fpent. Lall a paffion of repent. Told me flat that Delire, * trifling, playing. 114 Green Pastures. Was a brand of Love's fire, Which confumeth men in thrall, Virtue, youth, wit, and all. At this faw back I ftart, But Defire from my heart. Shook off Love ; and made an oath. To be enemy to both. Old I was when thus I fled, Such fond toys as cloy'd my head. But this I learn'd at Virtue's gate. The way to good is never late. (/^zV., pp. 17-19.) r THE PENITENT PJLMER'S ODE. Whilom in the Winter's rage A Palmer old and full of age. Sat and thought upon his youth. With eyes, tears, and heart of ruth : Being all with cares yblent. When he thought on years miffpent. Then his follies came to mind, How fond love had made him blind. And wrapt him in a field of woes. Shadowed with Pleafure's flioes ; Then he fighed and faid alas ! Man is fm, and flefli is grafs. The Penitent Palmer s Ode. IIS I thought my miftrefs' hairs were gold, And in their locks my heart I fold : Her amber treffes were the fight That wrapped me in vain delight : Her ivory front, her pretty chin, Were Hales* that drew me on to fin : Her ftarry looks, her cryftal eyes. Brighter than the fun's arife : Sparkling plealing flames of fire. Yoked my thoughts and my defire, That I 'gan cry ere I blin,t Oh, her eyes are paths to fin ! Her face was fair, her breath was fweet, All her looks for love was meet : But love is folly, this I know. And beauty fadeth like to fnow. Oh, why Ihould man delight in pride, Whofe bloflbm like a dew doth glide ; When thefe fuppofes touch'd my thought, That world was vain and beauty nought, I 'gan figh and fay alas ! Man is fin, and flefh is grafs. (Ibid.^ pp. 122, 123.) r snares. + usually explained = cease : but qu. = blind.' — G. ^ grozu lie Green Pastures. PJSTORJL. The Defcription of the Shepherd and his Wife. It was near a thicky fhade That broad leaves of beech had made ; Joining all their tops fo nigh That fcarce Phcebus in could pry. To fee if lovers in the thick* Could dally with a wanton trick. Where fate the fwain and his wife Sporting in that pleafing life That Corydon commendeth fo, All other lives to over-go. He and fhe did fit and keep Flocks of kids and folds of Iheep : He upon his pipe did play, She tun'd voice unto his lay. And for you might her hufwife know Voice did iing and fingers few ; He was young, his coat was green, With weltsf of white, feam'd between. Turned over with a flap That breaft and bofom in did wrap ; Skirts fide and pleatedj free. Seemly hanging to his knee. * thicket. f fringes. % plaited. Pastoral. 117 A whittle* with a filver chape ;t Cloak was ruilet, and the cape Served for a bonnet oft To fhroud him from the wet aloft. A leather fcrip of colour red, With a button on the head ; A bottle full of country whigj By the fhepherd's Ude did lig :§ And in a little bufh hard by There the fhepherd's dog did lie ; Who while his mailer 'gan to fleep Well could watch both kids and flieep. The fhepherd was a frolic fwain. For though his 'parell was but plain, Yet doonell the Authors foothly fay His colour was both frefh and gay ; And in their writes^ plain difcufs Fairer was not Tityrus, Nor Menalcas, whom they call The alderleefefl'^'^ fwain of all : 'Seemingtf him was his wife, Both in lineJt and in life ; Fair ihe was as' fair might be, Like the rofes on the tree y * clasp-knife. f clasp. J whey. § He. II do. IF writhigs, as, * thick ' for ' thicket ' above. — G. ** dearest of all. f f beseeming. %% lineage. ii8 Green Pastures. Buxom, blithe, and young, I ween ; Beauteous, like a Summer's queen : For her cheeks were ruddy hued As if lilies were imbrued With drops of blood, to make the white Pleafe the eye with more delight ; Love did lie within her eyes In ambufh for fome wanton prize : A leefer"* lafs than this had been, Corydon had never feen ; Nor was Phillis that fair May Half fo gaudy or fo gay :t She wore a chaplet on her head ; Her caffock was of fcarlet red. Long and large, as ftraight as bent ;t Her middle was both fmall and gent.§ If country loves fuch fweet defires gain, What lady would not love a fhepherd fwain ? ('Mourning Garment' [1590], ix., pp. 141-144.) r * dearer. X grass. f joyful, bright. § genteel. Pastoral. 119 PASTORAL. The Shepherd! s Ode. Walking in a valley green Spied I Flora, Summer queen : Where fhe, heaping all her graces, Niggard feem'd in other places : Spring it was, and here did fpring All that Nature forth can bring ; Groves of pleafant trees there grow, Which fruit and fhadow could bellow ; Thick-leaved boughs fmall birds cover Till fweet notes themfelves difcover ; Tunes for number feem'd confounded Whilft their mixture's mulic founded : Greeing well, yet not agreed That one the other Ihould exceed. A fweet ftream here filent glides Whofe clear water no fifh hides ; Slow it runs, which well bewray'd The pleafant fhore the current ftay'd : In this ftream a rock was planted Where nor art nor nature wanted : Each thing fo did other grace As all places may give place ; Only this the place of pleafure Where is heaped Nature's treafure. I20 Green Pastures. Here mine eyes with wonder ftaid, Eyes amaz'd and mind afraid : Ravifht with what was beheld, From departing were withheld. Mufmg then with found advice On this earthly paradife ; Sitting by the river fide Lovely Phillis was defcried : Gold her hair, bright her eyne Like to Phoebus in his Ihine ; White her brow, her face was fair, Amber-breath perfum'd the air ; Rofe and lily both did feek To fliew their glory on her cheek. Love did nellle in her looks. Baiting there his fharpeft hooks : Such a Phillis ne'er was feen More beautiful than Love's queen. Doubt it was whofe greater grace, Phillis' beauty, or the place. Her coat was of fcarlet red. All in pleats* a mantle fpread : Fring'd with gold ; a wreath of boughs To check the fun from her brows. In her hand a fhepherd's hook. In her face Diana's look : Her fheep graz'd on the plains She had ftolen from the fwains : * plaits. Pastoral. Under a cool filent fhade, By the ftreams fhe garlands made. Thus fate Phillis all alone : Miffed fhe was by Corydon, Chiefeft fwain, of all the reft Lovely Phillis likt him beft. His face ,was like Phoebus' love, His neck white as Venus' dove ; A ruddy cheek fill'd with fmiles, Such Love hath when he beguiles : His locks brown, his eyes were gray, Like Titan in a Summer day. A ruffet jacket, fleeves red ; A blue bonnet on his head ; A cloak of gray fenc'd the rain ; Thus 'tyred was this lovely fwain. A ftiepherd's hook her dog tied. Bag and bottle by his fide : Such was Paris, fhepherds fay. When with CEnone he did play. From his flock ftray'd Corydon, Spying Phillis all alone : By the ftream he Phillis fpied. Braver than was Flora's pride : Down the valley 'gan he track, Stole behind his true love's back : The fun flione and Ihadow made ; Phillis rofe and was afraid. When flie faw her lover there. 122 Green Pastures, Smile ftie did, and left her fear : I Cupid that difdain doth loath With defire ftrake them both. The fwain did woo, fhe was nice. Following fafhion nay'd"^ him twice : Much ado he kiff'd her then ; Maidens blufh when they kifs men : So did Phillis at that ftowre.f Her face was like the rofe flower. Laft they 'greed, for Love would fo. Faith and troth they would no mo. For fhepherds ever held it fin To falfe the love they lived in. The fwain gave a girdle red, She fet garlands on his head. Gifts were given, they kifs again, Both did fmile, for both were fain.J Thus was love 'mongft fliepherds fold When fancy knew not what was gold : They woo'd and vow'd and that they keep. And go contented to their fheep. (* Ciceronis Amor' [1589], vii., pp. 180-184.) r * denied. f contention. % fond. Phillis and Cor i do it. PHILLIS JND CORIDON. J: Pajloral. Phillis kept Iheep along the Weftern plains, And Coridon did feed his flocks hard by; This ftiepherd was the flower of all the fwains That traced the downs of fruitful Thefl'aly ; And Phillis, that did far her flocks fur- pafs In filver hue, was thought a bonny lafs. A bonny lafs, quaint in her country 'tire, Was lovely Phillis, — Coridon more fo; Her locks, her looks, did fet the fwain on fire ; He left his lambs, and he began to woo ; He looked, he fighed, he courted with a kifs ; No better could the Ally fwad* than this. He little knew to paint a tale of love ; Shepherds can fancy, but they cannot fay; * swain f clown. 124 Green Pastures. PhilHs 'gan fmile, and wily thought to j prove What uncouth* grief poor Coridon did pay ; She alked him how his flocks or he did fare ? Yet penfive thus his fighs did tell his care. The fhepherd blulhed when Phillis queftioned fo, And fwore by Pan it was not for his flocks ; * 'Tis love, fair Phillis, breedeth all this woe. My thoughts are trapt within thy lovely locks ; Thine eye hath pierced, thy face hath fet on fire ; Fair Phillis kindleth Coridon's deflre.' * Can fliepherds love ?' faid Phillis to the fwain : ' Such faints as Phillis,' Coridon re- plied : ' Men when they lull can many fancies f feign,' Said Phillis. This not Coridon de- j ^ nied, j * clownish, awkward. Phillis and Coridon. That luft had lies ; ' But love,' quoth he, ' fays truth : Thy fhepherd loves, then, Phillis, what enfu'th ?' Phillis ^N2iS won : fhe blufhed and hung the head ; The fwain ftept to and cheered her with a kifs : With faith, with troth, they ftruck the matter dead ; So ufed they when men thought not amifs : This love begun and ended both in one ; Phillis was loved, and fhe liked Coridon. ('Perimedes' [1588], vii., pp. 91, 92.) PASTORAL. The Shepherd's Wife's Song. Ah, what is love ? It is a pretty thing. As fweet unto a fhepherd as a king. And fweeter too ; For kings have cares that wait upon a crown, And cares can make the fweeteft love to frown : Ah then, ah then. 126 Gree Pastures, If country loves fuch fweet delires do gain. What lady would not love a ftiepherd i! fwain ? His flocks are folded, he comes home at night. As merry as a king in his delight, And merrier too ; For kings bethink them what the State require. Where fhepherds carelefs carol by the fire : Ah then, ah then. If country loves fuch fweet defires do gain. What lady would not love a fliepherd fwain ? He kiffeth firft, then fits as blithe to eat His cream and curds as doth the king his meat. And blither too ; For kings have often fears when they do fup, Where Ihepherds dread no poifon in their cup : Ah then, ah then, Pastoral. If country loves fuch fweet delires do gain. What lady would not love a fhepherd fwain ? To bed he goes, as wanton then, I ween, As is a king in dalliance with a queen, More wanton too ; For kings have many griefs affedls^ to move, Where fhepherds have no greater grief than love : Ah then, ah then, If country loves fuch fweet defires do gain, What lady would not love a fhepherd fwain ? Upon his couch of flraw he fleeps as found As doth the king upon his bed of down. More founder too ; For cares caufe kings full oft their lleep to fpin,t Where weary fhepherds lie and fnort their fill : Ah then, ah then, * affection. t spoil. 128 Green Pastures. If country loves fuch fweet deiires do gain, What lady would not love a Ihepherd fwain ? Thus with his wife he fpends the year, as blithe As doth the king at every tide or fithe,* And blither too ; For kings have wars and broils to take in hand, Where Ihepherds laugh and love upon the land : Ah then, ah then, If country loves fuch fweet defires do gain. What lady would not love a Ihepherd fwain ? r * Query * tide ' = Christmas-tide ? ; 'slthe' not simply 'time,' but = scythe = Harvest ? — G. Pastoral. 129 PASTORAL. Radagon in D tan em. It was a valley gaudy-green, Where Dian at the fount was feen ; Green it was, And did 'pafs All other of Diana's bowers In the pride of Flora's flowers. A fount it was that no fun fees, Circled in with cyprefs-trees. Set fo nigh As Phoebus' eye Could not do the virgins fcathe, To fee them naked when they bathe.. She fat there all in white, — Colour fitting her delight : Virgins fo Ought to go. For white in armory is placed To be the colour that is chafte. Her taff'ta calTock you might fee Tucked up above her knee ; Which did fhow There below Legs as white as whales-bone ; So white and chafie were never none. 130 Green Pastures. Hard by her, upon the ground, Sat her virgins in a round. Bathing their Golden hair, And iinging all in notes high, * Fie on Venus' flattering eye V * Fie on love ! It is a toy ; Cupid witlefs and a boy ; All his fires, And delires. Are plagues that God fent down from high. To pefter men with mifery. As thus the virgins did difdain Lovers' joy and lovers' pain, Cupid nigh Did efpy. Grieving at Diana's fong ; Slyly ftole thefe maids among. His bow of fteel, darts of fire. He Ihot amongft them fweet defire ; Which ftraight flies In their eyes. And at the entrance made them fl:art. For it ran from eye to heart. Pastoral, 131 Califto flraight fuppofed Jove Was fair and frolic for to love ; Dian fhe 'Scaped not free ; For well I wot, hereupon She loved the fwain Endymion. Clytie Phoebus, and Chloris' eye Thought none fo fair as Mercury : Venus thus Did difcufs, By her fon in darts of fire. None fo chafte to check delire. Dian rofe with all her maids, Blufhing thus at love's braids :* With fighs, all Show their thrall ; And flinging hence pronounce this faw, * What fo Ilrong as love's fweet law ?' (' Francifco's Fortunes, or Second Part of Never too Late' [1590], viii., pp. 212-214.) * Dyce annotates *?.^., perhaps crafts, de- ceits {vide Steeven's note on " Since French- men are so braid,'" Shakespeare's "All's Well that Ends Well," Act IV., Sc. ii.).' But surely the word is simply 'braids = upbraids or up- braidings, as 'pass for surpass, 'gan for began, etc., etc.— G. 132 Green Pastures. PASTORAL. Philomela's Ode that Jhe fung in her Arbour. Sitting by a river's fide, Where acfilent ftream did glide, Mufe I did of many things That the mind in quiet brings. I 'gan think how fome men deem Gold their god ; and fome efteem Honour is the chief content That to man in life is lent ; And fome others do contend Quiet none like to a friend ; Others hold, there is no wealth Compared to a perfect health ; Some man's mind in quiet Hands When he is lord of many lands : But I did figh, and faid all this Was but a fhade of perfeft blifs ; And in my thoughts I did approvel Naught fo fweet as is true love. Love 'twixt lovers, palTeth thefe. When mouth kiffeth and heart 'greJ With folded arms and lips meeting,! Each foul another fweetly greeting J For by the breath the foul fleeteth, j And foul with foul in kiifmg meetetf Pastoral, 133 If love be fo fweet a thing That fuch happy blifs doth bring, Happy is love's fugared thrall ; But unhappy maidens all, Who efteem your virgin bliffes Sweeter than a wife's fweet kiffes. No fuch quiet to the mind As true love with kiffes kind : But if a kifs prove unchafte Then is true love quite difgraced. Though love be fweet, learn this of me, No love fweet but honefty. (* Philomela, the LadyFitzwalter's Night- ingale ' [1592], xi., pp. 123, 124.) PASTORAL. Philomelds Second Ode. It was frofty winter-feafon, And fair Flora's wealth was geafon.* Meads that erft with green were fpread. With choice flowers diap'red, * My friend Mr. A. H. Bullen (* Lyrics from Elizabethan Romances') annotates = rare, un- common. Such is a meaning of the word, but not the meaning here. It is = parched, dried up — as a well is said to be geasoned when it is dry. — G. 134 Green Pastures. Had tawny veils ; cold had fcanted What the Spring and Nature planted. Leaflefs boughs there might you fee. All except fair Daphne's tree : On their twigs no birds perched ; Warmer coverts now they fearched ; And by Nature's fecret reafon Framed their voices to the feafon. With their feeble tunes bewraying How they grieved the Spring's decaying. Frofty Winter thus had gloomed Each fair thing that Summer bloomed ; Fields were bare, and trees unclad, Flowers withered, birds were fad ; When I faw a fhepherd fold Sheep in cote, to fhun the cold ; Himfelf fitting on the grafs That with the froll withered was. Sighing deeply, thus 'gan fay ; ^ Love is folly when aftray : Like to love no paffion fuch. For 'tis madnefs, if too much ; If too little, then defpair ; If too high, he beats the air With bootlefs cries ; if too low, An eagle matcheth with a crow : Thence grow jars. Thus I find. Love is folly, if unkind ; Yet do men moft defire Pastoral. 135 To be heated with this fire, Whofe flame is fo plealing hot That they burn, yet feel it not. Yet hath love another kind, Worfe than thefe unto the mind ; That is, when a wanton eye Leads deflre clean awry. And with the bee doth rejoice Every minute to change choice ; Counting he were then in blifs If that each fair face were his. Highly thus is love difgrac'd When the lover is unchalte. And would tafte of fruit forbidden, 'Caufe the 'fcape is eafily hidden. Though fuch love be fweet in brewing. Bitter is the end enfuing ; For the honour of love he fliameth. And himfelf with lull defameth ; For a minute's pleafure-gaining, Fame and honour ever ftaining. Gazing thus fo far awry, Laft the chip falls in his eye ; Then it burns that erft but heat him ; And his own rod 'gins to beat him ; His choiceft fweets turn to gall ; He finds lull is fin's thrall ; That wanton women in their eyes Men's deceivings do comprife ; 136 Green Pastures. That homage done to fair faces Doth difhonour other graces. If lawlefs love be fuch a fin, Curfed is he that lives therein ; For the gain of Venus' game Is the downfall unto fhame.' Here he paufed, and did flay, Sighed, and rofe, and went away. (* Philomela,' xi., pp. 133-135.) r ISJBELUS ODE* Sitting by a river fide. Where a filent ftream did glide, Bank'd about with choice flowers. Such as fpring from April fhowers, When fair Iris fmiling fhews All her riches in her dews : Thick-leaved trees fo were planted As nor Art nor Nature wanted : * It will be observed that Philomela's Ode, that precedes this, opens with the same couplet. Even my friend Mr. A. H. Bullen seems to have overlooked this Ode because of this, and so omitted it in his selections, etc. ('Lyrics from Elizabethan Romances'), but even he shows by his actual selections per- functory acquaintance with Greene and others. — G. IsahelTs Ode. 137 Bord'ring all the brook with fhade As if Venus there had made By Flora's wile a curious bower To dally with her paramour. At this current as I gaz'd. Eyes entrapp'd, mind amaz'd ; I might fee in my ken Such a flame as fireth men : Such a fire as doth fry With one blaze both heart and eye : Such a heat as doth prove No heat like to heat of love. Bright fhe was, for 'twas a fhe That traced her fteps towards me ; On her head flie wore a bay. To fence Phcebus' light away : In her face one might defcry The curious beauty of the fky ; Her eyes carried darts of fire, Feather'd all with fwift defire ; Yet forth thefe fiery darts did pafs Pearled tears as bright as glafs ; That wonder 'twas in her eyne Fire and water Ihould combine : If th' old faw did not borrow Fire is love and water forrow. Down fhe fate, pale and fad, No mirth in her looks fhe had : Face and eyes fhowed diflrefs, 138 Green Pastures, Inward fighs difcourf'd no lefs : Head on hand might I fee. Elbow leaned on her knee ; Laft fhe breathed out this faw, * Oh, that love hath no law !' Love enforceth with conftraint. Love delighteth in complaint ; Whofo loves hates his life, For love's peace is mind's ftrife ; Love doth feed on beauty's fare. Every dilh fauc'd with care : Chiefly women, reafon why, Love is hatch'd in their eye ; Thence it fteppeth to the heart, There it poifoneth every part : Mind and heart, eye and thought. Till fweet love their woes hath wrought: Then repentant they 'gan cry, ' Oh, my heart that trow'd* mine eye !' Thus Ihe faid, and then fhe rofe. Face and mind both full of woes ; Flinging thence, with this faw. Fie on love that hath no law. ('Never too Late,' viii., pp. 50-52.) * tnistedj held for true. Pastoral, PASTORAL. Francefco's Ode. When I look about the place Where forrow nurfeth up difgrace ; Wrapt within a fold of cares, Whofe diftrefs no heart fpares : Eyes might look, but fee no light. Heart might think but on defpite : Sun did fhine, but not on me. Sorrow faid it may not be. That heart or eye fhould once pofTefs Any falve to cure diftrefs : For men in prifon muft fuppofe Their couches are the beds of woes. Seeing this I fighed then, Fortune thus fhould punilh men. But when I call'd to mind her face For whofe love I brook this place ; Starry eyes, whereat my fight Did eclipfe with much delight ; Eyes that lighten and do fhine. Beams of love that are divine ; Lily cheeks whereon befide Buds of rofes fhew their pride ; Cherry lips, which did fpeak Words that made all hearts to break : Words moft fweet, for breath was fweet ; 140 Green Pastures, Such perfume for love is meet. Precious words, as hard to tell Which more pleafed, wit or fmell : When I faw my greateft pains Grow for her that beauty ftains ; Fortune thus I did reprove. — Nothing grievefuU grows from Love. {Ibid., pp. 62-63.) PASTORAL. Boron's Jig. Through the fhrubs as I 'gan crack For my lamb's little ones, 'Mongft many pretty ones, Nymphs I mean, whofe hair was black As the crow : Like the fnow Her face and brows Ihin'd, I ween ; I faw a little one, A bonny pretty one. As bright, buxom, and as fheen As was fhe On her knee, Pas tor aL 141 That luU'd the god, whofe arrows warms: Such merry little ones, Such fair-fac'd pretty ones. As dally in Love's chiefeft harms ; Such was mine ; Whofe gray eyne Made me love. T 'gan to woo This fweet little one. This bonny pretty one ; I woo'd hard a day or two ; Till fhe bad, Be not fad ; Woo no more, I am thine own. Thy deareft little one. Thy trueft pretty one ; Thus was faith and firm love Ihown, As behoves Shepherds' loves. (* Menaphon' [1589], vi., pp. 69, 70.) r PERSEFERJNCE WINS, I now, quoth fhe, both fee and try by experience, that there is no filh fo fickle but will come to the bait ; no doe fo wild but will fland at the gaze* ; * staring. 142 Green Pastures, no hawk fo haggard''' but will ftoop to the lure ; no nielTef fo ramagej but will be reclaimed to the lunes ; no fruit fo fine but the caterpillar will confume it ; no adamant§ fo hard but will yield to the file ; ... no maid fo free but love will bring her to bondage and thraldom. ('Card of Fancy' [1587], iv., p. 120.) [On the word * lunes ' the Shakefpeare ftudent will do well to confult a full note in Works, vol. ii., pp. 330-3 3 3, and Glof- farial Index (in vol. xv.) — one of multi- plied inftances of Greene's words and phraling Ihedding light on obfcurities and cruxes of Shakefpeare. — G.] r WORD-PORTRJITS, Ovid. Quaint was Ovid in his rhyme, Chiefeft poet of his time : What he could in words rehearfe Ended in a pleafmg verfe : untrained. : ivild. + hawk. § diamond. W or d-V or traits, 143 Apollo with his aye-green bays Crown'd his head to fhow his praife ; And all the Mufes did agree He fhould be theirs, and none but he. This Poet chanted all of Love, Of Cupid's wings and Venus' dove ; Of fair Corinna and her hue. Of white and red and veins blue. How they lov'd and how they 'greed, And how in fancy they did fpeed. His Elegies were wanton all, Telling of Love's pleafing thrall. And 'caufe he would the Poet feem, That beft of Venus' laws could deem. Strange precepts he did impart, And writ three books of Love's art ; There he taught how to woo. What in love men fhould do ; - How they might foonefl win Honeft women unto lin : Thus to tellen all the truth He infefted Rome's youth. And with his books and verfes brought That men in Rome nought elfe fought But how to 'tangle maid or wife. With honour's breach through wanton life; The foolilh fort did for his fkill Praife the deepnefs of his quill. 144 Green Pastures. And like to him faid there was none Since died old Anacreon. But Rome's Auguftus, world's wonder, Brook'd not of this foolifh blunder ; Nor lik'd he of this'wanton verfe That Love's laws did rehearfe ; For well he faw and did efpy Youth was fore impair'd thereby ; And by experience he finds Wanton books infeft the minds ; Which made him ftraight for reward, Though the cenfure"^ feemed hard To banifh Ovid quite from Rome, This was great Auguftus' doom ; For (quoth he) Poets' quills Ought not for to teach men ills ; For learning is a thing of praife. To Ihow precepts to make men wife ; And near the Mufes' facred places Dwells the virtuous-minded graces. 'Tis fhame and fin, then, for good wits To fhow their ikill in wanton fits. This Auguftus did reply. And as he faid, fo think I. (^Greene's Vifion' [1592], xii., pp. 199-201.) * judgment. V/ord-T or traits. 145 The Description of Sir Geoffrey Chaucer. His ftature was not very tall ; Lean he was ; his legs were fmall, Hofed within a flock of red ; A button'd bonnet on his head. From under which did hang, I ween. Silver hairs both bright and iheen ; His beard was white, trimmed round. His countenance blithe and merry found : A fleevelefs jacket large and wide, With many plaits and fkirts' iide. Of water chamlet* did he wear A whittellt by his belt he bear. His fhoes were corned,| broad before ; His inkhorn at his fide he wore ; And in his hand he bore a book ; Thus did this ancient poet look. (^Ibid.y pp. 209-210.) r * earner s hair cloth ^ rain-proof. — G. + clasp-knife. X projecting— cornered. 146 Green Pastures. John Gower. Large he was, his height was long ; Broad of breall, his limbs were ftrong ; But colour pale, and wan his look, — Such have they that plyen their book : His head was gray and quaintly fhorn ; Neatly was his beard worn ; His vifage grave, ftern and grim, — Cato was moft like to him. His bonnet was a hat of blue, His fleeves ftraight, of that fame hue ; A furcoat* of a tawny dye, Hung in plaits over his thigh ; A breech clofe unto his dock, Handfom'd with a long flock ; Pricked before were his fhoon. He wore fuch as others doon : A bag of red by his fide. And by that his napkin tied : Thus John Gower did appear, Quaint attired, as you hear. {Ibid.y p. 210.) r * outer garment. i Word-F or traits. Solomon. His ftature tall, large, and high, Limb'd and featur'd beauteoufly ; Cheft was broad, arms were ftrong. Locks of amber paffing long, That hung and wav'd upon his neck. Heaven's beauty might they check. Vifage fair and full of grace. Mild and ftern, for in one place Sate Mercy meekly in his eye. And juftice in his looks hard bye : His robes of bifTe* were crimfon hue. Bordered round with twines of blue : In Tyre no richer filk fold. Over-braided all with gold ; Coftly fet with precious ftone. Such before I ne'er faw none : A maffy crown upon his head, Chequer'd through with rubies red ; Orient pearl and bright topacef Did burnifh out each valiant place : Thus this Prince that feemed fage Did go in royal equipage. {Ibid.,^. 275.) * fine silk. + topa: 148 Green Pastures, POTJTOES, [Licentioufnefs works waftefully] . . . the apothecaries would have furphaling water and potato roots lie dead on their hands. (' Difputation between a Hee and Shee Conny-Catcher [1592], x., 234.) [Surphaling, i.e., a cofmetic wafh. It is odd to find potatoes in apothecaries* fhops. They were then held to be provocatives. They had not long been introduced into England. — G.] TIME. In time we fee the iilver drops The craggy ftones make foft ; The floweft fnail in time we fee Doth creep and climb aloft. With feeble puffs the talleft pine In traft of time doth fall ; The hardeft heart in time doth yield To Venus' luring call. Where chilling froft alate did nip There flalheth now a fire ; Where deep difdain bred noifome hate, There kindleth now defire. The 'Tongue, 149 Time caufeth hope to have his hap : What care in time not eafed ? In time I loathed that now I love ; In both content and pleafed. ('Arbafto' [1584], iii., p. 248.) r THE TONGUE. It feemeth (faith Bias) that Nature by fortifying the tongue would teach how precious and neceffary a virtue lilence is ; for ftie hath placed before it the bulwark of the teeth, that if it will not obey reafon, which being within ought to ferve inftead of a bridle to ftay it from preventing the thoughts, we might reilrain and chaftife fuch impu- dent babbling by biting. And, therefore, faith he, we have two eyes and two ears, that thereby we may learn to hear and fee much more than is fpoken. ('Penelope's Web,* v., p. 221.) 150 Green Pastures. Inve5iive on Contemporaries, I am not ignorant how eloquent our gowned age is grown of late ; fo that every mechanical mate abhors the Englifh he was born to, and plucks with a folemn periphrafis his ut vales from i the inkhorn ; which I impute not fo much to the perfeftion of arts as to the fervile imitation of vainglorious tragedians, who contend not fo ferioufly to excel in adlion as to embowel the clouds in a fpeech of comparifon ; thinking themfelves more than initiated in poets' immortality if they but once get Boreas by the beard and the heavenly Bull by the dew-lap. But herein I cannot fo fully bequeath them to folly as their idiot art-mafters, that intrude themfelves to our ears as the alchymifts of eloquence : who (mounted on the ftage of arrogance) think to outbrave better pens with the fwelling bombafl: of a bragging blank verfe. Indeed, it may be the ingrafted overflow of fome kil- cow* conceit, that overcloyeth their imagination with a more than drunken refolution, being not extemporal in the • * =a butcher — query a disguised gird at Shakespeare the wool-stapler's son ? — G. 'The Tongue. invention of any other means to vent their manhood, commits the digeftion of their choleric encumbrances to the fpacious volubility of a drumming de- cafillabon. 'Mongft this kind of men that repofe eternity in the mouth of a player, I can but engrofs fome deep- read grammarians, who having no more learning in their fkull than will ferve to take up a commodity, nor art in their brain, than was nourifhed in a ferving- man's idlenefs, will take upon them to be the ironical cenfors of all, when God and Poetry doth know, they are the limpleft of all. To leave thefe to the mercy of their mother-tongue, that feed on nought but the crumbs that fall from the tranflator's trencher, I come (fweet friend) to thy Arcadian ' Menaphon.' . . . (Nafhe's Epiftle to the Gentlemen Students of both Univerfities . . . pre- fixed to 'Menaphon' [1589], vi., pp. 9, 10.) [This is given to fhow Nafhe's fellow-feeling with Greene. — G.] r 152 Green Pastures. TRAVELS, In my opinion the fitteft kind of life for a young gentleman to take (who as yet hath not fubdued the youthful con- ceits of fancy nor made a conqueft of his will by wit) is to fpend his time in travel ; wherein he fhall find both pleafure and profit : yea, and buy that by experience which otherwife with all the treafure in the world he cannot purchafe. For what changeth vanity to virtue, ftaylefs wit to ftayed wifdom, fond fantafies to firm affedlions, but travel ? What reprefleth the rage of youth and redreffeth the witlefs fury of wanton years, but travel ? What turneth a fecure life to a careful living ? What maketh the foolilh wife ? yea, what in- creafeth wit and augmenteth fkill, but travel ? in fo much that the fame UlyiTes won was not by the ten years he lay at Troy, but by the time he fpent in travel. (*Card of Fancy' [1587], iv., p. 19.) r Usury. USURT, Enter the Vfurer folus with a halter in one handy a dagger in the other. Groaning in confcience, burdened with my crimes. The hell of forrow haunts me up and down ; Tread where I lift, methinks the bleed- ing ghofts Of thofe whom my corruption brought to nought, Do ferve for ftumbling-blocks before my fteps ; The fatherlefs and widow wronged by me. The poor oppreffed by my ufury ; Methinks I fee their hands rear'd up to heaven, To cry for vengeance of my covetoufnefs. Wherefo I walk, all ligh and fhun my way; Thus I am made a monfter of the world ; Hell gapes for me, heaven will not hold my foul. You mountains, Ihroud me from the God of truth ; Methinks I fee Him lit to judge the earth ; 154 Green Pastures, See how He blots me out of the book of life: Oh burden more than -^tna, that I bear. Cover me, hills, and fhroud me from the Lord ; Swallow me, Lycus, Ihield me from the Lord. In life no peace ; each murmuring that I hear Methinlcs the fentence of damnation founds, * Die, reprobate, and hie thee hence to hell.' (*A Looking-glafs for London and England' [1594], xiv., pp. 97, 98.) VENGEANCE IMPLORED, Prince z^ga, his eyes put out and hands cut off by Acomat. , . , Oh Thou fupreme Architect of all, Firft Mover of thofe tenfold cryftal orbs. Where all thofe moving and unmoving eyes Vengeance Implored, Behold Thy goodnefs everlaftingly ; See, unto Thee I lift thefe bloody arms : For hands I have not for to lift to Thee ; And in Thy juftice dart thy fmould'ring flame Upon the head of curfed Acomat. Oh cruel heavens and injurious fates ! Even the laft refuge of a wretched man Is took from me ; for how can Aga weep ? Or run a briniih Ihower of pearled tears, Wanting the watery cifterns of his eyes ? Come, lead me back again to Bajazet, The wofulleft and faddeft ambafTador That ever was defpatched to any king. (* Selimus,' xiv., p. 247.) r VENUS AND ADONIS. In Cyprus fat fair Venus by a fount, Wanton Adonis toying on her knee ; She kifled the wag, her darling of account ; The boy 'gan blulh ; which when his lover fee. 156 Green Pastures, She fmiled, and told him love might challenge debt. And he was young, and might be wanton yet. The boy waxed bold, fired by fond defire, That woo he could and court her with conceit : Reafon fpied this, and fought to quench the fire With cold difdain ; but wily Adon ftraight Cheered up the flame, and faid : * Good flr, what let ?* I am but young, and may be wanton yet.* Reafon replied, that beauty was a bane To fuch as feed their fancy with fond love ; That when fweet youth with lull is overta'en, It rues in age ; this could not Adon move. For Venus taught him ftill this reft to set,t That he was young, and might be wanton yet. * hindrance. f a term used in the game of primerc— G. Venus and Adonis. Where Venus ftrikes with beauty to the quick, It little 'vails fage Reafon to reply ; Few are the cures for fuch as are love- fick. But love : then, though I wanton it awry, And play the wag, from Adon this I get, — I am but young, and may be wanton yet. (^Perimedes the Blackfmith ' [1588], vii., pp. 88, 89.) ADONIS REPROFED, The firen Venus nouriced* in hei lap, Fair Adon, fwearing whiles he was a youth He might be wanton ; note his after- hap. The guerdon that fuch lawlefs luft enfu'th ; So long he followed flattering Venus' lore. Till, filly lad, he perilhed by a boar.t * nursed. t the classical myth. — G. 157 158 Green Pastures. Mars in his youth did court this lufty dame ; He won her love ; what might his \ fancy let ?* He was but young : at laft unto his fhame Vulcan entrapped them flyly in a net ; And called the gods to witnefs as a truth A lecher's fault was not excufed by youth. If crooked age accounteth youth his Spring, The Spring, the faireft feafon of the year; Enriched with flowers, and fweets, and many a thing That fair and gorgeous to the eyes appear ; It fits that youth, the Spring of man, fliould be 'Riched with fuch flowers as virtue yieldeth thee. {Ibid.^ vii., pp. 89, 90.) hinder. 1 Venus Victrix, VENUS VICTRIX, Mars in a fury 'gainft Love's brighteft Queen, Put on his helm, and took to him his lance ; On Erycinus Mount* was Mavors feen, And there his enligns did the god advance ; And by heaven's greateft gates he ftoutly fwore, Venus fhould die, for fhe had wronged him fore. Cupid heard this, and he began to cry, And wiihed his mother's abfence for awhile : * Peace, fool,' quoth Venus ; * Is it I muft die ? Muft it be. Mars ?' With that fhe coined a fmile ; She trimmed her treifes, and did curl her hair. And made her face with beauty pafTmg fair. * The mountain from which Venus received the name of Erycina was Eryx. But Greene and his contemporaries spelled Erycinus. — G. i6o Green Pastures, A fan of filver feathers in her hand. And in a coach of ebony fhe went : She paffed the place where furious Mars did Hand, And out her looks a lovely fmile Ihe fent ; Then from her brows leaped out fo fharp a frown. That Mars for fear threw all his armour down. He vowed repentance for his rafh mif- deed, Blaming his choler that had caufed his woe : Venus grew gracious, and with him agreed, But charged him not to threaten beauty fo ; For women's looks are fuch enchanting charms As can fubdue the greateft god in arms. (' Ciceronis Amor' [1589], vii., pp. 133, I34-) r Woman. fVOMJN, Difcourteous women. Nature's faireft ill, The woe of man, that iirft created curfe, Bafe female fex, fprung from black Ates' loins. Proud and difdainful, cruel and unjuft ; Whofe words are (haded with enchant- ing wiles Worfe than Medufa, mateth* all our minds : And in their heart fits fliamelefs treachery, Turning a truthlefs, vile circumference. O, could my fury paint their furies forth ! For hell's no hell, compared to their hearts ; Too fimple devils to conceal their arts ; Born to be plagues unto the thoughts of men ; Brought for eternal peftilence to the world. (* Orlando Furiofo,' xiii., pp. 149, 150.) r * confounds. 1 62 Green Pastures, Woman — compared to a Rofe, Marry, ... I can aptly compare a woman to a Rofe : for as we cannot enjoy the fragrant fmell of the one without fharp prickles, fo we cannot poffefs the virtues of the other without ftirewilli conditions ; and yet neither the one nor the other can well be forborne, for they are neceflary evils. (' Morando' [1587], iii., p. 1 01.) r Comparifons Defcriptive of a Fair Woman {Sephejiia). All this while Menaphon fate amongft the flirubs, fixing his eyes on the glorious objeft of her face : he noted her treifes, which he compared to the coloured hyacinth of Arcadia ; her brows to the mountain fnows that lie on the hills ; her eyes to the gray glifter of Titan's gorgeous mantle ; her alabafter neck to the whitenefs of his flocks ; her teeth to pearl ; her face to borders of lilies interfeamed with rofes : to be brief, our Woman, fhepherd Menaphon, that heretofore was an atheift to love, and as the Theffallan of Bacchus, fo he, a con- temner of Venus, was now by the wily fhaft of Cupid fo entangled in the per- fection and beauteous excellence of Sepheftia, as now he fwore no benign planet but Venus, no god but Cupid, nor exquilite deity but Love, (' Mena- phon ' [1589], vi., p. 49.) r *//» only Daughter. One only daughter of fuch excellent exquilite perfeftion as Nature in her feemed to wonder at her own works. Her hair was like the fhine of Apollo, when, fhaking his glorious treffes, he makes the world beauteous with his brightnefs. The ivory of her face over- dalhed with a vermilion dye, feemed like the blulh that leapt from Endymion's cheeks when Cynthia courts him on the hills of Latmos. ('Ciceronis Amor' [1589], vii., pp. 105, 106.) r 164 Green Pastures. THE TEOMANANDPEJSJNTRT OF OLD ENGLJND* Entef the Jufticey a town/man [of Wake- field\ George a Greene, and Sir Nicholas Mannering with his commijjton. Jujiice. Mailer Mannering, ftand afide whilft we confer What is beft to do. Townfmen of Wakefield, The Earl of Kendal here hath fent for viftuals. And in aiding him we Ihow ourfelves no lefs Than traitors to the king : therefore Let me hear, townfmen, what is your confents. Firfi town/man. Even as you pleafe, we are all content. Jufiice. Then, Mafter Mannering, we are refolved. Man. As how ? Jujiice, Marry, Sir, thus. — We will fend the Earl of Kendal no viftuals, * Greene's portrayal of country life and siding with the ^mtnonalty is extremely noticeable. See Lue prefixed to his Works, as before.— G. 'The Teoman and Peasantry, etc. Becaufe he is a traitor to the king ; And in aiding him we'd fhow ourfelves no lefs. Man. Why, men of Wakefield, are you waxen mad. That prefent danger cannot whet your wits. Wifely to make provifion of yourfelves ? The Earl is thirty thoufand men, ftrong in power. And what town fo ever him refill He lays it flat and level with the ground: Ye filly men, you feek your own decay : Therefore fend my lord fuch provifion as he wants. So he will fpare your town And come no nearer Wakefield than he is. Jujiice. Mafter Mannering, you have your anfwer. You may be gone. Man. Well, Woodrofi'e, for fo I guefs is thy name, I'll make thee curfe thy overthwart denial ; And all that fit upon the bench this day Shall rue the hour they have withftood My Lord's commiflion. Jujiice. Do thy worfl:, we fear thee ' not. 1 66 Green Pastures, Man. See you thefe feals ? Before you pafs the town I will have all things my lord doth want, In fpite of you. George a Greene. Proud dapper Jack, vail bonnet to the bench That reprefents the perfon of the king ; Or, firrha, I'll lay thy head before thy feet. Man. Why, who art thou ? [ George. Why, I am George a Greene, j True liegeman to my king ; Who fcorns that men of fuch efteem as thefe. Should brook the braves of any traitorous fquire : You of the bench, and you, my fellow friends. Neighbours, are fubjeds all unto the king ; We are Englifh born, and therefore Edward's friends. Vowed unto him even in our mother's 1 womb ; Our minds to God, our hearts unto our king, Our wealth, our homage, and our car- cafes, The Teomati and Peasantry^ etc. Be all King Edward's : then, firrha, we have Nothing left for traitors but our fwords, Whetted to bathe them in your bloods, and die 'Gainft you, before we fend you any viftuals. Jujiice. Well fpoken, George a Greene. Firji town/man. Pray let George a Greene fpeak for us. George. Sirrha, you get no vidluals here, Not if a hoof of beef would fave your lives. Man. Fellow, I Hand amaz'd at thy prefumption : Why, what art thou that dareft gainfay my lord, Knowing his mighty puiflance and his ftroke ? Why, my friend, I come not barely of myfelf ; For fee, I have a large commiffion. George. Let me fee it, firrha. [ Takes the commijjioti. Whofe feals be thefe ? Man. This is the Earl of Kendal's feal at arms ; i68 Green Pastures. This Lord Charnel Bonfield's ; And this Sir Gilbert Armllrong's. George. I tell thee, firrha, did good King Edward's fon Seal a commiffidn 'gainfl the King hip father, Thus would I tear it in defpite of him. \_He tears the commijjion. Being traitor to my fovereign. Man. What ? Haft thou torn my lord's commiffion ? Thou Ihalt rue it, and fo fhall all Wake- field. George. What, are you in choler ? I will give you pills To cool your ftomach. Seeft thou thefe feals ? Now by my father's foul, Which was a yeoman when he was alive ; Eat them, or eat my dagger's point, proud fquire. Man. But thou doft but jeft, I hope. George. Sure that fhall you fee before j we two part. Man. Well, an' there be no remedy, | fo, George. I \ Swallows one of the feals. One is gone : I pray thee no more now. I "The Teoman and Peasantry ^'^ etc. 169 George. O, Sir, If one be good, the others cannot hurt ; So, Sir. [Mannenng fw allows the other two feals. Now you may go and tell the Earl of Kendal, Although I have rent his large com- miffion. Yet of courtefy I have fent all his feals Back again by you. Man, Well, Sir, I will do your errand. \Exit. George, Now let him tell his lord, that he hath fpoke With George a Greene, Hight Pinner of merry Wakefield town; That hath phylic for a fool. Pills for a traitor, that doth wrong his fovereign : Are you content with this that I have done ? Jufiice. Ay, content, George : For highly haft thou honoured Wakefield town. In cutting of proud Mannering fo fhort. Come, thou fhalt be my welcome gueft to-day ; 170 Green Pastures. For well thou haft deferved reward and favour. \_Exeunt omnes, ('The Pinner of Wakefield' [1599], xiv., pp. 124-129.) r rOUTH DEGENERATE, Youth, which in the golden age de- lighted to try their virtues in hard armours, take their only content in delicate and effeminate amours. ('Plane- tomachia' [1585], v., p. 39.) WOMAN'S ETES. A Queftion. On women Nature did beftow two eyes, Like heaven's bright lamps in match- lefs beauty fhining ; Whofe beams do fooneft captivate the wife And wary heads made rare by Art's refining. But why did Nature in her choice combining Woman's Eyes. 171 I Plant two fair eyes within a beauteous face ? That they might favour two with equal grace. Venus did foothe up Vulcan with one eye, With th' other granted Mars his wifhed glee ; If fhe did fo who Hymen did defy, ^^ Think love no fin but grant an eye to me ; In vain elfe Nature gave two ftars to thee : If then two eyes may well two friends maintain. Allow of two, and prove not Nature vain. (* Philomela' [1592], xi., p. 142. Jnfwer. Nature forefeeing how men would de- vife More wiles than Proteus, women to entice, Granted them two, and thofe bright ftiining eyes. To pierce into men*s faults if they were wife ; For they with fhow of virtue mafk their vice : Q 2 172 Green Pastures. Therefore to women's eyes belong thefe gifts, The one muft love, the other fee men*s fhifts. Both thefe await upon one limple heart. And what they choofe, it hides up without change. The emerald will not with his portrait part. Nor will a woman's thoughts delight to range ; They hold it bad to have fo bad exchange. One heart, one friend, though that two eyes do choofe him No more but one, and heart will never lofe him. {Ibid,^ p. 149.) THE DEAD WIFE SOON FORGOTTEN. Lambert, Why, Serlfby, is thy wife fo lately dead ? Are all thy loves fo lightly pafTed over. As thou canft wed before the year be out? _ 'The' Dead Wife Soon Forgotten. 173 Serljby. I live not, Lambert, to con- tent the dead, Nor was I wedded but for life to her ; The grave ends and begins a married ftate. (* Friar Bacon,' xiii., p. 70.) Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Ro-w, London, B.C. OTHER VOLUMES OF the ELIZABETHAN LIBRARY UNIFORM WITH ' EDMUND SPENSER.' ^oxU f^dt (gum. FROM THE WRITINGS OF FRANCIS BACON, Edited, with a Preface, by ALEXANDER B. GROSART. The writings of Bacon lend themselves most easily to the process of selection, inasmuch as they abound with striking thoughts, brilliant passages, weighty sayings and well-balanced aphorisms. The extracts In the present volume of the Elizabethan Library are representative of many works and different dates and styles of writing. They are mainly from what have well been called the Literary works as distinguished from the Legal and Philosophical \yritings : though these have been also made to yield their contributions. @- (f o5Heir of ©eftg^to : Being Interwoven Verse and Prose from the Works of NICHOLAS BRETON, With an Introduction on his Life and Characteristics of his Writings, and a Facsimile of Breton's Handwriting. The writings of Breton are almost as numerous and varied in character as those of Defoe, a complete list of them filling many pages with quaint and curious titles. The variety of their subjects Is remarkable, and evidences the diversity of bis powers, the penetrativeness of his observation of nature and human nature, the readiness and sprlghtliness of his wit, and his In? dubltable poetic gift. ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Row, LONDON, E.C. THE ELIZABETHAN UBKARY—cmtmued. n (^ C<^Unct of em0, CUT AND POLISHED BY ) SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. ] Now, for the more Radiance, presented without their Setting by i George Macdonald. The volume contains some of the choicest and most striking passages from Sir Philip Sidney's writings, classified and arranged under suitable subjects, and accompanied by a few short notes and explanations of obsolete words where such elucidations are needed, and an introduction by the Editor. C^otce Q)400ao[e0 from t^e TJJrit:: xn^B of ^it TJJaffer QRtafeig^* BEING A SmaU Sheaf of Gleanings from a Golden Harvest. 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