INE REVELATIONS ESSAGES DICTATED BY THE Di VIM : PLANETARY SPIRIT Rl LERS AND THEIR MESSENGERS % Published by JOHN F. SANDERS ROSEBURO, OREO >N Divine Revelations Messages Dictated by the Divine Planetary Spirit Rulers and their Messengers Received by ERNEST HABERSTROH o Edited by JOHN F. SANDERS FIRST EDITION Roseburg, Oregon 1922 Copyright 1922 by John F. Sanders Made by SUN PRINTING CO. Roseburg, Ore. ©CJ.A683601 OCT -9 1922 DEDICATION The Divine Revelations Are a verbatim presentation of the messages as they were dictated by the high planetary spirit rulers, or their messengers, whose sole duty is to execute and to administer the Divine Laws and Will in the spirit world and throughout our solar system in- cluding our earth. These Messages contain important Prophecies that will take place on our Earth in the next few hundred years; they also con- tain numerous experiences of those who have made their changes from Earth-life to Spirit-life; also correct and exact descriptions of our future home in the Spirit-world; the great glory and happi- ness that awaits those who have lived a good and Godly life on Earth, and, the great misery and suffering that will surely be measured out to them who have been wicked and who have in- flicted suffering and misery upon humanity. These messages were received by Mr. Ernest Haberstroh and published by John F. Sanders, Roseburg, Oregon. Price 50c PREFACE This little volume, entitled "Divine Revelations" is ex- actly and truly what its title claims for it; because it is a correct representation of the dictations of the high planetary spirit rulers, who administer and execute the Divine Will, not only on our Earth but also on all planets of our solar system, under the Divine guidance and rulership of the Holy Angels. The Holy Angels are under the direct control and orders of the great Creator and Ruler of this vast Universe, whom we call God, and whom we address as our Heavenly Father, and to whom alone belongs all the Glory, Power, Thanks and Praise forever. In this manner God controls the entire Universe and all the minute details in the same except the human race, because He created mankind to be a free agent, in order to work out their own salvation. In other words, man is left free to choose his own course in life; he is free to choose to be and to do good, or he may choose to be and to do evil; but he is held strictly accountable for all his acts, deeds, words and thoughts. In the majority of cases man is not called upon to render this account until he dies. At death the free agency of man comes to a sudden termination, at the same time man's spirit is carried to the very place where he belongs on the earth-plane also called the astral plane or the purgatory, all 1 meaning the same thing, i.e., the first station below the first spiritual plane or station. The Earth- plane exists in our atmosphere and is therefore a part of our Earth, hence called the Earth-plane. It extends Northward into the Dark-Satelite, which contains the Penitentiary in which spirits are imprisoned for their evil deeds and the suffering they have inflicted upon their fellow man, from which there is no escape until the last farthing has been paid. Another portion or place, in or near the dark satellite, but also a part of the Earth-plane, is called the North-pole, the place for those who have been punished by second death, i.e., from whom the Divine Ego or the God part of the human being has been taken away and who forever exist then as the beasts, but in human form, without any redemption through- out eternity; this is the severest punishment inflicted upon THE DIVINE REVELATIONS those human beings who lived a life of blasphemy and wick- edness. The messages herewith presented contain two experiences of those who have suffered the penalty of second death or unconscious immortality, viz., from Constantine, a former emporer of Rome, who falsified the teaching of Christ, killed h:'s own son and boiled his wife in oil and committed many other wicked deeds; and from Nebuchadnezzar who blas- phemed God and was extremely wicked. Both are now mere beasts in human form and always throughout eternity will remain in that condition. There is no salvation for them. All evil deeds are punished three-fold, first for the offense or violation of the law; second for the benefit obtained by that deed; third for the injury done by that act. There are also other places, in which less serious offenses are punished, than the two above mentioned, but in every and all cases in which man has transgressed the laws he must also suffer the punishments, from which there is no escape in the spirit- world. When man has suffered the penalty for the offenses he has committed in earth-life then he has to work for the one he has caused to suffer, or whom he may have injured, until he has paid in full for the suffering or injury he has caused. During such time the sufferer, or injured man's spirit, stands over him and directs him and orders him what and how to do his penal work. If our rulers, Lawmakers, Judges, and all of authority that may be misled by bribery or selfish gain, and all murderers for selfish ends, robbers, thieves, burglars, and all speculators that try to possess them- selves by cunning schemes of the earnings and property of others, as well as all hypocrites and false teachers, if they could see the real conditions they will enter into, after death, and that they will have to suffer three times more or longer than the suffering they may have caused, would certainly try to do better than to commit those crimes. This wave of crime as it exists today was apparently ushered into existence, as a natural consequence of the late world war. To stop it and to bring mankind onto a higher plane of existence and to learn to live in accordance to the Will of God on Earth as it is done in Heaven, is the purpose of this little volume, entitled DIVINE REVELATION because the planetary spirit rulers, or the Divine servants of God have made known, by numerous messages, from those that have passed into the spirit world, the conditions, punishments and rewards that await us when THE DIVINE REVELATIONS we arrive there. A good many more of such messages, es- pecially of men that were prominent in the affairs of our country, and in financial circles, are not published because the high planetary spirit rulers did not wish to cause their relatives, who are still with us, to be pained by them as well as for other good reasons. The punishment of all evil deeds after so-called death has been going on from time immemorial with the greatest pre- cision and without any delay and always will be carried out in that same way; because the laws of God are never changed. But these punishments are unknown to mankind, neither are they a pleasure to the spirit rulers who have to execute the Divine laws. Moreover, under present conditions, all the pun- ishments of evil-doers do not make the human-being any better because they neither see nor know the real' conditions that await them at the time of death. For this reason the high planetary spirit rulers have caused these Divine Revela- tions to be published to assist the Divine Ego that exists in every human being to develop and to strengthen it, so that the Divine Ego may get the upper hand of the material or phys- ical desires. Then the material desires are always in direct opposition to the truly spiritual or Divine Conceptions and understanding. Now according to Mythological traditions the first people on Earth were a highly spiritual 1 people, so much so that they cared nothing or exceedingly little for material things and that therefore it became necessary that spirit penetrate deep- er into matter or the material body of mankind; in order to develop material condition and enable the rapidly increasing human race to earn their living. This process of development they divided into seven (7) periods known as the golden age, the silver age, the copper age, and the iron age. The latter or the iron age forms the bottom rung of the ladder of des- cent. The iron age or period of descent of spirit into matter, was completed in recent years (about 1881). In fact phys- ical or material sciences have attained a wonderful high state of development; but alas,, mental and spiritual sciences have been woefully neglected. However this condition will and must be changed in the near future; the true brotherhood of man must and will be established or the human race will be blotted out from the Earth and a new race of humanity will be created to take its place in time. 8 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Now whether the mythological tradition is absolutely true or not makes no difference, the facts remain that the human world has reached a very high state of development in mat- erial things, at the same time the improvements in spirituality have almost been forgotten or at least badly neglected. It is a fact that our solar system in recent years has entered the sign of Aquarius or the sign of the man demanding his nat- ural rights. The sun will remain in this sign for 2160 years and forms a distinct cycle or period, with its sub-cycles, how- ever the transition from one cycle into another is so gradual that mankind will not notice the change that is taking place. Nevertheless the close observer will notice that even during the latter part of the last cycle a number of societies have been formed for the purpose of assisting and protecting their members to a limited extent. Of course these societies or better called by their true names within certain limits the brotherhoods of man are merely a fore-runner of what the next or new cycle will develop during its existence. They merely indicate the necessities that are needed for the welfare of the human race. On the other hand the thinking mind will not fail to rec- ognize in the appearance of spiritualism during the last few years of the last cycle or period, a decided improvement in the mental arrangements of mankind confirming" to a certain extent the mythological tradition of spirit penetrating deeper into matter, or entering into closer relations with matter. At first this phenomenon created much curiosity, but science failed to take hold of it or to investigate it, except by mat- erial means which failed completely to disclose its real na- ture and left it a riddle and a mystery. But charlatans, frauds and fakers made use of it to fleece the people out nf their money. But for all that the earnest investigator will find that spiritualism, or better spiritual science, is based upon sound fundamental truth; in spite of its diversion to money getting purposes, etc. The fault lies in the people and not in spiritual science; then it must be known that like at- tracts like, not only in earth life, but more so in spirit life. Moreover it must be known that the refined spirit, who has been fully educated and developed and hence has entered the first station or the first heaven of human spirits can not or will not communicate through a vulgar medium or any other material person. This is more and particularly true of the spirit rulers and still more true of the high planetary spirit THE DIVINE REVELATIONS rulers, who neither can nor will communicate through a mat- erial medium or a material person; in spiritual science, in order to enjoy its blessings and its almost unlimited powers, it is first necessary to be initiated, ie., you must first become spiritual to a certain extent, or in other words you must first attain a certain amount of purity in body, mind and spirit, before you can enter into communication with the high plan- etary spirit rulers and receive from them instructions for further developments. Remember we can only receive God's blessings in proportion to our purity of body, mind, spirit and no more; because knowledge is power and power may be used for good purposes or evil purposes; and to prevent such knowledge being employed for evil uses a requisite amount of purity and wisdom will be sure to prevent the ill uses thereof. The material medium and the material person who follow their vocation solely for the purpose of earning money, can not and will not be trusted with knowledge they may use for evil and bad purposes, for instance: The well developed mind can direct a magnetic current upon any material substance, for example upon some $10 or $20 dollar bills in a bank, the magnetic current will 1 dissolve the bills almost instantly and under the direction of the mind the dissolved bills can be passed through any solid wall or any solid metal, as iron, etc. to any desired place, even at considerable distances; when now the magnetic current is withdrawn the $10 or $20 dollar bills resume the exact shape and form they had before being dissolved and transported from the original place. This pro- cess is known as "Prof. Zollner's fourth dimension theory", because he re-discovered it. But there is no spiritualism about it as most any trained human mind can do the very same thing at any time and place. Of course developed spirits can do the same things, but more extensively in accordance to their purity. But remember the very minute you conceive the thought of obtaining property that belongs to somebody else you commit a crime, which in return re-acts, at once upon your mind, making it impure and thereby destroying its power to carry out your criminal intention. This fourth dimension theory is employed by spirits to some extent for materializa- tions and other purposes. There are many more phenomenon that are usually ac- cepted as emanating from spirit sources but which in reality 10 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS are produced by the power of the human mind, such as levita- tions, table tipping, the planchette and healing by spirit — Divine Power or Christian Science, as far as most of the com- mon or lighter cases of sicknesses are concerned, are produced by the power of mind exercised by the operator upon his sub- ject, and in case the operator has a good knowledge of mental science and is otherwise naturally qualified for the purpose he can accomplish wonderful cures. Of course spirits can do the same, but as a maxim, they never attempt to cure any case of sickness unless the patient is pure enough and worthy of a cure. The high planetary spirit rulers Cassiel and Raphael have the power to cure any and all cases of s r ckness, provided they are asked to do so and provided the patient is worthy and other conditions are favorable for the cure. To make the above statements more clear, it is necessary to give some explanation of the workings and functions of the mind as far as this is possible. The Mind is an etherial force and resembles or appears like vapor with a great many dots of various colors in it, to the trained lucid eye of the soul; it is invisible to the material eye. The Mind has its seat in the human brain and in fact is the connecting link between the lower or material ego and the upper or the Divine Ego of the human being. The Mind, under the power of the Divine Ego supplies the organs of the material body with sufficient power to keep them in a good and healthy working condition. The Mind as the connecting link of the two human Egos has the peculiar quality to be controlled by either one of the two Egos, although the functions and natures of the two egos are directly in opposition to each other; thus if the lower, or the material ego controls the mind of a person, that person will act, do and think and be merely an animal or brute in human form, a person that cares nothing for the welfare of his fel- low-being except to get from him all he has, because he is selfish, greedy for self gain and self gratifications, sordid and over-bearing, depraved and evil minded, who sees nothing but deceit and hypocrasy in others. On the other hand the person who is controlled by his Divine Ego is honest and tells the truth and is unselfish; he has only noble aspirations, for the uplift and welfare of his fellow-man; he is stimulated to all these actions which spring forth spontaneously to aid the weak, the suffering and the afflicted without any selfish mo- tives whatever. But the mind has another peculiar function, which is independent of both the Egos of the being; and this THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 11 function is to make Records on its own spirit-entity of every thought, word and deed at the very same time they exist or are executed. This record is indelible and is an inseparable part of that spirit entity; it is a complete record of our lives, no matter whether this record is good or bad, it is automat- ically made at the very time the incident recorded occurred. This is referred to by Saint John in the Apocalypse as well as in many parts of the Bible as the "Book of Life" in common day life it constitutes our memory. Of course this record is invisible to the physical eye, but not to the sight of spirits, it is therefore very evident that all spirits that are in places of punishment as well as those that landed in the spirit world with a perfectly clean and good record, in giving their exper- iences of their past lives, which appear in this volume, were easily checked up and held to their own records by their spirit rulers and thus compelled to tell the truth as it exists in their own and self made records, or their own book of life. Considering the above briefly stated facts, earnestly and seriously, the candid reader can only come to one conclusion and that is that our greatest efforts and our most serious as well as our most profitable purposes should be directed to- wards living a life which will lead us into purity of body, mind and spirit; or in other words we should make the ut- most efforts to bring our divine attributes into complete con- trol of our mind and hence to live a life in accordance to the will of God. The most essential thing to do according to Jesus Christ is; Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and everything else shall be added unto you. Which is merely a synonymous expression of the same truth, viz: You can only receive the wisdom and the blessings of God in proportion to your purity of body, mind and spirit. The only difference between the two is that the common hu- man being can grasp the intent and meaning of the latter ex- pression easier than that of the former. Not only the New and the Old Testaments, but all Scriptures of any note teem with exhortation for a life of purity or Godliness. The necessity for a pure or Godly life has been recognized from time immemorial and for thousands of years many mil- lions of prayers have been daily offered, as for instance: 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is done in Heaven." * However, but few of the great many people that have lived and are living at the present time, are aware of 12 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS the fact that God has created man to be a free agent and that therefore man must and is required to choose and to make his own arrangements concerning his own welfare, moreover the great Creator has endowed man with all the attributes necessary to guide him safely through earth-life's journey, if he will only employ them and use them rightfully and for good purposes. The first necessary step is to set up the king- dom of heaven within our own body or what is the same to live a life of purity in body, mind and spirit, and when this is accomplished to some extent then it is possible to organize the true brotherhood of mankind in which every single person works for the good and benefit of all; a brotherhood in which there are neither poor nor rich and in which every member works for his own living in an honorable way; a brotherhood in which the weak, the suffering and the afflicted are fully cared for and in which one member is as good as every other member, a brotherhood in which all its members fare alike. In fact a brotherhood established essentially on the same prin- ciples as the first Christian brotherhoods (Churches); a bro- therhood that will live in peace and harmony within its mem- bers and the whole world; a brotherhood that will eventually extend over the entire nation and will be governed by one Government. Remember such a brotherhood could not exist very long unless the material desires or the lower Ego has been har- moniously subordinated to the upper or Divine Ego, for rea- sons before stated; for this reason the change to a higher plane of existence must be started by the individual human being, since society consists of many human units etc. The purpose of these Divine Revalations, after the above statements have been read will be better understood and it will be observed that they are not directed against any relig- ion, or any other society or organization, but they are directed against all that is evil and contrary to the will of God and His holy and ruling angels and spirits. No doubt many readers will claim that we have several revelations already; while this is true to some extent, it is equally true that these existing revelations have been per- verted, misconstrued and purposely falsified by the ruling classes and in this condition are palmed off on the people for the sole purpose of keeping them under their control for sel- THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 13 fish and mercenary exploitations. The existing revelations contradict each other in some essential points, showing clear- ly that they have been falsified; then it is a positive fact the same planetary spirit rulers who dictated the messages herein published also promulgated the revelations in ancient times, since they have been holding their offices as planetary spirit rulers from the tinre of the first existence of the human race. This statement is easily verified by the fact that even the oldest or most ancient revelations and traditions refer to the seven planetary spirit rulers by their names. The Cabalah, one of the most ancient books, or its texts, contains the mis- take, in that it assigns the rulership of the planet Jupiter to Zachiel also called Zachariel, instead, as should be, to Raph- ael, and the rulership of the planet Mercury to Raphael in- stead of as it is to Zachiel. The only planetary spirit ruler Earthiel, who controls materri conditions on Earth under orders and who is not mentioned in the ancient traditions, but who has made himself well known in his messages, as the reader will observe. The laws and principles of God are never changed, what they were in ancient times they are today, and ever will be the same. Therefore if the existing revlations are conflicting with those herewith publinhed they have been changed by man; then the revelations herein offered are given just as received, without adding or leaving out a single word. A good example of the perversion and falsification of the revelations and teachings of Christ, which were perfectly true and correct, by Constantine, an emperor of Rome, in the con- vention at Nice in A. D. 32 5 in the months of May and June. Christ was a Jew and tried to reform the Jews. He taught the brotherhood of man and called himself the son of man, but was crucified, as a traitor and revolutionist by the Jews. However his Disciples carried out the good work he had start- ed and formed a real and practical brotherhood of man (called churches) mostly from amongst the Gentiles. These organi- zations prospered and grew in numbers and strength and therefore became a thorn and a menace in the eyes of Con- stantine, and since there occurred some schism, or differences of opinion in some of the organizations or churches Constan- tine used this as an excuse or means of calling the above men- tioned convention, ostensibly for the purpose of settling the differences, but in fact to crush the Christian brotherhoods. After the convention had met only a short time the inten- tions of Constantine became apparent and caused great indig- 14 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS nation and opposition. But Constantine was prepared for every emergency. Then when his wife and son showed some sympathy for the Christian brotherhoods he determined to use them as an example and to intimidate his opponents at the same time. Constantine killed his own son by his own hands and had his wife killed by boiling her in oil; more- over he disfranchised about 2000 of the delegates opposed to his schemes and thus his clique had a free hand to do as he wanted them to do. Under these conditions the convention raised Christ to the high dignity of Deity or God and also created the office of the High Priest or Vicar as a successor of Christ on earth. In order to make the deification of Christ more plausible they created the trinity of deity; unheard of up to that time. The same convention also created the vicar- ious atonement or the forgiveness of sins by the death and unjust suffering of Christ, which was claimed to have been delegated to the priesthood for voluntary distribution, but' obviously as a hidden means to create a revenue. Of course it became necessary after these changes had been adopted, to rewrite the gospels and epistles of the Apostles to make them substantiate the newly adopted tenets and in this way only about one half of the original, beautiful and correct teachings and doctrines of Jesus Christ and his apostles are contained in the first compiled Bible and from which all the different translations have been made, and which has been accepted as the Word of God. Constantine through his power and influence over the Nice convention made or created a new religion which was called the "Holy Catholic Religion or Church" (catholic means uni- versal or general). It never has been a universal religion or belief and never will be or can be. Jesus Christ never did, nor never intended to form a new religion; but he and his apostles did start the true and correct brotherhood of the entire human race. Then we are not re- quired to live a religious life, but we are most certainly re- quired to live in the most strict and correct relations towards our fellow man. This is an absolute necessity before mankind could live a truly religious life. The messages, herewith of- fered, are very clear and plain on that subject. The subsequent history of the catholic religion and also the reformation, are too well known to be here further men- THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 15 tioned except that the reformation did not eliminate all of Constantine's innovations. Materialists, agnostics and others may claim that there is no conscious life after death and no doubt they actually think so, but that dees not make it so, as everyone will find out in time. Friend, everything is immortal, even matter, although it may undergo changes, is immortal. That the hu- man soul or spirit is immortal, that the human being is in reality a dual or composite being may and can be proven be- yond a doubt, with a little effort; and more, the conditions of the spirit in the spirit-world can be ascertained with certainty, and to obtain this proof it requires a person that is well versed in psychology and Mesmerism as the operator, and a second person, who should not be over twenty-five years of age, and should be free from all kinds of sickness or diseases, as the subject. When now the subject is put into a deep mes- meric sleep the operator, after having given the proper in- structions to the subject can send the spirit of the subject to any part of this Earth and obtain valuable information that could not be obtained in any other way. The subject's body, although in deep sleep, will give in plain language what the spirit's experiences are and what it sees and hears. In short the subject's spirit will perform marvelous and wonderful feats. For instance the secret diplomacy or treaties between two governments against a third government can in this way be obtained with the greatest of preciseness and accuracy; in the same manner may the subject's spirit be sent into the different regions of the Earth plane of the spirit world and all the messages regarding the punishments of the human spirits may in that way be ascertained without much trouble but with great accuracy. But when the subject's spirit is to be sent into the realm of even the first station or heaven, it is necessary that the subject possess a certain purity of body, mind and spirit; then without that purity no spirit, whether incarnate or discarnate, can enter into real spirit life. In ancient times young girls used to be trained for that purpose, and they obtained truly wonderful results; although young bjyfc, if pure enough, will do just as well. But in all cases when the subject's spirit is to be sent to other planets the subject should be put under the influence and sent on shorter trips on Earth, as the first journey to another .planet requires more of an effort, than subsequent journeys to the same planet. Again the purer the subject is in mind, spirit and body the 16 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS easier it is for its spirit to make the journey to the planets of our solar system and impure subjects should never be sent to other planets as it will be very hard, if not impossible, for them to make the journey at all. Spirits converse with each other, but not in the same way as men talk to one another by producing sound waves or air vibrations. Spirits, in conversing with each other produce the thought wave, an ethereal vibration which they can send from one planet to another and even further. The sound wave, or air vibrations, travel very slowly and only short distances in comparison to spirit thought vibrations, moreover the latter are more definite and retain their distinctiveness, regardless of distances. The telegraph and the telephone make use of the electric currents to produce the sound wave at greater distances and are therefore crude imitations of thought vibra- tions. Wireless telegraphy is another, but improved imitation of thought vibrations. There is every indication that the hu- man being with proper advancement in mental and spiritual sciences will call up his friends on any part of our globe and talk to him in the same manner as he would talk to him if he were present and before him. Spirit entities can only talk to a man in his present dev- elopment by sending his thought vibrations to mankind which may possibly produce impressions more or less distinctive, but without a clear and positive word or understanding un- less the man thus addressed has the necessary qualities and developments; the physical ear is not able to receive etherial or thought vibrations, therefore of no use in such cases. Such mental and spiritual developments require not only mental and spiritual training, but also an organism fitted for that purpose. Where these two requisites are fully developed the results are simply astonishing. In this state of development man can converse at will and at most any time with spirits and more especially with the high planetary spirit rulers in the same manner as he converses with his fellow man,* but without any sound being made or heard, and without going into any trance or any other unnatural condition, and morev he recognizes and knows the spirit he is conversing with, so there is no possible deception in the identity of spirits, which occurs at times when the medium has to resort to trance con- ditions for information from the spirit world. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 17 In this way Mr. Ernest Haberstroh, having acquired the necessary development and training, and also having an or- ganism fitting him for these conditions received the herewith submitted messages as dictations from the high planetary spirit rulers and their messengers. In fact these messages were dictated by the just stated spirit rulers in the same manner as any business man dictates his letters to his steno- grapher. Mr. E. Haberstroh is a veteran of the late civil war and as such was admitted to the Oregon State Soldiers Home early in 1916. Here he met another Civil war veteran, the under- signed (J. F. Sanders). Both became soon intimate friends and co-laborers for the betterment of human conditions. The Oregon State Soldiers Home became of inexpressible benefit to both; because both could and did drop all material pursuits which enabled them to devote themselves exclusively to spir- itual studies under the directions of the spirit rulers. Both made rapid progress; especially Mr. Ernest Haberstroh made such extensive progress as only a very few persons could obtain in the present cycle. In regard to these messages it may be truly stated that they will be fully realized at the proper time as indicated in them. However the free agency of mankind will not be set aside, but Nature will assist humanity to make a choice for the better by bringing wars, famines and pestilences. If these are not sufficient to convince mankind of the necessity to make these changes voluntarily, then the human race will be blotted out of existence and a new race of humanity will take its place in time. It was decided by the high spirit rulers that Sanders get these messages printed in book form and distribute them at his own expense, not for profit but for the benefit of human- ity. For this reason this booklet entitled the "Divine Reve- lations" is presented to the public with the request that it may meet with a reception commensurate to the good will and intentions of the high Divine spirit rulers. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS As revealed by the high planetary ruling spirits, their messengers, and under their orders, through their Medium Mr. Ernest Haberstroh during the period from 1916 to March 1922, containing predictions regarding the late world war, 18 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS which have all 1 come true up to the present time. They also contain numerous messages from persons that have died, giv- ing their experiences in the spirit world. Also prophecies that will occur in the future and in the next few hundred years. Also clear descriptions of the laws, rules and habits, condi- tions and customs, languages, clothes and appearances of spir- its in the spirit world. Also much and detailed information concerning the punishment of evil deeds and the manner in which these punishments are carried out and when and where this punishment takes place. Also much is revealed in re gard to the happy conditions that are awaiting them that have lived a good or Godly life, their Heavens and eternal homes, their obediences, activities, etc. Also the laws and rules for mankind to live by in Order to obtain those bless- ings and happiness. These revelations contain also informa- tion regarding conditions in the Universe and its repairs and maintenance that will be interesting to many. It is believed that these revelations contain some things that have never been revealed before. ERNEST HABERSTROH JOHN P. SANDERS The Divine Revelations The Lord's Prayer. Reformed and Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler of the U. S. etc. Our Father who art in Heaven, if we are worthy in Thy sight to call Thee so, we thank Thee for the blessings received from Thee. Thy Will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven, according to our purity. Give us wisdom and purity that we may act, and do all our work in an honorable way. Do unto us as we have done unto others, that our sins may be blotted out. Keep us from all temptations and sin, and deliver us from all evil. Thine is the Kingdom, the Glory, the Power, the Praise and the Thanks forever. Amen. This Prayer was dictated by Daniel, spirit ruler, who says: the Lord's prayer is not from Christ, it was an old Jewish prayer, who wanted their sins forgiven, rather than to work them out. Christ never taught forgiveness of sins. Know Ye: all evil deeds are punished threefold; all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. Yet there is no exchange of one for the other, but it will be done unto you as you have done unto others. Threefold for evil and sevenfold for good deeds. Dictated and approved by Daniel, Spirit ruler. Creation of Angels and Their Offices Dictated by Raphael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Jupiter. Friends: Angels have always existed; they are God's hosts, or messengers, or rulers of something. Angels were never Man, or had a material body, they were spirits of a high order. Some Nations call them "Minor Gods" but that is wrong. Each Angel has his office, and he is perfect in that line. Angels rule the Universe under the command of God. Each Angel has his office, degree of knowledge to rule over systems of planets, over planets, over spirits, over wars, over waters, over minerals, over vegetables, etc., etc. 20 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Angels from the first Heaven cannot go to the second Heaven; all stay in their own Heavens, which are as long as the Universe. Yet there are millions of Heavens for Mankind, and every one more beautiful than the others. All the Heavens are Worlds of great beauty, having Valleys, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Flowers, etc., nothing out of tune, like on Earth, all is perfection, but there are no golden streets or a white throne. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Time and Eternity Dictated by Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit World. Friends: Time has always been. What could be in place of it? Time is an eternity and eternity is a time. There never was a time when the Universe was void and dark and not in action, the same as today, and improved by the hand of Man. This little patch of a world, you are living on, is not to be noticed, in comparison to the Universe; it never had a beginning, and many races of people of different colors and habits have inhabited it, and are out of existence; and so will your race be blotted out in time. When Nations become so unGodly and make their own God, or have none at all, then Man is worse than the beasts. The beast has only one nature, but Man has two: he is either all good, or all bad; generally more bad than good. Mankind is degrading, not advancing. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Heavens for Mankind Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: The Heavens for Mankind are like everything else, all goes by degree of development and character; they vary in degrees of beauty and happiness, peace and love, ac- cording to the development of their inhabitants. The earth plane itself, is a Heaven for some and a hell for others; this is all according to your development for a higher life. There are two Heavens or two hells, for everyone; the one he stays in, environments, and the one in himself, or mental state. This is true of both Heaven and hell. Mankind comes to a certain degree of knowledge, then progression stops; then he gets something to do or to rule over, lower spirits; he becomes a teacher, or a messenger etc., according to his talents. The spirit land is governed a good deal like the people on the earth, only more purely with- out regards to persons or Saints or Sinners. Approved: Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit World. THE DIVINE R EVELATIONS 21 The Planetary Spirit Rulers, Their Functions and Powers. These Planetary Spirit Rulers, seven in number, and each one rules this Earth more especially on one day of the week. He is the officer of the day. This day is the most favorable time to call them for help or advice. The Planetary Spirit Rulers are under the direct orders of the Holy Angels, and the latter are under the direct orders of the Great and Incom- prehensible Creator and Ruler of this vast Universe, whom we call GOD. On the other hand the Planetary Spirit Rulers have a great many thousand spirit rulers under their com- mands; in this way everything in this great Universe, from the Holy Angels down to the smallest atom of matter is under the direct control of GOD. Names, Functions and Powers of the Planetary Spirit Rulers. MICHAEL is the ruler of the Sun and Sunday; He gives Hon- or, wealth, to all that are worthy, especially to office holders in public life; he takes away infirmities; he is on the high plane of Life adapted for worldly affairs represented as gold. He is positive. GABRIEL is the ruler of the Moon and Monday; he is nega- tive and gives growth to everything that is in the grow- ing state; he rules all waters and all occupations con- nected with water such as Sailors, Fishermen and laun- dries and gives silver. SAMUEL, also called COMAEL, is the ruler of the planet Mars and Tuesday; he is also the ruler of all wars according to justice and orders. He also rules quarrels for blood- shed and combustions. RAPHAEL is the ruler of Jupiter and Wednesday. He reveals all secrets, downs the rich and raises the poor, he heals all manner of diseases, binds and loosens spirits and helps humanity. ZACHIEL also called ZACHARIEL is the ruler of Mercury and of Thursday, he gives Love to Women, makes mar- riages and pacifies strife and heals diseases, takes jour- neys and makes merry. ANAEL is the ruler of the planet Venus and of Friday. He gives justice especially in lawsuits, he gives Love and friendship and peace to all. 22 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS CASSIEL also called COFFAEL is the ruler of the planet Saturn and Saturday. He is enforcing justice, he kills and cures, he downs the rich and raises the poor, and causes destruction, he lames the unGodly by orders. EARTHIEL is a planetary spirit ruler or Master of the Earth under orders. DANIEL is the spirit ruler or the Northern half of the Ameri- can Continent. Dictated and approved by Cassiel, planetary spirit ruler. Degrees of Spirits and Humanity. Dictated v by Three of the Planetary Spirit Rulers, Cassiel, Raphael and Zachiel. Man's spirit is not the highest type of spirits in existence. There are spirits in other worlds that never had and never will have a material body. They are in advance; they are for Divine purposes and know no sin. They are next to the Angels and will be Angels in time. The human spirits are the third degree of immortal spir- its. First come the Angels, Second come the spirits of the air, Third come the spirits that had a material body and have to work out their own salvation. The white race of human- ity is the highest type of spirits that lived in a body and is free to do good or evil. Therefore we have to work out our own salvation, because we have a material body to work for gain and thereby commit sins. We have something to battle for to gain the victory; where there is no battle, there is no victory; no victory, no Crown. The spirits of the air are educated. They have nothing to battle with. They are raised without sin and are for a higher purpose than the spirits of men. There are seven (7) degrees of Angels; seven (7) de- grees of men's spirits; seven (7) degrees of Heavens for the Angels; seven (7) degrees of Heavens for mortal humanity; all run by seven (7) ; and every degree is higher than the one below; the seventh degree is the highest. There are human spirits, below us, that can never reach the degrees that we do, for these spirits are not blest with the same wisdom we are and therefore there is not so much re- THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 23 quired of them. God has mixed the cup for every living soul, to see his own happiness according to knowledge and purity. We cannot all go to the same Heaven because we are gift- ed with different talents, and according to our talents, we gain our happiness. In comparison, the birds are happy in the air, and the toad is happy under a dungeon. Every animal makes its own home. The deer prefers a secluded place near water; the birds build their own nests; and the ground ani- mals also make their home in the ground. But the water animals have no certain place, they go with the tides mostly. You see one would not be happy in the home of the other, U is not their nature. So it is with man. There are very few people who can say they are happy, no one can be happy on earth. Happiness belongs to Heaven and no where else. Once happy in spirit life, always happy, no changes. All your happiness is clouded with sorrow and evil deeds and will pass away; not so in spirit life; all will get according to their purity. You can see, everything with a material body has to make their living and also make their own home, here and hereafter. Why? Because we are part animal, have to eat, get sick and die, the same as an animal. But with the breath of God in us, we are immortal and fitted in time to the grades of happiness. The animals have not the breath of God in them. They breathe the breath of air and are not immortal. They are gifted or endowed with a small portion of sense, such as fear, friendship, etc. Their spirit is only a shadow and will vanish. In truth, Approved: Raphael, Cassiel, Zachiel, planetary spirit rulers. jl'wo Kinds of Immortality. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Immortallity is a Divine estate and exists in two parts. One is the spirit and the other is the material body of mankind. The two live sometimes in great happiness, and they enjoy it, but have to work for it. You will not get something for noth- ing. Especially the Kingdom of Heaven is not picked up on the streets, and that is also true of the immortality of man. Everything is immortal in its own way, not like men. Man knows he is immortal and enjoys it, but the second or the 24 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS immortallity of matter is not known. All vegetation, trees, flowers and all essences will go into something else. The life force, the poisons or stimulants will act after having been ex- tracted. You may call this the spirit of vegetation. Evc-'y- thing forms something else, and always something better and so it lives forever, but it does not know it. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Sickness and Suffering Are Not In Vain. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The nights are long and the day is short. The nights are your troubles of sickness, disappointment and sin; the sunshine day is your recruiting time. If it were not for the night, if it were not for the change from day to night, pleasure and sorrow, temptation and sin, there would not be any progress; this is the golden border of life, if you only knew it; it gives you wisdom and takes away your sins. You do not suffer in vain, but it is advancing you beyond your knowledge. Remember there is nothing in vain, but a bless- ing to all things; but ignorance hates it. Good and Evil are in opposition to each other. And yet if there were no evil there could be no good. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler There Is No Predestination. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: There is no predestination as you are taught, only nature favors your birth; that does not mean that you are born on purpose to go to Heaven or to hell. All your miseries, bad luck, or accidents are not designed by wisdom it is nature's course and the ignorance of man; it is foreseen, but not designed, that would be unjust. Think of a father who raises one child to be damned to hell and another one to be in Glory. You can not deny how often you have been inspired of things — you call it a vision, but it is inspiration. All your sorrows are of your mind mostly, and it all blows over. It is only material; it helps your spirituallity. Nothing can harm your spirit except yourself. Think of the short time you are on earth. These are all freaks of nature; they are constantly changing from one thing to another. Even the planets are los- ing a little time, so is the sun. It is their nature. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 25 All the time you live on earth is only one minute, in com- parison to eternity. In the long run, all your troubles are not to be noticed, for time is too short to be noticed or to worry over them. The whole world or earth has no value in spirit land. No one is unlucky, only the money-maker. The more trials, sickness, the nearer to God; the more health, wealth one has, the farther away from God. To whom God has given wealth, He gave little else. Wealth creates its own God and to this God he must go, and he will make him sick of it. His wealth shall burn his flesh and he will wish that the moun- tain would fall on him and cover him forever. And yet God gave him a chance of redemption. In Truth. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Be Led by the Spirit Into a Life of Purity and Happiness. Dictated by Raphael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Jupiter. Friend: When you are led by the spirit you make no mis- takes, and your happiness will be complete and pure, you will have no desire for wealth. Wealth goes with the wind. But purity of mind and spirit will never be taken away from you. One may, or can, be a good material person, honest in his deal- ings and be at the top of materiality, not for greed or gain of wealth, only for a good and honest living; yet they are not spiritually and mentally pure, they have no desire for the higher state. Spirituality does not make anyone rich, but that is what the people want, something to make wealth. Wealth is impure, but happiness is purity, love and content- ment of mind and spirit. Spirituality tends to purity. Mat- eriality tends to wrong doing and degrades one's mind for gain; it keeps the spirit in prison and bondage. Naked you came and naked you must go. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler The Religions on Earth Are of No Value in the Spirit World. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: All your religions are wrong. You are proud of the same, but you can not be proud of your deeds; you believe you have faith, but what does it amount to? You believe and belie that belief. You condemn each other, for what? You do not know. Your creeds will not save you, neither will they condemn you. Your religion has nothing to do with these in spirit land. It is your good deeds, your love for man and beast, your kindness for all, to help the needy and to be un- spotted from the world. We have all kinds of religions here, 26 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS but they drop them very soon. Mind you, you are responsible for your ownself. There is no forgiveness of sins, no Christ, no Virgin has anything to do with you. You will enjoy hap- piness or punishment, as the case may be. You make your own happiness or hell. What you sow you will also reap again. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The World War A Necessity to Bring Needed Reforms. Dictated by Samuel, Spirit Ruler of Wars, March 16, 1918. Friend: I am the ruler of Wars. This war was of the greatest necessity in order to bring about reforms. There could not have been reforms of governments, religions and many other things without this war. Speculations will be a thing of the past. Crowned heads will disappear and every- thing else in proportion. A new Era will spring up, that will be more blest than the past. The people have lost their spirit- uality. God was a thing of the past. Mammon was their God. The golden calf will gain its proper place. Approved: Samuel, Spirit Ruler of War. The World War a Necessity. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler, March, 1918. Friend: The earth is in bloodshed and darkness, you have not seen it all yet. The misery it causes and the lives it will take is enormous, it will break up the earth; they have gained nothing and the worst has not yet come. The people do not want to work any more, one wants to live off the others. Robbery, speculation and money have taken the place of hon- esty. Every one crowds the other for gain. This war was necessary in order to bring a reform of governments, people and many other things. Crown-heads must disappear and the earth must be cleaned of material Gods. There is no justice on earth, even between sons and daughters. A great reform will come. People will have to work for their own living. Speculation will be a thing of the past. Property will come down to a reasonable price. Millionaires must disappear. The laborer will see better times. There will be a reform in religions. There will be trouble between labor and capital. I cannot tell how long this war will last, but I hope this year will end it. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 27 The Changes the World War Will Bring. Dictated by Samuel, Ruler of Wars, March 24, 1918. Friend: I am inspired to do just what is done and no more. This War is of the greatest necessity, in order to bring about a change on earth. It will do more good in the next twenty-five (25) years than it has done harm. The people cared nothing for each other, only to satisfy their natural de- sire for self-gain and pleasure. God was forgotten, the gold- en calf took His place. There will not be peace on earth until every Crown-Head is gone; that will not be long. In twenty- five (25) years there will be republics all over the earth. They will never fight it out, but there will be a compromise all over the earth. In 25 years there will be a new earth, so to speak; the people will be better and all will work for their own bread. Religion will take a change, and the new Jerusa- lem will begin in this year. No one will win. Trust in GOD. Approved: Samuel, Ruler of Wars. The World War and the Results It Will Produce. Dictated by Abraham Lincoln, Ex-President of U. S., March 16, 1918. Friend: This war will close this year before November, not by fighting but by a compromise. There will be enacted a law for peace for the whole world forever. Religion will cause trouble. There will be trouble with crowned heads until they are disposed of, which will happen inside of twenty- five (25) years. The whole world will become Republics, or as you call it Democracies. New enterprises will spring up. A reform of religion will appear, and the world will become new. Speculations will be done away. Men will have to work for their living. Property will be cheaper. All will run like clock-work before fifty (50) years. A. Lincoln. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler of U. S. A. Note: The armistice was not signed until Nov. 11, but the fighting stopped before the first day of November, 1918. The Great War and Its Results. Dictated by General Jackson, March 22, 1918. Friend: You needed this war. The people do not want to work any more, they rob and do anything but work. This world has to be changed or go under. A new race of people has got to be on earth; there will be no more crowned heads. 28 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS This Earth will he cleaned of slavery. A compromise will be made before long that will end the war, excepting amongst themselves. General Jackson. Approved: by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The War and Englands Relation to America. Dictated by A. Lincoln, Ex-President, March 1919. Friend: The days of Solomon are here: "Better is he that is not, than two that already is". I need not say you are faring well at the present, but the next five (5) years will teach you all something of governments even here, because I have done all I could, and now it is gone to destruction. You may have to fight England yet; they have made a toy of America, and America could not or would not see it, but you all see what you have done. Got shot in the back. Eng- land always was an enemy to the U. S. and is yet and always will be as long as the English Kingdom exists. But their time is short — so far and no farther — they are pretty near the end of their rope. The outcome is hard to tell yet, but is bad enough at the best. If Germany is disarmed they will be forever in slavery; it is a condition that is hard to figure. But this I say, Labor must win and get a better government to rule it. Abraham Lincoln. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler of U. S. The Future Outlook. Dictated by Samuel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of War and Mars. Friend: Your world is in a bad condition. Starvation and Pestilence are the next. I cannot and dare not tell you any more. Approved: Samuel, Planetary Ruler of Mars and Ruler of War. The War a Mistake. Dictated by T. Roosevelt, Ex-President, Aug. 14, 1919. Friends: My mind is very much changed since I came to the spirit land. Yes I was in for war while on earth, but it was the wrong thing. O, how little we know on earth. Your war was unjust. America should have remained neutral. T. Roosevelt. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler of the U. S., etc. The War Resulting In General Improvements. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Ruler of Saturn, April 16, 1918. Friend: You are too anxious about this war. Yes, the THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 29 war must stop in this year or there will be war at home, and if there is it will cause much bloodshed and much robbery. It will end in October. There will not be food enough for the whole world. America will be caught short. It is short at the present and will be worse yet. The people will see after the war what they have done for themselves, in regard to the war. But it had to come in order to bring about a different way of improvements of everything, in religion, finance, labor and capital, and a change over the whole world. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. The War, Wilson and Congress. Dictated by General Jackson, April 10, 1918. Friend: Yes, General Washington is the father of this Country and was a distinguished Man when he died. Yes in about five years America will get the rest of Alaska and some more. The next President will make it hot for England. America will enlarge her territory without any trouble, when the present war is over. Then, when all is settled, England will have to do something for America, because America will be nearly broke, but will gain much land, islands and other places, to help pay their debts. Russia will do something; they like our government. That is all, no one knows this but you. The millions will suffer much less after the war. No other president will ever have the control over the people, like Wilson. The whole congress was afraid of the war, so they left it to Wilson. It is a good thing he will not be in the White House any longer, for he would favor the English, and make America suffer for it; but he has not seen his worst days yet. The people will see what he has done for himself but not for his country. He could have stopped the war in time, by not shipping anything to the belligerents and remaining neutral. Then he would have made friends the world over; but as it is he has made many enemies the world over. However he will not stay always on earth. Everything has its day and he will have his day of reckoning. A. Jackson. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. This War Will Not Benefit the United States. Dictated by Abraham Lincoln, April 4, 1918. Friend: This summer the Germans will be done for good. There will be no more Kaisers and some others of them will 30 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS also disappear, all will 1 have to go in time, before long. There will be no more Kings in England, when the present one is gone; his time is short. There will not be a King on Earth in twenty-five (25) years from today. England was wrong to ever start this war. If America could see what I see, they would never have ventured to go into this war over the seas. America will get enough of it before it is done. There will be revolutions among yourselves, times will be hard and money will be scarce. There will be war between labor and capital. Religion may interfere. This war will be of no benefit to the present generations. Abraham Lincoln. Approved: Daniel, Ruler in Spirit Land. Experience Related by Those That Made the Change Into Spirit Life from the Earth Plane of Life. Dictated by Mary Kenlin. Dear Friends: I died of consumption. I always lived a good life on earth and belonged to the Salvation Army. My day of ignorance came when I died and landed in a world I don't know where. O, how dark was that day; I don't know how long that darkness lasted, I thought a day, but they told me only a short time. I began to see the beauties of the earth, in all stations the same, but more beautiful. Many friends came to welcome me, I forgot all about my death and soon got mixed up with many people who showed me many things. So happy I was that I could not talk for joy. But to my great surprise I could not find Christ, in whom I put all my dependence. I wanted to see Him. They told me it would not do me any good; then I asked if I was to stay there or go to some other place? They told me this whole earth was for me as well as for the rest of us. I did not like that, I wanted to go to the Salvation church, if there was one. They took me to a grand hall, there were many people, speakers, teachers, music, singing and thanks to God. I was all right then and I enjoyed my change. I would not return to earth life if I could. Blessings be with you all. Halleluiah. Mary Kenlin. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience on Entering the Spirit World After Death. Dictated by a Catholic Girl. Friend: I am a stranger to you, here in spirit life, where we live, we get acquainted immediately. I am a catholic girl. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 31 20 years of age when I died, or made my change to a higher life. I have tried to live good on earth, and believed all that was told me by the priest, but when I came here I found it all to be nothing. I wondered what would become of me? No one here to take my part, as I expected. I cried aloud. Immediately there was a crowd of people who took me with them. I saw so much beauty I forgot where I was. They welcomed me everywhere. I was very much surprised. Finally I asked for the virgin Mary; they laughed at me and said, "What do you want with her?" I told them she was my de- pendence for my happiness; they laughed again and told me she has nothing to do with anyone, come with us, so I did. I got into a great gathering of people and heard a lecture that took all the Catholicism out of me. Finally I was escorted to some place where I stayed and am happy and contented. So I say: There is nothing in any of your religions. I am all right. Good night. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Pat. O'Bryan in Entering the Spirit World. Dictated by Pat. O'Bryan. Friend: Pat. O'Bryan is my name. I am an Irishman and a catholic, but religion did not bother me, neither did I bother it. I worked hard for my living and let religion take her own way. I fell from a building and got killed instantly. I found something had happened; I asked a man, as I thought he was, how did I get here? He told me I was dead in body but not in spirit. I asked him to show me where I came from. Soon he showed me my body. Now I came to myself and I am ready to see where I am going. There came people I knew and they took me with them; all was satisfactory. I am blest forever. Good bye. Pat. O'Bryan. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Rabbi Saiman on Entering Into Spirit Life. Dictated by Rabbi Saiman. Friend: I am called on by your guide to give you some of my experience of my arrival in spirit land. I was a Jewish priest or rabbi, and I was sincere in my belief. We believe in eye for eye and tooth for tooth, and help our people all we can, in fact I believed in the law of Moses. I died and landed in an unknown land or country; there were many that welcomed me. I did not know what to make of it. I did not want to show my ignorance. Nobody said anything to me 32 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS but what was pleasant'; so I called for a rabbi to see what was going on. I did not know this was my place. The rabbi told me, you are right where you belong, you cannot get away if you try ever so hard. I said that is good enough for me. I was to start a Jewish synagogue, but the rabbi told me you must be educated first. So I went to lectures and im- proved my religion. I am a teacher here now, not a preacher nor a rabbi. It is a paradise. I am well pleased with my change. Salman, farewell. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of a Catholic Priest in Spirit Land. Dictated by a Catholic Priest, Name Not Given. Friend: I am here to give you an outline of my life. I will tell you the truth, I have told lies enough, but I made something out of it at the time. I am a catholic priest, but I did not believe what I preached, but the good living and the authority and the fear of being killed, kept me with them. I died and I do not know how I got to this horrible place; I could not call on the Virgin. I did not believe in anything, only a good living. Soon there was a great array of people before me. I knew the most of them. I had preached to them all. My head began to flicker. I was left with them to work out their salvation. O, how they hated me, threw stones at me, etc. There I was, I could not get away. This punishment was terrible. I have to make all wrongs good, besides my own evil deeds. I wish all catholic priests could see how I suffered for my good lying, there would not be many priests left. I will not give my name. A Catholic Priest. In truth. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Mary's Experience in the Spirit World. Dictated by Mary. Friend: I am glad to be able to talk to you. I am in spirit land. I do not know how long. I died in 1907 and have been here on the earth (astral) plane of the spirit world. I am here with my three (3) children, who were little when I passed out. I do not regret my change, I am as contented and happy as I can be. There is nothing here to vex or to tire. O, how I would like to tell the people on earth of the joy and happiness that is waiting for some of them. They would not believe it, because they have no knowledge of the THE DIVINE R EVELATIONS 33 spirit world. Friend, they are not all happy that come here, but they all will be in time. Mary. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Queen Victoria in the Spirit World. Dictated by Queen Victoria. Friends on earth, I will give you my experience in spirit land. When I arrived here I was shocked with wonder. I am no queen here. There are some in my surroundings more happy than I am, for all that I am not in torment, but the earth keeps me back from progressing. I thought, when on earth, that I would prohibit all wars, because my children were married in different nations, but now, O, this war. Eng- land will go under. Kings will be no more. Victoria. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Robert G. Ingersol in the Spirit Land. Dictated by R. G. Ingersol. Friend: I am always glad to help where I can. You all know my belief and that I was damned by priests and preach- ers, and that I was to go to hell sure. When I landed here and was still alive, I was surprised. I had never denied God or immortality, but I said I did not know. To tell the truth, I was welcomed by a good many. I did not know what my fate would be, but soon saw I was all right. I thank God for the blessing. Now I went to work to learn all I could, and I tell you, friends, I am not in hell or any ways near it — I am a teacher in the land of Sunshine. I found I had done much good on earth. Robert G. Ingersol. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Joseph Herrick's Experience in Spirit Life. Dictated by Himself. Friend: My experience, truthfully stated is: The measure you measure with, will be measured to you again. Friend, I tell you the truth. I am on the earth plane yet, not for punishment but for development of purity. I am making pro- gress for myself, not working out evil deeds. I have always worked on earth, as a machinist, and have a hobby for it yet, but will soon have to do something else. I also see the poor worker day by day, is also rewarded for his labor and misery, in the spirit world. I see rulers, kings and judges here who would not look at one of these men on earth, but now see 34 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS how they stand in spirit life? The poor are rich; the man of authority is not only a servant, but also in punishment. The wrongs that one of these rulers can do on earth is not to be told. A ruler on earth does not only injure your wealth but also your spirit. O! I would rather be a door keeper in spirit land than be one of those rulers. The whole earth could not persuade me to be in their places, with all their wealth. A door keeper is not the worst place; he has some authority. I had rather be a door keeper than be a judge or any kind of a ruler. Here in spirit life there is no respect of persons. You are not asked what you have been or what church you belonged to, you go right where you belong, with- out judge or jury. The spirits know what you have done. There is also a ruling spirit for that purpose; he is called the "Judging Spirit". There will be no excuse — you are there, get away if you can. O! what surprises to them. There they get their just dues. Joseph Herrick, Spirit Guide. Friends: I will begin where Herrick left off. There are only two ways to go — that is the right way and the wrong way, there is no middle road to go. You are either good or bad; it is either good or evil. It is like fire and water — one will control the other. If the good deeds overbalance the bad, you are called good; but if your evil deeds overbalance the good deeds you are bad, but if they are both alike you are called honest. Yet you will have to work out your evil deeds and the good deeds stand to your credit. There is no exchange of one for the other. You have to make everything right with the one you wronged. Felix Coran, Spirit Traveler. Both messages approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Pope Benedict XV in the Spirit World. Dictated by the Pope Himself. You are a stranger to me. I see already you are no friend, but I must give you a statement of my arrival in spirit land. I was equal to any king on earth, and here I am equal to the poorest beggar. O! What a change! I did not want to tell it, but was forced to tell it by the spirit ruler. I did not call you friend, because you are not a friend But this I say, I am far more responsible than the world knows. I am not happy, for I knew better, but I was in the ring of honor, but Oh, if the rest of the priests and popes could see me and my condition, they would go into fits. I THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 35 am not in hell but the next thing to it. I wish I could go in the body to all of the same belief of ignorance, to show them the truth of eternity. The enemies I have here are more num- erous than friends. To tell you the truth there is nothing to the Christian religion,- or any other. O, how I wish I had been an infidel. I would have nothing to be accountable for except to learn and to progress. If I had not been a Leader I would fare well, but as it is I do not; I know better and the others do not. I never believed the story of Christ and the Virgin Mary, but the oath I took and the danger I was in, and the authority kept me there. It will take over one hundred years to blot out my evil deeds and none of my class of rulers on earth will ever rise very high in spirit life, and on account of our deceitfulness, greed for wealth and authority. I see also all religions are losing their hold on humanity. I am also told that pope and kings must perish together. The Bible is a thing of the past. There are only a few that believe it in their ignorance — their ignorance is bliss and wisdom is a danger, unless acted out accordingly, but the time will come when there is but one God and no more. It always has been so, but that would not answer as there could nothing be made out of it. I will not tell the worst of this, yet it helps me to tell the truth for once. I would not have told you any- thing, but I was forced to do it. It is not the average man that has much to answer for, it is the rulers and teachers, for the most of them know better, but dare not tell the truth. Ex-pope Benedict XV. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. I stayed to see the above written. It is the truth. Experience of King Constantme in the Spirit World, Who W T as Forced to Tell the Truth by Daniel, Spirit Ruler of Our Country. This is a Case of Unconscious Immortality or Second Death. I am a stranger to you and also know that you are no friend to me, by my reputation on account of my actions to- wards Christianity; neither does it make any difference to me. I have no friends and they could not help me in the least. Constantine, tell the truth: Oh, to tell the truth, I never had a moments happiness in the spirit land, because I was a King on earth and feared nothing here or hereafter. All I cared for was to carry out my power and vicious desires. 36 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Did you boil your own wife in oil alive? and kill your own son? Yes, I did, because I was told they would ruin my king- dom. Did you have the Bible re-wrftten by the bishops under your instructions and pay? Yes I did. Was it changed from the original texts? Yes, whenever" it was needed it was changed to suit the scribe, in order to bring all under my subjection. Are you happy in the spirit land? I am ashamed to tell as a King, but it was bad enough. Were you in hell? No, but the next door to it. I am not happy and never will be. I am more like the beasts in the fields, not even as good and never will be; a whole world full of Christs could not add one hour of happiness to my dark existence; I am in misery and always will be; the suffering and pain I caused and the blood I have shed can never be cleansed in eternity, But I am not the only one. If kings on earth could see my condi- tion, they would resign immediately. I will not call you friend or anyone else, because I have no friends wherever I am known. This is the truth approved by Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit Land. Note: Friend, this is not half the suffering of Constan- tine, but I thought it was bad enough. I did not want to dis- gust the reader of this. He can talk and remember and have some knowledge of the past, but he is not as free as the beasts in the field. All Godliness has left him. Yes he was the manager of those that falsified the good teachings of Christ. For self-gain and authority. His bloody deeds can never be blotted out or painted over. This is from Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit Land. The truth and approved by Daniel, Ruler of the Spirit Land. The Millenium and What It Means. Dictated by Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit World. Friend: A millenium is not what you call it, to live 1000 years on earth, and then to be done with it. But it means that the manufacture of cannons, swords and all ma- chinery of wars must be stopped forever. There must be no more training schools for crowned heads to live off the blood of men. Millenium means a material heaven on earth; it does not mean for some to feast and others to go hungry; it does not mean to sell and to buy land. As long as wealth rules this earth there can be no millenium. But the time is THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 37 rapidly coming when your earth will be swept clean of wars, robbers, millionaires and poverty, yet all will have plenty and nothing will have any money value. The people will be more spiritual and more kind to each other and will live longer. In less than 200 years all this will come to pass. Approved: Daniel, Ruler in Spirit Life. Experience of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Spirit World. Dictated by Himself. Friend: I am King Nebuchadnezzar and had to be forced to come to you with shame of my wicked deeds on earth, which I am compelled to tell you to my shame as a King. I was an Idolater and made my own gods ar.d forced all of my people to worship my own gods under penalty of death. I was mighty in the days of my earth life, but I would not be mighty today if I were placed in the came conditions. Oh, when I landed here I had nothing to say. Oh, what horrors were waiting for me! I cannot express in words the agony and pain I have suffered. My power was gone. I cannot say that I am happy, but I am in sorrow yet. (After about 2500 years.) Approved: Daniel, Ruler of the Spirit Land. Views and Experiences of Georges Clemenceau, the Eminent French Statesman, About Two Months After His Death. Just as Dictated by Himself from Spirit Life. Friend: .To tell the truth I am not as much interested in the late warfare as I used to be, but I say this: The Germans have an enemy by their side that is hard to be conquered. The French will do all they can against the Germans and keep them down. Germany will be kept down as long as possible. There may be another war as soon as the young stock has sufficiently grown up. There is nothing that can save Germany, but a bloody war and victory; it will have to come to that yet. What about the compromise? It looks better on paper than anywhere else. Germany has not done yet with wars and who will they war with? They will try the French again; and if the French do not get help then France is completely ruined. What about the English? They got enough of the late war; their King will die before that war comes. I do not THE DIVINE REVELATIONS hesitate to say now: King George is a big headed fool. If the U. S. ever want their money, they will have to fight for it. If the U. S. could see what I see, they would drop Eng- land immediately; of course we were with them during the late war, but I am not with them now. The English would fight America too quick and take it, if they could. England is an enemy tc> all nations except to herself. All Europe must be broken up more yet, until there is no rich man left; it will and must come to that, even amongst themselves. Europe will not be prosperous until it does this. Just wait 10 or 20 years and Germany will make her mark. They will be forced into it against even their own will, but then commence their victories. There must be and there will be another war in Europe before that country can prosper; the rich must be made poor, and the poor be made comparatively rich, therefore the next war will be of greater benefit than the last war. I think and believe the next war will bring all men on an equality, and this will end all wars forever. Friend: I know who you are, but that is all right be- tween us; I can see both sides now, but only one before. Yet I say this: The Kaiser and King George are both ailke and neither one of them has a good drop of blood in them. But remember both of them will have to give an account for it in Spirit Life, yes but not with money. These two could have prevented the late war, but it was what they both wanted. The United States also carried fuel to the fire. They also could have stopped it, if they wantd to, but no, they served their worst enemy. Georges Clemenceau. Approved in truth, by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. History of Life on Earth and the Travels in the Spirit Life. Dictated by Felix Coran. Friend: I will give you, in short, a history of my life on earth. I was an agent, doing business for a big firm over the whole United States, employed to straighten out mistakes, at which I was very good. Here in spirit life I am the same. My mission is to travel to right wrongs and to report all such as I have no control over and to inspire all I can reach for good. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 39 Friend, I am a traveler in spirit life to do all the good I can. I enjoy it. I am going all over, from what you call hell to the brightest summerlands. Oh, if you on the earth could only be with me for one day you would not think much of wealth. The dark satellite is for the unGodly. There it is very dark and cold and thunders and lightens the whole time. It is below your earth. Oh, the great misery they endure. Kings, rulers, false teachers and hypocrites and all those who have made humanity suffer are there. Your whole earth could not stand it one day in that place. They see their enemies taking revenge on them, yet they are not there, it is their conscience, but it is real to them; they wish the mountains would fall over them and cover them forever. This is the worst place in spirit life. You call it Hell. When released from that place they come to the earth plane to work out some more of their evil deeds. They get tired and weary because they are too material and go to sleep, and have evil dreams; deliriums, someone is going to kill them, and they are more afraid of their bodies than a man. This is the worst punishment in spirit life. Emperors, Kings, Priests and all of authority on earth must suffer here for their evil deeds. The next higher station is in good daylight, they too are afraid of their enemies and have to help their enemies to sal- vation; it takes many years before they can do anything for themselves. All evil deeds are punished threefold and all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. God is just. All will be saved in time. The next higher station is the average man; they are not in misery, only working out their own evil deeds; that class is fairly happy, better than on earth. It takes from five to fifteen years before they can rise higher. Some are in dark- ness from one hundred to five hundred years, and on the earth plane from three to fifteen years. The next higher plane is also for punishment, but not so severe, it is for punishment, education and development for the next higher station, or sphere, all are happy. Those on the earth plane bring their misery with them, wherever they go. 40 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS The suicide man is not in the dark and cold place, he is tied to his body until the course of his natural life will be ended. The murderer is worse than the suicide, he has to stay on the earth plane until he drops all material things, both friends and enemies — that is, not to worry about any- body or hate your enemy. There are spirits for that purpose. Now you are in the next station. There is no more wor- rying, you are pure spiritually, but not in development; there you hear lectures, teaching all for your development. They are all happy. There are seven (7) stations before you reach Heaven. It may take from five hundred to one thous- and years to get into Heaven, and some may never get there. If you have had all sweet on earth, you will find the counterpart, the sour; this is of an average. There is an- other class that has lived a good honest life, eaten their bread by the sweat of their brows, they also stay on the earth plane to be taught and educated for the next higher station — they are happy from the start. There is a class of deceitful church members that depend on Christ for forgiveness of their sins. Oh, ye fools! You have had the benefits, you will have to have the punish- ments. There is no such thing as forgiveness; what a wrong idea -and an ignorant one. It is yourselves that make both Heaven and Hell for yourselves. It is a sham or a show. The church people are the worst of the average class; if they can only go through the routine of ceremonies, then Christ is with them. They are not willing to work out their own evil deeds, they want someone else to suffer for them, they are hypocrites. Be true to your faith — do right. You are not asked what church you belonged to — you go right where you belong. This is the truth from facts and travels in spirit land. Felix Coran. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Corah's Journey Through a Part of the Universe. Dictated by Herself, Jan. 23, 1922. Dear Loving Ernest: Your Corah, with a band of 35 spirits, has been on a journey over a part of the universe, to learn wisdom; we have been in 15 spirit worlds and 80 material worlds; we were gone two years and three months. We did not see a world so heavily populated as your earth, 48 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS you belong, the whole earth is yours. But I could not give up Christ. I went to lectures and found out that there is no son of God, no holy ghost, no resurrection, no judgment day. There is but one God and his holy Angels and that man can not reach that high station. God was never man, and man was never God. And again, 'ignorance is bliss in some things and a misery in others; wisdom is dangerous to some and a ruination to others, unless it is acted out according to its nature. Oh, how ignorant I was that I did not take pages from Ingersol's lectures, who was the teacher of humanity, we would have had little to drop of this material world. First of all be a good citizen. Think only honest and harmless thoughts, then pray to the Creator for wisdom and it shall be added unto you according to your purity. Your prayers are more a habit than anything else. Again we should know that God was never man and keep a rage for 2000 years. We have no respect for God and His goodness, and many evil and shameful deeds are ascribed to God and none to the devil. You have to be both good and evil. Oh, how I would like to preach to you now. Good bye. Talmadge from the Spirit World in Truth. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler of the U. S., etc., etc The Christian Religion. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Friend, the Christian religion is an offspring of barbarism and heathenism. A part of it was taken from Confucius, the Chinese teacher, who called himself a teacher of virtue "To do as you wish to be done by" was his motto. This man lived 550 years before Christ, the Messiah. Christ taught many things, but the best of his teachings were left out of the Bible. The Christian religion has caused more blood-shed than all the wars of earth. It was forced onto the nations by the sword, by Constantine, a pagan king of Rome, who killed his own son and boiled his wife in oil alive. That man was the originator, with 250 priests, to fix the Bible to rule the nations. Christ never preached of a hell without relief, nor of an angry God. He was crucified for his honesty and not for our sins, or for priest to keep us out of hell. Approved: Raphael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Jupiter. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 47 Experience in Spirit Life of the Rev. Talmadge. Dictated by Himself. Friend: I am the Rev. Talmadge and I was called on by your guide to give you my experience of the land unknown, only by hope and faith. I am not ashamed to tell you my experience, but I am ashamed to confess my ignorance. I was true to my faith, but Oh, the time came when I was called I expected to go directly to the angels Heaven, as I had taught the gospel of Christ for many years. I landed in darkness the same as all the rest; I knew something had happened I could not account for, but soon my eyes were opened and I saw I was still on the same earth. Oh, what a misery I was in. At the same time a great crowd of spirits gathered around me, I did not know what was to become of me, I was ashamed to ask anyone what I should do. I saw no Christ on whom I had placed my trust; finally I asked where is Christ? They said you have nothing to do with him or he with you. Another sorrow came to my mind, I asked to go to the headquarters if there were any; so they escorted me to a most beautiful place. I thought I was in Heaven. I laid my case before him and he said you are right where you belong, the whole earth is yours; they will tell you what to do. Again I wondered what would be the next thing. They took me to a lecture. Oh, my hopes were greater than ever. After the lecture the music commenced to play, I never heard such wonderful music. I was educated in the laws and manners of the spirits, but still on the earth- plane and I had to drop all of my religion and earthly habits. I progressed fast in their laws. I am happy, but not in heaven. Heaven is far away yet. There is nothing in your religion, and no forgiveness of sins. The measure you mea- sure with will be measured to you again. Talmadge Sermon to Part of His Congregation from Spirit Life. Friend: I must acknowledge my ignorance since I came to the spirit-life. If I had been born and educated in Turkey I would have preached the Mohamedan religion with the same sincerity; training and raising makes us what we are to a great extent, yet ignorance is the curse of it all. Oh, how I was disappointed that I could not see Christ, in whom I placed all my trust for the whole world; but I saw the ruling spirit and laid my case before him. He said "You are where 46 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS A Short History of the Jews or IsraeHtes. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Friend: I will give you a short history of the Jews. They began to scatter long before the destruction of Jerusa- lem, the same as today, for wealth. They established settle- ment after settlement throughout large countries for their large herds of stock; they had many wars, with what they called uncivilized and wild men, and were exterminated by them, and by their ramblings, yet some of the Jews are still living in different countries of the Orient. Some Jews of some of those settlements, for safety, mixed and married into different nations and became exterminated by degrees. All the tribes are now mixed up and finally gathered into one Synagogue. There is no full or pure tribe anywhere; they have been killed to a great extent and the remainder call themselves the tribe of Juda; but they are so badly mixed that they do not know where they belong. They may get killed out again in time, for all the world hates them; it was the same all over wherever they landed on earth. The real tribe of Juda is not amongst us, they are by them- selves somewhere in the Orient. It is only the grabbing Jew that wanders over the Earth, they are not strong enough to ever make war, and never will be; they have no govern- ment of their own and never will have one, they are scattered too much. The Greeks and East Indian people are considerably mix- ed with the Jews. What tribe or race do our people spring from? You are also a mixed race and have been intermixing for the last two thousand (2000) years. Before the time of Christ there were large territories unsettled, but travelers soon found this out, and then the people commenced to wander and to emigrate for peace and wealth. In consequence of which your whole world has be- come diseased with the Jewish nature. The Jew is in reality a curse of so much business, greed and grabbing for wealth, and he has taught this wherever he lived, and this disease is not only contagious but almost incurable. The Germans were the last, what you may call civilized race, they were better then, than now; before Christ they Iived in peace, but they do not do so now. I will close this history, because it is of no benefit spiritually nor materially. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 45 A Buddhistic Priest and His Experience in Spirit Land. Dictated by Ransena, a Priest of Buddha's Religion. Friend: I was called on by your guide to give you an account of my religion and my experience in the spirit world. Wh^le on earth I was a Buddhistic priest and sincere in all I taught. Buddha professed to be the servant or prophet of God, or a minor God; he was very spiritual and lived a good life like your Christ; and he had also some curative powers, on account of his purity; he became famous like Christ among the people; and they finally decided that he had the spirit of one of the Gods in him. But he only claimed to be a servant, or a prophet to do the will of his God. He also claimed that if the people would live up to his teachings, they could also perform many miracles; however this was ,not entirely true, but in truth, some of his followers could do so by psychology and it was ascribed to Divine power; yet he was a reformer, the same as Christ and others. Buddha teachings were: Make no enemies, but be good to all men and beasts and you shall be rewarded here and hereafter and shall receive a portion of God's wisdom, and nothing of the enemy could go against you. He taught thar there is no forgiveness of sins, or a repentance in an hour, as it takes much time to get rid of your evil deeds; and not to be grabbing for riches, but the poorer you were, with a good record, the more the Gods would favor you, but this did not come true in spirit life. I was a Buddhistic priest and did not miss a dot of his teachings; I arrived in spirit land and was welcomed. I was in no hurry to inquire of my record, which was printed all over me, without my knowledge; but I soon saw the most of my teachings were wrong. Oh, what a horror came over me and I began to think that I was doomed forever. But soon I saw I was all right, because I had lived a good life and that there was no punishment for my wrong teachings, since I sincerely believed them myself. I dropped all earthly things and commenced to learn the spiritual things, I was not punished and progressed. I have no complaint to make, and am happy. Friend, it is not what you believe, but what you have done that determines your fate in the spirit world. I have been in the spirit land over one hundred years and I enjoy it. Ransena, from the Spirit Land. 44 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS everyone thinks they are the best but I say all are wrong. There can only be three societies; the first is a band of rob- bers and of all evil deeds. The second is a society of labor, who want their rights and have to fight for them. The third society is what you call a religious clique of hypocrites for selfish gain. If you were in reality good and truthful you would not need any lawyers to get you out of your evil deeds. All societies should help each other not for gain, but to settle their difficulties by arbitration; say from 50 to 100 men or mere should have a treasury and sufficient funds to help the weaker ones and to help them to a home. They all would prosper and there would not be any lawsuits; this could be done with ease, but you want an officer of the law to settle your troubles; this shows that you are not good and truthful. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Good and Evil, Rewards and Punishments. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Evil is a necessity in the plan of Creation. It is the mystery of mysteries to man; even the government gives license to sin; but the day is coming, it is here now, when a good deal of this evil will be abolished. Such things as one man living off another; one man speculating off an- other, bank robbing, stealing for gain to enrich, himself, and not to work in an honorable way for his daily bread, for some to live in glory and some in hunger, are also a mystery. Yet if there were no evil, there could be no good; we would not have anything to fight against, v/e would neither get better nor worse; where there is no law, there is no transgression; no battle, no victory; to victory, no crown; we could never be happy for we had not done anything to entitle us to become angels. We are sinful, and God has mingled the cup, that all mankind shall be saved, not directly but indirectly for the glory and suffering of all mankind. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 43 only money, but you all pay for that in eternity. Then you wish the mountains would fall over you and cover you for- ever. Your religion is a good deal the fault of these things; forgiveness of sins by the Lord's supper, or paying to get out of purgatory; or repenting at the 11th hour and you are all right; and that God is controlled by priest or preacher, is entirely wrong and a direct contradiction of the laws in the spirit world. According to these Divine laws, all evil deeds are punished threefold; all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold, yet cannot exchange one for the other, to blot out your evil deeds, you have to suffer for all of them, and your good deeds stand to your credit. Again the laws quoted under 1 and 2 are only rudimental and much more could be said regarding them, but it would be in vain to you all. Question: What is the greatest sin? Answer: Willful or premeditated murder. There are three degrees of murder, the third degree is murder in self de- fense and is not punishable, or not guilty. Then comes cruelly decided robbery or theft. Then comes suicide and wrongs against your neighbor. Then comes all the minor troubles, too numerous to men- ton, but all 1 must be accounted for. What is the greatest good we can do here on earth? It is to risk our own life to save the life of another. 2. To feed or to help your enemy in distress, and to be kind to man and beasts. 3. Be charitable to all mankind, when in need. Let your open hand be stronger than your fist, and be truthful at all times. 4. Let misery be joy; and joy a misery. Think of the earth and earthly things as valueless and of Heaven, as if you were the owner of it. 5. In the above ways you will live in peace and have a happy existence here and hereafter. Remember to whom God gave wealth, he gave them little else. It will take three times as long to get rid of it, and more misery, than it took to make it. Once more, your religions and societies are a code of falsehood and for popularity and gain and notoriety and 42 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Laws of Spirits That Should Also Be Obeyed on Earth. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler of U. S. Friend: I will give you the just Laws according to the high spirit rulers. Murder is the first and worst. Self-willed murder for envy, revenge or self-gain; as you have not given life you should not take it; therefore the punishment should be, imprisonment for life with work for the support of family, or other dependents, if need be; and we attend to the rest. 2. A great robbery should be punished by the payment of threefold of the value taken and imprisonment for, from one to five years; if no damage can be paid for the lost goods, then the imprisonment should be twenty-five years with the loss of his citizenship and his family. 3. A small robbery or theft of $500 or less should be punished by a threefold payment of the amount stolen, with loss of citizenship and his Oath shall be void. Petty thieves shall also pay threefold damages and be imprisoned one day for every dollar stolen etc. 4. Divorcees should not be permitted to marry again until one or the other has died; and their property should be divided equally, but if there are children, they should come in for their full share. Divorced preachers should preach no more, they should set a better example for the people. 5. Deaf, dumb, idiots and criminals should not be per- mitted to marry, for the seed you sow will germinate and produce the same again. Weakly and unhealthy or deformed people by or at birth should not be permitted to marry; nor should relatives or kinfolks be allowed to marry. 6. Cruelty to the family, should be imprisoned for, from one to five years and the family set free. Again anyone, after having served one year or more in prison, should be deprived of his or her citizenship and oath made void and his family set free of him. 7. Anyone entering the prison for the second time, should stay there until death. Your Laws are not ruled by justice, but by money; the most of your trouble could be settled by arbitration; instead of making yourselves poor by hiring law- yers, that is the wrong thing; justice is not known on earth, THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 41 nor as many poor people as you have; we did not see on any other world where they buy and sell land. In all those globes the land was public property, take what you need for a living and no more. The people of those worlds were bet- ter to each other than your people on this earth are to one ancther. We found much less poverty than exists on your earth, all had a home and hunger was unknown. Neither did we find such big cities, crowded with people. Your earth has too many people that live off the others and do not pro- duce or work for their own living. In fact your earth is not even an average of the worlds we have seen. Again, murder, robbery and stealing is almost unknown in these worlds, nor are they as greedy for gain of wealth and authority as your people on earth. On the other hand the people of your earth are far in advance of any other world we have seen, in science and all kinds of machinery and facilities. All of those worlds have some kind of religions, some worship the sun and stars, some worship the unknowable and some worship spirits. If you could go in the body to the third world below, or north of your earth, and see the people there dressed in a s'mple manner, with all their stock and living in peace and harmony, you would wish to live there. No one does lack, or is wanting for anything, go wherever you want to, you are perfectly safe, yet these people are not wise, or so to speak sharp as your people; but they are Saints in comparison with your race of people. All of these worlds have governments of their own and laws which are strict but unpartial 1 and consciously obeyed; they also have places of worship; some few prefer to wor- ship under big trees; nevertheless" they are very sincere in their beliefs and their worship. Also they all have places of amusements and enjoyments, but all is peace and harmony with them. The most of those worlds have no money at all and do not know what money is; their ignorance is bliss. They raise principally all they need and have plenty to give away. Oh, you on earth! Your riches are your ruination. Corah H. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 49 Laws and Habits Inherited from the Jews That Are Wrong Must Be Changed. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Kings, queens, and all nobilities by birth or rank, should be done away with; and this will be done in time. Kings and all nobility have seen their best days and will soon see their last days. No man should inherit power by birth, it is barbarism and heathenism, practiced from the beginning of the Earth; this habit originated with the Israel- ites or Jews, to keep the upper hand; they had many wars on that account, when they were strong. But they had to be subdued and finally were scattered over the whole world amongst strangers. The Jews were trained to rob and plun- der outsiders, but not their brothers, and therefore became the subjects of hatred by all nations who came into contact with them; but still you have adapted and practice their sinister examples. % The proper and just way would be to educate someone well qualified for an office and promote him step by step, if found suitable, and let him keep the office for Life; the same should be done when promoted to a higher office, with the privilege to resign. Again if an officer is found to have been dishonest, he should be imprisoned for life; and should not be allowed to appeal from one court to another. If this were strictly carried out, you would soon have honest officers. But there should not be an inheritance of any office by the rest of his family. Again the salaries you pay to officers are out- rageous in comparison to everything else; you see the officers take the advantage for themselves. The salaries should be fixed by the people, and not by the officers. Your governments are unjust all over the world and the inhabitants are like their governments; you do not obey your laws, much less the laws of GOD. See what some men will do for a little gain. Your laws are merely a form or shield to do as you wish and the public has nothing to say. Your officers are not educated for. justice and any man can be an officer if he has money and friends. Oh, how ignorant you are; you are building a Hell for yourselves in the spirit world. Oh, how some of your popular men wish, when they arrive in spirit land, they were never born! There is no escape from, or pay, for your evil deeds; you must work them 50 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS out and suffer for them yourself. You are all poisoned by the nature and habits of the Jews, but still you say: The Jews have the laws of GOD and that they are GOD'S chosen nation or people. GOD had nothing to do with the Jews, neither are nor were the Jews GOD's chosen nation or peo- ple; good deeds are all that counts — not choice. The Israel- ites or Jews have robbed, stolen and murdered several na- tions, but are finally subdued and scattered over the world. Moses was a villain and practiced Black Magic; he kept the people in ignorance and finally died; it is claimed the Devil and the Angels fought over his body and that nobody knows where his grave is to this day. Who saw all this? or who told this? It is all an absolute falsehood. This is the truth and is approved by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Ten Commandments. Dictated by Daniel, Sprit Ruler. Friend: The ten commandments were written by the hand of man and not by the hand of GOD; if God had written them, they would be obeyed the same as the Sun, Moon and Stars obey His laws, as well as summer and winter and all vegetation obey them, it could not- be otherwise. God let man make his own laws, if they would only be obeyed, we would have a different class of people on earth. The people could not refuse to obey the laws of God any more than the sun and stars can refuse to evolute in their course, place and time. If God had made those laws, there would be no need of a Congress etc. and everything would run in perfect order to the minute. In regard to Sunday I will say this: All days are alike; there is no holy day, there is no unfortunate day, only as they happen by nature. But Sunday is of necessity for man and beast, for a rest. So it was chosen by the world to keep the seventh day for rest and prayer; but any other day would answer just as well for the purpose. By rights every tenth day belongs to God for prayer and to keep in spirituality. Do not forget the Creator. Spirits have every tenth hour to devote to spirituality and prayer and nothing else. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Brigham Young, Former President of the Mormons. Dictated by Himself. Mr. Young, did you have anything to do with the Moun- tain Meadow Massacre? THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 51 No, I did not order it, but I knew it was to be done; I could have stopped it, but our people needed the goods of those emigrants so badly, that I neither encouraged nor stop- ped the massacre; I thought I was neutral and believed so, but I see I have to tell you the truth to my shame as a proph- et. That was the worst thing I have ever done or could do. I should have stopped it. Now I have to suffer for it, in spite of having done much that was good, but that did not save me. It was not my religion that put me in misery, it was that massacre. Yet I have given a home to more than 1000 people that could not support themselves any other way. Only for my good deeds I would have been doomed forever. Oh, how I was sruprised when I arrived in spirit-land and to see my fate, the thoughts of it alone were enough to kill any man in the flesh. If I had stopped that massacre I would have been happy from the start, but as it is I am not done yet. I am not in hell. Good deeds cannot go to hell, they stand to my credit but I have not yet entered into peace and happiness, but in time I will be free from all evil deeds, and their punishments. However, I can never leave the earth plane on account of the blood-shed I was responsible for. I will always be like a slave under a hard master forever. Good bye. Brigham Young. Note by Daniel, Spirit Ruler: The above statement was dictated by Brigham Young, former President of the Mormon church, however not voluntarily, but he was forced to tell the truth, as it is written all over every person, so that it can be easily read by any advanced spirit. If this man had not been stained with blood he would have been a prince in spirit life for the good he did, in spite of his religion. Approved: Daniel, Ruler in the Spirit World. The Process of Dying. Dictated by Joseph Herrick. Friends: Your guide stays with you until you reach the spirit world, although you may not know it; because death is a trance, and therefore you do not know who is there, or what happens, only when you wake up, or come out of the trance and find yourself in a strange land, for all is the same, only seen with spiritual eyes. As soon as you can recognize where you are, you will be surprised that you forgot where 52 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS you came from. You are still out of yourself to a small de- gree, but in two or three days you can see both the material and the spiritual, then you are clear-minded and go where you belong. But the ungodly go right where they belong. There is no beauty shown them; they are for months in the greatest misery, trying to get to their old habits. But wherever they go, they carry their own misery and darkness with them, there is no escape; there they can find each other, but no one else. This is part of their punishment. Joseph Herrick, Spirit Guide. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Your Spirit Guide. Dreams. Your Spirit May Leave Your Body For a Short Time. Dictated by Pisciel, Spirit Ruler of the Sign Pisces. Friend: Every human being has a spirit guide, whose duty is to keep you from all that is evil, warn you from danger, and give, or impress you for all good purposes, mat- terial or spiritual. He can leave you for 15 minutes at a time; if he wants to leave you for an hour, or more, he has to put someone in his place. At night when you are in a deep sleep, your own spirit can leave your body, then the mind is devoid of all good sense. Then is the time when you have foolish dreams, of things that could not happen. These dreams are of the flesh, not of the mind; they are sometimes worrisome, yet they are harmless. But woe to him, who does not dream to give his own spirit a chance to advance. (At such times the spirit may be present at lectures in the spirit- world, etc.) There are also prophetic dreams; these come from outside spirit and are true. There are also dreams of envy, such as snakes, hogs or killing somebody; these are not very pleasant. There are very few dreams that amount to anything. Pisciel, Spirit Ruler of the Sign Pisces. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Capt. E. D. Hagen to His Friend J. F. Sanders. Dictated by Capt. Hagen from the Spirit World. Friend Sanders: I am glad you called me once more before it is too late. I have no news for you of a material nature, it would be foolish to bother ourselves with it. I am glad you have dropped all material things, you are doing a THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 53 good work, stay with it; you will take your work with you to the spirit world, to your great surprise, not for the pur- pose to be condemned but to live forever. I am progressing slowly like all the rest; if we only knew on earth what we have to learn here in spirit life, many of us would not want much of the earth; it is all vanity and imprisonment of the spirit. I know what you are doing and I know you are doing a good work, I can not advise you to do better. I am not a fore-seer — like the band of spirits that is with you — but I can see all that is going on. But this I can say to you, you have chosen the best while still on earth; may you be inspired to keep on and finish what you have commenced and the help of God will be with you. Your friend, E. D. Hagen. Religion in the Spirit World. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler of Our Continent. Friend: All of your religions as well as all of your earthly habits and wealth, earthly friends and all earthly things must be dropped when you arrive in the spirit world; you commence a new life, like a child starting school on earth. In spirit life there is no Son of God and no devil, no for- giveness of sins, no hell-fire or brimstone, no day of judgment and no resurrection of the dead. When you die you go at once where you belong, without judge or jury and work out your evil deeds (provided you have committed them), there is no exchange to blot out your evil deeds by your good deeds. Your good deeds stand to your credit and your evil deeds stand against you until you have wiped them out by degrees. All evil deeds are punished threefold and all good deeds are re- warded sevenfold. It takes more than a life-time, for some, to work out their evil deeds. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler in Spirit Life, Message from Wahoo, My Faithful Indian Guide. Dictated by Himself, February 19, 1922. Friend: I have been with you 40 years or more and learned all I could from you and your spirit band, yet some- times I was sent off, they did not want me to hear it all. Yet 54 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS I know you will make your change tonight and your good mate is wishing to take you with her; where sickness and storms are no more. I am with you during the day and dur- ing the night I am with my tribe. I am a teacher for the last three years, but come to you during the day. You come over here tonight and I like for you and your squaw mate to come and to see me. You can come where I am but I cannot go to where you are, for In- dians and pale-faces do not run together here, but you can see us but not stay with us. All classes are by themselves here. We are all happy in our own way, we could not be happy any other way. Do not forget to see me in spirit land. Your friend, Wahoo. Heavens, Their Cinditions. Explicit Obedience to the Divine Will, Dictated by Cassiel, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Saturn. Friend: The heavens are also divided. There are billions of heavens, every one more beautiful than the others. There are all kinds of heavens, from the first up to without num- bers. Who has counted the heavens on earth? to make seven heavens out of it. Or who knows what a heaven really is? It is not made of golden streets, neither is there a great white throne, and 144 angels praising, or so to say, flattering God day and night, for there is no night in heaven. God wants no flattery neither hypocracy. God is all-wise, all- pure, all-mighty, all-merciful and forever active. God has no competitor, except man; He has never given a devil as much power as He has; the only devil in existence is mankind. There never was a war in heaven, what for? The angels have already all they could ask for or gain by a war. There is perfect silence in heaven. Then silence is heaven, noise and tumult is hell. Everyone goes where he belongs wthout judge or jury. There is no son of God, nor a mother of God. God alone and His holy angels do His will and carry out the Divine government. God was never man and man was never God. He has provided for all mankind to be saved. Approved: Cassiel, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Saturn. Functions of the High Spirit Rulers; And the Duties of Mankind. Dictated by Raphael, Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Friend: You might just as well deny the existence of THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 55 God, as to doubt the truthfulness of the higher spirits. The spirits you call are all of high standing, they are officers, as you call them. We are all rulers (under Divine directions; of different planets, each one has his own place to rule. Friend: I will tell you a secret about man. God has planned for every man to work for his own living, also to work out his evil deeds. If God was, as they say, on earth, He would have upset your earth long ago. But the time will come, when all mankind shall see their mistakes. There is an Eternity before you to work out your evil deeds. Repentance will not work. To be afraid of hell is coward- ice and fear. Love God and keep His commandments. Your faith, your beliefs and your repentance are all in vain and amount to nothing. God is just and so are His laws, which are carried out to the dot. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Languages in the Spirit World. Dictated by Raphael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Jupiter. Friend: Yes I can talk in all languages. Immediately he said: Es gibt nichts neues. All the planetary rulers can speak all the languages. The angels, also can talk in all the languages; yet they have a Divine language, unknown to man. Spirits talk their own language until they get wise and pure, then they are inspired to know all languages; but the lan- guages of the angels they do not know; that language is Divine and only for the angels. It is a secret. It is the heavenly language for none but the angels. Each angel has his office, which is carried out to perfection. No one inter- feres with another. He is wise in his station, but none has the wisdom of God. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Prophecies of Events That Will Be Realized on This Earth Within the Next Few Hundred Years. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler, Dec. 8th, 1921. Friend: To me are given all secrets of the earth, but not the wisdom of God. As a ruler in spirit life, I know more than men on your earth, and also know more planets than your earth. But of all planets I do know, there is not one on which the inhabitants are grabbing for wealth and power as they are on earth. Naked you came and naked you 56 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS go. The truth regarding the late war is that your world was not intended to be a slaughter-field, but that you yourselves made it one for rulership and gain of wealth. To talk plainly, how many will you find out of one thous- and of the average men, who will not take advantage of his neighbor or even of his brother, for gain of wealth and auth- ority to enrich himself? Remember all of these things must be accounted for in spirit life. On this account the war was of the greatest necessity, to bring about a change of govern- ments and to teach them what war really means. This war was not designed by God but foreseen. This is no guess of the spirits. You have been told all about this war before- hand, and all came true up to the present time. My prophecies for the future are: The country will im- prove more than it has done before. The governments will own the railroads and many other utilities, such as steam- ships etc. New governments will be established. The laws will be more just. All kings will be done away with, they will die out, and no others will take their places. Times will be hard for a while. You have not seen the worst yet. Property will come down. Speculation will be done away with forever, and the people will have to earn their own liv- ing in an honorable way. Religions will change to better ones. Millionaires must disappear, and the time will come when robberies will cease. The laws will be more strict, and men will be better paid for their work. There will be new laws, such as no one has ever dreamed of, but all this takes time; I, Raphael, planetary spirit ruler, will give you fifty years for all these changes; and many more, too numerous to mention. Your republican president will be elected for a second term. There will be no permanent peace made under the present president. The whole of the present human race must die, and their offspring must be educated differently than at present, to make a better race of people. All of thest? things will come by degrees, the same as everything else. There will be wars as long as one king lives, but in fifty years from now, if not sooner, they will be out of existence. Continued by Daniel, Spirit Ruler, Etc. Friend: If this war had not come as it did, you would have had a religious war — you know who with — but this war THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 57 not only checked their enthusiasm, but frightened them for- ever, and they are losing confidence in themselves. Some good comes out of all evils. There will be strikes in different places, until the govern- ment regulates wages for all. The government will have more to look after than ever before. But if there is to be another war, it will be in twenty to twenty-five years from now. That war will not last long, but it will be the last one. In one hundred years from this year, there will be such a change that any man will be perfectly safe to have one thousand dollars in his barn, even if it is known. It will not be molested. The inhabitants of every other planet are better than the people on your earth to each other, and not so greedy for gain. On the planet Venus the people have all things in common; all fare alike; there are neither rich nor poor, no poverty, no wars, all live in harmony; they have a govern- ment that suits the people. They also have good schools and everything in plenty. They raise two crops a year and yet they do not work hard, and no one knows What hunger is. These changes must come in time. Your world of human- ity must get better, or will be blotted out from the earth, and be replaced by a, better one. Your nations are at the heighth of their wealth and wickedness, and must be re- formed. Even the planet below yours, as ignorant as the people on it are, would not dream to do the things, that are done by your people, with all your churches, priests and preachers. What do they do to make you better? They only work for selfish gains and authority. The higher up you go, in this great universe, the better the people are; the lower down you go, the more ignorant and rougher the people are on these planets. (In spirit life up means South and down means North.) Continued by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Your sun and planets including your earth, are losing a little time in their motions, for the purpose of bringing about a change in the people on your earth; to make them better, 68 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS and to go glower in all things, and to consider well before acting. When that purpose, or a certain degree of that pur- pose, has been attained, they will not lose time any more. Heat, cold, moisture and many other things, have an in- fluence on mankind and all other things. Your earth is go- ing through a process of re-modeling at this time, although you do not know it; hut in a hundred years from now all men will fare alike, Your earth is gradually rising, to a certain degree, on account of the consumption of water, timber, coal and oil. It is getting lighter, and this will cause it to rise some few degrees, but this rise will bring it into a purer atmosphere, which will help humanity to become better, both physically and spiritually. Pestering insects cannot exist in that at- mosphere and will therefore, no more annoy the people, when this rise of your earth has been made. In fact it is taking place now, although you do not. know it. The water of the oceans, lakes, rivers and even rivulets is gradually decreas- ing; the oceans are gradually receding, and the area of dry land is thus slowly, but surely, increasing. In fact there are places, where not more than 50 or 60 years ago fishing boats sailed, that are now dry land and under cultivation. The supply of trees for timber and lumber is constantly getting less and already iron and other materials are begin- ning to ta,ke the place of wood. In about 100 years from now, houses will be built from glass and also from other materials, than wood. Coal and petrolium will be exhausted in less time, then the supply of wood,* and cooking and heating will be accom- plished by the utilization of the sun's heat„ and by electricity,, generated from a small battery,, that will give permanent currents of electricity. In time the people will learn to pro- duce heat and store it, in a similar manner as is now being done in storing ice and producing cold by refrigeration. The production of heat and storing it, will be accomplished by the use of lime in an oily liquid,, and thus- coal will he; re- placed by lime. ATI of the work, now being done by animals, will in the future be done by machinery and in less time, than at present; THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 59 and work animals will become a curiosity and a show. Man will not have to work so long, nor so hard as at the present time; and as they become better and purer, they will eat less, or require less nutriment; which will lessen their living expenses. There will be many changes in the human race and the world of matter in future times, but both will exist forever; or, so to say, as long as the heavens do exist. The one could not exist without the other. There is a relation between all things, in this great and beautiful Universe, of which the present human race, and even scientists, know but very little. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Planet Venus, Its Inhabitants and Their Customs. Dictated by Anael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Venus. Friend: The planet Venus, as you call it, is a material heaven. We have everything in plenty. We raise two crops a year; we have more produce to feed to our animals, than your earth produces altogether. We have all things in com- mon, it is all feasting — no fasting. We have on lands to sell or to buy as on your earth, — all is public — no animals to buy or to sell. There is plenty of land, take what you need, but no more. We have plenty of animals for work and for meat. You get whatever you need, waste nothing. We have no wars, no rich and no poor people. We have plenty of what you call gold, yet it is worth nothing here, because we have no money and we do not need it, for nothing is bought or sold. You get all you need. So all the use we have for gold is to make dishes out of it. We are not a proud people like your people of earth. Our country is warm, so we do not need many clothes, we wear hats and sun-shades — parasols — etc. If your people could see our gold- and silverware, we would not be safe over night, we have no locked doors, we therefore think you people on earth must be a horrible peo- ple to steal from each other. We have no prisons and no use for them. It is too much to give you a complete description of everything on this planet. I will merely say again, it is a material heaven. It seems everything comes to its people without any effort. The people are good and sickness is un- 60 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS known; we work also in a different manner and have different crops, and live different from what you do on earth. I can not tell you all, it is too much, but this I will say: our planet is worth more than 100 of your earth. Approved: Anael, Planetary Spirit Ruelr of the Planet Venus. Soul Mates. Dictated by Corah H. to Her Soul Mate, E. Haberstroh, Still on Earth. Material love belongs to matter and will cease in the spirit world; the beasts have only material love. If mankind had the true love, there would not be so many divorces; nor hatred for each other could exist so extensively. Material love is for gain, but spritual love is for happiness, in the spirit world there is nothing of a material nature. You will get your soul-mate if you are worthy of one, for your happi- ness. If you reject, you both will have to do without one, there is no other to take, on either side. There are plenty of spirits, who have no mate; they are not worthy of one. They have no enjoyment, yet they are not in misery, they are something like a tramp on earth. Love and purity is the first consideration in the spirit world. Without love there is no happiness, but that is not marriage. Your mate is related to you like a twin sister or a twin brother; there is nothing material about it, and they will agree forever. In some few cases it may happen that the true soul-mates meet on the earth and become married but such cases are very rare. If one has a soul-mate assigned to him or her in spirit life that does not keep the former husband or wife from their com- pany, but the assigned soul-mate comes first in love. There is no jealousy between them in spirit life. Approved: Corah H., from the Spirit World. Identity of Spirits in Spirit Life. Dictated by Corah H. From the Earth Plane of the Spirit World. Spirits on the earth plane, when seen, have the same clothes on, they wore before dying, but they are not the same clothes, only in shape, color and appearance. Spirits are clothed from the air, electricity, magnetism and ether taken from the elements; they retain their own name and look the same as they did in earth ilfe; if they did not they would not be themselves. They will wear these clothes until they leave the earth plane. Their body is as solid to them as your THE DIVINE REVE LATIONS 61 body is to you; one spirit could hurt another as much as you can hurt each other on earth. Spirits do not eat, they have no organism for eating and do not need it. They live off the air, all comes to them without effort. It would not be spirit- ual if they would have to eat. In spirit life "birds of a feather flock together." All of the same happiness or sorrow, each community is by itself, according to their condition. Corah H. Eating, Drinking and Clothes, Have Their Influence on the Body. Dictated by Corah, Spirit Soul-Mate. Do not buy second hand clothes, or borrow or lend clothes; they have an influence on yourself for good or bad. They leave their magnetism in them and you partake of it, whether good or bad. Do not wear speckled or spotted clothing, or clothing having the color of the rattle snake, it has an evil influence on you. White clothes tend to purity, red clothes tend to pleasure, and black clothes to sadness, blue clothes tend to love, kindness and charity, yellow clothes tend to a fiery nature and gray to deceitfulness. Eating meats tends to brutality, eating rice promotes spir- ituality. AH vegetation that grows in or under the ground tends to a coarse nature both physically and mentally; all that grows above the ground tends to a mild nature and is more healthy. Fish and fowls are the only proper meats to eat once a day is plenty for anybody. Coffee, tea or too much sweet stuff are worse to the body than pure alcohol, they weaken and ruin the mind and should not be used. Wine in small quantity stimulates the system. The more spiritual you are the less you eat. The more of the animal nature you have, the more you will eat. If you were pure in body, mind and spirit you would not eat one half you do otherwise. Eat- ing too much is gluttony, drinking too much is drunkness, it is abusing the body, mind and spirit and tends to brutality. Two meals a day is enough for anybody that does not work; but people that work must keep up their bodies, but with reason. Drink or use plenty of water or milk, or water with oatmeal in it; it will be more strengthening than any kind of liquor. Corah H. 62 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Treatment of Animals. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Do not work your animals over ten hours a day, it would be sinful; remember they are your servants. Give them the seventh day for rest, unless they have rested the day before. They are entitled to their rights, as much as man. You com- mit a great sin by over working your animals. It is the same as beatnig a man out of his earnings. You will have to suffer for it in the spirit land. Again not feeding them enough, you will feel their hunger in spirit land. Give every- thing its just dues. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Experience of a Catholic Layman in Spirit Life. Dictated by Himself. Friend: You wish to know of my death and the spirit world; I died when 40 years old, of a fever. I was a catholic, what you may call a good believer. I was a good citizen. I died and came to a place of darkness, Oh, how dark, I had no mind only to think of the darkness, I was afraid to move for fear I would fall. I thought of the Virgin Mary and Christ. I called for them for some time, but I received no answer. I began to come to myself, then the day began to appear and I could see where I was, it was not the darkness of the spirit world, it was myself; so I called for the Virgin Mary. A man told me: The virgin had nothing to do with me, nor anyone else. You are here, there is no forgiveness of sins, you will have to work out your own salvation. I be- gan to think it was all day with me, but I asked him what I should do and what they were going to do to me? He took me to another man I knew, for I had beat him out of $100 (one hundred dollars) in a trade. I knew what was up and I felt bad; he said you have wronged this man out of so mucn, your penalty is threefold. First you wronged him of it; Sec- ond you got, the benefit of it and Third for the great sin you have done, all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. So I went to work to help him to progress. I don't know how long, but enough to my notion and many similar little things I had to square up. But that was nothing in comparison with purga- tory. I was only too glad to do it. I am all right now. I guess I was from 5 to 7 years about it. I will not give my name on account of relatives. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 63 Misery and Pleasure. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: Let misery be a pleasure and pleasure a misery In other words think of the misery when you are sick, you wish to get well. You do not know it but sickness is part of your punishments, to suffer for your evil deeds, which will come sooner or later to you. You better suffer here than hereafter. Then let misery be a pleasure because you are coming nearer to God. Pleasure creates sin, but misery brings purity. None suffer in vain, all is for some good. You are more blest in the house of mourning than in the house of happiness. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler Message from a Spirit Stranger. Dictated by Himself. Hello Stranger: I am sent to you to tell you of my ex- perience in spirit life. I can only talk for myself and no one else, for everyone has an experience different from another. But for myself I can not complain, I enjoy this life better than on earth. When I look back and see how greedy the people on earth are for gain of wealth and honor and power, I say to myself: Oh, ye fools what do you make out of it? Nothing. Here is nothing of value only Love, Purity and good deeds. This is all we practice here in spiritual circles. In truth a spirit stranger. The Beauties of the Spirit World Cannot Be Told. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: With all your wisdom from books and from spir- its you have only the rudimental part of the spirit world. You could not be told the realities of the spirit land, you could not understand it. It is like everything else; it must be seen and its wisdom and power must be practiced to com- prehend it correctly. There is so much misery for some, which is not to be told. But that class is by itself. Again there is so much happiness and beauty, which a person in the body could not bear it for joy. All classes are here, but every class is by itself. There are some who wish the moun- tains would fall over them and cover them forever. The better class are happy and the whole world would be no temp- tation for them, even for one day. Think of that enjoyment. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. 64 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Much to Do for Both (E. Haberstroh and J. F. Sanders). Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: There is much to do for both of you, if you will only do it. Both of you are one in that respect, one can not do without the other. In regard to the progress you can make for yourselves and others you must work together. Keep on writing the Messages — scatter them in any way you see fit. You are not wasting your time, but you are giving your time to the higher degrees. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Experience of R. Johnson, a Suicide. Dictated by Himself. I am a stranger to you and was asked by your control to give my experience in the land beyond the grave. I am an American by birth and got into a tight place by defrauding. I was to go to the penn. so I blew out my brains to be done with it all; but it followed me, I was not relieved by my suicide and much more I began to think it would always be so. I prayed to Christ but no one came. I gave up all hopes of ever being free again. What was your punishment? I had to stay there by my body, for all it was buried, it was still there and I thought all the devils in hell were let loose at me and would tear me to pieces. Oh, what a time I had! How long did you stay there? Until the course of my natural life would have been ended on earth, so I was told. I am free now, but by no means happy, but yet a great relief to me. I am now working out my evil deeds and it is hard for me to do it. I can come to you, but I bring my misery and darkness with me, yet it is a great relief to me to confess my errors and evil deeds. How long did it last? Ten years, I am told, that is all I know about it; I thought it was 100 years. But now I begin to see more light, every day is get- ting brighter for me. My name is R. Johnson, Springfield, Mo. I guess I am dead about 15 years or so. I will not call you friend for I have none neither here or on earth. This is the truth. R. Johnson. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Religious Beliefs Do Not Save Nor Condemn Man in Spirit; Life. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Your ignorance is greater than your knowledge, why donl you reason with yourselves and it will be given to THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 65 you. You condemn other religions; one contradicts the oth- ers and there is plenty of falsehood in all of them to be remedied. No one goes to hell on account of religion, neither will they be saved on account of them. It is your evil deeds and falsehoods and your good deeds that count, and not faith or belief, these are all in vain in the spirit world. We have all kinds of religions there, but they soon drop them. The old General was right when he said to his soldiers going into battle: "Trust in God and keep your powder dry." So you see they had to do something to help the cause along. Do not let all belief rule you, but do something yourselves. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of Mike McGinnis in the Spirit World. Dictated by Himself. Friend: Here I am to tell you something if you let me. I am glad to talk with someone on earth. My name is Mike McGinnis, I was a poor man and died of consumption in York State. I was neither religious nor a politician, only to work. I did not bother myself about anything, only to make a liv- ing. I had no family and I liked something to drink occas- ionally. When I died I found myself amongst strangers. I did not know what to do, I waited to see the end come. Someone came and smiled and said come with me. I knew I was dead and yet I lived. I did not know what to make of it. He took me to a grove, there were many people. He said "You stay here," and he was gone. There I was in a fix, so I thought, but soon I made friends in abundance, I began to like to stay there. I asked one what I should do? He said "Stay here until you are rested and then they will give you something to do." I stayed I do not know how long. I was well satisfied with my change from death to life, I am happy all day long. Good night. Mike McGinnis. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of a Catholic Priest in the Spirit World. I will not call you friend, I know how you like Catholics. I do not blame you. The religion of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary is a fake, there is nothing to it and I did not be- lieve it, but I had no other way to make a living, not only that but I was in danger of my life. I died a Catholic Priest in 1845. Are you happy? No I am still on the earth plane, not only to work out my own evil deeds, but others that I have misled. I was in punishment. What was the punish- 66 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS merit? All I have taken the advantage of were going to kill me; I have done a good deal of wrongs and it all came back to me threefold. One spirit can hurt another as much as men can hurt each other. Oh, the misery I was in is not to be told. If the Priests could see me in my agony, they would quit their jobs. So much for a Catholic Priest. I will not give my name. In truth approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Experience of a Preacher of the United Brethern. Dictated by Himself. Friend: I will tell you the truth. I preached for 10 or 15 years to the United Brethern, but they are all the same. Finally I came to the conclusion that we did not know any- thing about it. I could not believe in the miraculous birth of Christ and being a God in the flesh, and for God to have his son crucified and die for us all, nor could I believe in a day of judgment and resurrection. I became an unbeliever. Then my conscience hurt me and I quit preaching altogether. No one knew what for, I did not tell them, I was ashamed. I put my trust in God. I had a wife and three children to keep, but had nothing except what people gave me, but yet I believed in God strongly. I put my trust in God and told Him I could not believe in Christ, and if I was wrong to forgive me and to lead me in the way I should go. A strange influence came over me to quit preaching, so I did and clerked in a grocery store. I had a better living and all the troubles of my mind were ended. Finally I died, but still believed in God and prayers to lead me, but not forgiveness of sins. So I landed on the other side, as you call it, but I was right where I died (earth- plane). Now I was in the land of imortallity. I began to be afraid of what was coming, but all was gopd. I was taken to see Sinners of all kinds and I" feared again, but my guide told me "Be not afraid you have done well, only you ought to have told the people there was no son of God and led them accord- ing to your mind." I was afraid again, but he took me to a place under a big tree, there was a lecture on spirituality. I was not happy, because I did not tell what I had learn- ed, but I was not in misery, so I went to learn all I could and all was and is well with me. Yours in truth, Preacher of the United Brethren. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 67 Purity Gives Power. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: This is your last spell of sickness; you will find a great change. You must keep clean in body, mind and spirit and you can command the disease to disappear and it will be obeyed. Remember you must be pure to a certain degree before you can accomplish as much as your purity has the power. The purer the more power, the more strength, the more you can accomplish; it is the same in spirit life, the purer the more your commands will be obeyed. No one can be pure and cling to materiality; you cannot serve both, one is against the other. For to be pure there is much to do. Rules to be observed: Avoid all disgusting places and company, lonliness tends to goodness, meditate on spirituality, drive all evil and vain thoughts out of your mind, be temperate in all things. Let your body be on earth and your mind and spirit in the air. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Purity of Body, Mind and Spirit the Only Source of Power. Dictated by Aquariel, Ruler of the Sign Aquarius. Friend: Pearls are better than stones; sunshine is better than darkness. The latter pulls down and the former pulls up; the one causes sorrow and the other causes joy and happiness here and hereafter. He who has the true spirit can not be poor or be injured on this Earth. What is the true spirit? To keep clean in body and mind, then the spirit will be clean and you can accomplish things you have not dreamed of. Have no enemies, be not revengeful, be tem- perate in all things, lay all material things to one side, look at the earth as though you had borrowed it, and look at the heaven as though you were the owner of it. To whom joy is misery and misery a joy, he is pure in mind and spirit and can thank God for such a quality. Approved: Aquariel, Spirit Ruler of the Sign Aquarius. What Planets Are Inhabited by Men or Spirits. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The planet Jupiter is inhabited by spirits. It is a heaven itself. The planet Mars is inhabited by men, who work for their living and believe in God. The Moon is in- habited by people who work for their living, they are not savage but ignorant; they believe in something higher than themselves. The planet Saturn is inhabited by people; they 68 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS work for their living. The planet Venus is inhabited by peo- ple who are good and wise. The planet Mercury is not in- habited by people. The Sun is not inhabited by men. All Stars or Planets are inhabited by something; some of them are inhabited by monstrous beasts; some of them are inhab- ited by spirits floating in the air, not yet developed to come on earth. There are worlds without number, all for some purpose; there are planets with gigantic woods, also the same of beasts. There are all kinds of spirits that have never been on earth, and never will be. They are purer than earth- spirits, they do not work. They only progress by long time. They do not sin. They are not wise. They have to learn wisdom before they can raise themselves out of their states. Thank God all will be saved in time. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Guides and Their Functions. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Men know more than God and yet your igno- rance would make mountains. You will have to be educated for thousands of years before you could rule even a county of spirits. Your guide is your watchman, you can discharge him if he is not satisfactory, mediums know this. A wise spirit is never a guide. Guides have to go through all pain and suffering the same as the one he guides, that is part of his education. There are officers from the higher to the lower laws; all is perfect order — no mistakes. The spirit land is ruled by angels; Angels are ruled by God. The Earth is ruled by spirits, and so from the highest to the lowest each one has his duty to do. Some are for planets, some for spirits and some for earth, some for waters and oceans, some for vegetation and so on. All are protected. There is nothing as crude as mankind, who are revengeful animals, and want to be angels. Sometime after his evil deeds are atoned for he may. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Functions of Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Frend: To me is given the Power and Wisdom to build up and to tear down, to kill and to cure, to give and to take; not of my own will, but by the command of God. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 69 All sorrow, sickness and sin must be accounted for; there is nothing made or done in vain. All suffering of body or mind is a pearl in your Crown. You worry for loss of wealth, but how often has this made a change for the better; if you could only see it as I do. You are rewarded for all your labor, even for a kind word. You do not know the mysteries of God. What time you battle on the Earth is only one min- ute compared with Eternity. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Two Natures of Mankind. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Men are beasts in nature, it is only raising and teaching for a higher life that keeps him down. Man does not live forever, but his spirit does. His physical body and his spiritual body look alike and will remain so, only get brighter as you become purer. You retain the same name, if this were not so you would not be yourself. Man has lived many hundred years before his birth, i.e., not the man but his spirit. Mankind can develop to a very high degree, because he is immortal and the highest type of God's Creation; he has two natures, the material and the spiritual. The material predominates mostly over the spiritual. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. What Is Purity of Body, Mind and Spirit? Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Purity of body and mind tends to Spirituality; purity of mind and spirit tends to promote Divinity, which is Love, Wisdom and Charity and all goodness of spirit and body. Purity of body is to be clean and temperate in all things; not to overwork, over eat or drink, or any of these faults. Purity of spirit consists in making no enemies and not to be offensive to anybody; be not revengeful, be not greedy for earthly possessions, always give a little more than fair, be kind to your family, give to him that needs it, be good to your stock, remember they are your servants; keep unspotted from the world and you will be blest here and hereafter. Remember earthly posessions are only borrowed for life on earth; naked came you into this world and naked must you leave it; what does it benefit you to own a million and be in darkness for a hundred years, you can not buy 70 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS yourself out of it. Wealth goes with the wind and who can stop it? Your wealth only lasts a short time, in comparison to Eternity. Look at wealth, like a handful of dust, and look at Heaven as if you were the owner of it. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Charms, Etc. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: There is nothing in Charms, it is all in your- self and that is Purity of mind and spirit. You cannot force God. You cannot coax God; you can do nothing by saying in the name of God. God has His holy Angels to attend to all things. But if you are pure in mind and spirit all reason- able things will be obeyed or answered by the spirits; but not for wealth or revenge; all those things will come back to you good or evil. You are your own chooser. You will be dealt with as you have dealt with others. Remember you will not see God, but you go right where you belong without a murmur. If you are pure enough you could live on very little, and if you eat anything, deadly, it would not hurt you. Sickness could not take hold of you, because you are more Godly than material. Sickness is sin and sin is impurity of spirit. The Spirit tries to throw it off and sickness is the result, then nature comes in and tries to restore deficiencies and by the help of material aid in time may get well. Good people are easier cured than wicked ones. Your Guide al- ways assists you in sickness or distress. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Prayers. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The prayers of the wicked are a mock and a curse to the one that prays them. Such prayers are not answered. it they were, what kind of a world would you have? The only honest prayer for good, wisdom, love, purity, but not for daily bread or against your enemy, is answered as far as your purity goes and even then, you cannot change the mind of God. To pray for others is more virtuous, than to pray for self. A good, pure, Godly man, will not pray for earthly possessions, or against anyone, but for benefit of the whole world, yet a sincere prayer will keep you nearer to God, but the routine prayer better be left out. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 71 When you wish, to pray go into your room, or solitude, meditate and then talk with God, the same as if God was standing before you and talk to him from your heart, ask nothing unreasonable. This is the prayer: Oh God, heavenly Father, if I am worthy to call You so. I thank and praise You for the blessing I have received from You. I thank You that I am no worse than I am. I pray You, heavenly Father, to do unto me as I have done unto others, that my sins may be blotted out. Give me Wisdom and Purity, that I may understand how to do all my works. Keep me from temptations and sin, guide me in the way of righteousness, bless all my spirit friends and all on earth who are worthy of Thy notice. In Your hands I leave my spirit and body. To You belongs all the glory, power, thanks and praise forever. Amen, Amen. The prayer, but in a shorter form: Heavenly Father, if I am worthy to call You so, give me strength and wisdom to do Your will, give me according to my purity and do to me as I have done unto others, that my sins be blotted out and bless all mankind. In Your hands 1 leave my spirit. Amen. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Ether and Its Nature. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Electricity and Magnetism are material forces, but Ether is a spiritual force. Ether can be used by people like electricity and magnetism. Ether is a spiritual element and is used by spirits for clothing or clothes, also for build- ing purposes and for the spiritual body, only pure spirits can use it. There are hundreds of different elements in the air and they are for a purpose. Man has searched in vain to find out their correct uses but it is not for him to know them ; even the ordinary spirit has to be educated in its uses. The education of spirits is spiritual. The next higher station is Divine or Godly. First the knowledge of a thing then its practical applications, by those that are wise and pure enough in Godliness. Men are too ignorant in wisdom. Prayers and ceremonies, Lord's suppers, forgiveness of sins are all in vain; your routine of prayers and ceremonies are an abomination to God. A good conscience, purity of 72 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS body, mind and spirit is worth more than to give a whole world to the poor, You must be something yourself, you can not buy the Kingdom of Heaven. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Can a Weak Body Produce a Strong Spirit? Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: No. All things, on earth and in heaven, must be nurtured by something else. A weakly body is a failure to a person, Doth physically and spiritually; he does not draw on the natural, elements that belong to him; also the spirit is somewhat dwarfed on that account and will have to be developed in spirit life. In spirit life we have all kinds of spirits, the same as you have all kinds of people on earth. Death does not make them any better or worse, they are the same as they were on earth; but they will not stay so, they are educated, yet even here, we cannot make a wise spirit out of a fool. All spirits will not be on an equality in wisdom, yet a great change is made in them. I can quote that n>j better than to say: the spirit land is a community to purify and to select each one for the best purposes. Again the earth people often make fun of a fool, he that does that, only fools himself. The fool never goes to hell, as you call it, but the other one may go there. The fool has nothing to answer for but the other may. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Air Contains All Elements. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: The air is a spiritual element. You can not hold it in your hand; it is the transitive life force and has all the elements, more so than anything else; it has a chem- ical action on all men, beasts and vegetation. It possesses health, death, life, colors and healing power. You draw into yourself just in such proportion and such properties as you are in need of, even against your will you are supplied with the necessary elements by nature. Near the Heavens the air is perfumed with sweet smelling odors. The air has all ele- ments in it and distributes them wherever they are needed. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATION S 73 Duties of Spirit Guides. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: A guide is to protect you from other spirits, and warn you of danger and to influence you for all that is good. You may think this is nothing. Let your guide be gone two or three days and you will soon know it. Approved: Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Magnetism. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Magnetism is a life-force and also a force of death and sickness and health. The stronger person robs the weaker one of magnetism. Children should never sleep with old people; it is very unhealthy and liable to produce weak- ness and sickness. Some people's magnetism is poison to others and yet they do not know the cause of it. Some people with their evil magnetism can even cause sickness and death. That class of people are always unGodly. Magnetism can be transferred from one person to another for good or evil. Magnetism is in the air and can be called the same as spirits, there is no intelligence in it; but if you could or knew how to extract it from the air, you would be surprised to see the power there is in magnetism and electricity. People that use these forces for evil purposes always take a bad end. Do not make evil uses of the Occult forces, but if you do you will suffer for it. Of course you can make evil uses of your body or arms or anything else. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Devil. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Notice what I tell you: Do not abuse the poor devil, if you do you abuse yourselves. You are yourself a devil or a saint, a hell or a heaven. Just as long as you have devils, sons of God, mothers of God and forgiveness of sins by money or ceremonies, just .that long you are ignorant and barbaric or a devil. I, as a ruler in the spirit world; can tell you different. Would God have a competitor? Take this by yourselves, and you are only an ignorant man. What kind of God would that be that would not protect His people? Even the villain will protect his family. 74 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Could God save man and would not? or would God save man and could not? God can and will save all men. What, would he create them for? To have a hell of fire and brim- stone and to see them burn? No it is the reverse. The place of punishment is cold and those that go there deserve it God is just, all wise, merciful with love, justice and almighty. Don't curse the poor devil or you curse yourselves. Again the devil and God met each other near Job's house and God gave the devil power to torment him to see what Job would do. Again Ahap the king was in trouble, and God said: "Who will go down and put a false prophet to Ahap, that he may be defeated?" The devil said "I will go down." What was the devil doing at God's abode? Can you believe that? No man or spirit can look on God and live, much less a poor devil. Again the devil was thrown into a bottomless pit. If he was he is still going down. But the devil, as you call him, has more power on earth or is more thought of than God. Where is the devil's king- dom? Who has ever seen him? Where is his residence? What becomes of your hell-fire and brimstone? Who wants it? All 1 the enemies God has is mankind. Every man has a devil in himself at times, so do not curse the devil or you curse yourself. Your curses are more often answered than your prayers. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Seven Stations or Spheres in Spirit Life. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: There are seven (7) stations, you call them spheres or planes, to the real Heaven, then come the real Heavens, also seven (7) in number, which are only for God and His holy angels. These angels never had a material body; they were always spirits. I will name the stations or spheres as I get them from the spirit: First Station or Sphere, or Plane, or the Earth Plane is the Electric and material plane or station. The Second Station or Sphere or the Magnetic and Mental Plane or Station. The third Plane or Station or Sphere or the Ethereal and Spiritual Station or Plane. The Fourth Plane or Station or the Holy Order Spiritual Plane or Station. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 75 The Fifth Station or Plane or the Pure Spiritual Wisdom Station or Sphere. The Sixth Station or Sphere, or the Angelic of Mankind Station or Sphere. The Seventh Station or Sphere or the Head Quarters is one degree higher, and there are the seven stations, or planes, or spheres for humanity, also called heavens. I am told that the air is perfumed as you come near the real seven heavens, which belong only to God and His Angels. But yet there are millions of heavens for mankind; some of them are of great beauty and glory. There are heavens inhabited by spirits who never had an earthly body and never will have one. Oh, What a mystery the future is to us? But the world will not believe it. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Manners and Education in the Spirit World. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Spirits are educated in spirit land, in what is called the Earth plane. You call it earth bound, but that is the wrong name; as bound means not to be able to leave that place. There are many spirits on the earth plane who are very happy. They are required to give three (3) hours in twenty-four (24) for education and manners. Friends, with all your college education, you have not the manners you should have; even your professors are only book learned, out- side of that they are as ignorant as any other man. Here in spirit land education is knowledge (not prayers or Jesus) and purity of mind and spirit. In the next higher station or sphere are Divine instructions. Manners mean this: Spirits never mock another spirit or man, they tell you of their own knowledge and tell you no lies; if you do not want to believe them you do not have to and they will leave you for good. There is no time to throw pearls before swine. They will tell you no more than they know. This refers only to educated spirits and not to those on the earth plane. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler The Change Called Death. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Death is a change from the material plane to the spiritual planes. Your religion has only two places for you to go to. Either heaven or hell. Oh, what a mistake or 76 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS ignorance. Death makes no one better or worse. You will' land in spirit life the same as you were on earth with the same nature and identity, even you look the same as on earth; you go by the same name and also your grey beard, or what- ever age you were, will stay with you. If this would not be the case you would not be yourself. But children will grow to maturity, the same as on earth, and are also educated in the spirit land. Oh, friend, if you could only see these little ones as I have seen them in spirit land with their teachers and on their play grounds, enjoying themselves; you would wish all your children were there. I cannot express myself, you would wish you were a child yourself. The change from death to life is a blessing. You reap what you sowed, and the measure you measured to others will be measured to you again. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Is There a Day of Judgment? Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. No. Neither is there a day of resurrection. Mankind goes through seven changes before he lands in the spirit land. The last change is death, as you call it, and he goes at once where he belongs, according to character, without judge or jury, and there he will be punished for his evil deeds, if the case be so. There is no one to take his place or his part. There is no forgiveness of sins, you are yourself Heaven or hell and your debts must be paid. There is no exchange of your good deeds for your evil deeds. Your good deeds stand to you until you work out your evil deeds, let it be much or little. All evil deeds are punished threefold, all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold; there you see the goodness of God. Are there golden streets in Heaven? Look at it right. If your earth would be all gold and nothing else how much would your world be worth? It would be a hell in place of a heaven. The Heavens are worlds fitted up for their own special purposes. All is in perfect order. There are precious stones, flowers, valleys and mountains, all of great beauty, the air is perfumed with heavenly odors. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 77 Are AH People Punished? Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. No. Unless they deserve it. All who have made humanity suffer, such as rulers being bribed for money, murderers, false prophets, misers, kings, counsellors and all such have their portion in the dark satellite for punishment, but after they have suffered their penalty, they come out and enter the earth plane and are taught for many years, until all material things have left them. All wrongs against your neighbor, or anyone else, you will have to make good with the person you have wronged, not by talk, or being sorry, Oh, no, you have to help your enemy to progress and to work out his sins. It may take many years before you can do anything for your- self. All evil deeds are punished threefold. All good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. You are yourself a heaven or hell. There is no one to help you, if you are the sons of God help yourselves. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Was There a War in Heaven? Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: If this were true then the heavens would not be any better than the hells. There could not be a war in Heaven, because they were already in heaven, what more could they want? Again pure angels thinking of war in heaven! The minute that thought would come into their minds, they would not be pure any more and would fall on their own account, without judge or jury, into their proper place or station. This war in heaven is barbarism and im- agination. Is the Bible the Word of God? Your Bible is no credit to God, not even to the men who wrote it. If God had had anything to do with the Bible it would not be full of vulgarity, bloodshed, robberies and slavery, or would call God an angry or false God, who would take revenge on his children up to the seventh generation and keep up a rage for two thousand years; or crucify His son. Would that be a merciful God? God never had a son or a daughter. The Bible was made by Constantine, a king, who killed his own son and boiled his wife in oil, because they would not accept his Bible. So much for the Bible. 78 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Was Jesus Christ the son of God? Friend: If this were true, Christ would have been only half God and half man, but it is false. Gods are not born of women or any other way. God was never man and man was never God. Christ was a man and no more only he was very spiritual. Is there a' Holy Ghost? Friend: I do not know of a holy ghost. It is very wrong to make so many Gods. God alone and His holy Angels are all we know anything about. There are no three Gods in one, or one in three; it could not be so; nor a son of God born of a woman. God has all the wisdom there is and this would be very foolish for a God. Did God write the Ten Commandments? No. If God had written the ten commandments they would be obeye'd, the same as the Sun, Moon and Stars are obeying His will; they could not be disobedient if they would be; then God would not have any control over His creation, the Universe, and would be a plaything in man's hands. God rules the Angels, the Angels rule the spirit world, and spirits rule the Universe, all by Divine power. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Material and Spiritual Poorliouse. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: You are all in the poorhouse, either materially or spiritually, but God has patience with you all and has given His angels charge over your ignorance, that all may be saved. It was not intended for you to have the wisdom of the angels; but it was intended that you would remember your Creator and to know that God rules his creations, for all of this God will let man have his own way to a certain extent and there he must stop. On this account man thinks he is king, lord and boss, and takes all things into his own hands. Remember the day will come when he has nothing to say, only to work out his evil deeds. Where is your power or authority then? Ycu will stand there deaf and dumb wishing you were never born. But that is not what humanity wants: they want wealth, authority, power and praise, and what have you got when you get it? Your daily bread, that is all. Is it worth anything? Only to satisfy your mind. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 79 Seek you first the Kingdom of Heaven and all the rest will be added unto you. Purity of body, mind and spirit is a power to cause things to come to you unbeknown to your- selves. If you were pure you could live on very little and if necessary you would be spiritually fed; if you were pure you would not want the whole world for your support; if you were pure you could make your enemy your footstool. Purity is Divine power. Purity is wisdom, Love, Charity, Goodness, Patience, Cleanliness of Body, Mind and Spirit. Purity al- lows no evil thoughts to come into your mind, and keeps you out of all big companies. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Sickness Is Sin. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Sickness is sin. You would spend all your sub- stance to get well, yet you would not spend the same for the Kingdom of Heaven, which will last forever, while your sick- ness lasts only for a short time, compared with eternity. Remember while ycu are sick you are nearing God; it takes away your sins and purifies your spirit. This is also a mys- tery to you. Be happy of the reward which will follow. You want to be carried on beds of ease, and go to heaven that way, not willing to battle with the evils of the earth and to conquer these evils; but you want it for nothing. He that wants something for nothing, gets nothing for something. You better be in the house of sorrow than in the house of laughter. Oh, the day will come when you have nothing to say and are blind and naked. Where is your pleasure gone? Now call on your pleasure. You are all too material to make any progress of your own free will, but have to be forced into it by Divine power, to some extent, or you would land in the spirit land without friends and without a home and be put to work where all is dark. Oh, what a place that is, and not until then do you look back on your pleasures with curses and bless your misery you have had to endure. Re- member the poor for you do not know how poor you are yourself. There is no greater charity than to help him who is in great need, not for wealth but in sickness and disaster. You cover a multitude of sins by so doing. Be a free giver and be thankful you have it to give. Give and expect nothing in return, and you will be blest. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. 80 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Material and Spiritual. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: The material rule (not law) is to take all you can get, right or wrong, but get it. Do you know how much sorrow and suffering you are making by doing so? You are building a mansion of sins. Who will stand for your sins? Yourself, you had the benefits, you will have to have the dam- ages. How long does your wealth last? Oh, you robber for a little gain you are building a dungeon for yourself in spirit life. Who will beat you of your misery? The spiritual rule or law is: Do all the good you can, expect nothing back — help all in need and keep unspotted from the world, make no enemies — be to all men alike — be guided by the spirit and you will not go astray and you will be blest here and here- after. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Proof of Immortality. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Immortality is not proven by reading or hearing of it, but by sight and feeling. There has always been a time when spirits or angels have come to the earth and given ad- vice; we read of it in all scriptures, in all ages and at all times, but that is not satisfactory, to hear of it, we must see it and feel it, and have some benefit from it, to know that it is the truth. But these davs were blotted out by the priests, preachers and teachers, for fear the people would' get wise; but thank God, the day has come to us, free from danger to revive the very first religion, as you call it. Now we know our spirit friends are with us, we do not have to believe it, a belief is uncertain. But seeing, hearing and feeling is no mistake. We can now go at any time and get a message from, or see our spirit friends, without the shadow of a doubt. There are five millions of people in this United States, besides many in other countries that will proclaim this fact. Any- thing that cannot prove itself, or give some benefits to us, is not worth noticing. Orthodoxy is all hopes and faith, but no insurance of anything. Your prayers are not answered. Christ does not come to give advice, nor the Virgin. Your hopes and faiths are all in vain. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 81 The Christian Religion. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The Christian Religion is an offspring ot barbar- ism and heathenism; a part of it was taken from Confucius, the Chinese teacher, who called himself a teacher of virtue, "To do, as you wish to be done by" was his motto. This man lived 550 years before Christ, the Messiah. Christ taught many things, but the best things he taught, were left out of the Bible. The Christian Religion has caused more blood- shed, than all the wars on earth; it was forced onto the na- tions by Sword, by Constantine, a pagan king of Rome; who killed his own son and boiled his wife in oil alive. That man was the originator, with two hundred and fitfy priests, to fix the Bible to rule the nations. Christ never preached of a hell without relief, nor any angry God. He was crucified for his honesty, but not for our sins, or for priest to keep us out of hell. Approved: Raphael, Planitary Spirit Ruler. Religions and Laws in the Spirit World. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: There is here a Religion which is Divine, it is called by us LACKTEMADO, it means Holy Order, but there are many more or higher grades but on the same principles, and are carried out to the dot. There are temples of great beauty, lecturers, teachers, music, singing, thanks and pray- ers to God; not for our daily bread, but wisdom and good- ness. You go there whenever you feel like it, and not as a mere habit, as on Earth. No one can go into the Temple unless they are of a certain purity. Purity is not wisdom, a child is pure but not wise. There they are fitted for a higher station. You may think this would be wearisome? Oh, no, it is great happiness. It takes about one tenth of our time, the rest is to travel, to see other spirits from other planets, make visits, and there is never any danger of any mishaps or accidents. There are lakes, seas, rivers, plains, mountains, woods and airships, only for happiness. There is no Christ, no Virgin or Saints; as you are so will you be told to do something for yourself. There is no Resurrection of the dead; no day of Judgment, no Forgiveness of sins; but eye for eye and tooth for tooth; what you have sown, you will also reap; the measure you measured to others, will be meas- ured to you again. The Laws of spirits is different from Divine Laws. The Spiritual Law is Education, training, pro- 82 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS gression and preparation for a higher station. The law is called by spirits PRODOMADO, it means preparation. There are so many Societies that are different from each other but all lead to the same Goal. They are all stages according to the Law of their character, and that is what makes so many societies. Here birds of a feather flock together, and whac you have sown you will also reap. Evil deeds are punished threefold; for the wrong you have done to others; the benefits you reaped; and the disobed- ience to the Laws; this threefold, it must be paid and is car- ried out to the dot. There is no forgiveness of sins, no one is good for your sins but yourself. There are many grades on the earth plane; some are happy, others are not. The average spirit stays on the earth plane from five (5) to ten (10) years, but the higher class, such as rulers, kings and those who have made humanity suffer, are even up to five hundred (500) years on or under the earth in Torment, they wish the mountains would fall over them and cover them forever. They made their own God and to their own God they must go. They are not all happy that die. Here the rich are poor and the poor are rich. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The North Pole. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Friend: The North Pole is not the North Pole of your Earth, as you presume. This North Pole is under your Earth, or the end of your Earth; it is very cold and dark; if you could go to the center of it you would be astonished. No man will ever go across it, or to the center of it; you can only come to the outside of it. This North Pole is between your Earth and the Dark Satellite and is so cold and dark that nothing can grow there. No man in the physical body will ever reach it; because it is not for man or beast to be there — it is full of evil spirits — they can never progress out of that condition; they are below all animals and have lost their Divine Ego. Of course, as all things are immortal, they are also immortal, but differ from one another. One is immortal and knows it, i.e., conscious immortality — and the other is immortal and does not know it, i.e., unconscious immortality. It is a part of the Dark Satellite. All things are immortal, but not all know it, except man knows it, and can (if he chooses) progress to great happiness. But these outcast spir- THE DIVINE REVE LATIONS 83 its are also immortal, but not happy and never can be, because they have sunk below the animal — their Divine Ego or their God-spark is gone from them and so they live in the dark and cold, as animals in human form, and can never go out of this dreadful station or sphere or plane. This North Pole is a part of the Dark Satellite (or hell) and is not intended for man in the body to go there, nor could he live there. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. The Kingdom of Heaven is all in your mind, It is a condition of beauty Divine. It is a condition of justice and love; It comes from wisdom and power above. The Kingdom of Heaven cannot be expressed, All the heavens are a place of rest. The Kingdom of Heaven is justice and kind, The Kingdom of Heaven not all will find. The Heavens vary from great to small, Thank God there are Heavens for all. Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. The Character of Children. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: To talk plainly to you, the character of the off- spring is established at the time of conception. The thoughts, actions and character of the parents, at the time of concep- tion, are inherited by the child. Even if not carried out, they are in the offspring's mind, and when a good chance is offered you see the character of the parents. Good ground is re- quired and good seeds must be sown; for like begets like, it is nature. The hand that rocks the cradle gives the character to the world. Education and raising may put fear into the child's mind, but it is there and will spring into action, when a good opportunity is presented. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. What Is Humanity? Dictated by Raphael; Pla?ietary Spirit Ruler. Friend: A spirit with a material body of flesh and blood, to eat and drink, get sick and die, the same as an animal; but yet the spirit will not die, it is the God part. That spirit is created after the image of God, with the breath of God in 84 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS him, therefore he is immortal, and this is all the relation we are to God, yet man has to work out his own salvation, it is not given to him for nothing; or for some one to die for him. Would it be just to punish the just for the unjust? Look at it in this way, we are the children of God, not di- rectly, but indirectly. We are not the highest types of spirits in existence, there are millions of spirits that never had and never will have a material body and are educated for different purposes, they know little of the miseries of earth, they learn nothing of material things to draw them into sin. They are pure and must stay so. Matter is not pure, it was not intended to be so. If we were pure we could overcome all obstacles. If this world were pure, we would have nothing to fight for, and there would not be any use of a better world. We are here part animal and part spirit, to work out our own salvation. We are the highest type of spirits, with a material body. There are numerous people that are immortal, these people are in- ferior to us and so are their spirits. We are the third degree of spirits. First come the holy angels; second the planetary rulers and third the spirit of man, so we are three degrees lower than the angels of God. The Angels of God do not sin, neither do the planetary rulers, they are holy, they never had a material body. There is a class of spirits, who are not evil neither are they wise and never will be, they live by themselves, they never progress to any heighth and yet they are by no means bad. They are a different face from us. There are spirits from the highest to the lowest, the same as the people on earth. Our race is the nearest to the heavens. Approved for the High Spirit Rulers by Raphael, Plan- etary Spirit Ruler. A Short Message from Jesus Christ. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Christ does not come to anyone on earth; but he told me to give you a short message of his fame and station. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 85 Chirst has more friends and more enemies than any other man on earth. He was no God, but the scribes made him one. He is now a radiant ruling spirit, not in the cel- estial heavens, or as you call it, sitting on the right hand of God. Even if he would come to earth again, or if you would write down his messages, who would believe you or anyone else? You have only a few lines of his teachings, which have been remodeled to suit the scribes and they would be re- modeled or cast out as before. Christ says: "If I was to come today, I would be arrested the same as before. Time will tell you all — who is God — I never taught a hell of fire, but I taught a punishment. I am no God, and never will be. In Truth, Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Teachings of Christ. Dictated by Daniel 1 , Spirit Ruler. Friend: You asked about Jesus Christ and his disciples and many other questions. I would not enlighten you, for it is all in the past and very little of it has been written and this has been so written as to suit the scribes, to keep them in authority. Again you have nothing to do with them or they with you. They were teachers, the same as at present and have done the best they could or knew how to do. But Christ never claimed to be a God and never was one. Christ is now a highly developed spirit and ruler in the highest stations obtainable by man, called the heavens for men. His teachings were spiritual and true and good. He was crucified for his manhood; he could have saved himself if he would have retracted what he had taught; but he would not be a hypocrite even to save his life. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Dark Satellite. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruelr. Friend: There is a planet called the Dark Satellite under the earth, you would call it North. That place is very cold and dark; it thunders and lightnings there the whole time, like as if the world were coming to an end. That is what you call hell. 86 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS It is the place for the ungodly; for murderers, deceivers, kings, hypocrites, false teachers, and all who have made hu- manity suffer. There the wicked cease from troubling and get their just dues. Oh, what a place of torment; they wisii that the mountains would fall over them and cover them forever. Some are there a long time. The kings will not bring their glory there. There will be no mercy, they will reap what they sowed on earth. When they come out of that place, they will have to make good to them they have wronged. They are not pure by being there, that is the punishment only. It will take many years before they are as good as the average people. It will take some of them 500 years to make good their wrongs. These are rulers and all who had auth- ority on earth. Approved in the truth: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Conscious and Unconscious Immortality. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Friend: In answer to your question I will say this: At birth you are supplied with the Divine spark, called by you spirit, and it shall or will grow with your material body, to be good or evil. A life can be formed in this way, which is much below the animal plane. If this be the case, at death all the God part, or the Divine Ego, will be separated or disappear from you, and you are then not as good as a vicious animal; this occurs at death, as you call it; after which there is no Divine-spark left in you, but you keep your own identity and personality forever, but not in a happy state of life. You are then simply a rough frame, and never can again come to the grade of progress you entered into at birth. You lose all consciousness forever. Those spirits subjected to this horrible fate, are the spirits of those men, that were rulers, judges, murderers and the like on earth. This condition does not pertain to the average working man. This kind of punishment is worse than the punishment in the Dark Satellite, and these kind of people, rarely ever go to the last mentioned place. There is a redemption for those in the Dark Satellite, but there is no redemption for the unconscious, or from second death. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 87 Again your people believe in the forgiveness of sins; if this were true, of what use would be a hell or punishment? Remember, even those that have served their term of pun- ishment in the Dark Satellite can never advance to the sta- tion of the Holy Order, they usually stay on earth, or even in water, for a long time. There is still some of their vicious nature remaining in them from which they cannot free them- selves. Think of it, in a life time on Earth, you can ruin your happiness forever, or you can progress to your full state of Glory. The unGodly spirits, after they have suffered their pun- ishments, are wandering over the earth, yet they have no power over man, or to hurt anyone. Those spirits that come from the Dark Satellite can never rise higher than the first station in spirit life. Kings on earth are no kings in the spirit world, here they do well if they can have their freedom and liberty. Your world is so corrupt and hence the inhabitants of it have more to answer for, than they dream of. None of those that have served out a sentence in the Dark Satellite or exiles can ever hold an office in spirit life. For their bloodstains can never be entirely removed or washed away. On Earth the average man without wealth is looked down upon, so it is in spirit life with those that have been in the Dark Satellite. Kings in spirit life, often hide themselves from some of their ac- quaintances or friends. Again I say that class of men, that come from the Dark Satellite cannot reach more than the first educational station, that is the first spiritual circle; for they are raised in blood and cruelty, which stays with that class more or less. If they had the same power they had on earth, spirit life would soon be like the earth, and conscious immortality would be a fail- ure. You get all you are worthy of, good or bad. The un- Godly ones, as stated before, will lose their identity and personality and will live in a dream. The Divine Ego has left them, never to return to them again; they are exiled to live by themselves, so they live, not knowing what for, or why, they cannot progress forever. 88 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS This is the end of my answer, although much more could be said on this subject, but it is not necessary, since only a very few people know this subject at all. Approved: by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. What Is Spirit? Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Your body is the place or house for the spirit and the spirit is the house or place for the Divine Ego, or so to speak, the God-spark. The Mind has its seat in and over the brain and the spirit has its seat in the mind, and the Divine Ego, or God-spark, has its seat in the spirit. Mind is a Vapor, consisting of three parts, or points with many dots and is invissible to all except the higher spirits. But spirit has form and can be seen, and has been seen and is matter. The purer you are the finer your spiritual body will be; and hence the rougher and more unGodly, the coars- er — even dirty looking the spirit body will be; some spiritual bodies are almost black with sin. The God-spark can leave the spirit, and will do so in cer- tain cases, as before stated, but the spirit will exist forever, although almost in a material form; when the God-spark has been taken away, the coarse elementary body is all that is left, but that class, as stated before, does not and cannot progress; they are like the beasts, all the good parts, or so to say, human consciousness is gone from them forever. For God sustains or has no losses. The God-spark (or the Divine Atom) cannot be punished, for you have driven it out of yourselves and thus you are left an animal in human form. Even here on earth you can judge such cases to some extent what he is when you talk with one of these animal men. This shows that all men (as well as everything else) are immortal and that even the coarse body of unGodly men will be in existence forever but without their Divine Ego, whch is gone from them forever By this you can see that there is no hell of fire and brimstone forever. But the Divine Ego is gone forever, leaving the individual like a beast, with no more happiness to gain, yet in no hell. But this state is hell enough in itself, to lose all your Godly force. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Thank God there are not many of that class, in compari- son with the others. The Dark Satellite has more* but they can and will progress, up to a certain degree, and be happy to some extent. In truth, Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Unconscious Immortality of Vegetation. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Friend: Every thing is immortal in its own way, man is immortal and he knows it. All flowers are immortal, and so are all vegetation etc., but do not know it. The flowers have curative power as well as death in them and even their per- fumes form something in the air, not known to man, that will never cease to exist. If this were not true, the universe could not repair the losses and decays, as fast as ( they occur. The human eyes and wisdom are not keen enough to compre- hend these constant changes; then nothing is lost in the uni- verse, only to man's sight. It is the same with our happi- ness, which results from a life of purity and wisdom; the more wisdom and the purer we become, the happier we are. Happiness differs in the different stages and planes of life. No one could be happy in some other's place. The devil could not be happy in heaven, nor could the angels be happy in hell. All animals seek to be happy by avoiding danger, safety leads to happiness. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Religions on Earth, Dec. 8th, 1919. Dictated by Raphael, In Presence of Three or More Planetary Spirit Rulers. As stated before, all your Religions are wrong; they are man made and are changed with the times; and new ones are started up; they are getting more and more corrupt, all for the sake of money. Read old history and see what they believed. Every nation had a different God. Some nations had many Gods hung up in their abodes. God had nothing to do with your Bible or your religions. If God had made these laws, they could not be disobeyed. God has made the laws for the Sun, Moon, Stars, for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring/ Are they disobeyed? No. Ev- ery thing works in order and in time. If God had made these laws, as you claim, you would not be free men, nor would you be accountable for your evil deeds. These laws would be obeyed the same as nature obeys His laws. 90 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Your rulers are unjust and so are your teachers, they are all for self gain and power. The unjust cannot judge and give a righteous justice. You can prove by or with your religions, only what you see in nature and that is that there must be a leader, or a mighty hand that keeps all things in order or proper routine. You pray to Christ for this or that, you pray for self gain. You curse your enemies. Would God answer such prayers? You want your sin to be forgiven and go right on to do the same thing over and over again and then ask for- giveness again. Remember sins are not forgiven. All evil deeds are punished threefold, all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. You cannot exchange them, put your good deeds against your evil deeds. First work out your evil deeds, while your good deeds stand to your credit. You have to make good all wrongs with the one you have wronged. It would be unjust to forgive sins, for a barbarous belief or fear. What would the other man have for his bruises or wrongs? Such teachings are false. Approved by Raphael in presence of three or more Planetary Spirit Rulers. Re-incarnation of the Human Soul a Belie. Dictated by Madam Blavatsky, from Spirit Land, Who Intro- duced this Subject in U. S. Friend: My religion "the Re-incarnation" was in spirit land the same as if I had known nothing about it; it made me no better nor worse, I believed it and I was true to my faith. But re-incarnation is a Belie. (A false and malicious accusation.) In spirit life you cannot retrograde. You can only be on a stand still or advancing. When I landed here in spirit land, I was surprised and hoped it was not so. I was really afraid it might be so. But God has a better way for mankind than retrocession. I am happy and have no fault to find. Mdm. Blavatsky. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler- Christian Science. Dictated by Mrs. Eddy, Nov. 1, 1919. Friend: I have been sent to you by Cassiel. I know you called me, but I did not think I could do you any good. But I was ordered to come to you and to give you my experience as I landed in spirit life, with my faith, in which I strongly THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 91 believed. I was here many months before I could give it up, but soon saw I was mistaken; I saw no Christ. I called for him, but I received no answer. I inquired about my religion and nobody knew anything about it, but myself. So I drop- ped it at once. I thought if other spirits could be happy wthout it, that their belief was also good enough for me. I am progressing slowly. I am happy, more so than on Earth. Friend, you cannot learn on earth, what you can learn in the spirit world. It is not to be made public, neither would the people believe it. Acknowledged by Mrs. Eddy. Approved by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Ancient Masonic Order. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Spirits have always come to Earth, to a few only. It was the same then as at the present time, only more crude; it belonged especially to women, but finally man was also educated for it. The old Hermits were very religious and performed their cures by their purity, not so much by spiritual advice. If you were pure — perfectly pure — you could take poison and cause, or command, that no harm should follow, it would be obeyed. They did not work for money, as it is done in the present day. They used many material things for their cures, such as stones, arrows, pap- ers, etc., it was in a crude state for lack of knowledge. Masonry was not spiritualism in one sense, in the other it is the greatest proof of spiritualism that could be found, and it is yet. They had secret societies and halls, no one was admitted unless he belonged to the order; they prac- ticed clairvoyance, or so-called second, or soul sight; but they practiced scientifically by mesmerizing a subject and sending the spirits of their subjects into the spirit world. Nothing was hidden to them, if they wanted to know it; they were very strict in their seances; they trained young girls for that purpose. This is lost by the Masons, but it is not lost to the World. Friends, there is more power in spirit, than any man has ever dreamed of, but you lack purity and self control. If you only knew what you would gain by it,' you would look at this world only as a stopping place for a few days. You all have lost your spirituality many years ago. Approved by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. 92 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Incense and Perfumes. Dictated by Jos. Herrick, a Spirit Messenger. Friend: Incense, perfumes or smoke, are all for man- kind to benumb their senses, for trance-states; and have no more effect on spirits than they have on man. Evil spirit- entities do not like anything that does not correspond to their character. Good spirits bring their own atmosphere with them, and that atmosphere goes ahead of them from 5 to 8 feet, and will not mingle with anything impure. Evil influences can and must be controlled by your own mind; this happens more or less. Sulphur, asafoedita, camphor, alcohol, etc. will draw evil influences or evil spirits. Smoke of rose leaves, or any kind of flowers, which are not poisonous, make a welcome flavor for good spirits. The best instruction are a clean room, with flowers music and harmony which will bring good results and hasten progress. There should be silence, no disturbance, even when one has to go to the woods for an hour a day, that is enough. But good communications can be obtained anywhere, but not development. Your own mind is the leading factor in call- ing spirits, and may be developed if sincere. You can call your guide at any time, also any earth bound spirits. Your guide and earth bound spirits can hear you as well as an3 r medium, you will have to be careful to get their influences, be in a passive state, meditate, also write and see what comes. But you cannot call the high planetary spirits until you have advanced out of, and beyond the earth plane or material planes of life. All pleasant odors, perfumes, vapors, etc. are pleasant to good spirits. All disgusting smells, such as sulphur, even onions, belong to the evil influences. A kitchen is no fit place to call spirits in, neither a stable, but under a good shade tree is as good as any place. Remember silence is heaven, noise is hell. Your own mind is the principle factor in development. Jos. Herrick, Spirit Messenger. Approved Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Fear God and Love the King. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: This is wrong. Fear and love cannot go to- gether; the one you fear you cannot love and the one you love, you cannot fear. Therefore love God and obey the laws THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 93 of nature. God has never written a book, nor the Ten Com- mandments, it is all the work of man, priests and rulers; the rulers kept the upper hand and they do it yet. But love God with all your heart and wisdom will come to you. If you would only do, as you wish to be done by, it would be a great help for goodness. With all your religions you never do that. The golden rule is not .'perfection, but is bet- ter than you are doing. The golden rule is human, but the Divine laws are in Heaven. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Different Officers and Hulers in the Spirit World. .Dictated by Cassiel', Planetary Spirit Ruler. The first and smallest officer is your Guide; he is both officer and servant to you. The second officer is .the messenger of the thought transfer to Headquarters (or the first of the seven celestial Heav- ens) where all prayers and petitions are received and finally but at once .decided and adjudged with absolute justice. There are also many messengers under the ser- vice of the planetary spirit rulers, etc. etc. The third officer is the teacher, who may teach for fifty years, then he may become the lecturer or the fourth officer. The fourth officer is the lecturer and may become the fifth officer upward. The fifth officer is the lecturer of a higher degree. The sixth officer then becomes the Spirit Ruler, or rulers of the third degree. The seventh officer is the main, or over-ruler, such as the planetary spirit rulers, or planetary angels. The eighth or highest officer, unknown to mankind, is desig- nated as Headquarters, the angels of the first celestial heaven; Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Purity, Wisdom and Power. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Friend: What you are most in need of, you have the least of, nor do you think anything of it; it is wisdom. If 94 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS you were wise, you would also be pure in body, mind and spirit. If you were pure, you could banish sickness and dis- ease. Purity is not wisdom, or holiness. A child is pure but not wise. Purity is to keep clean and to be unspotted from the world. This gives the spirit power; what he asked will be granted, because he is not selfish, or greedy for selfish gain. You can only accomplish according to your purity and no more. The purer the nearer to God. You receive power according to your purity and no more. Next to purity comes love and wisdom. When you have learned that, your power is great; because you live a spiritual life, and disease cannot effect you; you could command the planetary spirits and it would be obeyed; enemies, wild beasts, etc. etc. would also be afraid of you; all 1 things would come to you without an effort, not wealth, but a happy, contented existence and the building of a home in spirit life; not a hovel. Your life is short on earth. Earthly goods have no value in spirit life; all is borrowed for a short time. There is nothing real on earth, it flies with the wind and what have you left of it? Misery and sin. The golden calf still keeps its place on earth. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and all things will be added unto you. What is man that he should boast of his wealth? or strength of his body? Man in the body is weak, but man in the spirit is strong. All men are in the poorhouse, either physically or spirit- ually. Be rich in spirit, but poor in the flesh. Try to live with love and care, on the level, by the square. Cultivate your body, mind and spirit, and you will be blest here and hereafter. Time is too short . on earth to make anything of value out of it. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Age of the Earth and the Human Race. • Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The Earth is many millions of years old. I do not remember my first existence, neither do I remember the first existence of the earth. I do not know my own first existence much less that of the earth. The earth has been destroyed many times and re-built again by man's hands. You will find old relics in Egypt to show the destruction of many thousand years ago. Even millions of years ago. There THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 95 has been all kinds of people on earth; and where they came from, no one knows and never will know. Many races of peo- ple have been in existence on this earth. It is a mistake to claim, that the climate and Sun made the different races of people. There was a race of people once on earth, who were tall and strong, one man of them was as strong as five of the present race; they lived roughly on meats. They did little work and had little knowledge; they lived 200 years or more. All these questions belong to the wisdom of God. Yes there are thousands of worlds that have people living on them that are more advanced, than the people on earth, some more are in a very crude state and have climates cor- respondingly. Some work as you do. Some live on wild game and vegetation, some live like Saints; they do not eat much, and live on fruits and vegetation, but eat no meats, they are spiritual and live on the planet Jupiter. There are all kinds of colors and sizes of people; you have not one half of the different races of people, neither their commencement nor their ends. There are also many different spirits, that will never inhabit a human body, and yet they live on in their ignorant way. (Elementals.) Yes animals are immortal in their own way; but never progress, to any higher states, they stay where they die, their spirit is but a shaddow, unseen by material eyes and are harmless. There is nothing made in vain; even the heat of fire and the smoke of it, are utilized and are immortal, but not as heat and smoke, they are transformed in the air, in a pro- cess of purification and never die. If this was not a law of nature everything would rot, as it is, all of its strength and gases would rot and man could not live on earth, on account of foul air. Notice the ocean, it is always on the move; if it did not move it would soon rot and cause sickness and pestilence, nothing could live. This is what is known about creation. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Punishments and Rewards in Spirit Life. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Your ignorance is greater than your wisdom. You do not know the one thousandth part of what you have to learn yet; you cannot even keep square in the world, neither materially nor spiritually, with all your books and education, 96 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS that is on an average. Why is this so? Because you take your own wisdom rather than to obey the laws of God. You take your own material laws into your own hands in spite of the sentence; how much more do you disobey the laws of God? Without fear, because sentences are not executed im- mediately. Do not forget all is stored up for you. A three- fold punishment, in eternity, will be executed for all evil deeds. There is no lawyer to plead your case for you, you are a witness against yourself. You have no answer to make. There you are and there you stay and suffer for the wrongs you have done to others. After your punishments, you work for your enemies, whom you have wronged. It is not pleas- ant to have him stand over you. The laws are just in spirit life. For instance, in your earthly laws, one man whips an- other right or wrong. Your laws fine the one, or maybe both; the one that has the wounds, does he get anything for the same? No. The fines go into the county or city treasury. This is unjust. Friend: Here are enough messages to give you a good idea of spirit life. Everything must be rewarded or punished — good or bad. It is unjust to forgive sins. All evil deeds are punished threefold, all good needs are rewarded seven- fold, all is justice, by their Divine wisdom, but not by the wisdom of man. Spirits never talk of others' wisdom, only for learning, they never quote your Bible, or a prophet, or Christ, none but God alone. Spirits do not contradict each other, or argue the case with man or spirit, what they say is to the point. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Good and Evil. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Where there is no law, there is no transgression Where there is no evil, there cannot be any good. If it were not for sin to fight against, you would never be any wiser, you would stay in ignorance, not knowing good from evil. But good and evil are against each other, so choose the best. You would have nothing to do, if it was not for sin. You would not progress, only stay in ignorance. You would not be rewarded for anything. Then where there is no battle, there could be no victory. No victory, no crown. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 97 Friend, nature is not perfect. If it were we would not need another world. If nature were perfect there would be no idiots or fools, or insane people, or crooked trees, or tor- menting insects, or robbers and murderers. Yet all this is a mystery to you, but not to the spirit world. And yet nature has the power to give or to take, not by her own wisdom, but she is forced into changes to suit Divine power, conse- quently you or yourselves are forced into things against your will, which you can not help. To him that is given much, much will be required of him. Yet this is all a mystery to you and you ask foolish questions in your ignorance. If there were no mysteries there could not be any enjoyments; if there would not be any evil there could not be any good. The Earth is for your growth and education for the spirit world; it is to save yourself and to progress to a higher life and to purify yourselves for a higher station, called Heaven. All goes by degrees here and hereafter. You can not resist nature or work against it. Work with nature and you will prosper, here and hereafter, and it will keep you out of temp- tation and sin. Again mankind will never be perfect on earth, or in the spirit world. Perfection does not mean to be on equality with the Angels or God; it means to be perfect in spirit. There is a big difference between perfection of spirit and the perfection of God. None can come to the perfection of God, not even the angels. Divine perfection is without be- ginning or ending. All powerful, All wise, All merciful, it is to be a master of All. None are equal to God. Your ignorance keeps you out of a great many sins; it also causes sins. Ignorance is a sleep, in which you can not control your dreams. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Directions for Spirit Communications. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Frend: Be just, live right, do right, make no enemies, treat all men alike and be temperate in all your doings. If you are not a truthful person, you will get what you sow. You will have a better guide, than you are yourself. To get a message from a distance, send your guide, ask him if he will go and look after such and such a thing. Give him plenty of 98 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS time, he will tell you when he comes back. If you are me- dium enough, you can send your guide over the earth, he will leave someone in his place until he returns. ' The mes- sage will be correct. But if you abuse your mediumship, you will draw bad influences that will lead you astray and lie to you, and you will curse the spirits and be cursed by them. If you want good things you must be good yourself. Oh, man, if you have no good friends in the spirit land, then you have none on earth; the reverse is the same. It is worth all your wealth, no matter how much, you must have friends in the spirit world, it shields humanity. Naked came you on the earth, and naked must you leave it. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Bible Teachings and Spiritual Science. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: You have on earth all kinds of teachers and preachers; do their teachings correspond? No. Do they live the life, they tell you to live? No. By the fruit, you shall know the tree. You must know they can not all be right. There is only about one half of your Scriptures, that is true and that is this: God is Almighty, Allwise, Allgood, without beginnig or end, etc. etc. Man has read the Bible to see what kind of men they are; but when you talk with the higher spirits they do not contradict each other, or run down each other. Spirits do return to earth to lead mankind to higher states of life. You have all the witnesses on earth of a future life; not by reading of it, or someone saying so,, but by spirits returning and their messages. There is no other society, that can, or will do this for you. You call it "Spiritualism". Better call it "Spiritual Science" or Science to express it rightly. No one can deny it, except the fools and they had warnings, impressions, and of- ten were lead against their own will, yet they do not know where it came from, because ignorance is greater than wis- dom. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Ceremonies Are in Vain, Purity a Necessity. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: All of your ceremonies are in vain, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Crosses, Relicks, Holy Vessels, Pictures of Saints, etc. all these things are in vain; they were gotten up for man's ignorance and to keep him in subjection. It is THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 99 barbaric to think you can natter God with nonsense. A true heart, love and charity, is all the ceremony that is necessary. The human race wants to hide things and live in darkness rather than in the light, because their deeds are evil. Like attracts like. This is true on earth and also in the spirit world Notice humanity, how hungry for wealth, honors and popu- larity, even to murders. Wealth must be gotten, right or wrong. Look at your crops, see how they are diseased, the same as yourselves, they do not give their full returns, neither do you. Look at your race of people, they are like your- selves. God will give each one wisdom according to their purity. Your crops and diseases are a witness against you. < Friend: If you were as good as you ought to be, or as you could be, that does not mean holy or wise, but it means to be pure in mind and spirit, you would not have these plagues. The ground would give you its full strength 01 products. But you take all things into your own hands — God or no God — and what is the result? A big war on top of it. Mankind is more avaricious than the beasts. What is the result? He becomes a beast himself in man's clothing, a hypocrite. Friend: If you would be purer in mind and spirit, you would have more prosperity, both in material and spiritual things. God will give you according to your purity. If you were pure, you could command disease to vanish and it would be obeyed. You bless your vices, instead of cursing them. You would not need a lawyer to straighten out your business, right or wrong, just so you can beat your fellow man. Is this Godly? Is it right in the sight of God? No. You will get exactly what you deserve. Felix Coran. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Truthful Witness For or Against Us. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Friend: Notice what I tell you. There is a witness against you, who is just and truthful, nothing is put to it, nothing is missing from it, all your evil deeds and all your good deeds are recorded on your own spirit which will not lie. There is no Mediator, no forgiveness of sins; it would be unjust to doubt that. You are your enemy, you are your own heaven or hell, you are your own judge to do right or wrong. In ocmparison to eternity, you live only one minute On earth, 100 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS from birth to death; only one drop in the ocean, it is not noticed. In that one minute you can raise to salvation or condemnation. Now think of the happiness or sorrow and misery you can make for yourself; it is left entirely to your- self to choose, which will you take? Earthly wealth and pleasure, or everlasting heavenly happiness? You can not hold both. Earthly wealth leads to destruction. Spiritual happiness leads to progression and elevation. In comparison one lasts but one minute, the other for ever. Your riches on earth are only borrowed, then naked you came and naked you must go. In the spirit land there are no rich or poor in person; it is he that possesses happiness and he that possesses it not. The richest on earth are the poorest in spirit land. It is easier to live right than wrong. Dishonesty brings trouble and sin. Honesty brings peace and happiness. What have you got for all your work to gain wealth? Misery, temptation and sin. No one ever got rich in an honest way, unless God gave it to him in a block such as a gold mine, that defrauds no one and is a benefit to the people. To whom God has given wealth, he gave him little else. Don't be rich, but work for your bread in an honest way. I would rather be a toad under a dungeon, than to be a dishonest ruler, a king or a duke. If you could only see what I see, it would make your teeth chatter, you would not want riches or pleasure. You would have delirium tremens on account of it. In truth. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Great Happiness or Sorrow Awaits Us in Spirit life. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: You do not know what happiness is in waiting for you; nor do you know what sorrow and punishment is in waiting for you. You are making your own heaven or hell. There is no forgiveness of sins, or an exchange of your good deeds for, or to blot out, your evil deeds. Your good deeds stand to your credit, so to speak, but you will have to suffer for, or work out your evil deeds, to the one you wronged. You will have to work for the ones you hated. All your evil deeds are standing before you; All good deeds are recorded on yourselves. Therefore you are yourselves a heaven or hell. If you want to be good, think you are bad, and you will im- prove your mind and spirit. The first thing is to be pure, THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 101 clean in mind and spirit, but that does not mean to be per- fect or wise. Purity will give your sprit power to control himself and even to control your enemies. Real spirituality is not yet Godliness, but is a step towards it. The Holy Order or the Divine Law, called the Holy Order, are purer and wiser than spirits. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. A Glimpse Into Spirit Life. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Traveler and Messenger. Friend: I am a traveler in the spirit world, it is my mission, you would call it a detective, but it is not that, it is to help all I can reach, that are good enough, or worthy of help. I see children in the kinder-gartens, as you call them, learning and playing; they have their teachers with them. Oh, if you could only see these children playing in beauty and happiness, you would wish your children to be there. Here they grow more beautiful than on earth, and grow to full size the same as on earth. I saw an old man, crippled on earth, here he is bright and quick. I saw idiots in school, they were not like as on earth, they were all right. I saw rulers from the earth, who were ragged and poor and could scarcely cover their nakedness. Everyone knows who they are; they are in punishment. Felix Coran, Spirit Traveler. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Conduct of Educated and Developed Spirits. Dictated by Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Frend: There is a difference between men and spirits. The spirits in spirit land never contradict each other; no spirit has anything to say to another spirit; there are rulers for that purpose; all are happy and peaceful. I am talking of developed spirits only (not of evil ones) they do not tell you "you lie." They influence you, unbeknown to yourself; they give you good advice, both in material and spiritual things, in an honest way. They never quote from any other spirits — it is all their own wisdom, not like man's as Christ said so and so, or Moses said so; no other name is mentioned. If you are pure enough they will even cure your diseases. By following spirit advice you can never fail of having a contented life and plenty for all your needs and a happy ex- istence. But as long as you cling to the earth, this can not be obtained. 102 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Men will contradict each other; for a little gain, for su- periority, or for honor, they will lie to each other. Men are not to be depended upon, they are liars and deceivers; Show me one man that has not wronged his neighbor. Show me one man that has not told a lie for one month. Men are beasts and do what beasts will not do; there are only a few exceptionally good men. The beasts are immortal as well as man, only they can not progress, they stay the way they die; their spirit is only a shodow. Man should get all he possesses in an honorable way; he should not speculate and have no lawsuits, he should not lie for gain or anything else and be temperate in all things, treat all men and even beasts good. Curse not your own person, nor anyone else. Your curses are more evil than your prayers. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger and Traveler. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. For E. Haberstroh and J. F. Sanders. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friends: There is much to do for both of you, if you will only do it. Both of you are one, in that respect, the one can not do without the other. In regard to the progress you can make for yourselves and others, you must work together. Keep on writing your messages, scatter them in any way you see fit. You are not wasting your time, but you are giving your time to the higher degrees. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Mind. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The Mind is threefold in nature; it consists of Wisdom, Love and Purity. It is best represented by an equi- lateral triangle. It is a vapor or cloud and the spirit is in the Mind; it can not be seen through the physical or material eyes, but is clearly seen by spirits. It is both material and spiritual. Wisdom is spiritual and positive, masculine, attractive and repulsive and corresponds to the Sun, its color is red anc? it represents Peace and Harmony. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS __ 103 Love is both spiritual and material; it is negative and attractive and Feminine; it corresponds to the planet Venus, its color is blue, it represents Peace and Harmony. Purity is spiritual, and Passive; it is both feminine and masculine. It is Justice to all and holds the key to all. It is the Giver and Receiver of all; it holds the key to all, and corresponds to the planet Mercury and is Neutral to all, yet just to all; its color is white. The absence of wisdom from the Mind of Man is indicated by indecision and power or repulsion; no action etc. The absence of Love from man's Mind is indicated by a lack of Harmony, or no friendships and no peace. The absence of purity from man's Mind is indicated by a lack of sense for justice and a lack for action or initiative. The three hold the Universe together. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The World War, March 22d, 1918. Dictated by General Jackson, From the Spirit Land. Friend: You needed this war. The people do not want to work any more; they rob and steal and do anything but work. This world has to be changed or go under. A new race of people are needed to be on this Earth. There will be no crowned-heads. This earth will be cleaned of Slavery. A compromise will be made before long that will end the war, except amongst yourselves. Gen'l. Jackson from the spirit world. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Laws and Habits of Spirits. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: Good spirits will not go to low dives, or to dirty and nasty places, the cleaner the room the better. As to drawing spirits with sweet perfumes, there is nothing in it; they bring their own atmosphere with them, which goes ahead of them from 8 to 10 feet. Evil spirits can not go to nice pure places, they also bring their corrupt atmosphere with them and they could not throw pure atmosphere to one side, with their corrupt one. Good spirits bring their happi- ness with them and so do evil spirits bring their misery to you. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. 104 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Astrology. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: There is nothing in vain; every thing alive or dead, has a certain virtue or power for something. The Sun has an influence for light and heat. The Moon on everything wet; the planets have their influence on the earth, and every planet has a different influence. Every thing in nature rules something and is also ruled by something more powerful than itself. The planets rule more than men have any idea of, but only to a certain extent. The character of man is written all over him, if you could only read it. Astrology rules man, beasts and vegetation to a certain extent. Man can extract the honey from the flowers, but he can not figure out the mysteries of Nature. Nature is ruled by spirits, spirits are ruled by Angels, and the Angels are ruled by God, the great Creator. No man can force God, or hire Him, or beg Him. His laws are eternal and can not be changed. There is noth- ing lost on earth only to man's sight. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Blest is he who blesses others. Blest is he who rather gives than takes. Blest is he who sees no faults in others; He is pure in mind and spirit. Every Human Being Must Work Out His Own Salvation. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: Spirits of the earth will stay on the earth from three (3) to five hundred (500) years; it depends all on their character. There is no forgiveness of sins, all will have to work out their own salvation. There is no Son of God, no virgin Mary. God was never Man and Man was never God. There is no day of judgment. There is no resurrection. All go right where they belong after death, according to good- ness. All evil deeds are punished threefold; All good deeds are rewarded sevenfold. What you have sown, you will also reap. The measure you measured with, will be measured to you again without delay. Now spirits do come and go to the earth. The evil spirits are not allowed to visit the earth, they are bound, called by you imprisoned or jailed. The high spirits do not care for the earth; as long as you cling to the earth just so long can you THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 105 not progress. All earthly things must be thrown off the mind to become purer and happier. Love, Peace and Truth is happiness. A.pproved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. How to Call Spirits. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: To call spirits you must have the right organ- ism. Call them by name, saying: "Please come to me, if con- venient, if not send someone else." Ask nothing only what is fair. The planetary spirits do not meddle with earthly things. If you are pure enough you can call the planetary spirits and also the elementaries. Do not abuse the occult power or you will get no answers, they will leave you. Re- member you can not force the high spirits by conjury. You will have to be pure and powerful enough to be obeyed. Ask always for good advice, to keep you in good health and from danger and sin and your call will be obeyed. Live a perfect life and you will be blest. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Mysteries of the Spirit World. Dictated by Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. Friend: You have searched religious books, Spirits and all kinds of scientific literatures and what have you found? A mystery of the whole. You have had more of this mystery showed to you, and have found out more of the life hereafter, called immortality, which is life without end forever to pro- gress up to a certain degree, you ought to be satisfied. You got more of these secrets than one of many thousands. You know that mankind will never cease. You have been in the spirit world, you have given all kinds of tests. You have had all kinds of proofs; these did not come from your own know- ledge, you ought to be contented. Why is it that you are not pure enough to call the Angels from Heaven? If you were pure enough you could go at will to the spirit land; but you are blest, even to be good enough to call the planetary spirit rulers and they will come to you. Many would give a fortune to be able to see and to talk with the spirits like you do. Now you can call the high spirits of the planetary sys- tem, but no angels. You have someone with you, that will guide you to all that is good. You are blest on her account, because she intercedes for you. Now try and be contented 106 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS and improve yourself as much as possible, you will see more by and by. Approved: Cassiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Saturn. More Mysteries. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: I ask you, Oh, man with your wisdom, can you tell when was there a time, when there was no time? When time shall cease to be? And what will be in place of that time? And what would become of the heavens, which ar3 billions in number? A nd when did the Universe begin? And where does it end? And what is on the other side of it? We answer these questions as far as we know. , There never was a beginning and there never will be an end. God and His holy angels have always existed, and so has man of all colors and sizes, good and bad. The wisest angels in heaven do not know the beginning of man, or the beginning of Angels. There are more secrets hidden, than even the Angels know. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Answer to an Inquiry Into a Mine Which Had Been Abandoned Some Five Months Previous, March 10th, 1921. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend Sanders: Why are you so fickle minded? I have not looked into your mine, so I give you no description of the ssnie, only this much; all your labor in regard to wealth is in vain, and if you lived 100 years yet it would be the same. I am no adviser for wealth, but for good works, against, danger, sickness and sin. You are a free agent and can do as you like, but time is short and always will be for you. Good bye. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Message Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler, March 17th, 1921. Friend Sanders: I sent your guide away, when you got my last message, you have no guide now. Guides are mat- erial, if they were spiritual they would be promoted. A guide learns from the one he guides; you do not learn much of a guide. I lifted you out of the material fog into mental and spiritual light. Tou do not need any mines; if God gave to you for that purpose very little reward would you reap from it. Remember one penny earned and given to the poor, out- weighs a dollar that is found. To him God has given wealth, He gave him little else. Be glad you are poor. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 107 Friend Sanders: You need not study any more, how much more do you want to know? You know more of the spirit world, than the majority of people can understand. All you need is to act, or so to say, use what you have got for good purposes, in raising your fellow-man onto a higher plane of life. You have been favored by the high spirits, in getting all these things. You are well posted in spiritual things; all that it wants now is to put this knowledge into action. These two messages ought to be enough to show you that you are not cast out, but rewarded. If needed we will be with you. This is in truth from the spirit ruler Daniel. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Cure of Diseases by Mind Power. Dictated by Eearthiel, Spirit Ruler of the Earth, Under Orders Friend: All aches, pains, colds, or any such ordinary ail- ments, that are above the solar-plexus, put your right hand on your head, or the head of the sick one, and command the ailment to vanish; keep your mind on your work, the result will be good, yet it depends also on the operator's health and vitality. A sickly person had better not try it. Then throw it off by commanding it to leave you, and by washing your hands. All aches, pains, or cramps ana the like, that are below the solar-plexus may be treated in the same manner, by plac- ing your right hand on the solar-plexus and proceeding as before stated. The Mind controls all above the solar-plexus and no fur- ther down, the solar-plexus controls all below it, relating to health or sickness. Again from the solar-plexus upward is called mental; and all from the solar-plexus downward is called physical or material. Therefore the head controls all above the solar-plexus and the latter all below it. If the conditions of the operator are good, i.e., if the operator is in good health and not too old or feeble, the results that may be obtained are surprising, either on yourself or others. Again many cases of sickness can in the above way be prevented, as well as cured; yet all the people can not cure others in the above stated manner, there are only about one- third of the human race that are qualified by nature to make successful operators. This is no imagination, but it is the 108 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS command, or power of the mind in both cases; divided by the solar-plexus as you see. Again if, or when the mind- is properly trained in a naturally qualified operator, wonders could be performed. However a certain amount of purity, in both the operator and the subject are required, for tha higher and best results. The real spiritual healing depends more upon the condi- tion of the patient and his purity of body, mind and spirit, or his worthyness for successful cures. To effect a cure in this way, you must sit at a regular appointed time; sit in the dark, say at 9 or 10 o'clock; sit in a chair and call on Raphael or Cassiel by saying friend Raphael, or Cassiel, please be so kind to cure me of this disease, keep on in this way for ten- or fifteen minutes every night. If you find quick relief you are sure to be cured; continue this until you are perfectly well and do not forget to thank GOD and the spirit that cured you. If you do not feel any relief within a week or ten days, you can not be cured in this way. Any person can apply these cures, without being a so- called spirit-medium, but remember not all persons will be cured in this way; neither does a doctor cure all of his sick patients. The only conditions required are to keep clean in mind and body, and to eat very light and to take good car& of yourself. Curing Diseases by Spirit Power. Friend: My mission is to cause Peace and Friendshjj3 and to prevent all wrongs by influencing the minds of the people, and to report all serious affairs and those that I can not prevent to the first celestial Heaven. (Also known as the Headquarters, where all prayers, and petitions are granted or rejected and from where all Divine orders, concerning our earth are issued.) But if I am asked by a pure medium, or anyone else that is pure to a certain extent, or worthy, to cause peace or health I will do so; whether they are mediums or not; of course I can not talk to them as I do to you, but if all condi- tions are good, they will soon see or feel the effects of my treatments. I also have the power to heal and I do so, if the conditions are good. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 109 These are the directions: Sit in the dark with your eyes closed, put your right hand over affected place and call Earth- iel, and ask him to cure you, if worthy; in this way you can stop bleeding or all manner of the common ailments; some immediately, hut the more serious diseases may require a week or two before they will be entirely cured. Sit every night at the regular time for 10 or 15 minutes and talk to Earthiel on the subject, and you will soon know if you will be cured or not. Call me at the regular time, as well for yourself as for others. Approved: Earthiel, ruler and master of the Earth under orders. Authority and Functions of Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders From the Seventh (7th) Circle or Heaven of Men's Spirits. Dictated by Earthiel Himself. Friend: I am Earthiel, ruler of your Earth under orders from the highest circle, or sphere, or heaven of man's spirits, which is the seventh circle of men's spirits. All orders come frcm the first Heaven (of Angels) to the seventh (7th) heaven or circle of men's heavens, and there all changes or orders are given or changed according to necessity. It is from there where I get my orders or in other words from Headquarters as you would call it. 1 have nothing to do with spirits, I am Master of the Earth under orders. Notice: not to cause Sickness, or Wars, or pestilence, but to cause peace, freedom and good will towards all men; but still you all are your own free agents to do good or evil, but all has to be accounted for, I also report, or rather send reporters to Headquarters and many things I prohibit, not known to man. I am not known to you — in books like others — but this will make me known to many. I tell all secrets of the Earth, past, present and future if necessary for good purposes but not for pastime or selfish gain. I could assist man so very much if the conditions were good and pure enough for his happiness and welfare on earth. But your greed for wealth has stunned your minds and black- ened your spirits to such an extent that I can only come to those that are worthy of it; and they are few on your earth, and what there is, is kept a secret. 1-10 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Your earth is not even an average, in comparison with the rest of what I know; it seems it takes two men to keep one straight, instead of one man to keep two men straight. So you see what you are; yet there are a few, in comparison with the many, that are good and do the best they know. You all 1 are shortening your lives with anger, and evil deeds, with wars and hunger. You are not good citizens even, or your prisons would not be filled with evil-doers; but all this must perish forever, or your world of humanity will be swept out of existence by wars and hunger. Your rulers and kings must be changed to better ones; millionaires will and must disappear before you can have freedom, which will oc- cur inside of 100 years or so. You are the worst people I know of. I am glad my orders come to me so I am not res- ponsible for anything, only to fulfill my orders. I am not a man's spirit, I never had a material body and I am glad of it for fear I would be like one of your kind of greedy spirits. I will gtve many messages through this med- ium and his friend to be published. Oh, if I could only ad- vertise myself like this in every town! I know I could im- press many for a higher life and improve humanity. In truth, Earthier, Ruler of the Earth under orders. Formation of Our Earth and the Origin of Man, Etc. Etc. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: You asked me about the formation of your earth and man, my rulership and many other things, in ans- wer I will say: We have no time like yours, to count by years, for time is an eternity with us, but not with you in the flesh; in eternity all time is lost to enumeration; but if you can count the stars you can see from your doorsteps, you ge^ the age of your earth. Your earth was once a paradise for spirits, not a heaven, as you call it, in good form and beauty. But the spirits were called off to some other place and it was disturbed by fire, and some time afterwards by water, in order to fit it for the inhabitation of the human races; and when cooled off and fitted for habitation, it was inhabited by man and beasts but no one knows where they came from. Your Earth sunk many thousand miles; from its original position in the air, which gave it a very mild and beautiful climate, but when it sank it was deformed, as you see it now; with mountains, oceans, seas, rivers and rivulets etc. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 111 I have been a ruler ever since the earth assumed its crude state and yet I do not know how man and beast came here; they were here when I came here, but there was no numerous population and only in limited places. But as the population became more numerous they emigrated, the same as they do now. This is not only the case on earth but also on other planets, even yet there is a constant change of the courses of planets, not known to man, and never will be known by him. Were the first people in a state of barbarism? I answer No, but through the long changes of life they became so, they were better then than your people. It was or is believed they were full grown spirits, not wise to draw on materiallity, and as they became more material they also became more wicked, something like the beasts, and Man never lost the nature of the beast. This is a belief, it looks reasonable to me. As a ruler I know that God can make human beings out of spirits; man never evoluted out of animals, but the spirit became part of the animal to work out his own destiny, be- cause he is free and his own free agent. Man was always in two parts — spirit and body. Since I am in existence I know this. There are millions of earths (planets) full of men, spirits and animals of all kinds to suit the climates. It would be an easy matter for GOD to transport the same to any other Earth or planet. There are millions of stars or Earths, that are not yet inhabited by men, they are not yet fitted for that purpose; but when fitted for that purpose they become in- habited and no one knows how. But God has mingled the cup, so that no one knows His wisdom and power. The different colors were produced by crossing, the same as your domestic animals, for all spirits are not alike. God surely would not send Angels here but undeveloped spirits of a lower grade. Friend, I give you all I know of myself, but not of others. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler and Master of the Earth Un- der Orders. 112 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Sevenfold Constitution of Man An Illusion. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: I give you what I know. I know nothing of any sevenfold constitution, neither could I tell the exact truth of how man began to multiply on this Earth or any other earth, only this: it is believed that the first humans were spirits before they were men; but it must be stated that man has always existed somewhere, however how he came on this Earth is a mystery; it is hidden from us; but it is strongly believed that he was a full grown spirit or spirits and sent on this Earth. This could easily be, as even now spirits come to you with intelligent language, they could easily be made to stay here and draw on materiality under the orders from God. This looks reasonable to us and may have been the case. You are a spirit with a material body instead of a. spiritual body — lay off your material body, and there is your spiritual body, which has once gone the same as your material body, that is the spiritual must return to spirit; and what is material will stay with matter, ever changing, yet everything of its kind will find its own kind, according to the laws of nature. Man was never made by hand, or evoluted from one thing to another for his body here is material and his spiritual body waiting for him. For his own spirit can leave its body, while in a trance or a deep sleep. That ought to prove it all. Man's organism resembles that of the beast; he has to eat, drink, sleep and get sick and die like the beast, but the spirit does not get sick, neither does it die, but draws on its own spiritual form and goes where it came from, to a better or worse place, as the case may be. Spirits are raised in the air and other places, but not in water. When fitted for a material body, they find it without difficulty. There are spirits that will never have a material body; they are superior to those that have a material body; with all our wisdom we believe so or so; but it is hidden from spirit and man, all have their own way about it; and it will not make us better or worse. Now friend I gave you all I know personally, so let this not bother you; then as long as it is not revealed to the high THE DIVINE R EVELATIONS 113 spirits, men do not need to bother themselves about it. If Man would only do and act according to what they do know, they would be better off than they are. This is all we know of the origin of mankind; if there is one who knows more than this, he must have lived at the time when Man made his appearance on Earth. The above is from Earthiel and is his personal experience and knowledge of the origin of man. Please publish this in your book to give mankind a better idea of the origin of man, than the idea that man was made by hand. Approved: Earthiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Message From Earthiel for My Friend, J. F. Sanders. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of Our Earth. Friend: Your time on earth is very short, in fact too short to learn anything new while on earth. But as you re- quest me to give you a message for your friend I will do so. Friend Sanders: I am making your acquaintance with- out your knowledge, because I have been asked to do so. But I can not come to you unless I am called on; if called on by you, I will be with you and do the best for your spiritual interests — and if possible I will control you in the material way — if not or if I should fail to accomplish this, you shall feel my influence. Remember that does not interfere with other spirits. I do not force myself onto anyone, it is not my place to do so. I am in charge of this earth under orders, the same as others. I can give advice, or guide you to all that is good; but my power is limited the same as others, we are no Gods; but we can easily discern good from evil and right from wrong; and be with yoif and help you, to the best of my knowledge, which is better than yours. Do as your friend told you, sit from 10 to 15 minutes every night, I am en rapport with you already, through your friend and therefore caused this to be written. I see now you have many friends in spirit life, about whom you know nothing. You are not left alone in your work, keep on and you will be helped, unbeknown to yourself. The book shall live forever, because it is the truth. Truth will never perish. Earthiel, Spirit Ruler of Our Earth. 114 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Heaven and Hell. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of This Earth Under Orders. Friend: You are both near and dear to me, on account of making me known to the world. You asked me about Heaven and Hell. Hell is everywhere, yet there is what you call hell in the spirit world, not of fire and brimstone, but a prison and conscience of remorse. The Earth-hell is both direct and indirect. Your prisons are a direct hell; and your deaf and dumb, your insane asylums, blind people, sickness and poor houses all are a material hell — also cripples, de formities and poverty, all are material hells — indirectly. Some of these afflictions are a freak of nature or self-ex- posure, some are inherited from unhealthy parents, some are for their own evil deeds, to purify their spirits; but that does not happen to murderers etc. Sins or evil deeds are divided into seven (7) degrees; the first three degrees are the worst, and will be punished in spirit life and nowhere else. The other four degrees may also be punished on earth to purify the spirit. This is hell on earth, yet you do not know that all misery is rewarded, or so to say, it purifies your spirit and that is the reward. Heaven does not exist, on earth, it exists only in, or on its proper place; but peace of mind, good health and your daily bread without worry is a material heaven in itself. Happiness must not turn into sorrow, or it is not happiness. Happiness belongs to pure spirits and no others have it, and it last forever. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Angels, Spirits and Man. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler Under Orders of the Earth. Friend: I will assist you all I can for the betterment of humanity. The Angels are a part of God's government and are holy; they never had a material body and therefore never knew sins; they are perfect and wise in their own offices; they are under no orders, which is the highest authority, ex- cept God, in the universe. Then come the rulers of planets or worlds, inhabited by spirits or mankind, they are not holy, but spiritually pure, they also never had a material body, they are one degree THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 115 lower than the holy angels and are under the orders of the first heavens, yet they have great wisdom and power. They never sinned. Next conies the spirit of man and mankind with his mat- erial body, who are one degree lower than the planetary angels or spirits, and are the third degree from the top down, and the first degree from the bottom up. Mankind has material wisdom, but very little of the spiritual wisdom, but is responsible for all deeds done in the body, because they are their own free agents to do good or evil and have to be educated in the spirit life for their happiness, if they wisb to have it; but all are a part of God, and man is only a spark of God and this spark may be weak or strong and may be easily overcome in some men. Psychology. Dictated by Anael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Venus. Can a spirit from the earth leave his body and go to your planet? Yes but only under the best conditions. How long will it take him to go there? That depends on his purity; the purer the lighter and faster, the cruder, the slower. The impure soul should never be sent on such a journey, it is dangerous for him, he may never come to his full senses again, on account of his raw mind. A pure spirit can make the trip from the earth to the planet Venus in 10 minutes and he will easily find the right direction in which to go to any desired place. He may stay there, away from his body, from one to three days, provided the subject is in good health and not over 25 years of age; he may stay there even longer under a strong operator. It is not advisable to hurry the subject to return to its body in less than 8 or 10 hours. A young girl from 16 to 20 years of age is the best subject for that purpose and she can tell all she sees, but she should be put under the influence 3 or 4 times before she will get used to the journey, which is very hard for the first time. She should also be told before, when you will call her to come back. Approved: Anael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of the Planet Venus. Psychology. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Friend: Psychology is a mental force and can be used for both spiritual and material purposes; it is a spell thrown 116 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS over the subject to do what ever is bidden, and under good conditions you can heal diseases and even send a spirit to other planets to bring back news, that will astonish you; but it is a great strain on the subject as well as on the operator. The mind is both material and spiritual and will obey eithei one. This fact proves the immortality of mankind better than anything else. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Jupiter. Continent of Spirit Homes in Eternity. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler Under Orders of the Earth. Friend: I have to talk to you all in material names, we have different names here, to give you a clear outline. "We say the center of the Universe is everywhere, and yet it is nowhere. As it may be called so for convenience sake. For the same reason we call the inhabited part of the universe Light, yet some darkness appears, which you call night. Even so in the sky. All good spirit worlds or celestial heavens have no night or darkness. So I call the inhabited portion of the universe a settlement of billions and quintillions of miles in extent, and this settlement is surrounded with a thick darkness; but as needed this darkness vanishes into a clear light and brings new territories into sight. To every earth, planet or star belongs also a large territory, but they are all earths or planets and are inhabited by people in the flesh. These immense territories also have their rulers, and you may see them, after death, if you are pure enough, you can soon be there. The entire universe is divided, a good deal like your earth; those in the spirit can go all over your domain, but you can not cross the line, even if you wanted to do so. Each tongue and nation are by themselves and. have to be educated; and each domain has seven (7) royal societies or spheres. All is in good order and tone; not thrown over the universe and scattered here and there, some- thing like your cities by number and name. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Spiritual Science on Earth and in Spirit life. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: To give you a correct history of Spiritual Science, I can say there is as much difference between spirits as there is between men; we have no spirits in prison that have been THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 117 raised here, but we have some in prison here that have been raised on earth and they are not truthful and correspond to the lower class of mediums to mislead them. That class of mediums are what you call fortune tellers. They are ready at any time for evil deeds and say anything to suit your mind the best, yet once in a while you may get the truth. From one of your friends such as father, mother, brother or sister, they will be very apt to tell the truth, yet it is not always their own willful fault, but ignorance of the spirits — they do not eat wisdom by the spoonful here any more than they do on earth. See your wise men, how much do they know? If they were wise they would prohibit wars. But all this is for selfish gain. So also is the material mediums and fortune tellers for a dollar. Again someone wants to get rich and asks advice in mining, but the advice fails, their spiritual seance is a humbug, because they can not get rich. The truthful and pure medium does not work for riches — they do not get rich under spirit control. The King- dom of Heaven is not bought with gold, but with good deeds and love for all. Material wealth will not correspond to pure spirit. Mat- erial wealth induces a worrisome life, but for all that you rather have it than anything else. Naked you came, but pure, and naked you go, but poor, and have nothing on earth or in spirit life. If you were to steal a world and give it to the poor, you have no reward, you must have something your- self. That is to be pure in mind and spirit and you will be blest. If you would steal a world, you would be the greatest robber ever known — how much misery would you cause by it? But friends, he that takes the shirt off his back, or he that gives his last penny, has given a world to the poor. Remember this does not really mean to sell your house and home and give it to the poor; but it means, help all in dis- tress, even if it is inconvenient for you; yet this has been done in ancient times by many. Appolonius gave his wealth to the poor, keeping but very little for himself and all he made or that was given him, he gave to the poor; one man gave him $300 for curing a serious disease, but he gave it all to the poor. There you see he pulled his shirt off his back and gave it to the poor. 118 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Where is the man now-a-days that will do that? Yet your prisons and poor-houses are full of people, in spite of your robbing and killing for gain. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Age and Weight of the Earth; Age of the Human Race Etc. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: To find the age of the earth, take one ounce of fine sand and count every grain of the same, then multiply this sum by 1000 years, the product or sum gives you the correct age of the earth. To find the weight of the earth, find the cubic contents in feet; the one-sixteenth of this sum is water and fifteen- sixteenths is solid matter, multiply the latter by 130 and the former sum, representing the water by 64 and adding the two sums is the weight of the earth in pounds; which if de- sired, may be changed into tons by dividing this sum by 2000. To find the number of inhabitants of the earth past and present, take one pint of sand and find the number of grains it contains and multiply this sum by 1000 people and you have the correct sum. To find the produce raised on the earth; remember only one man out of five, on an average, is a producer, or in other words one man supports five, or four men live off of one man. The height of the Universe can never be obtained; there is a darkness surrounding it that can not be penetrated, but there is no end, or side, top or bottom; all is protected by darkness. Some of this darkness when needed is lightened and the Universe is thus extended; all this is a mystery, but still the universe is building yet more light, more territory, more settlements or continents or room. This is from the ruling spirit of our earth. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. The Book Divinely Designed to Bring About a Needed Change of Religion. Dictated by Eearthiel, Ruler of this Earth Under Orders. Friend: The reason we stopped your change to the spirit world is you are needed on earth to finish the book as there is something more to be added to the same, but we will let you come here as soon as possible. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 119 Friend: This book or books are of more value than you have any idea of. It will bring a change of religions. We ask the kindness of you and your friend to be our messengers on earth and you shall and will be rewarded to the fullest extent. Friend there is no such book on the earth; if there ever was it has been destroyed. This book shall live forever, be- cause it is Divinely designed; again it shall go over the wholo world and it will also be reprinted in several places. Friend this message comes from the seventh (7th) circle or sphere, where all such orders are looked after. Approved: Earthiel, Rule-r of the Earth Under Orders. (Rules and Habits in Spirit Life. Dictated by Felix Goran, A Spirit Messenger. Friends: Take notice of what I tell you; You think you are perfect — everyone is right in his own mind. But you have much to learn yet, you do not know anything. \ You have not even good manners; if you had you would not con- tradict each other, much less curse each other, or defraud each other. Take lessons from the spirits, they never contra- dict, neither man or spirits, or argue the case with you. They talk to the point and never refer to other spirits, it is all their own wisdom. All your lies, talk and nonsense is dropped in spirit life, all is to the point and truth, silence and happiness. Silence is Heaven, noise is hell. An educated spirit will not tell you more than he knows, but men will tell you more than they know. Felix Coran, Spirit Messenger. Approved: Daniel, Ruler in Spirit Life. The Ten Commandments. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The ten commandments were written by Man and not by the finger of God. If God had written the ten commandments, they would be obeyed in the same manner as the Sun, Moon and Stars obey His laws; and in the same manner as Summer, Winter and all 1 vegetation obey His laws; it could not be otherwise. God permits man to make his own laws, if they would only be obeyed, we would have a different class of people on this Earth. The people could not refuse to obey the laws of God, no more than the Sun, Moon and Stars can refuse to evolute in their courses, places and time. 120 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS If God had written and made the laws there would be no need of Congress; everything would run in order to the minute. God has never written a book or books or talked to Man, no one has ever seen God, no one has ever heard God, and He has never changed His Mind in regard to man, nor the glory that God shall reveal in you. God has made His laws, and they are not and can not be changed; His laws do not need changing like man's laws, neither does God change His mind; if He did, He could not be depended upon. God is forever the same God. In regard to where Angels came from and what they were before they became angels is hard to say. Angels as you call them are minor Gods. There was no beginning of angels and never will they end, they have always existed. Will mankind ever become angels? No. Angels were and are spirits, they never had a physical body and are God's mes- sengers to do His will. The Heavens are for the hosts of God. Every angel has his office from God and is pure and wise in that line; angels carry out their duties to perfection. There are seven Heavens. A spirit from the spirit world could not look into Heaven for brightness. Spirits from the earth are inferior to angels and will never reach that stage; but yet, Oh, the glory and happiness that is waiting for hu- manity can not be expressed in words. Spirits from the earth will develop by degrees, from one degree to another, in time they will also have ruled over something. Teachers rule from one man to thousands. The lowest office is your guide, he then becomes a teacher and so on to the last. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Universe. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: In regard to the universe, there are more worlds than men can count, also the same of heavens; even the wisest spirits have no idea of the universe, they can not tell where it begins and where it ends, and what there is on tho other side of it. There are worlds above yours and worlds below yours. Your world or Earth is only a handful of earth, not to be noticed if it would sink. There are millions and billions of oceans, lakes and rivers and nearly all are inhabited by something. There are better earths than yours and also worse ones. There are earths, the inhabitants of which do not work, everything grows wild there. Even the THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 121 Angels do not know all the universe; all are different from each other. There are earths or planets without number; the same of the heavens; so do not bother yourself about it. You will be none the wiser. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Be Perfect As Your Father In Heaven Is Perfect. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: This is a grand mistake, no matter who said it. It was not intended to be like God. If it had been you would all be like Him. You could not be like Him if you tried ever so hard. If you give your live body to the flames, it would not make you perfect, even if you tried ever so hard, because you fail in knowledge. If you were perfect you would have nothing more to learn. You may keep pure, but that is not perfect. Children are pure but not perfect; children are not born in sin, they receive the nature that corresponds to the earth, or as you call it, with the nature of the earth. You could not be perfect on earth there are too many hindrances; it would be impossible, even in spirit life. You will never be perfect like our Father in heaven. To perfection belongs wisdom, power and goodness, all mighty, all pure, all good, all over the universe. No, men can be like that. God is spirit, none can compare with Him, none have the power and wisdom of God, none will ever have it, and God was never man and man was never God. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. It Is the Will of God That Man Should Live in Accordance. To His Will. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: The high spirit rulers hold their offices under Divine authority, to execute and administer the laws and the will of God. These same officers make known to humanity what is required of them in order to live according to the will of God. 1st. Mankind has been and now is a free agent, i.e., it is his own choice to be and to do good or evil, yet he is held responsible for all of his deeds, words and thoughts. 2nd. Good and evil must exist; without which there could not be any rewards or punishments, neither could there be any progress. 122 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 3rd. It is the will of God that all mankind be good and do good. 4th. Every man should earn his own living in an honorable way; and no man should live on the earnings of other 5th. That every person should do to others, as he wishes others to do to him. 6th. That every man, according to his ability, should assist the worthy needy and those in distress, without expecting anything in return. 7th. That man can only receive God's blessings and wisdom in proportion to his, or her, purity of body, mind and spirit. 8th. That there is no forgiveness of sins, but that every man must work out his own salvation. 9th. That man must not speculate or gamble, nor try by cunning schemes to possess himself of the earnings of his fellow man. 10th. That all men should live together in harmony and peace. 11th. That all men should obey the laws of the land, nature's laws and the Divine laws and that he must not take any of these laws into his own hands for execution. 12th. That man should trust in God, above everything else, and try to advance in the knowledge of the truth, which in turn will advance him in purity of body, mind and spirit. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. P. S. Women and children, although not mentioned are no exceptions to the above rules. The Solar System. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: The Sun is an electric ball or sphere and keeps all the planets in motion; he has a weight of about forty (40v times the weight of your Earth and is about forty (40) times larger than your Earth. The Sun does not throw off any THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 123 material substance, but heat, light and electric force, and turns around on his own axis, like a machine wheel, yet stays in his own place. If the Sun was to throw off substance, it would soon get lighter and lose force. If all the planets were the children of the sun there would not be anything left of him, and where would be the center of your solar system? And what would hold the planets in their places and give them light etc.? And the earth would be in constant dark- ness. There are some earths or planets that receive their light from the Sun, although they do not belong to our solar system. The Sun must keep his weight and functions or the Earth would be ruined. The Sun and planets, including the Earth, were formed from the material contained in the air; each ingredient finds its place, wherever it is needed by an attraction commanded by the Creator. The air is full of all kinds of chemical ele- ments and by the command of the Creator, they will be drawn on according to need and will then solidify to solid matter, called by you earth; but all this takes time; the same as a chemist mixes different ingredients together and produces solid matter or fluids. This process is going on constantly, in order to build up and repair the Universe. Every man who builds or improves something, is helping to build up the Universe, on a very small scale. There are earths or planets, they are neither earth nor heavens, too good for man to live there, yet good enough for Angels; the pure educated spirits, who never had a material body, inhabit them. It is futile to try to tell man of these things, when they have wise men who pretend to count the stars and give them names and tell where they are, they are not there, because the whole universe is constantly moving; the same as the waters in the ocean; if this were not so, all would rot and lose life, the same as man. All is in constant motion, un- known to man, his wisdom is too short to catch a glimpse of the Universe. Approved: Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. 124 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS The Sun Is Not A Ball of Fire. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: The Sun is not intensely hot, as claimed, but it is the electric current, which is sent out by the sun, which, when it meets resistance, striking the Earth, produces warmth and heat. The Earth and planets travel clear around the Sun; and this motion produces the four seasons, Spring. Summer, Autumn and Winter. In regard to the 12 signs of the Zodiac, they are on the path of the Moon. In making its tour, it passes through or over them 12 times in a year. It is not the Sun that travels through the signs, but it is the signs which travel around the sun, which is called by you to go through them. This is wrong. The Sun gives light and heat to many earths or stars, the most of which are inhabited by people. The Sun, Moon and Planets do not lose any time in their courses, but your Earth does not keep up with its real time in its course, but varies very little, not to be noticed by man. The Universe constantly repairs or replenishes all of its losses, by drawing on the necessary elements from the air; on the other hand the Universe constantly supplies the air with the necessary elements. If this were not so, the Uni- verse could not keep up its repairs, much less make improve- ments. Heaven and Earth will never pass away, but will get better and more beautiful every day, all over the Universe. The Moon is less than one half the size of the sun. Its distance from the Earth is less than one half of the distance from the Earth to the Sun. It is also comparatively uniform or steadfast in keeping this distance from the Earth. If the Moon was to travel the distance, as claimed by man, it would interfere with the rest of the planets; it is your Earth that turns and shows the different phases of the moon. The Moon is inhabited by people and for it to travel 12 times a year around the Earth, the inhabitants could not live on it. The Moon is magnetic and rules water and darkness mostly. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun, but with very little force, compared with the sun. The Moon presents a rough country, full of rocks, some of which broke off or rolled off and fell onto the Earth, and contained iron and some granite. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 125 Only such stars that take journeys, you call planets; yet no man ever found out the correct paths these planets do take. Approved: Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. The Earth and Its Humanity. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: In regard to the humanity on your earth, I know of a truth there is no other world on which the people are so wicked as the people on your earth, yet there are a few good people in comparison to the many evil ones. There is nothing that can be done, except a complete conversion to the fullest obedience of all laws, whether they are Divine, Nature's, or the laws of the land, they should be obeyed. Unless this is speedily done, there is no other remedy than to cause wars, famines and pestilence to wipe your race ot people from the earth. Murders, robberies and evil deeds of all kinds are constantly getting worse. In spite of all this your people end either in prison or in the poorhouse. If you could see what I see for you, hereafter you would be so horrified that it would kill you in the flesh. But there is a day coming, when all these evil deeds, words and thoughts will have to be accounted for, wthout judge or jury and you go where you belong; not to the happy daylight spheres, but to the cold, dark satellite, the prison of the spirit world and the place of torment. When the rich will hardly escape punishment, how will the unGodly and the sinners fare? They will get exactly what they have chosen, good or evil. Mankind was pure, when put on this earth, but not wise; if God had put murderers and robbers on this earth, he could not expect anything else, for like begets like, and like finds like, and like attracts like, all over the universe, because judgment is not executed immediately upon the evil deeds, you have no fear of God. You have only one minute on this earth, in comparison with eternity, in that one minute you can ruin your happiness forever. I would rather be even the most disgusting rattle 126 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS snake than a king, a ruler, or a capitalist. They are all in the same boat, or course. You have everything but goodness and these diseases are bound to be cured. Ye rich men, you have no time for even a good thought for humanity and will not help a person in great distress ana need. However that class of men will curse their birthday in eternity and wish that the mountains would fall over them and cover them forever. Oh, what a place of torment! But you all work for that place, more or less; and you will get what you worked for, Good or Evil. There is no forgiveness of sins in eternity. He that can do good and does it not, to him this is sin. You all came onto this earth naked but pure, and you leave it naked but poor. Where is your gain for your journey on earth? You have worked hard to get into this hell and you are entitled to it; it will take you three times as long to get out of it, as it has taken to get into it. Remember all evil deeds are punished threefold, all good deeds are rewarded sevenfold; and even with that your evil deeds outweigh your good deeds. There is no exchange to blot out your evil deeds by your good deeds; you have to suffer for, or work out all your evil deeds and your good deeds stand to your credit; when pure enough you are rewarded for your good deeds. Remember all impure spirits land at once after death in the Earth-plane, no spirit can enter, even into the First, or the Mental and Magnetic plane or circle of the spirit world, until he has obtained a certain degree of purity. Approved: Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. A Secret for Humanity. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: I will give you a secret for the human race, if you were wise you could raise children that would be Saints instead of being devils. The parents are far more responsible for the character of their children than they dream of. I know there were a few women, who knew how to raise chil- dren and how to train them, but when they were lecturing on that subject, they were arrested and imprisoned; evidently your people preferred to raise murderers and robbers, than to listen to the truth. The seed you sow will germinate and produce the same kind as it sprung from; like begets like. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 127 The offspring of the human beings will have a human form, but the God-spark animating that humanity, is inherited at conception, it may be weak or strong, it may also be trained for good or evil; although this may not be known to your ignorance. The God-spark, or consciousness, or the Divine Ego (all express the same thing) is inherited at conception, but not the spirit, which is received at birth. The Divine Ego takes its seat in the spirit. The spirit can live, and after death, does live, without the material body and it can also live without the Divine Ego, as is the case in second death. But if this be the case, then the spirit becomes merely an animal in human form (known as human elemetary) but has no share in spiritual happiness, because there is nothing Godly left in him, he belongs to the animal race in human form. That class of spirits inhabit the dark satellite forever; there is no redemption for them throughout eternity. But if good seed is sown and good education, good ex- amples and good companions are furnished the offspring up to maturity, or up to manhood or womanhood, the seed will be deeply rooted and the result will be truly good men and good women, and a great blessing to the human race. Again women and children should never go to disgusting places, such as horse races, or where animals are being killed, or to animal shows etc., and especially women during preg- nancy should have the best of care and whatever they wish for during that time. Children should not be fed on animal food, only fish and a light diet, they should not have any liquors or spices, but plenty of milk and the finest sort of vegetables, such that grow above the ground and are cured in the sun. This will give the child a good temperament; but things that grow in the ground, such as all kind of roots and potatoes ruin the child's stomach and give it a coarse nature and looks. Also occupation has an effect upon the person, rough oc- cupations will also make the person rougher etc. All has its influence upon the subject; even colors are not without a slight influence on man, although he may not know it. Friend: You may call me, when no others answer your call. Because I am independent of the planetary spirit rulers. 128 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS I am an earth ruler, below them in station, but not in know- ledge; I have nothing to do with them or they with me, neither has anyone anything to do with the others if he is a ruler, what orders they need they get direct from head- quarters. In the spirit world there is not one thousandth part of the orders or changes as are on your earth. Everyone is treated different from another, because he is different and all must correspond, but as stated before this Universe is too great for man to learn much about it; even the Angels know but very little about it in comparison to its size. How much could man know of it? The main thing is to learn what you need, what you do not need is a waste of time. The Angels in heaven do not know all, yet they are wise and holy. Could man learn and know, in comparison to them? I have given you a good outline of material things, more than anyone knows on Earth. Approved: Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Mediumship and How It May Be Obtained. Written by J. F. Sanders Under Spirit Directions. To become a medium of note, one that can call the high Divine planetary spirit rulers and is able to converse with them in the manner as men converse with each other, is very difficult. To reach this exalted station in earth-life, requires: 1st. It requires an organism suited for that purpose. 2nd. It requires practise and devotion to a life of purity in body, mind and spirit, charity and kindness to humanity as well as to animals. 3d. It requires that all material pursuits be dropped and in- stead of same a devoted study and practise of things spir- itual, with a strong and firm belief in the almighty Creator and his ruling Angels and spirits be persisted in. Such a course, if the organism is suitable, will lead any person upward, step by step, until he or she reach the desired aim. They will receive wisdom, which also implies power, in strict proportion to their purity, and no more; in this way thej r will be assisted to perform many wonderful things, especially in curing diseases. But the high spirit rulers, nor even educated human spirits, will never give advice, how to make money, or how to get richness, nor will they give any advice in things material. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 129 Any person, who will live a truly spiritual life, i.e., a life of purity, in body, mind and spirit, even though he may not have an organism that will enable him to hear the voice of spirits, will advance in spirituality, in the same manner; and may develop other phases of mediumship, such as claravoy- ance — the lucid sight of the spirit — or psychometry, or he may become an impressional medium, or he may have visions that may direct him what to do. Or he may be given directions through other mediums, but in any case, he is guided and pro- tected by the high spirit rulers, as soon as he advanced beyond the material plane of life. It is comparatively easy to acquire the material, or the first degree of mediumship. But remember in this state of development, the high planetary spirit rulers can not come to 3^ou; neither can the spirits, who have advanced to the first circle, or the first heaven for human spirits, communicate through such material mediums. It is mostly the spirits from the earth-plane, still undeveloped, that manifest through a material medium. If both the medium and the one consulting the medium, are strictly horest and truthful, they will get true and reliable information; but even if the medium is ail right, but the person consulting the medium is not truthful, then the information, in most cases, will correspond to the character of the querist. The same thing may occur, if the querist is all right but the medium is not truthful. Like attracts like; this is true in earth-life and much more so in spirit-life. The material medium, who considers mediumship merely as a trade or profession to make money or a good living, can not attract the better class of spirits who are still on the earth-plane of spirit-life, much less the advanced human spirits, and still less the planetary spirit rulers. The only spiritual beings that can be attracted by such material med- iums, at best, are the ignorant and uneducated spirits of the earth-plane; but in most cases they can not even attract the latter, but they attract human elementaries, who are much worse than even the animal elementaries and the elementals What are human elementaries? They are, or were, human spirits one time, from whom the Divine Ego has been taken away because they have, on account of their depravity, sunk 130 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS below the human-plane, and are in this condition a mere beast but retain their human form and shape, without a good thought for humanity or the great Creator. What are elementals? They are spiritual entities, without wisdom or education. Some of them are harmless, some are mischievous, some are vicious, and some are funny, etc. Most all of these elementaries and elementals, as controls of med- iums, pull them down to their own level and thus demoralize the mediums and ruin them for life. To explain this subject in detail would require more than one large volume, and therefore can not be given here in its entirety. However if parents knew that their state of mind prior to, and at conception of their offspring, does not only form char- acter, but also the organism and form of their offspring, they could have perfect children by applying that knowledge to themselves. In this manner the human race could be brought up to a very high plane of superiority over the present state of humanity. Approved: E. Haberstroh, Medium for the High Plane tary Spirit Rulers. The Mind. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: The Mind is subject to the orders from the mater- ial body, provided it is fair and honest. (No trifles will take effect.) The Mind is both spiritual and material and is the agent for both( the material and the spiritual Egos) and is always for good, if not overpowered by the material Ego, or desires. The Mind is a vapor of power, an etherial force not seen by nor known to man. It will obey the Voices of either of the two egos; according to its strength, wisdom and purity. Some minds are strong, some are weak and some are idiotic. A good mind exists in every real good person, and his orders will be obeyed according to its strength and goodness, and no more. This has been a secret and it is a secret yet, because the people can not see and comprehend these things. They think a mind is a mind, in one as well as in all other persons. Remember it is not every mind that can comply with your requests; if weak it can not do so; if strong it can and will act to induce health to the fullest extent of its strength. It also depends on THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 131 the person's vitality, goodness and purity. No one ever asked these questions, therefore they are secrets and what little is known of this great subject came by chance. Again the mind rules the human body from the head down to the solar plexus by or through the head or brain; and from the solar plexus down by or through the solar plexus. The latter is material and therefoer is under orders of the higher power, than itself. The solar plexus is the center of the human body and the division of the higher and lower parts. It has no sense of its own, but is sensitive like the Mind, but it is the receiver and the giver, according to the orders of yourself and of its own strength and your own goodness and thereby your command is obeyed. Yet as stated before, it depends much on the operator. He should be trained and also good. Then the ignorant will say: "Why can not I do the same?" Why can't you lift as much as some other man? Because you are not strong enough. A foo 1 is a fool wherever he may be. There is also one more process that may be used. It is the laying on of hands. The right hand is positive and the left is negative — by laying the hand on the head to cause a magnetic or electric feeling, or a slight shock through the system, to revive it. But that is mostly too weak with the present human race, so I will not give any direction for its usage. The above is sufficient for all cases. Approved: Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Civilization on Earth. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler of the Earth Under Orders Friend: In regard to your civilization, you have none. Two thirds of the people on your earth are not as good as the wild beasts. All beasts protect their young, also all males never fight their females; all beasts of the same family sel- dom fight each other. Wild beasts will feed their young and never destroy them, like the human beings. A family of beasts can and do live together without war and even care for each other to some extent; without a law, church, or judge or jury. That is the beast. Now where is man in com- parison with the beasts? Fine feathers do not make fine principles. » Two thirds of your people are wolves in sheeps clothing. Friend, a man is not always safe among your race 132 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS of people if he has any money. I see and know of some, called the best of friends have killed one another, in some families for gain, and this is your humanity. I know of many people on other planets, who are not as wise as your people but they live in harmony. The spirit world even has to have a prison for the spirits from your earth. If your millionaires had one good spark in them; they would relieve all 1 this suffering. But Oh, some day they will be where the poor and sufferers are now, and no helping hand will be extended to them . The poor had hell on earth, but this will be reversed in the spirit life. Approved: Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. The Universe Is Still Building. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: The Universe is endless, topless and bottomless and as much as I know about it I will tell you, and that is very little in comparison to its vast extensions without end. But remember it never had a beginning and never will have an end; it is not yet finished, it is changing all the time; it is protected by darkness on the outside of the settlements as you would call it. This darkness has no settlements or any living thing in it; it is a territory unknown to all spirits and angels. But it has been noticed by old spirits that the light is penetrating into it, and is dispersing this darkness and that new territories, or better to say, new and large landscapes or worlds of great beauty make their appearances. Yet in this darkness there is no breath for anything to live in. There is no end to space or time. I know there are earths or planets as numerous as the sands of the seas. Oh, how- little we know of this mighty Creator, who has the whole universe under His command! And still I, as a ruler and master of the earth under orders from the first circle, or heavens, have not seen this mighty and wise Creator yet; or have seen any other spirit that has seen Him, and yet I get my orders from the first circle or heaven, although I have not been there yet. I can not tell you any more of this darkness, only it is a mighty darkness it can almost be felt, and yet it' is clearing off by degrees. By this we believe that the universe is not THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 133 yet completed and inhabited like your earth. Even your earth is rising, as it is getting lighter, to a certain degree, to help to improve humanity. I see all things are changing from one thing to another, with a centripetal and also centri- fugal force. I have often talked with old and wise spirits about these things, and they are lost in wisdom, the same as you may be lost in the woods. Still all spirits I know, or talked with, claim this mighty Creator, although no one ever saw him, yet the universe goes on like clockwork, every person gets his rights and dues, without delay or respect of person. I know there are places, called by you heavens, of the greatest beauty, which would blind a man in the flesh to look at them; when I look at some I am permitted to see and then look at your people and earth, I say to myself: "I thank God that I am not one of your people on earth. I sincerely believe that you are the worst people in existence and you look so small and dirty to me and are so grabbing for the things of this earth. There are many different people and spirits inhabiting other planets, you would be ashamed to see some of them, yet all are better than the people on your earth with their locked doors. Approved: Earthiel, Planetary Spirit Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Healing by Spirit Power. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Friend: A good developed and faithful medium and a sick person, pure enough are required. Then drop all material things, do not worry and be careful about eating too much and believe that you will be well. Then let the medium call on a spirit that has power to build up or tear down and also to heal. Raphael has all such powers, and also Cassiel 1 and Samuel. These are three planetary angels or spirits of high standing, who will answer your call and tell you what to do. If worthy or pure or good enough you will be cured. Remem- ber disease is sin, or originates from sin, such as intemperance in eating, drinking, worrying, working too hard or not enough, cursing and madness; all these things disease the brain, the brain diseases the mind and this will disease the body at its weakest place and sickness is the result, sooner or later, ac- cording to the constitution. 134 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS Spirits can and will cure you if the conditions are good, if not they will tell you the truth. Approved for the above named three planetary spirit rulers by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Experience of Empress Catharina in the Spirit World. Dictated by Herself. Friend: We have no titles or pride of our past life on this plane of existence, which would be very foolish for the best of us. I see all things now in the clear light; I am surprised to see what great values you place on your earthly wealth and to see how little it is looked at here, for it is not real. Now I never had the pride that others have in my place. I am glad of it. I am glad I am off this earth in the body with all its trials and fears to go through with; for that reason I am in a better condition here than I was on earth, but not on account of my royalty, but on account of my sympathy. It is worth more than a kingdom. Friend, I am so glad I found one friend on earth to express myself to. I am not proud because I held the highest title of all women, but I am proud of having lived the life I did. I hope more of the people will see this message. I have never made a god of wealth and when I landed in the spirit world I had nothing to drop in a material way — only friends — I could tell much more, but I will not bother myself with material things. But in closing I say this: Your wealth is no happiness; it is a commodity and you pay for it some- where. There is nothing given for nothing, you have to work for it. Oh, how I would like to give royalty a lecture. Goodbye. Catharina. (The mother of Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm of Ger- many. Approved by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler. The Sale of Land. Dictated by Earthiel, Spirit Ruler and Master of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: The greatest curse on any continent or planet is to sell the land, because it makes the land-owner the lord and the persons that are not able to buy it the servants. The lords soon get the upper hand find cause poverty. The people on other planets work in different ways. On some of the planets families are working by themselves. On other planets, and especially on the planet Venus, all the pec- THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 135 pie have everything in common; on all of such planets hunger, wars and poverty are unknown and they have no need for money, as they neither buy nor sell anything. They have plenty of all kinds of minerals and gold and silver, but the latter two are mostly used for dishes and other purposes. I, as ruler and master of your earth from the time when this earth came to be inhabited by people, know more planets than your earth, but of all the people I do know none are in such a poor condition as the people on your earth, because you sell the land and are the most greedy people in the universe. But remember, I will bring about a change, in due time, so that no one can buy or sell land. Who has created this earth and brought it into existence? Where did the first land- lord get his title from? The whole universe is mine, saith the Lord, and I will give my angels charge to bring the high down and to raise the low onto an equality with the high. These things must come in time. You shall have no other gods on earth. I will destroy your power and turn it into shame. There is a feast awaiting you, with music for some and sorrow for others. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler and Master of the Earth under orders. The Way of the World. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: I could give you a correct history of this entire world, but it would not better or change existing conditions in any way. It only would bring sorrow to your homes, and you have already enough to carry your own burdens, although you do not know it, but you will know it before long; there is no remedy for it. You know you have robbed and killed the natives of Amer- ica, and only a few men have the bulk of your produced wealth; therefore I can truly say twenty-five of your people can and do feast while seventy-five must fast. All of your great accumulations of wealth are gotten in sin. But honest bread is a reward to him who eats it. Remember, naked you came onto this earth but pure, an i naked you must leave it but poor. THE DIVINE REVELATIONS All things in nature have their re-actions; it was and it is still intended so far and no farther. Nature in herself has her own laws to act with in accordance to her needs. See man, who is a world in himself; he is first in his infancy, then be- comes a man and when his virility is gone what is he then? He is even hated by his own relations. If he has wealth they want him, if he has none they want him out of the way on earth all for gain. There is nothing on earth as good as the queen bee. They all live in peace and all do their work without force or fear. But all things have to be accounted for by everyone, then and there you will be ruled with a rod of iron. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. The Uses of Magnetism. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of This Earth Under Orders. Friend: If you only knew it, you can use your magnetism for good or bad purposes, for love or hatred, for friendship or fear, also to cure sickness and diseases, but be sure you use it only for good and honorable purposes. To cure diseases by magnetism does not work well in some cases. Some persons have so little of it that it can not be influenced, but magnetism is powerful, and it can be drawn from dogs and cats. How- ever, I will not tell you how this is done, for fear the vulgar people make evil use of it. Magnetism may also be drawn from horses but not from cattle, although they have also mag- netism, but it is not advisable to do so. If you are pure enough you could astonish the world with it. It is not under- stood. Magnetism is not psychology. The latter is a force of mind over mind; this is also a powerful force that only the few can make practical use of, but it is the key to immortality for all people. Psychology if properly understood and practised enables the operator to send the spirit of his subject anywhere and everywhere, even to distant planets and into the spirit world and learn all about it. In spite of all these things the ignorant will say it is a fraud; the wisdom of such people is in itself a fraud. Notice! If you are doing anything on this earth, you must be master of it. If, however, you are not master of it you make a failure of it. The one that practises psychology must not wear out his magnetism by hard manual work, but must preserve it for mental work. The two kinds of labor must THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 137 not be mixed up, or one or the other or both will result in failures. This is not black magic, but purely mental work, which the vulgar mind should not be permitted to practise. But he that is pure in mind and spirit does not know any limits to his power — he can overcome all obstacles; this does not mean to gain law-suits, but to keep out of them. He will not study half the night how to make money, or how to defraud his neighbor, but he will have a contented mind, which is a continual feast. Again anything that does not make you rich, you care nothing for. How many are there out of one hundred average men that are self-supporting at the age of 60 years? The Government statistics show that out of one hundred men fifty have died before they reach the age of 35 years and at 60 years only two are rich, two are self-supporting and the rest are depending on their children for a living or are in the poor- house, so you see how far your wisdom is extended; yet ye are the only ones that are right; yet your ignorance would build up mountains, while your wisdom would not be noticed. Approved: Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Farewell Messages. Dictated by Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Friend: All is mystery to all of you on earth. It is not intended for all people to know these things except a few chosen ones, who are worthy to know the secrets of the for- mation of the earth and the spirit-life. You and your friend are blest and will be rewarded for all you have done and you may do hereafter. Friend: Your time is too short to do any more in that line — but you will undoubtedly keep on in spirit life on these same lines, and so will your friend. This is no flattery on my part, but the simple truths. I also hope to see you soon in spirit-life, so you can talk to me face to face. This is my sincere wish, in truth. , Earthiel, Ruler of the Earth Under Orders. Farewell Message. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friend: I also give my thanks to both of you for your services in trying to improve the condition of humanity, which is of the greatest necessity at the present time. But as your time is short and you have done all you could do, we leave 138 THE DIVINE REVELATIONS your friend to finish the rest, in order that all of the messages and even the secrets, are brought to the people. All of these messages were not written for pastime, but for the betterment of humanity. Approved: Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Farewell Message. Dictated by Raphael, Planetary Spirit Ruler in Truth. Friend: I, Raphael, also am a witness to all of these mes- sages, that they were written for the elevation of humanity and not for selfish gain and we all assisted for these purposes. We are thankful to you for your patience and your services. Raphael, in Truth to All, Planetary Spirit Ruler. Farewell Message. Dictated by Anael, Planetary Spirit Ruler of Venus. Friend: I, Anael, will also give you a farewell message and state that I am proud of what I gave you of our planet (Venus) . It may have an impression on many. I am not flattering either one of you, but I am glad that all of these messages will come before the people. I also know they are not man's imagina- tion. They could not be, but they are the truth of the ruling spirits of wisdom and power; reason would tell any man that these messages were not written for pastime. No man could write them of himself, if he tried. It is the truth of the ruling spirits, and not of undeveloped spirits who do not know these things. I will close with thanks for my part of your services to us all. Approved: Anael, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Venus. Farewell Message. Dictated by Cassiel, Ruler of the Planet Saturn. Friend: In regard to our messages, we are thankful to both of you, for writing and publishing our messages. Friend, as your time is short and your work is done on earth, it will still go on spreading all over this earth. Although I have not done much towards giving messages I know them all and I knov/ they are all true, so I can and hereby I do testify that they are all true and are given by the wisdom and power of the high spirits. Anyone that will attempt to counterfeit these messages or issue any others in our name will surely be pun- ished here and hereafter. Cassiel, Spirit Ruler of the Planet Saturn THE DIVINE REVELATIONS 139 Acknowledgement of the Truth of These Messages. Dictated by Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Friends: Both of you have done wonders for the spirit world as well as for humanity; remember there is nothing done in vain, let it be ever so little, it will be a benefit accord L ing to its strength and power. I am not flattering anyone, but I say this in truth — I have known this medium for forty-two years, and gave him advice in material things, which I could do then, but could not do now, as we have both advanced out of all material things, and therefore I can safely say he and his friend Sanders, the two who are writing these messages and are getting them before the world — not for selfish gain or popularity but for the good of humanity, and without any outside assistance but for the good they can do — all this will put the people to studying — and the good the book containing these messages will do, can not be paid or bought with money — the kingdom of heaven can not be bought with gold. I approve of all these messages, for they are all from the ruling spirits having been given under the best of conditions. Daniel, Spirit Ruler. Farewell Message. Dictated by Gabriel, Spirit Ruler of the Moon. Friends: I have done little towards your progress, so I will not go any farther than to acknowledge the truth of these messages and the sincerity of both you and your friend. In truth. Gabriel, Spirit Ruler of the Moon. To Our Spirit Band. Our spirit friends, we most certainly appreciate your great favors and thank you all, collectively and individually, very sincerely for the great trust and high honor you have reposed and conferred upon us; we devotedly pray our Heavenly Father to bless you all and each one of you, and to give us wisdom and purity, to enable us to do the work you have intrusted to us in strict conformity to your instructions and desires. Amen, amen. ERNEST HABERSTROH, JOHN F. SANDERS.