*V- -BX92.H- ONITED STATES OF AMERICA. \\ THE OLD PAESONA'GE. "The Mountain Society:" A HISTORY OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ORANGE, N. J. ORGANIZED ABOUT THE YEAR 1719 AS AN INDEPENDENT SOCIETY, AND LONG KNOWN AS THE " CHURCH AT NEWARK MOUNTAINS ;" PRESBYTERIAN SINCE 1748 J INCOR- PORATED IN 1783 AS THE SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN NEWARK ; AND KNOWN BY ITS PRESENT TITLE SINCE 1811 : WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENTS IN NEWARK AND ITS VICINITY, TOE NAMES AND LOCALITIES OF HIE FIRST SETTLERS NEAR THE MOUNTAIN, THE CONTROVERSIES AND RIOTS RELATIVE TO PROPRIETARY AND INDIAN LAND TITI.RS. INCIDENTS OF THE REVOLUTION, THE FORMATION OF OTHER CHURCHES, ETC., ETC. ; COMPRISING THE MOST INTERESTING PARTICULARS IN THE CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF ORANGE. BY JAMES HOYT PASTOR OF THB CHURCH. NEW YORK : PUBLISHED BY C. M. SAXTON, BARKER & CO., No. 25 Park Row. 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by C. M. SAXTON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Edward O. Jenkins, I rinter, 26 Frankfort St., N. T. This volume — the fruit of laborious and careful research, yet somewhat hastily written — is respectfully presented to the Session of the First Church, under whose advice it was undertaken ; to the Congregation whose indulgence has been shown to the writer in its preparation ; to his many fellow-townsmen who have encouraged him in it ; to the gentlemen who have aided in the collection of its materials ; and to all who shall further patronize it as a worthy endeavor to preserve what is memorable in our past and passing local history. PREFACE The historical materials here presented have been collected, during the last two years, in the midst of professional engagements which only a pastor can fully appreciate. The task of arrangement has been executed during the latter half of that period. Had all the difficulties of such a work been understood by the writer in advance, it is not at all likely he would ever have undertaken it. Yet he has felt in a degree compensated by the success of his researches. This is the only compensation expected, aside from the satisfaction of doing a service which may prove ac- ceptable to the community among whom his lot is cast. A local history of this sort can have no general circulation through the book markets. Its value, however, is not entirely local, nor limited in time. The Christian public at large, and the Church of the future, have an interest in the preservation from oblivion of the names and deeds of those who founded our civil and sacred institutions. 6 PREFACE. He who planted His Church, and with it a purer civilization, in Canaan, " made His wonderful works to be remembered." This was done for a time by historical monuments, as by the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, the Ebenezer set up by Samuel, the manna laid up in the ark, Going to X. England 4 days, 1- 4-0 Going to N. England 9 days, 2-14-0 Going to Horse Neck with Mr. Taylor, 5-0 Going to Horse Neck with Dan. Lamson, 5-0 Cash p'd to Mr. Taylor, 3-6 " p'd to John Cundict, 14-0 do. 2-4 " p'd to John Tompkins, 17-10 Going to New York, 10-0" &c. &c. We find the following entry also about that time: "Jan. 23, 1744-5. Samuel Freeman brought to me two wolves' heads, and I marked it [them] according to law and gave him a ticket for the same." We may infer that Mr. Harrison was a magistrate, and that Deacon Freeman did not consider the poor wolves entitled to the charities of his office. "Nathaniel Crane, £1-10-0 Sam. Harrison, in cash to Capt. Wheeler, 7-0 Nathaniel Camp, 7-0 Samuel Baldwin, 7-0 Sam. Harrison p'd Mr. Tay- lor, 3-6 John Cundict p'd Mr. Tay- lor, 7-0 August -0. Garhshom Wil- liams, 7-0 Oct. 7. I received of Amos Williams, on accompt of the charg a of the purchase right, 7-0 LOSS OF DEED. 71 expenses of agents sent to Connecticut and to Horse Neck [Caldwell], for the purpose, it is presumed, of obtaining papers or affidavits tending to confirm their rights. In these proceedings Mr. Taylor appears to have taken a prominent part. From the coincidence of dates it would seem that these measures were made necessary by the loss of the deed of the large Indian purchase of 1701. That important document was destroyed — whether accidentally or intentionally cannot be known — by the burning of Jonathan Pierson's house, March 7, 1744-5. With all haste another was drawn up, which was signed on the 14th by certain descendants of the old Sagamores, and witnessed by Isaac Yangiesen, Francis Cook, [his mark,] Daniel Taylor, and Michael W. Vreelandt [his mark.] The event furnished an occasion, how- ever, which seems to have been seized upon for disturbing many persons in their claims and pos- sessions, and this in turn gave rise to the riots that ensued. Samuel Baldwin, for getting saw-logs off his land, was arrested and put in jail. His friends went to his rescue, broke open the jail and released him. In November, depositions were made before Joseph Bonnel, Esq., " by John Morris, aged 79 years, Abraham Van Giesen, aged 80 years, Michael Vreelandt, aged 81 years, Cornelius Demaress, Samuel Harrison, John Condit, Deacon Samuel 72 RIOTS. Ailing, Samuel Tompkins, Francis Spier, Ilen- drick Francisco, Joseph Piggs, and others, relating to the course of the Proprietors of East Jersey, in obliging them to repurchase their lands after hav- ing enjoyed long and peaceable possession. 1 '* In the same month, Nehemiah Baldwin, Joseph Pier- son, Daniel Williams, Nathaniel Williams, Eleazer Lamson, Gamaliel Clark, and twenty-one others, stood before the Supreme Court for riots committed in Essex county. Affairs were now converging to a general and spirited struggle with the Proprietors. During the year 1745, an association was formed, and another large purchase west of the mountain was made of the Indians, in which all proprietary claims were ignored. It was the famous purchase of fifteen miles square, obtained, as the Proprietors sneer- ingly asserted, " for the valuable consideration of five shillings and some bottles of rum . . . from Indians who claimed no right, and told them they had none ; but no matter for that, it was enough that they were Indians, and they had their deeds." The purchasers took a different view of the transaction. They had their vindicator too. There was u A Daniel come to judgment : yea, a Daniel." Toward the close of the year, there appeared in New York a little pamphlet of forty-eight pages, * Rutherford MS8. See Analytical Index, by N. J. Hist. Soc. VINDICATION. 73 entitled " A Brief vindication of the Purchassors Against the Proprietors in a Christian Manner." It is supposed to have been written bj Mr. Taylor.* A writer also in the New York Post-Bo j, of Feb- 17, 1745-6, just after another riot and release of prisoners in the Newark jail, took up the cause of the planters, laying on the Proprietors the blame of the disturbance. And in April a petition was addressed to the General Assembly, in which the charges set forth in the Post-Boy were enlarged upon, and measures of relief were sought. In the meantime, prosecutions were renewed against the agitators ; a list of forty-four persons concerned in the last riot being filed in the Supreme Court at the May term. But law owes its potency to public opinion, and so the Proprietors in turn made their appeal to the public by means of the press. From their publica- tion of April 7, 1746, it appears that this part of Newark bore its full share of responsibility for the riots, while a very charitable apology is suggested for some of the offenders. They say : " Possibly * There is a copy in England among the Board of Trade papers. On the title-page is this note in the hand of Mr. James Alexander, of the Council of New Jersey : " This ought to have been with papers transmitted in December and February last, but copies could not then be got at New Tork, the author having carried all to New Jersey for sale there." See Analytical Index to the Colo- nial Documents of N. J., p. 196. 74 REPLIES. many of the rioters, being ignorant men, and many of them strangers to the Province, and since they came to it living retired in and behind the moan- tains of Newark, upon any land they could find, without enquiring who the owner thereof was, have of late been animated and stirred up to believe, that those things which the laws of the Province have declared to be criminal and penal were law- ful ; and that those crimes committed gave the criminals rights, privileges, and properties ; but though many have been ignorant enough to be so seduced, we cannot think that all can with truth plead that excuse." Doubtless among the excepted cases was " Parson Taylor," suspected by council- man Alexander (who wished he had sufficient evi- dence of it) to be the composer of all their papers. In their publication of Sept. 14, 1747, we find the following spicy allusions to our ancient pastor : " The Committee [of the opposition] who appear on the stage, are nine expert men, with an Assem- blyman in the number, and many hundreds, even thousands, say they, of club-men at their command. And who dan withstand that interest ? Especially as the worthy Committee and clubmen have two supernumerary prompters behind the curtain — Clergymen — w ho sanctify their actions ! One of them, it's said, is the before-named Mr. Taylor, a reverend Independent minister of the mountains behind Newark, secretary, scribe, and councillor to PULPIT VIEWS. 75 the worthy Committee, in their several late per- formances in newspapers, petitions, proposals, and answer now before us ; and a worthy partner with the Committee in the fifteen-mile-square purchase aforesaid, lately (as before is said,) for a five-shil- ling York bill and some rnm, bought of some Indians who claimed no right ; and yet (if we will take their words for it) this their purchase was honestly, duly and legally made : which Eeverend Pastor, it's said, makes it as clear as the sun, in his sermons to the Committee and Rioters, that all that they have done is authorized by the Bible ; for there, he assures them, he has found a charter-grant for their lands ; and even cites book, chapter and verse for it ; and no man can question that to be the best record on earth, and all authority of man that would derogate from that charter, is rightly to be resisted and opposed. The other clergyman, it's said, is the Rev. Mr. John Cross, late minister of Basking-Ridge, Secretary, scribe and counsellor to the worthy Mr. Roberts, who assumed to be com- mander-in-chief of the rioters in their late expedi- tion to Perth Amboy, on the 17th of July last ; and for which he and many others stand indicted of high treason." Such was the tone of the controversy. It is not unlikely, if the sermons alluded to could be repro- duced, we should find indignation as eloquent, if not sarcasm as abundant, on the other side. 76 OTHER THOUGHTS. But Mr. Taylor's interest in the controversy was now ending. A subject of more solemn concern- ment claimed his thoughts. About three months after the above publication was issued, he was setting his house in order as one whose time of departure was at hand. We present to the reader a copy of his will, taken from the probate records at Trenton, as showing the manner in which the old Puritans closed up their earthly affairs. " In the name of God, amen : this twenty-first day of December, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and forty-seven, I, Daniel Tay- lor, of Newark, in the county of Essex and prov- ince of New Jersey, clerk,* being aged and infirm of body, but of sound and perfect mind and mem- ory, thanks be given unto God therefor, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. And principally, and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, hoping through the alone merits of Jesus Christ to have eternal life ; and my body I recommend unto the earth, (being dead,) to be buried in a decent Chris- tian manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power * That is. cleric, or clergyman. 77 of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : "Imprimis, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth, one equal third part of all and singular my household goods and chat- tels, if she please to accept it as her dowry from me. " Item, I give my son, Daniel Taylor, besides what he hath already had from me since he came of age, (which is to the value of more than sixty pounds,) the sum of ten pounds, to be paid within one year after my decease, either in money or what may be equivalent thereto. " Item, I give my daughter Jemima what hath been provided for her against the day of her mar- riage of household furniture, as also a cow, and the sum of five pounds to be paid her as is above said. u Item, I give unto my other two daughters, viz., Mary and Elizabeth, the other part of my house- hold goods, and the sum of twenty pounds in money, to be paid to each of them by their breth- ren hereafter mentioned, when or as they shall come to full age, &c. " Item, I give unto my other three children, viz., Davie, Joseph and Job, all and singular my estate, (not otherwise herein disposed of,) both real and personal, to be unto or for them (when they come 78 THE WITNESSES. of age) and their heirs and assigns forever. And my will is, that if any or either of my children do or shall decease before they come of age, or with- out issue, their portion or inheritance shall be dis- tributed or divided unto or among the survivors, viz. : if males, unto the males, and [if] females, unto the females ; and also that the negroes, if they desire it, shall be sold, or at the discretion of my executors put out on hire, for the good of my sons aforesaid, till they come of age, and that they, par- ticularly Joseph and Job, be put to learn some trade. "Item, I do hereby constitute, ordain and appoint my beloved friends and brethren in covenant rela- tion, Joseph Peck and David Williams, executors of this my will to see it duly performed, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannull all other and former wills, legacies, bequests, and executors, at any time before-named, willed or bequeathed, ratifying and allowing this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Daniel Taylor. [L. S.]" The witnesses were " Abraham Soverhill, Eleazer Lamson, Sarah Lamson [her mark.]" Eighteen days afterward, the testator experienced the solemn HIS DEATH. 79 change " appointed unto all men." The will was proved January 23d. On a plain horizontal slab of brown stone in the old graveyard may be read the following : " Survivers, let's all imitate The vertues of our Pastor, And copy after him like as He did his Lord and Master. To us most awfull was the stroke By which he was removed Unto the full fruition of The God he served and loved." And below it — " Here lyes the pious remains Of the Rev d Mr. Daniel Tayler, Who was minister of this parrish Years, Dec d Jan? 8 th , A.D., 1U1-8, In the 51th year of his age." The omission of the numeral before years, has left it impossible to determine just when he came to the parish. We have already spoken of his family. His first wife, buried at Smithtown, was probably the mother of his daughter Jemima, who bore her name, and who, as we may infer from the will, was considerably older than her sisters. Daniel and Mary were nearly of an age, and are supposed to have been children of his second wife. As the will implies that at least one of his daughters was 80 ' DESCENDANTS. a minor at the time of his decease, we suppose Elizabeth and her younger brothers to have been children of his third marriage. The grave of his second wife, if she was buried here, is without a headstone and its place unknown. Daniel,* the oldest son, who lived on a farm beyond the moun- tain, died Oct. 17, 1794, aged 74 years, and was buried near his father. Of the daughters, Mary became the wife of Deacon Amos Baldwin, and died Sept, 30, 1795, in her 75th year. In common with many of his parishioners and ministerial contemporaries, Mr. Taylor was a slave- holder. His will indicates a humane regard for the wishes of his servants in the disposition to be made of them after his decease. We should like to be able to pay a due tribute to some of those worthy men who were the helpers of Mr. Taylor's ministry ; but with a single excep- tion, the names of the church officers of that period are unknown. Their only record is on high. There is presumptive evidence that Samuel Pierson, the carpenter, was one of the first deacons. The evi- dence is found in the following lines upon his head- stone : * Daniel and Anne Taylor had a son Oliver, who died Aug. 11, 1785, in his 31st year. Also a son Daniel, who lived to old age and had several children. Among them was the late Mrs. Char- lotte, wife of John M. Lindsley. The descendants of the old pastor are found among the Lindsleys, Baldwins, and Cranes. None of the Taylor name, now resident here, have been traced. CHURCH OFFICERS. 81 " Here lies interred under this mould A precious heap of dust, condoled By Church of Christ and children dear, Both which were th' objects of his care." His decease occurred March 19, 1730, in his 67th year. Joseph Peck, one of the " beloved friends and brethren in covenant relation " selected by Mr. Taylor to be the executors of his will, held subse- quently the double office of elder and deacon. He was forty-six years old at the time of Mr. Taylor's decease. It is not known that he was then an offi- cer. The same may be said of the " pious and godly Mr. Job Brown," who was in his full man- hood — thirty-eight years old. Deacon Samuel Freeman, whose name will occur in the following chapter, was six years younger. These and others soon to be mentioned, received the bread of life from the first pastor of the flock, and formed a part of the sorrowful procession that followed him to his rest. CHAPTEE IV. REV. CALEB SMITH. IF, when Samuel Harrison was writing the accounts of his fulling-mill and saw-mill, he could have foreknown what was yet to be the historic value of a single leaf of his account-book; that after a hundred years and more the church records of that day would all be lost, the names of its officers lost, and all knowledge of the age and origin of the old parsonage lost, till the said account-book should open its bronzed and tattered lips to reveal the in- teresting secrets ; possibly that knowledge would have secured for the volume a more careful hand- ling and a choicer place in his writing-desk. Be- yond a doubt, it would have put in exercise all his clerkly skill. The pen would have striven for a little more method and grace, and the dictionary would have corrected sundry slips of orthograph}^. This Samuel Harrison was the second of that name in Newark, and a grandson of Sergeant Eich- ard. He exercised the quadruple functions of mag- istrate, farmer, fuller and sawyer. He was, withal, THE PAKSONAGE. 83 a loyal rent-payer, as appears from a petition ad- dressed to Governor Belcher in 1747, and signed by Nathaniel Wheeler, Jonathan Pierson, John Con- diet, Nathaniel Camp, Samuel Harrison, Samuel Baldwin, and others, asserting their loyalty, and vindicating themselves against an implied connec- tion with recent disturbances and riots. From the entries in his day-book, we learn that in July, 1748 — the summer following Mr. Taylor's death — he was sawing " oke plank" "gice," "slep- ers," and other material, and also receiving sundry sums of money, " on account of the parsonage." The money was received, in sums ranging from a few shillings to near twenty pounds, from David Ward, Jonathan Shores, David Williams, Thomas Wil- liams, David Baldwin, Nathaniel Crane, Noah Crane, Azariah Crane, Stephen Dod, John Dod, Eleazer Lamson, Gershom Williams, Ebenezer Farancl, Peter Bosteda, William Crane, Jonathan Ward, Jonathan Sergeant, Samuel Cundict, Joseph Peck, Deacon Samuel Freeman, Bethuel Pierson, Thomas Lam- son, Samuel AVheeler, Eobert Baldwin, and Joseph Jones : — a list of twenty-five names, chiefly repre- senting (we may presume) heads of families. It thus appears that the society took occasion from the loss of its pastor to provide a home for his suc- cessor. Instead, however, of placing it on the par- ish lands, a new lot of four acres was bought of Matthew Williams, lying "on the north side of the 84 CALEB SMITH. highway that leads to the mountain, near the house once the Eev. Daniel Taylor's, late of Newark, de- ceased." It lay opposite to the twenty acres previ- ously owned by the parish, and included the ground now occupied by Grace church. The deed was given September 14th, the price being " four pounds per acre, current money of New Jersey, at eight shil- lings per ounce." The house was to be of stone, and while the saw- mill aforesaid was turning out plank, &c., the quarry was yielding more solid material for the walls. At the same time the committee-men were looking out for a minister. This search was not a long one. There was a young man — a licentiate — who had just completed his theological studies with Eev. Jonathan Dickinson, of Elizabeth town. He was a son of William and Hannah Smith, of Brookhaven, L. I., where he was born December 29, 1723. Enter- ing Yale College in his sixteenth year, he displayed during his course of study a vigorous mind and com- mendable application. He became also, in his sec- ond year, one of the hopeful subjects of a work of grace in the College. After receiving a degree in 1743, he remained some time as a resident graduate. In 1746 he was applied to by Eev. Aaron Burr, of Newark, to aid him in conducting a large Latin school. Other engagements prevented him at the time from accepting the place ; but some time after, upon an invitation of Mr. Dickinson, he went to THE CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN. 85 Elizabethtown to instruct a number of young men in the languages. There, as we have said, he prose- cuted simultaneously his studies for the ministry, and having, by the advice of Mr. Dickinson and other ministers, presented himself to the Presbytery of New York for licensure, and creditably sustained his trials, he was licensed by the Presbytery in April, 1747. In the course of the next year and a half, he re- ceived a number of invitations to a settlement. He referred these to the Presbytery, but the latter sub- mitting them to his own judgment, he decided in favor of the call received from this society. Ac- cordingly, on the 30th of November, 1748, about eleven months after the death of his predecessor, he was ordained and installed by the Presbytery. We see in this ecclesiastical act a previous and important decision of the Church, of which we know not the particular reasons and history. The rehg- ious elements in New Jersey— and in New Eng- land no less — were originally mixed. There Con* gregationalism, and here Presbyterianism, had grad^ ually absorbed the others. The Mountain Society maintained its Indepen-. dent relations about thirty years. But the influ- ences that caused this were now yielding to others. The generation of its founders was passing away. New circumstances produced new views. Either before or in connection with the acquaintance made 5 86 with Caleb Smith, the Church resolved to conform to the prevailing type of ecclesiastical order in the province. From that period to the present, it has adhered steadily to constitutional Presbyterianism — ever true, at the same time, to the common cause of religious liberty, on whose battle-ground it stands. Mr. Smith was about twenty-five years of age at the time of his settlement. He was not married. But as he stepped into the new house from time to time to observe the progress of the work, or to drop a suggestion relevant thereto, we fancy thoughts of other relations than those which bound him to his people were sometimes present with him. The fu- ture mistress of the manse, Miss Martha Dickinson, was yet at the parsonage in Elizabethtown. It is quite likely that during the winter the }~oung pas- tor found occasion now and then for a short absence from his mountain charge. As spring came on, Mr. Harrison's day-book received sundry charges (at the rate uniformly of three shillings sixpence a day) for work done on the parsonage. May 3d was employed in "slaking lime." Another day was devoted " to topping up the chimney." The sum- mer saw the work completed. In September, 1749, the minister's youngest daughter became the young minister's wife, and was happily installed in the stone mansion, then one of the best houses, we sup- pose, this side of Newark. PARSONAGE MEMORIES. 87 That mansion was to have a long history. It was to be occupied about thirteen years by Mr. Smith ; then several years by others, as it might find tenants ; then thirty years by another pastor ; then about fourteen years by another ; and finally used as a tenement house near forty years more be- fore its demolition. What memories have since gathered around it ! There were life's sweetest pleasures. There were its tenderest sorrows. It beheld in turn the hy- meneal joy and the mourner's anguish. The serene happiness of the fireside, the calm intellect- ual life, the steady flame of devotion, all that is generous and grateful in the charities of the heart and the benefactions of the hand, had there a home. Many a kind token found a silent way to its kitchen, its wardrobes, its library. Warm greetings were exchanged within its doors. Vigor- ous thoughts were born in it. Well beaten oil went from it to the candlestick of the sanctuary. And there freedom found ever an advocate, if not always a shelter. In the days of the Eevolution it was a mark for British vengeance. But He who guards and blesses the habitation of the just, preserved it from the torch of war and the accidents of time till more than a century of years had rolled over it. There was one custom which had a long exist- ence in connection with the parsonage. Once a year there was a general turn-out of men and teams 88 WOOD-DRAWING. for placing at the minister's door a suitable quantity of fuel. While the forest yet waved over the par- sonage lands, the invading axe was directed thither. When these were stripped, the standing wood was purchased elsewhere. The minister having con- tracted for the wood, his people did the rest. On a day appointed axes and oxen were in motion. The strokes resounded in the forest. The roads were astir. The pile in the parsonage yard grew large as the day grew small. There was a lively commotion too within doors, where the ' better-half of the parish provided the last and best part of the entertainment. A supper and a scene of right social cheer for old and young was the winding up of the wood frolic. Time and change have set aside this merry custom. The woodlands have vanished or been shorn of their strength, and the blaze of the old broad chimney has waned to the dull glow of the imprisoned anthracite. There was another species of wood-drawing prac- tised upon the parsonage lands of the old society — in which the mountain society contended for an interest — that it was found no easy task to suppress. Yote followed vote in the town meetings against the trespassers, with little apparent effect. Was the plunder stimulated by the cupidity and jealousy of contesting claimants? As a sample of town legislation on the subject, we give the following : March 10, 1746-7. — It was " unanimously voted, A QUEER WIND. 89 that whoever shall cut any wood or timber on any of the land called the parsonage land, shall forfeit for every cart-load, ten shillings*, and so in propor- tion for a larger or lesser quantity, for the use of the poor ; also to forfeit the wood and timber, to be fetched away by any person, for the use of the poor ; the person carting the wood or timber to be paid by the overseers of the poor. Joseph Peck, Josiah Lindsley, Emanuel Cocker, David Crane, Samuel Plum, and David Bruen, were chosen to take care of the parsonage lands and prosecute offenders."* The circumstances of the parish, when Mr. Smith entered upon his labors here, promised anything but a quiet and successful ministry. Disorders were rife. Not a week had passed after his ordina- tion, when the following appeared in a New York paper, of date Dec. 5, 1748: "We are informed from New Jersey that one of the heads of the rioters having been committed to jail at Newark, a number of those people came to the jail on Monday night last and let him out ; and he afterwards made his boast that a strong north-west wind blew the door off the hinges, and he walked out of prison as Paul * A depreciation of another sort, upon the produce of the Newark orchards, is noticed in a letter of Gov. Belcher to Col. Low, April 12, 1748. The Governor had a fortnight before desired the Colonel to send him some cider, " rich and potent, without any spirits put into it. " Out of the seven barrels sent, such a quantity was drawn by the wagoners and others that it took all but seven gallons of one to fill up the other six. Analyt. Index, p. 227. 90 A pastor's feelings. and Silas did." We doubt if the mountain pastor shared the feelings of the liberated prisoner with respect to this north-west gale. He was evidently a man of different temper from his predecessor, while we are not to judge of the latter by the hear- say accounts repeated and amplified in proprietary documents. Mr. Smith was eminently a peace-lov- ing man, and one who appears to have devoted himself with great singleness of aim to the specific duties of his high vocation. Only with feelings of anxiety and grief could a man of his spirit have contemplated the disturbances which agitated his parish during the whole period of his connection with it, and which were at once a cause and a conse- quence of the low state of religion that prevailed. He knew of course the state of things when he came here, but we do not doubt that his whole personal and ministerial influence bore in the direc- tion of pacification and compromise. His voice, however, had not power to allay the storm. In the July following the above incident, the jail was again opened by a mob. Two prisoners were in it, whose friends (so wrote Mr. Alexander, one of the Proprietary Council,) tried to obtain a commis- sion for a special court to try them " by their fellow- rioters and relatives." Failing in this, " on the 15th inst., in the dead hour of the night, a number of people in disguise came to and broke open the jail, and rescued the two prisoners. By their com- MORE RIOTS. 91 ing in disguise, (the writer added,) it seems they have got a little more fear and modesty than they used to have." The congratulation was premature. A letter written October 14, 1749, by David Og- den, of Newark, to James Alexander, discovers to us the confusion which at that time involved the subject of land claims in this region. The letter states that the bearer, Daniel Pierson, a man well informed on the subject, "would testify that three- fifths hold lands under proprietary titles ; one-fifth have no pretensions to any title, and these were the chief destroyers of timber ; and the other fifth hold under Indian titles ; but not more than one-third first settled their lands under an Indian title ; and the other two-thirds purchased the Indian title within a few years then past." By this time, a strong sympathy with the people in their opposition to the proprietors began to show itself in the provincial assembly. Governor Belcher, in a letter to the Board of Trade, November 27, 1749, complained that the Assembly of New Jersey, during the whole session, was in dispute and con- tention with the Council; and that it would enter into no measures to suppress the riots. On the same day, David Ogden wrote again to Mr. Alex- ander at Perth Amboy, relative to a riot committed a fortnight before at Horseneck, when the house of Abraham Phillips was broken open, the owner turned out, and a stack of his oats burnt ; suggest- 92 ARRESTS AND INDICTMENTS. ing that "proper affidavits of this riot would be proper to accompany our Assembly's representation home, of the pacific spirit of the rioters." In the following March, according to another letter of the Governor, the rioters were spreading their influence to such a degree that the legislature seemed to be stagnated by it.* In these circumstances, the proprietors looked to the judiciary. Even Governor Belcher was sus- pected of a want of firmness. The courts were more reliable. Eiots were followed by arrests, and arrests by indictment and conviction. In 1755, at the June term of the Supreme Court, a large num- ber of persons were indicted, and the records of the court show that "some of the good people of the Mountain Society were certainly in this respect- able company. "f Jonathan Squier, John Vincent, Thomas Williams, Samuel Crowell, Nathaniel Wil- liams, Samuel Parkhurst, John Harrison, Moses Brown, Benjamin Perry, Levi Vincent, Jun., Josiah Lindsley, Bethuel Pierson, Nathaniel Ball, John Baker, Nathan Baldwin, Abel Ward, John Dodd, Timothy Ball, Ely Kent, Jonathan Davis, Jun., Ebenezer Lindsley, Eleazer Lamson, Enos Baldwin, Samuel Ogden, John Brown, Jun., Timothy Meeker, * Analyt. Index, pp. 257-8. f S. H. Congar — to whom the writer is indehted for extracts from the records. "I say respectable,'' he adds, "for doubtless they were generally in good repute." SECOND MEETING-HOUSE. 93 Zebedee Brown, and Thomas Day, threw them- selves on the mercy of the court. Daniel Williams, Amos Harrison, John Tompkins, Ebenezer Farand, Eobert Young, Paul Day, Joseph Williams, and Elihu Lindsley, were fined five shillings. "Re- cognizance £100 for their good behavior for three years, and stand committed till fine and fees are paid." But the Mountain Society showed signs of pros- perity and progress even amid these adverse influ- ences. Mr. Smith had been in the parish but a few years, when the erection of a new and better house of worship was undertaken. The following con- tract refers to the finishing of the house the year after its erection : " Articles of agreement entered into this 13th day of March, 1754, between the committee of the Society of Newark Mountains, regularly chosen to manage in the affair of building a new meeting- house in said Society, by name Samuel Harrison, Samuel Freeman, Joseph Harrison, Stephen Dod, David Williams, Samuel Condict, William Crane, and Joseph Riggs on the one party, and Moses Baldwin on the other party ; whereas the said com- mittee have bargained and agreed, with the said Baldwin perfectly to finish the said meeting-house excepting the mason work which now remains to be done to the same ; which articles of agreement are, as to the most considerable particulars, as follows : 94 CONTRACT FOR FINISHING. " 1. That said Baldwin shall faithfully and hon- estly finish the said house in the general, after the model of the meeting-house in Newark. "2. That said Baldwin shall find all the mate- rials for finishing the said house, such as timbers, boards, sleepers, glass, oil and paint, nails, hinges, locks, latches, bolts, with all other kinds of mate- rials necessary for finishing the said house after the model aforesaid, excepting the materials for the mason work. "3. That he shall seal [ceil] the arch, ends above the plate, and under the galleries, with white- wood boards, and paint the same well with a light sky color. " 4. That he shall take the desk of the old pulpit and so new model it that it shall be proportionable to the rest of the work, and that the rest of the gum- work be as the house in Newark, and oiled. "5. That he shall make six pews, one on each side the pulpit, and two on the right and two on the left fronting the pulpit, with doors and hinges. " 6. That he shall make shutters for the lower tier of windows, painted blue and white. " 7. That he shall set all the glass, and paint the sashes, and put springs in the same to prevent their falling. "8. That he shall make a row of pews in the front gallery next the wall. "9. That the said committee shall pay to the said THE COST. 95 Baldwin for finishing the said meeting-house as above-mentioned, provided he completes it by the first day of December next, the sum of two hundred and forty pounds current money of this province, the payments to be as follows, viz.: that he shall be paid forty pounds upon demand, one hundred pounds more upon the first day of December next, and the last hundred pounds upon this day twelve months. " 10. That the said Baldwin shall employ any of the joiners belonging to this Society for so long a time as they shall chuse to work, until they have paid what they shall freely give to the said meet- ing-house, and that he shall allow them four and sixpence per day. " 11. That the said Baldwin shall have whatever he can get out of the old meeting-house that he shall work up into the new, together with all the hooks, and hinges, and locks. All which articles we whose names are above written do promise and oblige ourselves faithfully to perform and fulfil : in witness whereof, we have hereunto interchangeably set our hands the day and year above written."* This agreement had reference to the carpenter work upon the house, the walls of which were stone. The latter furnished work for many in the parish, who had doubtless equal privileges with the s The original paper is preserved by S. H. Conerar, 96 HELPERS IN THE WORK. joiners. Thus, on the 20th of March, Samuel Jones received credit, 15 shillings, for six loads of rough stone ; David Peck, for four loads, 10 shil- lings ; David "Williams by Davie Taylor, two loads, 3 shillings ; while Deacon Freeman had 7 shillings for laying sleepers two days, and Justice Harrison, William Crane, Thomas Williams, Samuel Cundict, Isaac Cundict, John Cundict, Stephen Dod, David Williams, Capt. [Matthew] Williams, Isaac Wil- liams, Joseph Harrison and others, for " taking down the ceiling of the old meeting-house," and for other work, were duly and equally credited at the rate of three shillings sixpence a day. In " Justice Harrison's" old account-book already referred to, we find a series of charges to the meeting-house ac- count from May to July 4th, when, says the record, " we raised the meeting-house galleries." On that d'ay thirty years later, another generation were raising liberty-poles. By the autumn of 1754, six years after Mr. Smith's settlement, the new house must have been occupied by the congregation. It was built for en- durance, and was to continue in use nearly twice as long as its predecessor. It stood a few rods farther west, nearly in front of the present edifice. It is not known that the Second Meeting-House was ever pictured by any contemporaneous hand. The view here presented was drawn from descrip- tions furnished by those who well remember it and minister's salary. 97 who often worshipped in it. The representation given by the artist (E. E. Quinby, New York,) is said to be an accurate one. Of the state of the parish at this period we are able to furnish some particulars from a book of ac- counts kept by Mr. Smith. It contains the names of about eighty persons who are regularly charged for their annual rale, varying from a few shillings to the sum of two pounds and upwards. The ag- gregate per annum was not far from £65, or about $150* The rates were doubtless graduated by the civil tax list. This income was added to the use of the parsonage house and ]ands. There were, how- ever, as the account shows, some tardy rate-payers, who had several years of arrearages to settle for with Mr. Smith's executors, after his decease. A New York paper of July, 1756, notices a destructive hurricane, from which some of Mr. * From an entry made in 1762, it appears that the dollar was then equal in value to eight shiUings eight pence. "Wheat was 6s. to Is. per bushel ; oats, 2s. 6c?. ; Indian corn, 3^ to 4s.; buckwheat, 2s. 6c?. to 3s. ; flax, 9c?. per lb. ; tallow, 8c?.; beef (by the quarter) 3d. ; pork, 6c?.; butter, 18c?. ; cider, 10s. a barrel ; cider spirits, 3s. 6c?. a gallon ; a quart of rum, 15c?. Jonathan Young received 3c?. a yard for weaving 114 yards of cloth, and £1 for weaving two coverlets. James Wood, alias Gold, received 3s. a day for cutting wood at the door ; 3s. 6c?. for cutting saw logs ; 4s. for dressing flax. Isaac Williams had 4s. 6d. for a day in the meadows ; Jedi- diah Crane 2s. 6c?. for tobacco. For a clock and case, Aaron Miller received £17 10s. ($40) ; for cleaning watch, 3s. 6c?. ; for grinding 5 razors. 3s. dd. 98 A HURRICANE. Smith's parishioners suffered. " The gust " — it says — " was felt in Philadelphia — also in a very severe manner in the afternoon at Newark Moun- tain in New Jersey, where the orchards, fences, cornfields, and woodlands, for about a mile and a half in length, are entirely ruined, many large trees being broken down and carried an incredible dis- tance from where they stood. Twenty-five houses and barns were quite blown away, among which were Samuel Pierson's barn and mill-house, Justice Crane's barn and part of his house, Capt. Amos Harrison's house and barn, two widows named Ward, their houses and barns, and a new house be- longing to one Dodd, almost finished." One might fancy the elements sharing the agitation of the times, and getting up a riot on their own account. But we doubt if the effects of this emeute gave as much satisfaction to the mountain farmers as did those of the " north-west wind " which, seven and a half years before, burst the doors of the Newark jail. A sadder visitation came the following summer. Death entered for the first time through the doors of the stone parsonage, and claimed for his own, after a year of suffering, the yet young and lovely wife, now the mother of three daughters. On the 20th of August, 1757, eight years from his marriage, Mr. Smith was left a widower. This early bereave- ment, which took from him a woman of rare excel- SANCTIFIED SORROWS. 99 lence, very deeply affected him. He thus wrote in his diary — which he then began to keep with more regularity, it being chiefly a record of his religious exercises : " This morning, a week ago, a holy God was pleased to make a wide breach upon me, in taking away the wife of my bosom with a stroke of his righteous hand. I have, therefore, thought proper to set apart this day for secret fasting and prayer, besides finishing some part of my prepara- tions for the approaching Lord's day ; and this prac- tice I am resolved, by the help of God's grace, to continue upon the last day of every week, without I am necessarily prevented, for some considerable time, without setting any particular time. And I would now look to God, that he would by his grace so influence my heart, and would so order things by his providence, that I may be enabled to keep this, which I judge in my present circumstances to be a necessary resolution. And it is my earnest prayer to God, he would keep me from a self-right- eous, Pharisaic spirit in regard to this practice, but that I may engage in it warmly and heartily, in the strength of God, for the health of my soul, only as an appointed means. " Now, the work I have before me this day is in particular : — (1.) To get my heart affectionately moved and touched with a sense of the loss I sus- tain by the death of so dear and excellent a com- panion, to the end I may be led to suitable grief at 100 SECOND MARRIAGE. the cause of this controversy, which God hath, and indeed hath for a long time had with me. There- fore, (2.) One main part of my work this day is to search after and find out my sins, which have found me out by their deserved punishment, and in con- sequence to be abased and deeply humbled under the mighty hand of God for them." Another spec- ification was, to plead importunately with God that his long and heavy afflictions might answer their end upon him. This custom of fasting was continued to the end of his life. It is also stated by Mr. White, that 11 he was one among a number of ministers in this country and Scotland, who united in a concert of prayer for the spread of the gospel, observing Sat- urday evening of each week, and the first Tuesday of the last week of February, May, August, and November, when there was a public exercise." Left with three young children, Mr. Smith found it necessary, after the death of his wife, to employ a housekeeper. The person who served him in this capacity, for a consideration of three shillings a week, was the widow Phebe Richards, who had the care of his household, as his accounts show, from November, 1757, to June, 1759. In the following October he formed a second marriage with Rebecca, daughter of Major Isaac Foote, of Branford, Conn. This lady, with an infant son named Apollos, sur- vived him. RELATIONS TO THE COLLEGE. 101 In the latter years of his ministry, there was added to his other labors the task of giving classi- cal instruction to a number of boys. Among these we find the name of Matthias Pierson — the Doctor Matthias of a later day, who was one of the first trustees of the society under the charter. He was a patron of learning, and did much to further the interests of the infant college of New Jersey, of which he was made a trustee in 1750, and Clerk of the Board of Trustees soon after. Upon the death of Burr in 1757, whose funeral sermon he preached, he was sent to Stockbridge to use his influence in persuading Kev. Jonathan Ed- wards to accept the presidency of the college. Af- ter the decease of the latter in the following March, he performed for a few months the duties of the presidency. During the summer of 1758, the choice of the trustees having fallen upon Davies, of Virginia, Mr. Smith was again sent as one of a committee to use his personal influence in giving effect to the election. In this mission he was not immediately successful.* * His representations appear to have had more weight with Davies than with the presbytery to which the latter belonged. Davies wrote {Sept. 14, 1758) to Cowell, of Trenton: "Though my mind was calm and serene for some time after the decision of the presbytery [against his removal], and I acquiesced in their judgment as the voice of God till Mr. Smith was gone, yet to-day my anxieties are revived, and I am almost as much at a loss as ever what is my duty. .... If matters should turn out so as to 102 STATE OF RELIGION. He was one who abounded in the work of the Lord. Few men have more conscientiously appro- priated the injunction : " Meditate upon these things ; give thyself wholly to them ; that thy profit- ing may appear to all." In the pulpit he had little action, and was some- what monotonous, yet his enunciation was clear, and his manner affectionate and forcible. Deeply in communion with the word himself, it fell from his lips with solemn weight. Yet, he labored with little apparent fruit. For this discouraging result there were special causes. The writer of his memoir observes, that "through the whole of his ministry there was a surprising deadness in the things of religion — a season of gen- eral backsliding and defection through the land, and his people partook of the spreading degeneracy, notwithstanding all his labors and pains; so that there was no remarkable revival of religion during the time of his ministry." The times were too troubled for the success of the gospel of peace. There was strife at home, there were rumors of wars abroad. Amid the general confusion, landlords contending with their tenants, while the English and French were fighting for territory on a larger scale, and the treacherous savage was made more constrain me to come to Nassau Hall, I only beg early intelligence of it by Mr. Smith, who intends to revisit Hanover shortly, or by post." CATECHIZING. 103 treacherous by the white man's bribes, it is to us no occasion of wonder that this faithful minister of the Lord Jesus should often have felt that he almost "labored in vain, and spent his strength for nought." But the shepherd was needed at such a time, and his ministry was not lost. " He was especially blessed in feeding the lambs, and edify- ing the body of Christ." In the religious instruction of the young, Mr. Smith took a peculiar interest. It is said in his memoir that he " was abundant in catechetical ex- ercises. He used sometimes to catechize the chil- dren of the family where he visited ; and often at his lectures, in the different parts of the congrega- tion, he catechized the young ones present before he preached. But he found it very difficult to get the youth that were grown up to attend catechizing on week-days. Therefore he undertook this part of instruction on the afternoon of the Sabbath, when the public exercises were ended. His method throughout the summer season was, to divide the young part of his charge into three classes ; children, young women, and young men. The children, that is, those from six or seven years of age to twelve or thirteen, he used to catechize on one evening, the young women on another, and the young men on a .third ; and at those seasons he generally had from fifty to a hundred of each class. These were sea- sons that he highly prized, not only for instructing 104 CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE. the young in the principles of religion, but because he had such special opportunity to address them in particular, upon the great concerns of their souls and eternity. This practice he began soon after his settlement in the ministry, and maintained it to his death, and found great benefit from it. His usual method was, to ask them first a question out of the Assembly's Catechism, which he esteemed a valuable summary of religious principles, and then some questions contained or naturally arising from what he had asked ; concluding all in a practical address, urging and exhorting them to comply with the great things of religion." Mr. Smith possessed much influence in the eccle- siastical bodies to which he belonged. He was for many years Stated Clerk of the Presbytery. In debate he was easy, calm, candid. He was espe- cially a peace-maker, and was often happily success- ful in preventing or healing differences. His emi- nent piety, sincerity, and sound judgment combined to secure the confidence of his brethren. To these traits were added great modesty and a natural diffidence, which sometimes made large crosses of little duties. Once, on his way to his residence — so he wrote in his journal — he rode part of the distance with a person whom he had long desired to speak to on a point of moral conduct. " Knowing him to be a man of pretty rough disposition," said he, "I was EXCHANGE WITH TENNENT. 105 distressed how to begin, and anxious what reception I should meet with. However, having first lifted up my heart to God for direction and resolution, I opened the matter and dealt plainly and affection- ately with him, setting forth the awful consequen- ces of such a practice in reference to himself and family, this world and another. He said little or nothing until I was about to part with him on the road, and then, with tears flowing, he gave me his hand and thanked me over and over. I bless God for this encouragement, and think myself much to blame I have not attempted the same sooner. I have several times undertaken private reproof with a fearful, trembling heart, and have met with a kinder reception than I expected. This should encourage me to go on." The anecdote is related of him, that he once ex- changed pulpits with Kev. William Tennent, of Freehold. In the interval of service he passed round among the people, shaking them by the hand, inquiring after the health of their families, and winning their best opinions by his peculiar ur- banity and dignity of manners, which somewhat contrasted with those of Mr. Tennent. The latter, on returning home, heard the praises of Mr. Smith in every one's mouth. Thinking to profit by the circumstance, he, on the following Sabbath, passed round among the people in the same way, bowing, shaking hands, inquiring of health, and assuming 106 the dignified manners of Mr. S. The thing was so evidently a piece of affectation, that a man of his congregation said to him, " Mr. Tennent, you are imitating Mr. Smith." "So I am," he replied, " and I am a fool for it ! How are you V resuming his free and easy style. The parish suffered no common loss when this studious, judicious, amiable and devoted man was cut down in the early maturity of his piety and usefulness. In the first part of October, 1762, he was seized with dysentery. For a time, his mind was somewhat clouded, but as his illness continued, his faith took hold of the promises, and his peace and joy were great. His people in the mean time showed their interest in the preservation of his life, by appointing a day of fasting and prayer, with re- ference to his condition. On the morning of the 22d, at an early hour, perceiving his end near, he called his family around him, and commending them fervently to God, took an affectionate leave of them. At his request, his little son was brought and placed in his arms. Unable to lift his hand, he desired some one to lay it on the head of the child, for whom he tenderly invoked the divine protection and blessing. His wife, at his desire, sun?* the last four stanzas of the 17th of Watts' o Psalms : "What sinners value, I resign: Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine ; i .WLiLi HIS DEATH. 107 I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. "This life's a dream, an empty show; But the bright world to which I go Hath joys substantial and sincere; When shall I wake and find me there? " glorious hour ! blest abode ! I shall be near and like my God I And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. " My flesh will slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise." At about six o'clock the same morning, he ex- pired, at the age of thirty-eight years and ten months.* At his funeral, which was attended on the follow- ing Sabbath by a large concourse of people, and by a number of ministers, a discourse was preached from Philip. 1 : 21 ; " For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." In the afternoon another minister preached from Ezek. 22 : 30 ; " And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, • Two pupils had the month before entered his school, viz.: John Mitchell, Sept. 6, "to give a dollar per week for board, to make some proper allowance for wood and candles in winter be- sides, and to be schooled after the rate of £5 per annum;" and Caleb Cooper, Sept. 13, who " came to school again, to pay, for board and schooling, twenty pounds per annum." 108 MEMORIALS. and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." On a large slab over his grave are the following lines : " Beneath this tomb the precious reliques lie Of one too great to live, but not to die : Indued by nature with superior parts To swim in science and to scan the arts, To soar aloft, inflamed with sacred love, To know, admire, and serve the God above ; Gifted to sound the thundering law's alarm, The smiles of virtue, and the gospel's charm : A faithful watchman, studious to discharge The important duties of his weighty charge. To say the whole, and sound the highest fame, He lived a Christian, and he died the same. A man so useful, from his people rent, His babes, the college, and tbe church lament." The next year, 1763, there was published a memoir of him at Woodbridge, New Jersey, in a pamphlet of about sixty pages, of which two or three copies are yet in print. Mr. White, some years ago, was at the pains to make a manuscript copy of it, from which our quotations have been drawn. In the settlement of Mr. Smith's estate, his widow received in "goods and money given by will," £102 ; for " her third of the land sold by vendue," £37 ; upon which, it being under lease, a charge was made of £13 for " new tenor money." This conveyance included " all her goods she brought " at REV. AZEL EOF. 109 her marriage, now valued at £89. Parishioners in arrears for rates had to settle, by note or payment, with the executors, of whom Joseph Riggs was the one on whom the business chiefly devolved.* His library was sold at auction. A part of the books were purchased by Mrs. Smith, and a part by Rev. Azel Roe, a young clergyman who studied theology with Mr. S., and who, the next year, (1763) married the widow, and was settled atWood- bridge.f Thus ended a ministry of fourteen years — a short ° See " Caleb Smith's Book of Accounts." On page 110 there is a charge made by the executors,, in an account with Mrs. Smith, for butter received of Deacon Thompson. We find no other men- tion of this officer. t Dr. Roe preached at Woodbridge till his death, in 1815. He was twenty-nine years a trustee of the College of New Jersey ; was a member of the First General Assembly, in 1789, and moder- ator of that body in 1802. His zeal for American freedom was such, that in the war of the Revolution the British and Tories plan- ned his capture, and with McKnight of Shrewsbury, he was carried away a prisoner. In fording a stream, the officer who seized him, and who treated him with great politeness, insisted on carrying him over. He consented, and as he was crossing on the officer's shoulders, he observed— for he was a man of ready wit — " Well, sir. if never before, you can say after this that you were once priest- ridden." The joke so convulsed the officer with laughter, that he came near letting him fall into the stream. — Spragueh Annals. Mrs. Roe, by her second marriage, became the mother of two sons and six daughters. Apollos, the son of Mr. Smith, i: on reaching manhood, went to the South, and was never heard of by his friends." — Webster. 6 110 SERMONS PUBLISHED. introduction to one higher, more glorious, and eter- nal. Two productions of his pen were published ; an "Exhortation to the people," delivered at Con- necticut Farms, in 1750, at the ordination and set- tlement of Daniel Thane ; and the funeral sermon of President Burr, 1757. CHAPTER V. REV. JEDEDIAH CHAPMAN. AYEAE passed. In December, 1763, a messen- ger from the Mountain Society was on his way to Bethlehem, Connecticut, bearing two letters to Rev. Joseph Bellamy.* The first, dated the 23d, was written by Rev. Alexander McWhorter, then four years a pastor in Newark, and contained the fol- lowing : "I have here wrote you by the bearer, at the appointment of the Presbytery, in behalf of the church of Newark Mountains, and I hope, sir, you'll recommend them to some young man whom you esteem for bis knowledge of the truth ; and don't send us one of your Antinomians or Arminians, neither send us any of your Sandemanians ; we hear you have several such in New England, but I am apprehensive very few of them thoroughly un- derstand Sandeman's scheme. I thank you, sir ; for the few remarks you have given us upon this in- ° See the Bellamy correspondence, Pres. His. Soc, Phila. 112 LETTERS TO DR. BELLAMY. genious and subtle writer. . .The messenger is in haste." Six days later, December 29, Mr. Joseph M. White wrote from Danbury, Connecticut: "The bearer of these are in pursuit of a candidate. They are from Newark Mountains; probably you are acquainted with that place, and what sort of man would be like to do good among them. In that country they insist very much on a man's being a good speaker, and they hate the New England tone (as they call it) ; they insist likewise upon one that is apt to be familiar. But most of all, 'tis necessary that a man be a man of religion and good principles, in order to be useful among them. They seem to be a kind, curtious people, and willing to support the ministry." The results of the journey and the recommendations are not known. A year later, Mr. Bellamy was again addressed : Newark, Dec. 19, 1764. " Kev'd Sir : — The church at Newark Mountains have represented to us their very unanimous desire to obtain Mr. Daniel Hopkins to settle with them in the gospel ministry, for which they have desired our approbation and assistance. We therefore do earnestly desire that you, sir, would use your influ- ence with Mr. Hopkins to return; assuring him that we not only concur with the people, but are very solicitous he may listen to their call. 'Tis a DANIEL HOPKINS. 113 church we esteem of great importance, and hope there may be much service done here to the Ee- deemcr's kingdom. And they seem so hopely [happily ?] united in Mr. Hopkins, that we think the door is effectually opened to him. We doubt not you will engage his worthy brother and your other brethren to favor the call of the church, who, as well as we, place much dependence on your in- terest. And as we are not particularly acquainted with your constitution, we desire that you would act for us, if any application to the association be necessary, that he may come in a regular way. We are, Eev'd Sir, with due respect, your hearty friends and fellow-servants. By the order and in behalf of the Presbytery, James Caldwell, Alex'r McWhorter." Mr. Hopkins was then a licentiate, in feeble health, so that he divided his time between manual labor, travelling, and occasional preaching. The state of his health probably caused him to decline the offered settlement.* * Dr. Hopkins went two years later to Salem, Mass., where, after teaching and preaching for twelve years, he was settled in the pastoral office, and died in 1814, in the 81st year of his age. His abilities and patriotism led to his election, in 1*775, as a mem- ber of the Provincial Congress. His theological sentiments were those of his brother Samuel, with whom he pursued his ministe- rial studies, and to whose writings he was an acknowledged con- tributor. He was thirty years of age when invited to this church. 114 MR. For another year and a half the mountain flock were without a shepherd. The Chief Shepherd was putting their lessons of faith in exercise. In due time his care was manifest. On the 10th of April, 1766, Eev. James Caldwell, of Elizabethtown, wrote to Mr. Bellamy : " Yester- day Mr. Chapman was examined for ordination, and received parts of trial. His answers were well accepted. He did honor to his tutor and his senti- ments. The Presbytery were highly pleased. The congregation at Newark Mountains are much satis- fied, except in his delivery and something as to the manner, particularly the management of his voice, and his dwelling rather too long upon one thing, which is, or seems like, repetition. I should not write this, only I know you are his friend and may befriend him. We love him much." This was Jedediah Chapman, a theological pupil (we suppose) of Bellamy. He was born in East Haddam, Connecticut, September 27, 1741 ; being a descendant in the sixth generation of Hon. Eobert Chapman, of Hull, England, who came to America in 1635, and settled at Say brook. Graduating at Yale, in 1762, he received license two years after- wards, and having preached here as a candidate in the spring of 1766, was ordained and settled over the church on the 22d of July. The call was not unani- mous, but the field had now been vacant almost four years, and we can easily credit the statement that the HIS MARRIAGE. 115 congregation generally were "much satisfied" at seeing in their pulpit again a youthful, energetic, and promising pastor. He was neither Antinomian, Arminian, nor Sandemanian; his oratory, though it did not escape criticism, proved acceptable ; and though bred a Congregationalist, he was to do a work for the Presbyterian church, and to bequeath to it a posterity that would place his name upon its records among the fathers. He entered the parish in his twenty-fifth year, unmarried, and poor. We make the latter state- ment on the authority of tradition, which represents that the attention of his parishioners was at first divided somewhat between the wants of his ward- robe and the word that he preached. It was enough, however, that he was clothed with salvation. They could furnish the rest. About the second year after his settlement, he entered into matrimonial relations, and the stone parsonage was again the minister's home. The lady he married was Miss Blanche Smith, a Hu- guenot on her mother's side, and of a family that intermarried with the Adamses of Massachusetts. He had by this marriage three children, viz. : William Smith, Robert Hett, and John Hobert, the last dying (April 30, 1773) at the age of ten weeks and four days. The others are still remembered as ju- venile associates by some of our aged citizens.* * Robert Hett Chapman, born at Orange, March 2, 177L, gradu- 116 WANT OF SUPPORT. Mr. Chapman had not long been settled and mar- ried, before he began to be straitened in his means of support. Writing to his friend, Dr. Bellamy, in April, 1772, he said : "I have been on the very point of breaking with this people on the account of their withholding my support,* but this seems to be in ated at the College of New Jersey in 1789, received license in 1793, and after an extensive missionary tour in the Southern States, in which he labored several months without compensation, was set- tled at Railway, in 1796. In 1811 he was elected President of the University of North Carolina. He entered upon the duties of the presidency the next year, and discharged them till 1817, to the great advantage of the institution. At the time of his death, June 18, 1833, he was a pastor in Tennessee. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was given him by Williams' College, in 1815. He mar- ried Hannah Arnette, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, and had a family of twelve children, of whom seven survived him. Among them is Rev. Robert H. Chapman, D. D., of Asheville, N. C. — Sprague s Annals, 4, 95. * Bellamy, in 1764, had been in the same condition. In appeal- ing to his society for relief, he reminded them of a declaration made by him twenty-four years before, when their call was before him : " I do not intend, if I should be a minister, to work for my living, or quarrel for my living. I am not willing to settle in the work of the ministry, unless I may give myself wholly to it, and I fear you are not able to maintain a minister." To which their committee replied : " It is just such a minister we would have, and do you settle among us and you shall never want." Now, he re- minds them of the straits and difficulties he went through for many years, when they were very poor. The appeal resulted in a pledge of " £80 lawful money, to be paid in money at or before the 12th day of March, annually : " and " sufficient firewood, in the same manner we have done in years past." About the same time, (1768,) Samuel Hopkins, of Great Barring- REVIVALS. 117 some measure got over now." The excellent char- acter given them by Mr. White, of Danbury, had to be taken, it would appear, with some allowance. We may infer, however, that the delinquency was not general, nor of long continuance. In the same letter he wrote : " My people seem to be in a very languid state in religious respects, though of late there seem to be more promising appearances. There has been a considerable revival of religion at Elizabethtown. Our college also has been visited again in a remarkable manner by the spirit of God, which I understand has been general — in which, I am informed, God has improved Mr. Bradford as an instrument of great good to the boys. I have had a very pressing invitation to visit them, which I hope to have it speedily in my power to comply with. Mr. Edwards' sentiments make surprising progress there." * ton, wrote to Bellamy : " There is no prospect of my being main- tained by my people. I must go to farming, or leave them. But where shall I go ? Where is there a clergyman who is well main- tained ? Where, then, is there a congregation that will maintain me ? Let such an one be found, where there is a prospect of use- fulness, and I am ready to go. I have a great aversion to go into worldly cares, but begin to suspect I am called to it." * It was otherwise in Scotland, to which (as we learn from the letter quoted in the preceding note) Hopkins sent, in 1167, Edwards' Life, Sermons, and Dissertations, by the desire of a Mr. Hogg. This gentleman dying before the books arrived, they had no sale, and were sent back with forty shillings cost. "I am told few of the impression have gone off. Mr. Kneeland's house is full of them, which must soon be sold for waste paper." 6* 118 DEATH OF HIS WIFE. Four months later (Aug. 14) he seat a letter to Bellamy by a "Mr. Perriam, who was formerly a tutor at Princetown college ; " introducing him as " a very ingenious young gentleman, I trust a truly pious and humble Christian, one whom I greatly love and esteem — a steady, zealous friend to truth. He comes with a design to spend some time in the study of divinity with you, and I trust that on acquaintance with him you will be pleased to think it of great importance to encourage and forward him." He also hoped that Bellamy would think it a matter of no small importance to abridge and reprint his treatise on True Eeligion. " We have our hearts (said he) much set upon it." * This correspondence favors the opinion that he had himself studied with the distinguished Con- necticut divine. But a discipline of another kind now awaited him. On the 21st of November, 1773, a few months after the decease of their infant son, Mrs. Chapman was removed by death, in her 29th year. The parsonage was again a house of mourning. A double sorrow had fallen upon the heart of the young pastor. By the hand of the engraver it was stereotyped for posterity to read in the following lines : For thee in death, thou one so dear, Each common friend will drop a tear, * Between the dates of these letters (July 12, 1*772) died Joseph Peck, the senior elder and deacon of the church, at the age of 70. SECOND MARRIAGE. 119 But what can ease, what can heal Pangs which a kinder husband feel, When thus the young, his joy, the just, Consume and moulder into dust ? Those balsams Faith alone can give, Which tells us that the dead shall live, That Death his conquest shall restore, The just shall meet and part no more. The ministers of Jesus need affliction. How shall they lead others to springs of consolation from which themselves have never drawn ? And. so the Master sends them forth, as He went often Himself, weeping — sowing in tears that they may reap in joy> Mr. Chapman, like his two predecessors, saw the wife of his young affections laid in an early grave. His second wife was Margaret, daughter of Dr. Peter Le Conte, of Middletown, Conn, This lady, who was slightly his senior in years, adorned to a good old age the station she was called to fill. She came to it at a critical time. The first notes of American independence were sounding. She was to share not only the anxieties of the pastor, but the perils of the patriot* 8 The date of their marriage is not known to the writer. Their children were Peter Le Conte (born Jan. 8, 1718); John Thomas (born April 24, 1779) ; Valeria Maria (born Feb. 23, 1784). The first, who became a lawyer, dropped the name of Chapman to pre- serve the name of his mother. He had three sons and four daugh- ters, but his sons are dead, leaving no children to perpetuate the name. Mrs. Chapman died at Geneva, Sept. 9, 1812— the autumn before her husband's death — in her 74th year. 120 SAMtJEL BARRISON Just at this time an aged man of the parish, with whose name the reader is familiar, closed the con- flicts of a long life. We refer to Samuel Harrison. Born in 1684, half a life-time before the parish had a separate existence, he had seen its beginning and aided its growth. On the 6th of April, 1748, when he was sixtj^-four years of age, and when the first pastor of the church, several years his junior, had just been buried, he set his house in order for his own departure by making his will. Yet he lived to follow another pastor to his grave at the end of fourteen years, and was not followed to his own rest till yet another fourteen was added. On the 15th of September, 1776, when a national contest was taking the place of that land controversy in which he had been a somewhat conspicuous actor, at the age of almost ninety -three, he passed awa}^ It was twenty-eight years after the making of his will, in which, after the distribution of his real estate betwen his sons Amos, Samuel, and Mat- thew, he gave to the second-named a yoke of oxen, ahorse, and his young riding mare; "also a horse colt one year old." We may doubt whether even the yearling lived to be interested in the execution of the will. The " team tackling," given to Samuel and Matthew, u to be equally divided, as they do agree," could hardly have fur- nished by this time any occasion of strife. As to the " pale white brindle cow with white head,'' DANGERS GATHERING. 121 given to " Jane Bunel," and another brindle cow devised to Abigail Shores, " with two suits of ap- parel, one for Sabbath-day, and one for every-day wear, with a Dutch spinning-wheel and a Bible, to her and her heirs and assigns forever, as a reward for her service," these tokens of grateful remem- brance and benevolent forecast (the Bible excepted) must have proved of small avail to the legatees, supposing them still alive. A blind providence is man's ! But it is more commonly death, and not life, that deranges his plans and disappoints his good intentions.* In the revolutionary struggle, Mr. Chapman espoused warmly the American cause. His bold- ness in defending the Be volution made enemies of those who opposed it, and more than once were plans laid for conveying him to the British camp. Soldiers were sent to his house to capture him, but, more fortunate than Boe and McKnight, his minis- terial compatriots, he eluded them. Freedom's sentinels were around him to give a timely signal when danger was seen, and under the shield of that Providence which favored our country's arms, ® A number of persons have attained to great longevity in this parish. Samuel Harrison reached his 93d year. His sister Elea- nor, (Mrs. Ebenezer Lindsley,) lived to 100 years and two months. His son Samuel (above named, and who lived unmarried) reached his 92 d year. Mrs. Martha, widow of Jedediah Freeman, died in 1831, in her 100th year. Several members of the church now living are almost ninety, 122 THE REVOLUTION. lie received no harm. Yet he was obliged several times to flee the parish, — seeking a temporary asy- lum behind the mountains, as did many of the families who composed his flock. In November, 1776, the American army under Washington, then reduced to three thousand five hundred men, and fast diminishing, was retreating through New Jersey. Crossing the Passaic at Ac- quackonoc Bridge, it came down the river to New- ark, and there rested six days, till threatened by Cornwallis, who was on its track. As it left New- ark, the place was entered by a British force of six thousand men. The whole vicinity was now traversed by for- aging parties and troops sent out for plunder. The Hessians were particularly dreaded for their merci- less depredations and cruelties. A company of those mercenaries came in this direction from Bloomfleld. A few of the party, riding in ad- vance, promised protection to such of the inhabi- tants as should remain in their houses. If the people fled, as many did, they afterward returned to find their houses and farmyards thoroughly stripped. Nor were the plunderers over scrupu- lous to discriminate between friends and foes. The following incidents are yet remembered. A Mr. James Jones, of Bloomfleld, hearing of the approach of the British army, loaded hastily his wagon with such articles as were most valuable, and A SKIRMISH.' 123 was about starting for the mountain with his family, when the enemy came upon him. The captured family were taken to New York, where they re- mained till the end of the war. They afterward went to Nova Scotia. Cornelius Jones, a brother of the man just named, was living near " the Junction," (East Orange,) where his son, Mr. Cyrus Jones, yet resides. His house was plundered, and his hogs and cattle taken by the Hessians, the family having temporarily left the premises. After their return, a skirmish occurred a little east of their residence, on the hill by Judge John Peck's, between several Highlanders and three Americans, whose names were John Wright, John Tichenor, and Joshua Shaw. Wright and his party having muskets, while the others had only swords, ordered the latter to lay down their weap- ons. This was done, but as the men with the mus- kets came within reach, the swords were dexterously caught again and laid upon them with bloody effect. The captors were now the vanquished, and were left upon the ground badly wounded, while the Highlanders retreated to the army. It was about noon. The same afternoon a company of the ene- my returned. They came to the house of Mr. Jones in search of "the three rebels," whom his nephew, Moses Jones, had in the meantime taken upon a sled and removed to their homes in the 124 THE BRITISH IN OKANGE, present neighborhood of Hikers store, Doddtown. Not finding them at the house, they set a guard over Mrs. Jones, while they took her husband to the barn to renew the search. As they were thus engaged, the nephew returned with his team and sled, which was covered with the blood of the wounded men. The affair ended in the two Joneses going to Newark as prisoners. They were released the following day. The uncle was afterward in the battle of Springfield, where he narrowly escaped death by a cannon ball. A division of the American army, as it receded from the approach of Cornwallis, is said to have passed through Orange. Turning down the road now known as Scotland street, it was just out of sight when a detachment of the enemy appeared. Two men from over the mountain were coming into the village. The British officer in command inquired of them if the American troops had passed that way. Being answered in the affirmative, he asked if they were a numerous force. " Yes," said one of the mountaineers, " the woods in that direc- tion are full of them." Fearing an ambuscade, the officer desisted from pursuit. The British force then encamped in the old bury- ing-ground. Two boys — Adonijah Harrison and David Lyon — who lived up the valley near " Tory Corner,"* resolved upon having a sight of the en- * This place received its designation from a number of families III TWO YOUNG ADVENTUKEKS. 125 campment. So passing across the swamp and over the hill where St. John's (Catholic) church now stands, they had just leaped the fence which di- vided the forest from an open field, when they found themselves in alarming proximity to some soldiers who were lounging on the grass. " Oh ! oh !" exclaimed the boys, while a mischievous sol- dier added to their fright by discharging a pistol. Prudence now prevailed over curiosity. Scram- bling over the fence with all conceivable agility, they ran homeward for dear life, quite cured of the disposition for martial adventure. The mountainous range that divides the town- ship cf Orange was the limit of the enemy's incur- sions in this direction. Behind it large numbers of the exposed inhabitants took refuge, with such property as they were able to remove.* The mountain also served another purpose. A tall tree which now lifts itself conspicuously above the line of its summit, is said to mark the spot where tele- graphic signals with ISTew York were given and received. who then resided in that vicinity. Many worthy and excellent peo- ple were conscientiously opposed to the straggle for independence. Some of them left the country during the war, suffering the confis- cation of their property as the penalty of their principles. Others finally gave in their adhesion to the new government. * Those who remained at their homes obtained a "protection " — as it was called — from the British officers, as persons friendly to their cause. 126 THE MOUNTAIN SENTINELS. From the top of the mountain the movements of the enemy were carefully watched. Sometimes the latter from the opposite side of the valley, would also discover the reconnoitering party, and salute them with a well aimed discharge of their artillery. On one occasion, when Captain Jonathan Conclit and his company were thus keeping watch on the hill-top, some shots from the old burying-ground swept through the forest quite near them. "Con- sarn it" exclaimed Capt. Jonathan, " how careless the fellows do shute /* The captain and his broth- ers David, John, and Daniel, lived in the valley between the first and second mountains. His neph- ew, Dr. John Condit, was a surgeon in Washing- ton's army, and afterwards a member of Congress. The drafts made upon the Newark militia from time to time took many from their farms in this part of the town. An order, dated Newark, Aug. 29, 1777, and signed by Samuel Hayes, was ad- dressed to Captain Williams, or the officer com- manding in his absence, to detach his proportion of men to relieve those on duty there, whose month * From what is said of him, we suppose this Yankee impreca- tion was about the nearest approach to profanity of which he was capable. He was a conscientious church-goer, and in his old age. being poor, and having no vehicle but an ox-cart, he and his wife rode regularly to church in that. But not caring to show it, he would stop as he entered the village, hitch his cattle to a tree, (which stood in front of Mr. Patterson's present residence in Main street, ) and thence walk to the house of God. ( I DRAFTS AND FINES. 127 was just expiring ; also to meet, with his subal- terns, " at the house of Captain Pierson, to-morrow at three o'clock P. M., to appoint officers for said detachment ;" the same " to be marched into this town on Sunday, at three o'clock P. M." There were some — tories of course — upon whom these orders were ineffectual. " At a court-martial held at Newark Mountain, July 7, 1780, at the house of Samuel Munn, for the trial of several persons, soldiers in Col. Philip V. Cortlandt's regi- ment, Essex county militia, belonging to Capt- Thomas "Williams' company, being charged for disobeying orders and not turning out on their proper tour of duty the 20th day of June last, and on the alarm the 23d of June, and for desertion ; agreeably to an act of the Governor, Council and General Assembly in that case made and provided, entitled an act for the more effectual defence of the State in case of invasion or incursion of the ene- my :" the court having met, according to order, found three persons guilty of the above charges, and unanimously agreed to fine them in the fol- lowing sums : Jonathan Williams, £500 ; Charles Crane, £200 ; Joseph Tomkins, £3 15s. The pre- siding officer was Captain Josiah Pierson, the other members of the court being Captains Thomas Wil- liams, Isaac Gillam, Henry Jarolaman ; Lieuten- ants Henry Squier, John Edwards ; Ensigns Rem- ington Parcel, Thomas Baldwin, Ralph Post. 128 FIGURES SOMETIMES LIE. The reader may think the cause was not likely to suffer much by derelictions so dearly paid for. But the adage that " figures do not lie." has its falsifications in our Revolutionary history. By the act of June 9, 1780, about a month before these penalties were laid, the legislature had estimated the currency of the State " at the rate of one Spanish milled dollar in lieu of forty dollars of the bills now in circulation." During the winter of that year, while the army lay at Morristown, Gen- erals Washington, Green, Knox, and others, sub- scribed for the expenses of a" dancing assembly " at the rate of $400 (equal to $10) apiece. So de- preciated was the currency, as stated by the officers of the Jersey line in a memorial addressed by them to the Legislature, " that four months' pay of a soldier would not procure for his family a single bushel of wheat ;" and " the pay of a colonel would not purchase oats for his horse." These facts will correct any extravagant opinion the reader may have formed of the atonement ren- dered by the above delinquents. A contest so nearly approaching the character of a civil war must have been highly disastrous to the churches. This was peculiarly the case in those parts of the country in which, as in New Jersey, the heat of the excitement was most intense* Friends were made enemies, families were divided, brother rose against brother, those who had walked EFFECTS OF THE WAR. 129 together in loving fellowship met as foes on the battle-field, or were identified with hostile camps. The patriot whose prayers were with the Ameri- can army, was denounced as a rebel and his cap- ture sought by some neighbor, now a refugee under the British flag. The honest refugee was in turn denounced as a traitor, whose blood it would be a virtue to shed. The tragic fate of Stephen Ball is yet remembered, who having carried four quarters of beef to the British encampment on Staten Island, under a general promise of safety to all who would bring supplies to the army, was seized by a band of bloody-hearted refugees, taken across to Bergen Point, and hung with ten minutes' grace, the mur- derers having tried in vain to effect his arrest by the British officers. The end of the war was the auspicious beginning of a new and happier era. This occurred in 1782. The country was full of rejoicing, and no class of its citizens hailed the event with heartier joy than the ambassadors of a gospel of peace. With what thankfulness did they see their scattered flocks returning, and the stir and strife of arms succeeded by quiet industry and peace- ful worship ! Mr. Chapman had seen the hearts of his people bitterly alienated from each other, and many of them from himself, by the war. The issue of it was, however, in his favor. God's arm had been mani- 130 LIBERTY AND THE CLERGY. festlj outstretched to give victory to the cause which he had boldly vindicated. Certain members of the parish, who, during the war, had refused to identify themselves with what they viewed as a re- bellion, now, that the fact of independence was established, took the oath of allegiance to the new government. The voices of the clergy on the subject of free- dom did not cease to be heard when the cause was won. As they had stimulated the patriotism of their countrymen, and invoked the aid of Provi- dence, during the struggle, so they now contributed to enlighten the people as to the nature of true liberty, and the way to preserve and perpetuate it. Among no class of professional men were public speakers more sought, or more ready to take a lead- ing part in patriotic celebrations. Mr. Chapman "played the orator" on many such occasions.* On almost any Fourth of July, he might have been seen with the military and civic procession, as it * It is less common now, as there is less need, for ministers o the Gospel to perform such an office. The writer has done it twice ; in his native town (while preparing for the ministry) in 1843, and at Orange, in 1859. On the last occasion he addressed from three to four hundred citizens, mostly native residents, in Library Hall, several of the clergy of the place being present. "The Christian's prayer for his Country" was effectively sung by the choir of the day. Prayer is a proper element of patriotism, and, it is hoped, will ever accompany, as it yet does, the exercises of our national celebration. PARISH INCORPORATED. 131 moved from the Common, along the main road, toward the meeting-house, to the sound of fife and drum ; and often did he stand at Eeligion's altar to lead the devotions of Christian freemen, when the task of expounding their liberties, and fanning the patriotic flame, was assigned to others. There are men yet with us who remember those occasions, and who received, at his lips, some of their earliest lessons of political wisdom. In the division of parties that followed the war, he was known as a Federalist. Measures were soon taken to incorporate the parish, which had now been organized more than sixty years without a charter ; its property being held in trust by private individuals, for the benefit of the congregation. The Legislature, then held at Burlington, being petitioned on the subject, passed an act, June 11, 1783, incorporating Joseph Riggs, Esq., John Range, Doctor Matthias Pierson, Stephen Harrison, Jun., Samuel Pierson, Jun., Samuel Dodd, and John Dodd, a Board of Trustees, the church now receiving the name of "The Second Presby- terian Church in Newark." Their tenure of office was perpetual, and, in case of vacancies, by death or removal, the power of appointing their succes- sors was conferred upon the " minister or ministers, elders and deacons of the church." The power also extended to the displacement of a trustee, whenever the said minister or ministers, elders and 132 OATH OF TRUSTEES. deacons, or the majority of them, should judge his removal proper and for the benefit of the corpora- tion. The trustees were required to be persons of the congregation, and the number was limited by the statute to seven. Each trustee, in assuming office, took the follow- ing oaths: 1. I do solemnly swear I do not hold myself bound to bear allegiance to the King of Great Britain. 2. I do solemnly profess and swear that I do and will bear true faith and allegiance to the Government established in this State, under the authority of the people. 3. An oath to execute well and truly the duty of a trustee, agreeably to the true intent and meaning of the charter. It was a three-fold cord, not easily broken, and which shielded the important trust from all suspicion of disloj^alty to freedom. The charter required these oaths to be taken and subscribed by " each and every of the trustees herein appointed, and their successors ;" agreeably to "an Act for the security of the Government of New Jersey," passed Sep- tember 19, 1776. The trustees being duly qualified before John Peck, Esq., at the parsonage house, the 22d of Sep- tember, organized by appointing Joseph Riggs pres- ident, and John Range clerk. Mr. Riggs " de- livered in a book, formerly the property of the Rev. Caleb Smith, in order for the trustees to keep their accounts in ;" and the charter was carefully OKAJSTGE SLOOP. 138 copied into the same by the Clerk. The President of the Board removed to New York the same autumn, when Jonathan Hedden was elected his successor. This charter, which gave the whole appointing power to the Church session, (for the deacons were at that time venerable select men within the elder- ship,) proved unacceptable to the people. Its lead- ing provision was not in harmony with the spirit of the times. In consequence of the " great un- easiness and dissatisfaction" which it occasioned, the Legislature, agreeably to a petition of the con- gregation, so amended it, June 3, 1790, as to make " all regular supporters of the Gospel in said con- gregation" electors in the appointment of trustees. The election was to be made annually, on the sec- ond Thursday in April, by a plurality of voices.* The charter of the parent church received a similar amendment four years afterward. We see in these changes, the gradual working and extension of the principle of popular suffrage — a principle which, apparently, has not yet reached the limit of its ex- pansion in our national system. In the course of the year 1784, the project of the " Orange Sloop" was formed. The plan was, to buy or build a boat, to be used for the benefit of the parish, running from Newark to Albany and * The time was changed, in 1829, to the first day of January, and in 1856, to the second Monday in April. 134 ORANGE ACADEMY. other ports. Subscriptions for the purpose having been circulated, it was resolved, at a parish meeting, to build a boat, for which a committee of three managers was chosen. The craft was, in due time, launched upon its useful mission, the parish receiving one-third of the profits. The income from this source was from forty to sixty pounds a year. Closely following this enterprise was another, of more vital and lasting importance to the parish. This was the founding of a public school, long known as the Orange Academy. Incipient meas- ures were taken at a meeting of the parish, of which Deacon Bethuel Pierson was Moderator, held in April, 1785. Mr. Chapman, Doctor John Con- dit, Doctor Matthias Pierson, and four others, were appointed a committee to select the location and obtain subscriptions. A site — one-tenth of an acre — was obtained of Matthew Conclit. In the follow- ing January, the same three persons, with Josiah Hornblower, Esq., and Bethuel Pierson, were chosen trustees. A substantial two-story building of brick and stone was put up, in which a parochial school of high grade was soon in successful operation. Mr. Chapman's name uniformly headed the list of trustees, who were appointed annually, and his love for sound learning, as well as sound doctrine, made him an efficient patron of the institution, The building, which has passed to other uses, is yet watts' psalmody. 135 standing, in good condition, on Main street, oppo- site the church. At the annual meeting of the parish, in January, 1785, " a move was made by Mr. Samuel Pierson, that there were not a sufficient number of musical clerks for the convenience of public worship ;" and " it was agreed to by the major part, that Nathaniel Crane, John Dodd, Jim., Aaron Mumi and Joseph AVard, shall assist in that office." The custom still continued of reading the lines as the psalm was sung. Watts' psalmody was now in use. The time of its introduction is not known. As early as 1763, " sundry members and congregations," within the bounds of the Synod, had adopted it, and the Synod had " no objection to the use of said imitation by such ministers and congregations as incline to use it, until the matter of psalmody be further con- sidered." The subject was renewed in that body several years without any decisive action upon it. In the old society of Newark there was, in the year 1784, " the commencement of a very great and lasting revival of religion." It was a pleasing re- action from the sad condition of things produced by the war — a troubled sea in which the piety and hopes of large numbers of supposed Christians had foundered. More than a hundred souls, according to Dr. Griffin, were, by this awakening, added to that church, the heavenly influence spreading till it pervaded the whole community. It can scarcely 136 CALDWELL CHURCH. be doubted that the congregation here received a refreshing from such a cloud. But as we have no record of admissions prior to 1786, it is only a sub- ject of conjecture. The coincidence is, however, to be noted, that simultaneously with that revival a new church sprang into life, which must have taken from this the larger portion of its constituent members. This was the church at Horseneck, about seven miles farther in the interior, which was organized by Mr. Chapman, the pastor of this church, December 3, 1784. Forty persons united in its covenant. This movement favors the inference just stated, that the religious interest which was manifesting itself in Newark, was not confined to the banks of the Pas- saic. Eternal things were coming back to their place in the thoughts and feelings of the people through the settlements. In February, 1787, the new parish was incorporated "by the name and style of the First Presbyterian Church at Cald- well."* * This name is commemorative of Rev. James Caldwell, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Elizabethtown, and chaplain in the revolutionary army. He was shot, for reasons unknown, by an American sentinel, who was hung for the deed. His wife was shot through the window of her sitting-room, in the midst of her children, by a British soldier. Their granddaughter, the second wife of Rev. John E. Freeman, of Futtehgurh, India, was one of the martyr missionaries, in the great mutiny of 1857. She was shot upon the parade ground at Cawnpore. PARSONAGE LANDS. 137 The reader is already informed of an endow- ment of two hundred acres of land, granted to the town of Newark, by the original proprietors, for ecclesiastical use. In process of time, as the civil and religious affairs of the town were separated, and new religious societies were formed, these lands became a source of much contention. The Moun- tain Society and the Episcopal Church demanded a division, claiming for themselves an equal share with the First Society. The latter had the legal title to sustain it in claiming the whole. From 1760 onward, the subject was agitated in almost every town-meeting. Votes were passed, and then reversed, as the opposite parties happened to be in the majority. In March, 1761, " at a very full and public town-meeting," it was " voted and agreed that the said lands, granted by said letters patent to lie for a parsonage, be equally divided in quantity and quality, exclusive of the improvements made thereon, among said three societies or congrega- tions." Bethuel Pierson and five others were " ap- pointed agents to divide and allot said lands to said societies, and to apply to the Governor, Coun- cil and General Assembly, to confirm the same by a law." In this committee, those who represented the old society refused to act, and the trustees of that society entered their protest on the record. The measure was thus frustrated, and the strife prolonged. In 1784, the year of the revival, just 138 THE NAME — ORANGE. noticed,* the animosity was quieted by a compro- mise, the new societies receiving a dividend of the lands, but holding them uuder lease, as tenants at will. In May of that year, a lease was given to the trustees of this parish of eighty-six acres and sixty-hundreths of an acre. The settlement near the mountain had begun, at this time, to assume the character of a village, and to be known by the name it now bears. By whom, or from what circumstance the name was first be- stowed, we have no means of ascertaining. The Presbytery of New York, as its records inform us, met at Orange Dale, in October, 1785. Two years * Not in 1786 or 1181, as given by Dr. Stearns, (p. 226,) on the authority of Dr. McWhorter. "We find the above date in an orig- inal paper, preserved by the trustees of this parish, from which, and other papers in their possession, we gather also the following facts, which may as well be presented here. The lease given " on or about the 10th of May, 1784,'' to be continued at will, was revoked by the Newark trustees, acting under instructions from that Society, May 20, 1197. The controversy was thus revived. In 1802, another conveyance was made, by lease, of fifty-six acres, lying between Newark and Orange, the terms of the lease being, that it should be renewed at the end of each twenty-one years, for ever ; the lessees paying an annual rent of sixpence, if demanded. It was accordingly renewed, in 1823. This was the only title the old Society could give under the original grant. But having, in 1825, applied to the Legislature for a special act, enabling them to convey the land in fee simple, such an act was passed, and a deed of the said fifty-six acres was given to the Orange Society, August 29, 1826, which ended the matter. The land has long ceased to be the property of the parish. SYNOD OF 1787. 139 later an acre of ground, conveyed to the parish by Isaac Williams — "for £15, current money of New Jersey" — was described in the deed as "lying in the bounds of Newark, aforesaid, at a place called Orange. v It was bought for the parish by Matthew Pierson, in exchange for an acre taken by him from the parsonage lot. From that period we find the two names in apparent competition till 1806, when, the town of Orange being formed and christened by the authorities of the State, the village, now raised to metropolitan dignity, lost the romance of its name, if not its romantic surroundings. Nineteen years before this latter event, an im- portant dignity was conferred upon our village pastor. By the Synod of 1787 he was elected to preside over its proceedings. It was the last meet- ing of the Synod previous to the formation of the General Assembly. This appointment is evidence that Mr. Chapman had, at this time, won an honor- able and influential standing in the Presbyterian body. At the next convocation, when the Synod was about to be divided into four, under a higher and broader organization, he preached the opening sermon from Ephesians iv., 3, 4 — " Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace — there is one body." The discourse, which was published,* was an able and well-timed exhibition e Mr. Chapman published, also, five sermons on baptism. That preached before the Synod, with discourses by his son and grand- 140 MR. of these points : That the church of Christ on earth is one body ; that there is a glorious foundation in the church of Christ for unity and peace; and, thirdly, some of the ways in which this unity is to be kept. The following passage in the sermon shows a catholic spirit, and contains a suggestion which has, since that time, been carried into effect in more ways than one : "I would beg leave just to suggest here, should some general plan of mutual inter- course, in brotherly love, with all the churches of Christ throughout the world, be formed and carried into execution, in the spirit of our text, whether it would not have a most happy tendency to heal the present divisions of the church, preserve the peace and unity of the body, and generally promote the prosperity and welfare of the common cause." This feeling, which was vigorously working and spreading, was, ere long, to give birth to those great cooperative measures which belong to the church history of the present century.* son, is preserved by the Pres. Hist. Society, in a small volume presented by the grandson. 8 Mr. Chapman had then just taken part in forming the " So- ciety in Morris County, for the promotion of Learning and Relig- ion ;'' a humble pioneer of the education societies which have since sprung up. It received its charter in the latter part of May, 1*787, about a week after Mr. C. was chosen to moderate the Synod. The first trustees were, Benjamin Howell, William Ross and Joseph Harrison, Esquires ; Jacob Green, Jedediah Chapman, TILLAGE. 141 From the records kept by the Trustees of the parish during this period we select the following items : It was voted, January 12, 1786, that Stephen Harrison, Esq., do provide a good box or chest, with a lock, to contain the books and public writings belonging to this parish. March 12. Voted, that Cornelius Jones be paid four shillings a load for six loads of stone used at the parsonage well. Also, that any person getting stone on the parsonage lands allotted for this parish shall pay into the hands of Deacon Amos Baldwin, treasurer, the sum of one shilling the load. Also, that the old parsonage field may be plowed for a crop of buckwheat the ensuing summer, and that the parish receive every fifth bushel free from all expense, except some person will give more . October 12. Voted, that the buckwheat for the Amzi Lewis, Joseph Grover, David Baldwin, and Stephen Monson. This Society still exists, with a fund invested in the banks of New- ark and Orange, from which it has a revenue of nearly $300 per annum. Three young men are receiving aid from it, in prepara- tion for the ministry. The present trustees (the sole representa- tives of the Society) are, Rev. E. Seymour, Pres. ; Eev. J. M. Sherwood, Eev. J. S. Gallagher, Rev. John Ford, Rev. James Hoyt, Zophar B. Dodd, W. S. Baldwin, Charles R. Day, and John Provost. Five of the Board reside in Bloomfield, where its semi- annual meetings are usually held. The project of the Society is believed to have originated in the old Morris County Presbytery, (not now in existence,) which was organized on the union principle by Presbyterians and Congregationalisms. 7* 142 COLLECTING RATES. rent of the parsonage land is to be converted to the use of the whole parish. Also, that the price for the buckwheat shall be two shillings and sixpence per bushel. January 15, 1787. Voted, that the widow of "William Matthews have the care of opening the meeting-house and sweeping the same, and taking all the care respecting it that those formerly ap- pointed for that purpose had, for the sum of one pound two shillings and sixpence for three months. During the next year, John Tichenor received the sum of fourteen shillings for pulling down an old oven and building a new one in the parsonage. In the following year the " old parsonage field " was put again to buckwheat, the parish to have " every fourth bushel, if nobody will give more." In 1791, it was voted, that Aaron Munn do go through the parish and settle with all delinquents respecting Mr. Chapman's rates, and make report to the Board of Trustees ; for which service he was to have a reasonable compensation from the funds of the parish, agreeable to a vote of the same. In June of that year, Deacon Baldwin resigning the treasury, twenty shillings were voted to his daugh- ter Esther u for her services as treasurer for a num- ber of years." In November it appeared that Mr. Munn had spent six clays in collecting rates, for which he was rewarded in the sum of as many shillings per day, for "him and horse." KINGING BELL. 143 It appears that some of the then acting board of trustees put an easy construction upon their oath of office; for in January, 1792, we find the board adjourning to meet again on the 30th of said month, at Samuel Munn's, at sundown, " on forfeiture of six pence." This little addition to the weight of official responsibility appears to have wrought the needed reform. At the clay and hour specified, the whole board was present The burying-ground was this year let out for pasture to Josiah Quinby at six shillings. It was also enlarged by the purchase of about two acres of ground from the executors of the estate of Simeon Ogden. The meeting-house and parsonage received repairs, the former being newly roofed. In 1795, Josiah Quinby was engaged to ring the bell through the year on Sabbath and lecture days for £3 10s; Bethuel Pierson to ring it at nine o'clock every evening, for £4 ; the widow Martha Davison "to sweep the meeting-house and keep it clean all the year" for £4 10s. The teacher of the Academy had liberty to ring the meeting-house bell for the use of the school. The parish about this time received a legacy of fifty pounds from the estate of Job Tompkins. The followiug advertisement in Wood's Newark Gazette and New Jersey Advertiser* of June 10, 1795, indicates that " building lots" and " boarders" * N. J. Hist, Soc Librarv. 144: BUILDING LOTS. were beginning to figure in the business nomencla- ture of the village. 11 TO BE SOLD, By way of public vendue, on Saturday the 25th of July, twenty-three building lots, pleasantly sit- uated in Orange Dale, on the main road, opposite the meeting-house, and adjoining the Academy. Four of said lots have a never-failing stream of water running through them, which renders them convenient for the tanning business. On one of said lots there is a well of excellent water, and likewise a number of good fruit-trees dispersed through the different lots, all of which are fronting a road, which renders them convenient for both mercantile and mechanical business. They are situated in a very flourishing part of the country, and would be very convenient for any person or persons who may wish to take in boarders. Matthew Condit. Joseph Cone. N. B. Scythe-makers, nailers and silversmiths will find it tend greatly to their interest to settle themselves and carry on their business in this place, as they are much wanted." The following appears in the same publication. a The Academy at Orange Dale Opened on Tuesday the 17th inst., under the im- mediate instruction of Mr. Wyckoff, who has taught ACADEMY ADVERTISEMENT. 145 the English and learned languages, the arts and sciences in this place with approbation and success for a number of years. Those who choose to send their children to this institution may be assured that great care and attention will be paid both to their education and morals, under the attendance, direction and influence of a board of trustees annu- ally chosen by the parish for that purpose. Jedediah Chapman, Orange, May 24, 1796. PresH." The expenses of instruction are not given ; but in an advertisement of the Newark Academy pub- lished at the same time, and signed by " Alexander McWhorter, minister of the First Presbyterian Church," and "Uzal Ogden, rector of Trinity Church/' we have the English language, writing, arithmetic, and public speaking taught for $2 per quarter ; geography, book-keeping, Latin, Greek, and the mathematics, for $3.25 ; French by a native for one guinea.* * Nothing is said of religion in these advertisements. In the Newark Academy, under the joint control of two denominations, the use of catechisms was impracticable. The Orange Academy was more properly a parish institution, and the Synod of 1766 had enjoined "that special care be taken of the principles and charac- ters of schoolmasters, that they teach the Westminster Catechism and Psalmody ; and that the ministers, church-sessions, and fore- said committees, (where they consistently can,) visit the schools and see these things be done." This recommendation, made nineteen 146 A REFRESHING. It was voted by the parish three years before this, that "the public exhibitions of the Academy school may be held in the meeting-house." About the same time shade trees were ordered to be planted around the sanctuary. A gentle shower of reviving influence appears to have fallen on the Church at this time. The num- ber of persons brought into its communion does not indicate, however, a deep and general awaken- ing. According to an old register of baptisms and admissions to the Lord's table kept by Mr. Chap- man, and which (dating from 1786) has escaped the accidents of more than seventy years, the additions by profession in 1796 and the year following were thirty-three. By the expansion of the population of Newark and Orange, quite a settlement was at this period formed in what is now the township of Bloomfield. The place was then called by the Indian name Wat- sessing. Eeligious meetings appear to have been regularly held there as early as the year 1790. In years before the founding of our Academy, at the instance of a num- ber of lay elders and other zealous Presbyterians of Philadelphia, had probably little force at this time, if it ever possessed any. Of as little account in the esteem of the parties concerned must have been the recommendation appended, that " where schools are com- posed of different denominations, said committees and sessions in- vite proper persons of said denominations to join with them in such visitations." First teach the Catechism ; then invite others in to ese how well it has been done BLOOMFIELD CHURCH. 147 May, 1794, the advice of the Presbytery was sought on the subject of organizing a church. The Pres- bytery in July recommended the movement, which for reasons unknown, was however delayed. In 1796 the congregation by a vote assumed the name of Bloom field ; a compliment paid to Major General Bloomfield of Burlington, who returned it the next year in a donation of $140 toward their house of worship. The church was organized by Mr. Chap- man in June, 1798, receiving twenty-three of its members from Newark and fifty-nine from Orange. Among the latter were Elders Isaac Dodd (better known as " Deacon " Dodd) and Joseph Crane. Deacon Dodd had previously resigned his office in this Church, and Elder Joseph Pierson had in Feb- ruary been ordained to the diaconate as his succes- sor. At the same time Linus Dodd and Zenas Freeman were ordained elders. The latter was to have a short service — less than two years — before joining the elders around the throne. Mr. Chapman had now been settled in the parish more than thirty years. He had passed the peril- ous period of the revolution without having the pastoral bond severed by its divisions and animosi- ties. He had risen to a position of eminent esteem and influence in the Presbyterian body, and though in the ripeness of his powers, their decay could hardly have been visible at the age of fifty-seven. Circumstances were, however, beginning to shape 148 themselves uncomfortably around him. The prom- ise of his people that he should be freed from worldly cares, failed, by the fa alt of some of them, to be kept. In October, 1798, the trustees met " to inspect Mr. Chapman's rates, and to make a statement of the bad debts." Collectors were appointed to visit those who had unsettled accounts, and Mr. Chap- man was applied to for a power-of-attorney to en- force their settlement. This, he reminded them was unnecessary, the power being alteady theirs. To cover delinquencies, a paper for subscriptions was also passed round, agreeably to a vote taken at a parish meeting, in order to make the salary equal to what it was at the time of his settlement. It ap- peared upon examination that the rates, as now received, "amounted to about £134 6s. yearly." With this stipend, equal to $357, he had a house, which was kept in repair by the parish, a parson- age lot of four acres, and the twentv acres on the other side of the road, purchased by the society at its origin. It is supposed that no privileges were at this time allowed on the contested lands held by the Newark Society, from which the Orange claim- ants had been ejected the year previous by the withdrawal of their lease. When the parish came together in January, 1799, it was agreed to raise the salary that year to £160, ($427). The plan, as arranged by the trustees, MISSIONARY APPOINTMENT. 149 was : That those who did not assent to this agree- ment should be rated as heretofore; "then deduct the amount of those who have agreed to pay by certainty ; the residue to be raised from those who have agreed on the subscription to pay by way of rate." In the following December, the old debts still giving trouble, the trustees appointed Jotham Harrison and Isaac Pierson a committee to wait on Mr. Chapman, to make some arrangement of his old debts previous to any suits being com- menced. This was the posture of affairs when a call came from another quarter. The General Assembly, in May, 1800, desiring to locate a missionary on "the north-western frontiers," which then lay in Western New York, made choice of Mr. Chapman.* About * See Assembly's Digest, p. 349. The plan of the Assembly- was to employ a missionary four years, who should be engaged in missionary labor six months each year, with a compensation of $325 per year. The rest of the time he was expected to serve statedly some congregation. The compiler of the digest is wrong in saying that "Mr. Chapman was a settled pastor, and his pulpit was filled by a committee of the Assembly while he was engaged in these missionary labors." He had left his charge here, and he was not settled over the Geneva church till 1812. It was organiz- ed by him in 1800. It may be added here that the Presbyterian churches were early engaged in sending missionaries to the "frontiers," for the bene- fit no less of the red man than of the white. Their efforts to instruct the aborigines appear to have had some influence in pro- voking others to the same work. Colonel Babcock (an Episcopalian), 150 REMOVAL TO GENEVA. the same time, and in conformity with the appoint- ment, his ministerial services were solicited by the people of Geneva and its neighborhood. The result was, that on the 13 th of August his pastoral relation to this church was dissolved — a relation which had existed thirty-four years. In the final settlement of his affairs with the parish, he received £29 for a study and other build- ings added by him to the parsonage, and £10 for money spent in repairs. A number of persons are yet living at Orange, who sat under Mr. Chapman's ministry here, and who cherish their reminiscences of those by-gone days. Jacob and Moses Harrison remember the barrel of cider which went annually to his cellar from their father's cider-mill — a large manufactory of the article. It was in the days when the " New- ark cider," produced from the famous Harrison and Canfield apples, enjoyed a wide reputation. It is said that one thousand barrels a year flowed from the presses of the single mill j ust mentioned. Of the extensive orchards that fed them, only the remnants now remain. writing to Rev. Dr. Cooper in 1773, and recommending the estab- lishment of an academy among the Indians near Albany, urged as one reason, that " this might in a great measure prevent the Pres- byterians, who are tucking and squeezing in every possible crevice they can, their missionaries among the Indians" Documentary History of New York. KEMINISCENCES OF HIM. 151 This article was then a popular beverage, as- sociated with the hospitalities of every home. It was found in the minister's house, and was furnish- ed without scruple to the family, to the friend, to the laborer, and the stranger. The evening visit never closed without it, and the story is told of a certain parishioner of our pastor, whose neighborly calls were observed to be most frequent while the the cider lasted. The times of this ignorance have happily passed by. Mr. C. is remembered as an early riser, who might be seen at his well by day-light, on a sum- mer morning, performing his ablutions. He was a stout man, of fresh complexion, and fond of manual labor. In the pulpit he was earnest, and used a good deal of action. When a little excited, he would smite vigorously the desk, and speak in the tones of a " son of thunder." His temper was naturally quick, and being once rather rudely treated by a neighbor, with whom he had some difficulty about repairing a fence, he is reported to have said to him: "If it were not for my coat, Sir, I would give you a flogging." Hav- ing some hay out when a shower came up, and having succeeded in getting it in before the cloud reached the field, — " There," said he, "the prince of the power of the air meant to give my hay a wet- ting, but he got disappointed." He had a cornfield on the parsonage land, the 152 MISSIONARY LABORS. soil of which, was a good deal impoverished. One of the farmers in passing it one day observed to him, that his corn looked rather yellow : "It tuas yellow com I planted" was the reply. Down to the end of his ministry in Orange, Mr. Chapman continued to wear the three-cornered hat, formerly a badge of the clerical profession. This was ordinarily set a little obliquely upon the head, but it was observed that in riding against the wind he was accustomed to turn it transversely, that is, with its broadest side foremost. When a friend asked him the reason of this, he said that a man in facing a north-wester should present a bold front* Upon leaving Orange, Mr. Chapman established his family at Geneva, where he supplied a congre- gation for many years, while performing a labori- ous missionary service in the region around. He had the surveying and superintendence of the whole missionary field in "Western New York assigned him by the General Assembly, to which he reported annually his labors and their results. The oldest * When Archibald Alexander (afterwards Professor in the Princeton Seminary) was travelling through New England in the summer of 1801, he distinguished the country ministers by the cocked hats which they still wore when they appeared in public. And Dr. Eckley told him that " even in Boston, when he visited the older people, he was obliged to put on the cocked hat, as they considered the round hat too 'buckish' for a clergyman." — Life of Dr. Alexander, p. 251— In Orange the round hat came with Mr. Hillyer— the innovation of a new century. HIS DEATH. 153 churches in that region, those of Geneva, Komulns, Ovid, Kushville, Trumansburg, were organized by him. And he lived to see accomplished an object to which all his powers were devoted — " a complete union between the Presbyterian and Congregational churches in Western New York." * About ten months after his settlement over the Geneva church as its senior pastor, and after a fifty years' service in the ministry, he rested from his labors, May 22, 1813, in his seventy-third year. His last illness came on him in the pulpit, preach- ing from the words : "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness," &c. He left to the Presbyterian Church a patriarchal name, and works that do still follow him. Few men among his contemporaries did an equal service for the church. The most of his descendants are warmly attached to the Presbyterian faith and or- der. * Hotchkin's Hist. "Western N. Y. At the formation of the Synod of Albany, he preached the opening sermon, and presided till a moderator was chosen. CHAPTER VI. REY. ASA HILLYER, D.D. THE preceding portion of our narrative is rather a parish history than a history of the church. Much would have been added to its religious in- terest, could the writer have had access to the perished records of the Church Session. These would have let him into the temple, while he has been treading in the outer courts ; permitted to 11 walk about Zion and go round about her," but not to enter the sanctuary of her spiritual life. Stepping across the line which divides the centu- ries, we now enter a period distinguished by the interest of its events and less obscured by distance. Henceforth we have, a more luminous path, and one more divergent from matters of a civil and political nature. At the time Mr. Chapman was leaving Orange, a clergyman of New Hartford, Conn., was making arrangements to pass a winter in New Jersey in the hope that his wife's health would be benefited by its milder climate. It was the Rev. Edward Dorr LABORS OF GRIFFIN. 155 Griffin, who had then been eight years in the exer- cise of those eloquent gifts which have placed his name among those of the ablest preachers of the century. Being an acquaintance and friend of Mr. Hillyer, who was settled at Madison, and being invited to pass some time at his house, he in Octo- ber accepted the invitation and remained there seve- ral weeks. His proximity to Orange brought him to the notice of the congregation here, who engaged him to supply their pulpit during the winter. An extensive awakening accompanied his preaching. Having labored in the parish six months, with a large blessing upon his labors, about fifty souls being hopefully converted, he would have received from the congregation a call had he given them sufficient encouragement. He was soon after set- tled in Newark as the colleague of Dr. McWhor- ter, while his friend, Mr. Hilly er, became pastor of this church. These circumstances led to a still closer intimacy. " In no situation/' wrote Dr. Hillyer many years afterward, " was Dr. Griffin more entirely at home than in a revival of religion. It was my privilege often to be with him in such circumstances ; and I knew not which to admire most, the skill and power with which he wielded the sword of the Spirit, or the childlike dependence which was evinced by his tender and fervent supplications. Though he was certainly one of the most accomplished pulpit 156 HIS PREACHING DESCRIBED. orators of his time, on these occasions especially, the power of his eloquence was lost sight of in the mighty effects which were produced. A quicken- ing influence went forth through the church, and an awakening and converting influence spread through the surrounding world ; the pressing of sinners into the kingdom was such as seemed almost to betoken the dawn of the millennial day ; and yet the instrumentality by which all this was brought about was little talked of. This result, after all, I suppose to be the highest effect of pulpit eloquence. He wrought so mightily on the relig- ious principles and affections of his audience, that they had not the time, or scarcely the ability, to marvel at the exalted gifts with which these effects were associated. 7 '* During his brief ministry in Orange, Mr. Griffin was a boarder in the family of Captain Jotham Harrison. From a statement drawn up by the latter in June, 1801, and laid before a parish com- mittee appointed the December previous " for the purpose of procuring suitable accommodations for Mr. Griffin, " it appears that the boarding account was settled by the parish. "What further compen- sation was given is not known. As he received no salary from his people in New Hartford during his absence, it is altogether probable that he was paid for his labors here something more than enough * Annals of Am. Pulpit, IV., 39. BOARD ACCOUNT. 157 to settle his board bill. This latter, for twenty-nine weeks and two days, amounted to £144 3s. 7c7., or $385. It included, however, besides board, (at £2 per week for Mr. and Mrs. Griffin,) a charge for two rooms entirely furnished (£20) ; the service of a hired woman, at six shillings a week, and her board at ten shillings ; the wages of a nurse for Mrs. Griffin at sixteen shillings a week, and her board at twelve shillings ; the keeping of a horse at twelve shillings a week, on " one peck of oats a day and the best hay ;" harnessing horse for Mr. Griffin and his visitors ; cutting wood, making fires, running on errands, &c, (£11 12s.) ; candles for the 29 weeks (£2 10s.). It will be seen that some of these charges grew out of the state of Mrs. Griffin's health. From the whole the reader will infer a disposition on the part of the people to sur- round the minister of Christ with all necessary comforts and facilities for his work. Their reward was proportionate. Failing to secure the permanent ministrations of Mr. Griffin, the congregation of Orange had their attention soon directed to the Rev* Asa Hillyer, of Madison. His long and useful ministry in the parish demands at our hands some notice of his earlier history. Mr. Hillyer was a native of Sheffield, Mass., where he was born April 16, 1763. He was the son of a physician, who became a surgeon in the Revolu- 8 158 REV. ASA HILLTER. tionary army. Entering Yale College when he was nineteen years old. he graduated after a four years' course of study in 1786. His father was at this time residing at Bridgehampton, L. I. In crossing the Sound on his return home from college, he came near losing his life by a storm, which arose in the night and drove ashore the vessel in which he sailed. Among his fellow-passengers there was a mother with several children. The sight of these touched the heart of } 7 oung Hilly er and roused all his heroism. Obtaining a boat, he placed them in it as soon as it began to be light, and then spring- ing into the water himself, pushed the boat to land. At this time he had no Christian hope, and the effect of the night's disaster and of its merciful ter- mination was the immediate and solemn consecra- tion of his life to God. Having resolved upon entering the ministry, he began a course of theological study with Dr. Buell, of East Hampton, which he subsequently pursued and finished with Dr. Livingston, of New York, and in 1788 he was licensed to preach by the Pres- bytery of Suffolk. His ordination and settlement at South Hanover, now Madison, N. J., by the Presbytery of New York, took place July 28 r 1790. The next year he was married to Miss Jane Eiker, of Newtown, L. I. — a union destined to be long and happy. In 1798, under an appointment of the General Assembly, he went out upon a mis- MISSIONARY TOUR. 159 sionary tour through northern Pennsylvania and western New York, being absent from his charge nine weeks, travelling more than nine hundred miles, and preaching daily or oftener. He carried the gospel to places where it was never heard be- fore. Among these may be mentioned the place where now stands the city of Auburn.* * At this place he was entertained at the house of a lawyer of sceptical sentiments, whose father, one of the signers of the Dec- laration of Independence, had been a man of piety. In convers- ing with the wife of his host, Mr. H. discovered her to be in a state of serious concern for her salvation. The gentleman pro- posing a ride the next day, for the purpose of giving him a view of the country, he accepted the invitation. After riding a short distance, the former observed that he had a special motive for the ride, desiring to have some conversation with him on a subject which was deeply engaging his thoughts. He informed him that he had been a disbeliever in the Bible. The book had lain in his office unused, except in the administration of oaths. One day, as his eye rested upon it, these thoughts arose : " I have read much that has been written against that book, but have never honestly examined the book itself. My father was a firm believer in it. He was not a man of weak intellect or of doubtful integrity, but intelligent, conscientious, patriotic, and pure-minded. It did not irrjure him, but contributed to make him what he was. I will now be honest with myself and give it a fair examination." He had commenced reading it, and its truths had so impressed and dis- turbed his mind that he had since found no peace. "Have you ever spoken to your wife on the subject ?" asked Mr. H. He said he had not. . As they continued their ride, the opportunity was improved to deepen his convictions of Gospel truth. On their return to the house, as the gentleman was fastening his horse, Mr. H. stepped in and disclosed to the wife what he had learned of 160 CALL TO ORANGE. After laboring about twelve years with great acceptance at Madison — then known by the name of Bottle Hill — Mr. Hillyer was invited to the pas- toral charge of this congregation. After a due consideration of the subject, he decided to accept the invitation. The people of his former charge, in receiving his resignation, placed a minute upon their records, which (in the language of the present pastor of that church) " does honor both to them- selves and to him ; and furnishes a beautiful exem- plification of the spirit which ought to be exhibited both by pastors and people, when in the providence of God they are called to separate."* Although the call from this church was not unanimous, Mr. Hillyer entered the field hopefully, believing that a general concurrence would not long be withheld. He did not miscalculate the power of love. The field was soon his own, long to be held by the power that won it. The call, drawn up in the usual form, was as follows: "The Congregation of Orange Dale, be- ing on sufficient grounds well satisfied of the minis- her husband's state of mind. In a few moments the latter en- tered. His wife met him affectionately. As their eyes met, both were overcome with emotion. They embraced each other and wept, and were soon rejoicing together in the hope of salvation. — Related by Dr. Hillyer to Eev. James Wood, now President of Hanover College, Indiana, and by him to the writer. * Hist, of Pres. Church, Madison, by Rev. Samuel L. Tuttle, p. 40. TERMS OF THE CALL. 161 terial qualifications of you, the Kev. Asa Hillyer, and having good hopes from our past experience of your labors that your ministrations in the Gos- pel will be profitable to our spiritual interests, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the pas- toral office in said congregation, promising you in the discharge of your duty all proper support, en- couragement, and obedience in the Lord. And that you may be free from worldly cares and avo- cations, we hereby promise and oblige ourselves to pay to you the sum of six hundred and twenty- five dollars in regular annual payments, together with the use of the parsonage house and twelve acres of land adjoining the same, and thirty cords of wood annually, during the time of your being and continuing the regular pastor of this church. The congregation, moreover, engage to put the buildings and fences in good repair. But the Eev. Asa Hillyer is to be at the expense of after repairs, with the privilege of collecting the necessary mate- rials from the parsonage to repair the fences. In testimony whereof, &c. Done October 20, 1801." The call was signed by the trustees, viz. : Aaron Mun, Joseph Pierson, Jun., Thomas Williams, Dan- iel Williams, Samuel Condit, Isaac Pierson ; — by the elders, viz. : Joseph Pierson, Jun., Amos Har- rison, John Perry, Aaron Mun, Linus Dodd, Henry Osborn ; and by Eev. Bethuel Dodd, Moderator. 162 THE SETTLEMENT. The installation took place December 16 * Mr. Hillyer was now in his full strength, being in his 39th year — the age at which one of his pre- decessors had been called from his work. He had a tall and manly figure, and features not a little resembling those of George Washington. With- out the eloquence of Griffin, he had a vigorous intellect, sound learning, ardent piety, courteous manners, and great benevolence of character. Few men have possessed a happier combination of min- isterial qualities. There was another, however, possessing many similar traits of character, whose name is inciden- tally connected with our history at this point, and between whom and Mr. Hillyer a long and warm friendship subsequently existed. He was nine years younger, being in his thirtieth year, when, in the summer of 1801, having resigned a brief presidency of Hampden Sidney College, in Virginia, his native State, he made an extensive tour of observation on horseback through the Northern States, for the improvement of his health and mind. Having travelled through New England, he was returning homeward by way of New York and New Jersey. A Sabbath was passed in New York, where he preached in the evening for Dr. Eodgers in the * Dr. McWhorter presided and gave the charge to the minister ; James Richards, of Morristown, preached; Aaron Condit "made the address to the people." ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER. 163 Brick Church. " The next day was partly spent at Newark, with the venerable Dr. McWhorter, after which he proceeded to Elizabethtown, and visited the Eev. Henry Kollock, at the house of his father. It a was a favorite plan of Mr. Kollock to have his friend settled in the congregation of Orange, but the steps taken by him were unsuc- cessful."* This young Virginian was Archibald Alexander, then little known in this region, but whose name New Jersey was yet to cherish with a just pride as enrolled among those of her ablest theological teachers and most useful writers. It is likely that the congregation of Orange had their thoughts fixed upon Mr. Hillyer, if they had not already invited him, and Providence had other and yet larger designs for Mr. Alexander. His friend Kollock, (afterward Dr. Kollock,) one of the most eloquent preachers of his day, settled in Sa- vannah, Ga. He was a son of Shepard Kollock, of Elizabethtown, an active patriot in the Eevolu- tion, and for some time editor and publisher of a newspaper, f The old stone meeting-house was now the memo- rial of a generation gone. It had stood almost * Life of Dr. Alexander, p. 264. f Mr. Hillyer's oldest son, Asa, married Ljdia, a daughter of Shepard Kollock. He lived but about eighteen months after their union. The widow became the wife of Rev. Dr. Holdich, of the Am. Bible Society. 164 CHURCH OFFICERS. half a century. The stone parsonage had more than completed that period. Both had from time to time seen their age renewed by sundry improve- ments, and they were not yet to be released from service for a dozen years or more. The church had a membership of about two hundred. The exact figure is not known prior to 1806, when it was reported at two hundred and twenty-three. The congregation was among the largest to be found in the rural parishes. Such was the field. It was entered by the new pastor in the hope of a more expanded usefulness. And who were to be the helpers of his ministry ? Few were left of those who, thirty -five years be- fore, had given the right hand of their confidence to his predecessor. In the line of elders, Bethuel Pierson had been gone some ten years, and Joseph, his son, had succeeded to the " double honor " of which he had been counted worthy. Noah Crane, at the age of eighty-one, had passed away but a year and a half before, and Zenas Freeman, at half that age, had speedily followed. Isaac Dodd and Joseph Crane had been transferred to Bloomfield. Of the officers who remained, Deacon Amos Bald- win was in his eighty-second year — old enough to retire from service. Judge Peck, also an elder and deacon, stood next in seniority, being in his sev- entieth year. John Perry was fifty-five. Joseph Pierson, Aaron Munn, Linus Dodd, Amos Harri- THE SEXTON. 165 son, and Henry Osborn, were younger. The names of Moses Condit and John Lindsley were added to the list a little more than three years after. These were the associates of our pastor in the earliest period of his administration here. They were all literally his elders, who were to finish their course before him. There was in the parish a young man of twenty- six, who was to be an office-bearer at the end of thirty years, when these were gone. At this time he might have been seen on a Sunday morning or a Wednesday evening performing the duties of bell- ringer. This was Josiah Frost, who was employed in 1800 to ring the bell " on Sabbath and lecture days " for £3 14s. ; the widow Sarah Condit hav- ing charge of the sweeping at £5 per annum. The sexton's offices were thus divided between the two till 1805, when the former assumed the whole busi- ness, with a salary of $33 87. By the terms of the contract he was to take the whole and proper charge of the meeting-house, sweeping the same, finding the sand, ringing the bell, and lighting the candles ; the last named-article to be found at the expense of the parish, and " the ends left to go to the person who lights the candles." This service Mr. Frost performed through a number of years. In due time he was called to serve the church in a higher office, and at the time of our present writ- ing he has just " entered into the joy of his Lord," ripe in years and spiritual fruitfulness. 8* 166 LOTS ON THE COMMON. The growth of the village creating a consider- able demand for building lots, the parish in 1802 resolved to sell a portion of its lands along Main street for that purpose — the interest to be appro- priated to the support of the Gospel. Five lots north and eight lots south of the street were accord- ingly sold, for the sum of $3,546, secured by bond and mortgage. The strip of ground already used for a Common, lying opposite the parsonage, was to be reserved for that purpose forever. The eight lots lay along the southern border of this, and comprised six acres and fifty-eight hundredths of an acre. The Common was for a special and pa- triotic use, as well as for the public convenience and for the adornment of the village. The mar- tial parade drew hither annually its display of arms, and a crowd of citizen s, old and young, who looked to the occasion as the carnival of the year. Generous dinners were furnished by the tavern hard by, while travelling hucksters and auctioneers did a thriving business by the wayside. The locality is that now known as the park. In 1806, the trustees resolved to build a store- house on the Orange Dock, " 18 feet by 30." The work was executed by Amos Harrison, he being the lowest bidder, for $239 75. About two years from Mr. Hillyer's settlement, the church received a gentle refreshing. This in- dication of the divine favor excited his thanks- REVIVAL OF 1807, 167 givings, and relieved him of a lingering fear that he had mistaken the voice of Providence in the matter of his settlement. If any measure of that fear remained, it was put to rest a few years subse- quently, when there came down a baptism of the Spirit which surpassed anything known, before or since, in the history of the congregation. There is, happily, a narrative of this great revival, writ- ten by himself to some clerical friend. The name and date are not found in the transcript before us. We give his account of it without abridgment. " Rev. and Dear Sir : — A weakness in my side, occasioned by the illness from which I was just recovering, when I saw you last September, which rendered it extremely painful for me to write, has prevented my complying with your request until this time. But supposing that, even at this late hour, it may not be displeasing to you to receive a brief account of the wonders of divine grace which have been witnessed in this congregation, and a general view of the work of God in this vicinity, I will endeavor to give as general and succinct a relation of these things as I am able. " In the beginning of September, 1807, some tokens of good were discovered. A number of praying people were stirred up to fervent prayer, aud there appeared to be an increased at- tention to the preached word. For more than three years a meeting for special prayer had been attended in the church on the first Monday evening in every month. This meeting now increased in numbers and solemnity. "This church, in connection with two neighboring churches,* * Those of Newark and Bloomfield, doubtless. Dr. Griffin, then pastor in Newark, made this record in his journal: "September, 168 STATE OF MORALS. agreed to set apart September 4th for tasting and prayer, and in an especial manner, make supplication for the effusion of the Holy Spirit. A number of praying people also agreed to meet at nine o'clock on Sabbath morning, in the academy, to spend an hour in prayer for their minister, and for a divine blessing on the exercises of the day. This has been attended from that time to the present by a great proportion of the praying people of the congregation. It has been very refresh- ing to them, and accompanied with very happy effects. " But it may not be improper to remark here, that for some time previous to this, everything around assumed a gloomy aspect in regard to evangelical piety. All meetings for prayer, except the first Monday in the month, were relinquished. Gambling, horse-racing, intemperance, and dissipation of every kind, threatened all social order with destruction. A moral society had been established for two years, the object of which was the suppression of vice and immorality ; but no human effort was able to withstand the torrent of vice which threat- ened us on every side. At the same time the exertions of Christians were paralyzed ; the wise were sleeping with the foolish. This state of things alarmed a few praying people ; they agreed to resume a prayer-meeting which had, for the first time in more than forty years, been relinquished the spring be- fore. This took place about the latter part of July. For a number of weeks not more than twelve or fourteen persons at- tended ; but such fervent and earnest wrestling with God I never witnessed. They prayed as though they saw their chil- dren and neighbors standing on the verge of destruction, and that, without an immediate interposition of almighty grace, they were lost for ever. 1807. Began a great revival of religion in the town. Ninety- seven joined the church in one day, and about two hundred in all. ' ' Fifty, or more, were gathered in at Bloomfield. THE BALL. 169 " It was soon perceived that our public assemblies were un- usually solemn, but no special impression appeared to be made until the third Sabbath in September. In the morning the assembly was addressed on the awful solemnity of a future judgment ; and, in the afternoon, from these words : Choose you this day whom ye will serve. This was a day long to be remem- bered. Such solemnity had not been seen for many years, and many date their first impressions from that day. " The case of one young Miss it may not be improper for me to mention. She had been excessively fond of balls and parties of pleasure ; and had so strong an aversion to the public institutions of religion, that it was with difficulty she could be prevailed upon to attend public worship. This day she re- solved to give up her amusements, and attend to the vast con- cerns of her soul. In the evening we had a crowded assembly. An address was made from these words : All tliat the Father giveth me shall come to me. The doctrine brought to view in this passage of Scripture greatly exasperated a number present, among whom was this young lady. She now declared she would attend no more meetings ; ' for,' said she, ' if I am given to Christ, I shall be saved ; if not, all my efforts will be vain.' In the conclusion of the exercises, the youth were particularly addressed, and affectionately told of the wonderful things God was doing for the young people of Newark and Elizabethtown. The young lady above-mentioned, notwithstanding her enmity to the truth, resolved to break up a ball she had engaged to attend the next Tuesday evening. Accordingly, early Monday morn- ing she called on a number of her female companions, and per- suaded them to unite with her, and have the contemplated ball deferred until the next week. They succeeded ; the ball was defer- red, and has not since been attended. The disappointment which this occasioned greatly exasperated some of the young men, who determined to seek revenge on their minister and others, whom they accused of breaking up the ball ; although 170 THE PRAYER-MEETING. their minister knew nothing of the ball until they mentioned it afterwards, with abhorrence. They resolved to attend the prayer-meeting the next Wednesday evening, and then fix upon another time for their favorite amusement. ' We will go,' said they, ' and crowd out the old fellows, and let Mr. H. see that for once he has enough young people at his prayer-meeting.' " When I came to the house, I was not a little surprised to see two rooms and the entry filled with people, the most of whom had never been seen in such a place before ; and, as I entered the room, to see the seats previously occupied by a few praying persons now filled by some of the most profligate youth in our village. The first prayer was made by an aged Christian, who is the only surviving member of the meeting when it was established, forty years ago. His prayer was solemn and im- pressive. An address was then made from these words : Come now, and let us reason together. No attempt was made to work upon the passions. The youth, in an especial manner, were exhorted to consider the reasonableness of giving their hearts to God, and consecrating the best of their lives to his service. The assembly was unusually solemn. These daring youth were made to tremble under the word. Numbers were evidently pricked to the heart. Their tears, which they made great exertions to conceal, betrayed an awakened conscience. Such a scene had never before been witnessed by any person present. " No disturbance was made. All retired in solemn silence. Twelve or fifteen of the youth, who came with an intention of disturbing the meeting, went away trembling under a sense of guilt. As they had no suspicion of each others' feelings, each made an effort to conceal his own. One of them has since said, supposing that none of his companions felt as he did, and that he should be unable to conceal his feelings, he crossed a corn- field and went home unobserved. Another said, while walking the street he assumed an unusual gayety to conceal his feelings, POWER OF THE REVIVAL. 171 although the terrors of his mind were such that it appeared to him the earth would open and swallow him up. " One, who had not been in the house, made an effort to stop the young people in the street, to concert a plan for the contem- plated ball ; but his efforts were vain — all hurried home. After the people retired, four or five young women, who had waited in a back room, came in the room where the family were sitting, wringing their hands, and exclaimed, ' Oh, Mr. H., what shall we do ? ' After giving them such instruction as their case seemed to require, I engaged to meet with them the next even- ing. These, with a number of others, met the next evening in conference. Saturday afternoon we again met in conference. The beginning of the next week, the number under serious impressions had become too great to be accommodated at a private house. "Within a mile of the church we have an academy and two large school-houses. It was agreed to hold our conferences at these, alternately. Our assemblies, on these occasions, were frequently so large we were obliged to repair to the church. Sabbath and Wednesday evening we had stated lecture in the church. Our assemblies were all solemn, but without noise or disorder. After the usual exercises of our evening meetings were concluded, it was often difficult to persuade the people to retire. Indeed, this was impossible, until they were left by those to whom they looked for instruction. " One evening, after the benediction had been pronounced, the whole assembly stood in solid column. Scarcely an indi- vidual moved from his place. Such evidences of deep and heart- felt sorrow I never witnessed before, on any occasion. While all stood in solemn silence, there seemed a greater appearance of solemnity than during any part of the previous exercises. Sometimes it seemed we had only to stand still and see the sal- vation of God. It seemed, indeed, that the Lord was there, and that he gave us an example of his immediate work upon the conscience and the heart. 172 TOWNSHIP OF ORANGE. "If it were proper for me to go further into detail, I might mention other scenes similar to this. Within two weeks from the commencement of the work, more than one hundred were deeply impressed. A visible change seemed to be produced throughout the village." The church received much strength from this re- markable work, one hundred and forty-five persons being added to its communion in the course of the next year. So large an ingathering belongs to no other year of its history. Orange had continued, till about this time, to be a part of the township of Newark. In 1806 it was organized as a town, under the name it now bears. The new township was consecrated by a glorious baptism ! About the close of the year 1808, Nathaniel Bruen and David Munn were chosen elders. The latter, though his name appears at two or three meetings of Session, declined the appointment, and was never set apart to the office by ordination. In 1809, an addition was made to the pastor's salary, raising the amount paid in money from $625 to $800. By the separation of the town from Newark, it became necessary for the church to change its cor- porate name. The legislature being applied to, changed its title, in 1811, from the Second Presby- terian Church in Newark to the First Presbyterian Church in Orange. HONORABLE TRUSTS. 173 It was during this year Mr. Hillyer was made a trustee of the College of New Jersey — an office which he held to the close of life, and which was accom- panied with a sincere and active devotion to the interests of the institution. He was also chosen, in 1812, one of the first directors of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. This appointment was regularly renewed until the disruption of the church ; and, also, subsequently to that event, after a single omission. These important trusts, held for a quarter of a century, are indicative at once of a generous public spirit, of persistent good-will to- ward those from whom he was ecclesiastically sepa- rated, and of established confidence in his integrity and administrative ability. A similar confidence, on the part of his people, was manifested, and also justified, in the success of an important enterprise within the parish, which is said to have originated with him. This was the erection of a new and larger temple in which to worship God. Time, and the progress of popula- tion, had created what seemed to him a necessity for this. He proposed it. Some approved, and some objected. Some thought it feasible, and some impossible. He asked certain persons of the latter class, if they would i^vor the undertaking, provided he would secure the subscription of a certain sum of money which he named. They answered him, Yes. He started out with his paper on Monday, 174 THIRD MEETING-HOUSE. and by the close of the week had procured double the amount specified. We learn, from Mr. Moses Harrison, that his father, Jared Harrison, opened the subscription with $500. A laudable emulation was awakened. Those who refused donations stood ready to purchase pews. The thought, once fairly before the people, kindled desire, and desire led to action. The initial steps of the enterprise were taken in 1811. At the parish meeting in May, the trustees were authorized to purchase a half acre of ground for a site, lying on the north side of the road in the rear of the church. It was purchased of Stephen D. Day, for $400. The next year the work began, under the direction of the trustees, assisted by a building committee. It was voted by the parish that the front and sides of the new edifice should be built of dressed stone, the rear of undressed. The trustees were at first instructed to have the work done by contract, but these instructions were subsequently recalled, the matter being left to their discretion. They accordingly employed an archi- tect and proceeded with the work, many members of the parish preferring to turn in their labor on their subscription account. The principal architect was Moses Dodd, who received, for his services, three dollars a day. We have found no written details relating to the progress of the work, but we are told by Mr. Adonijah Osmun, that the corner ITS DIMENSIONS, 175 stone was laid the 15th of September, 1812. At the meeting of the parish, the next April, it was voted to take down the old meeting-house, for the purpose of using its material in the construction of the new. The double work of demolition and edi- fication followed, — the Sabbath assembly, in a meas- ure broken up and reduced in numbers, being for several months held elsewhere. The stone tablet, over the door of the demolished edifice, was trans- ferred to the inside of the tower in the new, where the inscription upon its face may yet be read, unob- scured by the mould which has gathered upon its contemporaries in the old graveyard. A goodly sanctuary was reared, considerably ex- ceeding the dimensions of its predecessor. It had a front of sixty-three feet, and a depth of ninety .in the central and longest part, the rear wall having a curvature or convexity of four or five feet. This length does not include the projection of the tower in front, which was four feet. The walls had an elevation of about thirty-six feet to the roof. The tower, eighteen and a half feet wide, was carried up to the top of the building. The steeple was re- served for the work of another year. Three large folding- doors admitted the worshipper to the vesti- bule. Two opened from that into the audience- room, connecting with two aisles between which, at the hither end, stood the pulpit. The house had double rows of windows, which numbered ten on 176 THE OLD BELL. each side, six at the rear end, and three in front, exclusive of lights above the doors. Galleries at the sides and end rose above the pulpit in sublimity of position, if they were not always to equal it in sublimity of thought and solemnity of feeling- These, for some time to come, were to be kept in order by a Sunday police stationed at suitable dis- tances. The bell, taken down from its modest quarters in the old steeple, was suspended on a pole to perform its last offices in calling the workmen to their tasks. A calamity had befallen it some time previously, of which it still bore the mark. The tongue hav- ing dropped out when its voice was needed on a funeral occasion, was taken by the bell-ringer and struck upon the rim of the bell, by which a frac- ture was produced. The bell was taken to a smith, who attempted to weld the fracture. Instead of this, a piece was melted out. The failure, however, proved a success, for the tone of the bell was in a good measure restored. Having in this condition continued to do duty, it was now, as we have stated, put to a useful service in signaling the hours of labor. But it was destined to share the fate of the old church — bequeathing its metal, while losing its individuality. As the new house went up and the work drew near completion, a workman named William Halsey, to secure the parish against possi- bilities which excited uneasiness in some minds, THE THIRD MEETING-HOUSE. DEDICATION. 177 gave the bell a finishing stroke with his hammer. A piercing knell — and the tongue which had so long discoursed solemnly of eternity and sweetly of heaven, which had called a generation to their nightly repose and to their weekly devotions, which had been the music of their lives and a mourner at their burial, was silent forever ! The new building (except the steeple) went up during the summer and autumn of 1813. The date of its dedication we have not been able to deter- mine. According to the recollections of some who were present, it occurred in the month of Decem- ber, the weather being quite cold. Mr. Hillyer preached. The assembly was large and the occa- sion inspiring. Taking a text from Genesis 28 : 17, he thus congratulated his audience, who were now partakers of his joy as they had been of his toil and hope : " My Brethren : — The circumstances in which we meet this morning are calculated to inspire us all with unfeigned gratitude and lively joy. By the good providence of our God, a work of great labor and expense is so far accomplished that we may this day begin to enjoy its fruits. If we look back to the moment when, with solicitude and trembling hope, we laid the corner-stone, and con- sider the rapidity and safety with which the work has progressed — that in a little more than twelve months this large, convenient and beautiful build- 178 MR. ing has been thus far completed — that in all the dangers to which a numerous body of useful mechanics and laborers have been exposed, not a life has been lost, nor a bone broken* — what heart does not feel, and what tongue does not confess, that this is the finger of God ? We are permitted in health and in peace to assemble around these altars, and by prayer and thanksgiving dedicate this house to our God and Kedeemer." "Words equally earnest, and which have not yet lost their fitness or force, were heard as the speaker drew his discourse to a close. The thoughts evolved from his subject and from the occasion, were thus brought home to his congregation : " The God of Jacob has given you a Bethel — not in the wilderness, not in exile from domestic endearments, not in circumstances of poverty and want, but in circumstances happily adapted to spiritual improvement. Let me beseech you, my * This was true ; yet one of the workmen (David S. Roff) had fallen from the scaffolding, when the wall was within one tier of the top. By a singular providence he fell where a pile of sand was or had been lying, and thus escaped being broken on the frag- ments and chips of stone which covered the ground all around the spot. Those who saw him fall observed that he rebounded from the ground a foot or two. It was on the east side of the building. The accident was occasioned by stepping on a loose bit of stone. The injury did not prove serious. Josiah Frost was standing where he felL Hearing the noise, he looked up, saw the man de- scending, and had just time to save himself by stepping aside. EARNEST WORDS. 179 brethren, to look around with suitable emotions of gratitude and praise upon this spacious and con- venient temple of the Lord, whose doors are opened to invite you and your children to the gospel feast. And realize the obligations you are under to attend constantly and devoutly on all the duties of the sanctuary. A solemn responsibility attaches to every member of this congregation. ISTo excuse can be ordinarily made for Jus absence, who has health and strength to come to these courts. If any now neglect the public worship of God, it be- comes them very seriously to consider what excuse they will make at the great day of account. Let no one suffer his seat to be empty unless imperious ne- cessity compel him. Let your example never en- courage the negligence of others. Let parents and heads of families learn their indispensable obliga- tion, not only to be present themselves, but to be careful that their children, their servants, and all under their care attend constantly upon the public worship of God. Soon you must leave your chil- dren, and upon them the interests of the church and of religion will devolve. Oh, how important, before you die, you should see in your children and those who are to follow you the habit formed of constant and devout attention to the public institutions of religion !" The younger part of his flock were thus admon- ished : 180 BUILDING OF STEEPLE. " Kemember, this house was in a peculiar sense built for you. Your fathers can enjoy it but a little while. Oh, be entreated early to form the habit of constant and devout attention to the means of grace administered here ! Let it not be said of you, my young friends, as is the case with too many others, that you prefer amusement, idleness, or parties of pleasure to the public worship of your God and Kedeemer." Forty-six years have left but few even of the youth who listened to these solemn counsels. The edifice thus consecrated was built at a cost of about $28,000. A steeple was yet necessary to complete the design. This was added in the follow- ing year by a contract with Mr. Dodd, the architect, for $2,75^). The parish in April voted that the surplus money raised by the sale of the pews in the new church remain in the hands of the trustees, to defray the expense of finishing the house, pur- chasing a bell and chandeliers, and fencing the church lot. The fund at interest amounted at this time to about §6,000, the most of it secured by bond and mortgage. Among these securities was a mortgage on the " Orange Dock," for the sum of $750, given by Jacob Plum, and bearing date the 25th of May, 1812. From the sale of the dock we infer that the sloop owned by the parish was likewise sold about this time, the whole capital thus invested being MINERAL SPRING. 181 probably absorbed in the new church building. We learn that some difficulty was experienced in the adjustment of the claims of private stockholders. Those claims were, however, satisfied, and the whole shipping interest transferred to the common fund. Orange was at this time celebrated as a watering- 'place. The chalybeate spring, which now adds its attractions to the romantic and tasteful grounds of Mr. Pillot, was much resorted to as a public foun- tain of health. Near by was a boarding hotel, which has since been transformed into the mansion occupied by the gentleman just named. Every season brought to this spot hundreds of invalids and pleasure-seekers, whose presence added a new feature to the social character of the place, and swelled perceptibly the large assemblies which on the Sabbath received from Mr. Hillyer's lips the word of life. The mineral spring, it is said, was " once the most fashionable place of resort in the United States. Up to 1824, Orange was the great American Saratoga."* There was a class of worshippers in the new sanctuary for whose accommodation special provi- sion was made. They are brought to our notice in a resolution of the parish in 1815, requesting the trustees " to. call on the slaveholders for the annuity * See Specimen Number of the Orange Journal, Jan. 7, 1854, 9 182 PROVISION FOR SLAVES. on the pews set apart for their slaves." This was five years before the emancipation act, and ten years before it began to take effect in the dissolu- tion of the servile bond.* It is gratifying to know that while the day of emancipation was dawning, the light of the gospel was already shining on this portion of the population. The first Sunday-school in this parish was established for their benefit in 1816. The demolition of the old meeting-house was to be followed not long after by the abandonment of the parsonage — four years its senior in age. This event was occasioned by a conviction in Mrs. Hill- yer's mind that her health, which was delicate, was injuriously affected by her residence there. In consequence of this impression, Mr. Hillyer remov- ed in 1815 to a wooden house on the corner of the street which bears his name. It is now the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Dr. William Pierson. The parish this year resolved to pay $200 in lieu of the wood formerly provided for him. The temple so recently consecrated was receiv- ing evidences that the Lord of hosts had made His * By the act of February, 1820, children horn of slave parents subsequent to July 4, 1804, were to become free, the females upon arriving at twenty-one, the males at twenty-five years of age, The slave population of the State reached its maximum (12,422) in 1800. In 1810 it was 10,85*7. In 1850, there were 236 slaves; 23,810 free colored. REVIVAL OF 1817. 183 abode there. His people had proved Him with their offerings; a blessing was poured out upon them in return. Before their work was finished in building him a house, a special work of grace was going on. This is indicated by the fruits gathered in during the year 1814, when thirty-one persons took the vow of obedience at the altars of the new sanctuary. Things more glorious were to be spo- ken of Zion three years later, when there came an- other general awakening. In Newark, Elizabeth- town, Bloomfield, Caldwell, Connecticut Farms, and other places, the Spirit came down with signal power. The first manifestations of the work here were in the autumn of 1816. The weekly meetings held in the academy began to assume an unusual inter- est. Such was the attendance that the place be- came too strait, and the services were transferred to the church. Additional appointments were also made, both for preaching and prayer, in Doddtown and other neighborhoods. Two young men from Princeton, Messrs. Barnes and Riggs, assisted Mr. Hillyer several weeks. The praying men of the parish were at work in their several localities, and on the morning of the Sabbath might be seen coming together from each point of the compass, to intercede for the Spirit's presence, and for a blessing on the word. Of this number was Elder John Perry — a personal illustra- 184 MEN OF PRAYER. tion of the proverb that u the legs of the lame are not equal," but demonstrating no less the truth of the promise, that " the lame man shall leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing ; for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert." It might have been said of him with very little of poetic exaggeration : " Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills." His mountain home was not too high nor too distant for him to descend from it, though with uneven, limping pace, to the solemn convoca- tions of the house of prayer ; and having waited upon the Lord, and with tears entreated men, he would return to his home in the promised strength and joy of the Lord, mounting up with wings as eagles. Associated with him in the work, and in official responsibility, were the two Joseph Pier- sons, Amos Harrison, Linus Dodd, Moses Condit, John Lindsley, Adonijah Osmun, and Daniel Con- dit ; not all of them men of like zeal, but men whom the church delighted to honor, and whose prayers prevailed with God. We could wish that the scenes of that revival had some other record than the unwritten memories of them which remain. Such indeed they have, but the record is on high. The particulars here furnished are from the re- collections of one who was a subject of the revival. His own mind was wrought upon with great power. SUNDAY - SCHOOLS. 185 At night, he says, lie looked upon the heavens, and thought how these declared their Maker's glory, while he, His rational creature, had done nothing but rebel against Him. In every star that shone, and in every object of nature and blessing of prov- idence, he seemed to meet an accuser. And so completely was his mind engrossed and overwhelm- ed with the thoughts of his own guilty condition and exposure to the anger of a Holy God, that for a considerable time he scarcely took note of what related to others.* Many others there were, who were passing through a like experience. The records of the session for the year 1817, show an ingathering of one hundred and thirteen souls, the hopeful trophies of recovering grace. A blessed and permanent institution of the church — the Sabbath-school — grew out of this re- vival, or had its origin in it. "We have spoken of a school instituted for the colored people. Another, for the benefit of the children and youth of the congregation generally, was established in 1817. The two schools assembled in the upper and lower rooms of the academy. Among those who devoted e Mr. Nicol, now an elder in the Second Church. Mr. Osmun, his venerable colleague, was a subject of the revival of 1807. The latter relates to me that Dr. Griffin, being once in Orange, after he had preached here, and meeting Elder John Perry, saluted him on this wise : " Well, brother Perry, you are still limping along to- ward heaven, are you ?" — " The first part is true," was the reply. 186 BIBLE SOCIETY. themselves to the religious instruction of the colored population — then in servitude — was a daughter of the pastor, one who is yet with us, and yet un- wearied in the Christian labors that engaged her youthful love. There sprang from the same revival another in- stitution not now existing, though its spirit lives. This was the Orange Bible Society. The National Society having been organized the year previous, a local society in furtherance of the same object, " in our own vicinity," was formed here, Nov. 1, 1817. One dollar was the price of admission to its mem- bership; ten dollars to a life-membership. Mr. Hilly er took an active interest in the enterprise, drew up the constitution, and was chosen Vice- President. The society does not appear from its books to have been a highly efficient one. The members paid pretty regularly their dollar a year till 1828, when the books were closed, the aggre- gate receipts for eleven years being $250.65. In the spring of 1817, "the trustees and com- mittee appointed at a late parish-meeting to make arrangements with Mr. Hillyer respecting a parson- age," reported — " That they had agreed with Mr. Hillyer to raise his salary to $1120 per year ; on condition that he would relinquish his claim to the old par- sonage-house and one half acre of land adjoining, a quarter of an acre adjoining Samuel W. Tichenor, NATIONAL SOCIETIES. 187 a quarter of an acre adjoining Allen Dodd, and all the land owned by the parish on the south side of the road. They further reported that they had con- ferred with Mr. Hilly er on the subject, and that he was satisfied with the arrangement. The meeting ap- proved and confirmed the contract by a solemn vote, and authorized the trustees to use the above- mentioned pieces of land to enable them to fulfil the contract on their part." The great idea of religious beneficence, and of Christianity as a grand power for reforming the world, was at this period seizing the best and most vigorous intellects of the country as it had never be- fore done. In 1809 was formed the American Board ; in 1814, the American Tract Society (of Boston) ; in 1816, the American Bible Society; in 1817, the American Colonization Society, and (within the Presbyterian church) the United Foreign Mission- ary Society. This last Mr. Hilly er assisted to form, and he gave his earnest sympathies to the rest, as he did subsequently to the Education Society (1818), the Sunday School Union (1824), the American Tract Society at New York (1825), the Home Mis- sionary Society (1826), the Seamen's Friend Society (1828). It will be seen from the dates how rapidly these institutions sprang up during his ministry. They found in his liberal views, and his warm sympathy with whatever could benefit man, a sure ground of support. 183 REVIVAL OF 1825. During the year 1818, in the full ripeness of his mind and ministry, he received from Alleghany college the degree of Doctor of Divinity. The honor was worn as modestly as worthily. The church had at this time grown to a member- ship of 520. At about this number it stood, till the years 1824r-5 brought another Pentecost. In this revival Dr. Hillyer was assisted by a young man from Greenfield, N. Y., who had then just completed his theological studies at Princeton.* * The young man alluded to was James "Wood, now Eev. Dr. Wood, President of Hanover College, Ind. He was from my na- tive parish. When I visited Philadelphia in June last, to obtain some material for this history from the library of the Presbyterian Historical Society, he was just closing his labors as one of the Secretaries of the Presbyterian Board of Education. My business, which led me to his room, at once interested him ; and he related an anecdote of Dr. Hillyer which is worth preserving. The inci- dent was told him by the latter when he was with him in the re- vival above mentioned. A Methodist clergyman sometime previously had visited Orange, and preached at a private house where a lady of that denomination resided. There were at that time very few Methodists in the place. It was the evening of Dr. Hillyer's lecture, and the Doctor, on his way home from his own service, passing the place, saw quite a crowd assembled, some of them standing outside the door, among whom was a man of his own society, who seldom went to church. The next day, meeting this man, the conversation turned upon the Methodist preacher, and he was asked what he thought of him. " Why, I thought this," replied Dr. H., " that I ought to be thankful to God for sending a man here to preach His gospel who can get the attention of such men as you. My preaching does DEED OF THE ACADEMY. 189 We know not the particular aspects of the work. Nearly a hundred conversions were reported the next spring. As in previous revivals, the awaken- ing was simultaneous in Orange and Newark. Some changes worthy of notice occurred about this time, affecting the Orange Academy. Mr. Hillyer, like his predecessor, had served the institu- tion as a trustee and a patron. In 1823, we find associated with him as trustees, Stephen D. Day, Doctor Daniel Babbit, John M. Lindsley, Daniel D. Condit, Abraham "Winans and Samuel W. Tiche- nor. Of those who originally held the property by a deed of trust, John Condit was yet living, but had removed to Jersey City. It was necessary the title should now rest in others, and accordingly, in November, 1823, it was conveyed by him to the acting board of trustees. The terms of the deed in- dicate that the Academy had ceased to be, if it ever was such, in any sense a parochial institution ; * it you no good, for you don't come to hear it. If another can draw you out, I shall be glad, and still more if he is made an instrument in bringing you into the kingdom of God." The result was, that the man was seen at Dr. Hillyer's next inquiry meeting, and was soon a member of his church. ° The deed says : " To be kept and held by the trustees of the aforesaid academy forever in trust, (agreeable to the above conveyance to myself and others, which is as follows) : for all the inhabitants in general of the place and neighborhood of Orange, to be and remain a place for an academy, which shall be for the itse of a public school. I'urthermore, it is the true intent and meaning of these presents,'' 190 RELIGIOUS CHANGES. being affirmed to be " the true intent and meaning" of the conveyance, " that no particular sect or pro- fession of people in said place shall have any right to said premises on account of the profits which may arise from it more than another ; but it shall be and remain for the purpose of a good public and moral school of learning, for the use of all the in- habitants which now are or ever shall be in said Orange, to the end of time." These terms indicate the religious changes which thirty -eight years had gradually effected in the community. Yet the population of Orange, until this period, adhered so generally to the doctrines and polity of the Presbyterian church, that no movement was made to collect a congregation on any other basis. Persons who belonged to other communions, or were drawn to them, either went to Newark to worship, or consented to forego their preferences. It speaks much for the vitality of our system, that it struck its life so deep, and maintained its growth so long, without decay and without division. It was guarded and fostered by no State patronage. It was planted in a field open to the freest competi- &c. The quotation from the original conveyance shows that the institution had never, in form, been denominational ; while the furthermore shows that something more explicit upon the point was now felt to be needed in the title. It may be added that this was inadvertently given by Mr. Condit in his own right, and not as a trustee ; a defect subsequently remedied by the Legislature. 191 tion. Yet it held the ground, almost unquestioned, for a century. Evidently it had taken deep root in the convictions and affections of a free, intelligent and Bible-loving people. An established church may be held up by the civil arm . A lordly and showy hierarchy, claiming apostolic sanctity, and clothed with mystery and magnificence, may draw the world wondering after it by its very arrogance and excess of gorgeous absurdities. The Presbyterian churches of New Jersey borrowed no strength from these sources. They claimed no exclusive commission from God. They had no captivating ceremonies. They had neither monarchy nor hierarchy in their favor. The Church-of-England sympathies of the Provincial Government were long against them. Whence came their vigorous life? What gave them so long and so strong a position in the intel- lects and hearts of men trained to piety and thought and freedom ? The question is not asked invidious- ly or boastfully. We would gratefully honor the goodness of God, and we shall be pardoned for calling attention to the favor he has bestowed on a church we venerate ; by those at least who know our cordial fellowship with others, drawing their creed and life from the Everlasting Word. In 1825, Eev. Benjamin Holmes, a missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, residing in Morristown, made Orange a part of his missionary circuit His appointments here were monthly- 192 DEATH OF MRS. IIILLYER. At the end of two years — April 7, 1827 — a church was organized. The corner-stone of a house of worship was laid May 12, 1828, and the house consecrated February 20, 1829. In the following May, the church had thirteen communicants and fifty pew-holders. In June, Eev. William E. Whit- tingham, now bishop of the Maryland diocese, was settled over it. He remained about a year. The church is Saint Mark's, now under the rectorship of the Eev. James A. Williams. The coincidence may here be noted, that the First Church exhibited at this time the largest membership it has ever enrolled. It reported in 1827 more than six hundred communicants. It had grown to repletion. The population of the parish was increasing. There was a demand for more laborers ; the Lord of the harvest sent them. But a cloud of sorrow was now gathering over the pastor's home. Many a joy had inspired him in his fruitful labors. Eichest blessings had de- scended upon his flock. He had been a minister of comfort to hundreds of mourning penitents and to many afflicted homes. He was now to feel the loss of one who had been often a comforter to him. Mrs. Hillyer, whose health had been long declin- ing, was removed by death, April 4, 1828. She died much regretted, the mother of four sons and three daughters. The ladies of the congregation caused a suitable headstone to be put over her METHODIST CHURCH. 193 grave — a permanent memorial of their esteem and sorrow. Left to a lonely ministry at the age of sixty-five years, and having now one of the largest parishes in the State, Dr. Hillyer was not averse to receiv- ing, in the year following this bereavement, the assistance of a colleague. With this arrangement in view, he entered into an agreement that for seven years succeeding the first of May, 1829, he would accept of an annual salary of $920, instead of the $1,155 which he then received. At the expiration of that term, he was to receive $800 per annum during his natural life.* In the selec- tion of an associate, the choice of the congregation fell upon Mr. George Pierson, a native of the parish. Having finished his education at Princeton, and preached here with acceptance as a licentiate, he was ordained as co-pastor June 22, 1829. Another division of the Christian army set up soon their banner. It has been thought to be the peculiar mission of Methodism to do pioneer work, but it has not restricted itself to this, nor are its capabilities and adaptations limited to it. It en- tered the field here at a late day — at once a gleaner « By a later agreement, made in 1834, he accepted $600 per annum, and a donation of $1,000. This was after the separation of the Second Church. Five-sevenths of the whole were to be paid by this Society ; the arrangement to go into effect from the 1st of April, 1833- 194 PKESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. and a cultivator. A society was formed in 1829 by the Eev. (now Dr.) John Kennaday, who had charge at that time of the Halsey street church, Newark. It numbered about fifteen members. He preached at first in the old Academy, but after- ward in the Masonic Hall, which was hired and fitted up for the purpose by two members of the society. The church was soon attached to the Belleville circuit. In 1830 and the following year a plain wooden edifice was built, which has since given place to a larger and more tasteful structure of brick and stone. The process of disintegration had now fairly begun. The rock which had received no visible- fracture from the wear and friction and civil agita- tions of a hundred years, was beginning to part. Each fragment, as it fell, helped to dislodge anoth- er. The spirit of religious enterprise was conta- gious. The old church was to become the mother of two daughters, to be henceforth nursed at her side. Two colonies were planted in the spring and summer of 1831. The earliest was in March, when a hundred and eighteen members, accompanied by the junior pastor, were dismissed, to be organ- ized as the Second Presbyterian Church. Among them were four elders — Adonijah Osmun, John Nicol, Aaron Peck, and Peter Campbell. Mr. Osmun had belonged to the eldership in this church DIVISION OF FUND. 195 sixteen years, and at the end of twenty-eight more has not laid his office down. Mr. Nicol had been an elder ten years, and still remains with his vener- able associate in the sister church. Mr. Campbell has deceased. The organization was effected the 26th of April ; the pastor installed November 15th, During the same year a house of worship was built, which has recently been improved and fur- nished with an organ. The church has gone for- ward under four ministries in a path of steady prosperity. In May, twenty-nine members were dismissed, who on the 13th of June were constituted as a Presbyterian church at South Orange. Elder Samuel Freeman was one of the number, a grand- son of the " Deacon Samuel Freeman " who con- tributed to the old parsonage in 1748, He lived only four years to assist in building up the new society. The first minister was Eev. Cyrus Gil- dersleeve, an uncle of the elder now with us who bears the name. Mr. Gildersleeve preached there as stated supply till the first of May, 1883. This church gathered around it the families belonging to the southern part of the parish. The two new societies considering themselves entitled to a share of the fund belonging to this parish, it was agreed that they should "receive and enjoy two-sevenths each of the fund belonging to the First Congregation, at the expiration of the 196 REV. E. F. HATFIELD. existing contract with Dr. Hillyer." It is not known what amounts were distributed under this arrangement, but they are said to have been incon- siderable. It is unnecessary to enter into an explanation of the particular causes which led to these movements. They were not of a nature to create any perma- nent barriers to a cordial fellowship between the churches separated. Dr. Hillyer never ceased to regard with a pastor's affection those w r ho had so long been members of his flock, nor to be regarded by them with a reverence almost filial. He looked upon them all as his children, and to the end of his life had the freedom of three pulpits, in which his venerable form was always a welcome presence. By Mr. Pierson's removal to another charge, the entire care of the old society again devolved upon him. It was, however, but for a short period. Daring the year 1832, he was assisted six months by Eev. Edwin F. Hatfield, who was then just entering upon the ministerial work, and whose labors here were attended with a signal blessing. It was a year long to be remembered in the parish, and indeed throughout the land.* In the general * " During July and August the cholera prevailed in New- York, and the town [Orange] was full of people. The big church also was filled every Sabbath w T ith earnest hearers." Mr. Hatfield was here from the first of March to September, i: preaching four times weekly in OraDge during the whole time, and frequently in dr. hillyer's resignation. 197 awakening and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this congregation was permitted largely to share, though the results were not equal to those of the revivals of 1807 and 1817. Sixty and more were added to the church. The thoughts of the people turned to Mr. Hatfield as a candidate for the co-pastorate, but he decided in favor of a western field, and was soon after settled in St. Louis. His subsequent ministry has been in the city of New York, where he still labors with undiminished usefulness. Of those who were brought into the kingdom under Dr. Hatfield's preaching here, a considerable num- ber remain with us, who remember him with great affection. At the close of this season of special labor and rejoicing, Dr. Hillyer laid down the responsibilities of a charge which he had now held for thirty-one years. He was dismissed on the 12th of February, 1833, and his successor, who had occupied the pul- pit from October, was installed the day following. From that time till his death, he preached occasion- ally on the Sabbath, attended religious meetings in the week, and devoted himself to visitation. For this he had a fondness, to which were attributable in no small degree the warm personal attachments he had won. The writer is informed by one of his family that he used to employ five days of the the towns round about; boarding with the pastor." Letter from Dr. Hatfield. 198 OLD AND XEW SCHOOL. week in pastoral labors, reserving Saturday for the exclusive business of the study. His mind was doubtless occupied through the week with the sub- jects upon which he was to preach. The work of Saturday was to collect and arrange his thoughts, and to draw the outlines of his discourses, which he seldom wrote out in full. Others may question whether he did not exalt the pastor at the expense of the preacher, whether he did not magnify one part of his office to the diminishing of the other. We think it can hardly have been otherwise. We do not see how such a distribution of his labors could have given scope for the full development of his power in the pulpit. But it was an error, if such, on the side most easily excused. If criticism was provoked, it was by the same cause disarmed. The people loved him, and their charity would have covered more faults than could ordinarily have been laid to the account of his public dis- courses. About seven hundred persons were brought into the communion of the church under his ministry. The division of the General Assembly in 1837 left Dr. Hillyer on the side of the New School. The event was by him deplored, but it never affected his fraternal relations with those from whom he was ecclesiastically separated. He recom- mended mutual forbearance and charity, and en- joyed to the end of his life, which was now near at FRATERNAL COUNSELS. 199 hand, the unabated good-will and warm personal esteem of prominent men in both divisions of the church. Among his last public efforts was a ser- mon preached before the Synod of Newark, from the words of Abraham to Lot : " Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and be- tween my herdmen and thy herdmen ; for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee ?" &c. (Gen. 13 : 8, 9.) He urged that there was ample room in our vast country for the fullest activity and expansion of both Assemblies, and, holding up the noble example of the Hebrew patriarch, " Let all," said he, " who have interest at the throne of grace, and all who love the Eedeemer and the Church which he purchased with His own blood, unite their prayers and their influence for the spread of this benevolent, this heavenly principle. Be- loved brethren, (he added,) permit me as your elder brother, as one who has borne the heat and burden of the day, and whose departure is at hand, affec- tionately to press these remarks upon the Synod now convened. We are indeed a little band. Separated from many whom we love, we occupy a small part of the vineyard of our common Lord. But let us not be discouraged. Let none of our efforts to do good be paralyzed by the circum- stances into which we have been driven. Eather let us with increased zeal and diligence cultivate the field which we are called to occupy, while we 200 THE LAST COMMUNION. are always ready to cooperate with our brethren in every part of the land in spreading the Gospel of the grace of God, and in saving a wretched world from ruin." In these noble sentiments we hear an echo of the voice which spoke to the Synod of 1787. Counsels wise and kind from the Orange pulpit accompanied the formation of the General Assembly. Counsels wise and kind were heard from the same quarter when the harmony of sixty years was broken. The pen of history may with gratitude record, that the spirit by which they were dictated has not passed away, but is more and more pervading and prevalent throughout the Christian world. In two or three months after his appearance be- fore the Synod, Dr. Hillyer was seized with an illness that was to hasten the departure which he felt to be at hand. As the winter advanced, his strength visibly declined. It was hoped that he would rally with the return of warm weather, but the hope was not realized. On the oth of July he stood up for the last time to address the people. It was at a communion, when about thirty persons made a profession of their faith, and sat down to commemorate a Saviour's death ; the fruit of a re- vival in whose scenes his weak condition had not allowed him to have any active participation. The following Sabbath his hands were lifted in benedic- tion over the assembly. This was his last minis- DEATH OF DR. HILLYER. 201 terial act. As the end approached, he welcomed it ; retaining his consciousness apparently till the spirit took its flight. "I am not afraid to die, said he, on recovering from a fainting fit. "I have not the wonderful views of Payson in his dying hours, nor have I lived such a life. But God is a great deal better to me now than I had any reason to expect. I had no expectation that one no more faithful than I have been would be favored with so much serenity and joy in the closing scene." The doctrines of grace which he had preached now yielded to him their richest consolations. He ex- pired during the evening of the 28th of August, 1840. His funeral was attended by a large con- course of people, embracing all classes. The rich and the poor met together. The aged and the young felt they had lost a friend. His funeral sermon was preached by Kev. Dr. Fisher, who also composed the following inscrip- tion for the tablet seen on the west side of the pulpit. 202 TABLET INSCRIPTION. RET. ASA HILLYER, D. D., Was born at Sheffield, Massachusetts: April 6th, 1765. He graduated at Yale College, 1786. He was ordained and installed Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Madison, New Jersey, Sept. 29th, 1789. On the 22d of July, 1801, at his own request He was dismissed from that congregation, and on the 16th of Dec, 1801, he was installed Pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church in Orange, New Jersey. He died Aug. 28th, 1840, Aged 77 years 4 months and 22 days. DR. HILLYER was a pleasant and instructive COMPANION, A DEVOTED CHRISTIAN, SOUND IN THE FAITH, A LABORIOUS AND SUCCESSFUL PASTOR, WHO WATCHED OVER HIS FLOCK WITH PATERNAL TENDERNESS AND CARE, KIND AND COURTEOUS TO ALL WITH WHOM HE HAD INTERCOURSE. THERE WAS ONE DISTINGUISHING EXCELLENCY IN HIS CHARACTER, HE WAS EMPHATICALLY A PeACE-MaKER. He WAS a friend to the cause of literature and science, and for many years a trustee of the college of New Jersey. He was a leading and efficient member of most of those benevolent societies which have been instituted to extend the Redeemer's kingdom throughout the world. "Thy kingdom come," was the sincere desire of his heart as well as the prayer of his lips. The Memory of the Just is blessed. CHAPTEE VII. REV. WILLIAM C. WHITE. DR. HILLYER'S successor was Rev. William C. White. He was another son of Massachusetts — the mother of scholars and clergymen as well as of States. Mr. White was born in Sandisfield, Berkshire County, January 16, 1803. He was of Puritan stock, being a lineal descendant of Peregrine White, the first child of the Pilgrim exiles, who was born on the " Mayflower," after her arrival in Plymouth harbor, in 1620. His parents, of whom he was the second son, were Rev. Levi and Mary White, the latter being the oldest daughter of Rev. John Ser- geant, for many years a missionary among the Stockbridge Indians. He entered Williams College soon after Dr. Griffin became President of that institution, and graduated in 1826, in his twenty-fourth year, with one of the highest honors of his class. About three years subsequently, he began a course of theological study at Princeton. In the autumn of 204 SETTLEMENT IN ORANGE. 1830, he was licensed to preach, by the Berkshire Association, but continued his studies at the semi- nary another year. His first preaching was at East Machias, in the State of Maine, where he labored four months, with a special blessing on his labors. He was afterward engaged six months in Tyringham, Mass., leaving the latter place in the summer of 1832. In October of that year he ac- cepted an invitation to visit this parish. It was soon after Mr. Hatfield's temporary labors here had closed, and while the church was rejoicing over the fruits of a precious revival. The result of the acquaintance was the presentation of a call, which he decided upon accepting, in preference to one or two invitations which he is said to have had from other fields. On the 13th of the following Febru- ary, the day after Dr. Hilly er's dismission, he was ordained and installed by the Presbytery of New- ark. Dr, Weeks preached. Dr. Hillyer gave the charge to the pastor, and Dr. Fisher to the people. The text of the day was 1 Tim. iv. 16— "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine ; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee." It was w r orthy to have been the motto of a ministerial life charac- teristically studious and single-aimed. He was now thirty years of age, and had been married a year and a half. The chosen associate of his life and ministry was Clarissa, daughter of VIEW OF THE PARISH. 229 To the elders just named there were added in the following May, James Greacen, John Boynton, Ira Harrison and Dr. Stephen Wickes ; of whom the first two had held the same office in Brooklyn, the last in Troy, 1ST. Y. Erastus A. Graves and Cyrus S. Minor were at the same time added to the number of deacons. The two offices, which had so long been held together, were now separated, except in the person of the senior officer, Mr. Frost. The church had a membership of about two hundred and fifty, including those who had re- moved from the parish without a change of their church relations. The attendance upon the Sab- bath services was from five to six hundred. About a hundred and seventy-five families were comprised in the parish, though not all of them regular at- tendants upon public worship. Of those who held seats in the sanctuary, a few were members of another denomination, or by habit and preference connected with it, who were waiting for a church of their own order to be organized in this part of the town. There was a prosperous Sabbath-school, with about a hundred and fifty pupils, under the superintendence of Mr. Charles M. Saxton. The course of religious services comprised a morning and afternoon preaching service on the Lord's day, one session of the Sabbath-school, a Sunday even- ing prayer-meeting, a Tuesday evening lecture, and a prayer-meeting sustained by Sunday-school teach- 11 230 VALLEY MISSION SCHOOL. ers and others, which was held on Friday evening at private residences. The last has been since transferred to the lecture-room, and made a congre- gational service. At various outposts of the parish, the pastor had regular preaching appointments. There was also a missionary Sabbath-school in the neighborhood now known as Orange Valley, between North and South Orange. This was originated in 1854 by Mr. James Greacen, then a new resident of the town. Having located his home in that vicinity, his heart was moved to undertake the work, and he devoted himself to it with untiring zeal to the end of his life. The school was assembled in the afternoon of the Sab- bath, after the second service at the church. It was gradually strengthened by the confidence which its success inspired. Teachers came in because they were needed, and these again drew in more children. Mr. Greacen, also, for a year and a half, kept up at the same place a Sunday evening relig- ious service, which was sometimes conducted by himself alone, and which seldom failed to draw together as many people as could be comfortably seated in the school-room. This he at last, with much reluctance, discontinued, from a conviction that his engagements and labors were too much for his strength. The writer, during the autumn that followed his NORTH ORANGE BAPTIST CHURCH. 231 settlement, had a visitation of sickness which inter- rupted his work a little more than two months. It was a very sudden and violent attack of bilious fever, supposed to have been the result of a condi- tion of health which he brought with him to the parish. He had the year before been travelling in the West, where he contracted the ague and fever, from the effects of which he had not entirely re- covered. The present illness seized him in the pulpit, in the midst of a sermon, compelling a sus- pension of the service. It was the most critical sickness of his life. Though brought near the grave, he was by the goodness of God permitted to return to his labors, and to enjoy more vigorous health than before. We have already noticed the formation of a Baptist church at East Orange. Its distance from the families residing nearer the mountain led to a new movement by that denomination in 1857. The North Orange Baptist Church was constituted November 4th, with twenty-seven members, and on the following day was publicly recognized by a Council, who at the same time ordained to the min- istry Mr. Jerome B. Morse, the pastor elect. The moment was auspicious for such an enterprise. A powerful revival was just beginning in the place. The church shared the copious baptism, and now numbers above one hundred communicants. It worships in Waverly Hall. 232 DEATH OF MR. GREACEN. ~\Yhile the Council was convened for the ordina- tion service just mentioned, a devoted elder of this church was removed by death. It was the founder of the mission Sabbath-school — a man of pure mind and earnest purpose, a Christian whose aim was single, a church officer able and faithful. He threw into the cause of his Eedeemer all the ener- gies of his mind and body. On a Sabbath during his sickness, feeling unable to meet his Sunday- school, he sat up and wrote to the children a short letter. The sun shone in brightly at his window, and his feelings caught a sympathetic glow. He w r rote of the beautiful sunlight, and of the brighter light that filled his soul from the Sun of Eighteous- ness. Heaven was coming near. In a few days his body was laid in the vault of the cemetery, to which it w r as followed by a long procession. He died at the age of forty-two. The oldest child and only daughter of the pastor was laid beside him six weeks afterward, in her tenth year. Grod was smiting the shepherd and taking the sheep. But He smote with the rod of His faithful- ness. These events were in the midst of a financial crisis which was spreading anxiety and gloom over the whole country. But a new and marvellous religious movement was also beginning. The un- certainties on which even colossal fortunes were seen to stand, were leading men, and especially REVIVAL OF 1858. 233 Christian men, to think more of the true riches. There was everywhere a quickening of the relig- ious life. The churches of Orange felt it. The first manifestations of the revival were in the Second congregation, and in that its greatest power was witnessed. In the First church, the death of Elder Greacen, followed by a death in the pastor's family, made a visible impression. The week before the latter occurred, the annual visita- tion of the church by a deputation of the Presby- tery took place. The visitors were Eev. Kobert Aikman, of Elizabeth, and Eev. Dr. Eowland, of the Park church, Newark. A good attendance was secured, and the religious feeling was percepti- bly deepened. In January, a daily morning prayer- meeting was commenced, which was held in the lecture-room. This was continued till June. It was a five-month series of those happy scenes " where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend." Christians came together " with one accord." All classes were represented. The New York mer- chant was present, to leave a prayer and a blessing behind, ere he stepped upon the train. The Orange merchant, lawyer, physician, tradesman and farmer were there, with wives and daughters, agreed as touching the things they came to ask. . A similar meeting, which was earlier established, and which 234 DAILY PRAYER-MEETINGS. continued more than a year, was held every morn- ing in the lecture-room of the Second church. The other denominations had also their special services ; while in March, a union noonday prayer- meeting was instituted at Willow Hall, which was kept up two months or more, and in all the meet- ings there were frequent and pleasant interchanges by members of the different churches. Pastors and private Christians were mutually stimulated to zeal and love by this intercourse. And He who gives and rewards each grace, made their zeal and love, their prayers and appeals, mighty in the sal- vation of others. The distinguishing features of this revival were the same here as elsewhere. It exhibited, in a pe- culiar manner, the signs of a divine work. In no previous awakening were human agencies less con- spicuous, and the immediate power of God more manifest. The Holy Spirit came not down, indeed, in tongues of fire. His influences were rather like those of the sun, invisible, diffusive, still, yet work- ing in the deepest life of the church. These influences were remarkably connected with prayer as a means. There was a general and extra- ordinary spirit of prayerfulness among Christians of the different denominations. A new and mys- terious attraction drew people to the prayer-meet- ings. Those who never before attended were now seen, and those who came but seldom were now DISCOVERED GIFTS. 235 regular attendants. Men who had never prayed in public would rise and offer prayer with great readiness and fervor. And even while they were calling upon God, were answers given in the con- version of souls. With this increase of prayerfulness there was a wonderful increase of zeal and activity among private Christians. This was throughout the coun- try a prominent characteristic of the work. It may be doubted whether, since the days of the Apostles, there has been so large a development of the lay talent of the churches. Long-buried gifts were ex- humed. The lame be^an to walk and the dumb to speak. The praying force of the First church was doubled. Men began to appreciate their long- neglected privileges. Christians of both sexes were stirred up to extraordinary efforts for bring- ing to Christ the unconverted around them. And it was most interesting to see how a few words, kindly spoken by a friend, were often the power of God to the salvation of those whom the Word preached had never visibly affected. The days had come, of which it was said, " I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh : and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy." And while individual Christians were thus " speaking the truth in love, and growing up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ : the whole body, fitly joined to- gether and compacted by that which every joint sup- 236 A FALSE IMPRESSION. plied, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, made increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." The unusual attention that was drawn to the prayer-meetings, and the manifest success that fol- lowed the faithful endeavors of private Christians, created impressions in some minds to the disparage- ment of the ministry. While the secular papers were giving daily reports of the progress and inci- dents of the revival, it was more than once hinted by them that this was a work which lay outside of the sphere of ministerial labor. The great Head of the church, it was intimated, was not in this case saving men and carrying His kingdom forward by the foolishness of preaching, but setting that aside for another agency, or, at least, subordinating it to the latter. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The idea arose, evidently, from the fact, that the revival was not promoted by the labors of men known as revival preachers, but went on in connec- tion with the ordinary or extraordinary labors of the pastors. It was a harvest for which they had long been preparing the ground, and there was no class of laborers more active in gathering it. Ministers were everywhere leaders in the work. Each had his hands so full of it that they could scarcely assist one another. They added to their preaching appointments. They conducted prayer- meeting?. They had meetings for inquirers. They UNION OF CHEISTIANS. 237 spent much time with those who came to converse with them privately, and much in their labors from house to house. Never were the spiritual husband- men more busy, and never were their labors more blessed. It was the admirable union and harmony of the instruments employed — ministers and lay- men, male and female, in the pulpit, the prayer- meeting, the Sabbath-school, and elsewhere — that made the agency of the ministry less conspicuous. A most delightful characteristic of the work was seen in the flowing together of the people of God without regard to their denominational peculiari- ties. The old walls of sectarian prejudice and jealousy seemed broken down. Christians came together, with one heart, to pray for the outpouring of God's Spirit, and to praise Him for His mighty acts. The watchmen saw eye to eye. They were agreed as touching the things they asked. They united in song without the least apparent concern as to what collection the hymn belonged. It was often observed, that none could tell a man's church connections by the prayers he offered. The citizens of Zion spoke one dialect, and poured out their desires before God in a common strain of suppli- cation. Another observable feature was the quietude with which the religious meetings were conducted. There was none of the extravagance to which great excitements sometimes lead. The praying assem- 11* 238 THE SECULAR PRESS. blies were solemnly joyful. Sobriety and good order blended with the liveliest zeal . The religious feeling, like a deep river, was profoundly calm, while the current flowed on with majestic strength. These several facts may account for another. The work encountered little of opposition or ridi- cule from the world. It was contemplated and spoken of with great respect by those who took no personal interest in it; excepting, of course, the zealous advocates of religious theories antagonistic to it. While it was ridiculed by the ultra-ecclesi- astical and the ultra-liberal religious journals, it was treated by the more respectable secular papers as a grand religious movement, and a true development of the Christian life. They noted its progress. They reported its incidents ; and men of the world generally appeared to regard, with respectful awe, a work of which the majesty and might, the depth and the extent, were such as proved it to be the work of God. The subjects of the revival were found among all classes, yet it was easily discernible that God was working according to the established laws of His grace, in the conversion of those, especially, who belonged to pious families, or were under cor- rect religious instruction. The Sabbath-schools of the evangelical churches were particularly a field which the Lord blessed. Even children gave de- lightful evidence of having an intelligent experi- SUBJECTS OF THE REVIVAL. 239 ence of the things of God. It was now seen that truth which had lain upon the mind, apparently without life, had not been put there in vain. The seed had received an invisible watering. It had felt the quickening warmth of the Sun of Eight- eousness. In some cases, fathers and mothers, long- in heaven, saw their prayers answered and their last earthly desire fulfilled, in the conversion of their children. And it required no very close at- tention to discover the fruits of an abundant seed- sowing by the Christian press. The stirring thoughts and earnest appeals of men who, being dead, yet speak, were now awakening a simultaneous response in many hearts, under the gracious operation of the Spirit of Life. Of the class of people who are little reached, or not at all, by the direct influences of the sanctuary and the religious press, compara- tively few were reached by the revival. We speak now of this place particularly, though we believe the statement would hold generally true. The union prayer-meeting, established in one of our public halls, was designed especially to draw in a class who would never attend a prayer-meeting elsewhere, and who habitually neglected the house of God. For a time the object was, in a measure, realized. The novelty of such a noonday gather- ing attracted a good many to it. But their curi- osity was soon satisfied. The Gospel had had too little connection with their thoughts and habits of 2-10 LAW AND GOSPEL. life to admit of a long-continued interest in the exercises of a prayer-meeting, or of any deep im- pression from the services they witnessed. There were some, however, of this class, who were reached and rescued by the infinite mercy of God, and whose feet were turned to a way they had long de- spised. The happy flow of Christian love in the prayer- meetings was the occasion of an impression — a quite general one — which we believe to have been erroneous. It has been supposed that the penalties affixed to moral law have had little force in this awakening, and have been little appealed to in the way of motive to bring sinners to repentance. It has been said, and with apparent satisfaction, that ministers have ceased to operate upon the fears of men, having learned the more excellent way of at- tracting them heavenward by the power of love. The statement has more the appearance than the reality of truth. For behind the prayer-meeting, which has stood foremost in the public view, have stood pulpits in which ministers have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God. They never ceased to hold up the law in its proper relations to the cross of Christ — that law by which comes the knowledge of sin, and which the Eedeemer came, not to destroy, but -to fulfil. Nor can it be that that divine Agent, whose first work as the Com- forter is to convince men of sin, of righteousness, NEW METHODIST CHURCH. 241 and of j udgment to come, would have sanctioned a policy at variance with His own, by the bestowal of such blessings as the church has received. This revival added to the different churches of Orange between three and four hundred communi- cants, — the First church receiving about fifty. Its results were greater in the township, but less in this congregation, than those of the two revivals noticed in the earlier part of Dr. Hilly er's ministry. The Methodist congregation, w r hich was consider- ably strengthened by the revival, undertook at this time the building of a new house of worship. For the auspicious circumstances which gave rise to this undertaking, much credit might be accorded to the pastors who had successively served the con- gregation. The minister w r ho had just left the charge (Eev. James M. Freeman) had been espe- cially laborious. For three months and more, during the revival, he had conducted a religious service every evening in the week but Saturday, the service consisting of a short discourse, followed by a season of prayer and conversation with in- quirers. The building enterprise fell into the hands of Eev. Lewis K. Dunn. On the 15th of September, 1858, the corner-stone was laid for a neat Gothic edifice of brick, which was placed on the old site in Main street, the former house being removed to the rear, to be used for Sunday-school and other purposes. The building was completed 242 ORANGE GAS-WORKS. the next summer, and, on the 28th of July, was consecrated with appropriate services. This con- gregation, which has been steadily prosperous since it was known to the writer, has now before it the fairest promise of continued prosperity. At the last parish meeting of the First church, an appropriation was voted for the purpose of hav- ing the church and lecture-room lighted with gas, then about to be supplied to the village. The business has since been executed ; the Orange gas- works are in operation, and the time is evidently near when our citizens generally will enjoy, in their houses, the benefit of this agreeable illumina- tor. The gas-works, located in the valley near the west end of White street, were erected by Messrs. Hoy & Kennedy, of Trenton. The mission Sunday-school, which was founded by Mr. Greacen, in Orange Valley (at first called Freemantown), was, after his death, placed under the superintendence of Mr. Abraham Baldwin, by the unanimous desire of the teachers engaged in it. Mr. Baldwin had for some time been connected with it, and he has since devoted himself to its interests with peculiar earnestness. The enterprise, vigor- ously carried forward by him and his fellow- laborers, has been a remarkable success ; the school having now a roll of a hundred and seventy-five pupils. It shared the influences of the late revival in copious measure. Meetings for prayer were MISSION CHAPEL. 243 held in the school-room several times a week, and for some time daily. Preaching services were also held, and the families in that neighborhood were visited by the superintendent and others, the pas- tor participating so far as was compatible with the multiplicity of his engagements. About that time, the stated services of the Eev. Dr. Hay were en- gaged for the Sabbath afternoon, and a small but regular and promising congregation has been gath- ered under his labors there, which are still con- tinued. The Sabbath-school and congregation hav- ing become too large for a school-room, it was resolved, during the last summer, to provide for their use a chapel. The means required ($3,500) were promptly subscribed, and the work was im- mediately begun. A site for the edifice was select- ed, the ground being donated by Mr. Ira Tompkins. The stone was soon on its way from the quarry. On the 12th of September, the corner-stone was laid by Dr. Hay, with suitable ceremonies, in pres- ence of a numerous assemblage of the surrounding residents. The building fronts upon a new street, soon to be opened, on a line between the Orange Yalley railroad-station and the mountain. This enterprise, which is yet of a missionary character, will ere long add another to the growing list of Orange churches. The Sunday-school formed in 1816, for the ben- efit of the colored population, — it being previous to 244 AFRICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL. their emancipation, — was, in process of time, dis- continued. For many years, while they were wast- ing in numbers, no special provision was made for their religious instruction. They have continued to be sparsely mingled with the general population of the town, and with the membership of its churches. In the summer of 1857, one of the youngest of the female members of this church, having just conse- crated herself to the service of the Meek and Lowly, undertook the instruction of a colored class at the close of the afternoon service of the Sabbath. The class increased till others joined her. As it con- tinued to grow in numbers and interest, the need was felt of a gentleman to superintend the exer- cises. This service was kindly undertaken by Mr. Jarvis M. Fairchild, who has continued to perform it, except when absent from the place for the re- covery of his health. The labors bestowed upon this hitherto neglected class are a praise- worthy exhibition of the spirit of Christian love. We have now reached the end of a history which, from the first settlements in Newark, has been brought down through a period of nearly two hun- dred j^ears. As we have followed it, our thoughts have blended w r ith the life of six generations. We have seen, indeed, but little of their inner life, and we have taken but a cursory view of what was outward and historical ; but we have seen enough CLOSING THOUGHTS. 245 to beget a feeling of sympathy with, these men of the past, who once walked upon the same soil, looked upon the same landscape, worshipped the same God, and lived for the same high purpose with ourselves. They have transmitted to us a goodly heritage. Their language is ours ; their faith is ours ; the fruits of their toil and suffering are oiirs. Well may we cherish their memories ! How much do we owe to the enterprise, how much to the patience and piety, of these men of other days ! As we walk into the old graveyard, and brush the grey moss from their tomb-stones, we may read upon each, or almost each, the name of a benefactor. They lived for the future. They cleared the soil, built the sanctuary, founded Chris- tian institutions, and labored together in the gos- pel work, not less for us than for themselves. They had posterity in their thoughts, and the prayer went often up from their hearths and their altars, that the institutions which they planted might live, and the blessings which they enjoyed might be perpetuated through many generations. Nor to them only is this debt of gratitude due. There was a power above them, a wisdom higher and a purpose mightier than theirs. He who liveth for ever and ever wrought in them and by them for the carrying out of His own plans, for the perpetuity and increase of that " Church of the living Grod" to which all human histories 246 PLANS OF PROVIDENCE. belong. It is His divine counsels that bind the centuries together. His providence unites in one grand system all that is past with all that is pres- ent and to come. " He only hath immortality," and but for Him they and their works would have perished together. Yet their works have followed them. The Church, which they founded still rests upon the rock on which they laid its foundations. The gospel which they loved, and for whose de- fence they were set, is still proclaimed, and be- lieved, and made the power of God unto salvation. Others have entered into their labors, while they have entered into their rest. And this Providence is still over the world, over the Church, over the present generation. And it will save all that is worth saving in their works. It carries a fan in its hand. It separates the chaff from the wheat, burn- ing the one, while it garners the other. Of its net- gatherings of all kinds, both good and bad, the good only is permanently preserved ; the bad is, sooner or later, cast away. There is, somehow or other, under Providence, a peculiar vitality in truth and virtue — in that which is like God. The memory of the just is blessed, while the wicked perish and are forgotten. The institutions of the Church abide, while the world passeth away, and the lust thereof. He who sits upon the throne, judging right, will eternally guard the great inter- ests of His spiritual kingdom. With Him the SOCIAL PROGRESS. 247 Church is safe. In Him all institutions of His es- tablishing have a strength, a power, a life, that de- fies decay. These truths have their illustration in the history here given. The great lahd-monopoly. which so long embarrassed the New Jersey settlements, and interfered with their prosperity, has come to end. The evils inseparable from the old colonial govern- ment, administered by a power too remote to feel a due sympathy with its subjects, have ceased to exist. An unfortunate people, long held in unprof- itable and dangerous bondage, have been emanci- pated, and in a measure elevated. Many walls, built up and guarded by ecclesiastical bigotry and prejudice, have crumbled down. There is a far better understanding of the rights of property, the rights of labor, and the rights of conscience, than there was a hundred, or even fifty years ago. The knife of Providence has been gradually pruning the institutions whose planting and growth this history records. Much that was evil, and produc- tive of evil, has been removed. What was conso- nant with the genius of Christianity, and with the best interests of the future, has been preserved. Such a character we claim, in no exclusive and uncharitable spirit, for the Church around which the materials of this narrative have been gathered. "We are not given to ecclesiolatry. We have no reverence to spare for ancient temples of the truth 248 WHAT WE CLAIM. from which the truth has fled. Our devotions are little drawn toward the once Christian sanctuary on whose dome the crescent has taken the place of the cross. We are well aware that error often en- shrines itself in sacred" places, to the expulsion of the truth ; that it assumes venerated names, and appears in the holiest livery ; and that it finds suf- ficient aliment in the nature of man to give it, if God permit, a long vitality. But we believe — and the most of our readers, if not every one, will, we think, accord to us thus much — that our venerable Church has stood as the representative and guardian of a faith essentially true ; that the candlestick upon its altar has been held by men honored and blessed of God ; that it has been a fortress of freedom, a defence of the gospel, a blessing to generations liv- ing and dead. This belief is entertained with no feeling of jealousy or disrespect toward the many lights that are now shining around it. May they evermore burn, fed by the olive of peace, and blending their many-colored radiance to illuminate and beautify the one living temple of the Holy Spirit ! The following churches now exist within the parochial limits occupied by this Society alone, in 1825: 1. The First Presbyterian Church, standing in EXISTING CHURCHES. 249 Main street, near the North Orange depot. The Church was organized, in or about the year 1719, as an Independent Church ; became Presbyterian in 1748 ; was incorporated in 1783, as the Second Presbyterian Church in Newark ; received its present title in 1811. The average length of five consecutive pastorates, now ended, has been about twenty-seven years. Present membership, 326. Families of the parish, about 175. Pupils in the Sabbath-school, 135 ; Orange Yalley school, 175 ; school for colored persons, 15 to 20. 2. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, organized in 1827, at the junction of Main and Valley streets. Its house of worship was completed and conse- crated in 1829. Present rector, Eev. James A. Williams. Communicants, 161. Families and pew-holders, 88. 3. Methodist Episcopal Church of North Orange, formed in 1829 ; situated in Main street, near Cen- ter. Its first house of worship was built in 1831 ; its second in 1859. Present membership, includ- ing probationers, 260. Minister in charge, Eev. Lewis K. Dunn. Sabbath-school attendance, from 150 to 200. 4. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Main and Prospect streets. Organized in 1831. Mem- bers in communion, 417. Families, 185. Children 250 EXISTING CHURCHES. in two Sabbath-schools, 200; mission-school, 50. Pastor, Eev. John Crowell. 5. South Orange Presbyterian Church, organ- ized in 1831. Communicants, 157. Families, about 100. Sabbath-school, 103. Pastor, Eev. Daniel G. Sprague. 6. Baptist Church at East Orange, constituted in 1837. The present pastor is Eev. William D. Hedden. Communicants, 67. Sabbath-school, 50. 7. Methodist Episcopal Church, South Orange. Formed in 1850. Persons in full membership, 20. The Society has a small house of worship, in which religious services are statedly held on the Sabbath, conducted by a local preacher. 8. St. John's Eoman Catholic Church, built in 1851. It is now in charge of Eev. John Murray. Communicants, about 750. Children receiving in- struction, 100. The church is situated on White street, near Boyd. 9. Grace Episcopal Church, in Main, between Park and Hilly er streets. Organized in 1854. House of worship consecrated in 1858. Members in communion, 126. Families, 86. Sabbath- school, 64 to 70. Parishioners of both sexes, 380. EXISTING CHURCHES. 251 10. Baptist Church of North Orange, constituted in 1857. Communicants, 100 ; Sabbath-school, 150. The congregation meets for worship in Waverly Hall. Mr. Morse, finding his health im- paired, closed his ministry with this church Octo- ber 2, 1859. He has been succeeded by Eev. George Webster. 11. A "New Church," or Swedenborgian Soci- ety, has held separate worship for the last two years under the ministrations of Eev. Benjamin F. Barrett. Its meetings, until last spring, were at Mr. Barrett's residence, on Main street. They are now held at Library Hall. 12. A Protestant Episcopal Society was formed, in October, 1859, at South Orange. This new So- ciety is yet without a minister and a house of wor- ship. Its religious services are held in the Meth- odist Church. 13. The Orange Valley congregation is not yet organized as a Church, but is erecting a house of worship. It comprises many families connected with the First Church, and has a flourishing Sabbath-school. Preaching by Eev. Philip C. Hay, D. D. 14. A small congregation of German Protes- tants, mostly Lutheran, was gathered four or five 252 UNION SCHOOLS. years ago, meeting at first in the lecture -room of the First Church, and afterward in Washington Hall. It has now a regular service on the Sab- bath at Bodwell's Hall, under the ministry of Kev. Gottfried Schmidt. In the Franklin school-house (Doddtown) a Union Sabbath-school is sustained, and also a weekly preaching service, at which the clergy of the different denominations officiate in turn. A similar service has for a year or two been held at the school-house on Valley street, near Williaras- ville. The Mission Sunday-school, established during the past year in Bodwell's Hall, where a weekly prayer-meeting is also held, is doing a useful work. It originated with members of the Second Church. VIEW OF THE PAKISH. 229 To the elders just named there were added in the following May, James Greacen, John Boynton, Ira Harrison and Dr. Stephen Wickes ; of whom the first two had held the same office in Brooklyn, the last in Troy, ~N. Y. Erastus A. Graves and Cyrus S. Minor were at the same time added to the number of deacons. The two offices, which had so long been held together, were now separated, except in the person of the senior officer, Mr. Frost. The church had a membership of about two hundred and fifty, including those who had re- moved from the parish without a change of their church relations. The attendance upon the Sab- bath services w r as from five to six hundred. About a hundred and seventy-five families were comprised in the parish, though not all of them regular at- tendants upon public worship. Of those who held seats in the sanctuary, a few were members of another denomination, or by habit and preference connected with it, who were waiting for a church of their own order to be organized in this part of the town. There was a prosperous Sabbath-school, with about a hundred and fifty pupils, under the superintendence of Mr. Charles M. Saxton. The course of religious services comprised a morning and afternoon preaching service on the Lord's daj 7 , one session of the Sabbath-school, a Sunday even-, ing prayer-meeting, a Tuesday evening lecture, and a prayer-meeting sustained by Sunday-school teach - 11 230 VALLEY MISSION SCHOOL. ers and others, which was held on Friday evening at private residences. The last has been since transferred to the lecture-room, and made a congre- gational service. At various outposts of the parish, the pastor had regular preaching appointments. There was also a missionary Sabbath-school in the neighborhood now known as Orange Yalley, between North and South Orange. This was originated in 1854 by Mr. James Greacen, then a new resident of the town. Having located his home in that vicinity, his heart was moved to undertake the work, and he devoted himself to it with untiring zeal to the end of his life. The school was assembled in the afternoon of the Sab- bath, after the second service at the church. It was gradually strengthened by the confidence which its success inspired. Teachers came in because they were needed, and these again drew in more children. Mr. Greacen, also, for a year and a half, kept up at the same place a Sunday evening relig- ious service, which was sometimes conducted by himself alone, and which seldom failed to draw together as many people as could be comfortably seated in the school-room. This he at last, with much reluctance, discontinued, from a conviction that his engagements and labors were too much for his strength. The writer, during the autumn that followed his NORTH ORANGE BAPTIST CHURCH. 231 settlement, had a visitation of sickness which inter- rupted his work a little more than two months. It was a very sudden and violent attack of bilious fever, supposed to have been the result of a condi- tion of health which he brought with him to the parish. He had the year before been travelling in the West, where he contracted the ague and fever, from the effects of which he had not entirely re- covered. The present illness seized him in the pulpit, in the midst of a sermon, compelling a sus- pension of the service. It was the most critical sickness of his life. Though brought near the grave, he was by the goodness of God permitted to return to his labors, and to enjoy more vigorous health than before. We have already noticed the formation of a Baptist church at East Orange. Its distance from the families residing nearer the mountain led to a new movement by that denomination in 1857. The North Orange Baptist Church was constituted November 4th, with twenty-seven members, and on the following day was publicly recognized by a Council, who at the same time ordained to the min- istry Mr. Jerome B. Morse, the pastor elect. The moment was auspicious for such an enterprise. A powerful revival was just beginning in the place. The church shared the copious baptism, and now numbers above one hundred communicants. It worships in Waverly Hall. 232 DEATH OF MR. GREACEN. While the Council was convened for the ordina- tion service just mentioned, a devoted eider of this church was removed by death. It was the founder of the mission Sabbath-school — a man of pure mind and earnest purpose, a Christian whose aim was single, a church officer able and faithful. He threw into the cause of his Redeemer all the ener- gies of his mind and body. On a Sabbath- during his sickness, feeling unable to meet his Sunday- school, he sat up and wrote to the children a short letter. The sun shone in brightly at his window, and his feelings caught a sympathetic glow. He wrote of the beautiful sunlight, and of the brighter light that filled his soul from the Sun of Righteous- ness. Heaven was coming near. In a few days his body was laid in the vault of the cemetery, to which it was followed by a long procession. He died at the age of forty-two. The oldest child and only daughter of the pastor was laid beside him six weeks afterward, in her tenth year. God was smiting the shepherd and taking the sheep. But He smote with the rod of His faithful- ness. These events were in the midst of a financial crisis which was spreading anxiety and gloom over the whole country. But a new and marvellous religious movement was also beginning. The un- certainties on which even colossal fortunes were seen to stand, were leading men, and especially REVIVAL OF 1858. 233 Christian men, to think more of the true riches. There was everywhere a quickening of the relig- ious life. The churches of Orange felt it. The first manifestations of the revival were in the Second congregation, and in that its greatest power was witnessed. In the First church, the death of Elder Greacen, followed by a death in the pastor's family, made a visible impression. The week before the latter occurred, the annual visita- tion of the church by a deputation of the Presby- tery took place. The visitors were Kev. Robert Aikman, of Elizabeth, and Rev. Dr. Rowland, of the Park church, Newark. A good attendance was secured, and the religious feeling was percepti- bly deepened. In January, a daily morning prayer- meeting was commenced, which was held in the lecture-room. This was continued till June. It was a five-month series of those happy scenes ° where spirits blend, "Where friend holds fellowship with friend." Christians came together " with one accord." All classes were represented. The New York mer- chant was present, to leave a prayer and a blessing behind, ere he stepped upon the train. The Orange merchant, lawyer, physician, tradesman and farmer were there, with wives and daughters, agreed as touching the things they came to ask. A similar meeting, which was earlier established, and which 234 DAILY PRAYER-MEETINGS. continued more than a year, was held every morn- ing in the lecture-room of the Second church. The other denominations had also their special services ; while in March, a union noonday prayer- meeting was instituted at Willow Hall, which was kept up two months or more, and in all the meet- ings there were frequent and pleasant interchanges by members of the different churches. Pastors and private Christians were mutually stimulated to zeal and love by this intercourse. And He who gives and rewards each grace, made their zeal and love, their prayers and appeals, mighty in the sal- vation of others. The distinguishing features of this revival were the same here as elsewhere. It exhibited, in a pe- culiar manner, the signs of a divine work. In no previous awakening were human agencies less con- spicuous, and the immediate power of God more manifest. The Holy Spirit came not down, indeed, in tongues of fire. His influences were rather like those of the sun, invisible, diffusive, still, yet work- ing in the deepest life of the church. These influences were remarkably connected with prayer as a means. There was a general and extra- ordinary spirit of prayerfulness among Christians of the different denominations. A new and mys- terious attraction drew people to the prayer-meet- ings. Those who never before attended were now seen, and those who came but seldom were now DISCOVERED GIFTS. 235 regular attendants. Men who had never prayed in public would rise and offer prayer with great readiness and fervor. And even while they were calling upon God, were answers given in the con- version of souls. TTith this increase of prayerfulness there was a wonderful increase of zeal and activity among private Christians. This was throughout the coun- try a prominent characteristic of the work. It may be doubted whether, since the days of the Apostles, there has been so large a development of the lay talent of the churches. Long-buried gifts were ex- humed. The lame began to walk and the dumb to speak. The praying force of the First church was doubled. Men began to appreciate their long- neglected privileges. Christians of both sexes w r ere stirred up to extraordinary efforts for bring- ing to Christ the unconverted around them. And it was most interesting to see how a few words, kindly spoken by a friend, were often the power of God to the salvation of those whom the Word preached had never visibly affected. The days had come, of which it was said, " I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh : and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy." And while individual Christians were thus " speaking the truth in love, and growing up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ : the whole body, fitly joined to- gether and compacted by that which every joint sup- 286 . A FALSE IMPHESSION. plied, according to the effectual working in -the measure of every part, made increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." The unusual attention that was drawn to the prayer-meetings, and the manifest success that fol- lowed the faithful endeavors of private Christians, created impressions in some minds to the disparage- ment of the ministry. While the secular papers were giving daily reports of the progress and inci- dents of the revival, it was more than once hinted by them that this was a work which lay outside of the sphere of ministerial labor. The great Head of the church, it was intimated, was not in this case saving men and carrying His kingdom forward by the foolishness of preaching, but setting that aside for another agency, or, at least, subordinating it to the latter. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The idea arose, evidently, from the fact, that the revival was not promoted by the labors of men known as revival preachers, but went on in connec- tion with the ordinary or extraordinary labors of the pastors. It was a harvest for which they had long been preparing the ground, and there was no class of laborers more active in gathering it. Ministers were everywhere leaders in the work. Each had his hands so full of it that they could scarcely assist one another. They added to their preaching appointments. They conducted prayer- meetingF. They had meetings for inquirers. They UNION OF CHKISTIANS. 237 spent much time with those who came to converse with them privately, and much in their labors from house to house. Never were the spiritual husband- men more busy, and never were their labors more blessed. It was the admirable union and harmony of the instruments employed — ministers and lay- men, male and female, in the pulpit, the prayer- meeting, the Sabbath-school, and elsewhere — that made the agency of the ministry less conspicuous. A most delightful characteristic of the work was seen in the flowing together of the people of God without regard to their denominational peculiari- ties. The old walls of sectarian prejudice and jealousy seemed broken down. Christians came together, with one heart, to pray for the outpouring of God's Spirit, and to praise Him for His mighty acts. The watchmen saw eye to eye. They were agreed as touching the things they asked. They united in song without the least apparent concern as to what collection the hymn belonged. It was often observed, that none could tell a man's church connections by the prayers he offered. The citizens of Zion spoke one dialect, and poured out their desires before God in a common strain of suppli- cation. Another observable feature was the quietude with which the religious meetings were conducted. There was none of the extravagance to which great excitements sometimes lead. The praying assem- IX* 238 THE SECULAR PRESS. blies were solemnly joyful. Sobriety and good order blended with the liveliest zeal . The religious feeling, like a deep river, was profoundly calm, while the current flowed on with majestic strength. These several facts may account for another. The work encountered little of opposition or ridi- cule from the world. It was contemplated and spoken of with great respect by those who took no personal interest in it ; excepting, of course, the zealous advocates of religious theories antagonistic to it. While it was ridiculed by the ultra-ecclesi- astical and the ultra-liberal religious journals, it was treated by the more respectable secular papers as a grand religious movement, and a true development of the Christian life. They noted its progress. They reported its incidents ; and men of the world generally appeared to regard, with respectful awe, a work of which the majesty and might, the depth and the extent, were such as proved it to be the work of God. The subjects of the revival were found among all classes, yet it was easily discernible that God was working according to the established laws of His grace, in the conversion of those, especially, who belonged to pious families, or were under cor- rect religious instruction. The Sabbath-schools of the evangelical churches were particularly a field which the Lord blessed. Even children gave de- lightful evidence of having an intelligent experi- SUBJECTS OF THE REVIVAL. 239 ence of the things of God. It was now seen that truth which had lain upon the mind, apparently without life, had not been put there in vain. The seed had received an invisible watering. It had felt the quickening warmth of the Sun of Right- eousness. In some cases, fathers and mothers, long in heaven, saw their prayers answered and their last earthly desire fulfilled, in the conversion of their children. And it required no very close at- tention to discover the fruits of an abundant seed- sowing by the Christian press. The stirring thoughts and earnest appeals of men who, being dead, yet speak, were now awakening a simultaneous response in many hearts, under the gracious operation of the Spirit of Life. Of the class of people who are little reached, or not at all, by the direct influences of the sanctuary and the religious press, compara- tively few were reached by the revival. We speak now of this place particularly, though we believe the statement would hold generally true. The union prayer-meeting, established in one of our public halls, was designed especially to draw in a class who would never attend a prayer-meeting elsewhere, and who habitually neglected the house of God. For a time the object was, in a measure, realized. The novelty of such a noonday gather- ing attracted a good many to it. But their curi- osity was soon satisfied. The Gospel had had too little connection with their thoughts and habits of 240 LAW AND GOSPEL. life to a'lmit of a long-continued interest in the exercises of a prayer-meeting, or of any deep im- pression from the services they witnessed. There were some, however, of this class, who were reached and rescued by the infinite mercy of God, and whose feet were turned to a way they had long de- spised. The happy flow of Christian love in the prayer- meetings was the occasion of an impression — a quite general one — which we believe to have been erroneous. It has been supposed that the penalties affixed to moral law have had little force in this awakening, and have been little appealed to in the way of motive to bring sinners to repentance. It has been said, and with apparent satisfaction, that ministers have ceased to operate upon the fears of men, having learned the more excellent way of at- tracting them heavenward by the power of love. The statement has more the appearance than the reality of truth.. For behind the prayer-meeting, which has stood foremost in the public view, have stood pulpits in which ministers have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God. They never ceased to hold up the law in its proper relations to the cross of Christ — that law by which comes the knowledge of sin, and which the Eedeemer came, not to destroy, but to fulfil. Nor can it be that that divine Agent, whose first work as the Com- forter is to convince men of sin, of righteousness, NEW METHODIST CHURCH. 241 and of judgment to come, would have sanctioned a policy at variance with His own, by the bestowal of such blessings as the church has received. This revival added to the different churches of Orange between three and four hundred communi- cants, — the First church receiving about fifty. Its results were greater in the township, but less in this congregation, than those of the two revivals noticed in the earlier part of Dr. Hillyer's ministry. The Methodist congregation, which was consider- ably strengthened by the revival, undertook at this time the building of a new house of worship. For the auspicious circumstances which gave rise to this undertaking, much, credit might be accorded to trie pastors who had successively served the con- gregation. The minister who had just left the charge (Rev. James M. Freeman) had been espe- cially laborious. For three months and more, during the revival, he had conducted a religious service every evening in the week but Saturday, the service consisting of a short discourse, followed by a season of prayer and conversation with in- quirers. The building enterprise fell into the hands of Rev. Lewis R. Dunn. On the loth of September, 1858, the corner-stone was laid for a neat Gothic edifice of brick, which was placed on the old site in Main street, the former house being removed to the rear, to be used for Sunday-school and other purposes. The building was completed 242 ORANGE GAS-WORKS. the next summer, and, on the 28th of July, was consecrated with appropriate services. This con- gregation, which has been steadily prosperous since it was known to the writer, has now before it the fairest promise of continued prosperity. At the last parish meeting of the First church, an appropriation was voted for the purpose of hav- ing the church and lecture-room lighted with gas, then about to be supplied to the village. The business has since been executed ; the Orange gas- works are in operation, and the time is evidently near when our citizens generally will enjoy, in their houses, the benefit of this agreeable illumina- tor. The gas-works, located in the valley near the west end of White street, were erected by Messrs. Hoy & Kennedy, of Trenton. The mission Sunday-school, which was founded by Mr. Greacen, in Orange Yalley (at first called Freemantown), was, after his death, placed under the superintendence of Mr. Abraham Baldwin, by the unanimous desire of the teachers engaged in it. Mr. Baldwin had for some time been connected with it, and he has since devoted himself to its interests with peculiar earnestness. The enterprise, vigor- ously carried forward by him and his fellow - laborers, has been a remarkable success, the school having now a roll of a hundred and seventy-five pupils. It shared the influences of the late revival in copious measure. Meetings for prayer were MISSION CHAPEL. 243 held in the school-room several times a week, and for some time daily. Preaching services were also held, and the families in that neighborhood were visited by the superintendent and others, the pas- tor participating so far as was compatible with the multiplicity of his engagements. About that time, the stated services of the Kev. Dr. Hay were en- gaged for the Sabbath afternoon, and a small but regular and promising congregation has been gath- ered under his labors there, which are still con- tinued. The Sabbath-school and congregation hav- ing become too large for a school-room, it was resolved, during the last summer, to provide for their use a chapel. The means required ($3,500) were promptly subscribed, and the work was im- mediately begun. A site for the edifice was select- ed, the ground being donated by Mr. Ira Tompkins. The stone was soon on its way from the quarry. On the 12th of September, the corner-stone was laid by Dr. Hay, with suitable ceremonies, in pres- ence of a numerous assemblage of the surrounding residents. The building fronts upon a new street, soon to be opened, on a line between the Orange Valley railroad-station and the mountain. This enterprise, which is yet of a missionary character, will ere long add another to the growing list of Orange churches. The Sunday-school formed in 1816, for the ben- efit of the colored population, — it being previous to 24A AFRICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL. their emancipation, — was, in process of time, dis- continued. For many years, while they were wast- ing in numbers, no special provision was made for their religious instruction. They have continued to be sparsely mingled with the general population of the town, and with the membership of its churches. In the summer of 1857, one of the youngest of the female members of this church, having just conse- crated herself to the service of the Meek and Lowly, undertook the instruction of a colored class at the close of the afternoon service of the Sabbath. The class increased till others joined her. As it con- tinued to grow in numbers and interest, the need was felt of a gentleman to superintend the exer- cises. This service was kindly undertaken by Mr. Jarvis M. Fairchild, who has continued to perform it, except when absent from the place for the re- covery of his health. The labors bestowed upon this hitherto neglected class are a praise-worthy exhibition of the spirit of Christian love. We have now reached the end of a history which, from the first settlements in Newark, has been brought down through a period of nearly two hun- dred years. As we have followed it, our thoughts have blended with the life of six generations. We have seen, indeed, but little of their inner life, and we have taken but a cursory view of what was outward and historical : but we have seen enough CLOSING THOUGHTS. 245 to beget a feeling of sympathy with, these men of the past, who once walked upon the same soil, looked upon the same landscape, worshipped the same God, and lived for the same high purpose with ourselves. They have transmitted to us a goodly heritage. Their language is ours ; their faith is ours ; the fruits of their toil and suffering are ours. Well may we cherish their memories ! How much do we owe to the enterprise, how much to the patience and piety, of these men of other days ! As we walk into the old graveyard, and brush the grey moss from their tomb-stones, we may read upon each, or almost each, the name of a benefactor. They lived for the future. They cleared the soil, built the sanctuary, founded Chris- tian institutions, and labored together in the gos- pel work, not less for us than for themselves. They had posterity in their thoughts, and the prayer went often up from their hearths and their altars, that the institutions which they planted might live, and the blessings w r hich they enjoyed might be perpetuated through many generations. Nor to them only is this debt of gratitude due. There was*a power above them, a wisdom higher and a purpose mightier than theirs. He who liveth for ever and ever wrought in them and by them for the carrying out of His own plans, for the perpetuity and increase of that "Church of the living God " to which all human histories 246 PLANS OF PROVIDENCE. belong. It is His divine counsels that bind the centuries together. His providence unites in one grand system all that is past with all that is pres- ent and to come. " He only hath immortality," and but for Him they and their works would have perished together. Yet their works have followed them. The Church which they founded still rests upon the rock on which they laid its foundations. The gospel which they loved, and for whose de- fence they were set, is still proclaimed, and be- lieved, and made the power of God unto salvation. Others have entered into their labors, while they have entered into their rest. And this Providence is still over the world, over the Church, over the present generation. And it will save all that is worth saving in their works. It carries a fan in its hand. It separates the chaff from the wheat, burn- ing the one, while it garners the other. Of its net- gatherings of all kinds, both good and bad, the good only is permanently preserved ; the bad is, sooner or later, cast away. There is, somehow or other, under Providence, a peculiar vitality in truth and virtue — in that which is like God. The memory of the just is blessed, while the wicked perish and are forgotten. The institutions of the Church abide, while the world passeth away, and the lust thereof. He who sits upon the throne, judging right, will eternally guard the great inter- ests of His spiritual kingdom. With Him the SOCIAL PKOGKESS. 247 Church is safe. In Him all institutions of His es- tablishing have a strength, a power, a life, that de- fies decay. These truths have their illustration in the history here given. The great land-monopoly, which so long embarrassed the New Jersey settlements, and interfered with their prosperity, has come to end. The evils inseparable from the old colonial govern- ment, administered by a power too remote to feel a due sympathy with its subjects, have ceased to exist. An unfortunate people, long held in unprof- itable and dangerous bondage, have been emanci- pated, and in a measure elevated. Many walls, built up and guarded by ecclesiastical bigotry and prejudice, have crumbled down. There is a far better understanding of the rights of property, the rights of labor, and the rights of conscience, than there was a hundred, or even fifty years ago. The knife of Providence has been gradually pruning the institutions whose planting and growth this history records. Much that was evil, and produc- tive of evil, has been removed. What was conso- nant with the genius of Christianity, and with the best interests of the future, has been preserved. Such a character we claim, in no exclusive and uncharitable spirit, for the Church around which the materials of this narrative have been gathered. We are not given to ecclesiolatry. We have no reverence to spare for ancient temples of the truth 248 WHAT WE CLAIM. from which the truth has fled. Our devotions are little drawn toward the once Christian sanctuary on whose dome the crescent has taken the place of the cross. We are well aware that error often en- shrines itself in sacred places, to the expulsion of the truth ; that it assumes venerated names, and appears in the holiest livery ; and that it finds suf- ficient aliment in the nature of man to give it, if God permit, a long vitality. But we believe — and the most of our readers, if not every one, will, we think, accord to us thus much — that our venerable Church has stood as the representative and guardian of a faith essentially true ; that the candlestick upon its altar has been held by men honored and blessed of God ; that it has been a fortress of freedom, a defence of the gospel, a blessing to generations liv- ing and dead. This belief is entertained with no feeling of jealousy or disrespect toward the many lights that are now shining around it. May they evermore burn, fed by the olive of peace, and blending their many-colored radiance to illuminate and beautify the one living temple of the Holy Spirit ! The following churches now exist within the parochial limits occupied by this Society alone, in 1825: 1. The First Presbyterian Church, standing in EXISTING CHURCHES. 249 Main street, near the North Orange depot. The Church was organized, in or about the year 1719, as an Independent Church ; became Presbyterian in 1748 ; was incorporated in 1783, as the Second Presbyterian Church in Newark ; received its present title in 1811. The average length of five consecutive pastorates, now ended, has been about twenty-seven years. Present membership, 326. Families of the parish, about 175. Pupils in the Sabbath-school, 135 ; Orange Yalley school, 175 ; school for colored persons, 15 to 20. 2. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, organized in 1827, at the junction of Main and Yalley streets. Its house of worship was completed and conse- crated in 1829. Present rector, Rev. James A. Williams. Communicants, 161. Families and pew-holders, 88. 3. Methodist Episcopal Church of North Orange, formed in 1829 ; situated in Main street, near Cen- ter. Its first house of worship was built in 1831 ; its second in 1859. Present membership, includ- ing probationers. 260. Minister in charge, Eev. Lewis R. Dunn. Sabbath-school attendance, from 150 to 200. 4. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Main and Prospect streets. Organized in 1831. Mem- bers in communion, 417. Families, 185. Children 250 EXISTING CHURCHES. in two Sabbath-schools, 200 ; mission- school, 50. Pastor, Rev. John Crowell. 5. South Orange Presbyterian Church, organ- ized in 1831. Communicants, 157. Families, about 100. Sabbath-school, 103. Pastor, Rev. Daniel GL Sprague. 6. Baptist Church at East Orange, constituted in 1837. The present pastor is Rev. William D. Hedden. Communicants, 67. Sabbath-school, 50. 7. Methodist Episcopal Church, South Orange. Formed in 1850. Persons in full membership, 20. The Society has a small house of worship, in which religious services are statedly held on the Sabbath, conducted by a local preacher. 8. St. John's Roman Catholic Church, built in 1851. It is now in charge of Rev. John Murray. Communicants, about 750. Children receiving in- struction, 100. The church is situated on White street, near Boyd. 9. Grace Episcopal Church, in Main, between Park and Hillyer streets. Organized in 1854. House of worship consecrated in 1858. Members in communion, 126. Families, 86. Sabbath- school, 64 to 70. Parishioners of both sexes, 380. EXISTING CHURCHES. 251 10. Baptist Church of North Orange, constituted in 1857. Communicants, 100; Sabbath-school, 150. The congregation meets for worship in Waverly Hall. Mr. Morse, finding his health im- paired, closed his ministry with this church Octo- ber 2, 1859. He has been succeeded by Eev. George Webster. 11. A "New Church," or Swedenborgian Soci- ety, has held separate worship for the last two years under the ministrations of Eev. Benjamin F. Barrett. Its meetings, until last spring, were at Mr. Barrett's residence, on Main street. They are now held at Library Hall. 12. A Protestant Episcopal Society was formed, in October, 1859, at South Orange. This new So- ciety is yet without a minister and a house of wor- ship. Its religious services are held in the Meth- odist Church. 13. The Orange Valley congregation is not yet organized as a Church, but is erecting a house of worship. It comprises many families connected with the First Church, and has a flourishing Sabbath-school. Preaching by Eev. Philip C. Hay, D. D. 14. A small congregation of German Protes- tants, mostly Lutheran, was gathered four or five 252 UNION SCHOOLS. years ago, meeting at first in the lecture-room of the First Church, and afterward in Washington Hall. It has now a regular service on the Sab- bath at Bodwell's Hall, under the ministry of Eev. Gottfried Schmidt. In the Franklin school-house (Doddtown) a Union Sabbath-school is sustained, and also a weekly preaching service, at which the clergy of the different denominations officiate in turn. A similar service has for a year or two been held at the school-house on Valley street, near Williams- ville. The Mission Sunday-school, established during the past year in Bodwell's Hall, where a weekly prayer-meeting is also held, is doing a useful work. It originated with members of the Second Church. CHAPTER IX. A VIEW OF ORANGE. IIS" 1834, Orange was described as a straggling vil- lage and post-town, extending about three miles along the turnpike from Newark toward Dover; con- taining two Presbyterian churches, one Episcopal, and one Methodist ; two taverns, ten stores, two saw- mills and a bark-mill, and from 200 to 230 dwell- ings, many of them very neat and commodious. A large trade was carried on in the manufacture of leather, shoes and hats * The population of the township in 1830 was 3,887. In 1850 it was 4,385. At this time it is supposed to be from eight to ten thousand. For the last ten years the immigration east of the mountain has been rapid, and every year increasing. Men of business in the large cities near, and persons seeking health, have found here the conditions of climate, scenery and situation de- sirable for a rural home. And since the tide began to set in this direction, it has had no check. ~ Gordon's Hist. New Jersey. 12 254 CLIMATE AND POSITION. Orange has a geographical position which imparts to its climate some favorable peculiarities. While it is approached by the sea on the south-east, it is very seldom that winds come from that quarter, so that invalids for whom a sea atmosphere is too severe, find here a shelter from its influence within a few miles from the coast. The south winds are always bland, and those from the north-east, coming from the New England coast, have left the ocean at too great a distance to be sensibly affected by it. Hence persons suffering from pulmonary com- plaints often experience much benefit from a resi- dence here.* The distance from Newark is from three to five miles ; from New York about twelve. With both places there is constant communication by the Morris and Essex railroad, and with the former, by lines of stages that are running nearly every hour of the day. From South to East Orange, within a distance of five miles, there are six railway stations, showing at once a large amount of travel, and the breadth of territory which the influx of population is filling up. The future Orange is projected upon a scale of extraordinary compass. And its outlines have been drawn, not on paper by the hand of speculation, but on the soil by actual settlement, s See an article by Dr. Stephen Wickes, on the Medical Topog* raphy of Orange, in " Transactions of the N. J. State Medical So? ciety for 1859." MOUNTAIN AND PLAIN. 255 Let a stranger take his position on Eagle Kock, or any point along the ridge of the mountain, and turn his eye in the direction of Newark. He will see an extended landscape beautified already by charming residences, while the sight of newly-opened streets, and foundations, frames and unfinished houses, will suggest to him that he sees yet but the fair outline of a picture which time is rapidly executing. If he now change his position to a point within the land- scape over which he has looked, and turn the eye backward to the mountain, he will see the straight line of an elevated horizon drawn on the western sky — a horizon so even and uniform as scarcely to be broken by a projecting tree-top or rocky spur — and from that a green slope descending to the east, upon which the homes of wealth and taste look smilingly out from their sylvan surroundings. The view in either direction is exceedingly pictur- esque. It is a question not yet settled between the inhabitants of the hill-side and their less elevated neighbors, which of the two is the more attractive and pleasing to the eye, — the mountain, or the plain. The former class have the advantage of a more ex- tended view, embracing West Bloomfield, Orange, Newark and its bay, Staten Island, . and the roofs and steeples of New York. The business of the place is mechanical, mercan- tile and manufacturing. The stores which line Main street carry on a large retail trade, while the 256 LLKWELLYN PARK. hat and shoe shops, some of them employing several hundred hands, furnish a large supply for northern and southern markets.* The farms are disappear- ing, or becoming of little value for agricultural pur- poses. Year by year the old boundaries vanish, the field is converted into a garden, and the meadow to a lawn. In no part of Orange is this transformation more conspicuous than in the grounds surrounding Llewellyn Park. The project of these grounds originated with our townsman, Llewellyn S. Has- kell, whose trans-atlantic prenomen is fitly associat- ed with the foreign blooms and shrubbery that he has caused to mingle with the native growth of the hill- side. The park embraces fifty acres on the eastern slope of the mountain, around which are three hundred acres or more which that gentleman has purchased, to be occupied as rural residences under the rules of an association. The front en- trance to the grounds is on Valley street, about a mile from the North Orange depot. The inclosure 11 contains hills, dales and glens ; springs, streams and ponds ; magnificent forest trees, innumerable ornamental trees, bushes, vines and flowers ; kiosks, s "Although this village contains so small a population, there is upwards of $200,000 of capital employed in manufactures. There are ten schools and five hundred scholars, more or less receiving a free education, or at the expense of the State." — Specimen number of the Orange Journal. January 7, 1854. PUECHASEES AND PEICES. 257 stone bridges and rustic seats ;"* winding foot-paths, avenues and carriage roads ; all together forming a landscape in which, art and nature seem as rivals, and yet in harmonious alliance. The limits of our chapter forbid a detailed description. It belongs to the present historian of Orange to notice the begin- nings of this successful and much admired enter- prise. To the future the Park will be its own lim- ner. ' The grounds have already found purchasers, and six or eight beautiful dwellings, erected within the year past, furnish types of the model homes which are soon to be their happiest ornament. We have fancied, in travelling over these delightful grounds, which overlook the homes of Newark and New York, that it was from some such spot, with " the resounding shore " perhaps a little nearer, the author of The Minstrel made his appeal to the lover of city life : " how canst thou renounce the boundless store Of charms which Xature to her votary yields ; * See a full description of the Park in the Orange Journal of June 6, 1851, by the editor. The present value of the lands, which Sir. Haskell obtained at prices ranging from $150 to $500 per acre, and which are purchased of him in building lots at the rate of $1000 to $1200 per acre, would have startled the old Indian proprietors, who, as we have seen, signed their quit-claim to the whole moun- tain side for "two guns, three coats, and thirteen cans of rum." Desirable sites in the village are rated as high as $3000 per acre. Along Tremont Avenue, half-way to South Orange, $800 have been paid. To the men of twenty years ago these prices would have seemed fabulous, but the demand creates them. 258 EAGLE ROCK. The warbling woodland, the resounding shore, The pomp of groves, and garniture of fields ; All that the genial ray of morning gilds, And all that echoes to the song of even ; All that the mountain's sheltering bosom shields, And all the dread magnificence of heaven — how canst thou renounce and hope to be forgiven ?" On the southern border of this tract, and now- connected with it, are the grounds upon which a number of fine residences have been built by Daniel C. Otis. The entrance to them is from the turnpike road that forms their boundary on the south. Just north of the Park is Eagle Bock, a point of the mountain which is much visited, and from which, in a clear afternoon, there is a very rich and exten- sive view, embracing New York, Staten Island and the waters that divide it from Newark, the roofs and steeples of the latter city in a south-easterly direc- tion, West Bloomfield to the north-west, and Orange spreading widely over the plain to the south-east. And here we may introduce a few lines from an anonymous poet, who is presumed to have drawn his inspiration from the spot, Orange being the sub- ject of his description. " From hills that hide the western sky, And throw their shadows o'er the lea, I downward turn the enamored eye, And see thee stretching toward the sea. THE MINEKAL SPEING. 259 On slope and knoll and spreading vale, On lawns that kiss the summer gale, In rustic ease or princely guise I see thy homes of beauty rise. I see the throng at close of day Escaping from the city's din, By stage or train, as best they may, And disappear those homes within : By stage or train, they little care, Who once have snuffed our mountain air."* Within a hundred rods of Saint Mark's church, at the base of the mountain, the visitor is per- mitted a free ingress to the grounds which enclose the once celebrated Mineral Spring of Orange. He here finds himself in the presence of two con- spicuous mansions, owned and occupied by Messrs. Heckscher and Pillot. He will hardly resist the temptation to enter the premises, to. which the pub- lic are generously admitted, nor will the beauties impressed upon his memory be soon obliterated. The chalybeate fountain shows no particular traces of its ancient ambition to attract the stranger. A Httle arbor, however, still marks the spot where the multitudes once sat, as around Bethesda, in the hope of healing. Around are groves and running waters, cascades and artificial ponds, fences of rustic work, elaborately plain, the foot-bridge that lightly spans the chasm, and the solid staircase hewn from the rock. Within the more private * Carrier's Address of the Orauge Journal 1859, 260 THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. grounds, where lawn and garden spread out to the eye a rich diversity of colors, forms and fruits, we shall not at present enter. The place has for the visitor a double interest, from the beauties it now exhibits and from its historic associations. Pursuing the slope of the mountain southward, the eye passes over a tract known as Barretts Park, owned by our townsman, Rev. B. F. Barrett, in which are seen the beginnings of another enter- prise of settlement. A road is now opened through it, passing up the ravine and terminating on a ter- race of the hill which furnishes some attractive situations for the future settler. Still southward, Let ween this and the Mountain House, are the elegant country seats of Dr. Lowell Mason and sons, the latter (Daniel and Lowell) constituting the firm of Mason Brothers, book publishers of New York. Passing others, the eye rests upon the Mountain House, built for a Water-Cure, but now used for a summer hotel. This fine establishment, with its forest of shade and its many alluring re- treats, is near the southern line of the township, in the vicinity of South Orange. Returning along the valley, we pass through the thickening settle- ment that is filling up the interval between North and South Orange, and in which the walls of a stone sanctuary have just been raised. This in- cipient village has till recently borne the names (from families residing in it) of Freemantoicn and STREETS AND STREAMS. 261 StetsonvilU. The name more lately adopted, and marked in the list of railway stations, is Orange Valley. The recent opening of Tremont avenue connects it eastwardly with Centre street, and by a more direct transit with Newark. Along this avenue, as it runs up the slope east of the val- ley, a number of mansions already appear. In the eastern section of the village, on Harrison, Main, Prospect, and other streets, the progress of settlement, and of wealth and taste in the erection of buildings, is equally visible. The same is true of Day, High, Boyd, Scotland, and Centre streets. There are indeed few localities in or about the village to which the statement will not apply. In Dublin street and its neighborhood, where there is a centralized population of Irish, tenements are built to suit the local demand. Half a mile north-east of the village, in the direction of Bloomfield, is Springdale Lake. This artificial reservoir, owned by Matthias Soverel, is fed by a liberal spring near its southern margin, and furnishes a copious supply of ice. Its waters are received by the Second river, which has its proper beginning in a pond just above, into which are emptied the Neshuine from the north, Wigwam brook from the west, and Parow's brook from the south. The first of these streams crosses the Dodd- town road a little east of the cemetery ; the second comes down by Williamsville, receiving on its 12* 262 ROSEDALE CEMETERY. way a southern tributary whose sources lie in and around Llewellyn Park ; the third is the stream already familiar to the reader, which crosses Main street by the Willow Hall Market. The stream formed by the three runs north-eastwardly into Bloomfleld, where it spreads out into a shallow basin forming Watsessing lake. Kosedale Cemetery lies to the north of Orange, a little less than a mile distant from Main street. It is approached from the south and south-east by Day and Washington streets. We take the follow- ing account of it from an article published in the specimen number of the Orange Journal, January 7, 1854. " The enterprise originated with a few gentlemen connected with the Second Presbyterian Church, all of whom are yet among its acting directors. Not long after the organization of this church, it was deemed expedient to provide some suitable place for a burying-ground, for the old yard was deemed too strait for the accommodation of our grow- ing population, and some difficulties were presented from the claims of the First Church, within whose bounds the old burying-ground lay. The prevailing ideas and fashions of the day, however, satisfied the mass of the congregation ; and they would at this time have had some little yard, — two or three acres of flat ground near the church, where none would resort except from hard necessity or the ROSEDALE CEMETERY. 268 urgencies of recent bereavement, — but for the efforts of three or four individuals. These gentlemen, with prudent forethought and commendable public spirit, determined to anticipate the wants of a rapidly growing community and the demands of a pro- gressive age, and, after having failed to secure the approval of their plan by the congregation, pro- ceeded to carry it forward on their own responsi- bility. " They purchased at once on the most favorable terms a tract of ten acres, and obtained an act of the New Jersey Legislature incorporating them with ample powers and adequate securities against the encroachments of business enterprise. This act of incorporation was passed Nov. 13, 1840, and was among the first in our State for chartering ceme- teries. In the year 1843 another purchase was made, more than doubling the size of the Ceme- tery, and recently another, giving completeness to the site, as it embraces the whole of the continuous ground adapted to burying purposes, and offers a desirable opportunity for improving the avenues. The company now own about twenty acres, en- closed and laid out with judgment and taste, as the nature of the ground and convenience have sug- " Perhaps one-third of the whole tract has been already sold, or is in a state of readiness to be sold. The present price of lots is twenty dollars for an 264 THE ORANGE JOURNAL. area of 320 square feet. No discrimination is made between citizens and strangers, all becoming mem- bers of the company by ownership of a lot, and all being entitled to the same privileges. The com- pany have never made, nor do they expect to make dividends, all their means being intended to be used in improving and ornamenting the Cemetery." Such, in outline, are the topographical features of Orange. We may add that it occupies a moder- ate elevation with respect to the towns north and south of it, sending its waters to the north-east through Bloomneld toward the Passaic, and to the south through Clinton to the Kahway. Among the institutions of Orange is a printing- press, which enjoys a liberal and increasing patron- age in local advertising and job-work, and from which is issued weekly the Orange Journal, edited and published by Edward Gardner. A specimen number of this paper made its modest appearance before the public in January, 1854. The paper however was not regularly issued till the first of the following July, when the present editor assumed the charge of it. Its first volume dates from that time. With the beginning of 1856, it manifested progress by appearing in an enlarged and improved form, its six columns being expanded into seven, and also lengthened. Its sphere is of necessity limited by the proximity of the Newark and New York press, which pour their daily issues out upon THE OLD ACADEMY, 265 up. Yet its successive numbers find their way in the track of the ex-resident to nearly all the States of the Union, not excepting the Pacific coast. The ordinary circulation is from five to six hundred copies. Special occasions bring out larger editions. In noticing the schools of the village, we take the Old Academy as a starting-point. This insti- tution, born fifteen years before the century, and long distinguished by classical honors, had virtually descended from its preeminence even before the school act of 1838. From about that time (as we have noticed) it became the school of the Academy district. Having been continued many years as a common school, the building (then sixty years old) being inconvenient, and the ground too small to afford a yard for the recreation of the pupils, it was resolved by the district to sell the property and transfer the school to a better location. As the title was found defective, authority for the sale had to be sought of the Legislature, which was granted by a special act, in April, 1845. A sale was then made to John M. Lindsley, and a site purchased in Day street, on which another building was erected. The latter is yet occupied as a public school. The old house, still tenacious of existence, con- tinued to prolong its usefulness in the humble capacity of a shoe store. It is now used as a flour and feed store, ministering to bodily wants as it long ministered to those of the intellect. May its 266 FEMALE SEMINARY. ancient walls long stand, and receive the grateful respect of man and beast ! Man is, however, less merciful than time ; and even this enduring monu- ment of the learning of a past age must yield in its turn to the inevitable changes which commerce is working in places historically sacred. Among the private schools of a recent date, we may mention that established in the fall of 1847 by Eev. F. A. Adams, in the immediate vicinity of the Second Church. This was continued by Mr. Adams about five years, when a company of stockholders founded the Orange Female Semi- nary, of which he became the Principal. He re- signed the charge in 1856, and went to Newark, but returned in 1858 to Orange, where he is now conducting a private academy for boys, in Bod- well's Hall. His successors in the Seminary were the Misses Stebbins, who have been succeeded by Mrs. C. C. G-. Abbott. An academy for both sexes was established, and continued several years, in High street, by Eev. Joshua B. Berry, D. D. It was discontinued about two years since, and the building is now occupied as a private residence. The classical school of Eev. S. S. Stocking, in the the neighborhood of St. Mark's Church, has been some years in operation, and continues to be well supported. This is a boarding and day school for boys. A similar institution in the vicinity of the schools, 267 Second Church, on Main street, is conducted by Eev. Philip C. Hay, D. D. There are two or three private female schools, of which that of the Misses Robinson, in Main street, near the First Church, has priority of age. Parochial schools are con- nected with St. Mark's Church (Episcopal) and St. John's Church (Roman Catholic). The interests of popular education are, however, associated mostly with the public schools of the village and township. Into these the children of the people flow ; and while the want of a large, well-endowed and permanent institution of high order is felt by many of our citizens, it must afford to every one a sincere satisfaction that the schools of the State have been made what they are, and that the people patronize them. Immense improvements have been made in the last twenty years in the arrangement and comfort of school-houses, in the qualifications of teachers, and in the methods of instruction. Considering how many of the best intellects of the land are now devoted to the sub- ject, w r e may confidently look for still farther pro- gress. Such are the benefits descending upon us, and the generations to come after us, from those men of wise forecast and self-devoting toil, who nourished the germs of our now-fruitful institu- tions. But the school-room and the press are not, in free communities, the only educators of the people, 268 ORANGE LYCEUM. Where a degree of intellectual activity is by these awakened, and has freedom to operate, the desire of improvement will commonly show itself in some form of literary association. The first movement of the kind in Orange was the establishment of the old Orange Library, of which the late Giles Man- deville had the care for many years. It comprised a small collection of books which belonged to the stockholders, and from which the people of the town were permitted to draw for a trifling sum. This library was useful in its day. JSTot a few of the men of a generation now gone had their read- ing taste improved, and their stock of ideas en- larged by it. In 1832 was formed the Orange Lyceum, " for mutual improvement in knowledge and literature." It met weekly, its exercises consisting of "lectures, debates, recitations in some useful branch of science, letter-writing and composition, public reading and declamation." A collection of books was soon commenced, which were kept at Albert Pierson's school-room, where the Lyceum at first held its meetings. Mr. Pierson was its first President. He was then conducting a classical school. The meet- ings were subsequently held in the lecture-room of the First Church, and finally at Willow Hall. The Lyceum obtained a charter in 1842. A number of the intelligent business men of Orange owe much to the intellectual stimulus it furnished. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 269 The public, however, ceasing to take interest in it, a new association was started in 1858. This, the present Library Association, has thus far been highly successful. Of the two rooms which it occupies in Bailey & Everitt's new building, one is a large and pleasantly furnished reading-room, and the other contains a library of about 1,500 volumes. These rooms, under the care of Charles Warbur- . ton Brown, the librarian, are open every evening, except the Sabbath, and on Saturday afternoons. Through this Association, two annual courses of popular lectures have been given, which have re- ceived a liberal patronage. The large receipts from these lectures have put the Association in a condition to increase further its library, and to strengthen its foundations as one of the permanent and most useful institutions of Orange. Such are the more noticeable features of our thriving village. F< t the truth of history, and in the hope of calling attention to them, we must speak of certain others, equally noticeable, and in- indicative of wants which its rapid growth is creating. The first need is a municipal organization of the village, or, in lieu of this, some change in the civil administration of the township. In the judgment of many, the exigencies of the village call for the corporate powers of a borough. It can hardly be expected that local interests, which are everv year 270 IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED. assuming a greater magnitude, should be suitably regarded by the township authorities and a large proportion of their constituents. Many improve- ments are needed, which are not to be looked for at the hands of a town-meeting. The want of bet- ter side- walks has furnished a subject for much reasonable complaint on the part of both residents and strangers ; and the very imperiousness of this want has, during the last year, induced man} r of our merchants and others to flag the walks that line their premises. In considerable portions of Main street, and in some of those that intersect it, the footman now finds the comfort of a plank, or of something broader and better, beneath his feet, and the continuity and connection of these com- forts are increasing. During the last summer, for the first time, two water-carts were seen passing up and down our principal thoroughfares, set in motion by private contributions, clarifying the dusty air, and relieving the housemaids of no little toil, by their showery discharges. Yet, a more liberal and permanent provision for sprinkling the streets is needed. Street-lamps are a further de- sideratum. This will doubtless be supplied ere long, now that the means are furnished by the Orange gas-works. A fire-company was formed nearly two years ago, and an engine obtained, but the alarming in- crease of incendiarism, and the want of sufficient i WANT OF POLICE. 271 and convenient supplies of water, produced a reac- tion against the movement. The engine was not paid for, and has recently been removed from the place. That a fire department, however, will be organized at no distant day, admits of little doubt. The need of this would be less if the village were protected by an efficient police. In streets unilluminated, and untraversed by any kind of nightguard, the incendiary and the burglar find circumstances not a little favorable to their crimi- nal designs. Successful burglaries have of late been alarmingly frequent, and in no case within the writer's knowledge has either the criminal or his plunder been discovered. Impunity has given encouragement to these bold attempts, in which stores, private dwellings, and even sleeping-rooms, have been robbed of their contents while the own- ers slept. There is also much open dissipation and street-drunkenness, on which a check would be laid by the vigilance of a well- organized police. About a year ago, the exposure of property to fires (which seemed to be kindled more in sport than malice, as they occurred chiefly in barns, stables, shops, and' other out-buildings,) led many citizens to station a private watch around buildings supposed to be especially in danger. These evils will doubtless continue, without much abatement, till they are met by the correctives of local muni- cipal law. 272 FKELIMINARY ACTION. How soon such, a remedy will be applied, we are unable to rjredict. It appears, from the following notice in the Orange Journal, of Nov. 19, 1859, (issued since the above was written,) that the sub- ject is already engaging the thoughts of some of our leading men : " A meeting of the citizens of Orange was held at Willow Hall, on Thursday evening, Nov. 17th, pursuant to a call of the Township Committee, to consider the propriety of applying to the Legisla- ture for some change in the laws regulating the Township Government. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Nelson Lindsley. Dr. Babbit was appointed Chairman, and E. D. Pierson, Secretary. The Secretary read the call of the meeting, when Dr. Pierson moved, in order to test the feelings of the citizens, ' That it is expedient to take measures for the better government of the town,' which mo- tion was carried unanimously. It was then moved and carried that a committee of five persons be appointed, who, with the Township Committee, shall determine upon some plan to carry out the wishes of this meeting, as expressed by the first resolution, and report the same to a subsequent meeting. " The several matters mentioned in the call, viz. : grading of streets, a police and fire department, license for the sale of liquors, division of election- COMMITTEES. 273 districts, &c, were then taken up separately, and after considerable discussion, which was partici- pated in by Messrs. Dr. Pierson, 1ST. Lindsley, Albert Pierson, J. L. Blake, E. Johnson, E. Gard- ner, F. P. Sanford, John Bonnell, Simeon Harri- son, the Chairman, and D. N". Eopes, were each referred to the committee. " The Chairman then announced the following gentlemen as the committee to act with the Town- ship Committee to draft a plan as aforesaid : Messrs. William Pierson, Simeon Harrison, Napoleon Stet- son, Isaac J. Everitt, and Jesse Williams. It was moved and carried that the Chairman be added to the committee. " Considerable discussion was then had on the subjects of taxation and common schools, after which the meeting adjourned, to meet at the call of the committee." APPENDIX Ctat of Jlastore. SETTLED. DISMISSED. DIED. AGE. Daniel Taylor, Jan. 8, 1747-8 56 Caleb Smith, Nov. 30, 1748. Oct. 22, 1762 38 Jed. Chapman, July 22, 1766. Aug. 13, 1800. May 22, 1813 72 A. Hillyer, D.D., Dec. 16, 1801. Feb. 12, 1833. Aug. 28, 1840 77 G-eo. Pierson, June 22, 1829. Apr. 27, 1831. W. C. White, Feb. 13, 1833. Apr. 18, 1855. Feb. 7, 1856. 53 James Hoyt, Feb. 14, 1856. £tst of Ruling <£lltxs. The Church has no records from which the names of its elders can be known prior to 1801. The first three in the following list were obtained from the records of the Synod ; the next eleven from those of the Presbytery ; some of them being also found in the oldest minutes of the Session. There must have been other elders before or contemporary with Joseph Peck, but their names cannot be re- covered. It is said by Ira Harrison that his ances- tor, Lewis Crane, who died in 1777, aged 59, held APPENDIX. 275 the office. The evidence is wholly traditional. Henry Osborn was one of the elders who signed the call to Mr. Hillyer in 1801. From that time the list is complete. David Munn was chosen to the office in 1809, but declined to serve. WAS IN OFFICE. LEFT THE PAEISH. DIED. AGE. Joseph Peck, 1757 July 12, 1772 70 Joseph Riggs, 1766 1783 1799 79 Bethuel Pierson, 1768 May 16, 1791 70 Amos Baldwin, 1775 Feb. 23, 1805 85 !N"oah Crane, 1776 June 8, 1800 81 John Peck, 1784 Dec, 28, 1811 79 Joseph Pierson, 1791 Oct. 9, 1835 76 Isaac Dodd, 1793 1798 Aug. 19, 1804 76 John Perry, 1793 Oct. 1, 1821 75 Joseph Crane, 1794 1798 " 11, 1832 81 Aaron Munn, 1795 1805 Jan. 28, 1829 63 Zen as Freeman, 1798 Sept. 3, 1800 40 Linus Dodd, 1798 Aug. 3, 1825 m Amos Harrison, 1799 Sept. 2, 1832 77 Henry Osborn, 1801 1811 Nov. 1835 72 Moses Condit, 1805 June 8, 1838 78 John Lindsley, 1805 Dec. 19, 1819 67 Nathaniel Bruen, 1809 1814 June 28, 1829 60 Daniel P. Stryker 1814 Feb. 9, 1816 33 Adonijah Osmun, 1814 1831 Joseph Pierson, 1814 Oct. 5, 1819 45 Daniel Condit, 1814 May 11, 1820 38 Zadok Brown, 1817 (?)1818 1853 John Nicol, 1820 1831 276 APPENDIX. Peter Campbell, 1820 1831 Dec. 23, 1852 66 Samuel Freeman, 1820 1831 u 31, 1835 56 Aaron R. Harrison, 1822 1833 July, 1857 73 Aaron Peck, 1825 1831 Amos Vincent, 1826 *1840 June 24, 1853 74 Abraham Harrison, 1826 Dec. 1, 1851 73 Josiah Frost, 1831 Sept 16, 1859 84 Daniel D. Condit, 1831 Oct. 17, 1839 56 Ira Canfield, 1831 1858 Samuel L. Pierson, 1831 1840 Abiathar Harrison, 1833 1855 Jonathan S. Williams , 1834 Smith Williams, 1839 Cyrus Gildersleeve, 18-46 Charles R. Day, 1851 James Greacen, 1856 Nov. 5, 1857 42 John Boynton, 1856 Steph. Wickes, M. D. ,1856 Ira Harrison, 1856 £ist of Dracons. i We insert the name of Samuel Pierson (written Pair son on his headstone) for reasons which Have been given. There can be little doubt that he was one of the first officers of the church. The second pastor, Rev. Caleb Smith, had an account with 11 Deacon Thomson," as his account book shows, p. 110. And there is extant a copy of the New Ceased to act. APPENDIX. 277 York Pocket Almanac for the year 1757, which has been preserved in the parish, in which we rind, among a number of business entries, that the owner of it in 1769 " paid Deacon Smith too dollars." Samuel Harrison's account with the parsonage in 1748 mentions Deacon Samuel Freeman. The dea- cons of later date (and perhaps some of these) have all of them been elders also, except the three now in office. Samuel Pierson, WA8 IN OFFICE, Mar. DIED. 19, 1730 AGE. 66 Samuel Freeman, 1748 Oct. 21, 1782 66 Thomson, 1762 — ■ Smith, 1769 Joseph Peck, Bethut-1 Pierson, Amos Baldwin, 1783 July May Feb. 12, 1772 16, 1791 23, 1805 70 70 85 Noah Crane,(?) June 8, 1800 81 Isaac Docld, Aug. 19, 1804 76 John Peck, Dec. 28, 1811 79 Joseph Pierson, John Perry, 1798 Oct. Oct. 9, 1835 1, 1821 76 75 Amos Harrison, Sept. 2, 1832 77 Samuel Freeman, J 820 Dec. 31, 1835 56 Abraham Harrison, 1803 .i 1, 1851 73 Amos Vincent, 1803 June 24, 1853 74 Josiah Frost, 1835 Sept. 10, 1859 84 Moses B. Canfield, 1851 Erastus A. Grave-, 1856 Cyrus S. Minor, 13 1856 278 APPENDIX. Statistics. The figures given here have been gathered from the following sources: From 1803 to 1805, from the Sessional Kecords ; from 1806 to 1822, from the Eecords of the Synod of New York; for 1823 and 1824, from those of the Synod of New Jersey ; from 1825 to the present time, from the statistics of the General Assembly. When these were not pub- lished, or were found incomplete, the omissions have been supplied, so far as they could be, from other sources. In the columns of benevolence, especially in the first two tables, the figures are quite defect- ive. The tables are conformed to the changes which have been made from time to time in the form of statistical reports. These reports were generally made in April, and cover the year pre- ceding. APPENDIX, 279 No. 1. In O t-H 49 a ^3 42 n S3 3A a .2 ■a a .2 u S3 6? & 1 P4 1803 27 1804 9 1805 4 1806 9 223 6 38 $10 00 $23 00 $7 50 180? 8 228 2 26 1100 16 18 5 56 1808 1809 130 23 355 375 49 8 57 62 8 00 7 73 $8 00 7 73 16 18 13 06 1810 4 377 30 10 62 10 62 22 45 1811 3 377 1 34 5 44 5 44 17 47 1812 10 383 2 21 7 93 7 93 18 10 1813 6 377 19 7 25 7 25 17 00 1814 15 379 4 33 10 19 9 25 10 20 17 00 t>» 1815 45 419 12 35 10 00 pS ® 1816 9 374 3 40 7 27 7 25 14 10 So WaQ 1817 119 518 35 24 12 00 12 00 18 25 1818 9 520 4 64 7 83 13 67 20 00 2100 1819 4 8 13 813 40 00 1820 8 511 3 32 6 00 2 37 36 00 1821 17 524 3 31 5 00 5 00 26 50 6 00 1822 6 522 2 20 5 00 5 00 19 00 1823 5 4 78 4 78 14 50 31 25 1824 7 518 1 23 6 0o 6 03 9 68 43 00 1825 518 4 63 1172 1172 24 43 14 00 1826 90 596 26 63 5 68 5 68 11 10 6 00 1827 18 604 2 43 10 00 4 62 17 00 3 00 1828 5 588 1 31 8 00 5 75 10 00 3140 390 168 789 184 85 159 17 312 94 250 65 280 APPENDIX. 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