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WIiroER JOHTTSO?! 209 SOUTH THIRD STWSm PHILADJtlLPHlA, PA. THE AN CESTRY OF ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON Daughter of George Calvert Morris and Elizabeth Kuhn, his wife COMPILED BY R. WINDER JOHNSON SECOND VOLUME 1^ i "Hi. .*• AS ■^• 1908 PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY PHILADELPHIA Author PREFATORY NOTE. After The Ancestry of Rosalie Morris Johnson had been placed in the hands of the printers, tlie compiler visited Antwerp, where he was impressed by the fact that much interesting data could be added to the record of the Stier family. In the present volume a few additional English lines have also been included, and some additions and corrections made to the first volume. R. W. J. Philadelphia, June, 1907. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Arents 26 Arundell I Axtell 3 Beliefs 6 Brandt 23 Chart of Ancestry, excepting the Flemish i Chart of Flemish Ancestry, facing 23 Cheyney - Corrections and Additions to first vol- ume 67 Crosland 8 Daemen 24 de Moy 23 IIN CROSLAND. — I WILLIAM CROSLAND. = Agnes, daughter of Clarke, of Morton, Der- byshire. RICHARD CROSL.\ND = Joane, daugliter of I of Nottingliamshire. Norman, Marina or Mariona, daughter == THOMAS CROSI-AND, of Crosland Hill. ^ Joanna, second wife, buried of Walter Hawksworth (jf Hawksworth; first wife; buried at Almond- bury, 1565. in the Parish of Alnioiidbury, York- sliire. Died in 1587 while on a jour- ney to London; buried September 2, 1587- I \ riinnias. .Vnnc. at .\lmondbury, July 11, 1575- GRACI-: CKOSLAXn." Leonard Calvert of George. Luke. Kijiling in York- John. Lucy, sljire. Michael. Susannah. ' Dugdale's Visitation of Yorksliirc. I(i6^ and ifH>. - I'or descent from Grace Crosland and Leonard Calvert, see Volume I., page 9, where the name of Leonard Calvert's wife appears as Alicia Crossland. \ ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON HOWARD.i SIR TORN HOWARD, married Alice, daughter of Sir Robert Boys, Knight. In the 9th year of the reign of King Kdward III. he was constituted Admiral and Captain of the King's Navy in the north. Was Sheriff »f Norfolk and Suffolk in 1345- I" -21 Edward III. constituted Admiral of the whole fleet to the north- ward; and being a Banneret, assisted at the siege uf Calais, having in his retinue one Banneret, six Knights, 36 men-at-arms, and 35 archers on horseback. KING EDWARD rz: MARGARET, daugh- SIR ROBERT HOWARD, was aged 38 at the death of his mother in 1374. Died in the lifetime of his father, at East- Winch in Norfolk, July 18, 1388- : MARGERY, daugh- ter of ROBERT, LORD SCALES. SIR WILLIAM TENDRING, Knight; ::nd wife. I SIR JOHN HOWARD, who was ip ALICE, daughter of on March 10, 1388-9, retained to serve the King during his life. On July 2, 1405, he re- ceived order from the King to array all men in the county of Essex able to bear arms, and to muster them, and march in defence of the sea-coast against the French. Afterwards he took a voyage to Jerusalem, and there died, on November 17. 1437. but had sepulture at Stoke-Neyland in Suffolk. Was Sheriff of Essex and Hertford and of Cambridge and Hunt- ingdon. Knight of the Shire of Cambridge, 9th of Henry FIRST, of England, ter of PHILIP THE HARDY. KING OF FRANCE; 2nd wife. THOM.VS BROTH- ERTON. EARL OF NORFOLK. JOHN. LORD SE- GRAVE. JOHN, LORD MOW BRAY E. : MARGARET, daughter and heir. = ELIZABETH. I THOMAS MOW- BRAY, first DUKE OF NOR- FOLK. ELIZABETH, daughter of RICHARD FITZ ALAN. EARL OF ARUNDELL, I I SIR ROBERT HOWARD, eldest son of Sir John. — MARGARET, eldest daughter. I JOHN, LORD HOWARD, DUKE OF NORFOLK. In thirty-first year of tlie reign of King Henry VI. he accompanied John Talbot, Viscount Lisle, to Elay : and soon after marched with the Earl of Shrewsbury to the relief of Chastillon, then be- sieged by the French. Made Captain-General of all the King's forces at sea in 1470. Constituted Lord Admiral of England, Ireland and Aquitaine, in 1483. for life. " Being in the front of Richard's army at Bosworth-field, he was, with that King, slain there, August 22, 1485, 3 Rich. HI. from whence his corpse was conveyed to Thetford, and buried in the abbey-church." The Duke married, secondly, Margaret, daughter of Sir John Ched- worth or Chaworth, Knight. =: CATHARINE, MOLINES. daughter First wife. of WILLIAM. LORD ^ The Visitations of Norfolk, 1563, i^Sg, and 1613. Collins' Peerage, Volume I., pp. 53-83. lO THE ANCESTRY OF ELIZARKTII. daufihter of Sir FREDKRIC TILNEV, KniKht, and widow of Humphrey Rour- chier. Knight. Her will dated Nov. 6, 1506. First wife. = THOMAS HOWARD, DUKE OF NORFOLK. \Vas= Agnes Tilney.i page to Edward I\'. Was "sent to Charles, Duke Second wife, of Eurgon. in the begynning of the Wars betwyxt Kyng Lewes of Fraunce and the seid Duke Charles." Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 16 Edw. IV. In the battle of I'.osworth he had the leading of the archers, which King Richard so placed as a bulwark to defeiid the rest. Lord Treasurer, Lord High Steward and Earl Marshal of luiglaiid. Died May 21, 1524. EDMOND. LORD HOWARD, third son of the Duke, was Marshal of the Horse in the Battle of Flodden-tield in 5th Henry VIIL And in 1520, on the famous interview which King Henry VIIL had with Francis I. of France, where all feats of arms were per- formed, between Ardres and Guisnes for thirty days, was one of the challengers on the part of England. Also distin- guished himself in the expedi- tion which his elder brother made against the Scots, A. D. 1523. Died March 9, 30 Henry VIIL being then Comptroller of Calais and its marches. : JOYCE, daughter of Sir Richard CUL- PEPER. of Oxen- heath & Holling- biirn in Kent, Knight. First wife. I Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. married Anna, daughter of King Edward IV. Also married, Eliz- abeth, daughter of Edward, Duke of Cuckingham. I Lady Elizabeth Howard, married Thomas Bolleyn, Earl of Wiltshire. Lady Anne, Queen of I-lngland, wife of King Henry \'III. = Elizabeth, Queen England. of I Henry, d. y. I i Sir George Howard, Knight. Sir Charles Howard, slain in France. MARGARET.; : SIR THOMAS ARUNDELL.2 \ \ Catherine. 3th wife of King Henry \TIL Mary, married Edmund Traf- ford, of Traf- ford, in co. Lancaster, Esquire. — 1 — I Joyce, married John Stanney, of CO. Hunt- ingdon, Es- quire. Isabel, married Henry Rayn- ton. of Brora- ham, Wilts, Esquire. * Agnes, daughter of Sir Philip Tylney, according to the \*isitation; Collins* says daughter of Hugh Tilney. - For descent from Sir Thomas Arundell and Margaret Howard, see page 2. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON II KIRKBY, HOWBY AND SUTTON.' KIRKBY = John Kirkby, Bishop of Kly and Lord Chancellor of England. MA\VDE = GILBERT DE HOWBY Sir William Kirk- by, who died s. p. SIR WALTER HOWP.Y, Knight. = I SIR ANTHOINE HOWBY, Knight. = I SIR ANTHOINE HOWBY, Knight. = I I Cicely. Anne. SIR THOMAS SUTTON. = ALICE, daughter and heir of Huwhy. ANTHONIE SUTTON. Page to King Ilenry \'., and bore his Armour in the Warres of France. = I I I. Anthony. ::. John, died s. p. JUIIN B1:LLERS. = ELIZABETH.^ daughter of Anthonie Sutton. ^ The Visilation of the County of Lcict'stcrshirc, l6ig. - For descent from John Bellers and Elizabeth .Sutt. 'For descent from I\Iiles Philipson and Barbara Sandis, see page 16, and Volume I., page 16. THE ANCESTRY OF VILLIERS OF LEICESTERSHIRE. Arms/ Quarterly: i. Art^ciit. on a cross i^iiIcs fiz'C escallops or. s. Sable, a fess bctzvecn three ciiiqucfoils arij;ent. j. Ciiles. a chezron betiecen three cross crosslets fitchee argent. 4. Per pale gules and sable, a lion rampant argent. 5. Azure, a bend (untiuctured) betivcen si.v stars argent. 6. Argent, a cross vert, in the first and fourth quarters an aiuiulet of the last. Crest: A lion rampant crowned {untinctured). Collins- writes, " the name of this family, variously written \'illcrs, \^illiers, Vileres, \"ylcrs, &c., is doubtless descended of the ancient noble house of Villers, Seigniours of Lile-Adam in Normandy, and came into England at the time of the conquest, in 1066; for soon after Pagan de Villars was Lord of Crosby, in county Lancaster and was also possessed of Ncwbold. in county Nottingham, which his posterity held till the reign of Edward III. This Pagan was a witness to the foundation-charter of Roger of Poictou to the monastery of Lancaster, and flour- ished in the reign of William II. and Henry I. Pagan de \"illars was father of Gilbert cle Villars, whose son, Robert, had issue, William, the father of John de Villiers, whose son, Alexander de Villiers, was Lord of Brookesby, in Leicester- shire, and by his attorney appeared against Gilbert de Glen, chaplain, in a plea against him, that he should pay eight marks, the arrears of an annual rent of four marks then owing. This Alexander was father to Sir Nicolas de Villers, a renowned warrior, who, in 1268, following Edward I. into the Holy Land, relin- quished his paternal coat of arms, viz. Sable, three Cinquefoils, Argent, in allusion to the Cinque foile, the ancient arms of Beaumont, Earl of Leicester, from whose grant this family became possessed of lands in Leicestershire, and instead thereof assumed the Cross of St. George, the patron of his country, and five Escallop- shells on it, to shew the cause of his expedition, Ijeing ancient badges of those Croissades." Jonx Villiers,^ of Brokesby, son of Alexander, living in the sixth year of the reign of Edward the First, had issue. Sir George Villiers, of Brokesby, living seventeenth year of the reign of Edward Third, and John, mentioned below. JuiiN \'iLr,iERS, of Brokesby, was living the second year of the reign of Edward Third ; married Joane Symon and had issue, Alexander, John and William Millers all of Brokesby. John X'illiicrs, of Brokesby, son of the above John, had issue, Richard Villiers, of Brokesbv. 1 The l'i.^italioit of llw Couiify of Leicestershire. i6iq. ~Tlie Peerage of Eiigliiud, Arthur Collins (London, 1770), Volume IV.. p.iges 172-190. '■'■ This pedigree from the Visitation of Leicestershire, as above. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHXSON 19 Richard Villiers, " called of Brokesby," was living in the fifteenth year of the reign of Richard II. ; married Elizabeth. John Villiers, of Brokesby, son of the above, died in the fourth year of Henry I\\, leaving issue, John and William. William \'illiers, " de Brokesby," son of the above John, died in the twentieth of Edward IV. ; married Joanc, daughter and co-heir of John Bellers ; had issue the following. John \'illier.s, of Brokesby, who married Elizabeth Southwell " of Euer- ingham," and had Sir John Villiers and Christopher. Sir John \'illiers,^ of Brokesby, died in the twenty-second of Henry \'II. ; married Agnes, daughter of John Digby, and left among other chihlren, Sir George Villiers, who follows. Sir George Villiers, of Brokesby, Knight, died in 1605 ; married, first. Audrey, daughter of William Saunders of Harrington ; married, second, Mary, daughter of Anthony Beamont. Sir George Villiers had the following children : Francis ; Anne ; Elizabeth : Sir William ; Sir Edward, mentioned below : Sir John Villiers, created Baron of Stoke and Vicount Paurbeck by King James in 1619; Sir George Villiers, Marquis of Buckingham and afterwards Duke of Bucking- ham ;- Susan, wife of Sir William Feilding, Earl of Denbigh, and Sir Christo- pher Villiers. Sir Edward \'illiers, son of Sir George Villiers and brother of the great Duke of Buckingham ; married Barbara, daughter of Sir John St. John, of Lidiard, Wiltshire. " This Edward received the honour of Knighthood at Windsor, on September 7, 1616, and in 1620, was sent ambassador to Bohemia: also on Alarch 10, 1622, was, bv the interest of his brother, the Duke of Buckingham, advanced to the Presidentship of Munster, in Ireland, in the room of the Earl of Thomond, deceased. He lived there (saith Sir Henry Wotton) in singular estimation for his justice and hospitality; and died (September 7, 1626) as much to the grief of the whole province, as ever any Governor did, before his religious Lady, who was of a sweet and noble disposition, adding much to his honour. He was buried in 1 " In 1487, he brought forces to the aid of the King, against the Earl of Lincohi, Laml)ert Simnel. and other adherents, and behaved with great valour in the battle of Stoke, near Newark- upon-Trent. June i6. when they were defeated, and the Earl of Lincoln slain. (Collins' Peerage, Volume IV., page 174.) Note. — There is evidently an error in the dates of death of Sir John Villiers and his son Sir George, as shown in the Visitation and by Collins. - George, the great Duke of Buckingham, murdered on Saturday, August 23. 1628, by John Fenton. He married Lady Catharine Manners, daughter and sole heir to Francis, Earl of Rutland. (Collins, IV., pp. 184 and 185.) 20 THE ANCESTRY OF the Earl of Cork's cliapcl at Yougliall, where these Hues were put up to his memory : " " Munslcr may curse the lime that nUiers came, To make us ivorse, by h-aTiiii^ such a name; Of noble parts, as none can imitate, But those whose hearts are married to tlie state: But if they press to imitate his fame, M mister may bless the time that ViUiers came." '■ Tlie said Sir Edward's Lady was Barbara, eldest daufjhter of Sir John St. John of Lidiard Tregose, in county Wilts, and niece to Sir OHver St. John, created Viscount Grandison, in Ireland, January 3, 1620, with h'mitation of that honour to her posterity; and by her had issue three daughters; ist Barbara, married to Thomas Wenman, son and heir of I'hihp, Lord Viscount Wenman, and after his decease, to James Howard, Earl of Suft'olk ; she died December 13, 1681, aged 59, and is buried at Safifron Walden in Essex ; 2. Anne ; and 3. Ellen. Sir Edward had also four sons," William, below; John; George and Edward. Of these, John succeeded his brother William, but died without male issue. George, who[ on the death of his brother John, was Lord Viscount Grandison. Edward,' wounded at the battle of Newbury, September 20, 1643 : knighted April 7, 1680, by Charles H. ; and made Knight Marshal of his household ; Colonel of the Duchess of York's Regiment, and Governor of Tinmouth castle, buried in Westminster Abbey, July 2, 1689; married Lady Frances, daughter to Theophilus Howard, Earl of Suffolk. Edward, son of the last named Edward was created Earl of Jersey.^ WiLLi.vM \'iLLiERS,' son of Sir Edward \"illiers and Barbara St. John, "succeeded his father in estate, and in 1630, his uncle in the title of Viscount Grandison. On the breaking out of the rebellion, he adhered to Charles L, and signalized himself on several occasions, but being wountled at the siege of Bristol, July 26, 1643, he was carried to Oxford, where he died in August following, in the 30th year of his age ; and has a noble monument erected to his memory in the cathedral of Christ-church (where he was buried) by Barbara, Duchess of Cleve- land, his only daughter and heir, who was marrietl to Roger Palmer, Earl of Castlemain, in Ireland, by whom she had no issue; but to Charles II.. who, on August 3, 1670, created her Duchess of Cleveland, &c., she bore Charles", Duke of Cleveland and Southampton; Henry, Duke of Grafton, and George, Duke of Northumberland ; Anne Palmer Fitzroy, 3(1 wife of Thomas Lennard, Earl of Sussex; Charlotte Fitzrov, married to Henry Lee,« Earl of Litchtield; and Barbara, a nun." e Collins' Peerage, IV., pp. 189 and 192. " Ibid., p. I go. ,,.„. '^"^ '^'^"""' f™"' Sir Edward Henry Lee and Charlotte Fitzroy daughter of Barbara \ ilhers, see page 13. and \'oIume L. page 18. Flemish Ancestry THE NAMES APPEAR IN THE FRENCH FORM AS OBTAINED FROM BELGIUM 3. 'l^cmriiMi, TtloAia^Va > ml ^^ 'S / ^^^. -^:^/'' *^ >'' ,(* J7ri.,p" ibS" frril 10, 164S. Alarried June 13, 1613. born May 12 20, 1640. ALBERT STIER.i baptized Au- — CATHERINE de RYSER, gust 17, 1629; died October baptized April 10, 1635; 28, 1676. Married Tune 16. died December 5, 1701. 1658. ^ For descent from Albert Stier and Catherine de Ryser, see page 30, and \'ulume I., page 196. 30 THE ANCESTRY OF STIER. Arms. Parti: an i, (i'a::ur a la fascc diiiiiinicc d'ar^^ciit, accoiiif^ai^iicc en chef d'un lion d'or ct en pointe d'nn cyi:;ne d'ari^eiit becque et uienibrc de gncules, le vol Icre; an 2, d'argent a trois plantes dc jcve dc sinople, rangees siir nne terrasse du nianc. Generation X. Pierre Coenens Stier, of Amsterdam, son of Coenraet, born September, 1543; died June 21, 1621 ; married May 15, 1574, Jeanne Jacobs, born February I, 1549; died August 23, 1625. Children of Pierre Coenens Stier and Jeanne Jacobs : I. Coenraet Stier. 2- Jacques Stier. 3. JEAN PIETERSSEN STIER, born February 19, 1583; died April 10, 1648; mar- ried June 13, 1613, Petronille Dirck Hooft. 4. Lucie (Lytcen) Stier, married Reynier van der Werve, son of Arnold. IX. Je.\n P1ETER.SSEN Stier, of Amsterdam, son of Pierre Coenens Stier and Jeanne Jacobs, born February 19, 1583; died April 10, 1648; married June 13, 1613, Petronille Dirck Hooft, born May 12, 1593; died February 20, 1640; daughter of Theodore Hooft and Marie Wynants. Children of Jean Pieterssen Stier and Petronille Dirck Hooft : 1. Marie Stier, married Jean de Viseher. 2. Marguerite Stier. 3- Jacques Stier. 4. Pierre Stier. 5. ALBERT STIER, baptized August 17, 1629; died October j8, 1676; married June 16, 1658, Catherine de Ry.ser. VHI. Albert Stier, Licentiate in Law of Amsterdam, son of Jean Pieterssen Stier and Petronille Dirck Hooft, liaptized August 17, 1629; died October 28, 1676; married June 16, 1658, Catherine de Ryser, born April 10, 1635 ; died December 5, 1701 ; daughter of Henri tie Ryser and lirigite van Schorel. Children of Albert Stier and Catherine de Ryser: 1. Jean Stier, a priest. 2. HENRI STIER, born November 20, 1673; died April 16, 1744; married January 26, 1701, Cornelie Nicolette Tetz. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 31 VII. Henri Stiek. Licentiate in Law of Amsterdam, son of Albert Stier and Catherine de Ryser, born November 20, 1673; died April 16, 1744: married Jan- uary 2Ci, 1701. Cornelie Nicolette van Tetz, baptized June 30, 1678; buried in the New Church at Amsterdam, December 9, 1761 ; daughter of Guillaume van Tetz and Sibesta Daemcn. Children of Henri Stier and Cornelie Nicolette van Tetz : 1. ALBERT JEAN STIER, born December 31, 1701 ;* died March 30. 1759; married April 22, 1736, Isabelle Helene de la Bistrate. 2. Catherine Nicole Marie Stier, born 1704; died in Antwerp, June 20th, buried in St. George's Church, June 22, 1781, aged 77 years; married Count Frangois Joseph Xavier de Baillet, who died in Ruremonde, Holland, in 1748. The latter was the son of Count Christophe Ernest de Baillet, of the State Council, and Anne Sophie Martini. Count Frangois Joseph Xavier do Baillet was " Ecoutete "f of Antwerp from 1727 to 1743, and later. Lord Chancellor of Gueldre. No issue. VI. Albert Jean Stier, Licentiate in Law, son of Henri Stier and Cornelie Nico- lette van Tetz, born in Amsterdam, December 31, 1701 ; died in Antwerp, March 30th, buried April i, 1759, in St. James' parish ; married in St. James' parish, April 22, 1736, Isabelle Helene de la Bistrate, who was baptized in the same parish, July 30, 1717 ; died October 27th, buried October 30th, 1787 : daughter of Jean Baptiste de la Bistrate and Helene Francoise de Mont dit de Brialmont. Children of Albert Jean Stier and Isabelle Helene de la Bistrate : 1. Jean Henri Joseph Stier, baptized at home, January 30th, and in the Cathedral (northern part), February 11, 1737; buried May 18, 1737, in St. James' Church. 2. Isabelle Cornelie Marie Stier, baptized in the Cathedral (northern part), January -3. '738; died in 1795, while emigrating, it is said. Married in St. James' parish. F-ebruary 2, 1761, Jean Baptiste Joseph Cogels, who was baptized in St. James' parish, March 30, 1729; died 30 Plnviose an VII. (February 18, 1799) ; son of Jean Baptiste Cogels, banker, an almoner of Antwerp, and of Isabelle Jacqueline Simons. Their son, Mr. F. Cogels, was Gov- ernor of the Province of Antwerp. 3. Jean Francois Xavier Stier, Licentiate in Law, baptized in the Cathedral (northern part), September 12, 1739; died May l8th, and buried May 21, 1792; mar- ried in St. James' parish, May 25, 1784, Marie Josephe Le Candele, who was baptized at home, July 22nd, and in St. James' parish, July 23, 1761 ; died 18 Floreal an XL (May 8, 1803) ; daughter of Robert Frangois Xavier Le Candele and Marie Josephe Cheens. Jean Frangois Xavier Stier received the title of Baron, March 20, 1778, by letters patent from the Empress Marie Therese of Austria, and tliereafter bore the name of lique Francaise tlie United States The C". Stier (Henry Joseph) Extract of the Register of acts of the Chancery of the General Commissioner of the French RepubHc. Folio 2 of the last Register. Today, tlic 12th jMessidor of the year 10 of the French Republic.'" Before me, Charles Louis Foureroy, Chancellor of the General Commissioner of the French Republic in the United States, resident in Georgetown on the Potomack. Appeared the citizen Henry Joseph Stier, native of the Antwerp Parish, Department of the Two Neethes. Who said and declared not to have emigrated. That he left Belgium before the issue of the vow of the inhabitants of the Antwerp parish, for the reunion of the French Republic, and that be has come to the United States only for business and family reasons. He declares, besides never having carried arms against the French Republic, that he has never accepted any position, pension or salary, whatever, from any foreign Government, and he hereby sol- emnly promises that he will never become party to any assemblage, corps or association whatever, which may tend to cause trouble in France and to change the present form of Government, as it has been established by the Constitution of the year Eigbt.^" Of all which the above named deponent requires a record and a certificate for his use and value, as by right. Done and recorded in the Chancery of the General Commissioner of the French Repub- lic in the United States, in the presence of the citizen Louis Atidre Pichon and Elie Pierre Fleury, witnesses known and domiciled in this city, who have signed after reading, with the applicant, before me, the Chancellor above natred, the day, month and year above written. (Thus signed in the Register,) H. J. Stier, L. A. Pichon, Fleury, and Foureroy (Chancellor.) The present certificate has been compared with the Register of the acts. Folio N., certified correct. L. F'oureroy, (Chancellor.) The General Commissioner Charge d'affairs of the French Republic with the United States, certifies that the above signature is the signature of the citizen Foureroy, Chancellor of the Commissioner General, and that in this capacity, full and entire faith must be con- ceded to his signature in judgment as well as without. In virtue of which the above named General Commissioner Charge d'affairs, has signed the present and has attached the seal of the Legation. Georgetown, the twelfth Messidor, year 10.-' L. .A. Pichon. Ministry of the General Police of the Republic. Liberty Equality Certificate of Amnesty. Paris, j8 Fructidor, year lo-= of the French Republic. The Minister of the General Police in execution of the article VIII Senatus-Consulte of the 6 Floreal, year 10.-^ In view of the declaration made the Eleventh Prairial, year 10,=-' before the Prefect of the Department of Seine and Oise, by Stier (Henry Joseph,) aged 59 years, born at -Antwerp, living in Versailles. 10 July I, 1802. -0 1799-1800. -1 July I, 1S02. --September 15, 1S02 -3 April 26. 1S02. 2-1 May 31, 1802. ROSALIE AIORRIS JOHNSON 41 From which it appears that this person possesses no title, office, decoration, salary or pension whatever, from any foreign power. In view likewise of the oath which he has taken, of being faithful to the Government established by the Constitution, and not to entertain, either directly or indirectly, any con- nection or correspondence with the enemies of the State. Considering that the declaration and oath have been made in the intervals determined and that they are in conformity with the dispositions of -Articles III, IV and V of the Senatus- Consnlte. Considering that Stier (Henry Joseph) does not come under any of the cases excepted and provided by Article X. Resolved, as follows ; Article I. Amnesty is recorded for act of Emigration of Stier (Henry Joseph.) II. The present certificate of Amnesty will be sent to the Minister of Justice. III. He will in consequence enter into the possession of such of his properties as have not been sold nor excepted by Article XVII of the Senafus-Consulte. Delivered the 7th Vendemiaire-^ The Minister of the General Police, year ii of the Republic. Peretz. The Grand Judge Minister of Justice, Reglin French Republic The Two Neethes Second Bureau Raising of the Sequestration. In view of the certificate of Amnesty of the 28th Fructidor year 10,-" delivered the "th Vendemiaire-^ last, by the Grand Judge, Minister of Justice, in execution of the Senatus- Consulte of the 6th Floreal,-^ to the citizen Henry Joseph Stier, born at Antwerp and residing at Versailles, stating that he has made, on the nth Prairial, year, 10,-" before the Prefect of the Department of the Seine and Oise, the prescribed declaration and oath of being true to the Government established by the Constitution. In view of the petition of the citizen Henry Joseph Stier, tending to obtain the raising of the Sequestration, entered against the property he possesses in this department. Considering that the citizen Stier does not possess in this department any other proper- ties in the case of being reserved. Resolved : 1st. Replevin is accorded fi'om the National Sequestration, to the goods not disposed of, belonging to the citizen Henry Joseph Stier, located within this department. 2nd. The citizen Stier will enjoy the fruits and revenues of the goods which will be restored to him in execution of the preceeding article, in accordance with the letter of the Minister of Finance of the 2Sth Prairial, year 9.^" 25 September 29, 1S02. -'' September 15, 1S02. -" September 29, 1802. 28 April 26, 1802. -'■> May 31, 1802. 20 June 17, iSoi. 42 THE ANCESTRY OF 3rd. The personal properties and effects not disposed of, pertaining to tlie said citizen Stier, still existing, either in his properties in this department or in the National depots, will be restored to him immediately and on his receipt. In consequence, all seals of administra- tive anthority will be removed by the Mayor of the Commune fulfilling the formalities used. All guardians and officers of the seals are ordered to cease immediately all functions. 4th. Concerning the personal properties and effects which may have been taken for public service, (relating to the arts and sciences or all others), the citizen Stier is directed to appear before the Minister of Finance for a settlement of the indemnity, to which he shall be judged to have a right, by the retaining of the said objects. 5th. The deeds and papers of the citizen Stier, will be returned to him immediately by all retainers and depositors, wlio shall be duly discharged and released therefor, in conformity with law. 6tli. A copy of this present act shall be sent to the Director of Domain, to assure its execution and another copy shall be sent to the petitioner for his guidance. Given in the Prefecture at Antwerp, the 22nd Brumaire, year XI."' C. Hereouville. ANTE-NUPTIAL AGREEMENT, GEORGE CALVERT WITH ROSALIE EUGENIA STIER. This indenture made the Eighth day of June in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and ninety nine. Between George Calvert of Prince George County in the State of Maryland, of the one part, Henry Joseph Stier d'Artzelaer of the city of Annapolis, Gentleman of the second part, Rosalia Eugenia Stier of the said city, daughter of the said Henry, of the third part, and William Cooke, of the city of Baltimore of the fourth part. Whereas a marriage is intended shortly to be had and solemnised between the said George Calvert, and the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier, in consideration whereof and of a certificate of the amount of Five thousand Dollars nominal six per cent stock of the United States of America, the fortune of the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier, which said stock is the product of a legacy left her by her deceased aunt the Baroness of Schilde, which the said George will be entitled to receive in her right of the said Henry Joseph Stier her said father, after the said intended nuptials are celebrated, and in consideration also of the covenants hereinafter expressed to be performed on the part of the said Henry Joseph Stier, and of the sum of Five shillings current money to him the said George Calvert in hand paid by the said William Cooke at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for the effectual comfort and support of the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier in case the said intended marriage shall take effect, and she should survive the said George; This Indenture therefore witnesseth that the said George Calvert for the con- siderations aforesaid Hath granted bargained, sold, aliened, released, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Doth grant, bargain, sell alien, release, enfeoff and confirm unto the said William Cooke his Heirs and assigns, all those several tracts parts of tracts or parcels of land, that is to say the Hermitage supposed to contain one thousand acres lying and being in Montgomery county, and all the following tracts and parcels of land in Prince Georges County, being the property of the said George Calvert now in his possession, all his part of Hog Yard and Dennemark, and the small tracts adjoining containing between six hundred and fifty and seven hundred acres, all his part of Swantons Lott and Cool Spring Manner and the several tracts and parcels of land adjoining the same, containing twenty two hundred acres, and all his part of Seaman's Delight containing two hundred and fifty acres in the territory of Columbia, and all and singular the buildings, improvements, advantages, hereditaments, privileges and appurtenances to the said respective parcels of land belonging or in any wise appertaining, and all and singular the right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand of the 31 November 13, 1802. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 43 said George Calvert of in and to the same lands and premises, and to every part thereof and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, which said several parcels of land are now in the possession of the said William Cooke, by virtue of a Deed of bargain and sale thereof made (and of the Statute for transferring uses into possession) bearing date of the day next before the day of the date of these presents; To have and to hold the said several tracts of land and premises with their each and every of their hereditaments privileges and appurtenances unto the said William Cooke his Heirs and Assigns in trust and to the use of the said George Calvert, his Heirs and assigns until the said intended marriage between the said George Calvert and the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier shall be had and celebrated, and from and after the said intended marriage shall be celebrated, to the use of the said George Calvert during the joint lives of the said George Calvert and the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier his wife, and after the death of the said George in case the said Rosalia Eugenia shall survive him, to the use of the said Rosalia Eugenia during her natural life, in lieu and in bar of her right of Dower to all other the real estate of the said George and from and after the death of the said Rosalia Eugenia then in trust to the use of such person or persons and for such term estate and interest in the said lands and each and every part thereof as the said George Calvert by any instrument of writing signed in his life time and in the presence of two witnesses or by his last will and testament shall limit devise or appoint and in default of such devise or appointment then in trust and to the use of the heirs of the said George Calvert for ever; And in case tlie said George Calvert shall survive the said Rosalia Eugenia his intended wife then in trust from and imme- diately after her decease to the use of the said George Calvert his Heirs & assigns: and the said George Calvert for himself and his Heirs doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said William Cooke and his Heirs Executors and administrators that he the said George Calvert shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter duly make execute and acknowledge any further or other act or acts deed or deeds as may be necessary for the further and more perfect assuring and conveying the said lands and premises unto the said William Cooke or his Heirs as his or their counsel shall devise and advise and require; and it is hereljy further covenanted agreed to and declared by and between the parties to these presents, and it is their true intent and meaning that the said George Calvert and Rosalia Eugenia his wife after the said marriage shall be had and solemnized, shall and may have full power and authority jointly to sell, alter and revoke the said uses herein before declared in the whole or any part of the said lands and to declare any other or different uses thereof, and that from and after such joint revocation, sale or appointment as aforesaid the said William Cooke and his Heirs shall stand and be seized of the said lands or such part thereof to the uses so declared, conveyed or appointed by the said George and Rosalia Eugenia jointly and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever; And the said Henry Joseph Stier d'Artzelaer for himself and his Heirs Executors and Administrators do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said George Calvert his Heirs Executors and Administrators, that immediately after the said marriage between the said George Calvert and the said Rosalia Eugenia shall be solemnized that he the said Henry Joseph Stier shall and will transfer to the said George Calvert or to his order the aforesaid amount of Five thousand Dollars nominal six per cent stocks of the United States of America which are the produce of the aforesaid legacy devised to her by the Baroness of Schildc and now in the possession of her said father: And whereas the said Rosalie Eugenia will proliably inherit as one of the legal representatives, or by devise from her said father and other relatives hereafter con- siderable sums of money or other property', it is hereby further agreed to by and between the parties to these presents and the said George Calvert doth for himself his Heirs, Executors and Administrators covenant to and with the said William Cooke his Heirs, Executors and Administrators that in case the said George Calvert shall survive the said Rosalia Eugenia and there shall be any issue of the said George and Rosalia Eugenia then living at the time of his decease, that as well the fortune which the said Rosalia is now entitled to as all the property of every nature or kind soever whether real or personal which she may hereafter become entitled to, and which shall be received by the said George, shall upon his decease 44 THE ANCESTRY OF be secured and paid by tbe Heirs Executors or Administrators of the said George to such issue of the said Rosalia Eugenia, and in case there shall be no such issue then living or in case the issue living at the time of his death should die under the age of Twenty one years and unmarried, shall be secured and paid by the Heirs, Executors or Administrators of the said George to the legal representatives and next of kin of the said Henry Joseph Stier, and that in case the whole or any part of the said property shall have been disposed of by the said George in his life that the value thereof shall be made good and in case the said Rosalia Eugenia shall survive the said George that it is the intent and meaning of the said parties to these presents that all the property of every nature or kind soever whether real or personal which he the said George shall receive in right of the said Rosalia Eugenia which may have come to her by devise, succession or dotation from her said father or other relations shall revert and be returned to her in full right by the Heirs Executors or Administrators of the said George Calvert; and that in case the same or any part thereof shall have been disposed of by the said George in his life, that the value thereof shall be made good and paid to the said Rosalia Eugenia out of his estate real and personal, and to the full and true performance thereof the said George doth hereby charge his said real and personal estate and doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant to and with the said William Cooke his executors and Administrators to fulfil and faithfully to perform the same; And it is further stipulated and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that all augmentation of property by purchase of lands bouses or increase of Bank stock or any other kind of publick stock wliich shall accrue to the said George Calvert and Rosalia Eugenia Stier or to either of them during the coverture not arising from Gift, Devise or Inheritance shall after the dissolution of their marriage by the death of either of tliem pass, go and be divided as follows, that is to say in case the said George Calvert shall survive the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier, then the moiety thereof shall after his decease pass, go and belong to the issue of the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier living at her death, and if there shall be no such issue or if such issue shall not live to the age of Twenty one years or marry, then to the legal representatives or next of kin of the said Rosalia Eugenia, and if the said Rosalia Eugenia Stier sliall survive the said George Calvert then the said Rosalia Eugenia shall have, receive and possess the moiety of all such property, and the residue shall after her decease pass and go to the legal representatives of the said George Calvert : And further the said George Calvert doth by these presents covenant and agree to and with the said Henry Joseph Stier and also to and with the said Rosalia Eugenia that in case the said intended marriage shall take effect and there shall be any issue thereof, that the said children of the said George and Rosalia Eugenia shall be bred up and educated in the principles and belief of the Roman Catholic Religion. And whereas it is possible that if the said intended marriage shall take place that it may not be productive of the happy effects that are contemplated by the said parties, on such event and in case any separation shall thereafter take place between the said George and the said Rosalia Eugenia it is agreed by and between them that no pecuniary benefit or advantage shall result to either in consequence of their said marriage in consideration whereof the said George Calvert for himself his Heirs Executors and Admin- istrators doth by these presents covenant and agree to and with the said Henry Joseph Stier his Executors or Administrators that upon such separation taking place he the said George Calvert will release, return and repay unto the said Rosalia Eugenia all the fortune that he shall have received and release to the said Rosalia Eugenia all the fortune that he shall be entitled to receive in her right and also pay and deliver unto her the moiety of the increased or augmented property to be used enjoyed and disposed of by her to her own separate use and benefit; and the said Henry Joseph Stier for himself his Heirs Executors and Adminis- trators doth covenant and agree to and with the said George Calvert his Heirs Executors or Administrators that upon such separation taking place the said Rosalia Eugenia shall relinquish and release to the said George Calvert his Heirs and Assigns on receipt of her said fortune and of such release as aforesaid all benefit and advantages which she hath or may have under and in virtue of these presents and also to all other the estate of the said George of what nature or kind soever in consequence of the said marriage, except the said ROSAL IE MORRIS JOHNSON 45 moiety of the aforesaid increased or augmented property. And it is further stipulated and agreed that in case a separation should take place between the said George Calvert and Rosalia Stier his wife that the said George Calvert shall have the custody, care and tuition of the male issue, and the said Rosalia Stier shall have the custody, care and tuition of the female issue of their marriage. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have here- unto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first herein mentioned. Signed, Sealed & Delivered Geo: C.\lvekt in the presence of H. J. Stier d'Artzel.^er Ben° Ogle Tun''. ( witnesses to the R. E. Stter Ch' W^gman ■) Execution hereof W. Cooke ( by W. Cooke Witness to the Charles Jean Stier J execution by the other parties. \ I On the Eighth day of June in the year seventeen hundred and ninety nine, personally appeared George Calvert party to the aforegoing Indenture or Instrument of writing before me one of the Judges of the General Court of the State of Maryland and did acknowledge the same to be his act and deed to and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and agreeably to the form of the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided G. Duval Received the 5". day of August 1799 to be recorded. The same day recorded in Liber J. G. N°. s, folios 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494 & 495. one of the land record books of the General Court for the Western Shore of Maryland and examined by Jno. Gwinn "Translation from the Flemish of an Extract from Henry Joseph Stier's Journal, folio 25, Book B., Anno 1803." My daughter Rosalie's account. My daughter Rosalie having married on the ii"". of June 1799, George Calvert at Annapolis, State of Maryland in America. On account of the Revolutionary' circumstances in the Netherlands it was impossible to make an equitable and proportional dotation ; we have determined therefore to give her the equivalent of what we have given our other chil- dren, which is a portion of what she will receive at the death of her parents. That is to say the goods and chatties that follow. The plantation, situated at Bladensburgh in America, with all the lands, woods and buildings, furniture etc., exactly as we have inhabited it, and have left it. We only except the pictures which we reserve for ourselves. We give the said plantation to her, in full possession and property as legitimate portion of what will come to her at our death. We estimated the said property at the price of one hundred thousand gulden, which sum equals forty thousand dollars. We give also bonds to the amount of 30,000 florins. A sum which equals what we have given to our other married children. In case these bonds should be annulled we promise to give her the said amount in other funds. Finally, in case our fortune should diminish in value we promise to give her a dotation equal to that given to our other children, amounting to 150.000 florins or yearly the sum of $4000, till complete payment of the said sum of 150.000 florins. On account of the troubled state of afi'airs at the time of her marriage, it was not possible to take legal measures to settle her marriage contract ; we give her in compensation an annual sum of $2000 to date from June 11'". 1799, till December 1803, tliat is to say for four years and six months. We have credited her with $gooa, of wliich sum she has already received $4,800, which leaves still due a balance of $4,200. 46 THE ANCESTRY OF Riversdalc, March i8, iSii. Henry J. Stier, Esquire. Antwerp. Dear Sir: The painful task devolves upon me of informing you of the death of my beloved wife and your much valued Daughter, after an illness of four months, confined to the bed the whole time ; and suffering great pain which she bore with the greatest fortitude and resig- nation, she left us on the 13 Instant at i o'clock, my only consolation was, that her last moments were easy and I think happy, for she said to me, " Oh how mercifull God is to me, I never could have supposed that I could die so easy." My Dear Rosalie's health had been bad for six years and upwards, I do not think in that time she enjoyed one week of good health at a time. We consulted the best Physicians that could be found in this Country, among them D'. Physick who is the most eminent and six others, but they could not minis- trate to her health. At the particular request of my most lamented wife I shall write to M". van Havre and inclose her a description of her case, drawn up by D'. Sim who has attended M'''. Calvert for many years and who was constantly with her in the latter part of her illness. Be assurred my dear Sir that nothing has been omitted by her afflicted husband that could either relieve or comfort Iier in all her illness With great Esteem and respect Yours Geo. C.m.vert Riversdale, Aug. i, 1821. Henry J. Stier, Esq'. My dear and Respected Sir: Your kind and very affectionate letter of June i, I received a few days ago. I have a great pleasure in informing you that my dear children are all well, Caroline is a great comfort to me, but yet I am as one lost, my home is no longer dear to me ; I have improved Riversdale very much, yet have no pleasure in any thing I have done, because I have no one to participate with me. I have lost my confidant, my ablest counselor, I am happy in my children, they are disposed to do any thing to please me, but they can in no way supply the loss. H I could leave my property (which I cannot at present do) I should certainly come to Europe and take my two eldest with me. George shall visit Europe as soon as his education is finished, which will be in two years. You inquired of my dear Caroline where her Mother was buried, the spot was selected by herself many years ago, on the rising ground N. W. of the house at about a quarter of a mile from it, where her four children were interred. I have had prepared at Philadelphia a handsome white marble stone to cover the grave with suitable inscriptions upon it. With sentiments of the most sincere esteem and respect I remain your affectionate son in law Geo : Culvert Antwerp the 25'". June iSii. George Calvert Esq'., Bladensburg, Maryland. Dear Sir: We hardly know what terms to employ for announcing one of the greatest misfortunes which could befall our family, the loss of our dearest father. He became unwell on the 8". in the evening and died at two o'clock in the evening of the 22''. of this inonth, at his country seat of the "Mick", in the midst of his children, having had the happiness to preserve his presence of mind till the last, he had time to prepare for the awfull moment and received the Sacraments with true Christian piety, fie was buried this morning at Aertselaer in the family tomb, where rests our dear Mother. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 47 The pain which this second stroke gives us all is easier felt than described, we will- ingly would attempt to offer you some motives of consolation but feel totally unequal to the task. In a few days when a little more collected we will write you again, in the mean time we remain Dear Sir Your affectionate and afflicted Brothers C. J. Stier J. M. A. V. Havre Antwerp the 28"'. June 1S21 Mess'. M'. Ewen, Hale and Davidson, Philadelphia. Gentr. We deem it our duty to acquaint you with the melancholy loss we have sustain'd by the death of our Dear Father Henry J. Stier Esq'. He supported the pains of a severe ill- ness of fourteen days with his wonted fortitude and died in the morning of the 22''. inst. We take the liberty of requesting you to forward the inclosed, it announces the melan- choly tidings to M'. G. Calvert. We remain with sincere esteem Your ob'. humble Serv". C. J. Stier J. M. A. VAN Havre .Antwerp the 10'". July 1821. George Calvert Esq'. Dear Sir: On the 25 of last month we wrote you the letter of which you have a copy at foot. Since beginning to look about us, we observe your absence or the want of a proper power of attorney of you, it is almost entirely out of our power to do the necdfull for our common interest, which if that situation was to last would suffer considerably, not only on account of the transactions in which your interference cannot be dispensed with but because the justice of peace has a right to put the whole under his seal and in that case we could not move any thing without his interference, which would cost an incalculable sum. In consequence, Dear Sir, we entreat you to come over as speedily as you possibly can, if however your health, the situation of your family, or your business should prevent your coming over, we must beg you to send us the inclosed power of attorney, executed in favor of one of those four persons: the Baron van der Werve de Schilde; his second wife was a sister of the mother of our dear Rosalia. M'. Antony Stier, brother of our late father, those two gentlemen are both upwards (consent) that you name them, to name them together, to act jointly or separately. The Baron I. J. J. Vinck de Wuestwezel, his mother was sister to our late father and his wife's father was brother of the same, he is a Member of our Provincial States and has been Member of our General States. M'. Albert Cogels, his mother was sister of our late father, he is a Banker, and has been Member of our General States. You have render'd us so many kind services that we think it our duty to offer our selves, should you adopt that measure, we beg you to name us both together, to act jointly or separately. Should you not be able to come over nor approve of sending a power of attorney you may send a confidential person with your power of attorney to act for you. Whatever means you adopt dont lose time but act as speedily as possible for a day lost may cost us more than you may be aware of. We beg leave to add that the easiest way of settling our aft'airs would be your coming 48 THE ANCESTRY OF over for you readily conceive tliere are many things which one may do himself to which an attorney cannot agree. In the meantime be assnrred, dear Calvert, we will spare no pains to promote our common interest. In a few days you will again hear of us. We remain as ever dear sir, Your very affectionate Brothers C. J. Stier and J. M. A. v.»lN H.wre Antwerp the 15 of Sept: 1821. G. Calvert, Esq'. Dear Brother: Your letters of the 4'". of June and 1*'. of August have been received as also those of Caroline by the way of Amsterdam, it is extremely painfull to us to think that shortly after having written those, you will have received ours of the 25'". of June, com- municating to you the irreparable loss we had sustained by the Death of our Dear Father; on the 10"'. July we wrote you again, begging you in case you should not come to Europe your self to send us without delay your power of attorney. This letter was repeated by duplicate on the 27'^ of July and again on the 10'". of August by copies of both, when we sent you an authentic copy of the will of our late Father. In the uncertainty whether it may have been possible for you to leave the U. S. A., and anxious for the sake of our common intrest to promote the liquidation of the inheritance, we beg you to send us as soon as possible a statement of the respective values of all the property our late Father died possessed of in America. You will observe that there being orphan children, the estimation must be made in a lawful! form and approved of by the guardian, the estimation of the several kinds of property must be that of their value on the 22''. of June last, date of the opening of the inheritance and of the inventory. If your journey to Europe was resolved upon but delayed on account of necessary preparations we beg you to send us at all events as a provisional means the power of attorney as well as the estimation ; the delay of those being calculated to produce the most pernicious consequences. We hope dear Brother etc. C. J. Stier and J. M. A. v.\n H.wre Philadelphia, Sept: 21, 1821. My dear Brothers: I have just returned to this place with my daughter Caroline from an excursion to Canada, we have been absent from home more than two months, Caroline's health has been delicate but I now hope she will enjoy as good health as she ever did, my other children are all well. George I left in Cambridge, where he has the reputation of being a very clever fellow. I fear he may be a little spoilt by the ladies as he is thought by them very hand- some, you shall see him as soon as he graduates. There is a request of yours in your last letter which if made in the first instance might have been complied with, that is, letting the dividends remain in the Bank, this I have not done, having made a great addition to the Riversdale Estate by the purchase of " Kop Tavern " and the erection of a very fine mill at Bladensburgh ; I have found it necessary to take most of dividends to enable me to make the payments, as they have all been employed for the benefit of my children and will be accounted for in the settleincnt. Caroline and I rejoice at the improvement of M". van Havre's health and pray it may be quite restored, I remain dear Brothers, Affectionately yours. To C J. Stier and Geo. C.\lvert J. M. A. van Havre. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 49 Antwerp, Jan. II"'. 1822. G. Calvert, Esq'. Dear Brother, Let me dear brother express my ardent wishes for your happiness and that of your children. . . . We tntst Dear Calvert that if it be possible for you to visit us you will not leave your Caroline and Eugenia and tlieir younger sister behind, it is only with you they could undertake such a journey while your sons may any time perform it by themselves and find it an easy task. . . . We entreat yon Dear Brother to take at our common expense a clerk to draw up the accotuits of all that has been done for our father and ourselves since the last accounts sent us by our dear Sister. On our part we have as early as the beginning of August sent out experienced persons to make estimations of the landed property; a rainy season such as we never experienced (that of 1816 excepted) has interrupted this task which will be resumed with the first post. The whole of the property in Europe belonging to both Paternal and Maternal inheri- tances exclusively of f. 130,000 or $52,000, held in dotation by M". van Havre and an equal sum held by my self inay at a rough calculation amount to the sum of 750,000 guilders or $300,000, nominal value, the real value of which will only be ascertained by the completion of the estimation. Again on a superficial view we find that on this side of the ocean there will be a landed property twice the value of what our father once held in America, that is to say twice the value of your house and lands of Bladensburg, Spurriens, Dorsey, Batlands etc., together. We intend dear Brotlier, to propose to you, that you should keep all tlie property in Lands in America and we all that of the same description in Europe, the latter consist in the house our Father inhabited in Antwerp, the castle of " Cleydael," the country seat of the " Mick," a tract of wood at Loenhout, and a farm at Contich, some smaller farms in different villages in the vicinity of the " Mick," three farms and some separate tracts of Lands in the lower grounds called " Poitiers." The remainder consists of mortgaged rents, obligations, public stock, all susceptible of an easy division. The magnificent Gallery of Pictures left by our Dear Father has been with us the matter of long consideration, that rare and beautiful collection is not susceptible of a division among us, one single portrait ; the " Chapeau de Paille," being worth as much as all the rest together, thus two lots only could be formed, and one of the three inheriting branches was to have no share, we finally resolved upon a public sale as a means which bringing forth the real value of the whole collection, left every one of the inheritors at full liberty either to acquire at the sale by making the highest offer, such particular parts as would please him, or if he had no such inclination, then to leave the contest to others. Not knowing Dear Brother whether you or your children may have any inclination to aim at the acquisition of any of those pictures, I beg you in case you should desire any, to communi- cate your intentions, I send enclosed a list of the whole on which you will easily discover some of those you have so long taken care of. I have as much as was in mj' power joined notes respecting their merits and price and will send you a more descriptive catalogue, if you think it proper Dear Brother, you will have the advertisement published in the U. S. A., where besides private amateurs it might fall in the plans of the Government to begin the formation of a National Museum, with pictures so genuine and so well known. In fact this extraordinary collection seems to be better calculated to be the splendid ornament of a palace or a National Gallery than to be modestly hidden within the narrow bounds of a Gentleman's dwelling. Hoping soon to have a letter from you I now Dear Brother embrace you most tenderly and also your dear children, for me, my wife and all your friends. Yours affectionately, C. J. Stier 50 THE ANCESTRY OF Antwerp, March 26'". 1S22. Dear Brother, We received yours of the 22°". of Dec. and 3 of Jan., last with the enclosed estima- tions of the property which our dear late Father was possessing in America on the 22°". of June last. Receive dear Calvert our thanks to you and your daughter for the care you have given to this investigation. . . . This information is the more essential as by the death of our Aunt Stier-Guyot, who died on the 11'". of March, the inheritance of her late husband Joseph Stier enjoyed by her during her life time is now devolved to the different branches of the family of Stier, seven in number; thus one seventh part on our late father, in whose name we are to amount with the family for $1000 new 6 per C, $11082.20 nominal 3 pr C. and 10 Alexandrian Bank shares, all belonging to that inheritance. After long and anxious e.xpectation we obtained on the end of last month the complete estimation of the land property in Europe, amounting to Guilders, 418,156.11 or $167,262.62. Our plan of division mentioned in my letter of the II'^ of Jan: was going to receive imme- diate execution when an illness of M". van Havre interrupted it. I hope we will soon be able to resume them. I enclose a list of the articles of Gold and Silver which being old fashioned will not sell above the value of the metal except the medals for which some amateurs may be found. Another list contains the jewels, the principal part of which as you will observe con- sist of Rose stones, flat bottomed, that kind of diamond is less valuable than the brilliant which latter is terminating in a point and is the diamond now in fashion. Neither the rings, bracelets or earrings could be worn in their present forms, if you or your children wish to have any of those objects at the prices joined please dear brother to give your directions either to M'. van Havre or myself. Neither he or I are in a situation to take any of the diamonds, as my wife has a complete set of brilliants and so has M". van Havre. In silver plate we also furnished our selves at the time of beginning house-keeping. Our dear Father after his return was wholly engrossed with agricultural pursuits and the enjoyment of his Picture Gallery, never took the pains of furnishing his house which had been totally devastated during his absence. The little selection which he carried to America and back again forms still the most interesting part of the furniture, which consisting of articles of little bulk may be divided among your children, M". van Havre and my self, in three lots. The rest of the furniture, plate and jewels may be disposed of to the best advantage immediately after the sale of the pictures in the beginning of August, the sale of the pictures being fixed on the 29"'. of July next. I now take leave from you dear Calvert Y'. affect. C. J. Stier Antwerp, .August 9, 1822. G. Calvert, Esq''. Dear Brother, Our late father's collection of pictures was sold on the 29 of July as you will see by tlie statement enclosed. I purchased for you the " piece " representing Romulus and Remus, for 57,80 florins or $22.88. The Boar Hunt bought by an English gentleman, flor. 167,20 or $66.88, exceeded your orders. The King of the Netherlands acquired the Roman Daughter N°. 2 and also N°'. 5 and 6 of the catalogue, he contended almost to the last for the " Chapeau de Faille ", adjudicated to M""" van Nieuwenhuysen of Brussels and Smith of London, dealers in Pictures, who will gain considerably by publishing engravings show- ing the original and disposing of it afterwards. I bought for myself the two fine Portraits by Van Dyck, N"'. 3, 4, besides N°'. 7, 8, 26, 30, 31, 36, 40, 42, 46, 49, 80, 81 and 83. M'. van Havre bought N°. 32 and M'. della Faille N°. 71. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 51 The whole of the collectinn sold for about f. 12.000 more than the original price, we need not wonder if the Roman Daughter and several other of the most valuable pictures sold lower, since in purchasing them our Father had to contend with wealthy families who were reluctant to part with them. I had expected a higher price for the celebrated '" Chapeau de Faille," persuaded that a number of English nol)lemen and above them all George IV would want it at any price, I cannot conceive how they left it to a merchant, but so it is. Wishing dear lirother, etc C. J. Stier N° 3- 4. 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. II. 16. 17- iS. 19- 20. 26. Prix des Nom des acheteurs. tableaux. Smits et van Nieuwenhuysen. 3-/00 Steengraecht pour S. INF le Roi 5-300 C. J. Stier 5.200 C. J. Stier. 6.000 Pour S. AI. le Roi Steengraecht 1,000 de Vriese pour S. M. le Roi 4.050 C. J. Stier 500 C. J. Stier 550 Mayiez. 3,010 Le Collonel Rottiers. 300 van den Nieuwenluivsen. " Cabinet de tableaux de Feu l\k)nsieur H. J. Stier d'Aertselaer. Catalogue de tableaux des ecoles Flamande, Hollandaise et Italienne. P. P. Rubens, Le Chapiau de Paille. La Charite romaine, P. P. Rubens Portrait du Ch"". Le Roy, A. van Dyck. de I'epouse idem. Portrait en pied de F. van der Borght, par A. van Dyck. Le Confesseur de Rubens, P. P. Rubens. Portrait d'un Magistral, A. van Dyck Portrait d'une Dame Agee, A. van Dyck. L'Etable on I'Enfant prodigne, P. P. Rubens. Le Crucifiement de S'. Pierre. A. van Dyck Le portrait en Priste de Philippe Rubens. P. P. Rubens. Buste d'une Juene femme vuede profil. P. P. Rubens. Portrait d'un Jeune homme, P. P. Rubens. Jupiter enfant an milieu des Corybantes. J. Jordaens. Portrait d'une Jeune Dame, vetue de Satin blanc. J. Bronkhorst dit Langenjan. Romulus et Remus avec la louve. P. P. Rubens et Huysmans. Cleopatre se donnant la mort par la piqure d'un .^spic. Guido Cagnacci. Porcie femme de Brutus. G. Cagnacci. Sainte famille. Maitre Italien. Le Portrait d'un femme vetu en noir. Le Titien. S'. Jean prechant dans le Desert. Salvator Rosa. Line femme tenant son Enfant appuyc contre son sein. Dominico Feti. Paysage. J. Wynants, et A. Vandervelde. Line Jenne Dame assise pingaut de la giiitare. Gonzales Coques. Groupe de Fruit et de Gibier. J. Feyt et Qucllin. Vue de la Mer. J. van Capelle. 1,070 Pizetta. 590 Pizetta. 175 Wellens. 330 Simmers on. 360 Regemortel. 52 Emmerson. 175.00 Broglio. 60,00 Broglio. 105,00 Pizetta. 75.00 Eckford de Londres. 85.00 Broglio. 40,00 van den Nieuwenhuysen. 2005,00 van den Nieuwenhuysen. 350.00 Baranowski de Vienne. 200.00 Verwerfs. 235,00 THE ANCESTRY OF 2". Les Aniinaux prets a entier dans I'Arche. J. Breugcl 28. Lievre siispendu a uiie branche d'Arbre. J. Weeninckx. 29. Paysage. P. van Bloemeii et Huysman. 30. Paysage Italien. Barent Gael. 31. Paysage Italien. " " 32. Paysage. N. Bcrghem. 33. Paysage Montagneux. N. Berghem. 34. Diane sortie dii bain entouree de ses Nym- pbes. D. Verstangen. 35. Un biver. D. Terniers et van Heyl. 36. Hake de Cavaliers. Maitre Inconnu. 37. Paysage. A. Keerings et C. Poelenborg. 38. Paysage Italien. J. van Huysani. 39. Paysage Italien. J. van Hiiysam. 40. Le Miracle de Bolzene. J. Bronkborst. 41. Paysage Montagneux. G. Debeus. 42. Paysage. D. Terniers. 43. Paysan regardant par unfenetre. A. van Astade. 44. Paysage. Tbicrry van Bergen. 45. Paysage Montagneux. D. Terniers. 46. Paysage Antique. Francisque Mille. 47. Autre paysage meme genre. F. Mille. 48. Paysage. D. Terniers. 49. Des femmes se baignant. C. Poelenborg. 50. Foire aux Chevaux. van der Willigen. 51. Enee aux Enfers. P. Brcugel. 52. Boaz consentant a prendre Rutb pour femme. J. Jordaens. 53- Ruth (etc.) 54. Embarquement de Soldats turcs. Gio Batta Weeninkx. 55. Chassc an Sanglier. P. de Vos et Wildens. 56. La fuite en Egypte. N. Helt Stockade. 57. Sainte famille. Otto van Veen. 58. Paysage. H. Monimers. 59. Paysage. G. Hoet. 60. Paysage. N. Bergbcm. 61. S'. Famille. J. Bourden. 62. Le jugenicnt de Paris. Wolfert. 63. Guirlande de fleures. Segers et Qucllin. 64. Marine. Bonaventure Peeters. 65. Marine. " " " 66. Jeune Villageois. Michel Ange ter quozzi. 67. La Vierge contemplant Jesus. T. Willeborts Bosscbaert. 68. Copie d'apres gravure de la descente de Croix de Rubens, par B. Besschey. 69. Ruine d'un Ancien cbateau. J. van Goeyen. 70. L'Entree d'un village. Rombotits. 71. L'emboucbure d'une Riviere. J. van Goeyen. 72. Paysage. J. van d'Hude. van den Nieuwenbuysen. Duncombe. Six. Six. Verwerfs. van Havre-Stier. Die K. van Bree. Vanneken, Lokeren. Verwerfs. Pizetta. van Dam. Emnierson. Stuyf. Six, d'Amsterdam. Verwerfs. Emmerson. de Vries, d'Amsterdam. Quertenmont. Scbilder. Verwerfs. Emmerson. Emmerson. Verwerfs. van Bree. Maer. Maer. Maer. Wellens. Blondel. de Marsis. Broglio. Foster. van Bree. Leman, de Bruxelles. van Bree. W. Gruytters. van Dam. Emmerson. Maer. Vinck de Wuestwezel. van Bree. van Dam. van Dam. J. della Faille, van Camp. 390,00 300,00 101,00 112,00 135.00 220,00 700,00 116,00 200,00 450,00 165,00 126,00 106,00 36,00 310,00 40,00 52,00 195.00 92,00 86,00 55,00 25,00 180,00 210,00 13.00 20,00 10,00 150,00 152,00 20,00 20,00 76,00 175.00 16,00 52,00 10,00 16,00 126,00 84,00 22,00 52,00 162,00 29,00 33,00 79,00 25,00 ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 53 73- 74- 75- 76. 79- So. 8i. 82. 8^- 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Paysage. G. de Heus. Uu grimacier jouant. (etc.) Ary de Voys. Paysage. Ecole de Berchem. Dcs bestiaux couches dans line prairie. G. Romyn. Vue du Rhin. Herman Saclitleven. Le Sauveur mort. A. Diefunbeeck. Iphigenie ofYre I'encens (etc.) Inconnu. Ancienne Copie de I'etable, on I'Enfant pro- digue de Rubens, par un maitre Inconnu. Ruine Remain. Le Ponsin. I'Enfant Jesus et S'. Jean (etc.) Inconnu. La Baleine rejettant (etc.) P. Breugel. Adoration de Bergers. P. Franck. Le jugement de Midas. J. Jordaens. Paysage boise. Q. Snaeyers. Autre paysage boise. " Choc de Cavalerie. Bossaert. La Sainte Famille. Inconnu. Total de la vente Enimcrson. M"". van Havre. Maer. van Dam. Nieuwenhuysen. van Dam. van Dam. Stuyf. Stuyf. van Bree. C. J. Stier. Stydonck. Maer. L. Vinck. Broglio. van Bree. 70.627,00 150,00 62.00 18,00 26.00 6,00 9,00 16,00 70,00 16,00 3.00 S.oo 6,00 5-0O 7.00 7,00 14,00 16,00 La vente se fera a Anvcrs le lundi 29 juillet 1822 a dix hcures du Matin dans la maison du defunt rue de Venus. Nota yi\ Jt- Vries d'.\msterdam etait Charge d'Acheter des tableaux pour le conite du Gouvernement des Pavs Bas. The following descriptions of eight of tlie above mentioned paintings, have been taken from A Catalogue Raisoitiic, by John Smith. (London, 1830.) I. " The Chapeau De Paillc. A portrait of a young lady (said to be Mademoiselle Limdens,) wearing a black Spanish hat, adorned with black and white feathers, and elegantly attired, according to the costume of the time, in a black velvet bodice and skirt, with scarlet sleeves and white epaulettes, tied with rose-colour ribbons, and a tawny-colour scarf, thrown in a negligent manner over the shoulders ; the hands are passed over each other in front, the left one holding the scarf. Her complexion is most delicately fair, but the hat, inclining forward, throws a shade over the upper part of the face, which, by the reflex from the white bosom, is rendered beautifully transparent. She is represented passing before the exterior of a window on a fine sunny day, the effect of which is strikingly denoted in the brilliancy of the colouring. 2 ft. 7 in. by I ft. 10 in. P. Tradition states that this beautiful picture was so highly prized by the artist, that he never could be induced to part with it. M his death, in 1640, it was inserted in the Catalogue of his Pictures (lot 122) which were sold privately in detail, and, when his widow died, passed into the family of Lundens, with whom it remained as a joint property, until a few years back, when it was purchased by the late proprietor. Baron Stiers d'Aertselaer, of M. Van Haveren, for 50,000 fs., 2000 1. On the decease of the Baron, it was sold for the benefit of his children, in a collection of other valuable pictures at Antwerp, on the 29th of July, 1822, and was purchased by the Writer, in conjunction with another person, for 32,700 fio., which, with the addition of 10 per cent, and other incidental expenses, is about 3000 gs. . . . Shortly after the picture arrived in England, it was sent by His Majesty's express desire to Carlton House, where it remained for a fortnight. ... In the month of March following (1823), it was exhibited at Mr. Stan- ley's Rooms. Old Bond Street, and never did any other picture receive such universal admira- 54 THE ANCESTRY OF tion and applause. . . . The picture was sold by the Writer, the same year, to the Right Honourable Robert Peel, in whose possession it now is. forming the nucleus of his choice collection. Mr. Reynolds has engraved a print of it, in mezzotinto ; and there is also one in line, by Tayler, done from an old black chalk drawing." (Vol. II. Pages 228-230.) Note: The Chapcau Dc Faille is now (1907) in the National Gallery, London. R. W. J. 2. "Roman Charity. Now in the Hague Gallery." (Vol. II. Page 113.) 3. " A full-length Portrait of the Chevalier Roy, Counsellor to Prince Ferdinand, Gov- ernor of the Low Countries." (Vol. HI. Page 104.) 4. " Portrait of the Chevalier's Wife. These pictures have since been purchased, at the price of 1500 1., by the Prince of Orange, in whose collection they now are." (Ibid, page 105.) 5. Ftdl length Portrait of Francis Vander Borcht. Hague Gallery. (Ibid, page 38.) 6. A Portrait of R. P. Michael Ophovius, a Dominican Monk. Now in the Hague Gallery. (Vol. II. Page 113.) 9. " The Prodigal Son. Sir Joshua Reynolds, in his Tour through Flanders, mentions this picture, which was tlien in the collection of M. Pieters, 1781." " It was in the Writer's possession, for sale, in 1823-4, at 800 1. Now in the possession of W. Wilkins, Esq." (Ibid, page 227.) II. Portrait of Philip Rubens, the artist's brother. Now in the possession of Baron Mecklenburg. (Ibid, page 227.) November 2, 1822 and January 25, 1823. Charles J. Stier, Esquire. Antwerp, Dear Brother, The sale of the Pictures did not equal my expectations, but have no doubt that more could not have been obtained for them. I regret you did not purchase the Boar Hunt for me, 'tho it did sell for a little more than my limit, I wished to have had for my children one good picture of their Grand Father's collection, which they will frequently hear mentioned. My son George will not be of age for one year, by that time I hope you will see him in Europe, where I will send him to complete his studies, he will graduate the first of Sep- tember next. My dear Caroline has been addressed by several, has given the preference to a M''. Morris of Philadelphia, a man of good connections, a nephew of M''". Powell, he has little property but of respectable standing at the bar, and appears to be of amiable disposition. I shall consent to their union as soon as I can say what she will have to expect. With best wishes for the improvement of your health in which my children all join, I remain affectionately and Sincerely your Brother Geo. C-\lvert Antwerp, April 17'". 1823. M'. Calvert. Dear Brother, The contemplated union of my " Godshild " Caroline with the man of her's as well as of her Father's choice is a matter of great satisfaction to us all, and would have made the same happy impression on the feelings of our late most beloved and respected father, whose wishes to that effect you will find consigned in all his letters. Could not dear Brother this happy event procure us the pleasure of embracing you in Antwerp, your Carolina married, would be in a situation to take care of those of her brothers and sisters whom you should not think proper to bring with you, do think on it Dear Brother, do come next fall with George and Eugenia, to enter together with us on the most agreeable \ ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 55 house in Antwerp which I hought as soon as our hitc father's house had been allotted to van Havre's children. The act of division exhibits exactly the property your Daugliter Carolina will be entitled to for the present for her fifth part of what has come to your children, viz i of fl. 53466 or $21386 say $10693.20 part of tl. 30000 or $12000 6083.70 the sum of fl. 3750 or $1500 Received by the late Rosalie for her children in 1S05 1500. The amount of 3'' lots of late H. J. Slier Succ'. 104088.04 Total amount of the property belonging to the children, I)Oth the property and Interest. $122,364.94 Of which V\ part to each child $24,473.59. Your children are proprietors, but the revenue will belong to you on the following articles, viz Late Rosalia's dotation consisting of the Bladensburg Estate and $12000. complement by the act of the 27"'. of December 1822, togetlier fl. 130000 or $52,000.00 M". JM. L. Peelers succession, fl. 126703,88 or 50,681.55 Total amount of the property, the revenue of which belongs to M". Calvert-Stier $102,681.55 We have lost, on the 30'". of March last our worthy and beloved uncle, Anthony Stier, who so lately proved once more his kind disposition to his relations by representing your children at the execution of the act of division, aged 73 years, he had been languishing since last summer, no medical assistance could .stop his gradual decline; having raised no children he left his property to the five branches of the family Stier, of which our father was one, his widow, born Lunden, enjoys the revenue during her life time. My absence from home, (on account of our common interests) compels me once more to terminate; thus briefly repeating the expression of the tonderest affection for you, dear Brother, and your children, C, J. Stier ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 57 Facsimiles of Signatures FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVES OF ANTWERP Ferdinand Helman and his wife Catherine van der Pierre Paul Ruliens. Codicil. Septenilicr i6, u'139, I'ecken. Will, March 17, 1604, before Notary J. before Notary H. van Cantclbeeck. ^icolai, Sr. r/lojda Nicolas Rubens and Constance Helman. Mar- riage settlement, September 26, 1640, before Notary G. I.e Rousseau. tf^VP' z: ^ Oy^MUX' W Melchior Lunden and his wife Catherine Bosschaert. Will, May jo, 1649, before Notary J. Placquet. Jean Baptiste Lunden and Helone Frani;oise Rubens. Barbe Andriessens, widow of Pierre Charle. Will, Marriage settlement. September 11, 1660, before Notary April Ji, 161 j, licfore Notary J. Plactjuet. G. Le Rousseau. Jacques de Mont dit de Brialmont and his wife Marie Macquereel. Will, December 4, 1644, before Notary B. vanden Berghe. S8 THE ANCESTRY OF Gilles de Mont dit de Brialmont and Barbe van Wyck. Marriage settlement, January 29, 1643, before Notary B. vanden Eerghe. ^ (/) cOx a-^ cn^c- ^^c e -iHcn^vd Charles de la Bistrate and Cornelie Doncker. Marriage settlement, November 15, 1640, be- fore Notary J. Placquet. ($J^^)^.^^..yy7^^u*Ju-'<'^ Charles de la Bistrate, husband of Frangoise de le Disme. Marriage settlement of his son, November 15, 1640, before Notary J. Placquet. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 59 Frangoise de le Disme, widow of Charles de la Eistrate. Codicil, June :?o, 1651, before Notary C. Doppegieter. Jean Charles de la Bistrate, Lord of Laer, and his wife, Anne Thercse Chauwin. Will, nctober II, 17^1, before Notary M. de Vetter. e^r?? Jacques Jean de Mont dit de Brialmont, widower of Jeanne Catherine Ltinden. Will December 21, 169S. before Notary B. vander Linden. Cornelie Nicolette van Tetz, wife of Henri Stier. Deed, May 7, 1731, before Notary P. J. Ockers. z^^^^^^/^/^^f/^ £^a:;^...^u x/^-:^ Jean Baptiste de la Bistrate and his wife, Helena Francois de Mont dit de Brialmont. Will, October 31, 171 1, before Notary A. de Pieters. Henri Joseph Stier. Deed. December 20, 1788, before the Sheriti's of the Town of Antwerp. 6o THE ANCESTRY OF /jCf"^^'^^^^^. £cc^ft^^^ Albert Jean Stier and his wife Isabelle Helcne de la Bistrate. Will, May 5, 1756, before Notary P. Schepmans. Jean Gilles Peeters and his wife Mathilde Frangoise van den Cruyce. Deed, May 3, 1760, before the Sheriffs of Antwerp. Jean Constantin Peeters and Catherine de Coninck. Marriage settlement. February 21. 1721, before Notary P. Ockers. ytm^&n/t^'c Pascal Jean Augustin van den Cruyce and his wife Marie Mathilde de Coninck. Will. July 14. 1721, before Notary F. J. Hermans. Louis Francois de Coninck. Will, Feb- ruary iS, 1754, before Notary M. Kramp. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 6i ^ 7^ Michel Peeters and Marie Josephe van Eelen. Marriase settlement, February lo, 1683, before Notary J. J. Everaerts. Catherine Le Candele. wife of Louis Frangois de Coninck. Will, October 17, i;o8, before Notary A. de Pieters. Oyrt^cL Jacques de Coninck and his wife Marie Mathilde Schilder. Will, December 29, 1723, before Notary J. J. Haecx. (fv^iMcnlm^ Pascal Ignace van den Cruyce and his wife Isabelle Marie van den Cruyce. Will, February I. 1713. before Notary J. de Ridder. -j-y^yxA/^"^ 7r\y<^ <^Vi^ Henri Moens and his wife Constance Bonanomi. Will, January 23, 1625, before Notary P. Fabri. 62 THE ANCESTRY OF Luc Peelers and his wife Elizabeth Lemmens. Will. January 25, 1631, before Notary B. vanden Berghe. d^ u^ yiai^ Ccr o 1/ i-^-^"- L^vT* Vj ta > I Jv^ i^%rTK.,^^ Edouard Peelers and his wife Anne Marie Goyvaertsen van den Graef. Will, May 3, 1673, before Notary A. Sebille. y^/^^z^ l^^T^ ^^^--^-e^^^^^^ Jean van Eclen and Anne van Eelen. Marriage settlement, October 15. 1655, Ijefore Notary B. vanden Berghe. Jean de Coninck, husband of Marie de Jean Chauvvin and his wife Helcne de la Bistrate. Bucl6^^ Jean de Coninck and Helene Chauwin. Marriage settlement, November 29, 1662, before Notary A. Sebille. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 63 —74 /^^...^.^ S^mAru ..r,?^/"'"'^"™^''''''^" ^""^ '"' ''"''"'= ^"'"■''' Govaerts. Jean Vincque. father of Charles Vinc.iue Will, May 3, 1628, before Notary M. van Comvenberghe. Will. Angust 20. 1635, before Notary J.' Placiiuet. tKvm<^V(^oU Nicolas Corneille Clieeus and liis wife, Anne de Schot. Will, July 11, 1619, before Notary P. Fahri. Elizabeth Schrynniaeckers, widow of Louis Le Candele. Codicil, August 6, 1672, before Notary J. Pauwels. Charles Vincque and his wife, Anne Marie Cheeus. Will, June 6, 1657, before Notary G. Le Rousseau. cr:f ^ ' t GxLrCb Ctt^ma. -^^c/^*^ Louis Le Candele and Catherine Vinciiue. Marriage settlement. February 4. 1668, before Notary A. Sebille. 64 THE ANCESTRY OF <^^^cA^i^c '^Kc.i.Kr^ Ae/*^ ffmcrrums V^^ pinin fuller a^y Ferdinand Helnian and his wife Anne Helle- mans. Will, September lo, 1596, before Notary J. Nicolai, Sr. ')(Czna. }Qfnm Pierre Hellemans and Marie Helman. Mar-, riage settlement, April 25, 1618, before Notary J. Nicolai, Sr. ^jcfoy^"^^^ ^/"^^'^^z-^z^ ^,/L m-^l^TZ^ Pascal Francois van den Cruyce and Jeanne Catherine Hellemans. Marriage settlement, November 16, 1638, before Notary G. Le Rousseau. Anne Walewyns. widow of Francois Maciiuercel. Will, August 26, 1652, before Notary G. Le Rousseau. 'O-OaA^ "^CO Wviv- o^crifwl^ tf\?rfo otnl^ Jean de Coninck and Anne Marie Maci|uereel. Mnr- Mathilde Gerbrants van Nierop. widow of riage settlement. May 9, 1654, before Notary D. Guyot. Francois Schilder. Will. December 13, 1696, before Notary A. de Pieters, Jr. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 65 Oi/XICU o3 CiocA'^ ^y -toLf 1:ta7(iU (7oPc^a^x)h~f Marie de Groot, widow of Walter Bosschaert. Will, April 15, 1C61, before Notary A. Sebille. a£/r^ Henri Francois Schilder and his wife Sybille Boss- naert. Will, May 2, 1675, before Notary H. Fighe. Jean Brandt. Division of the succession of bis mother, July 11, 1598, before Notary P. Fabri. yyx-cjoiyjj' •p\'P ^Cw/v/^r/tx Marie Pypelincx, widow of Jean Rubens. Marriage settlement of her daughter Blondina, with Simeon du Parcq. August 5, 1590. Jean Rubens and his wife Marie Pypelincx. Wdl, about 1563. (Archives of the Chateau du List.) Marie Pypelincx, widow of Jean Rubens. Will, December 18, 1606. (Archives of the Chateau du List.) George Calvert and Rosalie Eugenia Stier. Marriage settlement, June 8, 1799. (Archives of the Chateau du List.) Corrections and Additions TO THE FIRST VOLUME ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 69 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE EIRST VOLUME. Page 9. According to the authorities cited, George Calvert is said to have married Anne, daughter of John Mynne. In Chauncy's History of Hertfordshire, Vol. I., p. 537, the name appears as George Mynne, agreeing with the " Calvert Pedigree " in the Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. II., p. 369. 13. Ninth line from last, for " I'crstcgait " read J'crstcgcn. 13. Sixtli line from last, add: The Calvert or Calvart family is an ancient one and a branch resided a long time in Antwerp and was very prominent. Guillannie and Jacques Calvart were Sheriffs of Antwerp for several years. Guillaume de Cal- vart, Lord of Zeveren, died July 22, 1633 and Jacques de Calvart, also Lord of Zeveren, died November 20, 1633. Their seals are still in the archives of Antwerp, from which it appears that the arms of these two Calvarts were sim- ilar to those granted to Sir George Calvert. 14. Sixth line, for " Vcrstcgan" read Vcrstcgcn. 29. Twenty third line read, married February s, 1774- 31. Twentieth line, for " born " read baftlced. 31. Concerning the " Riversdale " property. George Calvert received this estate from his father-in-law, Henri Joseph Sticr, who had erected the mansion during his sojourn in America. 37. Twenty first line, to Charles Baltimore Calvert, No. 145, add: died .■liigiisf $1, igo6. 40. Ninth line from last, to George Calvert Stuart, add: Married in Fairfax County, Virginia, April 18, 1907, Anne Robinson Hoxton, daughter of Lleivellyn Ho.vton. 44. E'ourteenth line, to Julian Stuart Carter, add: married seeond, June J6, 1906, in St. Dat'id's Chureh, Radnor, Pennsylvania, Aliee Bo'a'doin Rusli. 45. To Charles Baltimore Calvert, No. 14S, add : died August j/, /pod. 45. To Richard Mackubin Calvert, No. 269, add : married Oetober iS, 1906, Zoe Ammen Davis. 53. Twenty first line, to Mary Mellozves, add: who died betzt'een August 16, 1761 and May so, 176}. 53. Twenty first line, add: Atthougli the dates of birth, marriage and death of the first wife of Paul Carrington are not knozvn. it is knozvn that her name ii'ai Elizabeth Gibbes. 54. Second line, read, dated August 16, 1764. 57. Twenty fourth line. It is believed that Arthur Denwood was the son, not the brother, of Levin Denwood, Jr. 61. Third line, for "starts in," read begins. 66. Seventh line, read : bills and debts, £166/11/03. 69. Sixth line. An abstract of the will of David Franks, of Isleworth, County of Middlesex, England, formerly of Philadelphia, appears in The I'en>isyk'ania Magazine, Volume XXIX., page 315. It was dated July 30, 1785 and proved July 22, 1794, and mentions his four children, Abigail Hamilton, Jacob Franks, Moses Franks and Rebecca Johnson. From this it appears that the information gath- ered from the volume quoted on page 69 is erroneous as to the place of David Frank's death, which was evidently in England. 76. Twenty seventh line; for year of death of Phebe Guest, read 176S. 86. Last line; " p" omitted in "printed." loi. Eleventh line, read: Elizabeth Hartman, born August -'O, 1755; died February <.'5, 1791. 103. Second line, read. William Hudson, died Tentli month (J)eeeniber) 16, 1742. 103. Add to record of children of William and Mary Hudson : Mary Hudson, born 10 Mo. ig, 1671 ; Samuel Hudson, born I Mo. 21, 1673-4; Timothy Hudson, born 4 Mo. 23, 1676. THE ANCESTRY OF Ii6. In the text tlie name of tlie wife of John Christopher Kuhn is given as Margaret, daughter of Marx Rcichss, which is in accordance with earher researches. After tlie sketch had heen written the result of an investigation made in the present year was received, in which the name appears as Fuchs (see page 117). The original is doubtless difficult to decipher, and it is possible that neither is quite correct. There will be noticed other variations in the spelling of names and places in the two abstracts, both of which are given in the foot-notes. There is no question that in the baptismal record of the children at Hiitten, the mother is entered as ncc Ruchin (page 118). 121. Eleventh line. Original wills are usually marked with the year of probate, for filing purposes. The will of Maria Kuhn is endorsed, " 1798," hut there is no record of probate on original instrument or in the will book; no inventory or account on file. 122. Twelfth line from last, for Algai read Aglai. 131. Twenty first line, for "Mary Hamilton Harris," read Mary Kuhn Harris. 140. Twenty first line, for " 1764 " read 1756. 142. First line of foot-note, for " Noz'Cjiibcr 2g, iSjg," read Nin'Cinbcr 9, l8sQ. 148. Sixth line, read, Mary Moore, buried November 6, 1733. 148. Sixth line from last. It should be said of the Manor of Steyning, that it was- south of the Brandywine and several miles from the stream. 151. Twenty sixth line. Anthony Morris, died September 23, 1763. 152. First line of foot-note, read: The foUoiving is a copy from an old family bible li'liich K'as ill possession of John Strettell Morris, K'/io died at tlie " Knoll." near Phoeni.xville, .Ipril, 1S60 : it has since been the property of the Milligan family. 153. Seventh line, for " jnade " read held. 155. Fourth line from last, for "Powell" read Pozi'cl. 162. Twenty fifth line, read, married March g, 1786. 162. Twenty ninth line, read, born March 10, 1753. 169. Fourteenth line from last, for " rdth " read 13th. 171. Second line, for " 7900 " read igoi. 171. Eighth line, to Anna Willing Murray, add: married Feli.v R. Sullivan, Jr., on Wednesday, December 37. 1903, at goi Saint Paul Street, Baltimore. 171. Seventeenth line, to Daniel Maynadier Murray, add: married Amelia Norris Keys on Thursday, April 26, 1906, at 1203 Eutazv Place, Baltimore. 171. Fourteenth line from last, add to record of Elizabeth (Kuhn) Morris: Died sud- denly at her home. Evergreen Ave., Chestnut Hill. Montgomery County, October IS, iSgo. Buried in the family lot in Laurel Hill Cemetery. Will proved at Philadelphia, October iS. iSgo. 171. Fifth line from last, for " Contribulorship " read Contributionship. 172. Last line, read Rev. /. A. Harri.s. 173. F'ifth line, to record of George Morris Cheston, add: died March 8, igoy at 7 o'clock, A. M. 175. I'ourth line, for " .-Ipril ig. lyos," read 4th Mo. 29, 1703. 175. First line of foot-note, for " 1O75" read 1673. 180. Fifth line, the date, " 19th of April, 1703," as given in the original article, here quoted, should be 4th Mo. 29, 1703. 187. Twenty fourth line, for " H'cre married," read, 'i'as recorded the marriage of:. 189. Nineteenth line. Edward Shippen died October 2, 1712. The conflicting dates (of his will, codicil and the probate,) are here given exactly as they appear in the original doctmient and in the will book. 190. Eleventh line from last, for " randerheyden" read I'anderspeyden. 193. Second line, for " 171JU " rcail 171JI. 194. First word, tentli line, read Took. ROSALIE MORRIS JOHNSON 71 196. Sixtli line, read: Pici-rc Cocnats. son of Cocnracl, bom Scl^tciiil'fi; ;.S-/i; died June Ji. i6ji. 196. Ninth line, read: Jean Pictcrsscn. son of Pierre, horn February 19,1583; died April 10. 1648; married June 13. 1613. PetroniHe P'irek- Ilooft. born May I.', 1593; died February 20, 1640. 196. Thirteenth line, read: Albert Stier. bcfli:ed August 17. i62y; died Oelober 28, 16-6; married June 16, 165S. Catherine de Ryser. 197. Fourth line, for "Amsterdam " read Helder. 199- Twenty fourth line, for " 1S02 " read /So.i. 199- Twenty fifth line, read: Henri Joseph Slier died at the " Chateau du Miek," near Brassehart. at that time in F.eekeren. 201. Sixth line from last, for " Maria " re,^d Marie. 202. Thirteenth line, read : Marie de Hnehere. zeho died Mareh I. 1671. 202. Nineteenth line, to " Lh'eember 12." add, i6(>j. 203. I'ourth line, for "St. Andreivs' parish" read the Cathedral. 203. Twelfth line, add that Sybille Diislerh zvas born 7597. 203. Nineteenth line, for " Fran^oise de la Disme," read Fran,;oise de le Disme, died September 12, /6j;.'. 203. I'"ilth line from last, for "dubbed," read erealed. 204. Thirteenth line, for " 1613" read 1611. 204. Eighth line from last, for " 1573 " read 1573. 205. Thirteenth line, add, that Anne Hcllemans, first wife of Ferdinand Ilehnan. H'as buried, February 16. 1600. 205. Fourteenth line, for "January. 1603. Catherine van der ]'eken," read, January 28, 1603. Catherine ran der I'eeken. 20$. Twelfth line from last, for " married about 15S3," read, married January 12, 13S3. 206. Fifth line, for "baptised January 27, 156S," read, baptised June 27, 156S. 206. Eleventh line, to "Catherine I'au Soil," add: baptised in the Cathedral. November 3, 1561 ; died July 11, 1639. 209. Twenty ninth line, for " Isabella Brandt," read Isabelle Brandt. 212. Twelfth line from last, read: married September 30, 1564. Claire Snelline.v; died 1611-1613 212. Ninth line from last, for " died 'u'ilhout a li'ill in 1637," read: died without a zcill, 1635-1636, and in 1637 his son inherited the estate. 2\2. Seventh line from last, to " de Ueekere," add died 1610-1615. 212. Third line from last, for "Isabella" read Isabelle. 214. Twenty first line, for '' Marie Josephe van Helen," read Marie Josephe van Eelen, their daughter. 214. F'onrteenth line from last, to "Anne Huyghe," add: baptised in the Cathedral. May 12, 1595; died May 11, 1657. 214. Ninth line from last, for "Cornelia" read Cornelie. 214. Seventh line from last, for " Cornelia " read Cornelie. 215. Seventh line, for " Cornells " read Corneille. 218. Fourteenth line, omit the words " is the." 219, Twelfth line, for " about I7(it^!' read, April 13, 1766. 219. To foot-note numher three may be added : Letters of administration on the estate of "Mary Till, of the City of Philadelphia, deceased," were granted to " William Hamilton. }ie.vt of kin," Nove))iber 26, 171)2. (Will Book N., p. 305. Wilmington, Delaware.) 238. Twelfth line; for "proved April 16, 170S." read, proved April 26. 1708. 241. Twenty sixth line, for "1731" read 1730. 242. Second line from last, for " May 26. 1676." read May 24, 1676. 247. Second line, for " married June IQ. 1763," read married June 9. 1763. 251. I'ourth line. This date of the de:ith uf Joseph Sliippeii. so :ippears in the hihie THE ANCESTRY OF record, but it is believed that the date shown in memorandum found in the Will- ing Bible, viz: June 1741 (see pages 193 and 194), is more accurate. 252. Eigluh line, for " Gibbs " read Gibbcs. 253. Twenty eighth and thirty second lines, for " Gibbs " read Gibbcs. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO CHARTS BOUND IN THE FIRST VOLUME. Chart following page 22. Eugenia Carter was born February 3, 1832 instead of July 3, 1832. For William Morris Calvert read William Norris Calvert. Chart following page 28. I'or " .htn Calvert, m. William Robinson," read Anne Calvert, b. .-iugust zS, 17S4; m. JVilliam Robinson. For " Ariana" (daughter of Dr. David Stuart), read .-Iriana Calvert. To "Anne Carter" (Lee) add: d. Oct. $0, iS6j. Cliart following page ,?o. For " Aranunta. d. y.", read .4raniinta Carroll, d. y. F'or " Marion Glorvina Calvert." read Marian Glorvina Calvert. Chart following page 240. Thomas Willing married June 9, 1763 instead of June /p, 1763. INDEX INDEX Names in square brackets following Christian names, if in italics, have been ac(|uired by marriage ; it in Roman type they give the woman's family name. Aeyiiared. Mr., 38 Albemarle, Lord, 14 Alexander, Anne [Axtell, Bou)ic], 3, 4, 5 John, 4. Alleyne, Elizabeth Gibbes [Willing], 72 Amy, Thomas, 14 Andriessens, Barbc [C7ia)7i'], 57 Ange, Michel, 52 Anne, Queen of England, 10 Archdale, Governor, 4 John, 3 Mr., 5 Archdeacon, Thomas le, I Arents, Barbe [Rubens, dc Lanltiwtcr], 26 Catherine [Bisschot], 26 Lambert, 26 Aniold, John, 3 Arundell, Alice de [de Lanherne, dc Uin- frai-iUc]. I Anne [Calvert], 2 Anne [Philipson], 2, 16 Annora [Lamhourne], i Catherine [Chiddocke, Stafford], i Catherine [Dinham], i Catherine [Eiirc], 2 Charles. 2 Clare[fFcW],2 Eleanor [Gray], 2 Elizabeth de [Carminow], I Eva de [de la Roche], I Eva de [de Rnpe], I Frances, 2 Frederick, 2 Jane, 2 Joane [Lnscot], i Joane, d' [le Soor], i John, I, 2 John de, i Margaret [Burghersh, CrcnviUe], i Margaret [Forteseue], 2 Margaret [Howard], 2, 10 Margaret [Willotighby], 2 Mary [5"ti»!r)-.j(7], 2 Matthew, 2 Ralph de, i Renfry de, I Thomas, i, 2, 10, 16 At Lee, Sir Walter, 12 Anngemle, Mahell [Bellers], 6 Robert, 6 Axtell, Anne [.llcxander. Boone], 3, 4, 5 Daniel, 3, 4, 5. 14 Elizabeth [Turgis. Blake], 3, 4, 5 Holland, 3, 4 Mary [Cutlibert], 3, 4 Rebecca, 3, 4, 5 Rebecca [.UnorL-], 3, 4, 5, 14 Sibilla, 3, 4 Bagshaw, Jtilin, 13 Sarah [l^ee], 13 Baranowski, Mr., 51 Barnack, Margaret [Bellers], 6 Batkin, Madeleine [Chatm'in], 58 Madeleine [Doncker], 58 Michel, 58 Baynton, Henry, 10 Isabel [Howard], 10 Beamont, Anthony, ig Jilary [I'illiers]. 19 Beaumont, Grace [Crosland], 8 Robert. S Bellers. Agatha [Vichan], 6 Elizabeth [Howby], 6 Elizabeth [Sutton], 6, 11 Emma de [de Foleuile], 6 Hamon, 6 Jaines, 6 Joane [J'illiers]. 6, 19 John, 6, II, 10 Mabell [Aungeuile],6 Margaret [Barnack], 6 Richard, 5 Samson de, 6 William, 6 Benninghton, William. 3 Berghem, N., 52 Berkeley, .Anne [Lee], 12 Maurice, 12 Besschey. B., 52 Riddle, Clement, 37, 38 Bisschot, Catherine [.Irenls], 26 INDEX Catherine [Sf'icrincx], 26 Blake, Benjamin, 5 Elizabeth [Axtell, Turgis], 3, 4, 5 Joseph, 4, 5 Rebecca [Smith], 5 Blondel, Mr., 52 Boddycott, John, 3 Boisseau, John, 3 Bolleyn, Anne, 10 EHzabeth [Howard], 10 Thomas. 10 Bonanomi, Constance [Mociis], 61 Boone, Anne [Axtell, Alc.vandcr], 3, 4, 5 Joseph, 4, 5 Bossaert. 53 Bosschaert, Catherine [Lundrn], $7 Marie [de Groot], 65 Sybille [Scliildcr], 65 T. Willeborts, 52 Walter, 65 Boiirchier, Elizabeth [Tilney, Ihm'aid], 10 Humphrey, 10 Bourdcn, J., 52 Bourierez, Deliser, 38 Bourne, Sylvanns, 35 Boys, Alice [Hozvard]. 9 Robert, 9 Brandt, Claire [de Moy], 23 Elisabeth [Sdunnen], 23 Isabelle [Riibois], 23, 26, 71 Jean, 23, 65 Simon, 23 Breugel, J., 52 P., 5^. S3 Briggs, Elizabeth [Pliilil^sou], 16 Robert, 16 Broglio, Mr., 51, 52, 53 Bronkhorst, J., 51, 52 Brotherton, Margaret [Scgravc], 9 Thomas, 9 Browne, Barbara [Lee], 13 Charles, 13 George, 13 Burghersh, Isniania, I John, I Margaret [Grfiii'illc. Antndcll], i Cagnacci, Guido, 51 Calvart, Guillaume, 69 Guillaume de, 69 Jacques, 69 Jacques de, 69 Calvert, Alicia [Crossland], S Anne [Arundell], 2 Anne [Mynne], 69 Araminta Carroll, 72 Benedict Leonard, 4th Lord Baltimore, 13 Caroline Maria [Morris], 46, 48, 49, 54. 55 Ceciliiis, 2 Charles Baltimore. 69 Charlotte [Lee], 13 George, 34, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. SO, 54, 65, 69 George, ist Lord Baltimore, 69 George Henry, 46, 48, 54 Grace [Crosland], 8 Leonard. 8 Marian Glorvina [Wilson], 72 Richard Mackubin, 69 Rosalie Eugenia [Carter], 49, 54 Rosalie Eugenia [Stier], 34. 36, Z7t 38, 39. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 55, 65 William Norris, 72 Zoe Ammen [Davis], 69 Cantey, William, 4 Carminow, Elizabeth [do Arundell], I Oliver, I Carrington, Elizabeth [Gibbes], 69, 72 Mary [Mellowes], 69 Paul, 69 Carter, Alice Bowdoin [Rush], 69 Eugenia [Hall], 72 Julian Stuart, 69 Rosalie Eugenia [Calvert], 49, 54 Carteret, Lord, 14 Cams, Anne [Philipson, Ricliardson], 16 Christopher, 16 Katherine [Philipson], 16 Richard. 16 CatchpouII. Mary. 3 Catherine. Queen of England, 2, 10 Ceiglitz, Mr., 38 Cente, Marie [Vis], 27 Charle, Barbe [Andriessens], 57 Isabelle [van JJ'yck], 58 Pierre. 57 Charles Second, King of England, 13, 20 Chauwin, Anne Therese [dc la Bistrate], 59 Helene [dc Cmiiiick], 62 Helene [de le Bistrate], 62 Jean, 58, 62 Madeleine [Batkin], 58 Chedworth, John, 9 Margaret [Hou'ard], 9 Cheeus. Anne [de Schot]. 63 Anne Marie [Fincque], 63 INDEX Marie Josephe [Lc Caiidi'lc], jt Nicolas Corneille, 63 Cheston, George Morris, 70 Cheyne (See Cheyney) Cheyney, Elizabeth [Lcc], 7, 12 Elizabeth [Webb, Odd I], 7, 12 John, 7 Margaret [Ingleton], 7 Robert. 7. 12 Chiddocke, Catherine [Stafford, Aniiidcll], 1 John. I Clarke, Agnes [Crosland], 8 Coenens, Pierre. 71 Cogels, Albert, 47 F., 31 Isabelle Cornelie ]\Iarie [Stier], 31 Isabelle Jacqueline [Simons], 31 Jean Baptiste, 31 Jean Baptiste Josepli, 31 Colleton, Peter, 14 Collin, Marie Giiilielmine Therese [dcUa faille], 32 Collins, Arthur, 18 Colyns, Claire [Py[^cliiic.v], 26 Jean, 26 Mathilde [van Alteren], 26 Cooke, William, 42, 43, 44, 45 Cooper, Ann, 3 Coques, Gonzales, 51 Craven. 14 Crawford. James, 36, 37, 38 Crosland, Adam de, 8 Agnes [Clarke], 8 Alicia [Cakrit], 8 Anne, 8 Edward, 8 George, 8 Gilbert de, 8 Grace [Bcauinont], 8 Grace [Caliwt], 8 Hugh, 8 Joane [Norman], 8 Joanna. 8 John. 8 John de. 8 Lucy, 8 Luke, 8 Marina [Hawkswortli], 8 Mariona [Hawks worth], 8 Michael, 8 Philippa de [Ufton], 8 Richard. 8 Roger de, 8 Susannah, 8 Thomas, 8 William, 8 Crossland, Alicia [Calvert], 8 Culpeper. Joyce [Hoicard], 10 Richard, 10 Cuthbert, Mary [AxtcU]. 3, 4 Mr., 4 Daemen, Adam, 24 Anne [Gielen], 24 Clarisse [Paeter], 24 Sibesta [ran Tet:], 24, 28, 31 Danvers, Henry, 3 Daregonne, Mr., 38 Davidson, j\Ir., 47 Davis, Zoe Ammen [Calvert], 6g de Baillet, Anne Sophie [Martini], 31 Catherine Nicole Marie [Stier], 31 Christophe Ernest, 31 Franijois Joseph Xavier, 31 de Berchem, 53 de Breuscghem. P.. 62 de Brialmont, de Mont dit Barbe [van Wyck], 58 Gilles, 58 Helene Frangoisc [de la Bistrate], ^{1. $9 Jacques. 57 Jacques Jean, 59 Jeanne Catlierine [Lunden], 59 Marie [Macquereel], 57, 71 de Buckere, Marie [de Coiiiiick], 62, 71 de Carpentier, Isabelle Marie Colette [dc Lunden], 33 de Coninck, Anne Marie [Macquereel], 64 Catherine [Le Candele], 61 Catherine [Peelers], 60 Helene [Chauwin], 62 Jacques, 61 Jean, 62, 64 Louis Francois, 60, 61 Marie [de Buckere], 62, 71 Marie Mathilde [Schilder], 61 Marie Mathilde [ran den Cntyce], 60 de Cornelissen, Henriette [ran Havre], 34 Henriette Anne Colette [du Bois], 32 Jacques Joseph Antoine Jean Nepo- mucene, t,2 Jean Baptiste Adricn Jacques Antoine, 3^ Josephe Isabelle (de Stier], 32 de Deckere, Dymphne [van den Cniyce], 71 dc Groot, Marie [Bosseliaert], 65 Sybille [Diisterlo], 71 de Hens. G., 52, 53 de la Bistrate, Anne Josephe [Lunden], 33 -8 INDEX Anne ThercSL- [Clianwin], 59 Balthasar Pierre Joseph, 33 Charles, 58, 59 Cornelie [Doncker], 58 Frangoise [de !e Disme], 58, 59, 71 Helene [ClwiKvin], 62 Helena Frangoise [de Mont dit de Brialmont], 31, 59 Isabella Helene [Slier], 31, 33, 60 Jean Baptiste, 31, 59 Jean Charles, 59 }ilarie Jeanne [6"/ii')'], 33 de Lantmeter, Barbe [Arents, Rubens], 26 Barbe [Spierinex, Kiibiiu], 26 Jean, 26 de le Disme, Franijoise [dc la BistniU'], 58, 59, /I della Faille, Alexandre, 34 Alphonse, 34 Catherine Therese Frangoise ^larie [Stic,-], 32 Charles, 34 Clementine [van Havre], 34 J., 5-' Jean, 34 Jeanne, 34 Jerome Joseph, 32 JNIarie Gnilielmine Tlierese [Cullin], 32 Mr., 50 Paul, 34 Pierre, 34 Valerie, 34 da Lnnden, Isabelle Henriette Julie [S/icr], 33. 55 Isabella Marie Collette [de Carpcntier]. 33 Jacques Henri, 33 de Marsis, Mr., 52 da Mont dit de Brialmont (See de Brial- mont) De Move, P. G.. 38 de Moy, Catherine [Moninckx], 23 Claire [Brandt], 23 Claira [van Gulick], 23 Henri, 23 Nicolas, 23 Denwood, ."Vrthnr. 69 Levin Jr., Go de Pieters, A., 59, 61 A. Jr., 64 ' de Ridder. J., 61 de Ryser, Brigite [van Schorol], 27, 30 Catherine [.S"//!';'], 27, 29, 30, 31, 71 Henri, 27, 30 de Schildc. Baron van der Werve, 47 Baroness van dar Werve, 42, 43 de Schot, Anne [Chcciis], 63 da Stiar (See Stier) Albert, 32 Albert Pierre, 32 Jean Frangois Xavier, 31, 32 Josephe Isabelle [dc Cornclisscn], 32 Marie Josepha [Le Candele], 31, 32 de Touion, Claire [Pyt^clincx], 26 Jean, 26 Mathilde [van Altcren], 26 da Vetter, M., 59 de Vinck, A., 32 Catherine Isabelle [Stier], 32 Ignace Jean Joseph, 32, 47, 52 da Vischer, Jean, 30 Maria [Stier], 30 de Vos, P., 52 de Voys, Ary, 53 de Vries, :Mr., 52, 53 de Vriese, Mr., 51 de Witte, Marguerite [van Gulick], 23 Diefunbeeck, A., 53 Digby, Agnes [I'illicrs], 19 John, 19 Dinham, Catherine [.-Irundctl], I John, I Dockwray, iG Dodinge, Margaret [Sandis], 17 Myles, 17 Doncker, Balthasar, 58 Cornelie [dc la Bistratc], 58 Elizabeth [Greyns], 58 Madeleine [Batkin], 58 Doppegiater, C, 59 Dotreugor, Mr., 37 du Bois, Henriette Anne Colette [dc Cor- nclisscn], 32 Dumourier, Mr., 36 Duncomba, Mr., 52 du Parcq, Blondina [Rubens], 65 Simeon, 65 Diisterlo. Sybille [dc Groot], 71 Dutton, John, 13 Lucy [Potc], 13 Duval, G., 45 Eckford, Mr., 51 Edward First, King of England, 9 Edward Fourth, King of England, 10 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 10 Elliot, Captain, 36 Emmerson, Mr., 51, 52, 53 INDEX 79 Eure, Catherine [Arundell], 2 Ralph, 2 William, 2 Evans, Wary [Moore], 70 Everaerts, J. J., 61 Fabri, P., 61, 6i, 65 Feilding, Susan [Villiers], 19 William, 19 Fenton, John. 19 Feti, Doniinico. 51 Feyt, J., 51 Fighe, H.. 65 Fisher, John, 3 Fitz Alan. Elizabeth \Moivhray\, 9 Richard, 9 Fitzpatrick. Reran, 35, 36 Fitzroy, Anne Palmer \Lcnnard\. 20 Barbara, 20 Charles, 20 Charlotte \Lcc'\, 13, 20. George, 20 Henry, 20 Fleury, Elie Pierre, 40 Foletiile, Emma de {Bellcrs]. 6 Walter de. 6 Ford. James. 3 Fortesctie, John. 2 Margaret [Arnndell], 2 Foster, Mr., 52 Fonreroy, Charles Louis, 40 Franck, F., 53 Franks, Abigail IHniiiilloii]. 69 David, 69 Jacob, 69 Moses, 69 Rebecca [lo/nison]. 69 Fuchs, Margaret [Kiiliii], 70 Fuller. William. 3 Gael. Barent, 52 Geelhand, Helene Nicolette [U'l-Hciis]. 33 Gerards, Catherine [Ryser], 27 Gibbes, Elizabeth [Cairiiigton], 69, 72 Gielen, Anne [Daciucii], 24 Glen, Gilbert de, 18 Godfrey, John, 4, 14 Govaerts, Sara [Sclirynmacckcrs]. 6,^ Granville, Lord, 5 Graves, Thomas, 4 Gray, Eleanor [Animicll], 2 Thomas. 2 Grenville. John, i iNIargaret [Burghersh, Aniiiddl]. i Grcyns, Elizabeth [Donckcr], 58 Gruyttcrs, W., 52 Guest, Phebe [Munis], 69 Guyot, Catherine Pascliasie Josephe [van Laer], 33 D.. 64 Jean Alexandre, a Jeanne Marie Anne Josephe [Sticr], ,?.'• 50 Guinn. John. 45 Haec.x. J. J.. 61 Hale, Mr.. 47 Hall, Eugenia [Carter]. 72 Hamilton, Abigail [Fr.inks]. 69 William, 71 Hanson, Alexander C, 38 Harris, Rev. J. A., 70 Mary Kuhn, 70 Harrison, George, 36, ,^y, 38 Hartman, Elizabeth [Markoc, Kuhn], 69 Hawks, Gershom, 3 Hawksworth, Marina [Crosland], 8 Mariona [Crosland], 8 Walter, 8 Hayward, Nicholas. 3 Hellemans, Anne [Hcbnan], 25, 64, 71 Arnou, 25 Brothers and Co., 25 Catherine [van Santfort], 25 Charles, 25 Ferdinand, 25 Francisco, 25 Francois, 25 Jeanne Catherine [van den Cruycc], 25, 64 Lucrece [Mannetti], 25 Lucrecia [Mannetti], 25 Marie [Helman], 2$, 64 Pierre. 2^, 64 Susaime [van Surck], 25 Helman. .Anne [Hellemans], 25, 64, 71 Catherine [van der Vecken], 25, 57, 71 Constance [Rubens], 25, 57 Ferdinand. 25. 57. 64. 71 Marie [Hdlcinans], 25, 64 Henry Eighth. King of England. 2, 10 Herbouville. C. ^g, 42 Hermans, F. J.. 60 Hill. Sara, 3 Hoet, G., 52 Hooft, Guillaume, 29 Marie [Wynants], 20. 30 Petronillc Dirck [67 /<■;•]. 29. 30. 71 Theodore. 29. 30 So INDEX Howard, Agnes [Tilney], lo Alice [Boys], 9 Alice [Tendring], 9 Anna, 10 Barbara [Villiers, IVcnman], 20 Catherine, 2, 10 Catherine [Molines], 9 Charles, 10 Edmond, 2. 10 Elizabeth, 10 Elizabeth [Bollcyti], 10 Elizabeth [Tilney, Bourcliio], 10 Frances [I'iUicrs], 20 George, 10 Henry, 10 Isabel [Baynton], 10 James, 20 John, 9 Joyce [Culpeper], 10 Joyce [Stanncy], 10 Margaret [Anaidcll], 2, 10 Margaret [Chedworth], 9 Margaret [Mowbray], 9 Margery [Scales], 9 Mary [Trafford], 10 Robert, 9 Theophilus, 20 Thomas, 10 Howby, Alice [Sh/(o"], ii Anthonie, 6, 11 Anthony, 1 1 Elizabeth [Bcllrrs], 6 Gilbert de, II John, II Mawde [Kirkby], II Walter, 11 Hoxton, Anne Robinson [5'/Har/], 69 Llewellyn, 69 Hudson, Mary, 69 Samuel, 69 Timothy, 69 William, 69 Huyghe, Anne [van Nicrof], 71 Huysman, 52 Hnysmans. 51 Hynson, Anna Francina [Vanderspeyden, S/i//'/ic»], 70 Ingleton, Margaret [Chcyncy], 7 Robert, 7 Izard, Frances [Turgis], 5 John, 5 Thomas, 5 Walter, 5 Jacobs, Jeanne [67ir)], 29, 30 Jansen, Nicolette [Schuyt], 24 Johnson, Rebecca [Franks], 6g Jordaens, J., 51. 5^. 53 Keerings, A., 52 Keys, Amelia Norris [Murray]. 70 King Charles Second, of England, 13, 20 King Edward First, of England, 9 King Edward Fourth, of England, 10 King Henry Eighth, of England, 2, 10 King Philip, of France, 9 Kirkby, Anne, 11 Cicely, 11 John, II Mawde [Ho'u'by], n William, 11 Kramp, M., 60 Kuhn, Anna Maria Sabina [Schrack], 70 Elizabeth [Hartnian, Markoc], 69 Elizabeth [Morris], 70 John Christopher, 70 Margaret [Fuchs], 7° Margaret [Reichss], 70 Lambourne, Annora [ArundcU], I William, i Lanherne, Alice de [Aruudcll. dc Umfra- villc], I John de, i Laybourne, Jennet [Philipson], 16 Thomas, 16 Leamv. John, 36. 37. 38 Le Candele. Catherine [dc Comnck], 61 Catherine [Vincque], 63 Elizabeth [Schrynmacckers], 63 Louis, 63 Marie Josephc [Chcens], 31 Marie Josephe [de Stier], 31, 32 Marie Josephe [Slier], 31, 32 Robert Frangois Xavier, 31 Lee, Alice, 12 Anne, 13 Anne [Berkeley], 12 Anne [St. John], 12, 13 Anne Carter, "2 Anthonie, 12 Barbara [Bro'cne], 13 Benedict, 7, 12 Bennett, 12 Bridget [Tryon], 12 Charles, 13 Charles Henry, 13 Charlotte [Caherl], 13 Charlotte [Fitzroy], 13, 20 INDEX 8i Colonel, 13 Edward, 12 Edward Henry, 13 Eleanor [Wortley], 12 Elizabeth, 12 Elizabeth [Cheyney], 7, 12 Elizabeth [Lee, Yuuiig], 13 Elizabeth [Lcc, Ycnaig], 13 Elizabeth [Pope], 13 Fitzroy Henry, 13 Francis, 12, 13 Francis Henry, 13 Francis Henry Fitzroy, 13 Fraunces, 12 George, 12 George Henry, 13 Henry, 12, 13, 20 Henry Antony, 12 James, 13 John, 13 Joyce, 12 Louisa, 12 Luce [Piggott], 12 Lucy [Pygot], 12 Margaret, 12 Mary, 12 Mary [Tyrrrll], 12 Mary Isabella, 13 Richard, 12 Robert, 7. 12, 13 Sarah [Bagshaw], 13 Thomas, 12, 13 Walter At. 12 William, 13 Le Febore, ^Mr., 27 Lefrane, V.. 38 Leman, Mr., 52 Lemmens, Elizabeth [Pcctcrs], 62 Lennard, Anne Palmer [Fitzroy], 20 Thomas, 20 Le Pousin, 53 Le Rousseau, G., 57, 63, 64 Le Roy, Chevalier, 51, 54 Leyborne, of Cunswick, 16 Lillingston, Mary [77//], 71 Lindsey, Robert, Earl of. 13 Lokeren, Mr., 52 Louvrex, Mr., 37, 38 Ludwell, Governor, 4 Lunden, Anne Josephe [dc la Blslralc], 33 Catherine [Bosschaert], 57 Catherine [van Solt], 71 Catherine Anne Marie [zvii Havre], 34 Family, 53 Helene Fran^oise [Rubens], 57 Isabelle Henriette Julie de [Sticr], 33, 55 Isabelle Marie Colette dc [de Carpen- tier], 33 Jacques Henri de, 33 Jean Baptise, 57 Jeanne Catherine [dc Mont dit dc Brialmont], 59 Melchior, S7 Mile., 53 Luscot, Joane [Aniiidcll], i William, i Lundens Faniilv. 53 Mile., 5.^ McEwen. Hale and Davidson. 47 Macquereel, Anne [Walewyns], 64 .\nne Marie [dc Conincl;]. 64 Frangois, 64 Marie [dc Mont dit dc Brialmont], 57, "I Maer, Mr., 52, 53 Manners, Catherine [rUlicrs], ig Francis, 19 Mannetti, Lucrece [Hcllcmans], 25 Lucrecia [HcUcmans], 25 Margaret, Queen of England, 9 Markoe, Elizabeth [Hartman, Kiilin], 69 Martin, Moses, 3 Martini, Anne Sophie [dc Baillct], 31 Matthews. Maurice, 3, 4 Mayiez. Mr., 51 Mecklenberg, Baron, 54 Mellowes, Mary [Carrington], 69 Melyn, Anne Therese Josephe [van Havre], 32 Mille, Francisque, 52 Milligan family, 70 Moens, Constance [Bonanomi], 6i Henri, 61 Molines, Catharine [Hoicard], 9 William, g Mommers, H., 52 Moninckx, Catherine [de Moy], 23 Moore, John, 4, 14, 15 ]\Iary [Evans], 70 Rebecca [Axtell], 3. 4. 5, 14 Morris. .Xnlhony. 70 Caroline Maria [Calvert], 46, 48, 49, 54. 55 Elizabeth [Kuhn], 70 John Strettell, 70 Phebe [Guest], 69 Thomas Willing, 34, 54 INDEX Morton, Joseph, 4 Joseph, Jr., 3 Mowbray, Thomas, 9 Mowbrayc, Elizabeth [Fitz Alan], 9 Ehzabeth [Segrave], 9 John, g Margaret [Hoicard], 9 Murray, Amelia Norris [Keys], 70 Anna Willing [Sulliz'an], 70 Daniel Maynadier, 70 Mynne, Anne [Cakvrl], 69 George. 69 John, 69 Nicholson, Governor, 15 Nicolai, J. Sr., 25, 57, 64 Nieuwenhuysen, Mr., 50, 51, 52, 53 Norman, Joane [Croslnnd], 8 Ockers. P., 60 P. J.. 59 Odell. Elizabeth [Webb, Chcyiu-y]. 7, 12 Fulke, 7 Odingsells, Charles, 4 Ogle, Benjamin, Jr., 45 Oldmixon, 4, 5 Ophovius, R. P. Michael, 54 Paeter, Clarisse [Dacincn], 24 Egbert, 24 Henri .Mbert, 24 Sybrccht [Schiiyt], 24 Palmer, Barbara [Villiers], 13, 20 Roger, 20 Pauwels, J., 63 Peel, Robert, 54 Peeters, Anne Marie Goyvaertsen [van den Graef], 62 Bonaventure, 52 Catherine [de Coninck], 60 Edoiiard. 62 Elizabeth [Lemmens], 62 Jean Constantin, 60 Jean Gilles, 33, 60 Luc, 63 M., 54 Marie Josephe [van Eelen], 61, 71 Marie Louise [S/iVr], 32, 33. 34. 37. 38. 55 Mathilde Frangoisc [van den Cruyce], X^. 60 Michel, 61 Pcnn, William, 14 Peretz, Mr., 41 Philip the Hardy, King of France, 9 Philipson, Anne [Anindcll], 2, 16 Anne [Canis, Richardson], 16 Barbara [Sandis], 16, 17 Christopher, 16 Elizabeth, 16 Elizabeth [Briggs], 16 Francis, 16 Jane, 16 Jennet [Laybourne], 16 Jennet [Ward], 16 John, 16 Katherine [Cams], 16 Mary, 16 Miles, 2, 16, 17 Nicholas, 16 Robert, 16 Rowland, 16 Thomas, 16 Physick, Dr., 46 Pichon, Louis .\ndre, 40 Pieters, M., 54 Pieterssen, Jean, 71 Piggott, Luce [Lcc], 12 Pinckney, Thomas, 35, 36 Pizetta, Mr., 51, 52 Placquet, J., 57, 58, 63 Poelenborg, C, 52 Pope, Elizabeth [Lcc], 13 Lucy [Dutton], 13 Thomas, 13 Powel, Elizabeth [Willing], 54 Samuel, 70 Poyas, Mr., S Pygot. Lucy [Lee], 12 Thomas, 12 Pypelincx, Claire [Colyns], 26 Claire [de Touion], 26 Henri, 26 Jean, 26 Marie [Rubens], 26, 65 Quarry, Robert, 14. 15 Queen Anne of England, 10 Queen Catherine of England, 2, 10 Queen Elizabeth of England, 10 Queen Margaret of England, 9 Quellin, 51, 52 Quertenmont, Mr., 52 Radncy. William, 15 Randolph, Mr., 15 Rawson. Margaret [Sandis], 17 William, 17 Regemortel, Mr., 51 Rcglin, Mr.. 41 INDEX 83 Reichss, JNIargarot [Kulin], 70 i\Jarx, 70 Reynolds, Joshua, 54 Reynolds, Mr., 54 Richardson, Anne [Philipson, Cams], 16 John, 16 Rivera, 25 Rohinson, Anne Calvert [Stnart], 72 William, 72 Roche, Eva de la [de Aniiidcll], i Richard de la, i Rochester, Henry, Earl of, 13 Rodeney, William, 14 Rodney, William, 14, 15 Ronihonts, 52 Roniyn, G., 53 Rods, Anne [/^oo,?], 17 John, 17 Margaret [Sandis], 17 Thomas, 17 Rosa, Salvator, 51 Rottiers, Colonel, 51 Roy, Chevalier, 51, 54 Rubens, Barbe [Arents, dc Lantmctcr], 26 Barbe [Spicrincx, dc Lantmctcr], 26 Barlhelemi, 26 Blondina [du Parcq], 65 Constance [Helman], 25, 57 Helene Frangoise [Lundcit], 57 Isabelle [Brandt], 23, 26, 71 Jean, 26, 65 Marguerite [Van Looveren], 26 Marie [Pypelincx], 26, 65 Nicolas, 25, 57 Peter Paul, 23. 26, 51, 52, 53, 57 Philip, SI, 54 Pierre, 26 Pierre Paul, 23. 26, 51, 52, 53, $7 Ruchin, 70 Rupe, Eva de [dc Antndcll], i Richard de, i Rush, Alice Bowdoin [Carter], 6g Ryser, Catherine [Gerards], 27 Corneille, 27 Henri, 27 Mechtilde [Wouters], 27 Ryser, Brigite de [van Schorel], 27, 30 Catherine de [S'/iVr], 27, 29, 30, 31, 71 Henri de. 27, 30 Sachtlcvcn, Herman, 53 St. John, Anne [/-<'<■], 12, 13 Barbara [I'illicrs], 19, 20 John, 12, 19, 20 Oliver, 20 Salley, A. S. Jr., 3 Sandis, Barbara [PJiilipson], 16, 17 Francis, lO, 17 George, 17 John, 17 Margaret [Dodingc], 17 Margaret [Rawson], 17 Margaret [Roos], 17 Robert, 17 William, 17 Saunders, Audrey [ViUicrs], 19 William, 19 Scales, Margery [Hozcard], 9 Robert, 9 Schepmans, P., 60 Schilde, see van der Werve Schilder, Frau(;ois, 64 Henri Francois, 65 Marie Mathilde [dc Coninck], 61 Mathilde Gcrbrants [van Nierop], 64 .Mr., 52 Sybillc [Bosschaert], 65 Schrack, Anna Maria Sabina [Kuliii], 70 Schrynmaeckers, Elizabeth [Lc Caiidcic], 63 Jean, 63 Sara [Govaerts], 63 Schnyt, Gyst, 24 Nicolette [Jansen], 24 Sybrecht [Pactcr], 24 Sdunnen, Elisabeth [Brandt], 23 Sebille, A., 62, 63, 65 Segers, 52 Segrave, Elizabetli [.l/nir/iraiv], 9 John, 9 Margaret [Brotherlon], 9 Shippen, .Amia Fraucina | Vanderspeyden, Hynson], 70 Edward, 70 Joseph, 71 Shrewsbury, John, Earl of, 2 Sim, Dr., 4(1 Simmerson, Mr., 51 Simnel, Lambert, 19 Simon, Captain. 36 Simons, Isabelle Jacqueline [Cogcis], 31 Six, Mr., 52 Smith, Christopher, 3 George, 5 Governor, 4 John, 50. 51, .S3 Rebecca [Blake], 5 Thomas, 5 Smyth, John, 3 Snaeyers, Q., 53 Snellincx, Claire [ran den Cruycc], 71 84 INDEX Somerset, Edward, 2 John, 2 Man,- [Arundcll], 2 Soor, Joane le [d'Antiidcll], I Ralph Ic, I Sothcll, Governor, 4, 14 Southwell, Elizabeth [p'illicrs]. 19 Spierincx, Barbe [Rubens, dc Lantmctcr], 26 Catherine [Bisschot], 26 Lambert, 26 Stafford, Catherine [Chiddocke, Arundcll], I William, i Stanley, I\Ir., Si Stanney, John, 10 Joyce [Howard], 10 Steengraecht, Mr., 51 Sterett, Samuel, 36, 37, 38 Stevens, Jeanne Caroline Therese [I'inck], 33 John, 4 Stier, Albert, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 71 Albert Jean, 31, Zi^ 60 Albert Pierre, 32 Anthony, 55 Antoine, 33, 47. 55 Antony, 47 Catherine [de Ryser], 27, 29, 30, 31, 71 Catherine Isabelle [dc Vinck], 32 Catherine Isabelle [Vinck], 22 Catherine Marie Jeanne [van Havre], ^2 Catherine Nicole Marie [dc Baillct], 31 Catherine Therese Fran(;oise Marie [della Faille], 32 Charles Jean, 34. 35. 36, 37, 38, 45. 47. 48, 49. 50, SI. 53. 54. 55 Coenraet, 29, 30, 71 Cornelie Nicolette [van Tctz], 30, 31. 59. 71 Eugenie Catherine Philippine Jeanne [van Ertborn], 34 Ferdinand, 32 Frangois Joseph Xavier Albert, 32 Helene Catherine [Wellens], 33 Helene Franqoise [I'inck], 32 Helene Marie, 33 Henri, 30, 31. 59 Henri Joseph, 32, 33, 34, 35. 3^. 3.7< 38. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 51. 53, 55, 59, 69, 71 Isabelle Cornelie Marie [Cogr/.s]. 3! Isabelle Helene [de la Bistratc], 31, 33, 60 Isabelle Henriette Julie [de Lunden], 33, 55 Isabelle Marie [van Havre], 34, 46, 48. 49. 50, 53 Isabelle Marie Jacqueline, 33 Jacques, 30 Jean, 30 Jean Francois Xavier, 31, 32 Jean Henri Joseph, 31 Jean Pieterssen, 29, 30, 71 Jeanne [Jacobs], 29, 30 Jeanne Marie Anne Josephe [Guyot], 33. 50 Joseph, 33, 50 Josephe Isabelle de [dc Cornclissen], 32 Julienne Isabelle Philippine, 34 Louis Joseph Antoine, 33 Lucie [van dcr IVervc], 30 Lytgen [van dcr U'crve], 30 Marguerite, 30 Marie [dc Fischer], 30 Marie Constance, 32 Marie Jeanne [de la Bistrate], 33 Marie Josephe de [Le Candele], 31, 32 Marie Josephe Antoinette [van Havre], 34 Marie Louise [Peeters], 32, 33, 34, 37. 38,55 Petronille Dirck [Hooft], 29, 30, 71 Pierre, 30, 33 Pierre Coenens, 29, 30, 71 Rosalie Eugenia [Calvert], 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43. 44. 45. 46, 47, 55, 6s Stockade, N. Helt, 52 Strickland, 17 Stuart, Anne Calvert [Robinson], 72 Anne Robinson [Hoxton], 6g Ariana Calvert, 72 Dr. David, 72 George Calvert, 69 Stuyf, Mr,, 52, 53 Stydonck, Mr., 53 Sullivan, Anna Willing [Murray], 7° Felix R. Jr., 70 Sutton, Alice [Howby], 11 Anthonie, 6, 11 Elizabeth [Bctlers], 6, II Thomas, 1 1 Symon, Joane [rilticrs], 18 Talbot, John. 9 Tayler, Mr., 54 Tendring, Alice [Howard], 9 INDEX 85 William. 9 Terniers, D., S- Teunissen, Cornel ie [van Scliorcl], 28 Till, Mary [Lillingston], 71 Tilney, Agnes [Hozi.'ard], 10 Elizabeth [Bourchicr. Hon'urd], 10 Frederic, 10 Hugh, 10 Titien, 51 Trafford, Edmund, 10 Mary [Howard], 10 Trj-on, Bridget [Lee], 12 Francis, 12 Turgis, Elizabeth [Axtell, Blake], 3. 4, 5 Frances [Icard], 5 Francis, 4, 5 Tylney, Agnes IHo-ward], 10 Philip, 10 Tyrrell, George, 12 Mary [Lee], 12 Ufton, Philippa [dc Croslaiid], S Umfraville, Alice de [de Lanherne, Anoi- dcll\. I John de, i van Alteren, Mathilde [Colyits], 26 jMathilde [dc Toiiioii], 26 van Astade, A., 52 van Bergen, Thierry. 52 van Bloemen, P., 52 van Bree, Mr., 52. 53 van Camp, Mr., 52 van Cantelbeeck, H., 57 van Capelle, J., 51 van Couvvenberghe, M., 63 van Dam, Mr., 52, 53 vanden Berghe, B., 57, 58, 62 B. Jr., 58 van den Cruyce, Claire [Snellincx], 71 Dymphne [de Deckere], 71 Isabelle Marie [z'an dcii Cruyce], 61, 71 Jeanne Catherine [Hcllcmans], 25, 64 Marie Mathilde [de Coninck], 60 Mathilde Frangoise [Peelers], Z3, 60 Pascal Frangois, 25, 64 Pascal Ignace, 61 Pascal Jean Augustin, 60 van den Graef, Anne Marie Goyvaertsen [Peelers], 62 van den Nieuwenhuysen. Mr., 50, 51, 52, 53 van der Bergervaarder, Griet [van der Hocf], 28 vandcr Borcht. Francis, 54 van der Borght, F., 51 van der Hoef, Dirk, 28 Fytje [van Schorel], 28 Griet [van der Bergervaarder], 2S vander Linden, B., 59 Vandermey, Frank, 38 Vanderspeyden, Anna Francina [Sliippen, Hynsou], 70 van der Vecken, Catherine [Helmaii], 25, 57- 71 Vandervelde, A., 51 van der Werve, Arnold, 30 Baron [de Schilde], 47 Baroness [de Schildc], 42, 43 Jeanne Josephe Louise [van Ertborn], 34 Lucie [Stier], 30 Lytgen [Stier], 30 Reynier, 30 van der Willigen, 52 van de Werve, Jeanne Josephe Louise [van Erlborn], 34 van d'Hude, J., 52 van Dyck, .'\ntony, 50, 51 van Eelen, Anne [van Helen], 62 Jean, 62 Marie Josephe [Peelers], 61, 71 van Ertborn, Eugenie Catherine Philippine Jeanne [Slier], 34 Frangois de Paul Joseph, 34 Jeanne Josephe Louise [van de Werve], 34 van Goeyen. J., 52 van Gulick, Claire [de May], 23 Marguerite [de Witte], 23 Melchior, 23 van Haveren. M., 53 van Havre, Alain, 34 Anne Therese Josephe [Mclyn], 32 Camilla Hurlburt [Webb], 34 Catherine Anne Marie [Lundcn], 34 Catherine Marie Jeanne [Slier], 32 Charles, 34 Clementine [delta Faille], 34 Eugene Charles Henri, 34 Eva, 34 Henriettc [de Cornelisscn], 34 Henry, 34 Henry Jean Joseph .'Xdricn, 34 Isabelle Marie [Stier], 34, 46, 48, 49, SO, 53 Jean Frangois, 32 Jean Michel Anfoine Joseph Louis, 34, 35. 36, 47, 4S. 50. 5-;. SS 86 INDEX Jean jNiichel Joseph, 34 Juliette, 34 M., 53 Mnie., S3 Marie Josephe Antoinette [Sticr], 34 Roland, 34 Walter, 34 Vanhem, J. M., 36 van Heyl, 52 van Hnysam, J., 52 van Laer, Catherine Paschasie Josephe [Giiyot], 33 van Looveren, Marguerite [/'i»6r/ii], 26 Vanneken, Mr., 52 van Nierop. Anne [Huyghe], 71 Alathilde Gerbrants \Schildcr]. 64 van Nieuvvenhuyscn, Mr., 50, 51, 53 van Santfort, Catherine [Hcltcmans], 25 van Schorel, Brigite [dc Ryscr], 27, 30 CorneHe [Teunissen], 28 CorneHe [van Tctc], 28, 71 Cornelie [Vis], 27 Fytje [van der Hoef], 28 Pierre, 2/, 28 Thomas, 27, 28 van SoU, Catherine [Liiiidcn], 71 van Surck, Snsanne [Hellciimiis], 25 van Tetz, Cornelie [van Schorel], 28, 71 Cornelie Nicolctte [.Sf/fj-], 30, 31, 59, 71 Gerard, 28 Gnillaume, 24, 28, 31 Nicolas, 28 Sibesta [Daemen], 24, 28, 31 van Veen, Otto, 52 van Wyck, Barbe [dc Mont dit dc Brial- monf], 58 Corneille, 58, 71 Isabella [Charl6], 58 Verstangen. D,, 52 Verstegen, Richard, 69 Verwerfs, Mr., 51, 52 Vichan, Agatha [Rcllcrs], 6 Richard, 6 Villars (See Villiers) Gilbert de, 18 Pagan de, 18 Robert de, 18 Villers (See Villiers) Nicolas de, 18 Villiers, Agnes [Digby], 19 Alexander, 18 Alexander de, 18 Anne, 19. 20 Audrey [Saunders], 19 Barbara [Palmer], 13, 20 Barbara [St. John], 19, 20 Barbara [IVcnnian, Howard], 20 Catharine [Manners], 19 Christopher, 19 Edward, 19, 20 Elizabeth, 10, 19 Elizabeth [Southwell], 19 Ellen, 20 Frances [Howard], 20 Francis, 19 George, 18, 19, 20 Joane [Bellers], 6, 19 Joane [Synion], 18 John, 18, 19, 20 John de, 18 Mary [Beainont], 19 Pagan de, 18 Richard, 18, 19 Susan [Fcilding], 19 William, C, 18, 19, 20 William de, 18 Vinck. A. de., 32 Catherine Isabelle [Stier], 32 Helene Fran?oise [Stier], 32 Ignace Jean Joseph, 32, 47, 52 Jean Francois, 33 Jean Frangois Joseph, 32 Jeanne Caroline Therese [Stevens], 33. L., 53 Vincque, Anne Marie [Cheeus], 63 Catherine [Lc Candelc], 63 Charles, 63 Jean, 63 Vis, Antoni, 27 Cornelie [van Sclwrd], 27 Marie [Cente], 27 Wagnian. Charles, 45 Waight, Jacob, 3 Walewyns, Anne [MacqucrccI], 64 Ward, Jennet [Philipson], 16 Thomas, 16 Waring, B., 4 Elizabeth. 4 Webb, Camilla Hurlburt [van Havre], 34 Elizabeth [OdcU, Cheyncy], 7, 12 John, 7 Robert, 14. I5 Weeninkx, Gio Batta, 52 J., 5-' Weld, Clare [Arundel!], 2 Humphry, 2 Wellens, Helene Catherine [Sticr], 33 Helene Nicolette [Geelhand], 33 INDEX 87 Jacques Thomas Joseph, 33 Louis Antoine Joseph. 33 Mr., SI, 52 Wenman, Barbara [Villiers Phih'p, 20 Thomas. 20 West, Joseph. 3 Wildens, J., 52 Wilkins. \V., 54 Willing, Elizabeth [Pin^\-I]. 54 Elizabeth Gibbes [Alli-ync]. 72 Thomas. 72 Willins. Mr.. 37 Willoughby, Henry, 2 Margaret [Aruitdi'H], 2 Wilson. Marian Glorvina [Calvert]. 72 Hoivard], 20 Wolfcrt. 52 Wortlcy, Eleanor [Lcc], 12 Richard, 12 Wotton, Henry, 19 Wouters, Mechtilde [/eyj.-)-]. 27 Wynants, J., 51 Marie [Hoof I], 29, 30 Voting, Rev. Edward, 13 Elizabeth [Lee, Lcc]. 13 X87 ^.^ ^., ,xN ^■■'■.,. A^- -> A^' A ^^^ <■> .^ -.. " •• ., n ,V' S' -5-^ v\.^ av ,> ' ' " , "^^ .^^^V- .^r ^^^ .^^ • N '-K '>. ^. „^^^■ %.^ <^-'-r. <^%. ^. >^ -^■'"'^^ aV ■r- ■^0^ s^~^ ■'^>^. ,,^ ^r. ., • A^^ \.-^ . -.^/^A ' '.^ .<\' A^>' ■'■.._ .%y' ,-^■ oN^ , > " * •'' <- S" ^^^■ ■"■!', --r-,. S V Oo^ ', \.' ,^^ ■''^.. .0 ^' ':<. <>. v^ o" -^':/■v.■''c■ ,^^ ''^>.. ..x'^' .V*i^£!^ \' *. ' ° aV -f,. ■■ a\ oo^ ^01 c. ,0 0, \- • ,:^\o^ ,-^' '^. ,v^ '■^.^ - !■ - ■ i-_ ^' aV -^V ■^ •';> ,0 0, ..•V *^.5>*\].!;"n4,. ', '^>- ,v ''A V '/ %..' ^•-..-1^.^ '-\ ■■> . . / ,^^■'^- \ -^ '• s^ ■'.. . , , . ^ ..O- %<^ : ■^.- v-^' x--^ ^^. '. ^ 0' . . '"--i. ■ * - s > /, V. o. v.^^'^ -^^"..:... 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